ji family Register Qass. Book. r\r\ m Voq? iqo^ COL. ISRAEL TISDALE GENEALOGY OF Col. Israel Tisdale AND HIS DESCENDANTS COMPILED IN PART AND ARRANGED BY EDITH FRANCENA TISDALE BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS 1909 ^■y M C M I X THE ^:-^^?^^PRESS B O S T O N A-b 'xvT ^^ •■^H, ^4 A \ TO AUNT HANNAH TISDALE WHOSK EARLIER ENDEAVORS IN THIS DIRECTION INSPIRED THE PRESENT EFFORT, THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS LOVINf.LY DEDICATED PREFACE Convinced that future generations will know little of an honorable ancestry unless some record is made of it, I have yielded to the solici- tations of those interested and, in the face of the knowledge that others now living are much better qualified to do the work, have undertaken the task of arranging such data as could be readily procured into a brief narrative. And having put together, though in a fragmentary and discon- nected way, the records, anecdotes and tributes that have come to hand from the several sources, I send the volume forth hoping its perusal will give the reader some measure of the enjoyment that its preparation has given me. But before beginning this family history, I would express my gratitude to Aunt Hannah Tisdale, who years ago laid the foundation and gathered much of the material used herein ; to Mr. H. W. Tisdale of Taunton, Mass., who permitted me to copy freely from the genealogical records in his possession; to Mr. D. C. Lillie of North Easton, and the numerous relatives and friends who have aided me in so many ways in the accom- plishment of this purpose. E. F. T. Boston, December, 1909. " The pride of family is as old as time and worth preserving. Any one familiar with the line from which he sprung, even though its men and women were only ordinary in ability and perhaps extraordinary in their endeavors to be upright, feels bound, if worthy the old stock, to at least keep honesty, thrift and such homely virtues very much in mind."' * * * * THE STORY IN BRIEF John Tisdale was settled in Duxbury about 1637. He married Sarah Walker, and had four sons and four daughters ; among them Joseph, who married Marv Leonard, and had two sons and five daughters ; among them Joseph, Jr., who married Ruth Reed, and had six sons and three daughters ; among them Ebenezer, who married Priscilla Drake, and had five sons and four daughters ; among them Edward, who married Ruth Harlow, and had two sons and one daughter ; the elder son being Israel, the central subject of this sketch. INTRODUCTORY In attempting to bring together in their proper relation and sequence the various items and data concerning this branch of the descendants of John Tisdale, statements which seemed to conflict, or whose authenticity could not be fully established, have been omitted, and in this way much that is pleasant reading has been lost to us. But we may take a just pride in the homely virtues that have characterized our ancestry. No prominent or distinguished characters mark the annals of the family, yet integrity they cultivated as a principle, considering its possession of more worth than the praise of their fellow men. Sin- cerity and conscientious faithfulness to convictions of right and duty have been dominant factors in their lives, and we do well to honor them. The following, taken from the genealogical records now in possession of Mr. Henry W. Tisdale of Taunton, Mass., seems to say all that can be truthfully asserted concerning public honors : Of respectable origin, entirely free from the thraldom of illustrious reputation, having few claims to distinc- tion from the possession of public or private honors, for upwards of two centuries members of the family have been residents upon the Pilgrim soil of New England. Industry, sobriety and just regard of character ap- pear to have been among their distinguishing traits. Rural life and the pursuit of agriculture early lent its quiet repose to most of the name. An occasional seat as Deputy to the old Plymouth government by one of the name, the fragile honors of a county' justice, and the more fragile honors of local office, a display of 1 13 1 sword and baldric at the ancient military gatherings so frequent and popular in the towns of the colony, a church wrangle, then as now the fruitfvil source of much acrimony, with some patriotic zeal during the Old War and the Revolution, constitute the limited honors to which their descendants can lay claim. L '4 ] No extended account of the Tisdales has ever been published. The family name is of ancient date. It was known in England early in the sixteenth century, and was rendered in various ways, but is now almost universally known as "Tisdale." Its origin has been ascribed to a connection with the River Tees, a stream of some magni- tude rising in the north of England. Along its border for many miles this river is beautifully skirted with what are called " dale lands," and hence, as tradition goes, the creation of the name, Teesdale. The English Tisdales have been represented as rigid Churchmen during the civil war in England, opposing the Protector and warmly devoted to the Crown. The origin of their arms beyond a doubt may be traced to the fact that King Charles II granted arms to many families who aided in the overthrow of Cromwell, or assisted in the Restoration. " The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales," by Sir Bernard Burke, published in 1878, thus describes the arms of the Tisdales as worn by those of the name in Great Britain : Tisdale or Tisdall. Ar. a fess between three pheons, az. Crest, a peacock's head couped ppr. Tisdall (Charlesfort, co. Meath, formerly of Dublin ; assigned by St. George, Ulster, 1679, to Michael Tis- dall, Esq., J. P., CO. Meath, and to his brothers, James, Thomas, John, Richard, and George Tisdall). Sa, a thistle, or, betw. 3 pheons, points downward, ar. [ 17 ] Crest, out of a ducal coronet, or, an armed ami erect, holding in the hand an arrow, all ppr. Motto — Tiita7ititr tela coronam. (Weapons guard a crown.) Note. — Lest others may have as Httle knowledge of heraldry as the compiler, the following definitions of abbreviations used in the foregoing descriptions are appended : Ar. Silver, or white. The fess is formed by two horizontal lines drawn across the field, comprising the central third part of the escutcheon, emblematic of a military girdle. Pheon. The head of dart or arrow. Az. Blue. Couped. Term used when the head or limb of an animal, or when any other charge, is cut off by an even line. Sa. Sable, black ; depicted by cross lines, horizontal or perpendicular. Or. Gold, or yellow. Ppr. Proper; applicable to every animal, tree, vegetable, etc., when borne of the natural color. [ i8 ] FIRST GENERATION Tradition has brought the first settler of the name in America from the town of Wales, in England, but no authentic record of the fact is known to exist. In 1854 an effort was made to ascertain the origin of the Tisdales in England, and for this purpose the aid of H. A. Som- erby, an American gentleman long resident in Great Britain and a thorough-going antiquarian, was invoked. He found in Ripon, Yorkshire, a record of the baptism of John, son of Thomas and Ruth Tisdale, Novembej^ 7, 1614, and this John is thought to be progenitor of tie American name. The precise date of John Tisdale's immigration to the Old Colony is not known, nor in what ship he arrived ; but it is supposed to have been in 1636 or 1637. He first settled in Duxbury, or Marshfield, where he had a grant of ten acres at Green Harbor path ; he also owned land at Hound's ditch and Namasakeeset, the sale of which to William Brett, in 1657, is duly noted in the colonial records. He was one of the twenty-six original purchasers of Freetown, and received the twenty-third lot, upon which a part of Assonet Village is located, and also pos- sessed considerable land in Taunton. In 1643 Plymouth, Duxbury and Marshfield combined in the organization of a military company, and John Tis- dale's name appears in a "list of those able to beer arms in New Plymouth," under " Duxborrow, 1643." In 1645 he was elected constable of Duxbury and held the office for several years. In Emery's " History of Taunton " we read that " the office of constable was one of great responsibility and honor in colonial times as [ 19 ] representing the civil government and being the chief exponent of law. The most respectable and trustworthy persons were chosen to fill this ofifice." About 1650 John Tisdale removed to Taunton. Here he held some public offices : May 1 1, 1656, he was one of a coroner's jury of twelve men on a case reported in the old colonial records; a selectman in 1650 ( J') and 1658; constable in 1655-1659; Representative to Plymouth General Court in 1674- 167 5 ; and seems to have been a person of no little importance in the community. His home in Taunton was on the east side of Great R.ver, some three and a half miles from "the Green," bordering upon what is now the northern boundary of the town of Berkeley, and overlooked Mount Hope, the home of King Philip. He incurred the displeasure of the Indians by his hearty espousal of every course of the English to keep them in subjection. As early as 1671, four years before the "Great War," his house was a ren- dezvous for the English troops and was thus in constant peril, and when the war came, in 1675, his property was destroyed and himself murdered. This is substantiated by the old colonial records : " John Tisdale was killed by Indians June 27, 1675." John Tisdale married Sarah Walker, who came from London in the barque Elizabeth. She was the daughter of '* Widow Walker," of Rehoboth. She was seventeen years of age when she reached America in 1635, ^^^ ^i^d in 1676. Children : John, b. about 1642. James, b. about 1644. Joshua, b. about 1646. [ 20 1 Elizabeth, date of birth unknown. Abigail, date of birth unknown. Sarah, date of birth unknown. Joseph, b. about 1656. Mary, b. about 1658. By John Tisdale's will the large real estate was given almost wholly to his sons, but a controversy arose between several of the sons-in-law with reference to the division of the property, which, " i November, 1676," resulted in decrees of administration being "granted joyntly unto John Tisdale's sons, John, James, Joshua, and Joseph, to administer the estate of John Tisdale, Sr." This was settled in 1677, the eldest son taking a double portion, and the residue being equally divided among the sons and daughters. WILL OF JOHN TISDALE, SR. TAUNTON (1675) I, John Tisdale, Sr., of Taunton, being sick and weak yet of perfect memory, doe dispose of my estate as followeth : — I give to my eldest son, John Tisdale, all my tract of land on the east side of Taunton River, bound on the south by Meadow Brook, on the north by Stone Bridge Brook, on the west by the Great River and highway and on the common on the east, with the housin that is on it to him and his heirs forever, being six score acres, more or less. Also to James Tisdale, land on which his house stands and about five acres east of Great River, and four lying by Stone Bridge, and also land called new lot west of Great River (six acres) only the mowing meadow that is in it his mother shall enjoy while she lives, and [ 21 ] also my lot at Swansey and my meadow at Sakegegun- sett [Segreganset ?], and my share in Iron Works after the death of his mother. Also I give to my son, Joshua Tisdale, my share of land at Assonett and the meadow that appertaineth to it and my two acres of meadow in Assonett lying near John Hathaways house. Also to my son, Joseph Tisdale, the house I now live in and the housin about it, and the lands and meadows adjoining to it, and the old orchard with the two acres of land that joynes it, and three acres of swamp lying by James Burte's land and my Apes meadows with two acres of land on the west side of it, to him and his heirs forever, but Joseph shall help Joshua to build for him as good a house as that I now live in. To my daughter Elizabeth 5 pounds. To my daughter Sarah, 5 pounds, of which she has received 300 of iron, for that there is but 5 shillings due. To my daughter, Mary, my share in North purchase and my lot at Rumford. To my daughter, Abigail, my land on north-west side of Three Mile River. To my grandchild, John Tisdale, 30 acres of land on southeast side of Apes Meadow, and the remainder of my estate wholly to my wife as my sole executor. APPRAISAL OF ESTATE OF JOHN TISDALE, Sr. ■' The inventor)' of the estate of John Tisdall, Sr., of Taunton, late deceased, exhibited to the Court of His Majesty hell'd at Plymouth the 2d of November, 1676, on the oaths of John Tisdall and Joshua Tisdall " : Item. 4 oxen Item. A cart and a paire of wheeles and three yoaks with the irons Item. 6 Swine and three Little piggs £ s. d. 17 00 4 00 4 6 00 [ 22 ] ton £ s. d. Item. 4 Calves and three yearlings 5 o oo Item. I Steer and 2 two-year-old heiffers 5 o 00 Item. 6 Kine 17 o 00 Item. Brass Kettle and a Brass skil- lett 1 feather bed and 2 paire of sheets, 3 blankets 2 bolsters, 2 feather pillows I Rugg and a towell Item. I Chamber pott and a platter and a porringer and two spoons o 6 00 Item. I Chamber pott more, an apple roaster and an Indian bagg o 2 06 Ite77i. I paire of loomes and what be- longs to them I o 00 Item. I tubb, i paile and other timber ware o 16 00 Item. 4 borers [supposed borers or augers] o 4 00 Item. 3 glass botdes and pound and a quarter of wool, i small bar iron Item. 2 Guns and his wearing apparil 4 16 00 Item. 8 Yards of Bedticking and table napkins and pillow beares 2 12 00 Item. 2 board clothes o 5 00 Item. 2 Beds, bolsters and ropes 3 17 00 Item. Wollen yarn and a paire of Stilliyards 2 i 00 Item. 3 Hoes 5 00 Item. 6 platters and other small pewter 259 Item. I Iron skillett, two brass pans 14 06 Item. I Brass Kettle, i Iron Pott and pott hooks I 4 00 Item. I Copper, i Iron Pott and a seive i 4 00 Item. 2 Barrell and a paile and butter tub 7 00 Item. An axe, one paire of andirons and a spitt i 5 00 [ 23 ] 13 oo 2 5 oo 3 lO oo I o oo 8 o oo lO oo 20 o oo I 6 oo I i6 oo 20 o oo £. s. d. Item. I frying pan, 2 plow chains and a log chain i 4 co Itetn. 2 shares and Coulters 10 00 Itevi. 3 paire of pitchforks and a warming pan 6 06 Item. 4 selves and troughs and pole rings Item. I Horse and saddle Item. 4 sheep and beif the country had for souldiers Item. 2 hydes Item, debts owing to him by others Item. 3 spinning wheels Item, his share in the Iron Works Item. I hyde and a bar Item, hinges for dores and half of a wheel plow and pot hangers Item. A barn and other small buildings October (76) George Macy William W^etherell Debts owing from the estate : £ s. d. Item, to rate for souldiers wages 9 o 00 Item. To things found out since the aforenamed particulars, as horse traces, a cross cut saw, and old harrow, and old cheese press, one-half an hundred of cedar boards, and a part of a chain. The lands of John Tisdall deceased : Item, meddow land, plowed land, pasture land where his house was, eighteen acres. Item. 20 more at the Three Mile River and 2 acres of meddow. Ite7n. his part in the North Purchase. [ 24 ] Item. His part of the late purchase down the Great river. Itetn, seaven more below his house lying upon the great river. Item, more meddow and upland, 6 acres. Item, his lands at assonett which is well known. Item, three acres of meddow that hee bought, being at the foot of it (three more neare unto that, his right in meadow). [Here the record is missing.] [ 25 ] SECOND GENERATION JOHN, Jr., eldest son of John and Sarah (Walker) Tisdale, was born in Duxbury about 1642, and died De- cember, 1677. Like his father, he was interested in town affairs, and probably held some minor offices. He mar- ried, November 23, 1664, Anna [or Hannah], daughter of John Rogers of Plymouth and Taunton, and granddaughter of Thomas Rogers of the Mayflower. The ancient record reads: "John Tisdell, Jr., m. Hana Roggers of Ducks- berry Nov. 23, 1664." Children : Abigail, b. July 15, 1667; m., December 2, 1685, William Makepeace. John, b. August 10, 1669; d. January 26, 1728; m., 1 700, Deborah, daughter of Thomas Dean. She was born about 1675 and died 1703 [or 4]. One child, /(?//;?, b. 1702. Anna, b. January 27, 1672 ; m., July 4, 1695, Hon. George Leonard, son of Thomas Leonard. Remember, b. July 8, 1675. JAMES, son of John and Sarah (Walker) Tisdale, was born in Duxbury, 1644, and died January 15, 1715- He married, November 5, 1666, Mary Avery, who died Sep- tember 9, 171 3, aged 66 years. Children : James, b. about 1670; d. May 3, 1727; m., 1700, Abi- gail Coleman ; moved to Lebanon, Conn., where she died November 18, 1726. His second wife was Mindwell •. Mary, b. 1672 ; m. Richard Hoskins of Taunton. Martha, b. 1674 ; m. John Hodges of Norton. 1 26 ] Margaret, b. 1675 ; m. Josiah Winslow of Taunton. Sarah, b. 1677 ; m. John Johnson of Connecticut. Ebenezer, b. 1682; d. November 11, 1705. JOSHUA, son of John and Sarah (Walker) Tisdale, was born in Duxbury in 1646, and died in Freetown in 1718. He married, July 5, 1688, Abigail, daughter of Henry Andrews. Children : Joshua, b. April i, 1689. Samuel, b. March 3, 1691 ; d. 1769; m., January 30, 1 724 [or 5], Mary Church of Little Compton,R.I. Children: Samuel, b. June 22, 1727. Mary, b. January 7, 1729. Deborah, b. February 16, 1730. Sarah, b. February 22, 1732. Abigail, b. December 19, 1738. Rebecca, b. November 24, 1742. Elizabeth, b. June 2, 1693 ; m. George Winslow, son of Job and Ruth Winslow. Hepzibah, b. March 19, 1695. Abigail, b. April 11, 1697. Henry, b. May 17, 1699; m., October 24, 1728, Eliza- beth Billings of Little Compton, R. I. Mary, b. 1701. Barnabas, b. 1703. Ephraim, b. 1707. ELIZABETH, daughter of John and Sarah (Walker) Tisdale, was born in Duxbury, date unknown ; married John Smith. [ 27 ] ABIGAIL, daughter of John and Sarah (Walker) Tis- dale, was born in Taunton, date unknown, and married, February i, 1683, Edward Bobit [or Babbitt]. Only two sons have been found, though there may be other children : Seth, date of birth unknown ; m. Sarah Cooper. Nathan, b. 1694 ; removed to Norton ; m. Mary Snell [or Snellum] ; d. February 25, 1759. Eight children. SARAH, daughter of John and Sarah (Walker) Tisdale, was born in Taunton, date unknown ; married James Dean. JOSEPH, fourth and youngest son of John and Sarah (Walker) Tisdale, and great-great-grandfather of Col. Israel Tisdale, was born in Taunton in 1656, and died in 1 72 1. He was apparently a favorite with his father, who bequeathed to him the homestead. He is said to have been a man of large possessions, and, in 1705, was Rep- resentative to the General Court in Boston. August 16, 168 1, he married Mary, daughter of Major Thomas Leon- ard of Taunton. Major Leonard was a distinguished man of his day, and in civil and religious matters exercised commanding influence in Taunton. After Joseph Tisdale's death his widow removed to Bridgewater, residing with her daughter Abigail until her death, in 1726. Children : Joseph, b. 1682. Elkanah, b. 1684 ; d. in middle life. Mary, b. 1686. Hannah, b. 1688. Sarah, b. 1690. [ 28 ] Abigail, b. 1692. Elizabeth, b. 1694. MARY, youngest daughter of John and Sarah (Walker) Tisdale, was born in Taunton, in 1658, and died May 18, 173 1. January 9, 1676 [or 7], she married Nathaniel French. A daughter, Sarah, was born October 4, 1680. [ 29] THIRD GENERATION Capt. JOSEPH, Jr., eldest son of Joseph and Mary (Leonard) Tisdale, and great-grandfather of Col. Israel Tisdale, was born in Taunton, in 1682. He married Ruth Reed, daughter of John Reed, of Taunton, March 13, 1706, and was prominent among men of his time, taking an active interest in church affairs. In Emery's *' History of Taunton " we find that Capt. Joseph Tisdale, with other Taunton men, petitioned the General Court of Massachusetts for the incorporation of a new town on the western bank of the Connecticut River, under the name of Township No. One, or New Taunton. This territory, now Westminster, Vt., was about six miles square, and situated a few miles south of the present town of Bellows Falls. On learning that the territory was not in Massachusetts, nearly all the incorporators sold their interests. Capt. Joseph Tisdale died August 8, 1739, and was buried in the family lot on "the Plain," Taunton. "His widow, with commendable spirit, imported a pair of grave- stones, which now shadow his remains." — 5. T. T., in Genealogical Records. She died August, 1748, aged 69 years. Children : Joseph, b. 1706. Loved, b. 1708. Seth, b. 1 7 16. Job, b. 17 19. Simeon, b. 1721. Ebenezer, b. 1723. Mary, date of birth unknown. [ 30 ] Bathsheba, date of birth unknown. Hannah, date of birth unknown. MARY, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Leonard) Tis- dale, was born in 1686, and died March 28, 17 19. Her marriage to Joseph Winslow of Swansea was published in Taunton February 11, 1707 [or 8]. HANNAH, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Leonard) Tisdale, was born in 1688, and died March 7, 171 5. She married, February 8, 1710 [or 11], William Hodges of Norton. SARAH, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Leonard) Tis- dale, was born in 1690, and married Thomas Reed of Dighton. ABIGAIL, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Leonard) Tisdale, was born in 1692 ; married, 1722, Ephraim Hay- ward of Bridgewater ; died in West Bridgewater, October 17, 1758. ELIZABETH, youngest daughter of Joseph and Mary (Leonard) Tisdale, was born in 1694, and married Elka- nah Leonard of Middleboro. [ 31 1 FOURTH GENERATION JOSEPH, eldest son of Capt. Joseph and Ruth (Reed) Tisdale, was born in 1706 ; married unknown, had a daughter, Bethiah, who married Elnathan Walker. LOVED, son of Capt. Joseph and Ruth (Reed) Tisdale, was born in 1708, and died May 19, 1755. He married, July 24, 1735, Abigail WilHs. Had son, Elkanah, born 1736. JOB, son of Capt. Joseph and Ruth (Reed) Tisdale, was born 17 19, and married Susanna Hall [or Hale] June 19, 1740. SIMEON, son of Capt. Joseph and Ruth (Reed) Tis- dale, was born in 1721, and died in 1778. He married unknown, had son, James, who married, had two sons, James, of Taunton, and Barney, of Elizabeth City, N. J. The former married unknown, had son, Samuel Trescott Tisdale, who compiled a very complete [to 1850] genealogy of the American Tisdales, which is in possession of his nephew, Mr. Henry W. Tisdale of Taunton. Capt. EBENEZER, fifth and youngest son of Capt. Joseph and Ruth (Reed) Tisdale, and great-grandson of John Tisdale, was born in Taunton, in 1723, and died in Easton, January 24, 1791. He received from his father a portion of the estate [about fifty acres] " that lay on Taunton Great River, near Blake's Landing, one-half of the Great Cedar Swamp, and two rights in the new town- ship on the west side of the Connecticut River." From [ 32 1 his mother* he received, after her death, some pounds of " old tenor [colonial currency], a pair of Hand Irons, Brass Kettle and a trammel." From Taunton Captain Tisdale removed to Stoughton- ham [name changed to Sharon in 1783], a distance of thirteen miles, and called it "going into the country." Here he made a purchase of seven hundred acres, having sold his portion of the patrimonial estate in Taunton. He was a good citizen, distinguished for great energy of char- acter, and possessing a genial and benevolent disposition. His home in Sharon was on the site afterwards occupied by that of his grandson, Col. Israel Tisdale. The name of Ebenezer Tisdale appears, with rank of captain, on Lexington Alarm Roll of said Captain Tisdale's (Stoughtonham) company, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Stoughtonham. Length of service, twenty-two days. He is said also to have acted as committee of inspection of correspondence during the Revolution, to the terror of all the Tories in the neighborhood. About 1778 Captain Tisdale removed to the Bay Road, Easton, in which town he filled various important offices. He represented the town in the Massachusetts State Con- vention for the ratification of the Federal Constitution, January 9, 1788, and in 1789 was a member of the State Senate. Capt. Ebenezer Tisdale married Priscilla Drake, a woman of remarkable strength, who weighed three hun- dred and sixty pounds, and is said to have been able to lift a barrel and drink from the bunghole. She died No- vember 3, 1794, and was buried beside her husband in the [ 33 ] little family burying ground on Mountain Street, Sharon. Children : Ebenezer, Jr., b. 1748. Edward, b. February 13, 1755. Hannah, b. June 22, 1756. Abijah, b. February 14, 1758. Ruth, date of birth uncertain. Priscilla, date of birth unknown. Asa, ) ^ . , ^ ,, } twins, b. 1762. Mace, \ ' ' Anna, b. about 1781. [ 34 ] FIFTH GENERATION EBENEZER, Jr., son of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, was born in 1748. In 1774 he married Johanna, daughter of John and Mary (Cole) Drake. He held the commission of lieutenant and served in the Revolution, marching from Stoughtonham to Dorchester March 4, 1776. He was in Capt. Edward Savill's com- pany under Colonel Gill. He died May 28, 1785, and was buried in the family ground in Sharon, where his widow and two daughters, Ann and Zilpha, were also laid. EDWARD, son of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, known as " Capt." Edward Tisdale, was born February 13, 1755, and died November 13, 1826. It is recorded [Lexington Alarm Roll, Vol. XIII, p. 82] that he was a private in Capt. Edward Bridge Savill's com- pany. Colonel Robinson's regiment, town of Stoughton- ham ; length of service, seven days. Returned home, and later served in Colonel Gill's regiment at Dorchester Hills, March 4, 1776, to March 9, 1776. He was married to Ruth Harlow April 6, 1775, by Rev. Philip Curtis of Stoughton. Children : Betsey, b. August 13, 1775. Israel, b. February 24, 1780. Edward, b. October 21, 1784. HANNAH, daughter of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, was born June 22, 1756 ; married, Decem- ber 9, 1773, John Drake of Sharon. [ 35 ] ABIJAH, son of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, was born February 14, 1758, married Miriam, daughter of Seth and Patience (Tolman) Puffer. He was surveyor and tithing man in Easton in 1780, 1787, and 1790. His name is given in Lexington Alarm Roll, Colonel Robinson's regiment, and later in Colonel Gill's regiment. He removed to Pompey, N. Y., where he died, leaving a v/idow and a number of children. RUTH, daughter of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, date of birth unknown, married Lemuel Fuller of Sharon. PRISCILLA, daughter of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, date of birth unknown, married. May 25, 1775, Elijah Capen of Sharon. Her second husband was Joshua Howard of Bridgewater. ASA, son of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, was born in 1762; died in 1785, leaving a son Asa. MACE, son of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, was born in 1762 ; married Eunice Puffer, daughter of Seth and Patience (Tolman) Puffer, who died in 1790. He then married Alice Street, an English lady. He inherited the homestead of his father on the Bay Road, Easton, and resided there until his death, February 5, 1796. His widow married Capt. Daniel Briggs of [ 36 1 Milton November 19, 1797, and died June 5, 1806. Two children : Ebenezer. b. 1784. Mace, b. 1788. ANNA, daughter of Capt. Ebenezer and Priscilla (Drake) Tisdale, was born about 1781 and died February, 1794- [ 37 ] SIXTH GENERATION EBENEZER, son of Mace and Eunice (Puffer) Tisdale, was born in 1784; married, May 9, 1809, Elizabeth, daughter of Deacon Oliver Everett of Sharon, and died August 31, 181 1. His widow became the wife of Samuel Tolman of Stoughton. MACE, son of Mace and Eunice (Puffer) Tisdale, was born in 1788; married Frances, daughter of Joseph Hewins of Sharon, and resided in Boston. Children : Mace, died in early life. Frances, married John Rice Bradlee, and had one son, JoJin Tisdale Bradlee, born in Boston in 1837, and died May 14, 1908, leaving a widow and several sons and daughters. BETSEY, daughter of Capt. Edward and Ruth (Har- low) Tisdale, was born in Sharon August 13, 1775 ; died November 19, 1857. In 1792 she married Barzillai Fuller, third son of Lieut. Isaac and Mary (Alden) Fuller of Easton. The following story regarding her has been handed down from generation to generation : The young man, Barzillai Fuller, who was helping Capt. Edward Tisdale with his haying, fell asleep under an apple tree one hot day after eating dinner. Miss Betsey discovered him and thought it a good joke to throw a pail of cold water on him. The drenching nearly cost him his life, [ 38 ] but after his recovery he married the only daughter of the family. Children : Barzillai, b. March 15, 1793; m. Patience Beals ; settled in]Hanson. Two children, Nancy and Lucius. Jarvis, b. May 21, 1795; d. November, 1795, aged six months. TiSDALE, b. June 29, 1796; d. June 20, 1874; m., April 23, 1822, Harriet, daughter of Israel and Patty (Williams) Goward ; m., March 28, 1837, Betsey (Bates), widow of Asahel Snow. Children by first marriage : Harriet Goward, b. November 26, 1823 ; m. Alexan- der A. Boyden of Easton ; d. January, 1907. Tisdale Williams, b. 1824; d. August 19, 1826. Caroline Tisdale, b. October 12, 1828; m. Nelson Drake of Sharon ; d. March 7, 1901. Martha Williams, b. March 30, 1830; m. Charles D. Wilcox. Tisdale Harlow, b. August 2, 1832 ; m. Ann Elizabeth Drake of Easton; d. August 12, 1900. Elisabeth Hudson, b, April 19, 1835 ; m. Lemuel K. Wilbur of Norton; d. September 29, 1901. Betsey, b. May 11, 1798; m. (i) Lothrop ; one son, Francis ; (2) Capt. John Presby of Taunton. Ruth, b. March 20, 1800; d. March 26, 1826. Eunice, b. February 27, 1802 ; d. September 14, 1808. Nancy D., b. December 7, 1804; d. December 5, 1838. EDWARD, son of Capt. Edward and Ruth (Harlow) Tisdale, was born October 21, 1784 ; died March 2, 1867. [ 39 1 Never marrried. Following is the inscription on his gravestone : EDWARD TISDALE d. March 2. 1867 aged 82 yrs. 4 months In youth his heart received a stroke ; Too strong to bend ; alas ! it broke, Shrouding his mortal life in gloom ; Happy he lives beyond the tomb. [ 40 ] Col. Israel Tisdale AND HIS DESCENDANTS I-) < Q < CO > .J I— < D pq Q •< CO U o Q •-; O w ISRAEL, son of Capt. Edward and Ruth (Harlow) Tisdale, was born February 24, 1780, the year of the "Dark Day," which occurred May 19, and was "so called on account of a remarkable darkness on that day extending over all New England. In some places persons could not see to read common print in the open air for several hours together. Birds sang their evening songs, disappeared and became silent ; fowls went to roost ; cattle sought the barnyard, and candles were lighted in the houses." Captain Edward, participating in the general alarm, and, in common with his neighbors, thinking the dreadful darkness portended the Day of Judgment, took his wife and family and hastened to his father's home, the "Tis- dale Tavern," about a mile and a half away. The obscu- ration lasted the rest of the day, but with the rising of the sun the next morning the darkness had vanished, confidence was again restored, and the people resumed their customary occupations. Israel Tisdale was industrious and ambitious even as a lad, and his father, who was kind, genial, and easy-going, depended largely upon him. It is told that when Israel was only thirteen years of age, his father informed him one day that they were out of provision and that he must attend to getting some. The boy immediately started for Ziba [or John] Drake's to get a bag of meal. In reply to his request Mr. Drake said, " I will trust you, but not your father," and took the lad's note in payment for the grain. After this they had dealings and settlements many times, but the note was overlooked for several years, when Mr. Drake accidentally found it one day, and on playfully [ 43 1 mentioning the fact to Israel while the latter was returning from Boston, the money was paid over. Another story indicative of the esteem in which Israel was held by the business men of neighboring towns is as follows : When he was nineteen years old his father bought what was called the " Widow Mace Williams place," afterwards known as the " Ped Pierce place," in Easton, for two thousand dollars. He paid one thousand at the time of purchase, promising the remainder by the first of April, and in case of non-payment was to forfeit the whole. This fact became known to Israel only when the note was due, but he forthwith went to Capt. Adam Kinsley of Canton and asked a loan. Mr. Kinsley took four thousand dollars from his pocket and said, '* Take as much as you like ; I am not afraid to trust you for any amount." Israel took one thousand dollars and went directly to Hingham, where he settled with Barnaby Lothrop for the farm. In the fall after the coaling season was over he had earned enough to cancel the debt, and after paying all expenses had four hundred dollars left. He was a number of years collecting lumber and material to construct a house on the site of Capt. Ebenezer Tisdale's first dwelling, as that was fast going to decay. He commenced the structure in 1811, and so nearly completed the task that all the lumber necessary to finish it was in the building, and seven beds had been carried in ready for use. While at breakfast on the morning of August 1 3 a small fire was noticed in the north room. Upon seeing this Israel caught an armful of green shavings and threw on to smother the flames, [ 44 1 when one of the workmen seized a rake and spread the shavings around the room, causing the fire to extend upstairs, and in an hour and a quarter the house was destroyed. An old chair and a few things of Httle value were all that remained. The carpenters lost all their tools, and seven out of nine went home bareheaded. Israel managed to save his private papers, but his whiskers were singed in the attempt. Relatives and friends in- terested themselves and advised him to rebuild. Gen. Shepard Leach, who was framing a house for himself of the same dimensions, kindly gave him the frame, and in six weeks the new house was completed. It remained in possession of the family until 1906, when it was purchased by Oakes Ames, son of ex-Gov. Oliver Ames, who, after remodeling, now occupies it. About a mile to the west of Colonel Tisdale's home lived an aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. Zebulon Holmes. Upon the death of her husband, Mrs. Holmes was left in poverty ; but that she might be spared the shame of the poorhouse, — that terrible disgrace in the eyes of the New Englander, — Colonel Tisdale took her into his family, and "Grandma Holmes," as she was called, al- though not of kin, was made comfortable and treated with respect as long as she lived. In these later days it seems rather singular to read that Colonel Tisdale could not tell exactly how much land he owned, stating the amount at random, and after a few years learning that he was paying taxes on about a hun- dred acres more than he possessed. The narrator does not inform us how the matter was settled, but as the property was then valued at probably not more than [ 45 1 one or two dollars per acre, his tax on it was not very great. Like his antecedents, Colonel Tisdale was interested in electing the best men to public office. At one time a road surveyor was to be chosen in his district. A ticket or ballot was given him by Mr. Friend Drake, his next neighbor on the north, a man in whom the Colonel had great confidence. Without looking at it Colonel Tisdale cast the ballot, which was a vote for himself. He would not have cast it had he known it bore his own name, and was deeply chagrined. But he was the man for the place, and Mr. Drake knew it. Early in life Israel Tisdale became interested in the military affairs of the country and was commissioned Ensign in Second Regiment, Second Brigade, First Division, September 4, 1805; promoted Lieutenant May 21, 1807; promoted Captain May 3, 1808; promoted Major June 20, 18 10; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Com- mandant June 14, 181 1 ; discharged as Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, Second Regiment, Second Brigade, First Division, February 20, 181 3. To quote from a newspaper clipping that is now yellow with age : Col. Israel Tisdale was one of the best types of our large-hearted, thrifty New England fanners. His square, two-story famihouse, with ample barns and sheds to house his stock and farming implements, indicated care and thrift. His home was a pleasant place to visit, where eveiy one was sure to receive from him an old-fashioned hearty welcome. He was a man of portly presence, with a good-natured, jolly [ 46 ] countenance that indicated a good liver and content- ment with his portion. He was noted far and near for the beauty of his team, the care of his stock, and the pride he took in having a good horse. It was worth a day's journey to see him on the road beside liis team, dressed in his long homespun frock and broad-rimmed hat, as erect as a grenadier, and with long, polished whip stock which he carried in militaiy fashion but seldom used, as his voice commanded his team. His huge oxen on the pole wore broad leather harnesses to keep the yoke from striking their horns in descending the hills, and these were kept as bright and clean as a coach harness. His horse on the lead was a white one, large and powerful, which seemed to realize the pride of his master in him, and carried his head a little to the left of his arched neck, as though he wished not to lose sight of his master's motions. The following paragraphs, taken from letters written for publication in local journals, are here inserted by per- mission of the author, Mr. Daniel C. Lillie of North Easton, Mass., who for several years lived with Col. Jesse Pierce, and was thereby a neighbor of Col. Israel Tisdale, and consequently knows whereof he speaks. Years ago Col. Israel Tisdale was a prominent and influential man in that neighborhood [the Ba}' Road, Easton]. He did not reside on the Bay Road exactly, but half a mile to the west. He was a fine man, of sterling sense, a good provider, a hard worker, a typical New England farmer, a thrifty and whole-souled man. He took great pride in his horses and cattle, in his [ 47 ] rich and extensive meadows, his substantial walls, com- fortable buildings and beautiful crops. His farm was a model of its kind ; his commodious buildings were neat and kept in the primmest order ; his cattle were sleek and fat, and of the choicest breeds ; his horses and oxen were well trained and attracted attention whenever they appeared in public places. The stone walls that lined the highway and enclosed his fields were no tumble-down affairs, but built strongly and substantially and will defy the ravages of time for years to come. Colonel Tisdale was a splendid man. He was stout, broad-shouldered and corpulent ; was popular with all who knew him ; good-natured, jovial, fond of a joke, and I have often seen his sides shake with laughter. In his younger days he was a colonel of militia, and I can imagine what a dignified and portly appear- ance he made dashing up and down the lines of his regiment, well mounted on a high-spirited and noble animal. He is said to have been a splendid rider. The men under his command were almost entirely farmers. At one time, it is said, his regiment was mustered in Sharon, and while manoeuvring in the field he gave an order to one of the companies to "oblique to the right." The captain was either con- fused or misunderstood the order. The colonel, notic- ing it, rose in his stirrups and putting his spurs to his horse dashed up to the commander, shouting, " Gee off ! Gee off there, I say ! " Being fanners, they at once comprehended the order and moved off in the right direction. Whatever Colonel Tisdale undertook to do, he did well. I cherish his memory and that of his faithful and devoted wife with profound respect. Standing by [ 48 ] their graves the other day in the Uttle rural, well-cared- for and substantially enclosed family cemetery on the borders of their farm and in sight of the house where they had reared their children and had passed so many happy hours, I thought what noble lives they had led, what good examples they had set, how kind and tnie and generous they had been ; and their children and their children's children may well rise up and call them blessed. Shortly after the publication of the foregoing, the fol- lowing, written by a granddaughter of Colonel Tisdale, appeared in the Brockton (Mass.) Times : To Mr. D. C. Lillie: A few weeks ago I received a copy of the Brockton Times containing an article in regard to the Colonel Tisdale farm in Sharon. Since reading the paper, I have been trying to find out who wrote that article, which was so truthfully told and so very kindly ex- pressed, and now that I have learned I feel I want to thank you most heartily for the pleasure it has given me. You may well believe me when I tell you that it takes me back many years in my life again. I can see how inviting the big yellow house, surrounded by the well-kept buildings, looked to my eyes when I was about to make one of my long visits to Grandpa and Grandma Tisdale. How warmly I was welcomed ! How happy I was watching the many kinds of work done in those busy, busy days ! The butter and cheese making ; the " good things " that were stirred and mixed and baked and came out so tempting looking from the big brick oven ! The joy it gave me to be asked to put the bright, clean milk pans in a long row " to sun " [ 49 ] upon the bench in the back yard. I can recall so clearly the peace of those summer mornings, the sweet odor of the apple blossoms and glad song of wild birds in the orchard. Never has any meadow looked quite so beautiful as did that one stretching away in plain sight from the side door. How evenly the wood was packed in the ample woodshed just across the carriage drive ! How the yellow com would show through the cracks in the well-filled corn bam in the autumn ! How good the warm milk tasted from my little mug, which was always on hand to be filled when the milk was being strained into the pans at night ! No fires have ever been quite so bright and glorious as those in the big fireplace that blazed and roared up the chimney and cast dancing shadows upon the walls of that big kitchen. Peace and plenty ! I recall no other feelings but peace and happiness in that good, well-ordered home. I am so glad I have had these beautiful pictures in the " halls of memory " to enjoy all my life long. I feel so sorry for the man or woman who has never had the glad remembrance of happy visits to kind, good grandparents. And now, Mr. Lillie, although I have no personal acquaintance with you, I cannot feel that you are quite a stranger to me, because you have seen and known of that old home, else you could not have written about it as you have, and it has done my soul good. How tnie it is that " we are sometimes gladdened by a fresh touch upon the strings of the harp of life. The sound- ing of a few old chords may soothe and comfort us. like the cradle songs of infancy." And so again I thank you for the sweet pleasure you have given me of again seeing through your mental vision, as well as my own, these well remembered, precious pictures of [ 50 ] sixty years ago. Grandpa and Grandma Tisdale, a kind, honest man, and a sweet, saintly woman ! Most gratefully and sincerely, Mrs. Louise (Marshall) Healey. These letters prompted the following, which was kindly loaned for publication : Indianapolis, Ind., March 5, 1909. To Mr. D. C. Lillie: * * * In reading your letter in regard to the Tisdale fami, published in the Brockton Times, I was deeply interested in all you had to offer about it. I will inform you why. Sixty years or more ago it was my privilege to visit that farm for a day. I was ten or eleven years of age. It was my first visit on a farm. How well I remember it ! I thought it the most beautiful place I ever saw, and it surely was. I remember the house and surrounding buildings, all nicely painted, and fine trees that gave shade from the sun's rays and made it nice and cool. And the green meadows in the distance containing many fine cattle and, as you well know, the finest horses in town or city. This view I well remember and it will always be a picture to my mind. I shall never forget it. Colonel Tisdale's teams were the finest that went over the highway from Taunton to Boston. I 've no doubt you will remember that most every Sabbath Mr. Tisdale and some of his family went to the old church [" old Squaretop "] for Sunday service, and his horse always attracted a great deal of admiration. * * * * i am glad to revive such pleasant memories. Henry P. Waite. [ 51 ] One of the few grandsons who personally knew Colonel Tisdale sends by request the following reminiscences : My recollections of my grandfather, Col. Israel Tisdale, are the impressions received as a boy of five or six years while making long visits in his home, and may be of no value except to show his regard for a grandson. As I remember him, he was a little above medium height, rather dignified in his manners, a stout and vigorous old gentleman, with dark eyes, heavy eye- brows, fair or sandy complexion, gray hair, closely trimmed side whiskers 'and a voice which seemed to me very powerful. Although having a colonel for a grandfather and a captain for a father, I suppose that, being a rather small and frail specimen of hu- manity, I did not do justice to my ancestr}^ ; and, as we stood on the old granite hearthstone before the big fireplace, Grandfather gave me lessons in the manual of anus and also in cultivating my voice, to develop which I was told to repeat these words after him : " The lion roars ! the woods resound ! The raging bull tears up the ground ! " I was instructed to " holler it just as loud as you can," until Grandma would mildly try to shut off the noise after it had become too distressing and tiresome to her, — and she may have had in mind the pupil also. When he would hold me on his lap I would tell him how much I loved my " old granther," and by bushels and dollars only could be expressed an amount which would satisfy us both. Because of the great love I had for him I adopted his politics, and was a good Democrat when visiting him, although a Whig when at home. [ 52 ] One story I remember that has often been told of his dealing with a man who worked for him and who would occasionally get on a drunken spree. On one such occasion he told Grandfather that he wished he was dead, and asked if he [Colonel Tisdale] would chop his head off. The colonel told him to put his neck across a chopping block, which was done, and Grandpa rubbed the back of a coal rake across his neck a few times with the result of a speedy repent- ance and a promise to reform. I have heard of Grandfather's athletic ability, and that it was a question once settled between himself and Oliver Ames which was the better wrestler, but according to an agreement between them the result was not made public. But he was a sturdy old gentle- man who took pride in his good husbandly, and was in every way worthy of our affection. Howard Tisdale Marshall. A correspondent sends the following, told by one of Colonel Tisdale's sons : When my father's gray horse, on which he always rode at a muster, was out in the lot with grass up to his eyes, father always gave him his regular feed of corn, or called on us boys to do it. He would often say in the summer : " Here, boys, have you given the gray horse his corn ? " We boys thought sometimes that he didn't need it, but if we said anything like that to father, the answer would be : " Boys, give that horse his grain. If I want to gallop down to Stimpson Williams's, I want the horse able to do it." The correspondent adds : As far as I can learn he never drove either horse or oxen fast, but always had them well fed. [ 53 ] Col. Israel Tisdale was twice married. December i, 1 80 1, he was united to Susannah, eldest daughter of Deacon Josiah and Susannah (Morse) Talbot, a most worthy woman, who well filled her position of wife and mother. She was born December 11, 1782, and died October 15, 181 3. On December i, 18 14, Colonel Tis- dale married her younger sister, Betsey, who was born June 14, 1790, and died September 13, i860. A sweet and lovely woman, she exemplified those noble and en- dearing virtues which made her a loving com.panion and a most tenderly loved and respected mother. Colonel Tisdale died March 24, 1852, and with his two wives is buried in the old family cemetery in Sharon. After her husband's death, his widow, with her daughter Hannah, removed to Cochesett, West Bridgewater, and there spent the remainder of her days. The following was published in a local newspaper at the time of her death : Died, in West Bridgewater, September 13, i860, Mrs. Betsey, widow of the late Col. Israel Tisdale, aged 70 years. When the good pass away it is well for the living not only to note the event, but to enshrine the memory of their virtues in the heart. This truly Christian woman, by a cheerful serenity which ever beamed in her countenance, gave sweetness to her voice and manifested itself in all her acts during a long and useful life, has truly endeared herself to all who knew her. As a wife, mother, sister and friend, she had few superiors. In view of her influence in the home circle, her husband might well be excused for saying that he expected no happier home in heaven. She leaves a large family and circle of friends to cherish her memory and look forward to the heavenly reunion. [ 54 1 Children of Israel and Susannah (Talbot) Tisdale : Israel, Jr., b. July 4, 1802; d. January 29, 1849. Susannah, b. March 20, 1806 ; d. October 5, 18 17. Abijah, b. August 14, 1809; d. March 11, 1898. Ebenezer, b. August 14, 181 1 ; d. June 6, 1887. Ann, b. March 27, 181 3 ; d. May 22, 1890. Children of Col. Israel and Betsey (Talbot) Tisdale : Elizabeth, b. September 12, 181 5 ; d. March 27, 1858. JosiAH, b. October 18, 1817; d. November 11, 1893. Susan, b. October i, 18 19; d. November 13, 1903. Edward, ) b. January 20, 1822 ; d. December 6, 1896. Infant, ( b. January 20, 1822; d. January 20, 1822. Mace, b. June 21, 1824; d. December 20, 1901. Hannah, b. February 18, 1828. Ruth, b. August 14, 1831 ; d. July 27, 1S93. [ 55 ] SEVENTH GENERATION ISRAEL, Jr., eldest son of Israel and Susannah (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., July 4, 1802, and died January 29, 1849. He became one of Stoughton's most prominent citizens, and interested himself greatly in public affairs, particularly in the cause of temperance. He op- erated the stage line from Taunton to Boston until the Stoughton Branch Railroad, in which he was actively interested, was built. He was superintendent of this Branch Railroad at the time of his death. June 10, 1833, he married Elvira Ann Cutting of Attleboro, who died December 18, 1838. June 10, 1839, he married Rosilla Caswell of Maine, who died May 9, 1895. Children of Israel, Jr., and Elvira (Cutting) Tisdale : Lucy, b. September 16, 1836 ; d. March 25, 1908. Israel, 3d, b. August 10, 1838 ; d. March 22, 1907. Children of Israel, Jr., and Rosilla (Caswell) Tisdale : Charles, b. December 14, 1841; d. December 21, 1842. Mary, b. June 15, 1843 ; d. November 9, 1843. Wilson, b. August 26, 1844 ; d. December 18, 1902. EIGHTH GENERATION LUCY, only daughter of Israel, Jr., and Elvira (Cutting) Tisdale, was born September 16, 1836, and died March 25, 1908. January 21, 1861, she married Charles H. Crumett, who died November 25, 1906. Children : Norman Rodri, b. December 21, 1861 ; d. August 3, 1862. Lucie Helena, b. January 7, 1867. Charles Henry, b. July 14, 1868; d. March 16, 1885. [ 57 1 ISRAEL, 3D, son of Israel, Jr., and Elvira (Cutting) Tisdale, was born August lo, 1838, and died March 22, 1907. November 21, i860, he married Nancy Lorraine Capen of Sharon, who died February 3, 1904. No children. WILSON, son of Israel, Jr., and Rosilla (Caswell) Tis- dale, was born August 26, 1844, and died December 18, 1902. March 13, 1882, he married Mary, daughter of Atkinson and Mary (Kelsey) Hobart. No children. NINTH GENERATION. LUCIE HELENA, only daughter of Charles H. and Lucy (Tisdale) Crumett, was born January 7, 1867. No- vember 25, 1889, she married Rev. John Clarence Lee, son of Rev. Dr. John Stebbins and Elmina (Bennett) Lee. Children : CuTHBERT Crumett, b. June 26, 1891. Dorothy Crumett, b. January 27, 1896. Constance Crumett, b. August 25, 1900. Janet, b. October 16, 1902. Roland Stebbins, b. February 15, 1904. [ 58 ] BIRTHS MARRIAGES MARRIAGES DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION ABIJAH, son of Israel and Susannah (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., August 14, 1809, and died March 11, 1898. August 13, 1848, he married Harriet Greenleaf Williamson of Canton, who died August 1 5 , 1886. Children: Flora Eulalia, b. September 11, 1849; ^^- March 24, 1851. Abijah Weston, b. December 23, 1850 ; d. October 22, 1890. Harriet Amelia, b. January 14, 1853. Susanna, b. November 22, 1855. Margaret E., b. March 14, 1858. Nancy, b. June 4, 1863. Warren Irving, b. November 2, 1861 ; d. August 10, 1863. Gershom E., b. December 7, 1866 ; d. March 24, 1869. EIGHTH GENERATION ABIJAH WESTON, eldest son of Abijah and Harriet (Williamson) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., Decem- ber 23, 1850, and drowned at Marshfield October 22, 1890. December 23, 1873, he married Ellen Adelia, daughter of Josiah Gay of Stoughton, who died April 5, 1898. Children : Eldon Abijah, b. December 4, 1875 ; drowned October 22, 1890. Clara Elsie, b. June 28, 1878. Percy Eben, b. November 20, 1883. Martha Louise, b. September i, 1888. [ 59 ] HARRIET AMELIA, daughter of Abijah and Harriet (Williamson) Tisdale, was born January 14, 1853. August 14, 1874, she married Deroyce Myron, son of Capt. Asahel and Almira (Gilbert) Smith. Children : Gertrude Amelia, b. June 14, 1877. Lorenzo Deroyce, b. January 31, 1879. Deroyce M. Smith died May 30, 1882, and his widow married Herbert F. French April 26, 1886. SUSANNA, daughter of Abijah and Harriet (William- son) Tisdale, was born November 22, 1855. April 19, 1879, she married James B., son of Capt. Asahel and Almira (Gilbert) Smith, One child : Kenneth Bertram, b. October 8, 1882; d. May 23, 1885. MARGARET, daughter of Abijah and Harriet (William- son) Tisdale, was born March 14, 1858. March 19, 1879, she married Orville R. Randall. Children : Marion Isabel, b. November i, 1880. Lauriel Evelyn, b. May 30, 1883. NINTH GENERATION CLARA ELSIE, daughter of Abijah W. and Adelia (Gay) Tisdale, was born June 28, 1878. June 15, 1904, she married Charles Forest Holbrook, son of William and Rebecca J. (Laugheed) Holbrook. Children : Charles Forest, Jr., b. March 28, 1905 ; d. September 22, 1905. Velma Lucile, b. March 22, 1907. HoLLis Tisdale, b. May 22, 1909. [ 60 ] PERCY EBEN, son of Abijah Weston and Adelia (Gay) Tisdale, was born November 20, 1883. January 6, 1903, he married Gertrude May Remick. Children: Percy Eben, b. November 21, 1903. Harold Raymond, b. January 20, 1905. GERTRUDE AMELIA, daughter of Deroyce M. and Harriet (Tisdale) Smith, was born June 14, 1877. April 30, 1 90 1, she married Alfred Clifton Eastman, son of George H. and Roxanna (Andrews) Eastman. Children : Harriet Gertrude, b. August 17, 1903. Alfred Clifton, Jr., b. January 23, 1906. Lorenzo Deroyce, b. April 10, 1909. MARION ISABEL, daughter of Orville and Margaret (Tisdale) Randall, was born November i, 1880. Novem- ber I, 1900, she married Austin Trenor, son of Austin Luther Park, a retired Congregationalist clergyman. One child : Austin Orville, b. December 4, 1901 ; d. March 24, 1902. [ 61 ] BIRTHS MARRIAGES MARRIAGES DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION EBENEZER, son of Israel and Susannah (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., August 14, 181 1, and died June 6, 1887. April 28, 1840, he married Betsey H. Perry of Rehoboth, who died November 13, 1841. No children. March 8, 1842, he married Nancy Cole of Rehoboth, who died April 13, 1862. Children : Abijah Allen, b. August 8, 1843 ; d. April 15, 1846. Betsey Hicks, b. June 13,1 847 ; d. December 28, 1 847. Edgar Everett, b. November 11, 1848; d. September 18, 1859. Isabel Dora, b. May 3, 1852; d. June 23, 1853. LoRiNG Bennett, b. September 18, 1854; d. October 2, 1859. Jennie, b. April 30, 1858; d. October 21, 1883. October 12, 1862, Ebenezer Tisdale married Martha Sayles of Foxboro, who died October 18, 1899. No children. EIGHTH GENERATION JENNIE, youngest child of Ebenezer and Nancy (Cole) Tisdale, was born April 30, 1858, and died October 21, 1883. When about four years old she was stricken with scarlet fever, which left her deaf and dumb. May 9, 1877, she married William T. Carter, also a deaf mute. Chil- dren : Harry T., b. March 20, 1878 ; d. July 23, 1878. Edgar L., b. November 28, 1879 ! ^- November i, 1880. Jennie Tisdale, b. October 20, 1883. [ 63 ] NINTH GENERATION JENNIE TISDALE, daughter of William T. and Jennie (Tisdale) Carter, was born October 20, 1883. September 23, 1902, she married George Augustus, son of Benjamin Clough and Florence Jeanette (McGaffey) Vannah. One child : Florence Elizabeth, b. August 23, 1903 ; d. May 18, 1905. [64 ] BIRTHS MARRIAGES MARRIAGES DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION ANN, daughter of Israel and Susannah (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., March 27, 181 3, and died in Boston May 22, 1890. April 10, 1833, she married Curtis S. Dunbar of Easton. Children : Elizabeth Ann, b. December 10, 1836; d. April 16, 1866. Charles Curtis, b. November 10, 1848. EIGHTH GENERATION ELIZABETH ANN, only daughter of Curtis S. and Ann (Tisdale) Dunbar, was born December 10, 1836, and died April 16, 1866. September i, 1858, she married William Baker, who died in the War of the Rebellion. One child : Curtis D., b. August 6, 1859; d. July 15, i860. CHARLES CURTIS, only son of Curtis S. and Ann (Tisdale) Dunbar, was born November 10, 1848. Decem- ber 23, 1873, he married Clara Emery. July 17, 1895, he married Mrs. Grace I. Brown. No children. [ 65 ] BIRTHS DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION ELIZABETH, daughter of Col. Israel and Betsey (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., September 12, 1815, and died in North Bridgewater March 27, 1858. December 16, 1838, she married Capt. Perez Marshall of North Bridgewater [now Brockton], who died August 21, 1882. Children : Howard Tisdale, b. October 24, 1839. Susan Elizabeth, b. January 9, 1841. Albert Leander, b. April 21, 1842. Louise Ann, b. February 29, 1844. Edward Elmer, b. September 5, 1846; d. February 26, 1853. Emma Josephine, b. July 12, 1848. Alice Almira, b. September 17, 1850. Charles Sumner, b. March 27, 1853. Abby Sophronia, b. August 29, 1855 ; d. August 30, 1856. EIGHTH GENERATION HOWARD TISDALE, eldest son of Capt. Perez and Elizabeth (Tisdale) Marshall, was born October 24, 1839. August 28, 1862, he married Sarah A., daughter of Hiram and Lydia Weston (Dickerman) Dunbar. Children : Albert Tisdale, b. May 15, 1867. Herman Weston, b. November 10, 1875. SUSAN ELIZABETH, daughter of Capt. Perez and Elizabeth (Tisdale) Marshall, was born January 9, 1841. [ 67 ] November 6, 1867, she married Henry, son of Salmon and Iza (Howard) Manley. Children : May Elizabeth, b. March 20, 1869; d. April 28, 1869. Laurence Bradford, b. March 12, 1870. Howard Tisdale, b. October 17, 1872. Henry, Jr., b. October 13, 1880. LOUISE ANN, daughter of Capt. Perez and Elizabeth (Tisdale) Marshall, was born February 29, 1844. No- vember 6, 1867, she married Lysander F., son of Moses and Anna (Towne) Gates, who died August 26, 1879. Children : Hubert Henrico, b. January 5, 1871. Bessie L., b. July 18, 1875 ; d. March 14, 1876. January 27, 1887, Louise (Marshall) Gates married Charles H. Healey, who died July 25, 1909. EMMA JOSEPHINE, daughter of Capt. Perez and Elizabeth (Tisdale) Marshall, was born July 12, 1848. May 13, 1879, she married Josiah Edward, son of William and Mary Hudson (Wood) Sears. One child : William Marshall, b. January 8, 1882. ALICE ALMIRA, daughter of Capt. Perez and Eliza- beth (Tisdale) Marshall, was born September 17, 1850. April 18, 1875, she married Charles Galen, son of Salmon and Iza A. (Howard) Manley. Children : Sumner Marshall, b. July 6, 1878. Ruth Emma, b. January 28, 1881. CHARLES SUMNER, son of Capt. Perez and Eliza- beth (Tisdale) Marshall, was born March 27, 1853. July [ 68 ] 6, 1 882, he married Louise Bates, daughter of Hiram and Lydia Weston (Dickerman) Dunbar. One child : Henry Herbert, b. May i8, 1886. NINTH GENERATION ALBERT TISDALE, son of Howard Tisdale and Sarah (Dunbar) Marshall, was born May 15, 1867. August 3, 1893, he married Lois A., daughter of Charles H. and Susan Emily (Packard) Dunbar. Children : Ralph Merriman, b. January 14, 1896. Paul Howard, b. May 28, 1907. LAURENCE BRADFORD, son of Henry and Susan E. (Marshall) Manley, was born March 12, 1870. Feb- ruary 6, 1900, he married Florence Irene Everett of Manchester, N. H. Children : Barbara, b. January 17, 190 1. Alice Irene, b. February i, 1902. Mabel, b. August 20, 1904. HUBERT H., son of Lysander F. and Louise A. (Marshall) Gates, was born January 5, 1871. October 12, 1899, he married Florence Adelaide Bullard of Franklin, Mass. Children : Charles Emerson, b. October 12, 1901. Raymond Hubert, b. June 7, 1902. Marion Louise, b. October 27, 1903. WILLIAM MARSHALL, son of Josiah E. and Emma J. (Marshall) Sears, was born January 8, 1882. January [ 69 ] ly, 1906, he married Emma, daughter of John and Ann Taylor of Indian Orchard, Mass. SUMNER MARSHALL, son of Charles G. and Alice A. (Marshall) Manley, was born July 6, 1878. February 1, 1905, he married Susanna R. W. Talbot. One child : Robert Talbot, b. December 20, 1907. RUTH EMMA, daughter of Charles G. and Alice A. (Marshall) Manley, was born January 28, 1881. Sep- tember 25, 1905, she married Arthur Everett Healey. Children : Harriet Manley, b. December 12, 1906. Charles Marshall, b. November 23, 1908. [ 70 1 BIRTHS MARRIAGES MARRIAGES DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION JOSIAH, son of Col. Israel and Betsey (Talbot) Tis- clale, was born in Sharon, Mass., October i8, 1817, and died November 11, 1893. March 31, 1842, he married Susan Packard, daughter of John and Betsey (Packard) Bisbee of North Easton. Children : JosiAH Bisbee, b. January 15, 1843; d. September 8, 1843. Henry Herbert, b. December 6, 1846. Emma Louise, b. December 16, 1848 ; d. June 20, 1886. Frank Murray, b. July 7, 1850; d. September 26, 1850. Edith Francena, b. October 12, 1853. Clarence, b. July 17, 1855 ; d. August 18, 1855. EIGHTH GENERATION HENRY HERBERT, son of Josiah and Susan P. (Bisbee) Tisdale, was born December 6, 1846. August 25, 1887, he married Mary Cynthia, daughter of Asaph Soule and Abigail Loring (Parker) Wood. Children : Charles Marshall, b. June 9, 1889; d. December 29, 1894. Arthur Wood, b. October 22, 1892. [ 71 ] BIRTHS MARRIAGES MARRIAGES DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION SUSAN, daughter of Col. Israel and Betsey (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., October i, 1819, and died in Chelsea November 13, 1903. April 29, 1841, she married William King of North Easton, who died March 8, 1899. Children: Elsie Hannah, b. July 6, 1848. Howard Tisdale, b. September 14, 1854; d. July 28, 1855. Henry William, b. August 6, 1856. EIGHTH GENERATION ELSIE HANNAH, only daughter of William and Susan (Tisdale) King, was born July 6, 1848. February 3, 1874, she married J. Howard Marshall, son of Joseph and Roxana (Gleason) Marshall. Children : Bessie Anna, b. December 12, 1876. Maud Lillian, b. April 12, 1878. HENRY WILLIAM, son of William and Susan (Tis- dale) King, was born August 6, 1856. February 23, 1885, he married Adella, daughter of William and Ellen (Talbot) Randall. Children : Vernon Curtis, b. January 28, 1887. Doris Lillian, b. June 15, 1888. NINTH GENERATION BESSIE ANNA, daughter of J. Howard and Elsie H. (King) Marshall, was born December 12, 1876. May 15, L 73 ] 1 90 1, she married Nathaniel Edward, son of Julius B. and Mary A. Chase. Children : Dorothy Vernon, b. October 27, 1902. Barbara Adelaide, b. August 14, 1905. MAUD LILLIAN, daughter of J. Howard and Elsie H. (King) Marshall, was born April 12, 1878. June 12, 1906, she married Clarence Albion Wheeler. One child : Margaret, b. October 11, 1908. [ 74 ] BIRTHS MARRIAGES MARRIAGES DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION EDWARD, son of Col. Israel and Betsey (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., January 20, 1822, and died December 6, 1896. November 19, 1848, he married Amanda, daughter of Marlborough and Daty (Bray) Rip- ley of West Bridgewater, who died November 16, 1869. Children : Charles Edward, b. February 6, 1853 ; d. December 6, 1899. Alice Augu.sta, b. November 7, 1854, Frank Shepard, b. January 7, 1857; d. December 14, 1902. Elizabeth Jane, b. October 2, 1858. Mary Amanda, b. September 9, 1861 ; d. July 18, 1898. Dora Maria, b. January 6, 1864; d. November 29, 1887. December 6, 1871, Edward Tisdale married Abby (Howard) Palmer, widow of Sumner Palmer of Foxboro, and daughter of Deacon George and Abigail (Henshaw) Howard of Sharon, who is still living. EIGHTH GENERATION CHARLES EDWARD, son of Edward and Amanda (Ripley) Tisdale, was born February 6, 1853, and died December 6, 1899. December 17, 1885, he married Alice L., daughter of Nahum and Hannah (Leonard) Packard. No children. ALICE AUGUSTA, daughter of Edward and Amanda (Ripley) Tisdale, was born November 7, 1854. June 9, [ 75 ] 1 88 1, she married J. Nelson, son of Hiram and Martha (Wilkinson) Harris, who died May 12, 1907. Children: Edward Tisdale, b. July 16, 1883. Helen Martha, b. April 30, 1886. Mabel, b. May 25, 1893. FRANK SHEPARD, son of Edward and Amanda (Ripley) Tisdale, was born January 7, 1857; died De- cember 14, 1902. December 27, 1882, he married Marion Kingman, daughter of Nahum and Hannah (Leonard) Packard. One child : Ernest Frank, b. May i, 1885. MARY AMANDA, daughter of Edward and Amanda (Ripley) Tisdale, was born September 9, 1861, and died July 18, 1898. September 9, 1889, she married Arthur H., son of Cyrus and Sarah (Hayward) Alger. Children : Ralph Tisdale, b. September 12, 1890. Irene Elizabeth, b. March 31, 1893. DORA MARIA, daughter of Edward and Amanda (Ripley) Tisdale, was born January 6, 1864 ; died Novem- ber 29, 1887. October 13, 1886, she married Arthur H., son of Cyrus and Sarah (Hayward) Alger. No children. NINTH GENERATION EDWARD TISDALE, son of J. Nelson and Alice A. (Tisdale) Harris, was born July 16, 1883. September 27, 1905, he married Dorothy, daughter of John George and Henrietta D. (Kopke) Semken of Brooklyn, N. Y. One child : Dorothy Talbot, b. August 27, 1906. [ 76 ] ERNEST FRANK, son of Frank S. and Marion K. (Packard) Tisdale, was born May i, 1885. November 27, 1906, he married Cora, daughter of Simeon Lewis and Bertha S. B. (Savage) Pratt of Middleboro, Mass. [ 77 1 BIRTHS MARRIAGES MARRIAGES DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION MACE, son of Col, Israel and Betsey (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., June 21, 1824, and died De- cember 20, 1 90 1. January 4, 185 1, he married Mary Jane Dean of North Easton, who died August 25, 1898. Children : Ida Elizabeth, b. April 2, 1855 ; d. October 22, 1855. Mace, Jr., b. April 22, i860; d. September 5, i860. Lucy Luella, b. January 7, 1863. Fred Bartlett, b. March 9, 1865. EIGHTH GENERATION LUCY LUELLA, daughter of Mace and Mary Jane (Dean) Tisdale, was born January 7, 1863. January i, 1885, she married Paul,' son of George Brigham and Lucy Jane (Whitney) Revere. Children : Lucy Whitney, b. March 18, 1893. Paul, Jr.,b. November 25, 1896; d. February 17, 1897. Pauline, b. August 14, 1899; d. March 25, 1909. FRED BARTLETT, son of Mace and Mary Jane (Dean) Tisdale, was born March 9, 1865. June 29, 1894, he married Annie Lizzie, daughter of Enos F. and Fannie (Ruck) Maddocks. No children. [ 79 1 BIRTHS MARRIAGES MARRIAGES DEATHS SEVENTH GENERATION RUTH, youngest daughter of Col. Israel and Betsey (Talbot) Tisdale, was born in Sharon, Mass., August 14, 1 83 1, and died in Baltimore, Md., July 27, 1893. Sep- tember 5, 1852, she married Granville Oscar Wilson of Easton. Children : Ella Jane, b. March 25, 1855; d. May 9, 1896. Fred Eliphalet, b. April 21, 1859. Lillian Estella, b. November i, i860. May, b. May 14, 1868 ; d. September 16, 1868. EIGHTH GENERATION FRED ELIPHALET, son of Granville O. and Ruth (Tisdale) Wilson, was born April 21, 1859. September 7, 1 88 1, he married Emma Elizabeth Mainster of Baltimore, Md. One child : Laurence Granville, b. September 26, 1885 ; died January 5, 1897. LILLIAN ESTELLA, daughter of Granville O. and Ruth (Tisdale) Wilson, was born November i, i860. No- vember 15, 1893, she married Clarence Eugene, son of William Henry and Mary Frances (Richards) Downes of Baltimore, Md. No children. [ 81 ] CONCLUSION Here the story must end until sufficient material shall have accumulated for its continuation. In order that each family may keep an accurate record of the births, mar- riages, and deaths within its midst, blank pages are in- serted at intervals, and it is hoped that in due time these will be filled, and thus the work of a future historian be greatly facilitated. [82 ] A SUPPLEMENT TO ^^A FAMILY REGISTER" GENEALOGY OF Col. Israel Tisdale AND HIS DESCENDANTS COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY Edith Francena Tisdale To the Cousins and all interested : Ten years having elapsed since the publication of "A Family Register," it seems a fitting time to gather such items of our family history as have occurred within the decade and arrange them in convenient form for reference and preservation. With your kind co-operation I undertook the task, and present the results of our united efforts in these pages, which I trust will be read with interest and meet with your approval. E. F. T. May, 1920. 1 1 BIRTHS. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Page 55 HANNAH TISDALE, daughter of Col. Israel and Betsey (Talbot) Tisdale, died September 22, 1918. Page 58 HELEN BEATRICE SANBORN, born June 27, 1884, lived with Wilson and Mary Esther (Hobart) Tisdale as their child from June 17, 1887, until after Wilson Tisdale's death in 1902. January 14, 1903, she was legally adopted by Mary Esther (Hobart) Tisdale. June 12, 1909, she married Charles Allen Howland (direct descendant of John Howland who came to America in the Mayflo7ver in 1620). One child : John, b. May 21, 1910. Page 58 In 1909 CuTHBERT Crumett Lee was permitted to legally omit his middle name. WORLD WAR RECORDS Page 58 CUTHBERT LEE Born June 26, 1891 Returned from diplomatic service abroad, as Special Assistant to the American Ambassador to Russia, to enter army. Com- missioned August 27, 191 7, as First Lieutenant, Ordnance Section, Officers' Reserve Corps, United States Army. Assistant to executive, construction of Camp Merritt, Tenafly, N. J. Called to active service October 16, 19 17, and stationed about six months in Washington, D. C. Detailed to A. E. F., France, and served there one year — most of the time in branch of staff at Paris, in office of Chief Purchasing Officer, Ordnance Department, A. E. F., buying emergency munitions in huge quantities. Later engaged in hastening delivery of munitions to the front from factories and dumps in France and Switzerland, notably tanks and parts thereof. Once at front in St. Mihiel Sector, supplying, on telephone request from General Rockenbach, commanding the tanks, spare parts for fifty tanks put out of action. After armistice, liaison officer on American Commission to Negotiate Peace. Finally served several months with troops receiving captured enemy artillery, at Evacuation Camp. Honorably discharged, Camp Upton, Yaphank, N. Y., May 13, 1919. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Pages 59-61 LORENZO DEROYCE, son of Deroyce M. and Harriet Amelia (Tisdale) Smith, married, June 15, 19 10, Metta Viola, daughter of John David and Fanny (Henderson) Two. Children : Metta Tisdale, b. May 18, 191 1. Webster Deroyce, b. August 3, 1913. Warren Henderson, b. June 17, 191 5. Deborah Sampson, b. March 9, 19 18. CORRECTIONS Page 59. Gershom E., son of Abijah and Harriet (Wil- liamson) Tisdale, b. December 7, 1866 ; d. March 24, 1867. Page 59. Abijah Weston Tisdale was drowned at Marsh- field, October 18, 1890. Page 59. Eldon Abijah Tisdale was born December 4, 1874 (not 1875); drowned at Marshfield, October 18, 1890. Page 59. Martha Louise Tisdale was born September 2, 1888. Page 60. Susanna Tisdale, daughter of Abijah and Harriet (Williamson) Tisdale, married James B., son of Capt. Asahel and Almira (Gilbert) Smith, April 9, 1878. Page 60. Children of Orville R. and Margaret (Tisdale) Randall: Marion Isabelle, b. November i, 1880. Lauriel Evelene, b. May 30, 1883. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Pages 59-61 To Charles Forest and Elsie (Tisdale) Holbrook : Donald Francis, b. March 12, 1912. To Percy Eben and Gertrude (Remick) Tisdale Norman Francis, b. January i, 1910. Jesse Alfred, b. December 17, 1915. To Alfred Clifton and Gertrude Amelia (Smith) Eastman RoxANA Gerrish, b. September 27, 1913. George Myron, b. October 2, 1915. Albert Clinton, b. October 15, 19 17. Ruth Elizabeth, b. February 26, 1920. MARTHA LOUISE, daughter of Abijah Weston and E. Adelia (Gay) Tisdale, married, June 28, 191 1, Jesse Francis, son of Van Amburg and Rebecca Frances (Pierce) Metcalf. No children. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Page 64 Jennie Tisdale (Carter) Vannah died June 19, 1919. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Page 65 Charles Curtis Dunbar died February 5, 1919. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Pages 67-70 To Laurence Bradford and Florence (Everett) Manley ; John Howard, b. November 14, igii. To William Marshall and Emma (Taylor) Sears Alice Josephine, b. January 31, 1912. To Sumner Marshall and Susanna (Talbot) Manley John Talbot, b. January 26, 1910. HERMAN WESTON, son of Howard Tisdale and Sarah A. (Dunbar) Marshall, married, January 14, 1914, Mrs. Elizabeth Renwick, a widow with one daughter, Florence. No children. HENRY, Jr., son of Henry and Susan Elizabeth (Marshall) Manley, married, June 10, 19 15, Louise Arthur Hinde. One child: Henry, 3D., b. January 4, 1918. HENRY HERBERT, son of Charles Sumner and Louise (Dunbar) Marshall, married, September 23, 191 1, Constance Mary, daughter of Charles Edward and Sarah (Walker) Bevan. Children : Richard Walker, b. May 28, 1915. Elizabeth Bevan, b. September i, 19 19. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Pages 67-70 Howard Tisdale Marshall died May 15, 1910. Albert Leander Marshall died May 2, 19 10. Henry Manley died October 28, 1919. Susan Elizabeth (Marshall) Manley died December 23, 1919- Charles Emerson Gates, b. January 9, 1901 ; died July 12, 1916. Charles Galen Manley died July 28, 19 10. WORLD WAR RECORDS RALPH MERRIMAN MARSHALL Born January 14, 1896 Served one year overseas, private in Co. B, 6o2d Engineers, participating in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. After the armistice was signed he was in Germany with the Army of Occupation until his discharge, July 24, 19 19. BIRTHS. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Page 71 Henry Herbert Tisdale died April 25, 1915. BIRTHS. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Pages 73, 74 To Clarence Albion and Maud Lillian (Marshall) Wheeler: Elizabeth Louise, b. August 31, 19 14. VERNON CURTIS, son of Henry William and Adella (Randall) King, married, June 20, 1913, Reba Delphine, daughter of Arthur Howard and Delphine (Kent) Talbot. Children : Merton Talbot, b. August 4, 19 16. Alden Howard, b. June 30, 19 19. DORRIS LILLLA.N, daughter of Henry William and Adella (Randall) King, married, June 26, 1912, Kenneth Don- ald, son of Clarence L. and Emma (Hudson) Seaver. Children: La Verne Adella, b. July 10, 19 14. Marjorie Emma, b. April 15, 1916. J. Howard Marshall died January 21, 1920. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Pages 75-77 HELEN MARTHA, daughter of J. Nelson and Alice Augusta (Tisdale) Harris, married, March 27, 1915, William Darius, son of Seymour L. and Josephine (Stevens) Buckley. No children. ERNEST FRANK, son of Frank Shepard and Marion K. (Packard) Tisdalf, after the death of his first wife, married, March 4, 191 1, Lillian (Maxwell) Parsons, a widow with one son, Walter Howard Parsons, b. January 16, 1905. One child: Avis, b. October 16, 1913. RALPH TISDALE, son of Arthur H. and Mary Amanda (Tisdale) Alger, married, August 10, 19 15, -Mary Louise, daughter of John Christian and Mary (Hilderhoof) Cackler, (whose ancestors were among the first settlers of Portage County, Ohio). Children : Arthur Hayward, 20, b. j\Iay 4, 1916. Mary Alice, b. August i, 19 18. IRENE ELIZABETH, daughter of Arthur H. and Mary Amanda (Tisdale) Alger, married, November 3, 19 17, John Anderson, son of Donald G. and Janet Scott (Anderson) MacDonald. No children. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Pages 75-77 Abby (Palmer) Tisdale died March 14. 191 1. Elizabeth Jane Tisdale died February 8, 19 17 Cora (Pratt) Tisdale died May 15, 1910. Arthur Hayward Alger died January 30, 191 7. WORLD WAR RECORDS Pages 75-77 EDWARD TISDALE HARRIS Born July i6, 1883 Enlisted in the National Guard, State of New York, October I, 1901. Served as private, corporal, sergeant and first- sergeant. Commissioned Second Lieutenant in 1908, and First Lieutenant in 19 10. Commissioned Captain of 12th Company, New York Coast Artillery, September 25, 1915. Called into Federal service July 15, 19 17. Assigned to garrison duty at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., August 5, 19 17. Assigned to command Battery F, 59th Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. A., January i, 1918. Attended Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., during January and February, 19 18. Left United States with 59th Artillery March 28, 19 18, on the Olympic. Arrived at Brest, France, April 4, 1918. Thence to Limoges and thence to Aixe-sur-Vienne, near Limoges. Intensive training, instruction and drill. Assigned to duty as Regimental Adjutant June 14. Proceeded to La Courtine target range July 13. Ordered to the Toul Front late in August. In action in the Toul Sector September 5 to 20 (St. Mihiel Drive), at St. Jacques, Bois de Puvenelle, and Thiacourt. In action in the Argonne Sector from September 20 to November 1 1 : positions near La Chalade. Advanced succes- sively to Very, Ivoiry, Charpentry, Eclisfontaine, Bois des Cierges, and to final position at Hill 288, west of Romagne- sous-Montfaucon. Promoted Major October 25, 19 18, and assigned to command First Battalion, 59th Artillery. Left Brest for United States January 8, 19 19, on [J. S. S. Louisiana. Arrived United States (Hoboken) January 24. Demobilized regiment January 30. In command of regiment from January 24. Assigned to Fort Scott, San Francisco. Discharged March 24, 1919. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Page 7y LUCY WHITNEY, daughter of Paul and Lucy Luella (Tisdale) Revere, married, January 3, 1919, Howard Leslie, son of Frank L. and Augusta Warren (Smith) Brown. Children : Paul Revere, b. April 6, 1920. 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