F i2.q •fy#i$> Rtally 1 jljf Class. Book. F/2- C ? £S 9f STALEY'S VIEWS OF CONEY ISLAND COPYRIGHT, 19O8, BY CHARLES FRANCIS PRESS PUBLISHED BY CHARLES FRANCIS PRESS 30 W. 13TH STREET, NEW YORK At all news stands, or sent postpaid on receipt of Thirty-five cents in stamps UBKARY of CONGRESS I wo Cooies iteceivM AUG 6 lyOtt class/ A AAc. Nu 2 ' 3 ^76 COPY B. Introduction N these pages we have repro- duced the most notable scenes of Coney Island, the nation's playground. These pictures have been carefully made at great expense especially for this publication and are not to be found elsewhere. They form the most notable pictorial representation of Coney's wonders. The scenes shift with wonderful rapidity on this, the most famous Island in the world and what you see this year you may never see again. Refresh, then, the memories of the future with these pictures of the present. Turn the pages in the years to come and remember the sights you have seen and the pleasures you have had. Send a copy to your friends at home and abroad. Let them see for themselves the marvels, the fascinations of Coney Island, so that they too may have the wander-lust and make the trip to Coney. RIGHT, 1908, BY CHARLES FRANCIS PRESS DREAMLAND, LOOKING WEST VRKiMT, 1908, BY CHARLES FRANCIS PRESS THE EAST WALK, DREAMLAND . I! ^" 4P •* » Q Z < < '— - 3 < - DREAMLAND TOWER, SHOWING CHUTES AND AIRSHIPS ' 4 -JLv /U ^\ ,c COPYRIGHT, 190B, BY CMAHLES FRANCIS PRESS THE TOWER, LUNA PARK COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY CHARLES FRANCIS PRESS MAIN TOWER, LUNA PARK COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY C ON THE BOWERY THE BOWERY, LOOKING EAST # < w -J Ph O w u < < w B h m y, 1 j I Betty Zane HEROINE o UT of that wonderful past which marked the settlement of the middle west, conquered the wilderness, over- came the Indian and bred the spirit that achieved American in- dependence comes the story of "Betty Zane." No mere story-book heroine she, but a real flesh-and-blood woman who lived and loved and proved her woman- liness and bravery in the days when da nger lurked everywhere along the frontier and true love never lacked the chance to prove its worth by thrilling deeds. No one can read this book and not live again the life of those bold pioneers and adventurers who carved a nation out of the wilderness and of the brave women who stood by their sides, rifles in hand, to repel the treacherous red foe, women who could ride and run and shoot as well as their brothers, and whose lives were passed in the very midst of romantic adventure. Betty Zane " is a fascinating story, vivid because true. In Betty's race for life, with the bullets flying about her, we hold our breath as though we were actually watching the brave and devoted girl with the lives of a whole community depending on her speed and daring. Ask the Bookseller. Price, $1.50 If "Betty Zane" is not on his shelves drop a line to CHARLES FRANCIS PRESS, Publishers 30-32 West 13th Street New York AUG 6 laub \'\ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 222 365 A ">-->.