Class, Book. i •:-! AMERICAN ANCESTRY OF BENJAMIN MORRILL AND HIS WIFE MIRIAM PECKER MORRILL OF SALISBURY, MASS. AND THEIR PESCENDANTS TO 1901 COMPILED BY HORACE EDWIN MORRILL I DAYTON, OHIO 1903 -i / AMERICAN ANCESTRY OF ^3 BENJAMIN MORRILL AND HIS WIFE MIRIAM PECKER MORRILL OF SALISBURY, MASS. AND THEIR DESCENDANTS TO 1901 COMPILED BY HORACE EDWIN MORRILL DAYTON, OHIO 1903 J-3 34/ ^ ^0 J' ^ *^ .^ s " ' I ■ t c c c c r c c » c c e *= c c c « c ' c < e • * i i^ (< i s~ MORRILL GENEALOGY. Abraham' Morrill, the ancestor of that branch of the family that settled in Massachusetts, came from England in 1632, probably in the "Lion" with his brother Isaac, who settled in Roxbury. Isaac's sons all died young. Abraham is first heard of at Cambridge in 1632. "Resided on the westerly side of Brighton street, near the spot occupied by the old Porter tavern." (Paige's Hist. Cambridge). He was one of the original members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery. He received land in the first division of Salisbury, 1640, '44 and '54; com- moner and taxed 1650. He married June 10, 1645, Sarah- Clement, dau. of Robert' [b. in England about 1590; of Haver- hill in 1642; and died there Sept. 29, 1658J. Land was granted Abraham Morrill and Henry Say wood to build a corn mill by the Powow River in 1641. Mill was built in 1642. (Merrill's Hist. Amesbury.) Abraham Morrill's homestead was located on "the Green" at East Salisbury (now Salisbury, 1901). Within a year after his death the town bargained with his widow for the homestead "for the use of the ministry." (Salisbury tran- scribed records, p. 115.) The land has been used as a parson- age from that day to this. He died June 20, 1662, while on a visit to his brother at Roxbury. Will June 18, 1662, proved Oct. 14, 1662. His widow Sarah married, Oct. 8, 1665, Thomas Mudgett. Sarah Clement Morrill, wife of Abraham', was the daughter of Robert Clement, who came from England in 1642, landing at Salisbury, from whence he went to Haverhill, Mass. , sometime in the following summer with his wife and four children, John, Lydia, Robert, and Sarah. His son Job had come over in 1640-1 and his daughter Mary remained in England until 16p2. The Clements for a long time occupied a prominent position in town and county and their descendants have been prominent citizens. Robert Clement's name stands second or next to John Ward's on the agreement with the Indians for the purchase of the town- ship of Haverhill. He was the first Deputy of the town to the General Court. He was a man of rare integrity and su]5^erior talents and was repeatedly called to fill responsible stations. [Chase's Hist, of Haverhill.] 6 MORRILL FAMILY Abraham and Sarah (Clement) Morrill had six sons and three daughters. From three of his sons the family has grown to its large proportions. 2. IsAAC^ b. July 10, 1046; m. Nov. 14, 1670, Phwbe Gill. 3. Jacob^, b. Aug. 24, 1648; m. July 15, 1674, Susanna Whittier. 6. MosES^, b. Dec. 28, 1655; m. (1st) Rebecca Barnes. (2nd) Mary 3. Jacob^ Morrill (Abraham^) of Salisbury, a Friend, b. Aug. 24, 1648; m. July 15, 1674, Susanna" Whittier, dau. of Thomas' Whittier (of Salisbury and Haverhill) and Ruth Green. Susanna Whittier was a sister of the great-grandfather of the poet. Jacob Morrill was a soldier at Wells, 1696. He died April 23, 1718. Will dated March 20; proved May 26, 1718. Wid. Susanna died Feby. 15, 1726-7. Jacob' lived on Round Hill near Congress St. , Salisbury. In his will he bequeathed one-third of his "homestead on both sides of the way" to his son Aaron and two-thirds to his son Israel. Jacob- and Susanna' (Whittier) Morrill had five sons and three daughters. 26. Aaron^ (sixth child) married Joanna Dow. 26. Aaron' Morrill {Jacob\ Abraham^) of Salisbury, b. m. (1st) Jan. 21, 1718-9, Joanna* Dow, (widow of Ne- hemiah Heath) and dau. of Henry" Dow {Josepli-, Henry^) and Mary^ Mussey {Josejjh^, RoberV of Ipswich). She died April 18, 1736. (2nd) Pub. June 13, 1741, to Eleanor (or Ebenezar) Jones, dau. of Joseph- Jones {Robert) and Mary' Gould {Nathan^). Will Feb. 22, 1759; April 14, 1760. Wife Eleanor mentioned. Children : 90. Elijah, b. Oct. 30, 1719; m. Aug. 18, 1741, Anne Hoyt. 91. Theodate, b. Dec. 1, 1721 ; d. young. 92. Aaron, b. Dec. 25, 1723; m. Susan Satterly. 93. Theodate, b. Nov. 24, 1725; m. Jan. 13, 1742, Jona Hutchinson. 94. Susanna, b. Dec. 7, 1728. 95. Henry, b. June 20, 1731 ; m. Elinor Currier. 96. Joanna, b. April 28, 1742-43, by 2nd wife. 97. Thomas, b. about 1745-46, by 2nd wife; m. Hannah 90. Elijah* Morrill, {Aaron^, Jacob-, Abraham}) of Salis- bury, Blacksmith, b. Oct. 30, 1719; ~m. Aug. 18, 1741, Anne' Hoyt, dau. of Robt.'' Hoyt (John\ John^) and Mary^ Currier MORRILL FAMILY 7 {Thos.^ Ricliard}). Wife Anne b. May 9, 1718; d. Dec. 30, 1759. Elijah died Feb. 15, 1767. Residence, Salisbury Point. He built the house standing (1900) in the rear of the Congregational parsonage. Children : 98. Ezra, b. March 24, 1742; m. (Ist) Elizabeth Greely, (2nd) Sarah Morrill. 99. Anna, b. Jan. 13, 1744; m. Winthrop Osgood. 100. Elijah, b. Sept. 26, 1745. 101. Mary, b. Jan. 19, 1749; m. Benj. Harrod. 102. Robert, b. Dec. 29, 1753; m. Apphia Osgood. 103. Betty, b. Feb., 1755; d. 1822. 104. Elijah, b. April, 1757; d. 1777. 105. Benjamin, b. Dec. 30, 1759; m. ; d. Brewer, Me., April 25, 1837. 103. Robert^ Morrill, (Elijah\ Aaron\ Jacob'-, Ahraharn}) of Salisbury, Blacksmith, b. Dec. 29, 1753; m. Nov. 7, 1780, Apphia" Osgood, dau. of Benj.^ {Jos.*, Wm.\ John", Wm^) and Hannah'^ {Roiuell) Osgood {Philip% Jacob*, Philiif, VaL'\ Thomas^). Wife Apphia b. Nov. 18, 1757; d. Oct. 18, 1790. M. (2nd) Sept. 23, 1805, Dolly Merrill, who d. Jan. 25, 1832. He died Mar. 3, 1809. Children: 106. Elijah, b. March 14, 1781 ; d. April 3, 1788. 107. Benjamin, b. June 2, 1783; m. (1st) May 18, 1805, Sally J. Currier. (2nd) Nov. 13, 1808, Miriam Pecker. 108. Robert, b. June 20, 1785; d. April 3, 1788. 109. Elijah, b. , 1788; d. May 3, 1816. 107. Benj.*^ Morrill, {RobL'% Elijah*, Aaron\ Jacob'-, Abra- ham^) of Salisbury, Blacksmith, b. June 2, 1783; m. (1st) May 18 1805, Sally J. Currier. • She died July 6, 1806. He married (2nd) Nov. 13, 1808, at West Amesbury, Mass., (now Merrimac) Miriam'^ Pecker [Wm.^, James*, John^, James^, James^) of South Amesbury, b. there March 11, 1789. He lived with first wife at the Cowden House, Amesbury Ferry. Built the house on the site occupied by the present house of Edwin Morrill (erected in 1876) in 1808. D. Oct. 19, 1869. Wid. Miriam d. May 30, 1871. Children: 110. Sally Johnson, b. July 1, 1806 ; d. Aug. 5, 1833. 111. Apphia Ann, b. Aug. 23, 1809; d. Feb. 22, 1825. 112. Robert, b. Jan. 2, 1811; d. Sept. 18, 1883; m. Oct. 4, 1832, Hannah Batchelder. 113. Sophia P., b. July 21, 1813; d. Aug. 19, 1879; m. Feb. 23, 1837, Daniel P. Pike. 114. William P., b. May 19, 1815; d. Jan. 1, 1882; m. May 2, 1841, Elizabeth S. Goodwin; m. Jan. 9, 1860, Lucy F. Pike. 8 MORRILL FAMILY 115. Alfred, b. Aug. 13, 1817; m. Nov. 11, 18-40, Sarah Ann Fowler. 116. Bknj. Franklin, b. Oct. 23, 1820; d. Mar. 21, 1822. 117. Albert, b. April 11, 1825; m. Oct. 6, 184(5, Mima Jones. 118. Edwin, b. Mar. 15, 1830; m. June 30, 1853, Mary Evans. 113. Robert^ Morrill, {Benjamin^ Bobert% Elijah*, Aaron^, Jacob', Abraham^) Carpenter and Manuf r., b. at Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 2, 1811; m. Hannah Batchelder, Oct. 4, 1832, dau. of Elisha and Abigail (Roive) Batchelder. She was b. Oct. 14, 1811, and d. Aug. 20, 1890, at Lynn, Mass. He operated a planing mill on the bank of the Merrimac River opposite the Elijah Morrill homestead about 1845. Enlarged it by an eastern addition about 1854 and used it as a sash and blind factory. It was later used by the Merrimac Hat Co. He resided at Salisbury; Lynn, Mass., Muscatine, Iowa. He removed to Lynn and died there Sept. 18, 1883. Children: 119. George Edwin, b. Salisbury, Feb. 27, 1835 ; d. Lynn, Mass., Sept. 22, 1836. 120. Georgiana, b. Lynn, Aug. 9, 1837; m. May 7, 1857, Muscatine, Iowa, Rush W. Lewis. She d. Mar. 15, 1873, at York, Pa. Children: 3Iary Louise, b. Feb. 5, 1858; d. Mar. 8, 1868. Robert O., b. Oct. 11, 1859; d. Nov. 18, 1884. Elmer Lincoln, b. Dec. 22, 1861 ; m. Dec. 31, 1896, Mary E. Wolf, who died Dec. 30, 1897. Sumner Moore, b. Jan, 14, 1864; d. Nov. 28, 1864. Arthur Webster, b. Apr. 10, 1871. Josephine Morrill, b. Mar. 8, 1873; d. Mar. 16, 1873. 121. Alphameo, b. Salisbury, Sept. 15, 1842; m. June 4, 1864, Dover, N. H., to Helen C. Twombly, of Dover. 122. Fred Howard, b. Salisbury, Jan. 20, 1852; d, June 17, 1856, Muscatine, Iowa. 123. Josephine, b. Muscatine, la., Dec. 24, 1857 ; m. Aug, 10, 1887, Lynn, Mass., to Frank Ellsworth Smith. Child : Orren Frank, b. July 8, 1888. 113. Sophia' P. Morrill, {Benj.\ Robt.\ Elijah^ Aaron^, Jacob', Abraham') b. at Salisbury, July 21, 1813; m. Feb. 23, 1837, Rev. Daniel P. Pike, son of Sewall and Mary (Prescott) Pike. He was born at Hampton Falls, N. H., March 1, 1815 and died at Newburyport, Mass., Dec. 4, 1887. She died there Aug. 19, 1879. Children: Ben.i. Sewall, b. Dec. 20, 1841; m. Nov. 23, 1865, Clara Jane Leckron. Resided at Newburyport, Mass., and Washington, D. C. Children : Bennie Daniel, b. Sept. 11, 1866; d. Nov. 13, 1866. MORRILL FAMILY 9 Alice Maud, b. May 6, 1868; m. Clement Howard Clements, Washing- ton, D. C, Sept. 2, 1891. Edith Marion, b. Nov. 13, 1872. Minnie Eliza, b. Apr. 28, 1878 ; m. Albert Edward Shepard, June 23, 1898, Washington, D. C. Sophia Mary, b. Oct. 8, 1843; m. Nov. 18, 1867, Benj. F. Greeley, at New- buryport. Resided at Marlboro, Mass., and d. there Nov. 14, 1894. Children : Daniel P., b. June 15, 1871 ; d. June 23, 1871. George E., b. April 27, 1873. Graced., b. Jan. 21, 1878. Emma Miriam, b. Nov. 6, 1849; m. Feb. 23, 1871, Freeman Pride Craig, at Newburyport, Mass. Resided there and at Marlboro, Mass. Children : Mabelle Priscilla, b. Oct. 13, 1872. Frank Howe, b. Aug. 1, 1874; m. Jan. 9, 1900, Emma Amelia Alley, of Marlboro. Leroy Miles, b. Sept. 21 , 1881 . 114. William' Pecker Morrill, {Benj.\ BobtJ, Elijah*, Aaroif, JacoJf, Abraham^) of Salisbury, Carpenter, b. May 19, 1815; m. (1st) May 2, 1841, Elizabeth S. Goodwin, dan. of John and Huldah {Purington) Goodwin. She died Sept. 1, 1859. He married (2nd) Jan. 9, 1860, Lucy P. Pike, dau. of James and Eliza {Felloivs) Pike. She was born at Salisbury, Nov. 12, 1827. She died at Amesbury, Jan. 25, 1889. William P. died at Ames- bury, Jan. 1, 1882. Resided at Salisbury Point. Children: 124. Algernon S., b. May 0, 1843 ; d. Oct. 8, 1846. 125. Eugene, b, Oct. 4, 1847; m. Aug. 21, 1870, at Newburyport, Mass., to P. Annie Post. He died at Charleston, 111., Aug. 13, 1874. 126. Algernon Sidney, b. Nov. 1, 1850; m. Jan. 29, 1885, George Almira Currier. 127. William, b. May 29, 1859; d. Oct. 2, 1859. 128. Lizzie Fellows, (by 2nd wife) b. Sept. 16, 1862; m. Dec. 15, 1887, at Amesbury, to Charles F. Bailey. Children: Win. Morrill, b. Jan. 18, 1889. Chas. French, h. Jau, 15, 1890; d. June 4, 1890. Chester French, b. June 24, 1895. 115. Alfred' Morrill, (Benjamin\ Eobert\ Elijah*, Aaron^, Jacob"^, Abraham}) of Salisbury and Amesbury, Carpenter, b. Aug. 13, 1817; m. Nov. 11, 1840, at Salisbury, Sarah Ann Fowler, dau. of Enoch and Mary Odiorne {Colby) Fowler. She was born Aug. 14, 1814, at Salisbury. Died at Charlestown, Mass. He died at Charlestown, April 23, 1902. Children: 10 MORRILL FAMILY 129. Frances Ellen, b. at Salisbury, Oct. 5, 1841 ; m. (1st) at Salisbury, Oct. 13, 1861, John Hurley. He was born April 6, 1837, and died at Charles- town, Mass., Mar. 8, 1884, She married (2nd) at Charlestown, May 5, 1885, Charles Slack. He died there June 27, 1901. Child : Alfred Morrill, b. Oct. 14, 1867; m. June 29, 1898, Minnie Mary Kendall, of Charlestown. 130. Enoch Fowler, b. Salisbury, Sept. 13, 1843; d. Salisbury, Oct. 27, 1844. 131. Mary Odiorne, b. Salisbury, Sept. 27, 1851 ; d. Amesbury Oct. 30, 1871. 117. Albert" Morrill, (Benjamin^ Roht.% Elijah^ Aaroit, Jacolr, Ahraliam}) of Salisbury and Amesbury, Blacksmith, b. April 11, 1825; m. Oct. 6, 1846, Mima Jones. She was born at Pittsfield, N. H., Nov. 6, 1825, and died at Amesbury. Child- ren: 132. Franklin Pierce, b. at Pittsfield, N. H., July 9, 1847; m. at Corning, N. Y., May 30, 1869, Jennie Gilbert, 133. Sarah Frances, b. at Newburyport, Mass., Oct. 6, 1850; m, at Ports- mouth, N. H., July 26, 1868, to Nath'l Keene. She died April 11, 1893, at Amesbury. No children. 134. Melvin Albert, b. at Amesbury, Jan. 26, 1854; m. Jan. 1, 1879, (1st) Hattie Louisa Gifford, who died Sept. 5, 1883; m. (2nd) Clara Abigail Peaslee, of Pittsfield, N. H., May 2, 1885. 118. Edwin' Morrill, {Benjamin'', Robert', Elijah*, Aaron"", JacoJf, Abraham}) of Salisbury (Amesbury), Carriage Manufac- turer, b. Mar. 15, 1830; m. at Salisbury by Rev. Benj. Sawyer, June 30, 1853, to Mary' Evans, dau. of John" Evans (John^ Reuben*, Thomas^, Thomas-, John^ from Wales) and Lucy' Pillsbury {Benj.-', SamU, Joshua*, Daniel^, Job^, WiUiam\ of England). She was born at Salisbury, April 18, 1831, Resided at Salisbury Point in his father's house (built in 1808) until he built a new one on the site of the old (1876). Old house sold to Samuel True and rem. to lot east of Hiram Lowell's at the corner of Clark's Lane. Ell to old house sold to Geo. Manson and rem. to cor. of Essex Merrimac Bridge and road to Rocky Hill. Both parts standing in 1901. Children: 135. Elwyn, b. Aug. 26, 1857 ; d. Nov. 23, 1857. 136. Horace Edwin, b. May 17, 1859; m. Salisbury, Jan. 12, 1882, Mary L. Poole. 137. Lucy May, b. Sept. 1, 1864. 138. Arthur Evans, b. May 31, 1868; d. Oct. 11, 1868. 139. Grace Winchester, b. Aug. 26, 1873. MORRILL FAMILY 11 121. Alphameo^ Morrill, {EoherV, Benj.\ Bobert\ Elijah,'^ Aaroii\ Jacob", Abraham^) of Lynn and Salem, Mass. , Carpenter and Electrician, b. at Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 15, 1842; m. at Dover, N. H., June 4, 1864, Helen C. Twombly, dau. of Benj. H. and Aseneth {Young) Twombly. She was born at Dover, N. H., Jan. 15, 1843. Children: 140. Fred Henry, b. W. Danvers, Mass., March 7, 1865; d. at Lynn, Mass. Dec. 3, 1867. 141. Fannie May, b. May 1, 1870, Lynn, Mass.; m. Nov. 30, 1891, Salem, Mass., to Denton Gurnee Brokaw. Children : Mildred Morrill, b. July 25, 1892. Clarence Denton, b. May 1, 1894. 142. Mabel Helen, b. May 1, 1870, Lynn; d. July 8, 1872, at Dover, N. H. 135. Eugene* Morrill, [Wm.', Benjamin^, Bobert% Elijah*, Aarov?, Jacolf, Abraliaw)) of Salisbury, Carriage Trimmer, b. Oct. 4, 1847; m. Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 21, 1870, P. Annie Post. Eugene died at Charleston, III., Aug. 13, 1874. Child: 143. Eugene D., b. at Salisbury, Dec. 16, 1871; m. at Lynn, Mass., April 16, 1896, Annie Helen Quimby. 126. Algernon- Morrill, {William\ Benjamin\ Bobert\ Elijah*, Aaron^, Jacolf, Abraham}) of Salisbury (Amesbury) Car- riage Maker, b. Nov. 1, 1850; m. Jan. 29, 1885, George Almira Currier. Children : 144. Edith Sidney, b. March 16, 1886. 145. Lena Currier, b. Aue. 10, 1889. 132. Franklin^ P. Morrill, (Alberf, Benjamin^ BoberV', Elijah*, Aaron^, Jacob"-, Abraham^) Blacksmith, b. Pittsfield, N. H., July 9, 1847; m. at Corning, N. Y., May 30, 1869, Jennie Gilbert. Child: 146. Albert Gilbert. ^134. Melvin' a. Morrill, {Albert', Benj.\ Bobt.\ Elijah*, Aaron^, Jacolf, Abraham^) of Salisbury (Amesbury) Blacksmith, b. there Jan. 26, 1854; m. (1st) Hattie Louisa Gifford, Jan. 1, 1879. She died Sept. 5, 1883. He married (2nd) Clara Abigail Peaslee, of Pittsfield, N. H., May 2, 1885, who was born there Oct. 18, 1860. Children: 148. Cora Keene, b. Amesbury, Oct. 30, 1879; m. Rye, N. H., Dec. 20, 1901, Harry Blaisdeil. 12 MORRILL FAMILY 149. Louis Vaugh.v, b. Salisbury, June 6, 1882; d. Salisbury, Mar. 27, 1888. 150. Ray Peaslee, b. Pittsfield, N. H., May 23, 1886. 151. Leslie Adgustus, b. Pittsfield, June 24, 1890. 152. Lottie May, b. Amesbury, Dec. 15, 1893. 136. Horace' E. Morrill, {Edwin', Benj.\ Bobert', Elijah^ Aaroif, Jacolf, Abraham^) Carriage Mfr., b. at Salisbury (after- wards Amesbury) May 17, 1859; m. there Jan. 12, 1882, by Rev. W. P. Slocum to Mary'' L. Poole, the dau. of Harrison^ Poole {F7rmcis\ Francis^, Ebenezer'-, John^ of Taunton, England) of Rock- port and Salisbury, and Mary^ P. Penson (John-, John'' of Harwich, England) of Salisbury. Wife Mary b. Sept. 20, 1858, at Salis- bury. Residence: Salisbury Point till Sept., 1892, then Cincin- nati, O., till March, 1894, then removed to Dayton, Ohio. Chil- dren : 153. Helen Tracy, b. Salisbury, Dec. 10, 1882. 154. Edith Harrison, b. Salisbury. April 13, 1884. 155. Robert Evans, b. Salisbury, Dec. 30, 1885; d. Salisbury, Dec. 15, 1886. 156. Ruth Penson, b. Amesbury, Aug. 18, 1890. 157. Eliot Winthrop, b. Amesbury, June 23, 1892. 158. Edwin Salisbury, b. Dayton, O., Oct. 20, 1899. 143. Eugene Dunbar' Morrill, {Eugene\ Wm. P.\ Benj.\ Bobt.\ Elijah^ Aaron\ Jacob'-, Abraham^) b. at Salisbury, Dec. 16, 1871; m. at Lynn, Mass., Apr. 6, 1896, Annie Helen, dau. of Charles and Sarah Jane (Johnson) Quimby. She was born at Lynn, Sept. 1, 1873. Children: 1.59. Marion Johnson, b. Lynn, Feb. 15, 1897. 160. Esther Pike, b. Lynn, Jan. 31, 1899. PECKER GENEALOGY. 1. James Pecker, of Haverhill and Boston, Carpenter, born abt. 1622; probably m. Elizabeth Friend (John*). He agreed to become an inhabitant of Haverhill by June, 1653 [Hv. Rec. Feb. 23, 1651J. Land granted him a1 Hv. Feb. 28, 1651, June 7, 1652, April 5, 1654, and March 3, 1667. Land granted him at Charlestown, 1657-58 [Ch. Rec. No. 3, p. 80]. Selectman at Hv., 1669. First Surveyor of Boards, 1674. He died May 15, 1696. His wife died before him in Boston [Hv. Rec.]. Chil- dren : 2 I James. (?) 3 II Maky, b. Sept. .5, 1652, (Hv.) ; prob. m. Mar. 3, 1672-3, Thomas Wells, of Newbury. 4 III Susanna, b. Dec. 17, 1654, (Hv). 5 IV A DAUGHTER, b. Jan. 25, 1664 (Hv); d. Feb. 10, 1664 (Hv). 2. James- Pecker, Jr., (Jame.s'?) of Haverhill, Mass., "innholder," m. Ann' Davis {James-, James^). She was born Feb. 13, 1655. He took oath allegiance, Hv., Nov. 28, 1677 [N. E. G. & H. R., Vol. 6, p. 203]. Living in 1734. Settlement estate granted son John, Dec. 17, 1748. Children: 7 I Ann, b. Feb. 5, 1682 (Hv) ; [at Boston, Feb. 13, 1682, R. C. R. No. !», p. 158]. 8 II James, b. Nov. 15, 1684 (Hv) ; m. Susanna 9 III John, b. Dec. 15. 1687 (Hv); m. Eliza Kelly. 10 IV Daniel, b. May 23, 1690 (Hv); m. Sarah Cbeever. 11 V MARY,t b. Sept. 15, 1692 (Hv). 12 VI Ann, b. Mar. 6, 1694-5 (Hv). 13 VII SusANNA,tt b. June 19, 1697-8 (Hv). *Will of John Friend (of Saleiu, 1638,) 4, 11th month, 1665; proved 27, Ist mo., 1656; mentions dau. Elizabeth Pecker, rtJoseph Green m. Mary Pecker, Aug. 25, 1720 [R. C. R. No. 28, p. 87] ttThomas Meds m. Susanna Pecker, April 12, 1727, Stoughton, [Rec. Cora. Rep. No. 28. p. 317. Note — Cornet James Pecker- was an innholder and had kept a public house in Haverhill for many years. Tn Chaise's Hist, of Hv. it is mentioned as late as 1724. He was probably over 70 at that time and lived to be about 95. He bought the estate of Capt. Wainwright, May 16, 1717 [Essex Reg. Deeds Book 32, If. 58]. Mr. Pecker apparently erected a brick dwelling-house just south of the old house soon after his purchase and removed to it. Some years later he turned over to his son John the business of a public house and re- sumed his occupation of farming. He conveyed the estate, with house and barns, to son John, Feb. 14, 1729-30 [Essex Reg. Deeds Book 55, If. 77]. John 18 PECKER FAMILY 9. John'' Pecker, Capt., (James-, JamesK^) of Haverhill, Boston and Pennacook, N. H.*, Ship Chandler, Innholder, b. Haverhill, Dec. 15, 1687; m. (1st) Boston, June 16, 1709. Eliza Kelly t [Intention reads Elizabeth]; m. (2nd) March 13, 1722 [Rec. Com. Rep.] or Apr. 4, 1723 [Nb. Rec], Hannah Wainwright, widow, of Newbury. Estate settled by son James, Jan. 10, 1757. Widow Hannah [Sm. Prob.]. His name is given as Captain in Whitman's Hist. Anc. & Hon. Art. Co., p. 175. Was one of the Pecker conveyed tlie old bouse and a small lot to Grant Webster of Hv., "a trader," March 26, 1748 [Essex Reg. Deeds Book 93, If. 244], and just four years later to a day Mr. Webster sold them to Benj. Harrod, of Boston. John Pecker lived in the brick house and died possessed of it in 1757; a part of the house was assigned to the widow as dower and the rest was occupied by Michael Soley as a tavern in 1763. This house was situated on Main Street about one hundred feet southeast of City Hall. House destroyed by fire April 16, 1775. [Essex Antiq. Vol. 3, p. 167-8.] *John Pecker evidently spent his early manhood with his brothers in Boston. Permission was granted John Pecker to build a house in Boston, Mch. 1, 1710. John, James and Jeremiah Pecker were among the 36 Haverhill men who were chosen as proprietors or settlers of Pennacook. Chase's Haverhill says: "John and James Pecker were sons of James and Ann (Davis) Pecker. Of Jeremiah no record can be found." (8) James^ Pecker lived in Boston. Evidently (9) John^ Pecker and his son (20) James, perhaps Jeremiah, a son not on record by 1st wife, were the ones selected for the Pennacook settlers. From 1726 to 1731, John Pecker is not heard of in Haverhill, In Boston he made use of a sewer in 1733. He was chosen on various committees at Penna- cook in 1727, 1728, 1729; appointed surveyor in 1730; had a house built and inhabited at Pennacook in 1731. Feb. 14, 1729, his father (2) James conveyed to him the Capt. Wainwright estate, and further record of John Pecker is found only at Haverhill. Capt. John Pecker, of Haverhill, sold land in Chester, N. H., to John Mills, Dec. 3, 1734. [Prov. deeds of State of N. H.] Capt. Pecker, of Haverhill, lost a child by throat distemper, 1735-7. [Essex Antiq. I. 10.] John Pecker rated at East Parish, Hv., 1741. [Ch. Hv.] Name on petitions, etc., 1748. [Ch. Hv.] Of Hv. in 1751 per diary of Rev. Samuel Chandler, of Gloucester. Of Hv. in 1734 per brother James' will, April 22. John Pecker deeded land in Pennacook to one Sanders, Dec. 10, 1749. He deeded land to John Ayer west of Merrimac River near Amoskeag, and at the same time (Nov. 5, ) land to same at Narragansett. Deeded land to Isaac Bradley, Dec. 28, 1748, west of Merrimac River. Deeded land in Salem, Mass.> to John Woodman, Nov. 14, 1753. John Pecker died in 1757. [Ch. Hv.] John Pecker was buried in the old Haverhill cemetery in the same lot with his daughter-in-law Susanna, wife of (20) James. Several of the younger children of (20) James and Susanna, and John Cogswell, father of Susanna (Cogswell) Pecker, were also buried in the same lot. tElizabeth, dau. of John and Emin Kelly, b. Nov. 27, 1684. PECKER FAMILY 19 founders of the new North Church, Boston. Was one of the original proprietors of Pennacook (Concord, N. H.), 1725. [Ch. Hv.]. [N. H. State Papers, Vol. 24, p. 614. J Children: 19 I Ann,* b. Aug. 14, 1710, at Boston. 20 II jAMES.t 21 III Eliza, b. July 12, 1713, at Boston. 22 IV John, b. Jan. 7, 1723-4 (Hv). 23 V Daniel, b. Mar. 14, 1725-6 (Hv). 24 VI William, b. Mar. 14, 1725 6 (Hv) ; d. Mar. 31, 1726. 25 VII William, b. Jan. 22, 1728 (Hv). 26 viii Mary, b. May 10, ]731 (Hv); m. Oct. 26, 1752, Rev. Edmund Noyes, of Salisbury. 27 IX Charles?, b. July 17, 1732 (Hv) ; d. 1781. 28 X Elizabeth, b. July 30, 1733 (Hv). 29 XI Sarah, b. Sept. 16, 1734 (Hv). 30 XII Jeremiah, bp. [Hv. Ch.] Sept. 22, 1735. 31 XIII Daniel, bp. [Hv. Ch.] Nov. 7, 1736. 20. James^ Pecker, {Joint, James^, James^) of Haverhill^ Physician, b. ; grad. H. C, 1743; adm. 1st Ch., Hv., July 6, 1746; m. (1st) Dec. 13, 1744, Susannah' (or Hannah) Cogswell, *Ann Pecker married Rev. Samuel Chandler. By Rev. Mr. Chandler's diary it is proved tliat his wife was the dau. of Capt. John Pecker, of Hv., 1751. "Chandler Genealogy" says she was born Jan. 3, 1715, possibly confounding her with her cousin (17) Ann (James^---^) b. March (1st mo.) 13, 1715. It is possible that (19) Ann Pecker may have died young and another dau. was given the same name in 1718, for Sarah (Chandler) Haynes, dau. of Rev. Samuel and Ann (Pecker) Chandler, in manuscript diary now in possession of a descendant, wrote under date of Sept. 10, 1778, "This day my dear and honored mother died, aged 60 years." tJames Pecker is not found on Boston Records, but is proved to be son of (9) John by diary of his brother-in-law. Rev. Samuel Chandler. In Vol. 3 at the Essex Institute it is noted "Brother James Pecker came to see us" and on the next day "Dr. Pecker went home." In another volume, in the possession of Mrs. A. M. Pickford, of Lynn, Mass., he mentions "Father Pecker, of Haver- hill, sister Betty and brothers James and Jeremiah Pecker." He also refers to Capt. Pecker and Capt. John Pecker. A James Pecker was a graduate of Har- vard in 1743 and a Jeremiah Pecker in 1757. Nothing further is known of Jeremiah except in "Chase's Haverhill" we learn that Pecker's Tavern even- tually fell into his hands after 1760. [P. 74.] James, son of Capt. Pecker, adm. First Ch., Hv., July 6, 1746. ^Guardianship of Charles Pecker, of Hv., a person represented to be non compos mentis, was granted to his brother, James Pecker, March 13, 1757. [Es- sex ProL. Vol. 358, p. 77.] Charles Pecker died intestate. Settlement granted Nov. 7, 1785. [Essex Prob. Vol. 35.S, p. 77.] 20 PECKER FAMILY dau. of John^ Cogswell (JoJin^, Wm.", John'') and Susanna Low {Ambrose, of Hingham). She was born 1722, at Marblehead, Mass.; d. March 15, 1761, (Hv) at Haverhill. Dr. Pecker m. (2nd) Nov. 12, 1761, [Hv] Mrs. Ruth Bradley, of Hv., who died at Haverhill, Sept. 1, 1806. Dr. Pecker was exempted from mili- tary duty in 1757 as liable to be called upon under extraordinary emergencies among the inhabitants of the plantation. He en- listed June 29, 1776, and on July 23 marched with forty-three others to Ticonderoga. In 1778, was one of the eight months' men at Parksville. Was Surgeon in Gen. Hazen's regiment. Was also in Capt. Moses McParland's com.pany in Col. John Nixon's regiment. He died at Valley Forge. [Sept. 22, 1778, J. E. Pecker, Concord, N. H.] Dr. Pecker had ten children by each wife. [Wm. Pecker Colby, Merrimac, Mass.— Jameson's Cogswells in America.] Children: 39 I Hannah, b. Nov. 18, 1745 [Hv] ; d. Feb. i:], 1749 [Hv]. 40 II Susannah, b. Dec. 8, 1746 [Hv]. 41 III John, b. Aug. 3, 1748 [Hv]. 42 IV Elizabeth, b. Apr. 3. 1750 [Hv] ; d. May 27, 1750. 43 V Hannah, b. Aug. 5, 1751 [Hv]; prob. m. Edmund Chase, of Hv. Had 9 chil. and she d. June 6, 1835. 44 VI Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1753 [Hv]. 45 VII Sarah, b. Dover, N. H., Dec. 15, 1754 [Hv]; m. (2nd wf) Thos. Froth- ingham, 1743-1790) of Newburyport. Children: Thomas, b. Feb. 12, 1780; d. 1847. James Pecker, b. Feb. 7, 1782; d. 1855. John, b. Sept., 1784; d. 1824. 46 VIII James, b. Aug. 9, 1756 [Hv]; m. Oct. 5, 1779, Hannah Dalton. 47 IX . 48 X William, b. Oct. 10, 1758 [Hv]; m. Oct. 10, 1782, Hannah Sawyer. By second wife: 49 XI Daniel, b. Aug. 29, 1762 [Hv]; m. Dec. 15, 1785, Eebecca Osgood. 50 xii Ruth, b. Feb. 5, 1764; prob. m. Dec. 25, 1787, Moses Richardson, of Hampstead. 51 XIII Anna, bp. June 16, 1765. - 52 XIV Mary, bp. Oct. 25, 1767; m. Aug. 12, 1792, Rev. Pain Wingate (both of Hv). 53 XV Abigail, bp. Nov. 5, 1769. 54 XVI . Note. — Among the natives of Haverhill who had received a college educa- tion were Jacobus Pecker, M. M. S. V., Prseses, Harvard, 1743; Jeremiah Pecker, Harvard, 1757. Jacobus Pecker, Representative, 1684. [Mirick's Hv.] PECKER FAMILY 21 55 XVII Jeremiah, b. 1772; m. (1st) Ruth Kimball; (2ud) Mary {Eastman) Lang. 5() XVIII . 57 XIX . 58 XX . 48. William^ Pecker, {James\ John\ James\ James^) "Pot- ter," of Haverhill and Amesbury, Mass., b. Oct. 10, 1758 [Hv]; m. Oct. 10, 1782, [Am. 2d Ch.] Hannah Sawyer, dau. of Dr. Aaron^ Sawyer (Stephen''', Stephen.-, William^) and RacheP Sargent {Joh7v\ Thomas^, William^). William Pecker was elected Deacon of the Second Church of Amesbury, July 5, 1792. Resided at South Amesbury at the turn of the road to West Amesbury (now Merrimac). The homestead was recently demolished to give place to a church. He was killed by the falling of one of his kilns. Children: tJj-An^^ 70 I Rachel, b. ;m. Aug. 6, 1800 [A], Jooopb Currier, of Amesbury. 71 II Hannah, b. Oct. 16, 1784 [A]; m. Sept. 18, 1803 [A], Joseph Wingate, of Hallowell. 72 HI Abigail, b. Dec. 12, 1786 [A]; m. Mar. 8, 1806 [A], Peter Currier, of Amesbury. 73 IV Miriam*, b. Mar. 11, 1789 [A]; m. Nov. 30, 1808 [A], Benjamin Morrill, of Salisbury. 7-1 V Sophia, b. May 2, 1791 [A]; m. May 14, 1816 [A], Edmund Sargent, of Amesbury. 75 VI Sally, b. Aug. 31, 1793 [A]; m. Stephen Sargent. 76 VII Betsy, b. Jan. 24, 1796 [A]; m. Dec. 10, 1820, Jeseptr Colby, of Ames- bury. i/6~l^U~^J~^ — 77 VIII Mary, b. Apr. 20, 1798 [A]; m. Nov. 4, 1818, Jonathan Fowler, of Salisbury. 78 IX Susan, b. July 2, 1800 [A]; m. Aug. 2, 1827, Nathaniel Davis, of Ames- bury. 79 X Weld, b. July 24, 1802; d. unmarried. 80 XI William Cogswell, b. Sept. 14, 1804 [A] ; d. Oct. 4, 1805 [A]. 81 XH William Cogswell, b. Sept. 6, 1806 [AJ; d. May 8, 1807. 82 XIII Aaron S., b. May 27, 1809 [A]; d. unmarried. 83 XIV Charlotte, b. Dec. 7, ISll [A]; m. Feb. 23, 1831, Wm, C. Little, of Amesbury; m. (2d) Enoch Eastman. •■■Descendants of Benjamin and Miriam (Pecker) Morrill will be found on pp. 7-12. \ SEP 10 19U4 i