^i^oA^^ :.^ REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL ST^T^ of '^^■^ "^^TTCICY SOLDIEES ^^ ^^^ ^^- ''' ^^^^ PRINTED BY A Capita r, O .5* -C. ;^ ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Frankfort, Kentucky. August 18, 189]. To His Excellency, S. B. Buckner, Governor of Kentucky: Sir: I have the honor to submit the accompanyiiig roster of Kentucky troops who served in the war of 1812-15, pursuant to act of the General Assembly, approved April 3, 1890. It is matter of serious regret that more of the personal history of those gallant men can not be gathered from the muster rolls of the several organizations; but our grandfathers of that struggle evidently considered that their busi- ness in hand demanded a more vigorous use of the sword than the pen, and that they were out to fight instead of to write, for the muster rolls and reports are very defective, when judged in the light of the modern requirements of military headquarters. But the fame of their achievements is secure, ana the conspicuous bravery of the Kentucky troops on a number of the bloodiest battle-fifc.ds of that war contributed in no small measure to the successful termination of the unequal struggle, a terminat!'*!^ which gave to American soldiers and seamen a world-wide renown, and demonstrated that the United States could not be conquered even by an alliance between such powerful foes as the British, the French and the Indians. Upon these pages may be found the familiar names of many Kentuckians who had previously risen to distinction in the peaceful pursuits of life, and of many more who subsequently rose to the highest honors at the disposal of a free and grateful people. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, SAM. E. HILL, Adjutant General. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. Roll of Field and Staff, First Regiment Kentucky Mounted Militia — War of 1812. Nambs. Samuel Caldwell Joseph Winlock Thomas Bell . . Ziba Howard Thomas Pollard Levi Jones . . . . . Jacob "VVilker . . . , ~ Philip Thomson . . Samuel Worthington Benjamin Young . . (xeorge Berry . . . . John McLean . Date of Appointment To what time En or Enlistment. or Enlisted. September 20, 1812 . October 20, 1812 ROLL OP CAPTAIN ALNEY McLEAN'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL SAMUEL CALDWELL. Alney McLean .... Chas. Campbell .... Jere S. Ciavens .... William Oates .... Parmenas Kedman . . Thomas Glenn .... James Martin John Ferguson . . . . John January Moses F. Glenn .... John C. Milligan . . . John Earle Ash, Jas Anthony, Jacob . . Bond, Cornelius .... Bennett, Jno Bower, Jacob Campbell, Wm.,Sr . . Campbell, Wm., Jr. . . Curamings. Moses . . . Oonditt, Moses P. . Carter, William , . . . Cochran, Bryant . . . Davis, William . . . . Dennis, Abraham . . , Dudley. Robert . . , . Evorton, Tiios, . . . Edmonds, George . . . Everton, .)a.? Evans, Jno Foster, Thos Good, Jno Gillingham, Jno. B. C. Hewlett, Alfred . . . . Hemman, George . . . Hines, Isaac . . . . . Houser, Christopher . , Harrison, Isaac . . . . HunsingLT, George. . . Hill, Wm .Tarvis, Sion Laiigley. Jno. W. . . . Luce, Duvid ..;.., Lynn, Garham ... Morton, Wm McFerson, Jno. . . . , Maxwell, llobert . . • Martin, Samuel. . Nunn. Jno. . . Robertson, Rr Captain .September 18, 1812 Lieutenant ... ' ' ' ' Ensign ' ' ' ' Sergeant .... ' ■ ' ' Corporal October HO, 1812 Trumpeter Private . October October 13, 1812 SO, 1812 ( )ctober October 2, 1812. 30, 1812 2 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ALNEY McLEAN'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. BE.MARKS. Private Septeinber 18. 1812 . . October 30, 1812 . . . Salsbiiry, Thomas.. Sanders, George . . Stroud, Jno. . . . Skilman, Jns. . . . " ' ' ' October 2, 1812 . . . October ap, 1812 . . October 2, 1812 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . October 1, 1812 . . . October G, 1812 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . September 28, 1812 . . October 30, 1812 . . September 28, 1812 . . Thoiiipsoii, Philip . Todd, Will Vought, Abraham . Winkick, Joseph . Wilkins, Bryant. . Young, Benjamin.. ' ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS ALSBURY'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. Thos. Alsbury. Wra. Crabtree. . Josiah Ander-son. Robert McClure. Jas. Crabtroe . . \Bowlin Clark.. . Caleb Young . . Jas. Clark. . . , Jfts. Clovce . . . Robert Brilt . . David Hays. . . Joseph Ellison . Adams. "VVm. . . Alexander Samuel Braxier, Elijah Brazier, Lawrjnce Bradlcv, Jno. . Daubett, Isham Boyd, Jno. . . Bozarth, Israel Berry, John . . Bradsnaw, Jno. Bozarth, David Clarke, Robert Cannon, Simeon Cato, ^eedham Cravens, Young B, Carpenter, Peter. Carson, Andrew. Demires, Jno. . . Downey, Jno. . . Downey, Wra. . Downey, Rob't . Davis, Rob't . . Ucu.-on, Edward. Ewing, Young . Eaker, Peter . . Foster, Jas. Singleton Foster, Josiah . . Findley, Dabney Findley, Jno. P"., Friyle, Thos. . . Fruit, Enoch . . Gaston, Wm. . . Good, Kdward. . - Hobsiin, William HayF Wm. . . . Husky, Jno.. . . Harrell, Thcophilus Jones, Chas.. . . Johnson, John . Jones, Thomas B - Kenedy, Edward Ladd, Benj. . . . Meed, Robert . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . September 18, 1812 Corporal M usician . Private . . October 30, 1812 . October 10, 1812 October 30, 1815 October 14, 1812 October 10, 1812 October 1, 1812 , October 30, 1812 . October 1, 1812 , October 9, 1812 , October 10, 1812 , October 30. 1812 . October 0, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . October 1, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . October 9, 1812 . October 14, 1812 . October 10, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . October 1, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . October 14. 1812 . October 10, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . October 10, 1812 . (•ctober 9, 1812 . SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS ALSBURY'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Mickhaland, Jno. Metcalfe, Norris. McKinney, MidJleton Mann, Jno Moore, Andrew . Moss, William . . Nickcole, Luke . . Norton. Thos. P. . Night, Jno., Sr. . . Nights, Jno., Jr. . Padfield, Thoma.s . Payne, Hamilton . Puce, William. . . Prickett, Jno. . . . Patton, Joseph . . Robertson, Jno. G. . Racketts, Baylee. . Steele, Adam . . . Sbelton, Elijah . . Taylor, Giles . . . Thompson, Saunders Wilkins, Alexander Walker, John. . . Rank. Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 18, 1812 . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 14, 1812 October 10, 1812 , October 30, 1812 October 14, 1812 . October 10, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . October 14, 1812 . October 10, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . October 10, 1812 . October 1, 1812 . October 30, 1812 , October 1, 1812 October 9, 1812 October 10, 1812 RKitAItKS. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HAMILTON'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. John Hamilton . John McMillen . John Bosvvell . . Philip Hall .... Hiram Philips. . . Samuel Thompson . .Samuel Moore. . . Bean, John Chandler, John . . Chandler, William . — Davis, Thomas . . ■fDay, John M.. . . Furnace, Thomas . Hall, .Samuel . . . Hutcheson, Wm., Sr Hayden, John . . . Hutcheson, Wra.. Jr. Joiiea, Downes. . Long, John M. . . Ruddle, Archibald. Ruddle. George . . Slephens, Saiiiue'i . dtewart, William . Stephens, .John . . Thomas, Julin D. . Ward, Archibald . Captain Lieutenant- Ensign . . Sergeant. . Private . . September 18, 1812 October 30, 1812 ROLL OF CAPTAIN MOSES SHELBY'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. Moses Shelby . . . Eaward L. Head . Edward Robeson . C. G. Bouts. . . . J. W. R. Delatiey . Josiah .Stewart . . John Dickey . . ■ John Reed .... Drvid Maxwell . . William Sniill' . . William Elder . . Moses Walker. . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal September IK. 1,S12 . . I October 30, 1K12 4 SOLDIER^; OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN MOSES SHELBY'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— Continued. Jacob Weaver . Arley, Pleasant . Boss, William ... Barnes. Elisha . . Cruse, Richard . . Carlisle, Samuel . . Caumock, William Caffield, Gcrsham .. Coupon. John . . . Coleman. John E. . Dorroh. John. . . . KKler, Thomas . . Elder, James . . . Fulkerson. Richard Fort, David. . . . (ringham, John . . (Jay. Allen .... Cir.skins, Thadeus . Glass, Francis. . . Given. Joseph . . . Hughes, Joseph . . Hill, David Hodge, Thomas . . Hudson, Abraham . Haynes. Christopher Hardin, John . . . Hill, Robert. . . . Jackson, Hugh . . Johnson. James . . Jones, Jesse .... Kerley, Benjamin D Livingston, Robert Lusk, George.. . . Lacey, Joshua . . . Lucas, Ingram . . Lacey, Edward . . AIcLuskey, David . Philips, Stewart . . '.'orter, .lohn ... Pickens, James . I'orter, Ezekiel . . ~ Pittman, Bery . . Pintell. .Michael . . Parker, Samuel . . Raigers. John . . . Richey, John . . . Robertson, George . 14ay , J oseph .... Reed, Henry . . . Rodgers, William C Scott, John .... Story, William . . Stout, Isaac .... Stewart, Wasbingloi Trimble, Joseph . . Thompson, 'William Trimble, George. . Wood, George . . Wheeler, Henry. . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 18, 1812 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 30, 1812 . . Septemlier 30, 1812 October 6, 1812. . October 30, 1812 . . October 4, 1812. . . Dctober 30, 1812.. . September 29, 1812 October 30, 1812 . . October 4, 1812. . Octol)er 30, 1812 September 29, 1812 October 30, 1812 October 4, 1812. October 30, 1812 October 4, 1812. October 30, 1812 I September 29, 1812 ; October 30, 1812 . . ' October 4, 1812. . . ' October 30, 1812 . . September 29, 1812 October 30, 1812 . October C, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . October 6, 1812 . October .30, 1812 . September 29, 1812 , October :iO, 1812 . . Remarks ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL GORDON'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. ort . . . Kcli, James. . . . Kell, Ji. >ie«. . . . Miller, Ah xander . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant Corporal Trumpeter . Private . . September 18, 1812 . . | October 30, 1812 . October Ci, 1812 . September 29, 1812 October 7, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . September 2!l, 181'j October 30, 1812 . October 8, 1812 . September 28, IS! V October 30, 1812 . September 27, 1812 , October 7, 1812 . . October 30, 1812 . . October 0, 1812 , October 30, 1812 . SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MICHAEL WOLF'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— Continued. Maliis. John . ilntiliews, Isaac . . Muj.>r?, James. . , Nixiin, James . . . Pali'iour, James . . Reynolds, JJc^njaniin Reynolds, Thomas . Reel, Joseph B. . . Silkwoden, Thomas Summons, Henry . Sloan, George . . . Tho!iiason, Samuel Wire, Asel .... Wilson, John . . . Williams, Thomas. Private .. September 18, 1812 October 1, 1812. . . September 18, 1812 . October 30, 1812 ROLL OF CAPTAIN HUGH BROWN'S COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. Hu^rh Brown . . . JoE«h Short . . . Joi ,1 Wolf .... Pr omen Bass . . Th'^nas Flippin . . Abiah Mars . . . -Wiliam Gist . . . Wijiam Flippin . . '™' iam Are . . . Jo)- Buterom. . . MJ.ael Hatter . . J'' iam Hunt. . . ^' jwick Goodall . ^'''vn, Alexander. ^'hers, William . ^0, Ansley . . . £,llpin, James . . ^ pin, John . J^5*'tnan, Jesse.. . J'^'-er, Richard . . Iman. Solomon. reti, Laricin . . h it, Daniel . . . Hurlir., Jc.^hua . . J, ckson, Mailin . . King, Aquila Ki' ;;. Johnson . . Kint;, Nicholas . . liin. Thomas . . . A artial, Hugh. . . T •>' ns, James . . . Me ■cr. Howard. . ftioore, Jesse . . . P'^cl;, Jacob. Stewart, Alexander Sorrels, William. . Silikle, John . . Silew.irt, Charles. . Tracey, Erasmus. . Watson, Isaac. . . Williams, Calef . . Williams, Thomas . Webb, Richard . . ."^Valker, Andrew . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal September 18, 1812 . . I October 30, 1812,, October 17. 1812 . October 30, 1812 October 17, 1812 October 30, 1812 October 3, 1x12. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN EDWARD BERRY'S COMPANY, SECOND REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN THOMAS. Nambs. Edward Berry . .Tames MeMiirruv ,J.)lin McKitsiclc ." Klijfth Adams . . Uiclmrd Berry . Bru/.elton, Edwurd Bnimtlekl, John . (JIarU. Benjamin. I^irris, Major . . Karris, .Spencer . (ilayobrook, Janios Head, Edward L. Head. .lames . . Hardister, .John . Hogan, John . . Kinnet, John . . McKetsick, John, Mitchell. Andrew McMurray, William Newton, William S. Right, Robert . . Riggs, He/.ekiah . Ryan. James . . Sweany. Daniel . Smith, Turner. . Tavlor, James. . Tilfe, Charles . . Tucker, James. . Tucker, Mathcw AVard. Nathan . \\'ard, William . AVttlls, John . . 'ii illiams, Jonatha Wilson, James Wooloy, Moses Wooloy, John, Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Captain September 18, 1812 . Lieutenant. ... ' ' ' ' En.sign ' ' " Sergeant ' ' ' ' Private " ' ' To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Krmarks. f October 30, 1812 ROLL OP CAPTAIN EDWARD B. GAITHER'S COMPANY, SECOND REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. Edward B. Gaither Paul I. Booker . William .Slack . John U. Parrott. David R. Murray Thomas Planford Andrcv, Lack . . Daniel Payne . . Edward Hamilton Daniel Mudd . . Mark H.Gillihan Brocken, John . Uruin''eKl, James Bucki.er, William liarlow, John M Caldwell, Charles Clements, William Caccy, Peter ; . Cosby, Dabney C, Dorsey, Robert . (iibbons, John i! Grant, Adam .. . Haden. William . Hol.-on, William Head, Rigger 1. . HifRd, Thomas . Head, Edward f.. Hardin, O.ho. . . Hardin, John . . Hendrick, John . Ingram, William Lancaster, Raphael Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . .Sergeant . Corporal Private September 11, 1812 . . October 80, 1812 . ~. October 8, 181-2 October 30, 181 "i October 4, 1812 . October ;50, 1812 . October IS, 1812 . OctolHjr 3, 1812 . October 30, 1812 October 4, IMl' October ;)0, 1812 Octolier 4, 1812 October :'.0, 1812 October K, 1812 October ;i(l, 1812 October : 3, 1812 October 30, 1812 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN EDWARD B. GAITHER'S COMPANY, SECOND REGIMENT K^TUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Kaiik Mudd, Hezekiah. . . . Private . . W(jiire, IJenjamin . . . McDonald, Frederick Muutgiiiiiery, Samuel . Mudd, Thomas .... Montgonierj', James . . Myers, Jacob Nance, Thomas "VV. . . Norse, Charles .... Uy.born, Kdward. . . . riiillips, John Pi iest, Fielding .... Kudd, Christopher. . . Springer, Elihu .... Sn.ith, Ashford .... Thompson, Thomas . . Thompson, James .. . . ■VV inn, John K ^Vathan, Gabriel . . . "Whctton, Elijah .... Yutes, Thomas .... Date of Appointment To what lime Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. Soptemtor 11, 1812 . . October 4, 1812 , October 30, 1812 , October i, 1812 . October 30, 1812 , October l:^, 1812 October oO, 1812 , October 13, 1812 , October 30, 1812 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HORNBECK'S COMPANY, SECOND REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. i John Hornbeck . . .' . | Captain . . li' J>;.lihiis Bailey • • • I Lieutenant Hiirmen Groathouse | Ensign . . i^anuel T. Able. . . Brown, Swebston . . . J^'rtlett, Marmaduke K'own, David. ... -''irks, John, Jr BiQwning, Albert . . •Bartlett, Hugh . . . Carroll, John .... C< rtmell, Elijah . . . ^''Tman, Leonard . . Gcbin, James. . . . G'bin, Joseph. . . . Ki-nbock, Solomon . Haniiiton, Jesse . . . ^ inklin, William'. . J'^'iders, Thomas . . ^P'lrks, Orson ... ^P'lncer, Ricbard . . .F'mcer, John. . . . ^Pirks, Elijah. . . . 51'^imons, Samuel . . j^'^imons, Jonathan . CAleringen, Samuel . ^ litledge, Thomas . "Vstfall, Hezekiah . September 18, 1812 . . ' October 30, 1812 . September 30, 1812 - October 30, 1812 . , October G, 1812. 10 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS SPEED'S COMPANY, SECOND REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. Names. Thomas Speed, . . Thomas Hubbard . AlcxHiidcr McCown Lewis B. Witt,. . . Stephen Cheniiult . William H. Bailey. Bailey Kendall . . Aydlett, Jchn. . . Anderson, Josiali . Anderson, John . , Able, Samuel . , . Baker, John .... Baker, Samuel. . . Batsell, Smith. . . Blanford, William . liailard, John . Heal, Samuel . . . Burhefid, Basil. . . Beal, Walter . . . . Burch, Alexander .,■ Crunie. .lolin . . . Capuze, Henry . . Caldwell, Robert." . Cox, George. . . Donaldson, Handlev KUio.t, Wir=.-.-i . ." Freeman, Moses . . Funk, John .... 1' ilalane, Andrew . McMillan, James . Morton, Armstead. Morton, John . . . Moore, Jesse . . . Mitchell, Arthur . Nel.iiin, James. . . Oaknian, John . . Pickerl, Abe . . . Rodgers, Samuel . . Captain . . Lieutenant, Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal . . Private . . September 1, 1812 . October 1, 1812. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 15 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM FARROW'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED RIFLEMEN— Continued. Kalare, William . Roberts, William . Kuttor, James . . . See, George .... Seermers, Cornelius Stranger, William . Stewart, John G. . Sandford, Henry B. Suraers, Sandford . Triplett, Thomas . Talir, .James . . . -Wyatt, John . . . Wiley, William Q. Williams, William Youngar, Peter . . Young, Joseph .;. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 1, 181 October 1, 181-2. Remarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE MEANS' COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED RIFLEMEN. George Means. . . John Boyd .... Hugh Hanna . . . Frederick Singleton Charles Runisey. . Moses Thomas. . . Boyd, James . . . Cox, Aslin .... Carr,\a.x)i-,th;'.ra . . Cummins, James R. Curtis, David . . . Early, Andrew . . Gash, Benard P. . . HenJrixon, William Henderson, William Hampton, Charles . Hosel, Abraham. Maple, David . . Means, Robert. . McQueen, John . Mc.Ileam, James. Myers, Henry. . Nilson, Andrew . Pool, Thomas . . Robb, Robert . . Smiili, I ~aac, . . Siiiith, Job:; . . . Stoll, William. . Thomas, Solomon Walker, William Wilson, Robert . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . Private . . . September 1, 181 October 15, 1812 September 20, 1812 , October 15, 1812 . . October 1, 1812 October 15, 1812 , ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH CLARK'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED RIFLEMEN. Joseph Clark . . . Edmond Callowaj*. Samuel R. Combs . Edmond R. Bradley Benjamin Blackwell Robert B. Martin . Saiiuicl Welch . . Patterson B. Clark. Allen, William C. . Allen, William W. Acton, Theodore. . Ambry, Richard . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal Private . September 5, 1812 October 12, 1812 16 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF ISl'i. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH CLARK'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED RI FLEM EN— Cou ti n ued. Barnes, Alfred . . Bawniiig, Klijnh G Biistoii, Juiiatlian Bristow, Archibald Bruiicr, John . . Bush, Jeremiah . Buwgns, John Combs, Fielding , Cass, Robert. . . Dasly, Thomas . Dooley, John . . Dooley, Nathan . Dyer, Kvans . . Euhani, Stephen. Gay, Benjamin . Ualley, James. . Hampton, WiU Hill, William . . Hays, James . . Johnston, George Mun, Robert . . -McCall, James . Miles, John . . . -Patton, John . . Kamey, James. . Redman, George Rafland, Edmond Wood. Daniel . . Walts, Julius . . Woodard, Joseph C. Wenn, James . . . W Date of Appointment or Enlistment. .September 11 iSeptember 5, September 11 September 5, September 11 September 5, 812. . 1812 . 1812 . 1812 1812 September 11 September 5, September 11 September 5, September 11 Septeniber 5, September 11 1812 . 1812 . 1812 1812 . 1812 1812 . 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October lit, 1812 . October 12, 1812 , October lil, 1812 , October 12, 1812 October 10, 1812 October 12, 1812 October li), 1812 October 12, 1812 October lil, 1812 October 12, 1812 October 19, 1812 , October 12, 1812 . October 19, 1812 , Bkmarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE STOCKTON'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED RIFLEMEN. George Stockton Benjamin Mosby Henry Clay . . . Charles C. Duncan Thomas W. Fleming John. Davis . . Samuel Barnes Charles McCracken Allen, Tundy.. . Barnes, Robert . Bullock, John R. Byres, James . . Boon, Sery . . . Bailey, James . . 'IJaker, James . . Brock, Alphonso. Brown, William . Bell, Fielding . . Carpenter, Simeon Clark, Daniel . . C!hinn, Dudley . Carter, Thomas . Colvin, Thomas.. Clitlord, Thomas. Debell, Joel. . . Dudley, Simeon . Davis, Theophilus Deprey, A R. . . Durrell, Richard. Desha, Benjamin. Dinmore, John . Davis, John P. . Day, William.. . Farrow, Joseph . Graig, James M.. Gray, Isaac . . . Glass, James . . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant Private . September 5, 1812 October 12, !81l] SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 17 ROLL OF CAPTAIN (lEORGE STOCKTON'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED RIFLEMEN— Continued. Gardener, Josiah. Glass, John.. . . H " SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 19 ROLL OF CAPTAIN CHARLES WARD'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— Continued. Navks. Blanclmrd, William Courtney, Roburt . Cobiirii, John W. . Clift, .Stanly . . . Cooper, John . . . Calvert, Mansfield . CasUill, .John . . . ClarlvG, Charles . . Dobyns, Thomas. . ^Denour, Benjamin . Gill, James ... Holton, Abner . . Hughcy, .John . . . Jarvis, James . . Levy, James . . . Logan, John . . . Lamb, Bazel . . . Masterson, Jeremiah Molntire, Alexander •Mr Donald, .John . Penick, William. • Perin, Joseph . , . Peck, James. . . . Pattoy, Jesse . . Putman. Henry . . Ross, Hector . . . Sashbr-.ok, Peter. . Thornberry, Zachariah Tennis, Abram . Thoma.s, John. . -Wood, Daniel . . Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 1,1812. To what or K me Enga nlisted. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JACOB ELLERSTON'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. Jacob Ellerston . . William Robinson. Willifii.i Bovd. . . William W.Penny Powhattnn Weldridg William Church . Allen, William . . Arnold, William . Allen, .Toseph . . . Buckley, Thomas . Bond, James .S. . . Brown, Stephen . . Browi., Jesse , Craig, Joseph . . . Clinton. .Jacob . . Clinton, Moses . . Connell, Benjamin . Crocket, Overton W Church, William, .Jr Douthard, John . . Elliston, James . . Griflie, James ... Graham, .John W. . Herndon, Elisha. . Hnydon, William . Haydon, Thomas Hutton, .Samuel . . Hackley, .James . . Haydon, Benjamin Hawkins, James. . Johnson, James . . Johnson, M. M. . . Lillard, Mathew. . Lewis, Charles . . .owis, Zac IcKee, Henry . . IcMitchell, John Captain September 1, !81i 1st Lieutenant . Ensitjn .... October ir,, 1812 Corporal ... Captain of Spies , Private 20 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIX JACOB RLLEllSTON'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- Continued. Miller, Wm. . . . Mitchiiin, .James . Milam, .John . . . Macoy, Alexander . Morris, Jesse . . . Mitcham, John . . Mitchell, Joseph V. McGinnis, William McBryns, Hugh. . McCiskey, John . . Oliver, Willis . . . Oliver, Benjamin . Pemberton, Richard l'»e, Kdniond . . . Powell, Joseph . . Pullam, Urury . . Porter, John P. . . Penney, Thomas . Philips, John . . . Philips, Thomas . . Philips, Richard D. Philips, John, Jr. . Koliinson, Gabriel . Reed, James . . . Smart, James P.. . Stephens, Benjamin Scott, James . . . Forsee, George S. . Tennell, Benjamin . Walker, Jordan . . White, John B. . . - Welch, James. . . Wiison, Coffy . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 1, 181"2 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 15, 1812 . Rbmark'b. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HUNT'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. John Hunt j'-.''.. . . /. Amuriah Bonhaus . John Smith ."~.~ T . Denton, Abraham . Fandry, William . Hunt, Absalom . . Hesler, Jacob . . . Johnston, Arthur . Jones, Thomas . . Logan, William. . Story, Lewi's" . . . Smith. James . . . Young, Robert . . Young, Alexander Ensign Sergeant SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 21 Roll of Field and Staff, Battalion Kentucky Light Dragoons- War of 1812. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. Remarks. Samuel "Wells James Hunter Major Adjutant .... October 16, 1811 . . . November 24, 1811 . . 5 ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER FUNK'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY LIGHT DRAGOONS- COMMANDED BY MAJOR SAMUEL WELLS. Peter Funk . . . Lewis Hite . . Samuel Kelly . . Adam L. Mills. . James Martin . . Henry Canning Lee Wbitf . . . Elliott Wilson. . William Cooper . Samuel Fredrick . Duberly, William Edlin, John. . . Ferguson, "William Gath, Benjamin W Hite, James .... HoUingswortb, Isaac Kennison, .loseph . Lucketl, William M Luckett, Samuel V. Murphy, John . . . Muckleroy, James.. Mac-key, Enos . Mayors, Thomas P. Stafford, Thomas. . Shaw, William . . Shaw, John Smith, John .... Tully, W' illiam T. . Williamson, Moses. Wills, Samuel. . . Captain . . Lieutenant. Cornet. . . Sergeant . Corporal . Trumpeter . Farrier . . Private . . September 14, 1811 Killed in action. Killed in action. Appointed Sergeant September 24, 1811. Appointed Corporal October 10th Appointed Trumpeter September Kith. Appointed Farrier September 2:!d. Transferred to the .Spies September 2:{d. Sick; absent. ROLL OF CAPTAIN FREDERICK GREIGER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED RIFLEMEN. Frederick Greiger . Presley Ross . . Will into Edwards Robert Mclntire. Robert Edwards. Daniel McClellan John Jackson . . Stephen Mars . . John Hicks. . . ,Tohn Nash . . . Henry Waltz . . •loseph Paxton . Adams, Martin . Allen, Phillip . . Beeler, '"bomas . Brown, William . Ballord, James . Byrne, Charles L. Bark.shirc, Joseph Buskirk, John. . Burket, Adam . . Bnrkshire, Charles Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Trumpeter Private . . October 28,1811 November 18, 1811 Wounded. Wounded. 22 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN FREDERICK GREIGER'S COMPANY KENTUCKY MOUNTED RIFLEMEN— Continued. Names. Burn aba, Robert. . Byrn, Templo C. . IJeck, George . . . Cline, William . . ('alliway, Thonins . Dunbar, John . . . Eilwards, James M. Findley, Richard . Funk, Joseph . . . Fleener, ^Nicholas . Grimes, John . . . Gwathney, Isaac. . Hawkins^ Henry. . Hanks, James . . . Ingram, Zachariah Jest, Joshua. . . . Lock, John. . . Lane, Elijah. . . . Martin. Hudson . . Minor, Paniel. . . Maxwell, John . . Maxwell, John . . Ousley, John . . . Plaster, Michael. . Pound, Samuel . . Pound, Jonathan . Priest, Peter . . . Slaughter, John \V. Sununerville, James Ship, Edmond. . . Springer, Augustus Shields, Patrick . . Smith, Joseph. . . Spunks, Thomas. . Taylor, Wilson . . Trigg. Thomas . . Trigg, William . . White, Samuel W.. Wells, George W. . Wright, Greenslwrry Walk, Abraham. . Date of AppointmeDt or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. October 23, 181! . . . ' November IK, 1811 . " «. Wounded badly. Killed. Killed. Killed. Wounded. Sick. Roll of Field and Staff, Kentucky Battalion Mounted Spies- War of 1812. Touisant Dubois . . . David Owen William M. Luokett . . Major September 20, 1812 . Adjutant .... October 7, 1812 . . Qr. M. Scrg't. . . " " ROLL OF CAPTAIN AVILLIAM SMEATHERS' COMPANY MOUNTED SPIES, KENTUCKY" MILITIA-COMMANDED BY MAJOR TOUISANT DUBOIS. William Smpatheri James Beard . . Adam, Lewis . . Anderson, Archel Berry, John . . . Bonds, George. . Bush, Philip . . Earnest, Henry . Galloway, William Gleen, William Glem, John . . Captain . Sergeant Private . September 18, 1812 . . October 30, 1812 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 23 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLL\M SMEATHERS' COMPANY KENTUCKY MOUNTED SPIES— Continued. Names. Rank. t)ate of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 30, 1812 . . . Remarks. Galloway, Adam . . . Private September 18, 1812 . . Harmah, Isaau . ' ' ' ' Hay, .John . . . II 1 . Hart, John . . . October 7, 1812 . . . Discharc;ed. Jones, Harrv . . October 30, 1812 . . . Meeks, Williams II .1 Meeks, John . . II I . Matsah, Greenburj 11 II Smeathers, John . 1 ' ' " ' ' Taylor, Nicholas. II II Worthing, Charles. October 7, 1812 . . . Discharged. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM POKE'S COMPANY KENTUCKY MOUNTED SPIES. ROLL OF CAPTAIN CHRISTOPHER MILLER'S COMPANY KENTUCKY MOUNTED SPIES. Christopher Miller Charles Wells . . Allen, William . Allen, William . Edlin, James . . Goodin, James. . Haruiii, Martin . Hart, Joni b . . Miller, Simuel . Rollins. Edward. Shacklet, Jesse . Vantrese. John . Vantrese. Joseph Williams, Thonia Young, James. . Captain . Sergeant Private September 13, 1812 October 30, 1812 , ROLL OF CAPTAIN CORNELIUS WASHBURN'S COMPANY KENTUCKY MOUNTED SPIES. Cornelius Washburn Epps I-ittlepago . Joseph Bell . , William Martin . Asher. William . .\dams, Matthew Bell, Robert F. . Berry, Enoch . . ^Houghland, Mose: Houston, James . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . .Sergeant. . Private . . September 18, 1812 . • October 30, 181-_' . October 20, 181j October 30, isli SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 181 '2. ROLL OF CAPTAIN CORNELIUS WASHBURN'S COMPANY KENTUCKY MOUNTED SPIES- Continued. Names. Kank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Liston, Joseph Private September 18, 1812 . . October 30, 181-2 . . . Loudon, John > > I , McGary, Jesse October 5, 1812 . . . Discharged. Nixon, Scarlett .... October 30, 1812 . . . 0'N.-lll, SpcllCLT .... .1 1 . Ponilierlon. Tliotiius . . • ' ' ' Rmibcii, Peter > > 14 Seott, Charles . . . 1 . ■ . Stepliens.in. AVilliani. . October 5, 1812 . . Discharged. Stephenson, John . . . October 30, 1812 . . . Sanders, Clark .... ' ' 11 11 Worthin£;ton, Kdward . October 5, 1812. . . . Wileo.x, Abraham . . . October 30, 1812 . . . Roll of Field and Staff, Second Regiment Kentucky Mounted Militia— War of 1812. John Thomas Lieut. Colonel Thomas Speeil i Major .... John Calloway . . . . ' ' ' Benjamin Helm . . . . ' Adjutant . . William Akin ! Jr. Adjutant . Cyrus Talbert .... i tjuartermaster , Stephen Chenault ... I (.Quartermaster f George Helm j Sergeant Major. Henry Young .... Surgeon . . . David Brown Surgeon Mate ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM ELLIS' COMPANY, FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT KENTUCKY MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL JOHN ALLEN. William Ellis . . . Richard Matson , . Francis Chinn. . . David Coone . . . William E. Boswell William B. Chinn . Hugh Brown . . . Jeremiah Morgan.. John P. Chinn . . Basil R. L. Holliday James Martin . . . James Foxworthy.. Adams, James. . . Adams, William. . Adams, John . . . Black, Robert . . . Brown, Irwin . . . Blair, .Tames . . . Blair, Samuel . . Breckenridge, Kddy Barnes, Oliver. . . Brown, John . . . Bails, Russell . . . Craig, James . . . Chinn, Rawleigh . Coone, John .... Craig, William . . Chinn, Thomas . . Dear, Jesse .... Eades, Horatio . . Edwards, Je.sse . . Ellis, Robert . . . Captain Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Bugler . . Private . . August 15, 1812 October 14, 1812 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 25 KOLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM ELLIS' COMPANY FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Fowler, John H.. . Fightniaster, John . Pewel, Ephraim. . Grooms, Horatio. . George, Alfred . . Graj-, William . . George, William . . Hamilton, Alexander. Herring, Jonathan . Hoiister, William . Herring, Samuel. . Hailey, Daniel . . . Harmon, John . . Hamilton, William Hull, Thomas . . . Hibs, Adam, . . . Jones, Ambrose.. . Jones, Isaac, Sr. . . Jones, Isaac, Jr. . . Jessup, Samuel B. Jones, Cully. . . . Kenning, David . . Lewis, Daron . . . Lewis, Alex. . . . Martin, David. . . McClure, John . . McKitrick, David . McKitrick, Robert. McKinsey, John. . Millner, Joseph . . Morrell, John . . . Morgan, Moses . . Matthias, Amont . Norman, Caleb . . r Newell, Hugh . . . Porter, William . . Kowland, Joseph . Ritter, John. . . . Riley, James . . . Roberts, William . Sellers, Jonathan . Shoemaker, Spencer Sanders, James . . Sidnor, Robert T. . Scott, WilJiam B. . Townsend, George. Vanding. Stephen . Wells, John. . . . Wells, Benjamin. . Wells, Basil .... World, Robert. . . Wolf. John .... Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 15, l>sii To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October IJ, 1KI2 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM KERLEY'S COMPANY FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. William Kerley . . Harrison Monday . Davis Hardine . . Richard C. Holder. Hudson Martin . . -Richard Gentry . . George C Patrick . .lames D. Dickey . Esranc Tipton . . Robert D. Maupin . Thomas G. .lones . Jesse Cock .... Amarine, Jonathan Aker.-", James . . . Amarine, George . Bettersworth, Fielding 4 Captain . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . 1st Sergeant •2d Sergeant . :3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 1 3d Corporal . j 4th Corporal ! Drummer , . . Private . . . August l."), 1H12 October 14, 1812 . . In the phuc of John A. Gaiues from ranks. In the place of Benjamin Midncr. In the place of Archibald Woods, Esq. 36 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM KERLEY'S COMPANY FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Barnes, .lames .... Boggs, Jiimes .... Burton, David. . . Braltun, Joseph . . . Biiiglium, George . . Brown, Arthur . . . Burnan, Bennett . . Barnes, Thomas . . . Boggs, John W. . . Bettersworth, Jesse . Burrass, James . . . Bassnet, William . . Blaokwell, David . . Brunett, Klijah . . . Canon, James II. . . Cornolison, Aaron . . Cock, Henry D. . . . Chapman, John . . . Chinn, James .... Curies, Morgan . . . Cavernaugh, Thomas Donaho, Jesse. . . . Dougherty, Cornelius Estis, William . . . Francis, Lewis . . . FuUalove, Larkin . . Freeman, Samuel . . Fox, Charles .... Greening, John . . . Coding, Hugh. . . . Gentry, James . . . Han.son, Thomas. . . Haveline, Jesse . . . Hill, Archibald . . . Hall, David Haden, Tyrel .... Harrison, Williby . . Harris, Western. . . Johnson, Gersham. . Jones, Samuel D. . . Million, Benson . . . McGuire, Willis. . . McCall, Thomas. . . Morton, William . . Noble, William . . . ■-Owens, Philip. . . . ^Owens, John .... Profet, Anderson . . Profet, .lames .... Quinn, Hiram. . . . Kedman, Washington Reeses, John .... Richardson, Thomas . Smallwood, Russell . Swope, John .... Simpson, John . . . Simpson, Robert. . . Sale, Samuel .... Thompson, Richard L, Turner, Talton . . . Thompson, Thomas . Turner, James . . . Virgus, Jordan . Woodruir, William B. Woods, An-hibald . . Woodrufl", Benjamin . Wayne, William . . Williams, Squire . . Woods, Andrew W. . Young, John M. . . Rank. Private .. Date of Appointment To vvhat time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. August 15, 1812 . . Remark.^. October 14, 1812 In the place of George Williams. In the place of R. A. Sturgus. In the place of Ezekiel Blackwell. In the place of Thos. J. Sturman. In the place of Plea.sant Watkins. In the place of A. W. Rollings. In the place of William Monday. In the place of John Gregg. In the place of John Daniels. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 27 ROLL OF CAPTAN JOHN SIMPSON'S COMPANY FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Names. Date of Appointment To what time En or Enlistment. or Enlisted. John Simpson. . Thomas Mitchell George Cordwell Benjamin Porter Samuel Denieoreo James Sill . . . Abraham Smith . Robert Radford . Jeremiah Long . Lazarus Telly . . Thomas Gritfeth. Atherton, William Ashby, Henderson . Atherton, Henry Birk, Samuel . . Bird, Henry. . . Burwell, William Bartine, Nicholas Bery, Robert . . Carr, John . . . Conally, Daniel . Cline, Aaron . . CoUete, Aaron. . Dowdle, John . . Duncan, Richard ~Di»nie!, John . . Ducker, Nathan . Dowell, Fanthroy Fitzgerald, Henry Fisher, Jesse . . Faught, George . Paught, William Gibbons, David . Glasscock, Peter . Horbeson, Samue! Hoddin, Abraham Hollis, James W. Hill, Foster . . . Kerrill, James. . Kelso, Elijah . . Lee, Zachariah . Lock, John . . . Mullikin, Charles Mullikin, Benjamin Mitchel, Samuel . Mahurime, John. McGinnis, John . McClelland, .Foseph McCullom, Jacob McCormick, James Orsburn, George. Pearson, William Rodmi>-n, John . Ross, John . . . Roberts, John . . Roberts, Jesse . . Right, Reuben . Rogers, George . Shanncm, John . Senly, Tucker . . Sharp, Thomas . Sills, John A. . . Simpson, Joseph. Tylor, William . Truman, John . . Teralt, John . . Tucker, William W, Watson, Bartholomew Williby, Ashby . . . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant .3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal ?.d Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . August 15, 1812 October 14, 1812 . App'ted Ser. Sept. 4, in place of Al)rah.am Smith. 28 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN BLAM W. BALLARD'S COMPANY FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT KEN TUCKY MILITIA. ' Namks. Bland W. Ballard . John Williamson . John W. Nash . . James M. Ackran . Martin Jackson . . William Cooper . . Amariah A. MeGugs; Bland Ballard . . . Thomas Garnett. . William Hnrrold . Burton Mulligan . Akin, Alexander . Arnold, Robert . . Austin, George . . Beal, Robert . . . Best, Henry. . . . Bennett, Jacob . . Bennett, Lavoler . Blandford, John B. Boone, Josiah . . . Bridges, Benjamin, Brooks, Thomas . . Brumer, Jacob . . Boyd, William . Caplinger, Samuel. Caplinger, John . . Caplinger, Solomon Chapman, John . . Cline, Nichols . . . Cole, Pleasant . Cooper, Benjamin . Davis, John. . . . Dailey, Francis . . Dailey, John . . . Grant, Robert . . . Graves, Samuel . . Garnett, Harris H.. Hall, George . . . Hamlin, William . Hill, Handy. . . . Howard, William . Howell, Lewis . . Huddlcston, Allen . Huff, Abraham . . Hunter, John . . . Jamison, Isaac . . Kinder, George . . Kinder, Jacob. . . Lambert, Moses . . Logan, James W. . Leforce, Robertson. Leffler, Jacob . . . McComsey, John . Metcalfe, Enoch. . Montgomery, Alex. Moore, John . . . Neal, James. . . . Patterson, James C. Potts, Thomas . . . Quarter, Samuel. . Rutledge, Joshua . Redding, Thomas . . Roberts, Pleasant W, Robins, Gerades R. Rice, Abraham . . Redd, Mordecai . . Shepherd, Ezekicl . Sample, Samuel . . . Shackleford, Edmon Simpson, James . . Thralekeld, Thomas Thralekeld, William Tyler, John .... Tombs, Benjamin . . Vancleave, Benjamin Vnncleave, Thomas . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Private August 15, 1812 To what time Engaged or EnlLsted October 14 1812 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 29 ROLL OP CAPTAIN BLAND W. BALLARD'S COMPANY FIRST RIFLE RKGIMENT, KEN- TUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Eank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Kemarkr. Whitaker, Aquilla . . . Watts, Jeremiah . . . Weatherford, Martin . Whitaker, John .... Williams, John .... Williams, Elias .... Warren, Joel Webb, Richard .... Weatherford, Elijah . . Walker, John Private August 15, 1812 . . . October 14, 1812 . . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN MAURICE LANGMORE'S COMPANY FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT, KEN- TUCKY MILITIA. Maurice Langmore. . . Abraham Keller. . . . .Joseph Morin Edward McConnell . . Thomas Benson .... Hezekiah Elgin .... Lewis Reno Levin P. Scroggin. . . Merit Vallandingham . William Delaney . . . Richard Keith Thornton Wilson . . . Cumberland Wilson . . Allenthorp, Jacob . . . Armstrong, William . . Amos, Nicholas .... Byrd, Abraham .... Byrd, John Brice, Benoni Baldwin, Ira Butler, William Booth, Harrison Bell, William Boyle, John Bowen, John Beckett, Joseph .... Crawford, Will . . . . Chadd, William Crawford, Robert . . . Corbin, Nicholas. . . . Graver, George . . . . Davis, Nathaniel. . . . Estis, George W. . . . Edwards, William M. . Eadsi, Robert Kllis, Thomas Givens, John (Jrant, Daniel Humble, .Tesse Hayden, Nathaniel. . . Hill, Fountain Hinkson, John . . . . Hull, Corbin R Harrison, Robert. . . . Humphrey, Benjamin . Hughes, William . . . Hamilton, Andrew. . . Jacobs, Daniel Jump, John Johnston, William. . , Keath, George Kemp, Charles Lotspitch, David. . . Link, Jacob Lighter, Christian . . Legabeck, Saint ... ■ McDowell, William . Menick, John .... Captain . . Lieutenant - Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Drummer . Private . . August 15, 1812 October 14, 1812 [Taken from the ranks. Wm. McClanahan appointed Sergeant Major. Jos. 6. Chinn, crippled. Taken from the ranks. Benj. L. Clark enlisted in "R" service. Taken [from the ranks. In place of Middleton Day. In place of Geo. Cleveland. In place of Job Tillet. In place of Elijah Current. In place of Nathan Corbin. In place of John B. Lucker. In place of Edward Waller. 30 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAm MAURICE LANGMORE'S COMPANY FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT, KEN- TUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Myers, Jacob .... McCiinnell, William . McCuno, James . . . Menafie, Benjamin P. MoClanaluui, William Mc-l'(irmi(k, John . . Pugli. William . . I'hemister, Charles. . Parmer, Thomas. Ruddle, Abraham . . Smith, Abraham. . . Stephens, Dawson . . Sidner, Frederick Shoemaker, James.. .Smith, Jacob .... Shingleton, William . Sapi)i James Tucker, Joseph . . . Thomas, William . . Underwood, Bennett. Whitledge, Lyna . . Whitledge. Thomas Wilmott, Charles . . Yokera, Solomon . . Rank. Date of Appointment or Knlistment. August 15, 1812 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 14, 1812 . . . Ebmarks. In place of Jesse Yclton. Resigned as Sergeant .Major and re-enlisted. ROLL OF CAPTAIN YIRGIL McCRACKEN'S COMPANY FIRST RIFLE REGIMENT, KEN TUCKY MILITIA. Virgil McCracken . . . Thomas Brooks .... August l.'i. 1812 . . . October 14, 1812 . . . Lieutenant . Henry Stone George W. McClary . . 1st Sergeant . James H. Bowinar. 2d Sergeant . Samuel Steele ..... 3d Sergeant . Nathaniel Mitcliell. . . 4th Sergeant . James Brooks ..... 1st Corporal . Edward B. Merideth. 2d Corporal . George Pugh 3d Corporal . Willis Brown . . 4th Corporal . In place of John Paj-ton. William Rearden . . . Atwood, Robert .... Volunteered tenth August. Boris, Will ram . . * * Bryan, Augustus . . . i ' ' Bell, Thomas B ' ' Buckhannon, A ' ' Brown, John ' ' Brown, Anderson . . . ' ' Brooks, Alexander. . . ' ' Bell, Robert ' ' Barllett, Collins .... ' ' Christopher, John . . . " Cook, Seth ' ' Caldwell, James . ' ' Daugherty, Thomas . . ' ' Dickey, William. . . . ' ' Ford, Reuben * ' Henton, George .... ' ' Hawkins, Francis . . . ' ' hatta, Alexander . . . Lee, Ellis 1 ' ' Mitchell, Solomon . . . ' ' Mc 1 I Daniel P. Millspoiigh . 1 1 < Robert O. Beal .... ' ' I i . Robert P. B. Caldwell . ' ' < 1 1 Anderson, William . . Private <. • Arnold, John H. . . . ' ' ( I . c Adams, John W. . . . ' ' 1 . > Barker, Elisha ' < 1 . . Bryant, Hiram . . . . ' ' 1 1 1 Bryant, Eli ' ' ( c Barnett, James . . . . ' ' 1 c 1 Bryant, James . . . . ' ' . I Barnett, Morgan .... ' ' Bryant, William . . . ' ' I . ■ Bristoe, Barnett .... ' ' . 1 I Bibb, Joseph F ' ' . 1 1 Britt, William . . . . 1 1 1 Dugan, Jeremiah .... ' ' i . 1 Durall, Lucius . . . . ' ' . 1 < Green, Isaac ' ' 1 1 ■ Green, George ' ' I ■ 1 Gliston, Henry .... 1 I . -Grist, Henry C ' ' October 15, 1812 . . . Appointed A. D. C. to General H. pkin... Hickman, George . . . ' ' October 23, 1812 . . . Hickman, John .... ' ' October 28, 1812 . . . Discharged October 2S. 1S12. Hambrick, Joseph . . . ' 1 December 23, 1812 . . Haney, John ' ' Hylton, Daniel .... ' ' Hinton, .Jesse ' ' 11 I . Huflslatter, Solomon . . ' ' 11 11 Hockersmith, John . . ' ' 11 1 1 On command at Vinuenncs. Knox, Stokeley .... •< ' 1 1 .1 King, John B ' ' .1 11 Lee, William ' ' 11 1 < Lee, Washington . . . ' ' < 1 11 Lyon, James ' ' 11 1 c On command at Vincennes. McConnell, John S. . . ' < II II Morton, John < 1 1 1 l-l Mayes, George .... ' ' October :!1, 1S12 . . . On command at Vincennes. Morgan, Joseph .... ' ' December 23, 1812 . . Myers, Lewis W. . . . ' ' i < 11 Morton, Joseph .... ' ' 11 11 McElvan, Anderson . . ' ' II 11 McDonald, James . . . > I II 11 On command at Vincennes. Perry, James " 11 Parker, Lewis ' ' II 11 Rushford, John A. . . ' ' II .1 Deserted. Rolls, Green ' < October 15, 1812 . . . Discharged October 15th. Roberts, William . . . ' ' December 23, 1812 . . Ross, Daniel ' ' II II Ross, George ' ■ 11 11 On furlough. Sprigg, Robert G. . . . ' ' October 28, 1812 . . . Discharged October 2Ktli. Saunders, Ezekiel . . . ' ' December 23, 1812 . . Sowerhaber, George . . ' ' 11 II Sick at Vincennes. Sauls, James . . ■ ■ II 11 On command at Vincennes. Stephen, John " 11 11 On furlough. Stone, Jabez • ' October 1.5, 1812 . . • Enli..^ted U. S. .\. Taylor, James ' ' December 23, 1812 . . Taylor, Joseph . . . ' ' II II Thompson. Robert . . . ' ' 11 11 W(«tbro„k, William. . ' ' 11 1 . Williams, William B. . ' . 1 . 11 On connnand-at \'iiicennes. Williams, John . . . . 1 1 1 1 11 Woodrutr, Ira ' ' It II On furlough. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 41 ROLL OF CAPTAIN PRESLEY MOREHEAD'S COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remakks. Presley Morehesid . Captain Sept ember 1, 1811' . . December Vo, 1812 . . December 4 < I 11 ^ McDonald, John A. . . C < 11 11 Morris, Joseph .... i ■ 11 11 M'cDonald, John . . . 1 1 11 11 Mannahon, Jcihii . . . 1 > 11 11 Neeley, William. . . . ' 1 II 11 Right, Isaac 11 ,1 Robertson, William H.. | > 1 11 1 . Ritchey, William . . . 1 ' . 11 11 Ramsey, John ' ' 11 11 Reves, Peter < 1 11 11 Ramsey, David .... • i 11 11 Redman, Charles . . . 1 1 11 1 1 Scott, Robert 1 1 .1 11 Smith, John. . . . 11 11 ^ Stallcup, Mark H. . . .1 •< " 1 1 Story, William . . . . j • 1 Traves, John 1 " 11 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November 1, 1812 .. . Decetjiber 2:i, 1K1'_' . . November 1, 1812 . September 12, 1812 November 1, 1812 October 21,1812 . December 23, 1811 October 20, 1812 . December 2u, 181'.: October 10, 1812 October 2:!, 1812 Remarks. Deserted. Deserted. Appointed a spy. Substitute for Samuel Craig. Discharged November 1. Discharged September 12. Deserted. Discharged November 1. Discharged October 21. Deserted. On furlough. Deserted. Deserted. Deserted. On furlough. Deserted. Discharged October 20. Deserted. Discharged October 10. Discharged October 23. Deserted. Deserted. Deserted. Deserted. Deserted. Substitute for Stephen Cruise. 44 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 181'3. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES LOVE'S COMPANY, SLXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. fitsworth, William . . Thompson, Williiim . . Wilson, Robert .... Wilker.'ioii, Peter . . . Woodsides, Robert . . Private September 1, 1812 . . October 23, 1812 . . . Deserted. ROLL OP CAPTAIN BENJAMIN H. REEVES' COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Benjamin H. Reaves.. . William C. Davis . . . John (i. Reynolds.. . . David S. Campbell. . Young Garvin Petor Austin William Harrison . . . Richard Mobley .... Peter Eaker William Murray .... Patrick Wiley Amerine, John .... Adams. Robert Alexander, Baxter . . . Ambrose, William . . . Bankston, James . . . Bradshaw, William . . Boren, Stephen . . . . Broomfield, Richard.. . Ballard, Joseph . . . . Barton, John Cordry, .John Campbell, William . . Clark, Hernold . . . . Clark, Stephen Carson, Andrew . . . . Chester, William. . . . Campbell, George . . . Culbertson, Daniel. . . Cordry, William . . . . Cahoon, David . . . . Carter, George -Davis, James Dobbs, William . . . . Daniels, Richard . . . . Deason, Edmond. . . French, Lewis. ... Fletcher, Job .... Fountleroy, William . Futrell, John Futrell, Nathan.. . . Gorin, John D. . . . Gieham, Henry M.. . (Jalbreath, James . . Gallaher, John . . . Goode, John H. . . . Hopson, Samuel . . . Hoskins, Aaron . . . Hane}', Joel Harbour, Joseph. . . Hodge, Archibald . . Harrison, Robert. Johnson, Benjamin . .Jones, Julius .... Kennedy, James. . . Kennedy, William. . Kcshner, Jonas . . . Kennedy, William. Jr Kirkland, Shadrick . Lumsden, Causby D. . Lockhart, John . . . Lee, Allen Mcintosh, John . . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Private September 1, IS] '2 December 2:!, 1812 .September 20, 1812 . December 23, 1812 . December 8, 1812. . . | Died Decembers. December 23, 1812 .September 17, 1812 December 23, 1812 September 18, 1812 December 23, 1812 Discharged September 2G. Substituted for said Bobbitt October 8. Deserted. Deserted. W. L, Pettviohn substituted for. J. Walker substitute October 8. John Cordry. Jr., substitute (_)ctober 8. Deserted. Deserted. Discharged .Septemlier 17, 1812. Discharged October 22, 1812. Deserted. Discharged September 18, 181: Died Octidier 4, 1812. SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. 45 ROLL OP CAPTAIN BENJAMIN H. REEVES' COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. McFarlan, .lohn. McKee, John . . MeKee, Samuel . . McKee, William. Mead, Graves . . McClure, Robert. McCormick, William McDaniel, John.. . McGee, James. . . Mitchel, David . . Mitchell, Thomas . McCombs, Henry . McCombf, Mathew McDaniel, James. . Peters, John O. . . Pyle, John H . . . Pulhart, Jacob . . Redook, Acy . . . /Rushing, William . 'Stephens, James H. — Shanklin, Robert . — Shanklin, Gilbert . Shall, Jacob C. . . Scarborough, Green Show, Andrew . . Thomas, Howell. . Thompson, Robert . Templeton, Joseph . Underwood, .John . Usher, Robert . . . Wallace. David Wash, Thomas. . . Whitesides, James. Wood, Thomas . . Wood, Daniel . . . Date of Appointment i To what time Engaged or Enlistment. I or Enlisted. September 1, 1812 . . ; December 23, 1812 Substituted for John Briiwn Ortober 8. Deserted. Died November o, 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN ROBERT BARNETT'S COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Robert Barnett . . Samuel Tevis . . . Joseph Barnett . . William Griffith . Daniel Mosely . . Mosby James . . . John Crow .... John L. Dozier . . John A. Cott'ee . . Elijah Crow. . . . Thomas I. Baird. . Samuel T. Hines . Tobias Wise . . . Ashby, James . . . Adkins, Harrison . Adington, Henry . Adington, James . • Burch, .lohn . . . Burdin, William . Brown, John C. . . Barnett, William . Bristoe, Thomas . . Brashiers, John . . Cole, William S. . Christian, Charles H Coachman, Benjamin Crow, Jesse . . . Clark, Daniel . . . Coffee, Philip . . . Craven.s, Jesse . . Dexter, ,James . . Douglass, Jonathan Files, Thomas H. . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Private , September 1, 181i December 2:!, 1812 September 15, 1812 Sc^ptomber 1, 1812 . September 5, 1812 September 1,1812. September 1:">, 1812 September 1. 1812 November 111, 1812. Si'plember 1.1812. November 5, 1812 December 23, 1812 November .0, 1812 December 23, 1812. Deserted November 1. Deserted November 5. Deserted November 1. Deserted November 5. Discharged November I 46 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1S12. ROLL OF CAPTAm ROBERT BARNETT'S COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Field, Barnctt . . Field, Zaohariali . Fisher, William . Grigsby, Nathaniel Grigsby, Aaron . . Uaniilton. William Hamilton, Samuel Hamilton, William Harshel, John . . Howard, Thomas . - Hedges, Caleb . . Hoover, Jacob . . Isler, Jacob .... Irvin, John .... James, Samuel . . Jones, William . . Kelly, John. . . . Leach. William . . Lynn, James . . . Lucas, Jeremiah. . Lett, George . . . Lott, (ieorge . . . Malon, Bayle B.. . Moseley, Jesse. . . Morgan, John, . . Martin, William. . Moore, Alexander. Moore, Alexander. Nusam, William . Pruden, Daniel . . Powers, John. . . Kogers, Evin . . . Rogers, James. . . Stevens, Kichard . Spray, George . . Sluiltz, John . . . Taylor, Harrison . Ward, Reuben . . Wooley, Levi. . . Wakeland, William Wilson, Thomas M. Worthington, Charles Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 1 September 1^ September 1 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 1 September 1 September •'), IXI'I . . . December 23, 1812 . . 1812 . 1812 . . 1812 . 1812 . Remarks. Died December 5, 1812. September 20, 1812 December 23, 1812 December 25, 1812 , December 23, 1812 , November 1, 1812 December 23, 1812 November 5, 1812 . . December 23, 1812 . . October 10, 1812 . Deserted September 20. Promoted to Drum Major. Discharged November 1. Discharged November 5. Discharged October 10. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PHILIP LATHAM'S COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Philip Latham . . William Harding . James Craig . . . Clement Daviess. . Francis L. Berry . John S. Smart . . E^ekiel Eaden. . . Jacob ShuU .... William Hester . . James McDonald . Elijah Crow. . . . Gabriel Stephens . Peter ShuU .... Anderson, William Arnold, John H. . Ashby, James . . . Bristow, Barnej'. . Barnett, James . . »Burch, John . . . Brown, John C. . . Beard, Thomas I. . Carbone, Daniel . . Cross, Joseph . . . Clark, Benjamin. . Clark, Daniel . . . Crow, Jesse .... Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . ('orporal December 24, 1812 . . I January 9, 1813 Died December 24. is]-. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 47 ROLL OF CAPTAIN PHILIP LATHAM'S COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Christian, Charles Coffee, Philip . . . H. . Private .... December 24, 1812 . . January 'J, December 1 January H, January 2, January !), 1813 . . 4, 1812 . . 1813 . . . 1813 . . . 1813 . . . In place of Jacob Burkclnw. Fields, Zachariah Hockersmith, John Hudspeth, Isaac . Hudspeth, Joseph Hopson, Samuel . Huggins, James . Johnson, John . Kirkland, Shadricl Kushing, William McConnold, John McCarty, John . Manahan, John . Died December 24, 1812. Me Key, Samuel . McKej', William McDaniel, John . McFarland, John McCombs, Henry- Murphy, Samuel Noble, .Jackson . Died January 2, 181:',. Porter, Oliver . . Purtle, Michael . Page, Lawrance . Kobinson, George Kitchey, William Ripple, Michael . Kobertson, Robert Streumat, John . Stephens, James H Sowerhaber, Georg e . . '-^inith, Stephen . pson, Moses . . ■pson, William . . - -ns, William B. . ker, Alexander . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES COOK'S COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY^ MILITIA. James Cook . . . David Scott . . . Samuel Witherow Join. G. Clayton. Mii'hael Mobley . William Higgins A mlrew Dunn . . ' John S Smart. . Johi: Helms. , . evi Greer . . iing Castleberry jam Thornton Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Drummer Fit'er . . September 1, 1812 December 23, 1812 1812 ... Fourteen days allowed fcr travel. 181:' . . I 46 48 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES COOK'S COMPANY, SIXTH REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Boyakiii, William . Bowon, Micajah . . IJeardin, Thomas . ]Jakor, Dunning . . Harnett, James . . l$ean, John .... Bridges, John . . . Baker, James . . . Uainstor, Hugh . . Bradsliaw, Philip . Cunningham, .lames Cuntrell, Martin. . Cantrell, William . Cash, Burrel . . . Carhourn, Daniel . Caldwell, Tcrah T.. Duni, .John .... Dohhins, Robert . . Dooms, John . . . Funcannon, Michael Furlong. John . . . Furgurson, Jolm . French, Lardner C. Farris, James.. . . Ghihon, George.. . (iracc, David . . . Grigory, Thomas. . Huggins, James . . Harris, William.. . Hancock, Thomas . Hifton, Lemuel . . Hail, Robert H. M. Hancock, John . . Ingram, Amaziab . John.son, John . . . Johnson, Isaac . . Jenkins, Willaford. Jenkins, Hiram . . Legate, Elijah. . . Long, Thomas. . . McDowell, William McCarty, John . . McNabb, John W.. Newman, Martin . Purtle, Michael . . Roberson, Joseph . Ross, John .... Shirley, Samuel .. . Stramat, John . . . Stramat, John, Jr. . .Stone, Henry W. . ■Stephens. Moses Stone, John. . . . Smith, Stephen . . SuUivant, William. Speiice, John D. . . Thomas, John, Sr. . Thomas, John . . . Watson, Gilbert . . Williams, Solomon Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 1, 1812 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. December 2:',, 1812 September l-"., 1812 December 2:i, 1812 Rkm.vrks. J-)ischarged iSeptemlier !•" Deserted. . October 20, 1S12 . . November 4, 1812 . October 12, 1812 . . December 23, 1812 . November 22, 1812 December 2.3, 1812 . October 26, 1812 . December 23, 1812 Deserted. Discharged October 2(1. Discharged November -1. Discharged October 12. Died November 22 Deserted. October 26, 1812 . December 23, 1812 Deserted. Crow, Jesse SOLDIERS OF THE WAU OF 1812. 49 Roll of Field and Staff, Third Regiment, Kentncky Detached Militia— War of 1812. Nichnlys Miller . . Beiijiunin .Shacklctt Oivid Hiirdin. . . Daniel B. Potter. . Joseph Winlock. . Samuel McClarty . William Hardin . . James McCarty . . John Chalfin . . . George Buckhart . John Howard . . . Date of Appointnieut or Enlistment. Lieutenant-Col.. . ] September 1, 1812. Major .... Surgeon Surgeon Mate . Lt. & Paymaster Ensign & Adj'nt t^uartermaster . Quartermaster Ser Sergeant Major Drum Major . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remakks. December 2.5, 1813 ROLL OF CAPTAIN FREDERICK W. S. GRAYSON'S COMPANY, TBIRD REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL NICHOLAS MILLER. Frederick W.S.Gray Robert Alexander . Thomas I. Wilson.. Thomas F. Smith . David Drake . . . Elijah Cochran . . Joseph Sanders . . Ueiiry Gresham . . Daniel King . . . John Hopewell . . Thomas Shopton . . John Allen lilemerleck Swearingcr Joseph Swoaringer. John Purcell ... John'H. Wilson . . Philip Grable . . . .lohn Burkt. . . . . Allen, John .... Arnold, .Tohn . . . .\sh, George. . . Acres, George . . . iJishop, Daniel . . Bottom, William . (Jadwell, William . ewberry, Benjamin Drake. David . . . Fox, .laooh .... Floyd. William . . Flakt^, John .... Gruder, Ezekiel M. H.ipewell, .John . . Uoijewcll, William Hubbard, .\11ictI E. Holsilaw, James . . Hopewell, Samuel . King, Daniel . . . Lucky, John . . . Lucky, Elisha . . . I-ovelaoe, Benjamin iloridand, Richard . '^ritchell, Lcgimond '''IcUaughery, Bernard 7 Captain .•September 1. ISVJ Lieutenant. ... ' ' ' ' Ensign • ' ' ' Sergean t ■ ' • ' " (tctober 1, 11^12 . September 1, 1812. Corporal Private October I, IHl-J. . November 1, 1812. September 1, 1812 October 1, 1812 . September 1, 1812. October 1, 1812 September 1, ISIl November 1, 1812 September 1, 1812 December 29, 1812 . October 1, 1812. . December 29, 1812 November 1, 1812 October 1. 1812. . November 1, 1812 October 1, 1812. Doc ember 29, 1812 October 1, 1812. . December 29, 1812 Reduced to rank October 1. Made Sergeant October 1 . Reduced to rank November 1. Reduced to rank October 1. I Reduced to rank November 1. Reduced to rank October 1. ! Made Corporal October 1. : Made Corporal October 1. Made Corporal November 1. I Made Corporal November 1. 1 I Substitute for Henry Matthews. 1 Sick in hospital. Substitute for Jonathan Sumons. Substitute for Joseph Pancake. Substitute tor James lirashcnr. Substitute for Lewis Williams Wade Sergeant October 4. Sub.stitute for John Tial. Discharged by substitute Scpiember ■ Substitute for Richarhn Harnett . . . James McAllister . Edmund Car.-!on . . Lawson Slinson . . .I.ihn Redmon . . . Allen, William . . Allen, Merrel . . . Bibb, Walker . . . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Musician Private . September 1, 1812 December 25, 1812 Seplembcr 9, 1812 September 4, 1812 December 25. 1812 October 5, 1812. . December 25, 1812 September 1, 1812 December 29, 1812 December 25, 1812 Discharged Sept. 9 — substitute for AVm. Sniilh. Discharged September 4. Substitute for Wm. Moore — deserted Dec. .5. Substitute for Mebany Oct. 2— absent, sick. Substitute for William Pace — on command. On furlough. 52 S0Lt)IER8 OF THE WAR OF I8l3. ROLL OP CAPTAIN HENRY YAKEY'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Branslclter, John IJayless, .Joseph . Breiit, .James . . Biisliong, Andrew Billy, Jesse . . . Culvert, Samuel . Dawson, .John. . "Dawson, .James . Kmbei'son, Walter Fields, .James . . Gillichan, Clement. Greatliouse, Samuel Grider, .Jacob . Goodman, Micbael -Gentry, Thomas . Hamilton, .John Havs, Claybourn. Hart, John . . . Uackerlv, Joshua Kelly, Daniel . . Key, Bennett . . Key, William . . Kingery, Joseph. Leeper, .John . . Ijewis, Jesse. . . Ijcmon, Stacy . . Le lion, Elisha . Ijanore, Tilnion . MeCarty, Men/.y Mitchel, Moses . Martial. Hugh. . Mitchel. James S Miiore, Ale.\nnder Morrylield. Samuel Mellany, James . Miller, Henry. . Osborn, .Jonathan Ku.ssell, Aaron . . Roberts, Joseph . Itichey, Andrew liush, John . Smith, Absalom . Sorrels, Samuel . Stinson, Joel Smith, Wiley . . Stinson, .John L. .Stinson, Marma D, Slaven, Samuel Spencer, Moses . Satler, Wileomb . .Sorrel, William . Spencer, John . . Wood, Pleasant . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 1, 1812 To what time Engaged or'Enlisted. December 29, 1812 December 25, 1812 October 2, 1812. . , December 25, 1812 December 29, 1812 September 1,1812. December 25, 1812 ■October (J, 1812. . . September 1, 1812. December 29, 1812 December 25, 1812 September 1, 1812 September 4, 1812 September 1. 1812 December 25, 1812 September 1, 1812 . December 25, 1812 . September 1, 1812 . December 2-5, 1812 October 2, 1812. . . Oetoter C, 1812 . . September 1, 1812. December 25, 1812 October 0, 1812. . Septenil)er 1,1812. December 25, 1812 September 1, 181i October 5, 1812. December 25, 1812 October 6, 1812. . October 2, 1812. . On furlough. Substitute for Jacob Hardin. On furlough. Discharged. Substitute for Ephraim Barry. Substitute for Thomas Belongley Substitute for .John (ioodman. Discharged . ' Sick in hospital. On furlough. On furlough. Discharged September 4. Substitute for Samuel Colbert — on command. Substitute for Henry Miller — on command. Sick. On furlough. Substitute for Daniel Penington. Substitute for Nathaniel .Shipley. Discharged. Discharged. Substitute for Jacob Grider on furlough. On furlough. Substitute for Wm. Tinslcy. Substitute for Klisha England. .Substitute for Joel Robinson. On furlough. Substitute for John Spencer — on command. Substitute for Wm. Iloward — absent, sick. Substitute for Warner Houser, and deserted. Substitute for Pleasant tVood — sick. Discharged. Discharged. ROLL OP CAPTAIN SOLOMON BRANDENBURG'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT, KEN- TUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. Solomon Brandenburg John .Shehi .... John Fulker.son . . .John Iledmond . . Aaron Bawlings . . R.ibert Miller'. . . Martin McMabon . James Lash .... John Daugherty . . Michael Nicholas . .lames Chisniet . . Armer, Demsey . . Anderson, .James . Ambrose, Matthew Attlebury, Nathan, Captain . . . Lieutenant , Ensign . . , 1st Sergeant , 1st Corporal September 1, 1812 December 25, 1812 September 12, 1812 . December 25, 1812 . On furlough.- On furlough. Discharged. Furloughed. SOLDIERS OF THE AVAR OF 1S12. 53 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SOLOMON BRANDENBURG'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT, KEN- TUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. IJrown, David. . . Urown, William. . Buster, Robert L. . Carter, William . . Cogsdel, Thomas. . I Craddock, Jesse.. . f-Clark, George.. . . (_!raddoek, .Tames . Corruedo, William . Dougherty, John, Jr Dorsey, Hazel W. . Drury, Elias . . . Dowell, James . . . Davis, Lemuel . . . Dunwidder, William Ertthertoii, Benjamin Farmer, Otho . . . Flanagan, James . Franklin, Bennet . Farri-s Jesse. . . . Gardner, John. . . Hubbard, Nathaniel Hornback, Daniel . Hill, Moses.. . . Ilighbaugh, Henry. Hargen, Michael . . Hawkins, David . . Irwin, James . . . Junes, William . . .lenkins, Alison .lonkins. Ignatius . Keith, William . . Keith, Benjamin . . Koith, .Jonathan . . Logsdon, Thomas . I.iigsdon, Hiram . . I-omoM, William. . Lusk, Siinmcl . . . .McMulleii, Andrew .Mahon, William. . v»c- Daniel, Thomas. .Mceks, Benjamin . McCarty, Samuel . Merry field, Alexander McCabe, Jacob . . Miller, Michael . . McGee, William L G'Brient, Henry. . Piety, Austin . . . Purcoll, David . . . Price, John .... Piillum, Berjaniin Potts, Henry . . . Pursley, Thomas . Pennybii.ker, William C^uiok, Jesse. . . . Kowman, Isaac . . Reams, Robert. ^. Strator. William. . .Smith, John .... Self, Edward . . . Strange, .Tames . . Taylor, Bergman . Thomas, Isaac. . . Thomas, Robert . . Van meter, Jacob . — Welsh, Anthony . Wheat, Perry W. . York, Jesse .... Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 1, 1812 October 20, 1812 . September 1, 1812 November 2, 1812 September 1, 1812 To what time Engaged I or Enlisteil. ! Rkmarks. December 2.5, 1812 . September 17, 1812 December 2.'>, 1812 . On furU'Ugh. On furlough. Substitute for Wm. L. Mc(ico. Furloughod. Furloughed. September 17, 1812 . . .Substitute for Edward Srd:' December 25, 1812 . . September 17, 1812 . . Furloughed. December 2o, 1812 . . September 17, 1812 . Furloughed. December 20, 1812 . September 17. 1812 . December 2-'), 1812 . September 17, 1812 . December 2-5. 1812 . September 17, 1812 . December 25, 1812 . October 20, 1812 . December 2.5, 1812 September 17, 1812 December 25, 1H12 . Furloughed. Furloughed. Furloughed. Furloughed. Substitute discharged. On furlough. Furloughed. Furloughed. On furlough. On I'urlousrh. September 17, 1812 . . Discharged. December 25, 1812 . . September 17, 1812 . . j December 25, 1812 . .1 54 SOLDIEKS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM BERRYMAN'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. William Berryman . .John M. Kobinson. . King L. Williams . . James Thompson . . Matthew Dougherty . Hugh Morrison . . James F. Robinson . William G. Morlin . Samuel Kirb}-. John Swearinger . . James Gibson . . ■ Isaac Allen ■".loseph Earnest . . . Abshorc, Abram . . . Amos, Benjamin. Anderson, Jonathan 0. Berryman, Austin . . Bradley, John. . . . Brenton, Joseph. Bags, Isaiah .... Brown, Thomas . . . Cowan, William. . . Clark, David .... Casev, Abner .... Clark, William . . . Carter, Charles . . • Cagel, .'^ampson . . . Crawford, Abel . ■ Crawford, James. . . Davis, Peter Dobb, John Duff, Kobert .... Duff, Samuel .... Dunham, Dennis . . Duff, James Dobson, John . . . - Earnest, Thomas . . GiV)Son, John . . . • Gait, John Graves, Fredrick . . Graham, Isaac. . . . Harrison, John . . • Hudson, Allen . . . Hammond, James . . Hendrick, Joseph,. ■. Henderson, Samuel . Hess, Jacob Huntsman, Henry . . Hodges, Edmund . . Holloway, James . . Hodges, "William . . Hudson, John. . . . Jones, Samuel. . . . Justice, John .... Kirby, Terrant . . ■ Kirby, Samuel . . ■ Kirby, Jesse .... Kirby, Leonard . . . Kelly, Beal. . . Lynch, Campbell . . Martin, Upshaw. . . Martin, Jesse .... McAllister, James. . Morris, Miles . . . . McGuire, Francis . . Mondin, Jesse H . . . >}ewton, Isaac. . . . Prater, Calloway . . Kussel, William . . . Randal, Abel . . . . Smith, Howell. . . Shore, .Joseph . . . . Sturdy, William. . Shields, Geor'."? . . S'lields, E.noch . Skiors, Abram. Captain . . Lieutenant. En.sign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corpt)ral 4th Corporal Musician Private . Date of Appointment I To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. September 1, 1812 December 25, 1812 December 18, 1812 December 26, 1812. September 30,1812 December 25, 1812 September 2-5, 1812 December 2.5, 1812 . November 1. 1812 . December 25, 1812 . September .30, 1812 December 25, 1812 September 30, 1812 December 25, 1812 . December 18, 1812 .'September 1, 1812 . . September 20, 1812 December 26, 1812 . September 30, 1812 December 25, 1812 . September 30, 1812 December 25. 1812 September 20,1812 December 25, 1812 Discharged. On furlough. On furlough. Died. Died November 1, 181". On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. (7u furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. Discharged. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. On furlough. Substitute for Isaac Allen. On furlough. Died. On furlough. SOLDIERS OF THK WAR OF 1812. 55 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM BERRYMAN'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Namks. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. Saiterfluld, Jerry . Sullivan, John . . Sutton, Thomas . . Spears, Ephraini. . Smith, Vardemon . Tarrent, Minos . . Thomas, Larkin . . "•Thompson, Richard Warren, Alexander Wadkins, Samuel B. Willhiinks, Owinj . Waggle, Abram. . Whilton, Easton. . Waggle, George. . Private September 1, 1812 December 25, 1812 . September 30,1812 . December 25, 1812 . September 14, 1812 . December 25, 1812 . September 30, 1812 On furlough. Discharged. On furlough. ROLL OF CAPTAIN LIBERTY GREEN'S COMPANY, THIRD REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. Liberty Green . . . Samuel Durham . . Simeon Cowherd . . Robert Wellock . John Hail -Henry Moore . . . George Wilson . . Samuel Lindsey . . Robert Irvin . . . Levy Summers . . Butler, James.. . . Bowman, David . . liorrv, Samuel . . . Borry, William U.. Brown, James. . . Berry, William . . Carter, Thomas . . Cooke, Joshua . . . Craig, John .... Cowherd, Willis . . Duckworth, George Uurrett, William . F"rbos, James . . . Farris, William . Faulkner. William . Filpot, William . . Gibson, Twiner . . Green well, Robert . Hoover, Felix . . . Ha/eland, Juhn . . Hardin, Stephen . . Hash, Philip. . . . Hood, George . . . Hardin, John . . . Ivent, .Tames . . . Irwin, William . . J'^hnston, John . . Jones, Morgan KiTlly, Lewis . Lyon, William Lee, Wastley . . Mattingly, Joseph . MoCokle; Archibald Matthews, Richard . M. l),.^le, William Nelson, John . . Nance, James . . . Nance, Robert. , . Penycar, John . . . Price, James . . . Philips. Thomis . Penyear, Georgo. . '■ 'gers, Thomas . . - Iv.urk William . . Captain . . Lieutenant Sergeant . Corporal Private imber 1, 1812 ... I December 25, 1812 . September 12, 1812 . . December 25, 1812 . . November 23, 1812.. . December 25, 1812 . . Purloughed — sick. Furloughed — sick. Furloughed — sick. Furloughed — .ber 21,\Sr2.. Paid JIaroh 19, 1812, Ilipa Buckner. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 71 Roll of Field mid Stuff, Barbee's Regiment, Kentucky Militia- War of 1812. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmarks. Joshua Barbee Lt. Colonel . . . August 10, 181-2 . . . September 22, 1812 . . Henry Palmer. . 1st Major . . • 1 11 Creed Hawkins . 2d Major . . August '29, 1812 . . . September 28, 1812 . . John W. Powell. Adjutant . . August 20, 1812 . . . September 22, 1812 . . James McDowell. Surgeon.. . . 1 August 10, 1812 . . . Absent — sick. Duff Green . . . S. Mate . . . ' ' ' ' George C. Cowan Qr. Master . 1 11 11 Ensign in Capt. Barliours Conipanv. George C. Harlan Qr. M. Serg't. , August 23, 1812 . . . John Glover . . S. Major. . . 11 11 Thomas Brown . Drum Major . II 11 Clemment Sullivan Fife Major. . Thompson Gaines . Paymaster . . September 7, 1812 . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN GARRETT PETERSON'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOSHUA BARBEE. Garrett Peterson. David Philips.. . Warren, Hardeen Raphael haiik . . Jolm French . . Francis Vain . . William Phillips Francis Monarch Hardin Hawkins. Thomas Bicket . Joseph Nolin . . Bland, Charles . Brownlow, Isaac . Brown, Joseph. . Bennet, Richard. Bailey, Joseph. . Catlin, Seth . . . Cissel, ilames . . Corby, William . Constable, Stephen Clifton, William Connor, Livingsto: Corby, John. . Dicken, David. Davidson, Andrew Doran, Francis. . Edlan, Fendle. . Edwards, Joseph Eldrid, John . . Ford, Luis . . . Gilcrease, William Gribbins, William Gates, William . Graves, Charles . Green, Fredrick.. Horben, Eli. . . Herron, James. . Hardesty, Edward Hevingden, Cades .Johnston, William Kindman, William Kiney, William Kelly, George. . Logan, Matthew Mattinglv, John Mills, John . . . ^MeCoughlin, .lames Mitchel, William . Mechling, Ignatius Miles, Henry P. . . Mollyham, William Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . August 23, 18U Thos. Montgomery substituted for Raphael Leak. [Phillips, who was sick. John Beauchanip appointed in place of William Stephen Kinchlow substituted. Colby Smith sulistitutcd. Nathaniel Lynch substituted. Cleared bv court-martial. Clement Knott substituted. James Horben substituted. Jacob Houts substituted. Benjamin Cooper substituted. Benjamin Long substituted. George Hardesty substituted. 72 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GARRETT PETERSON'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Moore, Andrew.. Osburii, Ilonitio . Pavsot, Willitim . Phillips, Williiira Piirdy, John . . Perry, Jiimes . . Self, Thomas . . Scott, Benjamin . Sutton, John . . Sinns, John . . . Spalding, Richard Shuck, Jacob . . Tucker, Thomas. Thomas, Avon . Vessels, James . . Wells, Thomas . Bate of Appointment or Enlistment. August 23, 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Wm. Ackley substituted. Wm. Pierce substituted. Unable to march. Philip Thurman .-;ul-).slitul<'d. John Vessels substituted. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT BURNET'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Robert Burnet . Thomas Cregor . Jacob Pierce . . Jacob Funk . . . Jonas O'Neal, '2d John Schooling . Joseph Husbands John Pierce . . . John McElroy . John Wright . . James Bater . . . Askins, David . . Burris, Archibald Burnet, William . * Baker, Richard . - Baker, William . Casey, Henry.. . Kokenouse, Christopher Cook, William . Case, John . . . Coulter. Josiah . Cross, Jonathan . Cash, Archibald . Cummings, Alexando Craven, John . . . Casey, Robert . . . Casey, David . . Conder, George . . Doughtery, TTiomas Davis, Jamos . . . Poster, Notty . . . Gillis, William . . Green, Benjamin G. Goff, Caleb .... Graves, John . . . Holt, Tapley . . . Hendrickson, Lefret Herbert, Hezekiah . Handley, Joel . . . Hall, John C. . . . Hundley, John AV.. Hardin, Mark . . . Hilton, Henry. . . Howard, Edmond . Husbands, Vezcy . Johnson, Edward . Johnson, Jacob . . Lcdnicster, Pbisant Mason, Andrew . . Munsey, Jacob . . Murray, Charles . . McKenny, John. . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant , 2d Sergeant . Hd Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . August 23, 1^12 Wm. Coppidge substituted. Wm. Boiling substituted. Sick at home. Elijah Lott substituted. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 73 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT BURNET'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Moore, Alexsmder . . McFKrling, Jeremiah. Malone, Cager. Powell, Charles . Philips, John . . Prater, William . Purtle, Waler . . Purtle, Jacob . . Purtle, Henry . . Kidge, Cornelius . Riley, Tobias B. . Sheral, Avon . . Snider, Thomas . Smiley, Jesse . . Simpson, Lloyd . Tuel, Charles" . . Watts, William.. Whitticotton. James . Yowell, John ... . Dale of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. August 23, 1812 . 6 months Remarks. Benjamin Ridge substituted. Absent. Jacob Clark substituted. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM CROSS' COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. William Cross. James Cowan . Henry Gabbert Thomas Logan Samuel Curren John Owens, . William Montgomery- ,Iohn Carter. . . Andrew Cowan . William Ford . . Thomas Franklin Beckett, Josiah . Bramday, George Ballew, Alfred W, Bright, William. Burcham, Isaiah. Blankenship, Abel Carpenter, John. Cooksey, William Cowan, Thomas . Calhoun, James . Cooksey, John . -Clark, Benjamin. Flowers, Thomas M. Gabbert, David . Gross, John . . . Howley, Zebedee. Harper, James . Harper, Asa. . . Kennedy, James. Ledford, William Lester, Abraham Linn, Samuel . . Lester, William . Martin, .James. . Murray, Daniel . Mills, Thomas . Matthews, Lott R Martin, Zerah . . Miller, Isaac . . Mackey, James . Right, Lewis . . Savage, William . Smith, Alexander Scott, Richard. Smalley, Andrew Speck, Jacob . . Wood, James . . 10 Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign • . 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant Corporal . Drummer Fifer . . . Private . August 23, 181S September 22, 1812 . Substitute for Robert Mann. Substitute for Elijah Hopkins. Substitute for David Young. Substitute for John Allen. 74 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 18*12. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM CROSS' COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Withnm, John .... Worlsey, Zepbaniah . . Wells, Jesse Young, John, Jr. . . . Private August 23, 1812 . . . September 22, 1812 . ROLL OF CAPTAIN MICAH TAUL'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Micah Taul Joseph H. Woolfolk . John Bartholomew Thomas Jleller . . William Ray . . . James Givens . . . John Shannon . . . Richard Gooding . .John Dodson . . . Thomas C. Pemborton Noah Wilherst . William Cowan . Stephen Hinds . Baxter, Joshua . Buckhannon, Walshor Barnes, William . . Blair, William . . Buster, John . . . Baker, Esquire . . Cotton, James. . . Cullom, Tillman . Cullom, Edward N. Coffee, Lewis . . . Davis, Alexander . Dunagan, Solomon. Dick, John .... Dunagan, James. . Decker, Thomas . . East, Daniel. . . . East, North .... Emerson, Walter . England, Samuel G. Easter, John . . . East, David .... Flinn, Jesse. . . . Ford. Samuel L. . . Foster, John . . . Garovir, John. . . Grandle, James . . Gregory, Mordecai. (iarth, Rodney . . Garland, Anderson Hix, John .... Howard, Parkman. Hall, William . . . Ingraham, Samuel. Johnson, Augustus Jones, Benjamin. . Jones, James . . . Jones, William . . Langston, James. . Logan, Cyrus . . . Logan, Benjamin . Moore, Jonathan . Miller. William . Montgomery, John Newell, John M. . Penhouse, Daniel . Rowe, Joab .... Rud. George . . . Ridgeway, James . Ray, John .... Roberts, John . . . Summers, William . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Drummer . Fifer . . . Private . . August 23, 1812 1) months Substitute by Peter E. Carter. Substitute by Isaac Van West. Absent — sick. Absent. Discharged. Absent. Absent. Absent. Discharged. Substitute by John Nelson. William Sutton .substituted. SOLDIERS OE TlTE WAR OF 1812. 75 ROLL OP CAPTAIN MICAH TAUL'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Savage, Richard . . Shrewsberry, John Souther, Jacob W. Snow, N Tuttle, James . . Tiittle, Henry. . Tucker, Moses. . Tuller, John . . Terrell, Thomas . Vestal, David . . VanWinkle, Isaac VanWinkle, Mieajah Vickroy, Adam . Worley, Valentine West, Isaac . . . Wade, Balenger . Wright, John . . Young, James. . t)ate of Appointment or Enlistment. August 23, 1812 . To ivhat time Engaged or Enlisted. Wounded. Substitute by Joel Van Winkle. Substitute by Jenkins Langsdon. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER JORDAN'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Peter Jordan . . . John R. Card well . Hugh Evens . . . John Jordon . . . •lames Watson. . . John Moore .... John Sharp. . . . Benjamin Hawkins .lohn Cardwell . . Gasnet Jordan . . David Foreman . . Armstrong, William Adams, Samuel . . Akins, Wells . . . Adams, Andre%v . . Agon, William . . Burton, John ... . Bunton, Andrew . Barnes, Richard . . Bright, William . . Bishop, Dan .... Davis, William . . Evans, Nathaniel . Gilkerson, William Green, Thomas . . Higins, Thomas.. . Hughes, Reuben . . Jordan, Garnet, Jr. Lewis, John. . . . Lyon, James . . . Leiland, John . . . Mann, Thomas . . McGarn, William.. McGathridge, Willii Mclntire, John . . Ne^l, Robert . . . Noel, Joel .... Passmore, Elias . . Slaughter, William Server, Christopher Sail, Benjamin S. . Slaughter, Francis T, Slaughter, Edmond Sennett, John.. . . Saul, Clayton . . . Wicoff, John . . . Captain Lieutenant. . . . Ensign Orderly Sergeant . Sergeant .... Corporal August 23, 1812 Substitute for Thomas Ag(m. 76 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN W. SHIRLEY'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Names. .lohn W. Shirley. Thomas Turk . Andrew Wagoner Robert Young. . Garland Gupton . Robert Morrison . William Walker . John Sneed . . . William Young . Stephen Stone . . Charles Thomas . Atkinson, Job . . Allin, Samuel . . Bowman, Kobert. Briant, Randolph Bryant, John . . Barnett, Nathan . Beats, Adam . . Brumley, Larkin Breeding, David Brockraan, Ambrose, Borger, John . . Carter, Thomas . Cravens, Ira . . Conover, Munn . Clark, Jesse . . . Cook, Henry . . Coffee, Nathan . Conover, David . Duncan, .James . Davenport, William Duncan, Joshua.. Depree, George . Diddle, William . Davidson, John . Este, Marshall. . Fletcher, Robert. Gilman, James . Gailbraidth, Jamos Handy, John . Hailey, Benjamin Hancock, Hiram. Hughes, George . Isaacs, Samuel . . James, Thomas . Johnson, James . James, Walter. . Knell, George . . Luttrell, Thomas. Litton, Burton . Lawles.s, Edward Lawson, William Link, Andrew. . Moore, Charles . McMillian, Joseph McKinley, James Montgomery, Jesse Morrison, George McKinley, Michael MoElroy, John T, Patterson, John Polly, William Price, William R, Rose, Robert . . Richards, Brice . Selby, Green . . Sheffield, John . Smith, William . Salloy, .Jonathan . Sampson, Joshua Vinzent, James . White, John . . Wisdom, William Wheeler, Charles Captain . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal Pifer . . . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 2.% 1812 . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remark.s. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 77 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES BARBOUR'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. James Barbour .... George Briscoe .... George U. Cowan . . . Benjamin Bell. . . . Alexander Sneed . . . Major Varmoy .... Robert Rochester . . Thomas Little John Mahon Thomas G. Lewis . . . Biirress, Will Blaekiter, Henry • • ■ Brewer, Abraham . . . Cowan, William C. . . Christerson, Christopher Caldwell, John . . . . Cord, Willis. . Christerson, Samuel . . Campbell, Uavid. . . . Clark, James Durham, William B. . . Dye, Faunteroy . . . . Durham, Samuel . . • Durham, John . . . . Doughertv, John . . . Ellis, Garrett Fry, Will. .^ Gulten, Lewis Harlan, Elijah HoUoway, George . . . Humerichouse, Jacob . Humble, Noah M. . . . Hope, Thomas Hughes, Thomas. . . . Henderson, James . . . Hughes, James . . . , Irvin, William D. . . . Johnson, Anthony. . , Lewis, Francis ... Lamb, John Lawrence, Robert . . Meade, Mastin . . . Prewett, Anderson. . Prcwett, David . . . Pierce, Bombary. . . Prichard, Isaac . . Pritchnrd, Abraham . Reed, John Rose, William. . . . Roberts, William . . Severe, Isaac .... Smith, Abraham . . . Tawley, John .... Vardervcr, Henry. . Vanderver, Cornelius Weaver, Henry . . . Weaver, Davis . . . Walker, John .... ^ Walkup, James . . . Wilson, Robert . . . Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant , Corporal . . August 2.3, 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. 6 months ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID McN AIR'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY" MILITIA. David McNair . . George Allen . . . Nimrod Maxwell . William Cole . . . William Morgan . Lemuel Stockton . Elijah Cressman. . W. Degraffincad. . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal. , August 23, 1812 ; SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID McNAIR'S COMPANY, BARBEE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. W. Brooks . . Nftthaniel Martin . . David 8picer .... Akin, Jiisiah .... Abranni'on, .lulm . . Hrown, Thomas . . . Ulackwood, Kic-liard . Bayso, Abednego . . Butler. John .... Brown, James. . . . Brown, Samuel . . . Bunch, Rodden . . . Cuyyoi't, Lsaiah . . . Chamberlain, William Chamberlain, George Carrington, Arthur . Crud, Michael. . . . Cheatham, Isaiah . . Carter. William . . . Carey, Nathaniel . . Chamberlain, John . Carey, Thomas . . . Cosner, Leonard . . Dorse, Ezekiel. . . . Klliott, Asa Kagan, John .... Edwards, William. . Frost, Gabriel .... Green, Gardner . . . Green, Richmond . . Harvey, John .... Ilagan, W. S Harris, Jack Hulbert, Charles. . . Holland, John. . . . Hughes, George . . . Lacey, Henry .... Lorton, Joseph . . . Lorton, Robert . . . Luokey, William A. . Long, Andrew . . . Lnngdon, Augustia . Moxey, John .... Moxey, William . . . Mitchell, Elijah.. . . Martin, George . . . Murphy, Hayes.. . . Martin, John .... Minor, Thomas . . . Prue, James Prueth, John .... Penington, Anthony. Rowland, Gilbert . . Raj'field, Isaac . . . ShuHs, Jacob .... Smith, William . .. . Shults, John .... Stockton, Ichabod . . Smith, John, Jr. . . . Smith, John, Sr. . . . Shults, Jesse .... Simms, Benjamin . . Thurmon, Labourse . Wisdom, William . . Wisdom, Franci.s . . Weaver, Joseph . . . Wi-sdom, John . . . Wathell, William . . Winters, Ilonry . Corporal Date of Appointment To what time Engngel or Enlistment. or Enlisted. August 2.S, 1812 R KM ARKS. Absent — sick. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent without permission. Absent. Absent. Absent without permission. Absent. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 79 ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER DUDLEY'S COMPANY, BOS WELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER LIGHT INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COL. VVM. E. BOSWELL. Peter Dudley . . . George Baltzell . . Samuel Arnold . . (ieorge M . Gale . . James Clark . . . Thomas H. Mosby. Kowland Madison . Chapman Coleman Samuel Campbell . 'Francis I. Slaughter Larkin M. Samuel . Gilbert Pew. . . . William Abbott. . Francis Patton . . Armstrong, Thomas Arnold, James . , Alexander, Robert Anderson, William Bangs, John. . . . Blackburn, Nelson. Bangers, Henry . . Bacon, Charles P. . Bond, William . . Bratton, Adams . . Brashears, Otho . . Bennett, Benjamin. Benham, James 3^. Burch freed, John . Bohannan, Thomas Bronton, Andrew E, Brown, John . . Church, James . . Campbell, David . Coburn, Robert . . Campbell, John . . Carter, Edward . . Case, Benjamin . . Cummins, Samuel . Crockett, Alexander Crockett, John R. . Chambers, John D. Collier, James. . . Calhoun, Uenrv P. Daniels, William G. Duvall, Zachariah . Elliott, Archibald . Elkins, Elliott . . Fennel, Benjamin . Grant, William . . Gordon, John . . . Griffin, James. . . Griffin, Austin . . Garvil, George S. . Gill, Thomas . . . Golunan, Thomas H Gudgell, Andrew . Given, Avery. . . Hulton, Cornelius . Hulton, William . Holton, James . . Hardin, George . . Hardin, Benjamin . Hardin, John . . . Hardin, James . . Hanks, Chichester . Hawkins, Arculas . Harrison, James . Hampton, James . Hampton, Wade . Hampton, James, Jr Hampton, Thomas Hawkins, Elisha . Hancock, Lewis. . Haydon, Benjamin Johnston, James . Love, James Y. . . W Fifer . . . Drummer . Private . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. March •_'!), 1812. April 28, 1812 Remarks. 80 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER DUDLEY'S COMPANY. BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER LIGHT INFANTRY— Continued. Names. Leonard, John . Lewis, Zach . . Luckett, Hezelviiih Mayhall, William McCollough, David Marvin, Martin. Miller, George . Miller, William. Metcalf, William McConnell, Allen Martin, James . Milan, James . . Newell, Barnett. O'Neal, Henry . Patterson, Henry Plough, William Pemberton, Uichard Pells, Burkins . Kossoii, John . . Kussell, Samuel . Russell, John . . Rubble, John R. Robertson, James Richardson, George C Reading, Joseph P. Ray, William. . Satterwhite, Philip Sublett, Thomas . Summers, Thomas . Slaughter, Elias. . Shannon, James . . Sproule, George. . Stephens, Benjamin Stoll, Thomas. . . Spicer, John . . . Samuel, Peter. . . Sparks, Madison. . Thomas, Spencer . Walker, Thomas . Wilhort, Joshua . . Wilson, Elias . . . West, Robert . . . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. March 27, 1812. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. April 28, 181i Remarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN AMBROSE ARTHUR'S COMPANY', BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS. Ambrose Arthur Joseph Parsons . James A. Cartwrigbt Rowland Brown. . John Johnson. . . Samuel Jameson . . Turner Hays . . . James Templeton . Michael Farris . . James Flack . . . Christopher Walker David McHoUand . Antrobns, Amos. . Ale.xander, James . Acres, John. . . . Bowman, Elijah. . Bailey, Andrew . . Bratlon, David . . Burke, Robert. . . Briant, John (i. . . Carter, Sanmel . . Cork, W illiam. . . Crawford, Ezra . . Colvin, Charles . . CoUitt, William. . Dyehouse, Edwards Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . Fifer . . Drummer Private . April 29, 1812 May 12, 1812. April 29, 1812 May 31, 1812. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 51 ROLL OF CAPTAm AMBROSE ARTHUR'S COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS— Continued. Day, William Dermoss, John .... Dover, Isaac Durham, Elijah .... Karris, Isaac, Jr Fry, John Farris, Isaac Goodin, John (irinstatf, Henry. . . . Geary, Lemuel . . . . Garvin, David (Joodman, Jem . . . . Discharged. Peck, James October 16, 1813 . . . Discharged. Parker, William . . . ■ ' ' ' Discharged. Power, Joseph .1 1 . Discharged. Perkins, James T.. . . October 9, 1813. . . . Discharged. Patterson, John .... October 16, 1813 . . . Discharged. Died. Pearsall, Samuel. . . . July 21, 1813 .... Rice, Hudson .... ' October 16, 1813 . . . Discharged. Rylander, Matthew . . . 1 . .1 Absent on leave. Sanders, William B. . . September 17, 1813 . . Died. Scott, Samuel October 9, 1813 . . . Discharged. Stiles, Benjamin . . . October 16, 1813 . . . Absent on leave. Tarlton, Haller .... October 9, 1813. . . . Discharged. Discharged. Talton, Caleb Talton, William. . . . October 16,1813 . . . Tivis, Peter 1 . < Discharged. Vichias, John LI 11 Discharged. Whipps, John October 9, 1813. . . . Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. ^ Waddle, William . . . October 16, 1813 . . Weaver, Thomas . . .^ . . Walters, John October 9, 1813. . . . Discharged. Weldon, John R. . . . October 16, 1813 . . . Discharged. Woodward, Silas . . . August 10, 1813 . . . Died. \ ork, Joseph October 9, 1813. . . . Discharged. "iates, James August 16, 1813 . . . Died. York, Aquilla August 4, 1813. . . . Died. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN DUVALL'S COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY" DETACHED MILITIA. John Duvall . . Richard Tyner . James Stuart . . James Glenn Nugent H. Matthewson Ezekiel P. Scott . . Edward B'ranham . Daniel Hopkins . . John Richey . . . James McHatton . John Tompkins . . Adkins, Absalom . Alexander, Solomon Baldwin, Jeremiah Branham, Simeon.. Branham, Sanford Branham, Wm. L. . Bates, Miles. . . . Brewer, Richard. . Bu.sich, Linn . . . B.iyc,.. Robert C. . Brassail, William . BartU'tt, Scarlett . Bradford, Austin . Cavin.s, Absalom . Cardwell, William. Chandler, Alfred . Captain . . . Lieutenant. , Ensign . . 1st Sergeant Corporal May 29, 1813 September 28, 1813 Discharged. Furlough given. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. 86 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN DUYALL'S COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTllCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Dchoney, William . Danzant, Josiah Duncan, Fetor Evans, John . Elliott, .lames . Evans. Charles Farmer, Littleberr Prances, Thomas Fish. Francis . . Glenn, William F Hammon, Lewis . Hopper, .John G. Henry, John . . Hall, George . . Hardin. William Hopper, Moses . Johnson, Mark Korcheval, John . Landrura, Burrill Lynn, John . . . Long, Adam . . Montgomery, William Masterson, Aaron . . Matthews, James A. . McCatforty, Thomas.. McFortridge, Robert. Onal, George .... Osbnrn, John .... Owens, Henry. . . . Price, John Penny, George . . . Peny, Anthony . . . Power, Joseph .... Smith, Lewis .... Southwall, Goyson . . Sims, .Marmaduke . . Southworth, William Sharpe, IJi^njamin . . Stanton, William . . Stanton, Th'^mas. . . Tansel, Francis . . . Woodgato, Jonathan. Wintichl, Samuel . . West, Marion D. . . Wallace, Simeon. . . Ward, William JL. . Woolen, Charles. . . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. May 29, 1813. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 28, 1813 Rkmarkr. Discharged. Discharged. Furloughed. Died. j Discharged. j Discharged. i Discharged. Died. Furloughed. Discharged. Sick. Discharged. Discharged. Died June 17. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Died June 17 Discharged. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS EVANS' COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. Thomas Evans . William Jordan . James Young . . Evan Evans . Abznpher, Ruker George PUimmer William W hilt v. John IlilT. . . ". John McLees . . Elias Webb . . . Enoch Harrel.. . Israel Hawes . . George Christal . .Samuel Strathon Abbott, .leremiah Iteatly, James . . Blair. John . . . Ballanl, Jesse . . Beirs. I'eter . . . Carter. John . . Clark, Philip . . Captain . Lieutenant. . Ensign 1st Sergeant Corporal Musician Private . April 9, 1813 i 6 months Resigned May 2, 1)S13. Priimoted to Ensign May Deserted April 1'. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS EVANS' COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Collinsworth, Reuben Cawl, Charles . . Coflee, Ambrose.. Deterow, Thomas Evans, John . . Evans, Richard . Fitzpatrick, James Eitzpatrkk, Jacob Farler, Ferris . . Granham, John . Gilkinson, George Ganoat, Middleton Horsley, Taylor . Hopkins, Jacob . Henton, James , Howe, Thomas . Hardwick, George Hodges, Solomon Hood, Andrew . Harnl, Robert. . Harris, David K. Hattield, Samuel. Hamilton, David Jameson, David . Jones, John . . . Litton, Caleb . . Lockwood, Jacob Miller, John . . Morrison, Robert Morton, Nathaniel McKinney, James Morgan, Samuel. McBride, John . Martin, John . . Norris, John . . Nicholas, Thomas Plummer, Reuben Patrick, James. . Patrick, Hugh . . Park, Timothy . Rany, Thomas . . Ringo, Lott . . . Rollins, William. Swim, Alexander Sampson, Jesse Thompson, Samuel . Trimbell, Alexande; Trilley, Benjamin Turman, John. . Tribue, Jesse . . Vanlever, Jacob . Ward, Joseph . . Young, Thomas . Young, Charles . Rank. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment or Enlisted. April 9, 1813 6 months Deserted April I'llh. On f\irlouirh. Sick — absent. Sick. Discharged May 2d. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM SEBREE'S COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. William Sebree .... Captain March 29, 1813. . . . September 29 ,181.3. . Streshley Allen . . Lieutenant. . . . ' ' " Nathaniel Vice Ensign I < 1 . George Perry . . . 1st Sers-eant . . . April 14, 1S13 .... Thomas Hall . . . ' ' April ■>, 1.H13 William C. Munroe ' ' March 2!t, 1813. . . . Thomas Covington . ' ' June 1, 1813 John Westrope . . Corporal .... April 8, 1813 William Jenkins . ' ' May fi, 1813 Andrew Conner . . I ■ 11 I . ' On furlough. Lindsey Mullen . . 1 < June 10, 1813 ... . Died September 20th. Abner Talbot . Fifer April 2, 1813 Robert Kelly . . . Drummer .... May 25, 1813 Aaron, William . . Private March 2!1, 1813. . . . 88 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1S12. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM SEBREE'S COMPANY. BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Beman, Benjiimin . Biiii;liam, Williiim. Busli, William . . Hmwii, AbiuT. . . Bui ley, Oecir^c . •. Beman, Daniel . . Carson, David. . . ("cokingtciiluT, Clir Corwiri, Musks . . CaniplxOl, .l..lni . . Diu-neely, Wriglit . Easton, Griffith . . Frammel, James. . Foster, Samuel . . Fosgate, John H. . ^J^'orsythe, Robert . Gregory, Walter . Griggs, John . . . Gannon, Peter. . . Holt, William. . . Humes, Thomas. . Hinthon, Adam . . Hymen, Samuel . . Hairy, Jesse . . . Hightield, Leonard Harkins, John. . . Ingersoll, Joseph . Justice, Jesse . . . Johnson, Nelson. . Jones, Levy. . . . Kirk, Elijah. . . . Lancaster, William McWharter, Hugh B McShane, William Mahan, Francis . . McShane, William Mass, Theodore Markman, Abram Newman, William ~New, Jacob .... - New, William. . . Oldman, James Osburn, Fielding . Osburn, St. Clair . Pinton, John . . . Percy, Samuel. . . Percv, Daniel . Rowland, John . . Ryan, James . . . Ryley, John . . Stephens, Thomas Stephens, Henry. . Stuart, William . , Simpson, James . Smith, John . . . Taylor, Isaac . . . Wileon, William , Wilford, John. . . Whorton, John . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. March 29, 1813 , September 21), 1813 September 29, 1813 Sei)tember 28. 181 .S Septi ,cmber 20, 1813 Remakks. Des«rted. On furlough. Died August 20. Discharged August 18. Discharged. Deserted. Deserted. Discharged July 1. On furlough. Died .June S. Siek. On furlough. On furlough. Sick. On furlough. Died June 25. Discharged. Discharged July 1. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN D. THOMAS' COMPANY, BOS WELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. John D. Thomas. George Pickett . . Matthew Wood . . William Elliott . . Lindsey Campbell . John Caldwell. . . Joseph .Sweet . . . Henry Dougherty Henry Stuart . Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . Isl Corporal . March 29, 1813. April 28, 181.3 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 89 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN D. THOMAS' COMPANY, BOS WELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Joseph Cox Corporal .... March 2'J, 1813. . . . April :28, 1813 .... Samuel Ferguson . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Adams, William. . . Private .1 ,1 11 11 Barlow, Jesse ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ^ I5erry, James A ' • ' ' 11 1 1 Haker, George '■ 11 11 IJayless, Isaac ' ' ' ' ' ■ ' ' Baxter, William. . . . 11 , 11 1 1 Beckett, Joseph .... ' ' ' ' 11 11 Cosby, Nicholas .... ' ' ' ' 11 11 Connyers, John .... ' ' ' ' 11 11 Courtney, Barba . . . • ' • I 1 < 11 I < David, Henry. .... ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Deatly, John .... ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 I i Davi?, Frederick. . . . ' ' .1 ■ < Fightmaster, Joseph . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Fishback, Jesse .... ' ' ■ I 11 1 1 Fitzwater, Stephen . . ' ' ' • ■ ■ ' 11 > I Fightmaster, Lawrence. ■ ' ' ' ' ' 11 1 . (ialbreath, John .... ' ' ' ' 11 11 George. William. . . . " " ■" 11 11 Houston, James .... ' ' 11 1 1 ' ' ' ' Harter, Jacob D ■ ' 11 11 11 11 Hendricks, William . . 11 11 1 < 11 Hull, Goshen ' ' 11 1 < 11 11 Hall, William ' ' • ' ' ' • 1 11 Hendricks, George. . . 1 1 11 Hamilton, James . . . ' ' 1 1 II Hughes, Learen .... 11 1 1 • 1 11 Ingram, Job ' ' 11 II Jones,- Gaton ' ' " " Jones, James ' ' 1 . 11 1 1 1 1 Johnson, William . . . ' ' ' ' " 11 11 Jamison, Benoni. . . . ' ' 11 11 King, William .... ' ' King, Armstead .... ' ' 11 .1 11 .1 Kendall, Samuel. . . . ' ' 11 11 Kendrick, Mitchell . . 11 11 Lear, John ■ ' • 1 1 1 11 11 ilcGill. James ■ 1 11 11 11 Marsh, William . . . . 11 11 11 Moor, James ' ' 1 I 11 1.11 McClure, John . . . . ' ' 11 11 1 1 1 1 McClain, Robert. . . •. ' ' 11 11 New, Peter ' 1 11 11 11 11 Norman, Caleb . . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Ochiltree, Thomas . . . ' < 1 , 11 II ,.1 Orr, James ' ' 11 11 11 1 1 Odor, Barnett ■ ' 11 11 II 11 Ruby, John " 11 .1 " " Sturgeon, Elijah. . . . ' ' 1 . 11 11 11 Talbott, Peter 11 1 1 Tate, John ' • 1 1 11 .1 11 Vandergrift, Samuel . . ' ' 11 1 1 11 11 Wheat, Henson . . . . ' ' 11 11 Woolery, Jacob . . . ' ' 11 11 Wilson, George . . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Worrel, James . . . . ' ' 11 11 11 II Wilson, Nathaniel. . . ' ' 1 . .1 11 11 ROLL OB" CAPTAIN MANSON SEAMONDS' COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. Manson, Seamonds. James Ardera . . . Charles M. Ruddell Joseph H. March . Joseph Brandon . . Blisha Stewart . . Timothy Ellis. . . 12 Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . od Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . .Vpril 211, 1H13 . March 31, 1813. [May 5. Promoted May 12 vice Lt. McClinton, killed Promoted May 12 vice James Ardera. promoted. Promoted May 5th vice J. Scott, killed. Promoted May 12. Promoted May 12. 90 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. KOLL OF CAPTAIN MANSON SEAMONDS' COMPANY, BOSVVELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. John K. Tull l.sl Corporal . . . April -21), 1813 .... David Shields .... 2d Corporal . . . ' ' ' ' Thomas Burboiir .... 3d Corporal . . . 11 11 Granville Kutherford. . 4th Corporal . . . 11 I < A.sliey, Thomas N. . . . Private 11 11 Addi.son, Charles . . . ' ' Brigss, John " "\ Baker, Georsje. . . . ' ' ' ' * ' Barlow, Jesse ' ' ' ' ' ' Bailey, William .... ' ' 11 11 Bishop, Levin ' ' 11 11 Butler, William B. . . ■ ' 11 11 Butcher, George .... ' ' 11 11 Childers, Abraham. . . ' ' II 11 Connyers, John .... ' ' 11 11 Clay, John ' ' 11 11 Clayton, Coleman . . . ' ' 11 11 Clayton, William . . . ' ' 11 1 1 Duncan, Thomas. . . ' ' 11 11 Darneil, Barton .... ' ' 11 11 Dean, Samuel 11 11 Dawson, Gabriel .... ' ' 1 1 11 Evans, John ' ' 11 11 Ellis, Jesse ' ' 1 1 11 Elliott, Rezin 1 . 1 1 Fightmaster, Joseph.. . 1 1 11 Fishback, Jesse .... 1 1 11 Griffin, Robert < ' ' ' ' ' Gist, Rezin H ' ' 11 11 Honey, Peter .... ' ' Howard, Samuel. . . . ' ' 11 11 Hughes, Mason .... " Hill, Henry ' ' 11 1 1 Barter, Jacob D. . . . ' ' 11 11 Hamilton, Andrew. . . ' ' 11 .1 Hutchinson, Wm. D. . . ' ' 11 11 Johnson, David . . . . ' ' 11 11 Johnson, Mason ' ' 1 1 11 Jenkins, Thomas. . . . " Jones, James ' ' 11 11 Johnson, William . . . ' ' 11 11 Knox, Enoch ' 1 11 11 Kimes, Henry ' ' 11 11 Lear, Abraham .... ' ' 11 .1 Logan, Michael.. - . . ' ' 11 11 Lindsey, Thomas. ' ' 1 1 11 McPeters, Theophikis . ' ' 11 11 McClure, John. . . . • ' 1 1 11 Mock, George ' ' 11 11 Matheny, Luke .... ' ' 11 11 McConnell, Samuel 11 11 Maple, William . . . . ' ' 11 11 Melvin, Uugh ' ' 1 . 1 1 Mountjoy, Edmond . . ' ' 11 11 Matthew's, David E. . . ■ • < 11 11 McLaughlin, John. ' •' 11 11 Orr, James ' ' 1 1 11 Odor, Barnett ' ' 11 11 Padgett. Timothy . . . ' ' 1 1 11 Pullen, James ' ' • 1 11 Reese, Thomas. . . . < ' 11 1 1 Rogers, .loseph ... ' ' 1 1 11 Ruddel, George . . . . ' ' 11 11 Robb, .lames « t 1 1 11 Strode, John ' ' 11 11 Stivens, .James . . . . ' 1 11 1 . Sweet, Joseph i 1 1 1 11 Stuart, Henry ' 1 11 11 Sturgeon, Elijah. . . . ' ' 11 11 Smith, James ' < II 11 Strain, Michael . . . . < 1 11 11 Talbott, Henry . . . . 1 ' '^i 1 11 Vale, John P 1 < 11 11 Wilson, James . . . . 1 ■ 11 11 Weathorhead, James. . > > 1 1 11 Wells, William . . . . " II 11 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. March 31, 1813. May 31, 1813. : Promoted May 12th. SOLDIEKS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 91 ROLL OF CAPTAIN MANSON SEAMONDS' COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Wise, Ross Wolcott, John Wood, John White, Jesse Whittington, Charles . Private April 20, 181.3 .... May 81, 1818 .... 1 . I . ROLL OF CAPTAIN ISAAC GRAY'S COMPANY, BOSWELL'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. Isaac Gray .... ■-Hugh Clark. . . . Will. H. Fleming . John M. Turley . . Andrew Swearingen James Darby . . . David Shultz . . . Andrew Kinkead . Theophilus Hendrick Gregory Hawkins . Theophilus Lawles. Bushby, James . . Butt, Samuel . . . Brindle, William . Burbridge, Thomas Burbridge, Thomas, Becraft, Benjamin . Brown, William . Cole, David. . . . Clark, Samuel. . . Crews, Elijah . . . Cooley, Matthew . Crews, Dozier. . . Duskins, Thomas . Duskins, William . Dearmond, John. . Davis, Samuel. . . Davis, Henr3' . . . Da-vis, John. . . . Fletcher, Thomas . Fugate, James. . . Griffin, Andrew . . Gohagen, Anthonj' Hawkins, John . , Hunt, Hiram . . . Hamilton, Aaron . Hopkins, Robert. . Johnson, James . . Johnson, Benjamin .Johnson, William . Landers, Bolen . . Louis, Joseph . . . Mcllray, James . . McCornish, Adfims Mears, David . . . McKinney, Thomas Nott, Joseph . . . Owens, Joshua. . . Petty, John . . . Ricedon, William . Steel, Solomon . . . Shouse, Abram . . Shirley, William . Stuart, Samuel . . .Shearly, Isaac. . . Shultz, Abram . . Thompson, David . Tipton, Thomas M. -Thompson, Richard B Trimble, John. . . Wise, George . . . WheeUr, Joseph. . Waylor, Nicholas . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign • . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant ?>d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal March 29, 1813. October 20, 1813 . . May ;n, 1H13. . October 20, 1813 May 31, 1813. . . October 29, 1813 May K, 1813 . . May 31, 1813 . October 29, 1813 Augu.st 1, 1813. October 29, 1813 May 31, 1S13. . October 20, 1813 Died. Died. Appointed Drum Major April Absent with leave. Died. I Died April 13, 1.S13. 92 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OE 1812. ROLL OF" CAPTAIN EDMOND BACON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEERS. Names. Edmond Bacon . . John Bennett . . . Koberson Gniliam . Isaac Wilson . . . John Samuel . . . Spencer Riinyar . . Archibald Hays . . Andrew McBrycrs llobert Sanders . . Jesse Samuel . . . James Byrn .... Askley, George C. Arnold, James . . Arnold, Barnett. . . Bennett, Richard . Bennett, Benjamin Collins, Robert. . . Coleman, Robert. . "Crutcher, James . . Going, John L. . . Graham, George . . Button, Samuel . , Kennedy, Jesse Kesler, Lewis ... Lindsay, Alexander R Mayall, William . . Mason, Nirarod . . Major, John S.. . . McCurdy, Allen F. Morby, Thomas H. Madison, Rowley . Prewitt, James . . Payne, William . . Reding, George . . Runnion, Peter . . Ransdale, Christopher € RolLs, Jesse . . . Roberts, James . Rowlett, Daniel.. Samuel, Larkin . Steward, William White, Walker S. Woods, John . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th SergeanI 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . Dale of Appoiutmeiit or Enlistment. ■September 7, 181l' To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October In 1812 Oicd. Died. Roll of Field and Staff, Pogue's Regiment, Kentucky Militia- War of 1812. Robert Pogue . William Reed . David Hart . . Ardeiuus D. Roberts Thomas Doniphan Benjamin Norris (ieorge W. Bolts. Benedict Bacon . John Heddlcson . Walter Lacey . . John Wire . . . Joab Houghton . Lt. Colonel 1st Major . 2d Major . Surgeon.. . S. Mate . . Adjutant . Paymaster , Quartermaster . (Quartermaster Ser .Sergeant Major Drum Major . . Fife Major. . . September 20, 181 liOLDIERS OP THE WAR OP 1812. 93 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WASHINGTON KENNEDY'S COMPANY, POGUE'S KEGIMENT, KEN- TUCKY MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ROBERT POGUE. "Washington Kennedy . Robert Slatson . . . . ,Iohn Darniol William Wright. . . . Benjamin Philip. . . . Timothy Mallory . . . Daniel Radcliffer . . . Enoch Smith John Barbour Thomas Clement . . . - Sebert Waugh Adams, Francis . . . . Anderson, Stephen. . . Anderson, John . . . , Arnold, Elijah . . . . Brocan, James Black, John , Bridges, Henry . . . . Brent, Richard . . . . Bailey, William . . . . Bradshaw, Robert . . Chanc}', Samuel . . . . Curthright, Daniel. . Clement, William . . , Demint, Elias Dollars, William . . Darnielle, Barton . . Dawson, Robert . . . Freeman, Jeremiah . Prothorgale. .Jonathan Foster, John .... Hall, William. . . . Hardwick, Christopher Hays, George . , . Herndon, William. . Lindsey, .Jacob . . . Lary, .Joseph .... Lear, William B. . , Mitchell, Robert G. . Merrill, William . . Mitchell, Joseph. . . Morrison, John . . . McAdams, Armstrong Mitchell, John . . . Orr, Washington . . Offard, Esti . . . . . Pebles, Alexander . . Paris, Joseph .... Poisal, Peter .... Pond, David AV. . . . Pence, Henry .... Ro.seborrv, John. . . Reed, Alfred .... Raffe. .John Smith, .James .... Sturgin, Jeremiah . . Spurgin, Richard . . Shrader, Philip . . . Shields, William . . Sanders, Joshua . . . Smith, Eleren .... Trumbo, John. . . . Williams, William . Wigington, .James. . Wycoff'e, John . . . Wigington, Peter . . Wilson, Ralph. . . . Waddy, Thomas. . . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4lh Sergeant. 1st Corporal . ■Jd Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. August ; .September 26, 1812 94 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF IS 12. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH C. BELT'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Joseph C. Belt. . . George W. Botts . Dorscy K. Stockton Samuel .1. Rawlings James Jones. . . . Thomas Kawlings . Robert Stewart . . Andrew Wright . . Thomas Edmonson. William Bell . . . .Joseph Stagg Applegate, Richard Arnold, Thompson Anderson, Thomas. Baker, John .... Burk, Moses . . . Bridges, James . . Belt, Dennis. . . . Beckner, Jacob . . Conslant, John . . ^Cochran, .John . . Caldwell, John . . Clare, John .... Dobyns, Berry . . . Dailey, Samuel Dorrey, Joseph J. . Dixon, John. . . . Evans, Isaac . . . Elliott, John . . . Early, Ebenezer . . Early, David . . . Finney, Andrew . . Faris, Robert . . . Flora, John .... Gregg, Solomon . . Gragg, John . . . Howe, David, Jr. . Hall, Nathaniel P.. Hobbs, Benedict A. Hinton, Benjamin . Hambrick, John . . Hambrick, Lewis . Hellacost, William. Howe, Washington. Jackson, William . Johnston, Samuel . .Jacobs, John . . . Jone.s, Thomas, Jr.. Lind.sey, John. . . Little, John D. . . Lamb, John .... Lee, Adams. . . . Love, Joseph . . . Lee, William . . . Laremore, Hugh G. Morgan, Daniel . . Morrit, Samuel . . Norman, John, .Jr.. Osburn, John.. . . Pelham, Charles H. Pack, Daniel . . . Peck, Isaac .... Quaintance, William Rhodes, Andrew. . Robinson, Nathaniel Sanders, Grennel, Jr Sanders, Oliver . . Stoker, William . . Steele, William . . Stewart, David . . Sweet, James . . . Turner, Edward. . Walker, Andrew. . William.s. Jjawrence White, Nelson. . . Williams, JJasil . . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . ■2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . -tth Sergeant 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . :!d Corporal . 4th Corporal. Private . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 27, 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 2fl, 1812 . Substitute for James Finney. Substitute for Abraham Wishart. Substitur* for J. .el Turner. Substitute for Ali'xander Henderson. Substitute for Thomas Wallace. Substitute for Andrew Plank. Substitute for William I'arkes. Substitute for Charles Morgan. Substitute for Samuel Itodes. Substitute for Josiah Van.'sehook. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 95 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH C. BELT'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY M ILITIA— Continued . Names. Kank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Wills, Ji.hn Willsoii, John Wilson, Thomas .... Private August 27, 1812 . . . September 2tj, 1812 . . Substitute for James Parks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SIMON R. BAKER'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Simon R. Baker . . Humphrey Brook . Edward S. Lee. . . John Buskitt . . . James Connor . . . James Johnston.. . David John .... Taylor McComas . Jeremiah McNeeley, James Calvert . . . George Halbert . . Asbberry, Benjamin Brtird, Arthur . . . Bryan, William . . Barkes, Jacob.. . . —Courtney, John . . Chaney, John.. . . — Crutcher, Nathaniel - Crutcher, Peter . . Cooper, Nicholas . Campbell, James. . Croflbrd, William . Cox, Henry.. . . . Dorman, Thomas Dye, Robert H. . . Ellis, William. . . Eubanks, Foster. . Eatton, Benjamin . Fitch, James . . . Guthrie, Alexander Gedding, Lewis . . Gregg, Caleb . . . Henderson, Thomas Hurst, Harman . . John, Abel .... Kennedy, Thomas.. Lard, Mitchell. . . ' Lowe, William . . Larsh, Charles. . . Meauix, James. . . McClare, James . . McComas, Nathaniel McDonald, Henry.. Molton, Levi . . . McDowel, Thomas . Mitchell, John . . Robinson, Nathaniel Sparks, Caleb . . . /'Stalcoop, Elias. . . l^Stalcoop, John . . Slraftbrd, Edward William, James . . Wheat, Samuel . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal .3d Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . August 27, 1812 Substitute for James Singleton. Absent. Substitute for John Drake Substitute for John Evans. Substituted. Sick. Absent. Substitute for David Lane. Absent. AJjsent. Substituted for Andrew Jame Absent. Absent. !)6 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTUN WILLIAM BROWN'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. William Brown . . . David Kees Suiiuiel Hinkson . . Hanson Tulbot . . . James Chiinitiers. . Mosc's Mcllvan . . .lolm Hamilton ■ . Johnrollock. . . . Hamuel Worril . . Thomas Smith William Lewis . . . Henry Nellery .... William Fielding . . . ^Ayers, Eichard .... Andrew, — - . ... Berry, Reuben Brown, William. . . . Bell, Joseph Becket, Samuel . . . . Bean, Joshua Bony, John Burress, Garrett .... Casey, Archibald . . . Cook, AVilliam .... Coleman, Wyatt. . . . Cambers, James .... Campbell, William. . . Clements, John . . . Carrol, John Campbell, James . . . Eaton, Thomas . . . • Estes, Robert .... Early, William . . . . Fletcher, W^illiam . . . Fitzerald, Thomas . . . Fitzwattes, Andrew . . Holmes, Thomas. . . • Hannor, James . . . . Horn, James Jackson, James . . . . Kelbreath, Evans . . . Kile, John Leeper, Robert . . . . Leiper, Samuel . . . . Lewis, Samuel. ... Lyon, John L. . . . Lingenfetter, George Mitchell, George . . Mason, Daniel. . . . Marshall. James . . . Motlett, Mathew. . . McDownell, Jaraes . ^N eaves, William. . . Nesbit, Samuel . . "^Neaves, James . . . Philips, John . . . Ritchie, John . . . • Right, John Rose, Elias Rutherford, Joseph . Rosencraft, Thomas . Sparks, Archibald . . Slade, Samuel .... Schooler, Richard . . Smith, Nicholas . . . Slade, William . . . Slinwell, Joseph. . . Spottswood, William. Scott, AVilliam . . . Slade, Ezekiel. . . . Smith, John . . . . Slade, John . . . . . Springer, Welslcy . . Turner, Ezekiel . . ■ Tucker, Jesse . . . . Varner, John, Sr. . . Captain . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . 1st Sergeant '2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Drummer . Filer . . . Private . . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. 1 or Enlisted. August 'J7, 181 'J September ii'i. ISl'i Servant to Captain. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 97 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM BROWN'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Varner, John. Jr. . Veach, Daniel. . . "VViiitt, Jesse. . . . Whiting, William . William, George. . Wolton, Tliomas. . Date of Appointment or Enlistment August 27, 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 26, 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN DOWDEN'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. John Dowden .... Benjamin Norris . . Enoch Hatlon. . . John Hatton .... Joseph MeCarty. . . John Mannon .... Adam Pigraon - . . Thomas Longley Joseph Watson . . . Jacob Werrick . . . Bonz Brcoks .... Anderson, Garland . Adsmon, Joseph. . . Adamson, George . . Adamson, Joseph, Jr. Brockbank, James . . Bridges, James . . . Bridges, Joseph . . . Barker, Henry A. . . Bailes, Ezra Bonewell, Levin. . . Berton, .John .... Bagley, Charles . . . Bouchar, John . . . Brock, Henry .... Browning, Jeremiah . Browning, Benjamin. Blasingame, Henry . Baird, William . . Clenny, William . . Cubertson, Kobert . . Cooper, Fielding. . . Collins, Samuel . . . Cooper, John .... Cruzan, Isaac .... Cruzan, Benjamin . . Case, Shadrach . . . Cain, Joseph Dorrin, Thornton . . Dillman, Andrew . . Dillman, Michael . . Ferrin, George . . . Faner, Michael . . . Gast, Jervis Harrison, Thomas . . Heath, James . . . . Hyatt, Benjamin . . Hammonds, Thomas . Hazlerig, Fielding . . Hamilton, Brice . . . Jones, James . . . . Johnston. Jacob . . . ■lett, Thomas . . . Jett, Samuel .... Kemp, Peter . . . . Kemp, Edward . . . Lewis, William . . ,. Mitchell, Richard . . Masterson, William . McElroy, David. . . Morrison, James. . . Mt)tt, Orange . . . . vs Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Avigust 27, 1812 September 26, 181'i 98 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN DOWDEN'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA — Continued. McGonagal, James Malott, John . . Malott, James. . McClain, Francis MoUowell, Tlioni! Mains, Jact)b . . McCaul, Samuel. McCall, William Neal, Thomas . . Norris, James . . Pickeel, Samuel . Pierce, Hiram . . Pierce, Caleb . . Printy, Israel . . Perkins, William Reeves, Caleb . . Reeves, Benjamin Rittenhouse, Adam Scisson, Lawson . Stewart, Edward. Schofield, Samuel Sharp, Adam . . Salley, John . . Southern, Levin. Smith, John. . . Thornton, George Tabb, Edward. . True, Henry . . Truitt, Wil'liam . Williams, Gerran Wallis, James . . Whips, Nathaniel White, John . Washburn, Elias Worater, James . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 27, 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 20, 1812. Rkmakks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN McKEE'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. John McKee Captain August 27, 1812 . . . September 26, 1812 . . . Jasper Morris Lieutenant. . . . David Bryant Ensis;n Resigned October 18, 1812. John Morris 1st Sergeant . . . Appointed Ensign October 18, 1812. Veazy Price 2d Sergeant . . . Appointed 1st Sergeant October 18, 1812. John H. Pogue .... 3d Sergeant . . Appointed 2d Sergeant October 18, 1812. William Hannar. . . . 4th Sergeant. . . Appointed 3d Sergeant October 18, 1812. Thomas Hiatt 1st Corporal . . . Appointed 4th Sergeant October 18, 1812. Thomas Webb 2d Corporal . . . Refused to shoulder arms at St. Mary's, and trans- ferred September 12lh by General Harrison. John Glover .... 3d Corporal . . . Appointed 1st Corporal October 18, 1812. Daniel Tibbs 4th Corporal. . . Resigned September 7, 1812. Allen, Benjamin. . . . Private Allen, Edmund . . . ' ' Anderson, Charles . . . ' ' Ashbough, John .... " Butler, John .... ' ' Butler,' Joseph .... ' < Bassett, Elijah. . . . ' ' Discharged November 11, 1812. Berry, Joseph, Jr. . . ' ' Bell, Asa ' ' Berry, Bomberry. . . . Barnes, Hugh.. ... Britain, Benjamin . . . Deserted September 3U, 1812 Clayton, John .... • ' Case, James • ' Calvin, Boswell .... Day, Presley ' ■ Dav, Morgan Appointed 3d Corporal September 24, 1812. Dove, John ' ' Donaldson, William . . ' ' Dye, John Donaldson, James . . ' ' SOLWERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 99 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN McKEE'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Donaldson, Stephen Gaither, Thomas. Gray, William. . Grigsby, Ludwell Griffith, William. Hopper, .John . . Hord, Thomas, Jr. Hitt, Thompson.. Hord, Thomas, Sr. Heddleson, John. Jervis, Parker. . Judd, James. . . Johnson, Silas . . Johnson, Abraham Jackson, William Kercheval, Lewis C. Kercheval, Berry. Leek, Anthonj' M Littlejohn, .John. Linn, William . Langley, William Morehead, Andrew McGehee, Francis MoLinn, William Martin, John . . McC'ay, William Moore, William.. Morgan, Barton.. Nibbs, George . . Payne, John G. . Robinson, Elijah N. Roff, David . . . Rogers, Jeremiah Randon, Thomas. Rawlings, Joshua Stout, William . Sutor, Stephen . Taylor, Leeson. . Umstead, John . Vanoy, John . . Vancamp, John.. Wheatly, Francis Walker, William Williams, Nathan Waller, .lohn . . Williams, John . White, Isaac . . Young, WilloughbyT Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Augu.st27, 1812 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 26, 1812 Appointed 4th Corporal October 18, 1812. Appointed 4th Corporal September V, 1812. Deserted October 8, 1812. Refused to shoulder arms at St. Mary's, and trans- [ferred by order of Gen. Harrison. Died October 11, 1812. Appointed Drum Major October 3, 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMPSON WARD'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Thompson Ward George Benaugh. Benedict Bacon . .James Ward . . Thomas Wilson . •Jacob Koiins . . John Gholson . . Samuel D Fishback Charles Jackson . Charles Craycraft James Gibson . . Alexander, John Bruce, .John . . . Brown, Nelson R. Bartley, Allen L. Bradshart, Isaac. Bartley, James . Bunard, Gilbert . Burns, Joseph . . Cobb, Thomas. . Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal , 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal Private . . . August 27, 1812 September 26, 1815 lOO SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMPSON WARD'S COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Campbell, Thonins. . Chitwood, .lohn R.. . Cummings, Benjamin Cummins. Samuel . . Davi.=, Tlioma.'! . . . bearing, Berry . . . Downs, John .... Duncan, Almoundcr . Druier, .Simon. . . . Dummot, Robert. . • Evan.e, John .... Evans, William . . Gardiner, George W . Gholson, James H.. (iray.son, Alfred W. . Holiand, Wright • Johnston, Richard. . .lackson, James . . Long, Henry .... Lyon, Hezelciah . . McGyre, Jamos . . . McGyre, Robert. . Meek, Joseph . . - . Meek, James . . . Morton, David . . . McAlistor, Luke. . . Morton, John . . . Norman, Joseph, Sr . Norman, Joseph, Jr . Nevil, Joseph . . Ozburn, .Squire . . Ozburn, Morgan . . Parker, Solomon . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. August 27, 18! -J . i September ■_>(), 1S12 Ruggles, Michael Rankin, Hiram . . Riddle, John . . . Smith, William . . . Stump, George . . . Steele, Benjamin . . Throokmorton, Joseph Tyler, Joseph. . . . Ulin, Benjamin . . . White, John .... Wright, George . . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE MATTHEWS' COMPANY, MILITIA. POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY George Matthews . John Mo Roberts . . Daniel Mclntire . John Wilson . . . John Ringo .... John Helvenston. . James Wight . . . Reuben (loddard . . Richard Huilmit . John Yarborough . Levi Hopper . . Reuben Plummor . Joseph Littleton . . Armstrong, Henry. Bashaii, Cuthbert . Crawford, Josiah. . Cornwell, George . Conrad, Joseph . . Cover, Henry . . . Davis, Thomas . . Elliott, Thomas . . Ervin, Thomas . . Elliott, Daniel. . . Flinn, Arthur . . . Captain . . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant , 1st Corporal 2d Corporal .. iid Corporal . 4th Corporal Fifer . . . . Drummer . . Private . . . August 27, 1812 September 26, 1812 . Sick. Substitute for Reuben Jones. V SOLDlERg OP THE WAR OF 1812. 101 ROLL OP CAPTAIN GEORGE MATTHEWS' COMPANY, POGUE'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Fouch, WilliHrn Foley, Owen. . . . Gooding, Isaac . . Gardiner, Charles . Humphries, James. Horins, George . . Hylander, George Hulse, Thomas . . Homblett, Thomas . Hopper, Samuel.. . Hall, Moses .... Helveston, Peter. . Jones, Levi .... Lawrence, James . Littleton, John . . Lewis, Robert . . . Lewis, Peter B. . . Logan, William . . Minor, Spencer . . Moore, Frederick . Mclloberts, Samuel McDaniel, Joseph.. Milter, Alexander.. Mullen, James . . Mullens, Joseph . . Miller, Oliver . . . McRoberts. Alexand Miller, William . . McAllister, Luliie . Neebs, Thomas . . Oxiey, Henry . . . Pliimmer, .John Plummer, Benjamin Plummer, George . Plummer, Samuel . Plummer, Isaiah. . Reeves, Elijah . . . Rice, Nelson. . . . Rice, William . . . • Ross, .James. . . . • Shepherd, Peter.. . Thomas, William . Watson, Joseph . . Watt, John . . . . Weaver, Peter. . . Weaver, John . . . Welch, Henry. . . Wilson, Samuel . . Date of Appointment I To what time Engaged or Enlistment. I or Enlisted. August 27, 1812 . . . September 2r., 18]-.; Ran away. Substitute for Lot Foster. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Dessrted. Sick. Roll of Field and Staff, Scott's Regiment, Kentucky Militia- War of 1812. John M. .Scott. . . Richard M. Gano . Elijah McClanahan W. H. Richardson . Robert M. Ewing Alfred .Sandford . . Barnet Williams. . James King. . . Alexander .McCoy . ■John Ve\i7, .... \7illiam Fee . . . ■ iames Miller . . . Lieut. Colonel Major .... Surgeon . . S. Mate . . Adjutant . Paymaster . Qr. Master Qr. M. Scrg't S. M. . . D. M. . . F. M. August !•'■), 1812 October 14 1812 102 SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS MORRIS' COMPANY, SCOTT'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA- COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN M. SCOTT. Thomas Morris . Edward B. Rule . Joseph Bowles. . Francis Irwin . . John Henry. . . "Will. Rogers . . Levi Parker. . . George Mozer . , John Hamilton . Raucer Spicer . . Richard Swanson Bould, Peter . . Biggs, John . . . Blakeney, William Bay, Jo.seph. . . Bucy, William . Beckett, Samuel . Barton, Joshua . Bell, Thomas . . • Baker, Jacob . . Cassaday, Thomas Clay, William W. Chadd, Samuel . Croffort, Alexander Dalyell, John Dougherty, Jarrett Duckett, Caleb M Dickerson, Willian Frakes, Nathan . Ferguson, David. Gars, Jesse . . . Greer, Thomas. . Gill, Robert. . , Harris, Willie . . Hebber, John . . Hedleston, Robert Irwin, John. . . Jones, Willis . . Jacks, Will.. . . Johnson, John. . Johnson, Silas. . Johnson, Robert . Jones, Jesse. . . Kenny, James. . Manford, John . Mulholin, William McGinnis, Thomas Myers, George Marshall, Timothy Meenact, Samuel Morgan, Hugh. . Pierson, Bartholomew Plummer, George Percell, Thomas . Parrish, Anderson Parker, Garland . Rule, Mathew . . Stadler, John . . Spurgin, Moses . Stewart, Joseph . Sodosky, Isaac . . Sparks, Joseph . Townsend, William Tooks, William . Trammell, James Wilson, John . . Wills, David . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. August 15, 1812 . October 15, 1812 , SOLDIERt^ OF THE WAR OF 1812. 103 ROLL OF CAPTAIN LYNN WEST'S COMPANY, SCOTT'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. To what time Engng or Enlisted. October 14, 1812 Lynn West Thomas Story Mason Moss Tarenor R. Branham David (irishoni James Carroll John Fetty Abraham Short . Joseph Cox . . . Elias Tapp . . . John McCallister Jesse Oldham James Cox .... Allen, Samuel. . . Armstrong, James. Brecdlore, Major. . Bradford, George . Cope, William . . Cummins, Thomas. Campbell, William Carter, William . . Danner, Samuel . . Eve, Benjamin . . Eve, Jabez .... Ford, A Frayer, Joseph . . Giles, Samuel . . . Griffith, Belfleld . . Griffith, George . . Graves, Thomas . . Henderson, Thomas Hunt, James . . Hogan, James. Henderson, Samuel Harris, Thomas . . Ireland, Alexander James, Wiley . . . Johnson, Isaac . . Kindrie, Benjamin . Lemon, Alexander. Lynn, William P. . Lacy, Stephen . . Lowry, William. . Loury, John . . . Mit, Samuel. . . McHatton, James . Monteath, William McGohic, Daniel . Merrill, James. . . MoCormack, .James McCandles, John . McDaniel, John . . Montgomery, John Mosby, William. . "^ Nafe, Daniel . . . Prue, Isaiah. . . Peek, Thomas . . . Powers, Robert . . Rainey, Abraham Ratchford, William Rogers, Valentine . Scofield, Stephen . Scruggs, Jamei? . . Short, Obediah . . Self, James .... Sharron, James F. . Seott, Abram . . . Sharon, Samuel Short, George . . . Smith, William . . Smith. .John. . . . Sutton, Thomas . . Short, Syrus . . . Tarlton, Thomas. . Todd, Abel . . . . Thompson, Peter . 104 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN LYNN WESTS COMPANY, SCOTT'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Tyroe, Turliitun . . Tilf.ird, Alexander. Wi-icin^. Tlioimis . Wells. Dei-it . . . Wiekershoin. James Williams, Siliis . . WuU", Henry . . . Worrel, Jmiatlian . Younc, William. . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 15, 1812 To what time En or Enlisted. October 14, 1812 ReMAKK!;. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH REDDING' S COMPANY, SCOTT'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Joseph Redding . . Joseph MfCaully . Barnett Williams . John Lemon . . . Daniel Long . . . Thomas Ogbiirn . . Alvun Motherhead William Lindsay . James Minor . . . Hugh Montgomery .lames McCauley . John Luke .... Allen, Robert . . . Abbott, H. G.. . . Abbott, Edward T. Alexander, William Adkins, James . . Bagby, John . . . Cury, John .... Criswell, Robert . . Collins, Richard . . Cooke, William . . Clinton, Samuel . . Davis, Lodowick. . Dowing, William . Dehoney, Thomas . Deterson, John . . •Dickey, William. . 'Dickey, Benjamin . Dick, John . . . Foster, John . . . Grimes, Willis. . . Galloway, Samuel . Hanna, Andrew . . Hammond, .James . Jack, Allen .... Long, Thomas. . . Lee, Robert .... Lee, William . . . McCormick, Francis Moore, Clark . . . Nolin, William . . Osborn, Jesse . . . Osborn, William. . Osborn, Reuben . . Perkins, Jeremiah . Rogers, William. . Redding, .1. W. . . 'Robertson, Willis . Rodgers, John . . . Reading, Joseph. . Sullivan, James . . Snell, Ro})ert . . . .Smith, Reuben . . Sharp, .Vrmstead . Shirley, Robert . . Sebastion, Elijah. . Turner, Julius. . . Tlirelki(0, Thomas . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Musician Private . August 16, 1812 . . October 14, 1812 , SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 105 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH REDDING'S COMPANY, SCOTT'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Thompson, Charles Toom, Benjamin . Viley, Warren . . Wiley, Nathaniel . Williamson, John , Ward, William . . Ward, Thomas . . Williams, Ben net . Wright, .James . . While, Brockman , Yates, William . . Bank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 15, 1812 To what time En or Enlisted October 14^1812 Remarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN COLEMAN A. COLLIER'S COMPANY, MILITIA. SCOTT'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY Coleman A. Collier . . Captain August 15, 1812 . . . October 15, 1812 . . . .James W. Gillaspie . Lieutenant. . . . 11 .1 .Jesse Daugherty . . Ensign " " William Fleet . . . Sergeant .... ' ' ' • William Dingle . . 11 11 Thomas Griffith . . ' ' 11 11 Substitute fur George Frvman. Thomas Corbin . . ' ' 11 11 Substitute for Daniel Snap. Corporal .... ii !. William Iventons . James Fryman . . ' ' 11 > . James Brown . . . ' ' 11 11 Bellows, Jacob . . Private 1 1 11 Burns, Robert . . . 1 1 (1 11 Blain. John .... ' ' .1 Bannister, John.. . ' ' II 11 Bennett, George . . II II Substitute for VVm. Conway. Burns, Ignatius.. . • ' 11 11 Bailey, Benjamin . 1 ' < I 11 Substitute in place of Abraham Miller. Crawford, Alexander ' ' 11 II Cord, Ashkery . . II 1 , 1 1 Colvin, Bennet . . . , I. 11 Dudley, Ambrose . Substitute for John Brown. Davis, Thomas . . ' ' 11 11 ., 11 11 Endicott, William . ' ' 11 11 Gray, William . . Hurler, James. . . ' ' II n Howard, Mathew . ' ' II 1 ! Johnson, Jonathan . " ' 11 11 Kincart, James . . ' ' 11 II Louder, Nathaniel . I " 1 . 11 Lavton, Robert . . 11 1 1 McDowell, Alexandc r . 11 11 ; 1 1 11 II McAnnelly, John . McMichael, Robert . 1 1 11 II Substitute for .\brahani Darling. I .. Morgan, John . . . McLaughlin, John . 11 II ' 11 II Overfield, Mose , . Powell, William . . ' ' 11 II Substitute for Charles Powell. Pope, Jackquittin A ' ' 11 11 In place of John Smith. Stevenson, Robert . » 1 11 11 Smart, Humphrey.. ' ' .1 11 .Smith, William . . 11 II Wheeler, Joshua. . 11 Substitute for William Wheeler. Weaver, Abram . . II 11 Williamson, John . * ' 11 11 Substitute for Joseph Parks. 14 106 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPT. MICHAEL GLAVES' COMPANY, SCOTT'S KEGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITJA. Michael Glaves . Thomas Coleman James King. . . William Hryaii . Davitl Craifi". . . .loliM Dawson . . Martin Fngate . James Henry . . Tliomas Bryan . John Walker . . Daniel MeClain . Amnierman, Albert Brvan, Lnke . . Baker, Thomas . Beard, George N. Burns, James . . Browning, James Coleman, Ambrose Colvin, James B Childers, Abraham Dance, William . Dance. .John . . Ellis, Elijah. . . Ewinc, Thomas . Ellis, John . . . Ellis, James. . . Erwin, Robert. . Gibson James. . Glen, Richard ().. Green. Jesse P. . Green, Edward G Goodwin, John . Hawkins, Abner. Homes, James . . Hutchinson, James Jump, Joseph . . Jones. Hillery. . Jump, Valentine Know. Samuel . Law, Thomas . . Luckett, William Mcintosh, John . McClanaha, John McCarty, Reuben Mountjoy, .John . Minor, John L. . Norton, George . •Owens, John . . Pollard, John . . Pollard, Thomas. Riddle, William . Spencer, .John J. Stewart, James . Simnierman, Phil Sanders, William Sanders, John H. Wilson, Samuel . Woodyard, Alexander Walker, Alexander . Rank. Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged [ or Enlisted. August 15, IMl Octoher If,, IKll Substitute in place of John Lawr«ncc. Substitute in place of Griffin Theobald. Substitute in place ot John N. Clarke. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE PUGH'S COMPANY, SCOTT'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. George Pugh . . James Johnson . Daniel Ralls. Solomon D. King Asa Maxey . . . Edward Davis . . John Roach . . . John P. Okely. . James Poor.. . . Thomas Owings. . William Miller . Charles Lyman . John Burkes . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Drummer . Fifer . . . 80LD1EKS OF THE WAR OF 1!- _ 107 Roll of captain george pugh's company, scott's regiment, Kentucky MILITIA— Continued. Names. Adjutant, Ebenezer . . Bashaw, William . . . Burbridtje. Jesse. . . . Bresto, Ezra Breckinridge, Alex. . . Burbridge, Robert . . . Cartmill, David . . . . Cooper, Robert . . . . Cooper, James H. . . . Cave, William Coolc, John Dunlap, John Davis, Luke Ewing, Patrick . . . . Emmet, Alexander . . Evens, William Eliot, James Port, Noble Porsytbe, John .... Forsythe, Samuel . . . Ferrel, Thomas .... (Goodpasture, Cornelius. Gilkison, William . . . Gragg, Jesse Hughard, Thomas . . . Howard, James . . . Hamilton, Robertson . . Hamilton, Andrew. . . Hammelton, William . Johnson, John .... Johnson, James .... Jamison, William . . Jamison, James . •Tones, .James .... Ivincaid, William . . Kincaid, William . . Lyon, Noali. . . . Lemons, William . . Lockridge, James . . Lyon, Samuel . . . . McNat, Abner . . . McLane, John . . . ilcKinney, Charles . McKennen, Solomon. McCliire, Samuel . . Manley, William . . McCoflister, Mark . . Manley, .James .... McClanahan, James . McClellen, Robert . . Morris, Joseph . . . Morgan, John .... Owings, John .... Overly, Peter .... Parker, Joel Power, Jeremiah . . . Rayburn, Henry. . . Roberts, John .... Rayburn, John . . . Ray, William .... Rogers, James .... Runyan, Benjamin. . Richardson, David . . Simmons, John . . . Said, James Silrey, John Trimble, Robert . . . Thompson, Samuel. . \'arvel, Andrew. . . Williams, Wesley . . Ward, Armstead . . Watson, Julius . . White, John D. . . . Whyte, William. . . White, James Young, Eli Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. August 1-5, 1812 October 1.5, 1812 Remark.«. 108 iiOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 181 a. ROLL OF CAPTAIN URIEL SEBREE'S COMPANY, SCOTT'S REGIMENT, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmakks Uriel Sebrcc Captain ! Augu.^t 1-5, 1812 . . . October 1.'). 1S12 ... Robert Kirtley .... Lieutenant. . . . ' 11 .1 Burnet Rogers .... Ensign .1 . i Joel Garret Sergeant .... 1 c 11 11 11 Allen M origan " 1 . Tricl Cai-o ' ' ! 1 1 11 11 11 1 Jolm EllU Corporal .... .1 .1 1 1 1 1 Jolin Dulany ' ' ,. .. 1 1 11 Richard Gainer .... ' ' 11 11 Mills Wilk.s ' ' .1 1 . 11 .1 Nathan Underwood . . Fifor 1 i . ,1 II II Simeon Christy .... Drummer .... .1 11 11 11 1 Discharged. Alphen, Ransom. . . . Private I . , . Alluway, John .... ' ' " II Barnum, Barnv .... I C 1 < 11 11 Barbee, John • ' II 11 11 11 Conly, Robert " II 1 1 11 Cornelius, Terrel . . . .1 1 . 11 11 Campbell, William 11 Chcrrv, John ... ' ' II II 1 . 11 Dickerson, Samuel. . . ' ' II 1 , 11 II Estes, John ' ' II 11 Flint, Simeon ' ' 11 II 11 1 1 Fitzgerald, Jesse . . . 11 1 1 11 11 Green, Nathaniel . . . 11 II .1 .1 Gilmore, James .... ' ' II 11 11 11 Grimsley, Silas .... " 1 1 1 . II Hughes, Hugh .... ' ' 11 II 11 11 Holler, John ' ' II .1 11 11 Hawkins, Gabriel . . . ' ' 1 . 11 11 II Merit, James ' ' .1 II 11 1 1 Mosby, Daniel " .1 Mosby, Thomas .... ' ' 11 II 1 1 11 Marshall, John .... ' ' 11 I . 1 . I . O'Neal, William. . . . ' ' 11 11 1 Porter, Thomas .... ' • II 11 II Polly, John 11 II Royster, .lames .... ' ' II II 11 . . Royell, Abednpgo . . . 1 ' ' ' ' II 11 Smith, Benjamin C. . . ' ' I 1 II 11 1 1 Smith, John ' ' 1 .1 11 11 11 Searcy, Berrj' .... ' ' 1 . 1 . Stephens, Thomas . . . ' ' 11 .1 II 11 Sanford, Laurence . . ' ' 11 11 11 II Seals, Barnet < < 1 . 11 II 1 1 Smith, William I. . . . ■ ' 11 II 11 II 1 Thomas, James O. W. . ' ■ 1 . 11 1 11 11 1 Nickers, William . . . ' ' 11 11 ! II II 1 ■ Watson, Laban .... ' ' 1 .1 11 II II 1 White, Willis i 1 " " 1 Roll of Field and Staff, Lewis' Regiment, Kentucky Yolunteers- War of 1812. William Lewis . . . . I Lt. Colonel . . . .Joseph Robb | Major Benjamin Graves . . ■ I ' ' "James Clark 1 Adjutant . . . . Pollard Keene I Quartermaster . . Richard Blanton. ... Paymaster . . . . .lohn Todd , Surgeon Gustavus M. Bomer . . { S. Mate John U. McCalla • ■ . Sergeant Major. . Alexander Furguson . . (Quartermaster Ser. Thomas Fant Chief Musician. . Thomas Cox " August 14, 1812 Oetober 14, 1812 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. 109 ROLL OP CAPTAIN NATHANIEL G. S. HARTS COMPANY, LEWIS' REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM LEWIS. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Nathaniel G.S.Hart. . Captain ..... August 1.5, 1812 . . . October 14, 1812 . . . Lyndon Conistock. . . . Lieutenant .... 1 < .1 11 11 James L. Heron .... Ensign ' ' ' ' 11 11 Levi L. Todd Sergeant .... 1 . . . 1 1 1 1 John Whitney .... ' ' 11 11 11 11 Thomas Smith 11 1 11 ,1 11 11 Fielding Gosney . . . ' ' i ' ' ' ' 11 11 William 0. Butler . . . Corporal .1 11 1 1 1 1 Robert S. Todd .... ' ' 11 11 11 11 Thomas Ghamberlin . ' ' 1 1 11 11 11 Charles F. Allen. . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Allison, Andrew. . . . Private 11 11 11 11 Anderson, Thomas. . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Allen, Hugh 1 ' 11 1 . 11 11 Adams, Daniel .... 11 11 11 11 Allen, Francis W. . . . ' ' 11 1 < 11 1 1 Allen, Francis I. . . . 11 1 1 11 11 ISiekley, .John 11 11 " Bradford, Charles . . . 11 11 1 1 11 Bell, William C. . . . 11 11 11 11 ISeard, Henry 11 11 11 11 -Blythc, James E. . . . ' ' 11 1 < 11 1 1 ' Chinn, Richard H.. . . ' ' 11 11 11 .1 Crawford, Alexander. . ' I 11 11 11 11 Cock, Samuel P ' ' 11 11 11 11 Charles, Lewis ' ' 11 11 Campbell. Robert T. . . ' ' 11 1 < 11 Cope, Malcom T. . . . 11 1 1 11 11 Collins, Elisha ' ■ 1 1 11 11 11 C.ilker, Solomon .... ' ' 11 11 Dailey, Lawrence . . . ■ ' 11 11 11 11 Dunn, Philip ' ' 11 11 11 11 Davis, Benjamin . . 11 11 Elder, Edward ' ' 11 11 11 1 . Elder, Samuel M. . . . ' ' 11 11 .1 11 Francis, Enoch .... ' ' 11 11 11 11 Francis, Jesse 1 1 11 11 11 Gilpin, Ralph " ■ 1 11 " " Goodlow, Kemp M. . . ' ' 11 1 1 ' ' ' ' Hickman, James L. . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Hines, Bennet AI. . . . 1 1 1 11 11 11 How, .lacob " . 11 11 11 11 Huston, .James . . . ' ' 1 1 1 1 11 11 Higgins, James . . . . 11 11 11 1 1 Hagert, .John 11 1 1 11 1 . Holding, Samuel .... ' < 1 1 11 11 1 1 John, Armstrong . . . ' ' 11 " 1 1 11 11 Johnston, James M. . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 King, Thomas W. . . . 11 11 11 11 Kay, John ' ' 11 11 11 1 1 Kelly, Robert E ' ' .1 11 11 .1 Lewis, William . . . . ' ' 11 11 1 1 1 . Lake, Adam ' ' 11 11 Lewis, Charles 1 ' 1. . . 1 1 Jjingenfelter, Daniel . . ' ' 11 Mathers, Robert . . . . ' ' 1 . 1 1 1 . Mesmer, Peter ' I 11 11 11 11 Maxwell, John . . . . ' ' 11 11 < 1 McChesney, John . . . • ' 11 11 .1 Moon, John A ' ' 1 1 11 11 11 Ma.vwell, James U. . . • ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 Monks, Thomas . . . . ' ' .1 11 .1 Neal, Charles ' " 1 . 11 Neal, James ■ I 11 .1 1 1 11 Pritchart, William. . . ' ' 11 11 Parker, James P. . . . ' 1 < 1 1 11 11 Reiley, James i . . 1 1 11 11 Rolls, George . ; . . . < ' 11 11 11 Rawlings, Ilobert . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Ross, George G ' ' 11 n 1 1 11 Stephen, Bela Snalley, Valentine . . ' ' 11 11 11 Smith, Stephen . . . ' ' 1 1 11 11 1 . Schwing, Jacob . . . ' ' 11 11 11 1 1 Shinglebower, George ' ' " .1 Talbot, Daniel ..... 1 < 1 11 11 11 11 110 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OP" CAPTAIN NATHANIEL G. S. HART'S COMPANY, LEWIS' RPXIIMENT, KENTUCKY ^ VOLUNTEERS— Continued. Todd, Samuel H.. . Templenien, Jesse C, Towneley, John . . Vordoii, William . Vance, .losepli . . . Vanpelt, Dericlf . . Williams, Zephaniah Oate of Appointment or Enlistment. August ir,, 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Ootiibw 14, 1812 ROLL OF CAPTAIN STEWART W. MEGOWAN'S COMPANY, LE^VIS' REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS. Stewart W. Megowan Martin Wymore. Charles S. Todd . Jonathan Denis . Thomas Gatewood Beverly Pilcher . Ira Stout .... Thomas Key - . Joseph Lonkart . Joel Poster . . Samuel McMicken Andrew Summers Armstrong, John Alsup, Alex. . . Ballard, Anderson Blaekhurn, Thomas H. Boyer, Ezra. . . Barker, John, Jr. Butler, John , . Cummings, James Eares, John. . . Fair, James . . . Giltner, B. . . - Gatewood, Thomas (Jrider, Moses . . Geter, Barnett. . Gindron, James I. Hogin, John P. . Horsey, B. . . . Kirby, Zachariah Kinney, Benjamin Lilhell, John . . Liggins, William Mahon, Aloxande McCall, John . . McDaniel, E. . . Miller, John P. . Mitchell, William . Masterson, Ki chard McCamant, John Napper, James . Pettitt, John . . Peachy, William Porter, Samuel . Robinson, Isaac . Rooch, Richard Shire, John . . . Shirerry, George. Servant, Charles . Tally, John . . . Watkins, Tlu)mas York, Bartlett. . Captain . . Lieutenant, Ensign • . Sergeant. . Corporal . . Musician Private . August 15, 181-2 October 14, 1812 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1S12. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PATRICK GRAY'S COMPANY, LEWIS' REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS. Ill Names. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. Kemarks. Patrick Gray | Captain . . James Fletcher . . . . : Lieutenant. James Clark | Ensign . . August 15, 1812 October 14, 1812 William Sechrest . Thomas Reed . . . John Baits'. . . . George Chrisman . Robert Dunwiddy . Samuel Huokstep . James Norrel ... Anderson, Oliver . , Armstrong, Livy . . Arnett, John . ". . , Brown, Samuel . . , Bishop, John . . . . Bradshaw, Smith . . Bagwell, Cary. . . . Burk, Benjamin . . . Campbell, James. . . - Clark, George W. . . Cardwell, Samuel . . Cardwell, James. . Croslin, Benjamin . . Cary, Melford . . . . Duncan, Robert . . . Downes, Benore P.. . Dickerson, David . . Dickerson, William . Elmore, Edward. . . Hutoherson, Samuel . Howard, Achilles . . Hunter, Charles.. . . • Hopkins, Thomas . . Johnson, John . . . Jimerson, David. . . Jimerson, William. . Jimerson, John . . . Jeter, Henry . . . . Kennady, William. . Lusk, James .... Leon, Moses Lana, Henry . . . . Marshall, James. . Marshall, William . . Myers, John Morris, Henr^'. . . . Messick, Nathan . . McClure, Martin . . May, Lindsay .... Miller, Francis . . . Newal, Armstrong. . Nevens, Henry . . . Pollock, William . . Patterson, John . . . Pilcher, Lewis. . . . Robinson, Michael. . Read, Peter Rusk, Robert ... Sales, Thomas F. . . Spencer, Absalom . . Spires. Greenbery . . Summers, James". . . Stype, John Summers, Thomas . Shelton, Thomas. . . Smith, Peter .... Thompson, Pitman . Venable, Hamden S. . Welsh, Alexander . . Waters, Lewis . . . Willis, John .... Willis, William . . . WalhicL., James . . . Whorton, Joseph . . Wager, Absalom . . Wallace; Abraham . . Sergeant Corporal Private 112 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1S12, ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES C. PRICE'S COMPANY, LEWIS' REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS. James C. Price . William Caldwell Daniel ISournc . William E. Price David Richardson John Shanklin . John Scott . . . Nathaniel H. Cald John Picklin . . Solomon Smith . Elisha Williams. Barkleye, William Brown, Thomas . Brice, John T. . Barr, George . . Bennett, James Conner, Rice . . Carlton, Isaac . . Carlton, Noah. . Carlton, George . Calleiider, Jacob. Daugherty, John Dedman, James . Easier, Pleasant. Edwards, Thomas Elkin, Benjamin . East, Elijah. . . Finney. James . Forsee, Stephen . Frost, James . . Farrow, John . . Goin, John . . . Haggard, John . Hicks, James . . Hushman, Mathew Hews, Charles. . Krickbaum, John Kindred, Edward Lillard, Thomas . Lewis, William A Moss, Pleasant . McGrath, Terrance Morgan, W. . . McConnell, M. G Netherland, John Neal, George . . Overstreet, W. . Rice, Joseph . . . Rice, George W.. Richards, Alexander Ramsey, John Richardson, Robert Simmons, David Scott, Joseph . . Skeene, William Scott, Joseph . . Taylor, John . . Underwood, Edward Woodson, Obediah Webber, Benjamin. Wilson, Thomas. Walker, James . Ward, William . Ward, George S. . Young, Eicbard. Young, Joel. . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 15, 181-J To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October \i, 1812 SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. 113 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILEY R. BRASSFIELD'S COMPANY, LEWIS' REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS. NiMES. "Wiley K. Brassfleld Joseph Kelly . . . " Stephen Rash . . . -William Rash. . . John Oram .... ■■^William Donaldson Edward Young . . Richard Chiles . . Cornelius Barron . Joseph Young. . . William Weldon . James M. Whitehurst Samuel Kelly . . . Athers, Nathaniel . Athens, James. . . Brinigan, John . . Beane, "William . . Blake, John. . . . Berry, George. . . Barr, James B. . . Blake, Peyton. . . Balance, Proctor. . Campbell, John . . Capps, Caleb . . . Crockett, James . . Crosthwait, "Warnin: Coleman, Daniel. . Christolm, Nathaniel Cammings, Cal . . Dyke, John .... Fandrie, Joseph . . Fandric, "William . Gaff, Levi Harris, Clairborn . Hamilton, John . . Hackney, Hightower Harvey, John . . . Jones, John .... Kelley, James. . . Lusk, John .... Lusk, Silas .... Lacklin, Fielding . McDonald, John . . Murphy, Zachariah McDonald, .James . McDonald, George. McDonald, James . Morris, "William G. Morrison, Boswell . Martin, Nathan . . Martin, "William -. McGonnigle, John. Paul, Michael. . . Peebles, James . . Pruett, John . . Petty, William . . Redman, Thomas . Rash, John .... Ramsey, William . Stuart, James . . . Smith, George. . . Suddeth Ezekiel. . Suddeth. Lewis . . Scothorn, Nathan . Sanders, Constant . Smith, Philip . . . Samuel, Isaiah . . Samuel, John . . . -Thompson, Andrew Valandingham, Richard Wood, Thomas . . Wright, Morgan. . Wright, Jacob . . Williams, Oby . . Webb, James . . . Westbrook, Thomas 15 Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corpi Mus: Pri Clan . ate . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 1.5, 1812 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October U, \>, 1812 October 14, 18U no SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HAMILTON'S COMPANY, LEWIS' REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS— Continued. Names. ^Sitchie, James . . Eogers, Richard . . Russell, Hendley . Sanderson, (iv.or<:a . SimpsDH, Anderson Simpson, Andrew . Snifidley, Sanmel. . Spellers, James . . Tandy, Willis. . . Tandj-, Linton . . Tucker, Robert . . Venard, Absalom . Venard, Thomas . Wheeler, George N. Wallace, William . Wilhite, John. . . Wood, Benjamin B. Williamson, Lucas Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 15, 1812 . To what tiine Engaged or Enlisted. October 14, 1812 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MARTIN'S COMPANY, LEWIS' REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS. John Martin. . . . William McGuire . Jonathan Taylor. . John D. Sydnor. . . William Morton . . James Holloday.. . Roger Cjuensbury ? Abner T. Grow . . AVilliam Smith . . Alfred Barnes. . . Thomas Rieketts . . George McManania Antrobus, Benjamin Ashbrook, John . . Booth, Elijah . . . Barney, William . Bush, Tilman . . . Baxter, John . . . Bernett, B Bruce. Durret . . . Bookshire, Benjamin Baxter, George . . Brandge, Bartlett . Burinun, Peter M. . Chism, James . . . Ciddle, Cal . . . . Clawson, Peter . . Cooper, John . . . Daniel, John . . . Dewitt, Frederick . Davies, James. . . Dyke, Stephen . . . Ewell, William . . Evans, George. . . Emerson, James. . Eubank, George . Elsbery, William . Eubanks, William . Fowler, Thomas . . Gore, Nathan . . . Guiii, John .... Holloday, Elliot H. Hull, James. . . . Holder, Gava . . . Hopkins, Mordecai Hammer, William . Johnston. Joshua . Kincaid, Charles. . lianders, James . . Lisle, Samuel . . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal Musician. Private . August 15, 1812 October 14, 1812 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. w, ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MARTIN'S COMPANY, LEWIS' REGIMENT, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS— Continued. Names. Lane, Mordeeai Marks, Hastings Moore, William McGoe, William Martin, John . . Maxwell, Johii , Montgomery, Jesse Marks, Nathaniel Owings, Bozwell . Patrick, John . . Piggs, William . Routt, William . Richardson, Philip Strode, Stephen . Shortridge, Elisha Sammons, John . Sams, Daniel . . Store, Francis . . Tinslej-, John . . Tolin, Morgan, . Tiiggle, John . . J-Vallandingham, Hugh Wilson, Alexander . Wilson, David A. . . Wise, William. . . . T. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. August 15, 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 14, 1812 Roll of Field and Staff, First Rifle Regiment, Kentncky Militia- War of 1812. John Allen .... Martin D. Hardin . George M.adison . Thomas C. Davis Benjamin Logan Richard Bledsoe. Peter Dudley . Peter G. Voorhies George C. Patrick James Stewart . James Hamilton. William Kellj' . Thomas Mitchell. John Christopher Benjamin Bridges . . Licut.-Colonel 1st Major . 2d Major . Surgeon . . S. Mate . . Adjutant . Paymaster Qr. Master Sergeivnt Major Qr. M. Serg't. Drum Major . Fife Major. . Chaplain . . Sergeant Major. Qr. M. Sergeant August l'>, 1812 October 3, 1812. . September U, 1812 November 30, 1812. February 14, 1813 . November 30, 1812 Appointed in place of Wui. McClanahan, who [resigned August lf>, 1812. Vice G. C. Patrick, resigned October 2, 1812. Vice James Stewart, resigned September li, 1812. 118 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF IS 12. Roll of Field and Staff of Trotter's Regiment, Kentucky Yolnnteers, of the War of 1812, and Notes on Organization and Record of Ser- vice, raised in pursuance of the address of 31st of Jul}^, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at IN'ew- port, Kentucky, August 31st, 1813 — Commanded by Colonel George Trotter. Names. George Trotter . . Richard M. Giino . Thoinns Bodlcy . . William Montgomci Ambrose Dudley. . Nathan O. Dedman Fielding Bradford . John Young . . . Archimedes Smith . John McDowel . . Chester Pearce . . Colonel Major . Adjutant . . Paymaster . (Quartermaster Surgeon . S. M. . . Qr. M. S. Date and Place of Muster. August 31, 1813 Septembers, 1813 September 20, 1813 September G, 1813 October 1, 1813 . September G, 1813. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November 5, 1813 ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID TODD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL GEORGE TROTTER. David Todd .... G(!orge y. Kass . . John M. Hcran . . Chester Pearce . . Fielding Bradford . John H. Dunlap . . A/.ell K. Freeman . Selburn W. Bogge. John Brvant . . . Starks W. Cockrill . A. B. Halstead . . Adrain, James. . . Allen, Barnabas W Armstrong, John . Barbee, Lewis. . . Barker, George . . Barr, Thomas T.. . Bevens, William. . Bowman, Benjamin Bowman, John . . Burns, Thomas S. . Carr, Walter C. . . Cassell, Benjamin . Clarke, Charles . . Clarke, William . . Combs, Edward . . Dudley, Ambrose . Dudley, Peter. . . . Ferguson, Kobert . Fitzgerald, William Fulse, Christopher. Hart, John .... Ilonry, Elijah . . . Holloway, (jeorge . Johnston, William. Langsbury, John . Lindsay, A. K. . . ''Marrs, Samuel. . . Martin, Charles . . Manner, Nathan W Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . . Corporal . . Newport, Aug.'^O, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 119 ROLL OP^ CAPTAIN DAVID TODD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. MeCleland, Benjamin . MfConnoll, William L. Moore, John T Morton, Elijah . . . . Naylor, John Philips, Thomas . . . . Kohinson, Isaac . . . . Sanders, Miraid Shannon, Thomas S. . . Shields, John Smith, Samuel C. . . . Stovit, Samuel . . . . . Tait, John Taylor, William . . . . Tilton, Robert Todd, David, J r Todd, Robert Vegus, Cyrus Waring, Edward . . . Welch, John Wilkerson, Joseph. . . Private Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug.20, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rbmakks. I do certify upon honor that the within muster roll contains a true statement of the men, with their private arms, under my command. Given under my hand at Newport this 3Ist day of August, 1813. DAVID TODD, Captain, Commanding Company Mounted Volunteers. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GUSTAVUS W. BOWER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY COLONEL GEORGE TROTTER. Gustavus W. Bower . Bartholomew Kindred Smith Bradshaw. . . Joshua Hightower . . Michael R. Bower . . Pete" Withers .... Robert D. Overstreet. George Uhrisman . . Reuben Bennett . . . William D. Wilson . Benjamin Bradshaw, Jr. Allison. John .... Bird, John Bourne, Daniel . . Bradshaw, Benjamin Bustard, David . . . Campbell, John . . , Campbell, William . Carroll, John .... Cobb, Thomas. . . . Conner, Rice .... Conner, William R. . Corr, James Casby, Charles J. . . Casby, James .... Crockett, John W. . . Crutcher, James. Davenport, John F. . Davidson, Richard. . Davis, James G. . . . Demoss, Asa .... Dickerson, Fountain Dickerson, James . . Daugherty, James . . Duncan, James . . . East, James Fitzgerald, Francis . Fassee, John .... Gilmai), James . . . Gray, David Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 8d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal Private . . Newport, Aug. 31, 181 120 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GUSTAVUS W. BOWER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Haggard, John . . . Ilawldns, Thomas . Iliu:by, .lames H. . . lliggiiihotham, Josse. Hunter, Davidson. . Johnson, John G . Lewis, Daniel . . . Mi-Carty, Dennis . lli-Ciiiinell, Andrew :M ■Cunc., John L. V .M.Daniel, Thomas. Mile.-, Henjamin. . ilik's, James . . . Moss, William . . Mirrain, Wm. W . Pennington, Samuel Power, Samuel . . lieynolds, William Kice, Thomas N . . Riehards, Alexander Robertson, Michael Scott, James . . . Shaw, John. ... Shearer, Caleb. . . Shelton, William . Sike, David. . . . Smith, Adam . . , Smith, Alexander . Stipe, David . . . Stipe, Henry . . . Stipe, Jacob . . . Taylor, Samuel . . Taylor, William. . ■ Thompson, Alexander . Thornton, Elijah . Trister, Peter . . . Turner, Robert . . Walker, Reuben. . Wallace, Thomas . Walters, Thomas . Ward, (ieorge S. . Welch, Alexander. Willis, Drury. . . Wilson, Wm. S . . Woods, James. . . Zimmerman, John. Rank. Private Date and Place of To what time Engaged Muster. or Enlisted. Newport, Aug.31,1818 Remarks. We certify on honor that this muster roll exhibits a true statement of Captain Gustavus W. Bower's Company of the First Regiment of Kentucky Mounted A'olunteer Militia for the period therein mentioned, and that the remarks set opposite the names of the men are accurate and just. GUSTAVUS W. BOWER, Captain. SMITH BRADSHAW. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN CHRISTOPHER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL GEORGE TROTTER. John Christopher . . .Solomon Dunnegan . Thomas W. Sellers. . Francis W. Cook . . John F. Cook .... Silas Johnson .... Willis Long Arthur Gregory Younj Merril Young .... William Wooldridge. James L. Rus.scll . . John Hawkins. . . . Arnold, Fielding . . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . ■Uh Sergeant. .5th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . August 27, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 121 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN CHRISTOPHER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Ashford, Levy. . . 1 Ashford, Thoma.s . .^Bilker, James . . . Berry, Benjamin, Jr Bingley, John M. . Bowdry, Samuel V. Brittinliam, William Brooking, Samuel . Brown, Joseph . . Callimes, Marquis . Carroll, Perry . . . Coleman, Strother . Conover, William . Cox, James .... Dawson, William . Donnald, John . . Dunlap, Alexander, J -Dunegan, Acre . . Easley, Obediah . . Elgin, Thomas P. . Elkin, McClanihan Elkin, Strother . . Elliott, Robert. . . Felix, Isaac .... Florence, William . Frasheur, John . . Gaines, Richard . . Garnett, Reuben . . Garrett, John.. . . Gay, William D. . Gibbany, James . . Gray, Isaac. . . . Holeman, Cornelius Kirby, John . . . Lankford. Robert . Lewis, Fielding. . Long, James B . . Long, Zachary . . Maning, Richard . McGehe, Carter. . McGuire, John . . McQuaddy, Benj. . Morris, James. . . Moseby, Nicholas . O'Brien, Daniel . . Parker, John . . . Paul, James. . . . Poore, Jesse -. . . Railey, Randolph, J Rucker, Lyvand F. Sellers, Joseph . . Smith, Allen . . . Smith, Allen . . . Smith, George. . . Smith, James. . . Smith, John W. . Son, Dick Spaulding, James Spillman, James. . Stephenson, William Stanford, David. . Stone, John. . . . Terrell, Vivian . . Tilbery, Lotte. . . Walker, John. . . Walker, William . Watkins, Nathaniel Watkins, Samuel . Wharton, Samuel . Date and Place of Muster. August 2", 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. 16 122 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MASON SINGLETON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL GEORGE TROTTER. Mason Singleton . Benjamin, Williams Thomas llaydon. Joel Turnliam. . William Scott. . Je.ssp liaydon. . Ed. Sallee. . . . Burton, Tliomas. Corithes, Hugh •. Ellison, Thomas. Evans, Andrew . Ficklin, Thomas. Frost, John. . . Gatewood, Gabriel Hampton. Stephen Haydon, Ezekiel Haydon, John . Holloway, Samuel Hughes, Charles. Hunley, John. . Lampkin, Daniel McVey, John . . Moore, Joel P. . Morrow, John . Moseley, Edward Neal. John . . . Proctor, Isaiah . Proctor, Thomas. Reed, Philip . . Reynolds, Drake. Rice, Richard. . Richardson, Jesse Roper, Jesse . . Scofield, Samuel. Sharewood, Wm. Singleton, Lewis. Smith, James. . Smith, William . Starr, Henry . . Steel, Jabez T. . Webster, Christopher Wells, Jacob . . Williams, Elijah Williams, Thomas Willis, Lewis . . Wilson, Nathan . Wilson, Alexander Woods, Christopher Woods, Richard. . Young, Lewis . . . Fizer, Jacob . . . Jenkins, Henry . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant Private . . . Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. 30, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MATTHEWS FLOURNOY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL GEORGE TROTTER. Matthews Flournoy JohnWyatt ... Thomas C. Flournoy Henry C. Payne. . William Dougherty William C. Offutt . Jeremiah Rogers . Francis Springer . Peter Leathers . . Samuel Jj. Patterson Andrew Wiljers. . Bruce, RichnVd W. Burton, William . Canick, Robert . . Fisher, William . . Flournoy, Natley M Graves, Asa. . . . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 Promoted Captain. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 123 ROLL OF CAPTAIN MATTHEWS FLOURNOY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— Continued. Graves, ZHchariah Hoiiip, Hiram. . Harp, David . . Henderson, Alex. I Henry, William . Henry, Robert P. Hicks, William . James, Harry . . Jeffries, Robert . Johnson, James . Mattison, Henry McChord, John . McCoy, John . . McDowell, John L. Moore, Jeriah. . Morgan, John. . Muldro, George F, Nutter, Thomas . Owens, John . . Parberry, James. Payne, Bailor . . Payne, Nathan . Rogers, Joseph . Ropell, Elijah . . Runjon, Joseph . Ryon, Edward . Sanderson, William E Scofield, Henry . Shele}% David. . Sheley, John . . Shuff, Jacob. . . Simpson, William Stapleton, David. Sterrett, John . . Stone, William H Tandy, Edmond. Wilson, Russell . Woods, William Cuthbert Margrove Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug.31, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Newport, Aug. 27, 1813 November 5, 1813. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH RE DING'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL GEORGE TROTTER. Joseph, Reding . Charles W. Hall. Christopher, C. Acuff John Winer ... John Lemon . . . Israel Lewis ... Jesse L. Cope. . . Adams, Terrell . . Allen, Malcolm . . Antle, Jeremiah . . Bows, George. . . Bows, Peter. . . . Cocks, Daniel. . . Cummings, .John . Ewing, William . . Fields, Levin . . . Gaines, Gideon . . Hall, Preston . . . Hall, Thomas G . . Hiles, George. . . Iceminger, Henry. Lemmon, William. Marshall, Robert . Martin, Andrew. . McBee, Turner . . McCormack, George McCure, William . Neal, Charles. . . Neal, Fielding. . . Neal, John. . . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal Private . . Newport, Sept. 1,1813 124 S(3LDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH REDING'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Nicholson, Samuel. Peak. John .... Ransdale, John . . Ransdnlo, Wharton Sheppard, Wni. T . Strickler, Kmamicl Todd, Abell I) . . Triplett, John . . Wright, Abner . . Wright, Keubcn . . McGary, Daniel . . Shipp, Dudley. . . Lcninion, William. Tompkins, Sheppard Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Sept. 1, 1813 Newport, Aug, To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November fi, 181?, Remarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN STEWART W. MEGOWAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL GEORGE TROTTER. S. W. AJegowan. . James Megowan. . James McConnell . James Nepper. . . Hiram Wortham . William Liggins. . Robert McConell . Enoch Francis . . Thomas Rronston . Jacob Wioard. . . John Wilson . . . Haldvvin, Jeremiah Benton, Loyd. . . Buckley, Samuel . . Campbell, Williamsoi Cline, Hiram . . . Dennis, Mathew. . Fisher, James. . . Francis, Jesse. . . Hillix, James. . . Howe, Abraham. . Lindsey, Robert. . Ijindsey, William . Litterat, Joseph. . Lyons, Elijah. . . Masterson, James . Masterson, Mo.ses . McDoYiald, Enoch. Minor, Joseph . . Mitchell, Benjamin Mitchell, Robert. . Moreland, James . Parker, North . . . Penn, Nimrod. . . Prather, Benj. H . Price, Samuel. . . Rice, Joe Roberts, Billington Rumsey, Thomas . Rumsey, William . Shaw, Thomas R . Snider, Peter . . . Stout, Ira Tadlock, Andrew . Yates, William . . Captain . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . Newport, Aug. 31,1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 125 Roll of Field and Staff, Donaldson's Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers, of the War of 1812, and Notes on Organization and Record of service, raised in pursuance of the address of 31st of July, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at l^ew- port, Kentucky, August 31st, 1813 — Commanded by Colonel John Donaldson. Names. Rank. Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out. Remarks. John Donaldson .... Colonel August ;n, 1813 . . . November b, 1813 . . William Farrow. . . . 1st Major .... .1 < 1 1 . < 1 .Tanie.s Mason M Major .... 11 11 John R. Porter .... Adjutant .... 1 1 11 Robert Talefaro Surgeon 1 > II 11 11 Wilej' R. Brasslield . . Paymaster .... 11 1 . 11 11 James Daniel . . Quartermaster . . .1 1 1 11 11 William V. Morris . . ' ' " September 6, 1813. . . Levi L. Cartwright . . S. Major ' ' ' ' August 31, 1813 . . . t^uit service October 1. 1813. I riel B.Chambers. . . ' ' October 4, 1813. . . . October 5, 1813. . . . Abram McGowan . . . Forage Master . . August .31, 1813 . . . November .5, 1813 . . William Pepper. . . . Quartermaster Ser September 24, 1813 . . C 1 11 ROLL OF CAPTAIN RICHARD MENIFEE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN DONALDSON. Richard Menifee. . Daniel P. Mosley . Harrison Conner , Peter G. Glover. . Cread Glover. . . Joel Parker. . . . Jacob Steele . . . Jesse Steele. . . . William Smart . . Thomas Mosley. . Jacob Ragan . . . Adams, John . . . Alexander, David . Anderson, John A Anderson, John. . Barkley, Lazarus . Bourn, John . . . Bourn, Walker . . Bracken, James. . Bracken, Mathew . Cassady, Peter . . Choat, Samuel . . Clayton, Charles . Dotson, Thomas. . Epperson, Robert . Fannen, Middletoii Gill, John .... Glover, Cheslcy. . Goodpaster, Noah . Griffin, Gordon . . Hackitt, Daniel. . . Hackley, Samuel . Hows, Frederick . Hornbaek, Abraham Jamison, Thomas . Kelsoe, John G . . Kincaid, James. . Lemons, Benjamin Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign • . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal Private . . . Newport, Aug.2C, 1813 Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 Newport, Aug. 20, 1813 November 4, 1813 Reduced to ranks September 20, IS] 3. Appointed Sergeant September 21, 1813. Sick and on furlough. Absent withnut leave since :'.lst August, 1813. 126 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN RICHARD MENIFEE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Lemons, David . . Leslie, Joseph . . . Lonsdale, James . Linch, William. . McClane, James. . Mcllliany, Thomas Oakley, John. . . Patrick, William . Parsons, David . . Porter, John K. . Rogers, William . Roy.sdon, Jesse . . Smart, Glover. . . South, Benjamin . Spencer, John . . Thompson, Joseph. Young, Sennet . . Rank. Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. 31, 1818 Newport, Aug. 20, 181.3 Mu.stered Out. Novemher 4, 1813 Appointed Corporal September 21, 1813. Appointed Adjutant September 8, 1813. Failed to join the company. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ISAAC CUNNINGHAM'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN DONALDSON. Isaac Cunningham. John Bean .... Henry Smith . . . Edmund Pendleton Benjamin Luckett. Richard Emp.son . John Cunningham John Smith. . . . John Bogas. . . . Alfred Burns . . . Jonas Goff .... Anderson, Henry . Armstrong, Robert Bean, Eli Bonitield, James . Boyd, John. . . . Brassfield, James . Brassfield, Wiley R. Brown, Mathew P. Bryan, Lewis. . . Buckhanon, Stephen Calmes, George . . Chambers, Uriel B. Chisam, James . . Clark, James . . . Clarkson, Julius W Conchman, John . Cooper, Robert . . Crockett, Samuel . Cunningham, Riddle Davis, John . . . Dawson, Nathaniel ^Donaldson, John . Eades, Drury . . . Eades, Howell. . . Estes, James . . . Estes, Middloton . Forman, David . . Foster, John . . . Graves, James . . Hanks, John . . . Hulitt, Stephen . . Jacobs, Harrison . Jones, Edward . . Jones, William . . Judy, David . . . Kenney, Joseph. . Kiggin, Thomas. . King, James . . . Lackey, John. . . Monical, Christopher Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal Private . . . Newport, Aug. 20, 1813 Noveml)er o, 1813 Appointed Corporal October lOlh. Appointed Corporal September !Hh. Appointed Sergeant October 10th. Appointed Corporal October 10th. Promoted Sept. 0, and returned to ranks Sept. 27 Promoted September 'Mh. Promoted October 4th. Promoted as Colonel. Appointed Corporal September 22d. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 127 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ISAAC CUNNINGHAM'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out. Remarks. Moore, William. Private Newport, Aug. Hi, 1813 Newport, Sept. 22, 1813 Newnort. Aua-. 20. 1813 November 5, 1813 . . Not accounted for. Promoted to Sergeant September 9. Not accounted for. Peticorcl, Nathanit Kush, Benjamin . Eash, Stephen . . Rennicb, James . Sharrad, Samuel . 1 . . Tanner, Archer . Thomas, Granville Waterman, Jonat P.'. ban . Whitesides, Ephraim . Wilson, Moses . . . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE MATTHEWS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN DONALDSON. George Matthews John Taylor . . George Taylor . William Popper. Peter B. Lewis . Isaac Evans. . . Reuben Godard . Samuel Howe . . William Armstrong . Richard T. Godard . Eli Weaver Henry M. Hart . . . Allen, Benjamin. . . Anderson, Alexander Bonham, Aniariah. . Brandham, William . Brown, Daniel. . . . Browning, Josiah . . Burris, William . . . Camaron, Henry . . Collins, Amos .... Daily, Charles. . . . Daily, John Daily, Samuel. . . . Eaton, William . . . English, William, Sr. English, William, Jr. Elliott. Edward . . . Evans, Gabriel . . . Evans, John .... Emmons, Elijah . . . Farris, James .... Foxworthy, Samuel . Poxworthy, William . Glen, Henry .... Gooding, Ab Gooding, David . . . Gooding, Samuel . . Gorman, John . . . Hood, William . . . Horton, Benjamin . . Howe, Jonathan W. . Hush, Henry .... Jarnagan, Noah . . . Jonson, James . . . Killi.son, Michael . . Kelly, Thomas . . . Lair, William .... Lawrence, Isaac, Sr. . Lawrence, Isaac, Jr. . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant. 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . Corporal. . . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal , Private . . . Newport, Aug. 27, 1813 November 3, 1813 Appointed il. M. Sergl. September 24, 1813. Appointed Orderly Sergeant September 24, 1813. Not accounted for at muster out. Removed from office October •5, 1813. Furloughed. Appointed First Sergeant September 21, 1813. Not accounted for. 128 iVJL,DIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN GEORGE MATTHEWS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Lawroncu, John . . Leforgy, Airs. . . Leforgy, Lewis . . Logan, Williiun, Sr. Logan, William, Jr. Leman, Saniuol . . McCoy, James . . McCoy, Samuel . . McGowen, Abr. . . McDaniel, Josepl] . Mitchel, Philip . . Moore, Benjamin . Morris, Samuel . . Padget, .John . . . Pickerell, William. Powell, Stephen. . Reeves, Isaac . . . Rhodes, Samuel . , Roister, John . . . Saunders, Cyrus . . Saunders, Henry G. Saunders, John . . Steele, Jacob . . . Steele, Solomon . . Strode, Jeremiah . Surest, Valentine . Surest, William . . Taylor, Jacob . . . Vanskite, Robert . Weir, Haziel . . . White, Isaac . . . White, Iliff .... Wills, Andrew, Sr. Wills, Andrew, .Tr. Wills, Samuel. . . Young, Alexander. Young, Thomas . . Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. Ti, 1813 Mustered Out. November .3, 181.3 Appointed Forage Master December lo, 181: Not accounted for. Appointed Sergeant September 7, 1813. Absent. Wountled in battle October 5, 1813. Appointed Major. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES SYMPSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED A^OLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN DONALDSON. .Tames Sympson . . Edmund Callowaj". Pleasant Bush. . . Joseph Martin Elijah Davis . . . Robert Donaldson . John Bybee. . . . Daniel Donihoe . . Absalom Lowe . . . Alfred Stephens. . Robert Elkins. . . Adams, .John . . . Alcorn, Robert . . Booth, John . . . Brooks, William. . Bruner, Stephen. . Brundge, Bartlett . Burgis, William . Bush, Hiram . . . Bybee, William . . Chisam, John . . . Cox, Ctaiburn. . . Cummins, Thomas. Daniel, James . . Downey, Alexander Eaton, George. . . Ellsberry, Benjamin W Evans, Mayberry . Flooty, Rawson . . Goorich, AVilliam W JJamiltoii, James Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 20, 1818 November 5, 181 Resigned .September 22, 1813. i)n furlough. September 12. 1W13. on furlough — sick. Appointed First Sergeant Septenil>er 22, 1813. Appointed Regt. (j. M. Sept. 5, 1813; resigned [.September 10, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 129 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES SYMPSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued . Names. Rank. Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out. Remarks. Hampton, Ezokiel. . . Private Newport, Aug. 26, 1813 November 5, 1«13 . . Appointed 2d Sergeant September 22, 1813. Hardin, Tboiiipson . . " " Septeniljer 2. 1813, on furlough with sick. Hazelrig, Charles .1 . . Uulse, Paul .1 Sick and on furlough September 2. 1813. Irvine, Jack 11 i I Junes, John • ' ' ' ' Johnson, Richard ' ' ' ' Lander, Henry .... 11 .1 Lander, John " ' ' Lane, Joel 11 11 Loeknane, John. . . . 11 11 Martin, John 11 11 Martin, Robert B. . . . 11 1 . Martin, Robert E. . . . 1 . 1 1 Martin. Samuel .... 11 McCarty, Ezekiel . . . " " McMurrav, John . . . 11 11 Millar, Jacob " " Moore, William .... 11 It Poer, William .... 11 1 1 Rupard, William . . . 4 1 I > Sideballom, Joseph . . . Sent back on furlough sick, September 12, 181.'.. Trimble, Peter M. . . . • 1 I . Trimble, Samuel . . . It t 1 It 11 Welch, William. . . . y'' ' ' I 1 11 Joined spy company September 2(i, 1813. White, William. . . 11 Wilcoxan, Aaron . . . It 11 Williamson, Jacob. . . 11 11 Wilcoxan, Jesse. . . . .1 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN CRAWFORD'S COMPANY^ KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN DONALDSON. James Mason . . . John Crawford . . ~ Amos Richardson . John Davis .... John D. James . . John Dickson . . , William Owings. . George Peeler. . . Francis McKennell Thompson Clark . .Joseph Ringo . . . Anderson, Nicholas Ale.xander, James D Black, George. . . Barnett, Roman . . Bunch, Davis . Carter, (4eorge W. . Cox, James .... Cutright, John . . Farrow. Joseph . . Farrow, William . Finley, Joseph W.. Frakes, Barnabas . Frakes, .Joseph . . Guddy, Thomas . . Green, Henry . . . Grimes, Elijah . . Grimes, John . . . Higgins, Richard . Howell, David. . . Kirk, James . . . Lanter, Archibald. Linch, David . . . Marshall, Alexander Nolan, Henry . . . Nolan, William . . "^ Richardson, John . ~~ Richardson, Nathai 17 Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal , Private . . . Newport, Aug. 26, 1813 Newport, Aug. 25, 1813 Newport, Aug. 26, 1813 Newport, Aug. 25, 1813 Newport, Aug. 2(i, 181:: Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 Newport, Aug. 26, 1813 Newport, Aug. 25, 1813 Newport, Aug. 26,1813 Newport, Aug. 25, 1813 Newport, Aug. 26, 1813 Newport, Aug. 25, 1813 Newport, Aug. 26, 1813 Newport, Aug. 25, 1813 November 6, 1813 November 5, 1813 November 6. 1813 November 5, 1813 Not accounted for on muster-out rolls. Not accounted for. October 5, 1813. . . ! liiHed in battle Octobers, 181" November 6, 1813 . . i November 5, 181: Promoted August 31, 1813. November 6, 1813 . . November 5, 1813 . Promoted August 31, 181:,. November 6, 181:; November 5, 18l;i November 6. 181: uo SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN CRAWFORD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out. Remarks. Stokes, Robert Stokos, Willitiiii. . . . Strange, Borry .... Strange, William . . . IJrton, ijaban Watson, Ilezekiali . . . Wells, Andrew .... White, Henry Wren, John Young, John Private Newport, Aug. 2(i, 1813 Newport, Aug. '25,1813 Newport, Aug. 2G, 1813 Newport, Aug. 2.5, 1813 Newport, Sept. 29, 1813 Newport, Aug. 2G, 1813 November 5, 1813 . . November fi, 1813 . . November 5, 1813 . . November 6, 1813 . . November .5, 1813 . . Pnimotiul to Ensign. Promoted August 13, 1813. ROLL OP CAPTAIN GEORGE W. BOTTS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY" COLONEL JOHN DONALDSON. George W. Botts . . Dorscy K. Stockton . Thomas Patton . . . Jamos Dobyns. . . . Bazil Calvert .... Henouly Clift . . . William Morris.. . . William Harper . . . George Gilkison . . . Stephen Tatman. . . Thomas Rawling.s . . Alexander, William . Asbury, Henry . . . Heeding, George. . . Berry, Holdsworth. . Bridges, Dillon . . . Burges, Mordacai . . Calvert, Mansfield . . Calvert, William . . Carter, James Clarke, Thomas . . . Dobyns, Thomas. . . Dunbar, Alexander . Duncan, Walter . . . Farrow, Thomas. . . Feagin, Henry . . . Pitch, Henry . . . . Foster, James .... Foxworthy, Thomas . Gilkison, Benjamin . Glasscock, John . . . Goslin, Nathaniel . . Gragg, Solomon . . . Hooke, James . . . . Hysong, Jacob . . . Jackson, Henry.. . . Jackson, William . . Jones, Thomas, Jr.. . Jurinall, Jacob . . . Leaper, Andrew . . . Leaper, James. . . . Maddin, .Jeremiah . . Morrison, David . . . Pearce, Samuel . . . Prather, Benjamin C. Reed, Stephen . . . . Rhodes, Jacob. . . . Simms, John . . . . Sweet, James . . . Tatman, Nehemiah. . Tatman, Vincent . . Thomas, Levi . . . . ' Trumbl"., William C. Williams, Mordecai . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . I 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal. Private . . . Newport, Aug. 27, 1813 November 3, 1813 . September 16, 1813 . . September 1, 1813 . . November 3, 1812 . . Appointed Q. M. to 2d Regt. Sept. Hi, 1813. Left at Cincinnati Sept. 1, 1813, with a foundered horse, and never came on to join the company [afterwards. Reduced to ranks September 22, 1813, on account [of ill-health. .'\ppointed Sergeant September 17, 1813. Appointed Corporal Sept. 4, 1813, in the place of [Wm. Harper. Appointed Corporal September 13, 1813. October 10,1813 . . November 3, 1813 . Not present. Died October 19, 18):- Not present. Not present. Soldiers of the war oe 1812. 131 Roll of Field and Staff of Poage's Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers, of the War of 1812, and Notes on Organization and Record of Ser- vice, raised in pursuance of the address of 31st of July, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at JN'ew- port, Kentucky, August 31st, 1813 — Commanded by Colonel John Poage. Names. Rank. Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out. RjSMARKR. John Poage Aaron Stratton .... .Jeremiah .Martin .... John E. McDowell . . . Samuel L. Crawford . . John Hockaday Anderson Donaphan . . Thomas Nelson .... Edward Brooks .... William Triplett . . . Colonel Major Adjutant .... Quartermaster . . Paymaster . . . Surgeon S. M Qr. M. S. . .. . . Sergeant Major. . August 31 1813 . . . November 3, 1813 . . 1 ■ 1 < ROLL OP LIEUTE^ANT ARISS THROCKMORTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN POAGE. Ariss Throckmorton . . John Standerford . . . John West Isaiah Williams . . . . John Clarke Ashoraft, Nimrod . . . Brooking, Vivion . . . Busby, Mathew . . . . Colvin, John Duncan, Pope Feeback, Gilbert. . . . Fight, John Grosvenor, John . . . . Harney, Selby Keith, William . . . . Kivling, "William . . . McCormack, Valentine. Scott, Merril Temple, Jesse Williams, Abraham . . Lieutenant. . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 1st Corporal '2d Corporal . Private . . , Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 132 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF ENSIGN WILLIAM REED'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN POAGE. Names. William Reed. . . Cuuibus, Carvil . . Dawson, Abraliarii. Hollady, William . McGinniss, Neal . Morgan, Thomas . Musgrove, Gabriel. Bice, Abraham . . Reed, John .... Weaver, John . . . Wheeler, Lawrence Wright, John. . . Grimes, Avery B. . Skinner, William . Jones Isaac .... McDonald, John . Ensign Private Date and Place of Mustsr. Newport, Aug.31, 1813 Newport, Aug. 28, 1813 Newport.Sept. Ill, 181: Mustered out. November 3, 1812 This is a part of Lieutenant Ariss Throckmorton's Company, each having been mustered separately. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JEREMIAH MARTIN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN POAGE. Jeremiah Martin . . Benjamin Norris. . Stephen Bayliss . . Arthur Mitchell . . Thomas Adamson. Thomas Chalfant . William Holton . . Lewis Bridges . . . William Duff. . . John Ricketts . . . Hiram Watson . . William Corwine . John Hillman. . . .Jacob Bagby . . . Adams, John . . . Anderson, James . Ausborne, Alexander Barlieo, Lewis . . . Biglow, Joseph . . Black, William . . Blackburn, .James . Botts, William . . Bouclier, George. . Brannin, Joseph . . Browning, Kdmund Byland, John . . . Callan, William . . Cain, Philip .... Uarter, Levi .... Chandler, Walter . Chiles, David . . . Clark, John W. . . Colvin, James . . . Cooper, Conner . . Cordery, John. . . Corwine, George. . "'Courtney, Robert . Cronsby, John . . Culbei-son, William Curtis, David . . . Curtis, George. . . Davis, James . . . Davison, John. . , Dailey, William . . Dimiphan, Anderson Dowdon, John. . . . Downing. Kdmiind. Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant 3d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . i5d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal. Trumpeter . . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 31,1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 13;^ ROLL OF CAPTAIN JEREMIAH MARTIN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Downing, Robert Driskill, Peter. . Duncan, James . Earles, Pavton . Earles, Rhodv. . Elrod, William Fanning, Michael Frazea, Ephraira. Gates, William, J ' Gibbons, Thomas G Gifford, Joshua . Ginn, Lawrence.. Golder, Abraham Horle, Baldwin . Heth, James. . . Hiatt, John.. . . Hiatt, Lewis . . Higgins, Richard. Higgins, Samuel . Huskins, Benjamin Huskins, Jermon Ivans, David . . Ivans, Griffith. . Januarj', Peter T. Jones, Jesse. . . Kerr, James. . . Kilgore, Anthony Kilgore, Robert Knight, Andrew Lee, Daniel . . . Lewis, Thomas P. Little, James . . Logan, .Joseph . . Masters, Samuel . Masterson, David Masterson, John . McCarthy, John . McGruder, Dory. McKinsey, Malcomb McKinsey, William Moftert, John . . .Moore, George E. Morrison, David. Murphy, John. . Norris, Gabriel . Penick, William. Poe, John .... Poe, Thomas . . Pollock, James . Proctor, Uriah . Raines, Henry. . Ramsey, Samuel. Rubart, James. . Rubart, Jesse . . Sentany, Joab . . Shields, Jonathan Shields, William, Jr Smith, Richard . .Sothoror, Levin . Sullivan, Randolph Seypold, Demsey Tabb, Richard. . Taylor, Andrew. Ten ins, ,Iohn . . Thomas, Isaac. . Thomas, Robert . Thornton, Edmun Vanc(!, Henry. . Wallace, John. Walton, William Whipps, Samuel. Williams, Abram Witt, Orange . . Wood, Henry . . Hieatt, James . . Masterson, Jeremiah Rank. Private Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 Mustered Out. Remarks. Newport, Aug. 28, 1813 November 3, 1813 134 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JEREMIAH MARTIN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Masterson, James Franklin, James. Adamson, Willian Dayley, Thomas Gaff, William . Private . . . Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out. Newport, Aug. 28, 1813 1 November 3, 1813 . Bemarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MOSES DEMMITT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN POAGE. Moses Demmitt . . Thomas Hord . . . Joseph Thorn . . . Bean, Albert . . . Bland, Benjamin . Brightwell, Thomas Burris, George. . . Collins, Thomas . . Conoway, John Conoway, Withers. Deavens, John . . Duncan, Joseph . . Duncan, Walter. . Fitzgerald, Benjami Fitzgerald, David . Fitzgerald, Moses . Ginn, James . . . Grover, John . . . Gray, Wesley . . . Hesler, Jacob . . . Hornbiickle, Alfred Hornbuckle, Hardin Hornbucklc. Richard Hornbuckle, Solomon Howard, Henry . Jarvis, Amos . . . Kenton, Thomas . Morey, John . . . Mct'ollam, Seth. . Murphy, William . O'Hara, John . . . Pierce, Zachariah . Parcel, Charles Purcel, John . . . Reno, Zealy. . . . Richards, John Shipl}-, Reason . . Strode, James. . . Strode, John . . . Thorn, William . . Triplett, Hedgeman Triplett, William, Sr. Triplett, William, J Vinrcn, Elvin . . . Watts, George . . Watson, Aaron . . Wood, William . . Dyer, John .... Burrell, John . . . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant Ensign . . . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 31,181: Newport, Aug. 28, 1813 November 3, 1813 . SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 135 ROLL OF CAPTAIN FRANCIS A. GAINES' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN POAGE. Namks. L.. Francis A. Gaines Thomas T. G. Warri Thomas Page, Sr. . llrzt'kiah Magruder William Ward . Jaiiii's I'oage Julin Hartley . . John Evans. . . James Nichols. . David White . . Levi Shackles . . Adams, William. Alison, John . . Auxier, Thomas. Boone, Jesse B. . Brooks, Edward . Coldgrove, Peleg Colvin, John . . Crawford, Samuel Esom, Robert . . Franklin, Lawrence Fugue, John M.. Gammon, Samuel Gholson, John. . Griffith, Jesse . . Henderson, George Hockaday, John Holland, Hezekiah .Howe, Daniel . . Horseley, James. Horseley, Mathew Kain, John . . . Kouns, Jacob . . Lowden, Thomas Alftt'ord, Andrew Morton, Nat . . Nichols, John. . Parker, Solomon . Poage, Allen , . Poage, John . . Poage, Robert . Poage, Thomas . Slaughter, Samuel Snedicon, James. Thomson, James C Virgin, Rezin . . Warring, Bazil . Warring, Francis White, William . Willis, Joseph. . Wilson, John . . Young, Fountain Bean, Stephen. . Sinclair, James . W. Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out. Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal Newport, Aug. 31, 181.3 Newport, Aug. 26, 1813 November (i, 181 M ROLL OF CAPTAIN AARON STRATTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN POAGE. Aaron .Stratton . Richard Soward . George W. Davis Elijah Houghton Charles Parker . Henry Halbert . William Calvert. Charles Alkins . Ashel Brewer . . Jacob Frizle . . Daniel Thomas . Baker, William . Bakley, James . Bennett, Hiram . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 136 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN AARON STRATTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Biliiuo, John . . . ISrunt, .John . . . Hriant, Bailey. . . Briant, Daniel. . . Brook, Humphrey. Campbell, .lames . Campbell, William Cox, Mark .... Cox, Samuel . . Cummins, William Davis, Jamos . . . Donovan, Aciuilla Donovan, Thimias . -Donovan, William. Dyal.John .... Easley, Andrew. . Easley, Stephen . . Elson, Cornelius. . Fisher, Adam . . . Haynes, Joseph . . Halbcrt, Stephen . Hamlin, James . . Hamlin, John. . Hamlin, William . Helvey, Peter . . . Henderson, Francis Holt, William. . . Horror, Peter . . . Kelly, Henry . . . Kenard, James . . Lamar, James . . Lamar, William . Martin, Jamos. . . Martin, William . McCan, Williatn . McDowell, John (i. McKay, William . Orms, Nicholxs . . Piper, John. . . • ^Kavenscraft, James Biley, John. . . . Saxon, Daniel. . . Shepherd, John . . Singleton, James . Smith, James . . . Smith, Jeremiah. . Thomas, David . . Thomas, Solomon . Vincent, Lavin . . , Wilson, Robert . . Wilson, Ralph . . Albert,Stephen . Stephenson, Kdward Bank. Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out Newport, Aug. 31,1813 Newport, Aug. 28, 1813 Newport, Sept. 21, 1813 November 3, 1813 October 2, 1813 . SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF IS 12. 137 Roll of Field and Staff, Mouiitjoy's Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers, of the War of 1812, and Notes on Organization and Record of service, raised in pursuance of the addi'ess of 81st of July, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at New- port, Kentucky, August olst, 1813 — Commanded by Colonel Wil- liam Mount] oy. Names. Rank. Date and Place of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. William Mountjoy . Conrad Overdewple Zachariah Eastin . David Todd .... James Metcalf. . . John M. Garrard . Colonel Major Surgeon S. Mate Paymaster .... Ailjutant . . Qr. Master . . . Newport, Aug. 31, ISl.-? November 4, 1818 . . William Dickison . Daniel Ayres . . . lanis Woodward . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES ARMSTRONG'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM MOUNTJOY. Newport, Aug. 29, 1813 1813 . . Enos Woodward .... 1st Lieutenant . . James Armstrong . . '2d Lieutenant . . Promoted to Captain. Jesse Pigman James Logan Promoted to Lieutenant. Promoted to Ensign. 1st Sergeant . w Peter Mann •2d Sergeant . 1 1 William Oden 3d Sergeant . Harrod Newland. . . . 4th Sergeant . Henry Oakwood .... 1st Corporal . ' ' ' ' Daniel Hutchison . . . 2d Corporal . ' ' ' ' . , ( c Frederick DiHman. 4th Corporal . ■ < Not accounted for. Allison, Edward. . . . Allison, Isaac ' 1 Ambrose, Mordecai . . ' ' Biddle. John ' ' 11 11 Brashears, William ' ' 11 1 i Bruce, Joseph ' ' 11 11 Chalfant. Amos .... ' ' 11 11 Promoted to First Sergeant. Cobler, Nimrod . . 11 11 Derore, Christopher ' ' " Derore, Nicholas. . . . ' • September 7 1813 . , Furloughed at Springlield Sept. ; — very sick. Donton, Keely . . ' ' 11 11 November 3 1813 . . Downard, John . . 11 11 Not accounted for. Fegans, John 11 1. Fishback, Martin 1 1 , 11 Gill, Reuben ' ' 1 . 11 Gassage, Benjamin . . ' ' 11 11 Hamilton, Samuel . . . ' ' > 1 11 Hammon, Richard . . . 1 . 1 , Hammond, Thomas . . ' ' 11 1 . Hardstock, Peter. . . ' ' 11 1 1 1 1 Hiles, Christopher . . . 11 11 11 Hooton, James ... > 1 11 11 Hunt. John, Jr. . . 11 11 11 Jackson, George .... ' ■ 1 1 11 1 1 Jackson, James R ■ 1 • 1 11 1 1 Not accounted for. Jackson, Richard . . 1 ' 11 11 11 Lancaster, Mallory . . " 1. 11 ' ' 18 138 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF IS 12. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES ARMSTRONG'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Lyons, James, Sr. . McDiiwell, Joseph . McKinuev, Jiirninl McMillon, John . Miranda, Thomas Norris, Archibald Norris, John . . Parker, Marshall Parker, William. Kamley, Samuel . Reeves, John . . Sadler, John . . Sal lee, Jacob . . Smith, George H. Stites, William . Thomas, Jacob . Thompson, Robert Thompson, Samuel Washburn, James Wells, Robert . . Wiley, Eli . . . Wilson, Matthew Wirrick, George . Woodward, Innis . Alexander, Thomas Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. '29, 181:- Towhat time En or Enlisted. November .3, 181 Not accounted for. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN H. MORRIS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM MOUNTJOY. John H. Morris . . . Coleman Ayres . . Martin Hoagland . . William White . . . Lewis Ayres .... John McGibbany . . James Sale Adkins, John .... Ashby, Thomas . . . Baker, Jonathan . . Baker, Nathan . . . Blakemore, Daniel. Boone, George . . . Buckhannon, Thomas Butts, John Coghill, Zachariah. . Daley, John .... Frazier, James . . . Gullion, George . . . Hensley, Samuel. . . Hogland, .John . . . Hoover, Jacob. . . Lester, William . . . McDaniel, John . . . Mills, Elisha .... Phillips, Joseph . . . Queshingberry, Jas. H Ray, Jennings . . . Shelton, John B. . . Spillman, Wesley StatTurd, Henry . . . Tandy, Mark ." . . . Vallandingham.Rjehar Venshour, Isaac. . . Wilson, .lohn .... Wright, Jordon. . . Rice, Jordon .... Captain . . , 1st Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . ■2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . ■tth Sergeant. Private . . . August 28, 1813 November 10, 1813 Died October '20th. Accounted for on muster-out roll as Jas. Cogrell. Not accounted for on muster-out roll. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. 139 ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS CHILDERS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM MOUNTJOY. Names. T, u Date and Place of ^''^- Muster. Mustered Out. Remarks. William Mountjoy. - Captain. . . Amnist 20 1813 Thciias Childers. . Lieutenant . . .1 It November 5, 1813 . , Promoted to Captain. .IiiliTi Mduntjoy . . Ensign . . . 11 11 Prom, ted to IJi-utenant. William Little. 1st Sergeant . 11 1 . Promoted to Ensign. Joseph Brand . . . 2d Sergeant . 11 1 1 James Henry . . . 3d Sergeant . 1 1 Goldsby ChiUiers . 4th Sergeant . 11 1 1 William Ellis . . . 1st Corporal . 11 11 Robert A. Taylor . 2d Corporal . " . • ' Henry Ellis. . . . 3d Corporal . 11 11 Steven Ellis .... 4th Corporal . 1 ' ' ' ' 11 11 Abbott, Fielding . Private . . . ■ 1 11 Arnold, James 11 1 . 11 11 11 Asby, Coleman . . ' ' AuKu.st 28, 1813 . . . 11 Ashbrook, Levy. . ' ' August 29, 1813 . . . 11 11 Ashcraft, Amos . . • ' • 1 Asheraft, Ichabod . .1 11 11 11 Ashcraft, James . . 1(11 Beard, Hugh . Belew, Richartl . . ' ' August 25, 1813 . . . September Ifi, 1813 . . Boner, Charles . . August 26, 1818 . . . 1 . I 1 Nut accounted I'or on muster-out rolls. Brand, Thomas . . 11 ■ i . ,1 11 11 Burns, Samuel. .1 11.. • I 11 Buskirk, Lawrence. 11 1 1 1 . 11 11 Calvert, Charles B. ' ' [ ' ' " 1 1 .1 Promoted to First Sergeant. Campbell, Matthew • 1 1 11 1 1 11 .1 Childers, James . . 1 ■ 11 .1 11 I . Childers, Joseph. . August 2!), 1813 . . . November 5, 181;! . . Clark, Jeremiah . . 11 11 11 1 1 Colvin, B. Charles . ' 1 11 1 1 11 1 . Not accounted for on muster-out rolls. Colvin, Burket . . • 1 • 1 11 11 Colvin, Henry. . . ' 1 1 1 11 11 .1 Crook, Robert. . . 11 11 11 11 Duncan, Fielding . 1 1 11 1 1 October 29, 1813 . . • Sick at Delaware, and died October 29 1813. Ellis, John .... 1 ' 11 November ■'), 1813 . . Ellis, Laban. . . . 1 1 11 11 11 1 . Ford, Thomas . ' 1 11 1 1 11 11 Forsythe, William . • 1 11 11 11 11 Grigg, William . . Augu.st 2.'), 1813 . October 9, 1813. . . . Hart, Thomas. . . ' 1 August 2'J, 1813 November 5. 1813 . Hitch, John. . . . Johns, Jacob . . . 1 . 11 1 . 1 Jones, William . . Kennedy, Jesse ' ' 1 ' ' ' ■ Kennedy, John . . 11 11 I Not accounted lor on muster-out roll. Lawles, Lewis W. . 11 11 Lockwood, Isaac H. • 1 11 1 1 1 Luckett, "William . 1 1 11 11 Mann, Richard . . 1 1 August 25, 1813 . September 10, 1813. McClanahan, John. ' ' Augu.st 29, 1813 . . . November 5, 1813 . . Minor, James . . . 1 1 1 . 1 ( Monroe, John. . . 1 1 V " Moore, James . . . . I Moore, William . . • ' 1 1 Morris, James . . . 1 1 Morris, Richard . . 1 1 11 11 Nichols, Simon . . 1 1 Norton, David . . • 1 11 11 Norton, Henry . . ' 1 Norton, William . 1 1 11 11 Porter, Edward W. 1 1 .1 11 Rush, Gabriel . . . 1 1 11 1 . Rush, Garland . . . 1 1 Shoemaker, Laky . 11 Southard, John . . ' 1 Thompson, John . ' ' 11 11 Williams, Elijah. . ' ' 11 < > 140 SOLtilEliS OF I'HE WAR OF 1812. UOLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM HUCHISON, JR.'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOL- UNTEER MILITIA— C0MMANDP:T) BY COLONEL WILLIAM MOUNTJOY. William Huchison, Jr.. John Current William Thornton. . . Columbus Ea.stin . . . Joseph Kenilrick . . . Achilles Ohinn .... Nathaniel Fisher ... Joseph G. Chinn . . . James Morin Lewis Kendriek. . . . Joseph Ellis Armstronir, William. . • Ayros, Daniel Belt, Asa Brown, Samuel D.. . . Buckhannon, Andrew . Cave, Ripha'd Chowning, William . . Claj'pole, Jacob . . . . Conn, John Conn, Thomas Conn, William . . . . Corbin, James Cotton, John E Dinwiddle, John . . . Eastin, Zachariah . . . Ellis, John Ellis, William Field, John Flournoy, Notley . . . Fry, Jacob Garrard, Alexander B.. Garrard, John M. . . . (iarrard, Stephen . . . Graham, John Henderson, Samuel . . Hildreth, John . . . . Hill, Abraham . . . . Hill, Ezekiel . . . . . Hutchison, William . Jones, Marshal . . . . Iviplinger, Philip . . , Kirtlcy. James . . . Kizer, John London, Thomas . . McClintock, Joseph . McGuffy, Joseph . . Neal, Charles .... Nesbit, Joseph . . Nichals, Erasmus . . Odor, Joseph .... Ogle, David Palmer, Thonuis. . . Parrish, Ezekicl. . . Patton, William. . . Peyton, Valentine. . Rannels, William . . Robinson, Andrew. . Searight, George . . Scaright, Isaac . . . Smith, Jo.seph. . . . Smith, Nicholas . . . Smith, Peter .... Smock, Jeremiab . . Summer, Daniel. . . • Talbott. Daniel . . . Todd, Davis Tomlinsnn, Isaac . . Tucker, Edward. . . Tucker, John .... Tucker, Thomas L. . Vallandingbam, Merit Ware, (ieorge. . . . Wheeler, William. . Wigginton, Peter . . Williams, George . . Williams, Stephen. . Yates, Middleton . . Ciiptain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . Sd Sergeant 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . ■2d Corporal 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal Private . . Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. 31,1813 November 8,1813 Mustered Out. Remarks. Mustered out as private. Promoted Q. M. 4th Regiment, 2'.ith September. Not acciiuntcd for on muster-out rolls. Not accounted for on muster-out rolls. Not accounted for on muster-out rolls. Not accounted for on muster-out rolls. Not accounted for on muster-out rolls. Not accounted for on muster-out roll. Not accounted for on muster-out roll. Promoted to 4th Corporal. Not accounted for on muster-out rolls. Not accounted for on muster-out roll. Not accounted for on mustei'-out roll. Discharged at Urbana and sent home. Not accounted for on muster-out rilll. Not accounted for on muster-out roll. Not accounted for on muster-out roll. Not accounted for on muster-out roll. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 141 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SQUIRE GRANT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM MOUNTJOY. Squire Grant William Dickerson. . . Lowden Carl . . Henry E. Spillman . . Elijah Herndon Charles Daniels . . . William Posey . . . . Thomas Organ . . . . Thomas P. Leathers.. Anderson, Cornelius W Arnold, Benjamin J.. ( Baker, Thomas ... Bowles, Swansey. • ■ Brent, Ellison . ". . . Coleman, Thomas B.. Daniel, Garret. . . . Daniel, Travers . . . Foster, John Gosne3% Peter . . . Gosney, Robert . . . Grant, Israel Boone . Harwood, George . . Helms, Joseph .... Kennedy, Thomas . . Kenney, James . . . Kyle, Thomas. . . . Leathers, John . . . Mann, Elijah .... Marshal, John .... Palmer, Thomas. . . Palmer, William. . . Peck, Peter Rice, William .... Rusk, John Rust, James ..... Sapp, John Thomas, Thomas . . Vickers, James . . . White, John .... White, Joseph. . . . Winston, Joseph. . . Captain . . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal id Corporal Private . . Date and Place of Muster. Mustered Out. Newport, Aug. 30, 1813 Novembers, 1813. . September 9, 1813 . September 10, 1813 . Novembers, 1S13 . September 1, 1813 . . November 8, 1813 . . September 1, 1813 .. . Novembers, 1813 . . September 10, 1813 . November 8, 1813 . Died November 1, 1813. Resigned September 9, 1813. Discharged September 10 1813. Accounted for as private. Left sick, and died Novemlier ■'), 18l3. Discharged at Newport tor want of a horse. Left at Newport. Di.s»harged at Fort Manny September 10, 1813. Deserted September 21, 1813. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS RAVENSCRAFT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM MOUNTJOY. ■ Thomas Ravenscraft . Samuel Hinkson. . David Wilson . . . Samuel Snodgrass . John English . . . Michael Woolerj' . Hugh Brown . . . William W^ilson. . Znchariah Randle . John Humble . . . Thonjas Ravenscraft Richard Hall . . . John Conn . . Adams, Isaac . . . Adams, John . . . Barnes, John . . . Bean, James . . Bean, John .... Berry, John. . . . Boyd, Andrew . . Burns, Garret . . . Burns, John . . . Burns, Thomas . . Casey, Archibald . Conner, Samuel . . Conover, Joseph. . Creeehlow, John A. Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant Ensign . . . Sergeant . . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Sergeant Major Private . . . . Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 , 1813 . . Mustered out as private. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. U2 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OE 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS RAVENSCRAFT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— Continued. Curry, James . . . Curry, William . . Cuslnrd, George. . Debuler, James C. . Dial, AJoxamier . . l),.l.(Mispocke, .lohii Driiiiimond, John . Ealoii, Morgan Fisliba «h»t time Engaged 0* Enli.sted. August 2y, l.si:^ No\"omher if, r.113 Promoted to Captain. Pronu)ted to Lieutenant. Promoted to Ensign. Promoted to First SeKgeant. Not accounted ftir. Not accounted for. Nut accounted for. 150 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN PALKNEH'S COMPANY, KEN t'UCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Wioldon, .James . Williams, Henry Williams, Osias . Wooley, John. . Privato Date of Muster. August 2.5, 181?. . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Novcml>er H, IKl;! ROLL OP CAPTAIN MICHAEL DAVIDSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL RICHARD DAVENPORT. Michael Davidson . John Bright. . . . Samuel Engleman . Thomas Owsley . Gabriel Hughes . Lott Hackley . . Samuel Davidson Joseph Killison . Henry Owsley. . William Craig . Amos Ellison . . James Cook . . . Alford, Harrison. Bailey, Carroll . Bast, Petor . . . Bentley, Ephraim Berry, Enoch . . Bingerman. Henry Bixler, Samuel , Bolton, John . . -Clark, David . . Collins, William. Colyer, .James . . Comer, William . Craig, .James . . Crum, William . Edwards, .Tames . Feland, William. Fleese, William . Flowers, James . Haines, James. . Harland, Jeremiah Hicks, Reuben . . Hughes, William Jetl, Stephen . . Lamb, James Lion, Charles P.. Logan, Benjamin Logan, James . . Masterson, William McKutchen, Samuel Mobley, Simeon . . Moore, Alexander . Morehead, Aaron Overlease, Jacob . Owsley, Zachariah Parks, Samuel. . Pence, John. . . Piner, John. . . Buffner, Emanuel Runalds, Joseph . Larton, Joel . . . Smith, Klias. . . Stines, Jacob . . Sutton, Rowland. Sutton. William . Terrell, Itobert . Terrell, Thomas.. Warner, .John . . Whitosides, David Whitesides, James Woodall, Cosby.. Yoager, John . Captain . Ijieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . :id Sergeant . 4th Sergeant .5th Sergeant. 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . August i November 8, 181S Not accounted for. Died October 22d. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. Heturued from SpringllcUl on permit Sept. 0th. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 151 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ABRAM MILLER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL RICHARD DAVENPORT. Al)ram Miller Alexander Givens . . . Joseph H. Woolfolk . . Gabriel Lackey .... Alexander Gay .... George Carter John Tinsley Allen Logan Thomas Briggs .... Samuel Murrell .... John K. Johnson . . ISailey, Ralph Barnet. William .... Bentlej", James .... Blakey, Reuben . . Carpenter, George . . . Carter, Britton .... Carter, Larkin .... Cumberland, Jiles . . . Cooper, James Craig, John Dawson, Elijah .... Dodds, James Downey, James .... Elder, James Ely, Winson Fielding, John .... Fisher, Matthew. . . . Gilbert, John C - Givens, Alexander. . . - (livens, William. . . Helm, Charles Helm, Willis Huston, .lames . . . . Huston, Tluiles . . . . Johnson, William B.. . .Jones, David King, Thomas McAllister, John . . . McBride, David . . . . MeCormack, John S. . . McCormack, William . Miller, George S. . . . Murril, George . . . . Patton, .James Patton, William. . . . Pemberton, William. . Reed, John Reynolds, Benjamin . . Sampson, William . . . Shackleford, Bennet C ■ Shelby, Evan Skidmore, James . . . Slaughter, Matthew . Spears, Jacob . . . Sutherland, William. . IXpthegrove, Joseph . . Vance, John . . . " Warren, Samuel. . . ■ Warren, William . . . Wilhight, Joel . . . . Wright, Joel Wright, .Jonathan . . . Rank. Captain . . . l.st Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal. Private . . . Date of Muster. August 2.5, 1H13 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November 8, 181:! Died at Seneca. Died December .Oth. 152 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD BILBO'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL RICHARD DAVENPORT. Kichiird Davenport . . Archibald Hilbo. . . . Silas Harlan iTlionias P. Moore . . . Elijah Harlen Saiiuiel McDowell . . . Michael G. Yousc . . . Th..nui,> Chiles .... Thompson Gaines . . . .John Glover John Green Robert Moseby .... William Minor .... John Harlan . ... Robert Tilford .... George D. Roesny . . . Baber, Joseph . . . Banton, David W.. . . Board, William .... Boddy, Thomas .... Boiling, Dred Brown, Nathaniel . . . ^Chiles, John ^Clark, William .... Cole, Harlan Colter, Thomas . . Corloy, Thomas . . . . Covert, Garret .... Covert, Simon .... Co/.ine, Cornelius . Grain, Cary A Crawford, John .... Crutchtield, Benj. F. . . Daugherty, Samuel . . Davis, Edward . . . . Davis, John Debon, Abraham . . . DePaw, Charles . . . . Downing, Samuel . . . Duncan, Howsen . . . Duncan, William . . . Farrow, Daniel . . . . Gaines, Thompson . . . Gordon, Robert T. . . . Grimsley, William W. . Harbert, William . . . Hardenbrook, Cornelius Harlan, Eli Harnian, Jacob . . . . Howell, Squire D. . . . Hughes. John Humble, Noah M. . . . Irvine, David Irvine, William D. . . Jeffries, Taliafarro. . . .Johnson, Garret . . . Johnson, Samuel M. . . .Jones, Robert Keele, Solomon . . . . Kile, John King, John Klinesrnith, Edward. . Knox, William . . . . Lester, Klias ... Lewis, Robert W. . . . Manners, James. . . . Martin, Charles W. . McGraw, William. . ,. Miller, William . . . . Mitchell, James P.. Moore, Charles . . . "Patterson, G(K)rge . . . Pritchett, Abraham . . ^Richardson, David . . 'Richardson, Landie . . Robards, Thoraa.s . . . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant "id Lieutenant :)d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 5th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 'id Corporal . 8d Corporal . 4th Corporal . •')th Corporal . lith Corporal , Private . . . Date of Muster. August 25, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Novembers, 1813 . Promoted to Captain Promoted to 1st Lieutenant. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. Not a'counted for. Promoted to Sd Sergeant. Died October 28, 181:!. Mu.=tered out as 1st Corporal. Not accounted for. Mustered out as 5th Sergeant. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. Promoted to 3d Corporal. ilustiTcd out as .'ith Corporal. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 15o ROLL OF CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD BILBO'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rbmakks. Rochester, Robert . . . Private August 2.5, 1813 . . . No\ ember 8, 1813 . . Not accounted for. Ryan, David . . Shye, John . . . Shye, William . Smith, Harvey A. Mustered out as 4th Corporal. Smith, James Mustered out as 2d Corporal. Smock, John B. . Smock, Simon . Tadlock, John H. Taylor, Samuel . Taylor, John . . Thomas, Joseph . Thomas, William I . I < j . Mustered out as nth Corporal. Toomy, John . . -Vandivere, James ' ' -Vandivere, John Not accounted for. VanNice, John . Weaver, Davis . Wilkinson. Merideth (i. Williams, Me.shach Wilson, David . . Yerser, George . Roll of Field and Staff of Taiil's Regiment, Kentucky Volunteei's, of the War of 1812, and Notes on Organization and Record of Ser- vice, raised in pursuance of the address of 31st of July, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at ]^ew- port, Kentucky, August 31st, 1813 — Commanded by Colonel Michael Taul. Michael Taul . . Samuel Wilson . Jhomas Laughlin Henry E. Green. Henry E. Innes . Willson Bowman William Scott. . Jonathan Smith . James, Donely . Edward Dever . Colonel . 1st Major 2d Major Surgeon . S. Mate . Adjutant Quartermaster Paymaster . Sergeant Major. Qr. M. Sergeant August 31, 1813 November 12, 1813 20 154 SOLUiEKS OF THE WAR OF 18 1 'J. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT WILLIAM STEPHENS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL MICHAEL TAUL Miciili Taul . . . William Stci>hens BiullioloiiH'w Hayae: Thnnias Miller . . Aiulri;w Evans . . Alexander Davis . Silas Shepherd . . John Heavens. . . David Worsham . John Anderson . . Dempsey Whitney - Ayres, Bailey . . . Bailey, Thomas Bond, Isaac. . . . Bond, William . . Bookout, Benjamin Bramhlet, Nathaniel Coffee, Sail .... Cooper, James. . . Cotton, James. . . Cox, John .... Davis, Drury . . . Devers, Edmund . Dodson, Robert . . Duncan, George . . Duncan, William . Dunwiddie, William Elain, Edmund . . El rod, Harmon . . Elrod, Jeremiah. . Gholson, Benjamin Gholson, Samuel. . Goodrich, John . . Hadden, James . . Hadon, Richard M Hawkers, John . . Hickenbotham, Moses Hix, John .... Hudgers, Joseph . Hunter, James . . Hutcherson, John . Huteherson, Robert Jackson, James . . Jackson, John. . . Jones, Alban . . . Jones, James . . Larcher, Joseph . . Lefever, David . . Long, John. . . . Martin, Job. . . . Martin, John . . . McGee, Robert . . McHenry, John . McHenry, William Mercer, Nathaniel. Mills, faleb. . . . Montgomery, John Moore, Clark ... . Mullens, Charles. . ■ Newel le, John M. . Perryfield, Henry . Sanders. John . . . Sett, William . . Shepherd, Isaac . . Shrewsberry, John Sinclair, Joseph . . Sloan, William . . Stacey, I'eter . . . Steel, Christian . . Sutton, William . Walker, Gideon . . Walker. James . . West, Joshua . . . Woods, Archibald . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . od Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . ■2d Corporal . 3d Corporal 4th Corporal. Private . . . Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. 31,1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Substitute for John L. Debrell, and absent. Substitute for Nichola.>^ Mercer. Absent. Substitute for Smith Montgomery. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 155 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL WILSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL MICHAEL TAUL. Names. Samuel Wilson . . . James Gholson . . . Samuel Stockton. Philip Alexander William Walthall Kenian McMullin Moses J. Lincoln William King. . Aquilla Hall . . Thomas Hickland Samuel Brown . Alexander, (ireenwood Anderson, Mathew Anderson. William Awtry, John . . Bailey, William . Baker, Obediah . Best, James . . . Blakey, Thomas . Bland, Warren . Bland, William . Bowles, Thomas . Bowman, Wilson Bridges, William Brothers, Thomas Brummell, Barnet Brummell, John . Carter, James . . Carter, Thomas . Chandler, Seady. Chrisman, Elijah Chrisman, Joseph Cole, James. . . Davis, William . Dicken, Landen . -Donally, James . Enyard, Aimer Foster, Michael . Garman, Jacob . Graves, Joseph . Hill, William . . Howard, Reuben B Jackson, John. . King, John E. . . Lynn, James . . Martin, Jesse . . Maxwell, Nimrod McCord, John. . McMullin, John. Obanion, John . . Owens, Elijah . . Rayburn, Francis Savage, Hamilton Savage, Levin . . Sims, John . . . Smith, Mathew . Taylor, .lames W. Wash, John. . . Williams, John . Wilson, James . Rank. Captain . . Lieutenant . Ensign Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. .30, 1813 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant 1st C 2d C 3d C 4th C Private orporal Virporal . orporal . rporal To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November 13, 1813 Absent sick at time of mustering out of service at Limestone, near Chilicothe, Nov. 5. Promoted to Captain. Promoted to Lieutenancy at Springfield where the army was organized, having previously been an Ensign in the Company. Promoted to Ensign at Springfield. Left on road — accounted for as private. Not accounted for. Mustered out as private. Promoted to 2d Corporal. Mustered out as private. Promoted to 4th Corporal. Left with sick by order. Not accounted for. Died at Limestone. Left sick at Franklinton, Ohio. Left sick at Chilicothe, Ohio. Left sick at Franklinton, Ohio. Promoted to Corporal. Not accounted for. Promoted to Sergeant. Promoted to Sergeant. Not accounted for. Left with sick near Franklinton. Left with sick by order. Left sick near Blue Lick. 156 MOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN WILLIAM WOOD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY COLONEL MICHAEL TAUL. William Wood . Arthur Progg. . . KdwHrd Becl<.. . . William H. Talbott Jonathan Smith.. . Samiiol Scott . . . Solomon Long. . . James Lackey, . . Joseph Bradon . . Charles Silvers . . James Brents . ! Appleby, Robert, Blanken.ship, David Ualhoiin, John . . Campbell, William. Clayton, Beverly W Goflee, Joseph. . . Conner, James . . Conner, Joseph . . Davis, John .... Ellis, John .... Embree, Moses . . Ferril, Robert . . . Flower, Charles H.. Frogg, William . . Grider, .Joshua . . Grimsley, Caye . Irwin, .John. . . . Irwin, William . . Martin, Joshua Mathews, Lott R. . McDowell, John. . Myers, Daniel L. . Nichols, Edward . . Northcut, John . . Owens, Nicholas . Pointer, Cornelius . Reynolds, Charles . Russell, James. . . Smith, Ilenry . . . Sproul, Alexander . .Sproul, Joseph . . Stockton, Daniel. . Taylor, Jonathan . Thresher, William . Trotter, James . . . Williams, .James . Williams, James J. Williams, John . . Rank. Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . Isl Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal Private . . . Date and Place of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Newport, Aug.31,1813 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL TATE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL MICHAEL TAUL. Samuel Tate . . Robert Gilmore . Jonathan Smith. Samuel Newall . William Hays. . Thomas Gibson . Robert Cowan . . Barns, Adam . . Barrier, Jamos . Beard, Abraham . Beaty, James . . Bell, James . . . Bregis, Edmund . Buster, William. Clarke, Elisha. . Cooper, Acey . . Cowan, Isaac . . Cox, Allen . . . Cundiff, Gregory Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant . Private . . . August 23, 1813 November 14, 1813 Deserted tictol.er Hith, Left behind with lame horse. SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. 157 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL TATE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Dale and Place of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Davis, Fields . . . Davison, Henry . . Dishman, John . . Dunham, Alex. . . Private August 23. 1813 ... 1 Nov ember l"! 1813 . . Left behind sick. Garner, Parish . . . Gasper, Achilles. . Gibson, Martin . . Left behind sick. Promoted to Sergeant. Gilniore, William . Hargis, Thomas . . Left behind. Herring, Joshua. Hickman, Lewallin Higgins, .James . . Not accounted fi>r. Hughes, Hiram . . Humphries, David. Hunter, Thomas. . Kelly, Joseph. Lankford, Garrard Left behind. Mathews, William , .May field, Reuben . J[cDonald, Andrew McKinney, James . Mintin, William . Murphy, Bennett . ' '. i !.' ! Owens, John . . Owens, William . . Preston, William . Richardson, Joel. . Richardson, Stephen Ridge, Robertson . Left behind. Scott, Allen. . . . Short, Thomas . . Stagsdill, William . St. John, Noah . . .Sutherford, James . Turley, Standford . Vanhook, Sullivan. White, John . . . ■ Wontland, Thomas Yearns, John . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS LAUGHLIN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL MICHAEL TAUL. ^Thomas Laughlin . George W. Craig . Nathaniel D. Moore Joseph Earlej' . . . Angus Ross .... Lott Pitman . . . George Tye .... Charles, Rachhold . Thomas Scott . . . .lonathan Evans. . Archibald Zachaway sijohn S. Laughlin . Bailey, Thomas . . Baker, Overton . . Barton, John . . . Bayers, Samuel . . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corpora! . 2d Corporal . :!d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 31,1813 158 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OE 1812. ROL OP CAPTAIN THOMAS LAUGHLIN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Blake, Achilles . Hlakc, John . . . Blodson, Joseph . Bodkin, William Boyd, Samuel . . Campbell, William L, Carpenter, Wm. K Caston, John . , Cole, David M. . Craig, Joseph . . Demass, Andrew. Downe}-, George. Early, William . Edwards, William Ellison, Hugh. . Evans, Hugli . . Fergerson, William Fortner, Jonas. . Gentry, Elijah . . Gibson, James. . Hancock, Thomas Holt, Drewry . . > Laughlin, John D McWhirter, Robert Miller, Martin. Newton, Amos Nicholson, Leonard Offutt, William . Pemberton, John Poange, John . . Raper, Jesse. . . Raper, Lewis . . Richards, John . Rass, John . . . Rass, Samuel . . Sams, James . . Scruggs, John. . Smith^ Joseph. . Stewart, James . Stewart, .John. . Sullivan, Charles Swift, Elias . . . Tirpin, Obediah . Tramhall, Denioss ■■■Truraan, William Tye, Joshua. . . White, Hondrick White, John . . Williams, Thomas . Wright, John . . . Rank. Date and Place of To what time Engaged Muster. or Enlisted. Private Newport, Aug..".!, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF IS 12. 159 Roll of Field and Staff, Calloway's Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers, of the War of 1812, and l^otcs on Organization and Record of service, raised in pursuance of the address of 31st of July, 1818, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at Newport, Kentucky, August 3 1st, 1813 — Commanded by Colonel John Calloway. John Calloway . . John Arnold . . . Philip White . . . Benjamin Bridges . Benjamin Bridges . Joshua Norwell . . Rohert D. Dawson. James M. Baxley . Moses Kirkpatrick. Gabriel Field . . . Colonel Major . . Quartermaster . . Paymaster .... Adjutant . . . . Surgeon Surgeon's Mate. . ■2d Surgeon's Mate S. Major Date and Place of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES HITE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN CALLOWAY. James Hite . . . Isaac Clark . . William Cooper . Richard Mills . . Charles Duncan . Francis W. Davis Jeremy Snyder . William Cummini James Moore . . Lewis Miller . . Applegate, Tunis Batman, Thomas Cardell, George . Carrel, Samuel . Chadburn, Joseph Chambers, George M Collins, Rezin B. . Crow, William . Earickson, William Elzie, Elzie .... Fields, Gabriel. . . Gatewood, .lames . Hall, James M. . . Henry, Stewart Hite, Joseph . . . Horn back, Abram . Humphries, William Lewis, William . . JlcCloy, William . .Merri wether, David H Mucleroy, Henry . Newkirk, .lacob . . Ramsey, Abraham . Ross, Mervin . . . Ross, Robert. . . . Smith, Elirts B. . . Standerferd, Nathan Stephens, .lames . . Vanmeter, Henrj' . Vann, Joseph . . . Walls, Samuel. . . White, Everet. . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant od Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 31,1813 Absent. Newport, Aug 25,1813 November 8, 1813 . . 160 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBINSON GRAHAM'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN CALLOWAY. Kobinson Graham .John Hays . . . .John K. Noland . Benjamin B.Johnston Kilnuind Vaughn . William J. I'hillips BarUL-tt Arnold . . William Owen . . .I,.hii Woods . . . Benjamin Rarsen . William Chnirh. . Burk, Henry . . . Ca.-ihlor, Lewi.*. . . Cook, Seth .... Craig, Joseph . . . Edrington, John . . Graham, William . Hatton, Robert C. . Hieklin, Thomas . Hughes, James M.. Irvin, Paulis E. . . McDowell, John A. Mitchell, Alexander I Pattie, Daniel . . . I'orter, Jeremiah . Settles, Ben net G. . Shannon, .Samuel . "Wayren, Thomas . Chedle, Burch. . . Captain . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d .Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Sept. 1,1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Newport, Aug. 28, 1813 November 5, 1813 i^KMAKKS. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PHILIP SHIRELY*'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN CALLOWAY. Philip Shirely. . William Shirely. . . William C. McKenney Joshua Gore . . . Willis Ballard. . . John H. Ferry . . Timothy , 1813 164 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. Roll of Field and Staff, SimralPs Regiment, Kentncky Volunteers, of the War of 1812, and Notes on Organization and Record of service, raised in pursuance of the address of 31st of July, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at Newport, Kentucky, August 31st, 1813 — Commanded by Lieu- tenant-Colonel James Simrall. Names, Jnmes Simrall. . . Thomas Johnston . Benjamin Loa;an . William E. Young Fielding Winloclc . George Gay. . . . Robert Thruston . John Moore. . . . Benjamin F. Dupuy Nathaniel W. Pope Pierson Willis . . Fielding Winlock . Rank. Lieutenant-Col Major .... Major .... Lieut. A; Adjutan Lt. & q. M. . . Lieutenant. . . Surgeon .... S. Mate . . . Sergeant Major. Quarterma.ster Ser. Forage Master . Paymaster . . . Date and Place of Muster. August 2"), 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November 9, 1813 Died at Upper Sandusk}- Nov. 1'2, IS]:! ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HALL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JAMES SIMRALL. John Hall . . Isaac Watkins . . John Myle.i, Jr . . Alexander Ferguson Benjamin F. Dupuy Micajah W. Sharpe James Myles . . William Cardwell . Jacob Cardwell . . John Crawford . . Christopher G. Simp; John L. Simpson . Boiee, William . . Booker, Edward M. Boone, Samuel . . Booth, Thomas . . Bosley, James. . . Bowling, John . . Brookie, William . Butter, Moses. . . Carr, John .... Chew, Samuel . . . Conley, Thomas. . Crenshaw, James . Dougherty, Joseph, Ferguson, John . . Fore, Peter (i.. . . Greathouse, William Gueny, George . . Hannah, William . Helm, Joseph. . . Jackson, John. . . John.son, Thomas . Kay, James. . . . McClelland, John . McFadden, James . Miller, Nicholas. . Millis, William . . Mitchell, Samuel H. Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 165 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN HALL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Moore, John .... Mylcs, Richard . . Nash, Marvel .\I. . . Ogden, Masterson . . Peay, Turner ... Perrv, Willis .... Pulley, John .... Robbins, William . . Roysden, Jesse F. . . Ryon, Robert .... Saw}-ers, James . . . Sawyers, Sampson . Sellrey, Solomon . . Short, Peter Smith, Samuel . . . Stillwell, Isaiah . . . Swearingen, Hornson Thursby, .lames . . Thurston, Robert . . Tilford, Jeremiah . . Todd, Robert .... Turnstall, Thomas. . Wavland, Abram . . Weils, William . . . White, Andrew . . . White, Robert . . . Wilcox, George, Sr. . Wilcox, George, Jr. . Willis, Pierson . . . Wood, Harvey . . . Wood, John .... Woodfork, James . . Workman, William . Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. .SI, 1813 To what time Engaged ! or Enlisted. 1 Rkmarks The subjoined names are not on original rolls, Imt arc taken from recent transcripts furnished by W'ar Department. Gray, George i Private Lock, John D ' ' Penn, Shadrach .... ' ' Pendleton, James T.. . ' ' Newport, Aug. 2."),181.3 November 8, 1813 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WARNER ELLMORE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JAMES SIMRALL. Warner EUmore. . . . Richard Patterson . . . Thomas M. Emmerson. Benjamin F. Cook . . . Andrew H. Brownlee . Coalman C. Spiller. . . Barret White Gabriel N. Buckner . . Colely Cowherd .... John Durham James Harris Adams, William. . . . Allen, James J Barbee, John Barret, Robert Bass, John Blakeman, James . . . Blakeman, John. . . . Brownlee, Alexander. . Brownlee, William . . Buckner, Aylett. . . . Buckner, James B.. . . Buckner, John Cabmess, John M. . . . Caldwell, Andrew . . . Canada, Elijah . . . . Chisteen, John L. . . . Churning, Hardin . . . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . • 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 30, 1813 No muster-out rolls of this companj-. 166 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WARNER ELLMORE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Clark, Keuben . . . Comptoii, Willinm. Cook, WilliaiM B. . Cowhord, Yelverton Doavon, Richard . Edriiigton, Robert . Embry, Samuel P. . Farris, John. . . . Fisher, John. . . . Forbes. Yates . . . Greer, Solomon . . Hood, Robert . . . Jarvis, Edward . . Johnson, Isaiah . . Jones, Robert . . . Landers, Jacob Lee, William . . . Lemmons, John . . Lemmons, Riidio. . Lewis, Henderson. Marshal, Samuel . Martin, Peter . . . McUaniel, Edward. Minor, Johr . . . Pepper, Daniel . . Phillips, John. . . Pierce, Thomas Price, John .... Price, Reuben . . . Rhear, Arche . . . Rhear, William . . Richardson, Thomas Roger, John .... Shenault, John-. . Sliort, Horatio. . . Short, William . . Sprouls, Elleck . . Stovall, William. Vaughan, John . . Vaughan, Willinm . Whelor, Ceburn . . Willan, Thomas . Williams, Joel. . . Wilson, Isaac . . . Rank. Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. 30, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. No muster-out rolls of this company. ROLL OP CAPTAIN PRESLEY C. SMITH'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JAMES SIMRALL. Presley C. Smith . Martin Harding. . John Hardin . . . James Watkins . . Owen I). Thomas . Hardin Thomas . . Jo.seph Mattingly . Rennet Mattingly . Elias Russell James Mattingly . Jo.seph Brown. . . Balcy, Thomas . . Bri>tlu!r, Saiiuiol. . Brown, Benjamin . Carrico, Benedict . Casey, John . . . . Chamberlain, Liles. Cotter, Charles . . Crof grove, Charles. Daley, John. . . . Dinking, Thomas . Edlin, Benjamin. . Flanagan, James . Gates, Elisha . . . Captam . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Seigeant . 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal , Private . . . August 24, 181;- Sick— discharged. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 167 ROLL OF CAPTAIN PRESLEY C. SMITH'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Goudy, Samuel . . . Green, Leonard . . . Hamilton, Edward. . Horbin, Jeremiah . . Hardin, Olho .... Jarbor, William S. . . Leigh, Henry .... Lyons, Charles W.. . Michaels, George . . Miidd, Henderson . . Newton, James . . . Phillips, Philip . . . Powell, Charles . . . liuiggins, John . . . CJuiggins, Joseph . . •^Richardson, Benjamin Riggs, Abraham. . . Riggs, James . . . Smith, Thomas . . . Summers, John S. . . Watrkins, Joseph. . . Wheatley, James . . Yates, John Private Date and Place of Muster. August 24, 1818 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November S, 181:'. . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES S. WHITTAKER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL JAMES SIMRALL. James S. Whittaker Joseph W. Knight James L. Holmes . John Whittaker. . William Dugan . . .Joshua Rutlidge. . Thomas Wright. . John G. Anderson. James Figg, Jr. . . Woodson Easley . Sloiias Hansborough Robert Anderson . Allen, John M. . . Allen, William . . Anderson, William Brewer, George W. Burnett, Henry . . Christian, Martin S. Collett, Aaron . . Collier, John . . . Daniel, George . Edwards, Leroy . . Farmer, Elias . . . Pigg, William . . Gee, James .... Gee, William . . . Graves, David. . . Graves, Samuel . . (iresham, Henry. . Harris, Jonah . . . Hastings, William. Hollis, John P . . Holt, Thomas B.. . .lacobs, James. . . Jacobs, Samuel . . Jones, John W. . . Legg, George . . . McClelland, Joseph n, James Arlman, John. . Barnes, James. . Brown, "William.. Burtlc, Joseph . Camphell, Allen. Cleaver, William Downs, William. Kerry, Mosos . . Keller, Frederick Love, James . . AIcLure, .John. . Miller, Michael . Oldham, Daniel D Oldham, John. . Porter. John . . Prunty, Robert . Piirtle, I'riah.. . Pihoadcs, Samuel Saltsinan, (jeorge Sconce, John . . .Sutton, John . . Vanmeter, Natban Williams, John . Wiley, James . . Subjoined name furnished by War Department. Blain, William .... I ■ ' - I August 20, 1813 November 13, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 173 ROLL OF LIEUTENANT DANIEL WILSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL PHILIP BARBOUR. Philip Barbour . . . , Daiiiol Wilson ... Ncvil Liiulsey. . . Andrew Hurk Thomas A. (Irillin . . Barbour, James T.. Bentlej-, William . . Bradshaw, Jonathan . Cheatham, Baxter D. Clay, Thomas .... Dixon, Robert Fryley, Martin . . . . Fuqviay. Benjamin . . Gnatkins, HoratioD. Hart, David Johns, Thomas . . . Jones, Adam Lambert, Evan . . . , Lambert, William. Mayes, Branch V. . McClain, 4Jidre\v W. Pollard, Thomas. . . Kichard.son, Steven A. Scott, Charles ... Scott. iJohn Tate, John . . . Walder, William . . Wilson, George . . . Date and Place of Muster. To what time En or Enlisted. wport, Aug. 31, 1813 ! ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM WHITSETT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY" MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL PHILIP BARBOUR. William Whitsett . . . Captain . ... Newpor Robert P. B. Caldwell . 1st Lieutenant . . « ' William S. Loflnnd . '2d Lieutenant . . • ' James McDonald Ensign ' ' Solomon Hunter. . . . 1st Sergeant . . . • ' John B. Curd 2(1 .Sergeant . . ' ' Ezekiol Smith 3d Sergeant . . . John Williams .... 4th Sergeant . . . ' ' John Coner 1st Corporal . . . ' ' Lewis Parker 2(1 Corporal . . . • ' .lolm Thomas 3d Corporal . . ' ' Uiraiu Jameson ... 4th Corporal. . . ' ' Barnett, James .... Private ' ■ Barnett, John < ' ' ' Barnatt, Jlorgan . . . " ' ' Bibb, John B ' ' ' ' Bigger, John H. . . . '• " Bishop, James • ' ' • Caldwell, Samuel . . . ' ' ' ' Call, Jacob . ( I ' < Cason, Denis B ' 1 < ' Cooksy, Theophilus . . ' ' " Copland, Lewis W. . . ' ' ' ' Crittenden, Robert. . . ■ • ■ ' Dawson, Robert .... 1 ' Davenport, Richard . . • 1 ■ ' Dougan, Jeremiah. . . V * * •• Duevatl, Luciu.^i . . . ' < Dunsconib, Samuel . . i< " Ewing, John L 1 " < 1 Fitzhugh, John . . . . < > trillelaiul, John . . . 1 ' ' ' ' Glascow, Samuel . . . 1 ' < • Glisson, Thomas. . . . 1 ' ' 1 ' Green, George ' ' ' ' Griggs, John • ' ' ' Ham, Joshua ' • ' 1 Harrison, Barkloy . . . ' ' ' ' Herndon, James, . " ' ' ' Hester, Middleton . . . " " U 1813 , 1 ' , , 1 \ , , , , , 1 , , 1 Sick— furloughed, and left at Delaware. . 1 , , , , , , ^ , , , 1 Furlougk given. 174 SOLDIEES OP THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM WHITSETT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA—Continued. Names. Rank. Date and Place Muster. of To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmarks. Hickman, George . . . Private Newport, Aug. 31 181:! Kenerly, John W.. Kerr, David. . . . King, John B. . . Kirch»v"i, T..u„m>, McFall, John . . . Mcintosh, John . . i\lcInto.sh, Samuel . ''] Neeley, Charles . . Promoted to 4th Corporal. Ogden, Thomas . . I'atten. John . . . Patterson, Robert . PosCY, I-ane W.. . Raghdiile, Frederick Saterfield, Archibald Slaughter, Philip Sprigs, (lilbert Stephens, John . . ■ Suranor, Landy Taylor, Jame.« W.. . Triniljlc, John . . Was left to take care of Mr. Copeland. Walker, David West. Leonard . . Names subjoined not on original roll, but furnished bj' War Department. Lee, Thomas . . . Duncan, James M. Thomas, John. . . August 17, 1813 November 10, 1813 . . ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOSEPH McCLOSKEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL PHILIP BARBOUR. Joseph McCloskey. Captain Lieutenant . . . 2d Lieutenant . . Ensign 1st Sergeant . . . 2d Sereiant . . . Newport,Sept. 1,1813 :: :: John Wooton . . . John Huston . . . John Robinson . . John Milroy . . . Samuel Pitman . . Samuel Watson . 3d Sergeant . . . Thomas Heady • • 4th Sergeant. . . .lohn Brown . l.st Corporal . Stephen .May • . 2d Corporal . . . 3d Corporal . . . 4th Corporal . . . ; Private .Samuel Howard Samuel Brown . . Asb, Benjamin . . Ash, George . . . Baldwin, James . . Batman, William . 1 1 Bell, John ... ,, Bennett, Samuel. . Boley, Nicholas . . . i ' ' Brown, James H. . -Clarke, Thonins . . Combs, Amos . . . Cook, William . . Cotton, Edward . . 1 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 175 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH McCLOSKEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Davis, Joseph W. . Doddson, Wesley . Edwards, Travis . . Flick, John .... Glass. James . . . Graham, John V. . Guthrie, John. . . Harnian, Thomas . llcady, Squire. Herfald, .Tamos . . Herrington, Jeremia Hilton, William. . Hunloy, Sherwood . Kendle, James . . King, Willis . . . Lowber, Peter. . . Lusher, Jacob. . . May, Anderson . . McClelland, Robert McMickarn, Charles Mills. Ely .... Mug, Benjamin . . JUug, William. . . Murphy, John . . Kemy, Butler G. . . Roads, Barney. . . Robert, Abner. . . Russell, Samuel . . Selch, Nicholas . . Sherluy, Joshua . . Smiley, William. . Vandwender, James Watson, John. . . VVilcocks, Isaac . . Wilson, John . . . Wilson, William . Wyatt, Luntzeford Private Date and Place of To what time Engaged Muster. or Enlisted. Newport, Sept, 1,1813 Remarkb. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM R. PAYNE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL PHILIP BARBOUR. William R. Payne Richard D. Neale James Maxey . . Hiram Roundtree John Brewer . . William Hendricks William Briggi James Ford Henry Grider . John Boyd . . Shadrick Hays Thomas Edmonson Airy, John ... Ambrose, Jacob . Barclay, Eli. . . Barnes, James. . Barnes, AVilliaro . Birch, Cheadle . Boice, Jesse. . . Howen, Reece . . Bowsman, Samuel Briggs, James T. Brown, William Campbell, James Campbell. Samuel Carter. John . . Chapman, Gi orge Coats, Austin Coffman, Nathan Cole, Andrew H. Cawn, William . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . ■id Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Ci>rporal . :'>d Corporal . 4th Corpnral . Private . . . Newport, Sept. 1, 1813 176 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIIM WILLIAM R. PAYNE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Namks.' Cox, Frederick . Donaldson, Lewis Dunham, Joseph Dunovan, William Fi.sher, Samuel . Grider, John . . Hobson, Jonathan Inglish, AVilliam Johnston, Absalom Jones, Kobcrt P.. Jones, William . Lawrence, Harper Long, I^' irod . Lowry, eat . . Manance, John . Mttxey, James. McNeal, I'leasant Moore, Robert . Mooro, Samuel . Neal, Thomas M. Vatrick, Luke. . Kandall, James . Ransdall, Charles M Kichardson, John liobiu.son, David H. Scott, Lewis Shanks, Henry . Smith, David Smith, William . Snowden, Samuel Snowden, William Stroud, John . . Tindell, Honjamiii Todd, Benjamin. Turner, Edward. Turner, Joel . . Turner, Levi . . Turner, Thomas. ITpton, Elijah . . Vance. John . . Wallace, John . White, Amos . . Wingfield, David Wiiigfield, Jacob AVingfield, Joseph Young, William. . Kank. Private Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Sept. 1, 1813. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmarkh. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT ANDREW WALKER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL PHILIP BARBOUR. Andi'ew Walker. . Baker, Abraham . . Baker. Abram. . . Broon, Isaac . . Clarke, Drury. . . Clarke, Reuben . . Clarke, William. . Craddock, Zerrel . Hamilton, Adams . Hardin, Martin . . I.jllitr, James . . . Jones, David . . . Laswell. William . McKinney, Charles Pierce, Richard . . Ruy, James .... Kennick, Honrv. . Lieutenant . Private . . Newport, Aug. 30, 1813 The above is a part of Captain John Gorin's Company. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 177. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN GORIN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL PHILIP BARBOUR. John Gorin .... Charles Harvey . . Richard Waggoner Joel Franklin . . . Jesse Berry .... Thomas Cooke . . William Goats. . . Barker T. Anderson John Franklin . . Samuel Mattox . . Mahlon Hall . . . Anderson, William Bailey, Jacob . . . Bennett, Gabriel . . Berry, Thompson . Bishop, Gary . . . Bishop, Thomas . . Bush, William . . Brown, Isaac . . . Cosby, Achilles . . Chapman, Daniel . ' Clarke, John . . . Davidson, Elijah. . Davidson, James . Dishman, William. Enbank, Richard . Evans, William . . Fitzgerald, William Fletcher. Geortce W, Faster, Barnetl . . Foster, David . . . Foster, James . . . Franklin, Martin . Goodall, Loddonick Goodwin, James. . Goodwin, John . . Gray, William . . Hailey, Maximillian Hall, Joseph . . . Hampton, Amos. . Hampton, Joshua . Hardy, Thomas . . Humphries, Thomas Jenkins, Richard . Jenkins, William . Kirtley, Abraham . Lowe, Samuel B. . Mattox, Ignatius . Mayfleld, Isaac . . McCuUum, John . McMurry, Samuel. Melton, Isaac . . . Moss, William . . 'Newell, James. . . Perkins, Tarlton. . Pointer, Edmond . Pointer, John . . . Reed, James . . . Robertson, Thomas Robertson, William Roiisey, William . Shelton, David . . Suter, John .... Turpin, Elisha . . Waggoner, Reuben Waters, Jacob. . . Wilkerson, Richard Wilson, Richard. . Melton, Jesse . . . James, David . . . ^Lofwell, William . Penton, John . . . Captain .... Lieutenant. . . Ensign • . . . Orderly Sergeant 2d Sergeant . . 3d Sergeant . . 4th Sergeant . . 1st Corporal . . 2d Corporal . . 3d Corporal . . 4th Corporal . . Private .... Date and Place of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Newport, Aug.29, 1813 Augu.st 20, 1813 November 12, 1813 See Ensign Andrew Walker's Company, that being a part of this Company, and mastered separately. 23 178 HOLDIERS OF THE WAE OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES TYLER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL PHILIP BARBOUR. JnniesTyler . . . .Vliilip TliDinpson . Bfiijiiniiii Newton . Thomas Moseley . John Smith. . . . John Crow .... Ma.son Wood . . . Joseph Garho . . . Walter Crow . . . Jesse Crow .... Adkins, Harrison . Albin, Reuben . . Beal, Hilary . . . Coffee, Philip . Christian, Charles . Condit, Peter . . . Crow, Edward . . Crumley, John . . Diamond, Julian . Dulin, William . . Ford, Warren . . . Files, John .... Frizzle, Beverly. . Garnett, Reuben. Handcock, Samuel. Hamilton, Thomas. Haynes, Daniel . . Hepslev, Amos . . Hill, Henry. . . . Howell, Mason J. . Howard, Will. . . Howard, Ciroves. . Howard, John . . Ingram. James . . Jones, William . . Lindsey, Thomas . Lane, Lewis . . . Madison, James . . Martin, Thomas. . Meekley, Henry. . Milay, William . . Neal, Thomas. . . Roan, John .... Rogers, Lewis. . . Shepherd, William Smith, John J. . . Stevens, Joseph . . Tanner, Thomas. Taylor, William. . Taylor, Joseph . . Turnbo, (ieorge . . Travis, John . . . ^Wall, Banister . . Wayne, Henry L. . Wilcox, Abraham . Bank. Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant '2d Lieutenant. Ensign . Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Corporal Corporal Pri Date of Muster. '^^ what time Engaged or Enlisted. August lit, 1813 November 14, 1813 . . Remarks. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 179 Roll of Field and Staff, Williams' Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers, of the War of 1812, and Notes on Oi'ganization and Record of service, raised in pursuance of the address of 31st of July, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at JN'ewport, Kentucky, August 31st, 1813 — Commanded by Colonel William Williams. William Williams Jeremiah Stroud. Lewis Kincheloe Stephen Taylor . John Bennett . . Archibald Woods Matthew Clarke. James Jones . . Will R. Ashby . Will R. Ashby . Willis Green . . Will C. Barnett. Colonel .... Major Surgeon Surgeon's Mate, Adjutant . . . Paymaster . . . Quartermaster . Qr. M. Sergeant Sergeant Major. Date and Place of Muster. August SI, 1813 October 21, 1813 August 31, 1813 , October 21, 1813 August 31, 1813 To what time En or Enlisted. October 21, 1813 . November 7, 1813 October 21, 1813 . November 7, 1813 ROLL OF CAPTAIN BENJAMIN BAYLES' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER LIGHT DRAGOONS-COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Benjamin Bayles . Winslow Parker. . James A. Paxton . John P. McKay. . Arthur Fo\. . . . William B. Johnston John Samuel . . . James Campbell. . Zebulon L. Hart. . Stephen Lashbrook Christian Shultz. . George G. Chinn . Best, James. . . . Blanchard, John . Brading, James . . Brierly, Samuel . . Brook, Humphrey. Bryant, Lewis . . Bullock, William G Byrara, William. . Cahill, Ellison. . . Chutter, William . Corgell, James . . Cox, Enoch .... Cox, Jonathan . . Dougherty, John . Duke, Thomas M. . Drake, Benjamin . Drake, Ralph . . . Dyson, Thomas . . Edwards, Alexander Ewell, Leroy . . . Glenn, James . . . Corsage, James . . Corsage, William . Hancock, William. Hoge, Nimrod G. . Hudson, Bailey W. Captain .... 1st Lieutenant . 2d Lieutenant . Orderly Sergeant 1st Sergeant . . 2d Sergeant . . 3d Sergeant . . 4th .Sergeant . . 1st Corporal . . 2d Corporal . . 3d Corporal . . 4th Corporal . . Private .... Newport, Aug. 31,1813 Absent with leave. Absent with leave. 180 SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN BENJAMIN BAYLES' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER LIGHT DRAGOONS— Continued. Hursts Harmon . . Liirton, James . . McCurty, Nathaniel AlcCord, William . McClung, Thomas. McGalliaid, Jusepli McKinsey, John . McNary, John . . Means, Amos . . . Moorp, Samuel . . Npwdogate, William Nicholson, Thomas Osborne, Wilson S. Phillips, Daniel . . Pool, Thomas . . . . Ravenscraft, John , Ryan, James . . . Silvers, Joseph . . Smith, David . . . Spurrier, Garrard . Stubblefield, George Taylor, Joseph . . Taylor, Thomas . Tolliver, Benjamin Vandeventer, Peter Vandeventer, Robert. Wallingsford, Samuel Wiley, James . . . Wilson, James . . Wood, Charles . . Wood, David . . . Woolfolk, Thomas Yancy, Thomas . . Payton B. Key . . Abraham Proctor . Glenn, Isaac . . . Wilson, Thomas. . W Private Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. .'11,1818 To what time En, or Enlisted. Ensign . Corporal Private . August 31, 181,'? . . . November 9, 1811! . Remarks. Absent with leavr ROLL OF CAPTAIN SILVANUS MASSIE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. A'OLUNTEER Silvanus Massie . . Andrew Briscoe . . Joseph Black . . . Levi Williams . Adams, William. . liartlott, John. . . Bartlett, Henry . . Bell, William . . . Bennett, Joshua. . Hurgy, Manson . . Campbell, Joseph . Conn, Francis . . . Coruni, Hiram . . Corum, John . . . Dunn, James . . . Durbin, Edwards . Faulkner, Henr}' . Gentry, Nicholas . Gentry, William . Griffith, James . . Gwinn, William. . Hicks, Robert . . . Hicks, William . . Hunt, Dudley . . . Johnson, Vincent . Jvavanaugh, Charles Lamb, James . . . Lamb, Pendleton . Larab, Thomas . . Lowry, William C Martin, David. . . Captain . . Lieutenant, Ensign . . Sergeant. . Private . . Newport, Aug. HI, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. 181 ROLL OP CAPTAIN SILVANUS MASSIE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. McGnire, .Jesse . . . Million, Biirrell . . . Perkins, William . . Powel, Jeremiah. . . Powel, John .... Powel, Obediah . . . Proctor, William . . Kaft'erty, "William . . Reives, Thomas . . . Reynolds, Charles . . Roberts, George . Rummins, Abram . . Shearer. Hiram . . . Stttgner, Jesse .... Stagner, Thomas. . . Todd. Caleb Todd, Jesse Tamblin, Joel. . . . Turner, Enoch . . . Vanbuskirk, John . . Watson, William . . Witt. Elisha . . . . Witt, Littlebery. . . Wood, Samuel . . . Campbell, Jesse . . . Lamb, Samuel. . . . Date and Place of To what time Engaged Muster. or Enlisted. Newport. Au!,'. 31,1813 I August 25, 1813 . . November G, 1813 ROLL OP CAPTAIN LEWIS KINCHELOE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Lewis Kincheloe . . Captain . Charles P. Wing . . Lieutenan John Dobyns . . . . Ensign . Baldwin, Herbert W Private . Brown, Frederick . . ' ' Butler, Samuel . . . 1 • Culbertson, Robert W J Davis, Randolph ' ' Davis, William . . ' ' Drake, Mosely . . . (Graves, John C. . . * * Ham, David . ' 1 Harris. Richard . . • ' Haws, John. . . . ' ' Hill, A.sa ' ' Hill, John .... ' ' Hill, William . . . 1 ' McFerson, John. , ' ' Miller, George. . . ' ' Murphy, Samuel . ' ' ^Ncff, Henrv. . . . ' " O'Neal, Spencer . . ' ' Pace, Daniel . . . ' ' Pace, Joel . . . . ' c Penrod, George . . ' ' Redmin, Parmenas ' ' ■vRoark, William . . ' ' Raco, Henry . . . ' ' Segler, Jacob . . . " Shelton, John . . . ' ' Smith, Hugh . . . ' ' Uzzell, Thoma.s . . ' ' Wilcox, Thomas . • • Worthington, Isf.ac ' ' John "W. Langlev . ■ . Corporal Row, Henry . . . . . Private . Jones, Fielding . . < ' Langley, James . . . . " Newport, Sept. 11, 1813 August 3], 1813 Noveml)er 18, 1813 . 182 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS McJILTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Namks. Thomas Mcjilton Kdbert Baker . . Pleasant Parker . Daniel Sybert . . William Harris . Isaac Martin . . John Seabourn . Merrit Hubbard. Archibald Ellison John Casteel . . Baker, Bowling . Bengo, David . . Bowling, Isham . Broadus, Jeremiah Bunch, Garrett . Bunch.SWilliam . Cain, Jacob . . . Callihan, Isaac . Dunbar, James . Duncil, William. Edwards, Meredith Francis, Samuel . Hj'nes, John . . Lewis, David . . Love, Granville N Love, James . . McCoy, David. . McCamraon, William Morris, George Morris, William Schoolcraft, George . Shackleford, Marquis. Rank. Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Serj^jeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corp.)ral 4th Corporal Private . . Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. 30, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Kemakks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHNSTON DYSART'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Johnston Dysart Charles C. Carson Joseph Henderson J;imes Wilson. . Jacob Frederick . Isaiah Ham. . . Samuel Vance. . John Bustle. . . John Evans. . . George Watkins. Isaac Dillard . . Alexander, George Bailey, Hannan . Bealey, Reuben . Hell, Elijah . . . Bowen, Jacob . . Brooks, James. . Brown, Wilson . Buford, William. Callahan, John . Callous, Andrew Colyar, Gabriel . Colj-ar, John . . Conn, Alexander Crcmon, John . Dearmine, Flenion Denning, Levi. Dysart, Samuel Graves, Willian Haley, John . Henderson, William Jones, James . Lawrence, Thomas McEnturf, Manuel Owens, Allen . Owens, Martin Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Newport, Aug. 31,1813 SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. 183 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHNSTON DYSART'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Owens, Presley . . Owens, Samuel . . Roberts, Hiram . . Boberts, James . . Stewart, James . . Tenner, Silvester . Terrell, James. . . Thompson, Joseph. Tysah, John . . . Warren, Benjamin. White, Joel. . . . Bank. Date and Place of Muster. Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 To what time Engag or Enlisted. E EM ARKS. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN C. Mc WILLIAMS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. John C. McWilliams John W. Elliott. . Bichard Gentry . . James Scott. . . . William Farris . William Elliott . . James Blythe . . . Anderson, Allen . . Barnett, William C Broadus, Pascal . . Butcher, Kobert . . Calvin, Jeremiah . Cochran, James . . Cochran, Robert. . Cochran, William . Davis, Asa .... Dougherty, Cornelius Glascow, Nathan . Goen, Francis. . . Goen, Pollard. . . Hawkins, William. Haze, David. . . . Henson, Francis. . Hopper, James . . Hopper, John . . . Johnson, Thomas . Kirkpatrick, Hugh Mason, William. . McClane, Bichard W. McKay, James . . . McNitt, Joseph , . McWilliams, Alex. C Mitchell, Samuel . Moore, John . . . Moran, Barnett C. Moran, Joshua . . Ried, James. . . . Bied, John .... Bied, William . Boss, Alexander. . Boss, George . . Scott, Mathew . . Snoddy, Joseph W ,Stinson, Andrew . ■^Stinson, James . . Tomblin, Ambrose. Tomblin, Joel. . . Vaughan, Elisha . White, Henry. . . Wiley, Hiram. Wiley, Zachariah Wood.s William. . Buckner, Bobert. . Horan, Joshua . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant Private . . Corporal . Private . Newport, Aug. 31, 1813 August 25, 1813 November 8, 1813 184 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN RICHARD C. FIOLDER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Richard C. Holder An'bibiiUl W().)ds Williiiiii lliirris . .John Hart . . Jaiiios A. Cannon Jnnie.s Barnes . . William Kavanaugh Joseph Bralton , . Steward Stevens. . Willis Green . . . Tarlton Turner . . Ash by, William R. Barnes, Aswell . . Bentley, John . . . Biggerstaft", Hiram. Charis, Ishmael . . Clarke, Turner . . Dickey, William. . Easten, Johnson. . Fox, (reorge. . . Fullilove, Larkin . Harris, Samuel . . Hays, Arthur . . . Hays, Benjamin . . Irvine, Davis . . . Kerley, John . . . Lancaster, Delaney Lancaster, Larkee . Lancaster, Littleton McQueen, John . . Miller, Frederick . Moberly, Thomas . Newland, Abraham Newman, George . Newman, Henry . Prophet, Anderson . Reid, James. . Sandford, John D. . Simon, David . . . Smith, John Speed. Taylor, Peter . . . Tribble, John . . . Vaughn, Rareley . Waters, Sampson . Waters, Samuel . . Wayne, William . White, Nicholas. . Williams, AVilliam Woods, Aswell D. . Mays, Benjamin. . Rank. Date and Place of Muster. Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . .3d Sergeant . 4th Seigeant . 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . , 4th Corporal , Private . . . Newport, Aug. 30, 1813 Trumpeter . Private . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. August •i-'j, 1813 ... November (i, 1813 Remaukb. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HAYDEN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. John Hayden . . . William Furnish . Jonathan Hedger David Ralston. . . Lewis Conner . . Noah Halljert. . . William Lindsey . Garnet Haydon . . George Goodnight . Martin Odour. . . William Porter . . William Odour . . Agler, Samuel. . . ChandliT, George R. ■Clark, John R.' . Dungan, Tliomas Eckler, Samuel . Ferguson, John . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal .. 3d Corpora! . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Newport. Sept 1,1«1S SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. 185 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HAYDEN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Green, William . . HuU'liiscjn, William Kendal, Enoch Levi, Hugh. . . Martin, David. . . Martin, John . . . McDowell, Thomas Milner, Edmund . Milner, John . . . Mitchell, James . . Mitchell, Joseph . Moore, James. . . Moore, William. . Mussulman, Daniel Kitter, Lewis . . . Shearer, Michael . Shropshire, William Shuppett, Jacob . . Wells, Bazil . . . Wells, Benjamin . Winn, William . . Date and Flace of Muster. Newport, Sept. 1, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. In a correspondence between Capt. John Hayden and John Bennett to Gov. Isaac Shelby, it is clearly shown that Mr. Shropshire was a faithful soldier, and deserved an honorable discharge or furlough. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM BERRYMAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. William Berrymaii Willis J. Williams Henry Collins. . . Travers Duncan . Samuel Keely. . . Joseph Chapman . James Spillman . . James McCollister. Jesse Kerby. . . . Upsham Martin . . Robert Duff. . . . Barnabus Low . . Abshear, John . . Barton, John . . . Barton, Berry. . . Carter, Charles , . Chapman, Jeremiah Charon, David . . Dobson, Thomas. . Davis, John. . . . Dawson, Jonathan. Dinwiddle, James . Dobson, James . . Darrel, David . . . Uarral, Jolifi . . . Duncan, Ashley. . Ellison, George . . Field, Ambrose . . Foley, James . . . Gibson, Jacob . . . Gibson, William. . Gibson, John Hardcastle, William Hardcastle, John . Hopson, Alexander Kerby, Isaiah . . . Martin, William G. McKinney, Kennith Ormsby, Nicholas Patton, William. Ray, James S.. . Rockburk, Benjamin Sameboj', Adam. . Thomas, Samuel. . Whaley, James . . Wharton, Thomas Williams, Ralph . . 24 Captain . . . . 1st Lieutenant Ensign . . . . Sergeant . . . Corporal Musician Private . August 20, 1813 November 13,1813 September 14, 1813. November 13, 1813 October -ilj, 1813 . . November 13, 1813 September 17, 1813 November 13, 1813 October 25, 1813 . . September 11, 1813 October 31, 1813 . . November 13, 1813 LSO SOLIHEKS Ob' THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLL\M BERRYMAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN TEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Wiiinsci)U, Robert. . . Wliartoii, Edwin . . . Young, Williuni. . . . Gibson,. Joseph .... Private . . . August 20, 18l:i . . . November 13, 1813 . . September 11, 1813 . . •September 9, 1813 . . October 20, 1813 . . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN HENRY R. LEWIS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Henry R. Lewis . . Robert McClure. . Greenlief Morrfll . Alexander Reid . . John Milhollon . . John (iolliker . . . Edmund Kennedii . Adams, Westley. . Anderson, John G. Harton, Roger. . . Boyertt, Joseph . . IJerdine, James . . Estis, John .... Estis, Joseph . . . ' Grace, Allen . . . Johnson, James . . Mitchell, .Jonas . . Smith, Stephen . . Terrell, Ebar . . . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . . Corporal . I'rivate . . September 1, 1813 November 13, 1813 October 11, 1813 . . November 20, 1813 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN DUVALL'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILI- TIA, PURSUANT TO AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, APPROVED THE THIRD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1813. John Duvall ... William Brown . . Richard Tiner. . . Daniel Johnson . . James Stewart. . . George Lcforce . . Newgent H. Matthe Ezekiel F. Scott. . Catlett Titfee . . . Armstead Jones . . Edward Branham . Daniel Hopkins . . Gay don Manifee. . William McMurtry Alexander, Solomon Atkins, Absalom . Baldwin, Jeremiah Bartlett, Scarlet. . Bates, Willis . . . Birt. James .... Bledsoe, William . Bradford, Austin . Branham, Sanford Branham, Simeon . Branham, William L Brannin, Richard . Brewer, Richard. . Brissaa, William . Brown, Samuel . . Busick, Levin. . Carius, Absalom. . Chandler, Alfred Cullin, Charles . . Dehonoy, William P^Moss, John. . . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . •ith Sergeant. (Jth Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal , 3d Corporal . 4 lb Corporal . Private . . . March 4, 1813 , September 4, 1813 . . Substitute for William A. Withers In jail. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. 187 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN DUVALL'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OP THE KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Dickey, .John . . . Doylo, Patrick . . Duncan, Peter. . . Elliott, James. . . Kvans, .John . . . Kiirmer, Littleberry Fish, Francis . . . Francis, Thomas. . (ilenn. Fielding . . Glenn, James . . . Hall, George . . . Hainmon, Lewis. . Hardin, William . Harrison, Joel. . . Henry, John .- . . .Tames, Joseph . . . Johns, Abraham. Johnson, Mark . . Kircheval, John . Kirtley, John . Landrum, Burrell . I..ynn, John, ,Jr. . . Manning, James. . Masterson, Aaron . Matthews, James A Maj's, William H. . McCatfety, Thomas McClain, William. McFartridge, Robert McHatton, James . Montague, Thomas Montgomery, William Morin, .lames . . . Mulberry, John . . Murphy, Joshua. . O'Neal, George . . Orsbourn, John . ■ Perry, Anthony. Perry, George. . . Peterson, James, Sr. Poague, Joseph I'oindexter, Peter . Power, Joseph . . Price, John . . . . Risk, John .... Ritchey, John . . . Sharpe, Benjamin . Sims, Marmaduke . Smith, Lewis . . . Southworth, Ivyson Stanton, Thomas . Tancil, Francis . . Tompkins, John. . Vinzeant, .Joshua . Ward, William U. West. Marine D. . Wiggins, John . . Williams, Robert . Williams, Wesley . Williamson, John . Wilson, Samuel . . Winkfield, Samuel.' Woodgate, Jonathan Woolum, Charles Wright, Edward Date of Muster. March 4, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 4, 1813 . RuifARK.S. Absent. Substitute for John Hann Substitute for G. F. Sanltenstall. Absent. Substitute for A. Clayton. Substitute for John Risk. Substitute for Joseph H. Literall. Substitute for Nelson Smith. Substitute for Clement Griffith. 18S gOLClERS OF THE WAR OF 1813. Roll of a Compaii}^ of Keiitiickv Mounted Volunteer Militia, under command of Captain Geoi'ge Baltzell, raised in pursuance of the address of 81st of July, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at Pnt-in-Bay September 22d, 1813, to serve the United Slates according to the terms of said address. George Biiltzell . Samuel Arnold . James Clark . . George Sproiile . Rowland Maddison "William Mnyhnll William Fox . . James Arnold. . James Holton. Archibald Klliott Nelson R. Jones. Anderson, William Benhani, James . . Bennet, Benjamin . Bratton, Adam . Calhoun, Henry P Campbell, George Chambers, John D Church, James . Pish, F Gudgell, Andrew Hampton, James Hulton, Cornelius Lewis, Zachary . Matthew.s, . Milam, James. . Miller, William . Pitts, Berkin . . Price, John . . . Redding, Joseph . Reecc, Thomas Robinson, . Robinson, James. Ruble, John R. . Tompkins, . Vance, Isaac . . Vines, . . . Captain Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant , '2d Sergeant . Sd Sergeant . 4th Sergeant , 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal Private . . Date and Place of Muster. Put-in-Bay, Sep. 2-2,1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. No muster rolls of this company, and no certifi- cate from the commanding officer. Soldiers of tUe war of 1812. 189 Roll of Field and Staff of Dudley's Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers, of the War of 1812, and Notes on Organization and Record of Ser- vice, raised in puisuance of the address of 31st of July, 1813, of Isaac Shelby, Governor of Kentucky, and rendezvoused at New- port, Kentucky, August 31 st, 1813 — Commanded by Colonel William Dudley. William Dudley. . . James Shelby .... lames Dyarziatt . . . William Ellis . . . Charles Carr . . . Paul Allen Prewitt Samuel G. Cloud . . William Letcher . . William Samp.son . . James Cartwright . . Isaac Kobinson . . James Ball Colonel Major . Quartermaster . . Paymaster .... Adjutant .... Surgeon (Juarterma.ster Ser, Sergeant Major. . Private Servant. . Date of Muster. March 20, 181^ To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Killed May 5th. 1813, at Fort Meigs. Paroled May H, 181?.. Escaped at Fort Meigs, and attached to Capt. [Boswell's Regiment. ROLL OF CAP'J'AIN JOHN D. THOMAS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA- COLONEL WILLIAM DUDLiEY. -COMMANDED BY Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal . Private March '29, ISIH. 1813 John D. Thomas. . George Pickett . . Mathew Wood . , William Elliott . . Lindsey Campbell . John Colwell . . . Joseph Sweet . . . Henry Daugherty . Joseph Cox .... Samuel Ferguson . Henry Stewart . . Adams, William . . Alley, John D. . . Baker, George. . . Bakett, Joseph . . Bayless, Israel. . . Barlow, Jesse . . . Berry, James H.. . Conger, John . . . Cosby, Nicholas . •. -.Courtney, Barba. . David, Henry . . . Davis, Frederick. . Fishback, Jesse . . Fitzmaster, Samuel Fitzmaster, Joseph. The subjoined names are taken from recent tran.scripts furnished by War Department September 28, Fitzwater, Stephen . George, William N. Hall, William. . . Hambleton, James. Harter, Jacob D. . Hendricks, George. Hendricks, William Hendricks, Mitchell Houston, James . . Hughes, Laven . . Hull, Gaskum. . . Private March 29, 1813. September 28, ISIS Taken prisoner May 5. 1813 — paroled May 7. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813 — paroled »'iiy 7. Taken prisoner May ■>, 1813 — paroled May 7. Taken prisoner Mav .5, 1813 — paroled Mav 7. Wounded Vay .'5, 1813. Missing May -5, 1813. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813. Taken prisoner May -5, 1813. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813. Taken prisoner May o, 181.3. Taken prisoner May -5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Missing May 5, 1813. Taken prisoner May .5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Missing May ■>, 1813. Taken prisoner May -'), 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May .5, 1813 — paroled May 7. Taken prisoner May o. 1813-^paroled May 11. Taken prisoner Mav 5, 1813 — paroled Mav 11. Missing May .5, 18l"3. Missing May .5.1813. Taken prisoner .May -J, 1813 — paroled May.ll. Taken prisoner Mav o, 1813 — paroled May 11. Missing May .5, 1813. Taken prisoner May 5. 181.3 — paroled May U. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May o, 1813 — paroled Maj' 11. Taken prisimer May 5, 1813 — paroled May II. Taken prisoner Maj* .5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Missing May 5, 1813. 190 SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN D. THOMAS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. Jameson, Benoni . Johnston, William Jones, Gaster Kendal, Samuel . Kilbreath, John . King, Armstead. King, William . Lair, John . . . Marsh, William . McChire, John McGill, James. . McLain, Robert . Moore, James . . ■■ New, Peter . . . Norman, Caleb . Ochiltree, Thomas Ody, Baull . . . Orr, James . . . Rubey, John . . i Talbott, Peter. . Tate, John . . . Ulrey, Jacob . . Wheat, Hanson . Wilson, Nathaniel Wilson, Richard Worrell, James . Date of Muster. ^o what time Engaged or Enlisted. March 20, 1813. September 28, 1813 Taken prisoner May -5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May 5, 181.3 — paroled May 11. Promoted Captain of a Spy Company August 20, 1813, and missing May 5, 1813. Taken prisoner May -5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May !>, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May .5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May o, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May -5, 1813 — paroled .May 11. Taken prisoner May .5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813 — paroled May 7. Missing May 5, 1813. Enlisted in United States Army July 1, 1813. Discharged April 1-5, 1813. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May .5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Missing May 5, 1813. .Missing May .5, 1813. Taken prisoner May -5, 1813 — paroled May 11. Roll of Captain Armstrong Keir's Company of Infantry, of Lieutenant- Colonel William Dudley's Regiment of the Kentucky Militia, De- tached for a term of service not exceeding six months, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly, approved the third day of Feb- ruary, 1813. Armstrong Keir. . . Benjamin Bothuruni . Stephen Brown . Adam Wilson . , Henry Perl . William Shackelford Valentine Day . . John Hughes William Pendleton Mathew Brown Francis Day . . . Adams, Charles . . Alspan, Solomon . Bailey, Edward Bailey, Jes.so . . . Bailey, .John . Barnes. Benjamin . Best, Humphrc)-. . Bibv, Benjamin . . Bly" William . . . Bothuruni, Joseph. Bothurum, William Boyd, Elisha . . . Brown, John . . . Calehan, John. . . Calvin, Charles . . 'Clark, John. . . . Clendenon, .Joseph. Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . , . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal 4lh Corporal. Private September 9, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 191 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ARMSTRONG KEIR'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. NAJfES. Rank. Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Coneway, Henry . . . Private March 9, 1813 .... September 9,1813. . . Sick. Corner, Thomas .... ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Cox, Weaks ' ' 11 I < 11 11 Craige, .John ' ' " " 11 11 Cunningham, Michael . * ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 Dadisman, Jacob . . . ' ' " " 11 11 Darnel, Joseph .... • ' ' ' ' ' 11 1 1 Pavenport, Charles . . " ' ' 11 1 .■ Eads, Thomas ' ' 11 I < 11 11 • Elmore, John ..... ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Forsithe, William . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 George, Archibald. . . ' ' ' ' ' ' II 11 Gibson, Richard. . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Goff, William ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Haggard, John .... " 11 11 1 1 11 Huff, George ' ' 11 11 11 11 Inman, Lazarus .... * ' 11 11 1 1 1 Jones, Ambrose .... ' ' 11 1 1 11 11 Kellison, William . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Lawson, Aaron .... ' ' " ' ' 11 1 c Leach, Edward .... ' ' 11 11 11 11 ""Logan, William .... ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 May, David ' ' " " It 11 McClure, Daniel. . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 McLeroy, James. . . . 11 11 11 11 McQueny, John .... ' ' 11 II It 11 McRoberts, Charles . . ' ' 11 II 11 .1 Miller, Benjamin . . . ' ' " ' ' 11 11 Milner, John ' ' 11 11 II 11 Montgomery, William. 11 11 II 11 Nelly, Edmund . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Newcomb, Isaac. . . . Older, Jonathan ..... :; !i Deserted. Older, Reuben .... ' ' " ' ' It 11 Owsley, Henry ... ' ' " ' • It 1 1 Pearl, John . ... ' ' 11 11 II 1 1 Pepper, Hiram .... .1 1 . 11 11 Pew, Reuben . . ' ' 11 11 1 1 11 Powle}', Jesse ' ' 11 11 11 11 Pratt, Thomas. .... ' ' i 1 1 1 11 11 Raynolds, Joseph . ' • 1 1 1 < It It Raynolds, Perry. . . . ' ' It 11 11 11 Ready, William .... ' ' 11 > 1 11 11 Renner, Jacob ' ' 11 11 It 11 Russel, Smith ' ' 11 11 ' ' ' ' ■ Singleton, Robert H.. . ' ' 1 I 11 It 11 Sothard, Isaac ' ' 11 11 Stewart, Charles. . . . (1 11 11 It "Sublet, John 11 11 11 11 -Sublet, William .... I , ' ' ' ' ft 11 vwSublet, William .... ' ' 11 1 1 " ' ' Templin, Di.xon .... ' ' " " 1 I It Terry, Stephen . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Ult, Isaac ' ' 11 11 11 11 Walker, John. . . . ' ' 1 1 11 11 It Wallis, James ' ' 11 11 Wayde, James .... t i 1 . II 11 11 Woodall, John .... " .1 II 1. 1. Wordon, William . . . 11 11 ' ' ' ' Wren, William .... ' ' 11 II 11 Zimmerman, John. . . 11 11 11 11 The subjoined names were taken from recent transcripts furnished by the War Department. Bothurum, James Boss, Humphrey Burrough, Thomai Conwell, William Cox, Urich . . . Crofford, I.-rey . Day, Benjamin . Eads, William. . Gentry, John . . Henderson, John Laugdon, Joseph Low, Thomas . . McLemore, Giller Sergeant Private . March 29, 181.3. September 28, 181:- Killed Ma Missing. Prisoner May 5, 1813. 192 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN ARMSTRONG KEIR'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF TEIE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continiierl. Names. Rank. Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remakks. Mclntry, James. . . . Miller, Thoinus .... PoUj', Jesse Stephens 'ii, Thomas . Stringer, George. . . Tidwell, John .... Warren, John Wilson, Stephen .... Woodall, John .... Private Oorporul Private March 2<.i, 1813 .... Septemher "28, 1813 . . ' ' ' ' Prisoner May 5, 1813. Killed. Mis.sing. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES DYAMETTO'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL WM. DUDLEY. James Dyametto . Christopher Irvine Joel Ham .... Robert H. Wright . James Marshall . . James Harris . . . Levi Jones .... Richard Simpson . Abraham Young Hiram B. Weathers John Morton . . . Antrohus, Amos. . Bennett, John. . . Bentley, Samuel. . Blackwell, William Bingham, Isaac . . Boggs, Robert. . . Boone, Squire . . . Bowles, William W Bratton, David . . Brown, Nicholas. . Burke, Robert. . . Burrass, Henry Burton, Hezekiah . Carter, Alexander . Carter, Samuel . . Clarke, Robert . . Coates, Allen . . . Coonrad, Benjamin Daniel, Aimer Z. . Daniel, John . . . Deathridge, Amos . Duncan, Fielding . Eastess, John . . . Ford, William . . Gentry, John P . . Golden, William . Grubbs, Jesse . . Hamilton, John . . Hampton, James . Harris, Thomas . . Hatton, Samuel . . Highland, William Hodges, John . . . Howard, James . . Jackson, Nathaniel Jones, Mosias . Johnson, Matthew. Kidwell, John. . . King, David . . . Letcher, W^illiam K. Lineton, Josiah . . Linch, Turner. . . Logsdon, John . . Lowrv, Matthew 1'. Mallo"lt. South . . Mn.Kwell, William . McMichion, John . Millican, John . . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4tli Sergeant. 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . -Ith Corporal . Private . . . March 12, 1818. September 12, 1813 Fifcr Private Substitute for Hezekiah William.-. Substitute for William Reid. Substitute for James Lowry. Substitute for James Tharp. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 193 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES DYAMETTO'S COMPANY OP INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA. DETACHED— Continued. Names. Kank. Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Knlisted. Remarks. Million, Benjamin. . Private March 12,181:5 ... September 12, 1813 . . Million, Bodney. . . . Mills, Jolin " Morion, George .... 11 11 Nations, Sampson . . . Newman, Isaac .... Nicholas, Joseph . . . ■' Oldham. Nathan H. . . Plowman, John .... Purccl, Daniel .'>earcv. Lemon .... Shiflet, Haslen .... Skinner, William . . . ' ' Taulson, John R. . . . " Thoma.'i, Peter ' Timberlake, James. . . Tincher, John Fifer Vallandingham. Asa. . Private Walker, Coleman . . . Watson, William . . . White, Jo.seph .... Wilkerson, William B.. Woodriitr, Benjamin. . Substitute for Richard Clarke. Woodruff, Daniel . . . Woodruff, John .... The subjoined names were taken from recent trans Alexander, James ... I Private ! March 2'.i, criptt 181S. Berrj', Peter Bradford, Daniel . . . ' ' Bonnie, Levi ' ' Carson, William. . . . ' ' Codden, Richmond . . ' ' Combs, Fielding. . . . ' < Comstock, Joseph . . . ' ' Dale, John D • ' Daniel, William. . . . ' I DeJarnett, James . . . Captain Dunlap, Alexander . . Private Fincher, John Fifer Fore, Jarrard Private i Hamm, James ' ' 1 Harrison. Major J.. . . ' ' Hawks, Joshua .... ' ' Holeman, James. . . . 1 ' Hook, Henrv Howard, Clement . . . ' ' Hogan, William. . . . Hubbard, Joseph . . . Jones, James ' 1 Kinney, William . . . ' ' Martin, Samuel .... . 1 Maxwell, James. . . . 1 ' Mitchell, Thomas . . . 1 ' -'Moore, Thomas .... Moore, Charles C. . . . Ochiltree, William. . . ' ' Parish, .Tames Porter, Ephraim. . . . t^uinn, Abner W. . . . Kidgewav, John .... Kuth, David ' ' Searcv. Sanuiel .... ' ' Self, Pvobert ' ' Shini;)ebower, Henrv . < ' Smith, Daniel ' ' Tadlock, John ToLson, Daniel .... 1 1 Turner, Lvnch .... 1 1 Turner, John 11 True, John F ' ' \ ance, Isaac < ' \ illers, George .... 1 1 Vines, David 1 < 1 ^ Warden, Robert. . . . ' \ ' ' ■~- Waters, Simon .... 1 1 1 -Welsh, John I | furnished by the War Department. September 28, 181 « . . | April 11, 1813 . . . September 28, 1813 . June 20, 1813 . . . September 28, 1813. Paroled by enemy May •'), 1813. Missing May •'), 1M3. Paroled by enemy May ."), 1813. Paroled by enemy May •'), 1813. Died June 20, 1813. Escaped to Fort Meigs May o, 1813. Paroled by enemy May -5, 1813. Paroled May 5, 1813. Paroled by enemy May .3, 1813. Missing May .5, 1813. Escaped to Fort Meigs May -'i, 1813. Paroled bv enemv May -'i, 1813. Escaped to Fort Meigs May 5, 1813. Paroled by enemy May •'), 1813. Paroled by enemy May ■'), 1813. Paroled by enemy May •">, 1813. Escaped to Fort Meigs" .May -5, 1813. Paroled by enemy May •"), 1813. Taken off bv Indians May 5. 1813. Escaped to Fort Meigs May .5, 1813. Paroled by enemy May -5, 1813. 25 194 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN YANTIS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED-COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WM. DUDLEY. Namks. Rank. Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. .Idliii Yiiiitis (■aptain February 27, 181:5 . . August 27, 181:; . . . William Aiulei-soii. . Lieutenant. . •liimes llciidersoii . . Ensign . . . Williaiii Smnpsiiii . . 1st Scrg<'ant . Miclwiol Woods . . 2d Sia-gcant . .Jcreiniiih (iibbs . . :{d Serjeant . Thomas Wlioeler 4th Sergeant . William Henderson 1st Corporal . . Oliver Terril .... 2d Corporal . William Alford . . 8d Corporal . Samuel Swt)pe, . . . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Adams, John . . . Alexander, Edwin . . Alexander, James ' ' Alford, Jesse . . . ' ' Anderson, Kobcrt ' ' Back, Enoch . . . * ( Hakcr, John. . . . J ^ Baker, Moses . . . Ball, William . . . " ' Banks, Reuben . . lieaslev, James . . t ( Blackburn, John. . <' Brown, Absalom. . ' ' Brown. Bazelle . . ' ' Brown, George . . ' ' Brown, Robert . . ' ' Burton, John . . . ;: Butcher, Charles. . Cazy Levi .... ( 1 Clemmens, George. <' Colyar, James. ( ( Colyar, Moses. . . " Demares, Peter . . ' ' Dudleston, William ' ' Duncan, Thomas . ' ' Dye, Luke .... i * Edster, William. . " Erwin, Dory . . . ( 1 Fenton, Bartholomei v . I' Finnel. John . . . ( ( Eorde, John. , . . Drummer .... Fraks, Henrv . . . Garvin, David. . . Gordon, William Private Graham, John . . . Green, John .... Henry, Robert. . . Hopwood, Christoph er. " Hubbart, Wright . ' ' Huft'man, John . . ' ' Huffman, William. ' ' Hurt, Henrv . . . .. Hurt, Smith. . . . Ison, John .... , . Jacobs, Joshua . . Johns, John .... 1, .lohnson, Andrew . Johnson, Thomas . " • Kerby, Henry. . . Kiler, William . . ' ' King, Rufus . . . 1 ( Layne, William . . <■ Lytle, John. ' ' Alalono, John . . . ' ' Many field, .John. . " Maxey, Samuel . . ' ' McKee, David L. • ' McMurtry, John . 1 ' Merrit, Thomas • 1 Middloton, Isaac. . 1 4 Murry, James. . . I 1 Newcomb, Bennett 1 1 Nickum, Abraham. ' ' Absent. Xipscomb, Ambrose . . ' ' J^oce, Thomas. . . . . ' ' SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 195 BOLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN YANTIS' COMPANY OP INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY^ MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Names. Private February '27, 1813 August 27, 1813 Perkins, John, . . Kay, Michael . . . Renfro, William . . Ronton, John . . . Saddler, James . . Smith, John. . . . Smith, Liberty . . Stanton, William . Staton, John . . . Stevens, James . . Stone, Smith . . . Taylor, Henry. . . Taylor, Seaton . . Turpin, George . . ■ Warren, Michael . Wheler, W^illiam . Wilson, William . Wollage, Peter . . Woner, Jacob. . . Wright, Nathaniel. The subjoined names were taken from recent transcripts furnished by War Departn To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remabks. Capstervant, William Clark, George. . . . Davis, Lewis .... Greenstat, Abraham . Hascomb, Elbert I. . Hawkins, Weeden . . Martin. William. . . Moran, Nicholas. . . Ron straw, Conrad . . Singleton, John . . . , Sloan, Daniel .... Taylor, Caton Tungate, Meredith. . , Wallace, Ewell . . . , Ward, John Warner, David . . . . Wilson, Charles . . . . Dyehouse, Edward. . . Greenstat. Henrj' . . Denton, Henry . . . . Jones, Thomas . . . . Lawson, David . . . . Liscomb, Ambrose. . . Man, Clement Newel, Littleberry. . . Staten, Joseph Warren, Joseph . . . . Private March •_>!», 1K13. Seiitember -28, 1813 Killed May .0, 1813 Taken prisoner and paroled. Taken prisoner and paroled. Served full time. Taken prisoner and paroled. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813. Died May 17, 1813. Taken prisoner. Taken prisoner and paroled. Killed May 5, 1813. Taken prisoner and paroled. Taken prisoner and paroled. Killed May 5, 1813. Mis.sing May '>, 1813. Taken prisoner and paroled. Served full time. Died at Fort Meigs September 1>6, 1813. Served full time. Taken prisoner and paroled. Taken pri-soner and paroled. Taken prisoner and paroled. Taken prisoner and paroled. Taken prisoner and paroled Taken prisoner and paroled. Killed May 5, 1813. Taken prisoner and paroled. ROLL OP CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD MORRISON'S COMPANY^ OF INFANTRY OF THE KEN- TUCKY^ MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WIM. DUDLEY. Archibald Morrison . Micajah McClenny . John Smith George Todd .... William Gest. . . . Joseph Nickell . . . James Jones .... William Graves . . . Samuel Linn .... Joseph Smith .... Philip Montgomery . Armstrong, Jes.«e . . Bennett, William . . Bledsoe, Simeon . . . Bradburn, Joseph . . Brink, John .... Brock, (Jeorge. . . , Brown, Elijah. . . . Bryan, Nicholas. . . Captain . . . Lieutenant . . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . March 2 and 6, 1813. September 2, 1813 Absent. Sick. 196 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OE 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD MORRISON'S COMPANY OP INFANTRY OF THE KEN- TUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Namks. Bm-ch, William . . . Hnsh, Benjamin . . . ('artcr, Daniul. . . . Cliristian, Thomas. . Cllibb, William . . bavis, Knoch .... Docld, John Drisdnle, Reuben . . Eastiii, Augustus F. . Ellis, Walter .... Ewing, Phillips . . . Farthing, Abner . . Fletcher, William , . -Forston, John. . , . Frain, David .... "Frain, George. . . . "Frain, John Franklin, Joseph R. . Freeman, Jeremiah . Gilkee, William . Gossup, Searles . . . (irey. Thomas. . . . Hall, Robert M. . . . Hart, Edward Hooper, William . . . Hughes, David .... Hundley, Zachariali H.. Ingram, Abraham. . Jones, Matthew .... Keaton, John Kerr, Henry Lanter, Wyatt .... McDonald, Henrj' . . . M civ CO, .John Meteor, William . . . Miller, William . . . Moss, George .... Myers, Jonathan . . . Noe, James Parks, Patterson. . . . Phelps, James. . . Price, Phillimon B . Riley, Zachariah .... Roberts, Francis. . . . Rogers, ,Iohn Scott, Mathews . . . Sechrist, Charles. . . . >Sewell, Joseph .... Sharp, Lindslicld . . . Simpson, llobert. . . . Slavens, Thomas . . . ! Fifer Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Marcli 2 and .5, 1813 . September 2, 1813 Remarks. Absent. Sick. Absent. Smith, Isaac .Snelson, Minniard. . . Sp\irr, Richard ... Starr, Uonrad StClair, Jehu Stephens, Daniel . . . Steward, Alexander . . Story, John Sweney, John Syphers, (Jeorge. . . . Vaughan, John . . . , Webster, Dudley . . . Webster, Henry. . . Webster, Jacob . . . Webster, Larkin. . . Welch, Thomas B.. . Whittington, Thomas Whitsett, Ralph. . . Williamson, Jesse . . Wilson, John .... Wooldridge, Edmund Wright, ilillcry. . . Wright, Middloton . Wyatt, Anthony . . Vates, John Drummer . Private . . SOLDIERS OS' THE WAR OF 1812. 197 UOLL OF CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD MORRISON'S COMPANY OP INFANTRY OP THE KEN- TUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Names. Yeagen, Samuel . . . Yociim, (ieorgc . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. I'rivate Scptemlier '2, 181: The subjoined name.s were tiiken from recent transcripts furnished liy the !pteinlier Alexander, John . Armstrong, James Bell, Hoonder. . . Bennet, Nathan . . Benson, Thomas. . Bowler, Warren . . Bowlman, Amos. . Brown, Isaac . . . Browning, Nathan. , Bullock, Jobn P. . Campbell, (ieorge . Coy, Samuel . . . Chancey, Nathan . Collins, John . . . Collins. James . . Cook, Henry . . . Davis, Robert . . . Dewitt, Peter . . . Fortson, Marshall Funk, Adam . . . Gentry, James . . Gilkey, William. . Harper, John . . . Harrison, Major G. Hensley, Joseph . Hill, Ellas . . Holly, William . , Holding, Richard Hughes, Woodford Hughes, William . Hunter, John . . . Hynes, Ales R. . . Indicott, John. Jones. Nelson R. . Lane, G Lee, Achilles . MeCarty, Ezekiel . McCune, Samuel . McClinny, Micajah Mctiarv, Daniel . Mitchell, Thomas Mosby, John . . Nichols, Joseph Oliver, John . . Paul, (rabriel . Pilcher, Shadrach Ross, William. . Roberts, William Robertson, John C. Rowland, James. . Roan, Aliphalct . . Robertson, John. . Rush, Benjamin . . Rush, Robert . . . Rutherford, Jesse . Sanderson, W^illiam Scott. James . . . Shirfglebower, Henry Simpson, Albert. Skervens, George Slavens, Isaiah . Smith, John . . Smiih, Nathan . Private March '.^(l, ^X\^.',. Lieutenant. Private . . 3d Sergeant Private . . ?)d Corporal Private . . 2d Corpoi'al Private . . War Dop; 28, 181?, Discharged September 22, 1813. Discharged September 22, 181.3, at Seneca. Dischnr^.'.] Sr|)tri,ilicr 22, 181.3, at Put-in-Bav. I)is, 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22, 181:'.. Got home late in August, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 18, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 18, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Escaped, and got home June 14, 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay Septeml>er 22, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 15, 1813. Prisoner May 5, 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22, 1813. Got home May 14, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September lo, 1813. Escaped to Ft. Winchester, and deserted June 10, 181:5. Discharged at Seneca September 18, 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22, 1813. Wounded and discharged at Ft. Meigs June l.''>, 1813. Got home June 14, 1813. Di.scharged at Put-in-Bay September 22, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22,1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Deserted July 10, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Taken in battle May -5, 1813 — paroled May 14, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Taken prisoner May o, 181:5 — escaped and got home in June, 1813. Taken prisoner Mav o, 1813 — paroled Mar 14, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September lo, 1813. Got home Mav 14, 1813. Deserted from" Thos. Lewis' Co. July 10, 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22, 1813. Deserted from Joseph Clarke's Company at Sen- eca September 22, 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22, 1813. E.scaped to Fort Winchester, and deserted June 10, 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22. 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22. 1813. Discharged at Put-in-Bay September 22. 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Dischar<;ed at Put-in-Baj- September 22. 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 22. 1813. Not heard of since battle of May •'), 1813. (iot home May 14. 1813. Discharged at Seneca- September 15, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 18, 1813. Discharged at Seneca September 15, 1813. 198 HOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD MORRISON'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KEN- TUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Date of Muster. To whiit lime Eug or Enlisted. Sparks, (ieoige . . Stephens, Janie?. . Stewart, John. . . Tipton, William. . Townsend, James . Vance, Isaac . . . Varrino, Levi. . . Vines, David . . . Waldon, Edmund Webster, John . . White, Henry. . . Williamson, Isaac Williams, Lewis. . Wilson, William . Wise, John W. . . Williams, John . . Wood, Tsham c|.li. Slaiilc, Stephen . . .Stevenson, John. . Stone, .Toseph . . . Thompson, Mathew Tucker, James . . Turner, George . . Tuttle, John . . . Viriaii, Thomas . . Williams, John . . Wilson, Jacob. . . Wright, James . . The subjoined names were taken from recent tran Fifer . Private Date of Muster. March 4, 1813 Adams, Berryman . Anderson, Will . . Baker, Knoch . . . Bell. Ellick . . . Bell, Leonard . . . Bennett, Nathan. . Berry, James . . Boston, Archibald . Bowles, William . Cloe, David .... Cook, Henry . . . Dempser, Benjamin Fox, James .... Gardner, Levi . . Goodlow, Henry. . Hall, Samuel . . . Hucersun, Charles . Holly, .John. . . .Jones, Richard . . Lance, Thomas J. . McClanihan, .James Owls, James . . . Oliver, John . . . Parks, George. . . Peebles, James . . Scott, Henry . . . Summers, Cornelius Stevens, James . . Stephen, Alfred . . Townson, William. -Welch, James . . . Wi!liam.s, Caleb . . WiLson, James . . Wise, John W. . . Bullock, John P. I'rivate March 29, Corporal . Private . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September i, 1813 Absent — Assistant .Judge. Present, but sick. ripts furnished by the War Department. 1813. . . ! September 29, 1813 Mi-ssing after battle May •'>, 1813. Missing May 5, 1813. Missing May 5, 1813. Killed in battle Mav A, IHI.3. Discharged June 20, 1813. 2U0 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN DUDLEY PARRIS' COMPANY OP INPANTRY OP THE KENTUCKY MILITL\, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WM. DUDLEY. Dudley Furris. . . John Kvnns. . . . Alexander Harnett. William Wilkerson Joel King John Ij. Foore. . . James McMaban . Uicbolas Merril . . Lenstickl Blackwcll Abrams, Bazil. . . Abrams, Elias. . . Adherson, Plea.sant Barker, Joseph . . Barnett, Jeremiah . Boler, Walker. . . Brandenberg, Josepl: Broadus, Elijah . . Burrett, Bond . . . Burton, Jesse . • Carter, John . . . Coats, Amos . . . Coohran, Robert. . Collect, William. . Collins, Thomas . . Corthram, Eleazer. Cunis, William . . Davis, Samuel . ■ . Doughert}', Daniel. Dougherty, James . Elder, David . . . Evans, Evan . . . Evans, John O. . . Flack, Edward . . Flack, James . . . Gillespie, James. . Gire, Williamson . Goff, Aaron. . . . Gooch, Gideon . . Goodman, Jesse . . Ham, George . . . Harris, Sherwood . Harvey, William . Huland, Ambrose . Hutson, Israh P. . Isaacs, Godfrey . . James, Jonathan . Johnson, Francis . Kindred, William . King, Nelson . . . Land, James . . . Logsdon, Jo.seph. . Magil, Samuel P. . Marner, Isaac. . . Masters, Moses . . McClain, Jonathan McKinney, Richard McMahan, Samuel. Merriman, Noah . Moody, James. . . Moore, Nathan Muley, James. . . ~"Nesse, Jes.se. . . . Noland, Ledstone . Oldham, Caleb . . Park, Timothy . . Parker, Lewis. . . Parton, John . . . Perrin, Samuel . . Powell, Simon. . . Purcell, Benjamin . Roberts, Daniel . . Roberts, Jesse . . . Runcle, James . . .Scribiier, James . . Sebastian, Willicc . See, George .... Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant "id Sergeant Sd Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal Private . . Date of Muster. March 11, 1813. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 11, 181:! . Substitute for Wm. Fields. Substitute for Wm. Chambers. Substitute for Peter Allumbaugh. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 18^2. 201 ROLL OF CAPTAIN DUDLEY FARRIS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continned. Names. Sims, William. . . Skinner, Clark . . Smith, Richard . . Stephens, Charles . Stephens, Jonathan Taylor, Talton . . Titus, Ebenezer . . Turner, Pleasant . Turpin, James . . Warren, William . White, Abbott . . While, James. . . Wilkerson, Henrv . Williams, Philip" . Willis, William . . Wilson, Sampson . Witt, Elisha . . . Woods, John . . . Wood, Richard . . The subjoined n Beach, John . . . Carender, Nicholas Carpenter, John. . Cochran, Eleazer . Evans, John . . . Paris, Michael . . Faris, I.saac .... Farthing, Dudley . Fluty, James . ". . Harderler, Jephthah Ham, Shelton . . . Harden, James . . Hellerson, Benjamin Hellerson, Robert . Hinds, John. . . . Horn, Joel .... Jackson, Nathaniel Lee, Noah .... Long, James . . . Long, Edward , . Malky, James. . . McClain, James . . Moody, Samuel . . Profit, James . . . Pullam, Johnston . Reed, John .... Searcy, Tucony . . Searcy, Samuel . . Sebastian. Alexander Sims, Elias . . . Tatham, Samuel. Taylor, Joseph . Thurman, Henderson White, Elisha. . Dougherty, John Date of Muster. March 11, 1813 imes were taken from recent tran Private March -ill, IKl Corporal Private . Sergeant Private . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 11, 1813 Rrmarks. fiu-nished by War Department. 3. . . . September 28, 1813 Died at Vern Never heard illion jf nfU Itiver. r the buttle Badlv wounded in battle Killed in the Killed in thu slaui .slaui hter pen. hter pen. ROLL OF CAPTAIN AMBROSE ARTHUR'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY- MILITIA, DETACHED- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM DUDLEY. Ambrose Arthur. . Joseph Parsons . . James Ballenger. . Rowland Broon . . John Johnston . . Samuel Jamison . . Tarorer Hays . . . Thomas Spears . . Benjamin I'arsons Richard Williams . James Templeton . Anderson, Jumes . 26 Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Seigeant . 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . . 4th Corporal . Private . . . March 20. 181 September 20. ISl 202 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN AMBROSE ARTHUR'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Muster Aldridge, John .... Private March '20, 1813. . BiiiUiy, Andrew .... ' ' ' ' ' ' Bales, Hawkins .... ' ' 11 11 Bennett, Levi . . . ' ' 11 11 Briokley, Sarauel . . . ' ' 11 11 Broon, Daniel ' ' * Broon, Elijah ' ' 11 * I Bryant, William. . . . * ' Bunch, George .... ' ' ' ' ' ' Butler, James ' ' 11 Carpenter, William . . ' ' 1 I I Cohb, Samuel ' ' 11 11 Combs, Jeremiah . . . ' ' 11 11 Cook, William .... 11 11 Day, William .... ' ' ' ' ' ' Denioss, John ' ' 1 . 1 Derham, Elijah .... ' ' It 11 Dover, Isaac ' ' 11 11 Parlow, Farris ' ' 11 11 Parris, Paul ' ' 11 11 Ferbish, William . . . ' ' it It Fry, John ' ' 11 11 Golden, Edmond . . . ' ' .1 11 Goodin, James • ' 11 11 Goodin, John ' ' 11 11 Goodwin, Joseph . . ' ' 11 11 Gregory, John .... ' ' 1 1 1 Gresham, John .... ' ' 11 1 1 Hambleton, Thomas . . ' ' 11 11 Harri-s, Benjamin . . . ' ' 11 .1 Hermon, John ' ' 11 11 Higgins, John ' ' * * ' ' Holman, William . . . 11 11 Halsley, George .... ' ' 11 11 Howard, Samuel. . . . ' ' 11 11 Irvine, James ' ' 11 11 Johns, Jacob • ' 11 11 Johnston, John .... ' ' 11 11 Johnston, Joseph . . . ' ' 11 11 Johnston, Robert . . . ' ' ' ■ ' ' Jones, Berry ' • 11 11 Jones, William .... ' ' 11 11 Kennedy, Kichard . . . ' ' 11 11 Lewis, John ' ' 11 11 Lewi.s, John W .1 11 Lewis, William .... ' ' 11 Levatt, Henry .... ' ' 11 11 Littrel, Thomas .... 11 1 1 Mackey, Jiphn ' ' ' ' ' ' Masterson, Patrick . . .1 .1 McUolton, David . . . Musician . . . 11 11 Mahon, Thomas .... Private 11 11 Morris, John ' ' ' ' ' ' Parker, James ' ' 11 11 Parks, Moses .... ' ' 11 11 Potter, Thomas . . . ' ' 11 11 Reamy, Isaac ' ' 1 1 11 Keed, William . . . 11 II Riggins, Robert . . . . ' ' 11 11 Riggs, Charles ' ' 11 11 Robbins, John ' ' < 1 1 . Sanders, Henry . . . . .1 11 Sandlin, Lewis . . ' ' 1 1 11 Scott, Aaron ' ' II 1 . Scout, William . . . . ' ■ • 1 Seego, James .... ' ' 11 11 Sellars, Samuel . . . . ' ' 11 11 Steele, William . . . . ' ' 11 11 Stewart, John ' ' 11 1 . Stout, Samuel ' ' 11 1 . Sutton, Abram . . . . ' ' 11 11 Tavlor, Cornelius . . . ' ' Waddle, William . ' ' 11 11 Walker, Christopher. . Musician . . . 11 11 Walker, John Private .... II 11 W»ters, William . . . 11 11 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 20, 1813 . Soldiers of the war of 1812. 203 Roll op captain Ambrose Arthur's company of infantry of the Kentucky MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Private Williford, Peter . . Woods, Reuben . . Wright, William . Wyoming, Young Young, Robert . . The subjoined names were taken from receii Date of Muster. March 20, 1813 Abner, John . . Alderson, James. Acres, John. . . Eldridge, John . Farm, Isaac. . . Gibson, Lewis . . Jackson, John. . Jamison, John R. Lambert, Reuben McKi'han, Benjamin McKev, .lohn . . . McKey, Wall . . . Perkins, Richard . Poston, Elias . . . Smith, James . . . Smith, Isaac. . . . Stewart, James . . Still, Jesse .... Stone, Solomon . . Tuzzle, Benjamin . Whittimore, Abraham Williams, .John . . Woodson, William Private March 20, 1812 'Po what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 20, 181.S . Remarks. t transcripts furnished by the War Department. September 28 im; Reduced to private from 4th Corporal. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOEL HENRY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA-COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM DUDLEY. Joel Henry . . . Isaai; Howard . . Henjamin Hiter . Lemuel Ford . . George W. Knew Thaddeus Wilson Joseph George . James Povo. . . Anthony Samuel John Gill. . . . John Latta . . . William. Barden. Armstrong, James Allen, John. . . Baylor, Isaac . . Benson, Thomas. Clark. Joseph . . Collins, John . . Colman, John . . Craig, John. . , Grain, Francis. . Dale, Jesse . . . Dale, Elijah. . . Dale, John . . . Divans, John . . Eaton, William G Elliott, James. Garrett, Walker. Gato, William . Gilpin, William . Graves, Richard. Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . .Sergeant . Corporal Fifer . Private March 29, 1813. September 28, 1813 . Taken prisoner May .5, 1813 Taken prisoner May .5, 1813. Taken prisoner May 5, 1813. Taken prisoner Maj' -0, 1813. Taken prisoner May o, 1813. Taken prisoner .May •'), 1813. Killed May -5, 1813. Missing. Killed. Prisoner. Pri.soner. Taken prisoner May .5, 1813. Escaped to Fort Meigs. Prisoner. Wounded — escaped. Killed in battle May 5, 1813. Escaped to Fort Meigs. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Killed in battle May >',, 1813. Pri.soner May :'>, 1813. Prisoner. Prisoner May 5, 1813. The subjoined names were taken from recent transcripts furnished by the War Department. Green, John . . . Hudson, Thomas . Hudson, It,,dy. . . Huiitor, Samuel . . Juliiison, William Private ' March 29, 1813 September 28. 1813 Prisoner. Prisoner May 5, 1813. Prisoner May •'5, 1813. Prisoner. Prisoner May .5, 1813. 204 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOEL HENRY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Ijalbii, William . . . Malone, James . . . Maddox, .James . . . Mastiii, Gilbert . . . McDaniel, .Joel D.. . Medcair, Airred . . . Mosliv, Waid ... Mosbv, Thomas . . . Milfrcd, Robert . . . Oliver, Henjair.iii Poar, Robert . . . - Porter, Seth Scott, James .... Searcy, James. . . . Hheats, Henry. . . . Hisenby, Jerry. . . . Smith, Thomas Smith, James .... Slaughter, Robert . . Smeather, Benjamin . Snellen, Alexander . Snellen, Benjamin . Stevenson, John. . . Stevenson, Samuel. . Steele, William . . Stout, Daniel M.. . . Snblett, Arthur . Sublett, Site'hurv . . Tall, John . . '. . Veach, Asy Weathers, Charles . . Wilson, William . . Wooldrid£;e, Levy. . Wilson, Thomas. . . Walts. Bledsoe . . . Watson, .losiah . . . Ward, Henry . . . . Walden, Abednego . Wilkerson, David . . Yancy, BurketG. . . Yancy, George . . . Rank. „,,,,. To what time Engaged Date of Muster. ^^ Enlisted. March 20, 181:!. September 2K, IHl:! . Wounded May .5, 1813. Prisoner. Prisoner. Wounded May 5, 181:'.. Prisoner. Deserted at Lexington, after having drawn in ad- vance. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner May H, 1813. Escaped to Foit Meigs. Prisoner. Prisoner May •5, 1813. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Killed in battle May ■'., 18l;i. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner May .0, 1813. Prisoner May 5, 181 :l Prisoner May 5, 181:^. Prisoner. Left at Fort Winchester. Escaped to Fort Meigs. Escaped to Fort .Meigs. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Wounded May -5, 181:!. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner May -j, 181:"). Prisoner May 5, 181:3. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS LEWIS' COMPANY OP INFANTRY OP THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL WM. DUDLEY. Thomas Lewis. . . George S. Herndon William Sally. . . William Moss . . Henry King . . . William Roach . . Newton H. Tapp . William Dunn . . Thomas Payne . . Eliphalet Roan . . George Doxen . . Acres, Lnrkin . . . Aldridge. .loshua . Anderson, .lames . Attsman, Henry. . Baker. Lewis . . . Ball, Henry. . . Baxter, James. . . Bourne, John . . , Bowman, John . Brockman, Aaron Brooner, David . Brown, Samuel . Buskitt, David . Busley, Williai Butler, Willian Castle, John . AV. Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant, 1st Corporal , 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal , Private , . . March 2!), 1813. September 28, 1813 . . Absent. Absent. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1S12. 205 Roll op captain tiiomas lewis' company of infantry op the Kentucky MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. To what time Engaged j or Enlisted. Clarli, James ..... Cromwell, Oliver . . . Davis. JaiTcd .... Diinnegan. David . Easley, Obediah . . . Fisher, James . Frazier, Jeremiah George, Ellis Green, James Green, John Hampton, Thomas. . . Hendricks, Michael . . Hitt, Elias .... Hoiiser, Isaac Hughes, Thomas . . Hunter, John . . . H3'nes, Alexander K.. . Keen, .John Lewis, Adam .... Lockhart, Silas . . . ilasterson, Moses . . . May. .Solomon Mi'.Vtee, Abednego . . .Mi'l'une, Samuel . . . MiDaniel, Alexander . .McDougal, James . . . Mirt'ord, Joseph . . . . Miiiin, Zachariah . . . Morris, Jesse . . . . Morrow, James . . . . Moss, Pleasant . . . . Myers, Jacob Nutter, William . . . . Ritter, Michael . . . . Romans, John Ronyan, Francis. . . Rutherford, Archibald . Ruthen-ord, Jesse . . . Rynolds, .Samuel. . . . Sandusky, Jacob. . . . Scanlan, Travis . . . , Scott, Mathew-T. . . , Sergeant, William B. Shannon, Jacob . Shrewsberr}', Nathanie Simpson, Nathaniel Skewens, Clayton . . Spencer, Charles. . . Starr, Christopher . . Starr, John Steward, John. . . . Tapp, Nelson .... Taylor, Conrad . . . Twindle, Alexander . Triplet!, Fielding . . True, John Truit, John Ungles, Hillery . . . Wallace, Thomas . . Waters, John .... Williams, Lewis. . . Williamson, Richard. Wilson, James . . . Wilson, William . . The subjoined names were taken from recent transcripts furnished by the War Department. Baum, Whitfield . Baines, Zachariah Beeler, Henry. . , Brown, .Joel . . Bunds, George S. Burchuni. Joseph Corn, tJames . . Corn, Hiram . . Davis, James . . Damele, Spencer. Private March -^il, 1S]:5 , September 'IS, 181:i . Killed. Missing. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Failed while marching. Prisoner. 206 SOLDIEKS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN THOMAS LEWIS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OP THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Dixon, George . . Dorncll, William . Erwin, Stephen . . Fitzjarroll, Silas. . Fi/.er, Jacob .... Gardner, Francis . Hanes, Simeon . . Jack, Andrew. . . KendricU, Michael. Lee, Achillo.': . . . Lowry, Stephen . . McClain, James . . McMillen, William Mofford, James Overtnns, (iarland . Parish, Price , . . Pierson, Allen . . . Paxton, Joseph . . Pilcher, Shadrnch . Rankins, John. . . Right, Jonathan . Singleton, Daniel . Smith, John . . . Stewart, Gehew , . Stewart, William . Walker, David T. . Walker, Mathew . Wallace, Robert. . Wallen, John . . . Wilson, Gabriel . . Rank. Musician Private . Date of Muster. March 20, 1813. Sergeant Private . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 28, 1813 . . Killed. Left sick. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Failed in marching. Prisoner. Prisoner on parole. Prisoner. Prisoner, Prisoner, Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner. Prisoner on parole. Failed in marching. Prisoner. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN C. MORRISON'S COMPANY OP VOLUNTEER INFANTRY OP THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM DUDLEY. John G. Morrison Joseph R. Underwood HubbanI B. Smith. William Wortliiiigt< Richard Holding . James E. Davis . . Valentine Weathers William Tompkins Charles Po.stlenthwait Robert Adrian . John Smith. . . Atcheson, Alexander Biles, James . . . Bollman, Amos . . Bowler, Warren . . Bradford, Daniel . Bronston, Thomas. Brown, John H.. . Bull, William P. . Campbell, George . Car.son, William. . Casey, Joel F.. . . Chipiey, Elijah . . Combs, Fielding. . Dale, George C. . . Dale, John .... Decker, James D. . Ducker, Enoch . . Dunlap, Alexander Epperson, John P.. Farour, George . . Fluty, James T.. . Fox, William . . . Grant, William . . Harden, George W. Hawkins, Martin . Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal 4th Corporal. Private . . . March 9, 1813 September 9, 181:'. Absent. Absent. Substitute for David Coffman. Substitute for Preston Troller. Substitute for Elijah Henry. Absent. Absent. Absent. Sul)stitute for George Lingenfelter. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 207 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN C. MORRISON'S COMPANY OF VOLUNTEER INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA. DETACHED— Continued. Hanks, Jusbua . . Henniiig, Rudolph. Henry, James. . . Hogan, William. . Hook, Henry . . . Jones, James . . . Jones, Nelson K. . Kasnor, John . . Kinney, William . Lay, Elijah .... Long, Learing . . Mahan, Alexander. Martin, .Samuel . . Mathew, Joshua. . McDaniel, Allen C Merrill, William . Moffett, Henry . . Moore, Angus. . . Moore, Charles C. . Netherland Powhatta Ohiltree, William . Parrish, James . . Porter, Ephraim . Robinson, John . . Rusk, Robert . . . Ruth, David . . . Scott, James . . . Shelton, Thomas . Skindebower, Henry Sketers. William . Smith, Daniel. . . Smith, Peter . . . Steele, Menassah . Thoma.<, Thomas . True, John F.. . . Turner, William . ViHars, George . . Vines, David . . . Warden, Robert. . Waters, Solomon . "\\'ebb, Thomas W. Welch, John L. . . Wheeler, Henry D. Wilkerson, Angus Wilson, William . Date of Muster. ^o what time Engaged or Jinlistea. March 9, 1813 The subjoined names were taken from recent trai: Arnett, Zaohariah Carrick, Edward Cloud, Samuel G. Draw, Peter. . . Hughes, Daniel . Long, Anthony . Martin. William Morgan, Will. . Painter. Ezekiel. I'cyti'n, Benjamin Wiilden, Joseph . Weathers, Joshua Private ! March 29, September 9, 1813 Remarks. Absent. .Substitute for Wm. Long, Kith regiment. Substitute for John Allen. Substitute for William Roman.s, Substitute for Petis Wright. Sul)stitute for Wm. Vaupel. Substitute for Thos. Worland. Substitute for A. Bowman. Substitute for Joe Boswell. Absent. Absent. Substitute for Abram Conn. Substitute for James Fisbback. Substitute for James McGee. ripti S13 Absent, furnished by the War Department. September 28, 1813 . . Paroled May 5, 1813. Paroled May .5, 1813. Paroled Mayo, 1813. Paroled May -5, 1813 — died from wounds. Supposed to have been killed. 208 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLL\M SEBREE'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL WM. E. BOSWELL. William Sebroe . . . Streshley Allen . . . Niitbuniel Vice . . . Williuin Brown . . (ieors;e Black .... William C. Monroe . John Cooper John Norris Thomas Coventon . . Elijah Garnett. . . . Joseph McPike . . . Abercroraby, William Animerman, Philip. . Bailey, George . . . Beaman, Benjamin. . Becket, Nelson W.. . Best, Thomas .... Bingam, William . . Bush, William . . Camfield, Norris. . . Campbell. John . . . Carter, George. . . . Cave, Richard. . . . Cherry, Nicholas . . Childers, William . . Cleveland, Robert . . Conor, Andrew . . Corkindorfcr, John . Cravens, Benjamin. . Crisler, Silas .... Cnimny, George. . . Daugherty, William . Bonly, Right .... Draper, William . . . Dunaway, Charles . . Easton, Griffin . . . Ellis, George .... Forsytbo, Robert, Jr.. Pugett, John H.. Gardner, James.. . . Glore, Israel .... Gloro, Oliver . . . . Glore, Reuben. . . . Gregory, Walter. Grigg, John. . . . . Gausney, John . . . . Hall, Thomas . . . . Honey, Jesse . . . Hawkins, John . . Heath, Samuel. . . . Henthorn, Adam . . Herron, William. Hightield, Leonard. . HodgcMi. Elisha . . . House, Moses . . . . Hyofs, Samuel . . . Jimkinson, William . Johnson, Nelson. . . Justice, Jesse . . . . Kirk, Elijah Lancaster, William . Ligbtfoot, Philip. . . liindsey, James . . . Mahan, Frank. . . . Mash, William . . . McCrav, William . . McKey, Joseph . . . .Mo Key, .losoph . . , McShaiio, William . Mullin, Lind.sey . . , New, Jacob ' New, William . . . , Newman, William. , Osburn, Fielding . . Usburn, St. Clair. . Peak, James. ... Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant '2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th >Sergeant 1st Corporal '2d Corporal Sd Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . September ti, 1813 Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Musician Private . Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Abi^ent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 209 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM SEBREE'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Perry, George Private March G, 181.3 .... September 6, 1813 . . Absent. Perry, Daniel . . Perry, Samuel. . Points, John . . Railey, John . . Kay, Robert. . . Rollins, Ezekiel . Absent. Smith, James . . Absent. Smither, William Stephens, Henry. Stewart, William Taylor, Isaac . . Thomas, James . .• Tumble, Elisha . Tindal, John . . Westroop, John . Wilhoit, Caleb . WUson, John, Jr. Wilson, Williaiti Workman, Abtam Absent. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN D. THOMAS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WM. E. BOSWELL. John D. Thomas George Pickett . Matthew Woods. William Elliott . Lindsey Campbell James Bennett . John Caldwell . Joseph Sweet . . Henry Daugherty Henry Stewart . George Fishback Adams, William. Baker, John . . Barlow, Jesse . . Baxter, William. Bayless, Israel . Carr, Joseph . . Cason, John . . . Clifford, James . Conrad, Jacob. . Coxe, Joseph . . Davis, Frederick. Durall, Daniel. Eckler, Samuel . Eckler, UUery. . Ellis, George . . Endicott, James . Ferguson, Samuel Fightmaster, Lawrence Fishback, Jesse . Galbreath, John George, William N Hall, William. . Hamilton, .James Horter, Jacob D. Hawkins, Thomas Hendricks, George Hendricks, William Hogg, Robert . . Holland, Anthony Hughes, Eleven Ingraham, Job . Jamison, Benoni Jones, James . . JordoD, John . . Kendrick, John Kindle, Lewis. . King, Armstead 27 Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . March 3, 181.3 September 3, 1813 Present, but not fit for duty. Present, but not fit for duty. Present, but not fit for duty. Absent. Absent. Present, but not fit for dutv. Present, but not fit for duty. 210 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN D. THOMAS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. King, William . . Kiiiman, David. . Lear, John . . . . Lingenfelter, .Jacob Marr, John .... Marr, .lames . . Marsh, William . . McClaiii, Robert. . McClure, James. . McGill, James . . McNesse, Abr. . . . Nesbit, James. . . New, Peter .... Norman, Caleb . . Orr, James .... Rowling, Jacob . . Kuby, John. . . . Shields, William . . Shuff Enoch . . . Tate, John .... Viiiidorgrift, Samuel Vallandingham, Tho: Weary, George . . Webb, Moses . . , Wheat, Henson . . Wilson, Richard. . Wilson, Nathaniel. Woolery, Abraham Woolery, Jacob . . Worrel, James . . Rank. Private Date of Muster. March S, 181;; To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 3, 1813. Present, but not tit for duty. Absent. Absent. Present — not fit for duty. .\bsent. Present, but not fit for duty. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS METCALFE'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WM. E. BOSWBLL. Thomas Metcalfe . John Baker. . . . Robert C. Hall . . Samuel Rogers . . Samuel W. Tomison Hezekiah Swearengei William Caldwell . James Neele . . . James Bowles . . . Benjamin Barton . John Fugate . . . Ammerman, John Ammernuin, William Anderson, George . Barnett, James . . Barnett, Spencer. . Bentley, William . Blunt, Redding . . Bowles, Thomas. . Bowles, Thomas . . Canady, James . . Chanly, John . . . Collins, Bernard. . Conaway, John . . Cormic, Richard . . Crouch, Joseph . . Cunningham, Isaac Cunningham, .lames Davis, John. . . . Davis, Robert . Elliott, Resin . Ferguson, Clement. Fuller, Joseph Gibbons, Thomas J. Gody, Gilbert .. . . (J ray, Isaac .... Grimes, Thomas . . Griffith, William . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant '2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal '2d Corporal 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . March 6, 1813 September 6, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 211 ROLL OP CAPTAIN THOMAS METCALFE'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OP THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Names. Ham, Michael. . . . Hani, William . . . Harney, Mills. . . . Harnej', Thomas. . . Haws, Joseph .... Hill, Elzy Hill, John Hitchcock, Asael . . Hopkins, Essik . . . Jones, James .... Jones, Lewis .... Livingood, George. . Long, Samuel .... Maflbrt, William . . Mann, Peter .... Mathers, .Samuel. . . McCarty, Telix . . . McCracken, William McConaha, James . . McDaniel, Alexander McDaniel, Thomas. . Mitchell, John . . . , Mitchell, John . . . . Moreland, .Samuel . . . Musset, James Myers, Abraham . . . Myers, Lewis Neely, George Pauley, Jeremiah . . . Payne, John Pearson, Bartholomew. Powell, Zenus Prather, Elisha . . . . Purcel, Thomas . . Rankin, John Rice, George Richey, Noah .... Roberts, William . . . Rule, Matthew . . . . Schooler, Cozeby . . Scott, Merrit ..... Shields, Thomas. . . . Shultz. Abraham . . . Smart, William .... Smith, Resin Smith, Thomas A.. . . Stanley, Moses .... Stevenson, Joseph . . . Stogdale, James .... Stewart, John. . . Stakes, Benjamin . Story, Washington Sudduth, Jarrard . Swain, William . . Talbott, Accjiiilla . Taylor, George . . Taylor, Thomas . . Tomassun, John . . Townson, Joshua . Washburn, John . , West, Alran .... West, Elijah . . . Wheeler, Joseph . . Wiley, Hugh . . . . Williams, Isaiah. . . Wilson, Thomas. . . Young, Alexander. . Private Date of Muster. March G, ISl.S , To what time En or Enlisted. September 6, 1813 Remarks. Absent. 212 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MANSON SEAMONDS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WM. E. BOSWELL. Names. Manson Seamonds. . William McClanihnn James Ardery. . . . Henry Cartwright. . Charles M. Kiiddell . , Joseph IJrandoii . . . Thomas Lind.sev. . . John R. Tull "... Andrew Hamilton. . George Mock .... David Shields. . . . Ammorman, William Avery, Charles . . . Baly, William . . . Ban net, William . . Barber, Thomas . . . Baylis, Israel .... Baylor, John .... Baylor, Robert . . . Bedford, Henry . . . Belt, Leo Bently, Graham . . . Booth, Steven . Brecken ridge, John . Bridges, William . . Buford, Abraham . . Bamberger, Michael . Cartwright, John . . Cave, Richard. . . . Clarkson, James M. . Clayton, Coleman . . Clayton, William . . Cook, Martin .... Crow, Benjamin . . . David, Henry .... Dawson, Gabriel. . . Deen, Samuel .... Depevv, Alexander. . Duncan, Thomas . . Ellis, Jes.se Ellis, Timothy . . . Evans, John .... Griffin, Robert . . . Groom, Moses. . . . Hardwick, Henry . . Higgins, William . . Honey, Peter .... Howard, John. . . . Howard. Paris. . . . Hughes, Mason . . . Jennings, James. . . Johnson, David . . . Johnson, William . . Jones, Garden .... Kennedy, Thomas. . Kimes, Henry. . . . King, John King, Samuel .... Kirk, Thomas. . . . Kno.\, Enoch .... Lear, Abraham . . . Liter, Henry .... Logan, Michael . Maple, William . . . March, Joseph H. . . Matthews, Henry . . McConnell, Ephraim McConnell, Samuel . McDonald, Enos. . . •McLaughlin, John. . McPheters, Theophilus Melvin, Hugh. . . Morehcad, .loel . . Padget, Timothy . Parker, Thomas . . Pullen, James. . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal . "id Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private . . . Date of Muster. March 1, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 1, 1813 . . Remarks. Absent. Absent. Present, but not fit for duty. Present, but not fit for duty. Present, but not fit for duty. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 213 ROLL OP CAPTAIN MANSON SEAMONDS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Muster. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Rees, Thomas . . . . , Private March 1, 1813 . . . September 1, 1813 . . Robinett, Enoch . . . j ' • RoE;ers, Hamilton . . 1 ' ' Ruddell, George. . . I ' ' Rutherford, Granville Scott, Jonathan . . . 1 4 I Scott, Jo.seph .... ' ' Sidwell, John .... ;: " " Spark, William . . . Present, but not lit for duty. Smith, James .... ' ' Strain, Michael . . . . 1 Strode, John . . . 1 . Talbott, French . . . ■ ' Thornton, Anthony . 1 Tucker, Absalom . . 1 ' ' Vail, John " 1 " ' ' Weatherhead, James. 1 . 1 I < ,1 White, Jesse . . . t . 11 Whittington, Charles . . . < I Wigginton, Spencer . . .1 " " 1 Wilson, James . . 11 < < Wood, John !! !,' ROLL OF CAPTAIN ISAAC GRAY'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WM. E. BOSWELL. Isaac Gray Captain March 8, 1813 . . . September 8, 1813 . . John Leech 1st Lieutenant . . Hugh Clark Ahsent James M. Graham . 1st Sergeant . James Brashaw .... 2d Sergeant . Andrew Swearingen . . 3d Sergeant . James Darby 4th Sergeant . John M. Turlev. . . . 1st Corporal . William Miller .... 2d Corporal . David Shoults 3d Corporal . John Ledford 4th Corporal . Baylev, Warren. . . . Private . . . Bondurant, Joseph . . Absent. Beshears, Robert . . . ' • Brindle, William . . . 1 1 Brown, William. . . . ' ■ Absent. Bryant, Elijah Absent. Burbridge. Thomas . . ' ' Burbridge, Thomas, Jr. ' ■ . < II Burns, Nicholas. . . . ' ' .1 11 Absent. Busley, James ' ' Butt, Samuel . . > ' Clark, Samuel 1 1 Clayton, Jasper .... Absent. Cole, David • • .. Cook, Henry ' ' Crouch, Joseph .... • ' Crow, John ' ' * Dougherty, John . . . " Absent. Davis, Henry « • Davis, Samuel Deskins, Thomas . . . Deskins, William . . • I Planighan, William . . Fleming, William . . . ' ' Fletcher, Thomas . . . I • Fortune, Thomas . . . > 1 Griffin, Andrew. . . . • ' Hasty, John . . ' ' Hendricks, Anthony. . < ' Hendricks, Theophilus. • ' Hunt, Hiram < ■ Jackson, Jeremiah. . . > 1 Johnson, Benjamin . . ' ' Jones, John " 214 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ISAAC GRAY'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Kincnid, Andrew . Landers, Rowland . Lawless, Theophilus Lions, Joseph . . . Longbridge, Joseph May, Nicholas . . Mayberry, Joseph . Myers, David . . . McCorinick, Adam McGhee, Andrew . McGinnis, James . McVey, James . . ^ Moore, Jaeob . . . Nott, Joseph . . . Owens, Joshua . . Phelps, Zachariah . Rice, Oamphell . . Rice, James. . . . Rolls, George . . . Ross, Travis L. Rydon, William. . .Shouse, Abraham . Spencer, Lewis . . Steele, Solomon . . Stewart, Samuel. . Thompson, Richard B Tipton, Thomas M. Traylor, Nicholas . Trimble, Hugh . . Utterback, Harmon Wartield, Sha . . . "Wheeler, Joseph . Wilson, James . . Wise, George . . . Date of Muster. .March ^ 18i;! To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September H, Absent. Absent. Absent. Alwent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER DUDLEY'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED-COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL VVM. E. BOSWELL. Peter Dudley . . . George Haltzell . . Samuel Arnold . . George W. Gale . . James Clark . . . Thomas H. Mosby. Rowland Madison , (Uiapraan Coleman Samuel Campbell . Francis Slaughter . Larkin M. Samuels Gilbert Penn . . . Abbitt, William. . Alexander, Robert W. Anderson, William Armstrong Thomas Arnold, James . . Bacon, Charles . . Bangus, Henry . . Bangus, John . . . Benham, .James . . Bennett, Benjamin. Broshears, Otho . . Blackburn, Nelson. Bond, William . . Bourn, John . . . Bratton, Adam . . Huckbanncm, Thomas Buntoii, Andrew C, Burclitield, John . Calhoon, Henry P.. Campliell, David . Campbell, John . . Carter, Edward . . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corpora! . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal . Private — Fifer Private . . . March !l, 181:1 September '.I, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 215 KOLL OF CAPTAIN PETER DUDLEY'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Case, Benjamin . . . Chambers, John D. . Church, .James . . . Collier, James. . . . Crockett, Alexander . Crockett, John K. . . Cummins, Samuel . . Daniel, William G. . Duvall, Zachariah . . Elkins, Ellet .... Elliott, Archibald . . Finnell, JSenjamin . . Gill, Thomas .... Goleman, Thomas H. Gordon, John .... Gravit, George S. . . Grant, William . . . Griffin, Austin . . . Griffin, James. . . . Gudgell, Andrew . . Gwinn, Avery . . . Hampton, James . . Hampton, James, Jr.. Hampton, Thomas. . Hampton, Wade. . . Hancock, Lewis . . . Hanks, Chichester . . Hardin, Bery .... Hardin, George . . Hardin, James. . . Hardin, John .... Harrison, James. . . , Hawkins, Arculous . Hawkins, Elisha. . . . Hensley, Samuel. . . , Holton, James . . . , Hulton, Cornelius . . . Hulton, William . . . Johnson, James . . . . Lane, Hasten Leonard, John . . . . Lewis, Zachariah . . . Love, James Y Luckett, Hezekiah. . . Mars. Martin Martin, James . . . . Martin, James McConnel, Allen . . McCulluugh, David . Metcalfe. William . . . Milam, James Miller, George . Miller, William . . . '. Noel, Barnett O'Neal, Henry . . . . V Patterson, Henry . . . Patton, Francis .... Pemberton, Richard Pitts, Perkin .... Plough, William . . Price, Richard . . , Ray, William .... Redding, Joseph P. . Richardson, George . Robertson, James . . Ruble, John R. . . . Russell, John . . . Russell, Samuel . . . Samuel, Peter. . . . Sauner, Thomas . . . Satterwhite, Phillips Shannon, James. . . Slaughter, Elias . . . Stoll, Thomas .... Spicer, John .... Sproule, George . . . Date of Muster. March 9, 1813 . To what time En or Enlisted. September 9,1813. Rkmarks. Absent. Drummer . Private . . Absent. 216 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER DUDLEY'S COMPANY OP INFANTYY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Stephens, Bciijiiini Sublett, Thoiiius. Walters, Tbonms West, Ri)bert . . West, William . Wilhoit, John. . Wilson, KUis . . Rank. Date of Muster. Private I March '.), 181;? To what time Engaged or Enlisted September 0, 18ia B EM ARKS. Absent. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN BAKER'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY^ OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WM. E BOSWELL. Juhn Baker. . . Benjamin Bean . John Waller . . Cliarles Daugherty .John Mitchell. . William Knoles. John Miranda. . Richard Corwine Isaac Adair. . . David S-uith . . James Tibbs . . Allen, James Allen, Thomas . Archibald, Willia Bale, Benjamin . Barnes, William. Berry, John. . . Berry, Reuben . Black, William . Boots, William . Boucher, James . Bowman, John . Breese, John . . Brittain, William Browning, Elias. Burress, Robert . Butler, John . . Campbell, Robert Chandler, John . Coleman, Farrisli Cooper, Enias. . Cooper, Hugh. . Curtis, William . Cushman, ]^ orris Dougherty, D. A. Dye, 3Iountees . Fields, Ureenbury Flower, James . Foley, Benjamin Ford, Meredith . Frakes, Joseph . Franklin, John . Glascock, John . Gow, William. . Graves, Frederick Hamilton, David Harvey, John . . Hawk.s, David. . Helm, Meredith. Hick, Godfrey. . Hiles, Christopher Hopper, Mc. . . How, Abraham Hudnutt, Elias . Jacobs, Gibson . Jenkins, Coleman Jennings, Israel. Kirby, James . . Kilpatrick, Ilugh K.rut/.er, Andrew Kylander, Mat . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant 1st Sergeant . '2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal , Private . . . March 4, 1813 September 4, 1813 Volunteer. Volunteer. Substitute for Wm. Anderson. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF IS 12. 217 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN BAKER'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Names. Lane. John .... Level, Ezekiel . . Levi, John .... Lively, Shiulrach . 5U-l)..nuld, AVilliiiMi MoGniw, Isah. . McTigert, Juhn . . Norman, John . . Norris, Nathaniel . Parent, .Samuel . . Patterson, John . . Peck, .James . . . Phillips, John. . . Poe, John .... Power, Joseph . . Rukes, James T. . . Saunders, William B. Scott, Samuel . . . Smith, Samuel . . Stiles, Benjamin. . Strode, Samuel . . Tarlton, Caleb . . Tarlton, William . Tarlton, Walter. . Tevis. Peter. . . . Thompson, Joseph . Vickers, John. . . Waddle, William . Waters, John . . . Weathington, Williai Weddon, John R. . West, Michael. . . Whipps, John . . . Wilson, Peter . . . Woodward, Solus . Wortherd, William Worthington, ,Iohn Worthington, Michael Worthington, William Yates, James . . York, Aquilla . . York, Joseph . . Date of Muster. March i, 1813 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 4, 1813 Sulistitule. Substitute for Janie.'^ Pulman. Substitute. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN WALKER'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL WM. E. BOSWELL. John Walker . William John. . . James Young . . . Alzophan Rucker . George Plumber . Abraham Hazel . . John Iliff John McLeas . . . Elias Webb. . . . James Martin . . . Francis Rose . . . Amyx, Samuel . . Armstrong, .John Baker, Edward . . Ballard, Jesse . . . Belcher, George, J r Blair, John . . . Blankenship, Obediah Branham, .John . . Call, Charles . . Canterberry, .Tohn Carter, .John . . . Chapin, Samuel . . Christal, George. . Chrisly, George . . Coffee, Ambrose. . Collingsworth, Reuben 28 Captain .... 1st Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . "id Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . ■4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . . March 4, 1813 September 4, 1813 Absent. Absent. Altsent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. 218 SOLDIERS OF THE WAK OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN WALKER'S COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— Continued. Cox, Florii Croiiiens, Moses . . . CuinmiMg, Jiimos . . Davis, Uaviil .... Davis, William . . . Evans, John .... Evans, Tlionias . . . Fitzimtrick, .liiiiifs. . Fosl.T. Williiiiii . . . Garrul, MiililK'ton . . Gilkison, George. . . Hamilton, David . . Hatfield, Samuel . . . Haws, Azriel .... Herrell, Enoch . . . Herrell, Robert . . . Higgins, John. . . . Hinton, James . . . Hopkins, Jacob . . . Hood, Andrew . . . Horsely, Taylor . . . House, George. . . . Howe, Thomas . . Jeans, Jonatban. . . Johnson, Barnabas . Johnson, David . . . Jones, John. , . . Justice, Izra .... Justice, Paton. . . . Kaska, John .... Lockwood, Jacob . . Mann, Samuel . . . Martin, Nathaniel . . McBride, John . . . McBrayer, Ichabod . McKinney, James . . Miller, John -Morehead, Bennet . Morgan, Samuel. . . Morrison, Robert . . Mullin, Ambrose . . Nicholas, Henry. . . Nicholas, Nicholas. . Nicholas, Thomas . . Norris, John .... Oakison, John. . . . Osborn, William . . Parsons, William . . Patrick, James . . Patrick, Samuel . . . Peakins, Stephen . . Plumber, Reuben . . Powers, Henry . . . Preston, Isaac. . . . Kaney, Thomas . . . Rawl'ings, William. . Sampson, Jesse . . . Singen, Nathaniel . Stone, Clifford. . . . Spears, Robert. . . . Sinder, John . . . . Stratron, Tandy . . . Strobridge, Eli . . . Strohon, .Samuel. . . I'^tromburg, John . . Swango, Abraham. Sucks, Drura . Thompson, Samuel . Trabue, Jason. . . . "Trimble, Alexander . -Turman, John. . . . Walton, Mark. . . . Waid, Medley. . . . Whitley, William . Williams, John . . . Young, Charles . . . Young, James . . . . Young, Thomas . . . Private Date of Muster. March 4, 181S To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 4, 1813 Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent I Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Absent. Kemarks. SOLfilERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 219 ROLL OF CAPTAIN EDWARD RAWLINGS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF LIEUTENANT- COLONEL COMMANDANTS NICHOLAS MILLER AND BENJAMIN WRIGHT'S REGIMENTS OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED, FOR A TERM OF SERVICE NOT EXCEEDING SIX MONTHS, PURSUANT TO AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, APPROVED THIRD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1813. Edward Rawlings . Moses, Hart. . . William Hanks . John Richardson John West . . . Silas Enyard . . Jacob Utterback. John Stith . . . James Linville . James Goodwin . Mathias Ambrose Anient, John V.. Angel, George. . Ashcraft, Abisha Atterbury, Solomon Barlow, Joshua Boling, Jarred Boling, John . Carter, William Carter, William Curchill, Cadwallade - Clopton, David . Coy, William . . Dixon, Samuel . Dougherty, James Dougherty, William Duffey, James. . Duffey, John . . Duley, James . . Frakes, Daniel . French, Charles . Gaddie, Silas . . Gardner, William Gibson, Daniel . Goff, Edward . . Gray, Thomas. . Green, Lawrence Greenault, Daniel Hall, Philip. . . Harlin, E/.ekie! . Harris, William. Hart, .Silas . . . Hawkins, David. Hill, Thomas , . Johnson, David . John.son, .Jesse . Johnson, John . Kennedy, Samuel Lambert, Abraham Lash, I.saac . . . Logsdon, James . McCarty, Samuel McDowell, Allen Milner, Isaac . . Morrison, William Olvey, Thomas . Ora, John .... Pauley, John . . Pearman, Cebert. Pearman, Samuel Perciful, James . Purcel, Roddy. . Ross, Hugh .S. Rouser, Robert . Rust, George Sailing, William. South, John. . . South, William . Stewart, Richard E, Stockwell, Jesse . Tihbs, John. . . Rank. Date of Muster Captain . . Lieutenant j Ensign . . j 1st Sergeant '2d Sergeant ' 3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal I 2d Corporal od Corporal 4th Corporal Private . . March 8, 181.3 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 8, 1813 . Remarks. Absent. 220 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF l8l2. ROLL OF CAPTAIN EDWARD RAWLINGS' COMPANY OF INFANTRY OF THE KENTUCKY MILITIA, DETACHED— 'Continued. Twedwell, Silas . . . Ulterback, Benjamin. Vanmeter, .Joseph . . Walker, William . . West, Thomas. . . Williams, Alexander. Woolard, Samuel . . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. March 8, 1813 To what time Ensjagod or Enlisted. September 8, 18i:i Rkmakks. ROLL OF A COMPANY OF SPIES, UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN LESLIE COMBS, AND ATTACHED TO WILLIAM DUDLEY'S REGIMENT OF SIX MONTHS, KENTUCKY MILITIA. Leslie Combs . Bicknell, Linsfield. Dougherty, Daniel. Paxton, Joseph . Singleton, Daniel . Walker, Mathew . Captain Piivate June 2, 1813 September 29, 1813 Roll of Field and Staif, Kentucky Mounted Infantry, of the War of 1812 — Commanded by Colonel Richard M. Johnson. Richard M. Johnson . . James Johnson . . . . Duval Payne .... David Tompson .... James, Suggett . . . . Robert M. Ewing . . . John C. Richardson . . Wilson Cobiirn . . .leremiah A. Matthews. Benjamin S. Chambers. Jeremiah Kertley . . . Samuel Theobald.* . . . Garrard Wall Eli Short John Dickerson . . . LurenceSandford . . . James Johnson . . . . Colonel . . , . Lieutenant-Col. 1st Major . . . 2d Major . . . 3d Major . . . Surgeon Mate . . Ciuartcrmaster Adjutant . . J. Advocate . F. Major. . . Apt. F. M.. Sergeant Major. Qr. M. Sergeant Paymaster . . May 20, 181:!. August 20, 1813 May 20, 1813. . May 19, 1813. . May 20, 1813 . . November 19. 181.? Novembor 19, 181:1 July 10, 1813 . . November 19,1813 Fehruarv 19, 1814 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ALLEN A. HAMILTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY —COMMANDED BY COLONEL RICHARD M. JOHNSON. Allen A. Hamilton . Elijah Craig .... .losoph Bell John Holliday . . . Thomas Easterday. . Benjamin Craig . . . Robert Berry .... Robert S. Dougherty . James Luster .... Joseph Holiday . . . Thomas Simpson . . William Snell. . . . Captain Captain 1st Lieutenant . . 2d Lieutenant . . ;?d Lieutenant. . . Lieutenant. . . . Knsign 1st Sergeant . . . 2d Sergeant . . . 3d Sergeant . . . 1st Corporal . . . 2d Corporal ... . May 20, 1813. August 1-J, 1813 May 20, 1813. . November 10, 1813 September 2, IS! 3 . November 19, 1813 August I'l, 1813 1st Lieutenant from May 20 to July 19, 1813— balance of the time Captain. Captain from 20th of May to 19th July, then re- signed and acted as Sergeant balance of the time. Promoted to Lieutenant July 20 — prior to ab.sent time he was 2d Lieutenant. 3d Lieutensjint until July 19— 2d Lieutenant bal- ance of time. En.sign two months — 'id Lieutenant four months. Soldier two months — Ensign four months. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 181 '2. 221 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ALLEN A. HAMILTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY — Continued. Names. Dudley Mitchell William Brown John Baker. . , William Bond . William Kerr. , John Briimley . Briiniley, Alexander Buokhunnon, John - Baker, Jesse Calbert, Daniel . Craig, Hawkins . Crawford, James Cronden, James . Craig, James . . Conover, Joseph. Craig, Levi . . . Craig, Kichard . Catterson, Robert Cook, William . Cobb, William Dougherty, James Deen, Robert . . Evans, Lewis . . Eliott, William . Finley, James. . Finley, John . . GilUim, James. . Hayden, Blan B. Handen, Robert . Homes, Thomas. Hadden, William Jackson, Alexander Jack.son, George Jack.son. Hugh . Jones, Thomas . Kelly, Samuel. . Linch, L^aac. . . .\Iarkham, John Moore, Je.«se . . . Madox, Shearwood Markham, William Morgan, William . Outhouse, Israel. . O'Neal, John . . . Pringlo, John. . . Pitlell, George . . Pringlo, Samuel. Pringle, William . Ray, John .... Ray, Moses .... Ross, Philip . . . Right, Reason. Sanders, Abner . . Simpson, Abraham Still, Charles . . . Searcy, Francis . . Short, .(ohn. . . . Searcy, James . . Sail, James .... Swonger, James. . Sanders, Nathaniel Stewart, Robert . . Sneed, Samuel C. . Searcy, Taylor . . Toon, John .... Thompson, Samuel Wyant, George . . Walters, John. . . Wynian, William Whitehead, William Whitehead, Richard Wheat, Nathaniel . Rank. 3d Corporal 4th Corporal Saddler . . Trumpeter . Blacksmith Farrier . . Private . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. May -20, 1813 . August 1.5, 1813 May -20, 1813. . May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 June 20, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15 1813 May 20, 1813. . ] Augu.=t 15, 1813 I May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 1.5, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 1.5, 1813 •May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. , August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. August 15, 1812 . . November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . November 19,1813 September 20, 1813 November 19, 1818 August 15, 1813 . . September 20, 1813. November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . . September 20, 1813 . August 1.5, 1813 . . September 20, 1813 , November 19, 1813 . September 20, 1813 . November 19, 1813 . August 15, 1813 November 19, 1813 . September 20, 181 :i November 19, 1813 i August 1.5, 1813 . . November 19. 1818 August 1.5, 1813 . . i November 19, 1813 I September 26, 1813 j August 1-5, 1813 . . i September 20, 1813 I August 15, 1813 . . I " November 19, 1813 September 20, 1813 November 19, 1813 , August 15, 1813 . Septeml)er 20, 1813. November 19, 1813 , August 15, 1813 . . September 20, 1813 , September 19,1813 . August 15, 1813 . . Remarks. 222 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN BENJAMIN WARFIELB'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY -COMMANDED BY COLONEL RICHARD M. JOHNSON. Names. Benjnmin Wariield Hinley Huberts . Kubert Berry . . Abner Depew . . Lewis Reddle . . John Williams . Znohiiriah Jameson Thomas llodgers William Craig . Joseph Blair . . Jacob Stewart. . Thomas L. M. Jus William Moore . John Jamiscm. . John Wells. . . Andrew, Mallows Allen, David . . Allen, William . Alexander, James Bullock, Nathan. Bell, Thomas . . Barton, John . . Bradshaw, George Brockman, William Caldwell, Oliver. Caldwell, llobert Colglazeir, John . Colglazeir, Phil . Colglazier, David Cox, Richard H.. Connel, David. . Craig, Francis . Christy, Simeon. Duckworth, William Dickey, Thomas. Denton, Abraham Duskin, Moses. . David, Ignation . Evans, Thomas . Evans, Francis . Eve, Milton . . . Ellerson, James . Fatton, John . . Finn, John . . . Focoke, Richard. Fay, William . . Farrel, James . . Garnett, James . Graves, Reuben . Graves, Henry . Harron, William Hall, Moses. . . Hall, Elikin. . . Hawkins, Philip . Hawkins, (jregory Hugh, Alexander Jamison, William Johnson, George. Kirtley, William Lock ridge, James Lockridge, Andrew Lacy, Levi . . . Lanton, James . Larkin, Rogers . Mcintosh, James Mosby, Daniel. . McConn, David . Malorics, <>ba . . Malories, A. Oba Magoker, John . Mcintosh, John. Prichards, Alfred Parker, Harvay . Poe, Benjamin . Priest, Daniel . . Pebell, John . . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Lieutenant M Lieutenant 3d Lieutenant 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Blacksmith 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal '2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . . 4th Corporal . Artificer . . . Private . . . May 20, 1813. Junes, 1813 . . Mav 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 Mhv 20, 1813. . August lo, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1S13. . Auirust 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15,1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 Dale of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. November 19, 1813 June 2, 1813 . . . . Movember 19, 1813 October 6, 1813. . . August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 . August 15, 1813 . . I November 19, 1813 , August 1.5, 1813 . . . November 19, 1813 . . September 14, 1813 November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 August l.'i, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 223 ROLL OF CAPTAIN BENJAMIN WAKPIELD'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY —Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Kogers, James . . Raynalds, Richard. Kogers, Valentine . Private 1 1 " May 20, 1813 August l.j, ISIH . . . May 20, ISl?,. . . . August 1-5, 181:! . . . May 20, 1813 August 1-5, 1813 . . . May 20, 1813 November 19, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 . . . November 19, 1813 . . August 16, 1813 . . . November 19, 1813 . . Rector, Hezekiah . Rogers, George . . Rogers, John . . . Smith, William . . Scott, Muril. . . . Shortridge, William Sanders, George . . Sanders, Haney . . Saide, Eleford Brisor Saide, Simpson . . Stamper, Richard . Sanders, Solomon . Steward, Ray. . . Trurable, William . Todd, James L. . . Terrel, George C. . Tabbot, Pane . . . Tanner, John . . . Thom.son, H. D.. Thomson, Thomas . Thompson, Samuel Woodward, John . Whitaker, William Wilson, Martin . . Wilson, James . . Weeks, Pavton . . Wishart, Aram . . Wishart, James . . Woolcut, Justice . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES COLEMAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL RICHARD M. JOHNSON. James Coleman . John McMillin . Samuel Logan. . William Clarke . Carter Anderson. Hiram Philips. . William Lamml. John Williams . Thomas Hurd . . Peter Lewis . . . .John McDick.son John W. McClenii James Snell . . . Thomas Cummingi Joseph Loan . . John Brownsfield Anderson, Amos. Ashbrook, Andrev Ashesop, lehabod Anderson, William Angel, William Burke, Abrahai Ball, Hugh . . Bnyle, John . . Brown, James . Bell, Liston T. J3ow, Joseph . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant 3d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal 4th Corporal . Trumpeter . . Saddler . . Blacksmith . Private . . . May 20, 1813. August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August l.j, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . November 19, 1813 October 10, 1813 . . November 19, 1813. September 1, 1813 . November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 August 1.5, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 August 1.5, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 September -5, 1813 224 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF ie>l2. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES COLEMAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY — Continued. Namks. I}o<;lo, J oil" HurUe, Abrahiiiii. . . . Guiiiiiiiiigs, Edward . . Casey, Ueiiry . ■ ■ • ChUdeii, Harmiin . . . Crook. John Cleveland, James . . . Cleveland, Mu-ajab . . Clougli, I'rice Crook, Richard ... Clough, Thomas ... Clough, William ... Crook, "William ... Casey, William . . . Cummins, William. . Clough, William . . Dudley, Ambrose . . Depew, George . . . Dickson, James . . . Egner, Andrew . . . Endicott, John . . . Bgnew, John .... Endicott, Joseph. . . Endicott, Joseph, Jr.. Egnew, Andrew . . . Fielding, William . . Gowdy, George . . • Gray, James .... Gowdy, James . . . Glenn, Turner H. . Guthrie, William . . Hodge, Charles A. . . Huston, John Holiday, Joseph . . . Hume, Stripling . . . Holaday, William S.. Jennings, Clement. . Johns, David .... Johns, Jacob ... Jenkins, John .... Jones, Isaac Jolas, Samuel .... Lemmon, John W. . Laws, Pompy .... Laner, Reuben . . . Little, William . . . Miller, Aaron Moore, Benjamin . . Mason, Daniel . . . Mason, Josiah .... McCarthem, James . Mills, Joseph .... McClure, Samuel . . McFarling, Thomas . McFarland, William. Night, Jacob ■ . • Newell, Robert . . Pettet, George. . . . • Phillips, William . . Picket, William . . . Rankins, John. . . . Rout, Ninirod . Scribner, Abraham . Sattcrfield, Clement . Slade, Kzekiel . - . . Shaver, Frederick . . Shepherd, George . . Slaughter, James . . Sellers, John F. . . . Stern, John W. . . . Stewart, Jesse . . . . Scott, Robert . . . . Schooler, Richard . . Smith, Silas Spotwood, William . Turner, Abraham . . T, , Date of Appointment To what time Engaged •'■■'*"''• or Enlistment. or Enlisted. May 20, ]8l:i. . Augu.st 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August l.j, 1813 May 20, 1813. August 1.5, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August l-'S, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 1.5, 1813 May 20, 1813. . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 Mav 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813. . Augu.st 15, 1813 May 20, 181 ;■ August 15, 181: May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . September 15, 1813 November 19. 1813 August 1.5, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 . September 15, 1S13 August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . November 19, 1813 August 19, 1813 . August 1.5, 1813 October 21, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 November 19, 1813 . August 15, 1813 . . November 19,1813 August 15, 1813 . . November 19,1813 . September 15, 1813 August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 . September 15, 1813 November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . November 19, 1813 September 15,1813 November 19, 1813 August 1-5, 1813 . November 19, 1S13 August 1.5, 1813 . October .5, 1813. . , November 19,1813 August 15, 1813 . SOLDIERrt OF THE WAR OF 1812. 225 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES COLEMAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTUY— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Private May 20, )813 August 15, 1813 . . . May 20, 1813 .... August 15, 1813 . . . May 20, 1813 .... August 15, 1813 . . . May 20, 1813 . . . . August 15, 1813 . . . November 10, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 . . . November I'J, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 . . November 10,1813 . . September 15, 1813 . . August 15, 1813 . . . Trimble, James . . Tlinmpson, Kobert . Theubalds, Samuel . Veacb, David . . . Vaughan, Isaac . . Vaughan, John . . Vendevin, Samuel . Wallace. Graham . -Welch, James H. . Waltern, John . . White, John . . . Woolen, Leonard . Woorkman, Richard ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM M. RICE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL RICHARD M. JOHNSON. William M. Rice Morgan Bryan . Joseph Thomas . Matthew Milsey. Elisha Scott. .". Jonathan Eltis . George Scott . . William McKinsey Jacob Myers . . Robert Lowden Benjamin Miley. Benjamin Ruan . Bela Cropper . . Adniere, James . Aldridge, John . Antle, John. . . Antle, Peter . . Allen, Peter . . Banta, Abraham Banta, Andrew . Barnes, Caleb . . Banta, Daniel . . Bartlett, Edmond Bacy, Elisman . Bartlett, Foster . Bryant, James . Bantee, Jacob. . Berry, John . . Brown, Joel. . . Burton, John . . Boston, Mary . . Banter, Peter . . Brown, Richard . Bell, Thomas . . Boid, William. . Clark, John. . . Clemeworth, .lame Clemeworth, John Carnahan, James Conn, Richard . Dowdin, James . Dunn, Jesse. . . Dawkins, Thomas Elston, .John . . Ellis, William . Fairley, Joseph F Franks, Thomas. Goods, Richard . Gobin, .Joseph. . Hardin, Daniel . Hagland, .James . Hyatt, .Shadrach . Huffman, I'hilip. Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant 3d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . 4th Corporal , Trumpeter . Private . . . May 20, 1813 Au^ May St 1.5, 1813 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 20, 1813 ist 15, 181S 20, 1813 . May Aug May Aug May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . November 19, 1813 , August 15, 1813 . November 19, 1813 July 27, 1819. . . August 15, 1813 . November 19, 1813 October 5, 1813. . , November 19, 1813 October 4, 1813. . . November 19, 1813 September 19, 1813 November 19, 1813 . August 15, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 . September 19, 1813 November 19, 1813 . August 15, 1813 . November 19, ISl:', August 15, IS];' 29 226 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM M. RICE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY- Continued. Hitshoe, WilliHm . Hanna, William. . Jones, Ebner . . . JohnsoTi, John Jones, Tholeson . Jones, William . . Kelley, Amos ... Keplieart, Abraham Kepheart, Abraham Kelly, Daniel ... Kepheart, George . Kelly, John. . . . Kindall, John . . . Kelly, James . . . Kel, Mosef .... Kindall, Reason . . Lowden, Thomas . Mitchell, Andrew . McColleston, David McClane, George . _ May, (iabriel . . . McGuire, Jesse . . MeClain, Jacob . . McClain, James . . McClelland, James MoUaiiley, James . McGuire, Luke . . Mitchell, Michael M, McClelland, Richard Martin, Thomas . . . Moore, William. . . McCrackin, William McClure, William. vH^evell, Thomas . . >Neal, William . . ■Nevell, Stewart . . Owings, Henry . . Unan, Peter. . . . Parr, Aaron. . . . Perry, Elisha . . . Parr, John .... Penn, Noah. . . . Powell, Robert . . Pope, Reuben . . . Piles, Samuel . . . Poland, William . Rice, John .... Rice, William. . . Scott, Asa .... Spencer, Caleb. . . Spencer, Joseph . . Joseph, Levi . . . Smith, Robert. . . Simpson, Shelley . Spencer, Walter. . Tyler, Charles. . . Turner, James . . ^Thompson, John , Thomasson, Thomas White, David . . . Wooldgriger, Geo. W Wyler, John . . Warfield, John Woodford, John Wiley, John . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. May 20, 1813. . August ].■), 1H13 May I'O, iKK! August 1'), 1813 . May 20, 1813 . . August l.'j, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . Aug May St 15, 1813 iO, 1813 August 1.5, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . xVugust 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 To what time Engag or Enlisted. November 10, 1813 , September 24, 1813 November lit, 1813 . August 15, 1813 . , November 111, 1813 August 15, 1813 . November I'J, 1813 August 15, 1813 . November 1!), 1813 August 15, 1813 . . November I'.i, 1813 , August 15, 1813 . . November 19,1813 September 14,1813 November 11), 1813 August 25, 1813 . August 15, 1813 . November 19, 1813 October 14, 1813 . Novemher 19, 1813 October .5, 1813 . November 19,1813 July 27, 1813. . . November 19, 1813 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 227 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JACOB ELLISTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL RICHARD M. JOHNSON. Names. Jftcob Elliston. . . John B. White . . William ilcGinnis. Leonard Seays. . . Edward Harris . . James Decker . . . Major M. Johnson. Richard D. Phillips Samuel B. Pettj'. . Henry McKee. . . Hugh McBrayers . Newman Barnes. . Pleasant Oliver . . Joseph Allen . . . Charles Laughter . Buntian, John . . Buntian, James . . Bryant, Rowleigh . Barnes, Zarhariah . Buntian, Thomas . Cox, Ansel .... Cummings, Alexander Cogshill, Francis . Coffiner, John . . . Case, Joseph . . . Cotfiner, Jacob . . Cogshill, Leonard . Cogshill, Magauner Cole, Micajah . . . Cogshill, Matthew . Comings, Matthew Cox, Nathaniel . . Colquit, Ranson E. Cole, Salathiel. . . Duprey, Ebenezer . Downey, James . . Downey, John. . . Prazier, Robert . . George, Dudley . . Urabb, John A. . . Gaines, Samuel . . Hackley, James S. . Hanks, Pitman . . Hallis, Robert. . . Holeman, Reuben . Joy, Curtis .... Johnson, Holeman. Jerrell. Whitefield. Johnson, Isaac . . Johnson, James . . Kolley, Henr}'. . . Lewis, Charles . . Lillard, Christopher Lightfoot, Got)drich Lillard, Mathew . Lightfoot, Philip . Morris, George . . Miller, George. . . Miller, John . . . Mulican, John T. . Miller, Peter . . . Montgomery, Robert Miller, Robert . McMinimy, William Natron, Francis . . Preuett, Joel B. . . Phillips, Solomon . Rochells, John . . Rucker, Robert A., Raines, William. . Ryan, Winston . . Robinson, WilliBin Rice, Joseph Slate, Bazel. Slaughter, Fr; rr i-^ Slate, James Date of Appointment or Enlistment. May 20, 1813 August 15, 1813 May '20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 1.5, 1813 May 20, 1813 . To what time Engage or Enlisted. November 19, 1813 October 12, 1813 . August 1.5, 1813 . November U), 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 1.5, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 28, 1813 . . November 19, 1813 September 1, 1813 November 19, 1813 , August 15, 1813 November 19.1813 August 15, 1813 . November 19,1813 August 15, 1813 . . November 19,1813 . September 20, 1813 November 19,1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . September 20, 1813 August 15, 1813 . . November 19,1813 . August 15, 1813 . , November 19, 1813 August 16, 1813 . , ■228 t « May 20, 1813 .... 11 II Young, Nimrod . . . ' ' 11 11 " ROLL OF CAPTAIN JACOB STUCKERS' COMPANY, KEiNTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL RICHARD M. JOHNSON. Jacob Stuckers . Thomas Story. . William Massie . Andrew Johnson Turner Branham John I. Johnson. Gabriel Long . . Joel Herndon . . Edgecomb Suggctt Thomas Blackbour Nathaniel Gray . . Samuel Benton . . John Herndon . . Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant 3d Lieutenant Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal 4th Corporal . May 20, 1813. . . .1 November 19, ISlf 236 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JACOB STUCKERS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY — Continued. Thomas Suggett. . . . James Long George C. Bran ham . . Daniel Stephenson. . Anderson, Presty . . Bates, Andrew . . . Barlow, Hartccy. . . . Barkley, Tliomas . . . Berry, Henry Bonsen, Solomon . . Bowen, Solomon . . Bourhage, Rohert . . . Bradley, William . . . Bradley, Valentine . . Branham, George . . . Branham, William . . Butler, James Butler, Thomas .... Campbell, William . Coppage, Thomas . . . Davis, John Davis, .... Dare, Isaac Dehaven, Isaac . . . . Dehaven, Jacob . . . . Denney, Fielding . . . Dougherty, John . . . Downing, John . . . . Duncan, .John Ealy, Edward Ealy, Henry Fales, William . . . Ficklin, John H. . . . Foster, Isaac Foster, Kobert Foster, Thomas . . . . Gaines, James. . . . . Garth, Thomas ... Gibbs, Robert .... Godard, Francis. . . Grant, John Grant, Jame= .... Grant, Robert. . . . (iray, John D Hall, William. . . Harwood, James. Herndon, John S . . Holeman, Jacob H. . Hoover, Adam . , . Hughey, Samuel . . Hurst, James .... Johns, Jonathan . . Johnson, Edwanl . . Johnson, Henry. . . Johnson, Joel .... Johnson, James . . . Johnson, William . . Keenc, John .... Kelly, Daniel .... Luca.s, Richard . . . Mansfield, John L. . Martin, Benjamin . . .M, 181:; November 19,1813 May 20, 1813 Augu.st 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 1"), 1813 May 20, 1813 . August l.j, 1813 August l-'), 1813 . November 19,1813 August 15, 1813 . November 19,1813 238 SOLDIERS 01*' THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT BERRY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY — Continued. Nambs. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted.' Remarks. Poe, Benjamin .... Private .... Angiist lo, 181:-! . . . November U), 1813 . . Paj'ne, William .... " ' ' Ray. George Richards, Randolf . . . May L'O, IKl:^. . . August IT), 1813 Sevevnuls, Kdward . - Auijust l'>, 1813 . . . November i:i, 181:; . . Stevenson, James . . . < I c c Stevenson, William . . 1 < .1 Williams, William . . • 1 < 1 1 . . < Waddle, James .... 1 . • < 11 .1 Waddle, Ora " " 1 There is no service iriven for the followinsr names : Denton, Abraham . Wells, John .... Colder, John . . . Parrel, James . . . Sanders, Sebenevin Dampear, Henry . Wheeler, Joshua . Caldwell, James . . Wier, Joseph . . . Hugh, Alexander . Westhart, James . Wishard, James . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN W. READING'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED —COMMANDED BY COLONEL RICHARD M. JOHNSON. INFANTRY Benjamin Branham John W. Reading . William Griffith. . William Mosby . . Abraham Ware . . James Bentloy . . Bradford .Stribling. Ijouis Dnnveard . . Bradford, Simeon . Bold, John .... Bates, Joseph ... Branham, James . Birts, William . . Bruno, John B. . . Crempayt, Daniel . Collins, Richard . . Cave, John .... Cremer. John . Davis, Daniel . . Dickerson, John. . Dingham, Daniel . Dreward, Neni . . Elain, Joseph . . . Ewing, Alexander. Paven, John . . . Freeman, Samuel . Grant, James . . . Greenup, Samuel . Hoover, Adam . . Heart, Andrew . . Johnson, Lewey. . Kirtley, William . Knaggs, James Lemon, John . . . Landon, Daniel . . Lafountain, Antwain Labrook, Joseph . Larango, Antwain . Momeni, Antwain. Monioni, Peter . . Menard, John. . . Neal, Miner. . . . Osborn, John . . . Captain . . . . Captain . . . . 1st Lieutenant Ensign . . . . 1st Sergeant . , lid Sergeant . . 8d Sergeant . . 4th Sergeant . . Private . . . . August 15, 1813 . NoviMiiber 19, 181: May 20, 1813 August l.'>, 181:! May l!ll, 181:!. . August 15, 1813 ... I " May 20, 1813 . . . . | August I.- August 15, 181:'. . .1 " Resigned August 15, 1813 — J. W. Reading, pro- moted. Promoted from 1st Lieutenant August Hi, 181:1 Appointed 1st Lieutenant August 10, 181:3. Promoted En.-ign August 16, 1813. May 20, 1813. November M), 1813 August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . September 15, 1813 May 20, 1813 . August 15, 1813 June 20, 1813 August 1.5, 1813 May 20, 1813. . July 19, 1813. . . . November 19, 1813 . August 15, 1813 . November 19, 1813 August 15, 1813 . November 19,1813 July 19, 1813 . . . November 19, 1813 . HOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 289 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN W. READING'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY- Continupil. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Osborn, Joseph .... Private May 20, 1813 .... November 19, 1813 . . Pratt, William . 11 11 11 1 1 Peek, Hezekiali . 11 11 11 11 Pluiiiiuer, Joseph 11 11 11 11 Pettell. William. . August 15, 1H13 . . . 1 1 1 1 Peter, William . 1 1 11 11 11 Pavne, John . . May 20, 1813 .... August l."), isi:! . . . RiilaiKl, John . . June 20, 1813 . . . . November !'.», 1813 . . Robh, Thonia.s. . August 1-5, 1813 . . . .1 11 Kobh, James . . September IS, 1813 . ' ' ' ' Kohine, Lewis. . August 15, 1813 . . . 1 1 11 Seragi;s, John. . May 20, 1813 .... August 1.5, 1813 Seberv, John . . . August 15. 1813 . . . November 19,1813 . . .Sanillord, Lawrenc e May 20. 1813 .... II .Smitli, John . . August 15, 1813 . . . 11 It Senture, Antwain .September 15, 1813 . . 11 11 Spencer, John. . May 20, 1813 . . . 11 11 Tarlton, John. . 11 .1 Tarlton, Ralph 15. 11 .1 Taylor, Joseph . August 1-5, 1813 . . . 11 II Valieate, Joseph. May 20, 1813 .... ' ' ' ' Valicate, .John B. July 20, 1813 1 , 11 Wood, Benjamin May 20, 1813 .... 11 11 WnlVnr Jarres B. (1 11 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM CHURCH'S COMPANY^ KENTUCKY MOUNTED INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL RICHARD M. JOHNSON. William Church. . . . Captain May 20, 1813 .... November 19, 1813 . . John Hughey 1st Lieutenant . . 11 11 11 11 James Sterman .... Ensign 11 11 11 II Israel .Jackson .... 1st Sergeant . . 11 11 11 Joseph Mocksley 2d Sergeant . . . August 15, 1813 . . . ' ' ' ' James McCleland . . . 3d Sergeant . . . 11 11 II II Rice Oliver 1st Corporal . . . May 20, 1813 . . . . I . 11 William Stevenson . . Trumpeter .... 11 11 11 11 Moses Clinton. . . Farrier 11 11 September 19, 1813 . . Brown, John Private 11 11 November 19, 1813 . . Barkett, Martin .... August 1.'), 1813 . . . 11 11 Barlow, Thomas. . . . ' ' ■ 1 11 11 11 Barlow, Thomas H. . . ' 1 11 11 11 11 Clinton, Jacob .... ' 1 11 II 11 11 Carter, John 1 1 May 20, 1813 .... August 15, 1813 . . . Cooper, Samuel .... ' ' August 1.5, 1813 . . . November 19, 1813 . . Clemon, William . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Edgecomb, .Samuel . . ' 1 .1 11 11 II Gatewood, Larkin . . . ' ' 1 1 11 11 .1 Hord, Elias • I II 11 II 1 , Hancock, Joel ' ' 11 11 11 11 Hook, James • I 11 11 September 12, 1813 . . Hood, Moses B. - . . . ' 1 11 11 November 19,l.sl3 . . Uatten, Sanders .... ' ' May 20, 1813 .... 11 11 Haden, Thomas .... 1 ' August 15, 1813 . . . 11 11 Hutter, William. . . . ' ' May 20, 1813 . . . 11 1 1 Laytin, James ' ' August 1.5, 1813 . . . ■ 1 II Morse, James .... May 20, 1813 .... 11 11 Moxlev, William . . . 1 1 August l-'i, 1813 . . . II 11 Miller, AVilliam .... ' ' 11 11 Orr. John. . . . 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 Pullian, Blan B. . . . 1 1 11 11 11 11 Prewit, Lewis • ' 11 II II 1 1 Ritenhouse, Adam. . . ' ' May 20, 1813 .... 11 11 Rucker, John ... 1 1 11 -11 11 II Reading, Samuel . . . 1 1 August 1.5, 1813 . . . 11 11 Richardson, John C. . . 1 1 II II II Suttenhill, James B. . . . ' May 20, 1813 .... II 11 Sacery, John C. . . . 1 1 August 15, 1813 . . . II II Still, James 1 1 II 1 1 11 11 Stevenson, Reuben . . . 1 1 II 1 . 11 11 Sharp, William . . . 1 1 May 20, 1813 . . . . August 15, 1813 . . . - Satterwhite, Walker . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Tuker, Davis O. W. . . 1 1 August 1.5, 1813 . . . November 19,1813 . . Taylor, John 1 I 1 . II September 4, 1813 . . Thornton, Toliver . . . ' 1 11 11 November 19, 1813 . . Wilson, Alexander . . 1 ' May 20, 1813 11 11 Wirely, Richard. ' ' August 1-5, 1813 . . . September 20, 1813 . . -- 240 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. Roll of Field and Stiitt; Soutlrs Regiment of Kentucky Mounted Militia, of the War of 1812 — Commanded by Colonel Samuel South. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Simuu^l South Li. Colonel . . . October 6, 1812 . . . October 3, 1812 . . . Joremiali Brisco. . . 1st Major .... September 29, 1812 . " Edward Baxter .... ■2d Major .... September 30, 1812 . . .1 11 Juhn S.Smith Adjutant .... October (i, 1812 . . . 11 11 Robert Cunninghniii . Quartermaster . . ' ' ' ' 11 1 . Joseph Barrett .... Paymaster .... ' ' ' ' 11 11 James Warren .... Qr. M. Sergeant . ' ' ' ' October D, 1812. . . . Charles McAfee . . . ' ' October Hi, 1812 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . Joseph Bhvckwood. . . S. Major October 7, 1812 . . . Frederick Ycager . . . J. Advocate . . . October 0, 1812. . . . II .1 John Fry Surgeon " " " " James Beed Surgeon's Mate. . ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROWLAND BURK'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL SAMUEL SOUTH. Rowhind Burk .... Captain September 18, 1812 . . October .30, 1812 . . . Abraham Wood .... Lieutenant . . • 11 11 Richard Mason .... Ensign II 11 Thomas Vandever. . . Sergeant .... Thomas Mason .... ' ' Mathias Coffee ... ' 1 Allen, Robert .... Private .... II 11 Allen, John 11 Allen, Thomas .... ' ' II 11 Hell, Henry ' ' Coleman, James. . . . ' ' 11 11 Carson, Robert . . . ' ' 1 1 11 Fare, Absalom . . . 11 11 Goode, Daniel .... October 14, 1812 . . . Guifford, Joel ' ' October 30, 1812 . . . Goard, Gabriel .... ' ' 11 1 < Harper, William . . . ' ' 1 1 11 Hutchinson, Lewis. . . October 14, 1812 . . . Hickman, Reuben . . October 8, 1812 . . . Kerr, Thomas ' ' October 30, 1812 . . Moore, Joshua . . . ' ' II 1 . Mitcheltree, George . 11 11 Mullican, James. . . . ' ' 11 11 Voulson, Benjamin . . . .1 ,1 Spaw, Jacob ' ' October 14, 1812 . . . Shuck, James . . . October 8, 1812 . . . ' ' October 30, 1812 . . . Vandever, Ashborry. ' ' October 14, 1812. . . Winnil'ord, Norwell . . ' ' October 30, 1812 Whittle, John ' ' 1 1 11 Wood, John .... SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 241 ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE MURRELL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL SAMUEL SOUTH. Names. George Murrell . Abraham Miller. Miohael Davidsun Thomas Helm. . William (Jwsley. Archibald Burton Kankin Chandler Walter Anderson James Montgomery Gabriel Lackey Levi Owsley . James Paxton. Samuel Moore. Brown, Joshua Bently, John . . . Benedict, Jonathan Briggs, Thomas . Blackburn, James Baile}', Elijah . . Bentley, Ephraim Carpenter, George Craig, John. . . Clemens, Charles Craig, David . . Crum, William . Davenport, Georgi Duncan, Willis . Dooley, James . Elder, Andrew . Epperson, Jesse . Estis, William . Engleman, Jacob Embree, Elijah . Feland, Thomas . Forbes, Montgomery Fleese, Nichidas Findley, Willia Givens, George Gilbert, John . Givens, Alexander Givens, John . . Gilbert, Isham . Gray, Hugh. . . Gilmore, James . . . Gilbreath, Alexander Huston. James Helm, Charles. ..Huntsman, Benjam Hocker, John . . Hocker, William . Hazlewood, Reuben Hughes, John . . . . Hutchinson, Thomas Harlin, Jeremiah Harlin, Henry . King, John. . . King, Robert . . Kerr, Thomas. . Lee, William F. . Logan. Baty . . Lee, Francis . . Logan, Allen . . Lee, Abraham . . Lewis, Jaqualin Logan, Hugh . . Lee, Thomas Logan, Benjamin Logan, Hugh . . Logan, Samuel . Montgomery, Joh Moore, Samuel . ■ Miller, George McCormack, Will Minor, Laban. . . McCormack, Daniel A Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . . Corporal Trumpeter . Private . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 18, 181-2 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October SO, 1812 . Remarks. October 12, 1812 October :iO, 1X12 October 18, 1812 October 30, 1812 October 5, 1812 October 30, 1812 October 13, isi: 242 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE MURRELL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. McKinney, George . Moore, George . . . Montgomery, Win. L. Montgomery, Wm. P. Myers, George . . . Norcut, Arthur . . . Patton, Robert B. . . Peak, Spencer. . . . Sliiiigliter, Mathew . Sutton, Joshua . . . Servant, William . . Suddith, .Samuel . . . Stewart, Milton . . . Tinsloy, James . . . Turner, Josiah . . . Terrell, Thomas . . . Wridgeway, Thomas. Willoby, Andrew . . Wallace, Caleb . . . Wilhort, Joel .... Warner, David . . . Williams, Meshac . . Yager, James .... Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Private September 18, 1812 . To what time En or Enlisted. October :iO, 1812 , ROLL OF CAPTAIN JEREMIAH BRISCOE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL SAMUEL SOUTH. Jeremiah Briscoe . . Peter Watts .... James Harlan. . . . Benjamin H. Perkins Joseph McDonald . . Samuel I. McDonald. James Lillard. . . . Archibald Gordon. . Edward Pennington . John Allen Akin, William . . . Brown, William, . . Bull, Bennett .... Barclay, David . . . Brownfield. .James B. Brownfield, Richard B Barbee, Ezekiel . . Bonty, Lambert. . Bryor, Anthony H. Cochran, John . . Cuvert, John . . . Childs, William. . Coghill, Littleton . Cole, Harlin . . . Davis, Robert . . . Durham, John . . Davis, Joseph . . . Dickerson, Edward Dunklin, John . . Durham, Thomas . Eastland, Ashbury. Ewing, Samuel . . Eberly, Henry . . Ewing, Samuel . . French, John . . . Fisher, Adam . . . Fry, John .... Fields, Daniel. Flornoy, Matthew Gaines, Ezekiel . . Graves, Rice ■ . . (jordon, John . . . Gray, Thomas. . . Haggin, Turah . . Hall, John .... Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal . Private . September IS, 1S12 September 7, 1812 . September 18, 1812 . September 29, 1812 October 80, 1812 . September 2',), 1812 October 30, 1812 . September 2'.t, 1812 (Jctober ;!0, 1812 . . October IH, IS12 October SO, 1812 October 10, 1812 October 80, 1812 October 1. 1.S12 . October 80, IKl'J Septeniber 7, 1812 . September 18, 1812 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 243 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JEREMIAH BRISCOE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA— Continued. Hftggin, Samuel . . Haggin, John . . . Harlan, John . . . Keel, Asa Lawless, Slastin Ludwiek, John . . Laws, Jeremiah . . Mitchel, Jacob . . Miller, William . . Alastin, James. . . McGinnis, William McDowell, John . Mc(iinnis, Hezekiah Mcl'ike, William . Nelson, Mathew. . Nelson, Thomas. . Nelson, Ambrose . Ogilvie, James . . Rochester, William Ripperton, Frederick .Smith, Jere A. . Shields, James . Spencer, John. . Shelton, Peter. . Thomas, ,Iames . Warren, Samuel W. . Worthington, Edward Walker, Alexander Wilson, Samuel . . Wilson, David . . Warren, James . . Willis, Joseph . . Geiser, Frederick . September 18, September 7 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 7 September 1 September September 18 1812 . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted 181-2 . 1812. 1812 . 1812 . 812. . 1812 October 30, 1812 , October 7, 1812. October 30, 1812 October 13, 1812 . October 30, 1812 September 29, 1812 October 30, 1812 . September 20, 1812 October 30, 1812 . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES RAY'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY' MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY COLONEL SAMUEL SOUTH. James Ray .... Samuel McCown . George McAfee . . Samuel McAfee . . James McAfee . . Joseph Blackwood Clark McAfee. . . John Kennedy . . Francis Cunningham John Curry. . . . John Armstrong . William Riley . . Adams, John . . . Adams, Samuel . . Alason, Samuel . . Allen, John. . Booker, Nicholas . Belleaux, Nathaniel Bingham, John . . Hybarber, Joseph . Kennedy, James. . Kirkpatrick, James Kencer, John . . . Lowery, Joseph . . McDonald, John A. McAfee, John. . . McName}', Robert. McAfee, Robert . . McClary, Robert . Nivans, James . . Kynerson, Isaac . . Rynerson, Barney . Robinson, Israel . . Smock, John . . . Slaughter, William H. Sniddy, Robert . Thompson, George C Wilson, John . . Wilson, Samuel , Captain ! September 18, 1812. Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corp< October 30, 1812 . September 29, 1812 October 30, 1812 . . October 7, 1812. . October 10, 1812 . October 30, 1812 . September 29, 1812 , t)ctober 30, 1812 . . September 29, 1812 October 30, 1812 . •244 SOLblERS dF THE WAR OF ISll ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS KENNEDY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER MILITIA-COMMANDED BY^ COLONEL SAMUEL SOUTH. Namks. Rank. Thomas Kennedy . • ■ Captriin M<)S 1 September 28, 1812 . . Absent with leave. Baxter, Samuel .... 1 . .1 October 7, 1812. . . . Sick. Bawnlee, John .... 11 11 October 30, 1812 . . Bobb, William . . . 11 It Ab-sent with leave. Butler, Samuel .... It 11 II Deserted. Bond, Cornelius .... .1 11 October 7, 1812. . . . Sick. Crocket, John W. . . 11 11 October .30, 1812 . . . Crocket, Samuel C. . . 1 1 11 II It Absent with leave. Carr, Thomas .... 11 . . .1 11 Cloud, Samuel G. . . . 11 11 Decreet, Joseph .... 1. Duncan, James .... It t 1 Dougherty, James. . . t . September 30, 1812 . . Appointed (Quartermaster Sergeant October 1 . Fracher, Charles. . . . . t .1 September 20, 1812 . . Appointed Surgeon September 30. Fink, John 1 . 1 ' October .30, 1812 . . . Fracher, John 1 1 11 It Gaunt, William .... 11 " Deserted. Harrison, Joseph C. . . 1 1 1 1 11 Jewet, Matthew .... 11 .1 11 It Logan, Samuel .... 11 Moore, Angus. . . . 11 11 Messock, Isaac .... 1 . 11 11 1 1 Absent with leave. McCall, William . . . 11 11 Absent with leave. McCornell, William . . 11 11 Parmer, James .... 11 11 Ab.sent with leave. Rankin, Adam .... 11 11 1 1 11 Roberts, John 11 1 , 1 , 11 Ramsey, Robert . . . 11 .1 II 11 Royal, William .... 11 11 October 7, 1812 . . . Sick. .■^inith, John .... " ' ' Tadloer, Andrew . . . October 30, 1812 . . . Talbot, Jonathan . . . 1 1 . . October 7, 1812 . . . Venable, James .... 11 11 II II Sick. Villers, George .... 1 1 1 1 October 30, 1812 . . . Wardlaw, John .... 1 1 11 1 1 11 Walker, Mathew . . . 11 11 11 11 Young, Leavin .... 1 1 11 1 1 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH ALLEN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JAMES ALLEN. Joseph Allen . . John Sterrett . . Thomas Peckly . Isaac Dellaven . James Mackej- . Nelson Jolly . . James Crutcheloe Samuel Jarrett . William Davidson James Duncan Abraham Vonmiter Robert Allen . . Askins, John . . Awbrej', Thomas Adams, Artman. Bremer, Peter. . Bremer, John I.. Butler, James . . Brille, Joseph . . Blaine, Michael . Crawford, William Campton, John . Cannon, Ildward Captain . . . Lieutenant. . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal 4th Corporal . Bugler . . . Private . . . September 13, 1812 September 16, 1812 September 13, 1812 September 1(5, 1812 . September 13, 1812 . September IC, 1812 . September 13, 1812 . .September 16, 1812 September 13, 1812 September 16, 1812 October 30, 1812 Horse tired, and left October 23 Horse lost < )otober 3. Sick. Sick. October 10, 1812 October 30, 1812 254 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF l8ll ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH ALLEN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Cunningham, Willia Cunningham, .lohn m. Private September ir,,lS12 . . September 1:'>, lsl:i . . September 10, 1812 . . September 18, 1812 . . September 111, 1S12 . . September 18, 1S12 . . September 16, 1812 . . September 13, 1812 . . September 10, 1812 . . September 12, 1812 . . September 10, 1812 . . September 13, 1812 . . October .",0, 1812 . . . October 14. 1812 . . October 8(1. 1812 . . October 2, 1812 . . October 80, 1812 . . . September 24, 1812 . . October 80, 1812 . . . October 7, 1812 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . Dale, Philip. . . . Edward, Thomas . Edward, David . . Glascock, George . Jolh', Samuel . . . Lucas, Benedic . . McCrairy, liobort . Miller, Peter . . Miller, Barney . . Miller, Henrj', .Ir. . Sick, Newman, VVial . . Nevit, William . . Pile, Edward . . Pile Thoma« . . . Porter, Thompson . Kood, Thompson . Stevens, Richard . Sick. Smith, Samuel . . Shoemaker, Stephen Sconce, Robert . . Wheatley, Thomas White, William. . Weaver, Jacob . . Wrightnew, f raniiis ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES WILLIAMS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL JAMES ALLEN. James Williams . Bartholomew Kendr James Dun . Mason Singleton. . Benjamin William. Richard Walter . . William Scott. . . Nathaniel Dun . , Thomas .Smith . Anderson, Hugh A. Alison, Thomas . . Baker, Dudley . . Breed, Philip . . . B.iurne, William . Carathius, William Clark, Thompson A Cooley, Reuben . . Craven, John . . . Dicker.>on, James Elrod, Jeremiah. . Ewins, Andrew . . Elkin, McClaiiahan Foley, Elijah . . . Gate'wood, Richard Ueghton, .loshua . Hughes, William, Sr. Hawkins, John Hughes, John, Sr Hughs, Rowland Hughs, John . . Hughes, William, Jr Hughes, John, Jr, Haddon, Ezekicl. Irvin, John . . . McCune, James Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 8d Sergeant 4th Sergeant 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . Private . . . September 18, 1812 . . October 80, 1812 October 7, 1812. October 80, 1812 October l:!, 1812 October 80, 1812 , October 18, 1812 October 80, 1S12 October T. 1812 October 80, 1812 October 18, 1812 Discharged October 7th. Promoted to Lieutenant October 18lh. Promoted to Ensign October 14th, Discharged October 14tli — wounded. Discharged October 13th, Deserted, Discharged October 7th, Promoted to Sergeant. Discharged October 13th — sick. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 255 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES WILLLIMS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Mnscley, Edward . McCune, Joseph. . McCune, William . Mead, William W. Noonan, James . . Nicolson, James. . Private ...... 1 \[ Sept ember 18, 1812 . . ' ' ' 1 1 October 13, 18 2 . . . October 8(1, 1812 . . . October l:i, 1812 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . October l:!, 1812 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . October 7, 1812 . . . October 30. 1812 . . . October 13, 1813 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . October 13, 1812 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . Deserted . Niveiis, George . . Horse dead. Patton, Benjamin . Pennington, Samuel Rutner, Abncr . . Absent with leave October 2nih. Discharged October 13th— sick. Discharged October 7th — sick. .Sosberry, Nathaniel Whitmire, Frederick AVharton, Joseph . "Williams, Thomas. Wallace, John . . Wood, Archibald . Webster, Christophe Wilson, Herrod . . Zimmerman, George r . • Roll of Field iiiul Staff, Ewing's Regiment, Kentucky Mounted Militia, War of 1812 — Commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Young Ewing. Young Ewing. . Solomon P. Sharp Alexander Adair Joel Shaw . . . James Blain . . John C. Kay . . Prestley Slaughter C. M. Covington. A. M. Sharp . . William Whitsitt E. M. Ewing . . Lt. Colonel Major . . . Adjutant . . . J. Advocate . . Surgeon .... Sergeant Major. Quartermaster . Qr. M. Sergeant CJuartermaster . Sergeant Major, October 2, 1812 October 30, 1812 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL H. CURD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENRNT-COLONEL YOUNG EWING. Samuel H. Curd .... Captain September 18, 1812 . . October 30. 1812 . . . William Stewart . . . Lieutenant . . II 11 Wilson Whitsell . . . Ensign . . . II Ephraim M. Ewing Sergeant. . . October 1, 1812 . , Promoted to Sergeant Major October 2, 181 ) Listen Temple . . . October 30, 1812 Promoted from private to Sergeant Oct. 29, 1812 William Blakey. . . II .1 Robert Ewing. . . . 11 II John Proctor .... . . 1 < Promoted Sergeant October 2'J, 1812. Adams, William . . Private . . .1 11 Adams, Martin .... ' ' 1 .1 ill , , Alviss, Charles .... ' ' Boren, Thomas E.. . . 1 ' Baker. John T. . . . ' 1 i Barnes, Zachariah . . . 1 October 12, 1812. . . Britt, William . . . ' ' 1 October 30, 1812 . . . Began, William .... ' ' Caldwell, Robert . . . " , ( ( September 30, 1812 . . 258 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL H. CURD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- Continued. Carter, Moses . . . Chandler, Richard Conger, Isaac . . . Drake, William K. Danks, William . . Fuller, Jonas S. . . Fitzhugh, George . Harris, Eli ... • Hansbrough, SmitI Hifers, William . . Jackman, Keubon Lodge, Henry. . . Mitchell, Matthew. Montgomery, Kenney Right, Larken. . . Riggs, Thomas . . Smith, Jonathan . . Stephens, Samnel . Stephens, Charles . Wilson, Constant A White, Samuel . . White, Hugh . . . Wiley, William . . WooJ, Mason . . . Wells, Henry . . . Ward, Jonathan. . Rank. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. September 18, \»\-> . 1 October 80, 1812 Rkmarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOBE GLOVER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL YOUNG EWING. Jobe Glover. . . . Robert Bird. . . . William Loper . . Joseph Anderson . William Nevill . . John Glover . . . Thomas Hoofman . Amos, Erasmus . . Alley, William . . Alley, Nicholas . . Birns, Thomas . . Bustrong, George . Bustrong. Henry . Clarke, Obadiah . . Coleman, Greef T. . Denham, Isaac . . Dall, Iraa Edwards, Thomas . Glover, James. . . Glover, William. . Grider, Martin . . Hoofman, Ambrose Holmes, George W. Helms, Martin W.. Hindman, Robert . Hardy, George . . Hogan, Arthur . . Hamilton, Robert . Joliff, Abner . . . Jolifi; Richard. . . .Jameson, James . . Jameson, John . . Lorey, John . . . McKee, Thomas. . Martin, Owen. . . Mayfieid, George . * Nevill, James . . . 'Nevill, Joseph . . Natran, Laban . . (^)wens. John . . . Reed, Leonard K. . Reed, George . . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . September IS, 1812 . October 30, 1812 Died at Fort Harrison. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 181'2. 257 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOBE GLOVER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- Continued. Names. 8tocktoli, John . Sliirley, Nimrod, Shirley, Thomas. Smith, Jonas . . Summers, John . Stram, Thomas . "Thompson, Wadley V'anzant, Abraham Wilson, Richard. Watts, Samuel . Wilson, John . . Yancej', Joel . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 18, 1812 . To what time Entraged or Enlisted. October 30, 1812 . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN WILLIAMS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL YOUNG EWING. John Williams . . . . Captain September 18, 1812 . . October 30, 1812 . . . Seth Thompson . . Lieutenant. . . . • ' ' ' 11 11 Thomas Starrett . . Ensign > 1 11 William Smith . . Sergeant 11 11 ' ' " Joseph Scaggs. . . ' ' ' ' ■ ' October 7, 1812 . . . Discharged October 7, 1812. Thomas B. Brook . 11 11 October 30, 1812 . . . James Scaggs . /. . 1 ' 11 11 October 7, 1812 . . . Discharged October 7, 1812. William Snowden . Corporal 11 1 1 October 30, 1812 . . Isaac Reede. . . . 11 11 James Arden . ' ' 11 11 October 7, 1812 . . Discharged October 7, 1812. William Johnson . ' • 11 11 October 30, 1812 , . . Ilenrv Shanks. . . Trumpeter .... 11 11 11 1 1 Private .1 October 3, 1812 . . . Discharged October 3, 1812. Birch, C'hedille . . Berry, John R. . . ' ' 11 1 1 October 30, 1812 . . . Bralton, Adam . . ' ' 1 1 11 Beard, Isaac . . . '• " " Promoted to Corporal Oct-ber 7, 1812 Barger, Jesse . . . » ' I ( 11 11 11 Covington, Elijah M '< October 1, 1812 . . . Promoted to t^uartermaster October 1, 1812. Campbell, Samuel . • 1 11 11 October 30, 1812 . ., ',] 11 11 Chapman, Thomas. Cavins, Reason . . 11 11 Cutlip, David . ' ' 11 .1 October 3, 1812 . . . Discharged October 3, 1812. Clark, Bowler. . . /' ' ' .1 1 1 • ' ' ' Discharged October 3, 1812. ' ' 1 1 1 1 October 30, 1812 . . . October 12, 1812 . . . Discharged October 12, 1812. Duft', Abraham . . Grider, Martin . . ' ' 11 1 1 October 30, 1812 . . . ' ' 11 11 October 3, 1812 . . . Discharged October 3, 1S12. Grinsted, Richard . Gibson, Jacob. . . " ■ 1 1 11 : I 11 ,, 1. October 30, 1812 . . . Hobson, Jonathan . Hampton, Benjamin ' ' " ' ' 11 11 ., 11 October 7, 1812 . . . Discharged October 7, 1812. Harness, Richard . Hill, William . . . 1 ' 11 11 October .30, 1812 . . . Johnson, John . . ' ' 11 .1 11 < 1 Johnson, Fergus. . ' ' 1 1 1 1 11 11 Lockhart, Joseph " 1 1 11 1 1 11 Absent without leave. Low, Barney .... .. 11 11 :: ;: October 12, 1812 . . . October 30, 1812 . . . Discharged October 12. Lamb, John. . . . McUonald, August • 1 y .1 " Martin, Archibald. •' 11 11 Matlock, Absalom. 11 11 ' ' • ' Madison, James. . .1 11 11 11 Promoted to Sergeant October 7, 1812. McCoy, Robert . . . ' • 11 i I 11 Potter, William. . 1 . 1 < 11 1 1 Absent without leave. Potts, Jonathan . . . • > 11 11 1 1 11 Ray, Richard . . • < 11 11 October 30, 1812 . . . Sharp, Solomon P. ' • 1 1 11 October 1. 1812 . . . Promoted to Major October 1. 1M2. * ' (I 1 « October 30, ltS12 . . . Absent without leave. Snowden, Lovell. . Sublett, Samuel . . " " 33 258 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN WILLIAMS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- Continued. Names. .p , 1 Date of Appoiiilment '**"'^- or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Shirley, Benjamin. . . Swearingor, William D. Taylor, John . . Thompson, >Tereiniah. . Wright. Charles. . . . Wainsc'ott, Robert. . . Wainscott, Adam . . . l>riynte .... ,1 September 18, 1812 . . October 30, 1812 . . . October 2, 1812. . . . Oaober :?0, 1812 . . . October 13, 1812 . . Discharged October 12, 1812. Promoted to Sergeant October 7, 1812. Discharged October 12, 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN BUTLER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY" LIEUTENANT-COLONEL YOUNG EWING. John Butler . . Captain .... September 18. 1812 , . October 30, 1812 . . . Robert Trabue .... Lieutenant . . . ' ' ' ' 11 11 James Leber j Ensign 11 1 I 11 11 William Pile 1 Sergeant .... September 28, 1812 . . October :!, 1812 . . . Thoma.s Shaw October .30, 1812 . . . Thomas W. Atkinson . ' ' .1 11 .1 11 John Walker 1 ' I i 11 11 11 Abraham Hart .... Corporal .... 11 11 > I 11 Isaiah Bradshaw . . " 1 . 11 11 1 1 Charles L. Cox .... J , • ' ' ' 11 11 James Redman .... • 1 1 ' October 29, 1812 . . . Archer, Meredith . . Private . . . it 11 October 30, 1812 Abriel, John ' ' 11 11 11 11 Able, W^illiam W.. . . • ' 11 11 11 11 Baldridge, Samuel. . . ' ' 11 .1 1 1 11 Bohman, Daniel. ' ' 11 11 11 11 Beard, Samuel < ' 11 11 October 3, 1812. . . . Beard, Hugh 1 1 11 .1 October 29, 1812 . . . Blane, James .... ' ' 11 11 1 1 .1 Promoted to .ludge Advocate. Burkingham, Peter . . 11 11 October 30, 1K12 . . Creel, Durham .... 11 11 11 Creel, Silas ' ' 11 11 11 11 Creel, Simon ' ' 11 11 October 2!l, 1812 . . . Conover, William . . . > • 11 1 1 October 30, 1812 . . . Caskey, Sampson . . . ' ' 1 1 11 Creavens. Hiram . . . ' ' 11 11 1 1 11 Cunditr, Richard. . . . < ' 11 11 11 11 Cntsinger, Georgo . . . ' ' . 11 11 11 Canard, George .... ' ' 11 < 1 11 11 Casey, Green ' ' 11 11 11 Drake, William ... ' ' September 18, 1812 . 11 11 Doke, David ' ' Estis, John ' • 1 1 11 11 11 Embry, Samuel . . . • ' 11 11 11 1 . GilmoVe, Alexander . . ' ' 11 11 October 3, 1812 . . HoUaday, Zachariah . . " " October 30, 1812 . . . Hancock, Jubel .... ' ' 11 11 11 1 . Hood, .Jesse, ^--r^ . . . < ' 11 11 11 1 1 Hart, William .... ' > 11 11 11 11 Hancock, William . . ' ' 11 11 .^ 1 Howell, Thomas. . . . ' ' It 11 11 11 Irvine, John ' ' " " 11 1 1 Jones, George ' ' 11 11 11 11 Johnson, Robert M. . . 11 1 < 11 11 James, Berry ' 1 It .1 1 1 11 Lee, AVilliam 11 < 1 " '1 Montgomery, William. ' ' 11 11 11 .1 Morris, Samuel .... " ' ' 11 1 . Middleton, Green lierry. • ' " " 11 .1 Middleton, Thomas . . • ' 1 < 11 1 1 Morrison, Joseph . . . ' • ;; ;; 11 11 Patterson, John .... 11 11 Perkins, Kichiird . . 11 11 .1 Parish. William. . . . .1 1 1 1 1 11 Patterson, Richard. . . 11 1 . 11 11 Readman, William . . 1 ( 11 11 11 11 Ray, Robert C .' 1. 11 Promoted to Surgeon. Steel, Robert • ' 11 11 October 3, 1812 . . Taylor, Zachariah . . . 11 1 1 October 30, 1812 . . . Thomas, John 11 11 11 11 Thomas, Fleming . . . " " " ' 11 1 < SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 259 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN BUTLER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA Continued. Wilan, Thomas . . . , Waggoner, Herbert G, Wcilf, Andrew . . . Winfrey, Elisha. Walker, Gilmore . . Williams, Joel . . Bank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 18, 181i To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 30, 181-i ROLL OF CAPTAIN FIDELIO C. SHARP'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL YOUNU EWING. Pidelio C. Sharp. . . . Captain September 18, 1812 . . October 30, 1812 . . . Samuel A. Bowen . . . Lieutenant . . . John Denman Ensign William Koss Sergeant John H. Ball ' ' Henry Clark • ' Job Hammond .... ' ' Barlow, Thomas. . . . Private ... Clarke, Vashea! .... Clark, Benjamin L. . . ' ' ' Curtis, George .... ' ' Deserted. East, Shadrach .... ' ' French, Joseph . . . Farmer, James .... ' ' Farmer, John ' ' Friar, William .... ' ' (ireer, James Jones, William .... Lamb, John Moore, Samuel .... ' ' Martin, Reuben. . . . ' ' McCombes, William. . ' ' Deserted. Ross, J(,hn ' ' Stephens, Reuben . . . ' ' .Sexon, Lewis ■ ' Stewart, William D.. . 1 ' ' Toler, Jacob C ' ' Wood, William B. . . . 1 " ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM EWING' S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL ^OUNG EWING. William Ewing . Seth Hargrave . James Davidson. Nathaniel Ewing Samuel j. ^.iirod . Jacob Si.yler . . Robert Gibbs Arnold, Bridges . Brown, Austin . Hurris, John . . Brown, Richard . Borah, George. . Berrv. (Jeorge. . Cars.'.n, Th.nnas . Davis, .\l,nev . . Gibson, David. . Howard, John . . Hargrave, .lames Holt, Samuel . . Hanely, Jacob. . Hibbard, Malache Hamilton, Thoma Lowry, William. Lee, Samuel . . . Kimel, Benjamin JlcCoy, Alexander Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . September 18, 1812 . . | October 30, 1812 I'romoted Paymaster in Col. Caldwell's Regiment 2G0 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM EWING'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- ContinueiL Namks. Kank. Date of Appointment or Knlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Kkmarks. Margrave, John . . Mars, Ilugli. . . . Pendleton, Maoe . Porter, William . . Private September 18, 1812 . . October -SO, 1812 . . . October :5. 1812. . . . Otrtober 30, 1812 . . .- October 7, 1812. . . . October 30, 1812 . . . Riee, John .... Talbot, William. . Thompson, Samuel Warnock, Lewis . Whitaker, Thomas. Wood, William . . Wooring, Peter . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN CHARLES CALDWELL'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY" MOUNTED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL YOUNG EWING. Charles Caldwell . John Bryan. ... Henry Y. Burgess. Thomas Cook . . Hugh Stuart ... John Strand ... Mcrri wether Saundei Arbuckle, Thomas. Brewer, Henry . . Brown, Bassit. . . Kerguson, Peter . . Gray, Miles. ... Grace, William . . ~Gist, William . . . Harrison, Benjamin Howard, Ziva . . . Hargis, Abraham . Hargis, William. . Lewis, Beaufort . . Lewis, Henry K. . Moor, Jesse .... Murray, William . Patton, William. . Rogers, Robert . . Robinson, James. . Shaw, Joel .... Salvage, William M Slaughter, Presley. Salton, Benjamin W Truit, James . . Walker, Joseph . Wilbern, Jesse Y. Captain . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . .Sersreant . Piivatc Septcnibcr IN. IXVI October 30, 1812 (trtobcr U, 1S12 October 30, 1S12 Octol>cr 18, 1812 , October 30, 1812 . October IS. 1812 October 30, 1812 October 14, 1812 October 3ti, 1812 Joined another company. Appointed Adjutant to Colonel Caldwell. Joined another company. Promoted to Adjutant. Promoted to Surgeon's Mate. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES FORBES' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL YOUNG EWING. James Forbes . . . Charles Uaney . . William Thompson David Walker . . Ahrahuin Creek . . John Baker. . . . John Allen . . . Haden Trigg . . . Henry Goin. . . . Reed Custer. . . . Isaac Green. . . . Anderson, John . . Ashby, Francis . . Adair, Alexander . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal . . Private . . September 18, 1812 October 30, 1812 . Promoted to Major. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 261 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES FORBES' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA- Continned. Allen, Elijah . . . Benohamp, Tlionia! Bishop, William. . Crenshaw, (larlaiid »41'ochraii, John . . <\)okf, William B.. Carter, .James ... -Clarke, William. . Cane, ArnnlJ ... Custer, William . Depp. Joel . . . . Davidson, John . . DocUl, Lewis . . . Douglass, William. Franklin, Joel . . Franklin, John Uarnett, William . Green, John . . . Grimsteacl, Henry . Uolloway, Samuel . Howell, John . . . Hall, Tharp. . . . Hues, (ieorge , . . Hall, Mahlon . . . Hoi lady, John A. . Hailey, Maximillion Hamilton, John . . Jiiiics. Samjison . . Kirislow. Itruben . Murrell, Samuel. . Maildox, Samuel. . .MeRay, Augustili . MeChanlis, Alexandi Masey, Philip. . . Oldham, John. .- . Pulliam, John. Priest, Nathaniel . Renwiek, Henry. . Ritchie, Robert . . Rogers, George . . Richardson, George Robinson, James . Rogers, Elijah. . Renfrew, Jesse . . Shaw, John .... Stockton, Newborn Sharp, Absalom . . Saunders, James . Tnibue, George W. Trigg, Abason . . Warder, William . Wagner, Thomas P. Warder, Joseph . . Willis, William T.. White, Simeon . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 18. ISPi To what time Engag or Enlisted October ?.(), 1812 Absent without leave. Absent without leave. Absent without leave. Absent without leave. Absent without leave. Promoted to il M. Sergeant. 262 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. lloll of Field iiiul tStaft*, Francisco's Regiment of Kentucky Militia, War of 1812 — Commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel John Francisco. Names. .John Francisco . . . John Bean .James Grant . . . . Thomas Stevenson. . Will Atwood . . . . Joseph Kinkead. . . J'atrick Major. . . A Very (iwynn . . . (Jeorge W. New. . . William .Stephens . . Harden Wilson . . . George Claton . . . . Bernard W. Ginity . Frederick Mansy . . George (slave) . . . Ilichard (slave) . . . Alexander .Smothers Lieutenant-Col.. Major Adjutant . . . Quartermaster . Paymaster . . . Surgeon .... S. Mate .... Sergeant Major Cjuartermaster Ser Fife Major. . Drum iiajor . Sergeant . . Servant . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. February 8, 181.5 March 7. 1815 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOSEPH STRAUGHAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA- MANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN P^RANCISCO. -COM- Joseph Straugban . . . Captain February 8, 1815 . . March 7, 1815 .... Moses Tipton Lieutenant. . . . .1 1 . William Kavanhaugh . Ensign , . < i 1 1 11 Nicholas Kavanbaugh . Sergeant . . < 1 .1 1 1 I , .John Winn ' ' .1 1 , 1 1 1 . Thomas Prather " ' 1 1 .1 Benjamin Woodruff . . Corporal .... I < . . 11 11 William I. Garvin. . . ' ' < I . ( 1 . 11 George Clayton .... ' ' > 1 1 < 1 1 11 William Taylor .... ' ' .1 i , 1 . 11 Boggs, Owen I'rivate 1 > I . Benthall, Samuel . . . ' ' < 1 > . 11 1 . Butcher, William , . ■ ' < < > 1 1 1 1 . Carter, James ' " 1 . I < 11 11 Cornelison, William. . ' ' 1 1 11 Cook, Bradlev II ,1 Calleban, .John . . . 11 . . 11 11 Carter, Claibourne. . . ' ' 11 Crews, Hiram. ... ' ' I . I . 11 1 I Calleban, David . . . ' ' 11 11 Doyer, Bichard . . . ' ' 1 , 11 11 11 Dusky, James 1 1 11 Dunovan, William, . . 11 II Fowler, William . . . ' ' 11 11 Ferrell, Thomas. Farthing, Gideon . . ' ' 1 . 11 11 Freeman, Edward . . . ' ' 11 1 . 11 1 1 Grimes, Moses 11 II 11 .1 Grimes, Elijah .... 1 1 .1 .1 11 Grillith, James . . . • ' 11 11 Gully, Willis ' ' Handv, William. . . . ' ' 11 1 1 11 11 Hill, John W II 11 11 1 1 Hazlewood, Randolpli . ' 1 .1 1 1 11 Hicks, liobert < ' .1 Killed l.v a tree in cauip. Haves, .Solomon .... • ' .1 11 11 11 Johns, William ... ' ' 11 11' •fone-s, Edward W.. . ' 1 1 1 I . 11 II Kemp, William .... • ' 11 11 .1 Jvcnnedy, John .... • ' 1 , Kavanaugh, Archibald. ' ' 1 1 11 Jfavanaugh, Charles . . ■ ■ 11 II Lawrence, William . . ' ' 11 11 Lay, Elijah - .1 .1 11 Lanham, (ireen .... ' ' ',' " 11 11 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 263 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH STRAUGHAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Mize, Thomas. . Millian, William Muck, Joseph, . OrohHrd, John. Pullam, Moses . Plowman, John . Portwood, Solomon Parks, Charles Prarett. Elijah Rogers, Harris Ransom, John. Smith, Lewis . Smith, Andrew .SVranghams, James Skinner, John. . Trusty, Ezekiel . Tatum, .Tohn . . Taylor, John . . Turner, Martin . Turner, .John . . Tolson, William . Tolson, .lames. . Tomlin, Joel . . Tomlin, .Jeremiah Vincent, David . Wright, Thomas W Watson, Nathan Woods, Peter Woods, John S. . Wood, .John . . Wright, Thomas Woodruff, David Wood, Samuel . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. February H, IXl': R KM AUKS March 7, 1^1 Discharged. ROLL OP CAPTAIN ANDREW COOMBS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. Andrew Coombs. Edward Cornelius John Masee. . . William Th.mipki Robert Mottatl Thomas Mitcliell James Cox . . . William Weddon Nicholas Mosby . Allen Pierson . . Stephen Ruddle . Ashford, John E. Askings, William Ashford, Wesley Abbott, John . . Brown, Jesse . . Baugh, James. . Beasley, John . . Buckaniion, John Brown. William . Bryant, Roily . . Buckannon. Simeon Christopher, Williai Conley, Alexander Clarke, Jacob . . Cummings, Elijah Drumm, George . Dalton, William. Deavers, Balding Dale, Lerov. ■ . Elgin, Thomas P. Edwards, James . Ewings, Hugh . Ellis, William. . Ford, .John . . . Guthrie, Bei Garrett, Wa Captain . . Jjieu tenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . . (Corporal Februarv S, 181.' 264 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN ANDREW COOMBS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Names. (tilpin, William . Hoskiiis, Halor . Hursh, (ieorge . Howard, Vincent Hill, George. . . Hill, David . . . Hopkins, Benjamin Hill, John B. . . .Johnston, .loseph Jones, John W. . Kerrick, James . Lee, John .... Long, Thomas . Mitchell, David . Minor, Joseph. . McBride, Charles Morton, Jeremiah -New, George W. PuUen, Nelson . Vayton, Thomas. Paxton, John . Spalding, Walker Snelling, Alexander Snyder, John . Searcy, Isaac . Spiers, Henry . Snelling, Benjamin Searcy, Merritt . Smith, James I. . Skeeters, James . Spalding, Cartlett Stone, William . Sergeant, Dabney Smith, James . . Speets, Henry. . . Scroggins, Johnston Tophonse, John . Tult, James L. . . Tiitt, James D. . . Tempv, John . . . Tempy, Jacob. . . Wiggenton, Willian Williams, James . Voiing, John . . Young, Joel . . . Young, Lewis. . . Y'oung, James. Young, Richard . . Dale of Appointment To what time Engaged or Knlistment. or Enlisted. Private February S, Ihil", , March 1, 18ir March 7, 181S 'IransCerred to Gaptiiiii Drake's. ROLL OF CAPTAIN STEPHEN RITCHIE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY' MILITIA- MANDEI) BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. -COM Stephen Ritchie. David Anderson. Hobert Burbridge I.srael Lewis . . Reuben Marshall Robert Lallor . . Nathan Lewis. . John M. Wooden Absalom Wiggins Thomas Works . Evan Ward. . . Adkins, William Uradf'c.rd, James. Brewer, John . . Barnhill, Robert. Brocknian, John Barton, Archibald liarton, John . . Burrows, William Burns, Caleb . . Betner, Tropthulem Birk, Martin . . . Captain . Lieutenant Ensign , . Sergeant Corporal . February 8, 181-" August 8, 1815 Sick. Transferred to Captain ^"cobie SOLDIEKS OF THE WAK OF 18 IL'. 265 ROLL OF CAPTAIN STEPHEN RITCHIE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA-Contiuued. Namks. Chism, Benjamin . Collins, Thomas. . Camion, John . , . Criswell, Hugh . . Campbell, John . . Cuppage, James . . Chison, John . . . Cave, John .... Collins, Kobert . . Uavis, John .... Davis, James . . . Dj'son, Hezekiah . Deavers, Johnson . Decker, James . . Davis, Philomon . Davis, William . . Fauntleroy, William Finnel, James. . . Givens, James. . . (raines, Richard . Green, Ulisha . . . (irooms, Charles. . (iresham, John . . Houston, Stephen . Hannah, Joseph. . Henry, Thomas . . Holeman, Jacob. . Hunter, Pleasant . Hines, Caldwell . . Hoover, David . . Hiles, George . . . Johnson, Elijah . . Kendricks, Benjami Keenc, William . . Keeiio, Richard . . Keene, Samuel . . Lake, Peter. . . . Lilly, Thomas. . . Landrum, Reuben. Michael, William . Morgan, John. . . Murray, William . McClintish, William Nape, Daniel . . . Nealy, James . . . Owens, Levi . . . Owens, Zadoc . . . Plake, Hezekiah. . Price, Andrew . . Powell, Walter . . Price, Isaiah . . . Points, John . . . CJuin, James . . . Raney, Silas . . . Smith, James . . . Sanders, Thomas . Springer, Edward . Smith, William . . Sutherland, Howard Scriggs, John . . . Tennel, Joseph . . Tompkins, John. . Theobles, James. . Toomey, Mathew Tliom)>son, Samuel Thiimpson, James . Tappassc, James. Vaii.r, John . . Woir, .lesse. . . . Williams, Benjamin Wright, Jonathan . Works, James. Wood, George . . Wood, Willis . . . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. Private February 8, 1815 . . .' August 8, 181;" Remarks. Transferred. 34 266 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SIMON GALASPIE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MTLITIA-COM- MANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. Names. Simon (ialaspie . . Henry Ringo . . . William Goriun . . Elkanali Smith . . John C. Miissie . . liowis 15. Pritcliard Thomas Calk . . . John B. Fishor . . James Moreton . . John Ringo. . . . Daniol Eastridge . Jacob Turpin . . . Alexander, Joseph. Blake, George. . . Bales, John .... Bowen, Barney . • Cleniont, George. . Charles, James . . Carter, William . . Caris, Emanuel . . Dickey, Thomas . Davis, Samuel. . . Dickey, Robert . . Dickey, J'ohn . . . Davis, Nathan . . Evans, John . . . Hanna, John . . . Hutton, Alexander Haddon, Samuel. . Harris, William. . James, Richard . . James, David . . . Johnson, Mitchell . Lane, John S. . . Lanter, Archibald . Lambert, Andrew . Logan, Mitchel . . Lacey, John . . . Mosely, William . Matthews, John . . McCullock, Samuel Mahoney, John . . McGlaughlin, Willia McMullen, James . Masterson, Aaron . McGarey, Daniel . Martin, Elijah. . . Marshall. Alexander Moon, Thomas . . ~McGlaughlin, Cornel McGlaughlin, John Northcut, George . Nickle, Charles . , Odey, Martin . . . Pritchard, Alfred . Pence, Henry . . . Roe, John .... Riggs, Samuel. . . Ralston, Andrew . Retferd, James . . Ray, Tilman . . . Ross, John .... Ray bourne, Henry. Richards, Benjamin Riggs, Isaac. . . . Rogers, Larkins . . Riggs, James . . . Street, Joseph . . . Story, Thomas . . Shields, Thomas . . Stewart, Samuel . . Stichard, John . . Scantling, .lames . - Trimble, l.saac . . Tipton, Daniel . . '\Varrell, Andrew . Bank. Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. BemaKks. February 8, IHlo ... 1 March 7, IHl^ ch 1, 181.^ h 7, IHl.-i February 10, 1815 March 7, 181.5 . . uary ■J4, 181. 5 rch 7, ISlo Discharged March 1, ISl."). Promoted to Corporal March, 181;' Discharged. SoLDIEES of TfiE WAR OF 1812. 2t>? ROLL OF CAPTAIN SIMON GALASPIE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MlLlTlA— Continued. Wayne, William . Webb, Joshua . . . Wilson, David . . Wayne, Benjamin . Whitlock, Tarlton . Woodard, John . . White, Henry . . . Willoughby, William Wills, David .... Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Private ! Fohrunrv 8, 1815 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. March 7, 181.5 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JAMES DUDLEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MTLITIA- LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. -COMMANDED BY James Dudley Captain February 8, 1815 . . . March 7, 1815 .... Walter C. Carr .... Lieutenant. . . . ' ' " " Thomas S. Fenny . . . Ensign 1 > .1 Samuel Smith Sergeant .... II I . John Darnaliy .... ' ' 1 . 11 Williaiii Smith .... ■• ' .1 I . William Boyce .... ' ■ Starks Cockrell .... Co:p..ral Caleb Rice 11 1 . Henry W. Daniel . . . 1 . . . John Robinson .... Acres, .Joseph, Sr. . . . Private . . Acres, Joseph, Jr. . . . .1 Anderson. Stephen . . • ' Arbuckle, Samuel . . . ' ' 11 11 Abanatha, James . . . 11 Alexander, William . . ' ' .1 .1 Booth, Anderson . . . Black, Abraham. . . . ' ' ,1 1 1 Bennett, Bambary . . . ' . Bush, Cave ' ' .1 1 1 Brink, Herbert .... < ' ,1 1 1 Back, James ' ' 1 . Barnett, Richard . . . ' ' 1 , .1 Bradley, Thomas . . . Brooks, William . . . ' ■ .1 1 . Bentley, Washington . 11 Conquest. Morning . . • ' 1 1 1 < Chism, Nathaniel . . . ' ' .1 » Cox, Garland 11 " ' ' Davis, Benjamin .... 11 Dawson, (Jiihi-iel. . . . ■ ' 1 1 11 Kvans, Adam 11 Kperson, Cliesley . . . ' ' 1 . 1 1 Evans, Richard .... 11 11 Pry, Noah 1 I 1 1 Foster, Will. T ' ' 1 1 Foster, William. . . . ' . 11 1 1 Garnett, Fleming . . . ' • 1 1 Gossoon, Robert. . . . 11 1 1 Gossoon. Searles. . . . 11 , Hunter, Charles. . . . ■ < 1 . .1 Hanley, Charles .... 1 1 Banning. Daniel. . . . ' 1 11 11 Harrison, Daniel . . . < < 1 . 1 1 Hughes, John. . . < 1 11 1 1 Hawkins, Will. R. . . . 1 ' 11 11 Hornbeck, William . . 11 1 . Jacobs, Daniel 1 • ,1 Ladd, Jacob C 1 . 1 . Langley, John W.. . . 1 1 I . Lockland, Fielding . . 1 1 1 1 .1 Lightf(...t, Goodwich. . 1 1 11 11 Martin, Samuel .... • I 11 11 McCurt, William . . . • ' 11 11 Nichols, Henry .... ' < 11 11 Nichols, Garland . . . ' ' .1 11 Nichols, Abraham. . . < • 11 11 Mahoney, Lloyd. . . . ' • 11 1 1 Owens, James • 1 11 11 Owens, Henry " " 268 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1S12. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES DUDLEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MlLITlA— Continued. Names. Price, Bird -Robertson, David V. . -Robertson, Roger . . Rflglin, Williiim. . . Rosson, Joseph . . . Robinson, John . . . Sunders, Carslant . . Skovins, George . . . Shipley, James . . . Sampson, Henry. . . Scott, Joseph .... Scott, William . . . Searcy, .Solomon . . . Shelton, William . . ■Stevens, William . . Veal, Sampson . . . Varble, Philip. . Varble, John .... Welch, .John .... Weill), flames (i . . . Williams, James . . Yeagar, James . . . Yates, Warner M. . . bate of Appointment or Enlistment. February 8, 181:j To what time Engaged or Enlisted. .March 7, 1815 Remarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN V^ BUSH'S COMPANY^ KENTUCKY" MILITIA- BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. COMMANDED John V. Bush Captain F Thomas F. Morrow . . Lieutenant . . . Thomas F. Bush . . . Ensign Jacob Lindsa}' .... Sergeant .... .Joseph Hampton . . . ' ' .lames Collins ' ' James Lisle < ' Francis F. Emberson . Corporal .... Luke Filbert • I Owen Rawlins .... Thomas L. Koland . . . ' ' (1 gorge Rogers .... Fifor Isaac Darnell Drummer .... Acton, Horatio .... Private Adams, Nathan .... I > Arnold, Henry .... 1 ' Beckett, Benjamin . . . ' ' Bruce, Barnett .... ' 1 Berry, Joseph " Barnett, Robert .... ' ' Bartlett, Spencer . . . ■ ' Bush, Hiram • ■ Bush, Mercer • 1 Baxter, Jesse 1 1 Booth, Elijah ' ' Balance, John ' ' Curtis, Job R I . Calmes, Spencer .... ' ' Calmes, Fielding . . . ' ' Cummins, (ieorge . . . ' ' Cummins, Benjamin . . ' ' Cummins, Samuel . . . < ' Clem, .lohn < 1 Crutch Held, Richard . . ' 1 Chism, Thomas .... i ' Chism, James 1 ' Cost, Daniel Dike, Benjamin .... " Evorman, James . . . > ( Embro, Ambrose . . . • , Eads, Lewis 1 1 Eads, Samuel i < Farmer, John > 1 Flooley, James F. . . . " Gregg, Josliua ' ' Gregg, William .... ' ' Gravett, George .... ' ' ! Februiry 8, 181.5 ... August 8, 181.5 March 7, 181:' MOLDIERR OF TttE WAR OF 1812. 269 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN V. BUSH'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA- Continned. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmarks. (niciilridge, William . . Private February 8,181.') . . . March 7, 181.5 . . llanlwiclc, Naples . . . 11 11 February 20,181-'). . . Hope, Ueorge Hagard, Diibney .... ' ' " March 7, 181.5 . . . . " " " " Hagard, Harman . . ' ' ' ' ' ' C t II IIar%'cy, John (I It 11 11 HoUadav. Joseph . . . ' ' 11 11 1 1 11 Holloway, Lewis . . . ' ' 11 i 1 11 11 Hall, Thomas ' ' II 11 11 1 1 Holt/., Thomas .... ' ' 11 11 11 1 1 Hulett, William .... ' ' 11 11 11 1 . Hazlerig, William . . . 11 11 11 1 1 Jameson, William . . . ' ' 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 Johns. William U. . . . ' ' II 11 11 11 Kinkead, Charles . . . ' ' 11 1 1 Loe, Absalom ' ' 11 11 Locknane, Benjamin. . ' ' 11 11 Lusby, John S ' ' 11 11 Laruton, John .... ' ' ' ' ' ' Lisle, John M ' ' • ' ' ' 11 1 1 McKantlish, Jesse . . . ' ' 11 1 1 11 Miller, Isaac ' ' ' ' ' ' MciMiliam, James . . 11 11 11 11 McFerren, Robert . . . ' ' 11 11 Newman, John .... ' ' 11 11 Philips, Nathan .... ' ' 11 1 . 1 1 I 1 Patrick, .lohn H. . . . ' ' 11 11 11 1 1 Philips, Michael ... ' ' 11 I . Philips, Thomas . . . . ' ' 11 I . Pitcher, Alexander . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Rnglin, David ' ' 11 11 11 11 Slaiiijhter. James . . ' ' " " 11 11 Stewart, James . . . . ' ' 11 11 " " Stone, Joseph . . . . ' ' .1 11 11 1 1 Stone, Thomas . . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Stone, John ' ' 11 It 11 .Staples, .Joshua . . . . ' • 11 1 1 11 1 1 Tavlor, James ' • .1 11 1 11 11 Taylor, Larkin . . . . 11 1 1 1 1 Vaugh, Elijah . . . . 1 1 .1 It 11 White, Francis . . . . 11 1 1 11 11 Williams, Thomas. . . ' ' 1 1 11 11 II Williams, (ieorge . . . ' ' 11 .1 11 11 Wood, William . . . . ' ' It 11 " ROLL OP CAPTAIN ROBERT SCOBIES COMPANY, KENTUCKY^ MILITIA- BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. -COMMANDED Robert Scobie .... j Captain February 8,1815 . . . March 7, 181 Henry Browning . . Lieutenant. . . . Robert Beash .... Ensign .... Armstead Hughes . . Sergeant. . . . James Face Harrison Eahank . . i ' ' James Striiigfellow . ' ' Waller Wright . . . 1 1 James B. Grigsby . . Corporal .... Levi Ashhrook . . . 1 ' ' William McDonald . 1 1 John J. Wells. . . . 1 1 ' James Winn .... 1 1 Adkins, William . . Private Adams, Nathaniel . . ' 1 Arnold, John .... ' ' Bell, Leonard .... ' ' Branham, Ebin . . . . 1 11 Boles, William . . . • 1 Berry, Peter .... . Butler, Thomas . . . Barr, Thomas .... Bentall, Seth .... 1 1 Bean, William . . . 1 1 Bonyfield, John . . . 1 1 Breedlore, John. . . . Transferred from 270 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. EOLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT SCOBIE'S'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. Connor, Berry O. Clark, Charles. . Cooper, Kobert . Childs, Henry. . Cartright, Peter. Chiles, Richard . Crein, Joel . . . Cartright, John . Casen, John. . . Couchninn, Melchiah Cave, John .... Dooley, Job. . . . Uooley, (lideon . . Frandrey, William Grooms, William . Houghnian, .Tuhn . Hawley, Uenry . . Jones, Isaac. . . . Jewell, Ewell . . . Jewell, James . . Key, Harrison. . . Long, Philip . . . Rank. Private Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. Februarv H, 18].': ROLL OF CAPTAIN LYDDALL BACON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA— COM- MANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. Lyddall Hacon . Lewis IJ. Smith . Dennis Byrne. . Panlns E. Irwin. Thomas Edrington Stephen Brown . Spencer Kiinyan . John Brock. . . John Ndwland . Thomas Palmer . Barnett Arnold . Jacob Cox . . . Bourne, William Barrett, Elijah . Bailey, Jesse . . Brock, Hugh Bennett, Benjamin Borgus, Martin Bond, Anthony Bond, Isaac. . Bond, James Cnmmings, William Cooke, Abel. . . Chambers, James Clarke, William. Coon, Asa . . . Cox, Eric. . . . Claxton, (;assius. Crutcher, James. Cassady, Thomas Driscoll, David . Dawson, Charles. Epperson, Daniel Ellison. Isaac . . Ford, John . . . Frazier, John . . Hawkins, Moses . Hayden, Allen . Hardin, Robert Henley, Will. D. Hanks, Milton . Johnson, Abel. . Jenkins, John . . King, William . King, (iideon . . Liggins, William Long, Thomas. . Lane, Garland. . Captain . . Lieutenant Serg icinn ate . Februarv 8, 18U' SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 271 ROLL OF CAPTAIN LYDDALL BACON'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY MILITIA— Continued. I Mayhall, John . Medford, John . Martin, William. Medford, Joseph. Monday, Reuben Moore, Lewis . . Miller, James . . Martin, Hosea. . Mayhall, Willian Mason, Nimrod . Mifford, Jacob . McCilauglilin, Jam Nation, Hezekiah Powers, Charles . Payne, John . . Paxton, .John . . Poe, Edmund . . Parker, David. . Pulliam, Hallard. Poindexter, John Reddish, Silas. . Ransdall, John . Kansdall, Christopher Riidgers, George Smart, Richard Sharp, William Sidebottom, .Joseph Spicer, William . Smith, Richard . Samuel, Robert . Sinclair, Horatio. Sucre, Robert . . Ship, Joseph . . Sutherland, Hosea Sinims, Thomas . Simms, Ambrose Thornton, Toliver Templeton, Matthew Utterback, Benjamin Utterback, Joel Utterback, William Wright, Abner West, William White, John . Wells, Peter . Yeager, Cadis . Zook, Jacob. . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. February 8, I8I0 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Bkmarks. March 7, 1815 Febrinir; March 7 21,181." Di-schartred. ROLL OP CAPTAIN WILLIAM CALDWELL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. William Caldwell John Hicks . Thomas E. West Henry Welch . . James Vance . . 'Micajah ( )rgan . Abijah Woods Charles Tindell . Reuben Cooley . Richard Cromwell George Faiilconer . Armstrong, Joseph Banton, Hi'zokiah Brook>. Thomas . Bell, AiThilmld . Bradley, Edward Broomfield, .John Conor, Dennis. . Collins, John . . Cleveland, Zatlc . Cooley. Daniel. . Cawey, Martin . Campbell, Peter . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal . . Private . . February 8, 181.5 . March 7, 1815 . February 22,181.1 March 7, \»\r> . Enlisted Fcl.i-uary 22d. Deserted Fcliruarv I'.i. 1M-" 272 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1 SI 2. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM CALDWELL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA-Continued. Cook, Davidson . . , Dickcrson, Davidson DoUins, James . . Deiiioss, Asa . . . DuUfilicrty, John . Davies, Samuel . . Davios, James. . . Di\nM, William . . Kiis])arger, Samuel. Kast, John .... Kwing, William AV. Finn, Evan .... (Jilman, James . . Garrard, Jacob . . Hunt, Harringson Houston, Mathew . Howard, Julius C. . Hill, David .... Henderson, Thomas King, Abraham . . Kine.s, W'illiam . . Kennedy, Ale.fander King, Richard. . . Lancaster, John . Lay, Stephen ... McArthur, Justin . Moon, John A. . . Mitchell, Hobert. . Murray, Levi . . . Mills. John .... McCoy, William . McChesney, John . Mcllvain, David. . Noll, lloderick . . Neal, Winston M.. Netherland, John . Noonan, John . . . Norris, Ephraim. . Noel, James. . . . Pollock, William . Price, William . , Peake, Joseph. . . Rutledge, Fountain Richardson, Beverly Rice, George W.. Roach, James . . Spiers, Samuel . Switzer, Samuel . Sutton, Leroy. . Springer, Wesley Thomas, John. . Triplett. Fielding Turner, Brayham Thornton, Charles Thornton, Elijah Tyre, Andrew. . Vantlich, Richard Waters, John Webster, Edmund Rank. Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. February «, 1815 ... I March 7, 1815 Remarks. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 273 ROLL OP CAPTAIN ABRAHAM S. DRAKE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA-COM- MANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN FRANCISCO. AVjraham S. Drake Gnorge Flanagan . Hanke'son, IJywate Tliumas Nerkerris . Guorge Weigart . . William Bobb. . . Samuel Farish. . . (iuorge Yillers. . . William Oliver . . James Hiram . Thomas Reyridlds . George Clayton . . George Barker . . Thomas H. Rogers. Amzi Muiison. . . Black, James D.. . Beloo, William . . Berry, John .... Ball, George . . . Bennett, William . Butler, John Cooper, .Joseph . , Campbell, Robert M Crain, Francis. . . Davis, Robert . Eaton, Absalom . . Eaton, Abner . . . Early, Obediah . . Epperson, James . ■ Fowler, Stephen . . Francis, Enoch . . liardner, Rediuon . Giiiltner, Robert. . Gooding, Thomas . Hilton, Level . . . Haggart, Jacob . . Hawley, James . . Harris, William. . Haggart, John . . Hiles, Christopher . Higgins, Edward . Hale, Benjamin Johnson, David . . Johnson, Eliazer . Johnson, George . Kirby, Zachariah . Lelterall, John . . Lotterall, Joseph . Lenier, Reuben . . Lanket, Henry . . McGuthrie, James. Mathews, William N Musgrove, William Mahoney, Robert Madison, Henry . . Nickle, John . . . O'Brannion, Bryant Pendleton, Rice . Porter, William. . Pauly, Zachariah . Pigg, Spencer. . . Rutherford, Joseph Robinson, William H Reed, James. . . Rush, Robert . . . Sanders, Robert . . Sketers, James . . Sparks, Samuel . . Swiggart, Samuel . Warren, Jeremiah Williams, Samuel . Wallace, Robert. . Winn, Willis . . . 35 Rank. Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . Sergeant. . . 2d Sergeant . •3d Sergeant 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . '2d Corporal . 3d Corporal 4th Corporal. Dram Major . Drummer . . Fifer .... Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted.' February 4, 1S14 Private February 8, 1814 August 8, 1815 . Servant Private Rkmarks. Absent with leave. Deserted February 8, 181.5. Deserted Februarv -'0. I8I0. Deserted February I'.i, l.sl."). Deserted February 18, 181'), 2H SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. Roll of Field and Staff, Mitcliussoii's Regiiiiont of Kentucky Detached Militia, War of 1812 — Commanded by Lt.-Col. Wm. Mitchusson. Names. Kank. Date of Appointment or Knlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. William Mitchusson . . -Lt. Colonel . . . November 20, 1814 . . December 9, 1814. . . Resigned. Suniuel Parker . . . . ' ' December 9, 1814. . . May 20, 1815 Koiibcn Harrison . . . Major November 20. 1814 . . Tlioiiipsoii (."renshaw. . ' ' December 9, 1814. . . Josiali Karnscy . . . . Adjutant .... November 20, 1814 . . Christopher G. Honts . Quartermaster . . William Prince .... Paymaster . . . John C. Pentecost . . . Surgeon .1 . ■ Stephen C Dorris . . . Surgeon's Mate. . ' ' ' ' Isaac Caldwell . . . . Sergeant Major. . Moses Thompson . . . Qr. M. Sergeant . II 11 Johnson Loughlin. . . Fife Major .... ' ' ' ' ROLL OP CAPTAIN THOMAS GRIFFIN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA —COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. Thomas Griffin . Boswell Pulliam Allen Hays . . . Davenport Venabl Terence Kirbj' Simeon Acton . Samuel Spilmai William Bnird John O'Xeal . Jonathan Ewbank Alexander Chamix James C. Pulliam Joseph Right . . Brown, James. . Baird, David . . Bigsby, John . . Biggs, David . . Berry, John. . . Button, John . . Button, Zacheus. Bardwell, James. Bass, Isaac . . . Creek, David . . Chayson, David . Cowin, James. . Cowen, John . . Dobson, Thomas. Dry, John . . . Deal, Henry . . Doke, William . . Dowell, David. . Emberton, John . Fraley, Nicholas. Garrett, Joseph Grisane, Samuel . Gibson, John . . Gressom, Thomas Hobach, Mark. . Highsmith, Willi IIiirti>n, Daniel . Hamilton, Robert Hoofman, Elam. Huckaboy, Joseph, Huekaboy, Nathan James, Jacob . . Jack.son, Elijah . Johnson, Luther, Johnson, Robert, Kirby, John . . Kirby, Leonard . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign • . Sergeant. . Corporal. . Drummer . Fifer . . . Private . . November 20, 1814 Mav 20, 1815. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1S12. 275 ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS GRIFFIN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or EnlLsted. Remarks. Kirby, Isaiah Private ..vember 20, 1814.. . May 20, 1815 Lee, Mathias Miller, Samuel . . . . Morris, Miles Meadows, Jesse ... Noles, Robert Nelson, William . . . Oliver, Durj' Priiett, Moses rinkerton, James . . . Kigsby, John Ragland, Benjamin . . Sayres, John Stovall, Diirv Seagrave, John .... Springer, John .... Slaton, Ezekiel .... Stamp, Charles .... Thompson, John . . . Wetlicr.spnon, James. . Williams, Milam . . . W,>Htlirr>p....n, Wiley . Welch, Thomas .... / > 1 Weatherspoon, Major . Wooten, Daniel .... Wiley, John Wildman, Burnell. . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT SMITH'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. Robert Smith . . . - - Captain Lieutenant . . . Ensign Sergeant Corporal .... Drummer .... Private Morton A. Ruckor . Thomas Kilgore . . Peter Cash .... Daniel Powell. . . John Peters. William Sandefew. Christopher Hardest Charles W. Brown. Samuel Skinner . . Arnet, William . . Butler, Samuel . . Bramley, Daniel. . Capps, Joshua. . . Crabtree, John F. . Clements, John . . Crabtree, James . . Calender, Isaac . . Ezell, Harrison . . Fugudy, Benjamin. Gillum", William H. Hawthorn Kobert . lioiiaeld, William. Hardin, Ennis. . . Ilardesty, Clomons Hendrix, Thomas . . Lambert, Joel. . . . Lambert, William . Martin, Daniel . . Miller, William . . November -JO, 1814 May 20, 1815. January 8, 181.': May 20", 181.5. . December 19, 1814 December 20, 1814 May 20, 1815. . . March 1, 1815 May 20, 1815. December 28, 1814 . May 20, 1815. . . . November 27, 1814 . . ' Enlisted. May 20, 1815. . . . December 20, 1814 . May 20, 1815. . . . Died March 1, ISl.'j 27G SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT SMITH'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- Continued. McNamer, Philip . McGraw, John . . MoCoy, .lames. . Piillom, John . . . Parrick, Thomas. . Rolls, Abijah . . . Road, James R. . . Stephens, George . Smith, Matthew. . Skillolt, Thomas, . Sutherland, Ransom Scott, James W.. . Stephens, Jesse . . Tarpin, William. . Weathers, John . . Wiggins, Joshua . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 20, 1H14 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. -May 20, 181.5. . . . November 2fl, 1814 . December 29, 1814 . May 20, 181.5 .... November 27, 1814 . December 20, 1814 . February 25, 181.5 . January 31, 1815 . . May 20, IHIO December 21;, 1814 . Rkmarks Enlisted. Died. Died. Died. Died. Died. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS STERRETT'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY 1>ETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. ;ettC Thomas Sterrett. .John Austin . . Henry Hines . . John Brewer . . Nathan Young . James B. Revili . Nicholas King . David C. Feelding Thomas Bridges. Nathan Johnson. Stephen Wade. . .John Costilow. . Benjamin Templor Bratton, George Brown, Henry . Condra, William. Carter, William . Coal, Joseph . . Calvert, John . . Cunningham, Bracl Dawson, James . Dawson, Jonas . Dawson, John. . Dawson, Johnson Davis, Thomas . Evans, Richard . Ethell, James . . Forkner, Martin. Fegert, Alexander Franklin, Stephen Galloway, William Hay, James S.. Heavener, John . Hammond, Thorn Harris, Elijah . . Hendrick, James Holloway, Thomas Harlan, George . Jonkins, iSamuol. Johnson. Richard Kown, William . Jvown, Nathan . Kimble, William Kidwell, James . Kelscy, David. . Lawrence, James Long, Abner . . Marshall, James. Mannon, Thomas Moge, Jacob . . McClammon, James W McClaramon, .John S. . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal . Drummer . Fifer . . . Private . . November 20, 1814 May 20, 1 81 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 277 ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS STERRETT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted Remakks. Miller, Philip Private November 20, 1814 . . May 20, 181S. . . . Mannon, William . . . February 20, 181. ">. . Died. McMurrv, William . . May 20,1815 Newman, Jacob . . . II ,1 Newman, William. Owensbv, Nicholas . . 1 1 .1 Pollard, Elijah . . . Paiilk, Moses Enbruarv 10, ^»\r,. . Died. Pitman, William . . . May 20, 1815. Ronndtree, Turner. . . Roiindtree, Kelly B. . . 1 • > 1 Srader, John Stroude, Doran .... Stagner, Jeremiah . . . " Summons, Geori;e . . . Stone, John 11 . . Stroud, John . . .1 . . Tompler, Jesse .... ' ' Thompson, Edward . . 1 " Stopped in rear l f regiment March 21, 181: . and Wilkinson, James . . . I . I . [not heard of since. Wood, Mark D . . . . .1 . . Wood, William .... t '■ II . . Wiley, Elijah .1 11 Whitlow, Henrj- . . . 11 ROLL OP CAPTAIN SAMUEL F. MALONE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. Samuel P. Malone . . . Captain Elias Button Lieutenant. . . . Dennis Cochran . . . . Ensign Matthew Simon . . . . Sergeant Cornelius Manlev . . . James McAlister . . . • • Robert T Anderson . . 1 1 Abner Wells Corporal . . . . Hezekiah Lard . . . . James Gash James Black Jes.se Pulliam Drummer .... James Robertson . . . Fifer Alexander, Thomas . . Private Brown, William . . . . 1 ' Berry, Moses ' ' Blair, Andrew. . . . ' ' Bairman, James . . . 1 Bloyd, John ' ' Clark, Roderick . . . • ' Clark, Joseph .... Chapman, Job. . . . ■ ' Dishmore, James . . ' ' Dishmore, William . ' ' Diift", Fielding .... 1 ■ Denison, Zade .... DewesserElisha . . . ' ' Dunagan, Thomas . . ' • Emerson, William . . Edgar, Josiah ... Edgar, Johnson . . . Ellis, Hercules. . . . Farley, Clay .... Greathouse, Hiram. . ' ' Garrison, David . ' ' Harris, John L. . . • ! ' ' Huffman, Cornelius . ' ' Howell, Hudson . . . 1 1 Handy, Jesse .... Hardin, Thomas . . . ■ 1 Hoge, Edmund . . . • 1 " Johnson, John . . . Jenkins, William . . I ' Lewis, Charles. . . . " December 9, 1814. . Novoinlier 20, 1814 May 20, 1815. I March 20, 181.1 May 20, 1815. March 7, 1815 May 20. 1815. Discharged. 278 SOLDIERS Ot^ THE WAR OE 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL F. MALONE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA — Continued. Lyon, William . Logsdon, John . Merritt, John . . McKinney, Charles AV Mitchell, James . . Newell, John . . . Nunegard, William Nation, Laban. . . O'Neal, Bennett . . Owens, William . Pickett, John . . . Pnlliam, John. Penick, James. . . Rouiidtree, Henry . Reed, William . . . Scott, Robert . . .Sutterficld, Eli . . Si-ott. .loseph ... Trililile, Harris . . Thacker, Allen . . Taylor, James. . . Taylor, Isaac . . . Williams, William Wheeler, Bond . . young, Asa .... Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. November 20, 1814 May 20, 1815. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN C. DODD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. John C. Dodd. . William Uarrall . Bert Moore . . . Roger Filley . . Jordan McVay . Himm, Pninell . William Perkins William Story Benjamin D. Cerbj- Mahala Ingram . John Sulivan . . Robert Richcy. . Fleming Castleber William Laughlin Anderson, Evan. Baker, Seth ... Barnott, Samuel . Bridges, Thomas Bridges, William Barton, William. Bird, Jacob . . . Cammack, William Carlew, Henrj' Campbell, Lindse; Carter, James . . Carlew, John . . Cannon, Israel . Carlew, Robert . Davidson, Alexam Dison, Bennett . Drennan, Samuel Dunn, Alexander Dutf, James. . . Entricon, John . French, Joseph . Oreoii, Levi. . . (iaskins, Thadcus Green, James . . Gilkey, John . . George, Pallam . Hancock, John . Hughes, James . Heatli, Riland. . Captain . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal Drummc Fifer . Private November 20, 1814 Fel Novel ary IS, 1 liber 20, May 20, 181 f). . . February 2:1, iSir. May 20,"lHir). . . January 23, DSlo May 20, isir. . . , January 20, 1815 May 20, 1815. . , February 22, 1H15 . May 20, 1815. . . . February 21, 1815. . .May 20," 181 5. . . . January lit, 1815 . . May 20, 1815. . . . Died February 23, 1815, New Orleans. Advanced to Lieutenant March 1, 1815. Died January 23, 1S15, at New Orleans. Promoted to Sergeant January 27, 1815. Promoted to Corporal January 27, 1815. Died January 2(ith. at New Orleans. Died February 21st, at New Orleans Died I'.Hh Janiuirv, at New Orleans. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 279 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN C. DODD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITLV- Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmarks. Holmrt, Joseph .... Private Nov umber 20, 1814 May 20, 1815 .... Jenkins, Arthur B. Jenkins, Whilenell W KenaUy, William . . • ' Long, Williiim . . ' ' ' ' Leech, Abnor . . . Lamb, William ' ' Leech, Zadock. . . Law, Samuel . . . . . .1 Love, William . . ' ' ' ' McNabb, .lohn W. 1 . > < Miller, John . . ' ' ' ' Moure, Edmund. . 11 .1 Mercer. Drury . . < ; I ■ McClear, William . McElbana, William II . . Manas, John . . . II 11 Xeilv, John . . . • ' ' ' Nowlin, John. . . ' ' ' ' Pickering, William < I 11 Patterson, Thomas. 11 11 Philips, Samuel S. . 11 11 l^uarles, Stores . . February 22, 1815. . . Died February 22 at New Orleans. Robison, Kinsey. . May 20, 181.5 P.obison, William . 1 1 11 Ritchev, Alexander 11 .1 Raraage, Benjamin 11 1 1 Rhinhart, Samuel . 11 11 Robison, Hugh . . 11 1 1 Strawmut. John. . March l.\ 1815. . . . Died March l.i at New Orleans. Strawmatt, William February 13,1815 . . Died February 13 at New Orleans. Saxon, Lewis . . . May 20, 1815 Smith, Stephen . . 1 1 .1 Stations, Moses - . Trimm, Charles . . Taylor, Solomon. . February :;, 1815 . . . Died February 3 at New Orleans. Whitonell. John. . May 20, 1815 Wadlington, James ' • Wells, Henry . II ,1 Witherow, Samuel. 11 1 . Washington, Thoma sC February 22,1815. . . Died February 22 at New Orleans. ROLL OF CAPTAIN EDWARD WILBURN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. Edward Wilburn . John M. Cabiness . James Barring . . Charles Lewis. . . Charles Long . . . Hopkins, Bond . . James White . . . James Young . . . John Williams . . William Bristoe . . Joseph Hooper . . Andrew Turpin . . Anderson, James . Ashlook, Thomas . Agee, William . . Allen, Samuel. . . Bedford, John C. . Bunch, Israel . . . Banning, Clark . . Burges, John . . . Belk, John . . . Belk, James. . . . Craft, (iilbert . . . Cheetham, Hezekinh Carpenter, James Craft, George . . Condrej', Elifus . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . November 20, 1814 Corporal Drummer Private . May 20, 1815. March 4, 1815 May 20, 1815. March 27, 1815 . . . May 20, 1815. . . . Died. Promoted to Sergeant .March 4, lsI5. February 17,1815. . . Died. May 20, 1815. . . . 280 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN EDWARD WILBURN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- Continued. Names. Dohirty, Alexniidcr Eldridgc, Willium . French, John . . . Gwinn, Joseph . . Hicks, Richard . . Helms, James . . . Hollett, Solomon . Jackman, liichard. Linsey, Henry . . Lynn, James . . . Loller, James . . . Lynn, Charles. . . Lewis, John. . . . Mitchell, William . Moody, John . . Murry, John . . . Minst, Francis . . McElvain, Samuel. Nell, Philip. . . . Newman, Isaac . . Ogden, David . . . Keynolds, Charles . Kichardson, Shaderick Reynolds, Amos. . Rush, Samuel . Staton, Joseph . . Stockton, Jesse . . Thurman, William Thurman, Littleberr Tooly, William . . Vann, John. . . . Venahle, Daniel . . Wilburn, William. Winfrey, William. Young, Robert . . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. iSovcmber 20, 1814 . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. May 20, 1815. February 21, 1815. May 20, 1815 . . February 28, 1815. May 20, 1815 . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT PAXTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. Robert Paxton Daniel Zibb .... William Rhea. . . William P. Montgoi Campbell Gilmore. Isham Ready . . . Alexander Brownlee James Armes . . Archibald Rhea . Ashby Jones . . . William Hogan . . Anthony Davis . . Allen Miller . . . Atwell, Richard . . Berry, Franklin . . Butler, Nathan . . Buckingham, Peter Baker, William . . Barrett, Thompson Broncr, William. . Byes, Armstrong . Batron, Robert . . Calhoun, John . . Cunningham, James Caldwell, Andrew Duncan, James . . Dobson, Joseph . . Dobson, Robert . . Faris, John .... Gillingham, John Gooch, William . . Good, William . . Hampton, Stephen Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal . Rt. W. 1 Private November 20, 1814 February 28, 181E March 25, 1815. Mav 20, 1815 . Died at New Orleans. [March 1, 1815. Died below Washington — promoted to Captain Promoted to Lieutenant 1st March, 1815. Promoted to Ensign 1st March 1815. Appointed Sergeant March 1, 1815. Appointed Corporal March 1, 181.5 January 111, 1815 May 20, 1815 . SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF lSl!i. 281 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT PAXTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Namks. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Private .... November liO, 1814 . . May 20, 1815 .... Jaiuiarv '■>, l«lf'. . . May 20, 1815 . . . March 28, 1815. . . . May 20, 1815 . . . . Fcl.ru.irv 1,1815 . . , Mi.y 2(1, 1S15 .... December 22, 1814 . . January 14. 1815 . . . May 20, 1815 . . . . January li, 1815. . . . Died. Died below ^ Died. Died. Died. Died. Hays, Campbell . . Hays, James I. . . Hays, Andrew E. . Hogan, Nathan . . Helton, Thomas . . Isaacs, Samuel . . Lampton, Jesse . . Lumpkin, Abraham Vashington. Montgomery, Robert Morr, William . . Montgomery, Cyrus Moseby, Mioajah . McDaniel, William McKinsley, William Mathews, "Samuel . McMillan, Joseph 'il M Ormes, Elly, Jr.. . Ormes, Nathan . . Ormes, Elly. . . . Ormes, Nathan . . Price, Robert . . . Riley, William . . Russell, Joseph . . Raffity, John . . . Smith, Thomas . . Stearman, William Tribble, Absalom . White. John U. . . Waggoner, Willis . White, John C. . . Wilson, Thomas. . Woodard, Abraham White, John . . . Wheeler, Charles . ROLL OP CAPTAIN JAMES ROBISON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. James Robison . . Luke Nicholas George Negley . , Thomas Armstrong Lily Sullivan . . . Samuel Elison . . . James Alexander Karr Ilicks . . . Duncan Canipl)ell . Edwiiril Kchison. . Aaron Stalliugs . . Robert Williams George Lacey. . . .\lexander, John Aainsworth, Joseph Baker, Thomas Britt, Robert . . Barnes, Thomas B Hyle, John H.. . Blakoley, Samuel Boreland, Samuel 36 Captain Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal. . Filer . . . Private November 20, 1814 . . Mav 20, 1815 January 18, 181.'; May 20, 1815 . 282 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES KOBISON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA — Continued. Coleran, Alexander ("oU'iiiaii, Robert M Cravins, Jesse. . . Dunn, Richard . . Dinsni ore, Jacob. . Davis, Clem. . . . Davis, Joseph. . . Darneal, Thomas . Edwards, Edward . Furguson, William Filson, Jesse . . . George, James . . Gare, Isaac .... Gibson, Meredith . Grace, Henry . . . Hamby, James . . Hunter. David . . Hunter, William . Henderson, Ezckiol Handy, Benjamin . Hardin, Samuel . . Hardin, Benjamin . Inman, Thomas . . Lancaster, Henry . Messick, George. . Morris, Ely. . . . Messimore, George. Malin, Thomas . . Mitchell, William. Mesamore, Jacob . Nickson, William . Pyle, William. . . Pyle, David. . . . Stutt, Nicholas . . Shelton, Elijah . . Shelton, William . Shelton, Abraham. Savage, William M. Shelton, Joseph . . Shelton, Robert . . Smith, Samuel . . Smith, Cloud . . . Sullivan, Levi. . . Thompson, Lawson Thompson, John . Threet, James. . . Thradford, Walker Thomas, James . . Tell, Joseph. . . . Wingard, David. . Bank. Dato of Appointment or Enlistment. November 'JO, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. May '_'(), 1815. February 20, 181.1 May 20, 18I.j February 8. IBlfj May 20, 181-5 . Marcli 6, 1815 May 20, 1815 December 22, 1815 May 20, 1815 . . Kemakks. Died. Died. Died. April ti, 1815 { Died. March 24, 1815. . . . | Died. May 20, 1815 .... I ROLL OF CAPTAIN ALMY McLEAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. Almy McLean . . . Ephraim M. Brank . William Alexander . Isaac Davis John Stull Henry Nu.sell .... Enoch Metcalf . . . Jordan O'Brien . . . .James Langley . . . Moses Matthews. . . Edward H. Tarrants , George Hill Abner B.C. Dillipghan Apling, Henry . . Anderson, John, Jr. Allen, Linsey . . . Anderson, John . . Allison, McLean . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Fifer . Private November 20, 1814 . February 6, 1815 . . November 20, 1814 . January 20, 1815 . February (J, 1815 . December 9, 1814. November 20, 1814 February G, 1815 . Novembi'r 20, 1814 May 20, 1815 . . Februarv 3, 1815 May 20", 1815 . , February 15, 181.5 Died at New Orleans. Died at Camp Jackson. SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 181'i. 28:-i HOLL OF CAPTAIN ALMY McLEAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILTTIA- Continued. Namks. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmarks. Bisliop, James Private Nov ember 20, 1814 . . May 20, 1815 .... Marker. Samuel . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Bono, Cornelius . • ' ' ' ' ' Bonds, Lott. . . . ' ' 11 .1 t'arter, James . . . ' ' 11 11 Craig, John. . . . ' ' 1 1 II Combs, Jesse . . . ' ' 11 11 Cob, Elijah .... April 1, 1815 Died. Craig, Robert . . . ' • May 20, 181.'') .... Crouch, Isaac . . . January 8, 181.5 . . . Died at New Orleans. Claxton, Jeremiah . ' ' February 10, 1815 . . Died at New Orleans. Dewitt, William. . I ' ' May 20, 1815 .... Doniiald, James . . February 20,1815. . . Died at New Orleans. Evans, James . . . May 20, 1815 .... Ferguson, John K. • ' 1 1 ^ Foley, Mason . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Fox, Nathan . . . ' ' 11 11 Fowler, Jeremiah . 1 ' ' 11 11 (iany, Matthew ' ' 11 11 (iaiit, Thotnas. . . ' ' 11 11 (iamblin, John . . 1 1 1 1 (irayham, William Januarv 28, 1(S15 . . . Died at New Orleans. Hewlett, Thomas . ' ' May 20, 1815 .... Hines, John. . . . ' ' .1 11 Howard, Isaac. 1 . 1 1 Hensley, Leftridge. ' ' 1 1 Hewlett, Lemuel . ' ' 11 II Hubbard, Liner . . ' ' II II Jains, Edward . . ' ' 11 .1 Kern, George . . ' ' Kenedy. George F. ' ' 11 11 Lott, James. . . . ' ' 1 1 11 Lynn, Gasham ' ' ' 11 11 , Lynn, Henry. . . ' ' 11 11 Leece, Samuel. . . ' ' 11 .1 McGill, James . . 11 11 Mojre, Thomas . . ' ' 1 . 11 Matthews, Jacob. . 11 ,1 McFerson, James . ' ' 11 11 Martin, John . . . 11 .1 Macons, Peter. . . ■' " Nanny, Spencer . . Norris, Thomas 11 11 -Nixon, James . . . ■ ' December 20, 1814 . . Died on the Mississippi. Pen rod, George . . ' ' .May 20, 1815 .... Ripple, Michael . . ' ' 11 II Row, Adam . . . ' ' 11 11 Ripple, Jacob . . . .1 11 Rhodes, Bradford . II 11 Sever, Michael . . ' ' .1 II Sumner, Thomas . ' • 11 .1 Sumner, William . ' ' 11 11 Sunn, John F. . . ' ' Sanders, George . . . ' ' January 5, 1815 . Died at New Orleans. Voris, John. . . . May 20, 1815 . . . . Wilcox, Elias . . . ' ' 11 1 . Williams, Noah . . ' ' 1 . 1 . Wade, Hendley . . ' ' 11 Wilson, John . . . ' ' 11 11 Williams, William. • ' 11 .1 Yaunce, Lawrence. . * ' II 11 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT PATTERSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA —COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM MITCHUSSON. Robert Patterson . . Captain November 20, 1814 John Henry Lieutenant. . . . James Porter Ensign Allen Carter Sergeant George T. Ashburn . . ' ■ Graves Gunn Francis Porter .... May 20, IKl-^ 28-t llOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT PATTERSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA — Continued. Names. George Hickman. . . . Allen KuykcndiiU . . . William Bailey . . . . Robert Henry Albert, Jacob Allen, Andrew . . . . Barrett, Enoch U . . . Brian, William . . . . Harrinfjer, Jonathan.. . Harnett, James . . . . Brown, Richard . . . . Burchiield, Thomas . , Brown, William ... Brown, Jimmy . . . Bailey, James .... Clawson, John ... Collins, Dixon . Coleman, Archibald . Clevenger, Asa . . . Caradine, Davi^]- Died the last of April, 181.1. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 287 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN EVANS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- Continued. Barnet, Jubille . Bowiiier, William Barns, Mathew . Biirnuui, James . Bowon, William. Briant, Morgan . Collins, Andrew. Dislinion, James. Dick, Archibald . Dove, James . . Evans, John . . Elkins, Richard . Floyd, Thomas . Fitzpatrick, Samuel Fitzpatrick, George Gough, John . . . Gilmore, William . Griffin, John . . Gregory, Samuel . Hargus, Thomas. . Herrin, Joel .... Hendrickson, Thomas Hendrickson, Gibson. Hardister, William Hargus, John . . . Harp, Westley . . Harmons, Jesse . . Hedrick, Jacob, Jr.. Hudson, Robert . . Hudson, Manoah Hedrick, Jacob, Sr. Hanes, Ezekiah . . Hunt, William . . Hamilton, James . Humphries, David. Hunt, Samuel. . . Johnson, James . . James, Daniel F. . Jasper, Andrew . . McAllister, John . Moody, Martin . . McCarty^ _Wj 1 1 i am . McTSnTWilliam . McKaughan, William Neal, Isaac .... Preston, William . Price, John .... Reagan, William . Ridge, Robertson . Riley, William . . Sneed, John. . . . Stroud, Ansel . . . Tartar, Frederick White, Edward . . White, Elisha . . Woolsey, Thomas . White, David . . . Weatherman, Simon Wilson, Bird . . . Weddle, George. . Weddle, John. , . Wright, Walter. . While, John . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. 6 months Died last of March, IXl-'). Died last of April, IKlo. Sergeant from lOtli of Jan. t.i Idlh May, ISl-' Died last of April, 1815. Died February 24, 181-3. Died February 14, 181.3. Died last of April, ISlo. Died March '2.3, 181-3. Sergeant from lOth Jan. to 10th May, 181=' 288 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN LEONARD P. HIGDON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA —COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GABRIEL SLAUGHTER. Leonard 1". Higdoii . David Huston. . . . John Young .... Samuel Handlcy. . . "William Btiiley ■ . • Barton Uawley . . . Fianci.s Haj^an . . . James W. Tyler. . . Isaac Anderson . . James McDaniel. . . Henry Holtzclaw . . Nathaniel Harris . . Audd, Ambrose . . . Anderson, Samuel. . IJredwell. Noah . . . Howl, James .... Burkhead, Isaac. . . Blanford, Francis . . Baldwin, McKinsey . Bishop, Solomon . . Brown, Frederick . . Blann, James .... Burkhead, Basil. . . Basey, Jesse Bevin, Walter. . . . Bean, Judson .... Baldwin, Samuel . . Brown, James. . . . Connor, James . . • Clark, Zacheus . . . Cissel, James .... Coffman, Michael . . Calvert, Thomas. . . Cane, Michael. . . . Clark, John Clemens, Thomas . . Connell, Hiram . . . Connolly, Basil . . • Cosby, Overton . . . Clark, Abner . . . DeMorgan, Reuben N Drake, Jacob . . . Dunn, Simpson . . Davis, Lemuel . . David, Amos . . . Elliot, Greenbury . Fox worthy, George Fox, William . Fowler, Thomas. . Gibson, Henry . . Hanon, Ezekiel . . Harrison, Grove. . Hansford, William Hrtgerman, Tunis . Higdon, James . Hibbs, John .... Hall, Philip. . . . Knott, Henry . . . Lefler, John. . . . Lent, William . . Lane, Benjamin . . McDaniel, Redman McLaughlin, Jesse. Malon, Jacob . . . McDaniel, William Miles, Francis. . . Magnill, Richard . McDaniel, John. . Osborn, Sannu^l . . Parrish, Francis. . Popham, Hawkins. I'opham, William . Paul, James. . . . Polk, James. . . Rynearson, Peter . Roberts, George , • Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10, 1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. 6 months March 18, 181.5 6 months . . . April 1, 181.5. . 6 months. . . . March 5, 1815 . (i months. . . . March 27, IM." (i months. . . Died March 1.H, 18L' Died April I, 1815. Died March 5, 1815. Died February 2, 1815 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 289 ROLL OF CAPTAIN LEONARD P. HIGDON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA — Continued, Kozner, William Smither, Joel . . Smith, John . . Turiior, Joseph . Vinson, George . Witherton, John Wise, John. . . Wise, Joseph . . Watson, Joseph . Wilson, Benjamin Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10, 1814 . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JONATHAN OWSLEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GABRIEL SLAUGHTER. Jonathan Owsley Loftis Cook . . . Stephen Lyons . Samuel P. Magill Henry Sharp , . John Logan . . John Gilbreath . John Wootl. . . William Forsj'the Robert Bryant . John Hufr . . . Thomas Scott . . Adams, Edward. Bettis, John . . . ~"Bower, Francis Bryant, William Burnett, Nicholas Berr}-, Labon S. . Ball, Isaiah . . . Brook, John . . Baldwin, Joseph. Burton, William Bowman, Jacob . Breden, James . Coombs, John . Cox, Leroy . Cavenaugh, Philei Cash, William. . Dudarar, Coon rod Dudar, William . Dodson, Thomas. Davis, Nathan . Doolin, James . . Davis, John. . . Dasswell, Jesse . Duncan, William Embree, Elijah . Etone, Elijah . . Ervin, Francis . Edward.s, Peter . Forsythe, David . Goodnight, John. Gooch, Roland . Gibson, John . . (iill. Angel . . . Hill, Zachariah . Hotzclaw, Benjamin Ilacklej', James . . Hair, John .... Hutson, Lodrick. . Harvey, .James W., Haynes, James . . Holmes, George . . Hall, James. . . . Jackson, William . Low, Thomas . . Captain . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . Sergeant . orporal . JSovember 10,1814 Substituted for David Culbertson. Substituted for John F. Bell. Substituted for John Lawrence. Substituted for William May. Substituted for Thomas Conway. Substituted for Jacob Wcasnor. Substituted for Lewis Blcvins. Substituted for Nehemiah Discharged December 3, 1814. Substitute for William P. Hyatt. Discharged November 11, 1814. Substitute for William Bathurum. Substitute for Lewis Huckerson. Died March 2, 181.' .Substitute for Samuel Huttncr. Substitute for John Boatman. Substitute for Abram Morcbead. Discharged November 11, 1814. Deserted November 14, 1814. Substitute for Jonathan Guns, swapped for Enos Barnes, swapped for Samuel Jackson — deserted December 9, 1814, Substitute for John Ainer. Substitute for .Tames Warren. Substitute for Benjamin Hiatt. Substitute for George Myers, .-'ubstitute for James Watson. Substitute for William Walky. Substitute for .John Burnett. 37 290 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JONATHAN OWSLEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA — Continued. Names. Rank. Dale of Appointment or Jinlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Laviiid(!r, .John . . . Private November 10, 1814 . 6 months Linvrcnoe, lliigli . . . Lviui, Jaiiios Martin, VVilliain . . Discharfjcd llth November, 1.S14. McRolwrls, A.ulrcw . . McMiilloii, .lohii . . . Substitute for Philip Collins. MoCnitclicon, William. Substitute for William Findley. McManny, Cliavles . . Substitute for Abraham Adams. Newcomb, Wilson. . . Nelly, Kdward .... Substitute for George Logan. Oalder, Jonathan . . . Received as a deserter. Puttit, Walker .... Pence, John Parsons, Obediah . . . Prewitt, David . . . " Ray, Joseph Kenalds, Fountain. . . Roberts, James . Substitute for John Hamilton. Ross, Thomas J Substitute for Robert Hageray. Raybourne, John . . . Died March 9, 1815. Simpson, John .... Sutton, Walker .... Substitute for Henry Harland. Souder, Jefferson . . X 1 < Discharged llth November, 1814. Spratt, Thomas . . . Singleton, Mcliitire . . Stephens, John . . Singleton, Thomas. . . Discharged llth November, 1814. Tedrick, Jacob .... Substitute for John Renor. Warden, William . . . Substitute for Elijah Bailey. Wade, Jeremiah. . . . Wood, William .... Warren, Burris .... ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN FARMER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY^ LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GABRIEL SLAUGHTER. John Farmer . . Willoughby Ashhy John Figg . . . Jesse Keeth. . . David, Weller. . Isaac Chambers . Isaac Houston. . Owen R. Griffith Corcelius Woods Samuel Heffler . Barnard Bridwell George Weller . Angel, George . Anderson, Thomas Anderson, John . Berton, William. Bright, John . . Brown, Robert . Bennett, Jery . . Brewer, James . Boly, Peter . . Carter, William . Carico, James . . Chaplain, Jery . Carter, Samuel . Carter, Joseph. . Conor, George. . Cane, Mathew. . Doneheu, James . Denbow, James . Davis, Jesse. . . Dowitt, Abraham Davis, John. . . Gilkey, William. Grubb, William . Glass, James H. Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. 1st Corporal 2d Corporal . 3d Corporal . . Private . . . November 10,1814 November 11.1814 November 10, 1814 May 10, 1815 . . December 111, 1814 May 10, 181 March 21, 1815 May 10, ISlC Died December 19, 1814. Dismissed as Sergeant January 4, 1815. Died March 21, 1815. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 291 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN FARMER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Hampton, David. . Hill, Robert. . . . Harden, John . . . Huffman, George . Hagan, Dory . . . Ice, James .... Jones, Joseph . . , Jones, John. . . . Johnston, William . Johnston, Joseph . Kenny, William. . Keth, Isaac .... Low, Richard . . . Lerit, Joseph . . . Lanam, James. . . Mattingly, Edward Medcalf, James . . Medcalf, Benjamin. Marshall, Daniel . . Miller, Frederick . Micater, Patrick. . Philips, George . . Powers, Richard, . Reed, Richard. . . Robinson, Alexander Spilman, Henry . Springston, Abraham Sinkhorn, William. Shaream, George . Seals, John .... Thompson, James . Thompson, John . Walker, Howard . White, John . . . White, Francis . . Wilcox, Isaac. . . York, John .... Dale of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. May 10, 1815 January 3, 181.5 May 10, 1815 . December '27, 1814 May 10, 1S15 . . Died January ."i, 1815. Died December '27, 1814. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ADAM VICKERY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GABRIEL SLAUGHTER. Adam Vickery . •John Garner . . John Barrow . . Hiram Gregory . Thomas Brown . Moses Barnes . . Alexander Brown Harnian Elrod . William Hurt. George Dodson . Thomas Ryon. . Lapsly Hall. . . Ard, James . . . Andrew, Alexander Acre, Peter . . . Burnhara, Owen. Bell, John . . . Ballard, John . . Burnet, .James . Baker, .lames . . Baker, Stephen . Barnes, William. Bowman, Willis. Barnes, Enos . . Brown, Lewis. . Brown, Barnabus Butrim, Cornelius Craig, John H. . Casson, John . . Caughorn, William Cook, Enos .... Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . i^ergeant. . Corporal . November 10, 1814 292 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ADAM VICKERY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- Continued. Cox, David . . . Cooper, Ciilob . . . . Duffey, John . . . . Dean, James . . . . Davis, William . . . Dabney, Charles . . Elrod,"Adam . . . . Foster, John . . . . Gray, Jesse Gholson, .Samuel . . Gihson, Stephen. . . Gooding, Ai)rahani , Gibson, Thomas. . , Hftins. John . . . . Hill, William ... Hall, Henry. ... Hill, Claiborn. . . Keniday, John . . Kogan, William. . Lea, John .... Luster, John . . . Lenn. James . . . Lambert, Henry. . Livingston, Robert Miller, George . . McGown, Solomon Mills, ITlissius. . . Moore, David . . . Mays, David . . . Neal, Jesse . . . Pow, Alexander. . Ray, John .... Southword, John . Shaw, John. . . . Shelton, John. . . Savage, .John . . . Shelton, .James . . Smith, William . . .Stephens, Peter . . Smith, Henry . . . .Stephens, Thomas . Smith, George. . . .Sallee. William I. . Tiller, John .... Thornton, John . . Thomas, Samuel. . Wade, John . . . Willice, John. . . Woods, James. . . Welsher, Joshua. . West, Joseph . . . Welsher, Josiah . . West, Alexander . Wade, Elisha . . . AVray, Daniel . . . Wallace, Barnabus Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. November 10, 1814 . . G month Substituted for Samuel Gholson February 12th. ROLL OP CAPTAIN WILLIAM WOOD'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GABRIEL SLAUGHTER. William Wood .... Captain Peter Oatman . ... Lieutenant . . . Thomas JJrnwn .... Ensign Henry Kobinson. . . . Sergeant Absalom Kiee ' ' George Herring .... Isaac Thernian .... ' * Thomas Jones ' ' .John McKinsev. . . . Corporal . . . John Allen ' • Simon Mobely .... ' ' John Bourne ' ' November 10, 1814 I'romotod December 17, 1814. I'ronioted January 18, 1815. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP ISl'J. 293 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WM. WOOD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MlLITIA-^Continued. Anderson, Garland . . [ Anderson, Thomas. . . ' ^^^dauis, John • Blankenship, John. . . 1 Brown, Stanton .... Bailey, Lewis Beech, Joel Brown, William. • • • j Burton, Allen Bniwn, Edwin .... Barron, Mathins. . . . 1 Barker, Richard .... Boadly, Peter D. . . . Brown, John Clements, Thomas • • • Coy, Samuel \ Chambers, Abraham . . j Coy, Thomas Clark, William . . . ^4 Davidson, John . . . . [ Duggins, Richard • • • I Dooly, Jacob Duncan, George . . . . , Dotson, Thomas. ■ • • I Edens, Mathew . . . . [ Elliott, Reuben .... Erton, Henry Graham, Robinson. . Gill, John ' Greenstaff, George • • • i Garvin, William. . . . 1 Green, Thomas .... Gromer, Henrj' .... Gayheart, Isaac .... Hotsclaw, Martin ■ . . | Horley, William • • • I Hurd, William .... Ilay, Isaac I Hurt'man, Henrj* . . . Henderson, Joseph. . . Hicks, Fleming .... Hoskins, Samuel . . . Holmes, Isaac Jackman, Thomas . . . ; Lampton, William. . . Mc.\leas, Jacob . . . Martendale, Moses. . . McFadgin, James . . . Moore, Moses Miller, James May field, Sutherland. . Naylor, Jesse Newcomb, Lance . . . Naylor, George T.. . . Naylor, John Fow, William Pollard, Abner .... Preston, John Packet, William . . . Spencer, John ... Stone, James Stanton, Fleming . . . Skiler, John Stephens, William . . . Stephens, .... Thacker, Elijah .... Turpin, James .... Tarrent, Larkin .... Tunget, Benjamin . . . Vance, Jacob Weather, John .... Warren, Joseph . . . Wiley, Benjamin . . . Woodal, John . . . . Warmouth, Thomas . . Warraouth, Githean . . Williams, Oscar . . . . Williams, George . . . Yaucy, George . . . . Dale of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. November 10, 1814 . . 6 months Died March 18, ISl-"). Died Januarv 15, 1815. Died February 28, 1815. I .. Deceased February 18, 1815 294 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM WADE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA —COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GABRIEL SLAUGHTER. William Wndo . .John Riffe . . . Matlicw Coffee . David Johnson . Joshua Moore . . John D. Thurmond John Spears. . . .lohn Shannon. . William Jones . John Estis . . . Starling Coulter Jacob Cunningham (Obinion or) Alban (Jeorge Barnett, Skuyler. . Carmen, William . Curdum, William . Coxe, Joseph . . . Carter, Moses . . . Cluyd, Joseph. . . Charlton, Levi . . Coulter, Morris . . Carman, Ezokiah . Clifton, Nehemiah . Clifton, Isaiah. . . Cinkhous, Henry . Cunningham, Thomas Clark, Thomas . . Dyer, William. . . Duncan, Flemmin . Dobbs, William . . Drummond, James. Davenport, Thomas East, Ninirod . . . Ewebank, James. . Ecten, Charles . . Edwards, Aaron. . Ellis, John .... Figg, William. . . Gentry, Benjamin . (Jee, John .... Hite, Burton . . . Harvey, Robert . . Harvel, Squire . . Uutcherson, Samuel Johnson, Luke . . King, Thomas. . . Linthicum, Thomas Lee, Francis . . . Lee, Joseph P. . . McCutchan, Samuel Minor, Laban. . . Mason, James. . . MoWherton, Jesse. Mason, Thomas . . McCan, William . Mason, Thomson . Northcut, Arthur . Noble, Thomas . . Pan key, John B. . Price, Robert . . . Boyaltree, Henry . Kitl'c, Christopher Ragsdale, Gabriel . Royaltree, William Riffo, Abraham . . Reod, Philip . . . Routsaw, Coonrod . Raglin, James. . . Reed, I>ittle B. . . Studer, David. . . Seabron, Jehu. . . Stepp, William . . Selch, Nicholas . . Skidmore, John . . Snow, John . . . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . . Corpi Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. November 10, 1814 . fi months. Remarks. Sick at New Orleans Discharged November 111, 1814. Absent — illegally drafted. Died March r,. ISl.'i. Di.schargod November I'i, 1814. Failed in marching. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 295 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM WADE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Studor, Randal .... Private November 10, 1R14 . . 6 months Stanton, William . Thomas, Robert . . Tailor, Jacob . . . Vorus. Abraham . . Vantres, Jacob . . Williams, Amos. . Wright, Bennett (J. Discharged December S, 1814. Whitesidos, David. Williams, Richard. Yager, Lewis . . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN EDWARD BERRY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT- COLON EL GABRIEL SLAUGHTER. Edward Berrj'. . David Rodman . Thomas Mi'Intire Stephen TlKiinpson George Elli.ilt. Starling Thompson Charles Fowler . .John Austin . . Andrew Powel . .loel Nelson. . . Philip Richardson John McClure. . Adams, Henry . Burns, Isaac . . Bennett, George W Baker, James . . Baker, William . Bryan, John . . Barnett, William Champion, Joseph Cannon, Robert . Cogenom, George Campton, James. Casey, David . . Catlin, Seth. . . Carter, Benjamin Cross, William . Creagh, Christian Davis, Robert . . Earl, Samuel . . Ferguson, Daniel Franklin, Edward Graves, John . . Hickerson, John. Hickerson, Joseph Hilton, Henry. . Hart, William . Higgins, David . Jackson, James . Lockett, Sam uel . Lannom, Lewis . Lawson, Chester. Lawson, Berry . Lambert, David . Lannom, Samuel Miles, Alexander Miller, Joseph. Morgan, Abraham, McMnrry, Thomas Maxwell, Charles Morris, Reuben . Matherly, Joel . Malone, William Milbourn, Israel. McMurry, William Mann, William . . McAllister, James. Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Private . November 10, 1814 . . February ! 6 months. March 4. 181t 6 m nths. 2 OB SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN EDWARD BERRY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- Continued. Mead, Joseph . . . McMurry. William McAllisUtr, Daniel. Miles, Ktlward . . Mtiiitnomcry, Thomas Nelson, William . Oklriilge, Nathaniel Prewitt, Daniel . . Prater, Pvcson . . . Richards, Zodick . Kidge, Cornelius. . Kidge, William . . Riijht, Robert. . . Eight, William . . Ueed, Nathan . . . Seamster, Pleasant. Simpson, Floyd . . Stump, Johnston . Simpson, Asa . . . Taylor, Jeremiah . Tolbv, Jonathan. . W hitter, William . Watham, James H. White, Thomas L.. Watham, Nicholas. Whitten, Jeremiah Whitchouse, John. Whitehouse, Cornelius. Woods, Henry .... ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM PHILIPS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GABRIEL SLAUGHTER. William Philips . . Godhnrt Smack . . John Ludwick. . . Asa K. Hill Joseph Abel .... William McEnery. Charles Colter. . . Henry Cowan . . . Robert Rochester . John Grayham . . John Mobley . . ■ Robert Brumfield . Thomas Hill . . . William Vanoy . Anderson. Thomas. Rlaire, James . . . Brown, Francis . . Brown, Henderson Bullott, John . . . Butler, William . . Botains, William, Sr, Botains, William, Jr Baker, Henry . . . Blacketler, William Camburn. Osburu . Cissell, Tliomas . . Cidwell, John . . . Caho, John .... Cissell, Robert. . . Cannon, Israel . . Cravens, James . . Cunstable, Stephen. Cinkhorn, John . . Cundifl", James . . Cartico, Ijliiyd. . . Collier, Daniel. . . Easton, John . . . Elliott, John . . . Enson, George. . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . orporal M Privii November II), 1814 . . December 2, 1814 . . . Died IVcembor 2, 1814. G months SOLDIEKS OF THE WAK OP 1812. 297 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM PHILIPS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Green, Charles . Gerton, John . . Grey, Charles . . Galesby. Edward Gains, Strother H Harris, Overton . Harris, William.. Hinton, Shadrick Howard, Charles. Hall, Thomas . . Knott, Jeremiah. Landers, James . Lyons, John . . Lyons, Charles W Lanham, William Lockman, John B, Loekman, Charles, Mercer, Martin . Mills, Samuel . . Mattingly, Joseph Mahoney, William Miller, Ignatius . Marby, Micajah.. Morgan, Jubel . Meanally, Basil . Meanally, John . Mitchel, Jacob. . Newton, Ignatius Nichols, John . . Owings, James . Patterson, Joseph Philips, Jesse . . Quigans, James . CJuigans, Joseph. Stemmons, Henry, Stanfleld, John . Smithers, Daniel. Smith, Richard . Simpson, AUugus Smith, John . . Sanders, .John . . Updergrove, Joseph Vessels, Benjamin . Vaun, Obediah Waid, Evan . . Wooley, John , Williams, Edward . Whitehouse, Thomas Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10, 1814 . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Jan 6 n: .lary 1.5, 1815 onths February 25, 1815 6 months. . . . , Remarks. Killed on guard January 15. 181." Given up from my company Feb. 25, 1815, by order Gen. Thomas, borne on Capt. Paton's roll. December 23, 1814 . . ! Died December 2:-;. 1814. 6 months Roll of Field and Staff, Davis' Regiment, Kentucky Detached Militia, War of 1812 — Commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Presley Gray. Presley Gray . . John Davis . . . .James Johnson . William Walker Zeba Holt. . . . S. C. Stephens, (ieorge P. Miller Zachariah Terryhel Allen A. Hamilton Henry Winslow. . William W. Ford . Samuel Stewart . . William Vancleve. John Curry. . . . Samuel Gray . . . Samuel Black well . 38 Lieutenant-Col. . Major Adjutant . . . Paymaster . . . Quartermaster . Surgeon .... Surgeon's Mate. Sergeant Major. S. Mate . . . Drum Major . . Fife Major. . . (Jr. M. S. . . . November 11, 1814 January 11, 1814 . March "8, 1814 . . November 10,1814 January .SO, 1814 . . November 10. 1814 March 4, 1814 . . . Resigned. Promoted to Lieutenant-Coloriol .Jan. 10, 181J 298 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN ROBERT THRUSTON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA —COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN DAVIS. Robert Thniston . Henry Greshani . John D. Gott . . Samuel S. Green. Daniel Ragsdale. John S. Simpson Aaron CoUett. . . George Hunger . . Adam Gilliland . . Isaac Hill David Richey. . . John Curry. . . . Thomas Curry . . Armstrong, Benjanii Arnold, William . Arnold, Robert . . Allen, Nathaniel . Alexander, John . Blanton, Thomas . Bowman, James. . Bryant, Thomas. . Brooky, John . . . Barnett, Philip E. . Blanchard. John. . Caldwell, William. Cathran, John. . . Cooley, Jesse . . . Clark, David . . . Crow, Andrew . . Chenowith, Thomas Collett, Moses . . Caplinger, John . . Cottonham, John D Daniels, George . . Dawville, Charles . Elsbury, Jonathan. Parmer, James . . Galbreath, William Hunter, Charles . . Hunter, Willis . . Hill, John .... Ingraham, James . Inshmeyer, John . Knapp, Charles . . Kirk, James . . . Kincade, Matthew. Lowell, Jacob. . . Leggett, John. . . Miller, Christopher Messen, James . . Milam, John . . . McCartney, Andrew Newell, Archibald Osborn, John . . . Porter, James. . . Pittenger, Thomas. Prewett, Joel . . . Parsons, David . . Penley, Wesley . . Russell, John . . . Ragsdale, Frederick Robinson, James . Shrum, John . . . Sharp, William . . Standiford, William Smith, Henry . . Spence, Willis . . Stillwell, Isaiah . . Stafford, Thomas . Tyler, Willis . . . Taylor, James. . . Tadlock, Alexander Thursby, James . Weems, James S. . White, Warren . . Woodward, John . . Washburn, Samuel S. Captain . liieutenant Knsign . . Scrircant . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November 10, 1811 . May 10, ISl.'i. Corpora! . Fifcr . Drumnu Private Remarks. Died February 14, 181.'-). Promoted to Fife Major. Died February 10, 181.5. Died December (i, 1814. Died. Discharged December "JS, 1814. Died February 1, Ixl' SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 299 ROLL OP CAPTAIN THOMAS JO YES' COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN DAVIS. Rank. Thomas Joyes. . Andrew Porttorff Samuel Earickson John Hadley . . William Wale . . John Booker . . John W. Bainbridge John Ray John O. Hanlon . . William Duerson . Abner C Young. . Ames, Robert B.. . Brinley, Jatob . . Bateman, Isaac . , Balee, Abraham . . Booty, John. . . . Brandenburgh, Absa Bagwell, John. . . Croxton, Cornelius. Carson, Hugh . . , Cardwell, William. Carlton, Francis D. Crossgrave, Charles Calhoun, Alexander Dunn, Thomas Davis, Squire . Dougherty, Patric Elms, William . Floyd, Nathaniel Gosshort, Adam . Grenawalt, John Glaspgow, James Glassgovv, John . Guthrie, Moses . Hilliard, Anson (. Hill, Mason. . . Hubbs, Jacob . . Holt, Samuel . . Johnson, William Jones, John. . . Jackson, George . Kelly, Christopher Lash brook, Samuel Martin, Westley Meddis, Godfrey. Morlow, Peter . Miller, John . . Merryfield, John Miller, Levi. . . Myrtle, William Miller, George . Mayfield, Isaac . Morrow, John . . Minter, John . . Meddis, John . . oNewkirk, William Ormer, Peter . Parish, Price . Pearson, George R, Pierce, Chester Ralston, Alexander Risley, James . . Ross, Thomas . . Stewart, James . Stower, Patrick . Slaughter, Jacob. Stout, Michael . Talbot, Thomas . Thickston, Willia Tyler, Joseph . . Traceler, Philip . Williams, Moses. Woodward, James Wheeler, Jesse . Welsh, Moses . . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . ■Sergeant . Corporal Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10, 1814 . . Private Waiter. Private December 4, November 10, 814. . 1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. May 10, 181 February 18, May 10," 181 RiSMARkS. Promoted to Corporal February '28. 181.5. Died November 27, 181!; Died Mav 1, 1815. Killed in battle January HI, 181:j. noo SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM WALKER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN DAVIS. Rank. William Walker ... 1 Captain . . John Smith Lieiteiiant. John Webb Ensign . . John Harvey ' Sergeant . John n. Gibbs . . . . j " Joel Hardin ' ' Elijah York I " Arterhury, James . . . i Private . . Hear, John | ' ' Benedict, Tomkins. . .1 '' Bear, Adam j ' ' Bear, Geoi-ge ' ' ' Burgman, William . . ' ' ' Batea, Simeon | ' ' Brewer, Charles. . . . ; ' Brown, Asa 1 ' ' Carr, Elijah : ' ' ^Clarke, Albin ! Cash man, Peter ... ' ' Cashman, John .... ' ' Case, Jacob ■ ' Cowper, Joshua ... " CafFrey, Thomas M. . . " Clayton, John ' ' Davis, Silas ' ' Dawson, John. ... ' ' Dowddle, Thomas J.. . 1 '' Gardner, .James .... ' ' Gilblaine, Robert ... ' ' Goatly, Thomas . - | ' ' Gentry, William ... ' ' Glasscock, William . . ' ' Horton, Anthony ... ' • Hulse, Josiah .... ■ ' Holmes, Nicholas . . . : • ' Hedges, Robert .... ' ' Hayes, Daniel ' ' ' Jarboe, Joseph .... ' ' Jack.son, Isaac | '' John.s, John | ' ' Kindor, Peter. . . . King, John Keith, Jacob .... Liangsley, John . . . Liney, Zachariah . . Lyons, John .... Mattingly, Bennett . Morgan, fjumbeth. . Melior, Jacob. . . . Millor, John .... Night, John Osten, Jeremiah . . . Parpoint, Charles Pate, Allen Painter, William . . Pile, Francis .... Paul, George .... Pearman, Samuel . . Pearman, .John . . . Pule, Jeremiah . . . Paddeii, John .... Kadlev, Khiibod. . . Saily.'oliver P. . . . .Sevaney, Glaslierry . Slack, William . ." . Thomas, Joseph. . . White, William. . . Whitaker, Jesse . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 15, 1814 To what time Engaged 1 or Enlisted. I Remarks. May 1.5, 1815 May 10, 181.: Promoted January 1, I8I0. Promoted to Captain January 1, 181.'). Promoted to Lieutenant .January 1, 181i Promoted to Ensign January 1, 1815. Died December '22, 1814. February 1, 1815 May 10, 1815 . February 1, 1815 . . May 15, 1815. . . . May 10, 1815. . . . February 1, 1815 . . .May 10, 1815. . . . Died March 12, 181."; Appointed Sergeant January o, 1815. Died Marcli '■>. \»^^' SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 301 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOSEPH FUNK'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT COLONEL JOHN DAVIS. Joseph Funk -Thomas Todd . . Martin Adams . William Wallace Isaac Carr . . . James Austin . . Joseph Willhort Frederick Mason James Prewitt. . John Young . . Thomas Bateman William Teter . . Anderson, Thomas. Archer, Thomas. . Austin, William. . Austin, Daniel . . Bateman, John . . Briser, James . . . Blankinboke, Jacob Brooks, Jacob . . . Cann, Edward. . . Campbell, James . Campbell, George B Crews, Elijah . . . Crews, Zachariah . Crow, Andrew D. . :Cox, (Jeorge. . . . Edmondson, John . Fiteshue, Cole. . . Fitzer, Jacob , . . Ferguson, Samuel . Forus, James . . . Oilman, Timothy . Gritl'y, Samuel Greathouse, Luther (ireen, Joseph. . . Gunn, Jonathan . . Green, John. . . . Harris, Thomas . . Hendricks, James P Hortly, John . . . Henacly, Alexander Harmond, John Hobson, Milburn . Ingram, James Jones, Hamilton. . Job, Andrew . . . Jones, Thomas . . Johnson, Thomas Kalfers, Jacob . . Knight, John Louther, Henry . . Leggett, William . Maxwell, William. Mitchell, William . Miller, Adam . . . Pearce, John . . . Powell, William. . Portlow, Samuel . . Portlow, Edward . Rudy, George . Shelman, Jacob . . Spalding, George AV Steel, Andrew. . . .Stuart, Robert. . . Shako, J.>hn . . . Shake, Adam ... Shirley, Absalom . Tyler, David . . . Tyler, Absalom . . Williams, Benjamin Willhoit, Larkin . Wilkv, John . . . Wood, Timothy . . Wood, Henry . . . Wooden, Robert. . Woodward, Michael Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal . . November 10, 1814 . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. May 10, 181S Rkmarks. Died. February 2(1,1815. May 10, 181. 'J . . December 19, 1814 May 10, 1815 . . March 29,1815. 302 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OB' CAPTAIN ZIBA HOLT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN DAVIS. Ziba Holt John Montgomery Adam Mowny . Wyat Coleman . William Stewart Henry Blunt . . John Holody . . Thomas Sublett . Joseph Pew. . . Nathan Chalfrant Mark Williams . Jeremiah Stowers Anderson, Josiah Agins, John . . Baker, Joseph. Brasher, Keason . Boon, Moses . . Brown, William. Bags, John . . . BarnhiU, William Brent, James . . Barker, Samuel . Colvin, James M. Chase, William . Conway, William Corin, William . Crews, Jeremiah . Dermit, James . Drinkel, Timothy Dean, John . . . Eallon, Charles . (iillum, Charles . Glenn, John . . Gillum, Benjamin Gilpin, George . Glass, John. . . -Holt, John . . . Hammon, John . Heath, Martin . Horton, James . Gentry, Pleasant Gibson, Perry gon Gannon, Zaehariah Jones, Hamilton . James, Thomas . Jones, Moses . . Kinder, Peter. . Kendall, Thomas Keyton, John. . Lattey, Mathew. Lock, Samuel . . Mc(iec, William . Miller, William . Montgomery, Robert McGannon, Thomas Overton, Moses . Parrott, William Parker, Asa. . . Reastine, John . Reed, James . . Ragsdale, William Robbins, David . Redding, Samuel Senor, David . . Spencer, Ambrose Sparks, Walter . Spillman, Charles Sparks, Henry . Taylor, John . . Thomas, John . . Veal, Thomas . Watson, Samuel. Williams. John . Waters, Major . Williams, Samuel Wiley, Matthew. Wooders, Stephen Rank. Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant. . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. May 15, 1815 . Corporal Fifer . Private February 10, 1X15 May 15, 1815 . February 1(1,181' November Id, 1814 Mav 15, 1815. . . . November 10, 1814 Mav 10, 1815 . . November 10, 1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. March 8, 1815 .... May 10, 1815 .... May 10, 1815 . . February 18, 181." November IG, 1814 , November 10, 1814 , May 10, 1815 . . . Februarv 18, 181.^ May 10, 1815 . March 5, 1815 . Mav 10, 1815 . May 10, 1815 , Remarks. Promoted to Major. February 4. 1815 • • • Discharged. May 10, 1815. . . . | Promoted to Sergeant February 4lh. February 18, 1815 Februarv 18,1815 May lO', 1815 . . December 14, 1814 . . May 10, 1815 . . . . Died April 18, 18ir Transferred to Captain .Joseph P\ink's Company. Died April 1, 1815. Died December 14, 1814. February 18, 1815. . . Died. Died April 18, 181? SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF IS 12. 303 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM GANAWAY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT- COLON EL JOHN DAVIS. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. William Ganaway. . . Captain November 1.5,1814 . . May 15, 1815 .... Julius C. Jackson . Lieutenant . . . March 5, 1815 . . . Resigned. John Field .... Ensign Jlay 15, 1815 .... Promoted. John Clever. . . . Sergeant .... ' ' * ' Promoted. Sick. Peter Bodine . . . Samuel C. Myers " Henry Leach . . . 1 ( t 1 Samuel Kelly . . . Corporal .... March 10, 181^-^ . . Died. John Travis. . . . 1 ' ' May 15, 1S15 . . . . John Cohen. . . . Benjamin Thomas . Anderson, Athel . J^rivate ' ' ' ' Bott, John .... 1 1 t . Barron, Josiah . . Burnett, Abraham. 1 " 1 . I . Barron, Thomas. . ' ' ' ' Barron, .Shadrick . ' ' ' ' Barnett, Felia . . . ( c ( . Bennett, Briant . . March 10, 1815. . . Bartell, George . . May 15, 1815 .... Bennett. Reuben . . 11 ,1 Brown, Isaac . . . ( ( t . Brown, Henry . . .. Cane, John .... !! [\ ;; Conrad, Henry . . Collard, William . ' ' ' ' Colaway, Walter . " Conrad, .John . . . March 10, 1815. . . . Davis, George . . May 1-5, 1815 .... Dunlap, Henry . . ' ' ' ' Duff, William M. . March 10, 1815. . . . Evans, William . . Fulkerson, Adam . ' ' May 15, 1815 .... Fulkerson, John. . 1 < 11 Haycraft, James. . " " Hogan, George . . ' ' ' ' Harris, Samuel . . 1 , 1 ( Islor, Jacob. . . . [ ' ' ' ' Jones, Lemuel. . . Jones, Philip . . . ( t ( ( Jordan, James. March 10, 1815. . . . Kelly, George W. . May 15, 1815 .... Kelly, Benjamin. . ' ' ' ' Lewellon, Jabez. . " • ' Lock, William . . March 10, 1815 .... Logsdon, .James . . May 15, 1815 .... Moloham, Clement 1 . 1 . Myers, Benjamin . March 10, 1815. . . . Miller, Uriah . . " ' ' Ogden, Zachariah . May 1.5, 1815 .... Ogden, Levi . . . 1 ' ' March V6, 1815. . . . Died. Olvy, Thomas. . . May 15, 1815 .... Ulvy, Clement . . Ogden, James, . . (1 ( ( Philips, John . . . J'runty, Robert . . Rice, Allen .... i March 10, 1815. . . . May 1.5, 1815 .... March 10, 1815. . . . Sprav, Jonas . . . Sconse, John . . . Tanner, Frederick . . Wakeland, William R.. May 1.5, 1815 .... Ward, flesse 1 ,[ March 10, 1815 .... Di.^d Maiv Williams, Evan . 1 Itl, IS15. Welcher, William . . . Sick. Wood, Robert. . . May 15, 1S15 .... 304 HOJLDIEKS OF THE WAR OF 181'J. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JACOB PEACOCK'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MTLITIA- -COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN DAVIS. Names. Jacob Peacock. . . Benjamin Henson . .lohn Kelly .... .Joseph Swearing. . Jesse Unrcli .... Benjamin Collins . John Shirkiliffe . William Todd . . . Levi Kidgway. . . Joseph Rudd . . . Walter Smith . . . Charles Wilson . . Burdett, William Burdett, Benjamin. Beam, George . . . Baldwin, McKensey Blanford, George. . Bishop, Henry . . Craw, Joseph . . . Campbell, Jacob . . Cummins, John . . Clark, Joseph . . . Collins, Elisha . . Cardwell, George . Charles, William . Cosby, Ignatius.. . Davis, John .... Dumont, Peter . . Danielson, William Duberry, Benjamin Duberry, James . . Easton, Samuel Glass, Royal . . . Greenwell, John B. Harris, Essex . . Hardy, Jacob . . . Hopewell, Thomas . Herrin, James. . . Johnson, Joseph . Kerms, Daniel . . . Kirk, William. . . Kirke, Selerin . . . Lashbrook, Thomas Merryman, Charles Me Arthur, John. . McDonald, Archibald Miller, Peter . . . McDonnel, Miles . McGary, Barney . Martin, John . . . Owens, George . . Osborn, E/.ekiel . . Price, Samuel . . . Pollv, Joseph . . . Pratt, Richard . . Pursley, Peter. . . Quick, Ephraim. . Reed, Robert . . . Rogers, John . . . Rennels, Barney. . Shepliard. William Shaw, William . . Steel, John . . . Sligar, John . . . Smock, Jacob . . . Thompson, William Tonque, John B. . Whalen, Joseph. Waters, Hezekiah B, Younger, Ebenezer Captain . . Ijieutenant En.sign . . Sergeant . Corporal . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10, 181-1.. Ja Nov uarv 20,1815 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. May 10, 1815 . . February r>, 1815 . March 4, 1815 . . May 10, 1815. . . Remarks. Resigned. Resigned. Promoted to Ensign February 'ith. January 'M, 1S15 May lb, 1815 . , November 10, 1815 May 10, 1815 . . January 15, 1815 . May 10, 1815. . . April 10, 1815 . May 10, 1815 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. 305 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ZACHARIAH TERRELL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN DAVIS. Names. Zachariah Terrell . David Adams . . . James Perry . . . James Vance . . . Joshua Rutledge. . John Buchannou . Isaac Hurd .... Jncol> Uooperider . Peter Polly .... Gilbert Flankins . Thomas Frazier . . Elijah Summers . . Jesse Isaacs .... Armstrong, Richard Applegate, Elisha . Burnett, William . Bourne, Benjamin . Briscoe, Warner. . Bsker, Solomon . . Biggs, Hillery. . . Blackwell, Samuel. Bishop, Michael . . Blackwell, Robert . Connellj-, Rice . . Carico, Thomas . . Criswell, Robert. . Cardwell, John . . Corlin, Benjamin . Dillon, John . . . Dalgarn, Allen . . Deringer, Martin . Davis, Jacob . . . Davis, William . . Drake, John . . . Ewin, Squire . . . Edrington, John. . Floyd, Elijah . . . Ford, John .... Gray, William . . ■ Gouch, Nicholas. . Hollis, John P. . . Hogan, Isaac 0. . Hackworth, Joseph Harris, Samuel . Jones, Rodham . Jacobs, .John . . Kirkindal, Henry Kipheart, Philip. Leinaston, Ewin . >lcGee, William iludd, Francis . Miller, Nathaniel Miller, Owen . . -Myers, David . . Nelson, William. Nelson, John . . Newman, Thomas Newman, John . - Neaver, Daniel . > Neville, James . Neaves, William Paine, Elzy. . . Roe, Nicholas . . Rodgers, John . . Runy, James Stutt, Christian . Stodghill, Thomas Steel, William . Sherburne, Pascal Sanders, Johnson Spencer, Thomas Steel, .James . . Steel, Rankin . . Scott, .James . . Todd, Samuel . . I f rrill, John . . . \'aniel, Henry - \ Welch, William. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10, 1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Bemarks. May 10, 1815. Died January 7, 181.5. ;^9 306 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN AARON HART'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA —COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN DAVIS. Aaron Hart. . . Moses Hart Natliaii Tucker . . . Artluir McGaugliey . (ioorgo Siss Jolm ColliiiB .... John Hurris." .... William Iliiddleston. William Watkiiis . . Daniel Greenwuit . . James Linville . . . David Waddle . . . Alexander, Thomas . Alexander, David B. . Arrington, Lewis . . Bennett, James . . . Bliss, Francis .... Blain, James . . . . Clark, Eaden .... Clark, James . . . . Case, Joseph . . . . Cash, Jeremiah . . . Cast, .John Daiigherty, Allen . . Gaddy, John Guardman, Jonathan Grigsby, John. . . . Graham, John . . . Huston, William . . HornVieck, Isaac . . . Hudfjins, John. . . . .lohnston, Thomas. . Killam, Samuel . . . Lender, Abraham . . McContis, William . Miller, Philip. . . . Price, William . . . Snyder, Fielding . . Sipes, Henry . . . . Stokes, Joel Shipler, George . . . Thomas, Owen . . . Utterback, Jacob . . Utterback, Thomas . "Watkins, Hankerson Rank. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. Captain . . . Lieutenant . Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . •2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant . 1st Corporal . I'rivati' November 15, 181-1 . May 15, 1815. March -24, 1815 May 15, 1815. March 20, 1815 May 15. 1815. . March 22, 1815. . •May 15, 1815. . . April 12, 1815 . . May 15, 1815. . . March 15, 1815. May 15, 1815. . March 5, 1815 . Remarks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES FORD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL PRESLEY GRAY. James Ford Captain November 10, 1814 . . May 10, 1815 .... Joel Honybrough . . . Lieutenant .... ' ' ' ' John I. Roberts . . . Ensign 11 1 1 Hezekiah Crook .... Sergeant .... 11 .1 Anderson C. Rice . . . 11 11 James Mulliken .... ' ' 11 11 Thomas Ellis 11 11 John Wright 1st Corporal . . . " " William Prethers . . . ' ' 11 '1 Asa Ford < . April 20, 1815 . AVilliam Ellis ' ' May 10. 1815 .... Adoock, Hezekiah . . . Private 1 1 11 Arrintrton, Lawson . . ' ' 11 11 IJoardman, Noah . . . ' ' 11 11 Busev, Arthur .... ' « 11 11 Buscv. Jacob ' ' ' ' ' ' Bird, .\braham .... ' ' 11 11 Brown, AVilliam. . . . ' ' 11 < 1 Brown, David • ' 11 11 Cairy,John W ' ' March 16, 1815. . . . Carr, Elijah ' ' May 10, 1815 .... Clark, Gardner .... ' ' Card well, William. . . ' ' SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 307 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JAMES FORD'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Cully, George. . . Daugherty, George Demara, David . Kllis, John . . . Flood, Benjamin. Feuley, John (i.. Fen ley, James. . Ford, William . Graham, William Humley, William Hall, Francis . . Hughes, William Hintiiri, Thomas. Hall, Bembridge Harper, Hezekiah Harris, Sampson . Harris, Jesse . . Hughes, James . Johnston, William Lilly, Robert . . Marshall, George Martin, John . . Miller, John . . McG ruder, Uenni Martin, William Mulliken, William Nichols, Willis . Nichols, John. . Pollard, Allison . Proctor, William Pearcy, Robert . Pearcy, Hugh. . Ross, John . . . Raines, Simon . Stut, David . . . Stanley, John . . Shadrick, John . Smith, Abraham . Shadrick, Thomas Singer, Daniel . . Shirley, Robert . Truman, William Truman, Anderson Thompson, James Thomas, Joseph . Tatton, John . . Wilcoxon, Daniel Wright, Harrisoh Youngs, Nathan . W Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. November 10,1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. May 10, 1815 December 1' May 10, 181 December 7, May 10, 1815 Kemarks. 814. Roll of Field and Staff, Dudley's Regiment, Kentucky Mounted Volun- teer Militia, War of 1812 — Commanded by Major Peter Dudley. Peter Dudley . . . Elijah C. Berry . . John Roberts . . . James 1. Pendleton Robert Crouch . . Edycomb Samuel . Nathaniel Porter . Ephraim . Major .... Adjutant . . Surgeon.. . . Paymaster . Quartermaster Qr. M. Sergeant .Sergeant Major, Servant . . . . 308 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN MTCAJAH McCLUNG'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY MAJOR PETER DUDLEY. Na*ies. Micnjah McCUing. William Wilkeiison Aquilla Young . . John Slavens . . . William Tipton. . John Gilvin . . . Joseph Swope. . . "William C. Rolls . Hinchy G. Barron . Fielden Hanlis . . Robert Dale. . . . Allen, James . . . Brown, John . . . Bridges, William . Boyd, John. . . . Barron, Abram . . Barker, John . . . Crane, William . . Cyphers, George. . Dickey, Robert . . Dixon, Ebenezer . Dunlap, David . . Ferguson, Hamilton Gilvin, James. . . Gilvin, Joseph . . Gilky, John. . . . Howe, Isaac P. . . Hammon, John . . .Jones, Benjamin. . Jones, Joseph . Lanter, Larkin . . Lanter, Thomas T. Lanter, Benjamin . Mitchell, .James . Marshall, Francis . McQueen, Thomas H Rose bury, Jame.s . Sanders, Oliver . . Smith, John . . . Summers, Cornelius Shores, Charles . . Shrat, Robert . . . Stewart, Ezekiel. . Tipton, Mitchell. . TiH)ry, Thomas . . Trimble, David . . Wilson, John . . . Woodward, John . Whitsitt, John . . Whitsitt, James. . Web, Fountain . . Whitten, William. Younger, Peter . . Young, John . . . Young, Aquilla . . Rank. Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant. . Corporal. . Private . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 20, 1814 To wliat time Engaged or Enlisted. November 20, 1814 . Remarks. Left at Lower Sanduskv October 2, 1814. Left at Zaness Block Hou-'^e September 28, 1814. Left at Fort Meigs October 4, 1814. Joined October 14, 1814. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES SYMPSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY MAJOR PETER DUDLEY. James Sympson .... John Bruner Lieutenant. . . . Robert Clark Ensign William T" Alexander Benedict L Kennick . . I . William T. T.rry . . . Martin Hagga-d. . . . Corporal .... Stephen Bruncrd . . . ■ ' Jolm Martin 1 < James Keith 1 < Jabe/. Hain Musician .... Bush, Jerer.-.iab .... Private November 20,1814 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 181'2. M09 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JAMES SYMPSON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY^ MOUNTED VOLUNTEER INFANTRY— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted Remarks. Bale, Alesunder. . . . Private .... September 20, 1814 . . Novembef20, 1814 . . Bruce, EH ' ' ' ' II 1 1 Brndshnw, Willinm . . ' ' 11 Brown, Isaac ' ' 11 11 Brown, Elijah ' ' ' * ' ' " Babee, Isham ' • ' ' ' ' 1 1 11 Bruce, Dewitt ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Collins, Gabriel .... ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Clark, William 11 11 Calon, John ' ' ' ' 11 11 Clark, Boling ' ' ' ' 11 Davis, Jonathan. . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Debored, Ephraim. . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Duncan, John S. . . . ■ ' 11 XI 1 . Eaton, George. . . . ' ' ' ' 11 1 . Edward, Cuthbert. . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 11 Farron, Kennox . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 Fisher, William. . . . ' ' " " 11 Grooms, Francis. . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 11 Hamilton, Thomas. . . ' ' II ,1 11 Howard, William . . . II 11 1 1 .1 Hunter, George .... ' ' 1 . 11 II Jackson, James .... ' ' 1 1 1 < • 1 11 Kaas (or Keas), Wm. C ' ' 11 11 11 11 Langdon, Thomas . . . ' ' 11 II 11 II Lingfellow, David. . . 1 1 11 11 11 Lyons; John ' ' 11 II 11 11 Lenox, Charles .... 1 ' ■ 11 1 I 11 11 Lenox, John ! ' ' 11 II 11 ,1 McCarty, Ezekiel . . . 1 " II McCarty, Joseph . . . 1 ' 11 11 11 11 England, Colinton. . . 1 11 11 Thornton, William . . II 11 Tribble, Orson • ' 11 11 .1 II Tracy, Asa 1 ' ' ■ 1 11 11 11 Vance, John 1 ' ' II .1 11 11 Waterman, Jonathan . 11 11 1 1 11 Walker, Abel ' ' 11 11 11 11 Wilson, John ' ' 11 11 11 11 Weathers, Samuel . . . 11 II 11 1 1 ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS P. MOORE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUNTEER INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY MAJOR PETER DUDLEY^ Thomas P. Moore . John R. Cardwell John Sharp .... Richard Power . . John Jordon . . . John Singleton . . Joseph Lowry. . . James Cardwell . . Samuel Robertson . Burris Adkins. . . Elijah Vorhis . . . Reuben Hawkins . Adams, John . . . Adams, Samuel . . Barlow, Hastings . Crawford, Hugh. . Coulter, .Starling. . Davenport, Allen . Davis, Briant . . . Elliott, John . . . Evans, W. M.. . . Frazier, Robert . . Frazier, James . . Guthrie, Robert . . Godfrey, Robert . . Green, Martin . . . Green, Thomas . . Green, Samuel. . . Captain . . Lieutenant September 20,1814 November 20, 1814 Ensign . Sergeant . Corporal Private 310 SOLWERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS P. MOORE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN- TEER INFANTRY— Continued. Names. Hughes, Stephen . Hughes, Reuben. . Hawkins, Benjamin Hawkins, James. . Holcman, Robert . Howard, Eppy . . Highbarger, Joseph Hungate, John . . Ilungato, Jehu . . Hale, Charles . . . Jordan, Yarret . . James, Robert. . . Laml), James . . . Laferty, Bales. . . Lilares, John . . . Lillard, Christopher Lewis, Thomas . . Lewis, William M. Lockhart, Levi . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September '20, 1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November 20, 1814 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MILLEH'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED V^OLUNTEER INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY MAJOR PETER DUDLEY. John Miller . . . Nicholas Miller . John Vertrese.. . John Ridgeway. Bonnet Goldsberry. Squire Boyorth . Jesse Craddick . Bartlett, James . Barlin, lioger . . -ons, James . . Harrison, Richard . Henry, Joseph . . Henry, John . . . Holton, Abner . . 40 Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal September 10, 1814 . i October 9, 1814 , Musician Private . 314 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOSEPH LOGAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA — Continued. Harpor, William . Hiklebniiul, John . ( Niime not given.) . Hoard, Kliodos . . Kuetzer, John . . Kenton, Benjamin. Kinsey, William . Latham, iSamuel. . Lyon, Charles. . . Loe, John Lucas, Robert. . . Mc Bride, Joseph . Morgan, Daniel . . Mc(io\van, John. . Mingey, William . Marshall, Thomas . McGinniss, William Morgan, Joseph . . Moore, Lee .... Miller, Alexander . Norris, James . . . Owens, Alfred. . . Polly, David ... Peters, Isaac ... Pollard, Samuel . . Peters, Aaron . . . Phillips, Gabriel. . Petticord, Emanuel Petticord, John. . . Robertson, Edward Ruggles, Enoch . . Robb, Robert . . . Rennels, David V. . Seward, Charles . . Shelby, John . . . Spurgen, George. . Singleton, Frederick Swingle George . . Takoon, Luke. . . Traftbrd, John . . Taylor, John . . . Thompson, William Thomas, Solomon . Viert, John .... Vincent, John. . . Wood, (jeorge. Williams, George . Williams, Thomas. Williams, George . Wallace, John . . Wilson, John . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 10, To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 'J, 1814 . . Rbmakks. Al>.>-ent without leave. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT HENLEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA —COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. Robert Henley . . Benjamin (Jilbreath John R. Duckett . Robert Bell .... Elijah P. Hall. . . Thomas Harding . John C. Smith . . Nathani(d Bannister John Barlow ... Elisha Prater . . . Ardery, Roliert . . Anderson, .lohn. . Buckner, .lohn . . Biirk, (Jeorge . . . Baird, William . . Bradley, Daniel . . Bucanon, James. . Bartlett, Ebcnezor. Captain . Ensign . Sergeant. Corporal Musician Private . September 10, October 9, 1814 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. 315 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT HENLEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Clay, Samuel . . . Cowan, Alexander. Dewitt, Jacob. . . Davidson, James . Dedrick, George M. Earlawine, Jacob . Evans. Gilead. . . Earls, Paton . . . File, Reuben . . . Griffith, Samuel . . Gregg, Joseph . . . Honacle, Creason . Howard, Gideon. . Jones, William . . Johnston, Jo.seph . Keith, Philip . . . Keith, William . . Morgan, George. . Mathers, Thomas . Matchley, Benjamin Morris, Morris . Monacal, Peter . McGuire, John . McCarty, Thomas MoCormack, Walter Miller, Jacob . . . Powell, Robert . . Phillips, John. . . Richey, John . . . Richey, William . Reveil, Joseph. . . Robertson, David . Rice, William. . . Snap, George . , . Stevenson, William Stoops, John . . . Steers, John. . . . Stockdale, William Shannon, Samuel . Smith, John. . . . Trigg, Joseph. . . Tinder, James. . . Ward, Joseph. . . Wiggins, Archibald Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. September 10, 1814 . . : October 9, 1814. ROLL OP CAPTAIN DAVID GOODING'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. David Gooding . . Elijah Adkins. . . Isaac Powell . . . James Norwood . . Mial Mayo .... Lott Ringo .... John C. Lacv . . . William Cline. . . Joseph Evans . . . Samuel Beck . . . William Wooten . Shad rick Ward . . Anthony Gardner Martin Thornberry Adams, John . . . Acres, .Jonathan. . Branham, William Blankenship, Obedia Brown, William. . Blahoutt, Benjamin Briggs, Jacob . . . Boan, Andrew. . . Crabtree, John . . Criim, John .... Cap'.ain . . Lieitenant. Ens'gn . . Sergeant . Corporal Drummer Fifer . . Private . September 10, 1814 . . Octobers, 1814. 316 SOLDIERS OF tHE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAI^TAIN DAVID GOODING'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITlA — Continued. Names. Rank. Chaffin, David .... Crum, Michael .... Craig, Kobert Craig, Joseph , . Cobb, Adam Christin, Julius .... Conrad, Joseph .... -Clark, Philip Damron, Joseph, . . . Damron, Richard . . . Pay, John Davis, William .... Day, Lewis Davis, Thomas .... Dunaway, Isaac .... Daniel, Thomas .... Edwards, Richard . . . Estell, William .... Ellett, George Ellington, Isaac ... Foster, Isaac Fleming, Robert. . . . Fitzpatrick, William. . Fletcher, Jacob .... Gallett, William. . . . George, Alexander G.Y Graham, William . . . Herrels, Nathan .... Hopkins, Josiah .... Hall, Isham Heavens, Benjamin . . Hopkins, William . . . Jerrel, Carnel Johnston, David. . . . Jeans, Thomas .... Jemison, David ... Julioch, Joseph . . . Kenedy, Eli. .... Kline, Jacob .... Kelly, Thomas . . . Kelly, Anthony . . . Lustre, Thomas . . . Lewis, William . . . Lycans, Marcus . . . Lee, William .... Lykes, Philip .... Murry, Samuel . . . Mullins, Solomon . . Markham, Stephen . Moore, James .... Mullins, William . . Murphy, John . . . Nclis, Charles .... Owens, James. . . . Old, Daniel Patrick, William . . Pack, George .... Patten, Henry .... Picklesimers, Abraham Penlam, William . . . Pettit, Cogswell . . . . Rife, Coonrod Royse, Fredrick .... Sum nit, John Swarangan, Vann . . . Story, James .... Sutton, William. . . . Stratton, Hiram . . . . Strahan, John Tackett, Thomas. . . . Thompson, Thomas . . Watson, Samuel. . . Williams, Thornton . . Yasell, Jacob Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 10, 1814 To what time Engag or Enlisted. October 9, 1814. Soldiers of the war of IS 1 2. 317 ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE BISHOP'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. Namks. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. (ieorge Bishop Captain .... September 10, 1814 . . Benedict Bacon . . . Lieutenant . . . ' ' " Thomas Jones Ensign 1 , 11 Hiram Shortridge . . . Sergeant " Andrew Dougherty . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Kobert Young " ' ' ' ' John Howe ' ■ 11 1 > James Shanklin .... Corporal ' ' " William Jones .... 11 11 James Thomas .... ' ' 11 11 Henry Burroughs . . . ' < 11 11 William Gault .... Drummer .... 11 11 Robert Hood Fifer .1 11 Asberry, Benjamin. . . Private 11 11 Botts, William .... ' < 11 11 Bates, Alfred ■ ' 11 11 Ballard, Stephen. . . . 11 Bell, Thomson ' ' 11 > 1 Bloomfield, Henry, . . 11 11 Blain, William .... ^ ^ 11 11 Burnese, Samuel. . . . ' " 1 . 11 Bryant, Lewis 11 11 Butler, John ' ' 11 11 Cahill, John ' ' > I 11 Crawford, Jacob .... ' ' 11 II Collins. William. . . . ' ' 11 r 1 Cord, Carvil 11 11 Constant, William . . . 11 11 Constant, Isaac .... • ' 11 11 Campbell, Joshua . . . 11 .1 Clingman, George.. . . 11 11 Dement, Elias ' ' 11 11 Davis, Eli ' • 11 11 Davis, Matthew ' 1 11 11 Eubank, James . . . ' ' 11 .1 Evans, John • ' Finny, Samuel .... 11 11 Flangher, Christopher . 11 Fuqua, Moses M. . . . ' ' 11 .1 Gilkerson, John .... ' ' 11 1 . Gragg, Abner ' ' Glascock, Joseph. . . . Hcnsley, George .... ' ' 11 1 1 Huffman, Simeon . . . ' ' " ' ' Howe, William .... ' f II .1 Hilcross, Conrad. . . . • ' 11 11 Henry, Samuel .... ' > 11 11 Holland, Thomas . . . 11 11 Horren, John ' 1 11 11 Hornsby, William . . - ' ' 11 11 Henderson, Robert. . . • ' 11 11 Jackson, Henry. . . . 11 11 Jones, Thomas' . . . . ' ' King, Thomas B. . . < 1 11 11 Kirk, Thornberry.. . . • ' 11 II Kinkead, John " • II 11 Lanterman, Peter . . . ' ' 1 1 I 1 Linn, James ' • 11 11 Leaton, John . . . I . 11 11 Mavhims, Laban. . . . 1 ' 11 11 Mifler, William . . . . ■ ' I 1 1 1 McLanc, Archibald . . 1 ' • 1 II -McLaughlin, Wni.. . . • ' 1 . .11 McCoy, James 11 1 1 Myers, Henry ' ' 1 1 II Mahan, Isaac • ' 1 . 1 1 Osborn, Squire. . . . • ' .1 1 1 Outen, Charles . . . . • ' 1 11 11 Poade, Gabriel • 1 .1 11 Riggs, Zachariah . . 11 Reed, John ' I 11 11 Robinson, Allen . . . . ■ 1 1 I 1 Reed, James I I 11 II Roberts, Isaac. . . . 11 11 Shackels, Levi. . . . 1 > 11 11 Skidmore, Joseph . . " 1. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 9, 1814. 318 HOLDIERS OP THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE BISHOP'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- Continued. Rank. Shanklin, John . . Saunders, James. , Shanklin, (iortlon . Stockwell, Ucbert . Swaney, Jdiles. . . Shelton, John . . . Soniorville, Joseph Sousley, Christopher Sparks, John . . . Scott, Daniel . . . Skinner, Perrin . . Tracv, Jesse. . . . Threckold. William Taylor, Samuel . . Vanbebher, Jacob . West, Joseph . . . Waring, Bazil. . . Warnock, Johnson Wilson, James Wilson, Alexander Wilson, John . . . Wilson, Gustavus . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 10, 1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October !», 1814. . ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES CONN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY" VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. James Conn. . . William Urico . (iabriol Miles . . Michael Yates. . Henry Lan swell. Charles M. b^owler Joseph Galloway David Nichison . Caleb Worley. . Abner Delany. . Thomas Ross . . Anderson, William IJoman, John . . Browning, Jacob Bird, John M.. . Bowshell, James. Backster, .John . Bates, Andrew Blackburn, David Cokentaffer, Adam ■ Courtnej', Lewis. Chism, Thomas . Cumins, John. . Connor, Timothy T Callis, Thomas . Cannon, Laws W Conwell, John. . Davidson, Samnel Dudley, Ambrose Demmitt, Joshua Downard, Jacob. Daugherty, John Fulton, William. Fisher, Thomas . Fook,s, William . Frennels, Daniel Glass, Thomas I. Grimsley, Robert Glenn, Simeon . Garton, Clark. . llealh, Daniel. . Hitt, Jesse . . . - Hopkins, David . Hayden, Nathaniel Hedington, Moses , Horden, Thomas. . (Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal September 10, 1K14 October 9, 1814 Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 319 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JAMES CONN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- Continued. Names. Hitt, Ira Hinkson, John . . Humble, John. . . Irwin, John. . . . Jacobs, Elijah. . . Jacobson, Nathaniel .lewel, Peter . . . Johnson, James . . Juster, Sanuicl . . Kizzie, Benjamin . Keene, John . , . Lafferty, James . . Moore, John . . . Moore, James . . . Martin, James . . Morrison, John . . Morris, John . . . Martin, John L.. . Maginnis, John, L. Martin, Edward. . Marshall, William. McFadden, John . Marr, John .... Newell, Taylor . . Owens, Stephen . . O'Neal, Thomas. . Patton, John . . . Parrish, Ansolom . Preston, William . Rankins, John . . Roberson, William Renolds, Richard . Reed, James H. . Ryley, Samuel . . Roseer, John . . . Stephens, James. . Smultin, Nathaniel Shy, Simeon . . . Slade, Ezekiel. . . Shaw, Aaron . . . Slade, John. . . . Scott, Samuel . . . Sconce, Robert W. . Smith, Robert. . . Small, William . . Sands, Almerson . Smith, Thomas . . Spottswood, William Spencer, John. . . Tucker, William . Vance, William. . Williamson, Ephrai Wells, Bazzle. . . Weathers, John . . Private Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. September 10, 18U . . October 9, 1814 ROLL OP CAPTAIN AARON GREGG'S COMPANY^ KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. Aaron Gregg . . . Arthur Watson . . .•^anuipl Forman . . William O'Blakeby Jacob Weirick . . Enoch Dobbins . . John Finch. . . . .Tohn Hunt .... Daniel, Morfonl, Jr. Nathan Heath. . . James True. . . . Willis Bell .... Levi Carmack. . . Ambrose, William. Allison, Joseph . . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . 1st Sergeant 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant ■tth Sergeant Corporal . Filer . . Drummer Private . September )(l, 1814 . . October 9, 1814. ;^20 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN AARON GREGG'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- Continued. Asberry, Landman Brown, Major. . Bramel, Hanson . Bellows, George . Blakely, Thomas Ball, Smith . . . Blamer, Joseph . Berry, Weathers, Case, Edward . . Case, Joseph . . Chambers, George Combess, Utj' . . Chinn, Elijah . . Combess, William Cullem, James . Duyan, Samuel . Duj'an, Alexander Die, Hardman . . Dunn, Andrew . Fulcher, Thomas Foxworthy, John Galloway, Elijah Grig!sby, Mildon. Grover, John . . Grove, William . Grinard, William Ham, James B. . Herrendon. John Harry, Daniel . . Hartsock, Samuel Hanson, Hollas B Hanson, Amos O Hampton, John . Henderson, George Hudson, Samuel. Jackson, Joseph . Johnson, Hiram. Johnson, Henr}' . Kenner, Rodhan. Marauds, John . Molten, Robert . Miller, William . Morrow, John. . Melvin, John . McMaban, Normi Mitchell, Aaron . Morgan, William Moore, Benjamin Mills, John . . . Pattie, Lealand . Patterson, David Padgett, Alfred . Plum, John . . . Prather, Ross . . Price, James . . Price, William . Rout, George . . Richardson, John Ross, Thomas . . Sample, Robert . Sherley, William Stewart, Alexander Steele, Aquilla . Small, James . . Thomas. John . . Tuel, Sandford . Triiitt, James . . Thatcher, .Tosopli Tucker, Edward Tomlinsoii, William Toll. Alticus . . Washburn, James . Webster, William . Whitcnian, Charles Watts, George. . . Wiggins, Asborry . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 10, 1814 . To what time En or Enlisted. Remarks. October 9, 1814. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 321 ROLL OF CAPTAIN AARON GREGG'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Wilson, Solomon . . . Wheeler, John .... Worster, Huirh . . . . York, Elijah Young, John Private September 10, 181i . . October 9, 1814. . . . Refused to march. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MEMORIAL FORREST'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA —COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. Memorial Forrest . . . Captain Septe Noah Holbert Lieutenant . . . ' ' John Mann Ensign ' ' George H. Perrin . . . Q. M. Sergeant . . ' ' Hanson Talbott .... Sergeant .... ' ' Daniel Isgrigg .... ' ' ' ' George Hamilton . . . ' ' ' ' Abraham .Miller. . . . • ' ' ' Enoch McDuffee . . . Corporal Peter Engles ' ' ' ' Jacob Shufl'ett ' ' Joseph Scott ' ' ' ' Andrew Hownshell . . Fifer ... Arnold, Thomas. . . . Private ' ' Adams, James ' ' ' ' Anderson, Francis. . . ' ' • ' Anderson, Amos . . . ' ' 1 ' Baker, Abraham. . . . ' ' ' ' Becket, John ' • Bnise, John. . . ' ' ' • Barnet, John • ' ' ' Bush, Richard ' ' ' ' Bishop, Terrel ' ' • ' Berry, John 1 ' ' 1 Bowiin, William . . . ' • ' ' Brown, John ' ' ' • Boon, Abner • ' ' ' Colyar, William. . . . ' ' ' ' Camp, Edward .... ' ' • ' Crosthwait, Berry . . . ' ' ' ' -Courtney, Elias .... ' ' ' ' Carr, Nathan ' 1 ' ' Chadd, Samuel .... • ' • 1 Casady, John 1 1 ' ' Clintock, Daniel M. . . ' ' 1 • Davis, John < . ' ' Davis, George ' ' ' ' Day, John M ' ' ■ ' Denny, Samuel .... ' ' ' ' Ehler, John ' ' Edes, John < ' ' ' Franklin. Edward . . ' ■ ' ' Farrar, William. . . . ' ' Forrest, Dennis .... ' ■ 1 ' Gowins, Galloway . . , ' ' ' ' Godman, Allen .... ' ' Hendricks, Joseph. ' ' Hickman, Hugh. . . . ' • Hatfield, John • ' ' ' Hixon, Samuel .... H.irter, George .... ' ' Henry, James Herring, William . . . Hutt'man, Jacob, Jr. . . 1 • Hutchinson, William . ' 1 Huffman, Jacob, Sr. . . " I Harris, William. . . . ' Jackson, William . . . ' ' ' Johnson, Washington . Johnson, Peter .... ' " Jamison, John .... ■ ' Johnson, John .... > 1 Keeth, Jacob " 41 October 9, 1814 Substitute for WilUiam Harris Claims a discharge. Discharged. Crippled at home. Discharged. 322 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MEMORIAL FORREST'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- Continued. Lair, Mnthias . . Lcininoii, Willian I>ay, Charles . . Lockhurt, .lainos Millar, Jaciib . . Martin, Jonah . . Martin, Ralph. . Mockbee, Dickerson McDuft'ue, GaVjriel. Marsh, William. Monson, Thomas Moore, Samuel . Marsh, Samuel . (Marts or) Malts, Geo. Miller, Vincent , Madison, Robert. Martin, John . . " Newell, Hugh. . Newell, Robert . Newraon, John . Newel, James. . Oder, Barnet . . Potts, George . . Pigg, David. . . Rutter, Alexander Shufl'ett, George. Switzer, Daniel . Smith, William . Steers, William . Schooler, Richard Thompson, William Taylor, John . . Veatcb, John . . Wheeler, Thomas Williams, Charles Wells, William . Wright, Joseph , Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 10, 1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 9, 1814. Kemakks. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL GOODEN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. Samuel Gooden . George Fleming. Andrew Richart. Levi Gooden . '. George Warner . William Vent . . Spencer Boyd . . Thornton Williams, William Ray . . John Summers . James Downings Daniel Duskins . Aldridge, David Adams, John . . Adams, .John Alexander, John Anderson, Willian Becroft, Benjamin Bunton, Hugh. . . Bohanon, William Beedle, William Bodkin, William Camphor, Ambrose Craig, David . . Carr, John R. . . Cartmill, John . Cline, John . . . Clayton, Joseph . Chandler, Levi . Chew, Samuel . . Choat, Samuel. . Captain Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal Fifer. . . Drummer , Private . . September 10, 1814. October 9, 1814 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 823 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL GOODEN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA— Continued. Corhin, Zachariah Duskins, William . . Floining, Jesse . . . Griffin, Andrew.. . . Goodpasture, Cornelius Green, Galesberrj- . . Grayson, John . . Goi>dpaster, Michael . Griffin, Mathias . . (iailoway, Robert . Griffin, William . . Highlander, George 'Hopkins, Moses . . Hendricks, Theophilus Kincade, Joseph. . Kenedy, Joseph . . Keys, William. . . Kenard, William . Long, Henry . . . Lawson, Joseph . . Lawson, James . . Lemmon, John . . Lane, John .... Lamasters, Simeon . McGakey, Andrew McCoUough, David Manly, David. . . Murphy, James.. . Mitchell, James . . Miller, John . . . McGaphey, John . Myers, Jacob . . . McCoullough, Jonath: Morris, Jacob . . . McGollister, Joseph McKarland, Robert MeClain, Thomas . McDowell, Thomas Moffitt, William. . Power, Absalom . . Payne, John . . . Pillers. Thomas . . Poor, William. . . Poor, AVilliam. . . Ralston, Andrew . Richart, James. . . Shoults, John.. . . Shrout, Isaac . . . Still well, Obediah . StBton, Samuel. . . Smith, Strother . . Thompson, Abraham Turner, William. . Ward, Bennett . . Ward, John . . . Wariield, Shadrack, Warner, Traves . . White, William . . White, William . . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted September 10, 1814 October 9, 1814. ROLL OP CAPTAIN HENRY ELLIS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. Henry Ellis. . . Thomas Groffert Benjamin Crose John Jolly . . . Isaac Taj'lor Samuel Wilson . William Spicer . Thomas Davis. . William F. Hansford Captain . . , Lieutenant 1st Sergeant Sergeant. . , Corporal September 10, 1814 . October 9, 1814 324 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN HENRY ELLIS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MlLlTIA- Continued. Bank. Benjamin Warmslcy . 1 Corporal. . Henry Hall ! Drummer . Alexander, Thomas . . | Frivato . . Adams, Chal-los .... ' ' Alexander, Zacheus . . ; ' ' Adair, Benjamin ... ' ' Barlow, Alvin. . . . i '' Bishop, Charles , . . . | " Bazell, John I ' ■ Burnough, George, . . ' ' ' Blaking, John '■ Brandon, John . . . . | ' ' Berry, James T ' ' Crump, Patrick .... 1 '' CrofiFord, John .... ' ' Cunningham, Robb . . ■ ' - Dalnell, Abraham . . . j ' ' Elliott, John | Evermore, John. ... ' ' Gorham, John | '' Groffort, Benjamin . . . Gamble, Josiah .... Geers, James Hildreth, Joseph. . . . Hamilton, James . . . Hendrakes, Frederick . Heighton, Stephen. . . Hinckle, Enoch .... Hall, Levi F Hughes, Robert .... Holmes, Daniel .... House, George .... Headlerton, James. . . Isham, John .... Jamison, John M. . . . Jones, Isaac Keath, Loyd Knox, John M Long, Isaac Longnecker, Jacob. . . Luttle, David McDonald, James . . . Munsford, William . . Mitchell, Robert. . . . McClelland, James . . McGinnis, Samuel. . . Miller, John Miller, William .... Mockbee, Mart .... Newton, John I'arrish, Nathaniel. . . Payne, Franci.-; .... Parson, John Prather, Benjamin. . . Robnett, Zachariah . . Redmon, Samuel . . . Routt, Gabriel. . . . , Shillinor, John .... Stewart, John Stanley, Moses . . . Smith, Isaac .... .Sears, George .... See, William .... Trother, Joseph . . . Taylor, Charles . . . Tull, Handy .... Taylor, James. . . . Turney, John .... Utterback, John. . . Wriglit, Samuel. . . Wheel burger, .John . Washington, Duncan Williams, James . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment, September 10, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 9, 1814 BbMakks. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1S12. 325 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JAMES ELLIS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. James Ellis Captain .September 10, 1814 . . October 9, 1814 John Frier Lieutenant. . . . William Martin. . . Ensign ..... 1 i Wesley Porter . . . Sergeant " 1 , Benjamin Hawkins . • ' ' ' ' ' .1 . .- 1 Thomas Kelly. . . . ' ' I . < < .1 1 . Andrew Jlinier . . . Corporal • ' ' ' . . 11 George Reed .... ' ' I . < 1 .1 .1 Bailey Harrod. . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 . . ] Alex. Woody ard. . . " 1. Eli Orzburn Musician .... 11 . t 11 Ashcraft, Ichabod . . Private Bates, Benjamin. . . 1 ' ' ' < ' -Bellew, Samuel . . . • ' ( c Oolvin, Boswell . . . ' ' it t I Campbell, John . . . " " Cowgill, Joseph . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 11.. Cox, Jarred .... ' ' .... . I . . Clifton, Noah .... .1 . . . . .1 Collier, Will .... ' ' I . Clark, Will ^ _ ' ' . . 1 < Deen, Zachariah. . . ' ' 1 . .1 11 Derbon, Ralph . . . • ' .1 Daniel, Will .... ' ' .1 11 Foster, Jonathan . . 1 ' 11 1 . Gannon, Abner . . . 1 . .1 Herrod, James . . . ' ' 1 . .1 Hathaway, John . . " 1 . Huffman, James. . . ' ' 1 1 . . Hawkins, John . . . .1 .1 Hume, Lewis .... ' ' . . 1 . Home, Thomas . . . < ' .1 .1 King, Will ' ' . . 11 Mattox, David . . . ' ' . ' ' ' ' JIann, Elijah .... ! < I .1 , . 1 . Marksbury, Horatio. 1 . . I . MoPike, Haley . . . 1 . MePherson, John . . ' • . . 1 . Musters, Richard ' ' 1 1 11 11 ■> . . McPherson, Thomas . .1 1 . Orzburn, Jacob . . . ' • . . . < Organ, Thomas . . . ' ' 1 . .1 Paul, James ' ' Parnish, Woodson . . C I 1 . . . Rice, Edward .... 1 • Riddle, Isaac .... ' ' .1 11 Raridan, Jesse. . . . 1 ' . . .1 Rowse, Joshua . . . * ' U Rose, Lewis 1 . .1 Rodgers, Robert. . . • : " .1 1 1 Sandford, Alexander. . ; ' ' .1 . < Sturgeon, Jeremiah . " .1 Smith, Jeremiah. . . ' ' . . .1 .Smith, John R. . . . . : 1 ' Spiegle, Martin . . . " 1. 11 Stewart, Samuel. , . ' ' 1 1 . . Taylor, George . . , " .. Talmon, Jacob . . . ' ' 1 . 11 Williams, Elijah. . . " . . .1 Wright, John. . . . ' ' . . 11 Walton, James . . . " ' . . . . White, John .... ' 1 11 Woolcott, Justin . . 11 .1 Wavman, Thomas. . ' • 1 . 11 1 . White, Thomas . . . ' ' . 1 Wilhite, Thomas . . ' ' .1 1 . Wright, Will .... ' ' 11 Watos, Will .... ' ' i • ■ White, William . . . .1 1 , . .1 1,1 , Walker, Will . . . . > 1 . . ' .1 1 Youngman, John . . 11 , .1 1 . Zinn, Joseph .... ' ' 1 " 1 " 326 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP CAPTAIN EDWARD WHALEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEER MILITIA- COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER. Names. Edward Wlialey John Darnalle. John Talbott John Stark . . . Jeremiah Terry . Horatio Eudos. . Thoniss Harker . J esse Iliklreth. Jo.sepli Peyton . Ale.vander C. Blac Bennett Collison Tobias Shroder . Henry Ritter . . Antill, James . . Alexander, John. Ammerman, John Arnold, Thomas . Barlow, Alvin . . Bolding, Ephraim Holding, John . Bailey, John. . . Brest, John.. . . Bishop, Levan. . Brest, William. . Boone, William . Casby, Abner . . Clark, Samuel . . Carrington, Willia Dawson, Amistron Dean, Joseph . . Dean, Samuel . . Deane, William . Ewert, Joseph . . Edwards, Joseph Foster, Samuel . Gilmore, James . Gholston, John B. . Galloway, Samuel J Hamilton, Alexander Hooker, Alexander H Hambleton, Henjam Hines. Henry . . Kenedy, David .. . Kirkpatrick, John M Lunceford, Hiram . Lively, Meredith . Monicle, Christopher McKin.se}', John. Mathew, Jacob . Mallory, Timothy Mason, William. Megill, William. Nelson, Graham. Nelson, John . . Pomeroy, William Kankins, James . Kankin, William Riddle, William. Said, Elkanah. . Saunders, Henry Sconce, James. . Stark, Joseph . . Smith, John . . Scobel, Norman . Stark, Thomas Stark, AVilliam . Sinkler, William Stadler, William Talbott, Kic-hard. Wilson, Edward. Whitney, George Watson, John. . Williams, James Wicoff, John . . Wigginton, John Wilson, James . White, Samuel Waters, William Rank. Captam . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . Date ot Appointment or Enlistment. September 10, 1814 Corporal Drummer . Fifer . . . Private . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. October 9, 1814 Remarks. September 14, 1814 September 10, 1814 , Substitute for Cary Houston. Substitute for Jacob Pierce. Substitute for Samuel Hall. Substit\ite for Chad. Harrison. Substitute for Eli Crow. Substitute for James Clark. Substitute for Robert Monroe. Substitute for Hugh McNcale. Substitute for Jonas Markee. Substitute for Robert Scott. I Substitute for John Curl. Substitute for Levi Porter. Substitute for Henry Finch. SuKstitute for William Buchanan. Substitute for Sampson McConnell. Substitute for Thomas Benn, deserted. Substitute for John Sidwell. Substitute for Ezekiel Palmer. Substitute for James Ford. Substitute for Isaac Ammerman. Substitute for Aaron Grooms. Substitute for John Ritter. Substitute for Jacob Hutsel. Substitute for Isaac Hutsel. Substitute for John Clay. Substitute for Emanuel Wyatt. Substitute for David W. Pond. Substitute for Thomas P. Smith. Substitute for John Ford. Substitute for William Mobley. Substitute for John Griffin. Substitute for Samuel Call. Substitute for James McCormack. Substitute for William Northcut. Substitute for James Loame. Sub.stituto for Asher Anderson. Substitute for Reuben Hutchcraft. Substitute for Wharton Jones. Substitute for Stephen Hines. Substitute for George Campbell. Substitute for Joseph Thomas. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 327 Roll of Field and Staff, Seventh Regimentj U. S. Infantry, War of 1812 — Commanded by Colonel William Rnssell. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Enga.ged or Enlisted. Remarks. William Russell . . - George Gibson . . John Nicks .... Promoted to Lieut.-Colonel in Fifth Infantry. IstLieut.ife Adjt . Ensign and Q.M. . Paymaster . . . Surgeon Surgeon's Mate. . Sergeant Major. . Qr. M. Sergeant . Sr. Musician.. . . Jeoffrv Robinson . John Noble . . . June I, 1811 March 1, 1814 .... June 8(1, 1M4 .... Thomas Blackstone Adam Goodlet . . Jaliez Henstis. . . Ji>hn Robb .... Andrew McCaft'ree John Sedgrisk . . KOLL OF DISCHARGED MEN, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY. Discharged August 10, 1813. August 16, 1813. ' ' Feliruarv 7, 1814. Benjamin Gardner. ' ' November 20, 1813. March 16, 1814. Thomas Ellis February 6, 1814. Ross McCabe " October 31, 1813. Joseph Cass September 1, 1813. ' ' December 20, 1813. Private Boyd, James January 18, 1814. " December 11, 1813. ' ' November 23, 1813. " November 23, 1813. Curts (or Kurts), Chris- tian ' ' November 23, 1813. Chapman, John .... Curts (or Kurtz), Chris- tian ' ' August 10, 1813. October 5, 1813. " ' ' January 4, 1814. ' ' November 23, 1813. Gilpin, Nathan .... Jenkins, Elias. . . Lawrence, Willaim T. . September 19, 1813. November 23, 1813. Mustard, William . . . Roper, William . . November 23. 1813. Storms, Adam ' ' .^'eptember 19. 1813. " October 10, 1813. Townsend, Marshal . . Williams, Bazil .... September 2, 1813. ' ' October 28, 1813. Whites, Thomas. . . . Welds, Louis " August 8, 1813. Whitstone, John . . . January 10, 1814. March 20, 1814. Yarborough, Humphrey Young, John . . November 23, 1814. 328 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OP^ , SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY, DETACHED- COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Namks. Levi Gore . . Josinli Baker . Williiun Aslily Aiuiorson, Michael Allistor, Patrick M Akiiis, George. . Blue, Cornelius . Baker, William . Barr, (ireen G. . Bradley, William Barnes, John . . Cryer, James . . Cade, William . Connor, George . Criiwell, Robert. Davis, Joseph . . Dixon, William . Dudley, John . . Eaton, John . . Edwards, P.. . . Porsythe, John . Pancher, Isaac . Freeman, Thomas Howard, Gideon. Hayns, William. Hemock, Lewis . Herbenger, Jeremiah Haynes, John. . Hyde, Abraham. Hickman, Daniel Isaacs, George. . Kemp, Benjamin Knight, Moore C. Langley, Thomas Luckett, William Myers, William, Sr Myers, Jacob, Jr. McQuillan, David Olmstead, James. Pomey, Louis . . Eily, Francis . . Eonmage, John . Rippey, Samuel . Starns, Isaac . . Scantling, John . Simpson, James . Scofield, William Toulouse, John . Tiffin, John. Turner, Patrick . Williams, H. . . Sergeant , Corporal Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. .March 1, 1814 . .January 1, 1K14. March 1, l.'<14 . January 1, 1814 March 1, 1M14 . January 1, 1S14 March 1, 1«14 . January 1, 1S14 March 1, 1814 . January 1, 1814. March 1, 1814 . January 1, 1814. March 1, 1814 . January 1, 1814 November 1, 1814 January 1, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. June 30, 1814 Remarks. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT E. H. HALL'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY, DETACHMENT OF RECRUITS— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Elisha H. Hall . . Caleb Smith . . John Moreland . . William Reynolds. Warren Wheeler Allison, George . . Berrand, Francis . Baird, Richard Chapell, Dominick. Clark, ElLslia . . . Clapper. Philip . Connor, John . . . Craig, Robert . . . Curl, .lonathan . . Dixin, William . . Evans, Thomas . . Forsythe, John . . •3d Lieutenant Sergeant . . January 24, 1813 . October 10, 181:^ . Mav 28, 181 :i . . October 8, 181:! . July 15, 1818 . . Juno 23, 1818 . . October 18, 1813 . June 8, 1818 . . . December 27, 1818 April 18, 1818 . . Juno 1, 1818 . . . November 1. 1818 July l(j, 1818. . . June 28, 1818 . . April 4, 1814. . . October !t, 1813 . During the war. 5 years . . During the 1) yoars . . During the SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 329 ROLL OF LIEUTENANT E. H. HALL'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY, DETACHMENT OF RECRUITS— Continued. Fowler, Robert B. . Fox, Baker .... Gruff, Frederick. . HaniiltoD, William Hollister, Francis H Hordey, Josiah . . Kline, Balthayen . Langsfortl, Solomon Lang, William . . Nicholas, John F. . Newman, Richard R. Parker, Elijah. . . Potts, Fleet .... Regain, John . . . Rippay, Samuel . . Southard, Joseph . Saltsriver, Andrew Scantline, .John . . Stone, David S. . . Tyler, William . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. July 16, 1813. April 6, 1814. April 14, 1813 June 7,1813 . April 11, 1813 June 6,1813 . June 7, 1813 . April 9, 1814. April 5, 1814 June 6, 1813 . Februarv'26, 1814 Mav 7, 1814 . . April 24, 1813 . August 31, 1813 March 30, 1814. May 1, 1813 . April 23, 1813 . December 27, 181 May 7, 1814.. . March 10, 1814. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. During the war Diirinir the war. Remarks. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT THEODORICK B. RICE'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. DETACHED INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT NARCISSUS BRONTIN'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Narcissus Brontin . John U. Carrick . Elisha T. Hall . . William Filkins. . Joseph Kinnan . . William Bloomfield Michael Thorn . . James Thomas . . John Arnold, Sr. . George Cooper Eanos Andrews . . John W. Davis . . Nathan Gilpin . . William Gay . . . Peter Randall . . . James P. Ray. . . Warren Wheeler . David 8. Stone . . Arnold, John, .Jr. . Anderson, George . Adams, .John . . . Allabad.s, Peter . . Adair, John .... Baron, Matthew. Brannagan, Patrick Black, Peter . . . Bauer, John . Bronton, Timothy . Brush. .John . . . Baney, David . . . Bachenstoes, George 42 1st Lieutenant Ensign ... Sergeant . . Corporal . Fifer . . Drummer Private January 1,1814 March 1, 1814 Januarv 1, 1814 November 1, 181:- March 17, 1814. March 1, 1814 . , March Ij, ISM . March 1, LSI 1 . .Januarv 1, 1S14 March 1. ISlt June 30. 1814 Died May 2, 1814. Discharged April 26. Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Ajiril 14. Died March 30. Promoted to Corp. Mar. 1. and discharged May 10. Promoted to Corporal April 14. 330 tVJLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT NARCISSUS BRONTIN'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY— Continned. Names. Brown, Uuvid. . . Colbert, John . . . Co(iuolle, Casinu J.. Cooper, Simeon . . Cadwell, Aaron . . Cadwell, William . Collins, Kdward. . Cook, John ... CulloRB, Manuel . . Davis, John. . . . Davis, William . . Devitt, Cornelius . Donnison, Andrew. DePrance, I'etor. . Dickery, Paul . . . Edwards, Phineas P Fitzgerald, John . Franklin, (!harles . Groma, Abraham . Gutlings, Levi. . . Gridloy, John . . . Glaze, Jonathan . . Green, Francis . . Griffith, James . . Hall, Alexander F. Ilignight, Thomas. Holmes, James F. . Hughes, John . . . Ivey, James. . . . Jones, Jonathan . . Jones, William . . Jones, Stephen . . Kelly, John. . . . King, Charles . . . King, ])avid . . . Lovell, George . . Lilly, John . . . Lynch, Andrew . . Loper, Lewis . . . McGowan, John. . McManaman, Denni; McVay, Richard. . Massey, James . . Montague, Samuel. Moreland, John . . Mysinger, John . . Maloy, James , . . Mysinger, William N orris, James . . . Patterson, Thomas. Rozette, John G. . ~ Reaves, William. . Seiinatta, Hord . . Shoultz, Christophei Steel, James, Sr.. . Steel, James, Jr.. . Thompson, James . Tincum, Ephraim . Thomas, Nathan . Taylor, James. . . Timmons, William. Thompson, William Thompson, David . Vanduron, John. . Virgins, James . . Walker. Abraham. Welch, William. . Wheeland, Corneliu Wilson, James . . Wetmore, Bush . . Rank. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. November 1, 1813 March 1, 1814 . . January \, 1814 . November 1,1813. March 1, 1814 . . January I, 1H14 March "l, 1H14 . January 1, 1814 March ■], 1814 . January 1, 1814 March 'l, 1814 . March 7, 1814 . . March 1, 1814 . . March 19, 1814. March 1, 1814 . May 8, 1814 . . March 1, 1814 . . November 1, 1813 March 1, 1814 . . February 7, 1814 . March 1, 1814 . . January 1, 1814 . March 1, 1814 . . June 30, 1814 Reduced from Corporal June S7th. Service expired May 28th. Deserted June 19, 1814. Deserted May 25, 1814. Reduced from Corporal Juno 19th. Discharged March 11, 1814. Discharged March 1, 1814. Discharged May 7, 1814. Deserted. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 331 ROLL OP LIEUTENANT JAMES S. WAIDE'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY-COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. 1st I ''d ] Ethelred Taylor. . John Beverly . . . Ser^ Fife Dru .Priv cant .... nmer .... ate January 1, 1814 . . . November 1, 1818 . . March 17, 1814 .... January 1, 1814 . . . November 1, 1813 . . February 8,1814 . . . .January 1, 1814 . . . January 1, 1814 . . . November 1, 1818 . . January 1, 1814 . . . Jun i 30, 1814 .... Resigned April '2->, 1814. Discharged March 9. Discharged January 1- Henry Hackworth. (Uiristoplier (Jordon Henry Hackworth. Henry Siuall . . . Discharged February 17, 181. S. Appointed Corporal March 4. Appointed Corporal March 4. James Williams. . Reuben McHano . (iaorge McNainara William Reynolds. Adams, Elijah. . . Adams, Elisha . . Adams, James F. . Black, Ananias . . Beck Elijah . . Bonham, Jacob . . Baxter, Frederick . demons, James. . Died in hospital April 28. Discharged April 28. "C'riswell, Robert. . Duncan, Thomas . Downing, Edward. Dickinson, William Evans, Spencer . . Fisher, Grammer . Fin ley, George . . Fredenburg, Matthc\ Fleming, William . Discharged .January 8. Died May 7. Fliddon, John. . . Orogan, Arthur . . Discharged February 14. Gibson, James. . . Garey, Mintaugh . Hoskins, Norwood. Hagner, Frederic . Hunter, Harris . . Hulett, William . . Hardin, Abraham . Hayes, Reuben . . Hogue, William. Hall, Thomas . . . ■' ';' ' ' DLscharged May 7. Discharged January T). Jackson, John, Sr.. Jack.son, John, Jr.. Jenkins, James . . Kimmons, John. Lankford, John . . Died, d.ite unknown. Died, date unknown. Lashan, Hezekiah . Mclntire, Isaac McNicholl, John . McCormick, Maginit Minus, Joseph. McTamare, Joseph "McDonald, Charles Discharged January 7 — service expired. Morgan, James . . Mustard, William . April 7, 1814 Pordien, Fergus . . Pettigrew, James . Pruit, Waller . . . Parker, John . . . 332 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT JAMES S. WAIDE'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Paronts, John. . . . Voters, Thomas . . . Phillips, Richard . . Richard, John. . . . Romain, Bailey . . . Rock, Alexander . . Rombord}', Baptiste Rogers, James. . . . Roberts, James P. . . Robertson, Charles. . Smith, Jeremiah. . . Stilts, Jacob Sealsmon, Thomas. . Stillingsworth, Jacob Smith, John, Sr.. . . Smith, John, Jr.. . . Speaks, John . . . . Smith, Thomas . . . Starus, Abraham . . Starnas, Isaac. . . . Strango, Robert . . . Skinner, Samuel. . . Stoum, Adam , . . . Taylor, Robert . . . Turner, James. . . . Thrasher, Samuel . . Towsinger, Joseph. . Trice, Elisha . . . . Tiffany, John . . . . Williams, Enos . , . Weston, Robert . . . Waggoner, Joseph. . -Yokum, Allen. . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. April 7, 1814. . . January 1, 1814 . November 1, IHIP, Januiirv 1. 1814 , November 1, 18K" March 127,1814 .lanuarv 1, 1814 February 8, 1814 March fl, 1814. . January 1, 1814 , To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. June 30, 1814 Died May 2d. Discharged January 31st. Discharged January •''itli. Discharged April 4th. Died April 13, 1814. Discharged — time expired. ROLL OF CAPTAIN URIAH BLUE'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. U. S. INFANTRY- Uriah Blue .... Jacob Miller . . . Michael McClelland Thomas Black.?tone Benjamin Christian William Sharp . . Levi Gore .... 'John Clark .... Peter B. Conger. . James Hart. . . . IJiram Hil! .... George W. Lindsey George Jefferson . Ralph llardinbrook Eli Hart Anderson, Thomas. Abdell, John . . . Amos, James . . . Austin, Louis . . . Alden, Seth. . . . Anderson, John . . Bertrand, Joseph . Brannon, Cornelius Brown, Peter . . . Burns, Daniel . . . Biggs, John . . . Barba, Ziba .... I5rannagan. Christopl Bowland, William. Barnett, Tobias . . Crowlej', George . Cunningham, .lohn Crowell, Isaac. . . Conroy, James . . Cato, CuUen . . . Captain . . 1st Lieutenant Ensign . Sergeant. Corporal . Musician Private . May », 1809 . . . May 10, 1812 . . January 20, 1813 February 10,1812 March 1, 1814 . . March 7, 1814 April 20, 1814 . March 4, 1814 . March 27, 1814. March 1, 1814 . November 1, 1814 April 10, 1814 . March 1, 1814 . May 18, 1814 March 1, 1814 June Promoted to Major 30th Regiment Infantry. Dropped from the rolls. Discharged April sth. Discharged March 2()th. Discharged March 30th. Died April ."itli. Discliargeil May r.th. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF IBl'J. 333 ROLL OF CAPTAIN URIAH BLUE'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY Continued. Choningtnn,John . . Collins, Francis . . . Dunning, Matthew O. Domain, Samuel. . . Dennis, Thomas . . . Dean, Isaac Edwards, Azul . . . Ewell, Thomas . . . Eaton, John Francis, William . . Fisher, Jacob .... Farmington, Henry . Green, Thomas . . . Harbinson, Jeremiah. . Harris, Garnett .... High, Martin Ucnly, Samuel M. . . . Hammond, C. R. . . . Henderson, Silas. . . . Johnston, Younger . . Knight, Moore C. . . . Kidd, Richard Leonard, Daniel . . . . Landers, John Lacrouse, Joseph . . . Loper, Levi McKain, John . . . . Minor, Jacob Meeks, Nicholas, . . . - McLaughlin, Samuel B. Maloney, Joseph. . . . Morris, William. . . . Myers, William . . . . Myers, Jacob Mendy, Robert . . . . Olmstead, James. . . . Ogg, Richard Poor, William . . . . Phillips, Reuben. . . . I'omey, Lewis Price, Stephen Ramsey, Allen . . . . Rammage, John. . . . Rock, Michael . . . . Robinson, Richard . . Riley, Dennis Richardson, Ailsae . . . Rundell, Charles . . . Reynolds, Thomas . . . Read, Jeremiah . . . . Ricker, Jo.seph N . . . . Stedman, William . . , Shivers, Burton P. . . , Schaughts, John G. . . Stewart, Thomas . . Smith, James Snow, Erasmus . . . , Shipton, Peter .... Stewart, Norman . . Sutton, George . . . Scuddcr, Harley . . . Sharp, William . . . Sharp, Willis .... Stevens, Jesse .■. . . Williams, Isham . . Wisfell, Frederick . . Walker, William . . Wilkinson, Thornton White, John .... Watkins, David . . . Yancey, George . . . Yancey, William . . / Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Private March 1, 1814 November 1, 1S13 March 1, 1814 . . November 1, 1813 March 1, 1814 March 14, 1814. . April 20, 1814 . . March 1, 1814 . . November 1, 1813 March 7, 1814 . . March 1, 1814 . . September 4, 1813 March 1, 1814 . . April 17, 1814 . March 1, 1814 November 1, 1813 February 21, 1814. November 1, 1813 March 20, 1814. . November 1, 1813 To what time Engag or Enlisted. June 30, 1814 Discharged April 24, 1814. Deserted March 12. Died May 24, 1814. Di.scharged March 18, 1814. Reduced from Corporal April Died Juno 4, 1814. Died May 24, 1K14. Died April 3. Died June 10. 834 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT SAMUEL VAIL'S (LATE CAPTAIN OLDHAM'S) COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Richard Oldham. . Sttimiol Vail . . . Michael McClellaii Archibald Wilson . William II. Wat.scm Henry Webb . . Frederick I. Winkle Charles Ripley . William Starks . Henry Newman. Pierce V. C. Hami Thomas Church . Thomas Covington Henry Hall. . Francis W. Luckett Samuel Clark . . Aymar, John H. Alexander, John Allen, Alexander Annis, Thomas Bradley, William Bradley, Samuel L Bloom, Frederic. Bingham, Samuel Bares, John D. . Barnes, John . . Clandenning.Alexan Cado, William . Cooper, James. . Cryer, James . . ■ Cordor, Solomon Coffman, David . Curtis, Christian. Donehue, Peter . Dudley, John T.. Dawson, Stephen Duvall, Anthony Forsyth, William Fawcett, James . Ford, Andy. . . Grimes, Isaac . . Gotfney, John. Gennong, David. Guthridge, Gideon Heron, Hugh . . Holly, Jesse. . . Haslett, Moses . Henry, Henry. . Hickman, Daniel Harris, Jacob . . Hyder, Abraham Harris, Thomas . Horn, Andrew . Hopkins, Joseph H Hinds, John '. . Jourdan, James . Johnston, Jesse . Jones, James . Jones, Thomas . King, Thomas. . King, John. . . King, Thomas, Jr Kirk, Michael . . Kernan, James . Lents, Michael . Lepsinger, Jacob Lock hart, James M Love, William . Looncy, Dennis . Luckett, William Linguard, Noah . McDonald, Samuel Morritt, Joel . . McCallap, Willia Magruder, Nathai Murphy, Terence Rank. Captain ... 1st Lieutenant Knsign . Sersroimt Corporal Drummer Private . , Dale of Appointment or Enlistment. January 1. 1811 November 1,181;!. January 1. 1814 . November 1, 1818. Januarj' 1, 1814 . November 1,1813. January 1, l.M 1 February '?>, 1814 January 1, 1814 December 2!), 1813 January 1, 1814 . March 7, 1814 . January 1, 1814 March 7, 1814 March (i, 1814 . April fi, 1814. . January 1, 1814 February 10, 1814 January 11, 1814 . January 1, 1814 . March 2, 1814 . . January 1, 1814 . December 27, 1813 February 13, 1814 January 1, 1814 . November 1, 1813. March 2'.t, 1814. . January 1, 1814 . March 10, 1814. . January 1, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Juno 30, 1814 Promoted to Major. Discharged — service expired February tith. Deserted May 27, 1814. Died May 23d. Discharged February •''>, 1K14. Discharged — service expired June )>0, 1814. DLiicharged February 3, 1814. Reduced from Sergeant. Died May 2r,th. Died April 2, 1814. Discharged April (I, 1814. Died January IC, 1SI4. Died May LOth. Discharged May Itlth. Discharged January 13tb. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 335 ROLL OF LIEUTENANT SAMUEL VAIL'S (LATE CAPTAIN OLDHAM'S) COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. KkMAKks. Moss, Francis Private January 1, 1814 . . . June 30, 1814 . . . . McOuire, Philip. . I . 1 < Mulligan, James . ' ' ' ' McGuigin, David . April 13, 1814 .... Nugent, William . January 1, 1814 . . . Nurn, Ellis .... Nealy, Thomas . . ()' Donald, Hugh. . O'Neal, Henry . . January ~-. 1814 . . Kead, Joseph D. . . January 1, 1814 . . . Ross, Richard . . . .1 1 . Deserted May :iOth. Ripley, Samuel . . " ' ' .Schofield, William . ' ' ' ' Sproat, James. . . " Swan, Lyman. . . ' ' * ' Shields, Patrick . . ' ■ ' ' Died May 26, 1814. Smith, James . . . .1 11 Smith, Elijah . . . ' ' ' ' Stroops, John . . . " Discharged February 18. Sullivan, John . . ' ' ... ( ( * i Stevenson, John. . " Appointed Corporal February -5, 1814. Tucker, George . . ' ' Toulouse, Bardira . * • ' ' Thompson, Richard ' ' ' ' Discharged April 19, 1814. Tushrav, Pierce . . " " Deserted May 0. 1814. Trueman, Thomas. Willard, Harvey . Welsh, Lawrence . y . 1 • ' ' ' Died April 'J. Watson, William . ' ' ' ' Weed, John . . . t 1 11 White. Jo.seph . , " " Williams, John . . 11 1 1 Young, John . . . ,1 1 1 Yates, John .... 11 it Died April 16, 1814. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ALEXANDER A. WHITE'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Alexander A. White. . Captam May 1, 1814 June 30. Ibll 1st Lieutenant . . 2d Lieutenant . . June 1,1814 Elisha I. Hall . . . Ensign Sergeant . . ' Transferred from Corporal May 21. January 1, 1814 . . , October 1, 1813 . . . January 1, 1814 . . . May 18, 1814 .... Caleb Smith . . . Peter Richards . . .1 1 1 Januarv 1, 1814 . . . George Perkins . . Corporal Peter Robinson , . C . 1 Benjamin Nash . . 1 1 1 John B. Conger . . ' ' 1 1 1 Appointed Corporal February 1 Richard Fitzjiffry . 1 1 1 Appointed Corporal March 1. Isaac Janvier . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Appointed Corporal. Daniel V. Bealmear ' ' April \:>, 1814 .... Appointed Corporal June 2 4. John B. Deschamp. Musician .... Januarv 1, 1814 . . . John C. Babbott. . ' ' 11 11 Adams, Thomas . . Private 1 1 11 Adams, William . ' ' 11 1 < Bazile, Francis . . 1 ' February 8,1814 . . . Januarv 1, 1^14 . . . Blanchard, Richard Bowles, Charles . . 1 1 Boyd, John . . . * ' ' ' Brooks, William . Blue, Cornelius . . ' ' ■ ' ' Byruni, Ridlev . . ' • ( ( • . 1 ' ' " ' Carey, Richard . . Carson, Boland . . i 1 1 Deserted February 1 . Coats, William . . 1 1 1 Carson, William . . " 336 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ALEXANDER A. WHITE'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Names. Cochran, William Uarson. Benjamin Connelly, Patrick Cannon, James . Chambers, Josiah Dunn, Israel . . Doyle, Thomas . Davis, Josiah . . Ezular, Veter . . Emly, Ezra . . . Edlin, Nicholas . Fanney, James . Fanney, Jacoh . Fields, George . Fahmor, John . Forhus, Richard . Girtner, Michael, Girtner, Michael, Gill, Samuel . . Gore, Anthony Gahagham, Hugh Hart, Philip . . Haney, Henry. . Hanson, Simon . Harris, John . . Hunt, Jonathan . Jacobs, Henry. . Kemps, John . . Lapruel, Jasper . Lovett, Jesse. . . Luster, John . . Lewis, John . . Moore, George . Martin, Caruel . Morris, Walter . Miller, Antonio . Meloy, James . . McAllister. Patrick Mc(Jowan, Daniel Odras, John . . Pegg, Daniel . . Parker, Henry . Reed, James . . Reed, Benjamin . Ramsey, Jiles . . Rider, Peter. . . Smith, Fruman . Taylor, John . . Thompson, Adam Turmentine, Samuel Turner, Patrick . Vanhorn, Michael VanBuren, John VanBuren, Tol)ia.s Williams, Henry Whitly, John Waterman, Luke Waggoner, John Walker, Samuel. Willis, John . . Wilson, .Samuel . Wilson, James . Williams, James Young, John . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Private January 1, 1814 February 10, February 20, February 17, January 1, 18 November 1 January 1, 18 Noyenibcr 1, January 1, 18 February 8, 1 January 211, 1 8U. 814. 814. 4 . 813. 4 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. June Discharged January 22d. Discharged January 12, 1814. Reduced from Sergeant June 22, 1814. Discharged April 14, 1814. Discharged February (J, 1814. Died May 28, 1S14. Died May 24, 1814. Deserted May 2!l, 1814. Reduced from Sergeant. Died May 23d. Reduced from Corporal March 30th. Died February 23d. Discharged. Discharged January I'ltb. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 337 ROLL OF CAPTAIN CAREY NICHOLAS' COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY LIEUTENANT ELIJAH MONTGOMERY. U. S Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted Remarks. Carey Nicholas . . Captain i . Elijah Montgomery y. ii-haol McClellaii" 1st Lieutenant • .'j Andrew Koss . . . Ensign isham Lewis Sergeant .... January 1, 1«14 . . June 30,1814 W illiam XiOiiiT . . . ( ( II 11 ( ( IVtcr (iraysou . . .1 11 .J<»hii Kalstoii . . . 1 1 ( ( ( < 11 ( ( Promoted March 4. .lohn WiLson . . . Corporal 11 11 Jeremiah McChesne y • ' ' 11 .1 11 11 Samuel Davis. . . ' ' 1 ■ 11 .1 1 1 A kins, Geort^e. . . Private .... 11 11 11 1 ( .-Vustin, Kobert . . 1 ' ' 11 ,1 Anderson, Michael II 11 Armstrong, James. " " 11 11 Urown, Minas. . . II (1 II 1 . Bradley, Patrick. . 1. 1. Brant, .'^ulnnion . . 11 11 II 11 Burns. William . . i ;; 1 ( 11 .1 11 Bugle. William . . .1 Discharged January 20. Bonnew, William , .1 11 Carver, John . . 1 1 11 Cain, Daniel . . . 11 II Reduced from Corporal April 19. Consolver, James . ii 11 Coleman, Oliphant 11 Cofl'man, George. . 11 11 11 11 Cotfman, Joseph. 11 11 .1 Conner, William . February 0, 1814 . . 11 11 Demsey, Joel January 1, 1814 . . . .1 Demsey, Samuel . . 1 1 1 1 .1 11 Doran, Edward . . 1 1 11 11 .1 Demarris, Joseph . .1 .1 11 11 Dugla.sf, James . . .1 1 1 11 11 Dnti; Hugh .... It 1 1 ■ 1 II Discharged February 27. Deitrick, John . . II II Ellison, Joseph . . 1 . 11 II :'., 1814 . . . t January 1. 1814 . , r December 31, 18r2 . l June 30, 1814 . . . Lark, John . . . I 1 .1 11 Died May 27. McGunigle, Francis ' ' 11 11 McKay, George . . 1 ■ Reduced from Sergeant January . McKinse)', James . t 1. II 11 McKee, Robert . . ' ' II 11 1 1 11 Murphy, Barney . 1 ( " .1 Died March '.t. McGinness, Robert j 1 < 1 . .1 Mo( iu.cn, William I 1 1 11 II 1 1 Morfoid. Thomas . 11 11 • 1 11 Munn, Rube'-t. . . 1 1 11 1 . Uecm, Peter . . . II II 11 Minius, John . . . 1 :; " '■ .1 McGuire, John . . 43 338 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF C.\rTAIN (^AKEV NICHOLAS' COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY- CoTitimied. Names. RanV. Date of Appointnioi:t or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Morris, Gidooii 1) . . . Private .... January 1, LSI I . . June :WI, 1.S14 . . . McKinney, Cluirles Appointed February l;ith. Mooro, James. . . MarclitioUl, Jiiiiies. ' Miiiili^V. .VriiLsteiid. McFal'l,(;eorge . . Died April :!, 1«I4. Miller, .lohn . . . MeKewoin, (^liurles Milk, Job McGiiire, Putricli . McKinney. Seth. . Morris, .lohn . . . ( Died January 8, 1S14. Miller, Siunuel . . Mooney, "William . Noon, James . . . Discharged January '2''><\. Nicholas, Charles . Oysterman, Joseph ' Oliver, Joel. . . . Parker, Samuel . . Powell, Harry . • Peter.s, William. . Pierce, John . . . Patton, William . . Popenail, John . . Deserted June :l, 1S14 Preston, William . Kopers, John . . . Deserted January -'li, 1H14. Robinson, John . . Roberts, John. . . Died April 5, 1814. Smith, Jacob . . . Scantlin, Thomas . Reduced from Sergeant May (Jtli. Smith, Robert. . . .Simons, Micajah. . Swane, Thomas . . Steel, Charles VV. . .1 Discharged June •'i, 1814. Scothorn, Nathan . Stephens, James. . Tine, John .... Turmison, Cornelius Turner, Patrick Mav 21, 1814 . . . Vanhine, Thomas . January 1, 1S14 . . Willis, Stephen . . '-' ' ' Wilson, Thomas. . ■ " Discharged January 16, 1814. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM H. McCLELLAN'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. William H. McClellan French H. Gray. . Wilson Creed . . Jonathan McDavid George R. Cooke. Joseph A. Woods George Morris. . John McCan . . Benjamin Smith. Josiah Baker . . William Owens . Hagan Munscher William Ashby . Jacob Sawyers . Edmund Hunt . John B. Wood . Austin, Daniel. . Archer, Spencer. Archer, John . . Butler, .loshua . BiUlerlmck, Jacob Barr, Lsaac ... Bogerord, Samuel Barr, Green berry (. Barnott, William Box, Henry. . . Captain . Ensign . Sergeant . Corporal . Musician Private . May 1, 1814 . June 11,1814. lary 1, 1814 November 1 June 1,1814 June 30,1814 Resigned April I'Jth. Reduced from Corporal June :i(i. 1S1.3. Died April 17th. SOLDIERS Oi' THE WAR OF iSl'i. M3!) ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM H. McCLELLAN'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S INFANTRY— Continued. Brook, George. . . Baker. Joseph. . . Baker, William . . Conner, Isaac . . . Conner, Jacob. . . Crowley, Samuel . Crowley, Asa . . . Cornell. Elias . . . Carnior, William . Carter, William . . Camp, Benjamin . Dean, James . . . Dohorty, Edward . Doan, James . . . —Davis, Robert . . . Everett, John . Fowler, Samuel . . Fancher, Isaac . . Ford, William D. Ford, Christian D. . Floy, Joseph . . . Gibson. John . . . Gibson, William . . Guin, William . . Hecks, Merrill . . Holm, David . . . Haynos, William . Hood, James . . . Hudson, James Hutchinson, Joseph Hancock, Lewis . . Johnson, William . .lason, .... Johnson, William . Kirley, Francis . . Keathley, James. . Leresque, William. Lungley, Thomas . Liles, Daniel . . . Matthews, Samuel . McGuire, John . . Mulvaney, John. . Mulvaney, William Mayson, Windsor . Migett. Joseph . . Owens, John, Sr. . Owens, John, Jr . Owens, Francis . . Piggott, James . . Penny, Thomas . . Potter, William . . Patterson, John . . Reynolds, Thomas . Rainwaier.s, Wm Rainwaters, Newton Rainwaters, Edward Rainwaters, Wm., J Ricker, William. Rogers, Joseph . Smith, John, Sr.. Smith, John, Jr.. Smith, John. . . Smith, Joseph. . Smith, Jesse. . . Smith, Peter . . Smith, William . Sparks, James. . Simpson, James . Spurtin, John. . Spurtin, Tapley . Spurtin, Henry B Scott, Thomas. . Scott, Jesse H, . Sevier, Henry C. True, Richmond H Thomas, Asa . . . Sr. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Private I Junt 1, 1814. January 1, 1814 October 13, 1813 January 1, 1814 November 1, 1813 January 1, 1814 . January 8, 1814 . January 1, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. June 30, 1814 November 1, 1813 January 1, 1814 . January 1, 1814 . Died April 29, 1814. Died June 111, 1814. Died May 14, 1814. Died April 3, 1814. Died April 22. Discharged May 12. Died March 30. Deserted January 9. Deserted Januarj' "20. Died April "JS. Died April IS. Died April 1. Died June 20. Transferred from Capt. White's (.)ct 31st. 340 SOLDIERS OP THE WAR OF 181-2. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM H. McCLELLAN'S COMPANY, SEVENTH REGIMENT, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Namks. Rank. Williams, Edward. . . "Winiams, Jeremiah . . Whitlock, Charles . . . Wheeler, Abraham . . i'ount, Solomon ; . . . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. January 1, 1814 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. June SO, 1814 Remarks. ROLL OF THE SEVENTH REGIMENT BAND, U. S. INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Anderson, Alexander Anderson, Andrew Caro, Manuel . . . Deinarch, Lewis. . Fouche, William . Gillis, Neil .... (ireen, Martin. . . Johnston, William Monsey, Michael . Rogues, John . . . Rodgers, Patrick . Sardo, Joseph. . . Shuter, George . . Simmons, Thomas. Wirt, Christopher C Rogues, Samuel . . Sardo, John. . . . ilurrh 1. 1814 January 1, 1S14. March 1, 1H14 . June 30, 1814 January 1, 1814 Deserted June -I, 1814. Roll of Field and Staff, Miller's Regiment, U. S. Iiifantiy, War of 1812 — Commanded by Colonel John Miller. John Miller. . . . George Todd . , . Richard Graham. . Kichard Oldham . . George Atchison . Ashton Garrett . . Owen Evans . . . William Turner. . William S. Madison Clayton Tiffin. . . John M. Slotts . . Daniel Shearman . John W. Hyte . . Daniel Murphy . . Colonel . . . . Lt.-Colonel . , Major Adjutant . . Paymaster . . Quartermaster , Surgeon ... S. Mate ... Sergeant Major. . (■iUHrU^rmaster Ser Drum Major . . . Fife Major .... July !), 1812. . . March 13, 1814. . March 30, 1813. . April 0, 1814. . . April G, 1813 . . March 13, 1813. . April 20, 1814 . , April 17, 1813 . . December 12, 1812 March U, 1814. . , July 1, 1814 . . . October 23, 1814 October 31, 1814 Commanded 1st Brigade at Black's Rock. Superintendent recruiting in Ohio. s6Li)iERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 341 ROLL OP CAPTAIN DAVID L. CARNEY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA- COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN MILLER. David h. Carney . Nathaniel Champ , .Fohn E. Monytt. . Lutlier StevunSDii . Jaines C. Wingard Thomas Sweeny. . Peter Tivis . . ". . A shby, Thomas , . Bean, Richard. . Bertram, Eniry . . Brown, George . . Burrow, Alexander Bealor, George . . Crouch. Samuel . Chambers, Jonathan Connor, Emanuel . Cox, William L.. . David, .lohn . . . Davis, James . . . Dillon, Eichard Donby, Joseph . . Emberton, Richard Furmier, John B. . , Fortin, Augustin . Fell, John .... (iravarat, Henry . Hall, Samuel . . . Hall, Aaron. . . . Harris, Richard . . Hockerty, Thomas. Kidd, Clinton . . . Karr, Samuel . . . Lambert, Corn'l. . McCrary, James . Morton, Washington Masters, Curtis . . Norton, Robert . . Price, Robert . . Pike, Oliver. . . Reese, David Redburn, James T Rathburn, Elisha Rose, William . Smith, Thomas . Serrin, E/.ekiel . , Slater, Silas. . . Wise, Conrod . . , Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Corporal . Piivatc . April (i, 1813. . , December 1, 1813 October 1, 1813 . April (J, 1813 . . . May :i, 1813 . . July 16, 1814. . . July 1, 1814 . . . Januarv 1, 1814 . June 1, 1814 . . . Julv 1, 1814.. . . July 14, 1814. June 1, 1814 . May 7, 1814. . May -JO, 1814 January 1, 1813. July 14, 1814. June 1, 1814 . July 11, 1814. July Hi, 1814. May 1, 1814 July 1, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 30, 1814 On furlough October, 1814. On furlough October, 1814. No date on roll. No date on roll. August 1, 1814 . . . September 30, 1814 No date. No date. ROLL OF CAPTAIN HENRY^ CRITTENDEN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN MILLER. Henrv Crittenden . . . Captain . . October 31, 1814 . . . April 30, 181.5 .... Jaines Blair Lieutenant . . . .1 Cosby Lumsden . Sergeant .... April 1, 1815. , . Thomas Bray . . . ' ' November 1,1814 . . Jo.seph Campbell . . . " " Ale>ander Martin . . . Corporal . . . April 1, 181.1 John Mockabee .... .1 . , John Smith I i .1 Levi Cowan ' • 1 > . . Joseph Slatia . . . Musician July 1, 1814 John Allen ' ' November 1, 1814 . . William Bell .1 , . Siuiuiel Agnew .... 11 .1 A very Stoddard. . . . ' ' April ir,. 181.'') .... .l..-^i'ph Roberts .... ' ' November 1, 1814 . . Breckinridge, Samuel . Private April 1, 181') . . , Belville, Peter .... November 1, 1814 . . Beans, Benjamin. . . . ' ' .1 11 Baker, Zechel .1 Bevins, Anderson . . . ' ' I . 11 Cook, .Jacob " " 342 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812, ROLL OP CAPTAIN HENRY CRITTENDEN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INPANTRY- Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Cloud, CuMipci. . . Private . . November 1, 1814 . , April 3(1, I81o .... Copland, Willis .1 Davis, .loliii March l.j, 181:'.. . . Davis, .laciib . . November 1, ISU . Dftiiister, .loscph Ellison, .Iniiies ... . . 1 . Fort.cm, Francis . . ' • Golbv, Jolm li April !, isi:,. (ionnan .losepli. . . November 1, 1S14 . Hopk.ns, Isani ■ Inly 27, 1,S12 Johnson, EzeUicl . July 27, 181;!. . . . Lnl't, Frederick .... November 1, 1814 . . LuUtll, K<.lHTl . - November l!,18i:i . . Lyons, Aliraliani November 1, 1814 . , Logiie Samuel . . April 1, 1810 ' ■ McDougle, H..|>ert. . . November 1. 1814 . . Malure, William ' ■ ■ ' Meek, Saninel. McKoe, William ' ■ McMeeker, .l.dm .1 Mas.sac, .lolin 1!.. . <)ct..ber 4, 181:', . . . McNight, Alplicns. July 14, 1812. . , 'Nice, David. . . . • ' November 1, 1814 . . Nations, Frederick. . . May 24. 1814 . . Nevitt. Hiigli .... November 1, 1814 . . Nail, Joseph . . Plough, John ' Page, David ' ' ' ' ' Prat, Fielding. . . . " • ' Piggott, Solomon . . . ' ' ' • Katlilione, Elishn . . . Mnv 8, 1H1:S Kobb, Andrew August 1, 1814 .... Kyan, William . . November 1,1814. Snodgrass, Sanuiel. . . April 1, 1815 ' ' , Smith, John . . Serrin, Ezekiel ■ . Date of service not given. Smith, Zebodee . . '• September 1, ISM . . Smith, Adam . , . " ' November 1, 1 HI). Simple, John ... " . , Smith, Thomas ... .lannary 1, 1814 . . . Sharp, John. . . November 1,1814. . . Swisher, Abraham June 2:',, 181:1 .... Stalev, Alex " S. ptenibcr 1, isi:; . . Tromley, John .... " November 1, IHlt. . . Talbott, John . . ' ■ ' ' " Vanskite, David. ... October :31, 1814 . . . Ward, Joseph . . November 1,1814. . . Wilson, John March 22, 1813. . . W.dford, Daniel. . . . November 1,1814. . . Wade, Joseph January 6,1812. . . . Wade. William . . December 8, 181.S. . . ROLL OF CAPTAIN MARTIN L. HAWKINS' COxMi'ANV, KENTUCKY COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN MILLER. INFANTRY- Martin L. Hawkins Chnsteen Scott . . William II. Fisher. Daniel Dougherty. Christopher Graham James Wingate . James King. . . John G Edwin . Martin Gilespy . Mescheck O'Brien Adam Rheam . . Samuel Stephens John I?. Dupree. Barnard .Taekman Martin Green . . John Loar . . . Brady, Charles . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign • . Sergeant. . Corporal . Drummer Fifor. . . Private . June 1,1814 . . January 1, 1814 March 1, 1814 . April 1, 1814. . January 1, 1814 April 1, 1814. . July 13, 1814. . April 14, 1814 . March 23, 1814 June 1,1814 . . May 1, 1814 . . October 31, 1814 SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. 343 ROLL OF CAPTAIN MARTIN L. HAWKINS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY- Continued. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Biiilev. David Private February 10, 1814. . . October 31, 1814 . Best, Thonuis ■ ' March 1, 1814 . . . Browntield, John . . . ■ ' 1 1 Brower, Samuel. . . . • ' • I 1 . Blakeman, Nutlian . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Brinkley, William. . . , 1 11 11 Baker, Jacob March 7, 1814 . . Baldwin, John .... ' ' February 17,1814. . Bell, Thomas ..... ' ' January 1, 1814 . . Conner, John ' ' June 1,1813 Chambers, Jonathan. . ' ' Unknown Cain, John ' ' June 1,1813 Compton, Richard. . . ' ' January 1, 1814 . . . Clark, Joseph D. . . . April 25, 1813 .... Carr, John October 23, 1813 . . Cartwright, Ge.>rge . . ' ' May 3, 1814 .... Cecil, Henry B ' ' April 2, 1814 Cunimings, Benjamin . Junel, 1813 Denia, Lewis ' ■ April 18, 1812 ... Dupree, Francis. . . . • ' April 14, 1814 .... Dennis, Anthony . . . ' ' March 7, 1814 . . . Deningshury, William. ' ' April 1, 1814 Easly, Josiah .... ' ' January ], 1814 . . . Ewing, Mathew. . . . 1 1 11 Edwards, William. . . April 24, 1814 .... Easman, Joseph. . . . Waiter October 8, 1814 . . Fortune, Francis . . . Private May 7, 1814 Fortune, John I . "i 1 11 Fell, John September 2, 1813 . . Fields, Reasin. . . . June 1, 1814 .... Fleury, Francis .... March 7, 1814 .... Green, Samuel .... ' ' Unknown War. . . Green, George February 21, 1814. . . October 31, 1814 . . Gabriel, Abram .... ' ■ June 1, 1813 ..... Gill, Nathaniel . . . . ' • May 13, 1813 .... 11 1 > Gillett, James March 24, 1814. . . 1 Grooms, Abram .... ' ' February 11, 1813. Hide, Charles W. . . . ' ' October .5, 1813 . . Holt, Robert ' ' September 1, 1813 . . Helsely, Jacob .... April 3, 1813. . . . Haveing, James I.. . . ' * Unknown Jones, Benjamin .... 1 ;; April 21, 1814 ... Jameson, John .... 11 11 Joel, ' Waiter ... April I, 1814. . . . Johnson, James . . Private November 1, 1812 , Lapam, Newel . . i ' • April 18, 1812 .... Lemasters, John. . . . ! ■ 1 June 1, 1813 Londetwap, Andrew. • ' March 18, 1814 . . . Leparl, Alexander. . . March 30, 1814 Mena, Leo ...... ' ' October 28, 1813 . . Mullen, Samuel . . . . June], 1813 . Materia, Francis. . . . ' • March 2, 1814 . . . Myqua, Michael .... ' ' February 24, 1814 . Mundle, James . . . . ' ■ February 20,1814. . Merton, Washington. . February 3, 1813 . Maddox, Joshua. . . . . 1 April 2,''l8:4. . . . Marr, James 1 . 1 . McCormick, Valentine ' • January 1, 1S14 . . McGee, James ' ' . 1 " McNeil Alx January -'i, 1814 Murphy, Andrew ' ' January 3, 1814 . . .McKee, William . . . ' ' January 1, 1814 Miller, Jacob 1 1 ■ 11 Newman, Howard . . June 1, 1813 .... Null, Samuel .... April 29, 1814 Osborne, Horatio . . January 1, 1814 . . ■ ' • ' ' l'ear.sall, John February 1 J, 1813. . Perry, David . . March l", 1814 .... Perry, Daniel . . II Pitcher, Charles .... January 1. 1814 . Rardin, .tobn April I'O, 1813 ... Ray, Aaron .... • ' January 1, 1814 . Risley, Charles . , . . ' ' March 1, 1814 ... Spurgeon, Nathan. . . 1 February 2,1814 . . . Smith, John 1 February 1,1814 . . . Shanks, Joseph . . . . 1 February 9. 1814 . . 344 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MARTIN L. HAWKINS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY- Continued. Namks. Stock well, Isaac. . Smith, Joel .... Smitli, Josiali . Sliiplii), Thomas. . Sturgeon, Thoma.s Shiill/,, Henry. . . Shoemaker, Henry Suyros, .Joseph . . Scott, David . . . Stiglor, Benjamin . Salora, Babtist . . Severs, John . . . Sutton, Amariah . Stanton, Thomas . Thompson, John . Tatum, Seth . . Tuttle, Jabcz . . . Tressenrider, Frederic Updegraff, Andrew Whitson, Isaac . . Wood, James . . . Work, Samuel . . West, Samuel. . . Waggoner, Michael Young, William. . Young, Samuel Rank. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. Julv 1, 1812 . . . March 24, 1814 . .ianuary 22, 1814 . April 22, 1813 . . March 1, 1814 . . September 1, 1813 February 14, 1814. January 1, 1814 . .(anuarv 1.''), 1814 . March "17, 1814 . April 27, 1814 . . April .30, 1814 . . March 1, 1814 . April 29, 1814 . . January 1, 1814 . April 27, 1814 , January 1, 1814 . December 1.5, 1812 January 1, 1814 . January 26, 1814 April 2, 1814. . . March 1, 1814 . . October 31. 1814 ROLL OF CAPTAIN B. W. SANDERS' COMPANY^ KENTUCKY INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN MILLER B. W. Sanders . . Henry Crittenden . William Baylor . . R. Mitchell". . . . Obediah Norton . . .John A. Eastland . Hugh Harpham . . James Iliff .... Reuben Broughton Matthew Burns . . Hiram Jamison . . Thomas Cravens. . John Boyd .... John Moseby . . John Stanton . . . Wyatt McGibbery. Avington, Stephen. Adams, Delaran . . Andrew, . . . Blythe, William. . Boston, Abner. . . Bush, Edward. . . Barnett, Joseph . Baker, John. . . . Butler, John . . . Bartrani, Enisly. . Bowler, William . Beck, James Corbett, Samuel W. Carter, John F. . . fv.lliv-. Henry . . Cakendolpbcr, David Cook, Lodowick. (Jook, David . . Cason, Reuben . Calvert, Nash . . Calvert, William Campbell, John . Darnell, •Samuel S Davidson, Robert Dunn, He/.ekiah. Dunn, (inbricl. . Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . Sergeant Corporal Drummer Fifer - . . . Private . . . , Private Waiter Private . . . , October 31, 1 October 2'.l, June 1, 1814 Dead. Dead. Dead. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 345 ROLL OF CAPTAIN B. W. SANDERS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY— Continued. Names. David, John . . . Davis, Benjamin. Davis, James S. . Eldridge, John . Embleton, Richard Flack, William . Fuller, William Gilbert, William Gilbert, William, Sr Grissam, James George, Thomas W Hall, Aaron. . . Hall, Samuel W. Hanby, Meschick Hamilton, Andrew Head, John . , Head, Benjamin Hunt, William Humphre}-, AVilliam Harning. Rudolph Henry, Richard . Igo, Jacob . . . Jenkins, Eli. . . Kerr, Samuel . . Long, Joseph . . London, Samuel. Lowry, Andrew . Lambert, Cornelius Lloyd, John . . McLain, James . Moser, Jacob . . McMullen, John McNitt, Joseph . Millery, Henry . Monroe, .John. . Milburn, .Jonathan Marks, Nathaniel v.Mooro, Augustus Munsey, Reuben Munathan, John Moore, James . . Norris. Beverlv . Pike, Oliver ! . Pool, John . . Parker, Lewis . . Roberts, John . . Roberts, Jesse. . Rose, Benjamin . Roberts, Thomas Reece, David . . Richards, Samuel Reuben, . . Row, Robert . . Reynolds, Isharn St. Amour, Augustu: Stringfield, William Stewart, Alese. . . Savage, John . . . Sherrard, Samuel . Swartzwalter, George Sharpe, James. . . Sharp, John. . . . Tubb, Jesse .... Taylor, Berry . . . Temple, Dixon Y. . Tillett, Jacob . . . Tyree, John. . . . Tailor, James W. . Wri-ht, Reuben. . AVljito. Edward . . We.-^t, James . . . Witter, Samuel . . Wheeler, Greenbury Weakley, Abraham Wells, Berry . . . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. March 2\, 1814 July 2, 1814 Junel, 1814 November 4 June 1, 1814 October 31, 1814 April 1, 1814. June 1, 1814 . Mav 20, ISU Juiie 1, 1814 . Dead. Died November 1, 1814. Discharged. Reduced from Sergeant .Vugu^t 11. 1814. Dead. Keduc-cd from Corporal Ortober 20, 1814. 44 MG SOLDIERS OF TITE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN CALEB H. HOLDER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN MILLER. Names. Bank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Caleb H. Holder. . . . Charles Mitchell. . . . Captain Lieutenant . . . James Gray Owen Kvaiis William Barkhuriit . . Daniel Davis Ensign Sergeant July 16, 1814 . . . October 31, 1814 . . Robert Forrester. . . . ' ' "' ' ' ■ 1 . 1 1 Lewis Hoyt ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ; ; ; i Lasley Kanisey .... ' ' 1 1 I . John Simpson ' ' ' ' ' ' Moses Kice Corporal It t ( 1 1 Jarnes Severance- . . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 Peter Tivis ' ' < ( 11 11 II Samuel B. Tanner . . . ' ' 11 11 1 1 1 George Timothy .... ' ' 11 11 1 1 1 Asahel Death Fifer 11 11 ■ 1 11 Obedinh Cranmore. . . ' ' 11 11 11 1 • Joseph Slatia Drummer .... 11 1 1 William Bell . . . Musician .... 11 11 11 11 - Samuel Egnew .... ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Enery Stodard . . . ' ' ' ' 11 11 Wallace Austin .... ' ' 11 1 1 ■ 1 11 Ale-xander Brinkloy . . ' ' 11 11 ' ' ' ' Aldridge, Thomas . . . Private September 1, 1«1?. . 11 1 . Allison, James .... ' ' June 1, 1813 .... 1 1 1 1 Andrews, John .... ' ' 11 1 1 11 11 Beadle, Samuel .... ' ■ 11 ■ ■ 1 1 1 Belville, Peter .... ' ' May 1, 1812 11 1 ' Beers, Benjamin. . . . ' ' June 1, 1813 .... 11 11 Chalpin, Robert .... ' ' July 16, 1814 .... 11 11 Cox, William June 1, 1813 .... 11 11 Cook, Jacob ' ' 11 11 11 Cook, Solomon .... 11 11 11 11 Compo, Gloud ' ■ December 1, 1813. . . 11 11 Cavender, Joseph . . ' ' July 16, 1814 .... 11 11 Copeland, Willis . . . ' • " " .1 Davis, John * ' 11 11 11 11 Dolson, Matthew . . . ' ' September 1, 1813 . . 11 11 Dougherty, Zachariah . ' ' 1 1 11 1 1 Davis, Jacob ' ' June 1,1813 11 11 Fortune, Francis . . . ' ' May 7, 1814 II 11 Fry, Jacob June 1,1813 11 11 Green, William . . . . ' ' July 16, 1814 .... 11 11 Gobie, John B 11 11 11 11 Germain, Joseph . . . August 1, 1812 .... 11 11 Gaskill, Daniel , . . September 1. 1813 . . 1 1 11 Hopkins, Isaac F. . . . ' ' June 1,1813 11 11 Hutchins, Henry . . . ' ' September i, 1813. . 11 11 Johnston, Samuel . . • 11 11 11 11 Johnston, Hezekiah . . ' ' 11 11 Lought, John ' ' 11 1 . 11 1 1 Lovett, Robert S. . . . 11 11 11 11 Lee, Thomas ' ' June 1,1813 1 1 11 Lyons, Abraham .... ' ' 11 11 11 11 Leming, Benjamin . . . July 16, 1814 .... 11 11 " McDougle, Robert. ' ' 1 1 11 I 1 1 Mellure, William . . ' ' ' ' 11 11 McKee, Joseph . . . . ' ' " " 11 11 McHenry, Samuel. 11 1 1 1 1 11 Mocaber, John . . . . ' ' 11 11 McMeeker, John . . . 11 .1 11 11 McDougle, George. . . ' ' 11 11 11 11 lYieJCee, William . . . ' ' December 28, 1813 . 11 1 1 Marr, Thomas 1 ' September 1, 1813 . . 11 11 Mason, John .... ' ■ October 4, 1813 . . . 11 11 Martin, John ' ' II 11 1 1 11 McKiiight. Alpheus . . • ' June 1,1813 11 11 Meek, Samuel ' ' September 1, 1813 . 1 Murray, William . . , ' ' April 11, 1814 . . . "•Nice, David. . ' ' September 1, 1813 1 . 11 Nations, Frederick. . ' ' May 29, 1813 . . . . 11 11 Patterson, Martin . . ' ' June 28, 1814 11 11 Palmer, Jesse .... August 17, 1814 . . , 11 11 Piggott, Solomon . . ' " July 10, 1814 . . . . 1 1 II Rathbone, Elisha . . ' ' May 8, 1813 11 11 Bobb, Andrew. . . . " August 17, 1814 . . . 11 11 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF ISIti. 847 ROLL OF CAPTAIN CALEB H. HOLDER'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY— Continued. Ryan, Patrick . . . Smith, Thomas . . Swnrtzfeller, Adam Scuddor, Thomas . Shiloy, Alexander . Shaw, Elijah . . . Snider, Jacob . . . Stanage, William . Sherrard, William. Serrin, Ezekiel . . Stern, Luther . . . Stewart, John . . . Smith, John . . . Smith, Adam . . . Struplo, John .... Trowbridge, Amia K Thomas, David . . Trumley, Thomas W Tanner, Martin . . Thompson, William iniery, David . . . Vanskite, David . Wilson, Thomas . • Whitacre, Thomas. Ward, Joseph . . . Willis, Horace . . Winders, Thomas Whitman, William Wade, William . . Wiley, Frederick . Wilson, John . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. Julv Ifi, 1S14 Juno 4,1811! . . . July in, 1814 . . June 1,1813 . . August 17, 1814 . September 1, 1813 May 7, 1814. . July 16, 1814 September 1, 1812 July IC, 1814 . To what time En, or Enlisted. October 31, 1814 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN T. CHUNN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY- BY COLONEL JOHN MILLER. -COMMANDED Thomas T. Chunn . Thomas Mountjoy . Mason Seward . . Samuel M. Ashl>ury James Arnold. . . William Brown . . Thomas Bray . . . Charles Call . . . Isaac Chiles . . . Michael S. L. Fickel Robert Uerrald . . Cosby D. Lumsdon Adam Weaver . . Benjamin Brennet. John Brown . . . WilliHMi Connor. . Aaron UciHlfr . . William Howard . William King . . John Smith .... Lewis Throckmorton John Allen .... Russell Rice . . . Gregory Snead . . Samuel Crissel . . John Houston. . . John B. Nontz Silas Rice Joseph Dennison . Joseph Roberts . . Astin. Walter. . . Alexander, John. Arethurs, ,Iohn . . A.klcv, William . I'.akrri Va.'hcl. . . Hitvans, .\nilorson . Bennett, George. . Corporal . Private Waiter . January 1. 1814 July l,'l814 . . December IT), 1813 June 1,1813 ... May 1, 1813. . August le, 1813 January 1, 1814 August IG, 1813 July 1, 1814 . . June 1,1813 . . July 1, 1814 . . June 4, 1813 July 1, 1814 August 1, 1812 . Juiie 11, 1813 . Juno 1,1813 . . April l.'i, 1813 . July 1, 1812 . . Jun« 1, 1813. . July 1, 1814 . . January 1, 1814 January 17, 1814 May 1, 1814 . . October 31, 1814 348 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN T. CHUNN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY-Continued. Bailey, Philip . Brannum, John Uowman, Abrahiini Blair, John . . . Bockhovcr, Peter Best, (Jcorge . . Blair, James . . Cantwell, Hughs. Collin.sworth, Kouben Coyle, Benjamin. Clark, Ambrose . Councilman, John Chambers, Henry Centers, James . Childers, William Cook, Mo.ses . . Delanoy, Joseph. Dubaugh, Joseph Dickerson, David Davis, Archibald Davis, Reuben. . Douglass, Jeremiah Elliott, Peter . . Evans, Ambrose. Elliott, Robert . Friley, Benjamin Frederiok, Jacob. Plemming, William Gay, J ames . . . Grimes, Samuel . (xreene, Gardener Gregg, Samuel . Green, Hiram . . Gay, Harding . . Goodwise, David Hicks, James . . Harcourt, Daniel Holbert, Isaac. . Henry, . . . Henning, Aaron. Hastings, George Havens, Thomas H Johnston, William Jones, William . Jourdan, William Knight, Aquilla . King, John . . . Keelen, John . . Littleton, Robert Littleton, John . Lane, John . . . Logsdon, James . Louder, Joab . . Lambert, Jeremiah Maguiro, John MothorsSeld, Thorn Moore, Robert. Moore, Thomas . Moore, Tennen . McGinnis, James Murphv, Edward Mays, John . McArny, Samuel Nixon, ISenjiiunn Norman, Jo.seph. Neville. Hugh. . Nail, Joseph . . O'iNi'il, Owen . . Owen, Thomas . Pemberton, George Payne, Silas. . . Page, Duvi. 1812. . . . April li. 1812 . . . September 20, 1812 Julv 14, 1814. . . . July 10, 1814. . . . July 14, 1814. . . . March 24, 1814. March t, 1814 . July 14, 1814. . October 31, 1S14 April 7, 1814, June 27, 1814 July 14, 1814 May 4, 1814 .... July 14, 1814. . . September (i, 1814 . July 14, 1814. . . February 14, July 14, 1814 Transferred to Lieutenant Hcckly July 22. 1814. .\ttackcd at Chilieothc .lulv 1 I. 1814. 352 itOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID HOLT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY— Continued. Nolan, Barrmbus . Noda, Philip • • ■ Norton, Robert . . Plough, John . . . Peoples, Seymore . Pinlceman, John . Price, Robert . . . Reed, Robert . . . Roberson, Williuin . Redburn, James T. . Rook, James . . . Ran kins, John . . ■ Haggles, Michael . Hay, James .... Rumsey, Daniel A. Rudolph, Titar K. . Southern, Levin . . Stewart, Edward . Sommers, Frederick Simons, Daniel . . Scott, James . . . Sickman, Presley . Simmons. Thomas . Smith, John . . . Snodgrass, Samuel . Trobridge, Will . . Wilson, James . . Walker, Philip . . Waters, William . Wiley, James . . . Welch, James . . . Wallace, Ross . Watson, William . Woodruif, William Yarnel, Ahrarn . . Teams, Aquilla . Zegley, Benjamin . Bank. Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. July 11, ISM May 14, 1814 May 26, 1814 July 14, 1814. October ;51, 18U Killed October 1, 1814. ROLL OF CAPTAIN HARRIS H. HICKMAN'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL JOHN MILLER. Harris H. Hickman James Hackley, Jr. Adam E. Hoffman . Gabriel I. Floyd . Charles E. Bryant . George C. Davis. . Robert Gray ... Benjamin F. Hedege John Xesbitt . . . David W'ebb ... John Gordon ... Thomas Dougherty Nicholas D. B. Swi ingin George Bush . . . Robert Mclntire. . John Dexon . . . Solomon Lamb . . John Messings , . Jacob Wiseman . . John lieif John Green. . . . Adir, Joseph . . . Arnold, Samuel . . Alexander, Bcnjami Anderson, John. . Atherton, Uenry . Boyd, Cornelius . . Blue, David. . . . Burton, Daniel . . Baker, Dennis. . . Bryam, William. . Brown, Joseph . . Captain . . Lieutenant. Sergeant July 6, 1812 . . March 13, 1813. April 6, 1813 . . July 1, 1814 . Julv 16, 1814. July 1, 1814 . February 21,1814 May 1, 1814 . July 16. 1814. Corporal . . . . | July 1, 1814 j May 3, 1814 Julj' 1, 1814 Fifer . . Drunuuor Fifer . . June 20, 1814 July 1, 1814 . October 31, 1814 .luly 16, 1814. July 1, 1814 . Belongs to 1st Uegiment Infantry. Discharged by writ /nrhms mr/nis. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. HARRIS H. HICKMAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY- Continued. 353 Names. BrowD, James. . . Burbiidoes, Andrew Cornell, David . . Conden, James . . Courtnej', John . . Courtney, Michael . Curry, William . . Campbell, Samuel . Cook, Charles. . . Dunn, Peter . . . Dean, John .... Delaney, Daniel. . Delaney, James . . Early, John .... Ewing, George . . Evans, Edward . . Flemming, David . Fryman, Henry. . Fulk, Andrew. . . Fisher, John . . . Furbie, Mathias. . Freeman, Joshua . Garrett, Curtis . . Guard, Daniel. . . Givens, Robert . . Green, Timothy. . Hooper, Robert L. Heron, Thomas . . Harding, Isaac . . Hicks, Thomas . . Hamilton, Andrew Hughy, Isaac H. . Harris, William , . Ingler, Jacob ... Jenkinson, William Jinson, Joseph . Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Abel . Johnson, Larkin Kennel, Casper . Kearns, James . Kearns, Jacob. . Kidder, Samuel Kirkpatrick, John Little, Martin . . Little, Samuel . . Lloyd, Stephen L. Ludlow, Stephen McCully, Hiram. McConkey, David McKinley, Thoma; Mar.sh, William Mingus, John. . . Myers, Michael Mver.v, David . . . Moles, Jai.ics . . . Miller, Peter . . . Mitchlor, David. . Marshall, John . . Mason, Owen . . . Necom'b, John . . ^ Ornick, Samuel . . Palmer, Richard. . Primrose, William Parker, Ira . . . . Iviliirison, Archibald I'.iliinsoii, John . Knl,in>on, William Kcece. David C. . . .Stevenson, Arthur .Seals, Francis . Smalley, David . . Shaler, William. . Simmons, John . . Searles, Sweetland Smith, John . . . Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. July 1, 1814 . July 16, 1814. Julv 1. 1814 . July 16, 1814 July 1, 1814 . July 16, 1814 July 1, 1814 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted." October 31, 1814 Remakks. July 16, 1814. July 1, 1814 July 16, 1814. July 1, 1814 . [l:i, 1814. Shot at Chihcothe by order of court-martial Julv Died December 21, 1814. Deserted July 11, 1814. Paid bv Third Auditor [February 23, 1832. 45 354 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN HARRIS H. HICKMAN'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY INFANTRY- Con tinned. Names. Bank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Stnilli, Roswell W. . Private July 1, 1H14 .... October 31, 1S14 . . . Stewart, James .... titerne, Tobias Died July 0, 1814. .Sellwood, Henry . . . Spraguo, Ephraiin. . . Taylor, Sharp H. . . . Wood, Joshua Wright, George .... Walter, George .... Walters, Thomas . . . Welch, Thomas .... Zimmerman, Frederick. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHNSTON MAGOWAN'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL THOMAS DEYE OWINGS. Johnston Magowan . William H. Henry . Robert B. Crook . . . Jonas Roads .... Edmond Hall .... William Adams . . Joseph Kelsoe. . . Levi W. Goodin. . . Edmond Hardwiok James Bibb .... Andrew Caugheran William Smith . . William Beadle . . Nelson Harlow . . George Blake . . . Jedediah Mulligan. Adams, Richard . . Adams, William. . Adjudant, Ebenezcr Burk, James . . . Bucy, William . . Brown, Edmond. . Blake, Thomas . . Blake, John. . . . Boiles, James . . . Bryant, John . . . Boyd, Andrew . . Buchanon, John. . . . Brown. Absalom . . . Bailey, James W. . . . Bagnell, John Bailey, James . . . . . Baits, William . . . Beaty, Joseph Bernord, Joshua. . . . Oarnaga, John F. . . . Clawson, Peter . . . Cline, John Cline, .lames Claugheran, Jonathan . Callihan, David V.. . Cash, Archibald . . . . Cumings, Uriah . . . . Craig, John Duvall, James S. . . . Davis, William . . . . Dooley, John Donton, John Ducker, Abraham . . . Evans, William . Fuller, Joseph Griffin, Matbias . . . . Griffin, William. . . . Garner, Jacob Garrison, El well. . . . Captain . . . 2(1 Lieutenant '.'A Lieutenant Ensign . . Serireant. . . Corporal April •>, 1818. May 8, 1813 . May 12, 1813 . May 8, 1813. . May 0, 1813. . Mav 2'.), 1813 . May 18, 1813. . May 20, 1813 . Mav 7, 1813 . . May 0, 1813 . . May 8, 1813. , April 20, 1813 . May 8. 1813 . . May 11, 1813. . Vay 12, 1813. . June 14, 1813 . May 14, 1813. . May 111, 1813 . June 21, 1813 . June 5, 1813 . . Junes, 18'3 . . April 20, 1813 . Junes, 1813 . . May 2, 1813. . June 5, 1813 . . May 5, 1813. , Mav 1, 1813. May 20, 1813 April 8, 1S13. . April 2!i, 1813 , May 20, 1813 April 23, 1813 April 29, 1813 June 22. 1813 May 6, 1813 . May 24, 1813 . April 27, 1813 . Julv 1, 1813 . . April 22, 1814 . May 8, 1813. . June 2.5, 1813 . April 1'), 1813 . I\Iav 12, 1813 May ir>, 1813 June 22. 1813 . Juno 12, 1813 April 22, 1813 Mav 4, 1813 . May 20, 1813 May 8, 1813. .\cting as tiuartermaster Sergeant. Di.'^charged. Died March 10. 1814. Discharged. November 1, U14 1 year . Discharged. Discharged. Discharged Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. ■ Sick in hospital. Disehargc'd SOLDIERS OF THE WAR. OF IS12. 355 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHNSTON MAGOWAN'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Names. Garrison, James. . Garton, U riuh . . . Hopkins, Lewis E.. Howard, Eli. . . . Harrison, Thomas . Hardwick, Mitchell Hardwick, Maples . Highlander, George Jewett, John . . . Jeanes, Joathon . . Jewel, Jesse. . . . Kirk, John .... Lowery, John . . . Lewman, Noah . . Lyman, Charles . . Lewis, Thomas . . Mjers, Jacob . . . Morris, Joseph . . Morris, Isaac . . . Manley, David . . Marey, John . . . Morgan, Barton . . May, Nicholas . . Mayth, Samuel . . Miller, John . . . Mcintosh, John . . Miller, Henry G. . Maxwell, Robert. . Nichols, Henry , . Pollock, John . . . Parsons, Edward. . Parsons, Nathaniel Preston, Isaac. . . Pratt, James . . . Rankin, William . Randel, Richard. . Randel, Harvey . . Randel, Nathaniel . Robinson, Jacob. . Shoiiltz, Christian . Sinclair, Horatio. . -Shepherd, Daniel . ..Shepherd, Moses. . Serango, Abraham. Tilford, Alexander Turner, William . Taylor, Larkin . . Tuggles, Charles H. Thompson, John . Underwood, John . Wiley, William . . Witherow, John . Willson. Samuel. . Wiley, John . . . Walker, William . Wills, Thomas . . Wallace, Robert. . ^ Yocum, John . . . Young, James. . . Rank. Private Date of Appointment or Enlistment. May 24, 1813 July 7, 1813 . June 7, 1813 . June 30, 1813 , Judo 22, 1813 , April 22, 1813 . April 27, 1813 , June 23, 1813 , April 20, 1813 . May 4, 1813. . June 8, 1813 . . May 1.5, 1813 , April 23, 1813 April 16, 1813 , April 30, 1813 . May 8, 1813. April 21, 1813 June 24,1813. June 21, 1813 June 16, 1813 . June 8,1813 . , April 14, 1813 May 21, 1813 . May 2, 1813. . May 1, 1813. April 28, 1813 . April 15, 1813 . May 3, 1813. , May 4, 1813. . June 16, 1813 . May 17, 1813 . June 9, 1813 . . Apiil 27, 1813 . April 21, 1813 . May .3, 1813. . May 4, 1813 . . June 29,1813. . May 15, 1813 . June 28, 1813. . August ], 1813 April 30, 1813 . May 4, 1813. . June 12,1813. . June 14,1813 . June 7. 1813 . . May 1, 1813. . May 6, 1813. . April 23, 1813 . May 20, 1813 . April 15, 1813 . June 11,1813. . April 30, 1813 May 1, 1813. . July 13, 1813. . June 21, 1813. . May 26, 1813 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. 1 year . Remarks. Sick in hospital. Discharged. Discharged Discharged. Discharged. Died January 28, 1814. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged. Discharged— reduced from Corporal March l.": Acting as (.1 M. Sergt.— discharged April 15. Discharged March 27. Died. Discharged. Discharged. Died April 4, 1814. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE STOCKTON'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY-COMMANDED BY COLONEL THOMAS DEYE OWINGS. George Stockton . . Thomas Edmonson Joseph P. Taylor . John Wyatt ". . . James B. Findley . Richard Mitchell . Elisha H. Brown . George Luffery . . Robert Snowden . . ,John Frame . . . Thomas Dearman . Captam . . . . 1st Lieutenant . 2d Lieutenant , 2d Lieutenant . 3d Lieutenant . Ensign . . . . 1st Sergeant . . 2d Sergeant . . 3d Sergeant . . 4th Sergeant . . 5th Sergeant . . July 1, 1814 . June 17, 1S14. July 1. 1SI4 . December 31, 1.S14 July 14, 1814. . , December 3], 1814 Killed. Sick. Discharged October 1. 356 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 18 12. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE STOCKTON'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY- Continued. KAMKS; llftnk. (Jeoi-gc Ford George T. Wood . . . .lohn Reams William Allen .... Jamos Pitchsrd . . . Robert McCall .... Alexander McCord . . James Price David Sudert John Redding John Bapsite George Brisloe .... Leonard Garmon . . . James Black Patrick 0. "Wilson . . Daniel Eshon Dennis B. M. Jourdan \ Arnold, John ... Arnold, John Armstrong, Henry. . . Bash, Jacob Bray, John Bali, William Boyell, John Sevens, Cornelius . . . Browning, Benjamin. . Bast, Henry Blackrood, Richard • . Brown, Joseph .... Boiillord, Anthony . . Bniley, James Beech, William .... Clark, James Clark, William .... Campbell, Duncan. . . Chapman, Zachariah. . Chapman, Thomas. . Cooper, Archibald. . . Crozier, William . . . Campbell, Robert . . Campbell, Joseph . . . Campbell, James . . . Carrigan, Arthur . . . Carrigan, David . Chinn, Charles . . Clauson, Peter .... Clair, John Carpenter, Absalom Di.xon, George .... Dawson, William . . . Drysdale, Andrew. . . Devar, John C Denton, John Dumitt, Robert . . . . Evans, Ransom . . . . Evans, John .... Foster, William. . . Flagir, David Gaines, James Gorman, David . . . . Gragg, Solomon . . . Gibson, William . . Graves, Beman . . . . Uinton, Benjamin. . . Hite, Henry Barman, Henry. . . Higginbottom, Moses . Harness, Richard . . . Hill, David Havnes, Benjamin. . . Hail, William Hartley, Joseph . . . . Hockersmith, William Jackson, James . . . . .lackson, Thomas . . . Jackson, Jack Jackson, Levi Jackson, James, 'id . . nth Sergeant . 7th Sergeant . 8th Sergeant . 0th Sergeant 1st Corporal . Fife Major Drummer . Private . . Date of Appointment To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted. June 28, 1814 July 28, 1814 JulV 1, 1814 . June 24, 1814 June 23, 1814 June 22, 1814 July 1, 1814 . September 27, June 20,1814. June 28,1814. June It), 1814. Julv 1, 1814 . December 31, 1814 September 18, 1814 December 31, 1814 November 28, 1814 December 31, 1814 December 1'), 1814 December 31, 1814 October C, 1814. . October 8, 1814. . , October 9, 1814 . June 21, 1814 December 31, 1814 June 24, 1814 " " .luly 3, 1814 ... July 1, 1814 September 10, 1814 September 20, 1814 . .lune 18,1814. . August 12, 1814 Juno 28,1814. . •luly 1, 1814 . . August 1, 1814 July 1, 1814.. .luly 1, 1814 . .Iunc23, 1814. July ir>, 1814. July 1, 1814 . September 17, 1814 June 20,1814. . . June 2it, 1814. . . June 24,1814. . . June 30, 1814. . . July 1, 1814 . . . December 20, 1814 December 31, 1814 . November 24, 1814 December 31, 1814 . October 20, 1814 . . December 31, 1814 . November 4, 1814 . November 22, 1814. October 28, 1814 . . December 31, 1814 . December 8, 1814. November 12, 1814 December 81, 1814 Reduced. Died November 2")th. Discharged. Sick in quarters. Discharged October 0th. i Di.>, 1814. On recruiting service at Detroit. On I'oniniaiid in Kentucky. Joined February '), 1814. 358 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN NIMROD H. MOORE'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY-Contimied. Names. Jiles Cook . . . John Gibson . . Gftorge Ford . . WilliHm Bruner. George T. Wood George Brown . Mitchell Smith . Arnold, John . . Bench, William . Butler, John . . Biiley, James A., Blan, George AV. Bush, Cave . . . Burris, Thomas . Brown, James. . Bravard, John Bondurant, John Bell, William . Bullitt, Anthony Bird, Samuel . . Baldwin, McKinsey Brisle, George. . Bradley, William Campbell, Duncan Campbell, John . Cummings, Andre Cooper, John . . Clark, John. . . Cherev, Moses. . Ellis, William . . Eves, Ransom . . Emmons, John . Edwards, Thomas Fonts, Frederick. Fields, Reuben . Foddery, John . Flagg, David Fields, Edward . Gibson, William. Green, Richmond Glasscock, Wharti) Hair, James. . . Hawkins, James. Holland, Edward Hazle, William . Harter, Charles . Hill, Thomas . . Holland, John. . Hartley, Joseph . Hurst, James . . Hains, Miajah . Hainds, Benjamin Hockersmith, Will Hamilton, John . Hilton, Daniel . Hall, Samuel M.. Johnston, Joseph Johnson, George. Jones, Randle . . Jones, !Newton . James, John S. . King, Martin . . Ijce, Charles . . Long, William . Leflflr, Christopher Lowman, William Lafferey, George Mngaflie, James . Miller, Adam . . ^McLaughlin, John OIcI>auglilin, John .Mires, Christopher .\lrCain, John . . Miller, Ephraim McCowan, John R _Novell(^ Henry . Oitner, Joseph. . Perkin,s, Elijah . Sergeant Corporal Date of Appoinlmenl To what time Engaged or Enlistment. or Enlisted January 1, 1814 . . January •>(), 1813 January 1, 1814 Kebruarv 12,181: January 1, 1SI4 June 27.1814 January 1, 1814 November 0, 181;5 January 1, 1814 . December 13, 1813 Dpceinbor 19, 1813 January 1. 1814 . December 24, 1813 Jai.uarv 1. 1814 . December II, 1813 .March IT, 1813. January I. 1814 April 30, 1814 . March 28, 1814. April 28, 1814 June 30, 1814 . April 30, 1814 . April 3, 1814. . March 21, 1814. April 30, 1814 . March 22, 1814 April 30, 1814 April 25, 1814 . April 30, 1814 . March 21, 1814 April 30, 1814 . March 24, 1814. April 30, 1814 . March 20, 1814. March .30, 1814. March 23, 1814. April 30, 1814 . March 17. 1814. April :'.ll, lsl4 . March 22, 1M4 March 17, 1814. April 30, 1814 . Deserted. Di.scharged. Attached March If,, 1814. Discharired. Promoted to Corporal Aiiril 27, 1814. Deserted. Discharged. Kocruiting in Kentucky. Discharged. Discharged. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 359 ROLL OF CAPTAIN NIMROD H. MOORE'.S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Names. -" Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Re.makks. Pemberton, Walker Private January 1, 1814 . . . April 30, 1814 . . . Discharged. Pence, Adftin . . . ' ' ' ' II 11 Pedi?e, Jushun . . ' ' ' ' > ( II Payne, Samuel . . ' ' . ( ' ' ' ' Prewitt, William . ' ' ' ' II II Phillips, Charles . 11 II Poor, Matthew . . " ' ' Discharged. Patten, Josiah. .1 II Pickett, Hugh W. . May 2-2, 1813 .... 1 . Pickett. Edward . January 1, 1814 . . II 11 Byan, Solomon . . ' ' ' ' 11 11 Koberts, Thomas . 1 , II Discharged. Rutherford, Griffith II II Kedding, John H. . 11 i 1 March 24, 1814. . Ruckner, Abner . ' ' ' ' Discharged. Ragsdale, Frederick .1 11 April 30, 1814 . . . . Reynolds, John . . ' ' ' ' II Rosh, James . . . May 22, 181M .... .1 11 Stevenson, .James H 1 . 11 11 Discharged. Sale, Peter ... January 1. 1814 . . . .1 11 Slice, Peter .... May 22, 1813 .... 11 11 Scott, Moses. . . . January 1, 1814 . . . 1 . .1 Skeltou, John . . . ' ' ' ' Smith, Lewis . . . ' ' ' ' 11 11 Spencer, Francis. . ' ' ' ' 11 .1 Smith, John . ' ' ' ' 11 11 Taylor, William. . ' ' " 11 Tomlinson, William II 1 1 Tennison, Asii. . . ' ' • • II .1 Venant, Charles . Webster, Henry. . . . ,1 1 1 1 . Webster, Isaac . . .1 Disiharged. Wade, Park. . . . 1 . . . March 21, 1S14 . . . Walden, Elijah . . 11 II Discharged. Wickens, Josiah. . ' ' April 30, 1814 . . . Williams, Jesse . . c ■ 11 Wells, John. . . . 1 < . c Yeasler, John. . . II 1 . II ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH C. BELTS COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY— COMMANDED BY COLONEL THOMAS DEYE OWINGS. Joseph C. Belt. . . John C. Kanns . . David G. Cowan. . Joseph Dawson . . John Ringo. . . . John Pluinmer . . Andrew Kenney . Lo^-d Shackle . . . John Ritchue . . . Thomas Waddey . George Chrystal. . Ilaiidley Donaldson Benjamin Henton . .Samuel I. Rawlings Robert Paris . . . Alex Brown .... Robert Hood . . Thomas Glascock . Applegate, Richard Armstrong, Henr_v Alex, Zacheus. . ". Asberry, Benjamin Arthur, James . . Askinson, Thomas. Barns, Joseph. . . Blue, William . . Beard, Philip . , . Brown, Andrew. . Beck, Jeremiah . . Bean, Peter. . . Belt, Dennes . . . Burris, Joseph . . . Captain . . . 2d Lieutenant Ensign . Sergeant Corporal Drummer Private . January 1, 1814 April 30, 1814 On command. On command. March 1, 1SI4 April 30, 1811 Discharged. Discharged. Discharged April 30, 1814. .Sliiiii in battle March 4, 1814. Di-scharged March 27. 1814, 360 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF IS 12. KOLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH C. BELT'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. BariiL'l, Gritt'en .... Clan, John Co^gsliHll, Jolm. . . ChaniUor, .lolm . . Chso, Samuel Chrystal, Williuni. . OHineron, Osliorn . . Cook, Aaron .... Dickey, .lames .... Uey, William Dean, Enoch Duniniitt, Kohurt Donivan, Jercniiah . . Donahoo, Joseph . . . Driiminond, James . . Flynn. Arthur .... Glasscock, J o.scph . . . Graham, John Grenartl, William . . . Gilkerson, William . . Gilkerson, John. . . . Helpenstine, John . . . Hepler, John II Holsclaw, William . . Howe, Thomas .... Henton, James ... Hcndrickson, Anthony Honeycut, Kichard . . Hatfield, Samuel . . Hendrickson, Seprates Henton, Vachel .... llitr, John Isbell, William .... Isbell, David Isbell, Henry . ... Jameson. David .... Jacobs, John Jackson, John. . . Jarvest, Reason ... Jordan, William . . . Kelly, Joseph Keith, Samuel. . . . Light, Anthony. Mangravc, John . . Moore, Robert .... Menack, Ale.xander . Morris, John . . McCarty, Ezokiel . . Miller, Henry Morrow, Kdward . . Miller, Frederick . . . McLea.se, John . . . McRoberts, Alexander. Murphy, Jesse .... McDaniel, Elias. Mears, vSamuel . . McGlocklin, William McManamy, George. . Norri.s, John . . . Plummer, Benjamin . . Plummer, Samuel . . . Proctor, John Proctor, William Ravvlings, Benjamin H Reed, James Robinson, Thomas. . Robinson, Tobias . . Rheims, John Sweet, William .... Schymehorn, Mathew . Sylvey, Robert . . . , Sweni, Alex .... Shepherd, John . . . . Staggs, Joseph . . . Shields, John .... Shopperd, David . . . Sutton, William P. Snedigor, Moses . . . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. June 28, 1814. . . . January 1, 1814 . . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. April .30, 1814 March 28, 1814 April 30, 1814 . March 4, 1814 . April 2, 1814 . April 30, 1814 . March 25, 1814 April 30, 1814 May 7, 1813. . .lanuarv 1. 1814 March 31. 1814 April 30. 1814 . March 28, 1814 April 30, 1814 . March i.'i, 1814 Remarks. Rc-cnli>U!d Mtirch 2.s. 1S14. Discharged March 27. 1M14. Discharged April 27. 1814. Discharged 27th Marcli, 1811. Discharged 30th April, 1814. Discharged 30th April, 1814. Discharged 30th April, 1814. .Vppears on Stall" roll. Discharged April 27, 1814. Discharged March 27, 1814. Dis<'hargcd April 30, 1814. Left sick at Bass Island Sept. 2--), 1813. Left sick at Ba.ss Island Sept. 2.5. 1813. Discharged April 3(i, 1814. Discharged .-Xpril 3(i, 1K14. Di.s<-hargcd April Md. ISU. Discharged March 31, 1,^1 1. Rc-cnlisted on 2sth Mar.'li, 1.^14. Died March 2.-), l.sl 1. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 361 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH C. BELT'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Nambs. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Sconce, James Sippell, James .... Taylor, George .... Thomas, William . . . Tarbett, David .... Uselton, William . . . Vallcnce, Samuel . . . Vautrees, Frederick . . Vallandingham, (Jeorge. White, Zephaniah . . . Winstead, Constam^ . . Wilson, John .... Watkins, Thomas . . . •Welch, Solomon. . . . Private July 31, 1814 January 1, 18U . . . April 30, 1814 .... March 28, 1814 . . . March 15, 1-814 . . . April 30, 1814 .... February 11, 1814 . . April 30, 18n .... March 4, 1814 .... April 30, 1814 .... Discharged March 27, 1814. Died March 15, 1S14. Died February 11, 1H14. Discharged April 30, 1814. Killed in battle 4th March, 1814. ROLL OF LIEUTENANT GRANVILLE N. LOVE'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY- COMMANDED BY COLONEL THOMAS DEYE OWINGS. (Jranville N. Love. Annis, John B. . Biggs, Douglas . . B urges. Baker. . . Cannon, Thomas . Clark, Thomas . . Craig, Samuel. . . Cowan, Thompson . Dale, Charles . . . Duncan, Anderson Greatham, Michael Hamlet, Lemich . Hardwick, Moses . Heaton, John . . . HarBeld, Mathias . Johnston, William. McDaniel, Spencer Noland, Silas . . . Pleak, Mathias . . Kussel, John . . . Smith, Samuel. . . Tarrant, James . . Tunget, Merideth . Varner, John . . . Vance, Samuel . . Wilson, William Lieutenant Private . . April 10, 1814 . . November 27, 1814 July 9, 1814.. . . July 30, 1814. . . September 21, 1814 September 10, 1814 September 9, 1814 September 26, 1814 September 19, 1814 September 20, 1814 September 14, 1814 July 20, 1814 . . July 15, 1814. . . November 0. 1814 August 29, 1814 . June 6, 1814 . . . October 21. 1814 . August 31, 1814 . November 8, 1814 September 19. 1814 November 2, 1814 October 10, 1814 . September 22, 1814 September 23, 1814 September 19, 1814 ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS L. BUTLER'S COMPANY, U. S. INPANTRY- BY COLONEL THOMAS DEYE OWINGS. -COMMANDED Thomas L Butler . . . As Ser. to oth Manh, 1814— pri Resin H. Gist Thomas E. Boswell . . Thomas Griffith .... Daniel Connor ... Overton W. Crocket . . Morgan H.Hear 11 Discharged. Devonport Venable . .. 11 Discharged. .James B. Dougherty. . Corporal .... Sbadrach Cheek .... 11 11 William Lemons . 1 < 11 ,1 Stephen Babbitt ... '. Di.scharged. Abraham Skaggs . . . ' ' 11 11 Discharged. Jacob Hardinbrook . . 1 1 11 11 Daniel Essin Fifer 1 1 II Nathaniel Reives . . . 11 11 William Cossen . . . . Drummer .... 11 46 862 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS L. BUTLER'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Names. Rank. Dale of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Remarks. Armstrong, Willitim . . Private January L 1814 . . . April 30, 1814 . . , ^darns, "William. . . . < 1 < 1 11 II Asher, Silas. . < 1 II II 11 Anderson, Geori^e . " " II Allen, John. . . . ( t 11 II II Allen, Elishu . . . . . 11 Ashing, William . July 27, 1813. . . . 1 1 11 Arnold, John H. . January 1, 1S14 . . . II II Burlvfield, John . . C . " 11 1 1 11 On command with Cai)taiii Gist Brown, Thomas . . ' ' 11 11 II Bowman, John . . ' ' • ' II II Discharged. Bonson, William . July 24, 1813. . . . 11 11 Bashaw, William . ".1 : i 11 11 Discharged. Bledsoe, Jacob . January 1, 1814 . . April 30, 1814 .... Bowman, John . . I . 11 April 16, 1814 .... Died. Bates, Semison . . II 11 Discharged. Childress, Archi-bald 11 1 1 April 30, 1814 .... Uasey, Chapman R. .1 11 II 11 Coughron, Thomas 1 ' 11 11 11 11 [18th March- -day re-enlisting. I'hinn, (Uiarles . . 1 ■ 11 11 March 18, 1814 As Sergeant to 18th February, and as private to Couts, Avon .... (1 4 ■ April 30, 1854 . . . . Discharged. Dean, William . . Dunkerson, John B. 11 i . 11 11 Evans, Allen. . 11 11 II 11 Edwards. James. . 11 1 1 11 Discharged. Frazer, Alexander. 11 11 II 11 Fetzer, Peter . . . 11 1 ( 11 < 1 Oreathouse, William 11 1. Discharged. Greathonse, Samuel 11 11 II II Discharged. Grishaui, Lemuel . 11 11 ' • " Discharged. Giles, William . . 11 1 1 (iardner, Elias . . II II (iraves, Beeman . . 11 II April 25. 1814 .... Re-enlisted April 28, 1814. Hall, Tharp. . . . 11 11 1 1 11 On command with Gen. Gass. Henderson, John . 1. .1 April 30, 1814 . . . . Hiser, Philip . . . 11 < 1 11 II Hall, William. . . II 11 Marcb 29, 1814. . . . April 30, 1814 .... Holt, Samuel . . . Hazulton, James. . 11 Discharged. Hevall, Theophilus 11 11 II II Discharged. Harrington, John . II 11 II 1 1 Discharged. Jones, Richard . . II 11 March 14, 1814 . . . Died March 14, 1814. Jennings, I.saac . . 11 1 . 11 1 1 Discharged. Johnson, Joseph. . 11 1 1 xVpril 30, 1814 .... Kurby, Turrant . . II II 11 .1 Waiter to Ensign Crockett. lierby, John. . . . < 1 .1 .1 11 Discharged. Discharged. Kelly, Stephen . . II 11 Lewis, Edward . . 11 II 11 11 Discharged. Lassiter, .lohn . . . 11 II II It Discharged. Discharged. Laws, Robert . . . 11 - 1 I Laccy, Jeremiah. . .Montgomery, Riehar 1 '. 11 II March i:i, 1814 . . . Morrow, Thomas . 1 . II April 30, 1814 .... Mu.'iio, John .... August It;. 1813 . . . i i 'i i Discharged. Morrow, David . . Morrow, John . . . 11 II 1 1 11 Waiter to Captain Gist. McCurry, William Januarv 1, 1814 . . . Alarch 2, 1814 . . . Died March 2, 1814. McCurry, Edward. 11 1 1 1 1 I . Discharged. -McLaughlin, Prestoi 11 11 March 11, 1814. . . . Died March 11, 1811. Miller, David . . . * * ' ' April 30, 1814 .... Mead. William . . Miller, John . . . 1 1 II II 11 Discharged. Newman, William. 1 1 Mclson, Thomas . . 11 .1 II .1 Parsons, Robert . . 11 11 March 21, 1814 . . . Powell, James . . . 1 1 1 1 April 30, 1814 .... Philips, George . . 11 11 March 20. 1814. ., . . -Piles, William . . II II April 30. 1814 .... Captured by the enemy— date of enlistment not Pinkerton, John . . II II II 1 1 [known. Quarles, Uubbard . .1 II 11 Quari.'S, Moses - 11 11 Rutherford, John II II Discharged. Rossen, Joseph . 11 11 Discharged. Rossoll, John . . . II 1 1 11 11 Discharged. Rose, Robert . . . 11 II II Rucker, Wisdom . 11 1. 1 1 Ruekcr, Thomas . . II 1 1 11 II Rucker, Edmund .1 II SOLUIEKS 01<' THE WAlt OF lISl'J. 363 ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS L. BUTLER'S COMPANY, U. S. INFANTRY— Continued. Namks. — „ , 1 Date of Appointment """"• or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rbmauks. Ili.ssell, John . . Private January I, 1814 . . . April 30, 1814 .... Smith, Richard \\\ . . . < i I ' ' " Smith, James . . < 1 . March 18, 1814 . . . Squires, Caleb . . . ' ' ' ' April m, 1814 .... Sutton, Henjiimin . Au£;ust 9, 1813 . . . . Soott, David . Janunrv 1, 1814 . . . Stanhope, Robert . Samlers, Peter . . . I)is hnrgcd. Scrivener, Pleasant. < . .1 Discharged. Starling, Harvey . . • ' ■ ' Smith, John . . . .1 ■ i II • ' Tiller, Robert . . . ' • Discharged. Thompson, Samuel . ' ' ' ' Venable, John . . Tickers, William . Walton, Isaac . . . ' ' ' ' Welch, Thomas . . / ' ' 1 . .1 Discharged. Wheeler, Littleberry • 11 Discharged. Williams, Charles . Discharged. Walker, Robert . . . June 17, 181.1 .... Well, William .... January 1. 1814 . . .. Discharged. Discharged. Younglove, Ezra . . . " - ' Roll of Field and Staff, Kentucky Mounted A^olunteer Detached Militia, War of 1 81 2— Commanded by Col. William Russell. John Bartholomew Walter Wilson . . R;TEE:1 DETACHED MILITIA-COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Thomas Kincheloe. David H. Moorman Isaac Dehaven . . John Daniel . . . Charles Wing. . . John McClarty . . John P'ields . . . Allen, Joseph . . . Askins, George . . Baird, Samuel. . . Crawford, Samuel . Compton, Elias E.. Cunningham, John Cleaver, William . Cleaver, Stephen . Cummins, Moses . Crow, Elijah . . . Clemmons, Jacob . Davidson, Samuel . Dcjernet, John . . Dobbin, John . . . Davis, Presley. . . Edwards, Thomas . Hardin, William. J: ^. Hockor, Nicholas . Holmes, Nicholas . j Captain . . . 1 Lieutenant . ] Ensign . . . 1st Sergeant . I 2d Sergeant . I 3d Sergeant . 4th Sergeant. Private . . . June 24, 1813 . July 2fi, 1813. S64 SOLDIERS OF TITE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS KINCIIELOE'S COMPANY, KENTLJCK\' MOUNTED VOLUN TEER DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Kinchelop, John. . - Rircholoe, Jesse. . . Moorman, Lewis . . Martin, James . . . . Miller, Barney, Jr. . Milkr. Matliias ... Moore, Henley W. . . MeCreary, Charles . Newton, William . . Smith, Benjamin . . Stone, John Smith, Richard . . . Tevis, Samuel. . . . Vance, Andrew . . . "Wehb, John ... . Williamson, Thomas. Kank. Date of Appointment or Knlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. June 24, 1813 July 'i:'), 1813. ROLL OF CAPTAIN BENJAMIN SHACKETT'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED VOLUN TEER DETACHED MILITIA— COMMANDED BY COLONEL WILLIAM RUSSELL. Benjamin iShaekett Edward Rawlins . .lo.sepli Mannin . . Charles Helm. . . Edmund Guthrie . Rol)ert Shaw . . . Henry Reed. . . . Samuel Stevens . . .losepli Kirkpntriok .loseph Wool folk . Charles Kelleni . . Churchill, John . . Copolia, John . . . Dougherty, Ji's.so . Fourman, William Findley, William . Gray, Thon.a.'!. . . '.'■ras?. Henry Goodwin. Joh , (iravson. Pet. r Jn.niviiis, Pliilip . . Luckett. W)Ui»m 1. Miller, John. Jr.. . Miller, John, Sr.. . McCownn, Morgan Miller, Christopher Miller, Philip . . Moornnin, Je.sse . MeCowan, William Pryor, Robert L. . Roberts, Henry . . Kenlarger, Ilenry . Rudy. .lohn .... Shackett, Blanchett Slaughter, Jesse. . Thomas, Ilenry . . Thomas, .Joseph. . Thornton, William Vertrcss, William. Watson, William . AVrttson, John. . . Wickliffc, Martin . Captain . . Lieutenant. Ensign . . Sergeant . Corporal June 24, 1813 Private .luly 2f>, 1813. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. 3G5 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN CALLOWAY'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MOUNTED MILITIA. John CiiUoway (roorge Roberts . . . IsHSc Forbes ... John Faunce . . . William Kearr . . . John Button . . . . Horatio Middloton. . Abbot, Thomas Admire. Jesse. . . Holftn,.Iohn Connell, James . . . Campbell, Jaoob. . . Campbell, Joseph Calloway, James . . Dorson, Daniel . . English. Thomas . . Farleigh, Joseph F. . Good, .Samuel . Galaspy. William . . Galaspy, James . . . Hugsloy, Alexander . ■Iaine«, Thomas . . Kerr, .James. . Lnmaster, Westly . Lamaster, Zaohariah Morris, John H.. . . Miller, Ephraim. . . May, Gabriel . . . . Owens, Nelson Right, Nelson. . . Ross, William. . . . .Sublet, William . . . Sage, ,Iohn . . . . Scott, Robert . . . . Soott, John Scott, George . . . . Tucker, Alexander. Thompson, William . Turner, James . . . Tucker, George . . , Thompson, John . . Tliompson, Thomas Vcnard, Stephen . Vest, (ieorge Williams, .Mark Captain . . Lieutenant Ensign . . Sergeant . . Private . . Date of Appointment or Enlistment. September 18, 1812 To what time Engaged or Enlisted. September 27, 1812 October 30, 1812 . . October 12,1812 October 80, 1812 ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOHN E. LONDON'S COMPANY. KENTUCKY DETACHMENT OP S^IE!: .Ii>hn I?. London. . . Juceoe V. Redden . Tlximas London . . .l.-hn Word . . l.'vv:ip| W. I'lrter '.'. 'inn Dixon . . . . A drew .Stamotcr •^ ■ drew Martin . . , .1 -loll, Barnett . . . Valhar.iel . l.-^aac . . jMt.<, Tunis . i- . t. Gabriel E. I'...r .■Ht, Alongon . !'■ ' • 'I. Janie? ■' '>rge . . . Arohihis . . .Ill, George . l'.i\ , Oeorgc. . . . mirymble, Joseph. r . ]. iii^r. (ieorge W. •'. John. . . "I', Jesse. . 1'. James . . ''••r.-i.-uu, George . liiy, George M.. . C'aptain Lieutenant Ensign . . Ist Sergeant 2d Sergeant l.st Corporal 2d Corporal 3d Corporal Private . . September 30, 181.^ October 30, 1813 366 HOLDIERS OF THE WAR OP 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN E. LONDON'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHMENT OF SPIES— Continued. Nam ks. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmabks. Olillinm, Daniel I).. Private September 30, 181;! . . October 30, 1813 Kediniin, John ' ' " Ronch, Lewis .... ' ' Settle, IJarnott P. . . . .Sans, James ' ' Thomas, John " White, Amos .... " ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROLAND BURK'S COMPANY, DETACHMENT OF SPIES. Rolnnd Bark Captain September 30, 1813 . . October .SO, 1813 . . . William Combs .... Lieutenant .... .1 GrandviUe Love. . . . Ensign ' ' ' ' Henry Francis .... Ist Sergeant . . . ' ' • ' Brodas, Jeremiah Private ' ' Clifton, Nohemiah . . . ' ' II .1 Doughertv, Samuel . . ' ' Floyd, Nathaniel . . . • ' llollcdrtv, Zac-hariah . ' ' ' ' Herndon, Elijah. . . . ' ■ .1 ' . Love, James ' ' Luckett, Elisha .... • ' Miller, William ... 1, MoAVhitc, Jesse .... Organ, Thomas ... ' ' Smith, Robert • ' 1 . .1 Thomas, William . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Thomas, James .... ' ' II II Tucker, John ' ' .1 1 . Welch, William . ' • 11 11 — -Wilson, David ... ■' " ROLL OF ENSIGN WILLIAM CLARK'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA. S'illiam*<*Urk .... Ensign . ruary 18, 1814. . . May 18, 1814 .... . *^.'e Mcl..aiighlin . . ScrgOJint II .1 vVillinm Mldb«m . . ' ' .1 1 . -. Benjamin Price . . 1 Corporal 1 1 i 1 1 . Architiald Henry . . . i 1 1 March 13, 1814. . . . Died. Boner, Charles ... I Private II May 18, 1814 . . . . Bat;hv Ouorgo W. . . 1 . •■ " ""--•Boiier .John ' ' ' * ' * Downnrd. Jacob. . . ' ' ' ' (ilonn. Turner H. . ' ' 1 1 1 1 Hart, Thomas ' ' < 1 11 lloss, John ' ' II 1 1 Hess, William • ' " ' ' Loekwood, Boniamin . • ' • ' Lancaster, William . . ' ' • • ' ' Muller, John . . ' ' Parimour, Nathaniel. . 1 . • .1 1 1 Penial, Joshua .... • ' II 1 . Riddell, Robert .... • ' 1 1 .1 Rush, Thornton .... ' ' 11 II Smith, Larkin ' ■ 1 1 . . Smith, Samuel .... • « II .1 Died. Turner, Charles .... ' ' II Turner, Gahriol .... ' ' II II Wells. Beniumin . . . ' ' II 11 Welhnun, Michael. . . ' ' 1 . 1 1 Walker, William . . . " .1 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 3^7 ROLL OF CAPTAIN LESLIE COMBS' COMPANY OF GREEN CLAY'S DETACHMENT OF SPIES, KENTUCKY MILITIA. ^AM!S8. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engaged or Enlisted. Rkmakks. Leslie Comhf Captain April IV, 1813 .... June 3,1813 Baxtoii, Jcoral . 1 < 1 < Thomas Armstrong . . 3d Corporal . 1 1 1 1 John (iarret . . . 4th Corporal . ■ 1 11 Armstrong, Williiim. . Private . . . :; :; Barn.s, Allen Bridges, Joseph .... ' • .1 II Urownfield, Charles . . • 1 11 11 Blasingham, James . • ' .1 11 Bramet, Harry .... 1 ' Calhoun, Daniel. . . . < > .1 11 Criivens, William . . ' ' 1 1 II (.'oslen, Thomas .... • < 1 < .1 cni-., p,,,.: .... " .1 t"»rk, Richard Casiiier, T>r..r.;.i *-■'" k, James . lJ!«Ms, Aoher ... 11 J-*'*^Ubrson, Hirum . . •'^''^■is, Isaa^ .... : 1 F"'^!, Henrv . . . 11 11 1 I Fut.„) , Thomu.< ■ ' 11 II 1 1 £"'■' Micniuh ... 11 • I 1 1 Fil ral, Winbuurno . . ' ' 11 11 l-ergn-son, John .... ' ' " " Ginnings, .lames . . . 11 11 Griffith, HiiiiM] ... 1 ■ < < )'oilin.-. John . . " " Harrison, i'linir^ ' ' 1 1 11 HoUin, Andrew .... • ' 1 1 Lad, Elijah . . ' ' It Mathia: Vv'iiliam ' ' ■ 1 1 Miehaei, .Tereii.iali . . . '. ' ' II 1 1 • .Matthews, lohn. . . . 11 II 1 Mahur_\, u-i .... ' ' 1 . 11 1 1 1 Neal, John 11 II t .1 Roscoe, Jesse 11 11 Keas Samuel . . ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' Randolph. .lames . . . ' ' Shaw. John • • ' ' Stephens, Ezekiel . . . ' ' 1 . Thomas. Matthew . . . ' ' 11 11 Walker, John ' ' 1 1 11 Woolf, Reddin . . ■ ' 11 11 AValker, Samuel. ■ . . ' ' 11 11 1 . 1 Wolf, James ' ' 11 .1 Vs illiams, Joseph . . . ' ' It 11 White, Thomas . . . ! 1. ^flS SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN PAYNE'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY LIGHT DRAGOONS. Na«iks. John Payne .Jumps W. Cobiini . . . John T. Parker .... .1 limes KIlis John R Chilwood . . . Bovcrly Stubberficld . . JoBcph Buckley . . . • James Artis William T. Talliaferro . William Pepper. . . Micajah Bland .... William P. Thomas . Junathav^ Stout .... Uavid flickman .... Sonnet Triplett .... Bradford, Thomas H. . Brvant, David Coierich, Charles . . . Coburn, Wilson .... Clearnoy, William. Cook, Littleton . . . . — Chafant, Francis . . . Carson. Samuel . . . . David-son, Joseph . . . Donavan, Gilliart . . . Elliot. Elijah Evans, Harry Fox, ('lairborne . . . . llord, Edward Itord, Thomas. ... Harrison, Thomas . . . Howell, Jonathan . . ■ Halbort, Nathan . . . . Lewis, William . . . . Mitchell, Richard . . . Morsford, James. . . . Murray, David ... Morris, Joseph . . . . N orris, John Newland, Joel Nelson, William. . . . Osborn, Morgan ... Perkins, Isaac. . . Pickett, James . . . . Parker, Jarvis Powers, Charles . . . . Parker, Garland. . . Stephens, Lewis ... f'., jmas, James . . . Thomas, Layton. . . Thompson, Andrew . Tucker, John .... Wilson, Augustus A. C Dale of Appointment or EnUstment. Captain 1st Lienteiuuit id Lioutciiant ;ld Lieutenant 1st Sergeant . '2d Sergeant . 3d Sergeant . 4tli Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . iid Corporal . 4tli Corporal , Furrier . . . Saddler . . . Blacksmith . Private . . . August 7, 1813 . To what time Engaged or Enlisted. November 20, 1813 September 10, 1813 August 7, lhl3 . . . October 24, 1813 . November 20, 1813 August 19, 1813 . November 20, 1813 " " I September 9. 1813 September 1, 1813 . . November 20, 1813 August 7, 1813 .... September 9, 1813 Absent — sick. Absent — sick. Absent — sick. Absent — sick. September 7, 1813 . November 20, 1813 October 4, 1813 . Died. November 20, 1813 Received as substitute for S. Lewis. Received as substitute for A. N. C. Wilson Died. Fromotci :: Li'-utenant Artillery August 20t''- James Moftbrd received as substitute ROLL OF LIEUTENANT JOHN BOSWELL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA. John Bo well ... John C'ark Robert Church . Henry Ruby .... Alexander Hamilton. John Reed Samael Pary • . James Smith ... Alien. Asa B.11, Joseph Cookerdoffer, Adam . Chambers, John. . . Campbell, J )hn . . . Derr, Sebastian . . . ICwert. Joseph. . . . I it/.water. Ge.rge . . ;rpcn, >Melding . 1 ..snal, Jc^eph . . Lieutenant Sergeant. . Corporal . February 12, 1814 May 12, 1814 Promoted March 3, 1K14. Promoted March 3, 1814 — sick. Promoted March 13, 1814. Promoted April .5. Reduced April 1. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812. 369 ROLL OF LIEUTENANT JOHN BOSWELL'S COMPANY, KENTUCKY DETACHED MILITIA— Continued. Namks. Rank. Date of Appointment or Enlistment. To what time Engiigwd or Enlisted. Remarks. Hitt, Daniel Private Februarv 12. 1814. . . May 12, 1814 .... Hitt, Ira Hasting, James . . Horn beck, William Hutcherson, Willisn Indicut, William . Mason, William. . Nelaon, Graham. . Newman, William. Osten. Obediah . . Parren, Henry . . Robinson, Spencer. Ralston, Thoma.s. . Smith, Curtis . . . Slade, Ezekiel . . . Absent without leave. Simson, Mason . . Shrader, Samuel. . Died March 2S. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM DAVIS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA. William Davis . . Samuel Sayres . . John Cave .... James Newton . . Samuel Rankins . . Simeon Christ)' . . Jesse Wyatt . . . William Forest . . Henry Isgrigg . . Robert Pendy . . . John Vice .... Julibs Rucker. . . Charles Warren . . How ill Dixon. . . Robert Monell . . Adair, Joseph. . . Ander.-ion, Abrahiim Anderson, Elijah . Barnett, John . . . Barki,hear, Joel . . Be" James .... Baker, John . . . Bnyer, Michael . . Burtvhani, Isaac . . Baylos, Richard . . Bre- William . . Boylo, William . . Carlisle, William . Coleman. Wiatt . . Cookendofer, Adam Cartrighl, John . . Cutright, Co.-nelius Courtney, BaiWi. . Courtney, Henderson Davis, Archibald Davis, Ingerham Drumond, John . Eals, Charles . . Evans, Foster . . Foster, William . Gardner, Edward Gallaher, Patrick Gronnor, Richard Humble, John. . Haynos, Jonathan Henderson, John Herad, John . . Hamilton, Maurice Haydon, Nathiniel 47 Captain . . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant 3d Lieutenant Ensign . . . Sergeant . . Corporal . Private WuiLir Privalr May 14, 1814 June 1. 1 May 14, 814 . 1814 July 9, 1814 June 4, 1R14 July 9, 1814 . Reduced to private June 6. Di.sfhargcd. June I.'?, 1814. July '.», 1814 . ;j7D soldif:rs of the war of 1812. ROLL OF CAPTAm WILLIAM DAVIS' COMPANY, KENTUCKY MILITIA-Contiaued. Names. Harris, William . . Have, George . . . Jenkins, Matthew . Johnson, Cornelius Jorrcl, Whitfield . Jones, George. . . Jones, Daniel . . . Key, Zacbeus , . . Krout, Michael . . Kelly, Robert . . . Kenning, David. . Kirk, Elijah . . . Lemon, John . . . Ijyon, Gordon . . . Loveless, John . . Lipscomb, Richard. I>ooper, Andrew . . McPiko, Haley . . McBird, John. . . Mathana, John . . Marshall, Joseph . McLane, Joseph . Musselman, Jacob . McKenzy. John. . Nelson, "'Villiam. . N'twman, Simeon . . Xewell, John . . . Uewell, George . . Pttttou, f harles . . Palmer, Thomas. . Prosper, Henry . . Preston, William . Keese, Watson . . Kowan, Francis . . I'.iddle, William. . '• •'■kor P"»-hal . . Kouao, Moses . . . liyle, John .... I teed, (ieorgo . . . I teed, Absalom . . >;iiilh, .■Viex