Gass. Book__4: f H. IV PREFACE. views may not be charged upon the authors of these hymns, we have placed an asterisk in the index to every hymn so changed. There are but nine hymns in this book for which credit is not given to either the authors themselves or the work from which the selection was made. There are also six hymns marked in the index as MS. These are from manuscripts to which no names were attached, and which we could not therefore accredit. The size of the book may be objected to by some ; but we do not believe the objection will be persisted hi when J it is considered that the number of tastes we were required to select hymns to suit is so great, and of so varied a character, that but few if any hymns ever written would have suited all. Had we selected what only gratified us, some would have been ungratified ; and had we selected only what would have pleased some of these whose choice would not be ours, others of them would still have been displeased — hence on general subjects, such as u Public Worship," "Being and Attributes of God," "Faith," '^Baptism, 11 "Foreign Missions, 11 " Trials, Duties and Graces of the Church," Death and Funeral," and "Se- cond Coming of Christ, 11 we have made a selection as ample as our space and resources would admit of. A very respectable number of our brethren and sisters have desired that we should furnish tunes with thil* book of hymns; but on consultation upon the matter we decided it better to publish hymns alone, and we trust that the following reasons which led to our decision will PREFACE. V not be deemed insufficient by the friends of music: Firstly; The cost would have been so much increased that it would have been difficult for many to have pur- chased a copy. Secondly; the musical tastes of our brethren and sisters of song are so different, as they must necessarily be among people of so many nationalities as the church is composed of, — that we feared that though we might please many, we should not please all ; and we did not wish to bring an added expense upon those who might not be pleased with our selection. Thirdly; We thought it would be better to suggest to the church the appointment of a separate committee on music, who should be authorized to write and solicit tunes from our com- posers adapted to our hymns and congregational mode of song- worship. "We think the index to subjects will be found very use- ful by the ministry, in aiding them to select hymns adapted to the several subjects they may treat upon in their several discourses. The choristers also will be pleased with our Complete Metrical Index, arranged under the head of subjects. It not unfrequently happens that a difficulty occurs in select- ing hymns in such a metre as there is no tune known for by the leading chorister, and the selecting of a hymn on another subject than that before a meeting, simply to accommodate a familiar measure, is not less a violation of good taste than of propriety. In the old system of insert- ing a metrical index without reference to the subject, it was easy to find the measure required; but very difficult to combine measure and adaptability — by the present arrangement this difficulty is removed. To the brethren and sisters who have contributed original and selected hymns, we hereby tender thanks; and though we couid not use ail that were sent to us, we trust that none who have shown their willingness to assist us will relax their efforts for the good of the cause of Zion. Committing the fruits of our labors as your committee on Hymn Book, in which we have been blest and com- forted by the Holy Spirit, to the care of our Divine blaster, and commending u The Saints 1 Harp" to the attention of our fellow-laborers in the work of love, to whom we trust it will prove a means of help, blessing and comfort, we subscribe ourselves Your Brethren in the love of Christ Jesus, Joseph Smith, "\ XEark H. Forscutt, I Committee# David H. Smith, t Xormax TV. Smith, ; Piano, Illinois, 1871. SACRED HYMNS. Public iitor0l)ip. PRAISE. lt G. M. ALL ye that love the Lord, rejoice, And let your songs be new ; Amidst the church with cheerful voice His later wonders shew. 2 The Jews, the people of his grace, Shall their Redeemer sing; And Gentile nations join the praise, While Zion owns her king. 3 The Lord takes pleasure in the just, Whom sinners treat with scorn ; The meek, that lie despised in dust, Salvation shall adorn. 4 Saints should be joyful in their king, E'en on a dying bed, And like the souls in glory sing ; For God shall raise the dead. 5 Christ will the judgment seat ascend, And bid the world appear, With glory crown each faithful friend, Who humbly loves him here. 1 i PUBLIC WORSHIP. 2. L - M - HOW shall the saints their treasures give. In gracious worship, full and free; Who trust in Christ forever live, — Then help us, Lord, to trust in thee. 2 We'll praise thee that thy loving thought Is ever mindful of our cares, For this the boon our Savior wrought By suffering, sorrow, grief and prayers. 3 For this our chastened hearts shall sing Peans of praise to Christ, our Friend; For this our thoughts in meni'ry cling To ev'ry blessing thou dost send. 4 We bring for treasure, love; and trust, We give for offering — 0, how poor The off' ring-service of this dust — Thy loving-kindness to secure. 5 Then let the faith in which we seek The cities of thy heavenly land, Plead for the humble, poor, and weak, — Be these our treasures in thy hand. 6 Accept our praise, our spirits lift Above the sordid cares of earth, And let thy peace, Oh ! precious gift, Fill ev'ry heart with conscious worth. 3. c. M. COME all ye saints who dwell on earth, Your cheerful voices raise, Our great Redeemer's love to sing, And celebrate his praise. 2 PRAISE. 2 His love is great, he died for us, Shall we ungrateful be ? Since he has marked a road to bliss, And said, Come, follow me. 3 The strait and narrow way we've found, Then let us travel on, Till we in the celestial world, Shall meet where Christ has gone. 4 And there we'll join the heavenly choir, And sing his praise above ; While endless ages roll around, Perfected by his love. 4-, 8s, 7s & 4s. GUIDE us, thou great Jehovah, Saints, unto the promised land; We are weak, but thou art able, Hold us with thy powerful hand. Holy Spirit, Feed us till the Savior comes. 2 Open, Jesus, Zion's fountains ; Let her richest blessings come } Let the fiery, cloudy pillar, Guard us to that holy home : Great Redeemer, Bring, bring the welcome day ! 3 When the earth begins to tremble, Bid our fearful thoughts be still ; When thy judgments spread destruction, Keep us safe on Zion's hill, Singing praises. Songs of glory, unto thee. 3 PUBLIC WORSHIP. J # 8s & 7s. ^RAISE the Lord with songs of gladness, Praises sing to God most high; Buried be each thought of sadness, Hushed be each complaining sigh. p 1 2 Praise him for his love abounding, For his greatness excellent; Praise him with the psaltery's sounding, Praise the Lord with full intent. 3 Praise him with the organ's pealing, Praise him with the sweet-toned lyre; Praise him with the souls' best feeling, Praise the Lord, ye saints and choir. 4 Praise him now and praise him ever, Join with instrument and voice; Praise the Father, praise the Savior, Let the righteous all rejoice. H* 6. c. M. "OW are thy servants blest, Lord! How sure is their defense ! Eternal Wisdom is their guide, . Their help, Omnipotence. 2 In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care; Through burning climes they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. 3 When, by the dreadful tempest borne, High on the broken wave, They know thou art not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save. PRAISE. 4 The storm is laid — the winds retire, Obedient to thy will, The sea, that roars at thy command, At thy command is still. 5 In midst of danger, fear and death, Thy goodness we'll adore ; We'll praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. 7 # L. M. COME, weary souls, with sin distressed, Come, and accept the promised rest; The Savior's gracious call obey, And cast your gloomy fears away. 2 Oppressed with sin, a painful load, 0, come and spread your woes abroad : Divine compassion, mighty love, Will all the painful load remove. 3 Here mercy's boundless ocean flows, To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes ; Pardon, and life, and endless peace ; How rich the gift ! how free the grace ! 4 Lord, we accept, with thankful heart, The hope thy gracious words impart ; . We come with trembling, yet rejoice, And bless the kind, inviting voice. 5 Dear Savior, let thy wondrous love Confirm our faith, our fears remove ; 0, sweetly influence ev'ry breast, And guide us to eternal rest. B T PUBLIC WORSHIP. 8. p - M. >URST ye emerald gates, and bring To my raptured vision, All th' ecstatic joys that spring Round the bright Elysian ! Lo ! we lift our longing eyes ; Break the intervening skies ; Sun of Righteousness, arise ! Ope the gates of Paradise. Floods of everlasting light Freely flash before him ; Myriads, with supreme delight, Instantly adore him ; Angels' trumps resound his fame ; Lutes of lucid gold proclaim All the music of his name. Heaven reverberates the theme. Four and twenty elders rise From their princely station ; Shout his glorious victories, Sing his great salvation ; Cast their crowns before his throne ; Cry, in reverential tone, Glory be to God alone, Holy ! Holy ! Holy One ! Hark ! the thrilling symphonies Seem, methinks, to seize us ; Join we too the holy lays — Jesus ! Blessed Jesus ! Sweetest sound in Seraphs' song \ Sweetest note on mortal tongue ; Sweetest carol ever sung ; Jesus ! Jesus ! Holy One ! 6 J' PRAISE. g m 8s & 7s. "ESUS, hail! enthroned in glory ,. There forever to abide; All the heavenly host adore thee, Seated at thy Father's side. 2 There for sinners thou art pleading, There thou dost our place prepare; •Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 3 Worship, honor, power, and blessing,. Thou art worthy to receive : Loudest praises, without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. 4 Help, ye bright angelic spirits ! Bring your sweetest, noblest lays; Help to sing our Savior's merits, — Help to chant Immanuel's praise. 10. I<- M- UNMOVED by fear, — my praise is due To thee, thou gracious God of saints; Thy mercies great, thy counsel true, My prayers are heard and my complaints. 2 Compassed by love, — my heart's best thought I raise in gratitude to thee; Nor wait to thank thee all untaught, Thy love's best gift hath taught it me. 3 I fear, — but that I may not gain, A place beside my noblest friend; I love, — but ah ! the sweet refrain, On thee, my Savior, I depend. PUBLIC WORSHIP. S. M. <03JE to the house of prayer, thou afflicted, come ; The God of peace shall meet thee there- He makes that house his home. er 2 Come to the house of praise, Ye who are happy now ; In sweet accord your voices raise, In kindred homage bow. 3 Ye aged, hither come, For ye have felt his love ; Soon shall your trembling tongues be dumb, Your lips forget to move. 4 Ye young, before his throne, Come, bow ; your voices raise ; Let not your hearts his praise disown Who gives the power to praise. 12. o. M. ETEENAL Wisdom! Thee we praise; Thee, let creation sing : With thy loved name, rocks, hills and seas, And heaven's high palace, ring. 2 Thy hand, how wide it spreads the sky, How glorious to behold ! Tinged with a blue of heavenly dye, And starred with sparkling gold. 3 There thou hast bid the globes of light Their endless circles run ; There the pale planet rules the night, The day obeys the sun. PRAISE. 4 If down I turn my wondering eyes On clouds and storms below, Those under-regions of the skies Thy wondrous glory show. 5 The noisy winds stand ready there, Thy orders to obey ; With sounding wings they sweep the air, To make thy chariot way. 6 There, like a trumpet loud and strong, Thy thunder shakes our coast ; While the red lightnings wave along The banners of thy host. 13. s. M. COME, sound his praise abroad, And hymns of glory sing ; Jehovah is the sovereign God, . The universal King. 2 He formed the deeps unknown, He gave the seas their bound; The wat'ry worlds are all his own, And all the solid ground. 3 Come, worship at his throne, Come, bow before the Lord ; We are his work, and not our own ; He formed us by his word. 4 To-day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod; Come, like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God. 1* 9" PUBLIC WORSHIP. 14:. L- M. WAKE, my soul, in joyful lays, And sing tliy great Redeemer's praise ; He justly claims a song from thee; His loving-kindness, oh how free ! A 1 2 He saw me ruined by the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all ; He saved me from my lost estate ; His loving-kindness, oh how great ! 3 Though num'rous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along ; His loving-kindness, oh how strong ! 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick and thundered loud ? He near my soul has always stood ; His loving-kindness, oh how good ! 5 Soon I may pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers may fail ; may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death ! 15. . L- M. | OD is the refuge of his saints, When storms of sharp distress invade ; Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold him present with his aid. G ,: 2 Loud may the troubled ocean roar, In sacred peace our souls abide; While ev'ry nation, ev'ry shore, Trembles and dreads the swelling tide. 10 PRAISE. 3 Thy bounteous gift, thy holy word, Supports our faith, our fear controls; Sweet peace, thy promises afford, And give new strength to fainting souls. 4 Zion enjoys her Monarch's love, Secure against a threat'ning hour; Nor can her firm foundation move, Built on his truth, armed with his power. A ! S. M. ND are we yet alive, And see each other's face ? Glory and praise to Jesus give, For his redeeming grace ! Preserved by power divine, To full salvation here, Again in Jesus' praise we join, And in his sight appear. What troubles have we seen, What conflicts have we passed ? Fightings without, and fears within, Since we assembled last ! But out of all the Lord Hath brought us by his love ) And still he doth his help afford, And hides our life above. Then let us make our boast Of his redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more. Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain ; And gladly reckon all things loss, So that we Jesus gain. 11 PUBLIC WORSHIP. ±^ m C. M. D. GREAT is the Lord ! 'tis good to praise His high and holy name ; Well may the saints in latter days His wondrous love proclaim ! To praise him let us all engage. That unto us is given To live in this momentous age, And share the light of heaven. 01 ' Tis good to be a saint in latter days! ' Tis good to be a saint ! 7 Tis good to be a saint, 01 y Tis good to be a saint in latter days\ 2 We'll praise him for our happy lot, On this much favored land, Where truth and righteousness are taught, By his divine command. We'll praise him for more glorious things, Than language can express, The " everlasting gospel" brings Each humble soul, to bless. 3 The Comforter is sent again; His pow'r the church attends, And with the faithful will remain Till Jesus Christ descends. We'll praise him for a prophet's voice, His people's steps to guide : In this we do and will rejoice, Though all the world deride. 4 Praise him ! the time, the chosen time, To favor Zion's come; And all the saints, from every clime, Will soon be gathered home. 12 PRAISE. The opening seals announce the day By prophets long declared. When all, in one triumphant lay, Will join to praise the Lord. 18. c. M. FxiTHER, how wide thy glory shines ! How high thy wonders rise ! Known through the earth by thousand signs, By thousands through the skies. 2 Part of thy name divinely stands On all thy creatures writ : They show the labor of thy hands, Or impress of thy feet. 3 But when we view thy strange design To save rebellious worms, Where vengeance and compassion join In their divinest forms ; 4 Here the whole ^Deity is known, Nor dares a creature guess Which of the glories brighter shone, The justice or the grace. Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heavenly plains ; Bright seraphs learn Immanuers name, And try their choicest strains. ! may I bear some humble part In that immortal song : Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, And love command my tongue. 13 PUBLIC WORSHIP. jg 8s & 7s D. COME, thou Fount of ev'ry blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount — Pin fix'd upon it — Mount of thy redeeming love ! 2 Here I'll raise my Ebenezer, Hither by thy help I'm come : And I hope, by thy good pleasure Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed his precious blood ! 3 ! to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring heart to thee. Prone to wander — Lord, I feel it — Prone to leave the God I love ! Here's my heart — take and seal it — Seal it for thy courts above. 20. s. m. WAKE j and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb ; Wake ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue, To praise the Savior's name. A 1 Sing of his dying love, Sing of his rising power ; 14 " PRAISE. Sing how he intercedes above For those whose sins he bore. 3 Sing, till we feel the heart Ascending with the tongue ; Let ev'ry meaner joy depart, And grace inspire the song. 4 Sing on your heavenly way, Ye ransomed sinners, sing ) Sing on, rejoicing ev'ry day In Christ, th' Eternal King. B 1 21. c; m. >ELOVED Brethren! sing his praise Who formed the worlds on high ; Who taught the planets where to trace Their orbits in the sky. sing the fervor of his love — The wonders of his grace ; Who sent the Savior from above To save a dying race. In songs declare the works and ways Of our Eternal God, Whose kingdom, in these latter days, Is spreading far abroad. In Zion, let his name be praised, Who hath a feast prepared, The glorious gospel standard raised, The ancient faith restored. Swift heralds the glad news to bear O'er land and ocean fly, And to the wond'ring world declare The message from on high. 15 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 22. iob & 7s. HARK ! from the realms of the blest bursts a song, Worthy the Lamb that was slain ! Thousands of angels the anthem prolong, Worthy the Lamb that was slain ! Loud as the thunders that mightily roar ; Loud as the billows that break on the shore ; Sweet as the notes which heaven's harpers do pour, Worthy the Lamb that was slain. 2 We here on earth would assist in the strain, Worthy the Lamb that was slain ! We would take up the glad anthem again, Worthy the Lamb that was slain ! He hath redeemed us from sin and from woe ; Taught us his mercy and glory to know ; Ever his rapturous praise we would show; Worthy the Lamb that was slain ! 3 Soon shall we shout by the side of our King, Worthy the Lamb that was slain ! Soon with the angels his praise we shall sing, Worthy the Lamb that was slain ! Soon in his glory and power will he come; Soon will he gather his ransomed ones home ; Then shall we shout as he sits on his throne ; Worthy the Lamb that was slain ! 23. c. m. LORD. I have made thy word my choice, My lasting heritage ; There shall my nobler powers rejoice, My warmest thoughts engage. 16 PRAISE. 2 Til read the hist'ries of thy love, And keep thy laws in sight, While through thy promises I rove, With ever fresh delight. 3 'Tis a broad land of wealth unknown, Where springs of life arise ; Seeds of immortal bliss are sown, And hidden glory lies. 4 The best relief that mourners have, It makes our sorrows blest ; — Our fairest hope beyond the grave, And our eternal rest. 24. U m. BEFOKE Jehovah's glorious throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sovereign power, in earth's fair morn, Made from the dust his creature, man ; And when, like wand'ring sheep, we strayed, He brought us to his fold again. 3 We'll crowd his gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill his courts with sounding praise. 4 Wide as the world is his command, Vast as eternity his love ; Firm as a rock his truth shall stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. 17 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 25. ?• m. LET us tell of the good we are hoping, Of the joy our salvation will bring; Of the glory of Zion with joy let us sing, For the bright restoration is opening; Our toils and our trials will cease, Our days will go by us in peace, Earth's flowers and fruits will increase; To the Father and Son; Hallelujah! 2 "A prophet has come as of olden ; A Moses and Aaron are here, To guide the Lord's sons while the world is in fear, By the arm of Almighty upholden. How happy will then be our rest, While Joseph and Judah are blest, And the earth in her beauty is drest; To the Father and Son; Hallelujah! 3 Why then need we fear tribulation, Or shrink at the scorn of the bad, When we know that our strength in Jehovah is had, And the brighter will be our salvation. Our cup will be all the more sweet, When the bride is adorned complete, Our Savior in glory to meet; To the Father and Sou; Hallelujah; 4 Let us thankfully take his correction, And triumph in Jesus the Lord, For we know that all glory is had by his word ; His chastenings will tend to perfection. And when the great world will despair, 18 PRAISE. Our God will remember our prayer, And own that his children we are; To the Father and Son; Hallelujah! 26. u§- AWAKE, ye that slumber, arise from the dust! Awake ! gird your armor, in God put your trust ! The " sword of the Spirit " be firm in your grasp, The " hope of salvation " your brows shall inclasp. 2 Awake ! wield the armor that God hath pre- pared, The rights of the poor and defenseless to guard ; Rear th ? standard of truth, let your motto be love, And show, by your conduct, the wisdom above. 3 Awake ! and bid bigotry flee from the world, And fell superstition to darkness be hurled, Let creeds and tradition before you recede, For nothing the conquests of truth shall impede. 4 Awake from your slumbers ! ; t is duty that calls — 'T is duty that bids you to guard Zion's walls ! Will j' sleep when oppression hath marshalled her clan To crush to the earth the bright prospects of man ? 19 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 2%, 6s & 4s. COME, thou Almighty King, Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise ! Father all-glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Alpha of Days. 2 Jesus, our Lord, arise, Scatter our enemies, Now make them fall ! Let thine Almighty aid, Our sure defense be made, Our souls on thee be stayed — Lord, hear our call ! 3 Come, Holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour ! Thou, who Almighty art, Now rule in ev'ry heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power. 28. s. m. "YTOW is th' accepted time, JLM Now is the day of grace; sinners ! come, without delay, And seek the Savior's face. 2 Now is th' accepted time, The Savior calls to-day; To-morrow it may be too late; — Then why should you delay? PRAISE. 3 Now is th' accepted time, The gospel bids you come^ And ev'ry promise, in his word, Declares there yet is room. 29. ii s - GIVE glory to Grod in the highest; give praise, Ye noble, ye mighty, with joyful accord; All-wise are his counsels, all-perfect his ways; In th' beauty of holiness worship the Lord. 2 At th' voice of the Lord the strong cedars are bowed, And towers from their base into ruin are hurled ; The voice of the Lord, from the dark-bosomed cloud, Dissevers the lightning in_ names o'er the world. 3 The voice of the Lord, through the calm of the wood, Awakens its echoes, strikes light through its caves ; The Lord sitteth king on the turbulent flood; The winds are his servants, — his servants the waves. 4 The Lord is the strength of his people; the Lord Gives health to his chosen, and peace ever- more ; Then throng to his temple, his glory record; But oh, when he speaketh — in silence adore ! 21 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 30. 6s & 5s - JESUS! the giver Of all we enjoy, Our lives to thy honor We wish to employ; With praises unceasing We'll sing of thy name, Thy goodness ne'er ceasing, Thy love we'll proclaim. The wonderful name Of our Jesus we'll sing, And publish the fame Of our Captain and King; With sweet exultation, His goodness we prove, His name is Salvation, His nature is Love. With joy we remember The dawn of that day, When, led by the Spirit, The truth to obey, The light dawned upon us, And filled us with love ; The Spirit's sure witness, Sent down from above. We now are enlisted In Jesus' bless' d cause, Divinely assisted To conquer our foes; His grace will support us 'Till conflicts are o'er, He then will escort us To Zion's bright shore. 22 PRAISE. 31 . 6s&4s. l^TEAREB, my God, to thee, _1_M Nearer to thee; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me; {$\d all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. 2 Though like a wanderer, Daylight all gone, Jya'/kness comes over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. j There let my way appear, Onward to heaven, All that thon sendest me, In mercy given. Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God to thee, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. 4 Then with my waking thoughts, Bright with thy praise, Out of my stony griefs, Bethel I'll raise. So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee, 23 M 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 2-8s&6s. " Y God, thy boundless love I praise ; How bright, on high, its glories blaze, How sweetly bloom below ! It streams from thine eternal throne ; Through heaven its joys for ever run, And o'er the earth they flow. 2 ? Tis love that paints the purple morn, And bids the clouds, in air upborne, Their genial drops distil : In ev'ry vernal beam it glows, And breathes in ev'ry gale that blows, And glides in ev'ry rill. 3 Then let the love that makes me blest With cheerful praise inspire my breast. And ardent gratitude ; And all my thoughts and passions tend To thee, my Father and my Friend, My soul's eternal good. S3. 2-8s & 6s. O.HAPPY home! blest abode! Where Saints communion hold with God, Without a doubt or fear; When shall I reach the fertile plains, Ascend the mount where virtue gains A more exalted sphere. 2 In Babylon I loathe to stay; Dire are the evils day by day Within her precincts dark. Truth's brighter rays expose the night, Each honest mind receives the light, And presses towards the mark. 24 PRAISE. No love but Heaven's would I receive, No other doctrines e'er believe, Than those by Jesus taught. I'd trace the path his footsteps trod, The only way that leads to God; — All other ways are naught. A 1 34:. C. M. LL praise to our redeeming Lord, Who joins us by his grace, And bids us, each to each restored, Together seek his face. 2 He bids us build each other up ; And, gathered into one In our high calling's glorious hope, We hand in hand go on. 3 The gift which he on one bestows, We all delight to prove ; The grace through every vessel flows In purest streams of love. 4 E'en now we think and speak the same, And cordially agree, Concentrated, through Jesus' name, In perfect harmony. 5 We all partake the joy of one, The common peace we feel, — A peace to sensual minds unknown, A joy unspeakable. 6 And if our fellowship below, In Jesus be so sweet; What heights of rapture shall we know When round his throne we meet. 2 25 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 35. 6 " 8s - HAPPY the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God; he made the sky, And earth, and seas, and all their train; His truth forever stands secure; He saves th' oppress' d, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vain. 2 The Lord gives eye-sight to the blind; The Lord supports the fainting mind; He sends the lab'ring conscience peace; He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless, And grants the pris'ner sweet release. 3 I'll praise him while he lends me breath, And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers; My days of praise shall ne'er be past While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 36. 8s & 7s. I OD is love ; his mercy brightens All the path in which we rove ; Bliss he wakes, and woe he lightens; God is wisdom, God is love. G c 2 Chance and change are busy ever; Man decays, and ages move; But his mercy waneth never; God is wisdom, God is love. 3 E'en the hour that darkest seemeth, Will his changeless goodness prove; 26 PRAISE. From the gloom his brightness streameth; God is wisdom, God is love. 4 He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above : Everywhere his glory shineth; God is wisdom, God is love. H 37. R M - " ALLELUJAH !— Praise the Lord, In the heights of glory ; Hosts of heaven ! with one accord, Shout the joyful story. Praise him for his mighty deeds, Praise ye him, whose grace exceeds. Ail that heaven in song concedes ; Worlds of bliss ! his praise record. 2 Praise him with the trumpet's tongue, Far and wide resounding; Praise him with the harp well strung, While your hearts are bounding ; Praise him with the sweet-toned lyre; Let his praise the lute inspire ; Praise him in a mighty choir ) — Let his praisa be loudly sung. 3 Praise him with the viol's strings, Waking joyous feeling; While the vault of glory rings With the organ's pealing ; Let the cymbals ring his praise, Wake the clarion's grandest lays, Praise the Lord through endless days : Lo ! his praise creation sings. 27 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 38. L - M - BEHOLD th' expected time draw near, The shades disperse, the dawn appear! Behold the wilderness assume The beauteous tints of Eden's bloom ! 2 Events with prophecies conspire. To raise our faith, our zeal to fire: The ripening fields, already white. Present a harvest to the sight. 3 Come, let us each, with grateful heart, In this blest labor share a part; Our praise and off'rings gladly bring, To aid the triumphs of our King. 39. C. 31. COME, ye that love the Savior's name, And joy to make it known; The Sov'reign of your hearts proclaim, And bow before his throne. 2 Behold your King, your Savior, crowned With glories all divine; And tell the wond'ring nations round. How bright these glories shine. 3 When in his earthly courts we view The beauties of our King, We long to love as angels do, And with their voice to sing. 4 Oh, for the day, the glorious day! When heaven and earth shall raise With all their powers, the raptured lay, To celebrate thy praise. 28 PRAISE. 40. L - M - KINGDOMS and thrones to God belong, Crown him, ye nations, in your song; His wondrous names and powers rehearse, His honors shall enrich your verse. 2 He shakes the heavens with loud alarms, How terrible is God in arms ! In Israel are his mercies known, Israel is his peculiar throne. 3 Proclaim him King! Pronounce him blest! He's your defense, your joy, your rest; When terrors rise and nations faint, God is the strength of ev'ry Saint. 41. L- M. GEE AT God ! attend, while Zion sings The joy that from thy presence springs; To spend one day with thee on earth, Exceeds a thousand days of mirth. 2 God is our sun; he makes our day — God is our shield; he guards our way From all th' assaults of hell and sin. From foes without and fears within. 3 All needful grace will God bestow, And crown that grace with glory too : He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls. 4 God, our King, — whose sov'reign sway The glorious host of heaven obey, And devils at thy presence flee; — Blest is the man that trusts in thee. 29 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 42. l- m. ALL you that love ImmaimBFs name, Whose spirits burn with ardent flame To see his glory, learn his praise, And follow him in all his ways. 2 ; Tis you, ye children of the light, The Spirit and the Bride invite; Come, come, ye subjects of his grace, Where he reveals his smiling face. 3 Come to his Church, enter his gates; For you his gracious presence waits; Here peace and pardon are bestowed — Great gifts ! and worthy of a God. p 1 43. c. m. )RAISE ye the Lord! immortal choir In heavenly heights above, With harp, and voice, and soul of fire, Burning with perfect love. 2 Shine to his glory! worlds of light, Ye million suns of space ; Ye moons and glist'ning stars of night, Running your mystic race. 3 Shout to Jehovah ! surging main, In deep eternal roar; Let wave to wave resound the strain, And shore reply to shore. 4 Storm, lightning, thunder, hail, and snow, Wild winds that keep his word, With the old mountains far below, Unite to bless the Lord. 30 PRAISE. 5 Round, round the wide world let it roll, By angel choirs begun; Join, ev'ry ransomed human soul, In glorious unison. £4. 6-7s. YE, who in his courts are found List'ning to the joyful sound, Lost and helpless as ye are, Sons of sorrow, sin, and care; Glorify the King of Kings, — Take the peace the gospel brings, 2 Jesus for the sinner dies ! View the wondrous sacrifice; See in him your sins forgiven, Pardon, holiness, and heaven; Glorify the King of Kings, — Take the peace the gospel brings. "0. 0; M. THY chosen temple, Lord, how fair! Where willing vot'ries throng To breathe the humble, fervent prayer, And swell the choral song. 2 Spirit of grace ! oh, deign to dwell Within thy church below; Make her in holiness excel, With pure devotion glow. 3 Let peace within her walls be found; Let all her sons unite, To spread with grateful zeal around Her clear and shining light. 31 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 46. c. m. SING- we the song of those who stand Around th' eternal throne, Of ev'ry kindred, clime, and land, A multitude unknown. 2 Life's poor distinctions vanish here; To-day, the young, the old, Our Savior and his flock appear One shepherd and one fold. 3 Toil, trial, suffering, still await On earth, the pilgrim's throng; Yet learn we in our low estate The Church Triumphant^ song. 4 " Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain, — " Cry the redeemed above, "Blessing and honor to obtain, And everlasting love!" 5 "Worthy the Lamb," on earth we sing, "Who died our souls to save! Henceforth, Death! where is thy sting? Thy victory, Grave!" w 4y m c. si. d. ^HXLE thee I seek, Protecting Power, Be my vain wishes stilled; And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be filled. Thy love the power of thought bestowed; To thee my thoughts would soar; Thy mercy o'er my life has flowed, — That mercy I adore. 32 PRAISE. In each, event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see ! Each blessing to my soul more dear. Because conferred by thee. In ev'ry joy that crowns my days, In ev'ry pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in prayer. When gladness wings my favored hour, Thy love my thoughts shall fill; Resigned, when storms of sorrow lower, My soul shall meet thy will. My lifted eye without a tear The gathering storm shall see 3 My steadfast heart shall know no fear, — That heart shall rest 011 thee. T ( 48. s. m. ^0 Him who reigns on high, Whom heavenly hosts adore, The sov'reign Lord of earth and sky, Be glory evermore. 2 Let Saints their voices raise, His wondrous love to sing; Conspire with one accord to praise Their Father and their King. 3 Extol the wisdom great That framed salvation's scheme, Which "upright man" could first create, And "fallen man" redeem. 4 Sing of the glorious time When all will own his sway, And sing his praise in songs sublime. In realms of endless day. 2* 33 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 49. l. M. THOU to whom, in ancient time, The Psalmist's sacred harp was strung, Whom kings adored in song sublime, And prophets praised with glowing tongue ! Not now, on Zion's height alone The favored worshiper may dwell; Nor where, at sultry noon, thy Son Sat, weary, by the patr'arch's well. From ev'ry place below the skies, The grateful song, the fervent prayer, The incense of the heart may rise To heaven, and find acceptance there. H < 3Q 3 2-6s & 8s. "OW pleased and blest was I, To hear the people cry, '•Gome, let us seek our God to-day !" Yes, with a cheerful zeal, We'll haste to Zion's hill, And there our vows and honors pay. Zion, thrice happy place, Adorned with wondrous grace ; And walls of strength embrace thee round ! In thee our tribes appear To pray, and praise, and hear The sacred Gospel's joyful sound. There David's greater Son Has fixed his royal throne ; He sits for grace and judgment there: He bids the saint be glad; He makes the sinner sad; And humble souls rejoice with fear. PRAISE. 4 May peace attend thy gate, And joy within thee wait, To bless the soul of ev'ry guest; The man that, seeks thy peace, And wishes thine increase, A thousand blessings on him rest ! 5 My tongue repeats her vows, "Peace to this sacred house ! For here my friends and kindred dwell f And since my glorious God Makes thee his blest abode, My soul shall ever love thee well. 51. 6-8* LET all the saints their voices raise, . To sing the choicest psalm of praise; To sing and bless Jehovah's name — His glory let the heathen know; His wonders to the nations show; And all his sovereign works proclaim. 2 He framed the globe- — he built the sky — He made the shining worlds on high, And reigns complete in glory there; His beams are majesty and light; His beauties, how divinely bright! His temple, how divinely fair ! 3 Come the great day, the glorious hour, When earth shall feel his saving power, And barb'rous nations fear his name ! Then shall the race of man confess The beauty of his holiness, And in his courts his grace proclaim. 35 S 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. £2 % 7s & 6s D. 1TAND up! — stand up for Jesus! Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high his royal banner, It must not suffer loss. From vict'ry unto victory His army shall he lead, Till ev'ry foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up ! — stand up for Jesus ! The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this his glorious day. Ye that are men, now serve him, Against unnumbered foes; Your courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose, 3 Stand up ! — stand up for Jesus ! Stand in his strength alone; The arm. of flesh will fail you — Ye dare not trust your own. Put on the gospel armor, And, watching unto prayer, Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there ! 4 Stand up ! — stand up for Jesus ! The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next the victor's song. — To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the King of glory Shall reign eternally! 36 PRAISE. 53. l. m. WITH saints below and saints above, I'll join to praise the God I love; Like Enoch, too, I will proclaim A loud Hosanna to bis name. 2 Hosanna ! let the echo fly From pole to pole, from sky to sky, And saints and angels, join to sing, Till all eternity shall ring. 3 Hosanna! let the voice extend, Till time shall cease and have an end, Till all the throngs of heaven above Shall join the saints in songs of love. 4 Hosanna ! let the trump of God Proclaim his wonders far abroad, And earth, and air, and skies, and seas Conspire to sound aloud his praise. 54. o. m. BLEST are the souls that hear and know The gospel's joyful sound; Peace shall attend the path they go, And light their steps surround. 2 Their joy shall bear their spirits up, Through their Redeemer's name; His righteousness exalt their hope, Nor Satan dare condemn. 3* The Lord our glory and defense, Strength and salvation gives; Israel! thy King for ever reigns, Thy God for ever lives. 37 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 55. c - M - COME, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 "Worthy the Lamb that died/' they cry, To be exalted thus; "Worthy the Lamb/' our lips reply, For he was slain for us. 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine. 4 Let all that dwell below the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift thy glories high, And speak thine endless praise. 5 The whole creation join in one, To blegs the sacred name Of Him who sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. 56. c. m. WHEN all thy mercies, 0! my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 L T nnumbered comforts to my soul Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. 38 PRAISE. 3 When in the slipp'ry paths of youth With heedless steps I ran. Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man. 4 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ; Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy gf, 8s & 4s. THROUGH the love of Christ our Savior, All will be well! Happy in our Maker's favor ! All, all is well! Precious is the blood that healed us; Perfect is the grace that sealed us; Strong the hand stretched out to shield us; All must be w T ell ! 2 Though we pass through tribulation, All will be well! Ours is such a full salvation; All, all is well ! Happy, still in God confiding, Fruitful, if in Christ abiding, Holy, through the Spirit's guiding, All must be well ! 3 We expect a bright to-morrow ; All will be" well! Faith can sing through days of sorrow, All, all is well! On our Father's love relying, Jesus ev'ry need supplying, Or in living, or in dying, All must be well ! 39 S 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 58. s - M - |EE all creation join To praise th' Eternal God; The heavenly host begin the song, And sonnd his name abroad. By all that shines above, St's glory is expressed; But saints that know Ms endless love. Should sing his praises best. 2 The sun, with golden beams, And moon, with silver rays, The starry lights, and twinkling flames; Shine to their Maker's praise. 3 He built those worlds above, And fixed their wondrous frame, By his command they stand or move, And always speak his name. 4 The fleecy clouds that rise, Or falling showers or snow; The thunders rolling round the skies, His power and glory show. 5 The broad expanse on high, With all the heavens afford; The crinkling fire that streaks the sky, Unite to praise the Lord. 59. c. m. COME, ye that know and fear the Lord, And raise your thoughts above; Let ev'ry heart and voice accord, To sing that " God is love." 40 PRAISE. 2 This precious truth his word declares^ And ail his mercies prove ; Jesus, the gift of gifts, appears, To show that "God is love." 3 Behold his patience, bearing long With those who from him rove; Till mighty grace their hearts subdues, To teach them "God is love." 4 Oh, may we all, while here below, This best of blessings prove; Till warmer hearts, in brighter worlds, Proclaim that " God is love." 60. c. m. LIFT up to God the voice of praise! Whose breath our souls inspired; Loud and more loud the anthem raise, With grateful ardor fired. 2. Lift up to God the voice of praise ! Whose goodness, passing thought, Loads ev'ry minute, as it flies, With benefits unsought. 3 Lift up to God the voice of praise! From whom salvation flows, Who sent his Son our souls to save From everlasting woes. 4 Lift up to God the voice of praise ! For hope's transporting ray, Which lights, through darkest shades of death, To realms of endless day. 41 S 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. P. M. I HOUT the tidings of salvation ! To the aged and the young; Till the precious invitation, Waken ev'ry heart and tongue. Send the sound, The earth around, From the rising to the setting of the sun 7 Till each gathering crowd, Shall proclaim aloud, The glorious work is done. 2 Shout the tidings of salvation ! O'er the prairies of the West; Till each gath'ring congregation With the gospel sound is blest. 3 Shout the tidings of salvation ! Mingling with the ocean's roar; Till the ships of ev'ry nation, Bear the news from shore to shore. 4 Shout the tidings of salvation! O'er the islands of the sea; Till, in humble adoration, All to Christ shall bow the knee. Y 1 Q2. 8s & 7s D- "ES, we feel the clouds are breaking, And the light begins to shine; Fear is now our hearts forsaking, Leaving there a joy divine. Praise the Lord! He ever hears us When we come with contrite heart. When we feel that he is near us, Grief and sadness soon depart. 42 PRAISE. Though the clouds were thick around us, And our souls were sore depressed; Yet the Lord in meekness found us, And forgave when we confessed. Now the gentle, wooing Spirit, Wins our love from earth away} Gently whispers, Saints, hear it, ' Soon will dawn eternal day/ 0' 03. 4-6s & 2-8s. |H, for a shout of joy! Worthy the theme we sing; To this divine employ Our hearts and voices bring; Sound, sound, thro' all the earth abroad*. The love, th' eternal love of God! Unnumbered myriads stand, 'Mong seraphs bright and fair', Or bow at thy right hand, And pay their homage there; But strive in vain with loudest chord, To sound thy wondrous love, Lord. Yet saints when saved by grace, In songs of lower key, In ev'ry age and place, Have sung the mystery, — - Have told in strains of sweet accord, Thy love, thy sov'reign love, Lord. Though earth and hell assail, And doubts and fears arise, The weakest may prevail, And grasp the heavenly prize, And through an endless age record Thy love, thy changeless love, Lord 43 S 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 6£ 7s & 6s D. I WEET is the song of heaven, The anthem of the sky: 'Good will to man be given, Glory to God on high !' While ev'ry heart rejoices To hear of peace on earth, We'll time our cheerful voices To sing a Savior's birth. Sweet is the song of heaven. The anthem of the sky, 1 Good will to man be given, Glory to God on high ! Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God on high! 1 Publish the great salvation; Repeat the joyful strain Through ev'ry land and nation, O'er ev'ry hill and plain. Let notes of joy and gladness The cheerful strain prolong, Nor let oae tone of sadness Be mingled with the sons;. s ( 65. _ ?s. IONGS of praise the angels sang; Heaven with hallelujah's rang, When Jehovah's work begun, — When he spake, and it was done. Songs of praise awoke the morn, When the Prince of Peace was born; Songs of praise arose, when he Captive led captivity. 44 PRAISE. 3 Heaven and earth must pass away, Songs of praise shall crown the day; Grod will make new heavens and earth, Songs of praise shall hail their birth. 4 And shall man alone be dumb, Till that glorious kingdom come ? No! the church is called to raise Psalms and hymns of grateful praise. 66. us- GO, bring me a garment both costly and new. And purchase me jewels of beautiful hue; He whom my soul loveth will shortly be seen, And I in His presence would not appear mean. 2 My robe must be made of pure righteousness "white," All woven with "patience" and folded aright, With jewels of "purity" handsome and rare, A tiara of "wisdom" to bind in my hair. 3 Some odorous eye-balm of "charity" pure, So that my weak eyes may his coming endure; A necklace, the fairest the world can afford, Of "humiliation," to welcome the Lord. 4 With two wristlets of "works" that well shall agree, The breastpin of "faith" that I bind upon me; And sandals of "honesty," solid and good, To keep my poor feet in the way that I should. 5 And thus in these beautiful garments arrayed. To meet my Eedeemer I'll not be afraid ; For wearing his garments, and bearing his name; I'll find when he comes he is wearing the same. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 67. R M HARK ! ten thousand thousand voices, Sing the song of Jubilee! Earth, through all her tribes, rejoices — Breaks her long captivity. Now the theme, in pealing thunders, Through the universe is rung; Now, in gentler tones, the wonders Of redeeming grace are sung. Hail, Emanuel! Great Deliverer I Hail, Emanuel I praise to thee! 2 Wider now, and louder rising, Swells and soars th' enraptured strain ! Earth's unnumbered tongues comprising; Hark ! the Conqueror's praise again. Thus, while heart and pulse are beating, To his name let praise arise, Till from earth the soul retreating, Joins the chorus of the skies. 3 Then in loftier, sweeter numbers, We shall sing Emanuel's praise; Freed from all that now encumbers, Nobler songs our voices raise. While our crowns of glory casting At his feet, in rapture lost, We, in anthems everlasting. Mingle with th' angelic host. 68. <* PRAISE to God ! immortal praise, For the love that crowns our days, Fruitful source of ev'ry joy, Let thy praise our tongues employ. 46 PRAISE. 2 For the blessings of the field, For the stores the gardens yield, For the vines exalted juice, For the gen'rous olive's use. 3 Flocks that whiten all the plain, Yellow sheaves of ripened grain, Clouds that drop their fattening dews, Suns that temperate warmth diffuse. 4 All that Spring's refreshing hand, Scatters o'er the smiling land; All that lib'ral Autumn pours From her rich o'erflowing stores. 5 Thanks to thee, our Grod, we owe; Source from whence all blessings flow ! And from these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. 69. L- m. SWEET is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy name, give thanks, and sing; To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest — No mortal care shall seize my breast; may my heart in tune be found. Like David's harp of solemn sound. 3 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word; Thy works of grace — how bright they shine ! How deep thy counsels — how divine ! PUBLIC WORSHIP. 70. p - M - WE thank thee, God, for a Prophet To guide us in these latter days; We thank thee for sending the Gospel To lighten our minds with its rays; We thank thee for every blessing Bestowed by thy bounteous hand; We feel it a pleasure to serve thee, And love to obey thy commands. 2 When dark clouds of trouble hang o'er us, And threaten our peace to destroy, There is Hope smiling brightly before us, And we know that dehVrance is nigh; We doubt not the Lord nor his goodness, We've proved him in days that are past; The wicked who fight against Zion Will surely be smitten at last. 3 We'll sing of his goodness and mercy; We'll praise him by day and by night; Rejoice in his glorious Gospel, And bask in its life-giving light : Thus on to eternal perfection The honest and faithful will go; While they who reject this glad message, Shall never such happiness know. 71. G - M - REJOICE, ye righteous, in the Lord; This work belongs to you — Sing of his name, his ways, his word> How holy, just and true! 2 His mercy and his righteousness Let heaven and earth proclaim ; 4S PRAISE. His works of nature and of grace Reveal his wondrous name. 3 His wisdom and almighty word The heavenly arches spread; And by the Spirit of the Lord Their shining hosts were made. 4 He bids the liquid waters flow To their appointed deep; The flowing seas their limits know, And their own station keep. 5 Ye tenants of the spacious earth, With fear before him stand; He spake, and nature took its birth, And rests on his command. 6 He scorns the angry nations' rage, And breaks their vain designs; His counsel stands through ev'ry age, And in full glory shines. GLAD are we that now the gospel, Is restored to earth again, As 'twas said by an Apostle, We the Spirit may obtain; By obedience To redemption's only plan. 2 Grod has given us his Spirit, For we have obeyed his word; And it whispers, saints, hear it, " Own him as your sovereign Lord." Holy Spirit! Unto us thy help afford. 3 *> PUBLIC WORSHIP. 73. 8s & 7s. AWAKE ! my slumb'ring minstrel- Let my harp forget its spell; Say, say, in sweetest accents, Zion prospers ! All is well. 2 Strike a chord unknown to sadness, Strike ! and let its numbers tell In celestial tones of gladness, Zion prospers! All is well. 3 Zion's welfare is my portion, And I feel my bosom swell With a warm, divine emotion When she prospers — all is well. 4 Zion, lo ! thy day is dawning, - Though the darksome shadows swell; Faith and hope prelude the morning, — Thou art prospering — all is well. 5 Thy swift messengers are treading Thy high courts where princes dwell; And thy glorious light is spreading, — Zion prospers ! All is well. 74. L. M. PKAISE waits in Zion, Lord, for thee; Thy saints adore thy holy name; Thy creatures bend th' obedient knee, And humbly thy protection claim. Thy hand has raised us from the dust; The breath of life thy Spirit gave. Where, but in thee, can mortals trust! Who, but our God, has power to save ! PRAISE. 3 Here, at the portal of thy house, We leave our mortal hopes and fears; Answer our prayer; and bless our vows, Accept our praise, and dry our tears. 4 So shall our sun of hope arise, With brighter and still brighter ray ? Till thou shalt bless our longing eyes With beams of everlasting day. 75. ?• m. LET us shake off the coals from our garments And arise in the strength of the Lord; Let us break off the yoke of our bondage, And be free in the joy of the word. For the pebble has dropped in the water, And the waves circle round with the shock — Shall we anchor our barks in the center, Or drift out and be wrecked on the rock? 2 Let us waken our songs in the morning, And let them at noontide resound; Then the evening shall find us rejoicing, While the law in our hearts will be found. For the Lord is remembering Zion, And bringing her comfort once more, Shall we anchor our barks in the center, . Or drift out and be wrecked on the shore? 3 Thank the Lord for the plan he has given, That will render us pure as a child, That will change this cold world into heaven, By his Spirit so holy and mild. And the hope of a portion in Zion, Shall cheer us till trials are o'er, Let us anchor our barks in the center, And be safe from the rocks on the shore. 51 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 70. L. M. D. THE spacious firmament on high, With all th' blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, (a shining frame), Their great Original proclaim. Th' unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power display, And publishes to ev'ry land The work of an almighty hand. 2 Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly, to the list'ning earth, Repeats the story of her birth; While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets, in their turn, Confirm the tidings, as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. 3 What though in solemn silence, all Move round this dark terrestr'al ball, — What though no real voice, nor sound 'Mid those radiant orbs be found — In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice : Forever singing as they shine, "The hand that made us is Divine !" yy % L. M. WHEN I my heart to grief gave way To see the work of God decline, Methought I heard the Savior say, " Dismiss thy fears, the ark is mine. 2 Though for a time I hide my face, Rely upon my love and power, 52 PRAISE. Still wrestle at the throne of grace, And wait for a reviving hour. 3 Take down the long-neglected harp, I've seen thy tears and heard thy prayer, The winter season has been sharp, But spring shall all its wastes repair." 4 Lord, I obey; my hopes revive; Come, join with me ye saints, and sing; Our foes in vain against us strive, For God will help and triumph bring. 78. fc m. PE AXSE ye the Lord ! 't is good to raise Your hearts and voices in his praise; His nature and his works invite To make this duty your delight. 2 He formed the stars, those heavenly flames, He counts their numbers, calls their names; His wisdom's vast, and knows no bound, A deep where all our thoughts are drownedo 3 Sing to the Lord ! extol him high, Who spreads his clouds along the sky; There he prepares the fruitful rain, Nor lets the drops descend in vain. 4 He makes the grass the hills adorn, And clothes the smiling fields with corn; The beasts with food his hands supply, And the young ravens, when they cry. 5 His saints are lovely in his sight; He views his children with delight; He sees their hope, he knows their fear, And looks and loves his image there. 53 S 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. CM. I IN G, ye redeemed of the Lord, Your great Deliv'rer sing; Pilgrims for Zion's city bound, Be joyful in your King. 2 No rav'ning lion shall destroy, Nor lurking serpent wound ! Pleasures and safety, peace and praise Through all the path are found. 3 A hand divine shall lead you on, Through all the blissful road, Till to the sacred mount you rise, And see your smiling God. 4 There garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on ev'ry head; When sorrow, sighing, and distress Like shadows all are fled. w 1 SO. L- M. "HEN, as returns this solemn day, Man comes to meet his Maker, God, What rites, what honors shall he pay ? How spread his sov' reign name abroad ? 2 From marble domes and gilded spires Shall curling clouds of incense rise, And gems, and gold, and garlands, deck The costly pomp of sacrifice? 3 Vain! sinful man. creation's Lord Thy golden offerings well may spare; But give thy heart, and thou shalt find Here dwells a God who heareth prayer. 54 PRAISE. 4 Lord, grant us in this solemn hour, From earth and sin's allurements free, To feel thy love, to own thy power, And raise each raptured thought to thee. 81. CM - ETERNAL Source of life and light! Supremely good and wise ! To thee we bring our grateful vows, To thee lift up our eyes. 2 Our dark and erring minds illume With truth's celestial rays; Inspire our hearts with sacred love, And tune our lips to praise. 82. 7s. CHILDREN of the Heavenly King, As ye journey, sweetly sing; Sing your Savior's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. 2 Ye are traveling home to God, In the way the Fathers trod; They are happy now, and you Soon their happiness shall view. 3 ! ye banished sons be glad, Christ your advocate is made ; You to save, your flesh assumes, Brother to your souls becomes. 4 Shout! thou little flock and blest; You near Jesus' throne shall rest; There your rest will be prepared. There* your kingdom and reward. " 55 w 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. gg 9 7s & 6s D. "HEN shall the voice of singing Flow joyfully along? When hill and valley, ringing With one triumphant song, Proclaim the contest ended, And Him, who once was slain, Again to earth descended, In righteousness to reign? 2 Then from the craggy mountains The sacred shout shall fly, And shady vales and fountains Shall echo the reply; High tower and lowly dwelling Shall send the chorus round, All hallelujah's swelling In one eternal sound. g4- 9 6s & 4s. GLOKYto God on high! Let heaven and earth reply,— 1 Praise ye his name !' Angels his love adore, Who all our sorrows bore, Saints cry for evermore, — ' Worthy the Lamb/ 2 Ye who surround the throne, Cheerfully join in one, Praising his name. Ye who have felt his blood Sealing your peace with God, Sound through the earth abroad, — < Worthy the Lamb/ 56 PRAISE. 3 Soon must we change our place, Yet will we never cease Praising his name : Still will we tribute bring, Hail him our gracious King; And through all ages sing, — ' Worthy the Lamb/ g J # 8s & 7s D. PRAISE the Savior, all ye nations, Praise him, all ye hosts above; Shout, with joyful acclamations, His Divine, victorious love : Be his Kingdom now promoted, Let the earth her monarch know; Be my all to him devoted, To my Lord my all I owe. 2 See how beauteous on the mountains Are their feet, whose grand design Is to guide us to the fountains That overflow with bliss divine — Who proclaim the joyful tidings Of salvation all around, Disregard the world's deridings, And in works of love abound. 3 With my substance I will honor My Redeemer and my Lord; Were ten thousand worlds my manor, All were nothing to his word : While the heralds of salvation His abounding grace proclaim, Let his friends, of ev'ry station, Gladly join to spread his fame. 3* 57 PUBLIC AVORSHIP. 86. l. M. D. TT7HEN here our minds are truly turned, VY To do the will of Christ, the Lord; The holy law that we have learned, Fulfilling ev'ry precious word, How calm the joy! How full of bliss! Our minds at rest, our souls in peace, And all is fair, and all is bright, And all is well when we do right. 2 How glorious is the rising dawn ! How welcome are the cheering rays. Directed from the morning sun, To fill our hearts with love and praise. The very flower, beside the path, A brighter, sweeter beauty hath, And all is fair, and all is bright, And all is well when we do right. 3 How lovely sinks the setting sun, ; Mid tender clouds of ev'ry hue, The gentle eve comes calmly on, And softly falls the shining dew. The solemn night is truly blest When in the smile of God we rest; And all is fair, and all is bright, And all is well when we do right. 4 And e'en when sorrow's gloomy cloud Comes like a pall across our way, And persecution clamors loud, 'God's will be done/ we calmly say; Possess your souls, and wait the end, For God the Father is our Friend. All will be fair, all will be bright, All will be well if we do right, 58 PRAISE. 87. 7s - ^0 thy temple we repair; Lord, we love to worship there; While to thee our prayers ascend, Let thine ear in love attend. T ( 2 While thy glorious name is sung, Tune our lips, inspire our tongue : Then our joyful souls shall bless Christ, the Lord our Righteousness. 3 While thy word is heard with awe,, While we tremble at thy law, Let thy gospel's wondrous love Ev'ry doubt and fear remove. 4 From thy house when we return, Let our hearts within us burn; Then, at evening, we may say, " We have walked with God to-day/ ' 88. 4 " 6s & 2-8s. TO him that made the world, The sun, the moon, the stars, And all that in them is, With days, and months, and years ; To him that died that we might live,' Our thanks and songs we freely give. 2 When he comes down in heaven, And earth again is blest, Then saints of ev'ry clime, Will find the promised rest. With all the just then may they sing, God is with us and we with him. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 89. ?• m. HAKK ! ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above; Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices; Jesus reigns, the God of love ! See! he sits on yonder throne; Jesus rules the world alone. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen. 2 King of Glory, reign forever; Thine an everlasting crown; Nothing from thy love shall sever Those whom thou hast made thine own ; — Happy objects of thy grace, Destined to behold thy face. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen- 3 Savior, hasten thine appearing; Bring, bring the glorious day, When, the awful summons hearing, Heaven and earth shall pass away. Then with golden harps, we'll sing,—. 'Glory, Glory to Our King.' Halleluj ah ; Halleluj ah ; Hallelujah! Amen. 90. 6-7s. I'lARTH with her ten thousand flowers, l J Air. with all its beams and showers, Heaven's infinite expanse; Ocean's lustrous countenance — All around, and all above, Hath this record — God is love. 60 PRAISE. Sounds among the vales and hills, In the woods and by the rills, Of the breeze and of the bird, By the gentle murmur stirr'd — Sacred songs, beneath, above, Have one chorus — God is love. All the hopes that sweetly start From the fountain of the heart; All the bliss that ever comes To our earthly — human homes- All the voices from above, Sweetly whisper — God is love. 91. 7s. GLORY be to God on high! God, whose glory fills the sky; Peace on earth to man forgiven, Man, the welhbeloved of heaven. 2 Favored mortals, raise the song! Endless thanks to God belong; Hearts o'erflowing with his praise, Join the hymns your voices raise. 3 Mark the wonders of his hand ! Power, — no empire can withstand; Wisdom, — angels' glorious theme; Goodness, — pne eternal stream. 4 Gracious Being! from thy throne Send thy promised blessings down : Let thy light, thy truth, thy peace, Bid our raging passions cease. 61 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 92. s. m. SING- to the Lord our might, — With holy fervor sing ! Let hearts and instruments unite To praise our heavenly King. 2 This is his sacred house; And this his festal day. When he accepts the humblest vows That we sincerely pay. 3 The Sabbath to our sires In mercy first was given; The Church her Sabbath still requires To teach the truths of heaven. 4 And we like them of old, Are in earth's wilderness; And God is now as near his fold To pity and to bless. 5 Then let us open wide Our hearts for him to fill; And he that Israel then supplied, Will keep his Israel still. p 1 Q3, 8s & 7s. ) RAISE to Him by whose kind favor Heavenly truth has reached our ears; May its sweet reviving savor Fill our hearts and calm our fears. Truth! how sacred is the treasure! Teach us, Lord, its worth to know: Vain the hope, and short the pleasure, . Which from other sources flow. 62 PRAISE. "What of truth we have been hearing, Fix, Lord, in ev'ry heart; In the day of thy appearing, May we share thy people's part. Q4, 2-8s & 6s. HOW happy, gracious Lord, are we, Divinely drawn to follow thee, Our hours divided are Betwixt the mount and multitude; Our day is spent in doing good, Our night in praise and prayer. 2 With us no melancholy void, No period lingers unemployed, Or unimproved below; Our weariness of life is gone, Who live to serve our God alone, And only thee to know. 3 The winter's night and summer's day Glide imperceptibly away, Too short to sing thy praise; Too few we find the happy hours, And haste to join those heavenly powers, In everlasting lays. 4 W r ith all who chant thv name on high, And "Holy, Holy, Holy," cry, A bright harmonious throng ! We long thy praises to repeat, And sing around thy mercy-seat, The new, eternal song. 63 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 95. L - M - D - COME brethren, let us strive to show The love the gospel truth inspires. Offering praise, as those who know The gratitude our God requires. He is indeed a mighty one; Most swift to hear and sure to bless, Who in the scripture is made known By name, the ' Man of Holiness/ 2 His throne is in the central realm In glory, we may well believe, Whose grandeur would our thoughts overwhelm, Whose brightness we may not conceive. Though thus of form compassionate, He dwells within the inner sphere, Throughout his boundless home in state, His mind extends both far and near. 3 Thus, by his Spirit measureless, He rules the universe in space, And bends by judgment but to bless The myriads before his face. Thrones and dominions round him sweep, Angels, Archangels, Seraphim, And principalities to keep The law that emanates from him. 4 World after world roll forth in light, Submissive to his holy will; Far off they soar, beyond our sight; — » His curtains are extended still. His laws are framed only to raise Our souls up to the place of bliss, Then let us honor him with praise, And sing his perfect holiness. 64 PRAISE. 96. 8 s & 4s. Z ION'S light again is dawning, Praise ye the Lord ! Brightly ushers in the morning, Praise ye the Lord! Dark the night, when foes assailing Zion's scattered ones, who Vailing Zion's woes, sang, faith unfailing, Praise ye the Lord! 2 Christ his remnant is befriending, Praise ye the Lord ! Aid to them in mercy sending, Praise ye the Lord! Once their hearts for him were yearning. Now with holy love they're burning, While they sing, with peace returning, Praise ye the Lord! 3 Rapt'rous joys their bosoms swelling, Praise ye the Lord ! Shiloh favors Ephraim's dwelling, Praise ye the Lord ! Israel's triumph is beginning; Heaven with harmony is ringing; Ransomed souls, unite in singing, Praise ye the Lord ! 4 Praise the Lord, ye saints adore him! Praise ye the Lord ! Let all people bow before him, Praise ye the Lord! Orbs of splendor, brightly shining, All ye hosts of heaven, combining, Seraphs, cherubs, angels joining, Praise ye the Lord ! PUBLIC WORSHIP. 97. s - M - THROUGH all the lofty sky, Through all th' inferior ground, Th' Almighty Maker shines confessed, And pours his blessings round. 2 Each year the teeming earth With flowers and fruits is crowned; And grass, and herbs, and harvests grow, And send their joys around. 3 The world of waters yields A rich supply of food, And distant lands their treasures send Upon the rolling flood. 4 To serve and bless our land The elements conspire; And mercies mix themselves with earth,— With ocean, air, and fire. 5 that the sons of men To God their songs would raise, And celebrate his power and love In never-ceasing praise! 98. l. m. LORD, how mysterious are thy ways! How blind are we ! how mean our praise ! Thy steps, can mortal eyes explore? 'T is ours to wonder and adore. 2 Great God ! I would not ask to see What in my coming life shall be; Enough for me if love divine, At length through ev'ry cloud shall shine, PRAISE. 3 Are darkness and distress my share? Then let me trust thy guardian care; If light and bliss attend my days, Then let my future hours be praise. 4 Yet this my soul desires to know, Be this my only wish below, That Christ be mine; — this great request Grant, bounteous God, and I am blest! 99. L- m. THE Lord! how wondrous are his ways! How firm his truth ! how large his grace ! He takes his mercy for his throne, And thence he makes his glories known. 2 Not half so high his power hath spread The starry heavens above our head, As his rich love exceeds our praise, Exceeds the highest hopes we raise. 3 Not half so far has nature placed The rising morning from the west, As his forgiving grace removes The daily guilt of those he loves. 4 How slowly doth his wrath arise ! On swifter wings salvation flies : Or, if he lets his anger burn, How soon his frowns to pity turn ! 5 His everlasting love is sure To all his saints, and shall endure; From age to age his truth shall reign, Nor children's children hope in vain. G7 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 100. L- M. WHAT equal honors shall we bring To thee, Lord our God, the Lamb, When all the notes that angels sing, Are far inferior to thy name? 2 Worthy is he that once was slain, The Prince of Peace that groaned and died, Worthy to rise, and live, and reign, At his Almighty Father's side. 3 Honor immortal must be paid Instead of scandal and of scorn; While glory shines around his head, And a bright crown without a thorn. 4 Blessings for ever on the Lamb, Who bore the curse for wretched men : Let angels sound his sacred name, And ev'ry creature say, Amen. 101. * s lOY'REIGN Father, heavenly King, Thee we now presume to sing; Glad thine attributes confess, Glorious all, and numberless. s< 2 Hail, by all thy works adored ! Hail, thou everlasting Lord! Thee with thankful hearts we prove, Lord of power, and God of love. 3 Christ our Lord and God we own, Christ the Father's only Son ; Lamb of God for sinners slain, Savior of offending man. 68 PRAISE. 4 Powerful Advocate with God, Justify us by thy blood; Bow thine ear, in mercy bow, Hear, the world's atonement, thou! H' 102. !*■ "ERALDS of creation; cry, — Praise the Lord, the Lord most high ! Heaven and earth, obey the call; Praise the Lord ; the Lord of all. 2 Praise him! all ye hosts above; Spirits perfected in love; Sun and moon, your voices raise; Sing, ye stars ! your Maker's praise, 3 Earth ! from all thy depths below Ocean's hallelujahs flow; Lightning, vapor, wind and storm, Hail and snow, his will perform. 4 High above all height his throne; Excellent his name alone; Him let all his works confess ! Him let all his children bless ! 103. L. M. (INGr we the song to angels given, High o'er the plains of Bethlehem; Glory to God in highest heaven, And peace on earth, good-will to men. s 1 2 Lord as the thunder's mighty roar, Boll back the anthem to the sky, Till, breaking on th' eternal shore, Its holy echoes ne'er shall die. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 104. p. M. BRETHREN, cheer! The Lord our K Will accept the gifts we bring; On our journey let us sing To the Lord, Hosanna! Much good work His cause hath done; Much of evil 'neath the sun He hath taught us how to shun. Hallelujah to his name! 2 Through a weary path we come, Yet his arm shall guide us home, Where we shall behold the Son; — To the Lord, Hosanna! We shall walk in garments white, In celestial glory, bright, With the fulness of delight. Hallelujah to his name ! 3 Courage take, and keep in view Every lesson, old and new, While we sing, as is but due, To the Lord, Hosanna! Gifts from him, about our way, Fall like dew at break of day, Therefore sing, without delay, Hallelujah to his name! 4 Though the day be sometimes dark, And the storm assail our bark, — For his Spirit's cheering spark; To the Lord, Hosanna! Till we reach the happy shore, Where the storm will beat no more, There to meet those gone before. Hallelujah to his name! y PRAISE. 105. L. M. WITH glory clad, with strength arrayed. The Lord that o'er all nature reigns, The world's foundations strongly laid, And the vast fabric still sustains. 2 How sure established is thy throne, "Which shall no change or period see * For thou, Lord, and thou alone, Art King from all eternity. 3 The floods, Lord, lift up their voice, And toss their troubled waves on high; But God above can still their noise, And make the angry sea comply. 4 Thy promise, Lord, is ever sure; And they that in thy house would dwell,. That happy station to secure, Must still in holiness excql. 106. c. m. SING, all ye ransomed of the Lord, Your great Deliverer sing; Ye pilgrims, now for Zion bound, Be joyful in your King. 2 His hand divine shall lead you on, Through all the blissful road; Till to the sacred mount you rise, And see your gracious God. 3 Bright garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on evVy head ; While sorrow, sighing, and distress, Like shadows, all are fled. 71 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 107. s - M - THY name, Almighty Lord, Shall sound through distant lands; Great is thy grace, and sure thy word; Thy truth forever stands. 2 Far be thine honor spread, And long thy praise endure, Till morning light and evening shade, Shall be exchanged no more. 108. s. m. (TAND up, and bless the Lord, Ye people of his choice; Stand up, and bless the Lord your God, With heart, and soul, and voice. s 1 2 Though high above all praise, Above all blessing high, Who would not fear his holy name, And laud, and magnify? 3 for the living flame From his own altar brought, To touch our lips — our minds inspire, And wing to heaven our thought ! 4 God is our strength and song, And his salvation ours: Then be his love in Christ proclaimed With all our ransomed powers. 5 Stand up, and bless the Lord, The Lord your God adore : Stand up and bless his glorious name, Henceforth, for evermore. 72 OPENING SERVICE. 109. c. m. AGAIN our earthly cares we leave, And to thy courts repair; Again with joyful feet we come, To meet our Savior here. 2 Great Shepherd of thy people, here Thy presence now display; We bow within thy house of prayer; — Oh ! give us hearts to pray. 3 The clouds which veil thee from our sight, In pity, Lord, remove; Dispose our minds to hear aright The message of thy love. 4 The feeling heart, the melting eye, The humble mind, bestow; And shine upon us from on high, To make our graces grow. 5 Show us some token of thy love, Our fainting hopes to raise; And pour thy blessing from on high, To aid our feeble praise. 4 73 r PUBLIC WORSHIP. 0. 8s, 7s & 4s. "N thy name, Lord, assembling, We, thy people, now draw near; Teach us to rejoice with trembling; Speak, and let thy servants hear, — Hear with meekness, — Hear thy word with godly fear. 2 While our days on earth are lengthened,' May we give them, Lord, to thee; Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened, We would run, nor weary be, Till thy glory, Without clouds, in heaven we see. 3 There, in worship purer, sweeter, All thy people shall adore, Tasting of enjoyment greater Than they could conceive before, — Full enjoyment, — Holy bliss, for evermore. HI, 8s & 7s. WELCOME, hour of solemn meeting; Welcome hour of praise and prayer; Far from earthly scenes retreating, In your blessings we would share. 2 Be thou near us, blessed Savior, Still at morn and eve the same; Give us faith that cannot waver; Kindle in us heaven's own flame. 3 When the fervent heart is glowing. Holy Spirit, hear that prayer ; When the song of praise is flowing, Let that song thine impress bear. 74 S 1 OPENING SERVICE. 112. s.m. 1WEET is the work, Lord, Thy glorious name to sing; To praise and pray — to hear thy word, - And grateful off'rings bring. 2 Sweet — at the dawning light, Thy boundless love to tell; And when approach the shades of night, Sweet on the theme to dwell. 3 Sweet on the day of rest, To join in heart and voice, With those who love and serve thee best,. And in thy name rejoice. 113. I" M. GREAT God! as foll'wers of thy Son, We bow before thy mercy-seat, To worship thee, the Holy One, And pour our wishes at thy feet. 2 0, grant thy blessing here, we pray; * O, give thy people joy and peace; The tokens of thy love display, And favor that shall never cease. 3 We seek the truth which Jesus brought; His path of light we long to tread; Here be his holy doctrines taught, And here their purest influence shed. 4 May faith, and hope, and love abound; Our sins and errors be forgiven ; And we, from day to day, be found Children of God and heirs of heaven. 75 s ( PUBLIC WORSHIP. 114,. 7s (OV'BEIGX and transforming Grace! We invoke thy quick'ning power; Beign the spirit of this place, Bless the purpose of this hour, .'2 Holy and creative Light! We invoke thy kindling ray; Dawn upon our spirits' night, Turn our darkness into day. 3 To the anxious soul impart Hope, all other hopes above, i Stir the dull and hardened heart With a longing and a love. 4 Give the struggling, peace for strife, Give the doubting, light for gloom, Speed the living into life, Warn the dying of their doom. 5 Work in all, in all renew, Day by day, the life divine; All our wills to thee subdue, All our hearts to thee incline. US. S.M. COME, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, And bow before his throne. 2 Let those refuse to sing, Who never knew our God; But servants of the Heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. 76 OPENING SERVICE. 3 The men of grace have found Glory begun below; Celestial fruit on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow. 116. c. M. FATHER of all, in whom alone We live, and move, and breathe, One bright, celestial ray, dart down, And cheer thy sons beneath. 2 While in thy word we search for thee, We search with trembling awe! Open our eyes, and let us see The wonders of thy law. 3 Now let our darkness comprehend The light that shines so clear; Now the revealing Spirit send, And give us ears to hear. 1 17. s - M - WITH joy we lift our eyes To those bright realms above, That glorious temple in the skies, Where dwells Eternal Love. 2 Before thy throne we bow, thou Almighty King; Here we present the solemn vow, And hymns of praise we sing. 3 While in thy house we kneel, With trust and holy fear. Thy mercy and thy truth reveal, And lend a gracious ear. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 118. c. M. 10R thy dear mercy's sake, Lord, Help us thy name t' adore, And purify our hearts to taste Thy goodness more and more. F 2 Our flesh, our hearts, our spirits, Lord, In thy clear fire refine; Break down the self-indulgent will; Gird us with strength divine. 3 So may we all, who here are met Thy holy name to bless, At length in our eternal home, Thine endless joys possess. 119. 7*- D. IGHTof life, seraphic fire! L Love divine, thyself impart; Ev'ry fainting soul inspire; Enter ev'ry drooping heart: Ev'ry mournful sinner cheer, Scatter all our guilty gloom; Father! in thy grace appear, To thy human temples come. Come, in this accepted hour, Bring thy heavenly kingdom in; Fill us with thy glorious power, Booting out the seeds of sin : Nothing more can we require, We will covet nothing less; Be thou all our heart's desire, All our joy, and all our peace. OPENING SERVICE. 120. L - M - COME, gracious Lord, descend and dwell, By faith and love, in ev'ry breast; Then shall we know, and taste, and feel The joys that cannot be expressed. 2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength, Make our enlarged souls possess, And learn the hight, and breadth, and length, Of thine eternal love and grace. 3 Now to the God whose power can do More than our thoughts and wishes know, Be everlasting honors done, By all the church, through Christ his Son, o 121. L - M - BOW thine ear, thou God of saints; To hear the prayer thy saints indite; And while they breathe their fond complaints, Deign thou to bless with heavenly light. 2 Kind Lord, thine Israel long has wept, 'Neath clouds of error, fear, and doubt; But thou with them hast covenant kept, Call them, Lord, from darkness out. 3 For peace, they bring their praise to thee, Who gave their fathers truth and grace, Long since, when Israel bent the knee, And humbly walked before thy face. 4 Then bow thine ear, thou Lord of earth, While here thy saints, in Christ made free, Make known the high, exceeding worth Of full salvation wrought by thee. 79 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 122. 7s. LORD, we in thy presence come, Bow we down with holy fear; Call our erring footsteps home, Let us feel that thou art near. 2 Wand'ring thoughts and languid powers Come not where devotion kneels ! Let the soul increase her stores, Glowing with the joy she feels. 3 At the portals of thine house, We resign our earth-born cares; Nobler thoughts our souls engross, Songs of praise and fervent prayers. 123. L. M. OGOD, whose presence glows in all Within, around us, and above! Thy word we bless, thy name we call, Whose word is Truth, whose name is Love. 2 That truth be with the heart believed By all who seek this sacred place; With power proclaimed, in peace received, — Our spirits' light, thy Spirit's grace. 3 That love its holy influence pour, To keep us meek and make us free, And throw its binding blessing more Bound each with all, and all with thee. 4 Send down its angels to our side, — Send in its calm upon the breast; For we would know no other guide, And we can need no other rest. 80 : OPENING SERVICE. 124t. c. M. ^NCE more we come before our Grod — Once more his blessing ask : may not duty seem a load, Nor worship prove a task ! 2 May we receive the word we hear, Each in an honest heart; And keep the sacred treasure there, Nor ever with it part. 3 Awake ! heavenly wind, awake ! Refreshing breezes blow; Let ev'ry plant thy power partake, And all the garden grow. 4 Revive the parched with soft'ning showers, The cold with warmth divine; The benefit shall all be ours, Be all the glory thine. 125. c. m. JESUS, thou all-redeeming Lord, Thy blessing we implore; Open the door to preach thy word, The great, effectual door. 2 Gather the outcasts in, and save From sin and Satan's power; And let them now acceptance have; And know their gracious hour. 3 Lover of souls ! thou know'st to prize What thou hast bought so dear; Come, then, and to thy people's eyes With all thy wounds appear. 4* 81 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 126. 7s. LORD, we come before thee now, At thy feet we humbly bow; ! do not our suit disdain ; Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain ? 2 In thine own appointed way Xow we seek thee — here we stay; Lord, from hence we would not go, Till a blessing thou bestow. 3 Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace afford; Comfort those who weep and mourn, Let -the time of love ,; return. -A Grant we all may seek, and find. Thee our gracious God, and kind; Heal the sick, the captive free, Let us all rejoice in thee. r 127. 6 ~ 8s - "XSPIRER of the ancient seers, Who wrote by thee the -sacred page. The same through all succeeding years, To us in our degen'rate age The spirit of thy word impart. And breathe the life into each heart. That we thine oracles may read With earnest prayer and strong desire, let thy Spirit now proceed, Our souls to waken and inspire; Our weakness help, our darkness chase, And guide us by the light of grace! 82 OPENING SERVICE. Whene'er in error's path we rove, The living God through sin forsake, Our conscience by thy word reprove, Convince and bring the wand'rers back; Restrain, correct, teach and reprove, And build us up in holy love. The sacred lessons of thy grace, Transmitted through thy word, repeat; And train us up in all thy ways, To make us in thy will complete; Fulfill thy love's redeeming plan, And bring us to a perfect man. 128. 7s. STEALING from the world away, We are come to seek thy face; Kindly meet us, Lord, we pray, Grant us thy reviving grace. 2 Yonder stars that gild the sky Shine but with a borrowed light; We, unless thy light be nigh, Wander, wrapt in gloomy night. 3 Sun of Righteousness! dispel All our darkness, doubts, and fears; May thy light within us dwell, Till eternal day appears. 4 Warm our hearts in prayer and praise, Lift our ev'ry thought above ; Hear the grateful songs we raise. Fill us with thy perfect love. 83 S 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 129. 7s (WEET the time, exceeding sweet! When the saints together meet, When the Savior is the theme, When they joy to sing of him. 2 Sing we then eternal love, Such as did the Father move: He beheld the world undone, Loved the world and gave his Son. 3 Sing ihe Son's amazing love; How he left the realms above, Took our nature and our place, Lived and died to save our race. 4 Sing we, too, the Spirit's love; With our stubborn hearts he strove, Filled our minds with grief and fear, Brought the precious Savior near. 5 Sweet the place, exceeding sweet, Where the saints in glory meet; Where the Savior ; s still the theme, Where they see and sing of him. 130. 8s&7s. TRUTH is mighty! who can stay it? Barriers may before it rise; But its march will be its triumph, Precious souls redeemed, its prize. 2 May its power, to those assembled, Be thy witness, gracious Lord, May its conquest be our vict'ry While we hear thy precious word. 84 OPENING SERVICE. 131. S. M. D. LORD, since at thy command The word of life we sow, Watered by thy almighty hand, The seed shall surely grow : The virtue of thy grace A large increase shall give, And multiply the faithful race, Who to thy glory live. 2 Now, then, the ceaseless shower Of gospel blessings send, And let the soul-converting power Thy ministers attend. On multitudes confer The heart-renewing love, And by the joy of grace prepare For fuller joys above. 132. l. M. FATHER of mercies, bow thine ear, Attentive to our earnest prayer; We plead for those who plead for thee; Successful may they ever be. 2 Clothe thou with energy divine Their words, and let those words be thine; Teach them immortal souls to crain, Nor let them labor, Lord, in vain. 3 Let thronging multitudes around Hear from their lips the joyful sound; And light through distant realms be spread, Till Zion rears her drooping head. 85 PUBLIC WORSHIP 133. s. m. LORD, in this sacred hour, Within thy courts we bend, And bless thy love, and own thy power. Our Father and our friend. 2 But thou art not alone In courts by mortals trod; Nor only is the day thine own When man draws near to God. 3 Thy temple is the arch Of yon unmeasured sky ; Thy Sabbath, the stupendous march Of grand eternity. 4 Lord may that holier day Dawn on thy servants' sight; And purer worship may we pay In heaven's unclouded light. 134. L- m. OTHOU, at whose almighty word The glorious light from darkness sprung, Thy quick'ning influence afford, And clothe with power the preacher's tongue, 2 As when of old the waters flowed Forth from the rock at thy command; Moses in vain had waved his rod, Without thy wonder-working hand. 3 As when the walls of Jericho Down to the earth at once were cast; It was thy power that brought them low, And not the trumpet's feeble blast. OPENING SERVICE. 4 Thus would we in the means be found, And thus on thee alone depend; Oh, make the gospel's joyful sound Effectual to the promised end. 135. L- m. WITH thankful hearts we meet, Lord, To sing thy praise, to hear thy word 5 To seek thy face in earnest prayer, To cast on thee each earthly care. 2 Dear shepherd of thy chosen flock, Thy people's shield, their shad'wing rock, Once more we meet to hear thy voice, Once more before thee to rejoice. 3 Thy presence, Savior, now we seek, Confirm the strong, sustain the weak, Way-worn and tired, we hither come, Give us a foretaste of our home. 136. L.M. SPIRIT of the living God! In all the fullness of thy grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our sin-laden race. o 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love To preach the reconciling word: Give power and unction from above, Whene'er the joyful sound is heard. 3 Be darkness, at thy coming, light; Confusion, order in thy path; Souls without strength, inspire with might; Bid mercy triumph over wrath ! 87 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 137. 8s & ^ s - SWEETLY may the blessed Spirit, On each faithful bosom shine; May we ev'ry grace inherit: Lord we seek a boon divine. 2 Since thou tak'st delight in giving, We would gladly ask and have; Gratefully each gift receiving, In his name who died to save. 3 We would seek t' obtain his favor, Which is better far than gold; May his gospel prove the savor Of a life that's ne'er been told. 4 Passing honors, transient pleasures, Boasting joys, for ever flown; May we seek to lay up treasures Where decay shall ne'er be known. 5 Savior, to assist our weakness, Let thy grace sufficient be; Bless with wisdom and with meekness, Till we full salvation see. o 138. c. M. D. NOT alone with outward sign Of fear, or voice from heaven, The message of a truth divine, The call of God, is given; Awak'ning in the human heart Love for the true and right, Zeal for the Christian's better part, Strength for the Christian's fight. OPENING SERVICE. Though heralded by naught of fear, Or outward sign or show; Though only to the inward ear It whisper soft and low; Though dropping as the manna fell. Unseen, yet from above, Holy and gentle, heed it well : — The call to truth and love. 139. o. m. LORD, let thy power attend thy word While here we wait to praise, And let the "fountain's" depths be stirred While blessings crown our lays. 2 Here let us each our cares forget, To sing our love to thee; Nor sorrow, pain, nor vain regret Disturb our unity. 3 Help from thy bounteous store afford, Our poverty to bless; Let light and truth, to earth restored, Our ev'ry soul possess. 4 Drive from our midst each dark'ning cloud; Our ev'ry fear dispel; While to thy temple's courts we crowd To thee our love to tell. 5 While here, thy Spirit's grace bestow Each wounded heart to heal. That when we hence by duty go, Acceptance we may feel. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 110. 8s & 7s. S the dew, from heaven distilling, Gently on the grass descends, And revives it, thus fulfilling What thy providence intends. A f 2 Let thy doctrine, Lord, so gracious, Thus descending from above, Blest by thee, prove efficacious To fulfill thy work of love. 3 Lord, behold this congregation, Precious promises fulfill, From thy holy habitation Let the dews of life distil. 4 Let our cry come up before thee, Sweetest influence shed around; So the people shall adore thee, And confess the joyful sound. c* 111. L. M. iOME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above: Be thou our guardian, thou our guide! O'er ev'ry thought and step preside. 2 To us the light of truth display, And make us know and choose thy way; Plant holy fear in ev'ry heart. That we from God may ne'er depart. 3 Lead us to holiness — the road That we must take to dwell with God; Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his precepts stray. 90 OPENING SERVICE. 4 Lead us to God, our final rest, To be with him forever blest; Lead us to heaven, its bliss to share Fullness of joy forever there ! M 1 142. c. M. ^ET in thy sacred name, Lord, To worship thee below, Grant that each soul with joy may thrill^ With love each bosom glow. 2 In festive scenes, 'mid giddy throngs Of those whom sin delight, We would not mingle, but would walk In truth's free saving light. 3 Thy cheering promise, Lord, we wah% i Wherever two or three Shall in my name together meet, | There will I deign to be/ 4 Inspire our praise, direct our prayer, Thy Spirit fill each heart; Clothe thou with power the preacher's tongue, To all thy grace impart, 143. s. m. JESUS, we look to thee, Thy promised presence claim; Thou in the midst of us shalt be, Assembled in thy name. 2 Thy name Salvation is, Which here we come to prove; Thy name is Life, and Health, and Peace, And Everlasting Love. 91 PRATER. 14:4. VS. D. FATHER, when in love to thee Low we bow th' adoring knee; When, repentant to the skies Scarce we lift our streaming eyes; O, by all the pain and woe Suffered by thy son below, Bending from thy throne on high, Hear and answer when we cry. 2 By his birth and early years, By his human griefs and fears, By his fasting and distress In the lonely wilderness, By his victory in the hour Of the subtle tempter's power; Father, look with pity'ng eye; Hear and answer when we cry. 3 By his hour of dark despair, By his agony of prayer, By his purple robe of scorn, By his wounds and crown of thor By his cross, his pangs and cries, By his perfect sacrifice; Father look, with pity'ng eye; Hear and answer when we cry. 92 PRAYER. 145. l. m. MY God, my Father, while I stray, Far from my home in life's dull way; ! teach me from my soul to say, Thy will be done ! Thy will be done ! 2 Though dark my path and hard my lot, May I be still and murmur not; But breathe the prayer divinely taught, Thy will be done ! Thy will be done ! 3 If thou should' st call me to resign What most I prize, it ne'er was mine; I only then yield what is thine, Thy will be done ! Thy will be done ! 4 And when on earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mixed with tears before, Fll sing upon a happier shore, jhy will be done ! Thy will be done ! 146. c. m. FATHER ! whatever of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies, Accepted at thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise : — 2 c Grive me a calm, a thankful heart, From ev'ry murmur free ; The blessings of thy grace impart, And make me live to thee. 3 'Let the sweet hope that thou art mine My life and death attend : Thy presence through my journey shine, And crown my journey's end.' 93 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 14:7. C - M. ^H, Lord! around thine altar now, To supplicate thy grace, As children we would humbly bow, And seek our Father's face. 0' 2 Hide not from us, our Father dear, Thy gracious smiles, we pray; But let thy love dispel our fear, And draw us near to thee. 3 Let thy great light illume our souls, And guide our erring feet; Thy Spirit o'er us hold control, And keep us from deceit. 4 We know, Lord, without thine aid, We little good can do; But when our minds on thee are staid, Thou bring'st us conq'ring through. 5 Then, gracious God, accept us now, From thy great throne above; Help each to pay his sacred vow, And fill us with thy love. 148. c. m. TALK with us, Lord, thyself reveal, While here on earth we rove; Speak to our hearts, and let us feel The kindling of thy love. 2 With thee conversing, we forget All time, and toil, and care; Labor is rest, and pain is sweet, If thou, our God, art here. 94 PRAYER. 3 Here, then, our Grod, vouchsafe to stay, And bid our hearts rejoice; Our bounding hearts shall own thy sway, And echo to thy voice. 4 Thou callest us to seek thy face; ; T is all we wish to seek; To attend the whispers of thy grace, And hear thee inly speak. 5 Let this our ev'ry hour employ, Till we thy glory see; Enter into our Master's joy, And reign on earth with thee. 149. 6-7s. OTHOU Grod who hearest prayer Ev'ry hour and ev'rywhere ! For his sake, whose blood we plead, Hear us in our hour of need: Only hide not now thy face, Grod of all-sufficient grace ! 2 Hear and save us, gracious Lord! For our trust is in thy word; Cleanse us from the stain of sin, That thy peace may rule within : May each know himself thy child, Ransomed, pardoned, reconciled. 3 Leave us not, our Strength, our Trust! Oh, remember we're but dust ! Leave us not again to stray; Leave us not the tempter's prey; Fix our hearts on things above; Make us happy in thy love, 95 PUBLIC WORSHIP. ISO. o. M. GOD of Jacob, by whose hand Thine Israel still is fed, Who through this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led; — o 2 To thee our humble vows we raise, To thee address our prayer, And in thy kind and faithful breast Deposit all our care. 3 If thou, through each perplexing path, Wilt be our constant guide ; If thou wilt daily bread supply, And raiment wilt provide; 4 If thou wilt spread thy shield around , Till these our wand'rings cease, And at our Father's loved abode Our souls arrive in peace : — 5 To thee, as to our cov'nant God, We'll our whole selves resign; And count, that not our tenth alone, But all we have is thine. o 151. 0. M. D. GOD ! give strength to all thy saints, And courage give them too; And ! lend them thy mighty hand, To conquer ev'ry foe. Thy saints are weak, but thou art strong; There's all we want in thee ; And thou hast promis'd us thine aid When we united be. PRAYER. 2 Oh ! guide our footsteps in the wilds, And guard us day and night; Give signs when enemies appear, And through us show thy might. We want no cowards in our ranks, We do not think to yield; And for the vict'ry we will fight, Or perish in the field. 3 We will not perish, though we die — We'll rise to life again; God only wants us to be brave — The battle we will gain. Thou, God, who did the sea divide, And led thy people through, Thy mighty hand is still the same. And we do know it, too. 152. L. M. D. SWEET hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father's throne, Make all my wants and wishes known. In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief, And oft escaped the tempter's snare, By thy return, sweet hour of prayer ! 2 Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! Thy wings shall my petition bear To him whose truth and faithfulness, Engage the waiting soul to bless. And since he bids me seek his face, Believe his word, and trust his grace, I'll cast on him my ev'ry care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer ! 5 97 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 153. L. M. ASK not now for gold to gild, With mocking shine, and aching frame; The yearning of the mind is stilled — I ask not now for worldly fame. i But, bowed in lowliness of mind, I make my humble wishes known; I only ask a will resigned, gracious Father, to thine own. In vain I task my aching brain, In vain the sage's thoughts I scan; I only feel how weak I am, How poor and blind is mortal man. And now my spirit sighs for home, And longs for light whereby to see; And, like a weary child, would come, In prayer, Father, unto thee. o 1 1 £4. 6s & 4s. ^H, Lord! thy people bless; Arm them with holiness: Hear us, we pray. When troubles bow them down; When friends upon them frown! Oh, Lord! preserve thine own: Hear us we pray. When dread diseases are, Make them thy special care; Thy power display. Stretch forth thine arm of love, Let all the faithful prove, They have a friend above, Hear us, we pray. PRAYER. 3 When crossing o'er the deep, Thy flock in safety keep, From ev'ry harm. When winds and waves roll high; When clouds o'erspread the sky, Be thou for ever nigh : Hear us, we pray. 4 When nations rush to war; When men begin to fear, Be near them then. Bid angels guard their way; Watch o'er them day by day; Nor let their footsteps stray. E'en so, Amen. 155. l. M. MY God, I thank thee ! may no thought E'er deem thy chastisements severe; But may this heart, by sorrow taught, Calm each wild wish, each idle fear. 2 Thy mercy bids ail nature bloom ; The sun shines bright, and man is gay; Thine equal mercy spreads the gloom, That darkens o'er his little day. ' 3 Many a throb of grief and pain Thy frail and erring child must know ; But not one prayer is breathed in vain, Nor does one tear unheeded flow. 4 Thy various messengers employ; Thy purposes of love fulfill ; And 'mid the wreck of human joy, Let kneeling faith adore thy will. 99 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 156. S. M. TO God your ev'ry want In instant prayer display: Pray fervently, and never faint; Pray humbly, meekly pray. 2 In fellowship, — alone, — To God in faith draw near; Approach his courts, address his throne, With all the power of prayer: 3 Go to his temple, go, All doub tings hence remove; Let ev'ry house his worship know, And ev'ry heart his love. 4 Confess your sins to God, And contrite how the knee; Spread forth your hands, and pray aloud That Zion may be free. • 5 Your guides and brethren bear For ever on your mind ; Extend the arms of mighty prayer In love for human kind. 157. c - M - LOUD, teach thy servants how to pray With rev'rence and with fear; Though dust and ashes, yet we may, We must, to thee draw near. 2 We come, then, God of grace, to thee; Give broken, contrite hearts ; Give — what thine eye delights to see — Truth in the inward parts. 100 PRAYER. 3 Give deep humility; the sense Of godly sorrow give; A strong, desiring confidence To see thy face and live. 4 Give faith in that one sacrifice Which can for sin atone ; To cast our hopes, to fix our eyes. On Christ, and Christ alone. 5 Give patience, still to wait and weep 9 O'er those who go astray, x Courage our fainting souls to keep, In this the trying day. 6 Give these, and then thy will be done : i Thus strengthened with all might, We, through thy Spirit and thy Son, Shall pray, and pray aright. 158. c. m. OUH Father who in heaven doth dwell, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, In heaven and earth the same. 2 . Give us each day our daily bread \ Our trespasses forgive, As we forgive our fellow-men, May we thy grace receive. 3 And in temptation leave us not; From evil us defend; For thine, Lord, the kingdom is, Forever, without end. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 4-6s & 2-8s. LORD, to thee we come, Though foolish in thy sight; Though oft we from thee roam, And grope in sins dark night; Thy parcelling love, Lord, reveal, May we thy holy presence feel. 2 Our hearts with sadness fill, Unless we feel thee near; And darkness hovers, till Thou bid it disappear. Lord let us see thy light divine, Its glorious beams upon us shine. 3 Thy blessings, Lord, we seek, Thy Spirit from above; that thou wouldest speak, Some cheering word of love ; So that our faith, might strengthened be, Our hope be centered more in thee. 160. c. m. COME, thou desire of all thy saints, Our humble strains attend, While with our praises and complaints, Low at thy feet we bend. 2 When we thy wondrous glory hear, And all thy sufferings trace, What sweet, — what awful scenes appear! What rich, unbounded grace ! 3 How should our songs, like those above, With warm devotion rise ! How should our thoughts on wings of love, Mount upwards to the skies ! 102 PRAYER. 4 But all ! the song, how cold it flows ! How languid our desire ! How faint the sacred passion glows, Till thou the heart inspire ! 5 Come, Lord, thy love alone can raise In us the heavenly flame ! Then shall our lips resound thy praise, Our hearts adore thy name. 161. C. M. D. PRAYER is the soul's sincere desire. Uttered or unexpressed; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near. 2 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try; Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach The Majesty on high. Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice, Returning from his ways, While angels in their songs rejoice, And say, "Behold, he prays !" 3 Nor is prayer made on earth alone — The Holy Spirit pleads, And Jesus, on th' eternal throne, For sinners intercedes. thou by whom we come to God — The Life, the Truth, the Way! The path of prayer thyself hast trod ; Lord, teach us how to pray. 103 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 16 2. 8s & 7s. J WOULD love thee, God and Father! My Redeemer, and my King! I would love thee; for, without thee, Life is but a bitter thing. 2 I would love thee ; every blessing Flows to me from out thy throne : I would love thee — he who loves thee Never feels himself alone. 3 I would love thee; look upon me, Ever guide me with thine eye : I would love thee; if not nourished By thy love, my soul would die. 4 I would love thee ; may thy brightness Dazzle my rejoicing eyes! I would love thee; may thy goodness Watch from heaven o'er all I prize. 5 I would love thee, I have vowed it; On thy love my heart is set : While I love thee, I can never My Redeemer's blood forget G ( 163. 7s & 6s D. | 0, when the morning shineth, Go, when the noon is bright, Go, when the eve declineth. Go, in the hush of night — Go, with pure mind and feeling; Fling earthly care away, And in thy chamber kneeling, Do thou in secret pray. 104 PRAYER. 2 Remember all who love thee, Ail who are loved by thee; Pray, too, for those who hate thee, If any such there be; Then for thyself, in meekness, A blessing humbly claim, And link with each petition Thy great Redeemer's name. 3 Or if 'tis e'er denied thee In solitude to pray, Should holy thoughts come o'er thee ? When friends are round thy way; E'en then thy silent breathing Will reach the throne above, And he will grant a blessing, Who is Mercy, Truth and Love. 164. c. m. FATHER of all our mercies, thou In whom we move and live, — Hear us in heaven, thy dwelling, now, And answer,' and forgive. 2 When, harassed by ten thousand foes, Our helplessness we feel, Oh, give the weary soul repose, The wounded spirit heal ! 3 When dire temptations gather round, And threaten or allure By storm or calm, — in thee be found A refuge strong and sure. 4 When age advances, may we grow In faith, in hope, in love, And walk in holiness below To holiness above. 5* 105 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 165. 6s & 7s d. LET us pray, gladly pray, In the house of Jehovah, Till the righteous can say, " our warfare is over I" Then we'll dry up our tears, Sweetly praising together, Through the great thousand years, Face to face with the Savior. 2 What a joy will be there, At the great resurrection As the saints meet in air, In their robes of perfection ; Then the Lamb — then the Lamb, With a God's mandatory, As I AM THAT I AM, Fills the world with his glory. 3 We can then live in peace, With a joy on the mountains, As the earth doth increase, With a joy by the fountains, For the world will be blest, With a joy to rely on, From the east to the west, Through the glory of Zion. 106. S. M. D. IWAXT a heart to pray — To pray and never cease; Never to murmur at thy stay, Or wish my suffrings less. This blessing, above all — Always to pray — I want; 106 PRAYER. Out of the deep on thee to call, And never, never faint. 2 I want a true regard, A single, steady aim — Unmoved by threatening or reward, To thee and thy great name; A jealous, just concern, For thine immortal praise; A pure desire that all may learn And glorify thy grace. 3 I rest upon thy word — The promise is for me; My succor and salvation, Lord, Shall surely come from thee ^ But let me still abide, Nor from my hope remove, Till thou my patient spirit guide Into thy perfect love. 167* L - M - WHAT various hindrances we meet, In bowing at our Maker's feet; Yet who that knows the worth of prayer,' But wishes to be often there? 2 Have we no words ? ah ! think again : Words flow apace when we complain, And fill our fellow creature's ear With the sad tale of all our care. 3 Were half the breath thus vainly spent To heaven in supplication sent. Our cheerful songs would oft'ner be, "Hear what the Lord hath done for me!" 107 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 168. 8s & 7s D. LET us pray for one another, For the day is fading fast, And the night is growing darker, While the scourge goes flaming past: We can see it in the darkness, Closing round our narrow way, And the snares are growing thicker ; For each other let us pray. 2 We are walking down times vista; We are very near the end; Xet us pray that God the Father, May his guiding Spirit send. Now "the foe becomes more daring," Knowing well the latter day; 'Tis-the strength of his despairing, For each other let us pray. 3 Pray in faith, and pray unceasing, To the God we love and trust, For our prayers are much availing, If we walk upright and just. Be not weary of exhorting, Heed the lesson of each day, And that we may be unwav'ring ; For each other let us pray. 4 It is waning on to midnight, Soon we'll hear the watchman say, ' ; See ! the Son of God is coming; Go and meet him on the way." That our lamps may then be burning, Bright enough to guide our way, And that we may share his glory, For each other let us pray. 108 G ( PRAYER. L. M. j OD of my life, to thee I call, Afflicted at thy feet I fall; When the great water-floods prevail, Leave not my trembling heart to fail. 2 Friend of the friendless and the faint, "Where should I lodge my deep complaint? Where but with thee, whose open door Invites the helpless and the poor. 3 Did ever mourner plead with thee, And thou refuse that mourner's plea? Does not the word still fixed remain, That none shall seek thy face in vain? 4 That were a grief I could not bear, Didst thou not hear and answer prayer; But a prayer-hearing, answering God, Supports me under ev'ry load. 5 Fair is the lot that's cast for me; I have an advocate with thee : Poor though I am, despised, forgot, Yet God, my God, forgets me not. 170. L- M. SHOW pity, Lord! Lord, forgive; Let a repenting sinner live : Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not the contrite trust in thee ? 2 A broken heart, my God ! my King ! Is all the offering 1 can bring , The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. 109 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 171. L - M - "HERE two or three, with sweet accord Obedient to their sov'reign Lord, Meet to recount his acts of grace, And offer solemn prayer and praise ; — w 2 There will the gracious Savior be , To bless the little company; There, to unvail his smiling face, And bid his glories fill the place. 3 We meet at thy command, Lord ! Relying on thy faithful word \ Now send the Spirit from above, And fill our hearts with heavenly love. 1 72. 8s & 4s - WHEN the heart is sad and weary, Bow thou in prayer ! When thy faith is lone and dreary, Bow thou in prayer ! Elate with pleasures, tossed with pains, In sickness, or while health remains, When hope is bright, or when it wanes. Bow thou in prayer. 2 When temptations dire assail thee, Bow thou in prayer ! When thine earthly friends shall fail thee. Bow thou in prayer ! When it seems that each surrounding, Is with sin and grief abounding, Hope and faith in man confounding, Bow thou in prayer ! no PRAYER. When thy cherished hopes are broken, Bow thou in prayer ! When no heart gives friendly token, Bow thou in prayer ! When thine enemies attack thee, When thy loved ones all forsake thee, To thine altar then betake thee, Bow thou in prayer ! 173. 8s & ft. HEAVENLY Father, we adore thee! At thy feet we humbly bow; Met to worship, Lord, before thee, Grant us each a blessing now. 2 Thou art gracious ; Lord, forgive us Ev'ry wrong that we have done ; Let no spirit false deceive us, Bid thy Spirit make us one. 3 In the name of Christ our Savior, Draw our minds from worldly care ; Grant us each thy special favor, • Hear our earnest, fervent prayer. 4 Few in number, yet delighting In the truth which makes us free ; May that truth our hearts uniting, Aid us each to trust in thee. 5 Deign to hear our invitation, c By thy Spirit with us meet ;' Let the prayer of inspiration Be with all our wants replete. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 174. c. M. SHEPHERD Divine, our wants relieve, In this our evil day; To all thy tempted foll'wers give The power to watch and pray. 2 Long as our fiery trials last, Long as the cross we bear, let our souls on thee be cast In earnest, heart-felt prayer. J7 S. Us & 9s. HOW sweet to the soul of the saint ere he rest From his trials, his labor and care ; To return thanks to God, by whom he is blest, And receive of his Spirit in prayer. 2 Oh ! sweet are the accents that fall on the ear From the lips of the honest in heart, Who, bowed in devotion, in meekness and fear, Breathe a prayer love alone can impart. 3 Through prayer to his God, did our prophet withstand The scorn and contempt of his foes, And breathing his last, in this valley of tears, Prayed God to forgive them his woes. 4 Like David of old, let us pray night and day, And rememb'ring our Master's behest, Let our lights brightly shine, showing others the way, That they may be happy and blest. 112 SAINTS' WARFARE. 176. 8s > 6s & 2 ~ 8s - AS much have I of worldly good As e'er my Master had ; I diet on as dainty food, And am as richly clad, Though plain my garb, though scant my board, As Mary's Son and nature's Lord. 2 The manger was his infant bed, His home, the mountain-cave, He had not where to lay his head, He borrowed e'en his grave ; Earth yielded him no resting spot, — Her maker — but she knew him not. 3 As much the world's good-will I share, Its favors and applause, As he whose blessed name I bear, — Hated without a cause ) Despised, — rejected, — mocked by pride; Betrayed, — forsaken, — crucified. 4 Why should I court my Master's foe ? Why should I fear his frown ? Why should I seek for rest below, Or sigh for brief renown ? A pilgrim to a better land, — An heir of joy at God's right hand. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 177. s - M - HARK, how tlie watchmen cry ! Attend the trumpet's sound ! Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh ; For Satan's hosts surround. 2 Who bow to Christ's command, Your arms and hearts prepare ; The day of battle is at hand ! Gro forth to glorious war ! 3 See, on the mountain top, The standard of your God ! In Jesus' name we lift it up, Stained with Immanuel's blood. 4 Go up with Christ your Head ; Your Captain's footsteps see; Follow your Chieftain, and be led To certain victory. s j 178. fc- ( AINTS arise ! your hearts be glad ! March in heavenly armor clad; Fight ! nor think the battle long ; Vict'ry soon will tune our song. Let not sorrow dim your eye ; Soon shall cv'ry tear be dry : Let not fears your course impede : Great your strength, if great your need. Onward then ! to battle move. More than conq'rors you shall prove ; Though skilfull be th' opposing foe, Yaliant soldiers, onward go ! 114 W 1 SAINTS WARFARE. 7s D. r H0 are these arrayed in white, Brighter than the noon-day sun ? Foremost of the sons of light ; Nearest the eternal throne ? These are they who bore the cross, Nobly for their Master stood • Suff'rers in his righteous cause, Followers of the risen Lord. Out of great distress they came, Washed their robes by faith below, In the blood of yonder Lamb, Blood that washes white as snow : Therefore are they next the throne, Serve their Maker day and night : God resides among his own, Grod doth in his saints delight. More than conquerors at last, Here they find their trials o'er ; They have all their suff rings past, Hunger now and thirst no more : No excessive heat they feel From the sun's directer ray ; In a milder clime they dwell, Begion of eternal day. He who on the throne doth reign, Shall supply their ev'ry need, With the tree of life sustain, To the living fountains lead ; He shall all their sorrows chase, All their cares and wants remove. Wipe the tears from ev'ry face Fill up ev'ry soul with love. 115 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 180. ^ & 6s D. FAREWELL, all earthly honcrs, I bid you all adieu; Farewell, all sinful pleasures, I want no more of you : I want my hope well grounded In the eternal soil, Beyond the powers of Satan, Where sin can ne'er defile. 2 I want my name engraven Among the righteous ones, Crying, 'Holy, Holy Father' — ■ And wear a righteous crown : For such eternal riches I'm willing to pass through All needful tribulation, And count it my just due. 3 I'm willing to be chastened And bear my daily cross ; I'm willing to be cleansed From every kind of dross : I see a fiery furnace, I feel its piercing flame — The fruit of it is holy, The gold will still remain. 4 All earthly tribulation Is but a moment here, And if we but prove faithful, A righteous crown we'll wear ! We shall be called holy, And fed on angels' food, Rejoicing in bright glory Before the throne of God. 116 SAINTS WARFARE. There Christ himself has promised A mansion to prepare ; Those who meekly bear the cross, The crown shall also wear ; Bright palms shall there be given To all the ransomed throng, And, 'Glory, Glory, Glory/ Shall be the conq'ror's song. 181. c. M. AWAKE, my soul ! stretch ev'ry nerve ? And press with vigor on; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey": Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice ; That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye : 4 That prize, with peerless glories bright, Which shall new lustre boast, When victors' wreath's and monarchs' gems Shall blend in common dust. 5 Blest Savior ! introduced by thee, Have I my race begun ; And, crowned with vict'ry, at thy feet I'll lay my honors down. 117 A ! PUBLIC WORSHIP. 182. o. m. Mia soldier of the cross, A follow'r of the Lainb ? And shall I fear to own his cause. Or blush to speak his name ? 2 Must I be borne to Paradise, On flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize, And sailed through bloody seas ? 3 Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the flood ? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? 4 Sure I must fight if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord ! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. A 1 183. P- m. H ! this heart is void and chill, Mid earth's noisy thronging, — For the Father's mansion still Earnestly is longing ! Looking home, looking home. Towards the heavenly mansion Jesus hath prepared for me In his Fathers kingdom. In the garments once so strong, Now are rents distressing; And the sandals worn so long, Heavily are pressing. 118 SAINTS WARFARE. 3 Oh ! to be at home, and gain All for which we're sighing, — ■ Ended, earthly want and pain, Ended, death and dying. 4 With this load of sin and care, Then no longer bending, But with waiting angels there, On our Lord attending. 5 Soon the glorious day will dawn, Heavenly pleasures bringing; Night will be exchanged for morn, Sighs give place to singing. 184. 8s&7s. PILGRIMS in this vale of sorrow, Pressing onward toward the prize,. Strength and comfort here we borrow From the hand that rules the skies. 2 'Mid these scenes of self-denial, We are called the race to run ; We must share the warrior's trial, Ere the victor's crown be won. 3 Love shall ev'ry conflict lighten, Hope shall urge us swifter on, Faith shall ev'ry prospect brighten, Till the morn of heaven shall dawn- 4 On th/ Eternal arm reclining. We at length shall win the day; All the powers of earth combining, Shall not snatch our crown away. 119 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 185. l. m. OH, Lord ! how mighty are our foes, What combined powers thy saints oppose I Worldly vices, captivating ; Fleshly lusts, soul-enervating. 2 Satanic forces, numerous, strong, Unite, the conflict to prolong ; Lord, help thy saints the conquest gain, The victor's crown may each obtain. 186. ^ m. AFTEE the joys of earth, After its songs of mirth, After its hours of light. After its dreams so bright, — What, then? Only an empty name ; Only a weary frame ; Only a ceaseless smart; Only an aching heart. 2 After this empty name, After this weary frame, After this conscious smart, After this aching heart, — What then ? Only a sad farewell To a world loved too well y Only a silent bed With the forgotten dead. 3 After this sad farewell To a world loved too well, After this silent bed 120 w 1 SAINTS WARFARE. With the forgotten dead, — What then ? Oh, then — the Judgment throne ! Oh, then — the last hope gone ! Oh, then — the day of wrath ! Oh, then — the second death ! 187. . PM - "HEN grief the saints oppress, When trials give unrest, Bereavements gloomy cloud Fond, cherished hopes enshroud — What then ? Oh then, they find indeed In Grod, a friend in need ; A stronger, purer love, Is born for things above ! After they find indeed, In God, a friend in need, After this stronger love Is born for things above, — What then ? Oh, then, to keep his laws, To advocate his cause, To follow Christ, his Son, Until the conquest's won. After they keep his laws And advocate his cause, After through Christ, the Son, The victory shall be won, — What then ? Oh, then, no farther strife, The prize, — Eternal Life, A home with Christ the Lord, The victor's high reward. 8 m H PUBLIC WORSHIP. 188. C.M.D. "ARK ! listen to the trumpeters ! They sound for volunteers; Commissioned by the King of Kings, Behold the officers. Their armor clean, and glist'ning bright. With courage bold they stand, Enlisting soldiers for their King, Soldiers of Zion's land. ! Their King is Christ, their armor truth, The word of God their sword, Their shield the power of mighty faith, Their General is the Lord. It sets my heart' all in a flame A soldier brave to be ; I will enlist, gird on my arms, And fight for liberty. The fight must be the fight of faith, The robe, of righteousness, The contest, with the powers of death, The aim, mankind to bless. The General will to conquest lead, The great Eternal Lamb — His garments stained in his own blood — King Jesus is his name. We want no cowards in our bands, Who will our colors fly; We call for valiant-hearted men, Who're not afraid to die. To see our armies on parade, How martial they appear ! All armed and drest in uniform, They look like men of war. 122 SAINTS WARFARE. 5 Lift up your heads, ye soldiers bold, Redemption's drawing nigh ; We soon shall hear the trumpet sound That shakes the earth and sky. The trumpets sound ! The armies shout L They drive the hosts of hell ! The conflict's ended, vict'ry won, Hail ! King Immanuel ! 189. s. M. D. SOLDIERS of Christ, arise, And gird your armor on, Strong in the strength which God supplies. Through his Eternal Son : Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And in his mighty power, Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. 2 Stand, then, in his great might, With all his strength endued, And take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God : That, having all things done, And all your conflicts past, You may overcome through Christ alone, And stand complete at last. 3 From strength to strength go on ; Wrestle, and fight, and pray ; Tread all the powers of darkness down, Till yours, a perfect sway. Still let the Spirit cry, In all his soldiers, 'Come/ Soon will the Lord descend from high, And ev'ry victor crown. 123 G< PUBLK3 WORSHIP. 190. 8s & 7s. D. OD is marshaling his army For the rescue of his truth, He is calling now to battle, Both the aged and the youth. Tou can hear his mighty summons In the thunder of his word — Let us then be valiant soldiers, In the army of the Lord ! Let the watchman in the tower Keep his post with sleepless eyes ; Let the private out on picket Guard against the least surprise ; For the order is forever, To be ready at a word \ There must be no sleeping soldiers, In the army of the Lord ! 'Tis a war that calls for valor ; ; Tis a conflict with the world ; There can be no furlough granted ; Never must the flag be furled. We can never cease the conflict, Till the summons home be heard y We have all for life enlisted, In the army of the Lord. Let us not be weary, comrades ! Let us faint not by the way ! Though the night be long and dreary, Soon will dawn millennium's day. Let us keep the camp-fires blazing, Let us sound abroad his word : There are glorious victories coming For the army of the Lord. 124 0' saints' warfare. 191. l M kH, deem not they are blest alone, Whose lives a peaceful tenor keep ; For God, who pities man, hath shown A blessing for the eyes that weep. 2 The light of smiles shall fill again The lids that overflow with tears ; And weary hours of woe and pain Promise are of happier years. 3 There is a day of sunny rest For ev'ry dark and troubled night; And grief may bide an evening guest, But joy shall come with early light. 4 Nor let the good man's trust depart. Though life its common gifts deny; Though with a pierced and broken heart, And spurned of men, he goes to die. 5 For God has marked each sorrow'ng day, And numbered every secret tear, And heaven's long age of bliss shall pay For all his children suffer here. 192. s. m. kH, watch, and fight, and pray ! 0' The battle ne'er give o'er ; llenew it boldly ev'ry day, And help divine implore. Ne'er think the vict'ry won, Nor once at ease sit down ; Thy arduous work will not be done Till thou obtain thy crown. 125 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 193, l. M. THE warrior-saint, behold him stand In the whole armor of his God, The spirit's sword is in his hand, His feet are with the gospel shod. 2 In panoply of truth complete, Salvation's helmet on his head, With righteousness, a breastplate meet, And faith's broad shield before him spread, — 3 With this omnipotence he moves ; From this the alien armies flee ; % Till more than conqueror he proves, Through Christ, who gives him victory. 4 Thus strong in his Redeemer's strength, Sin, death, and hell he tramples down, Fights the good fight, and wins at length, Through mercy, an immortal crown. 194. 6-8s. WHEN adverse winds and waves arise, And ki my heart despondence sighs; When life her throng of cares reveals, And weakness o'er my spirit steals, Grateful I hear the kind decree, That "as" my day, my strength shall be." 2 One trial more must yet be past, One pang — the keenest and the last; And when, with brow convulsed and pale, My feeble, quiv'ring heart-strings fail, 126 SAINTS WARFARE. Redeemer ! grant my soul to see That " as her day, her strength shall be." 195. pm. PEACE ! my fond heart, the goal is won ! The race so long ago begun At last triumphantly is run : For that which e'er since boyhood's days, Thou'st sought through cheerless, devious ways, Thou'st found, now, in these latter days, Peace ! my fond heart, the goal is won ! 2 Joy, joy! my heart, to joy resign! No more in loneliness repine, The all of heaven and earth are thine. Thy Savior knows thy weight of care ; And with thee will the burden bear, And in his triumph thou shalt share ; Joy, joy ! my heart, to joy resign ! 3 Shame, shame ! my heart, to talk of peace; From toil and strife to ask release, Ere thy last silent throbbings cease ; Undone the labor on thee laid, Thy debt of gratitude unpaid, And unfulfilled the vows thou'st made ; Shame, shame ! my heart, to talk of peace. 4 Beat high, my heart ; my heart, be strong ! To God and truth thy powers belong. Beat for the right ! beat down the wrong ! What though disaster be thy doom — What though the deserts be thy tomb — Aye ! bid the storm of trial come ; — Beat high, my heart; my heart, be strong ! 127 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. 196. 6s & 4s. BENEATH the darkest cloud, God's hand I see; Although it be a shroud That sheweth me. Still let not sorrows part E'er change my loving heart, His mercy heal the smart That woundeth me. 2 If wounded sore, I faint, Lord, comfort me; Still let me be a saint, Loved still of thee. Indulge me with the thought To find the pardon sought, By blood of Jesus bought, That saveth me. 3 If ; neath my woes I fall, Tried unto death, Still let me on thee call While I have breath. O let me on thee call, Thou God and friend of all; Nor sin my cry forestall — My God to thee. 128 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. Through blinding tears, thy smile, My God, I see ; It cheers me still, the while Thou chast'neth me. By it I know thee near ; Nor can I doubt, or fear, Forgive me ev'ry tear, For love to thee. 197. L - M - AWAY, my unbelieving fear ! Fear shall no more in me have place ; My Savior doth not yet appear, He hides the brightness of his face : 2 But shall I therefore let him go, And basely to the tempter yield ? No, in the strength of Jesus, no, I never will give up my shield. 3 Although the vine its fruit deny, Although the olive yield no oil, The withering fig-trees droop and die, The fields elude the tillers' toil. 4 The empty stall no herds afford, And perish all the bleating race, Yet will I triumph in the Lord, The God of my salvation praise. 5 In hope believing against hope, Jesus, my Lord, my God, I claim; Jesus my strength, shall lift me up, Salvation is in Jesus' name. 6* 129 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 198. ii«- THOUGH troubles assail us, and dangers affright; Though friends should all fail us, and foes all unite ; Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide ; The scripture assures us, the Lord will provide. 2 The birds without garner or store-house, are fed; They teach us a lesson to trust for our bread ; His saints what is fitting shall ne'er be denied; So long as 'tis written, the Lord will provide. 3 We may, like the vessel, by tempests be tossed On perilous deeps, but we .can not be lost ; Though Satan enrages the wind and the tide, The promise engages, the Lord will provide. 4 His call we must honor, like Abrarn of old. Like him we may wander, but faith makes us bold, For though we are strangers we have a good guide, And trust in all dangers, the Lord will provide. 5 When Satan endeavors to stop up our path, And fills us with doubtings, we triumph by faith, He can not take from us, though oft he has tried, This heart-cheering promise, the Lord will pro- vide. 6 He tells us we're weak, that our hope is in vain; The good that we seek, we shall never obtain ; But when such suggestions our spirits have plied, This answers all questions, the Lord will provide. ISO CONFIDENCE IN GOD 199. s. m. COMMIT thou all thy griefs And ways into his hands, To his sure trust and tender care, Who earth and heaven commands i 2 Who points the clouds their course, Whom wind and seas obey, He shall direct thy wand'ring feet, He shall prepare thy way. 3 Thou on the Lord rely, So safe shalt thou go on : Fix on his work thy steadfast eye^ So shall thy work be done. 4 No profit canst thou gain By self-consuming care ; To him commend thy cause, his ear Attends the softest prayer. 200. S. M. **TI/r¥ times are in thy hand :" JjJL My God ! I wish them there ; My life, my friends, my soul, I leave Entirely to thy care. " My times are in thy hand," Whatever they may be ; Pleasing or painful, dark or bright, As best may seem to thee. "My times are in thy hand;" — Why should I doubt or fear ? My Father's hand will never cause His child a needless tear. 131 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 201. iio- HOW firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent word ; What more can lie say than to you he hath said, You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled ! 2 In ev'ry condition — in sickness, in health ; In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth ; At home or abroad, on the land or the sea, As thy days may demand, so thy succor shall be. 3 Fear not, I am with thee; be not dismayed; For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; I'll strengthen thee, help thee and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. 4 When through the deep waters I call thee to The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o'ernow; For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 5 When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply ; The flame shall not hurt thee ; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 6 E'en down to old age, all my people shall prove My Sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; And then, when gray hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne, 132 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. The soul that on Jesus still leans for repose, I will not, I can not, desert to his foes : That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, Til never — no, NEVER, no NEVER forsake ! 202. 6-8s. THE Lord my pasture will prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care; His presence will my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye : My noon-day walks he will attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales, and dewy meads, My weary wand'ring steps he leads : Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. 3 Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, Lord, art with me still : Thy friendly rod will give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful shade. 4 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious lonely wilds I stray, Thy presence will my pains beguile; The barren wilderness will smile With sudden greens and herbage crowned, And streams will murmur all around. 133 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 203. 6-8s. WHEN gath'ring storms around I view, And days are dark, and friends are few, On him I lean, who not in vain Experienced ev'ry human pain ; Whose love shall soothe, whose hand shall dry, The throbbing heart, the streaming eye. 2 If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heavenly virtue's narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the sin I would not do, Still he who felt temptation's power Shall guard me in that dang'rous hour. 3 When sorrow'ng, o'er some stone I bend, Which covers all that was a friend, And from his voice, his hand, his smile, Divides me for a little while, Eorgive, dear Lord, the tears I shed, For thou didst weep o'er Laz'rus dead. 4 And 0, when I have safely passed Through ev'ry conflict but the last, Still, still unchanging, watch beside My painful bed, for thou hast died : Then point to realms of cloudless day, And wipe the latest tear away. 204:. lls - THE Lord is my shepherd, no want shall I know; I feed in green pastures, safe-folded I rest ; He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores me when wand'ring, redeems when oppressed . 134 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. Through th/ valley and shadow of death though . I stray, Since thou art my guardian, no evil I fear ; Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay; No harm can befall, with my Comforter near. In th' midst of affliction my table is spread ; With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o'er; Thy Spirit's rich graces upon me are shed, Oh ! what shall I ask of thy providence more? 205. ios & us. BEGONE ! unbelief, my Savior is near, And for my relief will surely appear ; By prayer let me wrestle, and he will perform ; With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm. 2 Though dark be my way, since he is my guide^ 'T is mine to obey, 't is his to provide ; Though cisterns be broken, and creatures all fail. The word he has spoken will surely prevail. 3 His love in time past forbids me to think He'll leave me at last in trouble to sink ; Each sweet Ebenezer I have in review, Confirms his good pleasure to bring me quite through. 4 Since all that I meet shall work for my good. The bitter is sweet, the med'eine is food ; Though painful at present; 't will cease before long, And then, how pleasant the conqueror's song. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 206. s. m. WHERE wilt thou put thy trust f In a frail form of clay, That to its element of dust Must soon resolve away? 2 Where wilt thou cast thy care ? Upon an erring heart, Which hath its own sore ills to bear, And shrinks from sorrow's dart ? 3 No, — place thy trust above This shadowed realm of night, ■ In him whose boundless power and love Thy confidence invite. 4 His mercies will endure When skies and stars grow dim; His changeless promise standeth sure,— e Go, cast thy care on him. 207. 8s & 7s. EARTHLY happiness is fleeting ; Earthly prospects quickly fade ; Oft the heart, with pleasure beating, Is to bitterness betrayed ! 2 Scenes of sorrow most distressing, Scenes that fill the heart with pain, Often yield the choicest blessing ; Present loss is future gain. 3 In the darkest dispensation, Oh, remember, God is just; 'Tis the richest consolation In his faithfulness to trust. 136 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. 4 Let the heart oppressed with sorrow, Let the bosom filled with grief, Let the wounded spirit borrow From his promise kind relief. o 208. L - M - LORD ! responsive to thy call, In life or death, whatever befall, Our hopes for bliss on thee depend ; Thou art our everlasting Friend. 2 Though life be short, and trials seem To darken its protracted gleam, — Though friends forsake, and foes contend, Thou art our everlasting Friend. 3 Death may distract our present joy, And all our brightest hopes destroy \ Yet these will in the future tend To prove thee still our faithful Friend. 4 let thy Spirit with us dwell, That we in future life may tell How we o'ercame : Lord, to the end, Be thou our God, our lasting Friend ! 209. 8s & 7s D. IN the midst of tribulation, When thy heart is bowed with cares ; When assailed with fierce temptation, And thy path beset with snares ; When thy friends shall reprobate thee, And thy foes relentless be ; Bow to God, and he will help tluv. — Trust him, he will set thee free. 137 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 210. a m. HAPPY the man whose trust is found Reposed in God alone ; In him shall springs of life abound And heaven his labors own. 2 Happy the man who fears no dart The foes of truth may hurl, Who with a brave and trusting heart Doth truth's broad flag unfurl. 3 Though fiends may breathe envenomed spi. ; His character defame, God will his humble trust requite, And all his foes condemn. 211. us- THE sorrows of childhood, the follies of youth. The errors of manhood, — all teach us this truth, That mortals unaided 'neath sorrow must bend, Defeated and lost, unless God be their friend. 2 With love unrequited and friendship betrayed, No pleasure enduring, thy griefs unallayed, With none to confide in on whom to depend, Bow down at thine altar, seek God for thy friend. 3 When racked with disease, or tormented with pain, When hope is departing and effort seems vain ; Thy trust put in God and thy cause he'll defend, Be this then thy watchword ' The Lord is my Friend/ 138 CLOSING SERVICE. 212. o. m. ALMIGHTY God, thy word is cast Like seed into the ground; Now let the dew of heaven descend, And righteous fruits abound. 2 Let not the foe of Christ or man This holy seed remove, But give it root in every heart To bring forth fruits of love. 3 Let not the world's deceitful cares The rising plant destroy, But let it yield, a hundred-fold, The fruits of peace and joy. 4 Nor let thy word, so kindly sent To raise us to thy throne, Keturn to thee, and sadly tell That we reject thy Son. 5 Oft as thy precious seed is sown, Thy quick'ning grace bestow, That all whose souls the truth receive, Its saving power may know. 139 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 213. s - M - GOD ! with thanks unfeigned, We bless thee for thy word ; We praise thee for the joyful news, Which our dad ears have heard. o 2 Oh, may we treasure well The counsels that we hear, Till righteousness and holy joy In all our hearts appear. 3 Water the sacred seed, ! may its growth increase ; May neither fowls, nor rocks, nor thorns, Prevent the fruits of peace. 4 And though we sow in tears, The reaping time will come, And angels gather in our sheaves, At earth's great harvest-home. 214. 7s - FOR a season called to part, Let us now ourselves commend To the gracious eye and heart Of our ever-present Friend. 2 Jesus! hear our humble prayer ; Tender Shepherd of thy sheep ! Let thy mercy and thy care All our souls in safety keep. 3 Then if thou thy help afford, _ Joyful songs to thee shall rise, And our souls shall praise the Lord, Who regards our humble cries. 140 CLOSING SERVICE. 215. ios&iis. JESUS, our Lord, thy nama b3 adored, For all the rich blessings conveyed in thy word; Believing, we trace thy wonders of grace, And cheerfully join in a concert of praise. 2 Thrice happy are they who hear and obey, And share in the blessings of this gospel-day, That blessing be mine, through favor divine ; And, my Redeemer, the glory be thine. 216. 8s & 7s. HEAVENLY Father, grant thy blessing On the teaching of this day ; That our hearts, thy fear possessing, May from sin be turned away. 2 Have we wandered ? oh, forgive us ; Have we wished from truth to rove ? Turn, oh, turn us, and receive us, And incline us thee to love. 217. LEST be the dear uniting love That will not let us part j Our bodies may far off remove We still are one in heart. B' Joined in one spirit to our Head, Where he appoints we go ; And still in Jesus' footsteps tread. And show his praise below. 7 145 PUBLIC WORSHIP 227. c. m. GOD of all consolation, take The glory of thy grace ! Thy gifts to thee we render back In ceaseless songs of praise 2 Through thee we now together came, In singleness of heart : We met, Jesus, in thy name; And in thy name we part. 3 We part in body, not in mind ; Our minds continue one ; And each to each in Jesus joined, We hand in hand go on. 228. I*- BY thy Spirit's presence stirred, While we in thy house have dwelt ; Cheered by what our ears have heard, Blest by what our hearts have felt. 2 Father, as we each retire, "Bid our souls depart in peace ; Ev'ry bosom still inspire, Let our fervor not decrease 3 Though in body we may part, Still in spirit keep us one ; Fill with faith our ev'ry heart, Till the conquest shall be won : 4 Then, in brighter spheres, shall we Thine unchanging love adore, And, throughout eternity, Dwell where parting comes no more. CLOSING SERVICE. 229. 7s d. BKETHREN, breathe one fervent prayer, Ere from hence our footsteps tend, To the Prince upon whose care, All our hopes and joys depend. Look beneath, around, above, All is filled with blessed peace ; ? Tis the gift of God's best love, — Pray that love may still increase. 2 Go with rev'rent purpose hence, Strengthened, helped by Spirit's power; Christ is Helper, Strength, Defence ; Bless him for this peaceful hour. Look with chastened heart before ; See ! the clouds are silver lined ! lYhat assurance need we more ? "Grod is ever true and kind." £30. o. m. SOON will our fleeting hours be past; And as the setting sun Sinks downward in the radiant west, Our parting beams be gone. 2 May he, from whom all blessings flow, Our sacred rites attend, Uniting all in wisdom's ways, Till life's short journey end ; 3 And as the rapid sands run down, Our virtue still improve. Till each receive the glorious crown Of never-fading love. 147 L 1 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 8s, 7s & 4s. ORD, dismiss us with thy blessing ; Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Lst us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace. refresh us, Trav'ling through this wilderness. Thanks we give, and adoration, For the Gospel's joyful sound : May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound. Ever faithful To the truth may we be found. w 232. l. m. "E bless thee, Lord, that we have met Once more before thy mercy-seat ; Thy ransomed family, to raise In Jesus' name one song of praise. 2 And now thy blessing we implore, To guard and keep us evermore ; Into thine hand our souls commend, To guide, to strengthen and defend. 233. 8s & 7s. "AY the grace of Christ our Savior, And the Father's boundless love. With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above. Thus may wa abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth can not afford. 148 P 1 CLOSING SERVICE. 8s & 7s. >E ACE be to this congregation ; Peace to ev'ry soul therein ; Peace which flows from Christ's salvation^ Peace the seal of cancelled sin ; Peace that speaks its heavenly giver ; Peace to earthly minds unknown ; Peace Divine, that' lasts forever, Here erect thy heavenly throne, 235. s.m. . T OHD, at this closing hour, J_J Establish ev'ry heart Upon thy word of truth and power, To keep us when we part. 2 Through changes bright or drear, We would thy will pursue ; And toil to spread thy kingdom here, Till we its glory view. 3 To God, the Only Wise, In ev'ry age adored, Let glory from the church arise Through Jesus Christ our Lord. &36. c. m. ^E thank the Lord for grace and gifts, Eenewed in latter days ; For truth and light, to guide us right, In wisdom's pleasant ways. w 1 For ev'ry line we have received, To turn our hearts above ) For ev'ry word, and ev'ry good, That fills our souls with love. 149 PUBLIC WORSHIP, 237. 8s > 7s & 4s - COME, thou soul-transforming Spirit ! Bless the sower and the seed ; Let each heart thy grace inherit, Raise the weak, the hungry feed ; From the gospel Now supply thy people's need. 2 0, may all enjoy the blessing Which thy word' s designed to give ! Let us all thy love possessing, v Joyfully the truth receive, And for ever To thy praise and glory live. 238. ^ m. PRAISE God from whom all blessings flow, Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. w Seasons. MORNING. 239. l.m. r AKED from my bed of slumber sweet,. Refreshed in body and in mind, The morning light with joy I greet. And offer up a song divine. 2 Thy praise, God, shall be my theme, While day and night their course pursue, Till time shall end its transient dream — Through endless day the theme renew, 3 Thy mercy has preserved my soul, Through toils and dangers, griefs and fears;. And still upon this earthly ball Thou lengthen'st out my days and years. 4 0, grant me, then, thy Spirit's power To guide my feet in ways of peace ; Preserve me thine each day and hour, Till from a world of sin released. 5 Then when my mortal life is closed, Eternal glory mine shall be; And all arrayed in spotless white, I shall the King of Glory see. 151 G ( SEASONS. 240. l- m. QD of- the morning, at whose voice The cheerful sun makes haste to rise. And, like a giant, doth rejoice To run his journey through the skies: 2 0, like the sun may I fulfill Th' appointed duties of the day; With ready mind and active will March on, and keep my heavenly way. 3 Lord, thy commands are clean and pure, Enlight'ning our beclouded eyes ; Thy threat' nings just, thy promise sure; Thy gospel makes, the simple wise. 4 Give me thy counsel for my guide, And then receive me to thy bliss ; All my desires and hopes beside Are faint and cold compared with this. 24:1. 8, 6, 8, 8, 6s. BEFORE the morning's joyous light The shades of night retire ; Those lesser lamps, that seemed so bright, Awed by the sun's majestic might In his broad beams expire, 2 So may truth's everlasting beam Shine in each willing heart, And error, that like night doth seem, Fade like an uninstructive dream, And evermore depart. 3 May this fair day be wisely spent. As given of the Lord ; 152 MOBNING. • Remember it is only lent, Its hours like golden vases sent With good works to be stored, 4 With skilful hands each task perform, Our minds on truth intent, Filled with good thoughts, like sunshine warm, That all the weariness shall charm, Throughout this day's extent. 5 Oh ! guide us Father, on our way To that eternal bourne ; Order our lives from day to day Till we each dawn may gladly say, 'Joy cometh in the morn/ 242. L. m. AWAKE, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily course of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 Redeem thy mis-spent time that's past, Live this day, as if ; t were thy last : T' improve thy talents take due care ) ' Gainst the great day thyself prepare. 3 Let all thy converse be sincere, Thy conscience as the noon-day clear ; Think how th' all-seeing God thy ways And all thy secret thoughts surveys. 4 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels bear thy part ; In that rich chorus where they sing, c Glory to thee, Eternal King.' 7* 153 SEASONS. 243. 0. M. ONCE more, my soul, the rising day Salutes my waking eyes j Now let my heart its tribute pay, To him that rules the skies. 2 'T is he supports my mortal frame ; My tongue shall sing his praise; And I will glory in his name While he extends my days. 3 And when my mortal course is done, And I must yield my breath; ^ may my soul, bright as the sun, Shine o'er the night of death. 244. pm. AWAKE ! for the morning is come ! Rejoice in the Lord, and trust in his mercy, And pray unto him, in meekness and love, For knowledge and health, and all his good blessings, To comfort and happify home, 2 Lord thou Shepherd and King — We want, through the day, to feed in thy 1 pastures, And feast on thy bounteous goodness and grace : lead us along the banks of still waters, To gladden our hearts and to sing. 3 Lord, turn all our hearts unto thee, To walk in the paths of virtue and wisdom, 154 MORNING. To live in the bonds of union and peace. And glorify thee on earth as in heaven : keep us unspotted and free ! thou art the staff and the rod On which we can lean in ev'ry condition ; In youth and in age, or valley of death, For raiment and food, for joy and for com- fort : So praise ye the Lord who is Godo 245. c - M - AGAIN, from calm and sweet repose,, I rise to hail the dawn ; Again my waking eyes unclose, To view the smiling morn. 2 Great God of love, thy praise 1/11 sing; For thou hast safely kept My soul beneath thy guardian wing, And watched me while I slept. 3 Glory to thee, Eternal Lord ; O, teach my heart to pray ; Thy Spirit's gracious help afford, To guide me through the day. 4 Let ev'ry thought and word accord With thy most holy will ; Each deed, the precepts of thy word With righteous aim fulfill. 5 From danger, sin, and ev'ry ill, My constant guardian prove; ! sanctify my heart, and fill With thoughts of holy love. 155 SEASONS. 24:6. o. M. LORD, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high ; To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye : — 2 Up to the heavens where Christ has gone. To plead for all his saints, Presenting at the Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. 3 Thou art a God before whose sight The wicked shall not stand ; The righteous shall be thy delight, And dwell at thy right hand. • 4 may thy Spirit guide my feet, In ways of righteousness ! Make ev'ry path of duty straight, And plain before my face. 5 do thou give my daily bread, — And be my sins forgiven ; And let me in thy temple tread, And learn from thee of heaven. 247. LM - MY opening eyes with rapture see The dawn of thy returning day; My thoughts, GrocL ascend to thee, While thus my early vows I pay. 2 Oh, bid this trifling world retire, And drive each carnal thought away ; Nor let me feel one vain desire — One sinful thought through all the day. MORNING. 248. l. m. FATHER, 'tis thine each day to yield Thy children's wants a fresh supply : Thou cloth'st the lilies of the field, And hearest the young ravens cry. 2 On thee we cast our care : we live Through thee, who know'st our every need: feed us with thy grace, and give Our souls this day the living bread ! 249. l.m. WAKE, I wake, ye heavenly choir. May your devotion me inspire, That I, like you, my age may spend, Like you, may on my God attend. i 2 May I like you, in God delight, Have ail day long my God in sight, Perform like you, my Maker's will; ! may I never more do ill. 3 Glory to thee, who safe has kept, And hast refreshed me while I slept : Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, 1 may of endless life partake, 4 Lord, I my vows to thee renew, Scatter my sins as morning dew ; Guard my first spring of thought and will, And with thyself my spirit fill 5 Direct, control, suggest this day. All I design, or do, or say. That all my powers, with all their might, In thy sole glory may unite. 157 SEASONS, 250. L - m. THE rising sun has chased the night, And brought again the cheering light; This mercy multiplies our days, And calls us to renew our praise, 2 We laid us down, and sweetly slept, The Lord our souls in safety kept ; We wake his goodness to proclaim, And sing new honors to his name. 3 We know not what his will ordains, But 't is our joy that Jesus reigns; Though dangers, snares, and foes abound, Th' eternal arms will us surround, 4 Teach us to walk with thee to-day, Our only care to keep thy way ; Ourselves to thee we would resign, Content to know that we are thine. 251. o. m. THE light of day breaks mildly forth In gleam and glist'ning ray ; The shadows of the night disperse Before the King of Day, 2 Throughout the darkness, angel-guards Their station watchful kept, Directed by Kind Providence To tend us while we slept. 3 Preserved to see the light again And joys of life partake, May each our kind Preserver love, Nor ever more forsake. 158 MORNING 252. L- m. UNTO the high and mighty Lord We lift our morning strain of praise, In notes of joy his love record, And songs of thankful gladness raise. 2 Great God, thy mercies, like the dew, Fall on us at the evening's shade, And with each morning, blessings new Shine o'er the works thy hand hath made. 3 God of the morning, while the day Beams with the light of love divine, We with its dawn our homage pay, — ■ Thou art our God, and we are thine. 253. s. m. SEE how the morning sun Pursues his shining way ; And wide proclaims his Maker's praise, With ev'ry bright'ning ray, 2 Thus would my rising soul Its Heavenly Parent sing ; And to its great original The humble tribute bring. 3 In faith I laid me down, Beneath his guardian care ; 1 slept, and I awoke, and found, That he was just as near. 4 Lord I want to live So humble unto thee, That in thy presence I may spend A blest eternity. 159 SEASONS 254. 7 S . THOU who dost my life prolong, Kindly aid my morning song : Thankful from my couch I rise. To the God that rules the skies. 2 Thou didst hear my evening cry; Thy preserving hand was nigh ; Peaceful slumbers thou hast shed, Grateful to my weary head. 3 Thou hast kept me through the night; 'Twas thy hand restored the light; Lord, thy mercies still are new, Plenteous as the morning dew. 4 Still my feet are prone to stray ; 0, preserve me through, the day; Dangers ev'ry where abound, Sins and snares beset me rouncL 5 Gently, with the dawning ray, On my soul thy beams display ; Sweeter than the smiling morn, Let thy cheering light return. H' 255. s. m. ~0W sweet the melting lay Which breaks upon the ear. When at the hour of rising day The saints unite in prayer. 2 The breezes waft their cries Up to Jehovah's throne ; He listens to their humble sighs, And sends his blessings down. 160 MORNING. 3 So Jesus rose to pray Before the morning light — Once on the chilling mount did stay, And wrestle all the night 4 So Jesus still doth pray In bright, celestial light, On heavenly mountains far away, While we toil here in nisrht. 256. s. m. WE lift our hearts to thee, Day-Star from on high ! The sun itself is but thy shade, Yet cheers both earth and sky. 2 let thy orient beams The night of sin disperse, The mists of error and of vice Which shade the universe ! 3 How beauteous nature now ! How dark and sad before ! With joy we view the pleasing change, And nature's God adore. 4 may no gloomy crime Pollute the rising day ; But Lord assist us by thy grace To walk in wisdom's way. 5 May we this life improve, To mourn for errors past. — And live this short revolving day As if it were our last. 161 SEASONS. 257. 10s - SWIFT, from the east, the day-god is rushing, Brushing the dew with his footsteps away; Back from his face the dun clouds are pushing, Light are the beams of his health-giving ray. 2 Swift be the thought, — 'twas God in his power, Fixed for the day-god his burnishing flame ; Praised be his name in the bright morning hour ; In gloom, and in midnight, praised be hia name. 3 Bow, at the sunrise ; — angels adoring, Watch with delight the sweet incense arise ; Heed then the voice each saint-heart imploring; Bow, while the sunlight gilds over the skies. 4 Be fervent in prayer, — th' heart's best devotion, Is due for the morn, the sunlight, and grace ; Pray that the Spirit's purest emotion, May move in your bosoms th' holiest praise. 258. c- m. GIVE II and guardian of my sleep, To praise thy name I wake : Still, Lord, thy helpless servant keep, For thine own mercy's sake. 2 The blessing of another day I thankfully receive : may I only thee obey, And to thy glory live. 3 Upon me lay thy mighty hand, My words and thoughts restrain : Bow my whole soul to thy command, iSTor let my faith be vain. 162 MORNING 4 Subject of Hope, I wait the hour Which shall salvation bring; When ail I am shall own thy power, And dwell with Christ, my King. w 239. c- ■• "OW morning lifts her dewy veil, With new-born blessings crowned; 0, haste we, then, her light to hail, In courts of holy ground ! 2 But Christ, triumphant o'er the grave, Shines more divinely bright; 0, sing we, then, his power to save, And walk we in his light ! 3 Still, as the morning rays return, To fancy it is given In distant vision to discern The radiant domes of heaven, 4 But now that our Eternal Sun Hath shed his beams abroad, In him we see the Holy One, And mount at once to God. 260. 8s&?s. THE shadows of night departed, The light of morning has come; O may we each joyful-hearted, Gratefully bow at the throne. 2 Bow with a willing submission, To him whose provident care, Makes for each need a provision. Approach him in praise ami prayer. 103 EVENING. A : 261. ^ m. NOTHER day has fled and gone. The sun declines in western skies, The birds retired have ceased their song, Let ours in pure devotion rise. 2 The moon her beaut'ous course resumes. And sheds her light o'er land and sea; The gentle dews in soft perfumes Fall sweetly over herb and tree. 3 As flow'rets in their brightest bloom, Are withered by the chilling blast, So man's fond hopes are like a dream — His days how fleet, how swift they pass 202. o. m. COME let us all unite and sing, And thus our hearts prepare. To praise the Lord our heavenly King, Before we bow in prayer. 2 We pay our evening sacrifice To God, in Jesus' name, For mercies shown the day that's past, And thank him for the same, 164 EVENING. 3 Lord while we worship at thy feet. And praise thee for the past, We ask thee. Lord, our guide to be Henceforth while life shall last. 4 let thy blessings on us rest, By day and also night, Not on us only, but on all Who in thy law delight. 263. o. m. OLORD another day is flown, And we, a lonely band, Are met once more before thy throne, To bless thy fost'ring hand. 2 And wilt thou lend a listening ear To praises low as ours ? Thou wilt ! for thou dost love to hear The song which meekness pours. 3 And Jesus, thou thy smiles wilt deign, As we before thee pray; For thou didst bless the infant train, And we are weak like they. 4 let thy grace perform its part, And let contention cease ; And shed abroad in ev'ry heart Thine everlasting peace. 5 Thus, thou wilt turn our wand'ring feet, And thou wilt bless our way ; Till worlds shall fade and faith shall greet, The dawn of lasting day. 165 SEASONS. 264. s. m. THE day is past and gone, The evening shades appear; may we all remember well The night of death draws near. 2 We lay our garments by, While we retire to rest; So death will soon disrobe us all Of what we here possess, 3 Lord, keep us safe this night Secure from all our fears • May angels guard us while we sleep, Till morning light appears. 4 And when again we rise, And view tV unwearied sun, May we set out to win the prize, And after glory run. t 5 And when our days are past, And we from time remove, may we in thy kingdom rest, Where all is peace and love. 26 5. L. m. GLORY to thee my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light: Keep me, keep me, King of Kings, Under the shadow of thy wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The sins that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself, and thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 166 EVENING. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Triumphant rise at the last day. 4 may my soul on thee repose, And with sweet sleep mine eyelids close ; Sleep, that may me more vigorous make To serve my God, when I awake. 5 When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply : Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. 266. P. m. LORD, thou wilt hear me when I pray ? I am forever thine : I fear before thee all the day, may I never sin. 2 And while I rest my weary head, From cares and bus'ness free, 'T is sweet conversing on my bed, With my own heart and thee. 3 I pay this evening sacrifice, And when my work is done, Great God, my faith and hope relies Upon thy grace alone. 4 Thus, with my thoughts composed to peace, I'll give mine eyes to sleep. Thy hands in safety keeps my (Jays, And will my slumbers keep. 1G7 SEASONS. 267. 8s & 7s - I AYIOII, breathe an evening blessing Ere repose our spirits seal ; Sin and want we come confessing ; Thou canst save and thou canst heal. S' 2 Though destruction walk around us, Though the arrows past us fly. — Angel guards from thee surround us. We are safe if thou art nigh. 3 Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from thee ; Thou art he who, never weary. Watches where thy people be. 4 Should swift death this night o'ertake us, And command us to the tomb, May the morn in heaven awake us, Clad in bright, eternal bloom. 268. l. m. MY God, how endless is thy love ! Thy gifts are ev'ry evening new ; And morning mercies from above, Gently distil like early dew. 2 Thou spreadst the curtains of the night, Great guardian of my sleeping hours ; Thy sov'reign word restores the light, And quickens all my drowsy powers. 3 I yield my powers to thy command ; To thee I consecrate my days , Continued blessings from thy hand Demand continued songs of praise. 168 r EVENING. 269. L - M - "NUKED to poverty and pain, A suffering life my master led ; The Son of God, the Son of man, He had not where to lay his head, 2 But, lo ! a place he hath prepared For me, whom watchful angels keep ; Yea, he himself becomes my guard ; And blesses me with rest and sleep. 3 Jesus protects ; my fears, begone ! s What can the Rock of Ages move ! Safe in his arms I lay me down, — His everlasting arms of love ! 270. c. m. tl^OW from the altar of our hearts Let warmest thanks arise ; Assist us, Lord, to oiFer up Our evening sacrifice. j\ T This day, God was our sun and shield, Our 'keeper and our guide ; His pardon for our weakness gave. His mercies multiplied. Minutes and mercies multiplied, Have made up all this day ; Minutes came quick, but mercies were More fleet and free than they. New time, new favors, and now joys. Do a new song require : Till we shall praise thee as we would, Accept our hearts' desire. 8 169 SEASONS. 271. 9s & 7s D. THE night comes down in darkness and storm, Heavy the gloom of the night; Our doubts take shape, and our fears take form, As fadeth the glad daylight. Thankful our hearts to the God of light, We bow round our altar's fane; We fear not the storm or gloom of night, The Master rules in the rain. 2 The night comes down in beauty and peace; God lights the lamps in the skies; — That his guardian care may never decrease, Implore ere the daylight dies. See how the sunlight flames ere it dies, Over us flinging its haze ! May we, like the daylight ere it flies, Light up our lingering days. 3 Sacred the hope which cheers to repose, Binding our hearts to our Lord; Gladly we praise him, our minds to compose, Chanting his promising word. Blest be the hope, the comforting word, Our holiest thought demands; Pray when the night comes, pray to the Lord, He'll guard us with loving hands. 272. !<>*• ABIDE with me ! Fast falls the eventide, The darkness deepens — Lord, with me abide ! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee ! Help of the helpless, abide with me! 170 EVENING. 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away : Change and decay in all around I see ; thou who changest not, abide with me 1 3 I need thy Spirit ev'ry passing hour : What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power ? Who like thyself my guide and stay can be ? Thro' cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me. 4 I fear no foe, with thee at hand to bless ; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness : Where is death's sting, where, grave, thy victory ? 1 triumph still, if thou abide with me. 273. ?• M - BEHIND the western hills, the sun- Hath gone in kingly splendor^ Bright, flaming streaks of radiant hue His setting marked with grandeur. Robes of light his curtain closing, As the signal for reposing Came advancing, darkness flinging As a mantle o'er us, bringing Thoughts of God. 2 Delightful hour ; when calm repose Comes o'er the senses stealing, As round the sacred family shrine Love reigns with joyous feeling. Peace, her gentle folds entwining, Pure devotion, faith combining, Hope, the future brightly lighting With a prospect rich, inviting Trust in God. 171 s ( SEASONS 274. R M - I OFT shades glide over hill and dale Like robes of sable gauze, While stars come twinkling, wan and pale; And soft repose Floats like a spell upon the evening gale. 2 Dismiss us from the weary cares That fill the hours of light; Bid angel eyes, like sleepless stars Holy and bright, IVatch till the waking of the morning airs. 3 Night's velvet curtain round us fold, And ere the morning dawn. Fair visions may our eyes behold, By wisdom shown ; In which God's righteousness shall be extolled. 4 And when the gloomy night of death Draws round our forms at length, Be with us to the latest breath, Giving us strength To praise thee even then, and keep the faith, 275. L - M - TIRED with the burdens of the day, To God I raise an evening cry : He hears when I begin to pray, And his almighty help is nigh. 2 Supported by his heavenly aid, I lay me down, and feel secure ; Not death shall make my heart afraid, Though I should wake and rise no more. 172 EVENING, 276. e. m. OUR Father here we do appear, And bow before thy throne ; make us one, in Christ thy Son, To do thy will alone. 2 Forgive we pray, each night and day, Our guilt and all our sin, New life impart to ev'ry heart, And breathe thy truth within. 3 By night and day, teach us the way Our brother to forgive ; To live and love, as from above Thy word we do receive. 4 Give needful food, our daily bread, Our mortal bodies clothe, Thine ev'ry word, thine ev'ry deed, Are words and deeds of love. 5 Thy spirit send until the end, And bid the tempter flee ; Thy kingdom come, tk*j will be clone, Through all eternity. 277. c - M - BLEST sov'reign, let my evening song Like holy incense rise ; Assist the ofFrings of my tongue To reach the lofty skies. Through all the dangers of the day Thy hand was still my guainl ; And still, to drive my wants away. Thy mercy stood prepared. 278. SEASONS. L. M. LET my blest guardian, while I sleep, His watchful station near me keep; My heart with love celestial fill, And guard me from th' approach of ill. 2 May he celestial joys rehearse, And thought to thought with me converse, Preserve from danger through the night, Attend me with the morrow's light. 3 Lord, let my soul forever share The bliss of thy paternal care : 'T is heaven on earth, 't is heaven above. To share the great Creator's love. 279. 7s. (LOWLY, by God's hand unfurled, Down around the weary world Falls the darkness ; 0, how still Is the working of his will ! s 1 2 Mighty Spirit, ever nigh ! Work in me as silently ; Veil the day's distracting sights, Show me heaven's eternal lights. 3 Living stars to view be brought In the boundless realms of thought; High and infinite desires, Flaming like those upper fires ! 4 Holy Truth, Eternal Eight, Let them break upon my sight; Let them shine serene and still, And with light my being fill. 174 THE SABBATH/ 280. 4-7s&4s. r\ ENTLY raise the sacred strain, VX For the Sabbath's come again, That man may rest, And return his thanks to God, For his blessings to the blest. 2 Holy day, devoid of strife, — Let us seek eternal life, That great reward \ And partake the sacrament In remembrance of our Lord. 3 Sweetly swells the solemn sound, While we bring our. gifts around Of broken hearts, As a willing sacrifice, Showing what his grace imparts. 4 Happy type of things to come, When the saints are gathered home To praise the Lord, In eternity of bliss, All as one with one accord. 5 Softly sing the joyful lay, For the saints to fast and pray, As God ordains, ^ For his goodness and his love. While the Sabbath day remains. 175 A : SEASONS. 281. 5-8s. NOTHER week of toil and care Hath sunk in the eternal past, While we, unworthy as we are, Are spared to meet in solemn prayer, And ponder o'er his love so vast, — 2 Who gave to us the Sabbath-day, That we might rest from all our toil ; • Meet in his courts, and sing, and pray, And learn to walk the narrow way ; Refill our lamps with holy oil. 3 This is the day, of all the rest, When man should cease from earthly care, Each thought, each word, each deed, attest The holy feelings of his breast, And form one living, breathing prayer. 4 Then praise in one grand symphony, From ev'ry human heart should rise; Expressed in voice, or silently, Swelling the glorious harmony, Of praise to the All-good, All-wise. 282. L - M - HAIL ! Sacred Sabbath ; day of rest, Hallowed by God the All-divine ; And set apart by his behest, 'Twixt God and man a sacred sign — 2 A sign that he, the Lord, is God, Who sanctifies the souls of men — Who purifies them by his word, And leads them to his fold again. I 176 SABBATH. 3 Emblem of that all-glorious day When earth shall rest from all its toil ; And all creation join the lay Of souls redeemed from sin's turmoil. 4 Prepare our souls for that great day When all thy Sabbaths join in one, When all the earth shall own the sway Of our redeeming Lord — thy Son. 283. c. m. \ LEST morning! whose young dawnins rays Beheld our rising Lord; And saw him triumph o'er the dust, And leave his dark abode. B' 2 In the cold prison of a tomb The great Redeemer lay, Till the revolving skies had brought The third, th' appointed day. 3 Hell and the grave combined their force To hold our Lord, in vain ; The sleeping conqueror arose, And burst their feeble chain. 4 To thy great name, Almighty Lord, These sacred hours we pay, And loud hosannas shall proclaim The triumph of the day. 5 Salvation and immortal praise To our victorious King ! Let heaven and earth, and rocks and seas, With glad hosannas ring. ft* 177 SEASONS. 284. e> SAFELY through another week God has brought us on our way. Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day : Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciling face — Take away our sin and shame : From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in thee. 3 Here we come thy name to praise ; Let us feel thy presence near ; May thy glory meet our eyes, While we in thy house appear : Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4 May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints, Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief from all complaints : Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Till we meet the Church above. 28.5. l. m. I WEET is the light of Sabbath eve, And soft the sunbeams ling'ring there; For these blest hours the world I leave, Wafted on wings of faith and prayer. $ 2 The time how lovely and how still ; Peace shines and smiles on all below; 17S SABBATH. The plain, the stream, the wood, the hill, All fair with evening's setting glow. 3 Seasons of rest ! the tranquil soul Feels the sweet calm, and melts to love ; And while these sacred moments roll, Faith sees the smiling heaven above. 4 Nor will our days of toil be long ; Our pilgrimage will soon be trod ; And we shall join the happy throng, Who love the Sabbath of our God. 286. 4 -6s & 2-8s. WELCOME, delightful morn; Sweet day of sacred rest, I hail thy kind return ; Lord, make these moments blest: From low desires and fleeting toys, I soar to reach immortal joys. 2 Now may the King descend And fill his throne of grace ; Thy sceptre, Lord, extend, While saints address thy face : Let sinners feel thy quick'ning word, And learn to know and fear the Lord. 3 Descend, Celestial Dove, With all thy quick' ning powers; Disclose a Savior's love, And bless the sacred hours ; Then shall my soul new life obtain, Nor Sabbaths be enjoyed in vain. 179 W ] SEASONS. 287. c. m. '"E thank thee, God of all the earth, We thank thee, God of heaven, For this bright gem of sacred worth, One blessed day in seven. 2 'Twas made for man — for him ordained — A day of sweet repose, That he might in thy presence stand Uncumbered with earth's woes. 3 That he might bow before thy throne, And own thy glorious sway — Thine ever flowing goodness own And in thy presence pray. 4 And there by heavenly light inspired, To contemplate thy love, Bathing in that celestial fire Which doth all dross remove. 288. c. m. AGAIN the Lord of life and light Awakes the kindling ray, Unseals the eyelids of the morn, And gives increasing day. 2 0, what a night was that which wrapped The heathen world in gloom ! 0, what a Sun which broke, this day, Triumphant from the tomb ! 3 This day be grateful homage paid, And loud hosannas sung j Let gladness dwell in ev'ry heart, And praise on ev'ry tongue. 180 SABBATH. 289. c. m. SLEEP, sleep to-day, tormenting cares. Of earth and folly born ; Ye shall not dim the light that streams From this blest Sabbath morn. 2 To-morrow will be time enough To feel your harsh control ) Ye shall not violate this day, The Sabbath of the soul. 3 Sleep, sleep for ever, guilty thoughts • Let fires of vengeance die \ And, purged from sin, may I behold A God of purity ! 290. l. m. ANOTHER six days' work is done ; Another Sabbath is begun : Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest, Improve the day thy God hath blest. 2 that our thoughts and thanks may rise, As grateful incense, to the skies ; And draw from Christ that sweet repose Which none but he that feels it knows ! 3 This heavenly calm within the breast, — The pledge of that more glorious rest. Which for the Church of God remains. — The end of cares, the end of pains. 4 In holy duties let the day. Of holy comforts pass away : How sweet, a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end ! 181 SEASONS. 291. s. M. AGAIN the Sabbath morn Calls us to prayer and praise; Waking our hearts to gratitude With its enliv'ning rays. 2 But Christ yet brighter shone, Quenching the morning beam ; When triumphing from death he rose, To raise us up with him. 3 When first the Spirit came, In majesty arrayed, And bathed in streams of purest light, — What power was there displayed ! 4 But what love ! — when Christ, For our transgressions slain, Was by th' Eternal Father raised, For us, to life again. 292. & m. LOUD, may our hearts be tuned to sing Thy great and everlasting praise ; Our hands a willing offering bring- To thee on this the chief of days. 2 Great God, thy goodness we adore, Help us to sing thy boundless love ; Own thee as God for evermore, And swell thy praise in realms above. 3 Our sacred vows we now renew — Our lives afresh to thee devote; Help us to keep each promise true, And seek thy glory to promote. 182 SABBATH. 293. 7s&6 S .D. THINE holy day's returning, Our hearts exult to see ; And with devotion burning, Ascend, God, to thee ! To-day with purest pleasure, Our thoughts from earth withdraw; We search for heavenly treasure, We learn thy holy law. 2 We join to sing thy praises, Lord of the Sabbath day; Each voice in gladness raises, Its loudest, sweetest lay ! Thy richest mercies sharing, Inspire us with thy love, By grace our souls preparing For nobler praise above. 294. 5-8s. THIS is the day the Lord hath made ;. A day most holy to his name, — Wherein our vows should all be paid, And not a thought our hearts invade That could create one blush of shame. 2 A day when we should strive to meet, In meekness and humility, Our Father at his mercy-seat, Confess our sins, and him entreat To pardon our iniquity. 3 A day when all his children dear In love should meet around his throne, A gracious Father's voice to hear. Each heart o'erflowed with filial fear, Making his august will our own. 183 SEASON'S. 29o. io«- TYPE of eternal rest, — -fair bud of bliss, In heavenly flowers expanding week by week. — The next world's gladness imaged forth in this, — ■ Day of whose worth the saints alone can speak. 2 Foretaste of heaven on earth. — pledge of a joy Surpassing fancy's flights, fiction's story, — The prelude of a feast that cannot cloy, And th' bright out-court of immortal glory. 3 Eternity in time, — one step by which We climb to future ages, — lamp that lights Man through his darker days, and thoughts enrich, Yielding redemption for the week's dark nights. 4 Day fixed by G-od for intercourse with dust, To raise our thoughts and purify our powers, — Period appointed to renew our trust, — A gleam of glory after six days' showers. 296. o. m. d. THAT we may know thy will supreme, Know thee the great adored, And make thy love our constant theme, Confessing thee our Lord ; That we may in that Sabbath share When earth in peace shall rest Without a cloud of grief or care, To shade her '-peaceful breast;" 2 Help us, Lord, to worship thee, " In spirit and in truth," 184 SABBATH. On this, thy Holy Sabbath day And give our lives as proof— Of our devotion to thy cause The gratitude we feel — Our love, sincere, for all thy laws. Blended with holy zeal. A A 297. 4 " 6s & 2 " 8s - WAKE, ye saints, awake ! And hail the sacred day; In loftiest songs of praise Your joyful homage pay: Come, bless the day that God hath blest, The type of heaven's eternal rest. 2 On this auspicious morn The Lord of life arose ; He burst the bars of death, And vanquished all our foes ; And now he pleads our cause above, And reaps the fruit of all his love, 298. L - m. "E bless thee for this sacred day, Thou who hast ev'ry blessing given, Which sends the dreams of earth away And yields a glimpse of opening heaven. 2 Eich day of holy, thoughtful rest! May we improve thy calm repose, And in God's service truly blest. Forget the world, its joys, its woes 3 Lord! may thy truth upon the heart Now fall and dwell as heavenly dew. And flowers of grace in freshness start Where once the weeds of error grew. 185 NEW TEAR. 299. l. m. ETERNAL Source of ev'ry joy, Well may thy praise our lips employ, While in thy temple we appear, Whose goodness crowns the circling year. 2 The flowery spring, at thy command, Embalms the air and paints the land ; The summer rays with vigor shine, To raise the corn and cheer the vine. 3 Thy hand in autumn richly pours, Through all our coasts, redundant stores; And winters, softened by thy care, No more a face of horror wear. 4 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days, Demand successive songs of praise ; Still be the cheerful homage paid With opening light and evening shade, 5 Here in thy house shall incense rise, As circling Sabbaths bless our eyes ; Still we will make thy mercies known Around thy board, and round our own. 186 NEW YEAEo 300s 10s, 4s & 6s. ANGTHEK year is swallowed by the sea ' Of sumless waves ! Another year, thou past Eternity ! Hath rolled o'er new-made graves* 2 They open yet,— to bid the living weep, Where tears are vain ; While they, nnswept into the ruthless deep, Storm-tried and sad, remain. 3 But there are things which time devoureth net; Thoughts whose green youth Flowers o'er the ashes of the unforgot; And words, whose fruit is truth. 4 Are ye not imaged in th/ eternal sea, Things of to-day ? Deeds which are harvest for eternity, Ye cannot pass away. 301. ?s. > BLESS, Lord, each opening year To the souls assembling here : Clothe thy word with power divine, Make us willing to be thine. 2 Where thou hast thy work begun, Give new strength the race to run ; Scatter darkness, doubts, and fears, Wipe away the mourner's tears. 3 Bless us all, both old and young ; Call forth praise from cv'ry tongue : Let our whole assembly prove All thy power and all thy love ! 187 SEASONS. 302. us, THE day-star has dawned o'er the land of the bless' d. The first beams of morning, the morning of rest ; "When cleansed from pollution, the earth shall appear As th' garden of Eden, and peace crown the year. 2 Then welcome the new year, I hail with delight The season approaching with time's rapid flight ! While each fleeting moment brings near and more near, The day long expected, when Christ shall appear. 3 I praise and adore the eternal I AM ; Hosanna. Hosanna to God and the Lamb ! Who orders the seasons that glide o'er each sphere, And crowns with such blessings each happy new year, 303. ios. GOD of the changing year, whose arm of power In safety leads through danger's darkest hour. Here in thy temple bow thy creatures down, To bless thy mercy, and thy might to own. 2 Thine are the beams that cheer us on our way, And pour around the glad'ning light of day ; Thine is the night, and the fair orbs that shine To cheer its hours of darkness, — all are thine. 188 NEW YEAR. 3 If round our path the thorns of sorrow grew, And mortal friends were faithless, thou wert true ; m Did sickness shake the frame, or anguish tear The wounded spirit, thou wert present there, 4 Yet when our hearts review departed days, How vast thy mercies ! how remiss our praise ! Well may we dread thine awful eye to meet, Bend at thy throne, and worship at thy feet, 5 0, lend thine ear, and lift our voice to thee ; Where'er we dwell, still let thy mercy be ; From year to year, still nearer to thy shrine Draw our frail hearts and make them wholly thine. 304. l. m. ANOTHER year hath sped its round, And sleeps amid the turbid past, The midnight bell, with leaden sound, Tells that its days have closed at last. 2 How many are the !o:>t and dead ! How many now upon their bier ! Yet I, by God's great kindness led, Am still a waiting pilgrim here ! 3 0, Holy Father ! 'mid the calm And stillness of this midnight hour, My soul doth, in an earnest psalm, Sing of thy goodness and thy power. 4 May I thus ever kindly be An object of thy watchful care — So that, by living close to thee, My life shall grow divinely fair ! 189 SEASONS. 305. 4-6s&2-8s. ALL hail ! the new-born year ! Thrice welcome to the saints, Whose coming Lord is near, To end their long complaints : Sweet hope still perching on thy wing 3 Anticipates a happier spring; 2 When life shall spring anew, And vegetation bloom, And flowers of varied hue Will spread a rich perfume, While happy birds fill ev'ry grove With songs of joy, and life, and love, 3 These but a type shall be Of glories more sublime ; A wondrous jubilee Hangs on the wings of time \ Near and more near redemption comes ; Near and more near the sinner's doom. 4 Come, tune your songs anew, And join in hymns of praise To him whose power we view In these eventful days ! Whose arm shall make the nations yield, Shall conquer death, and win the field. 5 All hail ! thou glorious King •Of righteousness and peace ! Thy promises we sing, And hope for quick release : Let Zion find her promised rest, And nations in her courts be blest. 190 NEW YEAR, 306. c m. REMARK, my soul, the narrow bound Of the revolving year ; How swift the weeks complete their round ! How short the months appear I 2 So fast eternity comes on— And that important day, When all that mortal life hath don3 ? God's judgment shall survey. 5 Yet, like an idle tale, we pass The swift advancing year ; And study artful ways t' increase The speed of its career. 4 Waken, Grod, my careless heart, Its great concern to see, That 1 may act the wiser part ? To give the year to ihee„ 307. L - M - "OW fleet the precious 3noments roll ! How soon the harvest will be o'er. The watchmen seek their final rest, And lift a warning voice no more H' 2 Another year has rolled away, And took its thousands to the tomb Its sorrows and its joys are fled To hasten on the gen'ral doom„ 3 The moments that we labor here Are rolling swiftly on the wing, Soon will the leaves and tendrils wear A token of returning spring. 191 SEASONS. 308. c. m. OUR Father ! through, the coming year We know not what shall be ; But we would leave without a fear Its ordering all to thee. 2 It may be we shall toil in vain For what the world holds fair ; And all the good we thought to gain, Deceive and prove but care. 3 It may be it shall darkly blend Our love with anxious fears, And snatch away the valued friend. The tried of many years. 4 It may be it shall bring us days And nights of ling' ring pain ; And bid us take a farewell gaze Of these loved haunts of men, 5 But calmly, Lord, on thee we rest; No fears our trust shall move ; Thou knowest what for each is best, And thou art Perfect Love. 309. c. m. WHILE with ceaseless course the sun Hasted through the former year, Many souls their earth-race run, Never more to meet us here. 2 As the swift winged arrow flies Speedily the mark to find, — As the lightning from the skies Darts and leaves no trace behind, — 192 NEW YEAR. 3 Swiftly thus our fleeting days Bear us down life's rapid stream : Upward, Lord, our spirits raise, All below is but a dream. 4 Thanks for mercies past receive ; Pardon of our sins renew ; Teach us henceforth how to live With eternity in view. s 1 310. 0. M. D. jING- to the great Jehovah's praise; All praise to him belongs • Who kindly lengthens out our days, Demands our choicest songs. His Providence hath brought us through Another changeful year ; We all with vows and anthems new Before our God appear. Father, thy mercies past we own, Thy still continued care ; To thee presenting, through thy Son, Whatever we have or are ; Our lips and lives shall gladly show The wonders of thy love, While on in Jesus' steps we go To seek thy face above. Our residue of days or hours Thine, wholly thine, shall be ; And all our consecrated powers A sacrifice to thee ; Till Jesus in the clouds appear To saints on earth forgiven, And bring the grand Sabbatic Year, The jubilee of heaven. 9 193 SEASONS. 311. p - M COME, let us anew Our journey pursue^ Eoll round with the year, And never stand still till our Master appear His adorable will Let us gladly fulfill, And our talents improve By the patience of hope, and the labor of lovs 2 Our life as a dream, Our time as a stream Glides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay. The arrow is flown, The moments are gone ; The millennium year Presses on to our view, and eternity's here, 3 that each in the day Of his coming may say, — ' I have fought my way through, I have finished the work thou didst give me to do that each from his Lord May receive the glad word, Well and faithfully done, Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne/ 312. l. m, OUR Helper, God ! we bless thy name, Whose love forever is the same ; The tokens of thy gracious care Open, and crown, and close the year. 194 SPRING.- Thus far thine arm has led ns on ; Thus far we make thy mercy known ; And while we tread this desert land, New mercies shall new songs demand- 313. 6-8s a THOU art, God, the life and light Of all this wondrous world we see 5 Its glow by day, its smile by night, Are but reflections caught from thee ) Where'er we turn, thy glories shine, And all things fair and bright are thine, 2 When day, with farewell beam, delays Among the opening clouds of ev'n, And we can almost think we gaze, Through opening vistas into heaven,™ Those hues that mark the sun's decline. So soft, so radiant, Lord, are thine, o When night with wings of starry gloom, O'ershadows all the earth and skies, Like some dark, beauteous bird, whose plumo Is sparkling with unnumbered eyes, — That sacred gloom, those fires divine, So grand, so countless, Lord, are thine. 4 When youthful spring around us breathes, Thy spirit warms her fragrant sigh ; And ev'ry flower that summer wreathes Is born beneath thy kindling eye : Where'er we turn, thy glories shine. And all things fair and bright are thine. 195 SEASONS. 314. c m. GOOD is the Lord, the heavenly King, Who makes the earth his care ; Visits the pastures ev'ry spring, And bids the grass appear. 2 The clouds, like rivers raised on high, Pour out at his command Their wat'ry blessings from the sky, To cheer the thirsty land. 3 The softened ridges of the field Permit the corn to spring, The valleys rich provisions yield, And the poor lab'rers sing. 4 The little hills on ev'ry side Rejoice at falling showers; The meadows, dressed in all their pride, Perfume the air with flowers. 5 The various months thy goodness crowns, How bounteous are thy ways ! The bleating flocks spread o'er the downs, And shepherds shout thy praise. 315. c. m. WHEN verdure clothes the fertile vale. And blossoms deck the spray, And fragrance breathes in ev'ry gale, How sweet the vernal day ! 2 Hark ! how the feathered warblers sing — - ; Tis nature's cheerful voice ; Soft music hails the lovely spring, And woods and fields rejoice. 396 SPRING. 3 God of nature and of grace, Thy heavenly gifts impart • Then shall my meditation trace Spring, blooming in my heart. 4 Direct my thoughts with spring's return ? Thy sacred paths to trace \ And let thy love within me burn Till I behold thy face. 5 Inspired to praise, I then shall join Glad nature's cheerful song; And love and gratitude divine Attune my joyful tongue. 316. o. m. WHILE verdant hill and blooming vale Put on their fresh array, And fragrance breathes in ev'ry gale ? How sweet the vernal day ! 2 let my wond'ring heart confess, With gratitude and love, The bounteous hand that deigns to bless The garden, field, and grove ! 3 The bounteous hand my thoughts adore, Beyond expression kind, Hath sweeter, nobler gifts in store, To bless the craving mind. 4 That hand in this hard heart of mine Can make each virtue live ; And kindly showers of grace divine, Life, beauty, fragrance give. 197 SEASONS. CM. "OW pleasant o'er the earth's fair form Shines out the summer's sun, From early verdure ripening, New life in spring begun. H< In fairest forms the heart to cheer, Rich fruits and flowers abound; Lovely and bright the skies appear, With beauty all around. ! who can view a world so fair, And gratitude not move His heart to reverence, to fear The God of Peace and Love. 318. s. ML CHEERFUL the summer hours, Pleasant the summer days, When nature in her fullest powers Her sweetest tribute pays. 2 Stern winter hath its good, Spring its reviving aim, But summer hath a pleasant mood, No season else can claim. 3 So may our souls be found, Though winter caused a blight, In spring's pure graces to abound, Prepared for summer's light. 4 Lord may the summer of thy love Warm ev'ry waiting heart, Send richest blessings from above, The sun of life impart. 198 SUMMER. S.M. LGKD in mercy spare The herbage of the field And, under thy paternal care ? May it abundance yield. o 2 Restrain the burning ray, And grant refreshing rains ) Restore the verdure from decay, And drench the parched plains* 3 Then we our praise will show To our preserver, God ; Our songs of melody shall flow ? And spread his name abroad. s 1 320. 7s ( EE the corn again in ear, How the fields and valleys smile; Harvest now is drawing near. To repay the farmer's toiL 2 Gracious Lord, secure the crop, Satisfy the poor with food ; In thy mercy is our hope, We have sinned, but thou art good. 3 Let the praise be all the Lord's, As the benefit is ours : He in season still affords Kindly heat and gentle showers. 4 By his care the produce thrives, Waving o'er the furrowed lands; And when harvest-time arrives, Ready for the reaper stands, SEASONSo 321. c - M - THE sere and yellow leaves appear, Inscribed on all decay, Preparing for the winter's bier To bear them hence, away. 2 No brighter days for them in store, Their final end is nigh ; On trees, and shrnb, and bush, and flower, They wither, droop and die. 3 Not so with man, though droop he may. His spirit takes its flight, To live in bliss of endless day, Or mourn in sorrow's night. 4 Lord help us then this truth to learn, Our autumn too must come ; And winter's blasts our prospects turn To bliss, or woeful doom. 5 Guide and direct that our employ, When earthly prospects fail, May be in that supernal joy Possessed within the veil — 322. 8s &7s. IEE the leaves around us falling, Dry and withered to the ground, Thus to thoughtless mortals calling, In a sad and solemn sound, — S' " Youth, on length of days presuming, Who the paths of pleasure tread, Yiew us late in beauty blooming, Numbered now among the dead. 200 AUTUMN 8 l What though jet no losses grieve you r Gay with health and youthful grace,— Let not cloudless skies deceive you ; Summer gives to autumn place/' 4 On the Tree of Life eternal, Lord, let all our hopes be stayed I This alone, for ever vernal, Bears a leaf that shall not fade, G 323. L - M - OB of the rolling year ! to thee Our songs shall rise, whose bounty pours In many a goodly gift, with free And lib'ral hand, our autumn stores; No firstlings of our flock we slay, No soaring clouds of incense rise, But on thy hallowed shrine we lay Our grateful hearts in sacrifice, 2 Borne on thy breath, the lap of Spring Was heaped with many a blooming flower ; And smiling Summer joyed to bring The sunshine and the gentle shower; And Autumn's rich luxuriance now, The ripening seed, the bursting shell, The golden sheaf, and laden bough, The fulness of thy bounty tell. 3 And here shall rise our songs to thee, Where lengthened vales and pastures lie, And streams go singing, wild and free, Beneath a blue and smiling sky, Where ne'er was reared a mortal throne, Where crowned oppressors never trod ; Here, at the throne of heaven alone. Shall man in rev'rence bow to God. 9* 201 SEASONS, 324. l. m. WELL doth a summer leaf explain The transient state of feeble man We nourish fair in youthful bloom, Till age and pallid autumn come. 2 He comes with sickness at his side. — He withers all our verdant pride, And shaken by the stormy gust, We drop and crumble into dust. 325. u* THE sun that declines in the far western sky ? Has rolled o'er our heads till the summer's gone by; And hushed are the notes of the warblers of spring. That in the green bower did exultingly sing. 2 The changes for autumn already appear, A harvest of plenty has crowned the glad year ; While soft smiling zephyrs, our fancies to please,. Bring odors of joy from the laden fruit-trees. 3 As th' summer of youth passes swiftly along, And silvery locks soon our temples adorn; So the fair smiling landscape and flowery lawn, Though lost is their beauty — their glory has come, 4 when tlie sweet summer of life shall have fled, Her joys and her sorrows entombed with the dead, 202 WINTER, Then may we by faith like good Enoch arise^ And be crowned with the just in the midst of the skies; Descend with the Savior in glory profound, And reign in perfection when Satan is bound^ While love and sweet union together shall blend, And peace, gentle peace, like a river extend. 326. l. m. THE winter winds have circled round The earth, and hasted on the time, When home is sought for comforts found Only within her sacred shrine. 2 The spring of youth may fill with glee, But flowers may fade ere reached their prime j The summer rose may lovely be, Yet droop ere comes the autumn time= 3 The autumn fruit may luscious taste, Yet to the worm become a prey ; The harvest grain be stacked, yet waste By tempest, flood, or fire, away. 4 Man is a wand'rer on the earth, — 'Tis now no sure abiding place, Subject to evil from his birth, Howe'er prolonged but short his race 5 ! that these truths were so engraved On ev'ry heart, that hence, in store, A treasure each might seek to have. Where wintry blasts shall come no more 203 w SEASONS. 327. c - M - ^ITH songs and honors sounding loud, Address the Lord on high ; Over the heavens he spreads his cloud, And waters veil the sky. 2 His steady counsels change the face Of the declining year ; He bids the sun cut short his race, And wintry days appear. 3 His hoary frost, his fleecy snow, Descend and clothe the ground; The liquid streams forbear to flow, In icy fetters bound. 4 The changing wind, the flying cloud, Obey his mighty word ; With songs and honors sounding loud, Praise ye the sov'reign Lord. 328. l m. HELP us to praise thy name, Lord, For peace thou dost to us afford ; That we, supported by thine arm, Are safe from storms, from ev'ry harm. 2 Help us, Lord, while safe, secure, To feel for all the needy poor, Their many wants may we relieve, And freely give as we receive. 3 Thy care is over all thy saints, Thou hear est all their sad complaints ; Though fierce the wind, and cold the storm, A covert dost thou round them form. 204 CLOSE OF YEARc 4 Thy love's warm glow cheers ev'ry hearty Bids discord cease, bids fears depart 3 Thy Spirit reign, direct, control. The thoughts, the acts of ev'ry serai 329. c. m AWAKE, ye saints, and raise your ejes. And raise your voices high ; Awake, and praise that sovereign love That shows salvation nigh, 2 On all the wings of time it flies 5 Each moment brings it near; Then welcome each declining day ! Welcome, each closing year ! 3 Ye wheels of nature, speed your course 5 Ye mortal powers, decay : Fast as ye bring the night of death, Ye bring eternal day 330. c. m. ND now, my soul, another year Of thy short life is past; * I cannot long continue here, And this may be my last. Awake, my soul ! with utmost care Thy true condition learn ; What are thy hopes ? how sure ? how fair ? What is thy great concern ? Behold, another year begins ! Upon the Lord depend ; With zeal pursue the upward road, Nor doubt a happy end 205 SEASONS. 331. c. m. rnHEE we adore, eternal Name! J_ And humbly own to thee How feeble is our mortal frame, How weak and frail are we ! 2 The year rolls round, and steals away The breath that first it gave ; Whate'er we do, whate'er we be, We're traveling to the grave. 3 Infinite joy, or bitter woe, Attends on every breath ; And yet, how unconcerned we go Upon the brink of death ! 4 Waken, Lord, our drowsy sense, To walk this dang'rous road ! And should our souls be hurried hence, May they be found with God. 332. 7 S THOU who roll'st the year around, . Crowned with mercies large and free, Rich thy gifts to us abound, Warm our praise shall rise to thee. 2 Kindly to our worship bow, While our grateful thanks we tell, That, sustained by thee, we now Bid the parting year — farewell ! 3 All its numbered days are sped, All its busy scenes are o'er, All its joys forever fled, All its sorrows felt no more, 206 CLOSE OF YEAR Mingled with th' eternal past, * Its remembrance shall decays Yet to be revived at last, At the solemn judgment-day. All our follies, Lord, forgive ! Cleanse us from each guilty stain ; Let thy grace within us live, That we spend not years in vain. 333. l. m. INTO eternity has rolled Another year, its story told } The same sad tale of other years, Of hope, despair, of joy, of tears. 2 How swift flies thought o'er memory's track, And bringeth hours of pleasure back ; And lingers pleased with scenes though past. And sighs that moments flee so fast. 3 But joy is not unmixed with grief, As lessons, teaching 'Life is brief/ Come o'er the mind — for some 'are not ? Who shared with us life's changeful lot 4 The year is dying — and so soon ! We thought it scarce had reached its noon. Its weeks, its months, flew swiftly by ? So lately born and yet must die, 5 And with the year let folly die ) And in its grave let hatred lie ; With the new year — new lite beg A better life — free from all sin, 207 SEASONS. 334. 7s & 6s D. THE ice-bound earth is breaking, The joyous spring is here; Their wintry haunts forsaking, The living tribes appear. The trees their tendrils sending, The plants new robes put on, The birds their mates attending, Break forth in joyous song. 2 The winter's sombre sadness Gives place to spring-time's hue, All nature smiles with gladness, In garments bright and new. And man goes forth with singing, To sow the precious grain, His hope to faith still clinging A harvest to obtain. 3 Life e'er is self-repeating, The seed the grain will be; Death's strongest force defeating — Life ne'er shall qease to be. We sow in hope of increase, Lord bless the seed, the ground, With light and rain from heaven, That plenty may abound. 335. l. m. THE word, thy promise, Lord, we feel, Is true to-day, as in past years; The genial sun breaks winter's seal, And seed-time once again appears. 2 In futh we plant, we sow, we toil, We trust thy blessing will come down SEED-TIME. In dew and sun, to cheer the soil, And with success our labors crown. 3 Thou givest seed the land to fill, Thou givest strength to till the earth ; That we shall plant is thine own will, Thou wilt give life, and bring to birth. 4 Prepare our hearts as fruitful ground, Our Maker's purposes to suit; May they be ever open found, To hear, receive, bring forth much fruit. 336. iob d. SEND forttt the sowers,— each hamlet and plain Waits for the seed which thy messengers bear ; Send forth the sowers,— but send not in vain, Give to their sowing thy fatherly care. Send forth the sowers, Lord, send once again, JVoiv is the seed-time of Life and of Peace; Send forth the sowers, Lord, send once again, Sowing the world for the Harvest of Peace. 2 Send forth the sowers, Lord, send to the Isles, Scatter the seed where the Gentile doth dwell ; Send forth the sowers, Lord, send while thy smiles Give to the seed sown their Mfe-giving spell. 8 Send forth the sowers, Lord, send them afar ; Send to the sinful, the weary and worn ; Send. forth the sowers, Lord. send, while the star Of Bethlehem's King to t\\v zenith is borne 209 SEASONS. S37. 10s ch - LOOK to tlie Harvest-field, Lord, in thy might, Send thy loved Reapers forth armed with the sword ; Strengthen them now as they labor in light, — Strike down the craven that fears for thy word. — " Thrust in thy sickle and reap." 2 Look to the Harvest-field, Lord, in thy wrath, Sweep through the world with thy besom of woe; Ah ! guard thou thy Reapers; the grief strewn path They tread not in vain, thy mercy to show; — " Thrust in thy sickle and reap." 3 Look to the Harvest-field, Lord, in thy truth, Let thou thy Reapers its mystery feel; Bless thou the labor of age and of youth, Lab 'ring for Zion thy commonwealth's weal. — "Thrust in thy sickle and reap." 4 Look to the Harvest-field, Lord, in thy love, Look to thy Reapers who tremblingly reap ; — Save or they perish, Lord, reaping they prove Thou art thyself, Lord, the harvest to keep. — "Thrust in thy sickle and reap." 338. c. m. ^0 praise the ever-bounteous Lord, My soul, wake all thy powers ! He calls, and at his voice come forth The smiling harvest hours. 21G rru HARVEST. 2 His covenant with tlie earth, he keeps ; My tongue, his goodness sing ; Summer and winter know their time, His harvest crowns the S}3ring. 3 Well pleased the toiling swains behold The waving yellow crop : With joy they bear the sheaves away, And sow again in hope. 4 Thus teach me, gracious God, to sow The seeds of righteousness : Smile on my soul, and with thy beams The ripening harvest bless. L S39. 4-6s & 2-8s. ABOR were futile here Had not of man, the Friend, His dew-drops bid appear, His bright sun deigned to send; Had not the clouds' refreshing rain Made strong and vigorous the grain. Cold was the wintry blast, Changeful the opening spring, But summer's sun o'ercast And brightened everything. Bedecked the earth with verdure new, Brought life and beauty out to view. All chanting songs of praise, The vast creations sing ; Shall we no tribute raise. No glad thank-oifring bring, No songs of adoration pour To him whose bounty fills our store 211 SEASONS.. 340. ^ »• COME, ye thankful people, come, Raise the song of Harvest-home S All is safely gathered in, Ere the winter 'storms begin : God our Maker doth provide; He our wants hath well supplied : To his house of worship, come, Raise the song of Harvest-home ! 2 We ourselves are God's own field, Fruit unto his praise to yield ; Wheat and tares together sown, Unto joy or sorrow grown; First the blade, and then the ear, Then the full corn shall appear — Grant, Harvest Lord ! that we Wholesome grain and pure may be 3 For the Lord our God will come, And will take Ids harvest home ; From his field in that blest day All offences purge away : Give his angels charge at last In the fire the tares to cast; But the fruitful ears to store In his garner evermore. 341. 6s & 4s. THE God of harvest praise ; In loud thanksgiving raise Hand, heart, and voice; The valleys smile and sing, Forests and mountains ring, The plains their tribute bring, The streams rejoice. HARVEST. 2 Yea, bless his holy name, And purest thanks proclaim Through all the earth; To glory in your lot Is duty, — but be not God's benefits forgot, Amidst your mirth. 3 The God of harvest praise ; Hands, hearts, and voices raise ? With sweet accord ; From field to garner throng, Bearing your sheaves along, And in your harvest-song Bless ye the Lordo s 1 342. 0. m. IHINE on our land, Jehovah, shine, With beams of heavenly grace ; Reveal thy power through all our courts, And show thy smiling face, 2 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands, Sing loud with solemn voice; Let thankful tongues exalt his praise. And thankful hearts rejoice 3 Earth shall confess her Maker's hand, And yield a full increase ; Our God will crown his chosen land With fruitfulness and peace. 4 God, in his mercy, scatters round His choicest favors here ; With plenty hath our harvest crownedj Our homes to bless and cheer. ' 213 SEASONS. 343, 9s. & 8s. WE come, our hearts with gladness glowing, Thee, Lord of harvest, to adore, For garners filled to overflowing, With treasured heaps and plenteous store ; To thank thee that thy Father-hand Has blest anew our happy land. 2 Our praise for this abundant blessing, With favor, gracious Father, hear ; More deeply on our minds impressing Thy mercies, each successive year ; That so our thankful praise may be A life devoted all to thee. 3 Since thou, on us compassion taking, With daily bread our wants dost feed. So, pity in our breasts awaking, Make us to feel for others' need : Thou rich and poor alike dost love, Then let them both thy bounty prove. 4 Thy heavenly dews our seed have nourished, And plenteous fruit our harvests yield • But have the fruits of faith, too, flourished, Within thy Son's own harvest-field ? And when his eye o'erlooks the ground, Shall thriving plants therein be found ? Mng ant) Mributes of ($00. S ; 34£ t a m. d. r*\ALL foolish, weak, short-sighted man Beyond archangels go, The great Almighty God explain ? Or his perfection know ? His attributes divinely soar Above the creature's sight ? And prostrate seraphim adore The glorious Infinite. Jehovah's everlasting days. They cannot numbered be^ Incomprehensible the space Of thine immensity. Thy wisdom's depths by reason's line In vain we strive to sound, Or stretch out lab'ring thought t' assign Omnipotence a bound. The brightness of thy glories leaves Description far below ) Nor man, nor angel's heart conceives How deep thy mercies tilow : Thy love is most unsearchable, And dazzles all above : They gaze, but cannot count or tell The treasures of thy love ! 215 BEING AND 3&5. L. m. THY parent hand, thy forming skill, Firm fixed this universal chain; Else empty, barren darkness still Had- held his unmolested reign. 2 High is thy power above all height : Whate'er thy will decrees, is done : Thy wisdom, equal to thy might, Only to thee, God, is known ! 3 What our dim eye could never see Is plain and naked to thy sight : What thickest darkness veils, to thee Shines clearly as the morning light 4 In light thou dwell'st; light that no shade, No variation, ever knew ; Heaven, earth, and hell, stand all displayed And open to thy piercing view* 3M. 4-6s & 2-8s. f^HHE Lord Jehovah reigns, J_ His throne is built on high ; The garments he assumes Are light and majesty : His glories shine with beams so bright, JSTo mortal eye can bear the sight, 2 The thunders of his hand Keep the wide world in awe ; His wrath and justice stand To guard his holy law; And where his love resolves to bless, His truth confirms and seals the grace. 216 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD, Through all his mighty works Amazing wisdom shines, Confounds the powers of hell, And breaks their dark designs; Strong is his arm, and shall fulfill His great decrees and sov'reign will And will this sov'reign King Of glory condescend ? And will he write his name My Father and my Friend ? I love his name, I love his word ; Join all my powers to praise the Lord ! 347. 6 ~ 8s - YIELD to me now, for I am weak, And trembling too with self-despair: Speak to my heart, in blessings speak ; And answer thou my instant prayer : Speak, or thou never hence shalt move, And tell me if thy name be Love, 2 ; T is Love ! 9 t is Love ! thou died'st for me ; I hear thy whisper in my heart; The morning breaks, the shadows flee ; Pure, universal Love thou art : To me, to all, thy mercies move, Thy nature and thy name is Love 3 My prayer hath power with God ; the grace Unspeakable I now receive ; Through faith I'll see thee face to lace ; I'll see thee face to face, and live ! In vain I have not wept and strove; Thy nature and thy name is Love 10 217 BEING AND' 348. 7s d. FATHER i thy paternal care Has my guardian been, my guide I Ev'ry hallowed wish and prayer Has thy hand of love supplied ; Thine is ev'ry thought of bliss Left by hours and days gone by) Ev'ry hope thy offspring is ? Beaming from futurity. 2 Ev'ry sun of splendid ray, Ev'ry moon that shines serene, Ev'ry morn that welcomes day, Ev'ry evening's twilight scene, Ev'ry hour which wisdom brings, Ev'ry incense at thy shrine , These, — and all life's holiest things, And its fairest, all are thine. 3 And for all, my hymns shall rise Daily to thy gracious throne ; Thither let my asking eyes Turn unwearied, — righteous One! Through life's strange vicissitude. There reposing all my care; Trusting still, through ill and good, Fixed, and cheered, and counselled there. S' 349. 6-8s. (E ARCHER of hearts, to thee are known The inmost secrets of my breast; At home, abroad, in crowds, alone. Thou mark'st my rising and my rest-,- — My thoughts far off, through eVry maze, Source, stream, and issue, — all my ways. 21S ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 2 How from thy Spirit should I go. Or whither from its presence flee, Since all above* around, below, Exist in thine immensity ? If up to heaven I take my way, I meet thee in eternal day;— 3 .If in the grave I make my bed, With worms and dust, lo ! thou art there ; If on the wings of morning sped, Beyond the ocean I repair, I feel thine all-controlling will, And thy right hand upholds me still 4 Search me, God! and know my heart; Try me, my secret soul survey ; And warn thy servant to depart From ev'ry false and evil way : So shall thy truth my guidance be To life and immortality. 350. l. m. fT^HOU, who canst guide the wand'ring star JL Through trackless realms of ether's space, Who calmest the elemental war, Whose hand from pole to pole I trace, — 2 In wisdom thou hast placed me here, Thou, when thou wilt, canst take me hence ; Ah 1 while I tread this earthly sphere, Extend to me thy wide defence. 3 To thee my God, to thee I call ! Whatever weal or woe betide, By thy command I rise or fall, In thy protection I confide. 219 H' BEING AND 351. L. M. "OLY as thou, Lord, is none ! Thy holiness is all thine own ; A drop of that unbounded sea Is ours — -a drop derived from thee. 2 And when thy purity we share, Thy only glory we declare ; And humbled in thy sight, we own Holy and pure is God alone. 3 Sole, self-existing God and Lord, By all thy heavenly hosts adored \ Let all on earth bow down to thee, And own thy peerless majesty. 4 Thy power unparalleled confess, • Established on the rock of peace ; The rock that never shall remove, > The rock of pure Almighty Love A 1 352. L - M. LL-powerful, self-existent (jtb-., Who all creation dost sustain I Thou wast, and art, and art to come, And everlasting is thy reign. 2 Fixed and eternal as thy days, Each glorious attribute divine, Through ages infinite, shall still With undiminished lustre shine. 3 Fountain of being I Source of good ! Immutable thou dost remain ! Nor can the shadow of a change Obscure the glories of thy reign* 220 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD, 4 Earth may with all her powers dissolve. If such the great Creator's will ; But thou for ever art the same, I am is thy memorial still. 353. l, m. THY ways, Lord, with wise design, Are framed upon thy throne above ? And ev'ry dark or bending line Meets in the centre of thy love. 2 My favored soul shall meekly learn To lay her reason at thy throne ; Too weak thy secrets to discern, I'll trust thee for my guide alone. 354. l, m. FATHER of lights ! we sing thy name, Who kindlest up the lamp of day; Wide as he spreads his golden flame, - His beams thy power and love display. 2 Fountain of good ! from thee proceed The copious drops of genial rain, Which o'er the hill, and through the mead, Revive the grass, and swell the grain, 3 let not our forgetful hearts O'erlook the tokens of thy care ; But what thy lib'ral hand imparts, Still own in praise, still ask in prayer. 4 So shall our sun more grateful shine, And showers in sweeter drops shall fall, When all our hearts and lives are thine, And thou, God! enjoyed in all 221 BEING AND 355. us & 6s, ALMIGHTY One ! I bend in dust before thee ; E'en so veiled cherubs bend; In calm and still devotion I adore thee, All-wise, all-present Friend ! Thou to the earth its emerald robes hast given , Or curtained it in snow; And the bright sun, and the soft moon in heaven, Before thy presence bow, 2 Thou Power sublime ! whose throne is firmly seated 'Mid stars and glowing suns ; 0, could I praise thee,— could my soul, elated, Waft thee seraphic tones,— Had I the lyres of angels,— could I bring thee An off'ring worthy thee,— In what bright notes of glory would I sing thee, Blest notes of ecstasy ! 3 Eternity ! Eternity ! how solemn. How terrible the sound ! Here, leaning on thy promises,— a column Of strength, — may I be found. 0, let my heart be ever thine, while beating, As when 't will cease to beat ! Be thou my portion, till that solemn meeting When I my God shall greet ! 3 56. 0- m. GREAT Ruler of all nature's frame, We own thy power divine ; We hear thy breath in ev'ry storm, For all the winds are thine. 222 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD, 2 Wide as they sweep their sounding way, They work thy so v' reign will ; And, awed by thy majestic voice, Confusion shall be still. 3 Thy mercy tempers ev'ry blast To those who seek thy face, And mingles with the tempest's roar The whispers of thy grace. 4 Those gentle whispers let me hear. Till all the tumult cease, And gales of paradise shall lull My weary soul to peace. 357 * G - M - JEHOVAH, God ! thy gracious power On ev'ry hand we see ; O, may the blessing of each hour Lead all our thoughts to thee ! 2 If on the wings of morn we speed To earth's remotest bound, Thy hand will there our footsteps lead, Thy love our path surround. 3 Thy power is in the ocean deeps, And reaches to the skies; Thine eye of mercy never sleeps, Thy goodness never dies. 4 In all the vary'ng scenes of time, On thee our hopes depend ; Through ev'ry age, in ev'ry clime, Our Father, and our Friend ! 223 BEING AND 358. l. m. THROUGH ev'ry strange and shifting scene Of life's mistaken ill or good, Thy hand, O God ! conducts unseen The varying vicissitude. 2 Thou givest, with paternal care, Howe'er unjustly we complain. To all, their necessary share Of joy or sorrow, health or pai[n. 3 All things on earth, and all in heaven ? On thine eternal will depend ) And all for greater good were given, Would man pursue th' appointed end. 4 Be this my care !— to all beside IndifFrent let my wishes be ; Passion be calm, and dumb be pride, And fixed my soul, great God! on thee. 359. 7s HEAVEN and earth, and sea, and air, God's eternal praise declare; Up, my soul ! awake and raise Grateful hymns and songs of praise. 2 See the sun, with glorious ray, Pierce the clouds at opening "day; Moon and stars, in splendor bright, Praise their God through silent night. 3 See how earth, with beauty decked, Tells a heavenly Architect; Woods and fields, with lowing kine^ Show their Maker all divine. 22J- ATTRIBUTES OF GOB 4 See the birds, how, pair by pair, Swift they cleave the yielding air; Thunder, lightning, storm, and wind, God doth at his will unbind. 5 See the billows tumbling o'er. Chafing with incessant roar ; Hear them, as they sink and swell ? Loud their Maker's praises tell 6 Through the world, great God, I trace Wonders of thy power and grace : Write more deeply on my heart What I am, and what thou art. 360. l. m. ERE mountains reared their forms sublime. Or heaven and earth in order stood,- — Before the birth of ancient time, From everlasting thou art God, 2 A thousand ages, in their flight, With thee are as a fleeting day ; Past, present, future, to thy sight At once their various scenes display, 3 But our brief life 's a shad'wy dream, A passing thought, that soon is o'er, That fades with morning's earliest beam. And fills the musing mind no more, 4 To us, Lord, the wisdom give. Each passing moment so to spend, That we at length with thee may live. Where life and bliss shall never end 10* 225 BEING AND C M TO thee, my God, my days are known, My soul enjoys the thought; 31 y actions are before thy face, Nor are my faults forgot, 2 Each secret breath devotion breathes, Is vocal to thine ear j And all my walks of daily life Before thine eye appear. 3 Each golden hour of beaming light Is gilded by thy rays ; And dark affliction's midnight gloom A present God surveys. 1 Full in thy view through life I pass, And in thy view I die ; v And, when each mortal bond is broke, Shall find my God is nigh. 362. c. m GOD moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform ; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm, 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sov' reign will 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take! The clouds ye so much dread, Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 226 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense. But trust him for his grace, Behind a frowning Providence He hides a smiling face, 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding ev'ry hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste 9 But sweet will be the flower 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain ; God is his own Interpreter, And he will make it plain, 363. s, m, GOD, who is just and kind, Will those who err instruct, And in the paths of righteousness Their wand'ring steps conduct. 2 The humble soul he guides ; Teaches the meek his way; Kindness and truth he shows to all Who his just laws obey, 3 Give me the tender heart That mingles fear with love ) And lead me through whatever path Thy wisdom shall approve. 4 0, ever keep my soul From error, shame, and guilt! Nor suffer the fair hope to fail, Which on thy truth is built, 227 BEING AND 364. c m. LORD ! thou art good : all nature shows Its mighty Author kind ; Thy bounty through creation flows, Full, free, and un confined. 2 The whole, and ev'ry part, proclaims Thine infinite good-will ; It shines in stars, and flows in streams, And blooms on ev'ry hill 3 We view it o'er the spreading main, And heavens which spread more wide ; It drops in gentle showers of rain, And rolls in ev'ry tide. 4 My admiration let it raise ! My best affections move ! Employ my tongue in songs of praise, And fill my heart with love ! 365. c. m. THY throne eternal ages stood, Ere earth or heaven was made; Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dead. 2 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present to thy view ; To thee, there 's nothing old appears, Great God ! there 's nothing new. 3 Our lives through varying scenes are drawa, And vexed with trifling cares, While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs. 228 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 4 Great God ! iiow infinite art thou ! How frail and weak are we ! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And homage pay to thee. 366. c. m. SUPREME in wisdom as in power. The Rock of Ages stands ; We see him not, yet may we trace The working of his hands. 2 He gives the conquest to the weak, Supports the fainting heart, Gives courage in the evil hour. His heavenly aids impart,, 367. c; m. I OD, in the high and holy place. Looks down upon the spheres ; Yet in his providence and grace To ev'ry eye appears. G c 2 He bows the heavens ; the mountains stand; A highway for our God : He walks amidst the desert-land ; ; T is Eden where he trod. 3 The forests in his strength rejoice; Hark ! on the evening breeze, Is heard the whisp'rings of his voice, ; Tis heard among the trees. 4 If God hath made this world so fair, Where sin and death abound, — How beautiful beyond compare Will Paradise be found I 229 BEING AND 368. ^ m. ETERNAL God, almighty cause Of earth, and seas, and worlds unknown] All things are subject to thy laws; All things depend on thee alone, 2 Thy glorious being singly stands, Of all within itself possessed : Controlled by none are thy commands ; Thou in thyself alone art blest 3 Worship to thee alone belongs ; Worship to thee alone we give ; Thine be our hearts, and thine our songs. And to thy glory may we live, 4 Lord spread thy name through heathen lands ; Their idol deities dethrone ; Subdue the world to thy commands, And reign supremely, God alone, i 309. o. m. SING the mighty power of God, That made the mountains rise ; That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. I sing the wisdom that ordained The sun to rule the day ; The moon shines full at his command, And all the stars obey. I sing the goodness of the Lord, That filled the earth with food j He formed the creatures with his word, And then pronounced them good. 230 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD, 4 Lord, how thy wonders are displayed, Where'er I turn mine eye; If I survey the ground I tread, Or gaze upon the sky ! 5 There 's not a plant or flower below, But makes thy glories known ; And clouds arise, and tempests blow, By order from thy throne. 370. l. m. THOU, true and only God, lead'st forth Th' immortal armies of the sky; Thou laugh'st to scorn the gods of earth ; Before thy power amazed they fly ! 2 In earth, in heaven, in all, thou art : The disobedient feel thy rod ; Thy forming hand on ev'ry part Hath made this record, thou art God. 3 Thine, Lord, is wisdom, thine alone ! Justice and truth before thee stand ; Yet nearer to thy sacred throne Mercy extends her pard'ning hand. 4 Each evening shows thy tender love, Each rising morn thy plenteous grace : Thy wakened wrath doth slowly move, Thy willing mercy flies apace ! 5 To thy benign, indulgent cave. Father, this light, this breath, we owe; And all we have, and all we are, From thee, great Source of being, flow. 231 BEING *AND 371. L - M - BE with rue, Lord, where'er I go ; Teach me what thou woulcTst have me do; Suggest whate'er I think or say; Direct me in the narrow way. 2 Prevent me lest I harbor pride, Lest I in mine own strength confide; Show me my weakness, let me see 1 have my power, my all from thee. 3 Enrich me always with thy love ; * My kind protector ever prove ; Thy signet put upon my breast, And let thy Spirit on me rest. 4 0, may I never do my will, But thine and only thine fulfill ; Let all my time and all my ways Be spent and ended to thy praise. 372. o. m. MY God ! how wonderful thou art, Thy majesty, how bright! How glorious thy mercy-seat, In depths of burning light ! 2 Yet I may love thee too, Lord ! Almighty as thou art, For thou hast stooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. 3 No earthly father loves like thee, No mother half so mild Bears and forbears, as thou hast done, With me thy sinful child. 232 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 4 My God ! how wonderful thou art, Thou everlasting Friend ! On thee I'll rest my trusting heart Till faith in triumphs end. 373. 8s & 7s. WORSHIP, honor, glory, blessing, Lord, we offer to thy name ; Young and old, their thanks expressing, Join thy goodness to proclaim : — 2 As the hosts of heaven adore thee, We, too, bow before thy throne ; As the angels serve before thee, So on earth thy will be done. 374. 6s. THE God who reigns alone O'er earth, and sea, and sky. Let man with praises own, And sound his honors high, 2 Him all in heaven above, Him all on earth below, Th' exhaustless source of love, The great Creator, know. 3 He formed the living flame, He gave the reas'ning mind, Then only he may claim The worship of mankind. 4 So taught his only Son, Blest messenger of grace ! Th' Eternal is but one, No second holds his place. 233 G ( ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 37 5. 8s ; 6s & iQs. I QD is our refuge and defence, Our shield, his dread omnipotence : Earth may beneath us shrink, The ancient mountains hoar Down in the deep tide sink, — Let the wild deluge roar ! Jehovah is our refuge and defence ! God is our refuge and our shield, What then can make us fear or yield ? Wars at his bidding cease, He breaks the bow and spear, He reigns in truth and peace ; Let all adore and fear Our God and Savior, Israel's help and shield J B 1 S76. 8s & 7s. »LEST be thou, God of Israel, Thou, our Father, and our Lord! Blest thy majesty forever ! Ever be thy name adored. 2 Thine, Lord, are power and greatness, Glory, vict'ry, are thine own ; All is thine in earth and heaven, Over all thy boundless throne. 3 Riches come of thee, and honor, Power and might to thee belong; Thine it is to make us prosper, Only thine to make us strong. HIS NATIVITY. 377. 12s - FROM th' regions of glory an angel descended, And told the strange news how the babe was attended : Go shepherds and visit this heavenly stranger 3 Beneath yon bright star, there's your Lord in a manger ! Hallelujah to the Lamb, Whom our souls may rely on; We shall see him on earth, When he brings again Zion. 2 Glad tidings I bring unto you and each nation 5 Glad tidings of joy, — now behold your salvation; Arise all ye pilgrims and lift up your voices, And shout, ' The Redeemer ! ' while heaven re- joices. 3 Let glory to God in the highest be given, And glory to God be re-echoed in heaven ; Around the whole world let us tell the glad story, And sing of his love, his salvation, and glory. 235 CHRIST. 378. us & ios. HAIL the blest morn, when the great Mediator, Down from the regions of glory descends , Shepherds, go worship the babe in the manger; Lo ! for his guard, the bright angels attend. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Daicn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid, Star in the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer teas laid. 2 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining ; Low lies his bed with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore him, in slumbers reclining, Wise men and shepherds before him do fall. 3 Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion, Odors of Eden, and offerings divine, Gems from the mountains, and pearls from the ocean ; Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? 4 Yainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gold we his favor secure ) Richer by far is the heart's adoration ; Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. H 379. 4 - Gs & 2 ~ 8s - "ARK ! hark ! the notes of joy Roll o'er the heavenly plains. And seraphs find employ For their sublimest strains : Some new delight in heaven is known ; Loud sound the harps around the throne. 236 HIS NATIVITY. 2 Hark! hark! the sound draws nigh,-- The joyful hosts descend; Jesus forsakes the sky, To earth his footsteps bend : He comes to bless our fallen race ; He comes with messages of grace. 3 Bear, bear the tidings round ! Let every mortal know What love in God is found, What pity he can show : Ye winds that blow, ye waves that roll, Bear the glad news from pole to pole. 4 Strike ! strike the harps again, To great Immanuers name ! Arise, ye sons of men, His grace aloud proclaim I Angels and men, wake ev'ry string, 'T is God the Savior's praise we sing ! 380. c. m. TO us a child of hope is born, To us a Son is given ; Him shall the tribes of earth obey, Him all the hosts of heaven. 2 His name shall be the Prince of Peace, Forevermore adored ; The Wonderful, the Counselor, The great and mighty Lord ! 3 His power, increasing still shall spread ; His reign no end shall know : Justice shall guard his throne above. And peace abound below. 237 H CHRIST, H. M. "ARK! what celestial sounds. What music fills the air ! Soft warbling to the morn, It strikes the ravished ear ; Now all is still \ Now wild it floats, In tuneful notes, Loud, sweet, and shrill. Th' angelic hosts descend, With harmony divine ; See how from heaven they bend. And in full chorus join : 4 Fear not/ say they ; ' Great joy we bring: Jesus, your King, Is born to-day. i He comes, your souls to save From death's eternal gloom; To realms of bliss and light He lifts you from the tomb : Your voices raise ; With sons of light, Your songs unite Of endless praise. ' Glory to God on high ! Ye mortals spread the sound, And let your raptures fly To earth's remotest bound ; For peace on earth, From God in heaven To man is given, At Jesus' birth/ 238 HIS NATIVITY. 382. o. m. ANGELS rejoiced and sweetly sung At our Redeemer's birth; Mortals, awake ! let ev'ry tongue Proclaim his matchless worth. 2 Glory to God, who dwells on high, And sent his only Son To take a servant's form, and die, For evils man had done ! 3 Good-will to men ! ye fallen race ! Arise, and shout for joy; — He comes with rich abounding grace, To save, and not destroy. 4 Lord ! send the gracious tidings forth, And fill the world with light, That Jew and Gentile, through the earth ? May know thy saving might- 383. 7* GOD with us ! oh, glorious name ! Let it shine in endless fame ; God and man in Christ unite ; Oh, mysterious depth and hight ! 2 God with us ! th' eternal Son Took our soul, our flesh, and bone; Now, ye saints, his grace admire, Swell the song with holy fire. 3 God with us ! Innnannel sing, As we ought, our God and King! He who did our sin sustain. Bore the guilt, the curse, the pain CHRIST. SS4. 8s & 7s. AIL, thou long-expected Jesus ! Born to set thy people free ; From our sins and fears release us, Let us find our rest in thee. H 2 Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the saints thou art; Be thou now our full salvation, Joy of ev'ry longing heart. 3 Born, thy people to deliver, — Born a child, and yet a king, — Born to reign o'er us for ever, — Now thy gracious kingdom bring. 4 By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; By thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to thy glorious throne. 385. c. m. WHILE humble shepherds watched their flocks In Bethrhem's fields by night, An angel, sent from heaven, appeared, And filled the fields with light. 2 ' Fear not/ he said, (for sudden dread Had seized their troubled mind), 'Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. 3 ' To you, in Bethlehem, this day, Is born of David's line, The Savior, who is Christ the Lord ; Behold in heaven his sign/ 240 HIS NATIVITY. 4 Thus spoke the angel; and forthwith, Appeared a shining throng Of angels, praising God ; and thus Addressed their joyful song: 5 'All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace; Good will is shown by heaven to men, And never more shall cease/ 386. 7s D. WATCHMAN ! tell us of the night, What its signs of promise are — Trav'ler ! o'er yon mountain's hight, See that glory-beaming star ! — Watchman ! does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell ? — ■ Trav'ler ! yes ; it brings the day — Promised day of Israel. 2 Watchman ! tell us of the night, Higher yet that star ascends ; — Trav'ler ! blessedness and light, Peace and truth, its course portends ! — Watchman ! will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth ? — Trav'ler ! ages are its own, — See I it bursts o'er all the earth. 3 Watchman ! tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dawn — Trav'ler ! darkness takes its flight, Doubt and terror are withdrawn. Watchman! let thy wand'ring cease; Hie thee to thy quiet heme — Trav'ler! lo ! the Prince of Peace, Lo ! the Son of G od is come ! 11 241 w 1 CHRIST. 387. L - M - 'HEN Jordan hushed his waters still, And silence slept on Zion's hill • When Bethl'hem's shepherds thro' the night Watched o'er their flocks by starry light ; — ■ 2 Hark ! from the midnight hills around, A voice of more than mortal sound In distant hallelujahs stole, Wild, murm'ring, o'er the raptured soul. 3 u O Zion ! lift thy waiting eye, The long-expected hour is nigh ; The joys of nature rise again, The Prince of Salem comes to reign. 4 " He comes, to cheer the trembling heart, Bid Satan and his host depart ; — Again the day-star gilds the gloom, Again the bowers of Eden bloom," 388. o. m. CALM on the list'ning ear of night, Come heaven's melodious strains, Where wild Judea stretches far Her silver-mantled plains. 2 Celestial choirs from courts above Declare his glories there ; And angels, with their sparkling lyres, Make music on the air. 3 The answ'ring hills of Palestine Send back the glad reply; And greet from all their holy hights, The day-spring from on high. 242 HIS NATIVITY. 4 O'er the blue depth's of Galilee There conies a holier calm, And Sharon waves, in solemn praise, Her silent groves of palm. 5 c Glory to God ! " the sounding skies Loud with their anthems ring, " Peace to the earth, good-will to men," From heaven's Eternal King ! ' 6 Light on thy hills, Jerusalem ! The Savior now is born ! And bright on Bethfhems joyous plains Breaks the first Christmas morn. 389. 8s > 7s & 4s - k NGELS, from the realms of glory, jljl Wing your flight o'er all the earth ! Ye, who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth : Come and worship, — Worship Christ, the new-born King. 2 Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing ; Yonder shines the heavenly light : Come and worship, — Worship Christ, the new-born King. 3 Saints, before the altar bending. Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly, the Lord descending, In his temple shall appear: Come and worship, — Worship Christ, the new-born King, 243 CHRIST. 390. 7s * ARK ! the herald-angels sing, — ' Glory to the new-born King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, — God and sinners reconciled/ H 2 Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies , With th' angelic host proclaim. — ' Christ is born in Bethlehem/ 3 Mild he lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die ; Born to raise the sons of earth ; Born to give them second birth. 4 Hail ! the heaven-born Prince of peace ! Hail ! the Sun of righteousness ! Light and life to all he brings, Risen with healing in his wings. 5 Let us then with angels sing, — ' Glory to the new-born King ; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, — God and sinners reconciled/ 391. p. m. LOVELY Voices of the sky, Which hymned the Savior's birth ! Are ye not singing still on high, Ye that sang, " Peace on earth "? To us yet speak the strains, Wherewith, in time gone by, Ye blest the Syrian swains, Voices of the sky ! 2U HIS NATIVITY. 2 clear and shining Light, whose beams That hour heaven's glory shed Around the palms, and o'er the streams. And on the shepherd's head ! Be near, through life and death, As in that holiest night Of hope, and joy and faith; O clear and shining Light ! 3 Star which led to him whose love Brought down man's ransom free ! Where art thou ? — 'midst the host above ? May we still gaze on thee ? In heaven thou art not set, Thy rays earth may not dim ; Send them to guide us yet, Star which led to him ! S' 392. ?• m. jILENT night ! Holy night ! All is calm, all is bright, Bound yon virgin mother and child Holy Infant, tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace ! Silent night ! holy night ! Shepherds wake, touched with fright. Glories stream from heaven afar ; Heavenly hosts sing "Hallelujah, Christ the Savior is born." Silent night ! holy night ! Son of God ! Light of Light ! — how love beams from his face, With the dawn of heavenly grace, At Immanuel's birth ! CHRIST. 393. 9-8s DEPART awhile, each thought of care ? Be earthly things forgotten all, And speak, my soul, thy grateful prayer, Obedient to the sacred call. For hark ! the pealing chorus swells ; Devotion chants the hymn of praise, And now of joy and hope it tells, Till, fainting on the ear, it says, — Glory ! glory to thee, Lord ! 2 Thine, wondrous babe of Galilee ! Fond theme of David's harp and song, Thine are the notes of minstrelsy, To thee its ransomed chords belong. And hark ! again the chorus swells, The song is wafted on the breeze, And to the listening earth it tells, In accents soft and sweet as these, — Glory ! glory to thee, Lord ! 3 My heart doth feel that still he ? s near, To meet the soul in hours like this; Else, why, 0, why, that falling tear, When all is peace, and love, and bliss ? But hark ! that Betld'hem chorus swells Anew its thrilling vesper strain, And still of joy and hope it tells, And bids creation sing again, — Glory ! glory to thee, Lord ! 304:. ANTHEM. Angel voices sing, " Hallelujah \" Hail the new-born King, Hallelujah ! Saints, take up the sweet refrain, "Peace on earth, good will to man;" Hallelujah ! Hallelujah, Amen. 246 HIS LIFE. 39 So c. M. BEHOLD where in a mortal form Appears each grace divine ! The virtues, all in Jesus met, With mildest radiance shine. 2 To spread the rays of heavenly light, To give the mourner joy, To preach glad tidings to the poor. Was his divine employ. 3 Lowly in heart, to all his friends A friend and servant found : He washed their feet, he wiped their tears, And healed each bleeding wound. 4 Midst keen reproach and cruel scorn, Patient and meek he stood : His foes, ungrateful, sought his life : He labored for their good. 5 In the last hours of deep distress, Before his Father's throne, With soul resigned, he bowed, and said, " Thy will, not mine, be done I" 6 Be Christ our pattern and our guide ! His image may we bear ! may we tread his holy steps, His joy and glory share! 247 CHRIST 396. l. m. "OW beauteous were the marks divine, That in thy meekness used to shine. That lit thy lonely pathway, trod In wondrous love, Son of God ! H ( 2 (X, who like thee, so calm, so bright 3 So pure, so made to live in light ? 0, wh # o like thee did ever go So patient through a world of woe ? 3 0, who like thee so humbly bore The scorn, the scoffs, of men before ? So meek, forgiving, godlike, high, So glorious in humility ? 4 The bending angels stooped to see The lisping infants clasp thy knee, And smiled, as thus they clung to thee, Upon thy mild divinity. 5 And death, which sets the pris'ner free, Was pang, and scoff, and scorn to thee; Yet love through all thy torture glowed, . And mercy with thy life-blood flowed. 397. L - M - ±¥jR the dark wave of Galilee The gloom of twilight gathers fast, And on the waters drearily Descends the fitful evening blast. o 2 The weary bird hath left the air, And sunk into his sheltered nest ; The wand'ring beast has sought his lair, And laid him down to welcome rest. 248 HIS LIFE. 3 Still, near the lake, with weary tread, Lingers a form of human kind • And on his lone, unsheltered head Flows the chill night-damp of the wind* 4 Why seeks he not a home of rest ? Why seeks- he not a pillowed bed ? Beasts have their dens, the bird its nest; He hath not where to lay his head. 5 Such was the lot he freely chose, To bless, to save the human race ; And through his poverty there flows A rich, full stream of heavenly grace. 398. 6-Ss. AROUND Bethesda's healing wave, Waiting to hear the rustling wing, Which spoke the angel nigh, who gave Its virtue to that holy spring, With patience and with hope endued, Were seen the gathered multitude. 2 Bethesda's pool has lost its power ! No angel, by his glad descent, Dispenses that diviner dower, Which with its healing waters went. But he, whose word surpassed its wave, Is still omnipotent to save. 3 Savior ! thy love is still the same As when that healing word was spoke ; Still in thine all redeeming name Dwells power to burst the strongest yoke ! O be that power, that love displayed. Help those whom thou alone canst aid ! IX* 249 CHRIST. 399. c. m. (EE, from on high, a light divine On Jesus' head descend; And hear the sacred voice from heaven, That bids us all attend — s 1 2 " This is my well-beloved Son," Proclaimed the voice divine; "Hear him," his Heavenly Father said, ' For all his words are mine/ 3 His mission thus confirmed from heaven, The great Messiah came, And heavenly wisdom taught to man, In God the Father's name. 4 The path of heavenly peace he showed, That leads to bliss on high, Where all his faithful folFwers here Shall live, no more to die. 5 may we then, who own him Lord, And his loved name profess, By all our words and actions prove That we his mind possess ! 400. l. ML MY dear Redeemer, and my Lord, I read my duty in thy word ; But in thy life the law appears, Drawn out in living characters. 2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, Such def'rence to thy Father's will, Such love, and meekness so divine, I would transcribe, and make them mine. 250 HIS LIFE. 3 Cold mountains, and the midnight air, Witnessed the fervor of thy prayer : The desert thy temptations knew, Thy conflict, and thy vict'ry too. 4 Be thon my pattern : make me bear More of thy gracious image here ; Then God, the Judge, shall own my name, Among the foll'wers of the Lamb. 401. c. m. WHAT grace, Lord, and beauty shone Around thy steps below ) What patient love was seen in all Thy life and death of woe. 2 For, ever on thy burdened heart A weight of sorrow hung; Yet no ungentle, murmuring word Escaped thy silent tongue. 3 Thy foes might hate, despise, revile, Thy friends unfaithful prove; Unwearied in forgiveness still, Thy heart could only love. 4 Oh, give us hearts to love like thee ! Like thee, Lord, to grieve Far more for others' sins, than all The wrongs that we receive. 5 One with thyself, may ev'ry eye, In us, thy brethren, see The gentleness and grace that spring From union, Lord ! with thee. 251 CHRIST. 402. c. m. ABASHED be all the boast of age, Be hoary learning dumb ! Expounder of the mystic page, Behold an infant come ! 2 Wisdom ! whose unfading power Beside th' Eternal stood, To frame, in nature's earliest hour, The land, the sky, the flood, — 3 Yet didst not thou disdain awhile An infant form to wear, To bless thy mother with a smile, ) And lisp thy faltered prayer. 4 But in thy Father's own abode, With Israel's elders round, Conversing hi^h with Israel's God, Thy chiefest joy was found. 5 So may our youth adore thy name ! And, Savior, deign to bless, With fost'ring grace, the timid flame Of early holiness ! 403. s. m. THE law by Moses came ) But peace, and truth, and love, Were brought by Christ, — a nobler name,- Descending from above. 2 Amidst the house of God Their different works were done ; Moses a faithful servant stood, But Christ a faithful Son. 252 HIS LIFE. 3 Then to his new commands Be strict obedience paid ; O'er all his Father's house he stands The Sov'reisn and the Head. A £04. 0. M. PILGRIM through this lonely world, The blessed Savior passed - A mourner all his life was he, A dying Lamb at last. 2 That tender heart that felt for all, For all its life-blood gave ) It found on earth no resting-place, Save only in the grave. 3 Such was our Lord ; and shall we fear The cross, with all its scorn ? Or love a faithless -evil world, That wreathed his brow with thorn ? 405. o- m. THE winds were howling o'er the deep, Each wave a wat'ry hill : The Savior wakened from his sleep ; He spake, and all was still. 2 The madman in a tomb had made His mansion of despair : Woe to the traveler who strayed. With heedless footsteps, there ! 3 He met that glance so thrilling sweet. He heard those accents mild ; And, melting at Messiah's feet, Wept like a weaned child. CHRIST. 406. i" m. WHENE'ER the angry passions rise, And tempt our thoughts or tongues to strife, On Jesus let us fix our eyes, Bright pattern of the Christian life. 2 how benevolent and kind ! How mild ! how ready to forgive ! Be this the temper of our mind, And these the rules by which we live. 3 To do his Heavenly Father's will Was his employment and delight : Humility and holy zeal Shone through his life divinely bright. 4 Dispensing good where'er he came, The labors of his life were love : If then we love the Savior's name, Let his divine example move ! 407. L - M - ^PJEE how he loved !" exclaimed the Jews, JO A s tender tears from Jesus fell ; My grateful heart the thought pursues, And on the theme delights to dwell. 2 "See how he loved," — who traveled on, Teaching the doctrine from the skies; Who bade disease and pain begone, And called the sleeping dead to rise. 3 "See how he loved," who never shrank From toil or danger, pain or death ; Who the full cup of sorrow drank, And meekly yielded up his breath. 254 HIS LIFE. 4 Such love can we, unmoved, survey ? 0, may our breasts with ardor glow, To tread his steps, his laws obey, And thus our warm affections show ! 408. l. m. MAKE us, by thy transforming grace, Dear Savior, daily more like thee ! Thy fair example may we trace To teach us what we ought to be ! 2 To do thy heavenly Father's will Was thy employment and delight; Humility and holy zeal Shone through thy life divinely bright. 3 But ah ! how blind ! how weak we are ! How frail ! how apt to turn aside ! Lord, we depend upon thy care, And ask thy Spirit for our guide. 409. L - m. "OT to condemn the sons of men, Did Christ, the Son of God, appear; No weapons in his hands are seen, No naming sword, nor thunder there. w Such was the pity of our God, He loved the race of man so well, He sent his Son to bear our load Of sins, and save our souls from hell. Through paths of loving-kindness led. Where Jesus triumphed we would tread; To all, with willing hands dispense The gifts of our benevolence. 265 H' CHRIST. 410. LM. 'OW sweetly flowed the Gospel's sound From lips of gentleness and grace, When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and rev'rence filled the place. From heaven he came, of heaven he spoke, To heaven he led his foll'wers' way; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day. ' Come wanderers, to my Father's home, Come all ye weary ones and rest ! ' Yes, Sacred Teacher, we will come, Obey thee, love thee, and be blest. w 411. 8s > 8s & 6s - r HENE'ER I look into thy word, And read about my dearest Lord, The friend of sinful man ; I trace my Savior's footsteps there, — What humble love, what holy fear Through all his conduct ran ! I read that he, on duty bent, To lonely places often went, To seek his Father there : The early morn and dewy ground, Can witness they the Savior found, Engaged in fervent prayer. And did my loving Savior pray, Before the light unveiled the day? Shall I then backward be ? No, dearest Lord, forbid the thought, Help me to fight, as Jesus fought, Each foe that hinders me. 256 HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 412. L - m. BEHOLD the Man ! How glorious he ! Before his foes he stands unawed, And without wrong or blasphemy. He claims to be the Son of God. 2 Behold the Man ! by all condemned, Assaulted by a host of foes, His person and his claim contemned, A man of sufFrings and of woes. 3 Behold the Man ! he stands alone ; His foes are ready to devour ; Not one of all his friends will own Their master in this trying hour. 4 Behold the Man ! So weak he seems, His awful word inspires no fear ; But soon must he who now blasphemes Before his judgment seat appear. 5 Behold the Man! Though scorned below. He bears the greatest name above ; The angels at his footstool bow. And all his royal claims approve. B ] CHRIST, 4:13. 8s > 8s & 6s * >EYOND where Cedron's waters flow, Behold "the suffering Savior go To sad Grethsemane ; His countenance is all divine, Yet grief appears in ev'ry line. 2 He bows beneath the sins of men ; He cries to Gk>d, and cries again, In sad Grethsemane; He lifts his mournful eyes above — ' My Father, wilt this cup remove ? ' 3 With gentle resignation still, He yielded to his Father's will, In sad Grethsemane; 1 Behold me here, thine only Son ; And, Father, let thy will be done/ 4 The Father heard ; and angels, there, Sustained the Son of God in prayer, In sad Grethsemane; He drank the dreadful cup of pain — But still he rose to life again. 5 When storms of sorrow round us sweep, And scenes of anguish make us weep, To sad Grethsemane We'll look, and see the Savior there, And humbly bow, like him, in prayer. 414. L- m. i IDE on, ride on in majesty ! R' Hark ! all the tribes hosanna cry ! Thy humble beast pursues his road, With palms and scattered garments strowed. 258 HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 2 Ride on, ride on in majesty ! In lowly pomp ride on to die ! Christ ! thy triumphs now begin, O'er captive death and conquered sin. 3 Ride on, ride on in majesty ! The light-clad cohorts of the sky Look down with sad and wond'ring eyes, To see th' approaching sacrifice. 4 Ride on, ride on in majesty ! Thy last and fiercest strife is nigh ; The Father on his sapphire throne, Expects his own anointed Son ! 41 5. c. m. DARK was the night, and cold the ground, On which the Lord was laid : His sweat, like drops of blood, ran clown ; In agony he prayed, — 2 ' Father, remove this bitter cup, If such thy sacred will ; If not, content to drink it up, Thy pleasure I fulfill/ 3 Go to the garden, sinner, see Those precious drops that flow ; The heavy load he bore for thee, For thee he lies so low. 4 Then learn of him the cross to bear ; Thy Father's will obey ; And, when temptations press thee near. Awake to watch and pr£y. H ! CHRIST. 416. 8s > 6s & 2 - 8s - "E knelt : the Savior knelt and prayed, When but his Father's eye Looked through the lonely garden's shade, On that dread agony; The Lord of all above, beneath, Was bowed with sorrow unto death. 2 The sun set in a fearful hour, The skies might well grow dim, When this mortality had power So to o'ershadow him ! That he who gave man's breath, might know The very depths of human woe. 3 He knew them all ; the doubt, the strife, The faint, perplexing dread, The mists that hang o'er parting life, All darkened round his head; And the Deliv'rer knelt to pray; — Yet passed it not, that cup, away. 4 It passed not, though the stormy wave Had sunk beneath his tread ; It passed not, though to him the grave Had yielded up its dead : But there was sent him from on high A aift of strength, for man to die. G ,: 417. 6 " 7s - I to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power; Your Redeemer's conflict see, Watch with him one bitter hour; Turn not from his griefs away, Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH 2 Follow to the judgment-hall ; View the Lord of life arraigned; Oh, the wormwood and the gall ! Oh, the pangs his soul sustained ! Shun not suffering, shame, or loss ; Learn of him to bear the cross. 3 Calv'ry's mournful mountain climb ; There adoring at his feet, Mark that miracle of time, God's own sacrifice complete : "It is finished/ 7 hear him cry; — Learn of Jesus Christ to die. 418. n« d. THOU sweet gliding Cedron, by thy silver stream, Our Savior at midnight, when Cynthia's pale beam Shone bright on the waters, would frequently stray, And lose in thy murmurs the toils of the day. Come saints and adore him, come how at his feet , ! give him the glory, the praise that is meet, Let joyful hosannas unceasing arise, And join the full chorus that gladdens the skies, 2 How damp were the vapors that fell on his head, How hard was his pillow — how humble his bed, The angels, astonished, grew sad at the sight 3 And followed their Master with solemn delight. 3 garden of Olivet, dear honored spot. The fame of thy wonders shall ne'er be forgot j The theme most transporting to seraphs above. The triumph of sorrow, the triumph of love. CHRIST. 4:19. 7s & 6s D * SACRED Head, now wounded! With grief and shame weighed down ; Now scornfully surrounded "With thorns, thine only crown ! sacred Head, what glory, What bliss till now was thine ! Yet though despised and gory, I joy to call thee mine. What language shall I borrow, To thank thee, dearest Friend, For this thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end ! make me thine forever. Nor let me faithless be, Lord, let me never, never, Outlive my love to thee. If I incline to leave thee, Jesus, leave not me ; Let Satan not deceive me, For thou hast set me free. When strength and comfort languish, And I must hence depart, Release me then from anguish, From poignancy my heart. : Be near when I am dying, Thy comfort send to me , And for my succor, flying, Bid angels set me free. New faith in life receiving, My hopes all fixed above, Who lives and dies believing, Dies safely — through thy love. 262" his sufferings and death. 4:20. & m. )JT\ IS midnight; and on Olive's brow X The star is dimmed that lately shone: 'T is midnight ; in the garden, now, « The suff'ring Savior prays alone. 2 'T is midnight; and from all removed, The Savior wrestles lone with fears ; E'en that disciple whom he loved Heeds not his Master's grief and tears. 3 'T is midnight ; and for others' guilt The Man of Sorrows weeps in blood; Yet he that hath in anguish knelt Is not forsaken by his God. 4 'T is midnight ; and from ether-plains Is borne the song that angels know ; Unheard by mortals are the strains That sweetly soothe the Savior's woe, 421. J* M FROM Calvary a cry was heard — A bitter and heart-rending cry ; My Savior ! every mournful word Bespoke thy soul's deep agony. 2 A horror of great darkness fell On thee, thou spotless, Holy One ! And all the eager hosts of hell Conspired to tempt God's only Son. 3 The scourge, the thorns, the deep disgrace — These thou could'st bear, nor once repine; But when Jehovah vailed his face, Unutterable pangs were thine. 268 CHRIST. 422. L - M - THE morning dawns upon the place Where Jesus spent the night in prayer ; Through bright' ning glooms behold his face, No form, no comeliness is there. 2 Last eve, by those he called his own Betrayed, forsaken, or denied, He met his enemies, alone, In all their malice, rage, and pride. 3 But hark ! he prays, — 't is for his foes ; He speaks, — 't is comfort to his friends \ Answers, — and paradise bestows; "'T is finished !" — here the conflict ends. 4 'This truly was the Son of God !' Though in a servant's mean disguise, And bruised beneath the Father's rod, Not for himself — for man he dies. 423. 8s > 8 * & 6s - ' rp WAS the day when God's Anointed JL Died for us the death appointed, Bleeding on the dreadful cross ; Day of darkness, day of terror, Deadly fruit of ancient error, Nature's fall, and Eden's loss ! 2 Haste, prepare the bitter chalice ! Gentile hate and Jewish malice Lift the royal Victim high ; Like the serpent, wonder gifted, Which the prophet once uplifted. For a sinful world to die. HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. Conscious of the deed unholy, Nature's pulses beat more slowly. And the sun his light denied ; Darkness wrapped the sacred city, And the earth with fear and pity Trembled, when the Just One died, "It is finished," Man of sorrows ! From thy cross our nature borrows Strength to bear and conquer thus : While exalted there we view thee, Mighty SufFrer, draw us to thee, Sufferer victorious ! H 4:24:. 8s, 7s & 4s. "ARK ! — the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary ! See ! it rends the r.ocks asunder — Shakes the earth — and veils the sky ! " It is finished!" — Hear the dying Savior cry ! " It is finished !" — ! what pleasure Do these charming words afford ! Heavenly blessings, without measure. Flow to us through Christ the Lord ! "It is finished!"— Saints, the dying words record ! Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs, Join to sing the pleasing theme ; All in earth and heaven uniting, Join to praise Immanuers name : Hallelujah! Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 12 ' 2G5 CHRIST. 42o. l- m. U 'PT1 IS finished!"— so the Savior cried, JL And meekly bowed his head, and died : " 'T is finished !" — yes, the race is run, The battle fought, the vict'ry won. 2 U 'T is finished !" — that which heaven foretold By prophets in the days of old ; And truths are opened to our view, That kings and prophets never knew. 3 "'T is finished !" — Son of God, thy power Hath triumphed in this awful hour j And yet our eyes with sorrow see That life to us was death to thee. 4 U 'T is finished !" — let the joyful sound Be heard through all the nations round ; " ; T is finished I" — let the triumph rise, And swell the chorus of the skies. 4:26. L - M - "HEN I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride ! w 1 See from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down : Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small : Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my soul, my life, my all. HIS EESTIKRECT10N AND ASCENSION. 427. 7s - ANGELS ! roll the rock away ! Death ! yield up thy mighty prey ! See ! — he rises from the tomb, Rises with immortal bloom. 2 ; T is the Savior — seraphs, raise Your triumphant shouts of praise; Let the earth's remotest bound Hear the joy-inspiring sound. 3 Lift, ye saints — lift up your eyes ! Now to glory see him rise ! Hosts of angels on the road Hail and sing their rising Lord. 4 Heaven unfolds its portals wide j Gracious conqu'ror, through them rid King of glory ! mount thy throne, Boundless empire is thine own. 5 Praise him all ye heavenly choirs. Praise him, sweep your golden lyres : Praise him in the noblest songs. Praise him with ten thousand tongues. 2G7 H 1 CHRIST, L.M. "E dies ! the friend of sinners dies ! Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around ! A solemn darkness veils the skies ! A sudden trembling shakes the ground ! 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree ; The Lord of glory dies for men ! But, lo ! what sudden joys we see ! Jesus, the dead, revives again ! 3 The rising Lord forsakes the tomb ! (The tomb in vain forbids his rise !) Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies ! 4 Wipe off your tears, ye saints, and tell How high your great deliv'rer reigns ; Sing how he spoiled the hosts of hell, And led the monster Death in chains ! 5 Say '-Live forever, wondrous King ! Born to redeem, and strong to save ! " Then ask the monster, " Where's your sting?" And where's your vict'ry, boasting grave ? O' 429. l- m. ^TJR Lord is risen from the dead, The Savior is gone up on high : Captivity is captive led, Christ has ascended to the sky. 2 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold th' ethereal scene ; He claims these mansions as his right, Receive the King of glory in. 268 HIS RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION. 3 "Who is the King of glory — who?" The Lord, that all his foes o'ereame, That sin, and death, and hell o'erthrew; And Jesus is the conqu'ror's name. 4 Lp ! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay : Lift up your heads ye heavenly gates ! Ye everlasting doors, give way ! 5 " Who is the King of glory — who ? n The Lord, of boundless power possessed, The King of saints and angels, too, Lord over all, forever blest. 430. c. m. YE humble souls that seek the Lord, Chase all your fears away, And bow with pleasure down to see The place where Jesus lay. 2 Then raise your eyes and tune your songs, The Savior lives again ! Not all the bolts and bars of death The Conqu'ror could detain. 3 High o'er th' angelic bands, he rears His once dishonored head ) And through unnumbered years he reigns, Who dwelt among the dead. 4 With joy like his, shall ev'ry saint His empty tomb survey ; Then rise like his ascending Lord, To life of endless day. 269 CHRIST. 4:31. H. M. YES ! the Redeemer rose, Tlie Savior left the dead, And o'er Satanic foes High raised his conqu'ring head ; In wild dismay, The guards around Fall to the ground, And sink away. 2 Behold th' angelic bands In full assembly meet, To wait his high commands, And worship at his feet; Joyful they come, And wing their way From realms of day To Jesus' tomb. 6 Then back to heaven they fly, The joyful news to bear — Hark ! — as they soar on high, What music fills the air ! Their anthems say : " Jesus, who bled, Hath left the dead; He rose to-day." I Ye mortals ! catch the sound — Redeemed by him from hell, And send the echo round The globe on which you dwell; Transported, cry : "Jesus, who bled, Hath left the dead, No more to die." 270 HIS RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION, 432. 8s & 6s - WHAT glorious news is this I hear ? " Christ the Lord, is risen." Hushed he the sigh and dry the tear, Christ has fled the prison. 2 But yester-night came down in woe, Terror, grief and sadness; Now our Redeemer's glories show, All is joy and gladness. 3 We saw his head bowed low in grief Pain his cheek was paling; Little we knew, our sorrows brief, Now our Lord we're hailing, 4 Raise our voices, anthems pealing, See the Day-Star rising ; Christ is Lord, all woes are healing In the glad uprising. 5 Shout ye plains ! ye hills give greeting ! To this Lord of glory; Christ in us his love completing, This, the pleasing story. 433. 0. m. LIFT up your heads, eternal gates, Unfold, to entertain The King of glory ; see, he comes With his celestial train. 2 Who is this King of glory ? — who ? The Lord of strength renowned; In battle mighty — o'er his foes Eternal victor crowned. 271 CHRIST. 434. ?• m. LIFT your glad voices in triumph on high, For Jesus hath risen, and man cannot die. Vain were the terrors that gathered around him, And short the dominion of death and the grave; He burst from the fetters of darkness that bound him, Resplendent in glory, to live and to save. Loud was the chorus of angels on high, — " The Savior hath risen, and man shall not die." 2 Glory to God in full anthems of joy; The being he gave us, death cannot destroy. Sad were the life we must part with to-morrow, If tears were our birthright, and death were our end; But Jesus hath cheered the dark valley of sorrow, We'll rise from the dead and immortal ascend. Lift, then, your voices in triumph on high, For Jesus hath risen, and man shall not die. 435. 7s LOVE'S redeeming work is done ; Fought the fight, the battle won : Lo ! the Sun's eclipse is o'er ; Lo ! he sets in blood no more. 2 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ has burst the gates of hell : Death, in vain, forbids his rise ; Christ has opened Paradise. HIS RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION. 3 Lives again our glorious Kirlg, "Where, Death ! is now thy sting ?" Once he died our souls to save, "Where's thy vict'ry boasting Grave V 9 4 Soar we now where Christ has led, FollVing our exalted Head; Made like him, like him we rise, Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. 5 What though once we perished all, Partners of our parents' fall ? Second life we now receive, In our heavenly Adam live. 6 Hail thou Lord of earth and heaven ! Praise to thee by both be given ! Thee we greet triumphant now, Hail ! the resurrection — thou. 436. L. M. THE Savior lives, no more to die : He lives, the Lord enthroned on high : He lives, triumphant o'er the grave : He lives, eternally to save ! 2 He lives, to still his servants' fears : He lives, to wipe away their tears : He lives, their mansions to prepare : He lives, to bring them safely there ! 3 Ye mourning souls, dry up your tears. Dismiss your gloomy doubts and fears : With cheerful hope your hearts revive, For Christ, the Lord, is yet alive ! 12* 273 CHRIST. 437. s - M - ^fT^HE Lord is risen indeed ;' _|_ The grave hath lost its prey; With him shall rise the ransomed seed To reign in endless day. 2 i The Lord is risen indeed ; ' He lives, to die no more ; He lives his people's cause to plead, Whose curse and shame he bore. 3 'The Lord is risen indeed;' Attending angels hear; Up to the courts of heaven, with speed, The joyful tidings bear. 4 Then take your golden lyres, And strike each cheerful chord ; Join all the bright celestial choirs, To sing our risen Lord. 438. 7s MQKNING- breaks upon the tomb ! Jesus dissipates its gloom ! Day of triumph through the skies, See the glorious Savior rise ! 2 Mortals, dry your flowing tears ; Cease those unbelieving fears; Look on his deserted grave ; Doubt no more his power to save. 3 Ye who are of death afraid, Triumph in the scattered shade; Drive your anxious fears away ; See the place where Jesus lay. 274 HIS RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION. 4 Lo ! the rising sun appears, Shedding radiance o'er the spheres ; Lo ! returning beams of light Chase the terrors of the night. R 1 439. 6s & 4s. i ISE, glorious Conqueror, rise 'Into thy native skies/ — Assume thy right : Enter thou victor bold, — The clouds are backward rolled — Pass through those gates of gold, And reign in light ! 2 Victor o'er death and hell ! Cherubic legions swell Thy radiant train : Praises all heaven inspire, The angels sweep their lyre, These words their songs inspire, " Thou Lamb once slain ! " 3 Enter, Redeeming Lord ! No feet but thine have trod The serpent down : Blow the full trumpets, blow ! Wider yon portals throw J Savior, triumphant, go And take thy crown ! 4 Lion of Judah — Hail ! — And let thy name prevail From age to age : Lord of the rolling years — Claim for thine own the spheres. Bought with thy blood and tears Thy heritage. CHRIST 440. 7s - "AIL the day that sees him rise, Ravished from our wishful eyes I Christ, awhile to mortals given, Reascends his native heaven. H 2 There the pompous triumph waits ; "Lift your heads, eternal gates; Wide unfold the radiant scene ; Take the King of glory in V 3 Circled round with angel powers, Their triumphant Lord, and ours, Conqu'ror over death and sin : Take the King; of glorv in ! 4 See, he lifts his hands above ! See, he shows the prints of love ! Hark, his gracious lips bestow Blessings on his Church below ! 4:4:1. 8s > 6s & 2 ~ 8s - HOW calm and beautiful the morn, That gilds the sacred tomb, Where once the Crucified was borne, And veiled in midnight gloom ! weep no more the Savior slain : The Lord is risen — he lives again. 2 Ye mourning saints, dry ev'ry tear For your departed Lord ; "Behold the place — he is not here," The tomb is all unbarred : The gates of death were closed in vain : The Lord is risen — he lives again. 276 IN GLOKY. 4-42. 8s > 7s & 4s - LOOK, ye saints ! the sight is glorious : See the man of sorrows now, From the fight returned victorious ; — Ev'ry knee to him shall bow : Crown him — crown him ! — Crowns become the victor's brow. 2 Crown the Savior, angels, crown him ! Rich the trophies Jesus brings : In the seat of power enthrone him, While the vault of heaven rings : Crown him — crown him ! — Crown the Savior, King of kings. 3 Sinners in derision crowned him, — Mocking thus the Savior's claim ; Saints and angels ! gather round him, Own his title, praise his name : Crown him — crown him ! — Spread abroad the victor's fame. 4 Hark ! those bursts of acclamation ! Hark ! those loud triumphant chords ! Jesus takes the highest station ; — what joy the sight affords ! Crown him— crown him, — King of kings, and Lord of lords ! 277 B 1 CHRIST. 443, c. m. d. >EYGND the glitt'ring starry sky, AVhich God's right hand sustains, There, in the boundless world of light, Our great Redeemer reigns. Legions of angels, strong and fair, In countless armies shine, At his right hand, with golden harps, They offer songs divine. 2 "Hail, Prince!" they cry, "forever hail! Whose unexampled love, Moved thee to quit these blissful realms And royalties above ! " While from the sons of men on earth He suffered rude disdain, They threw their honors at his feet, And waited in his train. 3 Through all his travels here below, They did his steps attend ; Oft gazed, and wondered where, at length, This scene of love would end. They heard him in the garden groan, And saw his sweat of blood ; They saw his pierced hands and feet Nailed to the cursed wood ! 4 They saw him break the bars of death. Which none e'er broke before ; And rise in conqu'ring majesty, To stoop to death no more. They brought his chariot from above, To bear him to his throne ; And with a shout, exulting, cried, "The glorious work is done!" IN GLORY. 444. o. m, MORTALS, awake ! with angels join, And chant the solemn lay ; Love, joy, and gratitude combine To hail th' auspicious day. 2 In heaven the rapt'rous song began. And sweet seraphic fire Through all the shining legions ran, And swept the sounding lyre. 3 The theme, the song, the joy was new To each angelic tongue \ Swift through the realms of light it flew, And loud the echo rung. 4 Down through the portals of the sky The pealing anthem ran, And angels flew with eager joy, To bear the news to man, 5 Hark ! the cherubic armies shout, And glory leads the song, Peace and salvation swell the note Of all the heavenly throng, 6 With joy the chorus we'll repeat, " Glory to God on high; Good will and peace are now complete Jesus was born to die 1^ 7 Hail, Prince of Life, forever hail ! Redeemer, brother, friend! Though earth, and time, and life should fail, Thy praise shall never end. 279 CHRIST- 445. »* CROWNS of glory ever bright Rest upon the Conqu'rors head; Crowns of glory are his right, — His, ' who liveth and was dead/ 2 He subdued the powers of hell ; In the fight he stood alone : All his foes before him fell, By his single arm o'erthrown, 3 His the battle, his the toil; His the honor of the day; His the glory, his the spoil : Jesus bears them all away, 4 Now proclaim his deeds afar • Fill the world with his renown ; His alone the victor's car \ His the everlasting crown ! 446. 4 - 6s & 2 ~ 8s ° REJOICE ! the Lord is King— Your Savior now adore ; Mortals, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice : Rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice. 2 His kingdom cannot fail ; He rules o'er earth and heaven; The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus given : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice I Rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice. IN GLORY. 3 He all his foes shall quell Shall all our sins destroy, And ev'ry bosom swell With pure seraphic joy : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice i Rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice, 447. ■ R M - IN the far better land of glory and light, The ransomed are singing in garments of white ) The harpers are harping and all the bright train Sing the song of redemption — £ The Lamb that was slain/ Hallelujah to the Lamb, Hallelujah, Amen, 2 Round the bright flaming throne an anthem they raise, \ Like the sound of the sea swells their chorus of praise; And thrones and dominions re-echo the, strain Of glory eternal to him that was slain. 3 Dear Redeemer, may we, with our voices so faint, Sing the chorus celestial with angel and saint ? - Yes, yes, we will sing, and thine ear we will gain, With the song of redemption — c The Lamb that was slain/ 4 Now, let all our hearts and our voices unite In loud hallelujahs with angels in light ; To Jesus we'll sing that melodious strain, The song of redemption — 'The Lamb that was slain/ 281 CHRIST. 448. c. m ALL hail the power of Jesus' name 1 Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2 Crown him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from his altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, A remnant weak and small ! Hail him who saves you by his grace. And crown him Lord of all, 4 Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all. 5 ! that with yonder sacred throng, We at his feet may fall : We'll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all. 449. G. m. >EHOLD the glories of the Lamb, Amid his Father's throne ; Prepare new honors for his name, And songs before unknown. w Let elders worship at his feet, The church adore around, With vials full of odors sweet, And harps of sweeter sound, 282 IN GLORY. 3 ' Now to the Lamb that once was slain, Be endless blessings paid ! Salvation, glory, joy remain Forever on thy head ! 4 'Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood,. Hast set the prisoners free, Hast made us kings and priests to God, And we shall reign with thee/ 450. P- m. CHRIST is Lord of life eternal, Crowned as Lord on Calvary — Crowned to reign in peace supernal. O'er Israel's children free! Jesus reigns , Jesus reigns in glory now I Bright the palms that wave hefore him', Loud the songs that greet him u King!" All of heaven and earth adore him, All join his love to sing, 2 u Hail ! thou Prince of Peace forever ; Reign o'er earth forever free ; Ne'er shall death again dissever, What God hath wrought for thee. 3 Help us then, thou Lord of favor, Here to live that we may rest In the land where Christ, the Savior, Reigns ever o'er the blest. 4 Christ, as Lord of life and glory, Reigns supremely great and true; This to us the pleasing story, "Glad Truth forever new." CHRIST. 431. l. m. HAIL to the Prince of Life and Peace, Who holds the keys of death and hell! The spacious world unseen is his, And sovereign power becomes him well. 2 In shame and anguish once he died ; But now he lives for evermore : Bow down, ye saints, around his seat, And all ye angel-bands, adore. 3 Worthy thy hand to hold the keys, Guided by wisdom and by love ; Worthy to rule o'er mortal life, O'er worlds below, and worlds above* 4 Forever reign, victorious King ! Wide through the earth thy name be knowr , While angel hosts shall join to sing Sublimer anthems near thy throne. 452. c. M. THE head that once was crowned with thorny Is crowned with glory now; A royal diadem adorns The mighty Victor's brow. 2 The highest place that heaven affords, Is his by sov'reign right ; The King of kings, and Lord of lords ? He reigns in glory bright 284 ATONEMENT OP CHRIST, 453. c. m. LAS ! and did my Savior bleed ! And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head For those so weak as I ? A 1 2 Was it for crimes that man had done, He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories" in ; When Christ the mighty Savior died. For man the creature's sin ! 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face. While his dear cross appears : Rejoice in heart-felt thankfulness, Or weep repentant tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away, ; T is all that I can do 285 THE GOSPEL. 4 54, p. m. pOME, my soul, to Calvary, \J And see the man who died for thee. Upon the accursed tree. Behold the Savior's agony, While groaning in Gethsemane, Beneath the sins of men. Hoio can I forget thee? Hoio can I forget my Lord? Hoio can I forget thee? Dear Lord, Remember me. 2 With purple robe and thorny crown, And mocking soldiers bowing down, The Savior bears my shame. Behold they shed his precious blood, ! hear him cry, "My God, my God, Hast thou forsaken me?' ; 3 He died; the earth was robed in gloom, They laid him then in Joseph's tomb, While soldiers watched around. But in the light of dawning day, Bright angels rolled the rock away, And Christ the conqu'ror rose. 4 Now he who died on Calvary Still lives to plead for you and me, And bids us look and live. Soon he who once was scourged and bound, Shall come again with glory crowned, And reign forevermore. 5 His saints shall crown him Lord of all; Before him every foe shall fall, 28G ATONEMENT OF CHRIST/ And every knee shall bow< Oh ! then the Man of Calvary Shall reign supreme from sea to sea : — All hail that glorious day ! o 455. L - M - SHAMEFUL cross ! on thee was hung The bleeding One who died for me ; There, mocked by every railing tongue, I see my Savior's agony. 2 cross of infamy and shame ! Thou didst a Savior's grace declare : Thou dost to all the world proclaim The love that did our sorrows bear, 3 Cross of the Lord ! no radiant gem, No glist'ning pearl of lustre rare, No monarch's blazing diadem With thy pale splendors can compare. 4 Cross of the Lord ! while others boast Of titles, names, and marks of pride, My heart shall ever glory most In that rough tree where Jesus died. 436. l. m. STRETCHED on the cross, the Savior dies; Hark ! — his expiring groans arise ! See from his hands — his feet — his side, Descends the sacred — crimson tide ! 2 And didst thou bleed, for sinners blood ! Nor could the sun behold the deed ! No — he withdrew his cheering ray, And darkness veiled the mourning daj THE GOSPEL. 457. G - JL BEHOLD the Savior of mankind Nailed to the shameful tree ! How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for thee ! 2 Hark, how he groans ! while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend ! The temple's veil in sunder breaks, The solid marbles rend. 3 'T is done ! the precious ransom's paid, '•Receive my soul !" he cries : See where he bows his sacred head ! He bows his head and dies ! 4 But soon he'll break death's envious chain. And in full glory shine : 0, Lamb of God, was ever pain, Was ever love like thine ! 4:58. 4-te & 2-8s. LET heaven and earth agree, Angels and men be joined, To celebrate with me The Savior of mankind ! T' adore the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesus' name. 2 Jesus, transporting sound ! The joy of earth and heaven ; No other help is found, No other name is given, By which we can salvation have ; But Jesus came the world to save. 288 ATONEMENT OP CHRIST. unexampled love ! all redeeming grace ! How swiftly didst thou move To save a fallen race ! What shall I do to make it known, What thou for all mankind hast done ? for a trumpet voice, On all the world to call ! To bid their hearts rejoice In him who died for all ! For all, my Lord was crucified ; For all, for all, my Savior died! 4S9. 4 ~ 6s & 2 - 8s - YE saints, your music bring, Attuned to sweetest sound, Strike ev'ry trembling string, Till earth and heaven resound ; The triumphs of the cross we sing ; Awake, and strike each joyful string. 2 The cross, through Christ alone, Subdued the powers of hell ; Like lightning from his throne The prince of darkness fell ; The triumphs of the cross we sing ; Awake, and strike each joyful string. 3 The Lord hath power to save From all the foes that rise ; He made the cross, the grave, A passage to the skies ; The triumphs of the cress we sing ; Awake, and strike each joyful string. 13 ' 289 THE GOSPEL. 4:60. 4 " 6s & 2 " 8s - ARISE, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fears, The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears ; Before the throne my surety stands. My name is written on his hands. 2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all-redeeming love, His precious blood to plead ; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace , 3 Five bleeding wounds he bears, Received on Calvary ; They pour effectual prayers. They strongly speak for me : 'Forgive him, forgive,' they cry, ' Nor let that ransomed sinner die/ 4 The Father hears him pray, His dear anointed One; He can not turn away The pleadings of his Son : His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God. 5 To God I'm reconciled. His pard'ning voice I hear : He owns me for his child, I can no longer fear ; With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba Father, cry. 290 ATONEMENT OF CHRIST. 461. c. m. MAN in his primal beauty shone, Thy noblest work below; Too soon by sin made heir alone To death and endless woe. 2 Then, "Lo! I come/' the Savior iaids Oh, be his name adored, Who, with his blood, our ransom paid, And life and bliss restored ! 3 Lord, how infinite thy love ! How wondrous are thy ways ! Let earth beneath, and heaven above, Combine to sing thy praise. 462. 8s & 7s - ^NE there is, above all others, Well deserves the name of Friend; His is love beyond a brother's, Costly, free, and knows no end. o 1 2 Which of all our friends, to save us, Could or would have shed his blood ? But this Savior died to have us Reconciled in him to God, 3 When he lived on earth abased. Friend of Sinners was his name ; Now, above in glory raised, He rejoices in the same. 4 for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us, Lord, at length to love ; We, alas ! forget too often What a friend we have above, 201 THE GOSPEL. 463. C. m. WITH pity'ng eyes the Prince of grace Beheld man's helpless grief; He saw, and — amazing love ! — He came to his relief. 2 Down from the shining seats above. With joyful h&ste he fled; Entered the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 3 for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break ; And all harmonious human tongues The Savior's praises speak. 4: Angels, assist our mighty joys ; Strike all your harps of gold ; But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told. 4S4. c. M. D. OSOX of God, with glory crowned, X^pon thy Father's throne, I see thee mocked and scourged and bound. Rejected by thine own. Thy temples wore the braided thorn, And bore the piercing pain ; For me thou hast endured the scorn. For me despised the shame. 2 I see thee in the garden low, When no one else is nigh ; I mark the wonders of thy woe, Thy blood, thy bitter cry. 292 ATONEMENT OF CHRIST. I see the nails, the scourge, the rod, The cross of infamy; I hear the cry, " My God ! My God ! Hast Thou forsaken me?" 3 Beneath the cross where Jesus bled, Amazed I sit me down, And gaze upon the sacred head That wore the thorny crown. Here in my Savior's cleansing blood, My burdened soul hath found Pardon, and life, and peace with God, A balm for ev'ry wound. 4:65. 6-8s. BEHOLD what wond'rous love and grace, When we were wretched and undone ; To save our ruined helpless race The Father gave his only Son. Of twice ten thousand gifts divine, No gift like this could ever shine. 2 Christ, to redeem us from the fall, Was made incarnate here below ; This was the greatest gift of all, Heaven could no greater gift bestow. On him alone our sins were laid, ; Tis finished now, the ransom's paid. 3 gift of love unspeakable ! gift of mercy, all divine ! We once were heirs of death and hell, But now we in his image shine. For other gifts our songs we raise, But this demands our highest praise. 293 U 1 THE GOSPEL. CM. 'PON this theme my mind would dwell, With calm and holy faith ; Jesus has died that I might live And conquer sin and death. 2 If in the Adam first I lose Primeval Paradise, 1 in the second Adam have Redeeming sacrifice. 3 Though foul my sins and dark my stains, Accepted, I'm secure ; My living head for aye remains, His truth shall make me pure. 4 Redeemed from sin's first consequence; Washed' in the cleansing stream ; The Spirit, water, blood, unite, — The gospel makes me clean. 467. s - M - JESUS our sorrows bore, Endured a life of pain, Descended 'neath all things, that we Might Paradise regain, 2 Not Paradise of old, Or man again might fall, But one no sin can enter in, Nor Satan, to enthrall. 3 Not only what was lost, Will Christ again restore, But glory greater than at first, And life forevermore. 29i ATONEMENT OF CHRIST. 4 Angels and saints will meet, The heaven and earth unite; The universe be filled with love, And crowned with glory bright. 5 Then will redemption's plan, In all its grandeur, be Unfolded to our gaze, and win Our love eternally. 468. 9 S &7 S . IN Edens' bowers, with good surrounded, Man with richest gifts was blest ; While flowers and luscious fruits abounded. Life was joyous; labor, rest. 2 Then all was lovely ; man was perfect ; Sin nor sorrow stained his soul ; At once a monarch and a subject, All assigned to his control. 3 Sweet Peace her olive-branch extended ; Harmony had perfect sway ; Angelic Love with human blended — All was pure as light of day. 4 How changed the prospect ! Adam listened To the tempter's voice. — He fell ! Satanic eyes with pleasure glistened — * God no more with man will dwell/ 5 But hark ! the voice of God is sounding, Ransom for the race is given ; Lo ! Jesus comes, with love abounding, Raises man an heir of heaven. 295 s ( THE GOSPEL. 469. & & 7s. IOVREIGN grace, ere man had fallen, Did a plan for him provide ; Such as would secure salvation Yet have justice satisfied. 2 Framed in pure, supernal wisdom, Answ'ring law, yet breathing love ; Making wise and just provision Sin's conditions to remove. 3 Justifying God who judgeth, Justifying Mercy's claim; Sanctifying who obeyeth In the great Redeemer's name, 470. c.m. ' JUSTICE demands thy life shall be Zj A sacrifice to sin ; But he who of thy race shall come, O'er death shall triumph win/ 2 - Although the serpent bruise thy heel, Thy seed shall bruise his head; And his design against thy seed, His ruin work instead/ 3 'And as in thee all men shall die, In him shall all men live ; The foll'wers of his holy law, Bright crowns of life receive/ 4 Approved by God in courts above, And with his signet sealed ; Salvation's glorious plan was thus To man, in Christ, revealed. FAITH. 471. s : M - (PIRIT of faith, come down, Reveal the things of God, And make to us the Godhead known, And witness with the blood. s 1 2 No man can truly say That Jesus is the Lord, Unless thou take the veil away, And breathe the living word. 3 Then, only then, we feel Our int'rest in his blood, And cry, with joy unspeakable, "Thou art my Lord, my God!" 4 that the world might know The all-atoning Lamb ! ■ Spirit of Faith ! descend and show The virtue of his name. 5 Inspire with living faith — Which whosoe'er receives, The witness in himself he hath, And consciously believes ; 6 The faith that conquers all, And doth e'en mountains move, And saves all who on Jesus call, And perfects them in Iqvo. 13* 297 THE GOSPEL. 472. c. m. FAITH is the brightest evidence Of things beyond our sight, Breaks through the clouds of flesh and sense, And dwells in heavenly light. 2 Time past it brings to present view, Brings distant prospects home, Of things a thousand years ago, Or thousand years to come. 3 By faith we know the worlds were made By God's Almighty word; Abraham to unknown countries led, By faith obeyed the Lord. 4 He sought a city, fair and high, Built by th' Eternal hands ; And faith assures us, though we die, That heavenly building stands. o 1 473. c - M - ^H for a faith that will not shrink, Though pressed by ev'ry foe, That will not tremble on the brink Of any earthly woe ! — 2 That will not murmur nor complain Beneath the chast'ning rod, But, in the hour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its God ; — 3 A faith that shines more bright and clear When tempests rage without; That when in danger knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubt; 298 FAITH. 4 That bears, unmoved, the world's dread frown, Nor heeds its scornful smile ; That seas of trouble cannot drown, . Nor Satan's arts beguile; — 5 A faith that keeps the narrow way Till life's last hour is fled, And, with a pure and heavenly ray, Lights up a dying bed. 6 Lord, give us such a faith as this ? And then, whatever may come, We'll taste, e'en here, the hallowed bliss- Of an eternal home. 4$4- 9 l. m. AUTHOR of faith, Eternal God, Whose Spirit breathes the active flame,- Faith, like its finisher and Lord, To-day as yesterday the same. 2 To thee our humble hearts aspire, And ask the gift unspeakable ; Increase in us the kindled fire — In us the work of faith fulfill. 3 To him that in thy name believes Eternal life with thee is given; Into himself he all receives — Pardon, and holiness, and heaven 4 The things unknown to feeble sense, Unseen by reason's glimm'ring raj With strong commanding evidence, Their heavenly origin display. 299 475. THE GOSPEL. 6s & 4s. MY faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Savior divine ! Now hear me while I pray ; Take all my guilt away; ! let me from this day Be wholly thine. 2 May thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire ; As thou hast died for me, ! may my love to thee, Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire. 3 Y\ T hile life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be thou my guide ; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From thee aside. 476. c. m. MISTAKEN souls that dream of heaven. And make their empty boast Of inward joys and sins forgiven, While they are slaves to lust ! 2 Vain are our fancy's airy flights, If faith be cold and dead; None but a living faith unites To Christ the living head. 300 FAITH. 3 'Tis faith that purifies the heart; *Tis faith that works by love ; That bids all sinful joys depart, And lifts the thoughts above. 4 ? Tis faith that conquers earth and hell By a celestial power : This is the grace that shall prevail In the decisive hour. 5 Faith must obey her Father's will, As well as trust his grace ; A pard'ning God is jealous still For his own holiness. ^77, c. m. HAIL ! Alpha and Omega, hail ! The First and Last to Faith ; Securer of the church's hope, The Truth, the Life, the Path. 2 Hail ! First and Last, the great I AM, G-od of the world above ! Increase each little spark of faith, Fill ev'ry saint with love. 3 0, let that faith which thou hast taught Be treasured in each breast ° The evidence of joys unseen, The substance of our rest. 4 Thus shall we go from strength to strength, From grace to greater grace ; From each degree of faith move on, Till we behold thy face. 301 THE GOSPEL. 47S. o. m. FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss. And saves from Satan's snares , Its aid, in ev'ry duty, brings, And softens all my cares 2 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, Where deathless pleasures reign ; And bids me seek my portion there, Nor bids me seek in vain. 3 It shows the precious promise sealed With the Redeemer's blood • And helps my feeble hope to rest Upon a faithful Grod. 4 There — there unshaken would I rest, Till this frail body dies; And then on faith's triumphant wings, To endless glory rise. D 479. l M. AUK is the human mind when bound In unbelief's degrading thrall; Sunken the soul that scorns the sound Of truth's ennobling, saving call. Lord give us faith that we may rend The monster's clutch from ev'ry breast — A faith by which we may ascend From truth to truth to reach thy rest ; Faith that shall pierce doubt's thickest gloom, And see thy glory shining clear ; Faith that through life and 'yond the tomb Shall find thy promised blessings near. 302 w FAITH. 480. l.m. \Y faith the ancients sought the Lord, From time to time obtained his word : And some have found the narrow road, And, Enoch-like, have walked with God. 2 God is unchangeable to save, Though men are changeful as the wave ; While sinners take the downward road, The man of faith approaches God. 481. 3 - 8s & 6 - THREE lessons I would truly teach, And write them with a burning pen ; In letters of eternal truth, Upon the hearts of men. 2 Have faith, where'er thy bark is driven, Be calm amidst the tempest's mirth ; Know God doth rule the hosts of heaven, The children of the earth. 3 Have hope, though clouds encircle now, And gladness hide her face with scorn, Put thou the shadow from thy brow, No night but hath its morn. 4 Have love, and not alone for one, But man as man, thy brother call, And scatter like the circling sun Thy charities on all. 5 Engrave these lessons on thy soul ; Faith, hope and love, and ye shall find, Strength when life's surges wildest roll J Light, where thou else wert blind. 803 THE GOSPEL. 482. c. P. m. FAITH is the polar star That guides the christian's way, Directs his wand' rings from afar, To realms of endless day : It points the course, where'er he roam, And safely leads the pilgrim home. 2 Faith is the rainbow's form Hung on the brow of heaven, The glory of the passing storm, The pledge of mercy given : It is the bright triumphal arch Through which the saints to glory march. 3 The faith that works by love, And purines the heart, A foretaste of the joys above To mortals can impart: It bears us through this earthly strife, And triumphs in immortal life. 483. 8s > 8s & 6s - LORD ! grant that I may meekly prove Forever faithful to thy love, Till sin forever cease ? I thank thee for the blessed hope ; It lifts my drooping spirits up ; It gives me back my peace. 2 In thee, Lord, I put my trust; Mighty, and merciful, and just, Thy sacred word is true ; And I, who dare thy word believe, Would by its precepts ever live, Until my journey's through. 304 FAITH. I rest in thine almighty power ; The name of Jesus is my tower, Hide thou my life above : Thou canst, thou wilt, my Helper be ; My confidence is all in thee, Thou faithful God of love. 484. l. m. OH, for a strong, a lasting faith, To credit what th' Almighty saith ! T ; embrace the message of his Son, And call the joys of heaven our own. 2 Then should the earth's foundation shake, And all the wheels of nature break, Our steady souls shall fear no more Than solid rocks when billows roar. 485. L. m. 'fTlIS by the faith of joys to come, JL We walk through deserts dark as night; Till we shall gain our endless home, Faith is our guide, and truth our light. 2 The want of sight, faith well supplies ; She makes the pearly gates appear ; Far into things unseen she pries, And brings eternal glories near. 3 Cheerful we tread the desert through, While faith inspires a heavenly ray ; Though lions roar and tempests blow. And rocks and dangers fill the way. 305 A 1 THE GOSPEL, 486. c. m. LL nature feels attractive power, A strong, embracing force ; The drops that sparkle in the shower, The planets in their course. 2 Thus, in the universe of mind, Is felt the law of love \ The charity both strong and kind, For all that live and move. 3 More perfect bond, Christ's gospel plan Attaches soul to soul ; Our neighbor is the suff'ring man, Though at the farthest pole. 4 To earth below, from heaven above, The faith in Christ professed More clearly shows that God is love, And whom he loves is blest. u ; 487. c - M - ^NWORTHY to be called thy son, I come with shame to thee, Father ! 0, more than Father, thou Hast always been to me ! 2 Help me to break the heavy chains The world has round me thrown, And know the glorious liberty Of an obedient son. 3 That I may henceforth heed whatever Thy voice within me saith, Fix deeply in my heart of hearts A principle of faith. — 306 FAITH. 4 Faith that, like armor to my soul, Shall keep all evil out, More mighty than an angel host, Encamping round about. 488. o. m. FAITH works with power, but will not plead The best of works when done ; It knows no other ground of trust But in the Lord alone. 2 It gives no title, but receives ; ♦ No blessing it procures ; Yet, where it truly lives and reigns, All blessings it insures. 3 Its sole dependence and its stay Is Jesus' righteousness ; 'Tis thus salvation is by faith, And all of sov'reign grace. 4 The more this principle prevails, The more is grace adored ; No glory it assumes, but gives All glory to the Lord. 489. c. m. THE only faith that I desire, Is that which works by love, That doth with zeal the heart inspire To deeds the good approve. 2 The only faith that I would seek Is that by works made known, The faith that makes me humble, meek, The faith the Lord will own. 307 THE GOSPEL. 490. c. m. GOD of eternal truth and grace, Thy faithful promise seal ! Thy word, thy oath, to Abrah'ni's race, In us, e'en us, fulfill. 2 That mighty faith on me bestow, Which cannot ask in vain ; Which holds, and will not let thee go, Till I my suit obtain : 3 Till thou into my soul inspire The perfect love unknown, Until I breathe thy Son's desire, " Whate'er thou wilt, be done." 4 But is it possible that I Should live and sin no more ? Lord, if on thee I dare rely, The faith shall bring the power. 5 On me that faith divine bestow, Which doth the mountain move; And all my future life shall show Th' omnipotence of love. 491. k m- OTHOU that hangedst on the tree, Our curse and sufiPrings to remove, Pity the souls that look to thee, And save us by thy dying love. 2 Save us by grace, through faith alone, A faith thou must thy self impart; A faith that would by works be shown, A faith that purifies the heart. 308 FAITH. 3 A faith that doth the mountains move, A faith that shows our sins forgiven, A faith that sweetly works by love, And ascertains our claim to heaven. 4 This ic* the faith we humbly seek, The faith in thine all-cleansing blood ; That blood which doth for sinners speak, let it plead for us to God ! 4:92. 7s. DOUBT like tempest-clouds may lower, Faith will break its dead'ning spell; Worldly pride like mountains tower, Faith will mount up higher still. 2 Envy take a death -like aim, Faith the blow will turn aside; Jealousy may sting with pain, Faith the issue will abide. 3 Satan may with bitter hate, Seek the faithful to destroy; Sin may lure with tempting bait, Fiends their ev'ry art employ ; 4 Friends may leave me, foes assail, Peace be taken for awhile; Living faith will still prevail, And in holy triumph smile. 5 Gospel faith and works agree, Each the other rests upon ; Inert faith is vanity, Saving faith by works is shown. 309 THE GOSPEL. 493. 6 - 8s - LL things are possible to him ^j^ That can in Jesus' name believe : Lord, I no more thy truth blaspheme, . Thy truth I lovingly receive ; I can, I do believe in thee ; Make all things possible to me. 2 When thou the work of faith hast wrought, I then shall in thine image shine, Be freed from sin, in deed, in thought; Though men revile, and fiends repine. They cannot break the firm decree ; All things are possible to thee. 3 All things are possible to God, To Christ, the power of God in man, To me, when I am all renewed, When I in Christ am formed again, When clothed with power divine, from thee, All will be possible to me. 494. 7s. LORD we plead for faith alone, Faith which by our works is shown : God it is who justifies; Only faith the grace applies; 2 Active faith that lives within, Conquers earth, and hell, and sin, Sanctifies, and makes us whole, Forms new life within the soul. 3 Let us for this faith contend ; Sure salvation is its end : Heaven already then begun, Everlasting life is won. 310 FAITH. Only let us persevere, Till we see our Lord appear; Never from the Rock remove, Saved by faith which works by love. 495. r- m. ALL things to him that believeth, Are possible saith the Lord ; And even the mountain upheaveth, For him who speaketh the word. 2 By faith Elijah withholdeth, From earth its much needed rain ; He prays and soon he beholdeth, The showers returning again. 3 Yea great was the faith and the power, Of those who were prophets of old; Yet their failings were like unto ours ; Their zeal as uncertain and cold. 4 Though little our faith and so weakly, Lord do thou it increase ; Help us to walk humbly and meekly, In paths of trusting and peace. 5 And then when thou comest in glory, The faithful and humble to own ; Thou'lt crown us with joy in thy kingdom, Heirs with thyself and thy Son. 6 With the faithful of ev'ry nation, Of every color and clime ; Adorned with the robe of salvation, We in thy likeness shall shine 311 THE GOSPEL. 496. 9s. THE mightiest " prayer " that man can breathe Is ' : trust in God for the end is near;" The brightest " crown" victors may wreathe, Is won by faith in the conflict here. 2 The safest "rock" on which man may build, Is the Rock of ages cleft for him ; The surest joy his efforts may yield, — The joy of life in his pealing hymn. 3 The house he waits for not made with hands, Bides in the mansion the Master's voice ; Life and the hope which his peace commands, Marks for the man his wisdom of choice. 4 Breathe then the prayer faith only can know, Strive for the crown the Master will give ; Joy in the conflict of faith below, By it we live, for ever to live. 407. 8s & 7s - KINDLIEST boon to man e'er given, Richest blessing from the Lord ; Borne in the message sent of heaven, Born of preaching the glad word. 2 Brighter hope the message genders, Clearer the joy told of God, Grandest power the spirit renders, Power of faith in mercy's rod. 3 Given of God to cheer us onward, Faith to see the joy and love ; Take we courage then and forward For the courts of peace above. 312 REPENTANCE. 498. 7s PILG-RIM, burdened with thy sin, Come the way to Zion's gate; There, till mercy speaks within Knock, and weep, and watch, and wait: Knock — he knows the sinner's cry; Weep — he loves the mourner's tears ; Watch, for saving grace is nigh ; Wait, till heavenly light appears. 2 Hark, it is the Savior's voice ! 4 Welcome, pilgrim, to thy rest!' Now within the gate, rejoice, Safe, and owned, and bought, and blest : Safe from all the lures of vice ; Owned by joys the contrite know; Bought by love, and life the price ; Blest the mighty debt to owe. 3 Holy pilgrim, what for thee In a world like this remains ? From thy guarded breast shall flee Fear, and shame, and doubts, and pains : Fear — the hope of heaven shall fly, Shame, from glory's view retire ; Doubt, in full belief shall die, Pain, in endless bliss expire. 14 313 THE GOSPEL. 499. 1* d- LORD, have mercy when we pray, Strength to seek a better way ; When our wakening thoughts begin First to loathe their cherished sin ; Sigh for death, yet fear it still, From the dread of future ill ; When the dim, advancing gloom Tells us that our hour is come. 2 Lord, have mercy, when we know First how vain this world below ; When its darker thoughts oppress, Doubts perplex, and fears distress; When the earliest gleam is given Of the bright but distant heaven ; Then thy fost'ring grace afford; Then, O then, have mercy, Lord ! 500. s. m. BLESSED souls are they, Whose sins are covered o'er; Divinely blest, to whom the Lord Imputes their guilt no more. 2 They mourn their follies past, And keep their hearts with care; Their lips and lives, without deceit, Shall prove their faith sincere. 3 While I concealed my guilt, I felt the fest'ring wound; Till I confessed my sins to thee, And ready pardon found. 314 REPENTANCE. 4 Let sinners learn to pray, Let saints keep near the throne ; Our help, in times of deep distress, Is found in God alone. s 1 SOI. L. M. I HOW pity, Lord ! Lord, forgive ! Let a repenting sinner live ! Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not a sinner trust in thee ? 2 Forgive me Lord, my ev'ry sin, And make my guilty conscience clean; Here on my heart the burden lies. My past offenses pain mine eyes. 3 My lips with shame my sins confess, Against thy law, against thy grace : Lord, should thy judgment grow severe, I am condemned, but thou art clear. 4 Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord, Whose hope, still hov'ring round thy word, Would light on some sweet promise there, — Some sure support against despair. 502. o. m. TIMES without number have I prayed, "This only once forgive;" Relapsing when thy hand was stayed, And suffered me to live. 2 Yet now the kingdom of thy peace, Lord to my heart restore ; Forgive my vain repentances, And bid me sin no more. 315 THE GOSPEL. 503. c. m. ^ITH tears of anguish I lament Here at thy feet my God. My passion, pride and discontent, And vile ingratitude. w 1 2 Lord, pardon thou my erring heart, Though vain that heart has been ; Help me to choose the better part, And flee my ev'ry sin. 3 Break sov'reign grace, the world's false charm. And set the. captive free ! Reveal great God thy mighty arm, And haste to rescue me. 504. s. m. LORD, let me know mine end. — My days, how brief their date ; That I may timely comprehend How frail my best estate. 2 My life but as a span ; Mine age as naught with thee ; Sure in his highest honor, man Is touched with vanity. 3 At thy rebuke, the bloom Of man's vain beauty flies; And grief shall, like a moth, consume All that delights our eyes. 4 Have pity on my fears; Hearken to my request; Turn not in silence from my tears, But give the mourner rest. 316 REPENTANCE. 5 spare me yet, I pray, Awhile my strength restore, Ere I am summoned hence away, And seen on earth no more. 505. s- m. AGAINST thee, Lord, I own, I erred in sin's dark night, I have transgressed; and, though condemned, Must own thy judgments right. 2 Blot out my grievous sins, Nor me in anger view; Create in me a heart that's clean, And make me upright too. 3 Impart to me thy help, Nor cast me from thy sight, But let thy Holy Spirit fill My mind with heavenly light. 506. L- m. THOU that hear'st when sinners cry, Though all my crimes before thee lie, Behold them not with angry look, But blot their mem'ry from thy book. o Create my nature pure within. And form my soul averse to sin; Thy gracious Spirit now impart, And purify and cleanse my heart. Though I have grieved thy Spirit, Lord, His help and comfort now afford : And let my cry come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 317 THE GOSPEL. 507. L - M - WHEREWITH, God, shall I draw near, And bow myself before thy face ? How in thy purer eyes appear ? What shall I bring to gain thy grace ? 2 Whoe'er to thee themselves approve. Must take the path thy word hath showed; Justice pursue, and mercy love, And humbly walk by faith with God. 3 But though my life henceforth be thine, Although I strive for wrong t' atone; Though I to thee the whole resign, I only give thee back thine own. 508. 7s D. PEOPLE of the living God, I have sought the world around ; Paths of sin and sorrow trod, Peace and comfort nowhere found; Now to you my spirit turns, — Turns a fugitive unblest; Brethren, where your altar burns, I would share in toil or rest. 2 Lonely I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave : Where you dwell shall be my home ; Where you die shall be my grave. Mine the God whom you adore; Your Redeemer shall be mine ; Earth can fill my soul no more, — Every idol I resign. 318 REPENTANCE. Tell me not of gain and loss, Ease, enjoyment, pomp, and power ; Welcome, poverty and cross, Shame, reproach, affliction's hour. " Follow me," I know thy voice ; Jesus, Lord, thy steps I see ; Now I take thy yoke by choice ; Light thy burden now to me. A 509. l m. BROKEN heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring ; The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. 2 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns thy dreadful sentence just; Look down, Lord, with pity'ng eye, And bring thy great salvation nigh. 3 may thy love inspire my tongue ! Salvation shall be all my song ; And all my powers shall join to bless The Lord, my strength and righteousness. 510. 10s & Us- REPENTANCE brings grief for sins we have done, A firm resolution to do them no more : Induces the effort for wrongs t' atone, And pardon from those we have wronged to implore. 2 Repentance is active; th' purpose it turns From sin and from folly, from evil desires; In conflict with evil its offers it spurns. With feelings more holy the bosom inspires. 319 THE GOSPEL, 511. L. M. GUILTY I stand before thy face; Let not thy wrath on me abide ; ; Tis just the sentence should take place; Tis just; — but, 0, thy son hath died! 2 Jesus, the Lamb of God, hath bled; He bore our sins upon the tree ; Beneath our curse he bowed his head ; ; Tis finished ! he hath died for me ! 3 See where before the throne he stands, And pleads the all-prevailing prayer ! Points to his side, and lifts his hands, And shows that I am graven there ! 4 He ever lives for me to pray; He prays that I with him may reig** Amen to what my Lord doth say ! Jesus, thou canst not pray in vain. s- 2. 6-71. I AVIOR, cast a pity'ng eye, Bid my sins and sorrows end : Whither should a sinner fly, But unto the sinner's Friend ? Rest in thee I come to find, Pardon thou my erring mind. Jesus, on thy saving name For salvation I depend ! In thy gracious hands I am, Save me, save me to the end ; Let thy pard'ning grace be mine, My heart unto thy will incline. 320 CONFESSING THE LORD. S13. 8s&7sD. JESUS, I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow thee; Though I'm poor, despised, forsaken, Thou, henceforth my friend wilt be. Perish, ev'ry fond ambition, All I've sought, or hoped, or known; Yet how rich is my condition ! God and Christ are still my own ! 2 Let the world despise and leave me ; They have left my Savior too ; Human hearts and looks deceive me — Thou art not, like them, untrue ; And while thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate, and friends disown me; Show thy face, and all is bright. 3 Go, then, earthly fame and treasure ; Come disaster, scorn, and pain : In thy service pain is pleasure ; With thy favor loss is gain. I have called thee, Abba, Father, — I have set my heart on thee ; Storms may howl, and clouds may gather,- All must work for good to me 14* 321 THE GOSPEL. 514:. 8s D. A POOR wayfaring man of grief Hath often crossed me on my way; Who sued so humbly for relief, That I could never answer, Nay. I had not power to ask his name, Whither he went or whence he came , Yet there was something in his eye, That won my love, I know not why. 2 Once when my scanty meal was spread, He entered — not a word he spake ! Just perishing for want of bread ; I gave him all ; he blessed it, brake, And ate, but gave me part again ; Mine was an angel's portion then, For while I fed with eager haste, The crust was manna to my taste. 3 I spied him where a fountain burst Clear from the rock — his strength was gone- The heedless water mocked his thirst, He heard it, saw it hurrying on — I ran and raised the suff'rer up; Thrice from the stream he drained my cup, Dipped, and returned it running o'er; I drank, and never thirsted more. 4 'Twas night, the floods were out. it blew A winter-hurricane aloof; I heard his voice abroad, and flew To bid him welcome to my roof. I warmed, I clothed, I cheered my guest, I laid him on my couch to rest; Then made the earth my bed, and seemed In Eden's garden while I dreamed. 322 CONFESSING THE LORD. 5 Stripped, wounded, beaten nigh to death, I found him by the highway bide; I roused his puise, brought back his breath, Revived his spirit, and supplied Wine, oil, refreshment — he was healed ; I had myself a wound concealed : But from that hour forgot the smart, And peace bound up my broken heart. 6 In prison next he was condemned To meet a traitor's doom at morn ; The tide of lying tongues I stemmed, And honored him 'mid shame and scorn. My friendship's utmost zeal to try, He asked, if I for him would die 5 The flesh was weak, my blood ran chill, But the free spirit cried, "I will I" 7 Then in a moment to my view, The stranger started from disguise; The tokens in his hands I knew, The Savior stood before mine eyes. He spake — and my poor name he named — "Of me thou hast not been ashamed; These deeds shall thy memorial be ; Fear not, thou didst them unto me." 51 5. L- M. ANSWER, my soul ; — wilt thou confess The Lord thy Guide and Righteousness? Wilt thou sins' lures, thyself deny, And for thy Savior live and die? 2 Lord ! assist me by thy grace. Thy cause to honor, thee confess j To court no favor, fear all shame, That would dishonor Jesus' name. 323 THE GOSPEL. 516. 8s&7sD. MAN may trouble and distress me, — Jesus loves me, I am blest; Life with trials hard may press me, — Christ will give me sweeter rest. ! 7 tis not in grief to harm me, While thy love is left to me ! ! 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmixed with thee! 2 Soul, then know thy full salvation ; Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care ; Joy to find in ev'ry station Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within thee ; Think what Father's smiles are thine ; Think that Jesus died to win thee ; Child of heaven, canst thou repine ? 3 Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed by faith, sustained in prayer; Heaven's eternal days before thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there. Soon shall close thine earthly mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days ; Hope shall change to glad fruition. Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. i 517. c - M - ~'M not ashamed to own my Lord, Or to defend his cause, Maintain the honor of his word, The glory of his cross. 2 Jesus, my Lord, I know his name ; In him I place my trust; CONFESSING THE LORD. Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 Firm as his throne his promise stands, And he can well secure What I've committed to his hands, Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will he give me a new name, Before his Father's face, And in the New Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place. 518. L- m. JESUS ! and shall it ever fee, A mortal man ashamed of thee ? Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! — Sooner far Let evening blush to own a star * He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this once darkened soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend ! No ! When I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. 4 Ashamed of Christ, my Savior ! Nay ; Though I'd no guilt to wash away, No tears to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. 5 E'en then — nor is my boasting vain — E'en then I'd boast a Savior slain ! And 0, may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me ! 325 THE GOSPEL. 519. & D. JESUS, lover of my soul, Let me on thy love rely, While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is high : Hide me, 'my Savior, hide, While the raging storm goes past; Safe into the haven guide ; receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none — Rests my trusting soul on thee; Leave, oh ! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me ; All my hope in thee is stayed, Help from thee I humbly seek ; Cover my defenseless head When the tempests o'er me break. 3 Thou, Christ, art whom I want; Boundless love in thee I find ; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind : Just and Holy is thy name. Christ, the Lord our Righteousness; Love for man thou dost proclaim, — Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with thee is found — Grace to pardon all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within : Thou of life the fountain art, Make me daily more like thee ; Let thy love within my heart, — Dwell to all eternity. 326 CONFESSING THE LORD. 520. c. m. LORD! my best desires fulfill, And help me to resign Myself and all things to thy will, And make thy pleasure mine. 2 Why should I shrink at thy command, Thy love forbids my fears; Why tremble at the gracious hand, That wipes away my tears? 3 No, — let me rather freely yield What most I prize, to thee ; Thou never hast a good withheld, Nor wilt withhold from me, 4 Thy favor, all my journey through, Shall be my rich supply • Give what I need ; but all things else, Let wisdom still deny, 521. Ss & 7s. BOW, ye mortals, bow before him, Bow and keep his sacred word ; Bow in reverence and adore him, Bow, confess your Savior, Lord. 2 Bow, ye angels, chant his praises, Strike your lyres with one accord, While each voice melodious raises Paeans unto Christ the Lord. 3 Men and angels, seraphs joining, In one grand harmonious chord, Voice and instrument combining, All, confess that Christ is Lord ,327 THE GOSPEL. 522. c. m. THOU art the way — to thee alone From sin and death we flee ; And he who wonld the Father seek, Must seek him, Lord, by thee. 2 Thou art the truth — thy word alone True wisdom can impart; Thou only canst inform the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the life — the rending tomb Proclaims thy conqu'ring arm, And those who put their trust in thee Nor death, nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the way — the truth — the life ; Grant us that way to know, That truth to keep, that life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. 523. * us & 8s. WHEN the bright sun of prosperity shineth, And plenty thy board shall supply; When the sweet flowers with each branch inter- twineth, And tli 7 stream of thy bliss riseth high ; Remember if God had not deigned thee to bless, Thou would'st not have prospered, — the Giver confess. 2 When the dark clouds of adversity lower, And sorrow thy pathway shall strew ; When thou art bowed with affliction, e'en more Than able thou seem'st to pass through ; . Remember thy Master endured all to bless, Redeem and exalt thee. — thy Savior confess. 328 BAPTISM. L 1 524. 6-8s. ET earth attend ! all nations hear The voice of your Eternal King ! List to his word with rev'rend fear, Nor doubts into his presence bring. With boundless love his words abound, No tongue can tell its depths profound. 2 " Except a man be born again, God's kingdom he can never see," Nor to that kingdom enter in, Unless he shall obedient be. Then follow Christ your Savior, King, His words will life eternal bring. 3 Come, full of faith, forsaking sin, Descend with him beneath the wave; Born of the water, rise again, Nor ever doubt his power to save. Thus was he plunged beneath the flood, Obedient to his Father, God. 4 Come, let your faith and works combine ; Thus you shall find his promise true, You shall be saved by grace divine, His Spirit will your souls renew. You shall be cleansed from ev'ry stain. And then with Christ shall rise' and reign. 320 THE GOSPEL. 525. 4- 6s & 2 - 8s - REFORM, and be immersed, Says your redeeming Lord i You all are now assured, That ? t is your Savior's word : Arise, arise, without delay, And his divine command obey. 2 sin-convicted race, Now fall at Jesus' feet ; . He'll save you through his grace, Come, to his will submit, And be immersed without delay — ! come and wash your sins away. 3 Come, believing train, No more this truth withstand; Nor longer think it vain To honor God's command ) But haste, arise without delay, And come and wash your sins away. 4 Jesus ! thou Prince of Peace, In thy great name we pray; May converts to thy grace This ordinance obey, And may thy love their hearts assure, Their peace and pardon are secure ! 526. & & 7s. )Y the waterside, with gladness, Gather round to praise the Lord; Hearts relieved from pain and sadness, While we thus obey his word. 2 Though this ord'nance full of meaning, Is by human hearts despised, 330 W BAPTISM. And opposed by human scheming, By the saints, ; t is justly prized. 3 Here we follow Christ our Savior, Who obeyed his Father's will ; And we thus secure his favor, When we righteousness fulfill. 4 Baptized for our sins' remission, First repenting of the same; Yielding thus in meek submission, To the power of Jesus' name. 527. C - M - ^ LO ! on the water's brink we stand, To do the Father's will, To be baptized by his command, And thus the word fulfill. 2 Lord, we've sinned, but we repent, And put our sins away, With joy receive the message sent In this the latter day. 3 Thou wilt accept our humble prayer, And all our sins forgive ; For Jesus is the sinner's friend, He died that we might live. 4 We lay our sinful bodies now Beneath the opening wave, Then rise to life divinely new, As from the bursting grave. 5 So when the trump of God shall blow, The saints shall burst the tomb, Immortal beauty crown their brow With an immortal bloom. 331 THE GOSPEL. 528. 7s. GATHERED where the waters glide, Minds intent upon thy will, See thy children drawn aside From the world and all its ill. 2 Sanctify the cleansing wave, Arcade to thy kingdom fair; Typical of Jesus' grave ; Sign that we his name shall bear. 3 Emblem of another birth, Sins remitted, pardon sealed, Father, send thy Spirit forth, To thy people stand revealed. 4 Like the coming of the spring When the winter's reign is o'er, We another life begin, Help us that we sin no more. 529. 6-8s. ?npXS faith- prepares our hearts to see JL The many wrongs that we have done, How sad, and deep, how vile they be, And gives us hope through God's dear Son; Inspires us with a holy love To serve alone our God above. Repentance purines the soul By casting off all that offends, The blood of Christ doth now atone. And for our guilt it makes amends, And with the water sanctifies All who believe and are baptized, 332 BAPTISM. 3 Then comes the Spirit like a flood To overwhelm our waiting souls, Give us new life, the life of God, Perfect the work and make us whole; As with the water and the blood, It testifies we're born of God. 4 Then sinner hear the word to-day, Believe, repent of all your sin; Accept the offer, while you may, And to his cov'nant enter in. The word is thus, from yonder skies, i Believe, repent and be baptized/ 530. 6-8s. WILL water cleanse me from all sin, And make me holy, pure, and white ? Fit me his courts to enter in, All pleasing in his august sight ? 'Tis not the water's rolling flood, Nor yet alone the precious blood. 2 But faith in God with these combined, When we repent of ev'ry sin, Obedience to each word divine. This, this will make thee pure and clean. So Paul was taught, so he obeyed, When he for this salvation prayed. 3 So Lydia, so Cornelius too, So Peter taught three thousand souls Who sought to know what they should do. To get within the sacred fold. ; Twas thus the Shepherd led the way. 'Twas thus commanded , Come, obey. 333 w THE GOSPEL. 8s & 7s D. "OW the sun is brightly shining, Throwing light o'er hill and dale ; And the water-vapors, rising O'er the hill, a snowy vail. The old trees their arms outstretching, As on earth they would lay hand ; On each other asking blessings, In the forest dark and grand. 2 ; Tis the morn of my immersion That the Lord my soul may save ; And I go with fear and trembling, Down into my wat'ry grave. Now the waves are rushing o'er me ; Dark the waters are and cold; Thus my Savior, years before me, Lay within the grave of old. 3 Now I rise me gently upward, Quickly I regain my breath; Thus my Savior, years before me, In his mercy conquered death. Now I go up from the water, To my friends upon the shore ; And the earth all bathed in sunlight Is more glorious than before. 4 Thus it is to open eye-sight All the works of God unfold. His Spirit pure, more bright than sunlight, Turns the heart from dross to gold. God, assist me, and attend me, That my life be ever pure, In the name of Jesus, lend me Help to make my hope secure. 334 BAPTISM. 532. 4 ~ 6s & 2 " 8s - BEHOLD the Lamb of God ! In his divine array, • Go down into the flood, His Father to obey, In Jordan's stream to be baptized, Though by a carnal world despised. 2 Can we pretend to know More fully God's design ? Can we pretend to show A conduct more divine ? Can we neglect this ordinance Without an insult to our Prince ? 3 Jesus, we will obey Thy practice and command : Behold us here to-day ! Before thee meekly stand, Devoted to thy blessed will, Beady thy pleasure to fulfill. 4 We sink beneath the wave ; The water we go through ; The emblem of thy grave, And resurrection, too; We die, are buried, rise again, In hopes with thee to live and reign, 5 Great Father, cast thine eye, And drive away our fear; Our ev'ry want supply ; Give grace to persevere; And then rejoicing we will go, To do our Father's will below. 335 THE GOSPEL. 533. c. m. FATHER in heaven we do believe The promise thou hast made ; The word with meekness we receive, And follow Christ, our Head. 2 We now repent of all our sins, And come with broken heart; We to thy cov'nant enter in, And choose the better part. 3 We'll now be buried in the stream, In Jesus' blessed name, .0 may thy light upon us beam, The Spirit's heavenly flame. 4 Lord, accept our humble .prayer, And all our sins forgive ) New life impart from this good hour, And bid the sinner live. 5 Baptize us with the Holy Ghost, And seal us as thine own, That in thy kingdom we may stand, And with thy saints be one. S34. 8s & 6s > or c - 3L HE AH the murmur of the wave And think of Jordan's tide, Where Christ, the mighty Savior died A sinning world to save. i I bow my head in silent prayer, That Jesus will receive My humble heart, for I believe That Christ will triumph there. 336 BAPTISM. 3 My sins are great, Lord, forgive, I wait thy mandate here ; Thy voice alone my heart can cheer, Receive, that I may live. 4 I look apon the stream, I see A loving Savior bow, His voice I hear, " Repentant, thou May'st live ; come, follow me/ 7 5 My Lord, I come, this liquid grave Thy God-like soul enclosed; On thee my hope with joy reposed, I'll come, thou'lt ever save. 53 5. 8s, 8s & 6s. SALEM'S bright King, Jesus by name, In ancient times to Jordan came, All righteousness to fill ; 'T was there the ancient prophet stood, Whose name was John, a man of God, To do his Master's will. 2 Down in old Jordan's rolling stream, The prophet led the holy Lamb, And there did him baptize : Jehovah saw his darling Son, Was so well pleased with what he'd done, He owned him from the skies. 3 This is my Son, Jehovah cries. The echoing voice from glory flies, " 0, children, hear ye him ■ " Hark ! 't is his voice ; behold, he cries, 'Repent, believe, and be baptized. And wash away your sin.' 15 ' w THE GOSPEL. 536. 6-8s WHAT shall I do to please my Lord ? How shall I e'er regain his love ? How shall I reap the great reward ? Awaiting me in realms above? Ye heralds of the gospel, tell, And save a dying soul from hell. 2 Believe in God with all thy heart, Believe in Christ his gracious Son ; From ev'ry evil thing depart, And thy transgressions humbly own : Then be baptized without delay, And wash thy many sins away. 537. L - M - "OW foolish to the carnal mind The ordinances of God appear, They count them as a puff of wind, And gaze with a contemptous sneer. H' 2 What! buried now beneath the flood, To wash away your guilt and sin ? Are not some other means as good ? Nay, better ! why appear so* mean ? 3 Thus they despise the proffered grace, And die and perish in their sins : So the Assyrian leper thought. What ! wash in Jordan and be clean ! 4 Nay. in a rage he turned away, And would remain a leper still , But, lo ! his humble servant's sway Prevailed at last, and turned his will. 338 BAPTISM. 5 He washed in Jordan's rolling flood, And straightway found his flesh renewed; The virtue of the word of God Thus by experience he proved. 6 Poor sinners now would fain perform Some great and meritorious deed, Bow to the systems men have formed, And from their leprosy be freed. 7 Far better yield to simple means ; The Gospel is the power of God ; 'T will cleanse the penitent from sins Who yield obedience to the word. 538. 8s, 8s & 6s. COME, children, come, his voice obey, Salem's bright King has marked the And has a crown prepared ; [way, then arise and give consent, Walk in the way that Jesus went, And have the great reward. 2 Believing children gather round, And let your joyful songs abound, With cheerful hearts arise ) See, here is water, here is room, A loving Savior calling, come, '0 children, be baptized.' 3 Behold, his servant waiting stands, With willing heart and ready hands To wait upon the bride : Ye candidates your hearts prepare. And let us join in solemn prayer. Down by the water side. 339 I r THE GOSPEL. 539, L. M. D. ~N ancient times a man of God Came preaching in the wilderness} He did baptize in Jordan's flood, Requiring fruits of righteousness. Saying, c Reform ; the time's fulfilled ; The Son of God will soon appear ; Make straight his paths, and do his will, For lo ! his kingdom now is near/ 2 'I now immerse with water here, For the remission of your sins ; But he shall send the Spirit's power To witness to your souls within/ Thus was Messiah's way prepared, When first he came unto his own ; And by this means, when he appeared, The ready bride her Savior owned. 3 E'en so, in this the latter day, Before he comes on earth to reign, His servants must prepare his way, And all his paths make straight again. Come, then, ye wand 'ring sheep who stray, Arise, return, unto your fold ; Come be immersed without delay, And thus pursue the paths of old. 340. ^"6s & 2-8s. "VTEVER does truth more shine _1_M With beams of heavenly light, Than when the Scriptures join To prove it plain and right; Then when each text doth each explain, And all unite to speak the same. BAPTISM. 2 Thus Peter who obeyed What Jesus said, was wise, And preached as he was led, Repent and be baptized. Thus Philip did to th' eunuch say, "If you believe in Christ, you may." 3 Paul preached the word of grace ; Whole households did believe, And were baptized to Christ, Whose gospel they received. Thus christians were of ancient date, As sacred hist'ry doth relate. 4 We see 't is no new thing To teach, and then baptize ; So Christians first began Christ's ordinance to prize : This makes us cheerfully obey, And go as they have led the way. 541. o, m. THUS was the great Redeemer plunged In Jordan's swelling flood, Thus was the pattern given by Christ That leads from sin to God. 2 Thus was his sacred body laid Beneath the yielding wave; Thus was his sacred body raised Out of the liquid grave. 3 Lord, we thy precepts would obey, In thine own footsteps tread; Would die, be buried, rise with thee, Our ever-living head. 341 THE GOSPEL. 542. o. m. PROCLAIM, says Christ, my wondrous grace To all the sons of men ; He that believes and is immersed, Salvation shall obtain. 2 Let plenteous grace descend on those Who, hoping in the word, This day have publicly declared That Jesus is their Lord. 3 With cheerful feet may they advance, And run the Christian race : And, through the troubles of the way, Find all-sufficient grace. 543. c. m. **T COME/' the great Redeemer cries, 1 "To do thy will, Lord I" At Jordan's flood, behold, he seals The sure prophetic word. 2 "Thus it becomes us to fulfill All righteousness," he said; He spake obedient, and beneath The yielding wave was laid. 3 Hark ! a glad voice ! the Father speaks. From heaven's exalted height ; " This is my Son, my well-beloved, My joy, my chief delight." 4 Jesus, the Savior, well-beloved ! His name we will profess, Like him, desirous to fulfill Each law of righteousness. 342 BAPTISM. 544. fc m. JESUS, we come at thy command ; Now on the water's brink we stand, Ready to walk into the wave, — A lively emblem of the grave. 2 Let neither shame, nor fear, nor pride, Divert our steady feet aside ; 'Tis by appointment ; in thy name, We venture down into the stream. 3 Lord of the universe ! look down ! And make thy great salvation known ; Teach these thy children to obey, And follow "Jesus in the way." 545. c. m. BURIED with Christ ! yes, thus we lie Immersed beneath the wave : So he, the Savior from on high, Found on this earth his grave. 2 We rise with him ! to live anew A holy life of faith ; Believing what this brings to view, And what the Scriptures saith. 3 The glorious Resurrection morn ! When Jesus from the skies Descending, whence he now hath gone, Shall bid the sleeping rise. 4 Eternal Life we then receive From him our blessed Lard; Help us, Father, to believe, And trust thy holy Word. 343 r THE GOSPEL. S. 6-8s. "N Jordan's tide the prophet stands, Immersing the repenting Jews ; The Son of God the right demands, Nor dares the holy man refuse : Jesus descends beneath the wave, The emblem of his future grave. Wonder, ye heavens ! your Maker lies In deeps concealed from human view ; Ye men behold him sink and rise, A fit example thus for you : The sacred record, while you read, Calls you to imitate the deed. But lo ! from yonder opening skies, What beams of dazzling glory spread! Dove-like th' Eternal Spirit flies, And lights on the Redeemer's head ; Amazed they see the power divine Around the Savior's temples shine. But hark, my soul, hark and adore ! What sounds are those that roll along ? Not like loud Sinai's awful roar ; But soft and sweet as Gabriel's song ! '•This is my well-beloved Son; I see, well pleased, what he hath done ? " i 547. 6 " 8s - AM baptized in the blest name Of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! Among the saints a place I claim, — Among the consecrated host ; Buried with Christ, and dead to sin, Thy Spirit now shall live within. 3U BAPTISM. 2 My loving Father, here dost thou Proclaim me as thy child and heir ; My faithful Savior, bid me now The fruit of all thy sorrows share ; Thou Holy Ghost wilt comfort me, When darkest clouds around I see. S4S. 8s, 7s & 4s. BLEST the sign which thus reminds me, Savior, of thy love for me ; But more blest the love that binds me In its deathless bonds to thee \ what pleasure, Buried with my Lord to be ! 2 Fellowship with him possessing, Let me die to earth and sin ; Let me rise t' enjoy the blessing Which the faithful soul shall win : May I ever Follow where my Lord has been. S49. l. m. WAS the commission of our Lord, u &o, teach the nations, and baptize," The nations have received the word Since he ascended to the skies. He sits upon th' eternal hills, With grace and pardon in his hands, And sends his cov'nant with the seals, To bless the people of all lands. " Reform, and be immersed," he saith, "For the remission of your sins ;" And thus our sense assists our faith, And shows us what his gospel means. 15* 345 T THE GOSPEL. 550. 7s & 6s D. AROUND thy grave, Lord Jesus, Thine empty grave, we stand, With hearts all full of praises, To keep thy blest command ; By faith our souls rejoicing, To tread thy path of love, Through death's dark angry billows. Up to thy throne above. 2 Lord Jesus, we remember The travail of thy soul, When in thy love's deep pity, The waves did o'er thee roll; Baptized in death's cold waters, For us thy blood was shed: For us the Lord of glory Was numbered with the dead. 3 Into thy death baptized, We own with thee we died; With thee, our life, are risen, And in thee glorified. From sin, the world, and Satan, We're ransomed by thy blood; To them would walk as strangers, Alive with thee to God. 551. 8s ; 7s & 4s. THOU hast said, exalted Jesus, k 'Take thy cross and follow me;" Shall the word with terror seize us ? Shall we from thy burden flee ? Lord, I'll take it, And, rejoicing, follow thee. BAPTISM. 2 While this liquid tomb surveying, Emblem of my Savior's grave, Shall I shun its brink, betraying Feelings worthy of a slave ? No! HI enter; Jesus entered Jordan's wave* 3 Should it rend some fond connection,, Should I suffer shame or loss, Yet the fragrant, blest reflection I have been where Jesus was, Will revive me When I faint beneath the cross. 552. l. m. THE great Redeemer we adore, Who came the lost to seek and save, Went humbly down from Jordan's shore To find a tomb beneath its wave. 2 With thee into thy wat'ry tomb, Lord, 'tis our glory to descend : 'Tis wondrous grace that gives us room To lie interred by such a friend. 3 Yet, as the yielding waves give way To let us see the light again, So, on the resurrection day, The bands of death prove weak and vain. 4 Thus when thou shalt again appear. The gates of death shall open wide; Our dust thy mighty voice shall hear And rise and triumph at thy side. 347 THE GOSPEL. 553. 7s & 6s D. WELCOME, from beneath the wave With thy Savior rising, Trusting in his power to save. Earthly hopes despising ; Welcome to the happy band, Who have gone before thee, Pilgrims to a better land, Pressing on to glory. 2 Dead with him who died for you, Dead to sin and folly ; Risen with him to live anew, Live to trust him wholly. Let each worldly striving cease ; Run the race before thee ; Christ is all your life and peace, — Christ the hope of glory. 554. c. m. BURIED beneath the yielding wave, The great Redeemer lies; Faith views him in the wat'ry grave, And thence beholds him rise. 2 Thus do his willing saints, to-day, Their ardent zeal express, And. in the Lord's appointed way Fulfill all righteousness. 3 With joy we in his footsteps tread, And would his cause maintain; Like him be numbered with the dead, And with him rise and reign. 348 BAPTISM. 4 His Spirit will revive our hearts, And drive our fears away; When he commands, and strength imparts, We cheerfully obey. 555. 8s&7s - JESUS, mighty King in Zion, Thou alone our guide shalt be ; Thy commission we rely on ; We will follow none but thee. We will follow none but Jesus, Jesus is the life, the way ; This the path in which he leads us, This the gate to endless day. 2 As an emblem of thy passion, And thy vict'ry o'er the grave, We, who seek the great salvation, Are baptized beneath the wave. 3 Fearless of the world's despising, We the ancient path pursue ; Buried with our Lord, and rising To a life divinely new. 556. c. m. ALMIGHTY God, these candidates Regard with tender love, As here they enter in thy fold, Do thou the deed approve. 2 To him who shall baptize, give strength, Each candidate forgive ; And may we all as witnesses, Henceforth more purely live. 349 THE GOSPEL. 557. G M - WHILE in this sacred rite of thine. Ourselves we offer now, Shine o'er the waters, Love Divine, And seal the cheerful vow. 2 All glory be to him whose life For ours was freely given, Who aids us in the spirit's strife, And makes us meet for heaven. 3 To thee we gladly now resign Our life and all our powers; Accept us in this rite divine, And bless these hallowed hourSo 4 0, may we die to earth and sin, Beneath the mystic flood ; And when we rise, may we begin To live anew for God. 558. s. m. ^OWN to the sacred wave, The Lord of life was led; And he who came our souls to save In Jordan bowed his head. 2 He taught the solemn way; He fixed the holy rite ; He bade his ransomed ones obey And keep the path of light. 3 Blest Savior, we will tread In thine appointed way; Let glory o'er these scenes be shed, And smile on us to-day. 350 0' BAPTISM. S.M. kTJR offring, Lord, accept. Ourselves to thee we give ; May each by sov'reign grace be kept As thine, to thee to live. 2 Jesus, exemplar thou, Help us to follow thee, In all things else as here we bow, May each obedient be. 3 As thou hast led the way, May each press boldly on, Till grace shall crown in endless day, What grace hath here begun. 560. & & 7s. SHALL vain man secure God's favor- By a system man-designed ? Shall he dwell with Christ forever, If to Jesus not resigned ? 2 Shall the scripture's sacred lessons Be neglected or despised ? Shall man thus receive God's blessings ? God by mortals be advised ! 3 Cease, cease, thine opposition; Bow, bow, to Jesus' will ; Bow in faith, with deep contrition, Bow and righteousness fulfill. 4 False tradition is enslaving ; Error ne'er can lead to bliss ; But the gospel law is saving, — Bringing life and blessedness. 351 THE GOSPEL. 8s & 7s. UMBLE souls, that seek salvation Through the Lamb's redeeming blood, Hear the voice of revelation, Tread the path that Jesus trod. H 1 2 Hear the bless'd Redeemer call you, Listen to his gracious voice ; Dread no ills that can befall you While you make his ways your choice. 3 Follow Christ, let each believer Be baptized in Jesus' name ; • He himself in Jordan's river Was immersed beneath the stream. 4 Plainly here his footsteps tracing, Follow him without delay; Gladly his command embracing ; Lo ! your Captain leads the way. loll) Spirit INVOCATION. 562. c - M - REJOICE ! ye Saints of Latter Days, Lift up your heads and sing, With one accord unite to praise Your Everlasting King. 2 No more in darkness need you walk, Nor tread in error's night, For the Most High again has spoke The darkness into light. 3 The Holy Spirit is sent down, Like as in days of old, To bring to mind things that are past, And things to come unfold. 4 may it rest upon us now, While we're assembled here, Bring consolation to our souls, Our drooping spirits cheer. 5 may it ever guide our feet In ways of righteousness, That we may be accounted meet To dwell in blessedness. 353 HOLY SPIRIT 563. L - m. AS when in silence, vernal showers Descend, and cheer the fainting flowers, So, in the secrecy of love, Falls the sweet influence from above. 2 That heavenly influence let me find In holy silence of the mind, While ev'ry grace maintains its bloom, Diffusing wide its rich perfume. 3 Nor let these blessings be confined To me, but poured on all mankind, Till earth's wild wastes in verdure rise, And a young Eden bless our eyes. S64r. 6s & 4s. COME, Holy Ghost— in love, Shed on us from above Thine own bright ray ! Divinely good thou art ; Thy sacred gifts impart To gladden each sad heart : come to-day ! 2 Come, tend'rest Friend, and best, Our most delightful guest, With soothing power ; Rest, which the weary know, Shade, 'mid the noontide glow, Peace, when deep griefs o'erflow, Cheer us this hour ! 3 Come, Light serene, and still Our inmost bosoms fill ; Dwell in each breast: 354 INVOCATION. We seek the light, 'tis thine ; Send forth thy beams divine, On ev'ry soul to shine, And make us blest! Come, all the faithful bless; Let all who Christ confess, His praise employ : Give virtue's rich reward; Victorious grace afford; And, with our glorious Lord, Eternal joy ! S6S. 4 - 6s & 2 - 8s - OTHOU that hearest prayer ! Attend our humble cry; And let thy servants share Thy blessing from on high : We plead the promise of thy word, Grant us thy Holy Spirit, Lord ! 2 If earthly parents hear Their children when they cry; If they, with love sincere, Their children's wants supply, Much more wilt thou thy love display, And answer when/' thy children pray. 3 Our Heavenly Father, thou, — We, children of thy grace, — let thy Spirit now Descend and fill the place ; That all may feel the heavenly flame, And all unite to praise thy name. HOLY SPIRIT. 566. s. m. COME, Holy Spirit, come ; Let thy bright beams arise; Dispel all sorrow from our minds, All darkness from our eyes. 2 Confirm us in the faith, All doubts and fears remove, And kindle in each breast the flame Of never-dying love. 3 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul. To pour fresh life in ev'ry part, And new create the whole. 4 Come, Holy Spirit, come; Our minds from bondage free ; Then shall we know, and praise, and love, The Father, Son, and Thee. 567. L - M - ETERNAL Spirit, we confess And sing the wonders of thy grace : Thy power conveys our blessings down From God the Father and the Son. 2 Enlightened by thy heavenly ray, Our shades and darkness turn to day; Thine inward teachings make us know Our danger, and our refuge too. 3 Thy power and glory work within, And break the chains of reigning sin; All our imperious lusts subdue. And form desires within us new. 356 INVOCATION. 568. 6-r* FATHEK, glorify thy Son : Answering his all-powerful prayer, Send that Intercessor down, Send that other Comforter, Whom belie vingly we claim, Whom we ask in Jesus ' name. 2 Wilt thou not thy promise seal, Good and faithful as thou art, Send the Comforter to dwell Ev'ry moment in our heart ? Yes, thou wilt the grace bestow : Truth hath said it shall be so. 569. c. m. COME, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire J Let us thine influence prove ; Source of the old prophetic fire — Fountain of li2;ht and love. o 2 Come, Holy Ghost ; for moved by thee. The Prophets wrote and spoke : Unlock the truth, thyself the key j Unseal the sacred book. 3 Expand thy wings, celestial dove, Brood o'er our nature's night; On our disordered spirits move, And let there now be light. 4 God, through thine aid, we then shall know, If thou within us shine ; And sound with all thy saints below, The depth of love divine. 570. HOLY SPIRIT. 8s, 6s & 8s. LET songs of praises fill the sky ! Christ our ascended Lord, Sends down his Spirit from on high. According to his word : All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost ! 2 The Spirit, by his heavenly breath, New life creates within ) He quickens sinners from the death Of trespasses and sin : All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost. 3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes, And shows them unto men ; The ransomed soul his temple makes; God's image stamps again : All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! 4 Come, Holy Spirit, from above, With thy celestial fire ; Come, and with flames of zeal and love Our hearts and tongues inspire : Be this our day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! 571. s - M - n E meet with one accord In our appointed place, And wait the promise of our Lord, The Spirit of all grace INVOCATION. 2 Like mighty rushing wind Upon the waves beneath. Move with one impulse every mind, One soul, one feeling, breathe. 3 The young, the old, inspire With wisdom from above ) And give us hearts and tongues of fire To pray, and praise, and love. 4 Spirit of light, explore, And chase all gloom away, With lustre shining more and more Unto the perfect day. 572. pm. "OLY Ghost, the Infinite ! Shine upon our nature's night With thy blessed inward light, Comforter Divine ! H' 2 Like the dew, thy peace distill ; Guide, subdue our wayward will, Things of Christ unfolding still, Comforter Divine ! 3 In us "Abba, Father/' cry; Earnest of our bliss on high, Seal of immortality, — Comforter Divine ! 4 Search for us the depths of God ; Bear us on the upward road, To the height of thine abode, Comforter Divine ! 359 HOLY SPIRIT. 573. l. m. LORD, we believe to us and ours The apostolic promise given : We wait the pentecostal powers, The Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. 2 Assembled here with one accord, Calmly we wait the promised grace, The purchase of our dying Lord : Come, Holy Ghost, and fill the place. 574. s. m. BEHOLD ! what wondrous grace The Father hath bestowed On sinners of a mortal race, — To call them sons of God ! 2 ; Tis no surprising thing That we should be unknown : The Jewish world knew not their King, God's everlasting Son. 3 Nor does it yet appear How great we must be made , But when we see our Savior here, We shall be like our Head. 4 A hope so much divine, May trials well endure, May purge from sensuousness and sin, As Christ, the Lord, is pure. 5 If in my Father's love I share a filial part, Send down thy Spirit, like a dove, To rest upon my heart. INVOCATION. 6 We would no longer lie Like slaves beneath the throne : My faith shall Abba, Father, cry, And thou the kindred own. S7S. 6-8s. COME, Holy Ghost, these hearts inspire! Attest that they are born again; Come, and baptize them now with fire, Nor let obedience be vain : They cannot rest in sins forgiven : But seek the earnest sent from heaven . — 2 Give the indubitable seal, To testify these souls are thine, The powerful stamp they long to feel, The signature of love Divine ! shed within their hearts abroad Fulness of love, of heaven, of God ! 576. l- m. >LEST day ! when our ascended Lord Fulfilled his own prophetic word ; Sent down his Spirit, to inspire His saints, baptize with holy fire. B' 2 While by his power these signs were wrought, While divers tongues his wisdom taught, His love one only subject gave — That Jesus died the world to save ! 3 Sure peace with God ! — the joyful sound Pours wide its sacred influence round ; May we his wondrous power receive, And in his gracious Spirit live. 16 3G1 HOLY SPIRIT. 577. 7s - COME, diviue and peaceful Guest, Enter each devoted breast; Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, Kindle there the gospel fire. 2 Bid our sin and sorrow cease; Fill us with thy heavenly peace ; Joy divine we then shall prove, Lio;ht of truth — and fire of love. D' 37 S. l. m. ^ESCEND, thou Comforter Divine, And from each heart all gloom dispel^ Make bright each faculty of mind, And with thy love each bosom fill. 2 Vain are the efforts mortals make Unless thou dost the heart inspire ; Come, and each slumb'ring mind awake To holy thoughts, and pure desire. 3 Be witness thou of pardoned sin, The pardoned seal Christ's heirs for aye. His temple's porch they've entered in, Come and henceforth be thou their stay. 4 Accepting Christ as Christ's revealed Within the word, within the law, Friends will forsake them, foes assail, Equip them for the holy war. 5 'Tis thine to guard them in the field ; Be their Protector, Guide, and Friend, Blest Spirit, be their Help and Shield, And ouide to conquest in the end. LAYING ON" OF HANDS. $79. c. M. D. MAN may believe on evidence, Repent when sin-convinced. Baptize, or be baptized of men, In perfect confidence ; But God the increase must bestow,. Or Paul might plant in vain; Apollos water, or baptize, Yet no success attain. 2 The saving impress on the heart Is made by God alone, 'Tis he the Spirit must impart, By which his work is known. And we have met, our gracious Lord, This power to seek from thee ; Let no one unsupplied remain, Nor disappointed be. 3 But when the hands of those ordained On others' heads are laid, Send forth the gift that seals such thine As have thy will obeyed. Its sacred virtues, powers, and gifts, To each a portion give ; That hence in faith, in power, in love, Rejoicing they may live. 363 HOLY SPIRIT. 580. 6 " 8s - GREAT God, on these now deign to smile, Who in their Savior's steps have trod — ■ Forsaking all that's base and vile, Nor shrinking at the swelling flood; Fulfill thy word, great Lord of Hosts, — Baptize them with the Holy Ghost. 2 Receive them in thy kingdom, Lord, Within its portals now they stand, Here they await thy sealing word, They have obeyed thy great command; Give them thy Holy Spirit's seal, And to them now thyself reveal. 3 Let Holy Fire on them descend, Immerse them in its sacred flame; Cleanse them from all things that offend, And make them worthy of thy name ; Their blood-bonght souls do thou inspire, With Holy Ghost and heavenly fire, 581. c. m. BEHOLD thy sons and daughters, Lord, On whom we lay our hands ; They have fulfilled the Gospel word, And bowed at thy commands. 2 0, now send forth the heavenly dove, And overwhelm their souls With peace and joy and perfect love, As lambs within thy fold. 3 Seal them by thine own Spirit's power, Which purifies from sin ; LAYING ON OF HANDS. And may they find, from this good hour, They are adopted in. 4 Strengthen their faith, confirm their hope, And guide them in the way ; With comfort bear their spirits up, Until the perfect day. 582. 6-Ss, THY promise Lord is now secured, Thy law we've honored in its power, Send now the Comforter to bear Its witness in this solemn hour. The temple has been purified, Let now thy Spirit there abide. 2 Purchased has been our future home By him who groaned upon the tree, And who, departing, gave command, " Take up thy cross and follow me." The earnest give that we are thine, Heirs of this earth, in God's due time. 3 Thro' life's rough ways, its thousand snares, We need its power to guide, to save ; In the last struggle with stern death, In the chill dampness of the grave ; To resurrect our slumb'ring dust, In God's great morning, with the just. 4 Thou God of Isaac, Abraham, Of Jacob, and of Joseph too. Whose course is one eternal round, Whose word abides forever true. Hear thou in heaven thy dwelling-place, Reveal the brightness of thy face. 3G5 „ HOLY SPIRIT. 583. 8s, 6s & 8s. FATHER, from heaven thy dwelling place, In love look down, we pray, On these the subjects of thy grace, And bless them here to-day. They've been baptized beneath the wave, Like him who died their souls to save. 2 Like him, they need a Father's voice To tell them they are thine; To make their pleading hearts rejoice, "With words of love divine. Grive them assurance of thy love, Baptize them, Father, from above. 3 Open the heavens ; thy Spirit pour Upon their waiting souls, And may they know from this glad hour, They are within thy fold. With holy fire their souls baptize, And fill their hearts with heavenly joys. 584=. o. m. ORD while thy servants lay their hands On each believer's head ; Who has in faith kept thy commands, Thy holy Spirit shed. 2 Confirm their faith ; may signs ensue,—- 'Tis promised in thy word; And with thy Spirit each endue, And heavenly peace afford. 3 May ev'ry heart be filled with love, Thy blessed Spirit give ; With holy zeal thy children move, In union may they live. L ( LAYING ON OF HANDS. 585. L- m. BLEST privilege to mortals given, To follow where the Lord has led ? Possess the Spirit sent from heaven, And eat the ever-living bread. 2 Blest privilege in Christ to be, To of his body form a part, And in his Spirit's light to see His life and law our certain chart. 3 Blest privilege when born again, Of water, we thy kingdom view, But still more blest to thus obtain, The higher birth of Spirit, too. 586. c- m. "HEN the Great Teacher of mankind Submitted to thy will, Its sov'reign righteousness to show, And its demands fulfill; w 1 2 When from the wat'ry tomb he rose, Obedient Son of thine, Thou did'st the sacred rite approve, And send the Dove Divine. 3 So now on those who have pursued The path where Jesus led, Do thou the Dove-like gift impart, That rested on his head. 4 Baptize them with the Holy Ghost, Thine may they ever be ; Heirs with the glorious ransomed host Of thine eternally. 367 HOLY SPIRIT. 587. L - M - ASSEMBLED here, gracious Lord, Are those who have thy law obeyed, Have been baptized into thy fold, And now await the promised aid. 2 As hands upon their heads are laid, Command thy Spirit to descend, That by its gracious presence stayed,. Their faithfulness may never end. 3 Through whomsoe'er shall speaker be Do thou the seal of heirship give, Born of the Spirit, may they, see The life henceforth in Christ to live. 4 Preserve them from the tempter's snare, From wily foes and ill desire ; Dispel all doubt, remove all fear, Baptize them with the Spirit-fire. 588. 9s > 8s & lls - REDEEMED by the blood of the Savior, Baptized in the pure liquid wave Into Christ, their Head and Redeemer, Who his life as an ofFring gave. Seal these thine own by the gift of thy Spirit, Heirs of the glory the saints shall inherit. 2 By the blood of the cov'nant purchased, By the water remitted their sin, Give to them the seal of adoption, The Spirit to witness them clean ; One with thy people in love be they ever, Backsliders may they be never, no never. 3G8 LAYING ON OF HANDS. When thy servants essay t' confirm them, May holy hands rest on each head ; Thy Spirit encourage or warn them In what shall be over them said. Speak thro' thy servants, thy wisdom revealing. Confirm the baptized by tV Great Spirit's sealing 589. 9 s & 8s »• THE law of the gospel is perfect, The means of salvation to man ; It remaineth the same forever,— It is God's unchangeable plan. No part can be ever abolished, Nor an ordinance laid aside, While humanity waits redemption, Or the heart is unsanctified. 2 Though faith may be firm and unshaken, Repentance devout and sincere, The water administered rightly, — The Spirit must also be there. 'Tis essential that all receive it, Who th' higher* salvation would gain ; ■ Unless born of water and Spirit, No one can the kingdom obtain/ 3 Awaiting the solemn confirming, The ministry earnestly pray, "Impart, Lord, to ev'ry disciple, The Spirit to 'lighten their way/' What calm holy feelings pervadeth, As holy hands pressing each head. The prayer of the righteous prevaileth. The Holy Ghost richly is shed. 16* 869 HOLY SPIRIT. S90. 8s & 7s. IONFIEMATIOjST! Lord, we thank thee For this ordinance divine ; Lay we on our hands and pray thee, ' Seal whom we confirm as thine/ c 2 Gifts bestow as it shall please thee, They thy cov'nant enter in ; Light their path with testimony, Let their Pentecost begin. 3 Words of knowledge, words of wisdom, Tongues unlearned and tongues unknown, Gifts of faith, interpretation, Power to make the future known. 4 Visions glorious, dreams prophetic, 3Iiracles, mankind to aid, Gifts of healing, spirit-seeing, Seal the promise Jesus made. 591. c. m. BAPTIZED into thy death, Lord, On these thy Spirit pour, And fill with heavenly peace and love Their hearts, this natal hour. B 2 T\ r e lay our hands upon their heads, And here confirm them thine ; Henceforth in them may others see Thine own pure graces shine. 3 Let heavenly gifts and grace, we pray, Upon them each descend ) Be thou their Help, their Strength, their St* m Their everlasting Friend. 370 SPIRITUAL GIFTS. 592. c. m. ^UR blest Redeemer, ere lie breathed His tender, last farewell, A guide, a Comforter bequeathed, With us on earth to dwell. 0' 2 He came in tongues of living flame, To teach, convince, subdue; All-powerful as the wind he came, » The ministry t' endue. 3 He came, sweet influence to impart, A gracious, willing Guest, While he can find one humble heart Wherein to fix his rest. 4 And his that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even, That checks each fault, calms ev'ry fear, And whispers us of heaven. 5 And ev'ry virtue we possess, And ev'ry virtue won, And ev'ry thought of holiness, Is his and his alone. 6 Spirit of purity and grace ! Our weakness pity'ng see ; Oh, make our hearts thy dwelling-place. Purer and worthier thee ! 371 HOLY SPIRIT. 593. ^ M- THE gifts of God, a gracious theme, Are offered to the human mind, That love in him who reigns supreme, Should prove to man so good, so kind. 2 He gives them light for darkened ways, He gives them joy for grief and pain ; And not in vain their hands they raise To him for aid, their goal to gain. 3 "Wisdom, chief good, the Spirit gives — To guide men on life's troublous road ; And hope that in their bosoms lives To aid them in their search for God. 4 Helps, governments, are kindly given, To beautify the church below ; An index to the will of heaven, That Jesus' love all men may know. 594. £■ M. "AD I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, And nobler speech than angels use, If love be absent, I am found Like tinkling brass, an empty sound. H 2 Should I distribute all my store To feed the hungry, clothe the poor; Or give my body to the flame, To gain a martyr's glorious name : 3 If love to God and love to men Be absent, all my hopes are vain; Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeal, The work of love can e'er fulfill. 372 SPIRITUAL GItfTS. 595. 10s&8s - IS there a gift for the weary and worn Who tremblingly fight their way on, Waiting the time when the night shall be morn And all their life's labor be done ? 2 Yes. There are many the Savior hath wrought From out the fierce furnace of grief, For those whom his love in mercy has brought To cherish the "faith" and "belief." 3 One penitent waits in "wisdom" to reap Rich treasures of "knowledge" and grace; Another may bow in gladness to keep, His soul by "discernment" in peace. 596. h m. THE Spirit giveth aid to all Who sink beneath the liquid wave, To rise to life at Jesus' call, That he their sinless souls may save. 2 To grant them power who love him here, To live in faith by truth and grace, He sends the dews of heavenly cheer, The light of life, of faith, and peace. 3 He gives them wisdom for a guide, And tongues of flame to speak his love, And knowledge too he gives beside, And heals them from the fount above. 4 For faith, for wisdom, and for tongues, Our thanks are due to Christ our Friend ; For miracles, our praise belongs To him who loves us to the end. 373 HOLY SPIRIT. S97. L - M D - THE glorious plan which God has given, To bring a ruined world to heaven, Was framed in Christ by the new birth, Was sealed in heaven, was sealed on earth. As in the heavens they all agree, The record ; s given there by Three ; On earth Three Witnesses are given, To lead the sons of earth to heaven 2 Jehovah, God the Father's one; Another, His Eternal Son; The Spirit does with them agree, — The witnesses in heaven are Three. Nor are we in the second birth, Left without witnesses on earth, To grope, as in eternal night, About the way to endless light. 3 Buried beneath the liquid wave, To know the Spirit's power to save, And feel the virtue of his blood, Are witnesses ordained of God. In heaven they all agree in One, The Father, Spirit, and the Son; On earth these witnesses agree, The Water, Blood, and Spirit, Three. 4 One great connecting link is given Between the sons of earth and heaven ; The Spirit seals us here on earth, In heaven records our second birth. If we on earth possess those three, Mysterious, saving unity, The Book of Life will record bear, — Our names are surely written there 371 SPIRITUAL GIFTS. 598. 8* & 7s. WHERE is heaven ? Who can tell it ? Answer, ye who only know; Where abides the Holy Spirit — Where its fruits and graces show. 2 Gladly young and old assemble ; Sweetest songs rise from the soul; Saints rejoice and sinners tremble ; Power unseen pervades the whole. 3 Prayer and praise and testimony, Tongues unknown and prophecy, Burning words of inspiration, — 0, how swift the moments fly ! 4 Faithful saints refreshed and strengthened, Drooping ones revived and cheered — Thus their happy days are lengthened — Thus Jehovah's name 's revered. 5 Blessed people ! pure religion ! Godlike, priceless, simple, free; Loved or held up in derision, ; Twill be truth eternally. 590. 10s & 8s. BLEST is the "tongue" by the Spirit con- ferred, By the same "interpreted" too; And happy the man whose life-blood is stirred By the " healing the ancients knew. 2 These has he given who "captivity" led To comfort his brethren below ; These has he given — our high priest and our head That his righteousness we may know. 375 HOLY SPIRIT. 600. 8 g & »■ d- MEEK and lowly, pure and holy, Chief among the blessed three, Turning sadness into gladness, Heaven-born art thou, Charity ! Pity dwelleth in thy bosom, Kindness reigneth o'er thy heart, Gentle thoughts alone can sway thee, Judgment hath in thee no part. Meek and lowly, pure and holy, Chief among the blessed three, Turning sadness into gladness, Heaven-bom art thou, Charity ! 2 Hoping ever, failing never. Though deceived, believing still ; Long abiding, all confiding To thy Heavenly Father's will; Never weary of well-doing, Never fearful of the end ; Claiming all mankind as brothers, Thou dost ail alike befriend. Pintstrij. ORDINATION TO MINISTRY. 601. I* M. THOU in whose eternal name Went forth th' Apostles' ardent host. Baptize us with the hallowed flame That fell from heaven at Pentecost ! o 2 The fearless faith that cries, ''Repent!" Thy servant's earnest message fill ; By thee the living word was sent, Thy presence make it living still. 3 And while thy people bend and pray Tow'rds thy benignant throne of light, Give answer in the dawning day Of Freedom, Mercy, Truth, and Right 4 Immortal Truth ! it lives in thee ; Our hope shall lean on thee alone i Thy Christ be all our liberty, And all our strength and will thine own ! 5 Give thy Son's herald, from above, Th' anointing of thy Spirit's breath ; The faith that worked in Christ by low. The trust that triumphed in his death ! 377 MINISTRY. 602. l.m. THOU, who art above all height ! Our God, our Father, and our Friend ! Beneath thy throne of love and light, Let thine adoring children bend. o 2 Since here thy servant now hath given Himself, his hopes, his life, his powers. To the great cause of truth and heaven, Be thou his guide, God of ours ! 3 May he thy doctrines drop like rain, His speech like Hermon's dew distill, Till green fields smile and golden grain j Bipe for the harvest, waits thy will. 4 And when he sinks in death, — by care, Or pain, or toil, or years oppressed, — O God ; remember then our prayer, And take his spirit to thy rest. 603. L- m. r E bid thee welcome in the name Of Jesus, our exalted Head : Come as a servant ; so he came • And we receive thee in his stead. w 2 Come as a teacher sent from God, Charged his whole counsel to declare ; Lift o'er our ranks the prophet's rod, While we uphold thy hands with prayer. 3 Come as a messenger of peace, Filled with the Spirit, fired with love ; Labor that Zion may increase, And God will bless thee from above. ORDINATION. 604:. 7s LIFT aloud the voice of praise ! God, our Father and our Friend, Hear the prayer and song we raise, Weak, yet trusting, we would bend. 2 Lo ! another servant brought To the heritage of God ; — May he teach as Christ hath taught, Tread the path his Savior trod. 3 To the vineyard may he come, Girded with celestial might; Skilled to draw thy children home, Taught to give the darkened, light. 60S. L. M. IN ancient days men feared the Lord, And by their faith received his word, Then God bestowed upon the meek The Priesthood of Melchisedec. 2 Great blessings to the human race Once more are tendered by God's grace ; The Priesthood is again restored, For this let God be long adored. 3 Now we by faith, like Paul and John, May see the Father and the Son, And view eternal things above, And taste the sweets of boundless love. 4 And if, like them, we hated be, Deprived sometimes of liberty, We will, like them, this faith defend, Whate'er our fate, unto the end. 379 kiNjsrn flOTOTERIAL LABORS. 606. 8s & 7s. CHOSEN messengers of glory, O'er the ocean swiftly go, And to Europe tell the story, Of the light and truth you know. 2 Go and preach to them repentance; Point them to the narrow way, For the gifts, and for the blessings, Teach the meek in faith to pray. 3 Go and tell them of baptism; We must all be born again ; Warn them of the bitter scourges, Coming ere the King shall reign. 4 Tell them of the resurrections, Tell them of our Savior's reign, When Jerusalem, and Zion, Shall renew their strength again. 5 Some may heed, and some will scorn it; It will matter naught to you : Mighty is the name you go in, And the tale you tell is true. 6 Go in faith and God will bless you, Jesus will your guardian be : Go ye messengers of glory, O'er the dark blue rolling sea. 380 B' MINISTERIAL LABORS. 8s&7s. >LOW the trump of Zion's gospel, Saints will know the joyful sound; Jesus' love will win and conquer ; Glory to his name redound. 2 Lift the gospel's mighty standard : Th' sheep will hear the Shepherd's voice; Jesus' power will bear you onward, And the pure in heart rejoice. 3 Lose no time — the Spirit's waiting, Souls to fire with love again , Linger not with men debating, Do not quench the sacred flame. 4 Fear not men, though gold enshrine them, Since your mission is. divine. Mammon's bands most closely bind them, Glorious vict'ry will be thine. 5 Prophets gone, will sure assist ye, Labor in thy work of love, And though demons should resist ye, Conqu'rors you at last will prove. 608. s. m. THE harvest dawn is near, The year delays not long; And he who sowing drops a tear, Shall reap with joyful song. 2 Sad to his toil he goes, His seed with weeping leaves ; But he shall come, at twilight's close, And bring his golden sheaves. 381 MINISTRY. 609. sm. LORD of the harvest, hear Thy needy servants' cry; By faith effectual make our prayer, And all our wants supply. 2 On thee we humbly wait, Our wants are in thy view; The harvest truly, Lord, is great, The laborers are few. 3 Inspire, and send forth more Into thy church abroad, And let them speak thy word of power. As workers with their God. 4 let them spread thy name, Their mission fully prove ; Thy universal grace proclaim, Thine all-redeeming love! ew. S. M. D. HOW beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Zion's hill, Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! How charming is their voice ! How sweet their tidings are ! Zion, adore thy Savior, King; His Spirit triumphs here. 2 How happy are our ears, That hear this joyful sound, Which kings -and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found ! 382 MINISTERIAL LABORS. How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenly light ! Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight. The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. The Lord makes bare his arm Through all the earth abroad ; Let ev'ry nation now adore Their Savior, and their God. 611. 8s > 7s & 4s - MEN of God ! go take your stations ; Darkness reigns throughout the earth; Go, proclaim among all nations, Joyful news of heavenly birth : Bear the tidings Angels brought again to earth. 2 Of the Gospel not ashamed, As the power of God to save j Go, and let it be proclaimed To the free-born and the slave — Blessed freedom, Such as Zion's children have. 3 When exposed to fears and dangers, Jesus will his own defend : Borne afar 'midst foes and strangers, Jesus will appear your friend, And his Spirit Will be with you to the end. 383 MINISTRY. 612. L - m. fin HE fulness of the gospel shines, X With glorious and resplendent rays ; The earth and heaven show forth their signs As tokens of the latter days. 2 Ye servants unto whom is given The work of this last ministry — To ev'ry nation under heaven, Proclaim the truth in purity. 3 Nations will love the pleasing sound, And Jew and Gentile swell the strain, Hosannah o'er the earth resound, Messiah, King, will come and reign. 613. 7s&6sD. "VTOW be the gospel banner, _i_M In ev'ry land, unfurled; And be the shout, — "Hosanna!" Re-echoed through the world ; Till ev'ry isle and nation, Till ev'ry tribe and tongue, Receive the great salvation, And join the happy throng. 2 Yes, — thou shalt reign forever , Jesus, King of kings ! Thy light, thy love, thy favor, Each ransomed captive sings : The isles for thee are waiting, The deserts learn thy praise, The hills and valleys greeting, Their songs responsive raise. 384 MINISTERIAL LABORS. 614. 12s & lls D - THE time is far spent — there is little remain- ing To publish glad tidings by sea and by land, Then hasten, ye heralds ! go forward proclaiming "Repent, for the judgments of God are at hand!" Shrink not from your duty, however unpleasant, But follow the Savior, your pattern and friend ; Your little afflictions, though painful at present, Ere long, with the righteous, in glory will end, 2 What though, if the favor of Ahman possessing, This world's bitter hate you are called to en- dure ; The angels are waiting to crown you with bles- sings, Go, brethren ! be faithful, the promise is sure. All, all things are known to the mind of Jeho- vah: There's nothing concealed from his all-search- ing eye; Then, fear not! the hairs of your head are all numbered, [ C1 T- And even the ravens are heard when they 3 Be fixed in your purpose, for Satan will try you. The weight of your calling, he perfectly knows ;. Your path may be thorny, but Jesus is nigh you. His arm is sufficient, though demons oppose. Press on to the mark of eternal perfection. Determined to reap the celestial reward, That you may come forth in the first resurrection, And feast at the supper of Jesus the Lord. 17 385 W ! MINISTRY. 013, 7s&6sD. "E hear thy voice our Father, In wisdom from above; Inviting us to gather The objects of thy love : We hear thy call for reapers, Nor will we heedless be, Or rest among the sleepers In life's great harvest-day,. The golden grain is waving, Inviting us to reap, And sin is fast enslaving * Why should we longer sleep ? We will thrust in our sickles, Help us thou God above, Each one to do a little Inspired by sov'reign love. We come from bench and anvil, From merchants' desk and plow, Yet not with learning trammeled, Our help alone art thou; We seek not for vain glory, Nor yet for sordid gold ; Thy love shall be our story Which angels' tongues have toldc Clothe us with thy pure wisdom And gird us with thy truth, To labor in thy kingdom, May none despise our youth ; Thy Spirit we rely on, Else, would our work be vain ; To bring back bleeding Zion, Or gather in thy grain. 386 MINISTERIAL LABORS. Help us Lord to gather, Thy wheat while yet 'tis day; That thousands who have wandered, May soon return to pray ; let not the despoiler, Thy harvest field destroy ; Give strength, 'tis all sufficient For those thou dost employ. Remember bleeding Zion, Our tears for her shall flow, While time's unerring dial Points to one hour of woe ; Give joy for all her sorrow, And bid her light arise, Let peace and glory follow, Whom wicked men despise. H 1 6 16. 2 - 8s & 3 - 7s - ERALDS, cry aloud, and suffer No alarm your feet to stay, Kindly, wisely, meekly offer Life in Jesus, life for aye — Life where reigns eternal day. Wondrous gift to mortals given, Precious boon to man below ; Guide to that celestial heaven Whence shall life perennial flow — Loud the gospel trumpet blow. Life in Christ; how pure the fountain; Crystal -like in faith's bright rays ; Sanctified on Calvary's mountain, Heralded in seraph's lays — High the gospel banner raise. 387 MINISTRY. 617. L - M - SHALL I, for fear of feeble man, The Spirit's course in me restrain ? Or, undismayed in deed and word, Be a true witness for my Lord ? 2 Awed by a mortal's frown, shall I Conceal the word of God most high ! How then before thee shall I dare To stand, or how thine anger bear ? 3 Shall I, to soothe th' unholy throng, Soften thy truth ; or smooth my tongue, To gain earth's gilded toys; or flee The cross, endured, my Lord, by thee ? 4 What then is he whose scorn I dread, Whose wrath or hate makes me afraid ? A man ! an heir of death ! a slave To sin ! a bubble on the wave ! 5 Yea, let men rage ) since thou wilt spread Thy shad' wing wings around my head : Since in all pain thy tender love Will still my sure refreshment prove. 618. lm. SAVIOR of men, thy searching eye Doth all my inmost thoughts descry : Doth aught on earth my wishes raise, Or the world's pleasure, or its praise ? The love of Christ doth me constrain To seek the wand'ring souls of men, With cries, entreaties, tears to save, To snatch them from the gaping grave. 388 MINISTERIAL LABORS. 3 For this let men revile my name, No cross I shun, I fear no shame; All hail reproach, and welcome pain ; Only thy terrors, Lord, restrain. 4 My life, my blood, I here present, If for thy truth they may be spent ; Thy faithful witness will I be : ; Tis fixed ) I can do all through thee. 5 Give me thy strength, O God of power, Then let winds blow, or thunders roar, Fulfill thy sov'reign counsel, Lord! Thy will be done, thy name adored t Si9. m & 8s. WHO labors for Christ, must labor in fear. Lest error and trial destroy, Evil in man is the crucible here, And resistance bringeth him joy. 2 Who labors for man, must labor in love, For so wrought the Master while here ; While laboring thus, his labors above Are aided by guidance and cheer. 3 Who labors for man, will triumph in time, When wealth fadeth out of the earth ; And a chaplet of peace — vict'ry sublime — Be given for excellent worth. 4 To labor for Christ, ah ! labor divine, Be this the bright guerdon of life ; That laboring with him, my crown may shine Like his at the end of the strife. 389 MINISTRY. 020. s- m. D. SOW in the morn thy seed, At eve hold not thy hand; To doubt and fear give thou no heed — Broad-cast it o'er the land. Beside all waters sow, The highway furrows stock, Drop it where thorns and thistles grow, Scatter it on the rock. For soon the final end, The day of God will come, And angel reapers will descend, And saints sing, " Harvest home!" 2 The good, the fruitful ground, Expect not here nor there ) O'er hill, o'er dale, by plots, 'tis found ; Go forth, then, ev'ry where. Thou know'st not which shall thrive, The late or early sown ; Grace keeps the precious germ alive, When and wherever strown : 3 And duly shall appear, In verdure, beauty, strength, The tender blade, the stalk, the ear, And the full corn at length. Thou canst not toil in vain : Cold, heat, and moist, and dry, Shall foster and mature the grain For garners in the sky. 390 FOREIGN" MISSIONS. 621. " s - HOW beautiful on the tops of the mountains, The heralds of Jesus already appear In garments made white by Calvary's fountain, Proclaiming salvation to all who are near, For soon tti bright beams of Millennial glory, Will dawn on the East from the bright morn- ing star, For angels have come and have told the glad story, And nations are sounding the trumpet of war. 2 The message is peace, yea, 'tis peace and glad tidings, Proclaim it aloud to the nations abroad, Old Israel to wake in all his abidings, And bid him prepare for the coming of God. 3 Go forth to th' nations and promise salvation, If they will repent and the gospel obey ; Go sound it aloud to all and each nation, And teach them to walk in the only good way 4 Be faithful y' heralds, for crowns of rejoicing And bright palms of vict'ry are waiting for you- Repeat the glad story, with hearts and with voices, Proclaim the glad tidings to G entile and flew. 391 MINISTRY. 622. 7s&6sD. FROM Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Though ev'ry prospect pleases, And only man is vile ; In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown; The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we, to men benighted, The lamp of life deny ? Salvation ! 0, Salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransomed nature, The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. FOREIGN MISSIONS. 623. 6-7s. WHEN shall we all meet again ? When shall we our rest obtain ? When our pilgrimage be o'er — . Parting sighs be known no more ! When mount Zion we regain, There may we all meet again. 2 We to foreign climes repair, Truth the message which we bear ; Truth which angels oft have borne, Truth to comfort those who mourn, Truth eternal will remain ; On its rock we'll meet again. 3 Now the bright and Morning Star Spreads its glorious light afar, — Kindles up the rising dawn Of that bright Millennial morn; When the saints shall rise and reign In the clouds we'll meet again. 4 When the sons of Israel come, When they build Jerusalem, When the house of God is reared, And Messiah's way prepared ; When from heaven he comes to reign There may we all meet again. 5 When the earth is cleansed by fire, When the wicked's hopes expire ; When in cold oblivion's shade Proud oppressors all are laid, Long will Zion's mount remain; There may we all meet again. 17* 393 MINISTRY. 624. c. m. d. THE gallant ship is under way, To bear me off to sea, And yonder float the streamers gay, That say she waits for me. The seamen dip their ready oar As ebbing waves oft tell — They bear me swiftly from the shore ; My native land, farewell. 2 I go, but not to plow the main, To ease a restless mind, Nor do I toil on battle's plain The victor's wreath to twine. ? T is not for treasures that are hid In mountain or in dell ! ; T is not for joys like these I bid My native land farewell. 3 I go to break the fowler's snare, To gather Israel home : I go the name of Christ to bear In lands and isles unknown. And when my pilgrim feet shall tread On land where darkness dwells, Where light and truth have long since fled, My native land farewell. 4 I go, an erring child of dust, Ten thousand foes among; Yet on his mighty arm I trust, That makes the feeble strong — My sun, my shield, forever nigh, He will my fears dispel : This hope supports me when I sigh — My native land, farewell. 394 FOREIGN MISSIONS. I go, devoted to his cause, And to his will resigned ; His presence will supply the loss Of all I leave behind. His promise cheers the sinking heart. And lights the darkest cell, To exiled pilgrims grace impart — ■ My native land, farewell. I go, because my master calls ; He's made my duty plain — No danger can the heart appal When Jesus stoops to reign ! And now the vessel's side we've made ) The sails their bosoms swell : Thy beauties in the distance fade — My native land, farewell. R ( 625. 7s & 6s D. OLL on, thou mighty ocean, And as thy billows flow, Bear messengers of mercy To ev'ry land below. Arise, ye gales ! and waft them Safe to the destined shore ; That man may sit in darkness And death's black shade, no more. thou eternal Ruler ! Who holdest in thine arm The tempests of the ocean, Protect them from all harm ! Thy presence e'er be with them, Wherever they may be, Though far from us who love them — Still let them be with thee ! 395 MINISTRY. €26. ?• m. THINK of me when at the altar of prayer ; Think thou of me — think thou of me : When at the mercy-seat — think of me there — Think thou of me — pray for me. Pray that with courage I onward may go, Spreading the news of salvation below, Plucking poor rebels from sin and from woe ; Think thou of me — pray for me. 2 And at the call of the church-going bell, Think thou of me — think thou of me : Think of the place where the holy shall dwell ; Think thou of me — pray for me — Pray that with all of the rapturous throng Who on Mount Zion repeat their glad song, I may at last to the Savior belong ; Think thou of me — pray for me. 3 When the bright morn with her glory comes in, Think thou of me — think thou of me : Pray that my soul may be kept from all sin : Think thou of me — pray for me — Pray that through life I may walk in his' love, Who to redeem me came down from above ) Pray that the world his salvation may prove. Think thou of me — pray for me. 4 When quiet eve throws around thee her shade i Think thou of me — think thou of me. Think of the friendly requests I have made ; Think thou of me — pray for me — Pray that when life and its sorrows are o'er, We may both meet on a happier shore ; When we meet there we shall never part more; Think thou of me — pray for me. FOREIGN MISSIONS. When you may hear of my fast failing breath, Think then of me — pray then for me. Pray that the Lord may be with me in death, Think then of me — pray for me. Pray that with joy I may finish my race ; Triumph at last in the strength of his grace ; Rise up to heaven in raptures of praise : Think then of me — think of me. G ( 627. 8s > 7s & 4s - [ 0, ye messengers of glory; Run ye legates of the skies; Go and tell the pleasing story, That a glorious angel flies ; Great and mighty, With a message from the skies. 2 Go to ev'ry tribe and nation ; Visit ev'ry land and clime; Sound to all the proclamation ; Tell to all the truth sublime, That the gospel, Does in ancient glory shine. 3 Go ! to all the gospel carry, Let the joyful news abound; Go ! till ev'ry nation hear ye, Jew and Gentile hear the sound ; Let the gospel, Echo all the earth around. 4 Bearing seed of heavenly virtue. Scatter it o'er all the earth ; Go! Jehovah will support you; Gather all the sheaves of worth ; Then, with Jesus, Reign in glory on the earth. 897 S 1 MINISTRY. 8. L - M - I HALL we repine when Jesus calls. Or count the sacrifice too great, To spend our lives as pilgrims here, Or lose them for the gospel's sake. 2 When Jesus Christ has done the same, Without a place to lay his head ? — A pilgrim on the earth he came, Until for us his blood was shed. 3 Shall we behold the nations doomed To sword and famine, blood and fire, Yet not the least exertion make, But from the scene in peace retire ? — 4 No, while his love for me extends, The pattern makes my duty plain : To sound to earth's remotest ends, His gospel to the sons of men ! 629. l- m. FAKE WELL, ye servants of the Lord, To whom we oft have preached the word; May you improve the wisdom given, And lead ten thousand souls to heaven. 2 Farewell, ye saints of latter days, With whom we've met in prayer and praise, In whose kind hearts the truth has shone, By which we're gathered all in one. 3 Farewell, kind friends, whose hearts are true, We can no longer stay with you ; Arise, the voice of truth obey, 0, come and wash your sins away. FOREIGN MISSIONS: 4 Farewell to all whose stubborn will Binds them in chains of darkness still ) Should you our voice no longer hear, Till Jesus in the clouds appear, 5 Then you shall see and hear and know What you rejected here below; And though you sink in endless pain, These truths eternal will remain. 630. ^ & 6s J) - FAREWELL, our friends and brethren I Here take the parting hand — ! We go to preach the gospel Upon a foreign land. Farewell our wives and children, Who render life so sweet — Dry up your tears — be faithful Till we again shall meet. 2 Farewell ye scenes of childhood. And fancies of our youth ; We go to combat error With everlasting truth. Farewell all carnal pleasure, Which gilds the scenes of mirth. Your days are surely numbered To trouble man on earth. 3 Farewell, farewell our country— Our home is now abroad, To labor in the vineyard, In righteousness for God. The gallant ships are ready To waft us o'er the sea. To gather up the blessed, That Zion may be free, 399 MINISTRY. 631. "* TO leave my dear friends and from neighbors to part, And go from my home it afflicts my poor heart — With th' thoughts of absenting myself far away From th' house of my God, where I've chosen to pray. 2 But Jesus doth call me, a message to bear To kingdoms, and countries, and islands afar, His presence will bless me and be with me there His Spirit inspire me in answer to prayer. 3 Then why should I linger with fondest desire O'er home and the raptures its comforts inspire* For sweeter, sweeter the message I bear, To comfort the mourner in answer to prayer. 4 Dear friends, I must leave you, and bid you adieu And pay my devotion in parts that are new, But still I'll remember, in pilgrimage there, The joys that we tasted in answer to prayer. 5 How oft, when the day's busy bustle has closed, And nature lies sleeping in silent repose, To some lone retreat I will fondly repair, Remember my kindred, and pray for them there, 632. 8s & 7s D. ^N WARD, onward, men of heaven; Bear the gospel banner high ; Rest not till its light is given — Star of every pagan sky : Send it where the pilgrim stranger Faints beneath the torrid ray ; Bid the hardy forest-ranger Hail it, ere lie fades away. o : FOREIGN MISSIONS. Where the Arctic Ocean thunders, Where the tropics fiercely glow, Broadly spread its page of wonders, Brightly bid its radiance flow : India marks its lustre stealing ; Shiv'ring Greenland loves its rays; Afric, 'mid her deserts kneeling, Lifts the untaught strain of praise. Rude in speech, or wild in feature, Dark in spirit, though they be, — Show that light to ev'ry creature, Prince or vassal, bond or free : Spread the news in ev'ry nation ; Host on host the ranks supply : Onward ! Christ is your salvation, And the end is victory. 633. 8s & 7s. GO, ye messengers of heaven, Chosen by divine command ) Go and publish free salvation To each dark, benighted land. 2 Go to island, sea, and mountain, To fulfill the great command ; Gather out the sons of Jacob, To possess the promised land. 3 When your thousands all are gathered, And their prayers for you ascend, And the Lord has crowned with blessings All the labors of your hand, 4 Then the song of joy and transport Will from ev'ry land resound ; Then the heathen, long in darkness. By their Savior will be crowned. 401 MINISTRY. 634. l. it d. FAREWELL, my kind and faithful friend— The partner of my early youth, While from my home my steps I bend, To warn mankind and. teach the truth ; How oft in silent evening mild, I to some lonely place retire; Thy love and kindness call to mind, Then lift a voice in humble prayer. 2 How gladly would my soul retire With thee, to spend a peaceful life, In some sequestered humble vale, Far from the scenes of noise and strife; Where men should grieve our souls no more, Nor rage of sin disturb our peace; Our troubles, toils, and sufferings o'er, Their wicked persecutions cease. 3 Lord, extend thine arms of love, Around the partner of my heart, For thou hast spoken from above, And called me with my all to part. Preserve her soul in perfect peace, From sickness, sorrow, and distress, Until our pilgrimage shall cease, And we on Zion's hill shall rest. 4 But lo! the harvest wide extends — The fields are white o'er all the plain; The tares in bundles must be bound, While we with care secure the grain. Farewell, my kind and faithful friend, Until we meet on earth again; For soon our pilgrimage shall end, And the Messiah come to reign. 402 FOREIGN MISSIONS. H33. ^ & 6s D. YE who are call'd to labor And minister for God, Blest with the royal priesthood. And called. by his word, To preach among the nations The news of gospel grace, And publish on the mountains, Salvation, truth, and grace; 2 let not vain ambition Or wordly glory stain Your minds so pure and holy, But 'quit yourselves like men j While lifting up your voices, Like trumpets long and loud, Say to the slumb'ring nations, "Prepare to meet your God." 3 Then cease from all light speeches, Light mindedness, and pride, Pray always without ceasing, And in the truth abide, The Comforter will teach you, His richest blessings send, Your Savior will be with you, Always unto the end. A And while you roam as pilgrims, And strangers on the earth, do not be discouraged, AVith songs of joy go forth, Rejoice in tribulation, For your reward is sure, Remember that your Savior Like sorrows did endure. 408 MINISTRY. 636. B-8s. ADIEU, my dear brethren, adieu, Eeluctant we give you the hand, Yet hope to assemble with you When we on Mount Zion shall stand. Your acts of benevolence past, Your gentle, compassionate love, Henceforth in our mem'ry shall last, Though far from your sight we remove. 2 Our hearts swell with tender regret, And sigh at each parting embrace, While heaven our course must direct, And others succeed in our place. When journ'ing the Gospel to preach, Our course among strangers we steer, Repentance and faith we will teach To all who are willing to hear. 3 Shepherd of Israel draw near ! Thy glorious presence display, Our parting reflections to cheer, And help us thy voice to obey. Help us to refrain from each ill, Press forward for Glory and Peace, Our sacred engagements fulfill. Till thou shalt command our release. 637. 7s & 4s. YES, my native land, I love thee, All thy scenes I love them well, Friends, connections, happy country, Can I bid you all farewell ? Can I leave thee — Far in distant lands to dwell ? FOREIGN MISSIONS. Holy scenes of joy and gladness, Ev'ry fond emotion swell, Can I banish heart-felt sadness While I bid my home farewell ? Can I leave thee — Far in distant lands to dwell ? Yes ! I hasten from you gladly, From the scenes I love so well ! Far away, ye billows, bear me : Lovely native land, farewell ! Pleased I leave thee — Far in distant lands to dwell. H' 638. 8s > 7s & 4s, "OME ! thy joys are passing lovely, Joys no stranger-heart can tell ! Happy home ! 't is sure I love thee ! Can I — can I — say farewell ? Can I leave thee — Far in distant lands to dwell ? 2 In the deserts let me labor, On the mountains let me tell, How he died — the blessed Savior — To redeem a world from hell ! Let me hasten, — Far in distant lands to dwell. 3 Bear me on, thou restless ocean ; Let the winds my canvas swell — Heaves my heart with warm emotion, While I go far hence to dwell; Glad I bid thee, — Native land ! — farewell — farewell. 405 MINISTRY. 639. i2s & us. WHO will go, wlio will go to nations benighted. To carry the gospel of light and of love ? Their Spirits with trnth and with wisdom be lighted, [above. The wisdom that cometh from bright realms 2 0, see, how the fetters from off them are falling, Which held them as slaves both in body and mind, With uplifted hands now to heaven they are calling — teach us the way of salvation to find. 3 " send us the truth, fresh and pure from the fountain, For error no longer to us is of worth ; We'll welcome the day when the stone from the mountain, Has finished its mission of filling the earth." 040. 12s & Us. ADIEU to the city, where long I have wan- dered, To tell them of judgments and warn them to flee; How often in sorrow, their woes I have pondered, Perhaps, in affliction, they'll think upon me. 2 With tears of compassion, in silence retiring, Th' last ray of hope for your safety expiring; A feeling of pity this bosom inspiring — Sing this lamentation, and think upon me. 3 How often at evening your halls have resounded With th' pure testimony of Jesus so free ; 406 FOREIGN MISSIONS. While the meek were rejoicing the proud were confounded, [me. The poor had the gospel — they'll think upon 4 When empires shall tremble at Israel's return- ing, And earth shall be cleansed by the Spirit of burning; W T hen proud men shall perish, and priests with their learning, — Sing this lamentation and think upon me. 641. 10s & 8s - FATHER, I go, 'tis thy voice bids me go To carry this news of the cross ; Where multitudes wait, in weakness and woe, Their cleansing from sin and from dross. 2 My lips must teach in the ways of the poor Redemption from evil and pain; By the mercy of Christ, "the way," "the door." Accomplished in Calvary's rain. 3 My feet must be found in ways of the good Wherever thy Spirit may lead ; On thee I must wait for my strength and food, And succor in seasons of need. 4 I carry the " truth," 'tis precious to bear, To those who are struggling for life ; I seek not for fame, nor honors to wear ; But wait for the end of the strife. 5 I preach not for pelf, but souls I desire, To crown me with pleasures of ease, When angels of God, with sickles of fire, Shall reap for the harvest of peace. •107 MINISTRY. 642. l. M. LET Europe's towns and cities hear The gospel tidings angels bring; The Gentile nations, far and near, Prepare their heart his praise to sing. 2 India* and Afric's sultry plains Must hear the tidings as they roll — Where darkness, death, and sorrow reign, And tyranny has held control. 3 Listen, ye islands of the sea, For ev'ry isle shall hear the sound; Nations and tongues before unknown, Though long since lost, shall soon be found, 4 And then again shall Asia hear, Where angels first the news proclaimed ; Eternity shall record bear, And earth repeat the loud ' Amen/ 04:3. 8s & 7s. COME ye servants of the Savior, Now presenting to the Lord Each his body pure and holy, Foreign lands await the word. 2 Be the ofFring freely given, He will bless us as we go, Help us show the path to heaven To the honest hearts below. 3 To our mission let us hasten, For the conflict is begun ; Strength to us will now be given From the Father and the Son. 408 FOREIGN MISSIONS. 044. c. m. d. YE heralds sound the gospel trump To earth's remotest bound ; Go spread the news from pole to pole, In all the nations round, That Jesus in the clouds above. With hosts of angels too, Will soon appear his saints to save, His enemies subdue. 2 But ere that great and solemn day, The stars from heaven will fall, The moon be turned into blood, The waters into gall, The sun with blackness will be clothed, All nature look affright ! While men, rebellious, wicked men, Gaze heedless on the sight. 3 The earth shall reel, the heavens shake, The sea move to the north, The earth roll up like as a scroll, When God's command goes forth ; The mountains sink, the valleys rise, And all become a plain, The islands and the continents Will then unite again. 4 Alas ! the day will then arrive, When rebels to God's grace Will call for rocks to fall on them, And hide them from his face ) Not so with those who keep his law, They joy to meet their Lord In clouds above, with them that slept In Christ, their sure reward. 18 409 MINISTRY. OM. i2s & us. THE cry comes from Asia, from Afrlc's $ark legions As well as from Europe and isles of trie sea? { come/ cries the voice from the north icj regions, Come, herald of truth, we are waiting for thee. 2 Soon Judah will call, and the sons of the forest Be waiting to welcome the gospel's glad news; Dream not thou of slumber — for to thee there's no rest, While thousands are calling ; 0, do not refuse. 3 thrust in thy sickle, the harvest is whitening; Go gather the grain, and preserve it with care, The Master is coming, the tokens are bright- ening — Lest he findeth thee idle, 0, reaper, Beware. <-w ITS ORGANIZATION". 046. 8s&7& ORGANIZE my Church and Kingdom, Not -in order men approve, But in that revealed through Jesus Your Redeemer, whom ye love. 2 Search ye in the holy scripture, Let it be your law and guide, Build your temple by its pattern, And it will in peace abide. 3 Note each well appointed office, That my house be well sustained J Called of God by revelation, And by his command ordained. 4 Place each humble, pure evangel, Priest and Elder in his lot, Seventies and Twelve Apostles, — From the pattern wander not. 5 And still higher, for their guidance, Does the perfect law provide Over all, my chosen Prophet Must in righteousness preside. THE CHURCH, 7s. S the little sands minute Meet to form the oceans's shore. Congregated to dispute The- advancing billows roar. A f 2 So the subjects of our King, Although feeble, turn their feet To his kingdom, thus to bring Union's strength, their foe to meet. 3 As the drops the waves compose, As the waves compose the sea, As the mountains, capped with snows, Sweep in chains, continually. 4 As, through all existing things, Groups and grades still meet our view, So God's church and kingdom, brings Harmony in order too. 648. 7s. SOCIETIES, intelligent, Show an order and a law ; Officers our father sent, In a wisdom without flaw. 2 So in church and kingdom placed, Prophets and Apostles stand, Teachers, Elders, such as graced Jesus' day by his command. 3 Gifts, Evangelists, to guide Upward by intelligence ; That good will on earth abide, In the place of violence. ITS ORGANIZATION. 640. 8s&7s. APOSTLES first, then prophets too, God's secret plans revealing ; And faith, that mighty works will do, And then the gifts of healing. 2 Helps, governments, and divers tongues, Recorded thus we find it ; These members to the church belongs, For thus the Lord designed it. 3 God in his church these members set, Their proper place arranging ; Nor has repealed this order yet, As God, he is unchanging. 6 50. 8s & 7s. a /~\NE body" is the church, says Paul, \J Of members not divided ; A kingdom broken sure must fall, For Jesus so decided. 2 But many members there will be, In this one body blended ; Yet there is perfect unity, For so the Lord intended. 3 These members by One Spirit move In harmony together ; There is no hate, but all is love, And peace with one another. 4 They see, they hear, they feel alike, Each thinks as thinks his brother ; In unison their notes they strike. Each walks as walks the other. 413 THE CHURCH. 651. 8-7s. WATCHMAN, who are these I see. Panoplied as if for war ? Trav'ler, these Apostles be, Christ their Leader, Truth their star. Watchman, there are others too Who are they, I fain would know ? Trav'ler these are Prophets true, Tried by grief, by toil, and woe. 2 Watchman, now a mighty host Rises to my startled view ! Trav'ler, these are never lost, Elders of the cov'nant new. Watchman, are these ev'ry one, Members of some holy band ? Trav'ler, yes ; they've title won From the Savior's loving hand. 3 Watchman, ah ! but who are these, Coming, singing as for joy ? Trav'ler, these are Sons of Peace, Teachers of our Lord on high. Watchman, others swell the lists, Countless hosts are on the road ; Trav'ler, these Evangelists, Pastors, shepherds for our God. 4 Watchman, now my heart is stirred With the joyous news I hear; Trav'ler, yes, the voice is heard, Christ the Lord is drawing near. Watchman, tell me ere you go, What the shout I hear again ? Trav'ler, 'tis the end of woe, "Peace on earth, good will to men." 414 TEIALS, DUTIES; AND . GKACES. CM. THOU who dri'st the mourner's tear, How dark this world would be, If, when deceived and wounded here, We could not fly to thee ! 2 The friends who in our sunshine live, When winter comes are flown \ And he who has but tears to give, Must weep those tears alone. 3 But thou wilt heal that broken heart, Which, like the plants that throw Their fragrance from the wounded part, Breathes sweetness out of woe. 4 When joy no longer soothes or cheers, And e'en the hope that threw A moment's sparkle o'er our tears, Is dimmed and vanished too, — 5 0, who could bear life's stormy doom, Did not thy wing of love Come brightly wafting through the gloom Our peace-branch from above ! THE CHURCH. 653. c. m. ATHER of mercies, send thy grace, All-powerful from above, To form in our obedient souls The image of thy love. F 2 may our sympathizing breasts That gen'rous pleasure know; Kindly to share in others' joy, And weep for others' woe ! 3 When the most helpless sons of grief In low distress are laid, Soft be our hearts their pains to feel, And swift our hands to aid. 4 So Jesus looked on dying men, When throned above the skies; And midst th' embraces of thy love, He felt compassion rise. 654:. c. m. ND must I part with all I have, - My dearest Lord, for thee ? It is but right ! since thou hast done Much more than this for me. A 1 2 Ten thousand worlds, ten thousand lives, How worthless they appear Compared with thee, supremely good ! Divinely bright and fair. 3 Thy favor, Lord, is endless life, — Let me that life obtain, I will renounce all earthly joys, And glory in my gain. TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 655. c. m. MAKE channels for the streams of love ? Where they may broadly run; And love has overflowing streams, To fill them ev'ry one. 2 But if at any time we cease Such channels to provide, The very founts of love for us Will soon be parched and dried. 3 For we must share, if we would keep That blessing from above; Ceasing to give, we cease to have ; — Such is the law of love. 6 56. l- m. TT7HEN Jesus dwelt in mortal clay, V\ What were his works from day to day, But miracles of power and grace, That spread salvation through our race ? 2 Teach us, Lord, to keep in view Thy pattern, and thy steps pursue; Let alms bestowed, let kindness done, Be witnessed by each rolling sun. 3 That man may last, but never lives, Who much receives, but nothing gives, Whom none can love, whom none can thank. Creation's blot, creation's blank. 4 But he who marks, from day to day. In gen'rous acts his radiant way. Treads the same path the Savior trod, The path to glory and to God. 18* 417 H ( THE CHURCH, 657. 7s & 6s D - ~0W happy the believer Who walks the narrow way, Resolved to follow Jesus And his commands obey; To love his God and neighbor Is what his soul desires, To holiness of purpose He constantly aspires. 2 In poverty is happy, He loves the sacred word, He knows he is as wealthy As was his blessed Lord ; He rises in the morning To walk in wisdom's ways, And offers up a tribute To God, in prayer and praise. 3 In all that he engages, With kindred or abroad, He seeks to bless his neighbor, To glorify his God. He claims the promised blessings, And freely doth bestow His goods for the promotion Of Zion's cause below, 4 He hails with joy the morning That rolls the sabbath round Then in the courts of Zioii Strives ever to be found ; His place among his brethren Is ever glad to fill, And strives by pure devotion To do his Master's will. TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. And when upon his pillow He leans his head to die, He has the blest assurance, That Christ his Savior's nigh, He falls asleep in Jesus, His soul on wings of love, Is borne in blissful triumph To brighter scenes above a w 658. L- M. D. "HEN long the soul had slept in chains, And man to man was stern and cold, When love and worship were but strains That swept the gifted chords of old. By shady mount and peaceful lake, A meek and lowly stranger came, The weary drank the words he spake, The poor and feeble blest his name. 2 He went where frenzy held its rule, Where sickness breathed its spell of pain; By famed Bethesda's mystic pool, And by the darkened gate of Nain. He soothed the mourner's troubled breast, He raised the contrite sinner's head, And on the loved ones' lowly rest The light of better life he shed. 3 Father, the spirit Jesus knew Reveal thou from thy glorious height ) That we may be disciples, too, Of him whose way was love and light. Bright be the places where we tread Amid earth's suffering and its poor, Till we shall come where tears are shed And broken sighs are heard no more. ^ 419 THE CHURCH. 659. c. m. LORD, lead the way the Savior went. By lane and ceil obscure, And let our treasures still be spent, Like his, upon the poor. 2 Like him, through scenes of deep distress Who bore the world's sad weight, We, in their gloomy loneliness, Would seek the desolate. 3 For thou hast placed us side by side In this wide world of ill ; And that thy follow'rs may be tried, The poor are with us still. 4 Small are the offerings we can make; Yet thou hast taught us, Lord, If given for the Savior's sake, They lose not their reward. 660. 8s > 6s & 7s - SPIRIT of Charity ! dispense Thy grace to ev'ry heart; Expel all other spirits hence; Drive self from ev'ry part. Charity divine 1 draw nigh; Break the chains in which we lie. 2 All selfish souls, whatc'er they feign, Have still a slavish lot; They boast of liberty in vain, Of love, and feel it not. He, whose bosom glows with thee, He, and he alone, is free. 420 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 661. s. m. ARM me with the mind, Savior, that was in thee ! And let my fervid zeal be joined With perfect charity. 2 Control my ev'ry thought ; My whole of sin remove ; Let all my works in thee be wrought; Let all be wrought in love. 3 0, may I learn the art, With meekness to reprove ! To hate the sin with all my heart, But still the sinner love. 662. s. m. "TS this a fast for me?" JL Thus saith the Lord our God; " A day for man to vex his soul, And feel affliction's rod? 2 " No ) is not this alone The sacred fast I choose, — Oppression's yoke to burst in twain, The bands of guilt unloose ? 3 "To nakedness and want Your food and raiment deal. To dwell your kindred race among, And all their suff'rings heal ? 4 "Then, like the morning ray, Shall spring your health and light; Before you, righteousness shall shine, Behind, my glory bright!" THE CHURCH. 663. L- m. WHO can revoke the broken word, Or who recall the arrow sped ; Can we bring back the life that's past, Restore neglected moments fled! 2 Think wisely then before you speak, Reflect ere flies the fatal dart; 'Tis better far to send a balm Than poison to a troubled heart. 3 Live so that no regrets shall rise To gather round your future years ; Let no neglected moments pass, To check thy flight to yonder spheres. 4 Speak softly ; kindness is a power That comes from yon bright heaven above : Deal gently ; and the world shall know The healing balm, the power of love. 664. o. m. MAY we, who know the joyful sound, Still practice what we know ; Not hearers of the word alone, But doers of it too. 2 By acts of mercy let us show We have not heard in vain, But kindly feel another's woe, And long to ease his pain. 3 The widow's heart shall share our joy, The orphan and oppressed Shall see we love the sweet employ To succor the distressed. 4 Thankful that we the Gospel hear, And love the joyful sound, TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. may the sacred fruits appear, And in our lives abound. 66 5. 4 ~ 6s & 2 8s - MUST I my brother keep, And share his pain and toil, And weep with those that weep, And smile with those that smile, And act to each a brother's part, And feel his sorrows in my heart ? 2 Must I his burden bear, As though it were my own, And do as I would care Should to myself be done ? And faithful to his int'rests prove, And as myself my neighbor love ? 3 Must I reprove his sin, Must I partake his grief, And kindly enter in, And minister relief; The naked clothe, the hungry feed, And love him, not in word, but deed ? 4 Then, Jesus, at thy feet A student let me be, And learn, as it is meet, My duty, Lord from thee ; For thou didst come on mercy's plan, And all thy life was love to man. 5 make me as thou art, Thy Spirit, Lord, bestow ; The kind and gentle heart That feels another's woe j That thus I may be like my Head, And in my Savior's footsteps tread, 423 THE CHURCH. 006. 8s & 7s D. TRUTH reflects upon our senses, Gospel light reveals to some; If there still should be offenses, Woe to them by whom they come. Judge not, that you be not judged, Was the counsel Jesus gave ; Measure given, large or grudged, Just the same you must receive. 2 Jesus said, Be meek and lowly, For 'tis high to be a judge : If I would be pure and holy, I must love without a grudge. It requires a constant labor All his precepts to obey; If I truly love my neighbor, I am in the narrow way. 3 Once I said unto another, In thine eye there is a mote, If thou art a friendly brother, Hold, and let me pull it out. But I could not see it fairly, For my sight was very dim ; When I came to search more clearly, In mine eye there was a beam. 4 If I love my brother dearer, And his mote I would erase, Then the light should shine the clearer, For the eye's a tender place. Others I have oft reproved, For an object like a mote; Now I wish this beam removed, Oh ! that tears would wash it out. 424 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 5 Charity and love are healing ; These will give the clearest sight : When I saw my brother's failing, I was not exactly right. Now I'll take no farther trouble, — Jesus' love is all my theme ; Little motes are but a bubble, When I think upon the beam. 667. 8s & 7s v. GLORIOUS things are sung of Zion, Enoch's city seen of old, Where the righteous, being perfect, Walked with God in streets of gold : Love and virtue, faith and wisdom, Grace and gifts were all combined, As himself each loved his neighbor, All were of one heart and mind. 2 Then the towers of Zion glittered, Like the sun in yonder sky, And the wicked stood and trembled, Filled with wonder and surprise; Then their faith and works were perfect, Lo, they followed their great head, So the city went to heaven, And the world said zion's fled ! 3 When the Lord returns with Zion, And we hear the watchmen cry, Then we'll surely be united, And we'll all see eye to eye, Then we'll mingle with the angels, And the Lord will bless his own j Then the earth will be as Eden, And we'll know as we are known, w THE CHURCH. 668. 8s d. "HEN Joseph his brethren beheld, Afflicted and trembling with fear. His heart with compassion was filled, From weeping he could not forbear. Awhile his behavior was rough, To bring their past sins to their mind; But when they were humbled enough, He hastened to show himself kind. How little they thought it was he, Whom they had ill treated and sold ! How great their confusion would be, As soon as his name he had told ! "I am Joseph your brother," he said, "And still to my heart you are dear; You sold me and thought I was dead, But God for your sakes sent me here." Though greatly distressed before, When charged with purloining the cup, They now were confounded much more, Not one of them dared to look up. " Can Joseph whom we would have slain, Forgive us the evil we did ? And will he our households maintain ? this is a brother indeed ! " E 009. 8s & 5s D. IV'RY day hath toil and trouble, Ev'ry heart hath care ; Meekly bear thine own full measure, Aud thy brother's share. Fear not, shrink not, though the burden Heavy to thee prove ; TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. God shall fill thy mouth with gladness. And thy heart with love. 2 Patiently enduring, ever To humanity, Bound by links that cannot sever, Let thy spirit be. Labor! wait! Christ died on Calv'ry, Ere his task was done : Count not lost thy fleeting moments, Life hath but begun. 3 Labor ! wait ! though midnight shadows Gather round thee here, Though the storm above thee lowering Fill thy heart with fear, — Wait in hope ! the morning dawneth When the night is gone, And a peaceful rest awaits thee When thy work is done. 670. l. m. AND is the gospel Peace and Love ? So let our conversation be; The serpent blended with the dove, Wisdom and meek simplicity. 2 Whene'er the angry passions rise, And tempt our tho'ts or tongues to strife, On Jesus let us fix our eyes, Bright pattern of the Christian life ! 3 0, how benevolent and kind ! How mild ! how ready to forgive ! Be this the temper of our mind, And his the rules by which we live. 427 THE CHURCH. 071. 6s & 5s. LIFE is onward, — use it With a forward aim ; Toil is heavenly, choose it, And its welfare claim. Look not to another To perform your will, Let not your own brother Keep your warm hand still, • 2 Life is onward, — try it, Ere the day is lost; It hath virtue, — buy it At whatever cost. If the world should offer Ev'ry precious gem, * Look not at the scoffer, Change it not for them. 3 Life is onward, — heed it In each varied dress, Your own act can speed it On to happiness. His bright pinion o'er you Time waves not in vain, If Hope chants before you Her prophetic strain. 4 Life is onward, — prize it In sunshine and in storm ; 0, do not despise it In its humblest form. Hope and Joy together, Standing at the goal, Through life's darkest weather, Beckon on the soul. 428 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 672. L - M - THOUGH outward trials throng your way, Press on, press on, ye saints of God ! Ere long, the resurrection day Will spread its light and truth abroad. 2 Though outward ills await us here, The time, at longest, is not long; Ere prince Messiah will appear Surrounded by a glorious throng. 3 Lift up your hearts in praise to God — Let your rejoicings never cease : Though tribulation rage abroad, Christ says, "In me ye shall have peace." 4 What though our rights have been assailed? What tho' by foes we've been despoiled? Jehovah's promise has not failed — Jehovah's purpose is not foiled : 5 His work is moving on apace, And great events are rolling forth — The kingdom of the latter days — ■ The "little stone," must fill the earth. 6 Though Satan rage, 'tis all in vain, — The words the ancient prophets spoke, Sure, as the throne of God, remain. Nor men nor devils can revoke. 7 All glory to his sacred name. Who calls his servants — sends them forth, To prove the nations — to proclaim Salvation's message through the earth. $29 THE CHURCH. 673. c. m. THE world may change from old to new. From new to old again; Yet will sweet Hope, for ever true, Within man's heart remain. 2 The dreams that bless the weary soul, The struggles of the strong, Are steps toward some happy goal, The story of Hope's song. 3 Hope leads the child to plant the flower, The man to sow the seed ; Nor leaves fulfillment to her hour, But prompts again to deed. 4 And ere upon the old man's dust The grass is seen to wave, We look through falling tears, — to trust Hope's sunshine on the grave. G74=. 6 -^- DANIEL'S wisdom may I know, Stephen's faith and patience show, John's divine compassion feel, Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal, Run like the unwearied Paul, Win the prize and conquer all. 2 Mary's love may I possess, Lydia's tender-heartedness ; Peter's ardent spirit feel, James' faith by works reveal ; Like young Timothy, may I Ev'ry sinful passion fly. 430 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 3 Job's submission let me show, David's true devotion know ; Samuel's call, may I hear, Lazarus' happy portion share ! Let Isaiah's hallowed fire All my new-born soul inspire. 4 Mine be Jacob's wrestling prayer, Gideon's valiant steadfast care, Joseph's purity impart, Isaac's meditative heart ; Abrah'm's friendship let me prove, Faithful to the God of love. 5 Most of all, may I pursue That example Jesus drew ; In my life and conduct show How he lived and walked below ; Day by day, through grace conferred Imitate my dearest Lord. 6 Then shall I these worthies meet, With them bow at Jesus' feet, With them praise the God of love, With them share the joys above, With them range the blissful shore, Meet them all to part no more. 075. o. m. THIS is the first and great command,- To love thy God above : And this the second, — as thyself Thy neighbor thou shalt love. 2 Who is my neighbor? He who wants The help which thou canst give ; And both the law and prophets say. 'This do, and thou shalt live.' 431 THE CHURCH. 676. c. m. CALM me, my God, though loud and rude The sounds my ear that greet, — Calm in the closet's solitude, Calm in the bustling street, — 2 Calm in the hour of buoyant health, Calm in the hour of pain, Calm in my poverty or wealth, Calm in my loss or gain, — , 3 Calm in the sufferance of wrong, Like him who bore my shame, Calm 'mid the threatening, taunting throng, Who mock thy holy name. w 1 677. c - M - "HO is thy neighbor ? He whom thou Hast power to aid or bless ; Whose aching heart or burning brow Thy hand may soothe or press. 2 Thy neighbor ! He who drinks the cup When sorrow drowns the brim ) With words of high sustaining hope, Go thou and comfort him. 3 Thy neighbor ! ; T is the weary slave, Fettered in mind and limb $ He hath no hope this side the grave ; Go thou, and ransom him. 4 Thy neighbor ! Pass no mourner by ; Perhaps thou canst redeem A breaking heart from misery ; Go, share thy lot with him. 432 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 678. 6-7s. QUIET, Lord, my fro ward heart; Make me teachable and mild, Upright, simple, free from art; Make me as a little child; From distrust and envy free, Pleased with all that pleases thee. 2 What thou shalt to-day provide, Let me as a child receive ; What to-morrow may betide, Calmly to thy wisdom leave; Let me in thy care confide, As my Father, Guard and Guide. 679. c. m. LOVE rules in ev'ry christian soul, To christian duties given; And grace assists, to gain the goal, The soul that tries for heaven. 2 'Tis pleasure to that heart to pray, That burdened sore with grief, Still feels that duty points the way Where Christ will give relief. 3 'Tis pleasure to that soul to praise, That lifts a thoughtful voice, For graces given, in darksome days, And wisdom's priceless choice. 4 Let saints be cheerful, brave and strong, Let duty pleasure be; That grace and gifts may crown our song, Though tried, forever free. 19 433 r THE CHURCH. O. L- M. "F all our hopes and all our fears Were prisoned in life's narrow bound; If, travellers through this vale of tears, We saw no better world beyond ; — 2 0, who could check the rising sigh ? What earthly thing could pleasure give ? O, who would venture then to die ? O, who could then endure to live ? 3 And such were life, without the ray From our divine religion given ; 'T is this that makes our darkness day; ; T is this that makes our earth a heaven. 4 Bright is the golden sun above, And beautiful the flowers that bloom ; And all is joy, and all is love, Reflected from a world to come. 681. 8s, 6s & 8s. TITTHEN I can trust my all with God, VV In trial's fearful hour, Bow, all resigned, beneath his rod, And bless his sparing power, A joy springs up amid distress, A fountain in the wilderness. 2 0, blessed be the hand that gave — Still blessed when it takes ; Blessed be he who smiles to save — Who heals the heart he breaks : Perfect and true are all his ways, Whom heaven adores and death obeys. TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 682. 6-8s, THE bird that soars on highest wing Builds on the ground her lowly nest; And she that doth most sweetly sing Sings in the shade when all things rest : — In lark and nightingale we see What honor hath humility. 2 When Mary chose the better part, She meekly sat at Jesus' feet ; And Lydia's gently opened heart Was made for God's own temple meet : — Fairest and best adorned is she Whose clothing* is humility. 683. s. m. LAB'RERS of Christ, arise, And gird you for the toil ) The dew of promise from the skies Already cheers the soil. 2 Go where the sick recline, Where mourning hearts deplore ; And where the sons of sorrow pine, Dispense your hallowed lore. 3 Urge, with a tender zeal, The erring child along, Where peaceful congregations kneel, And faithful teachers throng. 4 So shall you share the wealth, That earth may ne'er despoil, And the blest Gospel's saving health Repay your arduous toil. THE CHURCH. 684. l. m. WHEREFORE should man, frail child of clay, Who, from the cradle to the shroud, Lives but the insect of a day, — 0, why should mortal man be proud ? 2 By doubt perplexed, in error lost. With trembling step he seeks his way : How vain of wisdom's gift the boast ! Of reason's lamp, how faint the ray ! 3 Follies and sins, a countless sum, Are crowded in life's little span : How ill, alas ! does pride become That erring, guilty creature, man ! 4 God of my life ! Father divine ! Give me a meek and lowly mind : In modest worth, 0, let me shine And peace in humble virtue find. 685. o: m. SPEAK gently,— it is better far To rule by love than fear ; Speak gently, — let no harsh word mar The good we may do here. 2 Speak gently to the young, — for they Will have enough to bear ; Pass through this life as best they may, ; T is full of anxious care. 3 Speak gently to the aged one, Grieve not the careworn heart; 436 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. The sands of life are nearly run, Let them in peace depart. 4 Speak gently to the erring ones, — They must have toiled in vain ; Perchance unkindness made them so; O, win them back again ! 5 Speak gently, — 't is a little thing, Dropped in the heart's deep well ; The good, the joy, that it may bring, Eternity shall tell. 686. 6-8s. MASTER, I own thy lawful claim, Thine, wholly thine, I long to be ! Thou seest, at last, I willing am, Go where thou wilt, to follow thee ; Myself in all things to deny ; Thine, wholly thine, to live and die. 2 Whate'er my sinful flesh requires, For thee I cheerfully forego ; My covetous and vain desires, My hopes of happiness below ; My senses' and my passions' food, And all my selfishness for good. 3 Pleasure, and wealth, and praise, no more Shall lead my captive soul astray ; My fond pursuits I all give o'er, Thee, only thee, resolved t' obey ; My own in all things to resign, And know no other will but thine. THE CHURCH. CM. "HY thus impatient to be gone ? Such wishes breathe no more \ Let him who locked thy spirit in, When meet, unbolt the door. w 2 Why wouldst thou snatch the victor's palm Before the conquest's won ? Or wish to seize th' immortal prize, Ere yet the race is run ? 3 Inglorious wish, to haste away, And leave thy work undone ! — To serve thy Lord will please no less Than praising round the throne. 4 While thou art standing in the field, For bliss thou'lt riper grow ; — Then wait thy Lord's appointed time, Till he shall bid thee go. 088. c. m. " OPE is a balm for ev'ry wound ; It lifts the drooping head, It whispers peace to those who mourn Their friends and kindred dead. 2 It helps the suff'rer in distress, To pity lends an ear, Brings comfort to the Comfortless And wipes affliction's tear. 3 This heavenly hope the hearts inspire, Of those who Christ obey, 'Yond the dark chillings of the tomb They'll meet in endless day. 438 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 689. c m. THY path, like most by mortals trod, Will have its thorns and flowers, Its stony steps, its velvet sod, Its sunshine and its showers. 2 Thro' smooth and rough, o'er flower and thorn. Beneath whatever sky; Still bear thee as a being born For immortality ! 3 And be thy choicest treasure stored Where Faith may hold the key ; For " where our treasure is," our Lord Hath said, "the heart shall be." 690. c. m. WHAT shall we render bounteous Lord, For all the grace we see ? The goodness feeble man can yield Extendeth not to thee. 2 To scenes of woe, to beds of pain, We'll cheerfully repair, And, with the gifts thy 'hand bestows, Relieve the suff'rers there. 3 The widow's heart shall sing for joy } The orphan shall be glad ; And hung'ring souls we'll gladly point To Christ, the living bread. 4 Thus what our Heavenly Father gave Shall we as freely give ; Thus copy him who lived to save, And died that we might live. 480 THE CHURCH. 691. 7s, 6s & ,8s. THINK gently of the erring ! Lord, let us not forget, However darkly stained by sin, He is our brother yet. Heir of the same inheritance, Child of the self-same God, He hath but stumbled in the path, We have in weakness trod. 9 Speak gently to him, brother; Thou yet mayst lead him back, With holy words, and tones of love, From misery's thorny track. Forget not thou hast often sinned, And sinful yet must be : Deal gently with the erring one, As God has dealt with thee. 692. l. m. THOU God of hope, to thee we bow ! Thou art our Refuge in distress ; The Husband of the widow, thou, The Father of the fatherless. 2 The poor are thy peculiar care; To them thy promises are sure : Thy gifts the poor in spirit share; Oh ! may we always thus be poor ! 3 May we thy law of love fulfill, To bear each other's burdens here, Endure and do thy righteous will, And walk in all thy faith and fear. E 1 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES, 693. 8s & 7s d, IV'RY cloud that carries water, £v'ry beaming ray of light, Ev'ry rolling peal of thunder, Ev'ry flash of lightnings bright. Ev'ry gentle zephyr blowing, Ev'ry rude and boist'rous gale, Ev'ry dew-drop's nectared sparkle, Ev'ry storm of pelting hail. Ev'ry mountain, ev'ry valley, Ev'ry desert, ev'ry stream, Ev'ry snow-storm, ev'ry iceberg, Ev'ry shower of fresh'ning rain. Ev'ry token in the heavens, Ev'ry work of God below, Ev'ry book of God's inspiring, His extended labors show. Shall his people then be narrow, Proud, conceited, selfish, vain ? Rather learn from nature's lessons, Wider views of life to gain. Tried they must be ; that trials May to them a blessing prove ; And from out the fiery furnace, Come with hearts of purer love. May no duty be neglected, Nor a saint recusant prove ; May each aim be well directed, Born of Faith, impelled by Love, May no tattling, evil-speaking, Slander, calumny, or crime, Ever stain them, but the Spirit's Purer graces in them shine. 19* 411 THE CHURCH. 094. ■ 8s&7s. CROSS, reproach, and tribulation ! To the saint are welcome guests. When he has this consolation, That his soul in Jesus rests. 2 The reproach of Christ is glorious ! Those who here his burden bear, In the end shall prove victorious, And eternal gladness share. 3 Bonds and stripes, and evil story, Are our honorable crowns; Pain is peace, and shame is glory, Gloomy dungeons are as thrones. 4 Bear, then, the reproach of Jesus, Ye who live a life of faith ! Lift triumphant songs and praises Ev'n in martyrdom and death. 695. 3-7s & 5s. IN the dark and cloudy day, When earth's riches flee away, And the last hope will not stay ; Savior, comfort me. 2 When the secret idols gone That my poor heart yearned upon, Desolate, bereft, forlorn; Savior, comfort me. 3 Thou who wast so sorely tried, In the darkness crucified : Bid me in thy love confide ; Savior, comfort me. 412 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 4 So shall it be good for me Much afflicted now to be, If thou wilt but tenderly, Savior, comfort me. W 696. 8s & 4s - ~0W to heaven our prayers ascending, God speed the right • In a noble cause contending, God speed the right. Be their zeal in heaven recorded^ In the better land rewarded, God speed the right. 2 Be that prayer again repeated, God speed the right; Ne'er despairing, though defeated, God speed the right. Like the good and great in story, If they fail, they fail with glory — - God speed the right. 3 Patient, firm, and persevering, God speed the right; Ne'er th' event nor danger fearing, God speed the right. Pains, nor toils, nor trials heeding, And in heaven's own time succeeding, God speed the right. 4 Still their onward course pursuing, God speed the right; Ev'ry foe at length subduing, God speed the right. Truth, thy cause, whate'er delay it, There's no power on earth can stay it, God speed the right, 443 THE CHURCH, CM. HOW can they look up to heaven. And ask for mercy there, Who never soothed the poor man's pang, Nor dried the orphan's tear ! 2 The dread omnipotence of Heaven We ev'ry hour provoke ! Yet still the mercy of our God Withholds th' avenging stroke : 3 And Christ was still the healing friend Of poverty and pain ; And never did a suppliant His garment touch in vain. 4 May we with humble effort take Example from above ; And thence the active lesson learn Of charity and love ! 698. 8s & 7s. iNWARD, brother, though the region Where thou art be drear and lone ; God has set a guardian legion Very near thee ; press thou on. Listen, brother; their hosanna • Rolleth o'er thee : "God is love," Write upon thy sacred banner, "Upward ever; heaven's above/ 7 By the thorn-road, and none other, Is the mount of vision won ; Tread it without shrinking, brother; Jesus trod it; press thou on. TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 4 Be tli is world the wiser, stronger, For thy life of pain and peace, While it needs thee ; oh ! no longer Pray thou for thy quick release. 5 Pray thou, brother, daily rather, That thou be a faithful son; By the prayer of Jesus, "Father, Not my will, but thine, be done." 699. o. m. LET Pharisees, of high esteem, Their faith and zeal declare; All their religion is a dream, If love be wanting there. 2 Love suffers long with patient eye, Nor is provoked in haste, She lets the present sorrow die, And long forgets the past. 3 Malice and rage, those fires of hell, She quenches with her tongue ; Hopes, and believes, and thinks no ill, Though she endures the wrong. 4 She lays her own advantage by, To seek her neighbor's good : So God's own Son came down to die, And bought our lives with blood. 5 Love is the grace that keeps her power In all the realms above ; There faith and hope are known no more But saints forever love. 4 15 THE CHURCH. 700. p- m. LET us each be faithful day by day, Never let our patient love decay ; God is ever just and true He will surely aid us to get through. 2 Never say 'tis little we can do, That our opportunities are few; If we have improved before, Heaven will entrust us soon with more. 3 Do not think our humble songs are vain, Join with hearty zest the simple strain ; If God's love inspire the heart, Better they than empty works of art. 4 Higher hills are barren, bleak and cold, Chilling snows the mountain slopes enfold : In the lovely vale below, More abundant fruits and harvests grow. 5 Jesus was himself the low and meek, In humility his lessons did he speak ; By the angels next the throne, Is the greater meekness ever shown. 701. 8s & 7s. I HOULD you feel inclined to censure Faults you may in others view, Ask your own heart, ere you venture, If that has not failings too. s 1 Let not friendly vows be broken, Bather strive a friend to gain ; Many words in anger spoken Find their passage home again. TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES. 3 Do not, then, in idle pleasure, Trifle with a brother's fame ; Guard it as a valued treasure, Sacred as your own good name. 4 Do not form opinions blindly ; Hastiness to trouble tends ; Those of whom we've thought unkindly, Oft become our warmest friends. 702. 8s & 9s - THE Lord imparted from above The " Word of Wisdom" for our blessing, But shall it unto many prove, A gift that is not worth possessing ? 2 Have we not been divinely taught, To heed its voice and highly prize it ! Then who shall once indulge the thought, It can be better to despise it ? 3 Has self-denial grown a task ? Or has that word been vainly spoken ? Or why, I fain would humbly ask, Why is that word so often broken ? 4 It is a straight and narrow way, That leads to the celestial city ; That high-taught saints should go astray Through Gentile customs, is a pity. 5 Oh ! that the saints would all regard Each gracious word that God has given ; And prize the favor of the Lord, Above all things beneath the heaven. 447 THE CHURCH. 703. 3s & 7s D. BROTHER, is life's morning clouded ? Has its sun-light ceased to shine ? Is the earth in darkness shrouded ? Dost thou at thy lot repine ? Cheer up, brother, let thy vision Look above j see, light is near ; Soon will come the next transition, Trust in God and persevere. 2 Brother, has life's hope receded ? Hast thou sought its joys in vain? Friends proved false when mostly needed ? Foes rejoiced to see thy pain? Cheer up, brother, there's a blessing Waiting for thee ; never fear ; Foes forgiving, sins confessing, Trust in God and persevere. 3 Brother, all things round are calling With united voice, be strong ; Though the wrongs of earth be galling, They must lose their strength ere long ; Yes, my brother, though life's troubles Drive thee near to dark despair, Soon they'll vanish like a bubble, Trust in God and persevere. 4 He from his high throne in heaven, Watches ev'ry step you take ; He will see each fetter riven, Which your foes in fury make ; Yes, my brother, he has power To dry up the bitter tear ; And though darkest tempests lower, Trust in God and persevere. TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES 704. 8s & 7s. FATHER, hear the prayer we offer i Not for ease that prayer shall be, But for strength that we may ever Live our lives courageously. 2 Not forever by still waters Would we idly, quiet stay ; But would smite the living fountains From the rocks along our way. 3 Be our Strength in hours of weakness, In our wanderings, be our Guide ; Through endeavor, failure, danger, Father, be thou at our side ! 705. 8s&7s. THERE is no pain that I can bear, But thou, my Lord, hast borne it; No robe of scorn that I can wear, But thou, my Lord, hast worn it. 2 There's no temptation I endure, But thou, my King, endured it ; There's not a wound that seeks a cure, But thou, my Lord, canst cure it. 3 For me thy sacred temples bled, For me thou Avert upbraided, And as a lamb to slaughter led, Unpitied and unaided. 4 And can I doubt thy tender love ? Thy rich compassion — doubt it ? My spirit hath no hope above, No stay on earth without it. THE CHURCH. 706. 7s. T\B ROUGH the furnace, through the heat, There beneath the hammer's beat. Through temptations manifold, Comes my soul like burnished gold. 2 Through the fires that purge the dross, Through the anguish to the cross, Buried with mj Savior slain, So with him I live again. 3 Through the warfare and the strife, Through the toils and tears of life, Then my weary feet shall stand Safe within the goodly land. 4 Sick and faint beneath thy rod, Trembling at thy stroke, God; Mid afflictions' burning flame, Yet I glory in thy name. 5 "When my soul is purified, Savior, take me to thy side ; There, from ev'ry trial free, May I sweetly rest with thee. o 707. c - M - HAPPY is the man who hears Instruction's warning voice ! And who celestial wisdom makes His early, only choice. For >she has treasures greater far, Than east or west unfold; And her rewards more precious are Than all their stores of gold. 450 TRIALS, DUTIES AND GRACES, 3 In her right hand she holds to view, A length of happy days ; Riches, with splendid honors joined, Are what her left displays. 4 She guides the young with innocence, In pleasure's paths to tread; A crown of glory she bestows Upon the hoary head. 5 According as her labors rise, So her rewards increase \ Her ways are ways of pleasantness. And all her paths are peace. y08. 8s & 7s. CAST thy bread upon the waters, Thinking not 'tis thrown away; God himself saith, thou shalt gather It again some future day. 2 Cast thy bread upon the waters ; Wildly though the billows roll, They but aid thee as thou toilest Truth to spread from pole to pole. 3 Cast thy bread upon the waters j Why wilt thou still doubting stand? Bounteous God will send the harvest, If thou sow'st with liberal hand. 4 Give then freely of thy substance — O'er this cause the Lord doth reign; Cast thy bread, and toil with patience, Thou shalt labor not in vain. 451 THE CHURCH. 709. 8s & 7s. ~ITH my substance I will honor My Redeemer and my Lord; Were ten thousand worlds my manor, All were nothing to his word. w 2 "While the heralds of salvation His abounding grace proclaim, Let his friends, of ev'ry station, Gladly join to spread his fame. 3 Be his kingdom now promoted, Let the earth her Monarch know; Be my all to him devoted ; To my Lord my all I owe. 710. o. m. SCORN not the slightest word or deed, Nor deem it void of power ; There's fruit in each wind-wafted seed, Waiting its natal hour, 2 A whispered word may touch the heart, And call it back to life ; A look of love bid sin depart, And still unholy strife. 3 No act falls fruitless ; none can tell How vast its power may be ; Nor what results enfolded dwell Within it, silently. 4 Work, and despair not : bring thy mite, Nor care how small it be ; God is with all that serve the right, The holy, true, and free. 452 UNITY, PROGRESS AND TRIUMPH. ¥11. P. M. '11 /T ID scenes of confusion and creature com- JAjL plaints, How sweet to my soul is communion with saints; To find at the banquet of mercy there's room, And feel, in the presence of Jesus, at home. Home, home, sweet, siveet home; Conduct me, dear Savior, to glory, my home, 2 Sweet bonds, that unite all the children of peace, And thrice precious Jesus, whose love can not cease ; Though oft from thy teachings in folly 1 roam, I hope to behold thee in glory at home. 3 From all that is sinful I sigh to be free ; Which hinders my joy and communion with thee; But tho' my temptations like billows may foam, All, all will be peace, when I'm with thee at home. 4 While here in the valley of conflict I stay, O give me submission and strength as my day ; In all my afflictions to thee would I come, Rejoicinc; in hope of my glorious home. 433 THE CHURCH. 712, c. M. D. LIFT up your heads, ye scattered saints. Redemption draweth nigh ) Our Savior hears the orphan's plaints, The widow's mournful cry. The blood of those who have been slain, For vengeance cries aloud ; Nor shall its cries ascend in vain, For vengeance on the proud. 2 The signs in heaven and earth appear; And blood, and smoke, and fire ; Men's hearts are failing them for fear, Redemption's drawing nigher. Earthquakes are bellowing 'neath the ground And tempests through the air ; — The trumpet's blast with fearful sound, Proclaims th' alarm of war. 3 The saints are scattered to and fro, Through all the earth abroad ; The gospel trump again to blow, And then behold their God. Rejoice, ye servants of our God, Who to the end endure ; Rejoice, for great is your reward, And your defense is sure. 4 Although our bodies should be slain By cruel, wicked hands ; We'll praise our God in higher strains, And on Mount Zion stand. Glory to God, ye saints rejoice. And sigh and groan no more, But listen to the Spirit's voice — Redemption's at the door. 454 UNITY, PROGRESS AND TRIUMPH. 713. i- m. AWAKE ! ye saints of God, awake ! Call on the Lord in mighty prayer, That he will Zion's bondage break, And bring to naught the fowler's snare. 2 He will regard his people's cry — The widow's tear — the orphan's moan ; The blood of those that slaughtered lie, Pleads not in vain before his throne. 3 Then let your souls be stayed on God • A glorious scene is drawing nigh : Though tempests gather like a flood, The storm, though fierce, will soon pass by 4 Awake to union and be one, Or, saith the Lord, ye are not minej Yea, like the Father and the Son, Let all the saints in union join. ?14. S. M. AMONG the saints on earth Let mutual love be found; Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crowned. 2 Let envy, child of hell, Be banished far away ; Those should in strictest friendship dwell, Who the same Lord obey. 3 Thus will the church below Resemble that above, Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And ev'ry heart is love. 455 THE CHURCH. 715. s. m. >LEST be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian lovej The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. B 1 2 Before our Father's throne, We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one> Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes ; Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 This mutual love revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 5 When from all sin and pain, The ransomed shall be free ; And perfect love and friendship reign, Through all eternity. 716. 6s > 6s & 8s - HOW pleasant 't is to see Kindred and friends agree; Each in his proper station move, And each fulfill his part, With sympathizing heart, In all the cares of life and love ! 2 *T is like the ointment shed On Aaron's sacred head, 456 UNITY, PROGRESS AND TRIUMPH. Divinely rich, divinely sweet : The oil through all the room Diffused a choice perfume, Ran through his robes, and blest his feet. 3 Like fruitful showers of rain, That water all the plain, Descending from the neighb'ring hills; Such streams of pleasure roll Through ev'ry friendly soul, Where love like heavenly dew distills. %!%. 8s & 7s. EARTS and hands together clinging, With our trust reposed on high, With the joy salvation's bringing, Our redemption's drawing nigh ! We, a little band are wand'ring, Through this vale of woe and tears, On our past transgressions pond'ring, On our troubles, and our fears. We have sinned and we've been chastened, Driven, scattered far and wide, But to our relief he hastened, When in penitence we cried. Now, as darker grows each turning, Darker war clouds hover near, While our lamps are dimly burning. See ! our bright day-star appear ! Star of hope ! of our salvation ! Heaven-born messenger of light ! In our deepest tribulation. Sent to guide our steps aright! 20 *57 THE CHURCH. 7 18. ?• m. N OW let us rejoice in the day of salvation, No longer as strangers on earth need we roam ; Good tidings are sounding to us and each nation, And shortly the hour of redemption will come : When all that was promised the saints will he given, And none will molest them from morn until even, And earth will appear as the garden of Eden, [home! And Jesus will say to cdl Israel: Come 2 We'll love one another and never dissemble, But cease to do evil and ever be one ; And while the ungodly are fearing and tremble. We'll watch for the day when the Savior shall come : 3 In faith we'll rely on the arm of Jehovah, To guide through these last days of trouble and gloom ; And after the scourges and harvest are over, We'll rise with the just, when the Savior doth come. Then all that was promised the saints will he given, And they will he crowned as the angels of heaven; And earth icill appear as the garden of Eden, [one. And Christ and his people will ever he 458 UNITY, PROGRESS AND TRIUMPH. 719. 7s & 6s - D - fnHE morning light is breaking, JL The darkness disappears; The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears. Each breeze that sweeps the ocean, Brings tidings from afar Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zion's war» 2 Rich dews of grace come o'er us In many a gentle shower; And brighter scenes before us Are opening ev'ry hour : Each cry to heaven ascending Abundant answer brings ; And heavenly gales descending, Bring peace upon their wings. 3 See heathen nations bending Before the God we love, And thousand hearts ascending In gratitude above ; While sinners, now confessing, The gospel call obey, And seek the Savior's blessing— A nation in a day. 4 Blest river of salvation, Pursue thine onward way, Flow thou to ev'ry nation, Nor in thy richness stay : Stay not till all the lowly Triumphant reach their home ; Stay not till all the holy Proclaim — 'The Lord is come*' 459 R 1 THE CHURCH. 720. p* M * EDEEMEK of Israel, Our only delight, On whom for a blessing we call | Our shadow by day, And our pillar by night, Our king, our companion, our alio 2 We know he is coming To gather his sheep, And plant them in Zion, in love ; For why in the valley Of death should they weep, Or alone in the wilderness rove ? 3 How long we have wandered As strangers in sin, And cried in the desert for thee ! Our foes have rejoiced When our sorrows they've seen c , But Israel will shortly be free, 4 As children of Zion, Good tidings for us; The tokens already appear; Fear not and be just, For the kingdom is ours, And the hour of redemption is near. 721. 8s, 7s & 4s. YES ! we trust the day is breaking | Joyful times are near at hand ; God — the mighty God is speaking By his word in ev'ry land ; When he chooses, Darkness flies at his commando 460 UNITY, PROGRESS AND TRIUMPH. While the foe becomes more daring, While he enters like a flood, Christ, the Savior, is preparing Means to spread his truth abroad % Ev'ry language Soon shall tell the Love of God. ! ^t is pleasant — 't is reviving To our hearts to hear each day, Joyful news from far arriving, How the Gospel wins its way ; Those enlight'ning, Who in death and darkness lay. God of Jacob, high and glorious, Let thy people see thy hand ; Let the Gospel be victorious, Through the world — in ev'ry land, Then shall idols Perish, Lord — at thy command. s ( 722. l. m. ( OON may the last glad song arise From all the millions of the skies — That song of triumph which records That all the earth is now the Lord's ! 2 Let thrones, and powers, and kingdoms be Obedient, mighty God, to thee ! And, over land, and stream, and main, Wave thou the sceptre of thy reign ! 3 Oh, let that glorious anthem swell, Let host to host the triumph tell, That not one rebel heart remains, But over all the Savior reigns ! 401 w THE CHURCH. 7s. AKE the song of jubilee, Let it echo o'er the sea ! Soon will come the promised hour ; Jesus reign with glorious power ! 2 All ye nations, join and sing, Praise your Savior, praise your King ; Let it sound from shore to shore — " Christ will reign forevermore !" 3 Hark ! the desert lands rejoice; And the islands join their voice; Joy ! the whole creation sings, — "Jesus is the King of kings V w 724:. p- m. "OS ANN A, hosanna, hosanna! Hosanna, let our voices raise A soul-inspiring lay; Glad anthems sing of heart-felt praise, This glorious gospel-day. Hosanna to the Father bring, Hosanna to the Son, Hosannas in the Spirit sing, Our clay of hope is come. Redemption now is at the door ; Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Zion, her King ic ill yet restore, Let Israel praise the Lord. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna ! Hosanna, let the richest tone Of instrument and voice, Commingling, witness at the throne, How much our hearts rejoice. 402 UNITY, PROGRESS AND TRIUMPH. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna ! Hosanna ! Let the echo sound Hosanna, in reply; Jesus the remnant sought hath found, He'll raise their horn on high. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna ! Hosanna, on the ambient air, Harmonious strains combine; Zion ; thy King will soon appear, And make the victory thine. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna ! Hosanna sing till angel choirs Take up the sweet refrain; And both unite, while love inspires, To ever praise the Lamb. 0' 725. o. m. ^UR God ! our God ! thou shinest here ; Thine own this latter day; To us thy radiant steps appear, — Here goes thy glorious w T ay. 2 We shine not only with the light ; Thou didst shed down of yore; On us thou streamest strong and bright, — Thy comings are not o'er. 3 On us thy Spirit hast thou poured, To us thy word has come : We feel, we thank thy quick' ning, Lord ! Thou shalt not find us dumb. 4 Thou comest near, — thou standest by, — Our work begins to shine : Thou dwellest with us mightily j On come the years divine. 403 THE CHURCH. 726. 8s > ? s & 4s. ^'EH the gloomy hills of darkness Look, my soul, be still and gaze ^ All the promises do travail With a glorious day of grace ; Blessed Jubilee ! Let thy glorious morning dawn. 2 Let the Indian, let the Negro, Let the rude barbarian see That divine and glorious conquest, Once obtained on Calvary; Let the Gospel Soon resound from pole to pole. 3 Kingdoms wide that sit in darkness, Grant them, Lord, thy glorious light, And from eastern coast to western May the morning chase the night; Chase the darkness From their long benighted eyes. 4 Fly abroad, thou mighty Gospel, Win and conquer, never cease; So Immanuel's fair dominions Shall extend, and still increase, Till the kingdoms Of the world are all his own. 727. L - M - THE time is nigh, that happy time, That great, expected, blessed day. When countless thousands of our race Shall dwell with Christ, and him obey. UNITY, PROGRESS AND TRIUMPH. 2 The prophecies must be fulfilled, Though earth and hell should dare oppose | The stone out of the mountain cut, Though unobserved, a kingdom grows. 3 Soon shall the blended image fall; Gold, silver, iron, brass, and clay; And superstition's dreadful reign To light and liberty give way, 4 In one sweet symphony of praise The Jews and Gentiles will unite; And infidelity, o'ercome, Return again to endless night. 5 From east to west, from north to south, The Savior's kingdom shall extend, And ev'ry man, in ev'ry place, Shall meet a brother and a friend. 728. l. m. HAPPY day, when wars shall cease, And ransomed earth be filled with peace, When sin and death no more shall reign, And Eden bloom on earth again ! u Saints, lift your heads ; that day is near. When your Redeemer shall appear, To take the kingdom and the crown, And make his ransomed church his own, 3 Shall not his people sing for joy ? Shall not the church their songs employ? Sing, ye who will; sing white ye may. And shout for joy th' approaching day, 20* 4G5 THE CHURCH. 729. l- m. THE morning breaks, the shadows flee ; Lo ! Zion's standard is unfurled ! The dawning of a brighter day Majestic rises on the world. 2 The clouds of error disappear Before the rays of truth divine — The glory, bursting from afar, Wide o'er the nations soon will shine, 3 The Gentile fullness now comes in, And Israel's blessings are at hand : Lo ! Judah's remnant, cleansed from sin, Shall in their promised Canaan stand. 4 Jehovah speaks ! let earth give ear, And Gentile nations turn and live — His mighty arm is making bare, His cov'nant people to receive. 5 Angels from heaven and truth from earth Have met, and both have record borne : Thus Z ion's light is bursting forth, To bring her ransomed children home. Inspire itor&0. HOLT SCRIPTURES. 730. 6-8s. ILOYE the volumes of thy word ; What light and joy its truths afford To souls benighted and distressed ! Thy precepts guide my doubtful way; Thy fear forbids my feet to stray ; Thy promise leads my heart to rest. 2 Thy threat' nings wake my slumb'ring eyes, And warn me where my danger lies ; But 'tis thy blessed gospel, Lord, That makes the guilty conscience clean, Converts the soul, subdues the sin, And gives a free, but large reward. 3 Who knows the errors of his thoughts ? My God, forgive my secret faults. And from presumptuous sins restrain -> Accept my poor attempts at praise, That I have read thy books of grace And book of nature, not in vain. 467 A INSPIRED RECORDS. CM. GLORY gilds the sacred page, Majestic, like the sun; It gives a light to ev'ry age ; It gives, but borrows none. 2 The hand that gave it, still supplies The gracious light and heat; Its truths upon the nations rise, — They rise, but never set. 3 Let everlasting thanks be thine, For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 732. c. m. "OW precious is the book divine, By inspiration given ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To ^uide our souls to heaven. H' 2 O'er all the straight and narrow way Its radiant beams are cast ; A light whose never weary ray Grows brightest at the last. 3 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts, In this dark vale of tears ; Life, light, and joy it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. 4 This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way, Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. - 468 r HOLY SCRIPTURES. S. M. -MPOSTURE shrinks from light, And dreads the curious eye ; But sacred truths the test invite, They bid us search and try. 2 With understanding blest, Created to be free, Our faith on man we dare .not rest, Subject to none but thee. 3 Lord, give the light we need; With soundest knowledge fill ; From noxious error guard our creed, From prejudice our will. 4 The truth thou shalt impart, May we with firmness own ; Abhorring £ach evasive art, And fearing thee alone. 734. o. m. " AIL, sacred truth ! whose piercing rays Dispel the shades of night, Diffusing o'er the mental world The healing beams of light. H 2 Thy word, Lord, with friendly aid, Restores our wand'ring feet, Converts the sorrows of the mind To joys divinely sweet. 3 Oh, send thy light and truth abroad In all their radiant blaze. And bid th' admiring world adore The glories of thy grace. 4C9 INSPIRED RECORDS. 735. o- M. LET all the heathen writers join To form one perfect book, Great God, if once compared with thine, How mean their writings look ! 2 Not the most perfect rules they gave Could show one sin forgiven, Nor lead a step beyond the grave j But thine conduct to heaven. 3 Our faith, and love, and ev'ry grace, Fall far below thy word; But perfect truth and righteousness Dwell only with the Lord. 736. 7 S . "OLY Scriptures ! book divine ! Precious treasure, thou art mine ! Mine, to tell me whence I came ; Mine, to teach me what I am ; H ( Mine, to chide me when I rove , Mine, to show a Savior's love ; Mine, art thou to guide my feet; Mine to judge, condemn, acquit; Mine, to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless ; Mine, to show by living faith, Man can triumph over death ; Mine, to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom; thou holy book divine ! Precious treasure, thou art mine. 470 HOLY SCRIPTURES. 737. L - M - TEACH me, 0, teach rne, Lord! thy way, So to my life's remotest day, By thine unerring precepts led, My willing feet its paths shall tread. 2 Informed by thee, with sacred awe My heart shall meditate thy law ; ' And, with celestial wisdom filled, To thee its full obedience yield. 3 Give me to know thy words aright, Thy words, my soul's supreme delight; That, purged from thirst of gold, my mind In them its better wealth may find. 4 0, turn from vanity mine eye ; To me thy quickening strength supply; And with thy promised mercy cheer A heart devoted to thy fear. 738. l. m. ? rp WAS by an order from the Lord JL The ancient prophets spoke his word; His Spirit did their tongues inspire, And warm their hearts with heavenly fire. 2 Great God ! Mine eyes with pleasure look On the dear volume of thy book ; There my Redeemer's grace I see, And read his name who died for me. 3 Let the false raptures of the mind Be lost and vanish. in the wind; Here I can fix my hope secure ; This is thy word — and must endure 739. INSPIRED RECORDS. L. M. TTPON the Gospel's sacred page \j The gathered beams of ages shine; And, as it hastens, ev'ry age But makes its brightness more divine. 2 On mightier wing, in loftier flight, From year to year does knowledge soar, And, as it soars, the Gospel light Adds to its influence more and more. 3 Truth strengthened by the strength of tho't, Pours inexhaustible supplies, Whence sagest teachers may be taught, And wisdom's self become more wise. 4 More glorious still as centuries roll, New regions blest, new powers unfurled, Expanding with th' expanding soul, Its waters shall o'erflow the world ; — 5 Flow to restore, but not destroy ; As when the cloudless lamp of day Pours out its floods of light and joy, And sweeps each lingering mist away. 740. c. m. WHAT is the chaff, the word of man, When set against the wheat ? Can it a dying soul sustain, Like that immortal meat ? 2 Thy word, God, with heavenly bread The children doth supply; And those who by thy word are fed, Their souls shall never die. BOOK OF MORMON. B ( >OOK of Mormon, hid for ages On Cumorah's lonely hill, Written by those ancient sages Whom Jehovah taught his will ; Glad we hail it, Fullness of the gospel still ! 2 Hail this record, saints in Zion, Hidden by Moroni's hand, Till the God our souls rely on Unto Joseph gave command To translate it, Send it forth to ev'ry land. & Hail the glorious light of Nephi, Hail the truths that Alma taught; We will trust in God like Lehi, Seek the Lord as Mormon sought; Like Moroni, Buy the truth and sell it not. 4 Israel, gather round this standard, Laman, see thy guiding star, Judah, rally round thy banner, Come, ye Gentiles from afar ; Book of Mormon, It is truth's triumphal car ! 473 INSPIRED RECORDS. 74:2. c. M. YE wond'ring nations, now give ear Unto the angel's cry, For lo ! from heaven he has appeared, To bring salvation nigh. 2 Has brought the ancient records forth, Unloosed the mighty seal ; God's glory soon shall fill the earth, And wondrous things reveal. 3 The things of worth in ages gone, His word doth clear unfold ; And things to come, now rolling on, The wise may here behold. 4 Its opening wonders burst to view, All glorious and sublime ; Point out the path that men pursue Down to the end of time. 5 The meek and humble shall rejoice, The wise shall understand ; All Israel now shall know his voice, And gather to their land. A 743. L- m. HOLY angel from on high The joyful message now has borne; Which brings our longing spirits nigh, To bow and worship near the throne. Mercy and truth together meet, And joy and peace with fond embrace; The earth and heaven each other greet, Their offspring, truth and righteousnesSo BOOK OF MORMON. 3 Lo ! from the heavens comes righteousness, And truth from earth exulting springs; These joined in one shall Israel bless, Borne, as it were, on angels' wings. 4 Wide round the earth the echo flies ; From their long sleep the nations wake ; The righteous shout with glad surprise, While the ungodly fear and quake. 5 Thus truth shall spread through ev'ry clime. And Israel's tribes be gathered home, To watch for the appointed time, And see the great Messiah come. 744. us. "1VTOW cometh the record once written on gold, XM That angels from heaven rejoice to unfold, 'Tis clear as the crystal and bright as the light When morning streams over the shadows of night. 2 A whisper of words that have slept in the dust, Yet graven on plates never dimmed by the rust; They rise from their tomb as the righteous awoke, When Jesus their slumbers of darkness had broke. 3 The peal of the thunder that told of his death, The voice of the stormy wind's hurrying breath, And sweetness of accents that dropped as he came, To heal all the sick, and the blind, and the lame. 4 Let glory be sung in the lands of our birth, That God has presented this book to the earth — A beacon that ages unborn will yet bless — A standard to gather the poor from distress. 475 0' INSPIRED RECORDS. C. M. |UR fathers of the Gentile race Traversed the western main, And found a wide extended land Of valley, hill, and plain. 2 This land was peopled with a race Which long had dwelt alone, No record, nor tradition trace Their origin unknown, 3 The Lord in mercy has disclosed, The truth so long concealed, The record found beneath the ground Has glorious things revealed, 4 This is the land which Moses blest, To Joseph and his seed ; These are the everlasting hills, ; Twas for his bounds decreed. 5 Thus generations long have past And age on ages rolled, The latter day approaching fast, Its glories now unfold. 746. 7 S . "OW the truth once more appears; Hark ! the Gospel trump doth sound; Honest souls, dry up your tears, You with knowledge may abound. N See the earth its treasure yield ! Treasures it has long enclosed, To the world they are revealed, Through the earth the message goes. 476 BOOK OF MORMON. 3 Through Columbia's happy land, They the glorious standard raise ; Shout ! the time is near at hand — Wonders of the latter day£. 4 Britannia too has heard the sound, And a thousand voices cry, In the regions all around, 'Glory be to God Most High/ 5 Through the earth the tidings spread, Distant nations catch the sound, Where'er human feet doth tread, There they bow with awe profound. 74:7. R M - AN angel came down from the mansions of glory, And told that a record was hid in Cumorah, Containing the fullness of Jesus' gospel ; And also the cov'nant to gather his people. Israel, 0, Israel! In all your ahidings, Prepare for your Lord When you hear these glad tidings. 2 A heavenly treasure; a book full of merit: It speaks from the dust by the power of the Spirit : A voice from the Savior that saints can rely on, To watch for the day when he brings again Zion. 3 Listen, isles, and give ear every nation, For great things await you in this generation : The kingdom of Jesus, in Zion shall nourish : The righteous will gather ; the wicked must perish. 477 748. INSPIRED RECORDS. 6-Ts. HARK ! ye mortals. Hist ! be still. Voices from Curaorah's hill Break the silence of the tomb, Penetrate the dreadful gloom. — Gently whisper c all is well, Xow is the clay of Israel/ 2 Xow the Gentile reign is o'er, Darkness covers earth no more; Xow shall Zion rise and shine, Fill the world with light divine. Angels join — the tidings tell, Xow is the day of Israel. 3 Thrones shall totter, Babel fall, Satan reign no more at all; Saints shall gain the victory, Truth prevail o'er land and sea. Hallelujah, all is well, Xow is the day of Israel. 4 Jesus soon shall come again, Saints with him shall rise and reign, Heaven and earth in songs combine, All the worlds in chorus join. Ev'ry tongue the music swell, Xow is the day of Israel. 749. 4- 6s & 2 ~ 8s - A X Angel from on high, j_\_ The long, long silence broke- Descending from the sky, These gracious words he spoke,— Lo ! in Cumorali's lonely hill A sacred record lies concealed; 478 BOOK OF MORMON. 2 Sealed by Moroni's hand, It lias for ages slept, To wait the Lord's command, From dust again to speak ; It shall come forth to light again , To usher in Messiah's reign. 3 It speaks of Joseph's seed, And makes the remnant known Of nations long since dead, Who once had dwelt alone ; — The fullness of the Gospel, too, Its pages will reveal to view. 4 The time is now fulfilled — The long expected day — Let earth obedient yield, And darkness flee away : Open the seals, and wide unfurl Its light and glory to the world. 5 Lo ! Israel, filled with joy, Shall now be gathered home ; Their wealth and means employ, To build Jerusalem : While Zion shall arise and shine, And fill the earth with truth divine. A' 7 SO. 8s & 7s. H ! Book of Mormon ! Golden Book The book of precious promise, — Whoe'er, in faith, shall in thee look, Shall drink from golden chalice. No happier rules of life are found, Upon the Bible's pages, Than those which in this book abound*, — The book of former ages. 479 w INSPIRED RECORDS. 8-7s. "OW we'll sing with one accord, For a Prophet of the Lord, Has brought forth his precious word, Saints to cheer as anciently. When the world in darkness lay, Lo ! he sought the better way, And he heard the Savior say, "Prune my vineyard faithfully ! " And an angel, surely then, For a blessing unto men, Brought the Priesthood back again, In its ancient purity; Even Joseph he inspired, Yea, his heart he truly fired, With the zeal that he desired, To unveil futurity. And the Book of Mormon, true, With its Cov'nant, ever new, For the Gentile, and the Jew, He translated sacredly. Precious are the years to come, When the righteous gather home, For the great Millennium, Foretaste of eternity. i^estoratiott uf tlje Wo&ptl w 1 752. L - «• "HEN earth in bondage long had lain, And darkness o'er the nations reigned. And all man's precepts proved in vain, A perfect system to obtain, A voice commissioned from on high. Hark, Hark! it is the angel's cry, Descending from the throne of light, — ■ His garments shining clear and white, 2 He comes the Gospel to reveal In fullness to benighted man ; Restore the Priesthood, long since lost, In truth and power as at the first. 3 Lo ! from Cumorah's lonely hill, There comes a record of God's will, Translated by the power of God, His voice bears record to his word. 4 And now commissioned from on high, God's servants faith, repentance, cry, Baptizing as in days of old, Into one Shepherd and one fold. 21 481 W 1 RESTORATION OF 7 S3. 8s&7sD. , "ELL may thy servants mourn, my Lord. The church, its desolation, And former saints who heard thy word, Be filled with lamentation; Once she was all alive to thee, And thousands were converted ; But now a sad reverse we see, Her glory is departed. 2 Her pastors love to live at ease ; They covet wealth and honor ; And while they seek such things as these They bring reproach upon her. Her priests and members walk no more As Jesus Christ has taught them; Nor do they enter through the door, And lo ! — the wolves have caught them. 3 Where are the prophets and the seers ? And where the signs that follow ? Who is it now the Lord reveres ? Have all returned to wallow ? Where is the name the ancients bore ? E'en that they have perverted ; For now they call them Saints no more ; Oh, glory, long departed ! 4 And has religion left the church, Without a trace behind her ? Where shall I go, where shall I search, That I once more may find her ! Adieu ! ye proud, ye light and gay ! I'll seek the broken-hearted, Who weep, when of her past they say, Her glory is departed. THE GOSPEL. Fll search for those who loud proclaim The gospel, unperverted, For whom the mighty angel came, And heavenly truths imparted. With such, religion thrives again, To such, its powers are given ; Oh ! may mankind through them regain, On earth, -the gifts of heaven. o 1 754:. 7s & 5s D - ^NWARD, speed thy conquering flight; Angel, onward speed ; Cast abroad thy radiant light, Bid the shades recede. Tread the idols in the dust, Heathen fanes destroy, Spread the Gospel's love and trust, Spread the Gospel's joy. 2 Onward, speed thy conqu'ring flight; Angel, onward haste; Quickly on each mountain height, Be thy standard placed. Let thy blissful tidings float, Far o'er vale and hill, Till the sweetly echoing note, Ev'ry bosom thrill. 3 Onward, speed thy conqu'ring flight, Angel, onward speed; Morning bursts upon our sight, 'Tis the time decreed. Soon will Christ his kingdom take, Thrones and empires fall, Soon the joyous song awake, 755. RESTORATION OF 5s & 8s. THE spirit of love, Pure light from above. Hath marked out the impartial road; His work is begun, His triumph will come, The Gentiles are turning to God. Reprover of sin, Thy conquests begin, And to vict'ry lead the grand throng; The book is unsealed, Come take thou the field, And conduct th' grand army along. Salvation is free, — To all who agree As children in Christ to be one : In truth's uniform, We'll face the rough storm, And from conquest to conquest go on. No lion or bear, Shall ever devour, Or prey on Christ's sheep or his lambs; The Shepherd, the sheep From danger will keep, The lambs he will bear in his arms. Ye saints, sound his praise, Your voices high raise, Exultingly sing of his name; Loud hosannas sing To Jesus your King, And conclude th' grand theme with Amen. 484 THE GOSPEL. 7 56. s - M - ALMIGHTY God of love, Set up th' attracting sign, And summon whom thou dost approve For messengers divine. 4 2 From favored Abraham's seed The new apostles choose, In isles and continents to spread The soul-reviving news. 3 send thy servants forth, To call the Hebrews home ! From East, and West, and South, and North, Let all the wand'rers come : 4 With Israel's myriads sealed, Let all the nations meet, And show the mystery fulfilled, The family complete ! 757. 3 - 8s & 6s - TALK not to me of human creeds, Talk not to me of plans by man, The gospel is again revealed, To cheer the sons of men. 2 A few short years it must be preached, In ev'ry land and ev'ry clime, To all the sons of Adam's race, For 'tis the warning time. 3 Talk not of human wisdom, great Though it may seem to be ; Those who shall pass the narrow gate, Are wise eternally. 485 RESTORATION OF 758. us- YE slumbering nations, who've slept a long night, Without revelation or heavenly light, The latter day glory's beginning to dawn, Awake from your dreaming and welcome the morn. 2 Things unseen in darkness, begin to unfold, As viewed by the ancients in visions of old, That stone from the mountain cut out without hands-. Becoming a kingdom to fill all the lands. 3 The call is from heaven, and hear it we must, " The first will be last, and the last will be first; " Go forth to the nations, and then to the Jews, Who soon will obey it when Gentiles refuse. 4 The Jews will go forth, and the ten tribes shall come From a land in the north, t' inherit their home, And kings shall protect them, and queens shall sustain Their national rights, for Messiah will reign. 759. o- M - IS AW a mighty angel fly ; To earth he bent his way, A message bearing from on high, To cheer the sons of day. 2 Truth is the tidings which he bears — The Gospel's joyful sound, To calm our doubts, to chase our fears. And make our joys abound. THE GOSPEL. 3 He cries, and with a mighty voice $ Ye nations, lend an ear ; Let isles and continents rejoice; The great Redeemer's near. 4 He cries, let ev'ry tongue attend, And thrones and empires all, Fear God, and make the King your Friend, The King, the Lord of all. 5 Fear God, and worship him who made The heavens, and earth, and sea ; Fear him on whom your sins were laid — Who died to make you free. 760. ?• m. PRAISE to the Lord for the great restoration, Brought 'by the angel to Joseph the seer, Blessed to open the last dispensation — The church to establish, the gospel declare. Hail to the prophet, ascended to heaven I Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain; Pleading with God in behalf of his brethren: Death cannot conquer that hero again. 2 Great is his mem'ry — he died as a martyr, Honored and blest be his ever great name ; Millions will love him and justice will triumph, The martyr will rise with his Savior to reign. 3 Great was his calling and endless his priesthood, Ever and ever the keys. he will hold; Faithful and true he wiil enter the kingdom, Crowned in the midst of the prophets of old. 487 RESTORATION OF 761. l. m. THE happy day has rolled on, The truth restored is now made known, The promised angel come again, To introduce Messiah's reign. 2 The gospel trump again is heard. The truth from darkness has appeared ; The lands which long benighted lay, Have now beheld a glorious day. 3 The day by prophets long foretold ; The day which Abrah'm did behold ; The day that saints desired so long, When God his strange work would perform. 4 The day when saints again should hear The voice of Jesus in their ear, And angels, who above do reign, Come down to converse hold with men. w 762. 8* & *s d. ^H AT was witnessed in the heavens \ Why, an angel, earthly bound. Had he something with him bringing ? Yes — the gospel — joyful sound! It was to be preached in power Upon earth, the angel said — To all men, all tongues, and nations, That upon its face are spread. 2 Had we not before the gospel ? Yes — had sev'ral taught by men. Then what is this latter gospel ? ; Tis the first one come again. THE GOSPEL. This was preached by Paul and Peter, And by Jesus Christ, the Head ; This we Latter Saints are preaching— We their footsteps wish to tread. "Where so long had been the Gospel ? Did it ever fall away ? What became of those neglected ? God is just — that's all we say. Seek no crop where 'twas not planted, Nor a day where reigns the night; Now the sunshine bright is beaming, Let all creatures see aright. 70S. 8s & 7s. SEE the mighty angel flying ! See he speeds his way to earth, To proclaim the blessed gospel, And restore the ancient faith. 2 Hear, men ! the proclamation, Cease from vanity and strife, Hasten to receive the gospel, And believe the words of life. 3 Soon the earth will hear the warning, Then the judgments will descend; ! before those days of sorrow Make the Lord of Hosts your Friend. 4 Then, when dangers are around you, And the wicked are distressed ; You, with all the saints in Zion, Shall enjoy eternal rest. 21* * 89 PiMtatton. 764:. p. m. WE dedicate to tliee this house we have reared, In these sacred courts may thy name be revered, Thy gospel proclaimed in both Spirit and word, And many encouraged to serve thee, our God. Thy Spirit defend them. Thy love on them beam, Kind angels attend them, Thy gospel their theme. Immanuel their King, the scriptures their guide, Kind Father, befriend them, -whatever betide, 2 When, absolved from guilt in the baptismal flood, The happified converts rejoicing in God, Shall here on their heads have thy servants' hands laid, let thy blest Spirit's gifts richly be shed. 3 Grant, Lord, when this altar, with wine and with bread For th' guests at thy banquet, is solemnly spread, That all who partake, may be worthy and blest, And love, pure and holy, possess ev'ry breast, DEDICATION. 4 When Israel, thine own-loved, shall meet to confer The honor of Priesthood, 0, meet with them here; Direct in ordaining, thy servants inspire, To win souls to thee be their ruling desire. 765. p - M - WHEN bridegroom and bride at this altar shall stand, With heart joined to heart and with hand joined to hand, Each fond heart reflecting the love it would seek,. Bless, strengthen and aid them their pledges to Thy Spirit defend them, [keep.- Thy love on them beam, Kind angels attend them, Thy gospel their theme , Immanuel their King, the scriptures their guide. Kind Father, befriend them, whatever betide. 2 When parents, rememb'ring how Jesus was moved To bless the dear lambs of his flock, whom he loved, Their little ones bring, in sweet innocence drest, A.S thine elders shall bless them, so may they be blest. S When here in deep sorrow the mourners shall bow, And the sad hearts' tear-token in grief-surges flow, Speak peace to the stricken, their sad grief remove, Support with thine arm of rich mercy and love. 766. DEDICATION. P. M. MET, Lord, to dedicate, This houseto thee, Do thou it consecrate, Holy may it be. Accept this edifice From capstone to its base, Its motto, holiness, Holiness to the Lord ! Gracious and sovereign Lord, Master divine; Here let thy Spirit's light, Radiantly shine. Peaceful our worship be, In heartfelt humility, While singing joyfully, Holiness to the Lord ! Faithful thy promise shines, Fulfilled thy word ; Bethel's inscription lines, Our hopes record. Now shall thy people be, Joyful, God, in thee ; Saints, sing with sacred glee, Holiness to the Lord ! Mercy and truth have met, Christ hath restored Peace to his troubled church, Praise ye the Lord. Soon he'll call the wand'rers home, Soon their triumph will be won, Sing then, each chosen one, Holiness to the Lord ! DEDICATION 5 Ephraim is remembered still. In th' appointed line, Blissful hopes our spirits fill, Joseph's star doth shine. Ephraim, Israel's head shall stand, Judah gather to his land ; Then will be on every hand, Holiness to the Lord ! 767. 8s & 7s D. WHILE afflicted, tossed, and driven, Wand'ring o'er thy footstool, Lord, Few have offered halls of worship For the preaching of thy word. But we thank thee and adore thee, Thou didst hear thy people's cry. When they humbly bowed before thee, And hast brought deliv'rance nigh. 2 Dedicated to thy worship, Stands this Bethel, reared to thee ; May the plan of thy salvation, In its courts expounded be. Stones, cement, glass, iron, timber, All that forms of it' a part, As 'tis given, so, Lord, accept it, Tribute of our grateful heart. 3 Bless the gen'rous hearts, and prosper Those who've striven this house to raise, Lead them in thy Spirit's favor, Them we thank, but thee we praise. Here may faithful saints bo strengthened, Doubting, fearful ones made strong ; Christ adored, and souls converted. Error crushed, and truth made known, 493 DEDICATION. C. M. THOU, whose own vast temple stands, Built over earth and sea, Accept the walls that human hands Have raised to worship thee. 2 Lord from thine inmost glory send, Within these courts to bide, The peace that dwelleth without end ? Serenely by thy side ! 3 May erring minds that worship here Be taught the better way • And they who mourn, and they who fear, Be strengthened as they pray. 4 May faith grow firm, and love grow warm, And pure devotion rise, While round these hallowed walls the storm Of earth-born passions dies. o 1 769. i- m. ^H, bow thine ear, Eternal One ! On thee our heart adoring calls ; To thee the followers of thy Son Have raised, and now devote these walls. 2 Here let thy holy days be kept ; And be this place to worship given, Like that bright spot where Jacob slept, The house of God, the gate of heaven. 3 Here may thine honor dwell ; and here, As incense, let thy children's prayer, From contrite hearts and lips sincere, Rise on the still and holy air. DEDICATION. 4 Here be thy praise devoutly sung; Here let thy truth beam forth to save, As when, of old, thy Spirit hung On wings of light, o'er Jordan's wave. 5 And when the lips, that with thy name Are vocal now, to dust shall turn, On others may devotion's flame Be kindled here, and purely burn ! 770. l. m. BEHOLD thy temple, God of grace, ' The house that we have reared for thee / Regard it as thy resting-place, And fill it with thy majesty. 2 "When from its altar shall arise Joint supplication to thy name, Deign to accept the sacrifice, Thyself our answ'ring God proclaim. 3 And when from hence the voice of praise Shall lift its triumphs to thy throne, Show thine acceptance of our lays, By making here thy glory known. 4 When here thy ministers shall stand, To speak what thou shalt bid them say, Maintain thy cause with thine own hand, And give thy truth a winning way. 5 Now, therefore, our God,»ariso ! In this thy resting-place appear ; And let thy people's longing eyes Behold thee fix thy dwelling here. DEDICATION. 771. l- m. THE perfect world, by Adam trod, Was the first temple, built of God; His fiat laid the corner-stone, And heaved its pillars one by one. 2 He hung its starry roof on high — The broad illimitable sky ; He spread its pavement, green and bright, And curtained it with morning light. 3 The mountains in their places stood, The sea — the sky — and "all was good;" And when its first pure praises rang, The "morning stars together sang." 4 Lord, 't is not ours to make the sea, And earth, and sky, a house for thee ; But in thy sight our offering stands — A humbler temple, "made with hands" 772. 7s. LORD of Hosts ! To thee we raise Here a house of prayer and pra^e : Thou thy people's hearts prepare, Here to meet for praise and prayer. 2 Let the living here be fed , With thy word, the heavenly bread : Here, in hope of glory blest, May the dead be laid to rest. 3 Here to thee a temple stand, While the sea shall gird the land : Here reveal thy mercy sure. While this temple shall endure. 49G DEDICATION. 4 Hallelujah! — -earth and sky To the joyful sound reply : Hallelujah ! hence ascend Prayer and praise to Zion's Friend. A 1 773. L - M - ND will the great Eternal God, On earth establish his abode ? And will he from his radiant throne, Accept our temple for his own ? 2 We bring the tribute of our praise ; And sing that condescending grace, Which to our notes will lend an ear, And call us sinful mortals near. 3 These walls we to thy honor raise, Long may they echo to thy praise \ And thou, descending, fill the place With choicest tokens of thy grace. 4 And in the great, decisive day, When God the nations shall survey, May then before the world appear Soldiers for Christ enlisted here. H' 774:. 7s. "UMBLE though our Bethel be, ; Tis a consecrated shrine, Where, in native purity, Gospel light undimmed may shine. 2 Here may rise no clouds so dark. That can living faith obscure ; Here may burn life's lamp to mark The only hope that can endure. DEDICATION. 775. o. m. d. UNDER the canopy of heaven, Their roof, the starry sky, Our father's sacred altar-fires Of love, ascended high And reached the throne of God above, And gracious answers came, Mercy and pardon, answ'ring love, From heaven's exalted fane. 2 Rememb'ring thus the blessings showered By God, in other days, In gratitude we dedicate, This off' ring to his praise. Thankful to find our efforts crowned With earnest-sought success, May this be consecrated ground, — A spot that God will bless. 3 Deign, Lord, thy people here to meet — This building sanctify By thine own gracious Spirit given The heart to purify. May here no malice, envy, hate, Thy people stain with crime ; But on each saint in love enstamp Thy lineaments divine. 498 Sacrament of % f orb's $i\pptT. 776. 6 - 7s - MANY centuries have fled Since our Savior broke the bread, And this sacred feast ordained, Ever by his church retained : Those his body who discern, Thus shall meet till his return. 2 Through the churches' long eclipse, When, from priest or pastor's lips, Truth divine was seldom heard, — Mid the famine of the word, Still these symbols witness gave, To his love who died to save. 3 We who bear the Savior's name, Here our common faith proclaim; Though diverse in character, Here, together we confer ; Breaking thus one mystic bread, Members of one common Head. 4 Come, the blessed emblems share, Which the Savior's death declare ; Come, on truth immortal feed ; For his flesh is meat indeed : Savior! witness with the sign. That our ransomed souls are thine, 499 H 1 SACRAMENT OF 777. C. M. "ERE at thy table, Lord, we meet, To feed on food divine : Thy body is the bread we eat, Thy precious blood the wine. 2 He who prepares this rich repast, Himself comes down and dies; And then invites us thus to feast Upon the sacrifice. 3 Here peace and pardon sweetly flow; what delightful food ! We eat the bread — and drink the wims * But think on nobler good. 4 Deep was the suff'ring he endured Upon th' accursed tree — For me — each welcome guest may say, ; T was ail endured for me. 5 Sure there was never love so free — Dear Savior — so divine ! "Well thou may'st claim that heart of me, Which owes so much to thine. 778. c. m. GETHSE3IANE can I forget? Or there thy conflict see, Thine agony and bloody sweat, And not remember thee ? 2 Thy body broken for my sake, My bread from heaven shall be ; Thy testamental cup I take, And thus remember thee. THE LORD S SUPPER. 3 When to the cross I turn mine eyes, And rest on Calvary, Lamb of God, my Sacrifice ! I must remember thee. 4 Remember thee, and all thy pains, And all thy love to me ; Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember thee. 779. s. M. JESUS, we thus obey Thy last and kindest word, And in thine own appointed way We come to meet thee, Lord ! 2 Thus we remember thee, And take this bread and wine As thine own dying legacy, And our redemption's sign. 3 Thy presence makes the feast ; Now let our spirits feel The glory not to be expressed, — The joy unspeakable ! 4 With high and heavenly bliss Thou dost our spirits cheer ; Thy house of banqueting is this, And thou hast brought us here. 5 Now let our souls be fed With manna from above. And over us thy banner spread Of everlasting love. 501 SACRAMENT OF ^SO. 7s & 6s D. OGOD th' Eternal Father Who dwells amid the sky, In Jesus' name we ask thee To bless and sanctify, If we are pure before thee, This bread and cup of wine, That we may all remember That off'ring so divine. 2 That sacred, holy off'ring, By man least understood, To have our sins remitted, And take his flesh and blood. That we may ever witness The sufferings of thy Son, And always have his Spirit To make our hearts as one. 3 When Jesus, the anointed, Descended from above, And gave himself a ransom To win our souls with love; With no apparent beauty, That men should him desire — He was the promised Savior, To purify with fire. 4 How infinite that wisdom, The plan of holiness, That made salvation perfect, And veiled the Lord in flesh, To walk upon his footstool, And be like man, almost, In his exalted station, And die — or all was lost ! 502 THE LORD S SUPPER. 5 'T was done — all nature trembled ! Yet, by the power of faith, He rose as God triumphant, And brake the bands of death : And, rising conq'rer, "captive He led captivity," And sat down with the Father To reign eternally. 6 He is the true Messiah, That died and lives again; We look not for another, He is the Lamb ; t was slain ) He is the Stone and Shepherd Of Israel scattered far; The glorious Branch from Jesse ; The bright and Morning Star. 7 Again, he is that Prophet That Moses said should come, Being raised among his brethren, To call the righteous home ; And all that will not hear him, Shall feel his chast'ning rod, Till wickedness is ended, As saith the Lord our God. 8 He comes ! He comes in glory ! The vail has vanished too, With angels, yea, our fathers, To drink this cup anew — And sing the songs of Zion, And shout — "T is done, 't is done V While ev'ry son and daughter Rejoices — we are one. 503 SACRAMENT OF 78 1. 4 " 6s & 2 ~ 8s - ISRAEL, in ancient days, Not only had a view Of Sinai in a blaze, But learned the gospel too ; The types and figures were a glass In which they saw the Savior's face. 2 The paschal sacrifice, And blood-besprinkled door, — Seen with enlightened eyes, And once applied with power, — Would teach the need of other blood, To reconcile the world to God. 3 The lamb, the dove, set forth His perfect innocence, Whose blood of matchless worth Should be the soul's defence ) For he who can for sin atone Must have no failings of his own. 4 The scape-goat on his head The people's trespass bore ; And to the desert led, Was to be seen no more : In him our Surety seemed to say, ^Behold I bear your sins away." 5 Dipped in his fellow's blood, The living bird went free : The type, well understood, Expressed the sinner's plea — Described a guilty soul enlarged, And by a Savior's death discharged. 504 THE LORD S SUPPER. Jesus, I love to trace, Throughout the sacred page. The footsteps of thy grace, The same in ev'ry age ! grant that I may faithful be, To clearer light vouchsafed to me ! 782. L - M - ~OW pleasing to behold and see The friends of Jesus all agree. To sit around his sacred board, As members of one common Lord. W 2 Here we behold the dawn of bliss — Here we behold the Savior's grace — Here we behold his precious blood, Which sweetly pleads for us with God. 3 While here we sit we would implore That love may spread from shore to shore, Till all the saints, like us, combine To praise the Lord in songs divine. 4 To all we freely give our hand, Who love the Lord in ev'ry land ) For all are one in Christ, our Head, To whom be endless honors paid. 5 Here, by the bread and wine, we view What boundless curses were our due ; But through th' atonement of our Lord, All that was lost is now restored. 6 Let wrath and strife, those seeds of hell, No more in Christian bosoms dwell j But love and union, by his blood. Prove us the chosen heirs of God. 22 505 783. SACRAMENT OF 8-7s. " fT^ILL he come" — oh, let the words X Linger on the trembling chords; Let the little while between In their golden light be seen ; Let us think how heaven and home Lie beyond that — "till he come." "Till he come" — oh, let the words Linger on the trembling chords. When the weary ones we love To the silent land remove, Though the earth seems poor and waste, All our life-joy overcast, — ■ Hush ! be ev'ry murmur dumb ; It is only — "Till he come." "Till he come" — oh, let the words Linger on the trembling chords. Clouds and conflicts round us press; Would we have one sorrow less ? All the sharpness of the cross, All that tells the world is loss ; Death, and darkness, and the tomb, Only whisper — "Till he come." "Till he come" — oh, let the words Linger on the trembling chords. See, the feast of love is spread ; Drink the wine and break the bread : Sweet memorials till the Lord Call us round his heavenly board : Some from earth, from slumber some, Severed only "till he come." " Till he come" — oh, let the words Linger on the trembling chords. 506 r THE LORD S SUPPER. 784. c. m. ~F human kindness meets return, And owns the grateful tie ; If tender thoughts within us burn, To feel a friend is nigh; — 2 Oh, shall not warmer accents tell The gratitude we owe To him, who died our fears to quell— Who bore our guilt and woe ! 3 While yet in anguish he surveyed Those pangs he would not flee, What love his latest words displayed, — » "Meet and remember me !" 785. 0. m. THE blest memorials of thy grief, Thy sufferings and thy death, We come, dear Savior, to receive ; But would receive with faith. 2 The tokens sent us to relieve Our spirits when they droop, We come, dear Savior, to receive ; But would receive with hope. 3 The pledges thou wast pleased to leave, Our mournful minds to move, We come, dear Savior, to receive; But would receive with love. 4 Here, in obedience to thy word, We take the bread and wine; The utmost we can do, dear Lord, For all beyond is thine. 507 ff SACRAMENT OF L.M. "OW sweet communion is on earth With those who've realized the birth Of water — who the Spirit's powers Receive, in genial quick'ning showers. 2 To such these sacred emblems prove Blest source of purity and love ; They onward to perfection press, Observing laws of righteousness. 3 May we who have thus humbly fled To Jesus, as our living Head, This day our solemn vows record, And ever live to serve the Lord. 4 Till we around the sacred board, The marriage supper of our Lord, Behold him crowned, our victories bring, And own him as our sov'reign King. 787. L - M - >m When powers of earth and hell arose Against the Son, e'en God's delight, And friends betrayed him to his foes. 2 Before the mournful scene began, He took the bread, and blessed, and brake, What love through all his actions ran ! What wondrous words of grace he spake ! 3 "This is my body broke for sin; Receive and eat the living food." Then took the cup, and blessed the wine, "'T is the new cov'nant in my blood." THE LORD S SUPPER. 4 For us his flesh with nails was torn, He bore the scourge, he felt the thorn ; And justice poured upon his head Its heavy vengeance, in our stead. 5 For us his precious blood was spilt, To purchase pardon for our guilt : "When for our sins he suffering dies, And gives his life a sacrifice. 6 "Do this," he cried, "till time shall end, In rneni'ry of your dying friend ; Meet at my table and record The love of your departed Lord." 7 Jesus, thy feast we celebrate ! We show thy death, we sing thy name, Till thou return, and we shall eat The marriage supper of the Lamb. 788. l- m. nnHY broken body, gracious Lord! JL Is tokened in this broken bread ; The wine which in this cup is poured, Points to the blood which thou hast shed. 2 And while we meet together thus, We show that we are one in thee : Thy precious blood was shed for us. Thy death, Lord, has set us free. 3 We have one hope — that thou wilt come : Thee in the air we wait to see : When thou wilt give thy saints a home. And we shall ever reign with thee. 509 SACRAMENT OF 789. 8s & 7s. PIEE the bread and wine are offered, lO Symbols of the flesh and blood ; Broken — spilt by Christ our Savior, When on Calvary he stood. 2 Feed upon the heavenly manna, Thou disciple of the Lord; Take by faith that blessed treasure, Offered in his holy word. 3 Life eternal ! how precious ! Who can estimate its worth ? It is thine through our Redeemer, Heir of an immortal birth ! 4 Thus ye "show the death " of Jesus — That the Son of God was slain For a world — that those believing, Who are dead may live again. 5 "Till he come" — joyful prospect! Glory to our God on high ! Then the treasure will be given, Life and immortality. 790. . l- m. FOR us the Lamb of God did bleed, — For sins and crimes which we have done; For us he lives to intercede. And pray before his Father's throne. 2 For us he gave the broken bread ; For us in love he poured the wine : Memorials of the blood he shed ; Memorials of his grace divine. 510 THE LORD S SUPPER. 3 Shall we for whom the Savior bled Careless his banquet's blessings see, Nor heed the parting word that said, "Do this u memory of me." 791. t- m. 1JT] WAS 0*1 that night when doomed to JL know The eager rage of ev'ry foe, That night in which he was betrayed, The Savior of the world took bread ; 2 And after thanks and glory given, To him that rules in earth and heaven, That symbol of his flesh he broke, And thus to all his foll'wers spoke : 3 "My broken body thus I give For you, my friends ; take, eat, and live, And oft the sacred feast renew That brings my wondrous love to view." 4 Then in his hands the cup he raised, And God anew he thanked and praised ; While kindness in his bosom glowed, And from his lips salvation flowed. 5 "My blood I thus pour forth," he cries, "To cleanse the soul, in sin that lies;" In this the covenant is sealed, And heaven's eternal grace revealed. '6 "This cup is fraught with love to men; Let all partake who love my name ; Through latest ages let it pour. In mem'ry of my dying hour." SACRAMENT OF 792. lls - THE Lord has prepared a feast for the poor, That they may partake of his bountiful store. The poor and the needy, the lame and the blind, May eat and be welcome, the supper is mine. 2 The Lord was the feast when he hung on the tree, He poured out his life for such sinners as we. The feast is now ready, and is well refined. Come and partake for the supper is mine. 3 The richest of food is prepared for the meek, And all who are worthy may come and partake. My flesh is the bread, and my blood is the wine, Come and partake, for the supper is mine. r 793. s. m. "E children of our God, Ye saints of latter days, Surround the table of the Lord, And join to sing his praise. He gives his flesh and blood, Our souls to purify, And blesses us with ev'ry good, And thus he brings us nigh. We do remember him, His sorrow, pain and death, And how with power he rose again Triumphant from the earth. He triumphed o'er the grave, And then ascended high^ 512 THE LORD S SUPPER. Where throned in power he sits to save And bring the sinner nigh. 5 He soon will come again, And, with his people taste The marriage supper of the Lamb, With his own presence blest. 6 Arrayed in spotless, white, We'll then each other greet, And see Messiah throned in might, And worship at his feet. 794. ? s & 5s - BLESSINGS rest upon the bread, Broken now for us ; Christ, our ever living head, Hath commanded thus. 2 Blessings rest upon the wine, Poured into the cup ; Christ our King, the vict'ry thine, Here with thee we sup. 3 Blest we drink, and* blest we eat, Food prepared by thee ; 'Tis for saints where'er they meet Thus to feasted be. 22* sis Parnate. 795. 8s & 7s. LIKE the meeting of the waters In the vale of pleasant streams, In that fair and sunny Eden That we sometimes see in dreams ; Like two threads of shining silver Woven in a perfect cord ; These two lives, which hence forever Are as one in Christ the Lord. 2 May their minds in future blending Know the purest of earth's peace ; May no evil cloud descending, Cause their perfect trust to cease. With the other each forbearing, When the time of trials come ; Ev'ry joy and sorrow sharing, Fill with light the halls of home. 3 In our life there comes no blessing, Nor a pleasure can we name, Nor a gift worth the possessing, If God blesses not the same; Therefore, sanctify, our Father, With thy Spirit, this pure vow, May it ever hold unbroken These two lives in love as now. 514 MARRIAGE. 796. L - m. AS sep'rate streams unite in one, And, flowing deep, their channels wear, May these in love glide smoothly on, Still gathering as they onward bear. 2 may their constancy of heart Be like their Master's whom they serve ; Nor aught in life ill thoughts impart, To cause them from this bond to swerve. 3 Give them intelligence and light To build their future bliss upon ; And may thy laws, by day and night, Unite their hearts, in thee, as one ! 797. L - M - THOU who at Cana's marriage feast Didst first thy wondrous glory show, Come and be with us as a guest, And make our cup of joy o'erflow. 2 Lift thou our thoughts to things above, Earth's water turn to heavenly wine ; Make us to share thy grace and love, Precious, eternal, and divine. 3 Come, Lord, and bless this sacred tie ; Make strong and pure the bond of love ; And while we live, and till we die, May we forever faithful prove. 4 Keep us, and lead us by thy hand ; Uphold us by thy mighty arm ; Till in thy courts we joyful stand, "Called to the marriage of the Lamb." 798. MARRIAGE. L. M. WITH grateful hearts and tuneful lays, We sing before th/ eternal throne, And offer up our humble praise To him whose name is God, alone. 2 At this auspicious hour draw near, And shed thy richest blessings down, Fill ev'ry heart with love sincere, With all thy faithful mercies crown. 3 Grant now thy presence, gracious Lord, And hearken to our fervent prayer) The nuptial vow in heaven record, And bless the newly married pair. 4 guide them safe this desert through, Mid all the cares of life and love, May they with joy thy glories view In the eternal world above. 799. 6-8s. FATHER, it is thy great decree, That man and woman should be one, Their loving hearts united be While they sojourn beneath the sun; Thus to fulfill thy high behest That earth should with their seed be blest. 2 For this thy son and daughter stand Rejoicing in each others love ; Heart twined in heart, hand joined in hand, Seeking thy blessing from above. Let thy approving seal be given — 3Iake this cold earth to them a heaven. MARRIAGE. When the storm-clouds o'er them gather ; Wfeen darkness shrouds their rugged path, And life seems full of care and sorrow, Do thou increase their love and faith ; Firmly knit their hearts as one Till their work on earth is done. May their lives as one be blended, Full of patience, hope, and love ; Until in blissful union ended, They are, by thee, their God, approved. Receiving each their meed of joy Where life-streams flow without alloy. 800. L- m. HOW blest the sacred tie that binds, In union sweet, according minds ! How swift the heavenly course they run, Whose hearts, and faith, and hopes, are one ! 2 To each the soul of each how dear ! What jealous care, what holy fear ! How doth the gen'rous flame inspire With sacred love and pure desire. 3 Their streaming tears together flow, For human guilt and human woe; Their ardent prayers united rise, Like mingling flames in sacrifice. 4 Nor shall the glowing flame expire 'Mid nature's drooping, sick'ning fire: Soon shall they meet in realms above, A heaven of joy, because oi' love. 517 MARRIAGE. 801. o- m. ( INCE Jesus freely did appear To grace a marriage feast, Lord, we ask thy presence here, To make a wedding guest. s 1 Upon the bridal pair look down, "Who now have plighted hands, Their union with thy favor crown, And bless the nuptial bands. In purest love these souls unite, That they with christian care May make domestic burdens light, By taking mutual share. May death to them no terror have When life's short span is o'er, In faith united, may they live Where they shall part no more. 802. 7s. (ACRED is the solemn rite, As by Elohim ordained, On creation's morn so bright, When this our fair earth was framed* s j 2 Then, the great I AM himself This pure sacrament performed ; Chastity and holy love Then the first of brides adorned. 3 See the bride-groom stand erect, See his brow with honor stamped, He no other bride expects, — He no other bride doth want. 518 MARRIAGE. 4 Two hearts joined do beat alike, Blended thus two minds are one, This is marriage holy, true, . Marriage this, and this alone. o 803. 7s&6 S . GOD of pure affection ! By men and saints adored, Who gavest thy protection To Cana's nuptial board ; 2 May such thy bounties ever To wedded love be shown, And no rude hand dissever Whom thou hast linked in one. 804. l. m. OLOBJ), do thou in heaven seal The solemn pledge these two have made, And may they still be blest to feel The obligations on them laid ! 2 may this solemn rite inspire The flame of pure connubial love, And virtue prompt each pure desire In all the scenes of life to move. 3 Give him the power to guard and shield This helpmate of his future life ; While she by softer passions yields The solace of a virtuous wife. 4 And when their mortal course is run, May still this bond of love endure, Till they, celestial honors won, Live with the loving and the pure. MARRIAGE. SOS. 8s & 7s. QUENCH no flame of pure affection, Place a guard around its urn ; Ixive to it a right direction, Bid its sacred incense burn. 2 God the sacred rite expounded, Ere the earth by sin was stained, When with purity surrounded, Man a loving wife obtained. 3 Pure and spotless, thus united, By the Great Creator's voice, Hence might nature's fount, requited With pure nature's love, rejoice. 4 As two streams together flowing, Swift or gently glide along, So two kindred souls, o'erflowing With pure love, unite as one. 5 Sweet their union, pure their pleasure, Heart with hand to each they give, Each ones heart the others treasure, — May they thus forever live. Bk00ing of (Eljiloren. 806. CM. ^UR Savior's words we bring to mind, His bright example heed ; So to thy courts, our Father kind, These little lambs we lead. 0' 2 Their spotless innocence, behold ! Like Jesus, when he came ; Ye elders, in your arms enfold, And bless them in his name. 3 Before their feet life's pathway lies, Its dangers all untried, Clothed with unnumbered mysteries, Spreads forth this world so wide. 4 Our Father bless them with thy love, And visit them with light; Steadfast and faithful may they prove, Abiding 'in thy light. 5 Soon may they enter in thy fold, By its appointed door, And to the rod of iron hold, Departing never more. 6 Pure health and righteous length of days, Their pleasant portion be, And should they die, be it to praise. And rise, and reiga with thee. 621 BLESSING OF CHILDREN. 807. 6 " 8s - CAPTAIN of our salvation, take The souls we here present to thee, And fit for thy great service make These heirs of immortality; And let them in thine image rise, And then transplant to paradise. 2 Train up thy hardy soldiers, Lord, In all their Captain's steps to tread ! Or send them to proclaim thy word, Thy gospel through the world to spread ; Freely as they receive to give, And preach the death by which we live. o S08. 4-6s & 2-8s. LORD, our Sov'reign King, Our infant charge now bless; Him to thee now we bring, O grant him now thy grace. And to us, Lord, may grace be given To train this gift of thine for heaven. A gift of richest worth, On us thou hast bestowed, may he, from his birth, Follow the Lord his God \ Sustained by grace divine, may he Be taught, Lord our God, by thee, Thou art his Father, Lord ; His spirit, pure and free, Obedient to thy word, Rejoiced in heaven with thee. may the spirit thou hast given, Return unsullied back to heaven. 0' BLESSING OF CHILDREN. S09. c. M. D. fcUIl Father, in the sacred name Of Jesus Christ, thy Son, The blessing that has been pronounced These little ones upon, We pray thee own, confirm and seal In thy most holy place, That they may constantly receive Of thy celestial grace. 3 May thy good Spirit fall on them, From this auspicious hour, As dew upon the tender plant — As the refreshing shower, That by its genial influence, They may, in infancy, In youth, and in life's vigorous prime. Be holy unto thee. 3 Protect them in their tender years, From seen and unseen ill ; And may they, as their days increase, Have thy kind watch-care still. May they grow up in health and strength. Of body and of mind, Be filled with pure intelligence, And wisdom's treasures find. 4 0, may they with a righteous zeal Be thoroughly imbued, To o'ercome evil and to tread The path of rectitude. Yea, Lord, may they, at home, abroad, Valiant for thee remain, With tongue and pen, in word and deed, And endless lives obtain. 523 BLESSING OF CHILDREN. 810. 5-&>. DEAE. Lord, accept the gifts we bring, The holiest treasures of our love ; Treasures from life's exhaustless spring, To which our fond hearts yearning cling, But now present to thee above. 2 Thine, thine they were before our fall — Thine, purchased by Christ's precious bloody As thine we yield them up, — our all, To save them from sin's cursed thrall, A living sacrifice to God, 3 Their dawning lives we consecrate To thy great service, here below, May they be truly good and great, Inspired by thee all sin to hate, All truth and purity to know. 4 Within the Lamb's great Book of Life, May their loved names be ever found ) Unsullied by sin's bitter strife, Until they gain eternal life Where endless peace and joys abound. 811. s. M. fcUR. children thou dost claim, Lord, our God, as thine ; Ten thousand blessings to thy name For goodness so divine ! O' Thee let the fathers own, Thee let the sons adore ; Joined to the Lord in solemn vows, To be forgot no more. & 524 BLESSING OF CHILDREN. 3 How great thy mercies, Lord ! How plenteous is thy grace ! Which, in the promise of thy love 9 Includes our rising race. 4 Our offspring, still thy care, Shall own their fathers' God ! To latest times thy blessings share, And sound thy praise abroad. 812. c. m. |EE Israel's gentle Shepherd stand With all-engaging charms : Hark how he calls the tender Lambs, And folds them in his arms ! s ! 2 " Permit them to approach," he cries, " Nor scorn their humble name : For 'twas to bless such souls as these The Lord of angels came." 3 We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands, And yield them up to thee ; Joyful that we ourselves are thine, Thine let our offspring be. 813. c. m. U T7I ORBED them not," the Savior cried, Jj "But suffer them to come;" Ah, then maternal tears were dried, And unbelief was dumb. 2 Lord, we believe, and we obey ; We bring them at thy word ; Be thou our children's strength and stay. Their portion and reward. 525 BLESSING OF CHILDREN. 814:. L- M. THIS child we dedicate to thee, God of grace and purity ! Shield him from sin and threatening wrong. And let thy love his life prolong. 2 may thy Spirit gently draw His willing soul to keep thy law; May virtue, piety and truth, Dawn even with his dawning youth. 3 Grant him a pure and steadfast heart, That from the truth will ne'er depart ; Faithful to ev'ry law that's given, Oh ! may he share the joys of heaven. 81 5. ^ M- DEAR, Savior, if these lambs should stray. From thy secure enclosure's bound, And, lured by worldly joys away, Among the thoughtless crowd be found ; 2 Remember still that they are thine, That thy dear sacred name they bear ; Think that the seal of love divine, The sign of cov'nant grace they wear. 3 In all their erring, sinful years, Oh ! let them ne'er forgotten be ; Remember all the prayers and tears Which made them consecrate to thee. 4 And when these lips no more can pray, These eyes can weep for them no more, Turn thou their feet from folly's way ; The wand'rers to thy fold restore. 526 BLESSING OF CHILDREN. 816. 7s. BLESS these little ones, oh God ! Strength and health their portion be : Lead them to the iron rod, Reaching unto life's fair tree. 2 Lead them, Father, we are blind, .We are ignorant and weak, Thou art just and wisely kind, More than we can know or speak. 3 Grentle these, as morning flowers, Snowy urns with freshness full, Germs of undeveloped powers, Innocent and beautiful. 4 Pour thy glorious Spirit down, Like a flood of living light, By thy presence gird them round, Set them in the way of right. 817. RM - HERE is a little lamb, Cheek of velvet, eye so bright, Can\st thou, the Great I AM, Give it thy light ? Walking with feeble feet, LTp life's rugged way so far, For it thy Spirit sweet, A guiding star. Gifts round its pathway fall. As drops down the gentle rain, O'er hill and woodland tall. And springing grain. BLESSING OF CHILDREN. SIS. s. M. GKEAT God, now condescend To bless our rising race ; Soon may their willing spirits bend. The subjects of thy grace. 2 Oh, what a pure delight Their happiness to see ; Our warmest wishes all unite To lead their souls to thee. 3 Now bless, thou God of love, This ordinance divine; Send thy good Spirit from above, And seal these children thine. 819. s. m. OD of our fathers now, We bring our children near, Give them to thee in solemn vow, That they thy name may fear. G< 2 Oh ! grant to give us grace, Their infant minds to store With knowledge of thy works and ways, Thy name may they adore. 3 Grant, Lord, the dews of grace May ever hover near, Distilling as the gentle shower, Till harvest shall appear. 4 Then when thy reapers come, — That holy angel band; Grant, Father, that these little ones, Firm in thy faith may stand. 528 BLESSING OF CHILDREN. 5 We plead the name of him Who was the children's friend ; Who having loved his little lambs Will love them to the end. 6 Thus Lord, our children take, And by thy power divine, Cause that they faithful may abide In Christ the living vine. 820. s. m. ^0 thee, God in heaven, This little one we bring, Giving to thee what thou hast given, Our dearest offering. rp 2 Into a world of toil These little feet will roam, Where sin its purity may soil, Where care and grief may come. 3 0, then, let thy pure love, With influence serene, Come down, like water, from above, To comfort and make clean ! 821. s. m. ^0 him who children blest, And suffered them to come, To him who took them to his breast, We brine; these children home. T l To thee, God, whose love For children we behold, We bring them, praying that thy grace May keep, thine arms enfold. w BLESSING OF CHILDREN 822. Q, m. 'E take these children in our arms As Jesus did of old. And pray that safe from sin's sad harms Christ keep them, in his fold. 2 Be health their portion, wisdom's light The guidance of their feet, Till in thine endless kingdom bright, They shall together meet. 3 Gentle and Christ-like may they learn From ev'ry word of thine, Until for righteousness they earn A crown of joy divine. 4 Thorny the path before their face ; Spare them our sorrows, Lord ! In mercy give them of thy grace, As written in thy word. 823. L- M. LORD ! encouraged by thy grace We bring this infant to thy throne ; Give it within thy heart a place, Let it be thine, and thine alone. 2 We ask not for it earthly bliss, Or earthly honors, wealth, or fame : The sum of our request is this, — That it may love and fear thy name. 3 This infant we by faith commit To thy kind love and guardian care ; "We lay it at the Savior's feet, He will not let it perish there. Jttmuntsteting to tlje Sick. 824. cm. THOUGH clouds of sickness dim thy sky, And waves of trouble roll ; There is a friend, for ever nigh. Will clouds and waves control. 2 Though dark and lonesome be thy way, And thorns thy path bestrew ; His strength will be thy strength and stay, His Spirit guide thee through. 3 Afflicted one, to Christ draw near, His pleadings are for thee, Nor will thy God refuse thy prayer, Unless thou doubting be. ' 4 Has sickness cast o'er thee her pall ? In prayer thy Lord approach ; With faith unshaken on him call, And ask his healing touch. 5 His servants ask upon thy head The holy oil to pour ; To pray as by his Spirit led, For health, and strength, and cure. 531 ADMINISTERING TO THE SICK. 825. s. m. WITH faith, in prayer, bow down In deep humility. And ask the Lord his rite to crown With health and purity. 2 Though sin hath cursed thy life With bitterness and pain, God's promise is with mercy rife — Thou may'st be well again. 3 Bow at his footstool, bow, In fervent, heart-felt prayer, Invoke his blessing on thee now, That thou his gifts may share. -i With consecrated oil, In Jesus precious name, Anointed be, in faith, the while His promise thou shalt claim. 826. us- CHRIST hath drank deep of the cup of affliction, Passed through the sorrows of life and its woes, Suffered its insults, and borne its inflictions Of Blockings, and scourgings, and death from his foes. 2 He traveled life's journey, entered death's portals, He knows all our anguish, our pain and our smart ; And in his strong love for poor suffering mortals, Hath deigned by the gospel relief to impart. ADMINISTERING TO THE SICK. 3 His heart warmly beat for tiie poor and dis- tressed, In soul-moving sympathy, kindness and love, And when he ascended, that all might be blessed, Transmitted the Spirit of Life from above. 4 He shall be saved who the gospel receiveth, His life shall be crowned with the peace of the Lord ; And heavenly signs follow him that believeth, The seal of the Spirit confirming the word. 5 With prayer of faith, and with oil of anointing, The Spirit attending, the sick shall be healed, The method be owned of Jesus' appointing, The sickness be banished, the malady yield. r 827. 8s - ~N meekness, in weakness, and pain, Mistaken and drifting about, More often in loss than in o:ain,— Less often in peace than in doubt. 2 Have pity thou merciful King, And send us thy Spirit to heal ; Let th' angel now trouble the spring That may health and rejoicing reveal. 3 give us the power of those men Who walked in thy kingdom of old ; Send faith to be healed once again — A gift more desired than fine gold. 4 Lo ! we haste t' perform thy commands, The oil consecrated behold, By p'tition and laying on hands, As we in the scriptures are told. 533 ADMINISTERING TO THE SICK. 828. Q- m. ^mHESE signs shall follow who believe ' X Declared the risen Lord ; for a faith this to receive, The promise of his word. 2 Go, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, Go stifPrmg man relieve ; Freely of me ye have received, Go and as freely give. 3 Heed not vain man, nor dread his power, — Devils shall from you flee, And own the name in which you speak, Unless you doubting be. 4 Commissioned hence as I have been, Nature shall own your power, The Father your administ'ring, And heavenly blessings shower. 5 With holy oil anoint in faith, O'er the afflicted pray, Speak boldly what the Spirit saith, God will his power display. 829. s. m. "OW frail the human form, How frail the human mind, The one, a reed before the storm, The one, to sin inclined. H ( Look, gentle God, yet strong, Upon our painful frame ; Hear thou our feeble prayer and song, In Jesus' holy name. ADMINISTERING TO THE SICK Oh ! bid the pain remove, Command the flesh to heal, Forgive the spirit in thy love; For sin and want of zeal. Roll back the gloomy cloud From off the darkened mind, Cause the sad heart to sing aloud, And peace and pardon find. 830. 8s & 7s. RT thou worn with care and trouble ? Doth disease invade thy frame ? Firmly in thy Maker trusting, Humbly pray in Jesus' name. A' 2 Pray for Faith's great healing virtues, Pray for Hope's sure anchorage ; Be with holy oil anointed, Earnestly in prayer engage. 3 Human skill may fail its purpose. Human wisdom folly prove ; There are means of God's appointment, Revelators of his love. 4 Though death-waves may lash with fury, Though disease be multiform; Though thy bark of life be trembling. Faith will guide her through the storm 5 Trust in Jesus; seek his blessing, Rest upon his promise given ; Then though life or death thy portion, Thou hast joy on earth, in heaven. 535 ADMINISTERING TO THE SICK. 831. 0. M. D. WHEN sickness clouds the soul with grief, And wastes this mortal frame, Thine ord'nance brings our woes relief, Through faith in thy great name. Anointed with the holy oil, And by thy servants blest, We wait upon thy promised aid In all that we request. 2 If sin has brought thy scourging rod, May we thy chastening prove, And learn from all we suffer here, Thy precepts more to love. But should the enemy of man, Distracting cares intrude, Give faith to overcome the ill, And triumph in the good. 3 "When darkness and temptations come, And worldly cares arise, And sickness, poverty and death, Our fondest hopes surprise. let thy Spirit's light impart Renewing strength divine, That we may rise above them all, And know that we are thine. B< 832. '"■ > OW the head, and breathe the prayer, That the healing power may come, While the spirit may forbear, Or release may bear it home. 2 Father, kind, we here entreat, Quickly send the sufFrer ease ; ADMINISTERING TO THE SICK, Faith and hope together meet, Send the lab 'ring body peace. 3 Suffering saint, forbear thy sighs, Lift thy heart in faith to God, Blest the sonl who thus relies 'Neath affliction's heavy rod. 4 Let thine elders, Lord, be strong, As their hands they here impose, Send relief, nor suifer long Delay beneath affliction's woes. 5 Watching, weary, worn, and sad, Here thy saints their vigils keep ; Send repose, their hearts make glad, Let the wakeful spirit sleep. 6 This kind boon we ask of thee, In the name of Christ thy Son, Still resigned let each one be, Thine, Lord, thy will be done. 7 Let recov'ry be complete, That thy saints may praises give, Heal the sick, Lord, we repeat, That by grace they now may live, S33. 8s & 7s. GRANT this candidate thy blessing. Grant thy servants. Lord, thy power ; On them, while thy throne addressing, Gifts of grace and healing shower. 2 Sanctify, as gracious unction From thyself, the oil they pour ; \\c:\] the suif M ivr, give each function Health and life from this gkd hour. 23* •"• ;;T ADMINISTERING TO THE SICK. 834. 7s & 68 X). HARK ! 'tis the voice of Jesus Declaring in his word, These signs are for believers Who own me as their Lord. In sacred tongues their voices New wonders shall declare, And by prophetic warnings, The watchman's heart prepare. 2 If serpents they shall handle, No harm to them arise ; Nor deadly drinks shall hurt them That wicked men devise. If devils dare assail them, Still, subject to my name They'll flee, cast out before them, By higher power o'ercame. 3 But if to crown their triumph, The sick for them shall send, More gracious then their mission, To be the suffrer's friend ; I too will there be with them, And health and life bestow ; The sick, restored, shall witness The power of God below. 4 But if to death appointed. As all men once must die, My grace shall be their comfort, My succor shall be nigh. No rude hand shall assail tiiein, No evil them distress ; But peaceful be their transit To realms of purest bliss. 533 Pmtlj an& funeral 835. L - M- ASLEEP in Jesus ! blessed sleep ! From which none ever wake to weepj A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. 2 Asleep in Jesus ! oh, how sweet To be for such a slumber meet I With holy confidence to sing That death hath lost its venomed sting ! 3 Asleep in Jesus ! peaceful rest ! Whose waking is supremely blest; No fear — no woe shall dim the hour That manifests the Savior's power. 4 Asleep in Jesus ! oh, for me May such a blisful refuge be : Securely shall my ashes lie, And wait the summons from on high. 5 Asleep in Jesus ! far from thee Thy kindred and their graves may be : But thine is still a blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep. D 1 DEATH AND FUNERAL. CM. ^EAR brother, thou art gone to rest; We will not weep for thee ; For thou art now where oft on earth Thy spirit longed to be. 2 Dear brother, thou art gone to rest ; Thine is an early tomb ; But Jesus summoned thee away; Thy Savior called thee home. 3 Dear brother, thou art gone to rest; Thy toils and cares are o'er ; And sorrow, pain, and sufT'ring, now Shall ne'er distress thee more. 4 Dear brother, thou art gone to rest; Thy sins are all forgiven ; And saints in light have welcomed thee To share the joys of heaven. 5 Dear brother, thou art gone to rest; And 'this shall be our prayer — That when we reach our journey's end, Thy glory we may share. 837. s - M - AND am I born to die ? To lay this body down ? And must my trembling spirit fly Into a world unknown ? "Waked by the trumpet's sound, I from the grave must rise, And see the Judge, with glory crowned, And see the flaming skies. 540 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 3 How shall I leave my tomb ? — With triumph or regret ?— A fearful or a joyful doom — - A curse, or blessing meet ? 4 thou who wouldst not have One wretched sinner die, Who died thyself, my soul to save From endless misery ; — 5 Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe ; That, when thou comest on thy throne, I may with joy appear. $38. 8s & 7s. JESUS, while our hearts are bleeding O'er the spoils that death has won, We would at this solemn meeting, Calmly say, — "thy will be done." 2 Though cast down, we ? re not forsaken ; Though afflicted, not alone ; Thou didst give, and thou hast taken ; Blessed Lord, — "thy will be done." 3 Though to-clay we 're filled with mourning, Mercy still is on the throne ; With thy smiles of love returning. We can sing — "thy will be done." 4 By thy hands the boon was given. Thou hast taken but thine own ; Lord of earth, and God of heaven. Evermore, — "thy will be done!" 641 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 839. 9s & 10s. A HOME in "heaven ! what a joyful thought, As the poor man toils in his weary lot ! His heart oppressed and with anguish driven. From his home below — to his home in heaven. 2 A home in heaven ! when the faint heart bleeds By the Spirit's stroke, for its evil deeds ; ! then what bliss in that heart forgiven, Does the hope inspire of a home in heaven. 3 A home in heaven ! when our friends are fled To the cheerless gloom of the moldering dead; We wait in hope on the promise given ; We shall meet again in our home in heaven. 4 A home in heaven ! when the wheel is broke, And the golden bowl by the terror-stroke ; Tho' life's bright sun sinks in death's dark even We will dwell with the blest in our home in heaven. 84:0. 10s D. HAPPY the spirit released from its clay ; Happy the soul that goes bounding away; Singing, as upward it hastes to the skies, Victory, victory ! homeward I rise ! Many the toils it has passed through below, Many the seasons of trial and woe ; 3Iany the doubtings it never should sing, Victory, victory ! thus on the wing. 2 There lies the wearisome body at rest, Closed are its eyelids, and quiet its breast, But the glad spirit, on pinions of light, Victory, victory ! sings in its flight. 542 DEATH AND FUNERAL. While we are weeping our friends gone from earth, Angels are singing their heavenly birth ; Welcome, oh welcome to our happy shore ; Victory, victory ! weep ye no more. 3 How can we wish them recalled from their home, Longer in sorrowing exile to roam ? Safely they passed from their troubles beneath. Victory, victory ! crowns them in death. Thus let them slumber till Christ from the skies, Bids them in glorified bodies arise, Singing as upward they spring from the tomb, Victory, victory ! Jesus hath come. 841. c. m. " OW beautiful, on all the hills The crimson light is shed ; 7 Tis like the peace the righteous give To mourners round their bed. H ( 2 How mildly on the wand'ring cloud The sunset beam is cast ; So sweet the mem'ry left behind, When loved ones breathe their last. 3 And lo ! above the dews of night The vesper star appears : So faith lights up the mourner's heart Whose eyes are dim with tears. 4 Night mils, but soon the morning light Its glories shall restore ; And thus the eyes that sleep in death Shall wake to close no more. 543 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 84:2. l. M. AT ev'ry moment of our breath, Life trembles on the brink of death, A taper's flame that upward turns, While downward to the dust it burns. 2 A moment ushered us to birth, Heirs of the commonwealth of earth; Moment by moment, years are past, And one, ere long, will be our last. 3 Time past and time to come are not, Time present is our only lot ; O God, henceforth our hearts incline To seek no other love than thine. 843. iob d. JOYFULLY, joyfully, onward I move, Bound for the home of bright spirits above> Angelic choristers sing as I come, "Joyfully, joyfully haste to thy home." Soon with my pilgrimage ended below, Home to that land of delight will I go; Pilgrim and stranger no more shall I roam, Joyfully, joyfully resting at home. 2 Friends fondly cherished have passed on before, Waiting, they watch me approaching the shore, Sinking to cheer me through death's chilling gloom, u Joyfully, joyfully haste to thy home." Sounds of sweet melody fall on my ear, Harps of the blessed, your voices I hear ; Rings with the harmony, heaven's high dome, "Joyfully, joyfully haste to thy home." DEATH AND FUNERAL. Death, with thy weapons of war lay me low; Strike, king of terrors, I fear not the blow; Jesus hath broken the bars of the tomb, Joyfully, joyfully will I go home. Bright will the morn of eternity dawn ; Death shall be banished, his scepter be gone ; Joyfully then shall I witness his doom, Joyfully, joyfully, safely at home. 844. c. m. BEREAVED friends, weep not for him Whose place is vacant here ; Your loss is great, but he has gained A brighter, happier sphere I 2 He's only gone to wait awhile, Beyond this vale of tears ; To bask in his dear Savior's smile, Till Christ in clouds appears. 3 In those bright clouds he'll surely come ; Would you, then, stand prepared To welcome him on earth, the home Of all who love the Lord ? 4 Then, like him, hold the "iron rod;" Let that your footsteps guide ; And then his God will be your God — Your feet shall never slide. 5 You'll then behold him, face to face, When no rude hand shall tear You from each others warm embrace, Nor cause a sorrow there. 545 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 845. o. m. THERE is a life beyond the tomb That death can not invade, Where pain, nor woes, nor sin's dark gloom, Can ever cast a shade. 2 That life, the greatest gift of God, The sum of endless joy; The sum of universal good, Free from all base alloy. 3 Eternal life ! how sweet the sound ; How dear to dying man ; It tells of treasures only found In the great gospel plan. 4 It tells of pleasures unconceived, Of joys to man unknown, . Prepared for all who will believe In God's Eternal Son. 846. 0; m. ASLEEP in Jesus — glorious thought ! A balm for all our wounds ; A balm with hope and comfort fraught, Amid our grief and gloom. 2 Our tears with sad profusion flow, At loss of those we love ; Yet full of hope this truth we know, Their spirits dwell above. 3 By faith we see our sister dear, On her dear Savior lean In sweet repose, nor pain, nor fear, Nor woe can intervene. 546 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 4 Asleep in Jesus — sweet the rest, Of all who thus repose On their dear, loving Savior's breast, Redeemed from all their woes. 5 Asleep in Christ — -soon shall they wake, And rise to meet their Lord; When at his shout the earth shall shake, The dead shall be restored. — 6 Restored to life — Eternal Life — Bought by a Savior's blood; A life with endless pleasures rife, The Greatest gift of God. 847. c - M - LIFE is a span — a fleeting hour — How soon the vapor flies! Man is a tender, transient flower, That e'en while blooming dies. 2 The once-loved form, now cold and dead, Each mournful thought employs; And nature weeps, her comforts fled, And withered all her joys. 3 Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what we now deplore Shall rise in full, immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. 4 Cease then, fond nature, cease thy tears- Thy Savior dwells on high; There everlasting spring appears — There joys shall never die. 547 DEATH AND FUNERAL. S4S. 9» & 10* A HOME in heaven ! As the sufFrer lies On his bed of pain, and uplifts his eyes To that bright home, what a joy is given With the blessed tho't of his home in heaven. 2 A home in heaven ! When our pleasures fade. And our wealth and fame in the dust are laid ; And strength decays, and our health is riven, We are happy still with our home in heaven. 3 Our home in heaven! 0, the glorious home; And the Spirit ioined with the bride says. '•Come!" Obey his word, and your sins forgiven. You'll rejoice in hope of your home in heaven. 849. us- HOW blest are the dead who have died in the Lord, E'en so, saith the Spirit, Amen, and Amen ! The prophet, commanded, these words doth re- cord, Sweet comfort to give to the children of men. 2 Yea blessed are they from henceforth and for aye, They rest from their sorrow and toil evermore \ Their works too shall follow, the Spirit doth say, To reap their reward they have gone on before. J Yea blessed are they, for their life is with God) Through Jesus they triumph o'er sin, death and hell ; [trod, Their feet have been firm in the path that he Their trust was in him who hath done all things well. 548 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 4 Thrice blessed are they, for no woes can invade That blissful abode where they rest from their toil ; No more are they called through affliction to wade, [smile. They bask evermore in their Savior's sweet 5 Then weep not, bereft ones, as those without hope — All is well with th' loved ones who've gone on before ; Walk on in their footsteps ; to Jesus look up ; Secure the great blessing; of Life Evermore. s 1 8 50. 8s > 8s & 6s - I HE'S gone ! Her work on earth is done; Her battle's fought, her race is run ; Blest is the path she trod : For she espoused the glorious cause, In prompt obedience to the laws Of the Eternal God. She sleeps ! Her troubles here are o'er ; She sleeps where earthly ills no more Will break the slumb'rers rest ; Her dust will rest beneath the sod, Her spirit has returned to God, To mingle with the blest. The Savior conquered death ; although It slays our friends and lays them low ; Clothed in immortal bloom. When Jesus Christ shall conic to reign, They'll burst their icy bands in twain, And triumph o'er the tomb. H' DEATH AND FUNERAL. 851. c. m. "EAVEN has confirmed the dread decree That Adam's race must die : One general ruin sweeps them down, And low in dust they lie. 2 Ye living men, the tomb survey, Where you must shortly dwell ; Hark ! how the awful summons sounds, In ev'ry funeral knell i 3 Those eyes, so long in darkness veiled, Must wake, the Judge to see ; And ev'ry word — and ev'ry thought — Must pass his scrutiny. 4 may I in the Judge behold My Savior and my Friend; • And. far beyond the reach of death, With all his saints ascend. 852. c. m. ~NCONSCIOUS now in mother earth, This body lies at rest ; Remember, mourners, while ye weep, Her spirit's with the blest. it 2 Away from earth and Satan's snares, Her faith sufficient tried, The casket only lieth here, The gem 's in Paradise, 3 Why should we sorrow to restore The body to its home ? Things must be planted ere they can Attain perfection's bloom. DEATH AND FUNERAL. Soon, when the seventh day arrives, The Lord will bid it rise ; And then perfected it will be, Redeemed by sacrifice. 853. ?• m: THE clods of the valley shall lie above The dearest object of mortal love, The tallest form and the fairest face, Shall lowly lie in some lonely place : Then icJiat of good Shall our life have ? And in what mood Shall we leave this grave? 2 Then how our pride should vanish away, As we view a type of our death, to-day, How kind to all ought we to be, When our life's shortness we thus may see: Then what of good Shall our life have? And in tvhat mood, Shall we leave this grave? 3 Then cheer the heart with a promise sweet, Beyond the grave shall the faithful meet; To prepare our souls for that blest hour, Shall we do what lies in our feeble power ; This icork of good Our life should have ; And in this mood Should ire leave the grave. 551 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 854. ?• m. SHED not a tear o'er your friend's early bier, When I am gone — when I am gone — Smile when the slow-tolling bell ye shall hear ; When I am gone — I am gone — Weep not for me when ye stand round my grave ; Think who has died his beloved to save ; Think of the crown all the ransomed shall have ; When I am gone — I am gone. 2 Plant ye a tree which may wave over me, When I am gone — when I am gone — Sing ye a song when my grave ye shall see ; When I am gone — I am gone — Come at the close of a bright summer's day, Come when the sun sheds his last lingering ray ; Come and rejoice that I thus passed away; When I am gone — I am gone. 3 Plant ye a rose that may bloom o'er my bed ; When I am gone — when I am gone — Breathe not a sigh for the blest early dead ; When I am gone — I am gone — Praise ye the Lord that I'm freed from all care ; Serve ye the Lord that my bliss ye may share; Look up on high and believe I am there ; When I am gone — I am gone. 855. 8s > 6s, 8s, 8s, 6s. THE brightness of a lamp gone out, Hands quiet, eyes at rest, Feet that no longer flit about, Heart that in faith was firm and stout, Now pulseless in the breast. 552 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 2 Voice that on earth will come no more, Save in the dreams of night, As echoes, from the far-off shore, With happy thoughts of days before. Loner vanished from our sisrht. 3 Place we the form within the grave ; The spirit's destiny, Lies with the mighty one who gave The gospel ; souls of men to save, And set from evil free. 4 Then come we from the grave away ; But not without bright hope That he, who in the former day, Through this dark valley showed the way, Will raise our treasure up. 856. l. m. THE morning flowers display their sweets, And gay their silken leaves unfold, As careless of the noontide heats, As fearless of the evening cold. 2 Nipped by the wind's untimely blast, Parched by the sun's directer ray, The momentary glories waste, The short-lived beauties die away. 3 So blooms the human face divine, When youth its pride of beauty shows, Fairer than spring the colors shine, And sweeter than the virgin-rose. 4 Yet these, new-rising from the tomb, With luster brighter far shall shine ; Revive with ever-during bloom, Safe from diseases and decline. 24 553 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 857. 6 - 8s - THINK, mighty God, on feeble man, How few his hours — how short his span Short from the cradle to the grave ; Who can secure his vital breath Against the bold demands of death, With skill to fly — or power to save ? 2 Lord, shall it be forever said, ••The race of man was only made For sickness, sorrow, and the dust ? " Are not thy servants, day by day, Sent to their graves, and turned to clay ? Lord where's thy kindness to the just? 3 Hast thou not promised to thy Son, And all his seed, a heavenly crown ? — But flesh and sense indulge despair : Forever blessed be the Lord, That faith can read his holy word, And find a resurrection there. 4 Forever blessed be the Lord, Who gives his saints a long reward For all their toil, reproach and pain) Let all below, and all above, Join to proclaim thy wondrous love. And each repeat his loud Amen D 1 $58. o. M. ^EATH is the heritage of man, Bequeathed as fruit of sin, Which makes this life a narrow span Of sorrow, grief and pain. The tomb must be his narrow bed, When this life's journey's o'er, DEATH AND FUNERAL. Until the trump awakes the dead, To live to die no more. 3 Then those who've died in Christ shall burst The barriers of the tomb, To reign on earth, no more accursed With sorrow, death, or gloom. 4 Then friends shall meet with friends most dear, Parents and children too, No more to shed the parting tear, Or bid the sad adieu. 5 Our life will be eternal then, Eternal all our joy; With Christ together we shall reign, Nor sin our bliss destroy. 859. l. m. UNVEIL thy bosom, faithful Comb, Take this new treasure to thy trust, And give these sacred relics room, To slumber in the silent dust. 2 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear Invade thy bounds — no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch the soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept — God's dying Son Passed thro the grave, and blest the bed. Rest here, blest saint, till from his throne The morning light shall pierce the shade. 4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn! Attend, earth! his sov'reign word; Restore thy trust — a glorious form Shall then arise to meet the Lord. DEATH AND FUNERAL. 860. 8s & 7s. iEASE, ye mourners, cease to languish O'er the grave of those you love ; Pain, and death, and night, and anguish, Enter not the world above. c 1 2 While our silent steps are straying, Lonely, through night's deep'ning shade, Glory's brightest beams are playing Round th' immortal spirit's head. 3 Light and peace at once deriving From the hand of God most high, In his glorious presence living, They shall never — never die ! 4 Endless pleasure, pain excluding, Sickness there no more can come ; There, no fear of woe intruding. Sheds o'er heaven a moment's gloom. 5 Now, ye mourners, cease to languish O'er the graves of those ye love ; Far removed from pain and anguish, They are chanting hymns above. 861. c. m. GOD ! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come; Be thou our guide while life shall last, And our perpetual home ! o Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God. Eternally the same. 556 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 3 A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun 4 The busy tribes of flesh and blood, With all their cares and fears', Are carried downward by the flood. And lost in folFwing years. 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. 862. . o'- m. WHY do we mourn for dying friends, Or shake at death's alarms ? ; T is but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. 2 Are we not tending upward too, As fast as time can move ? Nor should we wish the hours more slow, To keep us from our love. 3 Why should we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? There once the flesh of Jesus lay, And left a long perfume. 4 The graves of all his saints he blest, And softened every bed : Where should the dying members rest, But with their dying Head. DEATH AND FUNERAL. SQ3. 8s , 6s >, 8s, 6s. THERE is an hour of peaceful rest To mourning wand'rers given : There is a tear for souls distressed, A balm for ev'ry wounded breast — ; T is found alone — in heaven. 2 There is a home for weary souls By sins and sorrows driven ; When tossed on life's tempestuous shoals, Where storms arise — and ocean rolls, And all is drear — but heaven. 3 There faith lifts up the tearless eye, The heart with anguish riven, It views the tempest passing by, Sees evening shadows quickly fly, And all serene — in heaven. 4 There fragrant flowers immortal bloom. And joys supreme are given; There rays divine disperse the gloom ; Beyond Che dark and narrow tomb Appears the dawn — of heaven. 864. 8s & 7s. SISTER, thou wast mild and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze, Pleasant as the air of evening, When it floats among the trees. 2 Peaceful be thy silent slumber — Peaceful in the grave so low; Thou no more wilt join our number; Thou no more our songs shalt know. 558 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 3 Dearest sister, thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'tis God that hath bereft us, — He can all our sorrows heal. 4 Yet again we hope to meet thee, When death's gloomy night has fled; Then on earth with joy to greet thee, Where no bitter tears are shed. 865. l. m. HOW blest the righteous when he dies, When sinks a weary soul to rest ! How mildly beam the closing eyes ! How gently heaves th' expiring breast ! 2 So fades a summer cloud away ; So sinks the gale when storms are o'er: So gently shuts the eye of day ; So dies a wave along the shore. 3 A holy quiet reigns around, A calm which life nor death destroys; And naught disturbs that peace profound Which his unfettered soul enjoys. 4 Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears, Where lights and shades alternate dwell — How bright th' unchanging morn appears ! Farewell, inconstant world, farewell ! 5 Life's labor done, as sinks the clay. Light from its load the Spirit flies. While heaven and earth combine to say, "How blest the righteous when he dies!" 559 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 866. 12s & lls - THOU art gone to the grave; but we will not deplore thee. Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb 5 The Savior has passed through its portals before thee, And th' lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom. 2 Thou art gone to the grave ; we no longer be- hold thee, Nor tread the rough paths of the world by thy side ; But th' wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners may hope, since the Savior hath died. 3 Thou art gone to the grave ; and, its mansion forsaking, Perchance thy weak spirit in doubt lingered long; But th' sunshine of heaven beamed bright on thy waking, And th' sound thou didst hear was the sera- phim's song. 4 Thou art gone to the grave ; but we will not deplore thee ; Since Christ was thy Ransom, thy Guardian, thy Guide ; He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore thee ; For death has no sting, since the Savior hath died. 560 S' DEATH AND FUNERAL, 7s. I HUDDER not to pass the stream i Venture all thy care on him — Him, whose dying love and power Stilled its tossing, hushed its roar. 2 Angels, joyful to attend, Hov'ring round thy pillow, bend, Wait to catch the signal given, And convey thee quick to heaven. 3 Go to shine before the throne ; Deck the Mediator's crown ; Go, his triumphs to adorn ; Made for God, to God return. 4 See the haven full in view ) Love divine shall bear thee through : Trust to that propitious gale ; Weigh thine anchor, spread thy sail. 868. 8s & 7s. WHILE affliction's surge is o'er you, Look beyond the dark'ning wave; See a brighter scene before you \ Hail the triumph o'er the grave. 2 Though your darling child is taken From your bosom to the urn ; Soon the sleeping dust will waken And its spirit will return. 3 Yes, again you will behold it, Fairer than the morning ray; In your arms you will enfold it, When all tears are wiped away. 24* 561 DEATH AND FUNERAL, 869. *« d. "QPIRIT, leave thy house of clay; IO Lingering dust, resign thy breath ; Spirit, cast thy chains away ; Dust, be thou dissolved in death:" Thus the mighty Savior speaks, While the faithful Christian dies : Thus the bonds of life he breaks, And the ransomed captive flies. 2 "Pris'ner, long detained below, Prisoner, now with freedom blest, Welcome from a world of woe ; Welcome to a land of rest : n Thus the choir of angels sing, As they bear the soul on high, While with "Hallelujahs" ring All the regions of the sky. 3 Grave, the guardian of our dust, Grave, the treasury of the skies, Ev'ry atom of thy trust Rests in hope again to rise : Hark ! the judgment-trumpet calls — "Soul, rebuild thy house, once clay; Immortality, thy walls; And eternity, thy day." 870. l. m. S the sweet flower that scents the morn, But withers in the rising clay, Thus lovely was this infant's dawn, Thus swiftly fled its life away. A f 2 It died ere its expanding soul Had ever burnt with wrong desires, DEATH AND FUNERAL. Had ever spurned at Heaven's control, Or ever quenched its sacred fires. 3 Yet the sad hour that took its life Perhaps has spared a heavier doom, — Snatched it from scenes of guilty strife, Or from the pangs of ills to come. $71. L. M. D. CREATION speaks with awful voice- Hark ! 'tis a universal groan He-echoes through the vast extent Of worlds unnumbered, called to mourn. For sickness, sorrow, pain and death, With awful tyranny have reigned : While all eternity has shed Her tears of sorrow o'er the slain. 2 But hark ! again a voice is heard Resounding through the solemn cloom — A mighty conqu'ror has appeared, In triumph rising from the tomb. No longer let creation mourn ; Ye sons of sorrow, dry your tears ; Life — life — eternal life is ours, — • Dismiss your doubts, dispel your fears. 3 The King shall soon in clouds descend, With all the heavenly host above ; The dead shall rise and hail their friends. And always dwell with those they love. No tears, no sorrow, death, nor pain. Shall e'er be known to enter there ; But perfect peace, immortal bloom. Shall reign triumphant ev'rywhere ! 663 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 872. q- m. D. THO' men may lay beneath the ground These forms we hold so dear, Know, when the angel's trump shall sound, In glory they'll appear. Our home at last the new earth fair. Where life's bright waters flow ; And all the faithful will be there ; God's word has told us so. 2 The new Jerusalem come down, Her streets all paved with gold; And Jesus with the victor's crown, Our eyes will then behold. There we'll feel no troubling pain, Nor any sickness know : Like Eden, earth shall bloom again, God's word has told us so. 3 God and the Lamb will be the light Of all that holy place, The tree of life will greet our sight, And we its fruit shall taste. When the Messiah comes again To dwell with man below, We shall with him in glory reign, God's word has told us so. * 873. c. m. CALM on the bosom of thy God, Young spirit, rest thee now ! E'en while with us thy footsteps trod, His seal was on thy brow. 2 Dust, to its narrow house beneath ! Soul, to its place on high ! 5C4 DEATH AND FUNERAL. They that have seen thy look in death No more may fear to die. 3 Lone are the paths, and sad the bowers. Whence thy meek smile is gone ; But, oh ! a brighter home, than ours, In heaven, is now thine own. 874:. c. m. d. THE triumphs of the martyred saints The joyous lay demand; The heart delights in song to dwell On that victorious band. — Those whom the senseless world abhorred. Who cast the world aside, Deeming it worthless, for the sake Of Christ, their Lord and Guide. 2 For him they braved the tyrant's rage, The scourge's cruel smart; The wild beasts fang their bodies tore, But vanquished not the heart ; Like lambs before the sword they fell, Nor cry nor plaint expressed ; For patience kept the conscious mind, And armed the fearless breast. 3 What tongue can tell the crown prepared The martyr's brow to grace ? His shining robe, his joys unknown, Before thy glorious face ? Vouchsafe us, Lord, if such thy will r Clear skies and seasons calm ; If not, the martyr's cross to boar, And win the martyr's palm. 505 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 875. ^ ]0 the gath'ring past our years. Troop as moments gliding by. Fill the present with our tears, — For the future drawing nigh. T ( 2 Frame, worn weary with sad care, Thou shalt rest with earth at peace ; Toil-worn hands — heart faint with prayer Ye shall rest, your sorrows cease, 3 Ah ! my spirit, is this death, Thus to pass from earth away ? Then, I gladly yield my breath, Take me, Lord, — take me, I pray, 4 This, the language of the soul, Nearly to the portals wide ; Christ, the way; and heaven, the goal — Close the door — for such Christ died. 870. h. m. |^LIP from the brow one sunny tress, \J One curl that decked the little head; Give the cold clay one last caress, Weep, mother, weep, thy child is dead ! 2 Yet stay the anguish of thy heart. Nor of thy grief with murm'ring tell $ What though thy hopes like dreams depart* Still faith confesses, "It is well." 3 No more thine eyes with sorrow dim, Shall watch those wayward little feet; But angels bright, and cherubim Shall guide them up the golden street 566 DEATH AND FUNERAL. Soon shall the light of coming day Flash through the portals of the tomb ; Sighing and tears shall flee away, And joy light up thine endless home. Safe on that distant shining shore, Where the long-parted ones shall meet, And meeting once, shall part no more — ■ There thou the loved and lost shalt greet 8%^. 8s & 7s. REST, cold form, thy spirit cleaveth With swift speed the upper air; Lone the hearts which here it leaveth, But how glad its welcome there. 2 Rest, proud heart, thy brief pulsations, Chafed the bars it could not break ; Now thy spirit's freed emotions, Their own boundless empire make. 3 Rest, sad eyes, whose tearful weeping Oft bore witness to thy grief; Closed thy lids, — thy dust is sleeping,— j- Death is sleep — 'tis passing brief. 4 Rest, tired feet, thy journey's ended, And the care that moved them, done; Hence, the path with angels blended, Is but short — the crown is won. 5 Rest, tired hands, thy weapons iaileth ; Past, the need of warfare now ; Gone, thy strength — thy faith prevaileth ; God himself will speed the plow. 5G7 W 1 DEATH AND FUNERAL. P. M. 'HEN the spark of life is waning, Weep not for me ; When the languid eye is streaming, Weep not for me ; When the feeble pulse is ceasing, Start not at its swift decreasing ; ; T is the fettered soul's releasing, Weep not for me. 2 When the pangs of death assail me, Weep not for me; Christ is mine, he cannot fail me, Weep not for me; Yes, though sin and doubt endeavor, From his love my soul to sever, Jesus is my strength forever ; Weep not for me. 879. p- m. WE shall greet them at home, we shw*l greet them, When the sorrows of life shall be o'er, Our loved ones, we hope soon to meet them, On Eden's fair, beautiful shore. The glorious thought, how consoling To know that the time is so nigh, When- Jesus the world shall controlling, Permit us to join them on high. 2 We shall greet them at home, we shall greet them, Though now they are hid from our sight, We think of the time we shall meet them, And it oft fills our hearts with delight ; 668 DEATH AND FUNERAL. We have laid them away in deep sadness, Yet not without hope in our breast, For again they will join us with gladness, And enter the heavenly rest. 3 We shall greet them at home, we shall greet them. Where nothing can ever divide, Where sickness or death cannot harm them, Nor tear them again from our side ) There we'll range beside life's cooling river, 'Neath the tree of life's shade we shall roam, With the glory of God shining ever, We'll greet them, we'll greet them at home. 880. l. m. THE sands have one by one run out, The moments one by one have sped, And one by one, in fear or doubt, The years have past till all are fled. 2 Sorrows have one by one been borne, And one by one have joys been met, Hearts one by one were called to mourn, Joys past, hopes fled — the end not yet. 3 Sleep with the dead, the hearts will bleed That place these forms beneath the dust; Who live, in turn shall soon have need To put their urns within its trust. 4 Weep then, while bear we to the grave This clay, the spirit whence hath fled. His right it is to take who gave. Who judgeth both the quick and dead. DEATH AND FUNERAL. 881. c. m. ANOTHER hand is beck'ning us, Another call is given ; And glows once more with angel steps The path that leads to heaven. 2 Unto our Father's will alone One thought hath reconciled ; That he whose love exceedeth ours Hath taken home his child. 8 Fold her, Father, in thine arms, And let her henceforth be A messenger of love between Our human hearts and thee. •i Still let her mild rebukings stand Between us and the wrong, And her dear mem'ry serve to make Our faith in goodness strong;. 882. S s > 6s & 7s. ^HAT means that soft, enchanting strain. Harped forth by angel hands, Soul-enrapturing, sweet refrain, Breathed by seraphic bands ? What the burden of their song, What the joy of that bright throng? ; Hosanna sing, praised be the name Of our High Priest and King, Who, when by mortal hands was slain. Expunged a mortal's sin : Paid the debt of Adam's fall For Jew, Gentile, one ?nd all/ DEATH AND FUNERAL. By his great love ; his saving grace Another much-tried soul Hath ended earth's probationed race,, And won the happy goal. Grlory be to Grod on high, For the life that can not die. He who is just has said : l Well done I Enough — I set thee free ; Thou didst the snares of Satan shun ; Come, rest in peace with me. Haste, attendants on the throne^ Bring the weary pilgrim home/ 883. s. m. GO to thy rest, fair child ! Go to thy dreamless bed, While yet so gentle, undefiled, With blessings on thy head. 2 Ere sin has seared the breast, Or sorrow woke the tear, Rise to thy throne of changeless rest, In yon delightful sphere. 3 Because thy smile was fair, Thy lip and eye so bright, Because thy loving cradle care Was such a fond delight, — 4 Shall love, with weak embrace, Thy upward wing detain ? No! gentle infant, seek thy place Amid the cherub train. 671 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 884. 8s & 7s. FARE tliee well, thou fondly cherished, Dear, dear spirit, fare thee well ; He who lent thee hath recalled thee, Back with him and his to dwell. 2 Like a sunbeam, through our dwelling, Shone thy presence, bright and calm; Thou didst add a zest to pleasure ; To our sorrows thou wert balm. 3 Yet while mourning. our lost one ! Come no visions of despair ! Seated on thy tomb, Faith's angel Saith thou art not, art not there. 4 Where, then, art thou ? with the Savior. Blest, for ever blest to be ; 'Mid the sinless little children, Who have heard his "Come to me." 5 Passed the shades of Death's dark valley, Thou art leaning on his breast, Where the wicked may not enter, And the weary are at rest. 88o. Q. m. JESUS made known the path of light, Which righteous men shall tread ; He showed the way, the truth, the life, In rising from the dead. 2 Then let these fleshly yearnings cease, Let joy our hearts expand; Death is to them a peaceful sleep, Who keep their Lord's command. DEATH AND FUNERAL. 886. ? s & 6s D - IN the broad fields of heaven, — In the immortal bowers By life's clear river dwelling. Amid undying flowers, — There hosts of beauteous spirits, Fair children of the earth, Linked in bright bands supernal, Sins: of their human birth. 2 They sing of earth and heaven ; Divinest voices rise To God, their gracious Father, Who called them to the skies : They all are there, — in heaven, — = Safe, safe, and sweetly blest; No cloud of sin can shadow Their bright and holy rest. 887. L - M - 1 fades the lovely blooming flower, Frail, smiling solace of an hour ! So soon our transient comforts fly, And pleasures only bloom to die. s ( 2 Is there no kind, no lenient art To heal the anguish of the heart? Divine Redeemer, be thou nigh : Thy comforts were not made to die ! 3 Then gentle Patience smiles on pain. And dying Hope revives again ; Hope wipes the tear from Sorrow's eve. And Faith points upward to thy sky. 573 DEATH AND FUNERAL. 888. ANTHEM. VITAL spark of heavenly flame, Quit, quit this mortal frame : Trembling, hoping, lingering, flying, 0, the pain, the bliss of dying ! Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife, And let me languish into life. Hark ! — they whisper ; angels say, "Sister spirit, come away; What is this absorbs me quite ? — Steals my senses, shuts my sight, Drowns my spirits, draws my breath ?— Tell me, my soul, can this be death ? The world recedes ; it disappears ; Heaven opens on mine eyes; mine ears With sounds seraphic ring : Lend, lend your wings ! I mount ! I fly ! " Grave, where is thy victory ? Death where is thy sting ? " future %Mt of PtaemboMeb Spirits. W 889. 7s r>. "E shall in the spirit wait Till the resurrection morn, Either in a blessed state. Or with wretched minds forlorn. If I should unholy be, Downward to the realms below, With the sons of misery, Shall my darkened spirit go. But if I on earth am wise, Seeking after holiness, In the realms of paradise, Purest rest, my soul shall bless. Upward shall my spirit mount, When my flesh shall see decay, Upward to the living fount Of all glory, far away. Far beyond the mountain heights, And the many-colored cloud ; Endless fields of sweeping lights, To an altitude more proud. There with Jesus shall I meet, With the blest long gone before ; Resting with my work complete, On that happy, far-off shore. FUTURE STATE 890. 8s & 7s d. THE hour when this material Shall have vanished like a cloud ! And amid the wide ethereal All th' invisible shall crowd ! And the earth-freed soul, surrounded By realities unknown, Triumphs in the view unbounded, Ffcels itself with God alone ! Angels ! let the anxious stranger In your tender care be blest; Hoping, waiting, free from danger, Till the trumpet end its rest ; Till the trump which shakes creation Through the circling heavens shall roll. Till the day of consummation, Till the bridal of the soul ! Can I trust a fellow-being ? Can I trust an angel's care ? thou merciful All-seeing, Guide me by thy presence there ! Jesus ! blessed Mediator ! Thou the airy path hast trod, Thou, the Judge, the Consummator, Shepherd of the fold of God ! Blessed fold ! no foe can enter, And no friend departeth thence ; Jesus is their Sun, their Centre ; And their shield, Omnipotence ! Blessed, for the Lamb shall feed them, And their tears shall wipe away, To the living Fountain lead them, Till fruition's perfect day! 576 DISEMBODIED SPIRITS. 5 Lo, it comes, — that day of wonder ! Louder thunders shake the skies ! Hades' gates are burst asunder ! See the new-clothed myriads rise ! Thought, repress thy weak endeavor. Here must reason prostrate fall ; th' ineffable Forever! And th' eternal All in All ! 891, ?■ m. THEEB is a happy land, Far, far away, Where happy spirits stand, Bright, bright as day; how they sweetly sing, Worthy is our Savior King ! Loud let his praises ring, Praise, praise for aye. 2 Thence to that happy home, We'll haste away ) When mortal life is done, There we will stay. O, Ave shall happy be, When, from sin and sorrow frees Lord, we shall live with thee, Blest, blest for aye ? 3 Bright, in that happy land, Beams ev'ry eye ; Kept by a Savior's hand, Love cannot die. There, till his kingdom come, Saints will have a glorious home ; Then, brighter than the sun, Reign, reign for aye. 25 *" 577 S 1 FUTURE STATE 892. 8s&7sD. I HALL we meet with those beloved ones, Who were torn from our embrace t Shall we listen to their voices, And behold them face to face ? All the cherished and the longed for. Those whose graves are moist with tears? Those whose absence made life weary Through the dark and tedious years ? Shall we meet those buds of promise, Blighted by death's chilling hand ? Shall we see their fadeless beauty Blooming in the goodly land ? Shall our hearts no more lie bleeding ' Neath the strokes of sorrow's rod ? Shall love's bands no more be sundered, In the paradise of God ? Shall we meet the shining angels Who have guarded us while here ? Shall we listen to their welcome, And return their words of cheer ? Shall we be their bright companions Far beyond this land of tears ? Shall we share their holy raptures Through the lapse of endless years ? F 893. 1* & 6s D. "0 seas again shall sever, Xo desert intervene ; No deep, sad-flowing river, Shall roll its tide between : Love and unsevered union Of soul with those we love; 578 DISEMBODIED SPIRITS. Nearness and glad communion, Shall be our joys above. No dread of wasting sickness, No thought of ache or pain, No fretting hours of weakness, Shall mar our peace again : No death our homes o'ershading, Shall e'er our harps unstring ; For all is life unfading In presence of our King ! i 894. a M. HAVE a home above, From sin and sorrow free ; A mansion which eternal love Designed and formed for me. My Father's gracious hand Has built this sweet abode ) From everlasting it was planned — My dwelling-place with God. My Savior's precious blood Has made my title sure ; He passed thro' death's dark raging flood To make my rest secure. The Comforter is come, The earnest I have shared ; He leads me onward to the home In paradise prepared. Loved ones are gone before, Whose pilgrim days are done; I soon shall greet them on that shore Where partings are unknown. FUTURE STATE 895. 8s&7sD. WHEN we hear the music ringing, Through the bright supernal dome, When sweet angel-voices, singing, Gladly bid us welcome home, To the land of ancient story, Where the spirit knows no care In the land of light and glory, Shall we know each other there ; Shall we know each other, Shall we know each other, Shall ice know each other, Yes, we'll know each other there. 2 When the holy angels meet us, As we go to join their band, Shall we know the friends that greet us, In the glorious spirit-land ? Shall we see the same eyes shining, On us as in days of yore ? Shall we feel their dear arms twining Fondly round us as of yore ? Shall ice know each other, Shall ice know each other, Shall ice know each other, Yes, well knoic each other there, 3 Yes ! my earth-worn soul rejoices, And my weary heart grows light ; For the thrilling angel-voices, And the angel-faces bright, That shall welcome us in heaven, Are the loved of long ago; And to them 'tis kindly given, Thus once-mortal friends to know» 580 DISEMBODIED SPIRITS. Shall we know each other, Shall toe know each other, Shall we know each other, Yes, well know each other there. 4 0, ye weary, sad and tossed ones, Droop not, faint not by the way ; Ye shall join the loved and just ones In the land of perfect day ! Harp-strings touched by angel-fingers. Murmured in my raptured ear, Evermore their sweet song lingers, "We shall know each other there." We shall know each other, We shall know each other, We shall know each other, We shall know each other there. 896. ?• m. OHOW sweet is the soul-cheering thought, There is rest for the pure and the good; ; Tis the rest that the Savior has bought, By the shedding of his precious blood. v There 11 be rest bye and bye, With the saints in their glorified home. 2 He has gone as he said to prepare For the tempted, the tried, and the true ; A mansion more glorious and fair, Than the children of earth ever knew. 3 Now we walk through a valley of tears, And our spirits are burdened and sad; But the end of our pilgrimage nears. So we lift up our heads and are glad. 5S1 FUTURE STATE 897* L - M - ALIGHT streams downward from the sky, An open door the radiance shows, Through which the ransomed spirits fly, To enter bliss no mortal knows. 2 Girded with gladness in that home, No soul its sackcloth ever wears ; No sickness, grief, or fears can come, Nor burdened heart with heavy cares. 3 There flowers of grace in beauty stand, With fragrance of immortal bloom ; No blighting breath, nor icy hand, Demands their sweetness for the tomb. 4 Sweet, sinless home ! my spirit longs To mount the skies, and breathe thine air ; With grateful heart to join the songs, Whose rolling tide flows ceaseless there w 1 S98. 8s & 7s. ^E are wand'ring here as strangers, And as exiles from our home, And beset with many dangers, While as pilgrim-like we roam. There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the w-eary, There is rest for you. In the land where, none are dying, Where no broken hearts are sighing, In the spirit's happy Zion, There is rest for you. 582 DISEMBODIED SPIRITS. 2 Though the world may all forsake us, And may hate us and despise ; And although our faith may make us Look degraded in their eyes; 3 Though our friends may spurn us from them, Though our foes their anger show ; We will pray the Lord, "Forgive them; For they know not what they do." 4 But how little do they know us, And still less our blessings prize ; Yet our God and Father loves us, And we're precious in his eyes. 5 We are getting nearer, nearer, To our fair and happy home, And the way is growing clearer, Since the gospel light is come. 899. l. m. OWHEN the hours of life are past, And death's dark shade arrives at last, Though nature sleep, and take its rest, — The spirit mingles with the blest. 2 There parted hearts again shall meet, In union holy, calm, and sweet; There, saints find rest; and never more Shall sorrow call them to deplore. 3 No storms shall ride the troubled air ; No voice of passion enter there ; But all be peaceful as the sigh Of evening gales, that breathe and die. 583 FUTURE STATE 900. ? s & fo D - THERE is a land immortal, The beautiful of lands ; Beside its ancient portal A silent sentry stands ; He only can undo it, And open wide the door ; And mortals who pass through it, Are mortals nevermore. 2 Though dark and drear the passage That leadeth to the gate, Yet grace comes with -the message, To souls that watch and wait; And at the time appointed A messenger comes down, And leads the Lord's anointed From cross to glory's crown. 3 Their sighs are lost in singing, They 're blessed in their tears ; Their journey heavenward winging, They leave on earth their fears : Death, like an angel seemeth ; "We welcome thee," they cry; Their face with glory beameth- — 'T is life for them to die ! 901. iP-8s. IN lower space, exists a place Of weariness and darkest night, Where spirits who have shunned God's grace ? And hated purity and light, Abide in state most desolate, Until the ereat Millenium, DISEMBODIED SPIRITS. (To which shall rise the truly great And righteous), shall be past and gone; The while, their bodies sleep in dust, Their spirits in this prison thrust. Amid the skies, a Paradise Of blissful rest, awaits the good And faithful, who have sought this prize, And lived in Christ's similitude, In sweet converse shall there rehearse The trials they have borne below, While light, from all the universe, Shall to their ransomed spirits flow. The while, their bodies wait in dust. The resurrection of the just, 902. s. m. COME, sing to me of heaven, When I ; m about to die ; Sing songs of holy ecstacy, To waft my soul on high. There J ll he no sorrow there, There '11 be no sorrow there, In heaven above, ivhere all is love, There '11 be no sorrow there ! 2 When the last moment comes, Oh, watch my dying face, To catch the bright seraphic glow, Which on each feature plays. 3 Then to my raptured ear Let one sweet song be given ; Let music charm me last on earth, And greet me first in heaven ! 25* 585 FUTURE STATE 903. 7s, 6s & 4s. HOME, home, shineth before us ! When, when shall we get there? .Long, long, here we have wandered, Burdened with sorrow and care ; Home, home, sweet home — Sorrow breathes not in its air. 2 Home, home, there in thy bowers, Sweet, sweet music shall swell; Sin, sin, never can enter; Peace in each bosom shall dwell. Home, home, sweet home — Peace in each bosom shall dwell. 3 Home, home, rest to the weary, Peace, peace to the torn breast; Hope, hope, hope of the erring — There in thy bosom he'll rest ! Home, home, sweet home — There will the wanderers rest. 4 Home, home, bliss to the parted ; Friends, friends meet on its shore, Here, here lonely they've left us ; Soon we'll be parted no more, Home, home, sweet home — Friends will be parted no more. K Home, home let us now hasten, See, see angels above ! i-iark, hark, now do they call us, Home to their dwelling of love. Home, home, sweet home — •' Home of our Savior's kind love. 5S6 DISEMBODIED SPIRITS. 904. s. m. FEW more years shall roll, A few more seasons come, And we shall be with spirits blest, Our bodies in the tomb. A 2 A few more storms shall beat On this wild rocky shore, And we shall be where tempests cease, And surges swell no more. 3 A few more struggles here, A few more partings o'er, A few more toils, a few more tears, And we shall weep no more. 90S. l- m: THE saints who die of Christ possessed, Enter into immediate rest; For them no further test remains Of purging fires and tortur'ng pains. 2 Who trusting in their Lord depart, Cleansed from all sin and pure in heart, The bliss unmixed, the glorious prize, They find with Christ in Paradise. 3 Close followed by their works they go, Their Master's purchased joy to know ; Their works enhance the bliss prepared, And each hath its distinct reward. i Yet glorified by grace alone, They cast their crowns before the throne ; And fill the echo'ng courts above With praises of redeeming Jove. 587 FUTURE STATE 006. o. M. D. GOD, thou great, thou good, thou wise, Eternal is~ thy name ; Thy power hath reared the lofty skies, And built creation's frame. And ere creation had its birth. Thou did'st devise a plan Amidst thy glorious works on earth, To form thy creature man. Thou macl'st him monarch of the world, And did'st his kindred own, Until by sin he down was hurled, And forfeited his throne. Then Satan seized the power of state, And did his sceptre sway ; Brought down the strong, the wise, the great, To mingle with the clay. Thus did the foe his malice glut, And all the world enslave, The spirit in the prison shut The body in the grave. But hark ! how sweet the joyful sound ! How grateful to the ear ! A ransom for the lost is found; A Savior doth appear. Ha meets Apollyon, lays him low In ev'ry deadly strife, Becomes victorious o'er his foe, And reigns the Prince of Life. The power of death and hell he shakes, His power and love to show ; The prison-doors asunder breaks, And lets the captive go. 5SS DISEMBODIED SPIRITS. 5 Then for this cause the body bends Beneath the liquid wave, In favor of our kindred friends Who slumber in the grave; That through the law our God doth give^ All who obedient prove Together on the earth may live. When all is peace and love. 6 Thus, then, the dead we do baptize, - That when Christ comes again, All Zion from beneath may rise, And in his kingdom reign. Then saints below, with saints above And saints on earth, agree To praise, in unison and love, Our God eternally. r 907. G - M -. N vain our fancy strives to paint, The -moment after death, The glories that surround a saint When yielding up his breath. 2 One gentle sigh the bondage breaks; We scarce can say — he *s gone 1 Before the willing spirit basks In light before unknown. 3 Faith strives, but all its efforts fail To trace the spirit's flight; No eye can pierce within the vail Which hides that world of light. 4 Thus much, and ; t is enough to know, Saints are completely blest; Have done with sin, and care, and woo. And with their Savior rest. 589 B 1 FUTURE STATE 90S. c. m. fEFORE us lies a valley dim, Which soon our feet may tread, And through it rolls a sullen stream, The river of the dead. We are almost down to the river side. Soon shall our wanderings cease; If Jesus himself icill be our guide, We shall walk through the valley in peace* 2 Though dark the vale and cold the stream, It can not us affright, For Christ passed through the valley dim, To th' home of joy and light. 3 Though death's dark shades around may be, My Shepherd still is near, His rod and staff shall comfort me, No evil shall I fear. 909. p- m. MANSIONS are prepared above, By the gracious Prince of Love ; Many will those mansions see — Is there one prepared for me ? Is there one for me? Is there one for me? Many icill those mansions see — Is there one prepared for me? 2 Crowns that dazzle human eye, Are prepared for saints on high ; Many will those bright crowns be — Is there one prepared for me ? DISEMBODIED SPIRITS. 3 Robes of spotless white are given, By the glorious Prince of Heaven • Saints will wear them, they are free,- Is there one prepared for me ? 4 Harps of solemn sound above, Swell loud praises to his love ; how sweet their sounds will be, — Is there one prepared for me ? 910. p. m. INTO the Spirit Land ! Ah ! who shall lead us thither ? Clouds in the evening sky more darkly gather, And shattered wrecks lie thicker on the strand ! "Who leads us with a gentle hand, Whither, 0, thither, Into the Spirit Land ? 2 Into the Spirit Land ! To you, ye boundless regions Of spirits' heritage ! sweet morning visions Of beauteous souls ! eternity's own band, Who in life's battle firm doth stand, Shall bear hope's tender blossoms Into the Spirit Land ! 3 longed-for Spirit Land ! For all the broken-hearted, The mildest herald by our fate allotted, Beckons, and with inverted torch doth stand, To lead us with a gentle hand Into the land of the great departed. Into the Spirit Land ! 591 FUTURE STATE 911. s. M. WHERE shall rest be found — Rest for the weary soul ? ; Twere vain the ocean-depths to sound ? Or pierce to either pole. o 2 The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh : 'Tis not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die. 3 Beyond this vale of tears There is a life above, Unmeasured by the flight of years ; And all that life is love. 4 There is a death, whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath ; ! what eternal horrors hang Around "the second death \" 5 Lord God of truth and grace, Teach us that death to shun, Lest we be banished from thy face, And evermore undone. 6 Here would we end our quest : w Alone are found in thee The life of perfect love, the rest Of immortality. 592 ^nuelic Pinietrations. 912. P- m. THE angels are bringing the armor of love To bind on the human soul ; They come from the realms divine, above, Where waters of Truth ever roll. It shall be your shield in the midst of the fight, When battling with Error's shafts, And shall draw from Heaven the glorious light, Which the breath of the angels wafts. 2 Oh, it shall resist the poisonous dart Of Envy and Jealousy's rage, And turn it back on the giver's heart, To point to the inner page, Where the laws of God are deeply engraved, And never can be effaced, Though the soul of man maybe sore depraved, And goodness be nearly erased. Mortals, receive it in peace divine, As the shield of your earthly life, And look to the beams that from Heaven shine To protect you midst battle and strife. Be filled with the peace that the angels know, While keeping the laws of love ; Ere long, shall the waters of Truth o'erflow The earth, from the realms above. 593 ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 913. 7b & 6s D. THERE is a mighty angel, His arms are wond'rous strong, Encamping round the righteous, Deliy'ring them from wrong. He guardeth well their pathway, Through trials long and hard ) This pure and holy being, The angel of the Lord. 2 He guards them when the shadows Come softly o'er the sky ; He keeps them in the midnight. When slumbering they lie. When darkness is around them, He fills their hearts with song ; He drives away all evil, And watches all night long. 3 He watches them at morning, He helps them all the day; And while they are the righteous He cares for them for aye. And when their Father calls them To enter into rest, He guides their unsheathed spirits To wait among the blest. 4 Thus safe in his protection, From ev'ry harmful snare, As long as we are faithful, The angel's camp is there ; Then let us serve the Master, Lest this bright watch depart, And shapes of death and darkness, Take charge of mind and heart. 59i ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 914. o. m. ANGELS, where'er we go, attend Our steps, whate'er betide, With watchful care their charge defend, And evil turn aside. 2 A sudden thought t' escape the blow, A ready help we find, And to their secret presence owe The presence of our mind. 3 Their instrumental aid, unknown, They day and night supply ) And, free from fear, we lay us down, Though Satan's host be nigh. 4 Our lives the holy angels keep From ev'ry hostile power ; And, unconcerned, we sweetly sleep, As Adam in his bower. 915. 0. M. "HICH of the mortal kings of earth Can boast a guard like ours, Encircled from our second birth With all the heavenly powers ? w 1 2 With them we march securely on Throughout Immaniiel's ground ; And not an uncommissioned stone Our, guarded feet shall wound. 3 No enemies our souls insnare. No casual evils grieve. Nor can we lose a single hair Without our Father's leave 595 ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. W 1 016, 7s & 6s D. ^HEN man was sad and weary Beneath Mosaic rule, When earth seemed dark and dreary, And e'en fond love grew cool, A star arose, whose brightness Sent through the race a thrill Of mingled hope and gladness, That Love should conquer still. Prophets foresaw its dawning, Beheld its glory bright, And knew that at its coming, Earth should be clothed in light. That promise told by sages, Will yet be all fulfilled, As in the life of Jesus The racing storm was stilled. Jesus beheld the Father, His majesty and grace, And saw no dark clouds gather In vengeance round his face ; He knew his boundless wisdom, His goodness, and his love, And sought by truth's revealments Man's better thoughts to move. He stemmed the rushing waters, Broke th' haughty, priestly rule, And called Earth's sons and daughters T' obey the golden rule. Angels watched o'er and guarded His labors for mankind, And when by man discarded, They cheered and soothed his mind. ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 5 That star beams now as ever, And with increasing light, Its radiance faileth never, ; Tis glorious and bright: But clouds from earth have risen And hid its lustre pure, Mankind heed not the wisdom, That ever shall endure. 6 Truth will dispel the vapors, That hang around the earth, Eclipse man's creed-lit tapers, Reveal the heavenly birth. Angelic ministrations, Have shed a purer light, To turn man's darkened vision To Truth's celestial height. 7 Mankind, arise from sadness, From darkness and despair • Your grief exchange for gladness, Trust in your Father's care. Love shall unite the righteous, And join them into one; All shall be brothers, sisters, The earth their final home. 91%. 8s&7sD. FROM the courts of heavenly glory, Lo ! the messenger appears, To unfold the gracious story Of the coming, happy years, When, throughout the earth's dominions, Saints with angel-hosts shall join j And on Love's devoted pinions, Light extend to ev'ry clime. ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 918. us HOW cheering the thought, that the spirits in bliss Will waft their bright forms to a world such as this ; Will leave the sweet joys of the mansions above, To whisper to mortals some message of love. 2 They come, — on the wings of the morning they come, — Instructed to lead some poor wanderer home, Some pilgrim to snatch from this stormy abode, Conduct him to rest in the home of his Lord. 3 They come when we wander, they come when we pray, In mercy to guard us wherever we stray; A glorious cloud, their bright witness is given. Encircling us here, are these angels of heaven. 919. 8s INSPIHER and hearer of prayer, Thou Shepherd and Guardian of mine, My all to thy covenant care I sleeping or waking resign. 2 If thou art my Shield and my Sun, The night is no darkness to me ; And, fast as my moments roll on, They bring me but nearer to thee. 3 Thy minist'ring spirits descend To watch while thy saints are asleep ; By day and by night they attend, The heirs of salvation to keep. 598 ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 4 Bright seraphs, despatched from the throne, Repair to their stations assigned ; And angels elect are sent down, To guard the redeemed of mankind. 920. iis&ios. WHY come not spirits from the realms of glory, To visit earth as in the days of old, The times of sacred writ and ancient story ? — Is heaven more distant ? or has earth grown cold? 2 To Bethl'hem's air was their last anthem given, When other stars before The One grew dim ? Was their last presence known in Peter's prison, Or where exulting martyrs raised their hymn ? 3 I have seen angels by the sick one's pillow ; Theirs was the soft tone and the soundless tread ; Where smitten hearts were drooping like the willow, They stood " between the weeping and the dead." 4 And if my sight, by earthly dimness hindered, Beheld no hov'ring cherubim in air, I doubted not, for spirits know their kindred, They smiled upon the wingless watchers there. 5 There have been angels in the gloomy prison ; In crowded halls, by the lone widow's hearth ; And where they passed, the fallen have uprisen, The giddy paused, the mourner's hope had birth. ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 921. 9s&7sD. THE angels come from their blest abode. They come from the land of peace, To lift from th' heart its oppressive load, To work for the soul's release. They come from th' bright and effulgent sky,, They come from the home of love, To raise the thoughts of mankind on high, To dwell on the joys above. 2 They come from th' glorious mansions bright, They come from the courts of day, To shed on th' soul the resplendent light, That beams o'er their heaven-born way. They come from th' land of harmonious thought; They come from the realms of joy, And with bliss their lives are richly fraught In their Master's high employ. 3 They come from th' regions of Truth divine, They come from the heavenly plains, Where th' rays of Wisdom unclouded shine, And glory unfading reigns. They come with tokens of deathless love, They twine round the spirits pure Garlands of gems from their home above, To shield it from earthly lure. 4 They come to restrain and guide the powers Of man in his life below, To lighten th' cares of his earthly hours, With joys that divinely glow. They come to infuse in th' soul a love For goodness and truth sublime, For wisdom, that circles th' home above, And descends through the vale of Time* 600 ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 922. 6s - COME, guardian angel, come, From thy pure sun-lit home, And breathe to me thy lays Of God the Father's praise. 2 Come, guardian angel, thou Shalt teach my soul to bow At shrines of truth and love, Reared by the God above. 3 Descend on rays of light, Disperse the gloom of night, Which o'er the earth is cast By errors of the past. 4 Oh welcome, angel bright, Who bring'st heaven's holy light, To cheer my earthly life, And hush the din of strife. 923. 9s. ANGELS have come to the earthly home, Free o'er the plains their bright spirits roam, Joyful they come on their mission of love, Praising the master who reigns above. 2 Upward they gaze to the Star of Hope, Onward they press where its beamings ope Paths, to descend to the lonely hearth. Visions of beauty that flit o'er earth. 3 Joyful they know that the truth will save Man, from his error and sin-bound grave. Give to his soul the rich joy that flows. Bright where the love of God's Spirit glows. 2(3 601 ANGELIC MIN 1 STK A TJ ON S. 924:. 7s. PEACE ? my soul, an angel-guide y Ever near to bless or chide, Bids me learn his loving care Who life's varied ills did bear. 2 Murmur not at woes of earth, They will fit for higher birth ; Faithful here and I shall stand Crowned with joy at God's right hand. 925. 9s&8sD.' BLEST angels, we greet you with gladness, Ye dwellers of bright realms above, We'll banish all feelings of sadness, And list to your tidings of love ; Our hearts rise in grateful devotion To God, for his wisdom and light ; These gifts shall subdue all commotion. And make the earth peaceful and bright. 2 With souls overflowing with kindness, Ye speed on your mission divine To mortals, now groping in blindness, To lead them to Truth's holy shrine • Ye breathe of our Father in Heaven, And whisper of infinite love, Till chains of dark bigotry 's riven, And thought soars to regions above. 3 Oh, we will love Freedom forever, And guided by Truth's holy light, We' 11 turn from her radiance never, Her glories so sparkling and bright. ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. Oh angels, we welcome you gladly, Ye messengers bright from on high, No more can our thoughts wander sadly, We feel that your love cannot die. 926. ?• m, BRIGHT angels are singing, And joyously winging Their way to the grief-stricken homes of the earth ; They bring richest treasures, Deep joys and true pleasures, To gladden the heirs of the glorious birth. 2 Truth's beams are descending, Their glories are blending, To cheer the sad spirit thro' trials and woe ; Bright angels are guiding, And tenderly chiding The soul, as it turns to the darkness below, 3 Fond arms are enwreathing, — Sweet voices are breathing, There 's joy for the good in the angel's bright home : Bright gems are entwining The soul, and refining Its thoughts and affections, where'er It may roam. 4 Oh mortals be willing, And aid ye in stilling The passions, retarding your progress in truth ; Let soft music stealing, Exalt every feeling, Infuse in the soul the blest vigor of youth. 603 ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 927. 4 " 6s & 2 ~ 8s - I PEED on your journey, speed, Bright messengers of love; s 1 With man again commune, Ye heralds from above : No longer superstition's sway Shall cloud the light of opening day. The clouds of darkness burst, The bands of error riven, The mist of creeds dispelled By rays of truth from heaven : Angels bright, their pinions bending, Are again to earth descending. Swift couriers of bliss, Your gladsome voice we hear; Ye witnesses for Christ, We feel your presence near. We join in your seraphic strains, " Light shall illume the earth's fair plains." Angels to guide by day, Angels to guard by night, Our hopes ecstatic grow, Our prospects clear and bright; ! that our lives may witness bear We would your love and glory share 004 fatter Pan ttjents. SIGNS OF LAST DATS. W 928. l. m. "HEN Christ declared, "go preach the word;" He told the saints that they should see Those strange events, by him deferred To close the day of mystery. 2 ; Twas he declared that clouds should break The beauteous aspect of the sky; The thunder's vap'rous voice should speak The threatened tumult drawing nigh. 3 The noise of fear, the blight of peace,. The sudden earthquake's fearful jar; The famine's slow but dread increase, Caused by the nation's angry war. 4 The earth should reel, the ocean's might Should scorn the barrier's of the land, While darkness veil's the stars' glad light, And doubt and fear stay ev'ry hand. 5 These are the signs to mark the day When gospel truth again should sound; And men should seek th' Almighty's way That they in safety may be found. 605 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 929. N>-7 S . WOULD you know the warning signs That before us shall appear, Showing by our Lord's designs That the Latter Days are near ? When the nations, near and far, That upon the earth are spread, Rush with fury to the war ; When all hearts are full of dread. Then unto the Lord give praise, — Thou hast seen the latter days. 2 When within the heavens above, Wond'rous flames and lights are shown ; When the city and the grove, By the earthquake are o'erthrown ; W r hen the lightning rends its path, Through the storm of roaring hail, When the hill-tops smoke with wrath, And the mighty mountains fail; Then unto the Lord give praise, — Thou hast seen the latter days. 3 When the truth once more appears As it was in Jesus' day, And, foretold by ancient seers, Through the earth it makes its way ; With repentance, faith, and all Its gifts, for witness shall be taught, To all nations great and small, And the power of faith is wrought; Then unto the Lord give praise. — These proclaim the latter days. GOG SIGNS OF LAST DAYS. 930. ? s (EE the gloomy, gathering cloud, Hanging o'er a sinful land ! Sure the Lord proclaims aloud, " Times of trouble are at hand." s 1 2 Happy they who love his name \ They shall always find him near j Though the earth were wrapped in flame, They have no just cause for fear. 3 Hark ! his voice, in accents mild, O, how comforting and sweet ! Speaks to ev'ry humble child, Pointing out a sure retreat. 4 " Come, and in my chambers hide y Here 's your refuge, -here alone; Here you safely may abide Till the storm be overblown." r 931. 7s "N the sun, and moon, and stars, Signs and wonders there shall be ; Earth shall quake with inward wars, Nations with perplexity. 2 Soon shall ocean's hoary deep, Tossed with stronger tempests, rise ; Wilder storms the mountains sweep ; Louder thunder shake the skies. 3 Dread alarms shall shake the proud, Pale amazement, restless fear j Joy, ye Saints, in yon dor cloud See your Savior King appear ! LATTER DAY EVENTS. 932. p - M- LONG we have sighed for the glory of Zion, Noting with patience the signs of the day; Knowing the strength of the arm we rely on ; Oft in the dark have we sank by the way. Glory to God ! for the signs are proclaiming Succor is nigh, though the scourges are flaming, For the tokens around us exhort us to pray. 2 Let us be thankful for each dispensation, And follow the iron rod hand over hand, Trusting in God as the God of salvation, His promises firm as heaven shall stand; And earth will be bright as the dream of a dreamer, A thousand sweet voices shall praise the Re- deemer ; For the tokens proclaim that his kingdom is 933. 8s & 7s D. WATCHMAN, tell me, does the morning Of fair Z ion's glory dawn ? — Have the signs that mark its coming, Yet upon my pathway shone ? Pilgrim, yes ; arise ! look round thee ; — Light is breaking in the skies ; Gird thy bridal robe around thee, Morning dawns ! arise ! arise ! 2 Watchman, see ! the light is beaming Brighter still upon the way ! Signs through all the earth are gleaming, Omens of the coming day. — When the Jubal Trumpet, sounding, Shall awake, from land and sea, SIGNS OF LAST DAYS. All the saints of God, now sleeping, Clad in immortality. Watchman, hail the light, ascending^ Of the grand Sabbatic year ; All with voices loud proclaiming That the kingdom ; s very near. — Pilgrim, yes; I see just yonder, Canaan's glorious heights arise : Salem, too, appears in grandeur, Towering; 'neatk its cloudless skies. w 934. c. m. "HEN a black overspreading cloud Has darkened all the air, And peals of thunder, roaring loud, Proclaim the tempest near; 2 Then guilt and fear, the fruits of sin, The sinner oft pursue; A louder storm is heard within, For conscience thunders too. 3 But whither shall the sinner flee, When nature's mighty frame, The pond'rous earth, and air, and sea, Enveloped are in flame ? 4 Amazing day ! it conies apace ; The Lord as Judge comes down ; "Will sinners bear to see his face, Or stand before his frown ? 5 Believers, you may well rejoice; The thunder's loudest strains Should be to you a welcome voice, That tells you "Jesus reigns!" 2(3* 609 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 935. c. m. THE gath'ring clouds, with aspect dark, A rising storm presage ; to be hid within the ark, And sheltered from its rage ! 2 See the commissioned angel frown ; That vial in his hand, Filled with fierce wrath, is pouring down Upon each guilty land. 3 The souls who meekly trust and pray, The Lord approves and knows ; His mark secures them in the day When vengeance strikes his foes. s 1 936. s M. < IG-NS in the pestilence, Signs in the ocean's swell, Signs in the famine's death-like stealth, Th' approaching end foretell. Signs in the fears of men, Signs in their rage for war, Signs in their gen'ral armament, These, last-day tokens are. Signs in the darkened sun, Signs in the moon of blood, Signs in the swiftly-falling stars, Signs all ordained by God. Signs in the weal and woe Of Israel gath'ring home, Signs in the truth revealed and preached, The latter days have come. RESTORATION" OE ISRAEL. 937. R M - GALN shall tlie cliildren of Zion sing The lay of a happier time, When Christ to their city its glory shall bring, 'Neath the sun of a brighter clime. This is the song of each honest heart, Who truly looks forth to the end ; Both anxious and willing from sin to depart, And service for Zion to lend. 2 0, where are the works of an ancient faith Accomplished in answer to prayer, Obedience to law as the scripture saith — Will show unto us where they are. Though ruin presides o'er that fertile spot, Esteemed as a forest it lies, The center of Zion shall ne'er be forgot, While God rules above in the skies. 3 Yet remember that only the righteous in heart, In her courts shall a portion obtain, In her bliss and her brightness enjoying a part, With the pure and the true that remain. This is the song of each honest in heart. Who truly looks forth to the end. Both anxious and willing from sin to depart, And service for Zion to lend. en LATTER DAY EVENTS. 938. 7s & 6s D. COME all ye sons of Zion, And let us praise tbe Lord : His ransomed are returning, According to his word. With sacred songs, and gladness, They walk the narrow way, And thank the Lord who brought thern To see the latter day. 2 Come, ye dispersed of Judah, Join in the theme, and sing With harmony unceasing, The praises of your King, Whose arm is now extended, On which the world may gaze, To gather up the righteous, In these the latter days. 3 Rejoice, rejoice, Israel ! And let your joys abound; The voice of God shall reach you, Wherever you are found; And call you back from bondage, That you may sing his praise, In Zion and Jerusalem, In these the latter days. 4 Then gather up for Zion, Ye saints, throughout the land ? And clear the way before you, As God shall give command : Though wicked men and devils Exert their power, ; t is vain, Since he who is Eternal, Has said you shall obtain. 612 RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. 939. 7s **/^ I YE us room that we may dwell \ n VX Zion's children cry aloud : See their numbers — how they swell ! How they gather, like a cloud ! 2 how bright the morning seems ! Brighter from so dark a night : Zion is like one that dreams, Filled with wonder and delight, 3 Lo ! thy sun goes down no more, God himself will be thy light : All that caused thee grief before, Buried lies in endless night. 4 Zion, now arise and shine ! Lo ! thy light from heaven is come ! These that crowd from far are thine; Give thy sons and daughters room. 940. L- m. JERUSALEM, thy children weep ! Scattered in ev'ry clime and land ; Their faces ever turned to thee, Mid verdant plains or desert's sand. 2 Jerusalem, thy children weep ! Outcast, despised upon the earth; But lift thy head, thy day is near, And joy and peace for thee have birth. 3 Jerusalem, beloved of God ! Though chastened long, thy walls shall rise; Thy children shall be gathered home, And own their Lord with sad surprise. 613 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 94:1. ^ M. JERUSALEM, in unbelief! Long have thy sons in darkness trod ; How bitter shall their mourning be When they return again to God. 2 Jerusalem, He is thy King ! To David's throne the rightful heir; Thy children now are gathering home, While saints for his return prepare. 3 Jerusalem, let Gentiles mock ! Let them usurp thy sacred soil ) The word of God is pledged to thee, There comes an end to all thy toil. 4 Thy land shall blossom like the rose, To thee shall Gentile nations seek ; Zion at last shall own her King, Rejected once when poor and meek. 94,2. ? m. HARK ! Hark ! The word to you is given ; , Make haste to Zion, gather in ; Follow the guide sent down from Heaven, The holy onward march begin. Then see the hundreds marching onward, on- ward \ Behold the thousands marching onward, on- ward ; In beauteous order marching onward ; The holy city enter in. 2 The Lord will surely go before us, Our way he surely will prepare \ 614 RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. Then let us sing to him a chorus, Until it sweetly fills the air. Then see the prophets marching onward, on- ward ; And twelve apostles marching onward, onward; With all God's children marching onward ; The holy city enter in. 3 Made pure with water and with fire, And well accepted in his sight ; And saved by blood of the Messiah, In Jesus' name we claim our right. Then see the priesthood marching onward, on- ward ; Elders and teachers marching onward, onward, With all God's children marching onward ; The holy city enter in. 4 The word is preached to every nation, And many miracles been done ; We now have wrought our own salvation, Welcome we go to Zion home. The sons of Joseph marching onward, onward; And all of Nephi marching onward, onward; And those of Laman marching onward ; The holy city enter in. 5 We have passed through many heavy trials, And to the weary end endured ; And now God give us of thy glory, We have our mighty hope secured. Then see the hundreds marching onward, on- ward ; Behold the thousands marching onward, onward ; In beauteous order marching onward. The holy city enter in. G ( LATTER DAY EVENTS. 043, c. M. D. on in faith, ye saints, go on, Fear not, the cause is good, The Jews rebuild Jerusalem, As prophets said they would. The prophets said in latter days, The Jews would once again Return and build their city up, Their loved Jerusalem. 2 Though many years have rolled away, And generations past, The Jews again are gath'ring home, Rebuilding it at last. Said God, l When you see this take place, Know ye the time is nigh When you shall see your Savior come ? With saints amid the sky/ 3 'To execute his judgments here, Upon this wicked earth, Rejoice, rejoice, and do not fear, With shouts of joy go forth; Gird up yourselves, and be ye strong, The chosen time has come When Zion shall in beauty rise, Also, Jerusalem/ Q44 9 8s, 7s & 4s. OX the mountain's top appearing, Lo ! the sacred herald stands J Welcome news to Zion bearing, Zion long in hostile lands. Mourning captive ! God himself shall loose thy bands. 616 RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. Lo ! thy sun is risen in glory ! God himself appears thy friend ; All thy foes shall flee before thee ; Here their boasted triumphs end : Great deliv 'ranee Zion's King vouchsafes to send. Enemies no more shall trouble ; All thy wrongs shall be redressed ; For thy shame thou shalt have double, In thy Maker's favor blest; All thy conflicts End in an eternal rest. 94S. L- m. OLORD, our Father, let thy grace Shed its glad beams on Jacob's race 5 Restore that long-lost scattered band, And call them to their native land. 2 Their mis'ry let thy mercy heal, Their trespass hide, their pardon seal ; 0, God of Israel, hear our prayer, And grant that they thy love may share. 3 How long shall Jacob's offspring prove The sad suspension of thy love ? And shall thy wrath perpetual burn, And yet thou ne'er to them return ? 4 Thy quick'ning Spirit now impart. Awake to joy each grateful heart. While Israel's rescued tribes in thee. Their bliss and full salvation see. GIT LATTER DAY EVENTS. 946. ?• m. ISRAEL, awake from thy long, silent slumber,, Shake off the fetters that bound thee so long; Chains of oppression ! we'll break them asunder, And join with the ransomed in victory's song ! Arise ! for the time has come, Israel must gather home, Hisrh on the mountains the Ensign we see; Fall'n is the Gentile power, Soon will its reign be o'er, Tyrants must rule no more, Israel is Free ! 2 Tremble ye nations of Gentiles, for yonder The hosts of the despot in battle array, With engines of war shake the earth with their thunder, — The bright sword is drawn and the sheath thrown away ! Sound the alarm of war, Through nations near and far, Let its 'dread tones be heard o'er land and sea; Zion shall dwell in peace, Israel will still increase, Liberty ne'er shall cease, Israel is Free ! 3 Hail to the land of the mountain and prairie, Gather to Zion's fair home in the west ; Free are her sons as the breeze round the aerie. — Birth-place of Prophets and home of the blest. A 1 RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. There will the saints be one, Thither we'll gather home, Zion, thy beauties we're yearning to see; Saints raise the heavenly song, Join with the ransomed throng, Angels the notes prolong, Israel is Free ! P. M. LL praise to God be given, Who reigns in earth and heaven, Our strength when we are stricken, f By this world's care and woe. Let Judah cease her mourning, Her sons are now returning, And sing as they are journey 'ng, — To Palestine we go. 2 Once more her vines are twining, Where Salem's streams are winding; The cedars tall and shining, On Lebanon do grow. Her maids strike as of olden, The harp, whose strings are golden, And sing with joy upholden, To Palestine we go. 3 Rich fruit her soil is yielding ; Her walls will soon be building, While Grod her sons are shielding From future overthrow. And Jesus soon returning, Cleanse earth by power of burning, And Judah cease her scorning, And her Redeemer know. 619 LATTER DAY EVENTS. ■948. 12£ * lls - LET th' thick veil of darkness be rolled from before thee, Oil Lord ! and descend on the wing of the storm ; Dispersed and enslaved are the sons that adore thee. And th/ rude hand of strangers thy Temple deform. 2 And Salem, loved Salem, lies low and degraded. While, far from her ruins, in exile we pine; Yet still is the hope of thy remnant, unfaded= The word that inspired it, Jehovah, is thine. 3 Alas ! we were warned, but we recked not the warning. Our warriors grew weak, in th/ day of des- pair; And our glory was fled, as the light of th' morning. That gleams for a moment, and melts in the air. 4 As trampled the Heathen o'er Zion's sad daughters, She wept tears of shame o'er her guilt and her woe; For th' voice of her God had commissioned the slaughter, The rod of his vengeance had pointed the blow. 5 Though foul are the sins, Oh, thou lost one, which stain thee, The blood of the Lamb yet can wash them away ; G20 RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. Though galling and base are the bands that en- chain thee, The G-od that imposed them can lighten their sway. 6 For a star yet shall rise o'er th' darkness of Judah, A branch yet shall nourish on Jesse's proud stem, And Zion shall triumph o'er those that subdued her, . * Yea, triumph in giving a Savior to them ! 94:9. l- m. TTNTO our God, on Judah's hills, yj Be songs of holy joy once more — Let Canaan's rocks and sparkling rills, The King of heaven and earth adore. 2 For he hath set the captive free, Hath rent the proud oppressor's chain, And from the isles of ev'ry sea Brought Israel to his fold again. 3 The holy city's ruined spires And crumbling walls again shall rise, Love shall relight her altar fires, And clouds of incense sweep the skies. 4 There, 'neath the fig-tree and the vine, Shall Judah's daughters peaceful rest, And grey-haired fathers safe recline • On sacred Calv'ry's holy breast, 5 Those tuneful harps, that hung so long Upon the weeping-willow's stem. Shall swell again fair Zion's song Within thy gates — Jerusalem ! 621 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 950. l. m. "T)EHOLD the way to Zion's hill, J3 Where Israel's God delights to dwell J He fixes there his lofty throne, x\nd calls the sacred place his own." 2 "Behold the way !" ye heralds cry : k Spare not — but lift your voices high : Convey the sound from pole to pole, "Glad tidings" to the captive soul. 3 The north gives up — the south no more Keeps back her consecrated store : From east to west the message runs, And either India yields her sons. 951. ANTHEM. THE Lord hath favored Israel, Him he will gather \ He'll save his chosen people, Praise him forever. He'll make of Israel's seed a glorious nation, And choose Mount Zion for his habitation. The Lord hath chosen Zion, He will redeem it; He'll glorious make it for his ransomed people. This is the place he hath chosen for his rest, Here will he dwell with his people ever blest. Sing to the Lord, Praises to our God. — Songs of joy and gladness sing unto his name ! Hosannas sing, Hallelujahs sing, Hallelujahs sing! Amen. Praise him ! Amen. RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. The Lord will keep his cov'nant. With the posterity Of Joseph his chosen one, And give prosperity. .Restore the plan of heaven once instituted, Give comfort to the tried and persecuted. The Lord hath chosen Zion, He will redeem it; He'll glorious make it for his ransomed people. This is the place he hath chosen for his rest, Here will he dwell with his people ever blest Sing to the Lord, Praises to our God, — Songs of joy and gladness sing unto his name! Hosannas sing, Hallelujahs sing, Hallelujahs sing ! Amen. Praise him ! Amen. 952. s: m. JUDAH shall gather home And Palestine possess, The Prince of David, on his'throne, Shall rule in righteousness. 2 Israel shall from the north, Attended with God's power, Like warriors, in haste, go forth And meet round Salem's tower. 3 The remnant too shall join, The saints to Zion flee ; And all God's people gathered home, His might and wisdom see. 623 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 9o3. c. m. BEHOLD the mountain of the Lord In latter days shall rise, On mountain tops, above the hills, And draw the wond'ring eyes 2 Of all the joyful nations round, As thither they shall flow j "Up to the hill of God," they'll say, ••And to his house we'll go." 3 The beam shall shine from Zion's hill And lighten ev'ry land ; The King shall reign in Salem's towers, And all the world command. 4 Among the nations he shall judge, His judgments truth shall guide; His scepter shall protect the just, And quell the sinner's pride. 5 Xo strife shall rage, nor hostile feuds Disturb those peaceful years : To plowshares men shall beat their swords, To priming-hooks their spears. 6 Xo longer host encountering host, Shall crowds of slain deplore : They'll hang the trumpet in the hall, And study war no more. 7 Come, then, house of Jacob ! come To worship at his shrine ; And. walking in the light of God, With holy beauties shine. G24 w RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. 954:. 8s & 7s - "AKE, wake the world from sleeping; Watchman, watchman, what's the hour ? Hark ye, only hear him saying, " ; Tis the last, eleventh hour ! " Zion's light again is dawning, Soon the Lord of Hosts will come; ' Tis the solemn day of learning, Rise, escape the impending doom, Zion's light again is dawning. 2 Lo ! the lion's left his thicket ; Up, ye watchmen, be in haste, The destroyer of the wicked Goes to lay their cities waste. 3 Bring the remnants from their exile, For the promise is to them ; Japheth's ruled the world his time out, He must leave the tents of Shem. 4 Comfort ye the house of Israel, They are pardoned, gather them; Hear the watchman's proclamation, " Jews, rebuild Jerusalem. " 5 Soon the Jews will know their error, How they killed the Holy One, And they'll mourn and shout ' Hosanna ! This is the beloved Son.' 6 Sound the trumpet with the tidings — Call in all of Abrah'm's seed, Though the wicked may reject it. Christ will come in very deed. 27 625 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 95 O. 4-6s & 2-8s. ALL hail the glorious day, By prophets long foretold; When with harmonious lay, The sheep of Israel's fold, On Z ion's hill his praise proclaim, And shout hosannah to his name. 2 When Israel from afar, And Judah scattered wide, Shall to their land repair, And there in peace abide ; Directed by Jehovah's hand, Shall dwell in peace in Zion's land. 3 To Zion's sacred mount, Shall Israel's children go ; And there a holy fount, To cleanse the nations, flow. Israel shall there his rights obtain, As King of Kings, Messiah reign. 4 Jerusalem shall be Our great Redeemer's throne ; O'er all the earth and sea, His glory be made known ; Nations and kings, Messiah s;reet ; And lay their honors at his feet. 5 Strike, strike the golden lyre, And ye, his angels, sing ; Let joy your bosoms fire, And heaven with glory ring : From earth and air, and sea and skies, Let the Redeemer's praise arise. 626 RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. 956. 5 -* s - (ITTINGr by the streams that glide Down by Babel's towering wall, With our tears we swell the tide, While our mournful thoughts recall Thee, Zion, and thy fall, s 1 2 On the willows there we hung Our neglected harps on high, Silent, useless, and unstrung, Strangers now to harmony, Once our pleasure and our joy. 3 Then our proud, triumphant foes, Haughty, insolent, and gay, Called for music in our woes, " Sing us some sweet Hebrew lay, Sacred to some holy day/ 7 4 Cruel foes t' insult us so, Sunk so deep in helpless grief, Sighs and tears to vent our woe, Now our only poor relief, To the charms of music deaf. 5 Jerusalem ! thy fate, Wounds my bleeding heart so deep, Let my trembling hands forget How the tuneful lyre to sweep, When for thee I cease to weep. * 6 Yet I will not thus repine ; Ev'ry foe to thee shall bend; Triumph glorious, shall be thine, All thy woes shall have an end, God himself will be thy Friend. LATTER DAY EVENTS. 95 7. 8s D - LET Israel, though scattered and peeled. Forsaken, downtrodden, unknown, Take heart in the promise revealed, That mercy at last will be shown. Let Israel, though laid in the grave By th' vineyard and cornfield overgrown, Abide in assurance God gave, They'll dwell in a land once their own. 2 Let th' cities of Israel that lie Crushed down by the footsteps of time Still hope ; though all men pass them by, They shall rise to a glory sublime. Their sons unto them shall he bring, Their daughters shall sing in the hall. Jehovah reign o'er them as King, In splendor that never shall fall. 3 Their tribes shall be numbered again, As th' dove-keeper numbers his doves; Their lots shall be cast in the plain, While their dwellings appear in th' proves, Beneath their own vine shall they sing. And under the fig-tree rejoice ; Jehovah reign o'er them as King, Delighting the hosts with his voice. i 9 58. 8s > 7s & 4s - "SRAEL, Israel, God is calling- Calling thee from lands of woe : Babylon the great is foiling ; God shall all her towers o'erthrow, Come to Zion Ere his floods of anger flow. 628 RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. 2 Israel, Israel, God is speaking; Hear your great Deliv'rer's voice ! Now a glorious morn is breaking For the people of his choice. Come to Zion, And within her walls rejoice. 3 Israel, angels are descending From celestial worlds on high, And towards man their powers extending^ That the saints may homeward fly. Come to Zion, For your coming Lord is nigh. 4 Israel ! Israel ! can'st thou linger Still in error's gloomy ways ? Mark how judgment's pointing finger Justifies no vain delays. Come to Zion ! Zion's walls shall ring with praise. r 969. s. m. "N peace shall Juclah dwell, Restored to Canaan's land; His future glory shall excel His past, of wide command. 2 Though scattered far and wide, Yet Israel shall return ; Again in Palestine reside, Before the wicked burn. 3 Though Ephraim, Israel's head Shall then acknowledged be, To Christ, of Judali's favored seed. Shall all mon bow the knee. 629 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 960. ?• m. SOUND the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea; Jehovah hath triumphed ; his people are free. Sing, for the pride of the tyrant was broken, His chariots, his horsemen, all splendid and brave ; How vain was their boasting! the Lord had but spoken, When chariots and horsemen were sunk in the wave. Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea, Jehovah hath triumphed, his people are free! His people are free! his people are free I 2 Praise to the Conqu'ror, praise to the Lord ; Again will he be our Defender and Sword. Soon shall repeated be Egypt's sad story Of those she sent forth in the hour of her pride ? For the Lord shall come forth in his pillar of glory, And none who oppose him his power shall abide. Sound the loud timbrel o'er land and o'er sea, Jehovah will triumph, his people be free! His people be free ! his people be free ! 961. 4-6s & 2 ~ 8s - YE ransomed of our God, To Zion now return, And seek a safe abode, Before the wicked burn ; 630 RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. The year of jubilee draws near; Jesus on earth will soon appear. 2 Let Israel now return Unto their ancient home, Possess the Holy Land, And build Jerusalem, And there await the jubilee ; They shall the King of glory see. 3 Let Gentiles throng the way To Z ion's happy land ; Those who the truth obey Shall in his presence stand, Shall shine with the celestial light, And walk with Jesus Christ in white. 4 Let Joseph's remnants come To Zion's sacred hill, And throng the house of God, And learn to do his will, That Zion may arise and shine With light celestial and divine. 962. e-7s QUICKLY marshal all thy sons, Haste, Israel, hasten home ! LiO I thy Prince, Messiah comes, Raise in glory David's throne ; There shall thy Deliv'rer reign, Israel, hie thee home again. 2 Flow, ye mountains ! Israel's tribes Must no longer outcasts be ; Back, ye foes : nor dare proscribe Israel's sons ! Roll back, thou sea ! Clear the way! 'Tis God commands; Jacob, God hath loosed thy bands ! G31 s ] LATTER DAY EVENTS. 963. 8s&7sD. I HALL we gather home to Zion, — Will our wan (Triii gs soon be o'er; Shall we cease our tears and sighing, — Shall we rest forever more ? Will Messiah come to save us From the power of the foe ? Will he come, and will he have us His salvation fully know ? Yes; ice tc ill gather home to Zion, Our beautiful, our beautiful Zion! Gather with the saints home to Zion, And be saved in the Kingdom of God, Will he come as Judah's Lion ? Will the wicked he destroy ? Will he take us home to Zion, Filling us with peace and joy ? Shall we live with him forever ? Shall we see him as he is ? Shall we from him part ? No, never ; He will call each dear one his. Shall we rest with our Redeemer, In the Paradise of God ? Let us walk with patience ever, In the path our Savior trod. Let us be no longer sleeping, For the day is near at hand ; Let us each our watch be keeping, As a firm, united band. Then we will dwell with saints in Zion, Our beautiful, our beautiful Zion I Happy with the saints home in Zion, Rejoicing in the Kingdon of God. 632 ZION'S REDEMPTION AND GLORY. 964. 8s & 7s. LOOK, ye nations, gaze and wonder ! Lo ! the church of Christ appears, In the sun's majestic splendor, On her head a crown of stars ! 2 See, she comes from out the darkness, From the wilderness of sin ; Oh ! how dazzling is her brightness, — Sure she will the victory win ! 3 Even now the moon 's beneath her, Certain emblem of her power ; Satan can no more deceive her, Dark and gloomy though her hour. 4 Rich her robe of sun-light glory, Is the gospel's beaming light ; The chosen twelve, the crown of glory That bedecks her forehead bright. 5 See those gems her robe adorning; They are gifts by Jesus given ; — And her glorious light is burning. Purifying her for heaven. 27* " C33 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 96 O. L- M. TRIUMPHANT Zion! lift thy head From dust, and darkness, and the dead I Though humbled long — awake at length, And gird thee with thy Savior's strength ! 2 Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy excellence be known : Decked in the robes of righteousness, Thy glories shall the world confess. 3 No more shall foes unclean invade, And fill thy hallowed walls with dread ; No more shall hell's insulting host Their vict'ry and thy sorrows boast. 4 God, from on high, has heard thy prayer ; His hand thy ruin shall repair ; Nor will thy watchful Monarch cease To guard thee in eternal peace. 966. L- m. THE towers of Zion soon shall rise Above the clouds, and reach the skies; Attract the gaze and wond'ring eyes Of all that worship, gloriously. 2 The saints shall see the city stand Upon their consecrated land, And Israel, numerous as the sand, Inherit it eternally. 3 0, that the day would hasten on, When wickedness shall all be gone, And saints and angels join in one To praise the Man of Holiness. ZION S REDEMPTION AND GLORY. 4 Then shall the veil of heaven rend, Ahman, the Son of God, descend, A vast eternity to spend In perfect peace and righteousness. 5 Exalt the name of Zion's God ! Praise ye his name in songs aloud ) Proclaim his majesty abroad, Ye banner-bearing messengers. 6 Cry to the nations far and near, To come, and in the glories share That on mount Zion will appear, When earth shall rest from wickedness, 967. c - M - HOW will the saints rejoice to tell ! And count their sufferings o'er, When they upon Mount Zion dwell, And view the landscape o'er. 2 There they will see upon that land Fair Zion from above, And meet with Enoch's holy band, And sing Redeeming Love. 3 There, no more sickness, pain, or woe, Shall mar their peaceful rest, For God shall wipe away their tears, And comfort the oppressed. 4 may I see that glorious day ! And join with all the blest. To sing aloud the Savior's praise; And enter into rest. G35 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 968. lls - u ■ , . X TSTEN ' Zion ! Jehovah liath spoken ; jj The Lord thy Redeemer, commands thee arise ; , , For over the earth reigns darkness unbroken While the heaven's bright day-star tames thy skies. 2 Else to the rescue ! lo I error is stealing O'er sods whom the Savior hath died to re- deem ; Listen ! Zion ! the angels are crying, -The earth shall in darkness no longer re- main." 3 Jehovah hath spoken! darkness hath vanished ; The sky has been lit by his glory again, Joy that the shades that enwrapt thee are ban- ished, And hasten that all may thy happiness gam. 4 Rouse thee to action! thy Savior ^.coming; Look up, for the Lord mil soon glorify thee. Listen! Zion ! Jehovah hath spoken ; Arise, for his glory thy cov'ring shall be. 969. L - M - OZION, when I think of thee, I long for pinions like the dove, And mourn to think that I should be So distant from the land I love. 2 A captive exile, far from home, For Zion's sacred walls I sigh, With ransomed kindred there to come, And see Messiah eye to eye. a'xa ZION S REDEMPTION AND GLORY. 3 While here, I walk on hostile ground, The few that I can call my friends Are, like myself, in fetters bound, And weariness each step attends. 4 But yet we hope to see the day, When Zion's children shall return ; When all our griefs shall flee away, And we no more again shall mourn. 5 The thought that such a day will come, Makes e'en the exile's portion sweet; Though now we wander far from home, In Zion soon we all shall meet. gyo. lis & ios. HAIL to the brightness of Zion's glad morn- ing ; Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain ; Hushed be the accents of sorrow and mourning; Zion in triumph begins her mild reign. 2 Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning, Long by the prophets of Israel foretold ! Hail to the millions from bondage returning; ! Gentiles and Jews the blest vision behold. 3 Lo, in the desert-wild rich flowers are springing; Streams ever copious are gliding along ; Loud from the mountain-tops echoes are ringing ! Wastes rise in verdure, and mingle in song, 4 See from all lands, from the isles of the ocean. Praise to Jehovah ascending on high ; Fallen the engines of war and commotion ) Shouts of salvation are rending the sky. G37 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 971. 8s & 7s D. G1 LORIOUS things of thee are spoken, f Zion, city of oar God ! He whosa word can not be broken, Chose thee for his own abode. On the Rock of Enoch founded ; What can shake thy sure repose ? With salvation's wall surrounded, Thou may'st smile on all thy foes. 2 See the stream of living waters, Springing from celestial love, Well supply thy sons and daughters, And all fears of drought remove. Who can faint, while such a river . Ever flows their thirst t' assuage ? Grace, which like the Lord, the giver, Never fails from age to age. 3 Round each habitation hov'ring, See the cloud and fire appear ! For a glory and a cov'ring, Showing that the Lord is near. Thus deriving from their banner Light by night and shade by day ; Sweetly they enjoy the Spirit Which he gives them when they pray. 4 Blest inhabitants of Zion, Purchased with the Savior's blood ; Jesus, whom their souls rely on, Makes them kings and priests to God. While in love his saints he raises With himself to reign as kings ; All, as priests, his solemn praises Each for a thank-offring brings. G38 ZION S REDEMPTION AND GLORY. Savior ! since of Z ion's city I, through grace, a member am ; Though the world despise and pity, I will glory in thy name. Fading are all worldly treasures, With their boasted pomp and show ; Heavenly joys and lasting pleasures, None but Zion's children know. w 073. t "• a "E know the time is near at hand, When all the pure that still remain, Will gather to the chosen land, With harps and songs of joy again. For God hath said, "Zion shall not Be moved out of her holy place ; " Hence to that consecrated spot, With longing eyes we turn our faoa. 2 ! sing of all her joys sublime ; Tell of her gates of marble white, And fruit, and spice from ev'ry clime, And birds of song to bring delight. For God hath said that she shall dress In linen fine, and clean, and fair; And 'tis his people's righteousness, Shall robe this linen round her there. 3 In Zion and Jerusalem, * Joseph and Judah find their rest, And Jesus shall reign over them, And peace extend from east to west. For God hath said that earth shall be More fair than when the race begun : He'll build a pathway o'er the sea. To join his cities into one. 639 w LATTER DAY EVENTS. 973 8s & ^ D - OT by evil wealth of mammon Shall our dwelling be redeemed, This would lessen and make common What is not by price esteemed. We have known its canker, eating Half the sweetness of our joy, What it buys can be but fleeting ; Zion hath not this alloy. 2 Not by force of carnal weapon, Nor of blood, by mankind shed ; For the stain of blood has darkened All our days, as they have fled. Zion shall be clothed in linen. Free from carnal, evil stains; Spun, drawn forth, and closely woven By the righteousness of saints. 3 Zion shall arise and flourish Like a pure and radiant flower; God with all his host shall nourish Zion, in that blessed hour. There the just shall reap their labor, There shall Christ be glorified ; There shall love and trust be neighbor : There shall we be satisfied. 974. lls - THY beautiful garments, Zion ! assume, The day-star hath risen, thy path to il- lume ; Thy night hath been dreary, but joyous the morn — No longer sit mourning:, afflicted — forlorn. 640 zion's redemption and glory. 2 Thy sons from afar, and thy daughters among, Triumphant return and require a new song, They've bowed low their heads, and their harps were unstrung While long on the willows neglected they hung* 3 In robes of salvation thou'rt made to rejoice ; Gome, sing of his righteousness, lift up thy voice ! [shall join, Lo ! thousands of harps with thy minstrels For God is thy glory, arise thou and shine ! 4 Come, haste through thy gates, thou beloved of the Lord, [word, Who hath sworn by his own unchangeable That thou should'st to kingdoms and nations give birth — Thy glory become a sweet praise in the earth. 975. p- m. THE mystical body of Christ is now come, Clothed as of old in her garment of light, Wearing twelve beautiful stars for a crown. Also a prophet to lead her aright ) Adorned with bright jewels, so rich and so rare That none with her splendor can ever com- pare. 2 Her garment of light is the gospel of peace, Her stars are the twelve chosen heralds of love ; Her prophet is given her joys to increase. Her jewels, the gifts of the Spirit above To perfect and edify, fit and prepare The Bride to receive the Bridegroom in the air. 641 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 976. L - M - ARISE ! arise ! — with joy survey The glory of the latter day : Already is the dawn begun Which marks at hand a rising sun ! 2 Auspicious dawn ! — thy rising ray With joy we view — and hail the day Great Sun of Righteousness ! arise, And fill the world with glad surprise. Qyy m 12s & lis. ARISE thou and shine, for thy light is ap- pearing, And glory and beauty thy temples adorn ; Lo ! darkness and gloom on the nations are breaking, While brightly to thee, breaks the radiant morn. 2 The beams of thy glory the saints are reflecting, And scattering wide the refulgence so bright ; While princes and sages the dawn are expecting, When Gentiles and Jews shall rejoice in the light. 3 Lo ! now in glad troops see them hast'ning to Zion, The sons and the daughters of faith, love, and joy, Their trumpets are sounding, their banners are flying, In songs of redemption their tongues they employ. 4 Behold what are these like a cloud on the ocean, 642 ZION S REDEMPTION AND GLORY. % Like doves to their windows they fly through the air; Ah, these are the ships from the isles for devotion, [from afar. They bring with their treasures, thy sons 5 The sens of thy captives shall come to thee bending, And all that despise thee shall bow to thee low, [mending Acknowledge thine excellence, greatly com- The Zion, the dwelling of Jesus below. 978. lls - G"\ RE AT is the Lord in the city of Zion ; J In her palaces God for refuge is known ; From th' sides of the north, lo ! her light shineth forth In glory and beauty, the joy of the earth. 2 With stones of fair colors her walls shall be reared ; In excellent glory, her temples appear ; The people shall gather, and nations shall come, The saints with rejoicing to Zion return. 3 Lo ! th' kings will assemble, her glory behold; The might of her sons will astonish the world: Th' perfection of beauty, the city will be. The saints will rejoice when her glories they see. 4 The' earth shall be filled with the glory of God : As th' garden of Eden 't will then be restored ; The beauty of spring, and perennial bloom. Will th' face of the earth with rich verdure adorn. C43 LATTER DAY EVENTS. 979. s. m. FAITHFUL and just is he Who hath the cov'nant made, That Zion, though she scattered be, Shall be with robes arrayed. 2 Her robes Salvation are, In beauty she shall dress ; The nations shall her glory share, And to her King confess. 3 Her gates shall all be Praise, Her walls with jewels gemmed; 1 Her sons their sacred altar raise To Jesus, Zion's Friend. 4 From Zion's sacred fane, Love's incense shall arise To heaven, and there admittance gain, As earth's best sacrifice. 5 To her the nations bow, ' To her their rulers come ; Glory and joy her portion now, Her palace, Jesus' throne. insurrection of % M&l 980. 8s, 8s & 6s. THE night is spent — the morning ray Comes ushering in the glorious day, The promised time of rest; Hark ! 'tis the trumpet sounding clear, Its joyful notes burst on the ear Proclaiming tidings blest. 2 Ah ! see, the graves are opening now, The saints come forth, and ev'ry brow Beams with a radiant joy; To life immortal they arise, Inheritors of Paradise, Where death cannot destroy. 3 Stupendous scene ! those men of old, Prophets, who have the story told Of this transcendent day; The patriarchs, apostles too, Who lived and died with it in view, Collect in bright array. 4 Now 'satisfied' — for like their Lord, Whose promise shines within the word, His likeness they should wear — A glittering host, like stars on high, In glory and in majesty, Upon the earth appear ! G45 W 1 RESURRECTION OF 981. P- M- 'HEN first the glorious light of truth Burst forth in this last age, How few there were with heart and soul T' obey it did engage ! Yet of those few how many Have passed from earth away, And in their graves are sleeping Till the Resurrection day ! « 2 How many on Missouri's plains Were left in death's embrace, — Pure, honest hearts, too good to live In such a wicked place : And are they left in sorrow And doubt to pine away ? Oh, no ; in peace they're sleeping Till the Resurrection day. 3 And in Nauvoo, the city where The Temple cheered the brave, Hundreds of faithful saints have found A cold yet peaceful grave ; And there they now are sleeping Beneath the silent clay; But soon they'll share the glories Of the Resurrection day. 4 Our Patriarch and Prophet too Were massacred, they bled ; To seal their testimony, — They were numbered with the dead. Ah soon ! although they're sleeping, Methinks we'll hear them say, " Death's icy chains are bursting! 'Us the Resurrection day ! G46 THE JUST. 982. 7s D: ~ARY to the Savior's tomb Hasted at the early dawn ; Spiee she brought and rich perfume, But the. Lord she loved had gone. For a while she ling'ring stood, Filled with sorrow and surprise, Trembling, while a crystal flood Issued from her weeping eyes. But her sorrows quickly fled, When she heard his welcome voice ; Christ had risen from the dead — Now he bids her heart rejoice. What a change his word can make, Turning darkness into day ! Ye who weep for Jesus' sake, He will wipe your tears away. He who came to comfort her, When she thought her all was lost, Will for your relief appear, Though you now are tempest tossed. On his arm your burden cast ; On his love your thoughts employ ; Death but for a night may last Morn will bring eternal joy. As the Savior left the tomb, So his sleeping saints shall rise, — When their great Redeemer come$, Dwell with him in Paradise. Rise and with him live and reign — Reign in peace with glory crowned ; Sorrow ended, banished pain. Heavenly pleasures will abound. 047 RESURRECTION OF 983. c. m. SHALL man depart this earthly scene, Ah ! never to return ! — No second Spring of life revive The ashes of the urn ! 2 Shall life revisit dying worms, And spread the insect's wing ? And oh — shall man awake no more, The Savior's name to sing? 3 'Cease — all ye vain desponding fears; When Christ from darkness sprang, Death, the last foe, was captive led, And heaven with praises rang. 4 £ The trump shall sound; — the gates of death Shall make his children way ; From the cold tomb the slumb'rers spring, And shine in endless day/ 984:. o. M. HOW long shall death, the tyrant, reign. And triumph o'er the just; While the rich blood of martyrs slain Lies mingled with the dust ? 2 Lo, I behold the scattered shades ; The dawn of heaven appears; The sweet immortal morning spreads Its blushes round the spheres. 3 I see the Lord of glory come, And flaming guards around ; The skies divide, to make him room, The trumpet shakes the ground. CIS THE JUST. 4 I hear the voice, ^ Ye dead, arise \" And lo, the just obey; The waking saints, with joyful eyes, Salute th' expected day. 5 They leave the dust, and on the wing Eise to the midway air, In shining garments meet their King, Adore and praise him there. 6 0, may our humble spirits stand Among them clothed in white ! The humblest place at his right hand Is infinite delight. 98 5. *■■ m. BEHOLD the earth reels to and fro, With mortal fear the wicked stand ; Shrieks and wailings rend the air. While swift descends an angel band. 2 He comes, the Mighty Conqueror, Majestic in his kingly birth ! Open, ye graves — he comes ! he conies ! Give ear, heaven, and shout, earth ! 3 He lives, and bears the keys of hell, Death and the grave — he lives to bring The captive from his prison cell — He lives — our great, triumphant King. 4 He comes to call his saints to life. To crown them heirs of lasting bliss; He conies to put an end to strife 3 And reign the Kins; of Righteousness. 28 649 l RESURRECTION OF 986. 6s & 5s. THE morn of redemption, All blooming and fair. Is fast onward fleeting, And soon will appear. When icill sound the mighty, mighty trump Say' rig, " Come, come away I" Oh, may ive be ready To hail the glad day. 2 The bridegroom from glory To earth shall descend, And thousands of angels Around him attend. 3 The graves will be opened, The saints will arise, And with their Redeemer Will meet in the skies. 4 The saints, then immortal, In glory shall reign, The Bride with the Bridegroom Forever remain. S' 987. 6 " 8s - I HALL the righteous dead arise From the barriers of the tomb, Clothed in forms immortalized, Bright with heaven's unfading bloom ? The earth shall yield its righteous dead, "When Christ shall come, their living Head. Shall they suffer pain no more, — Xo more anguish, grief, or woe, No subtle foe invade their door To drag them down to gulfs below ? 650 THE JUST, No sorrow shall invade their bounds^ No subtle foe shall drag them down. 3 Shall they friends and kindred meet To part from them again no more ; And drink life's streams so pure and sweet That flow on yonder blissful shore ? Meet they shall with Christ to reign, No more to part from friends again . 4 Shall they reign a thousand years, Wearing crowns of victory, When Christ has wiped away all tears, In earth's primeval purity? On earth as when at first it stood, They'll reign as kings and priests to God. 988. 7s & 6s. THE hills shall hear a whisper, The plains shall conscious be Of power that is mighty To set the captive free. 2 And like the Roman soldier, Before the Savior's tomb ; Shall Death, the grave's grim keeper., Sink down before his doom. 3 And as the mighty angel Rolled the great stone away, The torpid, heavy slumber, Shall be dissolved that day, 4 The pure, though sorely tempted, The faithful, from the dust. Shall rise, unto the primal Resurrection of the just. 651 RESURRECTION OF 989. l..m. A LTHOUGH our bodies sink to rest, J\_ Their grossness only wastes away, Our spirits will among the blest Await the resurrection day. 2 Faith then shall burst the bands of death. And purer bodies shall arise, When our Redeemer comes to earth To claim it as his blood-bought prize. 3 Then shall the righteous with him dwell, No sorrow'ng tears bedew their eyes; All nations governed by his will In truth and wisdom higher rise. 4 Fullness of joy we then shall gain, Beyond this vale of woe and tears ; This faith shall soothe our ev'ry pain, Dispel our doubts and chase our fears. A f 990. c. m. S Jesus died, and rose again Victorious from the dead ; So his disciples rise and reign With their triumphant Head. 2 The time draws nigh, when in the clouds Christ shall with shouts descend ; And the last trumpet's awful voice The heavens and earth shall rend. 3 The saints of God, from death set free, With joy shall mount on high; The heavenly hosts, with praises loud, Shall meet them in the sky. translation of fining Saints. Y 1 991. 4 " 6s & 2 " 8s - ^E virgin souls arise ! With, all the dead awake Unto salvation wise, Oil in your vessels take; Upstarting at the midnight cry, Behold your heavenly Bridegroom nigh. Ye'll meet him in the sky, Your everlasting Friend ; His coming draweth nigh, The saints shall then ascend; Ye pure in heart, obtain the grace To see, without a veil, his face. Ye that have here received The unction from above, And in his Spirit lived, And thirsted for his love, Jesus shall claim you for his Bride ; Rejoice with all the sanctified. Rejoice in glorious hope Of that great day unknown, When you shall be caught up To stand before his throne ; Enrobed in. righteousness divine, In which "TJie Bride" shall ever shine, G:>3 TRANSLATION OF 992. 7s & 6s D. REJOICE, ye true believers, And let your lights appear ; The evening is advancing, The midnight now is near ; The Bridegroom is arising, And soon he draweth nigh : Up, up, and watch, and wrestle ; At midnight conies the cry. . 2 See that your lamps are burning ; Replenish them with oil, And wait for your salvation, — The end of weary toil. The watchers on the mountain Proclaim the Bridegroom near; Go meet him as he cometh, With (: Hallelujahs" clear. 3 Ye wise and holy virgins, Now raise your voices high'r, Soon in the songs of glory, They'll meet the angel choir. The marriage-feast is nearing, The doors will open stand; Be ready, thea. to meet him ; The Bridegroom is at hand. 4 Ye saints, who here in patience Your cross and suff'rings bear, And die not till he cometh, "Will meet him in the air. Changed to his glorious likeness, Messiah you shall see, In joy and triumph greet him, Your poenn, "Victory." 654 LIVING SAINTS. 993. p- m; STAR of our hope ! he'll soon appear, 0, shout and sing Hosanna J The last loud trumpet speaks him near, Hosanna ! Sing Hosanna ! Eternal life ! eternal life ! We have it through our Savior ; Eternal life I eternal life ! 0, come and live forever. 2 Hail him, all saints, from pole to pole, And raise one loud Hosanna ! How welcome to the faithful soul How worthy our Hosanna ! 3 From heaven angelic voices sound, And join the sweet Hosanna ! Behold the Lord of glory crowned ! And earth responds, "Hosanna!" 4 The grave yields up its precious trust, To swell the wide Hosanna; Awake ! ye slumb'rers in the dust. Awake ! and sing Hosanna ! 5 Resplendent forms ascending fair, Prolong the glad Hosanna, And meet the Savior in the air — Hosanna ! sing Hosanna ! G The saints rejoice, they shout, they sing. With rapture chant Hosannas ; And hail him their triumphant king! Forever sing Hosannas. 655 TRANSLATION OP 994. l. m. BEHOLD the church, it soars on high To meet the saints amid the sky 5 To hail the King in clouds of fire, And strike and tune th' immortal lyre. 2 With saints of old we all shall meet. And worship at Messiah's feet, Unite our hands and hearts in love, And reign with Jesus from above. 3 We then shall crowns of life receive > And glories great our God will give, While loud hosannas we'll proclaim > And all creation say, "Amen." 995. 4-6s & 2-8s. YE living saints, behold Your Lord descend the sky ! The clouds are backward rolled ; His form greets ev'ry eye. Ten thousand spirits just and true, Are with their King descending too. 2 Your waiting was not vain, Your prayers have all been heard, Greet ye your friends again, Behold your noble Lord. His Spirit o'er your being flows, And in immortal strength it grows, 3 Translated by his power From frailty, weakness, sin, Oh ever blessed hour ! Our triumph doth begin. 656 LIVING SAINTS. Soar up to meet your coming friends, Your weary day of trial ends. 4 What freedom ! Oh what bliss ! To mount with haste to meet The King of Righteousness ! Exultant, pure and fleet; In robes that shine with spotless ray, While night and sorrow flee away. 996. p- m. THE Lord will remember his people, Though sleeping or living they be, And crown them with glory and triumph, Delivered from mortality. In glorious bloom shall the sleeping awake, Immortal ancl beauteously fair ; The living be changed, of like glory partake^ Together meet Christ in the air. 2 The dead shall awake when the trumpet Its mystical summons shall give ; The living put on robes immortal, With sanctified millions to live. 3 Translated from earth and its sorrow, In the likeness of Christ they arise, The redeemed to meet their Redeemer In th/ glory-gilt belt of the skies. 4 The earth, as in morn of creation. Shall shine in her beauty, restored ; The saints shall descend, and in triumph -A thousand years' reign with their Lord. 28* 657 ' Seconc Coming of (ftlfrist. 99?. L. M. D. BEHOLD, the great Redeemer comes To bring his ransomed people home ; He comes to save his scattered sheep ; He comes to comfort those who weep. He comes to bless the humble poor; He comes creation to restore ; He comes the earth to purify ; He comes, but not again to die. 2 He comes, he comes unto his own ; He comes to reign on David's throne ; He comes to stand on Zion's hill ; He comes the Scriptures to fulfill. He comes to tread the wicked down ; He comes the martyrs soon to crown ; He comes to dry the mourners' tears ; He comes to reign a thousand years. ?t He conies on Olives' Mount to stand ; He comes all Israel to defend; He comes to lay the sinner low, He conies that Judah may him know. He comes to show his hands and side; He comes to wed his ready bride ; He comes to reign as King of kings; He conies, and all creation sings. 658 SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. 998. p - M - EARTH is filled with sin and pain Everywhere we roam ; But Christ will shortly purify And make it meet for home. Come and reign, come and reign, Jesus, on thy throne; 0, how it fdls my heart with joy That Christ to ill greet me home 2 Now I drop the falling tear, As pilgrim-like I roam, An exile from my Father's house ; But then I'll be at home. 3 Now amid life's changing scenes, My cup of grief runs o'er ) But then I'll share unmingled bliss On e-^rth, and grieve no more. 4 Now I grieve the friends I love, And they in turn grieve me ; But, 0, my Father, grant me grace, That I may not grieve thee. 5 Now disease invades our frames ; We wither, droop, and die; But then eternal youth shall bloom, And bright shall beam each eye. 6 Now we meet and part again, As round the earth we roam ; But then we'll meet and part no more. We'll sweetly rest at home. 659 SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. 999. P- m. LIFT your glad voices in triumph on high ; Shout, for the day of redemption is nigh! Sing, for the Lord will appear in his glory ; Mountains and valleys repeat the glad story. Tune every lyre, Lift the strain higher, Far o'er the ocean the tidings shall fly. 2 Lift your glad voices, ye nations, and sing ; Let the high anthem re-echo and ring. Sing, for the bright One that slept in the manger Comes ; and the earth that once pillowed the stranger, In rich adorning, Hails the glad morning, Blossoms like Eden and welcomes her King. 3 Lift your glad voices, he conquered the grave, Jesus, Immanuel, almighty to save. Shout to the tyrant, thy chains are ail broken ! Sing, for the voice of Jehovah hath spoken. Open the portal, Ransomed, immortal ; Life shall endure with eternity's wave. 4 Lift your glad voices, your banners unfurl, Sin, Death, and Hell shall to ruin be hurled. Christ shall come down in his chariot of fire ? Bethlehem's beauty and Israel's Messiah ; Prince ever glorious, Strong and victorious^., Lion of Judah and King of the world. 5 Lift your glad voices ! he cometh again ! Sound out the tidings o'er earth and o'er main ! SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. Sing, for the dark days of evil are ending; Shout to the Bridegroom with angels descend- ing ! Bride of Jehovah, Welcome thy lover ; Sing, for he cometh, he cometh to reign ! 1000. c. m. THE Lord, the Judge, before his throne^ Bids the whole earth draw nigh : The nations near the rising sun, And near the western sky. 2 No more shall bold blasphemers say "Judgment will ne'er begin •/' No more abuse his long delay, To impudence and sin. 3 Throned on a cloud, the Lord shall come^ Bright names prepare his way ; Thunder and darkness, fire and storm, Lead on the dreadful day. 4 Heaven from above his call shall hear, Attending angels come ; And earth and hell shall know and fear His justice and their doom. 5 "But gather all my saints," he cries, "That made their peace with God, By the Redeemer's sacrifice, And sealed it with his blood. 6 " Their faith and works, brought forth to light, Shall make the world confess. My sentence of reward is right, And heaven adore my grace." GGl SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. 1001. , G.M. THE Lord our Savior will appear; His day is nigh at hand ; The signs bespeak his coming near, And all may understand. 2 Behold, he comes ! he comes to reign On earth with all his saints ; Jesus, the Lamb of God, once slain, Will end our long complaints. 3 The prince of darkness he will bind ; The hosts of hell o'erthrow; Satan, in the abyss confined, The power of Christ shall know. 4 Then, those who've suffered for his name, And have obeyed his word, Shall rise in glory, and proclaim The goodness of their Lord. 1002. l. M- BEHOLD the Mount of Olives rend ! And on its top Messiah stand, His chosen Israel to defend, And save them with a mighty hand. 2 The mountains sink, the valleys rise, And all the land becomes a plain ; He brings deliv'rance to the Jews, While all their enemies are slain. 3 But lo ! what pen can paint the scene ! His wounded hands and side they see, Where once the nails and spear have been! This our Messiah ! Can it be ? 662 SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. 4 Whence, then, these wounds? Ah! who has pierced Our great Deliv'rer's feet and hands ? " These are the wounds I once received Amid my kindred and my friends." 5 Thus the Messiah stands revealed, And they their blest Deliv'rer own ; They're humbled when at last they find Jesus — Messiah — both are one. 6 Like Joseph's brethren, now they mourn And humbly own a Savior slain ; They crown him King on David's throne That o'er the nations he may reign. 1003. *»• JESUS once of humble birth, Now in glory comes to earth; Once he suffered grief and pain — • Now he comes on earth to reign. 2 Once a meek and lowly lamb — Now the Lord, the great I AM; Once with thieves was crucified — Now on yonder cloud he rides. 3 Once he groaned in blood and tears- Now in glory he appears ; Once rejected by his own — Now their King he shall become. 4 Once forsaken, left alone — Now exalted to a throne ; Once 7s & 4s, CHRIST is coming ! Let creation Bid her groans and travail cease, Let the glorious proclamation Hope restore, and faith increase — Come, Lord Jesus ! Come, thou blessed Prince of Peace ! 2 Earth can now but tell the story Of thy bitter cross and pain, She shall yet behold thy glory, When thou comest back to reign — Come, Lord Jesus ! Let each heart repeat the strain ! 3 Though once cradled in a manger, Oft no pillow but the sod ; Here an alien and a stranger, Mocked of men, disowned of God — All creation, Yet shall own thy kingly rod. 4 Long thine exiles have been pining, Far from rest, and home, and thee ) But in heavenly vesture shining, Soon they shall thy glory see- Come, Lord Jesus ! Haste the joyous jubilee ! 5 With that ; - blessed hope" before us, Let no harp remain unstrung. Let the mighty advent chorus Onward roll from tongue to tongue — Come, Lord Jesus ! Come, Lord Jesus — quickly come ! 674= Pillemual Heip. 1(019. C. M. D. LET Zion in her beauty rise, Her light begins to shine ; Ere long her King will rend the skies, Majestic and divine. The gospel 's spreading through the land A people to prepare, To meet the Lord and Enoch's band, Triumphant in the air. 2 The glorious rest will then commence Which prophets did foretell, When Christ will reign with saints on earth, And in their presence dwell. A thousand years : glorious day ! Dear Lord prepare each heart, To stand with thee on Zion's mount, And never, never part. 3 Then when the thousand years are past, And Satan is unbound, Lord, preserve us from his grasp, By fire from heaven sent down. — And when the earth's great change shall come. And evil pass away. May we in the celestial world, Spend an eternal day. MILLENNIAL REIGN. 1020. L - m. EARTH is the place where Christ will reign, With, all his saints a thousand years ; He'll end their sorrows and their pains, Dismiss their woes, and dry their tears. 2 He'll burst the portals of the tomb, And bring their sleeping dust to light ; He'll clothe them with immortal bloom, Arrayed in garments clean and white. 3 He'll cleanse the earth from wicked men, And bind old Satan with a chain ; He'll raise the meek and humble, then, To thrones of power, and bid them reign. 4 Hosannah to the Son of God, Who soon will come to earth again, To smite the wicked with his rod, And o'er the earth exalted reign ! 1021. l. m. JESUS shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore. Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 In his blest name shall prayer be made, And praises throng to crown his head ; His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With ev'ry morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of ev'ry tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. MILLENNIAL REIGN. 4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns, The joyful pris'ner bursts his chains; The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blessed. 5 Let ev'ry creature rise and bring Peculiar honors to our King : Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud " Amen/' 1022. i2s & lis. AWAKE, ye people ! the Savior is com- ing: He'll suddenly come to his temple, we hear; Repentance is needed of all who are living, To gain them a lot of inheritance near. 2 To-day will soon pass, and that unknown to- morrow, [row May leave many souls in a mare dreadful sor- Than came by the flood, or that fell on Gomor- rah — , [teeth. Yea, weeping and wailing, and gnashing of 3 Be ready, islands, the Savior is coming; He'll bring again Zion, the prophets declare; Repent of your sins, and have faith in redemp- tion, To gain you a lot of inheritance there. 4 A voice to the nations in season is given. To show the return of the glories of Eden, And call the elect from the four winds of heaven, For Jesus is coming to reign on the earth. 077 MILLENNIAL REIGN. 1023. us d. HOW sweet to reflect on those joys that await me In yon blissful region, the haven of rest ; Where saints that are ransomed, with welcomes shall greet me, And lead me to mansions prepared for the blest ; Encircled in light, and with glory enshrouded, My happiness perfect, my mind's sky un- clouded, I'll bathe in the ocean of pleasure unbounded, And range with delight through the Eden of Love. 2 While angelic legions with harps tuned celestial, Harmonious join in the concert of praise, The saints as they range through their new home terrestrial, In loud hallelujahs their voices will raise : How blissful the song then ascending to heaven From out the wide earth — to Immanuel be given All glory, all honor, all might and dominion, Who brought us through grace to the Eden of Love. 3 Then hail, blessed state ! yes, all hail world of glory ! We long to be there in our happy abode : And join that full choir in rehearsing the story; Salvation from sorrow, through Jesus' blood. While here, we must buffet the waves of temp- tation, But, brought forth at last, out of great tribu- lation, 678 MILLENNIAL REIGN. Arrayed in white robes, we will shout our sal- vation, With all the redeemed in the Eden of Love. 1024:. R M - LIFT up your heads, ye heirs of glory, Cast aside your doubts and fears ; He who called you to his kingdom, Soon will reign a thousand years. A thousand years, children of Zion, The glorious day so long foretold; ' Tis the morn of Zions glory, Sung of by saints in days of old. 2 What if the hour of pain and sorrow Bring to your eyes most bitter tears ? God will wipe tears from all faces, In that day of a thousand years. 3 Signs of which there 's no mistaking, Tell that the day of glory nears, When Satan bound shall cease his conflict With saints, throughout a thousand years. 4 The budding fig-tree tells that summer, With its rip'ning harvest nears ; So the times as plainly teach us The day ; s at hand, — a thousand years. 5 Come, Jesus, come and reign victorious; Come with prophets, martyrs, seers; Come and take us home to Zion ; Come and reign a thousand years. 679 MILLENNIAL REIGN. 1025. ?• M. THERE is a glorious time, Not far away, When gospel truth will shine, Bright, bright as day : 0, then we'll happy be, When we're from temptation free ; Christ reign triumphantly ; Hail, happy day ! 2 Satan shall be driven then, Far, far away; God will keep the hearts of men In th' holy way : Peace and union will be there, Saints will prosper without fear, Christ will be forever near, All through the day. 3 Now the time is just at hand, Come, come away; Join the happy little band, No more to stray : Truth and righteousness combined, Are the standard for mankind ; None compelled to stay behind, 0, come away. 4 Lift your heads, rejoice and sing, Ye saints of God ; Christ will be your Lord and King, Trust ye his word. Soon will he your works repay ; Happy those who him obey; They shall gladly hear him say — " Come, reign with me." 680 MILLENNIAL REIGN. 1026. c. M. D. THE glorious day is rolling on- All glory to the Lord ! When fair as at creation's dawn The earth will be restored. A perfect harvest then will crown The renovated soil ; And rich abundance drop around, Without corroding toil. 2 For in its own primeval bloom, Will nature smile again ; And blossom's streaming with perfume, Adorn the verdant plain. The saints will then, with pure delight, Possess the holy land. And walk with Jesus Christ in white, And in his presence stand. 3 What glorious prospects ! can we claim These hopes, and call them ours ? Yes, if through faith in Jesus' name, We conquer Satan's powers. If we, like Jesus, bear the cross — Like him, despise the shame, And count all earthly things but dross, For his most holy name. 4 Then while the powers of darkness rage, With glory in our view, In Jesus' strength let us engage. To press to Zion too. For Zion will like Eden bloom, And Jesus come to reign — The saints immortal from the tomb, With angels meet again. 29* 681 " MILLENNIAL REIGN. 1027. R M - THERE is a land of which I hear; 'T will be the saints' bright home : No wickedness will enter there, No evil men the glory share Of the kingdom soon to come. There will the weary be at rest, No sorrows disturb their peace, There they will be forever blest, And each one there be Jesus' guest, Their trials forever cease. 'Tis only the pure, the tried and true, Will find admission there : Who the trial of faith have safe passed through. And who the meaning of sorrows knew ; And sadness, and pain, and care ; Though now they in the world are poor, And esteemed as naught by men ; Men's scorn and hate they can endure, Because they know their rest will be sure, When Jesus conies a^ain. The beautiful land with joys complete, — Its glories we would behold ; The patriarchs there Ave hope to meet, And prophets too we long to greet, Who of that land foretold. The time is surely drawing near, When Messiah in glory will come, yes the time will soon be here, When the kingdom of heaven will appear, And the saints be gathered home. MILLENNIAL REIGN. 4 Then awake, ye saints, awake from sleep ; Awake yourselves, be strong \ Be firm and true, th' commandments keep, And soon the harvest you shall reap, For which you have suffered long : For with uur Savior soon we'll be, — Our glorious immortal King, — Our beautiful home we soon shall see, Shall eat the fruit of life's fair tree, And praises forever sing. 1028. p- m. HOW glorious will be the morning, When Christ will come to earth again; The saints of Grod are ever waiting, A thousand years with him to reign. Repent and be washed clean from sin, And then a crown of life yoiill win; For the day ive seek is nigh, Is nigh at hand. 2 Let us trim our lamps and keep them burning, And be ready when he says i: Well done;" Lest we should die when we behold him, For his glory ? s brighter than the sun, 3 The Lamb and the Lion shall be together, O 7 When the righteous reign it does commence ; The second death shall have no power. When sin and pain are banished hence. .4 So now we are the bride adorning, Preparing for the. great I AM; For we shall all receive a blessing, At the marriage supper of the Lamb. H MILLENNIAL REIGN. 9, 7s. " AKK ! the song of jubilee, Loud as mighty thunders roar ; Or the fullness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore. See ! Jehovah's banner's furled, Sheathed his sword, He speaks, 'tis done ! Now the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. He shall reign from pole to pole, With supreme, unbounded sway; He shall reign when, like a scroll, Yonder heavens have passed away. Hallelujah ! for the Lord G-od omnipotent shall reign ; Hallelujah ! Let the word, Echo round the earth and main, i 1030. ?• m. AM earth ; I will sing ; My Lord has returned, And great are the blessings He bringeth to me. The curse is removed, And the thistles are burned, While songs from my children Forever shall be. Hosanna ! Hosanna ! Hosanna, My Lord and Creator, to thee ! Unnumbered bright flowers Appear on my plain ; Embowering fruit trees In beauty arise ; MILLENNIAL REIGN. Where once lay the desert, Sweet Eden shall reign; — I wander through heaven A vast paradise, Hosanna ! Hosanna ! Hosanna, Shall sound on my path thro' the skies ! My beauty and glory In Jesus has come ; My sorrowful mourning Has quickly gone past. My baptism shall level The rough mountains down; The song of my children Is perfect at last. Hosanna ! Hosanna ! Hosanna ! I sing on my circle so vast. ?/. CM. OY to the world ! the Lord will come, And earth receive her King- Let ev f ry heart prepare him room, And saints and angels sing. 2 Rejoice! rejoice! when Jesus reigns, Saints will their songs employ : While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains, Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more will sin and sorrow grow, Nor thorns infest the ground ; — He'll come and make the blessings flow Far as the curse was found. 4 Rejoice ! rejoice ! in (rod Most High, While Israel spreads abroad Like stars that glitter in the sky. And ever worship God. 685 j' MILLENNIAL REIGN. 1032. i2s. THE time is soon coming by the prophets foretold, When Zion in purity the world will behold : For Christ's pure testimony will soon gain the And sectaries' selfishness will vanish away. 2 'Twill then be discovered who for Jesus will be, And who are for Babylon the saints then will see : The line of division will then be fully drawn Between the pure kingdom and defiled Babylon. 3 What beauty will the church then put on in her light. When governed by Christ who will always govern right; No spot on her countenance in that glorious day > And all useless ceremonies vanish away. 4 Led on by the Comforter, what peace will be found ! What joy and what harmony and love will abound ! Losing time-things for Christ will be counted a11 joy. And helping each other a delightsome employ. 5 The watchmen will then lift up their voices as one, East, west, north and southward to and fro they will run ; In the Spirit's pure testimony preach up the cross, And myst'ry . called Babylon , will suffer the loss. MILLENNIAL KEIGN. 6 Truth will cut its way and love melt down all foes, The pure word of God will conquer all who op- pose ; The church stands in purity, in peace, and in love, In sight of her enemies she rises above. 7 Let all who would wish t' see millennium begin, Come out and be cleansed from all sinners and all sin 5 For as soon as th' gospel to all nations has been, TV "day" called Millennium, will surely begin. 1033. s M UNDER the Savior's reign, Shall purity and peace A universal sway obtain, Sorrow and sighing cease. 2 Nature shall wear her robes Of richest, brightest hue, Things living and inanimate Be beautiful to view. 3 No sin the heart shall stain, No face shall sorrow wear, Deformity shall be unknown, And all be lovely there. 4 Hail ! reign of peaceful rest ; Thy dawning now we see. And wait the Master's gracious call. "Come, live and reign with me." 687 MILLENNIAL REIGN. 1034. p m. REJOICE, rejoice, the promised time is com- Rejoice, rejoice, the wilderness shall bloom; And Zion's children then shall sing, The deserts all are blossoming, Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming. Rejoice, rejoice, the wilderness shall bloom; The Kingdom's banner wide unfurled, Shall wave in triumph o'er the world, And every creature, bond or free, Shall hail the glorious jubilee. Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming, Rejoice, rejoice, the wilderness shall bloom. 2 Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming. Rejoice, rejoice, Jerusalem shall sing; From Zion shall the law go forth, And all shall hear from south to north. Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming, Rejoice, rejoice, Jerusalem shall sing; And truth shall sit on every hill, And blessings flow in every rill, And praise shall every heart employ, And every voice shall shout for joy. Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming, Rejoice, rejoice, Jerusalem shall sing. 3 Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming, Rejoice, rejoice, the Prince of Peace shall reign, And lambs may with the leopard play, For naught shall harm in Zion's way. Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming, Rejoice, rejoice, the Prince of peace shall reign; The sword and spear of needless worth, Shall prune the tree and plough the earth. MILLENNIAL REIGN. For peace shall smile from shore to shore, And nations shall learn war no more. Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is coming, Rejoice, rejoice, the Prince of Peace shall reign. 1035. p- m. SHALL we be toiling there ? Oh, no! To sweet employments wise, Our quickened minds shall rise; And in their exercise Shall stronger grow. When shall we never toil ? On earth's restored soil, When all this worldly moil Shall past us go. 2 Shall we be weary there ? Not so ! Through all the happy hours, Fresher than morning flowers, Our renovated powers No slack shall know. Not weary ! Tell us when ? When Jesus comes again, To save from among men His saints below. 3 Shall we be happy there ? Ah, yas 1 The stars that gem the air Are not more bright and fair ; Pleasures shall be our share, Surpassing bliss. Where shall we happy be ? On earth, — when sin shall flee; And peace and purity Each other kiss. G.'J MILLENNIAL REIGN. 1036. 8s & ^ D - THE night is wearing fast away, The star of light is dawning ; Sweet harbinger of that bright day, The fair Millennial morning. Gloomy and dark the night has been, And long the way and dreary, And sad the weeping saints are seen, And faint, and worn, and weary. 2 Ye mourning pilgrims, cease your tears, And hush each sigh of sorrow ; - The light of that bright morn appears, — - The long Sabbatic morrow. Lift up your heads — behold from far A flood of splendor streaming ; It is the bright and Morning Star, In living luster beaming ! 3 And see that star-like host around, Of angel bands, attending ; Hark ! hark ! the trumpet's glad'ning sound, 'Mid shouts triumphant blending. He comes, the Bridegroom promised long ; Gro forth with joy to meet him ) And raise the new and nuptial song, In cheerful strains to greet him. 4 Adorn thyself, thy feast prepare, While bridal strains are swelling; He comes, with thee all joys to share, And make this earth his dwelling. Lift up your heads — behold from far A flood of splendor streaming ! It is the bright and Morning Star ! Tn living luster beaming ! 690 KnbinMng of Satan. 1037. L - M - BREAK now the seal • for Satan's time, The nations to deceive, hath come ; Open, thou pit, and let him forth To fill his measure, hear his doom. 2 His bitter spirit of revenge He cannot hide, nor brook defeat; His anger burns, he seeks to bring The Prince of princes to his feet. 3 He deeply lays his plans to win The kings and chieftains of the earth ; His policy is to begin His conquests miong the sons of worth. 4 The nations who the darkness love, Those who for others set a snare, Are by his cunning arts deceived, And in his wicked purpose share. 5 Ambition stirs their passion's pride, They join him in his last crusade ; They haste to conflict with the good, Against the royal heir arrayed. 6 The armies meet — the Avar begins Assembled nations there combine ; The prince and all his host destroyed. The vict'ry. Prince of Heaven, is thine UNBINDING OF SATAN. 103S. 8s&7sD. THOUGH grievous and dark is the night, While Satan rules human-kind ; The angel will shortly appear And the arch-deceiver bind. Sufficiently long hath he ruled, — The time of his bondage come, — His statutes shall be annulled, And he consigned to his doom. 2 In prison confined for an age, In bondage a thousand years, — No assistance he can engage Can make his doom less severe. The earth shall, freed from his power, Her pristine beauty regain ; Luxuriance then be her dower, Her children glory attain. 3 Destructiveness then be unknown, Sorrow and evil depart; Messiah shall reign on his throne, His officers pure in heart. As kings, they shall rule on the earth; As lords, under him hold sway ; The heathen in Christ will have birth, A nation born in a day. 4 In righteousness reigning, and peace, They sceptres of truth shall wield ; The joy of the nations increase, And homage willingly yield. Augmenting in goodness and power, In wisdom and light they reign, Uniting their strength 'gainst the hour Of Satan's dying campaign. UNBINDING OF SATAN. For his thousand years' bondage past. For a season, he'll be released, His forces combine and at last, His enmity, hate, increased, A vigorous warfare commence y Gainst those who justice maintain, And by cunning, deceit, pretence, Supremacy seek to gain. His forces he'll muster to fight The Prince, the heir of the world, But be conquered and put to flight, And to destruction be hurled. The righteous decide on his case, His Judge be the "Great I AM/' His sentence, eternal disgrace, — Creation respond "Amen." 1039. 8s D. JUSTICE must come though it linger ? The author of evil in time, Be bound, imprisoned, and suffer The punishment due to his crime. On tb/ Sabbath no work must be done ; — On the Sabbath of Earth, it must rest ; Evil its claim must surrender ; This day is the one God hath blest. 2 When past, shall come forth in anger The pris'ners, with Satan their prince, Go forth the nations deceiving, Their destructive design evince. But God to the rescue will come. His power will the arch-fiend destroy; The earth be redeemed and made meet For the saints to ever enjoy. UNBINDING OF SATAN. 1040. s. m THOUGH Satan will be bound, While saints the earth possess Throughout the blest millennium — Earth's Sabbath-day of rest, 2 The thousand years of peace At length will pass away, The time of Satan's bondage cease, As nears the judgment day. 3 And from his prison cell, The conquered prince come forth; Leading his myriad hosts to swell The rank's he'll lead on earth. 4 The '-season" that remains, His losses to retrieve. He will employ throughout the earth The nations to deceive. 5 Those who the truth reject His victims then will be, He'll lead them forth against the saints Expecting victory. 6 But 0, how sad their state, How dire their overthrow ; Their army slain, their prince cast down Into the lake below. 7 The elements dissolve, And no alloy be found, The universe spring forth anew, The saints with glory crowned. UNBINDING OF SATAN. 104:1. C. M. BOAST on, proud Lucifer, thy day Of boasting soon will end, The conqu'ror comes to claim his rights, And Israel defend. 2 Thou who upon the earth did'st bring Its woes and misery 5 Thy downfall all the saints will sing In glowing ecstacy. 3 Well may'st thou struggle — short thy time ! The angel wings his way To bind thee in the pit with chains, Throughout millennial day. 4 There may'st thou lay thy future plans The nations to deceive 5 For thee there is no compromise, Nor for thy doom reprieve. 5 Confined within the prison, thou A thousand years must be ; Thence to the earth that thou may'st test Untried integrity. 6 Succeeding, thou shalt nations weld And make their compact strong, Deceived by thee, of ev'ry race, A bold and wicked throng. 7 The earth is wrested from thy grasp, Adjudged and doomed art thou; Thy end is come — the victor's wreath Adorns thy conqu'ror's brow. UNBINDING OF SATAN 1042. L. M. D. WHENCE the dread spirit that o'er earth His shadow dark and evil cast, While sin and wretchedness sprang forth To mark the pathway where he passed ? Like some dusk cloud whose volume rolled, Between us and the sun's pure light, The last long conflict, fierce and bold, Begins between the wrong and right. 2 ; T was Satan from the pit unbound A little season, to go out And tempt the nations, that are found In all the regions round about. As he passed by, the revelry So long forgotten then began, Strange sounds of wicked minstrelsy, Strange pageantry, to tempt poor man. 3 All innocently sweet delight. With holy peace and quiet fled T Save with God's saints, these walk in light, Their faces wear no look of dread ; But of determined majesty, As drawing to their camp away, They wait the coming victory, Which God shall give in that great day. General Hcsurrection. 1043. 8s & 10s - FROM the sides of the hills they come, From their sleep in the mounds of earth, With wonder and fear in their longing eyes At this wonderous second birth. 2 Where the fields of fierce strife have been, They hurry, a numberless throng ; Where they laid them down in the lowly glen They awake with a sigh or a song. 3 Where the murderer's hand concealed, Where they died in the fen or wood, From the precipice foot they start revealed, They arouse from their solitude. 4 All men who have lived, sinned and died, By their Father Adam's disgrace, By the grace of the Adam crucified, Spring up from their burial place. 5 The ocean surrenders its dead, Death, the prison, and realms of hell, The reign of death to oblivion fled, — How the multitudes throng and swell. 6 All the records are open, prone, And judgment doth now sit in state ; Before the great King on the great white throne, The gathered dead stand small and great. 30 ™ GENERAL RESURRECTION. 4, C. M "HEN the last trumpet's awful voice This rending earth shall shake ; When opening graves shall yield their charge, And dust to life awake : w 2 Behold, what heavenly prophets sung Is now at last fulfilled ; That death should yield his ancient reign, And, vanquished, quit the field. 3 Let faith exalt her joyful voice, And thus begin to sing : "0 Grave ! where is thy victory? And where, Death, thy sting?" A' 1045. o. m. LL nature dies, and lives again : The flowers, that paint the field, The trees, that crown the mountain's brow ? And boughs and blossoms yield, — 2 Resign the honors of their form At winter's stormy blast, And leave the naked, leafless plain, A desolated waste. 3 Yet soon reviving plants and flowers Anew shall deck the plain; The woods shall hear the voice of spring. And flourish green again. 4 So to the dreary grave consigned, Man sleeps in death's dark gloom Until the final morn awake The slumbers of the tomb. 698 A f GENERAL RESURRECTION. W. C.M. S death its victims shall resign,, Behold ! what myriads rise ; Nor can they longer hide their sins,, Nor shame, nor grief disguise. 2 Once mid the gay and festive throng, With pleasure's guiles entranced ; They were among the strongest strong, In fame and wealth advanced. 3 Behold them now ! a furtive look They cast up to the throne ; They see the faithful record-book That tells their deeds — their own. 4 They tremble, lest its record read Their secrets shall disclose, As mem'ry quickened by new life, Their retrospective shows. 5 Before them, seated near the Judge, The saints redeemed they see ; These sacrificed and gained, but they Have sold their liberty. 1047. s - M - THE trumpet sounds — awake ! Ye dead to judgment come! The pillars of creation shake, While man receives his doom. 2 Thrice happy morn for those* Who love the ways of peace : No night of sorrow e'er shall close Or shade their perfect bliss. G99 GENERAL RESURRECTION. 1048. L- M. KINDRED once parted meet again ; Death, Hell, the Grave, their trust resign; Before the judge are all arraigned, Whose sentence none shall countermine. 2 From out the ocean's briny depths, From out the caverned cells they come ; The timber-house asunder breaks, All, all forsake their prison-home. 3 The trumpet sounds — the dead awake — The mortal form new robes puts on, — Its .clarion-notes creation shakes ; The call to judgment is begun, 4 See the recording angel stand — Nor can his gaze the sinner brook; They tremble as within his hand They see the dreaded record-book. 5 The righteous crowned before the throne, The wicked banished hence in shame; The justice of the sentence own, While saints and angels shout " Amen." 700 General lubament. D 104:9. 8s, 7s & 4s. I AY of judgment, day of wonders ! Hark ! the trumpet's awful sound, Louder than a thousand thunders, Shakes the vast creation round ! How the summons Will the sinner's heart confound ! See the Judge, our nature wearing, Clothed in majesty divine ! You who long for his appearing, Then shall say "This God is mine!" Gracious Savior, Own me in that day for thine ! At his call the dead awaken, Rise to life from earth and sea ; All the powers of nature shaken, Ev'ry evil then shall flee. Careless sinner, What will then become of thee ? But to those who have confessed, Loved and served the Lord below, He will say, "Come near, ye blessed. See the kingdom I bestow. You forever, Shall my love and glory know." 701^ ff GENERAL JUDGMENT. ,0, 8s, 7s & 4s. "EAR all nature's groans proclaiming Nature's swift approaching doom ! War. and pestilence, and famine, Signify the wrath to come ; Cleaves the centre, Nations rush into the tomb. Following the tribulation Of the last and fearful days, See the flaming consummation ! See the universal blaze ! Earth and heaven Melt before the Judge's face. Sun and moon and stars confounded, Darker than the darkest night, Men on rocks and mountains calling, Cry with undisguised affright, "Hide us, hide us, Rock and mountains, from his sight!" i; 1051. 8s, 7s & 4s. ! the mighty God appearing ) From on high Jehovah speaks ! Eastern lands the summons hearing, O'er the west his thunder breaks : Earth beholds him ! Universal nature shakes ! Zion. all its light unfolding, God in glory shall display ; Lo ! he comes ! — nor silence holding; Fire and clouds prepare his way ; Tempests round him Hasten on the dreadful day. 702 GENERAL JUDGMENT. 3 To the heavens his voice ascending ; To the earth beneath he cries ; " Souls immortal, now descending, Let the sleeping dust arise ! Rise to judgment; Let my throne adorn the skies ! 4 "Gather first my saints around me, Those who to my cov'nant stood ; Those who humbly sought and found me Through the dying Savior's blood : — Blest Redeemer ! Dearest sacrifice to God ! " 5 Now the heavens on high adore him, And his righteousness declare : Sinners perish from before him, But his saints his mercies share : Just his judgment; God, himself the judge, is there. 1052. c. m. BRING forth the pris'ners to the bar, Before the Judge's throne, Open the record, let them hear, And let their deeds be known. 2 The day of grace they once despised — Love's sacred offer spurned; By sin and Satan ill-advised. Nor wisdom's lesson learned. 3 ic Ye sacrificed your hopes to lust, Ye hated truth and right; Hear now the sentence harsh, but just, 'Depart to endless night. '" 703 GENERAL JUDGMENT. 1053. p- M. GREAT God, what do I see and hear ! The end of things created ! The Judge of man I see appear, On clouds of glory seated ; The trumpet sounds; the graves restore; The dead, which they contained before, Rise unprepared to meet him. 2 Then sinners, filled with guilty fears, Behold his wrath prevailing, For they shall rise, and find their tears And sighs are unavailing : The day of grace is past and gone ; Trembling they stand before the throne, All unprepared to meet him. 3 Great God, what do I see and hear ! The end of things created ! The Judge of man I see appear, On clouds of glory seated : Beneath his cross I view the day When heaven and earth shall pass away, And saints rejoicing greet him. 1054:. Us & 12s. THE Chariot ! the Chariot ! Its wheels roll in fire, As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of his ire; Lo ! self-moving it drives on its pathway of cloud, And the heavens with the burden of Godhead are bowed. 704 GENERAL JUDGMENT. 2 The Glory ! the Glory ! around hira there stand Mighty hosts of the angels that wait on the Lamb \ And the glorified saints and the martyrs are there, And there all who the palm-wreaths of victory wear. 3 The Trumpet! the Trumpet! the dead have all heard ; Lo, the depths of the stone-covered charnel are stirred ! From the sea, from the earth, from the south, from the north, All the vast generations of men are come forth. 4 The J ndgment ! the Judgment ! the thrones are all set, Where the Lamb and the white-vested elders are met; There all flesh is at once in the sight of the Lord, And the doom of eternity hangs on his word. 1055. o. m. UPON the throne in majesty The righteous Judge appears; His fiat myriads wait with awe, With dread and guilty fears. 2 How bitter are the tears that flow, But still they flow in vain ; These are consigned to bitter woe — Those raised with Christ to reign. 30* 7o: > Heto $ax% 1056. p. m. BEAUTIFUL Zion, built above, Beautiful city that I love, Beautiful gates of pearly white, Beautiful temple — God its light • He who was slain on Calvary, Will open those pearly gates to me. 2 Beautiful world where all is light, Beautiful angels clothed in white, _ Beautiful strains that never tire, Beautiful harps through all the choir; Zion shall to the new earth come ; Home of the saints, beautiful home. 3 Beautiful crowns on ev'ry brow, Beautiful palms th^ conqu'rors show, Beautiful robes the ransomed wear, Beautiful all who enter there ; Thither I press with eager feet, There shall my rest be long and sweet, 4 Beautiful throne of Christ our King, Beautiful songs the angels sing, Beautiful rest, all wanderings cease, Beautiful home in perfect peace ; There shall my eyes the Savior see, Happy with him for ever be. 706 NEW EARTH. 1057. R M - WE have heard from the bright, the holy land, We have heard, and our hearts are glad; For we were a lonely pilgrim band. And weary, and worn and sad. They tell us the pilgrims have a dwelling there — No longer are homeless ones; And we know that the goodly land is fair, Where life's pure river runs. 2 They say green fields are waving there, That never a blight shall know ; And the deserts wild are blooming fair, And the roses of Sharon grow. There are lovely birds in the bowers green — Their songs are blithe and sweet; And their warblings gushing ever new, The angels' harpings greet. 3 We have heard of the palms, the robes, the crowns, And the silvery band in white ; Of the City fair with pearly gates, All radiant with light. We have heard of the angels there, and saints, With their harps of gold, how they sing; Of the mount, with the fruitful tree of life, Of the leaves that healing bring. 4 The King of the country, he is fair, He's the joy and the light of the place ; In his beauty we shall behold him there, And bask in his smiling face. We'll be there, we'll be there in a little while : We'll join the pure and the blest ; We'll have the palm, the robe, the. crown, And forever be at rest. 707 NEW EARTH. 1058. 6s&4s. THERE is a world to come, Blessed and pure, It is the saints' bright home, Long to endure. 0, 'tis a world most bright No more death, nor woe, nor night? Faith views it with delight, Knowing 'tis sure. 2 There Jesus Christ shall reign, All glorious King ! There music's rapturous strain Ever will ring : Saints, who in ages by, Suffered and were called to die, There in sweet harmony, Anthems will sing. 3 0, 'twill be Paradise, Eden restored; All beauteous in their eyes Who love the Word : Wastes, that are now so drear, Like the rose shall blossom there, And be a garden fair, As saith the Lord. 4 There Life's unfading tree Will blossom fair j And Immortality Its leaves shall bear : While a pure stream will flow, And a joy no mortals know Will to each soul bestow, Who enters there. 708 NEW EARTH. 5 that bright world to come ! Tongue cannot tell How blessed is the home, Where saints will dwell : Turn then from sin away, And the Word of God obey, Then at the last great day All will be well. 1059. 8s D. OUR mourning will all have an end, The earth be created anew ; The city from heaven descend, Enchanting and lovely to view. The city so holy and clean, No sickness will dwell in its air, No gloom of affliction or sin ; No shadow of evil be there. 2 By faith we already behold That lovely Jerusalem there ; Her walls are of jasper and gold, As crystal her buildings are clear : Immovably founded in grace, She stands, as she ever hath stood, And brightly her Builder displays The wisdom and glory of God. 3 No need of the sun in that day, Which never is followed by night; The glory of God will display A pure and a permanent light : The saints in his presence receive Their great and eternal reward ; With Jesus forever they live. And reign on the earth with their Lord. 709 NEW EARTH. 1060. 8s & 7s. IN the bright and golden city, Seated on his jasper throne, Will the King, enthroned in beauty, Reign in peace from zone to zone. 2 There on sun-lit hills and mountains, Golden beams serenely glow; Purling streams and crystal fountains, On whose banks sweet flowerets blow. 3 See, the city now is nearing, With its vernal fruits and flowers, On, just yonder ! 0, how cheering ! Bloom forever Eden's bowers ! 4 Hark ! the choral strains are ringing, Wafted in the balmy air, See the millions, hear them singing, Soon the city will be here. 1061. c. m. [ OD made the earth surpassing fair, And fit for man's abode ; His eye surveyed it ev'ry where, And called it 'very good/ G ( But he who had dominion, fell From his exalted state ; He sinned — woe came, and death, and hell ) The ruin, how great ! The thorn sprang up, and noxious weed, Tempest and earthquake too Made fearful work, and all indeed Was desolate to view. 710 NEW EARTH. 4 Yet, praise to God ! in mercy he Hath formed a blessed plan, By which the earth is still to be A dwelling-place for man. — 5 For man redeemed — all things made new, Like Eden, fair and bright, As when it rose to angels' view, And filled them with delight; 6 The desert like the rose will bloom, The wilderness rejoice; And earth made free from sin's dark gloom, Resound with cheerful voice. o 1062. 4-6s & 2-8s. THE amazing change ! A world created new ! My thought, with transport range The lovely scene to view. Thee, Lord Divine, in all I trace ; The work is thine — thine be the praise. Where pointed brambles grew, Entwined with piercing thorn, Gay flowers, forever new, The painted fields adorn : The lily there, and blushing rose, In union fair their sweets disclose. Where the bleak mountain stood, All bare and disarrayed, See the wide-branching wood Diffuse its grateful shade ! Tall oaks, and pines, and cedars nod, And elms and vines confess their God. 711 NEW EARTH. 1063. r-M. THIS world will be blessed bye and bye; By our faith we can see it afar ; For our Father has said by the word, He'll prepare us inheritance here. In the siceet bye and bye, We'll inherit this beautiful world, In the siceet bye and bye, Well inherit this beautiful ivorld. 2 No ravenous beasts will be there, Neither briar nor thorn will be found ; For the Spirit of God will be given, And his knowledge be spread all around. 3 We will sing in this beautiful world, The glorious song of the Lamb; Clad in white, walk the streets of pure gold In the light of our Father I AM. 4 To our bounteous Father above, We will render our tribute of praise ; For this glorious gift of his love, And the gospel of these latter days. 1064. c. m. 'HP WILL be a land of pure delight J_ Where saints of God will reign ; The mighty God will banish night, And drive away all pain. 2 There life's eternal stream will flow With never failing powers, Nor sin the mighty tyrant keep Its life becoming ours. 712 NEW EARTH. 3 There too the tree of life will grow And spread its leaves around, For healing of the nations given — Its fruit for saints abound. ±065. ?• m. THERE is a land of peace and pleasure. Faith can discern; There lies my best, my dearest treasure, There's where my heart doth turn. Here o'er this ruined dark creation, Sadly I roam, Still longing for the great ' salvation x ' And for my own blest home ! All the world is dark and dreary, Everywhere I roam; Oh, pilgrims, how my heart grows weary ^ So far from my own blest home ! 2 There are those mansions full of glory, By Christ prepared, Where we'll recount the wond'rous story Why joys divine are shared. Then all the sons of God united, Joyfully will sing ! Oh ! what a shout from souls delighted, Through the new earth will ring t 3 Still best of all to see my Savior, There on his throne ; Smiles showing forth his love and favor, And greeting all his own ! When shall we hear that voice inviting '. ; " Ye blessed come !" There shall we joyfully united. Fraise God that we've at boa 713 S 1 NEW EARTH. 1066. 8s&7sD. I HALL we meet by life's pure river, Where pellucid waters glide? 'Mid the healing leaves and flowers That in beauty do abide ? Where salvation's blessed harpings Float in holy melody? Where the monthly fruits are ripening Upon life's immortal tree ? 2 Shall we meet with Christ our Savior, When he comes to claim his own ? Shall we know his blessed favor And sit down upon his throne ? Will he bid us share his glory. Where no shame shall ever be ? Will he bid us sing his praises, On that radiant crystal sea ? 3 Shall we meet in yonder city, Where the towers of crystal shine; Where the walls are all of jasper, Built by workmanship divine ? Where the music of the ransomed Rolls its harmony around, And creation swells the chorus, With its sweet melodious sound ? 4 Shall we meet with those invited To the marriage of the Lamb ? Who shall then put on their glory, And forget their earthly shame ? Shall we meet the shining myriads Who the songs of glory sing ? Shall our voices join their praises To the everlasting King? 714 NEW EARTH. 1067. R M - THIS earth defiled is too dark and drear. For the saints' eternal home ) But the City from Heaven will soon be here, ; We know that the moment is drawing neai% When she in her glory shall come. Her gates of pearl we soon shall see, And her music we soon shall hear, Joyous and bright our home will be, And we'll walk in the shadow of Life's fair tree, W^ith our Savior forever near. 2 We will gladly exchange a world like this, Where death triumphant reigns, For a beautiful home in that land of bliss, Where all will be happiness, joy and peace, And nothing can enter that pains : There will be no more sorrow, no more night, For the darkness shall flee away ; The crucified Lamb be its glorious light, And the saints shall walk with him in white, In that happy, eternal day. 3 there the beloved of earth will meet Whom death has sundered here, The Prophets and Patriarchs there we'll greet, And all shall worship at Jesus' feet, No more separation to fear. Though trials and grief await us here, The conflict will soon be o'er ; This glorious hope our hearts shall cheer, The bright New Earth will soon appear, And then we shall grieve no more. 715 Social iflmtts. 1068. 6-8s. AROUSE, arouse, why idly stand, Why sit at ease with folded hands, There is a work for you to do, ■ No other one. can do for: you. . Arise and work, though great or small, For by our works we stand or fail. 2 Arouse thyself to diligence, With others' works fake no offence; For if they do not interfere With thee or thine, why neeed'st thou care? Or if they do, care not at all ; By their own works they stand or fall. 3 The "hope of life" doth not depend On what is done by foe or friend — We are free agents; we can choose The "better way, ;> the bad refuse. This agency God grants to all, By our own works we stand or fall 4 In sweet commingling harmony Let all your works with faith agree ; For Christ, the judge, in the last day Will judge our deeds, the Scriptures say; He as their deeds rewardeth all, Then by our works we stand or fall. 716 SOCIAL HYMNS. 1069. 6s D - THE saints in Enoch's days. Through tribulation deep* Did walk in wisdom's ways, The laws of God did keep ; They, of one heart and mind, By no distraction torn, A peaceful rest did find, The "Church of the First Born." 2 The rich with honest heart, And filled with " Gospel light," Did of their wealth impart, And Mercy "walked with Right." No poor in "Zion's Land" Did vainly ask for bread, Each kept the Lord's command, And all were amply fed. 3 And when our "Father" said To Zion, 'Come to me;* Her foes in terror fled, And Zion's sons were free. If we like them would rise To shine in ' Endless Day/ We all must sacrifice, And without ceasing pray. 4 Lord, give thy chosen one The spirit Moses felt, When with thine only Son On Zion's mount they knelt; That he may call with power, Where'er thy people roam, And say 'tis now the hour To gather Israel home, 717 S 1 SOCIAL HYMNS. 7s & 6s D. I ECURE from harm and danger, Safe from the wordling's care, Our voices here commingle In solemn praise and prayer. Enriched with testimony Of God's unchanging love, We each the other strengthen, And onward, upward move. Faith, as a gift from heaven, To heal, or to be healed; Or miracles are given, — The Comforter revealed. Discerning ev'ry Spirit, Rejoicing in the Lord, The promise we inherit, According to his word. The tongue of revelation, Doth ev'ry heart delight, Inspired interpretation Imparts the Spirit's light. The voice of truth prophetic The future brings to view, And yields ecstatic pleasures That heavenly hopes renew Another wisdom teaching, In words of gracious power, Beyond man's wisdom reaching, Makes joyful this glad hour. Another sought in weakness True knowledge to obtain, And testifies in meekness, He hath not sought in vain. 718 SOCIAL HYMNS. 5 Our heavenly dreams unfolding, Or visions of the night, (When angels with us mingled, With countenance so bright, That we had feared and trembled But for the Spirit's voice;) Rehearsed to saints assembled, Make ev'ry heart rejoice. 6 The voice of exhortation, The psalm of inspired praise — A sacred confirmation Of David's sacred lays — Our hope in Jesus brighten Our love for him makes strong; And all our burdens lighten, When Christ and we are one. w 1 1071. p- m. r E as the living witnesses Declare the word to you, And bear our testimony That what we teach is true; Beware how you receive it, Do not yourselves deceive, For God himself revealed it; We know what we believe. 2 The Lord has truly blessed us In this the latter day; In Spirit he doth answer us When we do humbly pray. We have the gift of unknown tongues, The gift of healing too, And this is testimony That what we teach is true. 719 A 1 SOCIAL HYMNS. '2. p - M - WAKE, saints awake, No time now for reposing i c; The Lord is near/ Breaks on the ear; come, come away. come where Jesus' love will be* Who says, "I meet with two or three," Sweet promise made to thee ; come, come away. And thus we do meet, As Jesus has commanded ; To serve the Lord, With one accord; come, come away. For each loved one here we greet, And round the social altar meet With those who bow at Jesus' feet ; come, come away. Our cares we lay by. Nor think of worldly pleasures; But filled with love To God above ; come, come away. Before the Lord we humbly kneel, And then his holy presence feel, And pray his Spirit to reveal; O come, come away. come, come away, For Gentile times are closing : The end is near, The judgment 's here; come, come away. 720 SOCIAL HYMNS For Judah is returning home, And Israel from the north will come, Ephraim will no longer roam ; come come away. 5 come, come away From sin's delusive pleasures, Accept the call, It is to all ; come, come away. Hearken to the glorious news, Accept the gospel's precious truths, That save the Gentiles and the Jews. come, come away. 1073. L; M. ?nniS sweet indeed, at break of day, J_ To gather round our altar place : Sing some sweet hymn, then kneel and pay Our morning tithe of prayer and praise. 2 It gives a greater strength to al] To work with patience all day long; When on our Father we do call In morning prayer and evening song. 3 'Tis sweet indeed, when day doth fade, To sing and pray ere yet 'tis past; For God the day and night hath made That we may serve him while they last. 4 It brings a softer sleep to all, With holy thought it tills each breast ; And if we pray when night doth fall, Our God will watch us while we rest. 31 721 A SOCIAL HYMNS. 1074:. 7s & 6s D - CHURCH without apostles, Or prophets, or the gifts, Is like a ship at ocean, That with the current drifts. Without a chart or compass, Or rudder to direct, Soon on the shoals and breakers She hopelessly is wrecked. Like buildings, on the sand built, Uncertain, insecure, Which can but for a season The beating storms endure ; Or like a body human, With members all disjoined, Deprived of form and beauty, Its Author had designed. A church without communion, In Christ her living head, Is likened to a body, Without the Spirit — dead ; It cannot ask for wisdom, Or knowledge of his ways, If he revealeth nothing In these the latter days. And if professed disciples The signs do not receive. What evidence have they that The gospel they believe? If all these ancient landmarks Are lost or done away, Who then have testimony They're in the narrow way ? 722 SOCIAL HYMNS. 7s & 6s D. REAPERS of life's harvest, Why stand with rusted blade. Until the night draws round you And day begins to fade ? Why stand ye idle, waiting For reapers more to come, The golden morn is coming, Why sit ye idle, dumb ? 2 Thrust in your sharpened sickles And gather in the grain, The night is fast approaching And soon will come again. Your Master calls for reapers, And shall he call in vain ? Shall sheaves lie there ungathered, And waste upon the plain ? 3 Come down from hill and mountain, In morning's ruddy glow. Nor wait until the dial Points to the noon below; And come with the strong sinew, Nor faint in heat or cold, And pause not till the evening Draws round its wealth of gold. 4 Mount up the height of wisdom, And crush each error low; Keep back no words of knowledge, That human hearts should know; Be faithful to your mission And service of your Lord, And then a home in glory Shall be your great reward. 723 M* SOCIAL HYMNS. 0. 8s & 7s D. "OURXFUL the time and dark the day Of Z ion's desolation, — Her prophets slain, and scattered wide Her num'rous population. Hearts filled with sorrow, doubt and glooru- lier sins in part rewarded, Such trials ne'er were known before, Xor of the church recorded. Amid this sad scene of distress, False leaders in profusion, Each claiming to be called of God, Brought forth untold confusion. Saints, longing for a prophet's voice, In these became believers, And then in many ways were led By vile wolf-like deceivers. Others again with holy trust, Resigned to God's hand-dealings, Admitting that his course was just, In silence kept their feelings : In earnest prayer, year after year, Remembered "bleeding Zion," That he, in his own time, would send A prophet to rely on. Thus striving ever to endure, And wait the Lord's salvation, While many changed the precious truth, For great abomination. And many tedious years rolled by, Ere yet the storm abating, Brought comfort to the downcast hearts Of those who still were waiting. 724 SOCIAL HYMNS. 5 But he who hears the ravens cry, Could not indeed be sleeping ; While those who put their trust in him For Zion's sake were weeping. Hence, making bare his holy arm, Ordained and sent another, To lead his people in the way — One mighty as the other. 6 Again the work is rolling on, The law goes forth from Zion, The heralds labor to prepare The way for Judah's Lion. Darkness and gloom have fled away; The morning dawns most glorious; Let Zion's children now be glad, For Zion is victorious. 1077. G - M - "TVTO liberty without a law JLM That freedom to sustain ; For that which breaks and violates, Brings shame, unrest and pain. 2 It is for this God organized A wise and perfect law, With precepts pure that do secure A blessing without flaw. 3 To teach this law and promulgate. Its elevating plan, He delegates in proper state Authority to man. 4 Founded in law, aspiring thence The one true church appears, As Christ ordains each ordinance, And all her officers. SOCIAL HYMNS. 1078. P- m. *nniS a glorious thing to be, _i_ In the light, in the light, Which the saints of old did see, The true light of God ; Revelation's holy light, Is the light, is the light, x\nd all else is dark as night, Save this light of God. Let us tvalk in the light, In the light, in the light. Let us walk in the light, In the light of God. 2 Long the earth in darkness lay, Without light, without light, But the darkness fled away, Before the light of God. God has spoken from on high, This the light, this the light, And now bids the world come nigh, To this light of God. 3 Prophets are restored again, In the light, in the light, And the gospel gifts to men, In the light of God; Blessings to the ancients given, In the light, in the light, Are again received from heaven, In the light of God. 4 Let us keep our spirits pure, In the light, in the light, And unto the end endure, In the light of God ; 726 SOCIAL HYMNS. Then when Jesus comes again, In the light, in the light, We shall live and with him reign, In the light of God. 1079. 10s - A CALM and gentle quiet reigns to-night, There's not a cloud upon a single brow, And ev'ry heart is swelling with delight, And peace is brooding sweetly o'er us now. 2 And ev'ry bosom feels the thrilling touch Of th' Spirit, filling them with holy fire, The precious boon for which we pray so much, In answer to that earnest heart's desire. 3 We thank the Lord that we have lived to see The good he bringeth in the latter day, Our earnest prayer to him shall ever be, To keep our feet within the narrow way. 4 For we have walked in darkness hitherto, And had but just a little ray of light; But now the blessings fall as morning dew, And truth is shining as the morning bright. 5 We must not wait, for now the time is ours, And while I wait, another waits for me; We see the working of contending powers, The darkness, and th.Q holy light we see. 6 Then let us render service to the Lord, And drive those clouds of fear and doubt away, That we may all rejojce with one accord, Until the dawning of the perfect day. 727 SOCIAL HYMNS. 1080. s. m. " OW gentle God's command ! How kind his precepts are ! Come, cast your burdens on the Lord, And trust his constant care. H ( 2 His bounty will provide ; His saints securely dwell; That hand which bears creation up, Will guard his children well. 3 Why should this anxious load Press down your weary mind ? Oh seek your Heavenly Father's throne, And peace and comfort find. 4 His goodness stands approved, Unchanged from day to day ; I'll drop my burden at his feet, And bear a song away. A 1 1081. P- M. LL our desire is to the Lord, To know and do his holy word; To live in joy and sweet accord, Till Jesus comes in glory. Then come, all who wish to go, We're all poor and humble now ; But, 0, we'll be rich you know, If we can only conquer. We'll daily strive "to watch and pray," To keep within the narrow way, In this, the trying latter day, Till Jesus comes in glory. SOCIAL HYMNS. Then come, all who wish to go, We're all poor and humble now ; But, 0, we'll be rich you know, If we can only conquer. Now glory be to God on high, And to his Son, who came to die, The day of gloom will soon pass by, And Jesus come in glory. Then come, all who wish to go, We're all poor and humble now* But, 0, we'll be rich you know, When Jesus comes in glory. 1082. o. m. OLOM) our God we now have met In Jesus' holy name ; Thy blessings shower down, that we Thy goodness may proclaim. 2 Thy promise is to all thy saints, Who meet to worship thee In purity and truth, that in Their midst thy power will be. 3 now send down thy Spirit's power, If we are pure in heart, That we thy gifts and blessings may Receive before we part. 4 May we a testimony have That we have done thy will ; May each of those who worship thee, With love and joy be filled. 31* 729 SOCIAL HYMNS. 1083. 12s. YOU may sing of the beauty of mountain and dale, Of the silvery streamlet and flowers of the vale; But the place most delightful this earth can afford Is the place of devotion — the house of the Lord. 2 You may boast of the sweetness of day's early dawn, Of the skies' softening graces where day is just gone ; But there 's no other season or time can com- pare With the* house of devotion — the season of prayer. 3 You may value the friendship of youth and of age, And select for your comrades the noble and sage; But the friends that most cheer me on life's rugged road Are the friends of my Master — the children of God. 4 You may talk of your prospects of fame or of wealth, And the hopes that oft flatter the fav'rites of health ; But the hope of bright glory — of heavenly bliss, Take away ev'ry other, and give me but this. 5 Ever hail, blessed temple, abode of my Lord ! I will turn to thee often, to hear from thy word; I will walk to the altar with those that I love, And delight in the prospect revealed from above. 730 SOCIAL HYMNS, 1084. P- m. THE Spirit of God like a fire is burning ; The latter day glory begins to come forth; The visions and blessings of old are returning; The angels are coming to visit the earth. We'll sing and well shout with the armies of heaven: Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb! Let glory to them in the highest be given , Henceforth and forever : amen and amen. :c The Lord is extending the saints' understand- ing- Restoring their judges and all as at first; The knowledge and power of God are expand- ing, The veil o'er the earth is beginning to burst. 3 We call in our solemn assemblies, in Spirit, To spread forth the kingdom of heaven abroad, That we through our faith may begin to inherit The visions, and blessings, and glories of God. 4 Old Israel that fled from the world for his free- dom, Must come with the cloud and the pillar, amain, A Moses, and Aaron, and Joshua lead him, And feed him on manna from heaven again. 5 How. blessed the day when the lamb and the lion Shall lie down together without any ire ; And Ephraim be crowned with his blessings in Zion, As Jesus descends with his chariots of fire ! 731 SOCIAL HYMNS. 1085. s. m. THE kingdoms of the earth Are ruled by sinful men, Who aim to gather all of worth Their kingdom may contain. 2 To rule, but not to bless, To order and not serve, Who often their own laws transgress Their subjects must observe. 3 The officers of God Serve those o'er whom they stand, Teach, but to bless, the holy word, With ev'ry just command. 1086. 8s, 8s & 7s. SHALL hell's dark gates fore'er prevail, Its hosts repeat the sadd'ning tale, The church's desolation ? Must she the Spirit ne'er regain, But in the wilderness remain, In dreary isolation ? 2 Ah ! hear the Spirit's earnest call, Come ye, my people, one and all, From Babylon's embraces; The gospel, pure and true, believe, The blessings as of yore receive, The Spirit's gifts and graces. 3 The truth has sprung from out the ground, And so doth righteousness abound, The gospel of salvation ; The church her former powers doth wear, AjDostles, prophets, gifts declare Her perfect restoration. 732 SOCIAL HYMNS. 1087. 3 - 8s & 4s - FROM pinnacle to corner-stone A temple unto me was shown, A building most desirable In which to dwell. 2 Builded with wisdom, ev'ry wall And graceful tower, straight and tall, High-springing arch and spacious hall, Were beautiful. 3 Within its courts I longed to go, Its cause and purpose longed to know, Above the door a name did glow, " God's church below." G ( 1088. P- m. | OD, in his abundant mercy, Hath revealed again his word; Giving each a testimony That the work is of the Lord. On the Rock of Ages founded, With our faith firmly grounded, And by angel-guards surrounded, We rejoice in the Lord. 2 Though the waves dash wildly round us, And the tempests fiercely beat, Zion's guardians will surround us When we bow at Jesus' feet. 3 Though the devotees of error, May upon our efforts frown; With her legions battling ever, We shall wear the victor's crown, 733 SOCIAL HYMNS. 1089. p- M. C10ME, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fear, ) But with joy wend your way; Though hard to you this journey may appear, Grace shall be as your day. Tis better far for us to strive, Our useless cares from us to drive : Do this, and joy your hearts will swell — All is well ! all is well ! 2 Why should we mourn, or think our lot is hard ? 'Tis not so ; all is right ! Why should we think to earn a great reward, If we now shun the fight ? Gird up your loins, fresh courage take, Our God will never us forsake ; And soon we'll have this tale to tell — All is well ! all is well ! 3 And should we die before our journey's thro', Happy day ! all is well ! We'll then be free from toil and sorrow too, With the just we shall dwell. But if our lives are spared again To see the saints their rest obtain, 0, how we'll make this chorus swell — All is well ! all is well ! 734 Crossing ttje ©cean. 1090. L- M. D. OTHOU whose wisdom gives a path To man upon the trackless sea, Whose power controls the ocean's wrath, We raise our fervent prayers to thee : To thee who once in human form A bark of Galilee conveyed; Whose voice assuaged the raging storm When sinking seamen sought thine aid. 2 0, when the sailor leaves the home A wife or mother's love hath blessed, And spreads his sail through climes to roam Where storms draw life from ocean's breast, Be near his bark in danger's hour. To hear the prayer that shall ascend; And guard him from the tempest's power ; And be, as erst, the seaman's Friend. 3 But more, when passion's gust would harm, Or pleasure's smooth deceitful flood, Be near to break the syren's charm ; And be the tempted sailor's God. Teach him to steer by Bethleh'm's Star ; That brightest star of heaven's host. That shines and guides from danger far, Though ev'ry other light be lost. 735"" CROSSING THE OCEAN. 1091. L M. GLORY to thee whose powerful word Bids the tempestuous winds arise ! Glory to thee, the sovereign Lord Of air, and earth, and sea, and skies 1 2 Let air, and earth, and skies obey, And seas thine awful will perform : From them we learn to own thy sway, And calmly meet the gathering storm. 3 What though the floods lift up their voice ; Thou nearest, Lord, our louder cry ; They cannot damp thy children's joys, Or shake the soul when God is nigh. L ( 1092. 7s&6sD. ORD of earth, and air, and sea, Supreme in power and grace, Under thy protection we Our souls and bodies place. Behold, an unknown land to try, We cross the foaming deep ; And in storms, though waves roll high, Lord preserve the ship. Who the calm can understand In a believer's breast ? In the hollow of his hand Our souls securely rest : Winds may rise, and seas may roar. We on his love will stay ; Him with quiet joy adore Whom winds and seas obey. 736 CROSSING THE OCEAN. 1093. 7s LORD, whom winds and seas obey, Guide us on our wat'ry way; In the hollow of thy hand Hide, and bring us safe to land. 2 Jesus, let our faithful mind Rest, on thee alone reclined; Ev'ry anxious thought repress, Keep our souls in perfect peace, 8 Keep the souls whom now we leave ; Bid them to each other cleave ; Bid them walk on life's rough sea; Bid them come by faith to thee. 4 Save, till all these tempests end, All who on thy love depend : Waft us happy, safely o'er ; Land us on the destined shore. 1094. 8s & 7s. HOME, sweet home ! my heart still loves thee; All thy mem'ries round me cling ; Though the vessel bear me from thee, Still thy sacred songs I sing. 2 Noble vessel ! onward bear me Hence in other lands to dwell : Father, succor and be near me While I breathe my sad " farewell !" 3 Duty calls me : Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, friends loved well ! Land of lands; — like thee none other, Still, dear native land — "farewell !" 737 CROSSING THE OCEAN. 1095. 4-6s & 2-8s. JESUS ! at thy command I launch into the deep, And leave my native land, Where sin lulls men asleep : For thee I would the world resign, And sail, the bidding, Lord, is thine. 2 Thou art my Pilot wise ; My compass is thy word : My soul each storm defies, While I have such a Lord ! I trust thy faithfulness and power To save me in the trying hour. 3 Though rocks and quicksands deep Through all my passage lie, Yet Christ will safely keep And guard when danger ? s nigh. My anchor, Hope, shall firm abide, And I each boist'rous storm outride. 1096. 12s. TT^HEN through the torn sail the wild tem- VV pest is streaming, When o'er the dark wave the red lightning is gleaming. Nor hope lends a ray the poor seaman to cherish, We fly to our Maker: '"Save, Lord, or we per- ish !" 2 Jesus I once tossed on the breast of the bil- low, Aroused by the shriek of despair from thy pil- low, 733 CROSSING TIJE OCEAN. Now, — seated in glory, — the mariner cherish, Who cries in his danger — " Save, Lord, or we perish ! " 3 And ! when the whirlwind of passion is rag- in o* When evil within us a warfare is waging, Arise in thy strength, thy redeemed ones to cherish, Rebuke the destroyer — "Save, Lord, or we per- ish!" 1097. c - M - CREATOR of the heavens and earth, We place our* trust in thee; Obedient to thy will we cross The fathomless blue sea. 2 We know no danger, with thee nigh, Our vessel thou wilt steer; The God who notes the raven's cry, Will hear his people's prayer. 3 Though storms arise and billows roll, And waves heap mountains high, Thou wilt the storm and waves control, And clear the darkened sky. 4 We trust thee still, though reefs appear And icebergs crash around. For angel guardians hover near Thy Saints, wherever found. 739 Itotional. 1098. ?• M. THE breaking waves dashed high On a stern and rock-bound coast, And the woods against a stormy sky Their giant branches tossed; 2 And the heavy night hung dark, The hills and waters o'er, When a band of exiles moored their bark On the wild New England shore. 3 Not as they flying come, In silence and in fear; They shook the depths of the desert's gloom With their hymns of lofty cheer. 4 Amidst the storm they sang; Beneath the stars, near the sea ; And the sounding aisles of the dim wood rang With the anthem of the free. 5 What sought they thus afar ? Bright jewels of the mine ? The wealth of seas, the spoils of war ? They sought a faith's pure shrine. 6 Aye, call it holy ground, The soil where first they trod ; They have left unstained what there they found, Freedom to worship God. 740 G ( NATIONAL. 6s & 4s. | OD bless our native land ! Firm may she ever standi Through storm and night; When the wild tempests rave, Ruler of winds and wave, Do thou our country save By thy great might. For her our prayer shall ris-5 To God above the skies ; On him we wait ; Thou who hast heard each sigh, Watching each weeping eye, Be thou forever nigh; — God save the State ! 1100. L M ^HEN, driven by oppression's rod, Our fathers fled beyond the sea, Their care was first to honor God, And next to leave their children free. w 1 2 Above the forest's gloomy shade The altar and the school appeared ; On that the gifts of faith were laid, In this their precious hopes were reared. 3 The altar and the school still stand, The sacred pillars of our trust, And freedom's sons still fill the land, Whose sires are sleeping in the dust. 4 Before thine altar, Lord, we bend With grateful song and fervent prayer, For thou who wast our fathers' friend Wilt make our offspring still thy care 741 M Y NATIONAL. 1101. 6s & 4s. country 't is of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing ; Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims' pride, From ev'ry mountain side Let freedom ring. My native country, thee — Land of the noble, free — Thy name — I love ! I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills, My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. Our fathers' God ! to thee, Author of liberty, To thee we sing : Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by thy might, Great God. our King ! H ( 1102. 0. M. "OW hast thou, Lord, in righteous wrath Blasted our promised joy ! The elements obeyed thy nod, Our prospect to destroy. 2 The sun at thy dread order now Darts down destructive fires, Hills, plains, and vales, are parched with drought, And blooming life expires. 742 NATIONAL. 3 Like burnished brass the heaven around In angry terrors burns, While earth appears a joyless waste, And into iron turns. 4 Pity us, Lord, in our distress, Nor with our land contend ; Bid the avenging skies relent, And showers of mercy send. 1103. L- M. WHILE o'er our guilty land, Lord, We view the terrors of thy sword, ! whither shall the helpless fly ? To whom but thee direct their cry ? 2 The helpless sinner's cries and tears Are grown familiar to thine ears ; Oft has thy mercy sent relief, When all was fear and hopeless grief. 3 See, we repent, we weep, we mourn, To our forsaken God we turn ; spare our guilty country, spare The Church which thou hast planted here. 4 We plead thy grace, indulgent God ; We .plead thy Son's atoning blood ; We plead thy gracious promises — And are they unavailing pleas ? 5 These pleas, presented at thy throne, Have brought ten thousand blessings down On guilty lands in helpless woe ; Let them prevail to save us too. 743 NATIONAL. 1104:. C. M. LORD, while for all mankind we pray, Of ev'ry clime and coast, hear us for our native land, — The land we love the most ! 2 guard our shores from ev'ry foe, With peace our borders bless, With prosp'rous times our cities crown. Our fields with plenteousness. 3 Here may religion shed her light On days of rest and toil ; And piety and virtue reign, And bless our native soil. 4 Lord of the nations, thus to thee Our country we commend ; Be thou her refuge and her trust, Her everlastino; Friend ! 1105. c m ETERNAL Sov'reign of the sky, And Lord of all below, We mortals to thy majesty Our first obedience owe. 2 Our souls adore thy Love supreme, And bless thy Providence For magistrates of meaner name, Our glory and defence. 3 The acts of righteous rulers shine With rays above the rest; Where laws and liberties combine, The people are made blest. NATIONAL. 4 Let Caesar's due be ever paid To Caesar and his throne; But consciences and souls were made To be the Lord's alone. 1106. 12b. A NATION newly born far in the distant west, [behest; Met the old world in strength at God's divine That freedom's blessing free might meet the freeman's quest, And hearts to worship tuned, in peace and safety rest. 2 Who gave divine command, ruled over storm and strife; Struck off the freeman's gyves, and gave him quickened life; [and rife, Guided the ship of state through dangers dark That peace might be to all, through peace, a nation's life. 3 Then praise to him who ruled this land to free- dom given, [steads driven; A home for freedom's sons from ancient liome- A land destined for all who 'gainst the wrong have striven, [heaven. A pleasant home in time, and blest to be a 4 Let faint hearts pleading sing that wrong and pain may cease [crease; Upon the land of rest, that joy and faith in- That the redeemed may have a full and free release, When Salem's King shall come, — now Prince of Love and Peace. 32 745 NATIONAL. 7. L. M. THOU, at whose dread name we bend, To whom/mr purest vows we pay, God over all, in love descend, And bless the labors of this day. 2 Our fathers here, a pilgrim band, Fixed the proud empire of the free ) • Art moved in gladness o'er the land, And Faith her altars reared to thee. 3 Here too to guard, through ev'ry age, The sacred rights their valor won, They bade instruction spread her page, And send down truth from sire to son 4 Here still, through all succeeding time, Their stores may truth and learning bring. And still the anthem -note sublime To thee from children's children sing. 1 108. l. m. WHEN angry nations rush to arms, And rage and noise and tumult reign, And war resounds its dire alarms, And slaughter spreads the hostile plain, — 2 Thine eye, God, looks calmly down, And marks their course, and bounds their power ; Thy word the angry nations own, And noise and war are heard no more. 3 Then peace returns with balmy wing, Sweet Peace, with her what blessings fled ! Glad Plenty laughs, the valleys sing, Reviving Commerce lifts her head 746 NATIONAL, 4 To thee we pay our grateful songs, Thy kind protection still implore : may our hearts, and lives, and tongues. Confess thy goodness and adore ! A 1109. ^ 8s & fe NATION God delights to bless, Can all our raging foes distress, Or hurt whom they surround ? Hid from the gen'ral scourge we are, Nor see the bloody waste of war, Nor hear the trumpet's sound. may we, Lord, thy grace improve. By lab 'ring for the rest of love, The soul-composing power : Bless us with peace, continual peace, And all the fruits of righteousness, Till time shall be no more, Usttllaneous. The two Martyrs. 1110. P- M. I CAME to the spot wliere the two martyrs lay, And pensively stood by their tomb, When in a low whisper I heard something say, "How sweetly we sleep here alone ! 2 "The tempest may rage and the loud thunders roll, And gathering storms may arise, Yet calm are our feelings, at rest are our souls, The tears are all wiped from our eyes. 3 " We wandered as exiles and pilgrims below, To publish salvation abroad ; The trump of the gospel endeavored to blow, Preparing a people for God. 4 "Go tell our companions and brethren most dear, To weep not for Joseph, though gone, Nor Hyrum, for Jesus through scenes dark and drear, Has kindly conducted us home." 713 MISCELLANEOUS. 5 I wept for the church, for her prophet was slain, And I felt that deceivers were near, Who would lead her from precepts of virtue so plain, Once taught her by Joseph the Seer. 6 But anguish gives place to a fullness of joy, Revived are the hopes that were slain ; From th' seed of the Martyr, called by the Most High, Comes a prophet to lead us again. Gathering of the Nations. 1111. 8s&9s. GATHERED in one, in Christ the Lord, Blessed in peace, his children all ; Promised defense by the Spirit's sword, Wait we in patience to hear his call. 2 Out from the rude world's toil and care, Haste at the Spirit's prompting call; Gather ye in, 'tis the hour of prayer, Blessings of peace are waiting all. 3 Dreams are but given to cheer the host, Visions are shown as guides to all; Benefits wait for the worn and tossed, Gather ye here at the Spirit's call. 4 Gather ye in; Hope cheers the way. Opening for all who heed the call; Walk they in peace by the qiiick'ning ray. Which from the Father doth shine For all. 749 MISCELLANEOUS. Martyrdom. 1112. Ss&Ts.D. Z ION'S noblest sons are weeping; See her daughters, bathed in tears ? Where the Patriarch is sleeping Nature's sleep — the sleep of years. Hushed is ev'ry note of gladness — Ev'ry minstrel's bow's full low — Ev'ry heart is tuned to sadness — Ev'ry bosom feels the blow. 2 Zion's children loved him dearly; Zion was his daily care : That his loss is felt sincerely, Thousands weeping saints declare ; Thousands who have shared his blessing, Thousands whom his service blessed, By his faith and prayers suppressing Evils which their lives opprest. 3 Faith and works most sweetly blended, Proved his steadfast heart sincere ; And the power of God attended His official labors here. Long he stemmed the powers of darkness Like an anchor in the flood : Like an oak amid the tempest, Bold and fearlessly he stood. 4 Though his earthly part is sleeping Lowly 'neath the prairie sod; Soon the grave will yield its keeping — Yield to life the man of God ; When the heavens and earth are shaken — When all things shall be restored — When the trump of God shall waken Those that sleep in Christ the Lord. MISCELLANEOUS. Agency. 1113. L M KNOW then that ev'ry soul is free To choose his life and what he'll be ; For this eternal truth is given. That God will force no man to heaven. 2 He'll call, persuade, direct him right, Bless him with wisdom, love and light, In nameless ways be good and kind; But never force the human mind. 3 Freedom and reason make us men ; Take these away, what are we then ? Mere animals, and just as well, The beasts may think of heaven or hell. 4 May we no more our powers abuse, But ways of truth and goodness choose ) Our God is pleased when we improve His grace, and seek his perfect love. 5 ; Tis my free will for to believe ; ; T is God's free will me to receive ; To stubborn willers this I'll tell, ; Tis all free grace, and all free will. 6 Those that despise grow harder still ; Those that adhere, he turns their will ; And thus despisers sink to hell, While those that hear in glory dwell. 7 But if we take the downward road, And make in hell our last abode ; Our God is clear, and Ave shall know. We've plunged ourselves in endless woe 751 MISCELLANEOUS. Freedom. 1 114. L- M. D. OHOLY Father, just and true Are all thy works and words and ways, And unto thee alone are due Thanksgiving and eternal praise ! As children of thy gracious care, We veil the eye, we bend the knee, With broken words of praise and prayer, Father and God, we come to thee. 2 Our lays we sing in joyful strains, The bread of life for all is given, To bless all nations and all climes, The white, the colored fit for heaven. All, all are free ! Columbia's land No longer binds the fettered slave; Freedom extends on ev'ry hand, — The freedom the Creator gave. 3 For thou hast heard, God of right, The sighing of the hapless slave ; And stretched for him the arm of might, Not shortened that it could not save. The lab'rer sits beneath his vine, The shackled soul and hand are free; — Thanksgiving ! for the work is thine ! Praise ! for the blessing is of thee ! 4 Speed on thy work, Lord God of hosts! For now the bondsman's chain is riven, And swells from all our country's coasts The anthems of the free to heaven. : not to those whom thou hast led, As with thy cloud and fire before, But unto thee, in fear and dread, Be praise and glory evermore. 752 MISCELLANEOUS. Greeting Hymn. 1115. P. M WE come with joy the truth to teach you, To sow the seed in every heart; We hope the evidence may reach you, That from all error you may part. Receive ye the word, As taught by the Lord Who came to the world to save you; The one blessed way, Which, if we obey, Will lead us to his throne. 2 We hope in every land God lightens, True, honest hearted souls to find; With such, the hope in Jesus brightens, No tale of evil clouds their mind. The gospel is sent; Be faithful, repent, Baptized and the Lord will save you; God's own blessed plan Revealed unto man, To lead him to his throne. 3 Such principles as these we cherish, The laying on of hands with the rest; For not one single word shall perish From the law designed to make men blest. For even the dead, Our Master has said, Shall rise by the power that saves us, To meet us again, In the gathering when We stand before his throne. 39* 753 MISCELLANEOUS. The Pare Testimony. 1116. P M. THE pure testimony poured forth in the Spirit, Cuts like a keen two-edged sword ; And hypocrites now are most sorely tormented, Because they're condemned by the word. The pure testimony discovers the dross, While wicked professors make light of the cross : But Babylon trembles for fear of her loss. 2 Is not the time come for the church to be gathered Into the one Spirit of God? Baptized by one Spirit into the one Body, Partaking Christ's flesh and his blood? They drink in one Spirit, which makes them all see They're one in Christ Jesus wherever they be. The Jew and the Gentile, the bond and the free. 3 Then blow ye the trumpet in pure testimony, And let the world hear it again ! Forsake evil practices, error and bondage, And freedom with Israel obtain. Come, gird on your armor as saints of the Lord, And Christ will direct you by his living word; The pure testimony will cut like a sword. 4 The great prince of darkness is must'ring his forces To make you his pris'ners again, By flatt'ries, reproaches and vile persecution, That 3'ou to his cause he may gain; 754 MISCELLANEOUS. But shun his temptations wherever they lay, And mind not his servants whatever they say; The pure testimony will give you the day. 5 The world will not persecute those who are like them, But hold them the same as their own; The pure testimony cries out, separation, And calls you your lives to lay down. Come out from their spirit, and practices too, The track of your Savior keep still in your view ; view. The pure testimony will cut the way through. 6 A battle is coming between the two kingdoms, The armies are gathering round; The pure testimony and vile persecution, Will soon in close battle be found; Then wash all your robes in the Lamb's clean- sing blood, And keep, as did Jesus, the Spirit of God: By the pure testimony are all things subdued, Return of the Ten Tribes. 111.4 • ANTHEM. THEY come from beyond the northern seas, From beyond the regions of ice; Their prophets command in the name of the Lord, And the mountains obey their voice. The ice flows down, the highway appears, Cast up in the spacious deep; Fruitful the barren soil becomes, From the earth the living springs leap. They come, a mighty phalanx now; They come, the hills before them bow , They come, and victory wreathes each brow! 755 A s MISCELLANEOUS. Saints' Evening Thoughts. 1118. 8s D. S musing, I sat all alone, AY hen th' day's busy work I had done, As th' sun's golden rays disappeared, And darkness her reign had begun, I thought of the next better state, When th' body and Spirit would be United, to dwell with the just, Immortal, eternal and free. I scarce could refrain shedding tears Of anguish, and bitterness too, When man's low estate did appear Heart-rending and sad to my view. Once more the bright vision appeared, So glorious, enchanting to me, My sadness was soon all dispelled, My mind from its bondage set free. 1 My fancy then painted the scene That prophets had seen from afar, When Jesus would reign with his saints Hosannahs to God rend the air. When peace like a river would flow, And strife and confusion ne'er be In the saints' everlasting abode, — The home of the happy and free. : Confusion and hate were not there, No jealousy, anger, nor strife; Pure love beamed brightly from all, In endless and glorious life. My musing was sweet unto me, And peace prevailed over my breast; My spirit felt tranquil and free, As calmly I lay down to rest. MISCELLANEOUS. The Spirit of Christ. 1119. P M "T ET there be light!" the Master said; I 1 Light came into the world; The depths of darkness then were laid; The orbs of light on high were stayed, And o'er them all his hand displayed; Banner for aye unfurled, O'er realms of day, — realms of night — " The Spirit of Christ is light." 2 " My name is Love," — the Master sighed; Love for the good and true ; Love for the poor, the weak, the tried; Love for those whom his grace supplied, Love for those who in hope abide, Love for the erring too; This the legend sung above, "The Spirit of Christ is love." 3 "Thy word is truth," — here lies the way Over the ills of life; This is the word the meek obey; To the sinful a cheering ray; This is the hope, the christian's stay During the days of strife; To the aged, to the youth, "The Spirit of Christ is truth." 4 " My peace I give," — Oh! blessed gift To wand'ring sons of men; To see the sunshine 'yond the rift, Dull shades of doubt forever lift; Saved from out the racking drift, Wand'ring never again; Let the refrain never cease, "The Spirit of Christ is peace." 757 MISCELLANEOUS. 1120* CLOSING ANTHEM. LET Zion arise, and her thank-offrings bring, For th' gospel so bright and so glorious. In tones of rich harmony new anthems sing To her Sov'reign for ever victorious. Angels come in glory bright, Truth her record brings to light; The bride endued with gifts restored, Prepares to meet her coming Lord. Recitative. — The Lord hath remembered his covenant with Israel} he hath shown favor to Zion; he hath restored the birthright to the house of Joseph, and his justice is established forever. Soon he'll come in glory's cloud, Sing ye saints in anthems loud; "With heart and voice exulting sing Praises, praises to your King. .While soul-enchanting harmony, Is from "The Saints' Harp" sung; Or tones of thrilling melody, Shall linger on each tongue; May angels in the courts above. Bear record of our fervid love ; And join us in this glad refrain, "Hosannah to our God and Lamb." Amen; Amen; Amen! INDEX TO SUBJECTS. NO. OF HYMNS. Public Worship. Praise Opening Service . Prayer . Saints' Warfare Confidence in God Closing Service Seasons. Morning Evening Sabbath New Year . Spring . . Summer Autumn Winter Close of Year Seed-Time . . Harvest Being and Attributes of G-od Christ. His Nativity His Life His Sufferings and Death . His Resurrection and Ascension In G-lory . . . . The Gospel. Atonement of Christ Faith Repentance Confessing the Lord Baptism . 759 1 to 108... 108 109 to 143... 144 to 175... 176 to 195... 196 to 211... 212 to 238... .35 .32 .20 .16 .27 239 to 260 22 261 to 279 19 280 to 298 19 299 to 312... 313 to 316... 317 to 320... 321 to 325... 326 to 328. .. 329 to 333... 334 to 336. .. 337 to 343... 344 to 376 33 377 to 394. 395 to 411. 412 to 426. 427 to 441. 442 to 452. 453 to 4 70. 471 to 197. 498 to 512. 513 to 523. 524 to 561. .18 .17 .15 .15 .11 .18 .27 .15 .11 .38 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Holy Spirit. Invocation Laying on of Hands . , Spiritual Gifts Ministry. Ordination to Ministry Ministerial Labor . . Foreign Missions The Church. Organization Trials, Duties and Graces Unity, Progress and Triumpl Inspired Records. Holy Scriptures Book of Mormon Restoration of the Gospel Dedication Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Marriage Blessing of Children Administering to the Sick Death and Funeral . Future State, — Disembodied Spirt Angelic Ministrations Latter Day Events. Signs of Last Days . Restoration of Israel Zion's Redemption and Glory Resurrection of the Just . . Translation of Living Saints Second Coming of Christ . . Millenial Reign . . Unbinding of Satan . General Resurrection The General Judgment New Earth Social Hymns Crossing the Ocean National Miscellaneous . . 760 NO OF HYMNS. HYMNS. 562 to 518. .. .11 '519 to 591... .13 592 to 600... . 9 601 to 605... . 5 606 to 620... .15 621 to 645... .25 646 to 651... . 6 652 to U0... .59 Ill to 129... .19 130 to 740... .11 141 to 151... .11 152 to 163.. .12 164 to 115... .12 116 to 194. . . .19 ■195 to 805... .11 806 to 823. .. .18 824 to 834... .11 835 to 888.. .54 :s 889 to 911. . .23 912 to 921.. .16 928 to 936.. . 9 931 to 963. . .21 964 to 919. . .16 980 to 990. . .11 991 to 996.. . 6 991 to 1018.. .22 1019 to 1036.. .18 1031 to 1042.. . 6 1043 to 1048.. . 6 1049 to 1055.. . 1 1056 to 1061. . .12 1068 to 1089.. .22 1090 to 1091.. . 8 1098 to 1109.. .12 1110 to 1120.. .11 OBEX OF FIRST LINES. Each Hymn we have revised has the index line marked with a * HYMN Abashed be all the boast of age. Heber 402 Abide with me! fast falls the eventide. I/yte 272 A broken heart, my God, my King.* Watts 509 A calm and gentle quiet reigns to-night. D. H. Smith. 1079 A church without apostles. T. W. Smith 1074 Adieu, my dear brethren, adieu. Old Ed 636 Adieu to the city, where long I have. P. P. Pratt. . 640 A few more years shall roll.* Bonar. 904 After the joys of earth. Social Hymns 186 Again, from calm and sweet repose.* Huntley 1 s col. . 245 Again our earthly cares we leave. Psalter 109 Again shall the children of Zion sing. D. H. Smith.. 937 Again the Lord of life and light. Barbauld 288 Again the Sabbath morn.* Lyra Cath 291 Against thee, Lord, I own.* Tait & Brady 505 A glory gilds the sacred page. Coivper 131 Ah ! Book of Mormon ! Golden Book ! Joseph Smith. 750 All! this heart is void and chill. German. 183 A holy angel from on high. P. P. Pratt 143 A home in heaven! As the suffVer lies.* Old Ed. 848 A home in heaven! what a joyful thought * Old Ed. 839 Alas! and did my Savior bleed!* Watts 453 A light streams downward from the sky. Mi s. Hinsdale. 897 All hail the glorious day. Old Ed 955 All hail! the" new-born year! P. P. Pratt 305 All hail the power of Jesus 1 name. Duncan 448 All nature dies, and lives again. Advent Harp ]{][:) All nature feels attractive power.* Drennan 486 All our desire is to the Lord. D. IT. Smith 1081 All-powerful, self-existent God. Walkers col 352 All praise to God be given. Old Ed . . .v 9 17 All uraiso to our redeeming Lord. C. Wesky.. . . . . 34 " 7G1 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN All things are possible to Mm.* Wesley's col 493 All Things to him that believeth. T. W. Smith 495 All ye that love the Lord, rejoice. Sacred Hymns. . . 1 All you that love Immanuel's name. Fellowes 42 Almighty God of love. G. Wesley 756 Almighty G-od, these candidates. M. H. Forscutt. . . 556 Almighty God, thy word is cast. Ghr. Psalmist. ... 212 Almighty One ! I bend in dust before thee. Bowring." 355 Although our bodies sink to rest * MS. 989 Am I a soldier of the cross.* Watts 182 Amidst a scene of worldly strife. T. W. Smith 1016 Among the saints on earth. Beddome 714 An angel came down from the mansions. W. W. Phelps 747 An angel from on high. P. P. Pratt 749 A nation God delights to bless. C. Wesley 1109 A nation newly born far in the distant. Jos. Smith. 1106 And am I born to die ? C. Wesley 837 And are we yet alive. C. Wesley 16 And is the gospel Peace and Love. Mrs. Steele. ... 670 And must I part with all I have. Beddome 654 And now, my soul, another year.* Broiune 330 And will the great Eternal God.* Doddridge 773 Angels from the realms of glory. Montgomery 389 Angels have come to the earthly home .* E. C. Henck. 923 Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung. Hum 382 Angels ! roll the rock away !* Gibbons 42 7 Angels, where'er we go, attend. C. Wesley 914 Angel voices sing, " Hallelujah!" M. H. Forscutt. . . 394 Another day has fled and gone. P. P. Pratt 261 Another hand is beck'ning us. Whittier 881 Another six days' work is done. Stennet 290 Another week of toil and care. C. Berry 281 Another year hath sped its round. F. H. Stauffer.. . 304 Another year is swallowed by the sea. E. Elliott. . . 300 Answer, my soul ; — wilt thou confess. M. H. Forscutt. 515 A pilgrim through this lonely world. Bonar 404 A poor wayfaring man of grief.* Montgomery 514 Apostles first, then prophets too. T. W Smith 649 Arise ! arise ! — with joy survey. Kelley 976 Arise, my soul, arise.* C. Wesley 460 Arise thou and shine, for thy light is. Sacred Hymns. 977 Around Bethesda's healing wave. Barton 398 Around thy grave. Lord Jesus. Social Hymns 550 Arouse, arouse, why idly stand.* M. R. Lake 1068 7G2 INDEX OF FIRST LINES, HYMN Art thou worn with care and trouble ? M. H Forscutt. 830 As death its victims shall resign. M. H Forscutt. . .1046 As Jesus died, and rose again. Mill. Harp 990 As much have I of worldly goods. Condor 1*16 As musing I sat all alone. J. G. Wilson 1118 As sep'rate streams unite in one.* J . Lyons 796 As the dew from heaven distilling. P. P. Pratt 140 As the little sands minute. P. H Smith 647 As the sweet flower that scents the morn.* Fpisc. col. 870 As when in silence, vernal showers. Rippon 563 Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep! Mrs. Mackay 835 Asleep in Jesus — glorious thought ! C. Perry 846 Assembled here, O gracious Lord. M. H. Forscutt. . 587 At ev'ry moment of our breath. Sacred Hymns. . . . 842 Author of faith, Eternal God .* C. Wesley. .-..'- 474 Awake, and sing the song. Hammond 20 Awake ! for the morning is come ! Old Ed 244 Awake, my soul, and with the sun. Watts 242- Awake, my soul, in joyful lays. Advent Harp 14 Awake, my soul! stretch ev'ry nerve. Poddridge.. . 181 Awake, O ye people! the Savior is. W. W.Phelps. 1022- Awake, saints awake. T. W. Smith 1072 Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes. Poddridge. . 329* Awake, ye saints, awake ! Cotter ill 29T Awake ye saints of G-od, awake! E. R. Snow 713 Awake, ye that slumber, arise from the dust. Old Ed. 26 Away, my unbelieving fear! C. Wesley 197 Baptized into thy death, O Lord. M. H. Forsmtt. . . 591 Beautiful Zion, built above * Social Hymns 1056 Before Jehovah's glorious throne * Watts 24 Before the morning's joyous light. P. H. Smith. . . 241 Before us lies a valley dim. H L. Hastings 908 Begone! unbelief, my Savior is near. Old Ed 205 Behind the western hills, the sun. M. H. Forscutt.. . 273 Behold the church, it soars on high .* P. P. Pratt. . 994 Behold the earth reels too and fro. M. Walker 985 Behold th 1 expected time draw near* Voke 38 Behold the glories of the Lamb. Watts 449 Behold, the great Redeemer comes. P. P. Pratt 997 Behold the Lamb of God * Old Ed 532 Behold the man! How glorious he!* J Salter 412 Behold the mountain of the Lord.* Logan 953 Behold the Mount of Olives rend ! P. P. Pratt 1002 763 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Behold, the Savior comes! P. P. Pratt 1011 Behold the Savior of mankind. S. Wesley, Sen 457 Behold the way to Zion's hill. Kelley 950 Behold thy sons and daughters, Lord. P. P. Pratt. . 581 Behold thy temple, G-od of grace.* Palmer 770 Behold! what wondrous grace. Waits 574 Behold what woncVrous love and grace. MS. 465 Behold where in a mortal form. Enfield 395 Beloved brethren! sing his praise. Old Ed 21 Beneath the darkest cloud. Joseph Smith 196 Bereaved friends, weep not for him. C. Berry 844 Be with me, Lord, where'er I go. Ghr. Psalmist. . . 371 Beyond the glitt'rmg starry sky. Old Ed 443 Beyond where Cedron's waters flow.* Huntley's col. 413 Blessings rest upon the bread. Joseph Smith 794 Bless, Lord, each opening year. Newton 301 Bless these little ones, Oh God! D. H Smith 816 Blest angels, we greet you with gladness.* E. C.Henck. 925 Blest are the souls that hear and know. Watts. ... 54 Blest be the dear uniting love. 0. Wesley 226 Blest be the tie that binds* Fawcett 715 Blest be thou, G-od of Israel. Psalter 376 Blest day ! when our ascended Lord.* Psalter 576 Blest is the tongue by the Spirit conferred. J. Smith. 599 Blest morning! whose young dawning rays. Waits.. 283 Blest privilege to mortals given. M. H. Forscutt. ... 585 Blest sov'reign let my evening song.* Watts 277 Blest the sign which thus reminds me. Huntley' 1 s col. 548 Blow the trump of Son's gospel. M. A. Walker.. . . 607 Boast on, proud Lucifer, thy day. M. II. Forscutt. . .1041 Book of Mormon, hid for ages. II. S. Dille 741 Bow the head, and breathe the prayer. J . Smith. . 832 Bow ye mortals, bow before him. 31. II. Forscutt.. . 521 Break now the seal; for Satan's time. M. H. Forscutt. 1037 Brethren, breathe one fervent prayer. Joseph Smith 229 Brethren, cheer! the Lord our King.* MS. 104 Bright angels are singing.* E. C. Henck 926 Bring forth the pris ners to the bar. M. H. Forscutt. 1052 Brother, is life's morning clouded?* MS. 703 Buried beneath the yielding wave* Social Hymns.. 554 Buried with Christ! Yes, thus we lie. Mill. Harp. 545 Burst ve emerald gates. Advent Harp 8 By faith the ancients sought the Lord. W. W. Phelps 480 By the water-side, with gladness. T. W. Smith. ... 526 764 INDEX OF FIE ST LINES. HYMN By thy Spirit's presence stirred. M. H. Forscutt. ... 228 Calm me, my God, though loud and rude.* Borrar.. 676 Calm on the bosom of thy God. Remans 873 Calm on the listening ear of night. E. H. Sears. ... 388 Captain of our salvation, take. C. Wesley 801 Cast thy bread upon the waters. Psalter 108 Cease ye mourners, cease to languish. Colyer 860 Cheerful the summer hours. M. H. Forscutt 318 Children of the Heavenly King.* Cennick 82 Chosen messengers of glory. D. H. Smith. 606 Christ hath drank deep of the cup. M. H. Forscutt.. 826 Christ is coming! Let creation.* Prophetic Watchman 1018 Christ is Lord of life eternal. J. Smith 450 Clip from the brow one sunny tress. H. L. Hastings 816 Come all ye saints who dwell on earth. W. W.Phelps. 3 Come all ye sons of Zion. W. W.Phelps 938 Come brethren, let us strive to show. D. H Smith. 95 Come children, come, his voice obey. Old Ed 538 Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor. W. Clayton 1089 Come, divine and peaceful G-uest. Hedge's Col 577 Come, gracious Lord, descend and dwell. Watts. . . 120 Come gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove. Broiune 141 Come, guardian angel, come.* E. C. Henck 922 Come Holy Ghost, in love.* Tr. by Palmer 564 Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire.* C. Wesley.. 569 Come, Holy Ghost, these hearts inspire.* C.Wesley. 575 Come, Holy Spirit, come.* Hart 566 Come let us all unite and sing. Old Ed 262 Come let us anew our journey pursue. C. Wesley. . 311 Come, let us join our cheerful songs. Watts 55 Come O my soul to Calvary. H. L. Hastings 454 Come, O thou King of Kings. P. P. Pratt 1007 Come sing to me of heaven. Psalter 902 Come sound his praise abroad. Watts 13 Come, thou Almighty King.* Madan 27 Come, thou desire of all thy saints .* Steele 160 Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing. P. Robinson ... 19 Come thou soul transforming Spirit. Jay 237 Come to the house of prayer. Taykn 11 Come weary souls with sin distressed. Steele 7 Come ye servants ol' the Savior, S. I. Smith 6 13 Come, ye thankful people, come. Alford 34G Come, ve that know and fear the Lord. Burder, . . . 59 7(K) INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Come ye that love the Lord.* Watts 115 Come, ye that love the Savior's name. Steele 39 Commit thou all thy griefs. Tr. by C. Wesley 199 Confirmation! Lord, we thank thee. M. H Forscutt. 590 Creation speaks with awful voice. Parley P. Pratt. . 871 Creator of the heavens and earth. M. H Forscutt. .1097 Cross, reproach, and tribulation.* Moravian 694 Crowns of glory ever bright. Kelly 445 Daniel's wisdom may I know. European Ed 674 Dark is the human mind when bound. E. L. Sloan. 479 Dark was the night, and cold the ground. Haweis. . 415 Day of judgment, day of wonders !* Newton 1049 Dear brother, thou art gone to rest.* Huntley 's col. . 836 Dear Lord, accept the gifts we bring. C. Berry. ... 810 Dear Savior, if these lambs should stray. Hyde. ... 815 Death is the heritage of man. G. Berry 858 Depart awhile, each thought of care. Lyra Cath. . . 393 Descend, thou Comforter Divine. M. H Forscutt. . . 578 Doubt like tempest-clouds may lower. M. H Forscutt. 492 Down to the sacred wave. Cranmefs col 553 Earth is filled with sin and pain.* Spiritual Mel. . . . 998 Earth is the place where Christ will reign. P.P.Pratt. 1^)20 Earth with her ten thousand flowers* W. W Phelps 90 Earthly happiness is fleeting. E. R. Snow.. .,.. = .. 207 Ere long the veil will rend in twain.* P. P. Pratt. .1004 Ere mountains reared their forms sublime. Sp. of Ps. 360 Eternal G-od, Almighty cause. Browne 368 Eternal source of ev'ry joy. Boddridge 299 Eternal Source of life and light! Cappers Sel 81 Eternal SovVeign of the sky.* Watts 1105 Eternal Spirit, we confess.* Watts 567 Eternal wisdom! Thee we praise. Watts 12 EvVy cloud that carries water. M. H Forscutt 693 Ev'ry day hath toil and trouble. Bailey. . 669 Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss.* Watts. ... 478 Faith is the brightest evidence.* Sacred Hymns 472 Faith is the polar star. Psalter 482 • Faith works with power, but will not plead. . , 6 . , . 488 Faithful and just is he. M. H. Forscutt 979 Fare thee well, thou fondly cherished. Mow 884 Farewell, all earthly honors .* Old Ed 180 766 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Farewell my kind and faithful friends. P. P. Pratt. . 634 farewell, our friends and brethren.* W. W. Phelps. 630 Pare well ye servants of the Lord.* P. P. Pratt. ... 629 Father, bless thy word to all. Kelly 220 Father, from heaven thy dwelling place. C. Perry.. 583 Father, glorify thy Son.* C. Wesley 568 Father hear the prayer we offer ! Psalter 704 Father, how wide thy glory shines! Watts 18 Father, I go, 'tis thy voice bids me go. Joseph Smith 641 Father in heaven we do believe.* P.P.Pratt 533 Father, it is thy great decree. C. Perry 799 Father of all in whom alone. G. Wesley 116 Father of all our mercies, thou. Social Hymns 164 Father of lights I we sing thy name. Doddridge. ... 354 Father of mercies bow thine ear. Beddome 132 Father of mercies, send thy grace. Doddridge. ..... 653 Father of our spirits ! hear. Psalter 217 Father ! thy fraternal care. Boivring 348 Father; 'tis thine each day to yield. J . Wesley. ... 248 Father ! whate'er of earthly bliss. % Mrs. Steele 146 Father, when in love to thee.* Spiritual Songs .... 144 For a season called to part. Newton 214 For thy dear mercy's sake, Lord.* Lyra Cath. . . 118 For us the Lamb of God did bleed. Social Hymns. . 790 u Forbid them not," the Savior cried. Hastings 813 From all that dwell below the skies. Watts 222 From Calvary a cry was heard. Cunningham 421 From Greenland's icy mountains. Heber 622 From pinnacle to corner stone. D. H. Smith 1087 From the courts of heavenly glory. M. H. Forscutt . 917 From tli 1 regions of glory an angel.* W. W. Phelps. 377 From the sides of the hills they come. D. H. Smith. IQ±'3 Gathered in one, in Christ the Lord. J. Smith 1111 Gathered where the waters glide. D. H. Smith, . . . 528 Gently raise the sacred strain. W. W. Phelps 280 Gethsemane can I forget. Montgomery 7 78 Give glory to God in the highest Montgomery 29 " Give us room that we may dwell!" Old Ed 939 Giver and guardian of my sleep. C. Wesley 258 Glad are we that now the gospel. T. W. Smith, ... 72 Glorious things are sung of Zion. W. W. Phelps,, . . 661 Glorious things of thee are spoken.* J. Newton, . . 971 Glory bo to God on high. J . Taylor 91 767 IXDEX OF FIRST LINES. HY3IJT Glory to G-od on high! Boden , 84 Glory to thee my God. this night. Kennedy 265 Glory to thee whose powerful word. C. Wesley. . . .1091 Go. bring me a garment both costly. D. H Smith.. 66 Go on in faith, ye saints go on.* Old Ed 943 Go to dark Gethsemane. Montgomery -417 Go to thy rest. Mr child !* Hedges col 833 Go. when the morning shineth.* Jubilee Harp 163 Go. ye messengers of glory. John Taylor 627 Go. ye messengers of heaven. European Ed 633 God bless our native land! Hedge's col 1099 God in his abundant mercy. If. H. Forscutt 108S God, in the high and holy place.* Montgomery 367 God is love: his mercy brightens. Bowring 36 God is marshaling his army.* J . Wb ad /card 190 God is our refuge and defence. Lviher 37 5 God is the refuse of his saints. Watts 15 God made the earth surpassing fair. Mitt. Harp. . . .1061 God moves in a mysterious way. Gowper 362 God of all consolation, take. G. Wesley 22 \ God of eternal truth an;! grace. C. Wesley 49 God of my life to thee I call. Couper 169 God of our fathers now. M Waiter 819 God of the changing year, whose arm. E. Taylor . . 303 God of the morning, at whose voice. Watts 240 God of the rolling year! to thee. Hedge's col 323 God who is just and kind. Patrick 363 God with us! Oh, glorious name!* Putter 3 S3 Good is the Lord, the heavenly King." Watts 314 Grant this candidate thy blessing. M H Forscutt.. . 833 Great God! as followers of thy Son* H Ware 113 Great God! attend, while Zion sings. Watts 41 Great Go 1. naw condescend. FeUowes 813 Great God on these now deign to smile. C. Derry.. 580 Great God. what do I see and hear!* Luther 1053 Great is the Lord in the city of Zion. Old Ed 978 Great is the Lord! 'tis good to praise. W. W. Phelps. 17 Great ruler of all nature's frame. Doddridge 356 Guide us O thou great Jehovah. Robinson 4 Guilty I stand before thy face. C. Wesley 511 Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews. Watts 594 Hail! Alpha and Omega, hail! MSI. Harp 477 Hail! Sacred Sabbath; dav of rest. C. Derry 232 1 - INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMST Hail, sacred truth ! whose piercing rays. Huntley's col. 734 Hail the blest morn, when the great Mediator. Heber. 378 Hail the day that sees him rise. G. Wesley 440 Hail, thou long-expected Jesus.* Book of Worship. 384 Hail to the brightness of Zion's. Hastings 970 Hail to the Prince of Life and Peace.* Doddridge. . 451 Hallelujah! — Praise the Lord. Hatfield 37 Happy the man whose hopes rely. Watts 35' Happy the man whose trust is found. M. H Forscutt. 210 Happy the spirit released from its clay. MSS 840- Hark! from the realms of the blest. Mill Harp. ... 22 Hark! hark! the notes of joy. Book of Worship. ... 37$ Hark ! hark ! the word to you is given. D. H. Smith 942 Hark! how the watchmen cry.* C. Wesley 177 Hark! listen to the trumpeters!* European Ed. . . . 188 Hark! ten thousand harps and voices. Kelly 89 Hark ! ten thousand thousand voices. Dr. Raffles.. 67 Hark! the herald-angels sing. C. Wesley 390 Hark! the song of jubilee. Montgomery 1029 Hark! — the voice of love and mercy. . Francis 424 Hark! 'tis the voice of Jesus. M. II Forscutt 834 Hark! what celestial sounds. Psalter 381 Hark ye mortals. Hist! be still. P. P. Pratt 748 Hear all nature's groans proclaiming.* Advent Harpl050 Hearts and hands together clinging. Old Ed 717 Heaven and earth, and sea, and air. Ger. tr. Cox. . . 359 Heaven has confirmed the dread decree. Old Ed. . . 851 Heavenly Father, grant thy blessing. Psalter 216 Heavenly Father, we adore thee ! M. II Forscutt . . 173 He comes! he comes! the Judge severe.* C. Wesley, ,1012 He diesl the friend of sinners dies.* Watts 428 He knelt: the Savior knelt and prayed. Ileinans. . . 416 Help us to praise thy name O Lord 328 Heralds, cry aloud; and suffer. M. II Forscutt. .... 616 Heralds of creation cry. Montgomery 102 Here at thy table, Lord, we meet. Old Ed 7 77 Here is a little lamb. D. II Sin ith 811 Holy as thou, O Lord, is none.* G. Wesley 35] Holy Ghost; the Infinite.* Book of Worship 572 Holy Scriptures! book divine.* Advent Harp 736 Home, home, shincth before us.* Granmefs col. . . 903 Home, sweet home ! my hsart still. Mil. Forscutt .1094 Home! thy joys are passing lovely. & F. Smith. . . 638 Hope is a balm I'ov ev'ry wound.* M. Eodgi rs tiSS 33 7G9 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna. M. H Fvrscutt 724 Hosamiah to the great Messiah. P. P. Pratt 1008 How are thy servants blest, Lord. Addison 6 How beauteous are their feet. Watts 610 How beauteous were the marks divine.* A. C. Coxe. 396 How beautiful now on the tops.* Old Ed 621 How beautiful, on all the hills * W. B. 0. Peabody . 841 How blest are the dead who have died. C. Berry. . 849 How blest the righteous when he dies. Barbauld. . 865 How blest the sacred tie that binds.* Barhauld. . . 800 How calm and beautiful the morn. Hastings 441 How cheering the thought, that.* Cunningham. ... 918 How firm a foundation, ye saints.* Kirhham 201 How fleet the precious moments roll. P. P. Pratt. . 307 How foolish to the carnal mind.* P. P. Pratt 537 How frail the human form. D. H. Smith 829 How gentle G-od's command. Doddridge 1080 How glorious will be the morning.* Old Ed 1028 How happy gracious Lord are we. C. Wesley 94 How happy the believer. //. S. Dille 657 How hast thou, Lord, in righteous wrath. Givens. .1102 How long shall death, the tyrant, reign. Sacred Hymns 984 How pleasant o'er the earth's fair form. M.HForscutt 317 How pleasant 'tis to see. Watts 716 How pleased and blest was I. Watts 50 How pleasing to behold and see.* Old Ed 782 How precious is the book divine. Faiccett 732 How shall the saints their treasures give. Jos. Smith 2 How sweet communion is on earth. European Ed. 786 How sweet the melting lay. Psalter 255 How sweet to reflect on those joys. Mill. Harp. . . .1023 How sweet to the soul of the saint P. Tempest. ... 175 How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound. Boivring. . 410 How will the saints rejoice to tell ! Old Ed 967 Humble souls that seek salvation. Mill. Harp 561 Humble though our Bethel be. M. H Forscutt 774 I ask not now for gold to gild. Whittier 153 I am baptized in the blest name .* Social Hymns. . . 547 I am earth, I will sing. D. H. Smith 1030 I came to the spot where the two. Rev. by H S. DillelllO " I come," the great Redeemer cries. - Adv. Harp. . . 543 I have a home above.* Psalter 894 I hear the murmur of the wave. Joseph Smith 534 770 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN I love the volumes of thy word.* Watts 730 I saw a mighty angel fly. European Ed 759 I sing the mighty power of God. Watts 369 I wake, I wake, ye heavenly choir. Watts 249 I want a heart to pray. C. Wesley 166 I would love thee, God and Father! French 162 If all our hopes and all our fears. Boivring 680 If human kindness meets return. Noel 784 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord.* Watts 517 Imposture shrinks from light. Scott. ..; 733 In ancient days men feared the Lord. Old Ed 605 In ancient times a man of God. P. P. Pratt 539 In body now we part.* 0. Wesley 218 In Eden's bowers, with good. M. H. Forscutt 468 In Jordan's tide the prophet stands. Bipporis col. . . 546 In lower space, exists a place. D. II. Smith 901 In meekness, in weakness and pain. D. II Smith. . 827 In peace shall Judah dwell. M. H. Forscutt 959 In the bright and golden city. Hope of Israel 1060 In the broad fields of heaven.* Hedge's col 886 In the dark and cloudy day.* Book of Worship 695 In the far better land of glory and light. E. S. Porter. 447 In the midst of tribulation. M. H. Forscutt 209 In the sun, and moon, and stars. Heber 931 In thy name O Lord assembling. Kelly 110 Inspirer and hearer of prayer.* Toplady 919 Inspirer of the ancient seers.* C. Wesley 127 Into eternity has rolled. T. W. Smith 333 Into the Spirit Land * Von Salis 910 Inured to poverty and pain.* C. Wesley 269 In vain our fancy strives to paint.* Newton 907 Israel, awake from thy long, silent .* J . McGregor. . 946 Israel, in ancient days. Coioper 781 Israel, Israel, God is calling. B. Smyth 958 Is there a gift for the weary and worn. Jos. Smith . 595 Is this a fist for me. Drummond 602 Jehovah, God! thy gracious power. Thomson 357 Jerusalem in unbelief. M. Walker 9 11 Jerusalem, thy children weep. M. Walker 940 Jesus ! and shall it ever bo.* Gregg 518 Jesus! at thy command.* Toplady 1095 Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory. Balsewett 9 Jesus, I my cross have taken.* Grant 513 771 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. IIYMX Jesus, lover of my soul* C. Wesley. ..« 519 Jesus made known the path of light. Mill. Harp. . . 885 Jesus mighty King in Zion.* Fellowes 555 Jesus once of humble birth. P. P. Pratt 1003 Jesus our sorrows bore. M. H. Forscutt 467 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun.* Watts 1021 Jesus thou all-redeeming Lord.* C. Wesley 125 Jesus, we come at thy command. Spiritual Mel. . . . 544 Jesus, we look to thee. C. Wesley 143 Jesus, we thus obey. C. Wesley 779 Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding. Hastings 838 Joyfully, Joyfully, onward I move. Old Ed 843 Joy to the world! the Lord will come.* Watts. . . .1031 Judah shall gather home. M. H. Forscutt 952 Justice demands thy life shall be. M. H Forscutt. . 470 Justice must come though it linger. M. H Forscutt. 1039 Keep us, Lord, oh, keep us ever.* Psalter 225 Kindliest boon to man e"er given. Joseph Smith. . . 497 Kindred once parted meet again. M. H Forscutt. . .1048 Kingdoms and thrones to G-od belong. Watts 40 Know then that ev'ry soul is free. Old Ed 1113 Laborers of Christ, arise.* Mrs. Sigourney 683 Labor were futile here. M. H. Forscutt 339 Let all the heathen writers join. Watts. 735 Let all the saints their voices raise.* Watts 51 Let earth attend! all nations hear. C. Perry 524 Let Europe's towns and cities hear.* P. P. Pratt. . 642 Let heaven and earth agree * C. Wesley 45 S Let Israel, though scattered and peeled. D. H Smith 957 Let my blest guardian, while I sleep.* Kennedy. . . 278 Let Pharisees of high esteem. Sacred Hymns 699 Let songs of praises fill the sky!* Cotter) hill. 570 Let th 1 thick veil of darkness. By a converted Jew. . 948 u Let there be light!"* the Master said. Jos. Smith. 1119 Let us each be faithful day by day D. H. Smith. . 700 Let us pray for one another. D. II. Smith 165 Let us pray, gladly pray. W W. Phelps 165 Let us tell of the good we are hoping. D. H. Smith. 25 Let us shake off the coals. D. IL Smith 75 Let Zion arise, and her thank-offering. M. H. Forscuttll20 Let Zion in her beauty rise.* Old Ed 1019 Life is a span — a fleeting hour. Steele 847 772 INDEX OF FIRST LINES HYMN. Life is onward, — use it. Dial 671 Lift aloud the voice of praise ! E Peaoody 604 Lift up to Grod the voice of praise ! Wardlaw 60 Lift up your heads, eternal gates. Old Ed 433 Lift up your heads, ye heirs of glory. T. W. Smith.1024: Lift up your heads, ye scattered saints.* P. P. Pratt 712 Lift your glad voices in triumph on high. H. Ware. 993 Lift your glad voices in triumph on high. H. Ware. 434 Light of life, seraphic fire. C Wesley 119 Like the meeting of the waters. D. PL. Smith 795 Listen! Zion! Jehovah hath spoken. W. W. . . . 968 Lo! he comes with clouds descending. Brydges. . . .1005 Lo ! on the water's brink we stand. Old Ed 527 Lo! the mighty G-od appearing. Goode 1051 Long we have sighed for the glory. D. H. Smith. . 932 Look to the harvest field, Lord. J. Smith 337 Look, ye nations, gaze and wonder! G. Perry 964 Look, ye saints! the sight is glorious. Kelly 442 Lord, at this closing hour. E. T. Fitch 235 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing. Burder 231 Lord, grant that I may meekly prove 483 Lord have mercy when we pray. Milman 499 Lord, how mysterious are thy ways. Steele 98 Lord, I have made thy word my choice. Watts. ... 23 Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear. Watts 246 Lord in this sacred hour. Bulfinch 133 Lord, lead the way the Savior went. Grossivell 659 Lord, let me know mine end. Montgomery 504 Lord, let thy blessing rest in peace. Jos. Smith. ... 221 Lord, let thy power attend thy word. Jos. Smith. . 139 • Lord, may our hearts be tuned to sing. G Perry. . . 292 Lord of earth, and air, and sea.* G. Wesley 1092 Lord of hosts! to thee we raise.* Montgomery 772 Lord of the harvest hear.* G Wesley 609 Lord since at thy command.* G Wesley 131 Lord, teach thy servants how to pray.* Huntley's col 157 Lord thou art good: all nature shows. Browne. . . . 364 Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray. Watts 266 Lord, we believe to us and ours. G. Wesley 5?3 Lord we come before thee now. Hammond L26 Lord, we in thy presence come.* J. Taylor 122 Lord we plead for faith alone 19 1- Lord, while for all mankind we pray. Wre/ord 1 101 Lord while thy servants lav. T. W. Smith 584 * 773 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Lord, whom winds and seas obey.* C. Wesley 1092 Love rules in ev'ry christian soul. Jos. Smith 679 Love's redeeming work is done. C. Wesley 435 Make channels for the streams of love. French 655 Make us, by thy transforming grace. Steele 408 Man in his primal beauty shone.* Lyte 461 Man may believe on evidence. 31. H. Forscutt 579 Man may trouble and distress me 516 Mansions are prepared above.* Book of Worship .. . 909 Many centuries have fled.* Condor 776 Mary to the Savior's tomb * Social Hymns 982 Master, I own thy lawful claim. C. Wesley 686 May the grace of Christ our Savior. Newton 233 May we, who know the joyful sound. European Ed. 664 Meek and lowly, pure and holy. Hedges col 600 Men of God! go take your stations. Kelly 611 Met in thy sacred name, O Lord. 31. H. Fwscutt. . . 142 Met. Lord, to dedicate. 31. H. Forscutt 766 Mid scenes of confusion and creature.* Old Ed. ... 711 Mistaken souls that dream of heaven. Watts 476 Morning breaks upon the tomb. Collyer 438 Mortals, awake ! with angels join. 3Iedley 444 Mournful the time and dark the day. O. A. Thomas.1016 Must I my brother keep. Baffles 665 My country 'tis of thee. S. F. Smith 1101 My dear Redeemer, and my Lord. Watts 400 My faith looks up to thee. Bay Palmer 475 My G-od, how endless is thy love ! Watts 268 My God! how wonderful thou art.* Lyra Catli. . . 372 My God, I thank thee! may no thought. Norton. . . 155 My God. my Father, while I stray. C. Elliott 145 My God, thy boundless love I praise. 3Ioore 32 My opening e} r es with rapture see. Psalter 247 My times are in thy hand. Psalter 200 Nearer, my God, to thee. S. F. Adams 31 Never does truth more shine. Old Ed 540 No liberty without a law. D. H. Smith 1077 No seas again shall sever. Bona.r 893 Not by evil wealth of mammon. D. II Smith 973 Not to condemn the sons of men. Watts 409 Now be the gospel banner. Hastings 613 Now cometh the record once written. J. Woodward 744 774 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Now from the altar of our hearts. J . Mason 270 Now is th 1 accepted time. Dobell 28 Now let us rejoice in the day. W. W. Phelps 718 Now morning lifts her dewy veil. Breviary 259 Now the sun is brightly shining. D.H.Smith 531 Now the truth once more appears.* Old Ed 746 Now to heaven our prayers ascending. AdvH Harp. 696 Now we'll sing with one accord. W. W. Phelps. ... 751 arm me with the mind.* G. Wesley 661 O awake! my slumb'ring minstrel. E. R. Snow. ... 73 O blessed souls are they. Watts 500 bow thine ear, thou G-od of saints. Jos. Smith. . . 121 O God! give strength to all thy saints.* Old Ed.. . . 151 God of Jacob, by whose hand. Doddridge 150 O God of pure affection ! Heber 803 O God! our help in ages past* Watts 861 O God th 1 Eternal Father. W. W. Phelps 780 O God, thou great, thou good. European Ed 906 O God, whose presence glows in all. Frothingham. . 123 O God! with thanks unfeigned 213 O happy day, when wars shall cease. Granmefs col 728 O happy home! O blest abode! M. Morton 33 O happy is the man who hears. European Ed, 707 O Holy Father, just and true .* Whittier 1114 O how can they look up to heaven.* Browne 697 O how sweet is the soul-cheering. T. W. Smith. ... 896 O Jesus, our Lord, thy name be adored. European Ed 215 O Jesus! the giver * W. W. Phelps 30 O Lord another day is flown. H. K. White 263 O Lord, do thou in heaven seal. J . Lyon 804 O Lord! encouraged by thy grace. Steele 823 O Lord in mercy spare. Beddome 319 O Lord! my best desires fulfill.* Cowper. 520 O Lord, our Father, let thy grace. European Ed 945 O Lord our God we now have met. H Bake 1082 O Lord, our Sovereign King. European Ed 808 O Lord! responsive to thy call .* European Ed 2 OS O Lord, to thee we come. T. W Smith 159 O lovely voices of the sky. Remans 39] O not alone with outward sign. Whittier L38 O reapers of life's harvest* Old Ed 1075 O sacred Head, now wounded * Gerhard, tr. Akxanck r 1 1 9 O shameful cross! on thee. //. L. Hastings 456 775 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Son of God, with glory crowned. H L. Hastings. 464 Spirit of the living God! Montgomery 136 the amazing change. Spiritual Melodies. 1062 the hour when this material. Condor 890 thou at whose almighty word. Neiuton 134 Thou, at whose dread name we bend. C. SpraguellW thou God who nearest prayer.* Condor 149 thou_in whose eternal name. T. D. Huntington. . . 601 thou that hangedst on the tree. C. Wesley 491 thou that hearest prayer ! Psalter 565 thou that hear'st when sinners cry.* Waits 506 thou to whom, in ancient time. Ware 49 thou who art above all height.* Pierpont 602 O thou who dri'st the mourner's tear. Moore 652 O thou, whose own vast temple stands. Bryant. ... 768 O Thou whose wisdom gives a path. Cushman. . . .1090 O when the hours of life are past.* W. B. O. Peabody 899 O where shall rest be found. Montgomery 911 O Zion, when I think of thee. Kelly 969 O'er the dark wave of Galilee. Russell 397 O'er the gloomy hills of darkness. Williams 726 Oh, bow thine ear, Eternal One ! Psalter 769 Oh come let ns sing of the Savior's. D. H. Smith. .1013 Oh, deem not they are blest alone. Bryant 191 Oh for a faith that will not shrink. Huntley' s col. . . . 473 Oh, for a shout of joy.* Young 63 Oh, for a strong, a lasting faith. Watts 484 Oh, Lord! around thine altar now. C. Berry 147 Oh, Lord! how mighty are our foes. M. H. Forscutt 185 Oh, Lord! thy people bless. S. Haicthomthwaite . . . 154 Oh, watch, and fight, and pray. Heath 192 Once more before we part. Psalter 224 Once more my soul, the rising day. Watts 243 Once more we come before our God. Lyte 124 u One body 1 ' is the church, says Paul. T. W. Smith 650 One there is, above all others. Newton 462 On the mountain's top appearing. Kelly 944 Onward, brother, though the region * Johnson 698 Onward speed thy conqu'ring flight* S. F. Smith . 754 Onward, Onward, men of heaven * Sigowraey 632 Organize my Church and Kingdom. D. H. Smith . . 646 Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed. Hedge's col. . . 592 Our children thou dost claim. Psalter ' 811 Our eyes have seen the tokens. T. W. Smith .1017 776 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Our Father here we do appear. M. R. Lake 276 Our Father, in the sacred name. J . Jacques 809 Our Father! through the coming year. Psalter 308 Our Father who in heaven doth dwell. Jubilee Harp 158 Our fathers of the Gentile race. Sacred Hymns. ... 745 Our God! Our God! thou shinest here. T. H Gill. 725 Our Helper, God! we bless thy name. Doddridge. . 312 Our Lord is risen from the dead.* G. Wesley 429 Our mourning will all have an end.* AdvH Harp. . . 1059 Our off 'ring, Lord, accept. M. H Forscult 559 Our Savior's words we bring to mind. D. H. Smith 806 Peace be to this congregation. Social Hymns 234 Peace! my fond heart, the goal is won. S. F. Walker 195 Peace, my soul, an angel-guide. M. H Forscutt. . . . 924 People of the living God. Montgomery 508 Pilgrim, burdened with thy sin. Crabbe 498 Pilgrims in this vale of sorrow. Hastings 184 Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Kennedy. 238 Praise the Lord with songs of gladness. M.HForscutt 5 Praise the Savior, all ye nations. Francis 85 Praise to God! immortal praise. Barbauld 68 Praise to him by whose kind favor. AdvH Harp. ... 93 Praise to the Lord for the great restoration.* Phelps. 760 Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee.* Huntley's col. 74 Praise ye the Lord! immortal choir. Watts 43 Praise ye the Lord! 'tis good to raise. Watts 78 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire. Montgomery. ... 161 Proclaim, says Christ, my wondrous grace. Old Ed. 542 Quench no flame of pure affection. M. H Forscutt. . 805 Quickly marshal all thy sons. M. II. Forscutt 962 Quiet, Lord, my fro ward heart. Newton 678 Redeemed by the blood of the Savior. M. II Forscutt 588 Redeemer of Israel. W. W. Phelps 720 Reform, and be immersed.* Old Ed 525 Rejoice, O earth, the Lord is King. G. W. S. 117/^.1015 Rejoice, rejoice the promised time. Mitt. Harp 1034 Rejoice! the Lord is King* G. Wesley 446 Rejoice! ye Saints of Latter Days. Old Ed 562 Rejoice, ye righteous in the Lord. Sacred Hymns. . ~ 1 Rejoice, ye true believers.* Social Hymns. 992 Remark, my soul, the narrow bound.* * Doddridge. . 306 33* 777 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Repentance brings grief for sins. M. H Forscutt. ... 510 Rest, cold form, thy spirit cleave th. Joseph Smith. . 877 Ride on, ride on in majesty. Milman 414 Rise, glorious Conqu'ror, Rise.* Brydges 439 Roll on, thou mighty ocean. Old Ed 625 Sacred is the solemn rite. J . X. Allen 802 Safely through another week. Newton 284 Saints arise! your hearts be glad.* Maitland '. 178 Salem's bright King, Jesus by name.* Old Ed 535 Savior, breathe an evening blessing. Edmeston 267 Savior, cast a pity'ng eye.* Wesley* s col 512 Savior of men, thy searching eye. J. Wesley 618 Scorn not the slightest word or deed. London Inq.. 710 Searcher of hearts, to thee are known.* Montgomery. 349 Secure from harm and danger. Mark H Forscutt. . . 1070 See all creation join. W. to. Phelps " 58 See from on high, a light divine. Exeter col 399 See how he loved ! exclaimed the Jews. Bache. . . . 407 See how the morning sun.* W. W. Phelps 253 See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand. Doddridge 812 See the bread and wine are offered. Mill. Harp. ... 789 See the corn again in ear. Newton 320 See the gloomy, gathering cloud. Adv. Harp 930 See the leaves around us falling.* Home 322 See the mighty angel flying ! Old Ed 763 Send forth the sowers, each hamlet. Jos. Smith. . . 336 Shall foolish, weak, short-sighted man. C. Wesley. . 344 Shall heirs dark gates fore'er prevail. T W. SmithAOSQ Shall I, for fear of feeble man. J. Wesley 617 Shall man depart this earthly scene. Mill. Harp 983 Shall the righteous dead arise. C. Berry 987 Shall vain man secure G-od's favor. M. H Forscutt. 560 Shall we be toiling there? Oh! no! D. H Smith. .10 35 ' Shall we gather home to Zion. T. W. Smith 963 Shall we meet by life's pure river. H. L. Hastings.. 1066 Shall we meet with those beloved.* H L. Hastings. 892 Shall we repine when Jesus calls. P. P. Pratt 628 Shed not a tear o'er your friend's early bier. Old Ed. 854 Shepherd Divine, our wants relieve.* C. Wesley. . . 174 She's gone! Her work on earth is done.* A Sister. 850 Shine on our land, Jehovah, shine. Watts 342 Should you feel inclined to censure.* European Ed. 7-01 Shout the tidings of salvation ! Book of Worship ... . 61 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Show pity, Lord! Lord forgive. Watts 17G Show pity, Lord! Lord, forgive!* Watts 501 Shudder not to pass the stream. Union Harp 867 Signs in the pestilence. M. H. Forscutt 936 Silent night! Holy night! Book of Worship 392, Since Jesus freely did appear. Berridge 801 Sing, all ye ransomed of the Lord. Doddridge 106 Sing Hallelujah! praise the Lord! Sweetner 223 Sing to the great Jehovah's praise. G. Wesley 310 Sing to the Lord our might. Lyte. . . 92 Sing we the song of those who stand. Montgomery . 46 Sing we the song to angels given. H. L. Eastings. . 103 Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord.* Doddridge 79 Sister, thou wast mild and lovely. S. F. Smith 864 Sitting by the streams that glide.* Old Ed 956 Sleep, sleep to-day, tormenting cares.* Barbauld. . . 289 Slowly, by G-od's hand unfurled. Furness 279 Societies, intelligent. D. II. Smith. . . 648 So fades the lovely blooming flower. Steele 887 Soft shades glide over hill and dale. D. II. Smith. . 274 Soldiers of Christ, arise. G. Wesley 189 Songs of praise the angels sang. Montgomery 65 Soon may the last glad song arise. Hedge's col 722 Soon will our fleeting hours be past. Kippis 230 Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark. Old Ed. . 960 Sov'reign and transforming grace. F. II. Hedge. ... 114 Sovereign Father, Heavenly King. C. Wesley 101 Sov'reign grace, ere man had fallen. M. H Forscutt. 469 Sow in the morn thy seed.* Montgomery 620 Speak gently, — it is better far. Bates 6S5 Speed on your journey, speed. M. H. Forscutt 927 Spirit, leave thy house of clay.* Huntley's col 869 Spirit of Charity dispense. Mde. Guy on 660 Spirit of faith, come down. C. Wesley 471 Stand up, and bless the Lord. Montgomery 108 Stand up ! — stand up for Jesus ! Duffidd 52 Star of our hope ! he'll soon appear. Cranmw > s col, 993 Stealing from the world away. Ray Palmer 128 Stretched on the cross, the Savior (lies.* Old Ed. . 456 Supreme in wisdom as in power. Book of Worship.. 366 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour. Milt. Harp 152 Sweet is the light of Sabbath eve.* Edmeston 285 Sweet is the song of heaven. Book of Worship 64 Sweet is the work, my Grod, my King. Watts 69 779 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. - HYMN 'Sweet is the work, Lord. Byte 112 Sweet the time, exceeding sweet! Burder 129 Sweetly may the blessed Spirit. European Ed 131 Swift from the east the day-god is rushing. J. SmitJi 257 Talk not to me of human creeds. B. G Elvin 757 Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal.* G Wesley 148 Teach me, 0, teach me, Lord! thy way. Merrick. . . 731 That we may know thy will supreme. C. Berry. . . 296 The angels are bringing the armor.* E. GHenck... 912 The angels come from their blest abode.* E. G Bench 921 The bird that soars on highest wing. Montgomery . . 682 The blest memorials of thy grief. Mill. Harp ^85 The breaking waves dashed high. Remans 1098 The brightness of a lamp gone out. B. H Smith. . . 855 The Chariot! the Chariot t* Millennial Harp 1054 The clods of the valley shall lie above. B. II Smith. 853 The cry comes from Asia. T. W. Smith 645 The day is past and gone.* P. P. Pratt 264 The day-star has dawned o'er the land.* P. P. Pratt 302 The fulness of the gospel shines* P. P. Pratt 612 The gallant ship is under way. IF. IT 7 . Phelps 624 The gathering clouds, with aspect dark.* Adv Harp. 935 The gifts of God, a gracious theme. Joseph Smith. . 593 The glorious day is rolling on. W. W. Phelps. . . , .1026 The glorious plan which God has given. J. Taylor. . 597 The God of harvest praise. Montgomery 341 The God who reigns alone. Brummond 374 The great Eedeemer we adore. Mill. Harp 552 The happy day lias rolled on .* Old Ed 161 The harvest dawn is near. Burgess 608 The head that once was crowned with thorns. Kelly. 452 The hills shall hear a whisper. B. H Smith 988 The ice-bound earth is breaking. M. II. Forscutt. . . 334 The kingdoms of the earth. B. II. Smith 1085 The law by Closes came. Watts 403 The law of the gospel is perfect, M. II Forscutt.. . . 589 The light of day breaks mildly forth. M. II Forscutt. 251 The Lord has prepared a feast. Amy Gotland 192 The Lord hath favored Israel. M. H Forscutt 951 The Lord! how wondrous are his ways. Watts. ... 99 The Lord imparted from above. E. E. Snoiv 102 The Lord is. my shepherd, no want.* Montgomery . . 204 The Lord is risen indeed. Kelly 431 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN The Lord Jehovah reigns. Watts 346 The Lord my pasture will prepare.* Addison 202 The Lord our Savior will appear. Adv. Harp 1001 The Lord, the Judge, before his throne. Old Ed. . . 1000 The Lord will remember his people. M. H. Forscutt. 996 The mightiest "prayer" that man can. Jos. Smith. 496 The morning breaks, the shadows ilee. P. P. Pratt. 129 The morning dawns upon the place. Montgomery.. . 422 The morning flowers display their. S. Wesley, junr. . 856 The morning light is breaking.* S. F. Smith. ...... 719 The morn of redemption.* Social Hymns 986 The mystical body of Christ is now come. C. Perry. 975 The night comes down in darkness. Joseph Smith. . 271 The night is spent — the morning ray Mill. Harp. . 980 The night is wearing fast away. Mill. Harp 1036 The only faith that I desire. M. H. Forscutt 489 The perfect world, by Adam trod. Willis 771 The pure testimony poured forth.* European Ed. . .1116 The rising sun has chased the night. Old Ed 250 The saints in Enoch's da}^s. Charles Rogers 1069 The saints shall wear robes as the lilies.* P.HSmithlOOQ The saints who die of Christ possessed. C. Wesley.. 905 The sands have one by one run out. Joseph Smith. 880 The Savior lives, no more to die. Old Ed. . 436 The sere and yellow leaves appear. M. H Forscutt. 321 The shadows of night departed. M. H Forscutt. ... 260 The sorrow of childhood, the follies. M. H. Forscutt. 211 The- spacious firmament on high.* Addison 76 The spirit giveth aid to all. Joseph Smith 596 The Spirit of God like a fire. W. W. Phelps 1084 The spirit of love* MSS. 755 The sun that declines. T. B. Marsh & P. P. Pratt. . 325 The time is far spent — there is little.* ' Old Ed 614 The time is nigh, that happy time. Old Ed 72 7 The time is soon coming by the prophet foret< >ld. MSS. 103 2 The towers of Zion soon shall rise* W. W. Phelps. 966 The triumphs of the martyred saints. Ancient Hymn*. 874 The trumpet sounds — awake! Social Hymns 1047 The warrior saint, behold him stand.* Montgomery. 193 The winds were howling o'er the deep. Heber L05 The winter winds have circled round. M. II. Forscutt . 326 The word, thy promise, Lord we feel. T. W. Smith. 335 The world may change from old tonew. S.F.Adams. 6*73 Thee we adore, eternal name.* Watts 331 781 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. hymn: There is a glorious time * Huntley s col 1025 There is a happy land.* Book of Worship 891 There is a land immortal. Barry Cornwall 900* There is a land of peace and pleasure. Hope of Israel.lOtt There is a land of which I hear. T. W. Smith 1027 There is a life beyond the tomb. C. Berry 845. There is a mighty angel.* B. H. Smith 913 There is a world to come* Mill. Harp 1058 There is an hour of peaceful rest. Tappan 863 There is no pain that I can bear.* Social Hymns .. . 705 These signs shall follow who believe. 31. H. Forscutt. 828 They come from beyond the northern. 31. H.Fcyrscutlllll Thine holy day's returning. Bay Falmer 293 Think gently of the erring ! E. Fletcher 691 Think, mighty God, on feeble man. Old Ed 857 Think of me when at the altar of prayer. Old Ed 62 & This child we dedicate to thee. W. Boston, col 814 This earth defiled is too dark and drear.* Adv. Harp. 1061 This earth shall be a blessed place . B. B. Bratt 1014 This is the day the Lord hath made. C. Berry 294 This is the first and great command. Boscoe 675 This world will be blessed bye and bye. J J.Stafford.lOQS Tho' men may lay beneath the ground*. H. S. Bille. 872 Thou art gone to the grave. Heber 866- Thou art, O God, the life and light. Moore 313 Thou art the wa}~ — to thee alone. Boane 522 Thou God of hope, to thee we bow. Bsalter 692 Thou hast said, exalted Jesus. Huntley's col 551 Thou sweet gliding Ceclron, by tlry silver. Old Ed. 418 Thou, true and only God, lead'st forth. J. Wesley. . 370 Thou who at Canals marriage feast. H. B. Hastings. 797 Thou, who canst guide the wand'ring. Dawson's col.. 350 Thou who dost my life prolong.* Huntley's col 254 Thou who roll'st the year around. Ray Palmer. . . . 332 Though clouds of sickness dim thy sky. 31. H Forscidt. 824 Though grievous and dark is the night. 3 f.H.ForscuM. 103 § Though outward trials throng. E. B. Snow 672 Though Satan wiU be bound. 31. H Forscutt 1040 Though troubles assail us, and dangers.* Newton. .. 198 Three lessons I would truly teach 481 Through all the lofty sky. Gibbons 97 Through evTy strange and shifting scene.* Hedge's col. 358 Through the furnace, through the heat. H.B.Hastings. 706 Through the love of Christ.* Book of Worship 57 782 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Thus was the great Redeemer plunged.* Old Ed. . . 541 Thy beautiful garments, Zion! assume.* Old Ed. . 974 Thy broken body, gracious Lord! Cranmefs col... . 788 Thy chosen temple, Lord, how fair.* Byte 45 Thy name, Almighty Lord. Watts 101 Thy parent hand, thy forming skill. J. Wesley 345 Thy path, like most by mortals trod. Barton. ...... 689 'Thy promise, Lord, is now secured. M. Walker. ... 582 Thy throne eternal ages stood. Watts 865 Thy ways, Lord, with wise design. Hedge's col. . . 353 tt Till he come' 1 — oh, let the words. Social Hymns. 783 Times without number have I prayed. Coivper. ... 502 Tired with the burdens of the day. Waits 275 'Tis a glorious thing to be. C. A. Thomas . .1078 'Tis by the faith of joys to come. Watts 485 'Tis faith prepares our hearts to see. C. Berry.. . . . 529 'Tis finished! so the Savior cried.* Stennett 425 'Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow. Tappan 420 'Tis sweet indeed at break of day. B. H Smith. . .1073 To God the only wise. Watts 219 'To G-ocl your ev'ry want.* G. Wesley 156 To him that made the world.* W. W. Phelps 88 To him who children blest.* J . F. Clarke 821 To him who reigns on high. W. Clegg 48 To leave my dear friends and from. P. P. Pratt. ... 631 To praise the ever-bounteous Lord. Needham 338 To thee, my God, my days are known. Doddridge.. 361 To thee, O God in heaven. J. F. Clarke 820 To the gath'ring past our years. Joseph Smith 875 To thy temple we repair. Montgomery 87 To us a child of hope is born. Psalter 380 Triumphant Zion! lift thy head. Doddridge 965 Truth is mighty! who can stay it? M. II. Forscuii. . 130 Truth reflects upon our senses.* Old Ed 666 'Twas by an order from the Lord. Watts T38 'Twas on that dark, that solemn night. Watts 787 'Twas on that night when doomed to know. Old Ed. 791 'Twas the commission of our Lord.* Watts 549 'Twas the day when God's Anointed. Hedge's col. . . 423 'Twill bo a land of pure dolights. J. J. St ifford. . .1064 Type of eternal rest — fair bud of bliss.* Vaughan. . 295 Unconscious now in mother earth. J. J. Stafford. . 852 Under the canopy of heaven. JL H. Forscutt 7 7 5 783 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. Under the Savior's reign. M. H. Forscutt. < - .1033 Unmoved by fear, — my praise is dne. Jos. Smith. . 10 Unto our God, on Judalvs hills * Mill. Harp 949 Unto the high and mighty Lord. H L. Hastings. ... 252 Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb. Watts 859 Unworthy to be called thy son. Furness .' . . . 487 Upon the gospel's sacred page. Bowring 739 Upon the throne in majesty. M. H. Forscutt 1055 Upon this theme my mind would dwell. M.H.Forscutt. 466 Vital spark of heavenly flame.* Pope 888 "Waked from my bed of slumber sweet. P.P.Pratt. . 239 Wake, wake the world from sleeping.* W. W.Plielps. 954 Wake the song of Jubilee.* L. Bacon- 723 Watchman, tell me, does the morning. Mill. Harp. .933 Watchman! tell us of the night. Bowring 386 Watchman, who are these I see. Jossph Smith. ... 651 We are wand'ring he#e as strangers. T. W. Smith. 898 We as the living witnesses. D. II Smith 1071 We bid thee welcome in the name.* Montgomery. . 603 We bless thee for this sacred day. Mrs. Gilman. . . 298 We bless thee, Lard, that we have met. Adv. Harp. 232 We come, our hearts with gladness. Germ. tr. Cox . 343 We come with joy the truth to teach. D. H. Smith.1115 We dedicate to thee this house. M. H. Forscutt. ... 764 We have heard from the bright. W H Hyde 1057 We hear thy voice our Father. G. Berry: 615 •We know the time is near at hand. D. H. Smith. . 972 We lift our hearts to thee. Social Hymns 256 We meet with one accord. Montgomery 571 We shall greet them at home. Spiritual Mel 879 We shall in the Spirit wait. D. H Smith 889 We take these children in our arms. D. H. Smith. . 822 We thank thee, God of all the earth. C. Berry 287 We thank thee, O God, for a Prophet. F. Fowler. . 70 We thank the Lord for grace and gifts. W. W.Phelps. 236 Welcome, delightful morn.* Hay ward 286 Welcome, from beneath the wave.* HL. Hastings. . 553 Welcome, hour of solemn meeting.* Psalter Ill Well doth a summer leaf explain. C. Wesley 324 Well may thy servants mourn, my Lord. 31. J. Weeks. 753 What equal honors shall we bring. Walts 100 What glorious news is this I hear. Jos. Smith 432 784 INDEX OF FIRST LINES HYMN What grace, Lord, and beauty shone. Psalter. ... 401 What is the chaff, the word of man. Adv. Harp. . . . 740 What means that soft, enchanting strain.* J.X.Allen. 882 What shall I do to please my Lord. C. Berry 536 What shall we render bounteous Lord. Boclen 690 What various hindrances we meet.* Coivper 167 What was witnessed in the heavens. J. D 762 When a black overspreading cloud.* Adv. Harp. . . . 934 When adverse winds and waves. Mrs. Sigourney. . . 194 Whe Whe Whe; Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe: Whe Whe: Whe Whe Whe: a all thy mercies, 0! my God. Addison 56 angry nations rush to arms. Steele 1108 as returns this solemn day.* Barbauld 80 l bridegroom and bride. M H. Forscutt 765 a Christ declared, go preach. Joseph Smith.. . . 928 driven by oppression's rod.* W. P. Lunt. . . . 1100 a earth in bondage long had lain.* P. P. Pratt. 752 e'er I look into thy word. Mill. Harp 411 a e'er the angry passions rise. Steele 406 a first the glorious light of truth.* W. Clayton. 981 a gathering storms around I view.* Sir JR. Grant. 203 i grief the saints oppress. M. H Forscutt 187 a here our minds are truly turned. D. II. Smith. 86 I can trust my all with God. Condor 681 I my heart to grief gave way. Old Ed 77 I survey the wondrous cross.* Watts 426 Jesus dwelt in mortal clay. Gibbons 656 i Jordan hushed his waters still. Campbell.. . . 387 a Joseph his brethren beheld. W. W. Phelps.. 668 long the soul had slept in chains. E II. Chapin. 658 a man was sad and weary.* E. C Henck 916 a shall the voice of singing. Hedge's col 83 a shall we all meet again? P. P. Pratt 623 When sickness clouds the soul with grief. J. Lyon.. 831 When the bright sun of prosperity. M. If. Forscutt. 523 When the Great Teacher of mankind. M. II. Forscutt. 586 When the heart is sad and weary. J/. //. Forscutt. . 172 When the last trumpet's awful voice. Adv. Harp. . 10 1 4 When the spark of life is waning. Union Haiy 878 When through the torn sail the wild.* I Icier 1096 When verdure clothes the fertile vale. Steele 315 AVI ion we hear the music ringing.* MSS 895 Whence the dread spirit that o'er earth. DJI.Smith .1042 Wherefore should man. frail child of clay. Enfield. . . 684 Where is heaven? Who can toll it? T.J Dawson . . b\)S 785 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. • HYMN Where two or three, with sweet accord. Stennett. . 171 Where wilt thou put thy trust? Mrs. Sigourney 206 Wherewith, G-ocl, shall I draw near. G. Wesley. . 507 Which of the mortal kings of earth* C. Wesley 915 While afflicted, tossed, and driven. M. H Forscutt. 7G7 While affliction's surge is o'er you.* E. R. Snow. .. 868 While humble shepherds watched.* Tate & Brady. 385 While in this sacred rite of thine 557 While o'er our guilty land, Lord. Davies 1103 While thee I seek, Protecting Power. Williams.. . . -17 While verdant hill and blooming vale. Steele 310 While with ceaseless course the sun * Xewton 309 Who are these arrayed in white.* C. Wesley 179 Who can revoke the broken word. MSS. 663 Who is thy neighbor? He whom. W.B.O.Peabody. 677 Who labors for Christ must labor in fear. Jos. Smith. 619 Who will go, who will go. T. W. Smith 639 Why come not spirits from the realms. Hedge's col. 920 Why do we mourn for dying friends. Watts 862 Why thus impatient to be gone? Cruden 687 Will water cleanse me from all sin. C. Berry 530 With faith, in prayer, bow down. M. H. Forscutt. . . 825 With glory clad, with strength. Brady & Tate 105 With grateful hearts and tuneful lays.* EmmaHulmes 798 With joy we lift our eyes. Jercis 117 With my substance I will honor. Francis 709 With pity'ug eyes the Prince of grace.* Watts 463 With saints below and saints above. Old Ed 53 With songs and honors sounding loud. Watts 327 With tears of anguish I lament.* Stennett 503 Wit h thankful hearts we meet, O Lord. MIL Harp. 135 Worship, honor, glory, blessing. Psalter 373 Would you know the warning signs. D.H.Smith. ... 929 Ye children of our God. P. P. Pratt 193 Ye heralds sound the gospel trump. Old Ed 64-4 Ye humble souls that seek the Lord. Doddridge.: . . 430 Ye living saints, behold. D. II. Smith 995 Ye nations of the earth, attend. Old Ed 1009 Ye ransomed of our God. P. P. Pratt 961 Ye saints, your music bring.* Feed 459 Ye slumbering nations, who've slept. Old Ed 158 Ye virgin souls arise.* C. Wesley 991 Ye who are called to labor. Old Ed.,,, 635 786 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Ye, who in his courts are found. Old Ed . 4,4, Ye wond'ring nations, now give ear. European Ed. 142 Yes, my native land, I love thee. S. F. Smith 631 Yes! the Redeemer rose * Doddridge 431 Yes, we feel the clouds are breaking. T. W. Smith. 62 Yes, we hear the Lord is coming. T. W. Smith. . . .1010 Yes! we trust the day is breaking.* Old Ed 121 Yield to me now, for I am weak. C. Wesley - . 347 You may sing of the beauty of mountain 1083 Zioirs light again is dawning. M. H. Forscutt 96 Zion's noblest sons are weeping. E. R. Snow. . ... .1112 COMPLETE METRICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Praise. |8s&7s 111,13011s... 198,201,204 ! 137,110 j 211 7i* oo 'oi W'43 7s 114,122,126 S.M.. 199,200,206! li 4fi U V,' 4 128,129 6-8s 202,203 59 60 71 79' 81 ' ' sD ••■ lUjlOs&lls .205 106 ' 'r -88 127j8s&7s 207 C.M.D 17, 4T| Prayer. &&J sJ) ^09 L.M...2,7,10,U,15! 7sI) Ml! 031 210 21,38, 40,41,42 LM /; ^53^55 Closing Service. 167,169,170,171 CM.. 212,221,226 'L.M.D ,.. 152| 227,230,236 . CM.. 146,147,148 S.M... 213,218,219 224,235 s 214,217,220. 228 7sD 229 Morning. 49,53,69,74,7' 78,80,98,99,100 103,105 I,M.D....76,S6,95 150 ,1 57,158,160 S.M... 11,13,20,28 164174' 48,58,92,97,107 c M-D 151161 108 G-7s 149. „ > SM P 16 6s &4 s 15410s&lls 215 8s7s&4s 4,72 s: ,x 156 8s&7s 216,233 8s&7s5,9,36,73,93 S.M.D 166 8s&7sD .234 8s&7sD...19,62,85 4-Gs&2-Ss 159 L.M.. 222.232,238 2-M 8,25,37.61 8s&7s 162.173 8si:6sChorus 223 67,70,7o,89,104 s s &7sD .16s 8s,7s&4s... 225,231 10s&7s 22 7s &6sD 163| ^37 Us 26,29,66 6s&7sI) 165 6s&4s 27,31,84 8s& 4 s 172 6s&os 30 ii s&9s 175 L.M:. 239.240,242 2-Ss&6s...32.33.94_ ^ ,_ _ 247,248,249,250 0-Ss 35 51 Samts Warfare.] 252 6-73 ."V.V."."."."4*!90 8s,6s&2-8s 176!8,6~,S,S,6 241 2-6s&8s 50 S.AI 177.192 CM.. 243,245,246 7>A:6>D... 52.64.83 S.M.D 189| 251,258,259 8s&4s .57,96 7s 17s!p.M 244 4-6s&2-8s... 63,88!7sD 179 S.M. ..253,255,256: 7s...6n.68,S2,87,917s&6sD 180 7s 254 101,102 C.M 181,182 10s 257 n ■ ' c CO 1888s&7s 260 Opening Service^ i 83 ,iS6,187j Evenill , CM.. 109.116,118 195 veiling. 124.125,13U,142 l ^ &7s 1S4 L.M.. 261,265,268 C.M.D ^138g^&7si) 190 269,275,278 L.M.. 113.120,121 l m 185 19*l'l93 C.M.. 262,263,266 123,132,134,135 kl 8s " ' 194 1 270,276,277 136.141 |; :, S.M 264 S M... 112,115.117 Confidence m gs&7a 2 6T 133143 (j0cL 9s&7sD 271 S.M.D 1316S&48 19610s 272 8s,7s&4a 110 L.M 197, 208 P.M 273,274 s 270 The Sabbath. 4-7s&4s 280 5-8s 281,294 L.M.. 282,285,290 292,298 CM.. '283,287,288 289 C.M.D 296 6-7s 284 4-6s&2-8s 286,297 S.M 291 7s&6sD 293 10s 295 New Year. L.M.. 299.304,307 312 10s,4s&6s 300 301 lis 302 10s 303 4-6s&2-8s 305 CM.. 306.308.309 C.M.D 310 P.M 311 Spring. 6-8s 313 CM.. 314,315,316 Summer. C.M 317 S.M 318,319 7s 320 Autumn. C.M 321 8s&7s 322 L.M 323.3-4 lis 323 Winter. L.M 326,328 CM.--.. ...'.327 I Close ni Year. .CM.. 329,330,331 METRICAL INDEX. L.M. .33: .333 S.M.. Seed Time. 7s&6sD......»..334 L.M 335 lOsD 336 Harvest. lOsChoms 337 4-6s&2-Ss 339 CM 338,342 7sD 340 6s&4s 341 9s&8s 343 Being and Attri- butes of God. C.M.D 344 L.M.. 345,350,351 352,353,354,358 360,368,370,371 4-6s&2-8s 346 6-8s 347,349 7sD 348 lls&6s 355 CM.. 356,357,361 362,364,365,366 367,369,372 7s 359 S.M 363 3s&7s 373,376 6s 374 8s,6s&10s 375 Christ.— His Nativity. 12s 377 lls&lOs 378 4-6&2-8s 379 CM.. 380,382,385 388 H.M 381 7s 383,390 7sD 386 Ss&7s 384 L.M 38' 8s,7s&4s 389 P.M 391,392 9-8s 393 Anthem 394 His Life. CM.. 395,399,401 402,404,405 L.M. 396,397,400 406,407,408,409 410 G-Ss 398 ...403 ...411 His Sufferings and Death. L.M.. 412,414,420 421,422,425,426 8s,8s&6s.. 413,423 CM 415 ,..416 6-7s 417 llsD 418 7s&6sD 419 s,7s&4s 424 Resurrection and Ascension. 7s 427,435,438, 440 L.M.. 428,429,436 CM 430,433 H.M 431 .. 432 P.M 434 S.M 437 ...439 ...441 L.M... 474,479,480 484,485,491 6s&4s 475 3-8s&6s 481 C.P.M 482 8s,8s&6s 483 7s 492,494 6-8s 493 P.M 495 9s 496 8s&7s... 497 Repentance. 7s 498 6-7s 512 7sD 499,508 S.M.. 500,504,505 L.M.. 501,506,507' 509,511 CM 502,503 lOs&lls 510 Confessing the Lord. 8s&7sD.... 513,516 8s&7s 521 514 L.M 515,518 CM.. 517,520,522 7sD -519 lls&8s 523 Baptism. 6-Ss.. 524,529,530 536,546,547 4-6s&2-8s. .525,532 540 &7s 526,555 556,560,561 Ss&7sD 531 CM.. 527,533,541 542,543,545,554 557 5 528; 8s&6s 534 8s,8s&6s.. 535,538 L.M.. .537 ,544,549 L.M.D 539 1 8s,7s&4s.. 548,55] 7s&6sD ... 550,553 S.M 558,559 Holy Spirit. — I Invocation. CM 562,569 477,478,486,487|L.M..563,567,573 488,489,490 576,578 789 In Glory Ss,7s&4s 442 C.M.D 443 CM.. 444,448,449 452 7s 445 4-6s&2-Ss 446 P.M 447,450 L.M 451 Atonement of Christ. CM.. 453,457,461 463,466,470 P.M 454 L.M 455,456 4-6&2-8S.. 458,459 460 &7e 462,469 C.M.D 464 6-8s 465 S.M 467 468 Faith. S.M 471 CM. .472,473,476 6s&4s 564 4-6s&2-8s 565 S.M.. 566,571,574 6-7s 568 8s,6s&8s 570 P.M 572 6-8s 575 7s 577 Laying on of Hands, C.M.D 579 6-8s 580,582 CM.. 581,584,586 591 i,6s&8s 583 L.M 585,587 8s&lls 588 9s&8sD 589 8s&7s 590 Spiritual Gifts. CM 592 L.M.. 593,594,596 10s&8s ....595,599 L.M.D 597 598 8s&7sD 600 Ordination to Ministry. L.M.. 601,602,603 605 604 Ministerial Labors. 8Z**« 006,607 S.M 608,609 S.M.D 610,020 8s,7s&4s 611 L.M...612,617,618 7s&6sD ... 613,615 |l2s&llsD 614 2-Ss*3-7s 610 L0s&8s 619 Foreign Missions. lis 621,631 7s&6sD... 622,625 630,635 0-7s 623 C.M.D 624,644 P.M 626 8s,7sa4s.. 627,637 638 L.M.. 628,629,642 L.M.D 634 METRICAL INDEX. Ss&7sD 632 CM 725j Marriage. (L.M.D 871 633 ^HolyScriptui'es.8s&7s 795,805 p-M-D... 872,874 30 1 L.M...796,797,798 ! 8s,6s&,s. f32,734 800,804 10s&8s 641 Disembodied 7s&6sD.,.. a Anthem.. 882 886 S-8s 636 12s&lls. ..639,640.^-.. ; .. •••• Bis CM.. 731,/L_,. 1 735,740 6-8s 799 3M 733 ''CM 801 Future State of The Church— |t^... '.. V.'.' '.'.'..''.' 736 7s 8s&7s 646, 649 Book of Mormon 650,651 7s 647,618 Its Organization^.^.. 737,738,739 7s&6 s 803 Blessing of Children. s&4s 741 CM 742,745 L.M 743 lis 744 746 ,.748 fe2-8s 749 750 7sD 751 P.M.. Trials, Duties. and Graces. CM... 652,653,654 655,659,664,673 675.676,677,679 ' 685,687,688,689 ^ 690,697,669,707 710 L.M... 656,663, 670 672,680,684,692 7s&6sD 657 L.M.D 658 8s.6s&7s 660 S.M.. 661,662,683 4-6s&2-8s 665 Ss^-7*D... 666,667 693,703 8sD 603 8s&5sD 669 6s&5sD 671 6-7s 674,6^8 8s,6s&8s 681 6-Ss 682,636 7s,6s&8s 091 8s&7s 694,698,701 704,705,708,709 3-7s&5s 695 Ss&4s 696 P.M 700 C.M.D.. 8s&9s 702 7s 706 Unit}-, Progress. and Triumph. P.M...711,713,720 724 C.M.D 712 CM.. .806.812,813 8: 6-8s 4-6s&2-8s C.M.D, ...'.:::r.809|S.M...894,902,904 Restoration of the Gospel. L.M .752.761 8s&7sD... 753,762 7s&5sD 754 5s&Ss 755 S.M 756 3-8s&6s 757 lis 758 CM 759 P.M 760 fe7s 763 Dedication. P.M.. 764,765,766 8s&7sD 767 CM 768 L.M.. 769,770,771 773 7s 772,774 ...775 Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. CM.. 777,778,784 785 S.M 779,793 S.M...811,818,819 820,821 L.M...814,815,823 7s 816 P.M 817 Administering to the Sick. CM 824,828 Spirits. sD 889 8scV-7sD ...890,892 895 P.M... 891,896,909 910 7s&6sD ...893,900 Sin 911 L.M...897,899,905 8s&7s 898 10s&8s 901 7s,6s&4s 903 C.M.D 906 CM 907,908 Angelic Ministrations. P.M 912,926 £M 825,829 7s &6sD.:.'913,916 l ls ?l b :C.M 914,915 8s.. >27 lis.. ..918 spf/i 830,833 8s& v sD ;;; 917 CM.D 831 8s 919 °5?lls&10s 920 9s&7sD 921 6s 922 9s 923 7s 924 -;: