*>.>' >i >> >i >. >i >,>> 'r^. >. >i >. >t 'O ^3 'C 'O 'O "O cococoeoc-^cooOOOOOOOCO ^ ^ X x: -c ^ x; ji ji £ ^ j= cd c3 c3 c3 c3 rt s s s s s s ~-j V', O O O o o o o o o c CCQPQCPCPC -^ r & r *^" " ■K s -j; M "bo S 6 6 d d 6 d d 6 6 d O )-] B w o6 c. E E ^ S "3 _■ c 3|£s"is o £ "J — n MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. tD CO «0 CO to W CO H §5 H o o o 03 as o o Z o AK'J JO )unt>uii» -^loqAV •AOQ 'Jd XBd SI AjaS J" ^i"!! •p.3jBq,js!a ""lAV 7. » » '/. X w u 9j CQ n en tn to c o d o d d d d d d d d d CCQQQQQQCPQQC d c d d d d d d d 6 6 6 6 c-QQcGaa-poafi ooooooddddddc QQQQQOOftQQQQQ U! B >. 0. i9,2i -itiB E b C) 4H PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. c .5 ^ ft - S : o W S p. o r; ^ ® 1^ MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O o; X i-' 2; o a a >-i o S CD O Q CO O 03 Oh ai o o OS H Z D J O > •.■i>M JO junouie •'I'lii.Vi •.tup .UU ABJ ■aO|.\JB3 Jl) lUJd.L •lidiiJKH.isip uan.vv o „ o o o o o o o o o o © 2 o r^l ci, J> ■^ lO ■«r A o o t- * «rt ttj «rt o CD A O A 0» OS Oi m a> CT> g ■-I o » O o o o o o o o o o QQQQQCOOQQ Oi '^ ss 6 o 6 d 6 6 6 d d >, OaQQQQQDQQ a S ^oooooooooo rj' :c"s' ■^•r>>ocoooooo 5-5-POQQaQftO O M Dli 4 E F «- • 5 2 -S £ >^- S 5 I: -X c^ - - a: (S 3 ^ E o S .a 6 — ? i 8 c o = c PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 179U- 1800. s§ 2 6 M S %< z tf ^ >> *"■ ^ H to O ti tf to MUSTEll AND PAY ROLLS. .MUSTER ROLL OF THE MIL1TL\ OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY CALL'D OUT AS RANGERS FOR THE PROTEC- TION OF THE FRONTIERS UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN NATHANIEL POINTS, MAY 17th, 1791. 1 j Nathaniel Points. 2 ; Robert Cuningham, 3 ' Thomas McMillin, . 4 James MeJunkens, . 5 William Maxwell, . 6 ' Stephen Hal! 7 ' James McLroy Nathal. Points, . . Thomas McMullin, Thomas Mckee, . . . James McLroy Charles 6 , John Clugston. Nathal. Points Thomas McMillin, t Thomas McLroy, . I Andrew Turk, I Stephen Hall. i William Corethers, 1 Nathl. Points 2 I Thomas McMillin, . 3 I John Ockiltrco 4 I William Powell, ., 5 I James Henry 6 Thomas McLroy, . . 7 Stephen Paton 8 GeorKc Lessley. .. 9 James McWilliams. Capt.,.. Ensign, Serjt May Priv May May May May Discharged. May 17-ai May 23-91 May 17-91 May 23-91 17-91 17-91 17-91 17-91 ) 17-91 i May May May May May Serjt., Priv., Priv., Priv., Priv., Priv. Priv. Priv. Capt., Serjt. Priv., Priv., Priv., Priv., Priv. , Priv., Priv.. June June 3-91 3-91 June 3-91 May May May May May May May May May 20-92 20-92 20-92 20-92 20-92 20-92 20-92 20-92 20-92 June June ! June June 23-91 23-91 23-91 23-91 23-91 Capt May 24-91 June 2-91 May 24-91 : June 2-91 May 24-91 i June 2-91 May 24-91 : June 2-91 May 24-91 June 2-91 May 24-91 June 2-91 t ajjt June 3-91 June 11-91 Serjt j June 3-91 June 11-91 Priv June 3-91, June 11-91 11-91 11-91 June 11-91 22-92 22-92 June 22-92 June 22-92 June 22-92 June 22-92 June 22-92 June 22-92 June 22-92 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 11 z I— 1 05 o t- Pi fc x: t— w X >^ H <1 fc S o ^ ^ o W Ph J w z W ! tf o fc o O >^ H H Z 55 H P ^, O K u i O H H iS <3 fc o fc :^ o rn § Pi >^ h •0 »-* C5 rH § s S ■" " " CO « O u, CO « « « ;j5 to «> to t= . >. >, >, >. >. ^ d d rrt' rf ctj cC d >^ ^ .2 d d d d d d dd'S'rfrfdd dddddd m • (p a> -" H tc FU fL Ph Oh - W Pm - ci -" Ol -f c '*= 5 ^ o .S 5 c >< „- p a g S I " ^ "" c "= E c rt t 5 M ti i "■ s - c j?5c s :^ zS^^isS^ ^6^ ci .5 £ Z E- H ,-t C^I CO -v 12 MUSTE!! AND PAY ROLLS. X H o w u H Q . ■a CO bM o J Hi ^ O bi < o ■siioa •siioa— ujuow d iCBd S ^ S ^ S ■sAva. •qjuojv •XBJ JO '^ous-uiuoo 1 s g s s o i> o o X r-l (M (M rt tH i-l iH iH o in « M M er o lo CO CO TO e>3 CO ■jtqiunjV J ." f 3 O _, O 3 = o E E c o is = E c *; .- < w ^. ■ c B ? o ' ^ .2 — £L S Ji " « 2° rt M « c ;: c c — "^^ E -S ti o .E := E c fr •^ H f-s P- r, h K PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800 13 gs S ,_4 bO •o 0) J^ j: & C!j A ; 1-1 oj eg " m c ■« - c „, «* OJ -M o n d ^ B." tn I* ci JC ■.-> 11 ^ 3 O t J 0) ,c J O p M — « ffi i ^ a -^ i£ z d ^ z < S •- P ^f- u ML'STEn AND PAY ROI.LS. A PAY ROLL FOR A VOLUNTEER CORPS OF SCOUTS IM- PLOYED ON THE FRONTIER OF ALLEGHENY & STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. N'amfS. 6 £- >i cc ■o %-i «j p >^ oi ^ ^ 1 Robert Cunningham, John Armstrong. ... James Armstrong,... John Clugston John diinbare 1791 Ensign, May 24, Serjt.... May 24, pnv May 24, priv May 24, ! priv May 24, 1791 June 1st, 8 days. 0.4.6 June 1st, S days. 1.6 June l.st, 8 days. 9 •June 1st. 8 days. 9 June 1st, 8 days. 9 £1.16.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 £3. 6.0 I do certify thai the above Role is a true State of the Blsiness gevinnd my hand this date above mened. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, Ensign. 1 believe ye above ju.st. .JOHN IRWIN, Lt. Col. -1th Batt. Algh, Cty. April ye 1st, 1793, Certified by me. PRES. NEVILL, Lt., of AUegy County, Pennsyl'a. Moon Township, Allegheny County July 1st, 1791. At an election this day held at the house of Wm. Sutton in ye Township aforesaid to elect a Lieut. Colo. Commdt. in the place of Presley Nevill promoted to the Lieutenancy of the county aforesaid the Poll was as follows T'SNNSYLVAMA Mll.lTl A — 1790-1800. l5 For l.ieut. Colo. Comnult. 3(1 Oattl. Alleghany County Mi- litia- Samuel Wilson, One hundred & Eight Votes. Robert Vance, Eighty nine Votes. Henry Noble, Thirty Eight Votes. Jno. Sproatt, Three Votes. Joseph Scott William Read Judges. Attest — James Whiteside Clk. PRESLEY NEVILL LT. AUegy. County. At an election held in Pittsburgh the 10th July 1791 for Officers to Command the Light Infantry Company the follow- ing Gentlemen were duly Elected Viz. Captn. James O'Hara. Lieutenant. John Finley. Ensign. Oliver Ormsby. We do certify that the above Gentlemen, Viz:— James OHara, John Finley & Oliver Ormsby Were duly Elected officers to Comand the Light Infantry Company to the fourth Battalion of A'Jparheny County Militia. Pittsburgh, 11th July 1791. Geo. Wallace Jno. Gibson Judges Presley Nevill Lieut. Allegheny County. Allegheny County, August 13th 1791 Sirs: In Consequence of my Appointment to the Lieuten- ancy of this County, the Command of the 3d Battalion be- came vacant; On the 1st of July an election was held for choos- ing a Lieut. Colo Commdt. when Saml. Wilson was elected. 16 MUSTEK AND PAY ROLLS. A number of gentlemen of ye 4th Battalion have formed themselves into an Infantry Company equipt themselves and elected their officers inclosed is their Return also I have the honor to be ye Excellencys Obt. Sert. Presley Nevill Lt. Alleg. County. His Excellency Thos. Mifflin Esqr. J PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 17 12 ^ w. H fe o z ^ ^ > m Z Z Q H >; a O H oi 2— Vol. V. Q X °5 o z M cu z rr, ^ z z Uj H o o a fc f>^ td ^ J z n ^ d u « S Z c a; Z o c Z o < m ^< (D u OJ a' fc fc fc C c c c s s: J= ^ o o o <-i ^^ i-s £ : d h£ !^' £l .5 o 22 c i; p be r^ £ ^ t^ u t < o i/! lis •S ^ C 3 5 o d o h, 1) S-J : : ^ b S S « ■»■ w to tc 3 tt 1^ -< : . CO -d : : ; : : : 4> • > ? |5 m Ol ^^ [^ cr: ^ ^ -1. t. "o i. -w *^ ;i P 6 = s x: .c i: -M -^ -a- C-. c, C-J c 1 -J rt m "1 > > K C fe 'E 'E T H V2 Ph ft Ph m 1 c ; ^ bn fcii si c = ? — c tfc £ i § ^ '"' P n "^ u < — Y < y -^ C 5; C ^ c: c -z c ^ ^ £ •H r ^ 4 6th Ser. 13 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. a: 'A -* O m a O 0, z o m a. CO m < O X H Pi Q Z D >^ Z O U z a X o :^ Q a > a o a 12; a CO < CO i, CQ O — TO is 1 .2 " a ft CD CO O c5 E E »■ C ^ o m g r-g-c.'SS.t^ ^..5»E H H o a> ^1 ■jop — A"T3cI ;iiiv •s^aao— uonui aad Xbj •uoH'BJ JO aaqmnM •s.Cbp jo jaqmriN ooooooeeooooM oo SSgSSSS S 22S2SS 2 2'222S« o ooctt^r- ■u *J ^J 1) .0) a a a c o c ci 0) a) o 3 a; 3 0) W to 01 ►, Q I-; Q £ 5 £ •= -c J= j: O o o ?i 5 ?r S a c Q, 3 ' 03 H, a o E a ^ Q — f^ O ^ i -- E E £ :3- ? Hs^ E I .:: — £ P^H £ ? i-s P O f- si PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 19 -^ l) OJ 11 ^i* •- i>^ cS 2X — * 3 p £ p -c "o ca ss s s s s s g s TO OO 00 00 00 OO 5 IS •0 00 CO oe 00 00 o o CO OC 00 OO 00 00 00 o o o o 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 O o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o M fc O ►? W >^ -< " a s _ _ _ > > ^ 'u Ti 'ti u "u X "C Oi p^ (1, (1, (li 0. (1( 5 S g S ii ^■ 3 > = N K ^ - ■ — . S ;i t. > « =^ r b i 5 e= -■ ^ _ t, c = >! o c « jn -: < »^ •-: ft, W^ 20 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 21 •AEcl JO (UnOlU-B 9101LV1 rooooooooooocooo •Aep .idd ABd •.J0(AJBS it) ai.ioj. ■pd3.iBilos!a uail.vV •901AJTJ3 paasjua uailAi m in ^m66666666 6 6 6 o 00 00 o d d o d d o o c o o o o OOPPQQQCQQOQO c c o C - >< £ £ i^' £ ^ -< 22 MUST&R AND PAY ROLLS. as o < o w H 'Z O X H O Q O 1 J I a. 5 S I 02 O o o CO CM o t) J o > Aytd ;o }unoiUB aioq^vi^ XBp jaJ Auj •SDIAJ8S ju »>UI!.l. •pas.ivqosjp udii^ OQ '33)AJ9S inui pws;ua uaii^vi. 0« ►-3 £ x: c bo ^ o J-i .V a <=''7''? OSOlOSOSOiOOS^ 24 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. o o I o — "O ^ ^ 1 i =- ,i 1- n1 "ni 1 : 6 3 P3 <1 1 « ^ 5 w 1 >" 1 ^ w o K H 1 1 2: o ^(H b '- d CO O ■a -a fe -^ 00 OS 1 o. *^ ^ O m P o o m •A«p .tad X-ea r— 'ooooooo o o ■ O M «P ^O o fa o < •soiA.iag JO amii ■pggjTjqosip uaUM d cij CS s) Oj rt C3 ■O TS ■a 13 •a -a -c 00 oc QC 00 M 00 CO j^ ,H ■-( ^ r-1 r-i .- 1 '" s" uo uj r^ c^l c^ a) oj 0) OJ OJ 1 C C C C c 1 3 3 3 3 3 1-5 1-5 ►-5 ^^ 1-5 1-5 >-= (D (D 0) oj (U a> c c c c c c c ■:iuBa a & i f i i " 3 M S Pk fu CL, 0. £ ^ ^ E c « ^§3^65= 5 c " & 5 S »-! fl] t: 3 t: a m * < y. ■l^ o '^•-M ►-5 -■5 5 - S ^ & .c .2g i V. "= s « m 4> S 03 CO 26 MUSTFK AND PAY ROLLS. . <: Q > P O O M 3 O ABd ;o junouiB oioq^^i^ X-Bp Jd AVji •siAJag JO auiT} •p.>3jBi{os!a "<>iliW ■SIA.I^S po.ijug udiiAV o ;< l4 ft iJ «) H V. « O d, ao 00 28 MUSTEii AND PAY ROLLS. 1 fa 2 H "^ K Z H O t^2 5 o J g a •BUUaa 9JB4S a! 2 uio.ij anp aouBpja o o fe J ^ o O O 1 H >^ 1 •X-Bj JO junouiv in CO 3 Q fc Q •OH .lad Xbj o 2 - < O o •paajBLlO SI A'Bd liom.u JOJ uu»x p<^ •aoiA -J^S JO lubuidouaiuiuoo H J tf H^ <5 H i Vu •ON •^ t- r- *o ooooooocaio^oi^osoi oooooooooodd OQQQPQQPQQflP o * «• g gs s § g s s g g ?l s t- t^ == t^ '^ o o ^ ^. o g s g g g g g g ?i "^ S3 t- t~ t.- t^ -H Q :- ■V s N w s §§ u: " " CO CO " " CO ooooooooo C u w c o I d £ m 5o PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 29 C3 o^ c^ c^ ooooooooooooooooooooo QaOaOQPaQOQQQaQQOPQQQ 5 " o o o o 'O -3 -: -o = s : ■- > $ ■ y ui c ■s - o U c a; i5 o c 3 O >. C e3 bo < hJ -1 « CU > is - cj o 2 c c ,T ^K n^ -3 £ 2: ■" >< E V [i3 - ■- J X] U} U .2 'y « 30 2: < a «° O f^ Pi H ^ z <: o O &, Q w < H ?2 <3> a. MUSTER AND PAY 110 LLS. 00^ iT aJ i c' \ t 4! ^: ^- J ,i ^: c ^ c c C c c C c C c e c c c c ►-; *: ^ •^ n ^ ^ »-; »-^ "-: •^ ^ ►^ •-: ►-3 •^ ^ £ £ j: £ c £ £ * C £ ;: i: SI s: .c ce 00 70 00 00 oe oc 00 00 se 00 oc i» X oe <» Ci4>«4/c.vi.a/^ -tr-Oc.t.&.fc(i,c-S.&.t&.cu&.£ H '^ - — 2 C- o c O i O 5; -C i^ 5 K £ U! C S & ^ < !^ 4 < ^ ^ 5 < ^ S C !« 5 = •jaquin.s | ^^^^wm'w.-w t- oe c> e -- PENNSYLVANIA Mil. ITIA— 1790-1800. 31 CC CO cfi ^ o Cq C-l _; -■ w -; IS trf 1. c o a c c c c ■^ "5 £ -S S OC OC 00 £^ o =■ >. p:; Q H w — * < 5 m 4 «< J s > C5 B tf ?: o @ >H o H J Cfi H cd d. C S j! rt — b! ^ rt r w --. h-< c — tH P o rt c II £ •C K "c _ c — d O 1 £ c o £ E < < 32 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O 3 a 5 S < U > cc; w <=> t H O o .- o ti: t- o ^ h ^ ^ :>. 3 3 = 3 -^ i-S I-! 1-1 O O O O j; > > > «f > > '^ W (Li (1. 0, "5 r 5 « t; > c « . PC a 5 ^2 0-1 j: If I PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 33 ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED TO TWO COMPANIES OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY MILITIA IN ACTUAL SER- VICE ON THE FRONTIERS OF SAID COUNTY FROM THE 28TH AUGT. TO THE 31ST OCTR. 1792 INCLUSIVE BY JOHN WILKINS, JUNR. CONTRACTOR, VIZT: Companies. No. of Rations. Capt. McMillans 1,510 1,524 249 1,519 1,714 240 Total 3,283 3,473 D S cents— $277.84 I do certify that I have compared the above abstract with the provision returns and receipts now in my possession and that there appears to have been issued to the companies & detachments above mentioned Three tliousand two hundred and eighty three complete rations of this I have signed dupli- cates. Given at Pittsburg, 2d Novr. 1792. PRESLEY NEVILL, Lt. A. C. Ent. the above to the credit of John Wilkins, Junr. JOHN DONNALDSON Regs. Office, May 25, 1793. 3— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 34 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 35 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO ^^ggss^^^^gggg':^ CCfiCGCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC tt<&CDCO *i ?; fJ £ fi o 2 .S .^ .£;.£; .£; .^ .i; .i .i: .i .-: b .i .i; ~ .i; i: ~ .- ■- - •- .- .- .^ ~ ■- .i; .:; - .S "H 'uX,X,X.X,X,X.'uX.'V.'u'u'uX.'Z. u u'u u u 'C, u u u ^ ^ \i ^ ^ ^ o.ac,D,c,Gac.co.c.=.c.c.cc-c.aacc.aaaac,Gc.aaa r- d .1) 0) a -Z d S t; »■ _- . o ^- C s •« II n d g^ 3 S >^p: ^ 1-J H ►^ O ri ~ d g i A%1>: rt ;> ^^ I-: U c u 3 0) d 3 ■o" > d d s — d d s ^^ ^S 01 Q « s s 01 %% 2 > 4- r! O 3 S U Ah P « Q d 1-5 o 1-5 d 1-3 1-3 M o i-s i^"*''''^^^2S?i?3ci?i¥3SS 3f. musteh and pay rolls. PAY ABSTRACT OF A PARTY OF THE ALLEGHANY MI- LITIA UNDER MY COMMANDED ON THE FRUNTEERS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINE- TY-TWO Joseph Peaers, Capt Henry Hoglen, Ensign John Fisher. Sergents, ... George Bricke, Sergents, .. William Williams, Sergents Benjeman Huff, Sergents, . William Poor, Private Andrew Watson Andrew Edmcson James Amberson Henry Wesby Robert Fowler, Christian Megill John Holliday Robert Jackson John Boneham, John Creaghead, John Right John Black William French, Jacob Wise Robert McCaul George Lessly James Bradford William Willson, Robert Patterson Archible Mcdole Andrew Willson Robert Steward William Cohron William French, Stephen AVarner Able Bently Gedion Miller Robert Miller, ...; William Tomson Robert McKlnney Sept. 27 28 27 27 1 29 ; 28 1 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 37 27 27 , 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 i 28 I 28 1 28 I 28 ' 29 ! 29 I 29 ] '29 29 ' 29 ' 29 I Octo. 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 j 31 I 31 ; 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 i 31 j 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 1 31 : 40 20 6 6 5 5 3 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 37 PAY ABSTRACT OF A PARTY OF THE ALLEGHANY MILITIA.— Continued. Mens Names. > >J c oj d o lA g Hi Isaac Walker Thomas Caret Samuel Meloney Ritcherd Gillson Peter McKinney Thomas Thornsbury, . William Rosebonrugh, Joseph Potter Thomas Br.van, Jeremiah Rodgers, . . . William Tucar Joseph French, 29 31 1 2 1 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 29 31 2 Capt Ensign, Serjeons, Corporal. Corporal, privates, privates, privates, 4 @ 40 3 20 4 6 3 5 2 5 4 2 3 3 2 3 Dolls. $45.33 22 13.66 5.50 5.34 44.20 36.30 60. SO $233.07 Allegheny County ss: Before me one of the Commonwealth this Justices of the peace in & for Said County, Came Capt. Joseph Pierce & being Sworn According to Law deposeth that this Pay role as it Stands Stated is Just and true to the best of his Knowledge & that the words, State of Pennsylvania Interlined as above, was Interlined by him the upon acct. Sworn & Subscribed before me the 1st day of Nov'm 1792. Novm. 1792. JNO. WILKINS. JOSEPH PEAERS, Capt. 38 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. •anp luns I'bjox o I •qjuoui o i) B •sX'Bp •amuoM rt M tH rl oo ooo o o o ■paajBqosip uai^iVi. •pajsjua uanAi to re ! fc o ,- c tiS C E Si W CO -#-i ■" l-> « Q3§ Q ^ t? << M CO rH PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 39 MO^C-ICOCOC^COCCMW O lO LO lO '«' « CQ as 00 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO •OOOOOaOOOOCOQ000000050iOiCi01C?J(7iCSOi-;_. t,^^,^^f^fw.f^f^ i g 2 1 ^ ^ I ^ ^ . ^ " > .• -j o fc Q W C5 ^C h, K t> >-s i-s ' I- — C ^ B >• 'H O " '-' « ^ j: £ p 3 t. £ E o o I-, a, " <^ rt ■""-■SSSH'Si^lSJSSSSgSi^JSSIiSSK 40 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O >^ Z O w O Eh 2; < ' a o o I >H a; o o H O P o o J o a; ;?^ •anp liuns [-ejoi •iljuoui jad XBd JO 'juiv •SX'Bp ■smuow ■paSjBijosip uaij^vi 'paj[3)U9 uanAV (k (U •JsqiunM Cli -o M S c > ■<-; d ^ H J c fe J '^ ^ m J (H A iQ • g H S =« M K < CM £ m a = o X ^- bo H oi 51 ^ &: P. •— hi i; rH CO A 4) o .c ^^ S a-g em" ° O' & o > c o S^ <« O S ^ 3 >> aj o '" C fc o! ^ a* <2 ,« d 1-0 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 41 MUSTER ROLL OF A VOLUNTEER PARTY OF MILITIA TURNED OUT FOR THE DEFENCE OP THE FRON TIERS OF THE COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY, COMMAND- ED BY COLONEL SAMUEL WILLSON IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1792. Rank. Com'nenc. of Service. Saml. Willson Colo.,. George Elliot Capt.,. Andw. Poe | Capt.... George Folks : Lieut.,. John Gordon ' Do. Michl. Baker | Ensign, ! James Eaton ' Lieut.,. William Lee, Sergt... John Teamor Priv. 10 ; Robt. Gray, Do. John Smith Pii"^' William McCauless, James Galbraith, James McCormick, Peter Barns William Hamon Jacob Hipner .' John McMichael, Matthew Yong Wm. Yong Robt. Hall Archd. McBride James Matthews Wm. Matthews, Boal Reed David Withrew Neel McLaughlin, Robt. Hardford Joseph Gae, William Woods, Zach'a Stidim, Daniel Baker Jonathan Hill Timothy Shean Hugh Montgomery, Isaac Bell , 1792. June 24. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Priv Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 42 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I do hereby certify that the above is a true muster roll of the men under my command. SAML. WILLSON, Capt. 3d Batt. Allegheny County. Certifyed by me, PRESLEY NEVILL, Lt. Allegheny Co. I certify the within to be a true copy taken by me from the original remaining in the war office — Philadelphia 28th day May, 1793. GEORGE A. BAKER. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 48 44 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. S ^ Ji'. H H < J w m P M fc :i < H I— 1 14 1 1 k; J H W O M CQ CO Pi s O fa Eh O o o w a; <^ El (>^ oi m q;4j(U^ fl) CJ (UCJC oj QjflJOJiDflJttJCJCJflJ 4 u) a) 01 4 c^- 1-0 l-S h-S 1- i-j bo a c c >. : — 3 ^ c ^_r 5 B in ? g ^ °" C P o — t- f" •- - ,^ e >- e III ^ ^ 1 g rt PI - Tr g 1 S feSS o § E S- c C ™ X 1 1^1 ;=: ® ."K > > ^ r"- t« ''^ = (- rt ^ >i c« csico(£>co<&e0e&cc „ cc «D to to tc to tt> c a o B -* 00 CA < •a o > o C5 _ CS 05 OS eg - :S| ai K c 01 > ;- * £ t- > > > > fi S t. p 'E fcl 'S fc! 'E h b "C "2 t- *t^ X, ocofuFMOHCLiPLiaiP. p- p. Ph Ah fc P( Ph tu 5 oi c '5 E c 4 E c t- r P- t. a c p. c p: (D QJ CJ r5 ^ t-i t- % m 0) oj > a O C p bo m £330 > w - ^ ^ 1 C 1 m a! 0) H S ^ t? ^ >> a Hi v-i : CJ <0 (M to to to ;■_;«;; 'X? ■ Jt- V 10* ; 55 ; ?^ ; ; J^ ^ ; '^ ; - c 0) - : 1-" : t.' ; : ■ ■ . 4-> W w S g s S .^ i: .i: .: • > C ^ > ;- > > > jj .2 C 53 t< I. S- !■ "n Vl 'tH u P^ CU (1< P< ' to ^ — 5 , . Nam 11 ^£ >; ': ■' 1 c P .x' i 5 u cS - •° c 3 : - ^ -o S 5 c £b : CO C - fe c r c C -1 c C c « < ^.^.a ^ ^ --f ; c ► 2p^ 3 5 4€ MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. :3 ^ H s d H D H Z rn ^ H y; Pl^ W < ^ X O J H »— 1 rn '^ Z D H Z H H a: ^ o 2 O 1-5 05 P t w z ^J ffi D h O a tf O a: O hn ■H h. ^ n d w M P o H a o -^ ^ 9. CO h W Q Eh X pi < «z- (U « rSO (5'''k-(i!"k^i3't!''' fats "oiij 5S Kt c u !* J; ^ — n c •= S S S o o >. d &< ^ J -^ o „ „ to --. g t— u r-t • - " - ^ t-* E E J3 t. . 01 c o £ ^ 3 1 a 0. CO CO a CO > o '4. 4-1 a 0, a > > ^ .'* t; > CQ 0) J t, "u 1^ *C *u "C (h O m PU (^ Ik Oh A, CLhCLh A< K K CO c = = -o c p ^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 47 John Ferree. 1 2 < w « CI a > ft c n c 1 < c c . c c c. IS i .c c < ■ 48 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Rec'd April 7th, 1794, of John Wilkins Junr. Esqr. Twenty Eight Dollars & sixty five cents being the amount of the pay due me for my services in Capt. Patersons Company in the year 1793. his DAVID X FLOUS mark Witness John Bever his Jane x Flowers mark Rec'd Apr. 11th 1794 of John Wilkins Junr. Esquire Thirty four Dollars and forty three Cents being the amount of my Pay due me for my Services in Capt. Pattersons Company in the year 1793 also Two Dollars for the use of my gun. WILLIAM WITROW. Witness David Calhoon A LIST OF THE OFFICERS BELONGING TO THE BRIGADE OF MILITIA IN ALLEGHENY COUNTY 1st Regiment. Lieut. Colo, commandant. Thomas Bell Patterson. 1st Battalion. Major. Alexander Swan. 2nd Battalion. Major. William Conner. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 49 Regimental Staff. Adjutant. Samuel Menaugh. Quarter Master. John Finley Esqr. Paymaster. James Patterson. Surgeon. Samuel Adams. 1st Compy. Captn. William McGill. Lieut. Ebenezar Gallilier. Ensn. John Warner. 2nd Compy. Captn. John Fife. Lieut. William Fife. Ensn. John Douglass. 3rd Compy. Captn. Thomas Foreman. Lieut. Robert Cochran. Ensn. Thomas Dunlap. 4_Vol. V— 6th Ser. 80 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4th Compy. Captn. Sampson Pearceall. Lieut. Richard Maclt Heath. Ensn. Samuel Heath. 5th Compy. Captn. Wm. Miller. Lieut. Miltzer Tannehill. Ensn. James Wilson. 6th Compy. Captn. Cornelius Conner. Lieut. William Reno. Ensn. Henry Hulse. 7th Compy. Captn. William Fulton. Lieut. John McDowell. Ensign. Abraham Mackay. 8th Compy. Captn. David Carnahan. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 51 Lieut. Alexander Frew. Ensn. George Cochran. Lt. Infty. Compy. 1st Battn. Captn. Edward Wright. Lieut. William Snodgrass. Ensn. William Wood. Lt. Infty. Compy. 2nd Battn. Captn. James Martin. Lieut. Robert Snodgrass. Ensn. Hugh Kerr. 2nd Regiment. Lieut. Colo. Commandant. Dunning McNair. 1st Battalion. Major. Andrew Mclntire. 2nd Battalion. Major. James Sample. Regimental Staff. Adjutant. William McMullin. 52 MUSTER AND PAY KOU>S. Quartr. Mastr. William Elliott Jur. Paymaster. Abdiel McClure. Surgeon. Nathaniel Bedford. Surgeon Mate. Peter Mowray. 1st Compy. Captn. Josiah Tannehill. Lieut. John Johnston. Ensn. Alexander Shaw. 2nd Compy. Captn. Alexander McNickle. Lieut. Henrj'Wolf. Ensn. Ebenezar Finnemore 3rd Compy. Captn. David McNair. Lieut. Andrew McClure. Ensn. George Roltiter. 4th Compy. Captn. Robert Anderson. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 53 Lieut. Barnabas Highland. Ensn. John Wise. 5th Compy. Captn. Peter Parchment. Lieut. James Lesley. Ensn. Samuel Puntney. 6th Compy. Captn. Robert Cunningham. Lieut. Thos. McMullin. Ensn. James McElroy. 7th Compy. Captn. John Patterson. Lieut. William McMullin. Ensn. John McGonnigle. 8th Compy. Captn. Alexander Logan. Lieut. Benjamin Poor. Ensn. James Poor. M MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Lt. Infty. Compy. 1st Battn. Captn. Norris Morrison. Lieut. Jno. Parks. Ensn. James Irvine. Lt. Infty. Compy. 2nd Batt. Captn. James Amberson. Lieut. Samuel Murphy. Ensn. Peter Shaw. Pittsburg Artillery Company. Captn. George Robinson. 1st Lieut. James Kirwane. 2nd Lieut. John Hannah. THE SUBSCRIBERS JUDGES AT AN ELECTION FOR OF- FICERS FOR THE ALLEGHENY COUNTY TROOP OF LIGHT DRAGOONS THIS DAY HELD AT THE HOLFSB OF CAPTN. JOHN McM ASTERS DO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING PERSONS WERE DULY ELECTED VIZ. Captain. Ebenezar Denny. 1st Lieut. Wm. McLure. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 55 2d Lieut. James Brison. Cornet. Saml. Plummer. Given under our hands this 3d of Septr. 1793. signd. John Irvine. Saml. Alexander, delivered to Presly Neville, Esqr. I do certify the above to be a true copy of a certificate in my possession and that the sd. Election was held by my orders, a sufiicient number having previously embodied for that pur- pose. Presley Neville B. In. AUeg. Cty. Sept. 3d 1793. 3rd Regiment. Lieutenant Colo. Commandant. Samuel Wilson. 1st Battalion. Major. John Sproalt. 2nd Battalion. Major. Henry Noble. Regimental Staff. Adjutant. George Willis. Quartr Mastr. Joseph Sproatts. Pay Mastr. Charles Morgan. 56 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS^ 1st Compy. Captn. Samuel Ewings. Lieut. Stephen Ross. Ensn. Alexander Hannah. 2nd Compy. Captn. Samuel Morgan. Lieut. Thos. Alexander. Ensn. Obadiah Holmes. 3rd Compy. Captn. John Kerr. Lieut. Robert McMinn. Ensign. James Elliott. 4th Compy. Captn. John Baker. Lieut. Michael Baker. Ensign. George Bruce. 5th Compy. Captn. Thos. Turner. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. Lieut. Thos. Reed. Ensn. Jacob Hanson. 6tli Compy. Captn. William Foulks. Lieut. Matthias Springer. Ensn. Thomas Greenlee. 7th Compy. Captn. Thomas McMullin. Lieut. William McCoy. Ensn. Matthew Young. 8th Compy. Captn. George McElhany. Lieut. James Boyce. Ensn. Thomas Sampson. Lt. Infty. Compy. 1st Battn. Captn. Samuel Johnston. Lieut. Solomon Veal, Ensn. William McCandless. 57 68 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Lt. Infty. Compy. 2nd Battn. Captn. George Wilson. Lieut. William Tucker. Ensn. Joseph Wilson. 4th Regiment. Lieutenant Colo. Commandant. Phillip Howell. 1st Battalion. Major. Moses Devoure. 2nd Battalion. Major. Jonathan Smith. Regimental Staff. Adjutant. Allen Putnam. Quarter Mast. James Howell. 1st Compy. Captn. William Applegate. Lieut. James Applegate. Ensn. David Rennalds 2nd Compy. Captn. Joseph Scott. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA-1790-1800. 59 Lieut. Frederick Brown. Ensn. Stephen Pangburn. 3rd Compy. Captn. Samuel Sinclair. Lieut. James Kennedy. Ensn. Henry Robinson. 4th Compy. Captn. Michael Hellman. Lieut. William Wallace. Ensn. James Fowler. 5th Compy. Captn. Marmaduke Curtis. Lieut. John Scott. Ensn. John Bonham. 6th Comp'y. Capt'n. Robert Hayes. Lieut. Stephen Crawford. EIns'n. John Aikins. 60 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 7th Comp'y. Capt'n. James Wilson. Lieut. Thomas Drinnon. Btis'n. Robert McConnel, Ju'r. 8th Comp'y. Captain. Joseph Pearce. Lieut. John Pearce. Ens'n. James Stewart. Lt. Inft'y Comp'y 1st Batt'n. Capt'n. Henry McKenney. Lieut. James Wall. Ens'n. Joshua Kyle. Lt. Inft'y Comp'y 2nd Batt'n. Capt'n. Robert Wilson. Lieut. Fantley Muse. Ens'n. William Elrod. Pittsbg., August ye 19th, 1793. Inclosed I transmit to your Office a return of the Officers of PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 61 the four Regiments Brigade, in order that their Commissions may be forwarded. Sir I've the honor to be Your very ob't Ser't. Presley Nevill B. In. Allegheny City Alex'r I Dallas Esq'r. See'y to ye Commonwealth of Pennsyl. I do hereby certify, that the foregoing is an exact List of the Officers of the four Regiments of Militia, composing the Allegheny County Brigade, according to Cerctificates in my possession given by the Judges of the different Elections; and that the Rank of the same as therein arranged hath been duly ascertained by Lot agreably to law. Given under my hand & seal at Pittsburg in the County of Allegheny, this Nineteenth day of August 1793. Presley Nevill, Brig. Insp'r. Thos. Mifflin. Esq'r., Governor of Pennsylv'a. 62 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Uipi -ad itBd •sXbp jo 'o^i W 0» N N W N « OQQQQOQOQnoOQQQQQQ w m m mafTornaooQnininninmoosror r-t'-t't-t-t't— l'-t^t't-t-t>-t~^-^-^-^- J- J- >■ tT _t," _c _fcr ^c _tr ih" c c iT c c c c c oooooooooooooootSoo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO S S io .r S .t:; ,^ .-^ ,ri ;!:i ;^ ,ti :^ .^ .^ .*; .^ .-ti 4) a> ll> s: s: s s: J= x: s: s: x; j: £ x: j= £ ESS B E P S E E E F H F J= SEE F o o n n n o o "" "^ ■" '*^ ■" ^ iiSj:5^5:i;^ d 01 ■o CO oo o 2 2 ■c •=: :S (P cp a; m xh m C P -J 5 S c c O n V @ rt gg:^ ■S 2 tf ©!:; d >. d ttf . o § 2 " 0, d tr- h£ > c ^ -C K CT; t< K r d S d d 5! a o go 2 >> ^ la o g go " i ^ ftp O c ^ d S o «i ft-s: cn m XI tM rt a) s: j: d n 64 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. K o 5 H 5 i •uon^H jci soi.id: •Ainp .10 J iu ;uosaJd m 0) B d ^ c o m Hi d N C^ W t^ t- t- t- w s-5 l^ QhJ PENNSYLVANIA M 1 IJ T I A —1790-1800. 65 O r5 ■^ c ti >? c w (J o c *J 11 3 £5 Hj ■3 £ m" Z 4) ^ s J .jB ^ :2 M ^ >"^ !-> ^^ 3 d) O J3 O « >. ^ c -Q li — ft < u ■^ C3 S-2 t-^ **-* -«-> o 2 2 0) S 4) ■*-* 0) S -S 3 +J O o QV rt ■« "O ^ 0) 4-1 SB i^« i ■^ 4) 4> !S 4) 1) O ^ 0) o £ -2 5_Vol. V— 6th Ser 66 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A RETURN OF THE NAMES OF THE MILITIA MEN IN- ROLLED IN MY INLISTMENT SINCE THE TWENTY- NINTH OF NOVEMBER LAST TO THE NINETEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER (BOTH DAYS INCLUDED) 1793 AT TIME DISCHARGED. 6 o > > m c C to 3 si m c c o O o .2 C ^ >. >. h ^ ^ t a a Corn's Van Horn, Sergt Thomas Ray Robt. Fitz Randolph, .. James Dickson Rorah Frazer Luke Hill James Cambal Daniel McCormack David Mead Tunis Elson Aron Right John Beal Henry Lickers £. s. u 2 2 n 6 U 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 21 - PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 67 !>* fc Z o Q o H O H. ti 8 H 3 ^ h > O CO fa P O Q J t>^ o Ph 3 l-H K. <^ <3 >:; o M <5 &4 "mpi ■Jd -^^ti ■SX'BP JO 'OK :S*jP::53 M c-1 C3 w e4 «■ m' m m J m" J m" m" m" m" m" m to o o o o o o o o o OQQQPQQQQQOOQQ ^ (D o i >, >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >> >. >. Bl rt a m d d m d d d d d d d ■a ■o ■a ■o ■a ■o ■a •a -o -a ■a ■o -o tH o o o o o o o o o o o g lO in s i:; U s l-H U; U c u c C C C C tT t." tT t." t." C tl y^ Y-, Y-, V, f', O odooooooooooo •a J3 J2 s: s: j= J= x: s: J= £1 x: £ £ t- t- t- t- c- c- c- i" t- t- t- t- t- 4) 1) (1) <1) 0) a; 0) OJ o >, >> >. >> >. >. >> >. >> >, >. >. >. o o o o 4-»* o o -4J o o o o o o o c. o COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOCOCCOO^ OJ a) gSSSSSESSSSSSH ooooooooooooop • : L J ; ID 0) > > > p> > o w t/j feCL<|l|fL,fL,fcf^fW^P^(lH £ 2 - Q ■^ _- s e c m . C E = cScccccc x; Oxij=x:j:.c^ w— OxOOCOOCrtO 68 MUSTER AND PAY ROLL.S. !h SP * i Z « o «> fe >> M s 1 X S g •* ?i r- d "^ w m >. d C . g.13 s a ©■ a o go o ^ ■a 5 2 o 'S "^ cm o o o o < m c _o d) a> d a, z; .^ — ' — -,*— -v ' o o s 3 s a s J ■^ j= b i «j a s a £| s >^ M S •&£ DC o c o 2 4) £ t. d S o <: ■5 S. o Is. s >-3 i li o s > d L& rt ^ o d c ^" o 2 S' J2 d K < « S « m 3 ^5 u K " H o o Q ®l® ►J s ■i 2 ^ S d *;!; O ^ 2 ■c z >. S J O c^ o (« £■ 5 o Pi . • ® O to 0, o d d -< tl _ Ph a d PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 69 H H ^ Pi ;2: ^ •-3 M W ;?; tf ««g 5g^ H . :?; m ^ ffi OQ ^ o m g ^ t) P P.-H ^=«. 72 i^ Q ^^ g -Ij W ^(^M E ri ^ H K J m^d Hoi^ >^ p fe pqfeo

  • ^^ >h"0 mo cc; zz fe PEN E BEI THE TATE MY N NED ^0^ W^^ u- X S H -^ K ^ M CO 05 CEIVE MOUN TATE fH W <1 cc rn tf 3 -u *J •a « '2 « c a 5 O' <^ O) — - OJ O 'oj O E ^0 2< £ ^ j: t« t« u a a o. ■5 '3 « siuao slggagss8ssgss8sss^gs * 1 CO CO (M Cl (M M CI C-1 CI M M CI .07 52.44 47.75 43.11 52.44 40.89 36.63 40.89 40.89 40.89 40.89 40.89 40.89 40.89 28.67 6.67 6.67 6.67 720.17 Mos. Days. 7 27 6 3 7 27 7 6 6 22 7 27 6 3 Dolls. 721.90V4 .66 720.JO>4 76 MUSTEU AND PAY ROLLS. ■30IAJ3S JO 31U!X ■XBd JO lujax JO L.oiAjes JO uoiJBJidxa 'aoiA ■jsquinx SS?gS5i:S5SSS^^§S§SS ------ OCCOOt-.«5(OcpcocO<©«>«55C>c£teDO xT > c B. ^sa^'s^ggg^ggsg ocooooooooooooo ^ !n '^ -^ ^1 in '^t ^o.tst^c.at^t^c.oiojciiojiSft c oj ci o 'E C E fcc 'C 'S "E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E *J <^ rv^ — ■ ?;■•->>£ I- — S ? — c ^•^ I - ^ - ^ <* " fe i: S W ffi £ S c E S ^ £h Ci = c S ^ — c c : '^ r' ^ Qj 0) o o t^ 00 C5 o PENNS YLVAK lA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 77 tO^£>C£:tQiOt0^pf^t£>iX><£) OOOOOOOOO -l^c^ > >■ > > > >' > > > >^ 'C u ooooooooo=5aa 4JiUq^QJ^(U^i('lJ(lj(l; c - o 01 c c • c c 15 & d Q Q m U d o to s n S 2; o ^ O t< 1- O. ^ -n H^ O ^ ^ M 1 1 1 1 1 S I £ C« C5 O 1-H C^l CO -n* t.'S "M U w OJ "*> ~< I/J C C OJ _ O H 3 .!2 3 "" ,^ D M g y y^ — -J 5 -o S r S a " a; o £ 2 -c >^ d C d o J3 0) ew "^ c "^ c IT iir l-l d C •- o J2 o •o S c - c o K C C K .5 c >> PCS S d d C d 72 S B 'j "^ >? - £ C C 3 C t. l* '^ ^, 5 ^ >* •:>• fQ o J2 H r/2 ^ 2 P ^ O 2 Pi <: 0* Ah oa o u U CJ < a te. o w fc Q J J o Pi >H ^SSiSS '^ ■^ n?in $H s Oi n S 00 (>• «» to u> » eo CJ CD CO to to K S?TSI SS5 c- "^ |::sr; s 15 s S3 Tt« ■^ «•>!<■* •* .^ iH '^ * * TJ. N ■^ ■* "* f? J3 jss ;3S S s sss «o CO « eo — ^ 0) 4/ "^ - d d . O , > > S ^ d, ft, S "o ?i .«■ , o o |E^^^^^f-^E^| E 6 -o ^ _o ^ p! o a S^^SI^I^IS^^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 79 to CO CO to CO CO CO CO CO ' t--t-C^t-t>'COcOI>b-«o<0'^'^ cocococococococococo bi 9 >< H o '4. u D 1 O r/3 U Z Q < ?^ ffi o Ix. J o ^ < .!^ eu -" 4 C Q E ci o '30U9d ' 1 •iioa ««|3 i •sujuoM -Jj Xb.i o •sXBa * ® e5 •8U»uoK : ** Service Expired. ■joaa SS •AON : :g •ojoo •JJdas ■j3nv Service Commenced. ■JOSQ SS •J AON ■jjoo •Jjdas ■J2nv :"* : K O K O Cob >-s >-s i-s 0) J .ti C O S^ o S ii H 2ii 1^8 °l I- 5 * « - ^ -^ W S F S I* c c c g W i3 s ta ■c S g S « Q S .Q Oj O, g S g E o to c E « c M £ «j c E a o >■ K O w Ebenexer Denny Alex'r Buchanan Samuel Murphy Stephen Mahaffy Sam McCutchon Thos. Kennedy, Rlch'd Clement Thos. Smith Joseph Mahon John Holland Wm. Brown, Joseph Collins John Connel Wm. Ferial. Fred. Painter Sam. Harvy James Quinlln John Cunningham John Spade Benj'n Anson John Branon Jacob Fetter Joseph Moor Nicholas Street Denis Kennedy Hugh Hall James Izard Eph'r Johnston John Morrison Geo. Roberts, David Reynolds Dan'l Collins Henry Sextun John Still James Mahany Thos. Hunt John Brown, Wm. Brown Mlch'l Conner John Canol I.udwic Smyers, Jas. Graham, John Low Co^neIu^s Cocklan, . .' «— Vol. V— 6th Ser Majof Captain,.. Lleutn't... Ensign,. .. EnsigB, , . . Surgeon,.. Qr. Master S. Major,. Serjeant, . Serjeant, . Serjeant, . Serjeant, . Serjeant, . Serjeant, . Corporal, . Corporal, . Corporal, . Corporal, . drummer,. private, ... private,.. . private... . private, private, private private private private private private private private privite private, private private private, private private, private private private private private, '95,. '94,. '93, '94,.. '95, '94,. •94, '95,. Dec'r 1st, 17J4, . . Nov'r 17th, '94, . Dec. 1st, Dec. 1st Dec. 1st Nov. 17th, '94,.. Nov. 17th, '94,.., 6th Jany., nth Nov., 7th Jany., 1st Dec, nth Feb., 17th Nov., 6 Dec, '94, .. 15th Nov 17th Nov 17th Nov I7th Nov 9th Jany., '9; loth dec'r. 5th Jan., 3d Peby., 21st Jan., 6th Jan., 15th Feb., 17th Nov., 9th dec'r, 6th dec'r, 5th Jany., 6th Jany., 9th Jany., 5th Peby., 12th dec, 15th dec lath dec 5th Jan., "95, 5th Jan., '95, 1st Jan., '95, . 24th dec'r, '94, 17th Nov., '94, 17th Nov 17th Nov 17th Nov 17th Nov '94,. '95, •95, '95, '94, '94, '94, '94. '94. 31st May, aist May, 31st May' 31st May' 31st May' 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st Mai, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 3Ist May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 3Ist May. 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, 31st May, SUst May. Slst May, •95. '95. '95. •95. •95. '95. '95. •95. ■95. '95. '95. '95. •95. '95. '95. '95. ■95. •95. '95. '95. '95. '95. '9.5. •SG. '95. •95. •95. •95. ■95. ■95. •95. '95. '95. '95. •95. '95. '95. '95. •95. '95. •95. •95. •95. •9». 82 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PAY ROLL FOR THE CORPS OF STATE MILITIA UNDER THE MAINTENANCE OF THE POST AT LE BOUF— Con- tinued. John Sulivan, .. James Adams, .. Edward Shirlock, John Dougherty, Peter Phelin Pat. McGowin, . Robt. Connel, ... Jno. Trindal Jno. Lennard, . . . .Tames Craft Geo. Hyland Warant Gilighan Thos. Graham, . Jas. Dolvin John Roberson, . Nat. Shepperd, . Thos. McClenan, James Irons John Smith James Ambrous, Hugh Sweny James Crawford, Thos. Ijoughead, Mic'l Dougherty, John Porter Joseph Parsons, . George Ryan John Mitchell, .. Jno. Eulman David Rankin, .. Sam'l McCall. .. John Kirk John Shawl James Cazey Mlch'l Shawl, .. Jno. Clows Henry Turner, . Ben'n Lewis, Ram'l GiUaspy, Isaac Vorlos, . . John Bell Curtus Vorus, . . David Bell Jno. Sterret private, private private private private, private private private, — private, private, . . . . private private private, . . . . private private private private private private,.... private private private private private private, private private private private private,.. .. private private private private pi Ivate private private private,.., private private,.. .. private Pilvate private 17th Nov., '94 17th Nov., '94 17th Nov. , '94 17th Nov., ■94 17tli Nov. , '94 17th Nov., '94 18th Nov., •94 18th Nov., •94 18th Nov., •94 17th Nov. , 17th Nov., 23d Nov., ?Srl Nov., Nov., 23d ''3d Nov., Nov. , 23d 23d Nov., dec. 5th 94 6th dec. 17th Nov., '94 17th Nov., '94 nth Nov. , '94 ISth Nov., 19th Jany. , '95,... 1st dec, '94 j 30th Jany. •95, .. 22d Jany., 3rd Mar., •95 14th Feby. 20th Jany. 12th Feby 26th Jany. 6th Feby., 7th Jany., 6th February, ... 12th February, . . 10th February, . . 10th February, . . nth February, .. 14th February, .. 14th February, .. 14th February, .. 14th February, . . 26 February | May May May May May May May May May Maj' May May May May May, May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May, May May May PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 83 PAY ROLL FOR THE CORPS OF STATE MILITIA UNDER THE MAINTENANCE OF THE POST AT LE BOUF— Con- tinued. ^ o CO > o a 4.4 o Names. e O G ^ a! c o > 'S a i C 0.O . c ^ c '^ ■*-• ^ — t: E £ •? t: ^ ti c c - BS-'o w -, ■§ ^ ^ ■§ c c h I, 1- N c c o 2 N N .-^ -; =« 2 =■ cs o C ^ C J'J ^^CSCSZ^. ^K c c 5; - I* > 5 - - " d c -c •- r- C; W i5 .5 S o 5 .2 ^^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 85 fC CO CO M M CQ CO CO CD CO V ciosoiOiT-oiOiOsos^iot-t-t-r-ir-t-eocot-t-coco CDCOCO ^cocOCDCDCOCOCO COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO t- t^ t- t- W 03 M O o o o o o o CO CO CO CO ro CO f-H t-t Ci 0-. CI . . c > c >^ > >-> m d >> ^ -a ^ , „ w - ^ - S d c = > -■' — — o ^o c 1^ =: = £ 02 £ g 5 g K t: ^ = 86 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. a cu Q E •SJU90 I M 2 ■SIIOQ cgot- 1 ■SIIOQ— SmUOH Jd X'Ed to to U5 •SX-BQ S eg "^ E S •smuojv 1 CO rt CO •JOSQ s;5 ■JA0>J : o o •JJOO •jjdas •:j3nv Service Commenced. •joaa S •JAO>J •jjoo S ■J^dag •j3nv *. ■* iz; c ° c .«« o o "-5 >-> i c 5 b c K • 4) W p ro 2 c C — m tUBH OCCCOOU5^rMi2MCC«DCO(0<0«0 t— t- t* t- t- o cr> «c o o C£ C£> so <£><£: <0 rH T-H T-H W t-l tH C^3 0) lO ^ lO to U3 10 lO LTS l(^ L^ to L.-^ m LO to ^x:j=i:i:££x:j3j::i:j:j3j3j3 ooooSoooooooooo l-S^^I-J>-3h)l-5222'-5'-='-S'^'^'^ m m m M* w cc n CO OQ to 3 3 rf : - _■ « S ^- rt d cd dfi ii a a a ti y? kc t. t- CJ C) 0) 0) > > > ► ~ ■zt.t.t: Oh:iJHMMOuufca,&HwwCu U & g : ' E-i '' - II ■^i'^ w CO d S C i-H CI W •* t- 00 03 O tH i JS o '^ <" !9 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. » 3 o ° •sjuao ■sjBiioa h •S50 •sioa O (U 1 i •jiBp •sojv •XBd JO uua} JO soiAjas ;c uoijBaidxg eo « cc ec t» t- c- t- t^ t- t- I COCOCP^^^'^^<^>^>:^ cn (» to 00 ' OO WrHi-tOOt-T-J > > > > > > > h b k. u t. b I. ki h h Fui:u(uii4iiH(i4iii(i4a4PHPHFi. : : : ,2 c -H Q n c - — c c = c S c ^1 O Hj ffi 1-5 1-5 K, 3 o WO i 5 K (§ « M PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 89 ^^ COCQCOCQC3COCOCOCOCO OV>>>>>>>>> > > > > oooooooooooooo cccccacccccccc 3 3 3 3 3 I-: •-> ►-5 '1 1-5 33333333 l-Sl-5*^l-5l-5l-3l-5l-S i .S; .£: S ^ S ^ S .•; .S .£; .S .^ i il 'C 'E u u 'H 'E 'C 'C "E ~ 'u u 'E coo is .=2 ^ E ^J : u 3 g .E > o u -5>->l-5l-JI-5l-jh-3l-jl-5l-3l-5H,(-5 333333^:3333312^ l-!l^l-Jl^l-Jl-:'-=^,l-5^-5l^^-,'^'^ rtT-(T-lt-lrtr-l«5t-(THr-)T-StHCP00 C - 1 ^ c ^^ j a a o CO as s m in m 13 October, 1795, .. 12 Jany., 1796 13 Oct 17 Augst., 1795, .. 14 Sept., 1795 14 Sept., 1795 14 Sept., 1795 13 October 12 Jany., '96 12 Jany., '96 12 Jany., '96 16 Nov., 1795, 14 Sept., 1795 16 Nov., 1795 3 October, M iC g > > > > > > ■*- > > > > > > (J aaaaacaaaaaaa OJ — o c ' -g .E fS = ^ .. ■ P fa . c r = ■° ■S -v ^ _5 c g fi ^: 2fc es fe E O H, i-s K S ^ 1-5 ^5 S o >i « W 5 ° > ►, « h • Z i-s p PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 93 u t^i^ut^'^uui-t^ 4) WC^OJi^QJOJO .— iXiii> X XXMXXXXMX ^aj^ja;^^^^ D.^^ X X XXX C4 cdc4cdcjc^c3c3cj:4 a a cd (d cd c ESSSEEESE ai £EEEEEE^<,nEE B e £ E E >, >^ >,>,>,>.>,>,>, >, ft >.>.>>>,>>>.>. g g •- >. k. >> >> >>>.>. d^dcddcirtctirt cS d ^ KKffiKffiSKKS WffiffiKffiKffifefe„KW X X W WK ji XXXXXXXXM Ft, t, O! . . XXXXXXX P X X ■O'O'a'O'O'O'a c c o'O'c X X ^i .!^ ;^ •a ■O'O'OTJ'a'O'O'O'O s ■c -a 2££2Ji£?;-=.S££2! Iz ^ h o a< :- d ^ ? tf «« o - "' - bJJ .^ o ^ E ^ o r o OS <: r- n ;:i*?3S::!??^S C^ C^ t-1 •9 -X?^ ;:;2: z o o 4) , u k. b b t. fr. t^ t. o.ac,o.Gaaac.aaac.ac.c.aa2.E.o.Ga=.p.ftD.o,c.c.a 1. .. Dick, Blacl Ray, vans. Cole ight, ickso E 1 John Bea William William •Thomas Abner E Matthew Aron Wi James D £ 3 « Sj fa K « o j: X - c X E^lcQ 2 2Ko«"^£« «-5 o t- c o • 02 _ >. i ^ & « r3 a a - «Q ^So>^QKfacoOppKWE^>n'-> 94 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. & < d ffi r <) H ul a - d ^ pi § Z" ^ H 2 m ^ ^ Z <^ G H W W ^ - '-' W 5 o z z 2 o| > ^ ^ M fe g B O ^ J Q >: £ p^ 5 f^ o o >. ^ " CQ iJ '^^ o o ^ O CO H 2 z m o Ed ^ 2 O > <^ b^ ' U i- O 01 X X S S >, >. KM 2 X to 00 SI ^ss 1 > > > a n Q. - >- •/ o t- 2 to N ^ ^ to o, 2 ffi *~' ^-5 g ro fa fa P o UJ J P fa CO Q <5 1^ PL, Pi O LU tf P H O O fa O J >* >-H d ^ 3 ^^< Z H fa Z CQ O ^ S (^ fa <3 fa o^P fa >H ^ H 5 O <^ ^ Pi ^ o fa m H ^ S K W fa h H X FROM ANNE ED ON -2 '-P n ^ ^ o o > 5 H 1 sag u • ^' ''-■>■>'>•>>>> >■ |WffiffiWffiKffiWKffiKKWWWKW O .""-!-, I- !- t. t- i- t. U t. t, U t, t. t. t. •*J* -»J* o o g^^„^„„;^ s: s: s: s s: t: t: ^ s: £ s: x: s: 9? ~P3 ^ S c ^ C "^ " S c - ■^ ^ 2 -E el ' Da pa . pa ~ ^ "n ^ j2 ^ -^^ ^1 : c S ^ ^ Ej c c ,ii-5p;?;>-5Wi-5i-5Kl>t.l>fcciH5i-:>-,z; 99 MUSTER i\ND PAY ROLLS. W •-1 S m Ec< H U O UJ J (U W CO O Pk z Pi o o z 'X Pi ^3 h o o b u hJ >H J z ; 1— 1 hJ o J >< z ^ Z s o Pi H o fa M H w O W K X W H H X S H Z o V, o Pi < Q § b w -^ Q H ^ % H Z O r° > t3 H 1 O < k W r-t w s o < w Pi .: s (^ t-> tl t^ t-> ^ 4J CJ U OJ X it. X X :±. cd oj c^ cd c} E S H S E >. >i >. >. >. oj cd c^ rt tf W K K W ffi oj Qj a; C' oj fc 1-5 fc fe b fe fc t> h h k. E E E E ri cd 00 o3 Hi K lis tc (^ u u b pL, b h b SSiSSISiSSioiot- •a* ^t» M" ■^ ^J* '^ Irt lO Irt lO U5 iO Sf. !5S§gggS""SSgS?. g -^ £ '^ '^ ^ . ^. cd 2: d rt rt r^ 3 (i;(i,fi,PHfcfo(i,(i,(i,ii,euPHPHfi.&<(iiai . cr. a c. _D. & E •5 * j= fc. £• c. a o ►3 t^ c ^ ^ ' =2 ri ci > "5 ^3 73 T3 cS id ^ _• ■c E ,9 e« Q K h h a J3 ■" -a — XI ,o b ? M S ~ ,<* £ ^ ^ M g "2 O O C5 d CO TO PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 97 u u u u< Ut i^ u OJ OJ fp Qj O) QJ QJ M ^ X X X M X c3 rt cd rt cj cj cd CD V V Qi L< ^4 ;4 ;.• i^ t^ u u t~t SSSSSESSESSESS QJ Cb 0; OJ 0) 01 Q (U [iHt[H[j4pEHpq;i4fc;k;fn^ggfopcJ rt J-t 1-i ■^ 00 -)• ■ > > > > (iifiHCLifeOHa,cufiHai^aH^pHQ. g 5 O N o ggS „ O' _^ ^ d 7— Vol. V— 6th Ser ^ao^oa^^^KZ^^ 98 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Pittsburgh Light Dragoons. Captain. James Brison. 1st Lient. Joseph R. Postlethwait. 2nd Lieut. Thos. Collins. Cornet. Sam'l S. Mahon. Elected June ye 11th 1798. Pittsburgh Artillery Comp'y. Captain. James Kirwin. 1st Lient. Thos. Baird. 2nd Lieut. Zachariah A. Tannehill. Elected 20th May 1798. LT. INFT'Y COMP'Y TO YE 1ST BATT'LN 2D REG'T ALLLEGHENY COUNTY BRIG'DE. Capt'n. John Park in ye room of Norris Morrison, dead. Lieut. Anth'y Beelin in ye room of Jno. Park — promoted. Ens'n. Sam'l Magee in ye room of James Irwin — removed. Elected 20th May 1798. I certify the above to be true Extracts from the Judges Returns lodged in my office. PRESLEY NEVILL, Brig, In. AUeg. Cty. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 99 Oct'r 15th, 1798. Sirs: Inclosed is a list of officers lately elected, and to be commissioned in this Brigade — they belong to three completed Corps, who have provided themselves with handsome Uniforms and every necessary equipment — I wish their commissions may be forwarded as soon as possible, as they will constitute a material part of our quota of the existing requisiton I am. Sirs, with great Respect, Your Excellency's Obd't humb'le Ser't PRESLEY NEVILL. B. Insp. Alleg. Cty. His Excell'y Thos. Mifflin, Esq'r. STATE MILITIA STATIONED ON THE FRONTIERS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. James Matthews. William Harshell. Samuel Ray. Robert McCullough. William George. Jacob Fulks. James Stewart. Binoni Dawsin. John Dunwoody. Jos. Cochran. Jos. Wright. John Lauglen. Ensign. George Bruce. Sergeants. Samuel Miller. John Rainey. Corporal. Samuel Moore. Privates. John Bryans. Daniel Christy. Daniel Lawrince. Isaac Lawrince. James McCleland. Mitchel Hart. John Worby. George Cavet. Sampson Warden. John Marshall. David Smith. 100 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. MUSTEK ROLL OF CAPT. EDWARD WRIGHT'S COMPANY OF MILITIA BELONGING TO THE FIRST REGT. ALLE- GHENY BRIGADE. Captain. Edward Wright. Ensign. William Wood. Sargents. John Treber. Sam'I Young. Christian Wiels. Corprals. John Gordin. William McElheny, Jr. Privates. Joel Ferree. Gorg Swasick. Georg Rouse. Hugh McCleray. Joseph French. James McBride. .3oseph Irvine. Wm. Mcllheny, Jr. xMlen Keller. Wm. Calhoon. Barny McMahon. James White. Isac Powel. Samuel Harnet. Abraham Whitheker. THOS. B. Lt. Colo. PATTERSON, 1 Regt. Allegheny County Militia. BEDFORD COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800. (101) i (102) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 103 Bedford County. To His Exelency Thos. MifQin Esqr. Governour ol Ihe State of Pensylvania. The Petition of the Subscribers Inroled Militia of the 2d Batta'n of Bedford County Militia. Humbley Sheweth: That Beuj. Berd Esqr. County Lieut, did on the Third day of Octo. 1792 held an Election for Field Oflacers for the Second Batt. at the house of Mr. Wm. M'Darmet and as no advertize- ments have been seen to give the said Battl. information of his Intentions to hould an Election on that day — that his In- tention had been made known to some Individuals by cercular Letters, your petitioners have been deprived of Chosing Such Officers as have been Experienced in Warr — and a Colonel has Been chosen that your petitioners do Assure your Exelency has never done one Tower of dutey nor Attendece Company per- rades — Your petitioners pray your Exelency are not commission the Field Officers the County Lieut, will Return to your Elec- tion may be Ordered and your petitioners will for ever pray. Bedford County, 6th Octr. 1792. Jacob Hepelgesser. John Shaver. David King. William McLeod. James Mitchell. John Reems. Jchn Mitchel. Jus. Right. Henry Early. Jeremiah Read. Benjamin Rush. Thomas Green. Henry Hertsell. John Skiner. Tobias Rirson. Pbilip Smith. George (?)ogg. Abr'm McClintack. Adam Maers. Peter Augenstein. Jacob Storms. Jacob Smith. Samuel kiser. James Jones. Jacob Ruble. Wm. Rush. Jacob Rush. Peter Halmmick. Moses Ramba. Gorge dorny. John Smith. James Kerr, danel Storms. Peter Charls. Jacob Cokes. John Burns. Moses Fream. Edward Stoy. Ben Becker. Joseph Buck. William Buck. Benj. Bryan. Mical Finck. Geo. Williams. Jesse Williams. 104 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Bedford. 1792. I do certify that the following Gentlemen have been Return- ed to me as Field officers Duly Elected for the County of Bedford. Viz: 1st Batt'n. Lt. Coll. Thomas Coulter. Major. George Smith. 2d Batt'n. Lt. Coll. William Peterson. Major. George Welds. 3d Batt'n. Lt. Coll. John Wells. Major. John Lamber. Given under my Hand this 24th Day Jan'y 1792. BENJ'N BURD LIEUT., Bedford County. I do also certify that Samuel Davidson was Returned Capt'n Arthur M'Gaughy first Lieutenant and Josiah Espy Second Lieutenant of the Armed Light Infantry Company of the first Battalion Duly Elected. BENJ'N BURD. Thomas Mifflin Esquire Governor of the State of Penn'a. Comm'r to Officers, T. Mifflin. Jan'y 25, 1793. PBNNSYl.VANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 105 RETURN OF THE COMPANY OFFICERS IN THE FIRST BATALION OF BEDFORD COUNTY MBLITIA VIZ: 1st Company. Capt. Henry Reigar. Lieut. William Dreuing. Ensign. Edward Daley. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 75. 2ud Company. Capt. John Weisgerber. Lieut. Amos Edwards. Ensign. Cunrod Haverstock. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 72. 3rd Company. Captn. Jacob Bonnett. Lieut. Isaac Bonnett. Ensign. John Kenton. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 121. 10(5 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4th Company. Captn. Andrew Emerich. Lieut. Ludwick Leiberger. Ensign. Jacob Springer. Number of nine in said Comp'y Rank and file 102. I 5th Company. Capt. William Paxton. Lieut. John Bois. Ensign. Joseph Ferguson. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 108. 6th Company. Capt. Jonathan Cessna. Lieut. Abraham Plumer. Ensign. John Meas. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 81. 7th Company. Captn. Anthony Smith. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 107 Lieut. Henry Wetstone. Ensign. Allen Rose. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 87. Bedford County State of Pennsylvania, Marcfi 1st, 1793. BEN BURD, Lieut, of Bedford County RETURN OF THE COMPANY OFFICERS IN THE SECOND BATALION OF BEDFORD COUNTY MELITIA VIZ: 1st Company. Capt. James Burd. Lieut. John Todd. Ensign. John Ambrosure. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 69. 2nd Company. Capt. Moses Graham. Lieut. Charles Ferry. Ensign. Barnard Man. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 87. 108 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 3rd Company. Capt. Peter Morgrett. Lieut. Michael Blew. Ensign. Philip Keel. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 57. 4th Company. Capt. Wandell Ott. Lieut. Daniel McConnell. Ensign. John Gibson. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 50. 5th Company. Capt. Thomas Bond. Lieut. William Jack. Ensign. John Riley. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 49. 6th Company. Capt. Philip Longstretch. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 109 Lieut. Peter Swartzelever. Ensign. Micliael George. Number of men in said Comp'y Ranlc and file 62. 7th Company. Capt. Isaac Cowle. Lieut. David Sliger. Ensign. Francis Welsh. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 83. 8th Company. Capt. William Alexander. Lieut. John Sloan. Ensign. David John. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 70. Bedford County State of Pennsylvania, February 10th, 1793. BEN BURD, Lieut, of Bedford County. RETURN OF THE COMPANY OFFICERS IN THE THIRD BAT ALTON OF BEDFORD COUNTY MELITIA VIZ: 1st Company. Capt. Abraham Nafe. UO MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Lieut. George Barone. Ensign. Jacob Beam. Number of men in said Comp'y Ranlt and file 46. 2nd Company. Captn. James McMullen. Lieut. Lewis Mitchell. Ensign. Jeremiah Reed. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 68. 3rd Company. Capt. Jacob Cox. Lieut. Thomas Wilson. Ensign. Peter Garey. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 87. 4th Company. Capt. Christian Rice. Lieut. Martin Dively. Ensign. John Love. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 108. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. HI 5th Company. Capt. Joseph Buck. Lieut. Christian Limit. Ensign. Edward Stoy. Number of men in said Comp'y Ranlc and file 115. 6th Company. Capt. Gasper Stodler, Ju'r. Lieut. George Lambert. Ensign. John Stodler. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file T3. 7th Company. Capt. Philip Smith. Lieut. Henry Everly. Ensign. Jacob Smith. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 61. 8th Company. Capt. Frederick Snap. 112 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Lieut. Henry Miller. Ensign. Mathias Marker. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 54. 9th Company, Capt. Henry Stall. Lieut. George Perrow. Ensign. Jacob Sheaffer. Number of men in said Comp'y Rank and file 52. Bedford County State of Pennsylvania, February 20th, 1793. BEN BURD, Lieut, of Bedford County. Dr. Sir: Inclosed I transmit to you an Exact return of the Malitia in Bedford County by Enrollment. Colo. William Elliot will be a Safe Conveyance and by him will thank you to remit to me the Commissions to the Respective Capt's and Subaltrons in the three Batalions had any oppertunity prior to this Serv'd I should have Sent you thes returns earlier. I am with all respect Y'r Mo obd't Able Serv't, BEN BURD. Bedford Coimty, March 24th, 1793. His Excellency Thomas Mifflin. Esq'r. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 113 RETURN OF FIELD OFFICERS FOR THE SEVERAL BA- TALION IN BEDFORD COUNTY. 1st Regiment. Upper District. Lieut. Colo. James Wells. Esq. Major 1st Batt. James Mitchell. Major 2nd Batt. Henry Stall. 2nd Regiment. Middle District. Lieut. Col. William Ward, Esq. Major 1st Batt. Jacob Bonnet t. Major 2nd Batt. Peter Morgratt. 3rd Regiment. Lower District. Lt. Col. William Pattorson. Major 1st Eat'n. James Agnew. Major 2nd Bat'n. James Mckenna. Return'd to me according to Law. BENJAMIN BURD, Insp. Bedford County. May 30th, 1794. 8— Vol. V— Gth Ser. 114 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF COMPANY OFFICERS FOR THE SEVERAL BATALIONS IN BEDFORD COUNTY. 1st Regiment. Brothers Valley Township. Infantry. Captain. Christian Price. Lieut. Martin Dybely. Ensign. John Lowrey. 1st Capt. of Musket. Philip Beddinger. Lieutenant. Jacob Mathas. Ensign. Geo. Beddinger. Elk Lick Township. 2nd — Capt. John Truesil. Lieut. Mich'l Angee. Ensign. John Durst. Stony Creek Township. 3d — Capt. Geo. Boyer. Lieut. Henry Keller. Ensign, John Stodler. Turkey Foot Township. 4th — Capt. Jeremiah Reed. Lieut. David King. Ensign. Nehemiah Seets. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 115 Rifle Company. Capt. Philip Smith. Lieut. Henry Hartzel. Ensign, Jacob Smith. Milford Township. 5th — Capt. John Wiemer, Jun'r. Lieut. Adam Ny. Ensign, Tho. Faith. 6th — Capt. Thomas Wilson. Lieut. David Wiemer. Ensign, John Greephard. Quemahony Township. 7th — Capt. Conelias Henlin. Lieut. Chris'r Hyne. Ensign, Jacob Beam. 8th— Capt. Edw'n Stoy. Lieut. Moses France. Ensign. John George. 2nd Regiment. Infantry. Bedford Township. Capt. Sam'l Davis. Lieut. Arthur McGaghy. Ensign, Joseph Espy. 1st — Capt. Isaac Bonnett. Lieut. John Kinton. Ens. Andrew Shutz. 2nd — Capt. Red'a Baker. Lieut. Jonth. Boyer. Ens. Ludwiclv Liberger. 3rd — Capt. Anthony Smith. Lieut. Henry Watson. Ens. James Haney. 116 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4th— Capt. John Evolt. Lieut. Faithful Creaton. Ens. Edw'd Dayls. Rifle Company. Capt. Henry Shoup. Lieut. Joseph Shoup. Ens. Evan Cheney. 5th — Capt. John Vicegarver. Lieut. Jacob Helm. Ens. Geo. Earnest. 6th — Capt. Martin Loy. Lieut. Wm. Start. Ens. Josep Cellars. 7th— Capt. Mich'l Blue. Lieut. George Beamer. Ens. Zenley Kell. 8th— Capt. Frederick Hill. Lieut. John Boyer. Ens. Jacob Earnest. 3rd Regiment. Infantry. Capt. Moses Graham. Lieut. Joseph Graves. Ens. Luke Zetler. 1st — Capt. Jacob Bishop. Lieut. Jacob Hart. Ens. Jacob Sloop. 2nd — Capt. Charles Stuart. Lieut. John Slone. Ens. James Kindall. 3rd— Capt. Ralph Hunt. Lieut. David Sigher. Ens. Henry Slously. 4th — Capt. Benj. Williams. Lieut. John Develbess. Ens. Joshua Philips. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 117 Rifle Company. Capt. Dan'l McConnell. Lieut. John Gibson. Ens. John Hammel. 5th — Capt. George Dansdell. Lieut. David Fields. Ens. John Ambroser. 6th — Capt. James Longstreet. Lieut. Ens. 7th — Capt. Wm. Shipper. Lieut. Joseph Edwards. Ens. Joseph Alexander. 8th — Capt. James Hunt. Lieut. Michael Gorge. Ens. Stephen Hill. Return made 15th Aug. 1794. ' BENJ BURD. To his Excellency Thomas Miffllu Governor of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. A Return of Officers. Elected, to fill vavancies in the Bed- ford County Brigade of Militia. John Scott, Captain of Light Infantry, Attached to the 1st Regt. Instead of Samuel Davidson Resigned. Jacob Nagle, Lieut't of Same Company, instead of Arthur McGaughey Brigade. Jacob Davidson, Ensign, of same Company instead of Josiah Espy Removed. Edward Daily, Captain of 4th Compy. in 1st Regt. instead of John Ewalt removed. John Mackey, Lieutt. of same Company. Abraham McKenny, Ensign of same Company. William Wilson, Captain of a Rifle Company Attached to 1st Regt. William Piper, Lieutt. of same Company. James Ritchie ensign of same Company. I certified that the above Return of Officers, is taken from the Several Returns of Elections remaining in my office. Given under my hand 22d March 1796. BENGN. BURD, B. G. I. (118) BERKS COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800. (119) (120) 1 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 121 RETURN OF THE OFFICERS, TOGETHER WITH THEIR RANK, OF THE BERKS COUNTY BRIGADE OP THE MILITIA OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1st Regiment. Lt. Col. Philip Geehr. 1st Major Michael Croll. 2nd Major Peter Klein. 1st Company. Capt. Lewis Bautzler. Lieut. George Werlieim. Ens. Jacob Lesher. 2nd Company. Capt. Jacob Niedevauer. Lieut. Jacob KItin. Ens. John Wagner. 3rd Company. Capt. George Weidenhamer. Lieut. Daniel Dreibelbis, Ens. Peter Biehl. 4th Company. Capt. Henry Christ. Lieut. John Weyler. Ens. Lawrence Christ. 5th Company. Capt. Henry Shoemaker. Lieut. John Tomlinson. Ens. Henry Laub 6th Company. Capt. Christian Smeck. Lieut. Martin Brechal. Ens. Jonathan Grim. 122 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 7th Company, Capt. Jacob Leiby. Lieut. Jacob Sitler. Ens. Daniel Reezer. 8th Company. Capt. Samuel George. Lieut. Daniel Christ. Ens. Jacob Kemp. 2nd Regiment. Lt. Col. Christian Lower. 1st Maj. John German. 2d Maj. Christian Webber. 1st Company. Capt. Christian Keen. Lieut. John Heiny. Ens. Robert Wood. 2nd Company. Capt. Mathias Riegel. Lieut. John Korn. Ens. Michael Kern. 3rd Company. Capt. George Fohrer. Lieut. Michael TrJon. Ens. John Brown. 4th Company. Capt. George Staudt. Lieut. Jacob Bordner. Ens. John Emericic. Jr. 5th Company. Capt. Paul Wolf. Lieut. Martin Walborn. Ens. Michael Shaffer. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 123 6th Company. Capt. George Haack. Lieut. John Waggoner. Ens. Philip Filbert, Jr. 7th Company. Capt. John Read. Lieut. Adam Greechbaum. Ens. Michael Wolff. , 8th Company. Capt. John Blatt. Lieut. Michael Fessler. Ens. Jacob Stine. 3rd Regiment. Lt. Col. William Wheeler. 1st Major Casper Hiell. 2d Major John Woolison. 1st Company. Capt. Frantz Umbehacker. Lieut. Abraham Stoudt. Ens. Philip Strouse. 2nd Company. Capt. Nicholas Baier. Lieut. Andrew Mi!ler. Ens, Daniel Stoudt. 3rd Company. Capt. Frederick Moyer. Lieut. John Dries. Ens. Jacob Hill, 4th Company. Capt. Jacob Epler. Lieut. Valentine Brown. Ens. George Machemer. 124 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 5th Company. Jacob Wetstone. Lieut. George «.)rwig. Ens. Peter Kutz 6th Company. Capt. George Foh. Lieut. Henry Glick. Ens. Peter Fries. 7th Company. Capt. Henry Noecker. Lieut. Daniel Kercker. Ens. Henry Hartzell. 8th Company. Capt. Philip Waggoner. Lieut. George Retschler. Ens. Michael Nunemacher. Of the Cavalry. Capt. William Mcore. 1 Lieut. CoUinson Read. 2 Lieut. Mark John Biddle. Cornet Conrad F^^ger. 4th Regiment. Lt. Col. William Lewis. 1st Major Reese Moore. 2d Major John Spohn. 1st Company. Capt. John Ludwig. Lieut. Joseph Leonard. Ens. Philip Witman. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 125 2nd Company. Capt. John Knox. Lieut. Benjamin lioyers. Ens. Morgan Lewis. 3rcl Company. Capt. Jacob Keely. Lieut. Henry Baker. Ens. Jacob Keely, jun. 4th Company. Capt. Elisha Beard Lieut. James Thompson. Ens. George Hahs. 5th Company. Capt. Owen Thomas Lieut. Jonathan Jones. Ens. George x\mma. 6th Company. Capt. Peter Jones. Lieut. Jacob Hernpr. Ens. William Cope. 7th Company. Capt. George Boyer. Lieut. Jonathan Mee. Ens. Christian Hechler. 8th CompanJ^ Capt. Mathias Kalcr. Lieut. David Lewis. Ens. George Hoffman. 5th Regiment. Lt. Col. Frederick fpang. 1st Major John Hunter. 2d Major John Miller. 126 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 1st Company. Capt. Jonathan Rhoads. Lieut. Ens. 2nd Company. Capt. Frederick Bingeman. Lieut. Conrad Schraehl. Ens. Elias Waguer. 3rd Company. Capt. Jacob Reppert. Lieut. Adam Drtlir. Ens. Andrew McKee. 4th Company Capt. John Rischel. Lieut. John Oyster. Ens. Jacob Heth. 5th Company. Capt. Jacob Shroder. Lieut. Tobias Shall. Ens. John Hartman. 6th Company. Capt. George Acker. Lieut. George Zevr. Ens. Stephen Richard. 7th Company. Capt. Philip Kline. Lieut. John Biever. Ens. Anthony Heftner. 8th Company. Capt. William HimmoJbreich. Lieut. John Eeiif. Ens. Samuel Kerst. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 127 6th Regiment. Lt. Col. Peter Frailey. 1st Major Henry Brown. 2d Major Thomas Werirlch. 1st Company. Capt. Samuel Hoa.an. Lieut. Henry Diehl. Ens. Peter Rapp. 2ncl Company. - ; ' Capt. Christian Roodt. :' Lieut. John Binkley. Ens. Francis Roodt. 3rd Company. Capt. Christian Madery. Lieut. Fredericiv Heller. Ens. George Marx. 4th Company. Capt. Jacob Shell'er. Lieut. Yost Lerch. Ens. Jacob Moyer. 5th Company. _ Capt. Isaac Youi.g. Lieut. William Gerhart. Ens. Michael Waitz. 6th Company. Capt. Cristian Bccktell. Lieut. Isaac Feather. Ens. Erhart Riiehm. 7th Company. .^ " Capt. Nicholas Seitzinger. Lieut. Philip Barlet. Ens. Henry Fleisher. 128 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 8tli Company. Capt. David Jones. Lieut. Bernard Adams. Ens. Alexander Seitzinger. Infantry Compaay. Captain John Spayd. Lieut. John Messersmith. Ensign James Read. Certified this 12th Day of August 1794. GEO. ECKERT, Brigade Inspector of the Berlcs County Militia. We the Subscribers nominate the following gentlemen as officers in the Militia of the Berks County Brigade of Penn- sylvania in default of proper Election being made, to wit: In the Second Regiment. Captain of the first Company— Christian Keen. In the third Regiment. Captain of the second Company— Nicholas Bader. Lieuter.ant of the second Company— Andrew Miller. Ensign of the second Company— Daniel Stoudt. Lieutenant of the seventh Company— Daniel Kercher. In the fourth Regiment. Captain of the third Company— Jacob Keely. Lieutenant of the third Company—Henry Baker. Ensign of the third Company— Jacob Keely, Jr. In the fifth Regiment. Captain of the first Company— Jonathan Rhoads. Lieut, of the first Company— Jonathan Rhoads. Blank. Ensign of the first Company— Blank. Captain of the sixth Company— George Ackers. Lieut, of the sixth Company— Georg.3 Zerr. Ensign of the sixth Company— Stephen Richard. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 129 In the sixth Regiment. Captain of the fifth Company — Isaoc Young. Lieut of the fifth Company — William Gerhart. Ens. of the fifth Company — Michael Waltz. Captain of the sixth Company — Christian Bechtel. Lieut, of the sixth Company — Isaac Feather. Eiis. of the sixth Company^Erhart Riehm. Cornet in the Cavalry— Conrad Feger. GEO. ECKERT, Brigade Inspector of Berks County. fl— Vol. V— 6th S*r. (130) BUCKS COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800. (131) (132) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 133 COMESHIONS WANTED FOR THE BUCKS COUNTY BRI- GADE OF MILITIA MAY YE 29 1794. First Captains. Ridgemants. Lieutenants. Coll. Smith. Knsigns. 1st Michael Faclcentliall, . . . Ridgement. Andrew "Wright. Conrad Kesen. Ensign. Andred Long, Jr. 1 Third, 2 1 2 3 4 C. N. 5 Isaac Addes. John Crawford, jur < Light Infantery in the fourth Riclgement. Capn. Griffith Owen. Litn. Ensign. AUGUSTIN WILLETT. BjjB. County. COMISHIONS WANTED. 2 Ridgement 8 Compy. Lieut. John Lang. 3 Rid't 4 Comp'y. Capt. Henery Dubois. Lieut. David Wynkoop. Ensign Adrian Cornell. 3 Rt. 6th Comp'y. Capt. Zenus Moycomer. Lieut. Jacob Knewson. Ensign Charles Vansant. 2 Ridgement 7th Coi.ipany. Cap'n. Andrew Quintal. Ensign James Alliseon. 134 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4 Ridgement 3 Company. Capt. Thomas Stewart. Lieut. Moses Shaw. • for Volenteer Troop of Light Dragoons Capt. Samuel Gibbs. July 21st. 1794. AUGUSTIN WILLET. B. Q. B. County. Received of Alexander James Dallas Esq. Commissions for the Officers mentioned in the foregoing Return. AUGUSTIN WILLET. B. Q. B. County. I certify that on the 20th of September 1794 I received from Augustine Willet Esquire thirty Dollars, being for Bounty to myself six Dollars; and to Michael Thompson Joseph Doan, .Fohn Conaway and Samuel Hilburn. six Dollars each enrolled to serve on the expedition to the western counties; — which I paid at that Time to the four men above mentioned. JOSEPH ERWIN. late Major B. M. BOUNTY PAID TO THE FOLLOWING PURSONS THAT EX- TEND IN MY COMPANY & SERVED ON THE WESTERN EXPEDITION. Sept. ye 20, 1794. Joseph Doan. Thomas Ellham. John Cornanway. Robert Nagenton. Thomas Russel. Enock Rush. William Watkins. The Bounty of which I Rec'd of Augustin Willet B. Q. B. County. ABNER BUCKMAN. Capt. Rec'd of Augustus Willet Brigade Qs. B. County the just and full sum of five hundred Dollar.s in Bank notes on account of the Bounty allowed by Law for the Quota alloted for my PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 135 Ridgenient. Which I promise to account for as Witness my hand. JAMES HANNA. Lt. Colo. 2d Regment Bucks. Sep. 22d, 1794. SEPT. 24TH, 1794. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM COL. JOSEPH HART, THE SUM OF SIX DOLLARS EACH AS OUR BOUNTY MONEY, ADVANCED ON THE WESTERN EXPEDITION. Robert Cummings. Samuel McGrady. Martin Hallinger. Andrew Mason. James Devoe. Thomas Brady. Elias Gilbert. Eber W. Gilbert. William Spear. Jacob Kisler. Joseph Hart, Jun'r. John Campbell. Abram Lefferts. John Krewson. Cornelius Vandke. Alexander Weldon. William Hopper. Matthew Macomber. Stephen Yerkes. William Barnes. Robt. Wallace. Farington Vandivertor. Daniel Knight, Jun'r. John Carr. Jonathan Delany. James Rorrey. Cornelius Carrel. John Boutcher. Abram Rab. - Nathan Delany. Rec'd of Augustin Willet Silas Barton. Lot Leareck. Jesse Anderson. Enoch Evens. John Johnson. John Hunter. Hugh Waton. John Clymer. James Patterson. Robert King. Jonathan Lawres. Wm. Whittingham. Warn* Ingels. Partick Bond. Archabald Scott. John Steurt. Christopher Learch. John longley. James Cowan. William Shorts. Jesse Skelton. Daniel Hogeland. John Shaw. Christopher Vanartsdalen. John Tarrance. John Radcliff. Tbos. Richey. Samuel Miller. Evan Beans. William Griffith. B. Qs. B. County Three hundred 136 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. and Sixty Dollars A being the Bounty allowed at Six Dollars each aggreeable to This Roll which sum I have paid to each enraled person. JOSEPH HART, Lieut. Col. 3d Brig. A LIST OF THE BUCKS COUNTY TROOP OF LIGHT DRA- GOONS. COMMANDED BY SAMUEL GIBBS. Capt. Samuel. Gibbs. 1st Lieut. John Torbert. 2d Lieut. John Kinny. Cornet. Benjamin Waiton. Surgeon. Samuel Torbert. Farrier. John Wills. Qr. Mastr. Joseph Harvey. 1st Serjt. Lewis Howard. 2d Serjt. ' John Cavender. 1st Corpl. Aaron Wright. 2d Corpl. Amos Dungan. Private. I'eter Doble. Isaac Wynkoop. Hugh Tomb. Matthew Wynkoop. I PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 137 Jonathan Wynkoop. Jesse Murdough. Abraham Pugh. 'Isaiah Vanhorn. John Luber. William Mewron. William Egan. Garret M. Vansant. Joseph Thornton. Isaac Tucker. John Smock. Samuel Boyd. Charles Johnson. David Roney. Trumpeter. Charles Capelle. Received of Augustin Willet B. Qs B. County one hundred and eighty dollars it being the Bounty for my Troop consisting of thirty men officers Including at Six Dollars each. Sept. 25th. 1794. SAMUEL GIBBS. Capt. MUSTER ROLL OF THE BUCKS COUNTY ARTILIRY COM- PANY COMANDED CAPT. JOSEPH CLUNN IN THE SER- VICE OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1794. Capt. Joseph Clunn. Capt. Lieut. George Crooks. Lieut. James Bowen. Abijah Reed. John McFarlin. Jacob Chapman. Samuel Harris. George Ryal. Joseph Richardson. John Taylor. Pearson Vanhorne. Michael Hutchinson. John Leader. John Brown. John Wood. Adam Moyer. Jacob Lusher. Joseph Menick. George Vanhouter. Lewis Richardson. Danniel Ryal. John Alexander. Daniel Oneil. John Rambo. H».igh McClain. Richard Johnson. John Reading. 138 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Stacy Hutchinson. Thomas Munn. Samuel Copland. Joseph McClunn. Gporge Bergiu. Joseph Talklngton. James Atley. David Sawyer. Moses Wright. John Sivers. Joseph Cauley. Matthew Clunn. John Crone. Peter Parsley who was left sick on the Road after receiving the Bounty and his not joining the Company again was not returned in the Muster or Pay roll. JOSEPH CLUNN. Capt. Received of Augustin Willett B. Qs. B. County the just and full sum of Two hundred and Forty Six Dollars it Being the Full Bounty for my Company which consists of forty one in- cluding officers. Sept. 29th, 1794. JOSEPH CLUNN. Capt. Oct. 4th, 1794. Received of R. Wallace 6 Dollars each being the Bounty Alow'd on the Western Expedition. John Randal. Robert Parsons. Rec'd of Augustin Willett B. Qs. B. County the sum of forty two Dollars in Bank Notes it being the Ballance of Bounty for my Company. ABNER BUCKMAN. Bedford, Oct. 22d, 1794. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 139 STATEMENT OF THE BOUNTY MONEY DELIVERED BY AUGUSTIN WILLET BRIGADE INSPECTOR OF BUCKS COUNTY TO LIEUT. COLO. JAMES HANNA WHO COM- MANDED THE DETACHMENT FROM THE BUCKS COUNTY BRIGADE TFIAT SERVED ON THE WESTERN EXPEDITION AND TO THE OTHER OFFICERS THAT WERE APPOINTED AND SERVED ON THE SAME. Delivered to Lieut. Colo. James Haiina per Receipt 560 CO to Lieut. Colo. Joseph Hart per Receipt, 360 5 to Major Joseph Irwin per Receipt 30 41 to Capt. Joseph Clunn per Receipt, 240 30 to Capt. Samuel Gibbs per Receipt, 180 7 to Capt. Abner Buckman per Receipt, 42 2 to Capt. Wallace per Receipt 12 to myself & negroe man John Pumas who was enter'd & muster'd in Capt. John Armstrong's Compy 6 Dollars each, 12 2 per cent, to Capt. Thomas McKeen who was sta- tioned at Carlisle under Lieut. Coll. Foust per Re- ct 162 to Alexander I. Dallas per R 1400 3004 This statement with the receipts v/ere offered to Mr. Dallas who told me he could not receive them unless they were ac- company'd with the muster roll from the commanding officer, which I informed him I had already demanded, but was put off, and I may truly say that I have demanded them of him every three months since. I believe Mr. Dallas wrote like- wise to him on the occasion, as I wish'd him so to do, for I knew of no way to compel him to a settlement without the assistance of Mr. Dallas as I considered myself acting under him as Paymaster General to the Troops of this State on the Receipt of your first Letter I took Majer John McElvey with me to him, I shewed him your Letter reminded him of his being the cause of it & insisted on his immediately making out the Muster and Bounty Rolls or I should be oblig'd to expose him after a short Pause he requested twelve Days the last I heard from him on the subject was that he had lost his Papers and could not comply. He said he paid considerable sums of money for Provisions for the Troops, which I believe to be the case, for they were ordered to rendevous at Newtown and 140 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. no proA'isions made for them, for which they look'd up to him as commanding ofhcer, and I have Reason to believe if he had not supply'd them, they vi^ould have returned to their homes as some of them did, even y.fter receiving the bounty money, and never returned again. Between the time of my calling on Col. Hanna & hearing last irom him I had the mis- fortune of have one of my Legs badly broken and a severe Fit of the Gout in the same foot & Leg which has crippled me in such a manner that I have little Expedition of getting (^n my Feet again this Winter or of ever being able to walk again as heretofore. I should not have given you the Trouble of sending a second time as I intended sitting out for Lan- caster about the Middle of Septr. seeing no Way that I could possibly get the accounts to your ofRce with any certainly. My present situation is such as precludes me from doing any Bussiness for myself without the assistance of my Friends. If the accounts of the Western Expedition have come to your hands, I will be very thankful if you will consider mine, which stands nearly as follows — marching orders Sept. 11th had the misfortune to be thrown from my horse the first days march of the Troops by which I was exceedingly cut and bruised & unable to join the army till the 21st jf October at Bedford. I drew neither Rations or Forage for myself or servant till that time and from that time only one Ration each per Day till the Troops marched from Fort Pitt homewards at Bedford drew nine which was all I had, nor' no Forage from Carlisle till Discharged. From that time till this no Person by my orders or otherwise for me has ever received a Dollar except that which was put into my hands as Bounty. Octobr. 28th 1800. Yr Obedt. hble Seiv't. AUGUSTIN WILLET Lt. B I B County. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 141 COL. AUGUSTIN WILLET HIS ACCOUNT OF BOUNTY PAID THE MILITIA OF BUCKS COUNTY IN ACCOUNT CEM WITH THE STATES OF PENSYLVANIA CO. Dr. To Balance of Monies advanced him for Bounty to the Bucl\s County Militia employed in the Western Expe- dition in 1794— sum advanced, 3024 1400 1624 1800 1624 Nov. 8 To account Balance, 580 Settled and Entered SAM BRYAN Rog. Genl. Office. 8 Nov. 1800. Cr. 1 By Col. Joseph Hart Bounty to his Regt., 60 mer 2 By Majer Irwin 5 mer < 3 By Capt. Jer. Clun, 41 mer 4 By Capt. Sam. Gibbs, CO mer 5 By Capt. Abrm. Backman, 7 mer 6 By Capt. Curt. Wallace 2 mer 7 By Capt. Thorns. McKeen 27 mer By Augustin Willet for himself & his Black man John Pumas mustered in Capt. Armstrong's Co., 2 mer @ 6 12 By Balance, mer., 174 580 6 360 6 30 6 24(i 6 180 6 42 6 12 6 162 1624 Depending two receipt for money siivanced Col. James Hanna for which no acct. has been rendered nor over it appear that Col. Willet can obtain any satisfaction from him, 500 Approved and entered. JOHN DENNATORN. Compt. Genl. Office. 10 Nov. 1800 (142) CHESTE)R COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800. (143) (144) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. Ul RETURN OP OFFICERS WANTING TO COMPLEDT THE UNDER NAMED BATTALION CliESTER COUNTY MI- LITIA. First Battalion. 2d Comp. Capt. Isaac McFaiian, in room of Capt. John McCormick, Re- signed. Lieut. Jacob Beaumont in the room of Lieut. Thomas Temple, Resigned. Ensign Robert Taylor, in the room of Ensign John McClain, Resigned. 7th Comp. Lieut. Elisha Evans, in the room of Lieut. Thomas Williams, Resigned. Ensign Owen Afflick, in the room of Ensign John Stidler, Resigned. 3rd Comp. Ensign James Lockhart, in the room of Ensign David Culbert- son. Resigned. Second Battalion. 1st Comp. Capt. Isaac Marshall, in the room of Capt. William Strode, left the State. Lieut. Caleb Woodward, in the room of Lieut. Ephm. Buf- fiington. Resigned. Ensign .lames Brown, in the room of Ensign James McMath, Resigned. 5th Comp. Lieut. Amos Dixon, in the room of Lieut. James Hollis, Resigned. 7th Comp. Ensign Isaac Stephens, in the room of Ens. Ephm. Boak, Dead. 10— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 146 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 6th Comp. -- Ensign Benjm. Cookson, in the room of Ensign Samuel Miller. Resigned. Fourth BattaMcn. 2nd Comp. linsign Thomas Vernon, in the room of Ensign George Moore, left the State. I do certify the above Return is Jur>t and true agreeable to the certificates of Election in my possession. JOSEPH McCLELLAN, Lieut. Chester County June 7th, 1791 THOMAS MIFFLIN, Esquire, Governor State of Pennsylvania. June 13th, 1791 Comm. to issue T M Commissions issed same day. J. T. RETURN OF OFFICERS WANTING TO COMPLEAT THE SEVERAL BATTALIONS CHESTER COUNTY MILITIA. 1st Battalion No. 2 Capt. John Hughs in the room of Capt. Isaac McFarlan, gone. 7th Battalion. N. 1 Lieut. John Rowan in the Room of Lieut. Andrew Will- son, gone. No. Lieut. James Way, in the room of Lieut. Thomas Hibbin, gone. I do certify the Above Return to be Just and True agreeable to tne Certificates of Election in my possession. JOSEPH McCLELLAN, Lieut. Chester County March 7, 1792. March 3, 1792. His Excellency Thomas Mifflin Esquire Governor of the State of Pennsyivania. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 147 A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND COMPANY OFFICERS OF CHESTER COUNTY MILITIA TO BE COMMISSIONED UNDER A LATE LAW OF THE COMMONWEALTH OP PENNSYLVANIA FOR THE BETTER REGULATING THE MILITIA THEREOF JULY 6, 1793. Field Officers. First Regiment. Lieut. Colonel. John Harris. Majors. 1st Robert Frazer. 2d James Boiies. 1st Compy. Captain. John Parker. Lieut. Edward Price. Ensign. John Bough. 2nd Compy. Captain. William Davis. Lieut. John Lewi^. Ensign. James Neaiy, 3rd Compy. Captain. Cromwell Piei'ce Jr. Lieut. John Rowland. Ensign. John McHoney. 148 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4th Compy. Captain. Thomas Bodley. Lieut. Israel Davis. Ensign. Jesse Channel. 5th Compy. Captain. Thomas Morris. Lieut. Andrew Oliver. Ensign. Samuel Oliver. 6th Compy. Captain. Wm. Worthingtoa Esqr. Lieut. Robert Porter Esqi'. Ensign. Henry O Neol 7th Compy. Captain. William Biddlo. Lieut. John Brown. Ensign. Peter Steel. 8th Compy. Captain. Evan Philips. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 149 Lieut. John Casiday. Ensign. Joseph Musgrave. Second Regiment. Lieut. Colonel. John Heister. Majors. 1st Peter Hartmau. 2d Thomas Leaton. 1st Compy. Captain. George Westler. Lieut. Frederick Koop. Ensign. Jesse Scholfield. 2nd Compy. Captain. George Hartman. Lieut. Daniel Shimer. Ensign. Peter Emery. 3rd Compy. Captain. John Smith. Lieut. Frederick Holman, Ensign. John Lawbaugh. 150 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4th Compy. Captain. John Miller. Lieut. Benjamin Custard. Ensign. Peter Brownback. 5th Compy. Captain. Jonathan Wynn. Lieut. William Jenkins. Ensign. William Vance. 6th Compy. Captain. John Smith. Lieut. William Strickland. Ensign. Adam Price. 7th Compy. Captain. Joseph Philips. Lieut. William Kenney. Ensign. James Park. 8th Compy. Captain. Edward Brownback. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 151 Lieut. John Heister. Ensign. George McElheney. Third Regiment. Lieut. Colonel. John Craige. Majors. 1st. John Shippen. 2d. James Bell. 1st Compy. Captain. James McFaddeu. Lieut. Thomas Melan. Ensign. Aaron. Harlan. 2nd Compy. Captain. Isaac Marshall. Lieut. James Brown. Ensign. Joseph Miller. 3rd Compy. Captain. William Weston. Lieut. Joseph Thornbury. Ensign. John Crosgrove. 152 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4th Corapy. Captain. Thomas Moore. Lieut. William Plowmac, Ensign. William Kinsley. 5th Compy. Captain. Titus Taylor. Lieut. Christian Baughmau. Ensign. William Huey. 6th Compy. Captain. William Taylor. Lieut. Jacob Way. Ensign. John Taylor. 7th Compy. Captain. Richard Strode. Lieut. John Faddes. Ensign. George Meirs. 8th Compy. Captain. William Jefferis. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 153 Lieut. Caleb Woodward. Eusign. Samuel Brintoii. Fourth Regiment. Lieut. Colonel. Dennis Wheleu. Majors. 1st. John Hugaes. 2nd. John Craige. 1st Compy. Captain. Isaac Lewis. Lieut. James Loekhart. Ensign. James Forbes. 2nd Compy. Captain. Ephraim Allen. Lieut. Alexander Nisbet. Ensign. Henry Peeler. 3rd Compy. Captain. William Henderson. Lieut. Samuel Craiye. Ensign. James String. 154 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4th Compy. Captain. James McCalmont. Lieut. Thomas Gardner. Ensign. Alexander Irwin. 5th Compy. Captain. - Elisha Evans. Lieut. Owen Afflick. Ensign. Samuel Stirk. 6th Class. Captain. Thomas Dolby. Lieut. Isaac Smith. Ensign. William Kirk. 7th Compy. Captain. William Thompson. Lieut. William Eliiot. Ensign. William Wells 8th Compy. Captain. John Dowlin. Lieut. Robert Taylor. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 155 Ensign. John Fulton. Fifth Regiment. Lieut. Colonel. David Correy. Majors. 1st. Robert Armstrong. 2d. George Correy. 1st Compy. Captain. Arthur Andrews. Lieut. Samuel Hood. Ensign. John McDowell. 2nd Compy. Captain. Thomas Crosby. Lieut. Ebenezer Kennedy. Ensign. William Simex. 3rd Compy. Captain. James Kelton. Lieut. Robert Miller. Ensign. David Hineman, 4th Compy. Captain. James Fulton. 156 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Lieut. Henry Colt. Ensign. John Kimble. 5th Compy. Captain. Robert Correy. Lieut. Robert Montgomery. Ensign. Samuel Montgomery. 6th Compy. Captain. John Russell. Lieut. James Gibson. Ensign. Robert Franny. 7th Compy. Captain. William Ramsey. Lieut. Nathaniel Walker. Ensign. John Husrf. 8th Compy. Captain. Matthew Wilson. Lieut. James Bremen. Ensign. James Wilson. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 157 Sixth Regiment. Lieut. Colonel. John Boyd. Majors. 1st. Jacob Humphrey. 2d. David Cochran. ■ , 1st Compy. Captain. . - Alexander Starrett. Lieut. William Bunt in. Ensign. Thomas Howard. 2nd Compy. Captain. James McClellan. Lieut. Samuel McCIellau. Ensign. Joseph Addlernan. 3d Compy. Captain. John Preston. Lieut. Isaac Preston. Ensign. Joseph Hoptou. 4th Compy. Captain. ;'■ ■ Robert Cochran. Lieut. Adam Clendenan. Ensign. George Copelaud. 158 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 5th Compy. Captain. Abraham Wolfington. Lieut. John Bentley. Ensign. Stewart Gordon. 6th Class. Captain. John Skiles. Lieut. : James Greer. Ensign. John Fulton. 7th Compy. Captain. Thomas Hope. Lieut. Robert Hope. Ensign. Alexr. McFarson. Sth Compy. Captain. William McNeal. Lieut. Isaac Marsh. Ensign. Joseph Parker. Light Dragoons. Captain. Joseph McClelan, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 159 Lieut. 1st. Thomas Taylor. 2d. John Fleming. Cornet. Zachariah Bell. JOHN HARPER Brigade Inspector Chester County Militia, September 13th, 1793. John McLoughlin was duely elected Ensign in the first Company of the sixth Regiment of Chester County Militia Vice Thomas Howard, Removed. October 19th, 1793. The following gentlemen was duely elected Officers of the light Infantry Company enexed to the first Regiment of Chester County Militia viz: William Harris, Capt. Stephen Boweu, Lieut. William Bones, Ensign. v 4 West Chester, Octr. 19th 1793. AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR CHESEING OFFICERS FOR A COMPANY OF ARTILLERY IN CHESTER COUNTY AGREEABLE TO A LATE LAW FOR THE BETTER REG- ULATING THE MILITIA OF THE STATE OF PENNSYL- VANIA. Aaron Musgrave Esqr. for Captain by 24 Votes. Philip McCafferty for first Lieui. by 17 Votes. Joseph Dillworth Jur. Second Lieut, by 15 Votes. WILLIAM GIBBON EZEK. LEONARD JOHN HARPER Judges. B. I. C. C. M. February 8th. 1794. Thomas Kerns was duely elected Lieu- tenant and Robert Black Ensign in the eightth company of the third Regiment of Chester Coui;ty Militia Vice Caleb Woodward Lieutenant Samuel Brinton Ensign resigned. 160 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. March 29th. 1794. John Gregory was duely elected Lieuten- an'. in the sixth company of the first Regiment vice Robert Porter, esqr. Removed. June 5th, 1794. Ebeuezer Wherrey was duely elected Lieu- tenant in the eighth company of the fifth Regiment vice James Drennens Resigned. June 6th, 1794. Peter Steel was duely elected Lieutenant in the seventh company of the first Regiment Vice — John Brown, removed and Joel McDermont elected Ensign in the same company Vice Steel promoted. June 9th, 1794. Nathaniel Walker was duely elected Cap- tain in the sixth company of the fifth Regiment Vice — Wil- liam Russell Removed and John liuss, late Ensign in the same company elected Lieutenant & Abraham Willis also elected Ensign vice Huss promoted. June 14th, 1794. Thomas Davis was duely elected Ensign in the second company of the first Regiment Vice — James Nealey resigned. June 14th, 1794. William Guthery was duly elected En- sign of the first company in the fourth Regiment of Chester (bounty Militia Vice — James Forbes, Removed. June 21st, 1794. John Douglass was duely elected second lieutenant in the first company of Chester County Artillery Vice — Joseph Dillworth, Resign'd JOHN HARPER, L. C. C. Militia. West Chester, July 11th, 1794. CHESTER COUNTY MILITIA. 1794. Troop of Light Dragoons. Captain Joseph M Clellan. Francgardner. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. CHESTER COUNTY MILITIA. 1794. 161 Artillery. Captain A. Musgrave. Aruand Martin. John Smith. Philip McAffry. Caleb Woodward. Jno. Knox. Hubert Iiinchison. Benjamin Rees. John Callaher. Joshua Thompson. Jesse Mercer. Josephmeny Kenney. Thomas Eraser. Elijah M Clenaehany, jur. Edv/ard McCloskey. William Neelson. John Wilson. Wm. Culbertson. Joseph Lervis. George Wilson. James Willson. Clement Rigg. Joan Stephinson. Samuel Scott. James Rogers. Den Dougherty. Pnuxip Barr. Wm. Williamson. John McBride. Robert Finney. linoch .Jones. .John Horton. Amos Warren. James Sharp. William Sheens. Richard Boozer. Patrick Thomston. Matthew Robinson. Adam Rea. ■loshua Harris. Isaac McFarlan. James Reed. James Alcoren. James Clemens. Thomas McCann. CHESTER COUNTY MILITIA. 1794. Battalion. Captain W. Wortheuston. John Johnson. William Nelson. 11— Vol. V— 6th Ser. (162) cumbp:rland county militia, 1790—1800. (163) (164) PENNSYLVANIA MIT JTI A— 1790-1800. 1G[ A RETURN OF THE FIELD OFFICERS OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA AGREEABLE TO THEIR RANK DRAWN JULY 28th, 1792.. Rank. Ui'utpnant Colonel.s. Majors. nattalinn 1st James liamberton. David Mitchill Enoch Andcr.son John McDanncl Jo.scph Crawford Robert Culbertson Battalion 3rd William Linn. Battalion 4th Battalion 5th Battalion 6th Jorman Jacobs. William McFarlane. The Above Return is Just and agretable to their Rank. JNO. ALEXANDER, Lieut. C. County. A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND OTHER COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE FIRST BATTALION OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY MILITIA. Field Officers. Lieutenant Colonel. John Wray. Major. James Lamberton. David Lamb , Samuel Harper, Samuel Ora.v, . Co. 1st. Co. 2nd,... John Webber Co. 3rd Nathaniel Wilson, Co. 4th Robert Huston. ... Co. oth j James Smith Co. 6th ' Joseph Yount? Co. 7th,*... i Co. 8th Joseph Steel William McClurK, . Adam Cope , Walter Denny John Underwood, . Adam I>OKue, Charles GroBfj. Jacob Eiler. David Semple. John Smith. Thonms Ritchie. Matthew Allison. George Wise. *Thls coiiip.Tny dlil not Ellect agreeable to the Hrst advertisements, they were nolliled a secund time to Ellect company otlici^rs but no returns can be obtained. 166 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Examined. The Above is an Exact Copy of the Original Return re- maining in my hand. Given under my hand this 4th Day of October A. D. 1792. ^POHN ALEXANDER, Lieut. Colonel. A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND OTHER COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY MILITIA. Field Officero. Lieutenant Colonel. David Mitchell Major. Sebastian Shade. Light Infantry. Captain. James McNamarah. 1st Lieutenant. William Robinson. 2nd Lieutenant. John McNaughton. Rank. Co. 1st Co. 2nd,... Co. 3rd Co. 4th Co. 5th Co. 6th Co. 7th,.... Co. 8th,.... Captains. Frederick Rinehart, George Fitterman, . . Patrick McNaughton Joshua North, Samuel Smiley, Andrew Beatty William Graham, .. John Murphey Lieutenants. Ensigns. John Wagoner John Long. John Maginnis , Alexander Thompson Isaac Jones ' James Goudy. Joseph Woods, ' Andrew Bird. Alexander Smith, ..! William Reed. William English, ..' Michael Marshall. Hugh Gornily ] George Monroe. James Wallace ' Thomas Fleming. Examined. liie Above is an Exact Copy of the Original Return re- maining in my hands. Given under my hand this 29th day of Septr. A. D. 1792. JNO. ALEXANDER, Lieut. C. County. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 167 A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND 01HER COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE THIRD BATTALION OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY MILITIA. Field Officei-o. Lieutenant Colonel. Enoch Anderson. Major. William Linn. Light Infantry. Captain. Robert Simmicon. 1st Lieutenant. Thomas McLure. 2nd Lieutenant. John McCoixl. Ensign, (not agreeable to law.) James Hacket. Rank. Co. 1st Co. 2nd,... Co. 3rcl Co. 4th Co. 5th Co. 6th Co. 7th Co. Sth Ensigns. Samuel Fisher, .. Robert Cree, Samuel Reed, ... Joseph McCord, , Charles Elliott, . James Morrison, George Robinson, Samuel Goudy, . Robert Stewart i George Painter. Michael Murray, ... Adam Lightner. David Reed | Alexander Morrow. Stephen Cisney : William Wallace. John Linn j John Rankin. Halbert Morrow, ... James Blaine. John Urie ! Robert Hacker. David Beard ' John Ross. The Above is an Exact Copy of the Original Return re- maining in my hands. Given under my hand this 28th Day of September A. D. 1792. JNO. ALEXANDER, Lieut. C. County. Examined. J. Trimble. 168 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND OTHER COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE FOURTH BATTALION OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY MILITIA. Field Officer.-?. Lieutenant Colonel. John McDauiiei. Major. John Walker. Light Infantry. 1st Company. Captain. John McMean. 1st Liurt. Conrad Rooplcy. 2nd Lieutt. Charles Mc Mullan. The Above is an Exact Copy of the Original Return re- maining in my hands. Given under iny hand this 2nd Day of November A. D. 1792. JOHN ALEXANDER, Lieutt. C. County. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 169 A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND COMPANY OFFICERS OF THE FIFTH BATTALION OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA WITH THEIR RANK. Field Officers. Lieutenant Colonel. Joseph Crawl'ord. Major. Jerman Jacobs. Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. John Logan, i James Geddis j Robert Lindsay. John Goarley i John Woodburn [ Zacharian Patterson. Jared Grahams ] Richard Wood.s George Long. Robert McFarlane, . . ! John Kennedy ! William Espey. James Moore William Piper '• Peter Dewey. Andrew Caruthers, . [ John Caruthers ] Alexander Heddles. James Turner ! John McCulloch i Robert Blaine. ♦Not Elected, nor will they Ellect Officers This company District lies in the South Mountain and is composed principally of men employed at Pine Grove Furnace. The above is an exact Copy of the Original Remaining in my hands. Given Under my hand this Gth Day of October A. D 1792. JNO. ALEXANDER, Lieut. C. County. A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND OTHER COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE SIXTH BATTALION OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY MILITIA. Field Offlcer.5. Lieutenant Colonel. Robert Culbertson. 170 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Majoi'. William McFarlane. Captains. Ensigns. 1. 2. 3. James Hammil Samuel Finton John Shanon, John Campbell Robert Quigley, Jesse Kilgore Alexander Buchanon David Somerville, . . . Thomas Erskine Thomas McCormick, ... Thomas Martin William Cowan. William Marshall. Robert McElwain. 5. 6. 7. 8. James McLelland Thomas Sterret William Thompson George Geeseman. Samuel McCune. Leonard Shanon. John Caldwell. The Above is an Exact Copy of the Original Return re- maining in my hands. Given under my hand this 25th day ot January A. D. 1793. JOHN ALEXANDER, Examined. Lieutt. C. County. J. Trimble. A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND OTHER COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY MILITIA WITH THER RANK. 1793. Lieutenant Colonel. William McFarlane. Field — First Major. Jesse Kilgore. Second Major. Joseph McKenncy. No. Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. Batt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. Alexander Buchanan James Lockrey Thomas Hibbens, .. John Shanon, John Campbell Samuel Finton Alexander Sharp David Somerville, .. William Thompson, .Tames Quigley Andrew Culbertson, Thomas Martin Thomas MeCormick, Alexander Beattey, . John Kelly Leonard Shannon, . . . Joseph Bray Ezra McCall Robert McElwain, ... James Means, William Marshall, _... William Cowden John Caldwell 1st. 2nd. 2nd. 1st. 2nd. 1st. 1st. James Sharp 2nd. PENNSYLVANIA MIIJTIA— 1790-1800. 171 ■ I do certify the above to be just and agreeable to the Cer- tificates Received of the Lieut. Colonel and the Judges of the Company EUections. JOHN ALEXANDER. B. Inspr. August 28th, 1793. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES AND SER- NAMES OF EACH AND EVERY FREE ABLEBODIED MALE WHITE CITIZEN OF THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN AND UNDER THE AGE OF FORTY FIVE YEARS INHAB- ITING AND RESIDING WITHIN THE: BOUNDS OF THE FIRST BATTALION OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA. Nc, 1. '1. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Names. David Lamb. Samuel Harper. Charles Gregg. David Williamson. Ichabod Randolph. Job Randolph. Paul Randolph. Robert Blaine. Frances Kelly. Thomas Kelly. John Kinkead. John Harper. James Milligan. Robert Patton. William Stuart. George Robinson. Andrew Greig. James Morrison. Christopher Lukenbill. Christopher Plugher. George Unger. Anthony Pheris. Nicholas Sponslar. Jacob Wynekoop. John Sulinger. Philip Alspough. Charles Cohan. William Cohan. No. NamiCS. 29. Jacob Wolf. 30. George Lose. 31. Michael Kaust. 32. John Wolf. 33. Philip Wolf. 34. Rudolph Hyser. 35. Jacob Domma. S6. Jacob Waggoner. 37. Thomas Guy. 38. Richard Runion. 39. Joseph Mitchell. 40. John Ecleburgh. 41. Patrick Davidson. 42. Jacob Wetsel. 43. Daniel Laneheart. 44. Henry Kline. 45. John Meek. 46. John Sloningar. 47. Francis Boggs. 48. Robert Edmiston. 49. James Conery. 50. David George. 51. David Woods. 52. David Patterson. 53. William Main. 54. Henry Ecleburgh. 55. George Wettsel. 56 Jacob Weaver. 172 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No Names. No Names. 57. Nicholas Titlar. IdO . John Curren. 58. Michael Kerns. 1. Robert Rowan. 59. Philip Baker. 2. Alexander Scott. 60. John Dooie. o Richard Irvine. 61. Hugh Abercrombe. 4. John Brown. 62. George Barnizer. 5. James Mitchell. 63. James Harshey. 6. John Bonner. 64. Walter Lindsey. 7. George Otenberger. Go. Daniel Sweney. 8. John Bradley. 66. James Lindsey. 9. Jacob Fetter. 67. Jacob Fogelesong. 10. John Thompson. 68. William McNaughton. 11. Robert Hazlett. 69. John Weber. 12. Richard Lee. 70. Samuel Gray. 13. Wm. Vance. 71. Jacob Eyler. 14. Natl. Shirkey. 72. William Brown. 15. Jno. Maginnes. 73. Samuel Long. 16. David Lindsey. 74. James Gilfoy. 17. Jacob Cart. 75. William Power. IS. Jacob Geigley. 76. Henry McKinley. 19. Thos. Armstrong. 77. Robert Rowland. 20. Chrisn. Marks. 78. Aus.ttn Wharton. 21. Robt. McBride. 79. Jesse Wharton. 22. Saml. Huston. 80. Francis Herron. 23. Bige George. 81. Austin Leake. 24. Jacob Groase. 82. John Gettis. 25. Henry Novel. 83. William Adams. 26. Jno. McCoy. 84. Robert McClure. 27. Archd. Louden. 86. Edwin A. Atlee. 28. Thos. Hunter. 86. William Guthrie. 29. Robt. Story. 87. William Harwick. 30. Jno. Goarly. 88. Felix Gilbert. 31. Jno. Thompson. 89. John Lyon. 3'^. Chas. 90. Richard Jones. S3, Huston Williams. 91. John Snyder. 34. Patrick Fee. 92. Robert Skinner. 35. Lanclet MuUin. 93. Simon Boyd. 36. John Montgomery. 94. Cumberland Hamilton. 37. John Gibson. 95. Thomas McCord. 38. Jeremiah Miller. 96. Wm. Alexander. 39. Edward Lyttle. 97. Patrick Dockerty. 40. Adam Epright. 98. Neal McCoy. 41. John Walker. 99. John Owen. 42. Nathaniel Scothorne PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 173 N.: Names. No. 43. Danniel Collins. 86 44. Simon Singer. 87 45. Joseph Thorn. 46. Christian Job. 89. 47. Hugh Patton. 90, 48. "William McKean. 91, 49. James Brown. 92. 50. Wm. Leaod. 93. 51. James Holmes. 94, 52. James Wallace. 95. 53. James Docherty. 96. 54. Edward McGauron. 97. 55. Robert Scott. 98. 56. James Giffen. 99. 57. Samuel Millar. 200. 58. James Hutton. 1. 59. Josep Douthard. 2. 60. John D. Clotz. 3. 61. Thomas Reddin. 4. 62. William Robinson. - 5. 63. James Hays. 6. 64. James Spotswood. 7. 65. James McGarret. 8. 66. John Wray. 9. 67. James Lamberton. 10. 68. David McKeehan. 11. 69. Joseph Postlethwait. 12. 70. John McCurdy. 13. 71. Robert Guthrie. 14. 72. George Snyder. 15. 73. Philip Millar. 16. 74. Hugh McAllister. 17. 75. William Wallace. 18. 76. Nathaniel Wilson. 19. 77. William Sanderson. 20. 78. Henry Singer. 21. 79. Simon Lamberton. 22. 80. William Sanderson. 23. 81. James Sanderson 24. 82. William Davidson. 25. 83. John Stuart. 26. 84. George Sanderson. 27 85. Richard Crain. 28. Names. George Kibler. . Adam Cooper. . Jacob Wibley. James Lamberton. James Nickle. James Patterson. John Sample. Thomas Henderson. Joseph Kennedy. John Stephens. John Gibson. John Corman. Wm. McClurg. Henery Girvin. Thomas Fisher. James Miligan. Philip Weaver. Joseph Livingston. John Davidson. Fleming Davidson. John Crain. George Patrick. John Patrick. John Weaver. John Irvine. George Fostler. Edward Williams. William McKee. Robert Kenney. Richard Miller. Robert Clark. Andrew Armstrong. Anthony Brooks. John Steelman. William Jones. Wm. Woodhall. Robert Elliot. John Fleeming. George Elliot. .Jacob Patrick. John Irvine. Alexander Irvine. Robert Sample. 174 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. Names, 29. James Buchanon. 73. Jacob Byg,rs. 30. David Sample. 74. Peter Golsher. 31. David Heart. 75. Christopher Richwine. 32. Alexander McBeth. 76. Jacob Richwine. 33. John Fritz. 77. John Wonderleigh. 34. John Hall. 78. Samuel Eater. 35. William Davidson. 79. Wiliam Burk. 36. Hugh Smith. 80. John Workman. 37. Wm. Drennan. SL David Wonderleigh. 38. Samuel Giffen. 82. John Woodhall. 39. James Davidson. 83. James Alwander. 40. James Fleming. 84. John Sanderson. 41. John Connelly. 85. James Smith, Capt. 42. Henry Brown. 86. Walter Denny, Lieut. 43. Jacob Morter. 87. Thos. Richey, Ensn. 44. Nathaniel Wilson. 88. John Craighead. 45. George Grain. 89. Richard Craighead. 46. Robert Dunlap. 90. Thos. Craighead. 47. Wm. Grain. 91. James Craighead. 48. Wm. Levis. 92. Gilson Craighead. 49. Moses Thompson. 93. James Railey. 50. Jacob Fether. 94. Robert Herron. 51. Geo. Cart. 95. Benjamin Sparr. 52. Jno. Robison. 96. William White. 53. Wm. Buchanan. 97. William Holmes. 54. Henry Burcstcad. 98. Andw. Holmes. 55. Saml. Hoge. 99. Wm. Patterson. 56. Saml. McLure. 300. Wra. Dermont. 57. Wm. Alexander. 1. Hugh Stuart. 58. Fredk. Quigley. 2. Andw. Dumb. 59. Thos. Foster. 3. Archd. Ramsey. 60. Jas. Dunlap. 4. Thomas Roper. 61. Jno. Bordine. 5. John Cryson. 62. Jno. Stewart. 6. John Peltz. 63. Jas. Love. 7. John Wolff. 64. Jno. Black. 8. Joseph Stevick. 65. Patk. Magonagle. 9. Jacob Ensminger. 66. Matthw. Cawl. 10. Matthew Agnew. 67. Jno. Rippey. 11. Patrick Scott. 68. Michael Bright. 12. Wm. Richey. 69. Francis Silver, Junr. 13. Adam Lennard. 70. George Sparr. 14. Robert Forsythe. 71. Henry Brown. 15. John Rowan. 72. James Wilson. 16. John Witherington. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lSOO. 175 No. Names. No. Names. 17. Joseph Crips. 60. James Piper. 18. John Clouser. 61. James Montgomery 19. George Mower. 62. George Wiley. 20. Israel Leeke. 63. George Craighead. 21. George Atkinson. 64. Philip Reighter. 22. Jonathan Hawson. 65. John Reighter. 23. Andrew Mahaffey. 66. Philip Shaw. 24. John Mahaffey. 67. Jacob Job. 25. John McCulloch. 68. John Conelly. 26. John Matchet. 69. John Cooper. 27. David Steel. 70. George Cooper. 28. John King. 71. Wm. Bell. 29. James Hogge. 72. Wm. Graham. 30. Andw. Bighley. 73. Thomas Graham. 31. Archibald McClean. 74. Alexander Graham. 32. John Carothers. 75. John Higgins. 33. Wm. Davis. 76. Thos. Jackson. 34. Wm. McFeeley. 77. Richard Sheldon. 35. Wm. Denney. 78. James Ramsey. 36. Daniel Denney. 79. Andw. Waid. 37. Frederick Coale. 80. Roddy Waid. 38. Thomas Bradley. 81. Brice Young. 39. John Harris. 82. Right Ramsey. 40. David Ramsey. 83. John Denney. 41. Abraham Holmes. 84. Isaac Doran. 42. Abraham Thompson. 85. Wm. Fairris. 43. Robert. Thomson. 86. Saml. Alexander. 44. Henry Egloph. 87. David Smith. 45. Henry Tom. 88. Jno. Riddle. 46. Hugh O'Neal. 89. Lewis Foulk. 47. James Robinson. 90. Jos. Templeton. 48. Hugh McEntage. 91. Geo. Hacket. 49. James White. 92. Adam Cope. 50. Benjamin White. 93. Wm. McDannel. 51. Robert Stutherd. 94. Jacob Wiser. 52. Wm. Sample. 95. Rcbt. Barkley. 53. Jacob Wise. 96. Jacob Herwick. 54. Frederick Wise. 97. Nathaniel. 55. John Wise. 98. Geo. Grouse. 56. Humes. 99. Jacob Humberwood. 57. Matthew Brotter. 400. Geo. Wallace. 58. Stephen Foulk. 1. Jno. Smith. 59. James Boyde. 2. Robt. Huston. 176 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Nc. Names. Nc. 3. Wm. Reed. 46. 4. George Wolff. 47. 5. Henry Wolff. 48. 6. Barnard Murphey. 49. 7. Edward Prichard. 50. 8. Samuel Hackens. 51. 9. Allen Glass. 52. 10. George Wolff. 53. 11. Joseph Bedford. 54. 12. Isaac Tolland. 55. 13. James Loughrage. 56. 14. Wm. Sullivan. 57. 15. John Lemmon. 58. 16. Alexr. Beatty. 59. 17. Henry Neil. 60. 18. David Ralston. 61. 19. Henry Donnelly. 62. 20. John Graham. 63. 21. Daniel Radford. 64. 22. Joseph Redford. 65. 23. Edward Redford. 66. 24. John Radford. 67. 25. Philip May. 68. 26. John McKandless. 69. 27. Joseph Loughrey. 70. 28. John Whitestone. 71. 29. John Rowan. 72. 30. William Rowan. 73. 31. John Parcoll. 74. 32. James Trimble. 75. 33. Joseph Tanner. 76 34. Thos. Morgan. 77. 35. George Garland. 78. 36. Thomas Brown. 79. 37. James Love. 80. 38. Adam Tom. 81. 39. John Buckholder. 82. 40. Christopher Buckholder. 83. 41. Hugh Johnstone. 84. 42. Abraham Stevick. 85. 43. Wm. Mitchell. 86. 44. John Wolff. 87. 45. John Brimagim. 88. Names. Thomas Johnstone. Crawford White. John Doran. James Gamble. Melcher Haffor. Lowrey. Hugh McCoy. James McKeehan. Wm. Morrison. Thos. Moorehead. Neal Giffen. Samuel Hawson. Henry McEntagg. Gilbert Waid. Joseph Young, Capt. John Underwood, Lieut. Matthew Allison, Ensn. Samuel Greer. Joseph Randies. Michael Dipple. Benjamin Boyd. Eliphalet Smith. John Henry. Robert Layburn. Charles Bovard. David Anderson. Anthony Black. Enack Bradley. Andrew Karr. Robert Hazlett. George Smith. John Moore. Abraham Loughrige. James Blain. John Duncan. James Duncan. George Rowan. James Armour. George Paterson. Charles Paterson. Samuel Carswell. Jacob Weaver. Francis Oharrah. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. ITt No. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95, 96 97, 98, 99 500 1 9 10 11 12. 13. 14 15 16. 17 IS 19 2C 21 2c 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Names. . Richard Greenfield. . John Delancey. . Thomas Duncan. . Wm. Rose. . Samuel Gray. John McCauley. . John Greer. , John Bonar. . John Gray. . John Arthurs. . Lawrence Pendergrass. . Jacob Singar. . Edward Burns. . Henry Lyons Davis. . David Hays. . Wm. Randies. . Edward Work. . Robert Kox. . George Parnham. . Hatch Dent. . Andw. Gregg. . Jacob Bower. . Nathaniel Weakley. Wm. Temple. Ralph McGavick. . James Martin. . John Jordan. Michl. Swanger. . Michl. Ege. . Tristram Patton. . David Magowan. . Philip Waggoner. . Philip Walsbaugher. . Jno. Walsbaugher. . Michl. Swanger. . Jos. Butis. . Jacob Miller. . Philip Reymer. . Chas. Trubil. . Robt. Nichol. . Andw. Douds. . Wm. Yenks. Abm. Swanger. No Names. 32. Jacob Wise. 33. Fredk. Wise. 34. Jacob Swanger. 35. David Swanger. 36. Jno. Hagou. 37. Joseph Williams. 38. Jacob Toular. 39. James Johnstone. 40. Wm. Bradford. 41. David Herring. 42. John Calhoon. 43. Hosey Smith. 44. James Skyles. 45. Manuel Myer. 46. Abraham Wise. 47. James Robertson. 48. Daniel Morehead. 49. Wm. Montgomery. 50. John Sanderson. 51. James Gaw. 52. John Smith. 53. Robert Russel. 54. James Adams. 55. James Harwick. 56. Peter Boyle. 57. Edward Wilson. 58. Wm. Carswell. 59. Wm. Young. 60. Robt. McBride. 61. George Hess. 62. John Peadon. 63. Wm. Leyburn. 64. James Donalley. 65. James Brisland. Co. George Armstrong. 67. James Beard. 68. Calender Irvine. 69. Wm. Hoynes. 70. John Greer. 71. Jonathan Foster. 72. Jacob Freager. 73. George Dimsey. 74. Samuel Jackson. 12— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 178 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names No. Names. 75. James Hamiltoa. 18. Daniel Matthews. 76. Charles Stinnecke. 19. Forgy Dimpsey. 77. .John Robertson. 20. George Robinson. 78. Wm. Reed. 21. David Forguer. 79. Joshua Russel. 22. Archd. McKinley. 80. Edward Devenney. 23. Daniel McKinley. 81. David Glenn. 24. John Elliot. 82. James Moore. 25. Alexander Brown 83. Richard Miclvall. 26. John Anderson. 84. Wm. Bonnet. 27. Alexr. Irvine. 85. Robert Wright. 28. Michael Egolf. 86. Daniel Cromer. 29. John Morrison. 87. George Brownlee. 30. Richard Loaker. 88. Matthew Sharp. 31. Charles Stuart. 89. Saml. Hays. 32. Wm. Levey. 90. John Parker. 33. Samuel Jordon. 91. Wm. Vickroy. 34. Jchn Collins. 92. Robert Swim. 35. Jos. Anderson. 93. Jacob Keller. 36. Wm. Baird. 94. Leonard Keller. 37. David Herr. 95. George Wright. 38. Edward Gilfiller. 96. John Biggs. 39. Wm. Brown. 97. George Louge. 40. Joseph Kelso. 98. Hugh McCommon. 41. John Smith. 99. John McCommon. 42. Thomas McManis. 600. James Flemming. 43. Ellis Minshall. 601. Jas. Lee. 44. John Creigh. 2. Matthew Coulter. 45. John Scott. 3. Wm. Metter. 46. Barnabas Cain. 4. Wm. McMurray. 47. Robert Patton. 5. Thomas McMurray. 48. Robt. Morrison. 6. John Philips. 49. Jacob Sinckler. 7. John Brown. 50. Peter Young. 8. Wm. Brown. 51. Gabl. Forsythe. 9. Adam Reisinger. 52. Jacob Craft. 10. George Reisinger. 53. Wm. Webster. 11. Jacob Creaver. 54. Wm. Crean. 12. John Creaver. 55. Robt. Scott. 13. Philip Grim. 56. Jacob Sebaugh. 14. George Sturm. 57. Jas. Berry. 15. John Barber. 58. Jno. Taylor. 16. David Barber. 59. Wm. Taylor. 17. Edwt. Guye. 60. Jno. Miller. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 179 No. Names. ■ No. Names. 61. Matthew Miller. 5. Archibald Kennedy. 62. Geo. Kenston. 6. John Shields. 63. David McCrea. 7. John Hockins. 64. Wm. Cook. 8. Adam Johnstone. 65. Geo. Gibson. 9. John Dougherty. 66. Jno. Gibson. 10. Thos. Oliver. 67. Wm. Gibson. 11. James Smith. 68. Jas. Sloan. 12. Jos. McGill. 69. James Wilson. 13. Wm. Black. 70. Edwd. Philips. 14. Thos. Hunter. 71. George Armstrong. 15. Alexr. Woods. 72. Andrew Caldwell. 16. James Scoby. 73. John Lukens Wallis. 17. John Hanna. 74. Thos. Alexander. IS. Jonathan Wallis. /5. John Lyon. 19. George Dopue. 76. Willm. Lyon. 20. John McKinley. 77. Saml. Lyon. 21. Isaiah Foster. 78. Samuel Davis. 22. Daniel Black. 79. John Davis. 23. Barney Curley. 80. Joseph Stafford. 24. Hugh Margray. 81. Dennis Haragon. 25. Frederick Uler. 82. Thomas Wallis. 26. Steel McClean. S3. James Lerue. 27. George Wise. 84. Joseph Smith. 28. Adam Louge. 85. Archibald Dun. 29. Jos. Steel. 86. Robert Car.swell. 30. Robert Smith. 87. John Robinson. 31. Jos. J. James. 88. Jos. Matthews. 32. Saml. McCoskery. 89. Tobias McClure. 33. John Officer. 90. John Russel. 34. Robert Greason. 91. Thomas Russel. 35. Daul. Keller. 92. John Stuart. 36. James Scranton. 93. Saml. Simison. 37. Jos. Egolph. 94. Henry Russel. 38. Christian Holinger. 95. Henry Poole. 39. George Lower. 96. John Noble. 40. Jos. Hudson. 97. John Henry. 41. George Stephenson. 98. James Agnew. 42. Thos. Creigh. 99. Michael Rumley. 43. John Miller. 700. Lazth. Stuart. 44. Hugh Wilson. 1. James Crawford. 45. John Alexander. 2. Abraham Wallis. 46. Wm. Armour. 3. McGowan. 47. Robt. Miller. 4. Wm. Shaw. 48. Wm. Miller. li MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. 49. John Graham. 50. Jos. Shrum. 51. Philip Shrum. 52. Wm. Thompson. 53. Wm. Riissel. 54. William Petrikin. 55. Wm. Steel. 56. Wm. Taylor. 57. Christopher Moore. 58. John Colans. 59. David Daugherty. 60. Wm. Anderson. 61. John Harper. 62. Robert Brown. 63. Michael Egolph. 64. Archibald Gorden. 65. David Parker. 66. Andrew Birely. 67. Adam Evey. 68. Marshall English. 69. Wm. Bratton. 70. Aquilla Beal. 71. James Ross. 72. Archibald McClure. 73. James Postlethwait. 74. Wm. Thorn. 75. John Humberwood. 76. Alexander Galbreath. No. Names. 77. Isiah Wilks. 78. Robert Anderson. 79. Wm. Hunter. 80. Philip Huston. 81. George Crop. 82. Jacob Harmute. S3. Wm. Ore. 84. David Smith. 85. Philip Neagley. 86. Peter Neagley. 87. Jacob Whitmore. 88. Jacob Eversol. 89. Jacob Bower. 90. Adam Shalley. 91. Thos. Urie. 92. Wm. Hagarty. 93. Jno. Fnrry. 94. Alexr. Shields. 95. Danl. Holmes. S6. Jonau. Baird. 97. Thos. Humes. 98. Jacob Humes. 99. Wm. Hewey. 800. Robt. Callender. 1. Richd. Parker. 2. Jno. Dillon. 3. Jas. McLean. 4. Alexr. Caruthers. Roll of the First Battalion of Cumberland County Militia Between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty five Years taken from the Returns made to me on Oath by the Officers Commanding Companies. Given under my hand this 4th. Day of Feby. A. D. 1793. JNO. ALEXANDER. Lieut. Cumb. County. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 181 A RETURN OF THE FIELD AND OTHER COMMISSIONED OFF'ICERS OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY MILITIA WITH THEIR RANK. 1793. FIELD. Lieutenant Colonel. Enoch Anderson. First Major. John Urie. Second Major. William Linn. No. Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. ]. 2. 3. 4. i 7. George Robinson,.. Robert Cree Robert Reed Samuel Goudey, .. . James JIorri.son, . Joseph -McCord, ... Samuel Fisher Charles Elliott Thomas Robinson George Townsley. William Murry. Hamilton Moriintock. Hugh Gilmore. James Murray, Thomas Adams John Tltzel Philip Bergstresser. William Wallace. Henry Fluk. 8. William Trusdale. Light Infantry Company. Captain. Robert Semison. Lieutenant. John McCord. Ensign. Robert Sanderson. I do Certify that the above to be Just and agreeable to the Certificates Received of the Lieut. Colonel and the Judges of the Company Ellections. August 28, 1793. JNO. ALEXANDER, B. Inspr, 182 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES AND SIR- NAMES OF EACH AND EVERY FREE ABLE BODIED WHITE MALE CITIZEN OF THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND UNDER THE AGE OF FORTY FIVE YEARS INHABITING AND RESIDING WITHIN THE BOUNDS OP THE SECOND BATTALION OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA. No. Names. No. 1. P'rederick Rinehart. 35. 2. John Waggoner. 36. 3. John Longingsigh. 37. 4. Henry V/agoner. 38. 5. John Jones. 39. 6. William Everly. 40. 7. Nicholas Festler. 41. 8. Zacharia Spangle. 42. 9. John Gansee. 43. 10. Benjamin Gansee. 44. 11. Adam Witt. 45. 12. Henry Shoeman. 46. 13. John Stayley. 47. 14. Jacoh Stayley. 48. 15. David Darkson. 49. 16. John Beashoar. 50. 17. Michael Wagoner. 51. 18. Henry Wagoner. 52. 19. Jacob Wagoner. 53. 20. Samuel Kepner. 54. 21. Henry Barnes. 55. 22. John Bunn. 56. 23. Adam Witt. 57. 24. Abraham Sifer. 58. 25. Martin Shaneholster. 59. 26. Jacob Long. 60. 27. Peter Kaufman. 61. 28. George Rudy. 62. 29. David Pfoutts. 63. 30. George Pfouts. 64. 31. David Bole. 65. 32. Christopher Ulsh. 66. 33. Henry Smith. 67 34. Michael Pfouts. 68. Names. Ludwig German. John Wealer. Leonard Kline. Robert McCarty. Jesse Ycakman. David Silks. John Huggins. Jacob Huggins. Henry Moyers. Michael Sadie Bridle. Martin Boor. John Ditterline. Daniel Hesty. Michael Boor. Wm. McComb. Jacob Kline. John Carlisle. Frederick Vant. Christian Stayley. Daniel Miers. Jacob Frank. Daniel Frank. Ephraim Williams. Abraham Worley. Lidge McKighen. Wm. Fetterman. James Fetterman. Wm. Fowler. John Vincamp. Samuel Martin. James Smith. Robert Stogton. John Ashleman. Isaac Swails. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 183 No Names. No. 69. John Walker. 112. 70. Benjamin Walters. 113. 71. Paul Steel. 114. 72. James Parson. 115. 73. Samuel Hunter. 116. 74. Christopher Shade. 117. 75. Andrew Maxwell. ns. 76. Daniel Worldly. 119. 77. Richard Cochran. 120. 78. John Goardan. 121. 79. James Moody. 122. 80. Robert Buchanan. 123. 81. David Steell. 124. 82. Andrew Mcllwain. 125. 83. Steven Ellis. 126. 84. Philip Lydick. 127. 85. Peter Lydick. ■ 128. 86. Daniel Lydick. 129. 87. John Lydick. 130. 88. Adam Lydick. 131. 89. Richard Hall. 132. 90. Thomas Loudan. 133. 91. Henry Gray 134. 92. John Snyder. 135. 93. David Dackard. 136. 94. Daniel McKinsey. 137. 95. Samuel Campbell. 138. 96. Charles Stevenson. 139. 97. Robert Coleman. 140. 98. James Coleman. 141. 99. Joseph Pen. 142. 100. Christopher Cider. 143. 101. John Simpson. 144. 102. Archibald Montgomery. 145. 103. James Smith. 146. 104. AVartant Blunters. 147. 105. James Brewis. 148. 106. John Craig. 149. 107. John Albright. 150. 108. James Waters. 151. 1C9. George Fitterman. 152. 110. John McGinnis. 153. 111. Alexr. Thompson. 154. Names. Sebastian Shade. Thomas Huling. Michael McGeon. Patrick McNaughton. Isaac Jones. James Gowdy. John Holland. John Chisolm. James Stafford. Philip Switzer. Pere Fi'azer. Christian Miller. Daniel Clark. John Cleark. Wm. Beatty. Benjamin Cleark. Mitehel Baskins. James Martin. James Willis. Wm. Bone. John Reed. John McNaughton. James Hacket. Wm. McKoy. Samuel McKehas. Wm. Cook. Peter Hakings. Thos. Baskins. John Scott. John Thompson. Wm. Galbreath. .John Elliot. Isaac Atkinson. James Dougherty. John Martin. Lambert Knowl. Sebastian Rodes. Frederick Watts, Jun. John Woodburn. Elijah Galbreath. Alexander Miller. Andrew Heite. John Huston. 184 MUSTEK AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. 155. Alexr. Huston. 198. 156. Abraham Murray. 199. 157. Francis Murray. 200. 158. Wm. Linton. 20L 159. James Butler. 202. 160. James Kairns. 203. 161. Jacob Mills. 204. 16^. Cornelius Atkinson. 205. 163. Joshua North. 206. 164. Joseph Woods. 207. 165. Andrew Burd. 208. 166. Caleb Griffy. 209. 167. Adam Rewbert. 210. 168. Wm. North. 211. 169. Joseph Hamilton. 212. 170. John Shewman. 213. 171. Adam Shewman. 214. 172. Barney Rewdy. 215. 173. Job Harvey. 216. 171. Benjamin Harvey. 217. 175. Philip Hoffman. 218. 176. John Swesey, Sen. 219. 177. John Swesey, Jun. 220. 178. Thomas Swesey. 221. 179. Thomas Nowls. 222. 180. Jacoh Michael. 223. 151. John Akins. 224. 152. Reinhard Irvine. 225. 183. John Moyars. 226. 184. John Scottt. 227. 185. Fi-ederick Harton. 228. 1S6. James Crocket. 229. 187. Wm. Crocket. 230. 188. John Shade. 231. 1S9. Samuel Moyars. 232. 190. Nicholas Moyars. 233. 191. David Ovner. 234. 192. Adam Henry. 235. 193. Michael Holman. 236. 194. Benjamin Bomberger. 237. 195. Jos. Harter. 238. 196. Jacob Coffman. 239. 197. Wm. Golaker. 240. Names. John Beaty. Andrew Long. Thomas Look. John Look. Wm. Mays. John Rector. Samuel Duvall. James Akens. John Sterret. Alexander Galley. Alexander Shorts. Andrew Galley. Brise Smith. John Smith. Andrew Kyser. Robert Dunbar. Joseph Jones. John Stuart. James Eckles. John McClintus. Samuel Eckles. John Swichlam. Benjamin Jones. Michael Deleney. Samuel Funk. George Sheaffer. Robert Lacky. Gowdey Boyd. Mathias Harter. John Boyd. John Clouse. George Clouse. Jacob Musser. Andw. Reed. John White. Thomas White James White. Edward Good. Wm. Gloover. Samuel Elliot. James White. Wm. James. Thomas James. PENNSYLVANI A MIL] ITIA— 1790-1800. No. Names. No. Names. 241. Adam Cowhock. 284. Peter Saling. 242. John Cowhock. 285. 243. Stephen Calvin. 286. 244. James Maxwell. 287. 245. Mathias Kepshear. 288. 246. Daniel Kepshear. 289. James Heart. 247. John Fry. 290. Henry Arnold. 248. Charles Cain. 291. Wm. Cairns. 249. Samuel Gray. 292. Meredith Darlington. 250. David Ogle. 293. John Darlington. 251. Wm. Ogle. 294. Wm. Irvine. 252. Wm. Finton. 295. Wm. Powers. 253. Frederick Barnes. 296. Alexander Powers. 254. Wm. Henry. 297. John Powers. 255. Frederick Kepshear. 298. Michael Marshall. 256. Jacob Rineheart. 299. Joseph Marshall. 257. Henry Brannon. 300. Casper Loopher. 258. Frederick Myer. 301. Jacob Loopher. 2o9. Thomas Eckles. 302. Samuel Smiley. 260. James McGuffin. 303. Alexr. Smith. 261. Anthony McGarvy. 304. Wm. Reed. 262. Robert Wallace. 305. John Loopher. 263. Michel Smith. 306. Samuel Postlethwait. 264. Benjamin Leas. 307. John Waters. 265. Henry Troup. 308. John Beatty. 266. Mathias Grassel. 309. Francis McCIown. 267. John Falkenburgh. 310. Joseph Brothers. 268. Joseph Falkenburgh. 311. Malachi Smith. 269. Thomas Jones. 312. *John Louden. 270. John Jones. 313. James Dougherty. 271. Philip Creek. 314. Wm. Watson. 272. Peter Yeoger. 315. Wm. Vancamp. 273. Peter Hikess. 316. Jesse Bruce. 274. Daniel Lowbaugh. 317. Wm. Atkinson. 275. John Grass. 318. Wm. Miller. 276. Henry Flora. 319. *Wm. Louden. 277. Paul Reder. 320. John Bower. 278. John Reder. 321. Robert Simpkins. 279. Henry Reder. 322. James Powers. 280. David English. 323. James Beatty. 281. Jacob Marks. 324. Robert Beatty. 282. Peter Cough. 325. Wm. Anderson. 283. John Tate. 326. John Butler. 18E 186 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. Names. 327. Rowley Brown. 370. James Boyd. 328. Joseph Williams. ' 371. Philip Leonard. 329. Absolam. 372. Michael Ghormly. 330. Daniel. 373. Joseph Ghormly. 331. James Humes. 374. Jonas Wade. 332. Thomas Brown. 375. John Marshall. 333. David Mitchell. 376. Wm. Robertson. 334. Wm. Graham. 377. James Robertson. 335. Hugh Gormly. 378. Andrew Beatty. 336. George Manroe. 379. Wm. English. 337. Eamos Jordon. 380. Michael Marshall. 338. John Jordon. 381. James Macknamara. 339. James Black. 382. John Holopeter. 340. Hugh McCarn. ' 583. Jos. Wallace. 341. Abrm. Hendershot. o84. Charles Jones. 342. John Black. 385. Samuel Ramsey. 343. Wm. McComb. 386. Wm. Graham. 344. David Jones. 387. Wm. Dickson. 345. Arthur Jones. 388. Jos. Jones. 346. John Turner. 389. John McNight. 347. Wm. Eagles. 390. Robert Beard. 348. James Moore. 391. John Speer. 349. Wm. Smith. 392. Andw. Linch. 350. Wm. Wallace. 393. John Miller. 35L James McFall. 394. Benjamin Bonoll. 352. Henry Bull. 395. John Hervey. 353. Enoch Jones. 396. Wm. Tate. 354. 397. Francis Creek. 355. 398. Jos. Gaunt. 356. 399. Philip Miller. 357. 400. John Murphy. 358. 401. James Wallace. 359. 402. Thomas, Fleming. Jun. 360. 403. John Smiley. 361. 404. Benjamin Cunning. 362. 405. Wra. Smith. 363. 406. Thomas Smiley. 364. 407. Thos. McHaffie. 365. Philip Cunges. 408. Charles McHaffie. 366. John Anderson. 409. John Martin. 367. Wm. Chambers. 410. James McHaffie. 368. Edward Dougherty. 411. Isaac Kirkpatrick. 369. John Leonard. 412. John Kirkpatrick. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 187 No. Names. 413. Wm. Kirkpatrick. 414. James Murphy. 415. John Stuart. 416. Jaul Frazer, Jun. 417. James Frazer. 418. Saml. Jones. 419. Robert Wallace, Jun. 420. John Flemming-. 421. Peter Kipp. 422. Edward Richardson. 423. Andw. Shortes. 424. James Graham. 425. Edward Graham. 426. Wm. McKee, Jun. 427. John Lowshe. 428. Thos. Reading. 429. No. Names. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 44L • 442. 443. Thomas Conrad. 444. John McKinsey. 445. Wm. Miller. Roll of the Second Battalion of Cumberland County Militia between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty-five Years taken from the Returns made to me on Oath by the Officers Com- manding Companies. Given under my hand this 4th Day of July A. D. 1783. JNO. ALEXANDER, Lieut. Cumbd. County. A RETURN OF THE COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE THIRD REGIMENT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA WITH THEIR RANK, 17&3. Field Officers. Lieut Colonel. David Mitchell. First Major. James Sterret. Second Major. Thomas Smiley. 188 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 1st Comp'y. Captain. Thomas Ruling. Lieut. Richard Coughem. Ensign. Robert Buchanon. 2nd Comp'y. Captain. Samuel Smiley. Lieut. William Reed. Ensign. Samuel Eckles. 3rd Comp'y. Captain. Patrick McNaughton. Lieut. William Galbraith. Ensign. John Clark. 4th Comp'y. Captain. John Murphy. Lieut. Samuel Jones. Ensign. Thomas Fleming. 5th Comp'y. Captain. William Graham. Lieut. Hugh Gormly. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 189 Ensign. James Boyd. 6th Comp'y. Captain. William North. Lieut. Barnabas Roodey. Ensign. John Shueman. 7th Comp'y. Captain. Frederick Rhinehart. Lieut. Henry Waggoner. Ensign. John Long. 8th Comp'y. Captain. John Beattey. Lieut. Jacob Looper. Ensign. John Rider. I do certtify the above to be just and agreeable to the Certificates Received of the Lieut. Colonel and the Judges of the Company Elections. JNO. ALEXANDER, B. Insp. August 28th, 1793. 190 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES AND SIR- NAMES OP EACH AND EVERY FREE ABLE BODIED WHITE MALE CITIZEN OF THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND UNDER THE AGE OF FORTY FIVE YEARS INHABITING AND RESIDING WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE THIRD BATTALION OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA. No. Names. 1. Samuel Fisher. 2. Robert Stuart. 3. George Painter. 4. John Foster. 5. Samuel Jones. 6. Anthony Shattle. 7. Wm. Spotwood. 8. Hugh Gilmore. 9. James McCord. 10. George Gibson. 11. Andrew Kelly. 12. Benj'n Cunningham. 13. John Nelson. 14. Even Minshall. 15. Philip Stumbough. 16. John Titsell. 17. James McClure. 18. Wm. Douglass. 19. Christian Gumber. 20. Everheart Lotmare. 21. Abraham Kisler. 22. .Tolin Thompson. 23. James Orr. 24. John McClure. 25. Wilson McClure. 2G. David McClure. 27. Joseph Cunningham. 28. John Wrasller. 29. Nicholas Shearer. 30. Joseph Oyl. 31. Michael Kinslow. 32. Daniel Bower. 33. Francis Gibson. No. Names. 34. Jacob Solliubarger. 35. George Hotter. 36. John Holter. 37. James Smith. 38. Neal McClean. 39. Wm. McClean. 40. Robert Simeson. 41. John Sanderson. 42. John Reed. 43. Samuel Nowel. 44. Thomas Kinslow. 45. Abraham Smith. 46. Adam Fry. 47. John Evins. 48. John Garland. 49. Jacob Bailer. 50. Wm. Irvine. 51. Michael Censer. 52. John Reinard. 53. Michael Buoy. 54. Henry Lackey. 55. Roy Freazer. 56. Barack Stridor. 57. Henry Flick. 58. Samuel Thompson. 59. Robert Cree. 60. Michael Murray. 61. Adam Lightner. 62. Daniel McKee. 63. James Barron. 64. Nicholas Bower. 65. Wm. Patterson. 66. Mathias Lightner. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 191 No. Names. No. 67. Wm. Murray. 110. 68. Benj'n Ruggles. 111. 69. Ludowick Lightner. 1 12. 70. Wm. Jones. 113. 71. Thos. Murray. 114. 72. Wm. Ruggles, Jun. 115. 73. Samuel Scott. 116. 74. And'w McCurdy. 117. 75. Adam Hays, Jun'r. 118. 76. Michael Lightner. 119. 77. John Shaver. 120. 78. Wm. Kennedy. 121. 79. Wm. Sterling. 122. 81. Wm. Douglass. 123. 82. James Bell. 124. 83. Wm. Henderson. 125. 84. James Stone. 126. 85. Frederick Bayler. 127. 86. Robert Rettles. 128. 87. James Dunbar. 129. 86. Robert Dunbar. 130. 87. Thomas Winthrop. 131. 88. John Mitten. 132. 89. Samuel Barnhizel. 133. 90. James Hacket. 134. 91. Charles Martin. 135. 92. George Hemmer. 136. 93. George Emrick. 137. 94. Charles McKay. 138. 55. Alex'r Sanderson. 139. 96. Robert Sanderson. 140. 97. Wm. Thompson. 141. 98. Josiah Roddy. 142. 99. James Stuart. 143. 100. Sam' Bell. 144. 101. Wm. McClure. 145. 102. John Welsh. 146. 103. George Patterson. 147. 104. Henry Landis. 148. 105. Stephen Rhine. 149. 106. .John Scott. 150. 107. Wm. Mitten. 151. 108. John Patterson. 152. 109. John Adair. 153. Names. John Dunbar, .lun. Peter Jacobs. Peter Rice. James Welch. John Stone. Andrew Stone. Peter Stone. Danie McCarty. Jacob Barnhizel. Adam Banrhizel. Frederick Croopaugh. John Barnhizel. Samuel Reed. David Reed. Alex'r Morrow. Allen Culbertson. Francis Culbertson. Robert McFate. Matthew Brown. Wm. Brown. John Morrow. Wm. McGuire. James Johnstone. Hugh McClintock. Daniel McClintock. Nathen Talbert. John Thompson. George Walker. James Ramsey. Joshua McCracken. James Morrow. George Gartly. Daniel Smith. James Blain. Robert Purdy. James Watt. .Tames Adams. James Johnston. John Cord. William Brown. Johnston Kennedy. Archibald Watt. John Hindman. John Patchell. 192 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. Names. 154. Thos. Adams. 198. Wm. Reader. 155. Robert Reed. 199. George Crupah. 156. Robert McKee. 200. George Lyly. 157. John McKee. 201. John Jones. 158. Alex'r Ramsey. 202. Alex'r McNield. 159. George Felty. 203. Bartholemew Hittle. 160. Sam'l Bice. 204. George McKee. 161. James Shields. 205. John Byard. 162. Joseph Shields. 206. Thos. Johnston. 163. Thomas Purdy. 207. Robt. Maxwell. 164. Robert Purdy. 208. John McClintock. 165. Hamilton McClintock. 209. Daniel Reader. 166. James Man. 210. John Steel. 167. Charles Walker. 211. Peter Welch. 168. James McColley. 212. John McGill. 169. Wm. Shields. 213. Abraham McClintock, 170. Stephen Cisna. 214. Ross Byars. 171. Joseph McCord. 215. James Maxwell.. 172. John McCord. 216. Jos. Mclntire. 173. Wm. McCord. 217. Rufis Stones. 174. Sam'l McCord. 218. Adam Eberheart. 175. John Eberheart. 219. Israel Gibson. 176. Wm. Douglas. 220. Andrew Gibson. 177. John Fitzgerald. 221. Abraham Scott. 178. John Gardner. 222. James Irvine. 179. Thomas McClure. 223. John Irvine. 180. Joseph McClintock. 224. James Elliot. 181. Wm. Nelson. 225. John Smith. 182. Wm. Wallace. 226. Wm. Smith. 183. Rohert Nelson. 227. Abr'm Bunker. 184. John Kinkiad. 228. Hugh Hill. 185. John Pollock. 229. James Kinkaid. 186. Thos. Adams. 230. Thomas Kinkaid. 187. James Crafford. 231. Wm. Linn, Jun'r. 1S8. Charles Fitzgerald. 232. George Black. 189. James McCray. 233. Matthew Shank. 190. Sam'l McCray. 234. John Agnew. 191. George McCray. 235. Robert Elliot. 192. Patrick Chesnut. 236. John McCoy. 193. James Glenn. 237. James Wilson. 194. Wm. Campbell. 238. John Wilson. 195. Wm. Anderson. 239. Matt'w Wilson. 196. Stephen Delancy. 240. Henry Micle. 197. Henry Simerman. 241. Henry Orris. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 193 No. Names. No. 242. James Sanderson. 286. 243. George Sanderson. 287. 244. Alex'r Sanderson. 288. 245. Wm. Robinson. 289. 246. And'w Noble. 290. 247. Henry Deck. 291. 248. Robt. Campble. 292. 249. Wm. Campble, Jun'r. 293. 250. Wm. Nail. 294. 251. Alex'r McCracken. 295. 252. Patrick Duffle. 296. 2i53. Matthew Kerr. 297. 254. Wm. Kerr. 298. 255. John Kerr. 299. 256. Alexander Kerr. 300. 257. Robert Kerr. 301. 258. Robert Robinson. 302. 259. Elliott Robinson. 303. 260. Nicholas Loy. 304. 261. Nathaniel Leonard. 305. 262. Wm. Campbell, Sen'r. 306. 263. David Carson. 307. 264. Wm. Trusdale. 308. 265. Frederick Livey. 309. 266. Robert Stuart. 310. 267. Abr'm Stanley. 311. 268. George Wolf. 312. 269. Casper Wolf. 313. 270. Henry Sulingberry. 314. 271. George Hulabough. 315. 273. Jacob Feger. 316. 274. Isaac Fike. 317. 275. Jacoh Stittle. 318. 276. Philip Stittle. 319. 277. Nicholas Parick. 320. 278. Thos. Simington. 321. 279. Wm. Barkley. 322. 280. Thos. McCombs. 323. 281. Peter Pence. 324. 282. Jacob SuUingberry. 325. 283. Wm. Linn, Sen'r. 326. 284. John Wrankin. 327. 285. Andrew Watts. 328. Names. Robert Hunter. Thomas Adams. John Morrison. James Murray. James Adams. Robert Adams. John Adams. David Watson. Thomas Robinson. Wm. Martin. Wm. Armstrong. John McMurray. Wm. Hallowday. Robt. Hannah. Alexand'r Kennedy. Alexander Brown. Jonathan McEldary. John Hunter. John Patterson. Robert Hindman. John Leoman. John Thompson. Sen. John Thompson, Jun. Allen Nesbit. John Armstrong. Patrick Robe. John Gary. Frederick Coone. Sam'l Coone. John Coone. Daniel Coone. James Hadlestone. Michael Gutshall. James Reed. Wm. Morrison. James Morrison. James Ross. John Bareckstrun. Philip Bareckstrun. David Bareckstrun. James Skaddon. James Millar. Wm. Skaddon. 13— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 194 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. Names. 329. Alex'r Sl\addon. 372. , Alex'r Martin. 330 . Robert Skaddon. 373. . Henry Cunningham, 331. , Thos. Crawford. 374. . Aron Hicks. 332. Robert Hamilton. 375. . Moses Hicks. 333. Hugh Glenn. 376. John Ragsdale. 334. James Blaine. 377. , Nath'n Thomas. SC'o. Wm. Blaine. 378. David Thomas. 336. John Beard. 379. Jacob Grove. 337. Mark Jordon. 380. Abr'm Grove. 338. John McClain. 381. David Grove. 339. Ely Brown. 382. George Townsley. 340. Wm. Laycock. 383. Thos. McMullin. 341. James Carson. 384. And'w Linn. 342. Noble Morrison. 385. David Milligan. 343. John Hamilton. 386. David Kennedy. 344. Alex'r Hamilton. 387. Wm. Hamilton. 345. Halbert Murray. 388. Wm. Martin. 346. George Robinson. 389. Samuel McGaughey. 347. Enock Anderson. 390. Robert McGaughey. 348. John Urie. 391. John Thompson. 349. Robt. Haokelt. 392. John Dugle. 350. Matthew Plough. 393. Robert Holowday. 351. James Munough. 394. George Rice. 352. James Anderson. 395. John Shaver. 353. James Baxter. 396. Nicholas Bower. 354. Wm. Baxter. 397. Peter Welch. 355. Robert Smith. 398. Peter Reel. 356. George Flesher, Jun'r. 399. Wm. Ruglass. 357. John Flesher. 400. Benjamin Ruglass. 358. Henry Ricket. 401. Thomas Murray. 359. John Gray. 402. Jas. Long. 360. Wm. Gray. 403. Robert Ewing. 361. Henry Hacket. 404. James Ewing. 362. John Simison. 405. Wm. Dellzell. 363. Allen McClane. 406. John Small. 364. John McClane. 407. Henry McCown. 365. Wm. Endslow. • 408. 366. Jas. Black. 409. Samuel Goudy. 367. Isaac Williams. 410. David Beard. 368. Charles Donaldson. 411. John Ross. 369. Wm. McCrea. 412. David Robb. 370. Robert McCrea. 413. Sam'l Ross, Sen'r, 371. Thos. Robinson. 414. Wm. Ferguson. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lSOO. 195 No. Names. No. Names. 415. Francis Fulton. 441. Thomas Fulton. 416. George Ferguson. 442. Wm. Lindsey. 417. James Ferguson. 443. James Edmiston. 418. Thomas Ross. 444. John Waggoner. 419. Daniel Ross. 445. Edward West. 420. Samuel Ross. 446. Hugh Strain. 421. David Kilgore. 447. James Hastings. 422. James Gass. 448. Wm. Gamber. 423. Leonard Plants. 449. Samuel Celly. 424. Christian Plants. 450. Henry Celty. 425. Joseph Mitton. 451. Wm. Stuart. 426. Thomas Mitton. 452. Benjamin. 427. Alexander Diven. 453. Solomon Donley. 427. Andrew Celly. 454. James Campbell. 428. James Reany. 455. Lodiwick Cornman. 429. Mich'l Spaningbur. 456. John Murray. 430. Wm. McGee. 457. Samuel Martin. 431. Joseph Wilson. 458. Isaac Hodge. 432. Wm. Steel. 459. Robert McColley. 433. Gabriel Colvin. 460. Robert Burtnett. 434. Adam Gecovey. 461. John McClean. 435. George Such. 462. Charles Elliot. 436. Thomas McKee. 463. John Linn. 437. Wm. Sharon. 464. Frederick Barecksturn. 438. John Spratt. 465. James Blaine. 439. John Adams. 466. James Morrison. 440. John McCabe. 467. James Gray. Roll of the Third Battalion of Cumberland County Militia Between the ages of Eighteen and Forty five years, taken from the Returns made to me on Oath by the Officers Com- manding Companies. Given under my hand this 4th Day of Feb'y, A. D. 1793. JNO. ALEXANDER, Lieut. Cumb'd County. 196 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A RETURN OF THE COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE FOURTH REGIMENT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA WITH THEIR RANK. 1793. Lieutenant Colonel. William Alexander. 1st Major. Michael Ege. 2nd Major. George Logue. No. Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. Light Infantry. George Stevenson, . . William Davidson, Robert Miller Thomas Creigh. 3 4 John Underwood James Brieland Jacob Miller Richard Greenfield. .S Joseph Steel, ... 6 Gilson Craighead Robert Elliott 8 George Murray. I do Certify the Above to be Just and agreeable to the Certificates Received from the Judges of the Company Elec- tions. JNO. ALEXANDER, B. Inspr. August 28th, 1793. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES AND SIR- NAMES OF EACH AND EVERY FREE ABLE BODIED WHITE MALE CITIZEN OF THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND UNDER THE AGE OF FORTY FIVE YEARS INHABITING AND RESIDING WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE FOURTH BATTALION OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA. No. Names. 1. Thomas Williamson. 2. John Walker. No. Names. 3. Wm. Culbertson. 4. Samuel Shaver. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 197 No. Names. No. 5. Henry Keller. 49. 6. John Stokem. 50. 7. John Walker. 51. 8. James Bell. 52. 9. Wm. McElhrainey. 53. 10. Samuel McElhainey. 54. 11. John Black. 55. 12. James Claiton. 56. 13. Joseph Junkins. 57. 14. Benjn. Junkins. 58. 16. Robert Stuart. 59. 17. Ellas Woodart. 60. 18. Wm. Cunningham. 61. 15. Adam Junkins. 62. 19. John Harmon. 63. 20. Christopher Harmon. 64. 21. John Spice. 65. 22. Adam Spice. 66. 23. Andw. Armstrong. 67. 24. Wm. Armstrong. 68. 25. John Armstrong. 69. 26. David Gilson. 70. 27. John Gilson. 71. 28. Thomas Bell. 72. 29. Saml. Williamson. 73. 30. George Brownlee. 74. 31. Hugh Cunningham. 75. 32. Saml. Kaiton. 76. 33. Thomas Carothers. 77. 34. Christy Carothers. 78. 35. Christy Irvine. 79. 36. John Irvine. 80. 37. John Douglass. 81. 38. Joseph Douglass. 82. 39. John Chain. 83. 40. Wm. Irvine. 84. 41. James Petigren. 85. 42. John Makey. 86 43. John Clark. 87. •i4. Archibald Loudon. 88 45 James Piper. 89. 46 Stephen Moore. 90 47 Richard Kerns. 91 48 Henry Siglor. 92 Names. Martin Longstaff. Philip Snider. Henry Smith. John Evers. Philip Evers. Miles Cherry. Wm. Boar. Michael Hawk. Jacob Chost. John Bone. John Sailor. Chls. Houghmaster. Henry Doulhouse. John Clark. Isaac Angony. George Bower. John Gutshall. Andrew Parker. Joseph Ruing. George Thomas. Henry Miller. John Robins. Thomas Walker. David Walker. James Irvine. David Walker. Armstrong Irvine. John Carothers. Anclw. Eminger. John McCormick. Seely Ulings. Jonothan Hogge. James Armstrong. Thomas Huling. Robert McCormick. Peter Monismith. Samuel Silvers. Robert Gilfilling. John Beam. Wm. McCormick. Nicholas Crail. Wm. List. Conrad Emingar. Samuel Paxton. 198 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. 93 James Holmes. 136. 94 John Trindle. 137. 95 Michael Crail. 138. 96 Alexr. Trindle. 139. 97 Bolcher Walters. 140. 98 Wm. Scott. 141. 99 Andrew Sheehy. 142. 100 Andrew Galbreath. 143. 101. Wm. Story. 144. 102. Peter Walters. 145. 103. John Hulings. 146. 104. John Barnizer. 147. 105. Frederick Crumlick. 148. 106. John Roop. 149. 107. Hanigal Christor. 150. 108. John Everly. 151. 109. Ludwick Fridley. 152. 110. John Barnheart. 153. IIL Henry Grouse. 154. 112. Bolchar Titlar. 155. 113. Martin Roop. 156. 114. George Fridley. 157. 115. Jacob Walter. 158. 116. Samuel Henderson. 159. 117. John Shofestall. 160. 118. John Kerak. 161. 119. Frederick Fridley. 162. 120. Joseph Johnston. 163. 121. John Leonard. 164. 122. Jacob Stough. 165. 123. John Stokey. 166. 124. Saml. Kernca. 167. 125. Peter Smith. 168. 126. John Philips. 169. 127. Crisley Smith. 170. 128. Michael Philips. 171. 129. Wm. Alliway. 172. 130. Henry Tl-ess. 173. 131. Henry Myars. 174. 132. Wm. Melara. 175. 133. John Elibargar. 176. 134. James Bruse. 177. 135. Samuel West. 178. Names. John Scott. George Leonard. John Galbreath. Jno. Silvers. John Shoop. Conrad Monismith. Peter Whitmore. Henry Koover. Christopher Grumlick. Frederick Long, Junr. Fredk. Hickrynell. Jacob Ickleber. John McClure. Philip Cock. John Mappin. Saml. Fisher. George Egle. Joseph Hoover. Patrick Sullvan. Conrad Reninger, Jun. Robert Wallace. Richard Wallace. John Hendricks. Wm. Kelso. Peter Bricker. John Nowland. James McMullan. Hugh McMullan. Robert McCart. John Wormley. Adam Grace. Robert Hill. Andrew Moore. John Heak, Junr. Wm. Heak. .Jacob Heak. Wm Taylor. Baxter Long. Robert McClintock. Daniel Clayton. Didrick Koover. Wm. Cocks. Abraham Funk. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 199 No. Names. No. 179. Isaac Coons. 222. 180. Samuel Kimble. 223. 181. Henry Fisher. 224. 182. Wm. Jackson. 225. 183. John Potter. 226. 184. James Armstrong. 227. 185. Henry Sheplar. 228. 186. Wm. Broks, Junr. 229. 187. Joseph Broks. 230. 188. John Wallace. 231. 189. Samuel Wallace, Jun; 232. 190. Martin Reninger. 233. 191. Jacob Noop. 234. 192. John Noop. 235. 193. Benjamin Noop. 236. 194. Christopher Noop. 237. 195. John Garver. 238. 196. Wm. Black. 239. 197. George Hendricks. 240. 198. John Hall. 241. 199. John Shislar. 242. 200. Thomas Mulhoran. 243. 201. Jacob Wormley. 244. 202. John Tom. 245. 203. Fredk. Misk. 246. 204. Henry Misk. 247. 205. John Misk. 248. 206. James Silvers. 249. 207. Henry Wade. 250. 208. Andw. Spangler. 251. 209. Eleazer Colford. 252. 210. Michael Henry. 253. 211. Christopher Swisher. 254. 212. Wm. Black. 255. 213. Wobrick Crool. 256. 214. John Black. 257. 215. George Black. 258. 216. George Benage. 259. 217. John Benage. 260. 218. John Wise. 261. 219. Hugh Montgomery. 262. 220. Adam Hort. 263. 221. Henry Prisel. 264. Names. Michael Carver. Christ'r Garver. Adam Weaver. Martin Tom. Jacob Barr. Archibald McDavid. Thomas Quigley. George Holstine. Samuel Wardan. Henry Haun. Jacob Feslar. Robert Weer. Henry Ensminger. Englehart Wormly. James Whitehill. Chris'r Shoope. George Coiner. Henry Everly. Wm. Whitehead. Jacob Heroof. George Brendle. Isaac Curry. Wm. Porter. Patrick Donally. George Walters. Jacob Fiat. Even John. Robert Moore. Benjamin Fish. George McCa. John William. Jacob Miers. Wm. Warner. .Tacob Canour. Samuel Martin. Robert Allen. Joseph Allen. Casper Diller. Wm. Garner. Peter Bricker. John Bricker. Robert Russel. Joseph Dodds. 200 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. Names. 265. Joseph Mahen. 308. Alexander Trendle 266. Daniel Huey. 309. George Cover. 267. Stephen Fifer. 310. Robert McCutchen. 26S. George Crocket. 311. Michale Hide. 269. James Williamson. 312. John Hide. 270. Henry Long. 313. George Wolf. 271. Samuel Crocket. 314. John Greer. 272. Samuel Chesnut. 315 Adam Greer. 273. Samuel Baxter. 316. Aliab Neagly. 274. James Crocket. 317. John Taylor. 275. Wm. Rogers. 318. Daniel McNail. 276. Samuel Scott. 319. Conrod Doey. 277. Wm. Scott. 320. John Adams. 278. Jacob Wolf. 321. Wm. Adams. 279. Felty Wolf. 322. Robt. Moore. 280. John Nogle. 323. David John. 281. Jacob Wise. 324. Robert Leach. 282. George Wise. 325. James Campbell. 283. Martin Doey. 326. Jacob Bricker. 284. Adam Leiteigh. 327. John Brant. 285. Joseph Fleming. 328. John Broker. 286. Martin Brant. 329. Wm. Trendle. 287. John Brant. 330. Martin Diller. 288. John Miller. 331. John Lamb. 289. Wm. Dawson. 332. Henry Myars. 290. Samuel Fish. 333. Philip Doce. 291. Martin Brant. 334. John Wiliamson. 292. Felix Wise. 335. John Lamb. 293. Jacob Pence. 336. Felty Myers. 294. George Watsbacher. 337. Henry Quigley. 295. Adam Brant. 338. Jacob Gehr. 296. Wm. Cleark. 339. John Gher, Junr. 297. Mark Brendle. 340. Saml. Gehr. 298. Richard Gregory. 341. Joseph Gher, Junr 299. Walter Gregory. 342. Wm. Irvine. 300. Philip Gotshall. 343. George Irvine. 301. Abraham Williams. 344. James Galbreath. 302. Henry Stator. 345. David Gher. 303. Abraham Greer. 346. Wm. Sands. 304. David Kitch. 347. John Sands Junr. 305. Wm. Murphy. 348. John Gher. 306. James Gregory. 349. John Oram. 307. Luke Crafford. 350. Christy Fortner. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 201 351. Charles Sponsler. 395. 352. Jacob Billman. 396. 353. James Cunningham. 397. 354. Peter Billman. 398. 355. Christy Billman. 399. 356. Jacob Wolf. 40O. 357. Conrod Frunkberger. 401. 358. Feder Cocklen. 402. 359. Peter Cocklin. 403. 360. George Frunkberger. 404. 361. Francis Ecles. 405. 362. Joshua Roseberry. 406. 363. James Cook. 407. 364. Peter Latshaw. 408. 365. Adam Potefelt. 409. 366. Henry Sponsler. 410. 367. John Lewis. 411. 368. David Linch. 412. 369. Saml. Kinsley Jun. 413. 370. Samuel Fleming. 414. 371. Benjamin Long. 415. 372. John Anderson. 416. 373. James Anderson. 417. 374. John Jacobs. 418. 375. David Barnizer. 419. 376. Adam Barnizer. 420. 377. Henry Harland. 421. 378. James Quigley. 422. 379. Wm. Bryson. 423. 380. John Quigley. 424. 381. Wm. Martin. 425. 382. John McGarra. 426. 383. Wm. Smith. 427. 384. John Thompson. 428. 385. John Warden. 429. 386. John Robertson. 430. 387. Archibald M'^Grue. 431. 388. John Boughman. 432. 389. Andrew Ferguson. 433. 390. James Bryson. 434. 391. David Gilleland. 435. 392. James Brown. 436. 393. Ephraim Brown. 437. 394. John Deveny. 438. Abraham McCue. John McCue. Saml. Johnstone. Robert Jackson. James McTeer. John McTeer. Saml. H. McTeer. James McTeer Junr. Saml. McTeer. Christopher Shelley. Jacob Shelley Junr. Benjamin Anderson. Josias Martin. Arthur Laird. Samuel Laird. Thomas Starr. Wm. Starr. John Yorty. Stophel Poorman. Morris O'Farrer. John Dunlap. Michael Waggoner. Wm. Laird. Mathias Mouler. David Gundy. Wm. McMeen. Ruben Rosebam. Alexr. Frazer. Wm. Jones. John Miller. John Jackson. Andrew Miller. Alexr. Camrick. Martin Houser. George Markle. John McKinsey. Joseph Miller. Josias McDanel. James Dimsey. James thompson. Adm. Crumledge Junr. Peter Crumledge. Conrad Weaver. Philip Weaver. 202 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. 439. .John Weaver. 482. 440. Christopher Dual. 483. 441. John Grouse. 484. 442. Wm. Missinger. 485. 443. Abrm. Huckernell. 486. 444. Alexr. Young. ■ 487. 445. Saml. Muchmore. 188. 446. Johnston Deveney. 489. 447. Johsua Mires. 490. 448. Henry Mark. 491 449. Timothy Lee. 492 450. Abrm. Pollinger. 493 451. Christy Pollinger. 494 452. Charles Newton. 495 453. John Alexander. 496 454. Daniel Brawley. 497 455. James McDaniel. 498 456. James Jackson. 499 457. Robert McTeer. 500 458. Thomas Easton. 501 459. Patrick Elliott. 502 460. George Martin. 503 461. John Hughes. 504 462. John McMun. 505 463. 506 464. John Orr. 507 465. Wm. Young. 508 466. Robert Wiley. 509 467. Wm. McKinley. 510 468. Wm. Morton. 511 469. George Surah. 512 470. Wm. Carothers. 513. 471. James Carothers. 514 472. Wm. McAdam. 515. 473. Edmund Wright. 516 474. Wm. Dinning. ol7. 475. James Henrey. 518. 476. James Quigley. 519 477. John Quigley. 520 478. Jacob Bener. 521 479. Joseph Bener. 522 480. Samuel Miller. 523 481. Wm. Sloan. 524 Names. Wm. Quigley. Alexr. Anderson. Simon Prats, Junr. Conrad Prats. Henry Hansbarger. Jacob Metar. Abraham Pratts. John Prats. Fredk. Prarts. Barnabas Burst. Wm. Wiley. Thomas Wharton. Michael Dill, Junr. John Noble. James Noble. Wm. Noble. John Wiley, Junr. Adam Wibely. Henry Neal. Jacob Kissel, Junr. Thomas Martin. Abrm. Longnecker. Peter Waggoner. John Crum. Andrew Milligan. John Milligan. Leonard Swarts. John Burkholder. Daniel Cowhick. Jasper Driver. John Halse. Stephen Byars. John Kn . Jacob Byars. Jacob Leviston. Nicholas Wilt. George Coons. Robert Boyse. Robert Chambers. Henry Trovinger. Solomon Rees. Thomas Carpenter. Alexr. White. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 203 No. Names. 525 James Carpenter. 526 John Wiser. 527 Henry Keller. 528 John Atkinson. 529 Ezekial Cinkey. 530. George Donnat. 531 Jacob Casper. 532 John Byars. 533 David Rees. 534 Richard Rees. 535 Wm. Mackelwain. 536 Enoch John. 537 John Cowhick, Junr. 538 John Macklin. 539 Michael Rupley. 540 Jacob Rupley, Junr. 541 John Rupley. 542 John Potter. 543 Fredk. Rupley. 544 Conrad Ruply. 545 Nicholas Leighty. 546 John Johnston. 547. Jacob Colp. 548. Nicholas Elirich. 549 John Reigle. 550 Henry Stuart. 551 John Yeigh. 552 David Wolf. 553 Jacob Spang. 554 Martin Miller. 555 John Leverin. 556 Ezekial Hamilton. 557 Robert Davidson. 558 John Bower. 559 Wm. Simpson. 560 Dewalt Arford. 561 Jacob Arford. 562 Wm. Douglass. 563 Robert Young. 564 John Young. 565 George Agnew. 566 Thomas Fisher. 567 John Kennedy. No. Names. 568 Wm. Fisher. 569 Isaac Vogan. 570 John Donnelly. 571 Henry John. 572 Robert Kilgreist. 573. Nicholas Cussins. 574 David Welch. 575 Henry Line. 576 577 Saml. Clindinning. 578 John Donaldson. 579 Thomas Atchley. 580 John Clendenning. 581 Samuel Fulton. 582 Christopher Huston. 583 Wm. Vasbinder. 584. David Gilson. 585 John Alexander. 586 James Dodds. 587 Jesse Atchley. 588 Rule Patterson. 589 Jacob Leamer. 5S0 Benjamin Cindle. 591 Jehu Woodwart. 592 Godfry Sydle. 593 John Waugh. 594 James Waugh. 595 Richard Waugh. 596 Wm. Waugh. 597 John Huston. 598 Archibald Carothers. 599 Daniel Henderson. 600 Alexr. McKinstry. 601 Jacob Fisher. 602 John Reed. 603 Wm. Stuart. 604 Robert Bell. 605 James Bell. 606 John Mecadom. 607 Wm. Hudson. 008 Thomas Trimble. 609 George Trimble. 610 John Trimble. 204 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. 611. Wm. Calwell. 612 Alexr. Donaldson. 613 James Donaldson. 614 John Biichanon. 615. *Wm. Houey. 616 John Houston. 617 Jonathan Houston. 618. Saml. Eckless. 619 *James Buchanon. 620 Andrew Carothers. 621 Saml. Strome. 622 Nicolas Cape. 623 John Blazer. 624 Nicholas Sheaver. 625 George Swarts. 626 John Swarts. 627 Wm. Connelly. 628 Jacob Shupe. 629 John Meater. 630 Samuel Meater. 631 Christopher Meater. 632 Henry Meater. 633 John Cake. 634 Wm. Moore. 635 Christy Lovingswilenr. 636 Joseph Couth. 637 Michael Slippey. 638 Robert Simpkins. 639 John Sample. 640. Chambers Sample. 641 James Greeves. No. Names. 642 Robert Gilfillen. 643 Henry Neaff. 644 Jacob Shupe. 645 Christopher Coffman. 646. Isaac Monismith. 647 Joseph Stayman. 648 Wm. Werts. 649 Henry Monismith. 650 John Stoutenhourt. 651 John Steaman. 652. Andrew Monismith. 653 Daniel Burch. 654 George Heights. 655 Thomas Martin. 656 Hugh Walker. 657 Daniel Baisheur. 658 George Creese. 659 James Griland. 660 Jonas Rupe. 661 Gasper Swarts. 662 John Palle. 663 James McGuire. 664 John Armstrong. 665 Christopher Swarts. 666 Leonard Buldurf. 667 Joseph Randolph. 668 John Hake. 669. Daniel McConnel. 670 Adam Gamble. 671 Thomas Miligan. 672 Hugh Longmore. Roll of the Fourth Battalion of Cumberland County Militia between the ages of Eighteen and Forty-five years Taken from the Return made to me on Oath by the Officers Commanding Companies — given under my hand this 4th Day of Feby. A. D. 1793. JNO. ALEXANDER, Lieut. Cumb. County. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 205 A RETURN OF THE COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE FIFTH REGIMENT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA WITH THEIR RANK. Field Officers. Lieut. Colonel. William Lusk. First Major. Jared Graham. Second Major. Samuel Mathers. 1st Compy. Captain. John Peebles. Lieut. William Chesnutt. Ensign. David McKee. 2^nd Compy. Captain. James Turner. Lieut. John McCulloch, Junr. Ensign. Andrew Mitchell 3rd Compy. Captain. Andrew Caruthers. Lieut. John Caruthers. Ensign. Uriah Hull. 206 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 4th Compy. Captain. James Geddis. Lieut. William Campbell. Ensign. William Connelly. 5th Compy. Captain. Robert McFarlane. Lieut. John Hannah. Ensign. Robert Woods. 6th Compy. Captain. William Moore. Lieut. ^_,— - Peter Duey. Ensign. George Line. 7th Compy. Captain. John Goarley. Lieut. Thomas Glenn. Ensign. William Ewing. Junr. 8th Compy. Captain. Isiah Graham. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 207 Lieut. Richard Woods. Ensign. George Long. I do Certify the Above to be just, and greeable to the Cer- tificates. Received of the Lieut. Colonel and the .Judges of the Company Ellections. JNO. ALLEXANDER, B. Inspr. August 2Sth, 1793. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES AND SIR- NAMES OF EACH AND EVERY FREE ABLEBODIED MALE WHITE CITIZEN OF THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND UNDER THE AGE OF FORTY-FIVE YEARS INHABITING AND RESIDING WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE FIFTH BATTALION OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY MILITIA. No. Names. 1 John Logan. 2 James Geddis. 3 Robert Lindsey. 4 James Laird. 5 Michael Cobler. 6 John Layman. 7 Joseph Bell. 8 Geo. Bell. 9 Jno. Bell. 10 Jas. Officer. 11 Henry Mantooth. 12 Alexr. Logan. 13 Jno. Hennin. 14 Fras. Petterson 15 Godferry Sanders. 16 Anthy. Layman. 17 Jno. Thomas. 18 Geo. Bonidum. 19 Simeon Menick. 20 Jno. Smth. 21 Jacob Layman. No. Names. 22 Jno. McDonald. 23 Philip Cosh. 24 Adam Kline. 25 Jos. Benson. 26 John Clay. 27 John Keel. 28 Fras. Keel. 29 Chas. Rowan. 30 Peter Cook. 31 Saml. Smith. 32 Jno. Reel. 33 Philip Wax. 34 Handchrist Snider. 35 Geo. Snider. 36 Conrad Snider. 37 Robt. Campbell. 38 Wm. Campbell. 39 Jos. Campbell. 40 Philip Shambough. 41 Adam Kesler. 42 Jacob Stump. 208 MUSTE[l AND PAY ROLLS. SIo. Names. No. 43 Wm. Parker. 86 44 Wm. Templeton. 87 45 David Gregory. 88 46 Jas. Johnson. 89 47 Wm. Glister. 90 48 Wm. Connely. 91 49 Samuel Lindsey. 92 50 Wm. Lindsey. 93 51 Philip Eely. 94 52 Henry Leopard. 95 53 George Clark. 96 54 Roht. McClenin. 97 55 Jacob Souther. 98 56 Robt. Petterson. 99 57 Alexr. Mulroy. 100 58 Jos. Henderson. 101 59 Daniel Sharp. 1U2 60 Daniel McDonald. 103 61 Wm. McCord. 104 62 Patrich Gwin. 105 63 Jno. Goasly. 106 64 Jno. Woodburn. 107 65 Zacs. Peterson. 108 66 Saml. Weakley. 109 67 Wm. Miller. 110 68 Jno. Miller. 111 69 Wm. Huston. 112 70. JO'Sa. Mavtin. 113 71 Wm. Rowan. 114 72 Natn. Eckles. 115 73 Saml. Woodburn. 116 74 Jas. Woodburn. 117 75 Jas. McCuUough. 118 76 Jas. Harper. 119 77 Robt. Donaldson. 120 78 Andw. Donaldson. 121 79 Alexr. Sproat. 122 80 Wm. Sproat. 123 81 Jos. Turner. 124 82 Jno. Orr. 125 83 Jas. Smith. 126 84 Wm. Smith. 127 85 Natl. Smith. 128 Names. Thos. Norton. Jas. Irvine. Thos. Adams. Thos. Campbell. Alexr. Glen. Jno. Glen. Saml. Reasigh. Robt. Fowler. Wm. Blackwood. Wm. Ewing, Senr. Wm. Ewing, Junr. Jos. Goard. Jos. Vanhorn. Jno. Harper. *David Harper. Saml. Harper. Jno. Haft. Jos. Spence. *Robert Harper. Alexr. Brouster. Robt. Chriswell. Thos. Neil. Josa. Patterson. Obada. Patterson. Thos. Patterson. Matthw. Rabb. Jno. Robinson. Saml. Turner. Jams. Turner. Hugh Deyermont. Jno. Gillespey. Wm. Heaney. Adam Johnson. Wm. McDonald. Jas. Foster. David Crookshanks. David Orr. Jno. Brown. Saml. Croseby. Chas. Cannon. Jno. Skiles. Thos. Glenn. Jos. Mathers. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 209 No. Names. No. Names. 129 Jno. Clark. 172 Jared Grahams. 130 Wm. McNellins. 173 Richd. Woods. 131 Jno. Kyle. 174 Jno. R. Irvine. 132 Mat. Kyle. 175. Geo. Long. 133 Chrisn. Coapley. 176. Chrsn. Bleasor. 134 Jno. Magraw. 177 Danl. Bleasor. 135 Jno. Hays. 178 Geo. Waldenberger. 136 Jas. Elliott. 179 Jacob Waldenberger. 137 Jas. Blackwood. 180 Jno. McCoy. 138 Jno. Blackwood. 181 Henry Shanks. 139. Jas. McComb. 182 Jno. Hull. 140 Jas. McFaddin. 183 Thos. Grahams. 141 Jos. Brown. 184 Arthur Grahams. 142 Jas. Armstrong. 185 Isiah Grahams. 143 Thos. Armstrong. 186 Wm. Elliot. 144 Jno. Neil, Senr. 187 Jos. Atchison. 145 Jno. Neil, Junr. 188 Ans. McCoy. 146 Benn. Fisher. 189 Jacob Bear. 147 Richd. Findley. 190 David Snider. 148 Jas. Caldwell. 191 Jno. Snider. 149 Jno. Shank. 192 Hanigal Slusher. 150 Saml. Campbell. 193 Jacob Atchison. 151 Jno. McDowell. 194 Jacob Kyser. 152 Saml. Robertson. 195. Robt. Semplc. 153 Jas. McEwin. 196. Jas. Parks. 154 Jas. Simpson. 197. Jno. Riley. 155 Wm. Morrison. 198. Jas. Kelly. 156 Danl. Morrison. 199. Peter Black. 157 Jos. Wilson. 200. Wm. Stewart. 158 Robt. McCloud. 1 Geo. Smith. 159 Jas. Dougherty. 2 Wm. Ferguson. 160 Robt. Gamble. 3 Wm. Patton. 161 Danl. McLaughlin. 4 Jas. Marrowbank. 162 Edwd. Dunn. 5 Jos. Adams. 163 Saml. Kirk. 6 Jno. Lesley. 164 John Vance. 7 Ben. Atchison. 165 Jas. Culvert. 8 Robert Patterson. 166 Andw. Harper. 9 .Ino. Patton. 167 Michl. Freel. 10 Andw. Coagh. 168 Jno. Riddle. 11 Jno. Heater. 169 Timoy. Demsey. 12 Jacoh Snow. 170 Seth. Lane. 13 Gabl. McCleraen. 171 Danl. Butler. 14 Thos. Laughlin. 14— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 210 MUSTEil AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. 15 Larw. Lefever. 16 Isaac Lefever. ,17 Fras. Socrist. 18 Rannel Blair. 19 .lohn Blair. 20 Thos. Kean. 21 Wm. Kean. 22 Bartw. White. 23 .las. White. 24 Henry Mclntire. 25 Thos. Mclntire. 26 Robt. Crawford. 27 Danl. McMichael. 28 .las. Murphey. 29 .las. McCartey. 30 Fras. Davis. 31 Mattw. Davidson. 32 Wm. Magranahan. 33 .Tno. Davidson. 34 Wm. Davidson. 35 Geo. Davidson. 3P Jno. McQuigin. 37 Peter Good. 38 Adam Angle. 39 Abm. Dillar. 40 Simeon Colp. 41 Henry Struker. 42 Poter Dillar. 43 Arnold Struker. ? 44 Jno. Miller. 45 David Murray. 46 Jas. McFarlane. 47 Jas. White. 48 Jos. Peirce. 49 Path. Quire. 50 Henry Windor. 51 Jno. Windor. 52 Jas. Grahams. 53 Jno. Robison. 54 Jacob Hairbon. 55 Philip Hoone. 56 Jos. Crawford. 57 Robt. McFarlane, No. Names. 58 Jno. Brown. 59. Geo. Espey. 60. Saml. McDowell. 01 Jas. Baird. 62 Saml. Wilson. 63 Robt. Woods. 64 v/m. McCrea. 65 Saml. McCrea. 66 Hugh Woods. 67 Geo. Gillespey. 6S Jas. Gillespey. 69 Robt. Bratton. 70 Robt. Rachford. 71 Jno. Hannah. 72 Jas. Hannah. 73 Saml. Hannah. 74 Wm. Hervey. 75 Hanes Kennedy. 76 Jno Whiting. 77 Henry Whiting. 78 Adam Whiting. 79 Arthur Hagin. 80 Jno. Oxer. 81 Saml. Hawthorn. 82 Geo. Green. 83 Alexr. Lukey. 84 Jas Woodburn. So Robt. Jamison. 86 Wm. Espey. 87 Jno. Kennedy. 88 Jno. Leopard. 89 Jacob Alter. 90 Abm. Andrews. 91 Adam Hoofstater. !J2 .Jacob Failer. 93 Philip Snider. 94 las. Neil. 95 Jno. Neil. 96 Jno. Greer. 97 Jno. Anderson. 98 .Jno. Reed. 99 Geo. Werns. 300 Jacob Painter. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 211 No. Names. 1. Philip Epright. 2 Tas. Sharp. 3 Jno. Earnest. 4 Jacob Miller. 5 Jno. Painter. 6 Jno. Hair. 7 Jacob Conrod. 8 Henry Beaker. 9 Jas. Glendining. 10 Wm. Gilmore. 11 Balser Thumb. 12 Geo. Sipe. 13 Simeon Colp. 14 Henry Messer. 15 Jas. Hamilton. 16 Michl. Cobler. ]7 18 Jas. Moore. 19 Wm. Piper. 20 T>eter Dooey. 21 Wm. Hershaw. 22 Thos. Hershaw. 23 Jos. Stroake. 24 Jno. Mecarty. 25 Jas. Byers. 26 Richd. Simonds. 27 Jno. Simonds. 28 Jas. Dougherty. 29 Alexr. Dougherty. ?.0 Gain Greer 31 ,las. Greer. 32 David Greer. 33 Geo. Greer. - 34 Abm. Line. 35 Jno. Line 36 Geo Line. 37 Holiday Lee. ^8 Jno. McDonald. 39 Hector White. 40 Nathn. Ramsey. 41 Fredk. Walter. 42 Chrisn. Paisley. 43 Henry Verns. No. Names. 44 Wm. Blair. 45 Philip Verns. 46 Philip Piper. 47 Adam Houke. 48 Jno. Crawford. 49 Geo. Cowfer. 50 Jno. Cowfer. 51 Wm. Woods. 52 Saml. Woods. 53. Nathan Y. (jcds. 54 David Woods. 55 Kobt. Weakley. 50 Thos. Weakley. 57 Jno. Pigler. 58 Jacob Pigltr. 59 Andw. Johnson. 60 Arthur Johnson. 61 Saml. Reed. 62 David Reed. G3 Elijah Reed. 64 Wm. Selvert. 65 Robt. Campbell. 66 Wm. Moore. 6/ Wm. Grayson. 68 Timothy Flanagan. G9 Juo. Donnelly. 70 Ben. Wallace. 71 Jno. Huston. 72 Jas. Paxton 73 Alexr. Gray. 74. Jno. Paisley. 75 Geo. Grier. 76. Phelty Hoone. 77 Alexr. McBride. 78 Geo. Nose. 79 Saml. Shaw. 80 Arthur McSoreley. 51 Andw. Taylor. 82 Jno. Walter. 83 Wm. Newmire. 84 .Jos. Galbreath. 85 Jas. HawGon. 86 Swancey Whiting. 212 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. Names. S7 Jas. Graham. 29. Jas. Makillips. 88 Patk. Davidson. 30 Martin Carothers. 89 Thos. Crocket. 31 Jno. Tetfair. 90 Geo. Hoone. 32 Jas. Kenney. 91 Jno. Alexander. 33 Henry Ruster. 92 V/m. Lusk. 34 Henry Good. 93. Geo. Makemey. 35 Saml. Beatty. 94 Philip Pepper. 36 Peter Good. 95 .Jos. Silvert. 37 Danl. Sownpike. 90 Robt. Stewart. 3S Martin McMone. 97 .Tno. Kinkead. 39 Wm. Nixon. 98 Jas. Kinkead. 40 Jno. Sutton. 99 Patk. Wallace. 41 las. Smith. 400 Andw Carothers. 42 Jno. Christy. 1 Jno. Carothers. 43 Hugh Dougherty. 2 Alexr. Hiddleson. 44 Jno. McCarty. 3 Wm Maginnes. 45 Fras Duning. ■1 Peter Snider. 46 Jos. Hays. 5 Enoch Abraham. 47 Wm. Price. 6 Chrsty Hershaw. 48 Patk. McVeagh. 7 Henry Rine. 49 Uriah Hull. 8 Jno. Johnson. 50 Nicholas Long. 9 Christy Sancybaugh. 51 Jno. Green. 10 Jno. Patton. 52 Philip Rhoads. 11 Jas. Dunbar. 53 Geo. Stafford. 12 Robt Forbes. 54. Jno. Stafford. 13 Jas. Patterson. 55 Jno. Hughes. 14 Jacob Musleman. 56 Jno. Weads. lb Jno. Furry. 57 Saml. Stinson. 16 Jno. Meel. 58 Jas. Shanon. 17 Andw. Morter. 59 Jno. Conely. 18 Philip Rhoduker. (?) 60 Geo. Clark. 19 Wm. Cox. 61 Henry Holstophel. 20 Jas. Love. 62 Armstrong Carothers 21 Ino Love. 63 Wm. Dunbar. 22 Jno. Layman 64 Jas. Turner. 23 Henry Hays. 65 Jno. McCullough. 24 Wra. Gladden. 66 Robt. Blain. 25 Jno Parker. 67 Saml. Mathers. 26 Seth Rutledge. 68 Jno. Rippeth. 27 las. Miller. 69 Alexr. French. 28. Jas. Gallaher. 70 Aaron Watson. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 213 No. Names. No. Names. 71 Saml. Barber. 98 Jno. Reed. 72 Thos. Mitchell. 99 Atchison Laughlin. 73 J no. Malastney. 500 Moses Carothers. 74 Jao. Cope. 1 Isiah Blair. 75 Peter Cope. 2 Wm. Eaches. 76 Daul. Cope. 3 Mai. (or Mat.) Anderson. 77 Andw. Mitchell. 4 Saml. Moore. 78 Wm. Diinlap. 5 Jas. Laughlin. 79 Jacob Hoover. 6 Jno. Laughlin. 80 Jno. Daiser. 7 Patk. McAnultey. 81 Jno. White. 8 Jas. Moore. 82 Jas. McDaide. 9 David Rowan. 83 Jas. Chapman. 10 Robt. Murdoch. 84 Jas. Huston. 11 Wm. Reed. 85 Jno. Redley. 12 Jno. Mclntire. 86 Jos. Ramsey. 13 Jno. McKeehen. 87 Simeon Elliott. 14 Wm. Wilson. 88 Peter Troat. 15 Andw. Armstrong. 89 Adam Brown. 16 Peter Smith. 90 Thos. George. 17 Jas. Garner. 91 Chrisn. Sbuller. 18 Wm. Duncan. 92 Geo. McKeehen. (?) 19 Ben. Blythe 93 Jas. McKeehen. (?) 20 Alexr. Scroggs. 94 Benn. McKeehen. (?) 21 Calab Ardley. 95 Jno. Atchinson. 22 Jas. McCullough. 96 Saml. Lightcape. 23 Jno. McCoy. 97 Thos. Wilson. 24 Duncan Galbreath. — 50 N. B. No return from one Company District which is suppo.sed to contain at least 50 men. 574 total. Roll of the Fifth Battalion of the Cumberland County Militia Between the ages of Eighteen and Forty Five Years. Taken from the Returns Made to me on Oath By the Officers Commanding Companies. Given Under my Hand this 4th day of February A. D. 1793. JOHN ALEXANDER, Lieut. Cumb. Co. 214 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A RETURN OF THE COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE SIXTH REGIMENT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILI- TIA WITH THEIR RANK. Field OflBcers. Lieut. Colonel. John McDannel. First Major. Conrad Rupley. Second Major. John Clindining. 1st Compy. Captain. Henry Quigley. Lieut. William Bryson. Ensign. John Thompson. 2nd Company. Captain. John Orr. Lieut. William Young. Ensign. Robert Wyllie. 3rd Compy. Captain. Thomas Fisher. Lieut. Hartley Wormley. Ensign. Robert McClintock. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 215 4th Compy. Captain. John Carothers. Lieut. John Dougia?. Ensign. James Bell. 5th Compy. Captain. Samuel Clindinn'jg Lieut. John Donaldson. Ensign. Thomas Atchlin. 6th Compy. Captain. Simon Loop. Lieut. John Mappin. Ensign. Benjamin No op. 7th Compy. Captain. Henry Myers. Lieut. Philip Duey. Ensign. Jacob Penee. 8th Compy. Captain. James Hoge 216 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Lieut. William McCormlck. Ensign. John Semple I do Certify the above to be Just and agreeable to the Certificates Reced. of the Lieutt. Colonel and the Judges of the Company Ellections. JOHN ALEXANDER. B. I. August 28th 1793. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES AND SIR- NAMES OF EACH AND EVERY FREE ABLE BODIED MALE WHITE CITIZEN OF THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND UNDER THE AGE OF FORTY FIVE YEARS INHABITING AND RESIDING WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE SIXTH BATTALION OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA. No. Names. 1. William Scott. 2. Jos. Davies. 3. Jno. Scott. 4. Robt. Patterson. 5. Jno. McKlintock. 6. Conrad Lint. 7. Wm. Leeper. 8. Thos. Martin. 9. Wm. Brooking. 10. Jno. Culbert. 11. Lake Webster. 12. Wm. Cowan. 13. Wm. Barr. 14. David McKnight. 15. Jno. Speelman. 16. Jas. Lowrey. 17. Robt. Young. 18. Jas. Freeland. 19. Archd. Cambridge. 20. Roht. Peebles. 21. Jno. Rogers. 22. Jno. Gustine. No. Names. 23. Saml. Duncan. 24. Jas. White. 25. Saml. Tate. 26. Wm. McConnel. 27. Jas. Kelso. 28. Ezra McCall. 29. Josiah Griffin. 30. John Miley. 31. Robt. Rylands. 32. Jas. Russel. 33. Jno. Varner. 34. Jno. Corbet. 35. Benjn. Steel. 36. Danl. Henderson. 37. Saml. Peebles. 38. Geo. McCandless. 39. Jacob Winglor. 40. Jno. McNeeley. 41. Alexr. Richards. 42. Jno. Fleming. 43. Jas. Moore. 44. Robt. Moore. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. Mo. Names. No. Names. 45. Chas. Moore. 88. Wm. Awl. 46. Wm. Wilson. 89. Thos. Coffee. 47. Wm. Cowan. 90. Isaac Luts. 48. Jos. Pomroy. 91. Jas. Peebles. 49. Jas. Jammison. 92. Jas. Hammel. 50. Jas. Burns. 93. Wm. Patton. 51. Harmen Seyles. 94. Jno. Patton. 52. David Mahon. 95. Jas. Patton. 53. Jno. McKnight. 96. Richd. Johnson. 54. Jas. Brown. 97. Geo. Croaue. 55. Jno. Coffee. 98. Roger Malholem. 56. RO'bt. Coffee. 99. Thos. Hedon. 57. Jno. McLean. 100. Chas. Christlip. 58. Jno. Dunlap. *Conrod Coyler. 59. Anthy. Clippings. 101. Peter Hudley. 60. Allen McClean. 102. Jacob Groans. 61. Wm. McClean. 103. Jos. Wolf. 62. Wm. Hunter. 104. Henry Baughman 63. Jas. Leeper. 105. Peter Salsberry. 64. Allen Leeper. 106. Jas. Walker. 65. Jno. Highlands. 107. Isaac Darborrow. 66. Huster Peebles. 108. Jno. Darborrow. 67. David Walker. 109. Jos. Rilling. 68. Jas. Walker. 110. Jno. Hower. 69. Thos. Walker. 111. Hugh Thompson. 70. Richd. Thrush. 112. Saml. Thompson. 71. David Thrush. 113. Jacob George. 72. Jno. Thrust. 114. Abm. Landise. 73. Jos. Deyermont. 115. Jas. McFarlane. 74. Thos. Leatherdale. 116. Jno. McFarlane. 75. Wm. Chesnut. 117. Benn. Black. 76. Jno. Chesnut. 118. Ludwick Ginger. 77. Jas. Garret. 119. Danl. McDonald. 78. Henry McAnnelly. 120. Jas. Harper. 79. Robt. Quigley. 121. Wm. Harper. 80. ♦Peter Coyler. 122. Jos. McCormick. 81. Barney Cliver. 123. Jno. Wallace. 82. Jas. Beattey. 124. Andw. Giffin. 83. Jas. McConery. 125. Philip Christian. 84. David Dunbar. 126. Jno. Houser. 85. Wm. McAnless. 127. Jno. McGuine. 86. Geo. Miller. 128. Robt. Morrison. 87. Thos. Atkinson. 129. Wm. Morrison. 217 218 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. 130. Robt. Christy. 131. Wm. Gillespey. 132. Saml. Gillespey. 133. Edwd. Wilson. 134. Fra Donald. 135. Edwd. McDonald. 136. Jno. Meeter. 137. Jas. Bogle. 138. Moses Murphey. 139. Jno. Zeigler. 140. Geo. Little. 141. Jno. Browster. 142. Alexr. Brouster. 143. Alexr. Hunter. 144. Wm. Barber. 145. Jas. Young. 146. Wm. Donald. 147. Thos. Donald. 148. Thos. Purdey. 149. Jas. Purdey. 150. Andw. Faiter. 151. Saml. Walker. 152. Jas. Walker. 153. Alexr. McNichol. 154. Jno. King. 156. Jno. Saneybough. 157. Jno. Mitchel, Jun. 158. Jno. Mitchel, Senr. 159. Jno. Snyder. 160. Wm. Mathers. 161. Jas. Chambers. 162. Michl. Wolf. 163. Danl. Wolf. 164. Jno. Cogan. 165. Fredk. Hover. 166. Jno. Devott. 167. Peter Landy. 168. Wm. McCulley. 169. Wm. Hunter. 170. Saml. Bratton. 171. Wm. Wilson. 172. Jas. McDonald. 173. Philip Slusor. No Names. 174. Wm. Maffet. 175. Thos. Murray. 176. Wm. Young. 178. Ludwick Christian. 179. Jas. Fenton. 180. Christian Filyer. 181. Thos. McCormick. 182. Wm. Marshall. 183. Saml. Finton. 184. Jno. Shannon. 185. Thos. Martin. 186. Robt. McElwain. 187. Wm. Porterfield. 188. Wm. Patterson. 189. Jos. Patterson. 190. Jas. Nicholson. 191. Jas. Stevenson. 192. Hugh McElheney. 193. Jos. McElheney. 194. Hugh Kirkpatrick. 195. Jos. Boughman. 196. Danl. McZaullin. 197. Jno. Mcntire. 198. Jos. Shanon. 199. Lawrence Buth. 199. Robt. McCracken. 200. Walter McLure. David Williamson. 201. Saml. Williamson. 202. Saml. Bryson. 203. Hugh Bryson. 204. Jno. McFarlane. 205. Robt. Mathers. 206. Robt. Barr. 207. Jno. Barr. 208. Wm. Finton. 209. Jno. Allen. 210. David Nelson. 211. Archd. Smith. 212. Jas. Anderson. 213. Wm. Grogon. 214. Robt. McCormick. 215. David Morrow. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lSOO. 219 No. Names. No. Names. 216. David Starrett. 259. John Adams. 217. Jno. Starrett. 260. Jno. Shoemaker. 218. Jno. Beatey. 261. Jacob Fry. 219. Mattw. Mathers. 262. Thos. Reed. 220. Walter Bell. 263. Jno. Craft. 221. Jno. Bell. 264. Adam Kevar. 222. Wm. Bell. 265. Valentine Elicote. 223. Andw. Bell. 266. Abm. Bedleman. 224. Jno. McLure. 267. Benn. Coffinhiefer. 225. Nicholas Shoap. 268. Fredk. Bisner. 226. Peter Weaver. 269. Robt. Long. 227. Jno. Weaver. 270. Martin Hetterbaum 228. Moses McLure. 271. Jno. Shutter. 229. Jas. Walker. 272. Isiah Gray. 230. Nathl. Patterson. 273. Chas. Anderson. 231. Jno. Wilson. 274. Hugh Early. 232. Jas. Wylliey. 275. Valentine Houp. 233. Paul Martin. 276. Jno. Hutton. 234. Jno. Martin. 277. Jas. Cissna. 235. Saml. Crowell. 278. Jno. Mull. 236. Archd. Tott. 279. Jos. Winters. 237. Philip Carper. 280. Jacob Blougher. 238. Philip Jocovaugh. 281. Colin Martin. 239. Jacob Shinebuger. 282. Richd. Yaw. 240. Wm. Skelly. 2«3. Saml. Blackbourn. 241. Edwd. Morrow. 284. Jno. Sharp. 242. Andw. McElwaine. 285. Alexr. Beatty. 243. Jas. McElwaine. 286. Jos. Beattey. 244. Wm. Huston. 287. Thos. Kibben. 245. Jas. Huston. 288. Abner Coats. 246. Saml. Walker. 289. Fredk. Sheavel. 247. Jas. Crockett. 290. Jacob Rham. 248. Abrm. Ramsey. 291. Philip Loofman. 249. Isaac Shannon. 292. Jos. Knox. 250. Jno. Douglass. 293. Peter Kuntz. 251. Wm. Montgomery. 294. Patk. Cochran. 262. Juo. Campbell. 295. Jno. Beamer. 253. Conrod Beamer. 296. Jas. McWilliams. 254. Jno. Rippey. 297. Saml. Caldwell. 255. Joseph Parks. 298. Saml. Rippey. 256. Jacob Kiser. 299. Robt. Philips. 257. Michl. Miller. 301. Jacob Rotts. 258. Mathew Adams. 302. Jno. Redatt. 220 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. No. Names. 303. Jacob Saltzgrave. 347. Robt. Justice. 304. Wm. Bell. 348. Saml. Campbell. 305. Jno. Given. 349. Jno. McCarrol. 306. Geo. Ely. 350. Jos. Duncan. 307. Jacob Lidner. 352. Fredk. Bittinger. 308. Wm. Arbuckle. 353. Stephen Duncan. 309. Jno. Arbuckle. 354. Arcbd. Mahon. 310. Jno. O'Harro. 355. Thos. Calwell. 311. Philip Showers. 356. Zephaniah Anderson 312. Thos. Smith. 357. Andw. Shuttey. 213. Jno. Cleaver. 358. Robt. McCall. 214. Ben. Morrow. 359. Reuben Heron. 215. Jacob Bitter. 360. Jas. Boorland. 216. David Johnston. 361. Wm. Rodgers. 217. Wm. Baird. 362. Jas. Culbertson. 218. Anthy. Ettoa. 363. Jas. Quigley. 219. Jos. Winkler. 364. Wm. Mclntire. 320. Saml. A. Rippey. 365. Thos. Nichol. 321. Wm. Rippey. 366. Jno. Nichol. 323. Robt. Rippey. 367. Saml. Disert. 324. Saml. Quigley. 368. Jno. Affllfinger. 325. Fras. Campbell. 369. Fredk. Affelflnger. 326. Jacob Kerns. 370. Hanigall Morret 327. Jas. Nailor. 371. Jno. Berrey. 328. Thos. Nailor. 372. Jno. Nickle. 329. Casper Saltzgrave. 373. David White. 330. Andw. Pisley. 374. Jacob Smith. 331. Jacob Pisley. 375. Saml. Smith. 332. Alexr. Weir. 376. Jno. Laughlin. 333. Robt. Sheaperd. 377. Jas. Sharron. 334. Ben. Rabb. 378. Thos. Butts. 335. Jno. Means. 379. Saml. Galbreath. 336. Jas. Means. 380. Jacob Hollinger. 337. Jas. Patterson. 381. Geo. Sloan. 338 Jno. Dickey. 382 Jno. Keeveman. 339. Henry Engle. 383 Solomon Reed. 340 Jno. Pague. 384 Thos. McLelland. 341 Andw. Patterson. 385 Thos. Affelflnger. 342 Jno. Stall. 386 Peter Affelflnger. 343 Fredk. Shepfley. 387 Jno. Shillings. 344 Christian Gish. 388 Jos. McKeenney. 345 Thos. Moore. 389 Alexr. Hay. 346 Solomon Moore. 390 . Nichs. May. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 17!)0-1800. 221 No. Names. No. Names. 391. Jno. Vilgar. 434. Jno. Smith. 392. Fras. Hughes. 435. Edwd. Supple. 393. Jas. McLelland. 436. Wm. Greer. 394. Geo. Keeseman. 437. Ebenr. Deeker. 395. Matthw. Laughlin. 438. Jno. Calhoon. 396. Paul Laughlin. 439. Henry Hill. 397. Henry All. 440. David Gilmore. 398. Adam Seebert. 441. Jas. Morrison. 399. Robt. Sterret. " 442. Geo. Holmes. 400. Fras. Nesbit. 443. Jas. McCormick. 401. Fredk. Byers. 444. Jas. Gailey. 402. Jno. Nesbit. 445. Abm. Boyd. 403. Robt. Little. 446. Robt. McLelland. 404. Andw. Little. 447. Jas. Rodgers. 405. Thos. Woods. 448. Nathl. McWilliams. 406. Jas. Dizert. 449. Wm. Noble. 407. Jas. Boyd. 450. Stephen McGuske. 408. Jas. Gibson. 451. Philip Affelfinger. 409. David McKeenney. 452. Saml. McCalmont. 410. Robt. McCormick. 453. Henry Smith. 411. Jas. McCormick. 454. Archd. Gorman. 412. Jno. Snoddy. 455. Henry. Houghenbay. 413. Exche. Hannah. 456. Henry Houts. 414. Jno. Wills. 457. Danl. Duker. 415. Jas. Wills. 458. Geo. Miller. 416. David Wills. 459. Wm. McFarlane. 417. David McKenney. 460. Thos. Hughes. 418. Jas. Thompson. 461. Jno. Anderson. 419. Philip Shoemaker. 462. Jos. Laughlin. 420. Abrm. Shoemaker. 463. Elisha Carson. 421. Geo. Gilbert. 464. Jno. Carson. 422. Hugh Bready. 465. Jno. Allen. 423. Jas. Bready. 466. Robert. Officer. 424. Geo. McMullen. 467. David Christy. 425. Wm. Tremble. 468. David Bowers. 426. Jas. Henderson. 469. Henry Clark. 427. Saml. Henderson. 470. Wm. Meehesney. 428. Ludwick Miller. 471. Alexr. Greaden. 429. Jno. Michael. 472. Allen Janison. 430. Thos. Laughlin. 473. Jas. Henry. 431. Phetty Reslet. 474. Jacob Vanderbell. 432. Paul Deal. 475. Jas. Johnston. 433. Peter Deal. 476. Patk. McKinney. 222 MUSTEK AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. 477. Mathias Smith. 478. Jno. Walker. 479. David Gillesley. 480. Thos. Greauy. 481. Jas. Deleney. 482. Jos. Kelly. 483. Jno. Kelly. 484. Isiah. Vanhorn. 485. Hugh Cull. 486. Jas. Brown. 487. Robt. Mickey. 488. Jno. Gray. 489. Jno. Winters. 490. Jno. Smith. 491. Danl. O'Neal. 492^. Jno. Elder. 493. Jno. Hust. 494. Saml. Elder. 495. Wm. Elder. 496. Jesse Killgore. 497. Wm. Grahams. 498. Casper Eastley. 499. Andw. Eastley. 500. Ferdinan Eastley. 501. Leonard Thrush. 502. *Jno. Garret. 503. Andw. Garret. 504. Archd. Wilkey. 505. Thos. Neil. 506. Jas. Beatson. 507. *Peter Thrush. 508. Chas. Williamson. 509. Jas. Dickey. 510. Alexr. Moore. 511. Jno. McElroy. 512. Wm. McElroy. 513. Jno. Russel. 514. Robt. Allen. 515. Jno. Crawford. 516. Adam Cleeland. 517. Wm. Grahams. 518. Christian Girty. 519. Thos. Futton. No. Names. 52-0. Saml. Hazlett. 521. Wm. Gelly. 522. David McKee. 523. Jas. Still. 524. Wm. Lemon. 525. Matthew Lemon. 526. Danl. Haines. 527. Geo. Futts. 528. Patk. Hasson. 529. Jas. Ross. 530. Geo. Kenny. 531. Thos. Sterrett. 532. Jno. Caldwell. 533. Wm. McKracken. 534. Jno. Mecaskey. 535. Moses Caruthers. 536. Jno. Peebles. 537. Ezekl. Mitchel. 538. Wm. Duck. 539. Geo. Miller. 540. Anthy. Woodroof. 541. Alexr. Sharp. 542. Lewis Buckmire. 543. Robt. Patterson. 544. Jno. Duff. 545. Jno. Eakman. 546. Wm. Stewart. 547. Abm. Littimore. 548. David Littimore. 549. David Galloway. 550. Jno. Smith. 551. Jno. McCune. 552. Saml. McCune. 553. Robt. McCune. 554. Hugh McCune. 555. Jonthn. Kilgore. 556. Robt. Kilgore. 557. Jas. Parks. 558. Jno. Parks. 559. David Mickey. 560. Ben. Alsworth. 561. Jas. Mickey. 562. Alexr. Serogs. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 223 No. Names. No. Names. 563. Wm. Cowdan. 606. Andw. Jack. 564. Wm. Kilgore. 607. Robt. Porter. 565. Saml. McCune. 608. Martin Wiest. 566. Jas. Fullerton. 609. Robt. Stewart. 567. Geo. Weir. 610. Matthw. Thompson, 568. Jos. Laughlin. 611. Aaron Hinds. 569. Saml. Anderson. 612. Jos. Wilson. 570. Jas. Sterret. 613. Wm. Wilson. 571. Thos. Sterret. 614. Jas. Carnahan. 572. Thos. Fleming. 615. Jas. Piper. 573. Patk. Kean. 616. Saml. Smith. 574. Jno. Wilson. 617. Isaac Miller. 575. Jno. Griffith. 618. Jas. Hervey. 576. Alexr. Wylie. 619. Jere McKibben. 577. Adam Fullerton. 620. Geo. McCord. 578. Robt. Meean. 621. Wm. Boyd. 579. Robt. Smith. 622. Jno. Meathers. 580. Mat. Woodbourn. 623. Thos. Fullerton. 581. Jno. McCune. 624. Robt. Meathers. 582. Jno. McCullanm. 625. Robt. McCormick. 583. Jno. Smith. 626. Saml. Bryson. 584. Alexr. Buckanan. 627. Hugh Bryson. 585. Wm. Thompson. 628. Walter McLure. 586. Leonard Shanon. 629. Jos. Carnahan. 587. Jno. Laughlin. 630. Robt. Carnahan. 588. Robt. Laughlin. 631. Chrisn. Geese. 589. Hugh Laughlin. 632. Geo. McElwaine. 590. Wm. Laughlin. 633. Roht. McCracken. 591. Jno. Morren. 634. Alexr. McElwain. 592. Thos. McClarnon. 635. Levi Lightcap. 593. Alexr. Thompson. 636. Isaac Mason. 594. Hugh Thompson. 637. Jas. Martin. 595. Jno. Work. 638. Jitus Myler. 596. Wm. Work. 639. Jas. Chapman. 597. Alexr. Work. 640. Solomon Lightcap. 598. Jas. Work. 641. Wm. Lightcap. 599. Robt. Morrison. 642. Thos. Lightcap. 600. Christ. Housnet. 643. Godfrey Lightcap. 601. Wm. Beatty. 644. Jos. Hunter. 602. Fras. Mullen. 645. Jas. Walker. 603. Jas. McGuffin. 646. Wm. Walker. 604. Dennis Bricelet. 647. Jno. Walker. 605. Jas. Jack, 648, Sinaon Essig, 224 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. Names. 649. Jas. Walker. 650. Jno. Lancaster. 651. Thos. Ferguson. 652. Robt. Crawford. 653. Jno. Reed. 654. Jno. Brown. 655. Wm. Brown. 656. Wm. Hunter. 657. Jas. Wilson. 658. Saml. Wilson. 659. Jno. Hossick. 660. Conrod Geese. 661. John Love. 662. Michl. McCluney. 663. Wm. McElwain. 664. Robt. Lusk. 665. Hugh Holmes. 666. Jno. Irvine. 667. Thos. McLure. 668. Archd. McCoy. 669. Patk. Collins. 670. Ludwick Andrews. 671. Danl. Boyle. 672. Saml. McCulloch. 673. Jas. Woodburn. 674. Saml. Emmit. 675. Robt. Officer. 676. David Officer. 677. Mark McCausIand. 678. Jas. Wilson. 679. Saml. Scott. 680. Isaac Jamison. 681. Jas. Patton. 682. Jno. Boyd. 683. Robt. Boyd. 684. Jno. Bratton. 685. Alexr. Johnson. 686. Geo. Conelly. 687. Nichs. Howard. 688. Saml. Findley. 689. Danl. Brown. 690. Jno. Craft. 691. Wm. Auld. No. Names. 692. Hugh McMonagle. 693. Wm. McMonagle. 694. Jas. Laird. 695. Jno. Breadly. 696. Jas. Breadly. 697. Peter Cremer. 698. Patrick Good. 699. Timy. Ryan. 700. Wm. Williams. 701. Robt. Thompson. 702. Jno. Polloclr. 703. Jas. Anderson. 704. Chrisn. Wise. 705. Robt. Downey. 706. Andw. Carlisle. 707. Archd. Musterd. 708. Jno. Carlisle. 709. Chas. Fulton. 710. Wm. Fulton. 711. Abm. Anderson. 712. David Walker. 713. Jas. McKee. 714. Jno. Somerville. 715. Martin Claudy. 716. Chrisn. Hoover. 717. Jas. Culbertson. 718. Wm. Skyles. 719. Peter Skyles. 720. Elias Myler. 721. Jno. Simpson. 722. Wm. Reaney. 723. Jas. Reaney. 724. Chas. Reaney. 725. David Duncan. 726. Wm. Morrow. 727. Jas. Duncan. 728. Jno. Byers. 729. Fredk. Hollinger. 730. Hugh Gibb. 731. Jno. Gibb. 732. Jas. Loughrey. 733. Jos. Loughery. 734. Jno. Duncan. P PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 225 No. Names. No. Names. 735. Robt. Mclntire. 76L Ebenezar Campbell 736. Jno. Robertson. 762. Moses Glenn. 737. Jos. Duncan. 763. Robt. McCune. 738. David Hacaton. 764. Allen Gilkeson. 739. Jno. McCune. 765. Peter Traxler. 740. Jno. Byers. 766. Alexr. Spear. 741. Jas. Means. 767. Abel Mensor. 742. Jno. Means. 768. Adam Plum. 743. Jno. McCala. 769. Michl. Myler. 744. Jno. Clark. 770. Jno. Chestnut. 745. Jno. Booher. 771. Robt. McKibben. 746. Phetty Elsrow. 772. Saml. McDowell. 747. Jno. Hoover. 773. Jno. Kerr. 748. Thos. Kerr. 774. Thos. Bear. 749. Robt. Carson. 775. Timy. Barney. 750. Geo. Clark. 776. Michl. Traxler. 751. Jno. Clark. 777. Chrisn. Peter. 752. Matthew Dunlap. 778. Jas. Sharp. 753. Robt. Johnston. 779. Jno. Caldwell. 754. Chas. Cannon. 780. David Somerville. 755. Jas. Mawhorter. 781. Geo. Skelly. 756. Jacob Thrush. 782. Rob. Huston. 757. Jno. Bratton. 783. Isaac Dicker. 758. Jacob Whitmire. 784. Jas. Hawthorn. 759. Geo. Clark. 785. Barnabas Thrush. 760. Andw. Culbertson. 786. Robt. Peebles. Roll of the Sixth Battalion of Cumberland County Militia Between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty five Years taken from the Returns made to me on Oath by the Officers Com- manding. Given under my hand this 4th. Day of Feby. A. D. 1793. JNO. ALEXANDER, Lieut. Cumberland County. 15— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 226 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. THE FOLLOWING NAMED GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN ELECTED OFFICERS FOR THE TROOP OF LIGHT HORSE OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, MAY 15tli, 1793. VIZ: Captain. Samuel A. McCoskry. 1st. Lieut. John MeCurdey. 2nd. Lieut. Michael Ege. Cornet. Joseph R. Postlethwaite. I do Certify that the above is a just and true copy of the Original return remaining in my hands. JNO. ALEXANDER, B. Inspr. A RETURN OF THE OFFICERS OF THE TROOP OF LIGHT HORSE OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, 1793. Captain. Samuel A. McCroskry. 1st. Lieut. John MeCurdey. 2nd. Lieut. Joseph Postlethwaite. Cornet. George Craine. I do Certify the above to be Just and agreeable to the re- turn from the Judges of the Ellection. JNO. ALEXANDER, B. I. August 28th, 1793. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 227 A RETURN OF OFFICERS ELLECTED FOR A COMPANY OF ARTILLERY CUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA.AUG- UST 8th, 1793. Captain. James Blaine. 1st. Lieutenant. James Postlethwaite. 2nd. Lieutenant. John Creigh. I do Certify the above to be Just. JNO. ALEXANDER, B. I. August 23rd., 1793. A RETURN OF THE OFFCERS OF THE CUMBERLAND BRIGADE OF MILITIA WHO HAVE NOT BEEN COMMIS- SIONED. Infantry. 2nd. Battalion. 4th. Regiment. Captain. John Holmes. Lieutenant. William Steel. Ensign. George Rowan. Infantry. 6th. Regiment. Captain. Thomas Williamson. Lieutenant. John Sailor. Ensign. George Crocket. Troop of Horse. Cornet. Mathew Miller. Certified this 8th. Day of Octr., 1794. JNO. ALEXANDER, Inspr. C. B. Militia. (228) DAUPHIN COUNTY MILITIA, 1790—1800. ( 229 ) ( 230) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 231 RETURN OF THE OFFICERS OF THE MILITIA OF THE SEVERAL REGIMENTS AND BATTALIONS OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN COMPOSING GENERAL JOHN A. HANNA'S BRIGADE. First Regiment. Thomas Forster, Lieut. Colonel, Elected 12th, June 1793. William Glass, first Major, Elected 12th, June 1793. William Murray, second Major, Elected 13th June 1793. First Battalion. No. 1. Richard Swan, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Michael Whitley, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. William Johnston, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 2. Samuel Sherer, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Richard Fulton, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. Michael Neavling, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 3. John Krause, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Samuel Berryhill, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. David Scarlet, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 4. Robert McClure, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Martin Shell, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. Jacob Shoap, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. Second Battalion. No. 5. 1. William Clark, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Robert Clarlc, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. Henry Dice, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. 232 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. 6. 2. James Caldwell, Captain, Elected in July 1793. John Keiblinger, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. John Peighlinger, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 7. 3. John Brubacher, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Peter Rice, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. John Meek, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. 4. Daniel Stever, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Ludwick Shoats, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. John Woodsides, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. Light Infantry Company belonging to the first Battalion. George v isher. Captain, Elected in Septr. 1793, but has since moved away. Jacob Reitzel, Lieutenant. Nicholas Krehl, Ensign. Coms. made out but detained. Rifle Company belonging to the second Battalion. John Devin, Captain, Elected in Septr. 1793. George Clark, Lieutenant. John Jones, Ensign. Troop of Horse order of the Governor attached to the first Regiment. John Ervin, Captain, Elected in December 1793. Benjamin Fenton, Lieutenant. Andrew Berryhill, Cornet. Second Regiment. William Allen, Lieut. Colonel, .Elected 17th June 1793. Frederick Hummel, First Major. George Toot, Second Major, Elected 18th, June 179 — . PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 233 First Battalion. No. 1. James Wallace, Captain, Elected in August 179 — . James Willson, Lieutenant, Elected in August 179^ — . Thomas Morrison, Elected in August 179 — . No. 3. Andrew Hereof, Captain, Elected in August 179 — . John Wetherhold, Lieutenant, Elected in August 179 — . Philip Plessly, Ensign, Elected in August 179 — . No. 5. John Barnet, Captain, Elected in August 179 — . Joseph Allen, Lieutenant, Elected in August 179 — . William Brown, Ensign, Elected in August, 179 — . No. 7. Ludwick Flshburn, Captain, Elected in August 179 — . Jacob Doveberger, Lieutenant, Elected in August 179 — . Andrew Rea, Ensign, Elected in 179 — . Second Battalion. No. 2. James Kelly, Captain, Elected in Augiist 179 — . Josias Forster, Lieutenant, Elected in August, 179 — . James Duncan, Ensign, Elected in August 179 — . No. 4. Charles McMutree, Captain, Elected in August 179 — . John McConn, Lieutenant, Elected in August 179 — . Thomas Blair, Ensign, Elected in August 179^. No. 6. Frederick Wolffersberger, Captain, Elected in August 179- John Boal, Lieutenant, Elected in August 179 — . Christian Hummel, Ensign, Elected in August 179 — . No. 8. Robert McKee, Junr., Captain, Elected in August 179 — . Ephraim Campbell, Lieutenant, Elected in August 179 — . Nathaniel Graham, Ensign, Elected in August 179 — . 234 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Rifle Company belonging to the first Battalion. Robert Fleming, Captain, Elected the 22d October 1793. John Elder, Lieutenant, Elected the 22d October 1793. John Finney, Ensign, Elected the 22d October 1793. Third Regiment. James Woods, Lieutenant Coin., Elected 22d June 1793. Jacob Weirich, first Major, Elected 22d June 1793. John Grumm, second Major, Elected 24th June 1793. First Battalion. No 1. Jacob Embich, Captain, Elected in July 1793. John Rohr, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. Henry Kelker, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 2. Conrad Berry, Captain, Elected in July 1793. John Strow, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. Daniel Strow, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 3. Michael Singer, Captain, Elected in July 1793. John Umberger, Lieutenant, .Elected in July 1793. Adam Heilman, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 6. John Smith, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Godlieb Orth, Lieutenant, Elected in Jul yl793. Martin Zimmerman, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. Second Battalion. No. 4. Jacob Teiss, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Joseph Bowman, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. John Teiss, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 5. George Weyman, Captain, Elected in July 1793. John Reidel, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. Nicholas Swanger (?), Ensign, Elected in July 1793. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 235 No. 7. John Shultz, Captain, Elected in July 1793. Samuel Betz, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. Peter Zeller, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. No. 8. Christian Ley, Captain, Elected in July 1793. John Krill, Lieutenant, Elected in July 1793. John Kuster, Ensign, Elected in July 1793. Light Infantry Company belonging to the first Battalion. Abraham Deobler, Captain, Elected 17th July 1793. Adam Richard, Lieutenant, Elected 17th July 1793. Frederick Embich, Ensign, Elected 17th July 1793. Rifle Company belonging to the second Battalion. John Meyer, Captain, Elected 2d Novemr. 1793. Leonard Ramler, Lieutenant, Elected 2h Novemr. 1793. George Roth, Ensign, Elected 2d Novemr. 1793. Fourth Regiment. Valentine Shouffler, Lieut. Colonel, Elected 20th June 1793. William Wray, first Major, Elected 20th Jue 1793. Robert Boal, second Major, Elected 21st June 1793. First Battalion. No. 3. Melchior Behny, Captain, Elected in August 1793. Martin Walburn, Lieutenant, Elected in August 1793. Adam Wingelblech, Ensign, Elected in August 1793. No. 5. William Young, Captain, Elected in August 1793. Henry Wolff, Lieutenant, Elected in August 1793. John Beshore, Ensign, Elected in August 1793. No. 7. Abraham Lehbolt, Captain, Elected in August 1793. Daniel Herman, Lieutenant, Elected in August 1793. Daniel Lehman, Ensign, Elected in 1793. 236 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. No. 8. Henry Snevely, Captain, Elected in August 1793. Peter Feever, Lieutenant, Elected in August 1793. George Stone, Ensign, Elected in August 1793. Second Battalion. No. 1. Michael Leydich, Captain, SElected in August 1793. John Fox, Lieutenant, Elected in August 1793. Philip Herener, Ensign, Elected in August 1793. No. 2. William McFarland, Captain, Elected in August 1793. Henry Winter, Lieutenant, Elected in August 1793. John Bridge, Ensign, Elected in August 1793. No. 4. William Campbell, Captain, Elected in August 1793. William Hedrich, Lieutenant, lEected in August 1793. John Ainsworth, Ensign, Elected in August 1793. No. 6. Hugh Andrew, Captain, Elected in August 1793. William Ward, Lieutenant, Elected in August 1793. John McCown, Ensign, Elected in August 1793. Light Infantry Company belonging to the first Battalion. Lewis Kreider, Captain, Elected 10th August 1793. Daniel Weidel, Lieutenant, Elected 10th August 1793. Pallas Stewart, Ensign, Elected 10th August 1793. Rifle Company belonging to the second Battalion. Samuel Ainsworth, Captain, Elected 17th August 1793. Samuel WaixJ, Lieutenant, Elected 17th August 1793. John Campbell, Ensign, Elected 17th August 1793. NOTE. — The Captains of the several Companies of the two Battalions of each Regiment having cast lots for their Ranks in Regiment only, and not in Battalions, the Captains of Colo. Forster's Regiment only have assertained their Rank in Regiment and Battalions. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 237 I do Certify that according to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing is a Just and true Return of the officers of the Mili- tia of Dauphin County elected in conformity of the act for the Regulation of the Militia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- nia. Witness my Hand the 13th Day of December, 1793. JNO. GLONINGER, B. Inspector. Daupn. Coty. Militia. To his Excellency Thos. Mifflin, Esqr., Governor of Penn- syla. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. MICHAEL LEIDOG COMPANY AS THE STAND IN CLASS FOR THE YEAR 1794. First Class. John Zantz. Adam fovour. George hartman. George Sider. Michael Monrah. John Cosoe. Second Class. Emanuel tuey. Adrens Eagle. George. Minigh. henry Bomgartnor. Vallentine hoofnagle. John Snider. Third Class. Daniel trowser. franc is fox. Christian Earley. Jacob Nidgeth. Jacob Myer. John fitting. Fourth Class. Abraham houser. henry Rought. George Sheaffer. Jacob Cooper. John Zerker. Jacob Rough. Fifth Class. Joseph france. George Walmer. John protz. Christian Snider. John Seellinger. Mathias Baker. 238 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Michael Myer. William Rough. John Sharp. Sixth Class. John Deal. Adam Smelzer. Daniel hoofnagle. Simon tuey. Jacob houser. Jacob heagey. Seventh Class. John Dininger. Jacob Shirk. Jacob Stemman. Jacob hoofnagle. George Spicker. frederick Baker. Eight Class. Charles Spricer. henry Baker. Isaac Morres. I the subscrhjer Do here certify that the above Return is Just and true certified by me this 4th July, 1794. MICHAEL LIDGETH. A TRUE LIST OP THE LOTS DRAWN IN CAPT. HERROF'S COMPANY. ANDW. Michl. Spade. Jacob Hummel. Michl. Baum. Jacob Eversole. First Class. George Lowr. Andrew Alexander. John Eversole. Simon Singer. Andrew Shredly Jacob Stover. Philip Meek. Joseph Woolison. William Woolison. Danl. Singer. Second Class. George Anght. John Martin. John Deary. Adam Spidle. Philip Booch. John Fox. Doctr. Jos. Ross. Christr. Demy. John Stover. Third Class. Henry Etter. Jacob Gensler. James Burnett. George Shriver. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 239 Benjamin. Hufty. Danl. Baum. Fourth Class. David Brand. John Earne&*^, Michl. Rahm. Jacob Andrew. Christopher Bower. Jacob Frank. Phillip Hamaker. Fifth Class. July 1794. Evan Woolison. John Myers. Andrew Myers. John Perst. Ludk. Herrof. Joseph Fever. Christn. Coffman. George Kipford. Felix Landis. Sixth Class. John Prats. Conrad Singer. Conrad Wolf. David Buchannon. Seventh Class. Peter Fridly. Fredk. Shafer. Michl. Prats. Martn. Neesly. John Burkholder. Peter Steel. Max. Spidle. William Jamison. Christian Mitchel. Ulrich Strickler. John Deeds. Matthas Singer. Abraham Brand. Michl. Kutzner. John Hummel. Eight Class. Michl. Redeboch. John Metz. William Lowr. 5th. July, 1794. 240 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Jones Town, 5th July, 1794. JOHN GLONINGER, Esqr., Brigade Inspector Dauphin County Militia. Sir: The following is a return made of the Members of the Light Infantry Company Commanded by me and Ordered to meet this day Pr. General Orders. Members Presents. Captain. Lewis Kreider. Lieutenant. Daniel Waidel. Clerk. Peter Spyker. 3d. Serjeant. James Mcintosh. 4th Serjeant. Christian Lehma. Fitter. John Camp (wont goe). Drummer. Jacob Gossert (go). Privates. George Foerig (wont goe). John Herman (go). Fredk. Straw. George Dollinger. Alexr. Rehisson (wont go). Peter Achebach (go). Henry Weyant. George Hiller (wont goe). George Gossart (go). John Bickle, junr. (go). Jacob Bright. David Mathias. Joseph Sommerset. Francis McCraw. Dewalt Foerig. 1. Jacob Fetterer, gone away. 2. Christn. Herman, gone away. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 241 3. Benjn. Garrison, gone away. 4. John Weaver, gone away. 5. Jacob Krafft, gone away. 6. Daniel Lehma, is a Ensign. 7. George Hegetschwiller, of Age. Inclosed is the Answer of Sum of the Company and by that it appears that as their is not a Majorety they are not willing to goe, I am ready and willing at a Moments Warning. I am sir your Most H. D. servt. LEWIS KREIDER. Sir: Agreeable to Instructions from the Inspector of the Brigade I Gave publlck Notice by advertisements for A meeting to be held in Campellstown at my house on Saturday the 5 instant and there between the hours of 1 & 6 o'clock Classed the Company in the following older, viz: 1 Class. Joseph Sawyer, peter farney. Jacob Nafsker. Stophel Harpster. Antony Hemperly. Joseph Rice. Adam Dininger. Jacob Balm. John Carper. William Sawyer, Esqr. Jacob Ricker. Christian Oilman. Abraham Petlion. John Sawyer. Daniel Hilt. Michal Millir. Michal Streve. 2 Class. Christian Nafsker. William Willson. Christian kely. John Welch. Mathew McCabe. * Hershey, 3 Class. John Balm, peter Carsnets. Lenard Dool. Henery Gates. • August Miller. Rober Geddes. 16— Vol. V— 6th Ser. Christian Judy. Henry Harkleroad. David Sents. John Wolfersbarger. Samuel Eter. Ludwlck Bail. 242 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. William Balm. John farney. Antony Carmany. David Michel. John Sulivan. peter Balm. Nicolas Balm. Christain Simerman. Isac Petlion. Jacob Himes. Jacob Lance. Henry Metier. 4 Class. Michal Hoover. Michal Dininger Andrew Balm. John Bumbarger. John keefer. Samuel Brodly. 5 Class. Michal Nigh. Alexander Dasher. Jacob Null. George Barger. George Fry. Michal Seller. Christian Shults. Jacob Bowman, Senier. Michal Balm. George Hemperly. George Lance. Henry Landice. John Early. Joseph Nafsker. Jacob troxel. Jacob Bishoff. John Cratzer. Robert Galespie. 6 Class. John Braught. John Harkleroad. Joseph Carmany. George Tinnis. John Oak. 7 Class. Jacob Bowman, junir. Abraham Willhelm. Christian Snider. John Craig. James Wallace. Peter Esihower. Abraham Weltmore. Peter Nigh. Danial Longnecker. John Weltmore. thomas Early. George ShefEer. 8 Class. Jacob Killinger. John Douglass. William Reily. Peter Fensler. Stophell Landice. James Fallgate. this Being A Just Return of the Males White Liable to Do Melitia Duty Within the Bounds of my Company Givin Un- der my hand this 5 Day of July, 1794. CAPT. FREDERICK WOLFERSPERGER. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 243 THE CLASS ROLE OF THE SECOND COMPANY OF THE SECOND BRIGADE OP DAUPHIN COUNTY MILITIA COMMANDED BY COLONIEL WILLIAM ALLEN, JULY THE 5th, 1794. Privates. 1st Class. 1. Thomas McClery. 2. John Shank. 3. John Mickley. 4. Chrisley Brand. 5. James Loyd. 6. Daniel Shetrone. 7. Chrisley Longneker. 8. David Foster. 9. George Myers. 10. George Dinnis. 11. John Shealer. 12. George Anderson. 13. John Walker. 14. Harman Barnhart. 15. Samuel Atwood. IG. John Lynch, Sr. 2 Class. 17. James Minsker. 18. Robert McCIeary. 19. Jacob Mickley. 20. Chrisley Buck. 21. James Johnston. 22. John Breadon. 23. John Reesor. 24. Jacob furrey. 25. Patrick McBride. 26. Edward Brians. 27. Neal Shey. 28. William Dougherdy. 29. Jacob Oastater. 30. Melchar Mickley. 31. Ulliry Longneker. 32. William James. 33. John Kenedy. 34. Joseph Liter. 35. William Logan. 36. John Logan. 37. John Stevick. 38. Abraham Reesor. 39. Joseph Reesor. 40. Thomas Craford. 49. Samuel McCIeary. 50. John Kernahan. 51. Jacob Heaflebower. 52. David Johnston. 3 Class. 41. Neal Lemman. 42. James Harper. 43. Jacob Pealor. 44. George Shire. 45. Jacob Shealer. 46. George Greaby. 47. Abraham Kisk. 48. Peter Eatter. 4 Class. 53. John Hays. 54. Andrew Bunstater. 55. Frances Litle. 56. Jacob .Stoner. 244 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 57. Conrod Sheets. 58. Isaac Hunsbarger. 59. William Twigley. 60. Henery Assleman. 61. John Farmer. 62. Curnelius Shehan. 63. Thomas Bready. 64. Michal Brand, Junr. 5th Class. 65. Thomas Logan. 66. John Shank. 67. Nicholas Musser. 68. Adam Shade. 69. Edward Breadon. 70. Abraham Wolslegal. 71. James Hays. 72. John Calwel. 73. Joseph Shaw. 74. William Drumman. 75. Daniel Painter. 76. William Fraizer. 77. Neal Boyl. 78. Henry Wolf. Michal Brand. William Hays. 6 Class. 79. Henery Mickley. 80. Henery Stover. 81. Abraham reamon. 82. Daniel murphy. 83. Abraham Stickley. 84. Chrisley Null. 85. Samuel Reesor. 86. James Litle. 87. John Craford. 88. John Swain. 89. Methias Olt. 90. George Myers, Puner. 91. Robert Bigham. 92. Philip Brown. 93. John Shehan. 94. Henery Long. 7 Class. 95. Jacob Leaman. 96. Chrisley Tolaback. 97. Adam Shank. 98. Chrisley Stevick. 99. Henery Alliman. 100. Thomas Hulligan. 101. Samuel giler. 102. Alexander Innis. 103. John Taggart. 104. John Sheale. 105. Jacob Shire. 106. William Sulivan, 107. John Eirison. 108. James Sheahan. 109. Jacob Tolan. 110. James marrison. 111. James Lynch. 112. Abraham Grove. 113. Jacob Keller. 114. William Wallace. 8 Class. 115. Jacob Pile. 116. Andrew Foster. 117. Samuel Brand. 118. Robert Taggart. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 245 119. Hugh Black. 120. Daniel McMullin. 121. Michal Shell. 122. Thomas Farmer. 123. Andrew Armstrong. Certified by 124. David Bigham. 125. Hugh Bowdewell. 126. Tearmers Juneman. 127. Peter Reesor. JAMES KELLY, Capt. A TRUE AND EXECT LIST OF THE NAMES OF EACH AND EVERY MALE WHITE PERSON INHABITING OR RE- SIDING WITHIN THE DISTRICT OF CAPTAIN JOHN BRUBEAKER COMPANEY IN THE PATTALION OF MIT- TLE PAXTON MILITIA BETWEN THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN AND FORTY FIVE YEARS TAKEN FOR THE YEAR 1794. Captain. John Brubeaker. Lieutenant, petter Rise. Ensign. John Meech. Sergents. 1st. frederick Rise. 2d. crisley Simerman. 3rd. John Evey. 4th. phillip Newpecer. henry Secrest. Danniel Brubecker Jacob Miller. the first class. fillip Eating. Ludwick Cosier. George Curts. Adam Simmerman. peter Newpecer. Mathew Lodge. the secont class. Martain Miller. Joseph Tues. George Strock. 246 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John Gilson. L. Jeacobe Miller. phillip Anders. Jorge Shefer. frederick Simmerman. Andrew Sweagert. the third class. peter hann. henry werfele. the forth class. Andrew Shipler. Adam Sweagert. John Bowman. Abarham Eating, henry gruver. henry Walters. William Dick. Jeacob hosier. William Noblet. the fifth class. phillip Silkniter. peter Swigert. g. Jeacob Brubecer. the sixth class. phillip Shiper. cristefer hosier. John hosier. cristefer Miller. John Simmerman. henry chub. henry greaveendih. cutlip cline. William fintan. the seventh class. george anders. Jonis Swigert. the eighth class. John Anders. Jeacob Brubecer. Christefer Bowman. This 7 Day of July, 1794. A RETURN OF THE CLASSES OF CAPT. ROBT. McKEE, JUNR., COMPY. IN THE SECOND REGIMENT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY BRIGADE OF THE MILITIA BE- TWWEEN THE AGES OF EIGHTEEN AND FORTY-FIVE YEARS COMMANDED BY COL. WM. ALLEN, JULY THE 9TH, 1794. ROBT. McKEE, Jun. Capt Capt. Robt. McKee. Jun. PENNSYLVANIxV MILITIA— 1790-18C0. 247 Lieut. Aphram Campble. Insign. Netthaniel Grahams. Class First. Phillip Lear. John Mumma. Jacob Rife, Senr, John Harshaw. Henry Ridley. John Singer. Fredrick Wagnor. Jacob Nesley. John Baughley. James Kile. John McKee. George Bocks. John Hotts. John Reesor. Joseph Youts. Jacob Books. Christ. Reeser. Jacob Beam. Michael Wagnor. Jacob Coss. Joseph Rife, Junr. William Laird. David Didwiller. James Currey. John Marten. Joseph Gingry. Thos. Currey. John Pixler. Martin Bairler. Michael Lapkecler. Samuel Willit. Nicholas Spring. Eanes Rees. Abraham Pooreman, Jur. John Young. Class Second. Jacob Sover. Agustus Weeburgh. Jacob Pooreman. George Alison. John Sharer. Christian Buttinstone. Sample McKee. Abraham Fredrick. Class Third. Andrew Black. Simon Eakenroade. Casper Lair. Petter Esilman. David Gingery. Phillip Vertil. Henry McKee. Mathew Forsieth. John Shally. Class Fourth. John Grahams. Petter Reeser. Jacob Hunsbarger. John Huffort. William McCallion. Josias Candour. Henry Ritzel. Jacob Burket. Daniel Shupe. John Summey. 248 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Fredrick Bigler. David Duncan. Robert Candour. Jobe Vancord. John Loyd. Phiilip Sellers. Nicholous Martain. Mathias Huffort. John Titzler. Christian Hollinger. Jacob Reser. Daniel Shelly. Henry Shaffner, Junr. Peter Leir. Alex'd Rusle. John Snider. John McGomery. John Earley. Henry Coss. Michal Speck. Jacob Shally. Max Books. Peter Brillinger. Andw. Brown. Daniel Snider. Carel Corpt. Jacob Mitzer. John Bransor. John Kepple. David Kish. Michal Walter. Thomas Keetch. Abraham Rife. William Ogle. James Calwell. Philip Shoats. Jacob Rule. Jacob Lemas. Stophel Murtsall. Class Fifth. John Funck. Christ. Branser. James Shanks. Henry Shaffer, Senr. Gorge Ankes. Andrew Henry. Henry Irwine. Nail McCue. Class Sixth. Hanikill Summerman. Alexander Barnet. Henry Rodrock. Fredric Sellers. Isaack Willit. Stophel Keepple. James Bredy Scarlit. Scarlit. Class Seventh. Jacob Bricker. George Bower. William Buck. Christopher Keepple. Nicklous Lighty. Daniel Shatrone. Thomas Willit. Christopher Apley. Class Eight. Moses Campble. Henry Booser, Junr. Andrew Hicks. John Eselman. Michael Horst. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 249 Christopher Eakenroade. Samuel Sterrit. James McKee. Nicklous Hite. Daniel Skully. Jacob Casle. John Soop. Thomas Moor. Receved this Return July 10, '94. A RETURN OF THE CLASSES OF CAPTN. WILLIAM CAMP- BELL'S COMPANY OP MILITIA BELONGING TO COLOL. VALINTINE SHOUFFLER'S REGIMENT DONE THIS NINTH DAY OP JULY 1794. First Class. John Siglear. George Ferling. John Zimmerman. James Prentise. Second Class. Andrew Peck. Mickell Stouckey. Samuel Wasberger. George Neideich. Third Class. Henry Swartz. Phillip Mecaheling. James Bell. John McCIealland. Fourth Class. George Rumbarger. John Allbreight. Phillip Stine. James Wallace. Fifth Class. Jacob Lass. Thomas Kitts. John Sanders. Matthias Poor. Sixth Class. George Swartz. Benjamin Miller. Vallentine Bolton. George Shaver. 250 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS John Swarts. Henry Miller. Seventh Class. John Roads. Fetter Bruss. Eighth Class. Jacob Pickel. Adam Bartelmay. John Allberdall. Henry Thomas. HENRY GRAHAM, Clark. A CLASS ROLE OF THE SECOND COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY MILITIA JULY 9, 1794. Jacob Shaefer. Alexrd. Bell. Georg Hains. David Stewarth. Sampson Hains. Alexd. Reed. Luke Lonninger. Edward Arnold. Christoph Sirer. Frederich Pattemore. Adam Hains. Abraham Bombarger. Alexd. McKinsey. Paul Lingel. Henry Achy. Ephraim Stephen. John Crehten. Jacob Farling. Samuel Bell. Jas. Blak. Daniel Poorman. 1 Class. Jacob KyClinger. John Gaul. Georg Ellison. John Hoon. 2 Class. Jacob Shitz. Henry Mikel. Peter Feldey. John Mayer. John Nicolaus Conrath. 3 Class. William Rheine. Jacob Kapler. Georg Shitz. Mchal Cor. Christian Smith. •1 Class. John Garbrik. John Brokharth. John Meder. Ludwig Dornmoyer.. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 5 Class. 251 John Hekart. Adam Smeth. Peter Fonk. Philiph Wanemaker. Peter Wendrik. Henry Hoon. John Baruet. Peter Witmoyer. Peter Weyss. Alexd. McHark. 6 Class. Jas. Wigands. Robert M'Clehaney. John Shakspear. John Gilchreest. Fredrick Swertzer. Georg Linker. Finley Rossel. David Patton. Andrew Stephen. John Poorman. Georg Smith. Michael Walborn. Peter Croom. Jacob Brathston. 7 Class. Peter Hekart. John Pattemore. Andrew Marten. John Cohran. Thomas McCarmick. John McClehaney. John Eysehaver. Caspar Stoepher. John Unbargar. Samuel Smith. 8 Class. Andrew Cohran. Nathaniel Ellison. John Larg. ' Godfrey Fretshe. Pr. me JAMES CALDWELL, Capt. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM YOUNGS COMPANY AS THE STAND IN CLASS FOR 1794. John Darkes. Ludwick Klick. Charles Shade. Christian Wingord. John Lowmiller. James Radford. James tilley. 252 George Beasor. henry Zearring. George title. MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS Second Class. Benjamin Clark. Adam Stever. John Boughter. Third Class. John Musser. Ludwick Zearring. Michael Shade. Ahraham Wingord. Thomas Copenheifer. Mathias hease. Michael fulmer. James Young. Michael Darkes. John failler. Fourth Class. Jacob houtz. George Brose. John fisher. John Dibbins. John Wagnor. John helm. Fifth Class. Joseph Knago. John Mingh. John Lingle. henry hasberger. henry hease. John Wolf. Sixth Class. Micheal Kore. Christian Gamble. John Bowen. Seventh Class. John Dibbins. henry Mosser. Balzer Stein, peter Sadlesam. henry pifer. henry Bruner. Christian Zearring. Andrew Stran. Michael Zimmerman. Robert taller. Eighth Class. Michael Rigard. Michael Zimmerman, peter feake. I the Subscriber Do Certify that the Within Return Is J at and true Certified by me this 10th Day of July, 1794. WILLIAM, YOUNG, Capt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 253 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM M'FARLAND'S COMPANY AS IT STANDS IN CLASS FOR THE YEAR 1794. John harper, Jno. Michel Substitute. John hedrick. henry Shue, Ju'r. James Stewart. Nicholas poor. John hover. George Mease, jur. William Barger. John Brighbill. John Carverry. Jacob Ventling. Adam Bougher. Gasper Grasoe. peter Brighbill. phillip Carverry. peter Linglefelly. Richard Stevens. Andrew Young. Adam Carcerry. Jacob hening. Martin Gartnor. Samuel Rayer. Jacob Myer. Christopher Miller. George Gartnor. henry Brighbill. phillip Selzer. Jacob Swink. Christopher Winter, peter kingrey. peter Miller. fredrick Grasor. Second Class. phillip (mutilated), peter Brose. John M'Clealen. John Molfair. Third Class. Adam Mark. George Walmer, Jur. Christian kingrey. fourth Class. John hanshue. phillip Countz. petter Bruner. henry Moonshine. fifth Class. peter Walmer, Jur. John Mease. Stophel Christ, fredrick Stump. Sixth Class. Adam Stein, Jur. Daniel hanshue. phillip Mease. John Darkes. Seventh Class. Jacob Dubbs. George Miller. William McClintig. 254 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Eight Class. George Mark. George Stein, phillip hedrick. George Slone. george ullanl. Adam Brighbill. Nicholas anks. I the Subscriber Do Certify that the above Return is Just and true Certified by me this tenth Day of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. WILLIAM McFARLAND, Capt. July the 12th, 1794. A LIST OF CAPTAIN HENRY SCHNEVELY'S COMPANY. Capt. Henry Schnevely. Leutn. Peter Fuesser. Ensn. George Stine. Henry Bakenstos. Abraham Holdiman. Rudy Merk. Michel Horner. Michel Wagner. Henry Brechbiel. Jacob Wolf. Privates. 1 Class. Christian Brechbiel. Christian Wolf, Jur. Jacob Gottel. Henry Licht. John Grof. Peter Groh. Christian Meyer. Peter Smitd. Peter Smitd, Jur. Nickolaus Albert. David Miller. Henry Uhrich. Jacob Egler. David Brawn. Class. John Kaderman. John Hautz. Ludwig Shui. John Edmun. John Ewrith. Matheis Kemp. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 255 3 Class. Friedrich Hauer. Jacob Oberholser. Christian Stetler. Michel Swenk. Christian Shui. John Noll, Senr. Peter Wendel. Conrad Daub. John Meyer. Adam Koch. John Lens. John Seger. John Brechbiel. Jacob Rudy. Jacob Brown. Casper Deker. Jacob Pefly. Henry Mase. John Eisenhower. Henry Kempel. Gorge Zweir. Henry Hautz. John Hoover. Christian Oberholser. Peter Daub. Christian Hundsiker, Jun. John Buehmeier. Adam Shui. Martin Shui. Philip Weller. Henry Shuker. Jacob Beni. Michel Hofman. John Groh. John Desh. John Pefly. Jacob Wenoer. Martin Walborn. Vallentin Unger. John Noll. Abraham Bixler. 4 Class. Rudy Hundsiker. Gorge Horner. Conrad Wagner. Henry Daub. Friedrich Rudy. John Artz. 5 Class. Balcer Federhaf. John Field. Jacob Conrad. Jacob Grof. Christian Maurer. John Groh. 6 Class. John Shafer. Werner Ohlwein. Peter Grof. John Wagner. John Kohr. Abraham Lens. . 7 Class. Joseph Wenger. John Licht. Jacob Rudy, Junr. Casper Ditzter. Philip Shad. Gorge Bader. 256 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 8 Class. Peter Bixler. Andreas Webert. Daniel Wolf. Peter Rees. Jacob Lens. Jacob Gundy. Jacob Rittel. Jacob Geiger. Lewis Kemeren. Tobias Stober. Jacob Federhaf. Jacob Gamber. RETURN OF AN ELECTION HELD AT HARRISBURG FOR OFFICERS OF THE ARTILLERY COMPANY IN COLO. FORSTER'S REGIMENT IN THE DAUPHIN BRIGADE OF MILITIA ON THE 12TH. JULY 1794. Election 12 July 1794. Captain, John Kean. First Lieutenant, Andrew Krause. Second Lieutenant, William Dogherty, his Election being con- tested it appears that a mistake or misunderstanding hap- pened in the Same. The Brigade Inspector recommended a New election for 2nd. Lieutenant of this Company. RETURN OF AN ELECTION HELD AT HARRISBURG FOR AN ENSIGN IN THE ROOM OF NICHOLAS KREHL RE- SIGNED. William Graydon, ensign in Captain George Fisher's Com- pany of Light Infantry belonging to the first Regiment of Dauphin County Militia Elected on the 5th. Day of May 1794. I do certify that the above return is Just and true State- ment of the said Elections, and that the officers above named were duely elected except William Dogherty whose Election is Contested According to the Certificates transmitted to me. Witness my hand the 16th. Day of July 1794. JNO. GLONINGER, B. I. D. C. M. To his Excellency Thomas Mifflin Esqr. Governor of Pennsylvania. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 257 Delivered to Ensign Grayton his Commission as sub. in Captn. Fisher's Company of Light Infantry belonging to the first Regiment of Dauphin Co. Militia. I. B. McCoy. I have reed, the above Commission and also those others mentioned in the within return except the one that is con- tested which I hereby acknowledge. 24th July 1794. JNO. GLONINGER. David Doebler. John Alstat. David Fisher. John Thome, Jnr. Philip Fisher. Adam Primmer. Martin Waltz. Peter Miler, Jnr. Christian Fisher. Jacob Arndt. George Ishler. Peter Durst. Jacob Boneman. Michael Schloterback. Fredrick Bedger. John Gasserd. Christian Bedger. Fredrick Yensel. Gustavus Stoy. John Gorge. John Yager. Daniel Harey. Henry Peter. Henry Cook. James Clegg. Baltzer Gasserd. Philip Becker. John Mason. Peter Linanlever. Samuel Kimmel. Jacob Phiffer. Christopher Broner. Godlip Zimmerman. John D. Hays. Henry Gilbert, Jnr. William Fetterman. I do certify that the above Named Parsons belonging to the Light Infantry Company under my Command Offered Voluntary to engage as Corp in the service to march when called upon. Witness my Hand the 12th. July 1794. ABRAHAM DOEBLER, Capt. To John Gloninger, B. G. D. C. M. A CLASS RETURN LIST OF THE SEVENTH COMPANY IN THE 2d. REGIMENT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY BRIGADE OF THE MILITIA &c TAKEN THE 12TH JULY 1794. Class 1st. Daniel Shiffer. jJos. Gansey. Jacob Longnacker, Senr. Adam Loughman, 17— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 258 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Abrm. Gibford. Wm. Bradley. Robt. Dunbar. Peter Fishburn. Wm. Boyd. Wm. Hamilton. Class 2d. Peter Eberly. Jacob Eshleman. Peter Kompler. Geo. Shelhamer. Abrm. Hamaker. Fredk. Ricker. Jno. Eshleman. Jacob Spidle, Jnr. Geo. Hoober. Jno. McKissick. Michl. Hoober. Chrisn. Blessing. Jno. McDonald. Jno. Byers. Andw. Henry. Fredk. Buck. Abraham Cope. Saml. Bradley. Heny. Sheets. Fredk. Slutterbeck. Jno. Kerr. Jno. Duncan. Class 3d. Philip Blessing. Thos. Evens. Peter Leman. Jno. Spong. Conrad Wiman. Class 4th. Henry Stahr. Jno. Frederick. James Kerr. Adam Brewa. Vendle Henry. Class 5th. Jno. Snyder. Abraham Henry. Adam Cobaugh. Wm. Spidle. Wm. Bale. Robt. Hayes. Abraham Heaston. Henry Blough. Saml. Thompson. Jams. Hamilton. Philip Kerper. Joseph Evens. David Widmyer. Jno. SpidJe. Henry Medler. Jno. Irely. Class 6th. Anthy. Blessing. Chrisn. Hamaker. Fetrick Camerer. Wm. Myer. Max Spidle, Jnr. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 259 Class 7th. Daniel Leman. Abraham Leman. Jno. Sheffer. Jam's Burlin. Jno. Fleeger. Jacob Longnacker, Ju'r. Abraham Mitchel. Jno. Landis, Ju r. David Bale. Adam Sheetz. Class 8th. Philip Bollinger. Fetrick Cobaugh. Adam Hamaker, Esq'r. Abraham Balsbaugh. Alexd'r Moore. Rich'd Jones. Philip Fishburn. Patrick Hayes. Thos. McElrath. Thorn's Morrison. David Stephenson. Ludwick Fishburn, Capt. RETURN OF THE NAMES OF THE MILITIA OF THE FIRST COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY & THE CLASSES TO WHICH THEY BELONG, JULY 15, 1794. Saml. Willson. Jno. Shirech. Nicholas Cast. (Mutilated) Harminy. Class 1. Jas. Rippeth. Robt. Moodey. George Fauckler. Abraham Hoover. Class 2. Abraham Snyder. Wm. Trousdale. Christian Early. Michael Awl. Jno. Sterrit. Jno. Smith. Wm. Cathcart. Wra. McCormick, Jno. Moorhead. Christian Richard. Abraham Richard. Class 3. Jno. Pirkey. Henry Worst. Jno. Eater. Andrew Cathcart. 260 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. George Rogers. Neal McDonnald. Moses England. Robt. Parks. Thos. Trouldale. Jno. Gregary. Wm. Beard. Henry McCormick. Jno. McEntire. Philip Shirech. Wm. McCandles. Valintine Balsbagh. Moses Willson. Jacob Strirech. Jas. Beard. Jno. Ferguson. Class 4. George Daugherty. Wm. McClure. Mathias Wolf. Class 5. Wm. Locksley. Patrick Twig. Jacob Serker. Class 6. Christian Ludiwig. Daniel Sailor. Jno. Cline. Class 7. Robt. FVeckleton. Thos. Willson. Jos. Springer. Thos Simonton. Jas. Rogers. David Ferguson. Jno. Bumbarger. Thos. Rogers. Class 8. Jacob Ingler. David Risher. Jno. Castle. Captain. James Wallace. A CLASS ROLE OF CAPTAIN JOHN BARNETT'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY MILITIA COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM ALLEN. Dated July 21st. 1794. David Davis, Sergun. John Umbarger. Charles Brown. Clark. Ennis Green. Anthony Long. First Class. John Yeater. Adam Harbison. Nicholas Swartz. Henry Smith. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 261 James Barnett. Thomas McClure. Robt. McCoIlogh. Archd. McCoIlogh. Second Class. Thomas Montgomery. John Rice. James Crain. Thomas Hume. William Crain. Hugh Graham. Robert Allen. Philip Carver. Third Class. Joseph McBey. Michael McCleery, Warren Wonder. Rudy Bare. Jonathan Boyers. Joseph McNutt. Wm. McCoIlogh. Michael Umbarger. Fourth Class. Calep Spoon. Lawrence Imore. Michael Shuey. William Henry. William Crawford. Moses Barnett. Thomas Gray. George Carver. Fifth Class. George Ronion. Stephen Rannels. Jacob Sheaffer. Tobias Crawl. Andrew Crain. Michael Bower. Tristram Allen. Thomas Barnett. Sixth Class. John Weir. Alexr. McCleery. Frederic Shuey. Robert Hume. Joseph Crain. Leonard Umbarger. Robert Stewart. John Hume. Seventh Class. Jacob Carver. Alexr. McElheny. Daniel Shuey. John Crain. James Pettycrew. Benjamin Wallace. .Tames Allen. Wm. Kennedy. Eight Class. Thos. Kennedy. Jacob Carpenter. James Vanleer. Joseph Kessey. John Barnett, Capt. 262 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Sir: The Militia Law requires that the B. Inspector shall furnish the Adjutant General with the Returns of the Militia in their Respective Counties and with their receipts of Militia Fines and their expenditures. I have it not in my Power to make out regular Returns those Returns I herewith trans- mitted were taken from the Returns made by the Captain under the old Militia Laws in May last. The amount of the Fines I received by me & the expendi- tures being so small that I was not particular with respect to the form. RETURN OF THE MILITIA INROLLED IN THE SEVERAL COMPANIES OF DAUPHIN COUNTY ACCORDING TO THE RETURNS OF THE CAPTAINS ELECTED UNDER THE LATE MILITIA LAW MADE TO ME LAST SPRING. 1793. Colo. William Allen's Battalion now Regiment. Capt. Robert McKee's Company 135 Men Capt. James Kelly's Compy 100 Capt. Michael Kutzner Compy 82 Capt. Jacob Wolfly's Compy 151 Capt. Peter Eberly's Compy 99 Capt. John Barnitz Compy 74 Capt. James Wallaces Compy 73 Capt. Philip Wolfersberger Co 81 795 Colo. Valentine Shouffler's Battalion now Regiment. Capt. Jacob Gettle's Compy Ill Capt. Daniel Bradley's Co 80 Capt. Martin's Compy 56 Capt. Wm. Young's Co 71 Capt. Melchior Behny's Co 74 Capt. John Reighard's Co 49 Capt. Hugh Andrew's Co 39 Capt. Abraham Sehbolfs Co 58 Capt. Lewis Kreider's Co. of Light Infantry 62 600 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 263 Colo. John A. Hanna's Battalion now Colo. Thomas Forster's Regiment. Capt. John McElhenny's Company 89 Capt. William Glasse's Company 301 Capt. William Murrey's Co 89 Capt. John Brubacher's Co 73 Capt. Samuel Sherer's Co 80 Capt. Robt. McClure's Co 92 Capt. Richd. Swan's Co 83 Capt. Martin Weaver's Co 121 928 Note, out of Capt. Glasse's Company there is since found on© Company of Light Infantry and the greatest part of a Troop of Horse or Light Dragoons, the Returns of which have not yet been made known to me. Colo. James Wood's Battalion now Regiment. Capt. Jacob Teisse's Compy 138 Capt. Jacob Emlich's Compy 117 Capt. John Grim's Compy 90 Capt. Peter Ensminger's Compy 106 Capt. Thomas Millard's Compy 83 Capt. Christian Loy's Co 130 Capt. Daniel Huning's Co 132 Capt. Michael Singer's Co 88 Capt. Abraham Dubler's Compy of Light Infantry . . 47 Capt. John Meyer's Company of Rifle Men 40 971 I do certify that the foregoing is a true Return of the Militia of Dauuphin County taken from the Returns made to me by the Captains or Commanding Officers of Companies. Witness my Hand this 13th. Day of March 1794. To Josiah Harmer, Esqr. Adjt. Genl. 264 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A JUST RETURN OF THE MENS NAMES OP THE FIRST AND SECOND CLASSES WHICH I HAVE SERVED THE NOTICES. Ludwig Wolfly. David McCord. Elisha Green. Ludwig Foorman. Jehu Baily. Jacob Myer. Henry Miller. James Mussel. First Class. John McCord, Light Dragoon. John Brooks. Henry Spangle. Robert Fulton. Jesse Gibbons. Michael Rodenberger. John Woodrow. Christian Huver. Edward Crouch. Gorge Pautimer. James Burd. Daniel Stubbs. John CroU. Samuel Herdman. Mordica McKinny, Lt. D Witness my hand. 26th. of September 1794. Second Class. Charles Nogle. Daniel Erisman. John Boden. Frederick Ream. John Conser. Eli Rig. John Boax. CHAS. McMURTREE, Capt. A RETURN OF THE MARCHING CLASSIS OF THE EIGH COMFY. IN THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE DAUPHIN COUNTY BRIGADE OF THE MILITIA COMMANDED BY COLN. WM. ALLEN. ROBT. McKEE, JUNR., Capt. September the 26th. 1794. Phillip Lair. John Mumma. Jacob Rife, Senr. John Hershew. Henry Ridley. John Singer. Fredrick Wagner. Class First. Jacob Neasley. Michael Lapkeeler. Nicholous Spring. Emis Rees. Abm. Poorman, Junr. Petter Young, paid. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 265 Class Second. George Books. Jacob Pooreman, Snr. John Hoots. George Allison. John Reesor. - John Sharer. Joseph Youts. Christian Buttonstone. Jacob Books. Abraham Fredrick. Christian Reesser. Sample McKee. I do certify that the above is a true list of the Militia be- longing to the first and 2nd. Classes of my Company who now reside in my Company and are between the ages of 18 and 45 years some of those that were enrolled last Spring and gone out of my Company & some have proved themselves over age. Witness my hand. ROBT. McKEE, Capt. RETURN OF OFFICERS, NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES COMPOSING THE OF LIGHT IN- FANTRY OF DAUPHIN COUNTY MILITIA ATTACHED TO THE 1ST BATALION IN THE FIRST REGIMENT UNDER THE COMMAND OF LIEUTEN. COIjONEL THOMAS FOSTER. Commissioned Officers. Capt. George Fisher. Lieutt. Jacob Rietzel. Ensign. William Graydon. Officers Non Commissioned. 1 Serg's Saml. Hill. 2nd. Sergts. John Drally. 266 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 3rd. Sergts. Peter Rietzel. Privates. Simon Wingert. Patrick Miirry. Michal Krehl. John Irwin. Alexdr. Ingram. Hugh Stephen. John Steel. Charles Nagel. Dewald Fesig. David Mathias. Thomas Dickey. James Gilchrist. William Carson. Peter Graevoss. James Simpson. Samuel Dewees. James Cairns. John Ronging. Peter Deening. Jehu Bailey. Daniel Warlor. Alen Hayes. George Eigholls. John Sheitz. George Firestone. Henry Fulten. Thomas Elder. James Montgomery. Richard Crawford. Samuel Jed. 86 total. The above is a true Return of the Officers, non Commis- Bioned Officers & Privates composeing my Company of Light Infantry. G. FISHER, Captn. Harrisburg 1st October, 1794. Rec'd October 1st, 1794 of Genl. John A. Hanna two hundre^L Sixteen Dollars the bounty or additional pay alowed to tho Officers, non commissioned officers & privates agreeably to this return and agreeably to an Act of Assembly of Penn- sylvania. G. FISHER, Captn. Dolls. 216. There was thirty seven men in this company all of whom were allowed their bounty and of course 6 dollars must b« added to the receit it then makes 222 dollars which presume I paid. RETURN OF CAPT. AINSWORTH'S VOLUNTEER RIFLE COMPANY. Capt. Saml. Alnsworth. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 267 Lieut. Saml. Ward. Ens. John Campbell. James McEwen. Hugh Wilson. "" James Thorne. Anty M. Creight. Rebt. Kirkwood. David Todd. John Ramage. John Backenstoe. George Young. Henry Hederick. John Stewart. James Gilespy. Lazarus Ainsworth. James Ainsworth. Robt. Hill. James French. Robt. Sloan. Wm. Smith. George Grain. Thos. Harper. John Innis. John Gardner. I do certify that the above named persons have Voluntarily Enrol'd themselves to serve on the expedition against the Western Insurgents. Harrisburg October 2, 1794. SAML. AINSWORTH, Capt. Rec'd October 2, 1794 of Alexander I Dallas paymaster Gen- eral of the Militia of Peunsy'a by the hands of John Andre Hanna Brig Gen'l One hundred & fifty Dollars being the adit- ional allowance or Bounty granted by Act of Assembly granted to Volunteers which I promise to Account for. 150 Dols. PME. SAML. AINSWORTH, Capt. Received October 2nd 1794 of Alexander F. Dallas pay- master General of the Militia of Pennsylvania by the Hands of Robert Fleming Capn. of a Volunteer Rifle Company in Dauphin County the Sume of Six Dollars Each to Serve in the Western Expedition against the Insurgents. Witness Our Hands. Henry Harry. Jno. Elder. his James Sturgeon. John X Roush. John Finney. mark John forguson. 268 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Robt. Robertson. Robert McCleary. Thos Humes. Jacob Hummel. Phillip Stoehr. William Elliott. Joseph Creacen. Jno. Hope. his John Carson. Frederick X Shloderback. Alexander Love. (name not mark inserted in the original re- John Karkesleger. turn.) Thomas McCleary. John Allison. James Minsker. Robert Eakings. Michael Awl. James Thomas Holson. James Johnson. Stacy Daniels. Peter Rhys. his Robert Sturgeon, (not in the Philip X Meek. Original.) mark Robt. Fleming. James Creain. Peter Phelon. John Duncan. The within & foregoing with Captain Fleming himself is thirty five in number @ 6 Dollars Pr Man is 210. RETURN OF THE FIRST COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. JAMES WALLACE, OCTOBER THE 6TH, 1794. Commissioned OflBcers. Capt. James Wallace. Lieut. Josias Forester. Non-Commissioned OflBcers. Nathaniel Child. John Karr. Privates Benjamin Howel. ^^ Emanuel Duey. Barny Dougherty. Philip Bottemey. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 269 James Tiley. Patrick Mc gill. Thomas Mckissick. John Holland. John Seager. Abraham Updegraff. Alexander Bleakley. John Moorhead. Adam Walbesor. Joseph Krause. John Steel. Charles Stevenson. Michael Liones. Henry Spangle. Godfrey Pilgrim. Neel Sweny. Peter Stanley. David Mickimon. James Aleson. Danis Stanley. I do certify that the aforenamed twenty eight men officers & non-commissioned officers included marched in my company against the Western Insurgents after being mustered at Har- risburg, Date aforesd. JAMES WALLACE, Capt. Reed. Octoher 6th, 1794 of A. J. Dallas, Esqr. Paymaster Genl. by the hands of John A. Hanna Brig. Genl. of Dauphin Militia one hundred & sixty eight dollars being the bounty allowed the above named men by act of assembly. Witness my hand. JAMES WALLACE, Capt. RETURN OF THE FIRST COMPANY OF DAUPHIN COUNTY MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. RICHARD SWAN. OCTOBER 3RD. A. D. 1794. Commissioned Officers. Names. Capt. Richard Swan. Lieut Richard Fulton. Non Commissioned Officers. 1 Samuel Montgomery. 1 John Weaver. 2 James Irvin. 2 Jacob Hammod. 3 Joseph Keller. 3 William Henry. 4 Nicholas Wyant. 4 John Woodroff. 270 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Privates. 1 James Clokey. 2 William Thomson. 3 John Lard. 4 John Brown. 5 Gorge Gardner. 6 Joseph Moore. 7 Nicholas Stough. 8 William Sheaver. 9 Phillip Beel. 10 John Robeson. 11 Gorge Wetherhold. 12 John Thomson. 13 John Wetherup. 14 William Martin. 15 John Maxwell. 16 James Abraham. 17 John Hudson. 18 John Myers. 19 Alexander McElheney. 20 Lewis Kester. 21 Edward Arnold. 22 Lucke Lonigon. 23 John Miacal. 24 Saml. Henrey. 25 Conn Dogherty. 26 Peter Stence. 27. Samuel Pool. 28 William Boggs. I Do certify that the within names thirty eight men were mustered at Harrisburg and marched in my company against the Western Insurgents. RICHARD FULTON, Lieut Reed, of John A. Hanna Brig. Genl. for Alexdr. James Dallas Paymaster Genl. of Pennsylvania Militia two hundred and twenty eight dollars being the bounty allowed by act of Assembly to the within named thirty eight men marching against the insurgents. Witness my hand. RICHARD FULTON. Lieutt. October 6th. 1794. Three other Joined this company which wa? paid by John A. Hanna. RETURN OF CAPT. JOHN IRWIN TROOP OF CAVALRY OF DAUPHIN COUNTS' MADE AT CARLISLE OCTR. lOTH 1794. 1 Jas. Soyers. 2 John Little. 3 Thos. Murry. 4 John Montgomery. 5 Jas. Reed. 6 Galbraith Patterson. 7 Jas. Patterson. 8 Saml. Grahams. 9 Michl. Simpson. 10 John Kelso. 11 Alex'r Kerr. 12 Mordecai McKinney. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 271 13 Edward fronch. 18 Benj'n Duncan. 14 Jas. Burd. 19 Sam'l Grahams. 15 Zachariah Stephen. 20 Heny P. Miller. 16 Ward. 21 John Irwin. 17 Saml. Galbraith. 22 Math. Henderson, Surg'n Rec'd October 10th 1794 of John A. Hanna for Alexdr. James Dallas paymaster Genl. one hundred & thirty eight dollars being the bounty or additional allowance granted by act of assembly to those who march against the western insurgents. JOHN IRWIN, Capt. I do certify this is a Return of the men now marching under my command. JOHN IRWIN, Capt. Octr. 10th '94. RETURN OF THE INFANTRY COMPANY OF MILITIA FROM LEBANON IN THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN COM- MANDED BY CAPT. ABRAHAM DOEBLER. 3 Commissioned Officers. Capt. Abraham Doebler. Lieu. Adam Richard. Ensign. Fredk. Embigh. 6 Non-Commissioned Officers. Wm. moore. Henry Friday. Gustaves Stoy. John Gurge. Michael Slotterbeck. Philip Fisher. Privates. David Doebler. Benj. Thompson. John Alstadt. Saml. Klaegg. David Fisher. Thorns. Lowder. Adam Primmer. Charles Norris. Martin Waltz. Michael Miller. 272 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Fredk. Yensil. John Yaeger. Danl. Harry. Philip Baker. John Mason. John Servis. Heny. Gilbert. James Klaegg. Robert Hamilton. Michael Welch. I do certify that the above number of men are now march- ing in my company against the western insurgents. ABRAHAM DOEBLER, Capt. October 15th, 1794. Reed. October 10th, 1794 Alexd. James Dallas paymaster genl. by the hands of John A. Hanna Brig. Genl. in full of the bounty allowed to by my men by act of assembly for which I am accountable. ABRAHAM DOEBLER, Capt. RETURN OF CAPT. JOHN DIVENS COMPANY OF RIFLE- MEN FROM MIDDEL PAXTON DAUGHIN COUNTY. Mathias Flam. Phillip Dindurf. Thomas Car. Thomas Kerns. Com. Officers. Capt. John Diven. Lieut. Geo. Clark. Ensign. Jno Jones. John Kisler. Frederick Kisler. Wm. Buchanan. Mathew McCain. Privates. 1 Danel Car. 2 Wm. Brown. 3 Nath. Buchanan. 4 Thomas Lordon. 5 Peter Baughan. 6 Wm. Taylor. 7 Nickel Williams. 8 John Kiter. 9 Peter Kiter. 10 Robert McCall. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 273 11 James Taylor. 12 Peter Car. 13 John Freeburn. 14 Robert Freeburn. 15 James Hines. 16 Daniel Miller. 17 John Wallis. 18 Gilb. McCay. 19 Thomas Ridge. 20 Cornelius Lafferty. 21 Cornelius Atkinson. Reed. October 11th 1794 of Alexr. J. Dallas paymaster Genl. by the hands of John A Hanna, Brigadier Genl. the sum of one hundred and ninety two dollars being the bounty or additional allowance granted to the men marching against the Western insurgents in number 32 — under the command of Captain Divin for which promise to be accountable. Witness my hand. JNO. JONES, Ens. I do certify that the above named thirty two men have been mustered and are now on their march to the western country under the command of Captain Divin. JNO. JONES, Ens. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN, DRAUGHED AND ORDERED TO MARCH AGAINST THE INSUR- GENTS IN THE WESTERN PARTS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Colo. Thomas Forsters Regiment No. 1. Names. Remarks. Capt. Richd. Swan's 1st Class. Comp. exempted bv the court of Aopeal. WiUiam Shever. exempted. Michael Sheffer served in Capt. Wallace Comp. by Jos. Moore his substitute, exempted. Francis Cavet exempted. entered his substitute Chas. Stephenson in Nicholas Wyand, ... Capt. Wallace Compy. exempted, served in Capt. Wallace Compy: 18— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 274 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. Remarks. Daniel Roberts. Henry Sheffer. 2(i Class. Peter Walburn. William Updegrove. served by his substitute John Woodruff ia Capt. Wallace Compy. served In Capt. Wallace Company. exempted. exempted. exempted. Peter Michael David Elder, Thomas Smith, Wallace Compy. Jacob Bobb. John or Martin Alliman Capt. Saml Sharer's Compy. 1st Class. Valentine Aspenshade Flemmings Compy. served by Jno. Slod in Capt. Flemings Co. (see Capt. Swans suplementry). paid, exempted. served in Capt. Wallace Compy. exempted. paid. exempted. exempted. exempted. adjudged to pay his fine paid. served in Capt. Wallace Compy. exempted. Poor moved away. exempted. not found. exempted. exempted. not found. exempted. served in Capt. Wallace Compy. served bv his substitute William Henry In Casper Ashenhower. 2d Compy. Daniel Fisher Capt. John Krauses Compy. Ist Class. Christopher Walters Capt. Wallace Co. served by his substitute James Irwlne In Capt. Wallace Co. exempted. Henry Petery. Alexander Ingram. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 27£ RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. Remarks. Andrew Dorshimer. Thomas Stephens. Christian Greenawalt Dead no estate, exempted. John Fogelsauger. served by his sub. John Seger in Capt. Daniel Balford. Bernard Umholtz. Wallace Compy. served by his sub. William Thompson, In Capt. Wallace Co. exempted. Jacob Mish. Anthony Hemperly. served by Neal Sweany in Capt. Flemings John Kinckeal. John Rotes. Compy. Philip Real, . John Weaver, 2d Class. William Brown Jacob Lechner. Alexander Graydon, Baltzer Sees, John Walker. Casper Wagner. Nicholas Newman, ... Henry Hatts. John Howard. Michael Kaap, Junr., John Stuttebecker. George Allen. Christopher Crawford. Henry Bernhard William Crabb, Philip Brown. Philip Horning James Patterson. Samuel Pool John Allen. Joseph Pool. James Montgomery. Jacob Allen served in Capt. Wallace Company, served. exempted. served by Samuel Montgomery in Capt. Wallace Compy. served by Jacob Hammond in Capt. Wal- lace «Compy. exempted. served by Peter Reu in Capt. Fleming's Compy. exempted, exempted. exempted. served In Capt. Wallace Compy. exempted. Capt. Robt. McClures Compy.! Ist Class. Thomas Kerns. Michael Limes served in Capt. Flemings Company. 276 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Jacob Awl. Joseph Steward, Frederick Miller, Samuel Steward, Frederick Castle, paid, paid. exempted, paid. John Miller ll exempted. Peter Newman exempted. 2d Class. Alexander Blackly, Daniel Farthing. Archibald Campbell, Joseph Page Abraham Meyer, . . John Bean Casper Giles John Siders George Rees served in Oapt. Flemings Company. not found. moved away. moved away. exempted. exempted. exempted. paid. Capt. Wm. Clarks Compy. 1st Class. John Brown Michael Bole | exempted. William Glgar Michael Crow Jacob Carppenter. John Acmstrong Jacob Hotts George Straw. served in Capt. Wallace Company. exempted. 2d Class. James Foulk George Gartner, George Straw, Junr. Michael Ryan Jacob Cline Ch#rles Welker John Garmond, William Hempson. Capt. James Caldwells Compy Ist Class. Jacob Sheffer Alexander Bell. .. George Hains exempted, exempted. David Steward Simpson Hains j exempted Jacob Kyblinger exempted John Gaul exempted exempted. served in Capt. Wallace Company. exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted, exempted. served by Barny Dougherty in Capt. Wal- lace Compy. exempted. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 277 RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. Remarks. George Ellison served by Alexander McElhany In Capt. Wallace Co. exempted. John Hoon 2d Class. Alexander Reed exempted. Luke Loninger served in Capt. Wallace Company. Edward Arnold. Christopher Slcrer Frederick Patteniore served in Capt. Wallace Company, adjudged to proof that he Is sickly or pay his tine, exempted. Adam Hains. Jacob Shitz Henry Mikel. Peter Feltv served by Lewis Kister Capt. Wallace John Mever Company, served in Capt. Wallaces Compy. John Nicholas Conrad Capt. John Brubacher's Com'y 1st Class. Henry Sigrist exempted. Daniel Brubacher N B. must be Joseph Brubacher who is Jacob Miller. Philip Etting. exempted. exempted. 2d Class. Mathew Lodge. Martin Miller exempted, exempted. Capt. Daniel Steeves Compy. 1st Class. Adam Herman. exempted. George Michl. Hawk. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. »«.^t..^ John Stahlman John Bordner, exempted. 278 MUSTEil AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MIUTL\ OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Jacob Sallady | exempted. Christian Shott, Junr ' exempted. Peter Weaver, exempted. Rudolph Hook, exempted. exempted, exempted, exempted. 2d Class. John Teger George Diveller, Michael Redel Michael Shadel, Junr. Philip TVilller. George Negly. George Shoop j exempted Abraham File. I Jacob Broslus exempted Henry Ramberger. Robert Ossman exempted Jacob Matter. William Bordner exempted Levi Buffington exempted Peter Ritzman exempted Colo. William Allen's Regiment No 2. Capt. James "Wallace's Compy 1st Class. Samuel WlUson exempted, exempted. Nicholas Gast. John Karmany. Robert Moody George Fauckler march, served by James Allison in Capt. Flemings Comp. paid, paid. paid. 2d Class. ■William Trousdale belongs to Capt. Lydlch's Compy., Col. Michael Awl Sherefflers Regt. & pd. his fines In sd, compy. served In Capt. Flemings Compy. John Moorehead, served in Capt. Wallace Compy. Christian Richard Abraham Rishard paid. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 279 RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Remarks. -served in Capt. Flemings Compy. pd. paid. paid. under tlie age of 18 sworn by liis mother. Poor. exempted. exempted. moved away. Capt. James Kellys Compy. 1st Class. Thomas McCleary, John Shauck, John Mickly, Christly Brand James Lloyd, Daniel Shetrone Christly Ix>ngnecker David Foster Geor.Ere Meyers, ..'. George Tinnes ' exempted. John Shealer gone. George Anderson, not ifound. John Walker , not found. Herman Bernard exempted. Samuel Attwood not found. John Lynch, senr exempted 2d Class. James Minsker served in Capt. Fleming's Compy. Robert McCleery. served in Capt. Fleming's Compy. Jacob Mickley } paid. Christly Buck i exempted. James Johnston served in Capt. Fleming's Compy. John Breadon i Poor. John Reesor, ! paid. Jacob Furry ' exempted. Patrick McBride exempted. Edward Brians. Neal Shay exempted. William Dougherty not found. Jacob Oastater ' exempted. Melchier Mickley exempted. Ulrey Longnecker, paid. William James exempted. Capt. Andrew Hereoff's Compy. iBt Class. Michael Spade exempted. Jacob Hummel i served In Capt Michael Baum : exempted. Jacob Ebersold. ] George Lower exempted. Andrew Alexander elected Lieutenant marched. John Ebersold exempted. Bimon Singer exempted. Fleming's Compy. before the Militl» 280 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. Remarks. 2d Class. Andrew Shredly exempted. served In Capt. Fleming's Co. Jacob Stover. Philip Meek •Joseph Woolison Daniel Singer exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. « served in Capt. Flemings Co. by his sub- stitute Adam Wallevor (as per certificate from Capt. Wallace). served by Benjamin Howel in Capt. Wal- lace Co. (certificate from Capt. Wallace). served by John Holland in Capt. Fleming's Co. (certificate from Capt. Wallace). served by Walhr. Giles in Capt. Wallace Comp. (certificate from Capt. McMultrle). gone. exempted. exempted. paid. h D exempted. John Deary Serjent Philip Buch ♦William Woolllson Capt. Charles McMuItries Comp. 1st Class. Ludwlck "Wolffly David McCord, Elijah Green John McCord Jolin Brooks, served in Capt. Wallace Compy. exempted, exempted, exempted, poor. adjudged to pay his fine or bring better proof that he wa.s sick. Light Dragoon. Robert Fulton Michael Rodenborger Christian Huber 2d Class. Edward Crouch exempted. James Burd his appeal not determined. John Evey. Daniel Stubbs exempted. John Croll adjudged to pay his fine. Mordceai McKlnney D served by Michael Elder in the Troop. served by George Eighholts says Maj. Frederick Ream, not found. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 281 RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. John Couser Eli Rig John Boor Capt. Fredk. "Wolffersbergers Company. 1st Class. Peter Farney Joseph Sawyer Jacob Nafsker Anthony Hemperly, .. Christopher Herbster, Joseph Rice Abraham Bettelion, John Sawyer, Daniel Hill Michael Miller Michael Starchr 2d Class. Adam Deminger Jacob Balm John Carper William Sawyers, esqr. Jacob Ricker Christian Glllman. Christian Nafsher, ■William Willson, . Christian Kelly, .. Mathew McCabe, Martin Hershy, John Welsh, ... Dead. exempted. exempted. paid. paid. moved away. exempted. paid. exempted. paid. paid. gone. exempted. •xempted. paid. his appeal Is not yet determined. paid. served by Thomas McKlslck in Flemings Co. exempted. Capt. Capt. John Barnett's Compy. 1st Class. David Davis John Umberger. Charles Brown Ennis Green. Anthony Long John Tetter Adam Harbison Nicholas Swartz Henry Smith 2d Class. James Harnett, Thomai McClure. paid. exempted. adjudged that he prove that he was drafted into another Company or pay his fine. not found, exempted, exempted. appointed Serjeant. appointed Clerk. exempted. exempted. belonged to the Light Dragoons. exempted. Poor. served either In Capt. Wallace- Co. or MaJ. Fischers Cher. 282 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUfHIN— Continued. Names. Remarks. Kobert McCullough exempted. Archibald McCullough. Thomas Montgomery. John Rice exempted. James Grain exempted. Thomas Hume, served In Capt. Flemings Company. Capt. Ludwlck Mshburn'B Comp. 1st Class. Daniel Shiffer Joseph Gansey exempted. Jacob Longnecker, senr Adam Laughman, paid, poor GTone. Abraham Gibford paid. "William Bradley Robert Dunbar exempted. Peter Fishburn William Boyd, paid. William Hammllton 2d Class. Peter Eberly exempted. Jacob Eshelman Peter Kompler Dead. George Shellhammer Abraham Hammaker Frederick Rlcker. Samuel Bradley Henry Sheetz exempted. exempted. exempted. served In Capt. Flemings Company. served in Capt. Wallace's Company. served in Capt. Flemings Company. adjudged to prove that he was sick or pay Frederick Shlotterbeck John Kerr John Duncan Capt. Robert McKee's Compy. 1st Class. Philip Lear, John Mumma his fine. Jacob Rife, senr., John Hershy exempted. Henry Ridley exempted, exempted. John Singer Frederick Waggner Jacob Nessly exempted. John Baughly John Bixler Capt. suppley Return. Samuel WlUet Capt. suppley Return, no such man to be found In this part see Capt. Buppley Return. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 283 RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. Martin Bairler no such man to be found In this part see Capt. suppley Return, exempted, exempted, paid. N. B. Peter Young paid. no such man to be found in this part see Michael Lebklcher, Nicholas Spring Abraham Poorman, Jr John Young 2d Class. John McKee Captain McKees supplementary return, no such man to be found in this part see Captain McKees supplementary return, no such man to be found In this part see Captain McKees supplementary return. poor (sick) his appeal not yet determined. Jacob Boox, sworn before Justice Hammaker that he Is under 18. no such man see Cap. McKee's supplemen- tary return, no such man see Cap. McKee's supplemen- tary return, exempted. gone. exempted. Christian Buttlnstein exempted. to bring better proof or pay. to bring better proof. Poor. Colo. James Woods Regiment No. 3. Capt. Jacob Emblch's Comp. 1st Class. George Hess George Trump, John Shue Abraham Meyer Seorge Leop appealed. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. Remarks. 2S4 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. John P. Beck exempted. Jacob Weiss [ exempted. George Berkert | exempted. John Greenawalt exempted. (Jodfrld Thomas I exempted. Daniel Klotz, I gone. 2d Class. Jacob Rohland, Henry Harry, George Trion, Peter "Wentling Michael Huber, Conrad Merck George Kornman, . . Conrad Gerhard, ... George Kurts, John Zimmerman, . Henry Yeengel George Glonlnger, . William Reed Michael Welsh Robert Hammllton, Thomas Simpson, .. Philip Dlel Peter Dlrst, Capt. Conrad Berry's Compy. 1st Class. Robert Wray exempted. served In Capt. Fleming's Company. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. served In Capt. Deablers Company. served In Capt. Deablers Company. served In Capt. Deablers Company. exempted. exempted. Tsaac Wacken, Jacob Lehman John Shallenberger John Marter Henry Frank John Meyer Jacob Meyer Henry Martin Jacob Hoffman ' exempted. Christopher Rlcker I exempted. John Henner ! exempted. Frederick Ney ' exempted. John Dollen, ' exempted. 2d Class. I Jacob Eyer exempted. Abraham Blough exempted. Joseph Shenck exempted. Christian Behm exempted. John Miller. Jacob Sighly, ' exempted. served by Pete Stanly Compy. exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, paid. exempted, exempted. in Capt. Fleming's PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 285 RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. George Huber Andrew Steward John Roop, John Dutweiller Frederick Biely Martin Meyer, Henry Rlghard Adam All Michael Fernsler Abraham Rohland Adam Bard Henry Meyer, Chris, son Philip Karmany Adam Killinger Adam Kremmer Daniel Hening George Higs Peter Hettrich Henrj' Herr. Capt. Michael Singer's Comp. 1st Class. Charles Biener Adam Hellman, John s< Jacob Frelich Martin Funck Henry Boltz Frederick Beyer Lucas Shally Adam Shally Michael Sadelzamn, John Walter, Peter Walter George Baltz Peter Bohr John Krelder John Steover. Adam Shally (Jno. son). Henry Beshore John Embrich Bernhard Brown John Sherer Remarks. exempted, exempted. paid. exempted. exempted. paid. Poor. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. served by Patt. McGill In Capt. Wallace Co. exempted. gone. exempted. exempted. exempted. paid. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. Capt. Jacob Teisse's romp.v 1st Class. Henry Imhoff Jacob Riddel Jacob Breghhiel. Henry Wernner, . . Frederick Stegcr. Serjaent acquitted. belongs to Capt. Snevely's Company. exempted. 2S6 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OP THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. Tobias Gingrich. Jacob Sliaak John Lyman David Holder William Lowrey. John Winter, 2d Class. Henry Teiss, Abraham Groh. John Hoffman, John Gunderman, . George Miller Peter Arnold John Heisey. Henry Smith. Adam German, . . . George BIystelne, . Jonathan Zerbe, . . Jacob Allwein. Capt. George Weyman's Compy 1st Class. Henry Strack Henry Kring Henry Weiss. Samuel Burkey Henry Shram Michael Wetenmeyer Nicholas Miller Henry Stohler, Adam Mosser. Thomas John, Jacob Hoffman. Jacob Lowser, 2d Class. John Lowser Jacob Peffer, Philip Iba John Ryer. Jacob Miller (s;lver smith),... John Bohlman. John Nipe John Howard, Jacob Mease, Abraham Haffe George Kapp Henry Iba, exempted, run off. run off. paid. exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted, mov'd away. exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. held under advisement. exempted. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 287 RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Remarks. Capt. John Smith's Compy. 1st Class. George Shambach, . Michael Conrad, ... Henry Sieg Jacob Thomas Peter Helsey Frederick Dochterman, .... Pellx Young Thomas Tea Peter Reish John Kreider, Tobias son. Daniel Ensminper Rudolph Kelker. Abraham Kreider John Snevely. John Stiver. William Boyd Jacob Slegrlst 2d Class. John Hoghstetter Christian Bachman. George Killinger Christian Gingrich, Peter Ensminger Christopher Richard Henry Torly Peter Wittmer. Jacob Croy Christian Kreider Henry Kreider, George son. . Joseph Helsey. Yost Grammer, Henry Kehly, James Keeth Conrad Engel George Hoke. Capt. John Shultzes Comp. 1st Class. Michael Miller. Adam Wyk Hichael Fessler "William Nortbush Jacob Hoffman. George Zeller John Sholl John Meisser exempted, exempted, servd. by John Roush in Capt. Fleming's Company, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted. paid, exempted. paid. exempted. paid. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted, exempted. (Poor) gone. exempted, exempted, exempted. 288 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Remarks. Jacob Kimmel Benjamin Rutter George Wengert 2d Class. Michael Newman. Valentine Eagle, Christian Holstein. Jacob Hibbert, John Royer. Abraham Zimmerman. Adam Fagely Philip Nole. Frank Sybert. John Newman George Enk Capt. Christian Ley's Comp. 1st Class. Leonard Walborn Michael Brown Christopher Riess Benjamin Diffenbush Michael Mosser Peter Shell, Conrad JSckert, George Spengler, Frederick Foltz. Henry Walburn Hugh Gallagher, John Fletcher John Herby David Thome 2d Class. George Wagner. Daniel Miller George Fogt. Michael Becker Peter Sloesman, Michael Kraitzer. John Beyler, John OrendorfC George Weiss Daniel Diel Samuel Miller Hugh Merret, James Robinson, James Donally, , served by Godfrey Pilgrim in Capt. Wal- lace Compy. exempted, exempted. exempted, exempted. exempted. exempted, exempted. paid. exempted. exempted. exempted. paid. paid. exempted. exempted. paid. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted, exempted. exempted. gone. exempted. exempted. paid. gone. gone. above age (gone). PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 289 RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OP^ THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OP DAUPHIN— Continued. Colo. Valentine Shoufflers Regiment No. 4. Names Remarks. Capt. Michael Lydich's 1st Class. John Zantz (Jno. Zent) Adam Fawber, Comp. exempted, paid. exempted. hired a substitute in Capt. Wallace Com- Michael Mourer. 2d Class. Emanuel Tuey Andreas Fogel. pany. served in Capt. Wallace Company. exempted. exempted. exempted. paid. paid. served bv John Michael Capt. Wallace Capt. William McFarland's Co. 1st Class. John Hetrich Company, served bv Saml. Henry Capt. Wallace Com- Henry Shuck. Junr. pany. paid. • to bring better proof or pay. exempted. exempted. ■ 2d Class. John Brightbill. John Carverich. Jacob Wentling. Philip Seidesbricker. John Moulfer. Capt. Melcheor Behny's 1st Class. Com p. Israel Tjong exempted. 19— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 290 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. Peiffer Hall (Peter PeifEer), .. Jacob Brubacher, Bernard Mies Jacob Rudy Abianam Clymer, Michael Fisher, 2d Class. John Spittler Jacob Zehring Nicholas Bressler, George Weber Jacob Bender Jacob Saddezaum. Henry Miess John Bader. Capt. William Campbell's Comp. 1st Class. John Ziegler John Zimmerman, George Ferling. James Prentise Henry Lutz, 2d Class. Andrew Beck Samuel Hershberger. Michael Stuckey George Ncldich Capt. William Young's Comp 1st Class. John Derkis I.,ud-.vick Klick. Charles Shade , Christian Wingert, John Lowmiller. James Radford. James Filly 2d Class. George Beshore , Henry Zehring George Tittle. Benjamin Clark , Adam Steover, .lohn Boughter exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. adjudged to prove that he was not able to march or to pay his fine, paid. exempted, exempted, exempted. exempted. exempted, adjudged to bring proof that he was or pay his fine, (provd.) exempted. exempted, exempted. adjudged to prove that he was sick or pay. exempted, exempted. exempted. exempted, paid. served In Capt. Wallace Company. exempted, paid. exempted, exempted, exempted. PENNSYLVANIA Mi IJTl A— 1790-1800. 291 RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. Names. Retnarks . Capt. Hugh Andrews 1st Class. Clnnkv . . Cora P- served in exempted, served in Capt. Capt. Wallace Wallace Company. Company. Samuel Kearsly John Robinson. Junr. , 2d Class. David McCreight, Robert Thorne John Robinson, Andrew Robinson. Richard Crawford Capt. Abraham Sehbolts Conip served in exempted, exempted. Capt. Ainsworth Company. servd. in Capt, WalL^'o Company. 1st Class. William Feigert exempted. George Petery exempted. Christian Seltzer ; exempted. Frederick Huber ! exempted. John Shaally, exempted. Henry Merck John Felger. j paid. Michael Reigert. ! Henry Huber exempted. 2d Class. Philip Brown Richard Bower G«orge Fiel, George Newman. Sebastian Waggner, Henry Light. Peter Brunner Isaac Snevely Capt. Henry Snevely's Comp. adjudged to prove that he rvas sick or pay his fine, exempted, exempted. paid. (xempted. adjudged to bring better proof or pay. 1st Class. Henrv Backenstos© paid. exempted Rudy Merck. Michael Hernner paid. Michael Waggner exempted Henry Breghbiel. Jacob Wolff. Christian Breghbiel Christian Wolff, junr exempted Henry Light exempted 292 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE 1ST AND 2ND CLASSES OF THE MILITIA OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN— Continued. John GrofC Peter Groh. Christian Meyer, 2d Class. Christian Smith. Peter Smith, Junr Nicholas Albert David Miller Henry Uriah, Jacob Egler David Brown, John Kaderman John Houtz Ludwick Shuch. John Edinun (Eckman), John Eurith. Mathias Kemp paid. exempted. paid. paid. paid. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. Capt. John Keans Comp. of Artillery 25 drafted for service. John Norton Thomas Martin ,Tohn Hoge Oeorge Wiitberger, .John Shields John Steel William Martin Alexander S. Kerr, Robert Bare James Simpson, .. John Witherup, Dinnis Stanly ,\ndrew Kauffman. Conn Dougherty, . . .lohn Kalncaid John McChesney, . . John Hooker Marth Hocker Samuel B. Davis, .. Robert Davison, ... Andrew Armstrong, Frederick Youse, . . . .Toseph- Keller, John Bombach. Robert McCord. exempted, exempted, exempted, exempted. marched. marched. marched. exempted. marched. marched. marched. marclied. exempted. exempted. by substitute. exempted. exempted. exempted. exempted. by substitute. marched. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 293 Oh 2; u a: X ^ H &^ O < m ■11310J, pUEJt) ■SajBAI.Id ■sjsjsna JO s.iaji^ •sjaujiutijQ snjaio •siBJOdJOo "siuBaCaag •jofBK 8J!jI ■joCbj\[ uinaa •JOfBIM iUB3fj8S ■9}T3H s.uoeSjng •suoeSang sjajsTJiuXUci •sjaisBui.iajj-Bnf) •sjuBinfpv suSisua sjuBua^naiT •SUlBJCl-BO sjoCbm •siauoioo •jnaiq; ■jojoedsui apBSug uao JaipeSiJa c _ CO :£> t- CD • '' \ T-K \ y-\ tH iH W iH ** 1-K ■ tH W CO O O T-^ O 1 tH .-1 rH T-( rH -V <= ,-( o o Oi o o c> 1 t- t. o to « O "3 ■0 U( O be ^ ^ y: m t. . ^o4? ^ u o c o , , »— • t— 1 ^" ^ ^r, tr t£' K(2k Oi 294 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Attached to the Brigade. A Company of Artillery commanded by Capt. Connally. 1 Capt. 1st Lent. 2d Leut. 25 Privates. A Company of Cavalry commanded by Capt. Ennis Green. 1 Capt. 2 Leuts. 1 Cornet. 2 Leuts. 1 Cornet. 1 Cornet. 2 Serjents. 30 Privates. Arms &"accroiitments public property in the hands of the militia of Dauphin County. about 50 muskets, 15 bayonets. 35 cartridge boxes. 15 Drums. 15 Fifes. 9 Colours. The militia of this Brigade are diffident in procuring arms & accrutmnts as repuired by the Act of Congress. They gen- erally appear at the Regimental Reviewswith arms Fussces or Rifles many of them have none of their own and are unable to purchase any they are therefore obliged to borrow firelocks to exercise as I do not admit any into the ranks without arms. The above Return & the Returns the same are taken from the last Returns & Reports made to me. JNO. GLONINGER, B. L D. C. Octr. 25, 1799. To Peter Baynter Espr., Adjt. Genl. Pennsyl. I PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 295 I IBJOJ, PUBJO Sg o fS g T f3 ? S , 'Se^UAKIJ ~^-S'^" s ?5^.^r.g S •SJ^lSna JO s.iajij '-' IH ^ ^ •V ■saauiiuiijci iH '-' CJ '^ rt ^ " ■sn-iaiO ■s[Baod.ioj « CO "sju-eafaas C-] ^ (M :^ M oj c !S 6£ C i 1 '■ 7 . C I i . £ i c z 1 5 P= £ ^• £ c r° £ -^ c 5 1 L I' 1 £ c . > ;- c « z 1 c ' r • > ■ c " £ c 0. 0. a a. c C ' ^ L C £ 296 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 'ib;oj, puBJo ■-' CC Ift ^ OS eo CO t- c- 00 m ^ °^ g § ^ t^ M W5 li5 ^d5SS3 o CO 00 O O CO saiBAUcj s -^s •saaiSna Jo sjaji^ tH (M tH W T-i tH rr rt r-l tH '-' tH rH 1-H t-H rH sjaiuuinjci — •SJIJ3IO "^ '"' " CO •siBJodaoo •sjuBaCaag E i4 111 5 o ►J s o U c O 1 c fq o c O >, o E o c £ E £ c C S c -r ' •4-J c "J > c c c c > C n c 1 3 > a If ■H e > Q E o a 1- :s C c c E 6 1. a . bi t- 4 T a fc ■*- c ni O > £ o 1 c p: , c C > £ c ' t a p: I o < .o C d > c M H 1 c C b ' 4 p. c > i «: s • 1 O S E H .o o o d In . . d V '>, a E o O m PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800 297 r- O N V CQ CP CO j-t tH r-r r-t T-l Cl IC Ol t-H ^ B s ■a 13 w U 1-5 1-3 E ES i W ^• E S" c o >^ Hi a ft oi ai __ £ >. t. ri c .Si w £ ° 5 ^ ^ o ? S -w o E E o o U V £ £ S & ft tio E E £ c t. 5 s i-' £• & f 1 g >H 'p a) g 4, o — P- g < ft ^ E P W O c ■*> -^ 5" r_. g ft a a C " ca M ■<' 298 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. THE BOUNTY MONEY PAID TO THE MILITIA "WHO MARCHED AGAINST THE WESTERN INSURGENTS FROM DAUPHIN COUNTY IN THE AUTUMN OF 1794, UNDER THE COMMAND OF LIEUT. COL. THOMAS FORSTER. 1. Captain George Fisher, 2. Captain R. Fleming 3. Captain J. Irwin 4. Captain Saml. Ainsworth 5. Captain Rich'd Swan & Lieut. Fulton 3 others joined this company which I paid 6. Captain A. Doebler .- 7. Captain J. Divin 8. Captain J. Wallace Total 1,500 GENTLEMEN: — I think that I ought to be allowed something for attending to the mustering, marching and paying the above militia. My trouble was not much inferior to that of an officer on the ex- pedition. The Brigade Inspector was sick and the whole duty de- volved on me with the assistance of the marching officers. This however must depend on any discretion given you under the Law and upon the Justice of Mr. Dallas under whose orders (as paymaster) I acted. The rest of the business would have been left undone and the service left to suffer had I not stept forward. The Accounts or Vouchers it is hoped will be satisfactory. By reference to my notes on some of the receits you will find that five or six of the men who marched were paid after the return of the army on the certificates of their Commanding Officers. Some others who would not take the bounty when mustered fearing it would be construed into an Enlistment for an excursion into the Indian country have never received any; they complain loudly. I shall procure their names and the proper vouchers & bring them down with me in a short time and before the final adjustment of the Paymaster General's Account. When I first had the favour of your letter on this subject two of the Returns were mislaid PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 299 owing to my carrying them to & from Phila several times, but now I transmit them as I received them, r am. Gentlemen with respect Your Obed't Servant, JOHN A. HANNA. If any further information is wanted the Stageman by whom you sent the last letter is a safe opportunity. Alexander James Dallas Ano as Paymaster to be credited by amo. John A. Hanna's amo. of bounty paid the detachment of Dauphin County Militia which joined the army in 1794 to Suppress the Insurrection in the Western Counties. 250 Men @ $6 $1500 Ded. unvouched 6 @ $6 36 $1464 N. B. — In the settlement of Mr. Dalla's amounts 12 July, 1800, his actual balance is reduced by bringing into view monies advanced by him to persons to Pay Bounties, among whom is Mr. Hanna $1460. Mr. Hanna will settle with Mr Dallas for the difference. Approv'd & Ent. JOHN DONODSON, Com. Gen Office, Aug. 28, 1800. Sett. & Ent. SAM'L BRAYN. Reg. Gen. Off. 26th Aug., 1800. ( 300 ) i DELAWARE COUNTY MILITIA, 1790—1800. (801) ( 302 ) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 203 DELAWARE COUNTY BRIGADE. RETURN OF OFFICERS ELECTED IN THE PLACE OF THOSEDECL (mutilated). TO SERVE UNDER THE ACT OF APRIL 1793. First Battalion. 1st Regt. 5th Capt. Joseph Rejestor. Lieut. William Baker. Ensign. George Fox. 8th Capt. Thomas Fraim. Lieut. Peter Hannom. EuBign. George Baldwin. Trop Horse. Capt. Isral Elliot. Lieut. Joshua Thompson. Second. Thomas Smith. William Pierce. 2nd Regt. 4lh Capt. Joseph Kirk. Lieut. John Rudolph. Ensign. Henry Hufstetler. 304 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Second. 7th Capt. Rowland Smith. Lieut. John Rudolph. Ensign. John Nobbit. January 8th, 1794. WM. BROOKE, B. I. Corns, made out and dated same day. SESOND REGIMENT. 2nd Batt. No. Captain. Lieutenant. Ensign. R John Vernon, William Rees John Bruniell i> Thomas Cunningham. 1st Batt. 1 David Cornog. the fourth Company in the First Regiment EUected and re- turned Pawpers for their offices in consequence Thereof another Sllection was advertised but no heed was paid to it. April the 9th, 1794. WM. BROOKE, B. L, of Delaware County. Received cf Seory. Dallas Commissions for the Officers named in the foregoing Return. Apirl 9th. WM. BROOKE. DELAWARE COUNTY BRIGADE AUGUSS 26TH, 1794. RE- TURN OF OFFICERS FOR THE THIRD COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT. Captain. Samuel Linsey. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lSOO. 30E Lieut. William Salyards. Ensign. John Harper. 1794, August 26th. Received of Alexr. James Dallas, Esqr. Commissions for the above Officers. WM. BROOKE, B. L RETURN OF OFFICERS ELLECTED IN THE THIRD COM- PANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT IN THE DELA- WARE COUNTY BRIGADE. Captain. Michael Kitts. Lieutenant. Thomas Hall. Ensign. John Smith. Received Commissions for the said Officers. WM. BROOKS. B. L December 6th, 1794. WM. BROOKS, Brigade Inspector. Delaware County Brigade, Feb. 8th, 1796. RETURN OF OFFICERS ELLECTED IN THE TROOP OF LIGHT HORSE IN CONSEQUENCE OF RESIGNATIONS AND OTHER CAUSALTYS. First Lieut. Mathias Houlstein. Second Lieut. Wills. Hemphill. ::0— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 306 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Cornet. Thomas Glasgow. WM. BROOKE, B. L RETURN OF OFFICERS ELLECTED IN THE SIXTH COM- PANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT IN THE DELAWARE COUNTY BRIGADE. Captain. John Wood. Ensign. John Ettress. August Sth, 1796. WM. BROOKE, B. Inspector. RETURN OF OFFICERS ELECTED IN THE 7TH COMPANY OF SECOND REGIMENT OF THE DELAWARE COUNTY BRIGADE. 4th. Captain. Jacob Rudolph. Lieut. George Coffey. Ensign. John Siddens. Sth October, 1796. WM. BROOKE, B. I. Received 15th October, 1796 of James Trimble the above Commetrons. WM. BROOKE, B. I. FAYETTE COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800, (307) ( 308 ) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 309 A RETURN OF THE OFFICERS ELECTED AND WANTS COMMISSIONS. Third Battalion. 2d Compy. Capt. James Bryan. Lt. Jno. Moore, junr. Ensn. Thomas McCiilloch— alias late Ruder & Officers. 3rd Compy. Capt. William Oliphant. Lt. Eber Homan. Ensn. Peter Cox— late Merrit & Officers. 8th Compy. Capt. Basil Brashears. Lt. William Fout. Ensn. Abraham Sells A new company. 4th Compy. Joseph Wels Ensn. of Capt. Lynn, never yet commissioned. 310 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Fourth Battalion. 6th Compy. Capt. Daniel Cannon. Lt. Alexr. Carson. Ensign. Nicholas Henshaw. 8th Compy. Capt. Charles Clinton. Lt. Simcor Bell Ensn. Isaac Phillips. 7th Compy. Lt. Manus Brown. I certify to your Excellency that the ahove is a true state- ment of the election of these officers as returned to me by the Judges & Inspectors. Given under my hand this 7th day of June, 1791. JOSEPH TORRENCE, Co. Lt. Col. Jno. Vanlear of the 3d Batalion is absent six months living in Maryland whether the Vacancy is to be filld by Ellec- tion or your Excellency's appointment I know not. J. T. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 311 ABSTRACT OF PAY DUE CAPT. WM. CONWELL'S CO. OF FAYETTE COTY. MILITIA IN SERVICE ON THE FRON- TIERS IN 1791. u rt c « a) 1 o j= f n m s ft-i « s 5' ^ rt Particul.ar , Total Amount. I Amount. Wm. Conwell, . John Moore, ... James Rogers,.. Serjeants 2 Corporals 2, . . Fifer 1 Privates 52, . . . Capt. Lt Lt.,.. Sept. 4. Sipt. n. 30 8 22 5 22 5 5 2 4 2 4 1 3 41 ABSTRACE OF PAY DUE CAPT. BASIL BOWELLS CO. OF FAYETTE COTY. OF MILITIA IN SERVICE ON THE FRONTIERS IN 1791. c Particular Total Amount. Amount. (5 Oj O i: >' "^ o (5 m ^ o c o a 01 c ffl x is m " c p c cS .:z .— c c-i =^ ■- - u ^ Basil Bowell. .. Andrew Ross. . James Wilson, . Thos. Davis, ... Rob. Ross. Jacob Woodruff, Corporal 2 Privates 2Sr Privates 12 IB Capt.. Lt Ens.,. Sergt. Sergt. Sergt. Augt. 3 Augt. 3. Augt. 3, Augt. 3, Augt. 3, Augt. 9, Augt. 3, Augt. 3, Aug. 9. Augt. 3, Sept. S, Sept. 8, Sept. 8, Sept. 8, Sept. 8, Sept. 8, Sept. 8, Sept. 8. Sept. 8, 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 36 26 21 6 6 5 9 104 36 57 Capt. Bowell's Company are entitled to 6 Days Rations. Capt. Conweirs Compy— 69 Rations pr. day. 444; 64 Rations pr. Day, 512. 312 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A LIST OF THE MEN'S NAMES THAT WAS OUT A TOWER OF DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. BAZEL BOWEL ON THE FRONTEERS, OUT OF THE DIFFER- ENT CAPT. COMPANY JOIND IITH AUGUST, 1791. 1st Capt. Bazel Bowel's Compy. Capt. Bazel Bowel. Int'r Mas. Serjeant. Thomas Davis. John Dodson. John Abraham. Abraham hoglin. Christian Caufman. Christian Long. Thos. Reed. Lott Abraham. Elijah Stillwell. Levi Ashcraft. 2nd Capt. John Mcfarling's Compy. Edward Stevenson. Richard Robins. Samuel Sweringin. Aden Roads. Henry Moore. James Hartley. Wm. Leaf. Robert Benyfleld. Philip Snikels. Wm. Hannah. Patrick Limbrick. Walter Smith. Arthur Andrews. James Dickson. 3d Capt. Rose's Company. Lieutenant. Andrew Ross. Serjant. Robert Ross. John Lattemore. 4th Capt. Philip sreerses Comp. Ephraim Walters. Benjamin Philips. John Gray. Robert Martin. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 313 5th Capt. Andrew Long's Comp. George Franks. Christian Ramley. James Elison. Isaac Foredics. Nicholas poundstone. George Crist. Jacob Heck. George Upinghizel. Cth Capt. Elijah Carrs'a Company. Corpal. Daniel McCartey. James Meloy. Richard Geery. James Bradley. John Boultinghouse. Thomas Calvin. Jacob Holfield. 7th Capt. Abraham Steward's Compy. Ensign. James Wilson. Corpl. John Alton. Thos. Frame Joined 11th Regt. Henry Franks. Christopher Buckanon. Thos. Craford. Francis Collins. 1st Capt. George Batchelors Compy. Serjant. Joeb Woodruff. John Brooks. 2nd Capt. Caleb Mount's Compy. Wm. Black. Welden Roger. James Black. John Rice Connell. John Finney. Rohert Cooper. 3rd Capt. Hugh Asbey's Compy. Thos. Reagh. W"m. Cunningham. 4th Capt. Samuel Bradon's Compy. Jacob Tharp. 314 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A PAY ABSTRACT FOR PART OF THE THIRD & PART OF FOURTH BATTALION OF FAYETTE COUNTY MILITIA CALLED INTO ACTUAL SERVICE UNDER THE CONTI- NENTAL ESTABLISHMENT FROM THE 4TH OF SEP- TEMBER UNTILL THE IITH OF SEPTEMBER, 1791, BOTH DAYS INCLUDED UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. WILLIAM CONWELL. Men Names. Capt. Wm. Conwell Leut. John Moore James Rogers, Clarck. Wm. Ewing Shergt. John Porter James Beird Corp. John Willson James Kelley Privates. 1 Samuel Perry 2 Christian Fisher, ... 2 Samuel Craige 4 George Smith 5 Hugh Bigham 6 William Hatton 7 John Snider 8 George Walters 9 Martain Warner 10 Hezekiah Bradberry, 11 Nicholas Smith 12 Benjamin Stokely, .. 13 Joseph Fowler 14 Antino Sils 15 Isaac Hastings 16 James Lyon, 17 Dennis Dougherty, .. 18 Thomas Gray 19 John Brown 20 Jacob Harris Septem. Septem. 4 11 i 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 1 4 11 4 H j * 11 4 11 1 4 11 i 4 11 4 11 4 11 I 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 ; 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 PENNSYI.VANIA MILTTIA— 1790-1800. 3H A PAY ABSTRACT FOR PART OF THE THIRD & PART OF FORTH BATTELION OF FAYETTE COUNTY.— Cont'd. Men Nanips. ■a Oj ■ CJ d ■^ Oi c 0. ■D .5 c Oj X n! f^ h Q 21 Jese Vandoler 22 Aaron Thomson, 23 John Tate 24 William Moss, . . , 25 Levy Rosel 26 James McCrary, . , 27 William Flud, ... 28 Peter Waller, ... 29 Thomas MeClane, 30 Benjamin Sils, ... 31 Jehu Graves 32 Peter Kenny 33 Boen Carry 34 John McCleland, 35 Abraham Franks, 36 Peter Powers-fifer 37 James McCune, . , 38 John Archebeld, , 39 John Meharry, .., 40 John Rogers 41 Jobe Phillips 42 David Mapel 43 Jeanies Robbins, 44 Rubin Burford, .. 45 Richard Dirrem, 46 Joseph Patterson. 47 Tcabod Achoraft, 48 John Martin 49 John Washington. 50 George Rogers, . 51 Henry Vann 52 John McEntire, . 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 I 7 7 ' 7 Fayette County, ss: This twenty second of Novembr. one thousand seven & ninety one personnally appeared Capt. William Cornwell Be- fore me Thos. Gregg one Justices peace for sd. County & on oath Deposeth & saith that the within abstract is justly stalled to be the Best of his knowledge. WM. CONWELL, Capt. Sworn and subscribed before me the day and Date above written. Witness hand & seal THOIVIAS GREGG. (L. S. Seal.) 316 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PAY ROLL OF CAPT. BASIL BOWELL'S CO. OF FAYETTE COUNTY MILITIA IN ACTUAL SERVICE ON THE FRON- TIERS BY ORDER OF THE LIEUTENANT OF SD. COUN- TY COMMENCING THE THIRD DAY OF AUGUST AND ENDING THE EIGHTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1791. Basil Bowells Andrew Ross James Wilson Thomas Davis Robert Ross Joab "WoodrufC, Daniel McCarty, ... John Alton, 1 John Dodson, 2 John Abrahams, ... 3 Abraham Hoglin, .. 4 Christian Long, 5 Christian Caufman, 6 Thomas Reed 7 Lott Abi-ahams 8 Elijah Stilwell 9 Levi .4shcraft, 10 Edward Stephenson, 11 Richard Robins 12 Samuel Swearingem, 13 Adam Rhoads, 14 Henry Moore 15 James Hartley, 16 William Leaf 17 Robert Benefield, ... 18 Philip Snikles 19 William Hannah, ... 20 Patrick Limbrick, .. 21 Walter Smith 22 Arthur Andrews, . . . 23 James Dixon, 24 John I^atamore 2a Ephralm Walters, ., 26 Benjm. Phillips, ... 27 John Gray 28 Robert Martin 29 George Franks, 30 James Allison 31 Nicholas Ponstone, . 32 Jacob Heck, Capt Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Lieut Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Ensn Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Q. M. S.,.. Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Sergt Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Sergt Augt. 9. 1 month Corpl Augt. 3d. 1 month & 6 days Corpl Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Private,.... Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private,.... Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private, — Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d. 1 month & 6 days. Private, — Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private,.... Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d. 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d. 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Private, Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private,.... Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private,.... Augt. 3d. 1 month & 6 days. Private,.... Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days. Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Private, Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Private Augt. 3d. 1 month & 6 days Private,.... Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 days Private Augt. 3d. 1 month & 6 days Private Augt. 3d. 1 month & 6 days Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 davf Private Augt. 3d, 1 month & 6 day;; Private Augt. 9th. 1 month Private Augt. 3d. 1.-6. Private Augt. 3d. l.-G. PENNSYIA'ANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 317 PAY ROLL OP CAPT. BASIL BOWELL'S CO.— Continued. Christian Remley, Isaac Fordice George Crist George XTpnghizer. James Meloy James Bradlt-y Thomas Colvin Richard Guy Jno. Boltinhouse Jacob Hawfield Thomas Frame Chris'n Buchanan, ... Francis Collins Henry Franks Thomas Crawford. .., John Brooks, "William Black James Black John Finney Walden Reagen John R. Connell Robert Cooper, Thomas Reaugh. William Cunningham, Jacob Tharp Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, Augt. 9th, 3d, 3d, 3d, 3d, 3d, 3d, 3d, 3d, 3d, 3d, 9th, 3d, 3d. 3d, 3d. 1. 1. 1.-6. 1.-6. 1.-6. 1.-6. 1.-6. 1.-6. 1.-6. 1.-6. 1 month. 1 month -6. 1 month -G. 1 month -6. 1 month -6. 1 month. 1 month. 1 month. 1 month. 1 month. 1 month. 1 month. 1 month. 1 month. 1 month. Fayette County, ss: November the — 1791 this day came before me the sub Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for Sd. County and made oath according to Law that the within Pay Roll is just as it Stands Stated— in testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal. (Seal.) I Certify that I believe the above pay roll to be just— Fayette County, ss: Before me one of the Commonwealth's Justices of the peace for Sd. County came Thomas Davis and being Sworn Agree- able to Law saith that this within pay role is Just and true As it Stands Stated, in testimony hereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 12th day of Novr.. 1791. JACOB BEESON (Seal). 318 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A RETURN OF ALL THE FREE WHITE INHABITANTS FROM THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND UNDER FORTY-FIVE IN FAYETTE COUNTY AS THEY ARE CONNECTED IN COMPANIES AND BATALIONS DECEM- BER 5TH, 1792. First Batalion. Lt. Col. Zaddock Springer. Majr. James Robinson. 2 f- o Capt's Names. K fa c 3 O E c c nJ =a tS . XI a 3 at 10 3 S CIS o a 2 d X ^5 z o kJ tl m o « fc" K ^ Basil Bowells, .., Jno. McFarlanci, Robert Ross Abraham Stewart. Late Longs Elijah Carr Phillip Pierce, . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 83 138 57 53 79 100 80 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 146 63 56 84 104 St PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 319 Second Batalion. Lt. Col. John Meason. Majr. Mattw. Gault. 2 ^ c G *- Capt's Names. K E c 3 O B a . w O C <-■ u S 3 3 c oi o G s 3 tM c •a ^ ^ a CO o t, « H Late Dyals Hugh Aspey, ... George Bachelor, Caleb Mounts, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 63 71 48 92 1 Third Batalion. Lt. Col. William Lynn. Majr. William Oliphant. Capt's Names. .Q i/i 5 c CS c C 3 a 3 ■Jl •r^ s •z U J !/. '^ fe. .i: c a! fc- Wm. Conwell. .. James Bryan, .. John Porter, . . . Michael Sowers, Thos. Patterson. John Patterson, Wm. McFarland. Basil Brashears, S2 ' 63 68 76 103 62 48 67 8R 66 71 81 lO.i 6S .-)3 72 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Fourth. Batalion. Lt. Col. Thomas Gaddis. Majr. James Paull. Dennis Springer, Matt. Neely, ... Adam Dunlap, . John Allen, Wm. Moore, . . . Danl. Cannon, . Isaac McCay, .. Charles Clinton, S f= o 4H Capfs Names. . _a3 c 3 O h '5 =a 5 3 p. 3 u o c. u E 3 u q; n ■A So ^ o J W xn O " E « H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 First Batalion, . . Second Batalion, Third Batalion, . Fourth Batalion, 62.5 2SS 602 587 2,102 * HUNTINGDON COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800. (321) 21— Vol. V— 6th Ser. m (322) i PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 323 A RETURN OF THE AFECTIVE MEN OF THE SECOND COMPINY OF THE FIRST BATALION OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY MELITIA. Josep Oburn. Richard Miller. John Rickets. Richard Sinky. Reason Rickits. Jeremiah Rickets. Samuel Porter. Mosis Feries. Benjamin McMahan. Thomas Bell. William Huston. James Ewings. Robert Cresswell. Nichles Cravis. James Glen. David Gordon. Thomas Long. William Long. William Mcllheny. Isiah Cheny. James Connor. Henry Connor. John McClelon. Joshua Williams. Robert Glen, Senior. John Cotton. William Ewings. Edward Cheney. Edward Rickits. John Ewings. Samuel Cresswell. Mathew Cresswell. John Cresswell. Tylas Anderson. Samuel Porter. William Porter. James Porter. John Kerr. Andrew Kerr. John Ralston. David Ralston. John Logue. John Cravis. Clement Green. Aquila Green. James Lenard. James Armstrong. James Deyarmond. James Mcllroy. John Arvin. William Mclllery, Junior. William Johnson John Martin. William Sinkey. Mosis Brown. John Connor, Junior. John HaMiman. Matthias Nodish. Joshua Wilson. Josiph Creas. Mical Miars. John Bell. Robert Lenard. John Creas. John Brown. William More. William Michal. Robert Cresswell. Alexander Montgomery. John Raniston. Robert Mcllheny. John Long. Danial McUlees. James Williams. William Hennen. Eliga Green. Walter Cresswell. James Fitsgaral. 324 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John Cree. Thomas Henderson. David Wilson. John Hennen. William Glen. James Mahon. Thomas Ewings. ARTHUR BELL. Capt. To John Spencer, Comal. Aprils 21st, 1791. As the number required by law are in uniform I beg leave to Return their Election. Infantry. Captain. John Patton, Esquire. First Lieutenant. James Nesbitt. Second Lieutenant. John Armitage. Huntigdon. May 26, 1792. To His Excellency Thomas Mifflin the Governor. A RETURN OF MH^ITIA OFFICERS ELECTED IN HUNT- INGDON COUNTY IN LIEU OF SUCH AS HAVE RE- SIGNED. First Battalion. 1st. Company. Lieutenant. Alexander McClure Waugh. 4th. Company. Captain. Thomas Adams. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 325 Second Battalion. 2nd. Company. Captain. James Ashman. Lieutenant. William Love. Third Battalion. 7th. Company. Ensign. John Brown. Received Commissions agreeably to the above return. Made out on third day of July. JOHN CADWALLADER. i do certify that the officers of the above Rank resigned and the above named Gentlemen were duly elected to fill the vacancies. Given under my hand at Huntingdon the 12th June 1792. JOHN CADWALLADER. Lieut, of Huntingdon County. July 3, 1792. CAPT. JNO. BEATTY'S PAY ROLL FOR SCOUTING PARTY ON FRONTIER OF HUNTINGDON. 4 SEPT. TILL 17 SEPT. 1794. John Beatty, Captain, 15 days £4 13 M. McGuier, Lieutt., 10 days 2 10 Jno. Adams, Sergt., 15 days, Geo. Avey, Private, 15 days, Wm. Beatty, Private, 15 days Richd. Beatty, Private, 15 days Geo. Sharra, Private, 15 days Wm. Gray, Private, 15 days, Caspar Hart, Private, 15 days, Nathen Richet, Private, 15 days Wm. Jachien, Private, 15 days Robt. Craan, Private, 15 days, Matthias Hack, Private, 15 days 10 2 C 2 6 2 6 2 G 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 326 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Timothy Donavan, Private, 15 days, 1 2 6 Jno. Henry, Private, 15 days, 1 2 6 James Patton, Private, 15 days, 1 2 6 Wm. Herse, Private, 15 days, 1 2 6 Philip Skelly, Private, 15 days, 1 2 6 Edward Richets, Private, 10 days, 15 Matthew Cresswell, Private, 10 days, 15 Alexr. McCormich, Private, 10 days,, 15 Chas. Richets, Private, 4 days, 6 Thomas McAliee, Private, 4 days, 6 Saml. Ewing, Private, 4 days, 6 Thomas Henderson, Private, 4 days, 6 £29 3 Huntingdon 24th. Jany. 1795. Received of John Cadwallader Brigade Inspector of Hunt- ingdon County the within sum of twenty nine pounds and three pence the amount of the within Pay Roll which I en- gage to pay to the Men Within Names. Witness. JNO. BEATTY, Captain. John Fell. To manifest our attachment to the Government of the United States, and our determination, on every emergency, to support and defend the laws of our country, we the Subscribers volun- tarily enrol ourselves as a part of the quota of the Militia of Pennsylvania, embodied under the President's requisition, of the 7th. ult. for the service, during the period, and upon the terms, specified in an Act of the General Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for suppressing an insurrection in the western counties of this Commonwealth." Witness our hands, this 23rd. day of September 1794. From Huntingdon County Brigade. Elected 4 Oct. 1794 by the Company. Captain. John Calwallader. Lieutenant. John Fee, Junior. Ensign. George Buchannon. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 827 John Beatty. John Adams. Stephen Drury. Samuel Morrison. Alexr. Hamiltoii. Gilbert Burch. William Hirst. Jacob Hains. John Lewis. Wm. Jachier. Anthony Strap. Charles Brothulier, Jr. Thomas Murray. Daniel Billew. John Ross. Joseph Gregary. Samuel Haw. John Right . Jas. Porter. Wm. McLain. Wm. Jones. Wm. States. Jonathan Morris. James Grimes. William Leonard. Wm. Sinhey. Timothy Dinavan. Jas. Leonard. George Sharer. Hugh More. Peter Smith. Michael Strap. Jno. Watson. Wm. Porter. Geo. Montgomery. Wm. Templeton. Alexr. Donaldson. Richard Beatty. Edward Beatty. Wm. Gray. Jacob Metzgar. Deserted. To His Excellency Thomas Mifflin Governor of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. A Return of Militia Officers elected to fill vacancies in the Huntingdon Brigade. John Enyeart, Lieutenant of 7th Company in 2nd. Regiment instead of Henry Jarard removed out of this State. Asaph Corbin, Lieutenant of 6th. Company in 2nd. Regt. in- stead of Wm. McCormich Removed. James Morton, Lieutenant of 2nd. Company in 2nd. Regt. in- stead of John Lloyd Removed. James Entrikin, Ensign of 2nd. Company in 2nd Regiment instead of Daniel Cryder Removed. John Martin, Ensign of 5th Company in 1st Regiment in- stead of David Lowry Removed as above out of State. John Steel, Captain of 6th. Company in the 1st. Regiment in place of Daniel Davis Resigned. Ellis Evans, Lieutenant of Light Infantry Attached to 2nd. Regiment in place of James Nesbitt Resigned. 328 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John Whitaker, Ensign of same Company of Light Infantry instead of John Armitage Resigned. John Shaver, Captain of 1st. Company in 3rd. Regiment. Leonard Shaver, Lieutenant of same Company. Samuel Carothers, Ensign of the same Company instead of the former OiRcers of this Company all removed. I Certify the foregoing list of Officers to be duly elected according to the Militia Law of this Commonwealth. Given under my hand July 11th. 1796. JNO. CADWALLADER, Brigade Inspector. RETURN OF MILITIA OFFICERS. To His Excellency Thomas Mifflin Governor of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. A Return of Militia Officers elected to fill vacancies in Hunt- ingdon Brigade. James Vanzant, Captain of 6th. Comp. in 3rd. Regiment (in- stead of Thomas Clugage resigned.) David Moore, Ensign of 6th. Compy. in the 1st. Regiment (instead of Philip Wearham resigned.) I certify that the above named Persons were duly elected to fill the vacancies agreeably to the Militia Law. Witness my hand at the Town and County of Huntingdon May 6th. 1794. JOHN CALWALLADER. To His Excellency Thomas Mifflin Governor of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. A Return of officers elected to fill vacancies in the Hunting- don Brigade of Militia. Thomas Prather, Captain of 8th. Company in 1st. Regiment (instead of Alexander McClure Waugh resigned) elected 4th. June 1794. PENNSYLVANIA MIIJTIA— 1790-1800. 329 Joseph Eaton, Lieutenant of (Uh. Company in 2nfl. Regi- ment (instead of Isaac Armitage removed out of tliis State) elected 27th. Jany. 1794. RETURN OF HUNTINGDON BRIGADE MILITIA OFFICERS. To His Excellency Thomas Mifflin Governor of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. A Return of Officers elected to fill vacancies in the Hunting- don Brigade of Militia. Henry Roller, Captain of 2nd. Comp. in 1st. Regiment in- stead of Benjamin Langhead, resigned, elected on 28 June 1794. Caleb Roller, Lieutenant of 2nd. Comp. in 1st. Regt. instead of Henry Roller promoted, elected 19th July 1794. Daniel McNatton, Captain of 7th. Comp. in 2d. Regt. instead of Simeon Weston resigned, elected 9th Sept. 1794. Henry Garard, Lieutenant of 7th. Comp. 2d. Regt. instead of Joseph Johnston resigned, elected 9th Sept. 1794. Note, two former returns, no commissions come to my hands Joseph Eaton Lieutenant 6 comp, 2d. Regt. Thomas Prather Captain 8 comp. 1st. Regt. Returned on 23d. June 1794. I Certify that the within named officers were duly elected and returned to me according to the Militia Law. Given under my hand at the Town of Huntingdon Sept. 16. 1T94. JOHN CADWALLADER, Brigade Inspector. Phila. 24 Sept. 1794. Reed, the commissions for the officers within mentioned. JOHN CADWALLADER. (330) LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA. (331) ( 332 ) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 333 Manheim Township Lancaster County October the 27 Day 1791. A Return of the Eighth Company of the first Battalion of Militia in the County of Lancaster for the year 1791. Spring and fall. Captain. Adam Draucker. Private*. Abraham Reechert. Abraham Mayer. Abraham lehn. bengemen lange. bengemen landis. Cornelius Mayer. Christian Metz. Christian binkly. David lange. henry Shitz. henry Mayer, henry Bugh. henry landis, Junior. henry Gabel. Joseph lange. John hoon. John hortz. John lange. John Goknsten. John Gebel. Martin Mayer. Martin Mayer, Junr. Willgem Mayer. Nicholas hoon. bengemen Johnsten. Lancaster County 1791. A TRUE AND EXACT RETURN OF THE SECOND COMPA- NY SECOND BATTALION LANCASTER COUNTY MILI- TIA FOR SPRING AND FALL FOR THE YEAR 1791. COMMANDED BY GEORGE WYDMAN LIEUT. COL. Captain. John Sponhower. Privates. Spring. Abraham Musselman. Peter Eby, Jun. Jacob Musselman. John Erb. Jacob Widder. Christian Huber. John Erb, son of Chr Robbert Beld. 334 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John Foutz. Peter Kreider. Greeberry Beddycoard. Samuel Huber. Peter Reist. Jno. Hess. Jno. Shenck. Abraham Huber. Henry Netzly. Adam Erns. Christian Bliknoderfer, Joseph Gingrich. John Shurr. Christian Rudy. Jacob Stole. Michel Lantz. John Shrantz. Chr' Hess. Michel Kreider. Jno. Brubacher. Georg Eichelberger. Anthony Berkenbile. Samuel Oberholtzer. Jno. Weiland. John Yount. Jacob Young. Martin Metzler. Abraham Derdorff. Christain Backer. Jacob Dirdorff. Friedrich Michel. Christian Eby. Henry Foltz. Peter Holl. Jacob Musselman. Jacob Widder. John Erb, son of Chri. John Erb. Christian Huber. Privates. Fall. John Foutz. Peter Reist. John Hess. Abraham Huber. Adam Ernst. Josep Gingrich. Jno. Shurr. Jacob Strole. Michel Foutz. John Shrantz. Jno. Brubacker. George Eichelberger. Anthony Berkenbile. Chrt. Eby. Peter Holl. A RETURN OF THE SEVENTH COMPANY AND 2D. BATTL. OF LANCASTER MILITIA ON THE FIRST FIELD DAY, A. D. 1791. Captain. Henry Ream. Nicholas Wolf. Jacob Mohler. Privates. Jacob Keller. Charles Stonemetz. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 335 Abraham Reyer. Jacob Sherp. Michall Sherck. Stephel Gesell. Peter Rosenberger. John Bowman (s. son). Jacob Reamer. Henry Mohler. Jacob Land is. Abn. Kline. Martin Martin. Benedict Muckle. Adam Neer. Ubrick Sherck. Jacob Showalder. George Spade. Jacob Hagy. Samuel Keller. Abn. Landes. Peter Eberly. Christian Good (Stone C.) Adam Rigle. Joseph Mishler. Henry Hershberger. Jacob Witmer. John Sherp. Christian Baker. Benjamin Reyer. Philip Reyer. Jacob Kimel. Peter Martin. George Wider. Isaac Hershberger. Joseph Hershberger. John Detweiler. The Hessian at Heiples. Abn. Rohland. John Mohler, Junr. David Hershberger. Henry Hagy. Peter Reyer. Abn. Bear. Michl. Rober. John Singer. Heafly, (Jos. H. son). Jacob Rush. David Hains. Dietrick Cockly. Jacob Mohler, Junr. Jacob Wist. George Sander. Henry Sander. John Newcomer. Jacob Markle. Jacob Ringmaker. Benjamin Ringmaker. Marks Baker. Wm. McCloud. John Shwahr, Junr. Michl. Wolf. Michl. Wolf, Junr. Saml. Mellinger. Joseph Mellinger, Junr. Martin Keller. ..^ John Detweiler. Martin Textor. Peter Detweiler. Christian Hop. Peter Farney. Peter Reyer, Junr. Abn. Groff, Junr. George Gear. George Stohler. Joseph Showalder. George Ott. 336 MUSTER AND PAt ROLLS. A RETURN OF THE 7TH. COMPANY AND 2D. BATTN. OF LACANSTER COUNTY MILITIA A. D. 1791. Nicholas Wolf. Jacob Mohler. Charles Stonemetz. Abn. Reyer. Joseph Gargas. Michael Sherck. David Groff. Staphel Gesell. Peter Rosenberger. John Bowman (S. son). Jacob Reamer. Henry Mohler. Jacob Landes. John Mellinger. Abn. .Kline. Felix Burkard. Martin Martin. Benedict Muckee. Adam Nees. Ulrick Sherck. Jacob Showalder. George Spade. Jacob Hagy. Jsaml. Keller. David Landes. Wm. Breineller. Abn. Landes. Peter Eberly. Christian Good (Stone C). Adam Rigle. Henry Bowman. Joseph Mishler. Henry Hershberger. Jacob Witmer. John Sherp. Adam Markle. Christian Baker. Benjamin Reyer. Philip Reyer. John Bowman (Bs) Jacob Kimel. Peter Martin. George Wider. Isaac Hershberger. David Hershberger, Junr. John Detweiler. The Hession (at Heiples). Abr. Rohland. John Mohler, Jur. David Hershberger. Henry Hagy. Christian Hauck. Peter Reyer. Abn. Bear. Michael Kober. John Senger. Heafly (Jo H's). John Wist. Jacob Rush. Jacob Bowman. David Hains. District Cockley. Jacob Mohler, Jur. George Sander. Henry Sander. John Newcomer (Chs) Jacob Markle. Wm. Hepenheimer. Jacob Kingmaker. Benjamin Kingmaker. Marks Baker. Wm. McCloud. John Shwahr. Michl. Wolf. Michl. Wolf, Jur. Joseph Mellinger, Jur. Martin Keller. John Detweiler. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 337 Peter Detweiler. George Gear. Certifyet before me, George Stohler. George Ott. GEORGE WEIDMAN, Lieut. Col. A RETURN OF THE FIRST COMPANY SEVENTH BATTAL- ION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA FOR THE YEAR ANNO DOMINI 1791. COMMANDED BY HENRY REAM LIEUT. COL. Captain. Samuel Groff. Privates. Jacob Keller. Charles Stonemetz. Ephriam Noyer. Benjamin Thoingmaker. Henry Lutz. Peter Noyer. Jacob Mellinger. Peter Nosenberger. Philip Ruth. John Schum. David Good. Henry Mohler. John Mohler. Christian Flickinger. Philip Noad. Joseph Eby. David Bricker. Jacob Weaver. Jacob Killian. George Rung. Abraham Landis. George Piper. Jacob Mohler. Isaac Brubacher. Hanner Mohler. William Laffler. Samuel Schowalter. Jacob Mellinger. Henry Hershberger. Peter Martin, Esqr. Jacob Bowman. Jacob Gesell. Jacob Hershberger. Henry Bowman. Michael Zerbe. Baltzer Traut. Abraham Noland. John Mohler, Junr. Martin Becker. David Schowalter George Woldry. Philip Wers. John Liift 22— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 338 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Lancaster County 1792. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES OF MY COM- PANY THE 2D. COMPANY OF THE FIRST BATALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA. TAKEN FOR THE SPRING AND MAY YE 7TH. 1792. COMMANDED BY MR. HENRY HAMBRIGHT, COLL. Captain. Henry Sill. Pr John Sneder. Adam Stock. John Sheaver. Peter Staufter. John Shitz. John Bletz. George Stailey. John Edwards. Samuel Waver. Peter Carpenter. George Waver. Henry Rutt. John Rutt. John Ranch. George Stauffer. Henry Waver, Christian Waver. Peter Waver. Samuel Waver. John Waver. I do affirm that the above to the Best of My Knowledge. ivates. George Martin. David Martin. Phillip Crash. David Martin. Joseph Waggoner. Christian Scrrenick. John Ranck, Junr. Peter Citzmiller. John Grover. John Prouner. Wm. Gault. Andrew Summers. Thos. Wilmin. Peter Martin, Preacher Son. Henry Martin, Preacher Son. Jacob Ranck. Jacob Waver. Valentine Ranck. Michal Waver. return that it is Just and True HENRY SILL, Capt. I RETURN OF THE SECOND COMPANY THIRD BATTALION LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COLONEL HENRY REAM. FALL 1792. Captain. Marx Binckly. PENNSYLVANIA MILITlA-1790-1800. 339 Nicholas Wolf. Charles Stonemetz. Ephraim Reyer. Frederick Roth. Stophel Gesell. John Bowman (S. S.) Henry Mohler. Adam Nees. Ubry Sherck. Jacob Hagy. Abm. Landes. Peter Eberly. Christian Good (S. E.) Joseph Mishler. Henry Hershberger. Jacob Witmer. John Sherp. Christian Baker. Benjamin Reyer. Philip Reyer. Dietrick Hoffman. Peter Martin, Esq. John Detweiler. The Hessian at Heiples. Abr. Rohland. John Mohler, Junr. Henry Hagy. Christian Haak. Solomon Meyer. Peter Reyer. Abr. Bear. Adam Rigle. Michl. Kober. John Senger. Jacob Rosh. Jacob Mohler, Jur. George Sander. Henry Sander. .John Newcomer. Benjamin Kingmaker. Martin Baker. William Cloud. John Shwahr. Michl. Wolf. Michl. Wolf, Jur. Saml. Mellinger. Joseph Mellinger. Peter Detweiler. George Stohler. Martin Lutz. Heaffty (Js. S.) John Hershberger. John Mohler (J. S.) Danl. Good. John Keisher. Danl. Baker. John Gehr. The Tanner at Peter Martins. Abr. Killian. Felix Burckard. John Mohler. A TRUE AND EXACT RETURN OF THE FOURTH COM- PANY THIRD BATTALION LANCASTER COUNTY MILI- TIA FOR THE SPRING IN THE YEAR 1792 COMMANDED BY HENRY REAM, LIEUT. COL. Abraham Musselman. Jacob Musselman. Captain. John Sponhower. Names. Jacob Widder. John Erb, son of Chrs. I 340 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Peter Eby, Junr, George Elser. John Erb. Christian Huber. Robbert Beld. John Wissler. Daniel Brubocher. Jacob Eby. Peter Kreider. John Fantz. Greenbery Beddycoad. Michael Kline. Samuel Huber. Peter Reist. John Hess. Michel Miller. Abraham Kurtz. Abraham Huber Christian Goodjolir. Christian Blikensderfer. Joseph Gingrick, Esqr. John Shurr. Christian Rudy. John Oblinger. Jacob Strole. Michael Fantz. Jno. Shrantz. Mathias Gassier. Peter Ricksacker. John Dirdorff. Michael Kreider. Friederich Seaman. Jno. Brubacher. Peter Lenhard. Philip Freidrich. George Eichelberger. George Seibert. Anthony Berkenbile. Samuel Oberholtzer. Adolre Sichdendela. Christian Shrub. Jacob Oberholtzer. Henry Herchelrode. John Erbe. George Rode. John Weiland. Jacob Young. George Hoffman. Ludwig Nagel. Martin Metzler. John Philips. Baltzer Widmore. Abraham Shrantz. Michel Shenck. Wiliam Ridgerd. Abraham Dirdorff. I do hereby certify that the above is just and true. Witness JOHN SPONHOWER, Capt. February the 27th, 1793. RETURN OK ( 'APT- MARTIN SPICKLERS COMPANY FOR THE FALL 1792. Jacob Over. John Beeler. John Shoe. Christn. Shryer. Danl. Behm. Christn. Hershey. Valentin Cryner. Peter Erbb. Joseph Bamberger. Jacob Behm. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 341 John Huber. Jacob Stoufer. John Unger. Christn. Rool. Christn. Myer. Abrm. Langeneker. John Kissel. Christn. Erbb. Christn. Hershy. Abrm. Bamberger. Samuel Eby. Daniel Shoemaker. Daniel Hummer. George Rool. Abrm. Eshelman. Jacob Eshelman. Josep Bamberger, Junr. John Martzall. Henry Geary. David Geib. Stophel Martzall. Christn. Fyk. John Eshelman. Andrew Myksell. Christn. Stoufer. John Stoufer. George Kissel. Christn. Hoffart. Benjamin Hershy. Michel More. Christn. Long. Isaac Hershy. Christn. Hershy, miller. Joseph Hershy. Stophel Shullaw. Michel Brechl)eel. Mannor Township. A TRUE RETURN OF VALENTINE RUMEL, CAPTAIN OF THE 3RD. COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA, OCTOBER, 1793. Names. Peter Sneider. John Butt. Peter Rumel. Thomas Wright. Michl. Shereman. Abram Carrel. Adam Bettner. Abram Herr. John Manning. John Miller. John Branneman. Christian Carrel. Jacob Wilsen. Daniel May. John Millinger. Jacob I^uter. Jas. Hershey. Christian Martin. Jacob Martin. Mathiua Bortzriel. Abram Wittmer. Mathius Miller. Henry Shofe. David Carrel. Jacob Wittman. John Stauffer. Jacob Musser. John Wright. Jacob Frey. 342 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Henry Sichtey. Fredrick Mayer. James Pratt. Henry Dickowen. John Herr. John Krideler. Jacob Eaby. Freidrick May. Adam Fisher. Adam May. John Wittmer. Ludwick Rup. John Goodman. Henry Witmer. Jacob Wrippley. Henry Wisler. Benjamin Wright. Abram Hershey. Lancaster, 1793. A RETURN OF CAPT. CUNNINGHAM'S COMPANY DES- TRICT, OCTOBER THE 7TH. 1793. THIRD REGIMENT. Captain. Hugh Cunningham. Lieutenant. George Hiller. Ensign. Henry Artford. Sergeants. Jacob Kerrier. John Smelcer. Christian Schellenberger. Jasper Lutz. Corporals. Adam Roseberger. John Doninia. Henry Montibough. Peter Stites. i Privets. Henry Miller. Fredrick Smith. John Hezzinger. John Schellenberger. Adam Founderoe. George Man. Samuel Stayman. John McKever. John Strong. William Eatten. John Neer. Peter Herring^ton. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 343 John Kerrier. John Clemmons. Joseph Willies. William McKean, Senr. Joseph Brown. William McKean, Jiinr. John Shennon. George Nass. Oct. the 8th. day. John Hougandobler (sick). Peter Hestings. John Barnhart, called to make Jacob Marten. a coffin. Jacob Burchfield. Joseph Kauffman. Joseph Hopbeger. Andrew Kauffman. Mchls. S. David Mannings, sick. Andrew Kauffman. Christ'ns George Lutz. Called abroad. son, sick. Jacob Miller. Andrew Kauffman, Jacob's S. John Young, sick. sick. Daniel Shank. Isaac Kauffman, Christian's Philip Young. son. Jacob Bun. Isaac Kauffman. Michls, son. Henry Shank. John Kauffman. John Sides. Christian Kaufman Christian'sAbraham Miller. Michael Kauffman. Sons. John Shock. Henry Kauffman. Henry Kassha. Adam Kauffman. " Christian Herr. Andrew Schellenberger. Freder)«k Miller, Sick. Henry Schellenberger. Christian Stoner. Jacob Schellenberger. John Stoner, Call'd abroad. Christian Eshelroad. Jacob Kenner. gone. Daniel Eshelroad. Jacob Whitmore. Abraham Newcommer. Mathiaes Lcgron. Christian Newcommer, Sick. Adam Desler. Christian Newcommer. that Michael Desler. livd. at Inl. Forries. John Shapp. Jacob Stayman. Bat. C. Henry Whitmore, John's son. Abraham Stayman. sick. sick. Frederick Caldwiler. sick. Jacob Whitmore, Jacob's son Christian Millenger. sick. Peter Kline. Sick. David Mellinger. John Greenlee. Benjamin Hosteter. I do hereby Certify and declare that after Such of the Com- pany who attended had formed and excerscisd. about one hour Captn. H. Cunningham called over the Muster Roal and Likewise before we were dismissd he Calld it over a second time and I verrily belive the above Statements to be just and true as the Stand Stated above as Witness my hand Oct. 8th. day 1793. CHRISTIAN FALLENBERGNR. 344 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A RETURN OF THE WHITE MALE INHABITANTS OF CAPT. LUDWICK URBAUN'S COMPANY OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA 3 BATTLN 5TH. COMPY COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. KARR, FOR THE YEAR 1793. Captain. Ludwick Urbauns. Lieutenant. Adam Werts. Jr. Serj. John Foultz. Privates. Daniel Starneman. Henry Miller, poor. Israel Hertelroan. Peter Kline. Barthelemew Clark. William Hinckel, poor. John Mosser. * John Boyd. John Logan. John Eshelman. Frederick Shenck, gone. Fredk. Meanard. Fredk. Moyer. Andrew Kelley, poor. John Seek, poor. John Sauerbear, paid. Richard Burk, paid. Daniel Hess, gone. Abraham Shoff, sick. Michael Shank, ruptured. Jacob Starneman, ditto. John Miller, consumption. Jacob Stoner, Dum ague. Jacob Brenneman, shaking do. Henry Hockeman, do do Cristian Hostetter, do do Christian Shoff, Dun eague. A RETURN OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA COM- MANDED BY LIEUT. COL. WILDER BEVINS FOR THE YEAR 1793. 1st. Company. Captain. Alexr. Scott. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 345 Privates. David Mitchell. Stephen Long. Thomas Hill. William Gibson. Samuel Mitchell. Robert Snodgrass. Stephen Cornelius. Thomas Babstone. Thomas Brabstone. William Boyd. Thomas Moore. John Brabston. Peter Robeson. Samuel Reynolds. Henry Reynolds. L. Sam Reynolds. Joshua Reynolds. Geo. Mitchell. William Kelly Ruben Reynolds. Emanuel Reynolds. Samuel Gilgreast. Job Grist. Jacob Brown. James Rice. Andrew Thompson. Matthias Yants. William Handlin. Geo. McLelland. William Eligan. Peter Wagh. James Pike. Peter Alexander. James Laughlin. Joseph Ward. John Driskell. Signed, JOHN EVANS, Clk. 2nd. Company. Captain. James Kerr. Privates. Geo. Baugman. Samuel Latta. Abram Bowman. John Potts. Joseph Keen. William Moffitt. Robert Latta. George Sandow. Saml. Hendry. Jacob Warfield. Abrm. Bear. Abrm. Bear, Jr. Martin Neaffer. John Ramsay. John Manson. James Fulton. Chrisley Bear. Mathw. Bartholomy. John Hare. William Starrett. Abrm. Hare. Michael Reussel. Philip Fink. John Myers. William Moore. Dennis McGonigle. Hugh Boyd. James Latta. 346 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Francis Leland. Peter Whitmer. David Newswiner. Adam Creamer. Fredk. Powell, had a bullet thigh 17 years last war. John McClure. Jacob Boughman. Henry Noll. James Baxter. Henry Pickle. James Kits. George Noll, in Samuel Starrett. Abner Buffiington. Jacob Herse. Wm. Keach. 3rd. Company. Captain. Samuel McElroy. Robert Porter. Stuart McMullen, sick. William Caldwell, under years of age. John Gapfield. Robert Ramsey. Chrisley Gapfield. William Steel, on business Baltimore. Privates. Thomas Young, gone into the Back Countries. 2.1 James Belford. Alexandr. Campbell. Samuel Bonting. Michael .Winger. Jacob Hoover, sick, at Peter Stephenson. Lieut. Isaac McCullock, at Pittsburg. 4th. Company. Captain. William Guy. Privates. James Sterritt. David Sterritt. Calvin Cooper, Junr. Trueman Cooper. John Cooper, Junr. William Cooper. James Jackson. John Moore. Samuel Williams. Geo. Money, Junr. Isaac Gripheth. William Petit, Junr. Daniel Petit. William Petit, Senior. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 347 James Cooper, Senior. James Cooper, Junr. George Datman. "William Kirkwood. Ephriam Smith, Junr. William Butler. John Murray. Elisha Murphy. Jacob Sinton. Robert Simmons. John Townsend. Stephen Townsend. Thomas Wasou. John Wason. Moses Moore. Andrew McBarty. Patrick McBride. Joshua Chamberlin, Junr. William Chamberlin. Levi Pownell. William Conn. Peter Echenger. Archibald Owens. James Noble. Hieronymus Miller. James Miller. Asahel Walker. Philip McGuire. John Thransby. Joseph Tweed. John Sharp. William Stout. Andrew Moore. John Miller. James McKee. William Herd. Joseph WalTier. Stephen Herd. Samuel McCauley. Samuel McWilliams. Nathaniel Walker. William Livingston. Adam Musquetnose. Mathew McAfee. John Oatman. William Wilson. Alexandr. Clandenin. John McKnoll. James Cane. Henry McCrea. Andrew Gillespie. James Taylor. John Livingston. Geo. Hood. 5th. Company. Captain. William Miller. Abram Whitside. James Whitiside. Isaac Walker. Robert Stewart. Hugh Boyd, alias Boyl. David Alexander. James Lile, says he is above 50 years old. James Dogherty. Joseph Ward. 6th. Company. Captain. Thomas Boyd. 348 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Archibald Pegan. Robert Briary. Robert Cunningham, was out of the township. Hugh Caldwell. Andrew Martin, sick. John Murhy, did not hear of my muster day. Joseph Coghenour. Rudy Keagey. Abram Everly. John Graft. Abram Bear. Michael Bear. James Pegan. Samuel Winter. Abram Keagey. John Reed, Junr., sick. Henry Hoben, Junr., sick. Chrisley Hober. John Skank. John Shank. David Stophen. John Huber, Senr. Archibd. McCully, his wife sick could not leave. Joseph Graft. Josep Peagh. Felix Swagen, sent for to see his sister die at Dunkard Town. Lawrence Grcsman. David McDermant. sick. Michael Shank. Abram Miller. Henry McFall, strained his knee. Robert Miller, sick. James Kielough. Neil Shea, sick. Daniel McDermant. Chrisley Lines. John Herris. Jacob Kepperley. Geo. Henry. Michael Peagh. John Graft. James McCall, had to go to the Doctor for a sick person. John Good. Geo. Gates, sick. James Seabrook. Valentine Gardener, was hunt- ing a horse supposed to be stolen. Peter Creamer, sick. John Simms, sick. John Marlin, wais in Washing- ton Co., said day. Jacob Huber. John Huber, Junr., not 21 yrs. of age. Henry Herr. Fredk. Crook. Phillip Miller, sick. Jacob Strubell, sore foot, could not walk. Jacob May, not 20 yrs. of age. John Seabrooks. Fred Capperly, out of the country. 7th. Company. Captain. Isaac Nelson. Samuel Morrison, sick. Samuel Mulholm. John Kelly, at Lancaster. James Coghran. James Croney, at Carlisle and John Robison. Darby. James Barnes. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 349 John Galbreath. John Frazier. Daniel Quin. Robert Stewart. Robert Patton, sick. Stephen Boyd. Joseph Morrison, at Green- castle. Jonathan Harland, did not Know of the muster. Geo. McCulIogh. had his ven- due that day. Hugh Rippy, out of the county. James Mum. Alexander McBeth. Thomas Boyd. John Adair. John McMaster. John Latta. Henry Bouys, in Maryland. John Porter. Michael Abby, sick. Thomas Borough. James Vance. Daniel Bradley. Sth. Company. Captain. John Grubb. Abraham Midcalf. Alexandr. Hannah. Michl. King. Vincent King. Vincent Stubbs. Joseph Stubbs. Joseph Harlan. Ezekiel Harlan. Jams. King, Junr. James King, Quaker. Joshua Brown, cooper. Jeremiah Brown. Isaiah Brown. John Herr. David Strohm. Samuel Coppork. Thos. Killock. Jones Jones. Hugh McConkey. Saml. Neeper. Saml. Reagh. John Reagh. John Ripley. Joseph McVey. Moses Midcalf. Levi Sedwell. Willm. Caughey. Hugh McCullough. Lewis Maule. Jehu Keys. John Gryder. Junr. John Gryder. Senr. Martin Gryder. John Webster. Isaac Webster. Nathan Webster. Joshua Webster. Nathan Jenkins. Eli Plummer. John Gurney. Robert Barnes. John Scott. James McCreary. James McCleland. James Robertson. James Killick. John Reed. John Leek. 350 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John King. John Chandle. James Chandle. James Carr. John Dickson. James Carr. John Dickson. James Midcalf. Joseph Montgomery. James Walker. Geo. Aitkin. John Driscall. John Moore. John Rowland. Robert Hannah. Robert King. Thomas Cully. William Murray. William Kelly. James Anderson. Saml. Jones. Robert McGiness. Patrick McElwain. Abram Hesse. John Hesse. i A GENERAL RETURN OR DAUGHT OF COLONEL CON- RAD KARR'S 3D. BATTALION LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA. Drafted the llth. July 1794. (as select militia). Capt. Hugh Cunijicgham.s 1st. Company, now Capt. Zinn's Company. Adam Kauffman. cxcusd. (Deaf.) John , paid, fined. Henry Gasha, aged. Joseph Habecker. fined. Andrew Kauffman, p'd 8 Dolls. Jacob Son, paid, fined. Barnard Man, 12 Dolls, paid. John Smitz, fined <^ gone. Frederick Ohlweiler, fined, paid 20 Dolls. Peter Herrington, 45 paid. George Nass, p'd exd. Christn. Nestebroth, exd. John Heisinger, excd. Joseph Willes, excused. John Hougendoubler, exd. Jacob Marty, not fit for duty. Capt. Fredk Metzgar's 2nd. Comy. George Zarger, fined: gone Jacob Burkholder. fined. away; did net app?ar at Jacob Brenneman, pd. I>anc. to mr.rch. Joseph Hiney, excd. George Foehl. exd. Elisa McCallister, excd. Henry Resh, fined C4.10. Jacob Haberstick, fined 16 Dewald Barman, exd. Dolls. Tobias Kochcnoucr, fine> o E OCDO^'--OCOOOOOOOt^l^t-«JC3CO Q W « ^ •SllOQ <3 >> H oH 5 ■/ M «■ tn m — ■'^ -C •=" .C J3 j: £ £ £ •so !.\J3S' JO 9I.UIi 5 ??^'i?iJbcccccccccc ^o ^S2S«2 EEEEEEESEE H H t-f'HTH ._(T-lrHT-lrt,-HrHi-i h3 ■^■^■"f-^^^-^ •■^■^^■^-iT^^ p^5 t,' u C u u C • C C •' ' ' C C u C XtJd JO maax JO OOIAJOS JO uouBJuixa oooooo -ooooooooo OOOOOO :000000000 s: fi a Si <-> si '.as^sissisisisis: ^^ ^ H J "^ > en -J •5S •aoiA JO juaiuaouauuuoo ^ ;_, i;^ S- t' t. t. U fc. t. U fc. U _fc. u U M toccaJoOOOOOOOOOOOO sis-^^-^-^ssisisiSjc^SsiS >^ o s ij ^1 s; ^' s s s s s ^ s s^ ^ M C^l • n c '5 ♦J c ^ c" c' c c g g g 2 f f P •3IUBH • H ^ o r-i o (75 to E :« z t ■ S i 2 C4 Ph « d ||£w^^ ^45S£4«<£ 5^ -< O t-: 00 ci O -^ cj C cu ■jaquinN 356 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. t-i ° o! c >, 3 rt ^ o 1 fM o ri 0) a d K d o B •eoi.vjag. jo auiix •Ji-B^ JO UH9J, JO aDiA-iss JO uopBJidxa •90IA -Jog JO ^uaiuaoueuituoo t-C-t-t-t-t-t-t-C-b-t-t-C^t- - t^ C^ b- t- t- t- t- tr- t- c- l> t- CO CO CD CD CD CO CD • CD CD £ £ CD CO CO CD CO CO «"° =° =° «= " " CO CO CD CO ooooooocoooocoooo SSHSSSSSSSSESSSSS rHT-li-li-HT-Hr-(iHr-<-— tl;ooc•«GJc•2^ccc^- tH r< iH th e^ ■ «-^o65JSrJ' PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 357 OCOCDCOCOCDCpepcfCOCOCDCDCCVCOCOCOCO t— (— t- o cpeo^eo i- i- >• W ? fe fa 3 O J^ s § §2 "! - P C rnA— 1790-1800. 3G5 RETURN OF CAPT. MARTIN SPICKLER'S COMPANY FOR THE YEAR 1795 BELONGING TO THE 7TH RKGT. LAN- CASTER COUNTY MILITIA COMMANDED BY COLONEL HENRY REHM. Martin Speck. Jacob Ober. Jacob Tilly. Christian Shreyer. Daniel Lehm. Daniel Geib. Christian Martzall. Christian Hershey, miller. Peter Erb. Martin Grinor. Joseph Bamberger Jacob Behm. Jacob Stauffer. Samuel Cox. John Bucher. Christian Meyer, Christian Reist. Jacob Hochsteter, Junr. John Sumy. Peter Gidy. David Geib. George Hock. John Kissel. Jacob Eberly. Christian Erb. Abraham Reist, Junr. Michael Krider. Daniel Shoemaker. Jacob Leitert. Isaac Hershy. Mose Bamberger. Abraham Echelman. John Reist, Junr. Jacob Eshelman. Joseph Bamberger. John Marlzell. Jacob Gibbel. Christian Deick. Benjamin Hershe. Solomon I.ongeneker. John Hochstatter. John Eshelman. Adam Brown. Christian Ehrman. Abraham Bohm. Abraham Reist. Jacob Bamberger. Ludwig Gutgahr. Abraham Zug. Adam Martin. Christian Zug. John Krciner. Nicholas Beyer. John Hcrr. David Bamberger. Jacob thee. John Bender. Henry Geib. Abraham Gibble. Christian Hoffart. Joseph Hershey. Michael Breckbiel. Conrad Kraft. Frederick Thimer. John thee. John Kiner. I Jacob Rittle Lieut, of said Capt. Specklers Company Do hereby Testify that the above and within return is just & true to the best of my knowledge. Witness my hand this 25th day of March, A. D. 1796. JACOB RITTEL. Lieut. Sworn & subscribed before me this 25th day of March 1796. JN. REAM. 366 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A RETURN OF THE THIRD COMPANY SECOND BATTAL- ION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA FOR THE SPRING AND FALL COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. WILDER BEVINS. Captain. James McCreary. Lieutenant. Hugli .Jackson. Ensign. David Boyd. Names. William McGlaghlin. Vallentine Gartner. Henry Hastings. John Douglass. Henry Ells. John Allexander. David Gartner. John McCreary. Henry Byrs. Jacob Byers. John Good. Archibald Cully. Henry Rush. John Cully. Adam Speck. Samuel Alexander. John Shoaf. Felix Swagger. George Lutz. Fetter Lazerus. David Stoafer. John Stoafer. Abraham Miller. James Fergeson. John Spence. Hugh Long. Better Hoover. George Crow. Martin Byers. Conrad Boarman. Barney Dougherty. Robert Miller. Robert Wilson. James Purdy. John Reid. William Dougherty. Daniel Longnecker. Hugh Coldwell. Petter Cremer. Andrew McGinnis. Jacob Byers. Henry Eckman. John Hoover. Jacob May. Jacob Trexter. Jacob Bleacher. Michael Bleacher. Joseph Coughnerer. Samuel Bear. Joseph Graft. John Everly. Abraham Everly. Michael Shank. Robert Cuningham. Martain Eshleman. Samuel Eshleman. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 367 Henry Stephens. Andrew Miller, .Junr. Phillip Miller. Henry Hoover, Junr. Martain Miller. Henry Hair. John Hair. Frederick Crook. John Hoover, Junr. Henry Hoover, Senr. Martain Hoover. John Kendrick. *John McCalaregan. Daniel Duke. *John Haris. Andrew Miller, Senr. Vallentine Hart. John McCarty. George Hess. Henry Clemenhogel. John Mountgomery. George Kendrick. Andrew Rewenskew. Samuel Lines. Chrisley Lines. Daniel Hair. I'^rederick Myers, .lacob Kepperly, John Law. Grisly Hair. David Hoover. Jack Seabrooks. Thomas Haris. Henry Jones. Hugh Debuts. Gregory Farmer. A TRUE RETURN OF THE FOURTH COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OP LANCASTER COUNTY MIL- ITIA, FOR THE FALL OF 1796 COMMANDED BY WILDER BEVINS, LIEUT. COL. Christian Grider. David Strohm. Ezekial Harlon. Crawford Scott. George Murrey. George Linch. John Reagh. John Webster. John McCreavy. James McCreary. John field. Capt. Thomas Grubb. Lieut. James Heard. Ens. William M Crcary. Joshua Webster. John Killoh. John Jones. John Wilson. John Leek. James King. Quak'r. James King, Junr. Isack Webster. Isaiah Brown. Joshua Brown, cooper. Joshua Brown, Junr. 368 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Andrew Carman. Joseph Stubbs. James Midcalf. Joseph Montgomery. Joseph Harlon. James Walker. George Aitken. Lewis Maule. Levi Sidwell. Michael King. Moses Midcalf. Nath. Webster. Patrick Scott. Robt. Hannah. Robt. King. Thomas Scott, Saml. Reagh. Thomas Culley. Vincent Stubbs. Vincent King. Saml. Reynolds. Willm. Money. Willm. Murey. Willm. Robison. Francis Smith. Stephen Heai'd. James Anderson. Thomas Mughen. Robt. McGinnis. Patrick McElwane. Abraham Hess. John Hess. John Mulrine. Jas. Hill. Nathl. McVey. Willm. Roebuck. Mercer Brown. James Howet. Isachas Collton. Patr. Meishen. Jonathan McVey. Hugh Burke. Frank Brannen. John Coppock. John McConnel. Hugh Deviny. Hugh Barnes. Thos. Barnes. David Montgomery. Robt. Warden. Jonathan Cutler. David Rankin. Saml. Richardson. Joel Richardson. Charles McDowel. Willm. Glasgow. Saml. Reeker. James Harley. Patrk. Kenedy. Lenty McCue. Sampson McCulloh. Return Low. A RETURN OF CAPT. HURDS COMPANY IN THE SECOND BATTALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA FOR JHE FALL MUSTER DAYS COMMANDED BY MAJOR ALEX. SCOTT, LIEUT. COL. WILDER BEVINS REGI- MENT. Capt. Willm. Heard. Lieut. Willm. Loughead. PENNSYLVANIA. MILITIA— 1790-18C0. 369 Ens. John Taylor. George Pierce. George Mooney. Andrew Moore, Sr. Isac Walker. James Ray. Robert Laughhead. John Millagan. Jacob Rockey. Jacob Cerrens, Jnr. Charlis Pettitt. John Cooper. Hugh McMin, is. between age of 18 & 45. James Cooper. Willm. Cooper. James Sterritt. David Stirritt. Samuel McHara. Archabal Owens. John Moore. Robert Moore. Hugh Larmore. James Chamberlan. George Hood. Willm. Tweed. John Crage. Calvin Cooper. Trueman Cooper. Francis Hufman. John Passmore. Celeb ward. Henery McCray. Eaphrim Smith. James Waker. Joseph Davis. Isac Davis. Sampson Davis. Jacob Sinton. Joseph Sinton. Richard Bell. Samuel Williams. Josuah Williams, Sr. Henery Whitson. Andrew Moore, Sr. James Miller. Isac James. AUexandr. Clondenin. Thos. Lastley. John Lastley. Samuel Eavins. Robert Eavins. Willm. Kid. the Thos. McKinsey. Abnor Brooks. Joshua Chamberlin. Garshin Chamberlin. Willm. Chamberlin. John Townsend. Robert Simmons. Thos. Powers. Joseph Simmons. Joseph Goss. Isaac Griffith. John Lewisston. Willm. Levisston. Albon Hall. John McDonald. Andrew Irwin. George McAdams. Willm. Graham. Samuel McKee. Abnor Longshore. John Murry. Mark McCon. Joseph Tweed. Levi Pownell. Paul Rawlston. John Williams. Conrad Ludiwick. *Peter Penigan. John Fich. 24- *Don't live in my company, -Vol. V— 6th Ser. 370 MUSTER 7S.ND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. WIL- DER BEVINS. 1796. First Company. Captain. John Evans. Names. Peter Hill. William Gibson. Thomas Hill. John Hill. Alex'r Stanford. Thomas Brabson. James Brown. Charles McCue. Alex'r Rheburn. John Douglass. John Douglass. Peter Robison. Henry Reynolds. Samuel Reynolds. Ruben Reynolds. Emanuel Reynolds, Job Christ. Jacob Brown. William Patterson. Abner Brown. William Brown. Elijah Reynolds. Eli McVey. Henry Waggoner. Second Company. Captain. William Heard. Names. George Pierce. George Mooney. Andrew Moore, Jun'r. Isaac Walker. James Ray. Robert Longhead. John Milligan. Jacob Rockey. Jacob Carrents, Jun. Charles Pettit. John Cooper. James Cooper. William Cooper. James Sterrit. David Sterrit. Samuel McKarra. Archy Owings. John Moore. Robert Moore. Hugh Larmore. .lames Chamberlain. George Hood. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 371 William Tweed. John Craig. Calvin Cooper. Truenian Cooper. Francis Hiifman. John Pasmore. Caleb Ward. Henry McCray. Ephraim Smith. " James Walker. Joseph Davis. Isaac Davis. Sampson Davis. Jacob Sinton. Joseph Sinton. Richard Bell. Samuel Williams. Joshua Williams. John Williams, Jun. Henry Whitson. Andrew Moore, Jun'r. James Miller. Isaac James. Alexander Clindeuin. Thomas Lastly. John Lastly. Samuel Evans. Robert Evans. William Kid. Thomas McKinsey. Abner Brooks. Joshua Chamberlain. Garshin Chamberlain. William Chamberlain. John Townsend. Robert Simmons. Tho's Powers. Joseph Simmons. Joseph Gess. Isaac Griffith. John Leviston. William Leviston. Albon Hall. John McDonald. Andrew Irvin. George McAdams. William Graham. Sam'l McKee. Abnor Longshore. John Murry. Marks McCon. Joseph Tweed. Levi Pownel. Paul Ilawlston. John Williams, Jun'r. Conrad I-odewick. Peter Penigan. John Fick. Third Company. Captain. McElroy. Names. John Young. John Brown. Daniel Andrew. John Warden. Andrew McConkey. Henry Davis. Robert Ford. John Graybill. Fi'ancis Flood. Robert Jackson. Jacob Newswanger. Samuel Pusey. William Scott. Andrew Templeton. 372 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Cornelius Collins. Peter Graybill. Martin Boocher. John Dunlap. John Carson. Andrew Walker. Caleb Hulford. Thomas Young. Henry Worts. John Marshal. John Patterson. Fourth Company. Captain. Anderson. Names. James Finley. Samuel Carson. William Carson. Alex'r Davis. Henry Walker. William McKown. William Downing. John Heastings. Samuel Gay. John Downing. William Patton. Moses McKown. Joseph Crawford. John Rhea. Jeremiah Woodroe. James Porter. Joseph Smith. Daniel Byers. Fifth Company. Captain. Paxton. Names. Samuel Wilson, James Baxter. Ja's Noll. John Shannon. Simon Rits. Samuel Latta. Abraham Bowman. Christy Bear. James Brown. James Kits. John Pots? James Sha.nnon. John White. John Hare. George Noll. Jacob Lotman. Adam Creamer. Abner Buffington. Jacob Bower. Earnest Row. Michael Rieshel. Abraham Bear. Abraham Bear, Jun'r. Samuel McCready. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 373 Johu Mires. Philip Fink. Jesse Hall. George Goist. Peter Fickle. Frederick Powel. John Powel. John Chambers. John Waid. Peter Whitmore. Robert Lisle. John Pickle. George Pickle. Andrew Barkley. David Barkley. Joseph Johnston. Samuel Morrison. Sam'l Malholm. James Cochran. Daniel Quinn. William McGonigal. Samuel Rodgers. William Kirkwood. Samuel McPhcrson. Robei't Neeley. John Oatmau. Joseph Greer. John Daniel. William Daniel. Patrick Porter. Henry Rushel. George Rockey. Andrew McEwen. Joseph Cremer. John Edgar. Samuel White. William McClure. Sixth Company. Captain. Isaac Nelson. Names. Stephen Boyd. William Vial. Sam'l Boyd. Robert Dout. Sam'l Steen. Seventh Company. Captain. McCreary. William McGloughlin. Valentine Gartner. Henry Castings. John Douglass. John Alexander. Henry Byers. Jacob Byers. John Good. Archy Cully. , Henry Rush. John Cully. Adam Speck. Sam'l Alexander. John Shoaf. Felix Swagger. George Luts. Peter Lazarns. 374 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John Stoafer. Abraham Miller. James Forgeson. John Spence. Hugh Long. Petter Hoover. George Crow. Martin Byers. Conrad Boarman. Barney Dougerty. Robert Wilson. James Purdy. John Reed. William Dougerty. Daniel Longenecker. Hugh Caldwell. Peter Cremer. Andrew McGinnis. Jacob Byers. Henry Eckman. John Hoove, Sen. Jacob May. Jacob Trisler. Jacob Bleacher. Joseph Cochmower. Samuel Bear. Joseph Graft. John Everly. Abraham Everly. Michael Shank. Robert Cunningham. Martin Eshleman. Sam'l Eshleman. Henry Stephens. Andrew Miller, Jun. Philip Miller. Henry Hoover, Jun'r. Martin Miller. Henry Hair. John Hair. Frederick Crook. John Hoover, Jun'r. John Hoover, Sen. Martin Hoover. John Kendrick. John Harris. James McCalarigan. Daniel Duke. Andrew Miller, -Sen. Vallentine Hart. John McCartey. George Hess. Henery Clemenhogel. John Montgomery. George Kendrick. Andrew Revenskew. Samuel Lines. Christley Lines. Daniel Hair. Frederick Myers. Jacob Kepperby. John Law. Christley Hair. David Hoover. Jack Seabrooks. Henry Jones. Hugh Deberts. Gregorey Farmer. Eight Company. Captain. Grubb. Christian Gryder. David Strohm Names. Ezekiel Hatton, Crawford Scott. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 375 George Murrey. George Linch. John Reagh. John Webster. John McCrearey. James McCrearey. John Field. Joshua Webster. John Killough. John Jones. John Wilson. John Leek. James King. (Quaker). James King, Jnr. Isaac Webster. Isaiah Brown. Joshua Brown. Joshua Brown, Jnr. Andrew Carman. Joseph Stubbs. aies Medcalf. js^ ' Montgomery, o^oepn Harton. James Walker. George Aitken. Lewis Maule. Levi Sidwell. Michael King. Moses Medcalf. Nathan Webster. Patrick Scott. Robert Hannah. Robert King. Thomas Scott. SamT Keagh. Thomas Cully. Vincent Stubbs. Vincent King. SamT Reynolds. Will'm Money. Will'm Murrey. Will'm Robinson. Francis Smith. Stephen Heard. .Tames Anderson. Thomas Mugheu. Robert McGinnis. Patrick McElvaine. Abraham Hess. John Hess. John Mubrine. Ja's Hill. Nathan McVey. William Roebuck. Mercer Brown. James Howet. Isaachus Colston. Pat. Michin. Jonathan McVey. Hugh Bank? Frank Branner. John Coopock. John McConnel. Hugh Deviny. .Tames Barnes. Thomas Barnes. David Montgomery. Robert Warden. Jonathan Cutler. David Rankin. Sam'l Richardson. Joel Richardson. Charles McDowel. William Glasgow. Sam'l Recker. James Harley. Patrick Kenedy. Lenty McCue. Sampson McCullouch. Return Low. 376 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A TRUE AND EXACT RETURN OF CAPT. PAXTON COM- PANY IN THE SECOND BATTALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA FOR THE FALL COMMANDED BY MAJOR ALEXR. SCOTT LIEUT COL. WILDER BEVIN'S REGIMENT, 1796. Captain. Jas. Paxton, Names. Sam'l Wilson. Jas. Baxter. Jas. Noll. John Shannon. Simeon Rits. Samuel Latta. Abraham Bowman. Chrisley Bear. James Brown. James Kits. John Potts. Joseph Keen, (sick). James Shannon. John White. • John Hare. George Noll. Jacob Sotman. Thomas McClure. Adam Cremer. Abner Buffington. Jacob Bower. Ernest Row. Michael Rushel. Abraham Bear. Abraham Bear, Jnr. Samuel McCready. John Mires. Philip Fink. Jesse Hall. George Goist. Peter Pickle. Fredrick Powel. John Powel. John Chambers. John Waid. Peter WTiitmore. Dan Caldwell, (under 21 years of age.) James Caldwell, (under 21 years of age. Robert Lisle. John Pickle. George Pickle. Andrew Barkley. David Barkley. William Henry (sick). Joseph Johnston. William Kirkwood. Samuel McPherson. Robert Neely. John Oatman. Joseph Greer. John Daniel. William Daniel. Patrick Porter. Henry Rushel. George Rockey. Andrew McEurn. Joseph Cremer. John Edger. Samuel White. Jas. McKnuby (Sick). William McClure. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lSOO. 377 A TRUE AND EXACT RETURN OF CAPT. WONDERLY COMPANY, 2D. DATTALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA, 179G COMMANDED BY HENRY BEAM, LIEUT. COL. Naaes. Peter Keech. Henry Eberly. Jacob Thomes. Henry Shroder. Noa Guesy. Peter Slukey. Benjamin Landes. John Shanck. Michael Backer. Andrew Mintzer. Bartle Hope. Michael Lideg. James Lewis, Jacob Wertz. John Peter. Henry Shorty. John Salser. Henry Krech. Cornelius .Devit. John Spear. Peter Moyer. John Wolffersberger. John Martin. John Flatcher. Jacob Shorck. I do swear that the above return is just to the best of my knowledge. Witness my hand. JOHN WONDERLY, Captain. Sworn before me this twenty-eight Day of November A. D. 1796. PETER MARTIN. A RETURN OF THE MALE WHITE BELONGING TO MY COMPANY BEING THE SECOND COPANY FIRST BAT- TALLION SEVENT REGIMENT OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA FOR THE YEAR 1797. Captain. Christopher Weidman. Leften't. John Stober. 378 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Privates. George Weachter. Jacob Borgner. Daniel Brubacner. Henry Teather. Michael Stober. Jacob Kindig. Jacob Reyer. John Kortz. Jacob Zug. Matheus Druckenbrod. John Dissinger. Martin Weidman. Jacob Leaman. Samuel Lawchert. Nathaniel Lightner. John Wolff. John Sheffer. Henry Shenck. Better Beck. Benjamin Meyer. John Reyer. Petter Gibler. John Hauer. Ludwig Rehrer. Daniel Belher. George Shweigerd. William Shack. James Dick. Jacob Zell. Daniel Mockle. Michael Lang. John Irwin. Jacob Bentz. George Laber. Michael Shucker. Jacob Korzt. John Miller (son of Christ). Conrad Meintzer. Conrad Weber. Jacob Kingmacker. John Miller. William Shebler. Henry Kindig. John Haupt. John Fahnenstock. George Ellig. Peter Bollinger. John Becher. John Weachter. David Reyer. John Ellig. John Laber. Jacob Shucker. Daniel Wolf. Petter Weber. John Vaust. Samuel Weidman. ' David Eberly. Francis Cramer. John Meintzer. George Urich. Christian Luther. John Stees. Jacob Kimmel. Petter Rack. David Frantz. Christopher Weidman. Andrew Hauch. William Torbre. Henry Gerber. Jofin Meyer. Abraham Brubacher. Jacob Spira. Jacob Weidman. John Heisser. Adam Sherb. Phillip Sheffer. John Weidman. John Spira. John Wolff. George Stober. David Bollinger. Jacob Bollinger. Killian Shercher. George Crum. Nicholas Leesser. PENNSYLVANIA MITJTIA— 1790-1800. 379 Conrad Evitts. Peter Fahnenstock. Michael Wolff. Jacob Stober. Adam Banner. Daniel Gehman. Henry Miller. Adam Treish. John Apel. Michael Treish. Jacob Brubacher. Henry Banner. Jacob Meyer. Jacob Oberly. John Gerber. Samuel Zerfass, (Shiner). Michael Horning. Benjamin Gorgas. John Bormas. John Fuhrm^ji. Frederick Adam. John Lensaman. Christian Bauman. Abraham Bear. Samuel Harlacher. Martin Nissly. Henry Wieland. Better Gerber. Jacob Slick. Daniel Neagly. John Heafly. Adam Breneissy. Benjamin Ritter. William Walles. Jacob White. Jacob Haner. Michael Eberly. Samuel Zerfass. Friederich Weachler. Christopher Woidman, Capt, Lancaster Co. 1797. A TRUE & EXACT RETURN OF THE FOURTH COMPANY OF THE FIRST BATTALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA FOR THE FALL OF 1797. COMMANDED BY MAJOR HUGH LONG LIEUT. COL. WILDER BEVINS REGIMENT. Captain. Thomas Grubb. Lieutenant. John McCreary. Ensign. Isack Mask. James Anderson. Daniel Koons. Thomas Cully. Privates. Joseph Stubbs. Joshua Brown, Jun'r. John Webster. 380 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. David Strohm. John Stuart. Jonathan Cuttler. Hugh Meridith. Hugh M Konkey. Thomas Bussett, under age. Nathaniel Webster. John Alexander, over age. John Richardson. William Reiley. Joseph McNight. Sam'l Adams. James King, Jun'r. Samuel Richardson. Isaac Stubbs. David Montgomery, fohn Coppock. James King. No property. Levi Reynolds. No property. Ezekiel Harlon. No property. Joshua Webster. John Campbell. Curtis Low. Joshua Browncooper. Timothy Haines. Wm. Quigly. Thomas Burnes, wagoner New-Tho's Barnes. easel county. Oliver Caldwell. Moses Midcalf. Henry Work. Isaiah Brown. Vincent Stubbs, at Christiana F. Day. Hill B. Smith. No property. John McConnel. Michael King. John Bohan. George Wilson. William Murrey with the grindstone Muster day. not found. Hurt his foot the Return of Delinquents is just to the best of my knowledge. Witness my hand. CAPTAIN THOMAS GRUBB. this twenty fourth of October 1797. GEORGE McCULLOUGH. A TRUE AND EXACT RETURN OF THE THIRD COMPANY SECOND BATTALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MIL- ITIA, FOR THE SPRING AND FALL, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. WILDER BEIVINS. 1797. Captain. James McCreary. John Hoover. David Gartner. William Porter. Privates. Barney Daugherty. George Kendrick. Archibald McCully. PENNSYLVANTA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 381 William Pauling. William Haues. John McCarty. Samuel Ashelman. Abraham Miller. Henry Hoover, Jun'r. Joseph King. Thomas Anderson. John Sims. James Clark, Jun'r. George Lutz. John Montgomery. John McCarrlis. Robert Cooper. Michael Shank. Henry McKleroy. Patrick Honigan. Neel Campbell. James McCalarigan. Daniel Hair. William Woods. Benjamin Barger. Henry Seabrooks. Frederick Crook. Henry Byers. Jacob Keperly. Martin Eshelman. Abraham Averly. James Seabrooks. .foseph Graft. Jacob Byers. John Hires. Gregory Farmer. Samuel Kendig. John Obrane. Adam Speck. David Hoover. John Seabrooks. Frederick Myers. John Douglass. Joseph Coighenour. James Parks. John Spence. Petter Hoover. Martin Hoover. Hans Bergland. Robert Perdey. William Shell. John Black. Frederick Kuhns. A RETURN OP SADBURY TOWNSHIP THE SIXTH COM- PANY 2D. BATTALION OF L. C. M. FOR THE FALL 1797, COMMANDED BY L. COLN'L WILDER BEVINS. Captain. Wm. Herd. Privates. Geo. Mooney. And'w Moon. Minor. Isaac Walker. Minor. Jacob Kuns. Min'r. Charles Pettit. Jno. Casper. William Cooper. David Steritt. Jno. Moon. Hugh McNalr. James Cooper. Robert Moore. Ja's Chamberlain. Calvin Cooper. 382 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Trueman Cooper. John Williams. Minor .Tn's Pasmore. Abban Hall. Ephraim Smith. Wm. Grimes. Rich'd Bell. Jno. Murray. Sam'l Williams. Mark McCun. Joshua Williams. Jos. Simcox. Henry Whitson. Jno. Mercer. Wm. Chamberlain. Wm. Mercer. Jn'o Townsend. Lekiel Ler. Robert Simmons. James Moore. Minor. Joseph Geress. Biirk' Whitson. Minor. Lancaster County 1797. A RETURN OF MY COMPANY OF 1797 THE THURT 3 COM- PANY 2 BATTALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA, FOR THE SPRING AND FALL. COMMANDED BY JERE- MIAH MOSHER LT. COL. Captain. John Leonard. Lieutenant. George Kitz. Privates. Abraham Breneman. John Moore. Lawer. Doctor Aldersterren. John Moderwell. John Rose. William Montgomery. Horse. David Barten. Christopher Mayor. Horse. John Ross. Christian Leonard. Emes Browmfeilt. John Moore Storek. Adam Righard. Horse. George Greff. Jacob Carpenter. John Foultz, William Fry. William McNight. John McLining. James Siceing. Pether Devies. Jacob Viuare. John McKluer. John Groff. Horse. James Wardon. Robard Wardon. Henrey Hiser. Richard Burns. Benjamin Katze. John Donebarger. William Kelley. John Kelley. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 383 Abraham Brubaker. William Lange. Jacob Sharor. . Elick McCracken. Daniel Witmore. Christopher Elley. Thomas Mackey. Frederich Eckston. James Kelly. Mathias Tomas. James Lexarth. Isac Briches. Jacob Kurtz. I do Swear that the above Return of Delinquents is just, to the best of my knowledge. Witness my hand. JOHN LEONARD. Capt. JEREMIAH MOSHER. Lt. Col. Command'r. Sworn before me this 3 Day of November 1797. JAMES ROSS, Brig. Inspector Lan'r Cy. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES OF EACH AND EVERY PERSON, BETWEEN THE AGES OF IS AND 45 YEARS, INHABITING OR RESIDING WITHIN MY DISTRICT, IN THE 6TH COMPANY OF THE 5TH REGIMENT BATTALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MIL- ITIA. 1797. Captain. Evan Russel. Lieutenant. Samuel Gohun. Ensign. Daniel Shea. Company— First Class— Day. Martain Fry. John Buckwalter. Henry Heckaroad. Michael Silkmitter, Senr. John Good. Christian Good. Samuel Good, Juur. David Hurst. Isaac Miller. ^°^^ Plank. Jesse Martain. Samuel Barber. Christian Hunt. 384 MUSTER AND PAY ROLI^S. Second Class. George Resler. Samuel Good, Senr. George Stewart. Jacob Burkett. Jacob Good. John Hoffman. Peter Derr. Benjamin Beecher. Leonard Keplinger. Martain Good. Jacob Frick. Regiment — Fifth Class — Day. Martain Fry. John Good. Samuel Good. Junr. Jesse Martain. Christian Hurst. John Burkwalter. Christian Good. Isaac Miller. Jacob Good. John Huffman. Benjamin Bechard. David Hurst. John Plank. Samuel Barber. George Resler. Samuel Good, Senr. Jacob Burkett. Sixth Class. Martain Good. Leonaud Keplinger. Jacob Frick. Lancaster County 1797. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE 3D COMPANY OF THE 5TH REGIMENT 2D BATTALION OF LANCASTER CO. MILITIA. Captain. John Huston. Privates. Nathan Evans. Em'l Newsuanger, Jn. Joseph Shirk. David Evans. George Weaver. John Stoper. David Weaver. Mich'l Ronk. Ab'm Martin. Jacob Greenleaf. John Lapp. Mich'l Fonk. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 385 Jacob Hutseller. Christian Whistler. Christian Hertseller. David Kurtz. Joseph Musselman. John Evans. John Rickabaugh. Joseph Hoarst. Sworn before me this 2 Bth (lay of October 1797. ''''" JAMES ROSS, Brig. Inspector, Lanr. Cy. A TRUE AND EXACT LIST OF THE NAMES OF EACH AND EVERY PERSON, BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 45 YEARS, INHABITING OR RESIDING WITHIN MY DIS- TRICT, IN THE 2D. COMPANY OF THE 5TH REGIMENT SECOND BATTALION OF LANCASTER COUNTY MIL- ITIA. 1797. Captain. John Edwards. Lieutenant. John Bear. Ensign. Adam Sheaffer. First class. Andrew Brand. Joseph Weaver. Michael Weaver. George Weaver. Henry Roott. John Roott. Peter Weaver. Samuel Weaver. David Marten. Jacob Stofer. Christian Snider. Abraham Weaver. Conred Witzel. Jacob Martin (carpenter). George Stofer. Henry Weaver. Christian Weaver. Third Class. Joseph Sasraan. Philip Ranck. Peter Martin. P. R. Samuel Weaver, Jun'r. Jacob Roott. Conred Lininger. 25— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 386 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Fifth Class. George Hofman. Henry Martin. Henry Martin. P. S. Daniel Stofer. Christian Martin. John Weaver. Peter Stofer. Jacob Hurst. Lancaster County 1798. A TRUE & EXACT RETURN OF THE FOURTH COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF LANCASTER CO. MIL- ITIA FOR 1798 COMMANDED BY JOHN STEELE LIEUT. COL. Captain. Thomas Grubb. Lieutenant. John McCreary. Ensign. Isaac Mask. Timothy Haines. John Richardson. Joseph Richardson. Sam'l Brooks. John Coppock. Charles McDowel. Samuel Richardson. John Merander. John Piles. Moses Piles. Joshua Webster. Thomas Slater. Nathan Webster. Thomas Burfett. Joshua Brown (cooper). Jonathan Cuttler. Isaac Webster. William Murrey. Ezekiel Harton. Privates. James King. David Strohm. George Burnes. John Stuart. Michael King. Joseph Rogers. James King, Jun. Joshua King. Joseph Montgomery. David Montgomery. William Gossage. Joshua Brown. Isaiah Brown. Levi Brown. Thomas Quinn. Samuel Finley. William McMinn. Samuel Neeper. James Anderson. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 387 Moses Midcalf. Samuel Reagh. Joseph Stubbs. Isaac Stubbs. John Heard. Jonathan Jones. Thomas Flanagan. James McNamee. William Morrison. John Jones. Oliver Caldwell. William McLelland. James Kanes. James Rimeney. Hugh McKonky. Samuel Armstrong. John Boham. John Orison. John King. Hugh King. George Doute. Neel McCue. Jonas Miles. I do swear that the above return is just to the best of my knowledge. Witness my hand. THO'S GRUBB, Captain. Sworn before me this 30th day of November 1798. JAMES ROBB, Brig. Inspector Lan'r County. A TRUE AND EXACT RETURN OF THE SEVENTH COM- PANY AND SECOND REGIMENT OF LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA, FOR THE YEAR 1798 COMMANDED BY LIEUT COL. JOHN STEEL. Capt. Wm. Heard. Lieut. Wm. Longhead. Ens. John Taylor. Names. George Peirce. George Mooney. Andrew Moor. Charles Petted. John Cooper. James Cooper. William Cooper. David Stearitt Robt. Moore. James Chamberlin. Hugh Sarmore. Calvin Cooper. Truman Cooper. John Passmore. S88 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Ephrim Smith. William Irwin. Richard Bell. Samuel Williams. Joshua Williams. John Lasley. Abnor Brooke. Joshua Chamberlin. John Townsend. Robert Simmons. Joseph Simmons. Joseph Gess. Isaac Griffith. Mark McCon. James Moore, Gainer Moore Sen. A. List of Minors. Samuel Irwin. Calvin Peirce. James Moor, Jun. Isaac Walker. Burt Whitson. James Longhead. Washington Brooks. Jeremiah Cooper. Finney Petted. LU^ERNK COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800. (389) (390) PENNSYLVANIA MiLITIA— 1790-1800. 391 Battalion first. Elections, April 29th, 1791, Company 4th. Capt. Henry Starke. Lieut. James Shaw. Ensign. Asapp Jones. Election, April 30th, 1791, Company 3rd. Capt. labez Fish. Lieut. Rufus Bennet. Ensign. Charles Bennet. Election, April 30th, 1791, Company 2n' the room of L one Smoved "" °' ^'-^'v-ia, lo JOHN CRAIG, ■June 17th, 1794. ^' Inspector, I Certify That Burkhart Mn='' the sevemh Compa /of he s--'?h p' "'""^ ''""'^-'"' '" Latfmore was returned L mlTi^Z^''- ?" '""' """" Third Company of the fourth Regiment """ '" '"^ JOHN CRAIG, Sept. 14th, 1794. ' ^^^- Ii^spector. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 431 m H !7 S fe o ^ O Pi H r^ "^ S S ^^ W tf Q O H H O o g < en 3 ci o o g 3 o pa H IS Q IZ . ^a fee |l& •.•SI 5 "S a; o K « o 3 ^ 3 „ _ rf o £ 5 £ — -j; te o ■= cfi O CO fC 1-3 CU o •a c '^ rt £ = H 2 5 tSrtfe cO'-' <« . Pi t- B '^ « £ •'^ r> 4) i2 r ^ o. : •« -c £ £ £ _ _ 422 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Remarks. No return receiv'd by the Brig. Insp'r. No return receiv'd by the Brig. Insp'r. These men are mostly Volunteers. No return received by the Brig. Insp'r except of the 1st Battalion. •saxoa sSpuj.iBO ::::"'::: lO •saSpi-nJBO ■sujOH Jap.viod •saqonoa ;;;;;;«• (N "SJfOBSdBUJJ U5 1 ■s;u!I^ i 1 •sjiaa 1 1 1 ■s;auoXT;a : : : : -^ : : : "^ ■sjiooiaai^ ^ siajisnjv : : '.'^ a : ^ '^ ?3 •I'BJOi i i^s^s^^. ■V 1 i 'SSBIO jsx pajj-BJa am 3j> nuBH ■ • -^ ^ r-< cc o; eo • -^ lO -^ T-l « C^J " 1 'siBJOdaoo >....:. ^ ^ 1 1 s^uBafaag : : « -> : i -■ c, " ! g B to +J "O -p .c j: s: xT £ O (D O 1-5 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY MIIvITIA. 1790—1800. (433) 28— Vol. V— 6th Ser. (434) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 435 RETURN OF THE OFFICERS OF LIGHT INFANTRY COM- PANY TO THE 4TH REGIMENT & 2D BATTALION NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA ELECTED 15TH APRIL, 1794. Captain. James Boyd. Lieutenant. Robert Sampel. Ensign. William McCIeland. BER'D HUBLEY, Brig'd Insp'r. North'd County. NAMES OF THE OFFICERS OF MILITIA NORTHUMBER- LAND COUNTY, THAT HAVE BEEN ELECTED AND DRAWN FOR RANK. First Regiment. Lieut. Col., John Kelly. Major, John Gray, No. 1. Major, Hugh Beatty, No. 2. Captain, George Martin, No. 1. Captain, David Woodside, No. 2. Lieuten't, John Irvin. Ensign, Robert Law. Captain, Christopher Baldey, No. 3. Lieut, Benjamin Miller. Ensign, John Stevens. Captain, George Clark, No. 4. Lieut, John Poak. Ensign, George Clark, Jur. Captain, Vendle Grove, No. 5. Lieut., George Links. Ensign, John Metzger. 436 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Captain, Robert Chambers, No. 6. Lieut, Henry Pontius. Ensign, David Tate. Captain, Adam Lauchlen, No. 7. Captain, John Thompson, N. 8. Lieut., Christopher Johnston. Ensign, George Book. Captain, James Beatty, N. 9. Lieut., David Steel. Ensign, Michael Foght. Captain Christopher Baldey, by senority claims N. 1. Col. Kelly is of opinion he ought to be Indulged if possible, as he has been for many years an officer, or that he might have the command of a Rifle Compy. in the 1st. Batt. :^o Rifle Infantry or Grenadier Companies has yet been Elected in the 1st Reg't. Second Regiment. Lieut. Col., John Chatham. Major, Thomas Forster. Major, John Fleming. Captain, James Stephenson, N. 1. Lieut., George Nelson. Ensign, Ephraim Morrison. Captain, George Craine, N. 2. Lieut., James Patterson. Ensign, George Quigle. Captain, Samuel Quinn, N. 3. Lieut., Arnold Custard. Ensign, Edward Hicks. Captain, James Mills, N. 4. Lieut., Joshua Napp. Ensign, James Boatman. Captain, Joseph McKibbin, N. 5. Lieut., Joshua Davis. Ensign, Jonathan Donnel. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 437 Captain, David Liisk, N. 6. Lieut. John Limber. Ensign, Thomas Limber. Captain, James Dunn, N. 7. Lieut., James Hanna. Ensign, George Long. Captain, John McMichael, N. 8. Lieut., William Jackson. Ensign, Robert Crawford. Officers of the Rilie Compy. to 1st Batt. of 2d Regt. Captain, Samuel Morrison. Lieut., John Ramsey. Ensign, Samuel Montgomery. Officers of Rifle Compy. to 2d Batt. of 2d Regt. Captain, John MoKenny. Lieut., James Burchfield. Ensign, Perkins Lovewell. Third Regiment. Lieut. Col., Frederick Evans. Major, Henry Myer, N. 1. Major, Simon Snider, N. 2. Captain, Casper Wannamacher, N. 1. Lieut., Jacob Harpster. Ensign, Jacob Grimm. Captain, Simon Herrold, No. 2. Lieut., Martin Karstetter. Ensign, John Kerstetter. Captain, Frederick Stees, N. 3. Lieut., Michael Bright. Ensign, Robert Patterson. Captain, Philip Myer, N. 4. Lieut. Michael Weaver. Ensign, Jacob Myer. *38 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Captain, Andrew List, N. 5. Lieut., Adam Bolender. Ensign, John Bolender. Captain, Henry Gross, N. 6. Lieut, Anthony Gist. Ensign, Jacob Myer. Captain, Daniel Aurant, N. 7. Lieut., Richard Madox.' Ensign, Francis Roth. Captain, Thomas Price, N. 8. Lieut, Daniel Kock. Ensign, Michael Kock. Fourth Regiment. Lieut. Col., James Murrow. Major, Richard Bond, N. 1. Major, John Tietsworth, N. 2. Lieut., Thomas Murrow. Ensign, John McMachen. Captain, Joseph Solomon, N. 2. Lieut., Moses Vancampen. Ensign, Thomas Lemmon. Captain, David Haines, N. 3. Lieut., Abraham Wolliver. Ensign, Daniel Dilldine. Captain, Thomas Maxwell, N, 4. Lieut, Johnson Chaney. Ensign, John Hewitt Captain, William Colt, N. 5. Lieut, Isaac Boudeman. Ensign, James Cochran. Captain, James Lattimore, N. 6. Lieut, Samuel Blair. Ensign, Thomas Hammer. Captain, John Hood, N. 7. Lieut., James Colhoon. Ensign, David Montgomery, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 439 Captain, Mathew Currey, N. 8. Lieut., William Wilson. Ensign. John Phillips. Officers of Rifle Compy. to 1st Batt. of 4th Reg't Captain, David Shannon. Lieut., Thomas McClintock. Ensign, Joseph Hammond. Fifth Regiment. Lieut. Col., William Hephum. Major, Richard Martin, N. 1. Major, William Hammond, N. ? Captain, Samuel Stewart, N. 1. Lieut., Robert Mehaffey. Ensign, James Beard. Captain, William Brown, N. 2. Lieut, .John Piatt. Ensign, Lawrence Minnicker. Captain, William Grier, N. 3. Lieut., James Sweeney. Ensign, Andrew Wilson. Captain, Ezekiel Brown, N. 4. Lieut., John Boyd Culberton. Ensign, William Benjamin. Captain, James McMickin, N. 5. Lieut., Cornelius Bordyue. Ensign, Peter Marshall. Captain, James McElvey, No. 7. Lieut., John Beaver. Ensign, Daniel Cotner. Captain, William McKinney, N. Lieut., William Gray. Ensign, Flower Oaks. ^^" MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Sixth Regiment. Lieut. Col., Frederick Lazarus. Major, Samuel Scott, N. 1. Major, Charles Drum, N. 2. Captain, Paul Baldey, N. 1. Lieut., John Lawrence. Ensign, .Jacob Goss. Captain, Michael Rights, N. 2. Lieut., Jacob Hednick. Ensign, Leonard Rights. Captain, William Titeesworth, N. 3. Lieut., Benjamin Campbell. Ensign, David Thurston. Captain, Jacob Gerhart, N. 4. Lieut., Manus Kline. Ensign, _ Captain, Henry Bucher, N. 5. Lieut, Henry Shaffer. Ensign, Doras Reel. Captain, William Dobson, N. 6. Captain, Martin Reinhart, N. 7 . Lieut. Jacob Linckhart. Ensign, John Reinhart. Captain, James Allexander, N. 8. Lieut., Robert Coldren. Ensign, George Hall. Officers of Rifle Compy. 1st. Batt'n 5th. Reg't. Captain, Peter Ferster. Lieut, Michael Shaffer. Ensign, Samuel Aughmoody. Officers of Rifle Compy. 2d. Batt'n 6 Regt. Capt'n, Henry Lebo. Lieut, William Logue. Ensign, Ralp Huzey. IJ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 441 Penns. Valley Batt'n. Major, James Duncan. Captain, David Weaver. Lieut., George Hurulong. Ensign, John Miller. Captain. Frederick Henney. Lif ut., John Cryder. • Ensign, David Phipps. • Captain, James Watson. Lieut., William Smith. Ensign, John Ramsey. Captain, Christian Pickle. Lieut., Patrick Moor. Ensign, Jacob Cramer. Captain, Andrew Dillman. Lieut., Richard Robinson. Ensign, Jacob Brown. The Inhabitans of Penns & Brush Vallies could not com- pose a Reg't they are annexed & made just a sufficient num- ber to form a Batt'n the mountains that Interest between Penns Valley & Buffaloe, makes it very Inconvenient for the Inhabitants of Penns Valley if they had been continued with Col. Kelley's Reg't. BER'D HUBLEY, Brig'd Insp'r. North'd County. (442) PHILADELPHIA CITY AND COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800. (443) (444) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 445 ffl rt o p c3 c^ c4 c^ cj fe.^ ffi 4 .^ g *= 2 I £ H w I ^ s, a E g Z Z o J ^3 C' Q ^ pa ;;:;;; pH :::::: H S H : ; ; : : ^ H g :;:::: r, O J O £ Ph :::::: U-i p_| :::::: b H *^ §£h ;;;:;; Ph ^ u ;;;;;: ^ fe> ■;;;;;; OOf^ :::::: <^ w w ;;;;;; H a 02 ffi ^ fa .^^ cccccc 05fa^ ccocoo OQo SS^SSS cS ri d rt cJ rt i_( G c c. C Pi P" o X fa ^ c o o o c o cj o GJ c o o * d : £ . E •^ ■= c '^ S * Pi c .- = c d c ? =S d C 5 ° > r*^ = k l-5i-;,a>-;p-C'-5p* J' ffi U; ii 'O j: 446 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. o a, o o Q o o H M ^ § H P^ <%^°illll 1 1 1 1 1 " -" - - -" S f if i '^' « ^- «- c; o; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II .s ; I i 1 1 1 i H ssaas^^^ 5? fe fe b t 'fcc "fci a&5aaaa&&^^^ ■ - ■ — t^ >. •^ w hj a< f c : — t. >, .5 J- o s a; oj -a m g 2 c g= g 6 J? "cxiEnrEoo to c o £ ' TO — 'J — 6c d rt S S O i ^ :,= PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 447 «C«Oe£>eOtCtC^O S^o— udoo /? c ^ 'i^ S- -p f^ S 3 .t: " d o - rt .i Q 1-5 1-3 •«; 1-3 i;;^'^ d 0^:7 K i — S "l ~ Ch S d i-j o a C« c ^ r ) Co bo C ^ O ♦J — to '-' ^ %^ be "> ■^ d o 4) J3 t: " o S- § ^ g*"te E ■*-' 4J ^ £ > - -a c 5 «i 3 « dO (^ g ^ 01 o ^ ■o *. |^|^£ 9 C O C 4J jj _ _ O 0) 5 5 g E " a _ c »> 2 2 g - «= o i d « ^ 3 - " a CQ ? ^ *-■ r"^ d O "O -H J c ■^ " « d St) " ^a3> 2 >< £ 'o « O U 1-3 o ■" 73 ■^ « " c fc — g C C 01 6 o — 2 .b s — -^ ^ " to "t^ *^ o g >?^ -c >. 2 5 o -s Q " |c^ E " . ^ d o C a >. > "o O « £ -^ i^ 5 '« a £ m * ^ * ^ ? c J= *" "^ i; *"«-■— t. o: = » f^ S £ F o5 £*-£ d E >. ^ K o d ~ ? 0(1< £ o m o 4) H E < 448 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PAY ROLL FOR A COMPANY OF ARTILLERY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOHN RICES FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE FRONTIER OF PENNSYLVANIA, FOR THE YEAR 1794 FOR JUNE INCLUSIVE. THE CAPTAIN RECEIVING FORTY DOLLARS. Lieutenant receiving Twenty-Six Dollars. Sergeants receiving Eiglit Dollars. Corporals, Fifer and Drummer each receiving Six Dollars and Sixty-Seven Cents. Total Amount $371.46. Captain. John Rice, Esq. Lieutenant. John Salisbury. Quarter Master Serg't. Lawrence Dickinson. Sergeants. James Bennett. John McGee. Corporal. Marmander Handling. John Phillips. Fifer. William Farr. Drummer. Richard Procter. Privates. Conrad Zimmerman. John Richie. James Jackson. William Robertson. William Rutherford. Samuel Harvey. John Shreder. Thomas Wood. Elias Crosby. George Dickson. Peter Green. Michael Dougherty, discharged. John Dickson. James M. DeWitt. John A. Camby. James Gallahan. Jacob Elsworth. Conrad Haney. James Simpson, Anthony Dorsey. PENNSYLVANIA MILITJA— 1790-1800. 449 David Moales. Patrick Hanner. John Allen. Michael McGinn. Miles Rowek. Charles Coleman. Thomas Dugan. Michael Dougherty. David Pearson. James Plunket. John Blair. Alexander McGrigger. Jacob Keppard. Hugh Clark. Michael Conners. James Bray. William Collins. Adam Keller. Hugh Allen. On this Sixth Day of May in the year 1795 Before me, Hilary Baker, Esquire, one of the Aldermen for the City of Philadelphia in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, person- ally came John Rice Esquire, Captain of a Company of Ar- tillerj' raised for the Defence of the Frontiers of said Com- monwealth, and being duly sworn according to Law, on his solemn Oath deposes and says that the foregoing is a just and true Pay Roll for the Company of Artillery in the Service of said Commonwealth under his Command, and that the Service was performed for the Terms therein charged by the several Officers and Men as is set forth in the Said Pay Roll. JOHN RICE, Cap't. Sworn as above before me, HILARY BAKER. PAY ROLL FOR THE COMPANY OF ARTILLERY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOHN RICE FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE FRONTIER OF PENNSYLVANIA, FOR THE YEAR 1794 FOR JULY. Commencment of Service July 1st. Expiration of Service July 31st. Rate of pay per mo. a •o John Rice, Esq John Salisbury Lawrence Dickinson 1 Captain .... Lieut., 40 26 8 00 Q. M. Sergt., 29— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 450 MUSTER AND PAY UOT..L.S. PAY ROLL, FOR THE COMPANY OF ARTILLERY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOHN RICE.— Continued. • Rate of pay per mo. Names. Rank. a o James Bennett John McGee Marmaduke Handling, John Phillips, William Farr Richard Proctor, Conrod Zimmerman, . . James Jackson William Rutherford, . John Shrider Elisha Crosby, Peter Green John Dickson John A. Camby Jacob EslAvorth James Simpson, John Ritchie William Robertson, ... Samuel Harvey Henry Wood George Dickson, Michael Dougherty, Jr James McDevitt, James Ganaham, Conrod Haney Anthony Dorsey, David Meales Patrick Hanner, Michael McGinn John Allen, Miles Rowrk Charles Coleman, Thomas Dugan David Pearson, James Plunkett, John Blair, Alexander McGregger, Jacob Keppard Hugh Clark Michael Conners James Bray William Collins, Adam Keller, Hugh Allen, Sergt Sergt Corporals Corporals Pifer Drummer Private,.. Private,.. Private... Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private... Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private... Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Private,.., Private,.., Private,.. Private,.., Private,... Private,.., Private,... Private,.., Private,... Private Private,.., Private,... Private Private.... Private, . . . 8 7 7 7 7 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 G'l 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67- 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 6 67 371 46 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 451 On this Sixth day of May in the year 1795, Before me, Hilary Baker, Esquire, one of the Aldermen for the City of Philadelphia in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, person- ally came John Rice Esquire, Captain of a company of Ar- tillery raised for the Defence of the Frontiers of said Com- monwealth, and being duly sworn according to Law, on his solemn Oath deposes and says that the foregoing is a just and true Pay Roll for the Company of Artillery in the Service of said commonwealth under his command, and that the Ser- vice was performed for the Terms therein charged by the several Officers and Men as is set forth in the said Pay-Roll. JOHN RICE, Capt. Sworn as above before me, HILARY BAKER. PAY ROLL FOR THE COMPANY OF ARTILLERY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOHN RICE FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE FRONTIER OF PENNSYLVANIA, FOR THE YEAR 1794, COMMENCING AUG. 1, AND ENDING AUG. 31 SAME YEAR. Captain's pay 40 Dollars. Lieut's pay 26 Dols. Serg's pay 8 Dols. Corpl's pay 7 Dols. Fifer's pay 7 Dols. Drummer's pay 7 Dols. Private's pay 6.67 Dos. Captain. 1 John Rice, Esq. Lieut. 2 John Salisbury. Q. M. Serg't. 3 Lawrence Dickinson. Sergt. 4 .lames Bennett. 5 John McGee. 452 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Corporal. 6 Marmaduke Handling. 7 John Phillips. Fifer. 8 William Farr. Drummer. 9 Richard Proctor. 10. Conrad Zimmerman. 11. James Jackson. 12. William Rutherford. 13. John Shrider. 14. Elish Crosbey. 15. Peter Green. 16. John Dickinson. 17. John A. Cambis. 18. Jacob Elsworth. 19. James Simpson. 20. John Ritchie. 21. William Robertson. 22. Samuel Harvey. 23. Thomas Wood. 24. George Dickinson. 25. Michael Dougherty, Jur 26. James McDevitt. 27. James Gallaham. 28. Conrad Haney. 29. Anthony McGinn. Privates. 30. David Moales. 31. Patrick Hanner. 32. Michael McGinn. 33. John Allen. 34. Miles Rourk. 35. Charles Coleman. 36. Thomas Dugan. 37. David Pearson. 38. James Plunkett. 39. John Blair. 40. Alexander McGrigger. 41. Jacob Rippard. 42. Hugh Clark. 43. Michael Conners. 44. James Bray. 45. William Collins. 46. Adam Keller. 47. Hugh Allen. 48. George Raybold. On this Sixth Day of May in the year 1795, Before me, Hilary Baker, one of the Aldermen for the City of Philadel- phia in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, personally came John Rice Esquire, Captain of a Company of Artillery raised for the Defence of the Frontiers of said Commonwealth, and being duly sworn according to Law, on his solemn Oath de- poses and says that the foregoing is a just and true Pay-Roll for the Company of Artillery in the Service of said Common- wealth under his Command, and that the Service was per- formed for the Terms therein charged by the several officers and men as is set forth in the said Pay Roll. JOHN RICE, Capt. Sworn as above before me, HIIARY BAKER, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 453 PAY ROLL FOR THE COMPANY OF ARTILLERY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOHN RICE FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE FRONTIER OF PENNSYLVANIA, FOR THE YEAR 1794. Commencement of Service for each Oflicer and Private was October 1st. Expiration of Service for Officers and Privates was Novem- ber 1st. Time of Service for Officers and Privates was one month. Rate of pay per month for Capt., 5540.00. Rate of pay per month for Lieut., $20.00. Rate of pay per month for Q. M. Sarge., $8.00. Rate of pay per month for 1st. Sergt., $8.00. Rate of pay per month for Corporal, $7.00. Rate of pay per month for Gunner, $7.00. Rate of pay per month for Drummer, $7.00. Rate of pay per month for Phifer, $7.00. Rate of pay per month for Privates, $6.G7. John Rice, Esq Capt John Salsbery ' Lieut Lawrence F. Dickinson j Q. M. Sargt. James Bennett ; 1 Sergt Marmodue Hanhin, . James Plunhett Richard Proctor William Farr Ccnrad Zimmerman, James Jackson William Rutherford, Elisha Crosby, John McGoe Peter Greer John Dickson Jacob Elswcrth, Danes McDevitt William Roberson, ... Samuel Harvey , Thos. W^ood George Dicksen William Gallaher, .. Conrod Haney Anthoy. Dorsey David Moles Corporal, . Gunner,... Drummer, Phifer Private,... Private,... Private,... Private,... Private,... Private,... Private,... Private.... Private.... Private,... Private,... Private,... Private,... Private,... Private.... Private,... Private,... 454 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PAY ROLL FOR THE COMPANY OF ARTILLERY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOHN RICE -Continued Private Private, Private, Private Private 18 John Phillips, 19 Patrick Hannar, 20 John Allin 21 Michael McGinn, 22 Miles Boult 23 Hug-h Allin, ... 24 Charles Coleman Private 25 Thomas Dengar Private 26 Mich. Dougherty -.Private 27 David Pearson Private 28 Alexander McGriager Private ■■ Jacob Heppard Private Hugh Clark . Private Mich. Conners Private James Bree George Brown, William Collins, .?ohn A. Combis, On the Seventh Day of November in the year 1794 Before me Matthew Clarkson Esquire, Major of the City of PhTl! Of Penn'svH ''' '""'' '' P^^i^adelphia in the Commonweath o PennsjI.ania, personally came John Rice Esquire. Captain of a Company of Artillery raised for the Defence of the Fron" ^T nw ^^^"^ Commonwealth, and being duly sworn according to Law, on his solemn Oath deposes and says that the fore- tlllTry^rthf ' '"^^ T ^^-^'■^^" '^' ^•^^ Companiof Ir. tillery in the service of said Commonwealth under my Com- mand, and that the Service was performed for th'Terms herein charged for the several Officers and Men as is se - forth in the said Pay-Roll. c„, X. JOHN RICE, sworn as above before me. MATTH. CLARKSON, Major. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 455 12 Sepfr, 1794. Sr: Underneath is a list of a number of officers for whom comm's are wanted. Artillery. Capt. Lt, Jos. Baker, 3d. Co. of Artillery, 23 Aug., 1794. 1 Lt., John Walters, 3d. Co. of Artillery, 23 Aug., 1794. Capt. Lt., Jacob Nice,' 3d. Co. of Artillery, 10th Sept., 1794. 2d Lt., George Cress, 3d. Co. of Artillery, 10th Sept., 1794. Capt. Lt., Benj. Marret, 7th Co. of Artillery, 23 August, 1794. 1 Lt., Henry Keyneman, 7tfi Co. of Artillery, 23 August, 1794. 2 Lt., John Jenkins, 7th Co. of Artillery, 23 August, 1794. 2d. Regiment. Lt., John Huston, Lt. infantry, no date. 4th. Reg. Ens., Ed. Long, 1st Co., 11th Sept'r. Lt, Abr. Willson, 2d Co., 11th Sept'r. Ens., Heonry Bates., 2d Co., 11th Sept'r. Lt., Jas. Anderson, 5 Co., 11th Sept'r. Capt., Musgrave Willis, 6 Co., 11th Sept'r. Capt., Jas. Shoemaker,, 7th Co., 11th Sept. Lt. Benj. Lee, 7th Co., 11th Sept'r. Ens., Henry Whipple, 7th Co., 11th Sept'r. Lt, Joseph Heller, 8th Co., 11th Sept'r. 5th Reg't Capt., Fred Shull, 3 Co., July, 1793. Lt Ja's Clopp, 7 Co., 11 Sept., 1794. Ens., Ja's North, 7 Co., 11 Sept, 1794. Capt, Dan'l Zeller, 8 Co., 11 Sept, 1794. Lt Jacob Sink, 8 Co., 11 Sept., 1794. Ens., Jacob Beck, Lt. Infantry, 11 Sept, 1794. No return of battalion has been made. If indispensably necessary let me know & I'll send to the different reg't for them. I w^rite to the secretary on the subject. I am Sr., Your obed't Serv't, LEWIS NICOLAS. 456 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Sr: I trouble you with a list of officers for whom commissions are wanted. I also inclose Gen'l Stewards answer by which you will see what he wishes. I am S'r., Your obed't Serv't, LEWIS NICOLAS. 4 Reg't. Lt, George Weckerly, 4th Co., 13 Sept. Ens., James D. Westcott, 4th Co., 13 Sept. 5 Reg't. Capt., George Brown, 1st Co. Lt., Fred Schweickard, 4th Co., 18 Sept'r. Lt., John Martin, 4th Co., 13 Sept'r. What Co. the two last are to be in I cannot determine till I hear further from Col. Nichols who is mistaken as to the election. Capt., John Willson— 2d. Co. of 5 Regt., 23 July, 1793. Capt., Rich'd Cusack— Capt. Lt., Rob. Morrell, 4th Artillery— 14th Sept'r, 94. 1st. Lt., Will Flinthom, 4th. Artillery— 14th Sept'r, 94. 2d. Lt., Ferguson, 4th. Artillery— 14th Sept'r, 94. Lt, Fireworker — George Fox, 4th Artillery — 14th Sept, 94. 15 Sept. 1794. Sr: I beg you will send with the other commissions one for Maj. Jacob L. Swyler, 2d. Battalion of the fourth reg't, elected 7 June, 1794. I am Sr., Your obed't Serv't, LEWIS NICOLAS. Maj. Swyler is for service. 16 Sept'r, 1794. Sr: I am to trouble you for commissions for the under named, the two first as soon as possible as the gentlemen are to march tomorrow. PENNSYLVANIA M ILITI A— 1790-1800. 457 1 Lt.— John Massy, 2d. troopt Lt. Horse, 15th Sept. 2d. Lt.— John Ross, 2d. troopt, Lt. Horse, 15th Sept. Lt.— Francis Weiss, 2d. Comp'y, 5 reg't, 15 Sept. 1 Lt. — John Fimston, Grenad. Co. of 3 Reg't, 12 Sept'r. 2 Lt.— John Godfrey Desheng, Grenad. Co. of 3 Reg't, 12 Sept'r. 1794, September. Received Commissions for the Gentlemen named in this Return. Believe me Sr., Your obed't Serv't, LEWIS NICOLAS. We & each of us do agree to serve in the Militia Tour of Duty agreeable to the Militia Lav/ now existing than reed, the bounty of Six Dollars from Capt. Robert Bickerton be- longing to Coll. John Patterson 3d. Regiment of Militia of the County Philad'a, District of Southwark town- ship of Mayamensing & Passeyunck, Septr. 19th, 1794. James Shillingsforth. Joshua Johnson (deserted). Jacob Bird. George Henry Adam I<;izer. Aaron Dunim. John Clark. Josiah Wilkinson. Peter Vannert. Francis Drillmore. David Jones. Charles Connor. John Whilpen. Thomas Davis. John Sybad (deserted). Samuel Reed. Mark Culley (deserted). Charles Bramble. William Demecy (deserted). Thomas Walker. Daniel Ross. John Kinsilar (deserted). John Williamson. Abraham Bruen. Andrew Shulet (deserted). Michael Edim. Adam Charlstan. Henry Pringle (deserted). Alexander Harvey. Abijah Clark. Richard Skeram. John McKeny. John White. John Bivens. Ellas Matson. William Shorter. Lewis Richard. Daniel Kaiser (deserted). Philip Lerh. David Bowers (der^erted). Michael Joyner (deserted). James McCahan. John Butler, p'd by Lt. Losher (see Col. Cowperthwait). Michael Flinn. . Thomas Force. Serjeant McGarvey. 458 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Capt. Robert Bickington makes Oath that the above List in Number forty Seven is a just & true state of his Company entitled to bounty «6; to whom he paid the same. ROBT. BICKERTON. sworn Jany. 21, 1795, before Clement Biddle, not pub. Received September the 24th, 1794, from Christian Hubbert, Captain of the first Company of the fourth Regiment of Phil- adelphia County Militia the Sum of Six Dollars Each man. It being the advance money paid for the first Command now to march. In witness thereof we have Enterchangeble. Let our hand this Day and Year first above written. 1. Jacob Weit. 2. William (his [X] mark) Mackey. 3. Joseph Krigner. 4. Michael Kinsinger. 5. James Brown. 6. Edward (his [X] mark) Newton. 7. Robert (his [.] mark) Lowery. 8. George Hess. 9. Philip Dirsy. 10. William Tannery. 11. Philip (his [X] mark) Sharp. 12. Antheney Retters. 13. Lewis (his [X] mark) Brown. 14. Paul (his [XJ mark) Phister. 15. Peter (his [X] mark) Himer. witness Andrew Young. witness Andrew Young. witness And'w Young. witness And'w Young. witness And. Y. witness A. Y. witness A. Y. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 459 16. Matthew George. 18. James McMeken. 19. Jas. Porter. 20. John (his [X] mark) Arnow. witness And. Y. 21. Cornelius Bagley. 22. Benjamin (his [X] mark) Johes. 23. Alexander Weller. 24. Joseph Funic. ; 25. Saml. Henderson. 26. John Roberts. Amos Miller. 27. Christian (his [X] mark) Gregeory. witness A. Young. 28. Joseph Lamb. 29. John (his [X] mark) Shaw, Sub. to D. Licks. 30. John Lapp. 31. Roger Crery, in Room of Groyg. 32. Thomas (his [s] mark) Dawdel. witness A. Young. 33. Nicholas Fitzpatrick, George Wilkins Entered Jonathen Smallwood as a Substitute. 34. Jonathen (his [X] mark) Smallwood. witness Present. Nicholas Fitzpatrick. 35. John (his [X] mark) McNulty. witness Peter Stoy. 36. George .(his [X] mark) Soulder. Substitute to John Phister. 37. Arthur (his [X] mark) Canady. Substitute to Mr. Rawle. 38. John (his [X] mark) Keeler. Henry Clymer. Robert Marks. Jacob Etters. witness present. John Printer. witness Nicholas Mayer. witness John Dickson. 4G0 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Peter Wetherstone. Peter Stay, Ensign. John Painter, Lieut. Frederick Mayer. Garret Hoon. ..^ Christian Hubbert, Capt. Captain Hubbert produced receipts from the above persons in his receipt book this day Jan. 17, 1795, which I have examined. JOHN BROWN, a P. M. Goul. Sept. 24, 1794. To Bounties for 47 Men as pr the annexed receipts, 282. By Cash, 270. Balance, 12. Receipt Jany. 21, 1795, from M. Dallas, the above balance of twelve Dollars in full of Bounty paid my Company. CHRISTIAN HUBBERT, Capt. EXERCISE. Germantown, Sep'r 30, 1794. Or the Commanding Oflicer of the 1st Company in the 2d. Reg't, P. C. M. Sir: You are hereby required to assemble your Conjpany, prop- erly armed and accountred at some proper place on Monday the 6th day of October next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and then and Ihere exercise them agreeable to Law, and make such Returns as the Law requires of you, as Commanding oflicer of the Company. And you are hereby further noticed, and required to As- semble your Company, properly Armed and AccoutrecJ, and parade them on Doc'r Shippyes Commons in Germantown, on Tuesday the 21st day of October next @ 10 o'clock in the forenoon in order to exercise in Battallions Agreeable to Law, and ycu will govern yourself as the Law Directs with your returns. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 461 P. S. The Lt. Col'o Comd'o hopes it will be in the power of the Officers, to Appear in Uniform on the Battalion Day, and he flatters himself that a full and punctual attendance will be observed by the Officers, non Commissioned Officers & Privates, and that each Company will provide Drum & fife and march in Soldier like order to the parade, and the musick to remain on the parade until the Reg't is Dismissed, and march back with their Companies, the Law forbids any Com- pany mustering or Assembling at a Tavern, on the days of Exercise, nor shall march to any tavern before they are dis- charged and any person who shall bring any kind of Spirit- uous liquors to the place of training shall forfeit such Liquors so brought. Copy of a Letter. To Capt. John Huston, 1st. Comp. To Capt. Henry Snyder, 2d. Comp. To Capt. John Moyer, 3d. Comp. To Capt. Michael Marsteller, 5th. Comp. To Capt. William Renshaw, 6th. Comp. To Capt. Jacob r vline. now George Miller, 7th. Comp. To Capt. Crout, Sth. Comp. (Directed) or the Command'g officer of the Company— Also enclosed in each an advertisement. A RETURN OF THE OFFICERS NAMES BELONGING TO THE PHIL'A COUNTY BRIGADE OF MILITIA WITH THEIR RANK. First Regiment. Elected. Lieut. Colonel. Joseph Cowperthwait. Majors. Henry Shrupp, first. George Forjpach, second. 462 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 1st. Company, Samuel Lehman, Capt. William Applegate, Lieut. Benjamin Thatcher, Ens. 2nd. Company. Nominated. Thomas Britton, Capt. Peter Buddy, Lieut. , Ens. 3rd. Company. Nominated. Conrad Kohrman, Capt. James Humphreys, Lieut. George Focundus, Ens. 4th. Company. Nominated. Henry Lentz, .Tun'r Capt. Thomas Hewes, Lieut. Ralph Wilson, Ens, 5th. Company. Nominated. James Swaine, Capt. George McClatchey, Lieut. Jacob Clause. 6th. Company. -, Capt. -, Lieut. -, Ens. 7th. Company. Elected. Silas Wilson, Capt. Benjamin Horn, Lieut. William Binder, Ens. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lSOO. 4C3 8th .Company Nominated. John Robbins, Capt. Joshua S. Ramsen, Ens. , Lieut. Certified by me, JOSEPH KER, Brigade Inspector, Phia. County. September 20th, 1794. Received of James Trinjble ten commissions for the Officers of the 1st and 2nd Regt. above named. Second Regiment. Elected. Major. Solomon Bush. 1st. Company. -, Capt. -, Lieut. -, Ens. 2nd. Company -, Capt. -, Lieut. -, Ens. 3rd. Company Nominated. John Moyer, Capt. Charles Moore, Lieut. John King, Ens. 4th. Company. Nominated. Benjamin Engle, Capt. George Steel, Lieut. Charles Restein, Ens. 464 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 5th. Company. , Capt. • — , Lieut. , Ens. 6th. Company. — , Capt. , Lieut. , Ens. 7th. Company. , Capt. , Lieut. , Ens. 8th Company. , Capt. , Lieut. , Ens. Certified by me — JOSEPH KER, Brigade Inspector, Phila. County. September 20th, 1794. Received of James Trimble ten commissions for the Officers of the 1st and 2nd Regt. above named. Third Regiment. , Major 1st. Company. -, Capt. -, Lieut. -, Ens. 2nd. Company. -, Capt. -, Lieut. -, Ens. 3rd. Company. Nominated. -, Capt. William Tully, Lieut. , Ens. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 465 4th. Company. , Capt. , Lieut. , Ens. 5th. Company. Elected. , Capt. Nathaniel Hutton, Lieut. Charles Allen, Ens. 6th. Company. -, Capt. -, Lieut. -, Ens. 7th. Company. Nominated. , Capt. Nicholas Pickle, Lieut. , Ens. 8th. Company. — , Capt. — , Lieut. — , Ens. Certified by me — September 20th, 1794. JOSEPH KER, Brigade Inspector. Phila. County Fourth Regiment. Elected. Lieut. Colonel. William Coates. 30— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 4C6 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Majors. Elected. Thomas Pollard, first. Abraham Coates, Second. 1st. Company. Nominated. Christian Hubbert, Capt. Adam Hoffman, Lieut. , Ens. 2nd. Company. Nominated. • John Dickson, Capt. John Painter, Lieut. Andrew Young, Ens. 3rd. Q^jmpauy. Nominated. Samuel Macferran, Capt. Peter Kline, Lieut. Jacob Sullender (to be withdrawn) Ens. 4th. Company. Elected. Richard Douglass, Capt. Joseph Purple, Lieut. Peter Stoy, Ens. 5th. Company. Nominated. Simon Shukert, Capt. Joseph Bowman, Lieut. Jacob Young, Ens. 6th. Company. Elected. Conrad Pister, Capt. John Douglass, Lieut. Benjamin Young, Ens. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 407 7th. Company. Elected. Johu Graba, Capt. Michael Whitener, Lieut. Jeremiah Teel, Ens. 8th. Company. Nominated. Henry Kohrman, Capt. Peter Gauble, Lieut. Henry Moser, Ens. Certified by me — September 20th, 1794. JOSEPH KER, Brigade Inspector, Phila. County. Received of James Trimble fourteen Commissions for the Militia Officers of the 4th. Regiment above named. WM. COATS, Lieut. Col., 4th. Regt. County Troop of Horse or Light Dragoons. Elected. Thomas Forrest, Capt. JOSEPH KER, Brigade Inspector, Phila. County. PAY ROLL OF THE DETACHMENT OF ARTILLERY MILITIA OF THE CITY & COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH SKER- RETT ON DUTY AT FORT MIFFLIN COMMENCING THE 26TH OF SEPTEMBER & ENDING THE 5TH OF OC- TOBER. BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. Captain. Joseph Skerrett. 1st. Lieut. Joseph Baker. 46S MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 2nd. Lieut. Francis Brown. Quarter Master. Sergeant. Jacob Facundes. Serjeants. 1st. — George Stinefort. 2nd. — John Walters. 3rd. — Henry Fenner. Corporals. 1st. — James Norris. 2nd. — Henry Snyder. 3rd. — Lawrence Myers. Drummer. John Hart. F'ifer. John Myers. Matrossis. Joseph Craig. Godfrey Buckes. Robert Montgomery. John Katcher. John Thornhill. Michael Baker. Thomas Clark William Rinehart. John Shaffer. Thomas Blair. John Stuckey. James Fisher. James Cornely. John Jemeson, Senr. John Jemeson, Junr. Certified 19 October, 1793. Thomas Perkinson. John Snyder. Jacob Taylor. John Stewart. John Schraener. Adam Yeager. Stephen Baker. George Sickle. Adam Duey. James Johnson. William Gates. Joseph House. Peter Miller. Robert Erwin. Richard Pollard. LEWIS NICOLAS. Rec'd Ocfr 31, 1793, of Clement Biddle, I. M. G., One hun- dred three dollars 28-100 Amount of this pay roll. JOSEPH SKERRETT. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 469 J g ■^ o a o < K ffi •< H H 1— 1 Pi ^ Q rf>^ P 1 Q r:) <; J Z K ^H ti^ a Q:, a: O H a. o o X p Z o H (M > m g M o ei — —4 H 12 ^ h-j o ta Q H ir; o ^ ?? a ^ Q >^ H P < o o •X-BJ JO JUIV muoiu Jad 0}i!H aoiA.ies JO sXisa •eSJBiiosip JO 9UJIX •Xjjua JO auiix C4ev)C>)C40G4C9C40e4 OOOOOOOOOt*t-t-t*t*t"t- CCCCCCCCCCSCCBC 333 = 33333333333 '3'T3'0'C'^'d'U'0'3'0'3'0'0'0'3 333333333333333 •" 3 3 tDMtDbCp-p'g'tiZSt.ii ^P I STtS- ■? X § 3 O . „- £ ii 2 ffi K fe '3 ^ = E o i 3 fe ■o i! c c = = £ S = c ^S o 3: ? c 470 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. w hJ fe < fe Mh § S o o h tf W o H 1=( ^ H ^ < s m t P W Q w h ;< fe o o N •XBa JO '}iuv •qjuora J3(J a^Ba ■eoiAaas JO sX-bq •aSjBUDSip JO aunj, •AJjue JO aiuij, •JJUTJH M (M eq M W C^ IM t-t't'Ot^C^t-t- CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC MluoUiWibitiiMMtijtcbttclaitacWiiicM 333333333 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 rt b ►^ L) O ir. 1-3 o £ S 6 8 g J- cS rt C oj rl H >-3 1-3 1-3 l-J t-J PENNSYLVANIA Mil.l TIA-ITOO-ISOC; 471 b- t- t- t^ t^ n'c 333333333333D3333 'O 'O 'O '^ 'O ' r2 'O 'O 'O '^ 'O '^ bcboblltCtCbllb/lbObCbObCblltCbCtlClU^Ul 33333333333333333 -a ^.n rt V fi a r/; K a o j= ►1 u, -a — to ^12 0? C c •■= « & i; a g 1 M £ 4) ,Z^ 01 1) _ "3 ?c.r 3 o =: S o £ a! Ph W James John C George H. Hln Thos. Wllllan James > 5 ^^ C t. o < 1^ .S r, >^ «^H c s - b a c o c o « fa E (1/ o ^^ H o Q -o Q ^ 0) C5 0) «• h K S ^ " H c? ^H K J lO .o O » E C 3 2ig E < 1 - 4> o > 11 ■^ eS n -M " 2 "O ■o o c O cS o -^ CJ E » c C,S 2 1) > E 2 « ■" CO O 'r\ 5 "O ■o f ^ ♦J 01 tl 3 •a to "u cS S 4< C 5 >. V{Z MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PAY ROLL OF THE DETACHMENT OF MILITL\ UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. CUSACK ORDERED OUT 22 & 23 OF AUGUST LAST TO GUARD THE SLOOP SAINT DILADIA. Rich'd R. Cusack John Fimeton, . . John Fimeton, . . Capt.,. Liu'nt Privat Days. for Ordered out, C's. This account is just. JOS. WARMAR. Adj't Gen. PAY ROLL OF THE DETACHMENT OF MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. RICHARD R. CUSACK OR- DERED OUT 3D SEPTEM'R LAST TO TAKE THE FRENCH SAILORS €OMING TO PHILADELPHIA. Days. Ds. C's. Capt Lt w foi- Ordered out. 2 1 12 66 78 80 17 24 This account is just. JOS. WARMAR, Adjt. Gen. Philadelphia, May 13th, 1794. Received of Clement Biddle, Quarter Master of Pennsylvania Militia, seventeen Dollars twenty four cents being the full amount of the within account. RICH'D R. CUSACK. Dol's 17 24-100. v PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 473 Philadelphia, May 13th, 1794. Received of Clement Biddle, Quarter Master of Pennsylvania Militia, seventeen Dollars twenty four cents, being the full amount of the within account. RICHD. R. CUSACK. Dols. 17 24-100. Sir: I am directed by General Morgan to affix the Rank of the detached Battalion under the command of Major Rose, as that of the Eleventh Battalion of Philadelphia County Militia.— I Remain respectfully, Your Humble Servant, JOSEPH KER, B'e, In, P'a, C'y. August 14th, 1794. A. J. Dallas, Esq'r. A RETURN OF THE NAMES OF THE OFFICERS BELONG- ING TO THE BATTALION OF MILITIA OF PHILAD'A COUNTY AND NOT ATTACHED TO ANY REGIMENT. William Rose Major Commandant. Remarks. 1st Company, William Smith, Captain. Elected. 2d Company, . 3d Company, . Andrew Smith, Ens'n. Thomas Rhoads, Capt. Thomas Wynn, Lieut Daniel Rhoads. Ens'n. Peter Holstein, Capt. Maximilian Leech, Lieut., Jacob Nitzel, Ens'n. Elected. Elected. Philadelphia, July 28th, 1794. Certified by me, JOSEPH KER, B. I. P'a, C'y. in the Eleventh Battalion of the Philad'a County Brigade. 474 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A RETURN OF OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE THIRD LIGHT INFANTRY COMPANY, 1794. Elected 5th July, 1793. Michael Kitto, Capt. William Healy, 1st. Lt. John Cress, 2d. Lieut. LEWIS NICOLAS, Br. Insp. Received Commissions for Wm. Healy and John Cress agreeably the foregoing return, J. McCREE. July 17th, 1794. A RETURN OF OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE 3D TROOP OF LT. HORSE, 11 AUG., 1794. PHILAD'A CITY BRI- GADE. Capt., Matth. McConnel. 1 Lt., John Morrell. 2 Lt., James Hawthorn. Cornet, Peter Mirckin. LEWIS NICOLAS, Insp. 1794 August 12th. Received of Alex'r James Dallas, Com- missions agreeably to the foregoing Return dated this day. LEWIS NICOLAS. RETURN OF OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, 18TH AUG., 1794. 5 Regt. Artillery. Jeremiah Fisher, Major. Michael Bright, Coll. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 475 1st. Compy. Isaac Rich, Capt. Isaiah Rich, Lt. Philip Justus, Ens. LEWIS NICOLAS, Insp. Thos. Willis was elected a Major 2d July, 1793, but did not receive his commission 2 Bat. of 5th. Regt. LEWIS NICOLAS, Insp. Rec'd the above Commissions from the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania this 22d August, 1794. LEWIS NICOLAS. At an election held 23d August, 1794, for the 5th Co. of Artillery, the following officers were chosen for whom I re- quest you will direct commissions to be made out. I am Sr., Your obed't Serv't,' LEWIS NICOLAS, Insp'r. John M. Smith, Capt. L't. Matth. Hale, 1 L't. John Rink, 2 Lt. An election having been ordered to choose two subalterns for Capt. Millers in 3d Co. in the first Batalion of the first Reg't., no choice being made the following persons are pro- posed to his Excely. the Governor, to be commissioned 27 Aug., 1794. Lt. Richard B. Thompson. Ens. Benj. Wood. LEWIS NICOLAS, Insp'r. Phihul'a County, Sept'r 13th, 1794. Sir: You will please to cause to be notified the first and second classes of your Regiment together with the officers thereto attached by Law, to be and appear at such place as you shall appoint on Monday next, the 22d instant, at 10 o'clock in the 476 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. morning, Armed and Equipt agreeably to Law, And ready to perform their Tour of duty. JOSEPH KER, Brigade Inspector, Phila. County. Lieut. Colo. Isaac Franks or officers commanding second Philad'a County Regiments of Militia. 16 Sept., 1794. Sr: ' I am just now notified that a light infantry comp'y has been formed in the 4th regt. and that the following officers have been elected for whom you'll be pleased to order com- missions. Believe me, Sr., Your obed. Servt. LEWIS NICOLAS. Capt. John Cross. Lt. Will Aitkin. Ens'n Reese Loyd. P. S. Three of the Commiss'ns issued yesterday are re- turned. 1794, Sept. IGth. Received Commissions for the Officers named in this Return. LEWIS NICOLAg. 16 Sept., 1794. Sr: Underneath is a return of two officers elected in the reg't of artillery for which commissions are wanting, they being under marching orders. I am, Sr., Your obed. Serv't, LEWIS NICOLAS. James Thompson, Capt. to 4th Co., 16 Sept. 1 Comp., 15 Sept'r. Geo'r Cness, 1st. Lt. Will Henderson, 2d. Lt. Received Commissions for the Officers above named. LEWIS NICOLAS. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1700-1800. 477 Sept. 17. 1794. Sir: You will please specially lo Call (in addition to former Orders) the 3d & 4th Classes of your Regiment to be and ap- pear at such place as you shall appoint and ready to perform their Tour of Duty and march were required. JOSEPH KER, Brigade Inspector, Phila. County. Lieut. Coll. Isaac Franks or officer commanding the second Regt. of Phila. County Militia. The Notices are to be filled up agreeable to the enclosed. 17th. Sept., 1794. Sr: By a mistake in the return made to me of the officers of the 3d. troop of the light horse 3d Lt. John D. Blanchard was emitted, be pleased to direct a commission to be made out for him as speedily as possible as he is to march at ten o'clock. I am Sr., Your obed. Servt., LEWIS NICOLAS. 17th. Sept., 1794. Sr: I have received an election return of two officers for the listed regt. & 3 for the 5th regt. for which you'll please to di- rect commission for them. I am Sir., Your obed. Servt. LEWIS NICOLAS, 2d. to 10 Scrjt. Matth. Shaw, Capt. Lt. Will. Martin. 1 Lt. Co. 5th regt. 15 Sept'r. Jacoh Bright, Cap. John Meriem, 1 Lieut. Will Pecham, Ensn, 478 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 17th Sept. 1794. Sr: I have just rec'd an election return for an officer in the second Co. if Artillery for whom you'll be pleased to direct a commission to be made out. I am Sr., Your obed. Servt., LEWIS NICOLAS. 2d. Lt. Gilbert Gaw, 2d. Co. Art., 16 Sept'r. Received a Commission for Gilbert Gaw. LEWIS NICOLAS. September 18th, 1794. Sr: By a return under the hands of the judges at an election held at Mr. David Irwin's for the appointment of a 1st and 2d Lts in the first Light infantry compy. of the first regt. of the militia of the City of Philad'a, held 15th Ins, the following persons were chosen, you'll therefore be pleased to direct com- missions to be made out for them. I am Sr., Your obed. Servt., LEWIS NICOLAS. 1 Lt. Rob. McClintick. 2 Lt. Sam Lees. Sept. ISth, 1794. Received Commissions for the Officers above named. LEWIS NICOLAS. 18 Sept'r, 1794. . Sr: I beg you will direct a commission to be made out for Ens'n in the 5th Co. of the 4 regt. dated 16 Inst, for Will Rodgers, I am Your obed. Servt., LA WIS NICOLAS, Ins. Received a Commission for Wm. Rodgers. LEWIS NICOLAS. PENNSYLVANIA MILITJA— 1790-1800. 479 19 Sept'r, 1794. Sr: It appears from a certificate under the hands of the judges that the following perijons were elected officers for the 5th Co. of the 5 Regt. of the city militia dated ISth Sept'r, 1794, you'll therefore be pleased to direct commissions to be made out for them, I am Sr., Your obed. Servt., LEWIS NICOLAS. Ins. Lt. Rob. Ross. Ens. Adam Eshfelt. Received Commissions for the Officers above mentioned. ROBERT BAYNE, Captn." Sept. 19th, 1794. At an election held the 20th Sept'r, 1794, the following per- sons were elected officers in the 6th Co. of ArtilleiT, for whom I request you will direct commissious to be filled. I am, Sr., Your obed. Servt., LEWIS NICOLAS, Insp. 1. Lt. Fred ? Forepaugh 2. Lt. John Ecky. X 3 Lt. Fred Godshalh. 1 have made a cross at .John Ecky because in my book he appears to have been 2d. l.t. to the company in march last, therefore beg his commission may not be made out 'till I inquire into the reason of this 2d election. Sept. 20th, 1794. Received Commissions for two of the Officers above men- tioned. LEWIS NICOLAS. JAMES TRIMBLE, ESQ. Philad'a, Sept. 23d, 1794. Sir: You will if possible march your men immediately to the Camp over Schuylkill and put them under the command of Coll. Cowperthwait, but if you should find it impossible to comply, or from Motives tending to encrease the Numbers you 480 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Deem it proper to omit compliance at present, you will im- mediately report to the Governor or to the Colonel aforesaid and take your Orders from them. Yours &c.. JOSEPH KER, Brigade Inspector. Lieut. Col'o Isaac Franks. Sept'r 25th, 1794. Sr: Elections having been had to supply defects in the corps of oiBcers of the reg't of artillery the following persons were chosen, for whom I request commissions may be made out. I am Sr., Your obed. Servt., LEWIS NICOLAS, Insp'r. 9th Comp., 19 Aug., 1794. Capt. Sam Crispin. Capt. Lt. Thos. Hamilton. 1 Lt. Alix Brown. 2 Lt. George Asheton. 3d. Comp'y, 24 Sept'r. 2 Lt. George Stonfort. (?) 3 Lt. Lawrence Myers. Received commissions for the OfBcers above named. LEWIS NICOLAS. Camp a Carlils. Oct. 6t, 1794. At an Election held this day for an aditional Officer to the Volunteer Compy. of Artillery Thos. Humphrys was Duty Elected Third Lieut. Judges of the Election. Wm. Flintham. Frank Power. Volunteer Artillery. Return of the Election of Thos Humphries. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 481 1794. RETURN OF THE COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGI- MENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADEL- PHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT FRANCIS GURNEY. 1794. First Battaliou. Daniel Smith, Major. Capt. Andr. Nilson. Lieut. George Reed. 2d Lieut. James McCon- nell. Will Chadwick Clk. John Spooner Serg't Robt. McMullen...Serg't. John Johnston. John Reily. John Key. — Green. Con'r Syphart. Geo'r Balclay .\dj. Jo's Snowdon Qr. M. John C. Stoeher P. M. Will Currie Surg. Peter McGlaughlin.Corpl Adam Lighner, Fifer. Anth. Huver Drum. James White. George Kennedy. Dan McKinsey. John Hill. John Meams. Jacob Cook. Archib. Gay. Peter Barry. Mich. Courtney. Will Rodgers. James Gorden. James McDonald. James Horner. Joseph Allen, junr. Will. Connely. Thomas A. Richards. Thomas Dixy. Commis 3 Serg't 3 Musick 2 Rank & flle 23 31 Staff i 33 1794. RETURN OF THE FIRST COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHIL- ADELPHIA. COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT FRANCIS GURNEY. First Battalion. Daniel Smith, Major. Captain Benj. Ashmead. Lieut. John Beam. Ensign .lohn Harman. Henry Decamp. John Brown. Joshua Mattocks. 31— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 482 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. George McKay. Robert Handlin. John Redonet. Robert Britten. James Murphy. David Ross. Will. Shaw. Thomas Regedon. Will Sands. Eli Eldridge. George Barclay. Charles Robertson. Joseph Bello. Joseph Heritage. Heath. Thomas Randal. John Jones. Sam. Richards. Robert Champneys. Thomas Greaves. Thomas Gottiff. Joseph Dungan. Joseph Gibbens. John Aitkin. Israel Butler. Morton Prier. Stephen Bennet. David Thompson. James McGlaffray. Joseph Ashmead. Elias Smith. Mich. Butilier. Adam Brittle. Thomas Brown. Sam. C. Young. Andrew Allen. Will Hannah. John Sweeny. Benj. Thomas. Mich. Thompson. Edward Conner. Thos. Musgrave. Jacob Harvey. Sam. Carpenter. George Kline. Jacob Cozens. David Neilson. Eli Canby. Joseph AUen. Edward Harris. Thomas Fisher. David Claypole. Cadw. Griffith. Caleb Stevenson. Sam. Carver. George Warrel. Kearney Wharton. Robert Wharton. Thomas Smith. John Long. John Fox. Robert Miller. Dan. Bucher. Edw'd Dununt. Will Woodward. John Plunket. Dunkin McDonald. Henry Waddel. Sam Wooden. Haveman Baker. Francis Baker. John Young. Thomap L. Moore. John Anderson. Patrick Dixon. Sebast Fenatasee. James Pratt. Philip Kearney. John Sadler. Will McGlachlin. Sam. McGee. Thomas Amees. Dan. Cozens. John Paul. Nic'l Mathison. Joseph Price. Godfrey Welseir. Curtis Lewis. John Green. Joseph Musgrave, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 483 Anthony Tanner. Moore Wharton. Jeremy Deshon. Sam. Paincosts. John Savage. Charles Young. John Gibson. John Hall. Will Ashmead. Jesse Bonsai. Henry Bowles. Arniet Brown. John Craig. Mallebranche. Dan. Cole. Commissioned .... Privates 3 .102 112 1794. RETURN OF THE SECOND COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHIL- ADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT FRANCIS GURNEY. First Battalion. Daniel Smith, Major. Captain Thos. Mitchel. Lieut. Dav'd McCullah. Ensign Dan. Busier. Thomas Watson. James Blade. Maurice Kennedy. Robert Town. Geo'r Kelly. Francis Shabaron. Dan. Whiteley. Bailey. John Baker. Peter McEntire. Hugh McGlatheron. Ralph Ralston. Will King. Sam. Maurice. Abrah. Armstrong. Hugh Carson. Walter Franklin. David Brown. Will Barrett. Stephen Simonet. Rudolph Ernest. James Bringhurst. Edw'd Walker. Will McPhail. Sam Rhel. .;r:r.}e.s Eroding. Hugh McRhoy. John Phail. Will Patten. Charle.s Smith. Leamy. Sam. Small. Richd Johns. Geor. Gemison. Phil Laroux. Will Sikes. Ja's Burkley. Tetam Mendingal. Issery. 484 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Thos. Leonard. George Geno. Will Fulnel. Hugh Roberson. Alex'r Campbel. Jclm Reaper. Spence. Will Payne. Francis Jackson. Sam. Franklin. Edw'd Blake. Ralph Pheal. Antonia. John Summerwell. Will Wood. Will Dazel. Jo's Musgrave. David Griffits. Thos. Farrell. David Furhr. Christ Close. Dan. McGlotheman. John Delevil. Thos. Roy. Kenry Stewart. Benj. Johns. Ja's Sommerwell. Mich. Grub. John Crean. Mich. Rennels. Will Spatch. Will Mullen. John Palmer. John Armstrong. Robt. Barritt. John Bates. John Gibb. Cha's Riddle. Patterson. John Stauter. Sam Cuthbert. Jacob Mitchell. Nath Rayne. Sam. Allen. Pat'r Fleming. • Will Thompson. Joseph Hays. David Miller. John Kines. Patrick Linsey. Israel Howard. Fran's Masor. John Whiter. Comm'd Privates . 3 .92 95 1794. RETURN OF THE THIRD COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHIL- ADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT FRANCIS GURNEY. First Battalion. Daniel Smith, Major. Captain John Miller. Lieut. Chas. Ross. Ensign. Rich Thompson. John Welsh. Mitchell. Isaac Dunkin. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 485 Henry Stead. John Bosler. John Boone. Rob. Lewis. George Bowen. Lewden Sawyer. Jo's Simond. Joseph Wharton. Stephen Purre. Martin Roe. John F. Mifflin. Geo'r Gilmore. John Johnston. Will. M. Mills. Benj. W. Wood. Will M. Robins. Anth. Steel. Geo'r Lasher. Mora. Churchman. Leon'd Brown. Cha's Caldwell. Dan. Meredith. Jacob Palmer. John Marclay. Will Dunwick. Rich'd Harris. Rob. Scott. I. Osier Thompson. Edw'd Roberts. Anth. Patill. Thos. Ing. Geo'r Plumstead Thos. Bear. Joseph Bosler. Sam. Davies. Rich'd Pearson. John Corsland. Adam Weaver. Jas. Roberts. Ja's Sawyer. Joel Jones. Rob. Wiles. Geor. Wale. Dan. Kean. Thos. Harper. Benet da Bourg. Rees Bishop. John Brown. Peter McCall. Mich'l Miller. .John Lynch. Rob. McGi'aham. Thos. Steel. Welsh. Edw'd Riissel. Matt'h Masfort. Isaiah Yard. Abrah. Hobart. Georg Roe. John Mclrwin. Will Batson. Dan. Humphries. Ja's Altwood. Moses Cox, jun'r. Abra. Fuller. Will Phillips. John Shute. Ccmm'd Privates . 3 .72 486 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 1794. RETURN OF THE FIRST COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- "DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT FRANCIS GURNEY. First Battalion. Daniel Smith, Major. Captain Dav'd Pincherton. Lieut. Edw'd Dowers. Ensign. Pet. Wichoff, jun'r. Mich. Callaghan. Henry Fenner. Chas. Mitchell. Will Bowlles. Geor. Kirk. Ja's Perkinson. Cha's Gallagher. John George. Jacob Geminger. Henry Miller. John Rowen. Joseph Si-ms. Will Thompson. Ja's Waters. James Chanler. Alex'r Foster. David Walker. John Bigger. John Goodwin. John Hollingsworth. John Pader. Lewis Albertus. Will. Perkins. John Freigieur. Eli Chanler. Hugh Bowles. Michal Poulnot. Dan. Doughty. James Jeoman. John Jones. Joseph Smith. Zeerick Seeman. Doyl Sweeny. Cormel Collock. Geo'r Seeman. Ja's Coulter. Edw'd Rilley. Jo's Read. Phil Cockburn. Hugh McClure. Edw'd Wisely. Will Ware. John Dowers, jn'r. Barlhol Archibald. Will Clark. Sam. Murphy. Ja's Oneal. Rob. Currie. Will Davis. Mich. Kelly. Sam. Carpenter. Jr.'s Latimer. Jas. Ferguson. John Alexander. Rob. C. Latimer. Joseph Wynkoop. John Watkins. Ja's Egneau. Mich. Haver. Dav'd DeBarthole. John Mulloung. Dav'd Callaghan. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 487 John N. D Areey. John Chanler. Thos. Hood. Dav'd Graham. Pat'r Galloway. Jacob G. Koch. John Ryal. John Wire. David Morris. John Palmer. Will Burnside. Anth. Cuthbert. Rich. N. Nesbit. Chas. Pennanter. John Rolk. Lewis Thomas. Will King. Lovinus Clarkson. Tho's Ferguson. Will Robbins. Hugh Morrison. Edw'd Storw. Will Read. Sara'l Tree. Will Cummings. Pat'r McGuire. Peter Stillingbower. James Bramer. Comm'd Privates . 3 .90 93 1794. RETURN OF THE FIFTH COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHIL- ADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT FRANCIS GURNEY. Second Battalion. Philip Pancake, Major. Captain. Dan. McKaraher. Lieut. Jacob Evans. Ensign. Henry Wester. Will Mason. Will Bowers. Thos. Dicksey. John Stone. Geor. Peeling. Dan. Keshon. Elihu Meeher. And'r Crombley. Mich. Shofnot. Thos. Budnot. Geor. Cook. Geor. Herington. Will Bock. Ja's Gillis. Pat. Kildee. John France. Ja's Greeg. Thos. Stanfield. John Rolington. Geor. Beak. John McPherson. Uenj. Lottes. Walter Mears. John l.riif: John Marher. Ja's Lafferty. Joseph Seavack. 488 MUSTER A.ND PAY ROLLS. Fred. Renbough. Leon. Harmoth. Rich'd Dougherty. Roder McCleland. John O Neal. Jas. Budwine. Ja's Trumble. Thos. Rann. Will Kingston, Martin Banard. John Fortune. Alex'r Marshall. John Ensell. Rob. Thompson. Fran's Duglass. Jacob Trump. Francis LadermaiL Benj. Gregory. Will Campble. Thos. Cave. Jas. Brown. John Conner. Jacob Hilley. Rob. McDoogal. Hendry Snyder. John Finney. Isaac Cimber. Joseph Ashton. John Cake. Martin Earhart. Jonath. H. Hurst. John Hart. Thos. Spencer. John Thompson. Joseph Willson. Jacob Creamer. John Hammond. James Quin. Will Gill. Geo'r Simpson. James Able. Rob. Burnet. John Fritts. Geor. Sinclare. Paul Keak. W^ill Dinning. Sam. Grenacy. Archabald Gay. Adam Cline. Ja's Donnely. John Lain. John Morison. Dan. Leetch. Dan. Able. Abrah. Jones. Hendry McCormick. John Donely. James Lynch. Will Powell. Jesse Scott. Geo'r Miers. Ja's Wilderfield. Geo'r Howall. Steph McKain- Edw'd Rion. John Fowler. Hugh Cox. Geo'r Cheaee. John Roberts. Patt'r Flanagan. John Will. Commis'd Privates . 3 .98 101 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 489 1794. RETURN OF THE SIXTH COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHIL- ADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT FRANCIS GURNEY. Second Battalion. Philip Pancake, Major. Captain. Benj. Davis. Lieut. James Cornish. Ensign. Will Eathers. Mundock Drumgold. James Moore. John Frost. Hugh Kennedy. Thomas Tatem. John Morrell. Joseph North. Rich'd Robinett. Will Callibeau. Reese Evans. George Peeble. Eneas Williams. James M. Grouty. John Allen. Thomas Stretcher. Alex'r Watson. Frede'r Sleher. Joseph Carrel. John McEvan. John Waddington. Joseph Morris. Jacob Carman. Will Hart. Sam. Johnston. Joseph Higby. Cha's Cresty. Thomas Smith. Abraham Handcock. James McCormick. John Williams. Earuab Scully. James Moyer. Joseph Cogill. Michael Welsh, Sam Blair. Rich'd Renshaw, jun. Jonath. Evans. Peter Legeau. Will Howell. Isaac McElvaine. Abrah Marshall. Will Graham. Jacob West. Finnex Strelcher. Duncan Campbel. John Stuart. Rob. Black. Charles Kier. James Thakara. Joseph Hopkinson. Dune. McPhaile. Jacob Hart. Rob. Smallwood. Will Relph. Willson Hunt. James Peale. John Asmead. Joseph Foster. Allen McCoy. Israel Ball. 490 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John Islet. Cha's Moore. Owen Biddle. Benj. Mifflin. John Wannemer. Davis Bill. Walter Jones. Rob. Stephenson. Joseph Loyd. David Evans. Thomas Grotter. John Stair. John Bap. Lawrant. John Wills. Joseph Burden. John Hawkins. Thomas Webb. Cornel Gramwall. Mich. Chew. John Wright. Thos. McHam. Commissioned 3 James Maul. Privates 85 Lawrence Sink. Will Adams. 88 1794. RETURN OF THE SEVENTH COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHIL- ADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT FRANCIS GURNEY. Second Battalion. Philip Pancake, Major. Captain Thos. M. Willing. Lieut. Henry Spanks. Ensign. Thos. Hale. Berket. Benj. Wood. James T. Clement. John Caldwell. Noel D. Cleree. John King. Rich'd Willeny, Jun'r. John Kitland, jun'r. John Kean. Jacob Ernest. Joseph Crass. James McGlue. Arthur Stokesbury. Robert Underwood. Henry Wattle. Archib. McCall, jun'r. David Hale. Malcome McDonald. Christ. Andres. Thos. Clark. Jacob Noble. Henry Sincler. Garret Bross. Will Rhoads. Will Lewis. Jos. Wigmore. Josiah Lewis. Wilson. John Rumford. James Dilworth. \Vill W. Wilkins. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 491 James Ewing. Henry Hutchins. Francis L. Maine. James Cochran. Will Hartley. Lambert L. Done. 1 Bingham. Georg Willing. Peter Ford. Thos. Kitland. Jacob Gear. Augustive Mcintosh. John Bap Troubat. George Beard. Patrick Nowland. Leonard Anglebane. Will Rodney. Jobii Tbornhili. Stewart Cummings. Edw'd Burd. Amor Marshal. Francis Donnelly. Will Allinson. Elias McLane. Anthony Butler. James Allinson. Oliver Wolcott James Steward. Will Kump. Alex'r Murry. Josiah Brown. Josiah Evans. Thomas L. Hippen. John McKenlis. Jacob Henim. Benj. Twilther. JcLin Donovan. John HoUowel. Joseph Ravara. John Wharton. James Logan. David Dickason. Benj. Chew, jun'r. Andrew Barclay. Thos. McElroy. Commissioned 3 Vernon. Charles Clayton. Privates 7ft Jonath. Dilworth. 82 1794. RETURN OF THE EIGHTH COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHIL- ADELPHIA COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT FRANCIS GURNEY. Second Battalion. Philip Pancake, Major. Captain. Conrad Seyfort Lieut. . Ensign. . John Henry. Peter Bowrey. William Reynolds. John Chapman. Mihet Airhant. 492 MlJSTHR AND PAY ROLLS. • James Guyne. James Forder. Morton Garret. Sam. B. Pums. Daniel Carleton. leriel Matson. Archer Cart. John Williams. Peter Lingester. Will Watey. Freder. Esling. James Dougherty. John Relsot. John Humble. Sam. Donnelly. Anth. Eosephat. John Vallance. Patrick Delany. Hugh Robertson. John Wolf. James Johnson. Joseph Kelset. Bryan McCurtey. James Crawford. Will Morrison. James Thompson. Hugh Mooney. Robert Adams. Benj. Carson. Alex'r McMaster. James Loge. Dennis Delaney. Lewis List. Andrew George. James Bonsel. James Simons. Will Downey. George Morton. John Murphey. Robert Boyd. James Glenn. Daniel Russel. John Patterson. Will Denny. Rowry McClain. Will Whetherby. John Stricklin. Hugh Fricklin. Will Young. Samuel Sims. Will Groson. John Flnminster. Rob. Dreembe. Paul Grout. Will Lane. Thos. Owen. Alpatrick. Thos. Conrey. Thos. Ashing. John Skiler. Hugh Andrews. William Collin. Peter Smith. James Hart. Joseph Kimble. Samuel Moore. Arthur Ellis. Ja's Skarret. Edward Larson. John Call. Anthony Franks. Jacob Baekwell Jacob Fisher. James Patterson. Francis Russel. Peter Pope. Jacob Benner. John Rojsbowser. Edv.'d. Fitsimmons. Rcb. McElhaney. Rob. Black. John Orger. Ja's Hardey. Philip Mason. Gecr. Spangaton. ' • OCT Eullinger. fhas. Kieney John W. Godfrey. PENNSYLVANIA MIIJTI A— 1790-1800. 493 Kennedy McFavlin. Hay. Gfcorge Dallas. James Wiilson. Kdward Logan. Commis'd . . . . Privates .99 1794. RETURN OF THE 1ST LT. INFANTRY COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COM- MANDANT FRANCIS GURNEY. Second Battalion. Philip Pancake, Major. Captain, Chandler Price. David Irvin. 1st Lieut John Summers. Will Gloss. 2d. Lieut. Rob. McClentick. Will Cambell. Sam. Lees, Serjt. George Moser. Will Evans, Serjt. Peter Denham. David McCIutchen. Francis Gibbons, ■lenry Barrett. John Baxter. William Saunders. Jacob Earnest. John Patterson. John Thomas. Peal. Thomas Ryan. ':t;;.i. Stackhouse. George Uniji. Hoy. Isaac Willis. FCw'd Robinson. Will Burke. Charles Hollick. Henry Nicholson. Francis Adams. . Comra'a 3 Will. Davis. Serjeants 2 John Repphun.* Privates 29 Sam. McCIure. . Teni Airs. 34 Charles Dominick. 494 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. —1794.— RETURN OF THE 2D. LT. INFANTRY COMPANY OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COM- MANDANT FRANCIS GURNEY. Second Battalion. Major. Philip Paneake. Captain, Jonath Carson. Lieut., Will Huehet. Ensign, Rob. Thomas. Sam. Campble. Will Rodney. Robert Cannon. Jas. Polock. Will Wisdom. Thos. Miller. Henry Abeal. Lindsey Simpson. Richd. Black. Ths. Iiiin. Will Obrian. Dan. Butter. Comisd Privates 3 12 15 GENERAL RETURN OF THE 1ST. REG'T OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Companies. Grenadiers, 1st. Company 2d. Company 3d. Company, 4th. Company 5th. Company 6th. Company 7th. Compan , 8th. Comp.anv 1st. Light infantry, 2d Light infantry. Total Grades, tS, O Eli c c c A! fc a 2 a 3 w 3 V. •^ '-' W w 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 22 2 23 109 92 72 90 98 85 79 99 2j 12 Total, 834. PENNSYLVANIA MILTTIA— 1790-1800. 495 1794. RETURN OF TME FIRST COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT JOHN BARKER. First Battalion. Major. .John Smith. Captain. Andrew Kennedy. Lieutenant. Will Barker. Ensign. Chas. HoIIock. Keren Fitzgerald. Will Clark. George Helerton. Claud Berniand. Joseph. Beaument. Christn. Wiltenberger. Abraham Philips. James Waters. John Morgan. Carl Roup. Boccnew. John Pidgeon. John Phillips. Dan McLeord. Will Beaty. John Costelawn. John Steen. John Germain. Element Garrison. John Swift. James Todd. Hugh Holmes. Jas. Murray. Alexr. Cochran. Sam Bradford. Benj. Stone. Henry Bollybaker. Jas. Gallagher. John Riley. Sam. Hamilton. Rob. Burgess, junr. Will Poyntell. John Wagner. Thos. Harden. David Hickwire. Thos. Tohman. John Marechaux. John Olden. Jas. Calbreath. Will McCully. Robt. C. Murray. Thos. Merrit. Brown. Philip Shew. Fergy. Graham. Henry Steckman. Will Ferman. James I. Mazurie. 496 iViUSTEil AND PAY ROLLS. Will Mott. Rob. Rainey. Thos. Deikle. John Taylor. Hector Calbreath. Sam. Wlgglesworth. Roger Flaharan. Thos. Pendergrass. Gavin Hamilton, junr. Will Lindsey. John F. Dumas. Geo. Chapman. Thos. Will Gibson. Henry Long. Thos. Dodson. Will Wlgglesworth. Lewis Salentine. Alexr. Emolie. « And. Brown. Laur. Swap. John McKean. John Merrit. Jeanton Bechard. John Noble. Win Dansellan. Jacob Carver." Hery Hildebert. Joseph Masurie. Geor. Field. Jas. McGiiffin. Benj. Nones. Thos. Bradford. Commisd., Privates, 3 80 83 1794. RETURN OF THE SECOND COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT JOHN BARKER. Will Coats. Joseph Boggs. Thos. Stephens. Alexr. Allen. Will Martin. First Battalion. Major. John Smith. Captain. Swen Warner. Lieutenant. George Moser. Ensign. Will Davis. John Hollowell. Dr. Nich. Waye. John Mearns. David Breintuall. Chas. Cheinard. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 497 J as. West. Sam. Ferguson. Col. Reed. Will Steel. Mich. LeBelesme. Nicholas Roland. John McKnight. Henry Dickson. Will Ruske. Will de charmes. Edward Dex. Will Tupelbach. Alex. Miller. Benj. Lenton. Abrah. Linde. Edward Seamlan. Peter Dangar. Dan Ledine. Will Woodward. Doctor Burnwell. Godfrey Derfwill. Casper Morris. Thos. Combs. Edwd. Hollowell. James Coxe. Will Young. Winkles Goldwaith. Stone Holmes. Will Carson. Auth. Littledeale. Robt. H. Dunkin. Auth. Cellis. Edmonde Largarde. Sam. Coates. Thos. Dennis. Sam. Williamson. Will Hawthorn. Rob. Smith. John B. Evans. Jos. Richardson. Rob. Henderson. Powell C. Detscow. Andr. Murry. John Kechonle. John Faulder. Louis Jas. Semque. Will Brown. John Galla.spue. Misier Dubarque. Auth. Charden. John Bedford. Thos. Billington. Peter Fieundes. Thos. Dempsey. Mitch. Tobin. Jas. Cumming. Richd. Bardley. Jas. Smithers, Junr. Lewis Jaunte. Edw. W. Shoemaker. Isaac Nitcell. James Ellis. Will Curvln. James Robinson. Thos. Orr. Eben. Large. Thos. Duning. Peter Lead. Commisd Private 3 79 82 32— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 498 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 'I 1794. RETURN OF THE THIRD COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMAND- ANT JOHN BARKER. First Battalion. Major. John Smith. Captain. Fred. Wolbert. Lieutenant. John Price. Ensign. Robert Pollv. Joseph Smith. Geor. Thompson. Earth. Wisler. Benj. Johnston. Jonath Jones. Jas. Jones. Jacob Knorr, junr. Geor. Pimoclv. Jacob Pretts. Joseph Speneer. Will Parker. Rich'd Fell. John White. Peter Kuhn. John Carr. Jacob Clampfer. Thos. Rogers. Will Davidson. John Topliff. Eman. Singer. David Lowns. Henry Skinner. Fred. Beates. Will Jones. Arch. Mclwaine. Jonath Dickenson. Edwd. Shoemaker. Rich'd Wahr. Casper Hames. Benjn. Byron. Will Johnston. Jacob Brown. James Hutton. Thos. Kelly. Mich. Gaine. John Lisle, junr. Joseph I. Miller. Hugh Kelly. James Frecknuff. Paul Metz. John Boford. Peter Shrier. John Davidson. Timothy Abbot. Caleb Lownes. Mich. Fartum. Henry Beates. Carbin Preston. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 499 Ruban Gelder. John Cooke. Thos. Wister. John Singer. Sam. Pasley, John Guest. Sam. Stiles. Dan. Leblang. John Wright. John Dorsey. Jerem. Parker. Joseph Turner. Will Dawson. Jas. Denniston. Will Shannon. James Ryerson, Geor. Craps. Geor. Bringhurst. Hillary Eveuzeller. Will Elliot. Geor. Axton. John Perry. Comm'd, Privates 3 69 72 RETURN OF THE FOURTH COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT JOHN BARKER. First Battalion. Major. John Smith. Captain. Lawr. Alwine. Rich'd Feltman. John McEIwee. Thos. Beard. Alex. Powrons. Stand. Ferde. John Chara. John Teany. Aaron Bogard. Rob. White. Peers Makar. Rob. Thomas. John Nail. Geor. McGill. Rob. Hazlehurst. Peter Grineau. Conrad Sheets. Ephr. Clark. John Winner. Charity Ben. Andr. Service. John Gilaspey. Rob. Orr. Thos. Biggs. Sam. Eliott. Will Ohara. James Scoffel. Rob. Cannon. Will Fantrey. Jacob Andrews. Will Bridges. Peter Deitz. Will Coleman. 500 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Lewis Taylor. Huke Gilroy. Jolin Martin. Will. Barry. Christ. Sink. Sam York. Eman. Walker. John Porter. Will G. Bell. Harver Egle. Crapley Rose. Chas. Chara. Jos. Lydle. David Thompson. Jas. Pentland. Will Willson. John Allen. Will Tage. Sam. Hazelhurst. Waringt. Stalen. Arther Taylor. Rich'd Sparks. Comm'd, Privates, 3 54 57 RETURN OF THE FIFTH COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT JOHN BARKER. Jas. Boggs. Rob. Christie. Will Bell. Thos. Harrison. James Knox. John Morgan. Rob. Maul. James Smith. Andr. Fliick. John Thome. Second Battalion. Major. Phil. Hagner. Captain. John McCalley. Lieutenant. Will Bell. Ensign. John Vannest. Abishai Chattin. Leonard Sayre. Frederick Dick. Jerem. Paul. John Vannest. Jos. Deladone. Jos. Ismous. Phil. Bedman. John Grant. John Stephenson. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. ;oi Thos. Jacquect, John Hood. John Fronanoe. Walter Blair. Pearson Hunt. David Reed. Benj. Clarke. Bam McElroy. And. Boyd. John Hackney. Paul Beck. Thos. Dobbins. Will. Smilie. Edmond Byres. John Lowder. John Tunnel. Geor. Harall. John Reed. Hugh McKinley. Sam. Robeson. Patr. More. -Adam Duey. Dan Dick. Will Cross. Thos. Wigraore. Henry Honpeaure. John Mulry. John Deneson. Rich'd Thorne. Matth. Miller. Rumford Daws. Philip Care. John Adaire. John Skyrin. Jas. Wethcrell. Rich. Robeson. Comm's, Privates, 3 57 60 1794. RETURN OF THE SIXTH COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT JOHN BARKER. Will Nicholson. Dan Estill. John Mahon. Second Battalion. Major. Philip Hagener, Captain. Arch. Shaw. Lieutenant. John Shannon. Ensign. Richd. Collings. John Piper. Merdecai Wetheril. Will. Miller. 502 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Jonath. Sanders. Martin Beckham. Robt. Bisset. James Boss. David Cockley. Joseph Smith. Robt. Long. Dan McCarty. Edwd. Rolley. John Greer. Peter McKin. Casper Hopple. Thos. Miller. George Eyre. Jacob Shoemaker. Jacob Hugg. Joseph Pryor. Robert Ewing. John Redgway. Dan Moss. John Boklen. Jacob Clemens. Hugh Christy. Kinard Gilbert. Dennis Dwire. Christ. Tucke. John Helzel. John Folwell. Rob. Harwood. Nath. Field. Stephen Threxfal. John Hallman. Henry Weaver. John Hanna. Caleb Buglass. Will. Hembel, junr. Pat. McCluskey. James Lewis. Benj. Holland. Nath. Ears. Benj. Bohlen. Isaac McKentosh. John Lincoln. Abner Briggs. Gustas Calhoon. Moses Ward. James Smith. John Pierrott. Sam. Spalding. Will. Price. Hugh Calhoon. Bankson Taylor. . Clevenger. Paul Brown. John Cakiel. John Buckin. Isaac Donaldson. Geor. Weed. And. Henry. Abrah. Field. Stephen Jernade. Jas. Carpenter. Lewis Mollier. Jonath Findley. John Negus. Rob. Seaburn. Rea. Henry Trimper. Thos. Moore. Jacob Hollingshead. John Taggart. Philip Tonor. Will. Smart. Geor. Wilson. John Clifford. Thomas Morgan. Jacob Ridgway. Elliston Pierrott. Sam. Tepinger. Thos. Makia. Comm'd, Privates, 3 86 89 PENNSYLVANIA AllUTlA— 1790-lbOO. 503 1794. RETURN OF THE SEVENTH COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT JOHN BURKER. Second Battalion. Major. Philip Hagner, Captain. Edward Robinson. Lieutenant. John Baxter. Ensign. John McGee. Geor. Morton. Vi^ill. Hall, peor. Bunner. Alex. Bilsland. Eben. Cresson. Will. C. Cumming. James Carman. Thos. Masters. Joseph Shoemaker. Jos. Barwell. Thos. O. Neal. W^ill. Gazzem. Sam. Mecher. Henry Drinker, junr. Mark Prager. John Sykes. Joseph Smith. John Hall. Benj. Cooper. Fred. Montmiillen. Jacob Ridgway. Lewis Gilliams. John Turner. Edward Stammers. John Hughes. Curtis Clay, junr. Abrah. Link. Abrah. Link. Francis Graham. Jacob Park. Sam Bispham. Ellis Garrell. Geor. Meavis. Jos. Bispham. Fred. Smith. Rich'd Potter. Thos. Priest. Thos. White. Jas. McKinsie. Will Wallace. Edwd. Thursby. John Thomas. Abner Reeder. Alexr. Irneo. Jas. Robertson. Jas. Henderson. Josh. Lippincott. Lewis Deminque. 504 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Thos. Morgan. Sam. Price. John H. Genther. Sam. Denman. John Goss. John C. Wills. Severe Bansaille. John McFee. Joseph Clay. Rob. Innes. Will Davis. Isaac Norris. David Hall. Will Deas. Phil Summerhamp. Jacob Baker. Jose Kay. Geor. Taverner. Caleb Pierce. Humbert Droz. Mich. Baker. Edmond Deverix. Thos. Kelly. George Wilson. Jos. Clark. Comm'd, , 3 Will. Kinnear. Privates, 76 Nathan Tolwell. Joseph Dugan. 79 John Norris. RETURN OF THE EIGHTH COMPANY OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT JOHN BARKER. Second Battalion. Thos. Shepherd. Sam. Jones. Caliste Clarince. Fred. Fraley. Isaac Parish. George Roberts. Ainable Brasier. Major. Philip Hagner. Captain. John Germon. Lieutenant. Thos. Carmault. Ensign. Joseph Burrows. John McCullough. Will. Chanceller. George Snell. Joseph Simmons. John Biddle. Joseph Price. Geor. Dennison. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lSOO. 505 Will. Mote. Sam. Jodou. Dr. Stafford. Francis Lukine. Adkinson Rose. Jasper Coke. Morris Robeson. Arthur Bingham. Jas. Bruce. Sam. Davis. Rob. Shewel, junr. John Sears. Mich. Dubois. Mich. Stafford. Will. Matlack, elk. Will. Connelly. Thos. Finlinson. Will. Davis. Peter Breten. John Bartholemew. Isaac Milner. Joseph Roberts. Carrell. David Hoggan. Dan Jones. Jonath Carmalt. Thos. Earle. Baptiste Lamar. James H. Cole. John Munday. Alexr. Miller. Benj. Griffiths. Sam. Edwards. Will. Wood. Benj. Cresson. Hugh Ferguson. John Newbold. Jas. Gillingham. Anth. Boyd. John Cottiare. Arnold Cassel. Isaac Davis. Ludw'ick Harner. Henry Snyder. Peter Hougelet. Jonath Willis. John Gordon. Francis Howe. Griffith Edwards. Will Parish. Hugh Roberts. Cronier. Will. Foster. Isaac Pearson. Peter Wiltberger. Rob. McNim. Jas. Crocksharks. John Skerret. Jacob Banninghose. Stevenson. Edwd. Miller. Miles Griffe. Alexr. Edwards. John Roberts. Israel Cope. Arth. Miller. Charles Shoemaker. John Sikes. Sam. Denig. Jacob Thomas. Will. Brown. Rob. Gilaspie. David B. Motel. Comm'd, Privates 91 506 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE LT. INFANTRY COMPANY OF THE SEC- OND REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COM- MANDANT JOHN BARKER. Second Battalion. Major. Philip Hagner. Captain. Edward Scott. Lieutenant. Robert Allen. Mich Dolan. James Boyle. Jacob Linton. Rob. Perry. Patrick Ford. John Mullery. Casper Iserloon. Thos. Knox. Thos. Patrick. David Jones. John Oncil. Edwd. Murphy. Jas. Criswell. John Wheling. David Thompson. Limon Closs. Rob. Ogg. John Leaky. Thos. Hunter. John Steel. Patr. Connelly. Thos. Hurley. Will Kelly. Hugh Nesbitt. Josepr Shaw. John Denis. Phil. Carney. Auth. Diver. Jonath. Hauston. John Adams. Luke Farrel. Will. Jones. John Dere. Will. Cenards. Sam. Brooks. Geor. Stewart. John Cherry. Peter Geeswine. Fran. Lyon. Joseph Larden. Maur. Inimelor. Comm'd, 2 Jas. McW^adee. Privates 46 David Jenkins. Fran. Daymon. 4S John Bradford. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. BO- RETURN OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF THE MH^ITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, 1794. Companies. « IB c m O c 0) JC8 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John Hays. Walter Fortune. Franc McCardell. Sithgrave. John Burke. Rob. Russel. James Gardner. Nicolous Anthony. Alex. Roland. Stephen "Walker. Rob. Cochren. John Williamson. Jeremiah Gallagher. Jacob Hull. John Griffin. John Green. Thos. Fisher. James Cochran. James Willson. Alexr. Stedman. John Gense. Plowman. Jesse Gauncy. Sam Dallian. Jas. McQuaid. Comm'd, 3 John Drewinan. Privates, 36 Benj. Wallis. Thos. Colling. 39 RETURN OF THE FIRST COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGI- MENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADEL- PHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT SAMUEL McCLEAN. 1794. First Battalion. Major. Captain. Peter Duplessy. Lieutenant. Benj. West. Ensign. Eman Limes. Privates. Aaron Clark. Joseph Bunden. Thos. Tingey. John Drinker. Benj. Price. James Petter. Christoph Pidgeon, Morris Quinlin. Richd. Cole. Andrew Russel. PENNSYLVANIA Ml LITI A— 1790-1800. >09 John Fuitou. James I'ashford. Charles Minefield. John Conner. Will Newbold. Will Euston. Vincent Ducomb. John Puglia. Will Forsythe. Arth Donaldson. Will Letch worth. Chrir. Harper. Torrence McGruin. Will King. Godfrey Gebler. Peter Baynton. Thos. Parker. John Cameron. James Johnston. Pe^er W'ickoff, Junr. Jesse Millhouse. Will Lippencott. Selby Hickman. Will Pidgeon. Tames Hayes. James Walker. Matth. McCloskey. Sam Axurd. Benj. Garrigues. Joseph Clemens. Lewis Afflack. jdhn Symington. Sam. Leonard. Erwd. ivicyston. Nicolaus Mosscnier. Kennedy. John McCauUey. Rowland Elis. Lienj. Lindal. George Goss. Coily McCalister. Robert Steel. John Douglass. John Leamy. Thos. Chance. Thos. Hughes. Geor. Phi for. Jacob Wickoff. Isaac Humphreys. Josiah Mailack. Abrah. Shoemakei. George Craig. Francis Lance. Jas. Birgminham. lean Dibbin. Dunkin Robinson. Jonathan Mifflin. John Brant. Jacob Overtake. Israel Pleasants. Barry Money. Christ. Karnes. Gabriel Bouche. Flannery. James Gardette. Alexr. Hancock. Will Master. Neal Hardy. Sandy McCowing. Henry Forest. Comm'd Privates SO 83 510 MUSTER AND PAY ROLL RETURN OF THE SECOND COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT SAMUEL McCLEAN. 1794. First Battalion. Major. John McCrea. Captain. Steph. Kingston. Lieutenant. George Dougherty. Ensign. Sam Cummings. Privates. Jos. Mandiville. John Bosquet. John Simpson. Henry St. George. Hasler. John Doyle. James Hanlon. Edwd. Peyton. Benj. Handcock. John Huit. John Miller. Philip Burron. Jonath Bringhurst. Peter Evans. Enoch Sloan. Nathan Dorsey. Liberty Brown. John David. Chas. Homasell. Jonath Harvey. James JBarr. Heyfield Conyngham. John A. Lindo. Matth. Twible. George Bryan. Gabriel Karneg. Matth. Mestcar. Andr. Stewart. Robt. Park. Jame's Adier. Edwd. Carrel. John Vaughan. Stone. Brightwell Hibbs. Nicolas Vergore. Rob. Maxwell. Dan. Reid. John McDermot. Jacob KisEleman. Will Pinkerton. Isaac Knight. Geor. Ritchie. Rudemau Robeson. Isaac Haylin. Sam Dilworth. Jacob Gribble. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lbOO. ill Johu Morton, jimr. Chas. Mulerey. Will Miller. Mich. Butler. James Stewart, junr. James Nicholson. Myers Fisher. John Mince. Reese Wall. *" f^ John Richards. Hugh Sweney. Thos. Bufliugton. Joseph Reed. Joseph Lownes. Will Sutman. Rob. Shields. John Fred Daka. . Thos. Perkins. Dan Guesfcrd. P'rancis West. Augtine Bousquet. Peter Blight. P. B. Guily. George Scott. Rob. Jones. Robert Ralston. Lordon. John Donaldson. David Jones. Math. Lawler. Laur. Fiuuer. Comm'd, -A John Lawler. Privates .... 80 Chas. Gibbs. James Nesbit. 83 RETURN OF THE THIRD COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGI- MENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADEL- PHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT SAMUEL McCLEAN. ITMl. First Battalion. Major. John McCrea. Captain. Will Laurance. Lieutenant. John Murphy. Ensign. Rob. Oakly. Privates. 512 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Thos. Right. Geor. Griffin. Rob. Bloer, senr. Will Read. Dan Frazer. Paul Haughey. Dan Boyle. John Alexander. Anthony Steel. Geor. Ansley. John Rousel. James Black. John Tobin. Robert Willson. Thos. Walters. Patrick Galbrath. Dr. Caldwell. Ijuke Morris. Thos. S. Wharton. Josiah Siddon. Will Wall. Jesse Wiliams. John Chalk. James Callender. Rob. Lewis, Junr. Isaac Jackson. And. Jackson. Thos. Delany. John Wallace. Will McDowel. Will Tharp. Robt. Bloer, junr. Benj. Keefe. John Smith. John Byrne. James Lyle. Reinhart Smith. John Fanel. Geor. Hunter. John Ames. Patrick Lynn. Jacob Gribble. John Dalton. David Lewis. James McDowel. John Hickman. Will Meredith.* James Humphreys. Henry Bletterman. Will Crammond. Dan McCay. Thos. Gilpin. David Meredith. Robert Jackson. Dan Delany. Chas. Carnan. Chas. Swift. Joshua Gilpin. Pascal Hollingsworth. John Craig. Dan Irvine. Edwd. Swain. Mich. Dupare. Rob. Bickley. Isaac Snowdon, junr. Chas. Brady. Jas. McCarach. Tench Francis, junr. Thos. Rowe. Edward Pole. Isaiah Richards. John Read. Benj. Morris. Chas. Tans. Phil. Nicklin. Joshua Fisher. Andrew Spence. Thos. Newman. John Graham. John Swain. Comm'd Privates S3 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 513 RETURN OF THE FOURTH COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT SAMUEL McCLEAN. 1794. First Battalion. Major. John McCrea. Captain. Will Fennel. Lieutenant. Thos. Watkin. Ensign. Jas. McDonald. Privates. James Potter. Will Johnston. Jas. Compass. Turner. Lewis Beckley. Will Young. John Hall. Joseph Dubree. John Sellers. Joseph Case. Abrah Peirson. Sam Percy. Aquila Bolton. John Jr. Arnaud. George Bennick. Elisha Gordon. Jas. Cummins. Will McLaws. Jonath Conrad. Joshua Hogness. Rob. Campbel. Andr. McCarah. Sam Emery. Josiah Johnson. Francis Saunder. John Douglass, junr. Jas. Robinson. James Todd. Burk. Smith. Andress. Will Burck. James Brooks. Will Boydon. Peter Ford. Will McPhall. Dr. Monges. Sam Parkhurst. Sampson Levy. Thos. Serjeant. Raper Hastings. Henry Shavely. Benj. Sharp. Nath Prentiss. James Whitcall. Peter Lohra. 33— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 514 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Isaac Davis. Chas. Marshal. Dan Repine". Alexr. Fraidge. John B. Guinet. Jacob North. Thos. Smith. Philip Timmons. Solomon "Willis. John Ward. John Weaver. Sam Hall. King. George Hill. John Brooks. George Way. John Carter. John Patterson. Josiah Baldwin. Simon Conger. John Lake. Chamless. Geor. Berland. James Tully. Thos. Peirce. Will Bolton. Thos. Pulmer. Etaenr. Hicklings. Seth Jones. Sam Caswell. John McCarah. Thompson. Peter C. Varle. Thos. Hodgson. Comm'd, Privates 83 RETURN OF THE FIFTH COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGI- MENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADEL- PHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT SAMUEL McCLBAN. 1794. Second Battalion. Major. Michael Kitts. Captain. Chars. Barrington. Lieutenant. Mich Kennedy. Ensign. Hen. Garrison. Richd. Addams. Jerem. Paul. Privates. Dr. Griffiths. Jasper Moylan. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 515 Thos. Harrison. Guy Smith. John Blackwood. Joseph Bailey. Sam Mahaffy. John Gilbert. John Trynot. Will Smith. Jacob Rees. John Rheighly, jun. Henry Helmuth. Thos. Whiteside. John Blame. Will Price. Joshua Brown. Alex. Power. John Lefever. Matth. Irwin. David Evans. Georg-e Hell. Elisha Hanna. Dan McJunes. Joseph Pemberton. Rich. Johnson. Nich. Reese. Rich. Tillman. Richd. H. Morris. Nalbro Frazier. John Harrison. Peter Stout. John Campbel. Jas. Tuckness. John Taylor. Henry Shaffer. Benj. Piffet. Trox. Harmon Buck. Jacob Rylay. John Whitesides. Benj. Carr. Cladius Chatt. James Glen. Velat Charette. Joseph Bull. James Yard. Thos. Ryerson. Ebenez. Branham. John N. Haganan. Charles Evans. Moses Levy. Richd. Wister. Robt. Doyle. Bryan McGlachlin. Geor. Rollins. Sam. Perkins. Joseph Thomas. Benj. Bryant. John Ashburn. John Watson. James Alexander. Isaac Hewett. Joseph Bailey. Thos. Fennel. George Bickham. -Testard. Lewis Walker. Will Benner. John Harris. Jehosaphat Polk. Peter Egron. James Gibson. Phil. Rich. Edwd. Rephono. Will Sheaf. Nath. Brown. Philip Sheaf. Comm'd, Privates, 3 80 83 516 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE SIXTH COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGI- MENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADEL- PHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDAN'T SAMUEL McCLEAN. 1794. Second Batialion. Major. Michael Kitts. Captain. Tixoi. McEwen. Lieutenant. Edwd. Hore. Ensign. Thorn. Hale. Privates. Will Power. I?aac J. Hepper. John Read. Will Crumpton. Dan Dupuy. James Olden. Rob. Pltfield. Dan Dickerson. Thos. Howard. Jos. Harbeson. Jas. Robers. Aaron Hill. John Reen. Isaac Herbert. Jacob Price. Edwd. Cleamens. Isac Mendenhall. John Ryan. Will Mullen. Thos. Cooper. John Ridg"way. Davd. Walker. Alexr. McBeth. Joseph Reeves. Benj. Hide. James Paxton. Peter F. Druan. Will Young. . Dr. Gertin. Caspar Sadler. John Duffield. Benj. Davis. John Hart. David L.apsley. Will Forest. James Stewart. John Parry. Benj. Harbeson, junr. Sam Shrock. Dupont. Chas. McKinnie. Thos. Hammet. Will Comerj-. Ezek. Tarnel. Gab. Parris. Isaac Price. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 511 Will Palmer. Henry Barrington. Hugh Cooper. Isaac Starr. Robt. Kelly. John McClenachan, Fred. Bachfleld. Isaac Paxton. John F. Levacaper. Collezi. Boucheran. John Kerr. Andr. Esler. Kob. Taylor. John Hailand. John Bexton. John Guest, junr. Jcrem. Boone. Rob. Haddock. lioland Parry. Will Lea. John Speel. Will Preston. Thos. Jenkins. John Nicklas. Sam Brooks. Amor Preston. Jacob Trasell. Will Govett. John Cormack. Thos. Phipps. Thos. Canley. Edwd. H. Duvall. Pigett Shaw. Comm'd, Privates, 83 RETURN OF THE SEVENTH COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT SAMUEL McCLEAN. 1794. Second Battalion. Major. Michael Kitts. Captain. RiclKl. Hunt. Lieutenant. Nath Loofborow. Ensign. John Renshaw. Geor. Lawson. John McCalister. John Swine Privates. James Farmer. Jonath Casson. Isaac Vredenburgh. 518 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Mich. Roberts. Joseph Anthony. Henry Thomas. Thos. Kerr. Joseph Lawson. John Craig. Reese Hallwell. John Anderson. James Fonter. Jacob Spency. John Phyle. Isaac Strephan. John Irnortal. Nich. Deal. Joseph Rean. Joseph Burger. Will Bromsbridge. Will Sheppard. Morris Dickinson. Eben Shotwell. George Talbott. Nath. Richardson. John Bringhurst. Phil. Miser. Thos. Cunipton. Will Forsyth. Jesse Sharpless. Will Holderness. Joseph Williams. Joseph Dupong. Thos. Bradley. Chas. Gilchrist. Benj. Wallace. Benj. F. Bache. Patr. Duffy. Rob Bailey. Augustine Ragnau Chas. Bitters. John Poultney. John Fenno. Rob. Wills. Will Smith. Geor. Zimmerman. Sam Hays. Axldr. Phillips. Enoch Story. Francis Brown. Jesse Brown. Joseph Brittain. Isaac Paron. Sam Battle. Jas. Darrah. Luke Thomas. Geor. Kimble. Rob. Smith. David Halzell. Joseph Candamine. Geor. Kepple. Ezeh. King. Seth Craig. Andr. Campbele. John McNatty. Will. Wilmut. Ceor. Dill. John Murphy. Henry Graff. Jas. Poultney. Thos. Simpson. John Gurvey. Farrel. Will Smith. Jas. Crammond. John Wickerer. John Copeland. Comm'd, Privates 3 80 83 PENNSYLVAN I A MILITIA— 1790-1800. 519 RETURN OF THE EIGHTH COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DEIJ'HIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT SAMUEL McCLEAN. 1794. Second Battalion. Major. Michael Kitts. Captain. Lept. Claypole. Lieutenant. Patr. Connelly. Ensign. Richd. Babe. Privates. John Campel. John Hogg. Isaac C. Jones. Thos. Hockley. Neal McGinnis. Matth. Jervais. James Dugan. Burk. Thos. Thompson. Thos. Coxe. John Martin. Andr. Deal. Jas. Fleming. John Stevors. Josiah Fox. Abrah. Bowyer. Richd. Fletcher. Thos. Packer. Geor. Baker. Patr. Watters. Chas. Miller. Solomon Marks. Owen Mullan. Thos. Armstrong. Sampson Davis. Thos. Miller. John Fling. Robert Orr. "Will Willson. Preston Eyre. Will Johes. Will Alexander. John Clark. John Sweeny. Thos. Sweeny. Willson. Matth. Coxless. Will Black. Matth. Muijjat. Chas. Heart. Geor. Moore. Will Bombeger. Thos. Steel. Benedict Dorsey, junr. Jacob Harrison. Lewis Jacobl. 520 Peter Bass. David Lownes. Hichd. Palmer. John M. Taylor, Will Greenleaf. Edmond Laesthe. John Bowyer. John Lindhall. Sam Holland. Alexr. Murry. Jos. Madock. Will Beaven. Jehu Whitcal. Thos. Louden. Will Jones. Thos. Smith. Clem Brast. Hai-ness. Will Gotten. MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Jas. Baymaunt. Will Regan. John White. Thos. Rogers. Nath. Davies. Elijah Griffiths. Aug. Frake. John Lawrance. Will Burges. John Farrel. Peter Field. Thos. Dawson. Jas. Miller. John Henry. George Hyde. Comm'd Privates 3 80 83 Rudolph Nagle. Rob. Cole. Jacob Myers. Will Aitken. John W. Donenbergh. Battalion. Major. Michael Kitts. Captain. Mich. Kitts. Lieutenant. Will Healy. Ensign. John Cress. Joseph Lamb. Benj. Bitterton. Fred. Wolpert. Robt. Aitken, sergt. Will Watson, sergt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 521 Chas. Barrington. John White. Thos. Carmalt. James McAlpin. John Rensher. Philip Pepper. John Neaper. Lewis Young. Richd. Hunt. Nichs. Forsberg. Reese Loyd. Geor. Beighler. Ahrah. Armstrong. Thos. Kingston. John Itallana. Jas. Whithill, junr. Will Peck. John Grier. Comm'd 3 Sergts 2 Privates 26 31 RETURN OF THE THIRD REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. 1794. Companies. tc O c ^ c CD X 2 c. s T? S S o K tn 0} Grenadier Comp'y, 1st Company 2d Company 3d Company 4th Company 5th Company 6th Company 7th Company, .... 8th Company Light infantry, .. Total of each Grade, ? 2 2 2 2 2 ? 9 2 2 20 " 80 80 26 70,i 522 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. RETURN OF THE LIGHT INFAN. COMPANY OF THE FOURTH REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT ANDREW GUYER. 1794. First Battalion. Major. Captain. John Cress. Lieutenant. Will Aitkin. Ensign. Reese Lloyd. RETURN OF THE FIRST COMPANY OF THE FOURTH REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT ANDREW GUYER. 1794. First Battalion. Major. Captain. Jacob Anthony. Lieutenant. Ensign. RETURN OF THE SECOND COMPANY OP THE FOURTH REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT ANDREW GEYER. 1794. First Battalion. Captain. And. Guyer, Jun. PENNSYLVANIA Mll.lTl A— 1790-1800. 623 Lieutenant. Abrah. Willson. Ensign. Thomas Ely. Lewis Osmont. John Pinehin. Jas. Norris. Will Widderfield. John Bleckley. Dan Sexton. Dan Trotter. Gear Applegate. Joseph Pryor. Thos. Holmes. Adam Clampher. Mr. Lorain. Henr. Ottenheimer. David Coapland. Joseph Gaily. Henry Hillegar. Mor. Moyrickam. Jas. Harper. John D. Cox. Ambr. Vosse. Edwd. Cumpton. John Maul. Levy Heston. Jas. Boyd. John Farrel. Mr. Bryan. Jas. Stuart. Rich. C. Jones. Sam Rhoads. John Jones. John Alsop. Geor. Gilbert. Ben Dewees. Peter Beck. Peter Thompson. Conrad Shultz. Will Rodgers. John Fennery. Rob. Ross. Alexr. Grant. Henry Rhor. Jacob Bond. John Campbell. John Weaver. John Fryer. Thos. Vigar. Ephr. Haines. Thos. Humphries. Johnson Beasley. Rob Doughty. Thos. Armatt. Josiah Dawson. Rob Steel. David Stout. Benj. Lidom. John Miller. Phil. Sullivan. Benj. Thaw. Jas. Newport. Jas. C. Fisher. Edwd. Jones. David Morgan. Will S. Fisher. David Thornton. John Johnston. Will Murdoch. And. Schlesman. Abrah. Carlisle. Will Drinker. Isaac Wharton. Jacob Gilbert. Peter Wagton. John Willson. Jacob Heimberger. Thos. McLeroy. Rob. Wain. Jacob Kurtz. Gid Hydle. Benj. Charleton. 524 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Benj. Olliver. John Baker. Arch. Woodruff. "«'ill Hohn. Jas. Valient. Henry Drinker, junr. Jas. Hutton. Abrah. Kintzing, junr. Adam Reese. James Curtain. Will Pinchin. John Scott. Peter Bicknel. Thos. Fenton. Benj. Taylor. Anth. Guerrin. Edwd. Hunezing-er. Abrah. Inskip. Benj. Loder. Jesse Thompson. Thos. Austin. John Fenton. Thos. Armat, junr. Henry Beach. Myer Marks. John Hobson. Francis. Henry Prentice. Mr. Le-^-y. James Steel. Jerem. Parsole. Andr. Hopple. Joseph Ledem. Benj. Prentice. Hugh Campbel. James Leech. Dr. Physick. Geor. Vanderslice. Richd. Folwell. John Claxton. "Wm Cumpten. James Crawford. Peter GeUy. Joseph Dawson. Jacob Ritter, Jacob Bond. Will Allebone. John Barron. Thos. Giese. Thos. W. Fulman. John Webb. Commis'd , 3 An dr. Boyd, Rank and file, ... 139 John Fry. RETTRX OF THE THIRD COMPANY OF THE FOURTH REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT ANDREW GUYER. 1794. First Battalion. Captain. Christ. ShefEer. Lieutenant. Jacob Mayer. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-180U. 525 Ensign. Will Peck. lienry Leckle. Will Beal. Pleasance. Andr. Lingfetter. John Frowart. Isaac Heitz. Griffith Evans. John Granthen, junr. James Gallagher. Martin Dubbs. Geor. Eddy. John Fantham. Geor. Breining. Thos. Allen. Peter Krull. Peter Fritez. Henry Hoffner. Edwd. Blight. Everhard Crumback. Thos. McKay. Anth. Kite. Bernard Hansel. Will Groves. H. B. Triote. Geor. Swarts. Mich. Albert. John Crest. James Ryan. Jacob Apple. Christ. Donahue. Fred. Stein. Andr. Friar. Will Burton. Henry Apple. Jacob Jones. Martin Sauerman. Will Davis. Garret Cottenger. Mich. Truman, "^"ill Guyer. John Klein. John Simpson. Philip Seckle. John Wine. Dan Stonmetz. Geor. Creger. Rob. M. Adams. Casper Yager. Sam Potts. Will Hunter. Andr. Graydon. Chas. Marguedent. Will Parker. Joseph i^oulke. Rob. Aitkens. Henry Ingle. Will Donaldson. Geor. Martin. John Stucky. Will Humphreys. John Keigler. James Couduff. Henry Suter. Reese Lloyd. Benj. Stephens. Joseph Johnson. Sam Potts. Abrah. Richard. Joseph Skutch. Henry Wessenbach. Geor. Ingle. Hump Donahoe. Jacob Fink. James Bryson. John Mahn. Thos. Savery. John Simon. Sam Wetherill. John Bush. Harrison. Gideon Wetts. John Eckart. John Harrison. Fertius Dunring. 520 Will Beal. Thos. Smith. John Jones. Correl Comag-er. Phil Frick. Joseph Wells. John Renshaw. White Mattack. John Stein. John Kunitz. John Morris. Jacob Painter. John Keble. CJeor. Emeriesk. Henry Crotts. Phil. Grumbeler. John Weaver. John Sheister. John Stewart. Christn. Kouck. John Graff. Joseph Ellicott. Aaron Van clove. David Sellers. Richd. Marley. Geor. Arthur. John Litle. Jacob Sneider. Geor. Apple. Fred. Jermiah. Jesse Waterman. John Fisher. Adam Raxroate. John James. John Sedleman. An thy. Lugea. Sam Willcox. Martin Thomas. Will Samoon. John Guillen. John Crited. Clement Brown. John Nass. John Service. MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Bernhart Myer. David Hampton. Fred. Brena. Will White. Stephen Carmick. Adam May. Hugh Bane. John Jone. Will Alridge. Rob. Jackson. Solomon May. Geor. Homman. Adam Sticher. , Adam Ridgeway. Thos. Matthews. Thos. Kinnard. Jacob Kinley. Francis Henrs^. Adam Franks. Val. Flackler. John Evans. Henry Klien. Geor. Big-ler. John Sowder. Will Waxe. James Hunt. John Parks. Luke Carson. Henry Balinge. Reuben Topham. Sam Clark. John Burlay. Jacob Lybrown. Jacob Nonemaker. Christ. Kleen. Peter Umruckhoun. Will Vanwought. Andr. Wakeford. Rob. Banks. John Perry. Jacob Henawzer. Capt. Singer. Will Grea. Phil Backlief. PENNSYl.VANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 527 Joseph Sellers. John Warner. Barth Clayton. Lewis Crusellette. Richd. Carmick. John Williamson. Elijah Jarvis. Geor. Gallingham. Joseph Li. Bringhurst. Barth Dunn. Archlb. Thompson. John Clayton. Mich. Young. Ralph Brigs. Francis Say. Will Chancellor. Will Mills. Geor. Walters. Will Princhin. Isaac Perkins. Chas. Schroder. Jacob Sneider. Phil Bigler. John Mintern. John Hotz. John Gowers. Henry McHenry. Jacob Marker. James Kern. Rob. Thomas. Anth. Wright. Henry Shriver. James Williams. Thos. Smith. Elijah Parrot. David Lenox. Abr. Colliday. Will Donaldson. John Smith. Jacob Crumby. John Eberhart. Geor. Taylor, jnnr. David Suckle. Cochran. Isaac Locks. John Robertson. Hycoron Warner. John Beel. James Duncan. Henry Dary. John Sproule. Thos. Wright. John Hyde. Will Beal. Peter Weddick. John Smith. Joseph Cane. Dan Miller. Geor. Mathews. Henry Miller. Jacob Shuttz. Fred. Gross. John Bennet. Geor. Bishop. Jacob Hatz. Mich. Gunkle. Chas. Sowder. John Spooner. Fred. Link. Chas. Clayton. Andr. Miller. Conrad Bartling. Jesse Rave. Conrad Garrett. Will Moxem. Benj. Savin. Jos. Bochen. Joseph Randle. Jcihn Boyd. Sam Brian. Rob. Fielding. Mich. Man. Henry Sailor. Andr. Lettse. Arch. Scott. James Fraguaire. John Morrison. Joseph Sarat. 528 Geor. Lybrown. Thos. Harmer. Will Ashly. James Taylor. John Morrow. Geor. Watson. Geor. Gribble. Geor. Mallenson. John Beall. Thos. Dougherty. Jacob Roberts. Will Batcheldor. John Scaret. Divon Foulke. Rich. North. Peter Lex. John Donnos. Geor. Brian. Will Johnston. John Miller. Adam Kemess. John Gruensheel. Sam Reed. Petaliah Hawer. Alex. Auston. Jacob Armfig-hter. Matthias Benner. John Pasmore. Geor. Johnson. Chas. Freest. Peter McGirk. Zach Ramsey. Edvv. McGee. Abel. Anderson. MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. John Hansel. James Villanet. John McCallenstin. James Boyd. John Willson. Caleb Foulke, junr. John Dunwoody. Henry Herbst. Sam Shaw. Bob. Kennedy. Sam Peck. Will Melvel. Alexr. Enstone. John Mcbonnel. Hugh Robinson. James Sinclair. John Rowland. John Johnston. Mich. Fox. Thos. Hirst. Dan Maclay. Truth Viver. John Kelly. Will Grible. James Densham. John Middleton. John Harley. Will Archable. Will Dervinny. Thos. Snowden. Comm'd Rank and file 3 .325 328 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 529 RETURN OF THE FOURTH COMPANY OF THE FOURTH REGIMENT OF THE MILITIA OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA, COMMANDED BY LIEL'T. COL. COMMANDANT ANDREW GUYER. 1794. First BaLtalion. Captain. J^ieutpnant. Geor. Wecl ^ O ^ S Pi ^ ^ § Sop S o S a o ^ ^ ^ -13 ^ H ^ Z H o p m l:^ -< W i i 1 Oi 1 1 o 4, -I X j^ =1 cl ci X 1 cl ci ci 1 CO o o -£ o o o o O o _• o J o •o ■a ■o ■a •a •c ■o ■o -a ■c "O ■a •0 ■a l!Z " " « CO M CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO i ; i : ■; >. >. >i >. >, >, >> >, >t >.>.>.>> >i ■^ -' •^" 5 ~" 5 5 5 £ £ 5 5 5 5 -rj c^j ri i^ :^ o «5 '^ -.c ^C' <^ ^? •— ^ "u "C u Tt "u "^ u 'u 'Z, T, T. C X- ~C aanacas. — s — c — cc. . (1) a) a> Ci D 0) 0) i) f 2g ? > ? (ii OJ d c3 cl a ? o u t. u =• ^ s- a ^ a a a a a n « 1 r C r c c X c o P^^ 11^1'^ la be m := o ^ . _ ~ - ?^ - "=. t- -*• y: ■^ ^ r S. - E '- — 564 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. s .9 d o O O u Iz; o Eh s o O >> ;>. >, d Oj d -o -o ■o •a rt cS rt d n c G n J3 d C *> I" . C d "O t; <; -^ d is 1^ Sot-,'" £ > o t, £ -2 « "O £ "* p. c a^ ^ ^ t. £ s El O M OJ « £ ,o a 1* . 1-1 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 565 PAY ROLE OF A MAN OMITTED IN A FORMER PAY ROLE OF CAPTAIN ALEXANDER KIDDS OF THE THIRD BATA'L WASHINGTON COUNTY, COMMENCING THE 21ST DAY OF MAY TO THE 23D DAY OF JUNE, 1791. Commencement of service 21st of May, 1791, Discharged 23 June, 1791. Time for which pay is charged. 3 73 B o 1 a >. d Names. M E u ft x: ft c E tf c Q PL< < William Stephenson, Washington County, SS. Before me, Alex Wright, Esq., one of the Justices of the Peace for said County, Came the above named Capt. Kidd and make oath according to law that the above Pay Role is just and that the man therein mentioned was under his command on the frontiers of Wa.shington County in the year 1781 and was ommitted in the former Pay Roll above alluded to. ALEXANDER KIDD, Capt. Sworn and subscribed the 5th day of Feb., 1793. Before me, ALEX'R WRIGHT. 566 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. S H Q ^ ^ %< ^P W cc ^ Z z 5 D "Z < ^ W H >^ d. Ph ^ fa u H m ^ H Q ^ ^ a ^ ^ p ?^ /^ '^ w ^ o K S Z IN T COM ENCI , ^ S ^ ^ S H ^ O ^ p u ■J O ,o §^^ >.a^ H Z »2 2 ^ fa " o o w C/J O ^ J U; _ en ^ J 5 tf H D O Cr] Cfi H S O Z o H a . S^fa 05 r- EE Di ffi 1-1 OF WAS THE F FULL T H C o Pi o hi i^ 2 -U o ^ * < H Z < P4 Ul'iOH ud XBd ■3UI.VJ9S ui sAbq aiuu JO pua aiui; JO luauwouduiiuoj OooC'oO'0 eococgeowcocoMW t— ooooooooo CCCCCCCCCCCC l-3>-3l-j(-3h-,l-5>-il-;l-3H3l-:l-5 ccccccscccccc: 333333333333 H5l-5l-jl-5l-:l-:l-,l-3l-;l-;t-,H3 o D,Qad.do.P.o.D,Oca •— — • na 3 .t: c u t; S a '" P- ^?E| Eo e^ SS^^I^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 567 5 o tf M IX, ^- ti B ^ 5Q '^ Oi « 2 " d tf Ji I-14 dQ 0) ^^ B ** v< S (p .t; .c m ^ I! V a; d r- 0) 5 72 r^ a) ;— d «J M >^ c ^ ^ 1^ g a c c 3 S C 0) ;> K !C :<^ B 568 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PAY ROLL OF A PARTY OF MEN IN ACTUAL SERVICE ON THE FRONTIERS. COMMENCING THE 18TH DAY OF MAY & ENDING THE 5TH OF JUNE, 1792, INCLU- SIVE. Caled out by order of the Lieut, of Washington County. Pennsylvania, & by Striclily Examining the Pay Roll Returned the Date above it is found that these four men's Names was omited in the same. Names. 4)' o * x: — c cc O _ o c o 5 >-> S K ■cab j: -. r -S x = : o 3 c == " =" = ; ::; u ^; z S fi fs Cu 570 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O o < o X h H U o Q J?; < o H Pi W Q 'lioa— muopi jad XBd 'aoiAJag JO auiii cMeoe<3Cle«3e4cv3 W CO CO CO CO ■aoiAjag JO ao.uiuioo g jf i" £ i:" £ ^" £ j:: ji £ xf £ x? j: xT j: c c c c c c ccccccccc 33333333333333333 ^-5 '-5 '-!l-3l-5'-sl^•-3l-3^•-3'^l-5^^|^'-^ ^ t. tH u t4 ;-. > > > > > i, u u i-> ct,p^;L,p^p^(Li(L,;L,hPi(^(^!^P^UtCU!'^ c 2 -1 3 o 3 C o 5 ;j 3 « 'o u u -H i;;^ ^ rr X P X X! X3 |^ <. CO < ^^ « W K 01 c M x: 5^ ~ 3) CD tj; *-* ^ — T M 6£ ■" ii W '71 2 SU) ,, C rt 3 ^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 571 0000000050000 o o o o o '^S?5*^^<^oQoo cqcococQcoNcacoMeococo Me^cOCOc*jWlMMCo lo LO o in r- f ea CO CO « CNl ?1 c c- c a- ": ^ i; i i; i i: i t ^ i: i: = x:jS£:x;x:£;j::£:j=i:£;j::j='0'0'a'a'!3'a'a'a'C'a'0'D'C'3'p COOOOOOCC' ----- i;;--S°S2 ccccccccccccc-ac.c.e.&&cc.5.5.5-c.c.~ 333333355 oT oT aT oj" oT . w b- H c3 cS P4 3 rf3 ■^^ .S 5 .o CO =3 2 o m w C m ts ^ e .,■ O CO « '^ cfl -o x: H - • fi m c j= Q o oi o o 53 2 oi O o IB S flj o* ■a J3 U ; £ -< H. I o e o O *-3 O S p J >H r/j z 2:: w p. fc -3 3 C w H a **{ H Y M 1 H 2 Z rn < ll H s n J ffi ^ H t>H H H Oh Z <: P U fc H Q •z < /; <5 W n yj r) < W H Q tf <»: Ph ^ ^r" CIh lA eo eo CO M CO O) o o ^ o M S S S S OJ OJ i* OJ C. '^ S & & -^ -^ i -^ -^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 573 O O O <^ C- d I CO M CO PO CO ■^ ff> O t-- O) cj 0/ a; tu 0; c3 cj cd oi cd cd > > > > > > X. 't, *C 'C *E "(il H^ Clh Ph (L Oh Oi '^r rH W M i-H T-i 574 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Q M W H H J '^ D P Pi H o W u O > Pi o as w tH M u z z X < H o n 1— t J H S W ?^ D^ o >^ H H O Z ci k^ O n Q Q ;2; ^ w S^ P O Q H >^ ?^ O H < '^ /^ 1— 1 P o as 7J < O iH ^ ta Q H o rH O fc n ^ Fh J y, ff! P w H S H 2 E ^ o < O 12 W u CJ a ;^ rc a ^ M fn; « CC> c^ ti O O "tnUOJAI •JCl XBd ■aoiAJSS ui sXbq •paa.iBqosip uenii ■30IA -aag JO iuaiuaouauiuioo ^ ^ h h ^ 3 3 3 3 3 1-2 n I-! I-: 1-5 s: s: .a Si s: o o o S o O H Ph Cu fe K S 0) o c u: 3 W W r 3 cS UJ Lh •a CJ 3 d K tt O H (M p H ^ o u o P Q 1-3 fa ^ H rfi n W ^ fa ffi a o o H O V^H H h S pa 1-5 Pn H U P , o fa o o p o H Z fa H fa' > 3 u P o . z V fa 2 I-' o o r 1 h^ I^Q W o fa r— § Z O 7—1 n Q 2 ■^ <: P ^ § ^ -3 fa Pr. o o < o O u fa -^ W fa L-l Ob r^ U! O^l \A h-i hJ ^ r^ J <5 H cd 2 O H J'^ fa Ctf H O a fa , <^ Di 2 2 >H 33 fa P fa •OIU Ua .^Bd "aoiAjas JO 51UIX •aoiAJas JO 'BdxH ■SOlAJ.iS JO J.UUUO.) JJggOOOOOCOOO '— OOOOOOOOO CC C<> CC CO '^ ? C^ C^l (M « d C-J C-; II i >> ?, c S oj cj S 3 1" 2 > ^ Q p o ej x: I- cfl -o J3 m" XJ .S S v„ ■ ai 3 r°i -2 S " So 5 15^'Sq 5: g 3 c § 8^ < k] 2 r br br, bn hn hr 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T <<<<<<<(,<<<, <; •<-<<; 2" s s a S" s iH s a s s iH S CO bDbj|g,SS5SSS)SSSS O J fc 39-5. P ^- c t be ^ -g 65 rt w h . c J5 ■!) :s 4) >>2 i; E t, 01 'O s « c o d °* ^ C C; a; — o :>. '^ .Q o O c o ^ E <<< <<< 3«" O "-J O Jl I 580 JIUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. w ^ ':') M > Pi X H cn oi w o hJ J7. < p H >^ ri H < 12; t3 o J o £3 1— < !^ ffi o H a O H In o 'Z O CO o H ffj O w Z Q p:! r*: O Z <1 >H O i^ m Z W fc >* pi, O <3 O a o a Ed > On o r/3 ^ w PL, P n CO ^_. J r-i »s5 O fc <«1 r. << O Q fa O w < m ^ < o P ni U) H OS fc O >^ k O fQ < Oh •muoui Jed XEjJ •aoiAjag ui sX-BQ ■poSjBqosip uaq.\i •aoiA .lag JO :iu9iu30uaiuLuoo 3ogggg*ogogo55$ SS s Cfi C& Cd tH '-' '^ rH '^ rH rH W ^ o ) >. >. >> >1 >. >> >. >. >> >> >. >> >. >. >. >. >. >) >> >. >. >> >1 >1 >> >> >> >i >>>.>> >. >. 3 3 1-1 3 3 3 In 3 3 3 1^ 3 1-3 3 3 3 >-5 3 3 3 1-: 3 3 1^ ^^ 3 3 ■-! 1-! 3 3 3 3 1-1 1-1 3 3 >-5 1-5 3 3 3 3 l-J IT! 3 3 3 ■-5 >-: 1-5 3 3 oT 4)" (P oT dj" a)" oT oT 6 iT oT oT 0," uj" a7 oT iT 4j" a; i" U >>>>>>>> 'C n C 't^ *t-i "t- Vi iZ t-i *i^ n V« V* !-. "t- t-< >- ^ '- '-' •" ^ ^ ^ *^ ^ ^ t, (-. u. u ** ^ '^ E "c -n = B ►^ i? S h ctf 3 o >. w K-? c o 1-3 a Oh U a CD O •/I CS -^ B wo d C ■-3 o o £ «55?S 3 £ « § £ c2^ 2 ci rf c^ «J £ j; j: c > - O 3 K : a f'' 5 J ^ ^ o c 6 m ^^^■i^^'^'^^^^ ^ Q a ^ < ^_B ^ _-, n SSS3aSi5SSSSS?i?i?3S o> o '-' ej « 582 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O t O Pk o u O 6 < •sio :gSSSgggSSSSSS8g § •iioa «,^^«coctitatict.cti! •aojA -Jag JO ;uamaouauiuioo '3'333'd3'33 333'3 333 3 >-5l-s^-J'^l-:l-3>^l-:l-5l-s»^>-;•^|^|^|^ ■51UBH T! "C 'u 't^ "H ~ X! T! "E T! 'C 'n 'C 'C i; "C Names. Robt. Ladder, Wm. Morison David Davi p Wm. Rlchison Henry Castleman, Robt. Dugan Jno. Nisebrod Nelson Pulftim David Moore 1 -ap-BJO tJo'Ba ;o -on 5:^S^iS5gSSSSI3SSSS 1 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 583 "3 Hi w S _ o S| cu 0) n g "co <=l 2 m Q (8 n <^ 01 c; 215 <2 " oj ^ ^ tl D 3 o ^ 'iJ _ i. M ^ -o M ■" C •S Pi £ t^ 2 a & g'^S ^ 4) S ^ S ■« fc o OJ ™ oi 0) .c o£5 t. >,^ -o ID t^ -^ c > . C ^ d ° c d K^e 0) s: s: 2 ° ■" Q ^ .o ^ "S C tm o c ^1 E "2 e ^-^^ < ° 8 ^ S 2 W to s o s; •< &^ ^ '^ S tH d o ^ ^ .2 iJ Pi O t. d C C 5 K ^ - "S <; ■;;i J2 « :« E O fe E o 584 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED AT DIFFERENT PLACES TO THE MILITIA OF WASHINGTON COUNTY IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES CAPT. ANDREW POE COMMANDANT, AND UNDER THE CON- TRACT OF GAEL. BLAHONEY WITH COL. ABSALOM BAIRD LT. OF THE COUNTY OF ABOVE MENTIONED. Names of Companies. Captain Adam Poe, I do Certify that I have Compared the above Abstract with the Provisions returns and receipts in my Possession and that there appears to have been issued to the Corps and under the Contract Above Mentioned fifteen Hundred and Ninety Ra- tions Given under my hand at the town of Washington. 26th Sept., 1792. ADAM POE, Capt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 585 fa ^ °% O fa ^o oi Q is si o H O o o S Q > O m m fa H O Pi 1^ M ►i:^ fa 9 H <=> fa •aoiAJas UI s.^uQ •paS-iBqosip uoifAV OOeO(fiOOOO Sg cpOdt^t^CDtl^lA'^ M t£ bij a a a ;; I. u .c c z. z. &!2 "^ >< >-' c -; ca ■§ — m a "i _, ? S < t3 5 V ^ i: C X . C ^ - -J ■c ii S -S - i S 5 O S ^ ^ 2 -? ^ P5 O fi 586 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. J •d s 0) 3 d >^ H a ^ ^ o U 1 8 1 o H H f < ■3JB[ -[OQ ui njuoiu aad Abj •BOiAJag "! sXbq •poajBciosip iiaqAV 0000j^0o0«)000<5® c^eocowNeowcJMccc^eoeoNMooW «weocOp9*^Mev5coco IC7 Ift lO »ft L-J lO 0*10 i2 "5 'f' '^ l^ *^ '« »^ • • tie tJJ C. Oi ^^ ^ jj h^ '-'• 1 1- i- '^ m m ri ^^ w m ^ O O -M *J O » 73 •< <; - m < o c *-■ QJ OJ (P "U OJ c^ c^ ri cd cd > > > > > FUPLiPnPLipLiPHliillillifLiPHFUlill^P^fMPMPU £ to to £ C C. j2 -o - •'5 5 5 6 5 ;K f! s^s N £ > i „; »; -S ^ XI ^ o c E W)-?finnirjfLHKK'-j<;E-i(-5 o o >-3 I-! &< h TENNSYLVAMA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 587 SSSioSSi^SSSi^SSRi^SSSI^PP*P^^'^*^**59 CO CO CO CO CO CO C0C»«C^COC0COM( ^ Ca M if:> 1ft ift m \o \n lO lo ifj :o \^ xn c-i oT aj iT > > > b. Ih C (1< Ok Hi ^ o c o .2 3 Q c^sos«::: ■a ^^ 3 _ X ^^ R — if a >l^ _ tc >- 1. T -n got. •5 S ■S • ^- 3. -= . -c -5 c 3 d o :; GK 5 H K K f5 s; f 588 MUSTEK AND PAY ROLLS. Q < •sa-Bi -lOQ ui ii;uoui .ISCi ABd •aoiAaag ui sXbq ■pa.SaBnasip uaq^vV cocoMC^cocccoc^c^cococoeo C^iH^HTHrHCdMtOUS^CDCOO ..■Mhohc ■S'S 4' > > > > > > > > > >>>>>> 2 ^ d ^ I c c o .t; ; cS£5«S'3^|;Ss|"^3;2Kg^5 P^ M _• S3^ t/j Z3 ^ ^ ^ . Q5 >? W 01 ^, >; .Q -^ s S 3 m ;Ji is *" O 0) c o e c. ^5 j; c :i *j fc, llfll 590 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED AT DIFFERENT PLACES TO THE MILITIA OF WASHINGTON COUNTY IN PENNSYLVANIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES, CAPT. HENRY DICKESON COMMANDENT AND UNDER THE CONTRACT OF G. BLAKENEY WITH COLO. ABSALOM BAIRD LT. OF THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON FOR PART OF THE MONTH OP AUGT. & PART OF THE MONTH OP SEPTEMBER, 1792. Names of Companies C c ^ m « c m a ■a O o d o • ^ z- Capt. Henry Dickeson, I do Certify that I have compared the above abstract with the Provision returns and receipts in ray Possession and that there appears to have been issued to the Corps and under the Contract above mentioned too thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen Rations. Given under my hand at the town of Washington. September, 1702. HENRY DICKENSON, Capt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 591 ^S« II & SIS? ssss Ot£ico«>000000000 LVAN tNTIE MENC CO o •s}uao 1ft CT> CQ tC « «iinini»«««MMMe<;eon >H o g m tf S 3 o e ■s-iBiioa :z: fe o Z „ 1 c o o o c F pe; THE NTY- ji •SJU30 JOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o z P gog >> ca •s.iBnoa ooo;o^c^Clnl.^lftMccMMeCMMrt^^ H ^ >-! cc > *^ Ph ^ ^ fa LITIA IN ACTUAL R LIEUT 34 DAYS. •31U-Ba i ^ aa r . ^ o C . r-" -" ^ ^ -■ >^ J W H^ J" ^" rt cd a ^- ^* iJ' ^" ^ cT o" 0) 0) H J > Z W Q tf a S 1 ■& p cq c^ a O i4 W CB O CI, ;-! w ^^^ fa [NGTON OHN CA SALOM : TIME H ^ m . CG ,. • < IM t> <; o , 1 : fa^PiS O fa H "^ ►. o o .• Z P o f^ S <1 Z H E CL, <(3 >H M d ?; S^ m H A CO COM NTY RVIC ■ : ^ Masters Duncan WtlliaiTiK, Rean ^rown lus More Im Hathaway, McVay : ic ROLL OF DER THE SAID COU NT OF SE = 1 ■ = K . . a - - C .| ^ t^ ^ ^ 3 £ £ V ^ ~ {■ ^ c — a ■. ii a 'F X ^ ^ ^ t^ s >^ P o S < i 4 S :?^ - S,5K4>^ofc:-?f=''--. ^"^ 1 1 OOi>^^00>o — 2 >> 0! g, 'V a > — > S PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 593 §§$§§§§§§55§§ = §§« = $«° = »OOOOOOOO05 eOe^MeOMcccOMWe^coMcocoMc^cOMMCOrtcCMMMeo ooooooooooooooocoocjoooooooooooooo «««CCCO*3MeOMMMMMCOeCC<5eO«W«0P9eOeoMfOWWCCM«««« > > > > > > > > > > > >.>>> .i; > .^ > .s .c i .i 2: .i i — — :: — — — — n *c '^ c "C Th t- *c i- c n n *t- "c t- t- "c ^ ^ ^ « ^- ^ *- t- ^ ^ *" ^ ^ *^ *^ *^ naaftac,aaaao.c.aa-=i--ac.='aac.e.a,&as.G&aa O .S IS Ph 3 25 _ a as d2 •a - . c X M c o t. c C 4J 3 d £ rt b^oS B< i . " =j r 5 5 o s KB b'g E 2 i = ^ = Si c S £ — -r lo « l^ t- :o ^- O '-' ^1 c t 38— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 594 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. . ej ^1^ J O ii w M a< « to r^ u <: £ .5 o z t ^ w n, o t-5 a* J= m J3 -w S ♦^ u vi -o 5 O O" T « t: f^ o ^ •° i; .5 *" H '^ (U 9 4) PMC o ? CO) O -M .S« "rt ^ "^ IP O
  • 1 ♦J c t o V (5 3 a sac >, CO to •< h " 2 ^e^H i i'l to c- Jj rt 2 5 «" c . PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 59: fa fa fa fa o o o K 5ATTALI0N COMMAND RONTIERS o fa w H fc ^ H ^ fa fa tf W o Q ;^ p fa W H H W '^ u a Z Z p p O P p5 ffi p p H ^ f^ H <3 H ?c" DNGING NNSYLV SERVIC fa Q «faH <1 (U ^°S B- fa W M fa Di S ^ J fa H > ■SIOQ C3 Dh fS3jP::S ! :S ^ ;S j{3 O « t- t~ t- t- i- ^-i -r n : 4^ -^ Mi—— i -J M t- • • '---■-- bji M ■- i- p — = ,'^ C' i; n — •=•" — -.-^ ='E u ^ 1 u c u u tc u £ ^ " * «•■ t ^ ^ i £ ^ ? 5 « S £ £ ; <;(^^:;t-,-5l (S — = I? KB £ a - 2 * - = 698 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. U ■s.ina—VsSjr.no sggggsssgggsgssss rte^eococortrtMeo«cocowrtMco« lA Id ift lo irt > ^ i> > > > > > > ;> > r* > r* ^ ^ I ', ' f kl t. (« t^ t4 OlPHP^flHPHPHfMfcPLlPHflHfUfe^&H^^ . c c tt; ^ £ .s oj ca - S 5 o _- " '^ m p g .2 g S- ^- a> ^ r^ t, rr cc t« P^ .S O PQ t. li * C jz ;?< ■c ;° c; -J r 5 ^n 1-3 < w PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 597 V Jj N >? c m > d * 0) 01 O J n r, ca o .^ s c & n B a E rt u Tl Bl C3 ?» >, >, >, >, >. XJ .a .o £ ^ >, >, >, >. >, >. 3 -1 3 -1 3 3 3 ■a •c •a ■o •O •o ■O c c c c c c c o o o o o o o oooooooo ooooooogg gs eoMcoC'Scceococo MMCocceoe^eoffocoMMWeow > »r3 lO 1^ irt IC fcft CO to M ^ 1.-; 1--3 1^ JO oj a; OJ a; ddcamnicicJaiddcaddi'inicIia 'u n 'C *C 'C 't, 'u, 'ti t, 't* u u t- ^ u t- >. t- ciHfuaiPuPHPHCLiCi *i ^ o C > t ° S ■S ■- n! !« ^ o h; M Z O O < C« «■ t-i 9? ?; 2 d d St 'at^;S>,— .m>a) S 2 " 3 -p "2 X X r; ii Ti - U ::: -^ c coo "H « o . ' „ „ -, = ■5 S »; — — « o o — c H .i 2 t-s i-s O ■-: 698 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O o < H H fa O H H r O < ^ o ►^ s H W X H fa O o >H -< Ph rt ti ^ Qj nJ O Qj 5 S McN der H Id. Sn Denn ^^0^ M tr! >.>.>.>> >. >. X! Xi .Q ^ « ^ >>>.>>>, h' >• 3 3 3 3 3 3 Tl "O 'O 'O "O 'O C C 3 n C! c o o o o o o •sioa ■s.tBa— paS-iBijo SI XBd qoiqM Joj auiij. > > > cd £ £ £ (i; £ £ „ G «« >■' i 6 E I- o W -Ij t^ O W 1-5 3 H 1-5 ■" a> <« "" 2 O l-s O) w 3 "^ o -. XI i3 g -< '^ Q 3 ^t^ E§ . s. - 0) ts 2 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 599 ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED AT DIFFERENT PLACES TO THE MILITIA OF WASHINGTON COUNTY IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CAPT. ARTHUR SCOTT COMMANDANT AND UNDER THE CONTRACT OF GABR. BLAKENEY WITH COLL. ABSALOM BAIRD LT. OF THE COUNTY OF WASHING- TON FOR PART OF THE MONTH OF AUGUST & PART OF THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1792. C c 'f m c c o Names of Companies. s c ■^ E Q o t-i o o 4-* 6 d B i5 y. < Capt. 70 35 2590 I do Certify that I have Compared the above Abstract with the Provision returns and receipts in ray Possession and that there appears to have been issued to the Corps and under the Contract Above Mentioned Twenty five Hundred and Ninety Rations Given Under My hand in Washington, 29th Sept., 1792. ARTHUR SCOTT, Capt. This is to Certify that Michael Belce served as a Drummer In Colonel Wm. Crawford Battalion the 16th Day of October, given under my Hand this 16th Day of October, 1792. COL. WM. CRAWFORD. Janua,.y 4.h, 1793, Red. .ho w.hin of Do.^A. B^^ 600 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED AT DIFFERENT PLACES TO THE MILITIA OF WASHINGTON COUNTY IN THE SERVICE OP THE UNITED STATES CAPT. DANIEL DEPUE COMMANDANT AND UNDER THE CONTRACT OF PETER PETERSON WITH COL'O AB- SALOM BAIRD LT. OP THE COUNTY ABOVE MEN- TIONED FOR PART OF THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER AND PART OF THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1792. m a o Names of Companies. C a) o o 2 I o < Capt. naniel 65 1722 I do Certify that I have Compared the Above abstract with the Provision Returns and Receipt in my Possession and that there appears to have been issued to the Corps and Under the Contract above mentioned one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two Rations. Given under my hand at the town of Washington this sixteenth of October, 1792. DANL. DEPUE, Capt. PENNSYLVANIA MIUTIA— 1790-1800. 601 Q H cq T-t ^ p Q Pi •J w W H P3 ffi o H H u w rt fa H w o tH Q a ^ Q H Z « 2: P Z p <1 O >H o H Pi 'Z Z fa P m O o Q H Pi m u u oddooooooooooo oo" oo" '-' ■-1 '"' ■H 1-1 '-' rt ,-1 rH J, 1 ; 1 ; .; ?E loi^^s^o o ^ E S S "g E c E PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 603 «§ $§$S o o o •^ -«•• ^ ^3C^le^e>9^^c^le^c4•it•*^^4•9coccc4C4c4C9^7foe^lc3c9c CO to to o ^S^mn^^eS t-H t-^ t-^ r-l M t-^ t-" t-' t^ b-" t— oooogoooo ooooooooo 6 ooooooooooooo ^ O O O O O t) OO rH . s . . .H u U oT ■ gf fH cc 00 . o, 0. o. ft ft ft ft a ft ft ft +-» ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft •S ft ft ft ft ft ft cfi O QJ V OJ CO m CO tc CO CO & <^ 41 CO ^ CO CO eg CO CO CO ^ (U 4J " 0)' V 4j" > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ^ u u T^ "t^ u 'C "E C " 'u 1^ x; 7- ~ C C p C 'C 'C H "E "p "t- > '^ > i" > i" i" > pi. o w 1^ L (V Q. ■ c g r £ g ci § ►J 5 -2 I .g tf H a; ^ ^ Z t^ „ S c *^- • • " o >^ ffl ;> p H, coWg •2 S Ki-5CC>-5-<'^Cin ■a £ o d ^ -f = s =■ (S « " J o = c = d 5 X c W Bi ffi S. C; H« £5E 604 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. P W H w H O w o Di % CO -^ W g -* ^ O 2; o H O g s o c 3 o 6 •S}U80 •sa-BiioQ "" s ■L[}UOH -iBd jaj •eoiAjes ui s.i-aa S3 •psajBUOSia uaq.ii c C c •aDiA -jsg JO ^uauiaouaiuuio^ 1. c 1. c 1 •ilUBa a > a Id 2: a S X. c c c rt 3 - 0) '^ 3 ' 01 a> -:: M .J -d ii I ? ta" oj ci « H rt ^ ° i 5 < p, b o h5 O Q i; -Q S 12; S t- "2 ts aj O te Pi o. o rf ■" o ? " 01 £! E SS d ■" t> U ■a m p c oi oi ai d) E S " CO O ^ go J3 CO W c 'o ^ S c ^ *" fe 6 "i 6 •" ^ °* « a? 01 o £5 fH O ^ (1) t- I- (jj ctf Q 6 c 5 wo • ■ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 605 1792. ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED AT DIFFERENT PLACES IN WASHINGTON COUNTY TO CAPTAIN JOHN CAMPBELLS COMPANY IN & UNDER THE CONTRACT OP GAB'L BLAKENEY WITH COLO. ASALOM BAIRD LIEUT OF THE COUNTY ABOVE MENTIONED IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR PART OP THE MONTHS OF SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED & NINETY TWO. c c c s Names. o - u [^ M 01 e £ 3 3 z Z 75 2444 I do hereby certify that I have compared the Above Ab- stract with the Provision returns & Receipts in my Possession & that there appears to have been Issued to the Corps & under the contract above mentioned the number of Rations annexed to my name above mentioned given under my hand. JOHN CAMPBELE, Capt'n. 606 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. H Q > o Pi U ra Q m b O H H o Pi H Q . •sjuao a o ■w g < •siioa 'iljuom J9d Xi3cl •aoiAjas ui Si^BQ •paS.iBijosip UBHAV •aotA -J1S JO }uauiaou9iuiuoo f-H CO M M M cc CO cc eo « OOO-^^OOOtAOO Q O l£l « «• S CO eo »— ( e*3 CQ e^ I >>>■>>>>>> i-' >' >■ >■ ooooooooooooo £ j:" j: s: s^ s: s: j= js s: s: j: xT OOOOOOCCJVOVOO COOOOCCCOOOOO ■g_ 3 .- Ml bo bC' g- > > > > > > S«S E So o & 4) O _ -, 3 oi Si S S^i E-g o oj ca o o oj >i >-5 '^ '^ l^ 1-3 W H iH iH cq CO -d* iO

    ■ >■ >' >■ > > > >>>>>>>> >' >■ >■ >■ >" >■ >■>■>> >■ >' >■ >■ >■ >■ > >■ >■ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoo s. a. s. £ £ s. & s. s. s. £ £ £ s. d £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ s. £ £ £ £ £ £ s. £ £ CD^OC'OOOOOOO'^OOOOO'CjOOOO'OC^OCSOOOOOOOO c^ c^i (M c-j 'M cj C] c-a C-) c-1 CV4 c^i c^ C'l ^j CI M j fi c-i ?-i cj w w (M e-j c^ cj e-i c4 cj oooooooooooyooiiuoooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO a> > > > > > > > > .i; > .L *U "C tn (h "C "C T- *C *n C *Ui t- t- ti L. i- ^t fc^ t* t- fc- t- *-" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^- ^- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > E o E Q Ml 1-5 ft! b >^ Sh ^ 72 W o S S 1-3 f^ U i-J H 1-: i-J . 4) o o 5 ? «'' fe I E ^ S H S 3 E o . O E " "£ E = . OJ -- . w ^ O . — zi. % t: '^ 'z. ^ "^ ,■3 £ S O -5 tc ;5 £1. 2 H C £ 2 E H 1^ & i-oocsOi-Heqeo-^j-iA^gtiT^^Oj^gjc^ S£;S 608 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. o H o I— I w J H U C "r- d c ^ m -, = >a c 2 : Q «= ^ - oc O ro CO ^ m t/J a; n « S '3 "'I >» M 3 •" M ° w S 01 a • £ 2 fc go Ph -f-* +j "^ n J3 ■W ft rQ 5'^ § o 2 t. Xi (U PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 609 ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED AT DIFF'T PLACES TO THE MILITIA OF WASHINGTON COUNTY IN SER- VICE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAPT. DAVID PATTEN COMMANDENT AND UNDER THE CONTRACT OF PETER PETERSON WITH COL. AB- SOLOM BAIRD LT. OF THE COUNTY ABOVE MEN- TIONED FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER & PART OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1792. m a o Names of Companies. d o o o "6 David Patten, 48 1627 I do certify that I have compared the above abstract with the Provision Return and Receipts in my possession and that these appears to have been issued to the corps and under the contract above mentioned, 1792. Rations .given under my hand at the Town of Washington this 28th Dec'r, 1792. DAVID PATTON, Capt. 39— Vol. V— 6th Ser, 610 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. H O Remarks of transcri- ber. Word defeiced presumably Molds. Privates. •samaji duiBO IH I : : £ : : s •s^aiduioo •junooov 1 i 1 : 1 ■sau!H •saniaa: CO ; X o 3 3 •suaajuBO •^ i '"' : aJiViBH Xuimoi : jrt rt W rH W W - T-t . rH ^-t • • •saadiAi r-t jrHrHiHW^HrHrH o w rt : rH : rt •;9iina tH tr4i-lr-4i-lr-. H — 3 §^ . — • ji: d r-t >^ *^ O d 8 -S o C3 . ^ ii -r . d ■gS EE ^ fe^ 8 Ji " " 2 ^ „• S 5 0- o a) S " •s c 2 tc ^ "g o a; » W „ m 5 g » K • "■ C « nv, 2 ■"! — ,> 2 o «) ^ JS 5) O o c .Q £ .c t. P «' «, ■55 d s fco a o E c E '^ = ■" d C "S •=! S i* ^ C ,C > t^ t. 3 ° d a s ca .Q >. "" -.J A ■" 5" >. * — pLi - n § c -c S . c >f rf c 2 w ti t; c t^ 5 5 t. * te -^ ^ "i:; J3 r* u r d 0/ S o ■« :i >> t. S ■S S ^ ^- cd d ^ d " ** u s. 41 ►■ x: i" s «-i *" 3 g a, T3 « ^65 £5 H t- Hh < rt u w m >^ ^ m Eq CJ Q W H « Q < S 1-1 § H o K u H < r»5 ^ ^ :5! > ^ hJ H t>^ m « Z Z 12; § tf S W o M a ■S;?Ep •aoiAjas JO uojiBJidxa "eoiA -J9S JO ?u»ui9ouemuioo iC)eDCDC0CC^C£>CACD^eO(0 ICOt-t't-c^t-t-t-t^t-t^t^ o o u o ooooooooo tr ffl t, u t. t- T" T V T T T T" T £ E : :^ • c & •- ■ <^ :b- 2 t- r^ C oj K t- c ^ ^ § 2 ^ P ^ 1- o 5 u S c o 1 yCoco'OgS PENNSYLVA.NIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 613 COtDCDO^DOCDCdCOCDCD^^r^tfiH 3 s s s ^ s s s g t-t^t-t— t-»t»lr-t^t-l>t~->t-t»t-t-h-i <0 ^ tc to <£ cc ^ a s s a y ?i d s ^ d y jj a a 5^" « ^ s" a" a s a a a a a a a a" a a" a" a" a" o o o d o « d d d o d d u c5 u y u d c; c5 d o cj cj d o p y C) o d o p o QOQQQQQOOQQQQgpQQQPQOOOPQOClQQQQQOO >>>.>?>.>>>.>>>,>>>. >>>. >>>.>^>>>>>>>,>>>,>, >.>>>,>>>. >,>,>, > > > > > >>>>>>>>>>>> bl b h 1. u u u u u PLi. Ai x >. o >> X c; " 1^ r E= ° — o 6 ^i;" ES Ef ^ S S4i f "c s^ z f S cii!!^ ag>. „~T. c:ae j;HKWHi^aEi,hi^SS!&^'4'^?a'-50?i<;n M '^ iJ ^ 5.C -ii .'^"5'- 614 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I 8 Z o o o H s o tl o o m o CZJ Pi H o -3 1-5 i-s > > > > > in iZ _- c C wj orSfmOsc W 1-1 g ^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA-1790-180O. 615 ion a a P _ * C ^ CO o < 1-3 1-3 ;? 1 616 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. H Ph O fa o p <1 o o H H 3 d Pi +-> m n « O i m ffj o fa CS fa o o u o fa J o fa ■S.^lBQ 'aOIAJSg JO SLUIX •eoiAJag JO uor^BJidxa -Jag JO luaiuaouaiuiuoo :|! :|3 :f3 :i? :^ ;? ::P ;{3 ;^;f! OOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOt't— ooer><^«D^cdco ^'^IflfefeS^cS^^fe^&la'^^^ C^(^C^(pcpc^<^ o C) <> o O <> GQQ a aaoSSSSSflSaSS ■- C"" c*r i j J- j c-^* tfi i m" co" J j j n ii (., i^: t— t- 1^ r- f-^ fii "^ '"' TH ' ' ' ' '-' ^ jd' s: s J3 2 g" Jii a 5 j= ^ ^ s J5 SI I- t- t-- t- t- t- I a;4l.cD4>(Uaj(]jaj (U QJ ^ d) (Jj 'C /v f-" '^ ^ f~, 'u 'Ui U (- *tH 'Ih "u (-. fat- fa (l^^^pL^(l^(l^fl^fl^[l^^|l^a^P^(l^fl^ll^fl^(l^ ,- . be : : : s : ^ E . . • g ! '^ § I a ? i 5 -g I =0 1 I ^ » ^ -< .^oS-scoEg 2 S >Ci! W 2m ° bo o, „ > ^6^< t^ 00 <» O tH M CO PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 617 UdU)IOCOOOO%030&0)0»9>t^^'^C4C-)C^C4M 0<0e^^C4^C^U3 fe55sfeS^SSSSS55^5SS5G COCD^ "5 S 5 "2 Oh O ^ c^i eo ■* 618 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. ■sXbq 'aOIA.l3S JO SUIIi ■aoiAJas JO uoncjiclxg; •9DIA •jsg JO ;uaiu9ciuaiuiuo.-) vj; vfj s^ vj3 ~j5 j^ >j5 jjo rt M t- t* t- rt rt CO «> <£> lo to lO ire ira i«5 r-AOOQcncno^Mt-CDCOCDCDCDCO t" t^ t- b- t^ t^ OOOOOOt^t^t-t^t-CDCOecOCOW Oooc^coioicininco'^iniioioiftmiA SESeeESSSEEESHS o o o o o OOOCJOOOCJ GJajajaja> E iji ^ ■> iJ ni c c (3 w ftwi-JH5m tH iH Csl rt Tj« U3 CO PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 619 «0<;dtO*tftdOOtO<:0«OcDtD^D«^«5t£>o' CO(OW u u. u UUU.UU4U.I-> U U t* Li ESeeSEEEeSgEEESEEESEEEEeEeEEEEEEES ^- ^- ^- ^- ^- ^- ^- ^- ^- ;2 ;£ ;3 =; rf ?; ?f u" ?:[ gj s ■0" >> 05 s) a a to aaac.aao.ac.D.o.c.o,acuaaao.o.Gac.2.c. ccIciJedcdcdcjc4cdcdc^cd> c ■ b." 5 2 "J *' " — M -T - ; S ^ b >? O W ^ .? ^ .? S H > « * Q ■£ i! ^ =^ S c o E d -- d -^^ -^ fc- CO K H, (-3 £ t u d 3 < m P3 E 4> d •-S i-s — V •o i; u „ •= < a a t- 00 O iH rHi-HT-Hl-lr-.r-(i-t. MMC^i O'^c^SS'*''-''***^' 6?0 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. •sXBa '30TAJ3S UI aiUIX •aoiAaag jo uon^aTdxa ■aoiA -aeg JO }u3tu30U3uiiuo3 ss;2;i3 ^ Xi ^ ^ BBBB Oi (y tv 3 3 (U 6 V nT 01 a rt ti > > > > (U (i^ t^ P^ C M) |> a 2 ^ E '^ n l> t^ •< iM c^ eo ^ CDS be t- -is 5 ■= la .„ .2 t: t3 o _ C d .5^^ x: o d ■^ _ -"^ o o © g 'S -c d a c d o a; d J3 ^ Q d o 'i' C -i fcC o = d rn "^ 43 '1^ ■c fc £ d if a 5 c >" ■^ o d o P oj m bfl C; I « d S ^ ^^ c •5 "o Id o c '^ -a o nj* d (Lm rrj o > d ^ (= o ft " ti « 4.J o d = VH x; PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 621 The above Pay Roll ought to be extended as follows, viz'L 1 Captain, . 1 Ensign, .. 2 Sergeants, 1 Sergeant, 3 Corporals, 1 Drummer, 1 Bugler, .. 22 Privates, 1 Privates, 3 Privates, 3 Privates, 5 Privates, 1 Private, . 1 Private, . 1 Private, . 1 Private, . 2 Privates, 1 Private, . 1 Private, . 1 Private, . 1 Private, . 44 Privates, . 9 Mos. 9 Days. 9 9 3 20 8 11 S 9 7 19 7 1 S 9 7 25 7 29 7 19 7 IS 7 15 7 14 7 8 7 1 6 29 6 26 7 27 7 24 6 28 a 40 Dr. d's 372 20 186 2 138 66% 8 66 93 7 174 30 7 53 43>i 7 49 lavi 6% 1,217 33 ',i 6% 52 22 6% 159 34 6%. 152 66 6% 253 33V4 6% 50 6% 49 78 6% 48 «'i 6% 4G SS% 6% 92 81»V4 6% 46 77% 6% 52 66% 6% 52 46 22',4 Ou the Ninth Day of December in the year 1794 Before me "William Mutkirk, Esq'r, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Washington in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, personally came James Seals Esq'r Captain of a Com- pany of Washington State Militia Raised for the Defence of the frontiers of said Commonwealth and being duly sworn according to Law on his Solemn oath deposes and says that the foregoing is a just and true pay Roll for the Company of Washington State Militia in the service of said Common- wealth under my Command and that the service was per- formed for the terms therein charged by officers and Men as is set forth in the said Pay Roll. JAMES SEALS, Capt. Kworn as above before me & Subscribed this day and date as above, WM. MEITKIRKE. I do hereby certify that all the officers and men belonging to my Company furnished their- own arms during the Term for which they was intitled excepting those here under men- tioned, viz: Thomas Stone. David Owens. Abraham Rese. Levi Shadwick. Thomas Dams. William Tegarden. 622 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Thomas Carpenter. John Welch. Joseph Morris. Jacob Allen. James Hays. Andrew Collins. Richard Parker. James Jackson. Robert Hays. Peter Beabout. Abraham Tegarden. Given under my hand this Ninth day of December 1794. JAMES SEALS, Capt. I do Certify that all the Officers and Men belonging to my Company have rec'd one Months pay in Advance as also myself. JAMES SEALS, Capt December 9th, 1795. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 623 O Pi m o H < o I— I d ;^ t^. feH (-\ <-! O H fa O o fa p 3 m fa O ra Pi H ;?; 2 Q fe Q H ^^ OJIAJOg JO uon^juixa •ao(A -.laS JO iuaiu90u3Uiuioo coMcoww«eoMeoeQcortc-3eo« COOOCOCCCCOOOOO 000000000000000 ^ rH >-<" rH rH rt t-T i-T rH rH >-H i-T ^ »< t^" OCOOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000000 *j ♦J ♦J rt rt cfl c3 tceoojaeaoco ft "-> o «J tr" - • ■ t# <; o o s u; -3 c S n - a J c c S g :;- e3 5^^« a 5 « o = o j: o o c E i 5 ^ E 624 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. aoiAjaS JO uon^Jidxa •BOIA -jag JO juauiaDuamuioo tnair/iaiuintnmoitn I, t. U U u. u u. t^ t^ u< ;-< OOOOOOOOoOoOOOOO OOoOOOOOoOOOOPOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O^ m « ^ .^ .^ .^ .^ .b .^ .t Jc .b .^ .^ .^ .^ .^ ^ "C "p 'C 'C c 'C "c 'c *c c *c "C *c "E *n I- n 2 (-1 -^ 2 fc X e; o?;-^ « w w^^^ ■= r •- 5 -5 E •^ < &5 ^« PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 625 o o o SSi3 oo o Ph 1^ PL| ^KP > d he .2 f 5 S S £ 40— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 626 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O Eh o tf w m PL, ^ o h- 1 h H Q O to a < CQ 1— 1 H tf 1— 1 () k4 Ch 1— 1 <5 a 1— I Z Z < a > o J 1-5 fa o Z oi I— I ,s> 05 H Pi o fa W H H 1^ P J tH P^ tiJ 1^ O ^ 2 U W a Q 1-^ ^ ^^ Pi >'0 I-S o G to ■snoa— muom 'ad A-e^ JO "OM — aoTAaas uj auiii "eoiAJSs JO uoHBaidxa "aoiAjas JO i.ouaiuuioo CO t- to as t-t-t-t-eotfococooco CJ (U as 0O000OCX3b-t-t*t-CC- QJ OJ 0- X> Xi •£ 2 S ■£ ober 31, . ober SI,, ober 31, . ober 31,. ober 31,. ober 31, . ober 31, . ober 31, . ober 31, . ober 31,. OOC oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO u >. t. qj OJ i OOC u a Z OOC October 1,... October 1,... October 1,... October 1,... October 1, ... October 1,... October 1, ... October 1,... October 1 , . . . October 1,... 1^ c '2 — 2 « nj W) « ■ Ills XI -^ a d 'Ji b % '-' m p^ I PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 627 g o o o o o § s g tDt0"3 u b >> 4J44J(n4)(l;ajaiQ)4JQJ414) X3jQX33xiX3.a£l^^J2a^ "OCooOOOf""*** oo^ooooouoo UOOOOOOClO cooooooocooooooccoooo CL|CL||1i|1iPli|1,PhPLi^PU(L4CL,[Li^(LiPhPh(1|C1|CL|P4 p o t- O o o § M ffl W .5 c ^ fj j2 ■ -■ i^ o fc ci ci ^ Xi c ■ ^ rt cn:=2i«5c"x:cc = :=E2«S=:o££ O 3 -fJ oc:2o'>:>rtcsi;«>r:oor:or:^ lA a a M H <^ m O ^ < fa > 3 w s 1S tf 2 3 i; > M n) s g ^ H f^ '^ -43 r c t. ni m Ill > S ^ o S 5 j2 >-' o W -^.ti ^1- O CQ « ^.'a ca !5 h-i S^5 S o S s " a » X 0) J! c bo '^ c c -M O ^ fa fa H ^2 ■a ^5 o tu - O o -S K) >^^ ^ ^ o ni o E fe ^ i c ■" 22 SI s "g o O ■d tn ^ < ,Q "O -w fa o J3 •-' ~ O JO d o C3 !^ ^ii o i^ §'$-t 1^ < ^11 o 2 .Q 5 o <* •^ O ms « s PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 629 RECEIVED FROM THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BY THE HAND OF JOHN WILKINS JU'R THE AMOUNT ANEXED TO MY NAME, BEING IN FULL FOR THE PAY DUE ME FOR THE SERVICE OF MY RIFLE IN THE TROOPS COMMANDED BY CAPTAIN SLOAN. YEAR 1794. When received. Amount. DoU. Richard Condon Joseph CoUens John Walsh, Wm. Beard, Joseph McNutt Sam'l Arbutton, .. Peter Justice John Kirker, Wm. Hill Wm. Hastings Jaconias Rose, Rich'd Demsy Philip McLahlin, ... Benj'm Lewis Sam'l Gillaspie James Hall Wm. Campbell Sam'l Sterrit, Thomas Miller Edward Young-, James Bowman, ... Wm. Colmer Wm. Evans John Cherry Samuel Miller, John Reeves Wm. Organ, George Wolf, John Craig John Sloan Robt. Flemin Andw. Wilkins Michael Mullen Joseph McClellan, ., Cornelius Campbrll, John Canoe, Abh'm Stitchel Alex. McNutt Sam'l Lowery And. Hunter And. McNinch, Amount forward SI Dollars. Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1795, Feb. 10, 1794 Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794. Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10, 1794, Feb. 10. 1794, Feb. ISth, .. Feb. 19th, .. March 12. .. March 12. .. March 12, .. March 12, .. March 19, .. March 19, .. Dollars, 630 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Rec'd Washington 3d February, 1795, of John Wilkins Jun'r Fifty two dollars and three cents in full for my servises as a Corporal in Captain James Sealses Company of State Militia. Also two dollars for the use of my Gun in Said Service as witness My hand. Test, Thos Gillespie. D. 54.03. WILLIAM his X mark ALLENDBR. Rec'd Washington 3d. February, 1795, of Jno. Wilkens, Junr. , forty nine dollars fifty eight cents and one third in full for my services as a soldier in Capt. Seales Compy. of State militia. Also Two Dollars for the use of my Gun in said Service as witness my hand De. 51-58 1-3 SIMEON his O mark ARCHER. Test The. Gillespie. Reed. Washington 3d February 1795 of Jno. Wilkens Junr. sixty two dollars sixty seven cents in full for my services as a sergant in Capt. James Sealses compy. of State militia also two dollars for the use of m.y gun in said service as witness my hand D 64-67 JAMES ATKINSON. Test Thos. Gillispie. Reed. Washington 14th February 1795 of Jno. Wilkens, Junr. forty nine dollars fifty eight cents and one third in full for my services as a soldier in Capt. James Sealses compy of State militia also two dollars for the use of my gun in said services as witness my hand D 51-58 1-3 CHARLES ATKINSON. Test Thog. Gillespie. Reed. Washington 24th March 95 of Jno. Wilkens Junr. forty six Dollars ninety one cents in full for my services as a PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 631 soldier in Capt. James Sealses company of State militia as ■uitness my hand D 46.91 JACOB his X mark ALLEN. Test Thos. Gillespie. Reed. Washington 24th March 1795 of John Wilkens Junr. Forty dollars two cents in full for my service as a private in the late militia in the Washington county also two dollars for the use of a gun in said service as witness my hand JAS. his X mark ARCHER, JUN. Test A. McClure. Reed. Washington 24th March 1795 of John Wilkens Junr. Forty nine dollars fifty eight & 73 cents in full for my service as a private in the late militia in the Washington county also two dollars for the use of a gun in said service as witness my hand JAS. ARCHER, SENR. Test G. Blakeney. Rec'd, Washington February 7th, 1795 of John Wilkens, Junr., Sixty two Dollars & sixty seven cents in full for my Service as a Sargant in Captain James Seals's Company of State militia also two Dollars for the use of my gun in said service as witness my hand. Test. Dollars 64.67. JOHN BROWN, Sergt. Thomas Gilespie. Reed. Washington 4th March 95 of Jno. Wilkens forty dol- lars forty seven cents in full for my services as a soldier in Capt. James Sealses Compny of State militia also two dollars for the use of my gun in said service as witness my hand D 42.47 JAMES his X mark BROWN. Test TlKis. Gillespie. 632 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Rec'd. Washing-ton 24th March 1795 of Jno. Wilkins, Junr. forty Dollars Sixty six Cents in full for my Services as a Sol- dier in Captn. James Sioles Corrpany of State militia as Wit- ness my hand PETER BEBOUT. Test D 40.66 Thomas Gillespie. Rec'd. Washing-ton January 28th 1795 of John Wilkens, Junr. one Hundred and Sixty Dollars & Ninety two cents in full for my services as an Ensign in Captain James Seals's Com- pany of State Militia also two Dollars for the use of my Gun in said Service as Witness my hand. CHARLES CRACRAFT. Test Dollars 162.92 cents. Thomas Gillespie. Reed. Washington 3d February 1795 of Jno. Wilkens, Junr. forty nine dollars fifty eight cents & one-third in full for my services as a soldier in Captain James Seal's company of State militia as witness my hand. Dolls. 49.58 1-3 Test THOMAS his X mark CARPENTER. Thos. Gillespie. Reed. Washington 14th February 1795, of Jno. Wilkens Junr. forty four dollars ninety one cents in full for my services as a soldier in Capt James Sealses compy. of State militia as witness my hand Do 44.91 ANDW. his X mark COLLINS. Test Thos. Gillespie. Rec'd Washington February 17th 1795 of John Wilkins, Junier forty nine Dollars fifty Eight Cents & one-third it Be- ing the ballance of my pay for my services as a soldier in Captain James Seale's Company of State Militia as Witness my hand LEVI CHADWICK. Test. Gabl. Blakeney. Dollars 49.58 1-3. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 633 Reed. Washing-ton 3d February 95 of Jno. Wilkens Junr. forty nine dollars fifty eight cents & one-third in full for my ser- vices as a soldier in Capt. James Sealses compy. for the use of my gun in said service as witness my hand D 51.58 1-3. JOHN his X mark DAILEY. Test Thos. Gillespie. Reed. Washington 3d February 1795 of Jno. Wilkens Junr. fifty dollars sixteen cents and one-third in full for my services as a Bugler in Capt. James Sealses compy. of State militia also two dollars for the use of my gun in said service as witness my hand Do. 59.16 1-3. JOS. DAILEY. Junr. Test Thos. Gillespie. Reed. Washington 3d Februy., 95, of Jno. Wilkins, Junr., forty four dollars ninety one cents in full for my services as a soldier in Capt. James Sealses Compy. of State Militia also two dollars for the use of my gun in said service as witness my hand D 46-91 JAMES his X mark DAWLEY. Test Thos. Gillespie. Reed. Washington 10th February 179.5 of Jno. Wilkens Junr. forty one Dollars thirteen cents in full for my services as a soldier in Capt. James Sealses compy. of state militia also two dollars for the use of my gun in said service as witness my hand D 43.13 JAS. DAILEY. Test Thos. Gillespie. Reed. Washington 3d March. 1795 of Jno. Wilkens Junr. forty seven dollars thirty six cents in full for my services as a 634 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. soldier in Capt. James Sealses company of State Militia also two dollars for the use of gun in said service as witness my hand Do. 49.36 VINCENT his — mark DAILEY. Test Thos. Gillespie. Reed. "Washington 4th May 1795 of Jno. Wilkens Junr. forty nine dollars fifty eight cents & one third in full for my ser- vises as a soldier in Capt. James Sealses Compy. of State Militia as witness my hand D 49.58 1-3 THOS. his X mark DANES. Test Thos. Gillespie. Reed. "Washington 4th May 1795 of Jno. "Welkers Junr. forty nine dollars fifty eight cents and one third in full for my services as a Soldier in Captain James Seal's Compy. of State Militia also two dollars for the use of my gun in said service as witness my hand Do. 49.58 1-3 JNO. his X mark DANILLS. Test Thos. Gillespie. Reed. "Washington 13th February 1795 of Jno. "Wilkens Junr. ^'orty siven dollars thirty six cents in full for my services as a soldier in Capt. James Sealses Compy. of State Militia also two } — ' S Q 5 Edward Halferty, Capt. Archbold Hannah private, Jas. Kennedy private, Jno. Heck private, Wm. McKelvey private, Jno. Smith private, Robt. Sorrels private, Jas. Lanson, private, 1 6 80 SO 80 80 80 80 6 80 66 only as Sergeant pay 8 D. 6 D. p. month. I do Certify that the above Detachment was ordered on Duty agreeable to Law in Case of Emergency for the Defence of the frontiers of Westmoreland County. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Br. Inspector, W. C. 1 Captain only as Sergeant, 1-6 7 men should be 80 Cents Ea 5-60 Rations 40 6.66 656 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A MUSTER ROLL FOR A PARTY OF THE THIRD BAT- TALION OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA RE- CONITERING ON THE FRONTIERS OF SAID COUNTY FOR FOUR DAYS COMMENCING MAY THE 18, END- ING MAY THE 21ST, 1791, BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. TIME OF ENTRY MAY 18TH. TIME OF DISCHARGE MAY 21ST. TIME IN SERVICE 4 DAYS. Captain. Edward Halferty. Privates. Archibald Hanna. John Smith. James Kanady. Robert Sorels. John Fleck. James Lawson. William McCelvey. Westmoreland County SS: Personally appeared Before me one of the Commonwealth Justices of the peace in & for said County the above named Captain Edward Halferty who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he the said Captain with the men under his Com- mand faithfully performed the service as above stated in this Pay Roll. Sworn and subscribed before me this 20th June, 1794. EDWARD HALFERTY, Capt. JAS. BRADY WE THE SUBSCRIBERS TO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL, LIEUTENANT OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR A TOUR OP MILITIA DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT'N ANDREW BIERLY. Time of entry for all, 2Gth of May, 1791. , Time of discharge for all, 13th of June, 1791. Names. Sums. And'w Bierly $19 00 Sam'l Johnston, 13 84 Jos. Clark, 11 36 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 657 Names. Sums. Pet'n Watter, 3 15 Ad'm White, 3 15 Rob't Shaw 3 15 W'm Piper, 3 15 Jno. MeCurdy 3 15 Sam'l McCaul, 2 48 W'm Organ, 2 48 Dav'd Brown, 2 48 Edw'd Combs, 2 48 Jno. Hawt 1 81 Jos. Irwin, 1 81 Conrod Hawk 1 81 Thos. Tyke, 1 81 Conrod Myer 1 81 Jno. Griffith 1 81 Henry Bryney 1 81 Wm. McMillen, 1 81 Edw'd Moore, 1 81 Pet'n Shelhamer, 1 81 Pet'n Tare 1 81 Geo. McKain, 1 81 Hen'y Bann, 1 81 Pat'k Jack 1 81 Jn'o Findley, 1 81 Geo. Collin, 181 Dav'd Hildebrand, 1 81 Rob't Smith, 1 81 Jo's Geer, 1 81 Jo's Hill 1 81 Joh'h Mutton, 1 81 Jn'o Foresbaugh 1 81 Pat. McGinnis 1 81 Dav'd Connor 1 81 Pet'n Cams, 1 81 Nichl's Logger 1 81 Ja's Campbell 1 81 Ja's F. Campbell, 1 81 Alex'r Campbell 1 §1 Ja's Williamson, 1 81 Tho's Shannon, 1 81 Jo's Sirenea 1 81 Ja's Freeman, 1 81 Ad'm Linn, 1 81 42— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 658 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Names. Sums. Jn'o Robertson, 1 81 Jn'o Stewart, 1 81 Jn'o Tomb 1 81 Rob't Rogers, 1 81 Sam'l Hindser, 1 81 Jn'o McApherson, 1 81 Hugh Gallagher 1 81 Jn'o Means, 1 81 Jn'o Culbertson, 1 81 Tho's Fisher 181 W'm Ross, 1 81 Geo. Freeman, 1 81 Sam'l Willson, 1 81 Sam'l Calhoon, 1 81 Ja's Sloan, 1 81 Roh't McKinley, 1 81 Sam'l Walker, 1 81 Jno. Dennick, 1 81 Ja's Kelly, 1 81 Robert Taylor, 1 81 Ja's Rankin, 1 81 Ja's Sloan, Sen'r 1 81 Mich'l McMullen, 1 81 Alex'r McKinney, 1 81 Sam'l Consley, 1 81 Ja's Painter 1 81 Hen. Briney, 1 81 Pet'n Shelhamer, 1 81 Chr's Standiford, 1 81 W'm Cannon, 1 81 Isaac McHenery, 1 81 Fergus Moorhead, 1 81 Robt. Jordon 1 81 Dan'l Trimbly 1 81 Tho's Jordon 1 81 Jno. Hollice, 1 81 $203 27-90 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 659 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL, LIEUTENANT OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY, THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR A TOUR OF MILITIA DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF LIEUT. SAMUEL .JOHNSTON. Time of eutry, 14th June, 1791. Time of discharge. Saml. Johnston 29th July Jas. Clark 29th July Pet'r Walter, j 2Sth July Adm. White, — ' 29th July Wm. Piper, 29th July Jno. McCurdy 29th July Wm. Organ 29th July Davd. Brown 29th July Saml. McCaul 29th July Saml. Calhon 29th July Jas. Sloan 29th July Robt. McKinley, ; 29th July Saml. Walker j 29th July Jno. Dennick 29th July Jas. Keasey, 29th July Jas. Rankin ' 29th July, Jas. Sloan ' 2.'ith July Michl. Mullen 29th July Alexr. McKinney 29th July Saml. Consley, 29th July Jas. Painter 29th July Hen. Briney 29th July Petr. Shelhamer '29th July Chri'sr Standiford 29lh July Wm. Cannon | 29th July, Isaac McHenery 29th July Fergus Moorhead, \ 29th July Robt. Jordon, ; 29th July, Jno. Holllce i 29th July Edwd. Combs 29th July Petr. Kerns 29th July Nichls. Logger 29th .Tuly Jas. Campbell asth July Jas. F. Campbell, I 2.9th July Alexr. Campbell 29th July Jas. Williamson 29th July Thos. Shannon ' 29th July Jas. Sierenea ' 2Sth July 1791, 1791, 1791. 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791 179! 1791, SS. 27. 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 6. 6. 6. 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.46 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.46 4.46 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 660 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Jas Freeman, . . Adm. Linn, .... Jno. Robertson, Jno. Stewart, .. Jno. Tomb Robt. Rogers, . . Saml. Hinner, . Jno. McAperson, Hugh Gallagher, Jno. Means Thos. Fisher, .. Wm. Ross , Geo. Farmer, . . Saml. Wlllson, , Danl. Trimbly, ., Thos. Jordon, . . . Time of discharge. 2ath July, 1791 6th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 Gth July, 1791 29th July, 1791, 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791 29th July, 1791, Amount Dolls. Equal to .. 306.70-100 Sums. 4.45 2.54 4.45 4.45 2. SI 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 306.63-9^ PAY ROLL OP FOUR MEN EMPLOYED AS SPIES ON THE FRONTIERS OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY COMMENC- ING THE FIFTEENTH OF AUGUST & ENDING THE FIFTEENTH OF SEPT'R, 1791, INCLUSIVE. Names. c o E o Q a U a d d o a H David McKee, . Robert Scott, ... Robert McGinnis, Hugh Henderson Dolls Westmoreland County, ss: Personally apred befor me one of the comonvrths Justlses of the Peece for sd. County Robert Scott being one of the above Spys and being Duly Sworn according to Law Deposeph and PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 661 seth that to the best of his knowledge the Did their Duty Sworn and subscribed before me. ROBERT SCOTT. GEORGE HUTCHESON, Esq. AN ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISUED TO A DETACH- MENT OF SPIES ON THE FRONTIERS OF WESTMORE- LAND COUNTY UNDER THE CONTRACT OF JOHN DINNESTON FOR THE YEAR 1791. Names of Spies. No. of Rations. Total Rations. 124 124 Compleat Rations. Robert Scott. Robert McGinn is. Hugh Henderson. We Do Certify that we have examined & compared the above Abstract with the provitions Returns the Receipts being now in our possessions & there appears to have been issued To the said Corps under the contract above mentioned one hundred & twenty four compleat Rations of which we Have Signed Triblicate. Given under our Hands at Reed Station this Sixteenth Day of Sept'r, 1791. ROBT. SCOTT. 124 Rations 8 Dolls 992 DISCHARGES. Westmoreland County Militia. 1791. I do Certify that William Crawford Hath Served a tour of Militia Duty two months and five days at Green's Station under Captain John Craig and Now discharged by me. Green's Station, JAMES GAGHBEY. June the 1st, 1791. Ensign. 662 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I do Certify that Saml. Cosellea hath hired a suflBtient sub- stitute to serve his Tower of Duty and is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand this 23rd of June 1791. JOSEPH CLARK, Ens'n. I do certify that the Bearer Robt. McKinley hath served a tower of duty for Wm. Newel & this shall serve for his dis- charge for the same. July the 27, 1791. J. L. CLARKE, Ensign. I do certify that Ja's Finey Campble hath served a tower of Melitia Duty for too months and is now discharged by me. SAML. JOHNSTON, Leut, July 29, 1791. I do certify that peter kerns has served a Tower of Melitia dutey for too whole months and is now discharged by me. SAML. JOHNSTON, Lieute., July 29, 1791. November, 1792. Rec'd of Charles Campbel my full pay for a Tower of Millitia Duty under the command of Lt. Samuel Johnston in the year 1791. EDWARD COOMBES. JAMES WHITE. WE THE UNDERNAMED SIGNERS DO HEREBY ACKNOW- LEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED PROM CHARLES CAMP- BELL THE SEVERAL SUMS ANNEXED TO OUR NAMES IT BEING IN FULL OF OUR PAY FOR SERVICE AS RANGERS ON THE FRONTIERS OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF ENSIGN SAMUEL MOORHEAD IN THE YEAR 1791. Saml. Moorhead, Ensign, $2 67 Tno. Henery 60 Sjml. Eatton, 60 Ale.xr. Dunlap 6\^ Michael Crowley, ' 60 $5 07 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 663 1791. WE THE UNDER NAMED SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOW- LEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED OF CHAS. CAMPBELL THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES FOR OUR SERVICE AS RANGERS ON THE FRONTEERS. William Donahu, Capt $10 00 Wm. Stewart, Serg't, 1 60 James Willson, 1 00 Thomas Mathers, 1 00 Davia Masters 1 00 Jas. Crawford, 1 00 Allex'r Donahu, 1 00 James Raven 1 00 Andrew Woolfe, 1 00 Andrew Adams 1 00 Thomas Griffy 1 00 James Bownan, 1 00 Equal to $21 67-100. |21 2-3 WE THE UNDER NAMED SIGNERS DO HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHA'S CAMPBELL THE SEVERAL SUMS ANNEXED TO OUR NAMES IT BEING IN FULL OF OUR PAY FOR OUR SERVICE AS RANGERS ON THE FRONTIERS OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY IN THE YEAR 1791. Wm. McFarland, Jas. McComb, .. Fre'd Coleman, Levi Gibson James Huston, .. Peter Fair Thas. Ewingle, .. Wm. Willson, .. Elijah , John Dean, Alex. Eea, Captain, Ensign,. Sergt.,.. Sergt. , . . 00 30 30 30 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 664 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. James Wilkey Robert Willson, ... John Willson James Matheus, . . . John Matheus Alex'r Thompson, .. Thos. Patton Jno. Brown Jas. Mltchil Henery Kirkpatrick, Jno. Spicer, Joseph Spier, Jno. Mitchel Michl. Mullen, Jas. Downey, James Haslet Chrs. Repine John McClean Edward Young, George Huckleberry, Farny Leviston, ... Dollars, A MUSTER ROLL OF A DETACHMENT OF WESTMORE- LAND COUNTY MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT'N WILLIAM DONACHY. Commencement of pay, 1st April, 1792. Time of Discharge, 6th April, 1792. Capt. W^'m Donachy. Lieu. Robt. Cochran. Ens. Jno. Wear. Jno. Charoll. Jas. Charoll. Privates. Pet'r Lair. West'd County p. personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of the Commonwealth's Justices of the peace in and for said County PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 665 Capt. William Donahu and being Duely Sworn according to law Deposeth and Saith that this Muster Roll is just and true as it stands stated to the best of his knowledge. Sworn before me this 7th December, 1792. JOHN PUMROY. 666 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. •sjuao ■saBiioa 30 i-B}ox •^sssssssssss sssssasg •SJBIIOa 'H;U01U J»(I ABtl •sXbq •aSjBiiosia JO auijx •XbJ jo juaiuaouauiiuoo tAOir^ooc^Vc^e^f^c^^^cp^^c^tO O.>>>>>, ssss CO OQ CO CO CV5 CO CO C5 CM >>»>> >i >>>» >. ctf cj cj cd cd cij cd >>>>>>>>>>>>> •S 2 c < b. ^ 03 M U rt fU h s w y & Oh ■a S m m J3 td n Ul 1-5 i-s ^^ Hh H &" tJ ■ § S d 3? .5 t: S o „■ ^ o ^ S ^ 6 -jKEHhiOKH5 6 S PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 667 tf5c5Nc5S5c5«Moooocooooooooooooooooo&ooo OOOOOOOOOOOOO CJ .>>>>>»>>>. ssssss i: 'i, .t .t t 'i t i t t 'c h !c i. .t -t .t .^ .S ."2 .- .- "u "C 'u, 'u 't, 'Z 'u t. X. C 'u *C 'C 't^ 't^ 'C 'C 'h 'h ^ ^ h bor, a 5S o S E »; « o d I « E ^ c B -g ■a 6 £ d £ £ E o ,< >- r! w P4 H w ft ^ m u fe 3 0) o ft i:: fc h^ w QJ 668 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A PAY ROLL OF THE RANGING PARTY OP WESTMORE- LAND COUNTY MILITI UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. SAMPSON ARCHER, COMMENCING MAY 23RD, 1792. DISCHARGED JUNE 1ST, 1792. Capt Sampson, Archer, 10 days. Lieut. James Porterfield, 6 days. May 28th, 1792, discharged. Ensign. James McClerren, 6 days. Serjent. John hays, 6 days. Privates. Richard Paul, 6 days. Thomas Mckee, 6 days. Alexar. Shaw, 6 days. Jno. Young, 6 days. Jas. Irwin, 6 days. Hugh Gallon, 6 days. Thos. Jackson, 6 days. Jas. Kirkpatrick, 6 days. Charles Gillkey, 6 days. Hugh Mckee. Jno. fouler, 6 days. Jno. Shields, Junr., 6 days. Saml. Moorhead, 6 days. George Oarey, 6 days. Wm. Moore, 6 days. Wm. dreeman, 6 days. Jas. McCraken, 6 days. Jas. Kelly, 6 days. George Steward, 6 days. George McClelland, 6 days. Robt. Eliot, 6 days. Jas. Patrick, 6 days. Saml. Barr, 4 days. 26th May, Discharged. Adam Oany, 4 days. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 669 Daniel wasson, 4 days. Wm. Nicholson, 4 days. Richard Condon, 4 days. Andw. Gibson, 4 days. Jno. McCright, 4 days. Jno. Shields, Senr., 4 days. Jno. Clark, 4 days. Alexr. Craige, 4 days. "Wm. Westbay, 4 days. Wm. Kean, 4 days. Richard pensel, 4 days. Westmoreland County ss: Personally came before me one of the Commonwealths Justices of the peace for said County, Capt. Samson Archer and being sworn according to Law Deposeth and sayeth that the within pay roll is just and true as it stand stated sworn and subscribed May 31st, 1794. SAMPSON ARCHER, Capt. JOHN SHIELDS. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL, LIEUTENANT OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANNEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR PART OF A TOUR OF MILITIA DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT'N ABRAHAM CAHILL. Time when paid by United States, 1st July, 1792. Time of discharge for all, 31st July, 1792. Names Sums Wm. Cahill, $40 00 Wm. Kean, 26 00 Jn'o Thompson, 5 00 Jn'o Murry, 5 00 Ja's Eaton, 5 00 Ja's Patterson 4 00 Alex'r. Donachey, 4 00 Ad'h Taylor, 4 00 Jn'o Lidick, 3 00 670 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Names. Sums. Jn'o Weaver, : 3 00 Ja's Sloan, 3 00 Francis Haines, 3 00 Edw'd Combs 3 00 Jn'o Boyd, 3 00 Alex'r Dunlap, 3 00 Jn'o Kirk, 3 00 Jn'o Hollice, 3 00 Tate Allison, 3 00 Pet'r Justice, 3 00 Mich'l McCord 3 00 Hugh Wason, 3 00 Jn'o Jordon, 3 GO Thos. Jordon 3 00 Jn'o Burrows, 3 00 Ja's Rannels, 3 00 Arthur W. Gile 3 00 Jn'o. Larimore, 3 00 Jn'o Organ, 3 00 Sam'l Walker, 3 00 Ad'm Pelson, 3 00 Sam'l Spear, 3 00 Jn'o Mathews, 3 00 Ja's Collins, 3 00 Oliver Reeves, 3 00 Jn'o Farren 3 00 Rob't Miller 3 00 Robt. Willson, 3 00 Ja's McClean, 3 00 Tho's Patton, 3 00 $186 00 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 671 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL, LIEUTENANT OP WESTMORELAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR PART OF A TOUR OP MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. JEREMIAH MURRY, PAID BY THE UNITED STATES ON THE 1ST OF JULY, 1792, AND TIME OF DIS- CHARGED BEING 2ND DAY OF AUGUST, 1792. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ; 34 i 35 36 37 ! 38 I 39 I 40 I Jeremiah Murry, Jas. Paul, Jas. McClaren, . Jas. Fink Jas. Crochlow, .. Hugh Kerr Stephen Sheldon, Wm. Clemins, . Ebenezer Coe, . . . Jos. Stidesbecker, Edwd. Cannon, . Jas. McConnel, . Saml. Sterrit, ... Robt. Wallace, . John Steel Jno. Crochlow, . Jas. Mitehel, ... Thos. Hindman, Jas. Ilindman, .. Jas. Hile Wm. Neyman, .. Jno. Duff Peter Painter, .. Jac. Simmony, .. Geo. Kimelah, . Peter Smith, Sam'l Thompson, Dan'l McRissack, Henery Painter, Jac. Bach Jno. Corry Robt. Henery ,_ . Adam Carnaghan, John Kryning, . Geo. McWilliams Geo. Hawk Jas. Barr, Jas. Jack, Michl. Ringer, .. Jno, Stewart, ... 67 74 20 33 33 33 33 27 27 27 27 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 672 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Jno. McCutcheon, Jno. Anderson, . Wm. Mcllwaln, Jas. Dunn Jno. Hill Cents. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL, LIEUTENANT OP WESTMORELAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR PART OF A TOUR OF MILITIA DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT'N THOMAS FLETCHER. Time when paid to by the United States, 5th July, 1792. Time of discharge 4th August, 1792. Thos. Fletcher, forty-five dollars & 33 Cents. Hen Reed, twenty-nine dollars & 46 cents. Jno. Beer, twenty-two dollars & 67 Cents. Jas. Clark, five dollars & 67 Cents. Jno. Selders, five dollars & 67 Cents. Wm. Dunn, five dollars & 67 Cents. Jno. Huston, four dollars & 53 Cents. Ja's Everit, three dollars & 53 Cents. Abr'm Leasure, three dollars & 53 Cents. Dinner McCartey, three dollars and 53 Cents. Pet. Losure, three dollars & 53 Cents. Ad'm Smith, three dollars & 53 Cents. Berry Quigley, three dollars & 53 Cents. Hen. Teiter, three dollars & 53 Cents. Sam'l. Calhoon, three dollars & 53 Cents. Jno. McKinney, three dollars & 53 Cents. Ad'm Poor, three dollars & 53 Cents. Edw'd Hagerty, three dollars & 53 Cents. Ken. Inman, three dollars & 53 Cents. Geo. Fiskeys, three dollars & 53 Cents. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 673 Wm. McKelvy, three dollars & 53 Cents. Sam'l Kerr, three dollars & 53 Cents. .Tno' Thorn, three dollars & 53 Cents. Ephr'm Collins, three dollars & 53 Ceuts. Zedekiah Tumblin, three dollars & 53 Cents. Jera'h Loughry, three dollars & 53 Cents. Jno. Burns, three dollars & 53 Cents. Isaac Bonnet, three dollars & 53 Cents. Jas. Thompson, three dollars & 53 Cents. Dav'd Sifret, three dollars & 53 Cents. Peter Reed, three dollars & 53 Cents. Robt. McNiitt, three dollars & 53 Cents. Thos. Maron, three dollars & 53 Cents. Bero'd McCawl, three dollars & 53 Cents. Dan'l Perkey, three dollars & 53 Cents. Robt. Trimble, three dollars & 53 Cents. , — Jno. Powers, three dollars & 53 Cents. / Arch' Boyd, three dollars & 53 Cents. Ja's Sirenea, three dollars & 53 Cents. Doll., 231.96 43— Vol. V— 6tb Ser 674 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. p z << w H J ^ J J > s O P O P ^ p H X <: o z k' p Pi < k^ o > <: P p ffi ffi p o n P p t-3 H P o H H H p 2: < P [-1 c5 ;^ H p H ^ rr! w P <; r^i p P m O H p p p P <3 O p P E-i V^ p H P p P W H p P ^ •sio •siioa M-!»nl-!l-5l-3H5r-3l^l-5l-3H3lnl-> Names. Jno. McCracken, Robt. Awl, Jno. McGranaghan Saml. Adams Michl. Fry Godfry Kerns Jno. Loger Jno. Setton Robt. Murgaugh PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 675 OOOOOOOC>OC'OOC?000000<^OOOOOS<5QQOO 5> 00005500C00^00r-lrHr- 1- 1 > > > 3 > > 2 '; > "^ ': > c 3 a c 3 C c c c - ,r "a c a c. - c c C i < o ^ rt ^ O c ai o o >< o £ 6 F t^< 1-5 c «^ S J i E ~ " - e-S = i c . c c be ■ •is ■-■: E g M „■ 5 S _ E 6 £ «■ E d oi -g o .Q w^Wi^aiOK^i-spi-jWi-j'-jffiOH 676 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL LIEUTENANT OF WESTMORLAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES. RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA FOR OUR SERVICE AS RANGERS UNDER THE COMMAND OP CAPT. ROBERT ROBERTSON. TIME OF ENTRING OP SERVICE BEING AUGUST 5TH, 1792, AND TIME OP DISCHARGE BEING AUGUST 12TH, 1792. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 Names Rob't Robertson, James Brevard, . Ge'o McRim, . . . Rob't Jamison, . Ja's Harbison, . W'm. Robertson, Jn'o Gordon, . . . Jn'o Rea, Jn'o Curry, Tho's Wilson, .. Dollars 10 1 17 Cents. 67 33 80 80 80 80 80 50 40 80 70 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL LIEUTENANT OP WESTMORLAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR A TOUR OF MILITIA DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. ANDREW PINDLBY. Time of entry for all but the last 7th August-, 1792, the last name being 8th of August, 1792. Time of discharge for all 28th Sept., 1792. Names Dolls Cents And'w Findley, 69 33 Cha's Mitchel, 45 07 Wm. Pitts, 34 67 Ge'o Marrow, 8 67 W'm Jamison, 8 67 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-lSOO. 677 Names. Lawrence Dent, . . . Ja's Bell, Ja's Martin, Ge'o Swal, Dan'l Light, Wm. McCoy, Dan'l Hile, Pat'r McGinnis, . . . Jn'o McCutchion, . . Ja's Oldham, , Jn'o Reed Rob't Ralston, Ja's Hale, Jn'o Mclntire, Alex'r Willson, Rob't Shannon, . . . . Ja's Hill, Jn'o CrotchlOiW, Sam'l Skillen, Sam'l Wray, Hen Leech, Anthony Blackburn, Wm. Jackson, ...... Ge'o Fisher, Ja's Davis, Jn'o Willson, Pet'r Walker, Tho's Ament, Mathias Carnes, . . . . Dolls. 8 Cents. 67 6 93 6 93 6 93 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 5 20 10 Doll 325 ■ 77 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL LIEUTENANT OF WESTMORLAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR A TOUR OF MILITIA DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OP CAPT'N HENRY FELGER. Time of entry 5 August, 1792. Time of discharge 29th September, 1792. 678 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Names Sums Henry Felger, W'm Campbell, W'm McDowel, Math'w McAfee, Geo. Campbell, Hen. Tosh, Ja's McGee, W'm Mickey, Thos. Bracken Fred'k Hasman Borton Overly, Gabriel Ogdon, Ralph Willing, Abr'm Stockel, Thos. Campbell, Jno. Doherty Ja's Freeman, Ja's Lldick W'm Linn, W'm Hollady, Jn'o Setton, Jno. Fry, Ja's McCartney, Jno. Stewart Jas. Stewart, Robt. Stewart, Sills Onard, George Hise, Moses Crawford, Jno. McGriff, Jno. Williams, Thos. McCartney Jno. McKinley Ja's Brady, Jno. HoUice, And'w Harman, Dollars 355 67 Doll. 73 Cts. 33 47 67 36 67 9 17 9 17 9 17 7 33 7 33 7 33 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 . 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 679 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL LIEUTENANT OP WESTMORELAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANNEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR A TOUR OF MILITIA DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. JAMES SLOAN. Time of entry September 22nd, 1792. Time of discharge November 20th, 1792. Jas. Sloan, eighty nine dollars & 33 Cents. Alexr. Culbertson, fifty eight dollars & 7 cents. Wm. Hutcheson, fourty four dollars & 67 cents. Thos. Neil, eleven dollars & IS cents. Saml. Jolly, eleven dollars & 18 cents. Alexr. McCurdy, eleven dollars & 18 cents. Wm. Dotty, eight dollars & 93 cents. Jno. Jordon, eight dollars & 93 cents. Jno. Noris, eight dollars & 93 cents. Jas. Elder, six dollars & 70 cents. Jas. Clark, six dollars & 70 cents. Saml. Sloan, six dollars & 70 cents. Absalom Woodart, six dollars & 70 cents. Jno. Welsh, six dollars & 70 cents. Wm. Keers, six dollars & 70 cents. Jno. Laughlin, six dollars. & 70 cents. Wm. Greer, six dollars & 70 cents. Wm. Wason, six dollars & 70 cents. Jno. Johnston, six dollars & 70 cents. Formicas McMahon. six dollars & 70 cents. David Sloan, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. Sloan, six dollars & 70 cents. David McGowan, six dollars & 70 cents Jno. Cochran, six dollars & 70 cents. Wm. Guthrey, six dollars & 70 cents. Wm. Hughs, six dollars & 70 cents. Jno. Ritchey, six dollars & 70 cents. Jno. Courtney, six dollars & 70 cents. Jas. McClatchey, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. McCloskey, six dollars & 70 cents. Phil. Anthony, six dollars & 70 cents. Wm. Colhoon, six dollars & 70 cents. 680 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Jas. Walker, six dollars & 70 cents. Wriah Matson, six dollars & 70 cents. . Isaac Anderson, six dollars & 70 cents. Saml. Lucas, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. McClenaghan, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. Thompson, six dollars & 70 cents. Andr. Thompson, six dollars & 70 cents. Petr. Palmore, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. Flemon, six dollars & 70 cents. Saml. Calhoon, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. Trimble, six dollars & 70 cents. Edwd. Combs, six dollars & 70 cents. Elisha Irwin, six dollars & 70 cents. Geo. Spices, six dollars & 70 cents. Thos. Elder, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. Walker, six dollars & 70 cents. Jno. Willson, six dollars & 70 cents. Wm. Sloan, six dollars & 70 cents. Jno. Fallen, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. Jordon, six dollars & 70 cents. Wm. Willson, six dollars & 70 cents. Hugh Wason, six dollars & 70 cents. Robt. McMutt, six dollars & 70 cents. Wm. Anderson, six dollars & 70 cents. Chas. McCoy, six dollars & 70 cents. Jno. Shields, six dollars & 20 cents. EiZekiel Matthews, three dollars & 90 cents. Dolls. 590.76. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL LIEUTENANT OF WESTMORLAND COUNTY THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVLY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR A TOUR OF MILITIA DUTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. FREDERICK TARR. Time of Entry September 22, 1792. Time of discharge November 25, 1792. Names Sums Dollars Cents. Fred'k Tarr 85 33 Dav'd Crotchlow 10 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 681 Names Sums Doll etc. Wm. Jackson, 10 67 Jn's Vansickle, 8 53 Jn'o Small 8 53 Jno. Hiirtingshour, 6 40 J no. Reardon, 6 40 Ja's Hill 6 40 Melcher Sherbondy, 6 40 Pet'r Tarr, 6 40 Rob't McMulun, 6 40 Wm McHenry 6 40 Ja's McHenry, 6 40 Eneas McBride 6 40 Mich'l Harman, 6 40 Mlchl's Swope, 6 40 Jn'o Trees, 6 40 James Colllstock, 6 40 Geo. McHenry, 6 40 Rob't Walker 6 40 682 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. J 2 Q t^ N H < m CO w o 5 s ^ o ^ ^ o Pi p > H , > ;« o H W O o w o < o p Q xn PQ M w Pi O O H Q H <1 H H o . . Q ^ s P3 O U H Ph CD(£> > > '^ Q}Q)1>.- 1- iLt ir^ ift iC 10 "O i-t 1^ i.-^ iv-; o i-*^ ip i^ M^ l^t i:^ '^ Ip 5^1 rg c^i c^ ■T-a c^ i;^ u t-t '^ 'r^ XiXiXiXiXi^XiXiX:XiX^XiX^X^XiXiXiXiX^XiX!X^XiXiX:^X:x:X2X:XiXi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBc w c^ c >•- £ c 1 c n > 1 Ss 5 i c c '_; h ffT . ■ ^ ca * -^ Pi ffi pq t> i H h-M 'i-" - W E^ ^ P5 ffi ^ H P H H O O o Q ;z; P A <1 H H < w P ^ o o W o n < vx |X4 Oh z O tf << 3 o Pi O o m o a PJ m Q o oi ■^ -31 o o o 'A P Pi o H Pi H P H H- 1 W P >^ P. P <1 ^ cc C/J Oh Bf?>&S5f^SgaSS8aS ■jtBQ JafJ KvA iiuioui j-jcl XbcI •oS.iBqosja JO Biuix t£> -d ^ OT '-' e> c « 00 00 00 00 «? «; « - m «> « w PJ •-' T-l f-H iH tH •-' ■-; "-I iH => © o o o O e> o * O O O m . . . . . . . "o O O o PQ 00 s O O O o o 0000 000 s § S «; OS «. CO CO to '^ CO CD CO CO nun V' ]uoui3ouotuiuo3 50000 P'OQCOOOQ ,% c.o.aaa&ao.Q.aaa 4) 0; Of I' a> 0? ■^Wt't'c^s'eScscieCciicSci ^ si o — u -J^ r5 aj (jj ; 5 o e3 - C : g -E s > ^ " : ^ S 2 o 2 "5 E E 5 . vi uj c ■S S ci ° Hj W K H t-s ■«! •-> 696 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O o o O o Pi 04 ■Xbq JscI ^bcI ^^333^^ •i{}uom JacI XBd ■aSj'Bqosia JO 91UIX ■»ui!; JO }U9iu90uamuioo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o o . o @©© Q iH rt CC 4> O cj Cti CB CtJ oj rt cc Q Q Q p p Q p a p. a ft a c. n CO CO CO t^ c^ to tp cq C^ Ol C^ W C^3 CCJ o a> *j +j +j 5) « C3 > > > d ;* OJ ;> > t^ u ^ 0, CLh P-, Cm £ £ S c „■ !? o. fS c * k J iJ h ~ W ::: " ►?' 3 2 S* ^ ^' »-3 P- CLh 1-3 pJ h. Ha o .5 a PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 697 MUSTER ROLL FOR PART OF A RIFLE COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGMENT OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA ON A SCOUTING PARTY BY ORDER OF CHARLES CAMPBELL Br. INSPECTOR UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. JNO. ELLIOTT COMMENCING 26 SEPT. & ENDING THE 29 INCLUSIVE. Johu Elliott, 4. Robert Cooper, 4. Saml. Hasler, 4. John Cooper, 4. John Reynolds, 4. Joseph Thompson, • Jacob Aman, 4. Samuel Wallace, 4. Conrod Carver, 4. David Anderson, 4. John Bell, 4. John Hunter, 4. Alexr. Demeston. John Doty, 4. Wm. Moore, 4. James Sloan, 4. William Magill. Daniel L. Morrison, Westmoreland County, ss: personally came before me one of the commonwealth Jus- tices of the peace in & for the said county Capt John Elliott and being duly sworn according to law Deposeth & sayeth the within muster roll is Just and True as it stands stated. Sworn & subscribed before John Shields. December 15^ 1793. JOHN ELLIOTT, Capt. 698 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. •s.iBnoa JO iB;oi •SJBIlop Ut qjUOLU -cI .•CBd sqjuotu 'eoiAJdS ui auijj. •a2JBi[0S!a JO siuij, "XcJ JO juaiuaouauiuioo t-ooc>«r»ooooooooc>o « cq w o o * o o « * * * O o © o o lr^ ■^ c« <» « O cc fS co" co- CO- co- « CO- co- co- co- co- ci co" CO- t:5 s 1:; i:; ir; i:; U; c C i; t; u t; ,J c t; u t,- u C j; t.- c u ^ % £i ,Q ,u x> J2 xi XI X2 A Xi X2 a & P s a £ S E S EEEEEEEES 0) 01 0) a) CD 0) 0) o. p. ft o. a a a ft a a a a a a a a ft CD 0) yj U2 [/J Ul m 7J 7J 7J m m yj 7J Ui yj t/J Ul Ul si s: Si si si Jd J3 x; si Si x: x: Si x: x: Si Si S3 " c3 gs s a S cS n §3 S g c3 ^ =3 IS c3 «" « « % « «■ M «■ n- fj- csj- CO d C4 cii M ^" '-' '-' "-I '-' "-i "-1 iw t4 L< u c •- L< t. L< ;^ ^ t; c t^ t. U t.1 <1) o <1) 0> OJ O «) fi a) a) ai 0) X! .o ,Q XI .Q XI XI X) X2 X3 /3 X3 X3 X2 X2 X3 x> ti E E E s E E E E C a E S S E E E dj O; tu d> o 'JJ o (U OJ OJ 0) 0) OJ 01 P. ft Pi n. a r:. ft a a a a a ft a ft ft I/J 7J •J2 t/j C/J Ui 7J m C/J m Ui 7J Ui C/J m Ul Ul £1 Si s: J3 J3 Si XS si X! si Si XI si x: X3 Si s ^ S S c5 ^ 53 S S ss ^ ^ c5 ^5 c3 s S^ c oT to aT dj- oT o" 1)- o' C3 etf m Cli tS OJ t3 d c3 n cS cU ca ni > > > > > OWM aeaaaaaaaaftftaa be C g com H '^ O o I 0) O o 6c 3 o o c c o Q ►4 C ft E 2 xi x: bo c c ■a S x; ♦J E 6 E a Si fi be Xi X (1) !(i x: E m 0( ^ ^ I-) Ul o 1-5 ^ w K H <; 1-5 o >-3 w S^Q i-s PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 699 o ooooooog o oooooooo - tOCDCDCOCDOCDO 'C' ^^^^^-t^^^ o oooooooo SI gggggggg ESSSSESSE x:s:^s:s:s:sj:s «^ «i3 rt <0 tfO C^ EEEEEEEEE uimwwmznwmm 'cr3 M l5 N eg M ^1 M cj CJ OJ flJ

    c4 cj c^ cd c^ c4 ftaftftcaaaa ?: — - c i ^p •S n o w ^ (k h U Sam'l Bell Jas. Huston Wm. Loughrey, . . Dan'l McGlouglin, Jas. Wier George Wolf, Ja's Shingletaker, Jno. White Pet. Fair Sam'l McCrea, ... Geo. IMiller Jas. Donaehey, ... Capfn, Lt Ensgn., Sergt., private. private, private, private, private, private, private, private, Alex'r Donaehey | private, Jno. Alexander Jno. (illegible), Jno. Carrol Geo. Ourey private, private, private, private, Jno. Ridick, private. 5 25 5 20 £ 15 5 8 5 6 5 6 5 6 .') 6 5 6 5 6 5 G 5 G 5 6 5 6 5 ^ I 5 6 5 6 5 6 I Do Certify that the Within Captain Samuel Bell Was ordered on Duty on Information of a Discovery of the Aproach of the Indians on the fronteers of Westmoreland County. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Br. Inspector, Of Westmoreland County. Capt 5 @ Lieut 5 @ Ens'n 5 @ I>riv '° ® 90 days. 3.15 2.10 2.10 1.73 110 rations. 702 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. PAY ROLL OF PART OP THE RIPPLE COMPANY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA ON A SCOUTING PARTY ON THE FRONTIERS OF S'D COUNTY BY ORDER CHARLES CAMPBELL Br. INSPECTOR UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. JOHN ELLIOTT. Commencing the 26th Sept'r and ending 29. included. Time of Service 4 days. Both days jd Total c o E Names. X 0, 0! US o m K e^ a u John Elliott Robert Cooper, . . Sam'l Haslet, John , . . John Reynolds, Joseph Thompson. Jacob Aman, Samuel Wallace, Conrod Carver, . . David Anderson, John Bell John Hunter Alexd'r Dinniston, John Doty, William Moore, .. .James Sloan William Magill, .. Daniel Morrison, . Capt. , , Sergt. , Sergt. , private, private, private, private, private, private. private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private. 25 3 8 1 8 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Capt., Priv. , 3.12 1.68 72 days. SO rations. I Do Certify that the Company With Capt. John Elliot was Ordered on Duty By Reason of Information of A Discovery of A Party of Indians Coming on the frontiers of Westmore- land County. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Br. Inspector of Westmoreland County. November 2d, 1793. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 703 AN ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED TO A DETACH- MENT OF MEN OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA ON A SCOUTING PARTY AT JNO. DENISTON'S MILL IN THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER UNDER THE CON- TRACT OF JOHN DBNISTON IN THE YEAR OF 1793. Names of Cumpony. No. of Rations. Total Complete Rations. 22 We Do Certify that we have Examined and Compared The above abstract with the provisions Returns The Receipts being now in our possessions And there apears to have been Issued to the S'd Corps Twenty two Compleat Rations under the Contract above Mentioned of which we have Signed Tribli- cates. Given under our hands and Seals 26th Day of Decem'r 1793. LIEUT. WM. MAXWELL. 22 Rations. WE THE UNDERNAMED SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWL- EDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED THE SEVERAL SUMS AN- NEXED TO OUR NAMES FOR A TOUR OF MILLITIA DUTY DONE UNDER CAPT. .TERYMIAH MURREY FOR PART OF OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER IN 1793. Capt. Dols. Cents. 1 Jeremiah Murry, 60 Lt. 2 James McComb, 48 2 James McComb, 40 Sergeants. 3 Wm. Montgomery, 16 80 4 Thos. Neal 17 87 5 Andrew Alsworth 16 80 18 Daniel McGlaughlin, 13 40 16 Joseph Mincett, 13 40 17 Robert Mancett 13 40 704 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Doll. Cents. 24 .John Mauuts, 13 20 25 Jas. Doroney 13 20 8 Elsha Mounts, 15 40 20 Neal Murry, 13 40 40 George Wolf, 12 80 41 Patrick Kelly 12 80 39 William Oliver, 12 80 23 James Rapine, 13 40 19 John White, 13 40 15 John Morrow, 13 40 35 John Young, 12 SO 22 James Watt, 13 20 27 Saml. McLaughlin, 13 20 54 James Scott, 12 20 21 George Weir, 13 40 48 John Farron 12 66 Thos. Hindman 12 28 David Maginness 12 80 62 Wm. Magarrah, 11 40 36 Wm. Mathes 12 80 16 Jas. Coly 13 40 30 Francis anderson, 12 80 29 Saml. Hall 12 80 19 John Corel!, 13 60 42 James his X mark Kelly 12 80 11 Andrew Chambers, 14 20 12 John Chambers 14 20 13 Willm. Ferguson 13 60 45 Robert Leech, 12 60 53 John Hayes 12 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 705 > S Z a: H ^ En •siioa •33.iT3qos!a JO ouiii •/iBd JO ^ueLuaouBoiujoo O O O t- O b- Ot-Ob-MOOOOOOOOQ F-t^c-i-t-t^t't-r-c^ ^'^^ t~- t- t- 1^ t- ~o "o o 'o "o "o 'o 'o 'o "a 'o "b "o "o 'o 'o *o ^ ■" fc sf I i j;' s" > ^ ^ .^" fi' ^" c c c SS OO COO'S O.O.D.D.o.O.'^-^'^ .^.-000005 "-"■'000 *iSSt;t; M mTawPPi-SS m to m ■g_ 3 M ti to ti g. »?>>>>>>> > aj .- a! S S S3 o o p "p 'E 'E X! 'C 'E "E u > ■ e c • c 3 II 0| : «• 6 E 1 H, P IS a § 2 - E S ^w E d I? 1-3 •o o E 5! C 3 «i uguS 45— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 7M MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. H t— < I— I s O O Q o m ■siudo aSJBqOSia JO 9LUIX •XB(i 30 luaujaouaiuuioo oc>ooc>c>ooc>e>e>Qoo cococ-JCoeoeOMMCflofl t- t- t^ t- c^ 1 (r- r- t- t^ u u u u uut-,u,uuuu.u QQOQQQPPQOQQQ 14 b I. b O O O O O <5 O (5 ^ >>>>> > t» > > ^dnCL^fliPMacEuacAHPUI^EUFUflilli o - 5 3 ^i^imi i»S ^50*6 ,¥ rt c8 C oj C 15 KQl-3;Z;OH5l-5l-)l-,l-,MQ(/jbH^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 707 00000000<5QOOOOO'0<=''OCDOiOOOC>'0000 NcqWMWWMWMWWcqWMCJC^MC^C^^C^MC^lNc^CjCIMC^lMMMM MC^COCOCC CO CO CO cococococg t— t- t- t-. t- r- I— b- t- t- I- t^ t— t— t- t- t- t-- t- E- t- t— t- t- c- t- t- t- u ;^ u u ooooooC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> s: .ii t. ■- .i:. h 2:, i:. .i:. .i, i^ !i, ^ ^ 'C 'H "H *n *n 'c i^ " '^ 'z 'z 'z n " 'n n 'c 'c x *c "C n "C x "C ^ 'C 'u *n u u u M 6 2 d E S S E o" ^ «■ "5 o I "■; o d £ "g £ o d E c o „• S E •§ 2 2 2 708 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 2; Eh < fe o o o u 3 o H •s^ueo c i ^ •Slioa M jH tH •aSaBUOSia JO aiuSJ, 1- C a e i t- k a C ■ t c t 'c. a e t c ' •XBd JO ;u3ui3ouaiuiuoo •jjUBa ■♦J > ft > 1 "3 B O Q C3 0) o ■a c M 1 CO « " N <-> g 3 ® © @ 5 o o^^ S fl -g, S o PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 709 1793. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JEREMIAH MURRYS COM- PANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Time of Discharge December 7th, 1793. Names. 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Jeremiah Murry, James M. Comb, Wm. McGomery, Wm. Neyman, .. Andr. Alsworth, . Thos Neal Jas. Rudolph, ... Elisha Mounts, .. Wm. Crutchlow. Jno. Young, Junr. Andw. Chambers, Jno. Chambers, .. Ferguson, ., Carrol Monad Curi-y, McKnutt, ... McKnutt. .. Wm. Jno. Jno. Jno. Jas. Robt Danl. McGlauchlin, Jno. White Math. Murry Geo. Wier, Jas. Watt Jas. Richine, Jno. Mounts Jas. Downing Jno. Farles, Sam. McGlaughlin, David McGinniss, Sam!. Hall, Francis Anderson, . Jos. McCutcheon, .. Jas. Gordon Jno. Hamilton Thos. Hamilton, ... Jno. Young Wm. Mathers 3C Alexr. Best, Captn.,. Lieut., . Sergt.,. Sei-gt. , . Sergt.,.. Sergt.,., Corpl.,.. Corpl.,.. private, private, private, private, private, , private, , private, private, , private, , private, , private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private 4th Octob. Dec. 7, 1793. Dec. 7, 1793. 5th Octob. 4th Octob. 5th Octob. 1st Octob. 1st Octob. 2d Octob. 28th Sept 27th Sept 27th Sept 27th Sept. 30th Sept. 30th Sept. 10th Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. 2d Octob. 5th Octob. 2d Octob. 2d Octob. 2d Octob. 2Sth Octob. 4th Octob. 4th Octob. 4th Octob. 4th Octob. 4th Octob. 4th Octob. 4th Octob. 4th Octob. 4th Octob. 10th 10th 10th 10th 10th 10th 10th 710 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JEREMIAH MURRYS COM- PANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA— Con- tinued. >. CO a VI o j_» c Names. E o c X E c E K u 31 Wm. Uliich, .... 32 Geo. Wolf S3 Pat. Kelley 34 Jas. Kelly 35 Jos. Mitchel, ... 36 Jno. Scott 37 Robt. Leech, ... 38 Jas. Lerch 39 Jno. Mathews, . 40 Jno. Farrer, 41 Wm. Corday, ... 42 Adm. Anderson, 43 Saml. Thompson, 44 Jno. Richards. . 45 Saml. Wallace, . 46 Thos. Hindmand, 47 Jno. Hindman, . 4S Hugh Callon, ... 49 Jno. Hays 50 Jos. Scott 51 Wm. Irwin 52 Wm. Thompson, 53 Robt. Miller, ... 54 Jas. Rayburn, .. 55 Jas. Findley, ... 56 Jno. Cation, 57 Danl. McConnell, 58 Wm. McGeary, . 59 Saml. Kinkad, . private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private. 4th 4th 4th 4th 5th 5th 5th 7th 7th Sth 8th Sth 8th 8th Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth 11th 11th Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. Octob. West'd County. Personally came before me the Subscribers one of the Com- monwealth Justices of the peace in and for the County affsd, the within named Captn. Jeremiah Murry and being Duly Sworn according to law Deposeth and Saith that the within Muster Roll Is Just and true as it stands stated to the best of his knowledge. Sworn before me this 13th Day of December, 1793. SAML. DICKISON. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 711 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT'N JOHN SLOAN'S COMPANY OF SIX MONTHS MILITIA OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE OF PENN- SYLVANIA. C3 P. 4) O be v ■g Names. B •o H J Cj p-i '^ r &. O P^ o o Z o o H H Oh •sXBa t> CO o o o o (&cdCP5£>«>(DCeCC' O O O O t- c- Ooooo4oooc6ec<£cdc&^c£cc^^^ tH O O O O c- o t- t- t^ t- t™ i". r» ■aaaBqosia JO suJlX •XBd JO }uaiU90Udiuiuoo t^ t— t^ l^ t— r— I— I— I— I— t^ t^ I"- t~— I— t— l~— d dQQQQflPQCQQOPQOQ I- t^ M of M M rt CO OO C<* C^ M CO C3 CO CO CO t- t^ t- I- F- t^ I- t- I- t^ I- t- t- I- I- ft a ;^ >^ t^ t^ >->.>* *-^ >>>->.>»>>>> ^ 5 5 in lo irt ift irt if^ it:> 1^-5 ift «-':> >o 'f= »« >» "^ r V *- - *" - ^' OJ* QJ 4> 4> dJ "IJ "U l* OJ oj • ~ k, a. - *. 3 J3 lU MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. m Pi o U m o 51 ^ J; & ^ S > >^§ H PL, O W H :n H ■sjuao ■« o •SIIOQ eDOCoocoeneococctoccuscccocDcDco ?i •sXbq o 41 E •smuopi h •eSaiiqosiQ jo atuix •.^Bcl JO ;uauiaoueuiuioo Cf CD C£ Cd cACde&e&cOcDu^c^cdcDcdcDcDcdc&cocD OOOOOOOOOOOOCiOO' t-t-t*l>I>-t^t-t-C-t-b-t-t-t>l^C-t- «c^c4eococo«eocococ*5«cofr5co« OOOOOOOOOOCJOOOOOO QCaQOQDQQQOGQDCQO t- t- t^ t'- I- ^ h h ^ ^ '-' ^ ^ ^^^ i^ ^ "^ ''«^ T^ TI "C "u 'C 'C "C "H 'u "H T 'C "C 'C TI 1^ "C to M ■parse . = -S c t! 2 O 5 _ C5 ^P^ ??•« ^ ^tt * (H ° n M K PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 715 eC CO CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD ' CDCDcDcDcDcDcDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDcDcDtOCDCDCD CDtCtDcDCDcDcDcDCDcCcDcDcDcDcDCDCDcDcDCOCDcD 0OOO0OO'00iC^O0C00C>OOC'O0 t^t>t^t-t^t— t-t*t-c^t— t-t-t— c-t*t't-t^^~t~t^**' M«M«CO«tf*3«COC^«M«tO« OQQQQOOQPQQOqfiOOOQCOO 00 a}d)a}a'a>a>V4)(D^o(U(i}(ua)(i>iv4> ac.s.s.o.ccco.C::^ p.;::.C!.S.C.&Q.C.a . tfl . to >> S £? a" -^ .-^.£|5K«o||g|^|^^^o^ols c — - j: SS.o^'^S^ oj 4lal^?sllirsK«^s^ss:i§ 716 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. On this twenty Seventh Day of January, 1795, before me John Williams, Esquire, one of the justices of the peace for the County of Alleghany in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania personally came John Sloan, Esquire, Captain of a com- pany of State Militia raised for the defence of the frontiers of said Commonwealth, and being duly sworn according to laws on the solemn oath deposes ancl says that the foregoing is a just and true pay rool for the company of State Militia in the Service of said Commonwealth under his command, & that the service was performed for the terms there in charged by the several officers & men as is set forth in the said pay- roll. Sworn as above before me. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 717 PS o o *^ CO o £ S E & ^ .? I ^ « 5 « >^ a 4 s K ^ ^ 718 MUSfER AND PAY ROLLS. < W >^ H H O H Z o u Q , '>^ >i >i >i >t >. >, >i >i >. >, >t >t >i >t >i 0) o E o I E „ = 2 I g ts ^ M P P4 I? P3 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 719 O. t— I— t- I- t-. t- r- t- t- Ir- t*l>t't-t>I>'t-l>t-l>»l>l>'t^t-t-lr-I>-t>t>l>t-t-t»t-'«r m" n n CO ^s' cvj' « m" m" kT n i:^ S rt S SSSJ^ tH t- t- l-H S 5h ^ r-i T-H iH r-t CO ; 5 5 £ "S ££55 J3 X! J3 £ £ J= £ £ x; x: X! ^ £ £ £ £ - -O >1 ><>^>>>.>>>>>^>.>>>1>.>.>. >.>->->>>>>>>.>.>> >».bis PL,&Hfefi,PL,(i,ci<(iHa £ -r; S •= MWKw|>I-5H,Pi-5|_1P(1;Ki-, ^ O C C3 m o ■^ o 1— ( Hh P a C3 O s H P Tl ;^ t- cS a! cJ K K (S (^ OF^K u §o 720 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. WE THE UNDER NAMED SUBSCRIBERS DO CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED THE SEVERAL SUMS AN- NEXED TO OUR NAMES UNDER CAPT. SAMUEL BELL WESTMORELAND RANGERS FOR A PARTY OF MILL- ITIA OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERED ON DUTY BY CHAS. CAMPBELL BRIGADE INSPECTOR OF SAID COUNTY IN CASE OF IMMERGANCY IN THE YEAR 1793. Capt., Lieut. , . . . . Ensign, . . . Serjeants, Private,.. . Private,... Private, .. , Private,.. Private,.. Private,... Private,.. Private,.. , Private,.. Private,.. , Private... Private,.. Private,.. , Private... , Samuel Bell James Huston William , Samuel McGlaughlin, Peter Fair Saml. McCrea, Oeorge Wolf, John Carrol James Wein John Ale.xander, John Bicldick, George Miller Jacob Shingletaker, Jno. White, .lames Donachey, ... Alexander Donachey, John Pelson George Ourcy, WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL LIEUTENANT OF WESTMOREl AND COUNTY THE SUMS ANNEXED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY IN FULL OF PAY AL- LOWED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR OUR SERVICE AS RANGER UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. JOHN ELLIOTT. Time of entry, 1793. Names Jno. Elliott, Rob't Cooper Time of Discharge, 1793. Dels. Cts. 3 33 1 7 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 721 Names Sam'l Haslet, Jno. Cooper, Jno. Reynolds, Ja's Thompson, Ja'c Amant, Sam'l Wallace Conrod Carver, Dav'd Andersen, Jno. Bell, Jno. Hunter, Alex'r Diuuiston, Jno. Dotty W'm Moore, Jas. Sloan W'm Magill, Dan'l Morrison, Doll., Doll. Cents. 1 7 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 17 47 DISCHARGES. Westmoreland County Militia, 1793. Rec'd March 27th, 1793, of Chas. Campbell, Lieut. Westmore- land County two pounds ten shillings and three pence in full of my pay for a tour of Militia Duty under Capt. Jas. Sloan. ABSALOM WOODWARD. Test, J. Wright. I Certify that the Bearer Jno. Duff has served a tour of Militia Duty under my command at Station Commenc- ing the 30th day of May and the 2d day of August both days included and discharged. Given under my hand this 2d of August. JEREMIAH MURRY, Capt. I hereby Certify that George Hall hath served a tower of Milittia Dutty of one month under my command on the frun- teers of Westmoreland County and is now discharged. Given under my hand this 22d day of December, A. D., 1792. ROBT. ROBINSON, Capt. 46— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 722 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I do Hereby Certify that Hen'y Buzant served since the 15th of May Last under me as a six months soldier on the fronteers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do hereby certify that Will'm Courtney served since the 15th of May last under me as a six months soldier on the frontiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably discharged. Given under my hand this 14 day of December, 1793. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do Hereby Certify that Jo's Cole serv'd since the 15th. of May Last under me as a six mouths soldier on the fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably discharged. Given under my hand this 14th Day of Decemb'r, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do Hereby Certify that Rich'd Dempsey served since the 15th. May Last under me as a six months soldier on the fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably discharged. Given under my hand this 14th Day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do hereby Certify that Ben'n Dilworth serv'd since the 15th of May last under me as a six months soldier on the fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably discharged. Given under my hand this 14th Day of Decemb'r, 1793. Both the afores'd days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 723 I do Hereby Certify that George Fiskus served since the 15th of May Last under me as a six months soldier on the frontiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania as is now Honourably discharged. Given under my hand this 14th Day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do Hereby Certify that Peter Gordon serv'd since the 15th of May last under me as a six months soldier on the fron- is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this is now Honorably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14 day of December, 1793. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do hereby certify that Robert Hannah served since the 25th of July Last under me as a six months soldier on the frontiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do hereby certify that Benj. Irwin servd. since the 15th of May last under me as a six months soldier on the frontiers Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day Honorably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do Hereby certify that John Lopp serv'd since the 15th of May Last under me as a siv months Soldier on the fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of Decem'r. 1793. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. 724 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I do Hereby Certify that Levi Little serv'd since the 15th of May last under me as a six months soldier on the Fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my Hand this — day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do Hereby Certify that Matt'w Maclean serv'd since the 15th of May last under me as a Serjt. in the six months ser- vice on the frontiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th Day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt I do hereby Certify that Chas. McCoy served since the 15th of May I^ast under me as a six months soldier on the fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt to one gun in servis Lo 150. I do hereby certify that John McCullough serv'd since the 15th of May Last under me as a six months soldier on the frontiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honorably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14 day of December, 1793. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do hereby that Dan'l Morrisson, served since the 15th of May last under me as a six months soldier on the fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honorably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14 day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 725 I do hereby certify that Mick. Mullan serv'd since the loth of May Last under me as a six months soldier on the frontiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do hereby Certify that Jacob Spizer serv'd since the 15th cf May last under me on the frontiers of Westmoreland £tate cf Penna. as a six months soldier and is now Hon- ourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do Hereby Certify that Saml. Sterret served since the 15th of May Last under me as a six months soldier on the frontiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. Both the above days in- cluded. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do Hereby Certify that Mick. Waugh serv'd since the of May last under me as a six months soldier on the fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt. I do hereby Certify that John Wilkey served since the 15th of May last under me as a six months soldier on the fron- tiers of Westmoreland County and State of Pennsylvania and is now Honourably Discharged. Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1793. Both the above days included. JOHN SLOAN, Capt, 726 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A PAY ROLL OF CAPTN. JOHN LAUGLINS COMPANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA IMPLOYED AS RANGERS ON THE FRONTIERS. Commencement of pay for all 15th of May 1794. Time of discharge for all 17th May 1794. Time in service for all months, 3 days. Total In Q c •^ i: c o S t^ 0) >> ^ c cS o PU Q o Jno. Laughlin Archbold Marshal, Jas. Robertson, ... Michael Shaul, Henery Bash Joseph Shoemaker, Robt Courtney Wm. Jackson Thomas Young, Hanaghhout Miller, c-apt.,.. Lt Private, s 80 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 8 2t) def. 5 cents, def. 6 cents. I Do hereby Certify that the above Detachment was ordered on Duty for the Defence of the frontiers of Westmoreland County agreeable to Lav^^. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Br. Inspector W. C. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 727 A MUSTER ROLE OF CAPTN. WILLIAM MOORHEAD COM- PANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA IMPLOY- ED AS RANGERS. ta <« >i *-t c Names. 5 o X > Total. • o ^ • ti Names. B o c ^ B K CO a B ,—1 C sj « o a O Lieut., .. Ensign, . Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Jno. Mathews 1 Private, Jas. McComb, .fno. Ewing Jno. Laughlin, ... Jno. Gibson Petr. Palmore, ... Petr. Fair Jno. Patton Alexr. Lyons Wm. Fergxison, .. Jas. McClemans, . Sam'l Flemon, ... Jno. Downey Jas. Ewing Jos. Dean Alexr. Thompson, Alexr. Ewing Wm. Coleman, ... Moses Thompson, Jas. Mathews, ... Wm. Crawford Benjn. Irwin George Huckleberry, Alexr. Lyttle, Robt. Elder Jno. Cummins Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, June 9, 1794, 3 June 9, 1794, 2 4th June 4th June 4th June 4th June 4th June .5th June Sth June 5th June, — .5th June 7th June, 7th June oth June ,5th June 5th June 5th June 5th June, 5th June 5th June, 5th June 5th June 5th June 5th June 5th June 5th June, 30 I Do Certify That the Above Company was ordered on duty Agreeable to Law for the Defence of Westmoreland County. CHAS, CAMPBELL, Br. Inspector W. C. 730 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A PAY ROLL OF CAPT. ROBT. DICKEY COMPANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY RIFLEMEN AT GREENS STATION. Commencement cf pay for all, 11th of June 1794. Time of discharge for all, 10th of July 1794. Time of service for all 1 month & days, with the excep- tion of Ensign who had 26 days. Total. • I Si Names. o E X a n c >> d Clj o « 04 Q O Robt. Dickey, John Eager, David Todd, John Sloan John Yatton, Elijah Robb Wm. Proctor Samuel Gibson Joseph Harvy, Jas. Campbell Sa'l McFarland, "U'm. Burns Jeremiah Henry John Gilespee Wm. Newell James Lacky John Martin, Michal Huffman Ezekial Anderson, ... Thomas Wilson Samuel Walker Thomas Story, James Irvin William Martin Rob't. Story Wm. Williby Wm. Anderson, Duncan Matthews, .. John Watt Wm. Hunter, Patrick MoGIaughlin, John Murry, John Story, true amount with cornet,. Capt., Lieut., Ensign 15th June, Sergt Sergt., Sergt., Sergt., Private Private Private Private, Private, Private Private Private Private, Private Private Private, Private, Private Private Private Private Private Private, Private Private Private Private Private, Private Private, 25 25 20 20 6 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 238 I do Certify that the above Company was ordered on Duty PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 731 agreeable to Law for the Defence of the frontiers of West- moreland County. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Br. Inspector W. C. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ROBT. DICKEY COMPANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY RIPHLE MIN AT GREENS STATION. arge. >> A Names. P ^ o X < s s g 5 Q O P g 2 » » 00 oo t- t- t- t- ■ 'siuao ^ "3 o o • ^ S3 M S E£» CO CO -! t-3 H, ^, H, H, ^ e> cr ^ S S S o o o « »-t r- ^ V,- 1^ ^ w n' d • d : c : : : : "d : (O '3 a 6 : ^ ; 3 . a> : 3 • .5? • 3 : W : • c3 . ^l-:l-) 1-5 " s & aT £ O . >, a; .o S = S 2 rt ;C 1/2 K PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 735 cie4cqcqM^c4Meqe^e Cl c-i c-i c-j n c^ CJ Cl C] CCCCCCCiCCCC'-''^'-''-*'-'^'^'~'^SG M o. .- 1) 5 - c 2 S * _g j3 o m a ^^H;2 2 S - - " ». I & "E " £ ° n: |l4^^«Oh^>?5Q^^HC^.Su^^tt c .O ^ J • H ■o ffl S CO " o On I 736 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A PAY ROLE OF MAJOR ABRAHAM CAHILL AND SEAR- GEANT MAJOR SAMUEL ROBERTSON OF WESTMORE- LAND COUNTY MILITLA AT CLARKS AND OTHER STA- TIONS Commencement of pay June 12th, 1794. Time of Discharge August 11th, 1794. Time in Service two months. ji , J3 o C E C u ft 01 01 c rt CIS o o « c h H Abraham Cahill Sam. Robertson, Sergeant i Etolls. Dolls. Dolls. j Major, 30 10 SO ' Major, 9 00 IS Cents. 00 00 I do certify that the within Major was ordered on Duty agreeable to Law for the Defence of the frontiers of West- moreland County. , CHAS. CAMPBELL, Br. Inspector W. C. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ROBERT ORR'S COMPANY OF RIFLE MILITIA OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR ABRAHAM CAHILL AT OWENS ISLAND & OTHER STATIONS. Robert Orr James Nicholson, ... Wm. Hays Saml. Cooper Jno. Gordon Hugh B'ddle ■Wm. Nicholson I Sergt Jno. Nicholson 1 CorpI Capt. , . . Dieut., . Ensign, Sergt.,. Sergt.,. Sergt.,. June 20, 1794 June 10, 1794 June 10, 1794 June 10, 1794: June 10, 1794, June 10, 1794, June 10, 1794, June 10, 1794, July 20, 1.794. Aug. 12, 1794. Aug. 12, 1794. Aug. 12, 1794. Aug. 12, 1794. Aug. 12, 1794. Aug. 12, 1794. Aug. 12, 1794. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 737 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ROBERT ORR'S COMPANY OF RIFLE MILITIA OP WESTMORELAND COUNTY UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR ABRAHAM CAHILL AT OWENS ISLAND & OTHER STATIONS— Continued. Jno. Morton, Malcom Campbell, Mathias Wertby, . Privates. Jas. TVertby Thos. Young- Geo. Crawford, .. Robt. Mcllwain, . Jas. Reyburn Saml. Irwin Jno. Hays Hugh Caleon Jno. Caleon, Henjn. Chambers, Geo. Chambers, . J^as. Scott Wm. Geasy, Saml. King Robt. Cutbertson, Jno. Campbell Wm. Crutchlow, . Saml. Hall Wm. Irwin, Jas. McMees, Wm. Thompson, . Jno. Young, Robt. Miller Gilbert Young Thrs. I>nng Jas. McCiiin Jno. MoMees, Stepn. Selders, .. Benjn. Seldine, .. David Hall Jas. Jackson Wm. .lacks n, ... Thos. Guin Geo. Amond S^aml. Foreman, Martin Story, Chrisn. Ripple, .. Jas. Hall « Corpl. Corpl. Corpl. June 10, 1794 Aug. 12, 1794. June 10, 17'j4 j Aug. 12, 1794. June 10, 17!t4 | Aug. 12, 1794. June 10, June JO, June 10. June 10, June 10. June 10. June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10, June 10. June 10. June ]0, June 10, June 10, June 10. July I". June 10, •Tune 10. June in, July 10, July 10, July 10. July 10, July 10. July 10, July 10. July 10, June 10, 17!i4 ' Aug. 12 17;14 I Aug. 12 1704 ! Aug. 12, 17:14 ! Aug. 12, 1794 Aug. 12 1794, Aug. 12 1794 j Aug. 12, 1794, Aug. 12, 1794 Aug. 12, 1794 I Aug. 12: 1794 Aug. 12, 1794 I Aug. 12, 1794 1 Aug. 12, 1704 I Aug. 12, 1794 Aug. 12, 1794 I Aug. 12 1794 Aug. 12 1794 Aug. 12 1794, , Aug. 12 1794 ' Aug. 12 1794 i Aug. 12 1794 I Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 12. Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 1794, j Aug. 12 1794 ' Aug. 12 1794 I Aug. 12 1794 I Aug. 12 1791 I Aug. 12 1794 I Aug. 12 1794, 1794, 1794, 179-1,. 1794, 1704, 1794, 1794, 1794, 1794, Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. The above Muster Roll was proven before me agreeable to Law this 3rd. clay of March 1795. SAML. DICKSON. 47— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 7?S MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. o u < o ^ Pi H H /i m '^ H (J O O Q Q Z ;z; ^ ^ ^ H u W rA! <5 H u H n § <11 ;z: P3 E <53 o *-5 Pi ^ O *-5 H < S fa n Q P H Z i-j o >* < Ph •muom Jad XtJd •sx^a ■a3ai3nDsip JO 9ui!i ■i^Bd JO :(U3UlaOU8LUUIOO s ^ 8S s s s ?; i-H rf r-i eQ w s (>3 a kA s Id oo 00 «, 00 t- t- t- ^ a> «o =D » O CO O CO o " « " CO « " " M " " M " " NC. " c^ CO 03 CO » CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CO CO CD CD CO CO CD o CD *XI CD to " s g g g CO s eo M CO rS CO CO CO CO CO CO g CO CO •^ CO - rH - - tH - ^ -- 1-H - S d cq « e-HT-iOi-ICOcOcOCDCDeOCDCOCDCOt-itOcOTHCOi^t-t~t-t-t^t-t't--t— 3 3 3 3 3 33333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333 s" j S S ^ ;s S s S V S Sf ^ S S" ^ S m S ■«r s; ■^ i j ^- j i i j w t:; Ul U U; u U t:; U; i:; u ii; i^ t- i:; ^ !^ i:: t:: .c xf .c 5 j= 5 5 5 £ s: j: ^ ■5 s: 5 ■5 £ j£ x:' j: x:" £ j: w i:' ^* £ jf j;' 5 5 s: j: J3 o a; 0) (I) IJ (V ^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 C d C C a>ajajaj(U(Ucuocjaj(Pii>aic)cu OJ Cj 4) -l>-ii-l'n>-l->>-i<-il-i>r)>-l^'->'->l-ll-ll-l'-il-:,t-l>n ajdJOJOJQJaJOdJdJ^l'Q'CJ a> oj oj !i> QJ O O ^ 1— I H H 1 u >rH V) ^ In (/J o o J ;>^ r^ z a <^ o 2 o H CJ <1 :^ O ffl h4 > > |1< Of fe 3 & ■« (^ 02 U SO PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 741 MUSTER ROLL OF THE RIFLE COMPANY IN THE SECOND BATTALLIONS OF THE THIRD REIGMENT OF WEST- MORELAND COUNTY MILITIA ON A TOUR OF DUTY ON THE FRONTIERS OF SAID COUNTY BY ORDER OF CHARLES CAMPBELL BR. INSPECTOR COMMENCING THE 4TH. OF JUNE & ENDING THE 13TH. OF AUGUST ENCLUSIVE IN THE YEAR 1794. 4) s B 0) "^ d Names. Rank. c B s o B h Culbertpon, Wm. McElwain, . Joseph Regg's James Rannells, . Allexd'r Brown, . <'aiitn., I.ieut., . Ensn., . Clarke, Sergen^, Ser.gent, Sergcnt, Sergent, Corp)., Corpl., Corpl., Corpl., fif. r. ... Di umme private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private. private, p.rivate. private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, private, June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4, . June 4. . June 4. , June 4, , June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, Jvme 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, June 4, Augrust 13, 742 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. MUSTER ROLL OF THE RIFLE COMPANY IN THE SECOND BATTALLIONS OF THE THIRD REIGMENT OF WEST- MORELAND COUNTY MILITIA.— Continued. (V a H i> u o cd Names. Rank. 2 .a E u E d) E E o ^ Ephraim Gibson private James Furgason, Little, private Joseph Carson private James Brown, private Saml. Calhoun private Abraham Walker private Absolam Woodard private Joseph Clark, private John Cunningham, Hugh Wasin James Sloan Thomas Smith, .. Saml. Sloan, William Wasin, .. Samuel Paul James Paul James Stewart, . . private private private private private private private private private June 4, .. . August 6, 1794. June 4,.,. August 6, 1794. June 4, ... August 13, 1794 June i, ... August 6, 1794 June 7, . . . August 7, 1794 June 7, ... August 7, 1794 June 7,... August 7, 1794 June 7, ... August 7, 1794 June 7,... August 7, 1794 June 7,... August 7, 1794 June 7, ... August 7, 1794 June 7,... August 7, 1794 June 7,... August 7, 1794 June 7,... August 7, 1794 June 20,.. August 13, 1794 June 20,.. Augu.st 13, 1794 June 20,.. August 13, 1794 Westmoreland County, sft: Personally came before me one of the Commonwealth Jus- tices of the peace in & for the County afforesaid Captain John Elliott & being Duly Sworn according to Law Deposeth & Saith that the within Muster roll is Just fe True as it Stands Stated. Sworn & Subscribed this 20Lh Day of Jan. 1795. J. ELLIOTT Capt. R. C. John Shields. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 743 A MUSTER ROLE OF A. DETACHMENT OF WESTMORE- LAND COUNTY MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR ABRAHAM CAHILL AT GREENS STATION. • 6 >, £ u o Names. a .2 W «t-i 4-1 o X ^ ^ H H z ^: t) tD O 1^ ^fa p^ 5 w h^] ^ W , tf w o ffi S H r^ O H :^ ^o 2 k W o g . ^ !>^ n ^ c; < , Ph i-J ^ w o W o O H^ H ^ h ^ Pi w ^ ^ !< ^ « Ft, t/3 ^ o < H Z H ^ O PLH < ^ < s Pi ^ o o u H fc H m J ffl u J H §oi > ;>^ Q 7J in r«-, m 'P " ^ !« a "= u. S o ^ S ■" lO Ift CO ■* •* o> ■^ -^ ^- : ■- M< ^. V; in w ;:; u rM rH s s s in fl J3 J3 .C js" J3 JS .C Ji .d Ji ^ 43" JS js" T-l S t5 s S 13 S lA S S ^ T-t S t-H M fcfl tji iir bri hr bh bf) bfl bn bn bn bii br til 3 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 «:<;<<;-i!-3(^l-5l-5l-5l-,l-J _ : ■ ..... . . . d" "s "(u I £ a s K £ p £ oj o ::: [Sup:«^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 17,90-lSOO. 747 § § o s § S g Ci ss s g s g s s ssss sssss « 2; 2 ^ eq " 3 s? S 3 I— 1 tH s s iH iH S iH tH s M CO (N I-( S3 s s s f-i T-l <£> CO CO s ^ OS a> ■* 00 iB la IS LA LA IS lA ffl us IS IS 10 i5 IS IS 1» IS IS IS iS IS IS U5 IS IS C0CnCiO3O^C^jO^C>CiC5C^C5dC^C5CiOSO^0iCriCiCS(5^d<^CSCsC5C5CSO5Oa t— c^ t— i~ r- t-* t— I— t^ [>• r- t~ r- c— t- t— t— c— t— t~- c^ t— L^ [^ t- f t~ t— t^ t~ t— t— ^" ^'' ^" si j3 js" ^'' j3 x:' j:: ji ^' ji s^ s: £ js x" £ ^ d ^ £ £ ^ js js s: J3 /=' «" J5 IS iS IS IS Irt 0> to i.'l lA 10 i.^ u;^ u^ l.-^ 10 1.0 IS IS »S IS L.-^ IS iS i;^ 0» IS IS IS IS IS IS iS Oi OT Oi c3i 05 ^^ as t- t- r- t^ t- r- t^ t^ r^ c^ t^ I- t- t^ C^ !■- r^ c:i t^ I- l^ l^ 1^ t^ t- t~t-I-t— t^C-^-T-^T-(^-^*-^^-'-^I-^»-^^-^I-ll— li-ftHrHrHT— (iMt^rHrHrHi— (»-(i-lT-( rHrHr-(i-li-t--iTH tH „- -- -- -- -- -- ,-- Si ^ J3 X x' ^" j= ji ^' ^" ff ^ £ £ *" d £ J- J= ^" js J2 xi J= J3 t^-^-<^[^t^L-OOi— (1— iTSrHT-ii-(t-ii— irHi-1i--5^^^^^-^l-3l-Jl-5H5l-)l-3>-3l-^l^ > > 3; .r: ^ .S; .S ^ .S .S .£: .£; -S ._ „ "C *E *t^ 'C X "H "C 'V *n 't- J- TI Xi > t> > > > Qa;:uaaaaaaGa&aa • o c o .- c S = S 3 c :^ 57 ,/ m S £ E „■ o S C C ^ Vi -J. v: ui ^ ti *^ ui_ ^ ^ £ E ca o ^t^t^ c -r IS c Oh^ fcK a cJ o H3l-5l-5Qa2pH>-; o o lllill r-trHT-(i-lT-t,-Hi-.e5 748 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. P O O Q Pi o H U2 W •muoxu jad Xi;,i •aoiAaas jo aunx ■89.iL'H0S!a JO auiix ■K-ed juauiaouaiuuioD bl] !U) tio 3 3 3 <<< E J 1 pq fu rt S o , G Names. X ^ t - ni E^ K H Wm. Hutcheson, . . . James McComb, . . . John Ewing- Timothy O'Neal, ... John Evens David Linoh, Manasseh Coyl, Thomas Taylor, John Still John Pounds John Kerr, David White James Simpson, Sam!. McNutt, Abrm. Walker, Jos. Setton Jno. McMullen Jno. Ferrin Mex'r Lyons Wm. Fleomon, Wm. Fulton Saml. Rea Jas. Hall Jas. Millen Wm. Jackson, Jos. Clark Henry Bash, Alen McCombs John Sipes Jeremiah Setton, ... John Gregg John Oliver, John Eaton, James Mnorhead, .. Ahsolam Woodwart, Robt. Ralston Alex'r McCoy Francis Burns William Reeves, ... James Spence, Capt., .. Lieut., . Ensign, Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant. Sergeant, Corpl., . Corp]., . Corpl. , . Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Pri\iVtes, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, 10th August, 1791. 10th August, 17;i4. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1791. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1791. 10th August, 1791. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1791. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1791. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th -August, 1794. 10th August, 1791. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1791. 10th -August, 1791. 10th Aug-ust. 1791. 10th August. 1794. 10th -August, 1794. 10th August, 1794 10th -August. 1794. 10th -August. 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 10th August, 1794. 48— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 754 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM HUTCHESONS COMPANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA.— Continued. b a Names. ^.1 it a. t c E& « h John White, Hugh Wason Sam'l McCrea, ... Jo's Wilson Jno. Shellaberger, Henery Become, Jno. Hess Jno. Cunningham, Wm. Wason, Church Smith, .. Saml. Sloan Thomas Smith, . . James Elder Robt. Elder Jas. Smith Jas. Jackson Bernard Steer, . . Pavid Hall Christ'n Stochel, Dan'l Lavier Privates 10th Privates 10th Privates 10th Privates 14th Privates I 14th Privates, | 14th Privates, ; 14th Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, Privates, 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 16th 18th August, August, August, August, August, August, August, August, August, August, August, August, August, August. August, August, August, August, August, August, 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. i:9t. Westd. County, ss: Personaly came before me the Subscriber one of the Com- monwealth Justices of the peace in and for the County affsd. Captn. Willm. Hutcheson and. being duly sworn according to law Deposeth and Saith that the above Muster Roll is Just and true as it Stands Stated to the best of his knowledge Sworn and Subscribed before me this 29th Day of December 1794. SAML. DICKSON. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 755 02 iii B o Q O p5 t-t-t-oooooo •^SJBqosia JO &IUIX *XBd JO ^uauiaouamuioo ^' ji d ^ -c ^^ ^^ j£ jiT ji j= xT d xT xi" ^^ ^rHi-H,-lr-4rH^i-»i-lT-HrH.-lT-(i-. !>. t- t- L- t- I- r- t— c- t- t- C-- C C C C rt OJ i; o rt rt cj c3 rt .-S p -^ ^ tuo tij fc£ Ci. a C. ^^ ^ ^ < O H 1 Z ri) t) Z o O ( ) H Q <1 3 ffj [^ W Di ffl o H § O H CO H P (■/; fc u Q J >H H <3 S ^ o H c; UJ 02 P4 Z ffi o r) r/; W ^ ffi ffi o o H 1-5 t3 o d o p? Q Z. H < tin 00000000 ■snoa MMCOeOCOesJCOMCOMCOCCCOCOMTOM oS-iBijosja JO auiix 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794, . . 1794, . . 1794,.. 1794... 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794, . . 1794,' . . 1794, . . 1794,.. 1794, . . 1794, . . OUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCJ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO •AbcI jo ;uaiuaou9Uimoo 1794,... 1794,... 1794, . . . 1794. . . . 1794,... 1794.... 1794.... 1794,... 1794,... 1794,... 1794,... 1794,... 1794,... 1794,... 1794,... 1794,... 1794.... bfltbtiibi)bjDboboiiotitcticbi]bDbi)fccbibbi 33333333333333333 i «i qT aj" oT (p ^ cJ" i' 0^ oj" iT qT oT aj" aT oggggg^ggggggggggo s?5ssss5s?3ss?^sssaasssssssas;:!^ 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794... 1794... 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794... 1794, . . 1794. . . 1794, . . 1794,.. 1794, . . 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794, . . 1794,.. 1794, . . 1794, . . 1794, . . 1794, . . 1794,.. 1794,.. 1794,.. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo t- t- t- t- C- t— C- t-- t/3 3 P 3 3333333333 3 3 tJ) be 6b M b£ to bo 6C bt bX! oil 60 M M 60 bo 3 3 3 3 3 bobbbibi6o6i!iiibobcto^j2j;:j;.r;j:i:j3j3.Gj:x:.c.s.cj3/:: 3333333333-M4->*Jw*j*j-M-tJ*J-f->-M+JiJ-M-tJ-t;j-; fc£(i;p:i£(i;(il^££££i£;i£PH£££S£PHpHiiHfccupH£ *^ g = ■3 tC f^ _ . 1^ "^ c ►ni-3'-3 : d o E 3 c F S •a ii .a rr. •« H H « w cc (- ." rp K rrt rt « ed R! CC c- •-1 1-5 i-s ffix^ ^3 hJ pj W m Cu g a; < C M rn <; W W u 758 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. s H < < H CO J ^ o o ^ o Pi u o »-? p < < fe J o w n 2 pi, <: H ^ M ^ w o ^ fc ffi o H ISH CcJ ?^ 1x1 H fe M o 2 J H J « o <: tf u >H Ph •sj-Biioa 30 ib;oj. •sa^noa 'uiuoui d ATsd •sx^a •smuoLU "ooiAjas ui aiutx •aSjuilosja JO si-uix •Xv,(l JO ;ua[uaouauiiuoo ^udSoooS-^co^cSSS s 5 ss r-1 J:; iH i- !5 U5 s S iH S ^ s r-( 00 00 00 00 t- t- t- t- ^ M « N ^ c ea M M « N M CO N -*" X ■*r ^ "^ ^ ■^ ^ ->!•" ^- ^ ^- i^ rH rH t; u U !-l S S X £ j:" JZ ^ ^ J= £ ^" J3 s: J3 \o in lA S ^ i5 ^f ^ ^ w ^ u tH (, L, k. L^ t- t^ 0) 0) (D Xi X! ,tJ ^ ,Q J2 x> XI J2 x: C' ■J U D n ri ooooodooooooo M-" •Tf -^ s; M-" ^" ■^ OS ^ ^" ^" -s-" ^ T-i "-< T-H ^ -^ ■^ ^ ■- •-' '-' r-f s:x:jss:s:£:ffs:s:x:ss:^ 33333333333^3 3333333333333 <<<<<<<<<<<<< J^ "^ /; - § K f • p t. E ~ i e «• .■ <5 OJ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 759 a § S $ o <5 s -^ o o ■* S S M o s s §§ o SS O s S S S s a « M CO « 1-t « tH es M M « r-l a M eq « *J o O rH rH o <= o rH o O rH o o> tn CD C5 « - t- c- t- t- c- t- t- t- t- N ^ -< ^ r-i ^ w ?3 « ?3 S3 Cd M M s « ?3 00 00 c. « - IM - c « " M C - N (M « M « « « « ^ r-l ^ rH ^ - iH - rH - - - -- rH 1>- ■el* ^ t- i M* I-H t- 1 rH 1 r-f i i i '^ i '^" i g i t- i rH S •^ ?2 t> " O C^i O O' O O O a> Qj (VI oj u u u u u u ^ u> t^ u (UQja)a> OJ 01 Kj S rt ci c; « a; 1-3 ?°.!- — <0-COnio66£Em°E3O« i-iOOOni-sn<;pH,E-ipWnP< 760 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 3 9 Pi ^ o fa 6 O o g Pi ffi O H, Pi O Q fa 5 O '^ o f^ •SJBllOa 30 IB^Oi •sJEiioci 'uiuoui -cI X-ed •SjCBQ •sqiuom '301A.ISS ui auiix •eSJBqosia JO 9UIJJ, •Jivtl JO :>uamaouaiuutoo o -2 o 3 3 3 be M to 3 3 3 <; <; ^ ;> > u t^ t. P, u c. 3 o . o . ° M c m O C U M 0) c W PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 761 A MUSTER ROLE FOR CAPTN. JOHN WHITE'S COMPANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MALITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR JOHN CHRISTY. >> d O ^ tio a Names. E CD ■o a M s o o s « o H John White, John Flatcher Christopher Lavaur, John Morrison John Huston, Matthew Linch, Capt., Lieut. Ensg., Sert... Sert.,. Sert.,. Christopher Marsh | Sert.,. John Carr , Thomas Taylor, Solomon Brown, W'm. Mountgomery, , Joseph McCartney, . . Stephen Newel Wiliiam Chambers, Hugli Gallagher, . . . James Clarke, ilugh Stenson John Sterret Peter Gordon Joseph Dennis Thomas Hutson John McCulloch George Reed Adam Terrion John Rayburn Hugh White Thomas Patterson, . Samuel Green Jacob White John Green James Green, Conrod Cook, George Cook Charles Stuart, John Stuart, John McPlierson, ... John Lynn Adam Ritchy William Clarke James Luke Thomas Clarke, Wm. Daubligin Hugh Junkins, Cort.,.. Cort.,.. Cort.,.. Cort.,.. Cort.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt., .. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. privt.,.. August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August .\ugust August Au.gust August August August August August August August August August 9 1794,.... 9 1794,.... 9 1794,.... 9 1794 9 1794 9 1794 ;i 1794 y 1794 9 1794 9 1794 D 1794,.... 9, 1794 9 1794,.... 9 1794,.... 9 1794, .... 9 1794 9 1794,.... 9 1794 9 1794 9 1794 9 1794 9 1794 ' 9 1794 1 9 1794 9 1794,.... 1 9 1794 ! 9 1794 9 1'9^ , 9 1794 9 1794 9 1794,.... 9 1794 9 1794 19 1794 19 1794 1 19 1794 19 1794 ' 19 1794 19 1794 19 1794 19 1794 19 1794,.... 19 1794,...., October 15 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 11, October 14 October 14 October 10 October 14 October 15, October 15, October 15, October 15, October 15, October 15, October 15, October October 15, October 15 October 10, October 14 October 14 October 14 October 14 October 14 October 14 October 10, October 10, October 10 October 10 October 10, October 10, October 10, October 10, October 10, October 10, 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 762 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A MUSTER ROLE FOR CAPTN. JOHN WHITE'S COMPANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA— Continued. >> a a "H a 1 Namea. g •o 1 o M i> a B K o H John Balrd Patrick Lydich, .. Robert Simpson, .. James Downey, .. one Wash Woman privt, privt privt privt, privt August 23, 1794 August 23, 1794 August 2S, 1794 August 30, 1794 August 9, 1794 October 10, 1794. October 10, 1794. October 10, 1794. Octfber 10, 1794. October 15, 1794. Westmoreland County, ss: Personally appeared before me one of the Commonwealth's Justices of the peace in and for said County Captn. John White and being sworn according to Law saith that the within Muster Role is Just according to the best of his knowledge given under my hand this 10th Day of December 1794. JOSEPH McCartney. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 763 MUSTER ROLL FOR A DETACHMENT OF VOLUNTIERS OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA CALLED ON DUTY IN BEHALF OF THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES BY ORDER OF WM. JACK BR. GENL. AT GREENSBURGH UNDER THE COMMAND OF WM. MAX- WELL LT. COMMENCEING AND ENDING AS FOLLOWS: aJ B ? to ^ J3 i 5 c 1 aj o fin H 25 1 33 20 26 15 20 8 10 S 10 S 10 8 10 7 9 7 » 6 8 6 8 6 S 6 8 6 8 6 8 > 6 8 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 783 A PAY ROLL. OF CAPT. GASPER WALDHAIR COMPANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA— Contiuued. u C3 o ■ c s: et B o B O c o p. >> a C3 o n. e James Bean John Leasure, John Mackentarfer, Henery Kemmerer, Jacob Spangler, ... John Kammerer, .. James Sampson, .. Mathew McDowel, James Donnelion, John Barderman, . Oliver Reeves, — George Bier Jno. Beer Adam Shitler, Conrad George, . . Adam Marrow, .., Abr'm Walker Jacol Dafferty David Ranken, — Geo. Stonemetz, .. private, private, private, private, private, private private private, private private pri\ate private private private private private private private private private 6 S 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 S 6 8 6 S 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 5 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 I Do Certify that the above Company was ordered on Duty agreeable to Law for the Defence of the frontiers of West- moreland County. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Br. Inspector W. C. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN CASPAR WALDHAUER COMPANY IN THE SIXT RIGIMENT OF WESTMORE- LAND COUNTY AN THER TOUER OF DUTY AT CROCKET CRIK, AT CLARKS STATION & OTHER STATIONS. Commencement of service, October 8, 1794. Theim of Dischar, November 17, 1794. 784 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Capt. Caspar Waldhauer. Lieut. Philip Klingensmith. Ensyn. Ezekeel Roddy. Sergt. Jacob Shmith. 1. Peter Herman, Sergt. 2. James Lyou, Sergt. 3. James Flaming, Sergt. 4. Aberham Boldle, Cop'l. 5. George Weyner, Cop'l. 6. John Devis. 7. Andrw. Kimmel. 8. George Wilyard. 9. William Ham. 10. Conrade Shitler. 11. Henrey Kifter. 12. Philip Keck. 13. James Kean. 14. John Leasher. 15. John Muckentarfer. 16. Henrey Kemmerer. 17. Jacob Spauyler. 18. John Kammerer. 19. James Sampson. 20. Mottaw McDowl. 21. James Danuelson. 22. John Barderman. 23. Olapher Reefs. 24. George Byer. 25. John Beer. 26. Adam Shitler. 27. Conrad George. 28. Adam Marrow. 29. Abraham Walker. 30. Jacob Lafferty. 31. David Ranl.en. 32. George Stenmeitz. Westmoreland County sa: Came before me Capt. gasler Waldhower and was duly sworn that the abov Muster Role is just and True as Ed stands sted. CH'R. TRUBY. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 785 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JAMES LAWSON'S COMPANY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MiLlTIA. Capt.,.. Lieut... Ensgn., Seigt.,. Sergt... Seigt... Corp!.,. Corpl.,. Corpl.,. Clark... private, James Lawson, ... Jame.s McCurdy, . . Robert Sorrels 1 Thomas Lawson, . 2 Samuel States 3 James Lathers, — 1 John Godfrey 2 Alex'r Campbell, .. 3 William Piper Joseph McCartney, Hugh Junkins James Graham , private,. Robert Wier I private.. Daniel Daniels [ Andrew Dougherty i private,. William Lee private,. private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, . private. . private. . private. . private, . private. . private, . private, . private, . private, . private, p- ivate. private, private, private private. William Doublyin, Thomas Clarke John Hollas William Setten John Robertson George Bowler, Charles Stewart Samuel Fips Samuel Bready Samuel Eyers William Hallowday, . John Bready, William Lynn George Serena laac Sloughter Lewis Hays Alexander Patterson,.. Jacob Oelery Thomas Patterson, ... Hugh Gallagher John Baird, i Wash Woman Sth Oct., .Sth Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., 21st Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., Joth Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Ovt , Ifith Oct., ICth Oct., 22nd Oct. LSth Oct., 22nd Oct. 2.=;th Oct. ICth Oct. L'Sth Oct. 12ih O'.t. Sth 0:;t., Sth Oct., ;,th Oct., Sth Oct., Sth Oct., 14th oa. 14th Oct. Sth Oct., Sth Oct., 2«th Oct. Sth Oct., Sth Oct.. Sth Oct., 1794, . . 1794,., 1V91,., 1794, . 1794,. 1794,. 1794, 1794,. Kill,. 179!, 179!.. 1791.. 179!.. 1791,. 17S1,. ITPl,. 1794. 1794, 1794, 1794, 1794, 1794, 1794. 1794, ]7;i4, 1794, . 179!.. 1794, . 1794, . 1794, . 17E4. 17S4, 1794,. 1794,. 1794, 179!, 1794, 1794. 24th N v., 1794. 27th Nov., 1794. 24th Nov., 1794. 24th Nov., 1794. 27th Nov., 1794. 24th Nov., 1794. 24th Nov., 1794. 27th Nov., 1794. 24th Nov., 1794. 24th Nov., 1794 24th Nov.. 1794. 24 th Nov., 1794. 2'th Nov. 1794. 24 th Nov. 1794, 24th Nov. 1794. 2Jth N. V. 1794. 2Uh Nov. 1794. 24th Nov. 1794. 2.4th Nov. 1794. 24th Nov. 1794. 24-,h Nov. 1791. 24th Nov. 1794. 21th Nov. 1794. 24th Kov. 1791. 2-!'.h Nov. 17 4. 29' h Nov. 17 4. 29th Nov. 17:14. 27th N v. 17J4. 27th N' V. 1704. 27th N V. 1714. l.'Sth Ncv 1794. I'Sth N. V. . 1794. 24th N V. , 1794. 2.sth Nov , 1794. 24th Nov. , 1794. 24 th Nov. . 179!. 24th N V. . 1794. 2!lh N V. . 1794. (Seal) Westmoreland Cciuity ss: Personally appeared before me one of the Commonwealth Justices of ':he peace in and for said County .Tame.s Lawson 5U— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 786 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Capt'n, and made Oath according to Law Saith that the within Muster Roll as it stands Stated is Just according to the best of his knowledge given under my hand and seal this 29th Day of December. 1794. JOSEPH McCartney. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM HILLS COMPANY OF MILITIA ON DUTY IN THE FOURTH REGIMENT OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERED OUT BY COL. GEORGE HUTCHESON ON THE FRONTIER OF WEST- MORELAND COUNTY, 1794. William Hill, James Leach Jno. McCall Paul McDermot, ... Jno. McGinnes, Jacob Livergood, .. Archd. Leech, Robt. Hindman, ... Jas. Mltchel Mlchl. Ruch, John Keener, Robt. Hill John King Saml. King Thos. London George McWilliams William Duff. Saml. Cuningham, George Crisley John Duff Saml. Cunningham, George Crisley John Duff Saml. Barr, Hugh McKee, Thos. Dickey Rich'd Hockley, .. Jacob Yockey Simon Mash, Capt. Ocfr 2, Lieut., Oct'r 2, Ensign Oct'r 2, Serjeants,. Oct'r 2, Serjeants, Oct'r 2, Serjeants, Ocfr 2, Serjeants,. Oct'r 2, Corporals,. Oct'r 2, Corporals,. Oct'r 2, Private Oct'r 2, Private, — Oct'r 2, Private Oct'r 2, Private Oct'r 2, Private Oct'r 2, Private Oct'r 2, Private Oct'r 2, Private Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private,.... Oct'r 2 Private, Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private Oct'r 2 Private,.... Oct'r 2 1794,. 1794,. 1794,. 1794, . 1794,. 1794,. 1794,. 1794, . 1794, . 1794,. 1794, . 1794, . Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Octr. Nov'r Nov'r 1794, ' Nov'r 1794, . 1794,. 1794,. 1794,. 1794, . 1794, . Nov'r Nov'r Nov'r Nov'r Nov'r Nov'r 1794 Nov'r 1794,. 1794,. 1794,. 1794,. 1794,. 1794,. 1794, . 1794,. 1794,. Nov'i Nov' I Nov'! Nov'] Nov'i Nov'] Nov'] Nov'i Nov'] 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 787 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM HILLS COMPANY OF MILITIA ON J}UTY IN THE FOURTH REGIMENT OP WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERED OUT BY COL. GEORGE HUTCHESON ON THE FRONTIER OF WEST- MORELAND COUNTY, 1794— CkDntinued. Michl. Sliall Piivate,.. Robt. Miller, Private,.. Thos. Hendman Private,.. Hugh Conway Private,.. Alexander Best Private,.. WlUm. Crotchlow Private... William McGarah, Private,.. John Hays, Private,.. James Chambers Private,.. Jas. Scott Private,.. George Scott Private,.. .Tames Paul Private,.. John Stewart, Private,.. John Hindman ; Private,.. John Wiley j Private,.. Charles Chambers, private,.. David Falls Private,.. Francis Anderson i Private,.. John Fails. , Private,.. Robt. McGinnis, j Private,.. Robt. Anderson I Private,.. David McGinnis Private,.. Saml. Hall i. Private William Kerr, — James Hall Saml. Hall William Conway, Private,.. Private,.. Private,.. Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct.' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct.' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct- Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Oct' Private Oct'r r 2, 179-1, r 2, 3794, r 2, 1794, r 2, 1794, r 2, 1794, r 4, 1791, r 4, r,94, r 4, 1.91, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1791, r 4, 17S4, r 4, 1794, r 4, 3794, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794. r 4, 1791, r 4, 1794, r I. 1794. r 4, 1794, r 4, 1794, Nov Nov' Nov' Nov' Nov' Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov N. V, Nov Nov 24, 24, 24, 21, 21, 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1794 1794 1794 179! 1791 1794, 1794, 1794, 1794 1794, 1794, 1794, 17;)4 1791 1791 17:11 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 December ye 11th, 1794 Sworn Before me. .lOHN GUTHRIE. 788 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. H O O Q S 2 1^ O c»- o- « ^ C' tQ in OQ o •sU.ao II 1 1 „ CO M N CO eq C" CS •S.IBIlOa JO JB^OX ^ ^. lO 00 00 00 •sJBUoa 'muoui .leci ABtl t- © t- t- o t- •sXbci e^ •aSJBqosip JO aiuij, g ^ S . -' t.-; a; t. U u "> > V V >■ > 1 1 c c o o o o ;z IZ z ^.zz •XBd JO juaiuaousmiuox) II 1 11 « or «; oo- «r 1 c c o o t! c c c o o o II il T- r-1 r-1 r- 1 -som 'aoiAaas jo aiuij, 1 Names. O 3 3 d .a to 1 1 1 > c to" c p £.S u. " C o S- J S c m hi ir. J s m s o e s n a o F « rt |^ l^ p; H a. '^ PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 789 51 b- t- o 000000 000000000000^0 t-t-Ho tf> dstfsosoitfaost-t^w^ft^osdt-ceooooi 00 o 1-1 i-i . tH *-l i-( rH t- t- t- > > 000 ;z; z z oooooooooooooooooooooooo CJOOCJOOOO 000000000000000000000000 OJ O t.PH d O « -H 782 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. O < H O Q •savnoa 'til'ioui -idcl .^Bd E <- .S a) Eh M ■S. >>>>>>> o o c o o o o o '^ ^ ^5 ^ g Z 2 15 , 1794, . 1794, . 1794. . 1794, , 1794, , 1794, . 1794. 1. 1794 h. 1T94 1, 1794 h, 1794 h, 1794 h, 1794 h, 1794 h, 1794 h, 1794 c^c5r"icJc^^(M^ fr-^-jH-^-*-*^-"* OOOOOOOOCJOOOOOOO OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Pc=>ov> s '«6(D(DcD«oeo«)CotDeoeo(0«£'«o«s ^^^^^^^^r^-^^^^^^r-i^^^^r^rH^ i-(»-tt-Hi-trH»Hi-HTHT-HTHrHrHTH?-Hi-HrHr->■>■> ^ >>>>>■>>>">■>">■>>>>>> > oooodooooodoococcrcoooo ji S^ £ £ ^ £ £ ^ ^ £ ^ ^ £ ^ £ g' 4 £ ^ ^ £ ^ J^ 06000000060000606000600 > > > ;> > > — ' n S "ti^ ■*-' S WgcQi; o >; s O oj 5 E E 6 ic" O S 3 -^ i o d s ^-^ 5 km^mK gw5 E o d »! a ^^ C ^n ^ ts J a, <; a CO c < n E n! I 1^ -2 ■- r^ fe •-! 794 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A PAY ROLE OF THE WESTMORELAND COUNTY RANG- ERS UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOHN SLOANS COMPANY AT PLUMP CREEK AND OTHER STATIONS, 1794. COMMENCEMENT OF PAY APRIL 1ST, 1794. TIME OF DISCHARGE DEC'R 6TH, 1794. Namea. Total of Jno. Sloan, Jno. Craig, Josh. Collins Richd. Cowdon Josh. McNutt John Walsh Saml. Arbutton Josh. McClelland, ... Philip McGlaughlin, . Edwd. Young Willm. Baird, Jaconias Rose John Kirker, BenJ'a Lewis Peter Justice John Cherry, John Chambers, "Willm. Campbell Willm. Colemer, Cornels. Campbell, ... Willm. McCord James Hall Michl. Mullen Willm. Hastings, ... Willm. McNeil Willm. Anderson, ... Willm. Evans, Richd. DImsey Robert Sloan Abraham Gillaspie, . Thomas Barr Alcx'r McNull James Bowman, Andw. Wilkins, Junr, Saml. Sterrett William Hill John Doly Andw. Hunter John Carroll John Morrow, Willm. Mathews Danl. McClelland, ... Saml. Miller Thorns. Miller, Captn Lieutenant Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant, Corporal, Corporal, Corporal, Fifer, .... Drummer, Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . 368 239 65 65 65 57 57 57 57 57 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 00 40 67 67 67 46 46 46 46 40 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 55 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1'?90-1800. 795 A PAY ROLL OF THE WESTMORELAND COUNTY RANG- ERS UNDER THE COMMAND OP CAPTAIN JOHN SLOAN'S COMPANY AT PLUiMP CREEK AND OTHER STATIONS, 17^4. COMMENCEMENT OF PAY APRIL 1ST, 1794. TIME OF DISCHARGE DEC'R 6TH, 1794— Continued. Total of Names. oi d oi o « P U John Peoples, ... Johsua Cole, David Parker, . . John McGeiy, . . David Wills Robert Jordan, . John Jordan, .. John Sutten, Robt. Plemmin, Saml. Lowry, Archd. McNinrh, Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private 54 59 54 59 54 59 54 59 54 59 54 59 54 59 54 59 54 59 54 59 54 59 A LIST OF NAMES & NUMBER OF RECEIPTS OF CAPT'N WILLIAM HUTCHISON'S COMPANY OF WESTMORE- LAND MILITIA FOR 1794. Will'm Hutchison James McComb, John Ewing Timothy Oneal. . . John Evins, David Linch Manasa Coj'l, Thorns. Taylor, .. John Still John Pounds, ... John Kerr David White, ... James Simpson, . Samuel McNitt, . Abraham Walker, Joseph Sitton, .. John Perrin, Alex'r Lyons, ... John McMuUin, . Capt. , Lieut., Ensign Sergt., Sergt. , Sergt., Sergt., Corpl., Corpl., Corp!., Privat, Privat, Privat Privat Privat, Privat Privat Privat Privat 17 33 50 33 33 33 33 17 17 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 796 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. A PAY ROLL OF THE WESTMORELAND COUNTY RANG- ERS UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN JOHN SLOAN'S COMPANY AT PLUMP CREEK AND OTHER STATIONS, 1794. COMMENCEMENT OF PAY APRIL 1ST, 1794. TIME OF DISCHARGE DEC'R 6TH, 1794— Continued. 1 Names. S2 3 Rj o Z K William Flemon, William Fulton, . Samuel Rea James Hall James Milein, ... Wm. Jackson, .. Joseph Clark, ... Henry Become, .. Alin McComb, ... John Sipes Jeremiah Setton, John Greggor, . . . John Oliver John Katon, James Mixirhead, Abs. Woodward, Robt. Ralston, ... Alex'r McCoy, .. Francis Burns, .. Wm. Reeves James Spenee, ... John White Hugh Wason, . . . Sam'l McCrea, ... Joseph Wilson, .. John Shelliberger. Henry Bush, John Hess John Cunningham Williajn Wason, . Church Smith. .. Samuel Sloan, ... Thos. Smith James Elder Robt. Elder James Smith James Jacs -n, ... Bernard Steer, David Hall, Christr. Stechel, Daniel L«veir, Privat Privat, Privat, Privat, Privat Privat Privat Privat Privat Privat Privat Privat, Privat Privat, Privat, Privat Privat Privat Privat, Privat Privat Privat Privat Privat, Privat, Privat, Privat, Privat, Privat, I'rivat, Privat, Privat, Privat, I^rivat, Privat, Privat, I'rivat. Privat, Privat. Privat Privai Dollars PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 797 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLED. TO HAVE RE- CEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL BRIGADE INSPEC- TOR OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY THE SUMS OP- POSED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY BEING FOR OUR PAY WHILE UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. WALDHAUR OF WESTMORELAND MILITIA ON DUTY IN 1794. Capt. 1 Gasper Waldhaur, thirty three dolars 33 cents. Sergt. 6 James Lions, ten dollars & sixty seven cents. Privates. 18 John Leasure, eight dollars. 26 John Barderman, eight dollars. 17 James Kean .eight dollars. 29 Adam Shitles, eight dollars. 14 Conrod Shitles, eight dollars. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELE, BRIGADE IN- SPECTOR OF WEST. COUNTY, THE SUMS OPPOSED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY BEING FOR OUR PAY WHILE UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR CAHILL IN ENSIGN TODDS DETACHMENT OF MILITIA ON DUTY IN 1794. Ensign. 1 David Todd, seventeen dollars & fifty cents. Serjts. 2 John Sloan, nine dollars 33 cents. 3 Elijah Rob, nine dollars S3 cents. 4 John Gottou, nine dollars 33 cents. 798 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Privates. 10 William Hunter, seven dollars. 9 William Willaby, seven dollars. 12 John Murry, seven dollars. 12 Saml. Watker, seven dollars. 13 Michael Huffman, seven dollars. 15 Robert Stovy, seven dollars. 7 Patrick McGlanghlin, seven dollais. 6 Duncan Mether, seven dollars. 5 Jas. Lackey, seven dollars. 8 John Proughner, seven dollars. 11 Saml. Gibson, seven dollars. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEGE TO HAVE RE- CEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL, BRIGADE IN- SPECTOR THE SUMS OPPOSED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY BEING FOR OUR PAY WHILE IN CAPT. BUDDS COMPANY OF MILITIA IN 1794. 1 Joshua Budd 2 Wm. Johnston Lieut. 3 Nathan McGrue I Ensg-. 4 John Alexander : Sert., 5 James Cowin, i Sert., 6 Daniel Covert, ' 7 Wm. Aflingr j 8 Patrick Jack i 9 Jacob Houseman , | 10 James Freeland 11 John Hovey, l 12 William Shopton, I Priv., 13 John Vanmeter i 14 William Rattan | 15 John Johnston ' 16 David Failes j 17 Elijah Shaw IS Robert Caldwell, ... 19 Richard Hockley, .. 20 James Soott 21 John Stewart, 22 James White 23 John Reasnor 24 John Bums, fifty four dols. & seventeen cts. forty three dols. & 34 cents, thirty two dols. & 45 cents, seventeen dols. & 33 cents, sever.tecn dols. & 33 c. seventeen dols. & 33 c. seventeen dols. & 33 c. fifteen dols. & 17 cents, fifteen dols. & 17 cents, fifteen dols. & 17 cents, fifteen dols. & 17 cents, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars, thirteen dollars. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 799 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEGE TO HAVE RE- CEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL, BRIGADE IN- SPECTOR THE SUMS OPPOSITE TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY BEING FOR OUR PAY V/HILE IN CAPT. BUDDS COMPANY OF MILITIA IN 1794— Continued . 25 Wm. Bigham 26 Michael Findley 27 Peter Houseman, 2S James McC'ormick, 29 Samuel Mansfield, 30 James Dunnings 31 Nathan Basley, 32 Benjn. Gates 33 John Failes 34 Thomas Briggs 35 Daniel Mathias 36 ames Michael , 37 Charles Chambers, 3S Benjn. Chambers 39 George Chambers 40 Robt. Scott 41 Wm. Chambers 42 .John Hays 43 Wm. McGery 44 John Wiley 45 Mathias McGloughlen, . 46 Wm. Crutchlow Dollars, thirteen dollars thirteen dollars thirteen dollars thirteen dollars thirteen dollars thirteen dollars thirteen dols. thi.teen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. thirteen dols. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL BRIGADE IN- SPECTOR THE SUMS OPPOSED TO OUR NAMES RE- SPECTIVELY BEING FOR OUR PAY WHILE IN CAPT. ORRS COMPANY OF MILITIA IN 1795. Capt.* Robt. Orr $25 83 Lt. James Nicholson, ?42 00 Ens. Wra. Hays $31 50 800 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Sergt. John Gordon, $16 80 Saml. Cooper, 16 80 Hugh Riddle 16 80 William Nicholson, 16 80 Cory!. John Nicholson, $14 70 Malcom Campbell, 14 70 Mathias Westbey, 14 70 John Morton, 14 70 Prit. Thomas Young, $12 60 George erasure, 12 60 Robt. McWain, 12 60 James Reburn, 12 60 Samuel Irwin, 12 60 Gilbert Young, 12 60 James Westbay, 12 60 Benju. Chambers 12 60 John Campbell 12 60 David Hall, 6 20 Wm. Jackson, 6 20 James Hall 12 60 James Jackson, 6 20 John Haise, 12 60 Hugh Callen, 12 60 George Chambers, 12 60 James Scott 12 60 William Gerry, 12 60 Saml King 12 60 Robert Culbertson, 12 60 William Crutchlow, 12 60 Samuel Hall 12 60 William Irwin 12 60 James McMees 12 60 William Thompson 12 60 John Young 12 60 Robert Miller 12 60 Thomas Long 12 60 James McCuin 12 60 Stephen Sheldon, 12 60 John Callin 12 60 Benjn. Sheldon, 12 60 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 801 Thomas Guinn 6 20 George Elmoud, 6 20 Saml. Jeremand 6 20 Martin Story, 6 20 Christ. Kipple, 6 20 John McMees, 12 60 $639 73 ACCOUNT OF PAYMENTS MADE TO CAPT. ROBERT DICKEY'S COMPANY, 1794. Captain. Robert Dickey, $25 00 Lieut. John Edgar, $20 00 Ensign. David Todd, $13 00 Serg(.>. John Sloan, $ 8 00 John Yollon, 8 00 Elijah Rob 8 00 Wm. Proctor, 8 00 • Privates. Saml. Gibson $6 00 Joseph Hervy, 6 00 Jas. Campbell, fi 00 Saml. McFarland 6 00 Wm. Burns, 6 00 Jeremiah Henry 6 00 John Gillospey G 00 Wm. Newel 6 00 Jas. Lackey 6 00 Jno. Martin, 6 00 Michl. Hoofman, 6 00 Ezekiel Anderson, 6 00 Thos. Willson, 6 00 Saml. Walker, 6 00 Thos. Story 6 00 51— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 802 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Jas. Irwin 6 00 Wm. Martin, 6 00 Robt. Storry 6 00 Wm. Willobey, 6 00 Wm. Anderson, 6 00 Duncan Matlies, 6 00 Jno. Watt, 6 00 Wm. Hunter, 6 00 Patrick McGloughlin, 6 00 Jno. Murry 6 00 Jno. Storry, 6 00 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL BRIGADE IN- SPECTOR THE SUMS OPPOSED TO OUR NAMES RE- SPECTIVELY, BEING FOR OUR PAY WHILE IN CAPT'N HILLS COMPANY OF MILITIA IN 1794. Names. Sums. William Hill, Capt., $44 17 James Leacli, Lt., 35 33 John McCall, Ens., 26 50 Jno. McGinnis, Sergt., 14 13 Paul McDermot, Sergt 14 13 James Livengood, •Sergt., 14 13 Archibald Leach, Sergt., 14 13 Robt. Hendman, Corp., 12 37 Ja's Mitchel, 12 37 Michael Rough 3 00 Richard Stockley 10 60 John Stewart, 6 20 John Kerns 10 60 Robt. Hill, 10 60 John King, 10 60 Sam'l King 10 60 Thomas London, 10 60 George Mc Williams, 10 60 Wm. Duffs 10 60 Saml. Cuningham 10 60 George Christy, — 10 60 John Duff > 10 60 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 803 Names. Sums. Sam'l Bow, 10 60 Hugh McKee, 10 60 Thos. Dickey, 10 60 Robt. Anderson, 6 20 David McGinnes 6 20 Sam'l Hall, 6 20 Wm. Ker, 6 20 James Hall, G 20 Jacob Yockey, 10 60 Simeon Mark, 10 60 Michael Shall, 10 60 Robert Miller, 10 60 Thos. Hendman, 10 60 Hugh Conneway, 10 60 Alex'r Best, 10 60 Wm. Crutchlow 6 20 Wm. McGouch, . 6 20 John Hays, 6 20 James Chambers, 6 20 Jas. Scoot, 6 20 George Scoot, 6 20 James Paul, 6 20 John Hendman, 6 20 John Wiley, 6 20 Chas. Chambers, 6 20 David foils, 6 20 Frances Anderson, 6 20 Jno. Lolls, 6 20 Robt. McGinnis, 6 20 Saml. Hall, 6 20 W'm Connoway, 6 20 Benjamin Chambers, 6 20 George Chambers, 6 20 $561 66 804 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL BRIGADE IN- SPECTOR OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY, THE SUMS OPPOSED TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY, BEING FOR OUR PAY WHILE UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR CAHILL IN CAPTAIN ELLIOTS COMPANY OF RIFLE MILITIA ON DUTY IN 1794. John Elliot Wm. Maxwell Robt. McCarnish, — Garret Noris Thompson Irwin, ... Saml. Haslet, Jno. Brown Robt. Willaby Thos. Jordon, Jas Simmons Thos. Miller, Wm. Brown Ebenezar Hannah, .. Robt. Cooper, Wm. McGile Jno. Picer, Jno. Bell Jas. Ferguson Saml. Kelly Thos. Smith Abraham Woodward, William Weaver, ... Hugh Weaver Jno. McGregor John Cunningham, .. Jos. Clark, Jas. Culbertson, ^... John Cooper Ephrim Jelleson Jas. Paul, Paul Hinkard Benjamin Jack Saml. Wallace Conrad Lowen Wm. Gordon Robert Patrick Saml. White Benjamin Hoof Civitus Voris Wm. McIIvaln, Captn., .. Lieut., .. Ensign, . Sergt., .. Sergt., .. Sergt., .. Sergt., .. Corporal, Corporal, Corporal, Corporal, Drummer fife Clerk, .. Private, , Private, , Private, , Private, , Private, , Private, . Private, , Private, , Private, , Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, 58 33 42 00 35 00 16 80 18 67 16 SO 16 SO 14 70 14 70 14 70 14 70 12 60 12 60 12 60 12 6'J 12 60 12 60 12 60 14 00 12 20 12 20 12 20 12 20 12 60 12 20 12 20 12 60 12 60 12 60 11 (X) 14 00 11 00 14 oo 12 60 14 00 12 60 12 60 12 60 12 60 12 60 PENNSYLVA NI A MILITIA— 1790-1800. 805 WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMPBELL BRIGADE INI SPECTORR OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY, THE SUMS OPPOSITE TO OUR NAMES RESPECTIVELY, BEING FOR OUR PAY WHILE UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR CAHILL IN CAPTAIN ELLIOTS- COMPTNY OF RIFLE MILITIA ON DUTY N 1794— Continued. Sums. Names. a m M a c « u o 41 Joseph Rege, . 42 James Randies, 43 Allex. Brown, 44 Jas. fergeson, . 45 Jas. lawson, .. 46 Jas. Brown, .. 47 Saml. Lothsoon 48 Abrm. Walker, 49 Jas. Sloan 50 Saml. Sloan, . 51 Samuel Paul, . 52 John Steward, 53 Jno. Condon, .. Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, DISCHARGES. WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA. 1794. 12 60 12 60 14 12 60 14 12 60 12 20 12 20 12 20 12 20 11 It 00 12 60 I do hear by Discharge William Anderson privit in Capt. Dickey company from his tower of Militia Duty commencing June the 11 and ending July the 11 both days included. Given under my hand this 11 day of July 1794. By me JOHN EAGER, Lt. I do hearby Discharged Joseph Cambel Privet in Capt. Dickey Company from his tour of Militia Duty commencing .lune the 11 and ending July the 11, both days eneluded. Given under my hand this 11 day of July 1794 by me JOHN EAGER, Lt. 806 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I do hereby discharge Samuel Mc Farland Privet in Capt. Dickes Company from his tour of Militia duty commencing June the 11, and ending July the 11th both days included. Given under my hand this 11 of July 1794, by me JOHN EAGER, Lt. I do hierby Discharg William Proctor Sergent in Capt. Dickey's Company from his tour of militia Duty commencing June the 11, and ending July the 11, both Days included. Givin under my hand this 11 day of July, 1794, by me JOHN EAGER, Lt. I do hearby Discharge John Watt Privit in Capt. Dicky Company from his tour of militia duty commencing June the 11, and ending July 11, both days included. Given under my hand this 11, July 1794 by me. JOHN EAGER, Lt. I do hearby Certify that the Bearer John Bell hath served from the fourth day of June until the sixth day of August both days included in the Rifle Company of the 2d Betallion in the Third Ridgment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of duty and is hereby Discharged with Honour as a good soldier Given under my hand at Nicholson's falls this 6th day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do Certify that the bearer Allexander Brown served from fourth day of June to the thirteenth day of August in the Rifle Company of the Second Battalion of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tour of Duty & is hereby Discharged with honour as a good soldier. Given under my hand at Nicileson's Falls this 13th of August, 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I Certify that the Bearer hereof James Brown served as a private from the fourt day of June to Six't Day of August in the Rifle Company of the Second Batalion of the third Reig- ment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of Duty PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 807 & is honorabley discharged as a good soldier givin under my hand at Niclesons fauls this 6 of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do Certify that the bearer hereof Sergent John Brown served from the fourth day June to the sixth day of Agust, both days included, in the Rifle Company of the Second Battalion of the third Reigment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of Militia Duty & is hereby Discharged with honour as a good soldier Given under under my hand at Niccleson's falls this 6 day of Agust 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do Certify that the Bearer Wm. Brown served from the fourth day of June to the sixth day of August in the Rifle Company of the Second Batalion of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Malitia as a full tower of Duty and is hereby Discharged with honor as a good soldier. Given under my hand at Nicholson's Falls this 6th Day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt. R. C. I do Certify that the bearer Joseph Carson served from the fourth day of June to the thirteenth day of Agust both days encluded in the Rifle Company of the Second Battallion of the third Reigment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of Duty and is hereby Discharged with honour as a good soldier given under my hand at Niccleson's Fall this 13 day of Agust 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do certify that the barer Jno. Condon hath served from the fourth day of June until the Sixth day of Agust Both days included in the Riffle Cumpany of the 2nd Betallion of West- moreland County Militia in full tour of duty and is hereby Discharged with honor as a good soldier given under my hand at Nicholous falls this 6th day of Agust 1791. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. 808 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I do Certify that the bearer hereof Sergent Robert Cooper Served from the fourth day of June to Sixth day of Agust in the Rifle Company of the Second Battalion of the third Reig- ment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of Duty & is hereby Discharged with honnour as a good soldier given under my hand at Niccleson's Falls this 6 day of Agust 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do Certify that the Bearer James Ferguson served from the fourth day of June to sixth day of August in the Rifle Com- pany of the second Batalion of the third Regiment of West- moreland County Malitia as a full tower of Duty and is hereby discharged with honor as a good soldier. Given under my hand at Nicholous Falls this 6th day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do hereby Certify that the bearer Conrod Garver Served as private from the fourth day of June to the sixt day of August both days Included in a Rifle Company of Second Batalion of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of Duty & is hereby discharged as a good soldier. Given under my hand at Nicleson's fauls this 6 day August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I Certify that the bearer hereof Ephraim Gillison served as a private from the fourth day of June to the Sixth day of Agust both days encluded in the Rifle company of the Second Battallion of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of Duty and is hereby Discharged with honnour as a good soldier. Given under my hand at Niccle- son's falls this 6 day of Agust 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. 0. I do Certify that the bearer William Gordon substitute for Archibald Dinniston served from the fourth day of June to the thirteenth day of Agust both days included as a full tour of Duty in the Second Battallion of the third Reigment of West- PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 809 morelaiid County Militia & is hereby discharged with honnour as a good soldier given under my hand at Niccleson's Falls this 13 of Agust 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. T do Certify that the Bearer hereof Sergent Samuel Haslet served from the fourth day of June to the sixth day of Agust both days encluded in the Rifle Company of the Second Bat- talion of the third Reigment of Westmoreland County militia as a full Tower of Duty & is hereby discharged with honnour as a good soldier. Given under my hand Niccleson's Falls this 6th day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do hereby Certify that the bearer Ebenezer Hannah served from the fourth of June unto the Sixth day of Agust Both days encluded in the Ryfle Cumpy. of the 2nd Betallion of the 3d Ridgment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tour of Duty and is hereby discharged. Given under my hand at Nicholson's falls this 6th Agust 1794. 63 days, 12 dolls. 60 cents. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do Certify the Bearer Benjamin Huff served from the fourth day of June to the sixth day of August both days included in the Rifle Company of the second Batallion of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Malitia as a full tour of duty & is hereby discharged with honour as a good soldier. Given under my hand at Nicholson's Falls this 6 day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do Certify that the bearer hereof Samuel Kinkaid served as a private from the fourth day of June to the thirteenth day of August both days included in the Rifle company of the Second Battallion of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of Duty and is hereby discharged 810 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. with honnoui' as a good soldier. Given under my hand at Niccleson's Falls this Thirteenth day of Agiist 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I Do Certify that the Barer Corperal Thos. Millar Served from the fourth of June to the Sixth of August in the Riffle Cumpany of the Second Betallion of the third Ridgment of Westmoreland County Melitia as a full Tour of Duty and is hereby Discharged with honors as a good Soldier. Given Under My Hand at 'Nicholsons Falls this 6th Day of Agust 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I Do Certify that the Bearer Wm. Magill Served from the fourth Day of June to the Sixth Day of August Both Days Encluded in the Rifle Company of the Second Batalion of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Melitia as a full tower of Duty and is Hereby Discharged with honor as a Good S'oldier. Given under my hand at Nicholsons Falls this Gth Day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I Do Hereby Sirtify that Wm. McEwain Served from the fourth Day of June to Sixt Day August both Days Included In the Rifle Company of the Second Batalion of the third Reigh- ment of Westmoreland County Melitia as a full tower of Duty and is Hereby Discharged With Honor as a Good Soldier. Givin under My Hand Niclsons fauls this G Day August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I Do Certify that the Bearer hereof Robert Pattrick Served as private from the fourth Day of June to the Sixth Day of Agust Both Days Encluded in the Rifle Company of the Second Battallion of the third Reigment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of Duty & is hereby Discharged With Honnour as a Good Soldier Given under my hand at Nicclesons falls this 6th of Agust 1794. JNO. ELLIOTT, Capt, K C. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 811 I Do Certify that the bearer of James Paul Served as a private from the twentieth Day of June to the thirteenth Day of Agust Both Days Encluded in the Rifle Company of the Second Battallion of the third Reigment of Westmoreland County Melitia as a full Tower of Duty & is hereby Discharged with honour as a Good Soldier. Given under my hand this thirteenth Day of Agust 1794 at Nicclesons Falls. JNO. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I Do Certify that the bearer hereof John Pisor Served as Private from the fourth Day of June to the Sixth of Agust both Days Encluded in the Rifle Company of Second Battallion of the third Reigment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of Duty & is Hereby Discharged With honour as a Good Soldier. Given under My Hand at Nicclesons Falls this 6th of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I Do Certify that the Bearer Joseph Riggs hath served from the fourth Day of June to the sixth Day of August both days included in the Rifle Company of the second Battalion of the Third Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of Duty and is hereby Discharged with honour as a Good soldier. Given under my hand this 6lh day of August, 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I Do hereby certify that the bearer James Rynolds served from the fourth Day of June until the sixth Day of August both Days included in the Rifle Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tour of Duty and is hereby Discharged. Given under My hand at Nicholsons Falls this sixth Day of August 1794. JNO. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I Do Certify that the Bearer hereof John Shields Substitute for John Cooper Served from the fourth day of June to the Sixth day of August both Days included in the Second Bat- 812 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. talion of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of Duty & is hereby Discharged with honour as a Good Soldier. Given under my hand this Sixth of August 1794 at Nicholsons Falls. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I Do Hereby Certify that James Simons Hath Served as Corpiral from the fourth Day of June io the Sixth Day of August both Days Included in the Rifle Company of the Second Batalion of the third Regiment of West Moreland County Militia as a full tower of Duty & is Hereby Discharged as a Good Soldier. Gven under my hand at Nicholsons this 6th Day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do certify that the bearer John Stewart Served from the twentieth day of June to the thirteenth of August both days included in the Rifle Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of duty & is hereby Discharged with Honour as a good Soldier. Given under my hand this 13th August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I Do Certify that the bearer Sergent Thompson Irwin Served from the fourth Day of June to the thirteenth day of August both days Included in the Rifle Company of the third Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour Duty & is hereby Discharged with Honour as a Good Soldier. Given under my hand at Nicholsons Falls this thirteenth Day of August. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I Do Certify that the bearer hereof Sergent Garret Voris served from the fourth of June until the Sixth day of August both Days Included in the Rifle Company of the Second Bat- talion of the Regiment of Westmoreland County Militia as a PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 813 full tower of Duty and is hereby Discharged with honor as a good Soldier. Given under my hand at Nicholsons Falls this 6th day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I do Certify that the Bearer Samuel Wallace served as a private from the fourth day of June to the thirteenth day of August both days enbluded in the Rifle Company of the third Regiment of the second Battalion of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of duty & is hereby Discharged with Honour as a good Soldier. Given under my hand at Nichol- sons Fall this thirteenth day of August, 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do hereby Certify that Samuel White served from fourt day of June to the Sixt day of August both days included in the Rifle Company of the Second Batalion of the third Reigh- ment of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of duty and is hereby discharged for a good soldier. Given under my hand at Nicleson's fauls this G day of August 1791. J. ELLIOTT, Capt, R. C. I do hereby Certify that Corporal Robert Williby served from the fourth day of June to the Sixt day of August as a full Tower of Militia duty on the frontiers of the County of Westmoreland & s hereby honourably discharged the Service as a good soldier given under my hand at Niccleson's Falls this Sixth day of August 1794. J. ELLIOTT, Capt., R. C. I do hereby Certify that William Chambers substitute for Conrod Persian has served sixty six days tour of Militia duty given under my hand this lOlh day of October 1794. JOHN WHITE, Captn. This is to Cei-tin that the Bearer Francis Anderson has cerved a Frunteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmoreland 814 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. County For the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing 4th October 1794 and Ending 4th November 1794 Both Days Endued and is Discharged By Me. WILL'M HILL, Capt. This is to Certifl that the Bearror Will'm Care has Served a frunteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmoreland County Fur the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing October 4, 3794 and Ending November the 4, 1794 Both Days Encluded and is Discharged By Me. WILL'M HILL, Capt. This is to Certify that the Bearer Benjamin Chambers has Served a Frunteer Man in the Forth Regment of Westmore- land County for one Month Commencing October 4 and Ending November 4th Both Days Included and is Discharged in the year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. I Do Hereby Certify that the Bearer Charles Chambers has Served a Frunteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmoreland County For the Space of one month under my Command Commencing the Forth Day of October and Ending the Forth Day of November both Days Included and is Honorably Dis- charged in the year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. I do Hereby Certify that the Barer James Chambers has Served a Frunteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmore- land County For the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing the Forth Day of October and Ending the Forth Day of November both days Included and is Honorably Dis- charged in the year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. I Do hereby Certifie that the Bearer William Crutchlow a Frunteer Man of the Forth Regement of Westmoreland Countty has Served for the Space of one month under My Command Commencing the Forth Day of October and Ending the Forth Day November Both Days Included and is hereby Honrably Discharged In the year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 815 I do Hereby Certify that the Barer James Hall has Served a Fronteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmoreland County For the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing the Forth Day of October and endnig the Forth day Novem- ber both Days Included and is Honorably Discharged in the year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. I Do Hereby Certify that the Barer Samuel Hall has Served a Fronteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmoreland County For the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing the Forth Day of October and Ending the Forth Day of November both Days Included and is Honorably Dis- charged in the year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. This is to Certify that the Bearror .John Hindman has Served a Frunteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmoreland County For the Space of one Month under my Command Commencing October the 4th 1794 and Ending the 4th Novem- ber 1794 Both Days Encluded and is Hereby Discharg By Me. WILL'M HILL, Capt. I Do Hereby Certify That the Barer Daved McGinness has cerved a Frunteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmoreland County For the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing the Forth Day of October and Ending the Forth Day of November both Days Included and is Hereby Honrably Discharged in the year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. I Do Hereby Certify that the Bearrer Robert Miller has Served a Tour of Militia Duty at Owens Island under My Command Commencing October the 2nd 1794 and Ending November the 24th 1794 Both Days Included and is hereby Honorable Discharged By me. WILL'M HILL, Capt. I Do Hereby Certify that the Barer George Scott Served a Fronteer Man In the Forth Regment of Westmoreland County For the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing 816 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. the Forth Day of October and Ending the Forth Day of Novemzer Both Days Included and is Honorably Discharged in the year 1794, WILL'M HILL, Capt. 1 do Hereby Certify That the Barer James Scott a Frunteer Man In the Forth Regmeut of Westmoreland County For the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing the Forth Day of October and Ending the Forth Day of November Both Days Included and is Honorably Discharged in the year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. I Do Hereby That the Barer John Wily has cerved a Frunteer Man in the Forth Regmeut of Westmoreland County For the Space of one Month under My Command Commencing the Forth Day of October and Ending the Forth Day of November Both Days Included and is Hereby Honorably Dis- charged in year 1794. WILL'M HILL, Capt. Westmoreland Militia. Saml. Calhoon having Served two months as Volunteer in Capt. Eliots Corap. Majr. Cahels Battln. Commencing the fifth of June and Ending the Seventh August Sertefyd and Dis- charged this Seventh August 1794. W'M MAXWELL, Lt. I Do Certify that the bearer Thomas Jurdon, Corpl. Hath Served from the fourth of June Until the Sixth of Agust in the 2nd Betalliou of the Third Ridgment of Westmoreland County Melitia As a full tour of Duty and is hereby Discharged at Nicholson Falls. Given under my hand this Sixth of Agust 1794. W'M MAXWELL, Lieut. Both the above Days Encluded. Westmoreland C. Melitia. Samuel Sloan having Served two months as Voluntier In Capt. Eliots Cumpany Magr. Cahalls Betalion Commencing the fifth of June and Ending the 7 of Agust certifyd and dis- charged this 7th of Agust 1794 By Me. Lt. W'M MAXWELL. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 817 I do hereby Certyfy tbat the Bearer hereof Hugh Callen Served from the 10th Day of June to the 12th Day of August Both Days Included in a Riffle Company of the Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of duty and is hereby Honorably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given under my Hand at Nicholsons Station this 12 Day of August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify that John Callen Served from the 10th June to the 12th August both Days Included in a Rifle Com- pany of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of Duty and is Hereby Honourably Discharged as a Good soldier. Given under my Hand at Nicholsons Stattion 12tth August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I do Hereby Certify that Malcolm Campbell Corpl. Served from the 10th June to the 12 ih August both Days Included in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tour of Duty & is Hereby Honourably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given under my Hand at Nicholsons Station, 12th August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certyfy that the Bearer hereof Saml. Cooper Serjeant Servd from the 10th June to the 12 August both days Included in a Riffle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of duty and is hereby honorably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given under my hand this 12 Day of August 1794. Nicholsons Station. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify that William Crotchlow Served from the 10th June to the 12th August Both Days Included in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of Duty and is Hereby Honourably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Good under my Hand at Nicholsons Station 12th August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. 52— Vol. V. 6th Ser. 818 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I Do Hereby Certify that George Crowsour Served from the 10th June to the 12th August Both Days Included on a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tour of Duty & is Hereby Honourably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given under My Hand at Nicholsons Station, 12th August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify that Robt. Culbertson Served from the 10th June to the 12th August Both Days Included in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of Duty & is Hereby Honourably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given Under my Hand at Nicholsons Station 12th August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify that John Hays served from the 10th June to the 12th August Both Days Included in a Rifle Com- pany of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour & is Hereby Honourably Discharged. Given under my Hands at Nicholsons Station 12th August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify That Saml. Erwin Served from the 10th June to the 12th August Both days included in a Rifle Com- pany of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of Duty & is Hereby Honoui-ably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given under my Hand at Nicholsons Station, 12th August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify that the Bearer hereof Saml. King Servd from the 10th June to the 12th August both Days In- cluded in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of Duty and is hereby Honorably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given Under my hand at Nicholsons Station this 12th Day of August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify that Robt. McElwain Served from the 10th June to the 12th August Both Days Included in a Rifle PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 819 Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of Duty & is Hereby Honorably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given Under my hand at Nicholsons Station on 12th August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I do hereby Certify that the Bearer hereof William McGeary Served from the 10th Day of June to the 12th Day of August both Days Included in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of Duty .6; is hereby Honour- ably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given under my hand at Nicholsons Station this 12th day of August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut I do hereby Certify that the bearer hereof Jno. Marten, Corpl., served from the lOth Day of June to the 12th Day of August Both Days Included in a Rifle Company of the West- moreland County Militia as a full tower of duty and is hereby honourably discharged. Given Under my hand at Nicholsons Station this 12th Day of August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I do hereby Certify that William Nicholson Serv'd as Sergt. from the 10th June to the 12th of August both days included in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of duty & is hereby honourably discharged as a Good Soldier. Given under my hand at Nicholson Station on the 12th of August 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify that Hugh Riddle Serjeant Served from the 10th June to the 12tli August Both Days Included in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tour of Duty & is Hereby Honorably Discharged as a good Soldier. Given Under my hand at Nicholsons Station 12th August, 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut 820 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I do hereby Certify that the bearer hereof James Ryeburn Serv'd from the 10th Day of Juue to the 12th Day of August both Days Included in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tour of duty and is hereby honorably Discharged. Given under my hand at Nicholsons Station this 12th Day of August, 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Hereby Certify that the Bearer hereof Thomas Young serv'd from the 10th June to the 12th August Both Days In- cluded in a Rifle Company of Westmoreland County Militia as a full tower of duty and is hereby honorably Discharged. Given under my hand this 12th Day of August, 1794, at Nich- olsons Station. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I do hereby certify that Jno. Young serv'd from the 10th June to the 12th August Both Days Included in a Riffle Com- pany of Westmoreland County Militia as a full Tower of Duty and is Hereby Honorably Discharged as a Good Soldier. Given under my hand at Nicholsons Station this 12th Day of August, 1794. JAMES NICHOLSON, Lieut. I Do Cartify that John Beer, hath sarved a Tower of Duty under my command commencing the Eight day of October and ending the Seventeenth day of November both days En- cluded and is hereby discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninty four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Cailify that Abraham Bodle hath served a tower of duty under my command as Corpral commencing the Eight of October and ending the seventeenth of November both days Encluded and is hereby discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thou- sand & seven hundred and uinty four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 821 I Do Cartify that James Fleming hath sarved a Tower of Dutj' under my command as Sarjcnt Commencing the Eight Day of October and Ending the Seventeenth of November Both Days Encluded and is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninty four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I do Certify that William Ham Hath Served a thauver of Dutey under my Command Commencing the Eighth of October and ending the Seventeenth of November both days EnOluded and is hereby dischargit. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninty four. CASPER AVALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Certify that Peter Herman Sert. hath Served a Thauer of Duty under my Command commencing the Eight of October and ending the Seventeenth of November both Days Encluded and is hereby Discharget. Given under my hand ad Clark's Station this fifteenth Day of November One thousand Seven hundred and Ninty four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Cartify that Philip Keck hath Sarved a Tower of Duty under my command commencing the Eight Day of October and ending the seventeenth Day of November Both days En- cluded and is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninty four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Certify that Henry Kiffer hath served a thauer of Dutey under my command commencing the Eight of October and Ending the Seventeenth of November both Days Encluded and is hereby Discharget. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven hundred ninety four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. 822 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. I Do Certify that Andrew Kimmel hath served a thauer of Diitey under my command commencing the Eight of October and Ending the Seventeenth of November both days encluded and is hereby Discharget. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven hundred and Ninety four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Certify that Philip Klingensmith Lt. hath served a thauer of Duty under my command commencing the Eight of October and Ending this seventeenth of November both days encluded and is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven Hundred and Ninty four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Cartify tat Mathew McDowl hath sarved a Tower of Duty under my command commencing the Eight Day of October and ending the seventeenth of November both Days Encluded and is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Nov. one thousand Seven Hun- dred and ninty four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Certify Ihat John Makentarfer hath served a thauer of Dutey under my command commencing the Eight of October and ending the Sevent^nth of November both Days encluded and is hereby Discharged. Given under by hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninety four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Certify that David Ranken hath served a thauer of Dutey under my command commencing the Eight of October and ending the seventeenth of November both days encluded and is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Sta- tion this fifteenth day of November one thousand seven hun- dert and ninty four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 823 I Do Certify that Jacob Smith, Sert. hath served a Tauer of Duty under my commaud commencing the Eight of October and Ending the Seventeenth of November both Days encluded and is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth of November One Thousand seven hun- dred and Niuty foure. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Cartify that George Steanmetz hath sarved a Tower of duty under my command commencing the Eight of October and ending the seventeenth of November Both days Encluded and is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand at Clarkb Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninty-four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Certify (hat George Waggoner Corl. hath served a thauer of Dutey under my com.rnand commencing the Eight of October and ending the seventeenth of November both Days encluded and is hereby Discharget. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven hundert and ninety four. CASPER WALDHAUER, Capt. I Do Certify that George Willyard hath sarved a Tower of Duty under my command commencing the eight day of October and ending the seventeenth day of November Both Days en- cluded and Is hereby Discharged. Given under my hand at Clarks Station this fifteenth Day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninety four. ' ' CASPER WALDHAUER. Capt. Rec'd Greensburgh April 10th '95, of Col. Charles Campbell Inspector Muitia for Westmoreland County Militia the sum of Five pounds five shillings being in full for his Tour of Militia Under the Command of Capt. .John Elliott Commencing the 4th day of June and Ending the Thirteenth day August both days included. Witness my Hand and Seal this day above Written. BENJN. JACK. Testes. John Campbell. 824 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Westmoreland County Militia William Wilson is Capt. David Sloan's rifle Company having served the term of Seventy three days Commencing the forth of June and ending the fifteenth of August Is hereby Discharged from the Service. Given under my hand this 15th August, 1794. ALEXR. McLEAN, Lt. PAY ROLL OF A DETACHMENT OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF LIEUT. SAML. JOHNSTON AT CRAIG'S STATION ON CROOKED STATION JUNE 14, 1795. Commencement of pay, June 14th. Time of discharge, July 29th. Time of Service, 1 month 15 days. Names. Saml. Johnston, Jos. Clark Peter Walter, .. Adam White. ... Wm. Piper J no. McCurdy, . Wm. Organ, David Brown, .. Saml. McCaul, Saml. Colhoon, . Jas. Sloan Robt. McKinley, Saml. Walker, . Jno. Penick Jas. Reasy, Jas. Rankin Jas. Sloan Mich. McMullen, Alex'r McKinney Saml. Consley, . Jacob Rainter, . Henry Bryney, . Lieut., Ensign, Sergt. , Sergt., Sergt. , Sergt., Corpl., Corpl., Corpl., Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, c« o a J3 a o £ u d P p. ^ >. ta (U H 22 33 _ 18 27 5 7 45 5 7 4.5 5 7 45 5 7 45 4 6 4 6 4 6 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 3 4 45 PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 825 PAY ROLL OF A DETACHMENT OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF LIEUT. SAML. JOHNSTON AT CRAIG'S STATION ON CROOKED STATION JUNE 14, 1795. Names. L. d o J3 c o s I2 .2 o Q X ft _ OJ c >. C e ^ H o Peter Shelhamer, Chris. Standiford, Wm. Cannon Isaac McHenrey Fergus Moorhead, Robt. Jordan Danl. Trimble Thos. Jordan, Jno. Hollief Edw'd Combes, Peter Kern Nichs. Logger, Jas. Campbell Jas. Finney Campbell, Alexr. Campbell, Jas. Williamson Thos. Sharmen, Jos. Sireanca, Jacob Freeman, Adam Linn Jno. Robertson Jno. Stewart, Jno. Tomb, Robt. Rodgers Saml. Hinner Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Privat<;, Private, Private, Private, Private, Prfvate, Private, Private, Private, Jno. McApherson Private Hugh Gallaher, Jno. Meanes, .. Jno. Culbertson, Thos. Fisher, .. "V\^m. Ross George Farmer, P.Tml. Wilson, . Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, 3 43 3 4 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 August 13, 1791. I do Certify that the Above Mentioned Militia was Draughted Regularlly and Served the Above Mentioned Time. Given under my hand. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Lt. W. C. 826 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Westmoreland County: Personally came before me the Subscribers Justice of the Peace and also of the common Pleas in and for sd. county Lt. Samuel Johnston and being Legally Sworn Sayeth that the within Pay Roole is Just and True to the best of his knowledge. SAMUEL JOHNSTON, Leut. Sworn and Subscribed Before me this 13th of August, 1791. CHAS. CAMPBELL. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED PROM CHALES CAMPBELL BRIGADE IN- SPECTOR THE SUMS OPPOSED TO OUR NAMES RE- SPECTIVELY BEING FOR OUR PAY WHILE ON DUTY IN THE MILITIA ON THE FRONTIERS IN 1795. Names. Sums. Dolls. 9S.00 WE THE UNDER NAMED SUBSCRIBERS DO ACKNOWL- EDGE TO HAVE RECEIVED FROM CHARLES CAMP- BELL THE SUMS ANEXED TO OUR NAMES AS PAY UNDER CAPT. JOHN LAUGHLIN ON THE FRONTEERS OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY. 1. John Laughlin, Corpl. 2. Archobal Masher, Lt., 3. Jas. Robertson, Prlvt. 4. Wm. Jackson, private, 5. Michael Shaw, 6. Hanson Miller 7. Henry Bash 8. Joseph Shomaker, 9. Robt, Courtney 10. Tbos. Young Two dollars 23 Cents 2.25 one dollars 33 Cents, 1.33 60 Cents, 60 Sixty Cents .60 Sixty Cents .60 Sixty Cents, .60 Sixty Cents .60 Sixty Cents 60 Sixty Cents ■. .60 Sixty Cents, 60 Dolls. 8.38 YORK COUNTY MILITIA. 1790—1800. (827) (82S) PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 829 RETURN OF THE FIELD & COMPANY OFFICERS IN THE BRIGADE COMPOSED OF THE MILITIA OF YORK COUNTY, COMMANDED BY BRIGADIER GEN. HENRY MILLER. COMMISSIONS DATED FEBY. 21, 1794. 1st. Regiment. Fielf Officers. X Lieut. Col. Daniel May. 1st. Major. John Ei'nst. 2nfl. Major. Eli Lewis. 1. Jacob Stouch. 2. Philip Ebert. 3. Henry Smyser. 4. John Epley. Captains. 5 Andrew Smith. 6. Michael Grubb. 7. Joseph Edmonston. 8. David Evans. 1. Valentine Smith. 2. George Eisenhart. 3. Michael Copenhaver. 4. William Miller. Lieutenants. 5. George Lighlner. 6. Benjamin Jennings. 7. James Todd. 8. Thomas Pettland. 1. Michael Wilde. 2. John Mentges. 3. John Ginder. 4. David Keister. Ensigns. 5. Conrade Kinder. 6. Philip Moor. 7. Soloman Hutton. 8. George Julius. 2d. Reg't. Lieut. Col. George Dehl. 830 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. 1st. Major. John Schnyder. 2d. Major. William Heffer. Company Officers not elected. 3d. Reg't. Lieu't Col. John King. 1st. Major. Rob't Campbell. 2d. Major. James Cooper. Captains. 1st. .Jacob Oyler. 2d. George Shekly. 3d. Henry Montgomery. 4th. William Mcllhinney. 5th. William King. 1. James Bleakly. 2. Alexander Leckey. 3. John Bender. 4. Baltzer Tetrack. 5. Richard Brown. 1. Peter Keckler. 2. Peter Canine. 3. George Hartzell. 4. John Galbraith. 6th. John Watson. 7th! William Walker. (Son of William). 8th. David Scott. Lieutenants. 6. James Horner. 7. William Walker. (Son of James). 8. Thomas Wilson. Ensigns. 5. Victor Larrimer. 6. Henry Brinkerkoff. 7. Arch'd McGren. 8. James Black. « Light Infantry Company. Captains. John Scott. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 831 Lieutenant. George Fleming. Ensign. John McConaughy. 4th. Reg't. Field Officers. Lieu't Col. William Ried. 1st. Major. William Miller. 2d. Major. James Gettys. 1. Ebenezer Finley. 2. Joseph Wilson. 3. Thomas McKee. 4. Samuel Cross. Captains. 5. Alexander Shannon. 6. Charles Wilson. 7. George Kerr. 8. James Rowan. 1. Thomas Meredith. 2. John Arndt. 3. Jeremiah Porter. 4. Peter Marks. Lieutenants. Adam Black. Alexander Horner. James Tate. John Speer. 1. Samuel Withrow. 2. Thomas Jordan. 3. James McCreary. 4. Joseph Scott. Ensigns. 5. David Kissinger. 6. Sam'l Hutchinson. 7. William Moor. 8. James Murray. Light Infantry Company. Captain. Alexander Cobean. MUSTER i^ND PAY ROLLS. Lieutenant. David Edie. Ensign. John McClean. 5th. Reg't. Field Officers. Lieu't Col. John Edie. 1st. Major. Conrade Laub. 2d. Major. George Williams. 1. Philip Gossler. 2. Jacob Hay. 3. George Spangler. 4. George Dowdle. Captains. 5. John Jeffries. 6. John Neaff. 7. Michael Baymiller. 8. James Cross. Lieutenants. 1. Jacob Kurtz. 2. Jacob Updegrotf. 3. Nicholas Deal, Ju'r. 4. John Eichelberger. 5. John Vinnegar. 6. John Wilhelm. 7. Adam Shanberger. 8. James McNuU. 1. Jacob Spangler. 2. Thomas Hetick. 3. Fred'k Rockey. 4. George Barnitz. Ensigns. 5. George Shaller. 6. George Wilhelm. 7. Samuel Evans. 8. John Crosbey. Lt. Infantry Comp'y. Captain. Jacob Stake. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 833 Lieutenant. Charles Barnitz. Ensign. Samuel Riddle. 6th. Reg't. Lieu't Colonel. Conrade Sherman. Ist. Major. Henry Welsh. 2d. Major. Henry Kuhn. 7th. Reg't. Field Officers. Lieu't Col. John Laird. 1st. Major. John Kelly. 2d. Major. Joseph Mitchell. Captains. 1. David Douglass. 5th. Matthew Clark. 2d. James Patterson, H. 6th. Joseph Orson. 3d. John Sinkler. 7th. James Patterson, C. 4. Humphrey Andrews. Sth. Andrew Warrick. Lieutenants. 1. Joseph Bradshaw. 5. Robert Gordon. 2. Samuel Collins. 6. John Finley. 3. Samuel Holton. 7. David McKinley. 4. Thomas Smith. 8. Wm. Smith, Jun'r. 53— Vol. V— 6th Ser. 834 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS. Ensigns. 1. Christian Sangery. 2. Patrick Purely. 3. Hugh Patterson. 4. James Duncan. 5. Hugh Cunningham. 6. Robert McCall. 7. John Adams. 8. Sampson Smith. 8th. Reg't. Lieu't Col. 1. Thomas Campbell. 1st. Major. Thomas Black. 2d. Major. John Boner. 1. Thomas Dill. 2d. Alexander Nisbett. 3d. Charles Browster. Captains. 4th. John McClellan. 5th. William Neely. 6th. John Pollock. Lieutenants. 1. John Dill, Jun'r. 2. John Nesbit. 3. James Mitchell. 1. John Hippie. 2. James McElwee. 3. Jn'o Cavinough. 4. Tho's McNaught. 5. James Brandon. 6. William Hodge. Ensigns. 4. William Howe. 5. George Smith. 6. Juo. Achinbaugh. Riffle Company. Captain. George Smith. Lieutenant. John McGren. Ensign. John Ziegler. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA— 1790-1800. 835 The Deficiencies in the 2d, 6th, & 8th Reg't will be made up & Returned as soon as possible. A. RUSSELL, Brigade Insp'r for the County of York February 21st, 1794. Return of Officers for a Troop of Light Horse in Y'k County. Captain. Samuel Russell, Sen'r. (first) Lieutenant. James Scott. Second Lieutenant. Hugh Dunwoddy. Coronet. David Riddle. A. RUSSELL, Brig. Inspector. /^ P7/^ 71 (886)