'^J'^i Index of Streets, Etc. PAGE 1 :i 3 Explanatoiy and Hpuse Numbers. . Abbl•e^^»tion.s . f. Aceqiiia to Artesian Place Arthiir to Baiulerii. S .. . 5- Bariiaril to Brazos. N . . 7 Brazos to Callaghan ave 9 1 Callaghau North to Cherry N 11 Cherry South, to Colorado, N 13 Columbia to F^ast Crockett. 15 " Crockett, West, to Denver 17 ' Denver Boulevard to Edwards '. W ' Eighth to North Flores 21 j Flores .South to Galan 23 1 Garcia Avenne to Uray 25 | Gray.sou to Hawthorne Avenue 27 Have to Indiana Avenue East ^ ; Indiana Avenue, W. to King.sbnry 31 i-'^na: William to Laur-^ns _" ... ,33 aca to ■ M" .^t .3.5 '' 1 ' .V( , K Macon, E. to Matagorda. . Matamoras to MickeVJohn Milam to Mulberry. W . . 7 ; ! Muncey t- New Braunfels Avenue, N New Biaunfels Avenue, S. to Olive, S Omaha to Perida li Perez to Providence }'.' Quincy. E. to Ross 51 Rucker to San Jacinto, N XJ San Jacinto. S. to Sheridan E 55 Sheridan. W. to State 57 St. Charles to Texas Avenue, W » 59 Thayor to Victor ;........ 61 Victoria to Wesatch Ave. W^ 63 West Eighteenth to Zarzamora, N 65 Zarzamora. N, to Za valla 67 Ward Boundaries 1, 67 Fire Alarm Boxes 69-71 First and Inner Fire Limits. . . '•; lodex to fidvertisers. Alanii) Biewt-ry 5ti .A.lanio Cement Co. Cement. Lime. etc. 4 Alamo Iron Works. Foundry and Machinists. ... 18 Alamo Sanitary Co. R. W Wallace, Proprietor. . . 30 Allen & Son. L'. Lime Cement, etc 32 Ailing & Cumin -■ . Ctirriages Buggies etc 32 .Vnderson James. Public A ccoimtant Front Cover. Andrus J. S. Court .Steuogi-apher, 20 Balkaiu Dr. A. R. Veterinary Surgeon 32 Baths 21 1 Augusta St . . ^ Becker li. FttruiinrL- Carpel Beckmann A. F. Architect. . Boelhauwe Chas, G.Contrai BradenG. G. Cement Sidew; Breeding and .Son Dr . J. E . Brown & Wood \e:T. M street, flvenae and Alley Guide / OF San Antonio, Tkxas. The main base lines and rules adopted for nuinbering the houses of the city are as follows : Every 25 feet is entitled to a number. All Streetsj Avenues and Alleys crossing East Commerce number from it north and, south as far east as Monumental, where North Commerce commences, which is the base line for all Streets, Avenues and Alleys running north and south which cross them. Streets, Avenues and Alleys crossing West Commerce number from it north and south. Streets and Avenues crossing San Antonio river number from it east and west. Streets and Avenues crossing South Floies number'from it east and west. ' Streets, Avenues and Alleys crossing Main Avenue are called east and west and number- ing starts from it east and west. North and South Laredo are the base lines for all Streets, Avenues and Alleys extending west from them. Fredericksburg Road is the base line for all Streets and Avenues extending west from it. Upper Labor ditch (i w) is the base line for all Streets and Avenues extending north from It. Austin Street is the base line for all Streets and Avenues Extending east from it. To find on which side of a Street, Avenue or Alley the even or odd numbers are, reference to the following rules adopted in numbering will give the desired information : Those extending East and West; Even Nos. south side, odd Nos. north side. Those extending North and South; Even Nos. east side, odd Nos, west side. Those extending Northeast and Southwest; Even Nos. southeast side, odd Nos. northwest side. Those extending Northwest and Southeast; Even Nos. northeast side, odd Nos. southwest side. On any given Street, Avenue dr Alley the relative location of a particular place or house is obtained by running down the column of figures, which are their numbers at the several Streets, Avenues or Alleys that intersect them. For example, to find 710 Avenue C, it will be seen that 700 is on the corner of Seventh and 800 on the corner of Eighth, hence 710 Avenue C is between Seventh and Eighth Streets. Where no Nos. are given after the names of Streets it is because they do not commence with a 100; frequently the corner is occupied with a housf" which has no nnmber. As new Streets are opened and named and the house numbering ex- kends, I will add them in my gti-eet. Avenue and Alley Guide. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1892, by JULIUS A. APPLER, in the oflSlce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. The above copyright applies only to the "Street, Avenue and Alley Guide" or my method of locating streets, avenues, alleys and house numbers ■ Julius A. Appler. 4 ADVERTISEMENTS. XK'ij Is far superior to all others. UllaSl Wb uI CUll; SOLE AGENT. 225 JE. Houston Street. Telephone Wo. 17. . Get his Prices on Groceries before bmung elsewhere. Campbell - Bros.. 210 East Houston Street. JPino^t CrG^moryButtor^ HIGH GRADE OLE OMAR GABIWE, Hams, Dried Beef. Meats and Sausage of all Kinds. • I Or^OCE^F^IE^S I • AT Coulter I Ford's COR. W. HOUSTON AND ACEQUIA STS. Fine Jersey Butter and Country Produce Telephone 609. OJ^IVIE^F^OIM'J ^«««*!»**«««^Camag^ ^ Trimming, HARNESS, WHIPS, Etc. Tops, Cushions, Dashes, Etc., made and mended. Harness Repaired. Harness and Axle Oils. Good Work at Moderate Prices. Second-Hand Buggies Bought and Sold. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. AUey . . .Avenue .Asburry Place , Begins Block East extends Lake View North . . Northeast flfiBHE Vlft TlOfiS . x^yf Northwest rd Road E,R.. Railroad g Sjouth ge ' • • • Southeast, . Southwest West WE West End 1 -vy First Ward 2 w' Second Ward sw w. Sw Third Ward 4 w . .Fourth Ward 5 w Fifth Ward G w.;-. . . . . ^ . ...Sixth Watt4 7 w . . ." . . . . . i .. . Seventh Ward S wV Eighth Ward 2 wB. Second Ward, Beanville C V City View p T Park Terrace S H South Heights jtiia I Aganier av. w) changed to Main I Blanco rd. ; see Main av w) b at Govern - ent, ext e to city mits ernment.. 100 Eton 200 cia .-.SOO ' limits ims r w) b at Pereida, Et s through Meer- ;heidt ad to Mc- racken av eida ......100 ■eke 200 jren SOO son 700 ;;;racken av [•om fi Lake View tnier Av t w) b at W San Pe- ro Place, ext n to ^est Summit av San Pedro Place. 100 French Place. . . 200 Russel Place. . . 300 raig Place .... 400 ►Voodlawn av . 500 Vlistletoe av. . . 6,00 Vlagnolia av. . . 700 iVesatch av 800 vlulben-y av . . . 900 ^garita av 1000 nramit av irita av, £ : w) b at Main av, ct e 1 blk to McCul- ugh u*ita av, W t w) b at Main av, St w to SAP track In av 100 Ivard 200 Iknap Place 300 |. Pedro av 400 eden av 500 th Flores 600 .av 700 G N track les i) w) b at riv«r, ext 1 \^\\, »/^ K-rra t ... 8001 . . 900 ?xraut av 1000 Michigan av 1100 Capitol av 1200 SAP track Alamo. N (5 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n to Alamo plaza E Commerce 100 Alamo plaza 200 Alaxan (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s 1 blk to Buena Vista Albert (3 w) b at N Trinity, ext w to N Hamilton av N Trinity 100 N Sabinas 200 N Navidad 300 N Calavaris 400 300 600 Alamo, S (8 w) b at E Com merce,ext sw to river at Aransas st E Commerce 100 E Market. North 200 South \ Villita J Goliad Nueva 400 Arciniega 500 Lavaca \ Martinez . . J Refugio . . Water Barrera . . Camargo. . S Presa . Garden — Tamer 900 Cedar Beauregard 1000 E SheridaLn.,.....1100 Pereida .'. Adams E Johnson \ ^,00 Wickes / Guenther 1300 River NZarzamora. . N Bandera N Hamilton av . 500 .600 • j 700 • • j 800 Alder (7 w) b at Santos, ext sw 1 blk beyond Bar rera Santos 100 Refugio 200 Barrera 300 Alexander av (W E) b at E Texas av, ext n to Lake av E Texas av . - 100 E Cincinnati av 200 Lake av Ailing (5 w) b at River av, ext e to ditch River av 100 Truehart .200 Ditch Anderson av (W E) b at Alamo Plaza, £ Slide (5 w) b at Blum, ext n to E Houston Blum 200 E Crockett 300 E Houston Alamo PlsHsa, IV Side (5 w) b at N Alamo, ext n toJE. Houston N Ami N end N Alamo . E Crocket, "C, TTnnstnn 200 300 Culebra av, ext n to Lake av Culebra av 100 Kentucky av ..... . 200 Colorado av 300 W Texas av 400 Lake av Andrews (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext e to Tilden N New Braunfels avlOO Benton 200 Calhoun 300 Tilden Apple (7 w),b at an al n of Refugio,ext s to Bar- rera, crossing Refugio Apjiier (5 w) b at River av, ext e to private propy River av 100 Truehart 200 Private property Apg»JewS8Jte (1 w) b at Fest, ext a 1 blk to Sunset track Aransas av (S H) b at S Mesquite ext e to S Mittman S Mesquite 100 S Hackberry 200 S Olive 300 v^ Pine 400 Maryland av . . . . . 500 S Palmetto av . . . 600 Skinner av 700 S New Braunfels av 800 Washington av 900 SGevers 1000 S Mittman Aransas (1 w) b S Flores, ext e to river at S Alamo Arcinie$;a (8 w) b at Garden, ext e to S Alamo Garden 100 S Presa...... 200 S Alamo Arlington In Lake View Apache '2 w) b at S Laredo, ext s to Apache creekJ Arsenal, E (1 w) b at S Flores, ext se to river at Washington SFlotes 100 W side of ditch.... 200 City 400 River Arsenal, W (1 w) b at S Flores, ext w to S Laredo S Flores 100 San Pedro creek 200 S Laredo Artesian Place (W E) b at west side Lake av, ext w 1 blk to Rouse av ADVERTISEMENTS. GEO. H. K^ILTEYER, President. C. BAUMBERGER, Manager. Alamo Cement Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Alamo, ♦ Portland ♦ and ♦ Roman ♦ Cements, Also Dealers in Imported and Domestic Cements, White J^ime, Hair, Plaster Paris, Chimney Flues, Fire Brick and Drain Pipe. Aceqiiia street. Telepltotte, No. Sil. ' BRITZ STBINBR, Livery ar)d liacl^ Stables, In Connection with a First-Class Undertaker's Establishment, Telephone 808. No. 825 E. CROCKETT STREET. ALEX VARGA, No. 117 South Flores Street, Dealer and Manufacturer of all kinds of Saddlery and Harness. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. J 301 8c 303 E>. P^oxj-stoiTL ^ti-eet. SOLE AGENTS FOR The world-wide reputation of Waukesha, Wis., is based upon STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. rtlmr (6 w)b at N Palmetto av, ext e to N Gevers Palmetto av 100 ; Charles 200 ; James 300 New Braunfels av 400 ; Martin av 500 ; Daniels av 600 Givers sb (4 w) b at Carson, ext n to IJell irson 100 ray 200 jleman 300 36...., 400 ood 500 Lnton 600 50tt 700 ilson 800 Iver 900 lorian 1000 erndon 1100 3ll abley (6 w) b at Edgar, ext e to Ervin Igar 100 oore .. .200 rvin 9tor (7 w) b at Lockwood av, ext e to McGinty, crossing Weiss av tianta av (4 w) b at river, ext nw to ditch at Gilles- pie .ver 100 Jgusta 200 alias 300 imden 400 Quincy.. .... 500 Elmira 600 Macon 700 itch ngnsta (4 w) b at Convent bridge, ext ne to river invent bridge 100 iraud Romana 200 ichmond av 300 jxington av . . . . 400 iltimore av . 500 renton av . 600 rooklyn av 700 rie av 800 tianta av 900 iver ::} 200 300 400 500 600 700 Seventh Live Oak. ... Hays Eighth Lamar ... . , Ninth Burleson . . . Tenth DeVilbiss. . . N Walnut . . . Grand av . . . Sherman . . . SuDsel Alley Milam N Cherry Duval 800 Crosby 900 Van Ness 1000 Mason 1100 Carson 1200' Quitman | Grayson 1300 E Josephine Austin av Changed to N New Braunfels av Austin rd (6 w) ext ne from e end of M st Avenne A (5 w) b at river,ext n to E Josephine Kiver 100 Twelfth 200 Thirteenth 300 Newell av 500 James . 700 Agnes ..800 Grayson 900 E Josephine 1000 Avenne B (5 w) b at Fifth, ext 1 blk n of E Josephine Fifth 500 Sixth 600 Seventh 700 Eighth 800 Ninth 900 Tenth 1000 Grand av 1100 Twelfth 1200 Thirteenth 1300 Newell av 1500 James ..1700 Grayson 1800 E Josephine 1900 Avenue C (5 w) b at E Houston ext ne to Grand av E Houston.. 100 Travis 200 Pecan Third 300 Fourth 400 Fifth 5J30 Sixth 600 Seventh 700 Eighth 800 Ninth 900 Tenth 1000 Grand av Avenne D (5 w) b at Houston, ext ne 1 blk beyond Thirteenth Houston 100 Travis 200 Third 300 Fourth 400 Fifth 500 Sixth 600 Seventh 700 Eighth 800 Ninth 900 Tenth 1000 Grand av 1100 Sunset Alley 1200 Twelfth 1300 Thirteenth 1400 Avenue £ (5 w) b atE Houston ext ne to Eighth E Houston 200 Third 300 Fourth .. 400 Fifth 500 Sixth 600 Seventh .... 700 Eighth Avon In Lake View B Bacbmer (2 w B) b at S Flores ext w to Campbell, crossing Post av Baldwin (7 w) b at Lockwood av, ext e to McGinty, crossing Weiss av Baldwin av (WE)batCulebraav ext n to Lake av Culebra av 100 Kentucky av 200 Colorado av 300 W Texas av ..... . .400 W Cincinnati av. . .500 Lake av Baltimore av (4 w) b at river, ext nw to Maple River 100 Oakland 200 Augusta 300 Dallas 400 Camden 500 E Quincy 600 E Elmira 700 E Macon 800 Maple Bandera av (W E) b at Freder- icksburg rd, est w to Russ av Fredericksburg rd. 100 N Sabinas 200 N Navidad 300 N Calavaris . . . 400 N Zarzamora 500 N Bandera 600 San Antonio av . . . 700 VoUum av 800 Clark av 900 WooUey av 1500 Emory ...1600 College av 1700 Epworth 1800 Key 1900 Grandburry 2000 Marvin 2100 Russ av Bandera, N (3 w) b at Lake View av, ext n to Freder- icksburg rd Lake View av. ... 500 Morales 600 Perez 700 Leal .' . . . 800 Ruiz 900 Lopez 1000 Delgado 1100 Lyons Bivas 1200 Roberts Castro 1300 Albert . , Menchaca 1400 Micheljohn Lombrano 1 500 Garza 1600 Culebra av 1700 Kentucky av.. . 1800 Colorado av 1900 E Texas av 2000 E Cincinnati av . . .2100 E Indiana av 2200 E Virginia av 2300 E Pennsylvania av.2400 Bandera av 2500 Day av 2600 Gaines av 2700 Murphy av 28U0 Gorden av 29C0 Herff av 3000 Flood av 3100 John av 3200 Donaldson av . . .3300 Fredericksburg rd Bandera. S (2v\ )b at W Commerce ext s to Durango W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango advp:rtisements. Tk Wasliington Lile Ins. Co. OF NEW YORK. J^^^&ii^, ^1:2,000,000.00. JAMES B. DAY, Manager Southwestero -^^^fe^^^"^" ^" ' — Department. THE TAILOR And Pt'oprietor JEureka Steam Dye Works, Nothing but First-Class Worit ailowed to ieave tlie House. No. Ill SOUTH ALAMO STREET, . SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. ESTABLISHED 1870. 1E6 i.l^M' FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Oilcloths, Mattings, Shades, Curtain Poles, Children's Carriages, Art Squares, Rugs, Bamboo Goods, Etc. Our Motto: Large Sales and SrT)all Profits. Assuring all our customers a polite attention, and thanking them for past favors, we remain alwaj'S, Yours respectfullj', REiNHOLD BECKER, STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. Barnard (6 w) b at Bracken- ridge av ext n to Ter- rell Brackenridge av . . . 100 Stanley av 200 Nanson Terrell av Barrera (7 w) b at S Alamo ext se 1 blk beyond Apple S Alamo 100 Matagorda 200 Indianola 300 Perdido 400 Labor 500 Alder 600 Apple . 700 Baylor, E (2 w B) b at S Flores ext e to San Pedro ck Baylor, W (2 wB)b at S Elores, ext w to Nogalitos rd Lamm 100 Campbell 200 Halstead 300 Texas 400 King 500 Edwards '. . . 600 Childress 700 Nogalitos rd Bates In Lake View Beacon In Lake View Beauregard (8 w) b at Washing- ton e±t se to S Alamo Washington 100 King William 200 Madison 300 S Alamo Becker I (7 w) b at S Presa ext ; e to private property, crossing Groesbeck Bee (6 w) b at Frank, ext e to Ervin Frank 100 Shirley 200 Ash 300 Moore 400 Ervin Belbnap Place (4 w)b at W Crockett Place, ext n to W Magnolia av W Crockett Place. ..100 Washington «' .. .200 W San Pedro" ..300 W French Place . W Russell «' W Craig " w Woodlawn av. W Mistletoe av . . Magnolia av .400 .500 .600 .700 .800 Bell (6 w)b N New Brauu fels av. ext e to Ash N New Brauufels avlOO Benton 200| Calhoun 300 1 Tilden 400; Frank 5001 Shirly 600 Ash Belleviie av In Lake View Belmont (6 w) b N New Braun- fels av, est e to N Eio Grand av N New Braunfels avlOO N Polaris 200 N Gevers... 300 N Mittman 400 N Walters 500 N Grimes 600 N Rio Grande av Belvin (4 w) b at N Flores, ext sw to N Laredo Benton (6 w) b at Seguin,ext n to Pinckney Seguin 100 Bowers Crosby 200 Foard Van Ness. 300 Stafford Mason 400 Sand Meyer Carson U. SPost Hood 500 Vinton... 600 Scott 700 Wilson 800 Silver 900 Florian 1000 Herndon 1100 Bell ..1200 Johns 1300 M st 1400 Lucas Victor 1500 Andrews Pinckney Beze (7 w) b at Dakota, ext s to Virginia Dakota . .' 100 Paul.. Nevada 200 Nebraska 300 Iowa 400 Virginia Sigfoot av (2 w B) b at S Flores ext w road to Nogalitos Sinz Engleman vd (fi w) runs e from M street Blaine (6 w)b at N Palmetto av, exte to N Gevers N Palmetto av lOO St Charles 200 St James 300 N New Braunfels av400 St Martin av 500 St Daniels av 600 N Gevers Blanco Pd (4 w)b at Fredericks- burg rd, ext n to city limits Fredericksburg rd. 100 Hickman Kerble W San Pedro Place 300 W French Place... 400 W Kussell Place. . . 500 W Craig Place .... 600 W Woodlawn av . . 700 W Mistletoe av... 800 W Magnolia av . . . 900 W Wesatch av. . . . 1000 W Mulberry av . ..1100 AV Agarit a av . . 1200 W Summit av 1300 Fowler... 1400 Merchant 1500 Fvilton 1600 Coffman av 1700 City limits Blum (5 & 6 w) b at Alamo, 1 blk s of Crockett, ext e to Live Oak Alamo Plaza 100 St. Joseph Bonham 200 Bowie 300 Live Oak Boehtnef (2 w B) b at S Flores, ext w to city limits Bois'd'Hpe (1 w) b at W Sheri- dan, ext s 1 blk to Johnson al Bonbatn (6 w) b at E Com-j merce, ext n to B Crockett E Commerce lOOi Blum 200' E Crockett Bonnet av (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext e to Ijrivate property N New Braunfels avlOO St Martin av 200 St Daniels av 300 Private property Boston (6 w) b at N Olive, ext e 1 blk to N Pine Bowdoln In Lake View Bowers (6 w) b at N ^New Braunfels av, eXt e 1 blk to Benton Bowie (6 w) b at E Com-, merce, ext n to Nac- ogdoches at Fourth E Commerce 100 Blum 200 E Crockett 300 E Houston 400" Nacogdoches Brackenridge av (5 & 6 W) b at River av, ext e to N New Braunfels av River av 100 Charles Ditch 200 NPine 300 Barnard .'.**; .ftOO Tendlck '. . 500 Cresson 600 Ross f^O Lane §00 N New Braunfels av Brazos, N (3w) b at W Qom- me roe, ext n to fi Cin-| cinnati av ' W Commerqe IQO W Houston UOO Zavalla • ."pOO Chavez .. .,,.. ...pOQ Lake View avJ^.'?. ,\§^0 Morales ..''^QQ Perez f7Q0' Leal 5..'a09, Ruiz .'' 3Q0 Lopez 1000, Delgado 1100. ADVERTISEMENTS. Alamo Meat Market, MATTHIS BROS., Proprietors. JVo. 505 East Houston Street. fill Kinds of Meats and Sausage. J. M. FOSTER. TELEPHONE 508. firansas Pass Wood Yard, Near San Antonio Foundry. Coal, Cord and Stove Wood and Kindling, Dry Rail Wood a Specialty, also all kinds of Coal. Prompt fittention will be paid to all Orders. Olympic Tlieatre! Santiago VIILANVEVA, proprietor. Cor. W. Commerce and JV. Laredo Street, Our Evening's Entertainment to open with a Mammoth and most Mag- nificent FIRST PART— the finest ever produced in a Vaudeville theatre. A FIRST-CLASS BAR IN CONNECTION, Wm . Hog fling & Son, DEALERS IN BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAOSAGES, Etc. ■ TelepJwne 287. No. 511 AVENUE C. bTKKKT, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. haca rano i(to. ...1200 .. .1300 ...1400 ...1500 .. 1600 ...1700 . .1800 3val 1900 z 2000 ciunati av )b at W Commerce s to Ceralvo immerce 100 a Vista 200 erejr 300 jt aaoras 400 ago 500 lUlS ,600 I ; Fernando 700 so 800 alupe 900 Ternando alley. la 1000 'atricio alley. Cruz 1100 ico 1300 ,1 1500 lo 1700 la 1900 vo ten av ^ ??) b at W San Pe- I Place, ext n to st Summit av .n Pedro Place. 100 ench Place. . . 200 lasell Place. . . 300 faig Place .... 400 oodlawn av . 500 istletoe av . . . 600 agnolia av. . . 700 .'esatch av. . . . 800 "ulberry av. . . 900 .;arita av 1000 limmit av ( w) b at McCul- Irgh, ext e to Eock i^arry rd. t klyn av ( w) b at river, ext D to Cypress "• 100 md 200 iista .300 |i8 400 ien 500 (jdncy 600 Inira 700 Itcon 800 '] ess Brooks (6 w) b at N Hack- berry, ext e to N Pine N Hackberry 100 N Olive 200 N Pine Bryan av (2 w B) b at river,ext w to Probaiidt,cross- ing Lecomte Bnckiiig'Siani rdl In Lake View Biiekuam In Lake View Baena'Vista (2 w) b at S East,ext w to S West Nine- teenth I S East 100 S Concho 200 S San Saba 300 S Pecos 400 S Leoua.' 500 S Frio 600 S Medina 700 S Salado 800 S Comal 900 S San Marcos 1000 S Callaghan 1100 S Colorado 1200 S Smith 1300 S Brazos 1400 Alazan S Los Moras 1500 S San Jacinto 1600 S Pinto 1700 S Trinity . .' 1800 S Nueces 1900 S Sabinas 2000 S Cibolo 2100 S Navidad 2200 S Chupederas 2300 S Calavaras 2400 S Rosillo 2500 S Zarzamora 2600 S Murry. 2700 S Bandera. 2800 S Spring 2900 S Hamilton av . . . . 3000 S West Nineteenth Bnrlcson (6 w) b at Austin, ext e to N Gevers Austin 100 N Walnut 200 N Cherry 300 N Mesquite 400 N Hackberry 500 N Olive 600 N Pine 700 Willow 800 Muncey 900 N Palmetto av 1000 St Charles 1100 First St James 1200| Gaines av . N New Brauu f els av 1300 St Martin av 1400 St Daniels av 1500 N Gevers Burnet (6 w) b at ditch, ext e to N Gevers Ditch \ jQQ Elm i ^"" Austin Live Oak 200 Chestnut 300 N Walnut 400 N Cherry 500 N Mesqoiite 600 N Hackberry 700 N Olive 800 N Pine 900 N Palmetto av . . . . 1200 St Charles 1300 St James 1400 N New Brrunfel av 1500 St Martin av 1600 St Daniels av 1700 N Gevers Partus (7 w) b at Nebraska, ext n to Dakota Nebraska 100 Nevada 200 Dakota Calavaras, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Fred- ericksburg rd W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av. . . . 500 Morales 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Ruiz 900 Lopez 1(00 Delgado HOC Rivas 1200 Castro 1300 Albert Menchaca 1400 Micheljohn Lombrano 1500 Garza 1600 Culebra av 1700 Kentucky av. . . 1800 Colorado av 1900 E Texas av 20C0 E Cincinnati av ... 2 1 00 E Indiana av 2200 E Virginia av 2300 E Pennsylvania av. 2400 Bandera av 2500 Day av 2600 .. .2700 Murphy av 2800 Gorden av 2900 Herff av 3000 Fredericksburg rd Calavaras, S> (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Ce- ralvo W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis ... 600 San Fernando 700 El Paso SCO Guadalupe 900 Colima 1000 Vera Cruz 1100 Tampico 1300 Balance street not laid off CaltSwelS (5 w) Changed to Ave A; see Ave A CalSionn (6 w) b at Seguin,ext n to Pinckuey Seguin 100 Crosby 2C0 Foard Van Ness 3C0 Stafford Mason 400 Sand Meyer Carson U. S Post Hood 500 Vinton 600 Scott 700 Wilson 800 Silver SOO Florian. 1000 Herudon llOi) Bell 1200 Johns 1300 M st 1400 Lucas Victor 1500 Andrews Pinckncy Caliifopnia (4 w)b at Kinesbury, ext n I blk to Romana CallasiiRsi av (7 w) b at S Presa at San Juan, ext se to Labor San Juan 100 Canal 200 Eager 300 Riddle 400 Labor 10 ADVERTISEMENTS. 259 V (bommeree ^treelT JVe^v A iimfoer-, 307 M.LUCCHESE&BRO. FASHIONABLE SHOEMAKERS, m. Next to Maverick Hotel, San Antonio, Tex. Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes to Order a Specialty. ^^ Repairino; Promptly Done» Fine Stock Men's Cus- totn-Made Shoes, A. C. PARIS. I. N. ROTHWELL. PARIS & ROTHWELL ^ PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. 107 West Commerce St. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. All the latest .styles in Photographs finely finished and guaranteed equal, if not superior, to any in the State. Life-size Crayon Portraits and all kinds of enlargements executed in the best manner and at short notice. A large assortment of San Antonio views to select from. -.flff'H- STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY G.IJIDE. Callagban, B7 (3w) b at W Cotn- merce, ext n to Lake View av W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av Callagrliaii, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Mon- terey W Commerce .....100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey Calvert (1 w) b at W Sheri- dan, ext s to W John- son, crossing John- son alley Camarg^o (7 w) b at S Alamo at S Presa, ext se to Labor S Alamo ..100 Matagorda San Juan 200 Indianola Canal 300 Perdido Eager . . 400 Labor Camaron (4 w) b at W Com merce, ext n to Fred ericksburg rd W Commerce 100 W Houston... 200 ' Obraja. . . ... 300 Salinas 400 L street ■ .600 Kingsbury ...700 W Eomana 800 Belvln 900 W Macon 1000 Enox alley Marshall 1100 Hill 1200 Walsh Luna 1300 Denver 1400 Fredericksburg rd Camden (4 w) b at Main av, ext ne to river Main av 100 Reynolds 200 Richmond av 300 Camp (1 w) b at S Flores, ext w to S Laredo S Flores 100 San Pedro Creek... 200 S Laredo Campbell (2 w) In City View Canal (7 w) b at Camargo, ext s to Leigh Camargo 100 Callagiianav 200 Leigh Capitol av (4 w)b at Fredericks burg rd,extn to Coff- man av Fredericksburg rd. 100 W tVoodlawu av . . 200 W Mistletoe av.. . 300 W Magnolia av. . . 400 W Wesatch av 500 W Mulberry av . . . 600 W Agarita av . . 700 W Summit av.... 800 Fowler 900 Merchant 1000 Fulton 1100 Coffman av Lexington av . . Baltimore av . Trenton av , . . Brooklyn av Erie av Atlanta av Wilmington av. Jones av McLaue av.. . . River 400 .500 .600 .700 .800, .900 .1000 ,1100 1200 Carolina (7 w) b 1 blk w of Plum, ext e to S Cherry Pt-ivate Property. . .100 Plum 200 S Walnut.... 300 S Cherry Carson (6 w) b at Austin, ext e to Ervin Austin 100 N Hackberry 200 N Olive 300 NPine 400 Willow 500 Muncey 600 N Palmetto av 700 Pierce av .... .... 800 SpofEord av 900 Rogers . ...1000 N New Braunfels avllOO Benton 1200 Calhoun 1300 Frank 1500 Laurens 1600 Shirley Roper 1700 Ash Edgar , .-. 1800 Moore 1900 Ervin Carter av (2 w C V) b at Pleas- anton rd, ext w to Sullivan av Casino (1 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s 1 blk to W Market ( 1 w) b at S Flores, ext w to San Pedro cre'k, crossing Mock- ert Cassiano (1 w) b at S Flores, ext w to Nogalitos rd Castro (3 w) b at N Laredo, est w to Bucknam N Laredo 100 N Comal 200 N San Marcos 300 N Colorado 400 N Brazos 500 N San Jacinto.' 600 N Trinity . ..700 N Sabinas 800 N Navidad 900 N Calavaris .. .1000 N Zarzamora 1100 N Bandera 1200 N Hamilton av 1300 W Eighteenth 1400 N W Nineteenth... 1500 Bucknam Cedar (7 w) b at S Alamo, ext 1 blk s to Pereida Centre (7 w) b at Water, ext se to Santa Clara Water 100 Matagorda 200 Indianola 300 Newton ^-^..400 Santa Clara Centre, S or ST (6 w) b at Live Oak, ext e to N Walters Live Oak 100 Chestnut 200 N Walnut 300 N Cherry 400 N Mesquite 500 N Hackberry 600 N Olive 700 NPine 800 N Monumental 900 N Palmetto av . . . . lOOO St Charles 1100 St James 1200 N New Braunfels avl300 N Gevers 1500 Euclide 1600 Hudson 1700 N Walters Ceralvo (2 w) b at S Brazos,, ext w 2 blks to S- Trinity, crossing S' San Jacinto CevaHos, E (1 w) b at S Flores,. ext e to river Cevatfos, W (1 w) b at S EloreSj„ ext w to S Laredo Channing In Lake View Charles (5 w) b at Bracken- ridge av, ext ne 1 blk: to private property Chase In Lake View Chavez (3 w) b at N East,ext: w to N W NiheteeiS^ N East 100 N Concho 20O N San Saba 3tK) N Pecos *00 N Leona BJIP' N Frio .ff...^m N Medina .^\' 7JQ|0' N Salado SOO N Comal 900 N San Marcos IMO NCallaghan tm N Colorado .:^0 N Smith ."...1^0 N Brazos \..l^t)0 N Los Moras 1500 N San Jaeinto. . . . 11,6.00 N Pinto 170O N Trinity 1800 N Nueces 1900 N Sabinas 2000 NCibolo .^... 210O N Navidad..... 2200* 5 Chupederas 2300 N Calavaras ^^ N Eosillo ^0 N ^arzanotora 2(?00 NMurry 2700 N Spring 2800' N Hamilton av.... 2900 N W Nineteenth Cherry, N (6 w) b at E Cona- merc-e,ext n to Axf| B Commerce. S Centre. .... E Crockett. . . Starr .T'iu^. .^KfO Dawsan .*:f ^^ Nolan WO' Btirnet W> Hays .*?-. .,g&. .8\ia Lamar... .. .If.. -900 Burleson 1000 Sherman I'lOO^ Milam 1200' Austin 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. Eureka Hotel, Best Ventilated House in tlie City. ROOMS, 25c., 35c. and 5oc. per Day. " $1.50 to $3.00 per Week. Il5i SOUTH FLORES STREET, oear Military Plaza. JOHN J. LOESSBERG, DEALER IN Groceries, Hay, Grain, Etc., Cor. Avenue D and Tenth Street. ONLY FIRST-CLASS PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 211 A ugusta Street, STKEET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. iberry, S (7 w) b at E Com.' merce, ext s to West Fall av ! Commerce 100 rreeley daho 200 fontana .300 fVyoming 400 )akota 500 [Nevada 600 S^ebraska 700 owa 800 Victoria v^lrginia 900 ndiana 1000 ,,>elaware HOC Florida 1200 Carolina ... 1300 Denver Boulevard. Kssex 140C iWest Fall av Ibes^nnt (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n to Austin Commerce 100 Centre 2G0 Crockett 300 ^tarr 400 Dawson 500 Marr Alley ^oian 60r Burnet 700 Hays 800 Lamar 900 Austin i ChiIclr«>S8 (2 w C V) b at Baylor ext s to Fairmont av CItinpederas, 9F (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Perez W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 ^Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales 600 Perez C tiapederas, S ( 2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Tam- pico V/ Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 iSan Luis ;.. ... .600 Pan Fernando 700 El Paso 800 (Suadalupe 900 Colima 1000 Vera Cruz 1100 Tampico CI»>olo, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Perez W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 zavalla ..300 Chavez 400 Lake View av. . . . 500 Morales 600 Perez Cibolo, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Du- rango W Commerce 100 Baeua Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras. . , 400 Durango C^iivinanRti av, E (8 w W E) bat Fred- ericksburg rd, ext w to Lake av Fredericksburg rd. . 100 N Brazos T 200i N San Jacinto. . . 300 ' N Trinity 400 N Sabii)as 500 N Navidad 600 N Calavaras 700 N Zarzamora 800 N Bandera 900 Alexander av Lake av Cisx'innAtI aT, W (3 w AV E) b west side lake at Lake av, ext w to Russ av Lake av 100 Baldwin av 200 Neff av 300 Rouse av 400 Florea av 500 VVoolley av 600 Emory 700 College av 800 Epworth 900 Rnss av City (1 w) b at E Arsenal, ext s to W Johnson E Arsenal 100 W Sheridan 200 Johnson Alley W Johnson Clark a V (3 w W E) b at Ban- dera av, ext n to Don- aldson av Bandera av 100 Day av 200 Gaines av 300 Murphy av 400 Gordon av 500 Herff av 600 Flood av 700 John av 800 Donaldson av Claiiflon Rv (2 w C V) b at Hicks ext n to Culberson av Clement In Lake View Cleveland al (6 w)b atN Palmetto av, ext e to N Gevers N Palmetto av 100 St Charles 200 St James 300 N New Braunfels av400 St Martin av 500 St Daniels av 600 N Gevers Clifton av In Lake View Coctoeco In Lake Niew CoMinan av (4 w) b at Blanco rd, ext w to SAP track Blanco rd 100 Grant av 200 Michigan av 300 Capitol av 400 SAP track Colby In Lake View Coleman (6 w) b at Frank, ext e to Ervin Frank 100 Shirly 200 Ash : 300 Moore 400 Ervin CoUma (2 w) b at S Pecos, ext w to S Hamilton av S Pecos 100 S Leona 200 S Frio 300 S Medina 400 S Salado 500 S Comal 600 S San Marcos 700 S Colorado 800 S Brazos 900 S San Jacinto 1100 S Trinity 1300 S Navidad 1700 S Chupederas 1800 S Calavaras 1900 S ROsillo 2000 S Zarzamora 2100 S Bandera 2200 S Hamilton av College (5 w) b at St Mary's, ext 1 blk e to Navarro CoIle{u;e av (3 w W E) b at W Cincirmati av, ext n to Bandera av W Cincinnati av . . . 100 W Indiana av 200- W Virginia av 300 W Pennsylvania av . 400 Collins (6 w) b at N Hack- berry, ext e 2 blks to N Pine Colorado av (3 w W E) b at N Navidad, ext w to Woolley av N Navidad 700 N Calavaras 80O N Zarzamora 900 N Bandera 1000 N Hamilton av 1100 Williams av 1200^ Glenmore av 1300 Anderson av 1400 Baldwin av 1500 Neffav 1600 Rouse av 1700 Florea av 1800 Woolley av Colorado, N (3 w) b at W C;om- merce, ext n to Fred- ericksburg rd W Commerce lOO W Houston. 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Ruiz. 900 Lopez 1000 Delgado 1100 Rivas 1200 Castro 1300 Menchaca 1400 Lombrano 1500 Garza 1600 Granado 1700 Diaz 1800 Sandoval 1900 Fredericksburg rd Colorado, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Tam- pico W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis 600 San Fernando. .700 El Paso . .' 800 Guadalupe 900 Colima 1000 Vera Cruz 1100 Tampico 14 ADVERTISMENTS. DEALEK IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, Nos. 105 & 107 West Houston Street. All kinds of Furniture Bought and Sold. Furniture Carefully Packed, Shij^ped, Moved and Stored. GBO, B, DUBI^NIG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOUR AND FEED, A full stock of Bran, Oats, Corn and Hay always on Hand. 435 West Houston Street. DF?. J. p. SMITH, ■Office titted with all the modern improvements for doing first class work. Office, No, 211, St. 3Iary's Street. San A^ntonio, ^exas* Practical Watch and Clockmaker Repairing Done on SJior't Notice. 609 WEST COMMERCE STREET, Next door to Kalteyer's Drug Store, in the same building. A larare assortment of Jewelrv. Silverware. Snectaeles. Clocks. Etc. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLE-J GUIDE. Ma ^b at Rio Grande [t e to city limits mde av 100 Iment av .... 200 ... ■ 300 lav 400 iits bus av jilie View ,w b at W Com- e, ext n 1 blkbe- Eredericksburt: imerce ... 100 ston 200 300 400 lew av 500 s. 600 700 800 900 1000 .1100 1200 1300 ica 1400 mo 1500 1600 icksburg rd. s ) b W Commerce to S Laredo amerce 100 Vista 200 ey , ..300 oras .4:00 |0 500 lis 600 rnando 700 o 800 upe 900 1^ 1000 •Jruz 1100 oo 1300 do erce, E river, ext througli 3teries to city s 100 1 103 200 ph m .300 400 .'.'.'.'.".'.'. .500 600 Walnut 700 Cherry 800 Mesquite 900 Hackberry •. .1000 Olive. 1100 Piue 1200 Monumental 1300 S Palmetto av 1400 SNew Braunfelsavl700 Couolly 1800' S Polaris 1900 Varuas 2000 S Gevers 2100 Maryland Meerscheidt 2200 S Mittmau 2300 Dakota Haye 2400 S Walters 2500 S Grimes 2600 S Rio Grande av. .2700 Government av 2800 Grofton 2900 Garcia ave 3000 Terreld 3100 City limits Cowimaerce. Bf (6 w) b at E Com merce at Monumental ext e to Rio Grande av Monumental 1300 Pov»'der House. . . . Palmetto av 1400 St Charles 1500 St James . . . . 1600 New Braunfels av.l700 Polaris 1800 Gevers 1900 Mittman 2000 Walters 2100 Grimes 2200 Rio Grande av Commerce, W b at river, est w to city limits River 100 Casino 110 N Presa Navarro 200 Corcoran 228 St Mary 300 Yturri 314 Soledad 400 Main av 500 North Flores 600 Caraaron 700 Steves Alley Laredo 800 East 900 Coiicho 1000 San Saba 1100 Pecos. 1200 Leoua 1300 Frio 1400 Medina 1500 Salado 1600 Comal 1700 San Marcos 1800 CaUaghan. 1900 Colorado 2000 Smith;. 2100 JJrazos 2200 Alazan Los Moras 2300 San Jacinto 2400 Pinto....... . 2500 Trinity 2600 Nueces 2700 Sabinas 2800 Cibolo 2900 Navidad 3000 Chupederas 3100 Calavaras 3200 Rosillo 3300 Zarzamora 3400 Murry. 3500 Bandera 3G00 Spring 3700 Hamilton av.. . 3800 W Nineteenth 4200 City limits (5 w) b at Martin, est n 1 blk to Riucon foEJfiinoiiwealtli av In Lake View Comeepeioii rd (7 w) est s from Gar- den to Mission Con- cepcion Concho, ST (3 w) b at Zavalla, est n to N Laredo Zavalla. 300 Chavey 400, Lake A^iew av 500 Morales 60o! N Laredo j Concbo, S : (2 w) b at W Com- merce, est s to San! Fernando I W Commerce lOOJ Buena Vista 200i Monterey 300J Matamoras 400 j Durango 500- San Luis 600; San Fernando Connolly (7 w) b at E Com- merce, est s to Ne- braska E Commerce 100 Wyoming 200 Dakota. 300 Nevada 400 Nebraska Convent Place (4 w) Changed to Augusta st Cooper (7 w) b at Aransas av,est e to S Walters Aransas av. ....... 100 S New Braunfels av 200 Washington av 300 S. Gevers. ....' 400 S Mittman .500 S Walters Corcoran (1 w) b.at W Com- merce, est 8 1 blk to W Market Corpus CS»risti ret (2 w) est s from S Flores at city limits Cartaz, (3 w) bat Fredericks- burg rd. est w to N San Jacinto Fredericksburg rd. . lOG N Brazos 20C N San Jacinto Craig- Flaee, .E (4 w) 1) at Main av, ext e 1 blk to McCulr lough Craag fi»Iace, W (4 w) b at Main av, est w to Fredericks- burg rd Main av 100 Howard 200 Belknap Place 300 San Pedro av 400 Breeden av 500 N Flores 600 Hill av 700 I & G N track Aganier av 800 Blanco rd 900 Grant av 1000 Michigan av 1100 Fredericksburg rd Crescent av In Lake View Cresson (6 w) b at Bracken- ridge av, est n to Ulrich av Brackenridge av ... 100 Stanley av 200 Terrell av 300 Ulrich av Crockett, E (5 & 6j[v) b at river, crosses Alamo Plaza, ext e to N Walters River 100 Losoya E side Alamo Plaza.200 Nacogdoches Bonham 300 Bowie 400 Live Oak 500 Chestnut 600 N Walnut 700 advj:rtisements. Louis F. Ullrich, CARRIAGE Painter 324: Elm Street, near Kampnianu's Fdctory, SA.?i[ AATOAIO, TEX, GOOD WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. ESTABLISHED ISiiO. 210 ELM STREET, between E Houston and Nolan Streets. C. M. WOLCKEN, Manufacturer, Repairer and Dealer in Wagons, • Carriages • and • Buggies, ^ 3^0. 224 South Flores Street. Ticket t Office, 101 E. Commerce Street. TICKETS TO and FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEl GUIDE. Cherry ...i?... 800 Mesquite . 900 Hackberry 1000 Olive 1100 Pine 1200 irion Monumeatal 1300 ,vis Way. Palmetto av 1400 Charles .......1500 James 1600 ^evv Braunfels avl700 :jevers 2000 iclide 2100 idson 2200 Walters 5 w) b at river, ext V on s side of river o St Mary irer 100 varro 200 Mary Croston al (6 w) b at Milam, ext n 1 blk to Duval Culberson av (2 w C V) b at Pleas- anton rd, ext Yf to Sullivan av Cnlebra av (3 w W E) b at N Sabinas, ext w to WooUey av N Sabinas 800 N Navidad. 900 N Calavaris 1000 N Zarzamora 1100 N Bandera 1200 N Hamilton av 1300 Williams av SPine 800 S Monumental 1000 Beze 1100 S Palmetto av 1200 SNew Braunfels avloOO Conolly • 1600 S Polaris 1700 Varii-as 1800 S Gevers 1900 Meerscheidt 2000 S Mittman 2100 Haye 2200 E Commerce S Walters 2300 S Grimes 2400 S Rio Grande av (4 w) b at E Romana, ext ne to McLane av E Romana 100 W Eiiihteenth 1400 Reynolds nckett Place, E 4 w) b at Main Kt e to Jones av in av den Cullough chal lespie ndall les av av, 100 200 300 40 L. •oOO 60C Glenmore av N W Nineteenth.. Anderson av Baldwin av ■ Neff av ... . Rouse av . ... Florea av WooUey av ,1500 ,1600 .1700 .1800 . 1900 .2000 CiiniberlaJiK In Lake V J av iew Richmond av Lexington av Baltimore av Trenton av Brooklyn av.. Erie av Atlanta av. . . Wilmington av. Day av (3 w W E) b at N Calavaras, ext w to city limits N Calavaras 400 N Zarzamora 500 N Bandera 600 San Antonio av ...700 Vollum av 800 Clark av • 900 City limits Delaware (7 w) b 1 blk w of Plum, ext e to S Pine Plum 200 6 Walnut 300 S Cherry • • 400 S Mesquite 500 S Hackberry 600 Victoria S Olive 700 SPine Delgado . (3 w) b at N Laredo, ext w to N W Nine- teenth .6001 N Laredo 100 •700| ^J Salado 200 ■ 8C0 N Comal. . .' 300 9C0 j^ San Marcos 400 ,200 300 .400 .500 \: >eliett Place, W 4 V7) b at Main av. :xt w to San Pedro ,v \m av 100 ward 200 ,wis 300 [knap Place .verick 400 a Pedro av afton av 7 w) b at Guenther, ixt S to private prop- rty Cyprpss. E (4 w) h at Main av, ext e to Brooklyn av Main av 100 Ogtien 20 McCnlloug-h 300 Brooklyn av av. at 100 .200 Jones av lOOOj ]Sf Colorado 5'^0 McLane av N Brazos 600 BKltoii al 'n San Jacinto 700 ((3 w) b at Milam, ext j^ Trinity . . .S^O Cyjuress, W (4 w) b at Main ext ■ w to ditch Denver Main av Howard ... Lewis • .300 Maverick 400 San Pedro av oOO Nixon 600 Ditch n to Duval l»arilm«HS;8» In Lake View UasliielS av (7 w) b S Mesquite, ext e 1 blktoSHack- i)erry DHTiSOJH In Lake View Davis Way (G w) I) at State, ext n 1 blk to E Crockett D Dakota (7 & 6 w) b at Goliad ext e to S Rio Grande N Pine. ttsby 6 w) b at Austin, ext i to Calhoun istln 100 Mesquite gackberry 200 Dlive 3001 av | Pine 4001 Goliad 100 How 500! Peach mcey 600 Plum 200 Palmetto av 70o! S Walnut 300 300! S Chei-rv 400 ..500 ..600 N Sabinas 900 N Navidad 1000 N Calavaras 1100 N Zarzamora 1200 N Bandera 1400! N Hamilton av 1600 W Eii-hteeuth 1800 N West Nineteenth D^^tiinar (7 w S H)b at Aran- sas av, ext e to S Walters Dawson • Aransas av 100 (6 w) b at ditch, ext| g Palmetto av 20O e to N Walters | Skinner av 300 Ditch Elm Live Oak \ 200 g Gevers 60O Chestnut 300 s Mittman 700 N Walnut 400 g Walters \ jqq' S New Braunfels av 400' J i Washington av 500 N Cherry 500 N Mesquite 600 N Hackberry 700 N Olive 800 irce av ... ofEord av 900i S Mesquite. . gers lOCOJ S Hackberry ^ew Braunfels avllOO; Cactus nton 1200| S Olive Ihoun ,700 900 N Monumental 1000 N Palmetto av 1200 St Charles 1300 St James 1400 N New Braunfels avloOO St Martui av 1600 St Daniels av 1700 N Gevers 1800 Euclide 1900 Hudson 2000 Spruce I N Walters Del Rio (6 w)b at Rio Grande av,ext e to city limits Rio Grande av 100 Government av 200 Grofton 300 Garcia av 40O City limits Denver (4 w)b at W Cypress, ext sw to Camaron W Cypress 100 Woodlief 200 Nesbit N Flores -> . . . 300 Camaron 18 ADVERTISEMENTS. SUNSET NURSERY 1220 E. Cotnmerce Street. Ot_j.t F^lo-v^^^ir^^t F^lor-etl ZDes LANDSCAPE GARDENING, Etc-., Etc-.. Etc. T, ■W {« C3 H c: ^ !*«( c u CS C3 +j ■w w IN « « cc k AZAMO IB ON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINISTS. NATURAL HOT SULPHUR NATATORIUM AT THE Southwestern j* Parl^, The springs arise from an artesian well, 1,822 feet deep. The temp- erature is 104 degrees. The best scientific authorities are recommending its healing powers for Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver anl( Sl(in Diseases as well as in all cases of blood poisoning and diseases arising from it. MINERAL WATER ANALYSIS. Results estimated in grains per U. S. standard galbm, at the State University, Austin, Texas. Sulphate of Magnesia 28.4593 Sulphate of Potassa 2.5279 Sulphate of Lime 126.3693 Sulphate of Strontia 6417 Sulphate of Baryta, .trace. Chloride of Sodium 64.7738 Chloride of Magnesium .. . 13.9496 Carbonate of Magnesia 13.2440 Carbonate of Lythia .trace Sesqui oxide of Iron 1341 Aluminium Oxide 0482 Silica Dioxide 4722 Phcjsphate of Soda 0246 Iodide of Sodium 0164 Bromide of Sodium 3612 Organic matter 46.3628 Total solids per gallon 297.3851 At 60-O F. —cubic inches of gas per gallon. Sulphuratted hydrogen gas o'^m o Carbonic acid gas ■/,■ a ■ \iLTy\v\ri.i. • . * tv, . ■■ ■ ^ STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. mver Boulevard (7 w S H) b at e- Cherry, ext e to b Walters Cherry 100 Mesquite 200 Hackberry 300 Olive ,.40f Pine 501 [aryland av.. 60i Palmetto av 70( kinner av 80' New BruonMs av.90 ''ashiivutou av ..lOO' Gevers 110< Mittman.. .,..120t Walters eVilbiss (6 w) b at Teuth, ext ne 1 blk, then e 1 blk to Austin (7 w) b at S Presa, ext se to Labor fresa 100 lasher 200 iddle 300 .abor (3 w)b at Fredericks- burg rd at N Sar Marcos, ext w to N Ban Jacinto redericksburg rd. . 100 f Colorado . T 200 f Brazos 300 i Kan Jacinto Msn*>w]ty av (6 w) b 1 blk w of Frank, ext ne to St Johns rank 200 P..anrens 300 ioper 400 5dgar 500 ktoore 600 >t Johns l>i»IiMar (7 w S H) b at Aran- sas av, ext e to S Walters Aransas av 100 S Palmetto av 200 Skinner av 300 S r\ew Braanfelsav.400 Wjisbin^ton av 500 S (severs 600 :S AiiUinan 700 S Walters IVikloi'osa ( 1 & 2 w) b at Yturri ext w to S East Yturri 100 Dwyer av 200 W S Main plaza.. .300 S Flores 400 W S Military plaza. 500 Steves Alley., 600 S Laredo 700 S East Donaldson av (3 wW E) b at Fred- ericksburg rd, ext -w to Clark av- Fredericksburg rd. . 100 N Bandera 200 San Antonio av.. . 300 VoUnm av '..400 Clark av JDonehne (4 w) b at E Qaincy, ext nw to Jones av E Quincy 300 E Ehmra 400 E Macon 500 Jones av Dover (6 w) b at N Pine,ext e to N New Jjraunfels av N Pine 100 Willow.. 200 Muncey 300 N Palmetto av 400 Pierce av 600 Spofford av GOO Rogers 700 Henderson N New Braunfels av I>rejss (7 w) b at Montana, ext s 1 blk to Wyom- Dnftield (4 w) b at ditch, ext n to W Park av Ditch . 100 W Laurel 200 W Evergreen 300 W Park av Dnnnlne (7 w) b at S Presa, ext e to private prop- erty S Presa .100 Kinney 200 Rucker 300 Groesbeck. ....400 Private property Dnrang-o (2 w) b at S East.ext w to S West Nine- teenth SEast ICO S Concho 2C0 S San Saba 300 S Pecos 400 S Leona.. 500 S Frio 600 S A'edina 700 S Sa ado 800 S Comal 900 S San Marcos 1000 S Colorado 1100 S Brazos 1400 S Los Moras 1500 S San Jacinto 160f S Pinto 1700 S Trinity 1800 S Nueces 190r S Sabinas. 200( S Cibolo 2100 S Navidad 2200 S Chupederas 2300 S Calavaras 2400 S Rosillo 2600 S Zarzamora 260 S Bandera 280C S Hamilton av 3000 S West Nineteenth' I>!ival (5 & 6 w) b at Oak, est e to N New Braun- fels av Oak 100 Austin 20C N Mesquite 30i Dalton Alley N Hackberry 401 Croston Al'ey N Olive 500 N Pine 600 Willow 700 Muncey 800 N Palmetto av .... 90' Pierce av 1000 Spoffordav 1100 Rogers 1200 N New Braunfels av Mwyer av (1 w) b at Dolorosa, ext s to U S arsenal Dolorosa 100 Nueva 200 Guilbeau 400 U S arsenal K Eagrer (7 w) b at Camargo, ext sw to S Presa Camargo. . . .* 100 Callaghan av 200 Leigh 300 Devine ; 400 Sadie 500 S Presa Eastman In Lake View East, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to N La- redo W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla ..\ ^^^ Obraje. . j Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales 600 N Laredo East, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to S La- redo W Commerce 100 Buena Vista \ .^q^ Doloroso J Monterey W Nueva 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 8 Laredo Eden (1 w) b 1 blk n of E Lachapelle, ext s 1 blk to Sunset track Edg'ar (6 w) b at Stevens, ext u to Carson Stevens 100 N S Sunset track. .200 Rullman av Johnson av 300 Diguowity av 400 Seguin 500 N p:ieventh Ashley 600 N Twelfth Jim 700 N Thirteenth Henry 800 Carson Edmonds (6 w) b at S Rio Grande av, ext e to city limits S Rio Grande av . . . 100 Government av . . . . 200 Grof ton av 300 Garcia av 400 City limits Edwards (2 w B) b at Baylor, ext s to Fairmont av Baylor 100 Lubbock 200 McLeary 300 Bigfoot av 400 Gl-een av. 500 Rip Ford av 600 Fairmont av 20 ADVERTISEMENTS. J. s. Court t Stenographer, ROOM 211, MACKEY BLOCK U AMES WAHRENBERGER3 F. A. I. A. ^ ir^c^hlte^c^t. REUTER BUILDING, Aiaino Plaza. ENTRANCE ON CROCKETT STREET. COAL. BINS. OIL. HOUSE AND OFFICE NEAR I. <£ G. N. DEPOT. AGENT FOR THE "Original" -McAlester ™^l'''°"' 386 INDIAN TERRITORY COAL >"vo COKE AGENT FOR Rocky ■ Mountain '\>il company, PUEBLO, COL. M. H. SCHROETER. Dealer in BEEF, PORK, MUTTON And all kinds of Sausages. 101 A VTrNTTTT. n r'n.-npr Train a StrPPt STEEET, AJENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. Sbtb (5 w) b at river, est se to Austin |ver 100 >enueB 200 enue C. '.300 enne D. 400 lion.. . . enue E 500 istin don (6 w) b at Alamo ditch, ext e 1 blk to N Pine ^lott (2 w B) 4 blks w of S Flores, b at Green av, ext n 2 blks (6 w) b at Starr, ext Q to Burnet arr 100 Houston I twson 200j tlan 300 irnet inlra. E [i w) b at Main av, ijxt ne to river lin av 100 chmond av xington av. ... . 200 Itimore av 300 enton av 400 ooklyn av 500 ie av , 600 lanta av 700 ilmingtou av 800 nes av 900 Lane av lOno inehue 1100 lley ..1200 v'er inira. W (4 w) b at Main av, ixt sw to N Flores j liu av 100 )war(l ,u Bnreu 200j n Pedro av 300 ekson 400 jcum PlUjCe 500 Flores Fa«o '2 w) b at S Laredo, it \V Arsenal, ext w 'O S Trinity Laredo 100 t^ecos 300 Leoua 400 B'rio 500 Medina 600 5alado 700 ~;omal son S San-Marcos 900 S.Colorado . '. . ... ,110D S Brazos ..1300 S San Jacinto 1400 S Trinity £]s1e av (2 w B) b at S Flores ext w 2 blks, crossing Post av • £]zafia In Lake View Emory (3 w A P)b at W Cin- cinnati av, ext n to Bandera av W Cincinnati av . . .100 W Indiana av 200 W Virginia av 300 W Pennsylvania av.40O Bandera av Kpwortli (3 w A P)b at W Cin- cinnati av, ext n to Bandera av W Cincinnati av. . . .100 W Indiana av. . . .200 W Virginia av 300 W Pennsylvania av.400 Bandeia av Erie av (4 w) h at river ext nw to ditch River .100 Oakland .200 Augusta. .30'1 Dallas. .. .400 Camden . 500 E Quincy .CliO E Elinira .700 E Macon .800 Ditch ErvJn (6 w) b at Seguin,ext n to Scott Seguin 100 Ashley 200 Jim 300, Henry 400' Carson 500 Gray ,.600 Coleman 700 Bee ..800 Hood 900 Vinton . ..; -...1000 Scott Essex (7 w S H) b at S Cherry, ext e to S Walters S Cherry 100 S Mesquite 200 S Hackberry 300 s niivp 4nn S Pine 50^ Maryland av 600 g Palraettoav. ... .'.70f tskinner av 800 S New Braunfels av90i Washington av 1000 SGevers HOC S Mittman 12C0 S Walters Encliil av In Lake View Eiiclide (6 w) b at Paso Hon- do, ext u to Dawson Paso Hondo 100 S Centre 200 E Crockett 300 Starr 400 Dawson Evergreesj, E (4 w) b at Main av, ext e to ditch at E Macon Main av 100 Ogden 200 McCullough 300 Paschal 400 Gillespie .500 Kendall 600 Ditch Evergreen, W (4 w) b at Main av ext w to San Pedro creek Main av 100 Howard 200 Lewis 300 Maverick 400 San Pedro av 500 Nixon 600 Duffield 700 San Pedro creek K / Fairbanks In Lake View Fairfax av (7 w) b at S Mesquite ext e 1 blk to S Hack- berry Fairmont av (2 w Beanville) Fannin (5 w) b at St Mary, ext e 1 blk to river Fest (1 w) b at S Flores, ext e to Probandt, nrnsainor Annlpwrhit.p null (5 vv) b at Taylor,c-;t se to Mamo ditcli Taylor 1 Avenue B - Avenue C 3 ' ' Avenue D 4 * ' Avenue E 50 J Alamo ditch First (6 w) b at Lamar,ext n to Sherman Lamar. . . 100 Burleson 200 Sherman Flood av (3 w W E) bat Fred- ericksburg rd, ext w to Clark av Fredericksburg rd. . 100 N Zarzamora. . . . 200 N Bandera , 300 San Antonio av . . . . 400 VoUum av 500 Clark av Florea av (3 w W E) b at Cul- ebra av, ext n to Lake av Culebra av 100 Kentucky av 200 Colorado av 300 W Texas av 400 W Cincinnati av . . . 500 W Indiana av 600 W Virginia av 700 Lake av Florence (6 w) b at N Pine, ext e to N Palmetto av N Pine 100 Marion N Monumental.' 200 N Palmetto av Flores, N (4 w) b at ne corner Military Plaza and W Commerce, ext n to W Summit av W Commerce . . . 100 W Houston 200 Obraje 300 Salinas 400 Rodriquez.. 500 Newton Alley 700 Kingsbury W Romana 800 Belvin W Elmira 900 W Macon 1000 Marshall 1100 Hill 1200 Warren "Wnlah ADVERTISEMENTS. DRS. JONES & BLIEM. Homoeopathic • Physicians, Rooms 1, 3 ami 5, Mackey Block. 313 I3A.^T 1-1C3T: J STPOn ^1' t^ECTSTr. Office Telephone No. 150. Hours: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 3 to 7 p. ni. (tfjice with Drs. Jones irapson 2000 ?tribling 2100 lelena 2200 ilein 2300 2400 San Pedro Creek. . 3aylor ubbock VIcLeary Mitchell Bigfoot av Grreen av Kip Ford av fairmont av 3race av Glenn av :.. Elsie av Boehmer av vjCity limits Tilden 400 Frank.. 500 Shirley 600 Ash 700 Moore 800 City tract line Florida (7w) b 1 blk wof Plum, ext e to S Olive Plum 200 S Walnut .. . ..300 S Cherry 400 S Mesquite 500 S Hackberry 600 S Olive Foard (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext eto Calhoun N New Braunfels avlOO Benton 200 Calhoun Forcke (7 w) b atWickes,ext ne to Mission Wickes 100 Adams 200 Mission Fountain (7 w) b at Goliad, ext sw to Santos Goliad 100 Victoria 200 Mt Zibn . ..... Santos Fonrllt* (5 w) b at river at Lexington av, ext se to Nacogdoches at Bowie Elver . ... ...100 Taylor.. ; . 200 Avenue C. 300: Avenue D 400 Avenue E 500 Nacogdoches Fowler (4 w) b at Blanco rd, ext w to SAP track Blanco rd 100 Grant av 200 Michigan av 300 Capitol av 400 SAP track Frank (6 w) b at Stevens, ext n to M St Stevens 100 Johnson av 200 Dignowity av . . 1 . . . 300 Seiiuin 400 N Eleventh 500 N Twelfth 600 N Thirteenth 700 Carson Gray 800 Coleman 900 Bee lOOO Hood 1100 Vinton 1200 Scott 1300 Wilson 1400 Silver 1500 Florian 1600 Herndon 1700 Bell 1800 Johns 1900 M St. Frederick (6 w) b at S Rio Grande av, ext e to city limits S Rio Grande av . . . 100 Government av 200| Grofton av 300 Garcia av 400 City limits Fredericksburg rd b at San Pedro creek at N Mores, Cameron, N Laredo, W Laurel, Garza, ext nw to city limits Garza . . . ..... ,100 G/^"^^'^ ) 200 N Comal J N San Marcos . . . \ oqq Diaz J Sandoval... 400 Hickman ClIl'tL'Z "I _„„ N Colorado...... / ^^" Kerble Blanco rd E Cincinnati av .. . 600 E Indiana av. 700 Michigan av. E Virginia av. . . \ „p,„ N San Jacinto... j ®" W Russel Place. . E Peunsvlvania av. 900 W Craig" Place .... Capitol av W Woodlawn av \ N Trinity. V 1000 Bandera av J Gordon av 1400 Herff av 1 ... N Calavaras ... r Flood av 1600 John av j ^ N Zarzamora. ... J Donaldson av. . . . .1800 City limits Frencli I'lace, F (4 w) b at Main av, ext e 1 blk to McCul- lousih prv »ii plaee, W (4 w) b at Main av, ext w to Blanco rd Main av.. 100 Howard 260 Belknap Place 400 San Pedro av 600 Breedeu av . . . 700 N Flores 800 Hill av 900 Aganier av 1000 Blanco rd Frio, N (3 Av) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Ruiz at N Laredo W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales ... 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Ruiz Frio, S (2 w ) !) at W Commerce ext s to Tampico at S Laredo W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 600 San Luis : 600 San Fernando 700 El Paso 800 Guadalupe .. 900 Colima 1000 Vera Cruz 1100 Tampico F»lton (4 w) b at Blanco rd, ext w to SAP track Blanco rd 100 Grant av. 200 Michigan av 300 Capitol av 400 SAP track G - ■^.*AM • ANTon^o.T6«X.• ~ -ALBERT-f- DtCKMANH -/\F<.CH'T. A. F. BECKMANN, Architect. No. 215 N. PRESA STREET, opposite Wagner's Bazaar. EUGENE DAVIS, Contractor qqcI Builder. Erected Building represented in above cut. DEALER IX Wall Paper and Painters' Supplies, No. 112 North Alamo Street, STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. Bat-i'ia av (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext u to Paso Hondo Harden (7 & 8 w) b at river, at Navarro, ext se to city limits Biver 100 iVilitta 200 BNueva 300 irciniega 400 Martinez 500 Kiu^ William .. Madison 600 3 Alamo 700 Pereid^ 1000 STelson 1700 City limits rarza (3 w)b at Fredericks- I burg rd, ext w to N W NiHeteenth Fredericksburg rd. . 100 Comal 200 San Marcos 300 Colorado 400 Brazos 500 San Jacinto 600 Trinity . . . 700 Sabinas 800 Navidad 900 Calavaras 1000 Zarzamora 1100 Bandera 1200 Hamilton av 1300 Eighteenth 1400 West Nineteenth ^orgre (5 w) b at Newell av, ext ne to Karnes Gevers, S (6 & 7 w)b at N" Com- merce, ext s to Park Terrace N Commerce .^100 Montana ..200 Wyoming 300 E Commerce 400 Dakota 500 Nevada 600 Nebraska 700 Iowa 800 Virginia. 900 Aransas av 1000 Vine 1100 Cooper 1200 Delmar 1300 Porter 1400 Denver Boulevard . 1500 Essex 1600 West Falls av .. . .1700 Park Terrace Ciibbs (6 w) b at N Hack berry, ext e to N Pine N Hackberry 100 N Olive 200 N Pine Oillesple (4 w) b at ditch, ext n to E Crockett Place Ditch 100 E Evergreen 200 EParkav 300 E Myrtle 400 E Locust 500 E Crockett Place Giraiid (4 w) b at Main av, ext e to Augusta Main av 100 Soledad ...200 Augusta Oleninore rv (3 w W El b at Cul- ebra av, ext u to Lake av Culebra av 100 Kentucky av 2')!) Colorado av 3 JO Lake av Glenn nv (2 w B) b at S Elnres ext w 2 blks. cross- | iiig Post av Gl«<*est«»r I (6 w ) b at N Pine, ext e to N Now Jirauiifels av "N Pine 100 Willow -.200 Muncey 300 N Palmetto av 40^ Pierce av o'^O Spofford av 60 "> Rogers 700 Henderson N New Bryunfels av Olorietta (6 w) b at N Mes- quite, ext. e 1 blk to N Hackberry Goldsmith (6 w) b at S Rio Grande av, ext e to city limits S Rio Graude av . .100 Government av . . .200 Groftou av .300 Garcia av 400 City limits Goliad (7 w) b at S Alamo, ext se to Peach S Alamo 100 Ditch 200 Water 300 Matagorda 400 Indianola 500 Labor Newton Santa Clara 600 Dakota Fountain Peach Goliad rd (7 w) from Peach to S Olive now called Victoria st Gonzales (7 w) b at Sycamore, ext e 1 blk to S Wal- nut Gordon av (3 w W E) b at Fred- ericksburg rd, ext w to Clark av Fredericksburg rd. . 1 N Calavaras. . r. ...200 X Zarzamora 300 N Baiblera 400 Sau AiUunio av . . .o'^O Vojluni av 600 Clark av Got? 9({ (3 w) mora. b at N Zar/a- ext w to N Hamiltou av N Zarzamora 100 N .Vlurry 200 N Spring 300 Iv Hamilton av Gov«'r>im«'nt av (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n to Paso Hondo Grace av (2 w B) b at S Flores ext w 2 blks, cross- ing Post av Granado (3 w) b at Freder- icksburg rd, ext w to N Sabinas, at Cule- bra av Fredericksburg rd. .100 N Comal 200 N San Marcos. . . 3O0 N Colorado 400 N Brazos 500 N San .Jacinto . . . . 600 N Trinity 700 N Sabmas Grand av (5 w) b at river, ext se to Austin River 100 Avenue B 200* Avenue C \ „qq River av j Aveuue D 400 Oak Austin Graudburr.y (3 w A P) b at Russ av, ext n to Bandera av Russ av 100 W Virginia av W Pennsylvania av . 200 Bandera av Grant (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext eto N Gevers N New Braunfels avIOO St Martin av 200 St Daniels av 300 N Gevers GrsiKt av (4 w) b 1 blk s of W Russell Place, ext n to Coffman av W Russell Place. ... 200 W Craig Place 300 W Woo^:llawn av . . 400 W Mistletoe av 500 W Magnolia av 600 W Wesatch av 700 W Mulberry av 800 W Aiiarita av 900 W Summit av 1000 Fowler 1100 Merchant 1200 Fulton. 1300 Coffman av Gray (6 w) b at Frank, ext 6 to Ervin Frank.. IOC Shirley 20C Ash 300 Moore 400 Ervin 26 ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY DRUG STORE, E. REUSS. PROPRIBTOR. Drugs, Ciiemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumeries, Fancf and Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescriptions promptly and accurately tilled at all hours. Charges alwa3's reasonable. 108 E. Commerce Street, near the bridge. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. ISSUED TO AND FROM ALL POINTS IN EUROPE. For price of Passage, Sailings, or other information, call on or address J. J. OLSEN <& SON, AGENTS, p. O. Box S73. .i'i'J J£a^t Hoiisto)i Strci-t, SAX AXTOXIO, TEXAS^ — i^«caMt»aa— egBi^i^«» m m m m r m ai^j^^^taM»a^^n^^^n«»»ii m ^ja— — — ^^^i»aip— ^an^ J. T. BHOWX. GEO. K. WOOD. BROWN & WOOD, Successors to J. T. BROWX & CO.. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hay, - Grain, - Produce, - Etc, W/i o Jesa le Co mm Issloii Me r chants, 221 North Flores Street, Warehouse on I. & G. N. R"y Track, Corner San Luis and Medina Sts, Write us for prices on Mixed and Straight Cars. Telephone 197. THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE IS THE CHEAPEST, THEREFORE PATRONIZE THE Post Office Drug Store, 111 ^^>w^e>imtlje:^ yd. Opposite West Entrance of New Post Office, near Alamo Plaza. We carry a full line of Fresh Drugs, Soaps, Perfumeries, etc. STKEET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. Grayson (5 & 6 w) b at river, ext e to N New Braunfels av River 100 Karnes 200 Avenue A. ....300 River av 400 Truehart 500 Austin 600 N Uackberry 700 N Olive 800 N Pine 900 Willow 1000 N Palmetto av ... 1200 Pierce av 1300 Spofford av... 1400 Rogers 1£00 N New Braunfels av Greeley i (7 w) b at S Cherry, ext e 1 blli to S Mes- quite Green av (2 w B) b at S Flores ext w to Nogalitos rd Greer (7 w) b at Lockwood av, ext e to McGinty, crossing Weiss av Grenet (2 w) b at S San Marcos, ext w 4 blks to S Brazos, crossing S Colorado Crimes, N (6 w) b at N Com- merce, ext n to Paso Hondo N Commerce . . . 100 Belmont 200 Paso Hondo Crimes, S (6 w) b at N Com- merce, ext s to E Commerce N Commerce 100 Montana 200 Wyoming 300 Maryland 400 Dakota , 500 E Commerce Groesbeck (7 w) bat Becker,cxt s to Dunning Becker 100 Lewy 200 Roseburough ... . 300 Hartwell .400 Gfofton av (6 w) b . at E Com- merce, ext n to Paso Hondo Guadalupe (2 w) b at S Laredo, ext w to S Trinity S Laredo 100 S Pecos 200 S Leona 300 S Frio 400 S Medina 500 S Balado 600 S Comal 700 S San Marcos 800 S Colorado 1000 S Brazos 1200 S San Jacinto 1300 S Trinity Guenthei* av (8 w) Changed to Croftonav; seeCrof- ton av Guenthef (8 & 7 w) b at river, ext se to Meerscheidt addition River >...100 King William 200 Madison 300 S Alamo 400 Crofton av 500 Stieren ., . . . .\ . . .' ,600 Meerscheidt ad Guilbeau (1 w) b at S Elores, ext e to river S Flores 100 Dwyer av ..... ..,300 River Hnckberry, N (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n to Ham- ilton E Commerce ....... 100 Paso Hondo.. .200 Gibbs S Centre 300 E Crockett 400 Glorietta Starr,.. 500 Dawson 600 Nolan 700 Burnet 809 Hays 900 Lamar 1000 Burleson 1100 Sherman 1200 Milam 1300 Duval 1400 Crosby 1500 Ord Van Ness 1600 Winslow Mason 1700 Carson 1800 Quitman Grayson 1900 Collin 2000 Hamilton Uackberry, H (7 vf) b at E Com- merce, ext s to West| Fall av E Commerce 100 Idaho 200 Omalia Montana 300 Wyoming 400 Dashiell Dakota .500 Fairfax Nevada 600 Hardeman Nebraska 700 Iowa 800 Virginia 900 Victoria Indiana , 1000 Delaware 1100 Florida 1200 Aransas av Denver Boulevard. 1300 Essex ..1400 West Falls av .„_,.„ ■ (7 w) b at Lockwood av, ext e to McGinty, crossing Weiss av Ilalstead (2 w B) b at Baylor, ext s to Fairmont av, crossing same streets as Knox Hamilton (6 w) b at ditch, ext e to N Pine Ditch 100 N Hackberry 200 NPine Hamilton av, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to E Texas av W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Huntington j Chavez 4001 Gould Lake View av. . . . 500 Morales 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Lopez lOOO Delgado 1100 Lyons Rivas 1200 Roberts Castro laOO Albert Menchaca 140O Micheljohn Lombi'ano 1500- Garza 1600 Culebra av 170O Kentucky av.. . 1800 Colorado av 1900. E Texas av Hamilton av. S (2w)b at W Commerce^ ext s to Parral W Commerce 100- Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis ....600 Colima 1000 Vera Cruz 1100 Tampico 1300' Parral Hampton rd In Lake View Hardeman (7 w) b at S Mesquite ext e 1 blk to S Hack— \'bx>rry Havney (6 w) b at S Rio Grande av, ext e to city limits S Rio Grande av . . . 100 Government av 200 Grofton av 300 Garcia av 400 City limits Harrison (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext e to> N Gevers N New Braunfels avlOO St Martin 200 St Daniels .300 N Gevers HartweH (7 w) b at S Presa,. ext e to private prop- erty S Presa 100 Kinney 200 Rucker 300 Groesbeck 400- Private property Harvard In Lake View Hawtliorne av pRED DINGEL i Special make of Store and Bar Fixtiires. Refrigerators, etc. Contractor and Stiilder Alamo Fire Ins. Building Residence 1210 Ave. D. SAN ANTONIO, TEX. JOHN A. ETTLER, ALTCtlitGCt^ Office, 3(1 floor Mackey Block., Rooin 316. G. G. BRADEN, Contractor for all kinds of Cement and other Sidewalks CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS and CEMENT (£ STONE CURBING. Work guaranteed for five j-ears. Best references given. Write for es- timates, as low as any for good workmanship. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. laye (7 w) b at E Com- merce, at Dakota, ext s to city tract line i! Commerce 100 STevada 200 Nebraska 300 owa .400 /ity tract line layes In Lake View lays (6 w) b at /Austin, ext e to N Gevers kustin 100 :;hestuut 200 Walnut 30i »r Cherry 400 ■f Mesqnite 500 i Hackberry 600 ^ Olive 700 'J Pine.' 80o ■f Palmetto av .. . .1100 it Charles 1200 it. James 1300 New Braunfel av 1400 St Martin av 1500 k Daniels av 1600 N Gevers Hern tl on (6 Tv) b at N Nevr Brauufels av, ext eto city tract line N New Braunfels avlOO Benton ....200 Honston, E | W Crockett Place.. 1100- (5 & 6 w) b at river,! Washington Place. 1200 ext 6 to Elm \ w San Pedro PlacelSOa River ....100 w French Place.. .1400 St Mary's 200 w Russell Place. . . 1500 Navarro. .300 Calhoun 300j Jefferson 400 Tilden 400 Losoya "I gQQ Frank 500; Avenue C J Shirley Ash City tract line .600 .700 Hickman (4 w) b at N Flores, ext w to Fredericks- burg rd Avenue D 600i w Wesatch av Avenue E 700 Nacogdoches 800 Bowie 900 Elm Hides (2 w C V) b at Pleas- anton nl, ext w to Sullivan av Hig'hland av In Lake View Hill (4 w) b at N Flores, ext w to San creek W Craig Place .. 1600 W Woodlawn av . 1700 W Mistletoe av.. 1800 W Magnolia av. . . 1900 2000 W Mulberry av 2100 W Agarita av 2200 W Summit av Henderson (6 w) b at Van Ness, ext n to Grayson ^an Ness 100 tjrlocester, Mason 200 Dover parson 300 Quitman . Grayson Helena (1 w) b at S Flores, ext e to Probandt Henry (6 w) b at Edgar, ext e to Ervin Edgar .' 100 Moore..., 200 Ervin Herff (1 w) b at S Flores, ext w to San Pedro creek Herff av (3 w V> ifi) bat Fred ericksburg rd, ext w to Clark av Fredericksburg rd. . 100 NCalavaras 200 N Zarzamora . 300 N Bandera , 400 San Antonio av 500 VoUumav 600 Clark av Houston, W (4 & 3 w) b at river, ext w to N West NinetBdUth River... 100 Soledad 200 Main av... ..300 N Flores 400 Cameron 500 N Laredo SOO N East 700 N San Saba. 900 Pedro! N Pecos lOOOJ N Leona 1100 N Frio 1200 N Medina 1300 N Salado .... ... 1400 Pedro Place, ext n toj >; Gonial 1500 W Summit av j >,: San Marcos 1600 W San Pedro Place.lOO! j^t Callaghan 1700 W French Place . . . 200, >,' Colorado 1800 W Russell Place 300! ^- Smith 1900 W Craig Place 400! jst Brazos 2000 W Woodlawn av . -500 j j;r Los Moras 2100 W Mistletoe av 600 j ]y gan Jacinto. . . . 2200 W Magnolia av 700; jsj piuto 2300 W Wesatch av 800 W Mulberrv av 900 Hill av (4 w) b at W San W Agarita av 1000 W Summit av HoTly In Lake View Home av (4 w) Strom Place Hood (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext e to city tract line N New Braunfels avlOO Benton . . . . • '-iOO Calhoun 300 Tilden 400 Frank 500 Shirley 600 Ash 700iWElnura 100 Moore 8001 W Macon ..... 200 Ervin 900 N Trinity 2400 N Nueces 2500 N Sabinas ...2600 N Oibolo 2700 N Navidad...-. . 2800 N Chupnderas 2^00 N Calavaras 30u0 N Rosilio 3100 N Zarzamora 3200 N Murry 3300 N Spring 3400 N Hamilton av . . . . 3500 N West Nineteenth HoTvard (4 w) b at W Elmira and Van Buren, extn to W Summit av Hndson (6 w) b at Paso Hon- do, ext n to Dawson Paso Hondo 100 S Centre 200^ E Crockett 300 Starr 400 Dawson Huntington (3 w) b at N Zarza- mora, ext w to N Hamilton av N Zarzamora lOO N Murry 200 N Spring 300' N Hamilton av Idabo (7 w) b at S Walnut, ext e to S Olive S Walnut 100- . S Cherry 200 S Mesquite 300 S .Hackberry 400 S Olive Illg av (2 w C V) b at Pleas- anton rd, ext w to Sullivan av Indiana (7 w) b 1 blk w of Plum, ext e to S Pine Plum 200 S Walnut 300 S Clierry 400 S Mesquite 50O S Hackberry 600 S Olive 700 S Pine findixna av. 'Ei (3w VV K) hat Fred- ericksburg rd. ext w to N Banuera City tract line Hooper In Lake View Hosack av (2 w C V) b at Pleas W Maple 30()i Fredericksburg rd. . 100 W Poplar 400; N San Jacinto 200 W Cypress. r/'O W Laurel ...600 W Evergreen ' 7iiO AV Park av 800 anton rd, ext Sullivan av w to, W Myrtle N Trinity . . . 300 N Sabinas 400 N Navulad .500 N Calavaras 600 . .900i N Zarzamora 700 W Locust. . ; lOOoi N Bandera -30 ADVERTISEMENTS. Alamo Sanitary Co. H. U: WALLACE, Pi-oinittoi: Cess Pools|s| Privy Vaults Cleaned ivUh a New and Odorless Process. BARRELS REMOVED. TELEPHONE 417. Office, 808 W. Commerce Street, San Antonio, Texas, J. i^obe:r^t, TAILOR. Successor to Val Lorra, Commerce Street, near the bridge. Suits Made to Order from tlie Finest Imported or Domestic Cloth AT 3IOnEBATB PBJ.CJES. Only First-Class Workmen Employed and the best Trimmings Used. A Fit Guaranteed. Give me a Call. J. F. JONES. W. J. PAGE. J. F.JONES & CO. DEALEUS IN Sheet Music, Strings and General Musical Merchandise. Agents for New Home Sewing Mactiines. No. 224 W Commerce Street. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. J. B. OLSEN. C. M"A. WALKK. OLSEN & WALKE, Dealers in ' FURNITURE. CARPETS. Etc. MOVING AND PACKING A SPECIALTY. 322 East Houston St., SAN flNTONIO, TEXAS. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. ndiana av, W (3 w W E) b at Lake av, ext w to Russ av ;ake av 100 feff av 200 louse av 300 'lorea av 400 \^oolley av 500 imory 600 loUege av. . . .700 ;p\vorth 800 ^ey 900 luss av ndlanola (7 w) b at Lafitte.ext sw to Camargo ^afitte 100 ^'orth 200 "entre 300 ^OTith.. 400 TOliad f,00 '^ictoria GOO ^avaca 700 v»'fu Hack berry 600 i Olive 700 5 Pine 800 3eze 1000 S Palmetto av 1100 > New Braunlels avl400 "^ (Ttvers 1800 .Mi'orscheidt 1900 s Mittmau 2000 ll.iye 2100 ^ W altars J .tnvUaon I (4 vv) b at W Ro- I niaua, ext nw to Lltica at Poplar W Homana . . . . 100 W Quiucy 200 W Klraira 300 W Macon 400 Marshall 500 Warreu «00 Utica -James (5 w) b at river, ext e to River av River 100 Karnes 200 Avenue A. ... .300 Avenue B. . 400 River av Jay« (7 w) b at Lockwood av, ext e to McGinty, crossing Weiss av Jefferson (5 w) b atE Houston ext u to Martin E Houston 100| Travis 200 Pecan 300 Martin Jewett In Lake View Jim (6 w) b at Edgar, ext e to Ervin Edgar 100 Moore 200 Ervin JolinN (f. w) b at N New Bra u off Is av, exte to city tract line N New Brauafelsav 100 Beuton 200 Calhoun 300 Tilden 400 Frank 500 Shirley 600 City tract line Jotan av (3 wW E) b at Fred- ericksburg rd, ext w to Clark av Fredericksburg rd. . 100 N Baadera 200 San Antonio av ... 300 VoUum av 400 Clark av JoEiiison al (1 w) b at S Flores, ext e to City, cross- ing Calvert and Bois- d"Arc Joliiison av (() w) b 1 blk w of Frank, ext e to St Jolins Frank 200 Laurens 300 Roper 400 Edgar..... 500 Moore 600 St Johns Jolinson, E (8 w) b at river, ext se to S Alamo, at Wickes River 100 King William 200 Madison 300 S Alamo Johnson, W (1 w) b at S Flores, ext e to river S Flores 100 Calvert 200 City 400 River Jonas (4 w) b at W Laurel, ext n 1 blk to Gibbs' property Jones av (4 w) b at river, at Grand av, ext nw to Ostrom Place River. 100 Dallas . . . 400 Camden 500 E Quincy 600 E Elmira 700 E Macon 800 E Park av 1000 Donehue E Myrtle 1100 E Locust 1200 E Crockett Place. . 1300 W Josephine E San Pedro Place 1500 rndo Providence Ostrom Place Josephine, K (5 & 6 vv) b at river, ext e to Austin River. . . 100 River street 200 Karnes 300 Avenue A 400 River av 500 Truehart 600 A ustiu Josephine, W (4 w) b at river, ext nw to Jones av Karnes (5 w) b at Newell av, ext n to E Josephine Newell av 100 George James 200 Grayson 500 E Josephine Kehoe av (2 w C V) b at Hicks, ext n to Culberson Keller (1 w) b at S Flores, ext w to San Pedro creek S Flores 100 Nogalitos 200 Street, no name. .300 San Pedro creek Kelley (4 w) b at E Quincy, ext n 1 blk to E El- mira Kendall (4 w) b at ditch, ext n to E Crockett Place Ditch 100 E Evergreen 200 E Park av 300 E Myrtle 400 E Locust 500 E Crockett Place Kenilworth av In Lake View KentncU.y av (3 w W E) b at N Sabinas, ext w to Woolley av N Sabinas 600 N Navidad 700 N Calavaras 800 N Zarzamora 900 N Bandera 1000 N Hamilton av 1100 Williams av 1200 Glenmore av 1300 Anderson av 1400 Baldwin av 1500 Neff av 1600 Rouse av 1700 Florea av 1800 Woolley av Kerble (4 w) b at N Flores, ext w to Fredericks- burg rd Kerr (2 w)b at S San Mar- cos, ext w to S Brazos S San Marcos 100 S Colorado 200 S Brazos Key (3 w A P) b at Russ av, ext n to Bandera av Russ av 100 W Indiana av W Virginia av 200 W Pennsylvania av.300 Bandera av King (2 w B) b at Baylor, ext s to Fairmont av, crossing same streets as Knox Kingsbury (4 w) b at N Flores, ext w to San Pedro creek N Flores 100 L street California 200 Camaron San Pedro creek 32 ADVERTISEMENTS. Roofing Material, ASPHALTUM, PITCH. TAR AND CEMENT, MADE JSY L. ALLEN & SON, 703 E. Crockett St. 'rE;i^E:;3F»p^c»a:E; -^sy. Ailing & Ciimiii^^ Carriages, Surreys, Phaetons, Etc. MILBURN FARM AND SPRING^ WAGONS. 117 Alamo Street, and 116 Losoya Street. SAN ANTONIO, TEX. E. B. ALLING. M. V. CUMINS FRED H. ALLING. DR. A. R. I Veterioary Surgeon, Residence, 322 Nolan Street, at Drug Store of Dowllng & Flood, Cor. Houston and Losoya Sts. All calls answered iDromptly and satis- -zi^H ^, faction guaranteed in treat- ing animals. Office Telephone 4-8. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. JOS, F. QUINN CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, AI^SO HORSE SHOJBR. 252 MARKET STREET. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. ing William (8 w) b at Garden, ext sw to Guenther arden 100 itrner 200 eaaregard 300 Skericlan 400 Johnson 500 uenther inney (7 w) I) at Lewy, ext s to Dunning ewy 100 oseburough ... . 200 :artwell. /. 300 lein (1 w) b at S Flores, ext w to San Pedro creek, crossing Mock- ert .nox (2 w B) b at Baylor. ext s to Fairmont av aylor 100 ubbock 200 le-Leary 300 igf oot av 40.0 reen av 500 Sip ford GOO airmoiit av Lnox ai (4 w) b at Upson, ext sw 1 blk to Camaron L" Street (4 w) b at Camaron, ext e 1 blk, then n 1 blk to Kingsbury ^abor (?7 w) b at Goliad, ext ' s to S Presa iMiad 100 ''ictoria 200 m. Zion erdido iaatos 300 avaca iefugio 400 amargo Jarrera 500 ^^ailaghan av ^ieigb , ...600 )evrae 700 ?adie SCO l^ance 900 5 Presa liacbapelle, 'W (1 Av) b at S Flores,! ext AV to Nogalitos (7 Av) b at Water, ext I se to Santa Clara | Water lOOJ Matagorda. . . . Narp La Salle Indiauola. , Sycamore 300 Santa Clara 200 a:,afee av, S wntl W Ssiile (3av W E) b at E ■Ciuciimati av, ext s, then UAV to WooUey aA' E Cincinnati av . . . . 100 E Texas av Willianis av 300 Glenmore av. . ... 400 W Texas av.. 500 Anderson av 600 W Cincinnati av . . . . 700 Baldwin av SUO W Indiana av 900 W Virginia av 1000 Artesian Place . . . 1100 Rouse av 1200! Flore,-!, av. . . .• ISOOJ V/oolk-y av (3 w W E) b ac E Cincinnati av, ext u, then UAV to Woolley av, crossing- Alexander av E Virgiuia av VoUuin av E Pennsylvania av Bandera av Clark av IiRlie Vaevy av (3 w) b at N Laredo, ext AV to Buckingham av N Laredo N East ..100 N Goucho 2i)U N San Saba 300 N Pecos 400 N Leoua 500 NFrio 600 N Medina 700 N Salado 800 N Comal .900 N San Marcos. 1000 N Callaghan . . ; . .1100 N Colorado 1200 ^N Smith 1300 N Brazos 1400 N Los Moras 1500 N San Jacinto. . . . 1600 N Pinto 1700 N Trinity 1800 iST Nueces 1900 N Sabinas 2000 NCibolo 2100 N Navidad 2200 N Chupederas 2300 N Calavaras 2400 N Rosillo 2500 N Zarzamora 2600 NMurry 2700 N Sprinii- 2800 N Hamilton av. ...2900 N West Nineteenth3200 Buckingham av Iiamas* (6 av) b at Austin, at Chestnut, ext e to K Gevers Austin 100! N Walnut 20o! N Cherry 300| N Mesqnite 400i N Hackberry 500' N Olive 600 N" Pine 700 Willow 800 Muncey 900 N Palmetto av... .1000 St Charles 1100 First St James 1200 N New Braunfel av 1300 St Martin av. . ... .1400 Si Daniels av 1500 N Gevers (2 AV B) b at Baylor, ext s to Fairmont aA', crossing same streets as Knox. I.i^ne (6 w) b at Bracken- ridge av, ext n to UI- rich av Brackenridge av. . . . 100 Stanley av 200 Terrell av 300 Ulrich av ILarecto, JN' (3 av) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Fred- ericksburg road, at Garza W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Obraje 300 Salinas 400 Lake VieAV av 500 Morales 600 N Concho 700 N San Saba.. 800 N Pecos 900 Perez W Macon 1000 N Frio Ruiz 1100 Marshall Lopez 1200 Delgado 1300 Rivas 1400 Castro 1500 Menchaca 1600 Lombrano 1700 Garza Fredericksburg rd. liaredo, S (l&2w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Parral W Commerce lOO Dolorosa 200 W Nueva 30O S East Durango 500 San Luis 600 San Fernando -700 W Arsenal El Paso -.800 Guadalupe 800 S Pecos Vera Cruz 1000 S Frio Tampico 1300 S Medina 1400 W Cftvallos 1500 Parral I^aSalle (7 Av) b at E Com- merce, ext s to Lafitte E Commerce lOO Narp 200 Latitte Xiatmre!. E (4 av) b at Main av, ext e to Paschal Main av lOO Ogdeu 200 McCullough 30O Paschal lianrel, W (4 av) b at Main aA> ext AV to Fredericks- burg rd, at Garza Main av lOO HoA^'ard 20O Lewis 300 Maverick 40O San Pedro av 500 Nixon 600' Duffield 700 Jonas 80O Fredericksburg rd Lianrens (6 av) b at Stevens^ ext n to Carson Stevens. , lOO Marr S P track, n side . . 20O Johnson av. . . Dignowity av 30O Seguin 40O N Eleventh 5G0 N TAvelfth 600, N Thirteenth 70O Carson 34 ADVERTISEMENTS. J. J. OLSEN & SON, OoalfCokiGand. Wood, Quality, "The Best!" Prompt Delivery. Full weights and measure. TELEPHONE 419. Yards at intersection of South Alamo and Aransas Sts., near S. A. & A. P. Depot. City Office, 322 East Houston Street, San Antonio, Tex. DR. WM. M. WILKE, Office, Rooms 7 and 8, Alamo Insurance Building, San Antonio, Texas. HOURS JO A. M. TO 2 P. M. Specialty: Surgical, Cl^ronic and Women's Diseases. Residence 133 Taylor Street, near Fourth. Residence Hours for Patients, from 6 to 7 p. m. E^ci. J^. 3effel, 318 E. COMMERCE STREET. F^ine Sign Pa^intin^. FLAGS AND BANNERS A SPECIALTY, H. L. ESTELL'S WOOD YARD HEADQUARTERS FOR CORD,STOVEanilKlNDLINGWOOD AND KINGSBURY SAND. TELEPHONE 69^. 4i)'4 BURNETT STREET, On Sunset R. R, Track, STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. ivaca (7 w) b at S Alamo, ext se to Labor Alamo ater 100 atagorda 200 idianola 300 Brdido 400 abor ayer (4 w) b at McCul- lough, ext e to pri- vate property eal (3 w) b at N Frio, ext w to N W Nineteenth Frio 200 Medina 300 Salado 400 Comal 500 San Marcos 600 Colorado 700 Brazos 800 San Jaeinto 900 Trinity lOOOj r Sabinas 1100 [ Navidad 1200 '.\ Calavaras 1300 r Zarzamora 1400 i^Murry 1500 if Bandera 1600 \i Spring 1700 if Hamilton av 1800 i>r West Nineteenth jee In Lake View (7 w) b at S Presa, ext se to Labor l> Presa 100 i:;anal 200 iEager 300 iRiddle 400 ILabor JLeona, ?r i (3 w) b at W Com- i merce, ext n to Perez W Commerce 100 W Houston... 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales 600 Perez liCona, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Vera Cruz W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis 600 San Fernando 700 ElPaso 800 Guadalupe 900 Colima 1000 Vera Cruz (4 w) b at W Maple, at Marshall, ext n to W Crockett Place W Maple 100 "W Poplar 200 W Cypress 300 W Laurel 400 "W Evergreen 500 W Park av 600 W Myrtle 700 W Locust 800 W Crockett Place liCwy (7 w) b at S Presa, ext e to private prop- erty S Presa 100 Kinney 200 Rucker 300 Groesbeck.. 400 Private property fijes:iiig'toKi av (4 w) b at river, at Fourth, ext nw to ditch River 100 Oakland ....200 Augusta 300 Dallas 400 Madison square Camden 500 E Quincy 600 E Elmira 700 E Macon 800 Ditch liive Oalc (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n to Austin, E Commerce lOOj S Centre I Blum 200! E Crockett 300| Starr 40ol Dawson 600 Marr Alley. ... ... j Nolan : 600 Burnet 700 Austin liOCkwood (1 w) b at McKay, ext s to Mitchell liOckwood av 7 w) b at Vanderbilt ext s to Baldwin, crossmg Jaye, Greer, Haggin, Astor Ian Pedro av 4ui' Jreeden av 500 J Flores 600 lill av 700 & G N track ^ganier av 800 ilanco rd 900 Jrant av 1000 ilichigan av 1100 Capitol av. 1200 >AP track Saber av (2 w V) b at Hicks, ext n to Culberson av 700 Main av (4 av) b at nw corner Main Plaza and W Commerce, ext n to W Summit av W Commerce 100 Veramendi W Houston 200 Alley Obraje 300 Alley Salinas 400 Rodriquez.. 500 Giraud . . . 600 Newton Alley Romana. Camden \ San Pedro av . . . J Quincy 800 Elmira 900 Macon 1000 Maple ....'.. 1100 Poplar 1200 Cypress 1300 Crockett Square Laurel UOO 'Evergreen 1500 Park av 1600 Myrtle ...1700 Locust 180C Crockett Place 190C San Pedro Place. ..2100 French Place 220C Russell Place 2300 Craig Place 240( Woodlawu av ... .250! Mistletoe av 2G0f Magnolia av 270t WeWch av.. ... .280C Mulberry av 2900 Agarita av 30 OC Summit av Main I»laza. E Side (1 w) b at W Com- merce, ext sto Dwyer av W Commerce .100 W Market.. 200 Dolorosa Dwyer av Main I»2»Ha. W Side (1 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Dolo- rosa W Commerce 10*" Trevino 20( Galan 30C Dolorosa Maple, E (4 w) b at Main av. ext e to ditch, at Bal- timore av Main av 100 Ogdeu 200 Ditch Maple, W (4 w) b at Main av, ext w to ditch Main av 100 Howard 200 Lewis 300 Ditch Margaret (6 w) Anderson Hill Marlon (6 w) b at E Crockett, ext n to Dawson E Crockett 100 May Starr 200 Florence Dawson Market, E (8 w) b at river, ext e ] blk to S Alamo Slas'lset, W (1 w) b at river, ext w to east side Main plaza River 100 Casino 200 NPresa 300 Navari'o 400 Corcoran 500 Yturri 600 Main Plaza Marr (6 w) b at Laurens, est se 1 blk to Poplar Mars- al (6 w) b at Live Oak. exte2blks to N Wal- nut, crossing Chest- nut Marsliall (4 w) b at Van Buren at Lewis, ext sw to N Laredo Van Buren 100 San Pedro av 200 Jackson 3C0j N Flores 600i Upson 700 Camaron 800 N Laredo Martin (5 w) b at river, ext e to Taylor at Third River 100 Common St Mary 200 Navarro 300 Jefferson 400 Taylor Martinez (3 w) b at river, ext e to S Alamo River 100 Garden 200 S Presa 300 S Alamo Marvin (3 w A P) b at Russ av, at W Pennsylva- nia av, ext n to Ban- dera av Maryland (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext e to S Rio Grande av E Commerce 100 S Mittman 200 S Walters 300 S Grimes 400 S Rio Grande av Mas-yland av (7 w S H) b at Aran- sas av, est s to Park Terrace Aransas av 100 Porter 200 Denver Boulevard. .300 Essex 400 West Falls av 500 Park Terrace Mason (6 w) b at Austin. ext e to Calhoun Austin 100 N Hackberry 200 N Olive 300 N Pine 400 Willow 500 Muncey 600 N Palmetto av ....700 Pierce av 800 Spofford av 900 Rogers 1000 N New Braunfel avllOO Beutuu 1200 Calhoun SVIassafbiisetts av In Lake View IVJ atagorda (7 w) b at Lafitte, ext, sw to Camargo Lalitte 100 North.. 200 Centre 300 South 400 Goliad 500 Victoria 600 Lavaca 700 Refugio 800 Barrera 900 Camargo 38 ADVERTISEMENTS. SUNSET WOOD CO. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FIRE-WOOD, COAL, ETC., HAY AND GRAIN Office and Yard, Cor. Lamar and N. Walnut Streets, ?S™cIfs."' SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. A. A. BUSCH, Prest. PHIL. CARL, Vice Prest. and Genl Mgr. Lone Star Brewing Company. STflNDARD flND PELSENER BEERS Unexcelled by Any Brand in The Market. • BOTTLING A SPECIALTY. "^HF" Telephone No. 13. JONES AVE., San Antonio, Texas. GEO. CAEN^S FRENCH DYEING and SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT, L. ALEXANDER, Manager. SOS e. HOUSTON ST. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. Matamoras (2 w) b at S East,ext w to S West Nine- teenth S East 100 S Conch© 200 S San Saba .300 S Pecos 400 S Leona 500 S Frio 600 S Medina 700 S Salaclo 800 S Comal 900 S San Marcos 1000 S Colorado 1200 S Brazos HOO S Los Moras 1500 S San Jacinto IGOO S Pinto 1700 S Trinity 1800 S Nueces 1900 S Sabinas 2000 S Cibolo 210O S Navidad 2200 S Chupederas. . . . 2300 SCa'avaras 2it00 S Rosillo 2500 S Zarzamora 2600 S Bandera 2800 S Hamilton av . . 3000 S West Nineteenth Maverick (4 w) b at ditch, est n to W Crockett Place Ditch 100 W Poplar 200 W Cypress 3'';0 W Laurel 400 W Evergreen 500 WPark av 600 W Myrtle 700 W Locust 800 W Crockett Place IHavericIi 6rove PSace (5 w) b at river, at ne end of Oakland, ext ne to river Kiver 100 Ninth 200 Alley 300 River May (6 w) b at N Pine, ext e to N Palmetto av NPine 100 Marion N Monumental. . 200 N Palmetto av McCracken av (7 w) b at private property, ext se to ' private prop'ty, cros- sing Adams McCnllongb (4 w) b at E Cypress, ext n to E Summit av E Cypress 100 E Laurel 200 E Evergreen 300 EParkav 400 E Myrtle 500 E Locust 600 E Crockett Place. . .700 E San Pedro Place . 900 E French Place . , . 1000 Yndo E Russell Place 1100 Providence E Craig Place 1200 E Woodlawn av. ) .^^^ Layer / Broad av E Mistletoe av 1400 E Magnolia av.. . 1500 E Wesatch av 1600 E Mulberry av ... .1700 E Agarita. av 1800 E Summit av McGinty 7 w) b at Vanderbilt ext s to Baldwin, crossing Jaye, Greer, Haggiu, Astor McKay av (I w) b at Probandt, ext e to river (4 w) b at ne end of Dallas, ext nw to E Macon Dallas 200 Camden 300 E Quincy 400 E Elmira 500 E Macon McL-eary 2 w B) b at S Flores, ext w to Nogalitos Medina, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext a to Ruiz W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla. 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Ruiz Medina, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to S Laredo W Commerce 100 Bucna Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis 600 San Fernando 700 El Paso 800 Guadalupe 900 Colima 1000 Vera Cruz 1100 Tampico 1300 S Laredo Meersclieidt (7 w) b at E Com- merce, ext s to city tract line E Commerce 100 Dakota .... 200 Nevada 300 Nebraska 400 Iowa 500 Virginia 600 City tract line Mencbaca (3 w) b at N Laredo, est w to N W Nine- teenth N Laredo 100 N Comal 200 N San Marcos.. . ,300 N Colorado 400 N Brazos 500 N San Jacinto . . . . 600 N Trinity 700 N Sabinas 800 N Navidad 900 N Calavaras 1000 N Zarzamora 1100 N Handera 1200 N Hamiltou av 1300 W Eiiihteenth 1400 N W Nineteenth Merctiaiit (4 w) b at Blanco rd, ext w to SAP track Blanco Road 100 Grant av 200 Michigan av 300 Capitol av 400 SAP track Merida (2 w) b at S Brazos, ext w to S Trinity, crossing S San Ja- cinto MestjHite, N (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n to Crosby E Commerce 100 Paso Hondo S Centre 200 E Crockett 300 Glorietta Starr ....400' Dawson 500' Nolan 600' Burnet 7001 Hays 800' Lamar 900 Burleson 1000' Sherman 1100 Milam 1200' Duval ISOa Crosby Mesqnite, S (7 w) b at E Com- merce, ext s to West Fall av E Commerce 100 Greeley Idaho 200 Montana 300 Wyoming 400 Dashiell av Dakota 500 Fairfax av Nevada 600 Hardeman Nebraska 700 Iowa 800 Virginia 900 Victoria ....... . . Indiana 1000 Delaware 1100 Florida 1200 Denver Boulevard. 1300 Essex 1400 West Falls av Micbigaii av (4 w) b at Freder- icksburg rd, ext n to Coffraan av Fredericksburg rd. . 100 W Russell Place. ... 200 W Craig Place 30O W Woodlawn av . . 400 W Mistletoe av 500, W Magnolia av 600; W Wesatch av 700^ W Mulberry av 800: W Agarita av 900J W Summit av IGOO Fowler 1100| Merchant 1200 Fulton 1300 C off man av Mictaeljohn (3 w) b at N Trinitiy, ext w to N HamiltonI av N Trinity . .10(^ N Sabinas ... ... .200j N Navidad ,. .3001 N Calavaras 400j N Zarzamora 500^ N Bandera 600i N Hamilton av 40 ADVERTISEMENTS. J. E. MUGGE. F. JENULL. J. E. MUGGE & CO. -DEALERS IN- GRAIN AJ\rjD HAY iV. B. Cor. JMilitajry Plaza, SAN ANl^ONIO, TEXAS. STEPHAN SEFFEL. EMANUEL SEFFEL. Stephan Seffel & Son, BLACKSMITHING, CARRIAGE-MAKING, REPAIRING, ETC. No. /i07 E. Crockett St., near Alamo Plasa. SAN ANTONIO, TJtXAS EDWAf^D PERSCH MAKES A SPECIALTY OF Corrugated and Other Roofing Iron, Galvanized -and Black Sheet Iron. Wire Cloth and Netting. Garden Seeds, Garden Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, As- phaltum Paint. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. STREET, AFENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. RHIam (6 w) b at Oak to N Pine ak Austin iST Cherry 200 ext e 100 N" Mesquite. N" Hackberry. . Dalton Alley.. \N Olive Grostoii Alley. NPiue .300 .MO ,500 (6 w) b at N Com- merce, ex.t n to Paso HoLido N Commerce lOO Belmont . .200 Paso Hondo Military PJazn, E Side (1 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Dolo- rosa IV Commerce lOO Trevmo 200 S Leona 500 S Erio 600 S Medina 700 S Salado 800 S Comal 900 S San Marcos 1000 S Callaghan iioo S Colorado 1200 S Smith 1300 S Brazos ... 1400 S Los Moras 1500 S San Jacinto 1600 S Pinto 1700 S Trinity I8OO ?«.?.'-i- His1S;:::-:;;:S I?Iiftiraati, S (6 & 7 w)bat N Com- merce, est s to Park Terrace N Commerce 100 Montana 200 Wyoming 300 E Commerce Dakota Nevada .600 ..600 3-aIan .'.'."! 300r^'^'^^''^^'*^^'^ ^00 Dolorosa Wilitary Plaza. W Side (1 w) b at W Com- merce, est sto Dolo- rosa Will Changed to S Alamo ; see S Alamo Kission (7 w) b at Pereida, ext s to private prop- erty Pereida 100 'orcke 200 5tiereu 300 ^Private property Iowa 800 "^"iJ'giina 900 Aransas av lOOO Vine 1100 Cooper 1200 Delmar 1300 Porter 1400 Denver Boulevard. 1500 ^^-'^sex 1600 West] Fall av IZOOJ Park Terrace Slocfees't (1 w) 1 blk w of S Flores, b at Klein, est! s 1 blk to San Pedrol creek tUstletoe av, E (4 w) b at Main av, est e 1 blk to McCul- Jough Slstletoe av, "W (i w) b at Main av, ext w to SAP track ,^Iain av lOo; iHoward 200 iBelknap Place 300 iSan Pedro av 400 IBreeden av 500 N" Elores 600 Hill av 700 [ & G N track nier av 800 Blanco rd 900 Grant av 1000 Michigan av 1100 Capitol av 1200 SAP track Mitcliel]. E (7 w) b at river, e to S Presa ext Hitcbell. ^V (2 w) b at river, ext w to S Flores Montana (7 & 6 w) b at Santa Clara, at Plum, ext e to S Rio Grande av Santa Clara lOO S Walnut 200 S Cherry 300 S Mesquite 400 S Hackberry 500 S Olive... 600 S Pine , 700' Dreiss 8O0! S Monumental 900| Povpder House. . 1000 Toledo S Palmetto av noo S New Braunfels avl400 S Polaris 1500 S Gevers I6OO S Mittman 1700 S Walters ISOO S Grimes 1900 S Rio Grande av Monterey (2 w) b at S East,ext w to S West Nine teenth S East . . .100 S Cibolo 2100 S Navidad 2200 S Chupederas. . .. 2300 S Ca^avaras . ..... 2400 S Rosillo 2500 S Zarzamora 2600 S Murry 2700 S Bandera 2800 S Spring 2900 S Hamilton av. . . 3000 S West Nineteenth MotusaffaenSal, N (6 w) b at E Com- I merce, ext n to Daw- I SOD E Commerce 100 I Paso Hondo 200 S Centre 300 State E Crockett 400 Starr 500 Dav.son MoBsiiniieMtal, S (7 w) b at E Com- merce, ext s to Ne- braska E Commerce lOO Montana 200 Wyoming 300 Dakota , 400 Paul Nevada 500 Nebraska Moore (6 vv) b at Rullraan av, ext n to Florian Rullman loo Johnson av 2OO Dignovvity av 300j Seguin . 400 Ashley 500| Main Morales (3 w) b at N Laredo, ext w to N W Nine- teenth N Laredo 100" N Concho 200 N San Saba 300 N Pecos 400, N Leona '. . .500 N Erio 600 N Medina 7OO' N Salado 800; N Comal 900 N San Marcos 1000 N Colorado 1100 N Brazos I20O N Los Moras 1300 N San Jacinto. . . . 1400 N Pinto 1500 N Trinity , . ,..1600 N Sabinas 1800 N Cibolo 1900 N Navidad 2000 N Chupederas. ..2100 N Calavaras 2200 N Zarzamora 2400 N Murry 2500 N Bandera 2600 N Spring 2700 N Hamilton av 2800 N West Nineteenth Morton al (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext e to N Gevers N New Braunfels avlOO St Martin av 200 St Daniels av 300 N Gevers Mt Vernon In Lake View Mt Zion (7 w) b at Labor, ext se to Peach T-ihor 100 San ta Clara 200 Fountain 300 Pear Peach MHlberry, E (4 w) b at Main av, ext e 1 blk to McCul- lough MiaSberry, W (4 w) b at Main av, ext w to SAP track Jim 600 Henry 700 Carson 800 Gray 900 Coleman 1000 Bee...., 1100 Hood 12G0| Vinton 1300I Scott 1400 av Howard San Pedro av Breeden av N Flores. . . , Hill av I & G N track Agauier av. . . Blanco rd Grant 100 .200 .400 .500 .600 .700 800 .900 s go^ciio 2oo| Wilson.: ■■.:::: : : : ■ isooi Michigan aV ■■.:.■■■ llm S San Saba 300 Silver '^ S Pecos 400,1 Florian 1600 Capitol av. SAP track ,1200 42 ADVERTISEMENTS. Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the American Veterinary College of New York. Office at Hutchison & Frankel's Stable.- Telephone 693. ELMENDORF & CO. NORTH SIDE MILITARY PLAZA. Gin, Farming, and Mill Machinery of all Kinds.. Mechanics' Supplies, Cassady Sulky Plow (warranted lightest draft made), Thrashers, Engines, Scales, Mowers and Reapers, Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Agents for the Celebrated Baker Perfect Barbed Wire. CORRUGATED AND ROOFING IRON. Cho^^. Jv. Sa^uGr & Co. General <> Insurance <> AgeQts,. Room 213, MacK^y BlocK, Scholz's Natatorium, (Lasoya Street. Next Daily Express Office.) The Only Artesian Well Natatorium in San Antenio. Baths, Adults 25 Cents. Baths, Children 15 Cents. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. Mnncey (6 w) b at Lamar, ext n to Carson Lamar 100 Burleson 200 Sherman 300 R R Reservation Duval 500 Sharer Crosby ... 600 Orel Van Ness 700 Glocester Mason 800 Dover Carson Mnrpby av (3w W E) b at N Calavaras, ext w to Clark av N Calavaras 300 N Zarzamora 400 N Bandera 500 San Antonio av .... 600 Vollum av 700 Clark av Mnrry. Bf (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Del- gado W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Huntington Chavez 400 Gould Lake View av 500 Morales 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 .Ruiz 900 iLopez 1000 Delgado Mnrry. S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Mon- terey W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey myrtle, E (4 w) b at Main av, ext e to ditch Main av 100 Ogden 200 McCullough 300 Paschal 400 Gillespie 500 Kendall .600 Ditch nyrtle, W (4 w) b at Main av, ext VF to N Flores Main av 100 Howard 200 iLewis 300 ! Maverick.. 400 San Pedro av 500 N Flores > N Kaclonal (8 w) b at S Presa, ext e 1 blk to Wom- bel alley Nacogdoclies (6 w) b at E Crock- ett, ext ne to Nolan E Crockett 100 E Houston 200 Third l^""'.'^ I 300 Bowie J Nolan Kanson (6 w) b at ditch, ext e 1 blk to Barnard Narp (7 w)b at Matagorda, at Lafitte, ext ne, then e to Sycamore Lafitte 100 Lasalle 200 Sycamore Sfavarro (1 & 5 w) b at river, 1 blk s of W Market, ext n to river River 100 W Market 200 W Commerce ... . 300 W Crockett North side river. . . .400 College . E Houston. .500 Travis 600 Pecan 700 Martin 800 River Bf avidad, N (3 w) b at W Com merce, ext n to Ban- dera av W Commerce .... 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Ruiz 900 Lopez 1000 Deliiado 1100 Rivas 1200 Castro 1300 Menchaca 1400 Lombrano 1 500 Garza IGOO Culebra av 1700 Kentucky av.. . 1800 Colorado av 1900 E Texas av 2000 E Cincinnati av . . .2100 E Indiana av 2200 E Virginia av 2300 E Pennsylvania av.2400 Bandera av Sfavldad, S ( 2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Tam- pico W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis 600 Guadalupe 900 Colima 1000 Vera Cruz 1100 Tampico Nebraska . (7 w) b at S Walnut, ext e to city limits S Walnut 100 S Cherry 200 S Mesquite 300 S Hackberry 400 Cactus S Olive... , 500 Spruce S Pine 600 S Monumental 700 Beze 800 S Palmetto av 900 S NewBraunfelsavl200 Couolly 1300 S Polaris 1400 Vargas 1500 S Gevers 1600 Meerscheidt 1700 S Mittman 1800 Haye 1900 S Walters 2000 City limits Keff av (3 w W E) b at Cul- ebra av, ext n to W Indiana av Culebra av 100 Kentucky av 200 Colorado av 300 W Texas av 400 W Cincinnati av . . . 500 W Indiana av Nelson (7 w) b at Adams, ext ne to Garden Adams 100 Pancoast 200 Pretzer av 300 Garden Kesbit (4 w) b at Denver ext nw 1 blk to San Pedro ditch Nevada (7 w) b at Peach, ext e to S Walters Peach 100 Plum 200 S Walnut 300 S Cherry 400 S Mesquite 500 S Hackberry 600- Cactus S Olive 70O Spruce SPine 800 S Monumental. ..1000 Beze 1100 S Palmetto av . . .1200- S New Braunfels avlSOO Conolly 1600 S Polaris 1700 Vargas 1800' S Gevers 1900 Meerscheidt 2000- S Mittman 2100 Haye 220O S Walters- New Brannfels a\, N (6 w) b at N Com- merce, ext n to city tract line N Commerce lOO Belmont 200 Paso Hondo 300 Dawson 700 Nolan 80O Bonnett av Burnet 90O Blaine Cleveland Alley .... Hays 1000' Arthur Logan Alley Lamar IIOO Harrison Thurman Alley Burleson 120O Grant Morton Alley ..... Sherman 1300- ?^^^^ 1X500 Seguin J Bowers Crosby 160O Eoard Ord Van Ness 170O Stafford Glocester Mason 1800 Sand Meyer Dover Carson 1900 Quitman Grayson Hood 2000* Vinton 210O Scott 2200 Wilson 2300> 44 ADVERTISEMENTS. AT THE Si Yom- clothes will be nice, sweet and clean if j'oii take them tci the Excelsior Steam Laundry Company. SmlHiflCive Us a Trial. Telephone 560. J. C. TIPS. C. HA ARM ANN. Tips & Haarmann, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Rakes, Mowers and Reaper.s, Hand and Sulky Plows, Cultivators, House Fur- nishing Good.s, Builders' Supplies, Me clianics' Tools, Stoves and Tinwax'e, 'Table and Pocket Cutlery, Nails, Iron, "Wagon Materials, Paints, Oils, etc. Old Nos. 18 and 20 \ New '' 116 and 120 f West Commerce Street, SAJSr ANTONIO, TEXAS. DON'T you KNOW THAT Clias. Magerstadt Corner Soiedad and Veramendl Streets, Makes the best work in cleaning and dying old hats, and will make any style hat to order. Hats cleaned and blocked at from 50 cents to one dollar. STEEET, AVENUE AND ALLEY. GUIDE. 2900 Iver 2400 orian 2500 erudon 2600 fackenridfije av. . 3ll T 270(> auley av )lins 2800 rrell av VI" street \ Irich av J Acas ... ictor 3000 adrews nckuey 3100 ty tract line Bw Kratmfels a-y. S (6 & 7 w) b at N Com- merce, ext s to Park Terrace Commerce lOf ontaua , 200 Commerce 'yomlug 300 akota. .' 400 3vada 500 iljraska 600 y\a 700 iro-inia 800 diaua 900 :ansas av 1100 )oper 1200 elmar 1300 )rter 1400 enver Boulevard . 1500 3sex 1600 est Fall av 1700 irk Terrace i^vell av (5 w) b at river, exti e to Kiver av ver 100 3orge ariies 200 ?eaueA 300 irenue B 400 ver av Kw Mstnipstiisre av In Lake View ewton (7 w) b at North, ext sw to Goliad orth 100 3ntre 200 DUtli 300 oliad Bwton al (4 w) b at Main av, ext V? to N Flores intb (5 w) b at Maverick Grove Place, ext se to Austin !averick Grove. . . 100 venue B 200 venue C .300 venue D 400 nion ustin (4 Av) b at ditch, ext n to \V Park av Ditch 100 W Cypress 200 W Laurel 300 "W P'ver^reen 400 Yi Park av (1 w) b at S Flores, at Cevallos, ext sw to city limits S Flores 100 Keller 2C0 Kehmau 300 Union 400 W Lachapelle 500 Cassiano 600 Striblin.ti" 700 City limits MoJnm (0 w) b at Nacogdo- ches, at Elm, ext e to N Gevers Elm ,100 Live Oak 200 Chestnut 300 N Walnut 400 N Cherrv 500 N Mesquite 600 N Hackberry 700 N Olive 800 NPine 900 N Palmetto av .. . .1200 St Charles 1300 St James 1400 N New Braunfel av 1500 St Martin av 1600 St Daniels av 1700 N Gevers Jfortli (7 w) b at S Alamo, ext.se to Santa Clara S Alamo 100 Ditch ...200 Rusk 300 Water i Matagorda 400 Indianola 500 Sycamore , Newton 600 Santa Clara North Eleventli (6 w) b at Frank, ext e to Edgar Frank 100 Laurens 200^ Roper 300 Edgar 3fortb TbirteentSi (6 w) b at Frank, ext e to Edgar Frank 100 Laurens 2,00 Roper 300 Edgar Sorth I'welHh (6 w) b at Frank, ext e to Edgar Frank 100 Laurens 200 Roper 300 Edgar (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Lake View av W Commerce . . . 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300j Chavez. 400 Lake View av | (2 w) b at W Com-| merce, ext s to Du- raugo W Commerce 100 Bueua Vista 200 Monterey 300 I\T atamoras 400 Durango Xn«va, E (8 w) b at river, ext e to S Alamo River 100 Garden 200 S Presa 300 Wombel Alley, .... . S Alamo Kiieva, W (1 & 2 w) b at river, ext w to S East River 100 Dwyer av 200 S Flores 300 San Pedro creek . . .400 S Laredo 500 SEast o Oak (5 w) b at Grand av, ext n to Truehart ad Grand av 100 Sunset Alley Milam 200 Twelfth ... .... Duval 300 Thirteenth ..400 Truehart addition Oakland (4 w) b at E Romana ext ne to river, at Maverick Grove place E Romana 100 Lexington av 200 Baltimore av 300 Trenton av 400 Brooklyn av 500 Erie av 600 River Obraje (4 & 3 w) b at Main av, ext w to N East Main av 100 N Flores 2C0 Camaron . 300' N Laredo 400- N East Ogclen (4 w) b at E Maple, ext n to E Crockett Place E Maple 100 E Poplar 200 E Cypress 300 E Laurel 400 E Evergreen 500 E Parkav 600 E Myrtle . 700 E Locust 800 E Crockett Place Olive, M (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n to Gray- son E Commerce 100 Paso Hondo 200 Gibbs S Centre 300 State E Crockett 400 Boston Starr 500 Dawson. .^ 600 Nolan 700 Burnet 800 Hays 900 Lamar 1000 Burleson 1100 Sherman 1200 Milam 130O Duval 1400 Brooks - Crosby 1500 Ord Van Ness 1600 Winslow Mason 1700 Carson ISOO^ Quitman Grayson Olive, S (7 w) b at E Com- merce, ext s to Park Terrace E Commerce 100 Idaho Omaha Montana 200 Wyoming 300 Dakota .400 Nevada 500 Nebraska 600 Iowa 700 Vii-giuia 800 Indiana 900 Delaware 1000 Victoria .... . . . . Florida 1100 Aransas av Denver Boulevard. 1200 Essex ■ 1300 West Fall av. . . .140C Park Terrace 46 ADVERTISEMENTS. HUGO & SCHMELTZER, WHOLESALE GROCERS —AND DEALERS IN— STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, FINE WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Bottled Beers of Anheuser and Schlits. Rosskam, Gerstley & Go's Whiskies. Agents for Western Texas for the Celebrated Hoffman House Cigars. Also Agents for the Hamburg American Packet Co. and the North German Lloyd S. S. Co. THE POPULAR FANCY GOODS and MILLINERY STORE ISSES KIRCHNER The largest assortment of Embroidery Material, Pilo, Etch- ing, Rope, Knitting and Crochet Silk in washable colors and imported Yarns Zephj'r. Saxony, White Rose, Spanish Yarn. Ice Wool, Shetland Zephyr and Crewel. A full line of Cor- sets and Waists. Sole agents for McCairs Bazaar Patterns and Hall's Bazaar Skirt Forms. We make a specialty of stamping of all kinds, and in Em- broidery and Fancy Work have no equal. HALL,S BAZAAR SKIRT FORMS. Complete Form, $6.50: Skirt Form to which the bust can be added, for $3.50. Bust Form, $3.00. 231 W. COMMERCE ST., SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. O. BERGSTROM, Pres. O. WAHRMUND, Supt. O. KOEHLER, V. P. and Mgr. HALL S BAZAAR SKIRT FORMS. X PEAR EXCELLED BY NONE EQUAL TO THE VERY BEST === Try it L. HUTH & SON, (THE OLD STAND.) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, PAINT, OIL 1 SEED STORE 503, 504, 6O0 W. Market St., San Antonio, Texas. —HEADQUARTERS FOR— D . Landreth & Son's Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. Agents for Harrison Bros. & Co's Town and Country Ready Mixed Paints and Colors. Brinly's Steel and Cast Iron Plows. Planet Jr. Horse, Hoe and Cultivators Gust. V. Brecht's Meat Cutters and Butchers' Utensils. Johnson's dry sized Kalsomine colors. Rosenthal's Paint and White Wash Brushes. Muth's Honey Extractors, Bee Smok- ers, Knives, Etc. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. aaaba (7 w) b at S Hack- berry, ext e to S Pine Hackberry 100 Olive 200 Pine rd (6 w) b at N Hack- bei'ry, est e to N New Braunfels av Hackberry 100 Olive 200 Pine 300 mow 400 uncey 500 Palmetto av 600 ierce av 700 Dofford av 800 ogers' 900 New Braunfels av nlmetto av, N (6 w) b at N Com- merce, ext nto Gray son Commerce 100 iso Hondo 200 Crockett. ... 400 sarr . .500 awson, 600 olan 700 urnet 800 laine leveland Alley ays 900 rthur ogan Alley amar '..1000 urleson 1100 herman 1200 uval 1400 barer rosby 1500 rd ;auNess 1600 locester [ason 1700 lover arson 1800 luitroan rayson 'almetto av, 8 (6&7 w) b at N Com- merce, ext s to Park Terrace r Commerce 100 lontana 200 1 Commerce Tyomiug 300 )atota 400 'aul revada 500 febraska 600 Iowa 700 Virginia 800 Indiana 900 Delaware 1000 Aransas av Delmar 1100 Porter 1200 Donver Boulevard. 1300 Esses 1400 West Fall av 1500 Park Terrace Pan^^oast (7 w) b at private property, est se to McCracken av, cross- ing Nelson Park av. E (4 w) b a1. Main av, ext eto ditch at Jones av Main av 100 Oi;-den 200 McCullough 300 Paschal 400 Gillespie 500 Kendall 600 Ditch Park av, W (4 w) b at Main av, ext w to San Pedro creek Main av 100 Howard 200 Lewis 300 Maverick 400 San Pedro av 500 Nixon 600 Duffield ... 700 San Pedro creek Parral (2 w) bat S San Mar- cos, ext w to S West Nineteenth S Sao Marcos 100 S Brazos 300 S Trinity 700 S Navidad 1100 S Chupederas 1200 SCaiavaras 1300 S Zarzatuora 1500 S Hamilton av . . 1900 S West Nineteenth Pasckal (4 w) b at ditch, ext n to E Crockett Place Ditch 100 E Laurel.. 200 E Evergreen 300 E Park av 40C E Myrtle 500 E Locust 600 E Crockett Place Paso Hondo (6 w) b at N Mes- quiie, ext e to city limits N Mesquite 100 N Hackberry 100 N Olive 300 N Pine 400 N Monumental. .... 500 N Palmetto av 700 St Charles 800 St James 900 N New Braunfel av 1000 N Polaris 1100 N Gevers 1200 N Mittman 1300 N Walters 1400 N Grimes 1500 N Rio Grande av..l600 Government av. ..1700 Groftonav 1800 Garcia av 1900 City limits Paul (7 w) b at S Monu- mental, est e to S Palmetto av S Monumental . . . 100 Beze 200 S Palmetto av Peach (7 w) b at Wyoming, at Santa Clara, ext s to Iowa Wyoming 100 Dakota 200 Goliad Nevada 300 Victoria Mt Zion 400 Santos 500 Iowa Pear (7 w) b at Victoria, ext s IblktoMt Zion Pecan (5 w) b at river, ext e to Avenue C River 100 St Mary 200 Navarro 300 Jefferson 400 Avenue Pecos, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Perez, at N Larede W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales 600 Perez Pecos, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to S La- redo, at Vera Cruz W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis 600 San Fernando 700 El Paso 800 Guadalupe. 900 Colima 1000 S Laredo Penn (6 w) b at N Gevers, ext e 1 blk to Second Avenue Pennsylvania av, E (3 w W E) bat Fred- ericksburg rd, est w to Lake av Fredericksburg rd . . 100 N Trinity 200 N Sabinas 300 N Navidad 400 N Calavaras 500 N Zarzamora 600 N Bandera 700 San Antonio av . . . .800 VoUum av... 900 Lake av Pennsylvania av, W (3 w W E) b at Woolley av, ext w to Russ av, at Marvin Woolley av 100 Em.ory 200 College av 300 Epworth 400 Key 500 Grandberry 600 Russ av Perdldo (7 w) b at Labor, ext sw to Barrara, at Ca- margo Labor 100 Lavaca 200 Refugio 300 Barrera Perelda (7 w) b at S Presa, ext w to S Alamo, at Adams S Presa 100 Garden 200 Cedar 300 Mission 400 S Alamo 48 advertisp:ments. EVERY VISITOR TO THE CITY SHOULD SEE BEAUTIFUL WEST END The linest artificial lake in the south, lighted at night by electric lights. Beautiful architectural beauty of over 200 houses. The tinest electric car sj'stem in the state. Fine artesian wells, flowing thousands of gallons of water every hour. Its phenomenal success is due to the pure air, attractive features and beautiful location. Handsome dancing pavilion and boats for rowing on the lake. Cars leave corner of Houston and Main AA'enue every fifteen min- utes for the place. ESTABLISHED 1855. CKENROTH, Manufacturer and Dealer in Buggies, <► Carriages, ♦ Ambu- lances, Spring Wagons. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS DONE PROMPTLY. 412 & 414 Market Street, Near Navarro, - SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. San f?otonio CorQice and Ornamental Worlds, WHITE & HCHUTZB, JPvops. Contractors of Galvanized Iron Cornices, Metallic Sky-Lights, Railings Crestings, Tin and Metal Shingle Roofing, Also, Iron-Clad Siding and Heavy Sheet Iron Work. All Work Promptly Attended to. WEST CROCKETT ST. NEXT STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. »rez (3 w) b at N Laredo, at N Pecos, ext w to N W Niueteenth Pecos 100 Leona 200 Frio 300 Medina 400 Salado 500 Comal ... ..... .600 San Marcos 700 Colorado 800 Brazos 900 Los Moras 1000 San Jacinto. . . . 1100 Pinto 1200 Trinity 1300 Sabinas 15U0 Cibolo 1600 Nauidad 1700 Clii'pederas. ..180n Calavaras 1900 Zarzaniora .. .2100 Murry 2200 Bandera 2300 Spring 2400 Hamilton av. . . . 2500 West Nineteenth eree av (6 w) b at Duval, ext h to Grayson ival 100 osby 200 M „ ^u Ness 300 jocester kson 400 jver .rson 500 litman •ayson ncfcney (6 w) b at N New Brannfels av, ext e to ,city tract line New Brannfels avlOO mton 200 ilhoun 300 Iden 400 ty tract line ine. N (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n to Stan- ley av Commerce 100 ISO Hondo 200 ibbs Centre 300 ;ate Crockett .. ..400 3Ston ;arr 500 awson 600 olan 700 Burnet 800 Hays 900 Lamar • 1000 Burleson 1100 Sherman 1200 Milam 13U0 Duval 1400 Sharer BrooliS Crosby 1500 Ord Van Ness 1600 Glocester Mason 1700 Dover Carson .1800 Quitman Grayson 1900 Collin Hamilton 2000 [iruckenridge av.. 2600 Eldon Stanley av Pine, S (7 w) b at E Com- merce, ext s to Park Terrace E Commerce 100 Omaha Montana 20C Wyoming 300 Dakota 400 Nevada 500 Nebraska 600 Iowa 700 Virginia f Indiana 900 Delaware 1000 Aransas av Denver Boulevard . 1200 Essex 1300 West Fall av 1400 Park Terrace Pinto, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Perez W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av 500 Morales 600 Perez Pinto, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to San Fernando W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis 600 San Fernando rinn (6 w) b at city tract line, ext s 1 blk to Virginia Plnm (7 w) b at Santa Clara, at Montana, ext s to city tract line Santa Clara 100 Wyoming 200 Dakota 300 Nevada 400 Victoria 500 Iowa 60( Viriiinia 700 Indiana Delaware 900 Florida 1000 Carolina llOO City tract line PoBarls. jV (6 w) b at N Com- merce, ext n to Paso Hondo N Commerce 100 Belmont 200 Paso Hondo Polaris, S (6&7 w)b at N Com- merce, ext s to Ne- braska N Commerce ICO Montana 20i Wyoming 30' E Commerce 40! Dakota 500 Nevada 600 Nebraska Poplar, E (4 w) b at Main av, ext e to ditch Main av 100 Ogden 200 Ditch Poplar, W (4 w) b at Main ay, ext w to Jackson, at Utica Main av 100 Howard 200 Lewis... .;. 300 Maverick 400 San Pedro av 500 Jackson Porter (7 w S H)bat SPine at Aransas av, ext e to S Walters SPine ....100 Maryland cv 200 S Palmetto av 300 Skinner av 400 S New Braunf els av . 5*^0 Washington av. . . . GOO S Gevers 700 S Mittman .800 S Walters 900 City limits Powder House (6 & 7 w) b at N Com- merce, ext s to Wy- oming N Commerce 100 Montana 200 Wyoming Preble In Lake View Presa, N (1 w) b at river, ext n to W Commerce River 100 W Market 200 W Commerce Presa, S (8 & 7 w) b at river, ext s to city limits Kiver 100 Villita 200 Nacional E Nueva 30O Arciniega ....... .400 Martinez 500 ^ Alamo I go(j Camargo J San Juan \ „„-^ Callaglian J Leigh Pereida 800^ Devine 90Oi oatlie Eager lOOO Vance llOO Riddle..... 12^^01 Labor 1300 Becker 21008 Lewy ■ 2200« Roseburough . . . 23'H> Hartwell. .'". 2400 Dunning '. .. .2500 City limits Pretzerav (7 w) 1 blk w of Gar- den, b at private . property, ext se 1 blk to Nelson Probandt (1 w) 1st street e of S Flores, b at E cmlI of Lovers' Lane, L.\t s to Mitchell Providence (4 w) between E Rus- sell Place and E Craig Place, b at McCul- lough, ext e tc» Jones av 50 ADVERTISEMENTS. F. H. yOLLRATH STAyDS ly THE FIRST RANK AS A SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOER l^°Treats all diseases of the feet and faulty gaits. All work guaranteed satifactory or no pay. 220 South Flores St. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Alamo Brewery . MAKES THE BEST Pale Vienna and Bavarian Bottled or Lager Beer. SURPA.SSBS BVBRY BBBR JiV THE JVIA.RKBT ASK FOR IT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FAMILY TRADE. CUT FLOWERS Fine collection of Green-hovise and Dec- orating Plants for sale, or will loan the same. Large assortment of Nnrsery stock. Roses, .Shrubs. Cacti and Or- chids. Grape- Vines . Fruit, Banana. Shade. Ornamental and Ever- green Trees at San Antonio Nursery Old No. 521 N. Flores st. New No.713 N. Flores st. F. B. RosenberQ:er. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. Q Incy, E (4 w) b at Main av, ext ne to river iia av 100 chmond av 200 xington av 300 iltimore av 400 entoii av 500 ooklyn av ...... .(lOO ie av 700 ;lanta av . . .800 ilmington av 900 mes av 1000 cLatie av 110'^ ouehue 1200 ell«y 1300 iver (4 \v) .h at Main av, ext sw to Slocum Place ail) av 100 an Bnren. . kn Pedro av 20Ci lick son 300 locum Place .Kifntan (fi w) b at Austin, ext e to N New Brauu- fels av ustin 100 Hackberry 200 Olive 300 rPine 400 r Palmetto av 700 'ierce av 800 ipofford av 900 Rogers 1000 J New Braunfels av R Retng'lo 1(7 w) b at Water, at 8 Alamo, ext se to Iowa Water 100 iMatagorda 200 Indianola 300 Perdido 400 Labor 500 lAlder 600 [Apple 700 Iowa Rebmann (1 w) b at Nogalitos, ext w to ditch Reynolds (4 w) b at Camden, est se 1 blk to Dallas at E Bomana Riclimonci av (4 w) b at Augusta, ext riw to Main av Augusta 100 Dallas 200 Camden 300 E Quiney 400 E Elmira 500 Main av Riddle (7 w) b at Callaghan! av, ext s to S Presa 1 Callaghan av 100 Leigh.. 200; Devine 300[ Sadie 400| Vance 500 S Presa Rife Jiv (2 w C V) b at Hos- ack av, ext u to Cul- l)erson av Rinoon (5 w) b at river, at Augusta, ext s 1 blk, then e to St Mary River 100 Common 200 St Mary Rio Grande av, N (6 w) b at N Com- merce, ext n 2 blks to Paso Hoado Rio (liraude av, S (6 w) b at N Com-^ merce, ext s to Ej Commerce I ! Rip Ford av i (2 w B) b at S Flores, ext w to Nogalitos j Rlpet I (2 w B) 1 blk w of S Elores Rivas (3 w) b at N Laredo, ext w to N W Nine- teenth N Laredo 100 N Comal 200 N San Marcos. . . , 300 N Colorado 400 N Brazos 500 N San Jacinto.. ..600 N Trinity 700 N Sabinas 800 NNavidad 900 N Calavaras 1000 N Zarzamora 1100 N Bandera 1200 N Hamilton av....l300 W Eighteenth 1400 N W Nineteenth River b at river, ext n 1 blk to E Josephine River »iv (5 w) b at Grand av, at Avenue C ext u to Alamo ileighLs Grand av 100 Twelfth 200| Thirteenth 300' Newell av oOO| James COO! Grayson 900 E Josephine 100;ll Ailing llOOj Appier 120Ui Brackenridge av.. City limits Roberts (3 w) b at N Zarza- mora, ext w to N W Nineteenth N Zarzamora 100 N Bandera 200 N Hamilton av 300 W Eighteenth. ... 400 N West Nineteenth Rndrtg'uez, £ (4 \v) b at Main av, ext e to river Main av 100 Soledad 200 Kiver Rtiiron$fb (7 w) b at S Presa, ext e to private prop- erty S Presa 100 Kinney 200 Kucker 300 Groesbeck 400 Private property Ru«illo, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Lake View av W Commerce ...100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake View av Rosillo, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Du- rango W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango Ross (6 w) b at Bracken- ridge av, ext n to Ul- rich av Brackenridge av. . . . 100 Stanley av. 200 Terrell av 300 Ulrich av ADVERTISEMENTS. D. J. Geddes & Sons, ROLLER FLOURING MILLS Corner Morales and N. Comal Streets. s^viNT ^^jsnrorsiio, TrE:x:,A.s. J. E. CONTRACTOR Al BUILDER BSTIJVIATBS CHBBRFULLY GIVERS. Address 827 Macon Street. HENRY CLEMENS Contractor and Bullcler Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Stone and Brick Work. Address Xo. 410 Lavaca Street, Corner of Labor. F. F. Collins. Pres. C. S. Austin. Sec. F. F. COLLINS MFG. CO. Horse Powers and Pumping Jacks and Tanks. General .stock of Mill. Gin and Watei- Supply Materials. Repairing of all kinds of Machinery a Specialty. mil iiiTmiin TTVIP SXaKEr, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. (7 vy) b at Lewy, ox: s to Duaning ewy 100 losebiifough . . . .200 [i^rtVifell.. ',... '300 )unniag tuiz (3 w) h at N Laredi), at N Fru), ext w to N W Nia-itot'Qth ' Frio 100 Meditia : iv.'.'.'UO Siilai'lo ;50U romal. 4-00 I San Marcos . . . . .500 ' Colorado .GOO f Brazos .700 ! Sail JaciiUo. .... 800 Trinity , ,<)00 SahiFias , .lOUU Navidiid liod f Calavaras 1200 I Zarzamora . . . l::iiKj " Miirry MOO Handera 1500 Hpriuir IGOO Hamilton av ... 1700 West Niiu.'teenth (6 vv) i) :it Hoper, ext c to St- .Johns • '■ ■ Kyn-v . . .100 ')outh {.■> ^v W E) h at W Cinc^!-'ii:iti -1 V, e.M nw to l>:Mi lera, av .V c'lnomiiati av. . . .100 \('y . . ■ •■■ - V Indiaiia av 200 jranl)urrv iV Virginia av. .. .300 iV Pennsylvania av.400 Vlarvin ... . Bandera av Ba.sse3l Place. £ (4 w) b at Main av. ext e Iblk to JMcCul- louirh rUf^et, no name. . . .?00 Belknap f lace 403 Street, no name ... 500 San Pedro av '. 600 Ureeden kv ■.....'. 700 N Florcd. ■ 800 iiill av 900 1 & G N track A^auisr av 1000 Blanco rd ..1100 Grant av . . . 1200 Michigan av 1300 Fredericksburg rd ■, ' s' ' Sabaitas, H (3 7?) n at T ^ot. - nrerctj. ext n to Baa dera av W Commerco. !00 W n-ub'.oa. ..... 200 Zavalla .'iOO Chavez iOO' I^ake View a.f 5'JO Morales 600 Perez ..•.<. 700 Leal 800 Euiz 900 Lopez ' . ;.. 1000 .Deluado 1100 Rivas 1200 Castro. .;. 1300 Menchaca ........ 1400 Lombiaao 1500 Garza ; 1600 Culebra av 1700 Keutncky av. . . ISO^i E Cincinnati av . ,2100 E Indiana av . . . , . . 22U0 E Virginia av . .... .2:300 E Pennsylvania av.2400 Bandera av Snbanas, S (2 vv) b at W Com- - raerce, ext s to Du- rango W Commerce 100 Buena Vis.ta 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Du range Sadie (7 vv) b at S Presa, ext se to Labor S Presa 100 Eager 200 Riddle.... ...... 300 Labor Salado, N (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext u to Del- gado W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez : 400 Lake View av 500 W orales 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Hu;x 900 Lopez 1000 Delgado Sal ado, S (2 TV) b at W Com ~ merce, ext s to Vera ^Cruz W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Irfonterey 300 IViy.ta moras-' 400 Durango ...500 San Luis 600 San Fernando 700 £1 Paso 800 Guadalupe 900 Colima ..1000 Vera Cruz Salinas, E (4 W) b at Main av, ext e' to river Main av 100 Soledad .200 River Salinas, W (4 w) b at Main av, ext w to N Laredo Mai-3 av 100 N FJores 200 Capiaron. 300 N Laredo Saltillo (2 w) b at S Brazos, ext w 2 blks to S Trinity, crossing San Jacinto San Antonio av (3 w W E) b at E Virginia av, ext n to Donaldson av E V^irginia av 100 E Pennsylvania av. . 200 Bandera av 300 Day av . . 400 Gaines av 500 Murphy av. .. 600 Gordon av ■.. . . . .. .70.0 Herff av .......'.'.. .800 Flood av. 900 John av 1000 Donaldson av (3 w) b at Freder- icksburg rd, ext w to N San Jacinto J-redericksburg rd. . 100 N Colorado 200 N Brazos 300 N San Jacinto San Fernando (2 w) b at S Laredo, . ext w to S W Nine- teenth S Laredo 100 S Concho S San Saba 200 S Pecos 300 S Leona 400 S Frio 500 S Medina 600 S Salado 700 S Comal 800 S San Marcos 900 S Colorado 1100 S Brazos 1300 S Los Moras 1400 S San Jacinto loOO S Pinto 1600 S Trinity 1700 S Navidad 2100 S Chupederas. ... 2200 S Ca'avaras 2300 S Zarzamora 2.%-0 S Hamilton av . . 2900 S West Nineteenth San Ferncando al (2 w) b at S Brazos, ext w 2 blks to S San Jacinto San Jacinto, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to E Virginia av, at Fred- ericksburg rd W Comm.erce 100 W Houston ••••.... 200 Zavalla 300 Chavey 400 Lake View av 500 Morales. 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Ruiz 900 Lopez 1000 Delgado 1100 Rivas 1200 Castro ....1300 Menchaca 1400 Lombrano 1500 Garza 1600 Granado 1700 Diaz 1800 ,Sandoval . . . . 1900 bortez: 2000 E Cincinnati av. . .2100 E Indiana av 2200 E Virginia av . ... Fredericksburg rd 54 ADVERTISEMENTS . MANVFACTURER OF TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE Dealer in Stoves and Ho'lo^'^ Ware, Etc. Special Attention given to Roofing, Guttering and Jobbing. PUMPS REPAiREo. 208 EAST COMMERCE STREET. HENRY H. HUNT, Contractor and Builder Office at Mechanics Plaining Mill on Avenue C. Cattle Stocked on my Ranch, Cula Vista, at mod- erate terms. Lots of Water and Plenty of Grass. SAN PEDRO SPRINGS Cool, Shady and Beautiful Natural Resox't. Open at all times to respectable people for Picnics, Private Parties, Entertainments, Etc. Band Music Every Sunday Afternoon. FRANK KRiSGH, SR., Lessee and Manager. C. JANNIS, TENT 1 AWNING MAKERS' SUPPLIES TARPAULINS, ETC. Teots and Tarpaulins for I^ent. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. Ian Jacinto, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to ralvo V Commerce 100 3uena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 [burango 500 San Luis 600 !3an Fernando . . . 700 El Paso 800 ruadalupe 900 an Fernando Alley polima 1000 San Patricio Alley Vera Cruz I lOO Tampico 1300 Parral 1500 Saltillo 1700 iMerida 1900 Ceralvo SSan Jnan Delgado 1100 Rivas 1200 Ce-i Castro ..;.. .1300 Menchaca 1400 Lombrano.. 1500 Garza 1600 Granado 1700 Diaz 1800 Fredericksburg rd San Marcos, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s 2 blks beyond Parral W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango . . 500 San Luis . . 600 San P«dro Place, W (4 w) b at Main ay., ext w to Blanco rd Main av 100 Howard 200 Street, no name 300 Belknap Place ...... 400 Street, no name. . . .500 San Pedro av ...... 600 Breeden av 700 N Flores 800 Hill av 900 I & G N track Aganier av 1000 Blanco Road San Saba, N (3 w) b at merce, ext Laredo W Com- n to N oxt sw 1 Presa, at av blk to S Callaghan San Fernando 700l W Commerce 100 El Paso 800i W Houston 200 Guadalupe yooj Zavalla 300 .400 .500 .600 (7 w) b at Camargo, Coliraa lOOO! Chavez Vera Cruz llOOl Lake View av Tampico 1300 Parral 1500 San Patricio al (2 w) b at S Brazos, ext w 2 blks to S Sau Jacinto San I^uls (2 w) b at S Laredo, ext w to S West Nineteenth S Laredo 100 San Pedro av S Concho 200 S San Saba 300 S Pecos 400 S Leona 500 S Frio 600 S Medina 700 S Salado 800 S Comal .900; Marshall 500 S San Marcos 1000' Maverick .1 , S Colorado 1100 Warren / ^ -^^ S Brazos 1300! W Poplar 700 Morales N Laredo San Saba, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to San Fernando W Commerce 100 Buena Vista 200 (4 w) b at Main av, Mouterey 300 ext u lo W Summit Matamoras 400 av {Durango 500 Main av lOO: Sau Luis 600 W Quincy . . , 200! San Fernando W Elmira 300| sand Meyer W Macon 400! {(, w) b at N New Braunlelsav, est e to Calhoun S Los Moras 1400! W Cypress 8'JOi Calhoun N New Braunfels avlOO Benton 200 S San Jacinto . . . 1500 S Pinto 1600 S Trinity 1700 I S Navidad 2100 S Chupederas 2200 S Calavaras 2300 S Zarzamora 2500 S Hamilton av ...2900 S West Nineteenth San Marcos, N (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext n to Fred- ericksburg rd W Commerce 100 W Houston 200 Zavalla 300 Chavez 400 Lake Viaw av 500 Morales 600 Perez 700 Leal.. ....800 Ruiz 900 Lopez 1000 W Laurel 900; js«„ta €lara W Evergreen lOOOj (7 w) h at S Walnut, W Park av 1100 ext sw to Santos W Myrtle 1200| S Walnut 100 W Locust 1300 Latitte 200 W Crockett Place.. HOol Montana Washington Place. ISOoi Phim . . W San Pedro Placel600j North 300 i W French Place. 1700! Centre 400 W Russell Place. . . 180o| Wyoming W Craig Place lOOOi Peach .... W Woodlawn av .20001 South . . . W Mistletoe av . .2100 W Magnolia av. . .2200 W Wesatch av 2300 W Mulberry av...2400 W Agarita av 2500 W Summit av San Pedro Place, E (4 w) bat Main av,j Labor ..... ext e to Jones av ] Santa Clara 500 600 Goliad Victoria Mt Zion Santos Santos (7 w) b at Labor, ext se to Peach 100 200 Sawyer In Lake View Scott (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext e to Ervin N New Braunfels av 100 Benton 200' Calhoun 300 Tilden 400 Frank 500 Shirley 600 Ash 700 Moore 800 Ervin Second Av (6 w) b at S Fourtih, ext n to Sherman South Fourth 100 South Third 200 Penn South Second 300 South First 400 Sherman Seg^nln (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext ne to Ervin N New Braunfels av 100 Benton.. 200 Calhoun 300 Frank.. 500 Laurens , . . .000 Koper 700 Edgar 800 Moore 900 Ervin Seventli (5 & 6 w) b at river, ext se to Austin, at Live Oak River lOO Avenue B 200 Avenue C 300 Avenue D 400 Avenue E 500 Austin at N Pine. N Palmetto Main av lOO! Fountain McCullough 300 Apple Jones av Peach .300 Sharer (6 w) b ext e to av N Pine lOO Willow 200 Muncey 300 N Palmetto av Sbepley In Lake View Sberldan, E (8 w) b at river, ext se to S Alamo River lOO King William 200 Madison 300 S Alamo oG A D VERTISEMENT8 . ALEX. SARTOR, (Established 1845.) The OLD RELIABLE Jewclrij House. Keeps the best assorted stock of Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Clocks, Etc. No. 114 Coromerce St., San flntoQio, Texas. LOWEST PRICES AND WARRANTED GOODS. iQter and Paper hjcmger 1014 N. Cherry Street. E.stimates cheei-tully furnished and satisfaction guaranteed. CHAS. C. BOELHAUWE. MANUFACTURBK Contractor and Builder' DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS AND BUILDERS SUPPLY. Oi'FICE AND FACTOl-Y: 325-327-329 Nacogdoches Street, Corner Fifth and Elm Sts. Telephone (il. ^)SA p- (a_[)ValLadc?^ fj> ^7^%. \ '^^" rlNEGLA^'t iWRYBE5T»i MTHEET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. ^bericlan, W (1 w) b at S Flo res, est e to river ; Elores 100 ;alvert ; . ... ; 200 Jois'd'Arc. ..-.' ';' . .300 ;ity 400 Jiver iherman (6 w) b at Austiji. at Grand av, ext' e to N Walters Lustin 100 r Cherry 200 I Mesquite 300 r Hackberry 400 J Olive 5001 J Pine 600 V^illow . 700 luncey 800 " Palmetto av 900, t Charles 1000 'irst t James 1100 " New Brauufelavl200 t Martin av 1300 t Daniels av 1400 ■ Gevers 1500 econd Avenue... . 1600 'hird Avenue 1700 ■ Walters hii'ley (6 w) b at Carson, «xt n to * (7 w) b at Dakota, ext s to Nebraska Dakota 100 Nevada ...200 Nebraska SSaiiley av (G w) b at ditch, ext e to N New Braun- fels av Ditch 100 N Pine 200 Barnard 300 Teadick 400 Oesson 500 Ross 600 Lane 700 N New Braunfels av SlafiiortI (G vv) b at N New Braunfels av, ext e to Callioun N New Braunfelsav. 100 Benton 200 Calhoun Sfnrr (G vv) b at Elm. ext e to N Walters Elm 100 Live Oak 200 Chestnut 300 N Walnut 400 N Cherry 500 N Mesquite 600 N Hackberry 700 N Olive 800 N Pine 900 N Monumental 1000 N Palmetto av.. . .llO'i St Charles 1200 St James 1300 N Gevers 1700 Euclide 1800 Hudson 1900 N Walters state (G w) b at N Olive, ext e to St James N Olive 100 N Pine 200 N Monumenlal ■ 300 Davis Way. N Palmetto av . . .400 St Charles 500 St James 58 ADVERISEMENTS. A. B. KERR & SONS, Telephone ii7'4. SAN ANTONIO WOOD YARD, ^ear Aransas Depot. Dry Cord i Stove Wood KINDLING AND ALL KINDS OF COAL. Prompt Attention Paid to all Orders. All kinds of Oak Timbers and Wagon Materia 1. Give us a trial order: and if you are not satisfied report to the ofQce. DR. HARLAN'S Medicated Vapor Baths WILL POSITIVELY CURE Dengiie and all manner of Fevers, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Syphilis, Blood Poisoning, Catarrh, Etc. Also to those who Suffer from SORE EYES I will say that TEMPLETON'S EYE WATER Will Positively Cure the worst cases of Sore Eyes; but of long standing Chronic cases it is better to come and be treated by Madame E. F. DUKE, Sole Projyrie- tress, Corner of BLUM and BONHAM streets, rear of Menger Hotel. J^^Price of Eye Water by express to any point in the United States . buyer paying all express charges, $1.25. R. C. KNIGHT. G. W. COTTIER. KNIGHT & COTTIER, Brick Contractors A^ddress 802 Avenue C S^JV ANTONIO, - TBXA.S. ONCE A CUSTOMER— ALWAYS ONE. PALfqCE STEAM LAUNDRY BJEN WOFFORD & CO., Proprietors. All Shirts lO cents. Undertvear lO cents a Suit. All work Guaranteed First-Class. Repairing Done Free of Charge. STREET, AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. St Charles (6 w) b at N Com- merce, extnto Sher- man N Commerce . . ... 100 Paso Hondo 200 State 300 E Crockett 400 Starr . .500 Dawson 600 Nolan 700 Bnrnet 800 Blaine Cleveland Alley .... Hays 900! Arthur Logan Alley Lamar 1000 Bnrleson 1100 Sherman St Daniels av (6 w) b at Dawson, ext n to Sherman Dawson.. ... 100 Nolan 200 Bonnett av Burnet 300 Blaine . Cleveland Alley . . Hays . . 400 Arthur Logan Alley Lamar 500 Harrison Thurman Alley .... Burleson 600 Grant Morton Alley Sherman St James (6 w) b at N Com- merce, ext n to Sher- man N Commerce 100 Paso Hondo 200 State 300 E Crockett 400 Starr 500 Dawson 600 Nolan 700 Burnet 800 Blaine Cleve'and Alley. . . . Hays 900 Arthur. Logan Alley Lamar 1000 Burleson 1100 Sherman St Jobns (6 w) b at Stevens, ext ne to Seguin Stevens 100 Sunset track 200 RuUmann av 30U Johnson av 400 Dignowity av . . 500 Seguin St Josepb (6 w) b at E Com- merce, ext n 1 blk to Blum StrtblInK (1 w) b at S Flores, ext w to Nogalitos Saliivan av (2 w C V) b at Hicks ext n to Culberson av St Martin av (6 w) b at Dawson, ext n to Sherman Dawson 100 s„mmit av, E Nolan 200! Bonnet av Burnet 300 Blaine Cleveland Alley Hays 400 Arthur Logan Alley Lamar 500 Harrison Thurman Alley .... Burleson 600 Grant b at W ext n to ... .100 .200 Morton Alley Sherman St Mary (4 & 5 w) Commerce, river W Commerce . . V.^ Crockett.... . North side river College . E Houston 300 Travis 400 Pecan = 500 Martin . 600 Riucon . . Eannin 700 River Stella (6 w) Anderson Hill Stevens (6 w) b 1 blk w of Frank, ext se to city tract line Frank 200 Laurens 300 Roper 400 Edgar 500 St Johns 600 City tract line Steves (2 w B) 2d of S Flores street w Steves al (1 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s 1 blk to Dolorosa Stleren (7 w) b at Guenther, ext e to Mission Guenther 100 Wickes 200 Adams 300 Mission (4 w) b at Main av, ext e 1 blk to McCul- lough Summit av, 'W (4 w) b at Main av, ext w to SAP track Main av 100 Howard 200 Belknap Place 300 San Pedro av 400 Breeden av 500 N Flores 600 Hillav 700 I & G N track Aganier av 800 Blanco rd 900 Grant av 1000 Michigan av 1100 Capitol av 1200 SAP track Snnset al (5 & 6 w) b at Ave D ext se to Austin Avenue D 100 Oak 200 Austin Sjcamore (7 w) b at E Com- merce, ext s to North E Commerce 100 Narp 200 Gonzales Lafltte 300 North Tampico (2 w) b at S Laredo, at S Frio, ext w to S West Nineteenth S Laredo ...100 S Medina 200 S C!omal ..400 S San Marcos 500 S Colorado 600 S Brazos 700 S San Jacinto . . . .900 S Trinity 1100 S Navidad 1500 S Chupederas 1600 S Calavaras 1700 S Zarzamora 1900 S Hamilton av . ...2300 S West Nineteenth Taylor (5 w) b at Martin, at Third, ext n to Fifth Martin 100 Fourth 200- Fifth TendicU (6 w) b at Bracken- ridge av, ext n to Ul- rich av Brackenridge av lon Stanley av 200- Terrell av 300* Ulrich av Tentb (5 & 6 w) b at river,, ext se to Austin, at Burleson River 100 Avenue B 200 Avenue C 300 Avenue D 400^ DeVilbiss Austin Terreld (7 w) b at E Com- merce, ext u to PasO' Hondo Terrell av (6 w) b at ditch, ext e to N New' Braun- fels av Ditch 100 Barnard 200 Tendick 300 Cresson 400 Ross 500 Lane 600 N New Braunfels av Texas (2 w B) 4 blks w of. S Flores Texas av. E (3 w W E) b at N Sabinas, ext w to Lake av, at Williams av N Sabinas 500 N Navidad 600 N Calavaras 700 N Zarzamora 800 N Bandera 900 Alexander av N Hamilton av 1000 Lake av Texas av, W (3 w W E) b at w side Lake av, ext w to Woolley av Lake av 100 Anderson av 200 Baldwin av 30O Neff av 400 Rouse av 500 Florea av 600 Woolley av 60 ADVERTISEMENTS C. S. EBERHARDT. C. A. COUGHLIN. EBERHARDT & COUGHLIN, firchitects and SuperiQtendents. Snn A.ntaiiia, Texas. C. H, DBAN, -DEALER IN- LEATHER and SADDLERS' SI MA^aTFACTUKEK OF ALL KINDS OF SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, LEGGINS, BELTS, SCABBARDS, ETC. —AND DEALER IN— HARDWARE and FAR3IING I^IPLEMENTS. 214 S. FLORES ST. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. n CENTRAL PARK COOLEST, i SHADIEST —AND MOST- POPULAR RESORT In the city. It is conducted under first- class management. A change of program every week. BLATT & MINERVA, Props. -CASH DEALEK IN- 218 South Flores Street. STREET, -AVENUE AND ALLEY GUIDE. riiaycM- lu Lake View rbird (5 & 6 w) b at Taylor at Martin, ext se to Nacogdoches Taylor.'^ .100 |ivenue C 200 iivenue D 300 A.veniie E 400 Nacogdoches )rhir«l Aveiiiitf (G w) b at South Fourth, ex't II to Sher-| man i South Fourth looj iSonth Third.. ..... 20o| South Second 300 South Fir.st 400 Sherman Trenton av (4 w) b at river, ext nw to E I'oplar River. ,. . . . lOO Oakland 200 Augusta 300 DalJas 400 Camden , 500 E Quiney 600 E Elmira E Macon E Poplar 700 800 I'hirteentti (5 w) b at river, ext se to ditch iiver 100 Ivenue A 200 Wenue B 300 ^iver av 400 Avenue D 500 Pak 600 bitch I bur man al (6 w) b at N New Braunfels av, ext e to N Gevers ■^ New Braunfels av 100 5t Martin av 200 1 5t Daniels av 300 !^ Gevers Iniden (6 w) b at Hood, ext n to Pinckney I Hood 100 Vinton 200 Scott 300 SVilson 400 Silver 500 Florian 600 Uerndon 700 Bell 800 Johns 900 M street 1000 Lucas Victor 1100 A.ndrews Pinckney Toledo (7 w) b at Montana, ext s 1 blk to Wyom- ing Travis (5 w) b at St Mary, e to Avenue D St Mary 200 Navarro 300 Jefferson 400 Avenue C 500 Avenue D Trevinrt (1 w) LSI sireet s of W Commerce, be tweeu Main and Mili- tary Plazas Trinity, JV (3 w) b at W Com- merce, ext u to Ban- dera av, at Fred- ericksburg rd W Commerce .... lOO W Houston •■••.... 200 Zavalla 300 Chavey 400 Lake View av 500 Morales. 600 Perez 700 Leal 800 Ruiz 900 Lopez . . 1000 Delgado noo Rivas 1200 Castro 1300 Menchaca uou Lombrano 15OO Garza iGOO Granado 1700 E Cincinnati av . .2100 E Indiana av ..... . 2200 E Virginia av 2300 E Pennsylvania av.2400 Bandera av Trnebart (5 w) b ut Jamei, n to ditch James.. TOO Grayson 40il E Josephine 500 Ailing 600 Appier.. 700 Ditch 'I'lij-ner (S w) b at Washing- ton, est se to S Alamo Washington lOO King William. ... .200 Madison [ . 3U0 S Alamo TwuifiCi • (5 w) b at Avenue A, at river, ext se to Oak River ]00 Avenue B 200 River av 300 Avenue D , . . 400 Oak XJ Trinity, S (2 w) b at W Com- merce, ext s to Ce ralvo W Commerce lOO Buena Vista 200 Monterey 300 Matamoras 400 Durango 500 San Luis 600 San Fernando. .. 700 El Paso 800 Guadalupe 900 Colima lOOO Vera Cruz iioo Tampico 1300 Parral 1500 Saltillo .1700 Merida 1900 Ceralvo Ulricb av (B w) b at ditch, ext e to N New Braun- fels av, at M St Ditch 100 Tendick 20O Cresson 300 Ross 400 Lane 500 N New Braunfels av Union (5 w) b at Eighth, ext n ] blk to Ninth Upson (4 w; b 1 blk s of W Macon, ext uw to Marshall W Macon 200 Knox Alley Marshall Utica (i w) b at Jackson, at W Poplar, ext sw to N Flores Jackson 100 Woodlief 200 N Flores V Tan Bnren (4 w) b at W Quiney ext nw to Marshall W Quiney lOO W Elmira. 200 Howard . . W Macon 300 Marshall Vane«^ (7 w) b at S Presa, ext se to Labor S Presa lOO Riddlst Fall.** av • (7 w S H) b at S Cherry, ext e to S Walters S Cherry 100 S Mesciiiite 200 8 Hack berry 3001 S Uhve 400{ 8 Pine .5001 Maryland av OOO S Palnietto av 700 Skinner av 800 S New Brannfelsav.yiO AA'a.siiinjituu av. , . iOOO 8 (ievors 1100 8 Mitlnum ,1200 S Walters Wo.st S^.i>.3irteentli (3 w W E) Changed to N Calavaras; see N Calavaras (3 w W E) Chani-ed U> N Zarzaniora; see N Zarzainura