^^^^^Biiiiilii ?%^^!KKO!>;>!>!'.*"*"*^X;*'.!*!.*..*..*..*■.''•■''■•''•-••*-• -ft: i"" Library of Congress. 55 Chap. P--7-^ SHELF -..„ii-7-6-\.^ , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ;..^ < < CO SOMERVILLE, PAST AND PRESENT ^n 3ffu6tratcb J^ietoricaf ^out^enir COMMEMORATIVH OF THE TwENTV-FlFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ESTABEISHMENT OF THE CiTV GOVERNMENT OF SOMERVIELE, MASSACHUSETTS. EDIlKli hV EDWARD A. SAMUELS, AUTHOR OF "OKNITHOLOGV AND OOI.OGV n|. NEW ENGLAND," " MAMMALIA^ OF NEW ENGLAND, "among the birds," "with fly-rod AND CAMERA," EDITOR OF "a thousand MILES' WALK," "THE LIVING WORLD," ETC. AND HENRY H. KIMBALL, A. M. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY SAMUELS AND KIMBALL, 1897. 9G80 Col'YKHlIlT, 1897, 1?V SaMI'KI.S \ KlMl'.M.I. Hi *•(• CU\G/ 898 INTRODUCTION. I N placing; this volume before the public, the editors desire to express their gratitude for the kindly encouragement, the more than liberal su])port they haxe received frf)m the people of Somerville. A work of sucii magni- tude as this, one involving such a great amount of detail labor, could not well be prepared without the generous assistance, the hearty co-operation of a large portion of the community ; and that such aid has been given us. together with a generall) expressed approval of our undertaking, we gladly put upon record. In addition to much other valuable assistance that has been received, many important papers have been prepared for us, and they present a fairly complete rl'siiDic of the history of the city's various institutions. 'I'he scholarly contributions of Charles I). Klliot, (Jeorge I. Vincent, Joshua H. I)a\is, I'rank K. Merrill, John S. Hayes, Albert V.. Winship,- William K. Jirigham, j. ( ). llayden, and many others will receive the ap- ]3ro\al of all who are interested in Somerville's history, and they will serve as an invaluable basis for the work of the future historian. To the " Somerville journal," the " Somerville ( 'itizen '' and ]u\\n K. Whiting we are indebted for several of the illustrations we have used, also to Mr. (Gordon .\. Southworth for the portraits of "Citizens for whom Soni- er\ ille .Schools were named," and for reports containing their biographies. The typographical and artistic features of the volume si)eak for themselves : it has been our Cf^nstant aim to secure the best available work, and we hope that our eflorts will receive the a]iprobation of the public. Somerville is a municipality of diversified interests, and of many social centers, i fence, he who is prominent in one section may, ])erhaps, be almost unknown in others. It would seem desirable, therefore, that the various interests, business, official and social, should have ample re]M-esen- tation. and. acting somewhat on the principle outlined by City Librarian John S. Hayes in one of his admirable reports (1.S93), that we should " i\e- ject nothing that relates to Somerville, or her children, and should gladl\' preserve everything that comes to us which will aid the future student in obtainiiiij a correct idea of how the present generation eniplojed its time." a i^enerous number of portraits of citi-^ens who have become prominent in some walk in life is presented. It is a collection of which any city may well be proud, and it will be treasured not only by the present but by gen- erations to come. (Ireatl) to our regret, historical sketches of some of the organizations were not received in time to obtain a place in this volume, but a reasonably full showing is made of the almost numberless associations for which this city is distinguished. KitWAKD A. Samiki.s. Hkn"K\ II. KiMi:\i.l.. CONTENTS. SO^IERVILLE'S HISTORY. CHAPTEU 1 . . • • • • • • • • '/ Orhux vm. SKiTLKN.KNT.- Grants, Etc.-Dekd from Wku-Co^kv and Suuaw- Sa^em.-Karlv To,.o,;rai'HY.-First Settlers. -Govkrnok W.nthr.-ps Ien Hii.T.s Farm. (■[lAPrERII . . • ■ ■ • • • • -21 Fvri Y Events —rvsiURiM; am. Heroin.;. — Characteristics ok Early Immigrants. _ Machinery OF Pkimitive Industries Sef in Motion. - Establishment of; ImvN (;oVERNMENT OF ChARLESTOXYN. - M CNICIEAL RE.^ULATIONS. - PERSON.-E NON GrAT^. First Highways —The Stinted Common. — Churches and .Schools. — Peti- ^ ,x OF EzEKiEL Cheever. -The F.rst Town School. - Military ( )rganizations AND Fortifications. — King Philir's War. — Indian Allies. CHAPTER III ..■••■•••• •'"^ ADVENT OF AnDROS AND CoNSE-jUENCES TO THE CoLONISTS. - TITLES TO EsTATI^ llniRILED.-TEN HILLS FARM AND ITS OWNERS. - A FAVORITE HoME loR mERNORS.- "THE BLESSING OF THE BAV " BUILT AND LAUNCHED. -( AFI AN ROKERT TEMVLE. -SLAVE HoLDERS IN SOMERVILLE. - T.IE HKST ■^'V-™^ ^ AMERICA. - COLONEL SAMUEL .Iv.UEs. - The OLD Powder H.nsK. - JEAN Mallei . — A Tr\i;ic Legend. CHAPTER IV "^5 Friction Between the Colonies and Home Government. — Preparations for the GREvr Struggie.- SEIZURE OF Powder. - First Hostile Demonstration of the'rfvoiution. — The Whole Country in Arms. — Resignation (.f Lieul.- Governor Thomas Oliver. - Arbitrary Measures of the British Government. -Secreiion of Arms and Distribution of Military ^"'"I'l-'^s by the Cx.lo- ^ists —Hostile Steps taken by the British.— 1 he Patriots \\arned.— Paul REVERE's R,DE.- Battle of Lexington. -Roads in Somerville Iraversed by British Troops. — Battle of Bunker Hill. — \ivid Scenes. CHAPTER V 57 The Siege of Boston.— Intrenchments Made. — Exchange of Prisoners. — Battle of'hog Island. -G.4GE's Proclamation of Amnesty. - Iortifications on ?ROSTECT AND WINTER HiLLS. - ARRIVAL OF GENER.M.S WASHINerPON, PUTNAM ^^;o I EE — Declaration of the Continental Congress. — Descriptions of the PATRIOTS' Camps. — Sufferings of the People and Troops. — First Unfurling OF the New Flag of the United Colonies. — Seizure of Dorchester HEiGHTb. Evacuation of Boston by the British. CHAPTER VI ...••••••• '"^ Designed Isolation of New England. — Surrender of Burgoyne. — Hessian Prisoners Quartered in Somerville. - Ball and Supper given by General Riedesel's Wife. — Poor Barracks for the Prisoners. — Scarcity of i-UEU- Removal of the Prisoners. ' il.M'l I'.R \ II .......... 77 Ri:\i\.\i. oi Imu'mkiivs akikk tiii. Ri.voi.i tion. — Hkkk-makim; in S(>.mi;k\ ii.i.e. — CkI.KBRAIKI) I'AK.MS. — TUK B1.K.UHKKV. — ThK M II iDI.KSh X CaNAL. — ( 'o.Mri.KTIUN or 1!kiii;ks TO Hoston. — Thk Firsi Raii.koad itikoi cm Somkrvm.i k. — KsiAin.isn- MK.M ol- THK McLkaN A^VI.IM. — RoHBI.KY oK MaJoK UkaV. — TllK L'RSIJI.I.NK CoNVKNT AM) IIS I )i;STKl (TIoN. - - ToWN I.MIKoVI.M KN 1 S. — KsTAHl.ISH.MK.NT Ol ScirooL.s. — Bk(;i.\m.\(; of a Kirk Dkpartmkm. — Sitakation ok .Somkkvii.i.k kko.m Cir ARLKSTOWN. < IIAl'lKR \ III . . . . . . . . .86 Town BKfiiNNiNcs. — Exi-knsksok Eari.v Town Covkrnmknt. — 1Ii(;iiwav.s Dkscribed. — Growiii ok tiik Town. — Sirvev ok tiik Town. — Raii.roahs and tiikir Kxien- sion. — HoK.sK Raii.roaiis Oi'KNKU. lNi>rsTRiKs OK Eari.v Somi-rvii.i.k. — Firk DkI'ART.MENTANI) ITsCroWTH. — ()R(;ANIZATI0N ok THE SoMEKVlLLE LlUHT InKANTRY — Schools and tiikir Ukvki.oimknt. -Churches. CH.vrrKR IX . . . . . . . . . .105 .Sti.MERVII.I.K.'s ResI'ONSE To PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S CaI.I.S KOR MeN. — .-Vl'I'ROI'RIATIONS BY THE Town KOR Soldiers and their Families. — Holnties Okkerkd. — So.mer- VILLE I-I(;HT INKANTRY. — So.MERVILLE GUARD. — VOLUNTEERS FORIHeWaR. — STATE Bounties. — Okkicers ok So.merville Companies in the War. — Service durinc THE War ok the C\)MI'anies krom So.mkrvii.i e. — The Martyr Roll. CH.\]TKR X . . . . . . . . . .118 IMI'KOVEMKNT OK IIkUUV.VYS. — (JaS INTRODUCED. - W.VIER SUI'I'LY. — SeWKRS. — Great 1.mi'ro\ ements. — Central Hill Park. — Horse Raii roads. — The Town Farm. — Aite.mi'ts to Divide the Town. — City Charter and Hall. — First City Ei.kciton. CHAPTER XI 126 Api'Reciaiion in X'ai.ue ok Real Est.vik. — (jreat Increase ok Houses. — Steam Railroads. — Extension ok Streei Railw.ws. — West End Railway — Widen- ing OV SOMERVILI.E AVENUE AND BroADWAV. — TllE BroADWAV PakK. — ThE Miller's River Nuisance. — Annexation to Boston Dlscussed. — Parks and Boulevards. — Tuits College. — Old Land.mark.s. HISTORY OF THK CITY (;0Y1:RXMI:\ F. CHAPTER XII 145 First Board ok Okkicers. — Statisih^ m- Poi'Ui.aiion, Valuation, etc. — The Miller's River Nuisance. — (}RE.vr I.mi-rovemenis Made. — .Mayor Furber's ADMINISTR.A.T10N. — Erechon ok New Police Buii.dinc. — CoNSTRUcrK)N ok the Broadway Park. — Gre.\t Sanitary Improve.ment. — Mayor Belknap's Admin- istration. — Construction ok Larc.e Sewers. — Co.mpletion ok the Public Park. — First Contribution to the Sinking Fund. — Ad.ministr.viton ok Mayor Bruce. — Recunstriktion ok Bridges. — Ad.ministr.viton ok Mayor Cummincs. — (Jreat Improve.ments on Central Hill. — Erection ok New Buildini; kor the Public Library. CHAPTER XIII ......... 153 Administr.viton ok Mayor Burns. — The Water Supply. — Appi.iovtion ok the Sinking Fund. — Reduction ok the City Debt. — Introduction ok the Police Signal Sysi EM and Electric Si reet Lighting. — Construciton ok New School- houses. — .\d.ministration ok Mayor Pope. — Introduition oka High W.vier Service. — The Old 1'owder House. —The Somkrville Hosi'hai. Organized and e.stablisiied. CHAPTER XIV . -15^ Administration ok Mayor Hodgkins. — Establishment of -iiie Nathan Tufts Park. — Celebration of the Semi-Centennial Anniversakv. — Pavinc; Imporiani' Thoroughfares. — Erection of the New High School Building. — A New City Hall Adyocated. — Erection of a New Central Fire Station. — Great Im- troyements Made in Various Directions. — Administration of Mayok Pekrv. Changf:s at the City Hall. — Important Improvemenis in the Se\yer System. — High Credit of the City. — Functions of Different 1>oards of the Chy Goyernment. — Scope of City Charter. HISTORY OF THE SCHOOLS. CHAPTER XV . . . . . . . . . -177 Fr<)M IcS42 i'o the close of the Superintendency of Joshua H. Dayis, i88S. CHAPTER XVI ......... 194 Superintendency of Clarence E. Meleney. CHAPTER XVII ......... 202 Superintendency of Gordon A. Southworth. ( HAPTER XVIII ......... 226 EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. CHAPTER XIX ......... 237 HISTORY OF THE WATER-WORKS. CHAPTER XX ......... 253 THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND POLICE COURT. CHAPTER XXI ......... 25.S HISTORY OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. CHAPTER XXII ......... 269 HISTORY OF i'HE FIRE DEPARTMENT. CHAPTER XXIII ......... 2S2 HISTORY OF THE CHURCHES. East Somerville Baptist. — Fir.st Baptist. — Randall Memorial Free-Will Baptist. — Perkins Street Baptist. — Union Square Baptist. — Winter Hill Baitist. — Broadway' Congregational. — Day Stkeet Congregational. — First Congrega- tional (Unitarian). • — First Orthodox Congregational. — Highland Congrega- tional. — ■ Prospect Hill Congregational. — Wini'er Hill Congrf:gational. — St. Ann's (Catholic). — St. Catherine's (Cathoiic). — Emmanuel Episcopal. — St. Thomas Episcopal. — .St. James Episcopal. — First Methodist-Episcopal. — Park Ayenue Methodist-Episcopal. — Union Square Prisbyterian. — First Uniyer- sallst. — Third Uniyersalist. — Winter Hill Universalist. — Eyangelical Association Church. ( llAl'IKK .\.\l\ ......... 3^:, C'llARriAlU.i: AND SOCIAI, ORGANlZA'l'IONS. SuMF.RV ll.I.I lliKlllAl.. — IIdMHAI. LaIHIs' Aid AsStiCIATIuN. — SoNtl.KVII.l.E Asstt- tiATi-.i> CiiAKiTiKs. — Samaritan Si)Cii:iy. — SoMiiRvii.i.i. Day Ni rsirv. — \Vii.i„\ri) C. KlN^l.lV I'OST 139, C;. A. K. — WlI.I.ARI) C". KlNSI.lY KKI.IEr COKI'S. — Woman'^ CllKlsriAN TlMl'KRANCK UmON. — KiKKM AN'S ReI.IKI- ASSOCIATION. — SdMKKVILI.K \\)i Ni; Men's Christian Association. — Masonic: So.mkrville Royal Arch CiiAiTER; Orient On N( II.; John Abisot Lodce; Soi.ey Louce. — Ohd 1"ello\vs: So.MERv HIE Encami'meni; WiNiER Hill. Kncvmi'MENt; Caleu Rand Lodc.e; < )asis J.opcE; Paul Revere Lopta;. — Reiuckah Lodces: Ivaloo LorK;E; Ramona Loi)i;e; Krminie Lodge. — Odd Ladies: (_'on.steli.ation Lodc.e; Longieli.ow I,od(;e. — Ancient ( )ki)Ek oe United Workmen : Somervili.e Lodge. — Knkihts ok Honor: Mr. Benedrt Lodge; Ca.meron Lod(;i;. — Knii;ii is of Pythias : Arcadia Lodi;e. — Royal Akcanu.m: Somerville Council; Elm Council. — So.mervu.lk LiGin Infantry. — Central Ci.uh. — Sons of >L\ine Club. — Daughters of Maine Ci.in. — Heitorean Ci.i it. — Hillside Cluh. — Wehcowit Club. — Winter Hill Cluis. — Convers.uton Ci.rii. — Someuvh-LE Literary Association.— Suf- fr.\ge Li:.\git:. — Society of St. Vincent de Paul. — Lhtle Sisters of the Pdor. — Friendly Helpers of the Poor. — Remlniscences of Somerville. — H(^>.ME Circle: Washington Council; Harmony Coincil; So.mf:rville Council; Loyal Okangi. Instituiion: Mt. Horei; Lodge. CHAPTER .\X\- . . . . . .446 ];.\.\KS Ol- SOMKRVII.l.i:. CHAPTER X.XVI ......... 45^ IN i)L'S'i'Rii-:s OF s().mi:r\ ii.Li:. North PACKiNt; and Pkomsion Co.mtany; 1'"rksii 1'ond Ice CoMrANV; The Si'R.\gue AND Hathaway Comi'Anv; Cnion (Jlass Company; Derhy Desk Co.mlany; Brick- m.vking; Middlesex Blkach, Dye and Print Works; Cari'EP Cleaning, etc. CHAPTER .X.WII . . . . . . . . .465 MISCELLANEOUS. Boston and Maine Railroad. — Street Railways in Somerville. — The ".Som- erville Jol'KNAI.."' — llli; •' So.MKK\ Il.I.K ClTIZEN.'" WESIWOODRoAD AND II S Residences. CHAI'TER XXNIll ......... 484 i!i()(;R.\i'inEs. New Day Street Congregational Church. u X Ti Charles D. Elliot. SOMERVILLE'S HISTORY, i;v (1IAK1.es 1). ELLIOT. CHAPTER I. Origin asv Skttlemkni-. — Gk.\nts, Etc. — Dekd i-kom \Vei;-Co\vet and S(jrA\v- Sache.m. — Early Toi'ockai'HY. — Eikst Settlers. — Goveknok Winthkol's Ten Hills P^arm. SoMERVii.i.K was formerly a part of Charlestown, that honored ancestor of the towns of the Mystic valley, — and whose bounds originally ran "eight miles into the country from their meeting house," and included Woburn, Stoneham, Winchester, Burlington, a part of Arlington and Med- ford, Somerville, Maiden, Everett and the Bunker Hill peninsula, and whose early history is the heritage of each. New towns one after another were broken off from the old, the last being Somerville in 1842, and in this account the name Somerville is used in narrating the events which have occurred within its limits, since its first settlement. The title of the white man, whether Spanish, French, Dutch, or Eng- lish, to the home of the Indian, rested usually in a royal grant; "by turf and by twig," and in the name of their king and religion they took posses- sion, seldom consulting the aboriginal owner. The title to the territory of Somerville has this royal authority and more. First, in the grant of James I to the Plymouth Council of all lands between 40^ and 4S- N. latitude from sea to sea. Second, by grant of the Plymouth Council, March 19, 1628, to the Massachusetts Bay Company. Third, by royal charter, March 4, 1629, to the Massachusetts Bay Com- pany, which confirmed the grant of 1628; and fourth, a title not every colony can claim, a deed from an Indian sovereign, " Squa-Sachem." Other grants covered the territory and caused much trouble. The Plymouth people had already, in 1622, granted ten miles along the shore and thirty miles inland, to Robert Gorges ; he dying, his brother John, in 1624, leased to John Oldham and John Dorrill all land between the Charles and Saugus Rivers, for five miles up the Charles, and three up the Saugus. And again John (iorges, in 1628, deeded to Sir William Brereton all the land between Charles River and Nahant, for twenty miles inland. '7 1 8 SOMERMLIJ:. PAST ./.\7> I'RISEXT. IJut little came of these later i^rants, unless possibly Blackstone, the first settler of Boston, and Thomas Walford, the first settler of ( harlestown (on the peninsula), claimed under them. These conriicting grants caused the I>.iy Company to strengthen their claim by actual occupation, and they accordingly sent settlers to several localities within the disputed territory, C'harlestown being one. Among the instructions from the Company, written from I'.ngland in i62(>, to Mr. Kndicott, is the following: — " If any of the Salvages pretend right of inheritance to all or any part of the lands granted in our patent, we pray you to endeavour to purchase their title, that we may avoid the least scruple of intrusion." L'nder these instructions several deeds from the Indians were secured, the one covering Somerville land being from Squa-Sacheni. who on the recent death of her husband became chief of her tribe. The deed begins as follows: — ' ••The 15th of the 2d Mo. 1639. -Wee, Web-Cowet, and Squaw Sachem do sell vnto the Inhabitants of the Towne of C'harlestown all the land within the lines granted them by the court," and closes with "wee acknowledge to have received in full sat- isfaction, twenty and one coates. ninten fathoms of wampum, and three bushels of corne." " In witness whereof we have here vnto sett our hands the day and yeare above named." KaRI.V DksCRIPTIOXS and 'rol'iXIKAl'HV. Descriptions of this part of the country sent to England by the early comers, often read like advertisements of modern Eldorados. They were generally directed to intending settlers, and usually with the desired effect : after reading they emigrated ; for health and plenty stood on the shore, and with open arms welcomed each new arrival. The sea, the rivers, the woods, and the fields were great natural store-houses, stocked abundantly with fish and fowl, furs and fuel, fruits and riowers ; the air and water were the purest; "New England's air was better than old England's ale," and as one writer said, "We are all freeholders, the rent day doth not trouble us." If all that was written were true, this must have been a paradise to the sportsman, farmer, and lover of nature. \'et there was much that was true in their high-colored, curious de- scriptions. Mr. Graves, the earliest civil engineer in C'harlestown. writing in ir>2i; or 1 630, thus describes the topography of this section : " it is very beautiful in open lands, mixed with goodly woods, and again open plains, in some places five hundred acres, some places more, some less, not much trouble- some for to clear for the plough to go in : no place barren but on the tops of the hills. The grass and weeds grow up to a man's face in the lowlands, and by fresh rivers abundance of grass and large meadows, without any tree or shrub to hinder the scythe." Thomas Cunningham. Asa DuRGiN. SOMEJUILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 21 The peninsulas of Charlestown and Boston, when settled, were much alike in shape. From the mainlands on either side they reached out toward each other and shut in the great basin cf Back Bay. They were attached to the mainland by low, narrow necks, which being overflowed, made each an island at highest tides. From Charlestown neck, the marshes extended to the shores of Miller's and Mystic Rivers, and from the foot of Prospect Hill round to the foot of Convent and Winter Hills ; Asylum Hill was a peninsula at high tide. Several creeks and brooks now mostly extinct, meandered from the higher land, across these marshes to the adjacent rivers. Chief of these was Miller's, iirst known as Gibones' River from Captain Edward Gibones who lived on its shores, probably near Cobble Hill. A later name for this was Willis' Creek, or Wills' Creek : and one French translation makes it " Crique de Mils." It was probably called Miller's River, and Cobble Hill, Miller's Hill after Thomas Miller, who owned land in that locality. This rivulet had its source in old Cambridge, South of Kirkland Street ; thence in earlier days it flowed, a pellucid stream through sandy upland, and sedgy meadow, to its mouth near the Charles. A branch of Miller's River began its course not far from the Old Folks' Home on Highland Avenue, crossing Central Street near Cambria, and School Street near Summer, joining the main stream not far from ITnion Square. East of Miller's River, and flowing into the same great Charles River or Back Bay basin, was Crasswell Brook, named after one of the early owners ; its outlet still exists, and forms part of the city boundary; a ditch through the McLean Asylum grounds marks approximately a part of its old course. Washington Street bridged it, and its source was probably not far from the junction of C'ross and Oliver Streets. Passing over "the Neck" we come to Mystic River, into which five streams poured their constant tribute. The first, opposite Convent Hill, was perhaps never named, and was possibly of no great length or importance. The next was probably the " W'inthrop Creek " of the old records, named for the Governor and more recently known as Bachellor's Creek. It marked the easterly boundary of the grant of Ten Hills Farm to him. Its source was not far from Oilman Square ; it wound its way easterly, crossing Broadway near Walnut Street, and thence across the Park and through the marshes to the river; all west of Middlesex Avenue is now filled. Following up the shore to where the new lYotting Park now is. we come to Winter Brook ; like the hill, called so, no man now knows why ; its source was in Polly Swamp, not far from the junction of Lowell and Albion Streets ; thence it flowed northeasterly, crossing Broad- way near the railroad bridge, and Medford Street (in Medford) just north- west of its junction with Main Street, probably where the present water- course, its successor, is bridged. Further on was Two-Penny Brook ; I might have said is, if a sedgy ditch cut to straight lines, can be called a brook ; it rose near the old school on Broadway, opposite the Simpson estate, flowing through the College and 22 SO.\H.K\ JLIJ:. I'AST AXD I'RFSl'.XT. Robinson estates, under the Lowell Railroad, along the easterly border of the brickyards, to the river; forks of each of these brooks started near the foot of Powder House Hill. I'he fifth stream was Alewife Hrook, our western boundary, then called by its Indian name, " Menotomy " River. This name has man\ spellin.L;s in ye ancient record, one or two of which commenced with a " W." it has also been known as "Little" River. This is the outlet of Fresh I'ond, and there is much of interest connected with it. Into Alewife Brook ran another, from near Davis .Sciuare. westerly into Cambridge, entering Alewife I5rook near the former tanneries on North Avenue, whence in later times it has been called Tannery Hrook ; the Somerville part of it is now a covered drain. The hills of those old days are fast disappearing as well as the rivers, both in name and substance. Within a year or two the " high fielde '' of the original settlers, the "ploughed hill " of the Revolution, better known in our day as " Nunnery "' or " ( "onvent Hill "' or " Mount l>enedict."' will be a memory only. Asylum Hill, which was the Miller's Hill, or Cobble Hill of a hundred years or more ago, has the seal of destruction set upon it. The historic heights of Prospect Hill, the Mount I'isgah of the Revolution, have long since gone to bury the less historic shores of Miller's River. Winthrop Hill, on the Ten Hills Farm, and the other eminences near it. are but scarred relics of their former picturesque beauty. \\'inter Hill, strange to say, so far as is known, has suffered no change since " long ago." either in height, contour or name ; like Winter Hrook, the origin of its name is in obscurity ; whether named for a person, or a season, is an enigma. Walnut Tree Hill, now College Hill, has probably seen little change in shape since the Indian roamed over it. Wild Cat Hill, on the borders of Alewife P>rook, from the remotest day until recently, has remained to thrill the mind with the possible cause for its name ; but now it is degraded to a city gravel-bank, and will soon be gone. Quarry Hill, smooth and polished, with little left of its antique charm, yet remains crowned by its old tower, which, though architecturally modern- ized with cut stone archway and window, is still a historic inspiration. Strawberry Hill, where is and where was it ? Possibly and probably, if old records are correct, in which there is but one mention of it, east of lieacon .Street and north of Washington Street, a part of it still remaining on the Norton's Grove estate in Cambridge. Spring Hill in name is recent, probably, and in shape much as of yore, as is Central Hill, which on some old Revolutionary maps is styled "Middle Hill." In the foregoing, the endeavor has been made to retrace the natural features of the town, and the old naming with which the earlier residents were familiar, as well as that of more recent times. First SErn.KRs. Probably the first white men who wandered over Somerville soil were Standish and his exploring party from Plymouth in 1621. Seven years later came a party of settlers from Salem, prospecting for John F. Nickerson. V Cromwell G. Rowell. SOMERl'ILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 25 a place to locate in. These were "Ralph Sprague with his bretheren Richard and William, who with three or four more" . . . "did in the sum- mer of anno 1628, undertake a journey from Salem, and travelled the woods above twelve miles to the westward, and lighted of a place situated and lying on the north side of Charles river, full of Indians called Aberginians," ..." and upon surveying, they found it was a neck of land, generally full of stately timber, as was the main, and the land lying on the east side of the river, called Mystick river." Here on the peninsula they settled and built, and others came soon after. In 1629, "it was jointly agreed and concluded, that this place on the north side of Charles river, by the natives called Mishawum, shall henceforth, from the name of the river, be called Charlestown " ; and in this connection it may be of interest to recall that the river was named by Captain John Smith, in 1614, after H. R. H. Charles, Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles i, who, Smith says, "did change the barbarous names of their principall Harbours and habitations, for such English, that posterity may say King Charles was their Godfather." Among the first of the Charlestown settlers to locate on Somerville territory were John Woolrich, Captain Norton, Edward Gibones, Mr. William Jen- nings and John Wignall ; followed a little later by Richard Palsgrave, Edward Jones and others, and by the Governor, John Winthrop, in 1631. It may be proper here to give a sketch of these pioneers of our town. John Woolrich or Wolrich was an Indian trader; he "built and fenced a mile and a half without ye necke of land in ye maine, on ye right hand of ye way to Newe Towne,"' which would be somewhere on the northerly side of \\'ashington Street, beyond the Fitchburg Railroad bridge ; perhaps not far from Dane Street. He was prominent in affairs, and was a repre- sentative to the General Court in 1634. Of Captain Norton, accounts are somewhat conflicting : in one reference he is called John, in another Francis ; one record is that he was killed by the Indians in 1633, another makes him join the church in 1642, marry in 1649, and die in 1667. There may have been two Captain Nortons. Major-General Edward (ribones, the most distinguished of our early citizens, excepting Governor Winthrop, was a young man recently converted and admitted to the church ; he ultimately rose to the rank of Major-Gen- eral in the militia, being "a man of resolute spirit" and "bold as a lion." He represented Charlestown in the General Court, in 1635 and 1636, and died in 1654. Of William Jennings and John Wignall but little is recorded. Richard Palsgrave was the first physician of Charlestown, living in the town several years, and died about 1656. Edward Jones was an inhabitant in 1630, and removed to Long Island in 1644. Palsgrave and Jones each built three-quarters of a mile beyond the neck, on the northerly side of Washington Street, "right before the marsh," probably opposite the Asylum grounds. John Winthrop, the first Governor of the Massachusetts company that SOMERlILI.i:. PAST .LVD I'RESEXT. came over here (("raddock never came), was .s^ranted tlie Ten Hills Farm of six hundred acres in 1631 ; it extended from the C'raddock liridge, near Medford Centre, along the Mystic River to near Convent Hill, and em- braced all the land between Hroadway, Medford Street and the River, ihis was the (Governor's farm where he built, lived, planted, raised cattle, and launched the first ship in Massachusetts, the " Blessing of the P.ay, " July 4. 1^)31. Governor Winthrop was the ancestor of the late Hon. Robert C. Winthrop. He was a man of liberal education and sterling worth, a devout Christian and an honor to the Colony: he died in i')4i^. chaiti:r II. Frdm Seti i.KMKN r 10 Tin-: Rkvolutiox. Early Evknis. — Pastukinc and Hi:kiiin(;. — CiiARAriKKisrus ok Early Immic.rants. — MacHIM.RY (•!•■ rRIMMIVK I.NDUSIRIES SKI IN MiHION. — ESTABLISHMENT < >F ToWN ("lOVKRN.MKNT or CUARLESTUWN. — MlNKII'AL RK.C.ULATIONS. — PeRS( )N.^i: NUN GrAT.I;. — First IIkiunyays. — Thk Stinted Common. — Churches and Schools. — Peti- tion OK EzEKiEi. Chkevek. — The First Town School. — Mii.iiary ( )rganiz.\tions AND F'oRTIEUAIToNS. KlNC PHII.Ii's WaR. — TnIHAN Al.I.lKS. Chari.es lowx's settlers in 1629 were in all ten families, not including Thomas Walford and wife, whom they found already there living in "his pallisadoed and thatched house," and not including servants of the I5ay Company. Their first winter was full of discouragement : provisions were gone and disease so prevalent that "almost in every family lamentation, mourn- ing and woe were heard "" : " many perished and died." Added to this, the water became bad and brackish, and Indians threatening; many left Charlestown and removed to Boston, where the water was better. The arrival of Capt. I'earce with a shipload of provisions, however, inspirited them anew, and was hailed with rejoicing and thanksgiving. The first inhabitants built around Town Hill, now Bow Street, near Charlestown City Square. They were allotted grounds for planting on other parts of the peninsula, which they were required to fence : but the grazing ground for their cattle was here in Somerville, or " without the neck," and Somerville was in those early times known as the " Cow Com- mons," and later, as the " Stinted Pasture." The rights of pasturage were apportioned among the citizens in 1656, and perhaps before. A herdsman, as early as 1632, was appointed to " Keepe the Milch Cattle of this Towne, in a herd without the necke of land upon ye maine till the end of Harvest, and hee is to drive them forth every morning and bring them into Towne every evening." The herdsman sounded his horn from Town Hill each morning, to call the cattle together, in readiness for ALVANO T. NICKERSON. Samuel W. Holt. SOMERllLLE, FAST AND PRESKXT. 29 pasture. In 1633, the salary for this official was ''fifty bushels of Indian corne." A fence with a gate was early ordered and built across the Neck, from Mystic River to Charles River basin, to keep these cattle, and perhaps wild beasts, from straying into the town ; for wolves were common then, and bounties given for their destruction. In the course of time, about the whole of Somerville was enclosed with fencing; fencing or "paling," as it was called, extending all along the Cam- bridge line, and between the common pasture and the Ten Hills Farm, with gates at the highways. In speaking of highways it is but natural again to recall the first engi- neer in these parts, Mr. Thomas (Graves, who came in 1629, and who, it is supposed, laid out all earlier streets, and other works of improvement in Charlestown. It is claimed that he was the (afterwards) noted Admiral Thomas Graves of the English Navy. It is quite fair to presume that he traced the routes for our infant thoroughfares, Washington Street and Broadway. Those early emigrants were a sturdy, tireless race ; their energy knew no obstacle. Roads were laid out, watering places located, landings built, bridges thrown over streams, and, where too wide for bridges, ferries estab- lished. Those to Boston and to Maiden (the latter called " Two penny ferry ") remained until after the Revolution, the only direct means of communication between those places. All kinds of business and trades were soon started, mills built, one at Charlestown Neck opposite Miller's River as early as 1645, lime kilns set up, fish-weirs established, ledges opened, and all the primitive machinery of industry set in motion. Among the various trades and callings found here in Charlestown be- tween 1630 and 1650 were the following : cutting of posts, clapboards and shingles ; raising of horses for export ; farming ; fishing of various kinds, especially for alewives, oysters, and lobsters, which were abundant in these waters — lobsters of twenty-five pounds weight being mentioned: rope and anchor making ; coopering ; tile making ; brewing ; salt manufacturing ; car- pentering ; ship building; wheelwright work; pottery; charcoal burning; and various kinds of mill work, there being in 1645 in Charlestown wind, stream, and tide mills. A town government was very early organized, and local laws enacted, controlling church, school, and military matters, as well as civil and crim- inal. The town officers were the " Seven men " or Selectmen, Constables, Highway Surveyors. Town Clerk, Herdsman, Overseers of the fields, and Chimney Sweepers, and later on. Town Treasurer, Town Messenger, In- spector of youth, Tythingmen, Surveyors of damnified goods. Clerks of the market. Packer of fish and flesh, Corder of wood. Culler of staves. Sealers of hides and leather, Measurers of lumber, Cullers of fish, and Measurers of salt and coal. 30 somi:r\illi:, past axd PRESExr. The freemen of the town could vote for Governor and Deputy, and for Major-Cieneral, Representatives, (irand Jury, and also for Assistants or Magistrates ; in electing the latter, corn and beans were used, corn for •• yes." beans for '■ no." The penalty for fraud in voting was ^Tio. Among the wholesome regulations were those guarding against tires : they required every house to be provided with ladders, and to be statedly inspected, and every chimney to be swept once a month in winter, and once every two months in summer. A blazing chimney brought a fine on the tenant. All children must be educated and " catechised." for neglect of which their parents answered in court. -Sabbath-breakers, tipplers, and gamblers were sharply watched, and severely punished. One woman, for instance, was heavily tined for washing clothes on .Sunday. Strangers in town were "personae non gratae," and had speedily to account for themselves. A committee was appointed to '' marke such trees for shade by the Highwa[ies] and watering places as in theire discretion shall bee thought mete : " fine for cutting these, live shillings, and a special order was also made that no tree " under any pretence whatsoever " should be cut outside the Xeck without the knowledge of the Selectmen. As already stated, several of the settlers had, as early as 1629 or 1630, located, built, and planted, here in Somerville, and in the year 1633 the town gave liberty to any of its inhabitants to build outside the Xeck. pro- vided, etc., that it " bee not a shortening of the privileges of the Towne," and in 1634 ten persons were granted ''planting ground" on the "South side of New Towne highway," forty-one acres in all. From this time on, settle- ments on Somerville land increased, and the records show many transfers of property in this part of Charlestown. 1 I KiHWAVS. The first road in Somerville was Washington Street, from the Xeck to Cambridge, described in 1630 as the "Way to Xew Towne " (Cambridge), and in one place spoken of as narrow and crooked. The ne.xt was probably the easterly part of Broadway, called " the way to Mystick," connecting, perhaps, as early as 1637. by trail, or bye road around or over the Ten Hills Farm, with the ford and bridge then built at Medford Centre over the Mystic River. It was probably many years afterwards that Broadway was extended over Winter Flill to .Menotomy (now Arlington 1. The Stinted Common was apportioned in 1656 among the citizens of the town, and remained a cow pasture until iTiSi and 16S5, when it was cut into strips one-fourth of a mile wide, with numbered rangeways between them, and granted in stated lots to the inhabitants entitled to them. The territory thus laid out extended from Washington Street, Bow Street and Somerville Avenue, to Broadway, and from the present Charles- town line to Elm Street. The first Rangeway is now Franklin Street : the second, Cross Street; third, Walnut; fourth, School; fifth. Central: sixth, Marshall H. Locke. Franklin n. Poor. SOMERVILLE, PAST AXD PRESENT. 33 Lowell ; seventh, Cedar ; and eighth, Willow Avenue. There were three others, running from Broadway beyond Elm Street, into Medford. The first has been entirely obliterated ; the second is now Curtis Street, and the third, North Street. Churches and Schools. Until 1632 the good people of Charlestown sought religious consolation in the church at Boston, but in this year they separated and organized the " First Church of Charlestown " ; their early meetings were held " under the shade of a great oak,'' celebrated as the " Charlestown oak" ; it stood in or not far from the square ; they soon purchased the "great house," no longer used by the town, and fitted it up for a meeting house. People from the remote parts of the town, as well as from Somerville, attended this church, among the number, our earliest settlers, Woolrich and Jones, who are on its membership roll. The services lasted all day, beginning at nine o'clock or before; and for the benefit of those living at a distance, the town built small houses with chimneys, called " Sabbaday houses," as the record says, "' of a convenient largeness to give entertainment on the Lord's day to such as live remote," etc. In November, 1S82, the two hundred and fiftieth an- niversary of this church was celebrated. It is probable that, in earlier days, all the young people of these parts received their first teaching in the schools of the peninsula, going and re- turning over the Neck, a long and tedious walk in winter; all the branches were taught, from a, b, c's to Latin grammar. There seems to have been some rivalry then, among the educators of the town, which is generously hinted at in the petition of Ezekiel Cheever, schoolmaster of the town school, in 1666, to the Selectmen; he had evidently been promised that no other schoolmaster should set up in the town, but says that " now Mr. Mansfield is suffered to teach and take away his scholars." The town schoolhouse of that day can well be pictured from the records, which speak of it (1686) as twelve feet square, and eight feet high, with flatfish roof, turret for bell, and "mantle-tree " twelve feet long; ceiled with brick and clay, and built at a cost of $90.00. Yet in it ancient and modern lore were for years successfully dispensed. MlLirARV. The military prowess of the pioneers stands out boldly in their history; they were men of intelligence, education and piety, and the defense of home, religion and rights was first in their thoughts. They at once began their military organizations and their fortifications, protections against foreign foes as well as Indians. The "Castle" in the harbor, the Fort on " Town Hill " and the " Half moon " at the Neck, all gave a greater feeling of security to people on the peninsula. Companies were organized, offi- cered, and drilled, and in the various struggles with the savage and the Frenchman, Charlestown soldiers bore well their part. Among them and pre-eminently prominent was a resident of Somerville, Major-General Edward Gibones. 34 somi:r\/i.[.i:. past .\xn presext. King Philip's war in particular caused much suffering and alarm among the inhabitants ; it became necessary to impress men for the service. As a protection from Indian attack in 1676, it was proposed, but afterwards abandoned, to build a stockade across the country from Charles River to the Merrimac. A company of praying Indians was also organized here in (harlestown for this war. and did good service. It would be pleasant to trace the part Somerville settlers bore in these various conflicts if there were space and the records complete, which they are not. CHAPTER Hi. .\dvent iif .\m>riis .\m) Consequencks to thk Colonists. — Trn.Ks to Estatics Imperiled. — Ten Hills Farm and its Owners. — A I-avorite Home for Go\ERNORs. — "The Blessinc oe the Bay" Built and Launched. — Caitain Rohkrt Te.mi"le. — Si.we Holders in Somerville. — The First I'rivatf.kr in Amerka. — Colonel Svmif.i lA<,)tF.s. — The Old Powder Hoi sk. — Jean Mallet. — A Traimc Lf.<;fni). In i6,S6 the happiness of the people was rudely shattered by a royal edict, appointing Sir Kdmund Andros " Capt. Generall and Govr. in Chief"' over New E.ngland : it gave him royal powers to choose Coun- cillors, make laws, and assess taxes: it constituted Andros and Councillors a court of justice for trial of all cases, civil, criminal, and of property rights, as well as petty cases ; also unlimited authority over matters military and naval, thus annulling the charter of the Bay Company. A struggle ensued which, lasting three years, ended in the revolution of 16S9, the seizure and imprisonment of Andros and others, and capture of the Castle in P.oston Harbor; and in 1692, the restoration of their old rights to the colonists. One of the first acts of Andros was to declare all previous property titles valueless ; the charter had not been complied with, " and, therefore, all the lands of New England have returned to the King" : and further, it was declared that " wherever an Englishman sets his foot, all that he hath is the King's." Andros angrily asserted that "there was no such a thing as a town in the country," and that the ancient town records of titles were "not worth a rush.'' In Somerville, by this action, many estates were imperiled; one or two of these had been in the same family half a century. Some of the owners submitted to these cruel exactions, while others rebelled. The greatest of these outrages was the granting of the Stinted Pasture to Lieutenant Colonel Charles Lidgett, a follower of Andros, and already one of the owners of Ten Hills Earm : of which, however, he also received Andros' title of confirmation. Lidgett immediately began the prosecution of the rightful owners of the pasture, for cutting wood and for other alleged trespasses. They were caused much annoyance and distress; and in some cases were fined and imprisoned. But Lidgett's chickens Hew home to repose : in 16.S9, with Andros and others, he was seized and thrown into prison, with which just retribution ended the fraudulent title speculation. ^ <«^>- v.>< i W , ■':. ^', ^ ^??^^^^^^^^HHr . Amos Keyes. fi 1^'^' ^^^L%tM/^ i ^^^^^^^^^^^^^f^S «=*» Seward Dodge. SOMEIUILLE, PAST .LVD PRESENT. 37 Tkn Hills Farm. It is especially notable that this old estate, called Ten Hills after the ten knolls on it, should have kept for two hundred and sixty-five years the name given it by its first owner; thou,<;h that name at present applies to only one hundred acres or so of the original grant. This property is one of the few in the city whose title can be clearly traced in the records, through each conveyance, from aboriginal and royal grants to the present time. Besides being included in the deed from Squa-Sachem, already quoted, it is. of course, within the limits of the royal grant to Plymouth Colony in 1620, and in the Plymouth grant and Royal Confirmation to the Massa- chusetts Bay Company in 162S and 1629. By the Massachusetts Bay Company's Governor and Council it was granted direct to John Winthrop. The record reads : — "6 Sept., 1631 — Granted to Mr. Governor, six hundred acres of land, to be set forth by metes and bounds, near his house at Mistick, to enjoy to him and his heirs forever.'" The claim of the Andros government, that none of the settlers held any title whatever to their lands, did not hold good regarding this estate. It was the onh' one in this city, however, that was granted b\- the Bay Com- pany. ( )n the death of the Governor, in i()4i;, the propertx' fell to his son l<>hn, Jr., Governor of Connecticut, by whose executors it was deeded, in 1677, to Elizabeth Lidgett, widow of Peter Lidgett, a merchant of Boston. She deeded one-half of it to her son ( 'harles, the same year. The Lidgetts and their heirs, among them the wife and children of Lieutenant-Governor I'sher of New Hampshire, deeded a portion of it, in 1731, to Sir Isaac Royal, the most of which is in Medford, five hundred and four acres. The remainder, or Somerville portion, two hundred and fifty-one acres, they sold to Captain Robert Temple, in 1740 ; on his death, it fell to his son Robert, Jr.. the '' Royalist," who retained it until after the Re\olution, selling, in 17.S0. to Nathaniel Tracy of Newburyport, and he, in 17S5, to Honora- ble Thomas Russell, who again sold it, in 1791, to Captain George Lane. Later it was owned by Theodore Lyman : and then by Elias Hasket Derby of Salem: afterwards it became the property of Colonel Samuel Jaques, then of Samuel ( )akman, and finally of the present owners, the heirs of Fred Ames and Y. (). Reed and others. It is noticeable that Ten Hills, if not continuously a gubernatorial demesne, has in all times been held in some favor by governors and their relatives and associates : first, Winthrop, (Tovernor of Massachusetts : then his son, Governor of Connecticut ; then the wife of Lieutenant-Governor Usher ; then by Robert Temple, son of the Governor of Nova Scotia ; then by Robert, Jr., whose wife was the daughter of Governor Shirley; then by Royal and Russell, each a governor's councillor; and now by the heirs of the brother of Governor Ames. 38 so.\n:Riii.Li:, past .ixn i'resext. There is imich of interest akin to romiince in the annals of this old property : and in the lives and d(iinS5 it was allotted to Sergeant Richard Lowden, some nine or ten acres in all, long before which it had been worked as a quarry. After Richard's death, his son and executor sold the estate to Jonathan I'oskett, and Foskett, in February, 1703-4, to "jean Mallet," a shipwright, afterwards a miller, and who very likely built the curious old mill, though no record tells us so. Jean Mallett was a Huguenot, and probably came from France with many others, to these more congenial shores, shortly after the revocation of the Fdict of Nantes, in 1AS5, settling unwisely, to say the least, in Worcester County, in what is now the town of ( )xford, then a border wilderness, but which these Huguenots soon turned into blossoming fields and fruitful gardens ; here they lived in contentment and security for many years, but in 1696 the Indians descended on their settlement and a dreadful massacre ensued. The survivors aban- doned their plantations, and most of them came to Boston ; among these was Mallet, who. a while after, we find here in Somerville. Little more is known of him except that he died about 1720, leaving the old stone windmill to his son Michael, who in 1747 sold it to the State for a powder-magazine ; prob- ably long before this its millstones had ceased to grind, though undoubt- edly for many long years the old miller took his lawful toll of "one to sixteen " from the farmers for miles around. A tragic legend shrouds the old mill, told of a captive Acadian maiden who, disguised as a youth, flees from her cruel master and seeks refuge in the family of the old miller; his rooms are few and accommodations scanty: so the maid is given lodging in the old mill-loft, dusty and dismal. In the night comes her master; he has traced her here, and with smooth speech and specious story induces the miller to unlock the mill ; the master clambers clumsily up the ladder, reaches the loft and tries to seize his victim ; in the unfamiliar darkness he loses his foothold, plunges to the mill floor, clutching the rope as he falls. The great fans move, the mill- stone rolls hoarsely around, and soon all is over. The exile maiden is once more free. It is a curious, grewsome story; let us trust that it is only a legend. The Old Powder House. John C. Maguun. Chhsthr (iUll.D. Kt^ ^^ JOSHPH CLARK. CHARLES E. (3lLA\AN. SOMERl'ILLK. PAST AND PRESENT. 45 chaiti-:r IV. The Revolui'ion. Friction Between the Colonies and Home Gmver>;meni-. — Preparations for the Great Struggle. — Seizure of Powdi-.r. — P'irsi- Hostile Demonstr.\tion of THE Revolution. — The Whole Country in Arms. — Kesign.vtion of Lieut.- CJovernor Thomas ( )li\er. — Ariutkary Measures of the British Government. — Secretion of Arms and tiisTRnunioN of .Military Suitlies kv the Colo- nists. — Hostile Steps iaken hv the British. — The Patriots Warned. — Paul Revere's Ride. — Batilf of Lexington. — Rijads in Somer\ille Traversed iiy British Tkoors. — Battle of Bunker Hill. — Vivid Scenes. The Boston Port Bill, enacted March 31, 1774, was the punishment inflicted on the Americans for the destruction of the East India Company's tea ; it prohibited all commerce, export or import, with Boston and Charles town, and brought disaster and distress upon both cities, the ferries even being included in the embargo. All business was suspended, and the sufferings of both rich and poor were great. Neighboring towns came to their relief with food and fuel ; committees were appointed to devise reme- dies, and arrangements made to cjuarter the most needy families upon other towns of the State. The friction between the colonies and the home government had grown steadily for ten years, and a frowning fleet and formidable army, sent to enforce various odious enactments, increased to the utmost the spirit of resistance. The Americans for a long time had been actively preparing for a struggle they believed imminent, and t|uietly collecting arms, accoutrements, ammunition and stores. In this way it occurred that the powder of several towns was stored in the powder house on Quarry Hill; fearing for its safety, in the summer of 1774, some of the towns began removing it. This powder and also that belonging to the Province, as well as other military stores, were in the custody of Maj. Cien. William Brattle, of Cambridge, and to him General Gage wrote, in August, asking a return or schedule of "the diff'erent sorts of each." Brattle in his reply of August 29, speaking of powder, says that that in the arsenal at Quarry Hill, was "' the King's powder only." Medford had just taken the last belonging to any of the towns. On August 31, Sheriff Phipps called upon Brattle, with orders for the remaining powder and for two cannon at Cambridge: in compliance Brattle 4'. SOMERlll.I.i:, I'.isr .LVD /'K/CSKXr. delivered up the key of the powder house, and ordered Mr. Mnson, who was in charge of the cannon, to deliver them also. On the next day. September i. 1774, occurred the first hostile demon- stration of the Revolution; by a miracle, almost, it ended without bloodshed. It is described in the news of the day as follows : — -On Thursday .Morning [Sept. 1 ], half after four, about 260 iVoops embarked on board 13 lioats at the Long Wharf, and proceeded up Mystic Kiver to Temple's Farm, where they landed, and went to the I'owder- House on Quarry Hill, in (harlestown Bounds, whence they took 212 Half r.arrels of Powder, the whole store there, and conveyed it to Castle William." . . . " A detachment from this corps went to Cambridge and brought off two held pieces, which had lately been sent there for Col. lirattle's regiment." Another account says that " 250 " half-barrels of powder were taken. These troops were under the command of Lt. Col. Madison, and in Boston it was believed that they had gone out to capture the Committee of Conference at Salem, who were promptly notified ; but when their actual destination was discovered, the alarm spread like wild-fire throughout the country, to the north, west and south, even to Pennsylvania. 15efore night there was a general uprising of the militia of the State, and the ne.xt day, along the roads in all directions, were stiuads of men marching towards Cambridge, ready to repel the invaders. As was natural, the news of the raid was heightened by sensational accounts of fighting and bloodshed. Boston had been bombarded by the rieet, and .\mericans killed and wounded. It was estimated that fifty thousand ■' well armed " men had responded to this alarm : "the whole country was in arms " : they came not only from Middlesex and the adjacent counties, but from the western parts of the State, and even from Connecticut. They poured into Cambridge, and assembled by thousands on the Common. It was an orderly throng, but determined. The Crown officers were alarmed : Judge Danforth and Judge Lee addressed the assemblage, and both expressing regret at having accepted appointments under acts so obnoxious to their fellow citizens, then and there resigned their ofiices, and promised never again to accept any position in confiict with the charter rights of the people. Phipps, the high sheriff, appeared also : he was aggrieved at the feel- ings of the people towards him for his action in delivering up their powder, but in view of the fact that he acted under orders from his commander m chief, his offense was condoned. Lieut.-(;overnor Thomas Oliver lived then in the mansion which since was the home of the poet Lowell. Several thousand people, militia and " lookers on." appeared before his house. Previously he had parleyed and hesitated, fearing His Majesty's displeasure if he should resign, as requested to do, but intimating that he might do so if the whole province desired it : but now, seeing the determined spirit of the people, and the uselessness of (' Francis Tufts. i|S» ^ / ' >«««BHps. / Nathan A. Hitch. SOMERV/LLE, PAST .LVD /'RESENT. 49 further refusal, he signed his resignation as Lieutenant-Governor and President of the Council, Meanwhile Brattle, who b}' his prominence in this affair had brought upon himself the indignation of the inhabitants, tied to Boston, and sought refuge in the fold of (ieneral Gage, whence he wrote a woeful story of his wrongs and banishment, claiming to be a friend of his country, acting for its true interest, yet expressing himself sorry for what had oc- curred. , , 1 1 Meantime the wild rumors afloat had been contradicted, and the people returned again to their homes and employments, and all seemed as tranciuil as before. This great uprising was the rumble of the approaching storm, and warning of the coming tempest. Paul Reverk's Ride. The En^dish Parliament and press during the winter of 1774-5 dis- cussed vigorously the dispute with the Colonists ; among each were friends to \merica • but the Ministerial party were in the majority, and, urged on by the King and Lords, endeavored to enforce the most arbitrary measures, among which were further restrictions on trade and the act forbidding impor'tation into the colonies of arms and munitions of war. This last act caused much alarm, and the Americans took immediate steps to secrete and protect the military supplies already accumulated. These were distributed among various towns, one of which was Con- cord Ga-e learned this, and determined on their capture, divining which, the patriots took precautions to prevent. A company of thirty men arranged with each other to watch - two and two" the movements of the British ■ among these were William Dawes and Paul Revere. Several days previous to April .9, the unusual activity of the troops and fleet announced to the Americans that some important movement by the enemy was contemplated. . -r • . John Hancock and Samuel Adams, who were in Lexington were cautioned that Gage intended their capture. About this time the wife of a British soldier carelessly divulged the order for the expedition to a ady who employed her, who promptly gave the patriots warning. William Dawes was immediately sent by way of Roxbury and Paul Revere by way of Charlestown, to alarm the inhabitants. Revere crossed Charles River past the frigate Somerset just before orders were received to stop all boats and taking horse on the Charlestown shore, rode with all speed over the Neck and up Washington Street, to near the present Cresent Street; here he saw two horsemen standing in the road a short distance away; perceivino- that they were British officers, he wheeled and galloped back to the Neck, and around into Broadway, pursued by one of the horsemen ; the other endeavored to head him off by crossing the fields but feU into a clav pit, thus enabling Revere to escape. He rode over Wmter Hill and Main Street, to and through Medford and Arlington, to Lexington and 50 soMi'.Rin.Li:. r.isr ixn riuishxr. Ijeyond. where he was captured : not, however, until he had thoroughly alarmed the country. At the junction of Broadway and Main Street stands a^;ranite tablet commemorating this historic ride. 15ai ri.K oi" Lk\in«;ii)N. At about ten o'clock on the night of April iS, 1775, Lieutenant Colonel Smith of the Tenth British, with eight hundred men, marched quietly to the foot of Boston Common, and crossed Back Bay in boats to Lechmere Point, now East Cambridge, landing not very far east of the present Court House : the troops, avoiding the roads and highlands for fear of discovery, skirted the marshes : and the tide being up, or rising, and East Cambridge then an island at high water, they were obliged to wade ''thigh deep" in crossing to Somerville, where, striking a byway, they emerged upon Washington Street, probably at or near Prospect Street: thence their march was through Washington Street, I'nion Square, Bow Street, Somerville Avenue and Elm Street, and thence to Concord. In those days, an old house, owned or occupied by a widow Smith, stood on the east side of the present Wesley Park : here the troops halted and quenched their thirst at the well, and were seen by the frightened occu- pants of the house. Next they passed the residence of Samuel Tufts (now Mr. BlaisdelTs), who was in the kitchen at the time, moulding bullets; thence on past Thomas Rand's house: Mrs. Kand, who had not yet retired, saw the threatening platoons, and after they had gone by sent her son to alarm the neighbors. Then they came to Timothy Tufts' house on Elm Street, near Beach, stopping there again for water. Mr. Tufts' dog woke the echoes of the night, and also the family with his vehement protests. Peering out, they saw the hostile columns and Hash of the bayonets in the moonlight, and then saw the soldiers turn into Beach Street and disappear, as they con- tinued their silent march. Their encounters at Lexington C^ommon and at Concord Hrictge, and their disastrous retreat, reinforced and perhaps saved from capture by Lord Percy, yet still Hying, harassed and relentlessly pursued by the Americans, have become notable events in the world's history. Like a rabble rout they came down Arlington Avenue into Cambridge and Somerville. The Ameri- cans supposed they would retreat as Percy came, through old Cambridge, Brighton, and Roxbury : but a confused throng, they turned through Beach Street into Elm. At the westerly corner of these streets was a grove, where minute men were secreted, who gave the troops a galling fire. The liritish who fell here were buried in Mr. Tufts' land, just inside the wall. / Percy, who at every available point had endeavored to check the pur- suit with his artillery, again opened fire with his cannon, from the northerly slope of Spring Hill, on the pursuing minute men, but with little avail ; his troops continued their retreat down Elm Street and Somerville Avenue, one man being killed near Central Street, at which point a volley was hred into Mr. Rand's house, and near Walnut Street another soldier fell. Down Albert L. Dodge. DAVIU CUMMiNGS. SOMERl'ILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 53 Washington Street they went, skirting the foot of Prospect Hill, where oc- curred some of the hottest fighting of the day. It was now evening, and the Hashes of musketry, which were plainly seen in Boston, told vividly the story of their retreat and disaster. Throughout the retreat, wherever possible, flanking parties of British had been sent out to drive off the minute men. The only Somerville citizen who fell on this day was shot by the flank guards. He was James Miller, an old man and patriot. He with others were on the slope of Prospect Hill, firing on the British in the street below, when the fiankers surprised them ; the rest fled, but Miller, still firing, stood at his post, and when called upon to fly made tlie memorable answer, " I am too old to run." ( )n the north side of Washington Street, nearly opposite Mystic Street, is the house then owned by Samuel Shed : a British soldier entered it, and while rummaging a bureau, was shot, falling dead over the drawer ; this bureau, or "high boy." as it was called, with its bullet holes, is now in pos- session of the descendants of Nathan Tufts. The British fiight and pursuit continued until they had crossed the Neck into Charlestown, which they did just as Colonel Pickering, with seven hundred Essex minute men, came hurrying over Winter Hill, to intercept them. Had he arrived a little earlier the entire force would have been captured. During the battle. General William Heath assumed command ; after the Americans had ceased further pursuit, he " assembled the officers around him, at the foot of Prospect Hill, and ordered a guard to be formed and posted near that place." This was the first guard mountingof the Revolution. Sentinels and patrols were also posted near the Neck, to give warning of the enemy's movements. The minute men were ordered to Cambridge, where all night they lay on their arms. The battle of the nineteenth of April began at Lexington, and ended in Somerville, and in its glory Somerville is entitled to share. Battle of PjUnker Hill. On April 20, General Artemas Ward, the senior in date of commission, took command of the American forces, with headquarters at Cambridge, whence, under the resolve of the Provincial Congress for the enlistment of thirty thousand men, the militia from all directions began to march. Within a short time there were fifteen thousand troops, or more, in the American camp, among them many from New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Early in May, a report was made to the Committee of Safety, recom- mending the immediate fortifying of Prospect Hill and vicinity, and of Bunker Hill : and probably not long after, earthworks were thrown up near Union Square, commanding the Charlestown road (VVashmgton Street). Troops meanwhile were posted both in Roxbury and Somerville, to repel any attempt that might be made by the enemy to march out of l>oston. ;4 SOMERlJI.Li:, PAST AXP I'RESF.XT. Roxbury Neck had been fortified the previous winter by the British, and now bristled with thirty cannon or more, but Charlestown was still neutral ground. Gage probably fearing to divide his forces by its occupation. The measure suggested in May for fortifying Bunker Hill was not finally decided on until June 15. when rumors became prevalent that the British were again planning to march out into the country. On the 1 6th. (General Ward ordered Col. William I'rescott, with three Massachusetts regiments, and a batallion of Connecticut troops, about a thousand or twelve hundred in all, to proceed that night to Charlestown and seize and fortify Hunker Hill. The troops were paraded on Cambridge Common, and after a prayer by Dr. Langdon, President of Harvard College, at about nine o'clock in the evening, commenced their march towards Bunker Hill, passing through Somerville, by way of Washington Street and Union Square, down to and across the Neck. Colonel Prescott. with two sergeants carrying dark lanterns, led the way. (General Israel Putnam and Colonel Richard (Iridley, the engineer of the army, accompanied the expedition, and following after were wagons with intrenching tools. Their destination was kept a profound secret from the troops until after crossing the Neck. Prescott had been ordered to fortify liunker Hill, but it was soon discovered that Breed's Hill was a superior military position, and after consultation, and some loss of time, it was determined to fortify that in place of Bunker. Col. (kidley immediately laid out the works, which, rising as if by magic, confronted and challenged the British Heet and army at sunrise. The details of the battle on Bunker Hill are familiar to all, and only such events connected with it as occurred in Somerville need be related. For some time previous to the 17th, Colonel John Patterson's regiment of Berkshire men had been stationed at the redoubt near the foot of Pros- pect Hill, where they probably remained throughout the day, having been, with Ward's regiment and part of liridge's, held back as a reserve. All other Massachusetts troops, and those of New Hampshire and Connecticut, were ordered to the front. A great part of them never arrived there, the furious cannonading from the fleet across the Neck, and into Kast Somer- ville, rendering any attempt to reach the peninsula perilous, ^■et it was over this Neck, and through this storm of shot and shell, that the terror- stricken people Hed into Somerville from their burning homes in Charles- town. Early in the fight. Major (iridley. son of the engineer, was ordered with his company of artillery to reinforce Prescott; he was a young man with but little military experience, and instead of obeying orders, he took a position, with a portion of his force, on Cobble, now Asylum Hill ; the rest of his company marched on to the scene of action. Col. Mansfield's regi- ment passing forward at this time with orders to the front, was directed by (iridley to support his battery, which disobeyed previous instructions. Mansfield did so, and also took a position on Cobble Hill. Prom this hill Frederick G. Smith, M. D. Daniel D. Dunklee. SOMERllLLK. PAST AND PRESENT. 57 Gridley opened a feeble and ineffectual fire from his light guns upon the British ships which lay in the bay east of the hill. Disobedience, or misunderstanding of orders, seemed to be a common occurrence. Colonel Scammon's regiment had also been ordered to the field of battle, which he curiously interpreted to mean Lechmere Point, now East Cambridge, and thither went. From there, however, he soon crossed to Cobble Hill and reinforced Gridley, and later on marched as far as Bunker Hdl, but too late to be of service. Colonel Gerrish's regiment, also under orders to reinforce l^rescott, found lodgment on Ploughed, now e'onvent Hill; part of the regiment later were led into action by a brave officer, named Febiger. and did valiant service. Gridley, Mansfield, Scammons, and Gerrish, were each court-martialed. Gridley, Mansfield and Gerrish were cashiered, and Scammons acquitted : Gridley on account of his youth not being deprived of the right to hold future commission in the Continental Army. Somerville beheld vivid scenes of war that day : incessant marching of troops towards the front, over Washington Street to Broadway; citizens fieeing here from their burning town ; officers galloping to and fro between the battlefield and Cambridge ; artillery bombarding the fieet from Asylum Hill; shot and shell from the frigates mercilessly raking the easterly part of the town ; fugitives and wounded soldiers, on litters or the shoulders of their comrades, hurrying to places of safety ; and finally the retreating army, who, victorous in defeat, planted themselves on Prospect and Winter Hills, expecting and ready for a renewal of the battle. CHAPTER V. The Siege of Boston. — Intrkmhments Made. — Exch.\nge of Tklsoner-s. — Battle OF' Hog Island. — Cage's PRoCLAM.vnoN of Amnesty. — Fortifications on Prospect and Winter Hills. — Arrival of Generals Washington, Putnam AND Lee. — Declaration ov the Continental Congress. — Description of the Patriots' Camps. — Sufferings of the People and Troops. — First Unfurling of the New Flag of the United Colonies. ^ Seizure of Dorchester Heights. Evacuation of Boston hy the British. The investment of Boston began on the night of the battle of Lexing- ton, wlien General Heath posted the guard at the foot of Prospect Hill. Speaking of that battle a British officer says, '• About seven o'clock in the evening^ve arrived at Charlestown." . . . "The rebels shut up the Neck and placed sentinels there." ..." So that in the course of two days we were reduced to the disagreeable necessity of living on salt provisions, and fairly blocked up in l)Oston." The posting of troops in Somerville and Roxbury shortly afterwards, to check any attempt of the enemy to again leave Boston, and the building of fortifications near Cnion Square and the Cambridge line, the first works ;s somi:R\ilij:. past axd rRi:si:xT. tlirown up by the Americans in this war, convinced the liritish that a siege was actually begun. In the latter part of May Cieneral Burgoyne arrived in lioston, and writing to a friend in Kngland. says, speaking of the town, that it is " invested by a rabble in arms, who, flushed with success and insolence, had advanced their sentries to pistol shot of our outguards ; the ships in the harbor exposed to, and expecting a cannonade or bombardment.'' The incidents of this siege crowded one upon another in quick succes- sion, and we can more readily chronicle them by noting each in the order of its occurrence. The earlier operations of the siege were probably desultory, and dictated by circumstances. In the interim between the battles of Lexington and Hunker Hill, many events of interest took place. ( )n April 20 the .Americans held their first council of war, at which were (ienerals Ward, Heath and W'hitcomb, with many other Massachu- setts officers, some of whom figured prominently in the battle of June 17, notably Colonel William Prescott. Communication between the people of I'.oston and those outside was immediately cut off by (iage. who expressed fears to the Selectmen that the Americans would attack the town, and might be aided by its citizens, which would cause serious results; accordingly, on .\\W\\ 22, a town meeting was held, resulting in an agreement allowing all women and children who desired, to leave •' with all their eft'ects'" : and '• their men also,"' by solemnly engaging not to "take up arms against the King's troops, '' •'should an attack be made"; a further condition being that all firearms and ammunition be delivered up. This was reciprocated by the Provincial Congress, who gave to all outsiders who might wish, per- mission to enter IJoston on similar terms ; and officers were stationed at the •• Sun Tavern " at Charlestown Xeck, and also in Roxbury, to issue passes therefor. I'nder this arrangement nearly thirty-five hundred weapons were taken by the British, and never returned. For a while Oage kept the agreement in good faith, but later, at the instance of Tory advisers, he threw many obstacles in the way of those leaving, such as searching goods, separating families, etc., and finally forbade their leaving the town. The battle of Lexington was fought by men from Eastern Massachu- setts, but immediately thereafter troops from other sections and States began to arrive, notably from New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connec- ticut, and later on from Pennsylvania and \'irginia. In May fatigue parties were sent out and intrenchments were com- menced in Cambridge and Somerville. On the 27th and 2Sth the battle of Hog Island occurred, brought on by a detachment sent from this camp to capture live stock on Hog and .Noddle's islands (the latter now East Boston) ; while doing this they were attacked by the King's troops and ships, but escaped to the main land during the night: re-inforced by infantry and artillery, they resumed the confiict the next day. and succeeded in blowing up one of the British schooners and disabling a sloop ; the trophies of this engagement were twelve cannon, more than three hundred head of horses, William E. Weld. Francis M. Howes. S0MER17LLK, PAST .LVD PRESENT. 6i cows and sheep, and a large quantity of hay : with the re-inforcements came Generals Putnam and Warren, the latter serving as volunteer ; our loss was light in this engagement, but the enemy's was said to be heavy. ( )n lune 6 the first exchange of prisoners took place ; through Somer- viUe the procession passed. Generals Putnam and Warren riding in a phaeton, accompanied by three captive English officers in a chaise, and by wounded prisoners in carts, all under military escort. At the ferry they met Gage's officers, with whom came the American captives. The exchange was soon over, the whole affair being " conducted with the utmost decency and good humor." TUFTS' HOUSE, HEAUQUAkTHRS OF GfcNtRAL Ltt. On lune 12 Gage issued his notorious proclamation of amnesty to all except Hancock and Adams, which offer the Americans answered five days later at Breed's Hill. This engagement was the one great battle of the noted siege, and the only one whe^re^he two armies met in force. For nine months thereafter it was one continuous artillery duel, accompanied with sharpshooting and skirmishing. , ^ . . , \ curious rumor was circulated after this battle, that the British pur- suit had been continued to Winter Hill, where the Americans had again repulsed the British with great slaughter. It was only a rumor, however. After falling back to Winter and Prospect Hills, on June 17, the pro- vincial troops immediately commenced fortifying those eminences; the 62 soMi:R\n.i.i:, past .\\n i'resext. works on Prospect Hill were built under the direction of that wolf-renowned hero. Putnam. ( )n this hill the men were subjected to a heavy artillery fire from the British, who thus attemjUed to dislodge them : with no result, however, except to inure the provincials to the howling of shot and shell. Meanwhile the New Hampshire men under General Folsom were forti- fying Winter Hill. During the month of June smallpo.x broke out and became epidemic, causing great distress to the besiegers, and the people of the towns where they were quartered. On July 2, there arrived in camp General Washington, recently ap- pointed Commander-in-Chief, accompanied by (General Charles Lee, second in command, and Horatio Gates, Adjutant General of the Army, l^oth (iates and Lee had been officers in the British service, but had now espoused the cause of the Americans. Lee was an eccentric military genius: he was looked upon by many of the wisest patriots as scarcely inferior to Washington in loyalty or capacity : he had a great reputation as a soldier, having been in service since boy- hood. He was an oHicer at the age of eleven, and had served in the British, Portuguese, and Polish armies, in the latter acting as aid-de-camp to the king; and now he had placed his sword at the service of America, and for a long time seemed its most devoted champion, but later his inordinate ambition brought disagreement with Washington ; and. after several un- pleasant episodes, he was court-martialed and suspended for one year. Within a few years, documents have come to light tending to show- that Lee, toward the last of his service, played a double part : but while here, he was a ''tower of strength "' to the army, and, as commander of the most of that portion of it in Somerville, his career has more than usual interest to us. All the State organizations on July 4 were taken into the service and pay of the L'nited Colonies, and re-organized, and on July 22 were formed into three divisions, viz : — The left wing was composed of two brigades, one at Winter Hill under (ieneral Sullivan, the other at Prospect Hill under General Greene. The center, two brigades, one commanded by Heath, the other by its senior of- ficer: and the right also two, one under 'i'homas, the other under Spencer. / The left held the line from Mystic River to Prospect Hill : the center, from Prospect Hill to Charles River: the right, from Charles River to Ko.xbury Xeck. The entire left wing, and perhaps half of the center, were within Somerville limits, and her hills were crowned with the strongest and most elaborate works of the whole line : the redoubt on Ten Hills I'arm : the "Winter Hill Port'': the "' I'rench Redoubt," on Central Hill: the '' Citadel.'" on Prospect Hill: the strong intrenchnients on Ploughed Hill, which commanded the Xeck, and defied the P>ritish on Jiunker Hill : •• l""ort .Number Three,"' near L'nion Square: and "Putnam's Impregnable For- tress," on Cobble Hill : each must have reminded CJage of the similar work he had captured at so great a sacrifice, on June 17, and brought to his mind % Henry M. Moore. Caleb L. Sanborn. SOMERl'/UJi, PAST .LVD PRESENT. 65 the question asked in England, viz, " If it cost a thousand men to take Bunker Hill, how miny will it cost to capture all the hills in America ? " On July 6, 1775, the Continental Congress issued a declaration setting forth the grievances of the Provinces, and reasons for taking arms ; on the 15 th this was read at Cambridge, and on the i8th, to the army on Prospect Hill, and was received with patriotic enthusiasm. A prayer was offered by the Reverend Mr. Langdon, cannon were fired, and the Connecticut Hag, recently received by Putnam, unfurled. On one side it bore the motto, '• An Appeal to Heaven," and on the other, " Qui transtulet sustinet." HEADQUARTERS OF GENERAL GREENE. The American ritiemen seriously annoyed the English, and cost them many lives. Most of these were sharpshooters from Virginia and Pennsyl- vania, and, having been accustomed to the ride from childhood, were all skillful marksmen. The American soldiers were aggressive, and made fre- quent and often successful attempts to surprise the enemy's pickets, burn their buildings, or capture their stores, and the British in their turn occa- sionally ventured outside their lines on similar errands, but usually with less success. Some of the diarists of that time have left us interesting pictures of camp and conflict ; one, the Reverend William Emerson, father of Ralph Waldo, who was chaplain in the army, says : " My quarters are at the foot of the famous Prospect Hill, where such great preparations are made for the 66 MKMi.Ki'iiJ.i:. I'AST .\xn rRi:si:xr. reception of the enemy. It is very divertinj^ to walk anion.*; tiie camps" : •• some are made of boards, and some of sail-cloth, some partly of one and partly of the other. Aj^ain. others arc made of stone and turf, brick or brush." ''others curiousl\ wrought with doors and windows, done with wreaths and withes, in the manner of a basket." Another, in September, speaks of the success, so far, of the British. '■ llritain, at the e.xpense of three millions, has killed one hundred and fift\ \'ankees in this campaign, which is twenty thousand pounds a head : and on Bunker Hill she gained a mile of ground, half of which she has since lost by not having post on Ploughed Hill": and adds that, "as meanwhile sixty thousand children have been l)orn in America," one can " easily calcu- late the time and expense requisite to kill us all, and conquer our whole territory." In August, there were under Washington's command about forty regi- ments, or something less than twenty thousand men. poorly supplied, and with so little ammunition that the tiring from our lines from necessity nearly ceased. This scarcity of powder caused great alarm among the Amer- ican officers, as the Knglish appeared to be preparing for an attack. Re- garding it. Colonel Reed wrote. '• The word 'powder ' sets us all on tiptoe ; we are in a terrible situation, occasioned by a mistake in a return. We reckoned upon three hundred quarter casks, and had but thirty-two barrels." Karly in the month of September about eight hundred men were de- tached from the army to join General Arnold's unfortunate (Quebec expedi- tion, a large part being from Prospect Hill, mostly ririenicn. In October. Gage having returned to England. General Howe assumed command, and soon issued a proclamation prohibiting anyone from leaving I5oston unless by his permission, on pain of execution as a traitor. They were also forbidden to carry out more than live pounds in specie, the penalty be- ing forfeiture, tine and imprisonment. These measures compelled Wash- ington to issue orders of retaliation upon the Tories. At this time, and afterwards, the people and troops in l>oston are said to have suffered severely from want, increased greatly by the loss of ships laden with provisions and stores, captured by our pri\ateers. They were " almost in a state of starvation, for the want of food and fuel." and "being totally destitute of vegetables, flour and fresh provisions, had actually been obliged to feed on horse Hesli." ( )n the 9th of November, a force of four hundred British crossed in boats to Lechmere Point, intending to capture the stock there, but, the alarm being given, the Americans waded across to meet them, a skirmish ensued in which the English ships took part, but which resulted, as usual, in the retirement of his majesty's troops. ( )n the night of the 22d. General Putnam took possession of Cobble Hill, and commenced fortifying. The work was skillfully planned and very strong, and contrary to expectation, completed without molestation from the enemy. In December. Lechmere Point was also fortified, but the work on this hill was thrown up under a continuous fire of shot and grape from the Charles Williams, Jr. ARTHUR E. Merrill, M.D. SOMERVILLE. PAST A XL) PRESENT. 69 British, which lasted several days. In this action the fort on Cobble Hill took part with good effect, forcing an English ship to retire from the tight. (>n December 2S, an endeavor was made by a detachment from Winter Hill to capture the enemy's pickets near the Neck. They attempted to cross on the ice just south of Cobble Hill ; but one of the men, slipping, fell and discharged his musket, thereby alarming the P.ritish, and the expedition was abandoned. The new year brought much uneasiness to the patriot army ; veteran troops, whose time had expired, were returning home "by thousands," and new ones replacing them. This change was a difficult and dangerous one to make in presence of an enemy, but Washington accomplished it without mo- lestation ; and says of it that "it is not in the pages of history, perhaps, to furnish a case " like it. From Prospect Hill, on j;inuary 1, 1776, the new flag of the United Colonies was unfurled to the breeze, and for the first time bid defiance to the foe; it had thirteen stripes, alternate red and white ; but the field con- tained, instead of stars, as now, the crosses of Saint George and Saint Andrew. A year and a half later, stars took the place of crosses. A tablet has been erected on the hill in memory of this fiag-raising. In February Colonel Knox arrived with the captured Ticonderoga can- non and stores, some fifty pieces of artillery in all. These increased im- mensely the oft'ensive strength of the Americans, and a little later enabled them to carry into execution that daring feat, the seizing and fortifying of Dorchester Heights. This successful movement so seriously threatened the British army and shipping, that after various threatening manieuvres, on Sunday, March 17, they embarked and left I'.oston forever. In their hasty departure they left the Americans over one hundred cannon, and an im- mense quantity of military stores. / The roar of cannon and mortars and the bursting of shells had shaken Boston and the surrounding towns, resounding through the valleys, and re- verberating among ^he hills, for nine weary months; and now the people hailed with rejoicing its cessation, and the departure of the British army of occupation. Thus ended the siege, which in its inception, execution and triumph was to the Americans one of the most successful achievements of the war. But the news in England that her famed legions, supported by her renowned navy, could be shut up for eleven months in a beleaguered city, and finally driven to sea by a " rabble "' they despised, but feared to meet, was a cause of national mortification. somi:r\jli.e, past axp presext. CHAPTl'.R VT. Designed Isolaiion ok Nkw England.— Si kkendek ok Bikcoyne. — Hessian Prisoners Qiariereu in Somervii.ek. — Bai.i. and Sliter given by General Riedesel's Wikk. — Poor Barracks for the Prisoners. — S(AKcrrv of Fuel.— Removal ok hie Prisoners. The obstinate resistance of the people of P.oston and of New England, and the disastrous results of every attempt at their subju.nation. caused the English ministry to look upon that section as the center of insurrection, and early in 1777 they planned a campaign designed to sever New England from the rest of the colonies. The lines of the Hudson River and Lake Champlain were to be oc- cupied by armies from Canada, under Rurgoyne, and from New York, under Howe. These lines were to be strongly fortified, and with the co-operation of the deet, it was believed this would effectually hem in the refractory section and enable the King's forces to operate elsewhere with greater ease. The conception was brilliant, but its execution was a failure, and thus fresh laurels were added to the American arms. After a series of successes and failures, Burgoyne surrendered to (icn- eral Gates at Saratoga, on the 17th of October, 1777. Over nine hundred officers and forty-eight hundred soldiers fell into the hands of the Ameri- cans, together with thirty-five cannon and about five thousand stand of arms. Hurgoyne's army consisted of P.ritish. Hessians, Canadians, 'lories and Indians. J!y the terms of surrender the Canadians were allowed to return home, and the English and Hessians were to have free passage to England, on condition of not serving again in this contest, IJoston to be their point of embarkation. With this understanding they started on their weary jour- ney over the (ireen Mountains, and arrived at Somerville on November 7. 'I'he English, about twenty-three hundred, under (General Philips, were marched to Prospect Hill and vicinity, and the Hessians, about nineteen hundred, under General Riedesel, to Winter Hill. A letter, describing the arrival of the prisoners, says : — " Last Thursday, which was a very stormy day, a large number of British troops came softly through the town, via W'atertown to Prospect Hill. ( )n I'riday we heard the Hessians were to make a procession in the same route." an m5- mfc Copied iy CHasfJ^lhot ir. per'mi55i'on SOMERlYLLIi, FAST AND rRES/uV7\ 7} They are described as being poor, dirty and emaciated ; with them came "great numbers of women, who seemed to be the beasts of burden, having bushel baskets on their backs, by which they were bent double ; the contents seemed to be pots and kettles, various sorts of furniture, children peeping through gridirons and other utensils." General Riedesel's family accompanied the expedition, and m her de- scription of this journey, Madame Riedesel says : — " As it was already very late in the season, and the weather raw, I had my calash covered with coarse linen, which, in turn, was varnished over with oil; and in this manner we set out on our journey to Boston, which was very tedious, besides being attended with considerable hardship. 1 know not whether it was my carriage that attracted the curiosity of the peo- ple to it — for certainly it had the appearance of a wagon in which they carry around rare animals — but often I was obliged to halt, because the people insisted upon seeing the wife of the German general with her children. For fear that they would tear off the linen covering from the wagon in their eagerness to see me, I very often alighted, and by this means got away more quietly. However, I must say that the people were very friendly, and were particularly delighted at my being able to speak English, which was the language of their country." " At last we arrived at Boston ; and our troops were quartered in bar- racks not far from Winter Hill. M'e were billeted at the house of a coun- tryman, where we had only one room under the roof. "My women servants slept on the tioor, and our men servants in the entry. Some straw, which I placed under our beds, served us for a long time, as I had with me nothing more than my own held bed." In a short time the quarters of General Riedesel were changed from near Winter Hill, where his family had been very unpleasantly situated, to more pretentious ones at Cambridge, where most of the captive officers were, and where they lived comfortably, if not sumptuously. Mrs. Riedesel thus describes one of the entertainments given here : — "On the 3d of June, 1778, I gave a ball and supper in celebration of the birthday of my husband. I had invited to it all the generals and officers." " We danced considerably, and our cook prepared us a magnifi- cent supper of more than eight covers. Moreover, our courtyard and garden were illuminated. As the birthday of the King of England came upon the following day, which was the fourth, it was resolved that we would not separate until his health had been drank ; which was done with the most hearty attachment to his person and his interests. Never, I believe, has ' God save the King ' been sung with more enthusiasm or more genuine good will." " As soon as the company separated, we perceived that the whole house was surrounded by Americans, who, having seen so many people go into the house, and having noticed, also, the illumination, suspected that we were planning a mutiny, and if the slightest disturbance had arisen, it would have cost us dear." General Heath, whom we remember at Lexington, was placed in com- mand of the prisoners, and of the Americans guarding them. 74 somi:r\/lli:, past axd i'Ri:si:ni\ Meanwhile Congress decided to ignore the articles of surrender grant- ing free passage to England, and, as a result, Burgoyne and his troops were held as ordinary prisoners of war. This caused intense indignation among the captives, English and Hessians, as well as in England ; and with a man of less judgment than Heath in command, might have resulted seriously. As it was, the troops during their entire captivity were in a state bor- dering on revolt. Disputes and trouble between them and the Americans were of daily occurrence, and in several instances resulted in bloodshed. On one oc- casion a Hessian prisoner received a serious bayonet wound from a conti- nental soldier, and on another a British soldier a sword thrust from an American otiticer. The most serious event was the shooting of an English officer who was riding in a chaise with two ladies along the foot of Prospect Hill, but who failed to answer the challenge of the sentry. The act was stigmatized as murder by Burgoyne. and the prisoners were wild with exasperation. 'l"he sentry was tried by court-martial and acquitted. The officer was buried from Christ Church, old Cambridge. The British and Hessian soldiers, while in Somerville, were quartered in the old barracks left by the Americans after the siege of Boston, the pre- vious year, at which the prisoners made bitter and frequent complaints. A writer, speaking of them says : " These barracks had been erected for . . . use during the siege of Boston, and were of the lightest description. The wind whistled through the thin walls, the rain came through the roofs, the snow lay in drifts on the Hoor." (ieneral Riedesel says of them : " Indeed the greater number of the soldiers are so miserably lodged that they are unable to shelter themselves from cold and rain in this severe season of the year ; and in spite of the handsome promises and the fact that they are here fourteen days, and not- withstanding, also, my offer that the men would make the repairs themselves if the necessary materials were furnished, nothing has been provided for them yet. The soldiers, of whom twenty to twenty-four occupy the same barrack, are without light at night. Three of them sleep in the same bed. They receive, also, so little fuel that they can scarcely cook our rations, to say nothing of warming the cold rooms. In fact, they have not even con- sidered it worth while to establish a rule by which the officers and privates, according to their rank, may receive fuel." The scarcity of fuel during this winter of 1777-f^ was so great that the guards as well as the prisoners suffered severely, and in their straits spared neither tree nor fence, which, however, furnished meagre warmth for so great a number, miserably sheltered. The prisoners remained here from November, 1777, until November, 177.S, when it was thought prudent to move them inland, and they were marched first to Rutland, Massachusetts, and then to \irginia. Thus ended the Revolutionary drama here. :xi -< > >- a: UJ 03 SOMERVILLE, FAST AND PRESENT. 77 CHAPTER VII. Revival OF Industries AFTER the RK\uLunoN. — Bkick-makii\(; in Somekville. — Celebrated Farms. — The Bleachekv. — The Middlesex Canal. — Completion OF Bridges TO Boston. — The First Railroad THRdUGH Somerville.— Establish- ment OF the McLean Asylum. — Robbery of Major Bray. — The Ursuline Convent and its Destruction. — Town Improvements. — Establishment of Schools.— Beginning OK A Fire Department. — Separation of Somerville from Charlestown. The Revolution over, industries and public improvements absorbed the energies which for eight years had known little else than war, and from this time^until its separation from Charlestown, Somerville's material progress was continuous, though perhaps slow. Many were the industries of her people during this period. Among the most notable w^ere brick-making, farming and milk-raising. The brick-making business " held high carnival " here for years before and since the town was set off. The time, conditions and location, near a great city just beginning to change from wooden to brick constructions, were more than favorable. The town abounded not only with a superior quality of clay, but the best of sand, wiiich were generally near one another. Wood had to be brought by team or canal. These clays bordered and underlay the marshes and scattered generously around the town, from the present Wyatt Park to the northerly slope of Winter Hill. The burning kilns, for years, smoked the days and illumined the nights. In one way or another a majority, perhaps, of the townspeople were interested in this prosperous business. I'he sand industry was also great, and its excavations covered a considerable territory, which before was at a much higher elevation than now. Farming, and milk and stock raising were carried on extensively. The old road from Charlestown Neck through Cnion Square, Bow Street and Somerville Avenue into Elm Street, from the dairy farms bordering it, was called, until recently " Milk Row." Ten Hills, while Derby and Jaques were its proprietors, was noted as a stock farm. The best breed of horses, cattle and sheep, some being choice importations, gave it a world-wide repu- tation. Colonel Jaques was not only a horseman and huntsman, and a lover and raiser of fine stock, but the raising of choice poultry was among his pursuits. Some of the finest varieties in the country were imported by him. Another estate in the town was also noted : the farm of Joseph Bar- rell, afterward the site of the McLean Asylum. Barrell was a man of leisure and fine tastes. He made horticulture a study, and his gardens contained the choicest varieties of fruits and fiowers. js soMKRiiLi.i:. /'.IS/- .ix/) /'/,'A's/:xy\ While many of the iinportanl induslries which were started here in the early days of the century are now almost forijotten, one still llourishes after a life of seventy-five years : the bleachery on Somerville Avenue, incor- porated in 1S21 as the Charlestown lileachery. It has chan.t^ed proprietor- ship and name several times since then, being known as the Milk Row Bleachery, the Somerville Dyeing and Bleaching Company, and the Mid- dlesex Bleachery and Dye Works. Its latest owners were Messrs. K. M. (".ilmore and John Haigh. the latter recently deceased. Ihe bleachery l)eople form almost a community of their own, and the narrative of their three quarters of a centur\, if written, would be very entertaining. One other calling has had a long existence: stone quarrying. It began nearly or quite two hundred and fifty years ago. and still fiourishes. Among other establishments in Somerville before its incorporation, were a pottery, grist mill, distillery, rope walks and spike works. Several public enterprises were inaugurated while the city was a part of Charlestown. The Middlesex Canal, incorporated in 1792, was com- pleted in 1S03. under the superintendence of that famous engineer, Loammi lialdwin. It extended from Charlestown to Chelmsford. Ip to 1819 there had been one hundred assessments on its stockholders, and the enterprise had yielded little if any return to its proprietors, and had cost s 1.164, 200. With its locks, bridges and creeping boats, it must have added much to the picturesqueness of the landscape. Like the stage coaches and baggage wagons of primitive days, it sulkily retreated on the approach of the rail- road, and became with them an antique curiosity. Its ruins are still dis- cernible in a few places within the city. An old stone which stood in Harvard Square until recently, bore the words "To Boston S miles." It was set there before Charlestown or Cam- bridge had any bridge connection with the metropolis, and indicated the distance to it by carriage. From Prospect Hill it \vas nearly ten miles to Boston by highway. Great was the rejoicing therefore when, in 17X6, the bridge from Charlestown, and in 1793, that from Cambridge to IJoston were completed, and the eight or ten weary miles became little more than two. In 17S7 the Maiden bridge was built, and in 1S09 the Craigie bridge from East Cambridge to Boston. About 1S03, Medford Turnpike, now Mystic Avenue, was laid out from Medford Centre to Charlestown Neck. Another early road was Middlesex Turnpike, now Beacon, and Hampshire Street, from North, now Massachu- setts Avenue, at North Cambridge, to Broadw^ay in lower Cambridgeport. Both of these great thoroughfares were the direct result of the new l>ridges. to which they were the feeders of country travel. But it was the coming of the railroad that awoke the new era. The ill effects of its advent on the canal and the coach have been mentioned, but it brought a great and general in- crease of business and prosperity. 'The first railroad through Somerville was the Lowell, opened in 1S35. Its building incurred much opposition from property owners along its route. In 1X36 the Charlestown Branch was incorporated, it being at first what its <^/ Franklin Henderson. ! M \. /'/ I LiNDLEY J. SrURTEVANT. SOMER\'ILLE, PAST AM) PRESIuXT. 8 1 name implies, a branch of the Lowell, running from a point a little north of the present Fitchburg, to the wharves in Charlestown, the headquarters of the ice traffic. It was shortly after extended to Fresh Pond, and, in 1S42, its franchise descended to a new company, the Fitchburg. The first pas- senger station in Somerville established on the Lowell road, was at its crossing with Washington Street; and the hrst on the Fitchburg, at its crossing with Kent Street, just in the rear of the present Franklin School lot ; both are now gone. The Lowell, and the Charlestown Branch, were the only railroads exist- ing in Somerville previous to its incorporation. In 1 816 the beautiful estate on Cobble Hill, or, as Barrell named it, " Pleasant Hill," was sold to the Massachusetts General Hospital, to be dedicated two years later as a retreat for the mentally afflicted, and such it has remained until recent days ; but it has now yielded its loveliness to traffic's iron rail and wheel. The asylum received its name from fohn McLean, its generous benefactor. Its first superintendent was Dr. Rufus Wyman, followed consecutively by Dr. Luther A'. I5ell, one of Somerville's martyrs in the Civil War, Dr. Chauncy Booth, Dr. John E. Tyler, Dr. George F. Jell}-, and last. Dr. Edward Cowles, its present superintendent. During the town's pre-incorporate period, two incidents of more than ordinary moment occurred : the robbery of Major Bray and the burning of the Ursuline Convent. The robbery of Major Bray took place on the night of August 13. 1S21, on Medford Turnpike, now Mystic Avenue, that reproach to city and county, and not far from Temple Street. Medford in those days held high place among the towns, as the residence of the Governor, that gallant old hero of Bunker Hill and other Revolutionary fields. Major John Brooks. His receptions were frequent, and his guests were gathered from Boston and surrounding towns. It was on one of these occasions that Major Bray, while returning to Boston, was waylaid by that recently imported artist of the highway, Mike Martin, alias "Captain Lightfoot," neither of which was his correct name. Martin had watched the Governor's house, and as the Major drove away, singled him out for his victim. Mounting his horse, Martin soon overtook Bray, who at the muzzles of Lightfoot's pistols de- livered up his watch and money. Mrs. Bray was in the carriage, but from her Martin, who was a chivalrous rogue, took nothing, gallantly remarking that he "never robbed ladies." He was captured not long after, tried and convicted, and was the first and last example under the law which made high- way robbery a capital crime. In his defense he strenuously asserted that the pistols which threatened Major Bray were empty and that Bray was un- necessarily alarmed. The LTrsuline Convent on Mount Pienedict was opened on July 17, 1826, under the auspices of the " Ursuline Community." Its purpose was " the education of female youth," "to adorn their minds with useful knowl- edge and to form their hearts to virtue." The school was divided into a junior and a senior department ; in the former were taught the "common s- .so.u/iA I //././■:. /'.IS J- .i.yj) j'j^/:.s/:\/: branches of education," in the latter ancient and modern languai;es. sciences, music and art, inchiding ornamental work and other accomplish- ments. Probablx no other institution in New England oflered such an ex- tensive range of studies. .\lthough professedly sectarian, it was liberally patronized by young ladies of all creeds, the majority being Protestants ; for it was claimed that '• the religious opinions of the children are not interfered with." The building was beautifully situated on heights commanding the landscape in all directions, and the grounds were ornamentally laid out with line gar- dens, foliage and Howers. No event occurred to disturb the " even tenor " of the school until 1S33, when the llight of one of its pupils, Miss Rebecca Reed, who had been converted from I'rotestantism, and the publication by her of a book, purporting to give an account of life there, and of alleged abuses, called public attention to the institution, and was largely instru- mental in creating a feeling of antagonism against it, especially in the minds of those who were prone to strong religious prejudices. ( )n the night of the 2Sth of July the next year (1S34), a second incident occurred which increased intensely this feeling. It was the escape of a nun. Sister ■' Mary John," as she was called. She is said to have been suf- fering at the time with a tit of " mental derangement." She was sought for by the bishop, but at first refused to return. The next day, however, hav- ing somewhat recovered, she evidently reconsidered her previous refusal, and was taken back to the convent. From this occurrence sprang \arious rumors in the press and on the streets, all of which were derogatory to the Irsuline Community, and tended to greatly increase the feeling against it. Threats of the destruction of the building were whispered around, and the excitement grew stronger and stronger as fresh rumors passed from mouth- to mouth, until with the fatal August 1 1, 1.S34, came the storm which laid all in ruins. .\ full warning had been given the '• Community " that the convent was to be destroyed on that day, and all indications pointed to the probable ex- ecution of the threat, yet only feeble efforts on the part of the town author- ities were taken to prevent it. In the early evening a mob of many hundred gathered outside the convent grounds, and after much noise and disturbance, the gates were forced, fences torn down, and the mob surged up to the building. When the lady superior saw the temper of the assail- ants, she is said to have endeavored to stay their work by threatening them with the retaliation from twenty thousand Irishmen. About this time two shots were fired by some one in the crowd, upon which the inmates abandoned the building and retired to the gardens. The doors were battered down, and the rioters, flushed with excitement, overran the Iniild- ing, which was soon in flames. The fire engines were called out. but it is nowhere recorded that the firemen made any effectual attempt to quench the fire. It was even thought by some, though never proven, that they were in sympathy with the mob. The inmates, who were all females, sought refuge in the house of Mr. Adams, which is still standing, on Broad- William A. Byam. < S0MER17LLE, PAST AM) J'RK.SE.VT. 85 way, near Sargent Avenue, and the rioters, having finished their work of desolation, retired. It was feared that more rioting would follow, but the precautions now taken by the authorities averted further danger. Thirteen of those known to have participated in the attack were ar- rested and tried, but owing to conflicting evidence, or for some other rea- son, only one was found guilty, and it was strongly, and probably with truth, asserted, that he, a youth only, was the least guilty of all. Religious feeling ran very high in those days, it would seem, and there are also rea- sons for believing that pure religious sentiments might have been found as easily elsewhere as in the hearts of the men who, m the darkness of night, could attack a defenseless community of women and children, most of the latter being of their own religious faith. But in condemning a deed, which, looked at calmly to-day, sixty-two years after its occurrence, seems to us extremely brutal and unchristian, it may perhaps be well to remember that in all ages, great political and religious excitement have led men to the perpetration of acts which, in their calmer moments, they would have con- demned, which leads us to exclaim, nearly in the words of Madam Roland, " Oh, religion ! how many crimes in thy name are committed " ; and these words are applicable to no one creed alone. Hut few town improvements were made in Somerville while part of Charlestown. Its highways were neglected and its school facilities meagre. I'rue, three important avenues were opened, viz. : Middlesex Turnpike, Medford Street and Medford Turnpike. But for these, being private enterprises, the town government deserved no credit. Five schools had been established, one grammar, and four primary, the buildings being one-story, cheap structures, and generally costing not over a thousand dol- lars, the land for which, in some cases, had been donated. In 1838 one fire engine had been generously given this section, the " Mystic, No. 6," it being the cast-oft" " Tub " of Company No. 6, of the penin- sula, which then became No. 7. A wooden structure was built for this on the site now occupied by the No. i Hose Company, at the corner of Wash- ington and Prospect Streets. The Mystic was a small machine, fed with buckets. Its company of thirty-five members included many, if not most of the prominent citizens of Somerville. Twenty years, and probably more, before our city was finally set off from Charlestown, the people of this section became dissatisfied with the way in which town affairs were conducted. Though contributing their full quota to the treasury, they felt that they received no equivalent return in public improvements. As the result, attempts were made at various times to divide Charlestown, by the inhabitants "outside the Neck," which pro- ject was strenuously opposed by the denizens of the peninsula, or, when favored by the latter, as on one occasion it was, objectionable conditions were imposed, which defeated the project. But at last the "outsiders" succeeded in obtaining the act of separation, approved by the Governor, March 3, 1842. The act was hailed with delight, and duly celebrated with a supper at which were representative guests from surrounding towns, and with dancing and a salute of cannon. 86 SOMl:R\'ll.Ll'- r.lST AXn rKl-.SIXT. CHAITKR Vlll. Frdm Sktakai iox 111 THK Rei'.ei.i.ion. Town BKC.iNMNt.s.— KxiHNsKs OK Kakly Town (Ioveknmkn i. — HniiiwAYS Described. — Growth ok the Tow n. — Survey ok the Town. — Railroaos and their Exten- sion.— Horse RaHROADS Ol'ENEI). — iNDl'STRU-.S OK EARI.Y SO.MERVH-I.E. — IM RE Department and rrs Crowth. — Organization okthe Somervh.le Light Inkantrv. — Schools and their DEVEi.orMENT. — C'iurches. Town Bkc.inxinc.s. On March 5, two days after the approval by the Governor of the act of setting otY, the inhabitants were notified to meet "at the Prospect Hill School House " on Medford Street, on the fourteenth day of March, for the choice of town officers, at which meeting the following were elected : Select- men, Nathan Tufts. John S. Kdgerly, Caleb W. Leland. Luther Mitchell and Francis liowman. Town Clerk, Charles K. Oilman. Treasurer and Collector, Kdmund Tufts, i'he salaries paid during the first few years were many removes from munificent, and compared with the figures of the present day, seem extremely diminutive. Sai.akiks I'OK 1S42. Paid John C. Magoun for assessing taxes . . . S 15.00 " Charles K. (lilman as Town Clerk. . . . 90-00 " Edmund Tufts as Treasurer and Collector . . 130.00 " Oliver Tufts for assessing taxes I ;.oo Total salaries paid 5250.00 The salaries of the same officials for 1843 were 5270. The whole ex- pense of carrying on the Town (Government from March 3, 1842, to March 3, 1843. w'as as follows : — Cash paid P.enjamin Hadley's note .... 5 600.00 " " Interest on note 16.00 " Highways 2,076.57 " Schools 1.2S7.96 " " Military P.ounty 45-oo " " Fire Department --50 " " Miscellaneous '54-<3 •• Salaries and Fees 300.00 '• Abatement of taxes ^l^-ll " " Taxes due 486.58 " Cash on hand. 511.81 S5,(.52.o8 Edwin A. Sanborn, M. D. Frank A. Ware. SOMERllLLE, PAST AXD PRESENT. ^9 The receipts of the town the first year were : — From Taxes #5^007.08 " Benj. Hadley's note ^'°o-°° " The State Military l^ounty 45 -oo "otal . . • ^5 ,(');2.oS The town grew rapidly and the public expenses kept pace. I'.y 1S53. the cost of schools had increased to 59,150.51: highways to >3^^)S3-^7- fire department to $i47-39^ and salaries to .5708.50: while 51,112.67 was spent for relief of the poor, the total expense for the year bemg 524,356.37, or four times the amount spent in 1.S42. In 1S60, the year previous to the war, the town's expenses had mcreased to $3,S,o52.87, the schools costing 5i7-505-9i, highways 56,989.39, fire de- partment $1,821.41, salaries 5 1.453 45, and the poor 5 1.660.81. Tlie salaries this latter year were as follows: Town Clerk, 5300.00: three Assessors, 5400.00: Collector, .5453-45 : Treasurer, 5300.00. Highways. Somerville began her town career with a meagre equipment : a pound, a valueless fire engine, a few cheap schoolhouses, and some poor roads, completing the list of her possessions. Broadway and Washington Street were her oldest and principal high- ways. Milk Street (Somerville Avenue), from North Cambridge to Elm Street was new ; from there to Bow Street it was part of the ancient "Charlestown Lane," thence to Union Square recent, and new from the Square to Medford Street, the different sections being laid out at various times. In earlier times. Bow and Elm Streets were also parts of " Charlestown Lane " Prospect, Beacon and Main Streets, and Mystic Avenue, were all in existence in 1842. Franklin and Cross Streets were open, but the remaming Rancxeways were narrow, and probably steep or otherwise impassable, or entirdy closed. Sycamore and Temple Streets were private lanes. The former ran from Barberry Lane to the old Lee Headquarters, the latter from Broadway to Colonel laques' mansion. Newton Street, from Prospect, southerly, was the narrow and antique Brick Yard Lane, runnmg, as its name says, to brickyards. A part of it, however, was one of the pre-revolu- tionary ways from Charlestown to Cambridge. Medford Street was also open from Ikoadway to East Cambridge. Barberry Lane was the '• Middle Way " of a century ago. It was one rod and a half wide, and began at Cross Street opposite the Lniversalist Church; thence it ran to Fosdick Square which was where Medford Street and Highland Avenue now join, and thence to School Street, where the first section of it ended. The Lowell Railroad cut this lane in two. Avon Place from Cross Street to the railroad was a part of it, and Chester Avenue another part : the re- mainder of it was widened to forty feet, and became " Church Street, part of the Highland Avenue of to-day. The second section of Barberry Lane cjo soMJiRi'JU./:, j:ist .lvd /'A'a.v/aw. began at miidoI Street about ten rods north of the first, and ran north- westerly to Central Street, where it ended ; it was lonji^ since abandoned. The growth of the town between 1S42 and \>^(>\ claimed the constantly increasing attention of the Selectmen to the improvement of the old, and the building of new streets. Ihe Department of Highways during this pe- riod was carefully and economically managed ; streets were graded and macadamized, sidewalks built, gutters paved, street signs put up. etc. The fact that our soil was chiefly clay or clayey gravel, and our ledges mostly slate, both unsuitable material for heavy travel, rendered the task of good road making very difficult, so that notwithstanding their best efforts, our most traveled streets were at times beds of dust, or sloughs of mud. With a view to remedying this, a gravel bank was early purchased at Winchester, and gravel for our roads was brought over the railroad. In 1S51, a careful survey of the town was made, and in 1S52 a map published by Martin Draper, Jr., who at that time was principal of the Prospect Hill (Irammar School. In 1S39, the town voted to have a complete survey of its highways, which was begun shortly after, and finished in iSf)i. The survey embraced all the roadways then opened, public or private, and many prospective ones, it was carefully done, and granite posts were set to define and preserve the street lines. When the town was incorporated, it consisted chieriy of farms, brick- yards and marshes. Some lands in Kast Somerville had been lotted and put on the market, but little if any elsewhere. Soon, however, there was great activity in real estate, so that by 1S55, land valued in 1842 at only fifty or one hundred dollars an acre, had advanced to two or three thousand dollars per acre, and some to ten thousand ; and nourishing settlements began, not only in East Somerville. but near Inion Square and on Pros- pect, Spring and Winter Hills, each a little village of itself. In 1.S42 the population was 1.013. i" '^50, 3,524, and in 1S60, 8,025 • ^'i^' valuation also increased from <(;8S.5i3 in 1S42. to $2,102,631 in 1S50, and to ?6. 033, 033 in i860. In its first year the town taxes were 55,007.08, in 1850. .Si6,956.22.in 1855. 527,701.46, and in i860, 529,316.11 ; the tax rate per thousand being in 1842, ?4.29; 1845, $3.60; 1850, ^5.65 : 1855, 56.40; i860, $5.70. The prosperity of the town is perhaps indicated by the fact that while in 1842 only two persons, Henry Hill and Charles Tufts, paid over one hundred dollars in taxes, in 1850, fifteen residents and seven non-residents paid taxes ranging from one hundred and one dollars to three hundred and thirty-nine dollars; and in i860, thirty-seven residents and thirteen non-residents paid taxes ranging from one huiulred and three dollars to five hundred and seven dollars each. K.Ml.RD.ADS. The l-'itcliburg Railroad, the successor to the ( harlestowii I'.ranch ((jf the Lowell), incorporated in 1842, was opened to U'altiiam in 1843, and to Shephard S. Woodcock. Frank A. Teele. SOMERl'lLLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 93 Fitchburg in 1845 ; its crooked route through Somerville was meanwhile straightened, and a few years after, it was extended to Boston, its terminus previously having been Charlestown. Until 1.857 it crossed the I>owell at grade, but it was then lowered and the Lowell raised and bridged o\er it. In 1.S51 the Vermont Centra! was hnished. v.hich ga\-e continuous rail- road connection between IJoston and Canada. The rejoicing over this event lasted several days. One feature of the celebration was a steam calliope, whose musical scream some of our older citizens probabl\' remember. The year 1S45 saw the extension of the Boston and Maine through Somerville to boston. 'I'his road was chartered in 1S33 as the Andover and Wilmington, and was then a branch of the Lowell. The Grand Junction Railroad was projected in 1^49, and was built from the Eastern and boston and Maine to the Fitchburg. It was opened in I S5 I, and later was extended across Cambridge and the Charles River to the Albany Railroad. After considerable litigation it passed, in 1S69, into the control of the Albany, by reason of whose connection with the western railroads, the Grand Junction became the great feeder for European tratfic. At this time there were no regular lines of steamers between Boston and foreign ports. They were soon established, however, and proved so successful that the number which cleared during the year 1S80 was over three hundred, and Boston's exports increased proportionally. The Eastern Railroad, which previously ran from Salem to deejD water at East Boston, was extended through this town to Boston proper in 1854. The Harvard Branch was another railroad built here before the war. It started from the Fitchburg near the Bleachery and ran to Harvard Square, the depot being near the junction of Kirkland Street and North Avenue. It was incorporated in 1848, but had a short life, having ceased running in 1851. Its entire equipment was a single passenger car, in one end of which was the locomotive, whose smoke-pipe, covered with a screen, peeped out above the roof, from which circumstance it was christened the " pepper-box," which it somewhat resembled. These were all the railroads built in Somerville before the war ; others will be mentioned in a later chapter. Previous to 1858 steam cars and omnibuses or " hourlies "were the only conveyances to Boston, but neither full}- accommodated the public. This year two lines of horse railroads were opened into the town, one over Broadway to Winter Hill, the other up Washington Street to I'nion Square, and thence through Somerville Avenue (then Milk Street) and Elm Street to West Somerville. They were built along the sides of the streets, near the gutters, and were laid with sleepers and T-rail, like those of a steam road. Indusiries. In 1842 the inhabitants of the town were chiefly employed in brick- making, farming and milk raising; but "New times demand new manners and new men"; so after the "separation" advertisements were inserted in the Boston papers, calling the attention of mechanics and others to the in- '-4 Si)Mi:R\JLLE, PAST AXJ) I'RLSEXT. fam town. In 1.^45 it had added tinware, pumps, paint manufacturing and ciii^ar makinj^:, and perhaps other trades, and in 1S55, besides the foregoing, we find a long list of new industries, among the principal of which are rolling and spike mills, steam engines and boilers, brass tube works, glass works, vinegar works, steam planing mills, harness and trunk factory, curry- ing, a bakery and ujiholstcry hair factor\ . This increase of trades and manufactures was probably due largely to. the railroad facilities of the town. A comparison of the products of a few of the principal industries of 1S45 with those of 1855 show some of the changes wrought in a decade. Bricks made in 1S45, 27,500,000; in 1S35, 17,000,000; decrease, 10,300,000. Potatoes raised in 1843,5,700 bushels; in 1833, 1,400 bushels; decrease, 4.300 bushels. Hay in 1843, 980 tons; in 1853, 630 tons; decrease. 330 tons. \'alue of horses, cattle, etc., in 1843, S2o,ooo; in 1833, ,s42,ooo. Cordage manufactured in 1843, 14 tons: in 1833, 34 tons. Cloth bleached or dved in 1843,4.300,000 \ards : in 1833,21,600,000 yards. It will thus be seen that in this decade began the decline of brickniaking and farming, while manufacturing and kindred industries increased. I'he Middlesex Bleachery and Dye Works employed in 1843 thirl\-seven persons, and in 1833, eight\-. JJrickmaking in 1843 gave employment to about three hundred and fifty men in the various yards, but in 1853 there were only two hundred and twenty engaged in it. The Cnion Glass Works were established about 1834, with a capital of 560,000. the i)rojectors being Amory and Francis Houghton. In 1833 the value of glass ware made was . Her schools, the pride of Somerville, had humble beginnings. Five little houses, grudgingly built by the Charlestown authorities before the sep- aration, were her entire educational establishment. They were as follows : '• Pound Primary," on liroadway, corner of Franklin Street. " Winter Hill Primary," west side of Central Street, near Broadway. " Milk Row i'rimary," on Somerville Avenue adjoining the cemetery. " Prospect Hill Primary," on Medford Street, in what is now Central Square. "Prospect Hill Grammar," adjoining the primary, in Central Sciuare. .\nother school was kept for a part of the year 1S42, known as the " Primary School in the Russell District," though there was then no school- house in that part of the town. The teachers of these schools, and their salaries for the term commenc- ing .May I, 1S42, and ending February 1. 1.S43, were as follows, viz. : — Pound Primary, Mary K. ]]rown ..... 5i57-5o Winter Hill Primary, Lucy I). Smith .... 1575° Milk Row i'rimary, Sarah M. liurnham .... i57-5o Prospect Hill Triinary, i'.liza !'. Whitrcdge . . . i57-5o Russell District Primary (C) mos.), Clara D. Whittemore 72.00 Prospect Hill (Grammar, Wm. F. Craves .... 450.00 Total amount jxaid teachers the first year of the town . 51,152.00 All other school e.xpenses were .< 135.96, making the total cost of schools. including salaries, for this first year, 5i,287.-five, and the number of children returned as of school age was three hundred and two. The first published report of the School Committee was that of April, 1S44, covering the year of TS43-1S44, and was made by Luther \\ Bell, its chairman. This report, in speaking of the two new schoolhouses built the previous year, says, " The edifices are planned externally with much taste, and the internal arrangements made in the most approved mode." They are spoken of as " little temples of learning.'" The committee also suggest to the parents that '' posterity would thank them should they, the present spring, set out as many trees as are needed, in the squares which have been reserved about the schoolhouses," adding that, "The spirit of the age and of the Commonwealth requires that this should be done," which spirit has since materialized in our annual Arbor Day. Durmg the year 1S46-1S47 two more school edihces were erected and named, one the " Prescott " grammar and primary, on the corner of Broadway and Franklin Streets, the other the " Franklin '" grammar and primary, on Milk Row (now Somerville Avenue) at corner of Kent Street. Thus by the beginning of the year 1S47 the five schools had increased to nine, three grammar and six primary. In 1 S4,S the commodious Prospect Hill grammar and primary school was built. It accommodated two hundred and sixty-four pupils, and was opened on December 25. The name of the old " Prospect Hill" was now changed to " Medford Street School.'" On September 1, 1848, a new school was commenced on Beacon Street, south of Washington Street near the Cambridge line, and called , the " Harvard Primary."' Its house was the old school building removed from the Prescott district, and perhaps the one built there in 1S43 as before mentioned. The School Committee, in their report of March, 1849, speak with pride of the increase in school facilities, and say that "the liberality of the town in providing for its schools has placed it first on the list in the county, and only third in the Commonwealth."' The following is a list of the books used in the grammar schools in 1 849 : — WelFs Grammar, Russell's Sequel to Primary Reader, Russell's Intro- duction, American First Class Book, Instructive Reader, Worcester's Dic- tionary, Swan's Spelling l]ook, Mitchell's Geographies, Fmerson's Arith- metic, Parker's Philosophy, Worcester's History, Wreath of School Songs. In 1850 the " Spring Hill Primary " was erected on Elm Place, and the " Cherry Street Primary " School on the west side of the street, near Elm, I02 so.u/:a'I7/././:\ r.isr .^xn /'A'/:s/:.vr. in 1S51. liut the event which marked an era in the school history (jf the town was the foimdin/c/:.s7:.v/\ The Selectmen were then : liLnjaniin Kaiulall. ( aptain 1 Icnry A. Snow. Captain I'honias Cunningham. .\ll)ert Keimeson and Charles H. Cuild. They entered with alacrity vipon the duties which war had so suddenly placed upon them, and under the instructions of the Town at its April meeting, they at once urge forward the necessary enlistments, and took measures to secure comfort for the soldier in the held and for his family at home. In the performance of these duties, the visits of Captain C uniiing- ham. Captain .Snow and Mr. Cuild to Washington and the camps were frequent. C.'M.i.s I'oR Troops. At the first alarm, Captain I'.rastow had called together the Somerville Light Infantry; this was on April 17, and on the 19th the Company With its valiant Captain were in camp, and a few days later, on their way to the front, serving more than the term for which they enlisted. On May 25. 1.S62, the National Capital being again threatened. (Gov- ernor Andrew called out the State Militia, who assembled on lioston Com- mon in readiness for an expected summons from the President. The Somer- ville Company, under Captain W. E. Robinson, answered, but their services were not then required, and they returned home. On the 2.'^th of June, President Lincoln made his famous call for " three hundred thousand more," under which the quota of Somerville was ninety- two. The Selectmen began immediately to raise a full company which was to be known as the " Somerville (iuard." From this time on recruiting became more difficult. A town meeting was held July i<^ and a "committee of sixty" citizens appointed to co- operate with the Selectmen in all matters of enlistment to fill the cjuota. Mass meetings, with patriotic addresses and martial music, were again held to promote volunteering, and in August a bounty of one hundred dollars to every recruit was offered, which was increased to one hundred and twenty-five dollars by private subscription. The Company's camp was on Prospect Hill, where it remained for several weeks. Ultimately it w^as attached to the yAh regiment, as Com- pany '* E," and under command of Captain Fred R. Kinsley it proceeded to the front, where it ''proved an honor to the Town and the State." Very soon came another requisition for troops, a second "three hun- dred thousand more," and the old 5th again responded. The Somerville Light Infantry, which at its first enlistment was Com- pany " 1," now became Company " H," of the same regiment. Lpon the departure of the '' Somerville (}uard," its camp on Prospect Hill was occupied by this company, now commanded by Captain Benjamin F. Parker. Here it remained until September 6, when it joined the regiment at Washington. On October 22, it left for Xewbern, North Caro- lina. Meanwhile the Town had raised its bounty for volunteers to two hun- dred dollars. George F. Sturtevant. Alexander a. Sanborn. SOMERl'ILLK. PAST AND PRESENT. IO9 X'nder these two "three hundred thousand more" calls, Somerville furnished about live hundred and sixty-eight men. at a net cost for bounties and all other expenses of thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-four dollars, beside which, up to June i. 1863, the town had expended in aid to two hundred and fifty families, the sum of thirteen thousand and sixty dollars. At the beginning of the year 1S63, there were from Somerville, two full companies in the field, beside about three hundred other ofiicers and men. in various regiments from Massachusetts, and other loyal states. In June, 1863, the Somerville Light Infantry, whose term of nine months had expired, returned to Somerville, and was heartily welcomed home by the citizens, the company having lost but one man, Samuel G. Tompkins. In July, 1863, a demand on Somerville was made for one hundred and eighty-six men, and a draft ordered. Of this number one hundred and eighty- three responded promptly, without waiting to be drafted. The third call for three hundred thousand came in October, with a requisition on Somerville for ninety-two, the same number as in the first call, which were required by January 5. 1864. Bounties were now offered by the State. \'olunteering being exceed- ingly slow, war meetings were held, and the enrolled men (those liable to military duty) of the Town were called together, which resulted in a liberal financial response, and enabled the " War Committee " to follow the lead of other towns and obtain recruits from wherever they could be procured ; by February i, the limit having been extended, the town's quota was filled. Another call for two hundred thousand came, and to it Somerville again promptly responded. In luly, 1864, an assessment of 530,000 was levied upon the citizens, the share charged enrolled men being greater in proportion than to others. Under this measure the town ultimately received and disbursed $15,609. Between October 17, 1864, and March i, 1865, five hundred and nine men were asked for from Somerville, and six hundred and twenty furnished, which left one hundred and eleven men to be credited the town upon any future call. SOMKRVILLE TroOPS. ■j'he following is a summar\- of the Somerville companies during the war, giving their terms of service and names of ofiicers : — Company 1, 5th Regiment. April 19 to July 31, 1861. Captain, George O. Brastow. ist Lt., William K. Robmson. 2d Lt., Frederick R. Kinsley. Company I], 5th Regiment. May, 1862. I nder command of Captain William E. Robinson. Ordered out by Governor Andrew, but not being needed, returned home. Company F, 39th Regiment. August 12, i8(.2, to June 2, 1865. Captain, Frederick R. Kinsley, ist Lt., Joseph J. Giles. 2dLt., Willard C. Kinsley (promoted to Captain). And the following by promotion — viz. : Captain Melville C. Parkhurst. ist Lt., John H. Dusseault. 2d Lt., Edwin Mills. 2d Lt., George A. IJodge. iio scK]/A'A'i7/J./:. I'.isj- ,ix/> /'y,'/:.s7:.v/: Coinpany 11. 5th Ke^nnicnt. .Septeinher uj. i'^''>2. to July 2. i.s<"i3. Cap- tain, Henjamin F. Tarkcr. i st Lt., Walter C llailey. jcl l.t.. John Har- rintiton. Company 15, 5th Regiment. July 25. 1S64. to Nov. \<>, 1S64. Captain, lohn \. Coffin. 1st Lt., Charles T. Robinson. 2d Lt., Cranville \\'. Daniels. I'he service of these various companies at the front calls for special mention. Company I. Fiith Rkcimkni. -'J'iirkk .Monkms. The Somerville Light Infantry, Company I, under command of Cap- tain Ikastow, left lioston for Washington on Sunday, April 21, 1S61, and arriving there, was quartered with the Regiment in the Treasury Ikiilding ; after which it was ordered to .Mexandria, to join the command of General Mansfield. On June 14. it was reviewed by President Lincoln and Cabinet, and on July 16, ordered forward to Centreville. On the 21st it had its first experience in battle at the memorable action of Bull Run, in which engage- ment the Somerville Light Lifantry faithfully sustained its part and the honor of the Town. This battle was fought after the Regiment's time of service had expired. Somerville lost one man in the action, Edward L. Hannaford, and an- other, William F. Moore, died at Washington of disease. CoMTA-W 1^., I'lriir Rkoimkni'. — Nine Moxihs. As before stated, the i' ifth Regiment, in its nine months' campaign, left Boston on October 22, 1862, and, after a five days" voyage, arrived at New Berne, X. C, on the 27th. Here it was attached to the brigade commanded by Colonel Horace C Lee of the Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Regiment, the department being under command of Major-General Foster. Fven before its muskets had arrived, the Regiment received orders to be in readiness for an expedition, and on ( )ctober 30 embarked for Wash- ington, X. C, whence, with other forces, it marched for Williamston. .\fter some skirmishing, nothing else important transpiring, it returned to camp, Xovember 13, having marched one hundred and sixty miles. In I )ecember it took part in the expedition to Goldsboro, forming the left of the column. The object of the movement was the destruction of the Weldon Railroad. On the 14th it was attacked by the enemy, whom it repulsed and drove in great disorder towards Kinston. On the 16th occurred the battle of Whitehall, near which place the army had bivouacked, in which the Union forces were again victorious. ( )n the 17th the column was again in motion, and reached the railroad about noon. The railroad bridge over the Xeuse River was soon destroyed, and wires cut. which work was accom- plished under fire of the enemy. The destruction completed, the troops returned, the Fifth Regiment acting as rear guard " supporting battery," and encountering and repulsing repeated attacks of the Confederates, and reaching camp on December 31. After various marches and reconnoissances. on Mav 22, the Cnion for- ■^ n a: > C/) > ■z CD o ■z > ri \ < a o o c O SOMERl'/LLi:, PAST AND PRESENT. II3 ces appeared before the strong works of the rebels at Moseley Creek previ- ously reconnoitred by the Regiment, and which by a simultaneous attack in front and rear were soon captured, with two hundred prisoners and five hundred stand of arms, together with horses, wagons and ammunition. The remaining service was principally picket and similar duty. The Regiment was highly complimented by (reneral Foster for its faithful ser- vice. It returned to Boston lune 26. and was mustered out at Wenham on July 2. Company B, Fiith Reciiment. — One Hundred Days. ( )n July 25, 1.S64, the Fifth was for the third time mustered into the ser- vice, and on the 2Sth, under Colonel George H. I'eirson. again left for the held. Arriving at Baltimore, they went into camp at Manikin's Wood. Their service lasted one hundred days, the term of their enlistment, during which lime they did garrison duty at Forts McHenry and Marshall in Bal- timore, and guard duty at the " Lazarette Magazine," and in charge of prisoners. They arrived home November 7, 1S65, and were mustered out November 16. Company F, Thfrty-Xinih Regiment. — Three Years. 'J'he " Somerville Guard," under command of Captain Frederick R. Kinsle\ , Company F, Thirty-ninth Regiment, which was mustered into ser. vice August 12, 1S62, tirst went into camp at Lynnfield, and then at Boxford, Massachusetts. From the latter place, on September 6, it left for Washing- ton, arriving on the Nth. ( )n the 9th. the Regiment was ordered to " Camp Chase," across Long Bridge. From this time until the next July, it formed part of the force guarding the line of the Potomac, and the City of Wash- ington and other important points in that department. ( )n the 9th of July, 1863, it was ordered to Harper's Ferry, and, on arriving, marched at once to Maryland Heights. ( )n the 13th, it joined the Army of the Potomac, forming a part of the Second Division, First Army Corps. From this time the Regiment was under constant marching orders, guarding positions, sup- porting cavalry and kindred service, until November 27. when it confronted the eneni}' at Mine Run. ( )n the 28th, Companies E and C were deployed as skirmishers, cover- ing the front of the brigade during the engagement. There they remained in line of battle until December i, when the Union Army retreated. No movement of importance occurred after this until May, 1864, at which time the Regiment took part in the campaign of the Wilderness, where on the 5th, 6th and 8th, it had engagements at Brock's Pike and Laurel Hill, driv- ing in the enemy's cavalry and battery, but. finally meeting with superior numbers posted behind breastworks, the Regiment was forced to fall back. On the loth, it was again in the front under heavy infantry and artillery fire, and here Lieutenant Edwin Mills of the Somerville Company was among the wounded. The Regiment soon after marched to Spottsylvania. and on the 26th, to 114 soMi:R\'ii.i.i:. r.isT .\\n i'ri:si:xt. . Ik'thescla (hurcli, wht-re, as skirmishers, it renuiiiied almost conlinuall}- cn- gaijed until June 5. On that night it quietly withdrew. After various marches it arrived at Petersburg on July iC). remaining exposed much of the time to the tire of artillery and sharpshooters in its vicinity, until .August 1 S. when it joined the expedition against the Weldon Railroad, and immediately en- gaged the enemy, the action being continued on the ii;lh. in this battle, Colonel Peirson was dangerously wounded. Captain Fred. R. Kinsley taken prisoner, and Lieutenant J. H. I )usseault wounded, both the latter of Com- pany " E " (Somerville). The loss of the Regiment in these two days was eleven killed, thirty-two wounded and two huntlred and forty-five missing. After many vicissitudes, skirmishes and arduous niarche.s. the Regiment, on December 7, found it- self again near the \\'eldon Railroad as skirmishers and in action with the enemy, after which, and destroying the railroad by burning its ties and bending its rails, the Regiment was ordered to cover the rear of the army (iK)w falling back), which was greatly annoyed by the enemy's cavalry. The casualties of the Regiment during 1X^)4 were thirty-five killed, one hundred and ninetj'-one woiuided, and two iuuulred and eighty-nine missing and prisoners. On February 6, 1865, the Regiment held the right of the line in the ad- vance at Dabney's Mills, where the enemy's works, though finally taken, had to be abandoned by the captors for want of support. The assault was re- newed on the 7th, but was again unsuccessful. On the 10th the Regiment broke camp and went into winter quarters near Hatcher's Run. In .March the spring campaign opened, and on the 31st a move was made to Gravelly Run, where the enemy in strong force opened the attack, pushing back the 39th, which had been hurriedly dej^loyed as skirmishers, and which left many dead and wounded on the field. Later, upon the arrival of reinforcements, the lost ground was regained. In this action Lieutenant- Colonel Tremlett was mortally wounded, and Somerville lost her heroic son. Captain Willard C. Kinsley, who was wounded, and died the next morning. Speaking of him, the official account of the battle says, '• 'J'he Regiment lost one of its most popular and loved officers, as well as one of its best soldiers." On the next day, April i, the Corps united with Sheridan's Cavalry at Five Forks, the Regiment taking part in the charge and victory of that day. It occupied a position near the center of the line, and the report says, "This battle of Five Forks was the inost successful one that the Regiment was ever engaged in. Almost the entire force opposed to us was captured, and their rout was complete." By the 9th of April, the 39th was at Appomattox Court House, where soon after its arrival " all hostilities suddenly ceased, and later in the day, the entire army opposed to us surrendered." On May 1, the Regiment began its march to Washington. It was now under the command of Major F'. R. Kinsley, the former Captain of Com- pany K (Somerville Guard), who, from the previous August until recently. A. B. GOOKlN. -Q^. 'V Frederick M. Stodder. S0MERJ7I.LE, PAST AND PRESENT. had been a prisoner in the hands of the Confederates. It arrived at Arling- ton Heights on May 12, and took part in the "Grand Review," at Washing- ton, on May 22. On June 2, it was mustered out of the L'nited States service, and arriving in Massachusetts went into camp at Readville, where soon after it was paid off, and returned home. NuMiiKR OF Men ix thk War. During the war. Somerville, according to Captain Cunningham, its recruiting agent, enlisted one thousand four hundred and eighty-live men, or one hundred and forty-seven more than were called for, of whom ninety- eight were killed or died in the service, and about two hundred and iifty were wounded, and many taken prisoners. Besides the regular organizations whose services, as Somerville com- panies, have been sketched, there were hundreds of others in the various regiments of this and other States, and in the regular army and the navy, under Butler, Banks, Grant, Farragut and other commanders. Their per- sonal services and suiferings in the war. though most worthy of record, cannot, in the space allowed, be here written. Thk Mar rvR Roll. Tlie following is the Roll of those who gave their lives for the Union. Killeil in Battle or Died of Jl'o/nitts. August Benz, Edward E. Brackett, William Berry, Martin pjradburn, William Connellon, Frank E. Doherty, Michael Driscoll, John 1 )ucey, Samuel ( ). Felker, Frederick A. Galletly. Eugene B. Hadley. Edward F. Hannaford. William M. Herbon, Nathaniel Hazeltine. Caleb Howard. Edmund H. Kendall. David Kendrick, Willard C. Kinsley. Edward P. Light, Edward McDonald, Patrick McCarty, William McDonald. H. McGlone, J. McGuire, Owen Mclntire, James McLaughlin. Corporal (?) Moran, James Millen. James Moran. N. Fletcher Nelson, Anton Otto, Jeremiah T. Paine, W^illiam D. Palmer, William IMant, Robert Powers, Fred. G. Pruden, William Reeves, William P. Ruggles, John H. Rafferty, John Van De Sande, C. C. Walden, John F. Waldon, William \\. Wardell, Nathan W. Wilson. George W. Ayres. Henry Ashton, Jonathan Atkinson, Luther V. Bell, William H. Bartlett William PJlackwell. Dit'it in Hospital, Camp, or Prison. Charles L. Carter, David Gorham, Edwin D. Cate, George H. Hatch, Michael Clifford, Patrick Hayes, John W. Coffee, Moses Hazeltine, Norman Davis, George Hiscock, Frederick A. Glines, fohn Holland. llS SOMERl/I.LE. IWST AXn rRESKXT. lohn K. Horton, Francis Mc(Juade. Sumner 1'. Rollins, Henry K. Howe, Charles M. Miller, Patrick Sheridan, Richard |. Hyde, William F. Moore, William K. Spurr, Charles (I. Jones, Henry Mc\ey, Alonzo W. Temple, F. !•■. Kenniston, Thomas Neville, Frank W. Thompson, I. W. Fangley, John OTJrien, Samuel (i. Tompkins, Alvin C;. Lovejoy, Francis J. Oliver, William H. Tilackwell, Washington Lovett. Charles H. Perry, John S. \an Clulf. Flias Manning, Albert W. Thillips. Isaac C. Whittemore, Louis Mathi, 'Timothy H. Titman, Joseph W. Whitmore, Edward McDonald, Leonard F. Purin«;ton, Charles Young. Missing. lames Catferty, John S. Roberts, Albert F. Mitchell. This list may not be complete, and is probably otherwise imperfect, as the records are meagre. In the years to come, when the sorrow^s of the widow and orphan are forgotten, Somerville will still recall with, perhaps, increasing pride, the services of her soldiers in the Cnion .Vrmy in the Civil War. Their memory deserves a more lasting tribute than tradition, and the city has well begun upon the work of their record, which, under the City Clerk, has already made some progress. It is a work in which every citizen should be interested, and to which all should give every possible aid as the object, when attained — the preservation of the story of the personal services of each Somerville soldier — must receive the hearty approval of all, whose friends took part in the great struggle. ClTAl'TRR X. 'Thf. Town i-kom iSOi ro 1872. Lmi'Rovkmknt ok 1Ii(;iiwav.s. — CiAS Intkodih kd. — Watkk Suiti.v. — Sewers. — (iREAT Improvements. — Ckntral Hill Park. — Horse Railroaus. — The Town- Farm. — Attempts TO Divide the Town. — Ciiv Chaktkr and Hall. — 1'iksi' City Klecpion. 1 1 K.IIWAVS. NoTwriHSTAxniNG the continuous and unusual demands of the four years' war, the regular business of the town was not neglected. Tublic im- provements and private enterprises were inaugurated, and liie industries of peace thrived as well as those of war. The poinilation increased during this period from 8,025 in 1 s6o, to '■).y:)2, in 1S65, and in 1.S70 it numbered 14,693. With this increase came calls for new roads and for improvement of the old ones, and considering the times, the\ were met with reasonable liberality. The work accomplished during this period was too extensive for more than general notice here. Streets were graded and macadamized, brick SOMERVILLE. PAST AX D PRESENT. 119 sidewalks built, edgestones set, gutters paved, road-bridges rebuilt, streets watered and lighted, and new ways laid out — fresh strands in the net\vorl< of thoroughfares. In fact, then began the transition from poor to fair or good roads. Among the principal improvements during these eleven years, were the building of College avenue, Holland street. Highland avenue to Davis square, Prescott and Putnam streets, the westerly part of Pearl street, the easterly portion of Summer street, and the widening and grading of Walnut and School streets, and of Willow avenue. In 1862 the long neglected work of lowering, widening and paving the Washington street roadway, under the Lowell railroad, was finished ; the bridge and tracks, at the same time, being raised. This low spot formerly connected by an underground drain with Miller's river; but in a storm which occurred on P^ebruary 22, 1.S60, this old drain was either too small or became choked, and the place filled with water, into which an unfortunate hack was driven, nearly drowning its occupants, and resulting, later, in heavy damages against the town and railroad. Some of the highway enterprises proposed during the later years of the town did not meet with the hearty co-operation of its officers. Among these were the three new avenues ordered by the county commissioners, and running from Medford into Somerville. College avenue, laid out in 1S60, and built in 1S61. and Boston and Middlesex avenues, ordered or de- cided on in I S7 1 . These measures were strenuously, though unsuccessfully, opposed by the selectmen. ( )f College avenue, they say that they believe •' that neither the town, nor the public, require the laying out of such a street, but that it was for private purposes and private speculation.'' Boston and Middlesex avenues each crossed Mystic river, and bridges were re- quired. Boston avenue commencing at West Medford, crossed the river at the site of the old Middlesex canal bridge, the old stone piers and abutment being used for the new bridge. The avenue ended at College avenue, but has more recently been extended to Broadway. Middlesex avenue was the extension of a highway from Stoneham and Maiden, across the Wellington farm in Medford, and over the Mystic river and Ten Hills farm to Mystic avenue in Somerville. This was first asked for in 1869. The selectmen voted to oppose this " road to Mystic avenue, or at any other point in Somerville, not feeling that benefits equal to the large expense to be incurred could ever be derived by the Town." An act empowering the county commissioners to lay out this highway was passed in 1869, and though decided on in 1871, was not built until two years later. These avenues, laid out a cjuarter of a century ago, have yet very few buildings or improvements, and so far have principally benefited neighbor- ing towns. The laying out of Mystic avenue (Medford turnpike) as a public way also encountered the opposition of the town, and every eftort possible was made to prevent it, including employment of counsel and appeal to the Robert Duddy. SOMERllLLE, PAST AXD FRESllXr. 121 legislature, as the avenue up to this time had been propert}- of the Medford Turnpike corporation, who wished to abandon it and throw the burden of its maintenance on the towns, which in iSA; they accomplished, since which time it has been a county highway. (;as. Under authority of acts of the legislature passed in iS53,gas was intro- duced into the town by the Charlestown Gas Company and b)- the Cam- bridge Gas Company, the dividing line between the territory within which each company could lay its pipes being the Lowell railroad. It was ten years later before street lighting became general. In 1X63 the town voted to pay the expense of lighting such street-lamps as the abutters should furnish at their own expense, lender this vote ninety-two lamp-posts and lamps were put up. This was the commencement of our system of street lighting. By 1S71 the number of lamps had increased to two hundred and thirty-four. Water Si'pi'Lv. The laying of the Charlestown water-main from Walnut Hill reservoir through the town opened the way for a water-supph- for Somerville which was authorized by legislative enactments in 1866 and in 1868, and negotia- tions with Charlestown entered into, which resulted in a contract with that city. I'his contract, though not entirely satisfactory in its terms, secured to Somerville its present supply. An experienced engineer, Mr. Roberdeau Buchanan, was engaged and a pipe system for the town planned, and before the close of the year some two miles or more of pipe were laid. 'I'he Charlestown act of 1861 gave authority for supplying water to hydrants in Somerville, and meanwhile many were set. In 1866 the first steam fire-engine was purchased replacing the old " Somerville One," which, like its predecessor, "Mystic Six," was stored for a while and then sold. Sewers. With the introduction of water came the demand for sewers. Before the war there were no public sewers in the town. There were one or two private drains in East Somerville, running across lots, and some others crudely built with brick invert and stone covering, in ( )ak and other private streets west of Prospect. The first public sewer was built in Marshall street in 1867, Messrs. Winning and (xordon being the contractors; the work cost about two thou- sand dollars. In 1868, sewers were laid in three different sections of the town ; over a mile in all. The first was the Linw^ood street, with laterals in Fitchburg and Poplar streets; its outlet was into Miller's river. The second ran from the southerly end of Bow^ street, across Union square to the creek in Web- ster avenue, and the third extended from Summer street, dow'n Harvard, Beech and Spring streets, across Somerville avenue and through Kent street 122 Si)Mi:R\JLLi:, r.lST .LVD /'A'JiSJiXr. t 12,000. In 1S70 and 1.S71 a large number of sewers were built. In 1870, 18,3X0 feet, costing 549.304 ; and in 1 87 1 . 11 .937 feet, costing 524,042. The principal were as follows: in Elm and Milk streets from Cherry to Prospect. In Medford street from the Fitchburg railroad to Grand junction railroad. In Mystic avenue from the Maine railroad northerly. In Perkins and Mount Pleasant streets and iiroadway. In Broadway from Marshall street and across the present park, to the creek beyond Mystic avenue. In Broadway from Broadwa\- park, to Cross street, and in Cross street to a culvert near Pearl. In Lincoln, Arlington and Franklin streets; in Putnam and Pres- cott streets; and in Summer and Pow streets from School to Walnut street. In Glen and Brooks streets. In Otis street, in \'inal avenue and in School street. The difficult problem in all the foregoing work was that of an out- let. Every sewer, up to this time, emptied into some ditch or water-course, and many then built still continue to do so. ()iHKK Town M.\rrKRs. The years 1870 and 1871 were l:)usy ones for the town government. Besides extensive sewer and highway constructions, many other prominent matters claimed consideration ; among the more important were the organ- ization of a police force, the purchase of the Central Hill park, the build- ing of the new engine-house thereon, and stables on the town farm, all in 1870. The consideration of the proposed Middlesex and Boston avenue bridges, ordered by the county over Mystic river, the erection of a new high school l)uilcling in 1871, the enforcement of the litjuor law, the defense of the town against claims, and damage suits. The ])reparation of the city charter, and the consequent legislation. The division of the proposed city into wards, and the arrangements necessary for the election of city officers. CkXIRAI. Hill, I'AkK. One of the most important of the foregoing was the purchase of the present Central Hill park land in 1870. This land formerly belonged to Jacob Sleeper of Boston. It cost the town about thirty-eight thousand dollars. It was what was known in 178S as one of the " Church lots," being then the property of the '• First Church of Charlestown." This purchase did not meet the entire apjiroval of the citizens, many thinking that Pros- »»* 1 #'^- ,^ iPt| John Andrews. ^ ^ /. George W. Ireland. SOMKRl'/LLIi, /'AST . LV/ > /'K/iSENT. I 25 pect hill, with its extensive views and hallowed memories, was a more appro- priate location for public grounds and buildings, and thit it could have been bought at a smaller price ; concerning it, the selectmen say : " This purchase definitely settled the question of a recognized center. This ques-,^ tion being no longer in dispute, plans for the future development of the town may be made with especial reference to this fact." This was the first of Somerville parks, and the only one before it became a city. Horse Railroads. In 1.S61 a survey was made for a proposed street railway from Union square through Somerville avenue to East Cambridge, and thence to Sud- bury street in Ijoston. The originator of this project was (xcneral William L. Burt, afterward postmaster of Boston. The work was finished in 1S64, and was the first railway in Somerville, Inult in the middle of the street. A location was granted for another road through Franklin and Pearl streets, but it was never built. The inconvenience of railroad tracks at the sides of the streets was soon recognized, and efforts made for their removal to the center, opposed and delayed of course by the companies ; but in 1S71 this change was made in Somerville avenue and Kim street, from Union square to Cherry street, at a cost to the town of about ,•>! 1,000 ; and by 1875 all others had been re- moved from side to center. T(jwN Farm. The present " town farm " was originally purchased for a cemetery, but being "swampy and wet" it was abandoned for that use. In 1863 it was put up at auction, but " the bids not coming up to the views of the board, it was not sold." The farm "from long neglect had become almost a barren waste," in 1864, at an expense of about eight hundred dollars, the brush and stone were removed from it and the land thoroughly tile-drained. In 1S71 a "stable" and "hay barn " "separated by a brick wall and fire-proof door " were built on the estate, with stalls for twenty horses, and also a "neat and convenient double tenement for the use of the men." A'i'TEMPTS TO Divide the Town. t In 1865 an attempt was made to annex a portion of West Somerville to Cambridge. The valuation of this tract was about one hundred thousand dollars. The matter came before the legislature, was successfully opposed by the selectmen, and the petitioners given leave to withdraw. The ground of complaint was the want of school accommodations, which the school committee also recognized, and which brought the suggestion from the selectmen, that "now it is for the town to decide whether they will give the required accommodations, and thereby prevent another petition of like nature from our townsmen." l!ut the petitions were not prevented; for in 1S68 two more were presented to the General Court, asking a division of the town, which were again defeated. i2n soMERiii.Li:. r.is]- .ixn I'Ri-.siixr. CiiN Char IKK anh 1 1 all. It was probalily about this time tliat the idea of a city charter was first entertained, a census, this year, being taken, showinj^ the population of the town to be 12.535. "'f 'nor^i than requisite for a city, and the number of houses. 1,933. In 1S71 the new iiigli schoolhouse was built, and soon after, the present city hall (the first high school) vacated. Anticipating this want, the select- men in their report say that "when the present building is vacated, we re- commend its removal to a more suitable location on the town land, near where it now stands ; and that its external architecture be modernized, by adding a few modest ornaments, so that the general appearance of this building shall moderately correspond with the buildings erected on this land,'' and further suggest that a "suitable lock up" be built in it. and offices for the selectmen and other ofiicials ; thereby " deferring for many years the necessity of building a town house or city hall." The moderniz- ing of its "external architecture," after a lapse of twenty-live years, is now being accomplished. FiRsr C'nv Ei.i-x riox. On April 14, 1S71. the act establishing the city of Somerville was ap- proved and accepted by the voters at a town meeting held for that purpose on April 27. ( )n December 4 the first city election occurred, resulting in the choice of (ieorge O. J>rastow as mayor, and of a board of aldermen and councilmen whose names are given in the history of the city government in this \olume. In this historical relation of the town, and further on of the city, mention of schools, churches and other institutions, and of the town and city de- partment are purposely curtailed or omitted, as they are treated of specially in succeeding chapters of this book. CHAriiOk Xl. SoMKR\Il.LI'; AS A C'l IV. * .Ai-i'KKCiATiON IN Value UK Kkai, Ksiaik. — (Ikf.ai Inckeasi; ok IIoisks. — Steam Railroads. — Extk.nsion ok Stkkkt Kam.wavs. — Wkst Knd Raiiavav. — Widen- ing OF SoMEKVII.LE AVENUEAND BkoADWAV. — TlIE UkoADWAV PaKK. TlIK Miller'.s Rivkr Xkisanck. — .Annexation to J]oston Discusskd. — I'akks and Boulevards. — ^Tkits Coi.i.e(;e. — Old Landmarks. I\ January, IS72, the new city government was duly installed and or- ganized. Their names are mentioned in the next chapter. The ofiicials placed in charge of the several departments were the following : — City Clerk. Charles E. Oilman: City Treasurer and C'oUector. Aaron .Sargent: City Solicitor. Selwin /. liowman : City Kngineer. Charles 1 ). f- u 00 'J fT- oa < ±: • ^ O < • 2 < -2 rt O T3 O QQ ■ Q SOMERl'ILLK, PAST AND PRESENT. 1 29 Elliot ; City Physician, \\illiam \\'. Dow ; Clerk of Council, Solomon Davis ; City Messenger. Jairus Mann: Chief of Police, Melville C. Parkhurst ; SuiDerintendent of Streets, Franklin Henderson; Chief of Fire Department, James R. Hopkins; Assessors, John C. Magoun, Sabin M. Smith, Thomas Cunningham ; Superintendent of Schools, Joshua H. Davis. RkAI. ESTAIE. The building of horse-railroads and introduction of water, sewers and gas gave a wonderful impetus to real estate transactions, which even the financial depression occurring a few years later failed to check. The erection of Masonic Block in L^nion square by Thomas Cunningham, Robert A. Vinal, C. S. Lincoln and Philip Eberle was the precursor of im- provements. In 1.S70 Pythian Block was built, followed soon by Warren Block, Odd Fellows Block, Hill Building, and the block adjacent on Somer- ville avenue, all of which were erected by Ira Hill, who was associated in some of these enterprises with Col. Elijah Walker, Maj. George R. Abbott and Charles E. Lyon. Mr. Hill alone, or with his associates, laid out and built over several tracts of land in the years from 1870 to 1S74. Among these were the Warren and Columbus avenue districts, the territory east of Walnut street between Boston street and Highland avenue, including the Grandview, Pleasant and Siunmit avenue estates, and large tracts in West Somerville on Holland and Elm streets, through which they laid out Wal- lace, Chandler, Winter and other streets. The energy of Mr. Hill in devel- oping real estate has seldom been surpassed in the town or city. Some sections of the city developed slowly and continuously, as East .Somerville, and Spring and Central Hills, which were among the first sec- tions lotted for the market, the latter two by the enterprise of George ( ). Brastow, who was the pioneer in the development of those sections, fifty years ago. Other parts of the city grew rapidly, as Union, Davis and Gil- man squares and their vicinities. Among other earlier real estate ventures while Somerville was a town may be mentioned the lotting and building up of the property between Webster avenue and Prospect street, and west of that street, the C^ak and Houghton street district, the owners being Francis and iVmory Houghton, the projectors of the Glass Works. Another section opened up by Mr. Amory Houghton was the land between Somerville avenue and the Fitch- burg railroad, west of F)ane street to Park street. The Dane, Hudson and Vine streets territory, and the Joseph Clark estate on Newton, Clark and other streets were also put on the market before the war. During the war real estate languished, but revived a few years after, so that the period from 1.S69 to 1.S75 saw many old estates laid out and built over. Among these were the Putnam, Prescott and School streets territory, formerly the Jotham Johnson estate ; the \'inal avenue, Quincy and Church streets territory, formerly the property of Robert Vinal ; property on I^ros- pect Hill, built over and marketed by Maj. Granville W. Daniels; the Xewton street, Concord avenue and Springfield street district, owned by 130 soMi'.Riii.i.i:. r.isi- .wn rRi.si-.xr. John ()"l!rifn, and the Clarendon Hill tenitor\ 1)\ John \\ . \inal and others. Then came another period of business and real estate- dej^ression. which lasted till about iSSo. The estates that have been laid out and put upon the market since that time are numerous, the lar. An extension of the Broadway tracks over Winter Hill to Medford \ia W\\x\ street was early made. It was, like the others, a side track T-rail road, and was run by the Charlestown cV' Medford Railroad ("ompany. The selectmen ordered it to the center, but the company neglecting or refusing. Ezra D. Souther. ll ^^ Irving L. Russell. SOMERl'/LLE, PAST AND I'RHSENT. 133 its location in Main street was revoked. In 1.SS4 the Middlesex Company reopened this line, the change to the center of the street meanwhile having been made. In iSSi the Charles River Street Railway was organized, and soon it laid tracks in Summer and Bow streets and through Union square and Webster avenue to Cambridge street, and others in Newton, Springfield and Beacon streets. It was built as an opposition to the Cambridge, whose tracks its charter gave it the right to use from Cambridge to Boston. It was a popular line, but not being a financial success, in 1.SS6 it was consoli- dated with the Cambridge. The same year the Middlesex, which leased or ran several of the other Somerville roads, combined with the Highland (a South Boston line which ran in competition with the Metropolitan), taking the name IJoston Consolidated. Meanwhile the Kim street tracks had been extended up Holland street to l')roadway. In 1886 two rival companies for Somerville patronage, the Cambridge and the Consolidated, petitioned for locations in Cross and Medford streets and Highland avenue to Davis square, and in Pearl and Medford streets to Central street. The contest for these locations was vigorous but the Con- solidated won, and by the close of iSS; had laid tracks in most of these streets. Wesi' End Railway. "The West End Street Railway Company" was the outgrowth of the West End Land Company, formed by Mr. Henry M. Whitney and others for the development of real estate along Beacon street in Boston and Brookline by making that thoroughfare a broad boulevard. To ensure success in this enterprise a charter was procured for a " West End Street Railway " over the proposed boulevard location. The opposition to this line l^y other street railways resulted in the West End Railway acquiring controlling in- terest in all the other roads excepting the Lynn «S: Boston, and obtaining legislation by which they were all consolidated under the management of the West End, which was finally consummated on November 1 1, 1887. In or about 1889 the overhead electric system of propulsion was intro- duced, after a careful examination had been made by Mr. Whitney of its workings in Richmond, Va. It was first applied on the Beacon street and Brookline routes and soon became general. Within a few years the A\'est End road has made many improvements in the Somerville service, among which may be mentioned the increased number of trips, especially on the West Somerville line, the extension of that line to Alewife Brook, and of the Medford street line to Magoun square, the recent opening of the new line from Highland avenue via Medford street and Somerville avenue to Boston, together with improved road-bed, more easy riding cars, and a new and liberal system of transfers. Widening of Somekville Avenue and Broadway. The most important highway improvements since 1872 have probably been the widening of Somerville avenue, and paving it, and the adjacent I U SOMERIII.LE, I'AST AXD I'RI'.Sl'.XT. thoroughfares, and the widening of 15road\vay. Somerville avenue was formerly tifty feet in width, but in 1S73 the County Commissioners hiid it out anew seventy-five feet wide from Kast Cambridge to Cnion square and se\enty feet from Union square to North Cambridge. The lines were so run that only one or two shade trees and very few buildings required re- moval. The avenue, over two miles in length, was rebuilt to its new width in 1874 at a cost for land damages of Ss6,ooo, and for construction of about 590,000. Broadway was widened and straightened on its northerly side in 1S75, making it two hundred feet in width opposite the park. This measure met with serious opposition, speculative motives being ascribed to its originators. It was built in 1S74 and 1S75, and cost about 575,000 for land and construc- tion. HkOADW.w I'ark. With the liroadway widening w'as associated the laying out and con- struction of the Broadway park : they were mutual enterprises. The park scheme originated with the owners of Convent hill, Messrs. Klous and Lord. It met with fierce opposition, and its effect on local politics was volcanic, resulting, in 1S76, in a complete overturn of the city government which in- augurated it, and in the election of an anti-park administration. The feeling against the park was so strong that, after its opponents came into power, it was even proposed to lay it out anew into lots and sell it for building pur- poses. Most of the ground which was filled over for the park was an old marsh, so soft and deep that, in building the fence around it, the posts were set on piles and a timber structure on piles built to sustain the curbing of the pond, the bottom of which has a double Hooring of lioards covered with gravel to prevent the paving sinking into the mud. Mii.i.kr's RiVl.R. Pre\ious to 1.S55, and perhaps for some years after. Miller's Kiver was a comparatively pure stream : it was the fishing and bathing place for that section of the town. In 1S55 Mr. John V. Squire purchased a lot of land on the East Cambridge side of the river, and built his first establishment, its product being one animal daily. .\t first this caused little or no annoy- ance, but the phenomenal growth of .Mr. Squire's business, and the building shortly after of another similar estal)lishment by .Mr. Charles H. North, followed later by other concerns, soon changed the Miller's River district into a malodorous and unenviable locality. It was several years, however, before complaints became general. The first reference to this nuisance by the selectmen was in their report of 1 . Muzzey, 'Timothy Cotting, and Richard PYothingham. jr. At a meeting of the trustees on July 21. i«^i ■K -w ■J 7 i^^.- o . j% ■ a'- t Charles H. Taylor. SOMF-R\-ILLK. FAST AND PRESEXT. 141 llie attendance upon the openino- exercises was large, six hundred or more arriving by special train. A banquet was spread for nine hundred c.uests, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Tufts, and hundreds were turned away. ' The first toast given was to their most honored guest, " Charles Tufts the venerable founder of Tufts College ; may the fruition of his proj- ect crl'adden his heart through all his earthly journey," to which the com- pany responded by rising and giving cheers. The exercises closed with the singing of " From all that dwell below the skies." In iS6- Rev. A. A. Miner was inaugurated as the second president and success"or of Mr. Kallou, deceased. Dr. Miner held the office twelve years, resigning in December, 1S74, and was followed in March, 1875, by Rev. Elmer H. Capen, its present president. Many other bequests have been made beside the ones mentioned ; those from the State, from P. T. P.arnum, and from the estate of the Honorable Charles Robinson being the most important. The founder of this institu- tion was a citizen of Somerville, as is its president and are most of its pro- fessors. Most of its landed possessions are also here, with some of its buildings, its campus and its principal avenues of approach; and thus with Medford, Somerville shares the renown of this " First Universalist College in the World." Charles Tufts was a descendant of Peter Tufts, who settled in Maiden previous to 163S. Mr. Tufts lived on the northerly side of Washington street, west of the Lowell railroad, which his property adjoined : the house is still standing. ( )ld Tandmarks. Manv mementos of former days still remain. Our hills are yet here, though from most have disappeared all traces of their revolutionary occupa- tion Until within a few years remains of old forts and breastworks were visible; those on the Central Hill park were dug away in 1S7S regardless of protests • the " Fort " on this park is modern, and was built in 1X85. It has no historv and is not on the lines of the revolutionary works, although with- in their enclosure. The cannon in it were used in the defenses of Washing- ton durino- the Civil War. On an estate on the opposite side of Highland avenue ofd breastworks were still in existence in iS.;2. where now is an apartment house. There was also an old redoubt on the top of a ledgy knoll near Mvstic avenue, commanding a long reach of M>stic River; a few years earlier 'a little higher up Winter Hill stood another redoubt, since dug down in excavating the ledge. ( )n the southerly slope of Prospect Hill revolutionary traces still remain, - tradition says they were the old tent-holes of 1775, or perhaps of the Burgoyne prisoners. These are all that are now left in the city. . There are manv houses of a century or more ago, some prerevolution- ary among these Air. Blaisdell's on Somerville avenue, where Samuel I uf ts lived in 1775, and which was later General Greene's headquarters, and the Oliver Tufts house on Sycamore street, the headquarters of General Lee. 14- somi:r\ii.i.i:. past .wn rRi:si:\r. In iSyo ihc city erected tablets on many liistoiic sjiots, they were as tollows : — On Abner JJIaisdell's liousc. Somerville avenue: "Headquarters of IJrij^adier-Oeneral Nathaniel (ireene. in command of the Rhode Island Troops durin*^ siege of IJoston. i775-'^>." On the ( )liver Tufts house. Sycamore street, now owned b\ Mrs. Flet- cher: '• Headquarters of Major-Cleneral Charles Lee, commanding left wing of the American Army during the siege of Boston. 1775-f). ( )n the stonework of the battery. Central Hill park : " This battery was erected by the cit_\' in 1SS3, and is within the lines of the ' French Redoubt," built by the Revolutionary .\rm\ in 1775, as a part of the besieging lines of lloston. — The guns were donated by Congress, and were in service during the late Civil War.'" ( )n Prospect Hill: "On this Hill the Cnion I'lag. with its Thirteen Stripes — the Emblem of the I'nited Colonies — First bade Deliance to an Knemy. January 1. 1 77A. — Here was the Citadel, the most formidable work in the .\merican Lines during the siege of lioston : June 17. 1775, ^^ -NLirch 17, i77<'>-"" On Kim street, corner of Willow avenue : " A sharp tight occurred here, between the Patriots and the liritish. April nj. 1775. — This marks Pritish Soldiers' graves.' On Washington street, corner of Dane street: '"John Woolrich. Indian trader, built near this place in iC)3o. — The first white settler on Somerville soil." At junction Proadway and Main street: '" Paul Revere passed over this road, in his midnight ride to Lexington and Concord, April iS, 1775. — Site of the 'Winter Hill Fort.' a stronghold built by the American Forces while besieging Boston, 1775-6." On Washington street opposite Rossmore street: "On this Hillside James Miller, Minute-man, aged 65, was slain b\ the Pritish. April i<^, 1775. — ' I am too old to run.' " Though required impro\ements may sometimes sweep away ancient monuments, yet those interested in local history view with regret the often- times needless destruction of landmarks which recall so vividly the story of the past. Nature and circumstance have given Somerville an admirable location. ( )n the north and west are the classic halls of Tufts and of Harvard ; to the south and east, the metropolis and the heights of Punker Hill. In the near valley ebbs and Hows the silent Mystic. In their midst is Somerville "on her seven hills," each crowned with a historic halo, and from each e.xtends a beautiful and widening landscape, thick with villages and cities, fading among pleasant hills and valleys in the misty distance. ^ 0^ His Honor Albion a. Perry George 1. ViKctM. HISTORY OF THE CITY GOVPIRNMENT. BY (;i:OK(iK I. VINCENT. CHAPTER XII. First Bciakd of Oi-i-h'eks. — Siaiisiks of PorrFAiKiN, Valuation, eic. — Abatf:ment OF THE Miller's River Xfisanci:. — Mayor Ffki;kk's Administkaiion. — Erection OF New Police Bfildim;. — Constrcction of the Broadway Park. — Great Sanitary Imi'Ro\'ement.— Mayor Belknap's Administraiion. — Conslruction (jf Large Sewers. — Completion of the PruLic Park. — Firvi Contribution to the Sinkino Find. — Administration of >L\Yi)R Bruce. — Reconstruction of Bridges. — Administration of Mayor Cummings. — Improvements on Central Hill. — Erection of New Building for the Puulic Lihrary. Sdmervili.e became incorporated as a city under an act of the legisla- ture, chapter 1S2 of the Acts of 1.S71, which was approved by the governor, April 14, and accepted by the voters of the town, April 27. 1S71. As directed by the act of incorporation, the selectmen, on the twenty- third of September, 1.S71, divided the town into four wards, which still remain unchanged, and, on the eighteenth day of November following, issued warrants for the holding of an election, in the several wards, on the fourth day of December, of a mayor, eight aldermen, two to be selected from each ward, four common councilmen and three members of the school committee from each ward, and the necessary ofticers to conduct elections in the several wards ; the mayor and aldermen to be voted for at large, and the remaining officers by the voters of their respective wards only. The election resulted in the choice of the following named officers to assume the management of the new city, for the year 1.S72 : — Mayor, George ( ). Brastow. Aldermen : William H. Furber and George \V. Hadley of ward one: Clark Bennett and Daniel E. Chase of ward two: lacob T. Glines and John R. Poor of ward three ; Person Davis and John G. Hall of ward four. Common Councilmen : Ezra I). Conant, Edwin A. Curtis, Michael Dechan and Charles G. Pope of ward one; John T. Bolton, Oren S. Knapp, Patrick Rafferty and George W. Wyatt of ward two : Wal- ter S. Barnes, Stewart French, Albert Kenneson and Henry F. Woods of ward three; Wesley C. Crane, Thomas H. Lord, Nathaniel Morrison and Christopher E. Rymes of ward four. George W. Hadley resigned the office of alderman, March 2 ; and March 13, Horace Haskins was elected to succeed him. The city charter, except in the preliminaries above mentioned, did not U5 14'' somi:r\h.i.i:. r.isr .\.\n rRi:si:xr. take effect until the first Monday, which was also the first day of January. 1S7::. ( )n that da\, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the mayor, aldermen and common councilmen assembled, in pursuance of notice from the board of selectmen, in the " ( >ld Ilij^h School Buildini^;." on Highland avenue, which was, soon after, converted into a city hall. The meeting was called to order by Austin l^elknap, chairman of the board of selectmen, and after prayer by the Reverend Henry 11. Uarber, pastor of the first Congrega- tional Society d'nitarian) of Somerville. the oaths of office were adminis- tered to the several officers by Columbus Tyler, Esq., justice of the peace. The common council then withdrew, and organized by the choice of ( )ren S. Knapp as president, and Solomon Davis as clerk, and, immediately after, the board of aldermen and the common council, in joint convention, elected, as the first city clerk, Charles E. Oilman, who had served as town clerk ever since the setting off of Somerville from Charlestown. in 1S42. Mayor Brastow, in his first inaugural address, made a statement show- ing the growth of the town, the items of which are presented in the follow- ing table, as are also the corresponding items for the year iSi/) : - ?9SS 1842. 1871. 1872. 1896. ',013 16.000 55,000 ^'^r.xi 515.775,000 ^4';, 023, 550 ■4,750 4 4 5260 460 57,sr,,4,2 5- <54 65 220 Population of Somerville . Assessed value of taxable property Whole amount of money raised by taxation . Xuml^er of schools Number of school teachers Whole amount appropriated for the support of schools Si.Soo 559,400 5206.000 Amount of debt, including water debt . . . ='3J3i349 51.506.500 X'aluation of public property ?66o,ooo 52.356.620 Number of church edifices o 1 1 30 The most important measure that demanded the attention of the first city government, and one of great magnitude, was the abatement of the nuisance in that part of Miller's River which extended from the Boston and Lowell railroad, at the Cambridge and Somerville line, to the rear of the L'nion (ilasshouse on Webster avenue. This river received the drainage from two large slaughter-houses and several sausage and grease factories, situ- ated in Cambridge and .Somerville, and some house drainage; and the ac- cumulation of filth upon its Hats, which were bare at low tide, caused an intolerable nuisance, which w-as a serious menace to the health and pros- perity of both Cambridge and Somerville. As a result of the joint efforts of the two cities before the legislatures of 1S72 and 1S73, laws were enacted, in the latter year, for the filling, by the land owners, of the river and the low- lands adjoining, and for the construction of a trunk sewer from Craigie I^ridge, on the Charles Ri\er, in Cambridge, through liridge street, in Cam- bridge, and Milk street (now Somerville avenue), in Somerville, to Pros- pect street : the cost of the construction and maintenance of said sewer to be borne by .Somer\ille and ( Vimbridgc, in the proportions, which were George a. Bruce. George O. Brastow. William H. Furber. Austin Belknap. ^^^ I 1 jSSI '' \'- ■w '"^Pl^^^^^^^^^^^l \ > ' Aaron Sargent. Douglas Frazar. Clarence E. Meleney. Iaikus Mann. S0MER17LLE, /'AST .LVJ) /Vv'/iSEA'T. 149 afterwards determined, of five-ninths for Somerville, and four-ninths for Cambridge. The carrying out of these measures, which was begun in the year 1.S73, wrought such a change that a recent comer can hardly realize the previous condition of the district. The policy of constructing brick sidewalks was inaugurated by the first city government, under an act, obtained from the legislature, authorizing the assessment of one-half the cost upon the abutting estates, and several miles were laid during the two years of Mayor Brastow's administration, viz. 1872 and TS73. The city council of 1S72 also made provision for a public library, which was opened, in the city hall, May i, 1.S73. with 2,386 volumes. Other great improvements made by the government of 1873 were the widening of Highland avenue, between Medford and Central streets, to a uniform width of sixty feet, and the increasing of the width of Milk street (now Somerville avenue) its entire length, from the East Cambridge line to North Cambridge. The greater part of the work on the latter improvement was done in the year 1874. Mayor William H. Furber's administration, covering the years 1874 and 1875, is specially memorable for the laying out and construction of the Broadway Park and the widening and straightening of Broadway, on the northerly side, between Temple street and Mount Benedict. During the same period the new police building on Bow street was erected, the exten- sion of the trunk sewer in Milk, Washington and P3eacon streets, from Prospect street to Kent street, was begun, the widening and reconstruction of Milk street was completed, and brick sidewalks were laid on both sides in its entire length. The name of Milk street was then changed to Somer- ville avenue, lentil the erection of the new police building, the poUce de- partment had occupied the one-story wooden building at the southerly corner of Milk and Prospect streets, now occupied by the water board, and the police court, since the incorporation of the city, had occupied a room in the city hall. Most of the room which the court vacated was added to the space occupied by the public library. Another most important measure was the introduction of the electric fire alarm system, which was completed and put in operation June 17, 1874. Xo other measure, in the history of the city, has caused such intense feeling and bitter controversy as did the laying out and construction of the Broadway Park. Under an act of the legislature passed in March, 1874, a section of land comprising some sixteen acres, lying in a hollow between Winter Hill and Mount Benedict, and extending from Broadway to Mystic avenue, was acquired for the purposes of a public park, and the city also secured, without cost, a strip fifty feet in width, for an avenue, on either side of the park lands, and the filling required for the park and the two avenues. This land was about three feet below the grade established by the city as a sanitary protection, and was, to a certain extent, the natural basin for the watershed of the elevations between which it lay. In the ISO soMi-.Rin.i.i:. i:\sT .\.\n i'ri:si:\i\ language of Mayor lurlier's inaugural address of 1S73, it " was being rapidly and densely built upon, without change of grade, and the drainage of many of the buildings erected allowed to How unmolested upon the surface, thus forming a nucleus for pestilence and disease, that was tending to depreciate the surrounding property and to jeopardize the health of the dwellers there- on." Ikfore applying to the legislature, the owners of the adjacent lands endeavored to secure the territory by private purchase, but a few of the owners refused to sell at any price. Although the plans for the improvement of the lands adjacent have not as yet been fully carried out, yet the city is now enjoying a beautiful park, and a nuisance which threatened most serious results has, by its crea- tion, been abated. The large expenditures made during the first four years of the city, the chief of which have herein been alluded to, involved a rapid increase of the funded debt, and the business depression, and the general shrinkage of values which followed, precluded, for several years, the making of any public improvements that were not actually indispensable. In fact, the heavy debt and high taxes with which Somerville, as well as nearly every other city, was burdened made it the chief duty of city governments to reduce the debt and curtail expenses. The situation was bravely met, and for several years the most rigid economy was practiced. While Mayor Austin l.elknap was in office, during the years iSjT) and 1877, the trunk sewer for the southerly side of the city, which had been laid in Beacon street, westerly to Kent street, was extended through Beacon street, Somerville avenue, Mossland street and Kim street, to Davis square. The public park on I'roadway, which was laid out and nearly com- pleted under Mayor Furber, was finished in the year 1S76, and on the seven- teenth of June it was formally opened to the public. At six o'clock in the afternoon, the city council met at the park, and, after marching around it' assembled, in convention, at a stand which had been erected under the large elm tree in liroadway, near the park. Mayor P>elknap spoke lirieHy in regard to the conception and cost of the park, and introduced Alderman Jacob T. Glines, chairman of the committee on highways, under whose direction the park had been constructed. Alderman ( Klines delivered up the custody of the park into the hands of the city council, and Mayor IJelknap, after receiving it from the construction committee, made an appropriate address and placed the park in charge of the committee on public property. The exercises were concluded with music and a salute of sixteen guns. The law of 1.S75. regulating municipal indebtedness, took etTecl in iS7(), when the first contribution of 545,130 was made to the sinking fund. The Honorable (ieorge .V. P.ruce filled the office of mayor during the years 1.S7S, i,S79 and iSSo. Attention had been called by Mayor J>elknap, and was again directed, by Mayor Bruce, to the unsightly, and in some cases, unsafe condition of the highway bridges maintained by the Fitchburg and the lioston and Lowell railroads over their tracks in our city. The bridge at Washington street, on the l-"itchburg ro.id. and the one at .Medford street. Mark F. Burns. ^ jH^ WlLLIA.W H. HODGKINS. SOMERllLLt:, PAST .LVP /'R/iSEA-T. 153 on the Lowell, were specially objectionable : the latter being at a marked angle to the street. During Mayor liruce's term both of these were re- placed by the railroad companies, in co-operation with the city, with wider and substantial structures that added greatly to the public convenience and to the good appearance of the streets. New bridges have since been built over the Lowell road at Cross street, Walnut street, Central street. Cedar street and Broadway. The office of mayor of the city was filled by Hon. John A. Cummings during the years iSSi, 1SS2, 1X83 and 1SS4. The work of grading and im- proving the city's land on Central Hill, which had been recommended by several of his predecessors, was begun and continued during his administra- tion, and the battery standing on the brow of the hill, and mounting four cannons used during the war of the rebellion, the erection of which Mayor Cummings warmly recommended, was partially constructed in the year 1SS4, and completed during the first year of the administration of Mayor Burns. In the year 1.SS4, the public library having outgrown its quarters in the city hall, and the room it occupied being much needed for city offices, a new building for its accommodation was begun on Central Hill, east of and near the city hall. This building was finished and occupied in the year 1S85. CHAPTER Xin. HiSlORV OF THK ClTV GOVERNMENT {Co)ltillllcd). Administration of Mavok Dukns. — The Water Suitlv. — Appeication of the Sink- ing Fund. — Reduction of the Cri v DEirr. — Introduction of the Police Signal System and Electric Stkeei" LiciniNc. —Construction of New Schoolhouses. Administration of Mayor 1'oi'F. — Introduction of a High Water Service. — The Old Powder H(.)use. — The Somerxti.le Hospital Organized and Estab- lished. Mayor Cumminos was succeeded by Hon. Mark F. Burns, who was the city's chief magistrate for the four years beginning with the year 1SS5. hi his first year of office the first fioor of the city hall was remodeled so as to utilize the room vacated by the public library. It had long been felt that the city's contract with the city of Boston for the taking of Mystic Lake water should be modified in the interest of Som- erville, and different city governments had endeavored to secure such mod- ification. Boston pumps the water from the lake into the reservoir on College Hill, from which Chelsea and Everett, as well as Somerville, are supplied, and thence delivers the water into Somerville's distribution pipes. The rates are collected from our water takers by Boston, and are the same as those charged to her own citizens. Under the old contract Boston paid into the treasury of .Somerville fifteen per cent of the rates so collected up to the 154 soMi'.Ri/i.i.K. r.isr A.\n i'Ri:si:xr. amount of 520.000, twenty per cent on the excess of 520.000 and up to 530,000, twenty-five per cent on tlie excess of 530,000 and up to 540,000, thirty per cent on the excess of 540,000 and up to 530,000, and forty per cent on all over 550,000. July i, 18S7, a new contract with lioston was made under which .Somer\ille receives from lioston fifty per cent of all col- lections. Somerxille had faithfully observed the law passed in 1 S73, regulating municipal indebtedness, and contrilnued. \ ear by year, to a sinking fund to be applied to the payment of the funded debt. This course imposed a large tax rate and restricted permanent improvements, as all expenditures must, until the net debt exclusive of the water debt was reduced to the limit of two and one-half per cent of tiie assessed valuation, be met by taxation. Mayor Jkirns, in his inaugural addresses of iSSf) and 1.SS7. recommended an application to the legislature for a special act permitting the immediate ap- plication of the sinking funds to the reduction of the debt, and an extension of the time within which the remainder of the debt might be paid. A law granting these privileges was enacted in the year iSS;, and on the 23d of March, iSSS, by the application of the sinking funds, which amounted to 5654,312.66, the debt was reduced from 51.525,000 to 5S7o.6,S7.36. I'nder the new act this remaining debt must be paid within twenty }ears, and the op- tion was given the city of providing for its lic|uidation by means of a new sinking fund or by paying, directly, a certain i^ortion every jear. Hy an or- dinance passed in February, iSSS, the city council established the latter policy, which was to apply to the debt then outstanding and to any that might thereafter be incurred. Inder this ordinance, whenever a loan is negoti- ated the bonds are so written that a proportionate part will mature annualK up to the limit of time within which tlie whole must be paid. I'nder Mayor liurns" administration the police signal system and elec- tric street lighting were introduced : also the support of poor department was reorganized, under special legislation, so that the overseers serve with- out compensation and have the services of an agent, who devotes his en- tire time to the business of the dej^artment, and a secretarv. During this period the policy was established of constructing four-room schoolhouses, as well as larger ones, of brick, and one of the first of these buildings, which was erected on Cherry street, was appropriatel\ named the Burns School. A hose house, erected on the old ledge lot on Somer- ville avenue at the corner of Lowell street, was also added to the buildings of the fire department. The Hon. Charles G. Pope served as mayor of the city during the years 1.SS9, 1890 and i.Stji. An important feature of his administration was the introduction of a water service for the high lands of the city. .\ tank thirty feet in diameter and one hundred feet high, estimated to hold about five hundred and thirty thousand gallons, was erected on the top of Spring Hill, and supplied with water by a pumping plant on the City I'arm on Cedar street at the corner of P>roadway. ]>y means of this system the very highest lands in our city were made desirable for building purposes, as an abundance Melville D. Jones. L. Herbert Huntley. SOMERllLLK, PAST AM) rRESENT. I 57 of water was assured, with an ample pressure for fire protection as well as other purposes. In the year iSgo the heirs of Nathan Tufts donated to the city, on cer- tain conditions, which were accepted by the city council, about 65,000 feet of land, near Broadway and Kim street, with the ( )ld Powder House, so- called, standing thereon. Referring- to the subject, Mayor I'ope, in his in- augural address, delivered January 5, 1S91, said : — " Through the generosity of one of the families that have been identified with the history of Somerville from the first, the city has recently come into possession of the ' only ancient ruin ' within the Commonwealth. The story of the l^owder House, so far as known, has often been repeated. Erected at some time between 1700 and 1720, as the records show, it was first used as a grist-mill. The Province of Massachusetts bought it in 1747, and in the deed given it is spoken of as the stone edifice formerly a windmill. It was then remodeled for a powder magazine, and used as such by the Province and Commonwealth until 1822. It was the scene of one of the early events in the stirring days of the Revolution, as you all know." By an act of the legislature approved May 7, i.S(;[, the city council was authorized to acquire additional land adjacent to the site of the Old Powder House, for the purposes of a public park. During Mayor i^ope's term a considerable sum was expended in con- tinuing the construction of the Central Hill Park, and that portion between the High Schoolhouse and the engine house was substantially finished. In his second year of oftice memorial tablets were erected, marking points of historic interest in our city, as stated at length in another portion of this volume. The Somerville Hospital was founded during Mayor Pope's administra- tion. Miss Martha R. Hunt, a highly respected resident of Somerville, de- sirous of providing, within our borders, for the proper care of the sick and injured, communicated her wishes to the mayor and agreed to give a gener- ous sum of money, if the citizens would contribute a like sum, for the pur- pose of establishing a hospital. L'nder Mayor Pope's direction, and largely through his efforts, the requisite funds were secured and the corporation of the Somerville Hospital was organized under the laws of the Commonwealth, Mayor Pope being chosen president of the board of trustees. Land was purchased on Crocker, Tower and Crown streets, and suitable buildings erected, to which others may be added when required. The hospital was opened in the year 1893, and is thus spoken of in the inaugural a'ddress de- livered by Mayor Hodgkins at the beginning of the following year : — " Although this is a private and in no sense a public institution sup- ported by the city, it is one in which Somerville may well feel an honorable pride. Its completion engaged the last labors of the Hon. Charles G. Pope, my predecessor in the mayoralty, who departed this life on the 24th day of April last. He lived long enough to witness its completion, after long and faithful labor in perfecting its organization. It was dedicated on Ma}^ 17, 1893, and was immediately occupied. Though the need of such an institu- tion has long been recognized, yet such was not fully understood until the hospital had demonstrated it by its humane and noble work. Having no endowment or stated income, it relies for support principally upon the con- iS-"^ so.mi:r\/i.i.i:, past .\xi) i'i;ht otherwise be a chars^e upon the city. I trust the citizens will not be heedless to its calls for hnancial aid." cii.\iti:r XIV. MlsroKV OK IHK (lis (i()\ KK.NMKX I (Coiiclltilcd). .\l>Ml.MSTK.Vrii>N (>K .M.WOK HoliiiKlNS. — EsT.Mil.lSH.MKNT ol' IIIK N.VrH.W Tl'ITS l'.\KK. — Cl.I.EliKATIoN OI-THi; SeNU-CI.NTKNMAI. AN.MVI.KS.XKV. — PaVIN(J Im|-OKTAN1 TuDRori^ui-AKEs. — Ekkciion (IK THK New Hu;u Scuooe Bkili)IN<;. — A New CiTV Hall AnvucvrED. — Ekeciion of a New Cemkal Y\kv. Statio.n. — Great I.MrRO\E.MENT.S NLM)E IN VaUIiUS DiKECTIoNS. — .\l)MIMSrR.'\TION OK MaVOK PeKRV. ■ — Changes at Tin-: Cirv Mali,. — I.\ii'(irtant Imi'R()\ements in the Sewer SvsrE.vi. — High Credep hk the Crrv. — Functions ok l)n-KEKENr Hoards ok the Cnv (■■o\KRNMENr. — ScorE OK Ciiv Chakikr. Hon. William H. Hoixikins filled the office of mayor of the city dur- ing the four years beginning in January, 1S92. In May, 1S92, the city council voted to accept the gift of 6,s, 357 feet of land, including the site of the Powder House, tendered by the heirs of Nathan Tufts in the year 1X90, and to purchase in addition, under authority of the act of 1.S91, hereinbefore referred to. 129,497 square feet at the junction of l^roadway and Klni street. The entire tract forms a sciuare of between four and five acres, with the Old Powder House standing on a rocky emi- nence in its midst. The grounds were artistically laid out by the then city engineer, the late Horace L. Eatcjn. and work thereon was prosecuted throughout Ma\or Hodgkins" administration until the year 1.S95. when it was finished, and a beautiful ])ark on ground of great historic interest was thrown open to the public, it is called the Nathan I'ufts Park, as provided in the deed of gift. March 3. 1.S92, was the semi-centennial anniversary of the incorporation of the town of .Somerville. 15ecause of the general inclemency of the weather at that season the event was observed, and very successfully, on the following 17th of June, by a parade composed of various military organiza- tions, old and distinguished citizens, with the city government and invited guests, and an imposing representation of the trades and manufactures of the city. The program also included a banquet, an oration, and fire- works: and a large and most interesting collection of historic relics was ex- hibited in the High School. Mayor Hodgkins thus spoke of the occasion in his ne.xt following inaugural address : — •'()n the 17th of June last, in accordance with a plan devised by the Citizens' Association, of w^hich Hon. Charles S. Lincoln was chairman, the fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of Somerville was celebrated. The occasion is of too recent occurrence to require much comment at this time. I doubt if the event will ever be forgotten by those who participated in it. It was a day in which intense and almost insufferable heat struggled for the James M. Andrews. JosiAH N. Pratt. SOMKRllLLE^ PAST AXD PRESKXr. l6l mastery, only to be overcome by tempest and storm. 'I'he gaily decorated city was thronged with spectators, and hundreds of former citizens returned to engage in the festivities of the dav. The occasion was favored with the presence of His Excellency Governor Russell and members of his staff, members and ex-members o'f Congress, mayors of cities, and other men dis- tinguished in various walks of life. During the furious tempest in the after- noon, just at the close of the parade, many lives were in danger, but, provi- dentially, only a few persons were injured. The literary exercises intencled for the afternoon were held in the afternoon of the following day in an im- mense tent erected on Central Hill Park, where the largest audience ever assembled in this city listened to an eloquent and admirable historical ad- dress delivered by Hon. George A. Bruce, ex-Mayor of Somerville." The paving of Somerville avenue had been advocated by many citizens for several years. Somerville had no paved streets, but the bad condition of this avenue, notwithstanding frequent repairs, seemed to demonstrate that it was not possible to maintain a good macadamized road under the heavy teaming which passed over it. A special act of the legislature was obtained authorizing a paving loan of one hundred thousand dollars, and that portion of the avenue extending from Medford street to Park street, including the whole of Union square, was paved with granite blocks, as w^as also Webster avenue, from Union square to the Fitchburg railroad. Similar paving has since been laid in Washington street, from I'nion square to Tufts street, and in Medford street, from Somerville avenue to the Cambridge line. The northerly line of Broadway had been straightened, in connection with the laying out of the Broadway Park, but the southerly line, which, in the vicinity of the park, described a long bow, remained unchanged. This portion of the street, being of a width varying from one hundred to two hundred feet, was unsightly, its great width was unnecessary, and the cost of maintenance was large. In conjunction with the West End Street Rail- way Company, a parkway was constructed in the year 1S92, in the middle of the street, conforming, in width, substantially to the varying width of the roadway, and the street railway tracks were laid through its centre. The result is most pleasing, and the improvement is universally commended. For many years the High School, an imposing structure erected in 1S71, the last year of the town government, had been badly crowded, so that the lowest class was divided; each division attending but three hours. The building originally contained two large schoolrooms, calculated for about ninety pupils each, with ample classrooms, laboratory, etc. The third story consisted of a large public hall with suitable anterooms. In the course of years the hall and ante-rooms had been converted into schoolrooms, addi- tional seats had been placed in the original schoolrooms, and all available space had been utilized. The enlargement of the building had been con- sidered, but it was deemed best to erect an English high school and use the old building for a classical or Latin school. The site selected was the crown of Central Hill, between the old High School and the public library building, and directly back of the Unitarian church. With the exception of the church property, comprising some twenty thousand square feet of land, the entire block bounded by Highland ave- 1 62 SOyrERMf.I.K. IWST AXn I'RFSllXT. nue. School street, the Lowell railroad, and Medford and Walnut streets, was owned by the city, and Mayor Hodfj;kins, in his inaugural address of 1S93, recommended its purchase. The property was acciuired the same year, and the erection of the English High School was begun. The church was allowed to stand until the spring of 1.S95, when a portion of the new church edifice, which the society was erecting on Highland avenue at the corner of Trull lane, became ready for occupancy. The inauguration of the city government of 1S95 was held in the old church, and the last use made of it was the holding of a fair, in aid of the Sonierville Hospital, in March, iS(75. After the tlemolition of the building the grounds were graded and grassed, and walks were laid to the schoolhouses and the public library building. The English High School was opened in September, 1S95. The increase of public business, incident to the rapid growth of the city, taxed to the utmost the capacity of the city hall. With the exception of the space at the rear end of the building, vacated by the police court and the public library, the room available for cit\- l)usiness remained the same in 1S93 as it was in 1S72. In 1S95 the clerk of committees, who had occupied a room connected with the assessors" office, took possession of the mayor's room, on the second Moor, and various officers needing desk room only, were accommodated in the rooms of the board of aldermen and the common council. MaNor Hodgkins, in his inaugural addresses of 1S93, 1S94 and iS(;5, called attention to the need of a new city hall, and recommended the pro- curing of plans and estimates of the cost. He also presented, as a plan for the ultimate development of the Central Hill Park, the removal of the Central Fire Station, at the corner of Walnut street, and the erection of a much larger one, for which there was urgent need, on the IJrastow School lot on Medford street, leaving the end of the jDark near Walnut street avail- able as a site for a new city hall ; the erection of a soldiers' memorial build- ing as part of an enlargement of the public library building, extended west- erly, and the removal of the old Cit\ Hall and the reduction of the knoll on which it stands so as to give a proper slope toward School street and High- land avenue. .\ new central fire station was erected, in 1894, on the Hrastow School lot, as recommended by the mayor, but the old fire station has not been removed. In the same year a fire station, for a ladder truck, was erected on Highland avenue near Ced.ir street, and in 1S95 a steam fire engine iiouse was erected on J>roadway at the corner of Cross street. A new city stable was erected on the City Farm on Broadway, in 1S94. and the old stable was gi\en over to the board of health. With the facili- ties thus afforded, this board was enabled to abandon the contract system of collecting ashes and offal, and to do this work by the day; the necessary outfit being purchased, and a superintendent employed to oversee the work. The expense of the new system is greater, but the service is far better. In 1.S95 the Wyatt Pit, so-called, situated in rear of Washington street, in ward two, was acquired, under a special act of the legislature, to be used. 'yw^"^^ V»-~ ' Howard D. Moore. William H. Berry SOMERl'n.I.E, PAST AM) JKESENT. 1 65 ultimately, as a public park ; the act also authorizing the acquisition of lands adjacent for the same purpose. This was an old clay pit, filled with water, and, as it was unguarded by fences, was a source of danger ; several drowning accidents having occurred there. For this reason, mainly, it was taken by the city. It has been enclosed with a high board fence, and is used, by the board of health, for an ash dump, for which purpose it was also used before it became the property of the city. Hon. Albion A. Perry became mayor of the city January 6. i8(/). On his recommendation, presented in his inaugural address, a temporary solu- tion of the city hall problem has been reached by the addition, at the rear of the city hall, of a structure somewhat larger than the old building, and the remodeling of the present offices on the first fioor. The city treasurer, assessors, city engineer and clerk of committees will occupy the addition, and the city clerk, water board, city messenger, inspector of buildings, etc., will have offices in the old part of the building. The second floor of the old building, in which are the chambers of the board of aldermen and the common council and the office of the mayor, will not be changed, except by the opening of a doorway from the alder- manic chamber into the rear hallway. The work is nearly completed, and it is expected that the accommodations afforded will be sufficient for several years to come. The territory at the foot of the slope southwest of Holland street and bordering on C'ambridge has long been in need of drainage, but, being at too low a level to drain into the Somerville sewers, its wants in that respect have not been supplied. After considerable study by the engineers, and much consultation, an arrangement has been made between the cities of Cambridge and Somerville, under an act of the legislature of the year 1S96 for the construction of a sewer and also a large surface-water drain from the metropolitan sewer in Cambridge, at Alewife Brook, through the valley of Tannery Brook in Cambridge and Somerville to the vicinity of Davis square. By this means not only will sewerage facilities be aft'orded the territory just referred to, but substantial relief will be given the sewers around Davis square, the capacity of which has for some time past been seriously overtaxed during heavy rains. Work is now progressing on this sewer and drain, the latter having its outlet into Alewife Brook, and the former into the Metro- politan sewer. It is not intended in this paper to name all of the improvements made by the city, but merely to mention the more important. Streets, sewers and sidewalks have been laid out and constructed, from year to year, school- houses have been erected, street railways extended, street lights provided, the fire and police departments enlarged, and all the various facilities af- forded for the comfort and convenience of the public that are expected of a modern city. While the administrations of Mayors Belknap, Bruce, Cummings and Burns were not marked by many notable public improvements, yet their work is none the less commendable, as by a rigid economy and good man- agement they reduced a large debt nearly one-half, until it was brought 1 66 soMERiii.Li:. I'Asr .\.\n rRi-.sixr. within the legal limit, and at the ^ame time paid all expenses, including the cost of new buildings, from the annual tax levy. Thus the city enjoyed the best of credit during a period of financial depression, and secured a borrowing capacity \vhich, by the increase of tax- able property, has been continued, and has enabled later city governments to make liberal provision for the increasing needs of the community- Tile charter granted to Somerville, by the legislature, was of the kind commonly granted to cities at the time. It adhered, as closely as possible, to town methods : the city council (consisting of the board of aldermen and the common council) exercising the powers of the town, and the board of aldermen those of the selectmen ; the action of both being largely governed by the general laws of the State. Thus all appropriations are made, loans authorized, claims settled, public property purchased or sold, and public buildings erected by order of the city council, which also enacts all ordinances and has jurisdiction in the matters of the laying out, con- struction and repair of streets, the erection of street lights, and the care and maintenance of all public property : while the board of aldermen is charged, among other things, with the construction and maintenance of sewers, the laying of brick sidewalks and setting of edgestones, and the granting of licenses of various kinds, and of locations for street railways and for lines of electric wires. The assessors and assistant assessors, city auditor, city clerk, city physician, city solicitor, city treasurer, overseers of the poor, superin- tendent of streets and trustees of the public library, are elected by the citv council, as are also fence viewers, field drivers, measurers of wood and bark, and pound keepers. All other officers, with the members of the police and fire departments, are appointed by the mayor: the appoint- ments, except of keeper of the lock-up and burial agents for the interment of indigent soldiers and the wives and widows of the same, being subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen. The members of the police and fire departments hold their appointments until removed by the mayor and aldermen. .Ml public works, except the construction and maintenance of the water works, are carried on by the city council or the board of aldermen, ac- cording as the one or the other may have jurisdiction, acting through com- mittees, which are assisted by superintendents and the city engineer. There are five boards which are either appointed by the mayor and aldermen or elected by the city council, that are entirely independent of both, except as to the amount of their appropriations. These are the board of assessors, the board of health, the board of overseers of the poor, the board of registrars of voters, and the water board. The water board de- rives its authority from the city charter, and the duties of the other four are defined by the general laws of the .State. The assessors and assistant assessors and the board of registrars of voters receive salaries fixed by the city council, and are provided with all necessary clerical assistance. The members of the other three boards serve without compensation. The board of health has two agents, the board of overseers has an agent and Leonard B. Chandler. T^'*"! M^fe/*^^ (•a fc« ; i- < o SOM/iRlVLU:, J'JST .LVD PRESENT. 1 69 a secretary, and the water board has a superintendent and a clerk, all of whom receive salaries. The school committee is also an independent board, elected by the people, and governed by State law. Its members serve without com- pensation and, with the assistance of a superintendent, who is also secretary of the board, have the exclusive management of the schools ; the school buildings being provided and maintained by the city council. The mayor \'i. ex officio, chairman of the school committee, and the president of the common council is also a member. The powers and duties of the mayor, aside from making appointments to and removals from office, subject to confirmation by the board of alder- men, consist, chiefly, in presiding at the meetings of that board and of the school committee, serving as chairman of certain of the committees of the city council and of the board of aldermen, drawing all warrants on the treasurer for the payment of money, and signing bonds, notes and other legal instruments, in behalf of the city. He has also been given, by general legislation, the power of veto over all ordinances, joint orders and resolu- tions, and all orders of either branch of the city council authorizing an expenditure of money; a two-thirds vote being required to pass any such paper over his veto. He is the chief executive officer of the city, and is re- quired by the charter to cause the laws and regulations of the city to be enforced, and to keep a general supervision over all subordinate officers. He may also call special meetings of the board of aldermen and the common council whenever, in his opinion, the interest of the city may require it. Those favoring the modern form of charter make the following points in criticism of our own : — I. All executive power, including the construction of public works, should be vested in the mayor, to be exercised by him with the aid of competent heads of departments : or such construction should be entrusted to a board of public works, a minority of whose members should be appointed annually, for a term of several 3'ears. Under our system of having public work carried on by the city council or board of aldermen, through committees, the responsibility is so divided that it cannot be definitely fixed, and many times authority is assumed by a committee that it does not possess, or by the chairman of a committee that belongs to the committee as a whole; a con- dition not favorable to the best economy. 2. The mayor should be relieved of all legislative duties, and of the duty of presiding at board meetings, and given the power of veto over all orders. 3. All work upon and under the streets, as the laying of sewers and water pipes, the maintenance of the highways, and the granting of permits to gas and other companies or to individuals to open the streets, should be under one head. One advantage of this arrangement would be the avoidance, in many cases, of the opening of a street to do underground work shortly after the paving or macadamizing of the surface. 4. In the line of definitely fixing responsibility many hold that one I/O Si)Mi:R\n.ij:, iwsi .ixn /'av-sv/.w. l)oarcl, reasonably lariat.' in numbers, is preferable to two: a sufficient check upon unwise leijislation being^ secured by the veto power lodged with the mayor. A commission has been appointed to consider what amendments, if an\, siiould be made to the charter, and to report to the city council. Whatever may be the merits or demerits of the charter, the affairs of the city have, on the whole, been well managed, and the people are under lasting obligations to those, who have so ably and faithfully served her in- terests. The aldermen and councilmen receive no compensation, and the salary of the mayor is much less than any incumbent of the office would consider sufiicient for equal service in his private business. ( )n the evening of inauguration day. January 2. iS,S2, a notable event was commemorated. Charles E. Oilman had served the people as town and city clerk since the organization of the first town government in 1S42, and was held in the highest esteem by the entire community. The completion of his fortieth term of continuous service was cele- brated by a banquet in the hall of the |)olice building on l!ow street, at which Mayor Cummings presided, and hundreds of citizens joined in the feast, and in congratulating .Mr. (jilman on the happy occasion. As a slight token of personal regard he was made the recipient of a gold watch and chain and a portrait of himself; a similar portrait was also presented to. the city and now hangs in the city clerk's ofifice. .Mr. (Jilman continued in the ofiice of city clerk until his death, which occurred February 22, iSScS, leaving a most honorable record of forty-six years in the public service. Somerville is a good example of the recognition and appreciation of faithfulness and merit in public servants. During the twenty-five years which have passed since she became a city she has had but two city clerks, two city treasurers, three city solicitors, three superintendents of schools, one chief of police, one chief engineer of the fire department and one city messenger. She has also retained her chief magistrates in office as long as they were willing to serve, there having been but nine incumbents of the ofiice of mayor up to the present time. The government and public service of a city reHect the character and intelligence of her people. Somerville is a sober, industrious, law-abiding community, with comparatively little pauperism or crime. The sale of intox- icating liquor, as a beverage, has been prohibited ever since the question was first submitted for decision at the annual city elections, which fact has doubtless influenced many in selecting this as a home. lew of our citizens are wealthy, but nearly all are comfortably circumstanced, and take an active interest in public affairs, especially in maintaining the high standard of our schools, and in all matters that contril)ute to the culture and com- fort of their families. In contemplating our city's history of a quarter of a century, we have reason to be grateful to the Divine Ruler for the wisdom and integrity which adorn its pages, and to thank Him for the many blessings which He has bestowed upon us, not only as individuals, but as a community of neighbors and friends. Marcus M. Raymond. ^ ^ ^ John N. Ball. SOMERl'/LLE. J'AST AM) rRESKNT. 173 Cnv Government and Officers for 1S96. Mavor, Albion A. Perry. Hoard of Aldermen. — Ward One : L. Herbert Huntley, Josiah X. I'ratt. Ward Two : Melville D. Jones, President : Robert S. Wright. Ward Three : Leonard B. Chandler, James M. Andrews. Ward Four : William H. Berry, Howard D. Moore. Clerk, Ceorge I. Vincent. Common Council. - Vwird One: Frank DeWitt Lapham, Frank B. Burrows, John Hunnewell, L. Edgar Tniison. Ward Two: George E. Whitaker," President; William M. Irving, Richard A. Russell, French O. J. Tarbox. Ward Three: Andrew A. Lamont, Arthur W. Berry, Howard Lowell, Marcus M. Raymond. Ward Four : John N. Ball, Fred M. Carr, Silas L. Cummings, Albert L. Reed. Clerk, Charles S. Robertson. Assessors. — (Term, three years.) Benjamin F. Thompson, Chairman (term expires 1896), Samuel T. Richards (term expires 1.S98), Nathan H. Reed (term expires 1S97) : Clerk of Assessors, Albert B. Tales. Board of Health. — (Term, three years.) Allen F. Carpenter, Chair- man (term expires 1S97), Alvah B. Dearborn, M. D. (term expires 189S), Alvano T. Nickerson, Chairman (term expires 1899); Clerk, William P. Mitchell ; Inspector, Caleb A. Page ; Superintendent Collection of Ashes and Offal, George W. S. Huse. Overseers of the Poor. — (Office, Police Building, Bow street.) Albion A. Perry, Mayor, Chairman, .-.v offldo (term, four years). Edward 15. West, President (term expires 1899), Albert W. Edmands (term expires 1897), Herbert E. Merrill (term expires 1898), Ezra 1). Souther (term expires 1896) : Agent, Charles C. Folsom ; Secretary, Cora F. Lewis. Registrars of Voters. — (Term : City Clerk, one year; other members, three years.) Cromwell G. Rowell, Chairman (term expires 1897), Charles P. Lincoln (term expires 1898), Charles E. Parks (term expires 1899), George L Vincent, City Clerk. City Clerk and Clerk of Board of Aldermen, George L Vincent. City 'Preasurer and Collector of Taxes, John F. Cole. Messenger to City Council, Jairus Mann. City Solicitor, Selwyn Z. Bowman. City Auditor, Charles S. Robertson. City Engineer, Ernest W. Bailey. Consulting Engineer, George A. Kimball. Superintendent of Streets, John P. Prichard. Inspector and Superintendent of Public Buildings, Frederick C. Fuller. Chief of Police, Melville C. Parkhurst. Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, James R. Hopkins. Superintendent of Electric Lines and Lights, Leighton W. Manning. City Physician, Alvah B. Dearborn, M. D. Inspector of Milk and Vinegar, (."harles S. Philbrick. Inspector of Animals and Provisions, Charles M. Berry. Sealer of Weights and Measures, Luther B. Pillsbury. Clerk of Committees, William P. Mitchell. F. O. J. Tarbox. Ernest W. Bailey, I Allen F. Carpenter. HISTORY OF THE SCHOOLS. CHAPTER XV. P^RORi 1842 TO THE ci.osp: OF iHK Sui'kri\tkni)p:ncy ok Joshua H. Davis, iSSS.* The citizens of Somerville have always manifested their high ap- preciation of education by their generous support of the pubhc schools. The ever increasing demands for their maintenance and for the construc- tion of school buildings have been cheerfully met. School officers and teachers have received the hearty support of the entire community. Suc- cessive school boards have labored with vigilance and lidelity to maintain a high standard of excellence and to adapt the schools to the ever varying requirements of the community. They have equally avoided excessive conservatism and extreme radicalism. J'hey have adopted new methods and measures only when their superiority was apparent. In their efforts to promote intellectual culture, the\- have not been unmindful of the more important duty of inculcating principles of morality and virtue, and of lay- ing the foundation of worthy character. Tnder such conditions, by such guidance and supervision, the public schools of Somerville have uniformly maintained a position in the front ranks of the best in the Commonwealth. At the time when Somerville became a separate municipality, a new and interesting era in educational affairs had been inaugurated. In the year 1837, Horace Mann was appointed secretary of the newly organized 15oard of Education. His indomitable energy and boundless enthusiasm aroused an interest in education throughout the State never before realized. During his term of twelve years in office, he completely revolutionized our public school system. When the State Board of Education was organized, there was but one institution designed especially to prepare teachers for their work, but one publication to disseminate information upon educational subjects; there were no teachers' conventions, and very few books that furnished practical information to teachers. School architecture was of a rude type. During his first year in office, Mr. Mann visited eight hundred school- * To the former Superintendent of Scln)ols, Mr. Joshua II. Davis, the editors of this volume are under great obligations for a valuable paper containing the material from which this chapter, and portions of the succeeding chapters of the History of Somerville's Schools have been prepared. Many other valuable facts and observations in the manuscript fur- nished by Mr. Davis have been necessarily omitted for want of space. 177 IjS SOMERlIl.I.i:. PAST AXD l'Ri:SI:Xr. houses in tlie State. As a result of his t)bservatiuns, lie luadc the following statement : " Not one-third of the public schoolhouses in Massachusetts would be considered tenantable by any decent family out of the poorhouse or in it. I have seen many schoolhouses in central districts (^f rich and populous towns, where each seat connected with a desk consisted only of an upright post or pedestal, without side-arms or back-board : and some of them so high that the feet of the children sought after the Hoor in vain." The commodious school buildings, comfortable furnishings and excellent schools to be found in every town, at the present day, are in striking con- trast with those which passed under the observation of the eminent sec- retary. After examining the schools of ever\- count\ in the State. Mr. Mann commented upon their condition as follows : " There are about three thou- sand public schools in this Commonwealth, in all of which the rudiments of knowledge are taught. These schools at the present time are so many distinct, independent communities, each being governed by its own habits, traditions and local customs. There is no common superintending power over them. There is no bond of brotherhood or family between them. They are strangers and aliens to each other." Persons in middle life will recall the poorly constructed schoolhouses of those days : the pine benches, unpainted, often notched by boys' jack- knives, rising in tiers from the front to the rear of the room, the seats of the same material and of suflficient length to accommodate several pupils : the frame of blackened boards, splintery and with here and there a knot-hole : the angular pieces of chalk that would sometimes leave a mark, but oftener a scratch : the odds and ends of text-books, which not infrequently were in use for a whole generation. A large stove, or in many cases, an enormous fire-place furnished warmth in excess to those who sat near, while those in the farther portions of the room sat shivering from the winds that found in- gress through the weather-beaten walls. Globes, outline maps, charts, and crayons were almost unknown to the schools of sixty years ago. (ireat as has been the advance in buildings and et|uipments still more marked have been the changes in methods of teaching. The introduction of the kindergarten has diffused an influence, that has been felt in every grade below the high school; the "laboratory method," so called, or learning by doing, has been no less potential, reaching down- ward from the college and the high school, improving the work of the lower grades. The present secretary of the State Board of Education is authority for the statement that, "the best Massachusetts high schools to- day are far ahead of the colleges of fifty years ago, or even thirty years ago, in the character of the science work done, or of that at least whicii they seek to have done." In the opinion iA many, still greater changes are imi)ending. (i. Stan- ley Hall in a recent lecture said: "Every day we have signs of awakened interest, and cultivated people everywhere are coming to realize that there is onlv one great cause, the cause of education." Joshua H. Davis. Gordon a. Soi'thworth. SOMKRllLLE, PAST AND PRESENT. l8l At the present time there are nine State normal schools, and various other institutions of learning, with courses of study for the special prepara- tion of teachers. From these preparatory institutions are graduated yearly hundreds of persons with qualifications of a high order. Teachers' insti- tutes, lectures, conventions, educational publications, discussions, practical works on the science of education and the art of teaching, all contribute to the development of the highest ability and professional enthusiasm among teachers. Men of great natural abilities are attracted to the work of teach- ing, and the problems of education are carefully studied by the greatest men of the age. Great as has been the improvement in the character of the buildings, equipments and methods of teaching over those of half a century ago, still greater has been the advance in popular sentiment with regard to their im- portance. The common school of early days was only the germ from which our present enlarged and perfected system of public education has been devel- oped. " Fortunately the system possesses the flexibility necessary to adapt it to the wants of different periods of time, and different communities, with their ever varying necessities." School Buildincs.* The I'ppi-r W'nUer Hill Schoolhoiise, located on Central street, near Broadway, was moved to the present site of the Prescott school. East Somerville, in the year 1855. In 1856 it was removed to Prospect street, where it was known as the Union schoolhouse. The Prospect Hill Schoolhouse CQwi'AxwtA two rooms, and was situated on Medford street, near the end of Cross street. It was used for school pur- poses until the completion of the Brastow in 1S61. The building is now located at the corner of Somerville avenue and Prospect street, and is used by the Somerville water board. The Milk Street Schoolhouse, located on Somerville avenue, near the Cemetery, was burned in 1849. The Lo7c>er Wiuter Hill Schoolhouse, at the corner of Broadway and Franklin street, was occupied by primary schools until 1S46, and, on the completion of the first Prescott schoolhouse in that year, was sold and re- moved. In one of their early reports, the school committee facetiously styled these buildings "the dowry of the good old dame to her first and only off- spring." In addition to the schools above mentioned, one was kept in a private dwelling in the Russell district until the completion of the Wabiut Hill Schoolhouse in 1843, when the name was changed to the "Walnut Hill dis- trict." The average attendance in all these schools for the year 1842 was two hundred a)id tiventy-six pupils. In 1843-44, the master of the Prospect Hill * For an account of the earliest school buildings, see Chapter VIII. iSj S()mi:r\ii.i.i:. past .\.\n I'Ri-.si-.xr. gi.iiiiiii.il M.iiuul, Mr. William V.. (Iraves, was paid a salary of 5600. Master Charles Warren, of the Lower Winter Hill school received 530 per month : the female teachers 5210 per annum. I'he Walnut Hill school was tau<;ht by a male in winter and by a female in summer. I'his arrangement was discontinued in 1S53. In 1S34, Miss Susanna C". Kussell was appointed teacher and continued in that position till the spring of 1X67. Lnder her instruction, pupils passed through all primary and grammar grades, and were fitted for the high school. In isf);, when the Lincoln school was established, this school was discon- tinued- .ScHooLiiousEs CoxsiRucrKi) Since 1S42. The W'abiKt Hill Schoolhoitsc (already mentionedj was built in 1.S43, on Broadway, near the foot of Walnut Hill. In 1S6S it was moved to Cedar street, named the "Cedar Street Schoolhouse," and was duplicated in i«73- The Lower Winter Hill Sehoolhonse, built in 1S43 at the corner of Hroadway and Franklin street, was removed to l^eacon street in 1S4.S, and named the Harvard Primary. It was enlarged in 1S61, and was burned in 1S71. The J^reseott Sehoolhoiise, Xo. 1, located at the corner of liroadway and Franklin street, was built in 1S46, and was Inuned in iS5r). It contained two schoolrooms. The Franklin Schoolhouse, on Somerville avenue, near the end of Spring street, was built in 1846. It contained two rooms, and was duplicated in 1S62. The Prospcet J/ill Sehoolhonse. on Washington, opposite Prospect street, was erected in 1S4S, with four rooms. The two front rooms were added in 1865. 7he Spring; Hill Primary Sehoolhou.u\h\\\\\ in 1S50, is located in the rear of the 1 leech street schoolhouse. The Bell Primary was built on Cherry street, near Elm street, in 1S57. In 1867 it was moved to the rear of the Franklin schoolhouse. In 1S71 it was placed on the site of the Harvard schoolhouse, and took the name of that building. In consequence of these changes and "to perpetuate the memory of Dr. Luther \'. Hell, a citizen so eminent in his profession, and so strong in attachment to the interests of the schools." the school lioard adopted the following resolution : — ''Resolved, That this board recommend that the name ' liell " be given to the ne.xt large school building erected in Somerville."" ///XV/ Sehoolhouse, Xo. i. The building now used as the city hall, was dedicated .\pril 29, 1S52. For fifteen years the high .school occupied the upper story, the lower being used for town purposes. From 1S67 to l-eb- ruary 27, 1S72, when the building was vacated, the entire edifice was occu- pied by the school. 7'he Forstcr Sehoolhoiise, X^o. i, built in 1S54-5, on Sycamore street. near the site of the present building, contained four schoolrooms. It was burned February iS. 1X^)6. Thomas S. Wentworth. \ 1^ A ■'^^c 1 1 ^^ m^^f"^ H ^^m ■ ^^ 3 1 ^^^^^^^^^^W^fr^^j^^^^^^iA^^^^^ ^ is^^i^l Martin W. Carr. SOMKRMLLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 1 85 The Prescott Sc/iool/ioiise, No. 2, containing seven rooms, was built of lirick on the spot where the school is now located, and was burned Decem- ber 31, 1866. It was rebuilt with twelve rooms in 1867. TAr Brastow Schoolhoiise, on Medford street, opposite the end of High- land avenue, was built in 1861, containing two schoolrooms. The site is now occupied b}' the Central Fire Station. 77ic Jackson School Iiousc,'a.\. the corner of Poplar and Maple streets, was built in 1 861, and has four schoolrooms. The Lincoln Schoolho/esc, No. 1, was built on Elm street, in 1866. It contained four rooms, was moved to Clarendon Hill, in 1881, and was burned October 22, 1884. Jt was rebuilt in 1885. The Forster Schoolhoiisc, jVo. 2, Sycamore street, was built in 18^)-, with eight schoolrooms and an exhibition hall ; two additional rooms were con- structed in the hall in 1881, and, in 1883, the remaining portion of the hall was divided into two schoolrooms. The Prescott SchoolJtoiisc, No. 3, Pearl street, was built in 1867, with ten schoolrooms and a hall. In 1873, the hall was divided into two school- rooms. The Bennett Schoolhonse, corner of Joy and Poplar streets, was built in 1868, and has four schoolrooms. The JFe/>ster Schoolhonse, on Webster avenue, was built in i8()8, and contained four schoolrooms. The Morse Schoolhoiise, at the corner of Craigie and Summer streets, was built in 1869, containing four rooms and a hall. In 1880, the hall was divided into two schoolrooms. In 1889, an addition of six rooms was made. High Schoolhoiise, A^o. 2, located on Central Hill, was constructed in 1 87 1, and formally dedicated, February 27, 1872. A chemical laboratory and a philosophical room were arranged in the basement. A schoolroom fifty-two feet square, and two recitation rooms, twenty-six feet by twenty-two feet, occupied the first story, and the second was divided in the same man- ner. The third story contained a large hall and three anterooms. In December, 1S83, two schoolrooms were constructed in the third story, leaving a hall sixty-three by sixty-four feet, which, in 1888, was divided into two schoolrooms. The Edgerly Schoolhoiise, on Cross street, was built in 1871, containing four schoolrooms, to which four were added in 1882, and four others in 1892. The Beech Street Schoolhoiise, originally a chapel, was purchased of the Spring Hill Baptist Society in 1872, and contains two schoolrooms. The Luther V. Bell Schoolhoiise. on \'inal avenue, was completed in 1874, and contains twelve schoolrooms. 77ie Highland Schoolhoiise, corner of Highland avenue and Grove street, was built in 1880, with eight rooms, and, in 1890, was raised one story, thus making an addition of four rooms. The Ciinunings Schoolhoiise, on School street, built in 1884, has four schoolrooms. iS6 soMERiJi.i.i:, I'Asr AM) /•a'j:sj\/\ Till- DiViis S, /i,>ii'^i(>i/si-, on Tufts street, was l)uilt in 1S.S4, and contains four rooms. 'J7it- JJiiiiu/i .\,/i('o//i(>u.u\ Lowell street, built in 1SS6, contains four rooms. The Kiujpp Sehoo/house, Concord square, was built in |SS(,. with ei<,du schoolrooms, to which four w-ere added in 1S94. The Charles G. Pope Sehoo/house, corner of Washington and JJoston streets, was built in 1S91, with twelve schoolrooms. The Jaeob T. GTiiies Sehoo/house. Jaques street, was built in i.S<)i. with eight schoolrooms, to which five were added in iSc/). lyie George IV. Dure// Sehoo/house, located on P>eacon street, was built in 1S94, and contains four schoolrooms. IVie Eng/ish High Sehoo/house, on i'it\\\.\\\\ Hill, was l)uilt in \>^^)--,. It contains fourteen classrooms, a chemical, a physical, a biological laboratory, three recitation rooms, a lecture hall, drawing room, two teachers' rooms, library, and principal's otitice, besides four manual-training rooms in the basement. The ]\'i/liiji)i II. ]fod};/;ius Sehoo/hiuise, i^w 1 loUand street, containing twelve rooms, was completed in iSyf). •' From the foregoing it appears that on her natal day. .Somervillc had four school buildings containing in all tn e rooms ; " that, prior to the close of iS,S9, "thirty school buildings containing one hundred and sixty-nine schoolrooms had been constructed, and one building of two rooms had been purchased. Si.x of these, containing nineteen rooms, had been burned." Two buildings, containing three rooms, had been applied to other uses, and one had been sold. IJy the table on page 79 of .Superintendent Southworth's Report for 1.S95, it appears that at that time the twelve-room buildings were the Pres- cott, Kdgerly, L. \. Hell, C C. Pope, Forster, Morse and Highland. The O. S. Knapp has thirteen; the J. T. Glines nine (to which five have since been added). The Bingham has eight, and the Prospect Hill six rooms. The four-room buildings were the Davis. Pennett, Jackson, Cummings, Franklin, (i. W. Durell, Ikirns, and Lincoln. The Beech street and Cedar street schoolhouses contain two rooms each, and the Harvard has one room. The buildings that can fairly claim the greatest antiquity are the Cedar street, which has been in use for a period of fifty-three years: the l^'ranklin, fifty, the Prospect Hill, fort\-eight. and the Harvard, forty-live years. pRiMARV Schools. •• For a series of years, about forty-four per cent of the pupils registered in all the schools have been in this department. "' Previous to 1.S57, pupils were admitted to these schools at the age of four years, and were retained in them four years. QUINCY E. DlCKERMAN. S. Newton Cutler. SOMERl'ILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 1 89 •'Since that time the age of admission has been five years, and the work has been completed in three years." ''Early in our history children were subjected to great discomfort from lack of desks and other needed appliances. The irksome alphabet method of teaching reading was univer- sally practiced. There was no slate work, and no instruction in writing and drawing. Little was done to relieve the tedium and enliven the school life of the children by furnishing them congenial employment ; and the teacher's energies were directed chiefly to the maintenance of order and the repres- sion of the activities of their pupils." During the last sixty years all this has been changed. Convenient and comfortable furniture, more rational methods of instruction and study have made school life more attractive as well as vastly more profitable. At the present time much more is accomplished in a given period, and with less expenditure of vital force. (jKAM.mar Schools. "At their first meeting, March 21, 1.S42, the school committee took measures for the immediate establishment of a permanent grammar school." The Prospect Hill Grai/ii/iar Stiioo/ was established in April, 1S42. Mr. William K. Graves, principal. In June, 1S74, the name was changed to the •• Luther V. Bell School." T/ie Lo7oer JVinter Hill Gi-ai)ii)inr School was organized in April, 1S44, with George Swan as principal ; salary #3^)0. In January, 1S47, the name was changed to the " Prescott School." The Franklin Grain /iiar School was organized in November, 1846, Wil- liam E. Graves, principal. In March, 1.S70, the name was changed to the " Morse School." The vacancy caused by the transfer of Mr. Graves was filled by the choice of Martin Draper, Jr. The Forstcr Grammar School was established in February, 1S35, John Jameson, principal ; salary jjiyoo. The Lincoln Grammar School was established in January, 1867, Horace P. Makechnie, principal; salary 51,000. The name was changed to the " Highland School " in September, 1881. The Charles G. Pope Grammar School was organized in ( )ctober, 1891, (xcorge M. Wadsworth, principal ; salary #1,600. 77ie Edgerly Grammar School was organized in September, 1888, Edgar L. Raub, principal. 2he O. S. Knapp Grammar School was organized in April, 1890, Harry N. Andrews, principal. " During the first ten years of our history all pupils in the grammar schools were under the instruction of the grammar masters. In 1853, an intermediate, or sub-grammar grade, embracing the three lower classes of the grammar schools, was* established and placed in charge of female teachers. This arrangement was continued until 1872, when the present mode of classification was adopted as follows : primary, containing three classes; grammar, six classes; high, four classes." The following are the names of the principals of grammar schools in Somerville, not elsewhere mentioned, and the year of their appointment : — lyo somi:r\/i.i.i:. iwsr .\\n rRi:si:\r. Robert IJickforcl, 1S51 ; McLauren F. Cook, 1.S32: II. ( ). \\ liilteniore, 1S53 ; Daniel U. Wheeler, 1S54; John Wilson, 1S59; George R. Bradford, 1S64: Samuel C. Hunt, isr/); John 1). Marston, iSr.S; William 15. Allen. 1S69: Augustus Lintield. 1S72; L. ]>. Pillsbury, 1S72: Samuel ('. Higgin.s, 1S76: Charles C". Hunkins, 1S77. Two eminent teachers, not elsewhere mentioned, were Cieorge Swan and (ieorge T. Littlefield, both of whom left Somerville to accept prominent positions in Boston. Kdward W. Howe, one of our grammar masters, was afterwards principal of the Jamaica Plain High School, and John Jameson, of the lioylston .School. Huston. The names of masters and principals serving at the present time will he found in another chapter on the schools. Fa'kxing Schools. Ry a statute of 1SS3, every town and city in this Commonwealth, hav- ing ten thousand or more inhabitants, is required to maintain " evening schools for the instruction of persons over twelve years of age, in orthogra- phy, reading, writing, geography, arithmetic, drawing, the history of the I'nited States, and good beha\ior."' In 1S75 (December 6), an evening school was opened in the hall, corner of Washington and Prospect streets. It contained one hundred and fifty pupils of both sexes, from fourteen to thirty years of age. Other evening schools were held for several winters in the Luther \'. Bell, Wel)ster and Cedar street schoolhouses. Evening grammar schools were established in dilTcrent sections of the city in 1SS5. They have been in charge of the grammar masters, and have been sup- plied with all the conveniences and appliances of the day schools. I )kA\\ i\( ;. This branch of education was introduced into the high school in 1.S53, and made one of the regular exercises of the school. From 1S53 to 1S57 (inclusive), Mr. Wm. X. Bartholomew was an instructor in this department. The Legislature of 1.S70 enacted that drawing should be added to the required branches of learning to be taught in tlie public schools, and that towns and cities of more than ten thousand inhabitants furnish free instruc- tion in industrial or mechanical drawing to persons over fifteen years of age, in day or evening schools, under the direction of the school com- mittees. Both these requirements were promptly met. In Januar\-, 1S72, a school was organized under the direction of Prof. Lucas Baker, who also had charge of the school in the winter of 1S73-4. Prof. Baker was employed, also, to give instruction to teachers of grammar and primary schools on Saturdays, during part of i,S73-4. In 1S.S5, Mr. Charles .M. Carter, agent of the State l)0ard of Education, performed a similar work. While the regular teachers were becoming qualified in this branch, the schools were taught by special Citizens for whom Somerville Schools are named. ^^' "^ Citizens for wiioiii Somerville Schools are nanieJ. S0MEK17LLE, J 'AST JXD PRESENT. 193 instructors. In their report of i.S;;, the committee say that "all teachers employed by the city are expected to teach drawing with the same degree of skill and success that they do penmanship, or any other branch of in struction." In 1SS5, evening drawing schools were resumed, and have been contin- ued without interruption. In iSSS and 1SS9 a special teacher of drawing was employed to give in- struction in all the schools. Music. In September, 1859, Mr. S. I). Hadley was employed to teach vocal music in the grammar schools. The committee, in 1860, commend his work, and in 1S61 they say, "His services have done much to improve as well as to elevate the tone of the schools." In September, iSGS, Mr. S. H. ( ). Hadley was appointed teacher of music in the high school, and in September, 1S70, he succeeded Mr. S. 1). Hadley in the grammar schools. A new impulse was given to the study of music the same year by the introduction of Mason's charts. In their report of tSS7, the committee say: " In all the grades one hour a week is devoted to the study and practice of music, which has been a regular branch of in- struction in our schools for nearly thirty years. For the last twenty years it has been under the direction of Mr. S. H. ( ). Hadley." ..." Mr. Hadley, by his enthusiasm and rare ability and skill as a teacher, has ever sustained a commendable interest in this important branch of instruction." In the high school, the practice of singing by note is discontinued, and pupils sing at sight the music contained in the l-ifth or High School Music Reader, which contains compositions of a high order from the best masters. Sewing. " In the early part of this century instruction in this branch was given to girls in the public schools quite generally. This practice has been re- vived." In September, 1S8S, two sewing teachers were appointed to instruct the girls of the grammar schools. The results are highly satisfactory. Free Texi-Books and Supplies. Since the opening of the schools in September, 1884, agreeably to a law enacted that year, all pupils have been supplied with the text-books and materials needed in their school work free of expense to them. The. total cost to the city during the first four years that the law was in force for these supplies was $27,519.63, of which $16,456.00 was for text- books. Vacations and Holidays. Forty- eight weeks constituted the school year until 1847, when it was reduced by one week, and Christmas was added to the six holidays which had been previously granted. In 1850, the vacations and holidays were : one week, commencing with the first Monday in March ; one week, commencing with the first Monday 194 soMiJuii.LE. r.isr .\xi) i'Ri:si:\T. in June: three weeks, commencing with the second Monday in August: Thanksgiving Day, with the remainder of the week : the afternoons of W'ed- nesday and Saturday : New \ear"s : Fast Day : the i st of Mav : the 17th of June; l-'ourth of July : Christmas. In 1S57, the twenty-second of February was added to tiie holidays. In 1S63, the Saturday sessions in the high school were discontinued. In isos, the week preceding the first Monday in March was made a vacation, and the summer vacation was made '* seven weeks preceding the first Monday in September." Christmas week also became a vacation. In 1S72, the school year was reduced to forty weeks, and the afternoon sessions to two and one-half hours. In 1S75, the afternoon sessions were reduced to two hours, and the recess was discontinued. In 1SS4, a session of two hours \\'ednesda\- afternoon was substituted for the session of three hours Saturday forenoon. In iS,S6, vacations and holidays were granted as follows: " Every Sat- urday ; from noon of the da> preceding Thanksgiving until the Monday fol- lowing; from December 24 at noon to the day after that celebrated as Xew ^■ear's Day; the 22d of February ; the week immediately preceding the first .Monday in March; Fast I)a\- ; one week, commencing on the Monda\ pre- ceding the first Wednesday in May; Memorial Day ; the 17th of June ; the weeks between the close of the school year and the first Monday in Sep- tember." CHAPTER XVI. HisroR\ or riii; Schools {Co/i/i/iiwd).* Si I'l-.KIM I.MJKNCV OK Cl.AKKNC K K. M l.I.KNKV. Till, committee on annual report for the year 1S88, Mr. James F. Heard, chairman, use the following language concerning Superintendent Davis. •' I5y the resignation of Mr. Joshua H. Davis, the city has lost the valued services of a superintendent whose long employment in the interest of her schools had made him intimate with the w^ants and conditions of every department of the work and section of the city. . . . The general satis- factory condition of the schools, as he left them, show him to have been well abreast of the times in all educational lines of thought and practice. We take pleasure in paying tribute to his efficient and progressive adminis- tration. His genial and courteous manner will ever be remembered by his associates in the school work of the city. In him the scholars had a warm friend, and the example of a consistent Christian gentleman. With his farewell report we appropriately close the first \olume of our school history as a city." * The editors arc indebted to Superintendent Soutinvortii for school reports and valu- aMe inlormation fmm which tliis and the succeedinj^ chapters iiave been mainly derive /^ S. Henry Hadley. SOMERl-lLLE, PAST AXD PKESENF. 205 On Auo-ust 28, resolutions appreciative of Mr. Southworth's twenty years' service as principal of the Prescott school were unanimously adopted by the board. , . at 1 \ review of the work done for the schools, whde Supermtendent Mel- eney was at the helm, is presented in Mr. Southworth's report for 1S93. a portion of which is herewith presented. It is entitled "A Five \'kaks' RKiROsi'Kcr." " In their report for iSSS, the committee say, ' With the report of super- intendent Joshua H. Davis for 18S7, we appropriately close the first volume of our school history as a city.' Possibly the recent change in the superin- tendency of our schools may not inappropriately be said to mark the close of the second volume. At any rate it is the end of a chapter. ^' The rapid growth of our population, the increase of our schools, and the efforts of our city to supply educational facilities equal to the demand, will best be seen by comparing the numbers in the two columns below : — No. of children between 5 and i 5 years of age Average number belonging to the schools . No. of schoolrooms, grammar and primary No. of teachers employed High-school pupils in December .... High-school teachers High-school rooms (rrammar-school graduates High-school graduates Amount spent for support of schools . . . Cost per pupil Estimated value of school property . . . Valuation of the city 128,765,400 5.959 5,488 1 12 139 411 10 10 243 59 5103,552 18.87 #428,554 iSg3. 7,191 7,217 152 184 618 15 Per cent of Increase. 21 32 3^> o- 50 50 10 399 64 82 39 .•«.i 50,101 45 20.80 10 $636,725 49 41,820,700 45 " A comparison of the numbers in the preceding table shows that during the last five years the increase of school accommodations, with the note- worthy exception of the high school, has just about kept pace with the increase of children. Forty modern schoolrooms, well ventilated, well liahted and well adapted to use, have been added by the construction of the Knapp, Glines, and Pope schoolhouses, and by the enlargement of the Morse, Highland, and Edgerly buildings. Four rented rooms occupied in 1 888 have been abandoned, the Brastow schoolhouse has been converted into an engine-house, and the Inion school building has been sold, making a net gain in the five years of thirty-seven schoolrooms, containing sittings for 1,946 pupils. The increase in the number of pupils has been 1,729. '' This comparison also shows that the rate of increase in the value of school property slightly exceeds the increase in the assessors' valuation of property in the city, while the expense of supporting the schools has m- 2o6 so.u/:a'I7/././:. /'.ist .lyd /'nhskxt. creased in exactl\- the same ratio as the city's al)ility to pay as indicated h\- the value of real and personal property in the city. We obser\e further- more, that the gain in the number of graduates of the high school is greater than the gain in school population, and this too notwithstanding all iIk- disadvantages of its crowded condition." ••The school board of Sonierville. . . . with the wise and prudent con- servatism that refuses to accept the new simply because it is new. . . . under the leadership of a courageous and enthusiastic educator, gradually intro- duced into our schools during tive years that we are reviewing, new forms and methods of development and training fully in accord with the general trend of education in these latter da\,s. ■' The first movement in advance was the adoption of a system of in- dustrial drawing that experience has proved to be based on sound educa- tional principles. To train teachers and to direct the work, a skilled super- visor of drawing was employed. I'nder this expert direction, seconded by the enthusiastic co-operation of teachers and the growing interest of pupils. the system in all its details has become firmly established in our schools. . . . I'ollowing this came the introduction of manual training for girls, in the form of sewing. . . . Two teachers of sewing were employed and a systematic method of instruction adopted, which has since become widely known as the • Somerville system," and which competent judges declared to be the best exhibited at the W orld's Fair.'' In 1SS9, the miscellaneous calisthenic exercises given in some schools were replaced by the form of Swedish gymnastics known as the •' Ling system," which was regularly introduced into all grades. A competent supervisor was employed to direct the work and instruct the teachers. '•The introduction of the normal system of music into the primary schools, and the employment of a special director to supervise the work in them, marked an important advance in musical instruction in our city. . . . It has since been extended to the fourth and fifth grades." "Another modification of our school work that helps to put .Somerville in step with other municipalities is the introduction, to a limited extent, of natiin- stiiJ} y Though no special teacher for this work has been employed, he declares that •'an excellent beginning has been made." •' One other improvement has characterized the period we are consider- ing. It is the extension and systematizing of supplementary reading. . . . ( )ur school reading now runs definitely along four lines, extending and sup- plementing the work in history, geography, science and literature." *• A statement of what has been accomplished during these five years would be incomplete without some allusion to the efTorts that have been made to secure additional accommodations for pupils that wish to pursue a high school course. . . . Sufiice it to say, that at last all these labors have been crowned with success." " Not to prolong this retrospect, mention only is made of the formation of historical class-libraries, which raise the study of history above the plane of merely memoriter exercises, and of the extension of history study down- Prospect Hill School. POPE School. CUMMINGS SCHOOL. HARVARD SCHOOL. KNAPP SCHOOL. BEECH STREET SCHOOL. LUTHER V. BELL SCHOOL. HODGKiNs School. Lincoln School. durell school Bingham School. Highland School. Burns School. S0MER17LLK, PAST AXD PRESENT. 209 wards into lower grades ; of changes in nietliods of teaching geography, which require less time and compel observation and thought and secure expression in its various forms — words, maps and drawings; of attempts to co-ordinate language-study with work in geography, history, science, and literature ; and of the complete revision of the course of study, adapting it to the new lines of work." Concerning the teachers of the city, the Superintendent says : " Of the 170 regular teachers," 104, or 60 per cent, have been appointed within five years. . . . The average term of service for our entire corps of regular teachers is six years." ..." Thirty-six per cent of all our teachers have had the professional training given by normal schools ; nine per cent are college graduates ; six per cent have had a year in some training school ; forty-eight per cent, about one-half of them, entered upon the work of teach- ing with the education which an ordinary high school gives — some of the latter came to us after considerable experience elsewhere." " The changed condition and constantly increasing requirements in our schools demand in teachers wider culture, broader knowledge, and profes- sional education." ..." Teaching is now everywhere recognized as a pro- fession." ..." The conversion of one of our largest schools into a training school seems to be a necessity forced upon us by the situation." . . . " These teachers in training would be excellent substitutes." . . . "Other cities have such schools, and their success is multiplying their numbers." " This portion of the report cannot be closed without bearing witness to the character of the teachers now employed by the city. In the main they are well equipped either by training or experience or both. They are conscientious, hard-working, enthusiastic, faithful. Their lot is not an easy one, notwithstanding the popular impression. They are expected to make the school. They have heard ten thousand times, ' The teacher is the school.' They know that the plastic material will forever bear the impress of their own characters. They must be what their pupils should become. . . . Teachers are assured that their fidelity and labor are appreciated, not only by school ofticials, but by the public, who realize their indebtedness to them, the most useful members in any community." " Prominent among the questions now agitating the pedagogical world is the one that has reference to changes in the grammar school curriculum. Extended college courses have led to increased demands upon fitting schools, and they, in turn, are inquiring whether some of the work done by them may not be done in grammar grades. Discussions upon the true educational value of different studies have given expression to widely dif- ferent opinions. . . . Experiments are making with a view to the evolution of what is best. Educational empiricists are advocating the introduction into the grammar schools of Latin, French, German, algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, geology, etc. The incoming of the new involves the exclusion of the old. for no one advocates lengthening the time by either daily or annual increase. Indeed, there are some that, with all the so-called enrichment, clamor for a reduction of the time spent in jio somj:a'17/. /./■:. I'.isr .i.\7> /'a-a.va.w. education. The various exercises of the schools are being tested to ascer- tain their relative educational and practical value, — their value in strength, ening and training the intellectual faculties as distinguished from their \ alue in informing and equipping the student for some specific employment in the future."' . . . '•The great majority of children do not go througii our schools, but drop out all along the way.'" ..." More than one-half our children are in the four lower grades, while but one-twelfth of them are in the high school, and one sixty-sixth in the highest, or graduating class." . . . "()ur pupils leave school to engage in commercial or [industrial pursuits, and what we do for the great majority of them must be done below high-school grade." (."oncerning Sc/itm/ Kxhlhits, the superintendent says : " Since our last report two exhibitions have been called for. one at the high school, June 17. 1S92, where each pupil was represented by a garment of her own making, and one for the World's Fair at Chicago." In concluding his report, which is replete with important recommendations and suggestions, the superin- tendent says : '* The most pressing need is so to increase our school ac- commodations that every child of school age in Somerville may have a com- fortable seat five hours in every day in an uncrowded schoolroom whose air and light and heat shall be the best that modern science affords. This need supplied, the number of pupils assigned to a single instructor should be reduced to a teachable limit."' . . . '* I'pon the schools, more than upon all other agencies combined, depend our future welfare and prosperity." As the successor of Mr. Hayes in the I'orster school. Mr. I 'red C. lialdwin. of Manchester. X. H., was chosen. I'hk ^ kar I S(;4 was marked by the addition of four rooms to the Knapp school, four to the liingham, and the erection of a new four-room building at the corner of lieacon and Kent streets, which was named the ••(leorge W. 1 )urell School," "in honor of an esteemed citizen, for eleven years a member of the committee. . . . one whose life and character furnish an inspiration and an example for the youth who shall in coming years share the advantages of the school bearing his name. ' The superintendent reported that there had been a gain of 430 children of school age, and made specific recommendations concerning additional accommodations. "TnK VK.AK 1S93, " says Superintendent .Soulhworlh, ' has l)een a pros- perous one in the school history of Somerville. " In regard to the expense of the school department, he says : — "While the amount spent for the maintenance of our schools seems large, it will be noticed . . . that among the thirty cities of the State we stood seventeenth in the percentage of taxable property paid for the support of public schools in 1S94."' Attention is called to the fact that '"there are 542 more children in Somerville to-day than there were a year ago."" "Of the 209 teachers in the empUjy of the rit\', three are in training Francis H. Raymond George w. Perkins. SOMERVILLE, FAST AND PRESENT. without pay ; forty-one have been newly elected during the year, 17 of these to positions in the English high school." Supt. Southworth says : "The long-talked of training school for Som- erville must soon become a reality." Under the head of Patriotic Instruction the superintendent mentions, as prominent among the acts of the Legislature of 1S95 affecting schools, the law requiring the uninterrupted display of the U. S. Hag upon or within schoolhouses while schools are in session, and says an attempt has been made to conform to this requirement. The most of our school buildings have been provided with flags by the generosity of public-spirited and patriotic citizens or the contributions of equally patriotic children. Miss Mary L. Patrick was chosen supervisor of drawing, and Miss Sarah I. Stanton teacher of sewing. Care of Schoolhouses. " When the last revision of the city ordinances was made, the janitors of schoolhouses were placed under the election and control of the Committee on Public Property. Previously they had been responsible to the School Board, as is the case in most towns and cities. The change has not been advantageous to the schools. The efficiency of the service has not been increased. The local School Committee are in constant communication with teachers and with schools, and to them the janitors should be respon- sible. Any needed criticism now reaches the ultimate authority in a very roundabout way, and reforms and changes are often slow in coming and unsatisfactory in character." The following tables are taken from the superintendent's report for 1.S95 : — Annual Cost of Maintaininc, the Schools FOR A SERIES OF YEARS. Amounts are given to the nearest dollar and include what has been paid for maintaining day and evening schools of all grades. Average Instruction Water Year. Member- ship. and Supervision. and Light. Heating. Janitors. Supplies. Total. 1885 4,904 $ 79,506 $ 728 $ 4,965 % 4,000 % 8,449 $ 97,648 1886 4,985 83,542 624 4,929 4,194 6,676 99,865 1887 5,198 86,713 765 6.475 5,084 7,526 106,563 1 888 5,488 88,967 953 7,121 5,892 7,421 110,354 1889 5,95^^ 96,466 805 6.081 6,448 9,903 119,703 1890 6,486 104,184 1,004 5.586 7,539 10,371 128,684 1 89 1 6,502 I 14,066 1,047 8,032 8,544 13,899 145.588 1892 7,035 124.232 1,064 7,148 9,795 12,944 155,183 1893 7,217 128,720 1,014 8,312 10,160 10,137 158,333 1894 7,212 132,919 958 9,673 10,686 10,919 165,155 1895 7,617 144,113 1,398 8,796 11,581 15,063 180,951 214 SOMERl/l.l.i:, PAST Axn ]'Ri:si:\J. An.VIAI, CN»>I I'KK C.M'MA (»K M \1 \ lA I .N 1N(; Se HOOL.S loK A SEKIES OK VKAKS. [Based on the average membership.] fanilors. Water, Supe,visio„. I "--,-d Instruction and 1SS5 I SS6 1SS7 I sss I SS9 I S90 I Si; I ..S92 I S94 1S95 516.21 16.76 16.68 16.21 16.20 16.06 i7o4 17.66 1 7.S4 18.43 1 8.92 ; 1 .98 1-94 2-37 2-54 2. 2-1 2.18 2.71 2.56 2.70 2.96 2.86 School -Supply Kxpeiisrs. SI. 72 1-34 ••45 ■ •36 1 .^.6 1 .60 2.14 1.84 1.40 1.51 1.98 Total. Ratio of cost of Assessors' VaUia- school main- tion of Ciiy. tenance to valuation. 519-91 524.878,400 20.03 26,003,200 20.50 27.469.300 20.1 1 28,756.400 20.10 30.004,600 19.84 32,557.500 22.39 36,843,400 22.06 38.093,100 21.94 41,773,600 22.90 44,142.900 23.76 46,506.300 .00392 .00384 .00388 .00384 .00399 .00395 .00395 ,00407 .00379 •00374 .00390 The average per cent of attendance for eleven years from iss; to 1895 wa.s 94.1. Amount Spkm .\\xrAi.i.N' for New Schooi.housk.s, axd i-dk Rki'aik.s, KIC, FOR A SERIES OF YEARS. Ykar. . For New School- 1 houses. For Repairs. For Maintaining .Schools. .\mount spent for all school purposes. 1885 ' 519,185 5 7,052 5 97,648 $ii3,«S5 1 886 '5o''5 8,706 99,865 1 14.086 18S7 > 4,^39 13.636 106.563 '35.03-'^ 1888 4.996 '3,994 "0,354 ' 29.344 1 889 20,167 14.225 ■19,703 ' 54.095 1 890 IS^lll 1 9, 1 68 1 28,684 223,627 I 89 1 84,902 >4,<'^47 i45-5«^^ ^Al'ZZl 1892 I 2,679 17,734 J 55, '•'^3 1 76,001 •«93 22,809 12,440 ^I'^'ZZZ .93.582 1894 82,206 *44.764 '65,155 292,125 1895 K-/,So 15,651 180,951 284,282 I'olTLATION OF So.MERVILLE, I S42 I 850 I 860 I 865 1870 1875 1,013 3,540 8,025 9,366 ' 4,693 21,594 1880 1885 1890 1895 1 896 -4,9'''5 29,992 40,117 52,200 55.000 * Incluiliiii,' lieatiiij^ a])]>aralus in both Ilij^h Scln nl buildinj. Davis School. prescott school. Bennett school. EDGERLY SCHOOL. JACKSON SCHOOL. Glines School. Morse school. Cedar Street School. FORSTER School. Franklin School. Harry F. Hathaway. George M. Wadsworth. John s. Emerson. > v^H ^^L^^^^^^^^ ^ 3^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^■k ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^': ^<'^ mi ^^^^^^^^^^P>^^^P^^| Charles E. Brainard. S0MER17LLE, FAST AND PRESENT. 217 An interesting feature of the biographies of the distinguished named, which is hereto appended. Prescott, William H. Prescott. Franklin, Benjamin Franklin. Forster, Charles Forster. Brastow, George O. Brastow. Jackson, Andrew Jackson. Lincoln, Charles S. Lincoln. Bennett, Clark Bennett. Webster, Daniel Webster. Morse. Enoch R. Morse. Edgerly, John S. Edgerly. report is furnished in the portraits and citizens for whom schools have been L. V. Bell, Luther \'. Bell. Cummings, John A. Cummings. Davis, Joshua H. Davis. Burns, Mark F. Burns. Bingham, Norman W. Bingham. O. S. Knapp, Oren S. Knapp. Charles G. Pope, Charles G. Pope. J. T. Glines, Jacob T. Glines. G. W. Durell, George W. Durell. Hodgkins, William H. Hodgkins. Head Masters, Masters and Principals of Schooi Latin high school : — Besin George L. Baxter, head master Frank M. Hawes, master . English high school : — Charles T. C. Whitcomb, head master Winfred C. Akers, master Prescott, Samuel A. Johnson, master Edgerly, Charles E. Brainard, master Davis, P"rances Meldrum, principal Bell, Frederick W. Shattuck, master Cummings, Lydia J. Page, principal Prospect Hill, Helen Tincker, principal Oren S. Knapp, John S. Emerson, master Charles G. Pope, George M. Wadsworth, master Jackson, Annie E. McCarthy, principal . Bennett, Mary B. Smith, principal . Forster, Fred C. Baldwin, master . Glines, Mary E. Northup, principal Bingham, Harry F. Hathaway, principal Morse, Mina J. Wendell, principal . Franklin, Harriet A. Hills, principal Durell, Nora F. Byard, principal . Beech street, Elizabeth S. Foster, princip.il Harvard, Grace l\. Tibbetts Burns, Laura J. Brooks, principal . Cedar street, Lizzie A. Davies, principal Highland, George E. Nichols, master . Hodgkins, Arthur L. Doe, master . Lincoln, J. Louise Smith, principal ning of service. 1867 1879 1895 1896 1893 I 889 1896 1890 1869 1872 1894 1891 1880 1885 i''^93 1878 1 890 1S82 1874 1884 1896 1890 1883 1893 1877 1896 1896 2lS SOMllRl ILIJC. I'.ISJ- A.Xn rRESEXT. Sri I lAI. TkAi HKKS. Instructor in music in high schools, and tirades 7. s and <> of grammar schools. S. Henry Hadley. Supervisor of penmanship. \\ illiam A. Whitehouse. Super\ isor of drawing. Mary L. Patrick. SujK'rvisor of music, grades 1 to 6 inclusive, Mrs. dish (larwood. Teachers of sewing, Sarah I. Stanton, Mary L. Boyd. Sri'KKlM KNDKNTS I'Klok lt> 1X66. In 1.S57 Rev. (ieorge H. Emerson, who was a member of the school board, was elected to the office of superintendent at a salary of S300. Re- signing in 1S65. he was succeeded by O. S. Knapp, who had for ten years been principal of the Prospect Hill grammar school. In isr.'^., Mr. Knapp was succeeded by Joshua H. Davis. Superintendent Southworth has kindly furnished the following concern- ing the schools for 1S96 : — At the present time there are twenty-tive school buildings in Somer- \ille : two hundred and twenty teachers in day schools, and twenty-seven in evening schools. In the day schools there aie eight thousand eight hundred pupils, being an increase of nearly si.\ hundred over the number in iS(;5. There are about four hundred pupils in the evening schools. In |une, 1.S96, three hundred and seventy pupils were graduated from the grammar schools, seventy-six per cent of whom entered the high schools. llii;ii .ScH()oi,>. As early as K)47, an ordinance was passed by the (General Court of .Massachusetts, making education universal and free, and requiring every town containing one hundred families to maintain a grammar school, — simi- lar to the high schools of the present time, — to be kept by a master who "should be able to instruct youth so far as they may be fitted for the university." By an act of 1826, "every town may, and every town containing five hundred families or householders, shall maintain a high school." In 1S51, measures were inaugurated by the citizens of SomerviUe, for the erection of a building and the establishment of a high school. The building was ded- icated .April 2.S, 1X52, and the school was organized on the 3d of .May following. .-Vfter an examination si.\ty-six pupils were admitted. In August following, twenty-two additional pupils entered the school. In .August, 1.S59, when Mr. Babcock assumed charge, it contained forty- three pupils. The course of study required three years. Pupils of the first class studied the Latin reader. None had been prepared for college, and none had been graduated. In 1S60, two courses of study of four years were adopted, one a regular course including the Latin language, the other a course preparatory to college. m O o C/) n O O C/) o o o O c/j a o LU o SOMERVILLK, PAST AXD I'RESENT. \2 1 In 1S62, diplomas were awarded to six graduates. In 1870, an English or mercantile course was adopted. The advent of Mr. Babcock to the school was the introduction of a new and prosperous era. In his efforts to improve the school he was greatly assisted by Charles S. Lincoln, Esq., then a member of the school board. Ihider the judicious management of Mr. Babcock and his successor. Mr. Geo. L. Baxter, the school has con- stantly increased in numbers, efficiency and popular favor. In September, 1S67, Mr. Babcock resigned, and Mr. Baxter became principal. The school then' contained one hundred and nineteen pupils. In 1872 (March 4), when the school held its first session in the new building, it contained one hun- dred and fifty pupils. The reports of committees and superintendents fur- nish abundant evidence that, under Mr. Baxter's management, the school has performed admirable work in preparing pupils for higher institutions of learning, and has pursued a liberal policy towards those who desired to sup- plement the grammar-school course by studies of practical value to them in their various contemplated pursuits in life. During the twenty years that it occupied the old building, eight hundred and fifty-three pupils were admitted to the school, and one hundred and forty-one received diplomas of graduation. Previous to Mr. Baxter's acces- sion to the school, fifty pupils had been graduated, only six of whom entered upon a college course. The constant growth in the number of pupils and of graduates, since 1867, has been so remarkable that we present the following brief table of statistics illustrating it. Year. Largest number in High School. No. Graduated. No. who entered College or Scientific Schools. I 867 119 7 4 1872 186 21 1877 227 37 7 1882 280 33 14 1887 387 53 15 1892 S77 80 r -J) 1893 626 82 29 1894 691 1 I [ JJ 1895 775 'J- 29 1896 855 1 18 -5 By reference to the superintendent's report for 1895, page 95, we find that the per cent of the average membership of all the schools maintained by the high school has increased from 0.32 in 1867, and 0.75 in 1868, to 1.52 in 1894, and 1.21 in 1895 ; or averaging the first two years above mentioned and the last two, the per cent for the years 1894 and 1895 is 1.365 as agamst 0.535 for the years 1867 and 1868. The names of principals of the high school, and their terms of service, are as follows : — 222 SOMI'.Rl/I.I.i:. /'.IS J- .I.V/) /'A'/:s/:xj\ Robert Bickford, from 1X^4 to 1S56. Samuel I. Pike, from 1S36 to 1S5.S. Isaac X. Beals, from 1.S5S to 1S59. Henry \\. Babcock. from 1S59 to 1867. Cieorge I,, liaxter, from 1S67 to i^c;;. In submitting the report of the committee on the high school for the year 1S90, Dr. A. H. Carvill said: "When this school first occupied the present high school building, March 4, 1.S72, it contained one hundred and fifty pupils and six teachers, a teacher to every twenty-five pupils. In September of this year, it contained four hundred and eighty-seven pupils and ten teachers, a teacher to every forty-nine pupils. . . . But even these figures do not represent the full amount of crowding in the lower classes, where the average is nearly sixty to a teacher." The report recommended the establishment of an English high school, and speaks of Principal Bax- ter's work closing with these words: " He had seen the school double in the number of pupils to each teacher, and his duties have more than doubled, and yet his students go into college and maintain their rank there- with the best schools in the State." The opening of the schools in September, 1S93, was marked by the be- ginning of the new English high school, which furnished the much-needed relief to the Latin high school. Concerning the latter, the superintendent speaks as follows : — Lai'ix Hk.ii School. "While our attention is naturally turned to the English high school as an illustration of the advantages resulting from a division of the high school, we must not lose sight of the gain accruing to our educational system in the superior opportunities that the pupils of the Latin school enjoy as a result of the change. ... Its two hundred and seventy-five members are all fitting for college. They are animated by a common pur pose, and stimulated to constant efforts by the desire to attain the standard of excellence required to reach their goal Already it is apparent that better work is being done, and more rapid progress made than ever before. The Somerville high school has always l^een conspicuous for the excellence of its college preparatory work, and it is saying much to remark tli.it in the future it will sur]3ass all previous records." I'rom Suj^erintendent Southworth's report is taken the following con- cerning TiiK Em.i.ish Hk.ii School. " The L nitarian church properly was purchased for the sum of 545.000, and an appropriation of ?So,ooo made for the construction of an English high schoolhouse. .Several plans were submitted by architects, and those of Hartwell, Richardson <.\: Driver were accepted, dround was broken December 5, 1S93, and the work progressed without serious interruption until the building was ready for occupancy, September 3. iS(>5. " The building is admirably planned and thoroughl\ constructed George L. Baxter. Charles T. C. Whitcomb. SOMERVILLE, PAST AXD PRESENT. 225 throughout, thanks to the efficiency of the several committees and the unriagging zeal, energy, and watchfulness of Chairmen Andrews and Spar- row, to whom the city is greatly indebted for iheir labors in this con- nection." The entire cost of the building and furnishings was Si47-7-5-59- As principal of the school, the committee selected Mr. Charles T. C. W'hitcomb, principal of the Wakefield high school, on the 29th of Aprd. Mr. W'hitcomb is a native of Thomaston, Maine. He was graduated from x\mherst college in 18S3, and taught in Sandwich for five years, becommg principal of the Wakefield high school in 188S. The superintendent says : "His conduct of the affairs of the English high school up to the present time shows that the choice of principal was wisely made." ScJ^ooL Committee, 1896. Hon. Albion A. Perry, mayor, chairman ex officio. George E. Whitaker, president of common council, member ex officio. Term expires January, 1897 1898 1899 1897 1898 1899 1897 1898 1899 1S97 189S 1899 Ward I. Ward II. Sanford Hanscom, 1 Webster street S. Newton Cutler, 28 Flint street . George S. Poole, 46 Mt. Vernon street Thomas M. Durell, 23 Bow street . Alvah B. Dearborn, 34 Bow street . Herbert A. Chapin, 41 Walnut street Ward HI. — Thomas S. Wentworth, 350 Broadway Frank H. Hardison, 192 Central street ( Kiincy E. Dickerman, 85 Central street Ward IV.— Martin W^ Carr, 74 Craigie street . George A. Miles, 417 Highland avenue Giles W. Bryant, 296 Elm street Gordon A. Southworth, secretary and superintendent of schoo fice, English high school building. Residence, 40 (Greenville street Of- EDUCATIONAL INTKRKSTS, i;V ALKKRI i;. WlNsllIl". riiAi'ii.u will. JHK schools of Sonierville have maintained a good standard of excel- lence through all the years. They have never been poor nor have they taken highest rank in the opinion of experts. 'I'hey have neither been the first nor the last to introduce any new thing. The name of the city has never been attached to any special educational notion in administration, method or device, neither has it been connected witii conservative opposition to progj-ess. Sonierville has al\va\ s had her schools in good working order, has al- wa\ s done good work for her pupils, and the record of her youth and maidens in entrance examinations for college and in iinal honors in the university courses has placed her high school among the first three fitting schools of the country. So far as it is possible to estimate what the schools do for those who go out into the world rather than into college, no schools have done more by way of preparation for citizenship, for industrial or commer- cial life. To be a graduate of the Sonierville public schools is considered an honor, based upon what her graduates have done in business, professional and political life. ( )riginally the only school in this territory was very rural, an out-of-the- way country school for the much scattered farm-people who lived " beyond the Neck." Charlestown was a thrifty town, the Neck was the boundary of the village, and the outlying farms were merely "beyond the Neck." Fifty years ago and a little more this rural folk became a town by themselves, a humble people in their own estimation, and slowly tliey came to independence of thought and action. Their schools first gave them confidence, courage and reputation. A single church sufficed for a time : but the four villages at once outlined them- selves about as many schoolhouses. which became at once village rallj-ing- points for the organization of churches as well as the education of children. The first reputations were made in connection with the schools. The first statesman, man of State reputation, was Dr. Luther \'. JJell, whose writings and political championship of education made him a close second to the illustrious Horace Mann,: and two of the earliest lawyers of the town ( )ren S. Knapp and Charles S. Lincoln -attained the influence and repu- tation that gave them public confidence and practice through their efficient ser\ice as schoolmasters. 226 Rev. Albert E. Winship. George o. Proctor. SOMERVILLE, PAST AXD PRESENT. 229 What was so well begun has been well continued. One of the most successful mayors was one of Somerville's school principals, then a lawyer, Charles G. Pope. One of her successful physicians, a man of good profes- sional practice with influence in the affairs of public interest — Dr. H. P. Makechnie — stepped from the Lincoln school into the practitioner's otifice after due course of study and the requisite diploma. And Somerville's librarian, John S. Hayes, went directly from the school to the library. SCHOOLHOUSES. The public pride in the character and intelligence of the graduates of the schools and the influence of the teachers and graduates have simplified the question of appropriations for schools and school buildings- At first these were a necessity and appropriations were voted by the citizens with the same sense of duty and justice as that with which they repaired their country roads; but of late years the authorities have had regard to the luxuries as well as necessities, and there are no more beautiful buildings in the city than some of the schoolhouses whose adornments are artistic and appointments all that can be desired. In each of the original villages there are several large buildings, and all boundary lines between the villages have been obliterated by making new districts in the most unexpected places, erecting large schoolhouses which have grouped the children of difierent wards and sections with reckless dis- regard of inherited prejudices, and the end is not yet. So thick and fast comes the demand for new buildings that it is already a question where land can be found for all that must be built. No other New England city has ever had just such an experience in the housing of her scholars. So compact is the population and so rapid and universal has been the growth that her experience has been unique : and the crowning glory of the city seen far and near, are the companion high schools, the most distinguished looking buildings to be seen in the vicinity of Boston from any of the lines of public travel. The Teachers. It is a truism so old as to be almost absurd, that the teacher is the school. This is especially advantageous for Somerville, whose teachers have been exceptionally strong men and women. Mention has already been made of Messrs. Knapp and Lincoln, Pope, Makechnie and Hayes, men who have left teaching for more remunerative professions. Then there have been men like W. B. Stevens, called to Staten Island ; Alfred Bunker, Henry C. Parker, Herbert L. Morse, Edgar L. Raub, H. H. Newton, Harry An- drews and'other men called to Boston ; Frank F. Murdock, Adelaide Reed, and Miss Turner, who have been called to the State normal school at Bridge- water. Mr. F. E. Forest, of the high school is the leading criminal lawyer of Chicago and of the West. These are types merely of the men and women who have considered themselves promoted by their going. 230 soMi:R\n.ij:, r.isj- .i.vn /'A'A.va'.w. Those who remain are not less worthy of nott. In tlic tliurclies of the city, in all religious organizations, in Masonry, Odd Fellowship, the Royal Arcanum and other fraternities, the teachers have been an important factor. A cleaner set of men. a nobler class of women are not to be found in any community. They are representative of the best reading and thinking, of the highest purpose and noblest aspiration of the city. The Slhooi. Boario. Somerville has been specially fa\ored in the men who have been willing to serve upon the school board, ll is a thankless task and one that offers no political preferment. It is a service with a mission rather than an office with a reward. In the case of Dr. Luther \'. IJell, it was a great ser- vice with a grand mission. In the entire history of .Somerville. no other name occupies so high a place in the niche of fame. It would be a lu.xurv lo write appropriately the story of his life, lie was the most eminent physician, the most influential man of affairs the city has ever produced, and occupies a prominent place among the educational celebrities of the .State. His school reports written fifty years ago are ne.xt to those of Horace Mann. Men like Oren .S. Knapp and Charles .S. Lincoln, e.x-teachers and leading citizens, gave much time to this service of their fellow men, each has a school named for him, an honor infinitely beyond that which attaches to the naming of a school for an official merely. In their case it recorded public appreciation of personal devotion to the cause of education. There have always been prominent persons from each ward, men or women, in whom the public has had such confidence that support of e\ery measure has been prompt and hearty. Among the many leaders of long and efficient service it may not be invidious to mention Hon. John Haskell Butler, Henry M. Moore. Dr. Sanford Hanscom. Norman W. Bingham, (,)uincy E. Dickerman, Prof. B. V. Brown, M. W. C'arr, and Dr. A. IL Car- vill. These are a few only of the man\ who have served term after term wisely and well. gi\ing to the schools their best thought and unwearied en- deavor. TlIK Sri'ERINTKNDKN IS. After all has been said by way of general praise, that which stands out clear as the day is the fact that the schools owe their pre-eminence to four men. Dr. Luther W Bell, Joshua H. Davis. George L. l>axter and Gordon A. .Southworth. Dr. Bell was the greatest educational character, but to Mr. Davis, long a member of the town school committee, and for more than a ([uarter of a century the sujierinlendent, the city owes more than it can ever repay. The greatest service any one ever renders a community educationally is in the selection of efficient teachers. The great danger to the public school system has ever been the choice of incompetent teachers because of personal or political favoritism. To-day it is a recognized impropriety for Edmund S. Sparrow. ^2s I LL IlILK B. I'1LL^BLRV SOMERriLLE, J'. 1ST AM) PRESENT. 233 a member of the school board to insist upon his preference over the profes- sional judgment of the joint opinion of the superintendent and a principal : but in Mr. Davis' day there were no such recognized limits to propriety. Then the teachers were largely untrained, and local residence or committee favoritism counted for much ; and yet in these adverse conditions Mr. Davis had the wisdom and the skill to get the best available talent, to place the good to the best advantage and the indifferent to the least disadvantage. Ideals of teaching were quite different twenty years ago from what they are to-day, and yet Mr. Davis had standards so high and his tests were so rigid that results were attained that seem now impossible under such conditions. I'he knowledge of the children was exact, facts and processes learned were retained and the pupils had themselves well in hand in their thinking and in the expression of their thought. No three men ever worked together more perfectly than Mr. Davis, Mr. Baxter, principal of the high school for more than a c^uarter of a cen- tury, and Mr. Southworth, principal of the Prescott grammar school for nearly twenty years. Mr. Baxter has trained an entire generation, has fitted for college practically every Somerville boy and girl that has ever enjoyed the advantages of a higher education. Men now in the pulpit and at the bar, in medicine and dentistry, in professors' chairs and in the enjoy- ment of literary honors, men of business and women of the best society, people scattered over the world on missions and in missions did all their pre- paratory work under his guidance. With high ideals, close and accurate scholarship, a born trainer, Mr. Baxter placed the Somerville high school at the front when he became its principal, and it has never lagged an hour through all the years of his administration. But to Mr. Gordon A. Southworth has come the greatest opportunity. He was long the leading grammar school principal in the city, if not in the suburbs. A great teacher, a genius in administration, an inspiration, a per- sonal and professional force, he left the impress of his mind and purpose upon a multitude of girls and boys ; while in grammar school work he prepared a series of language books and arithmetics. This working out of ideal into definite shape, materializing notions in a system of teaching, broad- ened his professional vision and intensified his force so that he was admirably fitted for local leadership and a representative position when he was chosen superintendent of the Somerville schools. Mr. Clarence E. Meleney succeeded Mr. Davis, and in five years he transferred the system from the old to the new in method and spirit. This work has to be done sooner or later for every city. It matters not how efficient the work or how good the results under the old regime, the new must be substituted, and Mr. Meleney made the transfer with much skill, so that Mr. Southworth presides over entirely different schools from those that Mr. Davis passed to Mr. Meleney. Since Mr. Davis' retirement an entirely new series of school buildings have arisen all over the city, and a new English high school, with every modern appointment in laboratory and kitchen, with popularized courses of 234 soMiiRin.i.i:. r.isT .ixn /'A'/:s/:.y/: study. ;xn 1 a new professional equipment of tiie hij^hest order, has seated itself in Mr. Baxter's school yard. Mr. Whitcomb, the latest professional accession, is an educational force of which any city mitjht well be proud, and .Sonierville has taken every occasion to show her appreciation of the character of the work in the English high school. Somerville's educational advantages are due not alone to her teachers, school boards and superintendents, but in large measure to her citizens who are neither rich nor poor, but of that best of all social conditions, the mid- dle classes. .No private school or academy has ever prospered in the city, and no community of the size has contributed less to the patronage of such schools in neighboring cities. There is a large parochial school in the city, but its establishment was in no sense due to criticism of the public schools, and every effort has been made to have the educational character of the school conform so far as possible to the public school standards. The people have confidence in the school authorities, respect the methods and spirit of the teaching and supervising forces, and are proud of the schools of Somerville. 'J'he record is one of whicli all are proud and the promise is all that the most ambitious can desire, and the educational spirit of the city is certain to eventuate in civic power. Nathaniel Dennett. Frank E. Merrill. HISTORY OF THE WATER-WORKS. BY FRANK E. MERRILL. CHAPTER XIX. As Somerville has always been dependent upon neighboring munici- palities for its water-supply, it becomes necessary to treat the subject-mat- ter of this chapter somewhat comprehensively and touch upon features which might, otherwise, be considered out of place in a history of our local water-works system. Although the need of a proper supply was for many years acknowl- edged, the small population of the town precluded the possibility of its taking advantage of any opportunity of obtaining an independent supply from the several sheets of water which lie within a comparatively short distance of its borders. The first organized company to do a water business within the limits of the town was the Cambridge Aqueduct Company, which was chartered in 1837, to furnish water to the residents of the lower section of Cambridge- port, and a tract of land on the southerly slope of Central Hill was pur- chased for the control of the abundant springs then existing in that locality. This water was conveyed to Cambridge through wooden logs bored out to a diameter of four inches, and many persons are now living who recall the ex- cellent service done by that somewhat primitive system, as well as the ex- ceptionally pure quality of the water furnished by these springs. At that period Somerville, or, as it then was, Charlestown, was a sparsely settled farming district, but the residents in that section through which the pipes were laid appreciated the luxury of having the water brought into their houses, and a number of them are recorded as becoming consumers and so remaining until the discontinuance of the system. In 1S42, the town of Somerville was set off from Charlestown with a population of about 1000, the most of whom were dependent on wells and springs for water for their household uses. As early as 1849, the mother city began to experience the advantages of a piped system of water sup- ply, as at that time the passage of a legislative act was obtained authorizing the city of Boston to supply East fioston with Cochituate water. This pipe line, when constructed, passed through Charlestown, and the act required hydrants to be erected along its course : these were intended to be used for fire purposes only, but, to some extent, they were made available for domes- tic service. I'he partial benefits obtained from this source finally led the authorities to efforts to procure an abundant supply for fire, domestic and 237 23S soMi.Riii.i.i:, iwsr .\xn I'Ri-.si.xr. manufacturing purposes. In 1S60, application was made to the legislature for the grant of powers to enable the city of C'harlestown to obtain a supply of water. This met with much opposition from land-owners, towns and cities, as well as from ship-owners and Iniilders from Medford and East Boston, and e\ en from the merchants of Boston in behalf of Boston Harbor, which it was feared would be injuriously affected if the proposed dam should be erected at the outlet of Mystic Lake, thus stopping the How of fresh water from the ponds. In iS^i. the act was passed under which the present works were constructed, and the city was authorized to sell its surplus water to the towns through which the pipes should pass. As a large portion of these works are located in Somerville and are the present source of Somerxille's water-supply, it seems proper in this place to gi\e a brief description of the Mystic water-system, although, at that time, it possessed no direct interest for Somerville. The legislative act referred to authorized the city of ("harlestown to take water from the northerly division of Mystic pond, and permitted the waters to be raised seven feet above the original level of the pond. Mystic Lake is a familiar name to all residents of Somerville. but not all are acquainted with the picturesque beauties of that sheet of water which has served our homes for a generation, and fewer still are informed regard- ing those features which are interesting from a water-works point of view, i'he northerly portion of the lake from which the water is taken is situated in the towns of \N'inchester and Arlington and the city of Medford, and is about four miles distant from Somerville city hall. It has an area of about two hundred acres when Howed to the level authorized by the act, and a storage capacity at that level of 3So,ooo,ooo gallons of water. The area of the country forming the drainage basin is thirty-one scjuare miles, and the lake receives water from springs abounding in its vicinity and from streams rising as far away as Reading and Wilmington. The daily yield of the lake has been estimated at 30.000.000 gallons. The ])Otable ciualities of Mystic Lake, in the early days of its use as a water-supply, were considered excel- lent, but the great increase of population along its watershed in recent years has had its natural effect and produced a marked deterioration. Much good has been accomplished by the P.oston Water Board in conjunction with the Metropolitan I'ark Commission and other authorities, in remo\- ing sources of pollution which had sprung up along its borders, but it is doubtful if the water ever regains its former purity. 'i"he dam, at the outlet of the lake, is fifteen feet wide on top. and is. in height, eleven feet above high-water mark of Boston harbor, or four feet above the authorized limit of flowage. The conduit which conveys the water from the lake to the pipe-chamber on the north bank of .M\stic Kiver is 7.453 feet in length, and is constructed of hydraulic brick masonry eight inches in thickness, five feet eight inches in height and five feet wide. The total fall to the pipe-chamber is nine inches, and the conduit is calculated to convey 35.000,000 gallons each twenty-four hours. From the pipe-house the water is con\eyed in two thirty-six-inch iron pipes under the .M\ stic Kiver ...*/-^' George D. Wemyss. George a. Kimball. SOMHRIJLLE. PAST AXD rRESEXT. 24 1 to the pump-well in the engine-house, whence it is raised by the powerful engines to an elevation of 147 feet, through a thirty-inch pipe, to the reser- voir on College Hill, a distance of 3,277 feet. 'I'he reservoir, which lias l^ecome a familiar feature among Sonierville's attractions, is situated on ("ollege hill. It is both receiving and distributing in its scope. In shape it is a parallelogram 350 feet by 560 feet, and its water-surface covers an area of about four and one-half acres. It istwenty- tive feet in depth and is divided into two portions nearly equal in contents, by a partition wall fi\-e feet below high-water line. At high-water mark the capacity is 26,244,41:; gallons. 'I'he \o\> of the embankment is 150 feet, the top water-line 147 feet, and the bottom water-line 124 feet above high-water level of the harbor. ihe embankments are nineteen and one-half feet in width at the top, are laid out with concrete walks and furnished with seats, making an attractive j^romenade to which many resort to enjoy the beautiful scenery spread out in all directions. From the reservoir the water is conducted through tv.o pipes, the first one laid being of cast iron, twenty-four inches in diameter, and the other, laid in 1S70, being thirty inches in diameter and constructed of wrought iron sheets, securely riveted, lined inside with cement and imbedded in a thick layer of the same material. These pipes deliver the water to the Charlestown city system and to the distributing pipes of Somerville. After the necessary preliminaries, work was commenced on the con- struction of the reservoir on College hill, then called Walnut hill, September 27, 1862, with appropriate ceremonies. Considerable progress was also made in that year on the contract for the dam and conduit. The construc- tion of the engine-house was commenced in i.sr)3 and completed in 1S64, and in the latter year the water was brought into Charlestown amid great rejoicing and a general celebration of the event. vShortly after the completion of its supply main the city of Charlestown made a connection in Broadway opposite Franklin street, and laid its pipes through l-"ranklin. Pearl, Myrtle and Washington streets to the McLean Asylum, this being the first introduction of Mystic water to the houses of Somerville. During the three following years quite a large territory in East .Somerville and Winter Flill was brought into the Charlestown system, the expense of the work being borne first by the city : subsequently the cost of the pipe and laying was borne by the city, and the expense of trenching was paid by the parties for whose convenience the pipe was laid ; and finally the entire cost was required from the parties supplied with water. Later these pipes were purchased by the town from the parties who had been assessed for their construction. By the year 1S67 the town of Somer\ille had arisen to the importance of a prosperous community of about 12,000 inhabitants, imbued with the spirit of enterprise and mindful of the necessity of soon procuring from some source an abundant supply of water for the protection of their homes from fire as well as the enjoyment of its use for domestic purposes. The subject was introduced to the inhabitants of the town by a petition presented at a town meeting held November 3, 1867; at this meeting the 242 SOMl-.RllLLl:. r.\SI .\.\n I'KISF.XT. town took its first action in le.nanl to tlie introduction of Mystic Lake water when it was "\oted: That Xathan lufts, Jr., Aaron Sarjjjent, George C). Hrastow. S. A. Carlton. Christopher K. Kynies, Ihomas ("unnint^^ham and Levi Russell be a committee to take the whole matter of contracting with the city of C'harlestown for a supply of Mystic water into consideration, confer with the Charlestown authorities, propose some plan and report at the next town meeting." At a town meeting held April 13, isr.s, the committee submitted a full report on all the matters delegated to them, and recommended the election of a committee to be called the " Somerville Mystic Water Committee," with authority to make any and all arrangements in regard to the introduction, distribution and supply of the water. This report was accepted and adopted, an appropriation of ^30,000. 00 was made, and Aaron Sargent, C. K. Rymes, R. A. \inal. R. K. Demmon and Cutler Downer were elected to constitute the first " Somerville Mystic Water Committee.'" The tirst work of the committee was to procure the necessary legislation to authorize the making of a contract with the city of Charlestown for the use of Mystic water, and permit the laying of the distribution pipes. The desired act (Chap. 202, Statutes of 1S68) was passed by the legis- lature and approved .May 14, 1S6S, the first section being as follows: — "The town of Somerville is hereby authorized to lay, construct and maintain within the limits of said town such pipes, aqueducts and structures in connection with the water-works or aqueducts of the City of Charlestown as may be requisite for the purpose of supplying water to the inhabitants of said town for the extinguishment of fires and for other uses." Immediately upon the ixissage of this act the committee made appli- cation to the city council of Charlestown for the terms upon which that city would supply this town with water, and reported their progress at a town meeting held September iS. 1.S6S. At this meeling a proposition was strongly advocated for the establishment of an independent system of water- works in connection with the waters of Spot I'ond in Stoneham. five and one-half miles distant from the town line, or of Lake (hianapowitt in Wake- field, seven and one-half miles distant. After much discussion these schemes were decided unfeasible and it was " ^'oted : That the town will introduce water in pursuance of the authority granted to the town " by the act above referred to. The contract with the city of Charlestown for the use of Mystic water was made on September 21, iSr.S. F.y the terms of the contract the city of Charlestown agreed to furnish the water, collect the water-rentals, and to pay to the town of Somerville a percentage of the rents collected in Somer- ville, on the following sliding scale, viz. : — On annual receipts up to 520.000 '5 P^''' cent. from 20,000 to .■>3o,ooo ... 20 from 30,000 to 40,000 ... 23 From 40,000 to 50.000 . . -3° ( )n the amount in excess of S50.000 . 40 William Franklin Hall. .^- ' Edward Foote. SOMERVILLE, PAST AXD PRESEXT. 245 The town of Somerville on its part agreed to lay and maintain the dis- tribution pipes and fixtures and to pay the same rates for the use of the water as was charged to the inhabitants of Charlestown. By the terms of the agreement tlie payment for the use of fire-hydrants was fixed at the sum of $2S for each 350 inliabitants based on the semidecennial census. ( )n August 14 a contract was made with the Patent Gas and Water Pipe Company of Jersey City for furnishing the pipe and gates for the season's use ; on Septeml^er 1 1, a contract was made for the trenching, and on ( )cto- ber 8, 1.S6.S, the work of laying the pipe was connnenced by the town of Somerville. Connection was made with the Charlestown pipe in Broadway at the Medford town line and the pipe was continued through Medford and Central streets, Somerville avenue and \\'ashington street to the grounds of the McLean Asylum, there connecting with the pipe which had been laid by the city of Charlestown. This pipe in Medford and Central streets was twelve inches in diameter, was made of wrought iron lined with cement, and it is an interesting fact that this section of pipe, the first that was laid by the town, is to-da}' performing satisfactory service after a period of twenty-eight years. This kind of pipe was laid up to the year 1884, when, on account of in- creasing trouble from bursts, and on account of the decline in cost of iron pipe, it was abandoned, and cast-iron pipe has been used exclusively since that time. In iS(k; the pipes laid in Somerville by the city of Charlestown were purchased from that cit)-, and in the following year a line of pipe which had been laid through Sacramento street to the American Tube Works was purchased from the city of Cambridge, thus bringing the entire system under the control of the town authorities. The rapid growth of the town rendered a change of organization desir- able, and in 1872 the city of Somerville was incorporated. On the 13th day of January, 1872, by provisions of Chap. 182, Acts of 1871, the " Somerville Mystic Water Board " springs into existence, composed of five members, each elected annually by joint ballot of the city council in convention. On July I, 1886, after many years of agitation and efi'ort on the part of the several boards, a modification of the water contract was secured, by the terms of which the city of Boston, who had meanwhile assumed the Mystic water-works through the annexation of Charlestown, agreed to rebate to the city of Somerville fifty per cent of the water-rates collected from Somerville consumers. 'I'his increased the city's revenue from this source from #21,444.91 in 1885 to #42,650.57 in 1S86. While the larger portion of the city's territory was, by this time, enjoy- ing the advantages of an abundant water-supply, the high lands, embracing some of the otherwise most favored localities, were deprived of a satisfac- tory service, the height of the water in the reservoir being insufiicient to give the pressure necessary to supply residences in these elevated sections of the city. In 1889, in consequence of these conditions, plans were per- fected for the erection of a high-service plant, and in the following year the 246 SOMl:R\'ILLI\ IWST AXl) J'RI:Si:\T. svstem was put into operation, and in its results has proved the wisdom and foresigiit of those who urged its construction and carried it through to a successful termination. 'l"he plant comprises a brick engine- and boiler-house, one high-duty pumping engine, two steel boilers, a wrought iron standpipe. and a system of force and distributing mains ranging in size from fourteen-inch to six- inch. The portion of the city now covered by the high-service system com- prises 309 acres, or about one-eighth of the entire land area of the city. The water is draughted from the thirty-inch main in IJroadway near ("edar street to the pumping station one-eighth mile distant. It enters the pump under an average pressure of thirty-eight pounds, and is thence raised to the stand- pipe on the summit of Spring Hill. The elevation of the base of this stand- pipe is 144 feet above tide-marsh level. The erection of the standpipe was commenced September 9, iSSc;, and was completed November 23 of the same year, and was filled with water the first time on March i, 1890. The stand- pipe is 30 feet in diameter, 100 feet in height and has a capacity of 52S.76.S gallons. The pump was made by Henry R. Worthington, New N'ork, and is a compound condensing engine with two fourteen-inch high pressure and two twenty-four and a half-inch low pressure cylinders, with two fourteen-inch double-acting water plungers of eighteen-inch .stroke. The contract called for an engine of 2,000,000 gallons daily capacity and a dut\ of 50,000,000 foot-pounds. At the trial the engine developed a duty of over 64,000,000 and a capacity of over 2,200.000. The steam was generated in one sixty-inch boiler, and this was in operation until 1 894, when a duplicate boiler was erected for alternation. The total cost of construction of the high-service plant was about 5-5,000. March i 1, 1S91, passage was obtained of a legislative act reducing the membership of the Somerville Mystic Water l'>oard from five to three, to be appointed by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the board of alder- men, the term of office to be three years, one member being appointed an- nually; thus ensuring a practically permanent and efficient organization. The present Board consists of George 1). W'eniyss, president: Cieorge A. Kimball, and W'm. Franklin Hall. 'I'he several boards who have had charge of the affairs of the water de- partment since its organization have, with the co-operation of the town and city governments, been enabled to keep pace with the rapid growth of the city and have met all reasonable demands for the extension of the system. This has resulted in the occupancy of a very large portion of the city's ter- ritory, and the network of pipes of the Somerville water-system covers practically the entire district. Startmgwith two and a half miles of pipe, nineteen hydrants and twenty stop-gates in 1S6S, the city now possesses a system comprising about 75 miles of mains, 5S miles of service connections, 700 hydrants, 900 stop-gates, 50 water-posts, s drinking fountains and 9,000 service taps. Walter S. Barnes. / Frank G. Lombard. SOMKRJ-/LLE, PAST AXD PRIiSI-XT. 249 The amount of bonds issued on funded debt account for the construc- tion and maintenance of this system has been $1,005,000, and payments have been made, to January i, 1S96, of f6S3,5oo, leaving the water indebtedness at that date $321,500. Since 1S92 no water bonds have been issued, the entire expenses of the department, including; its interest account and reduc- tion of its funded debt, being paid from its earnings, and no call is made on the tax-payers for its support. The expenditures for construction account to January 1. iS $89,431.46. These figures well serve as an indication of the growth and prosperity of our city. The great influx of population to the commercial centers produces new conditions ; new conditions demand new resources, and what served well the requirements of our fathers does not satisfy the necessities of their children, lliis is an era of progression and evolution, and the Mystic water- system is destined to succumb to the ever onward march of progress and will soon become a thing of the past. It has well played its part in the prosperity of our city, but its safe capacity for supplying our homes with water has already been exceeded, and its absorption into the greater and more comprehensive scheme which the early future has in store for it will not be regretted. Already we hear the sounds of preparation and soon we shall receive the full benefits of that gigantic enterprise undertaken by the Common- wealth to bring down the head waters of the Nashua to supply the necessi- ties of her chief city and its outlying municipalities. Somerville looks forward to the realization of this grand scheme of water-supply with almost as much anticipation as, in the earlier days, she regarded the introduction of the Mystic water ; and this fact justifies a brief outline of its important features. The agitation for an increased water-supply for the district included within a ten-mile limit of IJoston led to the formation of the Metropolitan Water Board, who have, by legislative enactment, acting in behalf of the Commonwealth, formulated a plan to take the water of the south branch of the Nashua river from a point in the town of Clinton, Mass., and convey the same to the inhabitants of the so-called Metropolitan District, of which Somerville is an important factor. The streams which unite in West Boyls- ton to form the south branch of the Nashua river take their rise on the easterly and southerly slopes of Mt. Wachusett, in the central part of the State. The plan contemplates a storage reservoir in Clinton which will wipe out the present location of a thriving town, four cotton-mills, four churches, six schoolhouses and nearly seven miles of railroad, and will require 1,711 inhabitants to seek other homes. The reservoir is to be nearly eight miles long by two miles maximum width, with a shore line of over thirty-five miles, its surface of 6.56 square 2 50 SOMERl'/I.I.E. r.isr AXn I'RI-.SJ-.XT. miles forming the largest body of fresh water in Massachusetts. Its maxi- mum depth is 129 feet with an average of \(-> feet, and it will contain 63,06s,- 000.000 gallons, its capacity being greater than that of any existing reser- voir, and four times that of all the Boston water-works reservoirs combined. The elevation of the level of full reservoir is 3.S5 feet above the level of high tide in Boston harbor. The entire cost of constructing this reservoir is estimated to be about 59.000,000. The dam to hold back this enormous body of water is to be constructed of solid masonry across a narrow gorge ; it will be 1.250 feet in length, i 2«; feet in height above the level of the ground, i 19,'i feet in thickness at its foundation and 19 feet thick at the water-level. The water is to be conveyed from the reservoir through an aqueduct eleven feet six inches wide by ten feet six inches high, with a daily deliver- ing capacity of 300.000.000 gallons, for a distance of s.S; miles, nearly two miles of which is in tunnel: thence by open channel 3.03 miles to Reservoir No. 5 in Southboro. from which place it will How through existing aqueducts and reservoirs to the reservoir at Chestnut Hill. At this point the water which is destined to supply the North Metropolitan Districtwill be lifted by three high-duty low-service pumps, each of 40,000,000 gallons daily capacity, to a height of thirty to forty feet, whence it will flow through two forty-eight- inch iron pipes to -Spot Pond in .Stoneham, which will serve as an equalizing and distributing reservoir. On the line of one of these mains, near Spot Pond, is to be erected a pumping station for the entire northern high-service district, which will be equipped with high-duty engines of great capacity. The reservoir to be used in connection with this branch of the system is to be located in the Middlesex Fells, is to have its water-surface 270 feet above high-tide level, and is to contain about 35,000.000 gallons. From this reser- voir the highlands of our city will derive their water-supply, and the lower sections will be served direct by the forty-eight-inch pipes, one of which will pass through Willow avenue in West Somer\ille and the other through I'nion square and Walnut street, on their way to Spot Pond. Although the main desideratum is pure water in abundant quantity. Somerville expects to enjoy from this system the subsidiary advantages of increased pressure in its local system ; cutting off the expense of maintain- ing a local pumping station : increase in water revenue due to our ability to secure more favorable terms than are at present enjoyed ; and the removal of a certain feeling of prejudice against our city which has prevailed to some extent on account of the unfavorable quality of our present water- supply. Somer\ille's interest in the .Mystic system will cease by legislative enact- ment on the first day of January. 1S98, and she will then become a consumer in this great Metro]5olitan Water-System. ISAAC Story. ^* A John Haskell Butler. POLICE DEPARTMENT AND POLICE COURT. i;V WILLIAM E. BRIGIIAM. CHAPTER XX. The long-continued depredations of incendiaries led to the organization of a regular police force in .Somerville at a time when no householder could lie down to sleep at night without an anxious fear that his own might be the property which, without warning, would go up in tiames, kindled by the torches of a noted gang that had kept the town in terror for years. The regular constabulary had performed police duty exclusively for more than twenty years after the incorporation of the town, or until firemen and citi- zens were compelled to do their own watching to prevent incendiarism. For the better regulation of the temporary watchmen thus informally employed, a police board was organized, June 19, 1865, with Town Consta- ble Horace B. Runey as chairman and Jairus Mann, now city messenger, and who has been a constable of Somerville since 1S5S, as secretary. The citi- zens of the town thought they had handled the liciuor question quite sucess- fully when, in iSC)3, the authorities had induced the forty-three liquor dealers of Somerville to agree in writing to sell no more in violation of the law ; but the burning of property necessitated more stringent measures, and the police board urged the establishment of a permanent night-watch, stating that " The officers of this town have been upon duty night after night, for weeks together, and some of them night and day also, for many days in succession." September 6. 1867, Robert R. Perry and, soon afterward, James Hanley were appointed a permanent night-watch, to aid Captain Runey, and the town appropriated, in place of its former annual " Selectmen's Incendiary Fund " of $5,000, the sum of $2,700 for police maintenance. In 1868 Melville C. Parkhurst was added to the night-force: two men were added in 1S69 and in 1870 two more. About this time a day-patrol was established, and in 1870 the town was redivided into seven police districts, a night-patrol- man was assigned to each, and the men were put upon fair salaries. The force was reorganized in 187 1 and enlarged to thirteen men. and a set of rules for its control was adopted, emergency only having been its governing factor before that year. Chairman Austin Belknap of the Board of Selectmen meanwhile had kept his eye upon the work of Melville C. Parkhurst, fresh as he was from the hardy experience of war, and having tried that officer and found him efficient, the Board made him captain of the watch. Upon the organization of the first city government, in 1872, Captain Parkhurst was appointed to his present position of chief of police. February i, 1873, Patrolman Robert R. Perry was made captain of police, which rank he has held uninterruptedly to the present time, with the dis- tinction of being the oldest officer, in point of service, in the department. The office of lieutenant was created in 1875 and filled by Joseph B. Alden 253 -54 SOMERl/LIJl. PAST .l.VJ) /'A' AS AX/: until Ills death in March. iSji,, when Sergeant Samuel R. Dow was ap- pointed to the phace and held it until the office was discontinued in 1S77. Charles C. Folsom was promoted to sergeant in 1X76, and resigned. August I. 1.SS5. to become superintendent for the overseers of the poor, a position he still fills. The four sergeants of the present force, with their dates of appointment to the force and promotion are : Edward Mc(;arr, April, 1X71 — September i, 1 .S.S4 ; Christopher C. Cavanagh, May i. 1869 — August 1, 1885; Dennis Kelly, April, iSSi —May 10. 1S92: Eugene A. Carter, March, iS,S4 — February s, 1S93. In 1S77, with a city's population of about 22,000, the police force was reduced from twenty-eight to twenty-four men and salaries were cut down. 'l"he municipal police signal system was established for the use of the department September 1, iSSS. The emergency ambulance was introduced in 1S94, upon the completion of the Somerville Hospital, toward the build- ing fund of which the police force collectively had voluntarily contributed the sum of S200. In 1.S95, acting under authority of Chapter 197 of the Acts of I S95, entitled, "An Act to Provide for the Appointment of a Reserve Police in the City of Somerville," Mayor William H. Hodgkins appointed a reserve police force of eight men — the number of the reserve force is limited to ten by the same law. and the vote of the city council has fixed the number at eight - of whom three already, in accordance with the second section of the Act. requiring the regular force to be recruited from the reserve force, have been promoted to be regular patrolmen. September i, 1.S96, with a city's population of about 55,000, the force consisted of the chief, one captain, four sergeants, thirty-six regular patrolmen and six re- serve officers. 'I'he Somerville Police Relief Association, of which all the men upon the regular force are members, was organized in 1S72, and was incorporated December 19, iSSi. It is dependent for funds almost exclusively upon the annual police ball, and has more than 520,000 in its treasury. Its officers are: President, Robert R. Perry; clerk, Eugene A. Carter; treasurer, Melville C. Parkhurst. Somerville, as town and city, has ev.er been comparatively free of crime, chiefly because it is a residential place, where the sale of liquor is prohibited by overwhelming public sentiment and the liquor laws are unceasingly enforced. Until 1S54 criminal cases were taken to Charlestown or to East Cambridge for trial. From 1854 until the incorporation of the city in 1S72, cases were tried almost exclusively by Francis Tufts, acting as justice of the peace, and, later, as trial justice, under the statute whereby certain trial justices were designated and commissioned triennially, who exercised authority and jurisdiction in criminal cases in any town in the county where no Police Court was established. The first trials in Somerville, and those for many years, were conducted in the ofiice of Justice Tufts, on the southwesterly corner of Medford and Washington streets. In 1.S61 the court was removed to what had been the schoolhouse, on the southeasterly corner of Prospect street and Somerville avenue. A Police Court was est;iblished in the city April 23, 1X72. ;>^?'*fSSr w9k Melville C. Parkhurst. Michael F. Farrcll. SOMKRllLLE, PAST .-LVD P/vTSSAWT. 25; The Hon. Isaac Story, who is still in otifice, was appointed standing justice, and Lebbeus Stetson was elected clerk. Clerk Stetson was suc- ceeded in 1882 by the present incumbent, Herbert C. Chapin. .A room in the city hall was used for the sessions of the court until the completion of the fine brick and granite police building on Bow street in 1875. This structure, erected at a cost of about ^^50,000, furnished, was designed especially for the accommodation of the Police Department, the J^olice Court, the Somerville Light Infantry and the Overseers of the Poor. It contains also a large hall for ward and city purposes. POLICE STATION, BOW STREET. The venerable brick engine-house, on the corner of Prospect and Wash- ington streets, was used as a lockup until 1873, before which time Cambridge accommodated Somerville's overflow of criminals ; and from that time until the police building was finished the present water-works oftice, corner of Prospect street and Somerville avenue, was used. The Somerville police department is, in many respects, a model organ- ization. While the city has never pursued the policy, common in many other cities and towns, of maintaining one patrolman to every one thousand inhabitants, the force as constituted is reasonably eftective, and enjoys the confidence and eood will of the citizens. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, 15V loiiN s. haye:s. CHAPTER XXL Tin: Sonierville l'ul)lic Library deserves a prominent place in any recognition of the Sonierville of to-day. Its inception, its steady growth, the fidelity of those to whom its interests have been committed, and its wide and increased usefulness, should have more than ordinary attention. it cannot be disputed that to a very large degree a public library is the focus-point of the intelligence of a community. Of course its value must depend upon the character of its contents and the methods employed to bring it into touch with all classes of people. A public library is not meant for those of exceptional culture only, nor must it merely meet the uncultured taste of those whose lack of experience would make them satisfied with works of a weak if not vicious character. It is for tiie steady, if necessary, the slow uplifting of those who need, in every station in life, that enlighten- ment of mind which will make them appreciate the ennobling resources of mental culture, refinement, and ambition. From the very first the Public Library of Somerville has come under good guardianship and direction. The one who took the earliest and most active interest in its establish- ment was Edward E. Edgerly. He held a position as president of the .Somerville High School Association which of itself was indicative of the esteem in which he was held by those interested with him in the improve- ment of children and youth. It was unfortunate that his sickness and death prevented the maturing of his plans, but he achieved the success of in- spiring others with the salutary importance of the project he had so per- sistently and strenuously advocated. Those who were associated with him did not receive his ideas in fallow minds or in unsympathetic hearts. ( )n the contrary, at the suggestion of the Association of which he had been President, the selectmen and school committee of the town were invited to co-operate in taking measures for the formation of a library. This propo- sition received the immediate attention of the selectmen. A joint committee was formed, consisting of Austin Pelknap, Horace Haskins, and I'rancis Houghton, of the board of selectmen, and Edward C. Pooth, Henry M. Prown and George S. Littlefieldof the High School Association. This was in the year 1S69. The same committee was reappointed in March, 1S70, and prepared and submitted a plan for the proposed library, and presented the names of tlie followin'r well-known citizens as a Poard of Trustees : -i^ \ Ik- JOHN S. Hayes. y CO a. c C/) SOMER]'ILLE. PAST AXD PRESENT. 26 1 Austin Belknap, Henry M. Brown, Samuel A. Carlton, Horace P. Hemen- way, Oren S. Knapp, John P. Marshall, Edwin Mills, Frank H. Raymond and Columbus Ty^er. The town, however, at its April meeting in 1S71, while voting "That a free public library be established," did not ratify the action of the committee, but instead appointed a committee "to report a plan for operating the same." This committee consisted of the above mentioned citizens, and Russell H. Conwell, Joshua H. Davis, Samuel C. Hunt, George S. Littlefield, Rev. Charles Lowe, Isaac Pitman, and Quincy A. Vinal. Subsequently there was a change made in the composition of the committee. Rev. Charles Lowe and Prof. John P. Marshall being absent in Europe, and so unable to serve, Rev. Geo. W. Durell and John R. Poor were chosen to fill the va- cancies. It is unnecessar}' to follow in minute detail the work done by the com- mittee. They reported in print, and submitted a code of by-laws, sub- stantially the same as those now in force, and the citizens in town meeting assembled adopted their recommendations, November 7, 1871. The change of town government to that of a city necessitated some delay. But at a meeting of the city council held October 21, 1S72, a board of trustees consisting of nine members was elected. This board organ- ized November 14, and elected Isaac Pitman librarian. The library opened for the delivery of books to the public May i, 1.S73, in a small room on the lower rioor of the city hall. It had a list of 23X4 volumes. Of that number 715 volumes w^ere donated by thirty-six public-spirited citizens. From that time until the present, the library has been wholly sustained by the yearly appropriations made by the city coun- cil, and the dog-licenses, which are yearly turned over to the library, it hav- ing received only $102.80 in gifts. The aggregate amount of the annual appropriations and dog-licenses, during the existence of the library, is ,1^111,355.34. Mr. Pitman continued as librarian, giving valuable help, without mone}' and without price, until June i, 1875, when he resigned, and his valuable assistant, Miss H. A. Adams, was elected to his place, which she acceptably filled for eighteen years. During her term of service the number of books increased to about 25,000, and the yearly circulation to 93,000. In July, 1893, the present incumbent, John S. Hayes, took charge of the library. It was evident to the board of trustees that the increasing needs of the library consequent upon the enlarged population of the city, and the more general use of the library books, demanded better accommodations, and more modern methods. The present library building was erected in 18S4-5, 3.t a cost of $28,335.45 exclusive of land, and presumably was deemed sufficiently capacious for all prospective needs; yet withm ten years it had been outgrown in every department, but particularly in shelf-room for books, and rooms for consultation and study. By the generous action of the city government, the trustees were en- abled in 1895 to remove the book-cases and erect a steel book-stack, thus 262 somi:r\'/i.i.e, /'.is/- .i.v/) /'/c/:s/-:x/\ enabling tlicni to more than double the book-holding capacity of the stack- room. ( )ther changes were made, adding very much to the usefulness of the library for those who desired to consult its resources. A reference room was provided, thus making the books of this department more aces- sible. One room has been set apart for works on our state and town his- tories, and the volumes which now line its walls make a notable beginning for a department of Americana : and numerous valuable art-books have been added, and so far as was deemed justifiable in view of the limited funds at the disposal of the trustees, foreign books, mostly in general literature, have also found a place within the library. .\nd still the work goes on. There is an increasing use of the books now held in the library catalogue, and a very urgent need for more. This is indicated by the fact that, having a library of less than 34,000 volumes, and a city population of over 54,000, and rapidly increasing, the yearly circulation has risen to 130,000, — which is equivalent to each volume in the library being circulated four times each year; while the size of the library is in- dicated by the statement that there is less than two-thirds of a book to each inhabitant. It will thus be seen that our library is very small in proportion to the size of the city, while its circulation is comparatively large, — thus making it a question of serious consideration how soon there can be had. at least, a list of 100,000 books in the library. It is the policy of the trustees to bring the resources of the librarx as close to the homes of the city as possible. With this end in view, sub-agencies have been located in East Somerville and West Somerville, and books are regularly delivered at the several large school buildings, for the use of teachers and pupils, and thus the library is kept in touch with the younger portion of the community. In order to make the library more accessible, a new finding-list was printed about one year ago, after a re-classification of all books in the library, at an expense of .'>4,344. In order to give information as to new books, or books bearing on special topics, a monthly bulletin for free distribution has been issued, and frec[uent communications printed in the local press, which has very cordially seconded the efforts wiiich have been industriously made by those in charge of the library. The trustees have always given patient thought and valuable time, voluntarily and gratuitously, sometimes in much perplexity, to promoting the interests of the institution committed to their guardianship. The high character of the books selected and placed upon the shelves testifies to their faithfulness, and indicates that they fully appreciate the responsibilities placed upon them ; and it is evident that the librar>- has been exceedingly fortunate in having the services of able and devoted men and women in its organization, management, and administration. It has been built up and carried forward with no false step or retrograde movement, from its small beginning in a little room, until it has quite outgrown the beautiful building it now occupies, and it seeks to-day new opportunities of usefulness, even in advance of public requirements. Charles S. Lincoln. Christopher E. Rya\es. SOMERllLLE, PAST AXD PRESENT. 265 Judging from its past growth, and from its present intiuence, it is by no means unreasonable to expect that the public library will be an increasing power for good in the nourishing, intelligent, and beautiful city of Somer- ville. The interest taken in the library since its beginning, and the use made of it, may be imperfectly indicated by the following brief citation of figures : In 1873, ^s has been already stated, the number of books in the library was 2.384; the circulation that year was 18,047 volumes. Two years later, that is, in 1875, there had been placed in the library 5,235 books, and the circulation was 39,025. In 1880, 8,614 books. 67,894 circulation; in 1885, 12,788 books, 65.450 circulation; in 1890,20,112 books, 95,127 circulation; in 1894, 27,729 books, 106,341 circulation; and in 1S96. up to November i, 36,642 books, and a circulation of 116,786. The circulation for the entire year will probably exceed 130,000 volumes. The number of books worn out, lost and discarded, up to the present time, has been 2,754, making the num- ber of volumes in the library about 34,000. The total circulation has been 1,727,038 volumes. The library and reading-room are open every day (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m ; Wednesdays and Saturdays until 9 p. M. The reference room is open from 1.30 p. ^[.to 5.30 p. m. Books are delivered and collected at the several large grammar schools as frequently as the demand may require. Any resident of Somerville, over fourteen years of age, is entitled to the use of the library by signing the proper application, and presenting a written recommendation that he is a suitable person to use the library, signed by two citizens of Somerville. Any person visiting the library for the purpose of literary or scientific investigation may temporarily receive the benefits of the reading-room and the use of the books within the library building. Special privileges are granted professional persons, teachers, authors, and special students requiring the use of more than one book at a time. It is hoped that those who make use of the library will have no hesi- tation in consulting the librarians and assistants in all matters upon which information is needed. Inquiries regarding special subjects of study are always invited, and will receive careful attention. Information slips can be obtained at the desk. ( )k(;anizatiox. Trustees. — Charles S. Lincoln, president, J. Henry P'litner, Christo- pher E. Rymes, Charles H. brown, Klijah C. Clark, John 1!. Viall, Charles A. West, J. Frank Wellington, Charles W. Sawyer; John S. Hayes, secre- tary. Library Staff. — John S. Hayes, librarian ; Clara L. I>idwell, assistant librarian; Anna L. Stone and Mary J. Warren, assistants; F. Mabel Nor- cross, cataloguer; Esther M. Mayhew, Charles A. Wiggin and Henry N. Sanborn, attendants; Charles A. Southwick, janitor. J. Frank Wellington. / ^. Charles W. Sawyer. James R. Hopkins. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT BY WILLIAM E. BRIGIIAM. CHAPTER XXII. P^ROM 1842, when all Somerville was a quiet farming country, dates the history of the Somerville Fire Department. For nearly fifty years a curious little machine had been in service in Charlestown proper, a "tub" hand engine, Mystic No. 6 by name. Its principal mechanism consisted of an oblong wooden tank sheathed with metal, pistons which worked perpendi- cularly, and handsome lancewood brakes. It could not "draught " water, and all it threw was first poured into it from buckets — hence its denomina- tion " tub." In 1S38, four years before Somerville was set off as a town, the Charles- town authorities assigned this engine to duty in Charlestown's big back yard, as Somerville then was, and a plain two-story wooden engine-house with cupola was built for it on the corner of Washington and Prospect streets, at a cost of #400. In this the engine w^as placed, and a small bell was hung in the cupola. P^or years, even after the Somerville company was or- ganized, in 1842, an alarm of fire could be rung only by means of this bell. Vov years, also, according to a law then in force, every man in town was re- quired to hang two buckets, usually of leather and painted, in his front hall, and when an alarm was sounded it was his duty to seize those buckets, hurry to the fire and range in line with others to assist in passing water from well or cistern to the men who worked the engine. August 6, 1838. the selectmen appointed Benjamin F. Ricker, Hiram Allen, Clark Bennett, Solomon Story, James Cnderwood, Nathan Tufts, Nathan Tufts, Ir., David A. Sanborn, William Bonner, John Runey, Jr., True Morrill, Henry A. Ireland, Charles Miller, Jerome Thorp. Joshua Rand, Levi ( )rcutt, Daniel Stone, Joseph Clark, Robert Vinal, William Munr'oe, William Parker, Nathan lilodgett, Benjamin Hadley, Benjamin Hadley, Jr., Abram Welch, Oliver Tufts, Samuel T. Frost, Asa Richards, Dustin N. Smith, Oscar Bennett, Robert Sanborn, Nathaniel Williams, lohn Ciles, Caleb Harrington and Charles Wentworth, "to be engineers and firemen constituting a new company designated as Engine Company No. 6, attached to Engine 6, located near Milk Row in said Charlestown." The Charles Miller mentioned in the foregoing was the man who named Somerville. The records fail to give the list of officers of the original "Mystic 6" company. The first officers mentioned were in 1840, when 269 2 JO so.]//:a'I7/././:. /'.is/' .i.v/> /'/,'/■ s/:.vy\ lohn RuncN. |r., was foreman : Scjlomon Story, assistant foreman: Jerome Thorp, second assistant : and Robert A. Vinal. clerk and treasurer. In 1S39 Hiram Allen had been appointed an assistant engineer, and was, it is stated, the onlv representative the .SomerviJle district ever had upon the Charles- town board of fire engineers. In 1S42, when the town was set off, old Mys- tic '> was left as a legacy to Somerville. and the engine's valuation. 550, was entered upon the town records. This engine was Somerville's only fire apparatus until 1S50; in 1X56, by vote of the town. Abram Welch was authorized to sell the venerable relic, which he did for 530, and it was taken to Kast Boston and broken up for old junk. The small hand bell which came with it from Charlestown is now in possession of Chief Hopkins at the central fire station. It bears the inscription : — " Presented to Company No. 7 by Mr. John I^. Tarker." The salary of the firemen, all volunteers, was ^1.50 each per annum, paid by the abatement of the poll tax. Fires were infrequent, however, and in a short time the company disbanded ; and from that time until 1 850 the engine was manned sometimes by a regularly organized company and sometimes by volunteers. In 1X4^) the " Hoys' Company," so called, because composed of young men from \(> to 20 years old. was organized. According to the recollection of some of its members. Levi ( )rcutt was foreman. David A. Sanborn. Jr., assistant foreman, and J. Manley Clark, clerk. Among other members were Quincy A. \inal, Robert A. \inal, Horace 1!. Kuney, (leorge \V. Fillebrown, Carlton Hawkins. "Jimmy" Williams (a popular colored man), George Ambrose Clark, Albert L. Sanborn. Daniel Sanborn. Henry Munroe, Henry Thorpe, and Quincy Harrington. In 1S50 began what may be termed the romantic days of the department which continued for fifteen years, during which time the firemen as such were closely identified with the social life of the town. November 12. 1S49, after repeated attempts at like action, the town appropriated > 1,43s. 75 for the purchase of a "good and sufiicient fire engine." It arrived about Jan- uary 1, 1.S50, and was styled " Somerville No. i." It was a first-class mod- ern suction machine, one of the best ever made by the celebrated Hunne- man iV Co. of Roxbury, and had six and a half inch cylinders, folding brakes and all the latest improvements. January 7, 1S50, the selectmen appointed the following board of fire engineers: Nathan Tufts, Jr., Gard- ner T. Ring. George O. Brastow, John B. Osgood, and Abram Welch. Mr. Welch declining to serve, Hiram Allen was appointed in his place. Jan- uary 15, the board organized by the choice of Nathan Tufts, Jr.. as chief engineer, and (ieorge O. lirastow, clerk. More than fifty men at once en- rolled in the company, and soon it was one of the leading and most popular organizations in town, l-ollowing is the original roster of Somerville En- gine Company .\o. 1, as taken from a poster in the possession of Chief Hopkins, and which is believed to be the only one in existence : — D. A. Marrett, Lorenzo Burbank, Rufus Littlefield. Seward Dodge, Caleb Kingman, Jairus Mann, L. Arnold, George W. liridgman. (ieorge A. (lark. Samuel Hamblin. George W. Iladlcv. David Kenrick. Jt)hn David A. Sanborn. CO I- i- c/) Q < a: O (5 S0MER17LLE, PAST AIVD FRESE.VT. 273 Ackers, David Bonner. Granville Leland, Jonas Trefren, Francis Tufts Levi Orcutt, Jr., W. S. Leland, Lewis C. Edgerly, David A. Sanborn,' Nathaniel k. Hammond, Joseph O. Twombly, Calvin Horton, Horace B Runey, J. Rune}-, George H. Foster, John B. Osgood, Benjamin Randall Benjamm Hamilton, B. F. Darling, George Holton, ]. Rice, Edward [' Shattuck, Lewis Horton, J. ]]achelder, Benjamin Hadley, Isaac F. Shepard Francis J. Williams, John Ireland, Daniel A. Hartwell, James Wiggins' James M. Stevens, M. E. Benjamin, E. G. Kenrick, S. C. BradshaC, Jr ' Frederick W. Hannaford, William G. Emery, Samuel H. Gooding, Shepard Robinson, Joseph Pierce, Jr., George S. Fogg, W. B. Sisson, Franklin 1) Snow, James \\'illiams, George W. Trefren. The first fire to which the department was called was the burnincr of Jotham Johnson's barn on the >' Ireland rangeway," off School street toward L nion square. In i,S53 the company demanded a raise of pay from .<;i.5o a year to $1 00 a month, that an entertainment fund might be.established. The selectmen hesitated. The men reeled up the hose and, figuratively speaking, walked out. In course of time the selectmen yielded and, December 5, 1854 this pioneer strike was ended. The company, as a matter of fact, suffered one or two other disbandments, during all of which, however, the men stood as ready for service, in case of emergency, as if their names had still been ear- ned upon the pay-roll of the town. An event which attracted the excited attention of firemen all over the State, and in which the Somerville company played one of the two important parts, took place Fast Day, 1852. Somerville ( )ne, a Hunneman, and Niagara 3 of East Cambridge, a Thayer engine, had long been rivals, and at last Somerville sent a formal challenge to C-ambridge. The fact of the approach- ing contest became noised abroad, and on the day of the trial several thou- sand persons, residents of neighboring places and firemen from all over the State, gathered on Broadway, Cambridge. The Cambridge Brass Band was hired, all the church bells were rung, and the excitement was intense I he cylinder of Niagara was of about the same size as that of Somerville but of shorter stroke. Niagara lowered Somerville's water nine and one-quarter inches in the first trial and " washed " her once in the second. At the ex- piration of time in the second trial the water in Somerville was four inches from the top of the tub. In the third trial, -tub and tub," Niagara " sucked " Somerville twice, and at the expiration of time the water in Niao-- ara was twelve and a half inches from the top of the tub, and in Some'r- ville's, five and a half inches. Captain B. F. Darling was in command of Somerville i, and Captain Alexander Eraser of Niagara 3. As a matter of history, also, Somerville One engaged in many other ex- citing contests of a like nature, in which she was as often victorious as de- feated. The first and only board of fire wards for the town, appointed May 4 1842, consisted of Robert G. Tenney, Hiram Hackett and William a' Russell, who served until the appointment of the board of engineers in i8i;o. 274 Si)Mi:A'i//. /./■:. /'.isT .i.v/> /'Kj:s/:x/: 1 )cceinbcr 24. 1S55, the old engine-house was destroyed by lire, although the engine with other contents was saved, and |. (^. Twombly's paint-shop was used until iS5^, when the town, at a cost of 55,000, erected the substan- tial brick building on the corner of Washington and Prospect streets ; in 1S71 the handsome house with the tower, on the corner of Highland a\enue and Walnut street, was erected. Uefore leaving the days of the hand-engine it is pleasant to record one or two of the many incidents illustrative of the patriotism and paternal liberalitv of the tiremen of that time, and of their correlation to the interests of the town. For years tiie upper room in the little engine-house and Franklin hall, ne.\t it. on the site of the present Holmes' store, were much used for public gatherings of all kinds, of which none, perhaps, were more popular with the tiremen than the series of religious services in charge of Rev. Charles Baker. When "Father" Baker wished to build a church edifice, in 185 7-8, he said : " Well. boys, what are you going to do to help us.' "" The answer was immediate and satisfactory: and it was said of the members of Somerville Fngine Company .\o. i, that their assistance did much toward the erection of the first edifice built by the First M. F. Church in Somerville — now the property of the St. Joseph's Society, on Webster avenue. The first fiagstaff in town, long a landmark, and later replaced, was put up by the firemen in Cnion square in 1853. The war record of Somerville i Fngine (."ompany was noteworthy. Immediately following the bombardment of Fort Sumter several of its members, including James R. Hopkins, now chief, Albert Caswell, i-". R. Kinsley, Joseph J. Giles. John H. Hodgdon, I'rank Moore and Henry Carr, enlisted in the Somerville Light Infantr\- and went to the front ; and during the war the company contributed more than $800 to assist in placing Somerville's soldiers in the field and caring for their families at home. It was fifteen years from the purchase of the hand-engine to the organ- ization of the first hose-company. In 1865 David A. Sanborn and Jairus .Mann were sent by the town to New \'ork to select a hand hose-carriage. In Troy they chose one bearing upon the front the words. "John F. Wool," and on the back, "We Battle with the Flements." It was taken to East Somerville and placed in a shed, and later removed to the two-stor\- wooden house on Webster street, between Cilen and Rush streets, torn down in the fall of 1896 to allow the erection upon that site of the Sanford Hanscom schoolhouse. " Liberty Hose Company No. i " was at once organized, in June, 1865, as follows: .Alfred Horton, foreman; George W. Bean, assistant foreman; James R. Hopkins, clerk; James Merritt, treasurer; James Bean, L. Horton, I). P. Horton. W. F. Dickson. Jabez P. Dill, A. F. Locke, Seth Hatch, James Galletly, K. G. Wentworth, William Bean. J. D. Lovering, Elkanah Crosby, R. D. Hall, James Porter, F. .\. Dickson and .Albert -Abbott. July 9, 1866, the company disbanded, owing to inlcrnal dissen- sions, but a new company was formed within a few days, taking the name of " John E. Wool." In the fall of 1867 the carriage was remodeled and re- painted : on one reelhead was a representation of the burning of the Frank- Tt Bernard W. Lawrence. < T3 < Qi QQ Qc: SOMERVILLE, PAST .LVD PRESENT. 277 lin Street Congregational Church, in 1X67. and on the other was placed a tine carving of a wreath, horn of plenty, etc., inclosing a picture of the burn- ing of the armory of the I'rescott Light Guards of Charlestown, with the machine coming out of its house. A horse-carriage superseded the "Gen. John E. Wool" in 1873, '^"^ the hand-carriage, which had cost $600, was sold to the town of Everett for $400 and thence went out of service and was returned to its original company in Troy. Thomas H. Daley, now captain of Hose I, was the first driver of a horse hose-carriage in the department, and has continued as driver to the present time. Differences with the en- gineers led to a disbandment of the company in 1S74, but another company was organized immediately. The fire department was fast becoming one of the great wheels of the municipal machinery. March 30, 1866, the volunteer system was abolished, and May 26, 1866, a steam fire-engine, the first and one of the best that Hunneman & Co. built, arrived, and the department was reorganized. A working force of engineers, drivers and firemen was employed permanently. The new steamer company, recruited chiefly from the old hand-engine com- pany, was composed as follows: Frank ( ). Hudson, foreman; Albert Cas- well, assistant foreman; Samuel S. Hudson, clerk; W. A. Burbank, l^ufus Lamkin, Melvin B. Ricker, F. I). Snow, hosemen ; H. A. \\'hiting, engineer ; Henry A. Byrnes, stoker; Charles Trull, driver. The only muster this company ever attended was at Fitchburg, October 11, 1 871, when, twenty-five engines contesting, Somerville stood fifth, with a horizontal record of 212 feet, 8 inches, through 200 feet of hose, lire first Silsby engine was bought in 1873. Henry A. Byrnes and William A. Burbank, promoted to engineer and fireman in 1867, have held their positions nearly thirty years, being still in service. Winter Hill Hose Company No. 2, originally named " Carlton," was organized December i, 1S69. With a two-wheeled carriage and a jumper it occupied humble wooden quarters until 1872-3, when its present well ap- pointed brick house on Marshall street was erected, a new carriage was bought, and horses were secured to drag it. Since 1S67 an independent company, having for its ofiicers Caleb A. Page, Jarvis A. Bucknam and Fred A. White, had run with the hook and ladder truck, bought in 1863 but never formally manned. May 2, 1870, the company having disbanded some time before, George W. Bean was re- quested to recruit a regular compan}'. which, in August, was officially rec- ognized and organized with George W. Bean, foreman; Albert Caswell, assistant foreman; and John W. Byrnes, clerk. It was styled " Prescott," after Col. Prescott of Bunker Hill fame. In 1874, when a new truck was bought, the name was changed to Robert A. Vinal Hook and Ladder Com- pany No. I, Chief James R. Hopkins having declined to allow it to be named for himself. In June, 1871, the graceful engine-house upon Central Hill, now aban- doned, was completed, and the steamer was transferred thither from Union square. Hose 3 company was organized at once to fill the place left vacant, j;s S()mi:r\ii.ij:. iwsr .ixn rRi-.suxr. and the truck was transferred from its shed to the same building. I'his comjiany was named after George H. Foster, foreman of "' Somerville One "" from iS;4 to iS6i,andwho. ''as a hand-engine commander, had no superior and but few equals." He served also as an engineer until his death, No- vember 23, 1864, and his funeral was one of the largest attended ever held in Somerville. George O. iirastow Hose Company No. 4 was organized November 12, 1S73, and went at once into its present building, corner of Highland avenue and Grove street, at the completion of which all the apparatus in the city was equipped with horses. In 18X4 a combined hose-reel and a protective wagon replaced Hose 4's carriage. It was intended to use rubber covers to protect goods at fires, but as the insurance companies would not furnish the covers the idea was abandoned, and in iSS; two 40-gallon Kabcock chemical tanks replaced the box intended for the covers. This was designed by Chief Hopkins and. according to H. H. Easterbrook. to whose pains- taking sketch of the Somerville tire department this writer is indebted for several matters of detail, was probably the first combined apparatus of that kind in the country. A Silsby steam-engine was placed in the station in 1.S90, and the company changed from a hose to an engine company. Hose 5. whose model brick station is on Somerville a\enue at Lowell street, was organized August 15, 1SS9. The commodious and substantial Central Fire Station, near the junc- tion of Medford street and Highland avenue, was erected in 1894. where- upon the old engine-house on Highland avenue and Walnut street was abandoned. The new station is thoroughly practical in plan and appoint- ments, and has no superior in the State. It shelters now Engine i and hose wagon and the new chemical engine A, and includes accommodations also for a combined aerial-ladder truck and water-tower when it may be found necessary. The second floor is given up to sleeping rooms, a recreation room, hayloft, workroom, and the chief's quarters. The third Hoor is used exclusively as the headquarters of the fire-alarm telegraph system. In 1S94, also, a building sufficiently commodious for two pieces of apparatus was erected on Flighland avenue near Cedar street. A truck was bought and placed therein, and Hook and Ladder Company No. 2 was organized to op- erate it. In iS./> a new fire station, designed to accommodate three pieces of apparatus, was erected at the corner of IJroadway and Cross street. To this building Hose Company No. i w-as transferred from the old wooden building on Webster street and reorganized into an engine company. Re- lief engine No. 2 was placed in its charge, and this company is now known as Engine Company No. 2. In June, 1S74, the Gamewell fire-alarm telegraph system was intro- duced, and in 1S77, under special act of the legislature, the force was reor- ganized, the board of engineers was abolished, and the power to appoint and remove vested in the mayor and board of aldermen. The office of as sistant chief was also created, and since that time has been efficiently filled by Captain Nathaniel C. ISarker. The men were uniformed in 1S85, 1 ■ ^:.K'il' I. js,i soMi:R\iij.i:, PAST .\xn i'Ri:si:xT. It is possible ti) speak only in the highest terms of tlie efficiency of the vSomerville lire Department and of the ability and popularity of its veteran chief, James R. Hopkins, as fireman and man. The city has dealt very liberally with the department, and there is not its superior in the State. A valuable table showing the organization of the Hoard of Fire Engi- neers from 1S50 to the present time is as follows : — Year. Chi.,!. Clerk. ■ St Assistant. 21! A-^isiant. 3d Assistant. i>5o • S51 .852 ■853 1854 iS5s 1X56 .857 i8vS 1859 i860 1S61 1 861 1863 1864 1865 1866 .S67 1S68 1869 1870 .87. 1872 Nathan Tufts. Jr. Abram Welch. ( '.eorge O. Brastow. Sam'l H. Gooding. Gardner T. Ring. Levi Orcutt. Chas. E. Gilman. John B. Osgood. .Abram Welch. Carl'n Hawkins. Benj. Randall. Hiram Allen. John Runey. Robert A Vinal. John Runey. Charles Waldron. John Runey. Sam'l H Gooding. D. A. Sanborn, Jr. Sam'l H. Gooding. Charles Waldron. Samuel A. Tattle. I). .\. Sanborn, Jr. Jairus Mann. John Runey. (jeo. .A. Sanborn. Geo. H. Foster. Sam'l H. Gooding. (;. W. Trefren. " <■ Sam'l H. Gooding. Henry .\. .Viigicr. Geo. Cutter. .Albert Horton. J. R. Hopkins. James R. Hopkins. Henry A. .Angier. George W. Bean. 1". D. Snow. Theo. C. Joslyn. '873 1874 1875 1876 1877 to • 896 " Gardner W. Ring. Theo. C. Joslyn. Nath'l C. Barker. Theo. C. Joslyn. A. Caswell. A. Caswell. S. H. Stevens. East Somerville Baptist Church, Perkins Street, opposite Pinckney. HISI'ORY OV THr: CHURCHES. c"ii.\i''n:k will. EAST S()MKk\ II.I.K DAI'Tlsr (HI KCll. l;V Rl.\. (Jl<\ II.I.K CtiAT.S. Thk Kast Somei"\ille IJaptist Church was orj.janized March 19, 1S90. Its constituent members were nearly all orijjinally members of the Perkins Street Baptist Church. Its first pastor was Rev. C. L. Rhoades, who served the church from its organization until September 25, i.S(;2. During this period the membership increased from 143 to 274, and a Sunday-school of over five hundred was gathered. The first services of the church were held in Hadley Hall on Uroadway, afterward in the Mint-street Methodist church, and since July 25, 1S90, in the present edifice on I'erkins street op- posite l'inckne\. 'i'he original officers were: deacons, Samuel Cutler, Hiram \. Stearns and Kll)ridge A. Towle : clerk, Arthur C. Hill; treasurer, Charles F. Powers: collector, Win. A. Corson. ( )ne of the remarkable features of the early history of the church was the work among children inaugurated and carried on by Pastor Rhoades. Hundreds of boys and girls were gathered every Saturday evening, and instructed by means of lectures and stereopticon pictures, many of whom became permanently connected with the Sunday-school and the church. The officers of the Sunday-school at its organization were: superintendent. William H. Ciood- speed ; assistant superintendent, L. Herbert Huntley: secretary, William 1!. Wilson: treasurer, W. T. Kincaid. May i, iS(;i, William H. Coodspeed and Herman 1 ). ( )sgood were elected deacons. The IJaptist ^ Oung Peo- ple's I'nion was formed September 29, i.S(ji, and ( haiies H. johnc|uest was elected its first president. The church was without a pastor from September 25, 1S92, until March 5, 1X93. when the present pastor. Rev. Orville Coats, began his work. The church, though small in numbers, has made a good record by its interest in missions, general evangelization and benevolence. During the six and a half years of its existence it has given Si 1.529.30 for benevolent objects, and raised for all purposes .543..S9S.27. Present membership is 29S. Church officers: pastor, Rev. ( )r\illc Coats; deacons, Samuel Cutler. Hiram X. Stearns, Wm. H. Goodspeed and Herman I). ( )sgood ; clerk, Charles X. Stockbridge ; treasurer, Irank !■'.. Cutler: collector, C. A. Littlefield; assistant collector, I. F. Pierce; Sunday-school superinten- dent, L. Herbert Fhmtley ; assistant superintendent, William B. Wilson; secretary, Wm. S. McLean ; treasurer, Walter K. Horton. Preaching services are held on Sunday at 10.30 .\. .\i. and 7.30 r. \i. Sunday-school meets at noon. 2S2 Justin D. Fulton, D. D. Pastor First Baptist Cliurcli. First Baptist Church, Spring Hill. somi-:r\-ille, fast axd j'resejYt. 285 FIRST BAPTIST CHl^RCH. \\\ \\V\. Justin D. Fui.tun, D.I). The First liaptist Church in Somerville was organized December 30, 1.S52, with eleven men and twenty women. A council was called to recog- nize the company as a regular Baptist church, twenty-two churches being represented. On motion of Rev. Rollin H. Neal, I ).!)., the council unani- mously voted to recognize this as "The First Baptist Church in Somerville," which recognition was completed in a public service the same evening. Rev. Daniel W. Faunce served them as pastor from July 14, 1.S53, to Sep- tember I, 1.S54. He was followed by (xeorge G. l^airbanks, March 21, 1S55, to June 30, 1S66 ; Lewis Fj. Hibbard, February 21, 1S67, to February 2S, iSOS ; John D. Sweet, May 4, 186S, to August 9, 1869 ; Charles M. Smith, February 20, 1S70, to March 31, 1885 ; Fenner B. Dickinson, October i, 1885, to No- vember 2, 1886 ; Frank (). Cunningham, April 26, 1887, to September i, 1892 ; Luther B. Plumer, February 4, 1893, to September 4, 1894; and Justin I). Fulton, D.D., November 20, i8<;4, to the present time. The church wor- shipped in the Beech-street Chapel from the date of its organization till March 2, 1873, when they entered their present place of worship on Belmont street. This building was formally dedicated June 12, 1873, and has been without a mortgage or incumbrance since April, 1883. It is a comfortable, commodious and attractive house of worship. The church has from the first maintained a character of uncompromis- ing devotion to the proclamation of the gospel of Christ, and believing that the Baptist church founded by Christ and the apostles in Jerusalem furnishes the model for the highest and freest religious life, consistency has made the church the stalwart champion of Baptist principles, which enter so largely into the religious life of the nation. The position maintained by this church on the temperance ciuestion has helped keep Somerville a no- license city, and has furnished from its membership some of the ablest advocates and the most indefatigable workers for clean citizenship in the city. The calling of its present pastor as the lover of Roman Catholics, and their co-operation with him in the great work to which he has given his heart, giving him four days of each week to prosecute the work in the regions beyond, evidences their faith in the needs of the country and the remedial power furnished by the gospel which is the present and the future hoj^e of the country. The Sai!I!ath Schooi. was organized in 1853, and was made a branch of church work by formal action, April 10, 1889. Its superintendents ha\e been men of God, and its teachers, chosen from the church, are thoroughly in sympathy with the spirit and purposes of the gospel which is being sounded out from the pulpit. The Baptist Young People's L'nion furnishes the young people an or- ganization where Baptist sentiments find a home, and brings the young people as well as the church into association with masses of young Baptists that are making their influence felt in all parts of the land. 286 SO.\fERilI.Li:. I'AST AXP rRI:SI:\T. The Woman's l"orci.i;n Mission Circle was oi. Story was its tirst president, and she filled the office with exceptional acceptance till her death, October 23. isss. In iS,S5 a Woman's Home Mission tircle was formed, with Mrs. S. 1'. Wilcox for president, but in iSS*; it was thought best to consolidate the two, having one organi- zation with two treasurers. The organization was then known as the Woman's Mission Circle. There is a children's meeting, held on Friday afternoons at 4 J'. M. under the direction of the H. \ . W L'.. which is accom- plishing great good. The church is in the enjoyment of great prosperity, as is indicated by the nourishing Sabbath-school and large congregations which wait upon the ministry of the word, for all of which there is devout thank- fulness. R.\.\i).\LL MKMOklAl, IRKK HAITIST CHLKCll. l;\ I\l.\. F.UWIN p. Mnn TON. Ihe Randall Memorial Free Baptist Church was organized July 21. 1S73. as the Freewill Baptist Mission Church of Charlestown. with twenty- three members. For about one year meetings were held in a hall on Main street, Charlestown. October. 1874, they moved to Broadway Hall, East Somerville, and in June. 1S79. to a larger hall near by. There they remained until April, 1S82, when they moved into the chapel they now occupy. A lot has been purchased on \ew Cross street, and an edifice, a cut of which ac- companies this account, is to be erected upon it. This church has always been small in numbers, but has been self-supporting. About three hundred and fifty persons have united with it since its organization, and the present resident membership is one hundred and eight. This church has had six pastors : Rev. James Rand, August, 1.S73, to January, 1879; Rev. A. T. Hill- man. December, 1S82, to September, 1883 ; Rev. James Boyd, February, 1884, to September, 1 s,S4 ; Rev. C. S. Frost, January, 1886, to April. 1887 : Rev. J. H. \'eoman, May. 1.S87, to October, 1888 ; and Rev. Edwin P. Moulton, the present pastor, who commenced his labors in November, 1888. 'I'hough com]:)aratively small, this church has had man\- excellent men and women among its members, and has done a good work in the community. During the past year it has given to the world one minister. Rev. Ceo. W'. Russell of Starksboro, \'t., and one missionary, Miss Ftta Castellow of Calcutta. India. This church is congregational in polity, and in faith stands for free grace, open communion and the baptism of believers by immersion only. It is a member of a body of churches of like faith in the State, called the Massachusetts Association of Free Baptist Churches. It has also con- nected with it all the usual auxiliaries : a Sunday-school, ^'oung I'eople's Society, Ladies' Social Circle, etc., and with the other churches in the cit\- is laboring for the salvation of men and for that righteousness among the people that exalteth a nation. Rev. Edwin P. Moulton, Pastor Randall Memorial Free Baptist Church. '■^ ti ^-&^^ -i/«f^;!^.\lj- '1l:i. ^^o^^ Randall Memorial Free Baptist Church, (Now being erected on New Cross Street.) SOMERVILLE, PAST AMD PRESENT. 289 THE PERKINS STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. P)V Re\. John K. ( \o\\. This church was organized May 4, iS45,witli fourteen members. It was first known as the Xeck \'illage P^aptist Church, later as the Charlestown and Somerville Baptist Church, and in August, 1S53, as the Perkins Street Baptist Church. The first meeting-house occupied by the church was erected at the corner of Main and Haverhill streets, Charlestown. In the summer of 1853 it was removed and located on Perkins street, Somerville, at the same time being somewhat enlarged. In 1864 the house was remodelled, and on Monday, January 8, 1866, it was destroyed by fire. In June. 1867, a new house was dedicated, of a size to accommodate six hundred persons and costing 525,000. In 1873 the meeting house was further enlarged to a seat- ing capacity of a thousand persons. This house still stands, being occupied by the East Somerville Baptist Church. The church has had seven ministers. \\'illiam Stow Avas ordained June 25, 1845, on the day in which the first meeting-house was dedicated and the church was publicly recognized by its sister churches. Mr. Stow's ministry continued five years and two months. C. H. Topliff was ordained September 30, 1850, and continued in service one year and seven months. N. M. Wil- liams entered on his ministry with the church in August, 1852. The change in the location of the house of worship and in the name of the church was made under his leadership, which lasted seven years and nine months. J. Judson Miller was ordained September 17, 1861, and remained the successful and beloved minister of the church and the community till his resignation of the ofiice, October 3, 1880, a period of nineteen years. William A. Smith came to the church from Cleveland, Ohio, in July, 1881, and materially in- creased the congregations and enlarged the church acti\'ities. His ministry covered a period of about eight years, closing in March, 1889. C. L. Rhoades assumed the charge of the church in December, 1889, and resigned his oftice in March, 1890. During the later years of Mr. Smith's service unfortunate dissensions arose, which culminated in the withdrawal, in March, 1890, of about two hundred members, including Mr. Rhoades, who formed the East Somerville P>aptist Church. In July, 1890, the five hundred members of the church still remaining were deprived of the use of the church edifice by a bare majority in the society which controlled the property. Though thrown into confusion by this action, the leaders of the church arranged for the carrying on of preaching services, at first in Arcanum Hall and later in the I-'ranklin street Congregational meeting-house by the courtesy of the body worshiping there. Steps were also taken for the erection of a new house on the present lot, near the corner of Cross and Pearl streets. Warned by the experience through which it had just passed, the church became incor- porated August 29, 1890, under the present State lawfor the incorporation of religious bodies. Rev. Andrew R. Moore became the minister January i, 1 891. In May, 1892, the new meeting-house which had been erected at a cost of $46,000 was dedicated. Mr. Moore closed his labors with the church 290 S()mi:r\ii.li:, iwsr .\\n I'Ri-.si-.xr. September i. iS<^, and the present minister. John R. (iow. succeeded to the office in July, iS(,5. After many revisions of the roll, tiie church reports three hundred and s<\ cnty-three resident members. LMUX S(JIAKK r. AI'lI.Sj (IK kCH. 'J'his, the latest addition to the numerous houses of worship of Somer- ville is one of the handsomest structures in the city. For a long period the society had sorely felt the need of a permanent home, its large and increas- ing number of members being but poorly accommodated in the hall in which its meetings were held, and a number of elTorts were made to obtain suffi- cient funds to permit the erection of a proper edifice. After many struggles and disappointments the necessary amount was at length obtained to warrant the undertaking. (Iround was broken on the lot owned by the society on Walnut street, August 12, 1.S95. The corner-stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies and addresses. October 3, following. The building was completed for occupancy in June, 1896. and on the four- teenth of that month the first services in the churcii were held. The edifice is a most sightly one, the towers and handsome windows of stained glass of various designs giving it a very attractive appearance. It is of wood abo\e the first story, which is of brick, with slated roof and copper gutters. 'l"he main entrance is at the base of the large tower, with other entrances on Wal- nut street and (}iles park. The plans were prepared by Architect Warren K. Hayes of Minneapolis. Minn., and the building contract was awarded to John A. Dodge. The growth of the society has been stead\ . and it has now a member- ship of nearly two hundred. Soon after the laying of the corner-stone the pastor, Kev. K. J. McKenna, on the 6th of October, resigned. He had been in failing health several months, and upon his retirement Rev. R. B. Moody was engaged as stated supply for the puljMt and later as acting pastor. At the annual business meeting last January, the following ofiicial board was elected for the year 1896: Deacon, (three years) A. B. Gookin, (two years) I. H. r.rown, (one year) T. M. Maddison ; moderator of business meetings, (i. M. Wadsworth: clerk, G. H. Streeter; treasurer, A. ( ). Taylor; Sunday- school superintendent. W. I'. McGeouch. Wl.X'i'Kk 1111, L B.MTlsr (111 kCH. The Winter Hill liaptist Church was organized June 27, iSSi. and the first church meeting was held on that day. A council was called for June 2S, iSSi, to recognize the church as a regular Baptist Ghurch. The church was recognized by a unanimous vote and the recognition ser- vices were held in the evening as follows : sermon by Rev. J. J. Miller, prayer by Rev. J. Cooke, and giving the right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. Lisle. At a meeting on July 5, iSMi, the first Sunday-school superintendent was elected and the first pastor was called. .August 30. iSSi, it was voted to call a council of churches to ordain the newly elected pastor. ^f^-mitm^^i Rev. William J. Day, Pastor Winter Hill Baptist Church. > < in X U SOMERIVLLE, PAST AXD PRESENT. 293 [aniiary i, 1S82, the first pastor resigned. Temple Hall, the first place of worship, was furnished and an organ purchased. April 17, 1884, it was decided to hold services in Weldon hall. April 30, it was voted to call a council for the ordination of the pastor elect, and several were received by letter from the Perkins-street Church. June 2, 18S4, it was voted to appoint a committee of three whose duties shall be to look after a lot of land, solicit funds, and any and all things per- taining to building a house for God's worship. November 26. the pastor's resignation was accepted. April 30, 18S5, a call was given to the pastorate, and on June 6 it was accepted. March 18, 1886, it was voted to authorize the circulation of a paper soli- citing subscriptions for funds to purchase a lot of land upon which to erect a church edifice. June 24, 1886, it was voted to change the name of the church to Winter Hill Baptist Church. November 4, 1886, a numerous land committee was appointed to devise means for raising money. April I, 1887, a committee was appointed to look after the legal organi- zation of the church, and on April 21, the church adopted by-laws for the corporation, and elected officers. ( )ne clerk served the church from its or- ganization to this date. May 5, 1887, it was voted to authorize the trustees to purchase a lot on School street for a house of worship, and that it was expedient to proceed to build. A building committee of fifteen was appointed. October 8, 188S, ground was broken and the building to which the church had looked forward so long began. The new house was dedicated with appropriate services on the evening of April 10, i.s8(;. The building is a modern structure, combining the (^ueen Anne with some Gothic and classical features. The rural English church architecture best describes the style of the building. The edifice is ninety feet in length. The auditorium is forty feet wide and fifty feet in length. The front of the building is seventy feet in width. The tower to the left of the main entrance on School street is twenty feet square and seventy feet in height. The main entrance under a wide archway opens into an ample and attractive vestibule, to the left of which are the ladies' parlor and toilet rooms. Wide double doors open to the right of the vestibule into the vestry room, which is very pleasant, being provided with a fire-place mantel and mirrors, and will seat sixty or more. Beyond this is the library room. The rooms on the second fioor consist of one in the tower, an ample hallway and a gallery which will seat eighty-five. During its history of fifteen years, the church has been served by the following pastors: Rev. L. H. Abrams, who served the church from July, 1881, to January i, 1883 ; Rev. Samuel Hill, January, 1883, to January 2, 1884 ; Rev. Wm. D. Ward, February, 1884, to November 6, 1884; Rev. Joseph F. Bartlett, June, 1885, to March 11, 1S88 ; Rev. Edward D. Mason, April, 1888, to June 5, 1 89 1 ; Rev. Wm. J. Day, May i, 1892, to the present time. 2(^4 SOMIIRI/I.l.i:, I'.IST AXn PRKSKXr. WW. IlROADW.W COXCKKCA riONAI, rniRcii. Tlie movement which resulted in the establishment of this church began with the formation of a Sabbath-school, l)y a few Christian people of Winter Hill, in August. iS(.3. The school opened with about fifty members, in I'.roadway Hall, situated on Ikoadway, at the foot of Winter Hill. .Soon stated preaching was inaugurated. Rev. K. Porter 1 )yer being engaged for the purpose. An ecclesiastical society was formed, and services were con- tinued in the hall until the 21st of June. 1S64. when the church, organized the 14th of June preceding (the result of plans instituted the 24th of Decem- ber, i.S<^)3», with the society, dedicated a new church building at the corner of Uroadway and Central streets. This building was occupied until the night of December <;. iS6r). when it was destroyed by fire. Owing to finan- cial difficulties which had long embarrassed the enterprise and which led to litigation, the church was left to its fate, without home or shelter. The Sabbath following the tire the church assembled in a new dwelling-house on Sycamore street, owned by Mr. Samuel ( )akman, a member of the church. On that day the acting pastor. Rev. E. P. Dyer, preached his last sermon. Rev. K. P. Marvin was secured as temporary supply, and under his ministry the church gained twenty-three members. Increase of attendance led to removal to the town hall in the Forster schoolhouse, where services were continued from July 7, 1X67, until January iS, 1.S68, when the church re- moved to a new chapel on Sycamore street, erected by Mr. Oakman and tendered to the church free of rent. In February, 1868, Rev. Samuel H. \ irgin of Andover was ordained as minister, and was duly installed as first pastor of the church October 27 of the same year. During all this period since the fire the expenses had been met by voluntary contributions, but in I line, 1S69, another ecclesiastical society was formed. On account of poor health. Mr. \irgin resigned in February, 1871. Early in the summer of that year the society voted to build a chapel at the corner of Central street and Proadway, the site of its former meeting-house, the land having been do- nated for the purpose by Mr. Samuel Oakman and Mrs. C. Eldridge, the original owners. The new and beautiful house of worship was completed and dedicated December 10, 1871, just five years after the burning of the former church. Rev. William H. Pierson of Ipswich was installed pastor, .\ugust 29, 1872, and officiated as such to both church and society until 1879, when, in consequence of a change in his theological views, other means of relief failing the church, it, in compliance with advice of an ecclesiastical council, voted to vacate the building, which it did in January. 1880, and com- menced services in the chapel it had formerly occupied on Sycamore street. The ecclesiastical society did not continue its connection with the church in this movement, but remained in the old building and under the ministry of -Mr. Pierson. In 1.S.S3 i,S84 the church erected a building on Sycamore street on the present site of the church home. The church after the separa- tion had for ministers : Rev. .\. H. (Juint. I ).l ).. from January, 1881. to May 1. 1884, acting pastor ; Rev. Lewis \'. Price, from September 1, 1884, to June Rev. Horace H. Leavitt, Pastor Broadway Congregational Churcli. Broadway Congregational Church, Svcamore Street, Winter Hill. SOMKRl'ILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 297 12, 1888, installed; Rev. Charles E. Andrews, from September i, 1S89, to March i, 1891, installed ; Rev. Joseph F. Lovering, from August i, 1891, to August I, 1893, acting pastor ; and Rev. Horace H. Leavitt from January I, 1894, installed, the present incumbent. In the fall of 1894, because of large additions to the church membership during the year, and marked in- crease in the congregations, the question of enlarging the church edifice was agitated, though there still existed a debt for the building then in use of about $6,000. The church, which man\- years before had become incor- porated as a legal organization, voted, in the spring of 1895, to remodel and enlarge its edifice, and some ^; 10,000 was contributed for the purpose. The work was undertaken at once and the new structure was dedicated in April, 1896; the church having, howe\er, a few weeks previous, through the pledges (payable monthly, for three years) of its members and members of the congregation, taken up the entire outstanding debt of the church and the interest thereon for three years, amounting to about $24,000, so that the building and its complete fittings could be dedicated practically free from debt. The church is now finely equipped with the best and most ample facili- ties, and is in a prosperous condition and growing rapidly. Its present membership is about 340, its congregation between 300 and 400, and its Sabbath-school about 400 members. DAY STREET CONGREGATKJNAL CHURCH. By Re\. Petkr Ma( (^)ukkn. Preliminary action was taken looking to the formation of a Congrega- tional Church in West Somerville in the autumn of 1873. Beginning with Sunday, December 14, religious services were regu- larly conducted by Rev. C. L. Mills, representing the Massachusetts Home Missionary Society. April 14, 1.S74, the West Somerville Congregational Church, with a membership of fifty-two, was regularly organized by council, Mr. Mills act- ing as pastor until the following June, when ill health compelled his retire- ment. For two and one-half years the church worshipped in a hall in Claren- don Block, and the six months following in the M. E. Chapel on Holland Street. During the summer of 1876 a house of worship was donated to the society by the East Cambridge Evangelical Society, through the Massachu- setts Home Missionary Society. This building was taken down, removed to the present site and rebuilt, being dedicated December 4, 1876. This necessitated an indebtedness of $5,500, which was carried until the autumn of i88r, when, largely through the efforts of its pastor. Rev. C. B. Summer, a sufiicient amount was pledged to pay the same. In the spring of 1882, through the kindness of friends of the church, a bell was purchased and hung in the belfry. In the summer of Rev. Peter MacQueen, Pastor of Day Street Congregational Church. SOMERllI.I.E, PAST AND PRESENT. 299 1S88, $1,200 was raised and applied to interior improvements and decorations of the church building, consisting of new windows, new cushions, new car- pet, etc. Again, in 1896, the church was completely renovated and beautified, and a new Gothic front and Renaissance tower were added. The design of the building was so entirely recast as to present an absolutely modern structure. The membership of the Day Street Church is composed of kindly, genial folk, who are religious in a quiet, cheerful way, and evermore benev- olent, and in all ways charitable. No one need ever feel the world is cold or life is dreary who enters this comfortable Christian atmosphere. The church sets itself to dignify life and labor, and set a star of hope above every cradle and every cofiin. The pastors and acting pastors have been as follows : Rev. C. L. Mills, April, 1874, to June, 1874, acting; Rev. James M. Hubbard, June, 1874, to January, 1875, act. ; Rev. Albert Bryant, February, 1875, to January, 1880; Rev. W. F. F.acon, January, 1880, to April, 1880, act.; Rev. C. B. Summer, June, 1S80, to November, 1882; Rev. H. C. Hitchcock, November, 1882, to January, 1893; Rev. Peter MacQueen, April, 1893. FFRST CONGREGATIONAL (UNITARL\N) CHURCH. The First Congregational (Unitarian) Church is the mother church of the city. One autumn day a little more than half a century ago, the Rev. Richard Manning Hodges was walking through the green fields and orchards along the main road that led from Charlestown to Cambridge, over the farms of what is now known as the city of Somerville, when, as he tells us in his diary, "the thought occurred to him that he might make himself useful as a religious teacher to many aged persons, young children and others, who from the long distances were prevented from attending church in these first-named towns." But when Mr. Hodges came here on a certain Sunday in March, 1844, to hold religious service, he found that Miss Eliza- beth Page Whittredge, the teacher of the district school, had already on a Sunday in June, 1842, in the first year of the town's incorporation, gathered her pupils and other children on Sabbath mornings, to instruct them in the simple truths of the (xospel, and to hold up before their hearts the sweet and attractive example of Jesus. So the good woman and the good minister united their forces, — the little church and the little Sunday-school, with the result that in August of this same year, 1844, a religious society was orga- nized, and the corner-stone of the first church was laid upon what is now Central Hill park. Within half a century, four new churches were builded by the founders of this society and their successors, three of them upon the same site. The first church was dedicated in September, 1845. 'i'^e second church, after the destruction of the first by fire, was completed in April, 1854. The third church, after the destruction of the second by fire, was dedicated in January, First Congregational (Unitarian) Church. The old edifice on Central Hill. Rev. William H. Pierson, Pastor First Congregational (Unitarian) Society. ^o: somi:r\ii.i.i:. I'ast .\.\n i'ri-.si.xt. iSCh;. The corner-stone of the fourth c hureh was hiid ui^on its present site on HiL,fhland avenue, June. iS.>4. This edifice, designed by Hartwell and Richardson of lioston, with Sunday-school rooms, parlors, memorial win- dows and all the accessories for the social and religious work of a modern church, cost with the land and appointments, not far from 5S0.000. which was largely secured by the sale of the old church to the city. Through the efTorts of the pastor and the contributions of the citizens, stimulated by a special and generous gift, the church is the possessor of a tine chime of eleven bells, from the old Paul Revere founderies of Boston. FIRST CONGRliGATlONAL ("UNITARIAN! CHURCH. Rev. John Turner Sargent, the friend and defender of Theodore Parker, was the first pastor of the church. He was installed in 1S46. and was suc- ceeded by Rev. Augustus R. Pope, a most e.xcellent man and minister : Rev. Charles Lowe, afterwards secretary of the .American L'nitarian Asso- ciation : Rev. Henry H. l^.arber, now professor in Meadville I'niversity, Pa. : and Rev. John S. Thompson, a graduate of O.xford, Eng., and now settled in Los Angeles, Cal. The present pastor. Rev. W. 1 1. I'ierson. a graduate of Kowdoin College, came to the Winter Hill Congregational Church, Somerville, in 1S72. His pastorate lasted nearly nine years, during which time his theological opin- ions underwent a change, and after a ministry of ten years at l-itchburg, he returned to Somerville, and was installed pastor of the I'irst I'nitarian Church, April. iS'^i. SOMKRlll.LE, PAST AXD PRESENT. 303 The First I'nitarian Church, if we may accept an impartial and unso- licited testimony, " is one of the strongest and richest church-organizations in the city : it has a good working force, a wide and intelligent constituenc}'. and, in a quiet way, is doing a good deal for the denomination at large, as well as for charities at home." Our limits will not allow further mention of the founders, benefactors, past and present supporters of this society, but we may speak of the special devotion of one of its members, the late Columbus lyler, who bequeathed to the church nearly the whole of his large estate. The purpose of the present management of the Church is to develop a broad, catholic, humane organization. In its preaching and in its services, the life, influence and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth is held in utmost love and reverence ; and if the same insistence is not put upon theories and doctrines as in other communions, much stress is laid upon ethical in- fluences, upon the deep, underlying sentiments of the soul, and ujDon the constraining need of character, worship and religion. FIRST ORTH()F)()X CONGRFGATIONAL CHURCH. This church was. as its name indicates, the first of the Congregational denomination established in Somerville, and from it, as the parent church, the various colonies which have grown into prominent church organizations have received much aid and strength. The first formal meeting, with a view to the founding of a church of the Orthodox believers, was held at the house of Temple Paul, Xo. 17 Mt. Ver- non Street, April 21, 1S53. ( )n September 15, 1.S53, at the house of Ebenezer Davis, the " First Orthodox Congregational Society " was legally organized. '!"he corner-stone of the first church edifice was laid October 10. 1.S54, and the building was dedicated July 12, 1.S55. By an ecclesiastical council, presided over by Rev. Xehemiah Adams, on May 3, 1S55, the church was duly organized according to Congregational polity, thirty-nine persons con- stituting its membership. The sermon on this occasion was delivered by Rev. E. N. Kirk, of Boston. On the following evening, officers were chosen as follows : deacons. Ebenezer Davis, Oliver Dickson, Joseph Lovett ; examining committee, X. J. Knight, Joshua H. Davis, James L.Tyler, O. H. Granville; treasurer, Joseph Lovett: clerk. Moses H. Sargent. On January 3, 1S56, Rev. Benjamin Judkins, Jr., was installed as pas- tor, the sermon being by Rev. A. L. Stone, of Boston. On March 16, 1S67, the "holy and beautiful house" was burned. The corner-stone of a new church was laid August 27, 1S67, and the present edi- fice on the original site on Franklin street was dedicated September 30, i(S68. The names of pastors are as follows: Rev. Benjamin Judkins, Novem- ber, 1855, to June 2, 1858 ; Rev. David T. Packard, July, 1858, to November 28, 1866; Rev. Lucius R. Eastman, Jr.. March. 1867, to May 22, 1871 ; Rev. William S. Hubbell, February, 1872. to November 22, 18.S1 ; Rev. William First Orthodox Congregational Church, Franklin, opposite Perkins Street. SOMERl'ILLE. I'AST JXD PRESENT. 0^^ E. Merrinian, 1). I).. December, iSSr, to June i, 1SS7 ; Rev. James H. Ross, September i. (SSS, to April 5, 1X93. At one period in its history tiie membership of the church exceeded hve hundred. On April i, 1S96, there were three hundred and sixty-four members. Rev. James M. Gray, of Jioston, has recently served as pastor in charge. The Sunday-school and various societies connected with the church have been actively engaged in the interests of morality and religion, and fruitful in good works. At the present time, the deacons are Henry F. Sears, John P. Heath, Barna S. Cole, Charles H. Colgate, Henry M. Moore. The treasurer is George E. Dustin, and G. A. Southworth is clerk. C. H. Colgate is superintendent of the Sunday-school. HIC;HLAM) CONGREGATIONAL CHCRCH. Hv Rev. (;eok(;k S. K. Anderson. The Highland Congregational Church, organized November 11, 1X94, with a membership of forty, was incorporated November 2S, 1S94, and recoo-- nized by the council. January 21, 1X95. The first movement which finally led to the organization of the High- land ( "hurch was a series of open-air meetings, conducted by E. P. Dunham and others, during the summer of 1S93 ; but it was not until the following year that the work assumed definite shape. In July, August, and Septem- ber, i,S94, gospel tent-meetings were held under the auspices of the free Congregational Church of Somerville, and of the Home Missionary Society of Mass. The meetings were conducted by Rev. Geo. S. K. Anderson, whose services were secured through the Evangelistic Association of New England. The large blessing which crowned the work encouraged the people to go forward, and before the closing of the tent-meetings they voted to organize a church, and to call Mr. Anderson to be its pastor. The lot of land, containing sixteen thousand feet, on the corner of Highland avenue and Lowell street, on which the tent was pitched, was purchased ni November, iN \i. ( 111 R( il. \\\ ki:v. i;i>\V\KI> >. I'KAli. The I'rospect Hill Congre.ijational Church was organized December :io. 1S74, in l^acon Hall, Inion square, with sixty-one charter members, thirty-seven of whom are now living. The recognition sermon was preached by Kev. S. K. Herrick. D.I)., of Boston. Inasmuch as the first meeting- place of the few people who afterward organized the church was in Dea. M. v. Klliot's house on Prospect Hill — a hill associated with the early history of the Revolution — it was voted to call the new church I'rospect Hill C'hurch. Rev. .\. K. Winship was installed as the first pastor. I'ebruary 9, ifSjf). and for nine years held the office with the increasing affection and regard of his people. In October, 1SS3. Rev. Mr. Winship resigned, and on May s. iS,S4, the present pastor. Rev. K.dward Sampson Tead, was installed. The first house of worship, situated on Warren avenue, was dedicated in 1S76, and became the property of the Inion .Square Presbyterian Church, October i, 1887. In October, 1889, the present house of worship was dedicated. Rev. .Alexander McKenzie, D.D., of Cambridge, preaching the sermon. Mrs. Louise Ordway Tead wrote the dedication hymn. The edifice is one of the finest in the city, and has a seating capacity of seven hundred. The church is progressive in its methods of work, and its influence for good is recognized by all as powerful and permanent. WINTKR 1111.1. COXGRKC.A riONAI. (Ill RCH. \\\ I\l.\. CUAKI.rS I.. XoVKS. In August, isr)3, under the leadership of Samuel A. Carlton, now of Boston, a few Christian people of Winter Hill organized a Sabbath-school, there being then no public religious services of any kind held nearer than the Unitarian Church, Highland avenue, the Cross-street UniversalLst, or the Franklin-street Church, East Somerville. .\s an outgrowth of this Sabbath-school an ecclesiastical society was soon organized, and Rev. K. Porter Dyer of Ilingham, .Mass.. was engaged as acting pastor. On June 14, isr.5, a church was formally organized, num- bering twenty-eight members. The ministry of Mr. Dyer having terminated in December, isr/), was followed by that of Rev. K. P. Marvin, but the first regularly settled pastor of the church was the Rev. Sinuiel II. \ irgin, who was ordained and in- stalled October 27, 1868. and filled the pastorate until February, 1871. He was succeeded, August 29, 1872, by Rev. W. H. Pierson, who served until January 30. 1881. .About this time the membership of this church was divided. .\ part withdrew, and were recognized ecclesiastically as the Ikoadway Congrega- tional Church. The portion remaining with the society continued its ser- Cj > c n o z a 70 m O > H o ■z > o :r O 5- r/3' > ri p •J 'J SOMKK17LL/-:, PAST AND PRESENT. 309 vices and Sabbath-school until they united with other Christians worship- ing with them to constitute the Winter Hill Congregational Church, which was organized January 24, and formally recognized by council January 29, 1SS3. The society then changed its name to the Winter Hill Congrega- tional Society to conform with the Winter Hill Congregational Church, which it accepted as the church of the society. 'I'he present pastor. Rev. Charles L. Noyes. who had been serving in this capacity since June, 1SS2, was duly installed as pastor, June iS, 1883. Since its organization the Winter Hill Congregational Church and So- ciety have enjoyed nearly fourteen years of uninterrupted growth and pros- perity. A debt of fifteen hundred dollars (Si 500) has been paid off, and resources gathered for the erection of a new building at a cost of 530,000, to accommodate the growing congregation and Sabbath-school. The mem- bership, which began with 43, has increased to a total of 210. The Sabbath-school, which in 1883 numbered 170 and was divided into \(\ classes, has now 250 on its lists — 222 scholars, 20 teachers and 8 officers. Throughout its entire history the church has been efficiently aided, and much of its best missionary work has been done, by a Ladies' Society. They took the initiative both in raising the old debt and in starting the fund for the new editice. ST. ANN'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. In October, 1S77, land was purchased by Father McGrath, on the corner of Medford and Thurston streets, as a site for the church, and four years later St. Ann's was erected. Three weeks after the dedication of the edi- fice, which took place September 25, 1881, Rev. John B. Galvin was installed as pastor, who said his first mass in the church on the 23d day of October in the same year. Father Calvin's work in St. Ann's parish has been principally devoted to the spiritual building up of his people. For this purpose among other things he has had missions given by the Passionist, Redemptionist, Jesuit and Paulist Fathers. Among the material improvements he has made in the church edifice may be noted the beautifying of the interior by frescoing, the enlargement of the vestries, the reconstruction of the main altar and the placing of new side altars, the addition of vestibules and a very tasteful facade and tower. November 27, 1894, the church was partially destroyed by a fire, the tower, roof and the upper portion of the walls being partly consumed. In two months after the fire, however, notwithstanding the advent of very cold weather and several severe snowstorms, the edifice was rededicated and made to appear, interiorly, more beautiful than ever. Among the societies attached to this church in addition to the Sunday- school maybe mentioned the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, for the care of the poor ; the Holy Name Society, whose special object is to cultivate a greater reverence for the sacred names of God and Jesus Christ : and the 3IO so.]//:/cr//./.A\ /'./.sv .i.v/) /'A'/:s/:x/: League of the Sacred Heart, whose object is to inculcate a i,^reater love for the heart of the God-Man. They are all in a nourishing condition and bring many blessings upon the people of St. .Ann's parish. Sl\ ( .VlilLKl.XKS (CAllKM.K I fill KCli. 15v Ki:v. J.\Mi.s J. ( )Hkm:n. The last of the trio of churches erected by the Catholics of Somerville is the one dedicated to St. Catherine of (".enoa. In iS(;i. the parish of St. Catherine was organized, and the Rev. James j. ( )'i;rien placed in charge. Ground for the new church was broken in December, 1S91, and the edifice was finished in April. iS(;2. The first mass was said on Kaster Sunday of that year. The present church on Spring Hill is a temporary frame structure, one hundred and fifteen feet by si.\ty-five feet, with a seating capacity of about one thousand. It stands somewhat back from Summer street. The grounds around the church are well kept — the grassy lawn is ornamented with tlower-beds and trees. The parochial residence is a large and substan- tial building. The pastor, Rev. James J. ( )"i;rien, son of the late .Mayor Hugh ( )"l>rien of Boston, was born in Boston in 1.S54, and received his early education in the public schools of that city. He studied for a short time at Boston Col- lege and then entered St. Charles College, Kllicott ( ity. Maryland, from which institution he graduated in 1874. He studied theology in St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and was ordained a priest by Cardinal Gibbons, De- cember 21, 1S7S. For over seven years he labored in .\rlington, and in Feb- ruary, 1SS5, was tran.sferred to St. James Church, Jk)ston. In 1S91, he was appointed by the Most Rev. John J. Williams to Somerville. Rev. D. W . Lenehan is the assistant. The congregation of St. Catherine's numbers about two thousand. The Sunday-school of the parish numbers about four hundred members. The various church societies and social organizations are active in charitable and parish work. It is the ambition of the people of St. Catherine's Church to erect, in the near future, on the top of Spring Hill, an editice adapted to the growing needs of the parish. FMM.WCKT. (KPISCOr.M.) CHI RCII. It is well that the early history of Kmmanucl ( hurch. a prolonged struggle against intolerance, partisan fanaticism, and the bitter hostility which mistook the zeal of opinion for religion, should remain unwritten. The struggle was successful, and the knowledge of that issue is sufficient for the present. The early formation of the present parish known as Kmmanuel chapel dates from Easter Sunday, 1.S62. The place of worship was in a small hall, Rev. Nathan K. Bishop, Rector Emmanuel (Episcopal) Church. c.',-»» E.W.MANlihL ErMSCDPAL CHl!R(:il, Summer and Central Streets. SOMERVILLE. PAST AND PRESENT. 313 then at the corner of Milk Row and Park street. A moderate congregation continued to worship there until December iS, 1862, when a permanent organization was effected, as follows : — '' We, the subscribers, members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of Massachusetts, hereby agree to form, and have formed, a religious society for the purpose of organizing a free church in the town of Somer- ville, subject to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the said Protestant Episcopal Church and in continuation of the existing parish, known as Em- manuel chapel. •' R. P. Benton, Ramsey Clarke, Mortimer Lyon, Jno. ( ). Pierce, Heber ('. Lyon, Joseph H. Clark, I'eter j. Barry, Benjamin Woodward, Joseph Proc- tor, L. 1). Jackson."" Four days afterward, on December 22, 1S62, a legal corporation was or- ganized under the provisions of the thirtieth chapter of the General Statutes of Massachusetts, and on December 29, 1S62, the first board of parish officers was elected, as follows : — Clerk, Heber C. Lyon; wardens. Dr. Francis Dana, Mortimer Lyon ; vestry, R. P. Benton, Philemon Morey, John O. Pierce, Peter J. Barry, Joseph Proctor, Orel Towle, Benj. Woodward ; treasurer, H. C. Lyon. At the parish meeting, on Easter Monday, iS63,Mr. Reuben P. Benton was elected warden, in lieu of Dr. Francis Dana, who resigned the office. Mr. George CuUis was elected on the vestry to the vacancy created by Mr. PJenton's election to the wardenship, and two more vestrymen were elected, viz. : Ramsey Clarke, E. A. Eitcham. At the parish meeting in 1S64, Mr. Joseph H. Clark was elected clerk of Emmanuel parish, and has been annually re-elected ever since. Mr. Benton was re-elected warden at the same meeting, and has been annually re-elected ever since. Mr. Benton was chosen treasurer at that meeting, and continued as such till 1.S70, when Mr. Clark was elected and has con- tinued as such, ever since. At the parish meeting, in 1X65, Mr. Samuel Reynolds, Jr., was elected junior warden, I'icc Mr. Mortimer Lyon, resigned, and Mr. Reynolds was annually re-elected till his decease in ii25 per annum. Certain changes, rendered necessary to make the building suitable for the services of the Episcopal Church, were effected, and articles of church furniture added. Rev. Mr. .Allen took charge of the work, and on Sunday evenuig. May 17. 1X63, the tirst service was held and a sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. Randall, afterwards Rishop of Colorado. The Sunday following. .^L^y 24, iS63,a Sunday-school was opened, with three teachers and nine scholars, under the temporary superintendence of a Mr. Whitman of Cambridgeport. The teachers were Mrs. Hatch, Miss Wood and Mr. Webb. The school took a recess on Sunday, August 9, for three Sundays, and reopened on Sunday, September 6, with an increased at- tendance. Evening service on that day was attended by a much larger con- gregation than usual. Rev. Mr. Allen, having accepted a call to Wrentham. resigned the work at East Somerville, officiating for the last time February 5, 1.S65. After the lapse of a few months the Rev. F. W. Shelton "entered upon the duties as rector, November iS, 1866." He did not remain very long in charge of the work. The parish had again been vacant for some time when, on the iSth of July, 1869. the late Rev. (ieorge W. Durell "entered upon the duties as rector in Hawkins' Hall," L'nion square. The church was built in little more than a year after, and used for its holy purposes when finished, though with a debt upon it. The debt having been discharged, the building was consecrated by Bishop Paddock. July 9, 1875. on which occasion the sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Ikirgess. now liishop of (Juincy. Illinois. Mr. Durell continued rector of the parish till the day of his death, .August 26, 1895. He was greatly beloved and universally regretted. The parish register shows that during the twenty-six years of his incumbency he had baptized 942 persons, presented 439 for confirmation, otificiated at 527 mar- riages and at 755 burials. The present rector. Rev. Andrew (iray, D.D., was unanimously elected to succeed him. He accepted the election and entered on his work as rec- tor, December 15, 1895. The people are taking hold of the work with him, and a bright and promising future appears to be in store for St. Thomas' Church. Rev. George W. Durell, Late Rector St. Thomas' Episcopal Church. Rev. Andrew Gray, D. D., Rector St. Thomas' Episcopal Cluircl SOMERl'ILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 31/ ST. JAiMES' (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH. The parish of St. James" is an offshoot of St. James', North C'aml^ridge, and was organized as a mission of that church in 1S75. A small chapel was built in 1S76 on Newbury street, near Holland, in which the first service was held November 26, of that year. April S, 1 SSo, the edifice was consecrated by Bishop Paddock, the whole cost of construction having been paid. 1 )e- cember 12, 18S5, this edifice was moved to its present site. On the i8th day of November the mission was incorporated into a separate parish, by the election of a rector, wardens and vestry, in accordance with the law's of the Commonwealth. The rector chosen was the Rev. John W. Suter, who was also at that time rector of the Church of the Epiphany, Winchester. VhQ wardens elected were Albert S. I'illsbury and William L. Dodge, and the vestry consisted of Edwin S. Burroughs, Isaac R. Webber, Silas H. Holland, J. Q. Bennett, D. L. Countway, Samuel HoUis, G. G. Little and E. R. Clowsen. Edwin S. Burroughs was elected clerk, and Isaac R. Web- ber, treasurer. The parish as thus organized was admitted into union with the Convention of the Diocese of Massachusetts at its annual convention in May, [.SS9. In 1.S92 the edifice was improved by the addition of a chancel and parish room, and a dedicatory service was held by the Right Rev. Phillips Brooks, Bishop of the Diocese, December 7, of that year. There have been three rectors of the parish since its organization : the Rev. John W. Suter and the Rev. Thos. Bell, who held the rectorship in connection with another parish, and the Rev. Edward P. Lee, the first resident-rector. Many of the services have been conducted by Mr. A. S. Pillsbury, who has held the Bishop's license as Lay Reader since lanuary, I SSo. He has also been warden of the mission, from a period long before it was organized into a parish until the present time. The Sunday-school work has always had his efficient aid, the superintendency of which he has held from the beginning. The church is located on the corner of Broadway and Clarendon ave- nue. The Rev. Edward P. Lee, rector; Albert S. Pillsbury and John A. Dodge, wardens; Isaac R. Webber, Edwin S. Burroughs, William T. Cleve- land, Otis E. Phalen, George Melluber, William H. Tweedie, Edward P>. Lee, vestrymen. EIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ]!V Rm.\. GeoRGH S. BlTTKKS. In September, 1S55, Rev. Abraham Merril, then preaching at East Cambridge, sent a local preacher named Rufus Gerrish to Somerville to start a Methodist society. A few people were gathered in Franklin Hall, a building then standing at the junction of Washington street and Somerville avenue. Two weeks after a Sunday-school was started consisting of five scholars. The first Sunday-school teacher was Mrs. S. J. Canfield, who taught three of these scholars, and Mr. Gerrish taught the other two. This 3iS soMKRiii.i.i:. j'.isr iXD j'A'i:s/:xj'. school increased until it numbered nearly a hundred. I'he fust superinten- dent was Joshua Wiley, and the second Asa Mayo, now livinj^in Minnesota. After the services had been commenced a class-meeting was established at at the residence of Mr. |. 1!. ("antield. Mr. Gerrish continued to supply the pulpit until the next April, when he was succeeded by Rev. 1 ). C". Hab- cock, who remained one year. The tirst minister appointed by the New Kngland conference was Rev. Charles llaker, who was largel\ instrumental in the building of the then new church. The First Methodist Episcopal Church has had the following pastors since the close of .Mr. IJaker's ministry: Oliver S. Howe. IJurtis Judd, Franklin Furber. J. H. Owens. Samuel Jackson, Albert Gould, J. W. Ham- ilton, \Vm. C. High, John A. Cass. Geo. S. Chadbourne, (Jeo. Whitaker, J. \V. Hamilton, George Skene, I. H. Fackard. The present pastor is Rev. Geo. S. Futters. The present church building was erected in 1874. It is the largest audience room in the city, and the church itself is one of the most aggressive religious organizations in Somerville. Its membership is 577, and its Sunday-school numbers about 700. FARR A\FNT F MFTHODISl" Fl'lSCOl'AF CHlRCll. Early in 1S72 a few Methodist families in West Somerville, finding themselves in a new community, and at a distance from their respective churches, met at various private houses and held prayer-meeting services. These soon led to meetings in larger places, and in May, 1S72, a class of eleven members was formed under the leadership of Rev. W. F. Lacount, an aged Methodist minister, who with his family had moved into the place. .About this time Dr. (I. .M. Kingman offered the use of an empty room in his new block at the corner of Elm street and Highland avenue, now occu- pied by Heald's hardware store. Here Sunday services were held consist- ing of Sunday-school and prayer meetings, and sometimes preaching by Rev. W. F. Facount. May 2.S, 1S72, the first Quarterly Conference was held. Rev. 1. W. Hamilton being delegated by Rev. D.Sherman, the pre- siding elder of the district, to preside. Rev. F. J. Wagner of Medford and Rev. W. F. Lacount assisted in the formal organization of the church. The following official board was elected : Trustees : Chas. F. Joyce, Eugene 1). Lacount, Walter K. Foster, I'rederick H. 'I'ibbetts, Edward .\. Kingman, Jesse Simpson, Silas H. Holland. Stewards: Chas. E. Joyce, Eugene D. Lacount, Jacob I''. Emerson, William 1'. Lacount, .Mby J. Warren. The organization took the name of the Holland Street M. E. Church, which, at the opening of the present edifice, was changed to the I'ark Avenue M. I-.. Church. July I, 1S72, the board of trustees took on corporate powers in accor- dance with the laws of the Commonwealth, and appointed a committee to secure subscriptions for the erection of a place of worship. 1-ew in num- bers and poor in purse, but full of faith, they succeeded in securing a cheap and poorly constructed chapel at an expense of about 5i.fioo. in wiiicii they Rev. George S. Butters, Pastor First Methodist Episcopal Churcii. ^ 1? A HiHsr Methodist Episcopal Church. Bow Street and Wesley Park. Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Park Avenue, near Elm Street. Rev. Garrett Beekman, Pastor Park A\eiiue M. E. Cluircli. SOMER\-ILLE, PAST AXD PRESKXT. 323 received their first pastor. Rev. A. E. \A'inship, who was appointed to that charge April S, 1873. Mr. Winship remained one year, and helped much by his enthusiasm in establishin.^- this early foundation of what was to be a strong society. The chapel was dedicated May i, 1.S73, Rev. Jefferson Hascall delivering the dedicatory sermon. At this time there was a mem- bership of twenty-one, which has increased to about three hundred and thirty members. In iSSo or iSSi it became evident that a change of site must be made, and the property at the corner of Elm street and Park ave- nue, now occupied by Dr. Bryant, was purchased and was used as a parsonage for about two years. Early in 1882 a part of this property, in- cluding the buildings, was sold, the church retaining 40 feet frontage on Park avenue, to which was added by purchase 55 feet more, making a lot 95 feet by 88 feet, on which the present edifice was erected. Rev. L. A. Bosworth, Geo. R. Emerson and L. W. Jones were the building committee. to whom, by their indefatigable exertions and wise management, the church owes its comfortable home for tiie past thirteen years. The present build- ing was dedicated February 7, 1883, the dedicatory exercises being under the direction of Rev. L). Dorchester, the presiding elder of the district. The entire cost of the edifice, including furnishings, was about $12,000. . This church has always been a progressive one and a power for good in the community. It is thoroughly organized for every department of work, having a large Sunday-school, a live chapter of Epworth League, as well as a Junior League, and various missionary and benevolent societies. It be- lieves it has a work to accomplish in this place and means to do it. The following pastors have served the church since its organization : — Rev. A. E. Winship, April, 1873, to April, 1874. Rev. John R. Cushing, April, 1874, to April, 1875. Rev. Albert I). Knapp, April, 1875, to August, 1876. Rev. Wm. Full, August, 1876, to April, 1879. Rev. Wm. Merrill, April, 1879, to April 1881. Rev. L. A. Bosworth, April, 1881, to April, 1884. Rev. Gilbert C. Osgood, April, 1884, to April, 1886. Rev. A. R. Nichols, April, 1886, to April, 1889. Rev. Henry Mathews, April, 1889, to April, 1891. Rev. John H. Mansfield. April, 1891. to April, 1894. Rev. (Barrett Beekman, the present pastor, received his appointment April, 1894. The constantly increasing congregations have convinced the oiificial board that immediate steps must be taken to provide a larger audience room, as well as other facilities for effective church work, and it is expected that the needed changes will be carried out early next year. ;24 SOMKRllLIJ:. PAST AXD PRl-.SliXT. IM(»N S(K AKK PRKSr,\'rKklAX (III RCH. \\\ KlA. Tlli>MA^ AlKlNSON. W as orj^anized by the presbytery of FJoston, in I'ythian Hall, iuesday evening. December 14, iSSr.. At the same meeting elders were ordained, and over sixty members were received by letter and on profession of faith. Rev. C". S. Dewing, D.D.. to whose labors the organization was due. was in stalled as the first pastor January 25. 1 8S7. In October of the same year the congregation purchased their present place of worship from the Congregational society. From the first the con- gregation grew rapidly, and in a remarkably short time the church was clear of debt. In October. iS<;3, Rev. C. S. Dewing. D.D.. closed his pastorate in order to accept the position of pastor at large of the New England chur- ches. Soon afterwards Rev. Thomas Atkinson was invited to fill the pulpit, and having accepted the invitation began his work in January, 1S94. After laboring for three months, Mr. Atkinson was duly installed as pastor in response to the earnest and unanimous request of the people. The membership now exceeds 250. The people are united and en- thusiastic, so that the outlook for the future is bright. FIR.ST r\l\ERS ALIsr CHIRC'H. i;v Rev. L. M. Powkks. Memorial services were first held in the Town Hall in 1S53. with Rev. George H. Emerson, D.D., as minister. The church was not organized, however, until Eebruary 16, 1854. The original incorporators were Ira Thorp, Charles Williams, Erastus E. Cole, Reuben Horton, Edwin Munroe, David Russell, James S. Runey, J. (^ Twombly, Robert Burrows, David P. Horton, Alfred Horton. The first chapel was built upon land given by Charles Tufts, for whom Tufts College was afterward named. From the beginning the church has had a place of infiuence among the religious forces of the city and the I'ni- versalist denomination. The present building was erected in 1S69, and the Social Hall, a substantial structure, was added in 1S94. In forty-three years the church has had seven pastors : Rev. Ceorge H. Emerson, editor of the "Christian Leader," Rev. D. K. Clark, Rev. 15. K. Russ. Rev. Cleorge H. \ ibbert. Rev. V . S. Ralph, Rev. Charles A. Skinner, and the present pastor. Rev. L. M. Powers. The church is now in a prosperous condition, and the Sunday-school is one of the largest in the I'niversalist denomination. It is decidedly a working church. During the winter the church or Social Hall is open nearly every night. The following are among the offi- cers of the church : deacons, J. I". Nickerson, Arthur \V. Glines, J. W. San- born, Irving Smith: C. A. Kirkpatrick, clerk. Parish committee: J. F. Nickerson, chairman : L. \'. Niles, C. E. Chiles, Dr. A. H. Carvill. George Union Square Presbyterian Church, Warren Avenue. First Universalist Church, Cross and Tufts Streets. SOMKRl'lLLE. r.lST AXD rRESEXT. 32? Stephens; Seth Mason, clerk; A. Hodgman, treasurer; superintendent of Sunday-school, A. A. Wyman ; (ieorge F. Horton. secretary. Sewing circle : Mrs. F. 15. Burrows, president. ^■oung People's Chrislian I'nion : Dr. George (ireenleaf. president. THIRD UNIVFRSALIST CHURCH. 15V Kk\-. Th.)Mas Kdwarh PdriKKniN. Early in iSSi a few devoted Cniversalists, under the leadership of Mr. Carmi D. Chamberlin, gathered to discuss the feasibility of organizing a Universalist parish in West Somerville. The agitation bore fruit in the call, issued |uly i, iSSi, to meet on the 13th of the same month for the pur- pose of organizing a Laiiversalist society. Clarendon Hall was engaged as a place of worship, and the pulpit was supplied by eminent clergymen, who gave their services in aid of the new movement. At a meeting of the parish. May 24, 1.SS2, it was voted to engage Mr. R. A. White, a student in Tufts Divinity School, for six months. This arrangement continued for nearly a year, when the pulpit was again supplied by different ministers until January, '1SS4, when Rev. C. A. Skinner, pastor of the First l;niversalist Church, was called as pastor, to preach on Sunday afternoons for the new society. At the annual parish meeting in April, 1X83, the standing committee reported an offer from an interested member to give " a lot of land, sixty feet square, on Highland avenue, a short distance beyond the new school- house, on the corner of the avenue and a new street called West street.'" The desire became strong in the parish to possess an eligible church site, and many lots were considered. So intense was the interest in the young parish, that it held four meetings in May, 1S83, and at the last one voted to buy the land on the corner of Flm and Morrison streets. Time has proved this to be the best church location in West Somerville. A year later, further agitation and consideration resulted in a vote to build a chapel. Mr. Hosea H. Dennison, a faithful member of the parish, was selected as architect and supermtendent. In September, 18.84, the work of building commenced, and on the last day of the year the Third Cniversalist Church was dedicated. Rev. A. A. Miner, D.D., preaching the sermon. September i, 1S89, Rev. Mr. Skinner finished his labors with the society, after nearly six years of faithful and successful work. Shortly after internal dissensions lessened the strength of the parish and caused the departure of some of its most generous supporters. In April, 1890, Rev. Charles Macomber Smith, D.D., who had been for nearly twenty years a Baptist clergyman in Somerville. was chosen pastor, and under his experienced care and Christian guidance the church gained in strength and inHuence in the community. After three and a half years of faithful labor, Dr. Smith resigned, and was succeeded by Rev. Thomas Edward Potterton, who was called to the pastorate No- vember I, 1893. The parish has steadily gained in strength, numerically and financially, and in spiritual estate, the true test of Christian success. The present needs demand an increased seating capacity, and in all proba- bility the church will be enlarged at no distant day. 3 28 SOMERlII.Li:. I'.IST AXD I'RKSKXr. WIN IKK 1111. 1. I NlNKkSAl.Isr CIH RCH. \\\ RlA. ISAAI I'. ( .MMilMMUN. The Winter Hill Iniversalist Parish was first organized at a meeting held in the Methodist chapel on the corner of Marshall street and liroad- way on the evening of June 23, 1S79. The officers elected at that meeting were: Kli Smith, clerk; J. L. Norcross, treasurer, who with CI. T. Ikirnham, Edward Glines and Samuel E. Currier constituted the parish committee. Services were first held in the Methodist chapel, and later in Temple Hall, liroadway, and the pulpit was at first supplied by such ministers as were available. In October, iSjy. Rev. W illiani A. Start, secretary of the State Con- vention, took charge of the parish until June. iSSo. when the Rev. R. Perry IJush of Everett was secured as acting pastor, continuing as such until Jan- uary, iSSS, when, a church having been built on the corner of Thurston street and Evergreen avenue, the time of service was changed from after- noon to forenoon, which necessitated the severance of Mr. Hush's connec- tion with the parish. The first regular resident pastor was settled in iSSS. At a meeting of the parish, held June 21, iSSS, a unanimous call was extended to the Rev. Isaac Philip Coddington, then of the Grove Hall Church, Boston. The call was accepted, and the pastorate began the first Sunday of September of that year, and it continues at the present time. In May, 1889, the name was changed, on petition to the legislature, to that of Winter Hill Cniversalist Church. The very best of good feeling and a large degree of prosperity attend this church in all its many departments of Christian work. The present ofiicers are: Isaac Philip Coddington, pastor; Parker Ridler, president; George Russ, clerk; Herman Barker, treasurer, who to- gether with Erastus Woodward and Charles S. Robertson constitute the board of trustees; I. B. Mayhevv, superintendent of Sunday-school; .Mrs. C. E. Moore, president Ladies' Circle ; Albert Roscoe, president \ . P. C. I'. Ethel Moore, president Golden Rule Society ; Gladys Coddington, presi- dent of the Busy Bees; Isabella Porter, president of the Flower and Benevo- lent .Mission. SO.MERX ILEK E\ A.XGELICAL .\SS( )C1 A TlOX (III RCII. I'.V RkV. WII.I.IAM K. I'KKUKKICKS. This church was organized December 19, 1892. Rev. Edward Freeman was its pastor the first two years, until .March, 1895, when W. E. Frede- ricks, of Pennsylvania, was appointed pastor. This church is purely We.s- leyan in doctrine. While it gives due attention to all the doctrines taught in the Word of God, it emphasizes the doctrines of thorough evangelical re- l)entance, justification by faith, regeneration or the new birth, and entire sanctification as necessary to obtain salvation. It emphasizes the privi- lege and necessity of living a holy life in this world. It is democratic in its church polity. The pastor is apiiointed annually at the annual conference n 73 n H m < > < SiKM/:Ki7/./Ji. J'.isj' .ixj) J'A'j:s/:.\j of the cinifereiKc district by the presidin.;:^ bishop witli the concurrence of the presiding elders of the conference district. All the expenses of the church are met liy free-will otlerinjrs. The present membership is 34. Its meetings are held in I'.razillian Hall, 271 Broadway. IMON SoL'ARE Baptist Churc:h. Prospbct Hill CoNGkfcGATioNAL Church. Flint Strllt .M. E. Church. PfcRKiNS Street Baptist Church. W. Somerville Baptist Church. St. Thomas' Episcopal Church. SOMERVILLE CHURCHES. In addition to the foregoing there are a number of other churches in Somerville, several of which have large congregations that are doing valu- able Christian work m the community. Ihey are named and located as follows: Wnsr Sum kkvii.i.i-; Uaimim. on Kim street, corner of Winslow avenue, organized in June, 1.S74; .S r. Ioski-h's (Catholic), on Washington street, corner of Webster avenue, ded- icated in |une, iSSi ; Bkoadwav Meihodisi' Kimscoi'ai., on Broadway, corner of (irant street; l-Mxi Sirkei' MErnonisi. on Flint, opposite Rush street, organized in April, 1 S6s, by Rev. (Barrett Beekman, who was its lirst pastor; the Seco-ND .Vdvkm, on Putnam, near Summer street, organized < )ctober 6, 1SS7 ; the Seconh I'm iarian, on Elm street, near Davis square; and the CiHRCii he Cukim'. on I'.roadwav, North Somerville. C/) 2 o Horace C. White. M. D. CHARITABLE AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS. CHAPTER XXIV. SOMERVILLK HOSPITAL. ISv Horace C. White, M. D. In its issue of November 24, 1890, the " Somerville Journal '" published an article setting forth the need and the advantages of such an institution for our city. This article attracted the attention of a benevolent lady. Miss Martha R. Hunt, who immediately sent to the mayor, Hon. Charles G. Pope, an offer to contribute the generous sum of < 10,000 on condition that a like sum be raised from other sources. The Somerville Medical Society appointed a committee to raise funds, and several ladies assisted in the work of soliciting and collecting subscriptions. In April, iS<;i,the hospital was duly incorporated. The names of the^ charter members are as follows : Charles G. Pope, John F. Cole. Thomas M. Durell, Horace C. White, A. H. Carvill, J. ¥. Wellington, Q. E. Dickerman, M. W. Carr, William Tay- lor, A. T. Nickerson, S. H. Holland, G. W. Perkins, G. M. Starbird, L. W. Farmer. R. E. Nickerson, Samuel Cutler, Joseph C). Hayden, J. F. Hatha- way, L. E. Merry, J. J. Lyons, F. M. Kilmer, J. H. Flitner, H. F. Spencer, John F. Couch, Lewis Lombard, L. V. Niles, L. P. Hollander, and F. W. 1 )owner. ( )n March S, 1S91, at a meeting of contributors, a report was presented by Mayor Pope announcing that between ^s 12,000 and #13,000 had been sub- scribed, and thus the gift of $10,000 had been made available. On May 11, 1.S91, was held the first meeting of the corporation, and committees were appointed as follows: — Executive committee: Hon. C. G. Fope, ex (>//^^cy'(', H. C. White, A. H. Carvill, H. F. Spencer, M. W. Carr, J. F. Wellington, T. M. Durell, c'.v (j^^A'. Finance committee: R. E. Nickerson, J. F. Couch, F. M. Kilmer, F. W. Downer, J. H. Flitner. Auditing committee: J. O. Hayden, G. W. Perkins. The building was erected under the direction of the building committee, consisting of the executive committee and A. T. Nickerson. On October 27, 1.S91, the contract for the construction of the building was awarded to the lowest bidder, G. M. Starbird, for the sum of $22,990. The building was practically completed February 17. 1S93. Prior to this a gift of #5,000 was bequeathed to the hospital by the will of Rufus B. Stickney, who by this act of noble charity erected to his memor>- a monument more enduring than granite or marble. 33^ 3.U soMiJun.Li:. I'Asr axd I'RKsEsr. 'I'he location is an iilcal one, situated as it is on Sjjiing 1 1 ill. and sur- rounded by streets on three sides, the abrupt descent of the hill on the fourth side precluding the possibility of obstruction by other buildings. The grounds are ample enough to permit the erection of additional build- ings sufficient to double its present capacity. The jilan of construction is such as to furnish a good supply of light and air. The building is so ar- ranged that bath-rooms, water-closets, etc., are separated from the patients' rooms by cut-ofT corridors, but are not at an inconvenient distance. The building for the sick is separated from the e.xecutive department by a corri- dor which allows free circulation of air between them : the dining-room, kitchen and laundry are separated in like manner from the rest of the building. The whole arrangement of the rooms is such as to give sufficient isolation of patients, and at the same time there is everywhere a cheerful and homelike appearance. The corporation consists of contributors and others who render valuable aid in the maintenance of the hospital. The trustees are chosen from the members of the corporation, one-third of them being chosen yearly for a term of three years. The first president of the board of trustees was Hon. ( "harles (i. Pope, who died just before it was dedicated; the second, Hon. William H. Hodgkins. who resigned the office in June, 1896. In accordance with the by-laws the board of trustees consists of twenty-four members besides the president, vice-president, clerk and treas- urer, two members being selected from each ward by the corporation annu- ally, said members being chosen for a term of three years. The medical board consists of four physicians, of whom two shall be Fellows of the Mass- achusetts Medical Society, and two members of tlie Massachusetts Homieo- ])athic Medical Society, appointed by the executive committee for terms of two years. It is the duty of this board to provide [ox the medical and surgical ser- \ ice of the hospital, and to recommend to the executive committee candidates for appointment on the medical staff. Physicians and surgeons who assist in the charitable work of the hospital receive no pecuniary compensation therefor. The management is such as to leave freedom of choice of physi- cians, a member of the above societies being on duty all the time. The same spirit of liberality is shown in regard to choice of spiritual advisers. The matron reported four hundred and fifty patients treated in 1S95, of whom one hundred and nine underwent surgical operations ; this was an increase in the whole number of one hundred and twenty-five over the pre- ceding year. \\\ the matron's report in May, i.S(/), it appears there were six hundred and forty-five ]5atients treated during the year, of whom three hun- dred and forty-si. \ were out-patients. The total expenditures from .May, iS(;5,to May, i.s<)(), were 5i 2,1 1 5.21 , and 51,473.11 was expended for repairs of an extraordinary nature. The largest number of patients was thirty-seven, on December 12, and the small- est, fifteen, on July 14. Those paying numbered one hundred and eighty- two, and non-paying, one hundred and nineteen. Thomas M. Durell, M. D. RELJBiiN Willis, M. D. SOMERllLl.E, J\LST A XL) PRESENT. 337 The training school for nurses contained fifteen pupils aside from those who were graduated. Their earnings outside of regular hospital work were 5 1 ,520.1s, which is 591 2.(^4 in excess of the amount received from this source the previous year. The average cost per patient was Si;. 3 2 per week, while for the year iS(;5 it was 59.59. The expenses compared with those of other hospitals are less than many and do not exceed any of them. The interest manifested from the first by the Ladies' Aid and other societies continues unabated, and many of our large-hearted and liberal-minded citizens have made generous donations for the continued support of the grand work which the hospital is performing for the people of Somerville. Many who share the benefits of the institu- tion have in reality no home where they can be cared for by loving hands, and often those who have all the comforts that a competency aftords prefer in case of sickness to enter the hospital, where all the advantages of the best medical attendance and the most skilful and experienced nursing and care may be had at all times. While those who are able are expected to pay for services rendered, none n'lio are 7i.iifIiout means are excluded from its doors. In order to provide suitable furnishings for the various rooms and wards, many of our citizens and generous ladies made liberal donations. The physician's offices were furnished by Mrs. A. A. Sanborn; the trus- tees' room by the Sons and Daughters of Maine; the matron's office b\' L. \\. Farmer; the woman's ward by the Somerville L^nion of King's Sons and Daughters. I^rivate rooms for patients were furnished complete by Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Spencer, Ivaloo Lodge Daughters of Kebekah, Erminie Lodge Daughters of Rebekah, Francis C". Perkins, Humphrey P. Webster (who gave ,«5oo, the interest to keep the room supplied), S. Adams Clark. ( )ur Class Association and primary department First Unitarian Sunday- school, R. H. Sturtevant, Prospect Hill school and others furnished the children's ward, and Mrs. G. M. Scott, the children's playroom ; and valu- able contributions of furnishings were donated by S. Newton Cutler, Harri- son P)eard iS: Co., Mr. H. AL Beals, Ladies' Hospital Aid Association, Sun- day-school of Franklin Street (First) Congregational Church, St. Mary's Circle King's Daughters, Misses Ethel Cobb, Maud Shaw, Ruby White, (irace Plummer, Milton Harvey, Albert E. Hughes, C. F. Goldthwaite tV' Co., L H. Prown, Miss Earl's Sunday-school class, George Gammon, Mrs. Col. Iving, employees of I)erb\-, Kilmer iv Pond Desk Co., Mrs. Lames F. Davlin, Mr. and Mrs. (i. P. Strong, Rebecca Dart, Little Helpers, King's Daughters, Gertrude Jones, Davis school. Prospect Hill school, St. Mary's Circle K. I)., Ever Ready Ten K. 1).. Willa Johnson, Bertha Hopkins, Edna Robbins, Lottie Draper. Charles G. Pope and Mrs. Pope, Dr. Anna B. 'J'ay- lor, ^Lss L. A. Waters, A. S. Willard, .Mrs. E. A. Curtis, Mrs. Ingalls, Whatsoever Circle K. D., Broadway Congregational Church, E. H. Marsh, Henry W. Tarbell, Grace, Ijessie and Alice Fuller. Among those who contributed through the Ladies' Aid Association may be mentioned Sarah S. Tufts, Sioo, the Presbyterian Church, West Somerville Congregational Church, Shepard tv Xorwell, R. E. Pickthall, 3;,s soMERi/i.i.i:. J'.isr .i.v/) /•h'/:si:xr. West Somerville Baptist I'luiicli, West Soincrvillc Iniversalist Cluirch, St. Alines Circle King's Daughters. Mrs. j. 1!. IJolton, (Irace L. Hod.ukins. R. H. Riddell. I. I". Hathaway, Mrs. S. I ). Salmon's Circle K. 1)., E. A. South- worth, lohn K. Whiting. Mrs. Ivory Pope and others. The contributors of sums of 5ioo or more are the American Tube Works, Charles K. Clark, .\. H. Carvill, S. Cutler and wife. I). K. Chase & Co.. Derby (S: K-ilmer Desk Co.. F. W. Downer, Abbie S. David, employees S. Water Works, George P. Kdney, M. P. Klliott. J. H. Flitner. Friend, Charles H. C.uild, Do. trustee. A. B. (iookin. Miss Martha R. Hunt. Silas H. Holland, J. O. Hayden, L. P. Hollander, J. I". Hathaway. Mrs. Sarah Hall. George W. Ireland and wife. (). S. Knapp. C. W. Lyman \- Co., Louis L. Lombard. Ladies' Aid Association, A. E. Mann, Rev. C. T. McGrath. L. E. .Merry, Middle.sex Bleachery, John Abbot Lodge. North Packing Company, R. E. Nickerson. L. V. Xiles, John F. Nickerson and wife, Our Class .Association, Elm Coun- cil R. A., F. H. Raymond, Ezra \\. Robinson. Wilbur P. Rice. John P. Squire, Somerville Fire Department, Jonathan Stone, K. H. Sturtevant. Somerville Police Force, L'nion Hall Co., Lucy AL Stone, G. W . Simpson. H. F. Spencer, R. B. Stickney, Mrs. George M. Starbird, estate of, Francis Tufts. Martha Tufts, (has. Williams, Jr., A. H. Weld, A. A. Perry, ex- ecutor of will of Christiana D. Webber, and Willard C. Ivinsley PostG. A. R. All the churches ha\e made contributions from time to time. No other in- stitution of Somerville appeals to every resident of whatever party or sect as does this, and the donations have come from nearly every social organiza- tion and from hundreds of residents, although the majority of the gifts have been in moderate sums. The treasurer's report, .NLiy 30, iSi/). shows the following facts and figures : — ASSETS. Land and buildings ....... 542.146.22 I'urnishings 2,684.37 Surgical instruments S'^o-'"^' Starbird fund 500.00 Webster fund 500.00 Edney fund 400.00 Cash on hand 1,166.77 $47,788.17 i.iAi',11,1 riKs. ( ambridgeporl Savings Bank ..... 510,000.00 Somerville National Bank i .000.00 Excess over liabilities ....... 36,788.17 $47,788.17 i'his does not include a large number of contributions of furnishings and supplies which were given directly to the hospital and did not go through the treasurer's hands, which amount to probably several thousand dollars. '^ . Alphonso H. Carvill, M. D. Henry F. Curtis, M. D. SOMEN I 'ILL/:, PAST .iXP I'LESEXT. 34 1 The dedication of the Iniilding was an occasion of great interest. A writer in describing it said : " Karly in the afternoon the institution was thrown open to visitors, and the corridors were thronged with women and children and a fair sprinkling of men. It is not too much to say that they were rather astonished at the completeness of the arrangements, the beauty of the furnishings, and, best of all, at the immaculate neatness and cleanli- ness of the whole establishment. ... It was easy to see that the public felt it was their hospital. It represented even to the children some act of self- denial, some gift of money to make the enterprise a success." In the even- ing the dedicatory exercises were in charge of Mayor Hodgkins as presiding officer, who paid a touching tribute to the late Charles G. Pope, and closed an eloquent address by saying that his heart had been stirred by the sight of the crowds in attendance, and that the immense gathering of the friends of the institution meant that the people intended to support it. The Hon. S. Z. Bowman, cit}- solicitor of Somerville, said : " This hos- pital is one of the crowning features of our city. Our educational institu- tions have grown upon our hills, and now we ha\e reached a fitting climax in the erection of this hospital. The parable of the Good Samaritan has come down through the ages as the highest type of Christianity. This im- mense gathering shows that this establishment has a warm place in the hearts of the people." Dr. H. O. Marcy, of Boston, in the course of his remarks, expressed the opinion that there should be more small hospitals, not only in Cambridge and Somerville, but in Boston. He declared it better than to have hun- dreds of patients gathered under one roof and treated in gross, and said that in such institutions a few patients could enjoy the comforts of home and the care of trained nurses. Rev. J. F. Lovering stated that there had been nothing in the city which had so " drawn the people together in the spirit of the golden rule as this hospital." Another speaker said one pecu- liarity of the institution was the uniting of both schools of medicine on its board of trustees, declaring that there should be no sect in medicine, and that in the presence of man's greatest need there should be but one thought, how to cure disease. The policy of its management from the first has been so liberal that it has been possible for every creed, nationality, sect and race, to join equally in wishing it Godspeed, and to unite in carrying on its great work of charity and mercy. The benefits derived by the community from such an institution are not confined to its high mission in ministering to the sick ; it serves as a com- mon bond of union between the difterent sections of the city, and the vari- ous elements of which it is composed. A feeling of responsibility for its care and maintenance is shared by all our people, and by responding to its calls for aid they have learned by happy experience the truth of the passage of Scripture which says, " It is more blessed to give than to receive." To put in successful operation an institution of this kind is no easy task, and the care of raising the needed funds should in the main devolve 34-^ SiKMERiii.i.i:. I'Asr Axn rRi:si:xr. upon others rather than those who are responsible for details of mana'je- nient. which must of necessity be a matter of daily effort and constant labor. The success of the manajjement in securing revenue from paying patients, and the advantages derived from the training school for nurses in furnish- ing increased income, may well be a source of gratification to our citizens. The hospital is one of the many institutions of the city in which every citi- zen is justified in feeling an honest pride. The officers for 1S96 are as follows: president. Martin W. C'arr : vice-president. Sehvyn Z. Bowman: treasurer. John Y. Cole: clerk, Fred- erick \V. Stone. Trustees. — Ward 1 : Horace (. White, William Taylor, (ieorge M. Starbird. Charles Williams, Jr., John 1\ Nickerson, George \V. Perkins. Ward II: Alphonso H. Carvill, J. l-rank Wellington, (^)uincy A. \'inal, Louville \'. Xiles, John F. Couch, Thomas M. Durell. Ward III : Henry F. Spencer, AlvanoT. Nickerson. I, uke N. Farmer, B. Frank Wild, I'rederick M. Kilmer, Quincy E. Dickerman. Ward IV: J. Henry Flitner, George O. Proctor. James F. Hathaway, Louis E. Merry, Joseph O. Hayden, Edmund S. Sparrow. Medical Board. — Horace f. White, .\I. D. ; Thomas M. Durell, .M. 1 ). : A. H. Carvill, M. 1).: I'rank E. Xewton. .M. 1 ). Members of Mass. .Medical Society. — Hospital staff": Thomas Durell, M. 1).: Horace C. White, M. D. : William \. Bell, M. D. : Horace P. Makechine, M. I).; John F. Couch, M. I).: Reuben Willis, .M. D. As- sistants: Giles W. Bryant, .M. D. ; Flenry F. Curtis, M. D. : Edwin H. Codding, M. D. : George A. Miles, M. D. : John B. Curtis, M. D. : (i. W. W. Whiting, M. 1). Members of Mass. Homeopathic .Medical Society. — liosintal staff: A. H. Carvill, M. D. ; Robert L. Lane, M. D. : Gilbert E. Hetherington, .M. I).: II. Ashton Downs, M. D. ; Forrest Leavitt, M. D. ; Frank L. New- ton. .M. D. Assistants: Emma J. Peasley, M. D. : .Anna 1!. Taylor-Cole, .M. I).; Eugenie M. Phillips. M. D. : Mary II. Currier. M. I ). Matron: Ennna |. Gordon. George W. W. Whiting, M. D. Frank L. Newton, M.D. Emma J. Gcjrdon. SOMKRl-JLLE, J'. 1ST .LV/) /'RESLNT. 347 HOSPITAL LADIES' AID ASSOCLVLION. Bv Km.ma J. Peasi.ev, M.D. After the completion and opening of the Somerville Hospital, it was deemed wise by those familiar with its needs that there should be some organized systematic method of securing the necessary funds for carrying on the work. Accordingly several ladies and gentlemen met at the home of Mr. Rufus R. Wade, talked the matter over, and decided that an association which would enlist the sympathies and interest of the ladies of the city would be a sure means of obtaining the desired assistance. A meeting was appointed at the Pjroadway Congregational Church on Sycamore street, on May i8, 1892. Invitations were sent to the pastors of all churches, which were read from the pulpit, inviting the ladies of the church and congregation to be present. About one hundred responded, and the organization of the Somerville Hospital Ladies' Aid Association was effected with the election of the following otficers : president, Dr. Emma J. Peasley; vice-presidents representing the four wards of the city, Mrs. Harrison Aldrich, Mrs. William Hartshorn, Mrs. J. E. Lovering, Mrs. Henry JJerins ; directors representing the different religious denominations in the city, Mrs. William H. Brine, Mrs. Arthur T. Kidder, Mrs. S. D. Salmon, Mrs. A. C. Winning, Mrs. Horace C. White, Mrs. Albert Hughes, Mrs. E. M. Howes, Mrs. C. S. Dewing, Mrs. H. M. Burgess — these with the vice- presidents constituting a board of directors for the ensuing year; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Jason P. Routh; corresponding secretary, Miss Emma S. Keyes ; treasurer, Mrs. Albert S. Pillsbury. The society became incorporated in Eebruary of the following year, and the charter adorns the walls of the trustees' room at the hospital. Most of the ladies present at the organization signed as members of the association, and the membership increased with unparalleled rapidity compared to other organizations in the city, until between nine hundred and a thousand ladies and gentlemen had agreed to give one dollar annually to- ward the support of the hospital, and six persons joined as life members by the payment of twenty dollars. One of the first and most important steps taken by the society was the establishing of a day know^n as Hospital Sunday, when each church in the city takes a collection, which in the first year amounted to over twelve hun- dred dollars, the money passing directly into the hands of Mr. John E. Cole, treasurer of the hospital. Dr. Anna Taylor Cole and Dr. Emma J. Peasley have each given a course of lectures, and two receptions, a concert and an opera have been given under the direction of the association, the proceeds of which, with the funds collected by the members, and donations, have netted many dollars for the work. This with the annual dues is used as the association ap- proves, either to buy furnishings for the building, or it is presented to the treasurer of the hospital to be used by the trustees at their discretion. Em.ma J. Peaslev, M. D. Anna B. Taylor-Cole, M.D. Eugenie M. PniLLii'S, M. U. SUMKK17LLE, J'- 1ST .LVD J'RIiSE^T. 35 ^ The members assisted at the dedication of the building, and at all the social gatherings at the hospital. Two members of the board of directors in turn visit the inmates and supply the needs of the hospital as far as pos- sible, twice a week for a month. The president for 1896 is Mrs. Harrison Aldrich ; secretary. Miss Sarah A. Stone, 9 Central street; treasurer, Miss Bertha Knapp, 2S School street. ASSOCIATED CHARITIES OF SOMER\ ILLE. By Emma S. Kf.ves. The Associated Charities of Somerville was formed on December 14, 1S93. The organizing of Associated Charities had occasionally been talked of and desired by a few in different parts of the city, but it was not until the hard times of '93 actually forced the need of organized effort upon the at- tention of a large number that this society was at last formed. Springing up suddenly though it did, the chief organizers gave many hours at a time to the consideration of the principles and methods that like societies of long experience had found to be the wisest and most practical. The foundation of a permanent charitable organization was thus laid upon thoroughly tested principles. The objects of the society are : " To secure the concurrent and har- monious action of the different charities in Somerville in order to raise the needy above the need of relief, prevent begging and imposition, and dimin- ish pauperism ; to encourage thrift, self-dependence and industry through friendly intercourse, and to aid the poor to help themselves ; to prevent children from growing up as paupers ; and to aid in the diffusion of knowledge on subjects connected with the relief of the poor." In the heart of winter, and in the midst of a season of financial distress and acute poverty, the new organization found itself, with inexperienced helpers, untried methods and an empty treasury, suddenly overwhelmed by calls for aid and action. The urgency of the situation helped to solve itself. The citizens cordially adopted the new organization as their agent, and gave it their complete confidence. The work was organized by distributing it among ward committees. Each of these considered calls for aid in its own district, and found help for deserving and needy cases. It held meetings monthly or. as occasion re- tiuired, even more frequently, provided for a force of friendly visitors^ opened an otiice in its limits, and secured, free of charge, the services of a secretary to give certain hours at the ofiice, have immediate charge of af- fairs and keep the records of the ward. These ward committees combined form the central board of manage- ment, to which all doubtful and difficult cases are referred, and which has general supervision of the work. The office in ward three, in the Citizen Building, Oilman square, was made the central office, and its secretary, general agent of the Charities. Up to September i, 1S96. the number of cases of need reported to and ;,52 soMiiiu/i.i.i:. risr .\.\n rRi:si:.\T. investigated by tliis society is 3S7. ( )f these i^)Z have been assisted, 3S proved to have given false addresses, and the rest were mostly in need of eniploynient alone, as were also many others. About one-half of these peo- ple are Americans, the other half represents eleven nationalities. .Special work has been done in 54 cases, such as furnishing legal and medical assistance, finding homes for children, new homes for families, board in the c()untr\- for the overworked, etc. By far the greater proportion were found to be worthy, respectable j^eople. anxious to help themselves, suffering through no apparent fault of their own, but through misfortune, sjickness, or want of emploxment. l-'ully two-thirds had never before received help. Efforts to stop begging have in many instances been effectual, and public exposure of impostors has materially lessened the number in the city, though in one instance even arrest and six months' confinement have not been sufficient to deter other members of the same family from begging and usnig the name of this society the better to impose upon the credulous. A complete system of registration enables the agent at the central office to exchange information with charitable bodies at home and in other cities, and is of great value especially in the handling of those chronic and re- curring cases which drift from place to place, and besiege successively different charitable societies and individuals. All records are private, and their information is given only to those who will use them for charitable purposes. A free emj^loyment-bureau connected with the work of the Associated Charities depends necessarily for success upon the patronage of the citizens. The one great demand is for work, and it is this above all things that the unemployed need to be assisted in obtaining, to save them from pauperism and the demoralizing intiuence of almsgiving. Kmployment even at low wages would solve two-thirds of the difficulties of the poor of all classes. In some instances the society has furnished plain sewing, paying a fair price according to the cjuality of the work done. This is intended to be educational in some cases, as many do not understand the cutting and making of the most simple garments, while others are apt and skillful with the needle. Last spring the stamp-saving .system was introduced with the object of encouraging provident habits even among the children. W ithout expense or any risk of loss one can hereby save from a cent to fifty cents and receive for it a receipt in the form of a stamp placed upon a folding card, which can be redeemed at any time, three dollars entitling one to a bank-book and interest. The gratitude expressed by nearly all who have been befriended has been hearty and sincere. Statistics cannot register the best that has been accomplished, for the aim of the society is personal rather than material, to help the man as well as to relieve the body, to bring comfort and cheer into home and heart, to maintain self-respect, to stimulate self-support, to restore to work and health persons and families without loss of courage or dignity, and clear of any sense of stain or stigma from their temporary period of dependence. 73 73 W) Emory i.. White, M. D. SOMERt'ILLE, PAST AXD rRESEiVT. 355 In this effort, notwithstanding many failures, success, as a rule, has been so satisfactory that, could the simple facts be known to the citizens of Somerville, they would feel themselves amply rewarded for all they have expended through the Associated Charities, and would continue to support the organization liberally. The officers for 1896 are : Rev. Charles L. Noyes, president, 2.) Albion street: Rev. L. M. Powers, secretary. iS Flint street; Mr. Nathan H. Reed, treasurer, i,':, Pearl street; Miss Emma S. Keyes, agent, 154 Central street. SOMERVILLE SAMARITAN SOCIETY. 15v Elizabeth ARKowsMrrn Waters. The Somerville Samaritan Society was organized November 13, 1.S71, at the home of Elizabeth A. \\'aters, 132 Perkins street, for the purpose of assisting and relieving the needs of the worthy poor in the town of Somer- ville, and it rounded out its twenty-five years of charitable work November <), is^r.. The first meetmg was held on Wednesday afternoon, November S, 1S71, at which a committee of four ladies (Mary Davis, Carrie Prescott, Mrs. H. 1'. Hemenway and Julia Warden) were chosen to draw up a constitution to be presented at a meeting to be held on the following Monday evening, November 13. The first regular meeting was held with Miss Waters, and a constitu- tion for the society was presented and adopted. The following list of officers was presented and elected : Miss Lizzie A. Waters, president; Mrs. Geo. H. Crosby, vice-president; Mrs. Chas. H. Buswell, secretary: Miss Helen C. Edgerly, assistant secretary; Mrs. Albert E. Hughes, treasurer. Directresses: Mrs. Chas. Williams, Jr., Mrs. H. P. Hemenway, Mrs. Chas. Crane, Mrs. John E. Cole, Mrs. Wethern, Mrs. P. Ford, Jr., Mrs. David Crane, Misses Kate Fletcher, Anna M. Knight, S. Fannie Gerry, Emily Knowles, Nellie Parker, Carrie Prescott, P>elle Dalton, Ella Runey, Emma Brown, Susie Davis. The society was named in courtesy to Mrs. Waters and daughter, who were officers in the Samaritan Society of Boston at the time of their removal to Somerville, and members until the society became the North End Dispensary. When the Samaritan Society was organized, it was the only social and charitable society in the town, if we may except those connected with the churches. The charity work extended to every part of the city, and the Christmas donations are something pleasant to be remembered, for baskets of stores, and warm clothing, contributed by members and friends, found their way each year to scores of families whose appreciation of them made us feel that it was "more blessed to give than to receive." The form of meetings was sewing until nine o'clock p.m., when the work was gathered up, and the incoming of the gentlemen added much to the pleasure of the evening. Music, singing and games followed with now and then a "Vir- ginia Reel." The meetings were attended by over one hundred members. 3 5''' somi:r\'/li.i:, iwsr .wn i ri:se\i. the lar /•a'/:s/:\/: which is bestowed not only anioni;- its own iiRiiibers. but ani()n<; all who fought in the Civil War now living- in our midst, who, through disease or old age, have become incapacitated from gaining a livelihood: these together with the widows and orphan children of those who have passed away have been assisted, together with others who were needy and destitute. In the conscientious performance of this duty the post is recognized as a prime factor in charitable work in this city, having disbursed over 513,000 in cash, nearly two-thirds of which went to persons outside the membership of the post. Ihe organization has always assisted other charitable enterprises, not- ably in late years: during the hard times of the winter of 1S93-4 it made a donation of S200 to the Associated Charities of Somerville, and later its members assisted in the Hospital Fair, and were enabled to contribute about ?225 to the fund for that institution. In its work the post has been aided very materially by its auxiliarv, the Woman's Relief Corps, the membership of which is composed of loyal ladies who are ever ready, as were those in the days of 1.S61-5, to do all in their power to aid the soldiers: it has also been greatly assisted by the generous patronage which has been given b\ the citizens of Somerville to all the enterprises it has gotten up for charitable purposes. The commanders of the post ha\e been: C. 1-". King. 1S70 i ; H. K. Hill, 1S-2: I. H. Dusseault, 1S73: T. J. IJutTum. 1S74; G. H. Hurroughs, 1S73; W. W. Woodbury, 1876; W. K. Halladay, 1S77: G. I!. Clark,. iS7,S; I. H. Soule. 1S79 (died in office): Dennis Kelley, 1S79 (unexpired term): John Kennedy, iSSo: J.. M.Woods. iSSi ; Martin Hinney. iSS-: C. ¥. King, 1S.S3-4: J. F. Davlin. 1X85: .M. 1). Jones, iSSf); Walter Winward, 1.SS7: John Kelley, iSSS: C. M. Colgate, 1.SS9 ; H. 15. Sellon, 1.S90; Henry Rich- ardson, 1S91 : A. C. Stacy, 1.S92; K. H. Gooding, 1S93: C. (). Pratt, 1S94: (J. H. Clapp, 1S95 : and G. M. Stevens, 1S96. The present place of meeting is in Grand Army Hall. ( iti/LMi Uiiilding. Gilnian sc|uare. Martin Binney jAMi;s F. Davlin. SOMERl'ILLE, EAST .hV/) rRJiSEN/'. 3^5 WILLARl) v'. KIXSLKV KELIEF CORPS, r.v Makv K. Ki.i.iiii. That the loyal women of America realized their responsibilities during the Civil War, is a fact interwoven in almost all its history. On fields of battle, in the hospitals of the North and the South, in halls and churches and in the home they toiled for the Cnion cause and its brave volunteers. The highest principles of womanhood and of patriotism were exempli- fied by their efforts, and the statement that "there were heroines as well as heroes in that war," is verified on many pages of its records. When, soon after peace was declared, the (irand Army of the Republic organized to conduct a work of Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty, its princi- ples appealed again to the hearts of loyal women. They realized that, though the battlefields were silent, the suffering caused by the war remained. Societies of women were formed in many cities and towns to co-operate with posts of the Grand Army of the Republic in their beneficent work. One of the first of these societies to bear the name of a post was or- ganized in Somerville, March 17, 1S78, as Willard C. Kinsley Relief Corps. Much interest was manifested at the regular meetings which were held in Bow Street Hall, and successful entertainments enabled the corps to establish a relief fund of several hundred dollars. The members were also active in raising funds for the Soldiers' Home Bazaar held in Mechanics Building, Boston, in December, iSSi. A few days previous to the opening of the bazaar, the corps president received a check for $125 from Mr. Henry F. Spencer, on behalf of the trustees of the Columbus Tyler estate, it being the surplus (with interest) remaining in the Somerville war fund of which Mr. Tyler had charge. This amount and the receipts of the corps table gave Somerville the credit of being represented in the eftorts to establish a soldiers' home in Massa- chusetts. In May, i.S,S2, Willard C. Kinsley Corps reorganized on a broader basis and became a branch of the TJepartment of Massachusetts Woman's Relief Corps, a State organization which was formed in Fitchburg in 1S79. Mrs. E. Florence Barker, department president, and Mrs. Sarah E. Fuller, de- partment secretary at that time, conducted the institution which was held in Bow Street Hall. They installed the officers in the evening, when promi- nent guests were present representing the clergy and city officials of Somerville, and friends from other sections of the State. Willard C. Kinsley Post attended the exercises in a body. The corps was entered upon the roster at department headquarters as No. 21, there having been twenty corps previously organized under the direction of the Department of Massachusetts W. R. C. There were thirty-six charter members, and they (and all who have sub- Mary E. Elliot. S0ME/U7LLE, /'AST JND J'RKSEA'T. 367 sequently taken the obligation) have pledged support to the following ob- jects, which form a part of the rules and regulations of the order : — "To specially aid and assist the (hand Army of the Republic, and to perpetuate the memory of the heroic dead. "To assist such Tnion veterans as need our help and protection, and to extend needful aid to their widows and orphans. " To find them homes and employment, and assure them of sympathy and friends. " To cherish and emulate the deeds of our army nurses and of all loyal women who rendered loving service to our country in her hour of peril. " To maintain true allegiance to the L^nited States of America ; to in- culcate lessons of patriotism and love of country among our children and in the communities in which we live ; and to encourage the spread of universal liberty and equal rights to all." That Corps 21 has been loyal to these objects is fully shown by its rec- ords. Over a thousand dollars have been expended in relief since 1SS2, but this does not represent the full value of its work in this direction. The in- vestigation of numerous cases, the visits to the sick, and poor but worthy claimants upon our gratitude, the distribution of food and clothing, and other duties have been promptly performed by the relief committee that has served from year to year with great eilciency. Corps 21 has aided Post 139 in two large fairs, and has co-operated in its plans for the proper observance of Memorial Day. The two bodies have each a conference committee, " to confer concern- ing matters of mutual interest, in order to strengthen the relations and per- fect the work for which these organizations are mutually pledged." Union gatherings are occasionally held, and the corps has often wel- comed the comrades at anniversaries, receptions, suppers and other gatherings, and the post has extended the same courtesy to its auxiliary. The two organizations have worked together in harmony, each having a re- gard for the other's interests. At the tenth anniversary of the corps, in May. iSc)2, a beautiful silk banner was presented as a testimonial by the post. A Bible, a flag and guidon are among the gifts received by the post from its auxiliary corps. At the silver anniversary of the post, in October, 1S95, a large portrait of one of its honored members— Mayor William H. Hodgkins — was pre- sented by the corps, the members of which were present as guests. During the past few years the subject of patriotic teaching ni the public schools has been a special feature of relief corps work throughout the country. Inilly realiznig the importance of this movement. Corps 21 voted to petition the school board of Somerville to introduce a "salute to the flag " into the public schools. With a view of awakening a deeper interest in the subject, a "flag meeting "was held in the (Old) Unitarian Church on Highland avenue, on the evening of December 16, 1.S94. A large and enthusiastic audience enjoyed the program presented. Pupils from the Pope and Forster schools exemplified the flag salutes, and 36S soMiiNi/i.i.i:, r.isr .\\n i'Ni:si:xr. addresses were made hy Mayor William II. llodgkins, several i ler.<,fymen of the city, members of the school committee, department ofificers W . k. C, and others. Patriotic singing added interest to the exercises. When the jietition was formally presented to the school board, it was favorably con- sidered. In response to the appeal of the trustees of the .Somerville Hospital, for the fair held in the (Old) L'nitarian Church, the corps furnished a table, and visits to the hospital are often made by our members. .\side from the local work undertaken. Corps 21 has manifested an in- terest in the Soldiers' Home on Powderhorn Hill in Chelsea. Assistance was rendered the soldiers' home carnival held in .Mechanics Buildinj^-, Hoston, in 1SS5, and the military fair held in Music Hall, Boston, in 1S92. .\n entertainment is annually given at the home and appreciated by the veterans, as are also the delicacies distributed on these visits. Several contributions have been given the home at various times. A pleasing inci- dent of the visit this year (1S96) was the gift of plants to the inmates, that they might have a flower garden of their own. The department relief fund for special cases reported at headcjuarters and the memorial fund for the care of soldiers' widows and army nurses have received liberal contributions from Corps 21. .\11 other appeals from department headquarters for special objects have met with a prompt re- sponse, and on each Memorial Day the corps sends a tribute for the un- known graves in the national cemeteries of the South. A copy of the History of the Department of Massachusetts W. R. C. — a bound volume of nearly four hundred pages — has recently been given to the public library of Somerville. Regular meetings are held twice a month in Grand .Vrmy Hall, Oilman square, and are largely attended. The present membership is one hundred and sixty-one. A list of those who have served as presidents is given, viz. : Miss Mary K. Elliot, Mrs. Harriet A. Ralph, Mrs. .\bbie J. Bean. .Mrs. Ann C. Souther, Mrs. Rose .\. Knapp, Mrs. Eveline P. Robinson, .Mrs. Helen I*". Johnson, Mrs. Harriet A. (Hiam- berlin, Mrs. Helen M. McCully, Mrs. Fannie M. Jones, Mrs. Lydia P. Hall, Mrs. Kate .\. Stacy. There are at the present time one hundred and seventy-two corps in Massachusetts with a membership of fourteen thousand, and about two hun- dred thousand dollars have been expended for relief in this State alone. Willard C. Kinsley Corps has an honored place on this roll, and is justly entitled to recognition as one of the pioneer corps (.A the order. Since its organization this auxiliary to the (Jrand .\rmy of the Republic has been formed in forty-four States and Territories, and numbers one hun- dred and thirty thousand j^atriotic women. Over a million dollars have been expended for relief, a national home for soldiers" widows and army nurses established, and also State homes maintained, memorials erected in honor of martyred heroes. Hags placed in the public schools, and an educational work conducted in behalf of patriotism that will have a permanent inliuence upon this generation. James S. Sanborn. CQ O CO z < CO CO SOMKRl'ILLK, J'. 1ST .LVD /'RES/iNT. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. The West Somerville Woman's Christian Temperance Union was or- ganized in March, 1879, by Mrs. L. B. P^arrett, then State secretary of the Massachusetts W.C.T.l-. The first president was Mrs. Person Davis, and the first secretary Mrs. Harriet A. Chamberlin. There were nine charter members. The union, whicli now consists of sixtA-one members, has done, in connection with the temperance work, much of a philanthropic nature. It has also done more than any other organization toward making Somer- ville a no-license city. The present officers are : Mrs. A. S. C. Hill, presi- dent ; and Mrs. S. Addie Johnson, secretary. The fountain at Union square was erected as a memorial to Mrs. Barrett, by the several unions of Somer- ville. SOMERVILLE FIREMAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION. By James R. Hopkins. Was organized May 9, 1S70, and incorporated, March 11, iS(^o. Its first ofticers were: chief engineer, David A. Sanborn, president; Theodore D. Dennett, vice-president; e,x-chief engineer Robert A. Vinal, secretary and treasurer. It distributes relief to its members (as follows) : any mem- ber who is injured going to, working at, or returning from a fire, may receive $1.50 a day for a term not exceeding fifty clays. In case of the death of a member, $100 is paid to the legal representative for funeral expenses. Its resources are the annual dues of members (#1.00 each), and the in- come of entertainments, four having been given during its existence. The association also published a book containing a histor\' of the department, from which (through the courtesy of advertisers) it received an addition to its funds. The association's business has always been honestly and efficiently managed. It was fortunate in having for one of its founders Captain Robert A. \'inal: he was for seventeen years its treasurer; by his acts of charity towards the poor and the unfortunate, by his words of counsel, and in his upright life, he was an example to the association which it will follow as long as it exists. The oificers of the association are : James R. Hopkins, president; Ber- nard W. Lawrence, vice-president; David A. Sanborn, treasurer; John E. Hill, clerk. Directors: Samuel H. Stevens, Thomas H. Daley, Frank W. Ring, Irving C. Jackson, Edward F. I'refren, Edward W. Ring, Benj. W. Daley, Frank L. Draper, Nathaniel C. Barker. Dr. Thomas M. Durell is the physician and examining surgeon of the association, having held that position since its incorporation ; his services have always been given gratuitously to its members. 372 SOMI-.RllLI.i:, PAST .IXD /'A'/.'S/.X'/: Sl)MKR\ n>LK \()l NG -MKN'S CllRlSllAN ASSUClAllUX. In the autumn of 1S67, as a result of one of tlie great association con- ventions, several citizens of Sonierville who had attended became alive to the need of a work for young men in the then rapidly growing town, and a meeting in the interest of such a work was held in the then I'erkins-street Baptist Church, December 7, at which Hon. \V. H. liodgkins was elected l)resident, and Hiram L. Mackechnie secretary of the newly formed or- ganization. F'or twenty years a general evangelistic work among all classes and for both se.xes was carried on, but in the summer of 1S.S7 a reorganization of the association took place, and "definite work for and by young men" began. K. I*. Higgins was elected president; W'm. M. Armstrong, vice-presi- dent; V. v.. liodgkins, treasurer: and H. K. Valentine, secretary. A suite of rooms was fitted up in Masonic lilock, I'nion scjuare, and A. M. Wight of Springfield was called as first general secretary. Mr. Wight filled the position of general secretary four years, during which time work for boys was begun, a woman's auxiliary was formed, a building fund was begun, and the general lines of work w-ere vigorously prosecuted. The woman's auxiliary held a very successful fair during Mr. Wight's term of office, from the proceeds of which a lot of land was purchased at the corner of liow street and Somerville avenue, which has since been sold, and the fund is now held in trust for a lot. Mr. Higgins, as president, was succeeded, in iSSS, by Mr. W m. M. Arm- strong, and he in 1890, b} Mr. Wm. B. Savage. In May, 1891, the association was incorporated under the general laws of .Massachusetts. Mr. Wight resigned his office in June, 1891, after four years of eminently successful work, and was succeeded by Mr. (leo. M. Cowles of Springfield, who after one year of labor resigned to enter the foreign mission field. Mr. W. C. Rollins of Lynn was acting general secretary from Octo- ber, 1S92, to January, 1893, when W. H. Symonds, the present secretary, began his labors. Xew rooms were fitted up in Litchfield lilock at a cost of $2,000, and in October, 1893, when H. .M. Moore was elected president, a physical de- partment was added at an expense of $2,200. The membership now num- bers 806, and all lines of modern association work are carried on. .A fund of .510,000 in cash or pledges has been secured toward a new building, which is our great need at the present time. I'he present ofiicers are: Geo. V. Clarridge, president; F. M. Kilmer, vice-president; V. K. Hodgkins, treasurer; W. B. Clark, clerk : W. 11. Symonds, general secre- tary; W. J. Bursaw. physical director. George F. Clarridge. JuiiN Herbert. William M. Armstrong. Frank H. Hodgkins. MASONIC. SOMKRVILLK ROYAL ARCH CHAPIER. In [une and October of the year 1S70 the project of forming a chapter was discussed in two informal meetings held by a few Royal Arch Masons in the anteroom of John Abbot lodge, and it was decided to take the necessary steps thereto. The officers were selected and the name of " Somerville Royal Arch Chapter '" was adopted. A dispensation having been received from the M. K. (irand High Priest, a chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Somerville was opened on the 27th day of December, 1870, with M. E. Companion Daniel K. Chase, high priest; and Companions Thomas H. Lord, king: Charles S. Lincoln, scribe; Horace Haskins, treasurer; Aaron Sargent, secretary; Rev. George \V. Durell, chaplain ; Charles H. Delano, captain of the host; William W. Dow, P. S. ; George A. Pratt, Royal Arch captain; Emery H. Monroe, M. of the Third V. ; Robert Hollingsworth, M. of the Second V. ; Isaac B. Kendall, M. of the Eirst V. ; John W. Vinal and Albro R. Jenness, stewards ; Thomas Cunningham, tiler ; and twelve Companions, in addition, as members, making a total membership of twenty-seven. The chapter was formally constituted under its charter, October 10, i87i,by Grand High Priest Chickering and suite; and the officers installed were M. E. Companion Thomas H. Lord, high priest; and Companions Charles S. Lincoln, king; Charles E. King, scribe; Horace Haskins. treasurer; Aaron Sargent, secretary; Rev. George W. Durell, chaplain; William W. Dow, captain of the host; Isaac B. Kendall, P. S. ; George A. Pratt, R. A. captain ; Albro R. Jenness, M. of the Third V. ; John W. Vinal, M. of the Second V. ; George L. Baxter, M. of the First V. ; Charles G. Pope and Horace E. Boynton. stewards; and Thomas Cunningham, tiler. The ceremonies were public, the presence of ladies giving additional in- terest to the occasion. Succeeding M. E. Companion Lord, the high priests have been M. E. Companions Charles E. King, Rudolph Kramer, George H. Allen, Thomas H. Lord again, Samuel E. Holt, Quincy E. Dickerman, Erank H. Mead, Albion Libby, James Kelly, Orrin C. Hubbard, Clarence H. Willey and Clarence W. Tarbell, the present high priest being Samuel Dudley Kelley. The chapter had thirty-four charter members, and has now a membership of 302 Companions. The convocations were held in the old John Abbot lodge room. Union square, before coming to the new Masonic apartments. Winter Hill. 377 378 SOMERill.Li:, PAST AXP rRI.SEXT. OKIF.N r (OrXCML r. axd s. m. l;^ Aako.n Saki.km. 'roward tht- close of the year iS8S the project of instituting;- a council of Royal and Select Masters was advanced. The name — Orient Council — was suggested by Companion A. Eugene Sargent. 'I'he fathers of the Coun- cil were Companions Aaron Sargent and John S. Hayes: and with a mem- bership of twenty, and b\ authority of a dispensation from the M. 1. C. Master, a council was opened on the 7th day of I'ebruary. 1.SS9, with Com- panions John S. Hayes, 1. 1. Master; Joseph \\ . Hill, deputy master: Isaac (j. Curtis, principal conductor of the work; Isaac R. Kendall, treasurer; Aaron Sargent, recorder; Charles .\. Skinner, chaplain; George S. Flanders, master of ceremonies; (ialen M. 15owditch, captain of the guard; Charles K. Moore, conductor of the council; Robert R. Perry, steward; Daniel C. Stillscn. sentinel; and David Cutter, musical director and organist. The council received its charter, and was formally constituted by M. 1. (i. Master Daniel W. Jones, and ofiicers of the Crand Council on the 16th of January, 1S90. The first otiticers under the charter were : Companions Joseph \V. Hill, T. 1. Master; (ialen M. liowditch. Deputy Master; William H. Cushman, Principal Conductor of the Work ; Isaac B. Kendall, 'I'reas- urer ; A. F.ugene Sargent, recorder; Charles A. Skinner, chaplain; Clarence H. Willey, master of ceremonies; George S. Flanders, captain of the guard; Edward T. C. Eddy, conductor of the council; John E. Marden, sentinel; and David Cutter, musical director and organist. The succeeding masters have been; T. I. Companions Galen M. liowditch, William H. Cushman and Edward T. C. P>ddy. The charter membership was ninety-five companions. The council has conferred the degrees on 201 companions, and has now a membership of 206. JOHN APPOT LOIXJE. The first lodge of Free and Accepted .Masons in Somerville was opened under a dispensation, October 23, 1.S57, with the following organization; master, Francis L. Raymond ; senior warden, Joel !•". Thayer ; junior warden, James R. P>ugbee ; treasurer, Thomas J. Leland; secretary, Charles E. (Oil- man; chaplain, James M. Shute ; marshal, (ieorge O. Prastow ; senior deacon, Thomas H. Lord; junior deacon, Alexander B. Cleary; senior steward, Gardner T. Pin.L;-; junior steward. Reuben E. Demmon ; tiler. Enoch Robinson. The lodge received its charter and was formall\ constituted September 14, 1S5S, the ofiicers installed being as follows: master, John K. Hall • senior warden, Joel F. 'I'hayer ; junior warden. James R. Pugbee ; treasurer, Thomas J. Leland; secretary. Charles E. (Jilman ; chaplain. James M. Shute: marshal, Rollin W. Keyes ; senior deacon, Thomas H. Lord: Daniel E. Chase. Orrin C. Hubbard. Frank W. Kaan. William H. W'oodberry. S0MER17LLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 3^3 junior deacon, Alexander B. Cleary ; senior steward, Philip R. Ridgway ; junior steward, William E. Robinson; tiler, C'aleb Bucknani. The charter members numbered nineteen brothers. For about two years they met in a small attic lodge-room over L'nion Hall, in a wooden building at the corner of Oak and Milk streets, now known as Beach street and Somerville avenue. Then for eight or nine years they met on the second tioor of the same building. March iS, i,s6.j, the lodge moved to l'nion Hall building, in Union square, and October 4, 1888, to the Stickney building, in Oilman square. The masters since John K. Hall have been in their order : James R. Ikigbee, Thomas H. Lord, Philip R. Ridgway, William E. Robinson, Henry F Woods, Charles H. Delano, Thomas H. Lord (again), Selwyn Z. Bow- man Frank S. Hartshorn, Charles H. Taylor, George H. Allen, Charles J. Richardson, Robert Laycock, John B. Viall, T. Oilman Smith, Edward T. Flanagan, Charles A. Cushman, Thomas M. Durell, Frank W. Kaan, Hor- ace L. Eaton and Frank W. Mead. The number of members, September i, 1896, was 379. the list of officers for 1896-7 being as follows :-W. M., Frank W. Mead: S. W., Elmer E. Cousens ; J. W., Orrin C. Hubbard; treasurer, Miah O. Kenny ; secretary, Thomas Miller; chaplain. Rev. Edward P. Lee; marshal, Horace M. Par- sons • S. D., Nathaniel W. LiUie ; J. D., John H. MacAlman ; S. S., Frederic E. Wood; J. S., J. A. F. Trueman; L S., Alfred M. Sibley; tiler, John E. Marden ; organist, Oeorge Swift. SOLEV LODOE. By WM. II. WOODBKRRV. Soley Lodge A. F. .^ A. M. was instituted April 2, 1879, the first meetincr being held in I'.roadway Hall, East Somerville, under dispensation. Th^e formal constitution by M. W. Orand Master Chas. A. Welsh and the Grand Lodge, occurred April 9, 18S0, in Franklin Hall, corner of 15road- way and Franklin street. The first officers, being the same as those acting under dispensation, were • Wor. Bro. Horace P. Hemenway, W. M. ; Wor. 15ro. Henry F. Woods, T. W. ; Wor. Bro. |ohn \'iall. J. W. ; and Bros. John F. Cole, treasurer; \aron' Sargent, secretary; Rev. Edwin J. Gerry, chaplain ; Geo. W. Perkins, marshal; J. Foster Clark, S. D. ; Chas. G. Pope, J. D.; L. M. Haskins, S. S. ; Chas." H. Crane, J. S. ; Wm. F. Sanborn, L S. ; Geo. H. Meader, organ- ist • and Chas. C. Folsom, tiler. Its name is a tribute to the worth and memory of John Soley. a native and resident of Charlestown, Mass., well loved by her citizens and many times honored in her government. He was prominent m Masonry early in the present century, having filled many offices in the Grand Lodge. He was Or Recording Secretary from 181 1 to 181S inclusive, and M.W. Or. Master in 18-6-27-28. He loved the order, and in its service spent a large part of A.MASA E. SOUTHWORTII. SOMERl'II.LE, PAST .LVD PRESENT. 385 his long and useful life which closed in honor April 6, 1851. The W. Mas- ters of Soley Lodge since W. M. Hemenway have been W'or. Bros. John Mall, J. Foster Clark, C'has. H. ( "rane, John F. Cole, Amasa ¥.. Southworth, fas. ¥. FJeard, Geo. W. Perkins, J. Walter Sanborn and Wm. H. Woodberry. On the 4th of October, 1SS8, the new Masonic apartments in the Stickney Building in Oilman square were dedicated by M. W. Or. Master Henry Endicott and the Grand Lodge, and since then they have been the Masonic home of all the Masonic societies of Somerville. Recognizing not only the fraternal, but also the social obligations of its institution, its growth from the beginning has been strong and healthy, and it enjoys the allegiance and faithful support of many of Somerville's best and most highly esteemed citizens. The charter membership of the lodge was 46, the present list numbers 379, with the following line of oiftcers : W. M., Wm. H. Woodberry ; S. W., Albion H. Libbey ; J. W., Herbert L. Clark; treasurer, Edwin S. Conant : secretary, R. T. chamberlin ; chaplain, Chas. A. Skinner; mar- shal, B. Frank Wild; S. I)., Chas. S. Soule ; J. I)., Fl W. Southworth; S. S., F.ugene C. Leonard; J. S., Jos. H. Murphy; L S., Jos. Robbins; organist, H. F. Plaisted; tiler, John Harden. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. SOMERVILLE ENCAMPMENT. SoMKRViLLE ENCAMPMENT No. 4S was instituted in odd l*'ellows' Hall, Union square, April 7, 1S73, with 21 charter members. Its first officers were: C. P., Geo. Stephens; H. P., IJaniel FL Chase; S. W., Irwin M. Ben- nett; scribe, Geo. H. Allen; treasurer, Hiram D. Smith; J. W., Crawford F. Brown. This encampment has always been fortunate in having an efficient corps of officers, and its high standard of Patriarchal Odd Fellow- ship has always been maintained. It has a membership of 173, composed of brothers from 30 difterent lodges. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at 8 p. ,m. WINTER HILL ENCAMPMENT. Winter Hill Encampment No. 76 was instituted March 17, 1S92, by Chas. A. Mayo, G. P., assisted by a full staff of the Grand Encampment of the State of Massachusetts. The charter members are : I). W. Desmond, P. C. P., Frank P. Tucker, P. C. P., W. H. Cooper, P. C. P., Austin S. Esty, P. C. P., Fred E. Cheney, I- Odd Fellows' Building, Broadway and Marshall Street. 0^ W ^^ 1 -'I^SBL. ^^' ^^• '\ ■ w . ^^jdMJ^^r" .*Jjv William H. Ralph. George h. Rijss. S0M/-KJ7LLE, PAST .LVB PRESEXT. 389 J. Leland Norcross, William Sanby, P. C. P., C. H. Miles, Elisha G. Wood- ward, Alvah Cloutman, P. ('. P., Geo. H. Russ, William Welsh, Lawrence P. Land, Philemon D. Warren, Geo. W. Leavitt, Jr., William J. Emerson, Abbott L. Knowles, Nathan A. Fitch, Geo. H. Harlow, Chas. E. Gerrish! P. C. P., Frederick I). Chase, Joseph Scoboria, Robert Shannon, P. C. P.,' William F. Roberts. The first ofiicers that filled the chair of Winter Hill Encampment were : Daniel W. Desmond, G. P. ; Frank P. Tucker, H. P. ; William H. Gooper^ S. W. ; Austin S. Este}-, scribe; Fred E. Cheney, financial scribe; ]. Leland Norcross, treasurer; William Sanby, J. W. : Geo. H. Russ, guide ; Elisha G. Woodward, ist W. ; Nathan A. Fitch, 2d W. ;] Geo. H. Harlow,' 3d W. ; Geo. W. Leavitt, Jr., 4th W. ; Robert Shannon, L S. ; Lawrence P.' Land, ( ). S. ; Wm. F. Roberts, ist G. of T. ; Wm. Welsh, 2d G. of T. The patriarchs who have passed through the chair of the Encampment as C. P. are: D. W. Desmond, \\ C. P., Wm. H. Cooper, P. C. P., Uilliam Sanby, P. C. P., Geo. H. Russ, Thos. H. liryant, Enoch M. Smith, Geo. F. Sargent. Salvatore La Bua, Jr., is the present C. P. The amount of money paid as sick benefits since the institution of the Encampment is : our own members, ^254. 50 ; non-members, $99. The deceased members are Alvah Cloutman, William H Cooper P C P., and J. W. PJailey. Total membership, January i, 1896, 109 members. The regular meetings of the Encampment are the first and third Thursdays of the month. CALEB RAND LODGE. ^ Caleb Rand L'jr);;E No. 197, L ().(). F., was instituted in West Som- erville. May 29, iSSS, with the following charter members : Alonzo E. Bailey, George B. Barstow, Frank R. Starkey, Oliver H. Perry, Hiram O. Chapin,' Samuel H. Wilkins, George L. Marshall, Alfonso Clements, Fred L. Coatesi Albion P. Huntress, Franklin P. l^pham, George W. Maynard, Charles Warner and James Gillen. The name chosen was that of Past Grand Master Caleb Rand, a member of ( )live Branch Lodge of Charlestown, one of the noblest of Odd Fellows, and one whose memory we cherish and revere. After being duly instituted, Alonzo E. Bailey \vas elected first Noble Grand, and Geo. B. Barstow as \'ice-Grand, and the officers being mstalled, 1 10 applicants were duly initiated. Mt. Sinai Lodge of North Cambridge, Paul Revere Lodge of Somer- ville, and Bethel Lodge of Arlington assisted in advancing the candidates through the several degrees to full membership. Starting under such favorable circumstances, the lodge has continued to increase in member- ship until at the present time it numbers 210 scarlet degree members. In the summer of 1892 the lodge-room and paraphernalia were de- stroyed by fire, and being without a home, the lodge accepted the kind offer of Oasis Lodge of Union square, of the use of their apartments, where 390 SO.]/KA'l7UJ:, J'. 1ST .LVD /'A'/:S/:X/\ it continued to meet until its present quarters were fitted up. ( )n occupying its new lodge-room a fresh interest was awakened, which has been steadily increasing, until at the present time there is no lodge in Massachusetts that is better or more favorably known, both for the magnificence of its degree work and also for the care and attention which it gives to the sick. Since the institution of Caleb Rand Lodge it has lost by death twelve of its number, two of whom were charter members and both Past Orands. The following " is a list of the Past CJrands of the lodge: J. H. (iillen, Alonzo E. P.ailey, (;eo. H. Barstow, Samuel H. Wilkins. Frank K. Studley. Fred L. Coates, Chas. A. G. Winther, Geo. L. Marshall, Joseph I). \ oung, (Jeo. T. Rand, Henry C. Fay, Fred R. Stockwell, Harry .\. True. ( )ramel P. Walker. Flnier j. Rhoades, Frank W. Richardson and X. W. Flwell by card. The present elective officers of the lodge are : Geo. R. Libby, Xoble (irand; Fred .\. White. \ice-Grand ; Walter H. Mitchell, secretary ; Frank A. Hobart, permanent secretary; Fred R. Stockwell, P. G., treasurer. Lodge meetings are held every Tuesday evening in Fraternity Hall, West Somerville: first Tuesday in the month, initiatory degree: second Tuesday in the month, ist degree; third Tuesday in the month, 2d degree: fourth Tuesday in the month. 3d degree. OASIS LODCjE. O.Asis LoDCK No. 146 was instituted September 17, 1868, in the old Masonic apartments at the corner of Milk street (now Somerville avenue) and Beach street, with thirty charter members. The first officers were : Xoble Grand. Thomas B. Wilson: Vice-Grand, David A. Sanborn, Jr. ; sec- retary, George H. Ireland : treasurer, Chas. H. Flkins. Ihe name " Oasis " was selected by the secretary. The lodge soon outgrew its small c|uarters. and in 1872 removed to Odd Fellows Hall, over Hotel Warren, Inion square, where it remained until the completion, in 1891, of its present home in the Stone Building, which was specially arranged, under the supervision of the trustees of the lodge. From the time of its organization, Oasis Lodge has believed that the care of the sick was the fundamental principle of ( )dd Fellowship, and ever acting upon that principle it has gained a reputation second to none in this jurisdiction. Although the lodge has always been financially successful, yet its funds have been carefully reserved for their intended purpose — relief. It has e.xpended over .S3o,ooo for benefits, and has invested funds of about 510,000. The present membership is 321. and the sick benefits are 56 per week. Meetings are held on Tluirsday evenings at 8 v. m. PAIT. RFN'FRF l.( )1)(;F. Pali. Revkrk Lodck No. 184 was instituted at Winter Hill, on the 15th of March, 1878, with twenty-five charter m-mbers, the most of whom withdrew from Oasis Lodge .\o. 146. of Inion square. Andrew A. Lamont. Frank A. Noves. SOMER\-ILLE, PAST .LVD PRESEiVT. 393 The lodge was installed in the hall on Broadway, known at that time as Brazillian Hall, where it remained until the year 1885; the increasino- membership and the general dissatisfaction with the location made the de- mand for a new hall imperative, and under the leadership of Brother Luke W. Farmer the ( )dd Fellows Building Association was formed, and the present home of the lodge erected at the corner of Broadway and Marshall street. The first elective officers of the lodge were : Rufus Winn, Xoble Grand : Nathaniel B. Gilkey, Vice-Grand; Austin S. Fsty, recording secretary; Edwin R. Perham. permanent Secretary ; and J. Leland Norcross, treasurer. The treasurer has the honor of having served every term since the lodge was instituted. The growth of the lodge has been healthy and uniform, numbering at the present time 293 brothers, and its influence is not only felt in the com- munity in which it is located, but throughout the State, as the present Cirand Master, Austin S. Esty, is one of its charter members. Since its institution the lodge has lost by death four Past (irands, one Noble Grand and twenty-seven Scarlet members; and has paid in sick benefits and donations over eleven thousand dollars. The following named brothers have presided over the deliberations of the lodge since its institution. Past Grands : Rufus Winn, N. B. Gilkey, A. S. Esty, E. G. Woodward, P. 1). \\\irren, J. L. Hutchinson, J. B. Mayhew' J. B. Westcott, E. T. Mayhew, W. J. Emerson, C. H. Sanborn, F. W. Ring, W. H. Reals. J. H. Woodbury, W. A. Sanborn, J. E. A. Mulliken, I). W. Desmond, A. Cloutman, L. W. Parker, L. G. Powers, J. T. Butler, N. B. Dana, (». F. Hincks, G. S. Noyes. G. H. Harlow, E. W. Farmer, G. F. Sargent, W. L. Glough, F. E. Gheney, H. K. Potter. E. B. (handler! W. R. Maxwell, A. A. Lamont, j. A. Glark, I. E. Rich, ] ). G. Theall, S. La Bua, Jr. REBEKAH LODGES, I. O. O. F. IVALOO AND RAMONA LODGES. ISv Mrs. IIakru:t A. Rali'II. While closely allied to the Independent ( )rder of ( )dd l^'ellows, the Rebekah Lodge has its own legitimate work to perform. Its mission is to alleviate suffering, and the members go forth quiet and unassum- ing on their labor of love, not letting the left hand know what the right hand doeth, ever ready to respond to the call of a sister or brother in dis- tress. Founded on the immutable corner-stone of Friendship, Love and Truth, their work broadens out into ministrations of love's helpfulness, positive as- surance of heart-felt sympathy and a willingness to render any act of kind- 394 so.\n:R\njj:, past .\xd I'Ki-.si.xr. ness to lighten the many cares of life. I'inaneial assistance is not ,i;iven as charity in the sense in which we are wont to view tiie word, but in that grander, nobler spirit of loving our neighbors as ourselves, and the only recompense hoped for is the knowledge of suffering relieved and duty well done. While attending faithfully to the duties of visiting the sick and caring for tiie needy, the social feature is not lost sight of, and in visiting and en- tertaining sister lodges many pleasant hours are passed and strength gained for the work that lies before us. Somerville has three Rebekah Lody:es. I\.\L()') L()1)(;K. I'irst to enter the work in this city and among the earliest institutetl in the State was Ivaloo Lodge No. 7. The name was selected by llrother Daniel K. Chase, in compliment to his daughter. ( )rganized at Samaritan Hall, Inion square, January 2S, 1S70, with a charter membership of forty-six. the lodge increased in members until the roll numbered two hundred and thirty-seven ; various causes, principally the formation of other lodges, have reduced the membership, which at the present time is one hundred and seventy. For seventeen years the office of Xoble (.rand was tilled as follows: Thomas 15. Wilson, 1S70 and 1.S71 ; Irvin M. Bennett, 1.S72 and 1873: Thomas Nicker}-, 1S73 and i. Hayden, W'm. K. Sanderson, Geo. L. Smith, (ieo. W. Hean, ("has. 1). l-'.Uiot. Seymour W. Harding and Melville C. Park- hurst. On June 29, 1). D. (>. M. W . (luilford S. Reed and suite, of Cambridge, instituted the same with the following otlicers : P. M. \V., Thos. M. Durell ; M. \\\, Frank K. Fitts; foreman, Frank Jiaxter ; overseer, Geo. C". Ward : guide, Wm. R. Sanderson; recorder, Herbert A. Chapin: linancier, Her- bert W. Raymond; receiver. Wm. I). Hayden ; in. W.. Geo. L. Smith. From these thirteen petitioners has grown one of the most flourishing organizations in Lnion square, and its yearly anniversary exercises and other social features make it one of the most successful lodges of its kind. 1 )uring its thirteen years of existence it has initiated 220 members, and out of that number. 5 have died. 7 have withdrawn, and 15 have been sus- pended, leaving a membership at the i^resent time of 193. So few deaths and suspensions out of so many members in such a length of time is some- thing unusual in orders of this kind, and speaks well for the standard of its membership. The total amount paid out in death benefits is $16,500. The present officers are : P. M. W., Thos. Sharkey ; M. W., G. Leonard -McXieb; foreman, John I". Dardis : overseer. J. F. Rupert; recorder, Geo. 15. Pitcher: financier. S. Gardner Higgins; receiver, Wm. E. Whitney; guide. R. J. Good: in. W.. Thos. Roberts; out. W., Geo. Adams. KNICniTS OF HONOR. Mi'. r.FNFDTCr T,OI)GF.. Mr. l>K.\Kr)icr L()I)(;k, No. S72, KMCHrsui' Honor, was organized Jan- uary 30, 1S7S, John F. Cole being elected past dictator, and Dr. Horace P. Hemenway the first dictator; Abbott L. Knowles was elected financial re- porter, and Fdwin S. Conant treasurer, positions w-hich they have both held up to the present time. 404 SOMERMLLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 405 The lodge had the good fortune to secure as members many of the prominent citizens of East Somerville, and at one time numbered 125 members. The lodge has paid for the relief of sick and needy members nearly $1,000, and to the families of its deceased members $36,000. CAMERON LODGE, No. 1146. This lodge was instituted July 25, i.SyS, with a membership of 2,1 ^ which has been increased to 125. Owing to deaths and withdrawals, the present membership is 47. The deaths, which have been sixteen, have drawn from the order $32,000. The lodge at present has property and funds invested amounting to Si 5,000. Its meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month in Lenity Hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. ARCADIA LODGE, No. 113. Bv Elmer L. (_;laziek. On the evening of December 10, 1894, a company of gentlemen met in Columbian Hall, West Somerville, by invitation of Harvey S. Garcelon and Elmer L. Glazier, for the purpose of discussing the order of Knights of Pythias, with a view to forming a lodge in that part of the city, and a preliminary organization was formed, with Harvey S. Ciarcelon as chairman. From that meeting the work went rapidly on, until on the 30th day of January, 1895, Arcadia Lodge No. 113 was instituted with 61 charter mem- bers, and the following officers were elected and installed : Harvey S. Garcelon, chancellor commander; Frederick C. Gohring, vice-chancellor; James C. Howard, prelate ; Barnett T. Skelton, master of work ; Elmer L. Glazier, keeper of records and seal ; I )elavan C. Delano, master of hnance ; Frederick :\. P. Fiske, master of exchequer; Frederick 15. King, master of arms ; Homer C. \\'heeler, inner guard ; Theodore C. Ripley, outer guard; Harvey S. Garcelon and Alvin Phillips, representatives to the Grand Lodge ; and Dr. H. P. Makechnie, I. C. Earle and M. S. Andrews, trustees. Early in the year Frederick C. Gohring resigned as vice-chancellor, and Eugene B. Stoddard was elected in his place. The lodge meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock, and it has gained an enviable reputation for the good quality of its work. Of the charter members only eight were members of the order. Of these four were past chancellors. P. C. Elmer L. Glazier, the senior P. C. and senior knight as well, 406 SOMIlRl'JI.l.i:. J'.IST .WD PRESllXT. was initiated in November, 1S70. and became 1*. ('.. July i, \'^~i. Harvey S. Garcelon had been a member about fifteen years, and the others a less time. The present otirtcers are: Geo. i". I'ailey, ciiancellor commander: Ired- erick H. King, vice-chancellor; Homer C Wheeler, prelate; .Samuel N. Crosby, master of work: Klmer L. (Hazier, keeper of records and seal; |. Haines Maxwell, master of linance; George A. Merrill, master of ex- chequer; Ernest S. I-irth, master at arms: David G. Boyd, inner guard; John A. Magee, outer guard; Mathew S. Andrews. Harvey S. Garcelon, liarnett T. Skelton, trustees; Harvey S. Garcelon and Harnett T. Skelton. representatives of Grand Lodge. ROYAL ARCANUM. SC)MKk\ ILLK COL'NCIL. SoMKRViLLE Council X<». 6 was instituted November 2S, 1S7-. It is located in Union square, and its meetings are held in Society Hall, on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. The total number of members admitted since the date of institution is 212, of which 141 are in good standing on the rolls at the present time. There have been 16 deaths in this council since it was organized. The following are the present officers : Regent. Charles \V. Boyer ; \ice- Regent, l^eter P. Lawson ; Past Regent, John Millar; orator, W. K. Goss : secretary, K. W. Doyle; collector, Charles W. Silsbee; treasurer, J. (^. Twombley; chaplain, George B. Clarke; guide, John Hunter: warden, E. E. Jordan; sentry, A. A. Lewis. The trustees are: H. A. Chapin, H. W. Raymond and (ieorge A. Snow. ELM COUNCIL. Elm Council No. 36 was instituted December 5, 1877, with 34 mem- bers, and increased its membership to 2S1. The present membership is 206, owing to deaths and withdrawals. The deaths of 30 members have drawn from the order 588,500. It has at present property and money in- vested, 51,662.37. It has had one supreme regent and one representative to the supreme council from its ranks. It meets on the first and third Thursdays, and holds its meetings in I-'raternity Hall, this city. Capt. Harrison Aldrich. Capt. HnNRY W. Pitman. SOMl-lRllLLE, PAST AND PRESEXr. 409 SOMERVILLK LIGHT INFANTRY. r.v IIknkv W. rriMAX. On the third day of August, 1853, about seventy-five well-known resi- dents of Somerville met and formed the Somerville Light Infantry, and it was designated by the otificial title of ('o. A, Fourth Regiment of Light Infantry. George O. Erastow was elected commander, Isaac 1^'. Shepard first lieutenant, Francis Tufts second, R. 1!. Fitts third, and Henry \\ . Allen fourth lieutenants, j. Manley Glark was made first sergeant and clerk of the company. A constitution and by-laws were adopted, and judging by the tenor, no stronger pledges to loyalty, patriotism and duty could have been made. Franklin Hall, near L'nion square, was the first armory, and the corps soon assumed indications of being a truly live military organization. The membership list increased rapidly, the uniforms and arms were promptly secured, and the proficiency came with such celerity that a target shoot was entered upon November 9, three months after formation. Emery H. Mun- roe and the commander were adjudged the victors, but the private declined to accept the medal, and it was given to Francis H. Raymond, a volunteer of the occasion. On the 30th of March, 1854, the company, for the first time in uniform, attended the funeral of the last survivor of the Lexington Minutemen, Jonathan Harrington, and after the services had been rendered, marched to Somerville by e.xactly the same route as that passed over by the British troops on their retreat from Lexington in 1775. In June, 1854, Commander Brastow having been elected a major of the regiment, Second Lieutenant Francis Tufts was elected captain, J. Manley Clark first, Alvin (r. Lovejoy second, Gorham A. Leland third, and N. Everett Fitz fourth lieutenants respectively. It is needless to follow the company in its detailed history. It had its accessions to membership, its social occasions, its stated tours of duties, its parades for festive as well as funeral events, and a life not unlike many of similar organizations. From its inception the Somerville Light Infantry formed the nucleus of the social life of the town, and furnished great en- joyment to the people. Five members from among the prominent families contributed the usual fee towards the support of the command, and engaged in the festive occasions with avidity and pleasure. On the 29th of Jul}-, 1859, George O. Brastow was again elected to command the company, Capt. Tufts having resigned and taken position among the rank and file. He remained with the corps a long time, rendering good service to the com- mander and his associates. It is worthy of mention that on July 6, i860, Willard C. Kinsle)-, who afterwards rendered signal service during the war of the rebellion, and for whom the Grand Army Post in Somerville is named, became a member of the company. 4IO SOMERlII.I.i:, PAST .l.\7> /'A'PSJi.VT. There is no record of ihe association from I'ebruary. iS^i. for a long period, but it is well known that at the call of Gov. Andrew for the first three months' troops, the Somerville Light Infantry, as Co. I, Fifth Regi- ment, Mass. \'. .M.. Samuel ('. Lawrence, commanding, responded with a hundred of Somerville's best sons. The details of the war service of the company have devolved upon one who is more competent than any other person to compile and present them. Suffice to say that the Somerville Light Infantry furnished four companies, for the war, namely, for three months, a hundred days, nine months and three years. The companies were several times recruited, and each organ- ization returned home with its escutcheon unspotted and unstained. The commanders of the war companies were : Capt. W. K. Robinson. I]. 1"". Parker, John .\. Coflin and l-'rederic R. Kinsley, the latter being promoted to be major and lieutenant-colonel. After the war the company maintained its organization, recruiting from the young men of the town. The same local interest in the company which was manifest in the early days of peace was again awakened under the able commandership of Capt. (Granville \\. Daniels and Charles F. King. The former subsequently became a major, and the latter major and lieutenant- colonel of the Fifth Regiment. July 6, 1.S76, the companj' was disbanded by an order reducing the companies of the militia: but June 3, 1.SS6, permission was granted to form a new command as Co. M, F.ighth Infantry, with Harrison Aldrich, who had been a captain in a war company, as commander, Henry W. Pitman as first lieutenant, and S. Thomas Kirk as second lieutenant. The laws and regulations of the militia had changed materially in the eleven years intervening between the old and new companies. An examin- ing board determined the efiliciency of the commissioned officers. Skilled markmanship had become a matter of consideration, a stricter attention paid to discipline, more temperate demeanor in camp and other tours of duty, and penalties were more severely indicted. A soldier of i.ssr> meant more, and has been meaning more for the past ten years, but it is a matter of pride to chronicle the fact that the Somer\ille Light Infantry has kept pace with the best companies in the militia. To this day the command is most creditable, the people continue to take an interest in it. and everything bids fair for a history whicii will long continue enshrouded witii honor and ability. Since the reorganization the corjjs has won medals, trophies, etc., and the several prize drills, target shoots and reunions have e\inced degrees never before attained by the early organizations. This is no reflection on the latter, but the requirements of the military department of the State are greater and more exacting. On the 4th of March, 1SS9, the company visited Washingloii under the command of Capt. Pitman, and was part of the grand pageant at the in- auguration of President Harrison. Many associate members accompanied it, and were emphatic in their praise of the corps during this tour of duty. Capt. Horace M. Parsons. 412 S0MKR17/. /./■:. /'.IS/ .i.\7> /7^/:s/:x/: TIk' commanders since the reorganization have been : 1 larrison Aidricli, Henry \\'. Pitman. S. Thomas Kirk and Horace M. Parsons, the latter being now in command, and he is entitled to great credit for his attention to the company's interests. Capt. Parsons was recently elected a major of the Eighth Infantry, but declined the honor. Tlie lieutenants at present are: Herbert W. W'hittcn and (George L. Marshall. In connection with the history of the Somerville Light Infantry the following interesting extracts from a letter from Capt. Brastow to John K. Hall, which speak in the warmest terms of the liberality and patriotism of the people of Somerville in the civil war, can find an appropriate place. W'ashini; ION, 1). C, May 13. iSAi. Mv DEAR 1)R()THEK JoHX K. While a West Point lieutenant is drilling ni)- company, as he does not want us officers around. I will devote a few minutes in hastily writing you a few lines. I assure you we all duly appreciate the gallant civilit\ of oiu' good townsmen in turning out in so large numbers under your command on the day of our march from good old Somerville. Xo town has more liberally and more heartily come right up to the aid and encouragement of her soldiers than our town I We all feel it sensibly and tenderly, and we must be recreant to every feeling of gratitude and of patiotism if we do not feel the ///// 7. Kelly [was elected; Mrs. Lydia A. (ireely was treasurer, and on the executive committee were Mrs. Amanda C. lUanchard, Mrs. .Mice M. Hill, Mrs. Achsa-M. Mills, Mrs. Addie K. Davlin and Mrs. 'i'heresa S. King. 'J'his was a memorable year for the Club, as it undertook careful and important literary work, established a fund for a home for women in Som- erville. was incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts and joined the State federation of Women's Clubs. The charter members were : Mrs. Mary E. King, Mrs. Harriet .\. Cham- berlin, Mrs. Clara P. Haven, Mrs. Lydia A. Shaw, Mrs. .\chsa M. Mills, Mrs. I'annie B. Kelly, Mrs. Harriet T. Wilder, Mrs. Hattie J. Teele, Mrs. Theresa S. King, Mrs. Addie R. Davlin, .Mrs. H;innah S. Longfellow, Mrs. Emma E. P)acon, Mrs. Isadore P. Merrill, Mrs. Lydia \. Greely, Mrs. Adrianna \'. Cloyse, Mrs. Amanda C. Blanchard, Mrs. Alice L Bill, Mrs. Maria E. Hill, Mrs. Helen McCully. 'Phe present year found the I )aughters of Maine in a most prosperous condition, and while the social element is not lost sight of, the Club is be- coming known as a literary one. The officers for the year are : president, Mrs. Clara P. Haven ; vice-presidents, Mrs. Lydia A. Shaw, Mrs. Hannah S. Longfellow, Mrs. Emma E. Bacon ; recording secretaries, Mrs. Dora R. Houghton, resigned in March, Mrs. Rebecca S. Waldron ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Isadore P. Merrill ; executive committee, Mrs. Hattie J. 420 SDM/'.h'i //././■:, /'.IS'/' .i.\'/> /'/:/:s/:.v/\ Teele, Mrs. Alice S. Waterhouse, Mrs. Achsa M. Mills. Mrs. Mary K. King. Mrs. Adrianna\'. C'loyse. Mrs. Carrie V. Clark, Mrs. lidelia A. Trait, Mrs. Elizabeth G. Ciishing. Each season a dinner is given to the Sons of Maine, and there is also an annuaKdinner and reception for Club members, at which the ladies prove themselves very clever as after-dinner speakers. There is also an outing in the early summer, which has become quite a feature in the history of the Club. Through able management, wise judgment, and combined unity of ac- tion and interest, the Daughters of Maine are doing an important work m our city. Tin: IIKTTOREAN CLL B. Bv Mks. Bakhaka Gaii'IN. " Why does not Somerville have a woman's club ? " was the question pro- pounded in the " Somerville journal '" in its issue of November 17, 1S94, and in less than one week that which was to become one of the strongest and best clubs in Massachusetts was organized. 'I'he matter of a woman's club had been discussed many times, and this article in the "Journal " brought the matter to definite action. By invitation of Mrs. Edward Glines, the women who were interested in the project met at her residence. Friday, November 24, 1S94, to discuss the feasibility of such an organization. Among those present were : Mrs. C. A. West, Mrs. E. H. Foote, Mrs. I. A. W'hitcomb, ISIrs. C. F. Simes, Mrs. E. T. Bartlett. Mrs. E. G. Woodward. Mrs. L. R. Wentworth, Mrs. A. C. Aldrich. Mrs. J. E. W hitaker. Mrs. H. W. Gleason, Mrs. M. I ). irazar. Mrs. W. M. (ileason, Mrs. F. C. Ayer. Mrs. A. F. Follett. Mrs. W . H. lirine. Mrs. Barbara (ialpin, .Mrs. S. Z. Bowman, Mrs. W. T. Hinckley, Mrs. W. J. Willard and Mrs. Robert Luce. A discussion of the subject showed it to be the unanimous opinion that a club which should unite the interests of the women of the city for mutual improvement would be of great benefit to them, as well as to the city, and it was at once formed. The officers chosen for the first year's work were: president, Mrs. C. A. West: vice-presidents, Mrs. E. T. I'.art- lett and Mrs. E. H. Foote; corresponding secretary, Mrs. F. H. Raymond: recording secretary, Mrs. E. G. Woodward : treasurer, .Mrs. P.arbara (ialpin ; auditor, Mrs. H. (;. Minot : directors, Mrs. W . 11. Brine, Mrs. S. Z. Bowman, Mrs. E. J. Peasley, Mrs. J. H. Butler, Mrs. C. S. Lincoln, Mrs. 15. !•". Wild, Mrs. E. S. Tead ; chairmen of committees : Miss H. |. Sanborn, literature : Mrs. G. L. Ba.xter, science: Mrs. J. E. Sylvester, art: Mrs. E. H. Capen, political economy : Mrs. Sanford Hanscom, music; Mrs. M. D. Frazar. cur- rent events ; Mrs. I. .\. Whitcomb, hospitality. At the next meeting it was decided to limit the Club membership to two hundred, but later on it was extended to three hundred, and in November, 1896, it was again extended, and the Club now has three hundred and fifty active members, nine non-resident members, and one honorary member — Mrs. Martha Perry Lowe — and a waiting list of one hundred and sixty. Mrs. Barbara Galpin. Mrs. Anna D. West. SOMEIU'ILLK, PAST AXD PRESENT. 423 The object of the Club is to bring together women from all parts of the city for mutual improvement and sociability, and to become an organized centre for united thought and action. The Heptorean Club was incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts. January 15, 1S95, and joined the State Federation of Women's Clubs the same year. During the first year of the existence of the Club lectures were given by Prof. K. Charlton Black, Prof. G. Stanley Hall, Henry Sandham, William Lloyd Garrison, I'rof. Louis C. Elson, the late Kate Field and others of eciual note, and classes in literature, botany and current events were held, -Miss Lucia True Ames and Prof. Katherine Lee Pates conducting the lit- erature classes, Miss Frances Prince that in botany, and Mrs. Barbara Gal- pin that in current events. At the end of the first year the ofticers were unanimously re-elected, it being a recognized fact that when a new club is launched upon the waters of public approval, master hands are required to keep it from running on the shoals of adverse criticism, of quiet scorn, or of open ridicule. During the year 1895-1896 a great advance was made in the work of the Club, due in a great measure to the eft'orts of the president, Mrs. A. D. West, a woman of wise judgment, superior executive ability and delicate tact. Under her leadership, assisted by efiicient ofiicers, an enviable repu- tation was made. Prof. T. H. Bartlett, Mrs. Florence Howe-Hall, Prof. John Fiske, Attor- ney-General Hosea M. Knowlton, Prof. L. C. Elson, Miss Heloise Hersey, Prof. Henry Southwick and other celebrated speakers addressed the Club at the regular literary meetings, while the red-letter occasion of the year was the first gentlemen's night, held February 20, 1896. At the reception which followed the entertainment the guests were received by the officers of the Club, assisted by Mayor A. A. Perry. This was the finest social event ever held in Somerville, and was attended by the representative people of the city. At the close of the Chib year in May, 1S96, the ofticers elected were as follows: president, Mrs. A. I). West; vice-presidents. Mrs. J. H. Butler and Mrs. PI H. Capen ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. H. Trowbridge: re- cording secretary, Mrs. E. G. Woodward ; treasurer, Mrs. Barbara (ialpin ; auditor, Mrs. M. 1). Frazar : directors, Mrs. G. E. Dustin, Mrs. Edward Glines, Mrs. F. M. Howes, Mrs. S. C. Alford, Mrs. J. S. Hayes, Mrs. E. S. Brooks, Mrs. C. P. Lincoln ; chairmen of committees: Miss Sarah W. Fox, literature; Mrs. J. E. Sylvester, art; Mrs. Sanford Hanscom, music; Mrs. G. L. Baxter, science; Mrs. G. 1". Knight, current events; Mrs. Y. H. Ray- mond, political economy ; and Mrs. 1. A. Whitcomb, hospitality. 'Phe Heptorean Club has proved an important factor in helping to unify Somerville, bringing its dift'erent scattered sections together into closer and more friendly relations, and, with the exception of the hospital, there is nothing which so unites the best elements of Somerville life as this institution. .^ *v ^ Helen J. Sanborn. SOMKRl'ILLE, PAST .LVD PRESENT. 425 THE HILLSIDE CLUB. Bv Helen J. Sam'.drn. The literary society that enters upon the fifteenth year of its existence with as great a measure of prosperity and promise as has ever characterized it, since the days of its first enthusiasm, has not only proved its right to be, but has also demonstrated that it contains some germs of perpetuity and some standing in the community of which it forms a part. The Hillside has seen many a club organize, flourish for a time, and then pass away, while it pursues its work with its form and purpose unchanged, and with many of its original members still acti\e. In this day of multiplied organizations it is pertinent to ask, "What is the well-spring of the life of such a club ? '" Simply individual effort, the most natural and rational source from which the greatest benefit is to be derived in any walk in life. The members of the Hillside Club do their own work. They write the papers themselves: and, while much profit and pleasure is doubtless to be derived from listening to lectures by able professionals, far more knowledge and enjoyment comes from the investigation of a subject for one's self, and the presentation of it, in written or spoken form, toothers. lust this opportunity is given in the Hillside Club, and the member who thinks it the greatest task, and who enters upon it the most reluctantly, never fails, after it is done, to say, " I am glad I did it. It was good for me." An evidence that this is the vital principle of the Club is shown by the fact that those who fall voluntarily out of the ranks are generally from the list of associate members, who, by the payment of a little larger fee, are exempt from service. In some cases these are among the most valued members, for appreciative listeners and faithful attendants at the meetings are most desirable in any organization, yet they do not sustain the literary work, and, as a rule, it is the active and not the associate member that remains longest in the society. It is noticeable, too, that the periods of temporary eclipse from which the Club has occasionally sufi^ered have oc- curred when it has departed from its first principles, or has introduced elements foreign to their nature. The Hillside has never been the exponent of a single church, although its members and officers have been mainly from the Winter Hill Congrega- tional Church. The first meeting for organization was held in the chapel, corner of Broadway and Sycamore street, October 10, 1SS2, when a number of residents of Winter Hill came together to form a society for literary and social purposes. Of that meeting, John S. Hayes, who is the real founder of the Club, acted as chairman, and Henry C. Baldwin as secretary. Two weeks later the permanent organization was effected, and the following list of officers chosen for the first year : president, Joseph M. Thompson ; vice- president. Miss Emma S. Keyes ; secretary, Erank E. Dickerman ; assistant secretary. Miss Emily G. Colman ; treasurer, Frank E. Davis; executive SOMERllLLE. PAST AXD PRESENT. 427 committee, Joseph M. Thompson, Rev. Chas. L. Noyes, John S. Hayes, Mrs. W'illard, .S. Farrar, Miss Emma S. Keyes. Since the first year the following persons have filled the oftice of president : John S. Hayes (three years at different periods), John Herbert, Edwin A. Stone, William E. I'ulsifer (two years), Samuel C. Darling, Ed- ward S. Townsend, Helen J. Sanborn (now serving the third year). Rev. ('has. L. Noyes, pastor of the Winter Hill Congregational Church, has served upon the executive committee from the beginning, and to his wise judgment and fertile suggestions the Club is very largely indebted for any measure of success that it has attained. The constituency of the Club is the same as that of a large family in which there is not only a difference in age and sex, but also a wide differ- ence in tastes, in natural gifts and attainments. There are mature and immature minds ; the scholarly man and the ''sweet girl graduate '" ; there are those who can produce papers that would grace any society of " literati," and those who, with fear and trembling, can but read that which another has written. Some of the best literary work from the pen of the present mayor of Somerville has been prepared especially for the Hillside, of which he has long been a member. Some find in it their only opportunit} for the investigation of a new subject, and the writing of an original paper. ( )thers make use of their musical talent, for music often serves as an illus- tration, and always gives an added pleasure to the program. An oppor- tunity for social converse is a part of each evening's plan. A private house as the meeting-place adds an air of refinement and the charm of hospitality, and an "outing" in May tends to promote friendly feeling and good-fel- lowship. To prepare a program that shall be profitable to all, and achieve the greatest good to the greatest number, is the difficult problem that meets the executive committee each year. \'ariety there must be. and unity is so de- sirable that a course, when it can be determined upon, is thought by the present directors, at least, to be most beneficial. One of the most popular seasons of the Club was enjoyed under the presidency of Dr. H. H. Riper, when historical novels were the subject. The countries of the Mediter- ranean proved a very profitable theme three years ago, and this year the study of ''our countr}' " will embrace literature, art, science, history, current events and political economy. Whenever outside talent is called in, it is always of the highest order, and it is likely that an ''open meeting," once during the season, with a lecture or a reading, like that of last year, when Prof. J. J. Hayes, of Har- vard University, gave a delightful rendering of a Midsummer Night's Dream, will be made a feature of the Club. The Somerville "Journal," in announcing the program for 1X94-5. called the Hillside "one of the important educational factors in our city." 'I'he Club itself makes no claims to distinction, but pursues its work without ostentation. The only material evidence of its public spirit to which it can point is the tablets that mark the historic spots of Somerville, placed there 42 8 SOMF.Rl/I.IE, r.lST AXP I RllSI-.Xr. as the result of a petition from its members. The Club's importance and its value lie not in the results it achieves, but in the fact that, while it falls far short of its ideals, it aims for that which is refining, elevatintj, edu- cational and pro^ijressive, and exists '* For Mutual (iood and Mutual Need." WEUCUWIT C'Ll'I'.. 1!V J. l-'i)STl.K t'l.AKK. The Webcowit Club was organized December 5, 1.S.S5, at the call of Lester L. Cole, who, with thirty others, were charter members of the organi- zation. Their meetings were held in a hall on the corner of Broadway and Franklin street, and in December, 1886, they moved into their present club- house at 56 Mount X'ernon street. The object of the Club is the promotion of social intercourse, and the encouragement of kindly feeling and good-fellowship among its members. The officers are : a president, a vice-president, a treasurer, a secretary and five directors, who together constitute the executive committee. These officers are elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the Club, and hold office until others are chosen, and who accept office in their stead. The annual meeting of the Club is held on the first Thursday in Decem- ber, and the regular monthly meetings occur in the evening of the first Thursday of each month. The club-house is open from eight o'clock a. m. until twelve o'clock 1'. M., and the executive committee may, by vote, extend the privileges of the club-house to any stranger within such limitations as they shall think proper. Members who invite gentlemen to the club-house are rec|uired to enter their names in a visitor's book kept for that purpose, with his own name and date of introduction. The club-house ma\- be opened to ladies accompanied by members of the Club at the pleasure of the executive com- mittee. The Webcowit ( "lub has enrolled as members many of the prominent citizens of East .Somerville, among whom may be named Dr. H. P. Hemen- way, Ex-Mayor Charles G. Fope, Horace Haskins, John Haskell Hutler, Charles H. Buswell, John \V. Chatman. William Taylor, Charles Williams. Ir.. lohn F. Cole, Elijah C. Clark. Amasa K. Southworth, Ceorge W. Per- kins, Ex-Mayor Mark F. Burns. Lucius Tuttle. and others. |. Foster Clark was its first president, and he was re-elected in i8Sf. and in iSSS to 1892 inclusive. Mark F. Burns was president in 1887, Robert 11. kiddell in i8.;3 and 1894. and Elijah C. Clark was elected president in 1.S95 and 189O. Charles M. Hemenway was the first secretary, and Charles H. Buswell treasurer. The title Webcowit was adopted at the suggestion of L. L. Clole. The members have entertained their ladies and friends many times, and though the Club is prevented from exceeding its limit of membership (one hundred) by its restricted locality, it has always commanded the respect of the entire community. Elijah C. Clark. J. Foster Clark. Fred Preston. Hdwin N. Simon ds. SOMERIJIJ.E, J'. 1ST .1X1) /'A'/;.s7iXT. 433 WINTER HILL CLUB. BV JiiHN 1''. Kl.NNAKH. This is one of the purely social organizations which abound in Somer- ville, and is at the present time in a fiourishing condition. It was organ- ized in the winter of 1SS4-5 by thirty or more of the prominent citizens of Winter Hill, who were " desirous of forming a club for the purpose of bring- ing its members into more friendly and social intercourse with each other, not only in business, but in all matters relating to each other's welfare." The meeting was held in Brazillian Hall on Broadway, was called to order by Mr. Charles H. Sanborn, and Mr. j. K. Whitaker was elected temporary chairman, and Mr. C H. Sanborn secretary. Mr. Whitaker then announced the object of the meeting, and subsecjuently the following officers were elected for the year iS,S5: Selwin Z. Bowman, president; Charles H. Sanborn, vice-president : ]. V. Kennard, secretary and treasurer ; C. H. Sanborn, J. E. Whitaker, H. F. Woods. 1). C. Stillson and J. H. W'oodbury. directors. It was voted that the organization shall be known as the Winter Hill Club, and that it shall be located in the building then being erected by the Odd Fellows' Building Association, at the corner of Broadway and Marshall street. Since its organization the Club has kept on in the even tenor of its way, making its headquarters in Odd Fellows' Building, and holding its regular meetings on the first Saturday of each month. The following is a list of its officers for the year 1896: Fred. Preston, president ; E. N. Simonds, vice- president; J. F. Kennard, secretary and treasurer; D. C. Theall, M. C. Wildes, C. Everett Clark, F. A. Woodbury and Byron Fames, directors. CHARITABLE AND OTHER SOCIETIES. ];V MAUV A. IIALEV. THE CHARIT\' CLUB. Ix the year 1S76 the Somerville Relief Bureau was formed, and it met every week in the hall of the Police Building on Bow street. The members furnished materials for sewing, cut out garments, and taught the applicants how to make them, paying for their labor in money or in clothing. This Bureau was afterwards associated with the Charity Club. The Charity Club was organized in i.S;;, and legally incorporated the following year. The first meeting was held at the house of Mrs. M.T. Hol- lander, Boston street ; Mr. Henry F. Woods was chosen president. \'arious means were used to raise money, the most notable of which were a Dickens Carnival and a great fair. The fair was held in December, 1S7S, and was Mahy a. Hali:v SOMERVILLE, J'AST AND PRESENT. 43:; one of the most brilliant occasions of the period. U'he fair was opened by Mayor Bruce, who was followed by Selwyn Z. Bowman and other speakers There was an orchestral concert each evening. Each day a brilliant com- pany gathered there from all parts of the city. A paper was published in connection with it which contains literary gems well worthy of preservation 'J'his fair secured for the Charity Club, in addition to money from its pre- paratory entertainments, a sum of not less than two thousand eight hundred dollars. The purpose of the Club as set forth in its charter was " The relief of worthy objects of charity, and social improvement, by the distribution of money, food, fuel and clothing among indigent people." The charter was signed by Louis P. Hollander, }. Frank Wellington Charles S. Lincoln, Rufus B. Stickney, Henry H. Barber, John Ha^skell Butler, George A. Bruce, and many others. Charles S. Lincoln was the first president under the charter. Nineteen directors were also chosen. The city was divided into districts, each director was appointed over a district and had a resident committee under him, who were responsible to him for the expenditure of money. The meetings were held every month at the different residences in the city, and after the business was transacted, an agreeable entertainment was provided, and sometimes a lecturer was invited from Boston to speak on "Charities." Besides the regular meetings, a series of entertainments was given for several winters : social parties, a mock trial, and dramatic enter- tainments, at which substantial sums of money were secured. The dis- l)ursements up to 1883, amounted to nearly four thousand dollars. The history of the Charity Club is a very important one in the annals of the city. It differed from other organizations, from the fact that it drew Its members from all parts of the city, and thus an agreeable social harmony was brought about, so desirable in such a scattered community. In 1883, the funds of the Club had become somewhat exhausted; the condition of the country had improved ; and there was less demand on the part of the poor for assistance. The officers of the Relief Bureau resigned with the intention of changing the basis of their work, and interest in the Club declined. The Club existed for some years longer, but shared the fate of other organizations in the gradual decrease of attendance at its meetings, and finally it ceased to meet. At present it holds some funds which it uses at its discretion. THE CONVERSATION CLUB. In 1868 a very pleasant club was started on Spring Hill. It met weekly at the houses of the members on .Spring Hill and on Winter Hill. The time was mainly devoted to the discussion of current topics, literature and symbolism. Its members included the representative people on both hills, such as the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. S. Foster Damon,' 43'"> soM/:h'i7/./j:. /'.IS/- .i.v/) /'/:/iS/:.v/\ Mr. and Mrs. Georj;c \\ . 1 )urell, Mr. ami Mrs. j. Frank Jjrown, .Mr. and -Mrs. JohnG. Hall, and many others. The death of one of tlie members in 1S74 was so sudden and so i;reat an atlliction. that no nieetini;" of the Club was ever held afterwards. riiK soMKKXii.i.K Lrn:R.\K\ ASSOCIAIK >.\. In is()j an association tor mutual pleasure and profit was formed in Kast Somerville. In anticipation of its far-reachinj;" effects, and the y^ood that mi_i;ht revert to the members, it was called the " Boomerang." As the ("lub increased in size, and had representatives in all parts of the city, a more conservative name seemed necessary, and it was called '• The Somer- ville Literary Association.' The meetings were held twice a month, and at each meetinga committee was appointed to prepare a program for subsequent meetings. The pro- gram was always interesting, consisting of music, witticisms, the dis- cussion of new books, and a paper on some important topic of the day. There was never a dull moment. The years work was concluded with a dinner in Boston, and a theatrical performance in which the members were the actors. The president for many years was Thomas I. 1 )elano, Jr. .Among the members were .Mr. .\rthur .\. Smith. Miss Alice Cole,]. T. .Meader, George S. Littlefield, James L.Tyler. Jr., Dr. (ierry. the .Misses Mary E. Davis, Martha Ireland, S. Fannie (ierry, Julia Warden and Helen M. Fdgerly. Death and removals from the city gradually diminished its membership, and those who remained did not care to continue the Club by the addition of new members, and in 1S75 it ceased to e.xist. THF Sl'FFRAGE LEAGUK. When the Legislature granted the right of voting for the School Com- mittee to women, .Mrs. Maria Theresa Hollander and Mrs. Martha Perry Lowe organized the •' Woman's F'>ducational I'nion ; "' Mrs. Lowe was its first and only president, Mrs. .Martha B. Pitman was the vice-president, and .Miss Mary A. Haley the secretary. Its membership numbered more than si.xty ladies. The chief object of the Club w-as to advance the cause of woman, and assist her in securing the position, as physician, preacher, lawyer, and school officer, for which, by training, natural ability and moral character, she was best fitted. The members were expected to visit the schools in their districts, in order to become familiar with their management, and thus be able to \()te intelligently for the members of the School Committee. It had a prosperous existence for many years, the meetings were held monthly, and such speakers as Arthur (iilman of Cambridge, Mrs. Julia K. Anagnos, and Dr. Mary Salford, were invited to lecture. .A few years ago it joined the State Suffrage I,eague, and the words Siiffra}:;e Lca^i^iw formed a part of its name. At present Mrs. M. P. Lowe is the honorary president. Mrs. Sarah D. Field, acting president, and Mrs. S. A. Davenport, secretary. so.}[i-:r]'ille. iwst .ixn i'resknt. 4-^; The Municipal Club is an outgrowth of this, and is especially engaged .n securing the registration of women, in order that they may vote for Scirool Committees. Subjects of current interest relating to art, literature, and the household are discussed. Mrs. Afaria F. Hill is the president. THE SOCIKT\' OF ST. AINCFNT I)F PAUL. The Society of St. \incent de I'aul was founded in l-'aris, in May, 1S33. ]]ranches of it soon spread over Europe, and at length reached this'coun- try. It is composed of a council of directors, consisting of a spiritual director, president, vice-presidents and treasurer. It is divided into general conferences in and around Boston, of which there are thirtv-four, that are organized in the same way, and hold their meetings in the basement of the Roman Catholic churches or in the parsonages. The great power of this society consists in the fact that it calls into service the laymen of the Roman Catholic Church, although the bishops and priests are their constant advisers, and give them sympathy and encour- agement in the work. Resides their general works of charity, they have a special department in Boston for the protection of children, of which Mr. Richard Keefe of this city was the agent. His principal business is to find homes for abandoned infants and neglected children, to rescue young girls from evil lives, and to give friendly assistance to boys brought for the first time before the courts. ^I'he office is at Room 36, Charity Building, ( hardon street, Boston. In one year he and his assistant report that they ha\e made 4,000 visits, placed in homes 65,^ children, and had 159 boys, who were before the courts in Boston, placed on probation. Mr. Keefe was the originator of this branch in Somerville about twenty years ago, and it is called '' St. Joseph's Conference of St. Vincent de Paul." This conference has a membership or working force, composed of twenty- three men who meet once a week through the year. The twentj'-three members of the older organization are obliged to visit poor families once each week. They report to an investigating committee of three persons, always composed of the same members, anv case of desti- tution which they discover, and this committee then reports back to the con- ference if the applicants are worthy. The conference then attends to the family. It does not pay any rents, nor give much money directlv, but fur- nishes groceries and fuel by giving the poor orders upon the difterent dealers in the city. Besides ministering to the physical wants of the destitute, the confer- ence endeavors to induce the people to attend to their religious duties, and often clothes the children in order that they may go to Sunda3-school. It IS composed of men of moderate means, who are conscientious and ready to give their time to the work. But at each meeting they are expected to make a secret contribution of money, small or large, for the poor ; and it is a note- worthy fact that the amount raised by these members secretly last year was greater than that contributed by any other conference in the diocese. 43 s so.]//:at//./j:, /'.is/' .i.y/> /•/:/■ s/:x/'. 'I"he value of these conferences, however, is not estimated l)y the amount of money raised, but by the faithfulness of the members in attending; the ineetinjjs and makinjr their weekly visits. Outside of these working mem- bers is a list of subscribing members, among those men who are more wealthy, and who make a liberal annual donation, although they have not time to attend to the work. .Some money is raised by collections in the church, but the svstem of obtaining funds by entertainments has been abandoned, as it developed some features which made it seem objectionable to their spiritual advisers. The conference of late years pays more attention to the special work which we' have already recorded as being done in Boston, that is. the care of abandoned and neglected children, and boys arrested for a first offense. The society makes no distinctions in race, creed or color. rill. i.iri'i.K .SLSTKKS oi' riiK rooR. This institution has existed in Scmerville about two years. It is a branch of the great society of the same name founded in Europe, and gradu- ally extending to this country. The building faces on Highland avenue, and receives aged people of both se.xes without respect to their religious opinions or any requirement of money. The home is governed by a mother superior and sisters, who collect their funds from door to door in the city, and are also assisted by donations and legacies from time to time. About fifty persons can be accommodated in the building. Religious services are held every day, but Protestants are not obliged to go to mass. The dining room is large and comfortable, and the pleasant ample grounds will be further improved when the necessary funds are obtained for it. The inmates are allowed to see their friends on Sunday, and the sisters are happy on that day to receive any visitors who are inclined to call upon them and see the working of the institution. THE FRll.Xni.N' HELPERS of Till', POOR. Many members of the charity club became convinced that the practice of giving money was attended with dangers to the self-respect of the poor, and after the dissolution of the labor bureau, which required a good deal of capital for the purchase of cloth for its work, the above organization was formed. It consisted of about a dozen young ladies who met once a week, on Thursdays, at the overseer's room in the Police Building, to receive poor women who wished opportunities to do washing and house-cleaning, and to confer with gentlemen and ladies who desire such help, thus bring- ing about a wdiolesome unity of action between employer and employed. Besides giving work to these women, the Eriendly Helpers collected clothing for the children, and in cases of sickness they visited the families, with alleviation for the sufferers. REMINISCENCES OF SOMERVILLE. BY MARTHA I'KRKV L()WK. I uwF. been asked to give some reminiscences of the early clays of Somerville. My memory only goes back to the year i ft , '"^{^^^^ were often walking Sundays, and 5K|a£^ "^^^^^ wild violets and jacks-in-the-pulpit Y''^># and many other flowers grew there. ■^ ""\. The place is now almost entirely ^ ,- built over, but some of the pro- prietors have had the good taste to save the tall trees in their neigh- , borhood from the hand of the con- V'i?**', ^1^ tractor and builder. I ought also to have mentioned the old jaques place, leading from liroadway to- wards the brick-yards. J'he house was large, in the colonial style, and uu,. ,u.,.,t:c ,-^,.L- full of old memories, redolent of co- KhV . (.HAkLh.S LOW fc. ■ lonial hospitality. .\ short walk from there were seen the okl convent grounds and buildings rudely destroyed by ruffians in one of those freaks of religious fanaticism worthy of the days of St. Hartholomew. 'I'his ha]Dpened some years before 1 came to Somerville. but it was a sad pleasure to walk among those deserted grounds with relics of cultivation and beauty around, which reminded us of the deserted mon- astery grounds of i'ort Koyal in I'rance. One of the most attractive old houses was that of ( )liver iufts, on Sycamore street, which had been in that family for generations. It was a pleasure to see him there with his gentle invalid wife, who kept up the nice old-fashioned housekeeping. \\'e bought our hay of him, and always invited him to come into the house. .\lthough he often wore his long blue farmer's frock, he had the manners of a gentleman : usinir the most elerackett family in Chestnut court. The father, mother and children were all devoted to intellectual and philanthropic pursuits. The parents are not livinj;', but the son and dauLjhters. althouj:;^h no longer in .Sonier\ ille. are among the first educators in the countr}-. Major Brastcnv was a striking personality, always hospitable, ready to oblige a friend, one who loved to joke about his experiences in the war, and tell how he ''gradu- ated at l)ull Run." Mr. Samuel T. Frost was a genial neighbor, often seen working in his garden, which was a little compensation to him for the loss of the old gable-roofed colonial house and est.ite not far off, owned by his father, and often the headquarters of Washington in this vicinity. Father Durell's pleasant face was often seen on the street. Dr. Luther \'. licll. o{ the asylum, lost his life from exposure as an army surgeon. He was much esteemed, as was also his assistant. Dr. liooth, who married Miss Tufts, now .Mrs. 15. F. Allen. He was a man of genius and of cheerful re- ligious philosophy, so said Dr. Howditch ; and the story is told of him, that when he was at the point of death, his mother said to him : " My son, have you made your peace with God.' ' ■' Mother," he answered, " I never had any quarrel with («od.'' Many pleasant reminiscences I might also record of Lebbeus Stet- son, clerk of the court for many years: John (I. Hall, well known for his business integrity and wide intelligence : Major Allen, an early and promi- nent figure on the streets of Spring Hill : and Charles K. (Oilman, town and city clerk for many years. .Among women of note were Mrs. .Sarah .Munro, prominent in all good works, Mrs. Columbus Tyler, the Mary who '• had a little lamb," a mother in Israel. Mrs. .Maria Theresa Hollander, a lady of extraordinary executive ability and progressive thought, and Mrs. C. .\. Skinner, remarkable for the vigor of her mind, her devout faith, and her efforts for the cause of woman at Tufts College. Mrs. F. M. Everett, too early called away, was a valuable ofiicer of the W. C. T. I'., and also a superior worker in the religious train- ing of the young. Many fine school-teachers have retired here from their labors, whose names we would be glad to mention if our space permitted. Several persons of eminence have lived here for short intervals: D. .\. W'asson, philosopher and poet, G. Stanley Hall, educator, and others; but we have already exceeded our limits, and must leave the past of Somerville, with good hopes for its future. There are doubtless many esteemed families of the old days which i have not mentioned, for the reason that in conse- quence of the people of the town being scattered they did not come under my observation, but these deficiencies will. I trust, be iiuuleup by other con- tributors to this volume. HOME CIRCLE. IJY GEORGE E VINCEX 1'. \VASHIN(;T0N COUXCIL, No. <;. ( )F the four councils of the Home Circle in Somerville, Washington No. 9 is the oldest. It was instituted in Pythian Hall, Union square, on the evening of February 21, iSSo, by the supreme leader, Henry Damon, and had thirty-two charter members. Stillman H. Libby was the first leader, and under his administration the council was auspiciously established, and it has continued prosperous to the present time. The Home Circle, as is well known, is a fraternal beneficiary order, and while its beneficial feature is the more prominent, yet the spirit of fraternity and good-fellowship is active among its members, and a fruitful source of pleasure and profit. The manifestation of this fraternal spirit is not limited, by Washington Council, within its own membership or the membership of the order, but is extended in works of charity as opportunity offers. The ladies of the council have organized a sewing circle, which meets at the homes of its members, the gentlemen being entertained at supper and by games of cards in the evening. Many of the products of this society are supplied to families in need, while others are disposed of by sale, and the proceeds applied as the society may deem advisable ; the Somerville Hospital and the Day Nursery being among those that have been remem- bered. The council participated in both of the hospital fairs, the receipts from the tables being augmented by donation from the council funds. Sociability has been promoted by excursions, and by card-parties and entertainments in connection with the meetings of the council. A very suc- cessful series of dancmg parties, extending through several winters, has also been conducted. While the object of these parties has been simply to provide a pleasant evening for the members of the council, their children and friends, yet the financial result has been the accumulation of a sub- stantial sum, which has been invested by the trustees. It may also be said, in passing, that the council is in easy financial circumstances. Washington Council has lost, by death, five of its members, the benefi- ciaries of whom were promptly paid the full amounts of their benefit certi- ficates, which ranged from one thousand to five thousand dollars. The council has continued as tenants of the Knights of Pythias since its institution; but in the fall of 1S95 the hall which that order had oc- cupied in l^nion square was taken for business purposes, and the old ( )dd Fellows Hall, at No. 45 Union square, over Hotel Warren, was leased by the Knights, and became Pythian Hall ; Washington Council meeting there- in for the first time December 12, 1895. The apartments are among the most spacious and convenient society rooms to be found in the State. The meetings of the council are held on the second and fourth Thurs- 443 444 somi:r\'ii.i.i:. r.isr .\xn i'Ri:si:.\r. day evenings of v\<-r\ inr.iuli at eight o'clock, and all nicnibcis of the order are welcome. It is hardl\ necessary to present* the merits of fraternal beneficiary orders, it is well known that they place within the reach of all a moderate amount of life insurance at cost ; enabling people of limited income to make ]>rovision for dependent relatives. The Home Circle is among the younger of these orders, but it ranks with the best, is progressive, and pays all obliga- tions promptly. llAkMOW (Ol NCII,. No. 43. Wcdnesda}' evening. March S. iS,S2. thirty-four ladies and gentlemen of \\ inter 1 1 ill. having petitioned the supreme council of the Home Circle for a ciiarter, met at Fraternity Hall, and organized a council of the Home Circle, the supreme leader. Julius M. Swain, now supreme secretary of the order, occupying the chair. Messrs. 15. P. Lovejoy, Edwin Taylor and J- F. Kennard presented the name of Harmony Council, Xo. 43. which was accepted. 'J'he following officers were elected and installed: leader, 1!. 1'. Love- joy; vice-leader, Mrs. M. .\. Kennard; instructor, Mrs. A. S. 1 arrar ; past leader. Fred 1'. Orcutt; secretary, C. H. Colgate; financier, C. W. (iulliver; treasurer. |. 1'. Kennard; guide, S. M. Craig; warden, Mrs. E. S. Lovejoy: sentinel. C. K. Simpson: trustees, F. L. \\'alker, Edwin Taylor, A. P. (iriffin. Harmony Council has met now for several }ears, on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, in the beautiful lodge-rooms of ( )dd Fel- lows Hall. The council is in a prosperous condition, with 1 13 members and reserve funds in the bank. It has paid out in death benefits over thirty thousand dollars. The officers in charge for 1S96 are as follows : leader. Mrs. Annie L. Elliott: vice-leader, Mrs. Amelia A. Davis: instructor, Mrs. ]\L Ella Durell ; past leader, Mrs. John L. Potter; secretary, Miss Abbie F. Gage; financier, Mrs. Mary R. Hamlet; treasurer, F^. Edward Mansfield; guide, Ernest S. lirth; warden, Mrs. Emma G. Smith; sentinel, John L. Potter; trustees, J. A. Durell. l',. (\. Davis. J. !■. Kennard. S()M1-,K\ ILLF col XCIL. Xo. 103. This council was instituted July 7, 18S6, at the residence of Hon. J. Flaskell Putler, on Pearl street. Thirty-three members were present, and they organized by electing Fkrbert E. Merrill, leader : and Dr. Sanford Flanscom. past leader. (Quarters were secured in Arcanum Ilall, on the corner of Proadway and Franklin street, and its meetings are still held there. It has been ver\ successful, both as regards increase in membership, which has reached 226 and is the largest of any council in the order in this State, and in fraternal feeling, no differences of any nature having arisen among its members. The leaders have been as follows : H. E. Merrill, Mrs. Mary E. Dustin, Mrs. Martha I!. Clark, J. Foster Clark, A. li. l.ibby, C. 1', IJattelle, E. \V. Southworth. ' I. Cnderhill, and Mrs. P. P. Liscomb. the present leader. LOYAL ORANGE LNSTITUTION. BY F. (). I. TARBOX. W. M. Ml'. HORKB LODGE, No. n;. This lodge was founded in Cambridgeport, April lo, iSyi.with a mem- bership composed chierty of residents of Arlington and Somerville. it was located in Cambridge, with the expectation that a large membership would soon be obtained in that city, but the anticipations were not realized, and the lodge struggled on until November 21, 1S74, when it was removed to Arlington. It remained in that town nearly thirteen years, when it was moved to Somerville, and located in J'emplar Hall, on Summer street. ( )n November 30, iScji, it changed its quarters to Pythian Hall, L'uion square, and when that hall was transferred to Hotel Warren, the lodge was again moved to Pythian Hall, where it is now located. I'homas Pratt of Arlington was the hrst W. M., and following him have been eighteen others in the same office, among whom were a number of our prominent citizens. Mt. Horeb is the parent of three other lodges, and it still holds a large and increasing membership ; in fact, the increase durmg the past year has been phenomenal, and the indications are that there will be but slight cessa- tion for admission for some time to come. Every person to be eligible to membership in the Orange Institution of the Tnited States must be a firm believer in the Holy Bible and an American citizen, and those who have been members are expected to always recognize that bond of universal brotherhood and the tenets of the order : Justice, truth and righteousness to all God's creatures, to help the weak and infirm, to care for the sick and dying, and to maintain the liberties of the people and the freedom of our institutions even unto death. Mt. Horeb Lodge meets on the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month. Its officers for the current year are : K. O. J. Tarbox, W. M. ; C. 1). Lowery, I). M. : Rev. Win. H. Lannin, chaplain; Samuel D. Bond, 1). of C. ; W'm. Taylor, recording secretary ; Thomas Henderson, financial secretary; Samuel L. Morrison, treasurer; Herbert Bennett, in-tiler; W'm. Hamilton, out-tiler. There are many other associations and clubs in Somerville in addition to those already treated of, the most important of which are the W'onoha- quaham Tribe No. 69, I. O. of Red Men, Knights of Columbus, several lodges of Knights of Honor, lodges of N. E. Order of Protection, Order of the Eastern Star, several temperance organizations, United Order of Pilgrim h'athers, etc., and it is much to be regretted that their histories have not been received for publication in this work. 445 BANKS OF SOMKRVILLE. By J. U. Il.Whl.N. CI I A IT KR XXV. Till. l)anks of Sonierville are a source of pride to her citizens. I'hey are all young institutions it is true, but they rank with the best in the State and enjoy a first-class reputation for shrewd management and careful in- vestments. For several years the savings bank and two co-operative banks supplied the wants of the community to a certain e.xtent, but from time to time the advisability of organizing a national bank was discussed. With few manufacturing establishments located within her borders, and surrounded by cities having old and prosperous national banks, it was thought that a similar institution in this city would have a precarious e.vist- ence at the best, but .a spirit 'of enterprise finally prevailed, and in August. iS<;2, the Somerville National P.ank opened its doors. Its usefulness was demonstrated in a very few weeks, and by conserva- tive management it has made for itself a good record. It started with a capital of 5100,000, and after the first year paid to its stockholders 6 per cent per annum on their investment, and has accumu- lated a surplus fund, which at the present time amounts to $16,000. Mr. Quincy .\. \inal was the first president, and it was largely owing to his able efforts in conducting the bank affairs, and to his marked business tiualifications. that the institution gained a tnni footing early in its career. Mr. \'inal retired in January, 1.S94. The management of the bank is now in the hands of the following gen- tlemen : |. (). Hayden, president: John A. CJale, vice-president: James I'. P.eard, cashier: Allen F. Carpenter, Simon C-onnor, .\. Marcellus Kidder. James F. Hathaw;iy, David I). Lord, Walter ( ". Mentzer, Frederick W. Parker, .\lbion .\. i'erry, Ceorge O. Proctor. Nathan H. Read, I'Vederic W. Stone. J. I- rank Wellington, L. Roger Wentworth, directors. The banking rooms are centrally located at No. 5S Cnion square. Stone building. The Somerville Savings liank was incorporated i''el)ruary 24, 1.SS5, and opened for business on the 15th of .\pril the same year. Its first president was Oren S. Knapp, Fsq.. who held the olfice until his death in November. i.Sijo, and gave much of his time to a watchful care of its interests. lie was succeeded by .\lbion A. I'erry, who has since held the position, ably admin- istering the trust confided in iiiiii. 446 Philip Eberle. Silas Harvey Holland. J. Warren Bailey Oliver H. Perry SL\\n-:R]-/r.LE^ past and presext. 451 The bank has enjoyed continuous prosperity and a constant -rowth of busmess. Two weeks after the organization of the bank the total assets amounted to 56.259.25. A year later they amounted to $38,974.48. At the present time they amount to 56, 1,000. The present number of depositors IS 3200. The management of the bank is vested in a board of trustees composed as follows: president, Albion A. Perry; vice-presidents, Silas H. Holland, J. Walter Sanborn; clerk and treasurer, Frederic W. Stone; Geon-e l' lia.xter, Charles A. Cushman, Philip Eberle, Horace P. Makechnie, ["wal- ter Sanborn, Josiah Q. Bennett, S. Newton Cutler. [. O. Hayden, Marshall H. Locke, William A'eazie. The banking rooms are at No. si l-'nion square, Stone building. The Somerville Co-operative Bank was' chartered May 4. iSSo, and is to-day one of the foremost institutions of its kind in the State.' The last re- port of its aftairs to the Sa\ings Bank Commissioners showed the assets to be 5565,263.55. Thirty-three series of shares have been issued, and the earnings have averaged 6 per cent. The number of shareholders, < )ctober 19, 1S96, was 1,31s. The officers of the bank are as follows : president. [. JM'ank Wellino-ton • ^■lce-presldent, (ieorge \\\ Snow; secretary and treasurer, Franklm ] Hamblin; directors, Marshall H. Locke, Benjamin F. Thompson, James F Beard, Charles S. Butters, Charles Mills, Cutler C. Crowell, Fred'c. Ayer Nathan H. Reed, Ezra F). Souther, Samuel 'W Richards, George A. Kim- ball, Herbert \\. Raymond, Miah G. Kenny, William S. Miller, Belvin T Wilhston ; auditors, Horace M. Parsons, Howard B. Chase, Otis H Cur- rier; attorney, Herbert A. Chapin. 'Fhe banking rooms are at 59 L^nion square, Stone building. The West Somerville Co-operative Bank was chartered November -9 1.S90, and during the six years it has been in operation it has accumulated assets of $157,450, and has never paid less than 6 per cent dividend to its shareholders. Thirteen series of shares have been issued. The officers of the bank are as follows: president, J. Warren Bailey: vice-president W C Mentzer ; secretary and treasurer, (). H. Perry ; directors. A J Stevens F. F. Stockwell, L. E. Merry, F. F. Phillips, C. L. Stevens, C. A G Win' ther, S. F. Woodbridge, W. A. Muzzey, I). E. Robbins, I F Terry E D Lacount, W. A. Snow, E. S. Sparrow, R. S. Wright, G. "w. Bryant- attor- ney, I). C. Delano. The banking rooms are at 3 Studio building, Davis square, West Som- erville. INDUSTRIES OF SOMKRX'ILM^. C-IIAITI-K XXVI. SoMKKVii.i.K is pre-cinincnUy a rcsidenlial city. Its near proximity to Boston, its unrivalled means of access by steam railroads and electric lines of street railway, its charming diversity of beautiful hills and rolling plateaus, and its generally good sanitary conditions have rendered it a favorite abiding-place, and as a " city of homes " it ranks among the high- est in the Commonwealth. it is, however, not alone as a sleeping-place for i'.oston's thousands of busv workers that Somerville is distinguished, for it has within its borders industries of such considerable importance that it stands tifth in the list of the manufacturing cities of the State. These industries are diversified, and they cover almost every line of work, and some of them are of very great magnitude and financial standing. Among these, and leading the others in importance, is the immense establishment of the NOKTII I'ACKIXC. AND TROXISION CO. The business was established in 1.S33. l)ut the company was not incor- porated until January 2, 1S90. 'Ihe business at this packing-house consists of "' the slaughtering of hogs, rendering, curing, packing, jobbing and exporting the product of the same, together with the packing of beef and the general distribution of fresh and cured meats to all markets of the world." The packing-house occupies thirteen acres of land, and the substantial brick buildings are equipped with the latest and most approved machinery for conducting the business in an economic and systematic manner. The main and connecting buildings are six hundred and fifty feet long by one hundred and fifty feet wide, and five to nine stories high. In the main building on the Medford-street side are situated the packing-house ofiices of the company : these offices are spacious, airy and convenient, and accommodate a large working force, which consists of superintendent, pay- masters, bookkeepers, entry and receiving clerks, auditors, and shipping and time clerks. The other buildings consist of engine, boiler, electrical and ice-machinery plant, one hundred and ten feet long by one hundred feet wide, three stories high, with chimney one hundred and seventy-six feet high : blacksmith, wheelwright, and general repair shop, seventy feet long, fifty feet wide, three stories high : stable, one hundred and thirty-five feet long, eighty feel wide, three stories high : the wholesale and retail 45- Charles A. Cushman. MEA'.'/LLE. -V/> PRESENT. reet " - - - -- -t are over ~ tkjiZoa. a.: a^ ^Qc riil iCG ■water traaspor" _T= ■■-■=5^ 3Xa e2.r _:^r ^' - .----VcCaHS 2. iirg'C . ed to the »harre> m At" ^r tic OQc h:nicrec cars at a tune m its rartis- - — - ihe bass o€ tbe rr - - -^rii>g operatio-s Tt^ it: ti>e ^Vest ■ . ive stock. ar>d each fcior beii^ cocstrocted of brki and cesneni. Titii troc;^;iis T± with a captaciiT of storing and oess are i in the m-^s: crderiy aixi cleaniy iiLirmer naagtnabje. ryeai .u-iTc :3 exercised in tbe seiectioa c€ iP'Tni!'^ bj eipextencec ; ^t : -^ir.ess c^ the cc^npanj aiijo;in3 to c>ver sir.io-.icc :l' - - - — -- - , — - -.j5 being sli^igitered and tijcir products _-. :-- - 3t the vcrrlc. ""tie pstJdng-boQse dpmards of nrel - . "-5- Tbe c^Scers of tbe ctKnpanv are : G. t. ?'»ift- Pres. : E_ C 5"»TfL Treas. j-r: ?. Henrr >kirtc«i, .\sst. Manager; Cbaries .\- <,'T2>b- SOMERV/LLE. PAST AXD FRESEXT. 4=5 THE FRESH P( "XD ICE COMPAXV. Another important indusn^- in this city is that of the Fresh Pond Ice CompanT. The business done by this concern is immense, the freight bills paid by the company being among the hea^-iest of all that are paid to the Fitchburg Railroad. The ice is obtained at Lake Muscatanapus in Brook- line. X. H.. where the company has a plant of great magnitude, the immense ice-houses, which are eleven in number, having a storage capacit}- of upwards of -D.30C tons. The ice is remarkably free from impurities, being considered by experts the best that is offered in this vicinit\-. and so careful is the com- panv to maintain this purity that it has bought and now controls the entire shore of the lake, thus preventing every possible danger of pollution. I p- wards of two hundred and fifty men are employed in har\-e5ting the crop, and onlv the latest and most approved tools and machiner}- are used. The ice is brought from the storage houses in Brookline in special re- frigerator cars by the Fitchburg Railroad to the extensive sheds belonging to the company, located between Washington street and the railroad, where it is loaded on the ice-wagons and distributed to consumers. Thirr\--six of these great wagons and eighty horses, the best that can be procured, are owned by the company, and from lift\- to seventy-five men are employed in the daily distribution of the ice. The officers of the company are : Josiah Q. Bennett, president ; 1". S. Hittinger. superintendent : and E. A. Davenport, treasurer. THE SPRAGUE AXD HATHAWAY COMPAXY. The -Sprag-ae and Hathaway Portrait Copying House in West Somer- %-ille is an important industrial establishment, one whose products probably reach ever\" comer of the ci\'ilized world. The business of this company was established in 18-4. by J. F. Hatha- way and W, D. Sprague, under the firm name of .Sprague and Hathaway. The busmess was originally established in a small way at the comer of Beach street and Harrison avenue, Boston. Cheap rents and better light were the inducements offered them to remove to West .Somerville. which at that time could hardly be called even a thriving settlement. After two years Mr. W. D. .Sprague. on account of failing health, was obliged to retire from the busmess. and for many years it was under the sole control of Mr. J- F. Hathaway, the president of the present corpora- tion. Originally located in the wooden building at the comer of Holland and Wallace streets, they outgrew the capacity of their quarters, and in 1 8S7 erected- at a cost of fortj- thousand dollars, the handsome studio building at the comer of Da}^ street and Daris square. In ii>9o the business had further increased to such an extent that it was decided to form a stock company, and in .September of that year the Sprague and Hathaway Company was incorporated with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. Another and larger brick and granite building was erected at the comer of Day and Herbert streets, and was thoroughly equipped with ever}- modern improvement. o u u Q z O ID SOMERIILLE, PAST AXD PRESICXT. 457 THE UNION GLASS COMPANY. Another of the important industries of Somerville is that of the I'nion Cihiss Company, whose works are situated on Webster avenue near L^nion square. This business was founded originally in 1S54 by Mr. Emery Houghton. It was only fairly successful, and in 1S64 Mr. Houghton sold the property to the present company, which was nicorporated in that year under the title of the Union Cxlass Company. The first year's business was not very good, and new capital had to be put into the enterprise. It was not until 1870 that the company entered upon an era of prosper- ity, one which lasted for about fifteen years. The gentlemen then con- nected with the institution were men of great commercial sagacity, and at that time the competition of the West was only in its infancy, New England still retaining prestige in glass-making. The principal articles of manufac- ture were pressed work, chimneys, gas globes, lamps and chemical ware. Ky degrees the utility of the company was enhanced by the addition of a cutting department, and by its putting upon the market the largest line of artistic vases ever produced in America. By dint of perseverance it solved the long concealed secret of the \'enetian art of decorating glass with gold worked into the metal, not applied as paint upon the exterior, and vases of the most delicate workmanship, fully equal to European articles, are now manufactured in these works. From its glass-cutting department issues choice cut glass that is dis- played in the windows of IJoston's largest glass stores. Many of the best establishments in the principal states of the Union are supplied in part from this factory. In 1862 Mr. John Haines brought to the factory the art of silvering glass, and the Union Glass Company manufactures and exports the greatest number of silvered glass refiectors of any concern in the United States. This is the only remaining glass factory in the vicinity of Pjoston, and despite the changes which through force of cheaper producing material have driven the once fiourishing industries away from the East in the past few years, the Union Company has persistently held its own against a great competition, by the principle of manufacturing only the very best quality of glass. In its various departments the company gives employment to about two hundred people, and as many of these reside in Somerville, the factory re- mains a large contributor to the prosperity of its native town. The ofticers of the corporation at the present time are : Mr. Julian de Cordova, president; Mr. Lewis Hall, president Lechmere Bank, treasurer ; directors : Mr. J.C. Bullard, president East Cambridge National Bank; Mr. Herbert Nash, of Boston ; and Mr. W. S. Blake. Melrose. z < a. o U S0MKR17IJ.E, /'.IS'/- .L\/) /Vy'/u\7iX/'. 459 DKRin- DESK CO.MFAW. On januaiy 1. iSSi, (ieor,i;e H. ])erl)\ and Frederick M. Kilmer formed a partnership for the purpose of manufacturing office furniture, chieHy roll- top desks, beginning in the upper stories of a small building on lieverly street, they were soon obliged to enlarge their store premises and manufac- turing facilities. Moving their store to 55 C'harlestown street, they hired a factor}- in Cambridge. These cjuarters were soon outgrown, and they very shortly enlarged their store by the addition of two buildings, taking the rent of the entire block of three buildings at 55 Charlestown street. The next move was to look about lioston and vicinity for a site for a new factory. After careful examination of the different locations they settled upon the lot at the corner of Vernon and Central streets in this city, and purchasing a strip at the back end of the lot of Warren I'ollard, the\' erected a hve-story wooden building. In a few years the growth of their lousiness required additional space, and they then erected the large two-story brick building, which comprises a large part of their present plant. After about eight gears' use this, too, soon became somewhat crowded, and believing, in January, 1.S95, that business was about to revive generally over the country, they began the erection of the present large seven-stor\' brick building on \'ernon street, which, with its ec[uipments, has but recently been completed. This desk and office-furniture manufacturing plant is now believed to be the largest and best equipped factory where office furniture solely is made in the country, and perhaps in the world. About three years ago the Pond Desk Company went out of business, sold their effects to the Derby & Kilmer Desk Company, and shortly the company's name was changed to Derby, Kilmer & Pond Desk Conipan}-. Last year another desk company known as the Somerville Desk Compan}', but located with their factory in Cambridge, and salesroom in Boston, went out of business, they also selling their stock to the Derby, Kilmer .S: I'ond Desk Company. In Ji-ily, 1895, the company's name was changed to Derby Desk Com- pany. This company enjoys a reputation the world o\er for fine standard desks and office furniture. Its present officers are : George H. Derby, presi- dent ; Frederick M. Kilmer, treasurer and secretary; and Edward F. Pond, Lreneral manager. 4^0 SOMI'.Ri/l.l.i:. J'. 1ST IX/) /'/v/:S/-X/: I'.KICKM AKINC, At one time a consideral)le portion of the town of Somerville was oc- cupied by brick-\ ards. and among tiiose who operated them we find the names of some of tlie most respected men of tlie town, as for instance: lienj. I'arker. Wm. Jaques. Gardner Ring, Albert Kenneson. Mark and lienj. Fisk, Kinsley IJros., Benj. Hadley, David Washburn, C hauncey Holt, Samuel Littlefield, John and Joseph 1'. Sanborn. Kdmund Cutter and many others, nearly twenty in all. l>ut times have changed with the increase in population, and to-day the only brick-making plant in Somerville is the one operated by Wm. A. Sanborn, whose father and uncle were brick-makers before him. From the days when the farmers' sons of New Hampshire and Maine came to Massachusetts to earn the money that their farms did not supply, and made the labor of brick-making respected by their sturdy honesty of character, through the transition period of labor by a foreign population, the business of brick-making has been so improved that it has l:)ccome al- most a science. Twenty years ago but little machinery was used, and a much longer time was required for the same output than is to-day needed, with the help of machinery at almost every stage of the process. This brick business, the only existing one in .Somerville, was estab- lished by Joseph P. Sanborn about 1S4';. .\t his death, in 1S74, his son Wm. .V. Sanborn continued the business near .Nft. Benedict, on Mystic avenue, and then, in company with J. W. Hatch, in 1S76, he removed to Ten Hills, where he has since continued, Mr. Hatch retiring from the business in 1S91. Since that year the output from this yard has been nearly two million bricks per annum, but clay having become scarce and land more valuable, Mr. Sanborn has been compelled to establish a branch \ard in New Hamp- shire, the output fvom which has been et|ual to that of the Somerville yard for the past year. Somerville bricks are known as among the best in the eastern market, and. about three years ago, .Mr. Sanborn wishing to mark a certain grade of his product, stamped the bricks with the letter S ; this stamp has become well known in surrounding cities as well as Somerville, and is recognized as a guarantee for a superior grade of bricks. .Mr. Sanborn is now filling a contract calling for five hundred thousand bricks for the outside of the spacious hotel being built at the corner of lioylston and 'Fremont streets, Boston. He also furnished the outside brick for the new 'Fremont Muilding in Boston and for the (llines schoolhouse in Somer\ille. William A. Sanborn. 4^2 SOMIlRlll.l.i:. /'.IS/- .I.V/> /'A7;.S7;.\V. Nil MIDDLESEX lU.EACH. 1)\E AND I'klNI WORKS. I his establishment, located on Sonierx ille avenue, was incorporated in 1S21. A short historical sketch is given of it on page 7S of this volume. THE AMERICAN 15RASS 11 Jll-. WORKS Is another of the long established manufacturing concerns of the city, it having begun operations in 1S54. Its product of seamless brass tubes is well known to mechanics, and its output is ver\' large. CARPET CLEAMXCr. ETC. Probably the largest carpet-cleaning establishment in New F".ngland is that of (i. I". 1 1 urn & Co., on JJroadway. East Somerville. Not only is this tirm possessed of the largest plant, in point of lloor-space, size of wheel and all the accessories that go to make up such an establishment, but it is gen- erally conceded. Hurn iv Co. do by far the largest business in this line of any establishment in New England. Last spring l)rought to the firm a decided increase in facilities, a new 1 5-horsepo\ver engine having been put in to supplement the huge new- boiler which was put in place last fall. Carpet cleaning, however, is not all that this tirm does. The repairing of furniture, making over of mattresses and renovating of feather beds are specialties, and the workmanship is of the very best quality. There are many other important manufacturing establishments in Som- erville, some of which are of considerable magnitude. The principal of these are the cooperage works of the S. Armstrong Company, the W illiams Table and Lumber Company, works of the L H. Brown Moulding Company, carriage manufacturing establishments of Erank W. Leavitt and William T. Henderson, distillery of Daniel E. Chase C/i O :z rr; m z O r- > z D g r a z < z O H ■y-> CQ z" H < 'in a z < o CO MISCELLANEOUS. CHAPTER XXVII. l]()SniN AND JNIAINE RAILROAD. STREET RAILWAYS OK SOMERVILLE. — THE ".SoMKKVILLE Journal." — The "Somermlle Citizen." — Westvvood Road and its Residences. BOSTON \: MAINE RAILROAD. The city of Somerville, without the Boston \: Maine Railroad, bisecting it and Unking it with the great world without, is simply an unimaginable community. The mile posts between this city and Boston, where the great transportation system has its principal terminus, are not many, but even were that avenue of steam communication, alone, cut off, the effect upon the growth and welfare of the smaller city would be simply revolutionary. Few of the nearly eight hundred stations on the line of the Boston \: Maine bear such an intimate relation to the system, physically and finan- cially, as do those that lie within the limits of Somerville. They are no fewer than eight in number, and this fact of itself speaks eloquently of the extent of the territory covered by the city and the density of its population. As might naturally be expected of a wide-awake administration, the present management of the railroad has always been willing to meet the people of Somerville more than half way in respect to train and station ac- commodations, and it can safely be stated that the service now rendered the traveling public by the Boston & Maine is fully commensurate with the relationship their patronage bears to the passenger-traffic receipts of the company. Three of the road's important divisions — the Eastern, Western and Southern — traverse the city in whole or in part, the Southern Division per- forming the heaviest service, trains on the other two divisions stopping at East Somerville only. At the latter station as many as ninety-one trains stop each week day, going to and coming from Boston, and these, with the numerous freight trains that pass and repass in a never-ending procession, make this part of Somerville one of the most important railroad centers in the country. In addition to this enormous through and local passenger and freight business, the railroad company is now engaged in creating a new and ex- tensive auxiliary freight terminus on the grounds formerly occupied by the McLean Asylum, its business having expanded to such immense propor- tions that the Boston terminals have become sorely taxed. It may thus be said that the Boston & Maine Railroad has practically annexed Somerville to 465 466 soMERi'Ji.i.i:. I'.isT Axn I Ri:si:xi\ the city of lloston, despile the declaration of its citizens against that proj- ect, as expressed in recent popular votes. The immense strides which Somerville has taken in population during the past decade is told in the comparative showing of train statistics, as well as in the census figures themselves. Taking the years iSc/) and issr) as a basis for comparison, it is found that the average number of trains stopping at the different Somerville stations is much larger to-day than ten years ago. The l^rospect liill (formerly Milk Row i and \\ inter Hill stations show the highest percentage of increase, and illustrate how popular these places have lately become as residential sections. In iSS6 a total of thirty-two week-davand nineteen Sunday trains stopped at Prospect Hill. To-day the number is eighty-two on week days and thirty-six on Sundays, a total in- crease over iS86 of fifty week-day and seventeen Sunday trains. In iSS6 lifty-nine week-day trains and 23 Sunday trains stopped at Winter Hill. To- day the number is ninety-three week-day and forty Sunday trains. ifc\v*'-^fe 1 Ki^'i^p^i ^^jitf r '-frr^K ^* ^^jft ,- - flj /\ ^ j PVl^iiiRv^ PTF ^^Cj 31 '^i^^^i 1 m f::^^^:^ m WINTER HILL STATION. BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD. As a possil)ly interesting contribution to this part of Somerville's his- tory, covering, as it does, a most significant ten-year period in its municipal existence, the following table, showing the train statistics for the time in cjuestion, and compiled by the passenger department of the ISoston \- Maine, is given : — 46S a7'.i//;a'/ •//././:", j:isT .i.v/i /•a'/:s/:.v/\ 1896. 1886. From Hoston. Week Sun- days, days. To Boston Total From and to. From 1 tost on. Week Sun- days, days. To Total Boston. from and to. Week Sun- days. ^days. Week Sun- days, days Week Sun- Week Sun- days, days. days, days Kast Somerville (,W. Div.) (E. Div.) I'rospect Hill Winter Hill Somerville Junction . . . 40 20 37 '4 41 IS 47 2' 40 '7 26 7 29 7 21 10 SI 24 32 '5 41 iS 46 19 39 '7 20 7 25 7 22 II 91 44 hg 2t) S2 3'. 93 4" 79 34 46 14 54 '4 43 2' 36 '5 32 s 22 10 21) 12 37 '■ 55 '6 ! y 3< 47 10 1 79 iS 23 9 32 19 30 II 59 23 3^> '3 73 24 Somerville Highlands . . West Somerville .... North Somerville .... 27 4 18 7 24 4 S' S 17 8 35 IS In the period mentioned several of the old stations of the road have been replaced by new and modern ones, the most expensive and attractive of which are those at Winter Hill and Prospect Hill. To the tremendous tjrowth of the Boston \- Maine system itself in the ten years in question it is scarcely necessary to refer at len<^th ht-rc. The increase in mileage, tiattic and income, partly from natural growth and partly because of consolidations with or purchase of connecting roads, is almost startling. The Boston .Sc Maine to-day has a total operated mileage of upwards of 1,900 miles, carries 35,000,000 passengers and 257,000,000 tons of freight annually, earns a gross income of 521,000,000. from which 6,290 shareholders draw dividends, owns 665 locomotives, and 1,201 passenger and I 2,3X4 freight cars, and has a total capital stock and funded debt of .S43, 500,000. o c m %i 2 m m O H •XI n n > m z D CD no > X < SOMERIVLLE, /'.IST .LV/> PRESENT. 471 STREET RAILWAVS IN .S()MER\-ILLE. The first instance in Xew England of the transportation of passengers m a railway car by horse power was the operation of a track formerly be- longmg to the Fitchburg Raih-oad, between Harvard square, Cambridge, and Union square, Somerville. A small horse-railroad had been built previously in New York City in 1842, which was the first street railway in the world, rhe second street railway was the Cambridge Road, between Harvard square, Cambridge, and Bowdoin square, Boston, and the first car on that road was run in March, 1856. I'he running of cars on the Fitchburg track before mentioned had been discontinued prior to that time. In 1S54 the Middlesex Railroad Company was chartered, with authority to build tracks in Somerville, but did not do so. Consequently, in 1857, the Somerville Horse Railroad was formed for that purpose, and its incorpora- tors were George ( ). Brastow, Samuel A. Snow and Isaac F. Shepard. The first track built under this charter ran from l^nion square to the Charles- town line, and was leased to the Middlesex Road. In 1863 the Legislature authorized the Somerville Road to extend its tracks to West Somerville and through Bridge street to Cambridge street. East Cambridge, and these last-named tracks were leased to the Cambridge Road. The Middlesex Road meanwhile had extended its lines through the Winter Hill district to Medford ; and about 1880 the Charles River Railway built a track beginning at Summer street, Somerville, and extending through Cambridgeport into Boston, and also a track on lieacon stree't extending to North avenue, Cambridge. This was the total of the street railway tracks operated in Somerville in 1887 (aggregating about six and one-half miles) at the time of the West End Street Railway consolidation, and all were operated by horse-power. All this in the year 1896 is greatly changed. The amount of track operated in Somerville is more than doubled, and the following statistics will give some indication of the development of the street railway business in that city. In 1888 twenty-eight different lines started in Somerville, and four lines passed through portions of the city. The average length of the round trip was 9.015 miles. The total number of car luiles run was i,927,./,8, and the number of passengers carried was 12,944,494. In the year 1S96 the number of lines starting from Somerville was thirty-seven, and the lines passing through Somerville, six. The average length of the round trip was increased to nearly eleven miles, an increase of i7>4^ per cent. The car miles run were 2,798,239 — an increase of 41 per cent, — and the number of passengers carried was 20,890,798. The in- creased accommodation for passengers in car space was much greater than is shown above, since all the lines in Somerville are now electric lines, and the electric car is 50 per cent larger than the horse car. The mileage and number of passengers above given include the whole trip, large parts of which are in Boston or other places, and there is no wa}- of determining how much is strictly Somerville business ; but the fig- 47 J SOMEA'l //././■:. /'.IST .I.V/> /'AV-VAA'y. iiies given will show approximately the ratio of increase, 'i'he figures of ten years ago. before the consolidation, cannot be obtained : but it is safe to say that the business has doubled within the last ten years, and accom- modations have much more than doubled. The fares on the different lines, notwithstanding the great distances traveled (which are about three miles per round trip greater than the average on the roadi, are tive cents, and in addition there are free-transfer privileges as follows : — In (harlestown, Somerville passengers can be transferred without charge to Everett. Maiden and Medford. At Dudley street, in Roxbury. free transfers can be had to .Milton, i'ranklin I'ark, Dorchester. Forest Hills or South Boston ; and Somerville passengers crossing C'raigie or West lioston bridges can there obtain free transfers to all connecting cars run- ning into Boston : and by means of an eight-cent check Somerville people can be carried by two rides to any of the suburbs to which the cars of the West End Street Railway run. Thus Somerville has perha]:)S the best street railway facilities of any suburb of Boston, and to this fact is largely to be attributed the phenomenal increase of that city in population and importance. I'he company's real estate in Somerville is taxed for S249.,Soo. The three principal car stations will accommodate two hundred and forty-two large electric cars; and pic- tures accompanying this sketch show one of the car-houses and the style of car now in use. SOMERVILLE JOURNAL BUILDING. J. O. H.\VD1:N. S0MER17LLE, J'. 1ST AXJ) PKESENT. 475 " S( JMERVILLE JOTRXAL/' Of all the strictly local papers of the country, the " Somerville Journal" stands among the first, — in the quantity and quality of the news which it prints, in its editorial tone, in the neatness of its appearance, and in its financial standing. Through constant efforts to please its readers, and to keep abreast or ahead of the times, the "Journal" has won its wa}- to wide popularity. Its familiar heading, with the old Powder House in the center, is known to all the inhabitants. The first issue of the paper appeared December -. and has for several years been comfort- ably domiciled in the pretentious Citizen Jiuilding in (Jilman square, which is almost exactly in the center of the city. A. M. Dridgman was its original manager, and has since been succeeded by Erank H. Hardison, Edgar Perry and \\'illiam E. Brigham, at present its able head, who took charge in December, 1S94. The Citizen Publishing Company, composed of men of the highest character and standing, owned the paper until June, i8c;6,when greatly increased business made a reorganization advisable, and the Somer- ville Citizen Company, m which several of the old stockholders remained and many new ones entered, bought the property and materially augmented the plant. The " Citizen '" now has one of the finest printing offices in the State, from which are issued the "Somerville Citizen," a weekly paper which easily stands in the front rank in the matter of make-up, several smaller periodicals and a general line of job work of the best class. The office is equipped with four efficient presses and all other machinery and material necessary to the carrying on of a modern printing business. As a newspaper, whether considered editorially or as a purveyor of news, the "Citizen" stands high, as is proven by its general circulation among the leading families of the city. It is conducted with a single eye to the best interests of the city of Somerville, and it is outspoken upon matters of public concern. Cnder its comparatively new management its business and its popularity have grown steadily, and its influence, always consider- able, has increased to the point of actual power. Improvements in plant, staff and service are continually being made, and it is the confident opinion of its numerous friends that the " Citizen " is destined within a very short time to become one of the exceptional newspaper successes of the State. The "Citizen Building" so called was built in the summer of 1S90, by the present owners, Messrs. J. E. A. Mulliken and Geo. H. Moore. The triangular piece of land on which it stands was owned by a wealthy resident of Medford, and no one supposed it could be bought at any price. The original plan of the owners was for only a story and half building to cover about one half of the land, but as soon as it was made known tha't a building was to be erected, the applications for tenancy came so fast that instead of the smaller building the present structure was erected. At the request of the Citizen PubHshing Company, which had engaged quarters in the building, it was named the "Citizen Building." 4So somi:r\'/lli:, past A\n rRi.siixr. WES'I'WOOl) KOAD AND I'I'S RKSIDKXCKS. It is with no little pleasure that we are able to illustrate one of the most beautiful portions of the city : we refer to Westwood road and its modern, up-to-date residences. This fine, well kept road with its charming homes well illustrates what can be done, by the exercise of taste and fore- thought on the part of those in our city managing or developing some of our large estates, — and show^s in a marked degree, by its prompt public recog: nition, what might have been done a few years ago, to make our city the most sightly and attractive suburb of Boston. Somerville had great natural resources that were overlooked. There are yet many lessons that could be drawn from the two-year history of West- wood road. In the fall of 1S94, only two years prior to this publication, the old estate belonging to the late Hon. James M. Shute, adjoining the lien- ton Farm on Spring Hill, was bought by a member of the Benton family. Mr. Bradshaw immediately moved the mansion house to an ample lot at one side, and proceeded at once to build. a road from Central street to the Ijenton Farm, after the latest and most approved method of road-building, with sewer, water and gas all put in before the macadamizing was laid on a substratum of ash and cinder, thoroughly rolled. Last of all the curb- ing and paving of the gutters. There is no other section of road in our city that can compare with it for tine road-bed, and it reflects great credit on our street department as w-ell as on Mr. ikadshaw'. After the estate had been plotted out and graded, the series of houses represented in the accompany- ing pages were built ; and from their thoroughness of construction, and from the care displayed in having them of the latest designs, and each entirely different from the others while all were built with the closest regard to their juxtaposition, Mr. Bradshaw has found an immediate sale for them, almost as soon as they were started and months before their completion. In the winter of 1S95, one year after the road was built, .Mr. Bradshaw did a thing never before tried in Massachusetts, although successful!},' done in \\'ashing- ton, I). C, and Newport, K. I., the moving of a number of the largest trees on the estate — trees fifty and sixty years of age, large elms and maples, — out to the street line of the lots, some a distance of three hundred feet to their new locations. When one realizes that some of these trees were nearly fifty feet tall and eight or nine feet in circumference, it will be seen what an undertaking it was. But when the present summer came and the new road was beautifully shaded with large shade-trees — a two-year-old road with lifty-year-old trees — then the wisdom and good judgment of Mr. Bradshaw in the development of the property was more than apparent. In addition to this enterprise Mr. Bradshaw has just begun to lay out the Benton Farm, and make Benton road, which connects with \\'estwood road, a continued lovely spot for suburban estates. Residence of Charles H. Bradshaw, Summer Street. Residence of Rev. Nathan K. Bishop, Westwood Road. ■X o o D 7D O > D BIOGRAPHIES. cii.\1'1"i:r xwiii. Aldrich, Capt. Harrison, was horn in Willianisvilk-, Vt., September iS, 1S40, son of Daniel T. and Laura Whipple Aldrich, of old revoluti.)nary stock, liis education was obtained in his native town in the district and hi<;h schools, and at Powers Institute, l?er- nardston, Mass. When the war broke out he was teaching; school in Petersham, Mass. He gave up teaching and enlisted in Co. K, 21st Regt., Mass. Vols., serving as private, ser- geant, lieutenant and captain; participating in the battles of Roanoke Island, Xewliern, Camden, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietani and Fredericksburg. Was wounded in the battle of Xewbern. The arduous service of the regiment causing its reduction in numbers and its consolidation with the 36th Regiment, Capt. Aldrich resigned his commission, received an honorable discharge and returned to his native town, where he married Helen Louisa Morse, daughter of Benjamin p:.and Mary(riowe) Morse. In 1866 he came to Boston and entered the produce business, in which he has been successfully engaged for the past thirty years. He came to Somerville in 1880, and soon after bought land on the undeveloped jiart of Clilman street, laid out a new street leading from it, which now bears his name, and started develop- ment in that section by building several modern houses, which example was rapidly followed by others until the entire section was Iniilt upon. Eight years later he bought land and built a fine residence, 23 l-"ranklin street, where he has since resided. He served in the Common Council in 1884 and 1885, and on the P.oard of Aldermen, 1886 and 1887. He was the first captain of the Somerville Light Infantry after its reorgan- ization in 1886. He is amemberofSoley Lodge, F. A. A.M.; .Somerville Chapter, R. A. M.; Post 139, C A. R.; Loyal Legion, U. S.; Boston Chamber of Commerce; and Boston Fruit an j'kj:sj:\/\ abnut thirteen years of age. Mr. IJailey received his education in tlie pul)lic schools of this city, grathiatint; from the Korster Grammar School, attending the High Schtiol and com- l)leting his school days at Tufts College, where he fitted for the profession of a civil engineer. I >n leaving college he entered one of the oldest and best engineering firms in Boston, where he acquired the practical and business knt)wledge of the profession he had chosen to follow . Mr. IJailey remained with this lirm about two an. Katon. as his lirst assistant in the City Engineering Department of Somerville, which jiosition he held until the death of Mr. Eaton in November, 1895. Mr. IJailey was then made the acting city engineer for the remainder of that year, and, in January, 1S96, was appointed city engineer, being the youngest of the city's officials. During his first year as city engi- neer some of the most important engineering in the city has been carried out, such as the connecting of the entire system of city sewers with the metropolitan or state sewer, and the large storm-water drain and sewer through the Tannery Brook Valley in West Somerville, besides many other local improvements in the engineering line. Mr. Bailey is a member of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, the New England Water Works .Vssociation, .Somerville Central Club, Somerville Young Men's Christian Association, and other social organizations. Bailey, J. Warren. New Hampshire has furnished many prominent sons now resi- dents of our growing city, and among those highly esteemed is the subject of this sketch. Mr. Bailey was born in Derry, June 3, 1846, the son of Jeremiah and Harriet N. Bailey. His school advantages were favorable to his receiving a fine education, and at the age of nineteen he was appointed to a position in the Khode Island State Prison, remaining there- in four years, and retiring as deputy warden. He then went to the Massachusetts State Pris- on, where he served in a similar capacity, under Warden Haynes. In 1S72 he had tired of the line he had pursued so long, and estal)lished himself in business in Bronitield street, Bos- ton, but the store was soon too small for his increasing trade, and nearly thirteen years ago he moved to the spacious store at 108 Tremont street, where he now conducts the finest em- broidery establishment to be found in Boston, as many of our citizens can testify. Mr. Bailey came to Somerville in 1872, was elected to the Common Council eight years after, and re- elected the subsequent year, being chosen president of the body. In 1884 and 1885 he was elected to the House of Representatives, where he served with marked distinction. He has always taken great interest in any matter relating to West Somerville, and his name is identi- fied with all the prominent fraternal and social organizations, besides that of the Day-street Congregational Church. He is no^v president of the nourishing West Somerville Co-opera- tive Bank; a member of Elm Council, Royal Arcanum; Cameron Lodge, Knights of Honor; and Provident Lodge, A. f). U. W., in all of which he has been the presiding officer. luly I, 1894, CJovernor Greenhalge, in looking over the State for a prison commissioner, selected Mr. Bailey as being one uho by experience and education would cause him to fill the position with credit, and he was appointed for the term of live years ami immediately confirmed. Mr. Bailey married for his lirst wife Miss Emeline K. Clark, daughter of Eben T. an-)f De Molay Commandery. Is past dictatdr nf Warren Lodge, K. of II., and a member of Winter Hill Lodge, U. (). of W. Baxter, George L., the son of William W. and Ann E. (Weld) Baxter, was born at <^uincy, Mass., ( )ctober 21, 1S42, and is descended from ( iregory Baxter, who came from England with Winthrop, and married Margaret Paddy, sister of William Paddy of the Plymouth Colony. He obtained his early education in the Quincy schools, entering at eleven years upon a course preparatory to college with special reference to the profession of teaching, was admitted to Harvard College in 1859 and graduated with high honors in 1S63. During his college course he had become well ac(|uainted with the management of -the public schools and the methods of instruction, and immediately on graduating began his work of teaching. He taught Latin and English in a private French school in Boston till April, 1864, when he was appointed, at the age of twenty-one, principal of the Reading High School. After remaining at Reading nine months, he was chosen principal of the Plymouth High School as successor to A. P. Stone. He taught nearly three years at Plymouth, and in July, 1867, came to Somerville to the position of principal of the High School. Fie has had thirty-two graduating classes and 1,500 graduates, of whom over 400 have completed a course preparatory to college. In 1872 he married Ida F., daughter of William and Sarah F. L. (Berry) Paul, and has one son, Gregory Paul Baxter, a recent graduate of Harvard. Besides filling various ofiices in other societies, he was secretary of John Abbot Lodge and .Somerville Chapter of R. A. Masons for nearly twenty years, and he has been associate corporator and trustee of the Somerville Savings Bank since its incorporation. Bean, James W., was bom in Somerville in 1866. He is the son of Police-officer Ceorge W. Bean, who has been a resident of Somerville for nearly fifty years. After grad- uating from the Luther V. Bell < irammar School in 1S80, and the Somerville High School in 1884, he learned the rudiments of the printer's trade and reporter's art in the office of the ".Somerville Journal." In 1S86 he became the .Somerville and Cambridge correspondent of the "Boston Post," and later had market reporting added to his work. He remained in those capacities for about two years. In 1888 he associated himself with the Boston " Daily .Vdvertiser," where for four years he was assistant commercial editor. While on the " Adver- tiser " he also held the positions of city editor of the (Cambridge " Chronicle " for three years and city editor of the Cambridge "Press " for one year. In 1891 he formed a copartnership with Mr. C. Burnside Seagrave, of Cambridge, under the title of the Cambridge Chronicle (/ompany, and purchased the " Chronicle," which has been conducted by the company ever since. The " Chronicle '" is a leading weekly newspaper in Middlesex County, that height having been reached under the present management, liesides publishing the paper, the James W. Bean. SOMERV-ZLLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 493 concern does a first-class job printing business. In 1891 and 1892 Mr. liean served in the Common Council, and is undoubtedly the youngest man ever elected to that body. Mr. Bean is married, has one child, and resides at No. 40 Columbus avenue. Beekman, Rev. Garret, is a native of New Jersey, in which state he lived until early manhood. His educational a.lvantages up to the age of sixteen were few. At this point he began a svstematic course of reading and study, and under the direction of private teachers prepared himself for what soon became his life-work. In 1867 he entered the Theological School of Boston University, from which he graduated in 1S70. In April, 1868, he or<^anized what is now known as the Flint-street M. E. Church of SomerviUe. He was its tirst pastor, and served it for two years. In April, 1870, he joined the New England Conference on trial, and was admitted to full membership in 1872. His fust charge after joimng the conference was at Byfield, Mass., which he served for the full term of three years. His sub- sequent appointments were Lawrence, Mass., Lynn, Danvers, Worcester, Southbndge, Kos- lindale, Boston, Chicopee Falls, Westboro, and now West SomerviUe. During this period he or-^anized the church at Middleton, Mass., and that at West Roxbury. The Parker- street Church of Lawrence, Mass., was built largely through his personal endeavors. On other charges churches have been enlarged and beautified, and oppressive debts paid princi- pally through his instrumentality, and in some of the churches he has served there have been sweeping revivals under his lea.lership; this is the third year of his pastorate in West SomerviUe, where he ministers to a strong and growing church. Belknap, Austin, was born in Westboro, July 18, 1819, the son of John and Ruth (Fay) Belknap, of that town. His education was obtained in the district school of his native town, and at the Worcester Manual Labor High School, from which he was graduated as a civil engineer. After some experience in railroad construction, he came to Boston in 1843 and entered the general produce an.l commission business, in which he has remained until the present time. Mr. Belknap came to SomerviUe in 1853. He served the town as selectman in 1869, 1870 and 1871, and the city as member of the School Committee in 1862, 1863 and 1864. He was a trustee of the Public Library in 1S73 and 1S74, and was mayor m 1876 and 1877. Mr. Belknap is a member of the John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M.; Somer- viUe Chapter, R. A. M.; and Ue Molay Commandery, K. T. Mr. Belknap married Miss Jane P , daughter of HoUoway and Frances (Read) Brigham, of Westbom. Bell Luther V., M. D., LL. D., was born in Chester, N. H., December 20, 1S06. He was ara.hiated from Bowdoin College before he had finished his seventeenth year. He received his medical degree from the Hanover Medical School. He early d.st.ngmshed himself in the practice of his profession, particularly in surgery and in the treatment of the insane. In Januarv, 1837, he entered upon his duties as superintendent of the McLean Vsylum for the Insane, and for twenty years conducted the institution with rare ability and success He was everywhere acknowledged as an authority on all questions connected xMth his profession. He was always interested in whatever affected the welfare of SomervUle and was chairman of the School Board from 1843 to 1847- In 1S50 he was a member of the Executive Coundl, in 1S52 a candidate for Congress, and in 1856 for the office of Cov- ernor. In 1856, in consequence of failing health, he retired from the McLean Asylum, and thenceforth resided in Charlestown. In 1861, animated by an intense love of country, notwithstanding his feeble health, he offered his services to the State, and was commissioned as surgeon of the i ith Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. He engaged immediately in active service, being soon promoted to the post of Brigade Surgeon and finally t., that of Division Surgeon. As a result of exposure anly (iisiharjjca itcccmntr lo. 1S64. In his army service Capl. Hinney participated in upwards of twenty-live battles anil enga-iienients, and had the rejiutation of being a most competent, daring and intrepid officer and soldier. After the close of the war he was rec- ommended by Maj.-Cens. Hancock, V . C. Barlow and Nelson A. Miles for a commission in the regular army. Since the war C'apt. Hinney has d.me a large amount of ornamental pen-work, for which lie is celebrated, and was for some time employed by Aaron Sargent, late city treasurer, to write the bonds issued by the city, they having been at that time made with the pen. He has also been employed as an accountant in clearing up complicated accounts. He was in the Common Council in 1881 and 1882, was an active member for nearly twelve years of the National Lancers, Boston, and is now an honorary member of that body; is a member (and I'ast lommander) of the \V. C. Kinsley Post, (\. A. R.; of the Damon Lodge. K. 1'., Washington, I). C; Antietam Command, Union Veterans' Union; and the Keystone Lodge, A, F. and A. M., of St. Louis, Mo. He is also a life member of the Lancers' Veteran Chari- table Association. He resides at 9 Linden Place. Bishop, Hiram R., was born in Slanstead, P. (^)., Canada, in 1830, and his early life was passed in that town. After completing his education, he taught school three years in Stanstead, and then came to East Cambridge, where he entered the employ of Elijah Space, ladder manufacturer, in which position he remained seven years. He then removed to Somerville, purchased a tract of land on Broadway, where he built a ladder factory, and began the business of manufacturing and continued in it until his death, which occurred Feb- ruary 12, 1888. Mr. Bishop was a meml)er of the first City Council of Somerville and a member of the Flint-street Methodist Church. He was a man of unblemished reputation, and was much esteemed in i>oth public and private life. Bowman, Selwyn Z., was born in Charlestown, May 11, 1840, the son of Zadock and Rosetta (Cram) Bowman, of that place. His early education was oi)tained in the public schools and high school of Charlestown, whence he passed to Harvard College, where he was graduated A. P.. in i860 and LL. B. in 1863. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar in 1863, and opened a law office in Boston, where he has ever since remained. Mr. Bowman came to Somerville in 1856. He has served the city as city solicitor in 1872, 1873, and for the last eight years. 1 le represented the city in the Legislatures of 1870, 1871 and 1875 ; was in the Senate of 1876 and 1877; and represented the lifth congressional district in the 46th and 47th Congresses in 1S78-81. Mr. Bowman is a P. M. of John Abbot L(jdge, and a member of Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M.; a member of Somerville Chapter, R. A. M; the Central and Middlesex Clubs. Mr. Bowman married Miss Martha E., daughter of Bowen E. and Sarah .\. (Mead) Tufts, of Lexington. They reside on Broadway. Brainard, Charles E., was l)orn at Killingly, Conn., September 14, 1S62, the son of lames S. and Lucy A. (Chase) Brainartl. He graduated from the Danielsonville High School, in the class of 1882, and for the first year thereafter taught at North Killingly, the home of William T. Harris, U. S. Commissioner of Education. For two years he was prin- cipal of the grannnar school at Dayville, Connecticut, and for three years principal of the fifth district school at Putnam, in the same State. He then came to Massachusetts and was principal at Wellesley for one year. That .Mr. Brainard was destined to be a leader in school work was evident to the school authorities of Somerville, when, in 1889, they elected him'principal of the Edgerly School. The building was an eight-room one at the time, and he was the lirst male principal the school had ever had. Mr. Brainard brought to his new place an impetus such as few schools have ever enjoyed. His inspiration to make success instant and certain was soon caught up by his able corps of teachers and pupils, and the seven years in which he has held his position have been those of prosperity, earnestness, fi.lelity, and void of adverse criticism so far as he SOMERl'ILLE. PAST AXD PRESEXT. 501 is concerned. He is always ready to add the newest itieas to his work, and is as indefatigable as he is able. Mr. Brainard was president of the Somerville Teachers' Association for 1894-5, ^"^'^ '^ n(j\\ local secretary of the Teachers' Annuity Guild. He is a member of the Massachusetts ."schoolmasters' Clul), besides various other teachers' organizations. He is also a member of Excelsior Council, Royal Arcanum. Mr. Brainard's mind has tine business bent, and it has led him to employ his summer vacation time in conducting the Wesley House at Cottage City, Martha's \'ineyard. Com- mencing at the lowest round thirteen years ago, first as waiter, he made every department a thorough study, and six years ago became sole proprietor. The many patrons who have vis- ited him can attest to his ability and geniality, it being his one endeavor to please all and give offense to none. In that way he has, in addition to the fine location of the house, made it second to none at Cottage City. Mr. Brainard married Enola C, daughter of Capt. Richard and Carrie Cunningham, at Gloucester, Mass., December 29, 1890. Brastow, George 0., was born in Wrentham, September 8, 181 1. He came to Charlestown (Somerville) in 1838, and located on Spring Hill; was a large owner of real estate, and built many houses in the town. He was very prominent in the division of the town in 1S42, and \Vas chosen selectman in 1845 and again in 1867. He served on the school committee from 1847 '^^ 1862; represented Somerville in the House in 1849, 1850, 1 85 1, and 1862; was a member of the Senate in 1854, and was again elected in 1866, serving four years, the last two as president. He went to the war as captain of the Somerville Company in 1862, and was afterward paymaster in the army. Mr. Brastow was chosen first mayor of Somerville in 1871 ; was re-elected in 1872; was a member of the Governor's Council in 1874, 187 s, and 1876, and was one of the founders of the Middlesex and .Somer- ville horse railroads, also of Post 139. He died at Canandaigua, N. Y., November 20, 1878. Briggs, J. Albion, was born in Westbrook, Me., December 2, 1852, the son of Albion K. P. and Caroline C. (Chase) Briggs. When <|uite young his parents moved to Woburn, Mass., and after a two years' residence there his father died, and the family moved to Portland, Me., where he attended the public schools. When twelve years of age he came to Boston, and was a graduate of the Mayhew .School. He returned to Portland and entered the law office of Hon. W. H. Clifford. Mr. Briggs was afterward engaged in the shijiping Jiusiness in Portland, going from there to Cuba, continuing in the same business and residing in Matanzas. Returning to Massachusetts, he accepted a position as assistant superintendent of the Westboro Reform School, leaving there to accept a similar position in Philadelphia, where he remained five years. He came to Somerville ia 1885, and asso- ciatetl himself with C. C. Davis, under the firm name of Davis and Briggs, in the real estate and insurance business in Union square. Since June, 1890, the business has been con- ducted by Mr. Briggs under the same firm name. He has the care of many large estates. He is the Supreme ( iovernor of the United Order of Pilgrim Fathers; member of Wonoha- fiuaham Tribe, L O. R. M.; Somerville Lodge, A. O. U. W. ; Central Club, Sons of Maine, Middlesex Club; was chairman of Ward 2 Repul)lican City Committee, three years. He resides on Vinal avenue. Brigham, William E., editor and manager of the Somerville " Citizen " since Christmas, 1894, and to w hose ]iersonal energv the marked increase in the growth of the " Citizen " and the organization of the new company, in consequence, are due, was born in Boston, Feb- ruary 16, 1865, but since the age of three and one-half years has lived at 4 Hillside avenue. East Somerville. He graduated from the Prescott Grammar Scht)ol in iSSo and from the Somerville High School in 1884, making a special success of the study of literature and kindred branches. He was one of the founders and the original editor of the Somerville High .School "Radiator," estaljlished in December, 1882, and which he conducted until his 502 somj:ki7/./.j:, j'.ist .lvd /'A'/:s/:.v/\ graduation. After a suiunicr term as clerk at the popular Shirley House, ( )cean Spray, Winthrop, Mr. Hrighain went upon the Huston "Globe'* as a rept)rter. In due time he was promoted to an editorial position, and was successively assistant night editor, assistant clay editor, editor of Sunday correspondence — a very res])onsil)le ])lace and refjuirinj; the nicest judt^nient, and \\hich he held four years — and assistant to the assistant managing editor. Mr. Hrigham resigned in July, 1S91, to become managing editor of the Lynn "Daily I'ress," and resigned from that paper in Octolier, 1893, to become assistant manager of the Keeley Institutes of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, which office he held when called to take charge of the " Citi/.en," Oecember 22, 1S94. 1 )uring iSo^ and 1S94 he lived in Lynn, a city to which he is warmly attached. Mr. Hrigham is a charier member of the Boston Press t'luh, and for several years was a director of it and one of its vice presidents, and is specially remembered for his brilliant work in arranging its popular series of receptions to noted personages, w hich he originated, beginning with the lamented Frank Mayo, and including such men as P. T. liarnum, George Kennan, Wilson Barrett, (has. NVyndham, and other famous actors and writers. Mr. Brig- ham is a member of the Central Club, has been a member of the Webcowit Club of Somer- ville, the select Park Club of Lynn, and has been for seven years a member of Soley Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and of Somerville Council, 103, Home Circle. He \\as manager of the great Brigham family reunion, which took place in Odd Fellows" Hall, lioston, in ( )ctol)er, 1895, ^^'^^ 'he first president of the Brigham Club of Boston, and is j. resident of the national Brigham Family Association, he having been elected to that position in October, 1896, for a term of three years. Mr. Brigham is a widower, having buried a wife and two children. Bruce, George A., was bom at Mount Wrmm, X. II., November 19, 1S39, the son of Nathaniel and Lucy ( Buttertield) Bruce, of that town. He was fitted for college at the Ajiplelon Academy in his native town, and was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1861. He enlisted in the Thirteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, and served as first lieutenant, aide, judge advocate, and assistant adjutant-general. He was mustered out July 3. 1S65, and brevetted lieutenant-colonel. He studied law in Lowell, and was admitted to the bar in 1866, and opened his office in Boston, where he has ever since remained. Mr. Bruce was a member of the New Hampshire Legislature in 1866, and of the Senate of Massachusetts in 18S2, 1883 and 1884, l)eing president of the Senate the last ytar. He came to Somerville in 1874, and served the city as mayor in 1877, 1S80 and 188 1. Mr. Bruce married Miss Clara .M., daughter of Joseph !•". and .Sarah (Longley) Hall, of Groton. They reside on Highland avenue. Burlen, Lorenzo Wickliffe, was born in Boston, October 4, 1850. His parents, Moses and Sarah Ann Burlen (nee Dickinson), and lirothers M. Prescott, \Villiam Henry and Melancthon are all living, an only sister, Sarah Syrcne, having died. Mr. Burlen was edu- cated in the ])ublic schools of Boston, having had for teacher, in the Mayhew School, Quincy K. Dickerman i>{ our city, to whom he feels greatly indebted for physical as well as mental instruction. After two years of study in the Fnglish high school in 1866, he went to Eayr's private school on Somerset street, and became one of the most active members of the base- ball nine of that sch(jol, and participated in (Hher athletic sports of those days, rowing, etc. In 1867 he was employed in the office of "The Narragansett S.S. Co." in the Old State House, now " Fall River Line." In .Ajiril, 1868, he was appointed as messenger of the Na- tional Bank of the Republic, under the late David Snow, jiresident, and Charles .\. X'ialle (now president), cashier. In February, 1872, he was appointed discount clerk of the Co- lumljian National Bank, the m.ii>, ami then went tu Kast (.'amhiidse. fullowiiiij llie same occupation, lly thrift and pcrseverence he si»>n ac(|uireedford, Mass. Mr. Crosby resides at 96 Cden street. Edward Cox. Residence of Hdward Cox. ^6 Central Street. SOMERl'ILLli, PAST AND PRESENT. 513 Cummings, David, son of Samuel and Joanna (Andrews) Cummings, was born in Mid- dleton, :\Iass. His boyhood days were passed in that town and in Wenham, in l)oth which places he attended school and acquired the rudiments of his education. At the age of ten years he took up his residence with his uncle, Mr. Sylvester ("ummings in IJuxford. and attended school there in winters and worked on the farm in summers, as most country boys did at that time. He remained in IJuxford about live years, and then went to Danvers, where he worked at farming in the summers and at shoemaking in the winters. In 1847 Jonas Warren, a merchant of long standing in I )anversp()rt, and one well known in Essex County, offered him a position in his store which was accepted ; and he continued in it two years, when, in con- sequence of a severe illness, he was obliged to resign. He subse(]uently began manufactur- ing shoes in a small way for himself, and has continued in the business in company with his brother and others until the present time, their output having greatly increased and l)een for many years ranked among the largest and most popular of goods in their line on the market. Mr. ('ummings is the head of the firm, and it is due largely to his industry and strict attention to business that the firm occupies its present high position. Mr. Cummings is president of the Somerville Electric Light Company, a director in the Cotton and Woolen Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Co., and one of the trustees of Tufts Col- lege and of Dean Academy at Eranklin, Mass. He married Olive Caroline Ross, daughter of Deacon James and Lovey (Huntress) Ross of Shapleigh, Me. They reside at 8 Union street. Cummings, John Addison, was born in Nelson, X. H., January 16, 1838. His early education was obtained in the common schools of liis native town and the .Scientific and Literary Institute in New London, N. H.. where he remained two years, teaching school during the winter. He then began the study of law, and continued it until the war broke out, when he was among the first to enlist. He was commissioned a lieutenant in the 6th New Hampshire Volunteers at the age of twenty-three, and served three years in that regi- ment in the Army of the Potomac and in the West. He was then made major of the 1st New Hampshire Cavalry, and served with Sheridan until the close of the war. After spend- ing two years at the West, he returned to Boston and entered the printing business in 1867. He took up his residence in Somerville, and became the publisher of the Somerville " Jour- nal " in 1871-72. In 1874 he was elected to the Legislature, and served two years. He was a member of the I'.oard of Aldermen in 1877 and 1878. In iSSi he was elected mayor, which office he held for four consecutive years. His record in this capacity reflects great credit upon him. He was faithful, courteous and painstaking, at the same time fearless and justly conservative in municipal affairs. He died January 6, 1S87. The Cummings School was Iniilt during his mayoralty, and named for him in 1S84. Cunningham, Thomas, was born in C.roton, Mass., January 3, 1S15. He came to lioston in 1823, and attended the Fort Hill and Hawkins-street schools until 182S, when his father died, leaving to his care a mother and five sisters. From that time to the present year he was always an active worker in whatever occupation he was engaged. After working in various lines of business, he began to follow the sea in April, 1S32, continuing until February, 1857, when he took up his permanent abode in Somerville. He rose to be captain, and was master of some of the finest ships sailing the ocean. Ihe last ship in which Captain Cunningham sailed was the "Ocean Express,"" a clipper ship of 2,000 tons, and one of the finest that ever sailed out of Boston. The ship was built at Medford under his personal supervision, in 1854, and cost ^98,000. Her first freight bill was $83,500 for a trip from Chinchilla Island to Liverpool with guano. Upon quitting the sea he went into business in Boston, and in 1857 built the house he occupied at the time of his death, on Oak street, in this city. He was elected to the Board of Selectmen in i860, and served during and after the war. He was very active in the work of raising money for war purposes, and did a great deal for the relief of the snhliers. When 5 14 St).]/ /■:/,' r //././■:, I'.isr .lvd /-a'awa-.w. the war l)ri>Uc i>ut he hccame recruiting otTiccr of the town. lie enrolleil tlie town for tiic draft in 1S63. and from 1S62 to 1S72 he paid out all the State aid, beside the financesof the "'soldiers' relief fund." lie went to the front three times with soldiers' jjoods, and visiteil Washington several times in regard to Somerville's quota. J-'roni 1865 to 1S72 he tilled the olhce of town treasurer, and for the succeeding four years he was a member of the Water Hoard. For thirteen years he was assessor, and for ten years he was overseer of the jioor. He was representative in the General (Hurt in 1S76 and 1S78 under Speaker and aller- ward tlovernor John 1 >. Long. It was in 1877 that a bill was being considered to aid vete- ran soldiers and their families. Some member of the House complained tliat it was opening the way for too liberal expentliture in that direction. Cai)tain Cunningham, (ired l)y patriot- ism, and remembering the days of the rel>ellion, took the lloor, and advocated opening the tlood-gates to assist the veteran, the widow and the fatherless, caused by the war. The ca])- tain succeeded in carrying his point, and was warmly congratulated by Speaker Long. It was during his second year in the House that he secured the registry of lieeds i)uilding in Last Cambridge. In 188S he was ap]>iiinted inspector of milk, and inspector of vinegar in 1SS9, holding both positions until March, 1896, when he retired t(j private life. L ntil last January he also held for several years the important olfice of inspector of animals and provisions. Ca])tain Cunningham was very prominent in Masonic and ntlur fraternal organizations. He wasa member of Boston Commandery. Knights Templar, John Abbot Lodge. V. \. A. M ., and .Somerville Royal Arch Chapter, also of ( )asis Lodge of Otld Fellows. He was an honor- ary, and formerly an active, member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, a member of the National Lancers, and the Somerville N'ettran Firemen's Associa- tion, and an honorary member of the Somerville Light Infantry. His church relations were with the Prospect Hill Congregational Church, where he pro- fessed conversion, and joineil the church Easter Sunatch boat (iamma until peace was declareii. His maternal grandfather, the Rev. Edmund Wt)rth of Kennebunk, .Mc., who died in his ninety- tirst year, w as a Baptist clergyman, well known in the States of Maine and New Hampshire as being prominent in religious and educational work, and also serving as representative to the General Court of the State of New IIani]ishirc. He continued his public services up to within a few weeks of his death. \\\ address w ritleii and delivered by him after passing his ninetieth birthday was published and reprinted, and used in the course of instruction in one of our well- known professional schools, an honor which he did not fail to appreciate. SO}rKR]'ILLK, PAST AND PRESENT. 515 Dr. Curtis spent his boyhood in Kennebuni<, attending the puhHc schools of that place In the fall of 1882 he entered the Waterville Classical Institute, now Coburn Classical Insti- tute, of Waterville, Me., and graduated from it in the class of 1S83. He then entered Colby University, and was graduated from it in the class of 18S7. In the fall of 18S7 he entered the llarvanl Medical Sch.,nl, and graduated from it in the class ..f 1891. Dur- ing the year previous to July i, 1891, he also served as house physician and surgeon at the < arney I f ospital, S, ,uth ]5oston, Mass. Dr. Curtis settled in East Somerville in August, 1 89 1 , where he has since successfully practiced his profession. On July 8, 1891, Dr. Curtis married Jenny Martin Wales of Boston, daughter of the late Martin Wales of Stoughton, Mass., and Olive E. Wales. They have two children: Susan Wales Curtis, born Mav 15, 1892;' and Alice Elizabeth Curtis, born March 12, 1896. Dr. Curtis is a member of Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M., Excelsior Council. Royal Arcanum Charlestown Commandery. U. O. G. C, Evening Star Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor' Somerville Medical Society. Fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and for two years served on the IJoard of Censors of the last-named organization. He acts as medical examiner for several life insurance companies and benefit orders. Since the organization of the Somerville Hospital Dr. Curtis has been connected with it as assistant phvsican and sur- geon, lie resides at 145 I'erkins street. East Somerville. Cushman, Charles A., was born in Newburyport, March 5, 1847, the son of Charles W. and Jane (Hall) Cushman, of that city. His parents moved to Phillips. Me., when he was quite young, and he received his education in the public schools of that place After leaving school he was employed for a year by the Androscoggin Railroad, now the Maine Central, and in 1S70 he came to Somerville. He entered the employ of North, Merriam & Co., afterward C. H. Xorth \ Co., and now the North Packing & Provision Co., with whom he still remains. Mr. Cushman has been superintendent of the packing-house for the past eighteen years. He is P. M. of John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M.. member of Somerville R A. Chapter, ( ),ient Council. R. and S. M.. Oeur de Lion Commandery and Scottish Rite Masonry; is also a P. G. of Oasis Lodge, P. C. P. Somerville Encampment, I. O. O F and IS a director in the Somerville Savings Bank. Mr. Cushman married, in 1868, Miss Calista M., daughter of Daniel and Affie (Wass) Curtis of Addison, Me. Thev reside on Prospect Hill avenue. Cutler, Samuel Newton, son of Samuel and Sarah Jane (Bennett) Culler, was born in Boston, January 25, 1S55. His parents removed to East Somerville early in 1856, and have since resided there. He was graduated from the Prescott School in 1869, from the high school 111 .873, and from Harvard College in 1877, receiving the degree of A. B. cum laude. He obtained several prizes during his college course, and was admitte.l to the famous Phi Beta kappa Society. After brief experience in teaching and in western life, in 18S0, he was employed by Messrs. Hill and Cutler, dealers in cotton and cotton waste, and became a partner of this firm in 1892. November 9, 1882, he married Miss Ella Frances Stearns, daughter of Hiram N. and Charlotte A. Stearns of Somerville. He is a consistent member of the East Somerville Baptist Church, and teacher of a Bible class in the Sunday school. He has always taken great interest in the cause of education, and is now serving his eleventh consecutive year on the School Board, having been first elected from Ward i in 1SS5. He is a member of the \-ermont Association of Boston, of Excelsior Council, Royal Arcanum, a trustee of Somerville Savings Bank and a member of its auditing committee. He resides at 28 Flint street. Dana, N. B., was born at Canton, Mass., March 10, 1846, the son of George H. and Sarah A. (Whipp) Dana. He was educated in the pubhc schools of his native town, and after completing his education he entered the post-ofifice at Canton as assistant post- master. ^^hich position he held four years. He then, in 1877, entered the service of the Bos- 5i6 soMi:ix\'ii.i.i:. past .wn rRiisiixr. tun aiul Ldwcll Railroad as freifjht and passenger train-man, was appointed travelinj^ pas- senger ajjent and spare comluctor in 1S79, in iSSi was appointe.\: Co. In 1870 he married Miss Jeannette R. Whitehouse, of Topsham, Me. They have had three children, of whom Flor- ence and Lorimer are now living. His son Fred W. died .August 26, 1892. Mr. Dunklee • lULiUS A. DlRliLL. S0MER17LLE, FAST AM) PKJiSIuVT. 523 is active in the Treniont Temple Church and Society, lie is a member of Post 139, G. A. R. ; Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M.; Royal Arch Chapter; and Orient Council, all of Somerville; and of De Molay Commandery, of Boston. He is a 32d degree Mason in Massachusetts Con- sistory. He has lived in Somerville ten years, and his residence is at 9 Oakland avenue. Durell, Rev. George W. A history of Somerville would be incomplete without a tribute to " Father Durell," as Rev. George Wells Durell was lovingly called by old and young. Mr. Durell was burn in Kennebunkport, Me. He graduated from Bowdoin Col- lege, and was at once elected principal of Limerick Academy. After teaching four years, he entered the Theological Seminary of Virginia, to prepare for the work to which he devoted his life. He was ordained in Brunswick, Me., by Bishop Burgess. His marriage to Miss Jane B. Moulton, of Topsham, soon followed in the'same church, and, full of hope and cour- age, he w^ent to his new labors on the frontier of the State. At Calais he founded the most easterly parish of the United States, and Isuilt a church of unusual beauty, where he remained for eleven years, serving all the time up(jn the Schocjl Board of the city. He was then chosen rector of Grace Church, Bath. In the fall of 1S66 he came to Somerville, having been called to Ennnanuel Parish, and on the 1st of July, 1869, he became rector of St. Thomas' Parish, and continued in that ]iosition until his death, August 24, 1S95. Under his direction the St. Tliomas' Church was l)uilt, and that it was entirely free from del)t when he passed away was owing to his earnest work and loving self-sacrifice. Probalily no person was better known to the peoj)le of Somerville generally than Rev. Mr. Durell. He was to be seen daily upon the streets, and his familiar figure, always recognized in any company, will never be forgotten; he had a kindly greeting and a cheery smile for everyone. Mr. Durell always took great j)leasure outside of his parish duties in his close associa- tion with the Freemasons of Somerville and vicinity, and was honored by them in manv ways. He was chaplain of John .\bbot Lodge, the Royal Arch Chapter, and the Council of Royal and Select Masters. With the first of these he served twenty-nine years, with the second from its organization, and he was for a long time prelate of the commanderies of Knights Templar o\ Chelsea and Charlestown. With his other duties he found time to serve the city upon the School Board thirteen years, and when the schoolhouse was built at the corner of Beacon and Kent streets, it was named for him, and it now stands as a perpetual monument to his memory. He was a man strong in his faith, tender-hearted, kind and sympathetic, considerate and unselfish, and in all his relations with the world he was gentle, gracious, and of an afiectionate spirit. As a churchman he was broad-minded and consid- erate in his dealings with the clergy and laymen of all other denominations. To all who worshipped the living God and believed in a Christ crucified for man's redemption he ex- tended the right hand of fellowship, and was ready to work with them for the universal brotherhood of man. His work on earth is finished, but as long as the spire of .St. Thomas' Church points heavenward just so long will it speak of the love and gratitude of his fellow- men. Durell, Julius A., son of Henry and Nancy (Mixer) Durell, was born in lioston, [an- uary 9, 1S44. He was educated in the schools of Paris, Me., to which town his familv removed when he was (|uite young, and in the Hebron, Me., Academy. After leaving school he worked at farming five years, and in 1S69 came to Somerville. where he has since resided. In 1S77 he emljarked in the hardware and plumbing business on his own account, establishing himself at 277 Broadway. He remained there three years, when he erected the building at Xo. 309 Broadway, and has continued there until the present time. His busi- ness is (luite large and extends to places far remote from this city, Mr. Durell's work being well and favorably known. He has been twice married, his first wife was Emma .A.. Jordan, an.l his second, Mrs. M. Ella Hartshorn. Mr. Durell is a member of Paul Revere Lodge, BVRON EAMES. S0MER17LLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 5-5 and Winter Hill Encampment, I. O. O. K: Erminie Lodge of Daughters of Rebekah; Har- mony Council of the Home Circle; O. O. C. W., etc. He has been treasurer of the Winter Hill Baptist Church for the past ten years. Durell, Dr. Thomas Moulton, son of Rev. Ceorge Wells and Jane Berry (Moulton) Durell, was born at Calais, Me., October 2, 185S. He is of the Durell family that came from the Island of Jersey in 1678 and seltle.l in Arundel, now Kennebunkport, Me., where his father was born. His parents niove.l to SomerviUe while he was a child, and his early edu- cation was received in the schools of that city, graduating from the high school. Enter- ing the Harvard Medical School at tlie age of eighteen, he was graduated in 1879. He studied for six months in Europe and one year in the Connecticut General Hospital in New Haven. In 1881 he commenced practice in SomerviUe. and in 1882 was appointed city physician, which office he held till 1889. In the year 18S7 he was appointed, by Gov. Robinson, Medi- cal Examiner for the Second District of Middlesex County, and was reappointed in 1893 by Gov. Russell. He is now professor of legal medicine in the Medical School of Tufts College, a member of the Medical Board of the Hospital, and has been on the Board of Health of SomerviUe. From 18S4 to 1888 he was surgeon of the first battalion of Cavalry of Massachu- setts militia. He is a member of Massachusetts Medical Society, and the Massachusetts Medico-Legal Sociey. He is a past master of John Abbot Lodge of Masons, a member of SomerviUe R. A. Chapter, C.eur de Lion Commandery, K. T., of Charlestown, and a past district deputy grand master of the sixth Masonic district. He is a member of Oasis Lodge, I. O. O. F., member of the Central Club, SomerviUe, and the University Club of Boston. He has been a member of the School Board of SomerviUe for many years, which office he now holds. On June 3, 1886, he married Miss Alma L. Brintnall of Charlestown. Their children are Thomas and Ralph Brintnall Durell. Dr. Durell resides at No. 23 Bow street. Durgin, Asa, was born in Limerick, Me., on the loth of April, 1831. In 1849 he came to Massachusetts, and for several years was in the employ of Gage, Ilittinger & Co., the well-known ice dealers. In 1858 he went into the ice business on his own account in Cambridge, and he has built up a large and successful enterprise, being favorably known over a wide territory for strict and honorable dealings. Although not a politician in the usual sense of the word, his abilities have been recog- nized bv his fellow-citizens, and from 1876 to 1883 he represented them in the City ( luvern- ment to their entire satisfaction, serving two years in the Council, and five years on the Board of Aldermen. He has been a resident of SomerviUe for thirty years, and is much respected by all who know him. Eames, Byron, son of John and Caruline F. (Day) Fames, was born at (Iroveton, N. II Nov. 2, 1859. After three vears' study in Charlestown schools, he attended the St. Johns- bury, Vt., Academy, from which he graduated in 1877, taking a full scientific course and fitting for college. He was engaged with his father in the lumber trade about ten years, and at the age of twenty-six came to Boston and embarked in the milk business, in which he has con- tinued until the present time. October 30, 18S6, he married Miss Mary Richey of ( iroveton, N.H., and thev have one son. Mr. Eames is engrossed with his business, and has had no time to devote to so'ciety an.l club affairs, the only SomerviUe organization that he has joined feeing the Winter Hill Chib, of which he is one of the directors. He resides on Sycamore street. Eberle, Philip, was born in Baden, Germany, June 22, 1S33. At the age of fifteen he left school to learn the shoemaker's trade, and three years later, after obtaining permis- sion from his guardian, his parents having died when he was a child, he came to this coun- try, landing in New York in July, 18^1. He subsequently removed to Boston, and in conse- quence of his inability to speak our language was obliged to work for very small wages, his ■ first vear's salary amounting to only thirty dollars. After spending five years in Cambridge he came to SomerviUe in 1857, opened a shoe-store on SomerviUe avenue, opposite the 326 soMiJun.i.i:, /'.IS J- .ixn /•h'j:s/:x/: Bleachery oliice. In 1867 he \v;is a iiK-mhcr >>f the association tlial was fnrnrjd tu erect the Union Ilall Cu. Buihhnj;, and when the structure was completeii, he, in June, 186S. estal)lishetl in it the shoe store in which he has continueil business until the present time. In 1SS4 he erected the so-called Kherle Building in Union square, in which Eberle Hall is located. Mr- Eherle has been connecteil with the Somerville Savings Bank since its origin, and has been on the investment committee of the bank for the past seven years. lie married Miss Cather- ine Murtugh, and their family consists of two sons and one daughter. They reside at 47 Columbus avenue. Edgerly, John S., was born November 30, 1S04, at .Meredith, X. II., and, like many others, early left iiis home in the country to get a better living in the city of Boston. About 1S36 he moved to Winter Hill, then a i>art of Charlestown. He was always interested in ]niblic affairs, and was one of five who were instrumental, by their earnest zeal, in having what is now Somerville set off from Charlestown as a separate town. lie was for fourteen years one of the Board of .Selectmen and most of that time its chairman. He served on the School Board, and as an Overseer of the Poor in those early days, and "no night was too dark or roail too bad for him to start with his lantern and shovel to break out any place that his horse could not get through, whenever there was need." He died January 20. 1S72. The I-'.ilgerly School, named in his honor, was established in 1871. Elliot, Charles D., was born in Foxboro, Mass., in 1837, son of Joseph and Zenora (Tucker) KUiot. His ancestors were early settlers of Taunton. His great-grandfather, Joseph Kliot, a revolutionary soldiei*, served in the siege of Boston, and in campaigns in New Jersey and in Xew York against Burgoyne. Another ancestor, John Hicks, was a member of the "Boston Tea Party," and was one of the "men of Cambridge " killed in the i)attle of I-e.\ington. His great-grandfather Tucker's family were among those who t1ether orders. Resides at 59 Oxford street. Elliot, Miss Mary E., was born in Somerville, February 2, 185 1, and is a daughter of the late Joseph and /enora (Tucker ) Elliot, and a sister of Charles D. Elliot. Her ancestors on both sides were among the earliest settlers of Massachusetts. She is a lineal /'KESENT. 529 in Foxboro, where she hved from 1862 to 1S66. During a residence in ( 'ambriilge she was active in temperance work, and continued her interest cm returning to Somerville, where she has resided the past twenty-five years. She has given addresses in behalf of the cause in many parts of the State, and has served as secretary of local, county and state organizations. She was president of the Somerville W. C. T. U. in 1877. In 1878 she assisted in forming Willard C. Kinsley Relief Corps, and served as is first president, continuing in the office six years. She was a delegate to the national convention at Minneapolis in 1884, and has at- tended every sul)se(|uent national convention, serving several years on the press commiitee, and as assistant national secretary at San Francisco. In July, 1S85, Miss Elliot was appointed secretary of the Department of Massachusetts W. R. C, which position she still holds. This department has supervision of one hundred and seventy corps, whose work is conducted on a systematic basis, similar to that of the (Irand Army of the Republic. She is a writer for the press, and was chairman of the history committee of the Department of Massachu- setts W. R. C, under whose charge a volume of four hundred pages has recently been pre- pared. Miss Elliot has delivered six memorial-day addresses, and has sjjoken in nearly every [lart of the State at jiatriotic gatherings. She is one of the original members of the Ladies' Aid Association of the Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts, and has served on the Board of Directors and as a vice-president. She is secretary of Bunker Hill Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and is a memlDer of several local societies. Elliott, Russell C, was bom in Concord, N. H., June 5, 1842, son of Captain Enoch B. and Jane (Bowers) Elliott of that city. He attended the ( Uiver Grammar and High School of Lawrence. Mass., where he spent his boyhoo /'K/:s/:.vj\ has a large varil and storehouses at the comer of Si\th street ami I'.roadway, Cambriil^'e. His Boston office is at 160 Devonshire street. He has resided at 25 I'reston street since I S90. Farrell, Michael F., was horn in the city of Kilkenny, Ireland, September 13, 1.S4S. 1 le came to New \\>rk C ity, where he was educated in the pu]dic schools. He came to Somer- ville in 1S64, and finished his education at Boston College. Mr. l-arrcU studied law in the of- fice of Kdwin .S. Hovey in Boston, and was admitted to the Middlesex Bar in 1871. From 1S74 to 187c) he was a member of the Somerville School Board. In 1877 he was admitted to the bar of the Circuit Court of the United States. When Judge Brown resigned his office of Special Justice of the Tolice Court of Somerville in 1888, Mr. I-arrell was re(|uested to ac- cept the position, but declined in favor of Charles C.. Pope, who was appointed. After the death of |udge I'ope in 1893 he was appointed, and was unanimously confirmed by the ( ouncil. He married Klizabeth M. Treanor of Boston in 1S74. Fitch, Nathan A., son of Nathan and Louisa (liurnham) litch, was born in Bedford, Mass., 1830. He was educated in the public schools in that town, and at New Hampton. N. H. He came to Boston in 1852, and entered the employ of Hervey & Moore, provision dealers, on I.everett street, where he remained for seven years; he subse(|uently entered the Faneuil Hall Market, where he is at present located, engaged in the poultry business. Soon after coming to the city he united with the Baldwin-Place Church, but shortly after removed to the Baptist Bethel, then under the pastorate of the Rev. Phineas Stowe, where he has been for thirty-eight years actively engaged in the work of the church and Sunday-school, having served the school thirty-six years as its superintendent, and eighteen years as treasurer of the church and society. He is trustee of the Phineas Stowe Sailors' Home, the Ilowanl Lodge, I. O. (). v., and tiie N. K. C). P. He is also a member of Soley Lodge, F. A. \. M., the Boston Fruit and Produce Fxchange, the Chamber of Commerce, the Fxcelsior Council, . K. A., the Knights of Honor, and A. O. U. W., Beacon Lodge, Boston. He served the city in the Common Council in 1882, and Board of Aldermen in 1883 and 1884. Mr. Fitcli married Calista F., daughter of Reuben and Beatrice (Beard) Tarbell of Rinazar, father of the late Douglas Frazar, then engaged in the East India trade, but returned to Lee in the spring of 1845, where he remained several years in the farming and lumliering busi- ness. In 1851 Mr. Foote bought a farm in Smithtown, Long Island, N. Y., and during twelve years of his residence there was engaged in handling stock, which he bought in the north and west, and sold in the markets of Long Island. In 1864 be came to Somerville and entered into partnership with the late George Skilton and his son George C. Skilton, under the firm name of Skilton, Foote & Co., for the manufacture of what is well known as the Bunker Hill brand of pickles. Since the death of Mr. Skilton, Sr., there have been associate /■a-a.sv-w. He made his first voyage as a Imy bcfurc the mast, going amuinl the wurld, receiving a salarv of S2.00 a month. Tliis trip occupied fourteen months. He advanced rapidly through the grades of seamanship, ami when but twenty-one years of age he sailed from India Wharf, hound for China, as master of the liark Maryland, fitted out for him liy his father. .Arriving in China in 1S59, a good i>rospect for business was opened to the young man, which he decided to accept, ami he became the junior partner in the house of l-razar iK; Co., now one of the largest of the American East India houses. At the breaking out of the ( ivil War, Captain Kra/.ar came home, oflering his services to dovernor .\ndrew of this State. .\s no cavalry regiment was at that time recruiting here. Captain Kra/ar received autograph letters of introduction to Governor Seymour of New York, from (iovernor Andrew, Charles Sumner, Henry Wilson and Josiah (luincy, and went to New York, where he took part in • luelling the draft riots, and was, for his services, made major of the Thirteenth New York Cavalry by dovernor Seymour, having gained the position on his own merits and without the use of his letters. During the war Major Frazar was promoted to the colonelcy of one of the South Carolina colored regiments, with Yice-l'resident \Vilson's only son as his lieutenant-colonel. .\t the close of the war he was brevetted by the President as brigadier- general of volunteers, "for faithful service during the war." Soon after, by jiersonal request of Yice-l'resident Wilson, General Fra/ar went to Virginia on a special mission to the freedmen. He remained two years, establishing schools, and otherwise assisting the colored people in their new positions as citizens. In 1870 he re-entered business with his father. Captain Frazar, but in the crisis of 1873 their property was swept away. Mr. Frazar was married in 1872 to Mae Durell, daughter of J^ev. and .Mrs. Cieorge W. Durell, and after a period of residence in Boston they came to Somerville to make their home. Mr. Frazar was widely known in Somerville, both on account of his public .service and his literary attainments. He held the position of city auditor for sixteen years, and was for fifteen years clerk of the Common Council. Besides these offices, he held other positions of trust. During the long period of sixteen years of his connection with the city departments, he was for eleven years joint auditor for the Boston & Maine antl the Fasten) Railroads, and also for live years confidential clerk to General Manager James T. Furber. As a writer. General Frazar gained considerable prominence. He had been a con- tributor to" Harper's Magazine,'" the "Youth's Comi^anion," and other high-class periodicals. He was the author of three books: "The Log of the Maryland," " Perseverance Island," and " Practical Boat Sailing." He also wrote several plays, and as a lecturer made an enviable reputation. He had studied in Paris, and during his extensive travels had crossed the Atlantic forty times. While in China in i860, General Frazar was present at the capture of Pekin by the aUied French and English forces. He was the first American, unattached to an embassy, to enter Pekin. After the war he continued to take great interest in military alTairs, and was for two years major of the Tigers, a well-known Boston company of infantry. He was at one time a member of Williard C. Kinsley Post. ( len. Frazar died February 20, 1896, leaving a wife, Mrs. Mae D. Frazar, and two sons. Frazar, Mrs. Mae Durell, was born in Calais, Me., but came to Somerville when very young will) lici father, Rev. ( ieorge W. Durell. She was educated in our schools, and is an example of the value of our public school system for a good foundation in intellectual life. In 1872 she married Gen. Douglas Frazar, Mrs. Frazar carefully cultivated her taste for study, and ac<|uired able command of her pen. Her interest in social anjrn in (harlestow n. Mass., at " Craft's Corner," January I, 1836. Commencing at the Primary School on Bow- street, he afterwards attended the Training Field School under the late .Stacy Baxter, and the Harvard and High Schools, leaving the latter in 1854, to earn a living in the lumlier business at the Prisun Point lumber yard. He remained at this place until 1858, when he went to Charlestown Neck on the (Ireenleaf Wharf. In i860 he and Mr. John F. Ayer commenced business together as lumijcr dealers, and the tirm cuiiiinued uiilil 1875, when Mr. I'uller took the Stephen W. Fuller. Tj CD o SOMERVILLE, PAST .LVD PRESENT. 539 whole business, occupying the same office for thirty-six years. Finding that the old quarters were not large enough for his increasing trade, he removed to 4S2 Rutherford avenue, Charles- town, where he is now located and carrying on a very large lumber business, the railroad cars running into his yard direct from the mills of all parts of the country. In i860 Mr. Iniller married Miss Lavina P. Turner of Lyme, N. IL; they have one daughter, who is mar- ried to Mr. Charles E. I'richard of this city. In 1S60 Mr. 1^'uller remcwed to Somerville. In 1S73 he served the city as a memlier of the Common Council, and in the following year was a member of the Board of Aldermen, and chairman of the Board of Health and the Highway Committee. At the expiration of his two years" city service he retired, and devoted himself entirely to his business. His residence is at 151 Walnut street, in the house which he erected for his own occupancy in 1861. Fulton, Justin D., D. D., pastor of First Baptist Church, was born in Earlville, N. Y., March i, 1828. His father. Rev. John J. Fulton, was descended from North of Ire- land stock, and his mother, Clarissa Dewy Fulton, found a birthplace in Creat Barrington, Mass., and was heir to many of the shining .pialities of the Puritan element. In 1836 he removed with his parents to Brooklyn, Mich., and at the age of eleven united with the Baptist Church. Ministers in Michigan, as a rule, were poor, and Mr. Fulton was not an exception. When eighteen years of age, the son, who up to this time had studied as best he could when not employed on the farm, hung up the harness one night, and on not taking it down next morning was asked the reason why. "Am going to college ! " "How?" "Don't know, but I start this morning." At once he began preparations, and in the fall of 1847 entered the University of Michigan, and remained there three years, paying his way by working for his board during term-time and by selling books in vacation. At once he took a foremost position. In his Junior year he was elected president of the college literary society, an honor generally reserveil for students of the Senior Class. In his fourth year he entered the University of Rochester, that he might take Hebrew and be ready to enter the Theological Seminary in advance. He was graduated from the University of Rochester in 1851, and entering the Theological Seminary, he remained through a part of the second year, when, urged by the Rev. Spencer H. Cone, D. D., and William II. Wyckoff, LL. D., to take charge of a Bible Union paper in St. Louis, Mo., he went there in December, 1853. The paper sprang into a large circulation. In it he printed the " Roman Catholic Element in American History," which at once arrested attention and excited opposition. Its ringing words called attention to the man, and twenty-four men and women, meeting in Biddle Market Hall, having had their attention directed to him, invited him to preach for them. It was to him a providential call. He was ordained in May, 1854, over the Tabernacle Baptist Church. He loved to preach, but the characteristics which made him a success as an editor interfered with his success as a minister. He was bold, radical and outspoken. The young editor had given himself to the ministry years before, providing God opened the way. Now that the door was opened, he entered it with avidity. The committee in charge of the paper objected to the arrangement. The editor replied, " I beheve that I am called to preach the gospel. If editing your paper interferes with this duty, I can give up the pajxr, but I will not give up the ministry." He began to preach with great acceptance to the people, and with unalloyed pleasure for himself. In 1855 the church became so large and the paper so important that Rev. James Inglis, of Detroit, came and took the pastorate of the church, becoming assistant editor of the paper, while the editor of the paper remained associate pastor of the church. This was in April. In May at Palmyra, Mo., the stock- holders of the paper met, and it was resolved " that it is not enough that the editor of the Gospel Bainnr be a gentleman and a Christian: he must believe that slavery is right /j-r.sv 540 somi:r\/li.i:, i'ast .ixn rRi-.si.xr. ami licft-nd it." < >iic man, burn in New Hampshire, vutcii fur tlic rcsulutiuii; no une voted against it, and the resignation of the editor was ollcred and accepted. The committee in charge of the ]>apcr lived in St. I.ouis. The editor-elect, in his first issue, made an attack upon the man who built up the paper; the committee saw it, stopped the press, conhscated all published, and never permitted- an issue of the Compel Baiiiur under the new regime. Almost i)eiiniless, he turned his back on this city of his love, accepted the invitation of his brother, I )r. S. J. Kulton, then residing in Toledo, O., to make his house his home until he had prepared for the press "The Roman Catholic Element in American History," and while engaged in this work received an invitation to supply the jiuljjit in Sandusky, Ohio. The result was a call to the church and the securing of a helpmeet in the person of Miss Sarah E. Norcross, who for twenty-seven years was the companion of his life and the mother of his four children. In 1S59. after a successful pastorate, he removed to Albany, N. Y., and became pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, and spent the ensuing four years in a verv successful ministry. In December, 1863, he was for the third time invited to the charge of the Tremont Temple Church. His success in Boston was immediate. He began with liftv members, and when he left it, ten years later, the membership had reached over a thousand and the income over ^23,000. In 1873, he liecame pastor of the Hanson-place Baptist Church of lirooklyn, X. V. In 1S87, he resigned liis pastorate in Brooklyn, and i)ecame the pioneer of the great A. 1*. A. movement. Dr. Fulton is a prolific writer, a forcible lecturer, and a stirring prcaclier of the gospel. He has been greatly blessed in his ministry, and has won to himself a great companv of friends, who are loyal as any man could wish. Among the more notable of his works are the following : "The Roman Catholic Element in American History," already mentioned; " Life of Timothy (Gilbert, the Founder of the Tremont Temple " ( Boston) ; " The True Wo- man,"' " The Way ( )ut," " Show Your Colors," " .'^am Hobart, the Railroad Engineer."' "How to win Romanists," " Washington in the Lap of Rome,'" "Why I'riests should Wed," "Spurgeon our Ally," etc., etc. A tract from his pen on the Sabbath has had a circulation of over one hundred thousand copies. In all the great reforms of the day he takes an active interest. The above sketches of Dr. Fulton's life are from the pens of the Rev. Robert S. McArthur. I). 1)., of Xew; York, Bishop (Gilbert Haven, and others. Furber, William H., was jjorn in Boston, October i, 1828, the son of Thomas and Sophia (Monroe; Furber, of that city. His education was obtained in the public schools. Mr. Furber came to Somerville during its existence as a town, and here exercised a large in- lluence. He was a member of the Board of Aldermen for 1872 and 1S73, one of the trustees of the I'ublic Library for 1873, 1874, 1875, and mayor in 1874 and 1875. '!»-' delivered the centennial address on the history of Somerville in iS7(). Mr. Furber married .Miss Joanna, daughter of F.enjamin and Klizal)eth (Boynton) Parker. I hey now reside in Newton. Galpin, Mrs. Barbara. Among New England newspaper women Mrs. Barbara Gal- imi. of .Somerville, enjoys the distinction of being one of the brightest and best eijuipped in the profession. She is best known to the majority of Somerville people, perhaps, as the edi-' tor of the woman's page of the " Somerville Journal," with which paper she has been connected for nearly a score of years, and as the originator of the Heptorean Club, and treasurer of that organization since its inception. ]5ut these are not the only, nor even the principal causes of her distinction. Through her long connection w ith the " Journal," beginning as compositor, and being promoted to proof-reader, bookkeeper, and now having the direct charge of all the details of the large and growing business of the " Somerville Journal " newspajier and job printing establishment, she has had a remarkably varied experience, and has gained an in- sight into active newspaper management such as is enjoyed by few women. Her woman's page in the " Journal " is easily one of the best and most readable published. In its columns she has rlone much for the social and home sides of life, and also in assisting local charities. "73 m O O C/5 J— ^ Joseph J. Giles. SOMERl'/LLE, PAST AA'D /'RESENT. 543 She has cuntrihuted frei|uently to other papers, and her hriUiarit letters of travel and grace- ful poems have been widely read; in short, she is a thorough, all-round newspaper woman. With all her excellent business aliilitv Mrs. ( uilpiu is eminently modest and womanly, and her social life is peculiarly i>rilliant and charming. One published volume has come from her pen, '• In Foreij^n Lands," an entertaining description of travel in Europe. Besides her con- nection with other organizations, Mrs. Galpin has for several years been the efficient treasurer of the New England Woman's Press Association; she was also one of the founders of the "Daughters of Vermont," is an associate memlier of the " Daughters of New Hampshire," and is an active meml)er of the American Authors' (iuild, of New York City. Giles, Joseph J., was bom in Somerville near the site of the present Union S(iuare, in March, 1S42. his birth being tlie tirst in the town after its incorporation. His early education was obtaineil in the Somerville schools, and it was completed in the old High School building whicii is now the City Hall. In April, iShi, after the opening of the rebellion, he went to the front with the Somerville Light Infantry, Co. I, 5th Regiment, and participated in the tirst battle of Bull Run. In August, 1S62, lie enlisted for three years in the Somerville Guard, Co. E, 39th Regiment, and was conunissioned as its lirst heutenant. He subsequently served eleven months as an aid-de-camp to Gen. Martindale, the military governor of Washington, D. C. In 1S91 and i8i)2 he represented his district in the Legislature, serving on the com- mittee on insurance, and administrative boards and commissions. He has been engaged in the real estate and insurance lousiness in Union scjuare since 1S76, and is well and favor- ably known by the residents of Somerville, his i)usiness and social acipiaintance beinc^ un- usually wide and varief II. T. I'arkcr \ Co.. of ( harlestowii. where he remained two or three months. 1 le then undertook an express business on his own account lietween Winter Hill and I'.oston. carrvin" it on for two vears. In 1S72 he went into his father's estal)iishment as a clerk, be- j^inning practieallv at the bottom, and goi^g throufjh every tlepartment of the business, which was in tea. colTee and sjiices. until, Hnally, after buying an interest in the business, he succeeded to it when his father retired in 1S80. .Mr. (iline^ was married to Frances ( .. .laughter of /.iba 1'. and Nancy L. (Henderson) Hanks, of Augusta, Me. Ihey have no children. Mr. < dines has always felt an intense interest in politics, and has been prominent in many of the battles that have been fought in this city, and in state and national contests be- , sides, lie was a member of the Common Council in 1878. was re-elected in 1879 and made president of that body. In 1881 and 1882 he was elected to the House of Representatives, and did valuable service on important committees and in debate. In 18S4 he was elected a member of the State Central Committee, and served for two years both on the executive and liiiance committees. In the fall of iSS() Mr. (dines was nominated for the Senate, and was elected by a lar.Lje majoritv; he served on some of the most important committees, and did important work; he was re-elected to the Senate in 1887, and was chairman of the railroad committee and of the committee on Federal relations, etc. Since his retirement from the .Senate in 1888, Mr- t nines has not taken a public part in politics, but he has not lost his interest in jiublic af- fairs. He has always been connected with all enterprises to benefit the community, and fore- most in charitable works. I le was interested in the formation of the Central Club, of which he was president in 1894-95; ^^'^^ ^ member of the Webcowit Club, is a life member of the Somerville Imjirovement Society, and is now a member of the Winter Hill Club of this city, and the Central, Middlesex, New England and Taylor Clubs of I'.oston. lie has held oflices in the Somerville Volunteer Fire Department, in the Odd Fellows and Knights of Honor, and is a Knight Templar. In addition to his other services to the city he was one term an over- seer of the poor, and as president of the Common Council was a member of the School Committee in 1879. He was elected a delegate to the .Minneapolis Republican Con- vention, was a presidential elector in 1892, and was a can. O. F., of Charlestown; he died August _^. 18S2. In recognition of his services to the city the Jacob T. Cdines School was named in 189 1. Gookin, Abijah B., son of Thomas Thwing and .Mary (Brown) Gookin, was born at Watertown, Mass., September 7. 1825. He attended the schools of Watertown until he was fifteen years of age, and when nineteen he entered the High School of Fitchburg. He em- barked in the provision business ( )ctober i, 1847, '^"'' ^'^^ since continued in the same line and in the original location at 370 Ckmimercial street, Boston. He moved to Somerville in 1873, and still resides in the house that he purchased at that time. Mr. ( lookin has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Sarah F. Monroe of Cambriilgeport. and his second .Miss l.ouisa M. I.oring of lioston. He has served the city one year in the Common Council and two years in the Board of .Mdermen. He is a member of the Chand>er of Commerce and of the Fruit and Produce Exchange of Boston. He is also a member of the St. John's Lodge, I'. A. A. M. Mr. Gookin is a deacon in the lnion-S(|uare Baptist Church, and has been very earnest in his efforts to promote its welfare. His residence is at 1 5 ( irand \iew avenue. Edward Glines. < if O z O X SOMERVILLE, PAST AXD PRESENT. 547 Gordon, Emma J., was iHirn in Boston, hut her early childhood was passed in I.ynn, where her people still reside. She was educated in the public schools of that city, and at- tended the Salem Normal School with the intention of becoming a teacher in the public schools. Her inclinations, however, led her to choose another profession for her life's work, and in 1884 she entered the Training School for Nurses at the City Hospital, Boston. She applied herself with great zeal, graduated in two years, and for six months after was the head nurse of one of the wards. She then took up the work of a district nurse, and among the IKior (if the "North End" of Bostcm gained much valuable knowledge. Later she was a private nurse, tilling the important position in very many critical cases where unremittmg attentions were absolutely necessary to ensure the patient's recovery. For two and a half years, just previous to being called to take charge of the Somerville Hospital, she was matron of the Sunny Bank Home for Convalescents in Watertown. When the Somerville Hospital was established in 1893, Aliss (lordon was selected as one eminently qualified to HU the im- portant position of matron, and the confidence that was felt in her abihty to fill that post has been fully confirmed by her three years' service; in fact, much of the success that has attended the institution has been due to her able management. Increased responsibilities that have come upon her with the gradual increase of the number of inmates, and the corresponding increase in tlie expenditures and in the enlarged corps of nurses, have been met with firmness and rare good judgment, and the fidelity to the interests of the hospital that she has at all times displayed, have been acknowledged by every one. Miss Gordon is often invited to de- liver lectures on hospital work, but is compelled to decline them on account of the pressure of her duties in our city institutions; at home, however, she has given on several occasions informal talks before societies whose sympathies are enlisted in the hospital's behalf, and her words of advice and instruction have been of great value to the cause in whicli she is so in- tensely interested. Gould, Aaron H., son of John Gould, was born in Cum'oerland County, Nova Scotia, January 15, 1865. He attended the public school of the town and learned the carpenter's trade. About 1884 he was persuaded by his uncle, of F:ilsvvorth, Me., to locate there, and in charge of a force of fifty men he rebuilt for him the Hancock House. Later he planned and built a costly residence for H. B. Mason, mayor of the city, and other important buildings for many well-known citizens; the Swiss Shallia, Manor Inn, and many beautiful residences at Sullivan, Me., the growing summer resort managed by a company of which the late ex- (jovernor A. H. Rice of Massachusetts was president. Passing about four years in the then booming sections of the South, Mr. ( iould had many contracts for the erection of manufactur- ing-buildings, residences, etc., in Atlanta, Chattanooga, Fort Payne, Pell City, and other places — one an important business-block for Hon. John Maxwell of Winchester, Mass., another a savings-bank building for Col. J. \V. Spaulding of Boston. Since his return from the South he has planned the Drouet Apartment Hotel, the H. W. P. Colson Apartment Hotel, City Stables and Central Fire Station, all in Somerville; the Ward 5 Engine-house and Ward i Schoolhouse, Cambridge, the latter costing $40,000. Plans for the addition made this year to the Glines schoolhouse, Somerville, were prepared by him, also for a new engine-house in Dedham, Mass. His work has been of such a char- acter as necessarily to come under the observation of such men as ex-Mayor Hodgkins, Wm. H. Gray, superintendent of buildings, Cambridge, Hon. E. P. Cook, Portland, Me.. Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Ellsworth, Me., and others equally well known. Mr. Gould is a man who by careful attention to what he has undertaken has been able to accomplish re- sults that speak more forcibly than words of his abilities in his chosen vocation. His Bos- ton office is at 42 Court street, and his studio is at his residence, corner of Columbus and Stone avenues, Somerville. Gray, Rev. Andrew, A.M., D.D., was born at Sussex, N. B. After the usual course ^, Residence of Aaron H. Gould, Columbus and Stone Avenues. PO n> 3 n > > o ■XI O CD Jaa/.aniah Gross. SOMERl'/lJJi, J\IST .LVD PRESENT. 55 I of study in the schools at home, he became a scholar in the St. John Model School, and later pursued his studies at Sackville, \. ]!., at Windsor, X. S., and at the Boston School of Lan- guages. He was ordained i)Oth deacon and priest by the Kight Reverend Dr. IJnmey, late Lord ])ishop of Nova Scotia, and spent the first three years of his ministry at f,iverpool, X. S., as curate to the late Rev. Dr. Nichols. He then accepted a unanimous election to the rectorship of the adjoining parish of Port Medway, where he remained for five years. His first charge in this diocese was the Episcopal City Mission of Boston, of which he was head from 1876 to 1879, and in which he was the successor of the late Rev. Dr. E. M. v. Wells of blessed memory. The Mission bad suffered much by the " (".reat Fire " of 1872, both by the destruction of St. Stephen's Church and Mission House, and liy the breaking up and disorganization ofits work. During .Mr. C.ray"s mcumbency the work was reorganized, a house for a headquarters was purchased, and ( Irace Church, South Boston, was built. hi 18S0 he accepted the rectorship of St. Luke's Church, Chelsea, which he held for seven years. Here, too, he did an excellent work. The church building was repaired and improved at a considerable exjiense, and many articles of furniture, etc., including a church liell, were provided. After resigning St. Luke's, Dr. (Iray traveled extensively abroad, and gathered mate- rials for a forthcoming work on " The ( )rigin and Early History of Christianity in Britain." After his return from Europe he gave much attention to literary work, lectures, etc., and doing ministerial duty on Sundays. During thistime he took charge of '• Christ (Episcopal ) Mission,'" Wellesley, then in the feebleness ofits infancy. Kor eighteen months it continued under his care, during which time it developed into the present St. Andrew's Parish. He is the author of a number of pamphlets and of one or two bound volumes, all of them on subjects connected with his profession. Some of these have reached a second or third edition. He has also been a frequent contributor- to both religious and secular papers. St. Stephen's College, Annandale, N. \ ., conferred the degree of '• D. D." upon him Honoris ( 'luisa in 1S94, in recognition of his literary labors and of the service he had thereby rendered to the church. In December, 1895, he ^^as elected to the rectorship of St. Thomas' Church, in succession to the late Father Durell. He accepted the election, and at once entered on his work with earnestness and zeal. Grimmons, Charles A., son of Charles and Cordelia (Covell) Grimmons, was born in Middleton, Conn., January 19, 1859. He was educated in the public schools of Boston, graduat- ing from the English High School in the class of 1876. He began his business life as book- ] O m m > > < W-- 4S^^ % ^^■L^^^ -^^^^^^^^^ ^ Frank S. Hartshorn. SOMERllLLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 56 1 In 1S7S he became interested in the United Order of the (Jolden Cross, and rehn- i|uished his business to his sons (now carried on l)y \V. II. Hartshorn), and devoted much energy and time to its interest. In this order he has been honored with the highest official rank, having Ijeen Grand Commander of this State, a representative to and a permanent member of the supreme body, and is accredited with great success. In 1880 he established the " Golden Cross journal," and he still edits and manages this influential paper of exten- sive circulation. In church matters he has been very active, having been superintendent of the Sabbath School in Berlin several years, and also of the Prospect Hill Sunday-school, in connection with the churcli of the same name, which he was largely instrumental in forming. He was one of the first deacons of the Day-street Congregational Church, and has held that office in the Prospect Hill ('hurch from its origin. His faithful wife, to whom he attributes largely his success in life, celebrated with liim recently the lifty-tifth anniversary of their marriage. Hartshorn, Frank S., son of Francis C. and Aroline A. (.Saunders) Hartshorn, was born in Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 13, 1S46. His father moving to Somerville with his family in 1852, Mr. Hartshorn received his education in the schools of that city, and was graduated from the Somerville High .School in the first class to receive diplomas in 1862. He was for several years in mercantile life, and later in the dramatic profession. For fifteen years he has Ijeen connected with prominent hotels, having been for nine years in the Old Tremont I louse, Boston. He was for three consecutive years \\'. M. of John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., of .Somerville, and is a member of a council (jf the Home Circle. Mr. Hartshorn married Ellen L., daughter of Cyrus Y. Crosby of Somerville, and their children are Horace ('., of New Orleans and Florence S. Hartshorn. He has resided in Somerville for forty-four years, excepting a short time in Watertovvn, and in Memphis. His present residence is at 96 Glen street. Haven, Mrs. Clara P., who for three years has been president of the Daughters of Maine Club, was born at West Gardiner, Me., and taught for some six years in different sections of the State, filling with distinguished success positions in all grades in the schools. Her marriage with Mr. George D. Haven brought her to this city, where she has ex- erted a wide and powerful influence in her church and social life. .\n active member of the First Universalist Church, Mrs. Haven has devoted herself to the Sunday-school and to all matters pertaining to the parish, in all this, neglecting no portion of her home or social duty Under her direction the Daughters of Maine have made a splendid showing, and are gain- ing in influence every day. Mrs. Haven possesses unbounded faith in women to accom- plish grand results from earnest effort, and this faith has been justified by good works. Mrs. Haven has a most winning personality, is eminently practical, thoroughly in touch with the progressive spirit that animates this period, and is an ideal home-maker. Looking forward always to higher perfection in the clul) work, maintaining the highest standard possible, bringing enthusiasm and refined tastes into all she has undertaken, the club mem. bers have only been satisfied with the best results. Mrs. Haven is a member of the Ileptorean Club, doing her full share in the work of that notable organization, and her full and busy and useful life is an example of what wide influence may be felt from one active and refined personality. Hayden, Joseph Orlin, treasurer of Mfddlesex County, was born in Blandford, Mass., July 8, 1847, the youngest son of EHzur B. and Lucinda (Simmons) Hayden. His father was a well-known schoolmaster for many years, and later in life became a prosperous farmer. In early life Mr. Hayden attended the district school in Blandford, and from there went to the Granville Academy and the High School in Chicopee. At the age of seventeen he went West, and became a clerk in a law, real estate, and insurance estafjlishment in Minneapolis. .Vt the end of two years he bought an interest in a newspaper in that city, and soon after be- 562 somi:r\/i.i.i:, r.isr .\.\n rRiisiixr. came the manager. Mr. Haydencame lu Somersille in 186S, and entered the estal)lishment ■>f Hmerson Leland \ Co., of .Arcli street, as bookkeeper; after one year's service with the linn he resigned to become the treasurer and oftice manager of the Boston Daily and Sunday "Times." In 1S76 Mr. Hayden severed his connection with this paper to assume control of the Sumerviile " Journal. " and for the jiast twenty years it has been under his personal guidance. ( )f late vears but little of his time has been devoted to his newspaper, for in 1S86 he was unanimously elected treasurer of Middlesex County, which office he has held ever since. In iS,S2 he was elected a meml)er of the Somerville Myslic Water Board, and served as its presi- dent until he resigned, in 1S90. During his term of office the much-needed high-water ser- vice was jiut in o])eration. Mr. Hayden is the ])resident of the Somerville National Bank, a trustee of the Somerville Savings Bank, and also a trustee of the Somerville Hospital Asso- ciation. In newspaper circles his wise judgment and conservative methods are always in demaiul. He is now the president of the Suburban I'ress Association, which has a memijer- ship of nearly two hundred publishers and editors of the leading New England papers, and is also treasurer of the Massachusetts RepubUcan Editorial Association. Mr. Hayden is a memi)er of John Abbot Lodge of Free and .\ccepted Masons, Somerville Royal Arch Chap- ter, and of Orient Council. .As a county treasurer he is considered one of the best in the State, his system of bookkeeping and sets of bonks having been copied by other county offi- cials and approved by experts; as a newspaper manager he has few equals, and as a conserva- tive, careful Ijusiness-man he stands in the front rank. In all the progressive, beneficial movements of the city Mr. Hayden has always taken a leading part, both personally and with the great power of his pajicr. In 1870 Mr. Hayden was married to Mary Elizabeth Pond of Sumerviile. They re- side at 42 Spring street. Hayes, John S. Mr. Hayes has been a living force in Somerville. He came to this city to assume the dvities uf princijial of the Eorster Ciramniar .School, and held that position from 1878-93, a period of fifteen years. In that half a generation of years how many chil- dren and youths have had the imprint of his personality! .-\s a teacher he was devoted to his profession, and held in honorable esteem by his associates. He has been president of the Middlesex County Teachers' Association ; has read two admirable papers before its con- ventions, and also before other teachers' conventions. He was founder of the very popular Hillside Club, now sixteen years old, and its second president, and has served two terms as l^resident since then. Nearly every year he has read a paper before the club; and furnished to the local press, and read before historical societies, e. g. in Dedham, Harvard, etc., essays and lectures of local and general value. Some of these have been : " Myths of the Revolu- tion"; " .\ddress on Laying the Corner-stone of the Winter Hill Congregational Church"; " .\d(lress at the Twentieth Anniversary of C«Lur de Lion Commandery, Knights Templar "; .\ History of That Commandery; "A History of the Public Library"; ".\nnual Reports of the Library," which have been of such merit that they have been called for in all parts of the country. .\t the time of the semi-centennial celebration he took an active part from the lirst : served on important committees; was chairman of the Historical Committee; and on the day of the parade acted as commander <,A the Sixth Division. It was fitting he should have the last position, since he came of military parentage. His grandfather was a soldier of the Rev- olution, and his father a soldier of the War of 1S12. His active interest in all public affairs has been noticeable. He has been president of the Somervilh; Improvement Society. He was a member of the committee that marked the historic spots of Somerville. He is at present a member of tiie City Charter Commission. It may be said, in this connection, that he has written and published many able articles on the ancient and contemporary history of ilic . itv. In attending to matters of outside interest he has never neglected those which SOMKRl'ILlJu FAST AXD PRESENT. 563 seem to pertain more immediately to his own literary associations. He lias a large private lilirary of carefully selected books which have a marked value in wellnigh every depart- ment of literature. ( )ccupying as he now does, and has for three years, the responsible posi- tion of librarian of the Public Library, he has been able to supplement its resources quite frequently liy drawing upon those of his own lilirary. Besides the Hillside Club, he is a member of the Twentieth Century Club, the Massa- chusetts Liljrary Club, and of the American Library Association. His interest in Masonry has been prominent. He is a charter member of Soley Lodge, Past High Priest in Somer- ville R. A. Chapter, was active in founding, and is a charter member of Orient Council K. and S. Masters, and was its first Thrice Illustrious Master; is Prelate of Cieur de Lion Com- mandery, Knights Templar, and a member of the Massachusetts Consistory. He has also l)een for years afhUated with the Royal Arcanum. He has been Regent of Excelsior Coun- cil, has served on important committees of the Grand Council, was for seven years on its finance Committee, and has been six years Crand Treasurer, and holds that office to-day. These are skeleton facts, but a clean, vigorous, and helpful life has been built in and around them. Life is more than what it feeds on; more than what it does. Better than seeing, is vision; better than what a man accomplishes is the man himself. Hazeltine, Channing, was bom in Strafford, \'t., October 9, 1S44, of old New England pre-revolutionary stock. After acquiring such education as the schools of his native village afforded, he entered his father's tannery to learn the tanner's and currier's trades. At the age of 22 he went to Plainfield, Vt., where, having married, he embarked in the tanning business. At the age of 24 years he represented his adopted town in the \'ermont Legislature, soon after adding two more tanneries ti> his business; he also became largely engaged in lumbering, farming, brickmaking and building. In 1881 he came to Somerville, and soon after entered the real estate Itusiness on Devonshire street. He still retains his residence in Somerville. Henderson, Franklin, was born in Newbury, \t., August 27, 181 S. \\\ 1839, at the age «>f twenty-one, he came to Somerville — then a part of Charlestown — and engaged as a farmer with Mr. Samuel T. ]<"rost, who lived on Milk Row, wow Somerville avenue. In 1844-1848, he served the town as Superintendent of Streets, after which for sixteen years he was in the employ of the Lowell Railroad as track-layer. During the war he returned to the city service on the streets, and remained twelve years in that employment, and subse([uently engaged in the milk business in which he still continues to be interested. In 1849 Mr. Henderson married Caroline E. Tufts, of Somerville. and in the same year built his present residence on Central street. He has one daughter, Mrs. E. 1>. \'reeland. Herbert, John, is the son t>f an old and prominent Xevv Hampshire lawyer. He was born at Wentworth, X. H., November 2, 1849, but most of his boyhood was spent at Rum- nev, N. II. At the early age of twelve years his parents moved to Boston. He graduated at the head of his class from both the Mayhew (n'ammar School and the English High School, and shortly afterwards entered Dartmouth College, where he graduated with honor in 1S71. After his graduation he was elected principal of Appleton Academy, New Ips- wich, N. H.. which position he held for several years. He then resigned, and studied law with his father in Rumney, and was admitted to the Bar in New Hampshire in 1875. In 187S lie started upon a foreign trip, and spent a year in travel through Europe and the East. Soon after his return he came to Somerville, and l)egan the practice of law in Boston. Mr. Herbert is a member of the Boston Bar Association, and has been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United Slates. He is President of the Appleton Academy Asso- ciation, — which has in its membership persons from nearly every city in the Union, including many of note, — President of the Somerville Congregational Union, ex-President of the Mystic Vallev Club, ex-l'resideiit of the Congregational Sumlay-school Union, ex-Vice-President of o CD > Solomon S. Higgins. Col. Herbert H. Hii. SOMERl'II.LK, PAST AXD PRESENT. 567 the Appalachian Mountain Club, and a prominent member uf the Congregational Club. He took an active part in the organization of the Municipal League of Somerville, and was elected its Hrst President. He is a member of John Abbot Lodge, and of De Molay Commandery. He was one of the original founders of the "Somerville Citizen.'' and is now President of the Somerville Citizen Company. He is also a mend)er of the Massachusetts Press Association. Mr. Herliert has a large and lucrative practice; and he gives extensively of his time, strength and means to many good causes. Higgins, Solomon S., was born June 4, 1845, the son of Solomon and Olive Sparrow Higgins. He went on sea-voyages early in life, and subsequently went into the provision business in Boston, where he has been engaged over twenty-five years. He came to Somer- ville, and finally purchased the George O. Brastow mansion on Spring Hill. He is one of the largest real estate dealers in Somerville, a great part of which property he has extensively developed. He was a member of the Common Council in 1889 and 1890, and is an earntst worker in the Republican Ward and City Committee. Mr. Higgins takes a great deal of in- terest in the C.. A. K., and is a member of \V. C. Kinsley Post 139, and has served on the staffs of Cen. Weisart and Capt. J. G. B. Adams, commanders of the National Department. He married, for his hrst wife, Julia L. Nickerson of Harwich, .Mass., who died in 1875, anought the farm owned by Thomas Teele, on Broadway, where he engaged in market-gar- dening and fruit-raising for thirty-five years. He has also been a dealer in real estate in this city and Cambridge. He served on the Board of Selectmen for the town of Somerville four years, and at the present time is one of the trustees of the Somerville Savings Bank. Holt, Samuel W., son of Reul^en, Jr., and Siliel (Piper) Holt, was born in Landgrove, \ t., ( )ctoiier 23, 1S27. His education was obtained in the district schools of that town, and HI 1845 h^' ^~a'»t' to Boston and obtained employment in the grocery business; in this he remained a few months, and then learned the trade of paper-hanging, which calling he fol- low ed two or three years, he then entered the teaming business, and soon purchased the in- terest of a retiring member of the firm of Page, Noyes & Co., now Fifield, Richardson & Co., continuing in the firm until he retired in September, 1895. Mr. Holt was a member of the Boston Volunteer Fire Department nine years, and was a charter member of the Boston Light Artillery, the first mounted battery M. V. M. He came to Somerville in i860, and served in the Common Council in 1884 and 1885, in the Board of Aldermen in 1886 and 1887, and on the Water Board in 1889 and 1890. He is a member of the John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., the Somerville Chapter, R. A. M., the Bos- ton Veteran Firemen's Association, the \'ermont Association and the Mystic Valley Club. Mr. Holt married Mary A. Richardson, daughter of Artemas and Rachel (Davis) Richardson, of Weston, \'t. They reside at 197 Washington street. Hopkins, James R., chief of the Somerville Fire Department, was born at East Cam- l)ridge, January 10, 1836, and was educated in the Cambridge puidic schools. After gradua- tion, at the age of sixteen, he was apprenticed to learn the furniture-carving trade with Doe, 1 lunnewell & Co., furniture manufacturers. While serving his apprenticeship he also received a full course of instruction in drawing at the Lowell Lislitute, Boston. He remained with this concern until the spring of 1858. He then found employment at the Haley, Morse & Boyden furniture factory, at South Dedham — now Norwood, — where he remained one year, and then returned to his former employers, with whom he remained until April 19, 1861, when he responded to the first call of President Lincoln for troops, and with the Somerville Light Infantry, a part of the Fifth Massachusetts Regiment, went to Washington, D.C., via New York and Annapolis, in Gen. B. F. Butler's command. Sub- sequently, with his regiment he was stationed in Virginia, and participated in the first battle of r.ull Run. With this battle ended his three months' term of enlistment. Returning home, he at once found a position with his old employers at East Cambridge. In the fall of 1862 he again enlisted, and went with General Butler to New Orleans, where he remained seventeen months, and was attached to the Chief <,)uartermaster's Department. His long and successful career as a fireman commenced when he was a mere lad, and he has iieen an active member of several engine companies in East Cambridge, Somerville and Norwood. In 1859 he was placed on the rolls of the Somerville No. i Company, and served as an active member, and during his time of service in the war as an absent member, until November 7, 1865, when he was transferred to the new Hose Company No. i, with which he remained until it disbanded in lulv, 1866. 5 JO soMEKiii.i.i-:. iwsT .\\n riomerville became a city, he was elected chief, and has held that position ever since. He was one of the original members that organized the National Association of Fire Engineers at ISaltimore, .Md., October 20, 1.S73. He has attended most of its an- nual conventions, has held the office of vice-president, and served upon many of its im|)or- tant committees, as well as contributing many valuable essays on the fire service at its conventions. He is also an active member of the Massachusetts State Firemen's Associa- tion, the Somerville \olunteer Veteran Firemen's Association, and the prime mover in the recently organized Massachusetts Fire Chiefs' Club. He is also a member of the J. .MibDt Lodge, F. .\. A. M., Oasis Lotlge, I. O. of O. F., the Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, ( lOoA I'ellows and the CJ. A. K. For many years he has been a member of prominent church choirs in Boston, Koxbury and Somerville. He was married September 30, 1S65, to Susan C. Moore, d.iugliter of J. .Xbram Moore, and has two children, a son and a daughter. Howes, Francis M., was born at Chatham, Mass., in 1840. He was of a sea-faring family, and very naturally he took to the sea, shipjiing befijre the mast on tishing schooners when but eleven years of age, during the summer months. Throughout the winters he attended school. After four years of this life he shipped in one of the vessels of the Mer- chants and Miners Transportation Company, the Joseph Whitney, and with the exception of about two and a half years in the latter part of the Fifties, which he spent in cruising around Cape Horn, his entire nautical life has been in the employ of this line. His rise was steady and rapid, and when he was but twenty-six years of age he took his first per- manent command of the McClellan, formerly the Joseph Whitney, although he had had temporary command of the George Appold the year before. He was the youngest captain that ever had command of a steamer of this line, and to-day he is the oldest captain in point of service. He has held the position of senior captain of the line for ten years, a position that his brother, the late Solomon Howes, held before him. The late Capt. Howes, who took the first boat out of Boston Harbor on Christmas Eve, 1S54, was as able a sailor as ever commanded a ship, and it was under his training and that of Capt. Hallett, the pioneer commanders of the line, that Capt. Howes received his lessons in seamanshij). This training, together with his natural push and indomitable will, have put him in his present high jiosition on the line. In the twenty-seven years in which he has been a captain for this line, Capt. Howes has commanded the following vessels: The McClellan, Ceorge Appold, Blackslone, William Lawrence, William Crane, P.erkshire, Decatur H. Miller, Chatham (named in honor of his native town), the Dorchester, and the new boat the Gloucester, one of the finest vessels afloat. At the age of twenty-one, Capt. Howes married Miss Catherine R. Doane, of Chatham, where they had been schoolmates together. About seven years later he moved to Somer- ville, where he has resided for the past twenty-nine years. Their union has been blessed with six children, of whom one son and three daughters are still alive. They reside on Summer street. Capt. Howes, during his service with this line, has towed in fifteen disabled vessels* and rescued from a watery grave eleven crews. Oftentimes his life-saving work has been done at great personal risk, and his acts of heroism have been recognized in many ways. He is a member of John .Vbbot Lodge, F. h. .\. M.. Knights of Honor. Royal .\rcanuni, ami Pilgrim Fathers. Hubbard, Orrin C, was i)orn in Rowley, Mass.. May 13, 1S51, the son of Calvin and Mary E. (Chaplin; Hul)l)ar(l. of that town. He was educated in the public schools of his town, and the Dummer Academy. In 1870 he came to Boston, and learned the silk hatter's trade, remaining with the tlrm of Brown \- Wilcox fourteen years. His entering business <>n SOMERl'/LLE, P. 1ST .LVD PRESENT. 571 his own account resulted in the estal)lishment of the firm of Lamson & Hubbard, where he still continues. Mr. Hubbar.I came to Somerville in 1881. He is a member of John Abbot • Lodge, F. .\. A. M., Somerville Chapter, R. A. M., of which he has been high priest; Orient Council, R. and S. M., De Molay Commandcry, K. T., and Boston Lodge of Perfection. S. R. He resides on Highland avenue. Hughes, Albert E., was b(Kn in Truro, Mass., in December, 1831, son of James and Jane (Avery) Hughes. He was educated in the schools of his native town, and came to Boston in 1850, \\-hen he engaged with his brother, John Avery Hughes, in the manufacture of show-cases, which business he still carries on, at the original location on Washington street, opposite the Old South Church. Mr. Hughes was married to Miss Anna ^L Magoun. daughter of Joshua Magoun, of Charlestown, who was the pioneer ship-builder on the Mystic River, and whose yard occupied the site where the Charlestown gas-works are now located. Mr. Hughes came to Somerville in 1S56. He resides at 59 Rearl street. Huntley, L. Herbert, was born in Charlestown, May i, 1858. He came to Somerville m 1870, and attended the Prescott Crammar and the High School; on the completion of his education he entered the employ of his father in the produce commission business in ]3oston, and subsecpiently became a memljer of the firm of R. Huntley and Son. He is now- sole proprietor of the business, and is located on Blackstone street, and in Blackstone Mar- ket. Mr. Huntley is a member of the I'.oston Chamber of Commerce, Excelsior Council, R. A. ^L, Harmony Council, H. C, an.l the East Somerville Baptist Church. He was elected to the Common Council in 1894, i-e-elected in 1895, -in^l I')' a unanimous vote was chosen president of the Council in that year. He is now a member of the Board of Alder- men. His residence is at No. i Pearl street. Ireland, George W., son of Jonathan and Mercy ( Pollard) Ireland, was born Januarv 13, 1S16, in Boston, on Warrenton street, at the corner of Tremunt street, in the house that stood (in the triangular piece recently taken for subway purposes. His ancestors were born in that part (if Charlestown now Somerville, at the corner of Ireland's rangeway (School street) and Milk Row (Somerville avenue). He received his education at Madam Rider's private school, the Franklin School, and the English High School of Boston. He was true to the friendships of his youth, and made great eff.irts in his old age to attend the meetings of the Boston Old Schoolboy's Association. He entered the employ of Whittemore (S: Chamberlin in 1833, rising to the position of chief clerk, and having charge df their busi- ness. In 1837 he went to Stoddard. X. IL, where, with his brother, Wm. H. Ireland, he engaged in a general-store business, and the manufacture of potato-starch and potash. The brothers bought out the soda manufacturing business of Darling & Pollard, l!(«ton, in 1845. ^Ir- Ireland sold dut in 1853, and moved to Somerville, building a residence, and engaging in the real estate business and fruit-raising. He was one of the founders of the First Universalist Church, and at the time of his death, its senior deacon. He was assessor four years, and the last collector under the town government. Mr. Ireland was married, November 28, 1841, to Jane Preston of Windsor, N. H., who is still living. He has had three children : Emma Jane, who died in infancy; George II. Ireland, assistant treasurer of the Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass.; and Martha Jane, wife of Dr. E. P. Gerry, Jamaica Plain. He liecame ill while on a visit to his daughter, and died after a long and painful illness, July 2, 1895. Jones, Melville D., was hum in Boston, September 25, 1842. He received an edu- cation in the public schools of his native city, and when but eighteen years of age, at the breaking out of the Civil War, he enlisted in Captain Wm. R. Swan's Company (C),5th Regi- iment, Massachusetts Volunteers, and with the regiment started for the scene of war on the 19th of April, 1861. The regiment served the State and nation creditably, and even after its term of service had expired, participating in the first battle of Bull Run, in which it took -^;2 SOMERIJLLK, PAST .LVD /'AU-SEXJ. a prominent part. Mr. Junes, wearied by the excitement and fatigue of the day's battle, by sheer exhaustion, fell out of the ranks of the rejjiment with a comrade on the retreat, and slept in the woods, within a few miles of Lentreville, the place for which the troops had started in the mornin<;, and was accounted one of the missing; hut in consequence of the rebels not folk)wiiig up their victory, he found his way i)ack to Alexandria on the eveninj^ of the 22(1. When the call for six months" troops was made in 1S62, he again offered his services, and enlisted in Comjiany F, Captain J. F. Sawyer, Cambridge, of the 6th Regiment, and served for nine months. This regiment was stationed during its term of service in Suf- folk, \'a., and, operating with the troops in that vicinity, was in many engagements. After his discharge from the service he entered the employ of the John A. Winn & Co., ornamental iron works, and in 1S70 he embarked in business on his own account in the same trade, anx\\ 20, 1S26. He was graduated from Harvard University in 1850. He taught school for a while after gradua- tion, coming to Somerville for the purpose in 1S52. He was admitted to the bar in i860. He was Selectman and .Solicitor for the town for many years. He served on the School Committee of Somerville from 1858 to 1867, and again from 1877 to 1883. He has twice represented the city in the Legislature, and rendered valuable service on the Boards of Health and of Overseers of the Poor. The Public Library owes much of its success and development to his efforts as trustee, which office he has held since 1879. In his long career as a public official, during a residence of forty years, he has con- tributed greatly to the prosperity of the city, and has won the respect and gratitude of his fellow-citizens by the honesty, the ability, and the fidelity displayed in the management of the trusts committed to his care. In 1866 the Lincoln School, then located on Elm street, and now on Clarendon Hill, was named in his honor. Locke, Marshall Hammon, was born at Lexington, Mass., .Vpril 12, 1822, the son of Hammon and Rebekah (Nevers) Locke. His early life was passed on the paternal farm, and his education was obtained in the schools of his native town. His employment in after- life has been varied, he having been a farmer, milk-dealer, miner, house-carpenter, ship- carpenter, storekeeper and painter. December 26, 1848, he married Lucy A. Wyman of Lexington, daughter of James and Betsey (Locke) Wyman, and resided in that town until ()ctober3i, 1849, when he went to California, w'here he remained about eighteen months, and then returned to Lexington. He came to Somerville, January i, 1865, and has been, a resident of this city since that time. Mr. Locke is not a clui> man, and belongs to none of the so-called secret societies, being quiet and domestic in his tastes, and happiest at his own fireside. He has been a director of the Somerville Co-operative Bank, and a trustee for the Somerville Savings Bank since they were established. He resides on Summer street. Lombard, Frank G., was born in Charlestown, Mass., .\pril4, 1855. ^^ attended the public schools of his native city, and graduated from the Bunker Hill School in the summer -Sj SOMIlRllLLi:, r.\ST AXn PRKSF.XT. c,f 1S71. In the autumn of that year he entered the Bryant aiul Stralton Commercial College of buston, leaving that institution in the autumn of 1872, to take a position with tiie well-known crockery-house of Abram French & Co., Hoston, the largest estahlishmenl of its kind in the country. In the spring of 1879 he moved to Mt. \ernon street, Kast Somer- viUe, where he now resi < ;S4 SOMI'.Rill.I.i:. I'.IST AXP I'RESI-.XT. Lovejoy, Benjamin P., the sun of Jeremiah and Betsy l.uvejoy, was born in Gloucester. Mass.. Mav 2<), iSjj, tlic residence of the family l>eing then on the present site of the new post-oftice and government buildings. ^Yhen he was live years of age his family moved to Lynn, where they remained six months, and thence removed to Reading, where his father purchased a farm. Here Mr. l.ovejoy remained for fifteen years, assisting in tne farm work, and obtaining such education as he could at the common school, which he was able to attend a few months only in each year. In 1S53 he left the farm, and came to lioston. where he found employment with A. .\ldrich iV Co., bulter merchants in the (^)uincy Market, with whom he remained six or eight months. He then entered the employ of N. I). V. Taylor t\: Co., who were engaged in the foreign fruit trade in Merchants' Row, and at the expiration of twenty months left them, to take a position with the firm of Cyrus Carjienler tV Co., dealers in furnaces, etc. In 1867 he was admitted a partner in the house, and in 1S93, after the death of Mr. Carpenter, his interest was purchased by Mr. Lovejoy, and he is now the sole owner of the business. He married Miss Kmma S. Carpenter, February 27, 1S56, and has two children, a son and daughter, both of whom are married. In September, 1861, they removed from Boston to Somerville, and in July, 1883, took up their residence in the handsome house that Mr. Lovejoy erected at No. 141 Highland avenue. Mr. Lovejoy was a member of the Common Council in 1874 and 1875, serving on the committees on public property, and fuel and street lights. He was one of the foremost promoters of the park, and has been very earnest in forwarding its interests. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum and Home Circle, but is not a club man in the usual accej^tance of the term, his tastes being quiet and domestic. Lowe, Rev. Charles. Charles Lowe was born in Portsmouth, N. H., November 19, 1S28. His iiarcnls removed to Exeter, N. H., while he was very young. He graduated at Lxeter Academy, and entered Harvard University in 1844, as sophomore, and, on his gradua- tion, entered the Cambridge Divinity School, having decided to become a minister. When his course was finished he received a call to the Unitarian parish of New Bedford, as colleague with Rev. John Weiss. After a year or more of good work there, his health failed, and he went to Europe, and traveled in England and on the Continent, and also went to Egypt and the I loly Land. He then attended lectures in the theological schools of Germany, becoming a proficient in the ( ierinan language. On his return home he accepted a call to the North Church of Salem. He remained there two years, when, his health giving way, he resigned his position. He married, in 1857, Miss Martha Perry of Keene, N. H., and rented an old-fashioned homestead in the vicinity of Salem, where he could work out of doors and restore his health. At the end of two years he received a call to Spring Hill, Somerville, as minister of the First Congregational L iiitarian Church. He accepted it, and removed here with his wife, and built a house on Summer street, in 1859, and devoted himself earnestly to the religious and practical interests of his parish. He worked vigorously for the cause of tem- perance in the community, and, at one time, with the help of one or two gentlemen, succeeded in persuading all the liquor dealers in the town to give up selling intoxicating drinks, in case the rest would keep the contract. During the War of the Rebellion he addresseil our soldiers in his church, and also at Union square. He went down to the South twice to preach and distribute tracts and other literature, and afterwards on a mission to the freedmen. He stimulated his people by his letters home, and obtained from them liberal help for our soldiers, and also induced them to pay the salary of a lady teacher for the freedmen. Mr. Lowe had made himself, in the meantime, so efTicient in the Army Committee of the American Unitarian Association, and elsewhere, that they wished to secure his permanent services, and invited him to be their secretary in 1865. His voice had become weakeneil, and it was doubtful how long he would be able to preach, and so he resigned his pastorate with many regrets, and accepted the new position for which he was so admii.ibly fitted. He Benjamin P. Lovejoy, i '"*. ^ > < X >- c — > LU > O < z UJ CQ 70 n ^ Howard Lowell. SOMEN 17LLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 5 '"^9 kept this situation until 1871, managing the affairs of the association with such tact, earnest- ness, and rehgious catholicity of spirit, that he won friends in all denominations, and when he gave up the office, not only his co-religionists, but prominent men in otlier walks of life, expressed their profound regret. He had now two daughters, and a very attractive rural home in Somerville, and he decided to remain here ; but his friends were anxious that he should go abroad for a time and he embarked in a French steamer for Havre, with his family, and remained nearly two years abroad, visiting England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, where his l)rother-in-law, \\x. Perry, resided at Madrid. On his return, with somewhat improved health, his active mind led him,' by the advice of friends, to start a religious magazine and review in the interests of his denomination. He worked on it with great eagerness until the spring of 1874, and with encouraging prospects, when he was prostrated with a hemorrhage of the lungs, in the month of May, from which he coul.l not rally. After an illness of about three weeks, he passed away June 20, 1874, in the forty-fifth year of his age, leaving a place vacant in his home, his church, and the community, which could not be soon tilled. Lowell, Howard, was born in Kennebunk, Me., August 4, 1852, the son of Marshall and Celestine M. Lowell. He passed his boyhood there, and, at sixteen, came to Somerville, and worked for A. M. Angier, a well-known expressman. He returned to Maine, and at twenty-one years of age came back to Somerville and drove a team for B. F. Chase, a baker in East Somerville. In 1S71; he was appointed a patrolman, and remained on the police force seven years, when he started the Standard Cab Company in Boston, and was very successful. He built a stable on Gilman street, and, in June, 1896, built another in front of the older one, and has now the finest constructed stable in the city. In January, 1896, he sold out the cab business, and commenced paying his sole attention to his business in Somerville. The hay and grain and storage warehouse dejiartments were added, and now the firm ijf Howard Lowell & Son has one of the best equipped buildings to be found anywhere. In 1874 he married Laura E. Moulton of Cambridgeport. They have a daughter, who is a general favorite among the young people, and a son, George E., who became a partner with his father in June, 1895, and is a very ambitious and upright young man. Mr. Lowell resides at 46 (iilman street in a cozy house, which he bought some time ago. Mr. Lowell was elected a Common Councilman from Ward 3 for 1896 and 1897, and has done good service for the city. He is a member of John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., Odd Fellows, Somerville Council Royal Arcanum, and the Sons of Maine. Lowell, Joseph Q., son of John and Mehitable (Bailey) Lowell, was born at Methuen, Mass., April 8, 1S42. He received his education in the schools of Haverhill, Mass., and was brought up as a farmer's boy, assisting in the home farm-work until he reached the age of twenty-three; he then came to Boston, and entered the fruit and produce business in which he has been engaged on his own account for upwards of thirty years, his firm, Lowell Bros. & Bailey, being known as one of the largest and most prosperous in the trade. Mr. Lowell was married in 1S67 to Mertilla J. Dutton of Stanstead, P. Q., by whom he has had two daughters and a son. They removed to Somerville from Charlestown in 1888. Mr. Lowell is a meml)er of the P.oston Chamber of Commerce, and the Boston Fruit and Produce Exchange; he also belongs to a number of fraternal associations, such as the I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum, etc. He resides at 371 Broadway. Luce, Robert, was born in Auburn, Me., in 1862, son of Enos T. and Phiebe L. Luce; he attended the public schools of Auburn and Lewiston, Me., and the High School of Somer- ville, graduating from the latter in 1877. He subsequently entered Harvard College, gradu- ating in 1S82, and taking the degree of A.M. in 1883. He then became connected with the "Boston Globe," filling an editorial position on that paper until 1888, since which period he has been a partner with his brother, Linn Luce, in conducting the Press Clipping Bureau in JosLTH Q. Lowell. SOMERllLLE, PAST .LVD J'KES/iXT. 59 1 Jloston and New Voi'k, an institution that employs forty people and reads alxiut two thou- sand papers daily. Mr. Luce has done a large amount of literary work in addition to the above: he was one of the founders of "The Writer," the author of " Electric Railways," and " Writing for the Press," and has issued various essays. His avocation outside the liureau work is that (if lecturing, and he is well and favorai)ly known in this department of his work. Mr. Luce is a member of John Abbot Lodge, V. A. A. M., and the Central Club, and is an ex-president of the Somerville Democratic Club. He married Miss Mabelle C. Karnham, daughter of Hiram L. and Elizabeth (Davis) Earnham nf tins city. They reside at 44 Highland avenue. Macomber, George H., son of William and Mary S. T. (Leeds) Macomber, was born in Boston, April 16, 1S57. He was educated in the public schools of that city, attending the Dwight and English High .Schools. He started in the clothing business in 1874 with Chamljerlin and Currier, and is now one of the officers of the welbknown .Standard Clothing Company. He married Miss Hattie Osgood, of Charlestown, January 23, 1883. Their children are Lawrence and Robert Leeds Macomber. He moved to his present residence, 102 Thurstim street, in 1S90. MacQueen, Rev. Peter, was liorn at Inchbreed, Wigtonshire, Scotland, January 11, 1S63. He is a descendant, on one side of his family, of the MacGregor clan, and on the other side, of the stern followers of Knox and Cameron. He has been in America since his boyhood, having come here alone, and pushed his way by dint of energy, industry and per- severance to his present position. He was an honor man in the class of 1887 of Princeton University, a graduate of Union Theological Seminary, New York City, and was for two years pastor of the Reformed Church, in Bronxville, N. V. His work in that parish was very successful, and his popularity there was universal. In 1893, \\lien the Day-street Church in this city was without a pastor, Mr. MacQueen preached there as supply, and shortly afterwards received a unanimous call to that church, which he accepted. He has done good, conscientious work in it; the membership and at- tendance have rapidly increased, and in 1896 the church was able to expend $8,000 upon the repairing and beautifying of the edifice and upon an elegant new organ. The ".Somer- ville Journal," in commenting on the church, says: " In the remodeled edifice of the Day- street Congregational Church, Sumerville will have one of its most attractive church build- ings." Mr. Mac(^)ueen is a frequent contributor to the " Cosmojiolitan " and " Munsey's," and is well known in newspaper circles, both in New York and Boston. He is a Inilliant, suggestive l^reacher, a genial, social man, and has friends in every corner of West Somerville. He is an enthusiastic traveler, and has visited every country in Europe, except Russia and Scan- dinavia. His most noted pAiropean trip was that made in the summer of 1896, when he conveyed to King tieorge of Greece a poem, " Our Laureled Sons," written by Henry O'Meara, in commemoration of the Olympic games, and dedicated to the King. The mis- sion was a splendid success, Mr. Mac("^ueen bringing back from the King and the city of Athens presents and compliments to the mayor of the city of Boston. Since his return Mr. MacQueen has been more successful than ever in his stereopticon lectures, which he had already made one of the features of the Day-street Church. He is interested in all that concerns Somerville, and always endeavors to promote its welfare. He is unmarried. Magoun, John C, was born in New Hampton, N. H., Decemljer 11, 1797, son of a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He was educated in the schools of his native town and in Atkinson Academy, and came to Charlestown at the age of twenty, where he engaged in farming and in the milk business. He was captain of a militia company, and was present with his command at the reception to Lafayette on Boston Common, and also at the laying of the corner-stone of Bunker Hill Monument. Mr. Magoun held nffice as an assessor thirty- 'S) O SOMER\-ILLK. PAST AND J'RESENT. 593 four years, and also served on the School Committee and as a member of the IJoard of Over- seers of the Poor. He was one of the founders of the First Unitarian Society. He died lanuary S, 1SS2. Mann, Alfred E., was born at Merrimack, Mass., November 17, i85i,l)ut has lived in Somerville since 1852. After obtaining his education he embarked in business, and in 1S87 opened his undertaking establishment at No. 4 Warren avenue, where he has been success- ful in building up a large and lucrative business. He stands high in his profession as a funeral director and embalmer, having received instructions from the leading professors in the art of embalming. He is now connected with various trade associations, and is a member (jf Oasis Lodge, I.O. O. F., Somerville Encampment. Ivaloo Lodge, D. of R., Arcadia Lodge, K. of P., Wonohaquaham Tribe, R. M., Delft Haven Colony Pilgrim Fathers, Putnam ( 'oni- mandery, U. O. G. C, Central Club, Mystic Valley Club, Somerville Veteran Firemen's Asso- ciation, National Lancers, Signet Commandery Knights of Malta, and King Solomon Priory. Mr. Mann was married, in 1S73, to Miss Eniilie A. Calletly of this city. They reside at 75 Washington street. Mann, Jairus, was born in Charlestown, ( )ct()ber 29, 1825, the son of Joseph and Eunice (Jacobs) Mann. His father died when he was nine years old, and after attending a private school for a year he entered the law office of William Sawyer, of (,'harlestown, at that time the leading lawyer and the only trial justice in the town. In 1853 he was ap- pointed a police officer in Somerville, and was afterward an assistant engineer and secretary of the Fire Department. He was made lieutenant of the pohce in 1865, and held the posi- tion until he was appointed city messenger in 1872; since then he has held this office con- tinuously, every mayor having made him his first appointee. He is now the longest in the service of the city of any of its officers. He has been a meml)er of John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., since 1S59. He is a member of Somerville R. A. Chapter, Excelsior Council, K. A., Washington Council, Home Circle, and Iron Hall. He is a meml)er of the National Lancers, where he has held the positions of corporal and sergeant, and was the originator of the Massachusetts City Messengers' Club, of which he is now secretary. Mr. Mann has been twice married: his first wife was Miss Emeline, daughter of John Runey, of Somerville; his second wife was Miss Martha A., daughter of Josiah and Nancy (Smith) Spofford, uf IJuxton, Me. He resides on Richdale avenue. Meleney, Clarence E., was born in Salem December 8, 1853, the son of Henry E. and Kli/.a A. (Innis) Meleney, of that city. His early education was obtained at the Hacker Grammar School of .Salem. He was fitted fur college at the Classical Institute, Waterville, Me., and was graduated at Colby University with the class of 1876. After graduation he was principal of academies at Warren and Prescjue Isle, Me.; the Methuen High; the Washing- ton Grammar at Marlboro, the Adams Grammar at Quincy; Grammar Nt). 2 at Vonkers, N. v., and the Newton-street Grammar at Newark, X.J. For \\vio,ooo house and staMc for George D. Kd- nuinds of Ilopedalc. lie followed the occu])alion of master builder until he was twenly- tive vears of age, when he began to practice the profession of architecture in South Iraiii- ingham, remaining in that town nine years, and moving to Somerville in 1S90. In 18S8 he became connected with \V. 1". Sears, architect of Boston, as Superintendent, of Construction, and was engaged in remodeling the Sears IJuiMing any street, Boston, in 1892, since which time he has constructed Odd Fellows' Building in North Cambriiige, another large apartment-house for Mr. Hart, the Van Choate Electric Company's Factory plant at Foxborough, Mass., and other important buildings. He was married, June iS, 1885, to Miss Mary Fli/abeth Titcomb of Kennebunk, Me.; they have no children. Mr. Nichols is a member of the Framingham Lodge 145, I. < ). O. F., John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M.. .Monotomy Chapter, R. \. M., New England Order of I'rotection, the Boston .Architectural Clul). and the Boston Society of Architects. He resides at 20 Chapel street. Nickerson, Alvano T., was born at Chatham, June 24, 1839, the son of Caleb and Julia A. ( Hamilton) Nickerson of that place. He was educated in the district school, and came to Boston in 1854. Prior to 1867 ^e was in business for himself in Chicago, as a member of the firm of Ryder t\; Nickerson, since which time he has been in business alone at Charlestown Bridge. Mr. Nickerson came to Somerville in 1882. He is a member of Paul Revere Lodge, L O. ( ). F., and a director of the Odd Fellows' Building Association, also a trustee for the Twenty .Associates, and a trustee of the Somerville Hospital. He served the city in the Common Council of 188S and 1889, and in the Board of Aldermen in 1890 and 1S91. He has also been a member of the Board of Health since 1893. Mr. Nickerson married, in 1863, Laurietta Nickerson of Chatham. They reside at 334 Broadway. Nickerson, John F., was born October 13, 1846, at Provincetown, Mass., son of lonathan Land Rebecca 1 ). Nickerson. He received his education in the Provincetown schools and in the Creen Mountain Institute at South Woodstock, Vt. He commenced business in 1863 as clerk with Whiton Brothers \ Co. of Boston, and remained with them about two years. He then took a position as bookkeeper with Hinckley Brothers iS: Co., but was, on account of an accident, obliged to leave their employ after two years of service. He sul)sequentlv engaged in the grocery Inisiness with T. I). 1 )emond iV Co., on Broad street, was soon admitted to the firm, and some years later he purchased the entire business which was then carried on under the firm name of John F. Nickerson tS; Co.; at the present time it is a corporation known as the John F. Nickerscm Companv. of which Mr. Nickerson is the president. He is a member of Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M., the Boston Wholesale Crocers' and Massachusetts Fish and Game Protective Associations, and the United Order of Workmen. Mr. Nickerson was married to Georgiana P. Langmaid of Charlestown, Mass., June I, 1869; they have three daughters, and have resided at 25 Flint street since June i, 1869. He was two years a member of the Somerville Water Board, but the pressure of his business has always prcvcnlcd his holding other offices in the service of the city. Norcross, Joseph Leiand, was born in Woodbury, Vt., December 6, 1834. At the age of twenty-one years he came to Boston, where he engaged in the teaming business, having his headquarters at ( iiy Wharf until 1873, when he removed to his present place of business at 212 State street. In January, 1871, he was married and became a resident of Somerville, jiurchasing the estate No. Co Marshall street, where he resides at the present time. Mr. J. Leland Norcross. Mrs. J. C. NouRSE. SOMERVILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 603 Norcross has been identified witli a number of Somerville institutions from their first incep- tion. He withdrew from FranlcUn Lodge, I. O. C). F., of I'.oston, to assist in the organiza- tion of Paul Revere Lodge of this city, and has been treasurer of that lodge since its founda- tion in 1878. He is also a charter member of Winter Hill Encampment. In 18S4, when the Odd Fellows organized a building committee to erect the substantial brick building on the corner of Broadway and Marshall street, Mr. Norcross was elected treasurer of the building association, a position which he has retained until the present time. He has always been actively interested in the Winter HillUniversalist Church, which he assisted to organize in June, 1878. In 1879 and iSSo he served the city as a Common Cuuncilman, and in the two following years as an Alderman. Mr. Norcross has been one of the directors of the Master Teamsters' Association of Boston since its formation, and is now president of the association. Nourse, Mrs. J. C, daughter of Tappan and Katie (Cummings) Libliy, was born in .Scarborough, Me., August 28, 1854. She was educated in the public schools of her native town, and in the Casco-street Seminary of Portland. In 1875 she was married to Mr. Charles Nourse. In 1881, her natural tastes being for a business life, she commenced in a rather small way in North Cambridge, where she continued until the autumn of 1886, when she removed to Davis square, and occupied the store Nos. 10 and 1 1 in Medina Building. Her increasing business in the years tliat followed demanding more room, she arranged to have one-half of the new Chapin Building tinished and furnished to suit her ideas of what a modern dry goods store should be, and when it was ready for occupancy, she removed from her old quarters in June, 1896, and now has in the new store what is termed by a dry goods journal of New York "the largest establishment of the kind in New England, managed by a lady." Her emporium is arranged in an exceedingly attractive manner, and her continued increasing patronage demonstrates that her efforts to give the residents of West Somerville and vicinity a first-class dry goods store are appreciated. Noyes, Frank A., was bom at Auburn, Me., May 9, 1S50. After receiving his edu- cation at the public schools of that city, and the Auburn Commercial College, he secured a position in Portland, where he remained for three years, as bookkeeper for J. H. Cressey & Co. In 1872 the firm removed to Boston, locating at 208 State street, with whom he con- tinued for ten years, and then entered the firm as Cressey & Noyes, remaining there until the completion of the Chamber of Commerce Building in 1892. There he is now located as a member of the firm of Noyes & Colby, in the wholesale grain business. Mr. Noyes has been connected with the grain trade of Boston for the past twenty-four years, and is favorably known throughout New England and the West. He is a member of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, and is now one of the directors of that institution. In 1874 he married Miss Anna R. Mason of Portland, Me., and they selected Somer- ville for their future home, and have since that time been residents of this city. Mr. Noyes has always taken an interest in fraternal organizations, and is a member of Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M., Excelsior Council, R. A., Sons of Maine, and is a past officer of Oasis Lodge, Somerville Encampment, Ivaloo Rebekah Lodge, I. O. O. F.. Highland Chapter, Order Eastern Star, and at the present time is associate grand patron, O. E. S. of Massachusetts. He resides at 95 Highland avenue. Park, Elbridge G., was born in Ashby, Mass., in 1S39. He received his education in the district and high schools of his native town, and came to Boston in i860, and engaged in the produce trade, in which he remained two years. He then entered the restaurant busi- ness, and has continued in it for over thirty years, conducting large and successful estabhsh- ments at No. 30 North Market and 123 Causeway streets, Boston, under the firm names of Durgin, Park & Co., and E. G. Park e^ Co. He removed from (/harlestown to East Somer- ville in 1874, and has resided here since that time. ^•9fe Elbridge G. Park. SOMERllLLE^ PAST AND PRESENT. 605 In 1884 he represented Ward i in the Common Council, and was re-elected in 1S85. lie served on the Board of Aldermen in 1886 and 1887, and was president of the board the last-named year, serving on some of the most important committees. Mr. Park is a member of the Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M., and the Cceur de Lion Commandery, K. T., of Charlestown ; lie is also a member of the Howard Lodge, L O. O. V ., of Charlestown. Parker, Frederick Wesley, was born in Boston, May 9, 1863, son of Jerome W. and Ann Eliza (Wright) Parker. He is of old New England stock, being a direct descendant, in the eighth generation, of Francis Cook, who came over in the Mayflower in 1620. Mr. Parker received a good commnn-school education, and at the age of seventeen took a minor clerkship in the banking office of Perkins, Dupee cV: Co., 40 State street. He rose rapidly, and in 1888 engaged in business on his own account, forming with Arthur W. Sawyer and Hazen Clement the firm of Sawyer, Clement lS: Co. In 1892 Mr. Sawyer retired, and the firm became Clement, Parker&Co., and continues as such at the present time, being located at 53 Devonshire street, Boston. They have been successful, and are quoted among the leading firms in the bank- ing business. Mr. Parker served in the Common Council of Somerville in 1894 and 1895, and was on the Finance and Public Property Committees. He is a director in the Somerville National Bank; a member of John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M.; Somerville Chapter, R. A. M.; Orient Council, and De Molay Commandery; is also a member of the Central Club, the Charlestown Club, the Exchange Club of Boston, and the "Society of Mayflower Descen.l- ants." He married Miss Nellie E. Blodgett of Cambridge, June 15, 1887; they have one child, Mildred, and reside at 65 Boston street. Parsons, Horace M., the son of Daniel W. and Mary P. Parsons, was born in I^ock- l)ort, Mass., in 1864. When three months of age his parents moved to Boston, residing at the historical " North End," and the son attended the famous Eliot School, going suijse- quently to the English High. Young Parson's first situation was at the drug store of Theo- dore Metcalfe Co., but fifteen years ago he entered the employ of Bigelow, Dowse & Ma- comber, as a boy, and has remained with this concern ever since, working his way up through various grades, until he is now head bookkeeper and cashier of the leading hardware corpora- tion in New England. Nine years ago he was married to Annie L. Millett, but she died soon after their marriage. In March, 1895, he married Sadie C. Saurman, and they now reside in an attractive home on Prospect Hill. When the Somerville Light Infantry was being reor- ganized, young Parsons, then twenty-two years of age, offered himself as a member. He was then six feet and four inches tall, and was a striking figure in the company. He was made a sergeant Sept. 9, 1887, and less than two years afterwards second and then first lieutenant. Upon the discharge of Captain Kirk he was elected captain, and has held the position tor nearly five years, with great credit and marked ability. He was recently elected a major of the Eighth Infantry, but declined the position. Parkhurst, Melville C, chief of police of the city of Somerville, was born in Stand- ish, Me., April 26, 1842, son of John L. and Marcia (Harriman) Parkhurst. He was edu- cated there and came to Somerville in 1857. August 12, 1S62, he enlisted in Company E of Somerville, Thirty-Ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. He was in defense of Washington until 1863, and then was sent with the Army of the Potomac, and was in all its great battles from the Wilderness to Appomattox. June 5, 1865, he was mustered out as lieutenant, the governor having issued to him a commission as captain, on which, however, the war being over, he was not musteied in, althoiigh he had for several months commanded his company as captain in the field. May 29, 1868, he received his appointment to the Somer- ville pohce force. He was appointed captain, April i, 1871, and chief, in January, 1872. It is a noteworthy fact that Chief Parkhurst has made himself so familiar with criminal law that in all important cases in Somerville he conducts personally the case of the government. He also drew the petition and drafted the bill passed by the Legislature in 1882, giving police / r li Frederick W. PAHKiiH. S0MER17LLE, J'AST AND PRESE/VT. 607 officers authority to ssiid samples of liquor seized on search warrants to the state or other authorized assayer — thus making it possible to learn accurately and officially if such liquor contains more than the three per cent of alcohol allowed by law. Chief I'arkhurst is a mem- Ijer of John Abbot Lodge, A. F. and A. M., Somerville Royal Arch Chapter, and Cceur de Lion Commandery, K. T., and of several other local fraternal organizations. In 1865 he was married to Mary E., daughter of James and Ruth (Ikitler) Coolidge of Waltliam, bv whom he has two cliilch-en. Perkins, George W., son uf True and Mary Ann (Chai)nian) Perkins, was born in Tamworth, N. IL, July i, 1842. lie was educated in the common schools of his native town, and in the New Hampton Listitution, Xew Hampton. N. II. lie taught in Xew Hampshire two years, and then came to Boston, where he entered the dry goods business, in which he remained three years. Lor the six following years he occupied the position of traveling salesman for A. Showe ec Co., wholesale tea and coffee dealers, was then admitted a member of the lirm, and is now manager of the business. Mr. Perkins has resided in Somerville for twenty-five years. He represented this city in the House of Representatives in 1891, and served as chairman of the committee on drainage. He was re-elected in 1892, and served t)n the committee on cities. In 1S95 he was elected to the Senate, and was chairman of the committee on printing, and a member of the committees on education and on metropolitan affairs. In 1896 he was again elected to the Senate, and served as chairman of the com- mittee on public service, and as a member of the committees on education and melrt)politan affairs. He married Miss Minerva R. lierry of Westminster, Vt., and they reside at 3 Pearl street. Mr. Perkins is a member of the Royal Arcanum, the A. O. U.W., a trustee of the Som- erville Hospital, of Somerville Masonic Apartments, a member of the Webcowit Social Club, and a member of the Knights of Honor. Lie is past master of Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M., member of the Somerville R. A. Chapter, the ( )rient Council of Select Masters, and is senior warden of the De Molay Commandery, K. T., of Boston. He is also a member of the Massachusetts Republican Club, the Mystic Valley Club, and the Metropolitan Young Men's Republican Club. Perry, Albion A., was born in Standish, Me., January 26, 1851. the son of Rev. fohn C. and Mary E. (Boston) Perry. He was educated in the pubUc schools and at Monmouth Academy. He came to Somerville in 1869, and for several years carried on the drug liusi- ness with marked success. He fitted himself for the profession of pharmacist at the Mas- sachusetts College of Pharmacy. After retiring from the drug business he took up the studv of law at the Boston University School of Law, and later opened an office in Somerville. In 1886 he associated himself with Hon. S. Z. Bowman, and the jjartnership has continued to the present time. Mr. Perry has served the city in many different capacities. He was elected to the School Board, but served only one year, 1876, resigning on account of his business, which demanded his time. He was a member of the Common Council in 18S1 and 1882, being president the second term. In 1883-1884 he was in the Board of Aldermen. He was appointed on the Water lioard by Mayor Pope in 1891 for two years, and was president of the board both years. At the end of his term he was urged strongly l)y Mayor Hodgkins to ac- cept reappointment. In 1895 he was elected to the office of mayor after one of the warmest political contests ever held in this State, was re-elected in 1896, and he has filled the office with an ability that has commanded the respect of everyone. Mr. Perry was elected president of the Somerville Savings Bank after the death of Oren S. Knapp in 1891, a position he still holds, and he has shown his qualifications as a financier, by building up a strong instituticm, the business of the bank during the five years that he has held the office having had a tremendous growth; he is also a director in the Somerville Na- tional Bank. Mr. Perry has ever shown the liveliest interest in all matters relating to the welfare of Somerville, and has discharged the duties of everv office to which he has been 6oS si).ui:r\/i.li:. iwsr .\xn rRESKxr. called with tlic utiiinst lidclity ami (.niiscicntiousiiess. Mr. I'tMry mairicil Mary ll., ilau.!,'htLT of Johti \V. and Hannah \\ . ISrooks of this city. Perry, Oliver H., sun uf David ami I'hcbe Pcrrv, and a descendant uf Cunnnodure Oli- ver Hazard Perry, was born at ( 'hatau(|ua, N. V. When about ten years ^j{ age his parents removed to Plattsbiirg, N. V., where he was educated in the common schools and at t'linton Academy. lie has been engaged in the real estate and insurance business for the past twelve vears in West Somerville, with an olVice at Davis square and another at 31 Milk street, Bos- ton. Me maiTied Miss Harriet Gilmore of Hillsboro, X. H., and has a family of six sons and two daughters. Since 1890 he has been secretary and treasurer of the West Somerville (."o- uperative Hank, of which he was the originator. 'Hie bank, which began with an issue of eight hundred and ten shares for its tlrst series, has shown a constant growth from its in- ception, anil now has assets of over §150,000. It has proved a great incentive to very many West .Somerville residents, especially the young, to lay by a portion of their earnings, and a great help to a large numi>er who have bought homes through its agency. Mr. Perry is well known in the city as an active and industrious man, and has a large clientele in his various lines of b.usiness. He built his first residence eight years ago at 373 VXm. street, on what was known as the old Powder House farm. Three years later the first house was moved away, and another and finer one was erected, in which he now resides. He has also built for others, and sold a large number of houses in that locality. The Nathan Tufts Park, lately constructed by the city, enclosing the old Powder House, makes this lo- cality one of the most desirable for residential purposes in Somerville. Mr. Perry is a mem- ber of the John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., a charter member of Caleb Rand Lodge, I. ( I. ( ). F., a meml)er of (lolden Cross C'ommandery of West Somerville, and a member of tiie Park-avenue M. K. ( hurch. Phillips, Franklin Folsom, son of James and Mary (Prescott) I'hillips, was born in Searsniont, Me., December 21, 1.S52. He was educated at the town schools of Searsmont and Montville, at the Nichols Latin School, and at Hates College, Lewiston, Me., receiving the degree of A. M. on the completion of his studies. After graduating he taught in ]>olt.Ie., March 14, 1838. He attended the public schools of tliat town, and at the age of eighteen apprenticed himself to learn the mason's trade. He worked at that occujiation in Portland, >de., tliree vears, l^eing employed on Fort Gorges, Portland Ilarl)or, as a skilled mechanic. He enlisted in the United States Xavy, and was sent to the Ibdf Squaorn in Charles- town, educated at old Training Field and other schools, and hail a boyhood which fitted him to meet life in any phase that might come to him. He was a conductor and then road master of the old Middlesex Horse Railroad for many years. During Mayor Belknap's term of service he was elected Superintendent of Streets, and his ability showed itself in every possilile way. After going to Everett for one year to fill the same position, he then left to go to Quincy as its Street Superintendent. After two years the town changed to a city, and Mr. Prichard was elected the first Commissioner of Public Works. He planned and caused to be built under his immediate supervision the Neponset Bridge, and proved his ability to build bridges with the same skill in which he had built the roads in this city and elsewhere. When the new city of Medford needed a Superintendent of Streets, Mayor Lawrence wisely appointed Mr. Prichard to the position, and he put into his work the same earnestness, efficiency and honesty that had always characterized his efforts. He won the respect and admiration of the City Council and the citizens, and was gaining friends when, in January, 1896, he was called back to Somerville, to again serve her as he had so ably done in the many years he was here. The streets, at once, put on a new look, and much new work and many improvements are now on the wav. John p. Prichard. SOMIiRlVLLE, PAST .LVD /'RESENT. 613 That Mr. Prichard is an adept in liis line has been many times exemplified. He has made addresses, written much, and on one occasion, among twenty-one competitors for the Engineering Record " prize, he was the leader. It is needless to recite further of his quali- fications. His tact to manage men, his knowledge and dexterity are all known by the results he has achieved. .Mr. Prichard married early in life, and has two sons, ( Jeorge W. and Charles E., and a daughter, Mrs. Emma Prichard Hadley. the reader wife of Walt^'er M.' Hadley. His great-grandfather on his mother's side was a participant in throwing the tea into Boston Harbor, living at Charlestown at the time. When Charlestown was burned, this ancestor went to Maiden, but returned, roofed the cellar over, and for a long time he' and his family lived therein. Mr. Prichard is a veteran fireman, a Knight Templar, Knight of Honor, Companion in the Royal Arcanum, a member of the Training Field School Associa- tion, and a Universalist. Proctor, George 0., was l)orn in Rockingham, Vt., February 23, 1S47, and is a descendant of the well-known Proctor family of that State. His early Hfe was passed on the farm, and his education was obtained in the schools „f his native town and in the Chester, ^•t., Academy. He f..llo\ved the occupation of farming and lumbering until 1874, when he' came to Postun an,l formed a copa.tnership with his brother in the grain business, under the firm name of Proctor ISrothers. fhey located at the corner of Charles and Leverett streets, at the end of Craigie Bridge, where they conducted a successful business, until the construction of the Charles River Park compelled them to seek a new location; this they found at the Cambridge end uf the bridge, where they now remain, theirs being one of the largest establishments in the hay and grain trade in the vicinity of Ik.ston. Mr. Proctor was married in 1869 to LiUie A., daughter of Cajitain Thomas R. Clark of Chester, Vt., who served through the War of the Rebellion in Company E, Sixth Regiment. In 18S0 he purchased the estate on which he still resides, at 44 Spring street. Spring Hill. He was elected to the Common Council in 1SS7 and 1888, and served as president of that body in the latter year, and as a meml,er of the School Committee. He was elected a member of the Legislature in 1892, and served on the committee on street railways, and was re-elected in 1893, and was placed on the committee on cities. Mr. Proctor is a director of the Somerville National Bank, and is a member of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, Somer- ville Central Club, Soley Lodge. F. A. A. M., Winter Hill Commanderv, Golden Cross, Washington (Cuncil, Home Circle, Delft Haven Colony of Pilgrim Fathers, and the First I'nitarian Church. Ralph, Mrs. Harriet A., was born in Camden N. J., March 20, 1851, and is a daughter of the late Joseph P. and Hannah E. Myers. She was educated in the public and private schools of Boston, where her parents resided for many years. In 1874 she married William N. Ralph, and has lived in Somerville twenty-two years. She has been prominent in church work, and also in the woman's branch of Odd Fellowship, her husband being one of the leading (3dd Fellows in Massachusetts. She has l)een treasurer of Ivaloo Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah, and higher offices in its gift have been tendered her. It is, how- ever, in societies founded on patriotic work that Mrs. Ralph is best known. The late Brigadier-General William W. Bullock was her uncle, and her father was a lieutenant in Company G, Eleventh Massachusetts Regiment. She was a member of the Lavas accompanied by his family. .Since retiring from life on the ocean, in 1878, he has been engaged in the ship brokerage business and steamboat agency, and is a member of the firm of Atwood & Rich, 83 Commercial Wharf, Boston. Captain Rich re- moved from Provincetown to Somerville in 1878. He is a member of King Hiram Lodge, F. A. A. ivL, and Joseph Warren Chapter of Provincetown; is also a member of the Boston Marine Society. He resides at 381 Medford street. Rich, Wilfred Babson, the son of Ransom and P. Laurette (Chase) Rich, was born in Jackson, Me., April 21, 185^- His ancestors were, on both sides, among the earliest pioneers of the State. In his infancy his parents moved to Bangor, Me., and in his seven- teenth year to Brooks, in the same State. At this time he had completed the studies then taught in the public schools, but was not satisfied with this, and during the next five years, depending almost wholly on his own efforts, by teaching school during the winter months, he obtained a liberal education, attending the state college at Orono and the Maine Central Institute at Pittsfield, Me. In 1877 he entered the law office of Hon. A. W. Paine at Bangor, where he chiefly acquired his legal education, and was admitted to the Penobscot bar in 18S0. He at once entered into the active practice of his profession, and the same year conductetl the defense in the well-known Meservey-Dunton trial, receiving especial notice from the press. While a student he had taken much interest in politics, making several campaign speeches. He became chairman nf the Republican town committee, and in 18S2, with Mr. Simonton, 6i8 soMi:R\/i.i.i:, /'.IS/- .ix/> /'/a:siu\T. uhtaineil control of the ''Cainilcii Ilcrakl,'' of wliicli he «as assistant cilitor for three years. The same year he was appointed Postmaster by President Arthur, which office he held until near the expiration of his term of four years, when he resigned, after the inauguration of President (-'leveland. 'Die same year, 1S85, he moved to Hoston, since which time he has lieen engaged in the practice of law, in w hich he has heen very successful. He has hatl the settlement of several large estates. He came to Somerville in 18S6, but took no part in politics for several years, when he became a memi)er of the ward and city committee, and was elected a member of the Common Council from Ward i for the years 1893 and 1894, and was a member of the Board of Aldermen the following year. He has been treasurer of the Welicowit ('lub, a memlier and ex-president of the Owl Club, and past leader of Ilarvard Council Nil. 51, Home Circle. His residence is at 13 Franklin street. Robinson, Enoch, was born in Boston in 1801. At seven years of age he was L\t work with his fatlur, .nnd his early habits of industry, thus aci|uired, never deserted him. When he was a young man he engaged in business with his brothers in Boston, in the manufacture of ship trimmings and the ship-steering apj^aratus used fifty years ago. He subsequently went into the hardware business, making door-knobs and locks, and was located on Brattle street for many years. In 1847 ^^ moved from Boston to Somerville, locating on Spring Hill, which was then nothing but a pasture, and in 1856 he erected the celelirated "round house," which is illustrated in this volume. The house is perfectly circular in form, and is probably the only building of its kind used as a residence in this portion of the country. It is three stories high, the ujiper story being smaller in diameter than the two below it, leaving a balcony above the second story. The interior arrangements of the house are in keeping with its novel form. On one side of the front hall is the library, a circular room with one window. In its center is a small circular table, and in the walls are alcoves for books. On the other side of the hall is the parlor, oval in shape, lighted by two windows, and having an oval table in the center. The front hall leads to a circular entry-way in the center of the house, from which opens the dining-room and the kitchen. From the central entry-way of the first story a stairway leads to a similar entry in the second story, the stairs following the circular walls of the house. From the upper entry open live chambers, with radiating parti- tion walls. On the third floor is a circular balcony, which commands a view of the entries below, while above is a glass dome, which lights them all. Mr. Robinson was a charter member of the Fast (Cambridge Lodge of Odd Fellows, and John Abbot Lodge of Masons, of this city. He died in February, 1888. Rowell, Cromwell Gibbs, son of Aaron and Ruth (Itrown) Rowell, was born at Cor- inth, \'t., August 29, 1827. His education was obtained at the district school and at the academy at Framingham, Mass., to which town his parents had removed in his childhood. His first employment on leaving home was obtained on the sea, and he followed the calling nearly seven years; he then united with his father in the stove business at FraminghaTn. in 1854 he entered the police force of the city of Boston, and remained a member thereof until the opening of the Civil War. He was instrumental in raising the Ninth Regiment, .Massa- chusetts X'olunteers, in which he was captain of Company I), and afterwards appointed lieutenant-colonel. .Subse<|ucntly he raised a company which was attached to the Thirtieth Regiment. At the close of the war he re-embarked in the stove business, in which he has remained, and he now occupies a position with the .Smith <.V Anthony Stove Comj^any. In 1867 Col. Rowell was a member of the Legislature from Boston. 1 le came to Somerville in 1869, was a member of the Common Council in 1873, of the Board of .Mdermen in iS74and 1875, of the Water Board, of which he was president, in 1S77 and 1888, and has been presi- dent of the lioard of Registrars of Voters since 1886. He is a member of John Alibot Lodge, I'. .\. .\. .M., Somerville Chapter, R. A. M., Orient Council, R. and S. M., Cdur de Lion ' ommandiTv, K. T., i-"\celsior Council, Roval Arcanum, and Mount Benedict Lodge, K. H. SOMERVILLE, PAST AND PRESEXT. 619 Col. Rowell has been twice married : his first wife was Miss Harriet Maynard, daughter of Lawson and Nancy (Angell) Maynard of Framingham; and his second \\'ife was Miss Lottie A. Larkin, daughter of Henry and Annie Larkin, of Concord, N. H. They reside on I'earl street. Russell Irving L., was horn in Somerville, on the estate on which he now resides, Mav 24, lS;2, son of Levi and Martha (Smith) Russell. He was educated in the public schools of this citv, and in the Warren Academy of Woburn, and Eaton's Couunercial Col- lege of Boston. lie is a market gardener by occupation, cultivating about forty acres, his farm being the lar_gest plant of the kind in Somerville. Mr. Russell served two years, in 1882 and 1883, in the Common Council; three years, 18S4, 1885 and 1886, in the ISoard of Aldermen, being president of that body in the last year of his service; was chairman of the committees on highways, and fuel and street lights. Pie was a memljer of the lL)Use of Representatives in 1888 and 1889, and was on the committees on labor, woman suffrage and water supplv. Mr. Russell married Miss Addie Johns, daughter of Cyrus and Margaret (Kelton) Johns of New York City. They reside at 1323 Broadway. Russ, George Herman, was liom in Belfast. Me., March 17, 1S63, the son of Captain James A. and Laura A. (Weymouth) Russ. and a direct descendant in the tenth generation of Henry Russ. who came from Hingham, England, and settled at Ilingham, Mass., about 1633. He attended the public schools at Belfast, and came to Boston in 187S. He attended the Grammar and Latin Schools of Boston, and then went into the law office of Edwin C. Gilman. About a year afterward he l^egan the law course at Boston University, and was ad- mitted to the Suffolk bar in June, 1886. Shortly afterward he accepted a position as assist- ant attorney for the Lamson Store Service Co., which he retained for nearly three years. He then opened an office at 113 Devonshire street, Boston, and devoted himself to general prac- tice, and with gratifving results. Mr. Russ came to Somerville in iSSS. He married, in December, 1882, Miss Lilla E. Houghton of Boston; they have three sons, and reside at 28 Montrose street. Mr. Russ served the city as a member of the Common Council in 1892 and 1893. He is a member of the Central Club. Sons of Maine, Paul Revere Lodge, I. ( ). (). E., and other social organizations, and has been chief patriarch of Winter Hill Encamp- ment, and is a past master workman of Winter Hill Lodge, A. O. U. W. Rymes, Christopher E., was born in Portsmouth, N. H., Septeml)er 23, 1827. He came to Boston in March, 1844, to learn the machinist's trade, entering the employ of Tuttle & Dow. In 1850 he was employed as foreman in the machine shops of Hittenger, Cook i\: Co., and was admitted to the firm in 1855. In i86(> the firm name was changed to Cook, Rymes & e'o. This partnership continued until April. 1887, when it was dissolved, and all the partners retired from the business. In October, 1864, Mr. Rymes bought the estate on Summer street. Spring Hill, where he has since lived. He was a member of the original committee authorized by the town to contract with the city of Charlestown for the sujiply of water. He was a member of the first Water lioard, and for several years its president. In 1889 he superintended the introduction of the high-water service in Somerville. He served in the first Common Council, and the following year in the Board of Aldermen. He has been a member of the board of trustees of the Public Library for years, and was also one of the trustees of the sniking fund. In 1875 he was elected to the Massachusetts Senate. Mr. Rymes is a life member of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, a member of John Abbot Lodge, Somerville Chapter, and Boston Commandery of Knights Templar. He was the first president of the Central Cluli, serving for five years. Mr. Rymes married Almira L., daughter of the late Dr. Josejih Cheever. Sanborn, Alexander A., was bom in Tuflonborough, N. H., February 13, 1833. He was educated in the schools of that town. Coming to Boston in 1849, he entered the ser- vice of the New England Steam and Gas Pipe Comj.any, 61 Charlestown street. About f)20 SOMllRl/LI.E, J'. 1ST .IXJ) J'JillSEXT. 1S70 he cstnMishdl husiiiess fur himself in Su(il)ury street, and in iSSi locateil at i() and iS l'i)St-CHtice s<|uare, where lie is still engaged in the heating and ventilating business. On Oc- tober 10, 1856, he was married to Miss Abby II. Beedy of Thillips, Me. They have one son, ( harles II. Sanborn, who is associated with his father in business. Mr. .Sanborn is a mem- ber of Somerville Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Orient Council, Somervillc, and Co-ur de Lion Commandery of Charlestown. Sanborn, Caleb Leavitt, sun of JetTerson and Martha A. Sanburn, was born in Tuf- lunhoruugli. N. 11., January 12, 1843. He received his education in the schools of his native town, and in Meredith, N. H. At the age of eighteen he came to Boston and learned the steam-fitter's trade, and subsequently was with Fuller and Ford in Chicago as foreman two years. After returning to Boston, he accepted a ]iosition with Braman, Dow & Co., 3 and 4 llaymarket sc|uare, which he still holds. He married Elizabeth A. Favor of Manchester, N. II., November 21, 1874; they moved to Somerville, February 21, 1875, ^^^ ^' present reside at 21 Willow avenue. They have one child, a daughter, and lost an infant son. Mr. San- born is a member of National Lodge, F. A. -V. .M., of Chicago, 111., the Howard Lodge, L O. O. F., of Charlestown, Mass., Brookline Lodge, K. of II., and several bcnelit organiza- tions. He comes of good old Puritan stock, being a direct descendant of John Sanborn, who was born in the hamlet of Sanborn, Warwickshire, Kng., and v>ho was among the earlier colonists who landed in this country about 1620, and settled in Flampton, N. H. Sanborn, Charles B., was born in New Hampshire, where his youth was passed and education obtained. He came to Boston in 1866, and engaged in the produce business, in which he still continues, having been located at 29 North Market street for nearly twenty years; he carries on a general commission business, making a specialty of the poultry trade. He was a member of the City Council in 1888 and 1889, and served on the Board of Alder- men in 1890, 1 89 1 and 1893. ^'■'- Sanborn came to Somerville early in the seventies, and lived in Ward i over twenty years, moving to his residence at 26 Adams street about two years ago. He is a member of the Fruit and Produce Exchange, and the Chamber of Com- merce, both of Boston, and a member of .Solcy Lodge, F. A. A. M., Somerville Chapter, R. A. M., and I >e Mola\ Conmiandery, K. T. Sanborn, Daniel W., General Superintendent of the Boston tV Maine Railroad System, is a native of Wakefield, Carroll County, N. II. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at Wakefield Academy. Upon leaving school he served an apprentice- ship at ship-building, and worked at the trade for several years. In May, 1859, he entered the service of the Portland, Saco X: Portsmouth Railroad Company, at Portsmouth, N. II. , where he remained until August, 1863. He was next employed as a brakeman on a passen- ger train, and, in 1864, was promoted to the i)osition of conductor, in v.hich capacity he acted until 1879. In the latter year he was appointed Master of Transportation of the Eastern Railroad, with headquarters in Boston, which position he filled until the Eastern was leased to the Boston \- Maine, when he was made Superintendent of the Eastern Division (the old Eastern Railroad), holding this office until July, 1890. Having ac(|uitted himself with great credit in this position, he was, in 1890, appointed Superintendent of the Southern Division (the old Boston tVi; Lowell), which had been leased by the Boston iV Maine. Soon after the death of James T. l-'urber, (ieneral Manager, the position of general superintendent of the system was created, and Mr. Sanborn, in February, 1892, was invited by the directors to accept it. Mr. Sanborn is a member of New Hampshire Lodge, I. O. O. F., and of Straw- berry Bank Encampment uf Portsmouth, N.IL, Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M., Somerville Royal .\rch Chapter, and Orient Council of Somerville; also is a member of De Molay Commandery of Knights Templar, Boston. In 1856 he was married to Miss Lucy Maria Lydston, of Eliot, Me., who, with a son, Fred E., and daughter, Mrs. J. M. French, constitute his family. Mr. Sanborn enjoys a wide acfiuaintance among railroad and business men throughout New England. S0MER17LLE, FAST AXD FRESEXT. 62 I Sanborn, David A., was born in Sandwich, N. H., February 14, 1795. 'he son of Robert an.l Mary ( nines Sanborn. He came to Roxbury when eighteen years of age, walk- ing the entire distance from Sandwich. He worked at farming a few years, then came to So^merville and carried on the milk business, and later was engaged in the manufacture of bricks on Prospect street, near the railroad bridge. He married Hannah Adams Stone, the daughter of John and Mary (Tufts) Stone, September 30, 1821, by whom he had five children. He built a house on Washington street, near Iniun s<|uare, about seventy years ago, where he lived and died. He held several town offices, and was in the War of 1S12. He died February 19, 1875. Sanborn, David A., was born April 21, 1828, the son of David A. and Hannah Adams (Stone) Sanl)orn, at the family residence on Washington street, SomerviUe (then Charles- town). His father came from Sandwich, N. H., at an early age, and, establishing himself in SomerviUe, was associated with the early growth of the town. David A., Jr., was educated in the public schools of SomerviUe, and has always lived very near the spot where he was born. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to learn the carpenter's trade, which voca- tion he followed for many years, assisting in the building of many of the residences and public buildings of the city. In early life he was connected with the ol. Gookin. Four years later he became a partner in the establishment, ihe new fiim name lieing that of (iookin & Stodder, and they have continued in the same location until the present time. Mr. Stodder came to Souiervillc in April. 1 87^5, purchasing his present home at II Grand \"iew avenue. lie has lieen a member of the Gity Government, having served the city as a member of the (Council in tJie years 18S2 and 1S83. lie is a member of the I'irst M. v.. (church, and is secretary of the board of trustees; he was also an active member of the old Ilanover-street Ghurch in lioston, and served it as treasurer for many years. He has two sons, both of whom reside in Boston, where they are engaged in business. Story, Isaac, was born at JMarblehead, Mass., November 4, 1S18, the son of Isaac and Sally Martin (Bowen) Story. He was educated at Lynn Academy and Tierce Academy, Middleborough, and continued his studies subsequently under private direction. In 1839, when twenty years of age, he became principal of the Franklin Academy, in Kutztown, Pa., and later the principal of the Bertie Union Academy, N. G. During this absence he studied law under the direction of Hon. Samuel II. Perkins, a leading member of the Philadelphia bar. Returning to Lynn, he stucHed law with Hon. Thomas B. Xewhall for a time, and again going South— taught in Maryland, for a year or more. Coming to Boston, where his parents then resided, in January, 1843, he entered the law office of Hon. Charles Theodore Russell, and subsequently that of Messrs. Fuller & Andrew, composed of Henry H. Fuller and John A. Andrew, — afterwards governor, — from which office he was admitted to the Suffolk bar in September, 1844, and then commenced practice on his own account. He was admitted to practice in the United .States Circuit and District Courts in May, 1845, ^"^1 from that time, with the exception of one year's absence, practiced law in Boston until his appointment, May 31, 1S73, !)y Governor Washburn, as the standing justice of the Police Court of .Somerville. He took his seat on the bench at the organization of that court in the following June, and still holds the office. For several years he practiced in the same office with Governor Andrew, who was one of his groomsmen at his first marriage. He has been twice married : first, to Elizabeth Bowen Woodberry, daughter of Captain Jacob and Elizabeth (Bowen) Woodberry, of Beverly; second, to Mary Ann Chase, daughter of Hezekiah and Sally (Hoyt) Chase, of Lynn. He came to Somerville in May 1853, where, with the excep- tion of four years— from 1857 to 1861— he has ever since resided. In 1856 he was the representative of Somerville in the General Court, and during several years was a member of the School Committee of Somerville. His paternal grandfather, Dr. Elisha Story, a Boston boy, was one of those so-called " Indians " in the tea espisode in Boston Harbor on the eve of the War of the Revolution, and led the party who captured two brass field-pieces from the British sentry at what is now the Park-street entrance to Boston Common. His maternal grandfather, Nathan Bowen, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was orderly ser- geant in a Marblehead company stationed in that part of Charlestown now known as Winter Hill, in Somerville, to guard the Hessian troops taken at General Burgoyne's surrender. He afterward became heutenant, and at the close of the war returned to Marblehead, and upon the death of his father took his place as a magistrate, which he held until his death in 1837. His father, Isaac Story, Jr., commanded the Marblehead Light Infantry, attached to a batta- lion of artillery, in the War of 1812 with Great Britain. Sturtevant, George F., son of Josiah and Hannah Sturtevant, was born in Center Harbor, N. IL, in 1839. He was educated in the schools of his native town, and at the age of twenty came to Somerville, and entered the employ of Richard H. Sturtevant; sub- sequently the firm of Sturtevant Brothers, provision dealers, was established, and he was ad- mitted a member of the firm. In iSSi he withdrew from the partnership, and went to Brad- ford, 111., where he engaged in the vocation of shipping horses to the East, remaining there (J in SOMERIILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 63 I until 1893, when he returned to Somerville and estabhshed a business in hay, grain, etc., and continued in it until his death, which occurred in January, 1894. Mr. Sturtevant was mar- ried to Miss Harriet E. Dodge, by whom he had three children, two sons and a daughter. He served the city as a member uf the Water Board five years. He belonged to a number of the social organizations of Somerville, among which were [ohn Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., Knights of Honor, and Good Fellows. Sturtevant, Lindley J., was bom in lloldemess, \. H. At the age of twelve he came to .Somerville, where he was educated in the public schools. He embarkeil in the jirovision business in early life, and for the past twenty years has been in that line of trade in the Union Market, Boston. He is very genial in his disposition, and exceedingly popular among his acquaintances and friends. He is a member of a number of organizations, among which are the F. A.A. M., the I.O.O. F., Royal Arcanum, Pilgrim Fathers, and f loud Fel- lows. He resides on Columbus avenue. Sturtevant, Richard H., son of Eben I.. Sturtevant, was born in Centre Harbor. N. H., August I, 1S36. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and came to Boston in 1S52. He commenced work for ( ;. A. <\; A. L. Sanborn, grocers, in Somerville, continuing with them seven years; he tlien opened Webster Market, near the corner of Washington and Prospect streets. From 1S62 to 1866 he was with Harrison, Birci iS: Co., becoming a member of the firm in the latter year. For five years from 1887 the firm was Sturtevant & Haley. On the death of Mr. Haley, in 1S92, the firm was incorporated as the Sturtevant & Haley Beef and Supply Company, of which Mr. Sturtevant is treasurer and manager. The slaughtering and rendering are done at Nos. 50 and 52 Somerville avenue. On June 13, 1867, he married Miss Martha M. Sanborn, daughter of Robert and Martha Sanborn. He is a member of John Abbot Lodge of Somerville, the Council of R. and S. Masters, and Cceur de Lion Commandery of Chariestown. He is also identified with the Royal Arcanum, Boston Chamber of Commerce, Fruit & Produce Exchange, the National Lancers, and is a director of the Fourth National Bank of Boston. He has lived in Somer- ville for a period of forty-four years, and his present residence is the handsome house at 31 \\'alnut street. Tarbox, French 0. J., was born at Chariestown, September 2, 1861. He attended the primary and grammar schools of his native city, graduating from the latter in the class of 1877. A. six months' course at the Boston Commercial College completed his school life, and, having a desire to travel, he made a two years' cruise on the bark Stillman B. Allen, visiting the antipodes at the age of sixteen. His return home was made from .San Francisco in the famous Cape Horn clipper ship "Young America," and he entered New \'ork Harb(u- in just twenty-three months after leaving it, having circumnavigated the globe at the age of eighteen, and traveled upwards of 52,000 miles. He remained on land a short time, and again went on a long voyage to the East Indies, etc., from which he returned home and then perma- nently abandoned a sea-faring life. Plis father having purchased a farm at Poland, Me., Mr. Tarbox joined him in tilling the soil ; but finding the life uncongenial to him at the end of two years, he returned to Chariestown. After devoting four years to the oil business, he entered the service of the Boston & Maine Railroad, working in various capacities, after which, having learned the trade of steam-fitting and piping with the Walworth Manufacturing Company, he took a position on the Fitchburg Railroad as steam-fitter, and remained in it for five years, when he again entered the employ of the Boston cV- Maine Railroad as air-brake fitter, and he continues in that position at the present time. Mr. Tarbox is a memlier of the Bunker Hill Lodge No. 14, I. O. O. F., and is master of Mt. Horelj Lodge No. 19, Loyal f )range Institution ; he is also a member of the Fitchburg R. R. Relief Association, and a member of the Common Council from Ward 2. Mr. Tarbox was married, September 12, 1S90, to Sarah E. Magrath, a daughter of William Magrath, an old and well-known resident of Chariestown. They have one child and reside at 60 Oak street. 6t,2 SO.l/A'A- 1 //././■:. /'.IS J- .LV/> /'AV-.'.VA.W. Taylor, Charles H., llu- sun dI' Jolm I. ami .\lii,:^ail Is. { I lapj^dod) Taylor, was born in Charkstown, July 14, US46. Ik- was eilucated in the- public scliuols of tliat city, and un leaving school he entered the composing-room of the " Boston Traveler '" and learned the l>rinter's trade, being then a lad of sixteen years of age In the spring of 1862 he laid down iiis composing-stick, and eidisled for service in the Civil War. Thus, a mere boy, he entered the Union Army, in which he served like a veteran until a bullet received in one of the i)at- lles iiefiire I'ort Hudson, in June, 1863, finished his army career, and almost ended his life. i\elurning to Iiostim, after his recovery from his wound, he became a re])orter on the " Traveltrr," and was appointed correspondent for the "New York '!"ril)unc." In i86y. (iovernor William Clallin appointed him as his private secretary, with the rank of colonel, and he remained in tliat position three years. In 1872 and 1875 lie was chosen representa- tive froni Somervilie to the General Court, and in the latter year was elected clerk of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. In .\]iril. 1S73, he became manager of the " ISoston Clobe," and he has remained in that jjusiiion until the present time, having by sturdy in- dustry and rare good judgment built up the paper to its present high position, and almost unrivaled prosperity. "Thus, while he was still under forty, the man who at twenty-three had fontlly dreamed of becoming a great editor found his full ambition realized. He was recognized not cmly as a great editor, liut as among the greatest of newspaper managers. The story of his commercial success is one of those fascinating romances of the sudden cre- ation of wealth, of which the United States in recent years has furnished so many." In 1891, Col. Taylor was appointed on Governor Russell's staff with the rank of gen- eral. During his long residence in Somervilie, General Taylor took a prominent part in re- ligious, educational and social matters, and held important positions in a number of the lead- ing organizations. In 1866 he married Georgianna O., daughter of (leorge W. and I.. F. Davis. His eldest son Charles H., Jr., together with two younger sons, are associated with him in the management of the "Globe." General Taylor is a past master of John Abbot Lodge, V. A. A. M., president of the Taylor and Algon<|uin Clubs of Boston, and is a mem- ber of a number of other leading organizations. Teele, Frank A., was born in Acton, Mass., in 1866, and is a grandson of the late J. W. Teele, for whom Teele square was named. He was educated in the grammar and high schools of Act(jn, the Lawrence Academy of Groton, and in Comers Commercial College in Boston. He was first employed by Winn, Ricker &Co., and C. K. Morrison & Co., Faneuil Hall Mar- ket, as bookkeeper; after two years' service with them he entered the employ of lohn P. Squired Co., on North Market street, as assistant cashier, and remained with that firm about one year, leaving it to assume the position of cashier of the Moses .'\. Dow estate ( Waverly House), and bookkeeper and advertising manager of the " Waverly Magazine " in Charles- town. He remained in that position six years, and on August I, 1895, ix)Ught the coal and wood business of the late Col. S. M. Fuller in Davis square, and at once established himself in that trade, adding to it a real estate and insurance Ijusiness; he was also appointeil a notary pub- lic by (iov. Greenhalge. Although inexperienced in his new business, he has, by the employ- ment of a great amount of energy, not only placed it on a good basis, but has very greatly increased it during the past year. He was married, in 1888, to Miss Mabel Richardson of South Acton, and has three daughters. He is a member of Elm Council, R. A., Caleb Rand Lodge, I. O. O. F., Clarendon Lodge, Pilgrim Fathers, and Provident Lodge, A. O. l'. W., having been recorder of the latter organization since its establishment. He is also as- sistant superintendent of the West Somervilie Baptist Sunday-school. He resides on the oKI Tcrle homestead on the corner of Broadway and Curtis street. Teele, Samuel, was born at the Waller Russell place on Broadway, November 18, 1818, the son of Jonathan and Lydia (Hill) Teele. He attended the Russell District School of ( harlestown, and the NN'arren Academy in Woburn. He has been a farmer and gardener 1M ^^'^v /% . J Samuel Teele, HliRBHRT TiK iRPE. SOMKRllLLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 635 all his life, on the homestead which he inherited from his father. In 1836 the well-known Teele house was built by his father at the head of Broadway, on Clarendon Hill. In 1864 a portion of the farm was sold to Tufts College, and in 1868 Mr. Teele Ijuilt his present resi- dence on Curtis street, opposite the reservoir. Mr. Teele married Miss Phebe S. Libbey, daughter of James and Abigail (Goodwin) Libbey, of Ossipee, N. II. Thorpe, Herbert, was bom in Somerville, July 28, 1S52, the son of Jerome and Eliza (Howard) Thorpe. He attended the Brastow, Forster and High Schools, entering the lat- ter as a member of Mr. Baxter's first class. On leaving school he entered the employ of Shedd .V Sawyer, civil engineers of Boston, in which he remained two years; he then took a position with Charles I). Elliot, city engineer of Somerville, continuing in it one year. On leaving that office he established an express route, which he maintained until June 1, 1893, since which time he has been connected with the Railroad Electric Safety Appliance Com- pany as manager. It is a fact worthy of mention that he assisted in raising the tirst Hag that was raised on any schoolhouse m this city at the opening of the Civil War. He was married, in December, 1878, to Miss Mary A. Burnett of Somerville, and they have three children. Mr. Thorpe belongs to John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., Oasis Lodge, I. O. ( ). F., of which he is a past Noble Grand, the Somerville Encampment, I. ( ). O. F., and the Ivaloo Kebekah Lodge. Tufts, Nathan, was l)orn at the corner of Washington and Medford streets, January 8, 1 81 8, in the little house still standing, and lived there with his father until he moved to East Somerville. The elder Tufts was a brickmaker, but his son learned the grain business of his father-in-law, Abraham Fitz, with whom he stayed until he started in business for him- self, when twenty-three years old, at Charlestown Neck. He worked hard, saved his money, took advantage of opportunities to make more, made investments, and was able to extend his business until he bought out a firm on Warren Bridge, and conducted the two places, one as a mill and the other as a storehouse and oHice, until his death. He became a rich man by his industry, honorable dealing, courtesy and wisdom. His worldly possessions were numerously scattered in real estate and a handsome personal property, all secured by no act redecting on his good name. He was never known to have oppressed the poor, but, on the other hand, had a generous purse for their aid. His fellow-citizens elected him in 1852 and 1853 a member of the Board of Selectmen, his father having been one in the first years of the town. He was an Alderman the second year of the city's life, but tieclined further ser- vice in that branch, refusing the chief magistracy when prominent citizens importuned him to allow the use of his name. He was a Commissioner of the Sinking Fund from the passage of the act, and at the time of his death was chairman. He was a valued member of the Unitarian Church, a trustee of Warren Institution for Savings, and a director in the Bunker Hill Bank of Charlestown. He was also a member of the Central Club, and a fine member of the Somerville Light Infantry. For twenty years he lived on the corner of Summer and Central streets, this city, with his daughter and son Albert. Mr. Tufts was a man of sterling character. He was of a quiet, unobtrusive nature, yet a genial, earnest and loyal friend whenever and wherever he placed his friendship. He was very sensitive on a (luestion where principle came in, and none can point to an act of his whereby conscientiousness of duty and strictly honest dealing did not play the whole part. Mr. Tufts died October 20, 1887. Vinal, Robert Aldersey, was born in Boston, March 16, 1821. His father moved to Somerville, then a part of Charlestown, in 1824, and occupied for many years a house in- herited by his wife on the present site of Hotel Warren. Here the elder Robert \'inal re- sided until his death, and, like his son, enjoyed the highest esteem of his fellow-citizens. After attending school at a private academy at Lexington and at Charlestown Neck, Robert A. took charge of a grain mill in North Chelsea, owned by his father. Here the business ability was started that always marked his life. He marrie.l an estimable lady in North Chelsea, 6.^6 soMENiii.i.i:. PAST Axn rRi:si:xr. and there some of the oUler cliildren were horn. Mr. X'inal's first business connection on his own account was with Mr. Ivdwin Munroe, formerly of this city, whose descendants now reside liere. 'I'hcy lnic, patriotic, fire, civic or otherwise. He was a great factm- in the problem of a84, which position he held until ()ctoher. 1S86, when he resigned to become prin- cipal of the Washington School, Quincy, Mass. Four monllis later he was transferreil to the Williard School, West Quincy. This position was held until May, 1890, when he accepted the superintendency of the schools of the Bedford District. Upon the opening of the Charles G. Pope School of Somerville, he iiecame its principal, which position he still holds. While superintendent of the Bedford District he was president of the Town and District Superin- tendents' Association; and at present he is financial secretary of the Teachers' Annuity Guild, an association organized three years ago, and which now embraces twenty-nine cities and towns in Eastern Massachusetts, with a membership of nearly 1300, of whom 112 teacli in Somerville, and has a fund of over ^40,000. He is also president of the Middlesex County Teachers' Association. Ware, Frank A., son of Preston J. and Lavinia (Lilly) Ware, was born in Baltimore. Md., April 12, 1850. He was educated in the public schools of Newton, Mass., entered the shoe business in his nineteenth year, and has continued in that business until the present time, Iieing now a memlier of the firm of Ware & Lincoln, shoe manufacturers, at Brockton, Mass. He came to Somerville in 1879, and has resided here since that year. He was married in 1880 to Carrie H. Langmaid, and they have four children, three sons and a daughter. Mr. Ware is not a so-called club-man, but is widely known in social and busi- ness circles. He resides at 54 Dartmouth street. Weld, William E., was born in Somerville, in January, 1S52. He was educated in the public schools of the city, and graduated from the high school in June, 1869. He was a member of the city government four years, having served two years m the Common Coun- cil, and two in the Board of i\ldermen. He was on the Board of Trustees of the Somerville Public Library for nine years, was for three years treasurer of the Central Club, and has been quite active in municipal politics, having been secretary and subsequently president of the r)emocratic City Committee. He was {ox ten years in the hoot and shoe business in Boston, but is now engaged in the wholesale wine and li(]uor trade in that city. Fie resides at 166 Summer St. Wellington, J. Frank, was bom in Lexington, Xovember 20, 1849, the son of Horatio and Mary Bowman (Teele) Wellington. The Wellington famdy has been settled in Water- town and Lexington for two centuries, and was active in the early settlement of that region. Moving to Charlestown, Mass., with his parents in his infancy, he was educated in the schools of that city, graduating from the high school in 1S67. He began his business career in the upholstery goods trade in Boston, in which he spent five years. He then became as- sociated with his father in the coal business, and in 18S4 ^ partnership was formed under the firm name of Horatio Wellington lV Co., and upon the death of his father, in 1894, he became senior member, continuing the business under the same firm name. \\\ 1875 he moved to Somerville, and has always taken an active interest in the affairs of the city. In 1881 he served as a member of the Common Council, and in 1882 and 1S83 was a member of the Board of Aldermen. He was chosen a member of the First Board of Registrars of Voters, and served for the years 1885 and 1886. In 1887 he was elected a member of the Board of Health, serving for five years, four of which he was chairman. 642 SOMl-.KlIl.I.i:, J'AST Axn rRESEXr. Mr. Wellinj^'ton is now a mcmher of tlic IJuard uf 'I'rustecs of the Somerville I'ulilic Library, liavinj; l)ccn elected tu that position in 189^^. He is president of the Somerville I'o-operative Hank, a director of the Somerville National Bank, and a trustee of the Charles- town Kive-Cents Savin<;s Bank. 1 le is a member of Soley Lodge F. A. A. M., of Unity Coun- cil R. A., and Howard l,odge 1. ().(). L. of Charlestown, and is vice-president of the Central ( lub of Somerville. He is also a member of the Hoard of Trustees of the Somerville Hos- pital, also of Tufis College and of the Woodlawn Cemetery. Mr. Wellington married Charlotte A., daughter of Ltlwin and Sarah A. (Cutter) Hunnewell of Charlestown. Wendell, Mina J., was born in Woliurn, Mass., 1-ebruary, 20, 1S53. She was edu- cated in the \Vol)urn i)ublic schools, graduating from the high school in June, 1872. In September after she was graduated she began tn train for teaching, and in the following spring her ability was tested in one of Woburn's hardest schools. Upon the coni])letion of the new Cummings grammarsclun)l building in her native city, she was honored by an ap- l)ointment to teach in it, and was promoted from year to year, until she became principal of the ( enlral Grammar School. In June, 18S2, much to the regret of the Wol)urn puljlic, she accepted a position as master's assistant in the Morse .School in Somerville. During the changes which subse(|uently occurred among the principals, Miss Wendell had entire charge of the school, and so efficiently did she till the position, that the citizens of .Spring Hill sent tw.i petitions to the .School Committee, asking that she become the permanent princi])al of the Morse School. She was finally elected to the i)osition, one which was for the lirsl time in Somerville given to a woman, and she has in the service thus far rendered proved her complete qualification for the situation. Unusual executive ability, rare tact, (juickness to adapt modern methods of pul>lic school teaching to the needs of her school, have marked a success which shows that the confidence in her powers was not misplaced. Her winning personality and unusual power as a disciplinarian easily make her master of the most com- ])licated and trying situations, and the force of her character and her personal interest in liie welfare of each pupil have left a lasting impression on the graduates of the Morse Sch<)ol. Miss Wendell is the daughter of a veteran soldier, her father having served in the ( ivil War in Company K, Tenth N. H. \ olunteers. She is a member of the Teachers' .\n- nuity (Juild, a member of the Current Events Committee i)f the Heplorean Club, and a member of the Initarian Church, Highland avenue. Wentworth, Thomas S., was born in Acton, Me., in 1846. He resided in that town until he was sixteen years old. when he went out into the world for himself. In the Civil War he responded to the call for volunteers, and served in the army from 1862 to 1865. He was a member of the 13th New Hampshire Regiment, was wounded May 16, 1864, at the battle of Drury's Bluff, and again September 28, at Chapin's Farm. I le served in the 9th, i8th, and 24th Army Corps, was before Petersburg in the summer of 1864, and participated in all the battles of the regiment except when wounded. .Vt the fall of Richmond, on the morning ol April 3, 1865, he entered the city, being a member of Cen. Charles Devens's division of the 24th Army Corps. Seventeen years ago (1878) the firm of Downs & Wentworth was estab- lished, and it has been built up by the efforts of the partners to its present prospertms status. They are located at 40 and 42 Merchants Row, Boston. Mr. Wentworth served our city two years in the Common Council, but declined an election to the Board of Aldermen. In 1894, 1895 ^"<^l '896. he was a member of the School Committee. In the great semi-centen- nial celebration in 1892, he organized the parade and took command of one of the largest processions, military and civic, ever formed in this State outside the city of Boston. In recog- nition of his valuable services on that occasion he received from the City Government a gold medal. Mr. Wentworth has always taken an active interest in the Boston Fruit and Produce I'.xchange, an organization of upwards of five hundred members, served two years as a direc- tor, and in 1896 was elected president of the association. He resides at 350 Broadway. Thomas B. Blaikie. ClIARLL'S A. DOLl^. SOMERl'ILLE, PAST AND PRESENT. 645 Whitcomb, Charles T. C, son of John Ciray and Mary Jane (F'ountain) Whitcomb, was born in 'rimniaston. Me., July I, 1S61. His father was engaged in shipbuilding and re- moved to r.ost(.)n in 1863, and later teen a member of the School Hoard of Somerville for twelve years. In Lisbon he served as selectman, over- seer of the poor and assessor for three years, and postmaster of the town from 1869 to 1874. lie has been a trustee of the Somerville Hospital since its organization, and a member of the medical board and of the medical and surgical staff. He is a member and ex-president yf the Hoston dynxcological Society and of the Somerville Metlical .St)ciety. He is a fellow of the Massachusetts Medical .Vssociation, member of the Maine Medical .\ssociation, and of the American .Medical Association, and was a member of the Ninth International Medical ("ongress. He is a member of Soley Lodge, F. A. A. M., De Molay Commandery, Knights Templar, and of Orient Council. He is connected with the Loyal Legion, Clrand Army of the Republic, is ex-president of Sons of Maine of Somerville, and a member of the Mystic X'alley and other clubs. In politics Dr. White is a steadfast Republican, and as such was elected to the General Court in 1S96. He was married, June 4, 1S60, to Miss Mary Lithgow Randall daughter of Ca])t. I'aul and Xancy Randall of Harpswell. Me. Their children are Lucy Frances, liessie Randall, and William Horace White. Whiting, Dr. George W. W., was born in Carmel, Me., May 4, 1S64, the son of Rev. .■\sa and Nancv A. 1 Whitney 1 Whiting. His early education was obtained in the home dis- trict schools, but at the age of fifteen he went to Washington, 1 >. C, where he took a special course at Spencer's Business College. Later, he entered the Maine Central Institute at I'ittsfield, where he prepared for college, entering Bowdoin College as a student in the medical department. He finished his studies in the University of the city of New York, where he was graduated from the medical department in 1SS7. He practiced medicine in Orland, Me., four years, and came to Somerville in June, 1S91, where he has been engaged in his profession steadily until the present time. He was married Octol)er 16, 1895. ^'^ ^''^^ Alice Maude Iloyt, and they reside at 2S2 Broadway. Dr. Whiting is a member of the .Massachusetts Medical Society, is examining physician for several insurance companies, and one of the visiting physicians of the Somerville Hospital. He was elected a member of the School Boartl in 1896 for a term of three years, is a member of the Rising Sun Lodge, F. .V. A. M., of Orland, Me., the Somerville Royal Arch Chapter, and the Orient Council. He is not a club man, liut is parents removed to Wellfieet, ami there Mr. Wiley was reared and educated, going to the village school steadily until he was eleven years of age, after which he attended it onlv in the winter months until he was sixteen years old. During the remaining months of the year he worked in his father's store, thougli, like many other Cape Cod boys, he followed the sea for the most of the time in the summer months between the ages of twelve and eighteen. In 1S70 Mr. Wiley came to I'.oston and entered the employ of Wads- worth & Ilowland, and remained in that jiosition six years. He then went into iiusiness on his own account, first in the copartnership of White iV Wiley, they prnxdiasing the business of Crowell Bros. & Co. Subseciucntly the firm was changed to White, Wiley cv Co., the new partner being B. J. Richardson. Sometime thereafter Mr. Wiley and Mr. Richardson bought out Mr. White's interest, when the Hrni name was changed to Wiley eV Richardson- In March, 1S8S, Mr. Richardson retired, since which time Mr. Wiley has conducted the business alone, under the fum style of I. II. Wiley c\: Co. He does a large and successful wholesale business in a general line of paints, oils, varnishes, and painters' supplies, having a large store on Sudbury street, and a well-equipped factory on Portland street. Mr. Wiley came to Somerville in 1878, and served the city in the Common Councils of 1S91 and 1892, being President of the Council in 1892. He is a member of Soley Lodge, P". A. A. M., Somerville Chapter K. A., De Molay Commandery, K. T., Wonohaquaham Tribe, I. O. R. M., Excelsior Chapter, R. A., Webcowit Club, the Paint lV ( )il Club of New England (of which club he is now president), and a number of other organizations in different portions of the State. He married Miss Mary C. Porter, daughter of James F. and Mary C. (Parker) Porter, and their residence is at 54 Mt. Vernon street. Wilkins, G. Franklin, was born in Boston, January 4, 1857. He lived in that city until fourteen years of age, with the exception of one year, 1863, which was spent in Somer- ville, where he attended the Prospect Hill School. In 1S71 he located in Somerville ]ierma- nently, and has resided in Ward 3 since that year. He completed his education in the Somerville High School, graduating in the class of 1875. "^I'"- Wilkins, soon after leaving school, went into business, and is now a member of the firm of F. Wilkins & Son, forwarders for the Boston & Maine Railroad, Southern Divisit)n, one of the oldest trucking firms in I'.oston. He was an active member of the Republican Ward and City Committee for several years, and its secretary for one year. Mr. Wilkins is a member of the Winter Hill Lodge, A. O. U. W., and of the Central Club. He served the city two years in the Common Council. His residence is at 98 Central street. Willey, Clarence H., son of Rufus W. and Lydia 0. (Hoyt) Willey, was born in Concord, N. H., January 17, 1858, and came to this city wdien nine years of age, living, until 1891, on Flint street, when the family moved to a new and beautiful home at 26 Dartmouth street, then being developed. He was educated in the Prescott and High Schools, leaving, after two years, to attend a commercial college. He worked for Moulton & Bradley from 1879 to 1883, and then went with his father, who had succeeded General Alfred Hoyt, an ancestor, and the pioneer shipper of baled hay to Boston, thirty-five years ago. The father and son have conducted a very successful hay and grain business, and, in addition to their Beverly street store, have a large place at Beverly Farms, where they ply a substantial private stable trade. Mr. Willey was elected to the Common Council in 1889 and 1890, and an Alderman from Ward i in 1891, declining re-election the following year by reason of his removal to Ward 3. He is a member of Soley Lodge, past high priest of Somerville Royal Arch Chapter, a member of Orient Council, Cceur de Lion Commandery, Excelsior Council, Central Clul), the A. O. U. W., and the Boston Chamber of Commerce. In 1884 he married Miss Mary Appleton, a daughter of John C. and Mary J. Appleton, now both deceased, but who had lived manv vears in Somerville. 650 SOMr.RlJI.LK, J'. 1ST .l.\7) /'A'A.VA.W. Willis, Dr. Reuben, was l).)rn at Belchcrtuun, Mass., in 1S42. and was lltted fur cul- kgc in the Milford llij^h School, lie dmiiped his studies at the Ijreakiiig out of the Rebel- lion, and enlisted in 1861 in the Twenty-lifth Regiment Massachusetts \olunteers, which joined the Burnsitie expeilition to North Carolina. He served two and one-half years in the war, durinj; which he took part in several battles, amonji; which were those of Roanoke Is- land and Xewberne, N. C". He was slightly wounded at Newberne, and was honorably dis- charged, on account of physical disability, in Decemijer, 1863. He subsequently resumed his studies and entered Harvard Medical College, graduating in 1.S67. Dr. Willis was estab- lisheil as a physician three and one-half years in Weston, Mass., and came to Somerville.in 1S71, where he still resides and practices his profession. He was married in 186S to Kugenia, daughter of the late William Stowe of Arlington, president of the American Net and Twine Company. They reside at 285 Broadway. Dr. Willis served on the Somervillc School Board four years, 1872 ft seq., is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, a nienii)er of the medical staff of the Somerville I lospital, and in his jirofession is widely and favorably know n. Wilson, Francis M., was born at Sterling, 111., December 24, 1858. With his parents he removed to Kansas City, Mo., and three years later, the father having died, the family removed to Lanark, 111., where, at the age of twenty, Mr. Wilson engaged in the furniture and undertaking business, in which he continued until May, 1893, when he came to Somer- ville. and purchased the old and well-known establishment of Horace D. Runey, at 10^ Cross street, where he still continues in ])usiness. Mr. Wilson was educated in the public schools of Sterling and Lanark, 111., and of Kansas City, Mo. He is a member of the Cen- tral Club, the John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., the Somerville Chapter, R. A. M., the De Molay Commandery, K. T., the Paul Revere Lodge, I. (). O. F., and the Excelsior Council, R. A. Mr. Wilson was elected to the Common Council in 1896. Winship, Albert Edward, author, editor of -Journal of Kducation, Boston, lecturer, son of Isaac am! Drusilla (Lothrop) Winship, was born at West Bridgewater, Mass., F'ebrii- ary 24, 1845. ^^^ '^ descentled from Lieut. luhvard Winship, who came to Camliridge from England in 1634. He studied in Bridgewater Normal School, Andover Theological Semin- ary; served as private in Sixtieth Massachusetts Jxegiment the last year of the Civil War. He taught tirst in Maine, going from that school to take charge of a grammar school in Newton, Mass., for three years, afterward teaching for four years in Bridgewater Normal. He was for nine years pastor of Prospect Hill Church in Somerville, leaving that charge to take the office of secretary of the New West Educational Commission. Since 1885 he has been editor and publisher of the Journal of Education. In 1890 and 1891 was editor-in-chief of the " Boston Daily Traveler." As a lecturer connected with Redpath Lyceum Bureau, he is widely known in every State from Maine to California, going regularly each year to the Pacific Coast. He has a wide reputation as a many-sided writer and campaign speaker. He has published " Methods and Principles," " Essentials of Psychology," etc. He is a menilier of the Republican State Committee of Massachusetts, and was a member of the St. Louis Convention that nominated McKinley. August 24, 1872, he married Miss Ella R. Parker, daughter of Stillman I^. and Lavinia P. Parker, of Reading, Mass. His children are (leorge Parker, Ivlith .\., Luella P., Edna E., Lawrence L., Mildred L. Winship. He has resided in Somerville for more than twenty years, and has been closely identified with public affairs. His residence is at 74 Perkins street. Woodberry, William H., was born in Newliuryport, Mass., August 18. 1855, the son of Orsment and Miriam P. (Johnson) Woodi)erry. He is essentially a Somerville boy, hav- ing moved here with his parents when less than two years of age. He was educated in tlie public schools of this city, and early in life went into business. He is well known in the pruilucf trade of Boston, having been for many years in the employ of S.Twin. Edwards & B. Frank Wild. Clarence H. Willey. S0MEK17LLE. PAST AND PRESENT. 653 Co., and for the last six years a partner in the firm of R. S. Mduards & L'o., at 15 Blackstone street. In 1880 he became a member of Soley Lodge, A. F. and A. M., has always taken an active interest in Masonic affairs, and is the present master of the lodge. In 1887 ^^ ^^'^^ married to Miss Alice S. Farnum, of Warner, N. H., by whom he has had one daughter. Thev reside at 181 Central street. Woodcock, Shephard S., vvas bom Oct(jbsr 6, 1824. at Sidney, Kennebec Countv, Me. At the age of seventeen lie came to this state, and served four years as an apprentice at the Ijuilding trade; after the expiraliun of his apprenticeship he carried on the trade in Boston for over ten years, during which he gave much time to the stuily of his cJKjsen profession of architecture. He subsequently devoted much study to landscape gardening. and vvas for a time the landscape designer for the Public CJarden in Boston; he also laid out forty acres of land in Lowell for the late Samuel Fay, whose house he designed. During the past forty years he has designed and erected upwards of one hundred and forty churclies, and fifty schoolhouses, many of which are in this city, and various public liuiLHngs, hotels, institutions, etc., and numerous high-class residences, one of the finest being that of Mr. Frederick Ayer, of Lowell. Among the prominent structures designed and erected by Mr. Woodcock are the Howard Seminary at Bridgewaler, Mass., the Sanborn Seminary at King- ston, N. H., the high-school houses at Franklin, Mass., and Keene, N. H., and the Masonic Halls at Haverhill, Hudson, Natick, Abington, Attleborough and Chelsea, Mass. Many manufacturing buildings have been erected from his plans, such as the Pacinc Mill, and the woolen mill, one hundred and forty feet wide and four hundred and fifty feet long, at Law- rence, Mass. Many public buildings have lieen remodeled under his supervision, such as the Huntington Hall in Lowell, the City Hall in Haverhill, Mass., and the Rockingham Bank and the First National and Savings Bank of Portsmouth, N. H. He also furnished the de- signs for the soldiers' monuments in Lowell, Xatick and Dan vets, and was the architect in charge of the proposed alterations of the Masonic Tem]ile in Boston, liefore the fire; he finished the construction of the Rice Idbrary Budding at Kittery, Me., and was the architect for the dwelling-house of II. E. Wright on Pearl street, this city, illustrated in this volume. Mr. Woodcock is a prominent member of several societies, being a life member uf the Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association, a life member of the De Molay Commandery, K. 1'., a memlier of the Pine Tree State Club of Boston, the Sons of Maine, John Abbot Lodg% F. A. A. M., of Somerville, and Waveily Royal Arch Chapter of Melrose. Few architects have had the patronage from our best citizens that Mr. Woodcock has received, and his success has been phemimenal. His place of Inisiness is at 40 State street, Boston, and his home is at 38 Pearl street, this city, where he has resided with his family for more than thirty-five years. Mr. Woodcock has devote CO o H CT) ^w^3. Edward F. Woods. SOMERllLLE, PAST .1X1) PRESENT. 657 a member of the Central Club, of which he was formerly secretarv, Soley Lodge, A. V . and A. M., of Somer\ille, the Exchange Club and Chamber of Commerce of lioston, is a director in the South V.wA Industrial School, and is a member of the Newton Clui), the Neighl)orhood Club and the Xewton l]oat Club of Newton. Wright, Robert S., was born at the " North End," on Commercial street, Boston, March 30, 185S. He was educated in the public schools of his native city, and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1876. The business in which he embarked was that of architectural draughtsman, and he is now a furniture designer, and has for fifteen years been connected w ith the firm of A. 15. >.V; K. L. Shaw as designer and superintendent of their large works in Ivist Cambridge. Mr. Wright came to Somerville in June, 18S9, ^'"1 h^s served the city in the (/ommon Council, and as a member of the IJoaril of Aldermen, lie is a member of the ('entral Club, the John Abbot Lodge, F. A. A. M., the Order of Red Men, and the Designers' Club; he is also a director of the West Somerville Co-operative liank, and an associate member of Company M, Eighth Regiment. lie is married, and resides at 1 1 Summit avenue. SUPPLEMENT The following biographical sllie(i every facility ami appDintnient fur the best \M>rk in every line Lif artistic photog- raphy; and the thousancto]ier 27, iSlo. lie left his birthplace at the age of sixteen, walked to Boston, and entered the employ of his brother, who was conducting a provision store at the corner of Cambridge and Temple streets. A few years afterwards he went into the shipping and commission business, at 64 Chatham street, with Frederick Ladd, under the firm name of Ladd & Hall, which, at the death of the senior member in 1S65, was changed to John C. Hall (S: Co. lie subsequently took his two sons, Herbert C. and Irving C, into business, who, at his decease, .August 10, 1881, succeeded him. Mr. Hall always enjoyed a name honored for his business integrity, excellent judgment, enterprise and industry. He married Sarah Cashing, daughter of Isaac Cushing, of Boston, in 1846, and they lived in Cambridge three years, when they occupied a new home erected for them at the corner of Summer and Belmont streets. It was among the first to be built on Spring Hill, and is still the Hall home- stead. Mr. Hall was always held in the highest esteem by his townsmen, and, as he took a lively interest in the welfare of Somerville, his services were often in demand. He was a member of the School Board from 1859 to 1865, a member of the Board of Selectmen from 1869 to 1871, and of the first Board of Aldermen in 1872. His son, Herbert C. Hall, was a member of the Common Council in 1884 and 1885, and was president the latter year. Mr. Hall left a wife, five sons and one daughter, the latter being Mrs. Charles F. Ladd, of I'orlland, ( )ri-. Hathaway, Harry F., was born in Rutland, Mass., January 16, 1862, a son of Frank- lin and Mary A. (Uavis) Hathaway. When quite young his parents moved to this city, where Harry was educated in the Brastow, Lincoln, Luther V. Bell and High Schools, grad- uating from the latter in 1882, when he took a prominent part in the French dialogue at the class graduation. He was a bookkeeper for the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum three years, but wishing to continue in educational work, he went to the Bridgewater Normal School, where he remained four years, graduating in 1889. The same year he was elected principal of the Lincoln School, where he had once been wont to obey instead of to govern. The school had been removed from the former site on Flm street to the top of Clarendon Hill, a new building taking the place of the old one. Three years ago, when the Bingham .Schoolhouse was enlarged, it was deemed best to put a male principal over the school, and Mr. Hathaway was elected to succeed Miss Byard, and his duties have called forth the best elements in his make-up. He has had fine success, and the improvement has been very marked. Mr. Hathaway 's parents removed to \'inal avenue about fifteen years ago, when the locality was almost unoccupied with houses, but they have all participated in the great (levelopnient. In September, 1896, Mr. Hathaway married Miss Carrie E. Fay, one of his as- sistants in school work, and they now reside in the Hathaway home on Vinal avenue, the other members of the family having returned to the old homestead at Rutland, Mass. Mr. Hathaway is a genius in the way of teaching, availing himself of every possible means to the end that his scholars maybe thoroughly instructed. He has made two summer trips through Europe on the bicycle, in company with Mr. Harry N. .Andrews of the Dwight .School, Bos- ton, and learned much which he was able to impart tn his inipils. Dr. H. p. Hemenway en 7^ Oi som]-:r\-jllk, past and present. 665 Hemenway, Dr. Horace P., was Lorn at RocliL-ster,Vt., November 1 7,1831, and was a smi of Sitlney S. ami Miranda (Pierce) Memenway. lie lived for a time in Barton, Vt., but came a young man to Somerville, where he remained about thirty-tive years, until his death, March 6, 1S96. lie married October 30, 1S55, Sarah K., daughter of Isaac S. and ISetsey (Davis) tiross, and had four chilh'cn, three of whom, (.'harles M., Sarah ( i. (Bell) and Louise R., survive him. He was a graduate nf the Harvard Medical School, and after grailuation was, iluring his w hole life, actively engaged in the jiractice of his profession in Somerville and the adjoining towns, where he was widely known and loved. He was at one time president of the Massachusetts Honneiipathic Medical Society. He was much interested in Masonry, was the tu-st Master of Soley Lodge, and was a past Eminent Commander of He Molay Com- mandery of Knights Templar of Boston. During his residence in Somerville he was in 1S70 and 1S71 a member of the School Board. In 1888 he was again elected a member of the lioard, and his term had not expired at the time of his death. lie was a member of the l''irst (Orthodox (Congregational Church, and was always much interested in its welfare and active in its support. Niles, Loiiville V., was born in \orth Jay, .Me., in January, 1S39. He was the son ot X'aranes Xiles, who when an infant was left fatherless. The mother an. F., all of Charles- town, and is a vice-president of the Scotch Charitable .Society, and a member of the British Charitable Society. Mr. Wemyss married Miss Agnes Elliott, of North Andover, Mass., on January 3, 1886. They have had four children; their two sons are now in school. Mr. Wemyss is engaged in the manufacture of furniture, his factory being located at 511 Med- ford street, Charlestown. He resides at 5 Austin street. 1 N D E X. Aldrich, (apt. llarrisoii, portrait of, 407. Ancient Order of United Workmen, 404. Anderson, Rev. Cieorge S. K., church history •jy, 305- Andrews, James M., portrait of, 159; John, portrait of, 123. Arcadia Lodge, Knights of Pythias, 405. Armstrong, William M., portrait of, 375. Arnold, L. l-'rank, portrait of, 4.S5. Associated Charities, history of tlie, 351. Atkinson, Rev. Thomas, church history by, 324- Backus, Edward, portrait of, 496. Bailey, Ernest W., portrait cf, 175; J. Warren, portrait of, 449. Baldwin, P'red C, portrait of, 199. Ball, John N., portrait of, 172. Banks of Somerville, history of the, 446. Baptist Church, E. Somerville, history of the, 282; illustration of the, 2S1 ; First, history of the, 102, 285; illustration of the, 284; I'erkins-slreet, history of the, I02, 2S9; il- lustration of the, 330; Union Scjuare, his- tory of the, 290 ; illustration of the, 330; W^est Somerville, illustration of the, 330 ; Winter Hill, history of the, 290, 293; illus- tratif)n of the, 292. Barnes, Waller S., portrait of, 247. Baxter, George E., portrait of, 490; George I.., long term of service, 221, 233; jiortrait of, 223. Bean, James W., ]iortrait of, 492. Beekman, Rev. Garret, ])ortrait of, 322. Belknap, Austin, administration of as mayor, 150, portrait of, 147. Bell, Luther V., jiortrait of, 192. Bennett, (lark, portrait ot', 192; Dana W., residence of, 494. Bentley, (ieorge W., residence of, 486. Pierry, J. E., residence of, 76; William IL, portrait of, 164; Arthur W., portrait of, 658. Bingham, Norman W., portrait of, 19 1. Binney, Martin, portrait of, 363. Bi(jgraphies, 484; supplementary, 657. Bishop, Iliram R., portrait of, 497; Rev. Nathan K., portrait of, 31 1 ; Resilience of, 481. Blaikie, Thomas B., portrait of, 643. Bleachery, Middlesex, history of the. 78. Boston t\; Maine R. R. System, 465, 468; Boston, siege of, 57, i^8, 63, 69. Bradshaw, Charles 1 1., residence of, 4S1. ]5rainard, (.harles V.., portrait of, 216a. Brastow, George, administration of as mayor, 145, 149; I'ortrait of, 147. Breetl's Hill, battle of, 61. lirick-making in Somerville, 77, 460. Briggs, J. Albion, portrait of, 498. Brigliam, William E., history of the fire de- partment by, 269; history of the police department by, 253; Portrait of, 478. British and Hessian prisoners in Somerville, 7], 74- liritish engineers, jilan of fortifications by, 71- Broadway Congregational Church, history of the, 294; illustration of the, 296; Park, history, 134, 149: view on, frontispiece. Bruce, (Jeorge A., administration of as mayor, 143; portrait of, 147. Bunker Hill, battle of, 53, 54. Burgoyne, General, surrender of, 70. liurlen, Lorenzo W., ]iortrait of, !;o3. liuriis, Mark !•'., administration of as mayor, 153; portraits of, 151, 191. Butler, John Haskell, portrait of, 252. Butters, Charles S., ])ortrait of, 504; Rev. George S., Church history by, 317; por- trait of, 3H). Byani, William A., ])orlrait of, 83; residence of, 84. Caleb Rand Lodge, 1. O. O. F., 389. ('ameron Lodge, Knights of Honor, 405. Carpenter, Allen ]•"., jiortrait of, 176. Carr, Martin W., portrait of, 184. Carville, Dr. .\li)honso H., portrait of, 339. Central Cluli .\ssociation, history of the, 415; Eire station, illustration of the, 279; Mill jiark, history of, 122, 157. Chamberlin, Mrs. Harriet A., portrait iif, 39(J- Chandler, Leonard l'>., jiorirait of, 167. Charity Clul), history of the, 433. Chase, Daniel E., portrait of, 379. Cheney, Frederick E., jiortrait of, 400. Churches, history of the, 23' '°-' 282, 297, 30S. 330. Citi/en building, illustration of the, 477. City charter, 126, 166, 1(19; city government, history of the, 145, 173; hall, im]irove- ments in the, 165; t>(Vicials, how appointed, 166, 169. SOMERllLLE, PAST AM) J'KESEIVT. 667 Civil war. Soniei'ville's record in the, 105, 1 10, 114, 117. Clark, Elijah ('., portrait 01,429; IlerbertL., portrait of, 637; Joseph, portrait 01,44; J. Foster, paper Ijy, 428; portrait ol, 430. Clarridge, George F., history ol the Y. M. C. A. by, 372; portrait of, 373. Coats, Rev. Orville, Church history by, 282. Coddington, Rev. I. P., Church history by, 328. Cole, Dr. Anna B. Taylor, portrait of, 349. Congregational Church, 15road\\ay, history of the, 294; illustration of the, 296; Day Street, history of the, 297; illustration of the, 13; Highland, history of the, 305; il- lustration of the, 307; Prospect Hill, his- tory of the, 306; illustration of the, 330; Winter Hill, history of the, 306; illustra- tion of the, 308. Congregational (Unitarian) Church, history of the, 102, 299; illustrations of the, 300, 302. Constellation Lodge, Odd Padies, history of. 403- Convent, Ursuline, destruction of the, 81, 82. Conversation Club, history of the, 435. Cox, Edward, portrait of, 511 ; residence of, 512. Crosby, Cyrus F., portrait of, 520. Cummings, David, portrait of, 52; John A , administration of as mayor, 153; portrait of, 191. Cunningham, Thomas, portrait of, 19. Curtis, Dr. Henry F., portrait of, 340. Cushman, Charles A., portrait of, 453. Cutler, S. Newton, ]iortrait of, 188. Dana, N. B., portrait of, 398. Daughters of Maine Club, history of, 416. Davis, Joshua H., ]iaper by, on history of the schools, 177; portraits of, 179, 192; school superintendency of, 177, 194, 230. Davlin, James F., portrait of, 364. Day Nursery, estal^lishment and work of the, 359- Day, Rev. William J., church history by, 290; portrait of, 291. Day Street Congregational Church, history of the, 297; illustration of the, 13. Dennett, Nathaniel, portrait of, 235. Derby Desk Company, history of the, 459; factory of the, 458. Dickerman, Frank E., portrait of, 414; (luincy E., portrait of, 187. Dodge, Albert L., portrait of, ^i: Seward, portrait of, 36. Dole, Charles A., portrait of, 644. Donovan, M. T., portrait of, 519. Duddy, Robert, portrait of, 120. Dunklee, Daniel D., portrait of, 56. Durell, Rev. George W., portraits of, 191, 315; Julius A., portrait of, 522; Dr. Thomas AL, portrait of, 335. Durgin, Asa, portrait of, 20. Eames, Byron, portrait of, 524. Early churciies and schools in Somerville, T,^; grants, 17, 18; highways, 29, 30; in- dustries, 29, 77. East Somerville Baptist Church, history of tin-, 282; illustration of, 281. Elierle, Philip, portrait of, 447. Edgerly, John S., efforts by, to establish a public library, 258; portrait of, 192. Educational Interests, paper on, 226. Electric tire alarm system, establishment of an, 149; street lighting, introduction of, . 1.54- Elliot, Charles D., ]iaper by, on Somerville's history, 17, 142; portrait of, 16; Mary E., paper by, on Willard C. Kinsley Relief Corps, 365 ; portrait of, 366. Elliott, Russell C, portrait of, 527. Elm Council, Royal Arcanum, 406. Elston, Abraham A., residence of. 528. Emerson, lohn S., portrait of, 216a. Emmanuel (Episcopal) Church, history of the, 310; illustration of, 312. English liigh School, illustration of the. 219. Erminie (Rel)ekah) Lodge, history of, 401. Evangelical Church Association, 330. Exchange of prisoners, 61. F'arrell, Michael F., portrait of, 256. Fire department, history of the, 85, 94, 121, 162, 269, 280. Fireman's Relief Association, 371. First Baptist Church, history of the, 102, 285 ; illustration of, 284; Congregational (Uni- tarian) Church, history of the, 102, 299; illustrations of, 300, 302; Mayor and Board of Akicrmen, portraits of, 128; Methodist Episcopal Church, history of the, 317; il- lustration of the. 320; ( )rthodox Congrega- tional Church, iiistory of the, 303: illustra- tion of the, 304 ; Universalist Church, his- tory of the, 324; illustration of the, 326. Fitch, Nathan A., portrait of, 48. Fitz, N. Everett, portrait of. 103. Mag of the United Colonies, new, first un- furled on Prospect Hill. 69. Flewelling, Dr. Douglas ( i.. portrait of, 531. Flint street Methodist Church, illustration of the, 330. Follett, Dr. A. Ward, portrait of, 532. P^oote, Edward, portrait of, 244. P'orster, Charles, portrait of, 192. Fortifications around Boston in 177^ plan of, 15; erected in Somerville, 54, 57, Oi, 6(). I'Vazar, Douglas, portrait of, 148; Mrs. Mae D., paper by, on Daughters of Maine Club, 416; portrait of, 417. Freeman, Benjamin F., portrait of, 640. Fresh Pond Ice Company, business of the, 455; section of sheds of the, 456. Friendly Plelj^ers of the Poor, history of the, 43^- Fuller. Frederick C, portrait of, 535; Stephen W.. jxirtrait of, 537; residence (il, 538. 668 soMERMLLi:, /'.isT .ixj> j'Ki:s/:xi: ■ulton, Kc\-. Justin I)., cliurcli liistoiy hy, 2S5; portrait of, 2S5. •'iirljcr, William H., ailministralion of as mayor. 149; portrait of. 14^. lalpin. Mrs. ISarbara, paj^er l»y, on ihi.- llep- torcan Club. 420; portrait of, 421. las. introduction of in Somervillc, 121. iiles, Joseph ]., portrait of, 542. • ilman, Charles K., long term of service of, I/O; portrait of, 44. iiroux, Aime E., residence of, 541. ilines, l-'dward, portrait of, 545; residence of, 546; Jacob r., portrait of, 191. lookin, Abijah 1>., portrait of, 113. lordon, Knima J., ]iortrait of, 346. louKI, Aaron 11., residence of. 548. low, Rev. John l\.. church history by, 2S9. iray, Kev. Andrew, church history by, 314; portrait of, 316. Ireene, General, headi|uartcrs of, illustrated, ■ rimmons, ( harles A., residence of, 549. Iross, Jaazaniai), portrait of. 550. "luild, Chester, portrait of, 44. 1 iunpowder, scarcity of among the American troops, 60; seizure of by the British, 45, 46. ladley, Ceorge W., portrait of, 556; S. Henry, portrait of, 204; ICmma Prichard, portrait of, 552. laigh, John, portrait of, 554. laley, Mary A., paper i)y, on charitable soci- eties, 433; portrait of, 434. I all, Horace E., residence of, 559; John C., portrait of, 661 ; \V. Eranklin, portrait of, 243- lanscom. Dr. Sanford, portrait of, 195. larmony Council, Home Circle, 444. lartshorn. Dr. Edward, portrait of, 55S; Erank S.. portrait of, 560. lathaway, H. I-"., portrait of, 216a. laven, Mrs. Clara P., portrait of, 41 S. layden, J. <)., paper by, on Sonicrville banks. 445; i>ortrait of, 474. layes, John S., paper by, on the public li- brary, 25r. H. P., jiortrait of. 663. lenderson, l-'ranklin, portrait of, 79. leptorean Club, history of the, 420. lerbert, John, portrait of, 374. [essian prisoners aper by, 401 ; ])ortrait of, 402. Industries of Somerville, history of the, 29. 77. 93. 94. 452- Ireland, George W., jtortrait of, 124. Ivaloo (Rebekah) Lodge, history of, 394. Jaques, Col. Samuel, as owner of Ten Hills Earm, 41, 77. John Abbot Lodge, E. A. .V A. M., 378. Jones, Melville 1)., portrait of, 155; William P., portrait of, 476. Journal Building, illustration of the, 473. Kaan, Erank W ., portrait of. 381. Kelley, John, portrait of, 573. Kellogg, Dr. Erederick L., portrait of, 574. Kennard, J<;hn E., portrait of, 399. Keyes, Amos, portrait of, 35; Emma S.. paper by, on the Associated Charities, 351. Kimball, Ered M., portrait of, 104; George .\., portrait of, 240. Kinsley, Willard C, record of, 361; Post, G. A. R., history of the, 361 ; Relief Corps, history of the, 365. Knapp, Oren S., portrait of, 191. Knights of Honor, Mt. Benedict Lodge, 404. Lacount, Eugene I)., portrait of, 96. Lamont, Andrew A., portrait of, 391. Landmarks, old, described, 141, 142. Lapham, E. DeWitt, portrait of, 579. Last board of selectmen, portraits of, 127. Lawrence, Bernard W., portrait of, 275; res- idence of, 276. Leavitt, Rev. Horace II., church history l>y, 294; portrait of, 295. Lee, Gen. Charles, head(|uarters of, 61. Lexington, battle of, 50, 31. Library, i)ublic, growth of the, 153. 261. 265; history of the, 149, 133, 258, 265; illustra- tion of the, 260; officers of the, 265. Linccjln, Charles S., portraits of, 192, 263. Little Sisters of the Poor, history of, 438. Locke, Marshall IL, portrait of, 31. Lockharl, Charles IL, residence of, 5S0. SOMERllLLE, PAST .lA'D rRESHNT. 669 Lombard, I-'rank G., portrait uf, 24S; Henry ] F., portrait of, 99. Longfellow Lodge, (Jdil Ladies, 403. Loring, George F., residence of, 5S3. j Lovejoy, Benjamin P., portrait of, 585; res- idence of, 586. Lowell, C. \\'., residence of, 5S7; Howard, portrait of, 588; Joseph (^)., p(jrtrait of, I 590. ! Lowe, Mrs. Martha P., portrait of, 439; re- miniscenes of vSomerville by, 439; Kev. j Charles, portrait of, 440. Loyal Orange Institution, 445. Luce, Robert, paper by, on Sons of Maine Club, 415; portrait of, 413. Macomlier, George A., residence of, 592. Mac*^ueen, Rev. Peter, church history by, j 297; portrait of, 298. 1 Magoun, John C, portrait of, 44. Mann, Alfred F., portrait of, 594; Jairus, por- j trait of, 14S. I Map of Somerville as it was in 1S30, 72. Martyr roll, the, in the civil war, 117. Mayor, powers and duties of the, 169. McLean Asylum, establishment of the, 81. Meleney, Clarence F., portrait of, 14S; su- perintendency of schools of, 194, 233. Memorial tablets, erection of, 141, 142, 157. Mentzer, Walter C, portrait of, 135; resi- dence of, 136. Mercer, William L., residence of, 595. Merrill, Dr. Arthur F., portrait of, 68; Frank F., history of the water-works l)y, 237; portrait of, 236. Methodist Episcopal Church, First, history of the, 317; illustration of the, 320; Park Ave., history of the, 318; illustration of the, 321. Metropolitan water system to be estal)lished, 249. Middlesex bleachery, history of the, 78. 94. Middlesex Canal, history of the, 78. Middlesex street railway, history of the. 471. Military prowess of the pioneers, ;,],. Miller's river, description of in early times, 21; nuisance of, 136, 146; pollution of, 134- Mink, Louis, residence of, 596. Moore, Henry M., portrait' of, 63; Howard D., portrait of, 163. Morse, Fnoch R., portrait of, 192. Moulton, Rev. Fdwin P., church history by, 286; portrait of, 287. Mount Benedict Lodge, K. LL, 404. Mount Horeb Lodge, L. O. L, 444. Mystic Lake, description of, 23S. Mystic River in early times, 21. Nathan Tufts Park, history of, 137. New Day Street Congregational Church, il- lustration of, 13. New residences on Highland Avenue, 564; on Westwood Road, 482, 483. Newton, Dr. Frank L., portrait of, 345. Nichols, G. Leslie, ]iortrait of, 1 00. Nickerson, Alvano T., portrait of, 27; John F., portrait of, 23. Niles, Louville \'., residence of, 6(14. Noddle's Island, battle of, 58, 59. Norcross, |. Leland, jiortrait of, 601. North Packing and Provision Co.. 452, 454. Nourse, Mrs. J. L'., jiortrait of, 602. Noyes, Frank A., portrait of, 392; Kev. Charles, church history by, 30O. Oasis Lodge, I. O. O. F., history of, 390. O'Brien, Rev. James J., church history by, 310. Odd Fellows' Building, illustration of, 38b. Old landmarks, desciiptiou of, 141, 142; powder-house, history of the, 41, 42, 157, 158; illustration of the, 43. Orient Council Royal and Select Masters, 378. ( )rigin antl early settlement of Somerville, '7' i8- Orthodox Congregational Church, First, his- tory of the, 303; illustration of the, 304. Osgood, Dr. H. D., residence of, 1 12. Parker, Frederick W., portrait of, 606. Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, history of the, 318; illustration of the, 321. Park, Elbridge G., portrait of, 604. Parkhurst, Melville C, portrait of, 255. Parks and ijoulevards, 122, 134, 137, 157. Parks, C. E., paper by, on Central Club, 415. Parsons, Capt. Horace M., portrait of, 411. Paul Revere Lodge, I. < ). ( ). V., history of, I 390, 393- Paul Revere's ride, 49, 50. ' Peasley, Dr. Emma J., paper by, 347: por- trait of, 348. Perkins, George W., portrait of, 212. j Perkins Street Baptist Church, history of, 102, 289; illustration of, 330. I'erry, Albion A., administration of as mayor, 165; portrait of, 143; Oliver IL, portrait of, 450. Phillips, Dr. Eugenie M., portrait of, 350; Franklin F., portrait of, 609. Pierson, Rev. William IL, portrait of, 301. Pioneer settlers of Somerville, 18, 22, 26. Pillsbury, Luther B., portrait of, 232. Pitman, Henry W., history of Somerville Light Infantry by, 409; portrait of, 40S. Plan of fortifications around Boston in 1775, 15; in Somerville, 71. Police Court, history of the, 256. Police department, history of the, 253, 257; signal system, introduction of the, 154; station, illustration of the, 257. Poole, George S., residence of, 220. Poor, Franklin N., portrait of, 32. Pope, Charles G., administration of as mayor, 154 : jiortrait of, 19 1. Post 139, G. A. R., history of, 361. Potterton, Rev. T. E., church history by, 327. Powder house, old, history of the, 41, 157; illustration of the, 43. Powers, Rev. Levi M., church history by, 324. 670 SOMERilLI.]-:, IWST AM) J'RKSKXr. I'ratt, Josiali \., portrait of, i6o. I'rt-slon, Fred, portrait of, 431. I'richard, John 1'., portrait of, 612. I'roctor. (leurije ( )., ]iortrait of, 22S. IVospcct Hill Conj,'rcjjaiioiial Church, histor)- of, 306; illustration of, 330. I'rospect Hill Station, 467. I'uhlic I,il)rary. See I.ilirary. Railroad facilities of Sonierville. 133, 4(15, 47'- Railroads, lirst through Somerville, 78. 79. Railroads and street railways, history of, 78, 90. 125, 130. 133, 393, 465, 471. Ralph, NIrs. Harriet A.. i)aper by, 393; por- trait of, 395; William 11., portrait of, 387. Raniona (Rehekah) Lodtje, historv of, 397- Randall Memorial Kree Will 15aptist Church, history of, 2S6; illustration of, 28S. Raymond, i-'rancis H., portrait of, 21 1; Mar- cus M., portrait of, J71 . Rebellion, Somerville"s record in the, 105, III, 114,361, 365- Reed, Nathan H., residence of, 3!;3. Reminiscences of Somerville, iiy Martha P. Lowe, 339. Reservoir for water, description of the, 241. Residences on Highland Ave., new, 564; on West wood Road, new, 481, 482, 483. Revere, Paul, ride of, through Somerville, 49, 50. Revolution, beginning of the, 45. Rich, (apt. Lyman B., residence of, 615; Wilfred H., portrait of, 616. Robinson, Knoch, residence of the late, 39. Rowell, Cromwell (j., portrait of, 24. Russ, (jeorge H. ])ortrait of, 388. Kussell, Irving L., portrait of, 132. Rymes, Christopher \\., portrait of, 264. .Samaritan Society, history of the, 355. Sanborn, Alexander A., portrait of, 108; Caleb L., portrait of, 64; Charles V>., resi- dence of, III; Daniel W., portrait of, 95; David A., portrait of, 271; Dr. Edwin A., portrait of, 87; Frank S., pt)rtrait of, 622; Helen J., paper by, on the Hillside Club, 425; j)ortrail of, 424; James S., portrait of, 369; residence of, 370; William .\., por- trait of, 461. Sargent, Aaron, portrait of, 148. Sawyer, Charles W., portrait of, 267. School lioards, prominent men on, 230. School exhil)its, 210; statistics, 205, 213, 214, 221; superintendents, 177, 194, 202, 218. Schools, history of the, 33, 85, 98, 10 1, 154, 177, 189, 229; illustrations of, 207, 208, 215, 216, 219. Selectmen, last board of, portraits of, 127. Semi-centennial anniversarv, celebration of the, 158. Sewers, history of the, 121, 122, 165. Shattuck, Frederick W., portrait of, 200. Siege of l>(jston, 57, 58, 63, 69. Simonds, Edwin X., portrait of, 4^2. Sinking fund, application of the, 154. Smith. iJr. Frederick (".., jiortrait of, 55. .Soley Lodge, F. .A. i\: A. M., history of, 3S3. .Somerville, as it was in 1830, map of, 72; banks of, 44(), 451 ; Ch.-ipter, R. .\. .M., history of, 377; Churches and schools, early. 33, 85; " Citizen," building, illustra- tralion of, 477; "Citi/en," history of the. 479; Co-operative bank, history of the. 451; Council, Home Circle, 444: Council, Royal Arcanum, 406; Encamp. LO. O. F., 385; Guard in the Rebellion, 113; High- lands Station, illustration of, 464: H(js- l)ital, history of the, 331, 341; illustration of the, 331 : industries of, 29, 77, 78, 452; "Journal" hist(jry of the, 475; " Journal " building, illustration of the, 473; Light Infantry, history of the, 97, no, 409, 412; Literary .Association, history of^ the, 436; Lodge, A. (). V. W., history of, 404; Na- tional bank, history of the, 44:^; reminis- cences of, 339; separation of, from Charles- town, 85; Savings bank, history of the, 445- Sons of Maine Clul>, history of the, 415. Souther, Ezra I)., portrait of, 131. Southworth, .Vmasa E., portrait of. 384; Cor don .v., portrait of, i8o; superintendency of schools of, 202, 233. Sparrow, Edmund S., portrait of, 231. Sprague & Hathaway Co., history of the, 45 V Squire, John P., jiortrait of, 626. St. Ann's Catholic Church, history of, 309; St. Catherine's Catholic C hurch, history of, 310; St. James Episcopal Church, history of, 317; St. Thomas' I-:])iscopal Church, history of, 314; illustration of, 330; Si. A'inceni dc Paul Societv, historv of the, 437- Starbird, Geiirge M., portrait of, 628. Statistics of travel on the 15. i\; M. R. R. sys- tem, 468; on the West End Street Rail- way system, 471. .Stockwell, Fred F., residence of, 630. Stodder, Frederick M.. portrait of, n6. Story, Isaac, portrait of, 251. Sturtevant, (Jeorge ]•'., portrait of, 107; l.ind- ley J., portrait of, 80; Richard H., resi- dence of, 272. Sufl'rage League, history of the, 43(1. Tank Cars, N. E. ( )il Co., illustration of, 4()3. Tarbox, F. O. J.> portrait of, 174. Taylor, Charles II., portrait of, 140. lead. Rev. Edward S., Church history by, 306. Teele, I'rank A., portrait of. <)2; Samuel, portrait of, ii'})}^. Ten Hills Farm, descri]ition and o\\ners of. 21, 22, 26,37, 38.4', 77- Thorpe, Herbert, portrait of, ()34. Troops furnished l)y Somerville in the (.'ivil War, 105. lof), MO. 409, 410. SOMERVILLE. FAST AND PRESENT. 671 Tufts College, history of, 13S, 141 ; illustra- tion of, 139. Tufts, Francis, portrait of, 47; House, head- quarters of Gen. Lee, illustration of, 61; Nathan, heirs of, donation of land to the city by, 157; Park, establishment of the, I57> I'sS. Union Glass Works, history of the, 94, 457; vSquare Baptist Church, history of the, 290; illustration, of the, 330; Presbyterian Church, history of, 324; illustration of, 325- Unitarian, Urst Congreijational (Jnuch, his- tory of the, 299; illustraliiins of the, 300, 302. Universalibt Church, Pirst, history of the, 324; illustration of the, 326; Third, history of the, 327; Winter Hill, history of the, 328; illustration of the, 329. Ursuline Convent, destruction of the, Si, 82. Vacations and holidays, 193, 194. \'ie\v on Broadway, Frontispiece. Mncent, George I., history of the city govern- ment by, 14c;, 173; portrait of, 144. ^Yade, Rufus R., portrait of, 638. Wadleigh, William Y., residence of, 75. Wadsworth, George M., portrait of, 2i0a. Ware, Frank A., portrait of, 88. Water Supply of Somerville, history of the, 121, 153, i'54, 237, 249. ^^'aters, Elizabeth A., paper liy, on the Sa- maritan Society, 355; portrait of, 357. Webcowit Club, history of the, 42S. Weld, William H, portrait of, 59. Wellington, J. Frank, portrait of, 266. ^^'emyss, George 1)., portrait of, 239. Wendell, Mina J., portrait of, 203. ^Vent\vorth, Thomas S., portrait of, 183. West End Street Railway, history of the, 133, 471, 472; electric car, illustration of an, 469; car-house, 470. West, Mrs. Anna 1)., jiortrait of, 422. West Somerville, Baptist Church, illustration ot the, 330; Co-operative bank, history of the, 451. West«'(iod Road, history of, 4S0; residences on, 482, 483. White, Dr. Emory L., portrait of. 354; Dr. liorace C, history of the hospital b\-, 333; portrait of, 332. Whiting, Dr. C;^ W .\V., portrait of, 343; resi- dence of, 344. Whitcomb, Charles T. C., portrait ot^, 224; Irvine A., residence of, 426. Wild, B. Frank, portrait of, 651. Wiley, Isaiah H., portrait of, 647. Wilkms, G. Franklin, portrait of, 648. Willard C. Kinsley ]\)st, ( \. A. R., history of, 361 ; Relief Corps, history of, 365. \Villey, Clarence H.. portrait of, 652. Williams, Charles, Jr., portrait of, 67. Willis, Dr. Reuben, portrait of, 336. Wilson, Francis JM., portrait of, 654. Winship, Rev. Albert E., paper by, on Ed- ucational Interests, 226; portrait of, 227. Winter Hill ISaptist Church, history of the, 290; illustration of the, 292. Winter Hill, Club, history of the, 433; Con- gregational Church, history of, 306; illus- tration of, 308; Encampment, I. O. O. F., history of, 385; Station, 466; Universalist Church, history of, 328; ilUustration of, 329- \^'inthrop, Governor, domiciled on Ten Hills Farm, 26, 37, 38. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 371. Woodberry, William 11., portrait of, 382. Woodcock, Shephard S., portrait of, 91. Woods, Edward F., portrait of, 656. Wright, Henry E., residence of, 40; Robert S., residence of, 168. Wyman, Charles B., residence of, 655. Yard and Sheds of Fresh Pond Ice Co., 459. Young Men's Christian Association, 372.