^Jf ©d;o(W nth li^- J- ?■ T^^om, S. E. Clagett, J- C. Toner, J. McWilliams, I R- A. Poulton, Dr. D. S. C. Ireland, ' John F. Weyler, J. Frank Lewis, A. II. GREENiaELD. 38 Municipal Executive Committee: Francis P. Stevens, Cliciifose Nelker & Co., 1 21. J. M. Ramming, ^ i GROCERS. 22. 8eevers & Anderson, 2 " 23. Hamilton & French, '{ 24. John Oliver, 2 25. S. T. Johnson, 1 26. J. Zink & 8on, horses, 27. Sterling Manufact'g Co., 1 wasron, 28. Tho's ii. Green &"Bro., ] 29. H. M. Hosmer & Bro., 1 30. Drury & Ijams, 2 " 81. Delaney & Smith, 3 " 32. J. H. Leber & Bro., 1 33. Mooney & Co., 1 34. Dinsmore & Kyle, 4 " 35. Wm. J. Bowen, Agt. of J Pyles Pearline ... 1 wagon, 3(5. Geo. K. McGaw, 1 wagon, 37. Tho's McCaubrey, Steam Bakery, 2 38. American Mfg. Co., Oleomargarine. SALT. 39. A. Kerr Bros. & Co 2 40. Parrish Bros. 2 TEA. 41. Importers and Traders Tea Co. 2 " 42. Atlantic Tea Company ..2 43. Martin, Gillet & Co.' 1 44. F. A. Bryan & Co 1 PATENT TOP MANIJF. 45. L. Moore, Stedman's Patent Top, 1 carriage, BASKET AND WILLOW WARE. 46. Lord & Robinson 2 wagons, 47. Jos. Schlereth 1 SIXTH DIVISION. {Colors — Green.) Chief of Division— JACOB MURBACH. (TWELVE AID.S.) SAW AND PLANIiVG MILLS: No. 1. Otto Duker & Co. — Jos. M. Bla.k.\by, Marshal of Section 1. Chas. Weber's Band in wagon. Wagon with Pyramid of Hard Wood, — Wagon with Sawed Work, — Wagon with Frames, — 2 Wagons with Employees, A Lumber Wagon, — Timber Wagon, — Watchman's Wagon. 48 No. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. B J Ilubbel 1 wagon 1 u 2 •' of Section. . 5 wagons . 2 " 2 " '. 2 " . 3 " 2 " . 3 " . 5 " . 1 " . I " 1 " 6 " 28 wagons . 9 ■' 2 " . 3 " 2 " .' 2 " . 1 " 1 a 1 i( 1 " ' following Gr, \Y. Hoistmau, C C Runiph & Co. Heald Saw & Planing Mill Conipanv Heise & Bruns Thomas Mathews & Co Greo. F. Sloane & Bro. F. W. Trimble FURNl TURE MANLfFA CTURERS. Morton D. Banks, Marshal Morton D. Banks, Rosendale & Co. Chris. Scherer Geo. Beck (lunther & Fink H. Jenkins & Son Graham & Schmid t Atlantic Furniture Co. Tho's Kugler Armstrong & Denny L. Himmel Band Manufacturing Company MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Fifth Eegiment Band. Wm. Knabe & Co., 200 men and F. Legeman, Marshal. Chas. M. StiefF Wm. Hcinekamp A. Pomplitz Sanders & Stayman John Magez Wm. H. Bendler PICTURE FRAMES. Wm. Eckhardt Schneider & Fuchs RUSTIC WORK. Jas. Schloer Cottor Bride BARREL MAKERS. Flourbarrel Coopers' Union Eppler & Sons Henry Schaefer Kimball, Tyler & Co. Fred. Schlimme SHOW CASES. Chas. Carl & Co. Richard Sauer BOX FACTORIES. One Wagon with 24 horses, represented by the 49 Firms: — Thiemeyer & Co. — Adams & Setzer — Asendorf & Dryer — Klinguieyer & Co. — Becker & Bro. — Radecke & Co. — Siemers & Co. — Schulze & Co. — H.' Heise & Co. — J. H. Duker 41. Win. H. Sehleigb. 42. BILLIARDS; — J. (i. Taylor & Co. 43. TURNERS: — Stork k Sons. 1 wagon 2 " 2 " 1 " No. 1. i 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lo. 16. 17. IS. 19 20. 21 2U 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 29. 291 30. 31. 32. 33. SEVENTH DIVISION. ( Colors — Violet.) Chief of Divtsion — Col J. LYLE CLARK. TWELVE AIDS. MUSIC. Express Companits. — Adams Express 6 \v;ii;()iis Wm. Mullmeyer A: Hunter 2 Dunn & Brother 2 •' Schools. — House of Refuge Mechanical Department, 1 barouche, 200 on foot. St. Mary's Industrial School 16 wagons Prof. Kuapp's Institute (TaLleau) Fi inters. — Herald Publishing Company, 50 men .... (jrlobe Printing Company I. Friedenwald & Co. Torsch Bros. Thomas & Evans Jas. Young Lithngraphers. — A. Hoeu & Co. Stationers. — Rossmiissler & Morf Guggenheimer & Weil Music Dealer. — Greo. Willig Bookhinders. — Dell & Knapp Faperhangers. — Geo. Eckhardt Aug. Hangemiihle Geo. Ehrhardt Fancy Fapcr. — F. P. Reisinger Goldbeaters — John Gechter A. Doupert Fost Ojfice. — Baltimore Post Office Straw Goods. — Wilson & Perry Kid Gloces and Hair. — Martin & Emerich Dry Goods. — Ross, Campbell & Co. Rosenthal & Co. Hosier I). — L. Felber & Co. L. Felber. Hatters. — Snow & Co. Gent's Furnislung. — Linton lV Kirwan Shirts . — R.Adams S. Fleischmau Dubreul Bros. 50 84. Carpets.— -Lorenz Weber 1 wn<;-on 85. W. T. Dunbraco 1 " 36. Schoencwolf 4 ' 37. T. S. Griffith & Co. MUSIC. 3 " 38. Tailors and Clothiers. — Custom Tailors, 1 barouche , 2 wagons and 80 men on foot. 39. F. W. Oehm 1 wagon 40. Peter BUinkner 1 " 41. Rosenfeld Bros. 10 '• 42. Strassburger & Son 2 •' 43. K. Frank & Bro. 2 " 44. Shrinking. — Joseph llanft & Sons 1 45. Um/jrellas . — C. E. Beeler -^^ 1 ' 4Q. Ruffling. — Ph. F. Gehrman& Co. 2 47. Dtjtr. — Moritz Richter ,: . ,.*'.. 1 • 48. Willcox & Gibbs yX 1 '^ 49. Cotton Mills. — Powhattau Cotton Mi||§t^.^4 ,, ....;.. 3 " 50. Savage Cotton Mills ^Li^';|S»^'.... 1 •' 51. Okum Factory of Canton, 20 men piifjjlte'^'^ ■* 5-2. Faperhoxes and Paver. — Yaus & CJHh >fe,. - , . •:!;, 1 53. Smith. Dixon & Co. '^^Hf--'^' •■'■•*^f 3 54. Tobacco. - — Becker Bros. l^^n^' '*••••'• • 4 ■• 55. Joesting Bros. WW^«^ ?* 1 ' 56. L. H. Newdecker " 1 •' 57. Packholder & Bamberger *....;^1 " || .08. D. H. & L. V. Miller 59. J. Abbott 60. Jones Ellis 61. Y. P. Stone 62. E. A. Magill 6S. J. Herrman 64. Rawliugs & Co. 65. Johnson & Davis 66. Wm. Seeger 67. J. Fred. Lotz 2 68. Gail & Ax . 5 EIGHTH DIVISION. ( Color — Indigo Blue.) Chief of Division — Gen. R. H. CARR. (TWELVE AIDS.) No. MUSIC ON WAGON. 1. Butchers. — United Butcher Ass'n, 800 men on horse , 6 wagons. 2. Sheep Butchers and Wool Pulling Ass'n, 30 barouches. 8 wagons, 3. Butchers' Pleasure C!ub, 5 barouches, 1 vagon. 4. Geo. W. Berranger, 1 wagon, 1 ten-horse chariot. 5. Cha's Blumhardt, 8 wagons with Music. 51 6. Leather. — Shoe and Leather Board of Trade 5 wagons 7. United Leather Association 1 " 8 Henry Linderman 1 " 9. Porh Packers. —J. C. Sohafer 2 " 10. G. Cassnrd & Son 1 " n. W. P. Havey c\:. Sons 6 " 12. Ilienian Bros. & Co. 1 " 13. P. T. George 250 men on foot and 7 " 14. Hair Factories. — W. Wilkens, 25 carriages and 5 " 15. Fred, Walpert & Co. ..... 1 " 16. Gr. N. Wiggers 1 17. Brushes. — Renous, Kleinle & Co. 1 " IS. Upholsterers. — Uriah A. Pollack 2 " 19. J. Frey 1 " 20. Edeler Bros. 1 " 21. Lime, Hair and Cement. — Jacob Green 1 '" 22. Paints and Oils — Geo. N. Popplein, jr. 1 23. Maryhmd White Lead Company 1 " 24. Hirshberg, Hollander & Co. 1 '• 25. Varnish. — Berry Bros. 1 '" 26. E. H."Zuker 1 " 27. Gut fa Percha. — \\. H. Knight & Co. 1 28. Glass Houses. — Becker Bros., 250 men on foot and 4 '• Jno; Lang, Marshal. 29. Swindle Bros. 3 '' 30. Riverside Glassworks, 50 men on foot and 1 31. Jas. B. McNeal & Co^ 32. A. Young & Son 33. Soap. — Christ. Lipps 34. Louis Dunlap, Agt. 84|^ Higgins Loundry Soap 35. Laundry. — Empire Steam Loundry 86. Street Lamps — H. Nicolai NINTH DIVISION. [Colors — Chocolate.) Chief of Division — Col. Cha's McCann (twelve aid.s.) No. MUSIC. Oyster and Fruit Packers — 1. Unidn Oyster Company 2. Numsen & Sons 3. Miller Bros. & Co. 4. Tho's J. Myers & Co. 5. Piatt & Co. 6. Jas. E. Stansbury 7. D. D. Mallory 8. J. S. Farron & Co. 9. J. Walteraaier & Co. 10. L. W. Councilman & Co. A. K. ScHRlVEK, Marshal. 52 11. (0. ci- F. P. coKit.) J. Schoenberg & Co. .. 1 wagon, 12. Oberndorf k Going 13. Keosett k Co. 14. John C. Craft & Co. 16. McGrath & Co. i J'^- Henirainfj, Way & Co. 1 IS. W. W. Boyer k Co. 1 19. J. B. Mallory & Co. 20. C. S. Maltby & Co. 21. 0. W. Miller & Co. 22. H. M. Howe & Co. 23. E. A. Weidner & Co. 24. A. Booth 25. Evans, Day & Co. 26. Hunt & Willing 27. L. McMurray & Co. 28. Mooi-e & Brady 29. Hichcock & Co. no. Cha's Harrop 31. Kegel & Gueder 32. Griffith .^ Gilpin 33. H. J. Horn & Co. 34. Flemming k Co. 35 Van Lill Preserving Company 36. P. J. Hitter 37. J. Wm. Potts 38. F. Schlegel 39. Cider — F. B. Carey 40. Canmo leers — John A. Farrell & Co. 41. Lineweaver k Co. 42. M. Wagner & Co. 43. Hall Bros. 44. S. Ruth 45. Grillet & Co. 40. J. B. Hand 47. H. Uhrich & Co. 48. Tin W ''are — Keen & Hawerty 49. C. H. Wilhelm & (\i. 50. J. H. C. Thirkel 51. Wui. Grosskast & Co. 52. Maryland Bathtub Company ..1 ' ' 53. Wm. Fuller & Co. 54. H. F. Muller 55. Water tWers — Wm. H. Randall 551 LcadworJi — Baltimore Leadworks 56. Merchants' Shottower Company 57. China — Hamill, Brown k Co. . . o 58. Edwin Bennett 100 men on foot and 2 ■• || 59. Artificial Limhs — D. Reinhard .. 1 •• 53 — MUSIC. — The Breu-ers of Baltimore — H. Von der Horst, Mdrslial. ||| 60. Kin_jv Ganibrinus with 2 Pages and 17 Aids. 61. H. Von der Horst 1 wagon 62. J. F. Wiessner 1 63. G. Bauernschniidt ] " 64. (xeo. Brehm ] " 65. H. Strauss Bro. and Bell 1 66. J. Seeger ] " 67. Bauernschmidt and Mahr 1 " 68. Sol. Strauss ] 69. John Boyd 1 " 70. Jos. Schreier 1 " 71. H. Eigenbrod 1 " 7-2. riunther and Gehl 1 '' 73. E. Hoenervogt 1 " 74. F. Weber 1 " 75. E. W. Stiefel 1 " 76. P. Wunder ' 1 77. S. Helldoerffer 1 " 78. F. Schlaffer 1 79. T. M. Dukehardt 1 " 80. L. Muth 1 81. B. Berger 1 " 82. Butterfield & Co. 1 '•' 83. Mrs. G. Host 1 84. M. Berger 1 " 85. John Trust ] " 86. H. Werner 1 " 87. Tho's Beck and Son 1 " 88. Adler & Muhlhciser 1 " 89. John Bauernschmidt 1 " 90. John Schultheiss 1 91. Bay View 1 92. Weissbeer — Jos. Schierlitz 1 " 93. Coppersmiths — H. J. Ellerbrock l " ||| 94. John Hubert 1 " 95. Conpters — -J. W. Gilpin & Son 1 " 96. J. Bonday jr. & Co. 2 " 97. J. Houser & Co. 1 " 98. F. Thau 1 " 99. Wm. Schneider 1 " 100. Geo. Ktopp 1 101. Gunpowd( )r Waterworks 8 " 102. Welldigqe ■s — A. L. Miller 1 103. Andrew Coulter 1 104. Mineral Vater — A. S. Miles 3 " 105. C. L. May 3 " 106. Beer Bottlers — A. von Mitzel 6 54 107. (B. B. cont.) 8 tuten Island Bottling Company 1 wagon 108. W. J. Wickham & Co. 2 " 109. Wm. Brandstaedter 1 " 110. Consolidated Company 10 '' 111. Maryland Bottling House 1 " 112. Louis Calling 1 " 113. H. Dautrich 1 " 114. H. R. Elbring 2 " 115. A. Snyder 1 " 116. S. Chestnut & Co. 1 " 117. R. Armieor & Sons 1 '' 118. Thomas 3Iarks 1 " 119. Ref riqa ators — Q. H. Roloson & Co. 2 " 120. Liq nors — L. Groldheira 1 " 121. Dai vies — Maryland Dairy 1 " 122. Olive Dairy 1 " 123. Conrad Kraetcr 1 " 124. Roseland Farm Dairy 1 " 125. Pearl Dairy 1 " 126. B. and 0. Milkmen Association 1 " 127. C. H. Lohman 1 " 128. Ice. Cream — 8. L. McCulley 1 " ||! 129. Drugs — - Wm. H. Brown & Co. 1 " 130. Louis Becker 1 " 131. Stouebraker & Sons 1 " 132. Dr. C. W. Benson 1 " 133. Smith, Hanway & Co. 1 '' 184. Leef Bros. ..'.... 2 " 135. Wm. H. Reed 1 " 136. Holinan Pad Company 1 " 137. Barbers — J. Gratto 1 138. H. Hartwig 2 " 139. Rea I Estate — S. H. Hooper 1 TENTH DIVISION. {Colors— Pink.) C HTEF OP Division — Gen. McH. HOWARD. (TWELVE AIDS.) No. MUSIC. 1. Rail cays — Northern Central R. R., 350 men on foot and 1 wagon — Jas. Coale & S. W. Demorest, Marshals. 2. North Baltimore Pass. Railway Co 15 wagons 3. Carriages and Wagons — Wm. & J. H. Leonhardt, 1 " 4. 5. John Albaugh 1 " Henry S. Bell of the Carriage and Toy Co. 1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Heimiller Bros 1 " G-eo. P. Colfiesh 1 Gustav Glickman 1 '" Gr. J. Kurtz 1 T. D. Marshall 1 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 35J 36r 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 47^ 48. 49. 491 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 55 Blacksmiths — John Kunkel & Sons, I wagon F. Kluth Henry Roth .. 1 J. L. Brooks H. Meisner 3 " E,. Edehnann 1 " H. C. Parrish 1 ' ' Iron Foundries ■ — A. Weiskittel & Son Eirgling & Harris John Waltz & Co. .. 2 •• Bartlett, Robbins & Co. Hardiiare — Sidney, Norris & Co. .. 2 C. J. Stewart <& Sons Udge Tools — W. H. Kanne Edw. Clayford '.. 1 '' Union File Works John R. Hudgins & Co. Cha's Toland & Co. Liqhtninq Rods — John A. Ruth Gas Generators — Astral Mfg. Co. 1 i i .. 3 " .. 3 " .. 3 " .. 5 1 i( 1 t i 1 " C. M. Kemp Wm. F. Lay & Co. Md. Meter Works Machinists — John H. Buxton L. P. Clark & Son Boiler Mahers — • C. Froehlich & Co. Clark & Co. Jas. Murray & Sons and Wui. Petit .... Jas. J. Lazy & Co. E. J. Codd & Co. Safe and Iron Works — L. H. Miller Stoves — S . A . M oi-gan Fire Brick — Baltimore Terra Cotta Works Burns, Russel d& Co. Galv. Iron — Jas. Geddes S Co. John Ct. Hetzell Maryland Galvanic Works Diver and Stevedore — John S. Broom Shipsmilh — Robert Clark Journeymen Ship Joiners' Union South Baltimore Shipsmiths' Ass'n Elevator — James Bates Steel and Iron — S. G. Winternitz Mantel Works — Baltimore Mantel Works Marble — Hugh Sisson & Sons L. Hilgartner Cha's E. Ehman Roofer — Granite Roofing Works Granite Work'rs. — M. Gault & Son Agricultural Implements — A. 4* A. G. Alford .... 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. •90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 56 (* 4 T rnnt \ \. H Lee & Bro 8 4 1 1 5 1 •2 2 5 1 1 2 5 8 1 1 8 1 1 1 10 2 wagons H. P. UnderhiU lij Whitinuu & bons Md State ATic & Mcch. Ass'n Ashland Iron Works A Ti Dhivton R H Clavtou C \uUnian & Co. Acidn (D Fertilizers — Dambman, Bro. d' Co. , Brll Founders — Henry MeShaue <£■ Co., 60 on foot, f.firif Street Tlieutre ?Tnlh'(1nu Street Theatre Jce Dealers John Bieiniller Beni Frederick Henry Weaver Charles Fersterniann Ice Dealers of Baltimore 170 on foot, 30 mounted, Wm. Oler, Marshal. Consumers lee Co. Powder — A L Webb c& Son C. Schumacher Ade Grease — W. J. Finck ct- Co. Cheese — John Thomson & Co , Grocer — J. G. Medinger Coal and Wood — H Lange & Sons (xco Hetz Carey & Co. Coal & Wood Association Horses Jos Friedburger XiOuis Seltzer Charles Rupp Hay Dealers — Geo Hubner c& Co. Jas A. Butt Coed Oil and Damps — P Ban^ert H. Fitzberger — Chris Schacpperle Red C Oil Manufactory Stores — S. B. Sexton & Son, 60 men on foot, Undcrf alters — Blizzard & Sons Paste — Balto Steiim Paste Mf" Co Tin Vii^are — Matthai Ingraham & Co Disect Powder — John Ivoehler Junk Business — A. Mc. Donough Nathan Frank & Sons Cifij Sprinkler — J Erich WM. KNABE & CO.'S PIANO MANUFACTORY, G-rand, Scfaare and Upright PIANO FORTES. These instruments have been before the public for nearly fifty years, and upon their excellence alone have attained an UNPURCHASED PRE-EMINENCE, which establishes them as unequalled in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. J0@°= A large stock ^/ all prices^ constantly on hand, comprising some of our own but slightly used. SOLE AGENTS for the celebrated Smith American Organs. WM. KNABE & CO. 204 & 206 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore. And 112 Fifth Avenue, New York. JOHN H. VON DER HORST'S LAGER BEER BREWER! J^lSTJD MALT HOUSE, BEL-A-IK; ^"VEnSTTJEI, BALTIMORE. MD. ALL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. .-jSOEBKING, ^> ...v>.°' ^ m^^' ^^^* 233 -w. Fr»**' **" BALTIMORE. HOOFING, SPUUilNG AND PLIUBINQ ^OAMS HIXPRESS eOMPANY FORWARDS to all places in the United States accessible by Railway and Express communi- cations, embracing the NEW ENGLAND, MIDDLE, SOUTHERN and WESTERN STATES. Gives quicher dispatch and loiver rates, and insures more prompt (ietivei'y than are afforded by any other Express Company. Also gives particular attention to tne collection of ^'otes, JJi lifts and C. O. JJ.'s. Connect- ing with all the reliable European Expresses. Manufacturer and. Innporter of Military and Society Goods, GOLD & SILVER LACES, FRINGES, TASSELS, Etc. Metallic Ornaments, Letters, Figures, Medallion & Badgee, lO South Calvert btreet, BALTIMORE, MD. ONE PRICE SYSTEM. JOEL GUTMAN & CO. Importers, Jobbers and Retailers of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, LACES, RIBBONS, KID GLOVES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS AND LADIES' READY-MADE UNDER- WEAR, CLOAKS, SEAL SKIN SACaUES, FUR LINED CIRCULARS AND CAMELS' HAIR SHAWLS. EVENING SILKS A SPECIALTY. KDEL aUTMAI ^ (CO, 30, 32, 34: & 36 -N. Eiitmv St., BALTIMORE, MD. E. COUHTITEY & BRO. 14 NOKTH CHAKLKS STKKET, (Corner Fayette.) Importers and. Dealers in FINE WINES, BRANDIES, HAVANA CIGARS, TEAS AND FINE GROCERIES. Sole Agents in United States for the GRAU VIN U'ANGLETERKE CHAMPAGNE, and proprietors of the OLD CLUE HOUSE PURE RYE WHISKEY. SISCO BROTHERS, JW>. 30 North Charles Street^ Importers and Manufacturers of CHURCH, THEATRICAL and SOCIETY GOODS, ^Banner's a.iid F'laii's. SSiilmcriau System of ?|ducation Prop. E. M. Wilmkr, A M , DtRECTOR. INST1TXJTE-370 JOKXJIO HlILilL. A.V£:iVUE, BALTIMORE. MD. AN INTELLIGENT MIND IN A TRAINED BODY. For Visiting and Rksident Pupils. Thorough Training of the Senses. Systemai'ic Development and Culture of the Mental Faculties- The Best Tuitional Training Enlarged into a Practical Education by Means of a Regular ^^-^SERIES OF EDUCATIONAL TRIPS A Feature Co-existent with no other Plan of Instruction in the World. LEPARTMENT FOR PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Prepares Candidates for College, Teachers' Examinations, for Business, and Tutors Adults whose Education has been neglected. For Exegesis of System and Method, Itinerary, References, Terms, &c., send for Circular. Office Hours — 3 to H o'clock P. M. £STABL.I IN IS53. No. 26 North Greene Street. Families. Weddings and Parties, can be fiiniislied with every, retjiiisite at the shortest notice, on reasonable terms. The best ra iterials that can be procured, are used in the manufacture of all goods furnished by this establlshiuent. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. CURTAIN MUTERIMS. Everything Required for Lambrequins, Valances, Portieres AND INTERIOR DECORA.TIONS. Handsomest Stock in the city. C. SIDNEY NORRIS & CO., 56' Hanover Street. T:Ea:E Baltimore L Ohio Express, Owned and Operated by the B. &■ O. R. R. C». Express forwarders of Freights, Packages, Parcels, Currency, Bonds, Coin, Bullion, Jewelry and all valuables generally, to all Points upon its own lines and its connections with responsible Express Companies in the EASTERN, WESTERN, NORTH WESTERN and SOUTHWESTERN STATES. All classes ofcommercial paper and C. 0. D. busi- ness received for collection and prompt returns made. PRINCIPAL OFFICES: Baltimore, Washington, Parkersburg, Wheeling, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Sandusky. Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, Vincen- nes and St. Louis, Mobile, Montgomery, New Orleans, Nash- ville, Tenn., &c., &c. W. H. TREOO, Supt. 10 WHAT GIFT MORE FRECIOXTS ««»^ 2^^°i\l! «'''""'*'°"' *^^*^'^^^"^-'^'"'^ °'" ^^'^^ friend, than a PHOr<>«K,ll'IIH' Biin-iiisr the very self of the giver to remembrance; a portrait must ever be most prized of all our posse-sion'^. ,v, ■'^^ ? Holiday Gift, the l^hotosrraph commends itself to all who desire to make their fripurts a chaste and artistic present. Tfti^^'f''''" ^^? ^'^^* ^'^'^ *^''" '^'^^' ""^^ before the pressure of holiday, work makes it aitnciiir to select the most convenient hours for a sitting, it would be wise to secure a picture at the PALACE m AMTISTIC FMOTOGMAFMl, 46 Nortb Charles Street. KICHAKD WALZL, Proprietor. Mutes taught to speak audibly in the Deaf and Dumb Department of German and English Institute, Nos. 29, 31 & 33 Holliday St , BALTIMORE, MD. £STABl,I»«HED I85S. 28 years in successful operation. For Boarding and Day Pupils ; both sexes ; Kindergarten, Primary, Academ c and Music. INSTRUCTION. English, German, French, Latin, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Drawing, Book-keeping, Vocal and In;- trumental Music, Needlework, &c. DEAF and DUMB DEPT. Mutes are educated in the usual Branches of Instruction, and are taught to speak and converse orally, the sign system being entirely abandoned. Refers to Patrons of over 16,000 Pupils. For circular and information, apply to Principal, F. KNAPP. C. C. HABLISTON. H. A. KLEMPER. HABLISTON'S PHARMACY. ESTABLISHED 1823. IS". E. Cor. of Baltimore and Gay Sts BALTIMORE, MD. C. G. BLUMHARDT, Manufacturer of all kinds of Frankfort & Vienna Sausages, Residence : Wilkens Street, Stalls in Lexington, Hanover & Centre Markets, BALTIMORE, MD. Ham Sausage, Hogshead Cheese, &c., Fresh Daily. Families supplied with stuffed Pigshead and all the Delicacies in the line of Pork Butchery. Balls, Weddings, Parties, &c., punctually served to order. WILLIAM HEINEKAMP, MANUFACTURER OP O-i-and., ^qiiar*e and Ux^i'isjrlit PIANOS AND ORaANS, Warerooms : 373 W. Baltimore Street, Opposite the Eutaw House. Factory: COR. ST. PETER & STEBBETT STREETS, ^^Every Instrnnicnt fully warranted for Five Tears. „^8 Organs and Second Hand Pianos of different malies at all prices constantly on hand DAMBMANN BROS. & CO., Chemical & Super Phosphate Works: Lcadenhall, West, Stockholm Sts. and Pouch Alley, BALTIMORE, MD. P. O. BOX 327. OFFICE 68 SOUTH ST. Mrs. Elizabetb Bauernschiniflt. Jobn Marr. BAUEKNSCHMIDT & MARR, SiFlii Mu Imui FOOT RIDGELY STREET, Baltimore, Md. Address Letters Foot Ridgely Street. GOTTSOH^LK & OO. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS, Nos. 46 & 48 Light St., Cor. Balderston, BALTIMORE, MD. Sole Agents for BUCKWALTER'S and OLIVER'S O. K. PURE RYE WHISKIES. MARYLAND PAINT & COLOR WORKS. G. & N. POPPLEIN, JR. MANUFACTURERS OF Paints, Color, Sand and Emery Papers, DEALERS IN OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, &c. Store, 35 Hanover St. Factory, 50 North St. BALTIMORE, MD. FRED. WALPERT & GO MANUFACTURERS OF Steam CiirM Hair, Bristles & Bisl BEDDING, MATTRESSES, &c. BALTIMORE, MD. HAIE FACTOEY, Balto. Co. HUSK FACTORY, 47 McKim St. JOHN F. WIESSNER'S LAGEH BEEH BUEWERY, BALTIMORE, MD. H. H. GRAUE. LOUIS WILKENS. WILLIAM WILKENS & GO. Steam Curled Hair and Bristle Manufacturers, DEALERS IN Hair Clothi Damask, Plush and Upholsterers, &c. CABINEr Ss COACHilAKERS' MATERIALS IN GENERAL, No. 3001 West Pratt St. No. 217 Pearl Street, BALTIMORE. J^EVV YORK. J^EWIS fl. pOLE ^LEX. jl. /VlACpONALD. LEWIS H. COLE & CO, ^^^. ilafiofaetarifig ^onfeetiofiers, WHOLESALE FRUITERERS And General Dealers, S. W. Cor. LIGHT and LOMBARD Streets, No. 38 Light Street. No. 109 W. Lombard Street. [ BALTIMORE. No. 3 Balderston Street. T. s. gaddess, c. w. gaddess, v. gaddess. GADDESS BROTHERS, STKAM 1YIARBL.B WORKS^ Corner Sharp and German Streets, And 110 S. Charles Street, BALTIMOKE, MD. Fstablislied lS2e. CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY. Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in Monuments, both Marble and Granite; Tombs. Tablets, Headstones, Statuary, Vases and Marble Enclosures for Cemetery Plats. Manufacturer of BLACK & COLORED MOROCCO, Capes, Patnas, Madras, and Tampico, FACTORY, 239 and 241 EAST MOIMUIVIENT STREET, NEAR EDEN, BALTIMORE, MD. Wm. Canby, Bernard Gilpin, Thos. P. Langdon. cm. GILPi & c Importers and Jobbers of DEUGS, N. W. COR. LIGHT & LOMBARD STS. BA.LTIMORE. 16 URI^H A_. POLLACK, ManufaetxArer of and Dealer in FINE FURNITURE, Upholstery Goods, Curtains and Lambrequins, Mattresses & Bedding, Coverlids, Blankets, Covers, &c. JVo. 96 JVorth Hoivard Street, Betw. Mulberry and Saratog^a, BALTIMORF Established Nearly lOO Years. R. SINcTaTr & CO. Manufacturers of Farm Implements & Machines. MANUFACTURE : HORSE POWERS & THRESHING MACHINES, HAND POWER CORN SHELLERS, HOUSE POWER CORN SHELLERS, CORN AND COB MILLS, GRAIN PANS— GRAIN CRADLES, CIDER AND WINE MILLS, LIME SPREADERS. FIELD ROLLERS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c., &c. ALL VARIETIES OF PLOWS And SINCLAIR & COS PATENT HAY3 OTKAW AND FOBBED CUTTEM, (The Best Cutting: Box in the IVorld) Dealers in Field and Garden Seeds, Horticultural Tools, &c.. Factory, HAMBURG ST. Store & Office, 62 LIGHT ST. Circulars Mailed Free and Prices given upon Application. 31 Ha^noveT^ Street. Manufacturer op And Importer of Dealer in Paper Laces. Bouquet Papers, Pictures, Perforated aud Bristol Board, Gold and Silver Paper, and offers the most complete line of Christmas Tree Orna- ments, Dancing Favors and goods suitable for Christmas presents. — ennegen, iiates & W ' mm. Sii' -DIAMONDS. WATCHES, ISi WEP^ liA&WlM#»BJ Pm®']lE,lP« BALTIMORE. John G. Pkoud. KoBERT M. Proud. George T. Hollyday. J. G. PROUD & SONS, PROUD & CAMPBELL, Office — S. E. Corner Hollirlay and Second Streets? Represent the Following Strictly First-Class Aetna Insurance Co. op Hartford, National Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Springfield Fiuk Insuran<;b Co. of Mass. Gkrmania Fire Insukanck Co. of New York, London and Lancashire Kike Insurance Co. of Liverpool, KoYAL Insurance Co. of Liverpool. CCj^We invite special iitt.emioTi to our uxcelleut (iicilities tor iihiciiiR large ihe benefit of our long experiecice in tlia ijre|j;tr:aiou of I'orni.s of ijolicies, so : coustruciiou iind the dangei" of litigaiioii. Com As panies: ets, $7 1 1 •) 1. 078,224.49 140,057.«4 ,8.5S,477.34 ,11)6.831 .90 8-i(>.i»4:!.i)7 ,922,312.85 offer Tlfi CoBiecticiit Mifiial Life Iflsiiraice Compaij Has paid $8(5,000.000 in death claims, endowments, dividends of surplus and sur- render values to its poli(;y-holders and their representatives. It has resisted the payment of less than one and one-twentieth per cent, of the amount of death and endowment claims l)roiij?lit ai^ainst it. iind then only in cases where the plain duty of its ofiicers required such action for the protection of liviuLC and honorahle inem- hers. Itti jxiJiiij ts (IS .sine n inuli rl'iiiii to flu- irifi- diid children of a member «.< uwuld he nil equal aim, mil nir.shilni Ih, humls „f I h, i n'llid .sto/icv, and is within lihe reach of the hiimblcsi, man. wh.i inl-hr jkm livr ici -;i.vc the amount, to purchase the bonds. Tha ratio of expense of man,ii;um('ut to receipts of this company is <)>i percent., bein^' less than half that of the averaire of all the companies in the United States, and the lowest of any. No new or specious plans of policies are issued: genuine, pure and simple life and endoivrnenl insurance only, is furnished, on sound male lives, at the lowest possible cost. For iuformatiou and policies apply to WALTER S. WILKINSON, general agent, Maryland Building, Northeast Vomer Fast Office Avenue and Second Street ESTABLISHED 1859. GEORGE BLOME & SON, Confectioners and Fruiterers, OFFICE AND SALESROOM JBlome Buildingf 445 W. Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD. We beg leave to call the atteution, and also invite the Trade generally, to our establishment, to examine our stock and prices. We have, during the past few mouths, owing to. the growth of the business and demand for our confections and specialties, added largely to our manufactory, and are now prepared to furnish our customers with a full line of Plain, and French Confectionery , unsurpassed in quality and finish; also carrying in slock a full line of Fruits, Kuts, Canned Goods and General Confec- tioners' supplies. For the coming fall season it is our purpose to issue a special price list. SPECIALTIES. Cream Candy, Vanilla " Lemon " Rose " Chocolate Candy, Cocoanut Cr. Walnuts, " " Paste, " " Candy, Fruit Candy, Almond Candy, Lemon Cocoanut, Waluut Candy, Yellow Taffy, Everton " Walnut " Cocoa Nut Cream Taffy, Chocolate Cream Drops, Cocoa Nut Choc. Cream Drops, Chocolate Caramels, Vanilla " Cocoa Nut " Raspberry Caramels, Strawberry " Almond " Roman Punch Caramels, Eng. Walnut " Maple " Chocolate Cream " Vanilla " " Chocolate Turkish Caramels, Chocolate Spanish Paste, Cocoa Nut Caramels Soft, Medicated Candy, Plain Candies, Rock Candy, Cocoa Nut Candies, AB Gum Work, Jelly Work, Gum Work, Jujube, Drager's and Pan Work Lozenges, Brandy Peaciies. Soliciting your order, we are, very respectfully yours, GEORGE BLOME & SOU. ROCHE $( CO., I n Li J\JiVU Ml I J Li And Importers of WINES, BRANDIES, No. 47 SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Sole proprietors of the celebrated brands Roche's P. S. Maguselum, Hickley and Robinson's Whiskies. JOSEPH SCHREIER'S EXCELSIOR Lager Beer Brewery, Belair and Boundary Avennes, THEO. SCHUCHMAN, Collector. FR. KORYTOWSKI, Son in-Law and Supt. ALEX. EWALD, Braumeister. 20 N. H. HIRSHBERG. M. H. HIRSHBERG. I. HOLLANDER. HIRSHBERG BROS, k HOLLANDER. PICTURES, CHR0M08- Importers of LOOKING GLASS PLATES, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, MiOULDIIS^aS, PICTURE CORDS, &c., No. 57 HANOVER STREET, BALTIMORE. A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, DOMESTIC AND ASSORTED. JOHN STELLMANN & SONS, ESTABLISHED 1842- Innporters and. Jobbers of ISTo. 23 Sharp Street, BALTIMORE. Hosiery and Gloves, Linen Handkerchiefs. Damask Napkins, Damask Towels, Common Towels, Table Cloths, Nettings, Laces, Perfumery, Colognes, Etc., Gents' Furnishing Goods, Linen Shirts, Paper Collars, Neck Ties and Scarfs, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Shawls, Bindings, Skirts, Crapes, Cloaks, Q,uilts, Underwear. 1864. THE OLDEST! THE LARGEST! THE BEST! 1880. BRYANT, STRATTON & SADLER Nos. 6 and 8 N. CHARLES STREET. NOW OPEN— NO VACATIONS. In pre?ent.in'jr to the public ttie above announcement, we take occasion to refer to our rt-cord of over a sixth of a century, in whichi we have been eni,'age(l in this city as educator* of yountr men for businesia pursuits. That we possess facilities superior in every particular, is not only conceded by our patrons aurt the general public, but in forcibly sustained by facts. References— Our many patrons. 4«)8 pupils matriculated from July 1, 1879 to July, 1880. 148 graduates, class of 1880. Send for Catalogue. For particulars, terms, etc., call on or address W. H. SADLER, President, Tios. 6 and S Kortta Charles Street, Baltimore. Sic H e u t r d) f ^ncor^oiirt 1865. ta^ital $500,000. Uckrfrfmfj $350,000. 2:otaI=5Scrmogcn $ 850,000. W\t %x^U |ettcv-Pct*|ld)cnttt0*i-(«5cfcUrd|uft in 9)1 a 1 1) I a It t>. iiarf ^?clicr, .jr., liH'crefair. Antou Weiskittel, H. H. Hobelmaun, Mich. Willinger, William Heise, Friedricli "Wehr, A. H. Schulz, H. R. Hoeuemaiin, Auton Bosse, Christoph Lipps, Wm. Geo. Atkinsou, J. G. Koppelmann, J. G. Hiilshoff. 9(Bcnturcn iit attcn X^eilctt Her SBcrciutQtcn Stoatfu. Branch house of Lissauer & Sondheim, 12 Maiden Lane. New York. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS, INo. ^SS WessJt Baltimore Street, BALTI310ME, MI}. Hue Jfiflcliy, Diaiiioiids, Watches, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Opera Glasses, Spectacles, h- ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ^'©Mif^lllBll ■ ^ ):PW©«re> Manufacturers of Mirrors, Picture Frames, MOULDIJ\GS AMD CORJ^ ICES. "Wholesale Dealers in Clrofflos, Eirafiiis, Prills. Pliolcpplis, MOTTOES, PANEL PICTURES, Jtc. And Agents for the ^'Novelty Manufacturing Co.'s " Celebrated EA8TLAKE ROCKERS, Brackets, Wall Pockets, Bouquet Tables, &c., No. 77 West Baltimore Street , BALTIMORE, MD. JOHNC. KNIPP. GEORGE KNIPP. JOHN C. KNIPP & BRO.. Manufactursrs and Dealers is FINE FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, Interior Decorations, Pier and Mantel Mirrors, Curtains, &c., Gas Fixtures and Plumbing, TVos. -4=3 a.n£XS. FEDERAL HIL,L,. BALTIMORE GLASS WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1790. BAKER BROTHERS & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF The Baltimore Window Glass Druggists Flint Glassware, Lamp Chi-nneys, Tumblers, i'c. m\\ mmm (jhee.\ (jlassivahe. wii\e bottles. mm\)\\\% riASKs.^c. IMPORTERS OF FRENCH WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS Enamelled^ Etched. Coach, Car 6^ Picture Gtass, Druggists and Perfumers Flint Glassware, &c. H. H. HOBELMANN, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in MS Ai LliORS, No. 102 HANOVER STREET, Corrxer of CoTiiA'^cLy^ Baltimore, Md. ESTABLISHEID 1852. MORTON D. BANKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE TV^A^REROOMS, Xo. 59 Sonth street and S Xorth Gay Street, Factory, 24 N. Frederick St. B A LT 1 M O R E, M D . ■WALNUT AND COTTAG-E SUITS A SPECIALTY. S. B. SEXTON. ESTABLISHED 1839. S. B. SEXTON, Jk. S. B. SEX.TOIV Ac SOIV, MANUFACTURERS OF And ihe Original Baltimore Fire-Place Heaters Pai'd by S- B- Sfxton, TEN DIFFERENT PATTERNS. Office and Salesroom, JTo. 115 W. I.o:»BARD STREET, Foundry, Nos. 154, 156, 158, 160 Comuay St. BAL,TI3IOKE, MD, A General Assortmeut of Repairs Ccustautly on Hand. Castings Made to Order. 27 — Sole Agent fok — JOS. SCHLITS' BREWING CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. This lenowned Export Lager Beer arrives every day fresh in Refrig- erator Cars, and I am enabled to deliver it, ice cold, in Whole, Half and Quarter Barrels, as well as in Patent Stoppered Bottles, at moderate prices. Orders by Mail or Telephone will be promptly attended to. Office and Depot, Central Building, N. W. Cou. Baltimoke and Holliday Sts. GEO. BAUEKNSCHMIDT'S GREENWOOD PARK LIGER BEER BREWERY Belair Avenue, BALTIMORE, MD. "TUB S A.lSriX.A.Pl^S' KB^A-TIBK" No Dust, Castor Burned Air. Only Furnace Living a moist atmosphere similar to steam. More being sold now in this city than all others combined Kel'ei to the following persons using them : Stephen S. Lee, Hobt. W. Dryden, Wm. J. Davison. W. H. !S. Burgwyn, J. B. Noel VVyatt, Wm. T. Wilson, Wm. B. Willson. Rev. Father Didier, L. B. Passauo, L. E. Wilcox, L'. B. Dyer, James Carroll, Juo Murdoch, W. C. Boylstou, Joseph King. Geo. Guest & Son, J. A. Wilson, 1st Baptist Ghurcb, St. Vincent's, Harry Cooper. Mrs. A. E. Rolando, Rev. D. H. Carroll, Mrs. Cath"ne Rice. Dr. Thos. Murdoch, Robt. A. Dobbin, Dr. 11. v. Noble, Tinges & Sargent, Geo. A. Fredericli, Glendy Chappell, Gilmor M. Chapel, Geo. 0. Wilkins. W. B. Normau &. Ccr. Mrs. McKlm, Goldenberg & Bro. Dr. John Neli', A. Yearly & Sons, Henry Shirli, B. M. Baker, Walter Dnianey, Seliger & Newman, Lord & Robinson, Geo B. BaUer, L. Birckhtad, Jno. A. Hambleton, And one hundred and fifty others Ranges, Fire-Place Stoves &. Steam Heating. ALVA HUBBARD & CO., Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 37 North Howard Street. 28 FARMERS' FAyORITE GRAIN DRILLS The Pioneer Drill of America. Manufactured by BICKFORD & HUFFMAN, MACEDON, WAYNE COUNTY, N. Y. The only Double Distributor Drill in the World. Can instantly and by a single movement be changed from a drill especially adapted to seeding the fine heavy grains, to one especially adapted to sowing the coarse bulky grains. H. S. UNDERHILL, General Agent, 64 SoTitli Sharp Street, J. G. TAYLOR & CO., L/Ll m\ iif J, IIS 54: Sojxtlx SKcurp Stj^eet^ BALTIMORE. Billiard, Pool, Jenny Lind, Pigeon Hole, Bagatelle, Erratic Spinner and other tables of latest and most elaborate design, supplied with Cloths, Balls, Cues, etc., of finest quality. j|@°^Work guaranteed superior to any made elsewhere. The only Billiard Table Manufactory in the South. 39 ^tmxon5f ^XcinXc ^ €0, MANUFACTURERS OF Specialties— Paint, Varnish and Whitewash Brushes. A.1so Machine aud other Brushes Made to Order. 7 and 9 N. HOWARD STREET, Baltiiuoie. HUTZLJER BROS. O ISr S-P R I C E HOUSE, 67 North Howard Street. EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS AND REAL LACES, HO- SIERY, GLOVES AND UNDERWEAR, HOUSEKEEP- ING LINENS, LACE CURTAI.^S, HANDKER- CHIEFS, TRIMMINGS AND FUR LINED WRAPS, BLACK SILKS, MOURN- INGS AND CRAPES. NEW DEPAliT3IENTS. COLORED DRESS GOODS, — including — SILKS, SATINS, PLUSHES and VELVETS. COLORED RIBBONS, — ALL THE — NOVELTIES, COLORED DRESS TRIMMINGS. JOHN KUNKEL & SON, MONUM ENT^L WORKS, FOR ALL DESCRIPTION OF Express Wagons, Truck, Spring Dray A.2NriD CA^tlT BXJILTDIISrC3-, X«s. S, 10, 12. 14 & 1<> I,EE St., Hfear I.ight, BALTIMOKK. ALL NENAT \A^ORK WARRANTED FOR T\7VELVE MONTHS. |^~KEPAIK1NG (loue at short notice and at moderate prices. _^ 30 WHITE ROSE TOILET AND NURSERY POWDER The most chaste and elegant adjunct for the Roudoir and Nursery ever presented, and especiiiUv adapted for the removal of Inflammation, Heat, Eruptive Disfigurements, Rough- ness and Oiliuess of the Slfin, Freckles, Tan, etc. It is exquisitely perfumed, and, as a refined preparation for Ijeautifyiig the complexion and imparting to it :i smoothness, transparency and rosy freshness, it is incomparably .superior to anything known. Its healiug and soothing properties render it Indispensable for the Nur.sery. Prepared in plain w hite and Flesh Tint. Sent by mail upon receipt of price. Price 50 Ct-nt"* Kesiilar Kize. 25 Ceiifw Trial Size. W. L. KELLER & CO-. Proprietors, Cor. fenna. Ave. and Biddlt St., Baltimore, Mu. CREATES A CLEAR AND ROSY COMPLEXION. ESTABLISHED IN 1864. THE GREAT CHINA TEA CO. Importers, ^A/^holesale and Retail Dealers in W®a© am€ GmUmmmm 25 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, 47 NORTH SUTAW STREET. The Only Exclusive Tea and Coffee House in Baltimoue. Thirty-three per cent, saved by buying of us. Coffees roasted by i7nproved sfeatn machinery. HI. 'VT'ILICEItTS & OO. 181 We!*it Fi'att Street, Baltimoi*e. Manufacture with Patent Elastic Amber Mouthpitces AIRY FAIRY AND HAVANA VUELTA ABAJO CIGARETTES. DAIKY QUEEN and SEAL OP VIRGINIA SMOKING TOBACCO, Havana Principe Cigarette!;, Strassburg Snuff and Germania Tobacco. 31 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I have now a larger, a finer, and in every respect a more complete stock of PIANOS AND ORGANS on band than has ever before been offered for sale in this city. Instruments of every grade, to suit every taste and every purse, all fully warranted iov Jive years. 8old for cash, on installments, or rented until rent pays for it. STEINWAY & SONS, CHICKERING &SONS, HENRY F. MILLER, KRANICH & BACH, \ PIANOS. HAINES BROTHERS, DUNHAM & SONS, C. D. PEASE & CO., MASON & HAMLIN, ) GEORGE WOODS & CO. V ORGANS. WILCOX & WHITE, J OTTO SUTRO, 207 W. Baltimore Street. VERY LOW-PRICED SECOND-HAND PIANOS FOR SALE. PIANOS AND ORGANS FOR RENT by the month or quarter, PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED, REPAIRED AND MOVED ON REASONABLE TERMS. A GREAT JVOYELTY. Geo. Woods Again to the Front. An Okgan Everybody can Play. Simple, ingenius, effective. Call, see and be con- vinced. OTTO SUTRO, General Agent, 207 W. Baltimore Street. •&i Manufacturers A Jobbers of Yarn, German town, Hosiery, Jackets, &c. Dealers in FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., Nr\ 67 Hanover Street. ESTARIilSHEn 1850. MANUFACTUKEHS OF Prime Oak Sole, Calf Skin, Buff and' Upper Leather, Morocco Linings & Toppings of all Colors, Nos. 15, 17 Si 19 SARATOGA ST., one block north of city hall. |^~LINGANORE TANNERY, Frederick Co., Md. Reid's National Hotel; S. B. OOE. HOLLIDAY AOT PAYETTE STS., BA.LTI3yCOE-E, 3VIX3. O^ THE EUROPE.Aj\ AJSD AMERICAN FLAK. Lunch. Rooms, 17 and 19 North. Holliday Street. AMERICAN PLAN— f 1.00 to $l..->0 Per Day; |;6.00 and upwards Per Week. EUROPEAN PLAN— Rooms .5(1 & T.") cts. Per Nistit ; .$1.50 and upwards Per Week. JAS. A. LOWHDES, Clerk. W. W. EEID, Proprietor. .A. Xj W -A. ^y S O I» E DNT . PELS^ CUSTOM "department. FAI.r STYI.KS. KI.KOAXT I>KSlri}X.S. <<\4I.I. STYLES. EI-EOA3IT nENIOIVS. Latest Ne^v York and Paris Patterns. Attention is called to OUR SUPERIOR FACILITIES in the above department. Shoes of every description made to order at abort notice. We guarantee a perlect tii, and use only the best imported materials. PEES- EAI»IES- flAl«l»-nAI>E BL'TTOX ROOTS. Prioo !S3.30-ar«> iinNiii-|»aMKe2. 50— cannot be excello*!, PELS'* , Custom Shoemakers, .>,♦> Eutuw St. MARYLAND STEAM BAKERY, KSTABLTSHEI> 1820. JAS. D. MASON & CO. MANUKACTt'KKRS OF ISCUITS, CRACKERS AND JINEfAKES 149 WEST PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. MANUFACTURERS OF CABINET FURNITURE, Nos. 9, II, 13, 15 & 17 EDWARD ST. BALTIMORE. ^W. KUMMER, Practical Watch maker and Jeweler, AND DEALER IN "WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JE-WELKY, IGij S. Iiro((dnHiij het. Eastern L\DE V,\ IHE CAKIION Process-, and are absolutely permanent. GEOKGE BllEllM'S I ACER Beer Brewery, BELAIR AVENUE, BALTIMORE COUNTY. EAST BATIMORE IRON FOUNDRY AND STOVE WORKS, 302, 304, 306, 308 Alice Anna Street, BALTIMORE, MD. ORQAN AND PIANO ROOMS, 100 WEST FAYETTE STREET, Between Cliarles and Liberty, Opposite JJ). Lcylii(rii''s C/iin,/i. 15 A LTI 310KK. INSTRUMENTS OF FIVE FIRST-CLASS MAKERS. ^"Moiitlily Paym«nts received. lustrmneuts leiittMl uiul r(-iit .-inowed if hoii'ht within 12 mouths. Instrum.^uts Timed. Hepaiied iiiid Keiiioved, Bou-ht, Sold and Exch!in!.'ed. Iiistriu-tioiiN uiv«mi on Oi-;;an aiui Fiauo. JOHISr W^A^LZ & CO., 119, 121, 123 Greenmonnt Ave., BALTIMOBE, IIE^OiT IFOTJISrnDIE?.^, DKAI.KKS in and MaNUI'-AC TUIiliH^ (IK STOVE, HOLLOWWARE, AND MACHINE CASTINGS, Raii.inc; (ji ai.i. Descripiidn Made lo Oruek. and all Difier- KN/r Kind ok Sdjve Repairs on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. J. FRED. LOTZ, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, JBcLltintoTe , M.ci. Cor. Lombard & Hanover Sts. DOBLEI^^, MuDGE &" ChAPMA N ff^APHB*- i mb m ^^^ BALTIMORE. The Clarendon, Cor. Pratt and Hanover Sts. BALTIMORE. Terms SI.50 Per Day. Lodging 50 Cents. HEESH 8u COMPAITY, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, 1 18 North Howard Street, BALTIMORE, MD. A FINE ASSOKTMENT OF THE HEST DAYTON WAGONS, brfavsti:r spring BU(ic;iEs. Jl MPSEAT JAGGERS AND PHYSICIANS' PHAE'l'ONS A SPECIALTY. Keijairing and Repainting recei\es our personal supervision. All work guaranteed. Best City or Country reference given. HUaH SISSON&SONS, iMl'OUTEK-*, DKALERS AND M AN IKACT gP.ERS OF Monuments, Tombs, Cemetery Curbing, MANTELS, TIL.E, FaRNITUHE SLABS AND COUNTE.^S, SALESROOM— 140 W. BALTIMORE STREET, RINEHAI^T BUILDING. Steam IMLsirblc Works and Yard— for. Xortli and :VIoiiiiaiieiit StM. L. J". BLUnVs^E, M \NrFArTrr.EU of GILT, WALNUT AND IMITATION ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS. Looking Glasses, Picture Frames and Cornices made to Order, FINE GOLD G-ILDINGr A SPECIALTY. OLD FRAMES RE-GILDED EQUAL TO NEW. :J18 west BALTI3IOKE STREET, SECOND FLOOU. BALTIMORE, M D. JOHlSr TROST'S LION BREWERY, Cctrvtort, Baltiinore Coiznty. The Lion Beer is celebrated and unsurpassed for bottlinj^ ; it retains its refreshing ([ualities in any climate, and is therefore the most desirable for shipping purposes. EDWARD BROSS, %"sW-is, '^^■-\■ '^^ -.:^r-^ o- 147 \A/EST LOMBARD STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Labels for Wines, Liquors, Cigar:?, Edgini; Paper, Checks, Notes, Drafts Bill Heads, Business Cards, &c. ROSSMAESSLER & MORE, GERIAN BOOKSELLERS Al IMPORTERS, Removed to 17 SOUTH ST., Room No. 4. The latest publications always on hand or imported. Greek and Latin Classics ( Teubner's and Weidmann's edition a si)ecialty. ) The attention of the public is respectfully called to our BOOKBINDING ESTABLISHMENT. We are prepared to do binding of every descri|)tion at the lowest rates and in the best and most durable manner. DonH Forget 17 South Street^ Room No. 4. — — KSTAr.l.ISHKI) IS^IO. DAILY, WEEKLY AND SUNDAY PAPER. F. RAINE, Proprietor and Publisher, Marble Building, S. W. Cor. Baltimore Street & Po.stoffice Avenue, BALTIMORE, MO. Attention is> called to the atlvautages of Advertiainfi in the .ibovt-. nanieri long-eftablished paper, intergrowii with tliu auccess of oiiv city, and second to none in influence, circulation, and business merit. The adopted (merman jiopiilation- of Maryland counts tens of thoiit-ands. and their exertions extend to every branch of our public life, aiding to develop City and State and to increase their resources and wealth. '\'\\ii. '• ('nrrei^itondeni^' circulates in lu>-ger numhern anionj; this class of our people than any other paper. Its usefulness as a netv/t and ridv&''tising medium extends besides far into the Southern and Western States, and it is served daUi/ iti Washington, Georgetown, Alexandria. Norfolk, Richmond, Petersburg. Annapo- lis, Frederick, Ilagerstown, Oumb(Tland, York, P'rostburg. Wheeling. Parkers- burg, and other adjacent and distant litif-^ and towns, surpassing in circulation any Oernian paper south of Philadelphia. Its Wtekli/ and .■Sunday issues are tavoriic slu'tMs on this side of the ocean, as well as in (iernianv and Switzerland. 6c9run^et 1840. f, |1 u i It c , C)cvait$i]icbcr, ^armor-^dauire, 8. lb\ Cdie tier 35nf(miorc Str. mh |To|1--£)fficp--ilue., '^ifcU be? tas^liAcn 33lattc6 $6.00, fur ^jnlanb ^^oft 'Su^fcnbenten $7.00; nnd) Cicuropa $9.00; i*3p*cnblatt im ^nlanbe $2. -50, ^onntaflSblatt $1.00 pro ;^abr, ^Hn-tofrci; nait (£ii = ropa $4.00, rcfp. $1.50 ^)ro 3al}r, portofrci. Office, No- 1 Holliday Street, Oorman Sank Building, Baltimore. And agent for the Transatlantic Steamers to Liverpool, Southampton, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg and Havre. Alf kinds of Foreign Money Kxchamied. Drafts on all prominent citiesi in Europe issued. United Statei rassports Procured in the Shortest Time. ©fitcc Wo. 1 ?«?olU&aM Str. (IPnitscJjc 3aanfe,) iSnltimorc, !«&. L. Pomplitz. John W. Otto. IP O nVL 1= Xj Z T Z &c Oo. Builders of CATHEDRAL, CHURCH, CHAPEL and CONCERT ■— -o ; R- i o- : .^ : IS s— — ALL MODEBH ETOOPEAN AND AMESICAN IMPEOVEMENTS, MUSICAL AND MECHANICAL. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO TUNINS AND EEPAIEINS. CEUSOH OEOANS EEPT IN OKDBK AND TUNED BY THE YEAR. ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUAEANTEED. Manufactory Nos. 59 and 61 Albemarle St., near Pratt, Baltimore* Md. l0W4:® THE LEADING, IpSiI THE MOST PRACTICAL, THE BEST. EATON & BURNETTS v|is # Cor. Baltimore and Charles Streets. Has an cstabli^shed reputittioii ; the strongest indorsements of business men, patrons and graduates ; a large Faciiltv, a pait of whom assisted in founding the OLDEST and YOUNGE.ST of the Business Colleges now in Baltimore, ai:d w/io only of all. connected thereivith has had an nninterfvpted career devoted to teaching and a practical education from 1804 to 1880. STUDENTS HAVE DAILY THE BENEFITS OF ACTUAL COUNT- ING-HOUSE EXPERIENCE. With the finest rooms and most successful educators in charge of each department, we are enabled to guarantee advantages not fowid elsewhere. For particulars call or address EATON & BURNETT, Baltimore, Md. 41 DESCH'S HOTEL, 166 SoixUl qL^rocLcLwcLy, ON THE KIKOTKAN PLAN. BALTIMORE. JAMES S. GORMAN'S No. 31 Postoffice Avenue. liottliiii;' of Dukeliarfs (jMeiilarfs liri'wery) Superior Browu Stout, PortL'r aud XX Ale, strictly pure, for Family aiifl lloti'l ii«e. JMasseyV Plilla. XX Ale. Superior Imager iJcer and N. Y. Chaiiipagn-j (.'idcr. iManufacturing of assorted Miueral Waters, from the best known lorniula, such as Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla. Soda, Lemonade. Vichy. Kisseusieu, Plain N. V. Soda, Tonic, etc., etc., by the most improved Kuglisli machinery, using steam. FIRST PKEMIUM. <,}OL,]> MEWAI.. iSuceessor to Gaeiile & Co.) MANt'FAlTCllEK OV Mi Dprislit aoJ Spare Pianos, JVos. 5 cj' 7 Sojzth EllLclw St., (Opposite CoiM-ordia Opera lfou»«e.) JjAL 1 IMOKll. Offers the most perfect instruments now made, which cannut be excelled in Tone, Touch and Workmanship, at the lowest prices and terms to suit, warranted for five years. These pianos have been before the public for nearly 30 years, have given universal satisfaction, and the undersigned as a practical Piano maker, will endeavor to the utmost of his ability, to sustain and e.xtend the reputa- tion of his manufacture, so widely heretofore established. C. FREYMAN. 42 1730. SESQUI-CENTENNIAL PAPER HANGER. 1880. aEOROE EWA^LT, "Wall Papers, Window Shades, &c. No. 296 Nortli Gay Street, above the Belair Market, BALTIMORE, MD. Havins; recently removed my place of business to No. 29fi North Gay Street (directly opposite my old stand), where I have increased facilities for displayin;? the above goods, I desire to call your attention to the fact that 1 am daily receivin;^ all the latest and newest styles of Wall Papers, Window Shades, &c., which have been selected with the t;reatest care, from the most approved patterns, and from the leailin^' manufactories in this country. 'J'he desiL'ns in the above goods are entirely new, and represent all the novelties, and every effort has been made to have them tasteful and effective. My collection includes all grades from the lower to the finer qualities, and are well adapted to the present wants. 1 would call particular atten- tion to the new styles of Papers that are made expressly to be put on the wall with Dadoes and Friezes suitable for Halls, Dining Kooms, Panors and Chambers, and which can be seen bv calling at my store, and where the artistic blending of designs are fully exhibited on my collection of sample screens, which are put up especially to show this class of work. I also desire to call particular attention to the new styles of Gold Scalloped Bottosi Window Shades. They are something new and hand- some, and will take the place of all other styles. They only need to he seen to be appreciated. I also have all the Plain Colors op W^indow Shades, which are made of Holland, Linen and Shade Cloth, with the necessary trimmings to suit. I am, therefore, prepared to execute all orders for Hanging Paper ana Window Shades entrusted to me with promptness and satisfaction to the most fastidious, and can "uarantee entire satisfaction as to workmanship, for I have none but first-class workmen in my employ, and they are constantly under my own personal supervision. GEORttE EWALT, 29(J N. Uay St. AND i!^-Best in the World. Sold Everywhere. "VT' ^ C3- ]sr E I^ ' s (^feei\ Sou^e l^e^tatii^aiit, Nos. 188 and 190 WEST PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE. 1730. COMIi: AND SEE US. 1880. ID. "W. (3-LA.SS & GO. Jhe [atest |iviported & Domestic ||ovelties, No. W S. CHARLES STREET. The Leading South and Western Stationery House. — DEALEK IN — Wall Papers, Window Shades, Table Oil Cloths, Picture CORDS, CARPET BINDING-S, &c. 312 North GAY STREET, Near AISQUITH, BALTIMORE, MD. l^~Kooms l>;iiKTecl and Window Shades of all desciiptious madu to order._^ OFFICE AND SALESROOM OF VARIETY— IRON— WORKS, 4 LIGHT STREET, WORKS, YORK, PA. BALTIMORE. E. G. SMYSER, Proprietor. BUILDERS' IRON OF ALL KINDS. Shal'tiuj,', Pullej-s, &c., &c. Louis Berner's Restaurant, Nos. 289 AND 318 NOHTH HOWAED STREET. Opposite the 5th Regiment Armory, Dining Rooms Supplied with every Delicacy in Season. OYSTERS A. SI^EOZA.I.TY. IMPORTER OF THE GENUINE BERLIN (GILKA) KIMMEL. 44 STEAM SHIPS BETWEEN sltlmtr© A M¥©f f #©1 A^IA. HALIFAX. HIBERNIAN, NOVA SCOTIAN, CASPIAN. - SARMATIAN, - MORAVIAN, - The Hag'nificeut A 1 Irou Mail Steamers : 3,000 Tons. 3,300 3,000 4,000 3,900 SCANDINAVIAN, 3,000 Tons. PERUVIAN POLYNESIAN, SARDINIAN, CIRCASSIAN, 3,500 4,300 4,400 4,000 Will Run Regularly between the above Ports as Advertised. LIVERPOOL SERVICE, CABIK PASSAGE. From Baltimore to Liverpool or Q,ueenstown, - - $75 00 From Liverpool or dueenstown to Baltimore. $90 00 and 75 00 Round Trip Tickets, $160 00 and 140 00 Intermediate and Steerage Tickets at Low Rates. HA.L.IF'AX SERVICE, CABIN PASSAGE. From Baltimore to Halifax or Vice Versa, - - - $20 00 Round Trip Tickets, 35 00 From Baltimore to St. John's, N. F. or Vice Versa, - 35 00 Round Trip Tickets, 65 00 Dnrins; the Summer f.lonths no trip affords more relaxation than the fl1)ovo, giving the traveller an Ocean Vo3'aue of three to lour clays on a Trans-Atlantic tjteamship, and a sojourn in the Cool Climate of Nova Scotia. The route via Baltimore offers particular advantage to TOITRISTS AKD EMIOKAWT!* to and from the West, as the piers of our Company are also the terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio K. K.,the most direct, shortest, and consequently t'UKAl*K!*T road between the Seaboard and Western States. On arrival of the Steamers no one is admitted to the pier, unless holding a ticl^et of admission issued at our office, thus preventing passengers from being taken in by runners, which is of common occurrence at other ports. Taken at Current Rates to Liverpool ; also to London. Hamburg, Antwerp. Amster- dam, Rotterdam, ILivre, Bordeaux. For Freight or Passage, Apply to the Geneual AciKNi>, A. SCHUMACHER 6k CO.^ No. 5 South Gay Street, BALTIMORE, MD. 45 .1 Wdm Ualtliiuuf! :5 ?S ^ ■>V p. " 12 - 2 H c r?. \rt)fr ^cr fa>5 altc i^itcilanb bcfmtcu obcr ^a^ewaiibtc uhd rvi-ciinbc auxj'auropa fonuiifii laffen null, foUtc bie )^rart>tyolIcn ci|crneu ^^.H^ftbampf- Oi fdnffc be? Ilord (Unite lit en 5ttr Ucbcrfoljit ficmi^cii. Die Dampfcr dicker (Tompaqnie : VD „*-l*rnHnfri|lucin," „9Junibfrn," t£avn. Uiiiiiitfd), *4>tciffcr, tiapt. .iLicinrfc, bictct une ta(n-cn rciiiimafdii aid' l.^icl•5e^n Sage ^anfdicii Baltimore nncl Bremen bivect iinb nebnicu ^iVaffiisiicrc ,^u liilUflftcu 'Mm\ an. ixv Koifen^c von llu^ nacb ^iiropa^^^^l fcin .v^afcn an bcr '.Htlantifd)cii iliiftc folcl)c 'rnn-tbctlc 5B n 1 1 i m r c. tic (fiufcnuiii;^ Wild) bcm iLu'ften, i^finb- ® often unb Siiben bcr 33cr» ciuiiitcn ^ tuatnx v o n i^ a 1 1 i m o r c i ft b c b c u t c n b lU' v i n g e r, ali viMi iiiU'iib cincm anbciu .'ipafcn an bcr Cfthiftc, bic ^-alnaM-cife iibcr 'Qai' timorc finb benuicniaf' ivcbcn, lancniarf etc. etc. It-' xMduct ^,1rauf, baf; (fucrc 'iVaffai^c- Sdieinc „;>iorliiicut|d)CU Vlo»)ti" aui^^ftcUt ivcrbcii. -^x^H ULU'flcn lucitevcr "ilusfunft lucnbc nuui fid) an bic rur bie lampfcr bee al-^gcntcit %. Scjjunmcljer & Co,, .") «uli Wni) «tr., *^n(tiiuorc, m. obcr an bcrcn ^nlanb - ^Jliicntcn. — ;\n i'rcmcn an bic Xirection bee; ^JiiM-b- bcutfd^en Vloi)b. Ttr ALTERATIONS! Page 38, Germ. Exec. Board, readJULIUS CONRAD, Secretary, instead of H. Sclioecke. JOHN MECHTOLD, omitted. ' " 39, Com. on Agitation, read J. RAIBER, C'hairm., instead of ('. Bartel. " J. SIEBRECHT,insteadofDr.A.Rieliter. " " Com. of Arrangcm., " R. D. BOSS, instead of A. Scliaefer. " " Com. on Decorat'n, " J. MECHTOLD, instead of G. Morf, Cliairm. '• " Reception Com., " L. SCHNEIDER & H.ENGELHARDT, instead of F. Sclineider. " 40, CoKRECT March Route — Pratt to Eutaw, Eutaw to Lombard, instead of Pratt to Howard, Howard to Lombard. " 43, below Mayor of the City, F. C. Latrobe, insert: Memortai, Flag, presented by the Ladies of Baltimore ; Mounted Color Bearer: Joun Siebrecht. " " after German Execntive Committee, insert Artistic Committee in a Barouche. FIRST DIVISION. Page 43, strike off No. lO^: "Uncle Tom's Cabin." " 14: "First Steamboat." " " " " 20: "Dr. Carpenter." " " '' " 21 : "The development of fine Arts." " " No. 38, means : Committee of Arrangements, Conmiittee on Finance, Committee of the Day. C'Ommittee on Music, Committee on Printing, Committee on Park. Page 44, STRHvE OFF WHOLE SECOND DIVISION, (will be Nintn Division). THIRD {now Srcomi) DIVISION. Page 44, between Nos. 17 and 18, insert United Red Men. FOURTH {now Third) DIVISION. Page 45, after No. 1, German Drill Association, K. of P., insert : a. Germania Lodge No. 14, K. P. h. Goethe Lodge No. 89, c. De Kalb Lod<;e No. 75, " ALTERATIONS— Continued. d. Allemania Lodge No. 76, " e. Jackson Lodge No. 30, " /. Steuben Lodge No. 87, f/. Schiller Ledge No. 38, FIFTH {now Fourth) DIVISION. Page 47, strike ott" No. 22, Seevers and Anderson, Grocers, and read .- No. 22. Seevers & Anderson, Paragon Flour Mills, 2 wagons. " 23i. Starr & Co., Mill Stones, 1 wagon. SEVENTH {now Sixth) DIVISION. Page 49, strike off No. 1, Adams Express Co , " No. 2, Wm. MuUniej'er & Hunter, and insert : No. 1. English Tally-ho Coach, Hawkins & Russel. No. 2. Ancient and modern Physician, Dr. Carpenter. EIGHTH {now Seventh) DIVISION. Page 51, insert No. 17i. Upholsterers — C. S. Non-is ct Co., 2 wagons, " " 80|. Olassworks — Henry Seim, 1 wagon. NINTH {aow Eighth) DIVISION. Page 51, insert after Music; Mount Pleasant Band. " 53, No. 101. after Gunpowder Water Works: Mr. James Curran, Pipes of Ancient and Modern Patera. TENTH DIVISION. Page 54, read in Tenth Division, Chief of Division — CoL, THOMAS J. McKAY, " No. 1. Adams Express Co., 6 wagons, " " 2. Mullmeyer & Hunter, 3 wagons, " 55, omit No. 23. Sidney Norris & Co., " 56, read No. 66i. Geo. Oertel, Stump Extractor, (Machine). " No. 73^^. Uncle Tom's C^abin, Monumental Theatre. " No. 9U. C. W. Spankling, Veterinary Surgeon. PRINTED BY C. W. SCHNEIDEREITH, No. 70 South Sharp Street, BALTIMORE. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 368 473 8