F 129 J Lib* LAKESIDE MUSIC DEPT. ClASS lEJARKnOTEL, LAKESiDEPmiOnLEANS Cnfi./. Q. R. HARMS, Prop. (akcside C^rk '^jsTolel nrillS BEAUTIFUL FAMILY RESORT will open on June 15th under the manage- ment and direct supervision of the owner. NATURE has made this lovely spot so near perfection that little remains for man to do. THE GROUND is comprised of over forty acres of high woodland, beautiful lawns and t;ardens. It is separated from the mainland by Johnson's River, a beautiful wind- ing stream on the south, and lashed by the broad waters of Lake Ontario on the north. Over thirty acres are covered by native forests, with charming walks and drives. The lawns are well kept, and dotted here and there with beautiful flowers and plants. The gardens are richly laden, and from them come the fresh vegetables for the table. THE HOTEL is primitive, yet unique in its construction. The place was not designed for style, but for absolute rest and comfort, at a small expense to the guests it cannot be excelled. Us piazzas are broad and w'ell shaded, and the views from them enchanting and superb. A number of cosey cottages belong to the hotel which have comfortable rooms and afford more (juiet seclusion for families than the Hotel proper. The Harms' Cottage. LAKESIDE PARK is indeed an ideal Summer outinsj resort. There is everything to attract, nothing to offend — no marshes, no malaria, no mos(|uitoes and no nuisances. It is a paradise for the j'oung people: shady nooks ever\-\vhere for the hammocks, tennis courts, billiards, pool, rowing, sailing, boating, fishing and a large music hall, in which there is dancing every evening; picnics every day, and every Saturday evening a general dance is given in the pavilion for the pleasure of a large number of young people who come from the neighboring towns, and dance until midnight. A splendid pavilion for picnic parties, good country roads for bicycling and driving. .\ large and well a]ipointed stage has been erected at one end of the music hall, and frci|uent enter- tainments ai'e given by the guests. In fact, every day is one continual round of pleasure and enjoyment. AX ADDITIONAL ATTRACTION for the season of 1899HviUbe found in the Netu Bo'wling Alley and Billiard Room, for luhich a netv and separate building has been erected, SPECI.'^L ATTENTION is given to the care of horses and carriages; large Ijarns and ample hitching accommodations. Bicycle parties receive personal attention. Boats, fishing tackle and bait always on hand. THE SERVINO OF SPECIAL DINNERS to driving parties, societies, wheelmen or small private parties is one of the attractive features, and special attention will be paid to them. The management has secured one of the best country cooks, and special attention will be given to insure our guests that the verv best meals will be served. View of Lawn from Hotel Piazza. LAKESIDE PARK is an ideal and most charming spot for rest and recreation. No intoxicating liquors will be sold on the grounds. AX EXCELLENT ORCHESTR.\ will render nnisic afternoons and evenings during the entire season. PICNIC PARTIES may arrange for use of the pavilion and grounds. A post office has been established in the Hotel, known as Lakeside Park. Orleans Co., N. Y., to which all mail should be addressed. Five mails daily. Along distance Telephone has been installed for the convenience of the guests. HOW TO REACH LAKESIDE PARK. LAKESIDE PARK IS SITUATED ON LAKE ONTARIO, midway between Buffalo and Rochester. From Cincinnati take the Big Four or Erie Railroad to Buffalo, thence to Niagara Falls, where you take the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg divis- ion of N. Y. Central R. R., to WATERPORT STATION— one hour's ride. From Buffalo or Rochester take the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg division of N. Y'. Central R.R., to WATERPORT STATION— one hour's ride. From New York take N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. or New Y'ork, Ontario & Western R. K. DIRECT to W.YTERPORT STATION. A DAILY STAGE TO AND FROM ALBION, N. Y., morning and afternoon, making direct connections with N. Y". C. & H. R. R. R. Stage leaves Lakeside Park, 7.30 A. M. Returning, leaves Albion, N. Y., 1.30 p. M. HOTEL STAGE WILL MEET EVERY TRAIN AT WATERPORT; distance to the Park, four miles over a beautiful country road. One of the Large Trees on Lawn, "Looking Toward Lake Ontab REGULAR RATES from $9.00 to $12.00 per week. Transient rates tVoni $2.00 to $2.50 per day. Special rates will Ije given to families and parties remaining^ a length of time. LAKESIDE PARK WILL ol'EX THE SEASON ON JUNE 15th under the personal supervision of its owner, and the management will be ever ready to promote the comforts and pleasure of the guests. EOK PARTICULARS, ADDRESS, Q. R. HARMS, Proprietor, Lakeside Park, Orleans County, N. Y., or Bellevue, Campbell Co., Kentucky. Reference: \V. A. I't(mii).man, Cindiniati, U. G. VV. KonsuN, JK., Cincinnati. O. Oscar H. Hewlett, New VorU. View of Fishing Gkounds at Mouth of Johnson's Kiver, AND Entrance to Lake Ontario. Mouth of Johnsu.s's KiviiK. biiowiNo the INjint at Lakeside Park. 9 Mail Stage Arriving at Lakeside. "Washington" Cottages in the Distance. 10 'Lovers' Walk" Through the Woods to the "Thirteen Trees." View of Hotel Veranda, South Side. 12 A Flash Light Photograph Taken One Evening on the Stage, After a " Minstral Performance by the Guests," *^^v_ TOLFDoJ Sa,iious«). 7^ L\>^^ ""ia ^s '"0, ''^^o VCINN/\TI M/\P SHovVii^G Loc/\TioH [^oWTo Get Thef(e 5EE PAGE 3 ^^-^^ Prilu/\DtLPf lAj ^'•'■"Vo-jf WASHiNGTorJj LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS k^ 014 432 937 5