Class L A 1 sentatives of the United Ci tales of America, in Congress assembled, that there shall be established at the city of Washington, a Department of Education for the purpose of collecting such statistics and facts as shall show the condition and progress of education in the several States and Territories, and of diffusing such information respecting the organization and manage- ment of school systems and methods of teaching as shall aid the people of the United States in the estab- lishment and maintenance of efficient school systems and otherwise promote the cause of education through- out the country. That tireless struggler for public schools, Henry Barnard, was appointed the first Com- missioner of Education, and at the endof oneyear in office, on March 15, 1 868, he submitted his first report. That report contains priceless mate- rial concerning the history of education in our country, not the least of which is the speech made by James A. Garfield of Ohio in support of the bill to establish a national bureau of edu- cation which a select committee, of which he was chairman, had reported to the House on 24 the memorial of the National Association of Education School Superintendents. at the End There were 76 states in the United States at /. .f„^ ^ ^ Ctvil frar that time. Even the Congressional Library con- tained no educational reports whatever from 1 9 of them. The other 1 7 had raised by taxation $34,000,000 annually for the support and maintenance of public schools during the five years of war. The Census of 1 860 showed that there were in the United States 1 15,224 com- mon schools, 150,241 teachers, and 5,477,037 scholars. According to the same census there were 1,218,311 free white inhabitants of the United States over twenty-one years of age who could not read or write, and 871,418 of these were American-born citizens. Their number had been growing alarmingly. Mr. Mann added 30 per cent to these figures for " undoubted un- derestimates," and some persons went so far as to declare that one fourth of the population were illiterate. A third of a million immigrants were arriving every year, a large proportion of whom were uneducated, and 4,000,000 slaves had just been admitted to citizenship by the 25 Fifty eventsof the war. "Such,Sir," said Mr. Garfield, Years of « ^g ^^ immense force which we must now ^ , . confront by the genius of our institutions and the light of our civilization. How shall it be done? An American citizen can give but one answer. We must pour upon them the light of our public schools. We must make them intel- ligent, industrious, patriotic citizens,or they will drag us and our children down to their level." The work to be done in the new era which began at the close of the Civil War was gigan- tic, but the American spirit had been re-created and balked at nothing. What were the agencies already in existence which it could employ in the resolute fight for internal development to which it now gave itself? Public education was now definitely regarded as a national interest. It is not only the birthright of the child but the state's indispensable means of self-preservation and improvement. Twenty-six states had by the beginning of the year 1867 created state school systems and state superintendents of pub- lic instruction to direct them. By that date there were 4 state normal schools in Massachusetts, 26 2 in New York, i in Michigan, i in New Jer- Education sey, I in Illinois, 4 in Pennsylvania, 5 in Wis- ^t the End consin, i in Minnesota, i in California, i in /. .,„^ CivilWar Indiana, i in South Carolina, 3 in Vermont, i in Kansas, 2 in Maine, i in Maryland, and i in Delaware. City normal schools had been opened at New Haven, St. Louis, San Francisco, and in 3 towns in Indiana and 3 in Iowa. Upon the refusal of the legislature of Ohio to establish such a school the State Teachers' Association in 1855 started one. The report of the Com- , missioner of Education for the year 1870, a « precious volume because it contains the first available body of statistics concerning the schools of the United States, reports that in this year no less than 369 colleges were in existence. In 1862, in the midst of the Civil War, Congress had passed a bill granting to each state 30,000 acres of land for each senator and representative in Congress. The income from the sale of this land was, according to the directions of the bill, to constitute a perpetual fund, and the interest on that fund was to be used for "the endow- ment, support, and maintenance of at least one 27 Fifty college" in which "the leading object should Tears of ^^^ without excluding other scientific and clas- ^ , sical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the Legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes, in their several pursuits and professions in life." Nineteen states had established colleges before the end of 1 8 6 1 , the University of Penn- sylvania having been created in 1755, the Uni- versity of Vermont in 1791, the University of Virginia in 1825, the University of Indiana in 1828, the University of Michigan in 1837, and the University of Wisconsin in 1848. If we turn now to the report of the Com- missioner of Education for the year 1870, in order to learn where the educational battle was pitched, we shall find some interesting facts concerning the condition of education in the several states at that time. The first free public school was established in California in 1849. ^^ 1869 there were 28 73,754 children enrolled in 1268 schools. In Education the 1 9 16 Report of the Commissioner of Ed- (itthet,nd ucation the whole number of pupils in school /^. .,„^ ^ ^ Civil War in that state is reported as 513,002. Though the laws of the state of Connecticut laid an obligation upon every parent and guard- ian of children " not to suffer so much barbarism in any of their families as to have a single child or apprentice unable to read " and also " to bring them up to some lawful calling or em- ployment," the rate bill existed in that state until the year 1868, when a law was passed re- quiring each town to " raise by taxation such sum of money as it may find necessary to make its schools free." The first year's trial of this measure demonstrated that some 6000 children had been kept from school by the rate bill. New Haven reports that it has maintained a system of graded schools for sixteen years. Delaware replies to the request of the com- missioner for information about its schools that it "is unable to supply reports asked for." There appears to have been a complete absence of supervision there. 29 Fifty The number of children attending school in Tears of ^^ gt^te of IlHnois in 1868 was 706,780. ^ , . The latest figure is 1,246,827. Only about 5 per cent of its schools were graded in 1867. " This small proportion of graded schools," writes the superintendent, " furnishes an im- pressive practical argument in favor of the abolition of the independent local school dis- trict. But while the adoption of the township system would remove all organic obstacles to the general prevalence of graded schools, it would not remove the misapprehension, preju- dice, and indifference which so largely obtain in respect to the improved kinds of schools and methods of instruction." In this wise observa- tion made fifty years ago, the need for the con- solidation of schools is clearly stated and the obstacle which to this day has prevented that much agitated reform is pointed out. TheSuperintendentof Schools of Indiana re- ports that although the constitution of the state makes it incumbent upon the legislature to pro- vide "a general and uniform system of com- mon schools wherein tuition shall be without 30 charge and equally open to all, we cannot avoid Education the grave consideration that there is a large ^i the End colored population in the state who have ^ .f„^ ^ ^ ^ . Civil War hitherto submitted patiently to the ordeal of adverse public sentiment and the force of our statutes in being denied participation in our public-school funds, while at the same time no bar can be discovered to their natural and con- stitutional right to these. . . . Colored citizens while hitherto deprived of their natural and constitutional rights have been subject to the special school tax for township purposes in common with white citizens, and have thus paid their proportion of expense for building schoolhouses for white children. After being denied all privilege to the school funds and thus taxed, they have been under the necessity of levying upon themselves an additional tax to build their own schoolhouses and for the entire cost of their tuition." This passage shows that since that day the people of the United States have, in at least one respect, grown considerably in grace and injustice. Iowa reports that every civil township is a 31 Fifty school district and is divided into subdistricts Years of yi^\x\\ subdirectors, each subdirector having <^merican ^^^ ^f ^j^^ g^l^^ol ^^^^i^-s i^ his district. education ° It is a notable fact that persons are often chosen for these positions without any reference to financial ability or even common prudence. Much attention is attached to the training in music which is given in many of the graded schools. The old practice of rote singing is discarded. Kansas reports that though "the constitution of the state provides that *the 500,000 acres of land granted to the new states under an act of Congress distributing the proceeds of public lands among the several states of the Union, approved September 4, a. d. i 84 i , shall be in- violably appropriated to the support of the common schools,' notwithstanding this provi- sion, the legislature of 1866 appropriated the whole5oo,ooo acres tofourrailway companies." The report of the Superintendent of Schools of Kentucky gives an account of the struggle of that state to obtain a reform in its school laws which failed "through the ignorance and prejudice of the legislature, notwithstanding a 32 previous decision of the people, by a majority Education of 20,000 votes, in favor of such reform. The ^t the End common sentiment expressed was, * Give us ^. .,^^ better laws and more money or abolish the school system altogether.' " Michigan reports that " the plan of free schools has been in operation less than a single term, the legislature having only at the last session abolished the rate bill. In consequence of the schools being free, the length of time they have been held has been greatly increased. In some districts they are said to have nearly twice the length of school that they have pre- viously had. The advantages of the free-school system are so manifest that it was adopted in most of the cities and large towns several years since, the rate being abolished by public vote. It is estimated that tuition in the graded schools is at least ten cents a month cheaper than in the schools which are not graded." A New Hampshire superintendent, even in that early day, finds courage to protest against the study of grammar. "How vague and un- satisfactory the ideas which our pupils gain 33 Fifty from such terms as auxiliary, antecedent, correl- Tears of ative, coordinate, proposition, passive, imper- ^ , . sonal, infinitive, logical, synopsis, etc." " But music," he writes, ** is now a regular exercise, the same as arithmetic or geography." The superintendent reports that in New Jersey there are 696 districts in which the schools are free and 634 in which they are sup- ported in part by tuition fees which the pupils pay. " If the action necessary to make schools free is not taken by the legislature soon, I am confident the people themselves will make them free by their own voluntary efforts." The schools of New York were not free to all the children of the state until 1 867. The super- intendent of that state speaks of its public-school system as "but an orderly plan of the people to educate themselves." At that time the city of Brooklyn had a course of study which was divided into six primary and six grammar grades, with a thirteenth grade added as an advanced course. Promotions were made semiannually after "careful examination of all the classes throughout the entire school at the same time." 34 Ohio reports the number of districts in which Education the teachers "boarded round" as 2025. The ^^ the End average number of pupils per teacher in the ^. .. schools of Cincinnati at that time was 50.3 in the district school and 48.9 in the intermediate. In that city "the phonic method has now been very generally adopted in the schools as the basis for instruction in reading in the lower grades. Since the beginning of the year the department of drawing has been thoroughly reorganized. The superintendent of drawing gives regular lessons two days in the week and devotes the remainder of his time to supervision." High schools are mentioned in the report from Pennsylvania: Exceptin the matterofauthorizingschool directors to grade the schools where they can be graded, our school law makes no provision for the encouragement of higher education. A district may tax itself to estab- lish and support a high school, but the state lends it no helping hand in doing so. The city of Philadelphia reports that up- wards of 20,000 children not attending any school are running the streets "in idleness and 35 Fifty vagabondism. To enact a compulsory-education Years of j^^ without other essential provisions would be \ , . idle and chimerical. Not unless we clothe these education 20,000 children and place them in point of ap- pearance on a level with those who now occupy almost every seat, can our public schools open their doors for these outcasts of society and render them the same facilities afforded to the better class now in attendance." We find the president of the Board of Educa- tion of that city offering this testimony as to the unorganized condition of the schools : Had the public schools of Philadelphia the very necessary and competent services of a city superin- tendent to interpret, arrange, and execute our rules upon this and other kindred matters of school gov- ernment and discipline, how readily could these con- flicting views be harmonized and all difficulties and diversity of sentiment among the teachers adjusted. Let us hope that the time is not far distant when councils will see the imperative necessity of making appropriation necessary to secure the services of such an executive head for the public schools. Our duty is simply to legislate. We need a proper officer to exe- cute the laws essential to the prosperity and unity of the system. 36 The fifty years since this was written have sup- Education plied many a superintendent to city boards of ^^ ^^^ ^^^ education, but they have not disclosed many ^. boards of education with as clear a notion of their duties as this board member had. The references to the schools of Massachu- setts in this report of the United States Com- missioner of Education are particularly valuable, for enough quotations from the school reports of the towns are given to enable a reader to con- struct a rather clear picture of the educational situation in the mother commonwealth shortly after the close of the war. The number of public schools in the state for 1869 was 4959. The average length of school was eight months and four days, and 1085 male and 6937 female teachers were employed. There were in the state 175 high schools, 35 more than the law required. There were also 45 incorporated academies and 481 private schools and unin- corporated academies,in which the amount paid for tuition was estimated at $593,005, making an aggregate of $3,716,892.40 expended in the state in teaching its children. There are a 37 Fifty number of protests in the reports of the towns Tears of which tell in an incisive way what difficulties _ , . theschoolswerecontendingwith. Amonethem tducation ° ° are such statements as "One fourth of the time and money devoted to the schools is wasted and will be until parents manifest an increasing interest in the intellectual welfare of their chil- dren and consider it a duty to keep them regu- larly at school." "It is a remarkable fact that a majority of those who vote at town meeting against sufficient appropriations for a full term of free. school are those who pay small taxes." "When our churches are magnificent and our houses are elegant, our temples of learning should not be barns." "To make a child think for himself is the teacher's main business. He should not aim to cram the memory of children with the results of his own thinking, but stimu- late them to do their own thinking." "If the teacher would teach topics in such a way that each mind could grasp the thoughts, instead of requiring pupils to commit to memory only words, we should seldom be obliged to hear the too frequent remark, *I have been over the 38 lessons but do not know anything about them. ' ' ' Education "Let the school hours and studies be few and ^^ the End pleasant, especially to the beginner, lest he ^. .^ learn to hate them before he knows their value and become a truant before he becomes a scholar." "The school in this town where most attention has been given to object instruction has done more work in the regular studies than any other of its grade." "There should be one school in town open to advanced scholars from all parts of the town for a term of twelve weeks at least. If so vast a majority of our children cannot go to the high school, it is important to take measures to bring some of the high-school studies to them." In 1868 the town of Fall River established half-time schools "for children between the ages of 5 and 1 5 employed in the mills." One half of these children went to school in the forenoon and worked in the mill in the after- noon, the other half worked in the morning and went to school in the afternoon. Indian Orchard had a similar half-time school. It is clear from the ages included in this arrangement 39 Fifty that child-labor laws are a creation of the last Tears of fifty years. _ , The city of Boston in 1870 reported that taucation _ -^ ' ^ lessons in vocal and physical culture have been given in all the primary schools. Music is taught universally, and its study is considered of much importance. In some primary schools thephonic system of teaching reading has been employed and w^ith success. There are thirteen special teachers of sewing. In 1869 the district-school system was for a second time abolished, but its abolition was re- pealed the next year. It did not meet its doom in Massachusetts until the year 1882. In short, our study shows that though in 1867 a beginning had been made in most of the activities of education, nothing more than a beginning had been made. The development, therefore, of all the great present-day agencies of education — free graded elementary schools, intermediate schools, high schools, normal schools, the great universities, schools for the negro and the Indian, vocational schools, the great foundations, departments in universities 40 for the study of education, statistical informa- Education tion concerning schools, new courses of study, ^^ the end a vast literature about teaching, well-nigh the ^. . ,^ whole present-day science of education (includ- ing school administration, child-study, educa- tional psychology, the history and theory of education, school hygiene, and educational standards and measurements), and very nearly the entire machinery of school supervision (city superintendents, supervising principals, super- visors of subjects, and state inspectors and agents) — is a growth of the last fifty years. This statement refers to changes so colossal that the mere effort to think of them one after the other is stupefying, but we have not begun to enumerate them all. Our list makes no mention of school buildings, play and playgrounds, compulsory education, truant schools, juvenile courts, public libraries, and a score more of agencies which have been developed to assist the school in its work. This whole accumulation of progress has come about so gradually that it is only when we set ourselves consciously to unravel its history that we become aware how truly marvelous it is. 41 CHAPTER III ET us examine its several parts a little Soine in detail. In i 87 1 New Jersey, the last Changes state in the United States to do so, abol- ^. ..^^^ CivilMr ished the rate bill, and the schools of the entire nation became definitely free. In 1866, when James A.Garfield made his report to the House of Representatives urging it to establish a national bureau of education, he referred to compulsory school attendance in rather hesitating terms : The genius of our government does not allow us to establish a compulsory system of education, as is done in some of the countries of Europe. There are states in this Union, however, which have adopted a compulsory system, and perhaps that is well. It is for each state to determine. A distinguished gentleman from Rhode Island told me lately that it is now the law in that state that every child within its borders shall attend school and that every vagrant child shall be taken in charge by the authorities and sent to school. It may be well for other states to pursue the skme course; but probably the general government can do nothing of the sort. 43 Fifty The complaint is general in the first reports of Years of ^^ school authorities which the Commissioner c, , .of Education reproduces that children do not tducation ^ attend school; that parents are very remiss in their duty of sending them. Maine reports that **in general terms truancy and absenteeism de- prive us of at least 25 per cent of attainable results in the educational line." Massachusetts was among the first to act, passing a compulsory- education law in 1852. Each town was author- ized to establish " a reform school ' ' for children between the ages of seven and sixteen who," not attending school or without any regular occu- pation, are growing up in ignorance," and to send such children there instead of fining them, if it is thought best. Springfield reports that such a school was established in the almshouse, but, more significantly, that an ungraded school has also been established where habitual truants "who ought to be sent to the reform school may be kept under instruction until they can be returned to the graded schools." In 1870 the city of Boston employed ten truant officers who gave their entire time to investigating 44 cases of truancy and securing the attendance of Some absentees. It is a far cry from these beginnings Changes to the more wholesome conditions of the pres- ^. .,.„ ent time. In 1 9 1 6 all the states but one, Mis- sissippi, and certain counties of Arkansas had compulsory-attendance laws ; twenty-seven of them requiring attendance for the full school year and the others for a specified part of it, in no case less than twelve weeks. In 1 870 the aver- age number of years of schooling of two hun- dred days each received by each pupil in public and private schools was 3.36; in 1914 it was 6.16. The persistent effort to secure for all the children their right to an education which has characterized the last fifty years has produced a great number of agencies and devices for the protection of children, among them child-labor laws, which have been passed by most of the states and just recently by the nation ( 1 9 1 6). In 1899 the state of Illinois created a juvenile court. The law which brought that wholesome child-saving agency into being has since been adopted by forty-four states and the District of Columbia. It has proved itself a real contribution 45 Fifty to the world, for many foreign countries have Years of adopted it. "I observe," says George Sorel in ^merican j^.^ ..Reflections on Violence," "that nothing education . , . i is more remarkable than the change which has taken place in the methods of bringing up children ; formerly it was believed that the rod was the most necessary instrument of the schoolmaster ; nowadays corporal punishments have disappeared from our public elementary schools." That statement is not literally true for the United States, but it is so nearly true that it may stand as perhaps the most significant proof which can be shown that civilization has really been in process of becoming in recent years. The modern school is a cheerful, happy place. In it teachers train rather than govern. Its first aim is to inculcate self-control. Flogging and a pallid quiet are no longer to be found in it. It is a workshop rather than a disciplinary cell. The suggestion which was made in the more optimistic years of its first decade that the twentieth century was to be the century of the child may not, let us hope, be so far wrong after all. 46 The course of study which the people of this Some democracy at the several periods of its history Changes' have regarded as sufficient to prepare their chil- dren for the work of life is a pretty good index of the real progress of the nation. The period of rigorous Puritanism from 1630 to 1750 brought up its children on the hornbook, the religious primer, the Psalter, the New and the Old Testament. In the period from 1750 to 1800 the spelling book took the place of the primer; in 1789 arithmetic was required by law in Massachusetts. Geography began to be "read" here and there about the year 1800. There was a bit of English grammar in the spelling books, and brief lessons were assigned in that subject at the beginning of the nine- teenth century, " In some of the early editions [of the third part of my Institute published in 1785] I introduced short notices of the geog- raphy and history of the United States, and these led to more enlarged descriptions of the coun- try," says Noah Webster. History was taught only in this incidental way until the second quarter of the nineteenth century. 47 Fifty There was imperative need for expansion of Tears of ^^ course of study. The first address delivered - , before the American Institute of Instruction t due at ion was upon the " Importance of Physical Edu- cation," by Dr. J. C. Warren. At its fourth meeting (1834) the Institute discussed the ques- tion "Can common schools be conducted prof- itably without the aid of bodily punishment?" and adopted a resolution " that the introduction of vocal music into our schools is an object of high importance to the community, and the American Institute of Instruction do hereby most cordially recommend it to public favor." A resolution of 1838 declared "it is desirable that the teaching of vocal music should be in- troduced into the common schools as soon as it may be practicable." A resolution was intro- duced in 1844 "that the time now devoted to the study of the dead languages as a part of col- legiate education may be better employed upon other subjects," but was laid on the table. In 1 87 1 the Institute listened to an address on " Kindergartening the Gospel for Children," by Miss E. P. Peabody, but it was not until 1882 48 that it recommended " the teaching of draw- Some ing, not as an accompHshment but as a language Changes for the graphic presentation of the facts and ^!^-^^-irrt forms of objects." The spirit of Pestalozzi brooded over the practice of education in the United States about the middle of the last century. Education, he said, is not memorizing the contents of books, it is learning to use one's own mind in doing something. It is growth from within outward, not from without inward. The dull bookwork of reading, writing, and ciphering was touched with life. The inclusion of object lessons introduced oral instruction, with all its beneficent, lively, free conversation about real things in place of the mumbling about abstrac- tions which had previously comprised so large a part of school work. The Schoolmaster of Yverdon transformed the schools of America as well as of Europe. " The importation of the Pestalozzian methods of the Home and Colonial School Society into the United States is the most striking develop- ment in American elementary education during 49 Fifty the middle of the nineteenth century," says Pro- Tears of fessor Parker. The first improvement was the mertcan in|-j.Q(juction of object lessons as an experiment education at the Oswego Normal School. Object teaching soon became the leading subject for discussion in teachers' institutes and spread widely in the schools. In 1 870 object lessons began to develop into instruction in natural science as a system- atic study for children in the elementary schools. That in turn gave place to nature study in the latter part of the nineteenth century, the dis- tinction between them being that nature study is the observational study of living objects and processes for the sake of becoming familiar with them, while the natural science which it dis- placed was a highly technical endeavor to master the general principles of science, which usually resulted in only a verbal knowledge of them. Geography was one of the sciences of the Greeks. Its modern form is due to Humboldt and Carl Ritter. Ritter, the scientist, about 1807 came under the influence of Pestalozzi, the teacher, and undertook to prepare " a treatise in his method on Geography." From that time 50 "the first step in a knowledge of geography is Some to know thoroughly the district where we live. ' ' Changes This ideal teaching of geography as a study of man's relation to the earth, based on the per- sonal investigation of every student who at- tempts to pursue it,is still fighting its way against mnemonic devotion to a text. Arnold Guyot, the pupil of Ritter, came from Switzerland to Massachusetts in the year 1848. For six years he was employed as an inspector and institute lecturer by the Massachusetts State Board of Education. In 1854 he was made professor of geology and physical geography at Princeton. Of his work he wrote: During more than nine years it was my privilege to address thousands of teachers in the normal schools of Massachusetts and New Jersey, and in the teachers' institutes, on the subject of geographical teaching and the reform so much needed in that important depart- ment of instruction. About the year 1866 he published a series of textbooks and also a manual on " Geographical Teaching." The task of carrying on the reform in geography teaching which Guyot had begun 51 Fifty fell to Francis W. Parker. In season and out of Tears of season he preached its claims for a lifetime. He ^ , trained thousands of teachers, addressed hun- tducation dreds of institutes, and in 1889 published his "How to teach Geography," "a practical ex- position of methods and devices in teaching geography which apply the principles and plans of Ritter and Guyot" his editor calls it. But with these men the modern teaching of geography had only begun. Their work has been carried forward by scores of disciples and in every part of the land. In 1 8 2 1 Warren Colburn published his "First Lessons in Arithmetic on the Plan of Pesta- lozzi." The object ofthis book, as of Pestalozzi's teaching itself, was to banish ciphering as the mere carrying out of rules. Its whole purpose was to do away with ununderstandable abstrac- tions by teaching little children in their very first lessons that all numbers are numbers of things. "The idea of number is first acquired by observing sensible objects," he said, and to prevent otherwise inevitable confusion no fig- ures were introduced in the first fifty-five pages 52 of the book. Number ideas and number names Some and mental operations with numbers were given Changes the complete right of way over figures, rules, written work, and the ciphering of the past. This plan commended itself to great numbers of teachers, and the textbook which presented it was very widely used. About the year 1870 an intensified Pestalozzianism, known as the Grube method of teaching arithmetic, became very popular in the United States. Each numeral, according to this method, was treated by itself, and the student learned to put it through all the fundamental operations before he was allowed to pass on to the next number. Such exhaustive thoroughness was not only impossible to chil- dren but undesirable on the part of anyone, and the rise of the Grube method was followed by its fall in the early part of the period. But in- terest in the proper teaching of arithmetic has grown with the years. The thinking arithmetic which Warren Colburn struggled for has been the aim not of all but of every informed teacher who has come after him. Next to this the most noteworthy change has been in a persistent effort 53 Fifty to modernize our rather archaic textbooks by Years of omitting all subjects, methods, and problems ^ , . which are not warranted by obvious applica- tducatton _ _ ^ -' ^^ bility. A third change which has come about in arithmetic is the extended use of standardized tests to measure the work which children are able to do in it. We shall speak of these later. The teaching of geography and arithmetic had begun to be rationalized here and there before the end of the Civil War. That work went forward. Object lessons had been intro- duced, and natural science and nature study fol- lowed them. New methods of teaching pupils to read began, as we have seen, to find favor. The worst method of teaching reading, the alpha- bet method, was practically the only method used from the earliest days of instruction in that subject by the Greeks down to our period. Comenius and the Jansenists found a better way, but their discovery did not change the universal ABC practice. The author of Worcester's "Primer," 1828, declared in his preface: It is not, perhaps, very important that a child should know the letters before it begins to read. It 54 may learn first to read words, by seeing them, hearing Some them pronounced, and having their meanings illus- Changes trated ; and afterwards it may learn to analyze them since the or name the letters of which they are composed. Civil P^r Horace Mann vigorously advocated the word method. But since the order of learning accord- ing to Pestalozzi was from simple to complex, there must be long drills, he said, upon the letters and after that long drills in forming letters into syllables and in making syllables into words. Consequently the influence of Pestalozzi and his followers upon the proper teaching of read- ing was harmful. It was not until the year 1 870 ^^ that the ABC method began to be generally forsaken; so that the modern teaching of read- ing belongs almost entirely to the last fifty years. The Pestalozzian practice of reducing each sub- ject to its lowest terms or elements and practic- ing at great length upon them and, finally, after this great mass of meaningless exercising had been performed, bringing the elements together into letters or words or sentences had as bad an effect upon the teaching of writing as it had upon the teaching of reading. The lessons which Fifty were given were not really lessons in writing. Tears of ^he letters were analyzed into strokes, — the American ^^^^^^^^ ^.j^e outcurved, and the incurved. One Education ° , .„ , i i must have drilled upon the strokes at very great length before he was considered fit to attempt to shape letters or to write words and sentences. Thus it will be seen that the educational bill of fare was pretty meager. In 1869 several of the leading manufacturers of Massachusetts appealed to the legislature to direct the Board of Education to report "some definite plan for introducing schools for draw- ing or instruction in drawing free to all men, women, and children in all the towns of the commonwealth of more than 5000 inhabit- ants," saying "every branch of manufactures in which the citizens of Massachusetts are en- gaged requires in the details of the processes connected with it some knowledge of drawing and other arts of design on the part of the skilled workmen engaged." The Board of Education, being deeply impressed with the importance of the subject, intrusted its consideration to a special committee, which subsequently reported 56 that the almost total neglect of this branch of Some learning in past times had been a great defect; Changes that we were behind many other nations in all ^. .,„^ ■^ _ CivtllVar the means of art culture, a defect felt by native artisans and mechanics, since "foreign work- men occupy the best and most responsible places in our factories and workshops"; that agents should be employed to go through the com- monwealth and interest the people in this most important subject; and that "teachers should be required to be qualified to instruct in free-hand drawing, and the work should be begun in the primary departments and should be continued with zeal and fidelity through the period of school life." As a result, a law was passed in 1870 including drawing among the branches of learning required to be taught in the public schools and authorizing cities and towns of more than 10,000 inhabitants to provide for free in- struction in industrial or mechanical drawing to persons over fifteen years of age, either in day or evening schools. A supervisor of drawing was imported from England in 1870, and in 1875 the Boston Normal Art School was established. S7 Fifty Manual training was introduced to the United Tears of States by an exhibit made by a Russian institu- ^ , . tion at the Centennial Exposition in Philadel- tducation _ _ ^ phia in 1 876. Schoolmen fought it bitterly for a time, but whereas in 1 890 only 37 cities had made a place for it in their schools, by 1898 there were 146 cities in which it was taught. The movement for school instruction in drawing, which had its beginning in Boston in 1 870, was greatly stimulated by the Centennial Exposition of 1 876. Nation-wide instruction in the fine and industrial arts, with all that mar- velous development of taste and appreciation shown in more recent American manufactures and homes, is the result of that beginning. In 1 870 there were less than a dozen kinder- gartens in the United States, and all save one of them were conducted in the German language; the one English-speaking kindergarten had been opened in Boston in i860 by Miss Eliza- beth Peabody. Since that time the kindergarten has made its way into every corner of this land. In 1 9 14 there were but 6 states whose laws did not provide for kindergartens, and in 1 9 1 5 58 there were 9486 private and public kinder- Some gartens, with 10,877 teachers and 486,800 Changes students in them. It is likely that by this time not less than 4,000,000 children have profited by its training, and perhaps as many as 30,000 young women have been instructed in the fine art of providing opportunities for beginning their education to young children, for whom the beginning is still the most important part of their entire course, even as it was to the discern- ing mind of Plato. The introduction of the kin- dergarten into American education has been called " the greatest step in the educational his- tory of the country, with the exception of the founding of normal schools." And perhaps the most significant change which the kindergarten has wrought, it has brought about indirectly, through its wholesome modification of the work which children do in the primary grades and of the spirit in which they do it, rather than directly through its own instruction. For a comparative study of the changes which have taken place in common schools, that is, the public elementary and high schools 59 Fifty maintained by state and local taxation, we can- Tears of ^^^ Jq better than examine the following table c, , . from the report of the Commissioner of Educa- tducation ^ tion for the year 1 9 1 6. COMMON-SCHOOL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED 1870 1875 1880 1885 Total population Persons five to eighteen years of age Pupils enrolled (duplicates ex- cluded) Per cent of total population enrolled Per cent of persons five to eighteen years of age enrolled Average daily attendance . . Relation of same to enrollment (per cent) Average length of school term (days) Total number of days attended by all pupils Average number of days at- tended by each person five to eighteen Average number of days at- tended by each pupil enrolled '38,558,371 2 12,055,443 6,871,522 17.82 57.00 4,077,347 59-3 * 132.2 539,053,423 44-7 78.4 ^ 43,700,554 3 13,405,200 8,785,678 20.10 65.54 5,248,114 59-7 130.4 684,189,477 51.0 77-9 ' 50,155,783 2 15,065,767 9,867,505 19.67 65.50 6,144,143 62.3 130-3 800,719,970 53-1 81. 1 s 56,221,868 3 16,773,190 11,398,024 20.27 67.96 7,297,529 64.0 130.7 953,451,056 56.8 83.6 Male teachers Female teachers 77,529 122,986 108,791 149,074 122,795 163,798 121,762 204,154 Whole number of teachers . . Per cent of male teachers . . Average monthly wages of male teachers* Average monthly wages of fe- male teachers Average for all teachers* . . Number of schoolhouses s . . Value of all school property . 200,515 38.7 $28.54 116,312 $130,383,008 257,865 42.2 $32-55 157,364 $192,013,666 286,593 42.8 $29.96 178,122 $209,571,718 325,916 37-4 $34-22 205,315 $263,668,536 The figures for this year are subject to correction. ' United States census. * Estimated. 60 The number of persons from live to eight- Some een years of age in the United States in 1 9 1 4 Changes 1-^1 ^1 ^ • • o ^ince the was a httle more than twice as many as in 1 8 70, ^. .,„^ •' ' CtvilMnr but the number of pupils enrolled in school STATES IN VARIOUS YEARS — GENERAL STATISTICS 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 19141 2 62,622,250 3 68,844,341 275,602,515 3 82,584,061 291,972,266 98,781,324 2 18,543,201 3 19,911,050 2 21,404,322 3 23,410,800 2 24,239,948 26,002,153 12,722,581 14,243,765 15,503,110 16,468,300 17,813,852 19,153,786 20.32 20.69 20.51 19.94 19.56 '9.39 68.61 71-54 72-43 70-35 73-49 73.66 8,153,635 9,548,722 10,632,772 11,481,531 12,827,307 14,216,459 64.1 67.0 68.6 69.7 72.1 74.2 134-7 139-5 144-3 150.9 '57-5 .58-7 1,098,232,725 1,331,775,201 1,534,822,633 1,732,845,238 2,011,477,065 2,255,657,142 59-2 66.9 71.8 74.0 83.0 86.7 86.3 93-5 99.0 105.2 1 13.0 1 17.8 125,525 129,706 126,588 110,532 110,481 114,662 238,397 268,336 296,474 349.737 412,729 465,396 363,922 398,042 423,062 • 460,269 523,210 580,058 34-5 32.6 29.9 24.0 21. 1 .9.8 I46.82 $46.53 $55.04 $68.86 $79-94 I39.41 $38.93 $42.69 $53.40 $62.57 ^37-47 $41-02 $45." $51.10 $61.70 $66.07 224,526 239,630 248,279 256,826 265,474 276,460 ^342,531, 791 $440,666,022 $550,069,217 $733,446,805 $1,091,007,512 $1,444,666,859 * Several states are not included in this average. * Including buildings rented. 61 Fifty Tears of 'American Education COMMON-SCHOOL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED Receipts : From income of perma- nent funds and rents . From state taxes . . . From local taxes . . . From all other sources Total received . . . Percent of total derived from — I ncome of permanent funds and rents State taxes Local taxes All other sources . . . Expenditures : For sites, buildings, furni- ture, libraries, and appa- ratus For salaries of superin- tendents and teachers . For all other purposes . . Total expended . . . Expenditure per capita of pop- ulation Expenditure per pupil in aver- age attendance : For sites, buildings, etc. . For salaries For all other purposes . . Total expenditure per pupil Per cent of expenditure de- voted to — Sites, buildings, etc. . . Salaries All other purposes . . . Average expenditure per day for each pupil (cents) — For salaries For all purposes .... »37.832.566 $63,396,666 ?i.64 $54,722,250 $83,504,007 $..9i $15.91 ^55.942.972 $78,094,687 $1.56 $72,878,993 5110,328,375 $1.96 $9-99 $i5.r2 62 STATES IN VARIOUS YEARS — FINANCIAL STATISTICS Some Changes since the CivilM^r 1S90 1895 1900 1905 1910 19141 ?7. 744. 765 $7,800,740 $9,152,274 $13,194,042 $14,096,555 $.6,916,690 26,345.323 34,638,098 37,886,740 44,349,295 64,604,701 87,895,320 97,222,426 118,915,304 149,486,845 210,167,770 312,221,582 425,457,487 11,882,292 15,210,769 23,240,130 34,107,962 42,140,859 31,473,977 :f 143, 194,806 $176,564,911 $219,765,989 $301,819,069 $433,063,697 $561,743,474 5-4 4-4 4.2 4.4 3-2 3.01 .8.4 19.6 17.2 14.7 14.9 15.65 67.9 673 6S.0 69.6 72.1 75-74 8-3 8.7 10.6 "3 9.8 5.60 $26,207,041 $29,436,940 $35,450,820 $56,416,168 $69,978,370 $9., 606,460 91.836,484 113,872,388 137,687,746 177,462,981 253,9'5,i7o 323,610,91s 22,463,190 32,499,951 41,826,052 57,737. 5>i 102,356,894 139,859,771 $140,506,715 $175,809,279 $214,964,618 $291,616,660 $426,250,434 5555,077,146 $2.24 $2.55 $2.84 ?3.53 $4.64 $5.62 $3.2. $3.08 53.33 $4-91 $5.46 $6.44 11.26 "•93 12.95 .5.46 19.79 22.76 2.76 3-40 3-93 5-03 7.98 9.84 $17.23 $18.41 $20.21 $25.40 $33-23 $39-04 18.6 .6.7 ' 16.5 •9-3 16.41 16.50 65.4 64.8 64.0 60.9 59.60 58.30 16.0 18.5 19-5 .9.8 23-99 25.20 8.4 8.6 9.0 10.2 12.6 M-34 12.8 •3-2 14.0 .6.8 2.. I 24.60 1 The figures for this year are subject to correction. 63 Fifty was nearly three times as many m 19 14 as in Tears of 1870, while the average daily attendance in ^, 1 9 1 4 was more than three times that of 1 870. The average number of days attended by each person in 1870 was 44.7, in 19 14 it was 86.7. The average monthly wages of teachers has in- creased from $28.54 to $66.07, while the num- ber of schoolhouses has more than doubled, and the value of school property was more than eleven times as great in 1 9 1 4 as in 18 70. More- over, the funds available for the maintenance of public schools were nearly four times as great in 1 9 14 as they were but twenty-three years before, in 1892. Surely this is a record of which a country may well be proud. But the table does not by any means tell the complete story of the changes which have taken place. The first graded schools came into being about i860. Before that time primary schools were not^ generally regarded as a part of the school system, but were thought of as things apart and were very indifferently treated. They had to make their way into the system very much in the same way that the kindergartens 64 have since made theirs. The high schools also Some were at first supplementary schools. They too Changes had to be integrated into the system. Supervi- !^-'^^-jrJ sion of instruction is almost wholly a thing of the last fifty years. The first city superintendent took office in Buffalo in 1837. Providence fol- lowed in 1839 ; New Orleans in 1 841; Cleve- land in 1844; Baltimore in 1849; Cincinnati in 1850; Boston in 1851; New York, San Francisco, and Jersey City in 1852; Newark and Brooklyn in 1853; Chicago and St. Louis in 1 854; Philadelphia not until 1883. A school system without a superintendent is practically unthought of at the present time. At the begin- ning of this half century it was the rule and its opposite the rare exception. It was in 1867 that WilliamTorrey Harris became superintend- ent of schools of St. Louis, beginning thirteen years of almost unequaled service as educator of the American people. The course of study which he made, the conceptions of education which he championed, — as, for example, "Our American idea rests on this principle: not what the teacher does for the pupil, but what he gets 65 Fifty the pupil to do for himself is of value," " Every Years of g^-gp toward the mastery of the printed page is cs , .a step toward freedom from and independence taucatton / ... of living teachers. Thus our education is a giv- ing of the conventionalities of a perpetual self- education," — and the 'Journal of speculative Philosophy which he edited (the first periodi- cal devoted to philosophy anywhere published in the English tongue) demonstrate for all time what the office of city superintendent of schools at its best may be. "The history of education since the time of Horace Mann," says Dr. Harris, "is very largely an account of the successive modifications in- troduced into elementary schools through the direct or indirect influence of the normal school." The 42 normal schools with which our period started had increased to 273 in 19 14, 232 of them being public and 4 1 private schools. Be- sides, there were 1 189 public and 292 private high schools offering training courses for teach- ers. In all a total of 131,998 students were being made acquainted with the functions of the teacher and habituated under direction to the 66 work of teaching. The first normal schools re- Some ceived their pupils from the elementary schools. Changes' Framingham's requirements in 1 867 were that .. the candidate must be at least sixteen years of age, must declare his intention to teach in the schools of Massachusetts, and " must present a certificate of good physical, intellectual, and moral character, and pass a satisfactory exami- nation in reading, spelling, writing, defining, grammar, geography, and arithmetic." "The course of study," says this same circular of 1 867, "includes reading, with analysis of sounds and vocal gymnastics; writing; spelling, with deri- vations and definitions; punctuation; grammar, with analysis of the English language; arith- metic; algebra; geometry; physical and political geography, with map drawing; physiology; bot- any; zoology; natural philosophy; astronomy; mental and moral philosophy; school laws; theory and art of teaching; civil polity of Massa- chusetts and the United States; English liter- ature; vocal music; drawing. The Latin and French languages may be pursued as optional studies, but not to the neglect of the English 67 Fifty course." And all this was to be done in a two- Tears of year course ! Dr. Harris declared at the semi- ^Amertcan centennial celebration of the founding; of the Education i i i • onr. i Framingham Normal School, in 1 8 8 8, that "all normal-school work in the country follows sub- stantially one tradition . . . and this traces back to the course laid down at Lexington in 1 839." There have been great departures from that tradition since 1867. Normal schools now re- quire their students to be graduates of high schools and find a two-year course all too short for proper instruction in the art of teaching. If we compare the training which they give now with the training of fifty years ago, their earlier efforts will be seen to be but a promise and be- ginning of the larger and more helpful work which they are doing to-day. The first teachers' institute was assembled by Dr. Henry Barnard in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1839.^ He regarded it as only a temporary device for giving teachers an " opportunity to revise and extend their knowledge of the studies ^ Jacob S. Denman organized his first teachers' institute at Ithaca, on April 4, 1843. 68 usually pursued in district schools and of the best Some methods of school arrangements, instruction. Changes . , , . . J , since the and government under the recitations and lee- .. tures of experienced and well-known teachers and educators." This "temporary device" has lasted for seventy-seven years and has become a permanent feature of the school life of every state. The purpose of the institute has not changed. The words of its founder still state its program. In every corner of the land it provides a means of educational rededication and pro- fessional renewing and bids fair to last in some form or other as long as children and schools and teachers exist. The spread of these two agencies for the training of teachers has during the last fifty years been the distinctive thing about them. While their work has been intensified, their benefits have been made nearly universal. But three new agencies for professional improve- ment have been created within that period. One of them is the summer school, another the Teachers' Reading Circle, and the third is uni- versity-extension courses. Chautauquas, after 69 Fifty the type of their original in New York State, Years of have been held in many places. Summer schools r, J . have become almost a regular feature of nor- taucatton _ ^ ° mal-school, university, and college work. And university-extension teaching, after a period of lethargy, now seems to be firmly established both as a duty and a privilege of most of the great teaching centers. Certain states have thought it so indispensable that they have made it an integral part of their educational work. The Teachers' Reading Circle was the invention of an Ohio teacher in the year 1882. It is now a nearly nation-wide institution. If we turn from elementary education, and the special agencies more particularly charged with conserving it, to secondary and higher education, we shall find the same phenomenal changes at work there also. The high school had but a fitful and uncertain status fifty years ago. In no department of education has such amazing development taken place in the last half century as in this. In 1826 Massachusetts directed every town of 500 households to em- ploy a master to teach United States history, 70 bookkeeping, geometry, surveying, and alge- Some bra; and every town of 4000 inhabitants to Changes employ a master to teach Greek and Latin, his- [^ ''^ ,„i ^ "^ . ... Civilfmr tory, rhetoric, and logic. It was the intention of this law to universalize the high school within the state. A law passed in 1 848 brought it into being here and there in Ohio. Legal permission was given to organize higher grades in the pub- lic schools of Iowa in 1 849, and county high schools were authorized there in i 8 5 8 . Boards of education of union free school districts were au- thorized to establish academical departments in 1 8 6 4 in New York State. Maryland legislated to abolish academies and substitute high schools for them in 1865. The high school seemed so desirable and necessary that some communities established it without waiting for authoriza- tion of law. Efforts were made to prevent this. In 1872 Judge Cooley's decision in the Kal- amazoo case established the principle that " edu- cation not merely in the rudiments, but in an enlarged sense was regarded as an important practical advantage to be supplied at their option to rich and poor alike." This greatly 71 Fifty encouraged the formation of high schools in Tears of other states, as well as legalized them in Michi- merican ^^ Wisconsin established a system of free high Education , . „ • • schools in 1875 and Minnesota in 1881. Each succeeding year has seen their number grow, until in 1 9 1 4 there was a total number of 1 1 , 5 1 5 public high schools, with 57,909 instructors and 1,218,804 students. There were moreover 2199 private secondary schools, with 13,890 teachers and 154,857 students. No statistics seem to be available to make possible a com- parison of the number of schools in existence at the beginning of the half century with the number in existence at its close. Their tre- mendous growth can, however, be indicated by a comparison of the above figures with the number of schools in existence in 1890, when a total of 25 26 public high schools, with 9120 teachers and 202,963 students, were reported. There were at that time 1632 private schools, with 7209 teachers and 94,93 i students. That is, there were more than three and one-third times as many high schools, more than four and one-third times as many teachers, and more 72 than four and one-third times as many students Some in 1914 as there had been twenty-four years Changes before. The explanation of this remarkable '",^'^^,„^ ^ Ctvilmr change is to be found in the more thorough character of high-school instruction, in the greater variety of courses which are offered, and, above all, in a growing conviction on the part of the American people that an elementary education, no matter how good it may be, is not sufficient preparation for the battle of life on the part of the young. The time seems to be rapidly approaching when public opinion will demand some sort of high-school training for all. At the beginning of our period the high school was hardly a common school. Its chief, and nearly its only function, was to teach Latin, Greek, and mathematics to the small part of the population which planned to go on to college. That traditional task has colored all its work, but is now the smallest part of it. It was solic- itude "to give a child an education that shall fit him for active life and shall serve as a foun- dation for eminence in his profession, whether mercantile or mechanical," that led to the 73 Fifty founding of the first high school, in 1821. Tears of Though the high school was an outgrowth of ^American ^^^ elementary school, the college practice of Education .... admitting students upon examination made it an adjunct to the college. At the beginning of the Civil War these examinations were in Latin, Greek, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, algebra, geometry, and ancient his- tory. New subjects made their appearance in the college-entrance examinations in this order: Modern history (United States), Michigan 1869 Physical geography, Michigan and Harvard 1870 EngHsh composition, Princeton . . . . 1870 Physical science, Harvard 1872 English literature. Harvard 1874 Modern language (foreign), Harvard . . 1875 Alternative courses and a large freedom of elec- tion began to be offered in colleges about the . year 1 869, and, as a consequence, courses other than the classical course began to be given in high schools. Their diversity has increased with the years, and now commercial courses, tech- nical courses, manual-training and domestic- science courses, art courses, agricultural courses, 74 English scientific courses, etc., and frequently Some separate schools devoted to one or another of Changes ■i r c • ^- u • s^nce the these lorms oi instruction, are much more in ^. .,„^ Civil frar evidence than is the classical course of instruc- tion from which they all sprang. The old method of passing from the high school to the college through the entrance way of examinations is still pretty completely in force in the eastern part of the United States. In the West an ac- crediting system, the outgrowth of that intro- duced by the University of Michigan in 1871, obtains. Innumerable conferences have been held for the purpose of improving the articula- tion between the high school and the college. That subject is temporarily in abeyance, for in more recent years the question of the relation- ship of the elementary school to the high school has supplanted it. The junior high school, or intermediate school, has been created to bridge the gap that formerly lay between them. That institution is as yet rather too new for statistical consideration. It took form in Berkeley, Cali- fornia, in the year 1908, and has been adopted in some form or other in many cities and towns 7S Fifty of the United States. Fundamentally, it involves Years of ^ reorganization of courses in the seventh and P , eighth grades of the elementary school, to pro- vide for differentiation of work for pupils in accordance with their tastes, aptitudes, and probable future careers. This rearrangement of courses facilitates departmental teaching. In some places this reorganized upper-elementary school is combined with the first year of the high school, and a separate intermediate school is formed. This is the six, three, and three plan. Other redistributions are found. While the six, three, and three plan bids fair to be generally accepted, the period of preliminary experimen- tation is not yet over. Another change to be noted is the lengthen- ing of the high-school course by the addition of two years of college work. This is called the junior college. It too is still an experiment which as yet but few communities have been moved to try. Vocational education, which is the oldest form of education of all, has asserted its claims with unusual vigor since the beginning of the 76 twentieth century. After much agitation three Some types of schools have been evolved to prepare Changes boys and girls over fourteen years of age for em- ^p-^^-jjJ ployment in agriculture and in the trades and industries: all-day schools, which aim to give opportunities for practicing a vocation on a productive basis; part-time schools, intended to give young workers an opportunity to extend their knowledge of their vocation or fit them- selves for a new one; evening schools, to provide opportunity for mature workers to extend their knowledge of the vocations in which they are engaged during the day. Though this whole endeavor falls within this century, six or more states already have in operation definite plans for organizing and supervising vocational schools and assist local communities in financing them. These states are Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Indiana. At least four other states have made the begin- nings of similar organization. Efforts to pro- mote this type of education have already been so effective that the Smith-Hughes Bill has become a law, subsidizing vocational education 77 Fifty in the several states by maximal grants of Tears of ^7^000,000 per annum from the national treas- merican ^ ^^^ money to be given to the states for the education / . \ ° j r 1 salaries or vocational teachers and tor the train- ing of such teachers only upon condition that they expend an equal amount for the same pur- pose. With the development of vocational edu- cation the problem of vocational guidance has demanded attention and the beginnings of a helpful service to young people have been made. Of the 563 colleges, universities, and techno- logical schools in the United States in 1 9 1 5, not less than 304 were established since the begin- ning of the year 1 867. "The Illinois Industrial University," located at Champaign, Illinois, was founded in 1867, "to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, not excluding other scientific and classical studies and military tactics." The preparatory department of the University of Minnesota was opened in 1867, and by 1 869 a class had been fitted for the first college year. Cornell University was opened to students in 1868. The American college goes back to 1 6 3 6 78 for its beginning, but the American university Some is almost entirely a creation of the last fifty years. Changes The Yale catalop-ueof 1860-1861 contains the ^. .,„^ ^ Civil War first announcement that the Ph.D. degree will be granted. Harvard did not announce it until 1 872. It was not until 1 890 that Harvard organ- ized a separate graduate school. The University of Michigan offered the doctor's degree in phil- osophy in 1 874. Johns Hopkins University was opened for instruction in i 876. It was primarily a graduate school from the first and has shaped university instruction throughout the entire country as perhaps no other influence has. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology was opened in 1865. Of the significant history and the vast influence of these and a score of other great teaching organizations the limits within which we work forbid us to speak; upon the teaching of medicine, law, and theology we may not enter, though changes as significant as any which we have mentioned have taken place in these great fields. For the education of atypical and defective children, as for each of these great subjects, a whole volume would be required. 79 Fifty Of the growth of scientific agriculture we Years of niust speak a little more at length. It began with the passage of the Morrill Act on July 2, 1 862, in the midst of the Civil War. It increased so mightily that in 19 14 there were 69 agricul- tural colleges, with 69,132 students and 6379 instructors. These places of agricultural learn- ing have for some years been teaching from 60,000 to 80,000 students per year. Approxi- mately 5 3 per cent of their graduates return to the farm, and 95 per cent devote themselves to agriculture in some form or other. Of those not graduating, practically all return to the land. In addition, very liberal provisions have been made by some of the states for the teaching of agri- culture in the public schools. Massachusetts has developed a remarkable system of project work. New York State has recently adopted the town- ship system of school control and has passed a law authorizing each town to employ a town director of agriculture, the state pledging itself to provide $600 as its contribution to his salary. The higher education of women has been peculiarly a development of the last fifty years. 80 The Civil War left the work of teaching the Some young largely in the hands of women. They Changes were so faithful in that which was committed ^. .,„^ Civil Mnr to them that they were made rulers over more and more cities. If they were to teach, they must have opportunities for learning. When Michigan University opened its doors to them, in 1870, they were for the first time in the United States accorded equal opportunities with men in a thoroughly established college. All the state universities made provision for them. Of colleges for women, Vassar was opened in 1865, Wellesley in 1 875, Smith in 1 875, Bryn Mawr in 1885, Radcliffe in 1879, Barnard in 1889. All the universities save three or four are open to them. In 1870 but 30.7 per cent of the colleges were coeducational, and 69.3 per cent were for men only. In 191 5, however, 70.7 per cent of the colleges open to men were coeducational, and 29.3 per cent for men only. The education of the children of the negro race was one of the most serious problems that the nation confronted at the end of the war. The Freedmen's Bureau, created by Congress Fifty received no aid unless they were graded and Tears of j^^d at least loo pupils, with one teacher for lAmerican -i j ^.^. a c ^ , . every 50 pupils, and an average attendance 01 not less than 85 per cent. During the first four years of its existence this fund was used to assist the establishing of school systems in the cities of the South; for the next four years it was used to encourage the establishment of state school systems. In 1875 its secretary reported that all the states had established school systems and were maintaining them. The trustees of the fund thereupon devoted it to the proper training of teachers. They established a normal school at Nashville, and in order that it might leaven the entire South they created a large number of scholarships, of $200 each, to enable deserving students from all the Southern states to attend its classes. By 1903 this parent normal school was no longer needed, for it had secured the creation of state normal schools to foster the schools of each state. The trustees thereupon transformed the Peabody Normal School into the well-endowed Peabody College for the Training of Teachers. 84 In 1882 John F. Slater created a trust of Some $ 1 ,000,000 for the promotion of normal and in- Changes dustrial education amonp; the children of freed- ^. .,J^ ° _ _ ^ Civilmir men. The income from this fund is used chiefly to pay the salaries of teachers of industrial pur- suits in schools for colored students. A board of trustees was organized in 1908 to administer a fundof$i,ooo,ooo given by Miss AnnaT.Jeanes for fostering rural schools for negroes. This fund is used in several ways : in some districts county superintendents are assigned a superior teacher of industrial work, whose duty it is to introduce such work into the rural schools of the county and to supervise it; in other districts a teacher is assigned to a central school and does exten- sion work in the schools of the region about it; a third method consists in cooperating with local communities in lengthening the school term. Another fund of $ i ,000,000, the Phelps- Stokes fund, assists by making researches, endow- ing scholarships, etc. The General Education Board, incorporated in 1903 for "the promo- tion of education within the United States of America without distinction of race, sex, or 8s Fifty received no aid unless they were graded and Tears of y^^i^ ^X least loo pupils, with one teacher for