Hy/- ,,•'.„ 1878-79 sm. ,■>',*■,' ■ ' ' '• ' 'ill ■■ ■ ■ Jj-'r; ',^,-: ^ '.-■ .' 1''';; ■;■■•• 'r'': '. ;ay''!>,./'... Vi' ,,, .;-.',•;'•.■. ■.•■'-;■ ^!);.^';''.';Mf^;>';f;.''^;';;;,^,,,^^,, , , &' ^v-^ *^ 0*' *^- '* ^ « ^^^ -^ V^^!^'\y ^ * • . • « ^^ ^ ' • • ' • Ay ^ Tvr*.^ xQ ^- ^^-f'^o^ '-"^. *>^^^•^<.^^ o. - ^ivT« /V ♦ "> ■'- \^^ • »' «^ >t;«' ^o' .•jsSMi«k*- o J A v-^ » ■ » ^1 »'°''*-^ •.^^>' .l.<^°*- •• 4 .OT^ ''it. • \/ ^o^^^.-^0^ '^^^<^\/ %^^-'aO^ ^ %.^*' **'\ .^^ ^"^-^ •y'^ %^*lTC.*^o'^ *^^*^:?t?^\ .p, „ t> / Frederic Stone Barnum. Scholarship in Mechanics, $100.— William Hallock. Honorable Mention. — Abraham Illch. Scholarship in Logic and Literature, $100. — Edward Johnson Runk. Honorable Mention. — Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman. Scholarship in Physics, $100. — William Hallock. Honorable Mention. — Alfred Purdy Welsh Seaman. FELLOWSHIPS. 1872. Fellowship in Science. — John Krom Rees. 1875. Fellowship in Letters. — Edward Del at an Perry. 1876. Fellowship in Letters. — Richard Theodore Ely. 1877. Fellowship in Science. — Lawrence Bunting Fletcher. 1878. Fellowship in Science. — Holbrook Cushman. 1878. Fellowship in Letters. — Edward Washburne Hopkins. ACADEMICDEPARTMENT. ^9 HONOR MEN OF THE GLASS GRADUATING JUNE. 1878.* FIRST CLASS OF HOI^OR. 1. CHARLES FREDERICK HURLBURT. 2. MORNAY WILLIAMS. 3. WILLIAM PORTER ALLEN. SECOND CLASS OF HONOR. 1. FRANCIS SEDGWICK BANGS. 2. BENJAMIN FARQUHAR CURTIS. 3. JOSEPH FRANKLIN CROWELL. 4. EDWARD WASHBURNE HOPKINS. 5. HOLBROOK CUSHMAN. 6. JOSEPH WILCOX SPALDING. THIRD CLASS OF HONOR. 1. CHARLES FREDERICK HOFFMAN, Jr. 2. CHARLES DE HART BROWER. 3. HENRY LAWRENCE BOGERT. 4. GILBERT RUMSEY UNDERHILL. 5. CHARLES ELDER CALDWELL. 6. HENRY ELSWORTH GREGORY. 7. JOHN LAWRENCE BOGERT. 8. EDWARD ALLEN LOW, Jb. 9. WILLIAM HENRY DE FOREST, Jr. * By the Revised Statutes of 1865 it was provided that, in the annual catalogue next fol- lowing the graduation of any class, there should be published the names embraced in its several classes of honor, arranged in the order of merit within each class ; and that in sub- sequent catalogues the names of those in the first class of honor should be retained, and should continue to be annually published. 30 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. HONOR MEN OF FORMER YEARS. By order of the Faculty, passed 1859, the five students in each gradu- ating class ascertained to stand highest, on an examination of the records of their conduct and scholarship during their whole course of four years, were to receive testimonials, have then' names recorded in the annual catalogues, and to be styled " Honor Men." By the Re"\dsed Statutes, as adopted by the Trustees in 1865, it was provided that this pubhcation should embrace those, and only those, who stand in the " First Class of Honor " in the Grraduating Class. CLASS OF 1859.* JoHisT Crosby Browis^, Stephen Whitjset Phoexix, Joseph Augustus Slipper, William Lummis, Frank Pharcbllus Church. glass of 1860. William Fitzhugh Whitehouse, John How^ard Van Amringe, Egerton L. Winthrop, Frederick A. Tract,! Robert Goblet, Jr. class of 1861. Frederick Cope Whitehouse, William Alexander Rice,| Samuel Baldwin Ward, William Halsted Caswell, Elisha Horton, Jr. class of 1862. Charles Sigourney Knox, John A. Vanderpoel,^: Francis Babcock, Wm. Augustus Ogden Hegeman, William Herbert Benjamin. CLASS OF 1863. Hiram Hunt Nazro, Dan Marvin, Jr., Randall Cook Hall, Emile Henry Lacombe, Stephen Howard Thayer, Jr. class of 1864. T. Frelinghuysen C. Demarbst, DUANE Shuler Everson, John Magnus Adams, ISIDOR Walz,§ Henry Bedinger Cornwall. * At the examination in February, 1859, the third name in the list was that of Emory Mcdintock, who was graduated and appointed tutor in mathematics before the com- m.encement. + Died 1863, First Lieutenant U. S. Infantry. $ Died 1866. § Died 1877. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. 31 CLASS OF 1865. William Bogert Walker, Henry Rutgers Beekman, William Neilson McVickar, Thomas Cooper Campbell,* Abraham Van Santvoord. class of 1866. Augustus Chapman- Mbrriam, Daniel Lord, Jr. CLASS OF 1867. James McNamee, Cadwalader Evans Ogden, GrEORGE BARENT JoHNSON, Julius Sachs, Aaron Ernest Vanderpoel. class of 1868. f John Duncan Quackenbos, George Lockhart Rives, Talmadge Woodward Foster. class of 1869. William Dudley Foulkb, David B. Ogden, Charles Gustavus Adams. class of 1870. Seth Low, j Lewis Buffett Carll, ( Franklin Butler Lord, Gteorge Hicks Dibblee.! CLASS OF 1871. Clarence Rapelje Conger, William Henry Sage, Joseph Fenblon Vermilye. class of 1872. John Krom Rees, Edward Lazarus Rosenfeld,! class of 1873. Lbfperts Strebbigh, Frederick Remsen Hutton, Sutherland Tenney. class of 1874. George Forrest Butterworth, Frederick William Hinrichs, Benjamin Aymar Sands, Frank Drisler. class of 1875. Edward Lyman Short, Edward Delavan Perry. class of 1876. Eugene Seligman, David Calman, Benjamin Franklin Mayer, John Edmund Hindon Hyde, Herman Drisler, Richard Theodore Ely. class of 1877. Lawrence Bunting Fletcher, Stephen Yates Howell. * Died 1877. + Died 1873. 32 COLUMBIA COiiI.EGE. GRADUATES IN 1878. BACHELORS OF ARTS. Samuel Francis Adams, Charles Slover Allen, William Porter Allen, Francis Sedg^vick Bangs, William James Grilbert Bearns, Edward Mead Bliven, William Warren Bliven, Henry Lawrence Bogert, John Lawrence Bogert, James Arthui- Booth, Charles De Hart Brower, Charles Elder CaldweU, Louis Montgomery Cheesman, Charles Hopper Crow, Joseph Franklin Crowell, Benjamin Farquhar Curtis, Holbrook Cushman, Thomas Monroe Davis, William Hem*y De Forest, Jr., Henry Elsworth Gregory, Francis Reynolds Hitchcock, Charles Frederick Hoffman, Jr., George Frederick Wilham Holls, Charles Frederick Holly, Jr., Edward Washburne Hopkins, Charles Frederick Hm-lburt, William Kent, Ralph Wood Kenyon, Joseph Mattison Knapp, Samuel Ferris Lewis, Edwai-d 4Jlen Low, Jr. , Cornwall Kensington Peyton, James WiUiamson Pryor, Thos. Jackson Oakley Rhinelander, Wilham Hamilton Russell, Edward Paul Schell, Jefferson Seligman, Egbert CarU Simonson, Joseph Wilcox Spalding, Gilbert Rumsey Underhill, Wilham WaUer, Henry Ross Campbell Watson, Mornay Wilhams, Alexander Woods, Jr. MASTERS OF ARTS. Wilham James Adams, Wilham Babcock, Thomas Cumming Bach, Randolph Hurry, (Qass of 18T.5.) Wilham Duncan McKim, Thomas Samuel Ormlston, John Henry Pui-dy, George Sherman, Chalmers Wood. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, HONORARY DEGREES. JUNE. 1878. LL. B., speaiali gratia. EDMUND H. SMITH, Professor of Latin, Hobart College. S. T. D. DAVID GREENE HASKINS, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the University of the South. JAMES RATCLTFFE DAVENPORT. LL. D. TiEORGE FRANKLIN SEYMOUR, S. T. D., Dean of the (xeneral Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and Bishop of the Diocese of Illinois. FORDYCE BARKER. xAI. D. 34 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. CALENDAR 1878. Oct. 7. First Term, 125th Year, begins on Monday. ■ Election Day, Holiday. Thanksgiving Day, Hohday. Chi'istmas HoHdays begin, Monday. 1879. Jan. 4. Chiistmas Holidays end, Satm-day. First Term ends, Friday. Intennediate Examination begins, Monday. Second Term begins, Thursday. Washington's Birthday — Holiday. Ash Wednesday — Holiday. Good Friday — Holiday. Easter Monday — Holiday. Second Term ends, Friday. Concluding Examinations begin, Monday. Decoration Day — Holiday. Examinations tor Admission begin, Wednesday. Couuuencement, Wednesday. Examination for Admission, Wednesday. First Term, 126th Year, begins on Monday. Oct. 7. Nov. 5. Nov. 28. Dec. 23. Jan. 4. Jan. 24. Jan. 27. Feb. 6. Feb. 22. Feb. 26. April 11. April 14. May 16. May 19. May 30. June 4. June 11. Oct. 1. Oct. 6. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. SCHOOL OF MINES m COMMITTEE IRUSTEES ON THE SCHOOL OF MINES :XAMES. RESIDENCES. LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD 175 Second Avenue. GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN 9 West 10th Street. HAMILTON FISH, LL.D 251 East ITth Street. FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL.D., L.H. D Columbia CoUege. WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN 49 West 23d Street. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M.D 266 Madison Avenue. 37 OFFICERS. NAMES. RESIDENCES. FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL.D., L. H. D Columbia College. President. THOMAS EGLESTON, E. M., Ph. D., LL.D., 35 West Washington Square. Pi-ofessor of Mineralogy and Metallurgy. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. D., M. D., LL.D.... 51 East 54th Street. Professor of Chemistay and Dean of the Faculty. WILLIAM G. PECK, Ph. D., LL.D Greenwich, Conn. Professor of Mechanics. J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M., Ph. D 165 West 46th Street. Professor of Mathematics. OGDEN N. ROOD, A. M 341 East 15th Street. Professor of Physics. JOHN S. NEWBERRY, M. D., LL.D .School of Mines. Professor of Geology and Palaeontology. WILLIAM P. TROWBRIDGE, A. M Windsor Hotel. Professor of Engineering. HENRY S. MUNROE, E. M., Ph. D 33 East 49th Street. Adjunct Professor in Surveying and Practical Mining. FREDERICK STENGEL, A. M.,"The Eastuiinster," 238 East 50th Street. Instructor in German. 38 SCHOOL OF MIj>J'ES. 39 NAMES. JIESIDENCBS. JULES E. LOISEAU, A. B., LL.B Woodside, L. I. Instructor in French. WILLIAM HALSEY INGfERSOLL, A. M., LL.B., E. M. . 105 East 21st St. Assistant in Mechanics and Astronomy. MAGNUS C. IHLSENG, E. M., Ph. D 151 East 33d Street. Assistant in Phj'sics. JASPER T. GOODWIN, A. B .154 East 52d Street. Assistant in Mathematics. WILLIAM PISTOR, E. M 311 West 44th Street. Instructor in Di-awing. FREDERICK R. HUTTON, A. M., E. M., C. E 6 West 38d Street. . Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. FREDERICK A. CAIRNS, A. M 40 Grove Street. Instructor in Quantitative Analysis. ELWYN WALLER, A. M., E. M., Ph. D 83 West 15th Street. Instructor in Qualitative Analysis. PIERRE DePETSTER RICKETTS, E.M., Ph. D. ,.124 East 59th Street. Instructor in Assaying. ALEXIS A. JULIEN, A. M School of Mines, Assistant in Analj'tical Chemistry. JAMES S. C. AVELLS, Ph. D Hackensack, N. J. Assistant in Quantitative Analysis. HENRY C. BOWEN 238 East 49th Street. Assistant in Qualitative Analysis. FRANCIS N. HOLBROOK, E. M., C. E. . . .7 JefifersonSt., Brooklyn,N.Y. Assistant in Assaying. 40 COIiUMBIACOLLBGE. liTAMES. . RESIDENCES. LOUIS H. LAUDT School of Mines. Assistant la General Chemistry. SPENCER B. NEWBERRY, E. M School of Mines. Assistant in Geology. CHARLES A. COLTON, E. M School of Mines. Assistant in Mineralogy. WILLIAM Gr. BAKER 3 Madison Avenue. Librarian. GEORGE P. FISHER School of Mines. Registrar. JAMES F. JEHU School of Mines. Engineer. CHARLES RICHTER School of Mines. Janitor. SCHOOL OP MIjVES. 41 STUDENTS. FOURTH CLASS. NAME. RESEDKNCE. CITY ADDRESS. Robert Bolton (C.) Pelham, N. Y. Nathaniel Lord Britton (M. E.) New Dorp, Staten Island. Leo George Cloud, A. B. (M. E.). . .Newport, Ky 321 E. SOth Street. Harry Clay Cornwall (M. E.) Brooklyn, N. Y 18 Warren Street. Louis Philippe De Luze (C. E.) New Rochelle, N. Y 48 Pine Street. George Spencer Eastwick (C. E.). . .New York City 444 W. 23d Street. Louis Francis Half en, A. M. (C. E.).New York City. ..152d St. & Courtland Ave. Charles Sumner Harker (M. E.). . . .New York City 54 E. 49th Street. Nathaniel Hathaway (C.) New Bedford, Mass 54 E. 49th Street. Herman Hollerith (M. E.) New York City 161 E. 61st Street. Charles Arthur Hollick (G.) New Brighton, N. Y P. O. Box 3606. Isaac Bradley .Johnson (M. E.) Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. Robert Andrew Johnston (C. E.). . .Scarsdale, N. Y. Edward Cabet Koch (M. E.) New York City 160 E. 56th Street. Thomas Kaight Leggett, Jr. (M.E.). Flushing, L. I. Edwin Ludlow (M. E.) Oakland, N. Y 112 Madison Avenue. Charles Wells Marsh (C.) 319 Adelphi Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Theophilus Smith Mathis (M. E.). . .344 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ralph Edward Mayer (C. E.) New York City '. . . .218 E. 112th Street. Hubert John Merwin (M. E.) 668 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. George FanshaweMilliken (M. E.). .New York City 163 Madison Avenue. <)tis Mortimer Munroe (C.) New York City 102 E. 45th Street. JosephWilliamKnightNeftel(C.E.).New York City 16 E. 48th Street. James Nesmith (M. E.) 256 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Milton Noble (M. E.) Anniston, Alabama 238 E. 49th Street. William Bell Stephen Reed (M. E.).157 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Dunn Rhodes (M. E.) Quebec, Canada 238 E. 49th Street. Francis Morris Rutherfurd (M. E.)..New York City. 244 E. 13th Street. Gardner Hutchinson Sheldon (M.E.).123 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Fowler Starr (C.) Newark, N. J. Francis Barretto Stewart (C.) New York City 87 Franklin Street. George Camerone Stone (C.) New York City 25 W. 32d Street. John Richard Suydam, .Jr. (M. E.). .New York City 43 E. 22d Street. Granville Whittlesey Williams (M. E.), 388 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fourth Class 34 42 COIilTMBIA COLLEGE. THIRD CLASS. NAME. EESIDENCE. CITY ADDKESS. Thomas Ernest Allen (C.) New York City 478 W. 22d Street. Alfred Lockwood Beebe (C.) New York City 22 W. 26tli Street. Frank Parkinson Benjamin (C. E.).New York City 31 W. 19tli Street. Frederick DenisonBrowning(M.E.).Perryville, K. 1 125 E. 46th Street. William Frederic Bmgman (C.) New York City 327 E. 57th Street. Nathaniel Butler (M. E.) New York City 6 Great Jones Street. Edwin Perry Clark (M. E.) 340 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cornelius Simonson Egbert (M. E.). Clifton, S. I. William Elliott (C.) New York City 302 E. 15th Street. Louis George Engel (M. E.) 91 Second Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Otto Francke (C. E.) New York City 2 W. 50th Street. Herman Garlichs (M. E.) Brooklyn, N. Y 60 Exchange Place. Wilkins Updike Greene (C.) 316 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. James Leal Greenleaf (C. E.) New York City 23 W. 12th Street. Albert Peter Hallock (C.) Peekskill, N. Y. Henry Harmon Hendricks (C.) New York City 512 Fifth Avenue. Louis Mosher Hooper (C. E.) Griggstown, N. J 125 E. 46th Street. Theodore M. Hopke (C.) Hastings, N. Y. Edward Henry Hudson (C. E.) . . .New York City 494 Lexington Avenue. Frank Klepetko (M. E.) Cleveland, Ohio 1266 First Avenue. Wheaton Bradish Kunhardt (M. E.).New Brighton, S. 1 32 Beaver Street. Joseph Godley Mattison (C.) Hastings, N. Y 91 Gold Street. Carl August Meissner (C.) New Dorp, S. 1 48 Beaver Street. James Haviland Merritt.(C.) Brooklyn, N. Y 14 Barclay Street. Juan Adalberto Narvarro (C. E.). . .New York City 251 W. 44th Street. Andrew McCl'ean Parker (M. E,). . .Plainfield, N. J 37 William Street. John Randolph Parks (M. E.) 113 Penn Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic Augustus Potts, Jr. (C). . .Pittstown, N. J 110 Broadway. Edgar Richards (C.) New York City 113 E. 30th Street. Henry Alvord Robinson (C.) New York City 5 E. 65th Street. Ferdinand Ruttmann, Jr. (M. E.). . .Plainfield, N. J P. O. Box 18. George Singer, (M. E. ) Pittsburgh, Pa 572 Madison Avenue. George Harton Singer (M. E.) Pittsburgh, Pa : .' .572 Madison Avenue. Wallace Augustus Smalley (M. E.)..New York City 20 W. S6th Street. Maxwell Smith (C. E.) New York City. .-. 412 Madison Avenue. Theodore Tonnele (C.) 152d Street, Washington Heights. Charles Herbert Torrey (C.) New York City .189 E. 71st Street. Joseph Walker, Jr. (C. E.) New York City 289 'Fifth Avenue. Herbert Allen Wheeler (M. E.) New Brighton, S. 1 113 Wall Street. Bellinger White (C.) New York City 222 Second Avenue. Third Class 40 SCHOOL OF MISTES. 43 SECOND CLASS. NAME. RESIDENCE. CITY ADDRESS. Charles Alfred Andresen (E) New York City 109 W. 43d Street. Frederick Theodor Aschman (C). . .New York City 308 E. 4(jth Street. Americus Bendelari (E) New York City .130 W. 46tli Street. Charles Popham Bleecker (E) New York City .2184 Fifth Avenue. Victor Manuel Braschi (E) Trujillo, Venezuela P. O. Box 4808. Charles Arms Budd (E) New York City 416 W. 57th Street. Edward Renshaw Bush (E) New York City 11 W. 30th Street. Hiram Charles Calkins (C) New York City 134 East 80th Street. Philip Edward Chazal (E) Charleston, S. C 34 W. 24th Street. William Stewart Church (E) Riga, N. Y 124 E. 24th Street. Albert Ladd Colby (C) New York City 36 E. 135th Street. Thomas Peters Conant (E) Brooklyn N. Y Harper Brothers. Charles Gordon Curtis (E) New York City 24 W. 32d Street. Lloyd Russell Degan (C) South Orange, N. J. Edward M. Douglas (E) Mechanicsville, N. Y ;.33 E. 49th Street. Jesse Dovale (C) Inwood, N. Y P O. Box 3577. Edward Kellogg Dunham (C) Irvington, N. Y 65 Union Place. George Elder, Jr. (C) New York City 19 W. 48th Street. Anton F. Emrich (E) New York City 153d Street. Robert Treat Paine Fiske (E) New Brighton, S. I. Howard V. F. Furman (E) New York City 12 W. 25th Street. William Gaul (E) Yonkers, N. Y. Herbert Goodman (E) Yonkers, N. Y. William T. Griswold (E) Salem, Oregon 36 E. 23d Street. John Thomas Hecker (E) Orange, N. J 378 Madison Avenue. Frederick Adolph Hemmer, Jr. (C).New York City 145th Street. Adrian Gardner Hegeman (C) Brooklyn, N. Y 16 E. 33d Street. William Hill (E) Stamford, Conn. William Clark Hough (E) 450 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Gerhard Janssen (C) New Brighton, S. 1 68 Broad Street. Charles Breck Judd (E) Bound Brook, N. J 835 8th Avenue. Daniel James Leary (E) 138 Keep Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Clement Le Boutillier (C) New York City 50 E. 25th Street. Augustus Damon Ledoux (C) Cornwall-on- Hudson .. 246 Lexington Ave. Willard Parker Little (E) New York City 60 W. 40th Street. John Esterley Mcintosh (E) Cayuga. N. Y 54 E. 49th Street. Frederick Ferdinand Martinez (E). .New York City 328 W. 48th Street. Antonio Esteban Mesa (E) New York City 201 E. 61st Street. Walter Monfort Meserole (E) 590 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Percy Neymann (C) New York City 204 W. 127th Street. 44 COI/UMBIACOLLEGE- NAME. RESIDENCE. CITY ADDRESS. Michael Joseph O'Connor (E) New York City 42 W. 28th Street. Thomas Devlin O'Connor (C) New York City 42 W. 28th Street. James Taylor Penfield (C) New Rochelle, N. Y 141 Broadway. John Raymond Pepin (E) New Orleans, La 40 W. 27th Street. John Adams Perry (E) Governor's Island, New York. Lucius Pitkin (C) New York City 432 Madison Avenue. George Sharp Raymer, A.B. (E). . .Wilton, N. Y 27 W. 16th Street. William Thomas Richmond (E) New York City 30 W. 61st Street. Thomas Weddle Ridsdale (E) Brooklyn, N. Y 96 Maiden Lane. Arthur Carr Roberts (E) Jersey City, N. J 372 Broadway. Albert Saenz (E) Heredia de Costa Rica, C. A. .20 W. 11th St. Charles Sawyer (C) New York City 108 E. 71st Street. Frederic William Schmadeke (E). ..New York City 388 E. 4th Street. William Waldemar Share (C) 336 Navy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert Vandervoort Smith (E) New York City 58 E. 55th Street. Carlton Royal Smith (C). Jersey City, N. J P. O. Box 2600. Michael Henry Smith (E). New York City 508 E. 13th Street. Chandler Dannat Starr (E) New York City 103 E. 16th Street. Walter Dannat Starr (C) New York City 103 E. 16th Street. Thomas Beale Stearns (E) Brooklyn, N. Y. 147 Fulton Street. Frederick Steinway (E) New York City 762 Madison Avenue. Richard Hilliard Sterling (C) Cleveland, Ohio. Alfred Ernest Swain (E) Cleveland, Ohio 36 E. 23d Street. Frederic Anson Taylor (E) Brooklyn, N. Y. Edgar Granger Tuttle (E) New York City 950 Lexington Avenue. Alvan Howard Van Sinderen (C). . .Brooklyn, N. Y P. O. Box 3496. Hermann Theodore Vulte (C) New York City 324 Fifth Avenue. Francis Ehrick Ward (C) New York City 193 Second Avenue. Albert Victor Widmann (C) Yonkers, N. Y. Ferdinand I. G. 'Wiechmann (C). ...Brooklyn, N. Y 458 Broadway. William Fish Williams (E) Oakland, Cal..427 Willoughby Av., Bkln, N. Y. Herbert M. Wilson (E) Plainfield, N. J 218 W. 53d Street. William Alexander Wilson (E) 338 De Kalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Second Class 73 FIRST CLASS STUDENTS. NAME. RESIDENCE. CITT ADDRESS. Charles Frederick Ackermann Brooklyn, N. Y 48 Beaver Street. Samuel Weed Balch. Yonkers, N. Y. John Murray Beam Golden, Colorado. SCHOOL OF MIXES. 45 NAME. RESIDENCE. CITY ADDRESS. George Nelson Bell Garden Cily, L. 1 47 Lafayette Place. Joseph Francis Bloodgood Flushing, L. I. Edgar Hetfield Booth New York City 3 W. 14th Street. Alfred Butler New York City 6 Great Jones Street. Albert Caiman New York City 3H2 W. 56th Street. Horace Clark New York City 53 W. 4oth Street. William Hamilton Cooper 14 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Bacon Crocker New York City . . 54 W. 21st Street. Winfield Scott Davis New York City 491 Oth Avenue. John William Barnes Decker Mariner's Harbor, S. I. Oscar Vincent Dougherty New York City 76 & 78 Centre Street. William Fletcher Downs Plainfield, N. J. Walter Lorton Dusenberry. New York City 34 W. 33d Street. Henry Emerson New York Citj^ 15 E. 22d Street. Lothar Washington Faber Port Richmond, S. I. ..718 & 720 Broadway. David Beauregard Falk Charleston, S. C 27 W. 58th Street. George Washington Falk New York City 27 W. 58th Street. Carlos Ferrer Ferrer New York City 265 W. 2nth Street. Warren Ferris, Jr. . New York City 124 W. 42d Street. Henry Feuchtwanger New York City 121 E. 39th Street. Charles Lincoln Fitch New York City 108 W. 42d Street. Jefferson Davis George New York City 22 W. 32d Street. Charles Buxton Going Yonkers, N. Y 15 Beaver Street. Edward Gilder New York City 935 Madison Avenue. John Becker Gilhooly New York City 411 W. 21st Street. Oswald Herbert Gordon Woodside, N. J. Dunbar Ferdinand Haasis 142 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. John Louis Harberger New York City 40 Wall Street. Frank Rodgers Hoyt Yonkers, N. Y. Augustus Gerald Hull Scarborough, N. Y 30 E. 33d Street. William Charles Illig New York City 327 E. 41st Street. Frederick William Janssen New Brighton, S. I .68 Broad Street. Cavalier Hargrave Joliet Roselle, N. J. Frederick Adrian Kinch, Jr Westfield, N. J. John Burgess Lynch New York City 148 West 22d Street. Stephen Ashton McLean Tarrytown, N. Y 56 Morton Street. Henry Whitney McVickar New York City 38 E. 20th Street. Robert Ashton Macready Cincinnati, Ohio 110 Pearl Street. Nelson Jarvis Marvin New York City . 13.5th Street cor. Willis Ave. William Sinclair Meeks New York City . . . 133d Street near 7th Ave. William Beebe Middleton New York City 47 W. 35th Street. Charles Lewis Miller 267 Grand Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Horace Moody Moore Yonkers, N. Y. 46 COLUMBIACOLLEGE. NAME. RESIDENCE. CITY ADDRESS. Alfred Joseph Moses 173 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hugh Capner Nevins Flemington, N. J. Alfred Peckham Oakley New York City 434 Fifth Avenue. Edward Austin Oothout New York City 79 Clinton Place. William Stevens Page Tottenville, Staten Island Clarence Quintard Payne Stamford, Conn. Charles Frederick Parraga New York City. . . ^5 Irving Place. John Clarance Richardson New York City 347 Broadway. William Wadsworth Russell Tarrytown, N. Y. EflSngham Schieifelin Eastchester, N. Y. Frederick Schuchardt, Jr Newtown, L. 1 29 W. 49th Street. William Henry Singer Pittsburgh, Pa. William Field Staunton, Jr New York City 206 W. 125th Street. ■George Velten Steeb 276 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Nathaniel Strange Stock well Garretson'sStat.,S.I.,P. O. address, Stapleton. Edward Stephen Tracy Cleveland, Ohio 36 E. 23d Street. Frank Weiss Traphagen 230 South 4th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Hooper Trask, Jr New York City 32 W. 37th Street. Clinton Brazil Van Tuyl New York City 26 W. 16th Street. Rudolph Harrison Vondy 473 Jersey Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. John Howard Wainwright New York City 181 W. 43d Street. John Patrick Henry Walsh 94 Amity Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. George Albert Wanier New York City 407 Eighth Avenue. Norbert Reillieux Ward New York City .167 W. 49th Street. John Lee Waring New York City P. O. Box 2407. Francis Egerton Webb. New York City 14 W. 38th Street. Walter Harvey Weed Brooklyn, N. Y 165 Broadway. Norman White, Jr New York City .286 Lexington Avenue. William Scherf White 430 Gold Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Leavitt Young New York City 24 Seventh Avenue. First Class '. 76 SPECIAL STUDENTS. NAME. RESIDENCE. CITY ADDRESS. William Robertson Boggs, Jr Blacksburg, Va. Charles Pierre Bonnett New York City 14 Fifth Avenue. Alfred Daniel Churchill Davenport, Iowa 326 W. 58th Street. Edward Wright Davison Baltimore, Md 20 E. 42d Street. Augustus Schermerhorn Emmet. . .New York City 30 W. 49th Street. Alanson Trask Engs 28 Monroe Place, Brooklyn. SCHOOL OP MINES. 47 NAME. RESIDENCE. CITY ADDRESS. George Pierre Erhard New York City 699 Broadway. Thomas Henry Beaver, Pa . French's Hotel. Wibray James Thompson. B. S Chicago, 111 143 E. 29th Street. John Anderson Baush Tompkins. . .Brooklyn, N. Y P. O. Box 985. Charles Wiggins, Jr St. Louis, Mo 41 W. 13th Street. Special Students 11 POST GRADUATES. NAME. RESIDENCE. CITY ADDRESS. Robert Elmer Booraem (M. E.) Grove Street, cor. 1st, Jersey City, N. J. George Charles BrinckerhofE (M.E.).]S'ew York City . . .9 W. 29th Street. Isaac Wyman Drummond (M. E.). .New York City 274 W. 11th Street. Walter Graeme Elliot (M. E.) New York Cily 741 Fifth Avenue. Harry Leopold Haas (C.) New York City 49 W. 39th Street. Benjamin Bow den Lawrence Riverside, Conn. 2 Irving Place. George Barrow Morewood (M. E.)..New York City 38 W. 28tli Street. Charles Edward Munsell (C.) Glen Cove, N. Y 106 South Street. Bailey Willis (M. E.) New York City 53 E. 25th Street. Post Graduates 9 SUMMARY. Fourth Class , 34 Third Class 40 Second Class 73 First Class 76 Special Students 11 Post Graduate Students 9 Total 243 ABBREVIATIONS. (C. ) Course in Analytical and Applied Chemistry. (E.) Course in Engineering (civil or mining). (Gr- ) Course in Greology . (M.) Course in Metallurgy. (C. E.) Course in Civil Engineering. (M. E.) Course in Mining Engineering. 48 COLITMBIA OOIiLEGB. GRADUATES IN 1878. ENGINEERS OF MINES. William James Adams, A. B. Luiz De Souza BaiTos. Charles Edward Blydenburgh, Robert Elmer Booraem. George Charles Brinckerhoff. Willard Parker Butler. Walter B. De^^ereaux, A. M. . Isaac Wyman Drumiiiond. Walter Grraeme Elliot. Anton Fernekes. Yothinosuke Hasegawa. Henry Albert Hodges. Jose Nabor Pacheco Jordao. Benjamin Bowden Lawrence. A.M. Frank Lyman. Greorge Barrow Morewood. Grouverneur William Morris. Kiugo Nambu. Spencer Baird Newberry. Frederick Nash Owen. Cortland Edward Palmer. Vicente Felix Pazos. Nelson William Perry. William Strieby, A. B. BaUey Wilhs. CIVIL ENGINEERS. John Woodbridge Davis. Edward Henry Holden. William HoUis. Owen Frederick Olmstead. Richard Alexander Parker. BACHELORS OF PHILOSOPHY. Alexander Ramsay Cushman. Orrien Pinkerton Downing. Harry Leopold Haas. Elias Mattison Johnson. Grilbert Henry Johnson. Coiydon Powell Karr. Nawokichi Matstii. Charles Edward Munsell. James Atkin Noyes. Edward Austen McCuUoh. DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. Albert Huntington Chester. | James Sunpson Chester Wells. Jose Nabor Pacheco Jordao. SCHOOL OF MIXES. 49 CALENDAR. 1878 — Oct. 7 — First Session begins, Monday. Nov. 5 — Election Day — Holiday. Nov. 28— Thanksgiving Day— Holiday. Dec. 23 — Christmas Holidays begin, Monday. 1879 — ^Jan. 6 — Lectures Resumed, Monday. Jan. 24 — First Session ends, .Friday. Jan. 27 — Examinations begin, Monday. Feb. 6 — Second Session begins, Thursday. Feb. 22 — Washington's Birthday — Holiday. • May 17 — Second Session closes, Friday. May 19 — Annual Examination begins, Monday. June 6 — Examination for Admission, Friday. June 11 — Commencement, Wednesday. Oct. 3 — Examination for Admission, Friday. Oct. 6 — First Session begins, Monday. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. SCHOOL OF LAW 51 w COMMITTEE STEES ON THE SCHOOL OF LAW, SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, LL. D., Cttatrmav HAMILTO>" FISH, LL. D. GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN. THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D. SAMUEL BLATCHFORD, LL. D. STEPHEN P. NASH. AARON E. VANDERPOEL. 53 OFFICERS OF THE LAW SCHOOL. S^ACFLTY. NAMES. RESIDENCES. FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, D. D., LL.D Columbia College. President. _,„_,_.^_.__ ^_ •rviTrT/->xTrn TT "Tk ( Brevoort House (11 Fifth Aveiiue). THEODORE W. D WIGHT, LL. D. -j ^qj^^^^ g (.^^^^ j^^^^ g^^.^^^ Warden of the Law School, and Professor of the Law of Contmcts, and of Mari- time and Admiralty Law. Professor of Real Estate and Equity Jurisprudence. rJTrm^r^T? ptta^it? tt Ti j 110 Fifth Avenue. trU^UKtri. CHAblL, LL. B j (Office) 8 Great Jones Street. Professor of Criminal Law, Torts, and Procedure. JOHN W. BURGESS, A. M 323 West 57th Street. Professor of Constitutional History, International and Constitutional Law, and Political Science. JOHN ORDRONAUX, M. D., LL. D | ^^^Ji^n Broadway. Professor of Medical Jurispi-udence. SECRETARY. ROSWELL H. CARPENTER, LL. B (Office) 8 Great Jones Street. LIBRARIAN. ROBERT SENFTNER, LL. B (Office) 8 Great Jones Street. JANITOR. FELIX CURTIS 8 Great Jones Street. * It is expected that this professorship will soon be filled. 54 STUDENTS. SENIOR CLASS. NAMEa RESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. William Lawrence Adam. A.B. (W.) Pittsfield, Mass 16 E. 23d Street. Julius Adenaw New York 116 E. 26tli Street. Edward Bernard Amend, A.B. (S.X.) . . . .New York 70 E. 4th Street. Edward Moses Atkinson, A.B. (P.U.) Portland, Or., (Bkln.)98 Pineapple St. Rufus Harold Baker Toledo, O 43 Lafayette Place. Jacob Augustus Baldwin, A.B. (H.U.).. . .New York 9 W. 29tli Street. William Milo Barnum, A.B. (Y.). . . . Lime Rock, Ct 11 W. 22d Street. Charles Bathgate Beck, A.B. (C.) West Farms, N. Y. Sophus Bindesbol Beder, A.B. (U.Cop.). .New York 1268 2d Avenue. Frank Sherman Benson, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn. .(Bkln.) 214 Columbia Hgts. Alvaro Betancourt, A.B. (S.X.) New York.. .Smith & McNeil's Hotel. David Walton Birmingham Clifton, S. I. Edward S. Black Newark (Nwk.) 917 Broad Street. William Edward Bliss New York 387 5th Avenue. Louis Boisot, Jr., A.B. (H.) Dubuque, la 120 E. 10th Street. James S. Bourke Springfield, Mass. ..20 W. 18th Street. Joshua Brown, Jr New York 321 W. 43d Street. John Franklin Brush Brooklyn. ..(Bkln.) 366 Lewis Avenue. John Eliot Budington Brooklyn (Bkln.) 422 Clermont Avenue. William Patrick Burr New York 38 Broome Street. Towson Caldwell, A.M. (C.) ... New York 58 E. 34th Street. George Truman Capron New York 241 W. 39th Street. Albert Cardozo, Jr., A.B. (C.) .New York 803 Madison Avenue. George Lister Carlisle Brooklyn. (Bkln.) 235 Bedford Avenue. Charles Simeon Carter, B.S. (U.M.) New York 175 East 80th Street. Arthur Ynocencio Casanova Mott Haven, N. Y. Sidney Caldecott Chubb, A.B. (M'jG. U.)New York 68 Fifth Avenue. Marlborough Churchill, Jr., A.B. (C.).. . .New York 448 Madison Avenue. Charles Augustus Clark, A.B. (C.) Brooklyn (Bkln.) 104 Pierrepont Street. Charles Sydney Clark, A.B. (C.N. J.). .. .New York Ill E. 10th Street. William Livingston Clark, A.B. (U.N. Y.)Paterson, N. J 7 Beekman Street. John Frank Clarke Brooklyn.. (Bkln.) 314 South 3d Street. Maurice Samuel Cohen New York 55 W. 46th Street. Albert Leopold Cohn j.New York 247 W. 54th Street. Albert Lindley Cole New York 142 E. 62d Street. 66 COIiUMBIACOIiliEGB NAMES. RESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. Frank Theodore Cole, A.B. (W.) Westmoreland, N. H. . 156 W. 11th St. Alfred Ronald Conkling, Ph.B. (Y.) New York 27 E. 10th Street. Frank Cromwell Brooklyn (Bkln.) 551 Dean Street. Henry Carolus Crossmann Brooklyn.. (Bkln.) 233 Clinton Avenue. Allan Percy Gumming New York 61 W. 54th Street- William John Curtis, A,B. (B.) Brunswick, Me 115 E. 14th Street. William Cyrus Davidson, A.B. (C.C). . . .New York 128 E. 52d Street. Llewellyn Howell Davis New York 223 E. 12th Street. Vernon Mansfield Davis, A.B. (C.C.) New York 116 E. 128th Street. William Gage Davis, A.B. (D.) Lawrence, Mass 49 E. 9th Street. William Henry Deady, A.B. (A) Amherst, Mass 10 Waverley Place. Samuel Douglas Dodge, A.B. (W.) Cleveland, O 16 E. 23d Street. Thomas Stafford Drowne, Jr., A.B. (C). Garden City, L. L Francis Anthony Dugro New York 56 St. Mark's Place. William Fullerton Dunning, A.B. (C.N. J.)New York 37 W. 38th Street. George Ferd. ^Duysters New York 342 Lexington Avenue. Stanley Dwight, A.B. (Y.) New York 6 E. 54th Street. Charles Henry Edgar, Ph.B. (L.) New York 37 E. 38th Street. Eaton Albert Edwards New York 206 E. 15th Street. Abner Lord Ely New York 23 Nassau Street. Lawrence Eflingham Embree Flushing, L. 1 51 Wall Street. George S. Espenscheid Alton, N. Y 198 Broadway. George Anthony Euring, B.S. (C.C.) New York 135 2d Street. Francis Louis Ferdinand New York .230 W. 125th Street. Joseph Kissam Field Orange, N. J. William Walton Fletcher Rochester, N. Y. . . 43 Lafayette Place. William J. Forbes, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn (Bkln.) 70 Willow Street. William Hall Ford, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn. ..(Bkln.) 168 Carroll Street. Clarence Wadsworth Francis, A.B. (C). .New York 33 W. 47th Street. Nathan Hirsch Frank, Ph.B. (U.C.) Suisun, Cal 8 Mitchell Place. Eugene Frayer, A.M. (O.U.) Carson, 13 E. 32d Street. William Nimick Frew, A.B. (Y.) Pittsburgh, Pa 26 E. 23d Street. Charles Frederick Ganson New York 20 5th Avenue. Carl Gantzhorn New York 825 Broadway. Edward Olney Gibson New York C8 W. 35th Street. Robert Washburn Gilbert. A.B. (W. ) New York 16 E. 23d Street. Henry Sheaffe Glover Fairfield, Ct. ...248 Lexington Avenue. Benjamin Marcus Goldberg New London, Wis 45 E. 9th Street. John Greene Brooklyn (Bkln.) 52 Cheever Place. Francis Griffin, A.B. (S.H.) New Rochelle.N. J... 122E. 27th Street. Henry Strong Gulliver, A.B. (Y.). Norwich, Conn 26 W. ICth Street. John Elisha Hall, Ph.B. (S.Sc). . . New Hamburgh,N.Y.23StuyvefeantSt. Orlando Hall, A.B. {Y.) Cleveland, O 557 Madison Avenue. Charles John Halsted, 'A.B. (C.N.J.) New York 7 Lafayette Place. Xeopold Haramel, B.B. (L.U.) New York 45 E. 9th Street.. 8CHO0LOFLAW. 57 NAMES. RESIDENCES. CITY ADDBE8SE8. Harry Truett Hammond (W.P.A.) San Francisco, Cal. . .28 E. 23d Street. James Hankey Staten Island, N. Y....P.O. Box 3675. William Charles Hauflf, A.B. (C.C.) New York 242 W. 21st Street. Mirick E. Haviland, B.S. (C.U.) Glens Falls, K Y....192 E. 70th Street. Edward Henry Hawke, Jr New York 7 Wall Street. John Ramon M. Hernz, A.B. (C.) New York HE. 29th Street. Edwin Hayden Herrick, A.B. (H.U.) Fort Washington 50 Wall Street. Henry John Hetzel Rochester, N. Y 49 E. 9th Street. Charles Kemble Hillyard Brooklyn. .(B kin.) 212 Greene Avenue. Mansfield Lovell Hillhouse New Brunswick, N.J. 417 Madison Av. James Gilkey Hobbie New York 124 E. o9th Street. William Noxon Hopcroft New York 201 W. 18th Street. Dudley R. Horton, M.S. (C.U.) City Island, N. Y. ...2119 5th Avenue. George Edgar Hyatt Brooklyn . ..(Bkln.) 401 Clinton Street. Myer Jacobs, Ph.B. (U.C.) San Francisco, Cal 201 2d Avenue. Charles F. James, Ph.B., (M.U.) New York 125 E. 60th Street. Henry Edward Jenkins, B.S. (C.C.) New York 42 W. 37th Street. Harry Meyer Johnson, A.B. (Y.) New York. George Lafayette Jones Oshkosh, Wis 15 E. 9th Street. James Chapman Kay New York Hotel Branting. William Houston Kenyon. A.B. (C.C). . .New York 100 E. 64th Street. Andrew Sanford Keyes, A.B. (W.) Bennington, Vt 43 E. 12th Street. Le Roy King, A.B. (C.) Newport, R. 1 5 Grameroy Park. William Fargo Kip, A.B. (H.U.) Buffalo, N.Y 14 W. 24th Street. Edward Hallock Kissam Brooklyn. (Bkln.) 1st St and 6th Ave. Antonio Knauth Leipzig, Germany. . ..West End Hotel. Gustav Kobbe New York 112 E. 16th Street. John William Konvalinka Brooklyn (Bkln.) 160 Park Piace. Isidore Saloshinsky Korn, A.B. (C.) New York 156 E. 66th Street. Joseph Kunzman New York 624 W. 51st Street. John Victor Lamarche, A.B. (S.H.) Brooklyn . . .(Bkln.) 248 Carroll Place. Walter Large Dubuque, la 9 W. 21st Street. Ernest Frederick Lasche ... Milwaukee, Wis (Bkln.) 11 Dean St. Edward Savage Latimer Wilmington, N. C. ' Dan Lewis San Antonio, Tex. .28 W. 12th Street. Robert Eugene Little, A.B. (Da.) Anson Co., N.C.. 38 W.Washington Sq. John Bradley Lord Brooklyn.. (Bkln.) 49 Cranberry Street. Bernard Loth, B.S. (C.C.) New York 212 E. 20th Street. Howard Malcom Lynn Pittsburgh, Pa 49 E. 9th Street. James Aloysius MacElhinny, A.B. (Ge.). . Yonkers, N. Y 13 E. 16th Street. Henry .John McClosky Brooklyn. .(Bkln.) 322 Clairmont Ave. Hugo Simon Mack, B.S. (C.C.) New York 69 W. 46th Street. Michael Francis McLoughlin New York 424 W. 29th Street. Alrick Hubbell Man, A.B. (C.C.) New York 106 E. 30th Street. Edwin Manners, A.B. (C.N. J.) Jersey City.. (J. C.) 287 Barrow Street. 68 COLUMBIACOLLEGE NAMES. KESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. Craig Adams Marsh, A.B. (U.) Plaiofield, JS. J. Richard Merrick Martin, A.B. (U.N.Y.). .Brooklyn (Bkln.) 216 Franklin Avenue. Lewis Samuel Marx, B.S. (C.C.) New York Ill 2d Street. Arthur Hayns worth Masten New York 123 Lexington Avenue. Robert Mazet Pittsburgh, Pa. Samuel Mundy Meeker, Jr Brooklyn . . (Bkln.) 844 Bushwick Ave. Charles Sumner Miller, A.B. (Y.). Rochester, N.Y. . . .58 W. 21st Street. Ethelbert Smith Mills, A.B. (H.U.) Brooklyn. (Bkln.) 150 Montague Street. Francis Everett Mirick New York 55 W. 52d Street. John Murray Mitchell, A.B. (C.) New York 80 W. 9th Street. John Bernhard Mooney Cleveland, O 20 E. 32d Street. Joseph Dudley Morgan New York. 2 W. 62d Street. Lawrence Scudder Mott, A.B. (C.N.J.). . Flemington,N.J...(J. C), 105 York St. Thomas Francis Murtha, A.B. (S.X.). . . .New York 60 W. 54th Street. William Sylvester Musgrave New York 27 W. 16th Street. George Luther Nevius, A.B. (R.) N.Brunsw'k,N.J.(J.C.),100 Hudson St. William Mayo Newhall, Ph.B. (Y.) San Francisco, Cal...42 E. 26th Street. Henry Carpenter Niles York, Pa. Arthur Hill O'Connor, LL.B. (LIT.) Washington, D. C. ..11 W. 9th Street. Gouverneur Morris Ogden, Jr New York 9 W. 10th Street. Richard O'Gorman, Jr New York 416 W. 23d Street. Edmund Thomas Oldham Brooklyn... (Bkln.) 281 Ryerson Street. Francis Howard Olmsted, A.B. (Y.) New York 110 E. 10th Street. George Nathan Orcutt, A.B. (U.M.) Hornellsville, N.Y.. . .58 E. 9th Street. Eugene Esperance Oudin New York 230 E. 18th Street, Joseph Eugene Owens New York 132 W. 32d Street. Washington Edward Page, A.B. (C) Omaha, Neb 19 W. lOlh Street. Frank Ellery Pearse Long Island City. Edward Spencer Peck, A.B. (H.) Clinton, N. Y 183 W. 11th Street. Samuel Stuart Peck New York 25 W. 18th Street. George Henry Pettit New York 40 E. 6oth Street. George Howard Phelps, B.S. (C.U.) New York 42 W. 37th Street. John Buckley Pine, A.B. (C.) New York 48 W. 20th Street. Frank Hinchman Piatt, A.B. (Y.) Owego, N.Y 50 W. 20th Street. Rutherford Hayes Piatt, A.B. (Y.) Columbus, O 22 E. 20th Street. John Augustus Post, A.B. (Y.). . . = New York Coleman House. Stacy Gardner Potts Orange, N.J.(J.C.), 47 Montgomery St. William Van Vorst Powers, A.B. (C). . . .New York 22 W. 48th Street. Charles Coffin Protheroe, B.S. (C.C.) . . ..New York 215 W. 45th Street. Andrew Purdy, A.B. (U.N.Y.) New York 78 E. 53d Street. Moses Taylor "Pyne, A.B. (C.N.J.) New York .25 E. 22d Street. Frank Eldridge Randall, A.B. (H.U.) Boston, Mass.. . . Gramercy Park Hotel. James Armstrong Renwick, A.B. (C). . . .New York 29 Park Avenue. Chandler White Riker, A.B. (C.N.J.). . . .Newark, N. J 5 Maiden Lane. Thomas Hastings Robinson New York 264 5th Avenue. SCHOOLOFI/AW. 59 NAMES. RESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. Peter Francisco Chas. Sander, Ph.B.(U.C.)San Francisco, Cal..334 W. 23d Street. Robert Sidoine Sauzade New York 130 Broadway. Louis B. Schram, A.B. (Y.) Milwaukee, Wis. . . .211 E. 17th Street. Lanphear Herbert Scott Cadiz, 511 W. 69th Street. Edward Mansfield Scudder, A.B.,B.S.(T.)jSrew York 116 E. 17th Street. Albert William Seaman Ridgewood, L. I . . . .284 Pearl Street. James Sheehy, Jr New York 33 Barclay Street. Edward Philip Simms Brooklyn (Bklu.) 151 Park Place. William Maison tSKinner White Plains, N. Y. James Bernard F. Smith, A.B. (Ma.) New York 104 E. 56th Street. Richard Herbert Smith St. James, L. I. . . .263 W. 2.jth Street. Thos. Edward Vermilye Smith, A.B. (Y.)New York 15 W. 5fith Street. Richard Austin Springs, Jr., A.B. (C.N.J.)Fort Mill, S.C. .38 W. Washington Sq. William Malthrop Stark New London, Ct. William Maxson Stillman, B.S. (R.) Plainfield, N. J. Benjamin Watson Stilwell Youkers, N. Y 438 W. 23d Street. Frederick Julian Stimson, A.B. (Y.). . . . New York 33 W. 49th Street. Henry Osborn Taylor, A.B. (H.U.) New York 4 E. 49th Street. Leonard Mortimer Thorn, Jr New York 23 W. 16th Street. Christopher G. Tiedeman, A.B. (C.Ch.) .Charleston, S..C. ...34 W. 24th Street. Irving Howard Tifft, B.S. (C.C.) New York 53 E. 21st Street. Hector Hilgard Tyndale, B.S. (C.U.). . . .New York. Wm. Herman Van Steenbergh, A.B. (R.)Rhinebeck, N.Y. . . .'..13 E. 32d Street. Frederick Boyd Van Vorst, A.B. (C.N. J.)New York 811 Madison Avenue. Leopold Van Zandt New York W. 76ih Street. William Alexander Vincent Springfield, 111 Sturtevant House. Lindley Vinton, A.B. (A.) Indianapolis, Ind. .204 W. 2oth Street. Thomas Henry Wagstaffe, Jr Brooklyn. .. (Bkln. ) 237 McDonough St. James Joseph Walsh New York 21 Oliver Street. Edwin Henry Weatherbee, A.B. (Y.). . . .Chatham, N.Y 156 W. 23d Street. Daniel Darling Whitney, Jr Brooklyn (Bkln.) 10 Poplar Street. George Nelson Williams, Jr., A.B. (C.C.).New York 133 E. 71st Street. William Pierpont Williams, A.B. (Y.) East Orange, N. J. Harry Westbrook Winfield, A.B. (R.) . . .Jersey City, N. J. John Wesley Wood New York 224 E. 118th Street. Edward Crane Woodruff Elizabeth, N. J. Charles Wright Fenton, Mich 58 E. 9th Street. William Forman Wyckoff, A.B. (R.) Woodhaven, L. L Edwin Young, Ph.B. (S.Sc.) Honesdale, Pa., . . .36 W. 24th Street. Senior Class 209. 60 COLUMBIA COIiLB&B JUNIOR CLASS. NAMES. RESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. Charles Thornton Adams, A.B. (H.U). ...Galveston, Texas 13 E. 16th Street. Samuel Francis Adams, A.B. (C.) New York 116 Madison Avenue. John Girond Agar, A.B. (Ge.) New Orleans Westminster Hotel. Andrew Hussey Allen, A.B. (H.U.) N.T. . .The " Saratoga," W. 53d & B'y. William Porter Allan, A.B. (C.) New York — 35 Park Avenue. Eliphalet Nott Anable, A.B. (U.) Long Island City. Robert Anderson New York 80 W. 45th Street. Addison Fletcher Andrews, A.B. (D.) . ..New York 44 W. 28th Street. John Andrews, Jr Brooklyn (Bkln.) 89 Second Place. Frank Darling Arthur Scarborough, N. Y. Leopold Ascher, A.B. (C.C.) New York 939 Second Avenue. Clarence Degrand Ashley, A.B. (Y.) New York .39 E. 21st Street. Clark Bell Augustine Cortland, N. Y 152 E. 26th Street. Frank Lusk Babbott, A.B. (A.) Waterville, N. Y. . .117 W. 22d Street. Charles Julian Baker Brooklyn (Bkln.) 391 S. 3d Street. William Schermerhorn Baker Jersey City, N. J. Samuel Ballenberg* New York 182 7th Street. Edgar A. Bancroft, A.B. (K.C.). , Galesburg, 111 468 W. 22d Street. Francis Sedgwick Bangs, A.B. (C). New York 254 W. 55th Street. Charles Wheeler Barnes, A.B. (Y.) New York 106 E. 17th Street. John Arthur Barratt, A.B. (C.C.) New York 2 W. 46th Street. William Reed Barricklo, A.B. (C.N.J.).. .Jersey City, N. J. William James Gilbert Beams, A.B. (C.).. Brooklyn (Bkln.) 80 S. 10th Street. Russell Benedict Brooklyn (Bkln.), 30 Park Place. Wyllys Benedict, A.B. (U.Vt.) Brooklyn. .(Bkln.) 363 Adelphi Street. Alexander Bernstein, A.B. (C.C.) Kingston, N. Y 312 E. 9th Street. Francis Preston Blair, (W.P.A.) Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Edward Mead Bliven, A.B. (C.) New York 146 W. 34th Street. William Warren Bliven, A.B. (C.) New York 146 W. 34th Street. Henry Weller Borland, A.B. (C.C.) New York 238 E 49th Street. Louis Vacher Booraem Jersey City. . .(J. C.) 370 Grove Street. William Ely Bramhall, A.B. (C.U.) Jersey City (J. C.) 249 8th Street. James Joseph Brennan, A.B. (S.X.) New York 75 E. 10th Street. Frederick William Brodsky New York 71 Hester Street. Charles DeHart Brower, A.B. (C.) New York 64 W. 55th Street. George W. Brown, A.B. (C.N.J.) New York 22 E. 49th Street. Charles Giflford Buckley, A.B. (U.N.Y.)..Paterson, N. J 206 Broadway. Giles Francis Bushnell New York 425 4th Avenue. Ben Israel Butler ^W.P.A.) Lowell, Mass 76 E. 6l8t Street. SCHOOLOFIiAW. 61 NAMES. RESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. Charles Elder Caldwell, A.B. (C.) Brooklyn.(Bk]n.)123 Joralemon Street. David Caiman, A.B. (C.) Ph.D (U.Hei.). . .New York 332 W. 56th Street. James Campbell Brooklyn. . . .(Bkln.) 49 Sidney Place. William John Campbell, A.B. (C.C. ) New York 422 W. 44th Street. George Lansing Case New York 118 E. 23d Street. Charles Wyllys Cass, A.B. (C.N.J.) .New York 52 W. 57th Street. Henry Chamberlain, A.B. (Ro.) Mobile 17 Lafayette Place. James Julius Chambers, Ph.B. (C.U.). ...New York 119 W. 56th Street. Edward Francis Chase New York 29 W. 2Bd Street. George Hyde Clarke Cooperstown, N. Y 6 E. 32d Street. Menzeis Case Cleveland Jersey City, N. J. Henry Eugene Coe, A.B. (Y.) New York... 4 E. 16th Street. Charles Gardner Coffin, A.B. (St. S.) Catskill, N. Y. Atwood Collins, A.B. (Y.) Hartford, Conn. .. University Building. George Eaton Coney, A.B. (Y.) New York 150 W. 34th Street. Peter Cook, B.S. (C.C.) New York 62 St. Mark's Place. Harold Graeme Cortis Brooklyn (Bkln.) 96 Lefferts Place. Mark Edwin Couch, A.B. (A.) Northampton,Mass.lO Waverley Place. Joseph Franklin Crowell, A.B. (C.) Arlington, N. J. Charles Forrest Cutter, A.B. (Y.) New York 25 Bond Street. George Bartch Deane, Jr., LL.B.(U.N.Y.)..New York 67 Bank Street. Warren Ezekiel Dennis. . . , Newark, N. J. Onando Perry Dexter, A.B. (Ox.) New York 40 W. 56th Street. Walter Erskine Dimmick Honesdale, Pa 51 W. 35th Street. Lock wood Richard Docy Genesee, N. Y 51 E. 60th Street. William Mark Dougherty, B.S. (S.I.) . . . .Jersey City (J. C.) 186 6th Street. John Edward; Dowley New York 806 East Broadway. George Joseph Dunnigan .New York l4l W. 22d Street. Erastus Douglas Edgerton New York 291 Broadway. Michael Joseph Egan Tarrytown, N. Y. .61 Columbia Street. John Eichler New York 113 St. Mark's Place. Alfred Ely, A.B. (A.) New York 106 E. 10th Street. Frederick Henry William Ernst Hanover, Ger 112 Elizabeth Street. James Alexander Falkner, A.B. (E. U.). . .Brooklyn, E. D 119 Liberty Street. Matthew James Fardy, A.B. (U. Va.) Baltimore, Md 71 Madison Avenue. Joseph James Fay] New York 558 Greenwich Street. Charles Adam Feick, A.B. (Y.) Newark (Nwk.) 180 Elm Street. Edward Pearsall Field New York 14 W. 36th Street. Eugene Fishel, B.S. (C.C.) Babylon, L. L William Ignatius Foley, A.M. (St. I.) San Francisco, Cal. .304 W. 32d Street. Roger Foster, A.B. (Y.) Boston, Mass 23 Stuyvesant Street. Frederick Frambach, Jr., A.B. (C.C.) West Hoboken, N. J. Thomas Friborn New York 18 E. 41st Street. W. S. Gilbert, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn. ., (Bkln.) 160 Remsen Street. Frederick Stark Gillis Morrisania, N. Y. 62 COLUMBIA COIiLBGE NAMES. RESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. William Brown Glover, A.B. (Y.) Fairfield, Conn. James Johnson Grant, A.B. (L.) Navarre, O 41 W. 16th Street. Jesse R. Grant New York 48 E. 26th Street. Nelson Goodwin Green, A.B. (A.) New York llti E. 59th Street. William Walker Green, A B. (Y.) Englewood, N. J. Henry Elsworth Gregory, A.B. (C.) Irvington, N. Y...223 W. 14th Street. Robert Harding Griffin Brooklyn . (Bkln. 105 Joralemon Street. John E. Halliday Brooklyn. .(Bkln.) 140 Prospect Place. Richard Lenox Halsey, A.B. (C.N.J.) Ithaca, N. Y 13'J W. 49th Street. Charles P. Harbick New York 120 E. 38th Street. William Hamilton Harris, A.B. (N.W.U.)New York 30 E. 58th Street. J. Noble Hayes, Jr New York 20 Gramercy Park. George Stewart Hegeman, Ph.B. (S.Sc.).. Brooklyn (Bkln.) 16 E. 23d Street. James Griffiths Henry, A.B. (C.N. J.). . . . Princeton, N. J 30 E. 22d Street. William Christian Heppenheimer Jersey City.. .(J. C.) 19 Reservoir Ave. Joseph Herzfeld New York 355 W. 32d Street. Francis Reynolds Hitchcock, A.B. (C). ..New York 8 E. 29th Street. George Frederick William Holls, A.B.(C.).Mount Vernon, N. Y. Louis Hood, A.B. (Y.) Newark, N. J. George Preston Hotaling, A.B. (C.C). . . iNew York 45 E. 20th Street. Fisher Howe, Jr. A.M. (W.) Brooklyn. ..(Bkln.) 128 Willow Street. William Read Howe, Ph.B. (S.Sc), Orange, N. J. Charles Frederick Hulburt, A.B. (C.) Brooklyn (Bkln.) 199 S. 5th Street. Walter Cluett Hull Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Augustus Schell Hutchins King's Bridge, N. Y. Waldo Hutchins, Jr King's Bridge, N. Y. Charles Isham, A.B. (H.U.) New York .128 Madison Avenue. Samuel Isham, A.B. (Y) . . ; New York 138 Madison Avenue. Eugene Semmes Ives, A.B. (Ge.) Elizabeth, N.J. (Eliz.) 526 CherryStreet. Isidor Storrs Jenks, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn. ..(Bkln.) 161 Remsen Street. Richard Dickinson Jewett New York 22 E. 54th Street. John Quincy Adams Johnson, A.B. (Y.). .Newburyport, Mass. Julian Halsted Kean, A.B. (Y.) Elizabeth, N. J. David Keane, A.B. (S.X.) New York 113 E. 34th Street. Charles P. Kearney New York 141 W. 53d Street. Leonard Treadwell Kendall Newport, R. I 28 W. 22d Street. Michael Kelehar New York 313 E. 55th Street. Jacob Travis King Port Richmond, S. I. ..33 Park Place. Robert Walter King New York 24 E. 84th Street. Paul Krotel, A.B. (C.C.) New York 49 W. 21st Street. Herman Kudlich Hoboken — (Hob. ) 184 Hudson Street. Jesse Larrabee Porter, Me 76 Madison Avenue. Benjamin Lathrop Towanda, Pa. Frank Cooper La wran;e, Jr., Ph.B. (S.Sc.)New York. 8CHOOLOFLAW. 63 RESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. Walter Rotnaine Leg.^at, A.B. (C.C.) New York 44 Laight Street. Fred'k Aug. Leavenworth, A.B. (C.N.J.).Wolcott, N. Y ol W. lltli Street. James Schwartz Lehmaier, Ph.B. (C.U.). .New York 129 E. 59th Street. Frederick Cyrus Leubuscher, A.B. (C.C.).New York 64 E. 87th Street. Howard Coppuck Levis Mount Holly. Charles S. Lincoln : New York 82 Irving Place. John Monroe Lloyd Jackson. 67 E. 7th Street. Charles Chaille Long Princess Anne, Md. 2^10 E. 18th Street. Edward Allen Low. Jr.. A.B. (C.) Brooklyn (Bkln.) 150 Montague Street. Edmund Lyon, A.B. (R.U.) Rochester, N. Y. .(Bkln.), 1^2 2d Place. Richard Joseph McCaun Brooklyn.. (Bkln.) 85o Douglass Street. John Marin Lesieur ^lacdonald Brooklyn . . ..(Bkln.) ii3 Second Place. James Francis McGee ... Brooklyn . . (Bkln.) 171 Carroll Street. Samuel Hepburn McGill, A.B. (C.N.J.). .Jersey City, N. J. Thorndike Corning McKennee New York . . -.842 8th Avenue. Arthur Collins Maclay Yokohama, Japan 34 7th Street. Fiesco Mandelbaum, A.B. (C.C.) San Francisco. Cal. . 138 W. 42d Street. Henry Manne, B.S. (C.C.) Brooklyn. ...(Bkln.) 391 Bridge Street. Peter Markey. Brooklyn (Bkln.) 55 Main Street. John Howard Matthews New York 175 E. 64th Street. Abraham Meserole New York 539 Madison Avenue. Alfred Vanderbilt Meserole New York 539 Madison Avenue. Charles Miehling New York . .833 6tli Street. William Starr Miller, A.B. (H.U.) New York :^9 5th Avenue. James Francis Minturn Hoboken, N. J 7 Murray Street. Edward C. Moore, Jr., A.B. (H.U.) Yonkero, N. Y. RoUin Montgomery Morgan New York 45 E. 0th Street. Michael Joseph Morrisson New York 284 W. 3Sth Street. D. Henderson Muhlanbring, A.B. (We.U.)Pittsburg, Pa 2-34 W. 21st Street. Charles Augustus Muir 3Iorristown, N. J. John Archibald Murray, A.B. (H.U.) New York 238 W. 52d Street. Thomas Edward Murray New York 451 W. 47th Street. Perry Niskern, A.B. (Ri.) Allen's Grove, Wis.. 228 Varick Street. Abraham Nordlinger, A.B. (C.C.) New York 62 W. 52d Street. Francis Norton New York 34 Market Street. Lawrence Dwight Olmstead, A.B. (H.). . .New York 44 W. 2Sth Street. Francis E Parker, A.B. (C.N.J.) New Brunswick, N. J. Frederick Parker, A B. (C.N. J.) Freehold, N.J 18 E. 10th Street. Charles Parsons, Jr., A.B. (Y.) New York 135 E 17th Street. James Alexander Patrick Brooklyn.. (Bkln.) 20J President Street. Pliilip Glendower Peabody, A.B. (C.) New York 60 W. 21st Street. William Dayton Peck Lisle, N. Y. ..5 W. Washington Place. William Peet, Jr., A.B. (A.) Brooklyn. .(Bkln.) 184 Columbia Hgts. Albert Loring Perry . . Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cornwall Kensington Peyton, A.B. (0.). ..Portchester, N. Y. 64 COIiUMBIACOIiliEGE NAMES. EESIDENCE8. CITY ADDRE8SK8. Frederick Noyes Phinney New York 63 Madison Avenue. Frederick Potter, A.B. (Y. ) New York 26 Lafayette Place. David Provost ... Great Neck. Maurice Rapp, A.B. (C.C.) New York 615 5th Street. Philip E. Raque, M.E. (S.I.) Jersey City, N. J. Th. Jackson Oakley Rhinelander, A.B.(C.)New York 18 W. 48th Street. Isaac Leopold Rice New York 106 E. 62d Street. E. Willard Roby, A.B. (H.U.) Brooklyn. .. .(Bkln.) 114 Gates Avenue. William Henry Romaine, Jr Jersey City, N. J. Edgar Evertscn Saltus New York 102 E. 57th Street. William H. Sampson Northampton, Mass. 39 W. Wash'n Sq. Edwin W. Sanborn, A.B. (D.) Hanover, N. H.(J. C), 149 Pacific Ave. Edward Sandford. ... New York 29 Broadway. Orlin Mead Sanford Oneida, N. Y 31 W. 18th Street. William M. Saunderson Mott Haven 154 Nassau Street. Edward Paul Schell, A.B. (C.) New York 260 Spring Street. Matthew Van Benscoten Schryver Rhinebeck , .2119 5th Avenue. Edward Howard Seely, Jr. A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn (Bkln.) 281 Hicks Street. Michael Thomas Sharky New York 3 Vandam Street. Charles Sidney Shepard, A.B. (Y.) Buffalo, N. Y. Egbert Carll Simonson, A.B. (C.) Brooklyn . . .(Bkln.) 299 Reid Avenue. Fred. E. Smith, (W.P.A.) Springfd,Ill.(Bkln.) 254 Cumberl'd St. William Wickham Smith, B.S. (C.C). . . .New York 207 E. 32d Street. Henry Sanger Snow, A.B. (P.I.) Brooklyn. . .(Bkln.) 117 Lafayette Ave. Francis Speir, Jr., A.B. (C.N.J.) South Orange, N. J. .135 Duane Street. Charles Steele, A.M. (U.Va.) Baltimore, Md 28 W. 33d Street. Hugh Stevenson, A.B. (C.N.J.) New York.. 59th Street & 10th Avenue. Russell Chidsey Stewart, A.B. (L.) Easton, Pa 78 Madison Avenue. S. Perry Sturges, A.M. (H.U.) A.B. (C.U.)Englewood, N. J. Robert Browne Suckley , Rhinebeck, N. Y.. Grand Union Hotel. Wilberforce Sully, A.B. (D.) Dedham, Mass.(Bkln.) 192 Prospect PI. Charles Warner Swift Poughkeepsie, N. Y. T. De Witt Talmage, Jr Brooklyn, N. Y. George Leland Upham, Ph.B. (Y.) Yonkers, N. Y. De Witt Van Buskirk Bayonne, N. J. Herman Wendell Vanderpoel, A.B. (R.)..New York Tribune Building. Charles H. Van Ness Greenwich, N. Y. Michael Walsh New York 416 W. 26th Street. John Franklin Ward, A.B. (S.X.) New York 228 E. 5th Street. George Henry Warren, Jr New York 520 5th Avenue. John Van Alstine Weaver Canajoharie, N. Y. ..11 W. 42d Street. Benjamin Welles, A.B. (H.U.) New York 101 Park Avenue. James Griswold Wentz, A.B. (Ur.) Newburgh, N. Y. . .137 E. 15th Street. Theodore Wentz Newburgii, N. Y ... 137 E. 15th Street. Frank Baldwin Wesson, A.B. (Y.) New York 46 E. 26th Street. SCHOOLOFIiAW. 65 NAMES. BESIDENCES. CITY ADDRESSES. Pinckney Charles Wheeler, A.B. (N."W".U.)Brooklyn.(Bkln,) 62 Kosciusko Street. Louis Claude Whiton, A..B. (U.KY.). . . New York 52 W. 52d Street. Charles Samuel Williams, A.B. ;C.N.J.)..lNewburgh, N. Y. ..132 E. 29th;Street. Mornay Williams, A.B. (C.) New York 27 Grove Street. Francis Dana Winslow, Ph.B. (S.Sc.) Yonkers, N. Y. Alexander Woods, Jr., A.B. (C.) New York 373 8th Avenue. William Hopkins Young Poughkeepsie, N. Y . .63 Madison Ave. Louis C. Zayas New York Bristol Hotel. Lorenz Zeller New York 215 Bowery. Louis Adolph Ziegler Newark, N. J. Junior Class 227 60 COIiUMBIACOIiLEGE. SUMMARY. Senior Class 209 Junior Class 227 "Whole number of Law Students 436 s of 1860 ALUMNI. 27 1861 1862. 20 34 1863 41 1864 66 1865 66 •♦ 1866 48 1867 77 1868 . 1869 60 81 1870 71 1871 99 1872 102 1873 . 139 " 1874 184 " 1875 210 1876 219 1877 267 1878 190 Total 3,001 DEGREES CONFERRED. LL.B. CLASS OF 1878. NAMES. RESIDENCES. David Depyster Acker, Jr .Hawthorne, N. J. Peter Alexander, B.S. (C.C.) Washington Heights. James D. Ames Lockport, N. Y. William Arnold, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn, N. Y. Addison Butler Atkins Yonkers, N. Y. Jose x\.ymar, A.B. (C.) New York. James Bacon A.B. (L.) Osceola, Pa. Morris Benedict Baer New York. David Graham Baird New York. Otto Tremont Bannard, A..B. (Y.) Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Singleton Bartow. . ? Astoria, L. 1. Clifford Rush Bateman, A.B. (A.) Galesburg, HI. Henry Whitney Bates, A.B. (C.) Scarsdale, N. Y. Truxtun Beale, C.E. (Ch.C.) Washington, D. C. Howard Parry Bell, A.B. (Y.) Arlington, N. J. Charles Benner, A. B. ( Y. ) Astoria, L. I. Louis Edward Binsse, A.B. (C.) New York. Abel Edward Blackmar, A.M. (H.) New York. Walker Blaine, A.B. (Y.) Augusta, Me. Carroll Biyce New York. Louis Frederick Bm-chard, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn. Charles Dlayton Burrill, Jr. , A.B. (Y.) New York. Robert Spier Bussing, Jr. , A. B. (Y''. ) Brooklyn. John Lloyd Campbell Olney, 111. Roswell Hitchcock Cai-penter Brooklyn. Lot Curran Clark, Jr., A.B. (D.) New York. Lester Williams Clark, A.B. (H.U.) New Brighton, S. L Samuel Cowdrey New Rochelle. Berton William Crocker Fredonia, N. Y. Ernest Howard Crosby, A.B. (U.N. Y.) New York. Herbert Nystrom Curtis New York. Dan Burr Cushman, A.B. (Y.) Plymouth, N. Y. Paul Dana, A.B. (H.U.)... Glen Cove, L. L Frank Asa Darrow Orwell, Pa. Everett Allen Davis Pawtucket, R. L Henry Wheeler De Forest, A.B. (Y.) New York. «7 6S C O L U M B I A C O L L E G K NAMES. RESIDENCES. Daniel De Leon, A.M., Ph.B. (Ley.U.) Tiemont, N. Y. Charles Augustus Deshon, A.M. (W. & L.) New York. John P. Heyliger De Wint, B.S. (C.U.) New York. William Hedges De Witt, A.B. (H.) New York. George Heniy Dickerson Brooklyn. George Edward Dougherty Middletown, N. Y. Herman Drisler, A.B. (C.) New York. Francis Anthony Dugro New York. Philip Henry Dugro, A.B. (C). New York. Frank Dunning, A.B. (C.N.J.) New York. Edward Henry Duryee, A.B. (R.) Newark, N. J. AYilliam David Edwards, A.B. (U.N. Y.) Jersey City. John Edward Ellison New York. Aymar Embury, A.B. (C.) New York. Thomas Jefferson Falls, Jr New York. Jacob Fischer St. Louis, Mo. Frank Thomas Fitzgerald New York. Thomas Philip Fitzsimons New York. Edwin M. Fox New York. Herman Frank, A.B. (C.C.) * New York. George Washington French .• Brooklyn. Jacob Elias Friend Milwaukee, Wis. 3Iichael Furst, A.B. (Y.) - .Brooklyn. Henry William Gaines Huntington, L. 1. Judson Gaylord, A.B. (Maj-.). Norfolk, Ct. Waldo Elijah Gibbs Passaic, N. J. Jasper Tillernus Goodwin, A.B. (C.) New York. Charles Henry Hall New York. Roe Hasbrouck, A.B. (H.U.) Newburgh, N. Y. Gilbert Ray Hawes, A.B. (A.) Nyack, N. Y. Samuel Eaton Heasley. New York. Edward Cairns Henderson , B. S. (C. C.) New York. Henry Clay Henderson, B.C.E. (C.U.) Westchester, N. Y. James Hillhouse, A.B. (Y.) New Haven, Ct. Heniy Sheaff Hoyt, Jr., Ph.B. (S.Sc.) New York. Edward Simeon Hilbbe New York. Thomas Hunt, A.B. (Y.) .New York. John Edmund Hindon Hyde, A.B. (C. ) New York. Louis Oliver Ivey, A.B. (C.) New York. Abraham Lincoln Jacobs New York. Eugene Murray Jerome, A.B. (W.) New York. William James Johnson, B. S. (Han.) Madison, Ind. Wilmot Johnson, Jr. , A.B. (C.) New York. Charles Landon Jones New York. Charles Howe Jordan Brooklyn. SCHOOLOFIiAW. 69 NAMES. RESIDENCES. Lyman Colt Josephs, A.B. (H.U.) New York. Grenville Kane, A.B. (T.) New York. Joshua Kantrowitz New York. David M. Kellogg New York. Jandes Edward Kelly New York. Peter Joseph KellJ^'A.B. (C.C.) Brooklyn. Crammond Kennedy Demarest, N. J. George Rockwell Kent, M.E. (Fr.). Brooklyn. Charles Koch, Jr New York. Clemens John Kracht New York. . Richard Harper Laimbeer, Jr. Brooklyn. Henry Lauterbach, B.S. (C.C.) New York. Francis Lavelle New York. James Tewksbury Law, Ph.B. (S.Sc.) Tarrytown, N. Y. Robert Lawrence Flushing, L. I. William James Leitch New York. Thomas Chew Lewis, A.B. (T.) New York. Charles Francis Lighthipe, A. B. (H.U) Orange, N. J. Robert Armstrong Livingston, A.B. (C.) New York. Theodore Frelinghuysen Lozier, A.B. (C.) Englewood, N. J. Allan McCulloh Englewood, N. J. Electus John Mclntyre New York. Angus MacLardie New York. Frank W. Mahin Muscatine, la. Harry Augustus Smythe Martin Ft. Washington, N. Y. Joseph Howard Marvin, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn. Charles May, A.B. (W.) Lee, Mass. Louis Mayer Hartford, Ct. Henry Merckle, A.B. (C. C.) New York. George Nichols Mcssiter. B.S. (C.C.) Arlington. N. J. Henry Meyer, B.S. (C.C.) New York. Ferdinand Rich Minrath, A.B. (C.C.) New York. William Forbes Morgan, A.B. (U N. Y.) New York. James Otis Morse, Jr., A.M. (C.) Englewood, N. J. John Francis Nelson, A.B. (Y.) Brooklyn. Ralph Oakley New York. John William O'Brien, A.M. (H.) Auburn, N. Y. Cliarles J. O'Callaghan, A.B. (S.J.) New York. Thomas O'Callaghan, Jr., A.M. (S.J.) New York. Harry <)elrichs New York. Charles Duke Pearce Maysville. K3'. Edward Clarence Pear-son, MSc. (R.) Plainfleld, N. J. Sidney Wilford Petrie, A.B. (H.) New York. Albert Julian Philip Brooklyn. Harry Ruthven Pratt Mobile, Ala. 70 COIvUMBIACOLIiEGE NAMES. ■ [residences. John Duffleld Prince, Jr., A.B. (R.) Flatbush, L. I. Stephen Duncan Pringle, LL.B. (Cam.) Franklin, La. Augustus Martin Purdy New York. John Henry Purdy, A.B. (C.) New York, Charles Putzel, A.B. (C.C.) .New York. Lawrence Francis Quinn Brooklyn. Louis Christian Raegener, A.B. (C.) New York. John Henry Reynolds, A.B. (U.M.) : . .Paterson, N. J. Clarence Walter Rhodes. A.B. (Neb.U.) Lincoln, Neb. John Clinton Rhodes, B.S. (C.C.) .New York. Edward Gould Richmond, A.B. (Ra.) Batavia, N. Y. Charles Trumbull Russ, A.B. (Y.) Hartford, Ct. Henry Mitchell Russell, A.B. (C.N. J.) Brooklyn. Ellis Yates Samuel New York. Charles Palmer Sanford, A.B. (Y.) New York. William Cary Sanger, A.M. (H.U.) Brooklyn. Henry Seldner, A.B. (C.C.) New York. Frank Dunlap Shaw, A.M. (C.) New York. Samuel Sherwood, A.B. (H.U.) New York. Edward Lyman Short, A.B. (C.) New York. William Walter Shotwell New York. Charles Robinson Smith, A.B. (Y.) New York. Du Bois Smith, A.B. (C.) Smithtown, L. I. Frank Eugene Smith Plattsburgb, N. Y. Harold Smith, A.B. (A.) New York. James Clinch Smith, Smithtown Branch, L. I. James Henry Smith New York. Julius Starrett, A.B. (A.) Winchester, 111. George Albert Stearns, A.M. (H.U.) . . New York. Albert Steinberg New York. Henry Stewart, Jr Hackensack, N. J. Lispenard Stewart, A.B, (Y.) New York. William Stoddart, A.B. (C.C.) New York. George Henry Stokes New York. Ambrose Everett Stone, A.B. (Y.) New York. Edward Strouse, A.B. (C.C.) ...New York. Charles Allen- Studwell Brooklyn, E. D. George Cyrus Taber, A.B. (Wab.) Logansport, Ind. Charles Tappan, A.B. (K.) Gambler, O. John Fremont Thompson Candor, N. Y. William Robert Thompson, A.B. (U.N.Y.) Brooklyn. Robert Townsend, A.B. (C.) Oyster Bay, L. I. Charles Wall Truslow Bay Shore, L. I. Arthur Baldwin Turnure, A.B. (C.N.J.) New York. Samuel Untermyer New York. SCHOOL OF LAW. NAMES. RESIDENCES. Howard Van Buren Nyack, N. Y. Burt Van Horn, .Jr., A.B. (Y.) Lockport, N. Y. William Edward Verplanck, A.B. (C.) Fishkill, X. Y. William Von Sachs, Jr., A.B. (C.) , New York. Augustus Alston Walker. Tallahassee, Fla. William Copeland Wallace, A. B. (W.U.) Brooklyn. Joseph Wamsley, B.S. (R.U.) Brooklyn. William Ives Washburn, A.B. (A.) Xew York. James Watson Pittsburgh, Pa. Leonard Arthur Watson Ashtabula, O. Albert Fillmore West, B.S. (C.C.) New York. William Pomeroy Weston, C.E. (L.) New York. Frederick Wallingford Whitridge, A.M. (A.) New York. Frank Crew Willcox Newark, N. J. Leighton Williams, A.B. (C.) New York. James Preston Wilson Cleveland, O. Myron Henry Wilson Cleveland, O. Christian Zabriskie New York. .Tohn Yard, A.B. (Y.) New York. Number of Graduates 190 LL.B. — Speciali Gratia. EDMUND H. SMITH. Professor of Latin, Hobart College. 73 COLUMBIACOLLEGE. ABBREVIATIONS. COLLEGES. GRADUATES. A Amherst College, Mass 7 B Bowdoin College, Me 1 C Columbia College, N. Y. City 35 C.C CoUege of the City of New York 39 C.Ch College of Charleston, S. C 1 C.N.J CoUege of New Jersey 31 C.U CorneU University, Ithaca, N. Y 8 D Dartmouth College, N. H 3 Da Davidson College, N. C 1 E.U Edinburgh University, Scotland 1 Ge Georgetown College, D. C 3 H Hamilton College, N. Y 3 H.U Harvard Univei-sity, Mass 15 I-U Iowa University, la : 1 K.C Knox College, m 1 L Lafayette College, Pa 3 L.U Lawrence University, Wis , 1 Ma Manhattan College, N. Y. City 1 McG.U McGill University, Canada 1 M.U Madison LTniversity, N. Y 1 N.W.U North Western University, Wis 3 Ox Oxford University, England 1 P.I Polj^echnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y 1 P.U Pacific University, Or... 1 R Rutgers CoUege, N. J 6 Ri Kipon College, Wis ; 1 Ro Roanoke College, Va 1 R.U Rochester University, N. Y 1 S.H SetonHaU,N.Y 3 S.I Stevens Institute of Technology, N. J 3 S.Sc SheflBeld Scientific School, Ct 6 St.I St. Ignatius' College, Cal 1 St.S St. Stephen's CoUege, N. Y 1 S.X St. Francis Xavier's CoUege, N. Y 6 T Trinity CoUege, Ct , 3 U Union CoUege, N. Y 3 U.C Ll^niversity of CaUf ornia 4 U.Cop University of Copenhagen, Denmark 1 U.H LTniversity of Heidelberg, Germany 1 U.M University of Michigan 3 U.N.Y University of the City of New York Ur , Urbana University, Ohio 1 U.Va University of Virginia 3 U.Vt University of Vermont 1 W Williams College, Mass 6 We.U Western University 1 W.P. A West Point Military Academy 4 Y Yale College, Ct 43 48Colleges" Total Graduates 345 Dl^" The third cohiinn gives the number of graduates of the respective Colleges named who are now members of the Law School. CITIES. Bkln Brooklyn, N. Y. Bkln.,E.D Brooklyn, East District (Williamsburg, N. Y.) EUz EUzabeth, N. J. Har Harlem, N. Y. Hbkn Hoboken. J.C Jersey City, N. J. Mor Morristown, N. .1. Nwk.. Newai-k, N. J. Pat Patersoii, N. J. CALENDAR. 1878 — October 2 — LaAv Term begins, Wednesday. November 28 — Thanksgiving Day, Thursday — (Hohday). December 25 — Winter Recess begins. 1879 — January 6 — Lectures recommence, Monday. February 22 — Washington's Bh'thday— (Holiday). April 11 — Good Friday — (Hohday). April 25 — Examination for Prizes, Friday. May 5 — Lectures close, Monday. May 7, 8, 9, 10— Examination for Degrees, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. May 9 — Anniversary of the Society of Alumni, Friday evening. May 14 — Law Commencement, Wednesday evening. May 15 — Summer Vacation begins, Thursday. September 27 — Examination for Admission, Saturday. October 1 — Law Term begins, Wednesday. November ... — Election Day — (Holiday). November ... — Thanksgiving Day — (Hohday). December 35 — Winter Recess begins. r\ JJ MBIA COLLEGE. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAf(S A^D SUpO^S.) 75 President, ALONZO CLARK, M.D., LL.D. Vice -President , EDWARD L. BEADLE, M.D. Registrar, ELLSWORTH ELIOT, M.D. Treasurer, JOHN SHERWOOD. TRUSTEES DANIEL D. LORD. BENJAMIN R. WINTHROP. EDWARD L. BEADLE, M.D. F. A. CONKLING. SULLIVAN H. WESTON, D.D. WILLIAM BETTS. CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON. JARED LINSLY, M.D. JOHN J. CRANE, M.D. ELLSWORTH ELIOT, M.D. JAMES L. BANKS, M.D. ROBERT O. REMSEN. EDWARD DELAFIELD. WILLARD PARKER, M.D., LL D. GILBERT JOHN G. ADAMS, M.D. JOHN SHERWOOD. FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD. S.T.D., LL.D. SAMUEL T. HUBBARD, M.D. ALONZO CLARK, M.D. LL.D., ex-officio. THOMAS F. COCK, M.D. JOHN C. JAY. WM. H. DRAPER, M.D., Pres. Alumni Association, ex-offlcio. WM W. HOPPIN, Jr. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M.D. GEORGE A PETERS, M.D. M. SPEIR. 77 FACULTY OF MEDICINE. NAMES. RESIDENCES. ALONZO CLARK, M.D., LL.D 23 East 21st Street. President and Professor of Pathology and Practical Mediiine. WILLARD PARKER. M.D., LL.D 41 East 12th Street. Professor of Clinical Surgery. JOHN C. DALTON, M D 41 West 48th Street. Professor of Physiolog-y and Hygiene. THOMAS M. MARKOE, M.D 20 West 30th Street. Professor of Sm-gery. T. GAILLARD THOMAS, M.D 294 Fifth Avenue. Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. JOHN T- METCALFE, M.D 18 West 30th Street. Emeritus Professor of Clinical Medicine. HENRY B. SANDS, M.D 35 West 33d Street. Professor of Anatomy. JAMES W. McLANE, M.D 51 West 38th Street. Adjunct Pi-ofessor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. THOMAS T. SABINE, M.D 46 West 23d Street. Adjunct Professor of Anatomy. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph.D,, M.D., LL.D... .51 East 54th Street. Professor of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence. EDWARD CURTIS, M.D 27 Washington Place. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 78 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. 79 FRANCIS DEL AFIELD, M.D 12 West 33d Street. Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Practical Medicine. JOHN G. CURTIS, M.D 127 East 35tli Street. Adjunct Professor of Physiology and Hygiene ; Secretary of the Faculty. WILLIAM DETMOLD, M.D 38 East 9th Street. Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Military Surgery. WILLIAM H. DRAPER, M.D 4 East 37th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Skin. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M.D 19 Bast 39th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. ABRAHAM JACOBI, M.D 110 West 34th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children. FESSENDEN N. OTIS, M.D 108 West 34th Street. Clinical Professor of Venereal Diseases. EDWARD C. SEGUIN, M.D 41 West 20th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. GEORGE M. LEFFERTS, M.D 6 West 33d Street. Chnical Professor of Laryngoscopy and Diseases of the Throat. CHARLES McBURNEY, M.D 46 East 30th Street. Demonstrator of Anatomy. FRANCIS DELAFIELD, M.D 12 West 32d Street. Director of the Pathological Laboratory of the Alumni Association. CHARLES KELSEY, M.D 48 East 30th Street. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. FACULTY OF THE SPRING SESSION. NAMES. RESIDENCES. JAMES L. LITTLE, M.D 60 West 40th Street. Lecturer on Operative Surgery and Surgical Dressings. G-EORGE G. WHEELOCK, M.D 11 West 37th Street. Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis. ROBERT F. WEIR, M.D 37 West 83d Street. Lecturer on Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. H. KNAPP, M.D .25 West 34th Street. Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye and Ear. T. A. McBRIDE, M.D 13 East 38th Street. Lecturer on Symptomatology. CHARLES McBURNEY, M.D 46 East 30th Street. Lecturer on the Anatomy of the Nerves. CLINICAL ASSISTANTS, JAMES L. LITTLE, M.D. L. BOLTON BANGS, M.D. JOHN T. KENNEDY, M.D. URBAN G. HITCHCOCK. M.D. HENRY F. WALKER, M D. FRANK L. IVES, M.D. CHARLES S. WARD, M.D. DAVID MAGIE. M.D. OREN D. POMEROY, M.D, FRANK P. FOSTER, M.D. A. BRAYTON BALL. M.D. ROBERT ABBE. M.D. ALBERT H. BUCK. M.D. S. F. MORRIS, M.D. THOS. E. SATTERTHWAITE, M D. B. GRUNHUT, M.D. THOMAS A. McBRIDE, M.D. D. B. DELAVAN, M.D. FRANK P. KINNICUTT, M.D. W. O. MOORE, M.D. DAVID WEBSTER, M.D. R. C WIENER, M.D. GEORGE G. WHEELOCK, M.D. W. D. SPENCER, M.D. S. BEACH JONES, M.D. J. H. SWASEY, M.D. N. B. EMERSON, M.D. NAMES. RESIDENCES. ROBERT ABBE, MD 33 East 30th Street. Curator of the Museum. EDWARD T. BOAG 23d Street and 4th x\ venue. Clerk of the College. ANDREW LOUGHLIN 33d Street and 4th Avenue. Janitor. 80 MEDICAL CLASS. SESSION OF 1878-9. IfAMES. RESIDENCES. PKECEPTORS. Onofrio Abruzzo New York City Dr. Salvatore Caro. Alpbeus E. Adams Connecticut Dr. N. W. Wheeler. Charles W. Adams, A.B . . .New York Dr. E. V. Stoddard. J. Glen Allan Nova Scotia Dr. D. McNeil Parker. Harlan Preston Allen Massachusetts.. DrsT. A. McBride and C.B Newton. Lauren M. Allen Connecticut Dr. Frederic Powers. Stanton Allen Wisconsin Dr. James M. Allen. Edmund F. Anderson New York City Dr. H. B. Sands . William W. Ashley. M.D. . .Colorado ' rniversity of Mo., 1875. John L. Ashton Rhode Island ' Drs. S. and L. W. Clapp. Mars Augsburger New York City Dr. Daniel H. Smith. John B. Aycrigg, A.B New Jersey Dr. T. E. Satterthwaite. Robert Hall Babcock, M.D. .Michigan - Chicago Med. Coll.. 1878. John W. Bacon, M.D .Illinois . Rush Med. Coll.. 1869. Frank E. Baker New Jersey Dr. Wm. K. Gray. George E. Baker New York Dr. B. N. Baker. Richard T. Bang, A.B New York City Dr. T. A. McBride. Alexander H. Barber. M.D. .Wisconsin . ' L. I. Coll. Hospital, 1869. C. Paul Barney Rhode Island Drs. Abbe and Pierce. John AV. Bartlett Massachusetts Dr. H. G. Stickney. William A. Bartlett New York City Drs. A. B. Ball and H. S. Non-is. Duke Farnsworth Baxter. . . .New York City Dr. Charles Kelsey. Havens B. Bajles New York Dr. M. L. Chambers. Charles C. Beach Connecticut Dr. George A. Peters. Willard Parker Beach Brooklyn, N. Y Dr. John Beach. Gustav A. Becker New Jersey Dr. F. F. Sanders. William F. Becker Brooklyn, N. Y Dr. P. Gandidus. Charles O. Belden Connecticut Dr. H. E. Gates. Howard Bell New York Dr. H. A. Gates. George Worth Bence, M.D. .Indiana University of Va. , 1871. Charles D. Bennett, B.S New Jersey Dr. James B. Burnett. Harry H. Bennett New Jersey Dr. D. M. Forman. John Alfred Benson New Jersey. . . .Drs. D. Benson and T. ]M. Markoe. Steuart H. Benton. M.D Pennsylvania University of Buffalo, 1870. Henry Berg, A.B New York City Dr. Newton M. Shaffer. Thomas W. Bickerton New Jersey Dr. Frank Wilmarth. 81 82 COLUMBIA COLLEGE NAMES. RESIDENCES. PRECEPTORS. Thomas N. Birnie, A.B Massachusetts Dr. Francis Delafield. Moses H. Bonner, Jr., M.D . .Tennessee Vanderbilt Universit5% 1878. J. Arthur Booth, A.B New York City Dr. T. T. Sabine. John H. Booth New York City Dr. Guy C. Bayley. Samuel T. Botts, M.D Kentucky Ky. School of Med., 1868. Robert Bowne, Jr New Jersey Dr. H. B. Sands. Simeon C. Bradley. . . New York Dr. D. H. Smith. Washington J. Brandt Brooklyn, N.Y. .Drs. J. W. Hyde and F. Delafield Arthur B. Breese .New York Drs. G. E. Abbott and Perry. David Brekes, A. B. . M.D . .New York City ..N. Y. Med. College, 1864. Andrew Mason Brent . . .Virginia . . ..Dr. J. S. Gilliam and University of Va Charles D. Brewer Massachusetts . Dr. P. Le B Stickney. William J. Brickelmaier New York City Dr. T. C. Finnell. M. Cash Britton New Jersey Dr. H. B. Garner. William R. Bross Brooklyn, E. D., N.Y Dr. W. T. Whit-.-. Frederic T. Brown, A.B New York City..Drs.W. Parker and D. M. Stimson. George W. Brown, Jr . . .New Jersey . Drs. T. G. Chattle and David Phillips. James Raymond Brown, M.D. Massachusetts Harvard University, 1870. Judsoa Colby Brown New York Drs. F. S. Green and C.V. Barnett. Rush M. Brown Georgia . .' Dr. T. O. Powell. John H. B. Browning New York City..Drs.C.MAllin and J. A. Hathaway. Frank Field Bryan Kentucky Dr. R. T. Bryan. William H. Bunnell Connecticut Dr. George F. Lewis. Charles H. Burbeck, M.D. . .New York Albany Med. Coll., 1859. L. Burgheim Texas Dr. R. Fraenkel. Patrick M. Burke Pennsylvania Dr. J. H. Burnett. William H. Burke . . New York City Drs. Bishop and Parker. Franklin Burt, M. C. P. and } ^.^^^^^ Coll. of Phys. and Surgeons, Ont. o. (Unt.) \ I. Clement Cadegan Nova Scotia. John A. Callaway, A.B Georgia Dr. Robert F. Weir. Donald M. Cammann, B.A. .New York City. Drs. F. Delafield and J. R. Learning. William Cammett, Jr Maine Portland School for Medical Instruction. William C. Campbell, A.B New York City. Drs. J. L Little and J.L.Campbell. Franklin P. Capron, A. B Rhode Island Dr. R. H. Carver. George A. Cardwell Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. N. L. North. John H. Carmichael, M.D. .Massachusetts Albany Med. Coll., 1873. Diego S. Caro New York City Drs. J. L. Little and S. <"aro. Henry Delano Carryl New York City Dr. T. E. Satterthwaite. Albert B. Carter New York City Dr. T. A. McBride. De Lancy Carter New York City Dr. Francis A. Thomas. Levi W. Case. A.B New Jersey Dr. George S. Ward. Charles M. Cauldwell New York City Dr. Walter R. Gillette. Edwin R. Chadbourne Maine Dr. T. F. Perley and Portland Sch. Med In. Amory Chapin New York City Dr. Francis Delafield. SCHOOIi OF MEDICTXE. 83 NAMES. RESroENCES. PRECEPTORS. Harry Dwight Chapin, B.S. New York City Dr. E. A. Goodridge. William A. Chapman, M.D.. Iowa .- Cleveland Med. Coll., 1868. Louis M Cheesm^n, A.B. . . .New York City Dr. T. 31. Cheesman. Wra. S. Cheesman, Jr. . A.M.. Brooklyn, N. Y Dr. H. B. Sands. William B. Clark, B.S New Jersey . . .Dra F. Delatield and G. M. Smith. Arthur Clifford, A.B., M.D.'. Massachusetts Dartmouth Med. Coll., 1877. Clarence F. Cochran, M.D. . .Michigan University of Mich., 1873. John A. Cochran Brooklyn. N.Y.Drs. Geo. Gilfillan and Alex. Cochran. Lewis S. Cohen, A.B. New York City Dr. William T. Bull. Roswell P. Collin. A.B New York Dr. Francis Delatield. John W. Collins, M.D Arkansas University of La., 1860. Isaac L. Compton New Jersey . Dr. J. D. Vanderveer. Baldwin G. Cooke, C.E New York City ..... .Dr. James R. Wood. Appleton K. Corbin New York Dr. H. N. Eastman. Edward T. Cornwall .... . .Connecticut Dr. H. B. Sands. Theodore W. Corwin New Jersey. . . , Dr. Joseph A. Corwin. Theodore D. Coursen New Jersey Dr. W. S. Coursen. Patrick L. Creedon. Massachusetts Dr. T. E. Satterthwaite. Louis Fernandez Criado .... Cuba Dr. Charles McBurney. Frank D. Grim, B.S New York Dr. Burt G- Wilder. Charles M. Crumbie New York City Dr. R. J. Heinmliller. Madison W. Culp South Carolina Dr. A. W. Thompson. Everett M. Culver, A.B New Jersey Dr. T. M. Markoe. Michael G. Cunningham . . Pennsylvania Dr. E. Mulheron. Benj. Farquhar Curtis, A.B..New York City. . . . Dr. H. B. Sands. Thomas Darlington, Jr New Jersey Drs. Dougherty and Brumley. Isaac B. Davenport, M.D.S. .Massachusetts Dr. George C. Lawrence. Roland A. Davis Massachusetts Dr. Seth W. Kelley. William A. Dayton New York City. . . Dr. A. N. Brockway. William K. Dean New York Dr. H. W. Dean. George S. De Groot New Jersey Dr. C. E. Lawton. Arthur De Latour Belgium . Dr. J. J. Henna. Justo Del Risco, Jr Cuba Dr. Justo Del Risco. Charles Ellerj' Denison . . . .New York City Dr. Ellery Denison. William E. Derry New Jersey.. Drs. Step'n Pierson and J. C. Lindsle}^ Frank Guy Devereux Maine Dr. Moses E. Sweat. Robert J. Devlin, B.S New York City Dr. E. Darwin Hudson, Jr. William Bruyn De Witt New York Dr. Jacob Chambers. James E. Dexter New York City Dr. W. A. Bronson. Charles H. Dickinson, M.D.. Massachusetts Practitioner. Wilham Daniel Dietz New York City. Fred'k H. Dillingham, A.B. .Maine . .Drs. E. M. Field and E. F. Sanger. Thomas Dimock ... Nova Scotia , , Dr. J. N. Fitch. E. Clarence Disbrow New Jersey Dr. S. M. Disbrow. Vanderhoef M. Disbrow New Jersey Dr. S. M. Disbrow. 84 COLUMBIA COLLEGE NAMES. RESIDENCES. PBECEPT0E8. Julius Doepfner, M.D Germany University of Heidelberg, 1857. Frederick Lewis Dolbeare. . .Brooklyn, N. Y Dr. E. A. Whaley. John 6. Dorrance New Jersey Dr. John Vought. Arthur C. Dougherty New Jersey Dr. Alex. A. Dougherty. Wm. H. Doughty, Jr., M.D..Ge<)rgia Univ'ty of Georgia, 1878. John F. Duffield, A.B New Jersey . . .Drs. H. B. Sands and J. H. Wikoff. Charles J. Duffy New Jersey Dr. W. O'Gorman. James Dunworth New York City Dr. J. T. Kennedy. J. W. Eargle, M. D South Carolina Charleston Med. Coll. , 1874. John F. S. Eastgate New York. Dr. Wm. F. Scoresby. Cyrus Edson New York Drs.W. Parker and D. M. Stimson. J. Tracey Edson New York City.. Drs.W. Parker andD. M. Stimson. Peter R. Egan New York Dr. A. Rose. Jere. D. Eggleston Connecticut Dr. S. R. Burnap. Gustavus Eliot, A.B Connecticut Dr. Ellsworth Eliot. Daniel Elliott New Jersey Dr. James Elliott. George R. Elliott New York Dr. J. P. Creveling, Robert Embree New York.. Drs. J. Howard Lever and H. B. Sands. Arthur L. Emerson .New Hampshire... Drs. H.B. Fowler and F.Delafield. Paul F. Eve, M.D. Tennessee Nashville Med. Coll., 1878. Frank C. Fairchild New Jersey Dr. W. A. Smith. Erastus P. Fairman, M.D . . .Vermont Practitioner. Robert L. Faithfull New SouthWales. . Drs. W. Parker and D.M. Stimson. Louis W. Fargo, M.D Georgia Univ'y of Georgia, 1878 Thomas L. Fenn, Jr ... .New Jersey Dr. T. T. Sabine. Joseph M. Ferrer, A.B New York City Dr. Francis Delafield. William J. Fields New York City Dr. James L. Little. Albert K. Fisher .New York Drs. F. Delafield and G. J. Fisher. Henry A. Fitch, M.D Illinois Univ'y of.Michigan, 1878. Frederick W. Flagge New Jersey Dr. William Pennington. James S. Foote, A.B .Connecticut Dr. Seth L. Chase. Reginald H. Forbes New York City Dr. Francis Delafield. Clarence E. Foster Pennsylvania Dr. C. A. Dusinberre. George Vickery Foster Rhode Island Dr. E. A. Goodridge. Andrew J. Fox . . Mississippi Dr. S. Fleet Speir. Charles A. Fox Connecticut Dr. H. S. Fuller. John Frank, Jr New York City Dr. J. T. Tyndale. George H. Franklin New Jersey Dr. W. R. Kinmonth. Alpheus Freeman, Jr .New Jersey Dr. Francis Delafield. Theodore L. H. Fribourg. .. .New York City Dr. Louis Elsberg. Charles W. S. Frost Connecticut Dr. Alfred North. Edwin M. Fuller, M.D .Maine Med. School of Maine, 1878. George M. Fuller New York City. .Drs. R. M. Fuller and J. L. Little. H. Dwight Gardner, M.D. ...New York Practitioner. William D. Garlock New York Dr. Burt G. Wilder. SCHOOL OF MEDICI ITE. 85 NAMES. RESIDENCES. PRECEPTOES. Julius Garst, M.D Illinois .Univ'y of Michigan, 1878. Thomas T. Gaunt New York . . .Drs. Burt G. Wilder and E. H. Parker. Andrew H. Getty .New York , . .Dr. George E. Benson. Charles P. Gildersleeve New York Dr. James Gildersleeve. Richard Giles . . , New York Dr. Francis D. Buck. Henry S. Gill. New York City Dr.W. E. Beardsley. George Goodhue, A B Ohio _ Dr. John Davis. William S. Gottheil New York City Dr. Burt G. Wilder. William E. Graham New York City Dr W. N. Campbell. Thomas N. Gray. New Jersey. .Drs. T. A. McBride and W. K. Gray. Albert C. Griffin ... New York Dr. Henry Gray. Charles W. Gross, M.D New Hampshire Med. School of Maine, 1869. Charlton R. Gulick .New Jersey. . .Drs. W. J. Lytle and A. H. Barber. F. Haas New York City Dr. Charles Phelps. Oliver J. Halbert, M.D . . . .Texas . . .Univ'y of Louisville, Ky. H. J. Tenison Haisey New York City Dr. Porter F. Chambers. Theodore F. Hance New Jersey Dr. A. N. Dougherty. William C. Hands New York Dr. W. H. Peer. William H. Harison, Jr New Jersey, . ..Drs. Isaac Nichols and F. Delafleld. John J. Harlan, M.D Alabama Alabama Med. Coll. , 1872. George A. Harris Rhode Island. . Dr. Albert Potter. John T. Harrison. New York Dr. H. K. Harrison. Steph'n D. Harrison, Jr., A. B.New Jersey Dr. H. B. Sands. Frederic J. Harter New York Dr. James E. Casey. Frank Hartley, A.B Maine Dr. H. B. Sands. Judson W. Hastings, A.B. . .Connecticut Dr. J. K. Mason. John S. Hawley, A.B New York Dr. J. D. Button. Robert Newton Hawley. Wisconsin. .Drs. J H. Thompson and D. H Smith. J. Aycrigg Hegeman, B.S. . .New York City Dr. T. E. Satterthwaite. John L. Heffron, A.M New York City Dr. Geo. A. Van Wagenen. Harry A. Henriques New York City Dr. A. J. Henriques. John P. Henry New Jersey Dr. S. V. W. Stout. Nelson H. Henry New York City Dr. Francis Delafield. Joseph V. Hernandez, A.B. .New York City.. Drs. F. Delafleld and J. J. Henna. Andrew G. Heyl Pennsylvania Dr. Henry J. Hesse. Gershom H. Hill, M.D Iowa Rush Med. College, 1874. Thomas Hillis New York City Dr. B. C. Mclntyre. Samuel A. Hills, M.D New York City Yale Coll. , 1846. Purdy L. Hitchcock New York Dr. Charles E. Lee. Arthur F. Hoag New York Dr. S. Stillman. Lucius H. Hobbs Massachusetts University of Michigan Addison C. Hoffman, M. D . . New Jersey Practitioner. D. Emory Holman, Jr., A. B.. Massachusetts Dr. George Mackay. William Coe Holmes Connecticut. . .Drs. Alfred North and F. Delafield. L. Emmett Holt, A.M New York City Dr. V. P. Gibney. 86 COIiTTMBTACOI/IiEGB. NAMES. RESIDENCES. PBECEPTOKS. Samuel A. Hopkins. Brooklyn, N. Y Dr. George E. Hawes. John W. Hopper, A.B New Jersey. .Drs. H. B. Sands and H. A. Hopper. Alfred S. Houghton. ISTew York City Dr. William Swift. Lucius W. How New York City Dr. C. C. Cone. Robert T. Howe New York City. . Drs. T. A. McBride and J. A. Ray. Stephen Y. Howell, A.B. . . .New York Dr. J. I. Marcley. Jason Huckins, M.D Maine Castleton Med. Coll., 1859. Joseph Hliger New Jersey Dr. I. P. Latour. Frederic T. Hume New York City Dr. H. B. Sands- William A. Hume New York City Dr. H. B. Sands. Harry Hungerford Connecticut .Dr. J. G. Gregory. Alonzo Clark Hunt, A.B New Jersey Dr. Ezra M. Hunt. Charles Hunter, A.B New York City Dr. George A. Peters. Dwight W. Hunter, A.B . . .Connecticut .Dr. H. B. Sands. Augustus M. Hurl butt, A. B.. Connecticut.. Drs. H. B. Sands and L. R. Hurlbutt. Singleton Husted, A.B New York City..Drs.T.C. Finnelland J. N. Husted. Phineas H. Ingalls Maine.. Dr. S.H.Tewksbury andP'tl'd Sch. Med. In. George Inness New York City .' Dr. J. C. Davis. Edward Avery Isbell, B.S. . .Ohio Dr. C. P. Frost. Frank W. Jackson New York City. .Drs. F.Delafield and J.R.Leaming. Roscoe N. Jackson New York Dr. Walter Booth. Thomas A. James Pennsylvania Dr. H. H. James. Samuel Henry Jameson New York City Dr. S. H. Jameson. Charles A. Jersey New York City .Dr. EUery Denison. Carlion R. Jewett, A.B New York Dr. C. Powers. John H. Jewett, A.B New Y ork Dr. Harvey Jewett. Charles H. Johnson Brooklyn, N. Y .Dr. T. N. De Bowes. Walter B. Johnson, M.D . . New Jersey Practitioner. John M. Julian, Jr New Jersey . . Drs. John M. Julian and D. Phillips. Hector Kalliwode ..Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. Samuel J. Brady. R. Karge, A.B New Jersey. ..Drs. W. Parker and D. M. Stimson. Cyrus Kay, Jr New York Dr. D. M. Devendorf. James E. Keane New York City Dr. H. Goldthwaite. John Thomas A. Keegan . . Kentucky. Drs. T. Anderson and W. B. Dogherty. Henry J. Kelly New York City Dr. D. D. Toal. Henry B. Kent, M.D New York City Univy City of N. Y., 1854. Charles O. Kimball New York City Dr. John B. Isham. James P. Kimball, M.D New York Albany Med. Coll., 1864. Reuel B. Kimball, A.B New Jersey Dr. S. H. Hunt. Morris L. King New York Dr. J. D. Anway. Nichols King Brooklyn, N.Y. William Hale Kirk, M.D . . .Hlinois University of Vermont. J. M. W. Kitchen New York City Dr. E. W. Ranney. Charles F. Klippert, G.P. . . .New York City Dr. Frank A. Beck. George H. Knight Connecticut Drs. F. Delafield and H. M. Knight. SCHOOLOFMEDICi:!fK. 87 NAMES. RESIDENCES. PRECEPTORS. Robert P. Knight Coanecticut. . . . Drs. F. Delafield and H. M. Knight. Henry Koplik, A.B New York City Dr. M. D. Mann. James L. Koitright, B.S Brooklyn, E. D.,N.Y. .Drs. F. A. and C. A. Kinch. David La Bau New Jersey Dr. E. P. Hawke. Thomas S. Lambert, Jr New York City Dr. Charles T. Jewett. Elisha F. Lanphear, A.B. . . .Rhode Island Dr. R. H. Carver. Louis Ph. Lauer, A.M New York City Dr. Henry Moeller. Eben S. Lawrence, A.B . . .New York Dr. C. S. Grant. Shailer E. Lawton Massachusetts Dr. C. T. CoUins. Arthur H. Leary New Jersey. .Drs. F. Delafield and Leslie D.Ward. Thomas G. Lee New York City Dr. J. W. Howe. Richmond Lennox Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. A. S. Burtt. Henry F. Leonard Massachusetts Dr. Francis Delafield. Charles A. Limeburner, A.B.New York. .Drs. T. N. De Bowes and H. P. Chase. Charles L. Lindley New York City. .Drs.W. Parker and D.M.Stimson. William Lockhart Michigan Dr. H. A. Cleland. John Lord, M.D California. Medical School of Maine. Thomas J. Loughlin, M.D . . . New York City . Practitioner. D. Fletcher Lucas. Canada . .. .Dr. Wm. L. Wells. Robert C. Lumsden New Jersey Dr. D. S. Ayers. James W. Lyman New York City. .Drs. R.B. Goodyear & W.H.Welch. John J. Mahoney, A.B New York City Dr. G. R. Bourke. William O. Majilton New York Dr. E. R. Mackey. Charles D. Mandeville New Jersey Dr. W. O'Gorman. Henry A. Mandeville New York City Dr. H. B. Sands. Francis H. Markoe, A.B New York City Dr. T. M. Markoe. Charles Barnard Marvin New York City Dr. Charles Kelsey. Earl Mathewson Connecticut Dr. R. W. Mathewson. Hugo Frederick Mayer New York City Dr. Hugo Kiienstler. Robert M. McAdoo New Jersey Dr. Walter J. Hadden. Thomas H. McBride, M.D. ..Illinois St. Louis Med. Coll., 1874. Harry B. McCarroU, A.B New Jersey - - Dr. Stephen Pierson. Andrew J. McCosh, A.B New Jersey. ...Drs. David Magie and H. B. Sands. Everett J. McKnight, A.B. ..Connecticut Dr. Joel A. Warren. John J. McLaughlin Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. George R. Kuhn. John B. McMahon, A.M New York City Dr. B A. Watson. Edgar A. Mearns New York Dr. Benjamin J. Adams. Walter Mendelson New York City Dr. E. C. Seguin. John H. Mennen New York City Dr. Frank A. Beck. C. Hart Merriam New York Dr. Francis Bacon. John Ward Miles New York City Dr. C. M. Field. David M. Miller New Jersey Dr. D. M. Stimson. James N. Miller New York Dr. M. L. Chambers. Lewis H. Miller, A.M New York Dr. J. F. Chapman. Robert L. Minlie Connecticut Dr. E. S. Mears. 8,8 COLUMBIACOLLEGE NAMES. RESIDENCEa. PRECEPTOBS. Frank Walton Mitchell, B.S..New Hampshire Dr. George A. Crosby. J. Edgar Moith New York Dr. J. H. Doughty. George H. Moller, Jr New York City Dr. E. D. Simpson. Addrian L. Moody Michigan Dr. James A. Brown. George E.Moore.. NewYoACit, | "S.I-.f.SrTon.'" James A. Moors New York Drs. A. A. Moors and H. B. Sands. Edmund Morganstern New York City Dr. T. A. McBride. Joseph L. Morton New York City . Dr. F. J. Bumstead. TJieodore W. Moses, A B. . . .New York City Dr. Francis Delafield. George E. Mulford New Jersey Dr. Stephen Pierson. Edward Munson, B. A New York Dr. H. M. Eddy. James B. Murphy Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. J. Van Harlingen. Charles P. Murray, A.M New York City Dr. H. B. Sands. Frank W. Murray, A.B New York . . Drs. W. Parker and D. M. Stimson. William H. Murray, B. S . . . New Jersey Dr. T. T. Sabine. Thomas W. Musgrove, M.D.New Brunswick Harvard University, 1871. Jacob Nehrbas, B.S Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. Carl Edel. William J. Nelson, Jr., B.S. New Jersey Dr.W. W. Coriell. Eichardson C. Nettles, M.D.. Texas South Carolina Med. Coll., 1867. Albert W. Neutield New York City Dr. Charles Phelps. John F. Nevius New York City. . . Dr. Stewart Church. Robert P. Newman Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. James L. Little. Rowland S. Nichols New York Dr. William R. Upham. J. R. Nilseu New York City, Dr. F. B. Lawson. H. Wilfred Norton Brooklyn. N.Y . . .Dr. Robert Ormiston. James A. Nowlan Brooklyn, N.Y. Drs. I.H.Barber andDavid Phillips. Francis H. O'Brien, M.D. . . Georgia Univ'y of Georgia, 1878. George O'Gorman . .New Jersey Dr. W. O'Gorman. Frank W. Olds New York City Dr. S. S. Burt. Leverett W. Olin Ohio Dr. E. W. Price. John J. O'Mahony . . New York City Dr. William Dwyer. Charles C. O'Reilly, A.B. . . . Connecticut Dr. J. J. Barry. Henry F. Osborn, A.B New York City. John J. O'Rorke New York City Dr. James O'Rorke. Benjamin W. Palmer, A.B. New York City Dr. Francis Delafield. Ernest Palmer Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. John Byrne. Edmund J. Palmer, A.B New Jersey Dr. W. Y. White. T. Dwight Palmer Massachusetts ... .Drs. Winslow and jTrow. George Dubois Parmly, A.B..New York City Dr. H. B. Sands. Henry Parke New Jersey Dr. E. J. Marsh. Sumner A. Patten, M.D Maine Harvard University, 1848. Comfort E. Peck, M.D Pennsylvania University of Buffalo, 1873. Joseph F. Perkins, A.M., M.D.New York City University of Md., 1875. Jacob S. Phillips New York City Dr. Isaac Oppenheimer. 3CHOOLOFMEDICINE. 89 NAMES. RESIDENCES. PRECEPTORS. Wm. A Pierrepont, LL.B. ..Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. H. B. Sands. Willett C. Pollard .Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. T. C. Finnell. Charles H. Potter New York City Dr. H. B. Sands. Emerson B. Potter New Jersey Dr. C. M. Noble. Claude W. Powers ..Brooklyn, N.Y. Dr. O. H. Smith. H. De V. Pratt, Jr., A.B . . New York Dr. George H. Fox. John C. Proctor New York Dr. E. M. Moore, Jr. Willis V. Proseus New York Dr. G. B. Balch. William R. Pryor Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. James A. Hathaway. Frederic Quinby, M.D Maine Detroit Med. Coll., 1875. Charles E. Quinn New York City Dr. Henry T. Pierce. James A. Quinn Minnesota Dr. J. H. Murphy. John S. Eadway New York City Dr. H B. Sands. William L. Ralph New York Drs.F.Delafield andE. Hutchinson. Everitt M. Raynor New York City Dr. Henry T. Pierce. Stuart H. Reed New York Drs. Greene and Barnett. James M. Reilly, M.D Connecticut. Yale College, 1878. Charles Remsen, A.B New York City Dr. Charles McBurney. Frederick T. Reyling New York City Dr. G. Ramos. Joseph M. Rice New York City Dr. J. W. McLane. Charles H. Ricker Massachusetts Dr. H. J. Smith. Charles A. Ring, M.D New York University of Buffalo, 1878. De Witt C. Romaine, B.S . . New York City Dr. J. A. Van Houten. J. West Roosevelt New York City Dr. F. P. Kinnicutt. J. Livingston Roseboom.B.A.New York Dr. David Little. George W. Ross, A.B Massachusetts Dr. H. M. Holmes. Thomas B. Ross, M.D Missouri St. Louis Med. Coll., 1866. William H. G. Rowe, B.S ..Maine. ..Dr.S.H.Tewksbury and P'll'd Sch.Med.In. Henry E. Rothe New Jersey Drs. M. F. Squier and J.W. Sutton. Theodore D. Rupert New York Dr. D. S. Allen. John F. Russell District of Columbia Dr. AYilliam Lee. Louis A. Sager, M.D Indian Territory . . Ky. School of Medicine, 1876. Henry B. Savage, M.D New York City Practitioner. Frederic G. Sawtelle Connecticut Dr. Rienzi Robinson. Hermann J. Schirmer New York City Dr. Joseph G. Schlereth. Ernst Schottky New York City Dr. Frederick Zinsser. Otto H. Schulte New Jersey Dr. Leslie D. Ward. Harry Seabrook New Jersey Dr. Wilmer Hodgson. Richard F. B. Seaman New York Dr. R. S. Seaman. William S. Seamans, A.B New Hampshire Dr. Charles C. Odlin. Frederick Smith Sellew New York .Dr. P.W. Cremin. Jackson R. Sharman, M.D. .Mississippi Louisville Med. Coll., 1875. Eben S. D. Shaw New York City Dr. C H. Horton. Harry Mitchell Sherman, A.B.Rhode Island Dr. Francis Delafield. I. A. Shirley, M.D Kentucky Univ'y of Louisville, Ky., 1875. 90 COLITMBIACOLLEGE NAMES. RESIDENCES. PRECEPTORS. C. Irving Simon New Jersey Dr. A. E. Carpenter. James Y. Simpson New Jersey Dr. William Pierson, Jr. William K. Simpson New York Drs. C. E. Fritts and F. Delafield. Sidnej^ 1. Small, M.D Michigan Practitioner. D. Beattie Smiley New York Dr. James H. Smiley. Edgar B. Smith Rhode Island Dr. George P. Baker. James F. Smith Brooklyn, N. Y Dr.W. P. Worster. Kodolfo de Socarras Cuba Dr. Francis Delafield. Samuel A. Solomons. New York City Dr. E. C. Seguin M. A. Southworth, L.M . . .Louisiana. .The Censors of the State of N.Y., 1846. P. Dexter Spear New. York City Dr. George Fox. Charles R. Starkweather. . . .Massachusetts Dr. C. W. Parsons. Alfred R. Starr New York City. . Dr.T.M. Markoe and W. A. James. M. Allen Starr, A.B New York City Dr. H. B. Sands. Heydon Starrett New York City.. Drs. J. A. Breakell and W.M.Kemp. William Stephens, M.D . .New York City Coll. of Surgeons, Dublin, 1866. William Stephenson Maine Dr. S. H. Weeks. Joseph W. Stickler, Jr., B.S.New Jersey. . . .Drs.W. Parker and D, M. Stimson. Frank O. Stockton New Jersey Dr. H. G. Fish. Edward J. Stone New York Drs. Kendall and Allen. William Stutson Connecticut Dr. S. R. Burnap. Louis S. Sweitzer. M.D Obio Cleveland Med. Coll , 1875. George M. Swift, A.B New York City Dr. Francis Delafield. Thomas Delano Swift, A.B. .New Jersey Dr. H. R. Baldwin. George P. Swords New Jersey Dr. Leslie D. Ward. Ernest T. Tappey, A.M Michigan Dr. D. O. Farrand. Arthur W. Taylor Brooklyn, N. Y Dr. Charles Jewett. Henry Ling Taylor, Ph.B. . .New York City Dr. Lewis Fisher. Wilmot C. Terry, M.D New York Castleton Med. Coll., 1851. Gabriel W. Teschner Brooklyn, N. Y Dr. M. Eisler. Jacob Teschner, G.P New York City Dr. Daniel Lewis. William M. Thallon, B.A. ...New York City Dr. J. C. Hutchison. George Dickinson Thayer. . ..Massachusetts Dr. S. E. Thayer. Allen M. Thomas, Jr., Ph. B.Rhode Island Dr. Francis Delafield. ( Drs. L. Rogers and B. D. E. John Glover Thomas Maine •< Huse, and Portland School ( for Medical Instruction. William G. Thompson, Ph.B. New York City Dr. F. P. Kinnicutt. John McK. Thornton, M.D. .Iowa Ohio Med. College, 1873. Lemuel Tibbitts, M.D Illinois Bellevue Hosp. Med. College, 1867. Frank H. Todd, M.D Ohio Cleveland Med. Coll., 1876. Byron V. Tompkins, Ph.B . New York Dr. D. A. Cleaveland. Frederic M. Townsend, B.S.New York City Dr. T. A. McBride. Wisner R. Townsend, A.B. .New York City Dr. Henry Goldthwaite. Henry S. Trigg New York City Dr. James L. Little. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. 91 NAMES, RESIDENCES. PRECEPTOKS. George Trowbridge, A.B New York City Dr. T. T. Sabine. Melville A. Tully New York Drs. F. Delafield and J. A. Milne. George M. Tuttle, A.B Minnesota Dr. R. J. Hill. John F. Valentine Brooklyn, N. Y Dr. William H. Peer. Waldron B.Vanderpoel, A.B. New York City Dr. Francis Delafield. John Vander Poel, A.B New York . . ." Dr. T. T. Sabine. Samuel H. Van Cleve Minnesota Dr. Charles Simpson. John L. Van Deventer, A.B. New Jersey Dr. H. R. Baldwin. Henry C. Van Dolsen, A.B... New Jersey Dr. Robert Abbe. Andrew B. Van Home, A.B.New Jersey Dr. H. B. Sands. Rynier Van Nest New York City.. Drs. H.R.Baldwin and H.S.Norris. "Wm.T. Van Vredenburgh, Jr. New York City Dr. T. M. Markoe. John van der Vegt Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y Dr. R. G. Wiener. Alberto Vergueiro South America Dr. A. G. de Tejada. C. Edwin Vredenburg New York City Dr. E. M. Cameron. Edwin Walker, M.D Indiana Evansville Med. Coll., 1874. Simon J. Walsh Massachusetts Dr. E. Wright. Frederic M. Warner New Jersey Dr. B. A. Watson. John Warren New Jersey Dr. H. R. Baldwin. Louis R. Warren Indiana Med. Dept., Harvard Univ. Chas. E. Washburn, Ph.B. ..California. G. H. Watson New York City. Frank R. Webb, A.M., M.D. Illinois Chicago Med. Coll., 1875. Charles R. Weed New York City.. Drs.F. Delafield and E. Hutchison. Edgar T. Weed, A.B New York City Dr. Robert F. Weir. Ephraim S. Wells New Jersey Dr. James Wilkinson. John A. Wells. A.B New York City Dr. H. B. Sands. George R. Westfall New York Dr. H. Lyle Smith. George H. Weston, M.D New York City Med. School of Maine, 1878. Howard G. Wetmore New York City Dr. H. B. Sands. Harry H. White New York. . . . , Dr. J. S. Monell. Stephen E. Whitman New York Dr. W. C. Walser. Henry G. Wildman. Connecticut Dr. E. P. Bennett. Charles W. Wilkins New Hampshire Dr. Wm. W. Wilkins. Edgar C. Wilkinson Bermuda . . .Drs. Outerbridge, Arton, and Wyeth. Charles E. Williams Maine Dr. E. H. Hill. Benjamin Wood, Jr Brooklyn, N.Y Dr. E. C. Seguin. J. Walter Wood, A.B New York Dr. E. D. Coonley. Louis C. Wood New York Drs. J. O. and H. Van Hoevenberg. J. Henry Woods New York City Dr. G. Wackerhagen. Carl Wormser Michigan . .Drs. H. O. Hitchcock and J. M. Snook. William F. Wright Massachusetts. .Drs.N. S. Babbitt and T. A.McBride. William Henry Wright New York City Dr. William H. Lyons. Leroy Yale, M.D , Connecticut Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1877. ■92 COIiUMBIACOLLEGE. KAMES. RESIDENCEB. PRECEPTOKS. Josepk Watkins Yard. ... . .New York City Dr. T. T. Sabine. Herbert S. Young, A. B Connecticut Dr. Frank Burgess. Frank H. Zabriskie New York City Dr. James Anderson. Gilliam A. Zabriskie . . . . New Jersey Dr. John T. De Mund. Total 485. GRADUATES. 1878. NAME. RESIDENCE. THESIS. John Scott Aitkin, Neio York City. . .Physiological Anatomy of the Liver Charles "Warrenne Allen, Neio Jersey Transmission of Syphilis Barnard Arnold, Rhode Island Local Uses of Corrosive Sublimate William Frederick Avemann, New York City Intermittent Fever Frederick Ogden Beach, New York City Perityphlitis George Willis Benedict, A.B,. Connecticut Ergot John Haskell Billings, Connecticut Croupous Pneumonia Burton Beach Bloom, New York Physiological, etc.. Effects of Water Walter Reeve Bruyere, A.B., New Jersey Natural Labor John Jay Buckley, New York Acute Peritonitis John Norris Bull, Connecticut Diphtheria John Albert Burke, Massachusetts General Treatment of Fractures Colonel Bell Burr, Michigan Pott's Disease of the Spine Talbot Roland Chambers, S.B., New York City A Case of Eclampsia Timothy Matlack Cheesman, Jr., A.M., New York C^Y?/.. Treatment of Frac- ture of the Shaft of the Femur Charles Lamb Clark, New Jersey Asiatic Cholera Jacob Bell Cornell, B.S., New Jersey Uraemia Jeremiah Coughlin, M.D., Michigan Gastro-Elytrotomy Ellis Wolcott Crater, New Jersey Phlegmasia Dolens Robert Percy Crookshank, New Bnuiswick Jaborandi Walter Demarest, A.B., M.D., New York City Laryngismus Stridulus Charles Henry Dickinson, Jr., Massachusetts Pertussis Addison Soper Diossy, Jr., NewYork City Urethral Neuropathies George Arthur Dixon, New York City Gross and Minute Anatomy of the Kidney Frederick Bradley Downs, Connecticut . . Hernia Henry Arnold Fairbairn, A.B., M.D., New YbrA;. ...Fusel-Oil; its injurious Physiological Effects Le Roy D wight Farnham, New York Inguinal Hernia Alexander Ming Fisher, New York City Median Lithotomy George Hadley Fisher, New York Tetanus Edward Fridenberg, New York City. . .. Foreign Bodies in the Interior of the Eye Henry Dwight Gardner, A. B. , New York. . Compound Fracture of the Femur William Herbert Gerrish, S.B., Maine Development of the Ovum Robert Winning Glassford, New York City Jaborandi William Frank Greene, A.B., New York City Surgical Treatment of Wounds 93 94 COLUMBIA COLLEGE NAME. RESIDENCE. THESIS. Richard John Hall, A.B , New York City Tuberculosis Thomas William Harvey, A.B., New Jersey The Indications of Fever James Adams Hathaway, New York City Facial Paralysis in Man Edgar Martindale Hermance, New York Clinical Abuse of Aconite Ellsworth Eliot Hunt, A.B., New Jersey Typhlitis and Perityphlitis Charles Henry Hunter, A.B., Maine Ovariotomy George Thomas Jackson, Jr., New York City. . . The Tonsils and some of their Diseases Walter Buckley Johnson, New Jersey Placenta Pr8e^^a Henry Jesse Kenyon, Massachusetts Organic Stricture of the Urethra Theodore Keune, New York City Version Gideon Lee Knapp, Neio York City Intussusception William Tell Kudlich, New Jersey Salicylic Acid William James Larmer, New York City Signs of Pregnancy Charles Henry Lent, New York Diphtheria Alexis Marcy Leon, A.B., New York City Asthma Frank Watlington Lester, ^07'^■(ia Yellow Fever William Jerauld Lewis, Connecticut Histologj" of Miliary Tubercle William Breakey Lewitt, M.D., Michigan Phlegmasia Dolens John Francis Luby, Ph.B., Connecticut. .Aneurism of the Thoracic Aorta Chancellor Martin, Egypt Pulmonary Vesicular Emphysema Edward Griffith Maupin, M.D., Virginia Conduct of Labour William Duncan McKim, A.B., Neio York City Fracture of the Patella Francis Hector McNaught, New York Tuberculosis Charles Phelps Williams Merritt, S.M., New Jersey Sputa as Means of Diagnosis Martin Van Buren Miller, M.D., Alabama Rectal Alimentation Samuel Roseburgh Morrow, A.M., iVew York Pott's Disease of the Spine Samuel Irving Myers, New York Diagnosis George Wheaton Nickerson, New York City Vaccination William Perry Northrup, A.M., New York Ethylic Alcohol Henry Augustus Oaks, A.B., Connecticut — Stricture of the Male Urethra E. Spencer Pratt, Louisiana The Sources of Disease Thomas Freeman Quinby, Maine Carcinoma Joseph Francis Quinlan, New York City Pulmonary Tuberculosis James Thomas Reilly, Pennsylvania - Post-Partum Haemorrhage Waldo Henry Richardson, New York City Dyspepsia Wilham Guy Richards, New York Fractures of the Femur John Frederick Ridlon, A.B., New York City Locomotor Ataxia George Kerr Roberts, S.B., Connecticut Pulmonary Haemorrhage and Infarction Justus Miller Rouse, New York Pneumonia Frank Eugene Russell, New York City Hernia Charles Ohver Sahler, New York Digestion Charles Walton Sanders, Jr., New York City GonorrhcBa SCHOOIiOFMEDICINK. 95 NAME. RESIDENCE. THESIS. Charles Davies Scudder, A.B., New York City Absorbent System Charles John Sharretts, New York City - Blood William "Watts Sherman, New York City Glaucoma George Mulford Silvers, New Jersey Exophthalmic Goitre Anson Parker Smith, Connecticut Parenchymatous Nephritis Homer Erastus Smith, New York Hysteria Robert William Steger, M.D., Tennessee . Pathology of Tuberculosis Frank Halleck Stephenson, New York Typhoid Fever Robert Jonathan Stoddard, Connecticut Chronic Pharyngitis Justin Morrill Swan, Massachusetts Jaundice Edward Swasey, M.D., Maine Rheumatic Pericarditis Lawrence Chew Swift, New Jersey Aneurism William Jonathan Swift, A.M., New York City Foreign Bodies in the ' Air-Passages Joseph Tomlinson, A.B., New Jersey Pathology of Tuberculosis Edmund Grindal Rawson Trimble, A.M., New York City. Gout Abram Harvey Van Riper, New Jersey Sleep Daniel Waldo, New Jersey Thermometer as a Means of Diagnosis Le Roy Pope Walker, Jr., Alabama Chorea Everett Seymour Warner, Connecticut • Icterus William Perry Watson, A.B., New Jersey Diabetes Mellitus Alfred James Weed, Connecticut Variola Isaac Weil, S.B., New York City Hydrocele George Kellogg Welch, Connecticut Astigmatism William Henry Weston, New Hampshire Dysentery ' Hamilton Dox Wey, New York Treatment of Insanity Albion Stinson Whitmore, A.B., Maine « Natural Labour Richard George Wiener, A.B., New York City Compound Dislocation at the Ankle-joint Charles Horton Wilkin, New York Embohsm William Braxton Winn, Tennessee Mitral Regurgitation Lansing Betts Winne, New York Air as a Vehicle of Disease Christopher Sumner Witherstine, S.B., New York City Chronic Diffuse Nephritis Alfred Silas Wright, New Jersey Peritonitis Marlborough Churchill Wyeth, New Jersey The Metric System Total 109. 95 GENERAL SUMMARY. SCHOOL OF ARTS. Freshman Class. . Sophomore Class Junior Class Senior Class 78 69 62 37 -246 SCHOOL OF MINES. First Class 76 Second Class 73 Third Class .., 40 Fourth Class 34 Special Students , 11 Post Graduate Students 9 -24S SCHOOL OF LAW. Junior Class. Senior Class. 237 209 136 SCHOOL OF MEDICmE. Medical Class. 485 Total 1,410 GENERAL. CALENDAR. 1878 — October 1 — Winter Session, School of Medicine, begins Tuesday. October 2 — Scholastic Year, School of Law, begins Wednesday. October 7 — First Term, School of Arts and School of Mines, begins Monday. November 5 — Election Day — (Hohday). December 23 — Christmas Recess, School of Arts and School of Mines, begins Monday. December 25 — Christmas Recess, School of Law, begins Wednesday. 1879 — January 4 — Christmas Recess ends Saturday. January 27 — Intermediate Examinations, School of Arts and School of Mines, begin Monday. February 6 — Second Term, School of Arts and School of Mines, begins Thursday. February 17 — Examinations for Degrees, School of Medicine, begin Monday. February 26 — Ash Wednesday — (Holiday). February 28 — Commencement, School of Medicine, Friday. March 10 — Spring Session, School of Medicine, begins Monday. April 11 — Good Friday — (Holiday). April 14 — Easter Monday — (Holiday). May 7 — Examinations for Degrees, School of Law, begin Wednesday. May 14 — Coumiencement, School of Law, Wednesday. May 19 — Concluding Examinations, School of Arts and School of Mines, begin Monday. June 1 — Spring Session, School of Medicine, ends Friday. June 4 — Examinations for Admission, School of Arts, begin Wednesday. June 6 — Examinations for Admission, School of Mines, begin Friday. June 11 — Commencement, School of Arts and School of Mines, Wednesday. September 9 — Second Examination for Degrees, School of Medicine, Tuesday. September 27— Examination for Admission, School of La av, Saturday. October 1 — Scholastic Year, School of Law, begins Wednesday. October 1 — Winter Session, School of Medicine, begins Wednesday. October 1 — Examinations for Admission, School of Arts, begin Wednesday. October 3 — Examinations for Admission, School of Mines, begin Friday. October 6 — First Term, School of Arts and School of Mines, begins Monday. U7 W48 A \/ 0^ V'i^-.y 'q,/^f'\o'5 ^^'-^-.y ^o,. .0^" ••:i,L% ^^ 4^^ ••• .V •y\ '-^m- /"\ ''-m^,' **'% "WP-" p' **.'^7^'/^ 'o^'^-*/ V'T^-./ %. '^^. .«•• V /.^^%% u^^\.-^.\. /.*,^;^..^«o ^^ i'i^'>-!.':V:v:y;-!^v:''k;rt.;:v'.;^!::'t MX:, iV: •-■•l'i^i:i M: f||||i^:'-'';':' ,1. I r,^^'*i ■ 111 .■,■'','>'>'■■. '• i' ■ < I -^ ''%i'