t97 \T''f .I_l. I »!^B^V ^ s. z;^... -,.v>.>y ^oo-ou-^ c-j-'- ' I ^^. Ajt^y^ WAR DEPARTMENT : : OFFICE OF CHIEF OF STAFF WAR COLLEGE DIVISION, GENERAL STAFF, No. 18 CLASSIFICATION AND INDEX WASHINGTON GOVERNMELNT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 C^ WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 409. Office of the Chief of Staff. n m 'n: Ji. War Department, Office of the Chief of Staff, Washington, February 13, 1912. This revised edition of the sclieme of "Classification and Index" of the hbrary of the War College Division of the General Staff is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. By order of the Secretary of War: Leonard Wood, Major General, Chief of Staff. (3) CLASSES. 0. GENERAL WORKS. 1. WARFARE AND TRAINING. 2. MILITARY SITUATION. 3. ADMINISTRATION. 4. SUPPLY AND TRANSPORTATION, 5. CAVALRY AND INFANTRY. 6. ARTILLERY. 7. TECHNICAL TROOPS. 8. MINOR SERVICES. 9. NAVY. (5) GENEKAL WOKKS. 000 General works. 010 Bibliography. Bibliography of general works. Pe- riodical indexes. Oil Bibliography of military training. 012 Bibliography of military situation, 013 Bibliography of administration. 014 Bibliography of supply and transportation. 015 Bibliography of Cavalry and Infantry. 016 Bibliography of Artillery. 017 Bibliograph}^ of technical troops. 018 Bibliography of minor services. 019 Bibliography of Nav}". 020 Dictionaries. Grammars. 022 General cyclopedias. 023 Military cyclopedias. 030 Almanacs. Year books. 040 Conversion tables. 050 General periodicals. 060 Military periodicals. 070 Newspapers. 080 Military libraries and library systems. 090 Scrapbooks. 095 Military fiction. (6) WAKFARE AXD TRAIN^ING. 100 Military training. Art of war. Strategy. .1 Morale. Esprit. Discipline. Psychology. (See also 312.2.) .2 General Army training. Military training of a nation. .3 Militia training. Training of reserves. 101 Tactics. Minor tactics. Attack formations. De- fense formations. Grand tactics. Vulner- ability of troops. .1 Field service. Field-service regulations. 1.2 Fortress warfare. Fortress maneuvers. Attack on field works. Defense of field works. Siege warfare. Block- house system. Defense of coasts. .3 Guard duty. Outposts. Convoys. Service of security. .4 Embarkation. Debarkation. Landing operations. .5 Army stream-crossing. See also 520.5, 530.5, 610.5, and 618.5. .6 Reconnaissance. Scouting. Patrols. Service of informa- tion. See also 520.6, 530.6, and 746.4. .7 Riot duty. .8 Problems solved on maps. War games. Kriegsspiel. .9 Guerrilla warfare. 102 Maneuvers (combined arms). Umpires and um- piring. .1 Combined Army and Navy maneuvers. Embarkation, de- barkation, and landing maneuvers. .2 Practice marches. Marching (combined arms). .3 General-staff journeys. Staff rides. Tactical rides and walks. .4 Maneuver grounds. Camps of instruction. Drill grounds. 1 For Seacaast warfare see also 640.1; for Mountain warfare see 805 and 617. (7) 103 .1 .2 Physical training. Fencing. Schools for fencing and gymnastics, fencing see 530.1. Military sports. For equestrian sports see 520.7. .3 .4 .5 Boy Scouts. Tournaments. Swimming. For Bayonet 104 Transmission of orders in the field. (See also 613.1 Communication between field artillery and other troops.) 105 Training of recruits (prior to assignment to regiments) . 106 Ceremonies. Honors. Salutes. Reviews. Guard mounting. Funeral honors, 107 Detached service. Officers serving in branches other than their own. Stages of officers. 108 Garrison service. Garrison maneuvers. 110 Military educatioii. (For illiteracy see 232.) 111 Expositions. Exhibitions. 112 Languages (study of ) . 113 Military museums. 114 Officers sent abroad for instruction. Military missions. 120 Military schools. 121 Cadet schools. Including schools for enlisted men being fitted for commissions. .1 .2 Cadet corps. Scliool battalions. .3 A Intendaiice cadet schools. Train cadet schools. .5 Cavalry cadet schools. Infantry cadet schools. .6 Artillery cadet schools. Except combined Artillery and technical cadet schools; see 121.7. .7 Technical cadet schools. Combined artillery and technical cadet schools. .8 Medical and veterinary schools. Minor-service cadet schools. 122 Officers' schools. .1 .2 .3 Staff colleges. War colleges. For Naval War College see 911. .4 Intendance schools. Train schools. .5 Cavalry schools. Infantry schools. .6 Artillery schools. Except combined Artillery and technical schools for officers; see 122.7. .7 Technical schools. Combined Artillery and technical schools. .8 Medical and veterinary schools. Minor-service schools for officers. 123 Schools for enlisted men (not preparing for com- mission) . .1 Post and garrison schools. .2 Instructional troops. .3 .4 Intendance schools for enlisted men. Train schools for enlisted men. .5 Cavalry schools for enlisted men. Infantry schools for enlisted men. .6 Artillery schools for enlisted men. Except combined Artillery and': echnical schools for enlisted men; see 123.7. .7 Technical schools for enlisted men. Combined Artillery and technical schools for enlisted men. .8 Medical and veterinary schools for enlisted men. Farriers and horseshoers' schools. Minor-service schools. 124 Schools for children of officers and enlisted men. 125 Military training in schools other than military. MILITARY SITUATION. 200 Military situation. Political situation. Policy. Ac- tivity abroad. Eiots. .1 Foreign influence (to which subjected). 201 Foreign military instructors. 202 Mobilization. Demobilization. Mobilization camps. Concentration camps. 203 War plans. Plans for attack and defense. Na- tional defense. 204 Strategic positions, lines and bases. 205 Government. 210 Army. Army strength. Army organization. Criti- cism of an army. See also 402.1, 403, 500, 520-523, 530, 531, 540, 600-610, 615, 616, 617, 618, 620, 640, 700-709, 800-808, 810, 820-823, 850. .1 • Colonial troops. 211 Officer strength. Army registers. Arm}' lists. 212 Recruit statistics. 213 Reserves. Militia. (Strength and organization.) Includiag landwehr, honved, landstum, opolclienie, etc., including numbers called out for annual training. See also 402.1, 403.3, 520.3, 530.3, 610.3, 618.3, 620.3, 640.3, 700.3, 810.3, 820, 850. .1 Reserves — Officer strength. Lists and registers. 214 215 Military districts. 216 Stations. Posts and reservations. .1 Cemeteries. 220 Fortifications, land. Fortresses, forts, fortified places, entrenched camps, etc. 221 Fortifications, seacoast. Fortified naval stations. Including their location, armament, mines, searchlights, guard and patrol ships, food supply, water supply, ammunition supply, gaiTison, noncombatfints, adjacent harbors, land approaches, and all other per- tinent information, including maps, photograplis, and sketches. (10) 11 230 Geography. Physical. Descriptive. Natural features. Coast lines. Military geography. 232 Population. Illiteracy, etc. Census. 233 Natural resources. Commercial resources. Food resources. Forage resources. .1 Foreign interests. Investments. Concessions. 234 235 Climate. 236 Cities, towns, and villages. See also 220, 221, and 279. 240 Military expenditures. Budgets. Estimates. Appropri- ations. Special appropriations. Allotments. Prices. Aviatioa appropriations, see 746.3. 241 Fiscal year (state year for wliicli' provided). 250 Military resources. 251 Arsenals. Military factories. Powder magazines. Capacity. Output. 252 Purchase of munitions abroad. Sales. 253 Reserve of munitions of war. 254 Cost of manufacture, maintenance. Cost of a soldier per annum. Prices. 260 Operations and history. (Give date 19 — to 19 — .) 261 Biography. 262 Accidents. (For explosion accidents, see 727; for aeronautical accidents, see 749.) 270* Routes of travel. (Communications general. 5 271 Higliways. Koads. Trails. Bridges. 272 Tables of distances. 273 274 Railroad lines. Termini. Bridges. Including tunnels and rolling stock. 275 ■ Rivers. Lakes. Bridges. Including s'OLniiboats on same. 12 276 Canals. Including towboats of same. 277 Steamship lines. Merchant marine. 278 Coaling stations. 279 Commercial ports. Harbors. Anchorages. Dry docks. Wharves. Lighters, houses. Sailing: directions. Docks. Light- 280 TelegrapMc connections. Wireless-telegraph connec- tions. Wireless stations. 281 Cables. 282 Telephonic connections. ADMINISTRATION. ^ 300 Administration, War Department. Defense commit- tees. Colonial administration. General boards. Except in tendance; see 403. .1 Interior administration. Post, regiment, companj', etc. .2 Adjutant General's Department. .3 Civil departments. .4 Civil employees. Including clerks, stenographers, stenography, draftsmen, etc. .5 Ordnance Department. 301 Commander in chief. 302 Command of troops. Right of command. 303 General Staff. Great General Staff. General offi- cers. 304 Headquarters. Aids. Personal staff. Adjutants. .1 Bodyguards. , 305 Inspections. Inspectors. Inspectors' report. 306 Intelligence. .1 Attaches. Government agents. Consuls. .2 Spies. Interpreters. 307 Preparation of orders. Records and returns. Cor- respondence. .1 Cryptography. .2 Secrecy. Secret documents. 308 Rewards. Brevets. Decorations. Medals. 1 Administration and colonial administration, if in a sense of government, should be carded under 205. (13) 14 310 Law. Constitution. Organic law of a country. 311 International law. Arbitration. Declaration of war. Peace societies. .1 International doctrines. .2 Treaties. Conventions. .3 Laws of war. Customs of war. Concentration camps (lios- tile population). Prisoners of war. Contraband. .4 Neutrals. Neutrality. .5 Disarmament. 312 Military law. Civil law relating to the military, .1 Army regulations. Army statutes. Articles of war. .2 Disciplinary regulations.^ .3 Offenses. Crimes. Looting. Desertions. .4 Punishments. Prisons. Prisoners. ^ Disciplinary Com- panies. .5 Mutiny. 313 Martial law. 314 Judiciary. .1 Courts martial. .2 Coufts of inciuiry. .3 Military commissions. .4 Courts of honor. Duels. .5 Procedure. Appeals. 320 Enlisted men, Regular Army. 321 Recruiting. Recruiting systems. Recruiting laws. Conscription. Mustering in. • .1 Recruiting examination. Fitness. .2 Reenlistment. .3 Exemption from military service. .4 Recruiting bounties. .5 Assignment and distribution of recruits. 322 Conditions of service. Length of service. Ages. Duties. .1 Rank. .2 Discharge. Mustering out. Unlimited furloughs. Trans- fer to reserves. Retirement. .3 Furloughs. Except unlimited furloughs; see 322.2. .4 Pay. Allowances. Pensions. .5 Expenses. Debts. I Discipline, in the sense of punishment; in the broader sense of morale; see 100.1. s Except prisoners of war; see 311.3. 15 .6 Marriage. .7 Effects of deceased. .8 Savings banks. Deposits. .9 Descriptive lists. Soldier's handbook. 323 Enlisted men, promotions. Except appoi.Umcr.t to cominissions; see 3-11.2. 324 Enlisted men, civil status. Privileges. Votes. 325 Enlisted men, civil employment. 326 Soldiers' homes. Sailors' homes. Invalid corps. 330 Enlisted men, reserves or militia. Volunteers. 340 Officers, Regular Army. See also Army Registers, 21]. 341 Officers, appointment. Recruitment. .1 Appointment examination. Qualifications. .2 Appointment from the ranks. 342 Officers, conditions of service. Length of service. Ages. Duties. .1 Grades. .2 Retirement. Transfer to reserves. Removal. Dismissal. Employment of retired officers. .3 Leaves of absence. .4 Pay. Allowances. Pensions. .6 Expenses. Debts. .6 Marriage. .7 Effects of deceased. .8 Duties of retired. .9 Efficiency reports. 343 Officers, promotion. Transfer to other organiza- tions or service. .1 Promotion examination. 344 Officers, civil status. Privileges. Votes. Servants. 345 Officers, civil employment. 350 Officers, reserve or militia. (For Reserve officers' lists, strength, etc., see 213.1.) SUPPLY AND TKANSPORTATION. 400 Supply and transportation. Requisitions. 401 Supplies (for medical supplies see 821.1). 402 Transportation. (Of sick and wounded, 821.4.) .1 Train troops. Reserve train troops. .2 Wagon trains. Sled trains. Combat, ammunition, field, and supply trains. Including liamess, wagons, sleds, and animals. For bridging trains see 711.5. .3 Pack trains. Horse and mule, including sa"ddles and animals. .4 EaUroad transportation. Entraining. Detraining. Trans- portation of troops by rail. Armored trains (field rail- ways). .5 Means of water transportation. Embarkation. Colliers. .6 Coolies. .7 Mechanical transportation. Traction engines. Automobiles. • .8 Camels. Elephants. Reindeer. Dog teams. Dog sleds. .9 Skates. Snowshoes. Skees. 403 Intendance service. Pay Department. Depart- ment of Accounts. Military chests. Com- missary Department. Quartermaster De- partment. Army Service Corps. .1 Property and money accountability. Graft. .2 .3 Reserve intendance service. 410 Barracks. Quarters. Furniture. 411 Billeting. 412 Fuel. Light. 413 Sewers. Latrines. 414 Laundries. Laundering, (16) 17 420 Clothing and equipment. 421 Clothing. Fabrics. 422 Uniforms. Uniform materials. Insignia. 423 Footwear. Leggings, 424 Headwear. 425 Tailors. Tailoring. 426 Equipments. Accouterments. To include personal equipment and accouterments of all kinds, ex- cept arms and ammunition; to include spurs, etc., shelter tents, port- able intrenching and pioneer tools, except cavalry pioneer tools— see 52.3, identification plates, tags, cards, etc., field glasses, haversacks, knapsacks, whistles, cartridge belts, etc. 427 Waterproofing processes. 430 Equipage. Field kits. 431 Bedding. Field bunks. 432 Standards. Colors. Maneuver flags. 433 Tentage. Except portable shelter tents, see 426, and tents for horses, see 446. 440 Horses. Mules. Resources. General and remount sta- tistics. Except Cavahy horses, S20.4; Artillery horses— Field Artillery horses, 610.4; Heavy Artillery horses, 618.4; Mounted Infantry horses, 5.31; pack-train horses and mules, 402.3; wagon-train horses and mules, 402.2; and hospital horses and mules, 821.4. 441 Officers' horses (all arms). 442 Horse breeding. Mule breeding. 443 Horseshoeing. Shoeing schools. Horseshoes. Mule shoes. Forges. Blacksmith's tools. 444 Forage. 445 Remount establishments. Horse depots. 446 Stables. Tents for horses. 450 Subsistence. Including the various articles of provisions when not treated aS rations. 451 Rations. .1 Emergency rations. .2 Bread. Hardtack. Flour. Cereals. .3 Meat. Soup. .4 Fruit. Vegetables. .5 Coffee. Tea. Wine and other beverages. 31335°— 12 — 2 18 452 Cooking. Messing. 453 Cooking equipage. Bakeries. Field ovens. 454 Officers' clubs and messes. 455 Post exchanges. Canteens. Cooperative stores. Sutlers. Traders. Tradesmen. 456 Refrigerators. 457 Slaughterhouses. 458 Water supply. Filters. Sterilization of water. Aqueducts. CAVALRY AND INFANTRY. 500 Cavalry and infantry. .1 .2 Target practice for small arms.^ Range finding for small arms. Estimating distances for small arms. Targets for small arms. Bifle ranges. Range finders. 1 Including firing schools, fire exercises, and firing regulations; ex- cepting mounted target practice, 520.2. .3 Rifle and pistol matches and competitions. 510 Arms. Ammunition. Ammunition supply. .1 Small arms silencers. .2 Erosion. Life of a gun. .5 Expenditure of small arms ammunition in battle. Allowance for practice. 511 Hand grenades. Rifle shells. 512 Carbines. Carbine ammunition. Carbine slings. Carbine scabbards. 513 Rifles. Bayonets. Rifle ammunition. Rifle slings. 514 Pistols. Revolvers. Pistol ammunition. Revolver ammunition. Pistol holsters. 515 Sabers. Swords. 516 Lances. 520 Cavalry. strength, organization, and general information. .1 Tactics. Training. Maneuvers. Drill regulations. Raids. .2 Mounted target practice. .3 Reserves. Militia. .Strength, organization, and general information. .4 Horses. Horse equipment. Weight carried by horses. .5 Stream crossing. .6 Reconnoissance. Scouts. Patrols. .7 Horse training. Equitation. Equestrian sports. Hunts. Long-distance rides. (19) 20 521 Camelry. 522 Cavalry telegraphers. 523 Cavalry pioneers. Cavalry petards. Cavalry pioneer tools. 530 Infantry. strength, organization, and general information. .1 Infantry tactics. Training. Maneuvers. Drill regulations. Bayonet fencing. .2 .3 Infantry reserves. Infantry militia. Strength, organization, and general information. A Weight carried by a soldier. .6 Infantry stream crossing. .6 Reconnoissance. Scouts. Mounted scouts. Patrols. 531 Mounted infantry. strength, organization, and general information. 540 Miscellaneous troops not provided for elsewhere. AKTILLERY. 600 Artillery. General information relating to all classes of artillery, field, heavy, seacoast, etc. 601 Ballistics. Theoretical tables of fire. How range tables are computed, etc. 602 Erosion. Life of gun. 610 Field Artillery. Strength, organization, and general information. .1 Tactics. Training. Maneuvers. Drill regulations. .2 Night operations. .3 Reserves. Militia. Colonial artillery. Strength., organiza- tion, and general information. (For guns, see 660 group; ammunition, 657 group.) .4 Horses, horse equipment, and training. (For mountain artillery horses, see 617.) .5 Stream crossing. .6 Reconnaissance. Field Artillery patrols and scouts. 611 Determination of Field Artillery firing data. Range finding. Methods of aiming. Fu'ing over masks, etc. (See 612 for firing regula- tions.) .1 Transmission of firing data. 612 Field Artillery fire. Firing regulations. Methods of fire. Vulnerability of troops. Effect of fire. .1 Schools of fire. Special schools for Field Artillery target practice. Regulations for conducting target practice. Target practice. .2 Indoor firing practice. .3 Subcaliber practice. Field Artillery. .4 Firing over friendly troops. .6 Observation of fire. .7 Target ranges. 613 Cooperation of Field Artillery with other arms. .1 Communications between Field Artillery and other troops. .2 Field Artillery supports. (21) 614 Camel batteries. Elephant batteries. Including their tactics, training, target practice^ etc. 615 Field Artillery (light). (To be used only for arti- cles which are not applicable to more than one class.) 616 Horse ArtLllery. (To be used only for articles which are not applicable to more than one class.) 617 Moimtain Artillery. (To be used only for articles which are not applicable to more than one class.) 618 Heavy Field Artillery. Strength, organization, and general information. .1 Tactics, training, and maneuvers. ' .2 NigM operations. .3 Heavy Field. Artillery reserves. Militia; strength, organiza- tion, and general inJormatioa. .4 Horses, eqiuipnient and training. .5 Stream crossing, Heavy Field Artillery. 619 Tactical use of artillery for special purposes. .1 Artillery mounted on automobiles. .2 Artillery for attacking flying machines. .3 ArtUlery designed for throwing bombs, grenades, etc. 620 Siege Artillery, Fortress Artillery. .1 Tactics, training, and maneuvers. .2 Night operations. (See also 610.2 and 618.2.) .3 Reserves. MUitia. Strength, organization, and general in- formation. .4 Transportation. .6 Reconnaissance, patrols, and scouts. 621 Determination of siege artillery firing data. .2 Transmission of firing data. 622 Siege artillerj^ fire. Firmg regulations. .1 Target practice. 640 Seacoast Artillery (strength, organization, and general information) . .1 Tactics, training, and maneuvers. .2 Night operations, .3 Reserves. Militia. Strength, organization, and general in- formation. 23 641 Determination of firing data. Hange finding, methods of aiming, etc. .1 Transmission of firing data. 642 Fire. Firing regulations. .1 Target practice. Regulations for conducting target practice. .3 Subcaliber practice. .6 Observation of fire. 650 Field artillery materiel (equipment).^ 651 Field gmis. (For ammunition see 657 group.) (Ammunition for special guns will be filed under the number for the gun specified ; range tables under guns, unless they apply to Ballistics.) .1 Light field guns. (Rapid-fire guns.) .2 Heavy field guns. .3 Guns for special purposes. Automobile guns. Balloon guns. Antiballoon guns. .4 Mountain guns. (See also howitzers and mortars.) 652 Howitzers, field and mountain. (For sights see 654.) 653 Field mortars. (For sights see 654.) 654 Sights for Field Artillery. 655 Fire control. Range finders. Battery comman- ders' instruments. Plotting boards, etc. Spe- cial telephones, megaphones, planimeters, telemeters, etc. 656 Observation wagons, carts, and ladders. 657 Ammunition for Field Artillery, including ammu- nition supply, primers, etc. (Ammunition 18 pounds or under is considered light field artillery ammunition. Betweed IS and 150 pounds is considered heavy field artillery ammunition. Over 150 pounds is considered siege artillery ammunition.) .1 Fuses, .2 Shell. 3. Shrapnel (also combination projectiles, shell, and shrapnel combinations, etc.). ,5 Expenditure of Field-Artillery ammunition in actual battles. Allowance for target practice. 658 Subcaliber guns and ammunition. 659 Targets for field artillery. 1 All guns 87 mm. or under are considered light, above to 150 mm. are heavy, and from 150 mm. up are siege. 24 660 Siege artillery materiel. Fortress artillery. Targets, 661 Siege guns. 662 Siege howitzers. 663 Siege mortars. 667 Siege artillery ammunition and ammunition supply. .1 Fuses. .2 Shell. .3 Shrapnel. 670 Coast artillery materiel. (Equipment.) Turrets. 671 Coast guns. 672 Coast howitzers. 673 Coast mortars. 674 Sights for coast artillery. 675 Apparatus for coast artillery fire control. Ane- mometers. Deflection boards. Difference charts. Range finders. Battery comman- ders' instruments. Special telephones, mega- phones, etc. 676 Towers and observation stations for coast artillery. 677 Seacoast artillery ammunition, including ammuni- tion supply. .1 Fuses. .2 SheU. .3 Shrapnel. 678 Subcaliber guns and ammunition for seacoast artil- lery. 679 Target for seacoast artillery practice. 690 Miscellaneous. History of the development of artillery. Exhibitions of artillery. Spades. Spring wheels. Minor devices not provided for else- where. Note. — French garrison artillery is part fortress and part coast artillery; German garrison artillery is fortress artillery; Great Britain garrison artillery is siege, mountain, heavy field, and seacoast: Japan- ese garrison is part siege and part seacoast. TECHXICAJ^ TROOPS. 700 Technical troops. .1 .2 .3 Reserve technical troops. 701 Engineers. Organization and equipment. 702 Sappers. Bridge troops. 703 704 Railroad troops. Railroad-construction troops. 705 Pioneer troops. See also Cavalry pioneers, 523. 706 Ordnance troops. Artificers. Armorers. 707 Signal troops. Telegraph troops. Automobile troops. See also Cavalry telegraphers, 522. 708 Electricians. Searchlight troops. 709 Mining and torpedo corps. 710 Engineering. .1 Boad making. .2 Bridge building (permanent). .3 Tunneling. .4 Railroad construction. Railroad appliances. .5 Locks. Dams. Canal making. 711 Field engineering. Intrenching. Field intrench- ments. .1 Castrametation. .2 Demolitions. Petards. .3 Obstacles. .4 Intrenching tools. Special vehicles for carrying same. Except portable intrenching tools, 426; and Cavalry pioneer tools, 523. .6 Field bridges. Ferrying. Pontoons, boats. Special trans- portation. Bridging trains. See also 271, 274, and 275. (25) 26 712 Fortress engineering. Theory and art of fortifica- tion. 713 Steam, engineering. Stationary engines. Motor power. 714 Building construction. Building materials. 715 Waterworks. See also 458. 716 Photography. Optics. 717 Survejong. Topograph}^ Mapping. 718 Electricity. Searclilights. 719 Land and submarine mining. 720 Ordnance technology. Ordnance Department, 300.5. 721 Metallurgy. Metals. 722 Armor. Armor tests. Resistance to projectiles. 723 Bullet-proof clothing. Bullet-proof materials. 724 Ordnance appliances. Ballistic instruments. 725 Range finders (general) . For Small arms see 500.2; for Artillery, field, 655; seacoast, 677. 726 Powders. Explosives. 727 Explosions. 728 Rockets. Aerial torpedoes. Star shells. 729 Proving grounds. Tests and experiments. 730 Signaling. Military and naval. .1 Signaling apparatus in hands of troops. Transmission of information between bodies of troops. 731 Telegraphy. Submarine telegraphy. Cable laying. Wireless telegraphy. For Stations see 280. 732 Telephon}^ (including wdreless). 733 734 Carrier pigeons. AEROXALTICS. 740 Aeronautics. Theory and mechanics of flight. Aerodynamics. Laws of flight. 741 Aeroplanes. Hydroaeroplanes. 742 Balloons (free, dirigible, captive). 743 Kites. 744 Apparatus, machinery, material. Motors. Kydrogenerators, etc. 745 Airship sheds (hangars). Construction, description, location, number, etc. 746 Military aviation. .1 Balloon troops. .2 Military air craft. Number and equipment. How trans- ported. .3 Special appropriation. Extra pay and allowances. .4 Tactics, experiments, maneuvers. Attack. Reconnaissance. Observation. Transmission of intelligence. Aeronau- tic maps. Photographs taken in air. .5 Records. 747 Aeronautical associations, clubs, etc. .1 Aviation schools. .2 Meets, competitions, and exhibitions. Prizes.. 74S Laws and regulations regarding balloons and flying machines. 1 Governmental specifications for competition in constructing aerial craft. .2 International agreements respecting use of air craft. 749 Accidents, aeronautical. (27) mi:n^or services. 800 Minor services. .1 .2 .3 801 Chaplains. 802 Cyclists. Cycles. 803 >Iilitary bands. Music. Trumpet and bugle sounds. 804 Military police. Constabulary. Gendarmerie. Police. 805 Mountain troops. 806 Orderlies. Dispatch carriers. General service de- tachments. 807 Postal service. 808 War dogs. Ambulance dogs. 810 Machine-gun troops. .1 Machine-gun tactics. .2 Target practice. Firing regulations. .3 Machine-gun reserve troops. 811 Machine guns, ammmiition and ammunition supply. 820 Sanitary troops and service (including- reserves). Strength, organization, functions, training (except 102 and 120-123), and tactics. .1 staffs and inspectors. .2 Hospital Corps. .3 Tactical units, including sanitary companies, field hospitals, ambulance companies, regimental infirmaries, detach- ments. .4 Dental personnel and service. .5 Apothecary personnel and service. .6 Nurses. .7 Surgeons and physicians. Sanitary officers. .8 Training, special exercises and maneuvers. (28) 29 821 Sanitary establishments, material and equipment (except personal). .1 Depots, manufactories, and manufacture of medical supplies. Capacity and supplies on hand. .2 Hospitals of every class, including ambulances ' and lazarets. .3 Transportation (general). .4 Transportation of sick and wounded. (Land.) .5 Hospital ships and boats. .6 Medical and surgical appliances. 822 Medical statistics. Losses. Casualties. .1 Character of wounds inflicted by different arms. .2 Comparative statistics of wounds inflicted by different arms. .3 Bacteriology, antitoxin, inoculation, vaccination. .4 Hygiene, epidemics and camp diseases. Sanitation and inspection. Incinerators. 823 Societies for the aid of the sick and wounded. 830 Military societies. Patriotic societies. 831 Rifle clubs. Pistol clubs. 840 Press. 841 War correspondents. Correspondents. 842 Censorship. 860 Veterinary service (including reserves). Diseases of horses. Treatment of horses. Horse medi- . cines. Hippology. 851 Veterinarians. ' Not the vehicle known as ambulance, but the small mobile hospitals sent to the seat of war by volunteer societies. NAVY. 900 Navy. Naval situation. Naval policy. .1 Naval tactics. Naval training. Naval maneuvers. For combined Army and Navy maneuvers, see 102.1. .2 Naval target practice. .3 Naval reserves. Marine reserves. 901 Naval stations. 902 Naval expenditures. Budgets. 903 Naval law. 904 Naval staffs. 905 Marine troops. Marine troops, shore maneuvers. 906 907 Naval engineering. Naval construction. 908 Naval medical service. ■ 909 Naval personnel (officers and sailors). 910 Naval education. 911 Naval schools. Naval War College. 912 Training ships. 920 Warships. 921 Naval torpedoes. 922 Torpedo boats. 923 Torpedo-boat destroyers. 924 Submarine boats. 925 926 Naval guns and ammunition. ' Naval gunnery. 927 Naval armor. (30) INDEX. A. Absence, leaves of: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322. 3 Reserves 330 Officers: Regular Army 342. 3 Reserses 350 Academies, military. {See Schools.) Accidents (except explosions, 727) 262 Accidents (aeronautical) 749 Accouterments 426 Accountability of money and property 403. 1 Accounts, Department of 403 Active army. (See Army.) Adjutant General's Department 300. 2 Adjutants , 304 Administration: Adjutant General's Department 300. 2 Battalion 300. 1 Battery 300. 1 Bibliography 013 Civil departments 300. 3 Civil employees 300. 4 Colonial 300 Commissariat 403 Inspections and inspectors '. 305 Intendance 403 In tendance schools — Fur cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission 121 . 4 For enlisted men not preparing for commission 123. 4 For officers 122. 4 Interior 300. 1 Regimental 300. 1 Troop .-■----. ^^0. 1 , War Department 300 Administrative troops (intendance service) 403 Advance guards 101. 3 Aerial fleets, strength, organization, etc 746. 2 Aerial navigation 740 Aerial warfare 746. 4 Aerodromes ■ 741 Aeronautics, mechanics of flight, aerodynamics, etc 740 Accidents '. 749 Aerodynamics 740 Aeronautic maps 746. 4 Aeroplanes 741 Airship sheds (hangars), number, construction, location 745 Apparatus 744 Appropriations, special 746. 3 (31) 32 Aeronautics, etc. — Continued. Associations 747 Attack 746. 4 Aviation schools 747. 1 Balloon guns and antiballoon guns 651. 3 Balloon troops 746. 1 Balloons 742 Clubs 742 Exhibitions 747. 2 Experiments 746. 4 Government specifications for competitors 748. 1 Hangars, number, location, construction 745 Hydroaeroplanes 741 Hydrogenerators 744 International agreements respecting use of air craft 748. 2 Kites 743 Laws and regulations regarding balloons and flying machines. . . 748 Laws of flight 740 Machinery 744 Maneuvers 746. 4 Maps, aeronautic 746. 4 Material 744 Meets and exhibitions 747. 2 Military air craft, number and equipment 746. 2 Military aviation 746 Motors 744 Observation 746. 4 Photographs taken in air 746. 4 Prizes 747. 2 Reconnoissance 746. 4 Records made 746. 4 Regulations and laws relating to balloons and flying machines.. 748 Schools, aviation 747. 1 Sheds 745 Societies, clubs 747 Special appropriations.- ~. 746. 3 Specifications (governmental) for competition in construction. . . 748. 1 Strength of aerial fleets 746. 2 Tactics, experiments, maneuvers 746. 4 Theory and mechanics of flight 740 Transmission of intelligence 746. 4 Aeroplanes 741 Aerostatics 740 Agents (Government) 306. 1 Ages: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 342 Reserves 350 Agriculture 233 Aid to sick and wounded (societies) 823 Aid to sick (first-aid packages) 821 Aids-de-camp 304 Airships: Aeroplanes 741 . Balloons 742 Kites 743 Airship sheds (hangars), description, number, etc 746 Alcoholism 822. 4 Allowance of ammuniiion: Artillery 657. 5 Infantry 510. 5 Allowances: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322. 4 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 342. 4 Reserves 350 Almanacs, general (see also 030) 022 Alpine troops 805 Aluminum and alloys 721 Ambulance companies 820. 3 Ambulance dogs 808 Ambulances (vehicles) 821 . 4 Ambulances (hospital) 821. 2 Ammunition and ammunition supply: Allowances — Artillery 657. 5 Infantry 510. 5 Artillery — Guns — Field guns, howitzei-s and mortars 657 Fortress guns, howitzers and mortars 667 Machine guns 811 Mountain 657 Naval 926 Seacoast guns, howitzers and mortars 677 Siege guns, howitzers and mortars 667 Subcaliber guns — Field 658 Seacoast 678 Fuses — Field guns, howitzers and mortars 657. 1 Fortress guns, howitzers and mortars 667. 1 Mountain guns 657. 1 Naval 926 Seacoast guns, howitzers and mortars 677. 1 Siege gune, howitzers and mortars 667. 1 Shell- Field guns, howitzers and mortars 657. 2 Fortress guns, howitzers and mortars 667. 2 Mountain guns 657. 2 Naval guns 926 Seacoast guns, howitzers and mortars 667. 2 Shrapnel — Field guns, howitzers and mortars 657. 3 Fortress guns, howitzers and mortars 667. 3 Mountain guns 657. 3 Naval guns 926 Seacoast guns, howitzers and mortars 677. 3 Siege guns, howitzers and mortars 667. 3 Small arms (general) 510 Automatic rifles 513 Carbines 512 Machine guns 811 Pistols 514 Revolvers 514 Rifles 513 , Small arms used by artillery. (^See 510 group). 31335°— 12 3 34 Ammunition expenditure in battles: Artillery 657. & Small arms 510. 5 Amnesty 312. 4 Anchorages 279 Antitoxins 822. 3 Apothecaries' schools. (See Minor service schools.) Apothecary service 820. 5 Apparatus, machinery, materials for aeroplanes and balloons 744 Appeals 314. 5 Appointment examinations, officers: Regular Army 341. 1 Reserves 350 Appointment of officers: Regular Army 341 Reserves 350 Appointment of officers from ranks: Regular Army 341. 2 Reserves 350 Appropriations 240 Special for aviation 746. 3 Special; cost of soldier per annum; prices 240 Arbitration 310 Aqueducts 658 Aqueducts, construction of 715 Arm factories 251 Armor 722 Naval armor 927 Armored trains 402. 4 Armorers 706 Arms, Artillery small arms (see Small arms, 510 group)-: Resources of a country m small arms, armament, etc 250 Small (general subject; for ammunition, see Ammunition) 510 Automatic rifles (small caliber) 513 Bayonets 513 Carbines 512 Lances 516 Pistols 514 Revolvers 514 Rifles 513 Rifles (automatic), small caliber 513 Sabers and swords 515 Silencers 510. L Small arms used by Artillery. (See Small arms, 510 group.) Army: Army (strength, organization, and general information) 210 Artillery. (See Artillery.) Cavalry. (See Cavalry.) Colonial troops 210. 1 Infantrv. (See Infantry.) Inspection and inspectors 305 Laws. (See Laws.) Lists (Army registers, etc . , Regular Army) 211 Lists (reserves) 213. 1 Maneuvers. (See Maneuvers.) Minor services. (»SVe Minor services.) Orders and regulations. (See Regulations.) Organization. (See Strength and organization.) Registers (Regular Army registers) 211 Registers, reserves 213. 1 35 Army — Continued. Recruiting- Regular Army. (See Recruiting, Regular Army.) Reserves and militia. (See Recruiting, reserves.) Regulations. (See Regulations.) River crossing. (See Stream crossing.) Service Corps — Army Service Corps 403 Army Service Corps, reserve 403. 3 Statutes. (See Law.) Stream crossing. (See Stream crossing.) Strength. (See Strength and organization.) Technical troops. (See Technical troops.) Territorial. (See Reserves and colonial troops.) Arsenals 251 Art of war 100 Articles of war 312. 1 Artificers (ordnance) 706 Artillery: Accouterments 426 Ammunition — For guns (general) 657 Field guns 657 Howitzers — Field 657 Seacoast 677 Siege 667 Machine guns 811 ^Mortars — Field 657 Seacoast 677 Siege 667 Mountain guns 657 Quick-firing guns — Field 651. 1 Seacoast 671. 1 Seacoast 677 Siege . . . - -' 667 Subcaliber — Field artillery 658 Seacoast 678 For small arms (See Small arms.) Ballistics 601 Balloon guns, antiballoon guns 651. 3 Bibliography - 016 Brakes ;•.•■■■■ ^^^ Bursting charges. (See Artillery, ammunition.) Cadet schools. (See Schools.) For Artillery exclusively 121. 6 For Artillery and engineers (technical troops) exclusively. . 121. 7 Caissons. (See Guns.) Carriages. (See Guns.) Clothing. (See Clothing and equipment.) Colonial artillery — • Field ■ 610. 3 Seacoast 640. 3 Siege 620. 3 Communication between field artillery and other troops 613. 1 Cooperation of field artillery with other arms. 613 Crossing streams, rivers, etc. (artillery exclusively) — Field artillery 610. 5 Heavy artillery 618. 5 36 Artillery — Continued . Development of artillery, history of „ „ 690 Drill regulations — Artillery 610. 1 Field 610. 1 Foot. (See Field, siege, etc.) Horse 616 Howitzer. (See Field, seacoast, siege.) Mortar. (See Field, seacoast, siege.) Mountain 617 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620. 1 Drills and exercises (except firing drills) — Artillery — • Field 610. 1^ Horse 616 Howitzer. (See Field, siege, seacoast, etc.) Mortar. {See Field, siege, seacoast.) Mountain 617 Seacoast - 640. 1 Siege 620. 1 Effect of artillery fire 612 Enlisted men's schools (see Schools) — Not preparing for commission — For artillery exclusively 123. 6 For artillery and technical troops 123. 7 Preparing for commission. (jSee Artillery : Cadet schools.) Equipment (personal) 426 Equipment, horse — Field artillery 610. 4 Heavy field artilllery 618. 4 Erosion 602 Exhibitions 690 Expenditure of ammunition in actual battle 657. 5 Explosives 726 Field artillery. (See Field artillery.) Field guns. (See Field artillery: Guns.) Fire, artillery, effect of 612 Fire tables — Guns, general (theoretical tables of fire) 601 Field- General 651 Light 651. 1 Heavy 651. 2 Howitzers — Field 652 Seacoast 672 Siege 662 Mortars — Field 653 Seacoast 673 Siege 663 Mountain 651. 4 Position 661 Seacoast 671 Siege 661 Firing schools — Schools of fire, Field Artillery 612. 1 Special schools for Field Artillery target practice 612. 1 Firing over friendly troops 612.4 Pairing over masks 611 Fuzes. (5ee Artillery: Ammunition.) Generalinformation. (See Artillery : Organization.) 37 Artillery^Continued . Guns (including carriages, mounts, material, etc) 650 Guns (general ) 650 Automobile guns, balloon guns, and antiballoon guns. . . 651. 3 Field 650 Fortress 6(i0 Heavy field guns 651. 2 Howitzers — Field 652 Seacoast 672 Siege 662 Mortars — Field 653 Seacoast 673 Siege 663 Mountain 651. 4 Naval 926 Seacoast 670 Siege 660 Guns for special purj^oses — automobile guns, balloon gims, and antiballoon guns 651. 3 Harness — Field artillery 610. 4 Hea^'y artillery 618. 4 History of the development of artillery 690 Horse eq uipment — Field artillery 610. 4 Heavy field artillery 618. 4 Indoor firing practice , 612.2 Inspections and inspectors 305 Maneuvers (exclusively artillery) — Artillery — Field 610. 1 Field, heavy 618. 1 Horse 616 Mountain 617 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620. 1 Stream and river crossing — Light field artillery 610. 5 Heavy field artillery 618. 5 Materiel — Ammrmition and ammunition supply for — Guns — Field 657 Howitzers — Field 657 Seacoast 677 Siege 667 Mortars — Field , 657 Seacoast 677 Siege 667 Mountain 657 Seacoast 677 Siege 667 Small arms used by artillery. (See 510 group.) Bursting charges. (.S'fe Artillery: Ammunition.) Caissons. (See Artillery materiel: Guns, carriages, etc.) Carriages. (See Artillery : Materiel, guns, gun carriages, etc.) Explosives. 726 Artillery — Continued. Mat&iel — Continued. Fuses. (See Artillery materiel: Ammunition.) Guns. (Gun carriages, materiel and equipment) 650 Field : 651 Light field 651.1 Heavy field - 651. 2 Howitzers — Field and mountain 652 Seacoast 672 Siege 662 Mortars — Field 653 Seacoast 673 Siege 663 Mountam guns 651. 4 Seacoast 671 Siege 661 Powders 726 Primers — Field - 657 Seacoast 677 Siege 667 Range finders — General subject 725 Field artillery 655 Seacoast artillery 675 Small arms for Artillery. {See Small arms 510 group.) Methods of aiming 611 Methods of fire. _ - - - - 612 Miscellaneous, spades, spring wheels, minor devices not provided for elsewhere 690 Museums 113 Night operations — Field artillery - 610. 2 Heavy field artillery 618. 2 Seacoast artillery 640. 2 Siege 620.2 Number of guns. (See Artillery : Strength, organization.) Number of horses (Artillery) — Field artillery 610. 4 Heavy field artillery 618. 4 Number of men. Artillery. {See Artillery: Strength.) Observation of fire 612. 6 Officers — Number of. (See Artillery: Strength.) Officers' horses — Field artillery 610. 4 Heavy artillery 618. 4 Officers' schools — Exclusively for artillery 122. 6 For artillery and engineers 122. 7 Special schools for field artillery target practice 612. 1 Schools of fire 612. 1 Other information. {See Officers.) Organization — Artillery, general '. 600 Camel batteries 614 Elephant batteries 614 Field 610 Heavy field 618 Horse 616 39 Artillery — Continued . Organization — Continued . Howitzer — Field artillery 610 Seacoast 640 Siege 620 Mortars — Field artillery 610 Siege artillery 620 Seacoast artillery 640 Mountain 617 Reserves — Field artillery 610. 3 Seacoast artillery 640. 3 Siege 620.3 Seacoast 640 Siege 620 Patrols — Field artillery 610. 6 Siege artillery 620. 6 Powders 726 Primers. {See Artillery ammunition.) Range-finders — General 725 Field artillery 655 Seacoast artillery 675 Range finding — Field artillery 611 Seacoast 641 Regulations (di-ill) — Field 610. 1 Heavy field 618. 1 Horse 616 Howitzer — Field 610. 1 Fortress 620. 1 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620.1 Mortars — Field 610. 1 Fortress 620. 1 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620.1 Mountain 617 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620. 1 Regulations, firing — Field 612 Seacoast 642 Siege 622 Reser^'es — Field artillery 610. 3 Fortress 620.3 Seacoast 640. 3 Siege ; 620.3 River crossing (exclusively artillery) — Field artillery 610. 5 Heavy field artillerj^ 618. 5 Schools (artillery exclusively) — For cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission 121. (i For enlisted men not preparing for commissions 123. G For officers 122. 6 40 Artillery — Continued. Schools (artillery and engineers combined) — Cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission 121. 7 Enlisted men not preparing for commissions 123. 7 For officers 122.7 Scouts — Field artillery 610. 6 Siege 620.6 Seacoast artillery. (See Seacoast artillery.) Silencers 650. 1 Small arms of artillery. {See Small arms, 510 group.) Spades 690 Spring wheels 690 Stream and river crossing (exclusively artillery) — Field Artillery 610. 5 Heavy Field Artillery 618. 5 Strength — Artillery (general) 600 Camel batteries 614 Elephant batteries 614 Field 610 Horse 616 Howitzer — Field 610 Seacoast 640 Siege 620 Mortars — • Field 610 Seacoast 640 Siege 620 Mountain 617 Position 620 Seacoast 640 Siege 620 Tactical use of Artillery for special purposes 619 ArtUlery designed for throwing bombs, grenades, etc 619. 3 Ai'tillery for attacking flying machines 619. 2 Artillery mounted on automobiles .- 619. 1 Tactics and training — Field 610.1 Heavy artillery 618. 1 Horse 616 Howitzer — Field 610. 1 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620.1 Mortar — Field 610.1 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620.1 Mountain 617 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620.1 Target practice — Field 612. 1 Horse 616 Howitzer — Field 612. 1 Seacoast 642. 1 Siege 622. 1 Indoor target practice, Field Artillery 612. 2 41 Artillery — Continued . Target practice — Continued Mortar — Field 612. 1 Seacoast 642. 1 Siege 622. 1 Mountain 617 Naval 900. 2 Regulations for conducting target practice, F. A 612 Seacoast 642. 1 Siege 622. 1 Special schools for Field Artillery target practice 612. 1 Sub-caliber practice — Field Artillery 612. 3 Seacogist 642. 3 Targets — Field 659 Seacoast 679 Training. (See Artillery tactics and training.) Transmission of firing data 611. 1 Uniforms 422 Associations, aeronautical 747 Atlases 231 Attaches 306. 1 Attack and defense formation. (See Tactics and training.) Attack and defense formations in fortress warfare 101. 2 Attack on field works 101. 2 Automatic machine guns (large caliber) 811 Automatic rifles (small caliber) 513 Autumn maneuvers. {See Maneuvers.) Automobile bicycles 802 Automobile guns 651. 3 Automobile troops 707 Automobiles 402. 7 Automobiles for the transportation of sick and wounded 821. 4 Aviation, military 746 AviaUon schools 747. 1 B. Bacteriology 822. 3 Bad habits, statistics (medical statistics) 822 Bakeries 453 Ballistic instruments 724 Ballistics: Theory, general discussions 720 Artillery 601 Automatic rifles (large caliber) 811 Carbines 512 Guns (general ) : Theoretical tables of fire, etc 601 Field.. 651 Field, heavy 651. 2 Field, light 651.1 Howitzers — • Field 652 Mountain 652. 4 Seacoast 672 Siege 662 Mortars — Field 653 Seacoast r 673 ' Siege 663 Mountain 651. 4 42 Ballistics — Continued . Guns (general) — Continued. Quick-firing guns...,. 651. 1 Seacoast {see also howitzers and mortars) 671 Siege {see also howitzers and mortars) 661 Machine guns 811 Pistols 514 Revolvers 514 Rifles 513 Rifles (automatic) large caliber 811 Rifles (automatic) small caliber 513 Small arms, general 510 Balloon clubs 747 Balloon troops 746. 1 Pay and allowances. {See 322. 4, 342.4.) Ballooning 740 Ballooning schools 747. 1 Balloons 742 Bandmasters 803 Bands, military 803 Banks, savings, for enlisted men 322. 8 Barrack administration 300. 1 Barrack construction. {See Building construction.) Barracks 410 Administration ■ 300. 1 Billeting 411 Fuel 412 Furniture 410 Latrines 413 Laundries and laundering 414 Sewers 413 Barracks, building material for. {See Building materials.) Bases 204 Battalion administration 300. 1 Battery administration 300. 1 Battles: Historical account 260 Tactical account of ' 101 Battleships 920 Bayonets 513 Bayonets, exercise 530. 1 Bayonets, fencing 530. 1 Bedding 431 Bersaglieri. (See Infantry.) Beverages 451. 5 Bibliography 1 010 Administration 013 Artillery 016 Cavalry 015 General works 010 Infantry. 015 Military situation 012 Military training Oil Minor services 018 Navy 019 Situation, military 012 Supply and transportation 014 Technical troops 017 Training, military Oil Transportation 014 Bicycles 802 43 Billeting 411 Biography 261 Biscuit rations 451. 2 Bits. (See Horse equipment.) Bivouac 711.1 Black powder 726 Blankets (bedding) 431 Blockhouse system 101. 2 Blood serum (antitoxins) 822. 3 Boards, general 300 Boats: Ferrving 711. 5 Folding 711 . 5 Hospital 821. 5 Submarine 924 Torpedo 922 Bombs. (See Artillery ammunition.) Borrowing by officers: Regular Army 342. 5 Reserves 350 Bounties, recruiting 321. 4 Boy scouts 103. 3 Brass 721 Brassards (hospital service) 422 Bread '. 450 Bread ovens 453 Bread rations 451. 2 Breeding horses 442 Brevets ' 308 Bridge schools. (See Technical schools.) Bridge troops 702 Bridges (railroad, 274; river, 275; road, 271; field, 711.5): (onstruction of 710. 2 Destruction of 711. 2 Bridge building (permanent), general subject 710. 2 Bridging trains 711. 5 Bridles. (See Horse equipment.) Budgetary strength. (See Strength and organization.) Budgets: Army 240 Navy 902 Special appropriations for aeronautics 746. 3 Bugle calls 803 Building construction 714 Building materials 714 Bullet-proof clothing 723 Bullet-proof materials 723 Bullet wounds: Character of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 1 Comparative statistics of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 2 Bullets: Arms (general) 510 Artillery small arms. (See Small arms, 510 group.) Carbines 512 Pistols 514 Revolvers 514 Rifles 513 Bunks, field 431 44 c. Cable laying 731 Cables 281 Cadet Corps 121. 2 Cadet schools (general) 121 Artillery ,-. 121.6 Artillery and engineers combined 121. 7 Cavalry 121. 5 Cavalry and infantry : 121. 5 Commissariat 121- 4 Electrical engineering 121. 7 Engineers -- 121. 7 Engineers and artillery combined 121. 7 Infantry 121.5 Infantry and cavalry 121. 5 Intendance 121. 4 Land and submarine mining 121. 7 Medical ser^ace 121. 8 Mining, land and submarine 121. 7 Minor services 121. 8 Navy 911 Ordnance 121. 7 Signaling ^-^'J. Submarine mining 121. 7 Supply service 121. 4 Technical 121. 7 Transportation 121. 4 Veterinary service 121. 8 Cadre maneuvers. (See Maneuvers.) Cadres, classified imder organization. (See Strength, organization.) Caissons. (See Guns.) Calisthenics 103 Calls, bugle and trumpet 803 Camel, batteries 614 Camelrjf 521 Camels (battery) 614 Camels (transportation) 402. 8 Camp equipage 430 Colors 432 Camp making 711. 1 Camp sites 410 Campaigns: Historical account of 260 Tactical account of 101 Camps for target practice (classified under target practice). Camps of instruction 102. 4 Canal making 710. 5 Canals 276 Canned meat 450 Canteens, post exchanges, etc 455 Cantonment 216 Caps 424 Carbine scabbards 512 Carbine slings 512 Carbine target practice : Dismounted 500. 2 Mounted 520. 2 Carbines 512 Carriages of guns (classified with guns; tee Guns). Carrier pigeons 734 Cartography 717 Cartridge belts (except feed belts for machine guns) 426 45 Cartridge belts (for machine guns) • 811 Cartridges: Artillery, fixed ammunition. {See Artillery: Ammunition.) Carbine 512 Pistol 514 Revolver 514 Rifle 513 Small arms (general) 510 Small arms for Artillery. (Same as above.) Castrametation 711.1 Casualties, statistics 822 Cavalry 520 Accouterments 426 Arms and ammunition (general) .' - . 510 Carbines and ammunition 512 Lances 516 Pistols and ammunition 514 Powders 726 Revolvers and ammunition 514 Sabers and swords 515 Bibliography 015 Carbines and ammunition, slings and scabbards 512 Cavalry and Infantry, information concerning both 500 Schools for cadets 121. 5 Enlisted men 123. 5 Ofiicers 122. 5 Clothing. (See Clothing and equipment.) Cost of a soldier per annum 254 Drill regulations 520. 1 Drills and exercises (except firing drills and equitation) 520. 1 Equipment 426 Horse 520. 4 Equitation 520. 7 Firing drills — Dismounted 500. 2 _ Mounted 520. 2 Firing regulations 500. 2 Firing regulations for mounted target practice 520. 2 General information about cavalry 520 Horses of cavalrv — Enlisted men 520. 4 Equipment 520. 4 Officers 441 Training of 520. 7 Weight carried by 520. 4 Inspections and inspectors 305 Lances 516 Maneuvers, exclusivel}' cavalry 520. 1 Maneuvers, exclusively cavalry, in crossing streams 520. 5 Mounted target practice 520. 2 Number of cavalrymen 520 Number of cavalrymen reserves 520. 3 Number of cavalry horses 520. 4 Number of cavalry officers 520 Number of cavalry officers' horses 441 Number of cavalry pioneers 523 Number of cavalry telegraphers 522 Officers — Number of 520 Number of officers' horses 441 Number of officers' schools 122. 5 Other information. (See Officers.) 46 Cavalry — Continued. Organization — Cavalry 520 Cavalry and infantry 500 Cavalry pioneers 523 Cavalry reserves 520. 3 Cavalry telegraphers 522 Petards of cavalry pioneers 523 Pioneer tools used by cavalry pioneers 523 Pioneers, cavalry 523 Pistols and ammunition 514 Range-finders 500. 2 Reconnaissance 520. 6 Regulations — Drill 520.1 Firing 500.2 Firing, mounted 520. 2 Reserves 520. 3 Revolvers and ammunition 514 River crossing 520. 5 Sabers 515 Saddles _. - 520.4 Schools, excelusively cavalry or cavalry and infantry combined — Cadets and enlisted men preparing for commissions 121. 5 Enlisted men not preparing for commissions 123. 5 For officers 122. 5 Scouts and scouting, exclusively cavalry 520. 6 Soldier, cost per annum 254 Stream crossing, exclusively cavalry 520. 5 Strength^ Cavalry 520 Cavalry and Infantry 500 Cavalrj' horses 520. 4 Cavalry officers 520 Cavalry officers' horses 441 Cavalry pioneers 523 Cavalry reserves 520. 3 Cavalry telegraphers 522 Swords 515 Tactics 520. 1 Target practice and targets — Dismounted 500. 2 Mounted 520. 2 Telegraphers 522 Training 520. 1 Horses 520. 7 Pioneers - 523 Stream and river crossing 520. 5 Telegraphers 522 Uniforms 422 Weight carried by horses 520. 4 Cemeteries . . . . , 216. 1 Censorship 842 Census: Horses 440 * Industrial 233 Population 232 Ceremonies - 106 Changes in Army. (See Strength and organization.) Chaplains 801 Character of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 1 47 Chasseurs a pied. {See Infantry.) Chests, military 403 Chevrons 422 Chief of General Staff 303 Chief of the Great General Staff 303 Children's pensions: Orphans of enlisted men — Regular Army 322. 4 Reserves 330 Orphans of officers — Regular Army 342. 4 Reserves 350 Children's schools (for children of officers and enlisted men). . . 124 Chromium 721 Chronographs 724 Circumscriptions (military districts) 215 Cities 236 Cities, defense of. (See also 221) 220 Civil code (relating to the military) 312 Civil departments .300. 3 Civil employees 300. 4 Civil employment of enlisted men: Regular Army 325 Reserves 330 Civil employment of officers: Regular Army 345 Reserves 350 Civil engineering 710 Civil law, general 310 Civil law, relating to the military 312 Civil War 260 Clerks 300. 4 Climate 235 Clothing and equipment (general) 420 Accouterments 426 Accouterments and ec[uipment 42(5 Accouterments, clothing and equipment 420 Bullet-proof clothing 723 Clothing 421 Equipment 426 Equipment and accouterments 426 Equipment, clothing and accouterments 420 Fabrics 421 Footwear 423 Headwear 424 Uniforms 422 Clubs: Service 830 Aeronautical associations 747 Coal. 233 Coaling stations 278 Coast Artillery. (See Seacoast artillery.) Coast defense 101. 2 Coast defense, inspection 305 Coast defenses : 221 Coast guns. (See Seacoast guns.) Coast warfare. (See also Seacoast artillery tactics 640. 1) 101. 2 Codes. (See Law.) Colleges, military. (See Schools.) Colliers .' : 402. 5 Colonels. (See Officers.) 48 Colonial administration 300 Colonial artillery 610. 3 Colonial troops 210. 1 Colonies, military situation 200 Colors, standards, flags 432 Combat trains 402. 2 Combined Army and Navy maneuvers 102. 1 Combined maneuvers. {See Maneuvers.) Command of troops 302 Command, suprerae 301 Commander in chief 301 Commerce 233 Commercial ports 279 Commercial resources 233 Commissary Department 403 Commission, schools preparing for. (See Cadet schools.) Commission, military (judiciary) 314. 3 Committees (general) 300 Communications (general) 270 Communications, lines of 204 Communications, telegraphic. (See Connections, telegraphic.) Companies, disciplinary 312. 4 Company administration 300. 1 Comparative statistics of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 2 Compasses (equipments and accouterments) 426 Competitions, pistol and rifle 500. 3 Compulsory service. (See Service, compulsory.) Concentration camps: Hostile population 311. 3 Mobilization 202 Concessions (foreign) 233. 1 Conditions of the services: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 342 Reserves 350 Confidential documents.- 306. 1 Connections, telegraphic: Cables 281 Land telegraph lines 280 Telegraphic connections 282 Wireless telegraph stations and lines 280 Conscription 321 Constabulaiy 804 Constitution 310 Construction of buildings 714 Consuls 306. 1 Contagions : Antitoxins 822. 3 Bacteriology. 822. 3 Diseases and their treatment 822. 4 Diseases and their treatment (horses and mules) 850 Preventive inoculation. 822. 3 Statistics of contagions 822 Vaccination 822. 3 Contingents, recruiting strength 212 Contraljand of war 311 Contract labor 300. 4 Conventional signs 717 49 Conventions 311. 2 Conversion tables 040 Convoys 101. 3 Cooking 452 Apparatus 453 Equipage 453 Ovens 453 Coolies 402. 6 Cooperative stores 455 Copper 721 Correspondence 307 Cossacks. (See Cavalry.) Cost of manufacture, maintenance 254 Cost of a soldier per annum 254 Councils (general) 300 Councils of war 300 Courses, military. {See Schools.) Courts, military: Courts of appeal 314. 5 Courts of honor 314. 4 Courts of inquiry 314. 2 Courts-martial 314. 1 Crimes 312. 3 Criticism of an army 210 Crosses (decorations, rewards) 308 Crossing rivers, streams, etc. (See Stream crossing.) Cruisers 920 Cryptography 307. 1 Curriculum. {See Schools.) Customs guards 804 Customs of war 311. 3 Cycle corps 802 Cycles 802 Cyclists. 802 Cyclopedias: General. 022 Military 023 D. Dams, making of 710. 5 Dead and wounded, statistics of 822 Character of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 1 Comparative statistics of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 2 Debarkation and landing maneuvers 102. 1 Debarkation, landing operations 101. 4 Debarkation from railroad trains (detraining) 402. 4 Debts: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322. 5 Reserv^es 330 Officers — Regular Army 342. 5 Reserves 350 Declarations of war •. 311 Decorations 308 Defense committees 300 Defense formation.',. {See Tactics and training.) Defenses, fortresses, etc 220 Defenses^ fortresses, etc. (coast) 221 Demobilization 202 50 Demolitions 711. 2 Dental personnel and service =, 820. 4 Department of war .' 300 Deployment of an army 203 Deposits, savings banks, enlisted men 322 Depot for remounts _ 445 Depots, medical supplies, capacity and supplies on hand 821. 1 Depots for supplies 403 Descriptive lists, enlisted men: Regular Army 322. 9 Reserves 330 Desertions 312. 3 Detached service 107 Determination of artillery firing data; range finding: Field artillery 611 Seacoast 641 Siege 621 Detraining of troops 402. 4 Development of artillery (history) 690 Dictionaries - 020 Diplomatic relations. {See Military situation.) Disarmament 311. 5 Discharge: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322.2 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 342. 2 Reserves - 350 Discharged soldiers, employment of. {See Civil employment.) Disciplinary code 312. 2 Disciplinary companies 312. 4 Disciplinary powers 312. 2 Disciplinary punishments 312. 4 Disciplinary regulations - 312. 2 Disciplinary troops 312. 4 Discipline, morale 100. 1 Discipline, punishment 312. 2 Diseases: Diseases and treatment 822. 4 Diseases and treatment (horses and mules) 850 Statistics of _ 822 Disembarkation (debarkation) 101. 4 Dislocation of troops 216 Dismissal: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322.2 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 342. 2 Reserves 350 Dispatch carriers 806 Dispensaries 821. 2 Distance finders 655 Distance rides 520. 7 Distance tables 272 Distribution of troops _ 216 Division combat (classified under tactics and training) Dockyards 279 Docks 279 Doctors (physicians and surgeons) , 820. 7 51 Dogs: Ambulance dogs 808 Dog sleds 402. 8 Dog teams 402. 8 War dogs. , 808 Drafting (recruiting) '. 321 Dragoons. {See Cavalry.) Draughtsmen 300. 4 Drawing 717 Drill grounds 102. 4 Drills and drill regulations. {See Tactics and training.) Drills, firing. {See Target practice.) Drinking water 458 Druggists 820. 4 Drugs 821. 1 Dry docks 279 Duels, duelling : 314. 4 Duration of service. {See Length of service.) Duties: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322 Reserves . 330 Officers- Regular Army — ' Active . . '. '. 342 Retired 342.8 Reserves 350 Dynamite 726 E. Economy, interior 300. 1 Education: Education (general) 110 Expositions, exhibitions (except aeroplane exhibitions) Ill Expositions, exhibitions, aeroplanes, balloons, etc 747 Languages, study of 112 Museums, military 113 Officers, sent abroad for instruction 114 Schools. {See Schools.) Effectives. {See Strength and organization.) Effects of deceased: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322. 7 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 342. 7 Reserves 350 Efficiency reports 342. 9 Electricians 708 Electricity 718 Elephant batteries 614 Elephants: Elephant batteries 614 Transportation 402. 8 Embarkation, debarkation, and landing maneuvers 102. 1 Embarkation, debarkation, and landing operations 101. 4 Embarkation (water transportation) 402. 5 Embarkation on Kiilroad trains (entraining) 402. 4 Emergency rations 451 . 1 Employees, ci\dl ! 300. 4 Employment of retired officers 342. 2 52 Employment, civil: Enlisted men — Regular Army 325 Reserves 33O Officers — Regular Army 345 Reserves 35O Encyclopedias, military. {See Military cyclopedias.) Engineering (general) 7IO Bridge building (permanent) 710. 2 Bridges, field 711_ 5 Building construction 714 Building materials 714 Canal making 710. 5 Castrametation , 7ii_ 1 Construction of buildings 714 Construction of railroads 710. 4 Dams, locks, canal making 710. 5 Demolitions 711. 2 Electricity 718 Ferrying....... .' 711.5 Field engineering. {See Field engineering.) Fortress engineeidng 712 Entrenching tools (except portable and cavalry) 711. 4 Intrenching tools of cavalry pioneers 523 Intrenching tools, portable 426 Locks, dams, canal making 710. 5 Mapping 717 Naval 907 Obstacles 711. 3 Photogi'aphy 718 Pontooning 711. 5 Raihoad construction 710. 4 Schools. {See Schools.) Searchlights 718 Searchlight troops 708 Steam engineering 713 SurA^eying 717 Topography 717 Troops. {See Technical troops.) Tunneling 710. 3 Waterworks 715 Engineers. ^ {See Technical troops.) Engineers, inspection of 305 Engines 713 Enlisted men: . Militia 330 Regular Army (general) 320 Ages 322 Allowances 322. 4 Appointment to commissions 341. 2 Boimties, recruiting 321. 4 Civil employment 325 Conditions of ser\dce 322 Conscription 321 Cost, per annum 254 Debts 322. 5 Deceased, effects of T 322. 7 Deposits, savings 322. 8 Descriptive lists 322. 9 Discharge 322, 2 53 Enlisted men — Continued. Regular Army (general) — Continued. Duties 322 Effects of deceased 322. 7 Enlistment. (See Recruiting, Regular Army.) Examination of recruits 321. 1 Exemption from military service 321. 3 Expenses 322. 5 Fitness 321. 1 Furloughs 322. 3 Furloughs, unlimited 322. 2 Grades 322. 1 Handbook, soldiers' 322. 9 Homes for soldiers 326 Invalid corps 326 Length of service 322 Lists, descriptive 322. 9 Marriage 322. 6 Mustering in 321 Mustering out 322. 2 Number of enlisted men. (See Strength and organization.) Number of recruits 212 Pay 322.4 Pensions 322. 4 Privileges 324 Promotions (except appointment to commissions) 323 Promotions to commissions 341. 2 Rank 322.1 Recruiting 321 Bounties 321. 4 Contingent 212 Examination 321. 1 Exemption 321. 3 Fitness 321. 1 Reenlistment 321. 2 Regulations 321 Statistics 212 Reenlistment 321. 2 Retirement 322. 2 Sailors' homes 326 Sa-\angs, sa^^ngs banks 322. 8 Schools, general (see Schools) 123 Soldiers' handbooks 322. 9 Soldiers' homes 326 Status 324 Transfer to reserves 322. 2 Reserves 330 Ensigns, standards, colors 432 Entraining : 402. 4 Entrenched camps, maneuvers, grounds, etc 102. 4 Epidemics 822. 4 Epidemics (horses and mules) 850 Equestrian sports 520. 7 Equipage 430 Equipage, cooking 453 Equipment — « Equipment 426 Equipment and accouterment? 426 Equipment, clothing and accouterments 420 Horse equipment. (See Horse equipment.) Equitation 520. 7 Equitation, schools of 520. 7 54 Enlisted men — Continued. Erosion, life of gun — Artillery '..... 602 Small arms , 510. 2 Esprit 100. 1 Estimates: Military expenditures 240 Naval expenditures 902 Special appropriations for aeronautics 746. 3 Events, historical - 260 Examination : For appointment, officers — Regular Army 341. 1 Reserves '. 350 For promotion, officers — Regular Army 343. 1 Reserves 350 Recruiting 321 Exemption from military, service 321. 3 Exemption taxes 321. 3 Exercises. (See Tactics and training.) Aeronautic 746. 4 Sanitary service 820. 8 Exhibitions Ill Exhibitions, aeroplanes and balloons 747. 2 Expeditions, geographical. {See Geography.) Expeditions, military 260 Expenditure of ammunition in combat : Artillery 657. 5 Small arms 510. 5 Expenditures : Aviation 746. 3 Military 240 Naval 902 Expenses: Army 240 Navy 902 Personnel : Enlisted men — RegularArmy 322.5 Reserves 330 Officers — - Regular Army 342. 5 Reserves 350 Explorations, geographical. (See Geography.) Explorations, reconnaissance. (See Reconnaissance.) Explosions 727 Explosives " 726 Expositions. Ill Expositions, exhibitions of aeroplanes and balloons 747. 2 Extradition. (See International law.) F. Fabrics, clothing (see also 422) 421 Factories : f Medical supplies 821. 1 Military 251 Not military (commercial) resources 233 Fall maneuvers. (See Maneuvers.) Farriers : Assistants to veterinarians 850 Horseshoeing farriers 443 5.J Feed belts (for machine guns; 811 Feed for horses iind mules 444 Fencing 103. 1 Fencing masters (instruction ) 103. 1 Fencing schools 103. 1 Fencing swords 103.' 1 Ferrying. 711. 5 Field artillery (strength, organization, and general information) 610 Heavy artillery ] f 618 Horse artillery \to be used only for articles which are\ 616 Light field iiiot applicable to more than one class] 615 Mountain artillery . .J [ 617 Ammunition and ammunition supply (see also Expenditure of; ammunition 18 pounds or under is considered light) 657 Fuzes 657. 1 Shell 657. 2 Shrapnel (also combination projectiles, etc.) 657. 3 Ballistics 601 Battery commanders' instruments 655 Camel batteries, including their tactics, target practice, etc 614 Carts, observation, field artillery 656 Colonial artillery (strength, organization; for guns, see 650 group; ammunition, see 657 group) 610. 3 Communication between field artillery and other troops 613. 1 Cooperation of field artillery with other arms 613 Determination of firing data 611 Drill regulations (see also 613) 610. 1 Effect of fire 612 Elephant batteries, including their tactics, training, etc 614 Equipment 650 Equipment, horse 610. 4 Erosion 602 Expenditure of field artillery ammunition in actual battles 657. 5 Fire ' 612 Fire control 655 Fire effect 612 Firing o\er friendly troops 612. 4 Firing over masks, etc 611 Filing regulations 612 Fuzes 657. 1 Guns — Automobile guns 651. 3 Field guns 651 Guns for special purposes 651. 3 Heavy field guns 651. 2 Howitzers 652 Light field guns 651. 1 Mortars 653 Mountain 651. 4 Rapid fire 651. 1 Horse artillery 616 Horses, horse equipment, and training — Heavy field artillery 618. 4 Light" field artillery". 610. 4 Indoor firing practice 612. 2 Instruments, battery commanders' 655 Ladders, observation 656 Light field artillery 615 Maneuvers 610. 1 Material 650 Methods of aiming 611 Methods of fire 612 66 Field artillery, etc. — Continued. Militia. 610. 3 Mountain artillery 617 Night operations 610. 2 Observation of fire 612. 2 Observation wagons, carts, and ladders 656 Organization , 610 Patrols 610. 6 Planimeters 655 Plotting boards 655 Primers 657 Range finders 655 Range finding 611 Reconnaissance 610. 6 Regulations for conducting target practice 612. 1 Reserves 610. 3 Schools of fire 612.1 Scouts 610. 6 Shell 657. 2 Shrapnel 657. 3 Sights 654 Special schools for field artillery target practice 612. 1 Stream crossing 610. 5 Strength, organization, and general information 610 Subcaliber guns and ammunition 658 Subcaliber practice 612. 3 Supports 613. 2 Tactics 610. 1 Target ranges 612. 7 Targets 659 Telemeters 655 Telephones, special for field artillery 655 Theoretical tables of fire; how tables are computed, etc • 601 Training 610. 1 Training, horses GIO. 4 Transmission of firing data 611. 1 Vulnerability of troops 612 Field bakeries 453 Field bridges, pontoon, spar, trestle, etc 711. 5 Field engineering 711 Castrametation 711. 1 Demolitions , . . - 711. 2 Ferrying 711. 5 Fortifications. {See Fortifications, field.) Intrenching tools (except portable and cavalry) 711. 5 Intrenching tools, cavalry pioneers 523 Intrenching tools, portable 426 Obstacles 711. 3 Field gun carriages (classified under Field artillery: Guns.) Field guns. (See Field artillerv: Guns.) Field hospitals ". 821. 2 Field howitzers 652 Field intrenching 711 Field kitchen 453 Field mortars 653 Field ovens : 453 Field railways 402. 4 Field service: Army in general 101. 1 Particular arms. (See Tactics and training.) Field Service Regulations: Army in general 101. 1 Particular arms. {'See Tactics and training.) 57 Field training: Army in general lt»l. 1 Particular arms. (See Tactics and training.) Filters for water '^^^ Fire: Artillery — Field artillery 612 Seacoast 642 Siege 622 Cavalry and infantry 500- 2 Fire control: Artillery — „__ Fidd 655 Seacoast 67o Infantry ^00-2 Fire tactics, mtantry ^^J^- ^ Firemen ^"" Firing data: Determination of field artillery firmg data oil Transmission of firing data 611. 1 Firing instructions. {See Firing regulation.) Firing over friendly troops (artillery) 012. 4 Firing regulations: Artillery— Field artillery 612 Seacoast 642 Siege , 622 Cavalry and lulantry ^V"- ^ Machine guns ^^"- ^ Firing schools: Artillery VJ.'} Cavalry and infantry ^^^- ^ Firing tables: Artillery— Guns (general ) '^^j Automoljile guns ?| Field guns 651 Guns for special purposes oOi. 6 Heavy field guns 651. 2 Light' field guns r- T' I ^Mountain guns 6ol. 4 Machine guns 010. 2 Howitzers — Field howitzers 6^^ Mountain howitzers 6o2 Seacoast howitzers 6(2 Siege howitzers 6G-- Machine guns °^ 1 Mortars — Field mortars. 653 Seacoast mortars 673 Siege mortars "63 Mountain — „__ . Guns 6ol. 4 Howitzers. ^■aval Seacoast — Guns Howitzers . Mortars 652 926 66 672 673 58 Firing tables — Continued. Artillerj' — Continued . Siege — "Guns 661 Howitzers 662 Mortars 663 Small arms 500. 2 First aid 821. 6 First-aid packages ■ 821 Fiscal year 241 Fitness: Enlisted men — Regular Army 321. 1 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 341. 1 Reserves 350 Flags 432 Flour 451. 2 Flying machines : Aeroplanes 741 Balloons 742 Kites : 743 Foils 103. 1 Folding bicycles 802 Folding boats (ferrying) . . . .' 711. 5 Food resources 233 Footwear 423 Forage 444 Forage caps 424 Forage resources 233 Foreign influence 200. 1 Foreign interests and investments 233. 1 Foreign military instructors 201 Forest guards 804 Fortification, theory and art of 712 Fortifications and defenses: i Interior 220 Seacoast 221 Fortress artillery (strength, organization, and general information) .. 620 Ammunition and ammunition supply 667 Fuses 667 . 1 Shell 667. 2 Shrapnel 667. 3 Determination of firing data 621 Equipment (material) 660 " Fire, siege artillery 622 Firing regulations 622 Fuses 667. 1 Guns 661 Howitzers 662 Mortal^ 663 Maneuvers 620. 1 Materiel (equipment) •. 660 Militia 620. 3 Mortars 663 Night operations 620. 2 Organization 620 Patrols 620. 6 Reconnaissance 620. 6 Reserves 620. 3 Scouts 620. 6 59 Fortret^s artillery — Continued. Shell 667. 2 Shi-apuel 667. 3 Strength 620 Tactics 620. 1 Target practice 622. 1 Training 620. 1 Transmission of firing data 621 . 2 Transportation 620. 4 Turrets , 670 Fortress guns : Guns 661 Howitzers 662 Mortars 663 Fortress warfare (see also 620.1) 101. 2 Fortresses (location and armament) : Interior 220 Seacoast 221 Forts, theory and art of fortification 712 Frontiers: Fortified 220 Political 230 Fruit rations 451. 4 Fuel 412 Funds, slush : 300. 1 Funerals (see also Ceremonies) 106 Furloughs, enlisted men: Regular Army 322. 3 Reserves .' . . 330 Furloughs, unlimited, enlisted men: Regular Army 322. 2 Reserves 330 Furniture (barracks and quarters) 410 Fuses: Field artillery 657. 1 Seacoast 677. 1 Siege 667. 1 G. Gallery practice 500. 2 Games, war 101. 8 Garrison artillery: English garrison artillery is siege, mountain, heavy field, and seacoast. French is part coast and part fortress. German is fortress and siege artillery and is called foot artillerj'. Japanese is part siege and part coast. Garrison meneuvers 108 Garrison schools for enlisted men 123.1 Garrison service '. 108 Gendarmerie 804 Inspection 305 Schools. (5ee Minor service schools.) General army training: Military training of a nation 100. 2 Militia training; training of reserves 100. 3 General cyclopedias 022 General in chief 301 General officers 303 General service detachments 806 General staff 303 Chief ^ 303 60 General staff — Continued. Duties of 303 Journeys 102. 3 Officers, duties of 303 Schools .- 1 22. 3 Service 303 General works 000 General periodicals 050 General service detachments 806 Generals. (See Officers.) Geography 230 Climate 235 Commercial resources 233 Maps 231 Population. 232 Resources (natural and commercial) 233 Glasses (equipments and accouterments) 426 Glasses, field 426 Gloves 422 Goniometers, general 725 Field artillery 655 Seacoast artillery 677 Government 205 Government agents 306. 1 Grades: Enlisted men. (See Ranks.) Officers — Regular Army 342. 1 ReserA^es 350 Graft 403.1 Grenades: Hand 511 Rifle 511 Grand maneuvers. {See Maneuvers.) Great general staff. (See General staff.) Grooms of officers: Regular Army , 344 Reserv^es 350 Grounds for maneuvers 102. 4 Guard (bodyguard) 304. 1 Guard, customs 804 Guard duty 101 . 3 Guard, forest. . . «, 804 Guard mounting 106 Guard, national. {See Reserves.) Guerrilla warfare 101. 9 Gun carriages. {See Guns.) Gun cotton 726 G\mpowder 726 Gunnery 720 Gunnery (naval ) 926 Guns (including carriages, caissons, and parts): Field- Field guns 651 Guns for special purposes: Firing on balloons 651. 3 Heavy 651.2 Light 651.1 Mountain 651. 4 • Quick-fire - 651. 1 Special guns: Automobile, balloon, and antiballoon 651. 3 61 Guns, etc. — Continued. Howiczers — Field and mountain 652 Seacoast 672 Siege 662 Machine 811 Mortars — • For field 653 Seacoast 673 Siege mortars 663 Mountain 651. 4 Naval 926 Quick-fire 651. 1 Seacoast 671 Siege 66] Special guns: Automobile, balloon, and antiballoon 651. 3 Subcaliber — Field 658 Seacoast 678 Gymnasiums 103 Gymnastics 103 H. Halters, (^ee Horse equipment.) Hand grenades 51-1 Hangars (balloon sheds) 745 Harbors 279 Hardtack 451. 2 Harness. (iSee Horse equipment.) Haversacks 426 Hay 444 Head dress •. 424 Headgear 424 Headquarter staffs 304 Headquarters 304 Bodyguards 304. 1 Headwear 424 Health, statistics of 822 Heavy field artillery (strength, organization, and general informa- tion) r .". 618 Ammunition. (For ammunition 150 lbs. or over see Siege or seacoast) . Ammunition, general 657 Fuses 657. 1 Shell 657.2 Shrapnel 657. 3 Expenditure of ammunition in actual battles 657. 5 Battery commander's instruments 655 Expenditure of ammunition in actual battles 655 Carts (observation! 656 Equipment, horse 618. 4 Fire control 655 Fuses 657. 1 Guns — Guns 651.2 Howitzers 652. 2 Mortars 653 Horses, equipment and training 618. 4 Ladders (observation) 656 Maneuvers - 618. 1 Megaphones 655 62 Heavy field artillery, etc. — Continued. Militia 618. 3 Night operations 618. 2 Observation wagons, carts, and ladders 656 Organization, strength, and general information 618 Plotting boards 655 Range finders. 655 Reserves 618. 3 Shell 657. 2 Shrapnel 657. 3 Stream crossing 618. 5 Tactics 618. 1 Telephones, special 655 Traiaing 618. 1 Training, horses 618. 4 Wagons, observation 656 Height limits: , Enlisted men — • Regular Army 321. 1 Reserves 330 OiBcers — - Regular Army 341. 1 Reserves 350 Highways 271 Hippology 850 History 260 History of the development of artillery 690 Holsters, pistol 514 Honors, ceremonies, salutes 106 Honved. (See Reserves.) Jlorse artillery (see also Field artillery) 616 Horse breeding 442 Horse depots 445 Horse equipment: Artillerv — Field artillery 610. 4 Heavy field artillery 618. 4 Cavalry 520. 4 Pack trains 402. 3 Wagon trains 402. 2 Horse hygiene 850 Horse races, tournaments, etc 520. 7 Horse shows 520. 7 Horse strength: Army 440 Artillery — Field 610. 4 Heavy artillerv 618. 4 Cavah-y ' 520. 4 Mounted infantry 531 Pack trains 402. 3 Wagon trains 402. 2 Horse supply 440 Horse training 520. 7 Artillerv — Field artillerv 610. 4 Heavv field artillerv 618. 4 Cavalry. /. ! 520. 7 Horse.shoeing 443 Horseshoes 443 63 Horses 440 Army horse strength 440 Artillery — Field 610. 4 Heavy artillery 6 J 8. 4 Breeding 442 Cavalry 520. 1 Census 440 Equitation 520. 7 Forage 444 Horse breeding 442 Horseshoeing 443 Hygiene. . .'^ 850 Mounted infantry 53] Number of horses in a country 440 Number of horses in the Army 440 Number of horses in artillery — Field artillery 610. 4 Heavy lield artillery 618. 4 Number of horses in cavalry 520. 4 Number of horses in sanitary service 821. 4 Number of horses in mounted infantry 531 Number of horses in pack trains. 402. 3 Number of horses in wagon trains 402. 2 Number of officers' horses : 441 Officers (all arms) 44I Pack trains 402. 3 Remount establishments 445 Resources of a country in horses 440 Stables 446 Tents for horses 446 Veterinarians 851 Veterinarjr service 850 Wagon trains 402. 2 Hospital Corps 820. 2 Hospital nurses 820. 6 Hospital service 821. 2 Hospital ships 821 5 Hospitals of every class 821. 2 Howitzer artillery: Field 610 Seacoast 640 Siege 620 Tactics and training — Field howitzers. 610. 1 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620. 1 Target practice — Field 612. 1 Seacoast 642. 1 Siege. 622. 1 Howitzer carriages (classified with howitzers). Hunts 520. 7 Hussars. (-See Cavalry . ) Hydroaeroplanes 741 Hydrogenerators 744 Hygiene ] . 822. 4 Medical statistics 822 Hygiene, horse 850 64 I. Identification (descriptive list of enlisted men): Regular Army 322.9 Reserves 330 Identification tags, cards, etc - 426 Illiteracy in the Army 232 Illiteracy (population) 232 Illiterate recruits 232 Illiterate soldiers 232 Illumination, interior 412 Incinerators 822. 4 Increase of Army (see Strength and organization) 210 Indians 232 Indoor firing practice (artillery) 612. 2 Infantry: Accouterments 426 Arms and ammunition (general) 510 Bayonets 514 Grenades 511 Pistols and ammunition 514 Powders 926 Revolvers and ammunition 514 Rifles and ammunition 513 Rifle grenades 511 Sabers and swords 515 Attack 530.1 Bayonets 513 Bibliography 015 Clothing. (See Clothing and equipment). Cost of a soldier per annum 254 Crossing streams, rivers, etc 530. 5 Drill regulations 530. 1 Drills and exercises (except firing drills) 530. 1 Equipment. (See Clothing and equipment.) Firing drills 500. 2 Firing regulations 500. 2 Footwear 423 General information about infantry 530 Grenades 511 Headwear _. 424 Horses of mounted infantry 531 Horses of officers 441 Infantry and cavalry, information concerning both 500 Infantry and cavalry schools — For cadets 121. 5 For enlisted men 123. 5 For officers 122.5 Inspections and inspectors 305 Maneuvers, exclusively infantry 530. 1 Maneuvers, exclusively infantry, in crossing streams 530. 5 Marches 630.1 Mounted scouts 530. 6 Mounted infantry 531 Number of 530 Infantry officers 530 Mounted infantrymen. 531 Mounted infantry horses 531 Mounted infantry officers 531 Reserves 530. 3 65 Infantry — Continued. Organization 530 Infantry and cavalry 500 Infantry, mounted ; 531 Infantry reserves 530. 3 Mounted infantry 531 Patrols 530. 6 Pistols 514 Range finders 500. 2 Range finding for small arms 500. 2 Reconnaissance 530. 6 Regulations — Drill 530.1 Firing 500. 2 Reserves 530. 3 Revolver and ammunition 514 Rifles and ammunition 513 River crossing 530. 5 Sabers 515 Schools (exclusively infantry, or cavalry and infantry combined) : For cadets and enlisted men preparing for commissions 121. 5 For enlisted men not preparing for commissions 123. 5 For officers 122. 5 Scouts 530. 6 Stream crossing, exclusively infantry 530. 5 Strength — Infantry 530 Officers 530 Officers, mounted infantry 531 Officers' horses 441 Reserves 530. 3 Mounted infantry 531 Swords 515 Tactics 530. 1 Target practice and targets 500. 2 Training 530. 1 Training in stream and river crossing 530. 5 Uniforms 422 Weight carried by soldier 530. 4 Information 306 Inoculation 822. 3 Inquiry, courts of 314. 2 Insignia 422 Inspections 305 Inspectors 305 Inspectors general 305 Inspectors' reports 305 Instruction: Education. (-See Education.) Exercises. (See Tactics and training.) Instruction camps 102. 4 Instructional troops 123. 2 Instructors, foreign military 201 Instructors in military schools. (See Military schools.) Insulators (electricity) 718 Insurance Men, 322. 7; officers, 342. 7 Insurgents 200 InsuiTections (operations and history) 260 Intelligence 306 Attaches 306. 1 Spies, interpreters 306. 2 31335°— 12 5 66 In tendance and train schools: For cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission 121. 4 For enlisted men not preparing for qommission 123. 4 For officers 122. 4 Intendance schools. {See Intendance and train schools.) Intendance service 403 Inspection 305 International doctrines 311. 1 International law (general) 311 Concentration camps (hostile population) 311. 3 Conferences 311 Customs of war 311. 3 Declaration of war 311 International doctrines 311. 1 Laws of war 311. 3 Treaties 311. 2 Interior economy 300. 1 Interior service (administration) 300. 1 Interpreters 306. 2 Intrenching 711 Intrenching tools: Cavalry 523 Infantry 426 Pioneer troops — Not portable 711. 4 Portable 426 Intrenchments, field engineering 711 Invalid corps 326 Invalid homes 326 Invasions (operations and history) 260 Investments (in foreign countries) 233. 1 Iron 721 Ironclads : 920 J. Jails 312.4 Journeys, General Staff ■. 102. 3 Jom-neys, staff 102. S Judge advocate general 314 Judiciary 314 Appeals 314. 5 Courts-martial 314. 1 Com"ts of honor - 314. 4 Coiuts of inquiry 314. 2 Millitary commissions 314. 3 Procedure 314. 5 Justice, inspection of military 305 Justice, military. (See Law.) K. Kitchen equipage 453 Kitchen, field 453 Kites 743 Kits, field 430 Knapsacks ....." 426 Kriegsspiel (war game) 101. 8 L. Lakes 275 Lancers. {See Cavalry.) Lances 516 , Land and submarine mining 719 67 Landing maneuvers 102. 1 Landing operations 101. 4 Landsturm. (See Reserves.) Landstiu-m, enlisted men 330 Landsturm, officers 350 Landwelir. (See Reserves.) Landwehr , enlisted men 330 Landwehr, officers 350 Languages, study of » 112 Latrines 413 Laundering 414 Laimdries 414 Law (general) 310 Civil, relating to the military. 312 Civil, respecting use of aircraft 748 International 311 International agreements respecting use of aircraft 748. 2 International doctrines 311. 1 Laws of war 311. 3 Treaties 311. 2 Martial 313 Military 312 Naval 903 Organization. (Classified vmder the same number as organiza- tion; see Strength and organization.) Recruiting 321 Statutes, army 312. 1 War laws of 311. 3 Laws and customs of war 311. 3 Laws and regulations respecting balloons and flying machines 748 Lazarets 821. 2 Lead (metal) 721 Leaves of absence : Enlisted men — Regular Army — Limited fmloughs 322. 3 Unlimited furloughs 322. 2 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army. 342. 3 Reserves 350 Leggins 423 Legion of honor 308 Legislation, military. {See Law, military.) Length of service : Enlisted men — Regular Army , 322 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 342 Reserves 350 Liability to service (conscription) 321 Libraries, military , 080 Lieutenants. {See Grades.) Life of gun : Artillery 602 Small arms 510. 2 Lighters 279 Lighthouses 279 Lighting 412 Searchlights 718 Limits of age. {See Ages.) 68 Lines of communication 204, 270 Lines, strategic 204 Lists, Army: Regular Army 211 Reserves 213. 1 Lists, Navy . : 909 Lists, descriptive, enlisted men: Regular Army 322 Reserves _ 330 Loans. {See Debts.) Locks, dams, canal-making 710. 5 Long-distance rides 520. 7 Looting 312.3 Lorries (mechanical traction) 402. 7 and casualties 822 M. Macliine-gim troops 810 Reserves 810. 3 Tactics and traiuing 810. 1 Target practice 810. 2 Machine guns 811 Mail (postal service) 807 Majors. {See Grades.) Maneuver flags 432 Maneuver grounds 102. 4 Maneuver regulations (subclassified and numbered in the same way as maneuvers). {See Maneuvers.) Maneuvers : Air craft 746. 4 Army (general) 102 Army and Navy combined 102. 1 Artillery — Combined with other arms 102 Combined with other arms and Navy 102. 1 Exclusively artillery — Field artillery. 610. 1 Heavy field artillerj^ 618. 1 Seacoast 640. 1 Siege 620.1 Stream-crossing — Field 610. 5 Heavy 618. 5 Balloons 746.4 Cavalry — Combined with other arms 102 Combined with other arms and Navy 102. 1 Exclusively cavalry maneuvers 520. 1 Crossing streams 520. 5 Crossing streams and rivers. {See Stream crossing.) Cyclists — Combined with other arms '. 102 Exclusively cyclists 802 Flags used in maneuvers. 432 Garrison .' 108 Hospital Corps — Combined with various arms 102 Exclusively hospital corps 820. 8 Infantry — Combined with other arms 102 Combined with other arms and Navy 102. 1 69 Maneuvers — Continued . Infantry- — Continued . Exclusively infantry maneuvers 530. 1 Infantry stream crossing 530. 5 Mounted infantry 531 Machine-gun troops — Combined with other arms 102 Exclusively machine-gun maneuvers 810 Marine troops — Army and Navy maneuvers 102. 1 Marine troops and Army (land maneuvers) 102 Marine troops, exclusively (shore maneuvers) 905 Mountain guns 651. 4 Mountain troops — Combined with other arms 102 Exclusively mountain troops 805 Mounted infantry 531 Navy and Army combined 102. 1 Sanitary troops 820. 8 Technical troops — • Combined with other arms 102 Exclusively technical troops — Air craft 746. 4 Balloon 746. 4 Bridge 702 Engineers 701 Mining and torpedo 709 Pioneer 705 Pontoniers and sappers 702 Railroad troops 704 Sappers and bridge troops 702 Signal troops 707 Telegraph troops 707 Train troops 402. 1 Navy (general) 900. 1 Marine troops 905 Navy and Army combined 102. 1 Manufactories. {See Factories.) Map reading 717 Mapping 717 Maps 231 Maps for balloons and aeroplanes 746. 4 Maps of dislocation of troops (stations) 216 Maps of military districts 215 Marches : Combined arms 102. 2 Individual arms. (See Tactics and training.) Marine (merchant) 277 Marine reserves 900. 3 Marine troops 905 Marines 905 Maritime law 903 Marriages : Enlisted men — Regular Armv 322. 6 Reserves. . . . ' 330 Officers: Regular Army 342. 6 Reserves 350. 6 Martial, courts 314. 1 Martial law 313 70 Materiel, Artillery: Ammunition and ammunition supply — For guns — Field guns (including field howitzers and field mortars) — Ammunition (general) 657 Fuses 657. 1 Shell 657. 2 Shrapnel 657. 3 Mountain (including howitzers and mortars) — Ammunition (general) 657 Fuses 657.1 Shell 657. 2 Shrapnel 657. 3 Seacoast (including howitzers and mortars) — Ammunition (general) 677 Fuses 677. 1 Shell 677. 2 Shrapnel 677. 3 Siege (including siege howitzers and mortars) — Ammunition (general) 667 Fuses 667. 1 Shell 667. 2 Shrapnel 667. 3 For small arms used by artillery. {See Small arms 510 Bursting charges. (See Artillery: Ammunition and ammunition supply.) Carriages. {See Guns.) Explosives 726 Fuses. (See Artillery: Ammunition and ammunition supply.) Guns (gun carriages, mounts, and caissons) — Field (general) 651 Heavy field 651. 2 Light 651.1 Mountain 652. 4 Seacoast 671 Quick-firing 671. 1 Siege 661 Howitzers — ■ Field : 652 Seacoast 672 Siege 662 Mortars — Field 653 Seacoast - - - - 673 Siege 663 Powders 726 Primers. (iSee Artillery: Ammunition supply.) Range finders (general) - 725 , Artillery — Field 655 Seacoast - 675 Small arms 500. 2 Materials, building 714 Materials for uniforms 422 Measurements for recruits 321. 1 Meat (supply in general) 450 Meat rations 451. 3 Meat, resources of a country in 233 Mechanical transportation 402. 7 Medals 308 Medical and surgical appHances 821. 6 71 Medical Corps (surgeons and physicians) , §20. 7 Medical schools. {See Minor service schools.) Medical service, Army {see Sanitary service) 820 Medical service (Navy) 908 Medical statistics (Army) 822 Character of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 1 Comparative statistics of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 2 Medical statistics (Navy) 908 Medical transportation (Army) 821. 3 Medical transportation (Navy) 908 Medicines 821. 1 Megaphones for Artillery 655 Meldereiter (dispatch carriers) 806 Merchant marine 277 Messes : Enlisted men 452 Officers 454 Messing: Enlisted men 452 Officers 454 Metallurgy and metals 721 Methods of aiming (Field Artillery) 611 Methods for fire (Field Artillery) 612 Mihtary academies. {See Schools.) Military bands 803 Military chests 403 Military colleges. {See Schools.) Mihtary commissions 314. 3 Mihtary courses. {See Educational.) Mihtary cyclopedias , 040 Military districts. 215 Mihtary education 110 Military esprit and psychology 100. 1 Military expenditures 240 Military factories 251 Military fiction 095 Military forces. {See Strength and organization./ Military geography 280 Mihtary history {see History) '. .^ 260 Military justice. (>See Law.) Military law. (5ec Law.) Military legislation. {See Law.) Military libraries 080 Mihtary missions, officers sent abroad for instruction, etc 114 Military museums 113 Military periodicals 060 Military police 804 Mihtary ports 221 Military posts 216 Military resources 250 Arsenals , 251 Medical manufactories 821. 1 Military schools. {See Schools.) Military situations 200 Foreign military instructors 201 Mobilization 202 Plans for attack and defense 203 Strategic lines and bases 204 War plans 203 Mihtary societies 830 Pistol clubs • 831 Rifle clubs 831 72 Military sports 103. 2 Equestrian sports 520. 7 Hunts 520. 7 Military societies 830 Pistol clubs 831 Rifle clubs 831 Military training. {See Tactics and training.) Military training of the nation 100. 2 MiHtia 213 Militia training 100. 3 Mine planting 719 Minesj land and submarine 719 Mining and torpedo troops 709 Mining, land and submarine 719 Minister of war 300 Minor service inspections 305 Minor service schools: For cadets and enlisted men preparing for commissions 121. 8 For enlisted men not preparing for commissions 123. 8 For officers 122. 8 Minor services: Apothecary service 820. 5 Bands, military 803 Bicyclists and bicycles 802 Censorship 842 Chaplains 801 Constabulary 804 Custom guards 804 Cyclists and cycles 802 Dental service 820. 4 Dispatch carriers 806 Gendarmerie 804 Hospital Corps 820. 2 Hospital nurses 820. 6 Hospital service 821. 2 Hospital ships * 821. 5 Hospitals 821.2 Lazarets 821. 2 Machine-gun troops 810 Machine guns 811 Medical appliances 821. 6 Medical service. {See Sanitary Service.) Military bands 803 Military police 804 Military societies 830 Pistol clubs 831 Rifle clubs 831 Music, musicians 803 Nurses 820. 6 Orderlies 806 Physicians 820. 7 Pistol clubs 831 Postal service 807 Press 840 Censorship 842 War correspondents 841 Reserves- Machine-gun troops 810. 3 Medical service {see also Medical service) 820 Veterinary service 850 Rifle club T 831 Sanitary service 820 73 Minor services — Continued. Schools for minor services — For cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission 121. 8 For enlisted men not preparing for commission 123. 8 For officers 122. 8 Societies — Military societies (general) 830 Pistol clubs 831 Rifle clubs 831 Societies for the aid of the sick and wounded 823 Surgeons 820. 7 Surgical appliances 821. 6 Transportation of the sick and wounded 821. 4 Treatment of diseases : 822. 4 Of horses and mules 850 Vaccination 822. 3 Veterinarians 851 Veterinary schools— For cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission 121.8 For enlisted men not preparing for commission 123. 8 For officers 122. 8 War correspondents 841 War dogs 808 Minor tactics 101 Miscellaneous troops 540 Mitrailleurs 810 Mitrailleuses 811 Mobilization 202 Mobilized army, strength of 210 Money and property accoimtability 403. 1 Monroe doctrine 311. 1 Mftral education of the soldier 100. 1 Morale 100. 1 Mortality 822 Mortars: Field 653 Seacoast 673 Siege 663 Motor bicycles 802 Motor power 713 Motor wagons 402. 7 Motors for aeroplanes, balloons, etc 744 Moimtain artillery {see also Field artillery 610) 61 7 Tactics and training (see also Field artillery 610.1 ) 617 Target practice (see also Field artillery 612.1) 617 Mountain gun carriages (see also Mountain guns) 651. 4 Mountain guns (see also Howitzers and mortars) 651. 4 Moimtain troops: Artillery 617 Infantry 530 Mounted infantry 531 Mounted scouts: Artillery — Field 610. 6 Siege 620. 6 Cavalrv - 520. 6 Infantry 530. 6 Mounted target practice 520. 2 Mounts for guns. (See Guns.) Mules 440 Artillery- - Field 610. 4 Heavy artillery 618. 4 74 Mules — Continued. Census of mules 440 Forage 444 Hospitals .' 850 Hygiene 850 Mule breeding 442 Mule shoeing 443 Number of mules in the Army 440 Number of mules in pack trains ^ 402. 3 Number of mules in wagon trains 402. 2 Pack trains 402. 3 Resources of a country in mules 440 Stables 446 Veterinary service 850 Veterinarians 851 Wagon trains 402. 2 Munitions of war purchased abroad, sales 252 Museums 113 Music 803 Musicians 803 Musketry regulations 500. 2 Mustering 202 Mutiny 312.5 N National guard. {See Reserves.) Native troops 210. 1 Natural resources 233 Naval districts 221 Naval history 260 Naval policy ". 900 Naval ports 221 Naval staffs. 904 Naval stations 221 Navy: Ammunition 926 Armor 927 Army and Navy maneuvers combined 102. 1 Budgets 902 Coaling stations 278 Construction 907 Defenses and fortifications 221 Docks 279 Education -910 Naval schools 911 Training ships 912 Engineering 907 Estimates 902 Expenditures 902 Fortifications 221 Guns, naval 926 Harbors 279 Law, naval 903 Lighters 279 Lighthouses 279 List of officers 909 Maneuvers — Army and Navy combined 102. 1 Exclusively naval maneuvers 900. 1 Marine troops and Anny (land maneuvers) 102 Marine troops, exclusively (shore maneuvers) 905 Medical service 908 76 Navy — Continued . Naval districts 221 Naval ports 221 Personnel 909 Ports, military 221 Ports, not fortified 279 Reserves 900. 3 Schools 911 Ships of war 920 Submarine boats 924 Torpedo-boat destroyers 923 Torpedo boats 922 Training ships 912 Situation 900 Staffs 904 Stations, coaling 278 Stations, naval 221 Steamship lines 277 Submarine boats 924 Tactics and training 900. 1 Target practice 900. 2 Targets 900. 2 Torpedoes 921 Torpedo-boat destroyers 923 Torpedo boats 922 Training — Education and schools. {See Navy: Education.) Tactics and training 900. 1 Target practice 900. 2 Warships 920 Submarine boats 924 Torpedo-boat destroyers 923 Torpedo boats • 922 Wharves 279 Neutrals, neutrality 310. 4 Newspaper censorship 842 Newspaper correspondents 841 Newspapers on file in library 070 Newspapers, press (as a consideration in war) 840 Nickel, nickel-plating 721 Night attacks: Land 101 Sea 900. 1 Night operations: Artillerv — Field artillery 610. 2 Seacoast 640. 2 Siege 620. 2 Cavalry 520. 1 Infantry 530. 1 Navy 900. 1 Nitrocellulose 726 Nitroglycerin 726 Noncommissioned officers. (See Enlisted men.) Noncommissioned officers' school, preparing for a commission. {See Cadet schools.) Nonmilitary instruction to enlisted men 123 Number of horses: Army as a whole 440 Artillerv — Field 610. 4 Heavy field 618. 4 76 Number of horses — Continued. Cavalry 520. 4 Horse resources of a country 440 Infantry 530 Mounted infantry 531 Officers' horses 441 Pack trains 402. 3 Wagon trains 402. 2 Number of officers in the Army 211 Number of recruits 212 Nurses 820. 6 O. Oats 444 Observation 101. 6 Aircraft, ob ervation from aeroplanes and balloons 746. 4 Artillery, field — Carts : 656 Ladders 656 Wagons 656 Seacoast artillery — Stations, observation 676 Towers 676 Observation from balloons and aeroplanes 746. 4 Observation of fire: Field artillery 612. 6 Seacoast 642. 6 Obstacles 711. 3 Offenses, crimes, etc 312. 3 Officers: Navy 909 Regular Army (general) 340 Abroad as instructors. 201 Abroad for instruction 114 Absence, leaves of 342. 3 Ages 342 Allowances 342. 4 Appointment 341 Examination 341. 1 From the ranks 341. 2 Civil emplojrment 345 Clubs of officers 454 Conditions of service 342 Debts 342.5 Deceased, effects of 342. 7 Discharge 342. 2 Dismissal 342. 2 Duties — - Active officers ' 342 Retired officers 342. S Effects of deceased 342. 7 Employment of retired officers 342. 2 Examination — Appointment 341. 1 Promotion 343. 1 Expenses 342. 5 Fitness 341. 1 Grades 342. 1 Horses 441 Instruction abroad for officers 114 Leaves of absence 342. 3 Length of service 342 77 Officers — Continued. Regular Army (general) — Continued. Lists, Army registers, etc 211 Marriage 342. 6 Messes 454 Military missions 114 Number of officers 211 Pay 342.4 Pensions 342. 4 Privileges 344 Promotion 343 Promotion examination 343. 1 Qualifications 341. 1 Rank 342. 1 Recruitment 341 Recruitment examinations 341. 2 Recruitment from the ranks 341. 2 Registers, Army 211 Registers, Army Reserve, militia, etc 213. 1 Removal 342. 2 Retired officers employment 342. 2 Retirement 342.2 Schools 122 Artillery 122. 6 Artillery and engineer combined 122. 7 Cavalry and infantry 122. 5 Engineers " 122. 7 Engineers and artillery 122. 7 Intendance and train 122. 4 Infantry and cavalry 122. 5 Minor services 122. 8 Technical 122. 7 Train 122.4 Sent abroad as instructors 201 Sent abroad for instruction 114 Servants 344 Service with arms other than their own 107 Stages 107 Status 344 Transfer to reserves 342. 2 Reserves 350 Officer strength 213. 1 Old Soldiers ' Homes 326 Operations and history 260 Opolchenie. (See Reserves.) Optical signaling 730 Optics 716 Orderlies and dispatch carriers 806 Orders, Army. (See Regulations.) Orders, preparation of 307 Orders, transmission of (see also Artillery, 613.1) 104 Ordnance : Ammunition. (iSee Ammunition and ammunition- supply.) Appliances 724 Armor and armor tests 722 Ballistic instruments 724 Bullet-proof clothing and materials 723 Department 300. 5 Explosions 727 Factories 251 Guns. , (See Guns.) Metallurgy and metals. 721 78 Ordnance — Continued. Museums 113 Pow^iers and explosives , 726 Bange finders (general) 725 Artillery — Field 655 Seacoast 675 Small arms 500. 2 Resources of a country in arms and guns 250 Rockets 728 Schools. {See technical schools.) Small arms. (See Arms, small.) Technology (ordnance technology) 720 Troops 706 Workshops 251 Ordnance troops 706 Organic law of countries 310 Organization. (See strength and organization.) Outposts 101.3 Ovens 453 Overcoats 421 Overshoes 423 P. Pack animals 402. 3 For sick and wounded 821. 4 Pack saddles 402. 3 Pack trains 402. 3 Parades, see ceremonies 106 Passage of rivers. (See Stream crossing. ) Patriotic societies 830 Patrols (general) 101. 6 Artillery — Field 610. 6 Siege 620. 6 Cavahy 520. 6 Infantry 530. 6 Pay: Enlisted men — Navy 909 Regular Army 322. 4 Reserves 330 Officers: Navy 909 Regular Army 342. 4 Reserves 350 Pay Department 403 Peace conferences 311 Penal code. 312. 2 Penitentiaries 312. 4 Pensions: Enlisted men, their widows and orphans — Regular Army 322.4 Reserves 330 Officers, their widows and orphans — • Regular Army 342. 4 Reserves 350 Personal staff 304 Navy 904 Personnel (See Strength and organization) : Naval 909 Naval Staffs 904 79 Petards: Cavalry pioneers 523 Pioneers 711. 2 Pharmacists 820. 5 Photographs taken from balloons, flying machines, etc 746. 4 Photography 716 Physical examination: Ollicers — Regular Army 341. 1 Reserves 350 Recruits — Regular Army 321. 1 Reserves 330 Physical training 103 Physicians 820. 7 Pigeon service 734 Pigeons 734 Pioneer troops. " 705 Pioneers, cavalry 523 Pistol firing competition matches 500. 3^ pistol holsters 514 Pistol target practice 500. 2 Mounted .' 520. 2 Pistols 514 Plans for attack and defense 203 Plans, war 203 Plates, armor. (See Armor.) Plotting boards (general) 725 Field artillery 655 Seacoast 675 Police 804 Policy, naval 900 Policy, political situation 200 Poiitonier schools. (See Technical schools.) Pontoniers 702 Pontoons 711. 5 Ports, commercial 279 Ports, military 221 Ports, naval 221 Population 232 Position artillery. (See Fortress artillery.) Positions, plans for attack and defense 203 Post administration ,. 300. 1 Post and garrison schools 123. 1 Post exchanges 455 Postal service 807 Posts and reservations 216 Powder factories 251 Powder magazines ^ 251 Powders (black and others) ^ 726 Powders 726 Practice marches. (See Marches.) Preparation of orders, records, and returns 307 Preparatory schools, cadet schools. (See Cadet schools.) Preserved fruit, rations 451. 4 Preserved meat, rations 451. 3 Press 840 Censorship 842 Correspondents 841 Pressure gaugss 724 Prices 254 Primers. (See Ammunition and ammunition supply.) 80 Prisoners (except prisoners of war) 312. 4 Prisoners of war 311. 3 Prisons 312. 4 Privates. (See Enlisted men.) Privileges: Enlisted men- Regular Army 324 Reserves -' 330 Officers — Regular Army 344 Reserves 350 Prizes captured 311 Problems solved on map 101. 8 Procedure 314. 5 Proclamations 310 Projectiles. (See Ammunition and ammunition supply.) Promotion: Enlisted men — Regular Army — Appointment to commission 341. 2 Except appointment to commission 323 Reserves 330 Officers — ■ Regular Army 343 Promotion examination 343. 1 Reserves 350 Property and money accountability 403. 1 Proving grounds, tests and experiments 729 Provisions: Food supply of a coimtry (resom-ces) 233 General (subsistence) _. 450 In form of rations. (See Rations.) Psychology 100- 1 Punishments 312. 4 Purchases of munitions abroad 252 Purification of drinking water 458 Purity of water supply 458 Q. Qualifications: Officers — Regular Army 341. 1 Reserves 350 Recruits — Regular Army. - .*.... 321. 1 Reserves - 330 Quarantine 822. 4 Quartermaster department 403 Quarters 410 Billeting 411 Fuel.. 412 Latrines 413 Laundries, laundering 414 Lighting 412 Sewers - 413 R. Railroad ambulances 821. 4 Railroad appliances 710. 4 Railroad construction 710. 4 Railroad destruction 711. 2 Railroad detraining 402. 4 81 Railroad entraining ^q2 a Railroad lines 274 Railroad transportation : For sick and wounded 82i 4 _ General 402 4 Railroad troops >jq^' Railroads 974 Railroads, field 4Q9 4 Range-finders (general subject) ............[ 725 Artillery — Field - - - 655 beacoast qjj Snmllarms '../...............'.'.....[].[ 500. 2 Range finding: Artillery — Field 611 beacoast g4l Small arms 5qq o Range tables: " Artillery qqi Small arms 5qq 2 Ranges: ^^ti^ie^^y 612. 7 Small arms 5qq 2 Rank : Enlisted men — Regular Army 229 1 Reserves 33q' Officers. (See Grades.) Rank and file. (See Enlisted men.) Rapid-fire guns, artillery g51 j Rations: Beverages 4g-|^ Bread ■...].[[.[. 451 2 Cereals ^^^ 2 Coffee ' ' .' .' 45j^' 5 Emergency ; ; ; ; 45^; ^ Fiouj 451 2 ^P"'} 451.4 ^«^t 451.3 g^uP 451.3 Tea 45 J 5 Vegetables ' ' ' 451' ^ Rear guard lOi 3 Rebellions (history) 260 Reciprocity 200 Reconnoissance : Aeroplanes y4g Army (general) "i"' ^ !!! ^ ^ ^ "!!!: !;::::;:; 101.6 Artillerv — P^l^ 610.6 J, „S^^.^ 620.6 ^*"««"s 746.4 f7^^7 520.6 Infantry... 530 g Records and returns 3q7 Records of officers: Regular Army 34Q Reserves 050 Recruit contingent ' ' ' " 212 Recruit statistics 212 31335°— 12 6 82 Recruiting officers. (See Recruitment of officers.) Recruiting, Regular Army 321 Bounties 321. -t Conscription 321 Contingents 212 Districts 215 Examination 321. L Exemption 321. 3 Fitness. 321.1 Inspection of 305 Laws 321 Measurements 321. 1 Medical statistics of recruiting 212 Reenlifitment 321. 2 Reenlistment bounties 321. 4 Regulations 321 Statistics 212 Strength (recruiting contingent) 212 System : , 321 Recruitment of reserves 330 Recruitment of officers: Regular Army 341 Reserves 350 Recruits, assignment and distribution 321. 5^ Recruits, number of 212 Red Cross societies : 823 Reenlistment: Regular Army 321.2 Bounties paid for 321. 4 Reserves 330 Refrigerators 456 Regimental administration 300. 1 Regimental schools (for enlisted men) 123 Artillery ,_ 123.6 Artillery and technical combined 123. 7 Cavalry and Infantry 123. 5 Intendance and train 123. 4 Minor services 123. 8 Technical 123. 7 Train 123.4 Register, Army 211 Registers, mUitia, reserve 213. 1 Regulations: Army (general) 312. 1 Disciplinary 312. 2 Drill regulations. (See Tactics and Training.) Field service 101. 1 Firing regulations : Artillery — Field (for regulations for conducting target practice see 612.1) 612 Seacoast 642 Siege 622 Maneuvers. {See Maneuvers.) Mobilization 202 Physical training 103 Recruiting 321 Small arms 500. 2 (Various regulations referring to items not found among the sub- classes of regulations should be looked for in the proper place of the index , e . g . , Gendarmerie regulations . See Gendarmerie ; Hospital service regulations, see Hospital service, etc.) 83 Reindeer 402. 8 Relief societies (for the aid of the sick and wounded) 823 Remount establishments 445 Remounts. (See Horses.) Removal and dismissal, officers: Regular Army 342. 2 Reserves 350 Reorganization. (See Strength and organization.) Reports, efficiency of officers 342. 9 Reports, inspection 305 Reports, preparation of 307 Republican guard, (See Reserves.) Requisitions 401 Reservations 216 Reserves: All arms, combined 213 Ammunition, arms 253 Artillery — Field artillery reserves 610. 3 Heavy artillery 618. 3 Seacoast 640. 3 Siege 620.3 Bicyclists 800.3 Bridge troops 700. 3 Cavalry 520. 3 Cyclists 800. 3 Engineers 700. 3 Enlisted men (personnel) 330 Hospital corps 820. 2 Infantry 530.3 Intendance service 403. 3 Machine gun troops 810. 3 Marine 900. 3 Medical service 820 Mountain troops — Artillery 617 Infantry 530 Munitions of war 253 Naval 900. 3 Numbers called out for annual training 213 Nurses 820. 6 Officers (personnel) 350 Officers, lists 213. 1 Pioneers 700. 3 Pontoniers 700. 3 Sanitary service 820 Sappers 700. 3 Technical troops 700. 3 Train troops 402. 1 Veterinary service 850 Resignation, officers: Regular Army 342. 2 Reserves 350 Resistance to projectiles: Armor 722 Bullet proof material 723 Resources: Arsenals 251 Commercial 233 Factories, commercial 1 233 Factories, medical 821 Factories, military 253 Food 231.1 84 Resources — Continued . Forage 233 Horses 440 Military - 250 Military factories, and arsenals 251 Mules 440 Natural 233 Retired officers, employment 342. 2 Retired pay. {See Pay.) Retirement: Enlisted men — Regular Army 322. 2 Reserves 330 Officers — Regular Army 342. 2 Reserves 350 Returns (records and returns) 307 Reviews 106 Revolvers 514 Rewards 308 Rides - 520. 7 Rides, long-distance 520. 7 Rides, staff: . : 102. 3 Riding halls 520. 7 Riding schools 520. 7 Rifle clubs...: 831 Rifle competitions 500. 3 Rifle ranges. 500. 2 Rifle shells 511 Rifle target practice 500. 2 Rifles (small caliber) 513 Rifles, automatic - 513 Right of command 302 Riot duty..... : . : 101. 7 Riots.. 200 River crossing. {See stream crossing.) Rivers : 275 Road making 710. 1 Roads 271 Rockets 728 Rosters: Regular Army 211 Reserves, militia 213. 1 Routes of travel 270 Bridges — Railroad 274 Road.. 271 Canals (including towboats of same) 276 CoaUng stations 278 . Docks 279 Harbors 279 Highways - - 271 Lakes (including steamboats on same) 275 Lighters 279 Lighthouses 279 Railroad lines (including bridges, tunnels, and rolling stock of the same). .. . ...:... 274 Rivers (including steamboat lines of same) 275 Roads - 271 Steamboats on rivers and lakes 275 Steamship lines 277 Trails 271 ^^Tiarves 279 85 S. Sabers _ 515 Saddlery. {See Horse equipment.) Saddles. {See Horse equipment.) Sailing directions 279 Sailors 909 Sailors' homes 326 Sales of munitions abroad 252 Salutes 10(j Saluting 106 Salvage • 903 Sanitary service (including reserves) 820 Ambulances 821. 4 Antitoxins 822. 3 Appliances, medical and surgical 821. 6 Apothecary service 820. 5 Bacteriology 822. 3 Bullet wounds — Character of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 1 Comparative statistics of wounds inflicted by different arms. 822. 2 Casualties {see also Bullet wounds) 822 Dental service 820. 4 Diseases 822. 4 Dispensaries 821. 2 Druggists 820. 5 Drugs 82 1 . 1 Epidemics 822. 4 Examination of recruits 32] . 1 Field hospitals 820. % Hospital Corps 820. 2 Hospital service 821. 2 Hospital Corps 820. 2 Hospitals 821. 2 Lazarets 821. 2 Nurses 820. 6 Ships 821. 5 Transportation of the sick and wounded 821. 4 Hospitals 821. 2 Hygiene 822. 4 Inoculation 822. 3 Inspections 305 Lazarets 821. 2 Losses and casualties {see also 822.1 and 822.2) 822 Medical appliances 821. 6 Medical Corps 820. 7 Medical statistics {sec also 822.1 and 822.2) 822 Medicines 821. 1 Naval medical service 908 Nurses 820. 6 Personnel — Ambulance companies 820. 3 Apothecary 820. 5 Dental 820. 4 Hospital Corps 820. 2 Inspectors 820. 1 Nurses 820. 6 Pharmacists 820. 5 Physicians 820. 7 Sanitary companies 820. 3 Sanitary officers 820. 7 Sanitary troops 820 86 Sanitary service (including reserves) — Continued. Personnel— Continued . Staffs 820.1 Surgeons 820. 7 Pharmacy and pharmacists 820. 5 Physicians 820. 7 Reserves 820 Schools. (See Minor service schools . ) Serum 822. 3 Societies for the aid of the sick and wounded 823 Staffs and inspectors 820. 1 Statistics; medical 822 Bullet wounds- Character of wounds inflicted by different arms 822. 1 Comparative statistics of wounds inflicted by different arms. 822. 2 Surgeons 820. 7 Surgery. . . . : 822. 4 Tactical units 820. 3 Transportation of the sick and wounded 821. 4 Treatment of diseases 822. 4 Troops 820 Vaccination 822. 3 Sanitary service (Navy). , 908 Sanitation and inspection 822. 4 Sappers 702 Savings, savings banks deposits 322. 8 School battalions 121. 2 School ships 912 Schools (general) 120 Aviation 747. 1 Cadet corps 121. 2 Education (general) 110 Equitation 520. 7 Fencing and gymnastics 103. 1 Fire — Artillery 612.1 Cavalry and infantry 500. 2 For cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission 121 Artillery 121.6 Artillery and engineers (combined) 121. 7 Cavalry 121. 5 Cavalry and infantry 121. 5 Commissariat 121. 4 Electricity 121. 7 Engineering 121. 7 Engineers and artillery •. . 121. 7 Equitation 520. 7 Infantry 121. 5 Infantry and cavalry 121. 5 Intendance and train 121. 4 Land and submarine mining 121. 7 Medical service 121. 8 Mining (land and submarine) 121. 7 Minor services 121. 8 Navy 911 Ordnance troops 121. 7 Riding schools 520. 7 Sanitary 121. 8 Signaling 121. 7 Submarine mining 121. 7 Supply service 121. 4 87 Schools (general) — Continued. For cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission — Contd. Technical 121. 7 Train '/''] 12i; 4 Transportation 12i. 4 Veterinary service 121. 8 For children of officers and enlisted men 124 For enlisted men not preparing for commission (general) 123 Apothecary service 123. 8 Artificers and armorers 123. 7 Artillery 123. 6 Artillery and engineers (combined) 123. 7 Bakers 123^4 Ballooning 74O. 2 Bridge troops I23. 7 Cavalry 123^ 5 Cavalry and infantry 123. 5 Commissariat 123. 4 Electrical engineering 123. 7 Engineering .]..[.[[.[ US. 7 Engineering and artillery 123. 7 Equitation 520 7 Farriery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 123! 8 Fire — Artillery 612 1 Infantry and cavalry 500! 2 Horseshoeing I23 8 Hospital corps 123^ 8 Infantry I23 5 Infantry and cavalry 123^ 5 Intendance 123 4 Land and submarine mining 123^ 7 Machine-gun troops 123. 8 Mining (land and submarine) 123^ 7 Minor services _ _ 123 8 Navy ] 911' Ordnance ] 123 7 Pharmacists I23. 8 Pioneers I23 7 Pontoniers ' ] 123 7 Railroad troops 123 7 Riding ...."..]'.[[[[ 520; 7 Sappers I23. 7 Schools of fire ^artillery) 612. 1 Schools of fire (small arms) 500 2 Signaling .[.....]]]] 123.' 7 Special schools for field artillery target practice 612. 1 Submarine mining 123 7 Supply service 123 4 Technical troops 123^ 7 Telegraphers 123 7 Telegraphers, cavalry 123. 5 Transportation ' " ] 123 4 Veterinary service 123. 8 For enlisted men preparing for commission. (See Schools'for cadets and enlisted men preparing for commission.) For officers (general) 122 Artillery .........! 122. 6 Artillery and engineers (combined) I22! 7 Cavalry 122 5 Cavalry and infantry I22! 5 Commissariat 122^ 4 Schools (general) — Continued. For officers (general) — Continued. Electrical engineering 122. 7 Engineering '. 122. 7 Engineers and artillery (combined) 122. 7 Equitation 520. 7 General staff 122. 3 Infantry 122.5 Infantry and cavalry 122. 5 Intendance 122. 4 Land and submarine mining 122. 7 Medical service 122. 8 Mining (land and submarine) 122. 7 Minor services 122. 8 Naval war college 911 Navy 911 Ordnance 122. 7 Riding 520. 7 Schools of fire (artillery) 612. 1 Signaling 122. 7 Staff 122.3 Submarine mining 122. 7 Supply seridce 122. 4 Technical 122. 7 Transportation 122. 4 Veterinary service 122. 8 War college 122. 3 (For Naval War College, see 911.) Naval 911 Nonmilitary 110 Physical training 103 Preparing for commissions. {See Schools for cadets and en- listed men preparing for commissions.) Scouting and scouts: Army (general subject) 101. 6 Artillery — Field. 610. 6 Siege 620. 6 Boy scouts 103. 3 Cavalry 520. 6 Infantry 530. 6 Scouts, mounted 520. 6 Scrapbooks - 090 Seacoast artillery (strength, organization, and general information) . . 640 Anemometers 675 Ammunition and ammunition supply {see also Subcaliber) 677 Fuses 677. 1 Shell 677. 2 Shrapnel 677. 3. Apparatus for seacoast artillery fire control 675 Battery commanders instruments 675 Deflection boards 675 Determination of firing data 641 Difference charts 675 Equipment (materiel) 670 Fire (fire apparatus for fire control, see 675) 642 Fuses 677. 1 Guns {see also Subcaliber) 671 Howitzers 672 Mortars 673 Subcaliber 678 Howitzers 672 89 Seacoast artillery, etc. — Continued. Instruments, battery commanders 675 Maneuvers 640. 1 Materiel 670 Megaphones 675 Methods of aiming 641 Militia (strength, organization, and general information) 640. ?, Mortars 673 Night operations 640. 2 Observations of fire 642. (i Observation stations 676 Organization, strength, and general information 640 Range finders 675 Range finding 641 Regulations for conducting target practice 642. 1 Reserves !"....". 640. 8 Shell 677. 2 Shrapnel 677. 3 Sights 674 Stations (observation) 676 Strength, organization, etc ' 040 Subcaliber guns 678 Ammunition 678 Target practice 642. 3 Tactics, framing and maneuvers 640. 1 Target practice 642. ] Subcaliber target practice 642. 3 Targets 679 Telephones (special for Coast Artillery) 075 Towers and observation stations 676 Training 640. 1 Transmission of firing data 041. 1 Turrets 670 Seacoast defenses 221 Seacoast fortifications 221 Seacoast guns 671 Howitzers 672 Mortars 673 Seacoast warfare {see aho 640.1) 101. 2 Searchlights 718 Secrets, military 306 Secretary of War 300 Secrets, secret documents 307. 2 Security 101. 3 Sentinels 101. 3 Serum 820. 5 Servants of officers: Regular Army 344 Reserves 350 Service clubs 830 Service, compulsory 321 Ser\'ice, field 101. 1 Service, length of. {See Length of service.) Service regulations. {See Regulations.) Service of security 101. 6 Sewers 413 Shako 424 Shells. (See Ammunition supply, artillery.") Shelter tents '. 426 Shelter tents for horses 446 Shields. {See Guns.) Shields for men 426 90 Ship construction (naval engineering) 907 Shipping 277 Shrapnel. {See Ammunition, artillery.) Ships, hospital 821. 5 Ships, training 912 Ships of war. {See War ships.) Ships, steamship lines 277 Ships, used as transports 402. 5 Shoeing, horses and mules 443 Shoes (footwear^ 423 Shoes (horse and mule) , 443 Shooting galleries 500. 2 Shooting instruction, small arms: Dismounted 500. 2 Mounted 520. 2 Shorthand and shorthand writers 300. 4 Sick leaves. {See Leaves of absence.) Sick, societies for the aid of 823 Sickness, statistics 822 . Siege artillery (strength, organization, and general information) 620 Ammunition and ammunition supply fi67 Fuses 667. 1 Shell 667. 2 Shrapnel 667. 3 Determination of siege artillery firing data 621 , Equipment (materiel) 660 j Fire 622 ^ Firing data, determination of 621 \ Firing regulations 622 Fuses 667. 1 Guns 661 Howitzers 662 Mortars 663 Maneuvers 620. 1 Materiel (equipment) 660 Militia 620. 3 Mortars 663 Night operations 620. 2 Organization 620 Patrols. 620. 6 Reconnoissance 620. 6 Reserves 620. 3 Scouts 620. 6 Shell : : 667. 2 Shrapnel 667. 3 Strength 620 Tactics 620. 1 Target practice 622. 1 Training 620. 1 Transmission of firing data 621. 2 Transportation of siege artillery." 620. 4 Turrets 670 Warfare 101. 2 Sights: Carbines 512 Guns — Field 654 Howitzers — Field 654 Seacoast 674 Siege 662 Machine. 811 91 Sights — Continued. Guns — Continued. Mortars — Field 654 Seacoast 674 Siege 663 Mountain 654 Naval 926 Position leaders 654 Seacoast 674 Siege 654 Pistols 514 Revolvers 514 Rifles of small caliber 513 Small arms (general) 510 Signal troops 707 Signaling 730 Signaling apparatus in hands of troops 730. 1 Signals 730 Silencers: 402. 2 Water 402. 5 Transportation of aeroplanes, balloons, and kites 746. 2 Transportation of bridging material (special vehicles) 711. 5 Transportation of siege artillery 620. 4 Transportation of sick and wounded 821. 4 Transports, water 402. 5 Treaties 311. 2 Trestle and trestle bridges 711. 5 Tricycles 802 Troopships '. 402. 5' Trumpet calls 803 Tunneling 710. 3 Tunnels, railroad 274 Turrets 670 U. Uhlans. (-See Cavalry.) Umpires in maneuvers ". 102 Umpiring 102 Uniform materials 422 Uniforms 422 Unlimited furloughs. {See Retirements.) Utensils, cooking 453 V. Vaccination - . . 822. 3 Vehicles for sick and wounded 821. 4 Velocimeters 724 Velocity of bullets. {See Bullets.) Velocity of projectiles (general discussion) 720 Velocity of projectiles of a particular gun. {See Guns.) Vessels, merchant marine 277 Vessels, transports : 402. 5 Vessels, warships. {See Warships.) Veterinarians 851 Veterinary schools. {See Minor service schools.) Veterinary service 850 • Veterinary service inspections 305 Victualing. (See Subsistence.) Villages 236 Visual telegraphy 730 Volunteers 330 Vulnerability of troops 101 Artillery 612 W. Wagon trains 402. 2 Wagons— 402. 2 For sick and wounded 821. 4 101 War: Articles of 312. 1 Budgets 240 Colleges, naval war 911 Colleges, war - - 122. 3 Correspondents 841 Customs of. . 311. 3 Declaration of - 31 1 Department 300 Dogs 808 Expenditures 240 Games 101. 8 Laws of - - 311. 3 Ministry of 300 Office 300 Plans 203 Schools 122. 3 Secretary of 300 Warfare 100 Warfare, fortress 101. 2 Warfare, mountain 805 Wars: History 260 Operations and history 260 Studies — Strategic 100 Tactical 101 Tactical studies of 101 Warships - 920 Submarine boats 924 Torpedo-boat destroyers 923 Toi-pedo boats 922 Torpedoes, naA^al 921 Training ships 912 Water-proofing processes 427 Water supply ' 458 Water transportation 402. 5 Waterworks - 715 Weight can-ied by a cavalry horse 520. 4 Weight carried by the infantry soldier 530. 4 Weight limits for recruits: Regular Army 321. 1 Reserves 3.30 Wharves 279 Whistles (equipments) 426 Widows of enlisted men, pensions: Regular Army 322. 4 Reserves 330 Widows of officers, pensions: • Regular Army 342. 4 Reserves 3-50 Wine and other beverages 451. 5 Wireless telegraph stations 280 Wireless telegraphic connections 280 Wireless telegraphy 731 Wireless telephony 732 Wives of enlisted men: Regular Army 322. 6 Reserves 330 Wives of officers: RegularrArmy 342. 6 Reserves 350 102 Workshops 251 Wounded: Care of wounded 821. 2 Societies for the aid of 823 Statistics of (see also 822.1 and 822.2) 822 Wounds: Character of wounds inflicted, etc 822. 1 Comparative statistics of wounds inflicted 822. 2 Y. Yearbooks {see also 030) 020 Yeomanrj,'. (4S'ce Cavahy reserves. ) Z. Zouaves. {See Infantry.) o LBAg'12 WAR DEPARTMENT : : OFFICE OF CHIEF OF STAFF WAR COLLEGE DIVISION, GENERAL STAFF. No. 18 CLASSIFICATION AND INDEX WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 I 9 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 074 500 >m V.t'. Mm