Oass COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT HISTORY OF .lYNE COUNTY, 1^ BY PHINEAS Cx. GOODRICH OF BETHANY, PENN. HONESDALE, PENN.: HAINES ct BEARDSLEY. 1880. Entered according tx) Act ot Congi-ess. in tlie year l&stt, by PHINEA.'^ G. GOODKICn, [n the Olliw of the Librarian of C^ongi'ess. Washington, D. C. /^ lO^P"^ CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Woodward's Commencement. Act of Legislature Establishing Wayne County — Original Boundaries — Population in 1800 — Milford and Wilsonville, the First Seats of Justice — Permanent Location of the Courts at Bethany and Erection of the First County Build- ings — Attempts to Change the Location Abortive — The People Refuse to Comply with Legislative Enactment — First County Commissioners — Beginning of Official Mis- deeds and Delinquencies — Sacredness of Public Trusts — A Depleted Treasury — Investigating County Finances — An Era of Progress and Prosperity — Navigating the Dela- ware — How Sui)plies were Procured — Division of the County 1 . CHAPTER II. The Indians. Wronged and Abused by Invaders — The Tribes that Inhabited Wayne County — The Chai-ter Granted to W^illiam Penn — A Treaty that was Never Broken — No Quaker Blood Ever Shed by an Indian — How the Boundaries of Penn's Prov- ince were Determined — Dissatisfaction of the Indians — Wars and Massacres — The Great Council at Easton — Peace Concluded — Indian Plot to Annihilate the Whites — Mountains and Valleys Crimsoned with Blood and Car- nage — Bounties Offered for Indian Scalj^s — The Red Men Alarmed and Plead for Peace — Final Purchase of their iv CONTENTS. Lands — Charter Granted to Connecticut — Disjjuted Titles — Misguided Indian Revenge — Final Settlement of Diffi- culties — Description of the Indians and their Mode of Life —Their Belief in a Future State— The Tribes almost Ex- tinct 12 CHAPTER III. Wayne County. After Whom it was Named — Its Geology, Climate, and For- ests 32. CHAPTER lY. QUADBUPEDS. The Animals that Once Roamed the County's Forests — Anec- dotes about the Bear — Description of the Bear, Wolf, Panther, Deer, Elk, Beaver, Marten, Raccoon, Wood- chuck, Hedgehog, Skunk, Otter, Musk-Rat, Mink, Wea- sel, Squirrel, Wild-Cat, Fox, Hare, and Rabbit 42. CHAPTER V. Birds. The Birds of the Past and Present — A Description of their Plumage and Peculiarities — Why they Rear their Young at the North — The Dyberry Taxidermist 62. CHAPTER YI. Fish. The Trout — Other Fish — Introduction of Black Bass by Mc- Kown 91. CHAPTER YII. RePTIIjES. The Rattlesnake — The Whiskey Antidote for its Bite — Unven- omous Reptiles 94 CONTJ^JNTS. V OHAPTEE VIII. Insects. Those that Abound m the County — Honey-Bees — How they were Kept by the First Settlers — Their Wisdom 95. CHAPTEK IX. Land-Titles and Subveys. The Penn Family Accused of Being Adherents of the British Government — Confiscation of Estates — The Land- Office — Early Prices of Unimproved Land — Laws in Regard to State Lands — Unprofitable Investments — Jason Torrey, Agent for the Sale of Lands in "Wayne and Pike Counties — Subsequent Agents — Inaccuracy of the Original Sur- veys — Present Declination of the Needle — Land- Warrants — How they were Granted — County Surveyor — "Cham- ber Surveys. " 97. CHAPTER X. Judiciary. The First Judges — President Judges — Associate Judges — Sher- iffs — Prothonotaries — Registers and Recorders 108. CHAPTER XI. Townships — Damascus. Damascus — Its Early Settlement— The Minisinks — First Set- tlers — First Attempt to Run Logs to Market on the Dela- ware a Failure — Perseverance and Ingenuity Rewarded with Success — The First Raft that Successfully Descended the River — Settlers Attacked by the Indians —The Mur- der of Kane and his Family — The Whites Flee from their Homes — Subsequent Attacks by Marauding Whites — Bit- ter Dissensions about Titles of Lands — Effect of the Wyo- ming Massacre — Battle of Minisink — Gen. Sullivan's Ex- pedition into the Indian Country — Return of the Settlers to their Homes and the Reign of Peace — Brief Sketches;of the Early Settlers — The Hamlets of Branningville, Darby- town, Damascus, Milan ville, and Tyler Hill llV. vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. Townships — Lebanon. Its Lands, Streams, aud Ponds — First Settlements — Sliields- boro' — Incidents of Pioneer Life — Sketches of the Early Settlers — Agriculture their Chief Pursuit and Depend- ence 140. CHAPTER Xni. Townships — PALaiYKA. Taken Prisoner by the Indians — An Ingenious Escape — Jones, and not Haines, the Murderer of Can ope — First Improve- ments — Sketches of the Pioneers — Strange Curiosities — Com23letion of the Delaware & Hudson Canal — The Penn- sylvania Company's Gravity Railroad — The Failure of a Great Project — Falls of the Wallenpaupack — A Water- power of Immense Magnitude — A Mammoth Pine — Schools and Churches 156. CHAPTER XIV. Townships — Paupack. When Erected — Silas Purdy, Sen., the First Settler — Names and Sketches of the Early Residents — "The Shades of Death " — A Touching Incident 165. CHAPTER XT. Townships — Canaan. One of the Original Townships — Its Soil and Productions — The Easton and Belmont, and Milford and Owego Turn- pikes—Great Thoroughfares in their Day— The First Fam- ilies that Settled in the Township — A Sketch by Asa Stan- ton — Mrs. Frisbie — Her Interpretation of the Command, "Thou Shalt not Kill "—Merciful to all of God's Creatures — The Borough of Waymart 170. CHAPTER XVI. Townships — Mount Pleasant. The Smtzerland of Northern Pennsylvania — A Paradise in CONTENTS. V Summer, and a Siberia in Winter— Streams and Ponds- Former Great Thoroughfares— The First Settler— Fir. Public House— Sketches of the First Settlers— Their Hart ships and Struggles to Procure Food and Raiment— Lcs Children— The Meredith Family— The First Treasurer ( ■ the United States— His Place of Interment Unmarkcvl- An Aged Lady— Standing Sentinel for Her Husband lu- ing the Revolution— Poetry by Asa Stanton, Entitle.) '♦ The Golden Age of Mount Pleasant. " lond. " 300, 13th line from top, after "Dwight Henshaw," read and the wife of W. B. Arnold, GOODEICH'g HISTORY OF WAYNE CODHTY. CHAPTER I. WOODWARD'S COMMENCEMENT. rpHE territory which constitutes the counties of Wayne -^ and Pike, in the State of Pennsylvania, was set off from the county of Northampton, in pursuance of an act of Legislature, passed on the 21st of March, 1798. "All that part of Northampton county," said the act, "lying, and being to the northward of a line to be drawn, and beginning at the west end of George MichaeFs farm, on the river Delaware, in Middle Smithfield township, and from thence a straight line to the mouth of Trout Creek, on the Lehigh, adjoin- ing Luzerne county, shall be and the same is hereby erected into a county henceforth to be called Wayne." This line of excision separated from Northampton not only the territory of the present counties of Wayne and Pike, but also two townships, subsequently taken from Pike and incorporated with other townships of Northampton, to form the present county of Monroe. The original boundaries of Wayne county w^ere, there- 1 2 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. fore, the northern line of the state on tlie north, the Dehiware river on the east, Northampton (now Mon- roe) on the sonth, and Luzerne and Susquelianna coun- ties on the west. The area of the county was 1,492 square miles, and the population in 1800 only 2,562, an average of less than two persons to the square mile. A handful of people, scarcely more than an ordi- narv town-meetinf? in modern times, scattered over so large a space of rugged territory, destitute of roads, mills, and other conveniences of civilization, must have found it very ditticult to maintain the necessary expen- ses of a county organization, and excessively incon- venient to attend the courts and places of election. The act of '98 established the courts in the house of Greorge Buchanan, in the town of JVlilford, as a tempo- rary arrangement. The 10th section of the act (3rd Smith's Laws, p. 318) appointed Daniel Stroud, Abm. Ham, John Mahallen, Samuel 0. Seely, and Samuel Stanton, of Northampton and Wayne, a board of trus- tees for the latter county, and empowered them to fix on the most eligible spot for the seat of justice in and for the said county, to purchase or take and receive any quantity of land wdthin said county and to survey and lay out the same in town and outlots, and to sell as many of said lots at auction as they should think proper, and with the money arising from said sales and other moneys to be duly levied and collected as taxes, to pay for the lands they should purchase, and to build a court-house and jail on such of the town lots as they should require for that purpose. The 11th section empowered the county commission- ers who should be elected at the next annual election , to take the title to such lot as the trustees should se- lect for the court house and jail, and to assess the necessary taxes for erecting said buildings, "not to exceed two thousand dollars." WOODWAIiD'^S COMMENCEMENT. 3 The location of the county seat must have greatly agitated this sparse population scattered along the valleys of the principal streams, for the next year, 1799, the Legislature removed the courts from Mil- ford to Wilson ville, until suitable buildings should be erected, '' within four miles of the Dyberry forks of the Lackawaxen river." This was the Legislative mode of describing the junction, at what is now^ Hones- dale, of the North and West branches of the Lacka- w^axen. But Wilsonville, a small manufacturing village at the falls of the Wallenpaupack, a few miles above the point at which that stream empties into the Lacka- waxen, was found not to be satisfactory, even as a temporary location of the courts, for, on the 5 th of April, 1802, the Legislature remanded them back to Milford for " three years and no longer." Meanwhile, the trustees, under the organizing act of '98, accepted from tienry Drinker, Esq., of Phila- delphia, a large land proprietor in Wayne county, a conveyance, upon a nominal consideration, of a tract of 999 acres of land in trust for the county of Wayne, to be laid out in town and outlots, and to convey to the county commissioners such of said lots as they shall fix on for the purpose of erecting a court-house, jail, and ofiices for the safe-keeping of the records. This deed, made the 30th of August, 1800, was a compliance with the act of 1799, for the land it con- veyed was within fom* miles of the Dyberry forks. The trustees had the land surveyed into lots, and on the 2d of January, 1802, conv^eyed to the county commissioners the lots necessary for a public square and county buildings, and sold at public auction 241 lots, at prices ranging from a few cents to twenty-seven dollars eacli, the proceeds amounting in the aggregate to $2,735.97. The remaining lots and outlots, 183 in 4 HISTORY OP WAYNE COUNTY. number, were then conveyed to the county commis- sioners, who continued to sell from time to time, until they were fdl disposed of, at an aggregate of $1,524.66, making a total of the proceeds of the Drinker grant $4,260.63. Besides this sum there was the land that forms the beautiful square in Bethany and the site of the public buildings, and sev^eral lots given to the town for church and school purposes. It was in this manner Bethany became the county seat of Wayne. A frame court-house and a log jail were erected upon the pul)lic square and the court was removed there from Milford,in 1805. But no sooner was the seat of justice establislied at Bethany than the inhabitants of the lower end of the county began to complain of the hardship of going so far to attend courts and consult the records. The valleys of the Delaware and of the Wallenpaupack contained almost the entire population of the lower half of the county. The reo;ion Ivino; between these rivers and called " The Barrens " to this day, was, at that time, an utter wilder- ness. But along the Delaware and the Wallenpau- pack were narrow but fertile valleys whi(?]i invited a hardy and industrious population of farmers and lum- bermen. It was quite natural that these people should complain of the distance they had to travel over bad roads to the seat of justice, and, accordingly, they pre- vailed upon the Legislature to pass an act of the 19tli of March, 1810, (5th S. L., p. 125) authorizing the Governor to appoint commissioners to fix a place for the county seat at or within five miles of tlie territo- rial center of the county. The preamble to this act is in these words: ''Whereas, it appears to the Legisla- ture that those inhabitants of Wayne county who live near tlie line of Northampton county, along the river Delaware, below Milford, are sul)jected to very great hardships in their attendance on courts and other pub- WOODWAED'S COMMENCEMENT. 5 lie business at Betliany, on account of the great dis- tance and the uninhabitable region over which they are obliged to travel : and, whereas, it also appears that Bethany is situated many miles to the north of the territorial center of Wayne county, and that by a re- moval of the seat of justice to a place at or near the center, the inhabitants first above mentioned would gain some relief, whilst the inliabitants of the upper townships would not suffer any material disadvantage by such removal ; " therefore it was enacted that the Governor should appoint three disinterested commis- sioners " to fix on a place for the seat of justice at or within five miles of the territorial center of said county," witli power as to laying out and selling lots similar to those conferred upon the trustees by the act of '98. The commissioners appointed under this act reported on the 21st of August, 1810, that they had fixed on a place known as Blooming Grove, now within the limits of Pike county and called Nyce's Farm. The county commissioners refused to levy the necessary taxes for the erection of public buildings at Blooming Grove and they set forth their reasons in a paper that was drawn with great ability. After co- gent statements for believing that the Legislature meant that the public buildings should be principally paid for by grants of land rather than by taxation of a people already heavily oppressed, the county com- missioners said in conclusion : " but while the county is annually subjected to a heavy tax without being able to discharge its just and necessary expenditures ; while after the most vigorous exertions in collecting taxes there remain many orders on the Treasury unpaid, while the poor juror and laborer is compelled from his necessities to sell his hard-earned county orders to some speculator at a discount of from twelve to twen- 6 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ty-five per cent., while the traveler is put in jeopardy by the failure of bridges which the county wants the necessary funds to repair; and while with their best efforts and strictest economy, the commissioners are able but gradually to retrieve the credit of the county, they cannot consider that there are any existing cir- cumstances or advantages to the county which would result from forcing a fund for the purpose of erecting public buildings at Blooming Grove which would bear any comparative weight in counterbalancing the evils which would necessarily follow a pursuit of the meas- ure." And then followed a formal resolution not to tax the people for this purpose. ReiJrarded as resistance to an act of Assemblv this was a bold step, but the poverty of the people pleaded so strongly in favor of the stand assumed by the com- missioners that all parties acquiesced in it, or at least no appeal was made to the courts to compel obedi- ence to the behests of the Legislature. The names of the lirst county commissioners were Eliphalet Kellogg, Johannes Yan Etten, and John Carson. John Brink was the iirst county treasurer. On the 26th of December, 1799, Jason Torrey and John H. Schenck presented to the court the hrst aud- itors' report of the iinances of the county, in wliich they noticed and excused some irregularities on the part of the accounting otticers, but, on the whole, com- mended their measures as reflecting credit upon them- selves and the county. On the 11th of December, 1800, Jason Torrey was reappointed auditor in connec- tion with James Eldred and Martin Overfield,but their report submitted at the February terili of court, 1801, was less complimentary to the county commissioners and their clerk than that of the previous year. The commissioners were charged with selling bridges with- out prescribing the manner in which the work should woodwabd'jS commencement. 7 be done nor when they should be completed — with paymg for them in full without exHmination and be- fore there was any pretence of their completion — with paying their clerk upwards of $200 for a year's service while there w^ere persons in the county w^ho would perform the duties for half the money — w^ith allowing one of their number (Mr. Carson) to go to Philadel- phia and advertise in three daily papers for three months that he was there to receive taxes on unseated lands, and receiving a considerable amount without accounting for them to the auditors, and with various other irregularities. This report was not finally tiled imtil the 14th of September, 1801, when Major Torrey appended to it a note partially exonerating Mr. Car- son and clerk Kellogg from the charges preferred in the text of the report. The irregularities so justly censured by the auditors show that even in this infant county, of slender re- sources and small finances, official delinquencies and misdeeds had begun which in after times and in other counties, if not in Wayne, have grown into enormous abuses. Official infidelity to public trusts is a crying evil of our times. And it is not peculiar to any peri- od or place. It has come down to us in regular suc- cession from an antiquity much beyond the origin of our counties or even our State, and it grows apace, l)oth in the State and nation. When and from whence is the corrective to come ? Only from a better moral education of the masses. When schools, the press, and the pulpit shall impress the rising generation with the sacredness of pul)lic trusts — and with the thought that office exists for the convenience of the people and not for the emolument of the possessor, and that wealth acquired from public office is prima-facie evi- dence of crime — we may hope to find men for public servants who will not steal. 8 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. During the following year the receipts from actual residents amounted to $605.87, and from unseated lands to |C)13.68, making a total of $1,219.55, while the expenditures of the year 1 800 w^ere $1,050.06. Each year the aggregate of taxes increased with the increas- ing population, but expenditures increased also. The county treasury was unable to redeem the orders drawn upon it, and pul)lic accounts fell into confusion until 1807 and 1808, when an earnest effort was made to straighten public affairs. The records had been removed to the new offices in Bethany, and the first meeting of the county commissioners was held there early in 1807. A careful examination of the financial condition of the county disclosed the fact that there was no money in the treasury, while its liabilities in the shape of unpaid checks, refunded taxes, etc., amount- ed to about $5,000. Upwards of $16,000 were due the county from owners of unseated lands, delinquent collectors, dilatory sheriffs, overpaid commissioners, and other officers, w^hich, if collected, would, it was claimed, put the county out of debt, and leave a con- siderable balance in the treasury. As one of the re- sults of this investigation, in 1808, the sheriff, Abisha Woodward, w^as directed to sell such unseated lands as were in arrears for taxes, which he proceeded to do, and in 1809 the receipts from these sales amounted to be- tween $9,000 and $10,000. In 1811 the inconvenien- ces and losses to the county and to individuals w^hich had resulted from the neglect of treasurers to furnish information to the commissioners with respect to the state of the treasury, led to the adoption of a series of resolutions requiring the treasurer to report, on the first day of every term, the exact condition of the finances, and declaring a failure to do so as well as the buying up of county orders at a discount with tlie pub- lic funds, to be a misdemeanor in office. The Com- WOOnWABD'S COMMENCEMENT. 9 missioners might well treat such official misconduct as ground for removal, for they held then the appoint- ment of county treasurer, and were, in a very special sense, the exclusive fiscal agents of the county. Under the sharp animadversions of the county audi- tors, and with increasing experience in the conduct of public affairs, the linancial condition of the county im- proved with the increase of population. The frame court-house and the log jail at Bethany were complet- ed; courts were held regularly there; farms were cleared, roads were Iniilt, and the winters were improv- ed to get out logs and squared timber from the forests of pine, hemlock, and oak, to be rafted down the Lack- awaxen and Delaware to Easton, Trenton, and Phila- delphia, wlien the spring freshets came. The supplies of store goods, of iron, salt, leather, cloths and grocer- ies, purchased wdth the proceeds of the lumber, were transported to the scattered settlements with great dif- ficulty. The "Durham Boat" on the Delaw^are was the prime, and for a long time, the only ascending nav- igation. This craft which has disappeared from these waters within the last quarter of a century, was a long, trim boat, which, though laden wdth several tons, drew so little water that it could pass up the rifts and shoals of the streams, propelled by a poleman on each side, and guided by a steersman at the rudder. Another mode of getting goods into Wayne county was to car- ry them up the Hudson river to Newburg, and thence cart them by way of Cochecton to Bethany and other points. After the north and south turnpike was built through Sterling, Salem, and Canaan townships, a con- siderable trade was established with Easton. But although the industries of Wayne were in proc- ess of gradual though healthful development, great discontent continued to be manifested by the people along the Delaware below Milford, on account of the 10 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. location of the county seat at Bethany, and, in 1814, the LegisLiture, witli the general consent of the people, set oif the lower end into a new county, to be called Pike, with the seat of justice at Milford where it has remained ever since. The division line was run by John K. Woodward, conformably to the act of Sep- tember, 1814, beginning at the lower end of Big Eddy on the Delaware, thence to a point on the Lackawaxen opposite the Wallenpaupack, thence up the Wallenpau- pack and the South l)ranch thereof to the old north and south State road, and thence west seven miles and ninety two perches to the Lehigli creek. Thus was Pike county set off with an area of 772 square miles, and witli a population, ^vhich, according to the census of 1820, amounted to 2,894. The area left to Wayne was 720 square miles, and the population in 1820 was 4,127. I have compiled, from various sources, the lead- ing events that attended the formation of the two counties of Wayne and Pike. The people were gen- erally poor. Most of the old men had been soldiers in the Revolutionary war, and others were descendants of families who had suifered in various ways in that struggle and from frequent incursions of Indians. The settlements Avere sparse and Avidely separated. The soil and climate were rigorous. The land which was worth clearing for agricultural purposes was heavily timbered with beech, maple, and hemlock, though much of the mountain range that runs through Pike cdunty was and still is " The Barrens," and utterly insuscep- tible of cultivation. Except along the river-bottoms the arable land was stony, requiring much labor to re- move them and lay them into w^alls for fences of the lields. Much of the soil was wet and needed ditching to make it productive. Yet with all these disadvan- tages, the hardy and industrious people who settled WOODWABD'S COMMENCEMENT. 11 the bills and valleys of these counties, persevered in lumbering and farming until they established large and prosperous communities, built towns and tm-npikes, improved their farms, established schools and churches, so that these counties have become influential in the Commonwealth. The foregoing is all that Judge G. W. Woodward wrote of the History of Wayne County. 12 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTEIl 11. THE INDIANS. PROBABLY a history of Wayne would be considered imperfect that did not embrace a description of the Indian tribes that once chiimed and occupied the ter- ritory as their favorite hunting grounds. Having be- come extinct in consequence of their conflicts with the whites, who had the superior means of sharpening the scythe of death, and who, in encroaching and overpow- ering numbers, dispossessed tliem of their lands and homes, none of them are left to rehearse, in truth and sadness, how they were ^\Tonged and abused by their invaders. From the scanty traditions preserved by the early explorers and settlers, it appears that a tribe called the Mousey s, wdio held their head-quarters or council fire at a place on the Delaware, called "Mini- sink," (a part of which tribe settled at Wyoming) held jurisdiction over the lands now embraced in Wayne, Pike, and Susquehanna counties. This tribe claimed to hold their territory independent of the Delawares from whom William Penn purchased his lands. A tribe, or remnant of a tribe, lived on the Delaware, scattered between Shehawken and tlie mouth of the Lackawaxen, most of them a]>out Cochecton, and were known as the Mohicans or Cushetunks. But there THE INDIANS. 13 was a powerful confederacy southward of the Great Lakes, known as the Six I^ations, consisting of the Onondagas, Senecas, Cayugas, Mohawks, Oneidas, and Tuscaroras.* These chiimed to hold the Monseys, Delawares, and Shawnees in subjection, and denied that they had any right to sell lands to the whites. These six nations, by an early alliance with the Dutch, who first settled on the Hudson, obtained fire-arms by the use of which they were able to check the encroach- ments of the French and to reduce to submission many bordering tril)es. From these they exacted an ac- knowledgment of fealty, permitting them under such humiliation to occupy their former liunting grounds. To this dependent condition the Iroquois asserted that they had, by conquest, reduced the Lenni Lenape. Charles the II., King of England, in 1681, granted a charter to William Penn of a large province of land in the JS^ew World, as it was then called, the extent of which was to be three degrees of latitude in breadth by five degrees of longitude in length; the Delaware river was to be the eastern boundary, and the northern boundary was to begin on the commencement of the three and fortieth degree of north latitude, which pro- vince was by royal order called Pennsylvania. The amount of land embraced in said charter comprised twenty-six millions of acres. In 1682, AYm. Penn came over from England to found a colony upon the broad principles of Christian charity, free toleration, and con- stitutional freedom. Althouo-li he had obtained a char- *Called by the French, Iroquois. 14 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ter from th3 king of England empowering him to take possession of the lands therein embraced, yet he hon- estly admitted that the Indians were the only true owners of the lands. Acting under that conviction he had not been long in the country before he took measures to bring together the Indians from various parts of his province, to form with them a treaty of peace and friendship. Sucli a treaty was made and, unlike most Indian treaties, was never broken. Not a drop of Quaker blood was ever shed by an Indian. The colony was peaceful and prosperous for seventy years. It is remarkable that no original \\'ritten re(*- ord can be disc^overed of Penn's memorable treaty with the Indians, though traditional evidence is abun- dant regarding its occurrence. The heirs of William Penn, who were called the Proprietaries, were the governing element in the province until near the days of the Pevolution, but took no measures to fix and de- termine the boundaries of the lands which their great progenitor or his agents, in his life-time, purchased of the Indians, until 1733. The northern boundary of one important purchase was to be determined by a man's walk of a day and a-half. Beginning on the bank of the Delaware, near Wrightstown, in Bucks county, (the boundary of a former purchase), the walk was to be done by three white men and a like number of Indians. The men having been selected, the wdiites walked with all their might, and arrived at the north side of Blue mountain, the first day, which was as far as the whole walk would extend, according to the ex- THE INDIANS, 15 pectations of the Indians; and when they found the walk was to proceed half a day further, they were angry, said tliey were cheated, and wonld go no fur- ther. The whites started again next morning; two of them gave out: but one, Edward Marshall, went on alone and arrived at noon on a spur of Pocono moun- tain, sixty-five miles from the starting point. Sher- man Day, the historian, says : "If the w^alk had ter- minated at the Kittatinny, the line from the end of the walk to intersect the Delaware, if drawn at right angles, would have intersected the Delaware at the Water Gap, and Avould not have included the Mini- sink lands, a prominent object of the speculators. The line as actually drawn by Mr. Eastburn, the surveyor- general, intersected the Delaware near Shohola creek, in Pike county. Overreaching^ both in its literal and figurative sense, is the term most applicable to the whole transaction." The Indians remonstrated against the great wrong done them by the said walk, and de- clared their intention to hold the disputed lands by force of arms. The Proprietary Government, know- ing that the Six Nations held the Delawares under a sort of fear and vassalage, prevailed upon them l)y presents to interpose their authority, in the expulsion of the refractory Delawares. Accordingly, in 1742, a delegation of two hundred and thirty of the Six Na- tions met in Philadelphia, and being made to believe that the Delawares had actually sold the disputed lands, Canassatoga, on the part of the deputation, roundly berated the Delawares for selling the lands at all^ call- 16 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ing them vassals and women, thereby adding insult to injury, and ending by bidding them instantly to remove from the lands. They dared not disregard this peremptory command. Some of them, it is said, went to Wyoming and Shamokin, others to Ohio. Even at this council the deputies complained that the whites were settling on unbought lands and spoiling their hunting, and demanded the removal of the set- tlers upon and along the Juniata, who, they said, were doing great damage to their cousins, the Delawares. In March, 1744, war was declared between France and Great Britain. The drsrk clouds of savage war- fare gathered over the western frontiers, and many murders were committed by tlie Indians. The French, hovering around the Great Lakes, spared no pains to seduce the savages from their allegiance to the Eng- lish. The Shawnees at once joined the French, the Delawares only waited for a chance to revenge their wrongs, and the Six Nations were wavering; massa- cres ensued, and no age or sex was spared. A treaty was made between France and Great Britain, in 1748, but it tended very little to abate tlie violence of savage warfare. The Proprietors, anxious to secure all the lands of the Indians, in July, 1754, purchased of the Six Nations all the lands within the province not ])e- f ore obtained, lying south-west of a line, " Beginning one mile above the mouth of Penn's creek, thence run- ning north-west by west to the western l)oundary of the province." The line instead of striking the west- ern line of the State, as the Indians supposed it would, THE INBIANS. 17 struck the northern boundary thereof, west of Cone- wango creek. The Shawnees, Delawares, Monse3^s, and other tribes soon found out that their lands on the Susquehanna, Juniata, Allegheny, and Oliio rivers, which the Six Nations had guaranteed to tliem, had been sold from under their feet. The Indians on the Allegheny at once went over to the French. After Braddock's defeat, in 1753, the whole frontier, from the Delaware to the Potomac, was desolated by the Indians, who, having been joined by other tribes, laid waste all the settlements beyond the Kittatinny moun- tains, burning the hamlets and scalping the settlers. The Proprietors became alarmed and, in November, 1756, held another grand council, at Easton, between Teedyuscung, a noted Delaware chief, and some other chiefs, on the one part, and Governor Denny, on the part of the Proprietors. The conference lasted nine days. The discontents of the Indians with regard to the great walk and the purchase of lands made by the Proprietors, in 1754, were heard and inquired into, and a treaty of peace was patched up with the Dela- wares. But the complaints of the Indians that the whites were encroaching upon their lands continued and became boisterous. It was found that something must be done. Another great council was summoned to meet at Easton, in the fall of 1758. Easton was a noted place for holding councils between the whites and Indians. It was, as now, the county seat of North- ampton county, which county w^as established and sep- arated from Bucks county, in 1752, and, at the time 3 18 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. of its establishment, included Wayne, Pike, Monroe, Lehigh, and Carbon counties. The said council was the most important and imposing one ever held in the prov- ince. It was attended by chiefs both of the Six Nations and Delawares, and by the agents of the governments of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. About five hundred Indians were present, representing all the Six Nations, most of the Delawares, the Shawnees, the Miamis, the Mohicans, Monseys, Nanticokes, and Conoys. Many Quakers, who were anxious that peace and justice might prevail, were present as the friends of the In- dians. Teedyuscung spoke for several of the tribes. He was a noted Delaware chief. He rehearsed the wrongs of the Pennsylvania tribes, and accused the Proprietors of being very profuse of promises, and neglectful in keeping them; and he accused the Six Nations of dealing and deciding unfairly with the Pennsylvania tribes, and that they had been, from time to time, perverted from doing their duty by the rich and abundant presents made to them by the agents of the Proprietary Government. The Six Nations were offended at the boldness of Teedyuscung, and sought to counteract his influence ; but he bore himself Avith dignity and firmness, and although he was well-plied with liquor, he refused to yield to the Six Nations, and resisted all the wiles of the intriguing whites. The council lasted eighteen days, and all matters which had caused discontent among the Indians were freely discussed. All lands claimed as having been purchas- ed of them, beyond the Allegheny mountains, were THE INDIANS. 19 given up. An additional compensation for lands al- ready purchased was to be given. In short, another peace was concluded, and at the close of the treaty — to the shame of the whites be it said — stores of rum were given to the Indians, who soon exhil)ited its ef- fect in frightful orgies or stupid insensibility. The English having taken Quel)ec from the French, in 1759, and captured all their forts and military depots on the north-west and western frontiers, peace was con- cluded between Great Britain, France and Spain, in 1762, and Pennsylvania was, for a short time, relieved of the horrors of war. But the short cahn was fol- lowed by a terrific storm. The Indians about the Great Lakes and on the Ohio, without complaint, had permitted the French to erect and maintain a chain of forts from Presque Isle (Erie) to the Monongahela, so long as they proved a barrier to the encroachments of the English, but when they saw Canada and these forts in the hands of the English, and reflected that the lands upon which said forts stood w^ere never purchas- ed of the native owners, their hatred of the intrusive whites became intense and wide-spread. A great In- dian chief, named Pontiac, of the Ottawas, (a western tribe), formed the plan of uniting all the Indian tribes and of precipitating them at once upon the whole fron- tier. Tlie utter extermination of the whites was his object. With the suddenness and violence of a tor- nado, the attack was made. The English traders among the Indians were killed first. Out of one hun- dred and twenty only three escaped. Scalping parties 20 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. overran the frontier settlements among the mountains, marking their way with blood and carnage. The forts of Presque Isle, Yenango, St. Joseph, and Mackinaw were taken, and their garrisons slaughtered. Other forts were saved with great difficulty. The dismayed settlers on the Juniata and Susquehanna, with their families and ftocks, sought refuge at Carlisle, Lancas- ter, and Reading. The peaceful Moravian Indians fled to Philadelphia which was their only place of safety. This was the most destructive and fiercely-contested war ever waged between the whites and Indians in Pennsylvania. The cruelties and barbarities perpetra- ted in tliis war on both sides are too shocking to relate. In October, 1763, John Penn, grandson of William Penn, came over from England as lieutenant-gover- nor, and, having ignored the peaceful non-resistant pol- icy of the Quakers, by proclamation offered bounties for the capture, death, or scalps of Indians, viz: "For every male above the age of ten years captured, $150; scalped, being killed, $134; for every male or female Indian enemy above the age of ten years captured, $130; for every female above the age of ten years be- ing scalped or killed, $50." Effective measures were at once taken by the Proprietary Government to repel the assaults of the savages by carrying the war into their own country. Volunteers from Cumberland and Bedford counties, under Col. Armstrong, went up and defeated several parties of Indians on the West branch. General Amherst dispatched Col. Boquet, with a large quantity of provisions, under a strong THE INDIANS. 21 force, to the relief of Fort Pitt. From thence, in the autumn of 1764, he extended his expedition to the Muskingum in Ohio. The Indians were alarmed and sued for peace. The Delawares, Shawnees, Senecas, and other tribes agreed to cease hostilities, and they gave up a large number of prisoners that in former wars they had carried into captivity. Though peace was restored, yet the complaints of the Indians were continued and not causelessly; for lawless white men continued to settle upon the Indian lands and to incite hostilities by the unprovoked murder of the peaceable natives. Another savage war was threatened, which, happily, was prevented by the tact and wise intervention of Sir William Johnson, a British officer, at whose instance, a great council was held at Fort Stanwix, in New York, at which all grievances were adjusted, and a treaty made Novem- ber 5tli, 1768, with the Six Nations, who then sold and conveyed to the Proprietors,. "All the land wdthin a boundary extending from the New York line on the Susquelianna, past Towanda and Pine creek, up the West branch over to Kittanning and thence down the Ohio." This was called the "New Purchase," and in- cluded the lands in Wayne and Susquehanna counties, most of Luzerne and part of Pike county. This was the last purchase made by the Proprietors. The State afterwards bought of the Indians all the lands which remained unsold witliin its chartered limits. (If the preceding narrative of Indian matters should be deemed irrelevant to the history of Wayne county, 22 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. the following continuance thereof may be a sufficient apology for its presentation.) In the month of August, 1762, about two lumdred colonists from Connecticut commenced a settlement at Wyoming, on the Susquehanna river, claiming a right under the said named State, which founded her claim under the original charter granted in 1620 to the Ply- mouth Company by James I., Avhich charter was con- firmed by Cliarles II., to Connecticut in 1663, and set- tiuix forth that the said charter should include : " All that part of our dominions in New England, in Ameri- ca, bounded on the east by Narragansett bay where the said river f alleth into the sea, and on the north by the line of the Massachusetts Plantation, on the south by the sea and in longitude as the Massachusetts Colony running from east to west — that is to say, from the Narragansett bay on the east, to the South sea on the west part." Tliis charter, it w^as claimed, included all the lands of sixty miles in width extending to the Pa- cific ocean, excepting the intervening part betw^een Connecticut and Pennsylvania, w^hich had been con- ceded to the province of New^ York, in consequence of a charter granted by Charles II. to his l^rother, the Duke of York and Albany. The charter to the col- ony of Connecticut was made eighteen years prior to that made to William Penn, by the same monarch. It has ]>een presumed that said monarch knew^ little or nothino; of the location or extent of the territories that he granted, and tliat his title to the same w^as little superior to his knowledge. THE INDIANS, 23 In the year 1753, a number of persons, mostly in- habitants of Connecticut, formed a company with the intent of purchasing the lands of the Indians on the Susquehanna, and establishing settlements at Wyo- ming. This association was called the "Susquehanna Company." The said two hundred settlers of 1762 were a part of them. The agents of said Company attended a council of the Six Nations held at Albany on the 11th of eluly, 1754, and made a purchase from the Indians of the Wyoming lands, the boundaries of which are thus given in their deeds : "Beginning from the one and fortieth degree of north latitude, ten miles east of the Susquehanna river, and from thence by a north line ten miles east of the river to the end of the forty-second degree of north latitude and so to extend Tvest two degrees of longitude, one hundred and twenty miles, and from thence south to the beginning of the forty-second degree, and thence east to the beginning, which is ten miles east of the Susquehanna river." It has never been denied but that this purchase included the valley of the Wyoming and the country westward to the head waters of the Allegheny river. At the time the above-named purchase was made, the country east of the Susquehanna Company purchase was bought of the Indians by another association, called the "Delaware Company," under whose encourage- ment the first settlement of whites was made, at Co- checton, on the Delaware, in 1755. This was the first attempt made to liold lands under said Connecticut and Indian titles. The progress made by the last-nam- 24 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. ed colony will be noticed under the head of Danuis- cus township. At the time the last-above-named pur- chases were made of the Indians, commissioners were present to act for tlie Proprietors, but there is no evi- dence that they then made any purchase of the Wyo- ming and Delaware lands, though they obtained a deed on the 6th of July, 1754, of a tract of land between the Blue mountain and the forks of the Susquehanna river. Gov. Morris, of Pennsylvania, on the return of his commissioners from Albany, having learned that the Susquehanna and Delaware Companies had effected a purchase of the Wyoming and other lands, wrote to Sir William Johnson, (so Chapman alleges,) on the 15th of November, 1751, requesting him to induce the Indians, if possible, to deny the contracts they had made, and, as a means of effecting it, to wdn over Hen- drick, a noted chief, to his interests, and persuade the chief to visit Philadelphia. The Connecticut settlers reprobated the conduct of Governor Morris, as dis- honorable and unworthy of a man occupying his po- sition. The settlers knew that the villainy which the whites taught the Indians, they were ready to practice. It is probable that the Indians would have sold the lands as often as they could get pay for them. They kept no record of their sales, and knew but little about the boundaries and extent of what they had sold, and looked with contempt upon the titles which the kings in Europe pretended to have to lands in America. Indeed, as has been before stated, the Six Nations, at general council, held at Fort Stanwix, November 5th, THE INDIANS. 25 1708, conveyed to the Pennsylvania; Proprietors, the same lands which they had sold to the Susquehanna and Delaware Companies in July, 1754. The reader will now readily miderstand that the contention which so long existed between the people of Connecticut and Pennsylvania, and which caused so much suffering, spoliation, and bloodshed, origina- ted in an interference of the territorial claims of the contending parties. The charter of Connecticut ante- dated that of William Penn eighteen years. The pur- chases of the Susquehanna and Delaware Companies, it was claimed, antedated that of the Proprietors four- teen years. The Susquehanna Company, honestly be- lieving that their title was paramount, commenced their settlement at Wyoming in all good faith. They located themselves so as not to interfere with the In- dians, and built a log-house and several huts at the mouth of a small stream, now called Mill creek. Not having sufficient provisions to keep them through the winter, they hid their few tools and went back to their native homes in Connecticut. Early in the spring of 1763, these settlers returned to Wyoming, attended by their families and a number of new settlers. They brought with them cattle, and swine, and provisions for immediate use. Their build- ings had not been disturbed. The chiefs of the Six Nations had never forgiven Teedyuscung for his bold- ness and independence displayed at the great council held at Easton in 1758 ; and their emissaries, in the autumn of 1763, murdered him or burned him in his 26 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. cabin, and then made the Delawares believe it Avas done by the Yankees. They had thus far been peace- able, but at once sought revenge. They surprised the whites while at work in their lields, killed upwards of twenty of them, took some prisoners, and, after the remainder had fled, set fire to the buildings, and drove away the cattle. Chapman says, " Those who escaped hastened to their dwellings, gave the alarm to tlie families of those who were killed, and the remainder of the colonists, men, women, and children, fled to the mountains, Tliey took no provisions with them except wliat they had hastily seized in their flight, and must pass through a wilderness sixty miles in ex- tent, before they could reach the Delaware river." They had no means of defense, had not sufficient raiment, and, with such cheerless prospects, com- menced a journey of two hundred and flfty miles on foot. Some of the whites reached the settlement on the Delaware, at Cochecton. The Susquehanna Company, still persisting in their determination to es- tablish a settlement in Wyoming, early in 1769, sent forty men thither to look after their former improve- ments, and found that they had been taken possession of l)y agents of the Proprietary Government. Noth- ing daunted, they selet^ted another piece of land and built temporary huts, and Avere soon joined by two hundred additional emigrants, wh(^, anticipating that they w^ould be aimoyed by the Pennsylvania party, built a fort near the bank of the river, and near it erected about twenty log-houses, with loop-holes through which to Are, in case of an attack. THE INDIANS. 27 It would ex(5eed the intended limits of this work to give, in detail, the subsequent history of the heroic set- tlers of Wyoming. The reader that wishes to know what outrages, imprisonments, and murders were in- flicted upon the settlers, under the tyrannical domina- tion of the land-holding Proprietors and their unscru- pulous agents, and of the horrors of the Wyoming massacre, is referred to the histories by Chapman, Mi- ner, Stone, HoUister, and Pierce for full information. The settlers at Cochecton, Paupack, and Wyoming took a deep interest in one another's welfare and, thougli widely separated, warned one another in season, of the approach of an Indian. To settle the long-contested question between Penn- sylvania and Connecticut, as to wdiich state the juris- diction of the disputed lands belonged, the Continen- tal Congress appointed a board of commissioners to hear the question, wdio met at Trenton, N. J., and, after a deliberation of ^yq weeks, on the 30th of De- cember, 1782, pronounced their opinion as follows: "We are of the opinion that the State of Con- necticut has no right to the land in controversy," etc. The justice and impartiality of the decision were questioned and have not as yet been conceded. The State of Connecticut still clauned lands west of Penn- sylvania, but in 1786 made a cession of the same to the United States, with a reserve of about a half of a million acres. The lands thus reserved were called "]New Connecticut," or the "Western Keserve," by the sale of which, Connecticut realized a fund of $1,900,- 28 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 000 for the support of her common schools. If the title of Comiecticiit to the Reserve lands was valid, why was not a like title good in Pennsylvania ? The inhabitants at Wyoming were willing to submit to the laws and jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, but contended that as the State of Connecticut had conveyed her in- terest in the soil to the Susquehanna Company, from which they derived their riglit, tliat the decision did not deprive them of their title to the lands upon which they had settled. The subsequent measures used by the land-holding government of Pennsylvania, were attended by acts of violence, suffering, and bloodshed, in dispossessing this brave and long-suifering people. They did not, however, tamely nor suddenly submit to the exactions of their oppressors. Even as late as 1799, Judge Post, an emigrant from Long Island, took up land under the Pennsylvania claimants, near Montrose, for which he was mol)bed, burnt in effigy, and insulted by the Yankees, who could not bear that any one should acknowledge the validity of the Penn- sylvania title. Finally, after years of turmoil, more just and reasonable laws were enacted, under the oper- ation of which, the New England people, in all the settlements, became quiet and valuable citizens. With rele. Hemlocks, which were cut into ninety years ago, have only added a growth of four or five inches to their semi-diameters. An enormous one o^rew on the 36 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. north side of Middle creek, about a mile below Rob- inson's tannery. Tlie grain, or growths of the wood, showed that it was one thousand years old when it died. It must have been a large tree, when Chris- topher Columbus discovered America, in 1492. The late Mrs. H. G. Otis, of Boston, who often came to Bethany, greatly admired the hemlock. She said she had seen all the noted evergreen trees of Europe, but that in fineness, delicacy, and compactness of foliage, coolness and neatness, the hemlock surpasses them all. The poplar, which is a straight, tall tree, from two to three feet in diameter, was once quite com- mon, especially in the lower part of the county, but the w^ood, which was light and easily removed, being valuable, was at an early day all sent to market. It was all used up forty years ago. White ash was once so abundant as to be split into rails, and w^as often used for fire-wood. It has been valuable for many years as the quantity is constantly decreasing. It is, how- ever, a tree of rapid growth and may be saved and propagated. The black cherry, now so valuable for cabinet-work, was once to be found on almost every hill, it often beins: three feet in diameter. Abraham J. Stryker told me, many years ago, that it was so abundant in Cherry Kidge that the first settlers split it into rails and stakes, used it for barn frames, and burnt some of it up. What now^ remains of that timber is costly and of poor quality. Where it is not shaded by other timber it crrows very fast. THE FORESTS. 37 The basswood, found in every part of the county, has long been used for siding in lieu of pine. Large quantities of this himber have been yearly sent to market. It is a beautiful tree and is growing scarce; but as its growth is very rapid, there is some hope that it will not all be destroyed. The black bircli is a heavy, substantial wood. It is being substituted for black cherry. Both the black and yellow birch make excellent fire-wood. The chestnut was plentiful in Scott township and in Salem, and not scarce in other townships. In Salem, it was, on some ridges, the chief timber, and some of the trees were very large. The largest tree that I ever saw in Wayne county was a chestnut-tree standing on the old road between Jonestown and Cherry Ridge. It was, I think, larger than the big elm in Damascus. Tliey were both unusually large. It was rare sport to gather chestnuts in those old forests. There were enough of them for the boys, bears, raccoons, and squirrels. Those chestnut-trees were all cut down, split into rails, or stakes, or bnrnt up. But few, if any, of them were ever sent to market. About the same fate befell tliat w^hich grew in the upper part of the county. Being of sudden growth the tree may survive. The beech is the most abundant tree in our for- ests, and will probably continue to be, so long as we shall have any forests. It is the only tree that tlie lightning seems to respect. Is there not a ligneous acid in the tree which repels the electric fluid i The wood is valual^le for many purposes. The ^vhite beech 38 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. when standing alone assumes a pyramidal form of exceeding beauty. About the Red school-house in Dy berry, a mile east of Bethany, are some of the love- liest specimens of the beauty and symmetry of the iso- lated white beech. The elm, grand and majestic, is a tree which is like- ly to continue in existence as its wood is not so valu- a])le as to invite its destruction. . Long may it wave! The hemlock spruce, sometimes called double spruce, is found only in the south-western part of the county. It grows to the height of the white pine, is equally straight, and often attains a size of two and a half feet in diameter. It is found chieliy along the head-waters of the Lehigh and Tobyhanna. The timber was for many years the common plunder of the shingle-makers, who found a ready market for their shingles in North- ampton county. Tlie timber is free and easy to work, and since the construction of the Delaware, Lackawan- na and Western railroad, the timber has advanced in value, and large quantities of it are yearly prepared for market, at the mills of Dodge tfe Co., at Tobyhanna. Like the hemlock, it is a slow-growing tree, and will not be reproduced for a century. The white oak and other varieties of the oak were found principally about Moosic mountain and Pahnyra and Paupack townships. The timber, never very abun- dant, has been used up in the county. Could the fires be kept out of the woods, some of it might be repro- duced and preserved. The shaffbark hickorv was and is found onlv in iso- THE FORESTS. 39 lated places, generally upon hills, as upon Hickory hill in Lebanon, McCollam's hill in Damascus, and Collin's liill in Cherry Ridge. It was found, also, upon the alluvial soil of the Paupack, above Wilsonville, where many of tlie trees grew to be twT> and a half feet in diameter. Whether they have all been taken off, I do not know. The nut in size and flavor is exceeded only l)y the English walnut. The butternut is found along the hill-sides of all the large streams of the county, seeming titted to the deep, strong, stony land in such places. But it will grow^ almost anywhere remote from streams. It is found at tlie foot of Hickory hill in Lebanon, several miles from the Delaware river, whence those useful tree-planters, the squirrels, carried the butternuts, it is supposed. If the nuts are planted soon after they fall, by cover- ing them with soil and leaves, they grow with a rapid- ity attributed to Jonah's gourd, and if cut do^^Ti will sprout up again. The wood is valuable for ornamen- tal purposes. Tlie tree seems likely to escape extinc- tion. The Lombardy poplar, mulberry, locust, horse- chestnut, and black-walnut have not been named, ])e- cause they are not considered indigenous to this pai't of our country. The sugar-maple. This tree is found in most of the Northern States, and is one of the marvels of the American forests. The extraordinary neatness of its appearance, and the beauty of its foliage, which in sum- mer is of the liveliest green, and in autumn of a glow- 40 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. iiig crimson, has led to its selection as a beantiful or- nament in our yards and avenues. It will grow upon almost any soil, and is easily transplanted. When used for fuel, its wood almost equals tlie solid hickory. The tree has l)een destroyed with a reckless prodigality and a thoughtless disregard of its value. Tlie consid- eration, how^ever, that the tree yields a sugar wdiich is delicious to the tastes of the young and the old, the manufacture of w^hich.may be made profitable, is like- ly to lead to its future preservation. In some parts of the county, especially in Mount Pleasant, the farm- ers are wisely saving the second growth of maples for sugar-orchards. On almost every hilly farm is some rocky spot, uniit for the plow, wliich might be planted with maples. In the Eastern States the farmers set maples on both sides of the highw^ays, from which trees some of them make all the sugar they need. They also furnish the traveler with cooling shade and add to the farmer's prospective store of fuel. The day Avill come w^ien tlie higliways of Wayne county will, in like manner, be embellished with maples, to the proht and comfc^rt of the farmers. In ordinary sea- sons, four pounds of sugar can be made from a tree of medium size. The sap of second-grow^th trees produces more sugar than tliat from trees found in old forests. The seed of the sugar-maple ripens and falls in October. There are varieties of this tree called "birds'-eye" and "curled" maple, the wood of wdiich, fifty years ago, was valual)le and much sought after by cal)inct-makers. It commanded a liigh price in England. But the THE FORESTS. 41 caprice of taste is siicli that its value has greatly depreciated. The red flowering maple is a beautiful tree. It blos- soms in the latter part of April. The blossoms are of a beautiful red and unfold more than a fortnight before the leaves. The tree is called soft maple and the grain is sometimes curled like the sugar-maple. Sugar is made from the sap of the tree as wliite as that made from the other maple, if the bark of the tree is not boil- ed with the sap. The tree grows luxuriantly in rich, moist land, the bark is smootli, the body straight, and the foliage of a light green ; many consider it more graceful than the hard-maple. The wood is used for a variety of purposes in making domestic wooden ware and agricultural implements. The utility and beauty of the tree should insure its cultivation and preservation. The amoimt of money received in Wayne county during the past eighty years for all kinds of lumber sent to market and for hemlock bark sold to our tan- neries, cannot be estimated, but, if it could be, the amount would astonisli us. Probably the wants of the people were such that they were justified in cutting- down our most valuable trees, to ol)tain what they could from them. But it appeared to us that some descrip- tion of our native forests would l)e appropriate, lest some of our noblest trees, once the glory of our hills and streams, should ])e forever forgotten. 42 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY M CHAPTER lY. QUADRUPEDS— THE BEAR. ANY of the kinds of wild beasts which lived in the original forests of Wayne eoimty, have become extinct. The bear, wolf, pantlier, elk, beaver, and marten, have entirely disappeaj-ed. Tlie bear lived a solitary, qniet life in forests and deserts, sal)sisting o\\ fruits, chestnuts, beech-nuts, and roots, and, al- though not carnivorous, would, when incited by hun- ger, attack and devour small animals. Like the Rel)- els, they liked to be let alone ; but, forced into a con- flict, tliey fought desperately. Owing to the liardness of tlieir skulls, tliickness of hide, and tenacity of life, they were hard to kill. When sliot down from trees, or caught in traps, hunters, sometimes, by going too near them, paid dearly for tlieir rashness, l^arely es- (^aping with their lives. Asa Stanton, of Waymart, says his father. Col. Asa Stanton, once caught in a trap a bear which broke the (^hain, and, there being a tracking snow, his father fol- lowed the trail over the mountain, down to al)out Archbald, Avhere lie overtook the fugitive. A large dog that he had along, pitc^hed in for a tight, but soon got the worst of it. Stanton's gun was Avet ; so, to re- lieve his dog, he went at the bear with his knife. THE BEAR. 43 Brniii caught Stanton by the leg, above the knee, and tore it so that lie bled very profusely. But the dog, annoying the l^east, made him quit his hold of his master, who, cleaning and reloading his gun, shot the monster dead. Stanton, weak and faint, was found ])y a hunter, who went with him to his home. From the wound received, he was lame the rest of his life. Seth Yale, Esq., shot and \\'Ounded a young bear at the head of the Upper Wood's pond, in Lebanon. The old dam came to the rescue, and, with open moutli, ad- vanced upon the Esquire, who struck at her with a hatchet. She knocked the hatchet from the handle. He ran the handle into her mouth, but she managed to seize him by the arm, and, with her iron jaws, almost crushed it. The Esquire luckily had a faith- ful dog along, which, annoying the bear in the rear, made her release her hold upon the Esquire and turn upo7i the dog, which was too cunning to let her get hold of him. Yale picked up his gun, retreated a few rods, reloaded it, shot and mortally wounded the bear, and then with his dog went for his home, which he reached with difficulty, being weak and faint from the loss of blood. Had it not been for the sagacity of the dog, it was the opinion of the Esquire that tlie bear would have overcome them both. The Ijear is a hibernating animal. At the begin- ning of the winter, when very fat, lie retires to some hollow tree, and slet^ps through the heart of the win- ter. The Indians seldom attacked the bear, and free- Iv admitted that l)ruin was too much for them. But 44 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. the whites killed them for their skins, and often smoked and ate the flesh. Hilkiah Willis and my father killed one, the meat of which weighed about five hundred pounds. The skin was glossy black, and they sold it for twelve dollars. It would now l^e worth forty dollars, at least. The bears in the sum- mer months had their wallowing places, near which they were in the habit of standing upon their hind legs, and marking, or registering, their utmost height by biting the bark on some chosen tree. The bear may be said to be extinct in Wayne county. THE GRAY WOLF. The common gray wolf, originally found in all the Northern States, traversed every hill, and howled in every swamp. Being wholly carnivorous, he killed and devoured every animal that he could overpower. The first settlers found it absolutely necessary to keep sheep to supply them with wool, from which, l)y hand labor, they manufactured their winter-clothing. The wolves hunted the deer in packs, but the deer, when not impeded by snows, often ran to the rivers or ponds and escaped. But sheep and young cattle could not thus escape, and if not watched l)y day and se- curely folded by night, were sure to fall a prey to the wolves. It w^as said by the old farmers that witli all their watchfulness, thev lost vearly one-eio^hth of their sheep by wild beasts. A law was passed the lOtli of March, 1806, requiring the county to pay to the per- son producing the scalp of a full-grown anoK or pan- THE PANTHER. 45 tlier, eight dollars, and for the scalp of a young whelp or cub of the same, four dollars; another act was pass- ed the 16th of March, 1819, raismg the bounty on a full-grown wolf or panther to twelve dollars, and on a whelp or cub of the same, four dollars. The farmers and hunters, encouraged by the boun- ty laws, made constant war upon th^ir enemies. But the wolves were cunning and suspicious, and were not often caught in traps. Esquire Spangenberg and Charles Kimble walked one down in two days and kill- ed him ; and Alva W. l^orton, Esq., with a companion, pursued and walked down two Canadian black wolves and shot them, but these were exceptional cases. Old hunters used to say that wolves, having made a de- scent upon a flock of sheep and satiated their hunger, at once put off upon a long tramp, as experience and instinct taught them tliat they were not safe to re- main long near the scene of their depredations. Pur- suit was generally una^^ailing. After many years they were all exterminated. Fhineas Teeple, a famous hunter in Manchester, prol)ably killed the last one heard of in the county. THE PANTHER. The panthers, though less numerous than the wolves, were more to be dreaded because they could climh over any fence that could be built. They often sprang from their covert lairs and caught sheep in the day- time. I once saw one spring from a thicket and kill a sheep in the public road near the place where Geo. 46 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Foote afterwards l)uilt a house. A iieiglil)or came along and frightened tlie beast away before he had tinished his meal. The carcass of the sheep was taken for bait, a trap was set in a spring near by, and the panther canght. About the year 1809, Joseph Wood- ))ridge, Esq., of Salem, bought eleven choice sheep. He kept them in a lot near his house, and built a high fence around a pen, in which to keep them dur- ing the nights. He came to my father's one morning greatly excited, saying that some animal had been in his pen and killed the most of his sheep, and sucked the blood from their throats. The finding was that the killing had been done by a panther, and the sentence, "immediate death.'" A large mastiff dog soon treed the murderer, and my father shot at him with a mus- ket. The monster fell down the tree wounded and fought desperately and almost killed the dog, but he was iinally overcome. Several hunters said it was the largest panther they had ever seen or heard of. Its claws were sent to Connecticut to show the Yankees what kind of monsters the settlers had to contend with in the beech woods. IN^ot being a rov- ing animal, the panther was much sooner destroyed than the wolf. If there is one left in the county, he must live in the most desolate places. It is almost safe to say that the panther has in these parts bec^ome extinct. The marvelous stories sometimes told about bears, wolves, and panthers, without provocation aggressively attacking men, women, or children, should l)e received THE DEER. 47 with many grains of allowance. That fear of man, seemingly impressed on the brute creation by a Higher Power, restrains them from committing any sncli violence. THE DEER. These most useful of all the wild animals were onc^e the most numerous. They were shy and retiring, del- icate in form, fleet as the race-horse, with sight and heai'ing intensely acute. They were called red in the summer and gray in the winter. Their skins were val- uable only when in the red coat. Throughout the whole species the males have horns which are shed and renewed yearly, increasing in size and the number of their branches, at eacli renewal, until a certain period. Their flrst antlers appear in their seciond year and are straight, small, and simple, and are shed in the succeed- ing winter. Though the Indians were dependent chiefly upon the flesh of the deer for food, and on their skins for raiment, they were careful not to kill them wantonly or Avhen they were with young; consequently when the whites came into the county, they found the deer bounding over every hill or grazing in every grassy valley. They were as necessary to the subsist- ence of tlie whites as they had been to the Indians. Their flesh was not eaten when killed in the winter season, unless necessity compelled its use, for tlie ani- mal in hard winters fed upon the laurel which im- parted a poisonous principle to the meat. In view of this fact and to prevent a wanton destruction of tlie deer, an act was passed in 1760, making any person 48 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. liable to the payment of a line of three pounds, who should kill or destroy any deer between the first day of January and the first day of August in envh. year, and the law was generally respected. Almost all the early settlers kept guns, many of them muskets of the old "Queen Anne's Arms," as they were called, which l)e- ing loaded with buck-shot when discharged were dan- gerous at both ends. All guns, muskets, and rifles had flint-locks until about fifty years ago, when they were superseded by percussion powder and caps. Hunting was followed, in order to procure necessary food. Some few men made it profitable, or pursued it fi*om an ac- quired passion for dangerous adventures. Some per- sons are doul)tful whether white deer w^ere ever found among our common fallow deer, but it is a fact. About fifty-five years ago a hunter in Sterling township, sold the skin of a white deer to William T. Noble, a mer- chant at Noble Hill. As the animal was a very large one, Mr. Noble regretted that he could not have had it as it was before it was skinned, so that it might have ]>een stufPed and preserved, as it was a male and had huge antlers. The flesh of the deer, called venison, in the fall months was delicious. It was often dried or smoked mthout being salted, and called fresh junk. The skins were worth from fifty cents to one dollar. Deer often w^ent in flocks of twenty or thirty in num- ber. After rifles came into use, al)out 1810, the num- ber of deer l)egan to fail. For forty years they were hunted, trapped, and chased to ponds by dogs, where thev were assaulted and killed bv the hunters who THE ELK. 49 overtook them ^v^tll canoes. From year to year de- clining in numbers, they have become so scarce that a hunter might rove a month without finding one. If not now extinct in this county, they surely Avill l)e in a few years. THE ELK. This noble animal, considerably larger than the common deer, which otherwise they very much resem- ble, never was very numerous ; still in early days they were found in some parts, especially in Canaan and Clinton, by reason of which a large tract of land in those townships containing 11,526 acres was named "Elk Forest." It is said that the elk sometimes at- tained the height of five feet, and that they did not attain their full growth until they were twelve years old. When full-grown their antlers are very large and spreading. Charles Stanton killed one in Canaan, the horns of which weighed twenty-five pounds and their length and spread was each four feet. Asa Stan- ton now has the horns, which are distinguished for the broad palmation of the antlers. By nature the elk is shy and timorous and scuds away at the sight of man. When brought to bay or standing in defense, however, like all the deer kind, he is a dangerous antagonist. His weapons are his horns and hoofs, and he strikes so forcil)ly with his feet that he can kill a wolf or dog with a single l)low. It is then that the hair on his neck bris- tles up like the mane of a lion, which gives him a wild and f(^rmidal)le appearance. In winter he lives by browsing upon the laurel and srnall l)oughs of trees, and 7 50 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. in the summer upon the wild grass in the swamps. The usual pace of the elk is a high, shamhling trot, but when frightened he makes w^ondrous leaps and goes with a tremendous gallop. In passing through thick woods he carries his horns horizontally or thrown hack, to keep them from being entangled in the branch- es. He is an excellent swimmer, and in summer re- sorts to the lakes and ponds and stands in the water, to escape from the bites of the flies and mosquitoes. Asa Stanton, of Waymart, says that his father had seen twenty or more at one time standing in the Elk pond. What became of all the elk is not known. Probably they retired to the westward at the advance of the whites. Hunters did not boast of killing many of them. The meat of the animal is* delicious, and the skin very valuable. The elk is easily domesticated. It was the pride and glory of the hunter to kill them. The county of Elk was erected in 1843, at which time there were some found in the great forests, but they were soon all destroyed. Probably there are not ten men living in Wayne county who ever saw one in our for- ests. The last one heard of was killed fifty years ago. THE BEAVER. This animal challenged the Indian's veneration and the white man's admiration. They were found along most of the main streams, and especially along the Wallenpaupack, the Lackawaxen, and the head-waters of the Lehigh. Like the elephant they w^ere half-rea- soning animals, lived together in societies, and tenanted THE BEAVER. 51 the ponds, rivers, and creeks. Where the creeks were not of sufficient depth, they built dams, to deepen the water beyond the power of frost. Asa Stanton, who understood them well, says : "They built houses of wil- lows, birch, and poplars, their aim seeming to be to have a dry place to sleep, lie, and, perhaps, eat in. Sometimes the houses had several compartments which had no communication with each other except by wa- ter, and when finished had a dome-like appearance." In building dams, or houses, they carry stones and mud under the throat, by the aid of their fore-paws. Their trowel-shaped tails are used as rudders and pro- pellers and not, as has been supposed, for the carrying of mud and for use as a trowel. They generally work in the night. Though they are classified with the Ro- dentia, or squirrels, yet their teeth are different; for such is the strength and sharpness of their teeth that they can lop off a bush as thick as a cane at one l)ite, and do it as smoothly as if cut with a knife. I have seen trees that had been gnawed down by them, six inches or more in diameter. It attains its full growth at, or before, its third year. It produces from two to six at a birth. The length of its head and body is about forty inches, and its tail one foot. They live upon the bark of the willow, birch, shaking asp, and other trees which they gnaw down, drag into the wa- ter, and, for winter use, cover up in the water below the reach of frost. The Indians attached great value to the skin of the beaver, and they had occasion to ex- ercise all their sagacity to capture them; the wliites, 52 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. also, dulj appreciated the fur of the animal, from which hats of great value were manufactured. The guns and traps of the white men finally effected their extinction, and tradition has it that near the depot of the Erie railroad below Honesdale, was killed the last beaver ever seen in Wayne county. The last one that I ever saw, w^as caught in a trap by Edmund Nicholson, of Salem. THE MARTEN. This animal, generally called Pennant's marten, though never very abundant, was found in Wayne. They were carnivorous and l)elonged to the weasel tribe, living upon squirrels, mice, and birds. Their length was about thirty inches, and the tail about seven- teen inches. The fur was short on the head, l)ut in- creased in length tow^ards the tail. THE RACCOON. This animal is to be found about farms in the vi- cinity of forests. The body is about fifteen inches in length, the head about five inches, and the tail eight or ten inches, the latter being ornamented with several whitish rings. Tlie color of the back is a dark gray. The blacker the fur, the more valuable is the skin. The late Franklin Barnes in his time dressed and man- ufactured the skins into beautiful and valuable gloves. They are hibernating animals, that is, they burrow in the winter and lie in a torpid state, sometimes coming- out during a thaw. They go in very fat and come out very lean. They prey upon small animals, 1)irds. in- THE WOODGHUCK AND HEDGEHOG. 53 sects, and eggs, adding frnits and suecnlent vegetables to their diet, and especially ravaging the farmer's corn- fields. There is no difficulty in taming a raccoon, but they become too mischievons to be endured. The fur was once extensively used in the manufacture of hats. THE WOODCHUCK, Called also the Maryland marmot, is too well known to need nuich description. He is a hibernating animal and lives upon clover, grass, and vegetables. When tamed he is harmless and fond of caresses. In tlie month of I^ovember, he goes into winter quarters, blocks up his door, and lies torpid, without eating, un- til spring. When he comes out, the severity of win- ter is past. He is of a grayish-brown color. Occa- sionally one may l)e found that is intensely black. The teeth of this animal show that he belongs to the Ro- dentia, or squirrel tribe. THE HEDGEHOG. It is known by naturalists as the Urson, or Canadian porcupine, but it is altogether different from the Eu- ropean, or African porcupine. The hedgehog has but one kind of spines or quills, which are thickly set over all the superior parts of its body and covered by a coarse, long hair that almost conceals the quills, which are of different lengths, the longest not being- over two and a half inches. These, however, form a coat of armor which protects the animal against every enemy but man. When attacked they roll themselves 54 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. up into a ball, and woe be to the animal that seizes them then. The hedgehog lives upon mice and frogs and upon vegetables and the bark of trees, and hiber- nates among rocks and in caves. It has been tamed and kept in a cage, but they cannot be honestly recom- mended as suitable pets for children. The Indians highly prized the animal both for its flesh and quills; with the latter they ornamented their pipes, moccasins, and dresses. THE SKUNK. This animal is almost black, with white stripes. It generally lives near a rocky forest, having its den in an excavation in the ground or under rocks, where it lies dormant most of the winter. It is a pest, as it makes nocturnal visits to the poultry-yard, eats the eggs of geese, ducks, and hens, and destroys their broods. From a sack it discharges a most fetid and disgusting fluid secretion, one drop of which is sufli- cient to make a garment unbearable for years. Not- withstanding all this it was the opinion of Dr. Budd, a noted physician of New Jersey, that the musk of the skunk will yet be recognized as the most effective remedy in materia medica, for the cure of phthisis oi- any cognate disease of the respiratory organs. THE OTTER. This animal, in consequence of its amphibious na- ture, is nearly allied to the beaver, mink, and musk-rat. It is about Ave feet in length, including the tail, which is eighteen inches. The chin and throat are dusky THE MUSK-RAT. 55 white; the rest of the body is a histroiis brown. The fur is vahiable, so mucli so that the keeping and breed- ing of the otter, for the sake of their skins, has been made profitable. More than fifty years ago Miss Polly Wright, a daughter of Nathan Wright, had a tame otter. (The Wright family were noted for their skill in taming animals.) I saw the animal several times at the house of Egbert Woodbridge, where Miss Wright lived. This fellow went wiiere he pleased, and caught liis own food. He would go to the Paupack, a half mile distant, at all times of the year, and often bring home a fine trout, take it to a large spring near the house, play with it as a cat does with a mouse, and de- vour it when he had finished his gambols. No one could coax a fish away from him, although he w^as as playful and harmless as a kitten. His smooth, glossy skin was very beautiful. He had a winding hole un- der the house where he would lie, and where he seem- ed to take a roguish delight in biting the nose of every dog that attempted to interview him. After living several years in a state of domestication, he went away one summer and never returned. THE MUSK-RAT. Old hunters used to (;all this animal a '' musquash." The head and body measure about fifteen inches : the tail nine inches. The fur is dark umber brown, chang- ing into a brownisli yelloAV on the under part of the l)ody. In Slimmer its food consists of roots, tender shoots, and leaves of aquatic plants, and, in the win- 56 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ter, of fresh-water clams. It is iioetiirnHl and not of- ten seen in tlie day-time, swims and dives well, and can remain a long time under water without breathing. It yearly builds a winter habitation out of mud and long grass, and lives about small, grassy ponds, nniddy, slow streams, or swamps. Many of the skins are year- ly exported. THE MINK In its habits and appearance resembles the otter, being much smaller, however, as it is only about twen- ty inches in length. It lives al)out bog meadows, ponds, or sluggish streams, and feeds on frogs, tish, and clams, and will kill poultry in the winter if it can get at them. Its depredations are all nocturnal. Six- ty years ago the skin of a mink was worth only a York shillino'. A few vears ag-o it was worth several : iire-li«:ht of the hunter, he would, from some near tree, utter a sudden and friglitful "waugh-0, waugh-(),'' sulhciently loud to alarm an army of men. In the same manner lie star- tled tlie belated traveler of the night. The Indian must have learned his terrific war-whoop from the owl. By way of variety, the wretch had otlier noctin-nal soh)s, which were like the screeches of a mortal in in- tolerable agony. Dr. Richardson, an English traveler, tells of the winter night of agony endured by a party of Scotch Highlanders who had encamped in the dark recesses of an American forest, and fed tlieir hre with a part of an Indian toml) which had been placed in a secluded spot. The startling notes of tJie great owl broke on their ears, and they at once concluded that a voice so unearthly, nnist be the moaning of tlie spirit een cauo-ht in Wavne coun- ty with undigested rice in their crops, Avhicli they must have eaten on the rice-flelds of the South. ^' 'Tis true, 'tis strange; but stranger 'tis, 'tis true." Once they were caught in nets 1 )y hundreds, but now they are not caught at all. THE WOODPECKER. There are many kinds of these birds, the largest of which is the " high-hole, " so called from his ha])it of seeking a higli tree with a dead top, in which he makes a hole for his nest. His food consists of insects and gi'ubs, which he digs out of decayed timber. Like his whole tribe, he flies by alternate risings and fallings. He may be called the drummer among l)irds. In a still morning he beats a reveille upon some dead tree, THE BLUEBIBD AND SWALLOW, 73 wlii(*h can l^e heard far away for a mile or more ; then he claps his head close to the tree and listens for the movement of any grub or insect that he may have disturbed. The red-headed woodpecker is a gay, frol- icsome bird, living upon grubs, cherries, and green corn. Their nests are built in some hole made in dead trees. They are a match for any bird in a iiglit. There is a small woodpecker called a sap-sucker, which bores holes in apple-trees. The wliole race is diminishing in numbers. THE BLUEBIRD. This bird is a favorite every- where. He is known to almost every child. His reappearance after his South- ern pilgrimage is li ailed as the herald of returning spring. " So early as the first of March," says Wilson, "if the weather be open, he usually makes his appear- ance about his old haunts, the barn, orchard, and fence posts. Storms and deep snows sometimes succeeding, he disappears for a time, but about the first of April is again seen, accompanied by his mate, visiting the box in the garden, or the hole in the old apple-tree, the cradle of some generations." The food of the bluebird is made up of insects, particularly large beetles, fruits, and seeds. Its song is short, but very cheerful, and is most frequently lieard in the calm, pleasant days of spring. THE SWALLOW. As the bluebird is the harbinger of spring, the swal- low is the harbinger of summer. The barn-swallow 10 74 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. comes in May and immediately commences the build- ing of its nest in and about barns and sheds, which is made with mud and lined with tine grass, feathers, and hair. It is not unusual for twenty or thirty of them to build in and about the same barn ; and every opera- tion is carried on with great order. No appearance of discord is exhibited in this affectionate community. They have often two broods in a season, the female laying four eggs for each brood. The male cheers his mate with his sprightly twitter during her period of incubation. The activity of the male is unremitting. Almost constantly on the wing, he catches his prey in his flight, whicli consists wholly of winged in- sects. The flight of the barn-swallow is rapid, circuit- ous, and varied by tlie most intricate and zigzag evolu- tions. To show the kindly nature of the swallow, per- mit me to relate that I once knew two pair of swal- lows to commence their nests late in the season, in a place not fifty feet from my door. At first the nests increased slowly. One morning, hearing an uncom- mon amount of twittering, I found that they had got up a bee and that ten or a dozen w^ere at work upon said nests which w^ere quickly completed; a brood of young swallows w^as raised in each, in time to join the great convocation which took their departure in August for a Southern clime. Another variety of these birds is the chimney-swallow, which builds and breeds in chimneys. They fly very high in \\\e air. Their wings being very narrow are kept in a (constant flutter, and as they do not descend to the ground, they must TRE PURPLE MARTIN AND KINO BIRD. 75 feed on flies and insects which are beyond the reach of our vision. THE PURPLE MARTIN. This bird is a particular favorite wherever he makes his home. He is more likely, than the common swal- low, to make his nest in a box; indeed something like a box is what he seeks to build in. At any rate the summer residence of this agreeable bird is always chosen near the liabitations of man, who, be he black or white, civilized or savage, is generally his friend and protector. In habits, this noble bii-d closely re- sembles the swallow, excepting that tlie martin is val- iant in flght. He is the terror and common enemy of crowds, hawks, and eagles, uniting with the kingbird in attacking them. It is astonishing with what spirit and audacity, this bird sweeps around his enemy and in- flicts painful blows with his poniard l)ill. He gives the kingbird a beating when he finds him in the vicinity of his premises. He is migratory and insectivorous. THE KINGBIRD. This bird is also called the tyrant fly-catcher. These names have been given to him on account of his l)e- havior in breeding time, and for the despotic authority he assumes over all other birds. His extreme attach- ment to his mate, nest, and young, makes him suspi- cious of every bird that comes near his chosen abode, so that he attacks every intruder without discrimina- tion. Hawks, crows, and even the eagle dread an en- countej* with him. He generally comes off conqueror. 76 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. LTpon his return from a successful combat, he mounts a tree near his nest and commences rejoicing with a shrill, rapid, and hilarious twittering, to assure his mate that she is safe under his protection. The purple mar- tin is said to be, in a square fight, more than a match for him. TJie general color of tlie kingbird is a slaty ash, the throat and lower parts being white. He is migratory and insectivorous, and the orchard is his favorite resort. THE WHEN This noisy, chattering, restless, quarrelsome little bird chooses his summer abode near some farm-house or barn, and is not particular as to the place where his nest shall be made, but, when once made, the place is sacred to him. He is a bold, saucy, and aggressive bird, being jealous of every l)ird that builds near him, and is accused of tearing to pieces the nests of the bluebird and barn-swallow. If his nest is built in a crevice, he lays down a long trail of little sticks at each end of his nest. These telegraphic sticks convey intel- ligence of the approach of an intruder. The song of this little chatterer is lively and agreeable. Children always admire the little, sociable wren. He destroys an immense numl)er of flies and insects. THE WHIP-POOR-WILL. This bird is seldom seen or heard in the beech or hemlock woods. They prefer high, dry ' lands, and frequent the Delaware and the open woods. They are noted for their staid and peculiar song, in wliicli THE COW-BIRD. 11 they indulge during the cahn and warm niglits of June and July. This is the only l)ird that breaks the stillness of our summer nights, save the l)oding owl. They seem to articulate plainly the w^ords by which they are called. Their color, in the upper part, is a dark brownish gray, streaked and slightly sprinkled with brownish black; cheeks of a brow^n red; quill feathers, dark brown, spotted in bars, witli light brown ; tail feathers, white at the tips, under parts, paler than the upper, and mottled. The female lays her eggs on the bare ground, and when they are hatch- ed, she is extremely attentive to her young. The night-hawk, though resembling the whip-poor- will, is a different bird. The latter is altogether noc- turnal, while the night-hawk in cloudy weather is often abroad, in the day-time, chasing its insect prey, sometimes skimming over meadow and marsh, and making shrill, squeaking sounds as it dashes along. It lays its eggs on the ground. It is migratory and in- sectivorous. THE COW-BIRD. This bird, although larger than a cat-bird, some- what resembles it. Many call it the cuckoo, although its notes are altogether unlike those of the English cuckoo, which distinctly pronounces its name. But the notes of the bird that we are describing may be represented by the words "cow, cow, cow,"' quickly repeated, consequently it is called cow-bird in every part of the country. Wilson calls this bird the yel- low-billed cuckoo. Like tlie Eno^lish cucko(j, this bird 78 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. deposits its eggs in the nests of other birds, which sometimes hatch and rear the alien impostors, to the sreat discomfort of their own hrood. The naturalist, Le Yaillant, from evidence collected b)" him, became convinced that the female cow-bird carries the eg^ in her mouth from her own nest to that of another bird. Perhaps she has a surplus of them, for it is a fact that the cow-bird l)uilds a simple, flat nest, composed of dry sticks and grass. They rear only one l)rood in a season. The young of the cow-bird have been found in the nests of the robin, blue-bird, and fly-catchers. The cooing of this bird is considered an indication of rain. The Pennsylvania Germans call it the rain- bird. BLUE JAY. This bird, clad in blue varied witli purple and white, and barred on the wings and tail with black, when viewed without prejudice, is a beautiful tenant of the woods, and is distinguished as a kind of beau among the feathered tribes. He makes himself conspicuous by his loquacity, and the oddness of his tones and gestures. In early times, the jay gave notice by his screams and squalling to all the beasts that the hunter was approaching. We are glad to be excused from repeating the exact language that was sometimes used in imprecating vengeance upon this ''blue devil," as the hunters called him. If the hunter turned upon him, away he went with a vehement outcry, flying off and screaming with all his might. " A stranger," says Wilson, " might readily mistake his notes for the re- THE ME ADO W-LARK AND CEDAR-BIRD. 79 peated creakiDgs of an ungreased wheelbarrow." The jay builds a large nest, lining it with fibrous roots. The eggs, live in number, are of a dull olive color. He is omnivorous, living on nuts and Indian corn, then on caterpillars, and then, at other times, he plun- ders the nests of small birds of their eggs and young. He is becoming scarce, and no one will mourn over his extinction, THE MEADOW-LARK, Larger than the robin, is a shy, agreea})le bird, that comes up from its Southern home and stays from two to three months and returns. Its back and wings are marbled with brown and gray, and its breast is light olive, sprinkled with brown spots. The nest is made in tall grass and is so well concealed that it is seldom found. Its notes are pleasant, but without variety. Farmers consider it harmless and insectivorous. THE CEDAR-BIRD Is small and graceful with a soft, silken, dun-colored plumage. The feathers on the head are elevated into a beautiful crest of a bright, brownish gray. It is generally known as the cherry bird, and is sure to be on hand as soon as strawberries and cherries are ripe. It is a peculiarity of these birds to fly in close, compac-t flocks of twenty or tliirty in a flock, and for all to light upon the same tree. Where the red cedar is found, these birds feed upon its berries. About the 10th of June they disperse over the country in pairs to breed. 80 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. and spread through tlie Middle and Western States. They utter nought but a lisping sound. THE BALTIMORE ORIOLE. Fifty years ago this bird was scarcely seen or known in the beech-woods. In consequence of the increasing heat of our summers it is multiplying in numbers. It derives its name from the brilliant orange and black colors of the coat of arms of Lord Baltimore, In former times it was called the hang-bird from the hang- ing and pensile position of its nest. This beautiful creature arrives among us about the first of June, and departs early in August. In plumage it somewhat re- sembles the dark-winged tanager, and like it is very sensitive to cold. It exhibits wonderful ingenuity in constructing its long, pouch-like nest in the forked ex- tremity of some high tree. To be justly admired, the nest must be seen. The position chosen by the oriole for its pensile nest is, no doubt, prompted by instinct as a means of security against squirrels, snakes, and other enemies. Besides insects it feeds on strawber- ries, cherries, and other fruits. Its notes are a clear, mellow, iiute-like wliistle repeated at short intervals in a plaintive tone, and are extremely musical. The late Mrs. II. G. Otis, some years ago, took to Boston an oriole's nest, which was constructed with magical skill, and sold it at a fair for live dollars. The nest was built in a liigli elm upon lier premises in Bethany. THE SNOW-BIRDS First appear al)out the twentieth of October in THE NUT-HATCH. 81 flocks of twenty or thirty, flying about very leisurely and searching for food. When deep snows cover the ground, they collect about barns, stables, and even about the farm-houses, and become almost tame, gath- ering up crumbs and appearing lively and grateful. They retire north w^ards in April. Dr. Kane speaks of them as being very abundant in high latitudes, where they make their nests upon the ground. Their length is five inches, and their general (;olor slate-gray, the lower part of the breast being nearly white. There is anotlier larger bird, called tlie snow^-bunting, which only appears in small flocks, in the depth of winter, commonly before a snow-storm. They frequent barn- yards and hay -stacks in search of hay-seed. The color of these birds is of a yellowish gray. They probably come from and return to the Arctic regions. They are timorous, suspicious birds. THE NUT-HATCH Is found almost every-where in the Northern States, among the large trees, in thick forests, but is seldom known or called by its proper name. It is a small bird about five or six inches in length, with a wdiite breast, the back and wings being rufous-brown and gray. It l)reeds in holes which it finds or makes in old trees, and lives upon beech-nuts, chestnuts, and hazel-nuts, wliich it can open with its strong pointed bill. Any man who has been much in the woods must have observed a bird that can run swiftly, head- foremost, down a tree. That bird was a nut-hatch. 11 82 HISTORY OF WAYNE GOVNTY. He must have noticed tliat the same bird was in the liahit of running in (drcles around a tree, searching in the seams of the hark for insects. Naturalists declare that this bird is of an untamable disposition and will not endure (-ontinement. It has been known to batter up its bill in its attempts to es- cape from a cage, and after days of painful struggles, to die wdth exhaustion and vexation. There is a variety of this bird called creeper. Among them is a very small one called the phelje-bird, which will some- times come and repeat its name from some tree near a dwelling-house. There is another creeper, called "cocheek," which is seldom seen, but is sometimes heard in the woods, most frequently in June, repeating in a very high, ioud key "cocheek, cocheek, cocheek," very rapidly for a dozen or more times, and the sounds can be lieard eighty rods away. Some have supposed that tlie noise is made by a squirrel, but I know to the contrary from my own observation. THE RUBY-THIIOATED HUMMING-BIRD. Tliis is the only species of the genus found in the original Thirteen States, though there are scores of dif- ferent kinds in America. It is found only on this con- tinent. It needs no lengthy description, as it cannot l)e mistaken for any other bird. It comes to the North only in the summer months. It is tlie smallest and one of the most brilliant of the feathered race. No 1)ird excels its powers of flight. Its long and narrow THE SONO-SPAEROW. 83 wings are admirably adapted for aerial progression. Its flight from flower to flower resembles that of a bee, l)nt is much more rapid. It can suspend itself in one place for several seconds so steadily that its wdngs can scarcely be seen, while it thrusts its long l)ill into the flowers, to inhale their nectared sweets. When it alights, it prefers some small twig. The ground is never its resting place. It feeds not only upon the nectar of flowers but also on insects. In describing this bird, naturalists have exhausted all their skill. Buifon, the French ornithologist, obtained these birds at great expense and domesticated them, and his description of tliem is inimitable. THE SONG-SPABBOW. This bird is a representative of the song flnches of the Northern States. It is the first singing bird in the spring, and is heard through the summer and autumn. It will sit upon the branches of a small tree and, per- haps, for a whole hour, repeat its short and enlivening notes. It builds its nest on the ground, in general, but, sometimes, strange to say, in trees five or six feet from the ground. Its eggs are of a cream-color, speckled with brown. The male and female are nearly alike in color. The upper part of the head is of an iron-rust hue, mixed with dark-brown; back gray, neck and breast spotted with brow^n, under parts white, tinged with gray. There are other familiar kinds of finches as the field, tree, w^hite-throated, and chipping-sparrow. The latter is a very small bird, which keeps about the 84 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. kitchen yard unci tamely comes near the door-steps for gram or scattered crum])s. It builds its nest by the side of a stone, year after year, if not molested. It picks out the down}^ seed of the thistle, and destroys many worms, especially the cabbage-worm. Its notes are short but agreeable. The English sparrows which have been recently naturalized, wxre imported into New York and Philadelphia to destroy the worms and cat- erpillars that were destroying the foliage of the decor- ative trees in their public parks. They effected wdiat they were expected to do. These birds have increased wonderfully and spread into all our large cities and towns, and, though our climate is too cold for them, yet they contrive to live, for they are l)old, active, and full of light. They do not go into the farming dis- tricts, nor invade the forests, but confine themselves to towns and cities, where they work as petty scavengers in the streets. These birds did not come here of their own free-will, but, like the negroes, w^ere forced into the country. But a loud complaint is now made that these sparrows are saucy and aggressive and that they are dispossessing and driving out our native birds, and the inquiry is being made. How shall we get rid of them? The devilish proposition has been made to poison them all! It must be admitted that these birds partake of the nature of the people of the island from wdiich they came ; which people have, by their warlike craftiness and enterprise, by fair means and foul, con- quered, colonized, and taken possession of, by force of arms, large portions of the globe. It little becomes THE BLACK-CAP TITMOUSE. 85 us, the descendants of men who drove out and destroy- ed the Aborigines, to bhime and persecute the little bii'ds for doing, in their line, what we excuse our fore- fathers for doing. THE BLACK-CAP TITMOUSE. This is the bird that every body knows by the name of chickadee. It ranges through the whole width of the American Continent from latitude sixty-five degrees to the Southern districts of the United States, being stationary throughout the year. "Small families of chickadees," says Nuttall, "are seen chattering and roving the woods, busily engaged in gleaning their multifarious food with the nut-hatchers and creepers, altogether forming a busy, active, and noisy group, whose manners, food, and habits, bring them together in a common pursuit. Their diet varies with the sea- son. In the month of September they leave the woods and assemble familiarly in our orchards and gardens, and even enter thronging cities in quest of that sup- port which their native forests now deny tliem." But what more than any thing else endears these little birds to us is the fact that when "winter spreads its, latest gloom, and reigns tremendous o'er the conquered year," the chickadees prove themselves no summer friends ; they stay with us, cheering ns by chanting their sweet notes, picking up crumbs near the houses, searching the weather-boards for spiders and the eggs of destruc- tive moths, especially those of the canker-worm, which they greedily eat in all stages of its existence. The lar- 86 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. vae of no insect can escape their searching sight. AVhen the woodman, in the winter or spring, fells tlie forest timber, the chickadees will be there to cheer him with their presence and their song. They can hear the fall of the tree a great distance, and are very soon upon the spot, searching among the broken and decayed Avood for insects and the larvae of everj kind of ])eetle. In descril)ing the l)ird, suffice it to say, that the top of the head, the back of the neck, and the throat are vel- vet black ; the back is lead-colored with a little white on the front of the neck. They roost in the hollows of decayed trees, where they, also, liatch their young. After a brood is reared, the whole family continues to associate together tlirough the succeeding autumn and winter. Where is the man or woman reared in the country that does not remember how in childhood days he or she was captivated by the dress and song of the little chickadee ? THE TANAGER. There are several varieties of this bird, one of which is called the cardinal or smnmer red-bird. This kind is very shy and timorous, and he seems to realize that his dazzling, crimson plumage exposes him to scrutiny and observation. He, therefore, takes up his abode in the deep recesses of tangled forests, and very little is known about him. In Western Pennsylvania and Ohio this bird is quite common, often building its nest in large orchards, and visiting cherry-trees in search of fruit. The black-winged tanager is a l)ird THE YELLOW-BIRD. 87 oi still greater beauty. The whole body is of a deep crimson. The mngs are black and the tail is dark purple, excepting the ends of the feathers, which are tipped and dotted with white. The whole form of this l)ird is symmetrical and faultless. There are many persons who declare that they have seen this bird, but none, perhaps, that have seen him for many years. He is doubtless, so far as plumage and symme- try are concerned, the most beautiful bird that ever lived in our woods ; and no being less than an omnipo- tent God could have made a bird of such transcendent beauty. THE YELLOW-BIRD, Also called goldlinch, very much resembles the domestic canary. In tlie spring they gathei* in flocks and bask and dress themselves in the sunshine. If there is any such thing as pure sublunary happiness, they appear to enjoy it. Their song is weak, but, when many of them join in concert, the mingling of their notes produces an agreeable harmony. They seem to take great delight in washing themselves by flying through any small column of falling water. Tlieir flight is not in a direct line, but in alternate ris- ings and sinkings. In the early part of June they associate in large flocks to feed upon the seeds of the sweet-scented vernal grass which seems to be their favorite food. Their nests are built in small trees, being constructed with great neatness and skill and lined with some soft, downy substance. This hand- some ])ird does not appear to be decreasing in mmi- 88 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. hers. It is too small to invite the destructive cruelty of the huntsman. Tliere is anotlier l)ird which is called the summer- yellovv-bird, which is about live inches in length, with an upper plumage of greenish-yellow, the wings and tail deep brown, edged wdth yellow. Formerly this bird frequented gardens and orchards, built a cosy nest and lined it wdth down. Its plumage was showy, l)ut its song was short and weak. This bird has dis- appeared, being too sensitive to bear our cold, chilling winds. THE CROW BLACK BIRD. This bird appears in every part of the connti'y at different times. Formerly they committed great havoc among the fields of midze. Less complaint has been made about them in late years. Transient flocks of them are seen every spring and fall. The walk of this bird is stately and dignified. The red-winged variety built its nest among alders, hatching out five or six at a brood. This latter kind was also very fond of Indian corn. They all have but one simple note which they often repeat and which sounds like the word " check." THE BOBOLINK. The bobolink is classified among the blackbirds, being mostly l)lack, i-elieved by a stripe of white. The song of the male, Avhich is loud, varied, and re- peated generally upon the wing, while he hovers over the field, where his mate is attending to the duties of THE DIPPER, 89 incubation, has a gushing joyousness which the most skillful mimic cannot imitate. Tlie female is a little brown bird, with one simple note, and makes her nest in the grass. Tlieir stay at the North is very short; on leaving they go to Chesapeake bay and are there called reed-birds ; thence to the rice fields of the South, where they are called rice-birds, and, on becoming fat, are killed in great numbers. THE DIPPER. This is a timorous, high-stilted, little water-bird that in summer runs along the shores of our ponds, making a piping sound, and belongs to the order of sandpipers. He swdms and dives well and is very graceful in the water, but when on land is constantly rocking his body backw^ards and forwards, dipping his head downwards, from which motion he has been called the dipper. Although we have searched for the nest of this sliy bird, we never found one. There are probably some other birds that are tran- sient visitors among us, such as the flicker, the scrap- ing-thrush, and cross-bill. Even the mocking-bird has been seen in Lebanon township. The greater part of the l)irds that come among us in the summer months, stay just long enough to build their nests, hatch, and rear their young and then are away. They come, in all prol)ability, to escape from the snakes, squirrels, and l)h'ds of prey which are so abundant in Southern climes. The vivid, l)ewitching greenness of our forests 12" 90 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. lias, no (loiil)t, great attractions for tliem. Our En- gl i si i and Irish people assert, and, no donbt, truthfully, that in their native islands the hirds of song exceed ours in numbers and melody, but that the American birds surpass theirs in the beauty of their plumage. How delightful is the scene, when we can say: "The winter is past, the flowers appear upon the earth: the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." Since writing the foregoing, we have had the pleas- ure of seeing an interesting collection of the skins of divers quadrupeds and birds prepared and preserved by that ingenious taxidermist, Lewis Day, Esq., of Dyberry. All the preparations have a life-like appear- ance. Among the quadrupeds are a bhick Maryland marmot, a large hedge-hog, and two martens; and among the l)irds are some rare and beautiful specimens, all killed in Wayne c<3unty , as follows : A large Amer- i(^an shrike, by some called the butcher-bird ; a cardi- nal gross-beak, a rare bird in this latitude; a strange, tall ])ird, with long legs and ^\it\i a longer neck, of a mottled gray, in slang language called a " shikepoke," Mud not very distin(;tly described by any of our orni- thologists, resembling in plumage and sliape the bird known in England as the l)ittern ; a black-winged taiia- ger ; a meadow-lark ; a bird of the sandpiper order, {jailed a "tip-up" ; a small black auk, which must have wandered from its ocean home. But strangest among them all is a white woodpecker, a hrsns naturoe. The liead of this bird is ornamented with a crest of long, FISH. 9 1 slender featliers of a rich carmine color, and, were it not for its plumage, it would be at once recognized as an ivory-billed woodpecker. In Mr. Day's collection are many other rare specimens. Such is his love of the beautiful in nature, that we feel assured he will make further additions to his stock of rare curiosities. What we have written about birds has been done in part to incite our young people to study the nature and habits of these light tenants of tlie air, which we con- sider the most interesting creatures in animated nature. If there be any one that is indifferent to the songs of the birds, to that person, male or female, will apply the words of Shakespeare : "The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions ol his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus ; Let no such man be trusted." CHAPTEE YI. FISH. THE Ush for which the settlers had the most reason to l)e thankful was the trout, which enlivened all the streams from the Paupack to the StarruccM, and 92 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. wliicli, in the spring and summer months, afforded an abundance of cheap and wholesome food. The man that went fishing fifty or sixty years ago, if he had any skill or industry, did not throw^ away his time, if he attached any value to twelve or twenty pounds of the most l)eautiful fish. As a rule this fish was more abundant in the smaller than in the Ijigger streams, where they were larger in size, often attain- ing a weight of one or two pounds. The trout could ascend any water however swift and any falling col- unni of water which was not deflected or broken by falling on rocks. Hence they ascended the several falls of the Paupack. This the eels coidd not do, and, consequently, there were none above those falls. If there are any there now, they have been carried up within fifty years. Ephraim Killam, formerly of Pal- myra, Pike county, used to tell how he, standing in one place, had caught forty pounds of trout in one hour, from and above a large mass of drift-wood in the Paupack. But saw-dust from the saw-mills, the liquor from the tanneries, the droughts of our sum- mers, and the more destructive fish-hooks have almost effected the extinction of this beautiful and valuable fish. A few of them, small in size, and smaller in quantity, may yet be caught in small brooks and mill-ponds, early in the season. Before the introduction of pickerel into our ponds, thirty or forty years ago, perch were alnmdant, were easily caught, and the flesh was hard and of an agreeable flavor. In some of the ponds tliey yet FISH. 93 abound; but, in general, tlieir numbers have been greatly diminished hj the voracity of the pickerel. Perch and sunlish are rarely found in running streams. Catfish are found in almost every pond, and, if the water is pure, are a good fish. Eels are found in all the large streams except the Paupack. Chubs, suck- ers, and mullet abound in some streams and ponds. Seventy-five years ago shad ascended the Delaware to Deposit, and were caught below there, at the mouth of Shadpond brook. Joseph Atkinson, Sen., used to tell of seeing them caught at Paupack Eddy, and Esquire Spangenberg, of seeing them, in spawning places, between the mouth of the Dyberry and the Henwood bridge. It is to be hoped that the enterprise and experi- ments of A. W. McKown, Esq., w^lio, at much trouble and expense, has introduced the northern black-bass into several of our large ponds, will succeed in and satisfy liis expe(!tations. Any fish that can hold their own against the voracity of the pickerel, will be a valuable addition. It is contended that the fecundity of the bass is wonderful, that its flesh is of an agreea- ble flavor, and that it is not so easily caught as to in- vite the unskillful to pursue it to extinction. These are, if true, very important recommendations. The pickerel in many of our ponds have eaten up all the other flsli and even de^'oured their own progeny, thus leaving the ponds destitute of all fish of any value. 94 'HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTER VIL - V^ REPTILES. THE most dreaded and venomous of all tlie snakes in the Middle States is the rattlesnake. It is often ionnd along the high, dry, open woods of the Dela- , ware and Lackawaxen ri^'ers, and on the Moosic m'omitain ; but never in the beech, hemlock, and ash woods — at least we never found one in the interior of the beech woods. Popular belief assigns to the leaves of the ash-tree properties most repugnant and fatal to this snake. If the leaves of the ash have such an effect upon this reptile, the matter should ]>e inquired into by scientific and medical men. Rye whiskey, applied externally and internally, is pro- nounced to be a sure antidote for the bite of tliis snake. The philosophy of the matter is, that the patient must take more poison than the snake had in him. The dose for an adult is one quart of pure whiskey, but, as this can seldom be found, one pint of adulterated whiskey will do. The black, water, green, and garter snakes, and spot- ted adder or milk snake are not venomous, and it is thought by many that they ought not to be killed wantonly, as they destroy many liurtful vermin. INSECTS. 95 CHAPTEK YIII. INSECTS. riIHE insects which abound in Wayne connty are J- tliose usually found in the Middle States, in the same latitude, and consist of bees, wasps, hornets, but- terflies, moths, ants, crickets, flies, grasshoppers, beetles, etc. These are so well known that no particular de- scription of them is necessary. The honey-bee is the only one of special interest, owing to the large amount of honey produced annually in the county and to its l)eing an important contribution to the resources of the people. THE HONEY-BEE. Thomas Jefferson, in his ''Notes on Virginia," in- forms us tliat the early settlers at Jamestow^n brought over lioney-bees from England ; and that previous to tliat time, they were unknown in America. The bees, lie says, spread in advance of the English settlements with amazing rapidity. They were a great w^onder to the Indians, who called them "the white man's fly." There is a kind of stingless bee in Guatemala, in Cen- ti-al America, which lays up its honey in long, thick, opaque cells closed at both ends. But tlie honey lias 96 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. not tlie flavor, nor the (^ells, the beauty of those pro- (hiced by the European honey-bee. The pioneers in Northern Pennsylvania fonnd tlie bees in advance of them. I have heard my father say that, in 1803, he found fourteen bee-trees which averaged eiglity pounds of honey to each tree. The hollow trees which the l)ees cleared out and iitted for tlieir abode, seem to be peculiarly iitted for them. Like tlie Indians they seem- ed to deliglit in the great, glorious, primitive forests. In early times at least one quarter of the settlers kept bees. But as the country was cleared up, and the maple and basswood were cut down they became less profita- ble and prolific, and were infested by a. white miller, that laid its eggs in and under the bottoms of the hives, whi(?h, in tlieir gnat or worm state surroimd themselves with a web and devour the young and the combs. The first settlers kept their bees in straw hives, which have been superseded by hives made of wood. The keeping of l>ees in Wayne county is made a speciality at the present time. Among the persons who are devoted to the business are Sydney Coons, of Lebanon, William Manaton, of Clinton, Mortimer E. Lavo, whose apiary is in Mount Pleas- ant, George Leonard, of Salem, Jacol) Sclioonover, of Dyberry, George Wild, of Paupack, and others. Some keep them merely to have h(mey for their own use. And here we are prompted to inquire, from whence does the honey-bee, including all its orders, derive its ability ;md wisdom wherewith to govern a LAND TITLES AND SURVEYS. 97 community of thousands, directing some to gather bee-bread, others to build the cells, others to feed the young, and others to guard and ventilate the hive, all carried on without discord or confusion ? Is not the conviction forced upon us that they are under the impulsive teaching of a God-given instinct ? CHAPTER IX. LAND TITLES AND SURVEYS. THE Penn family, during the Revolution, were ac- cused of l)eing adherents of the British Govern- ment, and of withholding from the cause of liberty that aid which they might have contributed thereto. Consequently the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the 27th day of November, 1779, passed " an act for vesting the Estates of the late Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, in this Commonw^ealth ; " in the pream- l)le wliereto it is set forth, " that the claims heretofore made by the late Proprietaries to the whole of the soil contained within the charter from Charles II. to William Perm, cainiot longer consist with the safety, liberty, and happiness of the good people of this Commonwealth, who, at the expense of- much blood and treasure, have bravely rescued themselves and 13 98 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. their possessions from the tyrannv of Great Britain, and are now defending themselves from the inroads of tlie savages." The act did not eoniiscate the lands of tlie Proprietaries within the lines of manors, nor em- l)race the pnrchase-money dne for lands sold lying within surveyed manors. Tlie manors, in legal ac- ceptation, were lands surveyed and set apart as the private property of the Proprietaries. The titles to all lands sold and conveyed by William Penn or his descendants were confirmed and made valid. But the title to all lands in the Common- wealth, which had not heen surveyed and returned into the land-office, on or before tlie 4th of July, 1776, was by said act vested in the State. Said act pro- vided that the sum of one hundred and thirty thous- and pounds, sterling money, slioidd be paid out of the treasury of this State to the devisees and legatees of Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, late Proprietaries, and to the widow and relict of said Thomas Penn, in such proportions as should thereafter, by the Legisla- ture, be deemed ecpiitable and just, upon a full inves- tigation of their respective claims. No part of said sum was to be paid within less than one year after the termination of the war with Great Britain ; and no more than twenty thousand pounds, nor less than fifteen thousand pounds should be payable in any one year. The land-office was begun by William Penn, and, although changes have been made, from time to time, in tlie method of accpnring title to vacant lands, yet many features of the office, as it was in his day, remain to the present time. LAND TITLES AND SimVEYS. 99 A land-office by and under the act of 9tli of April, 1781, was created under the Commonwealth, its offi- cers consisting of a secretary of the land-office, receiv- er-general, and surveyor-general. Many acts of As- sembly which were afterwards passed, enlarged, de- fined, or limited the powers and duties of these officers. By an act of the 29th of March, 1809, the office of receiver-general was abolished, and his duties were discliarged by the secretary of the land-office ; and by the act of the 17th of April, 1843, this latter-named office was discontinued, and the duties pertaining thereto were performed by the surveyor-general. By the Constitution of 1874, this office is noM' under the charge of the secretary of Internal Affairs. It would be impossible without much expense and research, to name all the lands in Wayne county that v*^ere grants under the Proprietaries. The following are admitted to belong among them, viz: The Proprietaries' Man- or, in Berlin, 1,001 acres; Safe Harbor, (Equinunk), 2,222 acres ; Shehocking Manor, in Buckingham, 520 acres; Elk Forest, in Old Canaan, 11,526 acres; on the Paupack, in Wayne and Pike counties, 12,150 acres; in Lebanon, the Amsterdam and Rotterdam Manor, 2,770 acres; the Damascus Manor, 4,390 acres; the Jonas Seely tract in Berlin, of 8,373 acres, and many other tracts not embraced in said Manors. In short, all lands embraced in warrants issued, surveyed, and returned into the land-office, before the 4th day of July, 1776. An act for opening the land-office for granting and 100 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. disposing of the unappropriated lands \Adtliin this State passed April 1st, 1784, provided, ''that the land-office shall be opened for the lands already purchased of the Indians on the 1st day of July next, at the rate of ten pounds for every hundred acres, with the usual fees of granting, surveying, and patenting, excepting such tracts as shall be surveyed westward of the Allegheny mountains, etc. Every applicant for lands shall pro- duce to tlie secretary of the land-office, a particular de- scription of the lands applied for, with a certificate from two justices of the peace of the proper county, specifying whether the said lands be improved or not, and if improved, how long since the said improvement was made, that interest may l)e charged accordingly. The quantity of land granted to any one person shall not exceed four hundred acres," etc. The prices of iniimproved land were different at various periods un- der the several purchases made of the Indians. From the 1st of July, 1784, to April 3d, 1792, the price of unimproved wild lands was $26.66| per hundred acres in Wayne, Pike, Susquehanna, and other counties. By act of April 3d, 1792, the price of unimproved lands was fixed at $6.66f per hundred acres. The latter- named act was repealed by act of 29th of March, 1809, since which time the price of lands in the above-nam- ed counties has been $26,66| per hundred acres. The laws passed relative to State lands were numerous. Under said laws the surveyor-general, or the officer acting in that capacity, was authorized to appoint a deputy-surveyor in each and every county. George LAND TITLES AND iSURVEYS. 101 Palmer, of Easton, was the depiitj-surveyor appointed for Wayne and Pike counties, and most of the State lands were surveyed and located by him in said coun- ties, and were made before there were any permanent settlements. As the greater part of the names of the eleven or twelve hundred persons named as warrantees on our county maps, are strange and unknown, it has been supposed that many of those names were fictitious, which supposition is erroneous. The persons named were those that made the original applications. Some of the lands were taken up by tlie early settlers. Witness the names of Evans, Skinner, Thomas, Little, Smith, Allen, Hays, Land, and others in Damascus, and of Seely, Torrey, Woodward, Brown, Bingham, Day, Brink, Ball, Scudder, Moore, Taylor, and many other well-known names, in other parts of the county. The law allowed the applicant to take up four liundred acres, with an allowance of six per cent, for roads, but in consequence of inaccuracies in surveys, the law or practice of the land-department, allowed ten per cent, surplusage. After the estal)lishment of the land-office under the auspices of the Commonwealth, many per- sons were deluded by the belief that it w^ould be profit- able for them to take up a tract of land for their own use, or for their children, or for the purpose of speculation. But lands taken up, from 1780 to 1800, were not in demand, and could not be sold at a profit ; and many, who, at the time when they took up tracts, designed to settle upon them, on a view of the hard- ships to be endured in a region destitute of roads, 102 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. schools, and churches, were deterred from carrying then' original designs into execution, and at last sold out their wild possessions to the large land-holders, or suffered their lands to l)e sold for taxes. The land- department suffered applicants to take up lands with- out paying the purchase-money, or fees, or granted ^varrants on which only a part was paid. Such lands ])eing located, surveyed, and returned by the deputy- surveyor, were subject to taxation, and lia])le to be sold every other year for taxes. Hundreds of tracts were thus sold biennially. In the beginning and during the progressive settlement of the county, the greater part of the wild lands were held and sold bv laro:e land- owners. Jason Torrey w^as the agent of the following named persons and their executors, viz : Henry Drink- er, Thomas Shields, Edward Tilghman, Mark Wilcox, Samuel Baird, L. Hollingsworth, Wm. Bell, Heirs of James Hamilton, Thomas Stewardson, George Yaux, Thomas Cadwalader, Thomas Astley, and several othei* persons, not large owners. From well-authenticated evidence it appears that Jason Torrey, who was a na- tive of Willi amstown, Mass., came into Mount Pleas- ant, in 1793, when scarcely twenty years of age ; while working there for Jirah Mumford, Samuel Bidrd, of Fottstown, Pa., came to Kellogg's and at once appre- hending the natural ability of the young man, engaged him in assisting to survey some land on the Lackawax- en and some other parts of northern Pennsylvania. Samuel Baird was the deputy-surveyor of Luzerne county. LAND TITLES AND SURVEYS. 103 From the experience tlins afforded him, Mr. Torrey became an expert and ready sm-veyor. Patronized by Mr. Baird, the above named land-holders committed the care and sale of their lands in Wayne and Pike counties to Mr. Torrey, they, however, in all cases, lixing the prices and the conditions under which their respective lands should be sold. The implicit confi- dence which they reposed in him was never withdrawn. He re-surveyed and re-marked the old tracts, and sub- divided them into lots to suit the convenience of pur- chasers. He made his siuweys with great care and ac- curacy, and though, as in duty bound, he looked well to the interests of his employers, yet he was ever just to the purcliaser, always giving him full measure, and taking pains to be well assured that the lands he sold had been duly patented, so that the purchaser should be in no danger of being involved in litigation about his title. Suffice it to say that Jason Torrey knew more about the titles and the location of lands in Wayne and Pike counties than any man then living, and he made more sales than all other agents combin- ed. He compiled and published a map showing by numbers the location and quantity of every warrantee in Wayne and Pike counties, which map has been of indispensable service to assessors, and to the commis- sioners of said counties, and to all persons desirous of knowing the location of unseated lands. In 1827, Ja- son Torrey gave up the agency of the greater part of the lands which had been committed to his care, and it was given to Henry P. Stilley, who was a relative 104 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. of some of the large owTiers, and came from Philadel- phia, to obtain a knowledge of matters relative to the surveys and sales, and spent six years in the office of Jason Torrey, l)efore he became familiar with the manner in which the l>iisiness liad formerly been done. Mr. Stilley lived pretty fast, and found use for all the money that he obtained from the sale of lands, and (consequently paid nothing over to the owners. This led to his dismissal from all liis agencies, and in 1831, John D. Taylor, who had been a clerk in tlie office of G-eneral Thomas Cadwalader, of Philadelphia, was sent to Wayne county to take the agency for Cadwalader and several others. Mr. Taylor remained in the county some five or six years, attending to tlie duties connect- ed with his agencies, but, not finding \\\q business sat- isfactory, he gave it up and removed fi'om the county. As early as 1835 some of the owners placed their lands under the agency of Hon. John Torrey, of Hones- dale, and after the removal of Mr. Taylor, nearly all the unsold lands, which had been under Jason Torrey's care, were added to John Torrey's agency, without any solicitation from him or his father, and the justice and al^ility exercised by him as a land-agent, have never been disputed. The Shields lands, in Le])anon, Oregon, Berlin, and Damascus, and the Manor of Amsterdam and Rotter- dam were run north 10 degrees west or north, 12 J degrees west, while the lands in Salem, North Ster- ling, in most of South Canaan, and in part of Cherry Kidge were run nortli 50 degrees west, and in other LAND TITLES AND SURVEYS. 105 parts of the county, in divers other directions. Sam- uel Baird may have laid a few warrants, but George Palmer, as l)efore said, originally surveyed and located most of the lands in Wayne county, and his work was well done. Anthony Crothers was his successor. It is contended that he never came into the county, and that all his pretended surveys were made ])y sub-dep- uties, or made by his own fireside, and were called "chamber surveys."" At any rate they were many of them found to be very inaccurate. The north assumed by the original surveyors was not the true polar north, but had a western declination therefrom, of about two and a half degrees. This, however, would have made but little difference, if they had always run their lines upon the same meridian, at all times, and in all parts of the county, for then the variation would have been nearly alike, upon every survey. That they did not always adopt tlie same meridian is well known to all surveyors, who find the variation upon some lines to be four and a quarter degrees, upon others to be three degrees, and then upon others to be only one and a half. The present declination of the needle is now, according to the finding of Lewis S. Collins, Esq., our county-surveyor, seven degrees west of the polar north. It was once, if it is not now, a common l^elief , that the large land-owners realized great fortunes from, the sale of their wild lands, which was not the case. If to the price paid for the lands, were added the yearly taxes for forty or fifty years, and the compensation made to agents for watching said lands, and finally 14 106 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. surveying and selling them, the lands cost their own- ers more than they realized from them, and sometimes double. Hon. James Wilson, judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, owned more lands in Wayne county tlian any other man. He died in 1798, and liis lands were sold under a mortgage, and liis heirs found his estate diminished, rather than en- larged, by his land investments. Judge Wilson's lands upon the Paupack were pur- chased by Samuel Sitgreaves, of Easton, Pennsylva- nia, who sold them to the settlers at a very low price. Other lands taken up by Wilson, in Sterling, Salem, Canaan, and other parts of the county, fell into the hands of Tliomas Cadwalader and Edward Tilghman, of Pliiladelpliia. Henry Dnnker, of the same city, owned tlie most oi the lands in Dyberry and many tracts in Manchester and Buckingham. It will be understood that the person who obtained a warrant was called tlie warrantee. Upon paying the State treasurer the legiil price of the land, and the office fees, 84.50, the w^arrant was sent to the county-sur- veyor, whose business it was to survey the land within six months, make a draft and description, and, upon being paid for his services, make a return to the land- department. Then the warrantee, upon paying $10 to the land-department, would receive a patent for his land. Then, if he had the first warrant, the first sur- vey, and the first patent, the title was secure. The land-department, for many years past, has required the applicant for a warrant to make oath before a JUDICIARY. 107 justice of the peace, of the proper county, touching the condition of the lands as to its improved or unim- proved state, and proving the same by a disinterested witness, on his oath made before two justices of the peace. The act of April, 1850, provided for the elec- tion in that year and every third year thereafter, of one competent person, being a practical surveyor, to act as county-surveyor. The ottice is now merely honorary. Samuel Meredith owned the Amsterdam and Kotter- dam Manor, in Lebanon, and many tracts in Mount Pleasant and Preston, wliich, upon his death, descend- ed to his heirs or devisees, and Thomas Meredith, his son, took charge of the lands. Calvely Freeman, Esq., was his surveyor. In 1830, Mr. Meredith mov- ed to Luzerne county, and Mr. Meylert, a French- man, took charge of the Meredith lands, and was suc- ceeded by Michael Meylert. The Elk Forest Tract, in Old Canaan, became the property of Joseph Fellows, of Greneva, N. Y., who made Hon. ]^. 13. Eldred his agent, who was suc- ceeded by Hon. Wm. H. Dimmick, Sen. Moses Kil- 1am, Esq., divided the tract into one liundred or two hundred acre lots. In different parts of the county land lines were run without any general uniformity as to direction. In the greater part of Scott, North Lebanon, and Elk Forest, the lines were run upon a meridian assumed to be north and south ; in Mount Pleasant, north five or ten degrees west, with corres- ponding right angles ; in parts of Buckingham and 108 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY, Preston, north twentj-iive degrees west. Sometimes warrants were issued Avhicli were never delivered to the deputy county-surveyor. In other cases war- rants were hiid, but the warrantees, failing to pay the costs of surveying, no returns of the surveys were made to the land-office. Sometimes the surveyors made re- turns of surveys without going upon the land, by naming some well-known starting point and giving courses and distances. Tliese were called "chamber surveys," which often interfered with former or subse- quent actual surveys. Where the title to lands was in the Commonwealth, the sale of the lands for taxes of any kind gave the purchaser no title. The titles to the lands sold by the aforesaid land-holders or their agents, have never been successfully disturbed. CHAPTEK X. JUDICIARY. UPON the erection of Wayne county, Thomas Mif- flin, governor of Pennsylvania, under the provisions of the Constitution of 1790, appointed four judges, viz : Samuel Preston, first associate judge; John Pyerson, second associate; Samuel C. Seely, third associate; and John Biddis, fourth associate judge. These held the JUDICIARY. 109 first court at Milford, in the house of George Buchan- an, September 10th, 1798. At September sessions, 1803, Richard Brodhead took the phice of Samuel Preston, resigned. At May sessions, 1804, the judges presiding were Richard Brodhead, John Biddis, and John Brink. The hitter had been appointed to supply the phice of Samuel C. Seely, resigned. At May ses- sions, 1806, John Spayd, the iirst president judge, of- ficiated, assisted by Richard Brodhead and John Brink, his associates. At April sessions, 1810, Robert Porter, president judge, took his seat upon the bench and pre- sided until and including August sessions, 1813. Jolm B. Gibson, as president judge, first presided at Novem- ber sessions, 1813, and continued until and including April sessions, 1816, and resigned. Thomas Burnside took his seat as president judge at August sessions, 1816, and continued until April sessions, 1818, and resigned. The said John B. Gibson and Thomas Burn- side were sul)sequently judges of the Supreme Court of the State. David Scott, as president judge, first presided at August sessions, 1818, and continued to oliiciate until February sessions, 1838, when, in consequence of ap- proaching deafness, he resigned. His decisions were held in high respect by the people and the Bar, as be- ing the calm and honest convictions of a jurist who always intended to dispense impartial justice to all. William Jessup took his seat as president judge at April sessions, 1838, and continued as such until Feb- ruary sessions, 1849, when his commission expired un- 110 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY, der tlie Constitution adopted in 1838. He was a man of ability and discharged liis duties to the satisfaction of the public. Nathaniel B. Eldred, as president judge, commenc- ed his first judicial labors in Wayne county, at May sessions, 1849, and officiated until and including May sessions, 1853, when he resigned, haying received the appointment of naval collector of Philadelphia under President Pierce. Geo. R. Barrett was appointed in his place, and officiated as president judge, at Septem- ])er sessions, 1853. James M. Porter was elected presi- dent judge in 1853, took his seat at December ses- sions, and served imtil and including February ses- sions, 1855, when, having been struck with paral- ysis, he resigned. His legal knowledge challenged the admiration of all jurists. His decisions and rulings were submitted to without cavil, dispute, or exceptions. Thomas S. Bell was appointed to supply the place of Judge Porter, and presided at May and September sessions, 1855. In 1855, Greorge E.. Barrett was elected president judge, and after a term of ten years' service was re- elected in 1865, and officiated until September ses- sions, 1871, having resigned in time to have a successor elected in that year. Samuel S. Dreher was elected president judge in 1871, first presiding at December sessions, 1871, and continuing until and including December sessions, 1874, wdien the district having been divided by an act of Legislature, he remained as president judge in JUDICIARY. Ill that district in which he resided. His commission ex- pired mider the provisions of the Constitution of 1874, so far as this county was concerned. C. P. Waller was elected in 1874, and was inducted into office as president judge of Wayne and Pike counties, January 1st, 1875, to serve for ten years. Under the Constitution of 1790, the judges of all the com-ts were appointed by the governor, wliich of- fices they could hold during good behavior, and from wliicli they could be removed only by impeachment or by the governor, on the address of two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature. Justices of the peace w^ere in like manner appointed to hold their offices during good behavior. The amended Constitution of 1 838 continued the ap- pointing power of the governor, subject to the consent of the Senate, and as to the Judiciary, providing that judges of the Supreme Court should hold their offices for the term of fifteen years. The president judges of the several courts were to hold their offices for the term of ten years, and the associate judges to hold theirs for five years, upon condition that all of said judges should, during their respective terms, behave them- selves w^ell, though subject to removal by impeachment or by the governor as aforesaid. In 1850, the Consti- tution w^as amended, and provided for the election of the judges by the people. Nathaniel B. Eldred was the first president judge elected by tlie people, 1851, and James Mumford and 112 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Thomas H. R. Tracy were the iirst associate jiulges then elected. ASSOCIATE JUDGES. John Brodhead served from May, 1810, to Aug., 1814. John Brink '' Samuel Stanton '' ^ Al)isha Woodward " Moses Thomas " Isaac Dimmick " James Manning " Moses Tyler " Virgil Grenell " Oliver Hamlin " James Mnmford " Paul S. Preston '' John Torrey '^ Thos. H. R. Tracy '' Pliineas Howe " James R. Dickson '' Rodney Harmes " J3utler Hamlin " Wm. R. McLaury " Isaiah Snyder '' Phineas Arnold '' F. W. Farnham . '^ Otis Avery " John O'Neill Henry Wilson ' Giles Green ' Otis Averv re-elected May, 1810, to Aug., 1814. Dec, 1814, to Aug., 1815. Dec, 1814, to Jan., 1829. Nov., 1815, to Jan., 1840. Jan., 1830, to Aug., 1833. Nov., 1833, to Aug., 1841. Sept., 1840, to Sept., 1845. Nov., 1841, to Sept., 1846. Nov., 1846, to May, 1850. Dec, 1846,. to Sept., 1856. May, 1850, to Feb., 1851. May, 1851, to Sept., 1851. Dec, 1851, to Sept., 1856. Dec, 1856, to Sept., 1861. 1856, to Dec, 1860. 1861, to Sept., 1861. 1861, to Sept., 1866. 1861, to Sept., 1866. Dec, 1866, to Sept., 1871. Dec, 1866, to Sept., 1871. Feb., 1872, to Sept., 1872. Dec, 1872, to Sept., 1877. Dec, 1872, to Dec, 1875. Feb., 1876, to Sept., 1876. Feb., 1876, now serving. Dec, 1877, " " Dec, Feb., Dec, Dec, COUNTY OFFICERS. 113 SHERIFFS, Tlie Constitution of Pennsylvania., adopted in 1790, provided that sheriffs and coroners, at the time of the election of Representatives, should l)e chosen by the citizens of each county, and that two persons should be chosen for each office, one of whom for each re- spectively should be appointed, by the governor, they to hold their offi(?es for three years and until a suc- cessor should l)e duly qualified, if they should so long behave themselves; but no person was to be twice chosen or appointed sheriff in any term of six years. The election of two persons for the office of sheriff was made void by the Constitution of 1838. Thomas Mifflin, governor, in 1798, appointed Rich- ard Brodhead sheriff, who served to 1801, after which time, the following-named persons were chosen: Daniel W. Dingman, in 1801, served 3.T ears, Abraham Mulford, u 1804, a 3 Abisha Woodward, u 1807, u 3 Matthew Ridgway, a 1810, a 3 Silas Kellogg, it 1813, a 3 Salmon Jones, a 1816, u 3 Solomon Moore, a 1819, a 3 Oliver B. Brush, a 1822, u 3 Joseph Miller, a 1825, a 3 Paul S. Preston, a 1828, a 3 Lucius Collins, a 1831, a 3 Josepli Miller, a 1834, a 3 Lucius Collins, a 1837, ii 3 15 114 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. Richard Lancaster, in 1840, served 3 years. Jolm Mcintosh, 1843, 3 William F. Wood, 1846, 3 Oliver Stevenson 1849, 3 Thomas E. Grier, 1852, 3 James B. Eldred, 1855, 3 Wm. Turner, 1858, 3 Robert S. Dorin, 1861, 3 Jeremiah F. Barnes 1864, 3 Robert S. Dorin, 1867, 3 John H. Ross, 1870, 3 E. Mallory Spencer, 1873, 3 Perry A. Clark, 1876, Joseph Atkinson, 1879, now serving. PBOTHONOTARIES AND CLERKS OF THE SE VERAL CO UR TS. These officers, under the Constitution of 1790, were appointed by the governors to hold their offices for three years, but there was no constitutional restraint, preventing their reappointment. Generally one and the same person held all the offices, bnt that was op- tional witli the governor. Under the Constitution of 1838, the said officers were elected l)y the people. Whenever vacancies should occur they were to be tilled ])y the governor, until another general election. John Brodhead was appointed prothonotary, clerk of the courts, and register and recorder, who, with John Coolbaugh, held the said offices until 1808, ten years. Eliphalet Kellogg,held said offices from 1808 to 1817. Thomas Meredith, " " 1817 to 1820. COUNTY OFFICERS. 115 Sheldon Norton, held said offices from 1820 to 1823. / John K. Woodward, " " 1823 to 1827. Solomon Moore, " " 1827 to 1831. George B. Wescott, " " 1831 to 1835. PaurS. Preston, " " 1835 to 1838. Leonard Graves, " " 1838 to 1841. Abram Swart, " " 1841 to 1845. P. G. Goodrich, " " 1845 to 1848. Kufus M. Grenell, " " 1848 to 1851. John Mcintosh, " " 1851 to 1857. William F. Wood, " " 1857 to 1860. John K. Jenkins, " " 1860 to 1863. J. W. Brown, " " 1863 to 1866. William H. Ham, " '' 1866 to 1869. J. J. Curtis, " " 1869 to 1875. Charles Menner, ^' " 1875 to 1878. Charles Menner, re-elected in 1878 for three years. BEGISTEliS AND BECORDERS. Under the Constitution of 1790, the governors of the State saw lit to appoint and commission one per- son clerk of the several courts and register and recor- der, but some of tliem deviated from the practice. Hence Governor Shulze, in February, 1824, commis- sioned James Manning register of wills, and, in 1827, recommissioned him register and added thereto the office of recorder of deeds, etc., and, in 1830, Governor Wolf commissioned him as recorder. In January, 1833, the last named governor commissioned Isaac P. Olmstead recorder, who held said office until 116 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY, the fall of 1885, when Governor Ritner con- ferred all of said offices upon Paul S. Preston, who held the same until 1838, when a new Con- stitution w^as adopted and David R. Porter elected governor. The amended Constitution provided for the triennial election , l)y the people, of prothonotaries, etc., and registers and recorders. By an act of Assem- ]>ly, passed under the requirements of said Constitution, in October, 1839, one person was to he elected clerk of the several courts, and one person register and re- corder, for and in Wayne county. John Belknap was appointed register and recorder by Governor Porter, for one year, after which the following named persons were elected to hold said offices of register and recor- der for three years each: John Belknap in 1839. Wm. G. Arnold in 1860. Thos.R.Mumfordin 1842. Michael Eegan in 1863. H. B. Beardslee in 1845. Thos. Hawkey in 1866. James R. Keen in 1848. A. R. Howe in 1869. Curtis S. Stoddard in 1851. Charles Menner in 1872. " '' in 1854. Peter S. Barnes in 1875. Wm. G. Arnold in 1857. Francis West in 1878. TO WNSHIPS—BAMA^SCUS. Ill CHAPTER XJ. TO WNSIIIFS—DAMASC US. THIS was one of the original townships established in 1798. It then included all of Lebanon, Oregon, and a part of both Dyberry and Berlin. It still re- mains the largest township in the county. Its history is interesting, for there the first settlement was made. It is bounded north by Manchester, east by the Dela- ware river, w^est by Berlin, Oregon, and Lebanon, and south by Berlin. It is as large as Dyberry, Lebanon, and Oregon townships combined. The main streams are Calkin's creek, which discharges into the DelaAvare, at Milanville; Cash's creek, which empties into said river, at Damascus village; and Hollister's creek in the north-eastern part of the township. The natural ponds are the Duck Harbor, (partly in Lebanon,) Laurel Lake, Cline, Swago, and Groram ponds, with some others of less size. The most of the land has a south-eastern declivity, is not broken by high hills, to any great ex- tent, and is of a good quality, excepting a part in the north-eastern portion (mlled Conklin hill, and a strip commencing below Milanville and extending down- ward back of the Delaware to Big Eddy. The information which can, at present, be ol)tained, relative to the first settlements made by tlie whites up- 118 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. on the Delaware river, in Wayne county, llie exact date of their settlement, their conflicts with the In- dians, the time when their battle^ were fought, and the causes that occasioned the same, is limited and obscure, all the actors in these scenes liaving been dead many years. It is, therefore, impossible to make statements wholly free from errors, as history, tradition, and frag- mentary family-records are not withont their contra- dictions. Chapman, in his "Ilistory of Wyoming," says: "In the snnmier of 1757, the Delaware Com- pany commenced a settlement at Cushetnnk, on the Delaware river, which appears to ha\'e been the first settlement established within the limits of the Con- necticut charter, west of the province of New^ York; for, althongh there appears to have been a small fort bnilt at the Minisinks on the same river, in 1670, that same fort was soon afterwards abandoned, in conse- quence of some difficulties with the Indians who refused to sell the lands." The Minisinks was the Indian name applied to all the river lands between the Water Gap and Port Jervis, if not to the mouth of the Lackawax- €m; and the said abandoned fort was built near Strouds- burg, and sul)sequently called Fort Penn. By a manuscript written by Nathan Skinner, giving in part a history of the Skinner family, it appears that Joseph Skinner, (grandfather of Nathan Skinner,) came from Connecticut to Damascus in 1755. He had eight sons, viz : Daniel, Benjamin, Timotliy, John, Abner, Haggai, Calvin, and Joseph; and two daugh- ters, Martha and Huldah. Daniel Skinner was the TO WNSHIPS— DAMASCUS, 119 father of the said Kathan Skinner, who proceeds with his narrative as follows: "At what exact time father came to Damascus, we are not at present able to say ; but we find bv a. certain writins:, that he was at the place where the late George Bush lived, on the 4:th of September, 1755, which place w^as called "Ack- liake." Joseph Skinner, Sen., was one of the tw^elve hundred Yankees that made the great Indian purchase, July 11th, 1754, under which purchase and another under a section of the colony of East New Jersey, the Skinner family came into the county to seek their fortunes and make settlements. Daniel Skinner, Sen., purchased of his father, twenty-five acres of the Ack- hake place, for five pounds, New York currency. He assisted in laying out a town, the centre of which was about six miles from the river, near the Conklin place, now^ owned by Stephen Pethick; and in selecting a location for a meeting-house and parsonage, William Reese was, I presume, the surveyor." From said man- uscript and other records, it appears that the other set- tlers, locating, about the same time, in the vicinity, were Simeon Calkin, Moses Thomas, Sen., Bezaleel V Tyler, Kobert Land, an Englishman, Nathan Mitchell, John Koss, John Smith, Irwin Evans, James Adams, Jesse Drake, and Nicholas Conklin, a German from \) Orange county, N. Y. The following named persons are mentioned in old records as having lived at an early day at Cushetunk, or Damascus, viz: F. Clark, Abra- liani Russ, Francis Little, Brandt Kane, an Irishman, Josiah Parks, William Monnington, Derrick Lukens, 120 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Jonathan Li]lie, and others. The most of the fore- going located on the west side of tlie Delaware. The narrativ^e continues: "Timothy Skiimer and Simeon Calkin ])uilt a saw-mill and grist-mill on Calkin's creek, nearly opposite the north end of Beach's tannery, at Milanville. Said Calkin and Moses Thomas, Sen., and their sons built a fort, or block-house, at the month of the creek," in 1755. In or about the year 1759, as nearly as can be as(*.ertained, Joseph Skinner, Sen., was shot in the head and killed at Taylor's Eddy, abont one mile above Cochecton l)ridge. It was sup- posed that he was killed l>y some lurking savage of the northern tribes, who were jealons of the encroach- ing whites. The murder was not charged to the Cushe- tunk Indians, who seemed to be well disposed toward the wliites. Chapman says, page 69 : "The settlement at Cushetunk continued to progress. In 1760, it con- tained tliirty dwelling-houses, three large log-houses, one grist-mill, one saw-mill, and one block-house." The extent of Cushetunk has not been very well detined. If it contained thirty dwelling-houses, it must have in- cbided all the settlers on both sides of tlie Delaware from Big Island to and near Calkin's creek. But to resume the history of Daniel Skinner: "After settling at Ai^khake, he went as a sailor to the West Indies and learned the value of pine timber for masts and spars for sliips. Having a quantity of good pine on his land, he pnt several sticks into the Delaware river to make a trial of floating them down to Philadelphia. He followed them with a canoe, but they soon ran TO WNSHIPS—DAMA SC US. 121 aground on islands or stuck on rocks. He abandoned this method and tried a different one. He next put into the river six large ship-masts of equal length, through each end of which he cut a mortise of about four inches square, and into this lie put what lie called a spindle of white oak, to lit the mortise. In the ends of this he inserted a pin to keep them from slipping. The lumber thus put together he called a raft, and to each end of it he pinned a small log crosswise, and in the middle of this he fastened a pin, standing perpen- dicular, about ten inches above the cross-log, on which he hung an oar fore and aft. It being thus rigged, he hired a very tall Dutchman to go on the fore end, and with this raft arrived safely in Philadelphia, where he sold it at a good round price. This was the first raft ever constructed and run dowm the Delaware, which occurred in 1764. Shortly after he made a larg- er raft on w^hich Josiah Parks went as fore hand. Being allured by Skinner's suc(?ess, others soon em- liarked in the same business, and, after a time, rafting became general on the Delaware from the Cook House, (Deposit,) to Philadelphia. Daniel Skinner, having constructed and navigated the first raft, was styled " Lord Hiffh Admiral" of all the raftsmen on the Dela- ware, and Josiah Parks was named '^ Boatswain." These honorary titles they retained during their lives." It seems to have been well known to the Pennsyl- vania Proprietary claimants that Cuslietunk lay in the territory, in dispute between Connecticut and Pennsyl- vania, for we are assured ])y history, that William 16 122 HISTORY OP WAYNE COUNTY. Allen, chief-justice of the province, by warrant dated June 4th, iTtU, commanded the sheriff of Northamp- ton county, to arrest Daniel Skinner, Timothy Skinner, Z- Simeon Calkin, John Smith, Jedediah Willis, James Adams, Ervin Evans, and others, for intruding upon the Indian lands al)out Cushetunk without leave. None of said intruders, liowever, were ever disturbed or ap- prehended. The lands in said warrant called Indian lands had been purchased July lltli, 1754, of the Six Nations, with the consent of the Cushetunks, by tlie Delaware Company. In the fall of 1763, after the Delaware Indians had broken up the settlement of the whites in the Wyom- ing Yalley, uneasy, straggling bands of savages, con- ceived the plan of driving away the settlers a]>out Cushetunk. The people along the Delaware learned of the sad fate of their brethren from some of the fugi- tives, and were warned to prepare for an attack. Be- ins thus forewarned, the women and children were placed in the block-house or fort, and the men made preparations to defend their fort and sustain a siege. The Indians delayed making an attack, Init were seen skulking a])out in the woods. Suddenly appearing before the fort, they surprised and killed Moses Thcmias, Sen., and Ililkiali Willis, who were outside of the fort. The daughters of said Thomas, one of which was only seven years old, took the places of the fallen men, and held their muskets in the loop-holes. The beseiged taunted the savages, telling them to do their worst, which they did by several attempts to burn V TO WNSJIIPS— DAMASCUS. 123 the fort. Tlie whites f()iii2:ht with such resohition that they repulsed their invaders and left many of them dead in sight of the besieged. The Indians killed some cattle, burned the grist-mill, the saw-mill, and some dwelling-houses. The Cushetunk Indians con- demned this unprovoked attack upon the whites, and promised, in case of another invasion, to assist the set- tlers. Gleaning from Skinner's notes, we learn that Daniel Skinner, doubting the probability of holding- land under the Connecticut title, in May, 17T5, ob- tained a patent of Hichard Fenn for 140 acres, on which he built a house ; and he and Bezeleel Ross bought the Hollister place and built a saw-mill on Hol- lister creek. This creek was so named because two brothers by the name of Hollister settled in early days at or near the mouth of the stream. Having friends among the Wyoming settlers, they left and took an active part in the bloody struggles enacted in that Val- ley, and both found an early grave. In the spring of 1777, Mrs. Land, the wife of Robert Land, an Englishman, who was a justice of the peace under the colonial government, learn- ing that a scouting party was to come up the river, her husband being from home, took her infant child, then three months old, and, in company with her oldest son, aged nineteen, drove their cattle into the Avoods to keep them out of the way. She and her son did not return that night. The Indians came up on the east side of the Delaware in the night, crossed over and came to the house of Land early in the mornina" 124 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. while the children, Abel, aged seventeen, Rebecca, aged about fifteen, Phebe, thirteen, and Robert, ten, were asleep. An Indian went to the bed wliere the girls slept and awoke them by tickling their feet with the point of a spear. A certain chief of the Tiisca- roras, known by the name of Captain John, had often been at their house, and seemed to be very friendly; the elder girl, Rebecca, supposing him to be the Captain, held out her hand and said, "How do you do, Captain John?" The Indian asked her if she knew Captain John. She told him she did, but that she saw she was mistaken. The in- genuous innocence of the girl touched the heart of the savage. He told her that they were Mohawks, and had come to drive her people from the country, and that she might put on her clothes and go as soon as possible and warn the people so that they might es- cape before they were all killed. She crossed the river in a canoe, went to Kane's, where she found them all dead, except one little girl, who w^as alive in a bunch of bushes, wallowing in her blood, she hav^ing been scalped. Seeing this she ran up the river to Nathan Mitchell's and gave the alarm, and then returned home. In the mean time the Indians had bound her brother Abel and taken him with them without doing any other mischief. They went up Calkin's creek and were met by a body of Cushetunk Indians, who were friends to the whites and to the cause of liberty. They used all their endeavors to bring Abel back with tliem, but not succeeding they left them, after learning that they TO WNSHIPS— DAMASCUS. 125 had killed a very tall man, (Kane) and his wife and children. The Cushetunks hurried to the river to make report and arrived at Land's about the same time that Mrs. Land and her son John came out of the woods. John and these Lidians, together with what whites and other Indians they could muster, went in immediate pursuit and overtook the Mohawks at Ogh- quaga, where they found them drawn up in order of battle. At last the belligerents came to a parley, and the Mohawks agreed that after Abel, who had been very boisterous, had been punished by running the gauntlet, he might go back. Abel having submitted to that barbarity, he and his party returned to the Delaware. The unprovoked murder of Brant Kane and his family, he being a quiet and worthy man who had come from Ireland to find a peaceful home, so shocked and alarmed many of the settlers, that they immediately crossed the river with tlieir families, took to the woods, and wandered in cold and hunger to the settled parts of Orange county, N. Y. Among these were Kathan Skinner and his eldest son, Garrett Smith and wife, the wife and child of Nathaniel Evans, and -others. Tradition says that Mrs. Evans, being belated, swam the Delaware river with her in- fant and joined the fugitives. In substance Skinner further says : "Joseph Ross, having been commission- ed by Col. Whooper to take charge of the Indians, whose chief was called 'Manoto," some of the whites, having^ the o-ood will of the Mohicans, concluded to 126 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. stay and go on with their farming. But in the autumn of the same year, another scouting party, mostly com- posed of marauding whites, made a descent upon the people, took their crops, bm*nt down the new house built by Daniel Skinner, shot a man by the name of Handa, and took Nathan Mitchell prisoner." Skinner further says: "This party came up the Delaware on the east side, and from Ten Mile River upward, plun- dered all that came in their way without opposition until they came in sight of Big Island, where they dis- covered a party retreating before them, who continued their retreat to the upper end of Boss's where the set- tlers made a stand and sent word to their pursuers that they, the whites and friendly Indians, should retreat no further. The marauders came to a stand at Nathan Skinner's new^ house, which they plundered and burnt, and then retreated dow^n the river, on their way treach- erously capturing John Land and a man named Davis. Land was shamefully maltreated by his captors, and he and Davis were shackled and handcuffed and thrown into prison to answer to the charge of disloyalty, of which charge they w^ere afterwards acquitted. Nathan Mitchell escaped, but when or how, tradition saith not. This raid was made and participated in, it w^as said, by persons who professed to be ardently attached to the cause of liberty. This charge is made by Skinner in his narrative, but he is cautious in mentioning names. That there were bitter dissensions about the titles to lands in and about Damascus, like those that harrassed the settlers in Wyoming, scarcely admits of a doul)t. TO WNSHIPS—DAMASC US. 127 To determine who were the iiiiworthy and wicked parties that originated and perpetrated said enormities cannot now be done, but the raid gave rise to mutual charges and recriminations and to political antipathies which have descended down to the present day. After the massacre at Wyoming, in 1778, the dis- astrous result of which was speedily made known to those living about Cochecton, many of the settlers, sup- posing that their lives would be taken by the northern Indians, who were emboldened by their recent successes, sought safety in concealment or flight. Some, how- ever, determined that they would not leave the country ; among whom were the Tylers, Thomases, John Land, and Nathan Mitchell. The latter old veteran could never be frightened away, and many of the settlers came back in the spring of 1779. In this year the Indians became unusually aggressive, and a body of them from the north made a descent upon the settle- ments alono; the DelaAvare river about Minisink. A company of Pennsylvania militia marched to the Dela- ware for the protection of the settlements, and, on the 22d day of July, 1779, was attacked by a body of one hundred and forty Indians on a hill nearly opposite the mouth of the Lackawaxen, and between forty and fifty of the militia were killed or taken prisoners, among whom were Captain Bezaleel Tyler and Moses Thomas, the father of the late Judge Thomas. About every man capal)le of bearing arms a])out Cochecton and upon the Lackawaxen and Paupac'k, participated in that battle. 128 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Tlie l)attle and massacre at Wyoming having pro- duced a great sensation among the Ameri(?an people, General Sullivan, witli an army of two thousand and five hundred men, was sent, in the summer of 1779, to drive the British and Indians from that Valley, and to lay waste the Indian country along the north-western frontier. He arrived in Wyoming on the 22d day of July, and from thence ascended the Susquehanna river, liaving his provisions and army baggage conveyed by one hundred and twenty boats and two thousand horses. General Sullivan found the enemy, of about one thousand men, collected near IS^ewton, on the Tioga river, strongly entrenched behind a breastwork. On the 29th of August, he attacked and drove them from their defences across the river, whence they precipitate- ly fled. He then marched into the Indian country and destroyed thirteen of their villages and all their crops and orchards as far as to the Genesee, and then return- ed by the way of Tioga Point to Wyoming, and thence to Easton. After the defeat of the militia at Lackawax- eTi, the few settlers remaining at Damascus expected that the Indians would visit them and destroy all their buildings and cattle, but they were happily disappoint- ed. A few were seen skulking about, but they did but little damage. They had learned of tlie impending expedition of Sullivan into their country, and they re- treated in fear and dismay. Tlie danger of Indian raids being now, in a great measure, removed, the in- hal)itants returned to their possessions at Cocheeton and Damascus, where the settlements again flourished. TO WN^HIPS— DAMASCUS. 129 With unl)onnded delight thiy long-suffering people hailed the prospect of security and peace. For twenty- live years they had dwelt in the midst of alarms, sub- ject at all times to the torch, the hatchet, and the scalping knife of the Indians. The following named persons were actors in the foregoing history, or were subsequently distinguished in the annals of the township : Captain Bezaleel Tyler, who fell at the battle at Lack- awaxen, and was from New England. His sons were, 1st, Bezaleel Tyler, father of Amos Tyler; 2nd, Sam- uel Tyler, father of Wni. Tyler, of Eock Run; 3rd, John Tyler, father of Judge Moses Tyler. This John Tyler married a Calkin, by whom he had twenty-one children. If I am rightly informed all the said sons of Captain Tyler were soldiers in the American Kevolu- tion. So numerous are the Tylers in and about Da- mascus that we have not time and space to enumerate them. They have ever been prominent in the entei*- prises and politics of the township. Simeon Calkin was one of the first settlers, who, witli Timothy Skinner, built a saw-mill and grist-mill near the mouth of Calkin's creek, in 1755, one hun- dred and twenty-five years ago. Oliver Calkin w^as, as I suppose, his son. Daniel Skinner, called the "Admiral," married Sarah Calkin, a daughter of Olive)' Calkin. It is a name much respected in Damascus and Cochecton. Natlian Mitchell lived at first on the east side of the Delaware. He, or a son of his, lived many years 17 130 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. jifterward.s in Biickingliani. He was the father of xlbraliain Mitchell, who owned and cleared up the farm now owned by Samuel K. Yail, Esq., of Leba- non. In Damascus and elsewhere liis descendants are too numerous to mention with the particularity they deserve. Moses Thomas, Sen., was killed, as aforesaid, at tlie mouth of Calkin's creek, in 1763. He had a son who WTiS killed at the battle at Lackaw^axen, whose name was Moses; and the late Judge Thomas was a grand- son of the said Moses Thomas, Sen. We have tried to obtain more information concerning this family, hut have not succeeded. Robert Land was an Englishman and a justice of the peace under tlie colonial government, and a man of pluck and eiiterpi-ise, wliile his wife was a woman of unconnnon endui-ance and alulity. His son, John Land, married, lived, and died in tlie township. Ont^ r)f tlie daughters of the latter, l)y tlie name of Maxa- inilia, was the wife of John Burcher. Jesse Drake married the widow of Moses Thomas, who was killed at Lackawaxen. He had two sons, Jesse and Charles, and two daughters; one daughter, named Christiana, intermarried with Jonathan J^illie, and the other, Martha, intermarried with James Mitchell. Nicholas Conklin, of Dutch descent, from the North river, was one of the lirst settlers who located on the York State side. He had three sons, John, Elias, and William. Tlie latter lived and died at Big Island, TO WNSIUPS—nA MA AC US. 131 but the others sokl out to Stephen Mitcliell and re- moved to Susqueh.anna county. Benjamin Conklin located on the Cochectoii and Great Bend turnpike road, six miles west of Damas- cus bridge, and kept a tav^ern and the turnpike gate, so that the place was known far and near as the " Gate Hovise." He had fifteen children, of whom only two now live in the county, Benjamin Conklin, at Four-story hill, and Sally, the wife of Amos T. Mitchell. Jonathan Lillie located on the Daniel Dexter place. Jesse and Calvin, his sons, are now living. Col. Cal- vin Skinner married a daughter of said Jonatlian Lillie. Simeon Bush was an original settler, and liad three sons. He made an assessment of Damascus, in 1801, when there w^ere but thirty-seven taxables. George Bush, one of the sons, was a man of mark and was once a Member of Assembly. He married a daugh- ter of Reuben Skinner. The other sons were John and Eli, and all have gone to a better land, leaving families behind them. John Ross, better known as Captain John Ross, an old veteran soldier, had a son named John, who had a son named Bezaleel, he being the father of John R. Ross, deceased, who was elected sheriff in 1870. Daniel Skinner, known as "Admiral" Skinner, of whom much has been said, lived and died on the Judge Taylor place. The names of his children were Reuben, Daniel, Joseph, AVilliam, and Kathan. Dan- 132 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. iel Skinner, Jr., had one son, Ini, who died leaving one son. Said Joseph Skinner died at Skinner's flats, leaving a family, and William Skinner died at the same place, leaving six sons. Reuben Skinner located upon or near his father's place. He married a widow from Long Island, whose maiden name was Mary Polly Chase. He organized the first Masonic Lodge in the county, at Ackhake, and named it St. Tammany's Lodge. In 1801 he was assessed as owning two honses, twenty acres of im- proved land, and 'ci slave, valued at fifty dollars, and as being a merchant, inn-keeper, and justice of the peace, all of which, including a span of horses and two cows, was valued at $552. He liad one son, Daniel (). Skin- ner, late of Honesdale, deceased, and three daughters — Anna, wife of George Bush, Huldah, wife of Jacol) B. Yerkes, and Nancy, wife of George Kinney. William Monnington,from Philadelphia, of Swedish descent, settled at an early day upon the north l>ranch of Calkin's creek. His sons were Israel, James, and Na- than, all worthy and industrious farmers. Judge Thom- as married the only daughter, Rebecca Monnington. Derrick Lukens emigrated from Germantown, near Philadelphia. His sons were John N., Daniel, Titus, and Derrick. He had several daughters, one of whom was the wife of the Rev. Isaac Brown. Her name was Mary, and another named Margaret was the wife of Col. Brush, who was the facetious and able sheriff of Wayne county ; after his death she married Stephen Mitcliell. John N. Lukens for many years kept TO WNSHIPS—I)A MA SC US. 133 a tavern on the turnpike between Damascus bridge and Tyler Hill. Da\dd Young first settled opposite Big Island in New York State. He was assessed in Damascus in 1801 and in 1810, and afterwards kept a public house therein. He subsequently bought the Yerkes saw-mill, situated on Calkin's creek, at Milanville, where he was killed by the caving in of a bank. He was a man whose loss was widely regretted. He had four sons, George, Charles, Thomas, and Moses T. The latter-named, who lives in Damascus, is the only survivor. Kathan Skinner, as aforesaid, was a son of "Admiral'' Skinner, and was a man of good natural and acquired abilities. He was a surveyor and for many years a justice of the peace. His wife was a daughter of Oliver «^> Calkin. He wrote the account of Damascus from ' which we have quoted. His sons were Col. Calvin Skinner, Albro Skinner, (the surveyor), Oliver Skinner, Irvin Skinner, Charles C. Skinner, and Heli Skinner. Irvin Skinner lives in Indiana, and his daughter Zillah is the wife of Wm. Stephens, of Illinois. Thomas Sliields. At what time he removed from the city of Philadelphia to Damascus, it is difficult to ascertain ; but, by the old records, it appears that at December sessions, 1799, Thomas Sliields was indicted for assault and battery upon the body of William Skin- ner, of which charge he was acquitted. Let it be re- membered that the man who in tliose days was not in- dicted for selling liquor without a license or of assault and battery, was destitute of popularity. In 1801 he VU HISTORY OF WAYNF COUNTY. was assessed as owner of two houses, three mills, thirty- four acres of improved land, and 4,356 acres of unim- proved land, all valued at $938.00, his county tax be- ing only $9.38, and in 1803 as owner of 21,457 acres unimproved lands. He l)uilt two saw-mills and a grist- mill on Cash's creek, and as the Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike road was not then made, all the irons i-equired for said mills were l)rought up the Delaware river in Durham boats. In 1810 he built the iirst Baptist church in Damascus and left it to that denomi- nation. Being a man of wealth and enterprise, he largely contributed to the prosperity of the place. He went back to Philadelphia, but, at what date, we are unable to ascertain. He came into the county to dis- pose of his wild lands. Dr. Freeman Allen was the first physician and sur- geon in Damascus, and Dr. Calkin the first in Cochec- ton. Dr. Luther Appley, who was from Philadelphia, studied medicine and surgery under Dr. Allen, and practiced many years with success. For his first wife he married Phebe Land, daughter of John Land. His second wife was Mary E. Effinger, a lady from Phila- delphia, who, as his widow, now resides in Honesdale. He left four sons, William S., Theron, Luther, and Mark Appley. Dr. William S. Appley became noted in his profession. He practiced far and near along the P]rie railroad. In consequence of liis temerity he lost a leg on said road. He is dead and Dr. Theron Appley is still practicing. Luther and Mark are farmers and luml)ermen. TOWNSHIPS— DAMASCUS. " 135 Alexander Rutledge, a native of Ireland, settled, in 1803, on the road leading from the Union settlement to the old gate house or Conklin place. His sons, who settled near him, were Alexander, Christopher, Ed- ward, and John. Charles Irvine, a patriot who fled from Ireland, at an early day settled in Damascus and married a daugli- ter of Oliver Calkin, of Cochecton. His son, Charles Irvine, was a long time a merchant at Damascus vil- lage, and is well known through tlie county as having been a jury commissioner. George Brown was assessed in 1806 as a farmer. If I am rightly informed he was the father of Isaac Brown, a Baptist clergyman, whose wife was a daugh- ter of Derrick Lukens. John Boyd was born in Philadelphia in 1794, and came to Wayne county in 1808, and finally settled on Damascus manor. He had seven children, two of whom are living: in A¥arren county, and two in Wa^aie. Thomas Y. Boyd, one of them, bought "The Tymer- son Mills" many years ago. He is a large manufac- turer and dealer in luml)er. He twice represented tlie county in the Legislature. The settlement of the northern part of the town took place later tlum the middle and southern part and was made by the Conklins, Tylers, Keeslers, Brighams, Sutliffs, Kellams, Rutledges, and others. At Galilee is a Methodist Episcopal church, a post- office, and several fine buildings, sufficient to form the nucleus of a village. Southward of Galilee, niauy 186 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. years ago, Neal McCollnni bought lauds aud cleared up a valuable farui. Plis family produced some of the most valuable articles of douiestic manufacture ever exhil)ited at the fairs i)f the Wayne County Ag- i-icultural Society. Mr. McCollum and his wife, wh(> were most worthy people, died some years ago, since which tlieir ingenious and industrious daughters, Catli- eriue and Mary, have prematurely followed them. Jonathan Dexter was assessed, in 1802, as owning two hundred acres of wild land. The Dexters, it is said, were from New England. Branningville took its name from J. 1). Branning, who built up the place. W. I). Guinnip now resides there. It has a good school, with a thickly settled neighborhood about it. It is a very pleasant place. Darbytown takes its name from N. S. Darby, wdio built a tannery tliere. In 1801, Solomon Decker, Keuben Decker, and J(j- seph Decker were assessed as farmers that had made respectable improvements. Tliere were other early settlers wliose history we have failed to obtain, the family names being Dexter, Guinnip, Branning, Bm*- (^hers, Bol)erts, Noble, Perry, Yerkes, etc. fl;d)ez Stearns, a son of Joseph Stearns, one of the first settlers in Mount Pleasant, about 18 — took up land and made a farm on tlie nortli side of the nortli branch of Calkin's creek, at the Great Falls, where John Leonard erected a noted saw-mill, subsequently occupied l>y Wood, Boyd fSz Lovelass. Under great disadvantages he obt:dned a good education and TO WNSHIPS— DAMASCUS. 137 took all the means in liis power to educate his chil- dren. He had six children, namely, David W., Polly, Harriet E., Lanrette, Irene, and Frances. The primi- tive settlers being mostly lumbermen located upon the alluvial lands along the river which they deemed the only kind of soil fit for cultivation ; hence, the progress of the town was for many years retarded. At length it was ascertained that the lands distant from the river, though difficult to clear, were, after a few years of cultivation, capable of producing larger crops than the river flats. This led to the taking up of the lands remote from the river, where were found some of the best lands in the county, in conlirmation of which, attention is directed to the farms of Asil Dann, William Hartwell, T. J. Crocker, and a score of others in the township. Several attempts have been made to divide the township, but the division, whenever un- dertaken, has been voted down. The old Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike road divides the township into about equal parts, but it does not suit the people as a division line. Having a descending navigation for lumber l)y the river, and access to the depots on the Erie railroad at Narrowsburgh and Cochecton, this township has facilities to market not exceeded by any of the river townships. The principal trading places are Damascus village, situated where the old turnpike road crosses the Delaware river over a splen- did toll-l)ridge, and Cochecton, a village located on the New York side, just opposite, and clustered along the Erie railroad, which road skirts the base of the 18 138 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. liills, leaving a broad flat between it and the river. Cocliecton is one of the pleasantest villages on the Del- aware, and its early history is inseparably connected with that of Damascus. Damascus Village. Before the division of the towns! lip into two election districts, the elections w^erc held at Damascus village, where the physicians were located, the chief merchants traded, the most noted hotel afforded entertainment, and where the first academy in the county was started, and the first Bap- tist church built. Here Walter S. Yail and Charles Irvine, tlie most popular merchants in their day, lived and traded, and were succeeded by Philip O'Keilly, (once the urbane and favorite clerk of Capt. Murray, of Honesdale,) who, as one of the firm of T. & P. O'Heilly continues in the same pursuit at the present time. There are several other mercliants in the vil- lage. Here now^ is the old Baptist church and cemetery kept in excellent order, and a Methodist Episcopal church and parsonage. From the beautiful residences of Charles Irvine and Mark Appley, situated on the road leading to Milan ville, is one of the most enchant- ing views of the New^ York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad, and of the trains of cars passing up and down upon the road on tlie opposite side of the river, that can be seen in Wayne county. MiLANviLLE. This village was the chosen residence of Nathan Skinner, Esq., and his family, and is sitnatied near the mouth of Calkin's creek. Its locality is memorable in tlie early annals of the town as the place TO WNSHIPS— DAMASCUS. 139 where the most desperate battle was fought with the Indians. Many years ago Eli Beach, Esq., built a large tannery there which greatly increased the population and importance of the place. Mr. Beach died some years since. At the time of his death he was one of the oldest and most noted tanners in the county, a man whose merits would have been appreciated and whose U)ss would have been deeply deplored in any com- munity. The tannery is now successfully carried on by Hon. J. Howard Beach, late Member of the As- sembly, and other sons of the late Eli Beach, deceased. About one hundred rods below the village are the Cochecton falls, which are the most dangerous obstruc- tion in the Delaware between Hancock and Lacka- waxen. Tyler Hill. This village owed its first importance to the enterprise of the late Israel Tyler. It has been much improved within a few years. Its shops and stores afford most of the conveniences needed in a vil- lage. The buildings display taste and neatness, and the private residences of David Fortnam and William A. Smith are very beautiful. Most of the timber having been removed from the forests of Damascus, the people have wisely turned their attention to agriculture. In 1878 there were 801 taxables in the township ; the valuation of property for county purposes was $672,582, and the amount of coun- ty tax was $3,362.91. There are twenty -one common schools, one Baptist church, three M. E. churches, one Roman Catholic church, and one Union church. 140 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Precedence is given to Damascus because it lias a larger area than any other township, and from the fact that there the first settlement was made, the lirst In- dian battle fought, the first mills built, the first raft constructed, the first justices of the peace appointed, the first schools established, the first Masonic Lodge instituted, the first turnpike road made, the first store started, the first church and academy erected, and the first bridge built across the Delaware river in Wayne county. CHAPTER XIL TO WNSHIPS— LEBANON. THIS township was taken oif from Damascus in 1819. It is bounded north by Buckingham and Manches- ter, east by Damascus, south by Oregon and Dyberry, and west by Mount Pleasant. The principal streams are the Dyberry, and its east and west branches, and Biff brook. These streams are lined on both sides bv steep hills, which are rough and rocky, and, excepting some flats, the land near the streams is uncultivatable. In the eastern part is a high, conical elevation, called ''Hickory Hill," about which there is some good land. The north-eastern part of the town is composed of TO WNSHIPS— LEBANON. 141 hilly and rocky land, and is unlit for cultivation. The chief ponds are the Upper and Lower Woods ponds, so called because John Wood owned tlie land about them; the Latourette pond; the Nilespond; the Rose pond, which was named after a man by the name of Rose, w^ho built a cabin near the pond, upon the now excellent and valuable farm of Sidney Coons; and Duck Harbor pond, about one-half of which is in this township. The greater part of the population is to be found along the old Cochecton and Great Bend turn- pike road, and on the roads leading from Riley ville to Dyberry, and along the road passing through Middle Lebanon. Beginning on said turnpike where the line on the east side of the township crosses the road and going west, the first old settled place is the farm of Samuel K. Vail. Adam Kniver commenced on the place where Walter S. Vail now li^^es, and Joseph Thomas on the farm of Samuel K. Yail. Kniver and Thomas left and John C. Riley kept tavern there awhile ; then Abram Mitchell bought the whole land of Thomas Meredith and lived there many years, when the farm was bought by Walter S. Yail, Sen., who sold it to his brother, Sam- uel K. Yail. Walter S. Yail, Sen., w^as a noted mer- chant at Damascus for many years, and a man much es- teemed for his probity and fair dealing. Kathaniel Yail, a brother of his, many years ago, represented us in the Legislature. Passing along, we come to the road which on the right leads to Equinunk. Here we find the store of Samuel K. Yail, the only one in the 142 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. township, and a church, called the " Union church." In this store is kept the Rileyville post-office. Pass- ing onward sixty rods we come to the buildings erect- ed by John C. Kiley, consisting of a large tavern house, and a store, now unused. Riley commenced here about sixty-five years ago and cleared up a large farm amd kept a licensed tavern from 1819 to 1836, and sometimes kept a store running. This is Riley- ville. Riley was succeeded by William Handell. Then the whole place was purchased by Francis Blair, who sold it to Patrick Shanley, its present owner. The road from Dyberry intersects the turnpike at this place. A half mile onward is the Lebanon Presby- terian church. Next are tlie farm and premises for- merly occupied by John Lincoln, Esq., who w^as an early settler from New England. The premises are now owned by Hiram Wright, who married a daughter of John Lincoln. A house of entertainment and then a licensed tavern was kept by Mr. Lincoln or Wright for several years. It had the reputation of being the best-kept tavern on the road. Next is the farm taken up and improved by William Adams, who was orig- inally from Delaware county, N. Y. He was a supe- rior natural penman, and was the standing assessor of Lebanon, while he lived in the to\\Ti. He was the first assessor in Manchester township, after its erec- tion in 1828, soon after which, he settled upon his Lebanon farm. Being engaged in lumbering, he lost largely by an unusual flood in the Delaware. George W. Adams and Henry Adams, of Dyl^erry, are his TOWNSHIPS— LEBANON. 143 sons, and Clayton Yale married his daughter. The farm is now occupied by the widow of Patrick Mc Guire. Seth Yale, a son of Esquire Yale, comes next. He married a daughter of John Douglas. All the im- provements on the farm were made by him. Next comes Shieldsboro', now owned by Elias Stan- ton. Kobert Shields, son of Thomas Shields, the great landholder in Wayne county and who in earlier days lived in Damascus, in or about 1835, (date un- certain) built a good dwelling-house and barn and erected a saw-mill at this place, and sent up his sons, Thomas M. and William J, Shields, from Philadeh phia to take charge of the premises, supplying them with costly musical instruments, a large library with globes and maps, and every needed convenience. But with all this they were not content. As desert-wan- dering Israel longed for the leeks, onions, and flesh- pots of Egypt, so did these men long for the crash, flash, and dash of the city from whence they came. After years of contention and discontent, they returned to their former home. Since that time the place has had a number of occupants. The next very old place was taken up by John Yale about 1810, but was paid for by his son, Seth Yale, who was always called Esquire Yale. His wife was a- daughter of James Bigelow, who was one of the first settlers in Mount Pleasant. She was an excellent, resolute, industrious woman. They had to battle with all the difiiculties and sufl^er all the perplexities 14A HISTORY OF WAYNU COUNTY. incident to pioneer life in an unbroken wilderness, l)iit tliey nnflinchingly withstood them all. Their works were herculean and amazing. He had to pro- vide for a large and increasing family, and she to card, spin, and weave the fabrics, or procure it to be done, wherewith to (clothe her family. He, with his sons, cleared up a large farm and erected good buildings thereon. Prompted by necessity and a love of danger- ous and excitin": adventures, he became a o;reat hunter. Once, in early winter, upon a very cold day, he shot and killed an otter on the ice at tlie Lower Woods pond. Laying down his gun, he put on his mittens and went to get his game. Before reaching it he broke through the ice where the water was deep. He could not get upon the ice. Again and again his attempts were unavailing, as it would continue to break under him. He w^is so far from home that his calls for help could not be heard, and benumbed with cold his strength began to fail him. Finally he resolved to make his last final eifort to escape. Throwing his wet mittens upon the glare ice as far off as he could reach them in that dreadful condition, he waited until they froze fast, then, having something to take hold of, he drew himself out upon the ice, and then rolled over and over imtil lie reached the shore. But he would have that otter. He broke down small dead trees, made a bridge upon the ice, and went out and saved it. Once his faithful dog, which would have risked its life for the safety of its master, was missing, and the Esquire, mis- trusting that it had broken through the ice in that TO WNSHIPS— LEBANON, 145 same pond, upon going tliitlier found it to \)Q a fact. With great difficulty he got the dog out, which was unable to go or stand. Though the day was cold, the Esquire took off his coat and wrapped it around tlie animal, which w^as a large one, and carried him home, a distance of a mile and a quarter, tlius saving its life. He was once a commissioner of the county and for many years a justice of the peace. It was al- ways his aim to promote peace. ''Was there a variance? enter but his door, Balked were the courts, and contest was no more." Esquire Yale had six sons and three daughters. Norman and Clayton E. Yale lived in the homestead house on the north side of the road, and John E. and Ezra Yale in separate houses built by themselves on part of the old farm lying south of the road. Franklin removed to Susquehanna county. Seth has been men- tioned. Eliza is the wife of Gilbert P. Bass. Try- phena married Fanton Sherwood, and Mary died un- married. Esquire Yale died in Honesdale some years ago, and his wife survived him but a few^ years. On the west side of the road, on the hill above the Yale farm, lives Charles Bennett, son of Joseph Ben- nett, of New England descent. Originally Peter Latourette, a blacksmith, commenced on the place and then it fell into the hands of said Joseph Bennett, who lived and died there. On the north side of the road the land was taken up about 1817, by Hugh Gammell, the grandfather of Hon. A. B. Gannnell, of Bethany. Hugh, for a second wife, married a woman by the name 19 U6 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. of Gillett, and GMinmell and her brotlier, named Elijah Gillett, owned the plac^e too^ether. Gannnell died there and Mr. Gillett and Mrs. Gammell sold out their in- terest in the farm and she went and lived with Aaron Gillett, a relative of their's in Salem, and Elijah Gil- lett returned to Connecticut. Most of the place is now owned 1)y Hora(^e W. Gager, who, })eing an enterpris- ing farmer, has nnich enhanced its value. Going on- ward on the south side of the road extending westward for eighty oy ninety rods, lie the old farms of Edward Wheateraft, Jr., and of Edward Wheatcraft, Sen. Now both are owned by Gates Douglas. Edward Wheatcraft, Sen., was born in Frederick, Maryland. According to old records he Avas the first settler in West Lebanon, he having bought one hundred acres of land and Iniilt a (^abin in 1803. His land, cal)in, and four head of cattle, were valued that year at $95.00, and his tax was eighty-five and a half cents. He paid for his land in money realized mostly from the sale of maple sugar. His wife was a daughter of John S. Rogers. They had one son and three daughters. Mrs. John Latourette was one of the daughters. Then be- low^ and north of the old turnpike lies the George Parkinson farm, the f]"ont part of which is owned by C. H. S(nidder. Parkinson was taxed as owning eleven hundred acres of land. It is probaV)le that he began in 1804. He was an Englishman, and by trade a wea- ver, but turned his attention to <*arpenter and mill- Avright work. He is renieml)ered as having been m very ingenious workman, and was the chief architect TO WNSHIP.S— LEBANON. 147 employed by Judge Wilson to build a linen factory at the mouth of the Paupack. Finding that Wilson was likely to fail, he took his pay for his work in land. In 1810 he was licensed to keep a public house, and he or his son continued in the business many years. This house was known from Newburg to Itha(!:a as the Cold Spring Tavern. Parkinson, finding the town to he settling up rapidly, built a saw-mill and grist-mill on the outlet of the Lower Woods pond, below a fall about eighty rods from it. In a year or two both mills burnt down, No grist-mill has since been built in tlie town. Benajah Carr, in or about 1811, took up the farm south of the Parkinson place, cleared the same, and in 1845 sold it to Charles H. Scudder and removed to Indiana. The next place westward on the north side of the road was taken up about 1814 by David Gager, who was a native of Windham county. Conn. His wife's name was Polina Bingham. They had children, of whom Rufus H. Gager, of Mount Pleasant, Horace W. Gager, of Lebanon, and E. B. Gager, of Tanners Falls, are now living in the county. Mr. Gager and his sons cleared up a good farm, and he died on the place. It is now" owned by Robins Douglas. Mr. Gager used to tell of the hard times, l)efore the war closed in 1815; how that leather was hardly to be had at any price; that pork was twenty -five cents a pound, and that he had given four dollars for half a l)ushel of salt. 148 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. The next settler on the west of David Gager was Joseph Bass, who came in with Gager from the same place. His wife was a sister of David Gager. There were fonr sons: Jason G., Thomas H., John W., and Gilbert P. Bass. The latter, wlio lives upon and owns the old homestead, is the only surviving meml)er of the family. There were three daugliters, one the wife of Charles Kennedy, one the wiie of Jolm Graham, and another the wife of John Spafford. The lands on the sonth side of the road opposite the said Gager and Bass farms were mostly taken np at an early day by John Lincoln and Elisha Lincoln, who sold tliem after a few years, since Avhich time they have changed owners several times. Fhilo Bass, Esq., son of Gilbert P. Bass, and postmaster, now owns the front part of the Elisha Lincoln lot. Silas Stevens, from Vermont, about 1810, took up the land north of the old turnpike, and in 1812 com- menced keeping tavern, Avhich business he continued the most of his life. The said lands on the north side of said road and one hundred acres on the south side thereof w^ere purchased by Bobins Douglas. Stevens had a large family, some of whom are dead and the others non-residents. John Douglas was a native of Vermont and settled on the south side of the road in or about 1810. Lie had one son, Bobins Douglas, and three daughters ; one was married to Jacol) Stalker, one to John Butledge, and the other, who is the only surviving meml:>er of the family, is the wife of Seth Yale. Bobins Douglas TO WNSIIIPS— LEBANON. 149 succeeded to the property of his father. He was an excellent farmer, and a man much esteemed by his neighbors. He left sev^en children, all residing in Le])anon excepting Mrs. Sally Holgate, of Damascus. Peter Latourette, a blacksmith from Orange county, N. Y., first began in the town, on the turnpike oppo- site Hugh Gammell's, and about 1887 removed ti> the farm now occupied by his grandson, George La- tourette, Avhere a small improvement had been made by one Perkins. Devoting the rest of his working days to farming, he cleared up much valuable land. He had three sons, Jacob, John, and Samuel : Jacob Latourette, a w^ealthy farmer in Orange county, N. Y., now deceased ; John Latourette, who took up land half a mile north of his father's, and, with his sons, cleared up a large and valuable farm, and built the best house in the town. Failing health induced him to sell his farm and buy a smaller place, and he and liis wife now live in the house formerly occupied by James Bolkcom, deceased, in East Lebanon. They liave four sons now living in the county, namely, Jackson, Nelson, Lorain, and Elijah. Samuel Latour- ette lives westward and adjoining the said John La- tourette's place, and lias demonstrated that farming- can be made remunerative in Wayne county by due tact and industry. For nearly one mile along and upon botli sides of the road from Tanners Falls to Cold Springs, the lands were cleared up and cultivated by the Latourettes, excepting tlie farm of James Get- tings that lies westward and partly adjoining the farm 150 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. of Peter Latourette. It was known as the Latourette Settlement. Galen Wilmartli l>e<2;an in early life upon lands sit- uated on the east side of the road leading from Cold Springs to Equinunk, about three-(piarters of a mile north of Cold Springs, where he cleared a farm and raised a family. His wife was a daughter of Peter Latourette. Finally he sold out to Michael Moran, who, for several years, carried on his trade there, as a cooper. The farm now belongs to Patrick Lestrange. Some of the family of Galen Wilmarth may be living, i)ut he and his son, John, have gone to a better land. On the same road northward, in 184^^, Thomas Moran ]>egan in the woods upon a tract of good land, and cleared up a valuable farm. He was a strong, pow^er- ful man, but he died when l>ut little past the meridian of life. His son, Thomas, is now in possession of the farm. Patrick Rodgers and Patrick Mc Kenny live northward on the same I'oad. D. Murphy owns a good farm on the northern part of the old Parkinson Lot. Going southward from the old turnpike, on the Middle Lebanon road, we come to the farm once the property of Josiah Belknap, who began tliere proba- ]>ly forty-five years ago; the property is now owned I)y some of his family. Jehiel Justin has occupied his farm, or a part of it, for forty years or more. When we first knew the place, a part of it was occupied by William Handell. Justin and his wife were from Connecticut. Their TO WNSHIPS— LEBANON. 151 ingenuity in making and man nfactn ring for them- selves the chief necessities of life sufficiently attests their New England origin. Mrs. Justin is so skilled in the art of making sage cheeses that they are es- teemed as rare luxuries. Al)iel Brown also owns a part of the old Handell farm. The excellent farm of Jackson Latourette was taken up by George Mitchell and his brother. When they owned the place it pro- duced the best oats that we ever saw. The farm is still in good hands. James Robinson took up, probably forty years ago, the farm upon which liis son, Franklin, now lives. He was an Enoflishman of learniui!^ and culture. John K. Robinson was his son, and Matthias Ogden mar- ried one of his daughters, Martin Kimble one, and Nelson Latourette, the youngest. John R. Robinson lives upon the farm first taken up by William Pulis, who made some improvement upon it and then sold it and removed to the West. Rol)inson has made many improvements upon every part of the place, erected a good house, and Iniilt one of the largest and best barns in the county. His orchard is large and contains a great variety of choice fruit. Henry Brown was proba))ly the first settler in Middle Lebanon, be- tween fifty and sixty years ago. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. His first wife was a daughter of Rich- ard Nelson. He had three children, namely, Ezra, Sarah Ann, and Elizal)eth. Ezra Brown lived near by and died many years before his father. Alonzo Hubbard married Sarah Ann, and Frederick Hub])nrd 152 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. married Elizabeth, wlio is now a widow and the only one of tlie family surviving. Henry Brown was a member of the Methodist Church, and during for- ty years of acquaintance Ave never lieard any one speak disparagingly of him. Abraham Bennett, a native of Orange county. N. Y., l)etween iifty and sixty years ago, purchased and cleared up a farm on the south side of the road upon which the farms of Milton Bolkcom, H. E. Gager, and Brice Blair are kx^ated. Industry, economy, and fair dealing were the prevailing traits of his character. Brice Blair, of Irish des(^ent, has a large farm lying east and northeast of the Bennett farm, and Henry E. Gager owns the farm formerly the property of James Blair. Milton Bolkcom lives upon and owns the farm on whicli he began when he was a young man. Lewis Sears lived many years upon the farm now owned by Stewart Lincoln. Lewis Sears, Jr., was his son, and tliere are several of his cliildren living in the county. Virgil Brooks, who owns a large farm upon which he l>egan when a young man, was a son of Capt. Homer Brooks, of I)y berry, in wliich town Yirgil was born. His wife was a daughter of Al)ram Mitc^hell. Many years ago Mr. Brooks liad the misfortune to lose his dwelling-house and all its contents by lire. At tliat time there were few if any tii-e insurance policies is- sued in tlie (jounty, consequently his property was not insured. The Bolkcom family. In lic, a passenger train has been for years run between Hawley and Dunmore. In 1829, a sur- vey was made to ascertain the most feasible route for a railroad, or canal, or both of them from the coal- fields of the Lackawaxen to Paupack Eddy. An act of Assembly was passed, Ttli of April, 1830, incoi-por- ating "The Wallenpaupack Improvement Company.'' Nathaniel B. Eldred, David Nol)le, Jeremiah Bennett, TOWNSHIPS— PALMYBA. 163 James M. Porter, and Evans Kees, very able men, were commissioners. H. G. Sargent, civil engineer, made a flattering report of the feasibility of making a double-track railroad from the coal mines to the forks of the Wallenpaupack, sixteen miles, thence by canal or slack-water navigation to Wilson ville falls, eighteen and one-half miles, thence again by railroad or by canal one mile and a half, down a declivity of three hundred and twenty-flve feet to the Delaware and Hudson Canal. The cost of constructing the w^hole was estimated at ^430,500. But the whole project failed for want of capital, and the Pennsylva- nia Coal Company afterwards chose a better route for descending from the head waters of the Wallenpau- pack to the Lackawaxen. The great fall of three hun- dred and twenty-five feet in the Wallenpaupack be- tween Wilsonville and the mouth of said stream, attests the astonishing amount of watei'-power afforded for the propulsion of machinery. Nothing of the kind of equal magnitude can be found in Northern Pennsylvania. If that power were all judiciously ap- plied, it would move more machinery than is used in the great manufacturing town of Lowell, in Massa- chusetts. The first fall, which is of about seventy feet, is a few rods below the bridge across the Paupack, at Wilsonville. Here, in the last century. Judge AVilson greatly benefited the first settlers by building a grist- mill and saw-mill. The next fall is called the Sliding Fall; then there are two more where the water falls 164 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. perpendicularly, about thirty feet at each, and the last is above Judge Cromwell's tannery, and is seen from the cars of the Honesdale Branch of the Erie R. Road. Below White Mills is an eddy called " Fish Pole Eddy," on the shore of which grew the lari>;est pine ever known to the lumbermen on the *' Lackawack." Charles Kimble put it into the eddy and ran it down the river to Philadelphia, for Mr. Hambleton. Ten or fifteen feet al)ove the ground it was forked, and had to be split in order to run it. At its stump it was eleven feet in diameter, and in jest it was called "The Fish Pole." The joke brings to mind the description of the enormous Norwegian fisherman : ' ' A two-inch cable he took for a line, For a pole he cut a tall mountain pine ; He caught a sea-serpent and cut off his tail, Then sat on a rock and bobbed for a whale." The north-western and north-eastern parts of the township are sparsely settled, and, although the agri- cultural population is increasing, yet the township is better adapted for trade and manufacturing, and may thereby become one of the wealthiest townships in the county. The township has one weekly newspaper, the Haw- ley Times ; ten common schools, including the newly established graded school, which has an hnposing building; one Roman Catholic churc^h. Saint Pliilo- mena ; one Baptist ; one German Reformed ; one Pres- ley terian ; and one Methodist Episcopal church. TO WNSHIPS—PA UP A CK. 165 CHAPTEK Xiy. TOWNSHIPS— PA UP ACK. THIS township was taken off of Palmyra in 1850. It is bounded north-west by Cherry Ilidge, north- east by Palmyra, south-east by the Wallenpaupack, and west by Salem and Lake. Most of the lands in the northern and eastern parts are unimprov-ed. The township is well watered, having the Goose pond in the middle of the southern part, and Long and Purdy's ponds in the w^estern part. The outlets of the latter- named ponds furnish good mill sites which are used ; Middle creek runs through the north-east section, and the Wallenpaupack furnishes one-third of the boundary of the towmship. So wide, deep, and slow-moving is the Wallenpaupack that a few years ago the Ledgedale Tannery Company ran a steamboat several summers on that stream between Wilsonville and Ledgedale, to carry up hides and take back leather. Silas Purdy, Sr., and family were the first settlers permanently located on the west side of the Wallen- paupack, about the year 1787. He was a farmer by occupation, and he had six sons and several daughters. His oldest son, Jacob, was the first blacksmith, and at the age of forty emigrated to the Lake country. Ephraim, the second son, built the first grist-mill, and 166 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. was patronized l)y Salem, Canaan, and all along the Lackawaxen river. It was built on tlie outlet of the Hallock or Long pond creek, and its location is still known by the old decayed timbers." Amos and Isaac Purdy emigrated to Ohio. Peter Purdy fell heir to the old homestead ; he was a blacksmith and built the first saw-mill on a stream on his farm, A public house was kept there many years, for it was once looked upon as the most important business location in the township, as it was when the first road authorized by law was laid out from Milford by the way of Blooming Grove to Hezekiah Bingham's, thence passing through Purdyville, and thence onward to John II. Schenck's, and thence to Asa Stanton's on tlie north and soutli road. Among the papers of Judge Samuel Preston is found a petition to the Judges of Wayne county to convene at Milford, Dec. lOth, 1798, asking for the confirmation of said road, signed by Willliam Purdy, Jacob Purdy, Solomon Purdy, Reuben Purdy, William Purdy, Jr., Ebenezer Purdy, Ephraim Purdy, Silas Purdy, Amos Purdy, Jedediah Willis, Solomon AYillis, Henry Husted, Ilo])ert Hartford, Elias Hartford, and James Hartford. We remember them all excepting Solomon Willis. The road was confirmed and a branch therefrom laid through Rollisonville to the cross-roads at Salem Corners. This shows wdio were the real resi- dents at that time. But to resume the history of the Purdy families. Elder William Purdy came to this township from Nine Partners on the North river in the State of New York, in 1792, with a family of six TO WNSHIFS—PA UFA CK. 167 sons and two daughters, and began two miles west of Silas Purdy, Sen. The lands were taken up two years before the family moved into the county. The minis- terial labors of Elder William Purdy, who was a Bap- tist clergyman extended through parts of Luzerne, Wayne, and Pike, from Wilkesbarre to Abington in Luzerne, and from Mount Pleasant to Paupack. He was one of the leading spirits in organizing the first Baptist church and the Abington Baptist Association. He died in 1824, aged seventy-five. Beuben Purdy, the eldest son of the Elder, located adjoining his father, and as a licentiate filled the pulpit in his father's place. He was many years a justice of the peace. He died in 1855, aged eighty-two. His son, PeubenR. Purdy, who was a popular commissioner of Wayne, and w^ho became the proprietor of his father's estate, died a few years since. Darius G. Purdy, his son, to whom we are indebted for much of the history of the Purdy family, is yet living at or near Purdyville. Solomon Purdy, the second son of Wm. Purdy, occupied lands adjoining his father on the north, w^as a prosperous farmer, and loved the sports that hunting and fishing afforded. He lived to the age of eighty years. James Purdy, the third son of Elder William Purdy, settled east of his father, and afterward purchased a farm on the Lackawaxen near Paupack Eddy, where he died, aged seventy. William Purdy, the fourth son, was a Baptist minister, living and preaching many years at Bethany, afterwards emigrating to the State of Ohio. Ebenezer, the fifth son, owned a farm nortli of his 168 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. brother Solomon, and died in the prime of life. Abner, the yoimgest of the family, removed to Ohio, and in 1876 was living at the age of eighty-six. We would not neglect to state that Silas Pnrdy, the first settler, died in 1814, and that Martial Pm'dy is yet living on the old homestead. The Purdys must have been of Puritanic origin, as they preached, prayed, and read in the sing-song tone of the old Puritans. Tliey were a quiet, peaceable, law-abiding, temperate people. They were more or less lumbermen, as the forests were then waving with the noblest of white pines. Simeon Ansley, a son of Major John Ansley, lived about two miles below Silas Purdy's, and there kept a hotel on the old Lake country road. Mifflin Ansley was his son. The Hartfords will be mentioned under Salem town- ship. Ambrose Buckingham, from Saybrook, Connecticut, about 1825, began at or near the line between Salem and Paupack. He was a very industrious man and the father of Emma May Buckingham, the poetess, and the authoress of the works entitled, ''A Self-Made Woman," "Silver Chalice," "Pearl," etc. Uriah Williams, a lineal descendant of Roger Wil- liams, lived in Paupack many years; his Avife was a Hewitt. George Williams lives on the old homestead. John H. lives at Nobletown. He had other children whose residences are unknown. Paupack has one Methodist Episcopal church, and in 1878 had six public schools. At Hemlock Hollow is a post-office, and about that TO WNSHIPS—PA UFA CK. 169 village seems to center the principal business of the town, and it is strange that it was not called Purdy- town, as it ought to have been. On or near the western border of this township was a dark, dreary sw^amp called "The Shades of Death." Chapman, in his history of Wyoming says, when describing the sequel of the massacre at Wyo- ming : "• The remainder of the inhabitants were driven from the valley and compelled to proceed on foot six- ty miles through the great swamp, almost without food or clothing. A number perished on the journey, principally women and children, some died of wounds, others wandered from the path in search of food and w^ere lost, and those wdio survived called the wilder- ness through which they passed, "The Shades of Death," an appellation which it has since retained." The settlers in Paupack, wdiose account is sustained by Miner, in his history of Wj^oming, asserted that there in that dread swamp a child died, and the fran- tic hunger of the sufferers led them to cook and eat it, the abstaining mother standing by and weeping. The next day they all crossed the Paupack, after which she w^ent back and drowned herself, to escape from the distracting memory of the tragic event. 22 170 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTER XY. TO WNSHIPS— CAN A AN. THIS was un original township, established soon after tlie erection of the county, in 1798. It then included Salem, which was set off in 1808, and a part of Cherry Hidge, since erected, leaving the township then bounded north by Mount Pleasant, east by Dy- berry, (now mostly by Cherry Ridge), and south by Salem, and west by Luzerne county. The northern part was taken off in 1834, to make up the township of Clinton, and in 1851, Waymart was scooped out of its northern part. Finally the territory remaining in 1851 was divided by an order of (iourt, of Febniary sessions, 1852, into Canaan and South Canaan. To give with accuracy an account of the first settlers, it will be necessary to (consider the bounds of the town- ship, as it was after the excision of Salem township. The township is well watered by the Middle creek and its branches, and the streams running into and from the ponds, the chief of which are called Elk Forest, Stanton's, Keene's, Hoadley's, and Curtis's ponds. The Moosic mountain runs through tlie north-western part of the township. The rest of tlie land is not in- conveniently hilly, has a south-eastern or southern declivity, and produces excellent crops of hay, coi-n, TO WNSHIPS— CANAAN. 171 rye, oats, and buckwheat. The old Easton and Bel- mont turnpike road, which was called the north and south road, was made and finished in 1819-i^O. Coach- es, carrying mails and passengers, ran daily upon it, and large numbers of cattle and sheep w^ere driven down and along it from Western New York to Easton and Philadelphia, for twenty-five or thirty years. It furnished what w^as then considered a convenient com- munication wdth Easton, from which the merchandise and goods used in the lower part of tlie county were transported in wagons. There w^as much travel upon the road. The Milford and Owego turpike was built or finished in 1815. Besides daily mail-coaches there was a constant stream of travel over it, it being then one of the roads lying in a direct line from the city of New York through New Jersey and Northern Pennsylvania to the western counties of New York, and many droves of sheep and cattle were driven year- ly in the fall months to market. The Honesdale and Clarkville turnpike, built in 1831, afforded the people of Canaan and parts adjacent easy access to the mar- kets at Honesdale. But the travel and business of the county having been diverted into other channels by the railroads, the said turnpikes, the making of which drew severely upon the resources of the people, have been thrown up, and, like paupers, are supported by the townships where they belong. We must now speak of the early settlement of the township. It has been stated in the former part of this work, that tlie object of the writer is to pre- 172 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. sent a history of those who first settled and cleared up the country as it was when God made it, with all its hills and valleys, lakes and streams. Asa Stanton, Margaret Bryant, of Bethany, daughter of John Bur- leigli, and widow Sarah Keed, of Honesdale, daugliter of Otto Wagoner, deceased, all born in Canaan town- ship, furnished most of the following history: y John Shaffer, originally from Germany, moved from Orange county, N. Y., to Canaan, in 1783. He hought a tract of land, and first lived on Middle creek, below the old north and south road. His son, John Shaffer, was born in Orange county, N. Y. His second son, Moses Shaft'er, was the first child born in the town. His third son, Samuel Shaffer, was born in the same place. John Shaffer had five daughters, all born in Canaan, namely, Catherine, married to James McLean, (who was killed by a limb that fell from a tree), Susan, married to Joshua Burleigh, Ef- fie, married to Jacob Swingle, Betsey, married to Edward Doyle, of Buckingham, and Polly, married to Samuel Chumard. The said John Shaffer built an overshot mill, upon the Middle creek, at or near the place always thereafter called "Shaffer's Mill." This was the first mill of any worth. There had l)een one ])uilt further up the creek, which had no bolter. The women sifted the ground corn and rye through sieves, Tnade of perforated buckskin, stretched over a hoop. Adam Wagoner. His granddaughter, Mrs. Reed, thinks he first came into the county in 1783, that he moved into a sugar house, built of logs and covered TO WNSHIFS— CANAAN. 173 with bark, upon the farm now owned by Edgar Wells, and thence moved to the farm now owned l^y Jonatlian Swingle, where he died in 1793. He had two sons, Otto Wagoner, who died about eleven years ago, aged eighty-two years, and John Wagoner, who died long ago, and four daughters, one of whom, named Sally, the widow of Frederick Swingle, deceased, is yet liv- ing, aged eighty-nine years. Adam Wagoner was of Pennsylvania German descent. Hans Sura Swingle, from Germany, settled in this township in 1783. He had six sons, namely, Conrad, Jeremiah, Frederick, Jacob, John, and Henry, all of whom settled about him and were successful farmers. He had, also, four daughters, namely, Katy, married to Geo. Enslin; Morilla, married to Henry Curtis; Christina, wife of Silas W^oodward; and Mary, wife of Moses Shaffer, all of whom have gone to their rest. The descendants of the above named family are so numerous that to give their names would take more space than can be spared. Perhaps there is no fami- ly in the county tliat has so well kept up its name and numbers as the Swini>;le familv. / Henry Curtis was a German. He came into the town about 1784, and settled on Middle creek. For four years he was in actual service as a soldier in Ger- many, and three years as such in the Revolutionary war. He had one son, Hans Curtis, who married Polly Wagoner, daughter of Adam Wagoner. George Enslin, a blacksmith from Ke\\^)ort, Pa., located at an early day. He had one son, Simeon 174: HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Enslin. fie had other cliildreii, all of whom are dead, leaving children now resident in the town. John Bunting, a Quaker, made the first clearing between Col. Asa Stanton's and the Swingle Settle- ment, near the old Cortright tannery. He made an assessment of the town, in 1800, when there were only thirty-four taxables, including Salem, Sterling, part of Cherry Ridge, and part of Clinton. He assessed to himself 446 acres of land. In the year of 1802 he was appointed the first justice of the peace in Canaan. Daniel Bunting, his son, succeeded him as assessor, and served several years, and then removed and settled on the west branch of the Lackaw^axen below Aldenville, took up a large quantity of land, and there, for some years, kept a house of public entertainment. All the families afore-mentioned, save that of John Bunting, were Germans. Their neighborhood was always known as the "Dutch Settlement." They were industrious, hospitable, and honest. There were no sharpers or speculators among them. They took up the very best lands in South Canaan. The history of the Stantons is given by Asa Stan- ton as follows: " My father, Asa Stanton, was born in Preston, Conn. His wife, Zibah Kimble, was a cousin of Walter Kimble. He first moved into Pau- pack, lived there one year, and, in 1790, moved to Canaan and located on the old north and south State road, about where I now live. He had nine children, four of whom besides myself are now^ living, -iiamely, William Stanton, of Waymart ; Levi Stanton, of Mich- TOWNSHIPS— CANAAN. 175 igan ; Louisa, who married Philander Bettis ; and Julia, who married Harrison Wentz. Samuel Stanton, a cousin of father's, settled in Mount Pleasant, twelve miles north of us, in 1791. Father built a large log- house and kept travelers and drovers. We had to learn how to do without everything that we could not raise or make for ourselves. Salt was brought from Newburg on pack-horses. The winter of 1792 was se- vere, and really terrible. According to father's account, the snow began on the 18th of November, and fell most of the time for two weeks. He had raised some corn that season, and he bought some rye, but it was not tit for food until it had been ground. So in the winter of 1793, Elijah Dix, Elder Elijah Peck, and he went to mill at Slocum Hollow, (now Scranton,) with three yoke of oxen and a span of horses, and, being snowed in, they were gone nine days. They fed out one-third of their grists to the teams. In the winter of 1791, father carried up provisions to Samuel Stan- ton's family in Mount Pleasant to keep them from starvation. Game and deer were plenty, or we should all have perished. He bought three hundred and twen- ty acres of land on the old State road, and three hun- dred acres around the Stanton pond, where he built a saw-mill. Father was deputy-sheriff of Pike county, under Abraham Mulf ord, and afterwards treasurer. He was elected colonel after the organization of the county. We sometimes went to mill at Slocum Hollow, some- times at Wilsonville, and sometimes at Ephraim Purdy's ; frecjuently we pounded our corn in a mortar. 176 HISTORY OF WAY^NE COUNTY. We made our sugar and sold some. Bees were abun- dant in the woods and the streams were alive with trout. Tlie first bolting grist-mill was built in South Canaan by John Shaffer. Before that a mill was built west of Lerch's for grinding corn. The first saw-mill was built by Amos Bronson and liis l^rother. Iron being scarce, they made the crank of a natural-crooked white oak. The first man that settled and made a clearing between us and the Shaffer Settlement was John Bunting. He ]>egan near the Cortright tannery. Daniel Stevenson, of Barnegat, N. J., was the first man that settled betw^een father's and Samuel Stanton's. Samuel Chmnard settled about one mile and a half above us, on the old road. He sold out to Hezekiah Leach. Samuel West, a Baptist clergyman, next be- gan north of us. His son, David S. West, who occu- pied his father's improvements, w^as a man of educa- tion and a noted surveyor. John Fobes, Esq., a justice of the peace, began at Canaan Corners in or about 1806, and Caleb Fobes settled on the widow Jonas Stanton place. Jonas Stanton lived on the flat called the New- man place, in 1811. Jacob Stanton, who settled and died at Little Meadows, in Salem, was a distant rela- tive of father. My parents, in 1817, went on a visit down East, and on their return in crossing the Dela- ware, a sudden storm arose and the boat filled with water. Father saved mother, but having on a heavy overcoat was carried down the stream and drowned. This was on the 12th day of November, 1817, at Co- (?hecton, N. Y. Seth Eaton settled at an early day TO WNSHIFS— CANAAN. Ill oil the old road leading from Canaan to Bethany. I used to hunt considerably on the head waters of the Lehigh and Tobyhanna and trap beavers and mar- tens. There nsed to be many beavers caught in Canaan and I have seen their houses biult three stories high. Father killed a number of elk, and Charles Stanton killed one that had horns eacli four feet long and they weighed twenty-five pounds. I killed six deer in one day, and one Imndred and two in one year, besides several bears and foxes. I have the horns of the great elk killed by Charles Stanton. The winters were not as cold then as they are novs', but were longer and attended with more snow. On the last day of March, 1804, father sent me to Major Ansley's, in Palmyra, to get a horse shod. The snow^ fell three feet deep and I was gone three w^eeks. I was born in Canaan." Among the other settlers who commenced at an early date may be named James Carr. He had four sons, namely, John, Thomas, Erastus, and James. John A. Gustin married one of his daughters, and Randall Wilmot, fatlier of David Wilmot, married another. Mrs. Gustin is yet living in Honesdale. There are many descendants of James Carr, Sen., in the county. In 1805, Elias Yan Auken was assessed for two hundred and sixty-four acres of Lmd. He gave the name to the creek on which he lived. Geo. Rix was assessed with two hundred and ten acres, and Justus Cobb with four hundred acres. Each was assessed for a house and a few acres of impro^'ed 23 178 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. land, the remainder of the hinds being in a wild state. Amos Bronson and his brother were from Schoharie, X. Y. The latter was an ingenious, self-taught mill- wright. In 1807, Daniel Jaggers was assessed with four lumdred acres, mostly wild land, lying east of the Shaifers. Wareham Day, fi*om Connecticut, mar- ried a daughter of Abraham Hoagley, a former justice of the peace, and was elected county commis- sioner. Vene Lee, of Connecticut, was a farmer and had two sons, Horace and John. Horace married Catherine Hamlin, and John married Eliza Chumard. William Griffin, from Connecticut, was a farmer aiid cabinet maker. He was also a Methodist local min- ister, who held meetings in barns in summer and in private dwellings in cold weather. Silas Hoadley, a farmer, settled above William Griffin's and was a man highly respected in his day. He had three sons : one, named Eli, was killed by a tree; one, named Oliver, died suddenly of heart dis- ease ; and the other, whose name w^as Luther, lived and died on the old place. Mrs. Mary Ann Sampson, late of Honesdale, deceased, the Avidow of Ward W. Samp- son, late of Canaan, deceased, was a (Uiughter of Silas Hoadley. Abraham Lloadley, who was no relative of the above family, settled on land north-east of George Enslin. He had two scms : one of them, John P. Hoadley, was the father of John K. Hoadley, Esq., of Cherry Jlidge. Miles Hoadley, the other son, left TO WNSHIFS— CANAAN. 179 H large family. The Hoadleys were all from Connect- icut. Abram Frisbie, a farmer, had three sons, namely, Solomon, Hiram, and Philemon. Solomon married Charlotte, the youngest daughter of Jesse Morgan. Hiram, yet li\dng, moved to Carbondale and kept boarders and wayfaring men in the first house ]>uilt in the place. It was excellently kept, as w^e well remem- ber. It is claimed that he took the first coal to mar- ket that was ever taken over the mountain to the Lackawaxen. Philemon moved from the county. Probably there are some persons living in Canaan who remember the widow Frisbie, whose peculiarities were such as to excite their recollection of them. Her clothing, which was. white, she manufactured from wool taken from living sheep. She had her shoes made from the hide of some animal that died a nat- ural death. She ate no animal food, and claimed that the command, ''Thou shalt not kill," forbade the tak- ing of the life of any living creature, and replied to the assertion that animal food is necessary to give men strength, that elephants, horses, camels, and oxen, which are the strongest of animals and have the greatest powers of endurance, live wliolly upon vegeta- ble food and refuse to eat flesh ; that the killing and eating of animals makes us gross, sensual, and cruel; and that the person who can wdth indifference see pain and anguish inflicted upon any of God's creatures, is but one remove above an idiot or a devil. To one who sought to convince her that lier belief was but a 180 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. delusive vagary, she replied that she was not afraid of going to any part of God's universe where she should repent of having been merciful to all his creatures. Noble woman ! She was in advance of her age. She could say, in the words of Goldsmith's hermit: *'No beasts that range the forests free, to slaughter I condemn ; Taught by that power that pities me, I learn to pity them." Her countenance was radiant with benehcence and very attractive. She finally returned to Connecticut, from whence she came. /^Joseph Cobb was from Tunkhannock and married Abigail Stephens. He had several sons, namely, Jesse, Joseph, Lovell, Noah, John, and Ebenezer. Asa Cobb, a brotlier of the said Joseph, lived on the east side of the Moosic mountain, on the road leading from Salem to Providence. He married Sarah Stephens, a very noted woman in her day, as she rode far and near in the practice of obstetrics. Providence was always spoken of as belonging in Salem, although it was in Luzerne county. Asa Cobb kept a tavern dur- ing his life and was succeeded in the business by his son, John Cobb, who married a daughter of Conrad Swingle. Her fame was known far and near, as she, in a iierce battle, with nothing but a stake, killed a large wolf, that was chasing her sheep. According to Mrs. Bryant, each family had a Noah, John, and Ebenezer. Cyprian Cobb and Ebenezer Cobb, of Salem, were sons of Asa Cobb. TO WNSHIPS— CANAAN. 181 Elislui Ames, wlio was an early settler near Pan- pack Eddy, is nientioned in an assessment of Palmyra made in 1801, as being in Canaan. He is supposed to be the progenitor of the Ames family. H. Ames, who lives on the old Milford and Owego turnpike, has been a resident in the town for many years. Matthias Keen, better known as Captain Keen, a native of Orange county, N. Y., first moved to Mil- ford, Pike county, and thence to Canaan, in 1815. He first lived on (3rchard hill, and made a dam at the mouth of Keen's pond, then called "Canoe pond," and built the frame for a grist-mill. About this timej in drawing a gun towards him in a canoe, it went oif and the ball was lodged in his hip. After he had suf- fered much. Dr. Mahony extracted the ball, but he was left a cripple for life. He erected the first carding- machine in that region of the country, and to it there was a wool-picker attached. Before this all the wool was picked and carded by liand, but the machine diminished much of tlie labor of the women, and Cap- tain Keen was complimented as a public benefactor. He built the first grist-mill in that part of the town, and Deacon Kufus Grenell was the mill-wright. In 1834, that well-known mill-wright, Huntington Collins, put up a saw-mill for liim. Captain Keen, who was a prominent Freemason, was a man highly esteemed, and was at one time captain of a uniformed company in Orange county called the "Hepublican Blues." He died in 1835. He had a large family, most of w^hom are in the grave. The following named were his sons: 182 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. George M. Keen, late of Prompton, deceased, who was a man of culture and of great moral excellence ; he has two sons, Spencer and Frederick, who reside in Honesdale, one named Mott, a resident of Prompton, and one daughter, who is the wife of William F. Wood, Esq., a former sheriff and prothonotary of the county. Matthias Keen, Jr., a farmer who lived and died in the county. eTames R. Keen, now living in Honesdale, aged ninety-one, who was many years a most elticient clerk of the commissioners of the county, and register and recorder. Ja(?ob L. Keen, once a popular commissioner of the county, is yet living in Canaan, near the Keen's mills, of which he is now owner. Eli C Keen, who settled near Keen's pond, was a soldier in the w^ar of 1812. James B. Keen is his son. Thomas Starkweather, generally known as Captain Starkweather, according to the remembrance of Asa Stanton, was an Eastern man and came into Canaan in 1811. Being an industrious, energetic man, he bought and cleared up a valuable lot of land, and finally set- tled at Canaan Corners, at a point at the intersection of the Milford and Owego turnpike with the Belmont and Eastern turnpike road, which was afterwards called Wayneville. The travel upon said roads being great, Mr. Starkweather built there a larire hotel which he kept for many years to the satisfaction of all travelers and with credit to himself. He built, also, a large store-house, called the "Variety Store," kept by Stark- weather and Robert Love. The place once had the promise of becoming a prosperous village, but it was TOWNSHIPS— CANAAN. 183 finally overshadowed hj Waymart. Wayneville, how- ever, was for many years a prominent place. George A. Starkweather, Esq., now living in Waymart, is a son of Captain Starkweather. Leonard Starkweather built the lirst tavern house in the vicinity of Waymart, about 1832, at or near the residence of Roswell F. Patterson, Esq., and the same was kept as a public house for many years. Previous to l)uilding there he was eisrht or ten years constal)le of Canaan. Tliomas Clark came from near Milford, Pa., and, in 1825, was licensed as a tavern-keeper, and rated as a merchant in South Canaan ; afterwards he removed to Canaan Corners and erected a tavern and a store which were attended by himself. After it became apparent that Waymart would be a place of impor- tance, Mr. Clark removed thither and built a public house, where he lived to the end of his days. He was an active politician, and once treasurer of the county. His wife was the daughter of Dr. Francis Smith, of Milford. The great celebrity of Clark's house was, no doubt, owing to the ability and taste of his wife. Said Thon:ias Fuller to Clark, whom he liked at once to flatter and to tease: "Tom, you do keep the best tavern and set the best table that can be found within my knowledge, or rather your loife does." Jolm Spangenberg, a brother of Thomas Spangen- l)erg, Esq., late of Bethany, while Canaan was covered with woods, began in the w^est part of the town, and many of his descendants are living in that vicinity. 184 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. The Spaiigenbergs came from New Jersey, and were of German descent. George Morgan, who died recently, aged nearly 100 years, was a son of Jesse Morgan, and moved from Salem. They came at lirst from Connecticnt. George E,ix located at the foot of the Moosic monn- tain, and the Milford and Owego tnrnpike was built past his liouse. In 1805 he was assessed as a farmer and owning 208 acres of land. He was always called Captain Rix, and w^as a prominent man in his day. Levi Sampson lived on the place afterwards owned by John B. Tntliill, Esq. There were three others of the family, viz : William, Elijah, and Ward W. Samp- son. They came from Connecticnt, but at what exact time (nmnot be stated. Some of the family lived on the Easton and Belmont tnrnpike road and kept the gate sonth of Canaan Corners for a long time. At a place called Millville, in the southern border of tlie township, is a thickly settled neighborhood or a scattered village which takes its name from the num- ber of ruills on Middle creek. The site of the old Shaffer mill is yet to be seen. Lerch's Corners, so called from the fact that P. W. Lerch, many years ago, commenced a store and tavern there, has all the coiiveniences of a village and is the only post-ofhce in Sonth Canaan. In and about this place is some very choice land. Near here, about forty years ago, a Protestant Methodist church was built, and twelve years ago a Methodist Episcopal churcli. [n the western part of the town is a Free Methodist TO WNSHIPS— CANAAN. 185 cliiirch. 8()iit]» Canajin luis three liundred and thirty- tliree taxjibles, with nme coinnioii schools. Canaan lias one hnndred and ninety-one taxal)les with fiv<' cH)mnion schools. Way mart, as has been already stated, was incorpor- ated in 1851. It appears yonng to me who can remem- ber sixty or seventy years back ; it must appear so to our veneral)le friend, Asa Stanton. But though young, it lias acquired an excellent character. Without flattery it nmst he said that as a law-abiding people, of high intellectual culture and moral exellence, they occupy an envied position. We wish to be relieved from the task of describing them individually. It would be like taking a measure of wlieat and examining each grain separately and ending perhaps in not finding one false or snmtty kernel. C. \1. Rogers keeps the old Thomas Clark tavern, and is a popular landlord. There is one Presb^^terian and one Methodist Episco- pal church, and two common schools. Numbei* of taxables, one hundred and sixty -five. 24 186 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTEK XVI. TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. ^piIIS was one of the fH'iginal townships, but poi*- J- tions were taken from it to form the townships of I)Yl)errv, Preston, and Chnton. But notwitlistand- ing all tliat luis heeii plundered from it, Damascus alone exceeds it in dimensions. It is 1)ounded north hy Preston, east \)\ Buckingham and Lebanon, south l)y Clinton and Dyberrv, and west l)y Snsqnehanna connty. 8ome ])art of tlie Moosic mountain on the ^yestern verge of the township is nncultivatai)le. Tlie rest of tlie townsliip is hilly; still the most of the hills admit of tillage to their very summits. The various hills and valleys present some of the most enchanting scenery in the county. Mount Pleasaut may be call- ed the Switzerland of Northern Pennsylvania. In the summer months it is almost a paradise; in the win- ter it has the climate of Siberia, a condition which, with slight modifications, is incident to the whole (county. The western branches of the Lackawaxen and I)y- l)erry and tlieir tributaries furnish al)U]idant water- power. The natui'al ponds are Rock lake, Bigelow lake, and Miller's pond. More turnpike roads w^ere made in tliis township than in any other. The Oo- checton and (ireat Bend tnrn])ikc road, passing TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 187 tliroiigh tlie central part, was incorporated in 1804. The road was tinislied in 1811, and tlie travel on it was very great, it being the nearest route from New- burg to AVestern New York. Daily mail-coaches, drawn by two span of horses, ran upon tlie road for years. Numerous droves of cattle, sheep, and liogs were driven upon it towards New York market. Al- most half of the houses on the road were taverns. After the Erie canal was built the travel was less, l)ut it was not until the completion of the New York A: Erie Railroad tliat it was almost wholly suspended. The Bethany Jind Dingman's Choice turnpike was incorporated in 1811. It aiforded convenient means of getting to and from tlie county seat, and was kept in order for many years l)y moneys received for tolls. Its course w^as south-east from Pleasant Mount. Tlie Belmont and Easton turnpike was chartered in 1812. It passed through the western part of the township and opened up a direct communication with Easton and Philadelphia, and for many years attracted a con- stant stream of travel, with daily mail-coaches, and droves of all kinds of live stock. The State of Penn- sylvania appropriated $10,000 to aid in the construc- tion of the road. It was of great importance to that part of the county through which it extended. But the building of other roads, particularly of the Dela- ware it Hudson Canal and Railroad, and of the New York & Erie Railroad, diverted the travel into other channels, until this once celebrated road was almost abandoned by the traveling public. 188 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. The Belmont and OglKjuaga turnpike, chartered in 1817, owed its existence chiefly to the exertions of T. Meredith, Esq., wlio owned large tracts of land along the route of tlie road. The settlers in the western part of Preston were benefited by it and it was sus- tained many years by tlie tolls taken on the road ; hut the same (!anses that lessened travel on other turnpikes, operated ecpially unfavoral)le to this. The turnpike :ip the west brand i of the Lackawaxen, bnilt many years ago, although a very useful road, not being self- sustaining, has been thrown up, and all the above-- named turnpikes, ha\'ing served their day and geuera- tion, have reverted to the several townships througli which they extend, and are kept in repair by them, as necessary for public use. The road from Pleasant Mount to Stockport is an old one, and was laid out in or about 1799, and has been, and probably it always will be, one of the most indispensal)le thoroughfares in the connty. What has been tlie enterprise of the people of Mount Pleasant may l)e inferred from the amount of labor which they expended in the l)uilding of the above-described roads. The early liistory of this township is exceedingly interesting and worthy of historical preservation. The first settler was Sanmel Stanton, of Preston, Conn. He came in June, 1789, and bought or con- tracted for three thousand acres of land, and the next year built a house on it, and commenced a clearing. His cabin was a little east of the old Easton and Bel- mont turnpike, near the present residence of H. W. TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 189 Muuiford. It was made of small logs and poles, cov- ered witli l»ark, liaving no partitions, and without windows. The iioor and dooi* were made of l)oards split out of logs. His houseliold furniture was scanty, and as homely as liis dwelling. He moved liis family into this cabin in the spring of 1791. Other settlers (iame in that year to commence clearing, hut they all left in the autumn, lea^dng Stanton and his family alone in that vast wilderness.* During the long and dreary winter they suffered from want of food and from sickness produced by destitution and, ^vhen on tlie very verge of starvation, a man from Canaan, hj the name of Church, came along, who shot an elk and gave the meat to Stanton, which relieved the wants of his family. At that time the snow was deep and the weather intensely cold and Stanton's nearest neigh- l)or, Asa Stanton, his cousin, lived twelve miles distant. Another hunter, named Frederick Coates, happened along, who, with said Church, went and procured other provisions for the relief of the family. In a few years, Stanton, l)y his industry, began to prosper. He kept, to the best of his ability, a puldic house. In a letter dated Oct. 5th, 1795, directed to Judge Preston, he wrote: "I had my house-frame raised last Thursday, and no one was hurt \)\ the timber. T will keep a civil house or none. Many judges, squires, and gen- tlemen have lately traveled this road to and from New York. I make more from people of tliis char^icter than I can hope to from a pack of drunken scoundrels. *See Whaley's History of Mount Pleasant. 190 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY, even if I did not ablior their practices/' Sucli was the first settler and innkeeper of Mount Pleasant. The next year, 1792, new settlers arrived, namely, Silas Kellogg, Elijah Dix, Jirah Muniford, John Tif- fany, and Joseph Stearns; and tlie next year Josepli Tanner and Amasa Geer, all from Connecticut, ex- cepting Kellogg, wdio was from the State of New York. He was tlie father of Azor Kellogg and Jirali Kellogg. Mary, his oldest daughter, was the wife of John K. Woodward, and motlier of the late Warren J. Woodward, deceased, and Jackson K. Woodward, late of Honesdale, deceased. Mrs. Woodward is still living, having outlived all her children. Silas Kel- loea* was elected sheriff of tlie countv in 1813. He died at Mount Pleasant at a very ad\'anced age. Jirah Mumford, from Connecticut, came into the town with Joseph Stearns, in 1792, but did not move his family until the next year. His sons were Thomas, Jirah, Jr., Minor, and John. His descendants are spread over the county. John Tiffany, of Massachusetts, in 1792, started with his wife and three children to go to Nine Partners, in Susquehanna county, but, coming to Mount Pleasant, concluded to stay and build a house on the Christopher farm. He was a useful man. Joseph Tanner, in 1795, built a frame house north of the present village of Pleasant Mount, and, in 1806, in company with a man named Granger, opened the first store and built a public house near it. Clark TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 191 Tanner was a brother of Joseph. He was a fariiiei* and brought up a family in the township. In 1795, John S. Kogers, a Qnaker from New Jer- sey, moved npon the farm since known as the Panl O'Neill place, and kept a tavern there during his life. He had eight (children. In tlie same year Joseph Stevenson, from New Jer- sey, bought near the stone school-house, a part of whicli is noAV the farm of Henry Gager. James and Isaiah Stevenson were liis sons. Oliver Stevenson, formerly sheriff of Wayne county, is a son of James Stevenson ; and Godfrey Stevenson, the present treas- urer of the county, and Arthur Stevenson, are sons of Isaiah Stevenson. In November, 1873, Jabez Stearns, then living in Damascus, l)ut since deceased, gave me the following account: "Joseph Stearns, my father, and Jirah Mnmford, came to Mount Pleasant from Tolland county, Connecticut, in the winter of 1792. They started from home on a snow-sled, each having a yoke of oxen, designing to go to a settlement called Nine Partners, in Susquehanna county. Finding that they '•ould buy land to suit them near Samuel Stanton's location, tliey concluded to go no further. In the fall fatliei' went back and the next spring brought mother and eight cliildren, and moved into a house that said Jirah Minnford had built, and lived there tlu^ first wintei'. h\ tlie spring he moved to a place near tlie residence of the late Hussell Spencer. I was l)orn there, June 18tli, 1798. Our folks brought clotliing for 192 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. themselves .-iikI cliildreii with tliein. Luxuries and superfluities were not tliouglit of. Tlie struggle was to ol)tain the indispensal>le necessaries for sustaining life. To tell tlie trutli tliere were times when om* family sulfered for foocL Fatlier went on foot several times to Great Bend after flour and hi-ought it home on liis back. Wild meat was not always to l)e had, and otlier meat was out of the (juestion. When it seemed as if we should starve, a deer would come, to all appearances providentially, in tlie way and be kill- ed, which would afl^ord food f(jr awhile. The settlers a.ll suifered about alike. Those vvdio had kettles made their own sugar. Mother used to tell me that she once went i]ito the wf)ods to gather sap, laid me down in a sap trough by a log, and w^ent about her work. After a time, looking towards me, she saw a large black bear taking a look at me and standing on the log by which I was laid. In terror she screamed aloud, (taught up a club, and, her faithful dog running to hei', they together made for l)i*uin. He walked away very leisurely, looking back at them and seeming to say, "You make a great fuss about a very small matter.'' She did not, as has been told, faint away. She was not subject to that infirmity. It has been told that it was my l)rother Aslil)el that the bear inter^^ewed, but I tell it as mother told it to me. At another time my brother Otis was carrying me; another In-other, my mother, and that old dog Avere along; we went down to near Zeb Hut creek where a log lay across the path, and tliere a bear, large enough to have devoured the TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 193 forty and two irreverent, prophet-insulting children of old, came and put his fore paws upon the log, and dis- puted our passage. Mother and my older brother, as- sisted by the old dog, made such a display of hostility that }>ruin abandoned his position and went his way. Sometimes, in those days, children were lost in the woods. Mrs. Jirah Mumf ord once sent her two daugh- ters, Deborah, aged six years, and Sally, aged four years, on an errand to a neighbor's. In returning homeward they mistook the patli and wandered off into the woods. It was soon found out that they were lost. The few settlers were notified and went in search of the children, but night came on and they were not found. The search w^as continued all night with torches and lanterns, and all the next day, but the search was unavailing. The poor mother was frantic with grief and anguish. On the third day the search was resumed with the utmost determination. At last, a hunter, who had been much at Mr. Mumf ord's, heard a little dog bark which went with the children. He iired off his gun to let the other searchers know that he had found the children. The little dog, when call- ed, ran to the hunter, but the girls hid in a clump of bushes. The company all came together and took the children to their home. Their mother, delirious with joy, clasped them in her arms and wept. The strong, hardy men of the forest c^ould not restrain their tear- ful transports of joy. The children said the iirst night they made themselves a bed of leaves by the side of a log, and that little Trip lay down l)y them, and that 25 194 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUiSTTY. two big (logs (probably wolves) came and looked at them ; but little Trip growled and barked at them and they went away. The next day they looked for their home and found a few berries w^hieh they were very glad to find, as they were very hungry. They had heard their names called but were afraid to answer, having heard about Indians killing children. Had it not been for faithful little Trip— had he, in his hunger, left them and gone home — they miglit never have been found." In 1795, Seymour Allen, from Connecticut, bought of Amasa Geer the farm that he first took up ; then Allen sold it to Ichabod Starks, who lived on it the rest of his life. Jacob Van Meter moved that year from New Jersey to the place lately occupied by liis son, Charles Yan Meter. Abram Cramer moved the same year from the Acres place, so afterwards called, situated on the old north and south State road, which is twelve miles below where Captain Phineas Howe Jjept his celebrated tavern in Sterling township, and settled near the Thomas Slayton farm. He built his house of hewn logs, and some of it is standing to this day. He was the grandfather of Abram Cramer, Jr., and of iJavid Cramer. The latter, in middle-life, left his home of comfort and competence and went in pur- suit of fortune's slippery ball to California's golden shore, and from thence to Australia and back again to California, and then home. He afterwards made fi\e or six voyages to California, and finally came home exhausted and enervated by his lal)ors and sufferings. TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 195 finding that bread is not always to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, and feeling as if lu^ could address a lump of gold in the following strain : ''For thee, for thee, vile yellow slave, I left kind hearts that loved me true ; I crossed the tedious ocean wave. To roam in climes unknown and new ; And now come home to find a grave, And all for thee, vile yellow slave. " x\bram Cramer, Jr., is still living in Salem township, and has a very large family of twenty-one children. About 1795, Benjamin King moved from Cherry Kidge and settled below the Benjamin Wheeler farm. He was a commissioner and for many years a justice of the peace. Robert and Benjamin King, of Star- rucca, were his sons. Charles King, a brother of Benjamin King, Sen., at the same time settled east of the Wheeler farm. The Kings were from Rhode Is- land. Elijah Peck moved in about 1795, from Connecti- (iut. He became a Baptist clergyman and was exten- sively known and honored as an ornament to his pro- fession. His oldest son, Elijah Peck, is living. Wil- liam Peck and Reuben Peck are deceased. Lewis Peck, Myra Peck, who married Jesse Dix, Joan- na W., widow of Giles Gaylord, late of Clinton, de- ceased, are all living. Elijah Peek, 2d, had nineteen children. From an assessment made by Joseph Tanner, in 1801, there were thirty houses or huts and fifty -four feaxables in: the township. Among these taxables, not 196 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. including the above named, were Daniel McMulleii, OaleV) Carr, Eliplmlet Kellogg, commissionerrt' elerk, Jacob Crater, who built a saw-mill and grist-mill on the west branch, David Kennedy, llo])ert Kennedy, Thomas Mumford, James Miller, ^Tathan Rude, Elihu Tallman, Sanniel Torrey, and Jason Torrey, surveyor. Daniel McMullen was a farmer assessed as havinuld do any good by preaching the gospel to his people. " You could do more good at something else," said Kude. "In what way?" said the preacher. " By coming and practicing it. I can preach some gospel myself, but I make stumbling work in practic- ing it." Samuel Meredith. We have received a full and interesting history of the Meredith family, from 1547, showing their extraction from the nobility of England and Ireland, whicth the want of space compels us to abridge. Reese Meredith, the father of Samuel Mer- edith, was born in Herefordshire, England. He grad- uated at Baliol College, Oxford, in 1728, and emi- grated to Philadelphia in 1730, and entered the count- ing-house of John Carpenter, a prominent merchant, married Martha, the youngest daughter of his employ- er, and was taken in as a partner, and succeeded his father-in-law in l)usiness. In 1766, Reese Meredith took in partnerhip his son, Samuel, and his son-in-law, George Clymer. He was one of the three hundred and fifty merchants and citizens of Philadelphia, who, in October, 1765, signed the celebrated Non-Importa- tion Resolutions. His son and son-in-law were also signers. During the darkest hours of the Revolution, his faith never wavered in the righteous (tause of the TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 199 colonies. When the patriots were starving at Yalley: Forge, Reese Meredith gave $25,000, in silver, to bnji food and clothing for the suiferers. He devoted his time to business, and it is not known that he ever held any public office. He died November 17, 1778, aged seventy-one years, leaving three children, as fol- lows: Anne, wife of Henry Hill; Samuel, (the subject of this sketch); and Elizabeth, wife of George Cly- mer, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Samuel Meredith was born in Philadelphia, in 1741, and was educated at the academy, at Chester. His fellow-student was Philemon Dickinson, afterwards his brothe]*-in-law^, as they married sisters. He mar- ried, in 1771, Margaret, youngest daughter of Dr. Thomas Cadwalder, of Philadelphia. Samuel Mere- dith several times represented Philadelphia county in the Colonial Assembly. In June, 1775, he was com- missioned mayor of the 3rd battalion of Pennsylvania militia, and was in the battles of Trenton and Prince- ton. Upon the occupation of Philadelphia, by the British, in 1777, he, wdth his family, w^as exiled. In October of that year, he received the commission of brigadier-general of Pennsylvania militia. In June, 1780, Gen. Meredith and George Cl^^mer each pledg- ed his property and credit that each would pay to procure provisions for the army of the United States the sum of $25,000. From 1783 to 1786 Gen. Mere- dith was in the State Legislature, and from 1786 to: 1788 in the Continental Congress, upon the organ- ization of the ^'overnment under tlie Constitution of 200 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. the United States, adopted the 17th day of Septem- l)er, 1787. President George Washington, on tlie 11th of Septenil)er, 1789, nominated Samuel Mere- dith as treasurer of the United States, which nomina- tion was readily eoniirmed by the Senate. He held the offi(?e through the administration of George Wash- ington and John Adams, for twelve years, when he resigned. Upon his accession to the office he was warmly congratulated by Alexander Hamilton, sec- retary of the Treasury, and, upon his retirement, Thomas Jefferson complimented him for his integrity and ability. In or about 1774, Meredith and Clymer purchased a large amount of wild lands in Western Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, in Delaware and Sulli- van counties, N, Y., and in all the north-eastern coun- ties of Pennsylvania, aggregating about 1,868,000 acres, worth about ten cents per acre. The payment of the taxes on said lands drew heavily on their re- sources. Owning a large amount of land in Wayne and Susquehanna counties, Mr. Meredith, about 1796, commenced making improvements at a place in tlu^ township of Mount Pleasant, which place he after- wards named Belmont. In 1802, he was assessed as having sixty acres of improved land and a dwelling liouse valued at twenty dollars, but as a non-resident. Soon after this he removed to Belmont and built a dwelling-house wliich cost six thousand dollars. To this place he retired from the turmoil of public life, and spent the evening of his days in quietude and se- clusion, and there died, February 10, 1817, in the TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 201 seventy-sixth year of his age. He had seven children. Noted among them were: first, Martha, mother of the late John M. Read, chief -justice of Pennsylvania ; second, Anna, mother of Philemon Dickinson, Esq., (who was for forty-live years president of the Trenton Banking Co.), and also of the late Col. Samuel Dickinson ; third, Tliomas ; fourth, Maria, who died in 1854. Thomas Meredith was born in Philadelphia, in 1779, and educated in the University of Pennsylva- nia, upon leaving which, lie made a voyage to India and China. He was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in 1805, to the Wayne county bar in 1810, and to the Luzerne county bar in 1816. He was prothono- tary and registei* and recorder of Wayne county, from 1818 to 1821, and held other important positions. In 1824, he opened the first coal mines below Carbon- dale, to which place he removed his family, about 1830. He died at Trenton, N. J., in March, 1855, leaving one son, Samuel Reese Meredith, who was born in Wayne county in 1823. In or about the year 1855, the latter was active in the formation of a com- pany called the Lackawanna Coal & Iron Co. The enterprise failed and he lost all his property, and bro- ken down and disheartened, he died in the Pennsvlva- nia Hospital, at Philadelphia, in the year 1865. Samuel Meredith, the first treasurer of the United States, was buried at Belmont, in Mount Pleasant, and it has been, if it is not yet, a matter of doubt ;is to the exact place of his interment. " So peaceful rests, without a stone, a uame That once had honor, titles, wealth, and fame." 26 202 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. h is strange that his wealthy children neglected to erect a monument to the memory of their patriotic father. AVould it not become the United States to appropriate a few thousand dollars to perpetuate the memory of a man who, in our early days, gave $25,000 to feed and clothe our suffering soldiers, and whose father gave a like sum for a like purpose i Republics are accused of being ungrateful, and the neglect or refusal of Congress to make such an appro- priation is strong confirmation of the justice of the accusation. It would be unpardonable to neglect mentioning Mrs. Sarah Benjamin, who was born in Goshen, Orange county, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1745, and who died at Pleasant Mount, in 1859, aged over one hundred and thirteen years. Her maiden name was Sarah Matthews, and she was married three times. Her first husband was a soldier in the early struggles of the E-evolutionary war and died of a wound received in that war. Her second husband,. Aaron Osborne, of Goshen, N. Y., was in the same war and came out aliv^e. She went with him to the war, and once when he was failing with fatigue, she took an overcoat and gun and in the night stood sentinel for him. Washington, seeing something peculiar about her, asked, "Who put you here?" She answered, "They, sir, that had a right to." He undei*stood the situation and passed on. She was at tlie 1>attle of Yorktown, passing to and fro like an angel of mercy, attending to and relie^dng the wounded soldiers. Washington, seeing and ad- TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 203 miring her courage and exposure, asked, " Young woman, are you not afraid of the bullets?" She jo- cosely replied, "The bullets will never cheat the gal- lows." At ^vhat time her second husband died I fail- ed to note down. She had five children, and outlived them all. Her third husband, John Benjamin, moved with her into Mount Pleasant, in 1822, and died in 1826. She was well pensioned by the government, but for all that she was very industrious, carding, spinning, and making the linest of triple-threaded yarn, and knitting it into hose. A specimen of her work, done when she was one hundred years old, was on exhibition at the Crystal Palace in London. I saw her at the house of Jonathan Miller, Esq., at Pleasant Mount, when she was one hundred and ten years of age. I was surprised at her cheerfulness and vivacity. She said she had heard that Esquire Bushnell had some very fine merino wool and that she wished she could get some of it, for she wanted to make herself up some clothing before she should be too old to work. Beside what I liave written above she related many other interesting events of her life. Ko])le woman I It is a pleasure to remember her. If we step forward twenty-one years to 1822, we find that the taxables have increased to two hundred and seventeen, and see the names of many men who settled between 1801 and 1822. Time and space will permit us to name briefly only a few of them. Eldad Atwater, a merchant, and father of E. M. At water, of Mount Pleasant, and Heaton Atwater, innkeeper, lo- 204 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. cated where Godfrey Stevenson, Esq., now lives, and (tarried on business there several years. James Bigelow was the father of John and Howe Bigelow. His daughters were noted women. Esquire Yale married one, Jonathan Miller, Esq., one. Deacon Tiffany one, and Clayton Eogers, wlio removed to the West, another. Buckley Beardslee's name appears in the assessment for Mount Pleasant for the year 1818, and is therein assessed as owning a house and farm. He afterward removed to Indian Orchard and bought the farm of AY alter Kimble. Jedekiah Bonham, the father of John Bonham, located in the township, in 1810, below White's Hol- low. His son, John Bonham, married Sarah, a daugh- ter of Harris Hamlin, of Salem. He has been dead many years, but she is yet living, aged ninety years, with her son, Hamlin Bonham. She has several children living. Mrs. Sarah Bonham tausiht a school in Salem in 1804, when she was only fourteen years of age. That was seventy-six years ago. Although she is very deaf, her memory and intellectual powers are unim- paired . William Stark and Luther, called Major Stark, Avere orothers from Vermont. David and Hiram were sons of Luther. He had a number of daugl iters; Munson Sherwood married Carissa; Colin Hayden, Terrissa; Horace White, Lorinda; Charles Stearns, Julia Ann; and William Adams also married one of the dauo-hters. '&' Silas Freeman. Tlie following are the names of TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 205 his children; Col. Calvely Freeman was a noted sur- veyor. In 1850 he represented the county in the State Legislature. He was the father of E. B. Freeman, of Honesdale. Sally, wife of Alvah W. Norton, Esq.; Silas, Jr., and Sidney, both deceased; Polina, wife of Warren W. Norton; Pamelia, wife of Franklin Wheeler; Fanny, wife of Earl Wheeler, Esq.; Rodney Freeman, who moved to Connecticut, and Margaret, wife of John B. Taylor. Ezra Bartholomew and Wooster Bartholomew came into the county together. Ralzamon Bartholo- mew was the only son of Ezra. His oldest daughter was the wife of Baxter Bic^knell; after the death of Bicknell she married James Bolkcom, of Lebanon township. After the death of Ezra Bartholomew his widow^ was married to Elder Chase, a Baptist preacher. The above mentioned three families came into the township in or about 1810 from Connecticut. Dr. Urial Wright settled in the town 'in ] 814. He came from Berkshire county, Massachusetts. His an- <*estors were people of note. Asa Wright, his grand- father, was an architect and planned and superintended the building of Dartmouth College, where his father. Dr. Asahel Wright, (the father of Urial Wright,) was afterwards educated, and who w^as appointed physician and surgeon in the Navy during the Revolutii^marj^ war. He had seven sons, all but one of whom became professional men. The oldest, Asahel, was a lawyer; Worthington, a Presl)yterian minister, who also studied medicine and practiced for a time. Dr. Erastus Wright 206 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. settled in Salem and practiced there during his life. So that at one time there were the father and six sons all in the practice of medicine. There was not a fail- ure among them. Dr. TJrial Wright practiced through a wide extent of territory for fifty-two years, and died in September, 1866, aged seventy-six years. Dr. Rodney Harmes, as a physician and surgeon, located in the village of Pleasant Mount, in 1837. He was from Sullivan county, N. Y. He is the oldest practicing physician in the county, and is yet at his post. His reading has been extensive upon all sub- jects and his practice successful. He is not in danger of being outrivaled, except by his own sons. The first resident physician was Dr. Asa Parks, wlio, after practicing four years, removed to Montrose. The next was Dr. John P. Kennedy, who came in 1811 and removed in 1815. Dr. Jonathan French came in with Dr. IJrial Wright. He stepped outside of his profession and engaged in lumbering, which he found unprofitable. After three years he returned to Mas- sachusetts. After 1834 Dr. Edwin Eldridge practiced a little for two years, and Dr. Frederick Tracy, after 1851, about the same time. All the above physicians, excepting Wright and Harmes, lacked the gift of con- tinuance in well doing. The White family. Ezekiel White, from Massa- chusetts, a lineal descendant of Peregrine White, who was the first white child born at Plymouth Rock Col- lony, came to Mount Pleasant by the way of Cocliec- ton, in 1819, with his son, Ephraim Y. White, who at TOWNl^HIFS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 207 that time was sixteen years old. Ezekiel White had six sons, Molby White, Ephraim Y. White, Leonard White, Gerrison White, Philip White, E. Bates White, and six daughters. Ezekiel White made the first axes in Pleasant Mount. Then he worked in White's PIol- low. Ephraim Y. White married Elizabeth Mason, of Mount Pleasant. He moved to Dundaff and manu- factured axes and edge-tools there. Then he w^ent to Seelyville where Burke cfe Story were then running a shovel factory, and there for awhile he made axes and edge-tools. After this he erected a good house and built a substantial shop above No. 2, on the Dela- ware and Hudson railroad. The machinery was run by water, but the Delaware and Hudson canal needing the water, he removed to or near Tracyville and there built a large factory which was run by wa- ter-power, and there a large amount of business was done in the manufacture of axes, scythes, and edge- tools. The whole family of Whites were noted foi* their skill in the w^orking of iron and steel. Their axes and scythes were generally used in the county and were sought for abroad. Since the death of E. Y. White, in 1866, the factory at Tracyville has been under the direction of his son, Gilbert White, who sends to market fifty dozen of axes per week. There is a branch of the White family in the Lackaw^anna Yalley, wlio manufacture axes of a very superior (juality. David Hoi'ton began at the place now occupied by J. W. How^ell, and there kept public house during his 208 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. life-time, mid liis widow, Cornelia Horton, continued the business many years. John and David Howell were both rated as farm- ers. Thomas Lillibridge married a daughter of Sam- uel Stanton. She was the first white child born in Mount Pleasant. He was an active lumberman and farmer, but finally removed to the West. Dr. Lilli- bridge was his son. x\ndrew Lester, of Revolutionary stock, and his ^\dfe were both from Conn. He settled in the town in his youth. He died in September, 1869, aged ninety-two years, and his wife died soon after, n^Qi\ ninety years. They were the parents of Orrin Lester, Esq. David M. Mapes was assessed as a merchant; his occupation was valued at fiYe hundred dollars. He was the progenitor of the whole Mapes family in the tow^n. Ebenezer and Thomas Slayton w ere assessed as own- ing the farm of O. Kelly, on the west branch, where Thomas used to keep a licensed tavern. Alpheus W. Stephens and Sylvanus Gates lived near Ezra Spencer^s, and w^ere the progenitors of the Grates family in that region. John Fletcher lived Avest of B. M. AVih-ox and was killed by the kick of a horse, LLis son, Philander Fletcher, has one of the most profitable orchards in the town. William and Benjamin Fletcher, farmei's, were twins, and brothers of John Fletcher. We find David Saunders assessed with a good prop- TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 209 erty, and also Sliepard Saunders, but from whence they came and the exact time of their settlement we cannot ascertain. We lind there are many in the county by the name. John Sherwood was assessed with two hundred acres of land with improvements in 1818. lie w^as the father of John B. Sherwood. Solomon Sherwood was assessed in 1822 with one hundred and twenty-five acres and improvements. Years afterwards we meet with the names of John F, Sherwood, Nathan J. Sherwood, Munson Sherwood, and Amos O. Sherwood as prominent men in business and property. Benjamin Wheeler settled on that pleasant farm now owned by W. P. Kennedy. He w^as the father of Hiram J. Wheeler, of Clinton, and of Ambrose Wheeler, of Honesdale. He was a soldier of the Revolution. Truman Wheeler was oi another family. He set- tled on the north and south road below Belmont. He was a man of education and for many years a justice of the peace. He removed to the West. Aaron G. Perliam was assessed in 1818 with one liundred and sixty acres of land, with buildings and appurtenances, situated south-east of the Bigelow lake. This is supposed to be the farm now owned by S. G. Peril am. The persons above named, whose places of nativity are not mentioned, were natives of the Eastern States. Joseph Monroe, a native of Connecticut, about 1820 27 210 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. settled near where the Johnson's creek crosses the Stockport road. In 1822, lie was assessed as having- tifty-tive acres of hind. He was the fatlier of N. A. Monroe, and was an excellent mason. Patrick Connor, Panl Mc Avoy, Wilhani McAvoy, and John Fhinagan were the first Irishmen we lind assessed in the township. Before 1840 Philip Brady and Patrick McDermot settled near the Kock pond. Others settled on the road extending from Paul O'NeilFs to the Stockport road. The settlement was called Bangall, so named by Joseph Bass, of Lebanon, w^io, admiring the rnpid progress of the settlers, ex- (^laimed, "They bang all!" whence it took the name of Bangall. In a few years the sturdy yeomanry felled the forest and cleared up good farms, making the country to bud and blossom like the rose, and in a few years built the St. Juliana Roman Catholic (^hun^li, now in chai'ge of Rev. John J. Judge, as pas- tor. At South Pleasant Mountain is the St. Cecdlia Roman Catholic? church, attended once a month from Rock Lake. The post-olMce in Bangall is called Rock Lake post-officie. I^aul O'Neill, at an early day, settled on the old Jolm S. Rogers farm, at what exact time w^e cannot say, but he w^as there according to our re- meml)rance forty years ago. He was a good, genial, kind man. No one ever went hungry from his door. The O'Neills in the township, who are all prosperous farmers, are too numerous to be named. About 1840, the McGiverns settled on the west side of tlie Dyberi-y, bchnv Paul O^Neill's, and n(>w TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT. 211 have good farms. About 1852, a settltMnent was be- gun bj the Fives, Haggertys, and others, west of the Dyberry, in the south-east corner of the township. The vilhige of Pleasant Mt. has all tlie conveniences of a village, with a numl)er of stores, shops, a black- smith-shop, two taverns, a Presbyterian, a Methodist, and an Episcopal church. The Pleasant Mount Academy within a few years past has acquired a high celebrity and is deserving of a liberal share of public patronage. Whites Yalley has a M. E. church, store, post-office, several shops, a saw-mill, and a good school building. Joseph L. Terrell, deceased, lived many years in this place as a merchant and a man of business. There are many agreeable associations connected with the past history of this village. Mount Pleasant produces good crops of corn, rye, oats, buckwheat, and potatoes; but the soil is best adapted for grazing, and for the production of apples, pears, and cherries. More attention is paid to dairy- ing than to any other branch of farming. Until about 1835, the most of the people were of New England origin, since wdiich time large acces- sions have been made by Irish settlers, wdio now com- pose nearly if not one-third of the population. There are a few Germans along the Clinton line, near which they have a German Lutheran church. Forty or fifty years ago, the Pages, Abbots, Fitzes, and other English emigrants settled at different times and in different places, and by tact and industry be- 212 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. came the owners of good farms, among whom is Sam- uel Brooking, who has demonstrated that farming can be made highly remunerative in Mount Pleasant. The township has sixteen common scliools, including one independent district, and four hundred and nine- ty-one taxables. They only who felt and saw the suiferings and pri- vations of the first settlers, could justly descril)e their trials. They could not live without shelter, food, and raiment; to procure these required all their care and industry, and, after they had done their best, their sufferings were appalling. The howling wolf stood i>utside their folds ready to devour their flocks, while the gaunt wolf of want entered their huts and stared them in their faces, but they wavered not. They over- came almost insurmountable obstacles and forced na- ture to yield them a subsistence, for they were no ordi- nary men. There were no pigmies among them. The taper lingers of modern effeminacy could not per- form the wonders which they wrought. After the storm was passed they smiled and forgot its ravages. Hence Samuel Stanton Avrote some poetry, and, in 1796, sent it to Judge Preston ; from its tone one might be led to suppose that there had never been mucli want in Stanton's neighborhood, but perhaps he claimed some poetic license. It is evident that he was not studying English grammar at the time. The caption of his poetry was ''The Golden Age of Mount Pleas- ant, from 1791 to 1796, while eighty-two miles from Easton, the seat of justice." TOWNSHIPS— MOUNT PLEASANT 218 [There was no law put in force but the law of forbearance. Having no law, the people were a law unto themselves.] Secluded here from noise and strife, We lead a quiet, peaceful life. No loungers here with poisonous breath, No doctors here to deal out death. No trainings here, nor such like trash. To waste our time and spend our cash ; Nor town-meetings to choose our masters, To make us slaves and breed disasters. No priest sends round his man for pay. Because that he did preach and pray ; For we believe that grace is free To all who wish to taste and see. No jockey merchants here prevail, To trust their goods, then send to jail ; Nor fiddling, strolling players dare Infest the place, our youth to snare. 8ome slaves, to forms may now inquire, Have you no court-house, jail, or squire? While all are honest and sincere, What need of court or prison here ? Have we a cause to settle? then We leave it to judicious men To search the matter well, and we To their just judgments do agree. The noise of war, or the excise, Does neither vex our ears nor eyes ; For we are free from every tax. And stay at home and swing the ax . Our com we pound, our wheat we boil. Thus eat the product of our soil. Sweet Independence here does reign, And we've no reason to complain. 214 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Yet we, like others, still look on Till we shall get our mill to run ; Then we'll not jjound and boil again, But live in style like other men. From sheep we make our clothing warm, In which we face the wintry storm ; They likewise give us meat and light. To feast by day and see by night. Do we want wild meat, then we kill Elk, deer, or bear, and eat our fill. Sometimes we've fowl and sometimes fish, But rarely meet an empty dish. Here healing herbs and roots do grow. And sugar-jiiice from maples flow. Molasses, vinegar, and beer. Are made from sugar- orchards here. Sometimes we live on pork and peas, • Then milk and honey, butter, cheese; Plain food and exercise agree To make us happy while we're free. Saimiel Stanton, near the close of his life, removed from Mount Pleasant to reside in the western part of this State. He had l)een appointed a commissioner to construct a State road in that region. He left his family on the west l)ranch and went on business to Harrisburg. On his return lie came to Belief on te in Centre county and stopped with his friend, Judge Burnside, where he was taken sick and died, April 15th, 1816. He assisted in organizing the first Baptist Church in Mount Pleasant. He is represented as hav- ing been a most worthy man. TO WNSHIPS—B UCKINGHAM. 215 CHAPTER XVII. TO WNSHIPS—B UCKINGHAM. rpniS was one of the original townships, and once in- 1 eluded Manchester, Scott, and part of Preston. In its present contracted limits it is bounded eastward by the Delaware river, south by Manchester, west l)y Mount Pleasant, Preston, and Scott, and terminating in its northern extremity upon Shrawder's creek. High ridges of hills, except where they are broken by the passage of streams, rise above the river alluvions. Westward of the hills are some good, arable lands, including Kingsbury Hill, Jericho, Brownsville, Wal- lersville, tlie southern part of tlie township, and the vicinity eastward and northward of the village of Como. Fork Mountain pond. Lizard lake. High lake, Preston lake, and Nabby's lake are tlie chief bodies of water. The main streams running into the Dela- ware are the Shehawken,* Big Equimmk, and Tock Pollock. The river flats were taken up and settled at an early day. It was many years before any clearings *This is the orthography used in okl records. In one in- stance it is spelled " Sliehocking. " But the word is now some- times spelled "Chohocking," which is neither Indian nor Eng- lish. 216 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. woi'o iiifule or any house built upon the uphmds. From an assessment made by Bhickall W. Ball, in 1806, it appears that there were in the township twenty-live houses, assessed to twenty-one persons, valued at 5^6,229 ; N'aluation of personal property and seated lands in 180B, $11,454; valuation of same in 1878, $280,273; number of neat eattle in 1806, sixty; valu- ation of same, $635.00; number in 1878, one hundred and twenty-seven ; valuation of the same, $3,360. Copy of part of said assessment of 1806, showini*: the names of persons owning houses, mills, neat cat- tle, etc.: 2- S -rt I d 1 OS hJ 1 Ti Oi > o . ^ in ; 840 mackallW. Ball... 8 John Bavriger 5 ...I Simon Peter Cole. . 2! ... Nathan Cole 5| ... Joseph Cole ' 2 255 ' Peter Cole 5 249, Abraham Dillon..., 12 328, Geo. W, Hubhell...! 4 ...; Adam Kniver j 40 560 eTohn Knight • ...' Nathan Mitchell.. i ...| Thaddeus Newton, i 20 Paul Newton j 5| ...j Benjamin Owen...! 30| ... Samuel Preston... 130 711 Sylvester Roylston . . . i ... Benjamin Sands... 20 ...! Thomas Travis 20 470 Benjamin Thomas 4 256 Oliver Tyler ' ..., 445 j William White....' 4' ... Eleazer Ogden | ... ...| Ezra Newton i .,.! ...1 3i3i ..I sis! 2 '$ 1 1 1 ! 1 I 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 ! 1 i 1 I 1 I 4 ! 5 10 10 15 15 40 25 20 24 40 75 45 15 1090 ! 2, s I > 1 % 20 80 $ 10 1 < 80 . . 75 3 I '366 100 2 20 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 2 20 1 10 2 20 7 70 1 10 201 10; o 10 lOi $40 40 40 Farmer Wheelwright Farmei- TO WNSHIPS—B UCKINOHAM. 217 The first man who commenced on the Delaware river in Buckingham, was Samuel Preston, Sen., a Quaker, born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania. He began to make an improvement as early as 1789. He had been all through Luzerne county and the northern part of Wayne county examining the country for the selection of a proper site for starting a village, under the patron- age of Henry Drinker, a wealthy Quaker of Phila- delphia, and a large land-holder. A place was selected upon tlie Susquehanna river, now in Susquehanna county. Pa., and called Harmony, which location suit- ed Drinker, but Preston preferred Stockport. He, however, assisted in laying out and building up Har- mony, from wdience men went to help Preston on wdtji his improvements, and a road was cut out from Stock- port to Harmony. Mr. Preston named his chosen location Stockport, and the township Buckingham — names well known in England from whence the Pres- ton family came in the days of William Penn. His correspondence was very extensive, the most of which he preserved. He was a man of genius and a good mathematician. He built the first mills in Bucking- ham, and in 1806 had cleared up one hundred and thirty acres of land. He greatly promoted the settle- ment of the town, every one being welcome. He made frequent journeys to Bucks county. He brought his iron and merchandise up the Delaware river in Dui-- ham boats, which were pushed up the river by setting- poles, except in ascending Foul Rift and other swift waters, w^here tlie boats were drawn upward by long 28 218 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY ropes extending to the shore. In 1793, he was mar- ried in Bucks county to Mercy Jenkins, a Quakeress. Within a year he moved his wife to Stockport. He had many peculiarities, l)ut they were harmless.* For one lialf of the men that he knew he had nicknames, and many of them were laughal)ly appropriate. He was appointed the lirst associate judge of the county, and at December sessions, 1798, charged the first grand jury impaneled in the county. At a good old age he died peacefully at his residence at Stockport. Samuel Preston, Sen., left three sons and one daugh- ter. Paul S. Preston, the oldest of the sons, married Maria, a daughter of Samuel H. Mogridge, who came from England and settled in Mtmchester township. She was a cousin of the celebrated Matthias Mogridge, Esq., and, although older than her luisband, outlived liim several years. She was a remarkable woman, in- dustrious, frugal, hospitable, and never forgetful of the poor and needy. She brought up fifteen orplian children. Surely her memory is blessed. Having his *Once the Judge asked a man to dine with him who said he. was not at all hungry. Soon after the man said, "I guess I will take some dinner," and drew up to the table. The Judge reached over and took away the man's plate, knife, and fork. Supposing it to be a joke, the man asked Mrs. Preston for a new set. "Thee need not let him have any," said the Judge. Then addressing the man, he said, "Thee cannot now eat at my table. Thee said thee was not hungry. If thee is not hmi- gry, thee ought not to eat ; and if thee is hungry, then thee hast told a lie, and I tlo not wish to eat with a liar." The man left. TO WNSHIPS—B UCKINGHAM. 219 father's assistance, Paul early acquired a good educa- tion, and in 1828 was elected sheriff of the county, and in 1835 was appointed, bv Gov. Ritner, clerk of tlie several courts of Wayne county, and register and recorder. He had a good library, was Avell ac- (juainted with all the English classics, and fully under- stood the history and Constitution of his own country. Having Quaker proclivities, he was conscientiously opposed to slavery. He was honest in all things and he never attempted to make the worse appear the l)et- ter reason. His professions were his convictions. As he advanced in life he was often heard to say that he had received his three sufficient warnings and that he hoped that his exit would be sudden. His prayer was Nouchsafed him. He died suddenly at Stockport sta- tion, in September, 1873, aged about seventy-seven years. " After life's fitful fever he sleeps well." Samuel Preston, Jr., Avas an excellent farmer, and while he was able to work, superintended the whole business upon the farm. He was an unwavering abolitionist. His hatred of slavery was intense. He was ever ready to contribute of liis means to aid the fugitive slave. His opposition to slaAcry arose from his hatred of all wrong, and lie could not bear to see pain unnecessarily inflicted upon any of God's crea- tures. '' Blessed are the merciful for they shall ohtain mercy." Samuel died at Stockport about three years before Paul. Warner M. Preston was a lumberman and spent much of his time in Philadelphia in selling the lumber 220 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. that was yearly run from Stockport. He was a niatlie- matician and surveyor; quiet and unobtrusive, with a well-balanced mind. His views were never extreme upon any subject. He died in Philadelphia in 1872. Hannah, the only daughter of Judge Preston, mar- ried Benjamin Randall, an Englishman. She is yet living in the township and is the mother of Benjamin Randall, Jr., and Peter Randall, who are well-known lumbermen. J. A. Pitcher married a daughter of Mrs. Randall. Mrs. Pitclier was a great favorite with the Preston family. Mr. and Mrs. Preston bequeathed and devised their property to Ann, their only living daughter. They had one other daughter who married Allan Hoxie. She died many years ago. Stockport is almost a village of itself. Two dwell- ing-houses, with numerous barns and sheds, one store, a blacksmith sliop, a grist-mill, a steam circular saw- mill, and a school-house whicli was built by the Pres- tons, with about two hundred acres of improved land, make up the place. Knowing as I do the moral, social, and intellectual excellencies of the Preston family, and making all due allowance for the frailties of human nature, truth compels me to say, that I never shall look upon their like again. Before the building of the New York and Erie Railroad, long, capacious, and graceful canoes were numerous along the Delaware river, nearly all of which have disappeared. Warner P. Knight, of TO WNSHIPS—B UCKINGHAM. 221 Stockport, 1ms one, which would have been admired in former times. Such is its capacity that he has con- veyed the burthen of a ton in it from Equinunk to Stockport. The Knight family. In or about 1789, Capt. John Knight, then about eleven years old, came with Sam- uel Preston to the large flats on the east side of the river below Stockport, where Canope and another Indian lived. Being very hungry, they saw a cow that was eating a pumpkin, and they took it away from her, built up a fire, roasted and ate it. Capt. John Knight afterwards married Kebecca Jenkins, a sister of Judge Preston's wife. The sons of Captain John Knight were AVilliam, Daniel, John, and Richard. A¥illiam Knight, Sen., a brother of Captain John Knight, was born in Philadelphia, in 1775. In 1802 he was appointed by Jefferson as sailing-master of the frigate Philadelphia, and was sent by Bainbridge to intercept a Tripolitan vessel. His vessel ran on a rock and he and the ship's crew of three hundred and eleven men were taken prisoners and kept about two years, when they were ransomed by the payment of $60,000 by the government. Pine lumber was cut at Stockport, ran down the river, and sold to the govern- ment wdiich shipped it to Tripoli and turned it in to pay a part of said ransom money. Abram Dillon, from Bucks county, began above Equinunk. John K. Dillon, deceased, William Dil- lon, deceased, and Hamilton Dillon, living in Han- cock township, Delaware county, Is . Y., were his sons. 222 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. The old homestead is in the possession of tlie Dillon family. John Barrager was from near Albany, IS^. Y. One of his sons, Henry, Hves near Great Bend ; another, George, lives in the town, near the river; and John K. Barrager was killed in the late war. George W. Hnbbell, a Avheelwright, was the father of Hon. Thomas J. Hnbljell, who once represented the county in our Legislature. Jonathan Jones, once a commissioner of Wayne county, lived near the mouth of the Shehawken, where some of his family are now located. The names of Thaddeus Newton, Paul I^sewton, and Ezra [N^ewton are found among the oldest records of the township. Ezra ^N^ewton, Jr., now lives near the suspension bridge whicli spans the Delaware, near Hancock. Benjamin Sands and Thomas Travis made import- anl: improvements at an early day. Blackall W. Ball lived below the mouth of Shraw- der's creek, and BalFs Eddy was named after him. From what we can learn al)out him he Avas a Quaker, from near Philadelphia. The fai'm Avas owned many years by James More, Esq. Previous to his purchase at Ball's Eddy, Mr. More lived in Preston township. Gideon, James, and Thomas Woodman see located on the road called the *' Stockport road," eastward of the Upper Twin pond; they having come from Connec- ticut. They were there in 1819, perliaps earlier. Gideon Woodmansee was the o-randfather of J. Man- TO WNSHIPS—B UCKINGHAM. 223 uiiig, Jedediah, Samuel, Lvinan, and Horace Wood- mansee. Lyman Woodmansee was a carpenter ; the rest were farmers and lumbermen. Brownsville took its name from a man by the name of Brown, wlio built a tannery upon the outlet of High lake, which tannery is now owned by Mr. E-. H. Wales. There is a post-office at the place, and a large store. The first settler above BalFs Eddy was Peter Cole who died there and left his possessions to his son, John Cole, w^ho was known to every lumberman on the Delaware. Elias Kingsl)ury, from Connecticut, was the first settler at Kino^sburv Hill. He married Rachel, a daughter of Thomas Travis. He has two children yet living at the pi nee, namely, Thomas Kingsbury, and Rachel, wife of William Coddington. Abel Belknap, from Stillwater, N. Y., had a large family who settled in different parts of the county. George H. Belknap, and D. B. Belknap, Esq., are prominent citizens of the place. The latter was from Fnadilla, N. Y., and was of another family. Equinunk will be described under Manchester, be- ing mostly in that township. Buckingham has ten common schools. 224 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTER XVIII. TO WNSHIPS—MANCHESTEB. rpiIIS township is bounded north-west by Buekini;'- A ham, north-east and east by the Delaware river, and south by Damascus and Lebanon, and was taken from Buckingham and erected into a township, Aug. 30th, 1826. For many years before its erection it was known as " The Union Settlement." It took that name from the following circumstances: Samuel Preston and John Hilborn, in tlie spring of 1790, made a quantity of maple-sugar and sent it to Henry Drinker. Tlie kettle in wliich tlie su2,ar was made was taken from Trenton to Stockport in a Durham boat. Miss Ann Preston says that the kettle is yet at Stockport. Mr. Drinker, in a letter to Mr. Preston, dated Philadelpliia, 1st, 7mo., 1790, wrote about tlie sugar as follows : " I sent a box of thy sugar to Rob- ert Morris, desiring it miglit be presented to the President of the United States, who was pleased to signify his satisfaction at the receipt thereof, in a let- ter directed to me, of which the following is a copy : *New York, June 18, 1790. Sir : — Mr. Morris lias presented me, in your name, with a box of maple- sugar, which I am much pleased to find of so good a quality. I request you to accept my thanks for this TO WNSHIPS— MANCHESTER. 225 mark of attention ; and being persuaded that considerable ben- efit may be derived to our country, from a due prosecution of this promising object of industry, I wish every success to its cultivation, which the persons concerned in it can themselves desire. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, George Washington.' So thee sees liow I am advanc^ed to a correspond- ence with the Kino; of America. Upon the whole, it is my opinion the subject deserves the countenance and encouragement, not only of one, but of all the great men of the United States. ") A good deal of time has been spent with J. Hilborn in forming di- rections for pursuing this business in the best way, and in describing the necessary utensils, &c. It has been concluded that to diffuse the same through the country where it may be useful, it would be best to print a small pamphlet, and in pursuance of this con- clusion, Joseph Jones and partner have committed part to tlie press." In those days the land-owners, having lands covei-ed with hard wood, imagined that upon burning the wood the ashes might be profitably made into potash. Stimulated by the ardor of Henry Drinker, who owned a large quantity of land in Manchester, a com- pany was formed in Philadelphia, 18th of September, 1792, " To be called the Union Society, for promoting the manufacture of sugar from the maple-tree and fur- thering the interests of agriculture in Pennsylvania. The Society's attention to be primarily and principally confined to that purpose and to tlie manufacturing of pot and pearl ashes." The trustees were Henry Drink- 29 226 HIkSTORY of WAYNE COUNTY. er, Samuel Preston, Timothy Pickering, Samuel Ilodgdon, Samuel Pleasants, and Samuel M. Fox. The society l)ought of Henry Drinker eight tracts of land in the warrantee names of Thomas Stewardson, Benjamin Wilson, Mary Sandwith, Samuel Simpson, T. P. Cope, John Thomas, George Drinker, and John Drinker, making three thousand one hundred and thirty-three acres, called for convenience three thou- sand acres, divided into sixty shares at live pounds per share; total three hundred pounds, (probably Penn- sylvania currency, S2.66| to the pound.) One half was to be paid down. Thirty persons, mostly Quakers, took the shares. Besides the trustees there were other noted men among the sliare-holders, viz: Samuel Meredith, Thomas Stewardson, Dr. Benjamin Push, Judge James Wilson, Robert Smitli, John Nicholson, Pobert Morris, Jeremiah Warden, and others. The Society had a constitution and by-laws, dated August 23d, 1792. In 1796 the property was inventoried. There were thirty-seven potash kettles. Some of them were brought up the Delaware in Durham boats, others of them vrere conveyed fifty miles overland from Esopus. They had two hundred pine and ash troughs, and one thousand made of bass-wood; they had cleared up tliirty-eight acres of land, built three houses and a saw-mill. The personal property was sold to Samuel Preston and Henry Drinker. From an exhibit made by Samuel Preston, the sli are-holders did not lose by the enterprise, but it probably did not prove as profi- table as tliey expected it w^ould. The business was TOWNSHIPS— MANCHESTEB. 227 discontinued in 1796. Afterwards Samuel Meredith undertook the manufacture of potash near Behnont and could not make it pay. An undertaking like that of the Union Society under like circumstances in the present day, on account of a better understanding of the business, could probably be made profitable. It is not probable that the motives of the Society were mercenary, but the land-holders were benefited by having their lands brought into notice. The main streams in the town are the Big Equinunk and its south branch, and Little Equinunk wdth its divers tributaries. Tlie main branch of this stream is the outlet of Duck Harbor lake. The chief ponds are Price's and Lord's. High steep hills crowd the Dela- ware. The south-western and south-eastern parts are thinly settled, while the central portion and the lands along the Little Equinunk are the most thickly peo- pled. There is yet much good land wliich lies in its primitive state, though it may have been stripped of its timber. According to the first triennial assessment made in 1827, there were twenty-nine taxables with twenty-one houses valued at $410. Nathan Mitchell w^as assessed as living in this town in 1804 and called a mill-wright. James Lord, American born, though his father w^as an Englishman and his mother a Welsh woman, was as- sessed, in 1812, as owning four acres of plow^-land, and 439 acres of unimproved land, and one house, though it is claimed that he ])egan in 1810. He set;- tled on the farm now owned by the Taylors, one mile 228 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. below Eqniimnk bridge, and, in or about 1836, sold out said lands and farm to William Weston, Esq., and removed and boviglit land about the pond Avhicli was named after him. "There are Lords many." James Lord was the progenitor of the Lords in Manchester, except the one called " Equinunk John," who lived at Lordville depot. The following names are found up(^n said assessment of 1827: Jonathan Adams, farmer; William Adams, single; James Carter, farmer; Isaac Cole, farmer; Emanuel Cole, farmer; Abraham Hoover, laborer; David Howell, mechanic ; Jolm Kellam, farmer; Jacob Kellam, farmer; George Kellam, single; Zepthah Kel- lam, single ; John Jenkins, farmer ; James Lord, farm- er; John Lord, Jr., farmer; Ricliard Lord, steersman; David Lay ton, farmer; Jacob Lord, single; Samuel K. Mogridge, farmer; Charles Mogridge, farmer; Mat- thias Mogridge, farmer; Anna Mitchell, widow; Sam- uel Price, blacksmith ; Jonathan Peirce, single ; Henry Peirce, single; Sabina Smeed, laborer; Thomas Todd, tailor; Nathaniel Tyler, farmer; Anson Tyler, single; Jacob W. Welsh, justice. John Kellam was taxed in 1818 as having eighteen acres of improved land and three hundred and fifty acres of unimproved, and in 1827 as having ninety acres of improved and three hundred and eighty acres of unimprov^ed land and one mill. Jacob Kellam, who was a farmer and lumberman extensively known, lived near the mouth of the Little Equinunk, and had sixty acres of improved and live hundred and sixty-nine TO WNSHIFS— MANCHESTER. 229 acres of unimproved land. George Kellam, a mer- chant for many years at Pine Flats, had forty-six acres of improved and two hundred and ninety-four acres of unimproved land, and two houses assessed at one hundred dollars each. Jacob Kellam had a large number of sons of vigorous, powerful physiques, some of whom are yet residing in the neighborhood of Lit- tle Equinunk. Jacob W. Welsh was by trade in Lon- don a cabinet-maker, and came to this country about 1813. He was taxed in 1827 as having seventy-five acres of improved and seventy-live acres of unimprov- ed land. He was an intelligent man and was for many years a justice of the peace. He had two sons, George and Henry. The latter is a practicing attor- ney in Hancock, N. Y. George is dead. William J., a son of Henry, is engaged in the practice of the law in partnei'ship with his father, and in 1877 repre- sented his district in the State Assembly. William Adams made said assessment; he w^as from Delaware Co., N. Y., and afterwards removed to Lebanon. Samuel K. Mogridge started for the United States in 1812, before the declaration of war by the United States against Great Britain, and the ship in which he and his family took passage was diverted from its intended destination and put into Quebec. It caused him much trouble, delay, and expense to make his way through the two armies to Manchester township, which was afterAvards named by him. But the noble old Englishman, inspired by that resolution which (characterized the early settlers of New England, never 230 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. faltered, but settled in the very heart of Manchester, midst the dark and tangled forests, encircled at night by hooting owls and howling wolves. He was the nucleus around which many of his countrymen gathered, until it was called the Union English Settlement. The assess- ment aforesaid stated that he had thirty acres of improv- ed and seventy acres of unimproved land. Afterwards he acquired other lands. He was the father of Maria Mogridge, the wife of Paul S. Preston, that noble woman whose deeds of goodness and charity cannot be forgotten, and whose mantle, upon her departure, fell most gracefully upon Ann, hei* only surviving daughter. Matthias Mogridge was a nephew of Sam- uel R. Mogridge and, of course, was a cousin of Mrs. Paul S. Preston. To use the language of Mr. Mog- ridge, he says : " I was born in England, and sailed in a British frigate that fought Jackson at New Orleans under Packingham and Gibbs and took back to Eng- land what few the Yankees left alive. Then I went in the Nortliumberland, that conveyed Napoleon Bo- naparte to St. Helena. I was an officer's servant, or, in other words, a '' powder-monkey.''' I returned to Eng- land, was paid off, took my money, and shortly sailed to New York, in 1817. In 1820, I came to Wayne county, and have lived here ever since. After the organization of the township, I sat at the first election board, voted the first ticket, and had the first child born in the new township. I have now thirty-two grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren, and ex- pect more soon. One of my grandsons served three years TO WNSHIP^^— MANCHESTER. 231 in the late civil war. I am seventy-eight years old. When I first came into these woods I left my trunk and box of tools at Benjamin Conklin's tavern, on the Newburg turnpike, eight miles from uncle Samuel's house. I wanted uncle to let me take the oxen and sled and go for tliem. He said it was impossible as the road was full of trees turned up by the roots ; but at last I went. Some of the trees I cut out, some I drove over, some I went under, and some I drove around. It took me longer to make that trip than it would now to go to New York city and back." Mr. Mogridge had some peculiar gifts. He had a strong, sonorous, far-reaching voice. "If I had his voice," said the Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, " I could command or control any legislative body in the United States." Besides, he had an inexhaustible fund of wit, and in amplification was unrivaled. He could transform a minnow into a whale, enlarge an ant-hill into a mountain, and magnify a lightning-bug into jv thunder-storm. Mogridge, having been naturalized, was elected constable of the township, and afterwards elected justice of the peace, and, being in the central part of the township, was appointed postmaster. As the two offices cannot by law be held at once by the same person, some one, envious of his popularity, caused him to be indicted for holding two offices of profit and trust, one under the State and the other un- der the general government. Upon being asked whether he was guilty or not guilty, he assured the court that lie was wrongfully indicted for holding two 232 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. offices of proiit and trust; he admitted that he held tlie two offic^es, l)iit declared tliat there was no proiit in either of them, and th*it they were purely ottices of trust, as lie trusted all his fees and all tlie postage. The judge was very much amused upon hearing Mat's plea, and in consequence of some flaw in the indictment, a nolle 2)>"ose(jui was entered. Mogridge went over to see the great exhibition at the Crystal Palace, at Lon- don. " Having been adopted as an American citizen," says he, " I passed myself off for a Yankee. I knew that I should not attract much attention as an Englisli- man, as they can see one there every day, and having hecomfe well acqnainted with Yankee slang, they gave me credit for heing a live American. I could out-talk the best of them. I told them that their island was a very neat, pretty place, and had been well looked af- ter, l)ut that it lacked size ; that their rivers were mere brooks, and their mountains small hills; that some of our rivers are so long that we never before strangers speak of their whole length at once; that onr moun- tains are so high that presumptuous persons in trying to reach their summits had either starved or frozen to death. That their cataracts (compared with our Niagara were only like a stream from the nozzle of a coffee-pot; that if some power (^ould steal away from our territories an area of land as large as all the British Isles, it would not be snd Starrucca. Peter C. Sherman began at Preston Center. In 1829, he assessed to himself ten acres of improved land, and four hundred and thirtj-six acres of unim- proved, and one house of the vahie of eight dollars. The township and general elections were held at this place, until a few years ago, when the township was divided into two election districts. The Sherman place fell into the hands of J. Carr, who disposed of it to C. B. Dibble, its present occupant. Merrill liine appears to have been a very early settler at Hines Corners, and Perry Hine settled in another part of the township. The following account is from manuscript furnished by C. P. Tallman, Esq., regarding the early settle- ment of Mount Pleasant, Preston, and Scott. AYant of space has obliged me reluctantly to abridge his contribution. What he herewith presents cannot fail to be interesting : "My father, Elihu Tallman, was born in T^ew Bed- ford, Mass., in 1780. Mj grandfather, William Tail- man, was a real estate and ship owner ; and as he took a iirm stand for the cause of Independence, much of his property was destroyed by the tories, which left him much reduced. My grandfather, (on my mother';^ side) Christopher Perkins, married a Palmer, in Ston- ington, Conn. They moved to what they called the TO WNSHIPS—PBESTON. 245 far West, one horse carrying grandmother and all their movable goods, and grandfather going on foot. Tliey went to and settled at Saratoga, abont one mile from the Rock spring. There were several of the native Indians near them, and my mother has of- ten told me that her mother had snch an abhorrence and feai* of the Indians and tories, that she had sev- eral times taken her and her older brother, John, when her father was gone from home, and hid them away to lie and stay in the wilderness during the long, dismal nights. At an early age, my father was put on a coasting vessel as a cabin-boy and cook, and subsequently learned the shoe-making trade. He mov- ed to Saratoga, and was married on the iTtli of De- cember, 1799, and soon after came to Mount Pleasant to look up a new home. Samuel Stanton, the first prominent settler of that place, was my mother's half- uncle, which was their probable motive for (coming to that place. They commenced on a piece of new land north of where Pleasant Mount now stands on the rond then running east and west. Subsequently father bought on an adjoining lot about sixty rods east of where William Wright, Esq., now lives. I was born there in 1806. In that year father made one mile of the Oochecton and Great Bend turnpike road. Then lie l)Ought, about three-fourths of a mile northward, and cleared up a good-sized farm. In 1813 or 1814, he ,sold this place to a Mr. Hall, of Connecticut, for $1400, .nnd bought the place where Godfrev Stevenson now 246 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. lives, and, also, a carding-machine of Jacob Plum, who had run it one summer on the stream below where the Seth Kennedy mill now stands. This was the only place where wool was carded by macliinery in the region. Wool was brought from all parts of the country. The business was excellent. He also built and ran a saw- mill. In or about tlie winter of 1818, father sold said property to Heaton Atwater, and took in payment $1500 in patent-rights, and $1500 in an exhibition of wax-figures and paintings. These payments were a little better than $3000 lost. Tiie next spring he Ijought a property in Susquehanna county, and, liaving paid $750 down, lost that. These losses of $3750 left him with only his farming utensils and a few uncol- lected accounts." The following episode is designed to show what were the hardships of the tirst settlers. Mr. Tallman relates the following account which he had from his father : "About 1805 tlie neighborhood was entirely out of salt, and there was none nearer than Shehawken. Father had made a start so that he had a breeding mare, but had nothing wherewith to buy salt but some maple sugar, so he took enough of that to buy a half bushel of it, which would cost $2.00, put his sugar in a bag and started for Shehawken, (now Hancock, N. Y.,) twenty miles distant, on a road where only the under- brush was cut out. He exchanged his sugar for salt, and, putting it in his bag, he started liomeward on a cold, windy fall day, when tliere was nearly a freshet TO WNSHIPS— PRESTON. 247 in the Dela-ware, rendering the fording of the same dangerous. Wlien about midway of the river, the old mare made a bhmder and down she went, throwing the rider and the salt clear from her. After swimming about twenty rods quartering down stream, loaded down with winter clothing, overcoat and boots, he readied shore, (the mare did the same,) but his salt and hat were gone, and he had no funds with which to buy more." How his father succeeded in getting along without the salt we are not told. But to resume the narrative: " Since my recollection our goods were teamed from Newburg, eighty-one miles distant, at a cost of $2.50 per hundred pounds. Rock-salt was worth S-i per bushel, rye fifty cents, and oats tw^enty-five cents. The worst feature in the case was we had only rock and packing salt. All we used for butter and for the table was pounded in a hand mortar. I can recollect when we had no carding-machines or cloth-dressing mills. All our clothes made of flax, tow, cotton, or wool, were carded, spun, and woven at home, in which work our mothers and sisters were well skilled. Yery scanty were the means afforded for the education of children. I have heard father speak of Truman Wheeler as one of our first teachers. Eber Dimmick was my first teacher, and a Miss Bigelow the first female one. '^In 1819 real estate and personal property had be- come so depreciated in value that father despaired of paying for his farm in Susquehanna county, and, hav- 248 HISTORY OF WAYNF COUNTY. iug more ambition than {)i-udence, determined to re- trieve liis fortune and made a dash into the luml)er- woods and bouglit the pine lot at Six Mile lake, (now Coino.) Samnel P. Green, of the east branch, had contracted for tlie lot and commenced a dam and saw- mill on the outlet of the lake. Father bouglit out Green, iinished the mill, and sawed out and liauled to Stockport a i-aft of pine boards to run in the spring of 1820. Tliis was the first raft ever manufactured and hauled to the Stockport banks. At that time there was no road running north or south for many miles except the Mount Pleasant and Stockport road. The first road was what was called the Hannony road in Sus(]uehanna county. The lirst road east was the LTnion Woods road, which connected with the Oochec- ton and Great Bend turnpike at (Jonklin's Gate, six miles west of Cochecton. The old Stockport road had nothing but the small trees and Inrush cut out, and the large trees marked so as to enable any one to follow the course in deep snows. On our new farm was about half an acre partly (bleared, and two or three acres chopped. At this time there were very few settlers in Buckingham exeautiful light by which to study. I read such books as I could get; our common school-books were Web- ster's spelling-l)ook, Dilwortli's and Dai^oll's arithme- tics, Second and Third Part, English reader, Hale's His- tory of the United States, and the New Testament. We had no novels or newspapers. My father had an extra library, namely, two volumes of the life of Christ and his Apostles, a Bible, and Walker's dictionary. I occasionally borrowed such books as I could. In 1825 I worked doing chores to pay my board, and went to school six weeks; I did the same again in 1826, for about twelve weeks. Tliat was all the school- ing I had after I was twelve years old. From 1823 to 1827, we engaged in pine lumbering and cleared up a large quantity of land. At this time the settlement at Starrucca sustained a public school, and had occa- sional preaching by Ezekiel Sampson, a Baptist. In the fall of 1823, we cut out the road from our place to Mount Pleasant. In the fall of that year, David Babcock settled on the place now owned by John Clark, and Luther Chafee on the lower part of my present farm ; John Stanton on the farm now occupied by D. W. Tallman; Peter C. Sherman on the present farm of C. B. Dibble, (at Preston Centre); and Wil- liam Tallman on the A. D. Reynold's farm. About \\\Q same time Joseph Dow settled on the flat now owned by Alplieus Dix, Joseph Dow, Jr., on the lot where Arnold Lloyd now lives, and Jeremiah Flynn on the farm now owned bv Kol)ert K. Iviuii:. We now TO WNSHIPS—PBESTON. 253 l)egan to feel hs if we had gained a great victory, for the forest was fairly broken up, and we had neighbors. Rev. Gershom Williams began about 1823 or 1824 at what is now called Scott Centre, built a saw-mill, and cut a road to the private road near Uriah Smith's. John Starbird commenced on the lot where Wm. P. Starbird now lives soon after we began on the pine lot. The order of our new settlement was as follows : [n 1820, Willet Carr commenced on the place where Amos O. Sherwood now lives. In 1822, Messrs. Henry and Yancott bought adjoining I. M. Ivellogg's farm and hired a piece chopped, only to grow up airain. About the same time James Moore, David Wooley, and Franklin Duval bought in w^hat is now called Little Yoi*k. The three last-named were from K. Y. city and paid for their land in advance. The next settler was a Joseph Marguerat, then Joseph Simpson, then James Simpson; began near the creek south of Sherwood's, and John Stanton, from Conn., settled on twenty-two acres of land north of the upper Sands pond, and George Hall on the south side there- of. About 1822, Daniel Kose commenced on a wild lot now owned by George Wainwright. Charles Case, of Gibson, Susquehanna county, and his son, Riley Case, began where Samuel Decker now lives. All of these new settlers, excepting those of Little York, and the Charles Case family, were in indigent circum- stances. The locality and position of their families were such as to preclude the possibility of sustaining a school or the preaching of the gospel among us. 25i HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Some attempts were made for those purposes, but were necessarily abandoned, and as a natural conse- (_[uence, our Sabbaths were very loosely spent, and the ehildren left to grow up witli but little education or culture. In 1826, I had become acquainted with a large scope of the wilderness, and had iixed on the piece of land on which to make a farm, and, though not of age, fearing that some one would get ahead of me, in October, carrying provision enough to last me to Philadelphia and part of the way back, I started on foot and bought nothing going but three nights' lodg- ing, at six cents a night. I found the man who own- ed the land and the timber about it. He wanted four dollars per acre for the land. I offered him two dol- lars. He finally agreed to my proposals, binding me to put a family on the land, clear up three acres a year, build a house and barn on it, and to pay for it in three years. This contract was dated in October, 1826, and I obtained my deed on the 29th day of April, 1829. Tliis was the first piece of land paid for in this region of country. The man that sold me the land ^vas so well pleased with my promptitude tliat he gave off the interest and made me a parchment deed for one hundred and seventy-five acres of land. I bought, also, three lots of timber, enough to last three years' lumbering. On the 20th of May, 1827, I was mar- ried to my first wife, Lucinda, daughter of Benjamin King, Esq., of Mount Pleasant. In the spring of 1829 or 1830, we agreed to start a school and fixed TOWNSHIPS— PRESTON. 255 on a site on tlie east side of my lot, where the ma- ple grove is now growing up, on the road as it then ran. I found nails, glass, and sash, costing four dol- lars and eighty-four cents, which the neighbors agreed shoidd be my share. This was the first money ever used, in what is now Preston township, for public im- provements and the first school-house erected. The first school therein was taught by a Miss Watrous, at one dollar per week. She was an old, experienced teacher, and some of the scholars came two and a half miles. Each parent paid in proportion to the num- ber of days that he sent his children. If any were too poor to school their children, on application to the assessor, return of the fact was made to the county commissioners, and the tuition of such children was paid by the county. Oar school-house was sixteen by twenty feet, built of logs, chimney in one end, and burned four-foot wood. The roof and floor were made of rough hemlock, and the door of the same with wooden hinges and a latch of our own make. Our benches were made of slabs, our writing-desks were a board fastened to a log across the back end of the house, which was chinked and mossed instead of being mudded. On the whole it had a very respecta- ble appearance for the times. After our first school, I think we never paid more than seventy-five cents a week for a woman teacher, and ten dollars per month for a male teacher. This house was a very worthy enterprise for the time. The summer following, n Sunday-school was organized by Sheldon Norton, who 256 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. then lived on the phice now owned by his son, E. K. Norton. This school wiis made auxiliary to the Sun- day-school of the Methodist Episcopal church. I pur- chased of Mr. Norton a few Testaments, at ten cents a piece, and he left us a number of tracts and papers. We had a large school, and scholars came from near Como and Little York by marked trees and also from Shadigee and Flynn's. Quite a large number of them came from two to four miles and barefoot at that. Some began with the alphabet, others in spell- ing lessons of one or two sylables, and some of tlu> pupils wxre twenty years old. The next spring J bought of the Methodist Book Room ten dollars' worth of books, including some Testaments, and made a present of them to said school. Our school succeed- ed admirably and we ran it about six months in the year for several years with the most satisfactory success. At this time (1879) there are fourteen school-houses averaging in value 1^500 apiece, all well arranged and painted, which is an increase in lifty years from nothing to $7,000 in value. Sixty years ago we had six voters, now there are about four hundred. The first and oldest religious society between Mt. Pleasant and the Delaware river, was a close-communion Gliurch, started about 1820, at Starrucca, under Eze- kiel Sampson. The next was a class of Methodists, consisting of nine persons, at Tallmanville, in 1830. This society increased rapidly, till it numbered about forty members, and it originally (M)'\'ered the ground where there are now four societies. In the town now TO WNSHIPS— PRESTON. 257 there ai-e six societies with two hundred and lifty members; three churches, one at Como, one at Tall- manville, and another at Hine's Corners, witli a good parsonage at Como. The close-communion Baptists have a very i^ood society at Preston Center, and a small society at East Preston. There are large and prosperous lodges of Good Templars at Como and Preston Center, with about two hundred and forty members. The Odd Fellows have a lodge at Como. There is no licensed tavern or beer saloon in the town. There are two stores, thirteen sawMnills, one small grist-mill, two turning-establishments, and three cabi- net-shops. Yery little timber remains to support lumbering, but the town will very soon l>e one of the best dairy districts in the county. Tw^enty-one natur- al ponds of clear water, well supplied with lish, are scattered over the town. A large number of fruit- trees has been obtained from the most approved nurser- ies, and they are thrifty and promising. There is very little waste land. The Erie Railroad on the east, and the Jeiferson Branch on the west afford convenient access to market." Mr. Tallman relates the following amusing hunting- story : "Wlien father moved back from Susquehanna county to Mount Pleasant, he had an old queen's-arni musket, a charge for whic^h was an ounce ball and nine buckshot, which made up nearly two ounces of lead. This load, if the game was near by, made dead- ly Avork and injured tlie skin badly. There were no 33 258 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. rifles in those days. My father was not a great hunt- er but killed a large part of his own meat. On a cer- tain time he and his brother-in-law, Chandler Tiffany, concluded to hunt some larger game than deer, and, consequently, rigged out for a bear hunt. When they had advanced four or five miles into the woods, they saw a large bear which had not discovered them ; by concert they both shot at the same time, and doing so, down went the bear. They were so elated that they forgot to load their guns, and both ran their best, and, when in close proximity to their game, the bear discovered them and came to her feet and made battle, approaching them with her mouth wide open. Father made a lucky thrust and jammed his gun into her mouth. She seized it, crushing the stock and denting the barrel with her tushes, as she reared up on her haunches; he threw her nearly on her back, in reach of Tiffany, telling him to take his hatchet to her; he did so, but struck her with the head of it. She struck him on the breast with one paw and strip- ped him of every vestige of clothing as well as his moccasins and stockings. Father cried, "Strike her with, the edge ! " and tlie third blow was given edge first, square between her eyes, which checked her fury, and, the blows being promptly repeated, she was overcome. Father's nmsket was badly crushed and Tiffany half naked, and though they were lords of the forest by virtue of good luck, they estimated a bear hunt of less importance than before their adven- ture." TO WNSHIPS— PRESTON. 259 Starkucca. This borough was erected m 1853, and then called the borough of Wayne. It is three miles long on the Susquehanna line, and two miles wide. It was taken about equally from Scott and Preston town- ships. Benjamin T. West, Esq., lived in the place in 1824. He was a son of Jones West, a blacksmith from Albany Co., N. Y. According to 'Squire West, Henry Sampson was one of the first settlers at Star- rucca. His children were Esquire . Sampson, John Sampson, Benjamin Sampson, Henry Sampson, Jr., Stephen Sampson, Hasadiah Sampson, and William Sampson. He had three daughters. Hasadiah Samp- son married a sister of Benj. T. West. Jirah Mum- ford, Jr., a son of Jirah Mumford, Sen., the progeni- tor of all the Mumfords, was one of the first if not the first settler of the place, and the father of Hon. James Mumford, deceased, who lost two sons in the Hebellion. E. C. Mumford, the present district-attor- ney of the county, is one of the Judge's sons, also, W. W., late Representative of Wayne, Clinton D., and Clarence G. Mumford. W. W., and Clinton D., have a manufactory of pyroligneous acid and naphtha, the only one in the county. David Spoor early lived at Starr ucca, and 'Squire Whitaker, who removed to Lizard Lake. Henry Sampson, Sen., built the first grist-mill. All the men were more or less engaged in lumbering pine which was taken to Hale's Eddy. El- der Peck was the first minister, and Elder Smitzer formed the first Baptist church in the place. Nelson M, Benedict lived in the place almost fifty -three years 260 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ago, and had eight children. One of his sons, Kelson M. Benedict, n(^)w living, is a justice of the peace. Dr. Thomas was the first physician, and Dr. J. P. 81iaw has lived in the place twenty-two years. H. McMurray, a well-known and intelligent man, lives in the place. Wm. Graham and John McMnr- ray began the first tannery and were succeeded hy Mr. Cowan, then by Drake & Salisbury, and finally l)y Major E. P. Strung, who now owns one of the largest tanneries in the county. The Jefferson rail- road passes near the place. The village is kept very neat and tasteful. There is a Koman Catholic and a M. E. Church, and three common schools. There is also a Baptist society in the place, of whicli Rev. S. W. Cole is the pastor. CHAPTER XXI. TOWNSHIPS— iSALEM. THIS township was set off from Canaan, in 1808, that of Sterling was taken therefrom in 1815, and the Wallenpaupack was made the dividing line, leav- ing: it bounded north bv South Canaan and Chenw Ridge, east ])y Palmyra, south by Sterling, and west TO WNSHIPS— SALEM. 261 l)y Luzerne (now Lackawanna) county. The north part of Salem lias lately been erected into a new township, called Lake, but it is more convenient to de- scribe it as it was after the separation of Sterling, hi 1799, there were but four settlers in Salem at the most, namely, Moses Dolph, Edward London, Elisha Potter, and Joseph Wheatcraft. Soon after, how- ever, we find the names of William Dayton, Samuel Hartford, and James Hartford among old papers. Moses Dolph lived at Little Meadows. According to the accounts given by the old settlers in Paupack, a man, by the name of Strong, first built here, in 1770. Soon after the battle at Wyoming, he, with some others, had a desperate fight with the Lidians at this place. Strong and his family were all massacred, and Jacob Stanton was the only white man that escaped. He fled, and notified the settlers upon the Paupack of their danger. Late in the fall of 1779, Stanton came back to the place and found that the Indians had burned down the house. He dug a grave, and gathered up the bones of the wliites and Indians, and, placing them together, raised a mound over them. My father, Seth Goodrich, who afterwards owned the place, would never allow the moimd to be disturbed. There was a very old orchard there which must have been planted by the Indians, as Little Meadows had been a favorite rendezvous for their hunting parties. Jacob Stanton built a house and moved his wife and family to Little Meadows, in 1780, or in 1781, where, during his life, he kept a public- 262 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. house, and was succeeded in the same business until 1801, by his son-in-law, Moses Dolph, wlio then sold the possession to Dr. Lewds Collins. He, in his turn, in 1803, sold the same to Seth Goodrich, who lived on the place during his life. He kept a house of en- tertainment for many years, but he never took a license to sell intoxicating liquors. Edward London took up four hundred acres at Sa- lem cross-roads, now Hamlinton, and l)uilt a log-house near where Clearwater's tavern now stands, and, in 1801, sold out his possessions to Charles Goodrich, Sen., who built a new log-house above a large spring, about twenty rods east of Salem Corners. The log- house, built by London, w^as some years afterwards used as a school-house, and a man, by the name of Benedict, was the teacher. Charles Goodrich, Sen., died at Salem Corners. Charles, Jabez, and Enos were his sons. His daughters were as follows : Anna, who married Gideon Curtis; Mary, who married Jas. Huttze; Lucy, who married Ellery Crandall; and Laura, who married Henry Matthews, all of whom are dead. Elisha Potter, who w^as a weaver by trade, settled on the old road from Paupack to Capouse, on a creek, which was named after him. He was really in Luzerne county, although for many years assessed in Salem. Joseph Wheatcraft settled near Hollister- ville. He was from Maryland, and late in life his family removed to Ohio. William Dayton located about a half a mile east of the Five Mile creek, on the right hand side of the road leading from Little TOWNSHIPS— SALEM. 263 Meadows to Piirdytown. He married Arsenetli Wright, and was the " Old Grimes," of his day. "His heart was open as the day, And all his feelings true, His hair was some inclined to gray. He wore it in a cue. " Samuel Hartford located about one mile east of Little Meadows. He had two daughters, Betsey, who married Aaron Gillet, Esq., and is yet living in the township, and Philena, who married a Methodist min- ister named Kendall, and has been dead many years. In or about 1825, Mr. Hartford started the first card- ing-mill in Salem, in the hollow east of Salem Corners. James Hartford, a brother of Samuel Hartford, al- though taxed in Palmyra, really lived in Salem on the north of the Purdytown road and half a mile from William Dayton. He used to make his scantily-clad children go to school every day a distance of three miles, but they were among the briglitest scholars in the town. Betwen 1799 and 1803, seventeen new^ settlers ar- rived and took up lands and built huts or houses ac- cording to their ability. They came from Connecticut via Newburg and Carpenter's Point, below Port Jer- vis, on to Milford, thence by the way of Shohola, Blooming Grove, and Palmyra, to Major Ansley's, and finally through the Seven Mile swamp to Little Mead- ows. In alphabetical order they were as follows : Ephraim Bidwell was a soldier during the Revolu- tionary war, was present at the battle at Monmouth, 264 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. suffered at Oamptown, I^. J., and participated in tlie last ]>attle at Yorktown. He was an enthusiastic ad- mirer of AYatsliington, and denied the charge that the Greneral was (told and distant; on the contrary, "The Cireneral," he said, "often came among his soldiers, cordially sliook hands with them, and conversed freely with them about their sufferings and grievances/' Some of his grandsons fell in the late war, and others of liis grand(;hildren are living in tlie town. His sons were Luther, Jabez, William, Orrin, and Ashbel. His daughters were Prudence, Lucy, and Rachel. Pru- dence nuirried a man by tlie name of Samuel Pease. Being a great trapper he skinned a wolf that he found (lead in a trap and threw the skin around his neck, where were some sores which absorbed a deadly virus from the skin and he died w^ith the horrors of hydro- phobia. Josiah Curtis settled half a mile or more west of Salem Corners on the east and west I'oad. His sons were Gideon, Fitch H., and Edward. Gideon Curtis, a farmer, \vas for many years a noted supervisor of the town. Fitch H. Curtis and Edward Curtis were excellent workmen as carpenters and joiners. Lie had three daughters, one the wife of Edmund Nicholson, one the wife of Amasa Jones, and one named Morilla, who died unmarried and bequeathed the most of hei- property to the Presbyterian church in Salem. Harris Hamlin settled in 1802, tw^o miles west of the Corners. He w^as a lu'ickmaker by trade, and he built the tirst frame house in the town. His sons TO WNSHIPS—SALEM. 265 were as follows : 1st. Oliver Hamlin, who kept it store many years and a public house at Hamlin ton. From thence lie removed to Bethany and traded awhile, and then to Honesdale, and there continued as a merchant during his life; he was a county commis- sioner three years and associate judge five years; 2d, Harris Hamlin, Jr., a farmer, who is yet living near Hollisterville ; 3d, Ephraim W. Hamlin, who, in early life removed to Bethany, where he is yet living. He was many years county treasurer, then a State Repre- sentative and afterward State Senator. 4th, Butler Hamlin, who when a young man, commenced as a mer- chant at Salem Corners, (since called Hamlinton in honor of the family,) and by strict attention to busi- ness acquired a competence. In 1861 he was elected associate judge of the county and served out his time, since which he has rejected all proffered nominations for office. Harris Hamlin, Sen., had five daughters; of these, Sarah, now aged ninety years, married John Bonham, and Philena married Yolney Cortright, and both are living. Catharine, the wife of Horace Lee, Buey, wife of Daniel Baldwin, and Amanda, wife of John Andrews, are all dead. David Hale took up the place afterward owned by Abisha Peet. It was claimed that Hale's wife made fifty pounds of sugar one spring and boiled down all (^)f the sap in a tea-kettle and a frying-pan. Timothy Hollister settled on the road from Little Meadows to Jonestown, cleared up a good farm, sold it, and in his old age moved to Michigan, being a loser 34 266 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. hy leaving his iirst home. He had two sons and two daiigliters, all of wiioni are dead. Asa Jones, generally called Deacon Jones, had a large family, all of whom are dead, excepting his daughter, widow Polly Hollister, who is the oldest of the family, and is now ninety-two years of age. His sons were Asa Jones, Jr., Amasa Jones, and Joel Jones. The family need no eulogy. Salmon Jones, a brother of the Deacon, was elected sheriff in 1816 and removed to Bethany. He had a respectable family, all of w^hich are gone to the grave. Jesse Morgan and George Morgan, his son, Iirst be- gan on Morgan Hill, but having some dilficulty about the land, tliey removed to Canaan township. George Morgan died in that township within the past year, aged ninety-seven years. Michael Mitchell began about 1802, and then re- moved to Providence, Luzerne (county, iinally return- ing to Salem. He ^\'as an ingenious mechanic, mason, carpenter, shoemaker, school-master, and music-teacher. In later years he taught all to sing that could learn the old minor-keved fuo-ue tunes. Gne of them was '' Whitestown," which his choir used to sing witli strong, natural voices to the appropriate words: * * Where nothing dwelt but beasts of prey, Or men as fierce and wild as they; He bids the oppressed and poor repair, And build them towns and cities there. They sow their fields, their trees they jDlant^ Whose yearly fruit supplies their want; Their race grows up from fruitful stocks, Their wealth increases with their Hocks. " TOWNSHIPS— kSALEM, 267 Aside from his otlier qualifications, Mr. Mitcliell was an expert mathematician ; indeed he was no botch at anything he undertook. He died in elanuary, 1855, aged eighty years, and his wife died in February, 1867, in the ninety-second year of her age. They have three sons living, namely, Jairus Mitchell, living near Hol- listerville, well known as the manufacturer of Mitch- ell's rakes, John P. Mitchell, who lives on Potter's creek, above IloUisterville, and owns a valuable farm and saw-mill, and Shepherd Mitchell, who is unmar- ried and lives near his brothers. Elizur Miller settled north of Timothy Hollister on the Jonestown road. He was the father of Joseph, Jesse, Ashbel, and Hervey Miller. Joseph Miller built the court-house in Bethany in 1816, and was twice elected sheriff of the county. Jesse Miller lived and died near the old homestead. Ashbel Miller clear: ed up a farm near RoUisonville, then removed to Burnt Ridge, south of his first farm, lived there several years and cleared up a farm which he finally sold to Thomas Bortree and moved West. Hervey Miller settled in Canaan. Francis Nicholson, a Revolutionary soldier, who located immediately west of Josiah Curtis, died soon af- ter he settled in the township. He left a widow and a lar^e familv of children, of whom were Jonathan Nicholson, who had seven sons in the late war, tmd Edmund Nicholson, who married a daughter of Josiah Curtis, and lived one mile south-west of Salem Cor- ners. One of his sons fell in the late war. 268 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Zenas Nicholson was a carpenter and mill-wriglit. He lived on the old homestead until about 1830, when he removed to Hamlinton. He died of epilepsy. He had six sons and three daughters. His sons were H. W. Nicholson and G. Byron Nicholson, late attorneys at law, deceased ; Lyman Nicholson, lieutenant in the late war and who was killed at Gettysburg; Seth G. Nicholson, farmer in Sterling ; Milton Nicholson, and Oscar Nicholson, of Luzerne county. Ambrose Nicholson, one of the original family, re- moved a few years ago to Nebraska. Henry Heermans married Fanny Nicholson, and Solomon Purdy also married one of the daughters. Jeremiah Osgood, who was a Revolutionary soldier and was afterwards pen- sioned by the government, took up land one mile north of Hamlinton. He died at the age of ninety-nine years. His sons were Jeremiah, Daniel, and Joseph. The latter is a physician yet practicing in the town, and is the only survivor of the family. Lydia, the only daughter, married Ebenezer Cobb. Theodore Woodl)ridge, about 1803, took up twelve hundred acres of land, moved his family into tlie town, and built a house of hewn logs one mile east of Ham- linton. He was the wealthiest man in the place. He v\'as a major in the Kevolutionary wai-, belonged to the order of "The Cincinnati," and was often visited ])y othcers of disthiction. He built the first saw-mill in the town at the outlet of tlie Bidwell pond, which mill was soon afterwards burnt down ; he then built a. oirist-mill and saw-mill on a branch of the Faupack, TO WNSHIPS— SALEM. 269 Inilf a mile east of Salem Corners, as it was then call- ed. He was active in every good work tliat would l)enelit the community. He established a small library for the benefit of the young people, furnishing most of the books himself. He held several offices in the county, but was indifferent to the emoluments of office. He had two sons and two daughters. They were well educated before they came into the county. Ashbel Woodbridge was a good and competent school-teacher and taught several years in the school- house near his home. After many years he removed to Falls township, Luzerne county, and taught in their schools to a very advanced age. William Woodbridge married Almira, the only daughter of John Weston, and remained many years on the old homestead. Anna, the oldest daughter, was a noble woman; she married Clement Paine, a wealthy merchant of Tioga. Laura married a Presbyterian clergyman named Bas- com. Rev. William Woodbridge, Sen., a Presbyte- rian minister, a graduate of Yale College, the chief author of Woodbridge's geography, and who had passed most of his life as a teacher in high schools, came and lived three or four years with his nephew, William Woodbridge, after the death of his brother, Major Woodbridge, who died in or about 1815. Rev. AVilliam Woodbridge, while in Salem, passed his time in preaching and giving instruction in geography and astronomy to chisses of young people. He said that the Major came to the Beech woods because he had not the means of keeping up that style of living ex- 270 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. pected of him in Connecticut. The old Woodl)ridge farm is now owned by T. J. Watson. Joseph Wood- bridge was a relative of Major Woodbridge. He took up four hundred acres of land. He liad a large familjy all of whom, excepting one son living on the old farm, are in the grave. He was a very competent man, had a good library of books, and was the first justice of the peace in the town. He died in the very meridian of life. Nathan Wright settled one mile south of Salem Corners about 1803. He came by the encouragement of Major Woodbridge, who, knowing him to be a good blacksmith, said tlie settlers must have a blacksmith, and could not do without one, as, in those days, the plowshares were all made out of wrought iron and' steel. Mr. Wright worked at his trade during his life-time. He had four sons, namely. Miles, a farmer who was never married; x\bel, who was married, died recently, leaving a family; Moses, who married, but left no family; and Sanford, who is unmarried and yet living. There were four of his daughters as follows: Anna, Lucina, and Kuth, were married in the towm; Polly, the oldest of the girls, died un- married. The settling of the sons of the pioneers above de- scribed added materially to the advance of the wealth and population of the town, but there was only a small incoming of new settlers between 1805 and 1825. John Weston. Though we remember him well, we are unable to state the exact time of his settlement, TOWNSHIPS— SALEM. 271 but it was near 1809. He married the widow of Francis Nicholson, deceased. His oldest son, Luther Weston, cleared up a large farm west of Joseph Woodbridge, Esq. He married Leury, a daughter of Deacon Asa Jones, and after her death widow Sally Hewitt. Altliough a lame man, he acquired a com- petency by farming. He removed to Hamlinton, where he lived many years, and there died, an honor- ed and worthy maii. Another son was Elijah Wes- ton, who married a daughter of Major Torrey. Both are dead. Their son, Edward Weston, Esq., a noted civil engineer in the employ of the Delaware & Hud- son Canal & Railroad Company, resides at Provi- dence, Pa. William Woodbridge married Almira, the only daughter of John Weston. Amos Polly, who lived in Jonestown in 1815, was the second justi(?e of the peace in the town, w^hicli of- fice he held until 1839. His wife was a sister of the late Joseph Headley, of Prompton. For many years Esquire Polly resided at Hamlinton, and Dr. Hiram Blois married Sophia, his daughter. Henry Avery, who was from near New London, Connecticut, came to the county about 1812. He had doubled Cape Horn eight times, and to escape the perils of the sea, (having on his last voyage been shipwrecked,) he came to the Beech woods. He was a man of reading and deep reflection, and, at the re- quest of his neighbors, held the ofiice of justice of the peace for many years. A few years since he died, aged ninety-five years. One daughter, widow Almira 272 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Wetlierit, his oldest child, now living in Salem, alone remains of his family. Others say that there are two i>f the family li^dng in the State of New York. Bethuel Jones, father of Ebenezer R. Jones, wlio was twice commissioner of the connty, took up land at one time occupied by Eliphalet Flint. Before Mr. Jones died, he and his son, El)enezer, had cleared up and improved an excellent farm. Many years ago one of the old gentleman's sons came from Connecti- cut, his father's native home, on a visit. Supposing that there would be ]*are sport in hunting deer, lie went with his bi'other, Ebenezer, to the w^oods, shot at a deer, which fell; he eagerly jumped upon the deer to cut its throat, but the struggling animal struck the knife with his hind foot, changing its direction, and causing the knife to sever the femoral artery of the young man's left leg. He fell over and died in a few minutes. John Andre w^s, about 1813, took up a farm east of Harris Hamlin's first farm. He had four sons; Adriel, the oldest, is living, aged ninety-two years; John, Charles, and David are dead. Anson Goodrich mar- ried Eunice, his only daughter, who was an excellent woman. She died, leaving a family of ten children, most of whom are living. Tlie following named persons settled before 1823: John Glossenden settled north-east of Anson Good- rich, took up one hundred and sixteen acres of land, cleared up a good farm, and lived there duiing his life. Robert Glossenden, a son of his, was born there. TOWNSHIPS— SALEM. 273 Aaron Gillett was from Connecticut, and first be- gan by teaching school in the town. He married a daughter of Samuel Hartford, and he and his wife are both living. Edmund Hartford lived on the north side of the Paupack below Luther Weston's, and owned a grist-mill, which was built by Ephraim Bidwell, Ashbel Wood- bridge, and William Hollister on the Sterling side of the creek. Hartford probably bought the mill of Hollister. Mr. Hartford was always considered honest, an excellent quality in a miller. Amasa Hollister, a ])lacksmith, began about 1815. His sons were Alpheus, Alanson, Amasa, Wesley, and John F. Alpheus and Alanson built a saw-mill and grist-mill and made many other improvements. John F. Hollister lives at Piano, Illinois. Amasa and Wesley went South. There were two daughters; Ursula, now a widow living in Illinois, married Mar- cus Stewart, and Daphne married Hiram Brown, who went West. Henry Heermans began first upon the place last owned by Harris Hamlin, Sen., and then he removed to Salem Corners, which place was in part built up by him. He was elected constable in the spring of 1818, and, at November sessions, 1818, he was licensed to keep a public house, which, with a store, he managed for several years. He was a stirring business man. In 1829 he disposed of his property at Salem Corners and removed to Providence, Pa. Samuel Morgan bought the farm first taken up by 35 (274 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. liis uncle, Jesse Morgan, and' called Morgan hill. He was a shrewd man and a good farmer. He so much resembled Ben. Butler that had they been dressed alike it would have been hard to tell them apart. His daughter, Mary Morgan, now owns the old home- stead. Halsey Morgan, one of his sons, remains in the town, but his other children have removed. Aaron Morgan, a brother of Samuel, bought and improved land north of his brother. Subsequently he bought of Charles Goodrich, Sen., the north-east sec- tion of the old London lot, at Hamlinton, containing one liundred and twenty acres, and exchanged his northern farm with Hammond Fowler for the George Lee farm lying east of his purchase of Charles Good- rich. Aaron Morgan's old farm is now owned by A. R. Jones, which farm adjoins the one of that ingen- ious orchardist and gardener, T. W. Quintin. Mr. Morgan built the large stone dwelling-house at Ham- linton and, upon his death, bequeathed all his property equally to his four daughters. Dr. Asa Hamlin, who originally was from Con- necticut, came to Salem about 1814. He was the first settled physician ; before his time Dr. Collins, of Cherry Bidge, or Dr. Mahony, of Bethany, was called in cases of great extremity. Dr. Hamlin bought or rented a tavern-stand of Henry Heermans and kept tavern several years at Hamlinton, and was succeeded by Jeffrey Wells. Dr. Hamlin had three sons and one daughter. He took great pains to educate his children. His oldest son, William E. Hamlin, mar- TO WNSHIPS— SALEM. 275 ried a daughter of David Noble and has been a promi- nent merchant at Nobletown from his youth up. The other sons removed to western Pennsylvania and have been popular men in the Legislature. The only daugh- ter, Eliza, married James Noble, of Nobletown, both of whom are living. John Roosa, Esq., bought the corner where Dr. Hamlin kept tavern, and was licensed at' April sessions, 1826. He had previously kept a popular tavern in Damascus. No reasonable man could find any fault with the house kept by Mr. Roosa. After eight or ten years, he sold out to John Nash, and removed to Orange county. He was the father of Dr. Isaac Koosa, George D. Roosa, and, also, of Charles P. Roosa, who kept a store in Hamlinton several years. Catharine, the only daughter, married Anson Northum, a merchant. Jonathan B. Watrous came to Salem w^hen young. He was known to be the best boot and shoe maker to be found. He married a daughter of Joseph Moore, Sen. He is one of the oldest men in the town. Joseph Moore, Sen., was originally from Connecti- cut. He had three children by his first wife, namely, Joseph Moore, Jr., who married Rebecca, daughter of Seth Goodrich; Abigail, wife of George Goodrich; and Matilda, wife of J. B. Watrous. Edward Moore bought the farm first owned by Har- ris Hamlin. Dr. Joseph S. Moore, a son of Edward Moore, died many years ago. Horace Moore, anothei' son, lives in Jonestown and owns the best farm in the 276 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. neighborhood. Walter Moore lives adjoining the old farm of his father, and Lucy Moore lives on the home- stead. John Raymond, who married a daughter of Thomas Spangenberg, Esq., and who was a soldier in the war of 1812 and is now pensioned, lived and traded as a merchant several years in Hamlinton. He is now living in Scranton. John Buckingham, about 1818, settled on the farm now owned by John Pel ton, and then removed to South Canaan, where he lived the rest of his days. By trade he was a calker and worked much at Hones- dale u.pon canal-boats. Ambrose Buckingham, a brother, bought land and cleared up a good farm near the line between Salem and Paupack (really in Pau- pack). He was father of Emma May Buckingham, the authoress. Asa Johnson married a sister of said Buckingham; Harvey Miller married one, and Jas. Carr another. The family, as we have elsewhere sta- ted, were from Saybrook, Conn. The Peet family settled on the old Samuel Hartford farm. There were Charles, a shoemaker, and Daniel and Abisha, farmers. Moses Wright married one of the daugh- ters, and Albert Stocker another. Stocker lived on and owned the Isaac Hewitt place, east of Little Meadows, w^hich his family now own. Dr. Erastus Wright, from Massachusetts, com- menced the practice of medicine, at Hamlinton, about 1823, and continued there during his life. He mar- ried Lydia, a daughter of Pliny Muzzy, of Clinton, TO WNSHIPS— SALEM. 277 and had two daughters, Mary and Frances. Mary married Rev. A. R. Raymond, and Frances, Mr. Cook. Salem is less broken by hills than any other town- ship. The soil produces good crops of corn, rye, oats, and buckwheat, but it is best adapted to the raising of grass. The Wallenpaupack and its tributaries af- ford abundant water-powxr. Jones pond is the larg- est sheet of water in the county, and the Bid well pond is also large. The Cobb pond is smaller, and the Marsh pond the most diminutive. The first settlers located on the old north and south and east and west roads. In 1821, there was not a house on the road from Little Meadows to the Paupack, a distance of seven miles. Fifty years ago the whole region east of the Five Mile creek, with little exception, was an un- broken wilderness. Rollisonville takes its name from John, Asa, and Nathaniel Rollison, who first began there. The Osborn family, also, contributed to enlarge the settlement. The post-office is Arlington. No. 19 is situated at the head of Jones pond, on the light track of the Peminsylvania Coal Co's Railroad, to which position it owes its importance. The village has all the buildings necessary for the convenience of a tliriv- ing population. The post-office is Ariel. Number 12 is situated on the loaded track of said railroad, north of No. 19, and is fast increasing in all that is necessary to form a prosperous village. Hamlin ton has two stores, one tavern, a Methodist Episcopal church, a Presbyterian, and an Episcopal church. 278 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Hon. Butler Hamlin is postmaster. The situation of the place is very pleasant. Hollisterville, situated on Potter creek, has a post-office, two grist-mills, two saw-mills, two rake-factories, three stores, two black- smith-shops, two wheelwright-shops, one carding-mill, one Baptist church, and one Protestant Methodist churcli. Ledgedale, situated on the Wallenpaupack, owes its origin to the establishment of a tannery at the place by G. B. Morss. It contains a saw-mill, grist-mill, and store, witli all other conveniences appurtenant to a village. The population is Irish and German. The Saint Mary's Roman Catholic church is located near by in Pike county. Services are held monthly. There is a Methodist Episcopal church in Bidwelltown, and a Baptist church in Jonestown. The first store in Sa- lem was kept by George Harberger, in a part of Major Woodbridge's new house. He kept salt at five dollars per bushel, leather, paper, bohea tea, and pepper, and took in pay fox and deer-skins. Oliver Hamlin kept the next store at Hamlinton. Major Woodbridge was the first post-master and he was succeeded by his son, William. There were but two newspapers taken in the town up to 1815. Theodore Woodbridge and Seth Goodrich took one copy of the Hartford Coitrant, and Joseph Woodbridge and John Weston another. At that time John Searle carried the mail from Milford through Salem to Wilkesbarre every fortnight. When the papers came the men gathered in to hear and discuss the neW'S. It took four months TOWNSHIPS— STERLING AND DBEHER. 279 for the news about the battle of Waterloo to reach the Beech Woods. Facts illustrative of the suffer- ings of the first settlers are given elsewhere. There are ten public schools in Salem, and the same number in Lake. Number of taxables in Salem in 1878, 455. Number in Lake, 371. CHAPTEE XXII. TOWNSHIPS— STERLING AND DREHER, STEELING, including what is now Dreher, was sep- arated from Salem, April 25th, 1815. It is bounded north by the west branch of the Wallenpaupack, east by the south branch thereof, south by Monroe county, and west by Lackawanna. Other streams of less note are Butternut and Mill creek. There are no lakes. The south-western part of the township, about the head- waters of the Lehigh, is sterile and unimproved. The lands about and westward of Nobletown and in the northern and eastern part, along the south branch, are of good quality and are well cultivated. Below and eastward of Captain Howe's location and between there and the old Bortree settlement, is a high hill of l)roken ground, worthless except for pasturage. 280 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. Henry Stevens, a German, was the first settler on the old north and sonth State road, near Butternut creek. He had received a good education in his native country. In 1800 he was taxed as a laborer, and in 1803 paid taxes on two hundred acres of land. He was the father of Valentine, George, Nicholas, and Henry, who were all farmers, and of Jane and Martha Stevens. In 1805, Robert Bortree, Sen., Edward Cross, Jno. Clements, and James Simons, each paid taxes on four hundred acres of land, from which it appears that each one took np a wari*antee tract. These men bought their lands of Edward Evans, of Philadelphia, the deed of John Clements being dated in March, 1804, that of Robert Bortree in May, 1805, and that of James Simons, in July, 1806. The lands of the above were described as located on the south branch of the Wallenpaupack. In the same year (1805) Jo- seph Simons and Abraham Simons paid taxation on two hundred acres each. The above named came up from Philadelphia and from Pocono by the old north and south State road, from which they marked out a route to their possessions. What few goods they had were brought in on pack-horses. With axes and au- gers they constructed their huts. Of so little value were they that the assessors neglected to assess them. Phineas Howe, Sen., or Captain Howe, a title which he acquired in Massacluisetts, began on the old north and south road and, in 1805, paid taxes on thirty acres of land, and subsequently on 2744 acres; TOWNSHIPS— STERLING AND DREHER. 281 consequently he paid the highest tax that was levied in the township. During his life he was a noted inn- keeper, and erected costly and convenient buildings which, in or about the year 1826, were consumed by tire. He lost all, as he had no insurance. He was the father of the late Hon. Phineas Howe, Jr., for- merly an associate judge of the county, and grand fa- liter of Hon. A. R. Howe, once register and recorder and Representative of the county. He had one other son, named S. Howe, now deceased ; some of his chil- dren are yet living in the township. Ezra Wall, Esq., a merchant of Nicholson, Luzerne county. Pa., married one of his daughters, and Capt. A. H. Avery, of Sa- lem, who removed to Illinois, married another. The resident taxables in the township, at the time of its erection, were Wm. Akers, Bartle Bartleson, John Bennett, Jeremiah Bennett, Nathaniel Bennett, Robert Bortree, Sen., Wm. Bortree, John Bortree, Thomas Bortree, Jr., John Burns, John Clements, Edward Cross, Andrew Cory, Richard Gilpin, Wm. Gilpin, Wm. Hollister, Phineas Howe, Jonathan Rich- ardson, and John Brown. We remember that in or about 1821, Edward Bortree, Thomas Bortree, Sen., Benjamin Beach, Robert Cross, George Dobell, Jas. Dobson, George Frazer, Dawson Lee, Thomas Lee, William Lancaster, Richard Lancaster, Amasa Megar- gle, Joseph Megargle, William McCabe, Edwin Mul- linsford, John Nevins, Heman Newton, David Reed, David Noble, John Simpson, Henry Trout, and Levi Webster, together with those aforementioned, and 36 282 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. their children, with some others, were then residents of Sterlhig township. Prominent among the above named was Robert Bortree, Sen. He built the first grist-mill and saw- mill in the townsliip ; he did many other things for the benelit of the public, and was an open-handed and free-hearted Irishman. William Bortree, his oldest son, for several years a farmer and merchant, died a few years since, aged over ninety years. His other sons were John, Edward, Thomas, and Robert. Mucli to their credit, they settled near their old homestead. If rightly informed, Robert, who lives on the east side of the south branch of the Wallenpaupack, is the only survivor of the family. Thomas Bortree built an ex- cellent mill on the S(juth branch of the Wallenpau- pack, about one mile from the mill that his fathe]- constructed, and ran it many years with success. Then he bought a farm of Ashbel Miller, situated in the eastern part of Salem, on the old turnpike road, i\\ which place he died. His wife was a daughter of Rev. Benjamin Killam, of Palmyra. There was an- other Thomas Bortree, who was an older man and was eitliei- an uncle or a relative of the younger Thomas, who began at an early date on a farm on the eastern side of the road nortli of J^iobletown. William Gilpin was the first constable, and Jere- miah Bennett the first assessor. He was the son of John Bennett, and held the office of county commis- sioner and other offices, and was captain of a militia company. He was a generous and public-spirited TOWNSHIPS— STERLING AND DREHER. 283 man and wielded great political influence. He, for many years, kept a pul)lic-house in that part of the town called Newfoundland. Nathaniel Bennett, a man much esteemed in his day, was Jeremiah's brother. David Noble was the iirst merchant in the town. He bought a large tract of land and he and his sons commenced and built up the village of Nobletown, and, judging from the social and moral character of the people, the name of the place is very appropriate. William T. Noble, a brother of, David, was for many years a merchant in said village. William Hollister, from Connecticut, in early days, was interested in building the grist-mill always known as the Edmund Hartford mill. After clearing up a farm, he returned to his native place and remained a few years, then came back, and died at Salem. Asa Hollister, his only son, is living at Hollisterville. Three of his daughters are living. James Waite married one, Leonard Clearwater one, and A. B. Walker an- other. Mrs. Polly Hollister, his widow, is jet living, aged over ninety years. Mr. Hollister was an excel- lent man. He was in no way related to the families of Timothy Hollister and Amasa Hollister. Jonathan Ricliardson was from Philadclpliia, and was a man of capacity and education. Richard Lancaster was an Englishman and a silver- smith by trade. He used to work at his business of making silver spoons, and took them to Philadelphia for sale. He held the oltice of justice of tlie peace, and was elected treasurer and sheriff of the county, 284 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. and discharged all tlie duties pertaining to these offices with fidelity. Dawson Lee and Thomas Lee lived near Thomas Bortree, Sen., on the Newfoundland turnpike. Daw- son Lee was a shrewd, witty man. They were Loth good farmers. Thomas Lee once had a number of iine shoats in a pen which one by one mysteriously dis- appeared. At last he set a trap and caught a large {)lack bear which thus fell a victim to his un Jewish appetite for pork. Amasa Megargle was a miller, and, for many years, was employed in the Honesdale inill. KW. the Me- i>:ar2:les were ino-enious mechanics. Levi Webster, in 1815, moved into Salem, and after a few years took up a farm in West Sterling, Avliere he remained the rest of his life. He was a man of quick wit and well read, particularly in natural histo- ry. He has three sons in the county, who are very much like what their father was. Such were the original settlers of Sterling, the foundation of the present excellent superstructure of its society. After the erection of the township, constant accessions of the same moral excellence were made to the population. Excepting Capt. Howe, Jer- emiah Bennet, and David Noble, the most of the first settlers were Irish. It is a surprising truth that notmthstanding the mingled nationalities of the people, no township in the county has had fewer criminal prosecutions and civil controversies in our courts than Sterling. Between TOWNSHIPS—STERLING AND DREIIER. 285 thirty and forty years ago, a settlement was made in East Sterling, or Newfonndland, by a body of worthy and industrious Germans, who have greatly promoted tlie wealtli and advancement of the township. When the Bortree, Simons, Gilpin, Cross, and Clements families, fresh from the Emerald Isle, first marked their way into the woods and built their huts midst gloom and solitude, how desperate was their condition, contrasted with the enchanting scenes which they had left forever behind them ! They suffered, struggled, and agonized to live and provide homes for themselves and their children; and let it not be forgotten that they succeeded. After the German settlement began to ilourisli, a turnpilve was constructed from the old turnpike through Newfoundland, etc. It has since l)een thrown up. Since the plan for this history was adopted the town has been divided and the southern part erected into a new township and named Dreher, in honor of Hon. Samuel S. Dreher, late president judge of Wayne and Pike counties. In the south-western part of Dreher, the Delaware, Lackawaxen and Western rail- road crosses a narrow strip of the county at a place called Sand Cut, where there is a depot and a post- office. Though the village is small, the business is large. South Sterling is a small, thriving village with a post-office and a M. E. church. There is a post-office at Newfoundland and an Evangelical church. Nobletown has a post-office and 286 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. H M. E. church. In 1878 Sterlmg had ten common schools, inchiding those in Dreher. The number of taxables in both was four hundred and ninety-one. CHAPTEE XXIII. TOWNSHIPS— CHERRY RIDGE. rpmS township Avas formed from parts of Texas and A Canaan townships, at December sessions, 1843. It is bounded on the north and north-east by Tex- as, on the south-w^est by Palmyra and Paupack, south by Lake, and west by South Canaan and Canaan. The chief natural ponds are Sand and Cajaw. The Middle creek, Collins brook, Stryker, and Pond brooks are the chief streams. There are no very high hills, and the greater part of the land is cultivatable. There is much land in the township of superior quality, but the lands south of Middle creek are mostly rough and uninviting, excepting about the Sand pond and in the neighborhood of John R. Hoadley's. This town- ship was early benefited by the passage of the Milford and Owego turnpike road througli it, and at a later period l)y the Ilonesdale and Cherry Ridge turnpike, which was afterwards continued to East Sterling. A TOWNSHIPS— CHERRY RIDGE. 287 settlement was commenced in this township before the organization of the county, but at what exact time we cannot ascertain. By an assessment of Canaan town- ship, made, in 1799, by John Bunting, Esq,, it appears that En OS Woodward, John Woodward, Sihis Wood- ward, Asahel Woodward, and John H. Schenck had at that time made quite an opening in the woods. Enos Woodward had then more land cleared than any man in the township, excepting Moses Dolph; having iif ty acres of improved and one hundred and seventy- five acres of unimproved land. John Woodward had seventeen acres of cleared and three hundred and eighty-three acres of uncleared land; Silas Woodward and Asahel Woodward each had twenty acres of im- proved, and each three hundred and eighty acres of unimproved land; and Col. John H. Schenck had forty acres of improved and four hundred acres of un- improved land. About 1794, Benjamin King went from Paupack and began on the Schenck farm, and, in 1796, left it and went to Mount Pleasant. It is supposed that about this time Enos Woodward with his sons and Col. John fl. Schenck commenced and made the first permanent improvements. They were soon after joined by Daniel Davis and Abraham J. Stryker. Enos Woodward was a native of Massachusetts. He was a soldier in the Pe volution ary war, and, while at home upon a furlough, mixed in an Indian fight on the Paupack. He was tall in stature, noble in bear- ing, and much reseml^led his grandson, Hon. George 288 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. . W. Woodward, deceased. He had several sons, namely, John, that quiet and unobtrusive man wlio lived and died upon the great Woodward farm near the resi- dence of J. Jordan; Silas, who bought the farm of Phineas Coleman in Dyberry; EV)enezer, who owned the farm west of Clark's Corners ; and Abisha Wood- ward, whose history will l)e found under tlie head of Bethany. Colonel John H. Schenck was from (3range connty, I*^. Y. Owning a good property in his native place, he mortgaged it to raise money to equip a regiment to serve in the Revolutionary war. Such was the pov- erty of the country in those days that he was poorly remunerated for his services, and, though made colonel of the regiment that he raised, he was not able to re- deem the farm that he mortgaged. He removed to Cherry Ridge and took up the land known as the Darling farm. He was finally pensioned by the gov- ernment and died at the house of Dr. Sweet in Canaan township. He was a patriot whose name deserves to be remembered. Some of his descendants are living in the township. Colonel Jacob Schenck was a son of Colonel John H. Schenck. Jacol) had the following sons: John J., who lived and traded many years at Clark's Corners, a most estimal)le man ; Apollos D., Henry, Caleb D., and Isaac, and, also, two daughters. Abraham J. Stryker ])ought a large quantity of land south of the Enos AVoodward farm, and made improvements thereon. In his old age he removed t«» TOWNSHIPS— CHERRY RIDGE. 289 Honesdale. His only son, Abraham A. Stryker, is living in Damascus. Daniel Davis located upon the farm now owned by H. L. Phillips. When there was much travel npon the turnpike, Mr. Davis kept a good public house for many years. Stephen Kimble, married Catharine, a daughter of Daniel Davis. Thomas Lindsley, for many years, kept a tavern in Cherry Ridge. Dr. Lewis Collins was born in Litchfield, Connecti- cut. He married a daughter of Hon. Oliver Hun- tington, of Lebanon, in that State. He removed his family to Salem, in 1801, and bought of Moses Dolph the old Jacob Stanton farm at Little Meadows. About this time the county seat was fixed at Bethany, and the doctor wishing to locate nearer the centre of the county, where he could have a larger field for his prac- tice, sold out to Seth Goodrich, removed to Cherry Ridge in 1803, and bought the possessions of Enos Woodward aforesaid. The farm that he purchased is now owned by his grandson, Lewis S. Collins, Esq. The practice of the doctor was very extensive and em- braced the whole circuit of the county. He had a sar- castic way of giving gratuitous advice to his patients, whicli, althougli salutary, was not always agreeable. He advised a woman who asked for medicine to re- store her appetite, to go without eating for eight and forty hours, and if that failed, to go without, eight and forty hours longer, and then to eat old bread and ap- ple-sauce. The following were the names of the chil- 37 290 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. dren of Dr. Lewis Collins, viz : Aiigiistns, who owned and lived upon the farm now the property of Charles Gc. Reed in Dyberry ; Oristns, attorn ey-at-law, generally known as Judge Collins. He located at Wilkesbarre, and at times practiced at the Bar in Wayne county. He Avas ten years president judge of the several courts in Dauphin county, Fa. He is yet living with his son in Princeton, New Jersey; Abner, a farmer, died in Salem an aged man ; Lorenzo was a farmer and sawyer and died in Cherry Ridge, leaving no enemies. Decius, a farmer, removed to Salem and bought a farm there, at whi(;h place he died. Lucius was twice elected sheriff of the county; consequently he lived several years at Bethany and was known by almost every man in the county. He returned to the old farm of his father and has been dead but a few years. Alonzo, a farmer, bought a farm in Canaan and died there. He was a man of reading and culture. Huntington, who was a mill-wright, learned his trade of Zenas Nichol- son and Henry Heermans, and built more mills than any other man living or that ever lived in Wayne and Pike counties. Theron, a farmer, has been dead many years. Philena, the only daughter, married Yirgil Diboll, a physician, who removed to the Wyoming Valley. At the erection of the town there were many good farms, (which number has been largely increased since,) assessed to the following named persons : Samuel Bar- tron, E. H. Clark, Lucius Collins, Samuel S. Darling, John P. Darling, John Kirby, Jacob S. Kimble, TOWNSHIPS— CHERRY RIDGE. 291 David Kenner, Lewis Leonard, Wm. R. McLaury, Edward Murray, John G. Schenck, A. A. Stryker, and Isaac Y. Writer. The heavy track of the Penn- sylvania Coal Go's railroad runs through the southern part of this township, and it crosses the Middle creek above the most splendid fall on that stream. Here, in coming times, will be found a manufacturing village. Middle Valley owes its importance and develop- ment to the establishment there of the great tannery of L. A. Robertson &, Go. Ten years ago, it did the largest tannery business in the county. The com- pany, for the benefit of themselves and the region about them, cleared up a large quantity of land, and, by selling a portion to their workmen, were the means of causing several farms to be made. The place is conveniently located near the loaded track of the Pennsylvania Goal Go's railroad; it has a large store, a post-office, and a flourishing school. Tlie tannery is now run and controlled by William Gale, Esq. A daily mail passes through Middle Valley, running from Honesdale to Hamlinton. The post-office, call- ed Gherry Ridge, is located at the intersection of the Honesdale and Gherry Ridge turnpike with the old Milford and Owego turnpike road. The office was kept in the dwelling-house of the late E. H. Glark, Esq., deceased, until the house was burned down, a year or two ago. There is no licensed public house in the town. The people are made up of L*ish, German, English, and American-born citizens, the L-ish ele- ment probably predominating. The township of 292 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Cherry Hidge has one church, formerly called the Union church, but now the M. E. church, and iive common schools. The abundance of cherry-trees on the old Enos Woodward, John H. Schenck, and John Woodward lands gave name to the place long before it was erected into a township. CHAPTER XXIV. TO WNSHIPS—D YBERE Y. THIS township was erected in 1805, and was the first one taken out of the original townships. It was taken from Damascus, Palmyra, and Canaan. The excision of Texas and Berlin greatly diminished its area. It is now bounded by Mount Pleasant and Lebanon on the north, on the east by Oregon, on the south by Texas, and west by Canaan and Clinton. The main streams are the Dyberry and its tributaries, and the Jennings creek. Part of the Sand pond is in the north-west part, and tliere are also the Third, Sec- ond, and First ponds ; from the last two most of the water is derived which supplies the borough of Hones- dale. There are no high, uncultivatable hills, except- ing in the upper north-eastern section. The soil is TO WNSHIPS—D YBERR Y. 293 varied, but much of it is of superior quality. Accord- ing to Thomas Spangeuburg, Esq., he moved up from New Jersey, in February, 1798, with one ox, har- nessed like a horse, and moved into a hut which one Kizer had built, the year before, on the place where John Nelson now lives. There was nobody then in Bethany. Samuel Smith built on the other side of the George Yan Deusen place. The very night that Esquire Spangenberg arrived, Richard Nelson, and Conrad Pulis, a German, came. The latter began and cleared up a farm. So numerous were his sons that we may fail to mention them all, but among them were Abraham, Peter, Henry, William, and Ephraim. The farm of Conrad Pulis was below Day's bridge, on the Dyberry. Kichard Nelson bought against Big eddy, on the same stream. He had five sons, namely : Richard, Jr., deceased; John, who has been an honest, hard-work- ing farmer and lumberman, yet living near the old homestead; Charles, who is an expert steersman on the Lackawaxen and Delaware rivers ; Stephen, who located in Lebanon and died there ; and James, who first settled in Girdland and then removed to Nebras- ka. Henry Brown married one of the daughters of Richard Nelson, William Bolkcom one, and Osborn Mitchell another. About 1799, Jonathan Jennings began on the west- ern side of the Dyberry, near the junction of Thomas creek therewith, from which place he removed to and bought the farm now occupied by Hiram G. Chase, 294 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Esq. Jonathan Jennings was many years crier of the courts, and held important township offices. His son, Henry, exchanged farms with Mr. Chase, taking the one where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a justice of the peace, and two of his daughters now own his last residence. A man by the name of Dye first made some im- Drovement on or near the residence of Martin lviml)le. The property belonged to Sylvanus Seely, who sold it to Isaac Brink, from Brodhead's creek. After a while Brink sold it to Asa Kimble, who was a son of Eph- raim Kimble, Sen., of the Narrows, Pike Co., and brother of the first svife of Joseph Atkinson, deceased. Kimble married Abigail, a daughter of John Pellet, of Palmyra, Pike Co., and Mr. Kimble and his wife lived and died where his son, Martin, now lives. Their children are Ephraim B., Isaac P., George W., John P., William, and Martin, and Mrs. Nancy Ge- nung, widow of the late Ezra M. Genung, of Hones- dale, deceased. They are all living in the county and partake of the virtues of their parents, whose memory is blessed. Philip Thomas began before the year 1805, on the farm of Albert Butler, on the road from Bethany to Seelyville. None of his family are now living. Abraham Brink, from Mom*oe county. Pa., built a grist-mill on the outlet of the Eirst pond, upon the premises now owned by Thomas O'Neill. In the first as- sessment made in the township by Jonathan Jennings, in 1805, the mill was assessed at $640.00. It was a TOWNSHIPS— DYBERRY. 295 popular mill and of great advantage to the settlers. Pope Buslinell, Esq., says that it used facetiously to be said that the mill could grind wheat so that it was almost as good as rye. But let it be remembered that the millstones were made from a hard quartz rock found on the Moosic mountains. Brink, or somebody else, afterwards built a saw-mill below the grist-mill. The whole premises afterwards fell into the hands of Colonel William Greeley, the father of Willard Greeley, of Honesdale, and of Kobert Greeley, of Prompton, a brave soldier in the war of the Rebellion. In or about the year 1816, Stephen Day, from Chat- ham, New Jersey, settled on the east side of the Dyberry, where his son Lewis now lives. It is one of the pleasantest places on that stream. He died there aged ninety-six years. His wife was a daughter of Benjamin Bunnell. Jane, his oldest daughter, married Moses Ward, and was the mother of Rev. E. O. Ward, of Bethany. The rest of his children were as follows: Elias, moved to Ohio, thence to California, where he died recently, aged ninety-three years; Barney and Benjamin removed to Ohio; Mary, the wife of Levi Ketchum, has, with her husband, been dead many years; Damaris, now living, is the wife of Hon. E. W. Hamlin, of Bethany, and as a florist has a most deli- cate taste and an appreciation of the beautiful ; Edwin S., deceased, was the father of George and Theodore; Lewis lives upon the old homestead and is an expert taxidermist. Hon. Pope Buslmell, a son of Gideon Buslinell, was 296 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. 1>ori] in March, 1789, in Salisbury, Connecticut. He came into Dyberry in 1817. Joseph Dow, who was a brother of the widow of David Cramer, deceased, and of Mrs. Tallman, the wife of C. P. Tallman, Esq., lii'st began on his place; then Joseph Corbitt bought out Dow and sold his contract to Mr. Buslmell, who, by industry and economy paid for and cleared up the farm where he now lives. His worth was not unappreciated. He was appointed major of the first battalion of the Seventieth Regiment, in 1821, by Gov. Hiester, and was also appointed justice of the peace in 1824. He was the first county commissioner elected by the peo- ple. In 1847 he was chosen to represent the county in the Legislature. His pure life and abstemiousness have prolonged his life to a remarkable age, he being now in his ninety-second year. His wife, also living, was the daugliter of Gideon Hurlburt, and was one of three of his triplet daughters who were born in Goshen, Litchfield county, Connecticut, March 20th, 1788. The first daughter, Mrs. Susan Grenell, widow of Michael Grenell, of Brooklyn, Susquehanna county, was the mother of four children. She died, aged about eighty-eight years. Mrs. Sally Buslmell, now in hei* ninety-tiiird year, brought up six of her own cliildreii and four of other people's. Sidney X. Buslmell, Esq., is her only surviving (;hild. Mrs. Sibyl Ludington, widow of Theron Ludington, had but one child. She was a widow about seventy years, and died aged eigh- ty-eight years. Capt. Homer Brooks, came from Vermont in or TO WNSHIPS—D YBERB Y. 297 about 1816, and settled on the place where widow Eliza Brooks now lives. His sons were Ezra Brooks, a farmer, who lives westw^ard of the old homestead ; Yirgil Brooks, farmer in Lebanon; Major E. Brooks, deceased; Horace D. Brooks, of Susquehanna county, farmer ; and Wm. D. Brooks. He had several daugh- ters. Lephe, the wife of Lyman Gleason, Esq., is the only one living in the county. Lucy, the widow of Barney Bunnell, lives in Newark, N. J. The others are dead or have removed elsewhere. Joseph Gleason began near where his son, Lyman Gleason, now lives. Alvin, one of his sons, was killed in the war of the Bebellion. Willard, another son, lives near the old homestead. Gideon Langdon began about 1815 on the Thomas Hacker farm. His son, Solomon, followed him, and Jonathan T., another son, lived in Bethany. They iinally removed to Montrose, Susquehanna county. The first wife of Lewis Day was a daughter of Gideon Langdon. Philemon Ross, from Connecticut, in 1815, began where his son, David Boss, now lives. All the rest of the family have removed. Philemon married a daugh- ter of Pliny Muzzy, of Clinton. In 1817, Mr. Ross, who was one of the freeholders of the towTi, brought in a bill of $12.00 for warning twelve indigent persons who might need public aid, to leave the town with their families. There was no law to justify such in- human ostracism, but it had become a custom in some places, and it was claimed that custom made law. 38 298 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Pope Bushnell, Esq., being liiglily incensedj denounced the custom as a disgrace, and it was thereafter discon- tinued, and the said bill was never paid. Jonathan Arnold, from Connecticut, settled on the west branch in 1810. He was a pensioner, having been in some of the severest battles of the Revolution. He retained his faculties unimpaired to a very old age. He was assessor of the town when eighty-four years old. " His eye was not dim, nor hi& natural force abated." He had a large family who are mostly, if not all, dead. Hon. Phineas Arnold, late of Promp- ton, and once associate judge of the county, and David Arnold, once county treasurer, were his sons. He had twelve children. Isaac Dimmick came to Bethany about 1816. He bought the farm now owned by Edwin Webb. He was an associate jndge of the county four yeare. He sold out his farm to Robei't Webb, Sen., and removed to the West. He was a man of merit and ability, Hon. Abisha Woodward, who was sheriif in 1807, took up the Henry Webb farm, and then the place fell into the hands of Edmund L. Reed. The history of Judge Woodward will be found under Bethany. Phineas Coleman and Daniel Bunting were the iirst settlers upon the west branch; after them were Setb Hayden and Moses Hayden. Eliphalet Wood came from Dutchess Co., N. Y., and settled on the west branch of the Lackawaxen, in 1816, on the farm now o^vned by Michael Moran. Mr. Wood bought out a man by tbe name of White. TO WNSHIPS—D YBERR Y. 299 This was a very old place and is really in Clinton, al- though it was once said to be in Dyberrj. The fol- lowing are the names of most if not all of the Wood family, namely: Enos, Jesse, Luman, Charles, Eliph- alet, John N,, Ezekiel G., William F., Abigail, wife of Elias B. Stanton, Esq., Jane, wife of Hon. Phin- eas Arnold, both deceased, and Mary Wood, who died young. The farm, now owned by Oscar Bunnell, was once if not at first occupied by Stephen W. Genung, and then owned by John Leonard, who sold it to Z. M. Pike Bunnell, since deceased. O. H. Bunnell, of Honesdale, is a son of said decedent. One of his other sons, Ellery, was killed in the battle at Gettys- burg. Spencer Blandin was the first settler upon the pres- ent farm of Patrick O'Neill, on which is the great spring above the road. Daniel Blandin, who, in his life-time, lived near Honesdale, was his son. The place has since had several owners. John C. Ham l)uilt new buildings upon the farm, and then sold it to O'l^^eill, and he, with his family, removed to Wauseon, Ohio. Eli Henshaw settled upon the farm now owned by Joseph Arthur. At what particular time he and his brother, Increase Henshaw, were first in the county is uncertain, but we know that they were here in 1816, Increase was a painter and an ingenious man. Some- times he lived in Bethany and then in Dyberry. D wight Hensliaw is a son of Eli. 300 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. V" Nathan Kellogg at first lived in Bethany ; he mar- I'ied Salinda, a daughter of Abisha Woodward. He was a relative of Silas Kellogg. He built a house on the farm of Francis Beere, Esq., and there for many years kept a licensed house. A man by the name of Freeman began on the Ethel Reed place, so called, and w^as succeeded by Ephraim Torrey, wdio sold to Ethel Reed, who w^as a son of Ethel Reed, Sen., of Salisbury, Conn. Pie came in with his brother William, about 1832, and was a wheelwright by trade. His only living children are the widow of Ezra Brown, deceased, and the wife of Dwdglit Henshaw. Wm. Reed, deceased, settled in Honesdale and was many years a noted merchant. Charles G. Reed and Edmund L. Reed were sons of Josiah Reed, of Salisbury, Conn. The former located in 1832, on the farm where he now lives. Dr. Dwight Reed, Dr. Wm. Reed, and Egbert Reed, druggist of Honesdale, are sons of the former. Edmund L. Reed w^as a graduate of Yale College, and kept for years the academy in Bethany, where he died. Jacob Hole, in 1817, settled on the Borchers place. He was the father of Lewis Hole. William Miller, of German descent, came from Lu- zerne county, about 1820, and settled on the place where he now lives. Barney Day began on the place near D. M. Kim- ble, then removed to the West, and was succeeded by Thomas Andrews. Jacob Schoonover, a son of William Schoonover, TO WNSHIPS—D YBERR Y. 301 began on Ids farm when lie was a young man. He was a native of the county and has three sons. Jason Torrey built a saw-mill at Dyberry falls, about 1830. In 1857, Barnet Richtmyer built a tan- nery there, which now belongs to Coe F. Young, Esq. Wm. !N. Alberty is the general superintendent, and the business is ably conducted. There is, also, a large steam saw-mill. The water is used in and about the tannery. The village is now called Tanners Falls. It has a large store, a blacksmith shop and the usual conveniences of a village. There is a large amount of business done in the place. Dyberry village. E. B. Kimble keeps a store, tav- ern, and post-oftice at his residence. There is a wagon and ])lacksmith shop, while the grist-mill of Messrs. Bates adds much to the business of the place. There has been some dispute as to the origin of the name of Dyberry. It was said by Mrs. Isaac Brink, an early settler, that the earliest beginners told her that a man named Dyberry built a cabin on the east branch, and, being the first man that died in tlie town, the place was called after him. In 1816, C]u-istopher Faatz, Sen., Adam Greiner, Jacob nines, Christopher Hines, Nicholas Greiner, and Christian Faatz, all Germans, ("ommenced and built a factory for tlie making of window-glass, about one mile and a half west of Bethany and east of the First pond, north of the residence of Charles Faatz. The place selected w^as entirely surrounded by woods. The stones witli which to build arches were obtained 302 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. from the Moosic mountain, and clay for pots wherein to melt the glass, was brought from Philadelphia hy wagons and sleighs. They made good glass which they, by like means, had to convey to Wilkesbarre, Xewburgli, and Philadelphia, from which places they obtained their goods. They finally failed. James Manning and Jacob Faatz ran the factory awhile and stopped. Then Jacob Faatz and William Greeley started it again in 1829. Augustus Greeley, a brother of William, furnished the capital. This firm ran ten years and failed and the works were sold. Then Sloan (Sz Stebbins ran them for two years, when the works were finally discontinued. The sand which was used was taken from the ponds in the town. The several firms from time to time employed from thirty to fifty men. The enterprise was beneficial as it led to the sale and clearing up of the lands. Hiram K. Mumf ord, son of Thomas Mumf ord, of Mount Pleasant, owns the house and buildings which were erected by Col. William Greeley, now deceased. Joseph Bodie and Jacob Bodie were blowers in the glass-house, and have good farms in the " Bodie Settlement." There are seven common schools, two hundred and eighty taxables, one Baptist church, and a Granger's hall in the town. The population is made up of Americans, Irish, Germans, and English. Of the lat- ter, within forty-five or fifty years past, the following persons have settled, viz : John Blake, John Y. Blake, John Bate, Francis Bate, James Pethick, Nicholas Cruse, Kichard Clift, Francis Beere, Joseph Dony, BOROUGH OF BETHANY. 303 Richard Bryant, Henry and Joseph Arthur, Matthew Clemo, who are now living; also, Thomas Bryant, William Bryant, John Dony, Samuel Dony, Robert and Richard Webb, Thomas Crago, Mr. Reynolds, John Bethick, and Thomas Hacker, all of whom are deceased. The living are and the departed were the l)est of farmers, and with their families made up the greatest part of the population in the town. CHARTER XXV. BOROUGH OF BETHANY. IT having been settled that Bethany was to be the county seat of Wayne, as stated by Judge Wood- ward, in the introductory chapter to this work, in 1801, Jason Torrey, Esq., surveyed and set the stakes for the public square and court-house, to be erected upon the 999 acres which Henry Drinker, of Phila- delphia, donated to Wayne county, the proceeds of wdiich were to be used in constructing a court-house, &c. He immediately began the construction of a dwelling-house, and, while building it, he journeyed twelve miles daily to Mt. Pleasant and back, through the woods, to supply his workmen with provisions. 304 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Daniel Stevenson used to say that he cut out the road from Mt. Pleasant to Bethany, and that Jason Torrey paid him twelve dollars for doing the job. Dyberry tOMiiship was not then erected, and Bethany was in Damascus township. Mr. Torrey laid out the 999 acres into town or building lots, or into out lots of about five acres each. Tlie Drinker land donated as aforesaid was called the "Town of Bethany." Mr. Torrey had not wholly finished his house, which was the second one built in the place, when the lirst court ever held in the place was convened in his unlinished house, on the 6th day of May, A. D. 1805, before the Hon. John Biddis, president judge, and Hon. John Brink, associate. The judges sat upon chairs placed upon a carpenter's bench and could have been very appropriately called tlie " Bench," while the jurors sat on board seats below. At that court a grand jury ap- peared and was sworn, who ignored three bills of in- dictment, and found one true bill for assault and bat- tery. The first court-house was built upon the public square, and Avas thirty-six feet in front, and thirty-two feet deep. A large log-jail, disconnected from the other house, was built, in which were confined not only criminals but such persons as were unable to pay their del>ts, the law then allowing the plaintiff named in an execution, to sell all of a debtor's property, in- cluding his last knife and fork, and then to send him to jail, where the plaintiff, upon paying the sheriff fourteen c^nts per day, could keep the debtor until he BOROUGH OF BETHANY. 305 could be released by a tedious and expensive applieti- tion for the benefit of the insolvent laws. The law, allow^ing imprisonment for debt, was repealed July 12, 1842. After some years the log-jail was burned down, and the back part of a building called the reeen overhaul- ed i\m\ rebuilt by Dr. Isaiah Scudder. He was twice elected sheriff of the county, and died in Bethany re- spected and regretted. He had one son, Joseph, who married a daughter of Judd Raymond, and they have gone to the mysterious realm; one daughter, Hannah, deceased ; and another daughter, Armenia, who is the widow of Enos Woodward, deceased, and is yet living. Nathaniel B. Eldred, son of Elislia and Maiy Eldred, was born in Dolsontown, Orange county, N. Y., in 1795. He studied law in the office of Daniel Dimmick and Edward Mott, in Milford, where he was admitted to tlie practice of hiw in 1816, and in that year ren:ioved to Bethany where he practiced in his profession for nearly twenty years. During some of said time he was in the mercantile business. He was elected to the State Legislature for four terms, and was county treasurer two years. In 1835 he was ap- pointed, l)y Gov. Wolf, president jndge of the eight- eenth judi(dal district, and served four yeai*s, and in 1839, by Gov. Porter, president jndge of the sixth judicial district, in which position he served four years, and tlien he was appointed president judge of the twelfth district, (composed of the counties of Dauphin, Lel)anon, Schuylkill, et(%; whereupon he removed to BOROUGH OF BETHANY. 313 Harrisburg and resided, until, in 1849, the twenty- second judicial district, composed of Wayne, Pike, Monroe, and Carbon, was erected, of which district he was appointed president judge by Gov. Johnston, and then returned to Bethany where he resided the re- mainder of his life. After the Constitution was amended making the judiciary elective, he was unani- mously elected president judge of the twenty-second district aforesaid. In Polk's administration he served four years as naval officer at the port of Philadelphia. Judge Eldred was often appointed to act in other posi- tions. He was a very straight-forward man. As a judge he was always desirous to reach the justice of a case and to put the law and facts in so clear and con- spicuous a light as to leave little room for mistake or misapprehension by a jury. He seldom or never took a case away from a jury and decided it himself, conse- quently he was highly esteemed for his impartiality. He died at his residence in Bethany in January, 1867. He had seven children, four of whom died young and unmarried. Mary, the first wife of Hon. E. O. Ham- lin, and Lucinda, the wdfe of Ara Bartlett, are dead. Charles, who removed toWarsaw,Wisconsin, and Carrie, the wife of Mr. Watson, of Warren county, are living. Isaac Dimmick, always in his latter days called Judge Dimmick, was from Orange county, E^. Y., and came into Bethany in 1805. He bought and cleared up the farm now owned by Edwin Webb. He was an associate judge of the county, and was often employed in the county offices. He married a daugh- 40 314 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY, ter of Hon. Abisha Woodward. He sold his farm to Robert Webb, Sen., and removed West. James Manning was born in Coventry, in Tolland county, Connecticut, in the year 1792. He came to Bethany in 1815, and began as a merchant, which business he successfully pursued for twenty years. He was a shrewd, enterprising business man. He married Charity B., the only child of David Wilder, and she is yet living in the mansion house, w^hich belonged to her husband at the time of his death. Mrs. Manning and Asa Torrey alone remain, and have continued to live in the place where their parents were original set- tlers. Mr. Manning w^as register and recorder, and for many years an associate judge. He was an am- bitious man, but his ambition benefited others. Born in a land where the school-house and spelling-book are considered indispensable, where every patriot deems it his duty to spread knowledge with a broad and boun- tiful cast, he at once recognized the newspaper as the most effectual agent in the diffusion of knowledge. Alone and unaided he bought a printing press and type and started the first newspaper in Wayne county, entitled the Wayne County I£irro7\ Its first number was dated in March, 1818. It was well conducted, and was in those days considered a ivonderful wonder. The Mirror gave way to the Republican Advocate^ which was published by Davis and Sasman. Manning furnished the printing-press and capital. Tlie concern gave notice that they would take tallow and maple sugar in payment. The first number was issued in BOROUGH OF BETHANY. 315 November, 1822. Jacob S. Davis, having become mipopiilar, the paper took the name of the Wayne Enquirer, and was published by William S asm an, Manning furnishing the press. It was twenty by twelve and one-half inches in size and gave the home and foreign news. The second number, dated January 6th, 1830, gives an account of the borough as it then was, as follows: "Bethany is the seat of justice for Wayne county. It is situated on a commanding emi- nence which declines on every side except the north, and overlooks the adjacent country. It contains forty dwelling-houses, a court-house, a county lire-proof building, a Presbyterian church, an academy, two tav- erns, four stores, a post-office, and several artisan and mechanical establishments. It is thirty-six miles from Milford, one hundred and ten miles from New York, and one hundred and twenty-three miles from Phila- delphia. The borough was incorporated March 31st, 1821." Such, in 1830, was what is now the beautiful village of Bethany. Abisha Woodward, son of Enos Woodward, of Cherry Ridge, was elected sheriif of Wayne in 1807, and was for a long time an associate judge. He lost his left arm, l)ut for all that he bought and cleared up the farm now owned by Henry Webb, which lies westward one-half mile from the borough. He mar- ried Lucretia, a daughter of Jacob Kimble, Sen., of Palmyra, Penn. Among the children were, 1st, John K. Woodward, who married Mary, a daughter of Silas Kellogg, Esq.; their children were Warren J. Wood- 316 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ward, late jnclge of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania; Jackson K. Woodward, attorney-at-law, late of Honesdale, deceased; and Densey, who married Dr. Johnson Olmstead, of Dundaff, Penn. 2d, Nathaniel Woodward, w^ho once represented the county in the Legislature and removed to the West. 3d, George W. Woodward, who held various important offices, and was once a member of Congress, and a judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Hon. Isaac Dim- mick married the oldest daughter, and George Little, Esq., attorney-at-law, married the youngest. All the family above-named are dead. Capt. Charles Hole* was, according to old records, an early resident, as he or David Wilder was employed as supervisor of the roads, then considered the most important township office. He had a brick-yard where all the brick that were used in the town w^ere made. He built the house where George Hauser now lives. He had two sons; John, deceased, and Washington. The latter is now living in Lake township, and for a second wife married a daugliter of Amasa Jones, de- ceased. He had four daughters, namely, Louisa, first wife of Dr. Otis Avery; Martha, wife of Rezzia Woodw^ard; Joanna, wife of Ezekiel Birdsall; and Mary, wife of John J. Schenck, deceased. Mrs. Schenck is the sole survivor of the daughters. Charles Hole and Jacob Hole were twins. Jacob Hole settled in Dyberry. Lewis Hole was his son, and *The orthography of this name has been changed and is now spelled ' ' Hoel. " BOROUGH OF BETHANY, W he liad a daughter named Phebe. Caleb Ho^^ the William Hensey farm and was the fath( 'r.u Elijah, and Cornelia Hole. Cornelia is not living. Randall Wilmot married a daughter of James Carr, of Canaan, and David Wihnot, of Wilmot Proviso ■iiQtori,(^,t\% v^^as their son. John A. Gustin, a noted mechanic, also, married a daughter of James Carr. Gustin for many years was a merchant in Bethany, and removed to Honesdale and there was postmaster. His widow and some of his daughters are yet living. Randall built the house and store now occupied by Hon. A. B. Gammell. John A. Gustin was the main carpenter and workman in erecting it. Amzi Fuller, from Litchlield county. Conn., studied law in the office of Hon. Dan Dimmick, of Milford, and came to Bethany about 1816, from which time he practiced law, until the removal of the county seat to Honesdale, when he disposed of his property and re- moved to Wilkesbarre, Pa. He was not an easy, flu- ent speaker, but his opinion upon difficult and knotty questions in law was seldom controverted. He had but one son, Hon. Henry M. Fuller, who was a mem- ber of Congress, from Luzerne county, of acknowedg- ed ability, but who died in the meridian of life. Thomas Fuller studied law with his brother Amzi, and was not admitted to the Bar until many years afterward. He was argumentative and persuasive and a much better speaker than his brother. He never attempted to make the worse appear the better reason. He was too conscientious to take any unfair advantage 3IS HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY, of Kent's opponent. After the removal of the court to Honesdale, he took up his abode there, and ov^uii c.ioor died in the meridian of life. Hon. John Torrey married one of his sisters. Mr. Fuller left one son, William, who is now living in the house which his father built. His only daughter, Mary, married Dr. Kalph L. Briggs, who died in Wisconsin, [November 4, 1863. At the time of his death he was postmaster of Honesdale. Levi C. Judson lived some time in Bethany, and his son, who writes under the norti deplume of "Ned Buntline," was born in the village. By the assessment of 1825, Hon. E. W. Hamlin was mentioned as a single man. A full notice is giv- en of him in another part of this book. Besides the persons aforementioned, it appears by an assessment, made by Henry W. Stilley, 1825, that there were then other prominent men living in the borough, among whom were Daniel Baldwin, a hatter, who married Buey Hamlin, sister of E. W. Hamlin, and afterwards removed with his family to Minne- sota; Levi Ketchum, who was a tanner and shoe- maker, and, as a boot-maker, could not be excelled, his children being Lawrence, deceased, William, of Susquehanna, Pa., and Eliza, wife of Spencer Keen, of Honesdale; Osborn Olmstead, who came in about 1819, from Connecticut. He was a shoe-maker and tanner. His children were as follows: Raymond, de- ceased; Isaac P., of New York city; Johnson C, physician, in Dundaff, Pa. ; Hawley Olmstead, de- BOROUGH OF BETHANY. 319 ceased; Harriet, of Dnndaff; and Arnej, who married Wm. Y. R. Sloan, deceased. Judd Raymond was a carpenter, and the father of John Raymond, Esq., and Wm. Raymond. Philan- der K. Williams, Esq., married one of his daughters, and Joseph Miller, Jr., another. John Raymond is then noticed as being a carpenter and owTiing a good dwelling-house. Moses Ward, who was a joiner by trade, was assess- ed in the borough, in 1825. He was from Chatham, N. J., and first settled or lived on the Dyberry. He was the father of Rev. E. O. Ward, and lived to be eighty-one years of age. The Rev. E. O. Ward, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, came from Dun- daif to Bethany, in 1851. In his ways he reminds us of the village preacher described in Goldsmith's "De- serted Village." The house, which is now the M. E. parsonage, was built by J. S. Davis, who was many years a commis- sioners' clerk and deputy county treasurer, and who proved to be a defaulter to the county for several thousands of dollars, the most of which was lost. The county seat was removed to Honesdale by act of Assembly, passed 1811. After the removal of the courts the court-house was used as an academy until the ITniversity of Northern Pennsylvania was char- tered, in 1848, when the old court-house w^as changed and enlarged for the use of said University, and a school opened therein in the fall of 1850. The next year. Professor John F. Stoddard was elected princi- 320 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. pal of the institution. It was patronized by over two hundred students, and gave a most salutary impetus to the cause of education. Then for a time the insti- tution was managed by the Methodist Episcopal Church. Professor Stoddard linally purchased the whole building and grounds, and while under him at the time of its greatest prosperity, the building was burned on the night of the 19th of April, 1857. Mr. Stoddard generously gave the fire-proof building and public square to the borough for the use of the com- mon school. But the University was not the only institution of learning with which Bethany has been favored. In 1813, the Beech Woods Academy was chartered, and the State aided it by an appropriation of $1,000. A substantial brick building was erected, the best teachers that could be found were em- ployed, and here many young men were educated, among whom were Benjamin Dimock, Esq., Isaac P. Olmstead, Warren J. Woodward, late Judge of the Supreme Court of the State, and David Wilmot. In 1853, the building, which is now the property of the Westons, was sold and the proceeds turned over to the University aforesaid. The Presbyterian church, which cost $5,000, was commenced in 1822, and was com- pleted in 1835. There is a Methodist Episcopal, and a Baptist church, one school, two stores, no licensed tavern, a lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and a Good Templars' lodge. By request, we insert the following piece of poetry, written by Alonzo Collins, fifty years ago. It will BOROUGH OF BETHANY. 321 probably apply to different latitudes and meridians: "Come, oh ! my muse, with heavenly fire, Assist my pen, and tune my lyre, That I may write with ease and grace While I describe a little place, A country town not far from here. Where people of all grades appear ; They are a wrangling, jangling crew. And disagree like Turk and Jew. Religion is contested here In terms most rigid and severe ; Each sect affirms its doctrines stout. And twists the Scriptures wrong-side out; The Baptists do afiirm and say Immersion is the only way. And if we will not dive like trout, From heaven we'll be blotted out ; Others declare it is no matter. How small the quantity of water ; That it's a type, designed to show Who're the church militant below. See gamblers, sharpers, speculators, And hypocrites, and Sabbath-breakers, And doctors, too, of wondrous skill, Who sometimes cure and sometimes kill ; The friendly clods their errors screen, And hide their faults from being seen. The ladies here in Bethany, Of different shades of dignity. Bring in their hats from Yankeetown, Of different shades, pink, white, and brown, Tipped off with artificial flowers. Which look like squash-blows after showers, Or bean-vines running up a pole ; They make me laugh, they look so droll. The office-holders here increase, 41 » 322 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Disturbers of the public peace ; Tliey hunt for oflSce as sincere, As hounds do hunt the weary deer; With public money strut about, While honest people go without. Dandies are here of every grade, Gallanting ladies is their trade ; They swell around with stiiffed cravata, And polislied boots and tippy hats ; They lug a lady on each side, As sficks upon a jackass ride. But I would have it understood, Many are virtuous, pure, and good ; And but for them the rest would sink. And go where sinners howl for drink. ' CHAPTEE XXYL TO WNSHIPS— CLINTON. THIS tOAVBsliip was erected ISTovember iTtli, 1834, It is bounded north and north-east by Mt. Pleasant^ east by Dybeny and Prompton, south by Prompton and Canaan, and west by Lackawanna and Susquehan- na counties. More tlian one-quarter of the township is taken up by the acclivities and declivities of the Moosic mountain, and is sterile and unfit for tillage. In tlie western part, as the line extends over the Lack- TOWNSHIPS— CLINTON, 323 awanna river, there is anthracite coal, the only por- tion of the county in which it has been found. The west branch of the Lackawaxen and its tributaries af- ford ample water-power for mills. As said before, the Lackawanna river runs over into this township for several miles and a short section of the Jefferson Rail- road, at a place called Forest City, where the D. & H. Company has a large saw-mill, crosses over into the township. The chief ponds are the Elk, Forest, and White Oak. The lands east of the mountain are good, are mostly susceptible of a high state of cultiva- tion, and produce good crops of grass, corn, rye, oats, buckwheat, and potatoes equal to any part of the county. There are some large orchards stocked with rare varieties of fruit. The Nortons and David S. West led the way in the selection and cultivation of good fruit, and their success stimulated others to fol- low their example. This may be called the Fomonia of the county. The old north and south state road, and the Easton and Belmont turnpike road, subse- quently following nearly the same route, afforded an early access to the tow^iship, and invited an enterpris- ing class of farmers. The following from Alva W. Norton is an accurate account as to who were the first settlers in the town- ship : " My father was born in Goshen, Litchfield county. Conn., May, 1759. In 1775, when in his sixteenth year, he went as a substitute for his older brother, Samuel, to defend New York. He enlisted under 324 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ' Old Put' for five years, in the Light-horse, and it was tln'ee years before he saw home again. When he was discharged, he received what w^ere called pay certiii- cates for what was due him and, in the spring of 1783, went into the township of Winchester, now called West Winsted, Conn., and pin-chased three hun- dred acres of land, paying for it at the reduced rate of sixpence on the pound. In 1784, he married Olive Wheeler and removed to his new purchase, where he continued to reside until 1812. His children were War- ren W., Alva W., Sheldon, Clarissa, and Samuel. In Sept., 1810, Levi Norton, David Graylord, Kufus Grinnell, S. E. North, and some others came to Penn- sylvania looking for a better country, where they could worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. In pursuance of tliat purpose, they examined the wild land in Wayne and Susquehanna counties. After that examination, Levi Norton went to Philadelphia and purchased nine tracts of land, sit- uated in the north part of old Canaan, now Clinton Center. In December, 1811, he fitted out his second son, Alva, and started him for the wilderness, and this son came into Waj^ne county, Christmas day. At Mount Pleasant he found a young man who had been sent out with some sheep, and tlie two came down the old north and south road to the base of the mountain, opposite what is now the Clinton Center Baptist meet- ing-house, built a cabm ten by twelve, and split bass- wood poles for a puncheon floor. Here they tarried during the winter, but very little improvement could TO WNSHIPS— CLINTON. 325 be made, as the snow was four feet deep. Some time in March, Warren W. Norton, with his wife and one child, and Benjamin Johnson, with his wife and five children, came. The first week in June, 1812, Levi Norton, his wife, and the balance of his family, Hor- ace G. Squire, and Michael Grinnell came ; they were followed in September by David Gaylord and wife, and D. S. West and wife. At the same time Amasa Gaylord and son, Myron, arrived and made arrange- ments to move the family the next year and, in No- vember, Ilufus Grinnell's wife and eight children came, which closed the colony for 1812. In May, 1813, Amasa Gaylord, wife, and family arrived. About the same time Capt. Wm. Bayley came and lived witli my father until he paid for one hundred and seventeen acres of land. In the fall of 1813, John Griswold, Sen., and some of his family came from Torrey lake, and put up a log-cabin on land adjoining that of Rufus Grinnell, and, in Janu- ary following, moved his family down on an ox-sled. In 1814, S. E. North and wife, and Fisher Case and family came." Mr. Norton gives also the following account of a great wolf hunt: " In the fall of 1837, a pair of black wolves from the Rocky mountains" (or Canada,) "made their appearance in Wayne and Susquehanna counties. During the fall and early winter, in Her- rick township, Susquehanna county, and Mount Pleas- ant and (/linton townships, Wayne county, they de- stroyed over five hundred sheep. In Mount Pleasant 326 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. and Clinton there were societies formed for the pur- pose of raising money to exterminate them and pay the bounty. The amount of premium raised was ninety dolhirs. In addition to this sum, Ahmson Til- den, of Herrick Center, Susquehanna county, and A. W. N^orton, collected forty dollars, making a total of one hundred and thirty dollars. My brother, Sheldon, offered one dollar extra for the scalp of the he-wolf. On the first of March, 1838, Merritt Hines, keeping the toll-gate on the Belmont and Ohquagua turnpike, near Sugar-loaf mountain, received information from a traveler going north, that south of the Pete Stevens place he saw two large black animals cross the road towards the Moosic mountain. He supposed them to be bears until he saw their brushes. Hines imme- diately equipped himself for the chase and followed on, sending a messenger to Col. Calvely Freeman at Belmont, to follow him. Col. Freeman equipped him- self, took the track, and followed Hines. These two men pursued the wolves eleven days and were in at the death. On the third day, having driven them south nearly opposite the Dimock settlement in Frost Hollow, about midday, Hines and Freeman called at a farm-house for refreshments and to replenish their knapsacks. The wolves, wanting their dinner, entered a farmer's yard and killed fifteen sheep. That was the only time that Hines and Freeman gave the wolves any time to satisfy their hunger, for they followed them so closely that when they lay down at night, the hunters could see by the place wherein the animals TOWNSHIPS— CLINTON. ' 327 had lain that they never left it to procure anything to eat." There are several persons named in Mr. Norton's sketch who deserve further notice. David S. West was spoken of under Canaan township. Alva W. Norton, Esq., now aged about eighty-eight years, taught school at Salem Corners, 1816, and afterwards in Bethany, He was considered a competent teacher, and was for more than forty years a practical surveyor. He was county commissioner for three years, and it is probable he was hi that office when those destructive wolves were killed, which made us state, in another place, that he was chiefly instrumental in their capture. He lives with his son, L. F. Norton, and to a remark- able degree retains his physical and mental capacities. Ira B. Stone, Esq., once a county commissioner and now a resident of the town, married a daughter of Mr. Norton. Sheldon Norton was for three years prothon- otary of the county. He was a very prominent man in the Baptist church. In 1815 he was assessed as owning forty-five acres of improved, and two hundred and fifteen acres of unimproved land. His son, E. K. Norton now owns the homestead which is considered one of the best farms in the town. Michael Grennell, Sen., who lived to be one hun- dred and two years old, settled about one-half mile west of the Baptist chm*ch, where Horace G. Squire once lived, and which is now owned by A. B. Squire. He was the father of Michael Grennell, Jr., who mar- ried a sister of Mrs. Pope Biishnell. He was also the 328 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. father of Deacon liiifus Grennell. The sons of the latter were Yirgil, once associate judge, Homer, Ov^d, Jasper, Michael 3d, and Hufiis M., who was once pro- thonotary, Amasa Gaylord settled on the north and south road. His sons were David, Carmi, and Giles, all of whom sleep with their fathers. Giles Gaylord married Joanna W., a daughter of Elder Elijah Peck, Sen., and she is still living. John Griswold, Sen., was the father of Francis Griswold, who for many years kept what was called the Cold Water tavern ; so called because it w^as near a stream of cold water that came rushing down from the mountain. Sumner was another son, and was a farmer. Horace was a son or grandson of John Gris- wold, Sen, Sylvester E. North, a farmer, is yet living. He and his family were noted for making the best butter and cheese to be found in the county. Fisher Case w^as the father of Ralph, Jerome B., and Robert Case. There are none of them living. There were many families that have not been mentioned which from time to time added materially to the wealth and importance of the towTi, among whom were Daniel Arnold, a mason ; Chester, Lewis, and Horace Buckland; David Bunting, Daniel Bunt- ing, Jr., and John Bunting, who lived on the west branch ; Bunting and Randall, who owTied a saw-mill and tannery; John Belknap, who lived and kept tav- ern on the Judson place ; Seth Hay den, and George TOWNSHIPS— CLINTON. 329 Hopkins, on the west branch; Joseph Kingsbury, a farmer; Luther Ledyard, a farmer, who lived adjoin- ing Francis Griswold ; Pliny Muzzy, a farmer ; James and George Mc Mullen, farmers, of Scotch descent, famed as hunters; and Keuben, Cyrus, and Rufus Peck. These latter were the descendants of Elder Elijah Peck, of Mt. Pleasant, whose children were Elijah, Jr., William, Reuben, Lewis, Myra, and Joanna W. Elijah Peck, Jr., had nineteen children. The Sanders family were numerous. There were Samuel, David, Jonathan, Nathaniel C, David 2nd, Selma, and Shep- pard, who were all farmers. The following persons were all farmers : Ashbel Stearns, Levi, Levi, Jr., Jason, Ja- son D., Alfred, and Elisha Stanton; John Sears; John Sherwood, and William, his son; Charles L. Tenant, Sen., Charles L., Jr., and John A. Tenant; Washington Williams; [N'athan Wheeler, son of Benjamin Wheel- er; Jabez Welch, who was also a lumberman; and John .K. Davison, who lived first in Dyberry and then removed to and died on the fai'm now occupied by his son, Warren W. Davison. The farms in Clinton are well cultivated for the reason that very little attention was ever paid to lumbering. Almost the whole of the original settlers were of Puritanic origin. Aldenville was started by Pratt and Aid en, who built a tannery at the place, and the village was nam- ed in honor of Levi C. Alden, who took charge of and ran the tannery. The village is well-situated for business and has one store, a post-ofiice, a Baptist and 42 330 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. a M. E. churcli. The tannery is kept running under the charge of Henry Alden. Clinton has six common schools and one school in the Independent District of " Mount Republic." There is a Baptist church in the Norton settlement. The number of taxables, in 1878, was two hundred and ninety-seven. CHAPTER XXYIL BOROUGH OF PROMPTON. THIS borough was at iirst incorporated in 1845, but, in consequence of some irregularity^ or dis- satisfaction, it was reorganized and enlarged, at Sep- tember sessions, 1850. It was taken from Texas, Ca- naan, and Dyberry. The most of the village is situa- ted near the junction of the Yan Auken creek with the west branch, four miles west of Honesdale. William Jenkins made an assessment of the borough, in 1845; upon examining the same, we iind only two persons that we are sure resided there at that time. One is George Alvord, Esq., and the other is George W. Hall, then assessed as a bedstead-maker. At that time Phineas and David Arnold were there; Levi BOROUGH OF P ROMP TON. 331 Bronsoii, wlio manufactured shovel-handles; Alexan- der Conyne, who was strangely killed l)y the spring- ing up of a pole upon which he had felled a tree; George Dimock, now living in Carbondale ; Foot and Tingley, merchants; E. E. Guild, clergyman; Simon Plum, removed ; Roswell Patterson, now of llerrick Centre, Pa.; E. K. Norton, merchant, now of Clin- ton; Sylvanus Osborn, now living at No. 19, Lake township; Hiram Plum, deceased; Henry Dart, inn- keeper, who removed to Honesdale and kept the Wayne County Hotel, and from thence went to Rock River, in Illinois; and Alonzo Tanner, deceased. Then all the Jenkins family were living, excepting Benjamin Jenkins, Sen. He Avas from Connecticut, and began there with his family before Honesdale was thought of. He bought, in 1813, a tract of land in the warrantee name of James (^lapinan. There was no road or settler near him, and there he lived and died, surrounded by his family. His sons were Ben- jamin Jenkins, Jr. ; Samuel Jenkins, lately deceased ; Asa Jenkins, the father of Wm. Jenkins, assessor, as aforesaid; Edward Jenkins, who was county treasurer when said assessment was taken ; and John Jenkins. Jacob S. Davis married one of his daughters, and Ralph Case another. His cliildren clustered around him, and there they peacefully dwelt, * ' Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife ; Theu' sober "wishes never learned to stray ; Along the cool sequestered vale of life, They kept the noiseless tenor of their way. " No nobler, purer family ever lived. We cannot 332 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. l)e justly accused of flattery, for all of the family of Benjamin Jenkins, Sen., are in their graves. Joseph Headley in early life lived in Bethany. He married Mary, the oldest daughter of Kobert Bortree, Sen., of Sterling. More than sixty-live years ago, he bouo'ht two hundred acres of land in the south-east section of the Elk Forest tract. He was an industri- ous farmer. His sons, who are living, are John W., Robert, and William. He had, also, one daughter, named Eliza. Kockwell Bunnell, the oldest son of David Bunnell, Esq., lives within the bounds of the borough. Geo. Alvord, Esq., son of Zenas Alvord, an old settler in Dy berry, has been many years justice of the peace. George W. Hall & Son continue the manufacture of choice furniture. The Wayne County Normal School is located here. The village contains one store and two common schools. Number of taxables, in 1878, one hundred and twenty. CHAPTER XXYHL TO WNSHIPS— BERLIN. THIS township was set oif from Dyberry, Novem- ber 28tli, 1826. It then included Oregon, and, by the first assessment made after its erection, by Andrew TOWNSHIPS— BERLIN. 333 Davison, it contained but fifteen houses, all valued at $470. The house of John Smith was valued at $200, that of John Garrett, Sen., at $125, and that of Frederick Smith at $80, leaving twelve houses alto- gether valued at $65. Oregon has since been taken off from this towTiship, and it is now bounded nortli by Oregon and Damascus, south-east by Pike county, south by Palmyra, and south-west and west by Texas. The chief streams are the branches of the Mast Hope, Beardslee's creek and Holbert's brook. The Long, Beech, Adams, and Open Woods ponds are in the to\^mship, and a part of Catchall pond. There are no very high hills, but some of the lands southward, east- ward, and westward of the Adams pond are sterile. At the erection of the township the principal taxa- bles were Lester Adams, Stephen D. Bunnell, John Cressman, Samuel Camtield, Martin Kellogg, Andrew Davison, Jeremiah Garrett, eTohn Garrett, Sen., John Garrett, Jr., Hugh McCrannels, Henry Pulis, Peter Pulis, Samuel Smith, John Smith, Peter Smith, Wm. Charles Smith, and Frederick Smith. Ephraim Tor- rey and Moses Ward were taxed as non-residents. Samuel Camfield, one of the above-named is still living in the town. Ephraim Torrey was one of the first l)eginners at Beech Pond, and died there about 1829. Near that time Wm. Olver and Jonathan Tamblyn commenced this side of i\\e pond. Wm. Spry was the next settler and is yet living on his original location; then William Tamblyn bought west of him, and Ed- ward Marshal bou2:ht where his son Edward now lives. 334 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. John Olver took up and bought land west of the Long pond where his widow and son now live. These set- tlers were from England. The opening of the Delaware and Hudson Canal gave a great impetus to the settlement of the country about Honesdale, and Berlin township was particular- ly benefited thereby. The Honesdale and Big Eddy turnpike was built, and subsequently a plank-road near the same, over which all the travel between Honesdale and New York via Narrowsburg passed until the building of the Honesdale branch of the Erie railroad. Before the building of this railroad so great we;*e the transportation and travel between Honesdale and the New York & Erie railroad, tliat a plank road was made from near the former residence of Buckley Beardslee, deceased, to Mast Hope, now called Pine Grove. But it failed to meet the expectations of its projectors, and is now a useful township road. Siim- uel Smith is reputed as having been the first settler in the township, on Smith Hill. Here is some of the best land for corn and grain in the county. It is call- ed red shale soil; it covers a large area in the north- western part of the town and extends northw^ard into Oregon township. The numerous descendants of Samuel and John Smith have mostly departed from Smith Hill, and their farms are owned and occupied by new-comers. Berlin Center, which owes its name to the intersec- tion of two township roads, is in the Smith Hill vicin- ity. Here, living with his son, John Seaman, is C. TO WNSI'Il\S--BEBLjy. 335 B. Seaman, Esq., in his ninety-second year. His wife is aged about eighty-eight years. She was the daugh- ter of Jacob Kimble, of Paupack, Pike county ; and in the same house with them lives the widow of John Smith, deceased, a sister of Charles B. Seaman, aged about ninety years. The ages of the three average about ninety years. Where can the like be found in any house in the county ? Having within six months past visited this family, we w^ere delighted to see the kindness and respect with which these good people are treated by their children and grandchildren. It may be said unto them, " Yerily, ye shall in nowise lose your reward." Isaac Seaman removed from Haverstraw, N. Y., and settled in Damascus, where Chas, B. Seaman was born. From thence he removed to Dy berry and bought the farm now owned by Daniel M. Eno. Isaac Seaman sold the farm to Peter Smith who sold it to Deming & Eno. Charles B. Seaman removed to Pike county where he held the offices of sheriff and prothonotary and after returning to tliis county was elected county commissioner. Henry Bishop lives in this township. His father, an old Revolutionary soldier, came from New Jersey, first settled at the Narrows in Pike coimty, from thence removed to Bethany and was accounted the first set- tler therein. He was a carpenter and built the first frame house for William Schoonover that was built in Dyberry. He carried the mail on foot for several years between Bethany and Stroudsburg. His sons 336 JE COUNTY. were Jo] ' airy, David, Jacob, and Harvey. Henry Bishop, the sul)ject of this paragraph, is aged eighty-two years, and was a half-brother on his mother's side to Joseph Atkinson, deceased. He says that he has eaten bread that was made from flom* that his father brought np on his back from Minisink. Henry has one sister, widow Rachel Schoonover, now liviag at Forest Mills with her son. Beech Pond. This village is situated below the pond of the same name. Thomas Burke began a tan- nery there, did but little, and sold out the same to Henry W. Stone and Horace Drake, who carried on tanning successfully for several years, and established as appurtenant thereto a large store. Mr. Stone sold out to Messrs. Drake ik Sons, who continued in the bus- iness as long as the same could be made remunerative. Being situated in the midst of a good agricultural re- gion, the village is well kept up by the business arising therefrom. When Beech Pond began to flourish, Ste- phen W. Genung built a saw-mill upon the outlet of Adams pond, and for a time carried on lumbering; hence the place w^as called Genungtown, and it is about two miles south of Beech Pond. Wm. Hol- bert, now of Equinunk, came into the possession of the place, and pursued the lumbering business upon a large scale, built good and substantial buildings, clear- ed up and improved the lands, and made a good farm. He then sold out the same to J. Williams. The lum- ber from this mill was drawn down through the Catch- all settlement to the Delaware. TO WNSHIPS— BERLIN. 337 Soon after the making of the turnpike road from Indian Orchard to Narrowsbm-g, Wm. Kockwell, from Connecticut, took up a large tract of land about one mile and a half westward of Beech Pond, cleared up a large farm of red-shale soil, built a convenient tavern house, and kept a licensed inn for many years. He had three children, two of whom, with himself, are in the grave. The farm is now owned by P. Staff. About one mile east of Beech Pond there is a road that starts off from near Lucius Keyes' house and runs south throuo-h the Henshaw and Mclntire settlement to intersect the Catchall road. There is much excel- lent land in this settlement. On the Catchall road is sufficient population to maintain a common school. Jacob W. Travis located and bought land about one mile east of Beech Pond, on the old turnpike road, about fifty years ago, and kept tavern for some years. He left two children who are yet living. In this township, six miles from Honesdale, is a poor-house, built on a large farm, which the overseers of the poor of Honesdale and Texas purchtised of Henry Bishop. The paupers are employed upon the farm for the purpose of utilizing their labor, and en- abling them to contribute in part to their own sup- port. The system has been in operation for many years, and long enough to test its utility. It is under the care of Joseph Dewitt, Esq., of Honesdale. A majority of the people in Berlin are of English descent, and there are also many Germans. The American element was from different States, though 43 338 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. but few of them are of New England origin. In 1878 there were two liundred and fifty dwelling-houses in the town, valued at about §39,000. There is one Baptist church near Berlin Center, one Methodist Episcopal, and also one Free Methodist church near Beech Fond. There are nine district schools, and the number of taxables is three hundred and sixty-three. CHAFTEK XXIX. TO WN SHIPS— OREO ON. THIS township w^as erected at December sessions, 1846. It was taken from Berlin, which had been organized twenty years before. It is one of the smallest of the townships, ranking in size with Fal- myra, Texas, and Cherr}^ Kidge. It is bounded north by Lebanon, east by Damascus, south by Berlin, and west by Dyberry. The streams are Carley brook, which rises in the township, runs south-westward through it, and joins the Lackawaxen at Tracyville ; Big brook, a part of which nins through its western section ; and Holbert brook, in the south-eastern cor- ner. The ponds are the Day pond. Spruce, Huck, Mud, Lovelass, Smith, Lower Wilcox, and Upper Wilcox, or Yarnell pond, upon the northern side of TOWNSHIPS— OREGON. 339 wliich lives Capt. John Kellow, a distinguished sol- dier of the late war. Oregon, in Spanish, means marjoram. Can a sprig of that aromatic herb be found in the township ? Lester Adams and William Adams appear to have been early settlers. Exactly when they began, and from whence they came, we cannot find out. There are many of the Adams family whose pedigree is untrace- able. We find one named in a very old history, that first settled on the river Euphrates, and, being alone, he was called in the singular number "Adam." He had several children. There were Abel Adams, Cain Adams, Seth Adams, and some others not named. As the children increased, they were called the " Adams family." They spread over the whole world, and it is not strange that some of them found their way into Oregon, Manchester, and other parts of the county. We never heard of an}^ who preserved the original family name that were not respectable. Among these were John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Charles Francis Adams ; but we have not time to trace their genealogy back to the old gentleman. Henry Pulis, a son of Conrad Pulis, began, in 1827, on the road leading from Dyberry to Rileyville, though the road was not then made. There was a road, when Bethany was fu-st started, laid out from the Dyberry through to the Cochecton and Great Bend tm-npike, and called the " Gate road." Hugh McCrunnels, a noble Irishman, settled on that road, about sixty years ago, distant al)out half a mile from 340 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. the Dyberry post-offi(ie. A part of that old farm is now owned by Thomas Dunn, and near by is the farm that Lewis Hole cleared up, now owned by H. W. Adams. Most of the roads and improvements in the town have been made within thirty years past. There was a road laid out in this townsliip from Honesdale, after it began to prosper, through Smith Hill settlement, by the way of James Smitli's, to Eldred, and thence to the mouth of Calkin's creek. The most of the people on that road are English, and they have some very good farms. Near the Berlin line, on the same road, is a Methodist Episcopal church, and near William Boucher's is another. The road which runs from Girdland, diagonally through the township, was laid out in 1850, about which time Hard, Palmer & Gilbert built the tannery, now owned by Wefferling, Brunig & Co., upon Carley brook. After that, Wm. Penwarden, who was born in England, built a saw-mill upon said brook, one mile above the tannery, and, by strict attention to business, has become wealthy. He married a daughter of Thomas Depuy, of Madison, Pa. John E-eifler, coun- ty commissioner, owns a superior saw-mill, situated below Penwarden's; he is a German, and about one- quarter of the land-holders in the town are of the same nationality. Girdland is situated mostly on the old Gate road aforesaid, part of it being in this township and part in Lebanon. Soon after the settlement of Bethany, Jason Torrey bought a tract of land in the warrantee TO WN SHIPS— OR EG ON. 341 name of Abuer Skinner and caused the large trees to be girdled in order to kill tliem, as he designed to have a brother of his clear up a farm there, which, however, he did not do. Charles Torrej began and made a small clearing. Then Jonathan Brvant, a son of Thomas Bryant, bought the place, and, after many years, it fell into the hands of George Croy, who now lives upon the place. The settlement was called Girdland. The second settler was James Nelson, who took up a lot of excellent land; but, being remote from society, schools, and churches, he became dis- couraged, sold out his improvement, and went to Nebraska. After that, several Germans were attract- ed to the vicinity by the smoothness and fertility of the soil, and they have secured themselves with comfortable homes. There are many English families but the German element predominates. Jonathan Bryant, who did not lack the gift of continuance in well-doing, has acquired a competence which he most surely deserves. There is a post-office at Girdland, kept by J. Budd, Esq., who has a higher position, in that he is a good blacksmith. This township and Lel)anon jointly support a school, so that there are four and a half common schools in the township. The number of taxables is one hun- dred and eighty-two. 342 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTER XXX. TO WNSHIPS— TEXAS. AT November sessions, 1837, this township was taken off from Dyberry, and, in 1843, Cherry Kidge was set off from Texas, leaving it in shape like an awkwardly-made square-toed boot. It is now bounded north by Dyberry and Prompton, east by Berlin, south by Palmyra and Cherry Ridge, and w^est by Cherry Ridge, Canaan, and Prompton. The Lack- awaxen runs south-eastward nearly through the cen- tre of the township, and the stream is joined at Hones- dale by the Dyberry, which comes in from the north. The most easily cultivatable lands are the alluvions along the Lackawaxen and the Dyberry. WnrrE Mills. A saw-mill was built at this place by Daniel Parry & Co., which mill afterwards fell into the hands of A. H. Farnham & Co. Some of its owners having whitewashed the buildings, it was called "White Mills. At these mills an enormous amount of white pine was sawn, and from thence run to market. Christian Dorflinger, from Rochsteig, Alsace, in France, came to the United States in 1816. He learned his trade as a manufacturer of ornamental and enameled glass-ware, at St. Louis, in Loraine, France ; and after his arrival in this country, was first connect- TOWNSHIPS— TEXAS. 343 ed with the flint-glass works at Greenpoint, Long Is- land, N. Y. In or about 1865, he selected a point on the eastern side of the Lackawaxen, near White Mills, upon which to build a glass factory. The works have been in operation eight or ten years, and, notwithstand- ing the monetary difficulties which have crippled or suspended many manufacturing establishments, Mr. Dorflinger has successfully continued his business. Between his works and the depot on the Honesdale branch of the Erie railroad is a substantial county bridge across the Lackawaxen and canal. There are from one hundred to one hundred and twenty men, women, and children employed in and about said fac- tory. The glass produced there combines every de- gree of excellence and ornamentation. Specimens of the perfection of the work were exhibited at the Cen- tennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876, and were not excelled b}^ the best work made at Pittsburg or elsewhere. There is one public house and a large store kept by E. A. Dorflinger. Here is the St. Joseph's Catholic church whicli is visited monthly from Hawley. Above the depot on the western side of the river is the residence of the Hon. Frederick W. Farnham, this being the place where Enos "Woodward once lived. The latter was a popular county commis- sioner in 1838. His wife, who survives him, was a daughter of Joseph Miller, Esq., and is living at White Haven on the Lehigh. The next place on the river is where Walter Kim- ])le located after the Indian Avars on the Paupack. 344 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. He was the fatliei* of Charles and Stephen, and was one of tlie most enterprising lumbermen on the Lack- awaxen. He sold out all his possessions to Buckley Beardslee and removed to the West. Mr. Beardslee held several offices, one being that of county commis- sioner. He married a daughter of Walter Kimble and she is yet living, but he has been dead several years. Their sons are all living, namely, Walter, a farmer; Howkin B., attorney; and Cliarles, a farmer. Hon. H. B. Beardslee, in 1845, w^as elected register and recorder of the county ; afterwards he edited the Wayne Comity Herald^ and was elected Representa- tive, and then to the State Senate. Finally, he dis- posed of his interest in the Herald^ and removed to Wilkesbarre and became the editor of the Luzerne ZTnion, a Democratic paper. He married a daughter of Wm. Clark, of Abington, Fa. According to his testimony there was a place on his father's farm where the Indians had paved a dancing-ground by laying down large, flat stones, where they gathered together like the ancient worshipers of Odin, in the Orkney islands, around the mossy stones of power. There the simple Indians performed their fantastic dances, and invoked the aid of the Great Spirit to as- sist them in their contemplated enterprises. Mrs. Fan- ny Atkinson, of Hawley, says that upon the flats at In- dian Orchard were formerly found flint arrows, an pestles and liatchets, made of stone. She thinks tha a man, by the name of Holbert, lived at the Beardt lee place before Walter Kimble l)egan on it. SIk TOWNSHIPS— TEXAS. 345 also says that David Ford, one of the original settlers on the upper Paupack, first lived at Indian Orchard, and that her father, Benjamin Kimble, bonght Ford's possessions, and that Thomas Schoon- over, also, once lived on a part of the flats. Simeon Kimble is a son of Benjamin Kimble. Wm. Holbert, Jr., bought the Schoonover farm. The Holbert family. The first of the Holberts that came into Pennsylvania was William Holbert, Sen., from Connecticut. In 1776 he first settled in New Jersey, opposite Milford, Pa. He bought Mast Hope and Holbert Bend. At the latter place the Indians prevented his making a settlement, and he temporarily returned to New Jersey. His sons were Benjamin and Joseph. Benjamin settled at the Bend, where Frederick R. Holbert now lives. His sons were, 1st, William Holbert, Jr., who settled at Indian Orchard as aforesaid. 2d, Joseph G. Holbert, who was father of William Holbert, of Equinunk, county commission- er, and of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas J., and John Holbert. The latter owns a farm and mill on the Shehawken. Another of the sons, George Holbert, lives at the mouth of the "Lackawack," as it was al- ways called in former times. Joseph Holbert, Sen., located at Mast Hope. William Holbert, of Indian Orchard, married a daughter of Stephen Kimble. Leonardsville was named after John Leonard, who oegan there soon after the canal was finished. The place was selected for a boat-yard and many of the 44 346 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. best mechanics and boat-biiilders gathered there. The business of the place lias declined. Jabez Rockwell. In the Methodist cemetery at Honesdale is the grave of Jabez Rockwell. He was born in Connecticut in November, 1762. When in his sixteenth year he enlisted in a company raised in that place, was nnistered into a regiment commanded by Benedict Arnold, was wounded at the battle of Saratoga, was afterwards transferred to the army fur- ther south, and was in the battles which culminated in the surrender of Cornwallis, at whicli event he was present. At the close of the war he settled in Mil- ford, Pike county, whic^h was then a wilderness. He was twice married. One of his sons by his first wife was Lewis Rockwell, formerly sheriif of Pike county, and who is now living a few miles from Tafton, in that county, being over ninety years of age. In Sep- tember, 1798, Jal)ez Rockwell was appointed crier of the courts of Wayne county, and in 1805 he was deputy sheriff under Abram Mulford, wliose daughter he married for his second wife. In 1 824 he was one of three Revolutionary soldiers that went from Pike county to New York to see General La Fayette, by whom they were warmly welcomed. Mr. Rockwell removed to Leonardsville in 1837, and there resided until the time of his death, in January, 1847. Being a Mason he w^as buried with the honors of that order, and with the honors of war, and the obsequies were solemn and imposing. He was a lifer, and one of his favorite airs, "The Masonic Adieu," was fifed in the TO WNSHIPS— TEXAS. 347 funeral procession from Leonardsville to Honesdale, by the author of this work. He had been for many years preceding his death in receipt of a pension from the government. Charles F. Kockwell, Esq., ex-treas- urer of the county; Mrs. E. H. Mott, of Honesdale; and Mrs. Isaac Decker, of Leonardsville, are grand- children, and John B. Rockwell, of Prompton, is a great-grandchild of Jabez ilockwell, aforesaid. William Rockwell, a Connecticut man, who first settled in Berlin, on the Honesdale and Big Eddy turnpike road, and who died some years ago in Leonardsville, was of a different family. Tracyville is situated on the east side of the Lacka- waxen near the confluence of Carley brook tlierewith. Esquire Thomas Spangenberg tells us that when he first came into the county, in 1794, he found a tub- mill for grinding corn, at this place ; that it would not pay for tending, and every man went and ground for himself. Stephen Kimble built the first saw-mill that we ever knew at the place. In his later days Mr. Kimble moved to the west side of the river. The place was called Tracyville after Thomas H. R. Tracy who built a mill up the stream and encouraged some mechanics to found some shops in the village. About 1842, Jacob Faatz started a factory for the making of window-glass, but for w^ant of capital he was obliged to abandon the l)usiness. James Brookfield succeeded him, but the dam of a reservoir belonging to the Del- aware & Hudson Canal Company, far up the stream, having broken away, during a great storm, carried the 348 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. works of Mr. Brooklield into the river. In 1873, the Honesclale Ghiss Company started a factory for the making of hollow glass-ware, and their yearly manu- facture now amounts to about $100,000, and employs nearly one hundred men, women, and boys. An ax factory was started in the place by E. Y. White, in 1842, and by him continued until his death in 1866, since which time his son, Gilbert Wliite, has continued the business, and he now makes fifty dozen axes per week. B. P\ Frailey, also, has been for some years engaged there in manufacturing hay -rakes. The steam grist-mill of John P. Kimble is between Tracyville and Honesdale. Benj. F. Kimble built the old mill near by. Seelyville. It is claimed that the lirst white man known to have set foot on the soil about Seelyville was the Kev. Jonathan Seely, a Methodist clergyman, who was led, in 1760, through the almost impenetra- ble forests to the place by a friendly Indian, and hj him was shown the falls at Seelyville, also those on the Middle creek, Dyberry, and Jennings brook. The warrant, by which this tract was held, was dated 6th of August, 1769, was surveyed the 23d of October, 1790, and patented to Sylvanus Seely, November 7t]i, 1820. Col. Sylvanus Seely first commenced improving the mill-site in 1802 by building a small saw-mill at the falls, and in putting up a small house, to which lu^ moved his family in 1805, cutting his road all the wav through the woods from Cherry Ridge settlement At that time the getting of hemlock would not pay. TO WNSJIIFS— TEX A S. 349 nor would it a long time afterwards, so that lumbering was confined to getting a few scattered pines, with curled maple and cherry, which was rafted in small rafts of seven or eight thousand feet each, and was rafted on the ground where Birdsalls' factory now stands. In the year 1808, Col. Sylvanus Seeiy built a small grist-mill immediately down stream from the saw-mill, and used one pair of mill-stones obtained on the top of Moosic mountain, which stones were used about twenty-five years. During the life-time of Col. S. Seely, who died in the year 1819, he lived by lum- bering and by his grist-mill, paying little attention to farming. In his latter days he became involved by endorsing for others, so that after his decease his whole real estate, including " Seely's mills," was sold. In 1824, Richard S. Seely came to this county on a visit, and, in 1825, returned wdth his father, John W. Seely, from Trumbull Co., Ohio, who then pur- chased the property, consisting of three hundred and thirty-six acres, for $900. On the 16tli of March, 1826, R. S. Seely arrived at Seelyville, on horseback, by the way of Cherry Ridge, with leather saddle-bags containing all his goods and money. A more forlorn, desolate, and uninviting place could not have been conceived. The only road was from Cherry Ridge to Bethany, and the only one to where Honesdale is was the bed of the creek. The woods hung all around the place. Having no knowledge of sawing or grinding, he took off his coat, put on a tow-frock, and went merrily to work, having for his aid and general ad- 350 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. viser Jonathan D. Simpson. A new saw-mill was ])uilt and the house and grist-mill repaired. Col. See- ly, by running from one mill to the other, kept them in operation, thus performing the work of two men under disadvantages that would have crushed the con- stitution of almost any man of the present day. In 1827, the canal and railroad were located, infusing new life into business. In February, 1830, Baldwin (k Co. began the making of axes and edge-tools; their shop was afterwards torn down, rebuilt, and enlarged. In the same year a small foundry was started by Cas- per Hollenback, and John H. Bowers commenced building a small turning-shop. This was subseqently occupied by Gilbert and Robert Knapp, then enlarged and used by John H. G-ill as a machine-shop, and subsequently, by James Birdsall, as a woolen factory, until it was burned down, in 1849. In 1831, a facto- ry for manufacturing scoop-shovels was built and car- ried on business in the name of R. S. Seely & Co. It resulted in loss to the parties, three in number, of $1,000 each. This shop, after standing idle a year or two, was occupied by Burbank & Burk as an edge- tool shop, into which R. S. Seely was drawn and, up- on its failure, he was obliged to foot bills amounting to $2,000, which left him not worth a cent. Still re- taining a strong arm and a strong resolution, he per- severed and finally retrieved his fortune. In 1832, Col. Seely was made superintendent for building the turnpike from Honesdale to Waymart. Seelyville never witnessed a siffht so grand as the tirst four-horse TOWNSHIPS— TEXAS. 351 stage wliicli was driven tlirough the village. In 1834, D. 0. & B. Payne commenced the manufacture of lead pipe, in the loft over the scoop-shovel shop, and closed in 1837. Ephraim Y. White afterwards made axes and edge-tools in the place. In 1850, Col. Seely built the woolen factory, now conducted by the Bird- sail Brothers. Their father rented it until his de- cease, in 1857. He used three thousand pounds of wool per year. They, from time to time, have en- larged and improved the premises. Last year they used one hundred thousand poimds of wool, one-half of which was raised in the county. They contem- plate using one hundred and fifty thousand pounds the present year, (1880) as the business is remunerative. Birdsall Brothers manufacture cassimeres, flannel of various descriptions, and stocking-yarn. They will em- ploy fifty liands this year* Christian Erk manufac- tures umbrella and parasol sticks and makes some doors, &c. He emplo3^s about twenty-five hands. Seelyville has one licensed tavern, a store, and a grad- ed school of a superior order. The village is one mile and a half west of Honesdale. In the spring of 1849, a large dwelling-house, built in the village by Col. Seely, and then occupied by Ezekiel Gr. Wood, was consumed Iw fire, of which lightning was supposed to be the cause. Col. Seely removed to Honesdale in 1848, and erected that fine mansion, now the residence of Hon. Coe F. Young, where he died, Nov. 8, 1863. Upon the organization of the Honesdale Bank, in 1836, lie was elected the 352 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. President thereof, which post he occupied while he lived. He was, in all respects, a good and useful man. He left three sons. Col. Franklin A. Seely, of the United States Army; Henry M. Seely, Esq., attor- ney-at-law, in Honesdale; and George D. Seely, of Washington, D. C Tlie lands now occupied by Daniel M. Eno, and the lands adjacent, of one hundred and twenty acres, were, in 1805, assessed to Isaac Seaman, the father of Chas. W. Seaman. Isaac Seaman sold out to Peter Smith, wlio sold the same to Doming & Eno. All the lands which the late Daniel Schoonover owned were taken up and patented to his fatlier, Wm. Schoonover. The tract included all the upper part of Honesdale. Wm. Schoonover was one of the earliest settlers on tlie Dy berry. He was w^iere Daniel Schoonover lived as early as 1T94. He w^as the father of Daniel, Levi, (who was the iirst w^liite child bom on the Dy berry) Jacob, and Simon S<*Iioonover. Peter Cole, and his son, Josiah Cole, came into Dy berry township (now Texas) in the spring of 1813, and settled in the woods, on Cole's hill, one mile north- west of Honesdale, which was then, like the place at which they began, a dense wilderness. Josiah was then sixteen yea2*s of age. They built a log-cabin without wdndows, and hung up a bed-quilt for a door. Then Mr. Cole and his son went back to JS^ew Jersey, to assist in harvesting, and left Mrs. Cole alone in thai cabin, around which the wolves prowled and howled She had no company or defense except a faithful dog TO WNSHIFS— TEXAS. 353 Peter Cole bought his land of Charles Kimble, who married a daughter of his. Benjamin Kimble, Sen., married Betsey, a sister of Peter Cole. She was tlie mother of widow Fanny Atkinson, of Paupack Eddy. Josiah Cole succeeded to the estate of his father. He had two sons ; one of them, Lewis R. Cole, was wound- ed at Fort Fisher, and died in a hospital, in 1865. His other son, P. J. Cole, rents and conducts the Honesdale Mill. He had tw^o daughters; one was the wife of Reynolds Case, and is not living ; and the other, named Eleanor, now living, is the wife of Charles H. Peck, of Preston. Robert Beardslee began adjoining Peter (^ole, about 1812. He married a sister of Charles Kimble. Buck- ley was his brother. Lewis and David were Robert Beardslee's sons. The Beardslee family were from Litchfield Co., Conn. Texas township is divided into three election dis- tricts, and has fourteen common schools, besides the graded school, at Seely ville. The number of taxables, in 1878, was 1,083. 45 354 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTEK XXXI. BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. FIFTY-FIVE years ago the borough of Ilonesdale, now so l>eautifiil and prosperous, was covered with liemloeks and laurels. Tlie wolf and the fox roamed there unmolested and unlimited. ''The thistle shook there its lonely head and the wild moss whistled to the wind." A small opening at the lower end of the boat-yard was made at an early day by one Andrew Showers, and the improvement was transferred from one to another until it Avas pur(diased by Samuel Kim- ble, now deceased. The density of the forest, and other considerations, prevented the lands from being tilled for agricultural purposes. The town owes its consequence to other causes. In 1769, Obadiah Gore, a blacksmith of Wilkesl)arre, discovered that stone- coal, as it was then called, was a good substitute for (*.harcoal in the working of iron, jind, in 1808, the greater discovery was made that it produced an excel- lent fire when burned in a grate. After long and varied experiments its value was generally conceded. Inexliaustible mines of this coal had been discover- ed in the valleys of the Lackawanna and Wyoming; l>ut it was valueless unless it could be conveyed to market where it would 1>e purchased and used. Many BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. 355 iittenipts were made to take coal to Philadelphia by drawing it across the mountain to the Lackawaxen and running it on rafts of lumber to the city, but the scheme was found to be impracticable and profitless. Maurice and William Wurtz, Quakers of Philadel- phia, men with far-seeing and prophetic vision, devised the plan of constructing a canal from the Lackawaxen, the site of Honesdale, to the Hudson river at Kings- ton, a distance of one hundred and eight miles; and of making a railroad with inclined planes from the Lackawanna to the Lackawaxen, a distance of sixteen miles, which railroad would ascend the Moosic moun- tain at an elevation of two thousand feet above tide- water. With a determination and perseverance equaled only by that of Field in the laying down of the Atlan- tic cables, Maurice and William Wurtz carried out their plans, being aided by many enterprising capital- ists. The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company was or- ganized and the proposed canal and railroad made and put in operation in the year 1829. By way of experi- ment one or two boats were run up the canal in the autumn of 1828. Many difficulties, almost insur- mountable, were encountered in building the canal. At a point l)etween Paupack Eddy and tlie Narrows was a sharp bend in the Lackawaxen called " the pul- pit," where it was found indispensable to use the river for the canal, consequently a new channel was dug around "the pulpit" for the river to run in. A great flood in the spring of 1829 l)roke away the embank- 356 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ments between "the pulpit" and the new channel, and part of the river resumed its old course. The repairs were very costly and were not completed until mid- summer, and heavy damages were paid to lumbermen. This misfortune happening in the very commencement of the enterprise was very disheartening, and this was the most critical period in the existence of the Com- pany. James Archibald, then its general superinten- dent, counseled perseverance, and his salutary advice was heeded. When the canal was repaired there was but little coal to be found at Honesdale; none had been brought over by the railroad. Men had been employed the previous winter to haul coal from Car- bondale to Honesdale, but there was but little snow that season, and consequently but little coal was drawn, so that the Company delivered only seven hundred tons at Kondout in 1829. Since that time its advance has been steadily progressive with constant rapidity of advancing step until, wonderful to tell, in 1879, by said Delaware & Hudson Canal Company, there were mined and sold of coal shipped from Honesdale via canal and railroad one million, nine hundred and thirty- three thousand, eight hundred and seventy-four tons. The upper part of Honesdale was owned by Jason Torrey, and the lower part was bought by the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company of Samuel Kimble for a slight consideration. One of its chief patrons was Philip Hone, a wealthy merchant of the city of New York, and, out of respect to liim, the place at the head of canal navigation was named Honesdale. It BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. 357 was first laid out in 1826, and was incorporated as a borough January 26th, 1831. In the winter of 1841, through the active exertions of Ebenezer Kingsbury, Jr., of Honesdale, then State Senator, an act for the removal of the county seat from Bethany to Honesdale, was passed. A court- house was commenced in 1841, the pul)lic papers were removed from Bethany, and the first court held in Honesdale at August sessions, 1843. The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company were invested with bank- ing powers, and established a bank in the city of New York, called "The Bank of the Delaware and Hud- son Canal Company," which issued bills for a number of years. The money was always at par and furnished a most convenient and reliable currency. The Honesdale Bank was incorporated in 1836. Richard L. Seely was its president during his life, and John Neal was its first cashier. In 1864 it came un- der the banking law^ of the United States as a national bank. Tlien Zenas W. Russell was president, Stephen D. Ward cashier, Horace C. Hand teller, and Warren i K. Dimock clerk. Coe F. Young is now president of / the National Bank, and Edwin F. Torrey cashier. The Wayne County Savings Bank was chartered in 1870 under the laws of Pennsylvania. W. W. Weston is now president, and H. C. Hand cashier. The nearest depot to Honesdale before 1865 was at Narrowsburg upon the New York and Lake Erie Railroad, sixteen miles distant. In that year a branch of said road was built from Lackawaxen to Hawley and in 1868 tlie 358 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Branch was extended to Honesdale, thereby affording direct raih-oad communication with the city of New York, distant one hundred and thirty-five miles. John Torrey, Stephen Torrey, John F. Roe, Ahxn- son Blood, Charles P. Clark, and Elkanah Batnior were among the first begiimers in Honesdale, and are yet, as such, the only surviving residents. Jason Tor- rey, owning the lands upon which the upper part of the town is situated, erected, upon the north side of the Lackawaxen, a short distance above its junction with the Dyberry, the first dwelling-house, and, as it was afterwards used as a place of public worship, it was called the "Tabernacle." Isaac P. Foster and Jason Torrey built tlie first store, and that was on the Avest bank of the Dyberry, near the Goodman bridge. Jason Torrey, having made the first improvements, it is to be presumed that his sons, John and Stephen, were among the primitive settlers. John F. Roe came from Long Island, JS^. Y., in 1827. He has been engaged, during his sojourn in the place, until a year or two ago, in the mercantile business. Mr. Roe's recollections of past events are very vivid and correct. According to him, Isaac P. Foster and him- self kept the second store in a house built by Mr. Fos- ter, on a corner opposite the Wayne County House, remo\dng the goods from the first store thereto, which first store is \Qi standing, it having been moved up to and adjoining the house of Dr. E. T. Losey. That store-house now belongs to B. B. Smith, Esq. The second store-house was, not long afterwards, rented l)y BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. 359 Foster to Humphrey tfe Coe, as a tavern, but they did not run it long. Foster & Roe, in 1831, built a store down town, where W. W. Weston is now located. The place has been burned over once or twice, and the street and the land since that time have been so much raised and tilled up, that what was the top of the ground, in 1831, is now the bottom of the cellars. The " Stourbridge Lion," the lii'st locomotive ever run in America, was placed upon the D. & H. Canal Company's Railroad, near where the old M. E. church now stands, on the 9th of August, 1829. The engine was built in England. It was run two or three miles, when it was found to be too heavy for the slen- der trestle-work upon which the rails of the road were laid. Its use was abandoned and stationary engines and inclined planes were substituted in its stead. Charles P. Clark, now a carpenter, was an early comer, and was one of the first school-teachers in Honesdale. Elkanali Patmor, Esq., came from (Jrange county, N. Y., in 1830. He has been, and is yet, a manufac- turer of and a dealer in all kinds of carriages and wao-ons. He has held the office of coroner of the county time out of mind. He also held the office of justice of the peace for many years. David Tarbox was the first justice of the peace. Then succeeded Stephen D. Brush, Ebenezer Kings- bury, Jr., Thomas J. Hubbell, John Scott, A. B. Bid- well, Simon G. Throop, and others. The present jus- tices of the peace are John Mcintosh, and James B. 360 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Eldred. Mr. Mcintosh was once an efficient sheriff of the connty, and for six years held the office of clerk of the several courts thereof; and Mr. Eldred was once a popular sheriff, which is proof positive that the Honesdale people have a due appreciation of the abilities of those that they choose for magistrates. Charles Forbes built and kept the first public house, which w^as erected in 1827. Divers persons kept it af- terwards, among whom was Henry Dart. The house, now the Wayne County Hotel, is owned, and is neat- ly and quietly kept by Henry Ball. The next public house in Honesdale was built near the present store of C^harles Petersen. It was kept l)y divers persons until it fell into the hands of Elia- kim Field, the prince of hotel keepers, who obtained license at January sessions, 1839. By his delicate, gossamer net of flattery, he entangled his customers. It was his to make the lean appear the fatter morsel: to make pork and beans superior to the delicious vi- ands w^hich Dyonisius sat before the infatuated Dam- ocles, and to make his guests believe that his vile corn- whiskey exceeded the nectar which Jupiter sipped on Mount Olympus. When a passenger alighted from the stage, he was gaily greeted by the complaisant host, who, rubbing his hands as if he were w^ashing them with invisible soap in imperceptible water, would exclaim, " I was afraid I should never see you again : walk right in. My wife was speaking about you last night; John, go and tell Mrs. Field that Mr. Brown lias come. Oh ! liow rejoiced she will be to see you." BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. 361 Public houses are now kept by Mrs. Betsey xilleu, widow of Samuel Allen, deceased, R. W, Kiple, Mi- chael Coyne, A. F. Yoigt, and Henry Ball, already named. The first merchants or retailers of foreign merchan- dise, in Honesdale, according to the court records, Nov. 1, 1828, were Foster & Roe, Zenas H. Russell, Northrup & Hayes. In April, 1830, there were Nor- thrup, Hayes ife Co. ; Russell ecome a citizen in 1848, and was admitted as 366 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. such in 1853, since which time he hfis l)een a jury commissioner, and auditor of the county, and has been for eighteen successive years a member of the Hones- dale Board of Education. The original stock of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company was $1,500,000, which has been increased to $20,000,000. Over one million tons of coal can be shipped by the canal in an uninterrupted season. About one thousand boats constitute its carrying capac- ity. The boats are towed down the Hudson river from Rondout to the docks of the Company at Weehawken. As said before, there were shipped l)y the way of Honesdale, in 1879, one million, nine hundred and thirty-three thousand, eight hmidred and seventy-four tons of coal. Consequently a large amount of coal is transported by the Honesdale Branch of the Erie Rail- road. The laboring force of the Company is about twelve thousand men, and they mined and delivered at diiferent markets, in 1879, three million, fifty-four thousand, three hundred and ninety tons of coal. The progress and prosperity of Honesdale and the sur- rounding villages and townships, with all their divers l)ranches of industry, have been identified with and dependent upon the business and success of this Com- pany. The canal is supplied with water by flowing a number of ponds in different parts of the county, thereby forming reservoirs that can be drawn upon as needed. These are as follows: Belmont reservoir. Miller's pond, and Stevenson pond, in Mount Pleasant; Long pond and reservoir below on its outlet. White BOROUGH OF HONESDALE, 367 Oak pond, and Elk pond in Clinton ; Keen's pond in Canaan; Lower Woods pond in Lebanon; Yarnell pond in Oregon ; and Cajaw pond in Cherry Ridge. All the coal carried to market by the canal is brought over the Moosic mountain by the Gravity Railroad. This was the lirst railroad built for actual transportation in America. There are no locomotives used on the road. The road ascends an elevation of eight hundred and fifty feet to the summit of the mountain. At the head of each plane is a substantial stationary engine. An endless wire rope passes over a huge drum at the head and extends to the foot of the plane ; there the cars are attached to the rope, and, upon a given signal, the cars start up the plane, often at the rate of twelve miles an hour. The track between the head of one plane and the foot of the next is built on a decline of fifty feet to the mile and is called a " Level." There are eight of these planes between Honesdale and Carbon- dale, and from Carbondale to Honesdale there are eight planes up and four down the mountain. The cars, having been let down the mountain by four in- clined planes to Waymart, from thence run by theii- own gravity to Honesdale. The track from Honesdale to Carbondale is called the " Light " track because the cars return to the mines empty. The other is called the "Loaded" track as loaded cars use it only. The scene- ry along this mountain railroad is enchanting. This road has been several times relaid and has undergone important repairs, adding greatly to its strength and safety. ^ 368 HIkSTORY of WAYNE COUNTY. Passenger trains commeneed running npon it in 1877 ; they are well conducted and safely run, and are a source of proiit to the company. They are exten- sively patronized by the votaries of pleasure and in- valids seeking pure air. The docks of the company at Honesdale are nearly a mile in length, along the western side of the village, and sometimes there are 500,000 tons of coal stored there awaiting shipment ; at other times there is none. The present officers of the company are as follows : President, Thomas Dick- s(m, of Scranton, Pa.; Vice President, Robert M. Olyphant, New York city ; General Manager, Coe F. Young, Honesdale, Pa. ; Treasurer, Jas. G. Hartt, New York city; Seci'etary, George L. Ilaight, New York city; Sales Agent, Rodman G, Moulton, New York city; General Agent of Real Estate Department, E. W. Weston, Providence, Pa. ; Superintendent of Coal Department, A. H. Vandling, Providence, Pa.; Su- perintendent of Railroad Department, R. Manville, Carbondale, Pa.; Assistant Canal Superintendent, W. F. Wil])ur, of Plonesdale; Sales Agent, Southern and Western Department, Joseph J. Albright, of Scran- ton, P^ .^xTlie streets of Honesdale are l)road, and finely shad- ed by maples and other trees. The sidewalks are paved witli ilag-stones. Main street is tlie principal business part of the town ; Second and Third streets are mainly oc(nipied by private residences. Second street might with propriety be called Church street, as the Baptist, Metliodist Episcopal, Presbyterian, Episco- BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. 369 pal, German Lutheran, and German Catholic el lurches are situated upon it. There are tln-ee suhstantial iron hridges in the borough. In the central part of tlie town is a spacious park, in the center of which, through tlie enterprise of the ladies of tlie borougli, a fountain, sparkling with beauty, was erected in 1879. Soon after the late civil strife tlie patriotic ladies of flonesdale, assisted by others in the connty, erected in the park a costly monument to perpetuate the mem- ory of the Wayne county volunteers who fell in tli:!t wai-. This monument, of Quincy granite, is pedestri in form, and surmounted by a bronze figure, life size, of a U. S. soldier at parade rest. The monument, together with the statue, is about fonrteen feet in lieight, and is surrounded by a neat ii-on fence. Tlie inscription and names of the fallen soldiers ai*e ns follows : 1869. THIS MONUMENT WAS EKECTED BY THE LADIES MONUMENTAL ASSOCIATION OF WAYNE COUNTY, TO THE MEMORY OF OUR DEAD WHO FELL, '*That Government of the people, by the people, and for the people, should not perish from the earth. " Capt. James L. Mumford. J. H. Bryant, J. Markle, D. Palmer, H. C. Pidis, W. Rix, G. Palmer, G. Scambler, E. Jordan, A. F. Elmeudorf, J. J. Thoi-p, D. Seibold, S. E. Elmendorl', E. Barhipht, J. G. Griggs, O. K. Stears, C. Thorp^ A. Graham, S. F. Davall, 47 370 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. J. E. Chubb, I. Thomas, J. Wallace, C. N. Bagley, D. HoweU, O. Wolf, S. Gilcrist, S. H. Cross, J. H. Simpson, T. Nodclin, W. E. Martin, R. Martin, G. H. Hoover, J. Shiever^ B. Pell, G. Pell, J. Simpson, O. Gillett, S. Bidwell, . H. Bidwell, F. Bidwell, E. Bidwell, S. Peet, W. Brooks, O. BrcK>ks, J. Mann, a Hathrill, T. Bryant, W. Tamblyu, D. C. Lathrop, M. Stevens, G. H. Stevens, D. Maloney, E. W. De Reamer, E. M. Clark, F. Zahn, J. E. Bagley, Ew W. FaiTiham, C. Henwood, J. Baker, J. B, Karslake, D. B. Torrey, T. Benney, S. Strong, T. Clark, T. J. Firth, A. Little, F. Marshall, N. G. Hiird, H. Nye, W. Surplice, H. McKaue, M. Rollison, A. Rollison, W. Holdron, J. E. Reed, G. Compton, N. Warder, D. Freer, W. Kellum, N. G. Hand, J. Johnson, T. Bourke, N. Foy, R. Kirtz, M. Devitt, L. Cole, E. Haven, J. D. Simp»3n, P. Ennis, -J. Kranglian, J. McLaughlin, J. C. Anthony, D. Wall, H. Buchanan, I. Knapp, Z. N. Lee, Capt. James Ham. A. Broat, M. V. Tvler, B. Lord; J. Jones, E. Jones, J. Price, N. Tyler, Jr., J. Hauser, S. D. Ward, W. Brotzmau, H. Case, H. Kinney, C. H. Munroe, G. H. Palmer, N. J. Simpson, G. W. Simpson, A. C. Starbird, J. W. Smith, J. H. Worth, W. Short, J. Ogden, J. Ogden, J. Northcott, S. Hines, J. Keifer, J. H. Belknap, 0. Chamberlain, T. C. Brigham, Y. D. Brigham, H. B. Wood, W. E. Dodge, J. Lukens, D. L. Brown, G. D. Parsons, C. T. Jackson, J. A. Dodge, J. W. Framptou, 1. Frampton, G. Parsons, H. Conklin, J. Cole, J. M. Gavett, J. R. Garton. G. W. Haynes. G. D. Slocum,' G. Seely, J. T. Wliittaker, T. Sterling, R. Whitney, H. Keersey, C. H. Cole, J. Hardwick, BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. 371 A. K. Pruden, N. Thoi-p, W. Hunter, A. Benjamiu, W. W. Valentine, E. Taeubner, C. Neihart, r. Wilcox, A. S. Luclwig, r. Metzger, E. E. Fisher, G. Metz, H. Nelmes, W. F. Hurlbiu-t, D. Burton, D. S. Charles, W. Carney, G. Frace, G. M. Cole, H. Price, J. Brown, W. H. Gifford, L. Bailey, L. N. Purdy, C. Haines, H. West, H. Lynch, G. J. Price, J. Hathaway, A. B. Hathaway, J. E. Dart, W. T. Hall, G. Ortnung, J. Tobin, E. Dexter, E. J. Bunnell, H. J. Borchers, D. Avery, A. E. Gleason, A. Niles, W. J. Thomas, J. Best, J. D. Hamlin, E. Torpyn, I. Crago, R. Clift, W. Cory, J. Bronson, J. E. Taylor, G. A. Taylor, H. Whittaker, D. Reynolds, E. Lake, 0. S. Hoffman, T. Newman, W. Surrine, S. H. Thomas, W. C. Thomas, 1. Hill, S. W. Jayne, E. S. Hufteln, J. H. Wilds, D. Woodward, D. Darling, A. J. Dai'ling, J. Hull, C. M. Griffis, P. P. Knight, W. Randall, R. Humphrey, D. Martin, J. O'Niel, M. Kingsbury, A. B. Hall, T. Coddmgton, A. Martin, J. W. Waller, J. Elmer, H. C. Wright, F. O. R. Benjamin, I. J. Bradshaw, G. M. Grotevant, D. Howell, E. G. Belknap, G. W. Warner, E. W. Freeman, J. B. Hanser, A. L. Chittenden, J. B. Muzzy, O. Wilcox, J. J. Rude, A. D. Stark, J. McKeon. CaPT. OlilVEE MUMFOKD. Lieut. H. F. Willis, D. Lake, D. McGowan, W. C. Bently, W. S. Hoffman, J. Jackson, G. W. Welton, M. Wood, J. Markle, B. Sherwood, W. Rhodes, J. Brigham, P. G. Griffin, H. Shaffer, S. H. Thomas, S. Dobson, H. T. Angel, E. O. Polly, H. Nicholson, D. Dickins, C. Dickins, G. W. Dickins, J. Dickins, Lieut. A. E. King, T. Kennedy, R. Harford, A. Colbath, E. S. Bayley. H. J. Wheeler, R. Bunnell, J. Emery, L. Slote, L. Bui'leigh, A, Mattison, D. Mattison, 372 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. G. W. Marks, A. J. Marks, D. Siitliff, M. Hickney, W. Cole. J. G. Boss, D. Dibble, B. Boults, J. Bray, O. Tyler, W. H. Wilcox, C. Lees, J. S. Sutliff, J. F. Wright, E. O. Haines, A. Huffman, J. S. Marricle, J. G. Boss, D. Brazee, K. P. Knapp, N. T. Andrews, G. G. Andrews, A. J. Swingle, J. J. Cunimiskey, L,. Spangenberg, J. J. Monk, C. P. Andreas, A. L. Rowley, I). Carpenter, H. A. Thurston, B. S. Merwin, N. J. Van Orden, J. W. Cobb, J. M. Easby, J. N. Stevens, J. C. Rockwell, F. Baird, N. Wilbur, A. H. Stewart, L, Croue, A. Jordan, J. Elmor, M. L. Denslow, D. A. Denslow, J. F. Jackson, O. L. Bath, G. S. Brown, G. P. Euslin, J. S. Kennedy, E. Lake, A. Clock, W. Upright, J. F. Barnes, D. Swingle, ^ A. London, T. Woodward, J. Hehnes, B. Curtis, H. Brigliam, G. Foler, J. A. Adams, D. Catterson, P. Swartz, L. Applemau, J. Cauth, S. Shearer, E, Cramer, L. Jordan, J. Rollison, C. A. Weed, H. Harris, G. W. Brown, J. Tobee, J. Adams, J. H. Schoonmaker. The enterprise of Isaac P. Foster, in connection witli Jason Torrey and John F. Roe, in erecting the iirst 1 )uiklings, and in starting the first stores in Hones- dale has been mentioned. Mr. Foster was of New Enghmd descent, and, in 1827, (^ame from Montrose, Pa., at the instance of Major Torrey. Mr. Foster had l^een for some years engaged in the tanning bnsiness, and soon resolved to establisli a tannery near Hones- dale. Having chosen a site, one mile np the west branch, in company with Ezra Hand, Daniel P. Kirt- land, and John F. Roe, reliable Imsiness men, a tan- nery was bnilt and put in operation in ISoO. At an early day, Mr. Foster bought out the interest of his BOROUGH OF HONESDALK. 373 partners, finally associated his sons with him, and the tannery was run as long as hark could he ol)tained for its support. In connection with his mercantile husi- ness, his tanning estal)lishment proved to ]>e highly remunerative, and he acquired more than a compe- tence. It is claimed that Deacon Foster brought the lirst imported hides into the county, and sent out of the county the iirst leather manufactured therein. He was called Deacon Foster, from tlie fact of his having i»een for many years a deacon in the First Presl)yte- rian Church. He was an ardent abolitionist and was doubtless sincere in his professions. When the free- dom of the slaves was fully assured, lifting up liis hands, he exclaimed, " Lord, let now thy servant de- part in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation." He was much more than an ordinary man, and died in Honesdale, Nov. 18, 1876. Henry W. Stone, now living in Honesdale, aged eighty-nine years, was born in Kew England, and, in 1822, was assessed in Mount Pleasant as a single man and a merchant. Afterwards he traded awhile in Honesdale, and then, in company with Horace Drake, estal>lished a tannery and store at Beech Pond, which were successfully continued for many years, when Mr. Stone sold out to Drake c% Sons, and, with a compe- tence, retired from l)usiness. Being a temperate and unexcitable man, his l)odily and mental powers remain unimpaired by the ravages of time. Judge Cliarles P, Waller married his oldest, and E. F. Torrev anoth- 374 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. er daughter. His only son, Henry William, is living in Honesdale. Among the attorneys of note who practiced in om' com'ts since they have been held in Honesdale were the following: Earl Wheeler, who was born in Hampden county, Mass., 1802. He was a son of Hansom Wheeler, and a cousin of the late Marvin Wheeler, a well known mer- chant of Hancock, N. Y. Earl Wheeler commenced the practice of law in Dundaff, from thence he removed to Bethany, and, upon the removal of the county seat, took up his abode in Honesdale. He was a well-read lawyer and very fond of mathematics. In his sixty- fourth year he was smitten with paralysis, which un- iltted him for practicing his profession. He died De- cember 30, 1875, at the residence of his brother-in- law, Hiram K. Mumford, in Dyberry township. William H. Dimmick, Sen., was a son of Dan Dim- mick, of Milf ord ; he studied law with N, B. Eldred, was admitted to the Bar in 1840, removed to Hones- dale, was elected to Congress in 1856, and died Au- gust 3, 1861. He was never married. Samuel E. Dimmick was born in Bloomingburg, Sullivan county, N. Y. He was a son of Alpheus Dimmick, and cousin of William H. Dimmick, Sen., with whom he commenced the study of law, in 1814. He was admitted to the Bar in 1846. Such was his celebrity as a lawyer that, in 1873, he was appointed l)y Gov. Hartranft, attorney-general of Pennsylvania, in which office he died, Oct. 11, 1875. BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. 375 Frederick M. Crane was born in Salisbury, Conn., in 1815. He came to Honesclale in 1844, and was then admitted to the Bar, and was twice elected as a member of the Legislature. His mental capacity was great, and his legal knowledge extensive. He died suddenly at Honesdale, January 8, 1877. Ebenezer Kingsbury, Jr., John I. Allen, Simon G. Throop, Jackson Woodward, and H. B. Beardslee were admitted to the Wayne County Bar, but busi- ness outside of the legal profession diverted their at- tention therefrom. Want of space compels us to contract our intended notice of the present members, of the Bench and Bar. Hon. Chas. P. Waller, president judge, was born in Wyoming Yalley, of which place his father was a native. His mother came from Connecticut, and his grandparents were from the same State. He studied law with Judge Collins, of Wilkesbarre, came to Honesdale in 1843, and was then admitted to the Bar. The senior members of the Bar are as follows: (Jharles S. Minor, who was born in Washington, Con- necticut, in 1817, graduated at Yale College in 1841, and at the law school in New Haven, in 1844, came to Honesdale, and was admitted to the Bar that year. G. G. Waller, who was born in Wyoming, studied law with Judge Collins, came to Wayne county, and was admitted to practice in 1849. E. O. Hamlin was born in Bethany, studied with Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, was admitted in 1852, and practiced two years in Wayne county. He then re- 376 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. moved to Minnesota, was there president judge for several years, l)iit tinally returned, and took up liis permanent residence in Wayne eonnty, in 1873. Henry M. Seely was born in Wayne county, studied law in the city of New York, and was admitted to the Bar in 1859. William H. Dinnnick, son of Oliver 8. Dimmick, of Pike (bounty. Pa., studied law with Hon. S. E. Dim- mick, und was admitted to tlie Bar, in 1863. Greorge F. Bentley, sou of Judge Bentley, of Mon- trose, Pa., studied with C. P. e seen in the superior value and permanency of the buildings erected, and in otlier important improvements made. Tlie Keystone and Centennial bloi-ks below the canal bridge and manv other buildings in the town would not appear to dis- advantage in any city. Many dwelling-houses have ^>een ei*ected on tlie nortli side of the Lackawaxen, above Park street, which althoua'h unlike in struc- BOROUGH OF HONESDALE, ^11 ture, are ingenious specimens of architectural taste and beauty. Main street has been macadamized at great expense. The streets and the public and private l)uildings are lighted with gas. The town is abun- dantly supplied with water wliich is principally drawn from the First and Second ponds in Dyberry. The business of the canal and railroad affords so large a Held for labor that but little attention has been paid to manufacturing. Still that branch of industry has not l)een entirely neglected. The yearly manufacture of boots and shoes by Durland, Torrey & Co., amounts to $350,000. The Honesdale Iron & Agricultural Works, carried on by Gilbert Knapp, do a very large business. Tliere is also a foundry on Front street, conducted by Thomas Charlesworth, which does con- siderable business. P. Mc Kenna is largely engaged in the manufacture of butter Hrkins, churns, tubs, buckets, and many other articles all of superior qual- ity, thus supplying the county and adjoining sections. M. B. Yan Kirk tfe Co. have an umbrella-stick factory. John Brown manufactures cabinet-work. C. C. Jad- win manufactures a large amount of his " Subduing Liniment," for which there is an extensive demand. B. L. Wood & Co. manufacture lumber for building purposes. The cause of education has always been considered of the first importance by the people of Honesdale. The first school taught in the place was kept in a house located on liiver street, near John Brown's residence, and was taught by Lewis Pestana, in the winter of 48 378 HISTORY OF WAYNE COVNTY. 1828. The next winter he was succeeded by Charles P. Chirk, whose school was patronized by about fifty pupils. An academy was founded in 1838, and its first principal was Henry Seymour, A. B., of Amherst College. He Avas succeeded by B. B. Smith, A. M., of Honesdale, and it continued to flourish under his control until the State appropriation was withheld and it gave place to the Honesdale Graded School, in 1861. A classical course in the latter school includes the usual studies preparatory to college. Prof. J. M. Dolph became its principal in 1878. He succeeded Prof. L. H. Barnum, who was principal for the pre- vious six years. By the school report of 1878 there were eleven schools in Honesdale. The tax levied for all school purposes in that year amounted to $5,029.21. The contract for building the first court-house in Honesdale, was awarded to Charles Jameson. It was built of wood and cost $16,000. The first court was held therein at September Sessions, 1843. The fire- proof brick building in which the public records are now kept, was built in 1856, by Beers & Heath, and cost the county §11,500. The present jail was built in 1859, but the original cost is now unknowTi. The order of our judges for the erection of a new court- house was made after a report of the grand jury at February Sessions, 1876, and was as follows: "In view of the crowded state of the court room for the past year, and the manifest necessity for enlarged accommodation for the people of the county who have business in the courts, as lawyers, jurors, parties, and witnesses, and the very imper- fect ventilation of the present court room, we cordially approve BOROUGH OF HONESDALE. 379 the report of the grand jury on this subject, and recommend the county commissioners to carry out the same by at once maturing plans and erecting the foundation of a new buikling the coming season ; they can then distribute the expense through the years necessarily required for the erection and completion of a building which shall meet the wants of, and be a credit to, the county and not impose unnecessary burdens upon the taxpayers. Dated, Feb. 15th, 1876. ( Chas. p. Waller, President Judge, Signed, •< Otis Avery, Associate Judge, (H. Wilson, To make way for the building of the new structure the old court-house was taken down in the summer of 1877. The new court-house has been so far linished that the courts were held in it at May Sessions, 1880. What will be the final cost of the building is as yet unknown. There are so many questions about the matter that are in al^eyance, that want of time and space prevents our giving its tangled and disputed his- tory; we leave that lal)or to the coming historian. Who should be cannonaded and who should be canon- ized in the premises, it is not our province to decide. The first newspaper printed in the county was start- ed at Bethany, by James Manning, who bought a printing-press and type. It was entitled the Way7ie County Mirror. Manning edited it himself, and it was well conducted. Its first number was dated in March, 1818. The Mirror was followed by the Re- jntbliean Advocate, which was published l)y Davis and Sasman, Manning owning the press. It com- menced in November, 1822, but Davis became unpop- ular, and, in 1830, it took the name of the Bethany 380 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Inquirer^ with Wm. Sasmaii as editor. In 1832 the iirst number of the Way tie County Herald was issued in Honesdale by Peter C Ward. The Wayne Comity Free Press and Bethany and Honesdale Advertiser was established January 1, 1838, by Paul S. Preston, at Bethany. Piehard Nugent was editor and compos- itor. Ebenezer Kingsbury, Jr., was then editor of the Honesdale Herald. In 1840, The Free Press was re- moved to Honesdale, and, in 1842, took the name of The Beechivoodsrnan^ which was succeeded, in 1844, by The Honesdale Democrat^ and edited by F. B. Penniman, Esq., the veteran editor in Wayne county, now of Honesdale. The purity, propriety, and con- ciseness of his style attracted the notice of the emi- nent writers and politicians of that day, and he was pursuaded to accept the editorship of The Plttslnirg Cazette, then one of the most influential political jour- nals in the Commonwealth; but failing health forced liim to retire from the position. He has not, how- ever, lost his skill in the use of felicitous language. His ancestors were of Puritan origin. Upon the retirement of F. B. Penniman from the Democrat., it took the name of The Rejniblic., and was conducted by E. A. Penniman. In 1868 The Honesdale Citizen was estal>lished, which has ever since been published as the organ of the Republican party in the connty ; Hon. Henry Wilson and E. A. Penniman are its editors and publishers. The Wayne County Herald^ the organ of the Democratic party, has l)een owned and conducted, at different times, by John I. Allen, PALMYRA rOWNSHIF, PIKE COUNTY. 381 II, B. Beardslee, and Menner ife Ham. In 1865, it passed into the hands of Thomas J. Ham, who is its present editor and owner. Several other papers have been started from time to time, which were short lived. The Ilawley Free Press was succeeded by The Hawley Tkties, formerly edited by F. P. Wood- ward, a son of Daniel D. Woodward, Esq., of Cherry Ridge, but now edited by his brother, H. P. Wood- ward. 2' he Wayne Inle, all of w^hom returned to the settlement after the Revolution. But there were others who never returned. Joshua Yarnum was killed during the war. Silas Parks, Jr., was in Capt. Dethic Hewitt's company and was killed in the battle of Wyoming. Tliere was a nunil)er of others, who, after the Wyoming massacre, nevei* re- turned to Paupack. These settlers laid off two townships ; the one in which they were all included, was named Lackaway, and one further up the Paupack named Bozrah. When this people started from Connecticut they ex- pected to go on to Wyoming, but finding good land and fine timl^er on the Paupack, they stopped there, as they expected to hold the lands under Connecticut. They had friends in Wyoming with whom they were in perfect accord. They built a palisaded fort enclos- ing an acre of land on whicli was a good spring. Within the fort was built a block-house, on the top of which w^as a bullet-proof sentry-box. When trouble was anticipated with the Indians, the people with PALMYRA TOWNSHIP, PIKE COUNTY. 383 their families spent their nights in the fort. The men went in gangs to plant, hoe, and cultivate each other's iields, with their guns slung over their backs. Bands of vagabond scamps and outcasts of the Indian tribes, led on by Tories, often molested the settlers in 1777 and 1778, with whom they had frequent skirmishes. The main object of the marauders w^as to steal the cat- tle of the settlers. Brandt, a half-blood chief with great authority, had given orders that the Paupack people, having been kind to the Indians, should not be disturbed. But Brandt could not control the Tories. A saw-mill was built about where Burnham Kimble afterwards lived, and was burnt down by the Indians in 1779. Capt. Eliab Yarnum had command of the troops of the colony ; Jonathan Haskell was lieutenant, and Elijah Winters, ensign. In 1777 a body of eight- een men was discovered by a daughter of Nathaniel Gates, (afterwards Mrs. Stephen Bennett.) She in- formed Lieut. Haskell of the fact who captured the whole body. They proved to be Tories and were con- veyed to Hartford, Conn., where they were punished. Some Tories disturbed the settlers on the 3d of July, 1778, but were driven away, and in their retreat burn- ed a grist-mill at Wilson ville which was built by Joseph Washburn. Among these Tories was one Bryant Mclvean, who was afterwards arrested upon suspicion of conveying intelligence to the Indians, but he was not convicted. One of his neighbors who had been instrumental in his (McKean's) arrest, he never 384 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. forgave, and, as a means of satisfying liis revengeful spirit, he agreed with tlie Indians to murder his neigh- l)or. Bnt the Indians mistook McKean's description of the house and nnirdei*ed MeKean's own family and l)urnt the house. This story is well authenticated. On the third of July, 1778, was the massacre at Wy- oming. The next day John Hannnond or Jacob Stan- ton carried the news to Paupack. Upon learning this, the inhabitants, taking their women, children, and sick, and driving their cattle before them, after hiding some of their goods in the woods, fled to Orange county, N. Y. Near the mouth of the Wallenpaupack, Zebulon and Jasper Parrish, Stephen Kimble, (who died a prisoner among the Indians,) Stephen Parrish and Reuben Jones were taken prisoners by the In- dians. In August, 1778, and in the spring of 1779, parties of young men ventured to return, but they barely escaped with their lives. All the property which the settlers left behind them, with their houses, had been destroyed. In 1783, after the close of the Revolution, the most of the original settlers returned. They suffered much as the season was unfavorable and the crops were poor. As they had no mill with which to gi-ind their corn, they were ol:)liged to pound it in mortars, and in some cases went to Milford on snow- shoes and brought home flour on their backs. But they withstood all hardships and afterwards became prosperous and happy. The original inhabitants were principally Presbyterians. They were industrious, hospitable, and honest. They were remarkable for PALMYEA TOWNSHIP, PIKE COUNTY. 385 their longevity. Hence Jacob Kimble died in 1826, aged ninety-one; Hezekiali Bingham in 1811, aged seventy-f om- ; Moses Killam, Sen., in 1831, aged seven- ty-two; John Pellett, Jr., in 1838, aged ninety; and Ephraim Killam in 1836, aged eighty-seven. The following were some of the settlers that return- ed after the close of the Revolutionary war, and others of their children and grandchildren : Hezekiah Bingham, Sen., had three sons : Hezekiah Bingham, Jr., a man of worth and intelligence; Ro- dolplms Bingham, a noted innkeeper and lumberman ; and Soloman Bingham. Moses Bingham, Esq., was a justice of the peace. The descendants and children of the Bingham family, although numerous and highly respected, have all removed from the place. Uriah Chapman settled at Blooming Grove and kept tavern. He had a numerous family, all of whom are gone. Ephraim Killam married a daughter of John Ans- ley. His family were very intelligent. He had but one son, Ira, who married a daughter of Roswell Chapman. Ephraim Killam was a man of reading and observation, and was well acquainted with the Indian character. He scouted the idea of civilizing them. " Why," he used to say, " an Indian is just as much a wild man as a wolf is a wild dog ; you cannot tame him." His brother, Moses Killam, Sen., was in the battle at the mouth of the Lackawaxen, and was slightly Avounded. He had two sons, Moses Killam, Esq., a very noted man as a farmer, lumberman, and 49 386 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. citizen, and Benjamin Killam, a local Methodist min- ister, whose handwriting was a model of excellence. He married a daughter of Elijah Winters. She was the first child born in Faupack and died a few years ago, aged one hundred years. Marcus Killam, their son, lives upon the old homestead. Jacob Kimble, Sen., was a miller, farmer, and lum- berman. His sons were Abel, Jacob, Walter, Daniel, and Benjamin. Judge Abisha Woodward married a daughter of Jacob Kimble, Sen. She was the mother of G. W. Woodward. They have all passed aw^ay. John Pellet, Jr., was in most of the conflicts with the Indians on the Paupack. He married a noble woman, Nan(3y Bingham, a daughter of Hezekiah Bingham, Sen. They had eight sons and two daughters. Asa Kimble married Abigail, the oldest daughter. John Ansley, Sen., who was born in England, was a blacksmith, as was his son, John, Jr. Joseph Ans- ley, innkeeper, was one of his sons, and Simeon Ans- ley, another. David Lester and Orrin Lester, who were Revolutionary soldiers, lived some years in Pau- pack. Upon the return of the settlers Stephen Bennett, then a young man from Massachusetts, a soldier under " Old Put," located and married a daughter of Nathan- iel Gates. He first lived back of Walter Kimble's. His sons were Pufus, Stephen, and Lebbeus. Stephen Bennett died at a very advanced age. Some of the children of Pufus Bennett are yet living in Wayne x^ounty. MISCELLANEOUS. 387 In doing justice to the memory of those old settlers we could write scores of pages. They and their chil- dren have passed over the river, and we, standing on its brink, aged seventy-six years, cannot but look back with admiration of that noble people. CHAPTER XXXIII. MISCELLANEO US. IT is no easy task, even for one who in early life was intimately acquainted with the hardships and struggles of the early settlers, to portray them fully and justly. Their necessities were alike in all parts of the county, and all were obliged to put up log- houses with large stone chimneys, and roofed at first with bark, and having floors and doors made of boards split from logs. The spaces between tlie logs were filled up with moss and clay, to repel the winter's flaw. Loff-barns were made for cattle and horses, when the settler had any, and almost every settler had one cow or more; in 1806, for instance, Canaan, including Salem, Sterling, and most of Cherry Ridge, then had ninety-one taxables, ninety-six cows, and thirty-five horses. Some of the settlers brought with them feather-beds, but the most slept well on straw. 388 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. The lightest part of the forest was cut down and cleared np and sown with rye and wheat, or planted with potatoes and corn. After tlie grain was raised, by some it was carried to Wilsonville, to Damascus, or to Slocum Hollow, (now Scranton,) to l)e ground. The thoughtful Germans of Canaan, brought witli them hand-mills and ground the grain themselves ; others pounded or boiled it, and, in cases of extremity, lived on milk and boiled potatoes, which is not an un- savory dish to a hungry laboring man. The land yielded abundantly, and, after a few years, enough grain was raised to support the people. The woods were full of wild game, and the streams alive witli lish. But there were many things which they had not and could not do without. They needed axes, scythes, plows, chains, liarrows, lioes, salt, (which was live dol- lars a bushel,) leather, and clothing for themselves and their children. How were these indispensables to be obtained, and where was the money to come from wherewith to purchase them ? Some of tliese things they w^ent without. The skins of their domestic ani- mals they exchanged for salt and leather, often dis- pensing with dressed leather by weai-ing moccasins made of deer-skin, and sometimes they sold grain to the lumbermen for cash. The lumbermen along the Delaware and Lackawaxen did not have it quite so hard as the settlers who were remote from tlie rivers. But most of the latter sowed flax and dressed it, and the women (blessed l)e their memory,) carded, spun, and wove it into a variety of most excellent cl(.)ths. MISCELLANEOUS, 389 Then necessity required almost every farmer to keep slieep, the wool from which was carded, spmi, and woven by the women into all needful fabrics. In a few years saw-mills were erected in all the new settlements, so that the log-cabins could be made more and more comfortable. Go to a log-cabin in those days, and outside would be found two, three, or four shoats that lived mostly upon the mast found in the woods, and that had come home to see how tlie folks were. "Old Brindle" would be standing, reaching through the rails wliich enclosed a stack of wild hay. There was a wooden-shod sled made mostly for win- ter use, but used, nevertheless, at all seasons, as carts and wagons were scarce. It was not in the likeness of anything in the earth beneath, or in the water un- der the earth. There was a harrow made of a branch- ing tree which made one letter of the alphabet in the shape of a Y, with live iron teeth on a side and one in front. The plow was not at home, having been lent to a near neighbor only two -miles distant. Two or three acres had been cleared and planted, and a quarter of an acre sown with flax. Near by the cabin was a covered enclosure in which four or five sheep were nightly folded. The dog, "Tiger,'' glad to see any kind of a duplicate of his master, would laugli all over to see you. Dogs were not tlien taught to con- sider men as thieves or tramps. Knocking, you were l)id to come in, and, upon lifting the wooden latch, were cheerily and sincerely greeted and offered tlie l)est bench for a seat. The furniture in said cabin 390 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. was rough and simple, and there were no carpets, table-cloths, or napkins. There was but one room in the calnn with but one bed and a trundle-ljed. A bed- room was then made by hanging up two blankets. A stranger who staid over night had to go up a ladder and sleep on a straw bed overhead. The most pleas- ins: of all was that there in that cabin were three or four cherubs, called children, bounding and playing in circles around that unadorned room, and who were like those of whom Christ said, '' Of such is the king- dom of heaven." You would perhaps stay to dinner, where everything would be sweet and savory, and it would coiisist of good johnny-cake and delicious fried trout, one or two of which would make a meal, and your neighbor would tell you that he had canght sixty of the like that day. You would have no tea, but good, unadul- terated coffee, made of burnt peas or browned rye flour, and sweetened with maple sugar. In those days a fox met a man and wondered if he was a new kind of Indian or something worse, and the owl hooted at him as an unnaturalized intruder. In such log-cab- ins lived, sixty, seventy, or eighty years ago, the first settlers of Wayne county, whether Yankees, Dutch, Irish, or English. In those log-huts might perhaps have been found some of the following books : The Bible, Watts' inimitable Psalms and Hymns, The Pil- grim's Progress, an Episcopal Prayer-book, a Catho- lic Catechism, or a New England Primer. There was an almanac found in every cabin. It told much of MISCELLANEOUS. 391 the past and foretold coming eclipses with certainty, and coming storms and calms with occasional nncer- tainty. It often quieted the fears of such as w^ere disturbed by strange and unaccountable phenomena. Some sons of Belial one night, out of pure wicked- ness, pushed some squibs under the door of an old couple's cabin. The squibs of wild-lire went whizzing and circling around their room to their great dismay and affright. The old man, at the suggestion of his wife, got up and looking in the almanac, he found against that day the strange word " apogee," which he spelled out, a-po, a-po, gee, a-po-gee, sounding the g hard, and accenting the last syllable. '' There," said he, " it's 'apogee' come, and if it ha d not been for the almanac I should never have found out what it meant, for it is not in the Bible. Probably it means a little devil just hatched out." * High up in the primitive chimneys, above the reach of fire, was a cross-pole from which descended trammels upon which were hung as needed, a pot, a dish-kettle, or tea-kettle ; these, with a frying-pan and griddle, made up all the culinary vessels used in preparing or cooking food, excepting that an oven was built in the stone chim- ney or out of doors for the baking of bread. After- wards came the tin oven which was open towards the fire ; the reflection of the heat from the shining tin assisted in baking the cakes, pies, or bread in the oven. * The word " apogee " has reference to the moon when it is at its greatest distance from the earth. 392 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Stoves were not in use mitil after 1820, and were not in general use until 1840. The blacksmith in those early dajs was, as he always will be, the most useful artisan. He made hoes, upset axes, made plowshares, and all the nails then used, also all the chains and hooks, drew teeth with an iron hawk's bill, and in his leisure time made musical instruments for the boys, called jews-harps. One old blacksmith made iisli- hooks and the iish l)it at them just to lind out what tliey were; but they were not very dangerous to the Iish. The roads were then merely cleared of the logs and bushes. Most of the transportation was made on horseback or manback. Tlie latter mode of re- moving a thing from one plac^ to another was called " soul (carting." Shoemakers went from house to house and made up the shoes that would be worn in a fam- ily for a year. Happy was the lad or the lass that could rely upon having one pair of shoes in a year. The most of the men, women, and children thought it no great hardship to go barefoot six months in the year. Most of the people were then poor, but pover- ty was not then considered a crime or a disgrace, but merely a discomfort. Because a man had naught, he was not called " naughty." As an example of tlie poverty of many people, it is a fact that the house of a (certain man in Salem with all its contents burned up and he (claimed tliat liis loss was forty dollars; but it is prol)able tliat there was as mucli happiness to be found in those lodges in the wilderness as can be found anywhere in this world. MISCELLANEO US. 393 '•Contented toil and hospitable care, And kind connubial tenderness were there ; And piety, with wishes fixed above. And steady loyalty and faithful love." Few of the pioneers had the money to pay down for their hinds, and it took them many years before they w^ere al)le to make their payments. After providing shelter, food, and raiment for them- selves and families, and making necessary roads and l)ridges, the next great anxiety of the settlers w^as to establish schools for the edncation of tlieir children. The great mass of the original inhabitants of Wayne connty were from New" England, a people who were never forgetful of the cause of education, but whether they w^ere Yankee or Dutch, English or Irish, native or foreign, in this anxiety they w^ere unanimous. Scliool-houses w^ere built more comfortable than the common dwelling-houses, and the best teachers that could be found were employed. Some of them had made but little progress in ascending the hill of sci- ence, w^hile other young men, educated in the acade- mies and high schools of the Eastern States, came liither in search of employment. The principal branch- es taught w^ere orthography, reading, w^riting, arith- metic, English grammar, and geography. The first l)Ooks were as follows: Dihvorth's and Wel)sterV spelling-books ; for reading books, Webster's Elements of Useful Know^ledge, the Second and Tliird Fart, The American Freceptor, and the Columbian Orator, l)y Calel) Bingham, the Englisli Reader with its Intro- duction and Sequel; arithmetic — Daboll's and Fike's 50 394 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. — Murray's English Grammar — Davies', Cummings' Morse's or Woodhridge's Geography ; Johnson's or Walker's Dictionary; and Robert Gibson's Treatise on Surveying. Hale's History of the United States had been introduced into some schools. These books, if not equal to those used at the present day, possess- ed many excellencies and were abreast of the times. It is not pretended that those teachers in olden days were equal in qualiiications to the teachers of the present day. The most of them never had access to academies and high schools, but they taught orthogra- phy, reading, and writing, well. The first schools were started by a few persons who generally hired a teacher, fixed his salary, requiring him to board round and collect his own school-bills, each patron of the school to pay pro rata. Tradition declares that there Avere good schools in the county seventy or eighty years ago, but it has preserved very little concerning them. A law of 1809 required the (county to pay for the schooling of the children of indigent persons. The law^ of 1834, authorizing the levy of taxes for the support of common schools, was amended in 1836, and by another amendment, in 1854, provided for the election of county superintendents triennially, by the school directors. The oftice was held as follows: By John F. Stoddard, one year; S. A. Terrel, five years; E. O. "Ward, seven years; J. E. Hawker, three years; D. G. Allen, nine years; H. B. Larrabee was elected in May, 1878, for three years. The schools which were in their day chartered, and MISCELLANEOUS. 395 the academies and high schools now sustained in dif- ferent parts of the county have been mentioned, ex- cepting the select school at Hollisterville, under the charge of Prof. M. H. Race. There is a graded school at Honesdale, one at See- lyville, and another at Hawley. By the School Re- port of 1878 there are two hundred and thirteen schools in the county; the number of male teachers, eiglity-two; females, one hundred and eighty-three; whole number of scholars, 8,939; total amount of tax levied for school and building purposes, $36,948.95. The Baptists, it appears, organized the iirst Church in the county in Paupack. Elder William Purdy was its pastor. One was organized in Mount Pleasant in 1796, and Epaphras Thompson was its lirst minis- ter, and was succeeded by Elder Elijah Peck. The next Baptist Church was started in Damascus, then one in Salem, and afterwards one in Bethany and Clinton. There are ten churches or houses of public w^orship belonging to the Baptists in the county. The pioneer Presbyterian Church in the county was that of Salem and Palmyra, which was organized in August, 1805, by Rev. David Harrowar, Rev. Worth- ington Wright, from Massachusetts, was installed its pastor in 1813. A Congregational Church was also organized in Mount Pleasant, in January, 1814, by Rev. E. Kingsbury and Rev. W. Wright. A Pres- byterian Church was organized by the Rev. Phineas Camp, in Bethany, in 1818 ; the house was begun in 1822, and finished in 1835. The Presbyterian Church 396 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. in Honesdale was organized in 1829 ; the cost of the present building was |44,000. The Church hi Way- mart was organized in 1835, and the house built in 181:6. Lebanon society or Church was organized in 1848, and the house erected the same year. The so- ciety or Church of Prompton was organized in 1842, and the house built in 1849. The society or Church of Hawley was organized in 1849, and tlie house was built in 1851. There may be other societies which have no buildings erected for public worship. The Presbyterians were the descendants of the old Puri- tans, were generally well educated, and were rigid in tlie enforcement of the strictest morality. They wish- ed and meant to be riglit. The Episcopal Methodists were among the first in the missionary Held. Their preachers went every- where that a soul could be found. They had all the zeal of Ignatius Loyola. They generally held their meetings in the log school-houses, or in private dwell- ings, and in summer in barns or in the woods. They insisted upon great simplicity of dress, and in that re- spect were as rigid as the Quakers. No woman could then obtain admittance to their love-feasts whose dress abounded with flounces and furbelows, and even a rib- l)on gathered up into a Ijow upon her l>onnet would not be overlooked. A few old people may be found who remember some of their original preachers, such as Isaac Grant, Joshua Bil)]>ins, and George Peck, Sen. We heard the latter preach his tirst sermon in Salem in the West school-house. In or about the vear 1825 MLSCELLANEOUS. 397 the first Methodist Episcopal church was commenced west of Salem Corners, and in 1832 one was huilt at Mount Pleasant. The progress of the Church in tlie county has l)een uniform, until at the present time there are twenty-six churches or houses of pul)lic wor- ship, which may not include some societies that are without a church edifice. There are two camp-meet- ing groves used annually by the church, one at Salem and one at Tallmanville. There are in the county ten Roman Catholic churches which are all noticed under the several local- ities where they are situated, besides which there are several places which are visited that have no church edifices. The first of those churches was established in Honesdale in 1834, and the next in Mount Pleasant in 1835. There are four Episcopal, four Union, two Free Methodist, two Lutheran churches, and one German Reform church. It has been shown that the attempt of Judge James Wilson to commence the manufacture of flax and hemp at the mouth of the Paupack, even before the organization of the county, proved abortive. Saw- mills were early established along the Delaware and Lackawaxen for the manufacture of timber into l)oards, etc., thereby adding perhaps one-fourth to its market value. This kind of manufacturino^ has been carried on more or less for the past ninety years, and, vsince the establishment of tanneries in the county, has l>een a very large and extensive business. 398 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. The first cardiug-macliine was set up on Johnson's creek, below tlie Seth Kennedy mill, in Mount Pleas- ant, by Jacob Plum, in 1813. These machines, al- though they did not manufacture, prepared the wool for spinning, and saved the women much hard work, Capt. Keen started one below Keen's pond, in Canaan, in 1820. Samuel Hartford, assisted by H. G. Chase, put up one east of Hamlinton in 1825, and Alpheus Hollister one at Hollisterville in 1827. Hiram G. Chase aforesaid moved into Dy]>erry township in 1826. His father was from Taunton, Mass., but Hiram G. was from Delaware county, N. Y. He married a daughter of Ira Hurlburt, who was a brother of the remarkable twin sisters, of whom Pope Bushnell's wife was one. Mrs. Chase was a sister of Ezra Hurl- l)urt, of Honesdale, and of Frederick Hurlburt, of Canaan. Mr. Chase began mth Wm. B. Ogden, in 1826, and started works for the fulling of cloth at the outlet of Jennings pond, in Dyberry, and the next year bought the carding-machine of Hartford. Ogden sold out to Wm. N. Fisher. Mr. Chase continued in the business ten years and then sold out to Henry Jen- niuirs.- Fisher continued in business most of his life. Mr. Chase and his wife are still living, and should have been noticed under Dyberry towmship. The Dyberry glass-factory was started in 1816, and, with short intermissions, was kept in operation for twenty-five yeters. The manufacture of axes and edge-tools by Ezekiel White was commenced in 1820, and was continued by MISCELLANEOUS. 399 Epliraiin Y. White at Seelyville and Tracyville during liis life-time. The business is now vigorously carried on by his son, Gilbert White, at Tracyville. James Hendrick, in the early days of Honesdale, carried on the making of scythes and axes, and the business was continued by others after him. Henry Kemmerer, in 1835, started a large powder- mill near Shaffer's. Mills, in South Canaan. The bus- iness was prosperous until the mill was blown up in the summer of 1837 and three persons were killed. The mill was not rebuilt. James Birdsall commenced the maufacture of wool- en cloths at Seelyville in 1846, and the business, hav- ing been continued and being constantly on the in- crease, has assumed a most respectable importance un- der Birdsall Brothers. This is one of the most useful of all branches of manufacture, and can be contin- ued from time to time, and from age to age, without any prospects of a discontinuation of its usefulness. Seelyville has ever been an attractive point for manu- facturing. Window-sashes, blinds, and doors were made here for some years by Messrs. Costins & Erk. Chris- tian Erk is now doing a large business in the manu- facture of umbrella and parasol sticks. John H. Gill has had a small foundry in operation a short distance above Seelyville for a number of years. It is now carried on by his son. George W. Hall, of Prompton, has been, for forty years, engaged in the manufacture from wood of all needed household furniture, and has not intermitted 400 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. liis labors. Having associated Avitli him liis son, Ar- thur, as copartner, the business is now (conducted under the Urm name of G. AV. Hall tfe Son. The great glass-works of Christian Dorflinger, at AVhite Mills, established within the last twelve years, are the most colossal manufacturing works in the (^ountj. In 1842 Jacob Faatz started glass-works at Tracjville, but for want of capital they were discon- tinued, and they fell into the hands of James Brook- tield but were mostly destroyed by the l)reaking aw^ay of a dam at the mouth of a pond above. Tlie Hones- dale Glass Company, in 1873, commenced the making of hollow glass-ware in the same place, and are doing ;i large and profitable business. The manufacturing done in Honesdale is by Dur- land, Torrey c% Co., in the boot and shoe l)usiness; Gilbert Knapp in the foundry business; B. L. Wood ife Co., prepared lumber; M. B. YanKirk, umbrella- stick factory; C. C. Jadwin and Dr. Brady, medicines; John Brown, furniture; V. McKenna, cooper; and P. J. Cole, flour and feed. Probably there are others not mentioned. Under tlie patronal cliarge of Rev. J. J. Doherty, pastor of tlie St. John's Catholic church of Honesdale, an industrial school was established in 1879. Tlie manufacture of shirts is the only branch of business (iarried on at present, and employment is given to about twenty-live girls. The intention, however, is to add other branches of industry to the institution, the object of P^ither Dohei'ty being t(^ give to the youth, MISCELLANEOUS. 401 male and female, a practical education, and, also, give employment and bring up to liabits of industry and usefulness scores who are being reared in enforced idleness. The enterprise is in its infancy but is likely to grow into an important and beneiicent industry. Erastus Baker, of Mount Pleasant, more than forty- five years ago, established a carding-machine on the Lackawaxen in Mount Pleasant and dressed and dyed cloths during his life, and the works are carried on to this day. The manufacturing of chairs and other kinds of wood-work is carried on at Forest Mills, Lake town- ship, by Henry Silkman. One of the most important branches of industry in Wayne county has been the manufacture of leather, and has yielded a large amount of money. Its begin- nings were small. The first tannery that we remem- ber w^as run by Samuel Kogers, in Canaan, and was afterwards called the Cortright tannery. Asa Smith, in Mount Pleasant, Thomas S. Holmes, of Bucking- ham, and Levi Ketchum and Osborn Olmstead, of Bethany, carried on the business for several years on a small scale. About 1830 Isaac P. Foster establish- ed the first great tannery in the county, which, having been profitably run for many years, has been discon- tinued. The tanneries that are now in successful operation and doing a large business are owned l)y H. Beach & Brothers, at Milan ville; E. P. Strong, at Starrucca; Coe F. Young, at Tanners Falls; G. B. Morss, Ledgedale; Hoyt Bros., at Lake Como; R. H. 51 402 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Wales, at High Lake; Wm. Holbert, at Equiniink; Hoyt Bros., at Manchester. Those doing a moderate business are Wm. Gale, at Middle Yalley; L. H. Al- den & Co., at Aldenville; Brunig