LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©;^p. - 8apijngl^tl|ti. Shelf .....Hq(o Ps UNITED Si'ATES OF AMEHICA. ^ictypc's 1 erttJpe i^ickip 1^1 iXaJe l-/^.wortl^ Mc lof .feci ^,^ CMic/\eo C. McCkV/RG ^MD COMPANY '^3 '•NOV 11 1393 'OF WASH". CopyRiOMT ^y~7\.(l c¥)cCl\7RG eni) Co. ^j^n ;\ll i73iyi^\p5 o" childish VC^t's, It? ^11 iRe DOPe^, m ^11 Tne i^S^t'S jafyT l^ler <:^me, one even 51000, VVirB fendep \oJm^ ae^r^l To m^Ke (Jjome ["^vip excuse [or [-^i-ilk, ^vncl %\\e 1 li^roT'Tune e'eT2, rop bidden rfood. 1 ioTH'et] to tHee cue oicoic^vTe ine^e le^es, {^nd know, ujh^kv Ibor f^, Q. kindep cpiltc ooTH i^or live, o pud Itxe^ood, (jvTid T^uIk lor^ive. f^x )r'id gV>' 1 be (dr i? 61 o o- ra, j? [ Mj 5p en vl/ I? e n /b Vv" (^^ b i p ome<. 1 1? One "pxir Da/. r ' ft' ■-- { ^^ -,. \r\ a Giai lery c tjn-iure^), jl rr-, a ci iV-:\/ ;r\ I l/frn\e y^rujl Tell i\er^.^^tary 4Tv(6'\.ic|L |^^ olclen nn\e 'iKiQ artbyC-a G|GrTe yVac opcnecl wide ar\(l cirefnGl, oiKc broacl- Q'teioc Yy rvere yov-i cLr^d I 7 \^vv' _° pciict 'I hi U We Were W\yrf ^fjir J fTnow/ Wctc T'lckcr '^v/ ovtr^ i3eT\ce. J\r\^\ we paid our^ f\A,in\b)e rev'erj-nc? ^^'If^c' "n\or,artVf ^f^e ]3,i^" 23 1 1 \i' i>^ ■ l]\ro\ KV\ '^W li?a|v^ vvoodc, QT\d IcnY';, yyv' tiros e tlvtil perjed doiV^ 7ol if" ' ^ ! 1\ f /If l'\ 'V^ f'" '^'"»\ %• ^ /Incl cicUir-s, of lY' dciv/f 31 \ 'Y rxo died ,_,^o lor^cj aq. r_^ cV^oe d vVitIa^i r\ f\e r" r\af fc CJ'vy '1% iv^ clGirr^erecl oVr^ i i- A^ AP A^ Q/ln^a fid'Wr'VuirYa vv4IU- ^ I \ore 'AiccVi-ihTul by fcLT, \Jt "brbielcrecl ^C'^l ec d vv^rT" Ig^oor^ lovirya ylnw |"\ob<;anl Gion^e ' (r\cl -M^ce^ter^ loo^ rorVr\or(\^<^r\e j^r\e\r6r\e- rl cil I r\ii> ovt r K ov\r\. iv/e\ Gil /j pecin lagy^nGJ conr^pGife- JKciT 'ioaled ir\1r\e ciirT' 35 •sssss:- iKe If^j^ori^ of 1t\e K^earl^ ylr\cl. play 1 K^ covYamqj racirl. p/lr\Q. kavicjI-Nyjy VQ>'ueer\^li:Z(Jira(?l I o Vila r\ol civ4n 4>\e ralow, j rscil laicL Iy*^ previa Keael low. 6.„ ^ — 1?,X\A\V1III- orw cil I "TKe porn p cir\ci pcic|ecirAtK' V^orY cill 'iKcU cr1rr\c coviIcL do- V^ot^e QGil lam Rr\icjkl^^ ar\d ladies riPis cj^'earesl le/ us no loo. 37 ^vveeler '^-'f' vvct,S ike lay qJ\X if^e cloQe oj TIyiI jcilr dciv/. ■ aV VVW II \^ TT or- |[\c hirol^ ,S,ot^, ou^d TKe ^vifA^l^it^e d 'Ke ^vif^\n SIL^- — ic u^ 'ikiQ^ h'Wlf vunf, 0o ^vVeef^ trom^(jrier\t 1ar\GU, j ^ee GL 1-ielGl cj- ''o^eg, cAf)pl all TKir^ jcL\T [ ^ee , (JtA 1cir\c(, or-'^ea, or"in^'iiY cIovigIa, P /ire Rv.iT Gi poT.r I of *l|\ee. Icy s ^'^^°^hb ' K'^ '^'■"^'/ ^1 V_/ld alfjer in^e discnn^irpates^ m cleali7d With) Ihje race; o sonpG [76 OiVes trie silver cfo'jvrj^ Mbove a vvrir/KylGcl racu. ] ■ r\t7ow a race he Loucnes sort, yy i^r/ [jarjd so 6e9tly ^170, e srryootV^es tl^e Ii9es trjst care would "jaK^e, /A^d brir^ibs sWeeT peace cT rnina. mey say P'T'S li a roiltereri fyjta itealB av^av eacl^ crjarm — kr^DW r;B 935 a javorite, o w9orn l^e sees 170 qarrn- J juT each year bkiqij^s an addea or j ^3cl7 r'icyei' tl7ar^ 1176 othery r\i7d says, as | do Won] njy l^earT, GocJ , W "Xhe little y^oti^erf t /^KaJ ir? TTiy lady_5 oval ckce^j ' ''-IS Tr?e vvTld rose i^^J* n iDv ladys lovely eye5. Were tL-. vTole'ts blue. y^-. , In her broW^_5o purely TVq5 Jr^^r^ Illy tciir" eat-j2 DtVjv^er? her riJoy I1P5 vJold vVS_5 in her hair. In Tl^e little dainty chm^ dimple5 playecj ^^ r-r ^ p p_ •- togethe. v^lnd her^mile bncih1~ _^un_yiine made.^' In the aarl\e^ wealBen linK wnkin Ihc ^ea .shell Were her rirji^iGr-TuPS When ^he _5po^e, ^vVceT melod ^ay J-Jinqered on he ■C ^5 VVitk a hint o\ nnJc In ner- iorm^ Lhe vvTllov-/' It f n ^r v b I — .iF'ii an apple oloon; , l\ic l\ril \iJn her perfect ear; purely i^ Wci^ oi?ly ror>mca, OwccL^Jst (pounds to near. 1 von lid hi; I' baliTiy h'<-ecir njN l^iiidy pit^ T.. _S|Uitcible 5 a pa I ci 7 \y ' vja^tle ii? [Tie ciir> /V\, ' 1 i_j little Gl^fert) little <;dcji ont ne, \Uu[ at the pi bow, arid roggecl at the \\nee, r\ \jo\e '\Q nis yat where the cro^vn ought to be, <^ino'iiirj lil\e a lark, in tlpe Gottoowoocl tree. Oo slendirr and biown arp thp hnrp lilrtip jf (•'t, i hot er rpavj Love lp;,T,--U God never w,ll. /V\erry little ctieer_y little vograrjt Ije, ^ut at tte elLow agd ragged at tl]e l^nee, /\ ^e ,r,[)is Inat, wtjere tl;e crown ouglit to L^ Oin^ing |,| tubo boi^c? hcp, ojhen I I rdGilav, on nzf" rdPeafii; 'y pr^ 59 vJbe CGLTTiep, -dleprjTo all all meside, J I era uj{\\inGj «!)lji\?e OJould racoj; V_/ be lilTe ^i^Tera xio hctlos^ea ^ Crlk' cGin ^be leav?e Traera rjocaf ;P Mil il? POOITi LJ be d neapT ujili ae ' l^ecu ITejzi neoj cat«ejei^ Oiricl hero f\in ^^• G3 Lv/'ep BPciv^e anol \oy/al .^me, TotL e pOT^I LLnll e!)Gt elv' ^ [y steep. T^ ijOfTane^ I'leK^le orxe^ mayTr-ooja- Jne Luor-ial cut'lh cpoel VnoPnti Qjnz ujill honop, lini ie GUI 1 1 nlei^fi ieiip ojind/rf Tci Vi Cop rhy \7oyGiG]el j. -■« JC'r'icihT and lona be tny dciyt J_iov'inG] cornpanionri attead Tbee- vJod keep Taee f%, -*». ^^be (Pboto^rftpb. o pko-s"? 'U7 c jJ/ f T I J- ■!t7d ^cic! liK^*? IrT:-^ — PvH Ih/Cil wos loi-c| 0C]0. 67 Wt? '1bd vovir7o -?yr wok KWr a I wv<>r;licl<^ ■ I \vi1 lov'c jor^vcr^ will aDicl^a) K ey \Vo>\ij and 0av4 ^"^cn pt'o^e arxd proyjr^ Jls ieoV'ly" WaHc^ \,i\e I k<; day vvken n>y <.hip AOrixc;) ovv' tifSlA, v? wmcK, evnd briAq trom s. at ;Y\, ye \vinci i cNnd 1 I I . ! r\sr<^i ar\ti t ( er billowy wivves^ rr\y loncjinq eyes e\ (Mr.i uo k II- 101 ■ irv- '"^ ] I -I " ' L I c;er s\r\d lAtciei il Cji'ovv'c. Vy hc&f I L' 'I I I' my sKip ai lay. — --ST- /Tr c n\y clMldkood<; clicAiUY^my vovilK^ ond Kope< / ^ I f so loncj <^l 'vca- comKvq lo me. I (\Q 103 ■•^nr- ker vim I Keepijj and clreamle<^v sleepv ■SHI-- — iviilcr IFve Cjail^ of my cjalLnf ^l\ip^ and y Ivei vvkile \e oalk ^1\« tnaKc) m Ike pammcj wa\c5 COIWlrvCj lo-l\lcjl\l ^'' "*^' j«)j^'l Jav^,^ IL ntaccjvJ nmkly _! /I / ' o c^vrt y,c,li vex tu. , no ^oir'ovv j, .^-^ 105 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS '!! Ill III I II 11 II 11 1 II 111 016 112 814 4 •