/ ^Od ^1 "^0 ^1 ^ ^..a\ Entered according to Act of Congress, m flir year 1878, by Mmr. Curmiv ft Co.. in the Office of iVie l.ilirarian of Congress, at Wastrrngton, D. C. FOURTH EDITION. Entered according to Act of Con;j:rcs8, in the year 1676, by in the Ollicc of the Libra- riunof C'on;:ress.at Wash iugton, I). V. "^^S^^ MODERN HONITON AND POINT LACE, OLD POINT LACE, LIMOGES, AND POINT APPLIQUE LACE, CUIPURE NETTING, & DARNED NET WORK. WITH PLAIN DIRECTIONS ) t bY HOW TO WASH LACE,nMine.OXJR]VEY&^CO., LACE MANUFACTURERS, M IfflDO'lfersof all' MATERIALS FOR LACE MAKINCt, Lace of all kinds during tlie last few years has been the fashionable and favorite description of Trininiin" for most articles of Ladies' Dresses ; and there is everj' indication from the centres of fashion that it will become more and more popular during the present season, and for years to come. Mructioi Book. TeacMiig in llie Easiest Manner PossiMe how to make lace. In Four Books, 25 Cents each, witli Samples of Braids and Price List. Or THE WHOD^ ICOUK BOOKS IN ONE PART, 5 O CENTS. r, J c o :v T I'Z ?*j 'i- j-s . JtOOK yVMUKIt ffSli—Mith Illusttatious, Honiton rohit and Mediwvnl. How to luiike the StitrheN for llouiton anil Point Lace, \\o\i to make the Stitcher for MciIi^PTal Lnce. Hon to make thcStitchcK for Point La c. Direct ions for Traiiiifr. Tracing, shonins: mode of Tucking on Braid and Work in Progress. Coninion Itutton Hole Slilch. Point de Urii\elles. CotM Button Hiple Stitch. I'oint d'AnTfrs. Point dc Unlines. PattcrnN of IWitton Hole Stitches. Point i]e Sorrento. Looped Button Hole Stitch, Point Turc. Button Hole Stitch Itarknarif, Point dc Venice Loot. e and Tivistod Bars, Point d*AIenron. Fehtoon Joining, I'oint d'K.sprit. Biilton lloli- Stitch Bars. Picnts for the Bars. Bar lEosette. T>Tisted Lace, Stitch, norked as a Button Hole Stitch, Point d'Kv|iagnc. Point d'K!<|)agn( . Uosette Tattern, Point d'Angleterre, Knglish Stitch. noon NVi\IBER TWO—}y,th IlhifitratiOHSf Old J*oint. Hints on Lace Making. Spinning or Wheels. Sini)de L:ico Border. Pyranid Pattern. Irish Stitch. Leaf Ornamentation. Double Leaf, nith Veitu Trefoils, uith .'-everal Patterns. Lace Stitches for Ornamenting and Filling up various kinds of Work Bosettcs, Sqiuares, Ovals, Ac. Ac. PiiMislid by Hip Propriclois, MME. &UENEY & CO., 711 Broadway, New York, Hi 172 Atlantic St,, Brooklyn. To prevent any inietake in the tranemissioii of Goods, Mme. Gurnet & Co. respectfullv request that in sending orders the NAME of the parly, CITY, COUNTY and STATE be legibly written. P. O. BOX, 3521 ^^"-tMJ N exper.cnce of Fifteen Years prior to tlic one just passed, has been amply ->^^' sufficient to demonstrate to an always discriminating public — and especially to its lady members -the reliability, regularity, uniformity, and general superiority of our Lace Material, manufactured especially for us; as also our Linen Patterns for working the same, and as Lace of all kinds during the last few years has been the fashionable and favorite description of Trimming for most articles of Ladies' Dresses, and as there is every indication from the centres of fashion that it will become more and more popular during the present season, and for years to come, we shall keep con- stantly on -hand a large assortment of Braids of pure linen and of the finest sheer. Also, Braids in Black Silk, etc., as heretofore, for the accommodation of our lady patrons. The facilities for manufacturino- the Patterns herein illustrated, have been immensely increased, so that not only the shape of the pattern to be worked on is shewn, but in most cases all the stitches are also shewn, so that the fair worker has merely to lay on the braids and follow the design, and a beautiful Bib, Barb, Collar, Cuff, or Necklace, etc., etc., is the result of her handiwork. We take much pride in announcing our- selves in our connection with " The Young Ladies fournal," (the best of all fashion magazines), the founders of Lace Making in this country, and although a very large quantity of material is imported into the same, the art of lace making is yet in its infancy, and it is our great aim to make it thoroughly known in every part of the United States and in order to bring it within the reach of all, we have set our prices down at the very lowest, for nett cash, which it is hoped will give entire satisfaction to our numerous friends and patrons. The patterns shown in this Book are a few selected from a greater variety on hand, but to publish which would fill a large volume as each day new designs crop up ; but in the selection herein published we have given the most stylish and easiest to be worked of our immense repertoire. NEwYork, Feb'y, 1878. MME. GURNEY & CO. 1^" P. S. — The price of the Patterns having been considerably reduced in this Book of Patterns, it is only applicable where the material is sold with the same. Patterns ordered without the material, will be charged as marked in Price List. •z MMMk Iff^HSi^BHr-ift^?!^^ Jl'4^ XLARS AND Pattern, 35o. Materials, $1.75. Pattern, 30c. Oaff to match Pattern, '.30c Material. $1.1'>. Mat'ls for pair. $1.">". Pattern of Collar and Lace, 25c. Materials, $1.05. "m^. Pattern, 35c. Materials, $1.00. P'-tttem, 50c. ouff Pattern, 30c. Materials, $2.25. Mat'ls tor pair $2.00. Pattern, 35c Materials, $1.90. Cuff Pattern, 30c. Mat'ls for pair, $1.05 Pattern, 30c. Cu£E Pattern, 30c. Materials, $1.05. Mat'ls for pair, $1.50. Materials, 72c. ^ Pattern, 25c. Cuffs to match Pattern, 20c. Mat'ls $1.50. NOTE.— Patterns with work coxmnenced will be charged 2 5,50 and 75e. estra for. Positively No Patterns Eschanged after leaving onr establishment. 711 Broadway, New York and 172 Atlantic Avenne, Brooklyn. iiv ©mil ^ %%^ ^ICMU3 In great variety of otylos. Fichu, 75c Materials, S3.00. Pattern, 25c. Mat'Is, 75c Pattern, luc. Materials, 60c NECKLACE. Pattern, 15c. Materials, 5Uc. tARCE TIDY with Satin «trlp. Pattern, 50c. Materials, S.'f.^O, Pattern, 20c. Materials, C5o TOILET SET, 4 Pieces Patterns the entire set, 75c. Materials for the whole. $3 25 NECKLACE, w^ Pattern, 15c. Materials, 60c. 711 Broadtray. Jtexr York, and 172 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn. Pattern, 25c. Materials, $1.00. St. nil ^ mmi WATCh POCET. tern, l;)c. Materiala, 45c. Mats, various sizes, 12c. Materials, 50c. Pattern, 10c. Materials, 50c. PRINCESS DRESS TOR CHIL0 3 YEARS OLD. Section PARASOL COVER Pric^n'attem of whole Dress, $1.50. Bffil ^^^M^m Bh^I^^h ^^^^H ^I^^H m^^f^^H ^pfl^H ^^^M tenals, SB.oU. ^B Pattern, Soc. Materiala, 75c. Ladies' Sleeveless Jacket, several sizes POINT APPLIQUE. Pattern. 12c. Materials for one yard, $1.17. BARB, With Maltese Crois. Pattern, 4Uc. Materials S;i. 10. 711 Broadway,, New York, and 1T2 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn. BARB. Pattern, 20. Materials, $1.5u Pattern, 30c j^Iatehals. $l.Gb BARB. ©ttGSC^^ywjaKK'vJWoMRttC^JttKK li yards long, i yard wide. Pattern, 20c. Materials, $3.10 SCaRK. Pattern, 4Cc. Materials, $3.25. LADV WASHINGTON. Pattern, 75o. Materials, $2.90. HANDKERCHIEFS. P.itt€rn, 35c Materials, $3.00. Pattern, 30c. Materials, f 1.40. Pattern, 30o. Materials, $1.75. Pattern, 25c. Materials, $1.0(1. Pattern. S.'ic. Materials, $1.50. TIDY, 11 inches x 18 inches. Pattern, o5c. Materials, $3 35o. 711 Broadway, New York and 172 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn. ?s. LADIES- BIB. <#^c^ p ^o y'<^'-- ^H fl- --r o ^© %; >o /^ 'Vv Pattern, 35c Materials, $1.2.?. ^^^^'•v^(iy? Pattern, 15o. Materials, 90c. 8Atl.OR BIB. Pattern, 3.')c. Materials, $1.00. Pattern. )2Cc. Materials, (il,c. Pattern, 15c. Materials, $1.05. SAILOR COLLAR. Pattern ,20c. Materials, $1.44 Pattern, 25c. Materials, 95c. CHILD S BIB Pattern, 15c. Materials, $1.05. Pattern. 1.5c. Materials. 95c. BAILOR COLLAR. Pattern, l.^^,. Materi.ils, 75c. Pattern, 25o, Materials, 75a 711 Broadivay, TSew York and 172 Atlantic Avenue, Srooklyn. QlSllll 4 «t^ FRONT OF CHILD'S DRESS. CUSHION COVER. Pattern, $1.00. Materials. $2.50. LACL TO TRIM SAME. Pattern, 15c. Material for one yard, $1.00. INSEKTIOm FOR S^ttrE. Pattern. Ulc. Materials for one yard, 65c HEAD-DRESS. Pattern. ^' Materials, |1.80. rattcni, 1.5c. Materials, (iOc. LADIES' SACQUE, Various Sizes. Pattern, $.').0(V (complete) Materials, $13.50. HEAD-DRESS. Pattern, 30c. Materials, 70c. PatLf rn, 40c. Materials, $1.75. CUSHION COVERior Wat. Pattern, 15c. Materials, 60c. MAT. Pattern, 15c. Materials, 35c. HEAD-DRESS. Pattern. 40c. Materials, $1.50. 711 Broadway, New York, and 173 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn. 8 mm^ TIDIES, TIE ENDS, Etc. night dress satchet. CUSHION OVER. Pattern, 35o. Materials, $1.35. Pattern. 15c. Materials for a Pair, 50c. i Hdkf. Point Applique, 12c. Materials for whole Hf., |2.00. HONITON SPRAY, Various. Pattern, 15c. Materials, -75c. SATCHET. Pattern, 35c. Matenals^bP! JABOT. Pattern. 12c. Materials, 35o. ^&&&099S>'S Pattern, 50c. Materials, $3. 12. Materials for a pair, 50c. Pattern i Hdkf. 10c. Materials for whole Hf. $1.18. vlABoT. Pattern. lOe. Materials, 20c. Pattern, lOc. Materials, 50c. Pattern, 10c. Materials, 75c. Pattern, 10c, Materials, 35o. 711 Broadway, New York, and 172 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn. Pattern. 15c. Materials for a pair, 50c. ^mri^ TIE ENDS, Etc. Pattern, 12c. Materials for a pair, 50o. Pattern, 10c. Materials for a pair. 40c. Pattam, 10c. Materials for a pair, 45c. TIDY, Trimmed with Lac Pattern, Srio. Material, $2.35. Pattern 15c. Materials for a pair, SI. 00. BUTTERFLIES In various sizes. Patiem. 5c. Materials, 30c. PINE. Pattern, 10c. Mat'la for a pair. 60c. Pattern. 10c Mat'ls for a> pair, 35c. Pattern, 10c. Materials, 16c. .lattem. 15o. Mat'ls for a pair, 60c. Pattern. 10c. Materials, 60c. POINT APPLIQUE SPRAY. Pattern. 10c. Materials. 25c. Pattern 12c. Mat'ls for one yard, 75c. Pattern, Klc. Materials. 35c. i ndkf. 1.5c. Mat Is for whole, $3.00. Applique Pattern, loc. Mat'ls foi a pair, 80c. Pattern, 15c. Materials for one vard, 75c. Pattern 10c. Materials for one yard, inches wide, SI. 40. Pattern. 20c. Materials, $1.35. 711 Broadway, New York and 172 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn. 10 Pattern, lUc. Materials for one yarj, 50c. LACE Pattera^Oc. m^^^^^^i Materials for 1 yard, 40c. Pattern 10c. LACE FOR SLEEVES. tern, 12c. Materials for one yard, $1.20. LACE. Xern. i«c. Materials for a pair. $1.20. MEDIEVAL LACE. Material for one yard. 35c. BARB. li yafoB idB Pattern. .50c. Materials, $3.50. im^ iv l^ilMitr LACE. 4 inches wide. Pattern, 15c. Materials for one yard, $1.2.5. Materials for one yard, $1..30. Pattern, 2()c. Materials, 75. 5 inches. Pattern, 20c. Malerials. $1.70. 4 ilirll Pattern. 15c. Materials for onr yard, .1;1.,50. I'attern, 15c, Materials for ime yard 4."ic. Materials for oneyard, 45c. INSERTING. Pattern, lUc. 3 inches wide. Materials for one yard, 40c. LACE. Pattern, 10c. Materials for one yard, 30c. Pattern, I5c. Materials for one yard, $1.00. Pattern. 15c. Material*, 79c. MEDIAEVAL INSERTINO. Pattern. 15c. 3 inches iride. Materials for one yard, 80o. MEai^VAL.LACE. Pattern, 15c. Materials for one yard, $1.76. HONITON AND POINT FLOUMOK. Pattern .^Tic, fi fiches wide. Materials for one yard, $3 13. 711 Broadway, New York, and 172 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklj^n. MFirp^ ©113 APRON. Pattom.loc ilaterials, 86c. TOOLET SET Pattern, 75c. MaterialB. '^l.ib. Pattern, 25c, Materials, $1.30. 11 Pattern 12c Materials, 82c TIE END POINT APPLIQUE HAND- KERCHIEF. BARG Pattern, 4()c. Maturials, .'51.40. Pattern, 12a BARB Pattern, 4t)c. Materials, $1.65. Materials, 65o, BARB. Pattern 4(lc. Materials. §1.65. FAN COVER. Pattern, 25c. Materials. $1.25. Materials, $1.80. 711 Broadway, New York, and 172 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn. Entered according to Act of Con- gress, in the year 1876, by ^ in the Office of the Librarian of ry Congress, at Washington, D. C- '<,?S7.9 ^'-'"111.. (CONTAINING FULL INSTRUCTIONS FOK laf W#®KIM©^ SWSIHWOHl] WSl^lBIJ^G^ df(^W5^I^ WO^K. INFORMATION RESPECTING MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN THE WORK. — ♦ ^ ♦— ]^£i@@ ^S ©@^t@, PUBLISHED BY ]VE.A.ID.A.Is^E G-XmiisrE^sr fSc CO., •7X1. :^ i^ o -A. 13 -w -a. ■jr , 17a -a. 1° Ij .a. KT ■!• I O >^-V-S3. NEW rORK. eFlQ@KLYIVf. CS=r-> No. 1.— CordlDf Stitch. Ko. 2.— CordlnBr Stitch. "Can you recommend a good book on CreWEL Work?" has been a frequent question during several months past from our numerous correspondents. We therefore publish a little work entitled " HOW TO WORK CREWEL," which our readers will find gives all the necessary information. Crewel Work is not at all difficult, and we cannot wonder at the favor it has already found in the eyes of all ladies possessing artistic taste, because from the pliant character of the stitches, almost everything that can be painted can be imitated — flowers, fruit, birds, animals, and even landscapes — while the articles of dress, and furniture which may be ornamented by its means arc very numerous. Added to these recommendations there are others, some of which are that it may be worked at a ver>' small cost; that it washes exceedingly well that is, if care be taken to procure Crewel of a good quality ; and as the washing materials which arc used for the foundations are of a very durable make, we may say that a thing once done is done for a lifetime. PESIQMS FOR CUEWBh WORE* CAX BE SUPPLIED ALUEAUY STAMI'KD ON THR MVTEIJIAI, FOR WORKING AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES, VIZ : COSEY'S ... $ 75 each). LAMBI^EQUtNS - $1 00 each. 5 inch BORDER - 75 each. BANNERS - . - 1 00 ■ SLIPPEI\S - . 1 00 ' D'OILY'S - - - - 35 ■ ANTI MACASSAF^S - 125 ' Desigr\s witl\ work cornmer(ced_ $1.00 extra. We supply the best English Imported Crewels in every variety of shade, warranted to stand color, and not wash out as tho cheaper kinds do, in packets, for .$1.00, $2. CO and $3 00 each. A variety of shades. Also from 20c. per skein. Very elaborate pieces of Crewel Work are better done in a frame ; but for all ordinary purposes, such as chair-backs, d'oilys, small table-covers, ic. it is best to work in the hand. 6 •■ •■ . - $1 00 •• and a variety of our Patterns at equally low prices. J;^- Designs made to Order. Wwie^., li®« Entered Accord iiii; to Act of <'ongre<4 §1 *» J S^^. 'BiM^lMl^ eUioiisofalltliefamrf Stt^ By MADAME GURNEY. PUBLISHED BY THE PROPRIETORS, M:^r>A.M:E aTJi^]>TEY & co., 711 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, and 172 ATLANTIC ST., BROOKLYN, To prevont any mistake in the transmission of Goods, Mme. Gurnet & Co. respectfully requo.^t tliat in sending orders tlie NA.MK of tile party, CITY, COUNTY, and STATE, be legibly written. 711 BROADWAY, N. Y., and f 72 ATLANTIC ST., BROOKLYN, To prevent any mistake in the transmission of Goodi. Mme. Gurnet & Co. respectfully request that in sending orders the NAME of the party. CITY, COUNTY and STATE be legibly written. I*. <>. TSox, -AriHT, IV. V. Kntcre.i according to Act of t'on- gre^s. iti the yvur lb-77, by lu the Office of th. 'i Kf^^'KH, at Wiisli- iu^tui), n. c. OK HANDBOOK OF ^KoONAH KaINTINgI ^ (or-5^ SATIN. SILK, CARD. PAPER. WOOD. VELVET. ETC. CONTArNINn DIRECTIONS FOR CUTTINO AND VARNISHING FOKMULAf". ^%%% liif iff giii m%m%%%. Also ^iJJ JnatrwcHoTi.'i to ej^-able J^tidieBf u)hether they hrr-e t: knoirledgtf of I>raUfing or not* to BY MADAME GURNEY. WwiQ>&t 2.B ©©at@. PUBLISHED BY l^.^lDJ^ls/L-F] C3-XJI^lSrE"5r Sc CO., ^11 :^I^O Jh. 13 -W JS.tr, and 172 -A. TIj -A. IV T I C S T. , NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. The Best and Cheapest Fashion Magazine in the United States. Published on the 15th of Every Month. S"U"SS0E.II=TI01sr $4.50 I'lEH. A-isriJrTTiivr, :e'ost :pi2,ee_ Including the extr.i Christmas Double Number and all the Fashion Plates and Supplements. SAMPLE COPY, 35 CENTS. Subscriptions to be sent to Mme. Gurney & Oo., and all letters requiring an answer, a Stamp for the same must be enclosed, K. B.— CANADIAN POSTAGE STAMPS NOT TAKEN AS CASH. In Every Variety of style and Design, and Materials of the finest quality at lowest rates. MONEY ORDERS To he made payable at General Post Offer. Xrii' York. anfiitS:|,tftifM ill»s '^, For Surplices and Pulpit Decorations, iu Great Variety. D£SIG3fS MADE TO ORDER. ■I^ost Office G^OA- 35^7. OOnSTTEJlSTTS-Ooia tixnaed- Button Hole Stitch Bars. Sjnnuing Stitch or Wheels. Open Wreath Rosette. Pyramid Kosettes Ovals in Point d'Alencon. Wheels with Thread bars. Trefoil Rosette. Cross Rosette. Rosette Squaie. Rosette with Square, fastened with ISiitton Hole Stitch. Vari:ius de.signs for filling in Squares. Square with Rings ia Point D'Espril, and Patterns of Cross Stitches. Square with P^Tainid Scollops, and Inter- woven Wheels. Square with Pyramid Scollops, with Point D'Esprit Rings and Patterns of Cross Stitches. Square with Pyramid Scollojis, and Puint D'Esprit Rings. Square with Rings in Point D'Esprit and Open Scollops (interrupted Scollops). Old Point. Directions for Working. Insertion, Imitation Blond. Embroidered or Darned Net. BOOK NUMBER THREE, With Illustrations, Limoges Lace. Instructions for W^orking Limoges Point Lice. The Stitches used in Limoges Point. Edging Venetian Point. Corner of Collar Point Lacet. Venetian Point. Directions for making Trimming : Venetian Point. Insertion Venetian Point. Point Lacet. Cravat End Point Lacet. Corner of Co'lar Point Lacet. Chantilly Lace (Imitation). Imitation Honiton Lace. " " and Point. Lace Imitation Valenciennes. Applique Embroidery BOOK NUMBER FOUR. Illustrated, Guipure Netting. Directions. Ends for Cravats, Caps, L ippets, &o. Netting. Stirrup. Cotton for Netting. Knot for Joining. Square Netting and Oblong Netting. Slanting Netting. Wire Frame for Ctuipure Netting. Angular Edge for Handkerchiefs, Borders, ic. Point De Reprise, (Darning Stitch.) Point De Toile, (Trellis Work Stitch.) Point d'Esprit, Festoon Stitch. Combination of Festoon and Trellis Stitch. Point D'Esprit, and Wheels. Combination of Trellis Stitch and Wheels. Netted Lace. Point Crosse (Cross Stitch). Spinning Stitch and Wheels. I'icots. I'yramid Stitch. Oblong Pattern and Mushroom Stitch. Fan Stitch. Scollops. Thick Button Hole Scollops. Tufted Button Hole Stitch. The Letter S Stitch. Thick Square. Guipure Netting Lace. Guipure Netting Insertion. Squares in Guipure. Quarter of Square. Star of Radii. Pattern in Point de Toile, &c. Double Cross. Gtjipnre in Relief. General remarks on Guipure Embroidery. Directions as to washing Lace. Mime. ^^'rmsfBir «& oo. Offioe8-7Il BEOADWAT, NEW YORK, 186 ATLANTIC STREET, BROOKLYN, And P. O. Box 35'27, Nbw Voki, where all Money OrderB should be made payable. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 147 134 R • ( M. 711 BROADWAl, .JYEW YORK, Young Ladies Journal Offices \ ,^„^^ j^^^j ^^tljjvtic st., bbooklym. New York P. 0, Box 3527. AND IMPORTERS OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS PIRLINGS, LIMOGES BRAIDS, & MBDIMAI. BRAIDS, IN WiriTE AND ECRV. ]VI .A. T E3 1^ I ^^ 3Li S inoi^ OLD POINT LACE, POINT APPLIQUE, GUIPUEE NETTING, & LINEN LACET, AND ELOSSETTE THREADS. BLACK SILK HONITON POINT AND PURLS, OF THE PUREST MAKE. BERLIN WOOL, ZEPHYR, do. Kultilmijg M®®€l««g) (©i^o'efces* M'OoIes^ <^» OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS, ON BLUE AND PINK LINEN, OF OOX^3Li-A.H.S, OXJrT»S, ia:A.Kri>IS.E:3E1.0^XESIfS .BOIi-DA'KS FKOM OA'-Ji' TO SBYBJV JAXJ/£;S ^BBT. SAILOR COLLARS, rj.^^ivi:BnE]Q"CJinsrs '^cd'ek. :bfl^^ok::h:t's, cfcc. Tracing Linen and Transfer Paper, by which the old mode of Stamping is entirely superseded. ALSO, The New and -Beautiful Material for All Materials Warranted of the Finest Fabrics. SCHOOLS AND TEACHEKS LIBEllALLY DEALT WITH. / )s^od 11 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS "''"'""l'nililMiJi,:||||||||Hij| 014 147 134 A \