F&i^ Class _ Book.__Jr GopyiightN .. 7/6 C£EffiIGHT DEPOSED ■ HUDSONS rxYu i )F^ MINNEAPOLIS A GUIDE AND HANDBOOK, THE 'STONE ARCH BRIDGE A BUSY RAILROAD ENTRANCE INTO THE CITY MAPS &» ILLUSTRATIONS Price 2.5 Six Marble Pillars 411 Marquette Avenue Banking Facilities for Men and Women Y^OU can put your money in this bank for a few days for safe keeping and receive a certificate of deposit or draw interest on it if left in the savings department. Resources $60,000,000 Northwestern National Bank Affiliated with THE MINNESOTA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY MAPS For practically every map need The Hudson Publishing Com- pany has the Corresponding Supply. We are Publishers, Jobbers and Retailers — Map Specialists. While our large and unusual stock of maps will probably supply your needs, if it does not — we guarantee to procure promptly any map in print. Some of Our Specialties. Pocket Maps of every description — States, Foreign Coun- tries, Cities, Counties, etc. Wall Maps of all states, the U. S., World, Europe, Etc., Etc. Canopy Map Cases made to order and installed with Maps and rollers. Map Mounting — on cloth, on boards (for use with indicating tacks), dissected, etc. Auto Guides and Road Maps — State Maps, County Maps, Automobile Blue Book, etc. Soil Maps — Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, etc. Land Advertising Maps drawn, engraved and printed to order. Agents U. S. Geological Survey — Topographical Maps of Northwestern surveys on hand. The Hudson Publishing Company Publishers and Dealers MAPS, GUIDES AND HANDBOOKS 400 Kasota Building, 4th and Hennepin N. W. Nicollet 2826 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. TABOUR T"} 1. realty co. Kealtors ONE OF THE OLDEST FIRMS IN THE CITY 334 - 336 Mcknight building We BUY and SELL All Kinds of Property We have been in this business in this city for the past 30 years We can sell you any kind of property you want We can make you a loan We can write any kind of insurance for you We can loan your money to net from 6 to 7 per cent We solicit the listing of your property; both for sale and for rent REFERENCES IF DESIRED Spencer Or (^ompanu PRINTERS CATALOGUES, BOOK- LETS AND COMMER- CIAL STATIONERY DD Specialists in the Printing of 115 Washington j4ve. N. Half -tone and Color Work Second Floor: Both Phone THE LARGEST AND BEST HAMMOND'S Strategical War Map of the WESTERN FRONT SIZE 78 x 56 INCHES, SCALE FIVE MILES TO ONE INCH With our troops doing glorious work in Europe, news despatches from the Western Front have become of vital importance to every Ameri- can. It is essential that they be understood. You cannot read these despatches intelligently unless you possess a detailed war map of this region — a map on sufficiently large scale to contain the names of ALL PLACES mentioned in your daily paper. Many maps of Northeastern France have been published in the last four years. Most of these are valueless because they do not contain the small places. This is the most complete map of the Western Theater of War on the market. It includes practically every hamlet, town and village. A dis- tinctive feature of this map is the LARGE LETTERING. All place names are given in ten-point or larger; fully 90 per cent of the place-names are in twelve-or fourteen-point with the largest towns in black-faced letters. This distinctive feature adds greatly to the value of the map for library or window display purposes as place-names can be READ WITH EASE AT GREATER DISTANCE than on any other complete war map. In addition to the vast number of places, all fortresses, fortified towns, naval arsenals, forts, redoubts, batteries, aircraft depots, wireless sta- tions, railways, etc., are included. Another valuable detail is the battle line of August 1914, when the Ger- mans were almost at the gates of Paris, the; line of farthest German ad- vance of 1918, the Hindenburg line and the BATTLE LINES OF TO-DAY. By means of this feature the ground regained by the Allies may be easily discerned. This map is NEW. IT IS ACCURATE. It is prepared solely for strategical purposes and may be used with ease, for the type throughout is large and clean cut. The map measures 78 x 56 inches. It is engraved on a scale of five miles to the inch and extends north to Antwerp. Belgium, east to Frankfort, Germany, south to Swiss border, and west to Dieppe, France. PRICES Printed in two sections, each 38 x 56 inches in size, on bond paper, folded, and enclosed in board covers $4.00 Printed in two sections, each 38 x 56 inches in size, on folded map cloth, and enclosed in board covers $6.00 Printed on heavy paper and the two sheets joined as one map and mounted on cloth with roller and moulding attached, size _ 78 x 56 inches $8.00 Printed on paper joined as one map and mounted on compo board with cloth hinge in center to permit of folding in shipping, complete map measuring 78 x 56 inches — or on solid mount without hinge $17.50 THE HUDSON PUBLISHING CO. 400 KASOTA BLDG., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. PERHAP5YOU NEWCOMER? ARE A Our fifteen years' experience, and connections enable us to offer ^^^^M M " im,mV ' 1 -" iJ DEPENDABLE Office Furniture WE SPECIALIZE IN DESKS, CHAIRS, FILING CABINETS (in wood or steel) SAFES and BANK FIXTURES OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT CO. 209-211 SOUTH SIXTH STREET ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE U. S. CONSOLIDATED RY. TICKET OFFICE Jas. F. Williamson, 30 Years Practice. Examiner in Patent Office Prior to Practice. Frank D. Merchant, Mechanical Engineer, 20 Years Practice. Williamson & Merchant LAWYERS Patent and Trade Mark Causes Solicitors of United States and Foreign Patents Main Office: Branch Office: 925-935 Metropolitan Life Bldg,, 502 McGill Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Washington, D. C. Cable Address: "Patents, Minneapolis" Telephones: N. W. Main 963. Tri-State 34 551 WAR MAPS And other War Publications of Vital Interest to All Americans. Our stock includes a great variety of special War Maps, both imported and American publications, and iin the form of Pocket Maps and Wall Maps. Especially valuable are the London Daily Telegraph Maps of the "British Front," "French Front," "Italian Front," etc. Paper, $1.00; cloth, $2.50; cloth "dissected," $3.50. Philips "Western Front," Indexed Wall Map, $4.00; Dis- sected, $4.50. (Also "Eastern," "Southern" and "Balkan" Fronts — same prices.) Hammond's "Western Front," Indexed Paper, $1; cloth, $2.00; Wall Map, $3.50; dissected, $4.25. On compo board $4.00. " - "The U. S. Navy" — Camera studies of our "first line of defense." Two editions; 64 pages, 5x7, price 35 cents; 9x12, board covers, $1.00; postage 10 cents. "Aircraft of All Nations," over 40 half tone reproductions; 25 cents. Many other special maps and war publications. Detailed maps of every foreign country. Wall Maps of Europe, The World, etc. The Hudson Publishing Co. Publishers and Dealers MAPS, GUIDES AND HANDBOOKS 400 Kasota Building, 4th and Hennepin N. W. Nicollet 2826 Minneapolis, Minn. Clipping Bureau Essential July 24 the pulp and paper section of the War In- dustries Board issued a circular interpreting their pre- liminary economy order of July 5. In this circular they say, "Copies of newspapers may be sent to Clip- ping Bureaus which render equivalent service to the newspapers." For a thorough clipping service on any subject, therefore, you may continue to send to Pollock's Clipping Bureau MINNEAPOLIS 710 Temple Court Nicollet 4695 Baer-Strand Company MANUFACTURERS OF LOOSE LEAF DEVICES BINDERS, HOLDERS, CATALOGUE COVERS. FILES AND INDEXES METAL PARTS FOR LOOSE LEAF WORK 225 Third Street South Minneapolis, Minn. ■HUDSON'S Dictionary of Minneapolis AND VICINITY ^ A Handbook for Strangers and Residents By HORACE B. HUDSON An Alphabetically Arranged Manual and Descriptive Index of the Places, Buildings, Institutions, Parks, Streets, Churches, Resorts, Amusements, Commercial Enterprises, Societies, Etc., Etc., in and about MINNEAPOLIS MAPS and ILLUSTRATIONS TWENTY-SECOND YEAR MINNEAPOLIS THE HUDSON PUBLISHING COMPANY 400 Kasota Building 1918 . ftfcr//g Worth Y our Careful Consideration When you think of making a new banking connection, — THE Ten Million Dollar Capital and Surplus j ===== OF THE . First & Security Nat. Bank Marquette and Fifth Street WE INVITE YOU TO BANK WITH US Copyright 1918 by Horace B. Hudson RFC 26 ^' ,3 , (G:i.A509336 "ii-m * i INTRODUCTION. The traditional pudding: was proved in the eating; in other words /as found appetizing, wholesome, and complete with all the in- redients which a good pudding should contain. Twenty years of publication has proved the Dictionary of Minneapolis; it has in all the essential facts about the city and its people, presented in a concise, readable and accessible form. Each year sees it better established and more generally regarded as a permanent and useful institution of the city. The Dictionary of Minneapolis is: The only comprehensive compendium of information about Minneapolis. The only handbook for every day use by the people of the city. The most complete and practical guide for the visitor. An invaluable means of conveying information about the city to interested people living elsewhere. In the latter capacity it has been the means of bringing many people to Minneapolis both as visitors and as permanent residents. Each year the Dictionary is thoroughly revised. See page 1 under heading "About Minneapolis" for directions for using this book. When writing or calling upon advertisers please mention Hud- sons' Dictionary of Minneapolis. ®lj? Uptdjrr-tetottuta dnrnwany 322 South 4th Street, Room 400, Opposite City Hall MANUFACTURERS OF Blank Books, Loose Leaf and Loose Leaf Devices — Art Binding one of our Special- ties — Quotations on request. :: :: :: Automatic 32 298 MINNEAPOLIS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ENGINEERS. A. C. Paul Richard Paul PAUL & PAUL Patent Attorneys & Solicitors 854 Security Bldg. Minneapolis - - Minnesota RENNIE B. FANNING Consulting Engineer Hydraulics 602 Kasota Bldg. Minneapolis - - Minnesota FRED W. REED Attorney at Law. 840 Metropolitan Life Bldg. Minneapolis - - Minnesota Harlan P. Roberts Geo. W. Strong ROBERTS & STRONG Attorneys at Law 600 Security Building Minneapolis - - Minnesota Fred B. Snyder Edward C. Gale SNYDER & GALE Attorneys at Law 800-806 Security Bldg. N. W., M. 1214 Auto 32 214 Minneapolis - - Minnesota FRANK H. NUTTER Landscape Architect and Engineer 710 Sykes Block N. W., Nic. 1616 Auto. 34 762 CHARLES L. PILLSBURY CO. Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Engineers Designers of Mechanical Equipment of Buildings and Industrial Plants 805-11 Metropolitan Life Bldg. Both Phones J. F. Williamson F. D. Merchant WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT Attorneys at Law Patent and Trade Mark Causes 925 Met. Life Bldg. Minneapolis ARCHITECTS. ACCOUNTANT. G. E. Bertrand A. B. Chamberlin BERTRAND & CHAMBERLIN Architects 617 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Minneapolis - - Minnesota CHAS. J. DEWEY Expert Accountant Most practical Accountant in the Twin Cities. Have had twenty-five years experience in bookkeeping and accounting. Am familiar with both English and American systems of accounting. Am a thorough Cost Accountant, and can install a sys- tem that is both simple and easy to be handled by the ordinary fac- tory staff. If I fail to produce the desired results, then my fees will be refunded. Satisfactory refer- ences given. Traveling Auditor Volunteers of America. Minneapolis, Minn. N. W., Nicollet 2819 T. S. 31 015 HARRY W. JONES Architect 923 Lumber Exchange Minneapolis - - Minnesota A. R. VAN DYCK Architect 742 McKnight Bldg. Minneapolis WM. CHANNING WHITNEY Architect N. W., Nic. 2011 Auto 37 464 Builders Exch. Minneapolis INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS Page Auditorium opp. 100 Builders Exchange opp. 20 First Nat.-Soo Bldg opp. 36 Kasota Bldg opp. 85 Lake Calhoun opp. 116 Lake of the Isles opp. 12 Leslie Paper Co. Bldg opp. 124 Page Loring Cascade opp. 13 Metropolitan Music Bldg opp. 68 Milling District Frontispiece Mpls. Gas Light Co. Bldg...opp. 44 Minnehaha Falls opp. 84 New York Life Bldg opp. 60 Round Tower, Ft. Snelling..opp. 84 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS Page Amer. Tent & Awning Co 140 Baer-Strand Co Opp. VI Beard Art Galleries Opp. 61 Bell, David C, Investment Co. third cover page Bletcher-Bredemus Co IX Commercial West, The Opp. 117 Dreger, J. W Opp. 125 First & Security Nat. Bk Vni and XI Glenwood-Inglewood Co. ..Opp. 61 Hoff Rubber Stamp Co 140 Holstad, S. H. & Co Opp. 116 Hotel Vendome Opp. VIII Journal, The Minneapolis XII Metropolitan Music Co Opp. 69 Minneapolis Gas Light Co.Opp. 45 Minneapolis General Electric Co Opp. 28 Minneapolis Trust Co Opp. 37 Page Nichols & Tuttle Co Opp. 61 Northwestern Hide & Fur Co. Opp. 125 Northwestern Knitting Co >....fourth cover page Northwestern National Bank.... second cover page Office Fur. & Equip. Co IV Orchestral Association Opp. 101 Peterson, J. B. 140 Pollock's Clipping Bureau VI Professional Directory X Spencer & Co II Sweet, Louis D Opp. 21 Tab6ur Realty Co II Tyler & Co 140 Wentworth & Griffith third cover page White & McNaught Opp. 117 Williamson & Merchant IV People Moving to Minneapolis T F you*are moving to Minneapolis to make this beautiful city - 1 your home, we extend a cordial invitation to you to make use of our various Banking facilities. This is a Ten Million Dollar Bank (Capital and Surplus, Ten Million Dollars) but it is our constant endeavor to give to all our accounts, whether large or small, the same, prompt, careful and courteous atten- tion. We invite you to bank with us. FIRST and SECURITY NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, Ten Million Dollars Marquette at Fifth Street Savings Department Street Floor MINNEAPOLIS WITHOUT A PEER IN THE NORTHWEST Is fittingly represented in this great territory of opportunity by THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL "The Northwest's Greatest Newspaper" It leads in all that is worth while, and — Customers know Its Advertising is Honest HUDSON'S DICTIONARY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND VICINITY About Minneapolis. — This Dic- tionary of Minneapolis is intended to supply the need, which every resident and every visitor feels, of a handy compendium of informa- tion about this, one of the most interesting cities in the country. It is equally useful to persons liv- ing elsewhere who may be inter- ested in Minneapolis. Whether to be used by the resi- dent, the non-resident or the visit- or it is of first importance that the information should be ar- ranged in the most convenient and accessible way. To accomplish this purpose the alphabetical or encyclopedic arrangement of top- ics is used as the simplest and most practical. The book is its own index. If the reader wishes to look up the "University of Min- nesota" he will find it instantly under the letter "U." Should he by chance look first for "State UniversUy" he will find that sub- ject under the letter *S" with a reference to "University of Min- nesota." Minneapolis is a large city and has many different kinds of at- tractions. The visitor especially interested in the picturesque will want to see something of the parks, Minnehaha Falls, Fort Snelling and Lake Minnetonka; while the man with a more mate- rial bent will be particularly at- tracted to the flour and lumber mills, the railroad facilities and the immense business establish- ments. By looking up the topics in which he is particularly inter- ested one may find condensed in- formation as well as directions for seeing what is to be seen in the most convenient way. But every stranger should en- deavor to obtain a general view of the city in its several aspects. Under the heading "Seeing the City" are brief directions for reaching the points of interest in the business district, the promi- nent buildings, the flour and saw mills, the best residence sections, the University, etc. Under the heading "Drives," are directions for making a number of carriage or automobile excursions in the city and suburbs. The topic "Ex- cursions" covers the general sub- ject of electric car trips of from an hour to a day as well as sug- gesting some of the points of in- terest worth visiting throughout the northwest. In all this sight seeing the maps in this Dictionary will be of assistance. Academies. (See Private Schools.) Academy of Sciences. — The Min- nesota Academy of Sciences first took definite form as a distinct or- ganization in 1873. It had its ori- gin in a desire on the part of its AFR-AMB 2 founders • organize "a society having for :ts object the cultiva- tion of Natural Science." Besides making collections of specimens, the society holds regular meetings, at which papers on scientific sub- jects are read and discussed. These proceedings are published from time to time and form a val- uable addition to scientific litera- ture. The academy has a home in three rooms on the fourth floor of the Public Library building. Cases are provided for the speci- mens, by the city. This col- lection includes a large number of mounted birds, an extensive col- lection of geological specimens, rare Indian relics and Chinese, Egyptian and Greek antiquities. The academy some years ago add- ed largely to its collection through a scientific expedition to the Phil- ippine Islands. All persons inter- ested in science are invited to contribute to the Museum. The officers are: T. B. Walker, presi- dent; Dr. F. J. Wulling, vice presi- dent; Harlow Gale, secretary; Edward C. Gale, treasurer. The membership is about 100. Meet- ings, to which the public is in- vited, are held monthly. African Methodist Episcopal Churches. (See Churches, Miscel- laneous.) Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. (See University of Minne- sota.) Agricultural Implements. — In the manufacture and sale of agri- cultural implements, Minneapolis has but one rival in the world. The volume of business in this line is first in magnitude among the city's interests, the grain and flour trade ranking next. The wholesale branch of the business is most important, the houses en- gaged in that line being among the largest and most progressive to be found anywhere. The buildings occupied by the wholesale imple- ment concerns are models of ware- house construction, substantial in appearance, attractive in design, and equipped for handling goods expeditiously. These warehouses are confined to no one section of the city, being distributed from Seventh Av. S. to Eighth Av. N., and from First St. to Fifth St., ac- cording as the best shipping fa- cilities become available. In han- dling the heavy and bulky pack- ages, trackage is essential, and the implement houses have located wherever the problem of transpor- tation seemed most simple of so- lution. The jobbing territory cov- ered from Minneapolis extends from Wisconsin on the east, to Idaho on the west, and for the manufacturing concerns the field is unlimited. That branch of the business includes a great variety of products, such as gas tractors, motor trucks, wagons and vehicles, grain drills and seeders, threshing engines and separators, harrows, haying machinery, bob sleds, fan- ning mills, grain cleaners, etc. There are probably 4,000 people employed in the implement manu- facturing establishments of the city, and the value of the product is in the vicinity of $20,000,000 annually. The gross volume of the implement business last year is estimated at $45,000,000. Agriculture, College of. (See Uni- versity of Minnesota.) Agriculture, School of. (See Uni- versity of Minnesota.) Aldermen. (See Government and City Officials.) Altitude. — The crest of the Falls of St. Anthony is about 800 feet above sea level. Some points in the city are several hun- dred feet higher. Ambulance. — In case of acci- dent, ambulances and patrol wag- ons may be summoned for the re- moval of injured persons by tele- phoning to police headquarters In the city hall. An auto-patrol wag-on is a part of the equipment. Amusements. — In its possibili- ties in the way of diversion and recreation Minneapolis is especial- ly fortunate. During- the theatri- cal season, from the latter part of August to the end of May, the principal theatres supply a large variety of attractions, ranging from the finest dramatic and op- eratic performances, to the vaude- ville and motion picture shows given at low prices. Over 60 mo- tion picture shows are open the year around. It is to the surrounding lakes that Minneapolis owes much of her opportunities for enjoyment. Lakes Harriet and Calhoun and Lake of the Isles and Cedar Lake are with- in the city limits and are easily reached by electric car, carriage, automobile or wheel. At all these lakes rowing, sailing and fishing may be found. Picnics at these lakes, as well as at Minne- haha Palls, (which are within the city limits) are much in vogue. Excursions of from one hour to several days are possible through- out the season. Smooth lake shore drives and tree-lined ave- nues make riding, automobiling, bicycling and pedestrianism popu- lar. Golf, tennis and croquet flourish. Pishing and hunting may be enjoyed without much loss of time on the road. Baseball, foot- ball, rowing, and other athletic sports are very popular, and the meets of several driving clubs supply pleasure for the lovers of fast horses. The state fair, with racing and other amusements, oc- cupies a week in early September. Skating is ordinarily in sea- son from Thanksgiving to March. A score of lakes and ponds within the city limits are utilized for this sport. Ice yachting is very popular. There are many ice yachts at Lake Calhoun, while at Lake Minneton- ka the sport is enjoyed in full AMU-APO measure on the long reaches of that beautiful lake. (See Minne- tonka Yacht Club.) The frozen surface of Lake of the Isles is utilized each winter for an ice race track where the owners of fast horses find most exhilarating amusement. Curling is another winter sport and bowl- ing — though popular all the year — is given more attention in the win- ter. There are usually about three months of sleighing. More detailed references to the various amuse- ments will be found under their particular heads. (See Theatres, State Pair, Excursions, etc.) Andrew Presbyterian Church, The oldest Presbyterian church in the city, has a modern edifice, cor- ner of 4th St. and 8th Av. S. E. Oak & Harriet and Como-Harriet lines. (See Presbyterian Church- es.) Andrus Building-. — A ten story office building at the corner of Nicollet Av. and 5th St. It is fire proof and modern in all its details of construction. Anoka. — On the Mississippi riv- er, 19 miles above Minneapolis. Great Northern and Northern Pa- cific Rys. Minneapolis, Anoka & Cuyuna Range Ry., (electric) from 6th St. and 2nd Ave. So. Apartment Houses. — Minneapo- lis has some of the finest "flats" in the country. Rentals vary from $1.5 or $20 to $100 or more per month — the latter figures for the most elegant and commodious flats. Apollo Club. — A male chorus of 100 which gives three concerts each year exclusively to its sub- scribers, many of whom have been subscribers since its organization in 1896. The club rooms are in the Lyric Theatre building and the officers are E. J. Carpenter, president; C. A. Buholz, vice presi- dent; Geo. B. Eustis, secretary; APR- ART and I. D. Cooper, treasurer; Dr. W. Rhys-Herbert, accompanist; E. S. Ender, organist. Musical di- rector, H. S. Woodruff. Apron, The. (See St. Anthony Falls.) Architectural Features. — Among western cities Minneapolis stands very high, architecturally consid- ered. The substantial character of the city's buildings is often com- mented upon most favorably; the display of architectural taste and ability attracts no less attention from the cultivated visitor. Many of the public buildings are Ro- manesque in leading features, but pure types of any period or style are wanting. Nearly everything is modernized. The Court House and City Hall, Metropolitan Life build- ing, Auditorium, Northwestern Bank building, First National-Soo Line building, Northwestern Na- tional Bank building, Security building, Public Library, Chamber of Commerce, new Donaldson building, Andrus building, Lumber Exchange, « Minneapolis Club, Art Institute, McKnight Building, are among the best designed build- ings. Westminster Presbyterian, Hennepin Av. Methodist, Church of the Redeemer, Plymouth Con- gregational, St. Mark's Episcopal and the Catholic Cathedral are models of church architecture, while residences without number are conspicuous for architectural skill displayed. Area (of Minneapolis). — In the corporate limits of Minneapolis there are 53.29 square miles. The city is ten miles long (from north to south) by about six miles wide. Armory. — The various militia companies of the city occupy a massive structure on Kenwood Parkway near Lyndale avenue. Army, U. S. (See Ft. Snblling.) Art Commission. — The Art Com- mission of the City of Minneapolis is constituted under a legislative act which provides that no work of art shall become the property of the city by purchase, gift or other- wise, unless the same or a model thereof, together with a statement of the proposed location shall be approved by the commission Art Galleries. — The principal gallery is that of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (See Art Insti- tute). The public library main- tains a public gallery in the li- brary building. This collection is enriched with loans from private galleries, and with a collection of statuary casts. Several small gal- leries, which like the Art Society collection are free to the public, are to be found in connection with the art stores and the studios of resident painters. The Beard Art Galleries, 926 Nicollet Av. and 68 S. 10th St., are worth visiting. Private galleries are few. The most extensive is that in Mr. T. B. Walker's home, 807 Hennepin Av., open to the public every week- day from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ♦Art Institute. — Members of the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts instituted in 1910 a campaign for the erection of a great art mu- seum and at a* gathering on Jan. 10, 1911, the sum of $604,500 was pledged for the object. This in- cluded a site valued at $250,000 presented by Clinton Morrison and a subscription of $100,000 from W. H. Dunwoody. Additional sub- scriptions brought the building fund up to half a million and plans for a building 575 feet long by 500 deep were completed in the spring of 1912, and the central unit was finished and opened to the public Jan. 7, 1915. The ar- chitects were McKim, Mead and White of New York. The Minne- apolis Institute of Arts is pro- nounced to be one of the finest buildings of its kind in the coun- try, the galleries large, light and restfully varied in the color of their decorations. The main floor is principally occupied by a coll c- tion of casts of famous works )f sculpture representing many peri- ods and schools given by Russell M. Bennett. On this floor are also the so-called period rooms where the original sculpture, furniture, tapestries, paintings, etc., owned by the Institute are arranged ac- cording to the period which pro- duced them. Thus, all the objects made in the Gothic period (XIII- XV centuries) are together in one room. There are three galleries devoted to Oriental art, one to Egyptian, one to Gothic, two to Renaissance, one to XVII cen- tury, two to XVIII century. The Library and Print Study Room are also on this floor. In the period rooms may be seen the magnificent tapestries given to the Institute by Mrs. C. J. Mar- tin, known as the Charles Jairus Martin Memorial Collection. This collection alone makes the Insti- tute worthy a visit. On the gallery floor are rooms and a series of alcoves devoted to modern paintings, prints and drawings. Seven galleries are now occupied by the permanent collection while two galleries are used for loan exhibitions of var- ious kinds, which are changed each month. On this floor is also the Bradstreet Memorial Room and the Print Exhibition Room. Among the permanent exhibits may be mentioned the Martin B. Koon Memorial Collection which includes examples of such men as Redfield, Twachtman, Symons, etc., given by Mrs. C. C. Bovey and Mrs. C. D. Velie. Of the pictures owned by the Institute many are by prominent artists as Burne- Jones, David Wilkie, Sorolla, Alex- ander, Tarbell, Isham, Courbet, Troyon, Stuart, etc. The Art Institute is on 24th st. between Stevens and 3d av. S. 54 th St. and Col. Heights car line. ART-ASH In the building are also a lunch room open to the public and a rest room. The school rooms of the Minneapolis School of Arts (See under that title) were form- erly in the Institute; the School now occupies a building of its own in close connection wfth the Institute. The galleries are open to the public every day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. except Sunday and Mon- day when the hours are from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday, Wednes- day and Saturday admission is free. Other days, a 25-cent fee is charged. (See Minneapolis School of Arts and Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts.) Art Schools. (See Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts and Handi- craft Gdild.) Art Society. (See Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts.) Art Stores. — There are several places where artists' materials and pictures of various kinds may be purchased. These stores usually make a display of paintings, etch- ings and other works of art. Well worth visiting are The Beard Art Galleries, 926 Nicollet Av. and 68 S. 10th St. In quite a number of shops may be found a development of the growing tendency to the applica- tion of art ideas in the manufac- ture of merchandise of all kinds, notably in glass and china, furni- ture and fabrics Ashes and Garbage. — The mu- nicipal government makes provi- sion for the removal of ashes and garbage. The garbage is burned in a crematory at Camden Place; ashes are used for filling low places in the city. Owners or oc- cupants of each house must pro- vide metallic cans with close-fit- ting covers and of twenty gallons capacity for garbage and thirty gallons capacity for ashes. Only garbage — animal and vegetable ASS-AUD matter — and refuse which will burn may be put in the garbage can and ashes, tin cans, broken glassware, etc., into the ash can. Assessed Valuation. — By the last assessment Minneapolis property, is valued at $287,482,499. Of this amount $169,688,306, assessed on a 40% basis, is represented by ground and buildings, $46,373,033, assessed on a 25 and 33%% basis, personal property and $71,421,160 by moneys and credits. As the assessment is less than fifty per cent of the true value and much personal property always escapes taxation, the wealth of the city may be safely estimated at about $550,000,000. The assessed valuation and tax rate for several years past were as follows: Rate. 1900 $99,492,054 27.40 1901 , . 102,212,506 29.86 1902 121,417,636 25.33 1903 128,596,734 28.46 1904 135,708,902 28.56 1905 138,690,490 29.75 1906 164,419,145 26.50 1907 168,038,386 30.17 1908 175.912,389 28.63 1909 179,065,989 31.04 1910 197,036,479 30.13 1911 198,910,208 31.79 1912 213,398,439 32.57 1913 219,669,533 35.76 1914 196,306,615 35.77 1915 201,434,378 39.36 1916 206,493,563 39.43 1917 287,482,499 48.48 Associated Charities. — The As- sociated Charities of Minneapolis was established in 1885 and incor- porated in 1889. Its chief object is the treatment of Minneapolis dependents. Its principles are to study, relieve and prevent pover- ty. The Associated Charities main- tains the following departments to accomplish the objects noted ' above: relief and service, legal aid bureau, friendly visiting, study and prevention of tubercu- losis, a confidential registra- tion bureau, and visiting nurses to care for the needy sick in their homes. The work is carried on entirely by voluntary subscriptions. The society makes no distinction be- tween applicants on account of re- ligion, politics, color, or national- ity; it never proselytizes or inter- feres with the work of any benev- olent or charitable society, but at- tempts to bring all philanthropic forces into harmonious and effect- ive relations. Sumner T. McKnight is presi- dent, Henry L. Moore, treasurer, and Frank J. Bruno, general sec- retary. The central office is in the OJd Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 3d St. and 4th Av. S. (See Benev- olent Societies, Government and Charities and Corrections.) Asylums. (See Benevolent Soci- eties and Institutions, and Hospi- tals.) Athenaeum. (See Public Libra- ry.) Athletics. (See Sports.) Auditorium. — The Minneapolis auditorium was erected in 1905 by the Northwestern National Life Insurance company of Minneapolis in connection with a home office building for the company, at the corner of Nicollet avenue and Elev- enth street. Its main front is on Eleventh street. From its handsome facade of 110 feet in width the building extends towards Twelfth street 220 feet. On all sides it is surrounded by open space, even the adjoining office building being sep- arated from it by a wide alley. This arrangement makes possible a very complete system of exits, which, with the general fire-proof construction, makes the building as safe as is possible. Foyers of the full width of the building are found on the first, sec- ond and third floors, from which wide promenades lead down either side of the auditorium. Numerous doors admit to these promenades. On the main floor six exterior doors lead from the promenades to the surrounding open air alleys, making it possible for people from this floor to reach the outside of the building without passing to the front of the building at Eleventh street ^ 'l- Although rising to the full height of the office building — four stories — the Auditorium has but three floors — the main floor, bal- cony floor and gallery floor; but on the Eleventh street front a small dancing hall, 40x65 feet, has been provided on the fourth floor level. At the other end of the auditorium the stage occupies the full width of the building. It is 44 feet deep, with a proscenium arch 58 feet wide and 40 feet in height. There is room on this stage for a chorus of 400 besides the space allotted to the great pipe organ. Numer- ous dressing and retiring rooms afford every convenience. At the right of the stage is a magnificent concert pipe organ, which is the fourth in size in the United States. It is a four manual organ with about 4.000 pipes and 140 stops, has sufficient volume to fill the hall properly, and is equipped with all modern improve- ments for perfect manipulation. The seating capacity of the hall is about 2,500, divided as fol- lows: main floor 1,500, balcony and gallery about 500 each. For con- vention purposes the seating capa- city of the stage may be added to this. The main floor is of concrete and level; but when used for con- certs, lectures or similar entertain- ments, a sloping, movable floor of wood is placed in position. De- tails of equipment and decoration are worked out along the most modern and approved lines, and Minneapolis has as complete and veil designed an auditorium as any uty in the country. The exterior of the building is lignified and appropriate to its AUG-AUT purposes. This as well as the de- tails of interior construction, are the result of careful study upon the part of the architects, Messrs. Bertrand & Chamberlin of Min- neapolis. The complete structures, includ- ing the auditorium, office building and the land, represent an invest- ment of almost half a million dol- lars. Augsburg" Seminary. — This is an institution of the Norwegian-Luth- eran Church, and is located at the corner of 7th St. and 21st Av. S. It was organized as a theologica) school at Marshall, Wis., in 1860 In 1871 it was removed to Min- neapolis, and in 1874 the main building, a four-story structure, 113x52 feet, was commenced. On January 1, 1902, a modern build- ing costing $45,000, was dedicated. With other lesser buildings this gives the seminary an admirable equipment. (Minnehaha electric tine.) Augustana Lutheran Church. — One of the largest churches of the denomination in the west; located at the corner of 11th Av. S. and 7th St. Rev. Chas. J. Petri is pas- tor. Automobile Maps and Guides — A large variety of guides and maps including all standard pub- lications may be found at the of- fice of The Hudson Publishing Co., 404 Kasota Bldg., cor 4th & Hennepin. Automobiles. — The use of auto- mobiles has increased very rapidly ■within a few years and there are now about 15,000 machines in daily use in the city. The broad, level streets, fine suburban drives and excellent country roads are important factors in the populari- ty of automobiling. The trade in motor cars is developing into one of the leading lines of the city. There is not only a large sale to local residents, but a growing market for the machines AVE -BAN ? throughout the Northwest. The manufacture of motor trucks is becoming- an Important Minne- apolis industry. Many fine ga- rages are maintained and autos may be hired with competent chauffeurs. (See Taxi-cabs.) Many of the owners of machines are members of 'the Minneapolis Automobile Club, which has a membership of over 1,600. Geo. K. Belden is president and G. Roy Hill secretary. The club main- tains an office in the Radisson Hotel. The club is affiliated with the Minnesota State Automobile Association and the American Automobile Association. Avenues. (See Streets and Ave- nges.) Bag-gage. — Delivery companies call for baggage in any part of the city and deliver it at the depots at a uniform rate of 25c per piece, except from remote points. Most of the railroads now check bag- gage to destination at the time of sale of tickets, sending to the house or hotel for the trunks and thus saving the traveler all annoy- ance at the station. The charge for this accommodation is 25c, within a central district. (See Ex- press Charges.) Bands and Orchestras. — The in- strumental organizations of the city are these: • First Reg. Band and Orchestra. — J. P. Rossiter, director, 41-43 S. 6th St. Kelsey's Orchestra. — 41-43 S. 6th St. Ladies' Orchestra. — Mrs. T. T. Lyons, director, 41-43 S. 6th St. Minneapolis Park Band. — Jo- seph Saiton, conductor. Minneapolis Symphony Orches- tra. — Emil Oberhoffer, director. Shibley's Mandolin Orchestra. — 41-43 S. 6th St. University of Minnesota Band. — B. A. Rose, director. Bank Clearings. (See Clearing House.) Banks. — A total capital of $14,080,000, exclusive of surplus, is shown by the national and state banks of Minneapolis. In addition there is a large brokerage busi- ness and a heavy capital controlled by loan and trust companies. The following are the banks with their locations and capital. Federal Reserve Bank. — New York Life Bldg., cor. 5th St. and 2nd Av. S. National Banks. Bankers. — Lumber Exchange. $800,000. First and Security. — Cor. 5th St. and Marquette Av. $5,000,000. -Lincoln.- — Hennepin Av. and 9th St. $250,000. Metropolitan National, Metro- politan Bldg., $500,000. Midland.— Security Bldg. $1,000,- 000. Northwestern. — 407-413 Mar- quette Av. $4,000,000. State Banks. American. — Henn. Av. and Lake St. $25,000. Calhoun. — 715 W. Lake St. $35,000. Camden Park. — 4148 N. Wash. Av. $25,000. Central. — Central Av. and 25th St. N. E. $25,000. Citizens. — Lake St. and Bloom- ington. $25,000. Chicago-Lake. — 741 E. Lake St. $25,000. Continental. — 706 Marquette Av. $100,000. East Hennepin. — East Henne- pin Av. and 5th St., $50,000. Exchange. — Metropolitan Life Bldg. $50,000. Fidelity. — 2417 Central. $25,000. Gateway. — Hennepin and Wash. Avs. $50,000. Hennepin County Savings. — Marquette Av. and 4th St. $250,000. (Does a general banking business.) Lake Harriet. — 4287 S. Sheri- dan Av. $25,000. Lake Street. — 2716 E. Lake St. $25,000. Liberty. — 1333 E. Franklin Av. $50,000. Market. — 200 N. 7th St. $25,- 000. Mercantile. — Hennepin Av. and 6th St. $300,000. Merchants' & Manufacturers'. — 242 20th Av. N. $100,000. ' Mill City.— 20 W. Lake St. $25,- 000. Millers' & Traders'. — 4th St. and 4th Av. S. $40,000. Minneapolis. — Cor. Nicollet and Lake St. $50,000. Minnehaha. — 2626 E. 25th St. $30,000.. Nicollet Av. — 1309 Nicollet Av. $25,000. Nokomis. — Cedar and Lake. $25,000. North American. — 1225 N. Wash- ington Av. $200,000. Northeast. — 2nd St. and 13th Av. N. E. $50,000. North Commercial. — 701 20th Av. N. $25,000. North Side. — Plymouth and Washington A vs. $50,000. People's. — 1419 Wash. Av. S. $25,000. Republic. — Hennepin Av. and 14th St. $50,000. St. Anthony Falls. Cor. East Hennepin Av. and 4th St. S. E. $300,000. South Side State Bank. — 405 Ce- dar Av. $100,000. State Bank of Commerce.— 517 Marquette, $50,000. State Deposit. — 52 S. 4th St. $100,- 000. Twenty-sixth St. — Nicollet Av. and 26th St. $25,000. Union. — 1st Av. S. and 6th St. $100,000. University. — Wash. Av. S. E. and Oak St. $25,000. Western. — 639 6th Av. N. $25,000. Savings Banks. Farmers and Mechanics. — 115 S. 4th St. Hennepin County. — Marquette Av. and 4th St. Institutions for Savings. State Institution for Savings. — 517 Marquette Av. The First & Security National, and Northwestern National banks maintain savings departments. BAN-BAP The total deposits in Minneapo- lis banks are about $175,000,000. Under the new national law Minneapolis was selected as the location of one of the Federal Re- serve banks with a district in- cluding- Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and the north half of Wisconsin. The se- lection of Minneapolis is a recogni- tion of its position as the financial center of the Northwest. (See Loan & Trust Companies, Clearing House, etc.) Bankruptcy. — The office of Alex- ander McCune, U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy, is in the Post Office or Federal Building, corner Third St. and Marquette Av. Baptist Churches. — The history of the Baptist denomination in Minneapolis dates from 1850, when what is now the Olivet Baptist Church was organized. It is now one of the strongest denomina- tions, having eighteen churches and several flourishing missions. Following is a list of the houses of worship: Bethany Mission. — 30th Av. . N. and Russell Av. Bethesda (Colored). — 8th St. bet. 11th and 12th Avs. S. Bethel (Swedish). — 28th Av. S. and 24th St. Calvary.— Cor. Blaisdell Av. and W. 26th St. Central. — Cor. 4th Av. S. and Grant St. Central Av. Mission. — Cen- tral Av. and 4th St. Clark Chapel. — 14th Av. N. and Knox. Ebenezer Mission (Norwegian- Dan.)— 38th St. and 21st Av. S. Elim (Swedish). — Cor. 13th Av. N. E. and Madison St. First. — Cor. 10th St. and Har- mon Place. First German. — 20th Av. N. bet. Lyndale and Aldrich. First Norwegian and Danish. — Cor. 33d St. and 16th Av. S. First Swedish. — Cor. 13th Av. S. and 8th St. Fourth.- — Cor. 18th Av. N. and Dupont Av. BAR-BEN 1 Immanuel Mission (Swedish). — 42d St. and 41st Av. S. Judson Memorial. — Cor. 41st St. and S. Harriet Av. Lake Harriet. — 50th St. and S. Washburn Av. Memorial Mission. — 4th St. N. bet. 32d and 33d Aves. N. Olivet. — Cor. 13th Av. S. E. and 4th St. Prospect Mission. — Como Av. and Grantham St. Tabernacle. — Cor. 23rd Av. S. and 8th St. Temple. — Cor. 31st St. and Co- lumbus Av. Trinity. — Cor. Lincoln and Bry- ant Aves. Windom Park. — 25 th Av. N. E. and Pierce St Woodland Homes Chapel.- Az- ela Av. and 36th Av. N. Zion (Colored). — 7th Av. N. bet. Hoag & Bradford. The missionary organizations of the Baptists have their office head- quarters at 405-7 Evanston Bldg. Bar Association, The Minneap- olis, was incorporated in 1883, with a capital stock of $30,000. It maintains a law library at the court house. Barnes Place. — A tract of one and one-third acres at the inter- section of James Av. N. and Thomas PI. in Oak Park. (See Park System.) Barracks. (See Fort Snelling.) Base Ball. — The grounds of the Minneapolis base ball clubs are at the corner of Nicollet Av. and 31st St. and are reached by the Nicollet & Central; the Washburn Pk. & Columbia Heights, and the Selby-Lake car lines. Baths. — Facilities for bathing may be found in connection with the larger barber shops, the more pretentious adding Turkish, and all the list of special baths. Open water bathing may be had at Lake Calhoun, where a magnificent mod- ern bathhouse was erected in 1912, at Camden Park, where there is a modern bath house, and at Hall's Island in the Mississippi River at - the Plymouth Av. bridge, where dressing rooms and other con- veniences are provided. At Lake Minnetonka there are numerous fine bathing places. The first municipal bath house in the city was opened in 1913 at Riverside and 22d Aves. S. The building is modern in design and equipment contains a swimming tank 26x44 feet in size, 22 showers and facilities for caring for 100 visitors at one time. A laundry is a feature. The building is open all the year and is free to the pub- lic. Bazaars. (See Department Stores.) Benevolent Societies and Insti- tutions. — Connected with nearly every church in the city there are one or more societies of a benevo- lent nature. These are usually limited in scope to the poor of the church or have as an object the col- lection of funds for educational or missionary work. Some, however, have established charitable insti- tutions in the city. The total benevolences of the city, if a com-: pilation were possible, would show an enormous aggregate. The peo- ple of Minneapolis have a reputa- tion for especial liberality. The following are some of the princi- pal benevolent institutions, in the city: Augustana Mission Cottage. — 1405 10th Av. S. A home for wom- en and children. Associated Charities. — Office in Old Chamber of Com. Bldg. Catholic Orphan Asylum. — Cor. Chicago Av. and 47th St. Children's Home Finding Soc. — St. Anthony Park. Florence Crittenton H o m e. — 4315 N. Penn Av.' Home for the Aged (Little Sis- ters of the Poor). — 215 Broadway N. E. Home for Children and Aged Women. — 3200 Stevens Av. Humane Society. — Office in Court House and City Hall. Jewish Associated Charities. — - 14 N. 4th St. JONES-HAIiRISON HOME. S. W. shore Cedar Lake. For aged women. Juvenile Court Detention Home. — Glen Lake. ijUtheran Hospice for Young Women.— 828 S. 6th St. Lyngblomston. — 1298 Pascal Av„ St. Paul. Home for the aged supported by both cities. Minnesota Soldiers Home. — Minnehaha Park. Salvation Army. — Headquarters, Boston Block. Salvation Army Industrial Home. — 51 Merriam St., Nicollet Island. Sheltering Arms. — River Road, West, and 43d St. Swedish Tabernacle Young Women's Home. — 617 8th Av. S. Transient Home for Girls. — 1714 Stevens Av. Volunteers of America. — Head- quarters, 9 N. 2nd St. Visiting Nurse Association. — Offices, Old Chamber of Com. Bldg. Wasiiburn Home. — Cor. Nicollet A.v. and 49th St. An orphan asylum endowed by the late Gov. C. C. Washburn of Wisconsin. (See Hospitals., Associated Char- ieties, Religious Societies, Settle- ment Houses, etc.) Bicycling-. — Broad, hard streets, grood pavements in the business center, together with the absence of great elevations and steep gra- dients, make Minneapolis the ideal place for the bicyclist. Bill Posting. — Show-bills as a medium for advertising are used principally by the theatres and traveling theatrical companies, but find favor with certain local adver- tisers who occasionally patronize the numerous bill boards. Bloomington. — The township south of Richfield and second south of the city. It lies along the Minnesota river in the southeast- ern part of Hennepin county. It is a fine farming community. Boarding Homes. — For women, where safety and comfort with wholesome meals may be had at a L BIC-BOA moderate price. (See Woman's Christian Association.) Boarding Houses. — An excess of the masculine element of the popu- lation is characteristic of the West. Minneapolis is not an ex- ception to the general rule and her army of homeless young men ac- counts for countless boarding houses. The boarding houses range from the cheap barracks where the laborer lodges to the elegant family hotel where luxu- ries are provided at high prices. The majority of the boarding houses are within the region bounded by 1st Av. N., 13th St., 6th Av. S. and the river. Many people prefer to rent a room or rooms and take their meals else- where, either at boarding houses, hotels or restaurants. Rooms may be obtained at from $5 per month up, according to location and fur- nishing. Comfortable rooms with- in a mile of the business center range from $10 to $15 per month. The Young Men's Christian As- sociation, 44 So. Tenth St. main- tains a free information bureau regarding rooming and boarding places. Board of Education. (See City Officials and Public Schools.) Boating. — Scores of lakes within easy reach afford unexcelled fa- cilities for boating. Within the city limits are five or six delight- ful lakes, controlled by the board of park commissioners and sup- plied with an abundance of light and safe row-boats. Lakes Cal- houn and Harriet are accessible by the Como-Harriet electric car line and each have large fleets of boats. Each of these lakes is about a mile long and they are about four miles from the post office, the ride occupying about thirty minutes. Cedar Lake on the western border of the city may be reached by the Kenwood electric car line. BON-BOO 1 Hundreds of private craft — launches, row-boats, canoes and sail boats are kept on these lakes and commodious launches are op- erated during each summer on Lake Harriet and on a route mak- ing - the round-trip of Calhoun, Cedar Lake, Brownie Lake and Lake of the Isles, which are con- nected by navigable channels. These launches may be taken at many landings. At every point on Lake Min- netonka reached by the rail- roads boats are kept to let. (See Minnetonka.) The prevailing charge there as at the city lakes is 25c per hour with a reduction when boats are wanted for sev- eral hours or a day. There are many other beautiful lakes in the vicinity of the city where boats are kept, but none so easily reached as those already men- tioned, private conveyance being ordinarily required. The Missis- sippi River, though having a course of some eight miles through the city, is not adapted to boating. Below the falls the rapids are dangerous, and above the channel is obstructed by booms and floating logs. (See Sailing.) Bonds. (See Finances.) Books of Reference. — The "Dic- tionary of Minneapolis" is the only annual publication giving full in- formation regarding Minneapolis up-to-date. "A Half Century of Minneapolis," a large historical work, published in 1908, is the complete story of the city to that time. It is a book of 570 pages, ex- tensively illustrated and contains a very complete index. The Min- neapolis City Directory, published by the Minneapolis Directory Company, is published each year in July and includes the names, addresses and occupations of the residents of the city, as well as a business directory and the usual classifications found in such works. Strangers can find the directory in all first-class drug stores and on the desks of all the hotel offices. A "Blue Book" for Minneapolis and St. Paul is pub- lished every odd numbered year in January by R. L. Polk & Co. It contains, not an exclusive list of "blue bloods," but a street and number and alphabetical classi- fication of the names of people who have homes in the city. The printed and bound reports of the city officers and boards are ordi- narily to be found at the city hall and public library. Their utility is obvious to the student of public affairs. Another set of valuable statistical reports are those issued each year by the secretary of the chamber of commerce. Nearly all the above works may be consulted at the public library. Book Stores. — Extensive book departments are maintained by the large department stores; oth- erwise the book business is large- ly specialized. Nathaniel McCar- thy carries a general line at 1015 Nicollet Av. E. D. Brooks, 89 S. 10th St., makes a specialty of choice bindings, rare editions, spe- cial importations and valuable old books. Leading old book stores are the Minneapolis Book Ex- change, 626 Hennepin Av. and the Lyceum Book Store, 711 ^ Henne- pin Av. The Northwestern School Supply Co., 1401 University Av. S. E., makes a specialty of school books and kindergarten supplies; and the Minnesota Co-Operative Co., 1401 University Av. S. E., of textbooks. (See Stationers axd Newsdealers.) Booms. — The log booms occupy a considerable portion of the river opposite and above the city. Long strings of logs, fastened securely end to end, and anchored to piers in the river, or made fast to the shore, serve to prevent the float- ing logs of the drive from being carried past the city in confusion. When the logs arrive at the booms ■|0p'>.':l ** ; JM&& sjjjpw - ,:|l they are sorted out and turned into the divisions belonging to the various mills. For perhaps thirty miles above there are shore booms which are used for storing logs until needed to keep up the supply below. (See Lumber and Saw Mills. ) Boston Block. — The seven story white stone office building at the corner of 3rd St. and Hennepin Av. Boulevards. (See Parks and Parkways, Streets and Avenues, and the several boulevards and parkways by name.) Branch Libraries. (See Public Library.) Branch Post Offices. (See Post Office.) Brewing. — One of the leading in- dustries of Minneapolis is the brewing of beer while distilleries of spirituous liquors are conspic- uous by their absence. Minneap- olis is a great natural market for grain and receives vast quantities of barley each year. The largest brewing plant in the city, and one of the largest in the country is that of the Minneapolis Brewing Co., cor. Marshall St. and 13th Av. N. E. This plant, covering five «cres of ground, and having a brewing capacity of 600,000 barrels annually, employs a force of 700 men. (Western & 2nd St. electric line.) Bridges. — There are 20 bridges spanning the Mississippi river (or its various channels) within the corporate limits of Minneapolis. Twelve of these are highway bridges and eight are used by rail- roads. Bridge Square. — The lower end of Hennepin and Nicollet Avenues from their intersection, between 1st and 2nd Sts., to the Mississippi river is called Bridge Square. It commands a view of both avenues. (See Civic Center.) Bryn Mawr. — The name of a residence section lying about half a mile west of Loring Park. Bryn Mawr electric car. Builders' Exchange. — An asso- ciation of contractors and builders; occupies its own building erected especially for the use of the Exchange and its members on 2nd Av. S. between 6th and 7th Sts. This building was completed in 1918 and is regarded as the last word in modern office build- ing construction. It is twelve stories high. The exterior is of granite, terra cotta and brick and the interior is finished in marble and mahogany. ■ All the floors throughout are of terrazzo. The entrance lobby is especially beau- tiful, being finished in Italian marble and solid bronze. The ground floor is arranged for an extensive exhibit of building materials. On the second floor are the club rooms, general offices and estimating rooms of the Builders Exchange. On this floor can be found copies of plans of all important buildings being erected in the Northwest. The remainder of the building is leased to tenants engaged in building lines. Building Inspector. (See Build- ing Restrictions, and City Offi- cials.) Building Material. — Underneath her own streets and town lots lies some of the best of Minneapolis' building material. A ledge of fine blue limestone crops out along the Mississippi river cliffs and under- lies much of the city — at some places so near the surface as to make blasting necessary in the work of cellar excavations. This stone is universally used for foun- dations and frequently in the walls of churches, dwellings and busi- ness buildings. It is also largely used, crushed, in making concrete which is now extensively employed in building operations. Within the city limits are beds of clay, which BUI-BUI yields a fine yellow brick. As Min- neapolis is the leading "sawmill city" in the world there is no lack of lumber. Handsome limestones are brought from Kasota and Man- kato, granite from St. Cloud, sandstone from Kettle river, and fine brown stones from the shores of Lake Superior; all these points being within easy shipping dis- tance. Pressed brick comes from nearby points, and builders hard- ware — such as is not manufac- tured in the city — from the east- ern and southern markets. (See Lumber and Saw Mills.) Building" Operations. — Amount- ed to $9,258,365. The permits for several years past were as follows: Total. 1900 $4,490,023 1901 6,766,303 1902 7,087,053 1903 7,732,799 1904 7,820,040 1905 10,364,240 1906 11,120,047 1907 11,721,150 1908 11,873,940 1909 15,313,185 1910 16,771,735 1911 16,839,865 1912 16,677,060 1913 15,338,655 1914 15,214,525 1915 18,770,530 1916 •. . 22,905,890 1917 9,258,365 Building Restrictions. — The city of Minneapolis exercises a careful supervision over all buildings erect- ed within her limits. An elaborate building ordinance places the con- trol of the matter in the hands of a building inspector who has assistants especially qualified to examine carpenter work, mason work, iron work, reinforced con- crete work, elevator installations, plumbing and electric wiring. The ordinance specifies the re- quirements for many details of building. Before a building is erected or any material alterations or repairs are made, a permit must be obtained from the building in- spector at his office in the city hall. All freight and passenger eleva- tors are inspected by this depart- ment four times a year, and the j ordinance requires that all eleva- I tors be supplied with the most ' approved safety devices for the protection of the public. The plumbing and gas fitting ordinance is up to date and requires the best sanitary work obtainable. The electrical ordinance is in ac- cord with the rules of the Nation- al Underwriters' code but thor- oughly adapted to the existing local conditions, and is acknowl- edged to be the best electrical or- dinance in force in any city in the United States. Buildings, The Prominent. — The following list includes the more conspicuous or important build- ings of the city with their use and location. Those of special inter- est are described elsewhere under appropriate headings. Andeds Building. — Ten stories, offices; Cor. Nicollet Av. and 5th St. Armory. — National guard; Ken- wood Parkway near Lyndale. Art Institute. — Twenty-fourth St. bet. Stevens and 3rd Av. S. Auditorium. — Eleventh St. bet. Nicollet and Marquette Av. Auditorium Building. — Four stories, offices ; Nicollet Av. and 11th St. Badger Building. — Five stories, 37-41 S. 7th St. Boston Block. — Seven stories, offices; Cor. Hennepin Av. and 3d St. Builders' Exchange. — Twelve stories, 2d Av. S. bet. 6th and 7th Sts. Cathedral. — Hennepin Av. and 16th St. Chamber of Commerce. — Ten stories; Cor. 4th Av. S. and 4th St. C. M. & St. P. Rt. Passenger Station. — Wash. Av. and 3d Av S. Chute Building. — Four stories, offices; East Hennepin Av. bet. Univ. and 4th St. Commercial Building. — Five stories, offices; Cor. 3rd St. and 1st Av. N. Corn Exchange. — Seven stories; offices; Cor. 4th Av. S. and 3rd St. Corporation Building. — 3 stories offices; 114-16 S. 4th St. Court House and City Hall. — Five stories. Occupies the block bounded by 3rd and 4th Aves. S. and 4th and 5th Sts. Dayton Building. — Six stories, department store; Cor. Nic. Av. and 7th St. Donaldson Building. — Ten stories, offices; Cor. Nicollet Av. and 7th St. Dyckman. — (Hotel) Eleven sto- ries. Sixth St. bet. Nicollet and Hennepin. Edison Building. — Eleven sto- ries; printing - , etc., 417 Henn. Av. Essex Building. — Five stories; stores and offices. Nicollet Av. and 10th St. Evanston Building. — Four sto- ries; stores and offices; Cor. 2nd Av. S. and 6th St. Farmers and Mechanics Bank. — 115 S. 4th St. Federal Building (Old Post Of- fice). — Third St. and Marquette Av. Film Exchange. — Eight stories ; offices; 16 and 18 N. 4th St. . First National-Soo Line Build- ing. — Twenty stories ; banking and offices, Marquette Av. and 5th St. Flour Exchange. — Eleven sto- ries; offices; Cor. 4th Av. S. and 3rd St. Globe Building. — Eight stories, offices; 16 and 18 4th St. S. Great Northern Passenger Station. — Foot Hennepin Av. Handicraft Guild. — Three stories, offices and studios; 89 S. 10th St. Jewelers Exchange. — Six stories ; stores and offices ; 7th St. and 1st Av. N. Journal Building. — Four sto- ries; publishing; 47-49 S. 4th St. Kasota Building. — Six stories, offices; Cor. Hennepin Av. and 4th St La Salle Building. — Eight sto- ries ; stores and offices; 7th and .Marquette. Leamington. — Ten stories, hotel; 3d Av. S. from 10th to 11th St. Lincoln Building. — Seven stories, offices; Cor. Nicollet Av. and 3rd St. BUI-BUI Loan and Trust (Minnesota). — Seven stories, offices; 311-313 Nic- ollet Av. Loeb Arcade. — Four stories; stores and offices; Hennepin Av. and 5th St. Lumber Exchange. — Twelve sto- ries, offices; Cor. Hennepin Av. and 5th St. McKnight Building. — Twelve stories, offices, 2d Av. S. and 5th St. Market Bank Building. — Four stories ; stores and offices ; 2nd Av. N. and 7th St. Masonic Temple. — Eight stories, offices; Cor. Hennepin Av. and 6th St. Medical Building. — Six stories, offices; Nicollet Av. bet. 6th and 7th Sts. Metropolitan Bank Building. — Twelve stories ; offices : 6th St. and 2nd Av. S. Metropolitan Music Building. — Five stories, stores and musical studios. 41-43 S. 6th St. Metropolitan Life Building (formerly Guaranty Bldg.). — Twelve stories, offices; Cor. 2nd Av. S. and 3rd St. Metropolitan Opera House. — 1st Av. S. bet. 3rd and 4th St. Meyers Arcade. — Three stories; stores and offices. Nicollet and 10th St. Minneapolis Athletic Club. — Fourteen stories, 615-21 2nd Av. S. Minneapolis Club. — Cor. 8th St. and 2nd Av. S. New York Life Building. — Eleven stories, offices; Cor. 2nd Av. S. and 5th St. Nicollet House. — Five stories, Cor. Washington, Hennepin and Nicollet Aves. Northwestern Bank Building. — Six stories, offices ; Marquette Av. and 4th St. Northwestern Building. — Nine stories, offices; 322-324 Hennepin Av. Northwestern Miller Building. —Publishing; 118 S. 6th St. Northwestern National Bank. — 407-413 Marquette Av. Oneida Building. — Six stories, offices ; Marquette Av. and 4th St Orpheum Theater. — 7th St. bet. Nicollet and Hennepin Aves. BUS-CAT 1 Palace Bdilding. — Eight stories, offices: Cor. Nic. Av. and 4th St. Phoenix Building. — Nine sto- ries, offices ; 4th St. and Marquette Av. Physicians' & Surgeons' Build- ing Eight stories, offices; Nic- ollet Av. and 9th St. Pillsbury Building. — Eight sto- ries, offices; Cor. Nicollet Av. and 6th St. Plymouth Building. — Twelve stories, offices; Hennepin Av. and 6th St. Post Office (New). — One story; 3rd Av. bet. Wash. Av. and 2nd St. Produce Exchange. — Eight stories ; stores and offices ; 1st Av. N. and 6th St. Public Library. — Three stories; Cor. Hennepin Av. and 10th St. Radisson Hotel. — Twelve sto- ries. Seventh St. near Nicollet Av. Security Building. — Ten stories, offices; Cor. 4th St. and 2nd Av. S. Shubert Theater. — Seventh St. bet. Hen. Av. and 1st Av. N. Sykes Block. — Eight stories, of- fices; 254 and 256 Hennepin Av. Syndicate Block. — Six stories, stores and offices; Nicollet Av. bet. 5th and 6th Sts. Temple Court. — Eight stories, offices; Cor. Washington and Hen- Transportation Building. — Eight stories, offices; 317-319 2nd Av. S. nepin Aves. Tribune Annex. — Five stories, offices ; Marquette Av. and 4th St. Tribune Building. — Five stories, publishing; 63 S. 4th St. University Building s. — (See University of Minnesota.) Vanderburgh Building. — F our stories, offices; Cor. 4th St. and Hennepin Av. West Hotel. — Eight stories; Cor. Hennepin Av. and 5th St. Wilmac Building. — Six stories, stores and offices; 717-21 Nicollet Ave. Y. M. C. A. — Five stories; 10th St. and Mary Place. Y. W. C. A. — Four stories; 87 S. 7th St. (S-»e Churches, Schools, Univer- sity, etc.) Business Organizations. — (See Civic & Commerce Association, Chamber of Commerce, Produce Exchange. ) Business Schools. — There are eight business colleges or schools in the city. They have a large number of students In attendance. American Business College. — Cor. Lake St. and Nicollet Av. Collegiate Business Institute. — Meyers Arcade, Nicollet and 10th St. Gregg Shorthand School. — 923 Nicollet Ave. Humboldt Business College. — 734 E. Lake St. Minneapolis Business College. 225 S. 5th St. Minnesota School of Business. --Cor. 7th St. and 1st Av. N. The Office School. — 840 Hen- nepin Av. Cab Pares. (See Hack Fares.) Camden Park. — At Washington, Lyndale and 44th Av. N. It con- tains 21 acres through which runs a stream which has been dammed to form a pretty lake. The J. D. Webber Field House, a memorial building presented by Mr. C. C. Webber, is the central feature of the park. 50th St. & Camden line. (See Park System.) Canal. — ^The name commonly used for designating the race which conducts the water of the Mississippi to the mills upon the west bank at the falls. . Carriages. (See Hack Fares and Livery.) Cathedral. — The largest, most costly and most elaborate archi- tecturally among the church edifices of Minneapolis is the Pro- cathedral of St. Mary, Hennepin Av. and 16th St. The corner- stone was laid May 31, 1908, and the first service was held in the building just six years later May 31, 1914. Although incomplete in interior finish the building had then cost $800,000. It is an im- posing structure of Vermont white granite, the main walls ris- ing 70 feet above the foundations, two towers at the front reaching a height of 116 feet and a dome at the rear surmounted by a cross the top of which is 200 feet above the main floor. The general ground dimensions are 274 by 145 feet. The nave, which is 82 feet wide, exceeds in width all the old world cathedrals. It is 140 feet long, lighted by large windows, each 25 by 15 feet. The sanctuary is 50 by 50 feet and above it rises the dome, lighted by two rose windows each 25 feet in diameter. At the ends of the wide nave are the two chapels of St. Peter and St. Paul. Entering the church through one of the five front doors, one passes through a vestibule 100 feet in width. Over this vesti- bule is the choir loft, built to ac- commodate a large organ and choir. The seating room has been arranged for 2,500 persons. The main apse of the church at the rear is for the chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the patron saint of the church. On either side are the chapel of St. Joseph and "The Founders" chapel. The architect was Emmanuel L. Mas- queray. Rev. T. E. Cullen is rector of the Procathedral. Catholic Churches. — In 1849 the first Catholic church building in this city was commenced. A list of the present edifices of the de- nomination follows: Church or the Ascension. — Cor. Bryant and 18th Av. N. Church of the Holy Cross (Pol- ish).— Cor. 17th Av. N. E. and 4y 2 St. Church of the Incarnation. — 38th St. and Pleasant Av. Church of the Ruthenian Rite. — 24th Av. and 3rd St. N. E. Holy Cross (Polish). — 17th Av. N. E. and 4th St. Holy Rosary. — Cor. 18th Av. S. and 24th St. OAT-CED Immaculate Conception. 3rd St. and 3rd Av. N. Notre Dame de Lourdes. — Prince St., E. D., near Central Av. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Ital- ian). — Main St. and 7th Av. N. E. Our Lady of Perpetual Help. — Cor. 21st Av. S. and 5th St. Pro- Cathedral of St. Mary. — Hennepin Av. and 16th St. St. Bridget's. — Emerson and 28th Av. N. St. Elizabeth (German). — Cor. 15th Av. S. and 8th St. St. Joseph's. — N. 4th St. bet. 11th and 12th Aves. St. Anne's (French). — Lyndale and 11th Avs. N. St. Anthony of Padua. — Main St. bet. 8th and 9th Aves. N. E. St. Boniface (German). — Cor. 7th Av. N. E. and 2nd St. St. Charles. — Cor. 4th St. and 13 th Av. S. St. Clements. — Cor. Quincy St. and 25th Av. N. E. St. Cyril. — Cor. Main St. and 16th Av. N. E. St. Hedwig's (Polish). — Grand St. and 29th Av. N. E. St. Helena.- 33rd Av. and 43rd •s 'IS St. Lawrence. — Cor. 12th Av. S. E. and 7th St. St. Philip (Polish).— 26th Vnd N. Bryant Av. St. Stephen's. — Cor. Clinton Av. and E. 22nd St. St. Thomas. — York and 44th St. Sacred Heart. (Robbinsdale.) Syrian Maronite. — Main St. and 4th Av. N. E. Catholic Orphan Asylum. — At Chicago Av. and 48th St. The building is of brick, commodious and well adapted to the purpose. Cedar lake. — The most norther- ly of the four large lakes in the southwestern part of the city. It lies west of Kenwood and may be reached by the Kenwood & John- son electric cars or over Kenwood Boul. Cedar Lake is by many persons thought the prettiest of the four lakes. Cedar lake Boulevard — On the south and west shores of Cedar Lake, connecting Lake cf the Isles Parkway with Glenwood Park. (See Park System.) Cemeteries. — The following list comprises the cemeteries of the city: Crystal Lake. — Cor. Humboldt Av. and 38th Av. N.; office .at cemetery. Hillside. — 19th Av. N. E. and N. P. Ry. ; office at cemetery. Lakewood. — Cor. 36th St. and Hennepin Av.; office at cemetery. Layman's. — Cor. Cedar Av. and Lake St. Montefiore (Hebrew). — Cor. 3rd Av. S. and 42nd St. St. Anthony. — Cor. Central and 28th Av. N. E. St. Mary's. — Cor. Chicago Av. and 46th St. Central High School. — The new Central High School building, 34th St. and 4th Av., one of the most complete in the country was erected in 1913. This very mod- ern, fireproof building, designed by William B. Ittner, of St. Louis, to accommodate 1,600 pupils, cost $764,900, of which $521,712 was for construction and the re- mainder for equipment. Special features are the beautiful music room, especially adapted to the teaching of choral work, the au- ditorium which seats 1,800 per- sons, the gymnasium, the lunch room accommodating 800 persons, the greenhouse, the machine shops and the domestic science house- keeping suite. Chamber of Commerce. — From its organization in 1881, the Min- neapolis Chamber of Commerce has grown steadily. It now ranks with the leading commercial or- ganizations of the world. As the representative of the largest pri- mary wheat market in the world it holds a unique position among similar bodies. In 1884 the Cham- ber of Commerce completed a building at a cost of $180,000, and representing with the site a value of $240,000. In 1900 a larger building was found indispensable and the magnificent ten story structure finished in 1903 at a cost of over $600,000 was planned. It stands at the corner of 4th St. and 4th Av. S., adjoining the old build- ing. Its ground dimensions are 132x157 feet. With the exception of the large board room, 75 by 130 feet in size, the entire building is planned for offices and is the home of the largest grain and flour busi- ness carried on at any one point in the world. In 1909 an annex, with ground dimensions of 66 by 54 feet, was completed at a cost of $200,000. The membership is unlimited. An enormous business is transact- ed annually on the floor of the Chamber of Commerce. From 9 :30 to 1:15 o'clock each business day the Exchange room is crowded with busy commission merchants whose tables are covered with grain samples, millers watching the quotations as they are posted on huge blackboards as fast as received by telegraph, and brokers watching the market as they buy or sell (according as they have orders) for future delivery. A gallery is at all times open to vis- itors and introduction "on 'change" may be secured through members. C. A. Magnuson is president; C. M. Case, first vice president, and Wm. Dalrymple, second vice president. John G. McHugh, sec- retary of the Chamber of Com- merce, prepares annually reports of the grain and flour trade of the city. Acknowledgment is due him for the use of certain statis- tics of this nature which will be found under appropriate head- ings. (See Commerce, Grain Trade, Flour Milling, etc.) Charitable Organizations. — (See Benevolent Societies and Institu- tions, Hospitals and Dispensaries and Associated Charities.) Charities and Corrections. — The Board of Charities and Corrections is charged with the relief of the poor and the care and manage- ment of the city hospital, tubercu- lar hospital and the work house. The office of the board and of the superintendent of the poor is in the city hall, where applications for relief are considered. The city hospital is at 5th St. and 7th Av. S. Application for # admission should be made to the superin- tendent. (See City Officials, Workhouse and Associated Char- ities. ) Charter. — St. Anthony was In- corporated as a city March 3, 1855; Minneapolis as a town, March 1, 1856, and as a city Feb. 6, 1867. The two cities were con- solidated Feb. 28, 1872. The rapid growth of the city made amend- ments more than usually numer- ous, and in 1881 the legislature passed a new act consolidating all previous enactments into what was practically a new city charter, so little did it resemble the act of 1872. "Under a more recent act and constitutional amendment a charter was formulated on a "home rule" basis and submitted to the vote of the people in 1898, but failed to be adopted. Other charters were formulated and submitted at the elections of 1900, 1904 and 1906, but in each case failed of adoption. A fifth charter was submitted at a special elec- tion held on Sept. 17, 1907, but was defeated, and in 1913 a char- ter providing for a "commission" form of government was decisive- ly rejected. (See Government.) Chimes. — A beautiful chime of bells hangs in the tower of the Church of the Redeemer (Univer- salist) at 2nd Av. S. and 8th St., and familiar tunes are played every Sunday before the morning and evening services. The belfry of the court house and city hall is equipped with an even finer chime of bells which is played on pub- lic holidays and special occasions by J. H. Auld. There are ten of these bells including the largest tenor bell in the world. It weighs 7,000 pounds. Christian Science Churches. — Following is a list of the Christian Science Churches of Minneapolis: First Church of Christ. — Nicollet Av. and 24th St. Second Church of Christ. — Cor. 2nd Av. S. and 11th St. Third Church of Christ. — Lake St. and Holmes Av. Fifth Church of Christ. — Cor. 12 th Av. S. E. and University Av. Sixth Church of Christ. — Cor. Summit and S. Bryant Av. Each of these churches has a Franklin Av. The churches also unite in a downtown reading room at 1005 to 1010 Plymouth Bldg. Churches. — It is estimated that the seating capacity of Minneap- olis churches is so large that the entire adult population of the city could attend church every Sunday, provided one half was present at the morning service and the other half in the evening. There are nearly 200 church buildings, in- cluding missions and chapels. The strongest denominations numerically are the Baptist, Cath- olic, Congregational, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist and Presby- terian. There are comparatively few organized churches which are not self-supporting, and a con- siderable number rank among the wealthiest and most liberally be* nevolent of their denominations in the United States. Morning serv- ices in most churches commence at 10:30, and evening services at 7:45 in summer and 7:30 in win- ter. In the larger churches the pews are nearly always rented, but strangers are made welcome and accommodated with sittings. The more prominent churches are described elsewhere under their own names. A list of churches of each denomination will be found under the appropriate head- ing except where the number is small, in which case they are classed under Churches, Miscel- OHU-CIT 2 laneous. These lists include near- ly 200 names of churches and rep- resent a membership of about 75,- 000. Churches, Miscellaneous. — The following list comprises the churches of such denominations as have only a few organizations in the city: First Advent Christian. — Fre- mont and 24th Av. N. First Society of Friends. — Cor. 1st Av. S. and 14th St. Peoples. — Unique Theater. Russian Orthodox Catholic. — Cor. 17th Av. N. E. and 5th St. St. James African Methodist. — 315 8th Av. S. St. Peters African Methodist. —912-914 E. 22nd St. Seventh Day Adventist. — Cor. 4th Av. S. and Lake St. Seventh Day Adventist (Scan- dinavian). — 2214 S. 6th St. Swedenborgian. — E. Franklin & Bloomington Avs. Swedish Free Mission. — Cor. 16th Av. S. and 8th St. Swedish Temple. — Cor. 10th Av. S. and 7th St. United Brethren. — 638 Fillmore St. N. E. Church Music. — In the leading churches of the city the music is furnished or led by paid choirs usually consisting of a solo-quartet and chorus of mixed voices. Such may be heard at Westminster Presbyterian, 12th and Nicollet; St. Mark's Episcopal, Hennepin and Oak Grove; Plymouth Congre- gational, Nicollet and Groveland; Hennepin Methodist, Lyndale and Groveland, and Gethsemane Epis- copal, 9th St. and 4th Av. S. St. Paul's Episcopal, Bryant and Franklin, has a fine choir of men and boys. Church of the Redeem- er, 8th St. and 2nd Av. S., has a fine quartet. Monthly musical services are given by most of these choirs; and elaborate pro- grams are sung at the Christmas season and on Easter Sunday. The finest organs are in Plymouth, Gethsemane, and Hennepin Meth- odist. Church of the Redeemer. — One of the most prominent churches in Minneapolis and the Northwest is the First Universal ist, or as it is better known, the Church of the Redeemer. Its building stands at the corner of 2nd Av. S. and 8th St. The First Universalist society was organized in 1859 and in 1866, completed a church building at 4th Av. S. and 5th St. Ten years later a church was dedicated on the present site and given its present name. It cost about $90,000. In January, 1888, this building was burned. The present structure was dedicated on November 24, 1889. In 1903, an extension was buiU on the 2nd Av. side which added three rooms, one for the women, another for the young people, and a printing office for the boys. It is built of blue lime- stone in gothic style. The general effect of the interior is of subdued colors, softened by mellow light from the stained windows. The woodwork is all of black walnut and the timber work of the roof is left exposed, dividing the ceil- ing into panels and producing an imposing effect. There are gal- leries at the front and the rear, but none on the side of the church where two exceedingly beautiful transept windows are the chief or- naments. The various panels of these windows are memorials placed there by members of the church and are claimed to be as fine as anything of the kind in the country. The church is fitted with a three-manual organ costing $11,- 000 and a tuneful chime of bells which is played before each serv- ice on Sunday. The membership includes an exceptionally large proportion of wealthy and promi- nent citizens of Minneapolis. Rev. M. D. Shutter, D. D.. is pastor. Citizens' Club. — An institution for civic betterment founded through the gift of building and equipment by George H. Christian ; &■■ >«?v , M id - :. ... 1 : ' 1-3 ' smi mm BUILDERS EXCHANGE. Second Avenue South between Conklin-Zonne-Loomis Co L__ 6th and 7th Streets 520 First National-Soo Line Bldi. and located at 2010 Minnehaha Av. in the midst of a working . men's district. The club has over 400 members who pay their yearly dues of $3.00 and manage the affairs of the club them- selves, it being distinctly under- stood that the institution is not a philanthropic one. Ample club equipment is provided — an auditorium, reading and writing rooms, billiard and card rooms, bowling alleys, baths, kitchen, etc. City Hall. — (See Court House and City Hall.) City Library. (See Public Li- brary.) City Missions. — Mission rooms for the holding of "Gospel Serv- ices" are maintained by several churches along Washington Av. and in churchless localities else- where in the city. The audiences are generally rough and illiterate but attentive to the services. (See Union City Mission.) City Officials. — A roster of the city officials for the years 1917 and 1918 follows: Mayor, Thos. "Van Lear, con- troller, Dan C. Brown ; treasurer, C. A. Bloomquist ; clerk, Henry N. Knott ; attorney, C. D. Gould ; su- perintendent of police, Lewis Hart- hill ; chief of fire department, C. W. Ringer ; engineer, F. W. Cappelen ; assessor, G. L. Fort ; commissioner health, Dr. H. M. Guilford; city physician, Dr. Herbert O. Collins; superintendent of poor, R. Tat- tersfield; building inspector, Jas. G. Houghton; inspector of meats and provisions, C. A. Tillbury; registrar of water works depart- ment, W. R. Young; inspector of gas, A. D. Meeds; purchasing agent, K. E. Alexander. Municipal Judges. C. L. Smith, W. W. Bardwell, E. A. Montgom- ery. City Council. — President, A. P. Ortquist ; aldermen : 1st ward, John Ryan, Louis N. Ritten ; 2d ward, Josiah H. Chase, J. F. Wallace ; 3d ward, Claus Mumm, Michael Mea- gher ; 4th ward, Wm. A. Currie, J. M. Kistler ; 5th ward, Harry H. I C1T-CIV Downes, J. G. Robb ; 6th ward, Al- bert Bastis, John Peterson ; 7th ward, John Walquist, T. O. Dahl ; 8 th ward, Frank Hey wood, W. H. Rendell ; 9th ward, Martin C. En- gen, A. E. Voelker; 10th ward, P. B. Getchell, Alonzo D. Hoar ; 11th ward, A. P. Ortquist, J. D. Wil- liams ; 12th ward, Charles F. Dight, Theo. E. Jenson ; 13th ward, John T. Kean, Geo. H. Rentz. Park Commissioners. — President, F. A. Gross ; secretary, J. A. Ridg- way; treasurer, C. A. Bloomquist, ex-officio ; attorney, Jas. D. Shear- er ; superintendent, Theodore Wirth ; C. A. Bossen, assistant superinten- dent ; A. A. McRae, Joseph Allen, Phelps Wyman, F. A. Gross, W. A. Anderson, B. L. Kingsley, B. J. Phelps, David P. Jones, W. H. Bo- vey, P. C. Deming, Robert Fischer, Leo. B. Harris. Ex-officio members, Thos. Van Lear, mayor, John T. Kean, chair- man council committee on roads and bridges, Claus Mumm, chair- man council committee on public grounds and buildings. Office of board in the city hall. Board of Education.— President, H. N. Leighton ; secretary Lynn Thompson ; treasurer, C. A. Bloom- quist ; asst. sec'y, Katherine Bra- zee ; business supt., G. F. Womrath. Supt of Schools, B. B. Jackson ; members, Horace N. Leighton, Henry Deutsch, A. G. Bainbridge, A. F. Benson, Lynn Thompson, Carolyn B. Kinney, Mae Snow. Office of the board and superin- tendent of schools at the city hall. Library Directors.— President, T. B. Walker. Members, Edward C. Gale, D. Draper Dayton, Norton Cross, Burt Lum, H. E. Pence, T. B. Walker. Ex-officio, Thos. Van Lear, mayor ; H. N. Leighton, pres- ident of the board of education ; Marion L. Burton, president of Uni- versity of Minnesota. Board of Charities and Correc- tions. — President, Thos. Van Lear; secretary, Richard Tattersfield ; members, Dr. Arthur E. Benjamin, Andrew M. Hunter, Peter W. Saw- ber, John F. Danek, and Mayor Thos. Van Lear, ex-officio. ( See Government, Public Schools, etc.) Civic and Commerce Association. — To this organization has been delegated attention to the civic OIV-CLE 2! and commercial activities which involve the 'better developmnt and general welfare of the city of Minneapolis. It is one of the leading- organizations of its kind in the United States in point of membership, revenue and effi- ciency. Its membership numbers practically 3,500 men, divided in- to four classes — Individual, Cor- porate or Copartnership, Sustain- ing and Honorary. Dues are graded up from $10, individual, to $5,000 a year, sustaining. Due to its low minimum membership fee, the complexion of the Asso- ciation is exceptionally demo- cratic and the principle of de- mocracy obtains in all its delib- erations and activities. The Association conducts an ac- tive Convention and Publicity. Bureau which for five years has secured more than 100 conven- tions annually for Minneapolis, and it has advertised the city, its points of attraction and oppor- tunities extensively throughout the country. Its Bureau of Mun- icipal Research, which has been in operation for about three years, promoting efficiency and economy in the conduct of the business of the municipality, has effected a tremendous saving in city expenditures and in addition has installed important efficiency measures. Through other com- mittees and bureaus it has stim- ulated business in all lines and has given special attention to problems of health, hygiene, mor- al and social welfare. The Association is equipped to supply any information regard- ing business or other conditions in Minneapolis. During the war the facilities of the association have been very largely devoted to the promotion of war work, assistance in war loan and Red Cross campaigns, etc., and through its excellent organization the association has been and is rendering invaluable services to the city and the nation. Its present officers are Cavour S. Langdon. president; John S. Pillsbury, senior vice president; H. M. Gardner (Division of War Work), vice president; Henry Doerr (Industrial Division), vice president; E. J. Fairfield (Civic . Division), vice president; Joseph Chapman, treasurer; Howard Strong, secretary. General offices, 1254 McKnight Building. Civic Commission. — The agita- tion of the subject of "civic cen- ters" and the general improvement and beautification of cities awak- ened some of the people of Minne- apolis to the importance of tak- ing immediate steps towards the development of this city. Early in 1910 this movement re- ceived a new impetus through the appointment of a civic commis- sion to consider and advise on the whole subject of city plan- ning. It is an unofficial body and consists of F. W. Clif- ford, E. L. Carpenter, E. C. Gale, secretary, and R. M. Bennett, John Wahlquist, L. S. Gillette, H. F. Douglas. A preliminary report making suggestions for a general civic plan was completed within the year and a final report in book form is now in process of publica- tion. Clearing House. — The office of the Minneapolis Clearing House association is in the First Nation- al-Soo Line Bldg. at Marquette Ave. and 5th St.. Its functions are, as is ordinarily the case, simply the daily adjustment of the accounts between the vari- ous city banks, but its reports are an incontestable indication of the volume of business. Following are the clearings for 1885, 1890, 1895, and the years since: 1885 $125,477,478 1890 303,913,022 1895 372,895,344 1896 392,965,673 1897 414,597,614 1898 460,222,572 1899 539,705,249 1900 579.994,076 1901 626,020,457 1902 720,752,331 1903 741,049,348 1904 843,230.773 1905 913,579,558 1906 990,890,203 1907 1,145,462,149 1908 1,057,468,860 1909 1,029,914,000 1910 1,155,659,664 1911 1,068,090,893 1912 1,182,232,466 1913 1,312,412,256 1914 1,374,267,910 1915 1,341,545,483 1916 1,469,874,329 1917 1,662,078,303 In total volume of clearings Minneapolis outranks a number of places of much larger population, such as Buffalo, Milwaukee and Cleveland. (See Banks.) Climate. — The city and state en- joy a generally dry atmosphere in the winters, which are usually uni- formly cold with light snow fall. In spring, summer and fall there are usually copious rains, but nothing approximating the wet seasons of the Pacific coast. The average temperature of the winter months is 44.60 degrees; of the summer 70.50 degrees. Snow cov- ers the ground continuously dur- ing three winters out of four, dis- appearing early in March; and in this month farmers usually sow their wheat. Spring is about as forward as in central New York. The autumns are long and delight- ful, it frequently happening that there is no snow or settled cold weather till the middle of Decem- ber. As a whole the climate is un- deniably salubrious and healthful and especially beneficial to those afflicted with diseases of the lungs. Clubs. — The Minneapolis and the Athletic clubs are the lead- ing men's clubs of the city. (See under respective headings.) Of women's clubs there are sev- eral hundred in the city. (See Women's Organizations.) In the various professions and lines of business, sports, society, etc., there are clubs without num- ber. To enumerate them all is quite beyond the capacity of this Clil-CLU work, but the leading organiza- tions are mentioned below. Most of them are referred to at more length under their respective names. Apollo Club. — Lyric Theater Bldg. Architectural Club. — 3rd Fl. Meyers Arcade, 920 Nicollet. Attic Club.— 115 S. 4 th St. Artists. Automobile Club. — Office Rad- isson Hotel. Calhoun Commercial Club. — 711, 713 and 715 West Lake St. Citizens Club. — 2010 Minnehaha Av. East Lake St. Commercial Club. — 1417 E. Lake St. Elks Club. — Elks Bldg., Cor. 7th St. and 2d Av. S. Engineers Club of Minneapolis. 17 S. 6th St. Hennepin County Medical So- ciety. — 1114 Donaldson Bldg. Interlachen Country Club. — Three miles west of Lake Harriet. Knights of Columbus. — 8th St. and 5th Av. So. Mens. Lafayette Club. — Lake Minne- tonka. Social. Lake Harriet Commercial Club. — 43rd St., between Upton and Park Boul. Long Meadow Gun Club. — Long Meadow on Minnesota river. Meets 207 Phoenix Bldg. Minikahda Club. — West shore Lake Calhoun. Social and ath- letic. Minneapolis Athletic Club. — 2nd Av. S. bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Minneapolis Club. — 2d Av. S. and 8th St. Men's. Social. Minneapolis Chess and Check- er Club. — 316 Kasota Bldg. Minneapolis Gun Club. — Inter- City Shooting Park; Como and 27th Aves. S. E. Minneapolis Tennis Club. — Laurel and Elm. Minnetonka Yacht Club. — Lake Minnetonka. New Boston Commercial Club. — Central and 24th Av. N. E. North Side Commercial Club. — 242 20th Av. N. Odin Club. — Evanston Bldg., 6th COA-COM \ 2 St. and 2nd Av. S. Scandinavian. Philharmonic Club. — Musical. Rotary Club. — 365 Andrus Bldg. St. Anthony Commercial Club. — Chute Blk., East Hennepin Av. bet. University and 4th St. S. E. Schoolmasters Club. D. H. Painter, Seward School. South Side Commercial Club. 221 Cedar Av. Teachers' Club. — Offices Y. W. C. A. Bldg. Thursday Musical. — 806 Nicol- let Av. Ladies' Musical. Traffic Club. — 12th floor, Met. Life Bldg. University Club. — Occupies quar- ters of Athletic Club. West Side Commercial Club. — Lake St. and Nicollet Av. Woman's Club — 1526 Harmon PI. Young Men's Temperance Club. —19th Av. N. E. and Polk St. (See Women's Organizations ana Musical Societies.) Coal. (See Fuel.) Colleges. — In addition to the va- rious colleges of the University of Minnesota (which see), there are several educational institutions in the vicinity of Minneapolis which are doing college work. All are denominational in management. The leading institutions of this order are: Augsburg Seminary. — 21st Av. S. and 7th St. Carleton College. — Situated at Northfield. about 40 miles from Minneapolis. Congregational. Hamline University. — At Ham- line, midway bet. the two cities. Methodist. Macalester College. — At Mac- alester, a suburb bet. Minneapolis and St. Paul. Presbyterian. (See Private Schools.) Columbia Heights. — A manufac- turing and residence suburb lying immediately north of the city limits on the East Side and ad- joining Columbia Park. 54th St. & Col. Hts. line. Columbia Park. — The largest park on the east side. In the vicinity of Central Ave. and 31st Ave. N. E., contains 185 acres and will be connected by parkways with the other large parks of the city. 54th St. and Columbia ' Heights Line. (See Park Sys- tem.) Commerce. — With the rapid de- velopment of her tributary coun- try, the commerce of Minneapolis has made remarkable advances The city is the natural market for the products of three states; shf has abundant facilities for manu* facturing; she is the natural dis- tributing center for an enormous area. Given these conditions and a due amount of business enter- prise and energy and the present extent' of her commerce was the natural result. Nine great railroad systems center here. (See Rail- roads.) The Mississippi river will shortly be open for steam- boats to the Gulf. During eight months of the year the great lakes are an important factor in the commerce of the city. The low rates of this water line serve to prevent excessive charges on all rail routes from the east The building of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie railroad was another safe-guard against combinations of an unfavorable character. This route, locally known as the "Soo," forms, in con- nection with the Canadian Pacific, a short line to tide water at Mon- treal and a direct route to Port- land and Boston. Its efficiency as a safety valve in railroad prob- lems, always complicated by the jealous influence of Chicago, is ob- vious. The principal articles re- ceived in Minneapolis are wheat and other grains, general merchan- dise, coal, building stone and ma- chinery; the larger items of ship- ment are flour, lumber, machinery and general merchandise. The ag- gregate amount of receipts and shipments last year of the leading articles of commerce will serve to convey an idea of the magnitude of the commercial transactions of Minneapolis. Cars Received. Shipped. Agr. implements & vehicles 5,382 5,958 Automobiles and Trucks '. 6,795 9,152 Brick, building- tile . 2,844 848 Cement, lime, plas- ter 4,375 1,083 Coal & coke 45,321 1,105 Fruit, green 7,255 1,664 Grain 141,318 73,730 Flour 3,615 53,928 •Millstuffs 2,717 28,580 Hay & straw 3,305 424 Iron & steel, struc- tural 1,111 1,343 Linseed meal & cake 20 4,179 Linseed oil 7 2,631 Lumber & forest products 13,839 6,721 Machinery 1,407 1,251 Merchandise (L. C. L.) 47,724 92,891 Miscellaneous 33,805 14,977 Petroleum & prod- ucts 5,031 1,084 Potatoes 3,194 2,198 Sash, doors & blinds 414 865 Stone, granite & marble 943 1,287 Vegetables 1,346 644 Total cars 342,601 311,489 (See Grain Trade, Jobbing Trade, MANUFACTURES, ELEVATORS, etc.) Commission Merchants. — The produce commission merchants are mostly in the vicinity of 6th St. and 2nd Av. N. Grain commission men are nearly all to be found in the Chamber of Commerce Bldg. or the Corn or Flour Exchanges, op- posite. Comptroller. (See Government and Finances.) Concerts. — In the development of musical taste Minneapolis has made quite as rapid progress as in more material matters. Dur- ing the autumn, winter and spring concerts are given by the Minne- apolis Symphony orchestra. The faculty and pupils of the conserv- atories of music give numerous recitals. The Thursday Musical is most efficient in promoting con- ; COM-CON certs of the highest class and the work of the Apollo club, Philharmonic club, and other choral and instrumental organiza- tions has added much to the sum of musical enjoyment each sea- son. Piano and vocal concerts by other local musicians are an- nounced from time to lime. (See Musical Societies, Philharmonic Club, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, etc.) Conduits. (See Electric Con- duits.) Congregational Churches. — Dur- ing its half century of existence in Minneapolis, Congregationalism has obtained a strong foothold. It is now one of the largest and strongest of the Protestant denom- inations. The following include both churches and missions: Bethany. — Taylor St. and 26th St. N. E. Como Avenue. — Cor. 14th Av. S. E. near Como Av. Fifth Avenue. — Cor. 5th Av. S. and 32nd St. First. — 8th Av. S. E. and 5th St. First Scandinavian. — 2019 17th Av. S. Forest Heights. — N. James and Ilion Aves. Fremont Avenue. — Fremont Av. N. and 32nd Av. N. Linden Hills. — Upton Av. and W. 4 2d St. Lowry Hill. — Cor. Dupont and Franklin Aves. Lyndale. — Cor. Aldrich Av. and W. Lake St. Lynhurst. — S. Bryant Av. and 45th St. Minnehaha. — 38th Av. S. and 40th St. Morningside Chapel. — Morning- side Rd. and Aeton PI. New Open Door. — Cor. 10th Av. S. and 39th St. Oak Park. — Cor. James and 6th Av. N. Park Avenue. — Cor. Park and E. Franklin Aves. Penn Avenue. — Penn Av. bet 37th and 38th Av. N. Pilgrim. — Cor. 14th Av. N. and N. Lyndale Av. Pillsbcey House. — 320 16th Av. S. Plymouth. — Cor. Qroveland Av. and Vine Place. Temple (Swedish). — Cor. 10th Av. S. and 7 th St. Thirty-eight St. — 38th St. and 3d Av. S. Vine. — Cor. 22d Av. S. and 33d St. Congregational Headquarters, 525 Lumber Exchange ; Rev. Everett Lesher, Supt. Congregational Club, The Minne- sota. — As its name suggests the Congregational Club is an organi- zation of persons connected with the Congregational churches of the state, though chiefly from Minne- apolis and St. Paul. Monthly meetings, at which ladies are pres- ent, are held, from September till May. Conventions. — Minneapolis has entertained with success many great national gatherings, notably the Christian Endeavor convention of 1891, the National Republican convention of 1892, the G. A. R. national encampments of 1884 and 1906, the National Educational As- sociation of 1902, and a number of the largest denominational conven- tions. The city is amply supplied with halls, hotels and transporta- tion facilities and its hospitalities are proverbial. (See Hotels.) Coon Creek Dam. — A new power dam recently completed in the Mississippi River about 12 miles above Minneapolis. The dam is about 2,000 feet in length and will produce 12,000 horse power, which will be used in generating electricity for the Minneapolis General Electric Co. Cooperage. — An annual output of about fifteen millions of barrels of flour calls for the manufacture of an immense number of barrels, notwithstanding the fact that much of the flour is packed in bags. The demand for cooperage is supplied by v three large shops, conducted on the co-operative plan. (See Co-operation.) About 300 men find employment in this busi- ness. The shops are in south Min- neapolis near the railroad tracks, and within easy hauling distance of the mills. Corn Exchange. — An office build- ing on 3rd St. and 4th Av. S., di- rectly opposite the Chamber of Commerce, and chiefly occupied by commission firms. It is seven stories high and of red pressed brick. Council. (See Government and City Officials.) Council of Minneapolis Commer- cial Clubs. — An organization con- sisting of three delegates from each commercial or civic club. Its purpose is to promote the general welfare of the city; to assist the various clubs in lo- cal matters, and to create a closer touch between the different or- ganizations. Meetings are held at the call of the president. The following are represented in the council: Calhoun Commercial Club, Flour City Commercial Club, Glenwood Commercial Club, Lake Harriet Commercial Club, Minneapolis Civic & Commerce Association, New Boston Business Men's As- sociation, North Side Commercial Club, St. Anthony Commercial Club, South Side Commercial Club, West Side Commercial Club. William Eurich (St. An- thony Commercial Club) is Pres- ident and Orville E. Johnson (Cal- houn Commercial Club) is Sec- retary. County Commissioners. — Meet at the court house on the first Mon- day in each month at 10 a. m. County Officers. — All county of- fices are in the court house. The Incumbents are as follows : Auditor, Al. P. Erickson. Treasurer, Henry C Hanke. Attorney, John M. Rees. Judge of Probate, John A. Dahl. Sheriff, Otto S. Langum. Register of Deeds, A. W. Skog. Clerk of District Court, P. 3. Neilson. Superintendent of Schools, Har- vey I. Harter. Surveyor, E. E. Terrell. Coroner, Gilbert M. Seashore. Commissioners, H. R. Chase. C. B. Waddell, Frank W. Cook, Bar- ney Anderson, H. A. Montgomery. Court House and City Hall. — The public business of Hennepin county and the city of Minneapo- lis has been concentrated in one building known as the Court House and City Hall. This structure oc- cupies the entire block bounded by 3rd and 4th Aves. S. and 4th and 5th Sts. It is 300 feet square, sur- rounds an open court 130 feet square, is five stories in height and is surmounted by a tower which rises to the height of 400 feet above the pavement, measuring to the tip of the flagstaff. This tow- er is 50 feet square and like the rest of the building is constructed of red Ortonville granite. At the apex of the tower roof is an ob- servatory which is 335 feet above the street and which offers the best view point in the city. It may be reached by a long climb up hundreds of stairs. Permits should be secured from the custo- dian of the building. A hundred feet below the observatory is the clock which is 231 feet above the street. Its dials are 23 feet and four inches in diameter and were, when built, the largest in the world. The court house is finished in simple but handsome style. Quar- ter sawed oak is used throughout the offices and court rooms and in the hallways there is marble wainscoting and tiled and mosaic floors. The building is thoroughly fireproof; in the construction of the interior only steel and iron, brick and hollow tile are used. In the county half of the build- ing, which is on the 4th Av. side, COU-DEP are the offices of the sheriff, coun- ty treasurer, auditor, clerk, county commissioners and the various of- ficers connected with the courts — ■ district and probate. In the city side of the building are the offices of the mayor, city clerk, city comptroller, superintend- ent of the poor, chief of police, city engineer, the water works, the council chamber, committee rooms, municipal court rooms, city asses- sor's office, the offices of the build- ing inspector, health officer, the park board, school board and sup- erintendent of schools. The building cost over $3,000,- 000. Long & Kees were the archi- tects. • (See District Court, Probate Court, County Officers, City Hall, etc.) Courts. (See District, Munici- pal, Probate and U. S. Courts.) Crystal Lake Township. — Ad- joining the city on the northwest. Takes its name from a pretty lake near the city limits. Customs — The office of Harry A. Lund, Deputy Collector of Customs, is in the Federal build- ing at Marquette Av. and 3rd St. Dean Boulevard. — Connecting Lake of the Isles at the southwest with Lake Calhoun. Named for the late A. J. Dean, who donated the greater portion of the land in 1892. (See Park System.) Debt. (See Finances.) Dentistry, College of. (See Uni- versity.) Department Stores. — The lead- ing department stores are: Dayton Dry Goods Co., Nicollet Av. and 7th St.; L. S. Donaldson Co., Nicollet and 6th St.; Minneapolis Dry Goods Co., 511 Nicollet Av.; Powers Mercantile Co., Marquette Av., 5th St. and Nicollet Av. Depots. (See Railroad Stations and Freight Depots.) DES-DIS 2 Design, Schools of. (See Min- neapolis Society of Fine Arts and Handicraft Guild.) Disciples Churches. — The churches of the Disciples in Min- neapolis are these: Grand Av. Church of Christ. — Grand Av. and 31st St. Minnehaha Church of Christ. — E. 42d St. cor. 32d Av. S. Portland Av. Church of Christ. — Cor. Portland Av. and Grant St. University Place Church of Christ. — Cor. 14th St. and 4th Av. S. E. Dispensaries. (See Hospitals and Dispensaries.) Distances in Minneapolis and Vicinity. — The city is one of "mag- nificent distances." It is ten miles long by six miles broad, and its population is pretty thoroughly distributed over its 54 square miles. Following are the distan- ces from Gateway Park at Wash- ington and Hennepin Aves. to va- rious points about the city: To Public Library. 8 blocks; to Loring Park, 1 mile: to Court House, V 2 mile; to milling district, 2-3 mile; to University. 2 miles; to Cedar Av. and Washington, l l A miles; to Grant St. and Nicollet Av., 1 mile; to Plymouth Av. and N. Washington Av., 1 mile; to 20th Av. N. and Washington, iy 2 miles; to Franklin Av. and Hennepin, 1% miles; to Franklin and Nicollet, ] V 2 miles; to Franklin and 16th Av. S., 2 miles; to Lake St. and Hen- nepin, 3 miles: to Lake St. and Nicollet Av., 2% miles; to Lake St. and Bloomington Av.. 3 miles; to Lake Calhoun, 3% miles: to Lake Harriet, 4% miles; to Lakewood Cemetery, SV 2 miles; to Washburn Park. 5 miles: to Minnehaha Falls and Park. 6 miles: to Fort Snelling, 1V 2 miles; to New Boston. 2V 2 miles: to St. Paul, 10 miles: to Lake Minnetonka, (via railroad) at Wayzata. 14 miles, at Excelsior, (via electric line) 18 miles, at Min- netonka Beach, 20 miles. In estimating distances count 13 ordinary blocks to the mile. South of 24th St. the blocks from north to south are much longer, running just eight to the mile. Thus from 24th to 32nd Sts. is just a mile. Distances to Other Cities. — Fol- lowing are the distances by rail from Minneapolis to the principal cities of the United States and Canada, and the larger towns and resorts in the Northwest: Miles. Aberdeen, S. D 288 Albany, N. Y 1,247 Albert Lea, Minn 107 Ashland, Wis 194 Atlanta, Ga 1,213 Baltimore, Md 1,273 Bemidji, Minn 220 Bismarck, N. D 435 Boston, Mass 1,456 Brainerd, Minn 128 Buffalo, N. Y 950 Butte, Mont 1,118 Chattanooga, Tenn 1,061 Chicago, 111 410 Chippewa Falls, Wis 114 Cincinnati, Ohio 695 Cleveland, Ohio 767 Crookston, Minn 287 Denver, Colo 928 Des Moines, Iowa 296 Detroit, Mich 694 Detroit, Minn 194 Devil's Lake, N. D 396 Dubuque, Iowa 248 Duluth, Minn 150 Eau Claire, Wis 96 Fargo, N. D 240 Faribault, Minn 56 Fergus Falls. Minn 177 Gladstone, Mich 343 Glenwood, Minn 120 Grand Forks, N. D 310 Great Falls, Mont 1,070 Helena, Mont 1,120 Hibbing, Minn 234 Indianapolis, Ind 603 International Falls, Minn. .. . 327 Jacksonville, Fla 1,565 Kansas City. Mo 547 La Crosse, Wis 137 Larimore, N. D 333 Lincoln, Neb 452 Livingston, Mont 997 Louisville, Ky 722 Mackinac, Mich 476 Madison, Wis 280 Mankato, Minn 75 Milwaukee, Wis 335 Minnetonka — Excelsior 18 Wayzata 14 Montreal, Can 1,120 Come Out of the Kitchen DON'T stand over the kitchen range all the time the baking or the dinner is in progress. It isn't necessary. You can start the cooking in an Electric Range, turn your switches to the de- gree of heat you want and then leave the cooking to the range. You Don't Have to Watch AN ELECTRIC RANGE The heat is uniform in every corner of the oven and every part of the burner; it does not fluctuate; maintains an even tempera- ture. The food does not burn because of a suddenly overheated oven. It doesn't need watching or turning. You are free from kitchen slavery. The Minneapolis General Electric Co. 1 5 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Nashville, Term 928 New Orleans, La 1,331 New York 1,332 Northfield, Minn 42 Ogden, Utah 1,391 Omaha, Neb 351 Oshkosh, Wis 298 Philadelphia, Pa 1,242 Pierre, S. D 414 Pittsburg, Pa 888 Portland, Oregon 1,974 Quebec, Can 1,368 Red Wing, Minn 50 Rochester, Minn 100 Rochester, N. Y 1,019 Salt Lake City, Utah 1,428 San Francisco, Cal 2,224 Sauk Center, Minn 107 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich 494 Seattle, Washington 1,818 Sioux City, Iowa 259 Sioux Falls, S. D 238 Spokane, Wash 1,479 St. Cloud, Minn 65 St. Joseph, Mo 479 St. Louis, Mo 585 St. Paul, Minn 10 St. Peter, Minn 64 Stillwater, Minn 30 Syracuse, N. Y 1,099 Tacoma, Wash 1,844 Toronto. Can 1,000 Tower, Minn 246 Virginia, Minn 225 Washington, D. C 1,233 Watertown, S. D 222 Waukesha, Wis 374 White Bear, Minn 22 Winnipeg, Manitoba 448 Winona, Minn 112 Yankton, S. D 301 Yellowstone Park 1,051 District Court. — The district court for Hennepin county is a court of record of original and gen- eral jurisdiction. There are eight judges and each judge is elected for the term of six years. Each judge sits as a separate court, and each judge has full and equal pow- ers, except when two sit together when, if there is a difference of opinion, the opinion of the senior judge controls. Once a month all the judges sit together to hear certain kinds of cases. But all process is attested in the name of the senior judge — the one longest on the bench. The actual territor- l DIS-DRA ial jurisdiction of the court is the 4th Judicial District of the state, which consists of the county; but the statutes give the right to serve summons and to have certain ju- risdictional powers throughout the state. One term of court is held commencing on the second Mon- day in September and continuing until July 1st. Appeals are taken from the district court direct- ly to the supreme court — the court of final resort. The present incumbents of the District bench are, in order of seniority: Judges H. D. Dickinson, W. E. Hale, John H. Steele, Edward F. Waite, Charles S. Jelley, William C Leary, Jos. W. Molyneaux, Dan- iel Fish, Chelsea J. Rockwood. Clerk of Courts, P. S. Neilson. (See Court House.) District Telegraph. (See Mes- senger Service.) Dog's. — There are about 5,500 dogs in Minneapolis — that is, there are about that many which have been regularly licensed to exist un- der the city ordinances. Owners of valuable or pet dogs should see that the license fees are paid each year and the tags kept attached to the animals by a collar (and re- placed if lost) or otherwise they are liable to seizure and execution by the "dog catcher." Maintaining a vicious dog is punishable by fine. Donaldson Building". — One of the newest and most conspicuous build- ings on Nicollet Avenue (Cor. 7th St.) A handsome structure of brick and terra cotta exterior, steel frame and concrete interior con- struction, fitted an.d finished in the most elegant manner. The first two floors are occupied as store rooms and the remainder of the building is devoted to offices which are largely occupied by profession- al men. Drainage. (See Topography and Sewers.) DRI-DRI 3 Drives. — A more delightful vi- cinity for driving could hardly be imagined. The streets of the city are broad and smooth and abound in beautiful shade trees and hand- some houses and grounds. Leaving the more thickly settled portion of the city, one can follow the park- way system for miles about the shores of charming lakes or pic- turesque water courses. Still further out — beyond the city lim- its — is a magnificently rolling farming country, dotted with blue lakes and interspersed with natu- ral forest. There are no toll roads or toll bridges. The vicinity is a paradise for those who enjoy driving. It is scarcely a wonder that the number of private equi- pages, fine horses and automobiles in Minneapolis is very large in proportion to the population. Strangers can secure hacks or carriages with careful drivers by applying at their hotel offices or at any of the public hack stands or central livery stables. (See Horses &.nd Carriages, Livery, Hack Fares, etc.) Automobiles may also be hired with competent chauffeurs in charge. (See Automobiles and Taxicabs. ) The following drives are sug- gested for the use of both stran- gers and residents. Some of the latter could not better spend a few hours occasionally than in improv- ing their knowledge of the subur- ban beauties of the city. It is as- sumed in the following drives that the stranger is starting from one of the leading hotels in the central part of town. Residents will know how to adjust themselves to different starting points. The time given is the proper allowance for a carriage team; if an automobile is used the allowance may be re- duced one-half. A Rapid View of the City. — Up Hennepin Av. to 10th St., passing West Hotel, Masonic Temple, and Lyceum Theatre; on 10th St. to Harmon Place, passing the Public Library and First Baptist Church; on Harmon Place past Loring Park and Judge M. B. Koon's resi- dence to Oak Grove St. and Hen- nepin Av. in sight of Thomas Low- ry's residence; through Oak Grove to Vine Place; on Vine Place to Franklin Av.; on Franklin to Stev- ens; on Stevens to 24th, on 24th St. to Park Av.; on Park Av. to 10th St., on 10th to Nicollet; on Nicollet to 3rd St. and thence to hotel. This drive, allowing a pause at points of interest, will occupy about an hour. Forty minutes more will admit of a visit to the State University, via the steel arch bridge and S. E. 5th St. and returning via University Av. and the 10th Av. S. bridge, obtaining a view of St. Anthony Falls, the stone arch railroad bridge and the milling: district. Strangers should not fail to take at least this much time to see the city. This and the succeeding drives may, of course, be extended indefinitely by side ex- cursions or stops for the examina- tion of interesting buildings or places. A Fairly Comprehensive View. — Up Hennepin Av. to 10th, and via Harmon Place to Loring Park, as in short drive; west from Loring Park over Kenwood Parkway to Lake of the Isles; around north and east sides of lake to 27th St.; on 27th to Hennepin Av.; on Hen- nepin Av. to Groveland Av.; through Clifton Place and Clifton Av. to Vine Place; on Vine Place to Franklin; on Franklin to Stev- ens Av.; on Stevens to 24th St.; on 24th St. to Portland Av.; on Portland to 27th St.; on 27th to Park Av.; on Park Av. to 10th St., and thence following the route of the first drive, includ- ing the University and milling dis- trict. This will occupy about three hours, and will give a stran- ger, who has little time at his dis- posal, a fairly good idea of Min- neapolis. The best way to see the city is to plan at least five or six drives of a couple of hours each. In this way the sights may be better en- joyed and there is no danger of any one proving wearisome. The following outlines may prove use- ful: The Business Center. — Henne- pin Av. to 7th St.; 7th to Nicollet Av.; on Nicollet to 2nd St.; on 2nd St. to 3rd Av. N. ; on 3rd Av. to 3rd St.; on 3rd St. to 1st Ave. N.; on 1st Av. N. to 6th St. to Marquette Av. ; on Marquette Av. to 4th St. ; on 4th St. to 7th Av. S. ; on 7th Av. S. to Washington ; on Washington to 6th Av. S. ; on 6th to flour mill- ing district ; after viewing the canal and mills, on 1st St. to 3rd Av. S. ; on 3rd Av. to 2nd St. ; on 2nd to Nicollet ; across steel arch bridge and Nicollet Island to Main St. ; on Main to 6th Av. S. E., past Pills- bury "A" mill; across 10th Av. bridge to Washington Av. ; on Washington to Hennepin. This drive taken slowly will occupy | from an hour and a half to two hours. An inside view of Pills- bury "A" flour mill is a pleasant addition, and as much time as de- sired may be spent in this way. To See Residences. — Hennepin Av. to 10th St.; to Park Av.; to 27th St.; to Portland Av.; to 24th St.; to 1st Av. S.; to 19th St.; to Vine Place; to 25th St.; to Pillsbury Av.; to Ridgwood Av.; to Lyndale Av.; to Summit Av. ; to James Av. ; to Mt. Curve Av.; to Groveland Terrace; to Clif- ton Place and Clifton Av.; to Vine Place; to Oak Grove; to Hennepin Av. ; to Harmon PL; to Hennepin Av., thence to hotel or home. To cover this route will re- quire two hours. It will give a tolerably accurate idea of the resi- dence district of the west side. For the east side see east side drive below. A Park and Boulevard Drive. — From Loring Park over Kenwood Parkway to Lake of the Isles, DRI-DRI around the lake to south end and along Calhoun Boulevard past Lake Calhoun to Lake Harriet; around Lake Harriet and return by same route to Mt. Curve Av., and through Mt. Curve Av. over Low- ry's Hill to Hennepin Av.; or, from Lake Calhoun Boulevard and 36th St. east to Hennepin, and thence to hotel or home. About two hours. East Side Drive. — Across steel arch bridge to Nicollet Island; Is- land Av. to Grove PI.; through Grove PI. to Central Av.; to Main St.; to 1st Ave. S. E.; to 4th St.; to 7th Av. S. E.; to 5th St.; to 13th Av. S. E.; to University Av.; through University grounds; re- turning via University Av. to 6th Av. S. E. and 10th Av. S. bridge. About an hour. May be pleasant- ly extended to two hours by fol- lowing River Road, East, along river bank from University to Bridal Veil Falls, and returning across Franklin Av. bridge and via River Road, West, Riverside Park, Riverside Av. and 4th St. to center. To Minnehaha Falls. — Via any main avenue (Portland or Park the best) to Lake St.; to River Road, West; to falls. Returning same route. About two hours. A long- er route is via Kenwood Park- way to Lake of the Isles, Cal- houn and Harriet, leaving Lake Harriet at the south-east side and following Minnehaha Parkway along the banks of Minnehaha creek to the falls. To Fort Snelling. — Same as to Minnehaha about iy 2 miles beyond the falls. May be varied by re- turning on east side of river to Lake St. bridge and thence west to any leading avenue. A Country Drive. — South on Portland Av. to Diamond Lake (about 5 miles) west 1 mile to Lyndale Av. ; north across Minne- haha Creek to city. About IY2 hours. DRY-EAS 2 Three Hoce Country Drive. — South on Portland Av. to cross road iy 2 miles south of Diamond Lake; west 3 miles past Wood Lake; north 2 miles; west y 2 mile to Edina mills; north and east over choice of roads to Lake Cal- houn and city. To Minnetonka. — West f rom north end Lake Calhoun through Hopkins to Excelsior. About 20 miles. The lake may also be reached by a half dozen other routes, as the Minnetonka boulevard, run- ning due west from north end Lake Calhoun; the Superior boule- vard running west from Bryn Mawr; and Western and Sixth Avenues N. — all these routes be- ing convenient for reaching the north shore of the lake. The above are a very few of the delightful drives about the city and are only intended for the use of those unacquainted with the "lay of the land." They may be varied indefinitely and the fre- quent traveler of the streets and roads will discover new and in- teresting routes. Until one is ac- quainted with the outlying coun- try a pocket map will be found useful. (See Seeing the City, Au tomobiles and Excursions.) Dry Goods. — Nicollet Av. is the great shopping street and all the leading dry goods houses are to be found there. The larger and more prominent establishments are: L. S. Donaldson Co., corner Nicollet Av. and 6th St.; Dayton Dry Goods Co., corner Nicollet and 7th St.; Minneapolis Dry Goods Co., 511 Nicollet Av. ; Powers Mercan- tile Co., Nicollet Av., Marquette Av. and 5th St.; J. W. Thomas & Co., Nicollet Av. and 8th St. Dunwoody Institute. — The Wil- liam Hood Dunwoody Industrial Institute was founded by the late William H. Dunwoody, for many years a prominent flour miller and one of the most respected citi- zens of Minneapolis. His will di- rected that a certain portion of his estate should be devoted to the establishment and mainte- nance of an industrial school which should afford the means of technical education in various arts and industries with special men- tion of those connected with flour milling. The school was opened in 1914 in temporary quarters (in the old Central High School) pending the erection of a suitable building. Up to the present time seven departments, automobile, architectural drawing, carpentry, cabinet making, electrical work, machine shop practice and print- ing have been established in the day school. / Permanent buildings are being erected on a site facing The Pa- rade. The first building was occu- pied in the summer of 1917. As the fund accruing from the estate is over $3,150,000, a great modern industrial school of the highest order is certain to be real- ized eventually. Charles A. Pros- ser is director of the institute. Soon after the breaking out of the war in 1917 the facilities of the school were offered to the gov- ernment for the training of men for • many trades needed in the navy. It is estimated that several thousand men Will be trained at the Institute should the war con- tinue for any length of time. Dyckman Hotel. — Sixth St. be- tween Hennepin and Nicollet. This substantial addition to the list of Minneapolis hotels was opened in April, 1910. It is an eleven-story building, absolutely fireproof (concrete construction), contains 325 rooms, handsomely furnished, and has all the appoint- ments of a modern hotel. Eastern District, or East Side. — That part of the city lying east of the Mississippi river. It includes what was originally the town of St. Anthony and is commonly call- ed "the East Side." East Hennepin Ave. — A new- street recently created by con- necting- parts of Central Ave. and Division street and forming- a new thoroughfare from the foot of Hennepin Ave. at the steel arch bridge, north and east to the eastern city limits where it will connect with an arterial ! street into St. Paul. It seems des- j tined to become the principal :| highway in the eastern division : of the city. Education. — Minneapolis is pe- culiarly fortunate in possessing exceptional educational facilities. No western city of equal size and few eastern centers have better advantages in this respect. The public school system of Minneapo- lis has worthily achieved a repu- tation as the equal of any in the country; its high schools are thor- ough and well equipped and the state university affords means for higher education in its numerous departments. Besides there are several very creditable private schools for different classes of ed- ucational work. All these institu- tions both public and private are sustained by a cordial public sym- pathy; the interest in the public school system is especially marked. Altogether Minneapolis is a very desirable place of residence for families having children to edu- cate. This subject is too compre- hensive to admit of treatment un- der one head; the details of mat- ters pertaining to education will be found under such headings as Public Schools, University, High Schools, Private Schools, Parochial Schools, Art Schools, Dunwoody Institute, etc. Election Precincts. (See Polit- ical Divisions.) Elections. — Municipal elections are held upon the same date as those of the state and county — the first Tuesday after the first Mon- day in November of the even num- bered years. Nearly all city sequently became Fort Snelling and has been maintained ever since as a military station. T& location is equidistant from Mi& neapolis and St. Paul. The o'Ui fort buildings and the modern bar- racks, supply buildings and quar- ters stand on a high bluff overlook- ing the gorge of the Mississippi and the valley of the Minnesota It is a most picturesque site. During the summer of 1917 the fort and reservation have been crowded with soldiers. Several regiments of the regular army and of the National Guard have been encamped most of the time and the Officers' Reserve Training Camp has brought thousands of volunteers to the fort for training. The Fort Snelling reservation com- piles about 2,000 acres. A pleasant way to visit the fort is by carriage, automobile or bi- ! * FLO-FRU cycle via West River Drive and Minnehaha Falls and returning on the east side of the river or over the same route. Fort Snelling may be reached by the Snelling- Minnehaha electric line, and the falls and the fort may be visited in the course of a single excursion of a few hours. Franklin Steele Square. — Be- tween Portland and 5th Avs. S.. and lGth and 17th Sts. It was presented to the city, by heirs of the late Franklin Steele. (See Park System.) Freight Depots. — The freighf depots of the various railways en- tering the city are situated as fol- lows: Chicago,, Bur. & Northern. — Cor. 4th Av. N. and 3rd St. Chicago, Mil. & St. P. — Cor. 3rd Av. S. and 2nd St. Chicago, Rock Id. & Pac. — Cor. 4th St. and 8th Av S. Chicago, St. P., Mpls. & Omaha. — Cor. 4th Av. N. and River St. Chicago, Great Western. — ■ Bridge Square. Dan Patch and Luce Electric Lines Holden St. and N. 9th St. Great Northern. — Cor. 4th Av. N. and Washington. Hennepin Avenue Station, Minn. Transfer Ry. — E. Hennepin Av. and Stinson Boul. Minneapolis, St. P. & Sault Ste. Marie. — Cor. 5th Av. N. and 2d St. Minneapolis & St. Louis. — Cor. 4th Av. N. and 4th St. Northern Pacific — Cor. 7th Av. N. and 1st St.* Fruit. — Minneapolis is one of the largest fruit markets in the west; in fact the largest, with the exception of Chicago. An enor- mous business has grown up in handling fruit on commission. The shipments come from the far South, California and foreign countries, and during the summer season from the surrounding states. The center of the fruit trade is 2nd Av. N. and 6th St. FUE-GAS 4 Fuel. — Water transportation via the great lakes and the lumber sawing industry of the city have solved the fuel problem for Min- neapolis. Anthracite coal is gen- erally used for heating purposes. It is shipped by the lakes in sum- mer. Soft coals are used in con- siderable quantities for generating steam and occasionally for domes- tic purposes. Mill wood and an- thracite coal were long regarded as the most economical fuels for family kitchen use, but gas is growing more popular every year. (See Gas.) Furnished Booms. — The practice of renting furnished rooms is very common in Minneapolis. Cards announcing "furnished rooms" are displayed with as much nonchal- ance as was exhibited by the fa- mous Mrs. Bardell and her prefer- ence for "single gentlemen," seems to have descended to the whole race of room renters. Almost any quality of accommodations may be secured in any locality in the city. Advertising in the "want" columns of the daily papers is a favorite, and perhaps the best way, of se- curing a lodger or a room. Prices range from $5 to $20 or more per month for single rooms, and in- definitely more for suites or apart- ments according to quality anri lo- cation. Transient lodgers can find accommodations at any of the Eu- ropean plan hotels or the array of cheap lodging houses whose prices run all the way down to 10c per night. The Young Men's Christian As- sociation, 44 So. Tenth St., main- tains a directory of several hun- dred rooming houses all of which have been personally inspected by one of their secretaries and found sanitary, morally wholesome and reasonable in price. This infor- mation is given free to all strangers. Furniture. — The manufacture of furniture and its distribution from the factories and through jobbing houses, has become one of the most important industries of the city. Including factories in and about the city and wholesale houses, there are fully forty im- portant concerns in the business and the annual sales reach five or six million dollars. Manu- facturing includes the usual gen- eral lines of furniture as well as a number of concerns making spe- cial lines, such as iron and brass beds, bedding, wire mattresses, parlor furniture, desks, etc. Min- neapolis is also the market for the product of several large factories at outside towns which keep their goods on sale here and ship large quantities here for distribution. The city is easily the most im- portant furniture market west of Chicago and one of the leading furniture manufacturing cities of the country. Garbag'e. (See Ashes.) Garden Club. — The Garden Club of Minneapolis was organized in 1911 for the promotion of interest in gardening, especially in vacant lots. This idea has broadened un- til the purposes of the club include the direct social, hygienic and economic benefit to the individuals actually engaged in gardening un- der It's direction, as well as the beautification of the city and the general interest of the people in home grounds improvement. Gas. — Consumers of gas are supplied by the Minneapolis Gas Light Company; a corporation having the exclusive vight to lay gas mains in the streets of the city. When it is desired to have prem- ises connected with the gas mains, the owner of the property or his agent must make application in writing at the office of the Gas Company. The Gas Light Com- pany taps the main, lays the pipe from thence into the building, puts in the necessary stop cock and ? , : . ' X: -^ ' 1PI IP . W\ ^ SALESROOM OF THE MINNEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT COMPANY POWER PLANT IN THE OFFICE AND SALES BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT COMPANY GAS ENGINES OF 150 HORSE POWER supplies the meter and connec- tions. As no charge is made for this, except for a distance beyond 30 feet from the lot line, the pipes, etc., remain the property of the Company and must not be dis- turbed, disconnected or removed without permission. When gas is desired to be used, the party who is to become responsible for the payment of the bills must make application in writing at the office of the Company, upon blanks pro- vided for the purpose. The Gas Light Company owns all meters and they are never sold, but loaned to consumers. When the gas meter is placed, no person other than an employe of the Company is permitted to remove or detach it. All meters are thoroughly in- spected and their accuracy proved before being placed in use. Every meter is periodically examined and tested for accuracy. Consumers should learn to read their meters. They can then compare the read- ings with their gas bills as pre- sented monthly. Full instructions for reading meters and the man- agement of gas both for illumina- tion and fuel, may be had at the office of the Company. The Com- pany also keeps a large stock of gas ranges, heaters, lamps, burners and various accessories for the benefit of its patrons. Pre-payment meters are sup- plied to consumers by the Gas Company when desired. The gas is sold and delivered through these meters at the net selling price and the monthly presenta- tion of gas bills becomes un- necessary. The Company erected in 1903 a handsome office build- ing at 16, 18 and 20 S. Seventh St., but in seven years these quarters were outgrown and in 1912 a modern seven story of- fice building was completed ad- joinng the older structure. The two buildngs, which are connect- ed, give the company adequate fa- cilties and together form perhaps the most complete offices and salesrooms in the country for this line of business. In the older building are the bookkeepers and cashiers — every- thing connected with the sale of gas. Here the accounts with cus- tomers are kept and bills are paid. The newer buildin'g is princi- pally devoted to new business of- fices and salesrooms for gas ap- pliances. This building is of concrete, fireproof construction and is elaborately decorated, and so arranged as to display all mod- ern possibilities in the use of gas to the best advantage. The first floor is in fact a display room rather than a sales room. On the mezzanine floor is a beau- tiful rest room for ladies and a complete six room flat arranged so as to show the use of gas and modern gas appliances in every room of a modern dwelling. In the basement is the salesroom for gas ranges, heaters and industrial fuel appliances. An electric plant of 150 horse power capacity is in operation in the basement and supplies the electrical service for the entire building. Gas engines are used for operating the elec- tric plant. The third floor is devoted to the offices of the President, Vice President, Directors' room, etc., and the fourth floor to the new business, Auditor's office, library, rest room, dining room, kitchen, advertising, etc. The upper floors are used for storage and repair shops. Altogether the building is a model of its kind and every detail has been so thoroughly thought of that the place is one well worth visiting. The Company has about 550 miles of pipes laid in the city streets and about 85,000 consum- ers. Its works are situated at the foot of 14th Av. S., where they cover 'several acres. Visitors are allowed to inspect them and may secure permits upon application at the general office. Gateway, The. — The triangular space bounded by Nicollet, Henne- pin and Washington Avenues forming a vista from the Great Northern passenger station, where a majority of the visitors in the city arrive. 'A portion of the ground is parked, and fronting on Washington Av. is the Gateway Building for the convenience of the public, erected at a cost of about $90,000. The main building is flanked by colonnades between which will be placed a beautiful fountain, the gift of Mr. E. J. Phelps. At the ends of the colon- nades are drinking fountains pre- sented by the Daughters of Veter- ans. It is hoped that The Gate- way will be surrounded in time by buildings of character and dignity and become in fact a civic center. A flag pole 108 feet high (the gift of Monument Chapter, Daugh- ters of the American Revolution), was erected in the park on July 4, 1917. (See Park System.) Gethsemane Episcopal Church. — This Church was organized in 1856 and was for many years in charge of the late Bishop David B. Knickerbacker. The present church edifice at the corner of 4th Av. S. and 9th St. was erected about thirty years ago. Glen Xiake Farm School. — A farm home for delinquent boys, maintained by the county, com- prises 150 acres on the Eden Prairie road near Glen Lake Sta- tion on Minnetonka Electric line. The school is under the jurisdic- tion of Judge E. F. Waite, of the Juvenile Court, co-operating with the county commissioners. D. C. MacKenzie' is superintendent. Glenwood-Camden Parkway. — A part of the "Grand Rounds," ex- tending from Glenwood Park, 19th Av. N. to Camden Park via west city limits and 45th Av. N. The driveway is under construction in 1917. When completed it will be one of the most beautiful sections of the park and parkway system surrounding the city. (See Park System.) Glenwood Park extends from 16th Av. N. south almost to Cedar lake, is irregular in shape, and its surface is greatly diversified. Within its boundaries are some of the highest points of land in Hen- nepin county, and hidden among these hills lie three beautiful sheets of water, one covering an area of about six acres; another, Glenwood lake, of 38 acres, and Brownie lake of 18 acres. The park contains about 560 acres. Western Av. & 2d St. line to West- ern Av. terminus; walk 1 mile. (See Park System.) Government. — Powers of admin- istration of municipal affairs are vested in a mayor, council and several "boards." The duties of the latter relate of course to the various departments such as schools, parks, library, etc., and they act independently of the council. The mayor has little di- rect appointive power. His largest power in any one direction is in the police department, of which he is virtually head. Mayor, comptroller, treasurer and the members of the city council are elected directly by the vote of the people. The council which is com- posed of two aldermen from each ward, appoints a city clerk, en- gineer, attorney, health officer, chief of fire department, super- visor of water works and most of the minor officers. The council also has power to issue bonds, to appropriate funds for various uses. to order and direct all public works, license and restrict liquor traffic and generally to look after the maintenance of good order in the city. Ordinances may be passed over the mayor's veto by a two-thirds vote. The city engi- neer has general charge of the sewers, bridges, construction of water works, and the direction and supervision of street and sidewalk improvements. The president of the council appoints biennially, committees on health, sewers, streets, bridges, gas, fire depart- ment, ordinances, ways and means, etc., whose business it is to con- sider all matters pertaining to these subjects and recommend ac- tion on the part of the council. Civil Service. — By legislative enactment in 1913 civil service was introduced, the provisions of the law affecting nearly all of the city employes except teachers. Boards. — The Library Board consists of the mayor, president of the board of education, presi- dent of the state university and six members elected by two's at the regular city elections for terms of six years. This board has full power to perform all acts necessary to the establishment and maintenance of public libra- ries, reading rooms, art galleries, etc. The school board consists of seven members elected by the peo- ple for six-year terms. This board has entire control of the public schools. More extensive powers are vested in the park board. It may condemn land for public parks, assess the cost upon benefitted property, enter upon en- tire control of streets (with con- sent of the council) and issue bonds for park purposes. The city treasurer is custodian of the funds of all these boards and the city comptroller must sign all war- rants. Maximum limits for the tax for every fund are established by charter and the board of tax levy reduces the figures as much as possible. Embraced in the membership of the board of health are the mayor, committee on health and hospitals of the city council and a health officer ap- pointed by the council. An account of the functions of r GOV-GRA the municipal court will be found under that head. The city coun- cil attends to the supervision of buildings, plumbing, street light- ing, meats and food, weights and measures through inspectors and superintendents. A board of charities and corrections looks after the poor, the city hospital and the workhouse. (See City Officials.) Government Building". (See Post Office and Federal Building.) Government Locks and Dams. — The U. S. government has under development a system of slack water navigation which will make the Mississippi river easily navi- gable, at all stages of water, to the landing at Minneapolis. A great dam and lock (with a lift of 30 feet) have been built near Min- nehaha Park, creating a pool ex- tending to the head of navigation at the foot of South Washington Av. Here municipal terminals are being constructed. (See Naviga- tion.) Grain Inspection. — The official inspection of all grain arriving in Minneapolis is made by the depu- ties of the state grain inspector. These men visit the railroad yards each morning, take samples of newly arrived bulk grain, and pre- pare certificates of inspection and grade for the consignees. For this service a fee of 25c per car load is charged and the same rate is au- thorized on grain loaded out of an elevator. Sampling is done by means of pointed and closed tubes about four feet long with a cavity near the lower end which may be opened when thrust deep into the bulk grain, thus securing a sample from the bottom of the car, and preventing the possibility of fraud. Scales are also provided for weighing the samples and thus determining the weight per bushel. Much the larger part of the in- spectors' work is, of course, in wheat. Great care and good judg- GRA-GRA 4 merit are necessary to make just inspection on the endless variety of wheat received. The estab- lished grades are No. 1 Hard Spring Wheat, No. 1 Northern Spring Wheat, No. 2 Northern Spring Wheat, No. 3 Spring Wheat, No. 4 Spring Wheat, Rejected Spring Wheat, three grades of White Winter Wheat, four grades of Hard Winter Wheat, three grades of Red Winter Wheat, and four grades of Durum Wheat. Grain Trade. — Minneapolis is the grain market of the North- west. Her water power and flour mills early attracted the scattered oroduce of Minnesota and Dakota ?n frontier days, and with the gi- gantic development of both agri- cultural and milling interests in the past two decades, their rela- tive positions have been main- tained. Wheat is the chief cereal product of Minnesota and the Da- kotas and it is of course, the lead- ing article of merchandise in the grain trade. Other cereals are handled in great quantities; but wheat so far eclipses them as to make their really creditable bulk appear insignificant. No. 1 hard wheat and Minneapolis flour ground therefrom have a reputa- tion around the world. The busi- ness of handling the vast bulk of wheat, amounting to about ninety millions of bushels in a year, is one of the most important ele- ments in the city's prosperity. It employs an enormous capital and an army of men, not only in the offices of the commission mer- chants, and elevator companies in the city, but in the hundreds of elevators along the diverging lines of railway. The details of the grain trade are very interesting. Every railroad station through Minnesota and the Dakotas has its elevator or grain warehouse. Some of these were built by pri- vate parties, others by the rail- roads to accommodate traffic, and many by corporations or "elevator companies" having headquarters in Minneapolis. From these local elevators the farmers ship to com- mission firms in the city or sell direct to the agents of the grain dealers. "Nearly all the money paid for grain in the interior is sent from this city by the elevator companies and to their agents in the coun- try. Thus, Minneapolis is not only the market to which the grain Is shipped, and where it is sold, but the' financial center from which the money is sent out to purchase and move the grain crops of the Northwest." When the wheat arrives in the city it must ordinarily be stored soon after inspection. (See Ghain Inspection.) To accommodate the vast quantity often received in a very short space of time, a very large elevator capacity is required. (See Elevators.) The weekly re- ceipts are frequently several mil- lion bushels when the new crop is moving and at that season, Octo- ber and November, the grain trade Is at its liveliest. The rush of wheat to the city is sometimes so great that the railroad yards are blockaded and enough cars to handle the wheat can not be ob- tained. The millers buy either "on track," or in storage, from the commission men or elevator lines; but many of them control elevator , lines of their own and buy direct from the producers. Millers are also largely interested in the great storage elevators in Minneapolis. The commission men receive one cent per bushel for receiving and selling wheat, barley and rye; and %c for corn and oats. In lots of 5,000 bu. or more a uniform rate of y 2 c per bushel is charged for buying and shipping, the receiv- ing commission being charged for lesser amounts. Minneapolis is the largest pri- mary wheat market in the world. The following comparative table shows the receipts last year at the principal primary points: Bushels. Minneapolis 101,021,250 Duluth 30,576,769 New York '. 78,217,300 Chicago 31,751,000 Kansas City 36,954,900 The flour mills formerly con- sumed nearly all of the wheat re- ceived in the city. More recently a shipping demand has arisen and now Minneapolis supplies hun- dreds of millers in the neighbor- ing states, and as far east as In- diana and Ohio. The shipments last year were 33,000,000 bushels. The entire receipts of grain in Minneapolis for the year 1917 were 234,244,890 bu. In this was included 8,892,200 bu. of flax seed, a large part of which was made into linseed oil at Minne- apolis, this being the principal manufacturing point in the coun- try for that article. Minneapolis is also the leading market in the country for barley and received over 37,000,000 bu. last year. (See Flour and Flour Mills and Ele- vators. ) Great Northern Passenger Sta- tion. — The larger part of the pas- senger traffic of the city is han- dled at the Great Northern Pas- senger station, at the foot of Hennepin and Nicollet Avs. This completely modern station was begun in 1912 and opened for traffic early in 1914 taking the place of the old "union station" built in 1884. The exterior of the building gives little idea of the commodious interior arrange- ments. The main waiting room is 62 by 155 feet in size with an adjoining train concourse 252 feet in length. From the concourse passengers descend by elevator or stairway to the train platforms, each platform being provided with its own separate means of en- trance and doing away entirely with the crossing of tracks in the train sheds. Baggage is han- i GRE-G-UI died on electric motor trucks with rubber-tired wheels from the main baggage room along a gallery to the far end of the train sheds where it is lowered to the platforms by electric elevators and landed within a few feet of the baggage cars of out-going trains. Passengers see little of the handling of baggage which is such a nuisance in many stations. A complete power station fur- nishes light and heat for the en- tire passenger terminal with power for a washed air ventilat- ing system, vacuum cleaning plant, etc. The ticket offices are models of convenience, and cen- trally and conspicuously located. A large and fully equipped infor- mation booth stands in plain view. Off from the central waiting-room are men's smoking rooms, women's rooms, telegraph offices, telephone booths, news stands and cab stands. Upstairs, easily acces- sible by stairway and elevator, are lunch and dining-rrooms. The cost of the station alone was ap- proximately a million dollars. All street car lines pass or trans- fer to the depot and it is within a few blocks of the leading ho- tels. Trains of the following railroads arrive and depart from this station: Great Northern; Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha (Northwestern Line); Burlington; Northern Pacific, Great Western. Opposite the passenger station but operated as a part of it, is a terminal building for handling U. S. mail and express matter. Growth. (See Population.) Guaranty Building 1 . — (See Met- ropolitan Life Building.) Guide Books. — In addition to maps and guides of a local char- acter The Hudson Publishing Co., 404 Kasota Bldg., corner Henne- pin and 4th St., carries all kinds of automobile guides and maps, guides to the principal cities of the country, maps of foreign countries, etc. Hack Fares. — Always have a distinct understanding with a hack or cab driver before entering the vehicle. The legal rates are clear- ly denned in the following con- densation from the city ordinance: One passenger not exceeding 1 mile, 50 cents. Over 1 mile and not exceeding iy 2 miles, 75 cents. Over iy 2 miles and not exceed- ing 2 miles, $1. Each mile or fraction over 2 miles, 25 cents. Each additional passenger of same party, without regard to dis- tance, 50 cents. Children between 5 and 14, half price; under 5 years, no charge. Use of carriage by hour, with one or more passengers, with priv- ilege of going from place to place, and stopping as often as may be required: First hour, $1.50. For each ad- ditional hour or part of an hour, $1. (See Livery and Taxicabs.) Halls. — Minneapolis is well sup- plied with public halls. For large summer gatherings the Amphitheater at the State Fair grounds is available. It will hold 25,000 people. A magnificent Auditorium was erected during 1904 by the North- western National Life Insurance Company of Minneapolis, at • the corner of Nicollet Av. and 11th St. It is fire-proof and seats about 2,500 people. (See Auditorium.) The Auditorium Annex, on the fourth floor of the building, is an excellent hall of 450 seating ca- pacity. Masonic Temple Hall in the temple at the corner of 6th St. and Hennepin Av. will seat perhaps 900. The new Armory of the National Guard has a large floor space and is used for gatherings for which it may be suitable. Kenwood Park- way near Lyndale. The Assembly Room at the city shall will accommodate a gathering ^f about 500. At the Handicraft Guild Bldg., 89 S. 10th St., there is a beautiful small assembly room, seating 350 people. The Y. M. C. A. Bldg., 10th St. and Mary Place, has a hall which seats 600 people. There is an excellent hall at the Minneapolis School of Music Bldg. on 8th St. at Mary Place, which is used for concerts and select gatherings. Hamline University. — Establish- ed in 1854 by the Methodist de- nomination. The buildings are at Hamline, midway between St. Paul and Minneapolis. The school is for both sexes. Rev. Dr. S. F. Kerfoot is president. The col- lege has always received liberal support from Minneapolis. (Min- neapolis & St. Paul electric cars.) Hardware. — Minneapolis has an extensive jobbing trade in hard- ware, this being one of the lines in which the city leads in the northwest. Prominent retail stores are W. K. Morison & Co., 15 S. 7th St.; Warner Hardware Co., 13 S. 6th St.; Gardner Hardware Co., 304 Hennepin av. Health. — Minneapolis is regard- ed as one of the healthiest cities in the country. The climate is exceptionally favorable to those threatened with lung troubles. A careful sanitary regulation is re- moving such objectionable fea- tures as are often dangerous in newer cities and public opinion supports the city government in the extension of sanitary mea- sures. There is an elaborate sewer system and an abundant water supply. The death rate in 1916 was 12.41 in a thousand. (See Health Department, Vital Sta- tistics, Hospitals, etc., etc.) Health Department. — The De- partment of Health consists of the mayor, the committee on health and hospitals of the city council, and the health commissioner who is elected by the city council. It is an executive body, with power to enforce all laws pertaining to matters of sanitation and health, and the health commissioner is the representative official in all such action. It enforces a number of ordinances and state laws, and is also guided by some rules and regulations issued for the direc- tion of its, inspectors and for the guidance of the public. It has more than forty employes, who are at work upon milk inspection, food inspection, nuisance inspec- tions of various kinds, contagious disease inspections, the record- ing of deaths, burials and births, and various other subjects which have to do with the health of the community. The inspectors are to keep the city clean, to exclude refuse from the alleys, to abate the practice of throwing waste material upon the surface of the soil, and order the regular cleansing of vaults and cesspools. Owners, as well as tenants, are held responsible for nuisances and unsanitary conditions, and are li- able to fine if notices from the health department requiring abate- ment are not heeded. The depart- ment has five nurses constantly at work in the care of tubercular disease and has also recently taken up hotel inspection. The office of the board is on the fourth floor of the city hall. (See Vital Statistics.) Hebrew Synagogues. — The syna- gogues of the Hebrews of Minne- apolis are as follows: Adath Yeshrum (Orthodox). — 9th St. bet. 11th and 12th Aves. S. AnsheiTavrig (Orthodox). — 601 N. 4th St. AGHIDAS ACKIM (ORTHODOX). — 1820 17th Av. S. Bnai Aaron (Orthodox). — Cor. Aldrich and 8th Aves. N. Kennesseth Israel (Orthodox). Lyndale Av., bet. 5th and 6th Avs. N. MlKRO KOHDESH (ORTHODOX). — Oak Lake and 8th Av. N. Nachlas Israel (Orthodox). — Cor. Colfax and 35th Aves. N. Roumanian (Orthodox). — 314 15th Av. S. Temple Shaari Tov (Reformed). —Cor. 5th Av. S. and 10th St. High Dam. — (See Government Locks and Dams. Height of Buildings. — Court House tower to top of flagstaff, 400 feet; Metropolitan Life building to top of tower, 218 feet; New York Life building, 140 feet; Lumber Exchange, 137 feet; West Hotel, 128 feet; new Donaldson building, 150 feet; Andrus building, 141 feet; Security Bank building, 136 feet; International Stock Food Co. build- ing tower, 240 feet; Washburn "C" elevator, highest building in mill- ing district, 200 feet; Hotel Radis- son, 200 feet, First National-Soo Line Bldg.. 250 feet. Hennepin Avenue. — One of the main thoroughfares of the city. Its course is southwest from the Mississippi river, where it joins Nicollet Av., to 28th St. where it turns due south. From the river to 10th St. it is 100 feet wide. From Lyndale Av. to Lake St. it is known as Hennepin Boulevard. Among its prominent buildings are the West hotel, Masonic Temple, Andrews hotel, Public Library, Lumber Exchange, Boston Blk., Temple Court, Plymouth Bldg., and Nicollet House. East Hennepin Avenue, recently created from parts of Central Av. and Division St., extends from the river opposite the foot of Henne- pin Av., northeast and east to the city limits. It will become, ulti- mately a part of a new interur- ban thoroughfare. Hennepin Ave. M. IS. Church. — In 1875 Hennepin Avenue Metho- dist Church was organized with about ninety members. The first house of worship was a frame tabernacle at the corner of First Av. N. and Eighth St. and it was not until 1882 that the familiar structure at the corner of Henne- pin Av. and Tenth St. was erected. In 1911 the church purchased a site at Lyndale and Grove- land Avs. where the present church building was completed in October, 1916. HEN-HIS 5 The new building - is said to be the finest Methodist church in the world and one of the most com- plete church "plants" in the coun- try. It is quite irregular in ground plan but the greatest length is 220 feet while the height to the top of the spire is 250 feet. The architecture is English Gothic. Indiana limestone is used in the exterior walls, while the walls and ceiling of the main auditorium, which seats 1,600, are lined with a tile having sound-absorbing qualities which serve to improve the acoustics. This main audi- torium is octagonal in form and so arranged that no pillar ob- structs a view of the pulpit from any part of the room. The pews and wood finish are of white oak. The great organ, the gift of Mr. Russell M. Bennett, is regarded as one of the finest in America. It has five manuals, 5,000 pipes, and has an echo organ in the dome, 200 feet distant. Beneath the auditorium is a hall for social gatherings and in the adjoining guild hall are all the ad- juncts of a modern church "plant" — kitchens, gymnasium, offices, study rooms, class rooms, in fact, everything needed for the con- venience of the many and diverse activities of the church. The cost of the building with site and equipment was over $500,000. An art gallery composed of famous and valuable paintings, including biblical and religious subjects, has been presented to the church by Mr. Thomas B. Walker one of its most promin- ent members. Rev. Charles Wesley Burns is pastor. Hennepin County. — Minneapolis is the county seat and the only municipality of importance, in Hennepin county. The county takes its name from Father Hen- nepin, the explorer who discovered the Falls of St. Anthony in 1680. Hennepin county was organized under an act of the territorial leg- islature in 1852. Its length from north to south is about 32 miles and from east to west 38 miles. The county is extremely irregular in boundary. Its surface is rolling and is diversified by about 100 lakes, including the famous Min- netonka. Hennepin Island. — An irregular mass of rock and debris lying in the Mississippi river at the Falls. It separates the east channel and water power from the west, or main channel, of the river. It was formerly crowded with mills. High License. (See Saloons.) High. Schools. — (See Public Schools.) Historical. — In 1805 Lieut. Z. W. Pike obtained from the Sioux In- dians for the United States gov- ernment, a grant of land about St. Anthony Falls. This became a military reservation and was not open for settlement. In 1838 the territory on the east bank of the Mississippi was thrown open and Franklin Steele established the first claim and became the founder of the village of St. Anthony which afterwards became part of Minne- apolis. Mr. Steele established the first saw mill in 1848. The new town grew rapidly but was con- fined to the east bank of the river. The late Col. John H. Stevens, an- other pioneer, obtained, in 1849, permission to take up a farm on the west side. Within a few years the new settlement was larger than St. Anthony. It received the name of Minneapolis, which is a compound of the Dakota "minne" (water) and the Greek ' "polls" (city). From 1855 Minneapolis grew marvelously. The develop- ment of the lumber and flour in- dustries, stimulated by the inex- haustible water power brought in thousands of settlers. Railroad building was carried on actively after the war and in a few years Minneapolis found herself the dis- tributing- point for one of the rich- est farming countries in the world. In 1867 a city government was chartered and in 1872 St. Anthony was annexed. (See Population.) Holidays. — In Minnesota the us- ual holidays are: Sunday, New Years Day, Lincoln's Birthday (Feb. 12), Washington's Birthday (Feb. 22), Good Friday, Memorial Day (May 30), Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day, Election Day (general), Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. On these days the public offices and banks are closed. Holy Rosary Catholic Church. — Was founded in 1878. Its fine building at 18th Av. S. and E. 24th St. was completed in 1888 at a cost (including the grounds and adjoining convent) of over $200,- 000. Rev. J. D. Fowler is pastor. Hopkins. — A village southwest of the city on the Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. H. & D. division of the C, M. & St. P. Ry., and the Great Northern Ry. Como-Hop- kins, and Lake Minnetonka lines. (See St. Louis Park.) Horticultural Society, The State. — An organization for the promo- tion of horticulture. A state in- stitution; the meetings are usual- ly held in Minneapolis. A. W. Latham, secretary. Kasota Bldg., Cor. 4th St. and Hennepin Av. Hospitals and Dispensaries. — In the absence, in early years, of any hospital under municipal man. agement private hospitals flour- ished and reached a peculiar de- gree of efficiency. Several have buildings specially adapted to their use, and the medical treatment and attention is usually of the best. Following is a list of the principal institutions of this class: Asbury Methodist Hospital and Rebecca Deaconess Home. — 9th St. and Elliott Av. General. S HOL-HOT Bethany Home. — 3719 S. Bryant Av. For unfortunate women and their infants. Charitable. City Hospital. — 5th St. and 7th Av. S. Public. Elliott Memorial Hospital. — University of Minnesota. < Hopewell Sanitarium. — Cam- den Place. Conducted by the city for early cases of tuberculosis. Lymanhurst. — For children and babies, Chicago & Columbus Avs. and 18th St. Maternity Hospital. — 2201 Western Av. For women during confinement. Northwestern Hospital. — 2627 Chicago Av. For women and chil- dren. Has a handsome brick build- ing erected for the purpose. Main- tains a Nurses' Training School. Norwegian Lutheran Deacon- ess Hospital. — 15 th Av. S. and 24th St. General. Quarantine Hospital. — Near Lake Calhoun. For contagious dis- eases. St. Mary's Hospital. — 2416 S. 6th St. General. Under the man- agement of Catholic Sisterhood of St. Joseph. St. Barnabas Hospital. — 901 S. 6th St. Receives all classes of pa- tients. Under management of Episcopal denomination. Swedish Hospital. — 723 10th Av. S. General. Thomas Memorial Hospital. — Riverside and 22nd Av. S. For ad- vanced consumptive cases. Under management of United Norwe- gian Church. University Free Dispensary. — Regular and Homeopathic. 1808- 10 S. Washington Av. Visiting Nurse Children's Camp. — (Conducted by the Visiting Nurse Assn.) — Glenwood Park. For tuberculous children. Wells Memorial House Free Dispensary. — 116 N 11th St. (See also Benevolent Societies and Institutions.) Hotels. — Minneapolis is well pro- vided with hotel accommodations. The city is equal to the task of entertaining enormous gatherings such as assemble during great conventions or at the time of the HOT-HOU 5 state fair or other public attrac- tions. The Radisson hotel, com- pleted in 1909, is one of the finest hotels in the country and the great West hotel has been for years famed throughout the land. (See under separate headings.) Hotel accommodations range through a list of half a dozen or more finely kept hostelries and many of medium grade to the cheaper houses which abound in the vicinity of the railroad depots. The European plan prevails. Prices at the better class of hotels vary from $1 to $3 per day as a minimum with an upward range for extra accommodations reach- ing $5 per day and sometimes more if the very best the house affords is wanted. When one ex- pects to remain several weeks or months much better terms may be secured and should always be bar- gained for in advance. Several ho- tels slightly removed from the business center derive a large share of their business from regu- lar boarders; still others farther out make hardly a pretense of re- ceiving transient guests. These are classed as family hotels. The lead- ing hotels are the West, Nicollet, Vendome, Rogers, Radisson, Plaza, Dyckman, Leamington and An- drews. Following is a list of the principal hotels in the city with location: Allen. — Cor. 2d Av. S. and 3d St. Andrews. — Cor. Hennepin Av. and 4th St. Beaufort. — 112-16 S. 3rd St. Belleview. — 1227 Hennepin. Berkeley. — Cor. Marquette Av. and 13th St. Camfield. — Marquette Av. and 8th St. Clinton. — Cor. 4th Av. S. and Grant St. Commercial. — 1 Central Av. Dyckman. — 6th St. near Nicol- let. Elgin. — 806-10 Hennepin Av. Empress. — 7th St., 2nd to 3rd Av. N. - French. — 43 Central Av. Glbnwood. — 9 N. Washington Av. Golden West. — 301 S. Washing- ton Av. Hampshire Arms. — Cor. 4th Av. and 9th St. Hastings. — Cor. 12th and Haw- thorn. Landour. — 820 Nicollet Av. Leamington. — 3d Av. S. from 10th to 11th St. Majestic — 10 S. 7th St. Maryland. — Vine PL and Grant St. National. — 205 S. Washington. Av. New Albion. — 711 Nicollet. Nicollet. — Hennepin, Washing- ton and Nicollet Aves. Pauly. — Cor. Nicollet Av. and High St. Plaza. — Hennepin and Kenwood Parkway. Radisson. — 7th St., near Nicol- let. Richmond. — 826 Nicollet Av. Rogers. — Cor. Nicollet Av. and 4th St. Russell. — 14-16 S. 4th St. San Angelo. — 1221 Nicollet Av. Southern. — 822 4th Av. S. St. James. — 12 N. 2nd St. Strand. — Cor. Washington and 2nd Av. S. Stratford. — Nicollet and 12th St. Summers. — 4th Av. and 10th St. Van Eyce. — 1224 Nicollet Av. Vendome. — 11 to 21 S. 4th St. Waverly. — 1107-1111 Harmon PI. West. — Cor. Hennepin Av. and 5th St. Windom. — 119 Univ. Av. S. E. Williston. — 5th Av. S. and 10th St. Womans. 122 Hennepin Av. House Moving. — The house mov- ing business is a recognized occu- pation and sometimes furnishes employment for a considerable number of men. A municipal ordinance prohibits the removal of a house from one point to another within the fire limits, and other wholesome restrictions are im- posed. (See Fire Limits.) loe Yachting". — This Is a favorite amusement during the winter and at Minnetonka, Lake Calhoun, White Bear and other lakes near the city many fine ice yachts are owned. The Minnetonka Yacht Club has a club house at St. Louis Bay, and is a well established or- ganization. Improvement Associations. — Neighborhood organizations are maintained in many parts of the city with the object of securing local public improvements and maintaining a high standard in the upkeep of private property The Minneapolis Joint Improve- ment Association is a central body through which all the local associations act together in mat- ters of interest to the whole city. Improvement League. — See Min- neapolis Improvement League. ) Industrial Education. — Manual training work is carried on at the high schools. The rooms are fitted with benches, tools and apparatus necessary for instruction and prac- tice in the departments of cabinet work, carving and metal work. The work is in the main simple and elementary, but pupils are ad- vanced rapidly, when they show proficiency, and many very credit- able and remarkable specimens of work are the result. In carpentry, cabinet making and wood carving the Minneapolis manual training schools lead the country. Boys frequently leave the workshops of the schools to engage in mechani- cal employment at good wages. On the other hand, the College of Engineering and Architecture (see University of Minnesota.) offers to boys an opportunity for higher and more complete techni- cal education. (See Public Schools, Handicraft Guild and Dun- woody Institute.) Infirmaries. — (See Hospitals and Asylums.) I ICE-IRO Information Bureaus. — The Northwestern Information Bureau, 404 Kasota building, where this "Dictionary" is published, answers all questions regarding Minneapo- lis and the Northwest (letters should enclose postage) and un- dertakes special investigations. The Northwestern National Bank, 407-13 Marquette Av., maintains a free information bureau in its main lobby where questions are answered, not only regarding banking matters, but on every other subject connected with Min- neapolis and the Northwest. Dur- ing state fair week an information bureau for strangers is main- tained near the railroad depots. The Young Men's Christian As- sociation at 44 So. Tenth St., is headquarters for all sorts of in- formation of value to young men. It makes a specialty of informa- tion about rooming and boarding houses. Institute of Arts. — See Art In- stitute. Insurance. — (See Fire Insur- ance and Life Insurance.) Interlachen Country Club. — Or- ganized early in 1910 and owning grounds of 147 acres three miles west of Lake Harriet on which there is a beautiful $50,000 club house and all the appointments of a complete country club, including an eighteen hole golf course, as well as tennis courts. Member- ship limited to 500. Geo. B. Clif- ford is president. Interlachen Park. — B e t w e e n Lakes Calhoun arid Harriet, on either side the connecting park- way. Contains 25 acres. Como- Harriet Line. (See Park Sys- tem.) Iron Works. — Minneapolis is the leading city in the northwest in the manufacture of structural iron and steel and ornamental iron work. The structural work ranges from the ordinary material for a business structure to the JAI-JUV 5 enormous requirements of great steel bridges, docks, grain ele- vators, mining and smelting works, railway depots and all the branches of large steel construc- tion. Minneapolis product of this kind may be found in every part of the United States, Mexico, Can- ada and some foreign countries. The ornamental work includes all kinds of casting and foundry product. The ornamental lamp posts on the principal streets of the city are made in Minneapolis and have been in large demand from other places. Jail. — The county jail is in the upper story, or more properly the attic of the court house. It is one of a very few prisons constructed in the upper portion of a county building and has attracted much interest among officials. Jewelers. — The principal Jewelry stores are on Nicollet Av. Large and magnificent stocks are car- ried, the display of gems, watches, silverware, fine pottery, cut glass, etc. being the equal of any city of this size in the country. Lead- ing jewelers are J. B. Hudson & Son, 37-39 S. 7th St.; White & MacNaught, 506 Nicollet; S. Ja- cobs & Co., 524-26 Nicollet; Weld ft Sons, 620 Nicollet. Jewish Synagogues. — (See He- brew Synagogues.) Jobbing Trade. — The growth of the wholesale trade of Minneapolis has been steady and in proportion to the development of the tributa- ry country. St. Paul formerly held a position in advance as a jobbing point, but now Minneapo- lis is firmly established not only as having much the largest wholesale trade but as the most complete market. The volume of her jobbing business is in excess of all northwestern rivals. In several lines, notably in dry goods and hardware, Minneapolis has the largest individual business houses. One great general mer- chandise wholesale house occu- pies the largest mercantile build- ing west of Chicago. Half a doz- en large grocery jobbers, as many wholesalers of paper, as many more wholesale jewelry concerns, — and jobbers of hardware, mil- linery, drugs, hides and furs, cof- fees and spices, furniture, meats, notions, building materials, fish, harness, seeds, paint, cigars, glass, notions, plumbers' supplies, and a hundred other lines as di- verse as these, all help to em- phasize the importance and com- pleteness of the wholesale mar- ket of the city. For years Min- neapolis has been the leading fruit jobbing point in the west outside Chicago, and is first in the world as a jobber of farm imple- ments and machinery. The vol- ume of the wholesale business of the city is now roundly estimated at $300,000,000 annually, and con- stantly increasing. Most of the wholesale establishments are sit- uated on 2nd St., Washington Av., 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th Sts., and the intersecting avenues between Hennepin Av. and 10 th A v. N. Jones-Harrison Home. — A home for the aged. (See Woman's Christian Association.) Jitney Busses. — The Jitney Bus idea struck Minneapolis early in 1915 and by June some 200 busses were in operation. In 1918 they were taken over by the Street Railway company. Juvenile Protective League. — A most efficient organization for philanthropic work among chil- dren. It was instrumental in se- curing the Farm School for Boys at Glen Lake, southwest of the city, and maintains physical re- search work among children brought before the Juvenile Court. Rev. L. A. Crandall is president. Chas. L. Burt is executive secre- tary. Kenwood. — The name of a charming suburb lying between Cedar Lake and Lake of the Isles and about two and a half miles southwest of the center of the city. It is accessible by the Ken- wood & Johnson electric line and by Kenwood Parkway. Kenwood Parkway. — The pleas- antest drive to the lakes. It com- mences at Hennepin Av. opposite Loring Park and extends one and one-half miles to Lake of the Isles boulevard. (See Park System.) Kindergartens. — Numerous kin- dergartens are maintained in vari- ous parts of the city. They are frequently connected with the church organizations, while others are independent. The public schools maintain kindergartens, at the Blaine, Bremer, Calhoun, Franklin, George Bancroft, Grant, Greeley, Hawthorne, Holland, Irv- ing, Lake Harriet, Lincoln, Logan, Longfellow, Madison, Monroe, Schiller, Seward, Sheridan, Sum- ner, "Washington, and William Penn schools. A Normal school for Kindergartners is under the management of Miss Stella Louise Wood, 307 S. 9th St. Knit Goods. — Minneapolis is one of the leading producers of knit goods in the United States. A single establishment, the North- western Knitting Company, exclu- sively manufacturing Munsing- wear, is the largest manufacturer in the country of knit underwear sold under the maker's brand or name. The Munsingwear mills, which are located at the corner of Western and Lyndale Av. N., have the reputation of being the best equipped, most sanitary mills in this country. The mills give em- ployment to over 2,500 people, and more than 9,000,000 Munsingwear garments are sold annually. Other factories produce sweat- ers, hosiery and knit specialties in very large quantities. r KEN-LAK Labor Organizations. — T here are strong unions in every trade in the city. The Trades and Labor Council, formed by representatives of all departments of organized labor, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesdays of each month at 104 S. Wash. Av. Lafayette Club. — Club house. Minnetonka Beach, Lake Minneton- ka. This club owns about 45 acres, on which are fine golf links, tennis courts, a large garage and the usual appointments of a high class country club. There are about 600 members. Hovey C. Clarke is president; Charles W. Sexton, treasurer; and Cavour S. Langdon, secretary. Lake Calhoun. — About three miles southwest of the business center and within the city limits. It is over a mile long and three- fourths of a mile broad. It may be reached in thirty minutes by the Como-Harriet electric line, or by driving but Hennepin Av., or over Kenwood Parkway. Lake Calhoun is connected with Lake of the Isles by means of a waterway spanned by three con- crete bridges and between the lakes is a lagoon which serves as a harbor. During the summer the Park Board operates public launches. Every 45 minutes after 2:30 p. m. (every 1% hrs. 7 a. m. to 2:30 p. m.) the "Three Lakes" or the "Maid of the Isles" leaves Lake St. Landing for the tour of Lake Calhoun, Lake of the Isles, and Cedar Lake. Fare between any two landings on any one of the lakes, 5 cents. Round trip of the three lakes, 11 miles — 90 min- utes — 25 cents. (See Park Sys- tem.) Lake Harriet. — The most south- erly of the group of four lakes in the southwestern part of the city. It is nearly a mile long and over half a mile wide, and lies within high banks. Around it runs a pic- turesque park drive. At the north- LAK-LIB 5 west corner is a pavilion where refreshments may be obtained and where band concerts are held dur- ing- the summer. The lake and pavilion are reached by the Como- Harriet electric railway, over which cars reach the center of the city via Hennepin Boul., in about 30 minutes. Over the park drive the distance is about five miles. The launch "Lake Harriet" makes the tour of the lake in about half an hour. Pare, 10 cents, or be- tween any two landings, 5 cents. (See Park System.) Lake Nokomis. — The park sur- rounding and including Lake No- komis (formerly Lake Amelia) and containing 410 acres. In 1915 extensive dredging improvements in the lake are under way. 50th St. and Camden or Lake Nokomis- Camden Lines. (See Park Sys- tem.) Lake of the Isles. — This lake is controlled by the park board. It is the nearest to the center of the city of the group of lakes along the southwestern limits, and may be reached by the Kenwood Boul. or by Hennepin Av., turning west at Franklin, or any street beyond, to 28th St. The Lake of the Isles Boul. surrounds the lake which is irregular in form and contains a large island. The park board has made extensive improvements in and about this lake which include connections by navigable water- ways with Lake Calhoun and Ce- dar lake. Como-Harriet or the Kenwood & Johnson car lines. (See Park System.) Lakes. — The beautiful natural bodies of water add much to the charm of Minneapolis. There are a dozen lakes wholly or partly within the city limits, besides a number of artificial park lakes, while within a few miles of the city there are scores of lakes of infinite variety of form and set- ting. The principal lakes in the city are Calhoun, Harriet, Lake of the Isles, Powderhorn, Nokomis. Rice, Brownie, Sandy, Cedar, Lor- ing park lake, and Glenwood (which belongs in the park sys- tem, but lies outside the limits). (See Parks.) Lakewood Cemetery. — A beauti- ful tract of several hundred acres 3V2 miles from center of city lying between Lakes Calhoun and Har- riet, and reached by Como-Harriet electric cars. The Mortuary Chapel at Lake- wood is a building which is quite in a class by itself. Experts de- clare that its equal is not to be found in the world. It is absolutely pemanent. Of no other building, can it be said that neither wood, paint, varnish nor nails have en- tered into its construction. In the embellishment of the interior the mosaic and marble is designed and set with an artistic skill that has not been surpassed in mural deco- ration on this side of the Atlantic. A hydraulic lift connects the chap- el with the crematorium in the basement. In the front portion of the basement are to be catacombs and niches for incinerary urns as the custom of cremation shall in- crease its demand. Law School. — (See University op Minnesota.) Leamington Hotel. — The largest family hotel in the country. It oc- cupies the half block fronting on Third Av. S. from 10th to 11th streets, is ten stories high, has 850 rooms, and is of modern concrete, fireproof construction. Features of the hotel are the main restaurant, cafe, grill room, breakfast room, private dining rooms, assembly room, ladies' club room, and loung- ing and smoking rooms for men. Legislative Districts. (See Po- litical Divisions.) Libraries. — The following is a list of the libraries which are of a public or semi-public character. Athenaeum. — (See Public Li- beaey. ) Augsbueq Seminaey. — 5,000 vol- umes; for the use of the semi- nary students and faculty. Directories 903 Northwestern Bldg. Directories of all states and principal cities; free. Hennepin County Medical Soc. — 5,600 volumes; Donaldson Bldg. Masonic. — 215 Masonic Temple. Minneapolis Bae Association. — Court House. Public. — Cor. 10th St. and Hen- nepin Av. (See Public Libeaey.) Rawlins Post Wae Libeaey. — Masonic Temple, Cor. 6th St. and Hennepin Av. A collection of lit- erature and relics of the war of the rebellion. St. Vincent de Paul. — 220 N. 3rd St. Catholic. Univeesity. — Contains about 165,000 volumes for use of stu- dents and professors. Open to public for consultation from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. week days during school year. life Insurance. — Minneapolis has a strong home company, the North- western National Life Insurance Co., and Is also state or north- western headquarters for many of the larger eastern companies. As the largest city and the financial center of the northwest it is in- evitable that Minneapolis will be the life insurance center. Unseed Oil. — The linseed oil industry has taken a prominent place among Minneapolis manu- factures and the city is now one of the largest flaxseed markets and linseed oil producers in the woi-ld. In Minneapolis and vicin- ity there are six mills with a capacity of about 800,000 barrels of oil yearly. Last year they shipped 133,900,000 lbs. of oil and 221,134,000 lbs. of oil cake. Iiivery. — Livery facilities are both abundant and low priced. The stranger can hardly fail to find a good stable within a few minutes walk from any point in the central part of the city. For a i LIF-LOI horse and buggy the usual price is $1 for the first hour and 50c for each additional hour; for a double team $1.50 to $2 per hour. Automobiles are for hire at a number of auto livery establish- ments and usually may be found near the leading hotels waiting for customers. Taxicabs are also in waiting at leading hotels and may be ordered by telephone from the two companies maintaining this service. (See Taxicabs.) Iioan and Trust Companies. — There are two loan and trust com- panies in Minneapolis, which ne- gotiate loans, act as executors, ad- ministrators and trustees, sell bonds and mortgages for invest- ment and perform similar functions. They are, with location and capital, as follows: Minnesota Loan and Trust Com- pany. — Cor. Marquette and 4th St. $1,0000,00. Established 1883. Wells-Dickey Trust Co. — Mc- Knight Bldg. Minneapolis Trust Company. — 115 S. 5th St. $1,000,000. Established 1888 (See Banks.) loring- Park. — Loring Park is the nearest to the city's center of population. It occupies a tract of 36 acres bounded by Hennepin Av., Harmon PI., Willow St. and 15th St. The park is too small to ad- mit of driveways, but as it is sur- rounded on all sides by streets its beauties may be enjoyed from a carriage. In the winter special care is taken of the ice and every convenience is supplied for skat- ers. Como-Harriet, the Kenwood & Johnson, or Monroe & Bry- ant cars. (See Paek System.) Lost Property. — For personal property lost on the street cars, enquire at the office of the com- pany, 11th St. and Hennepin Av., Lost Article Department, Articles left in hacks or found upon the streets are taken to police head- quarters in city hall. Articles found in the parks are usually sent to the superintendent's of* flee in the city hall. Lowry's Hill. — The ridge of high land lying west of Hennepin Av. and south of Kenwood Parkway. It is named for the late Thomas Lowry, whose residence is on the slope of the hill towards the city and facing on Hennepin Av. The elevation is from 100 to 150 feet above the surrounding region. Its principal thoroughfare is Mt. Curve Av. (Como-Harriet and the Kenwood & Johnson car lines.) Lumber and Saw Mills. — As a lumber producing point Minne- apolis for many years led the world. The census of 1900 gave her first rank in the United States, her output of $12,285,305 worth of lumber being greatly in excess of any other city in the country. The first attempt at utilizing the water power of the Falls of St. Anthony was for the purpose of sawing lumber. Lumber was the first article manufactured in Min- neapolis. It was a staple product before there was any conception of the possibilities of the flour milling business, and it has al- ways been a source of wealth to the city. In 1822 a small mill was erected at the falls to saw lumber for use at Fort Snelling. In 1848 the first private saw mill was put in operation and from then on the business gradually developed to enormous proportions. To understand the conditions, under which the lumber business of Minneapolis has been carried on, it is necessary to consider, first, the source of supply. The pine region of Minnesota occupied a'territory northwest of Minneapo- lis, beginning within a compara- tively short distance and broaden- ing to the north so as to cover the greater part of the northern third of the state. Much the larger part of the pine was in the Mississippi valley. That part of It tributary to Minneapolis has been largely cut off. The sawing season begins about May 1st and terminates with the freezing of the river in the late fall, or the ex- haustion of the supply of logs. It is well worth the trouble to visit a well equipped saw mill. Standing first on the river bank one sees the logs selected by a nimble athlete in flannel shirt and coarse pants and boots, who steps from one to another as they roll over and over in the water, as composedly as if upon a solid floor. Endless chains with hooked and spiked attachments convey the logs up an inclined plane to the level of the sawing floor, where they are speedily rolled upon the sawmill carriages and fed to the gang, circular or band saws, ac- cording to the quality of the tim- ber, and the kind of lumber want- ed. As fast as sawed the lumber falls on rollers or movable trucks, by which it is conveyed to wag- ons. The waste is utilized for lath or shingles or cut into con- venient stove lengths and sold as "mill wood." (See Furl.) Production of lumber at Minne- apolis reached its maximum about 1900 and with the gradual exhaus- tion of the pine lands is now de- creasing from year to year. The following table shows the amount sawed each year for some years past: Feet. 1890 343,573,762 1891 447,713,252 1892 488,724,624 1893 409,000.000 1894 491,256,00e 1895 479,102.000 1896 307.179.000 1897 460,348,272 1898 469.701.000 1899 594,373,000 1900 501,522,000 1901 559,914,055 1902. 465,244,000 1903 432,144,000 1904 386,911,000 1905 362,166,000 1906 297.020,000 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING Fifth Street and Second Avenue South. Nichols & Tuttle Company, Managers General Insurance, Real Estate & In- vestments Owned by First and Security National Bank of Minneapolis, Minn. PERMANENT EXHIBITION = — of the FINE and APPLIED ARTS To which visitors are always welcome Wc\z ^mxb JVri (lalierfes TWO ENTRANCES 926 NICOLLET AVENUE and 68 SOUTH TENTH STREET A New Exhibition of Paintings is Presented every month in our Main Gallery DRINK GLENWOOD-INGLEWOOD PURE SPRING WATER Natural or Distilled, in Sterilized Bottles, delivered The Glenwood-In£lewood Co. 913 Hennepin Avenue MINNEAPOLIS EDWARD B. NICHOLS, Pres. JOHN S. NICHOLS, V. Pres. WILLIAM G. MOSS, Sec. and Treas. H. A. MONOHON, Mgr. Insurance Dept. NICHOLS & TUTTLE COMPANY Every Kind GENERAL INSURANCE Everywhere REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS RENTALS Member — National Board of Real Estate Exchanges and Minneapolis Real Estate Board. Manager — New York Life Building. Thirty years experience in handling Minneapolis Real Estate & Invest- ments. NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING Never buy Minneapolis Real Estate without first seeing Nichols & Tuttle Company. 1907 214,192,932 1908 189,401,472 1909 250,000,000 1910 142,810,000 1911 118,487,680 1912 123,321,560 Since 1912 the production has fallen below 100,000,000 feet an- nually. Minneapolis is also the receiving and shipping market for vast quan- tities of lumber manufactured elsewhere. Its supremacy for years as a lumber manufacturing point led to the centering of lumber interests here and the city has become the headquarters for the lumber busi- ness of a large part of the west. Minneapolis capital is said to be financing one-half the lumber business of the country. These in- terests reach to the yellow pine districts of the south and the redwoods, pines and cedars of the Pacific Coast. Over 50 compan- ies operate from Minneapolis more than 2,000 retail yards throughout the west. The city easily maintains its position as the greatest lumber distributing point in the world. (See Booms, Fuel and Commerce.) Lumber Exchange. — A handsome brown stone eleven story office building at the corner of 5th St. and Hennepin Av. The majority of lumber manufacturers and dealers of the city, besides many financial institutions, have offices in this building. Lunches. — The city is well sup- plied with lunch counters where anything from a sandwich to an elaborate meal can be had on short notice. The informality of high stools and the convenience of quick service make these places very popular with busy men. To ac- commodate night workers the bet- ter class of lunch counters keep open all night. Prices are quite uniform and so low that 25 cents will buy as much lunch as is or- dinarily wanted. These establish- LUM-LUT ments are mostly in the region bounded by Hennepin, 1st Av. S., 7th and 2nd Sts. In the same lo- cality are a number of very good restaurants, chop houses and lunch rooms where those who prefer the luxuries of table cloths and chairs find accommodation. Ladies may secure light lunches daintily served, at the department store "tea rooms" and the caterers' es- tablishments. Lutheran Churches. — Taken as a whole the Lutheran denomination is the strongest, in point of num- bers, of the Protestant sects of the city. Apostolic (Finnish). — Corner Humboldt and 2d Av. N. Augustana (Swedish) . — Cor. 11th Av. S. and 7th St. Bethany (Norwegian). — 2513 Franklin Av. E. Bethany. — (Swedish), 39th St. and 36th Av. S. Bethel (Norwegian). — Cor. 17th Av. S. and 32nd St. Bethlehem Chapel. — Cor. 32d Av. N. and 4th St. Bethlehem (Norwegian). — Cor. 14th Av. S. and 18th St. Bethlehem ( Swedish ) . — Cor. 14th Av. N. and Lyndale Av. Christ.— 34th St. and 31st Av. S. Concordia. — Cor. Central and 25 th Av. N. E. Ebenezek Feee Chdech (Nor- wegian Evangelical). — Cor. 19th Av. S. and 3rd St. Eben'ezeb (Swedish). — Cor. 22d St. and 28th Av. S. Elm wood (Norwegian). — Corner Lincoln and 27th Av. N. E. First Evangelical (German). — 1823 N. Emerson Av. Free Evangelical (Norwegian). —2021 17th Av. S. Gethsemane (Norwegian). — Cor. 47th Av. N. and Colfax. Grace (English). — Seven Cor- ners. Golgotha. — Pleasant Av. and W. 32d St. Holy Communion (English). — 4th Av. S. and 32d St. Holy Trinity. — 29 th St. and 29 th Av. S. LYM-MAI e Hope (Norwegian). — 6th St. and 13th Av. S. K Immandel (Danish). — Cor. E. 22d St. and 28th Av. S. Immandel Evangelical (Norwe- gian). — Cor. Monroe St. and 15th Av. N. E. Immandel (German). — Cor. 18th Av. N. and 6th St. Immandal (Swedish). — Cor. Monroe and 13th Av. N. E. Immandel Slavonic Evangelical. — Cor. Essex and Ontario Sts. SE. Messiah. — (English), Cor. 10th St. and 13th Av. S. Minnehaha Chapel. — Minneha- ha and 35th St. - Mount Olive (English). — Chi- cago Av. and 31st St. Odr Saviode's (Norwegian). — Cor. Chicago Av. and 24th. Pillsbury Av. — Pillsbury Av. and 41st St. Pleasant Av. (Norwegian). — 3201 Pleasant Av. St. Johannes (Norwegian), Evangelical. — Cor. Girard and 5th Av. N. St. John's. — Cor. 16th Av. N. and 3rd St. St. John's Evangelical (Eng- lish). — Cor. Chicago Av. and 17th St. St. John's (German). — Broad- way and Washington St. N. E. St. Ldke's (Norwegian). — 17th Av. S. bet. Lake and 31st St. St. Mark's (English). — Cor. Lyndale and 23d Av. N. St. Olaf. — Cor. 29th Av. N. and Emerson. St. Padl's (Norwegian). — Cor. 15th Av. S. and 4th St. St. Paul's ( German ) . — C o r. Quincy and 25th Av. N. E. St. Padl's Swedish Evangelical. — -Cor. 15th Av. S. and 28th St. St. Peter's (Norwegian). — Cor. 15th Av. N. E. and Madison. St. Peter's Danish Evangelical. —Cor. 20th Av. S. and 9th St. St. Petrie's (Evangelical). — Cor. Dupont and 18th Avs. N. Salem (Swedish). — Cor. N. Du- pont and 42d Av. N. Salem Evangeljjal (English). — Cor Garfield Av. and W. 28th St. Saron (Swedish). — Essex St. bet. Oak and Ontario Sts. S. E. Scandinavian Evangelical Free. —8th St. and 25 th Av. S. Trinity. — (English), 29th Av. S. and Lake St. Trinity Evangelical. — Cor. 9th St. and 20th Av. S. Trinity (German). — 1904 13th Av. S. Zion's (Norwegian). — Cor. 26th Av. N. and Lyndale. Zion's (Swedish). — Cor. W. 33d St. and Pillsbury Av. Lymanhurst. — A hospital for babies and children given to the city of Minneapolis by George R. and F. W. Lyman. The buildings and grounds (formerly the resi- dences of the donors) are on Chi- cago and Columbus Aves. and 18th St. After their presentation to the city they were remodeled and fitted with all modern hospital ap- pliances so that upon the opening of the hospital in the summer of 1913, Minneapolis found itself equipped with an entirely ade- quate children's hospital. Lyndale Park. — Extending from King's Highway to Penn Av. and from Lake Harriet to Lakewood Cemetery. Most of its 61 acres donated by the late William S. King in 1891. Its attractions in- clude the Rose Garden maintained by the Park Board. Monroe & Bryant Line. (See Park System.) Lyric Theater. — On Hennepin Av. between 7th and 8th Sts. Mov- ing pictures. (See Theaters.) McXnight Building-. — A modern office building, cor. 5th St. and 2nd Av. S. It is of concrete con- struction, twelve stories high and is one of the handsomest office buildings in the city. Macalester College. — Between the two cities. It is a Presbyteri- an college and has a considerable amount of land and several build- ings. Selby-Lake electric line. Mahala Pisk Pillsbury Home. — For wage-earning girls. (See Woman's Christian Association.) Mails, Arrival and Departure of. (See Post Office.) Manual Training. (See Public Schools, Inddstkial Education, Manufacturing". — In early days the manufactures of Minneapolis were chiefly flour and lumber. These still retain the supremacy, but other lines are pushing for- ward and taking a prominent place. Machinery (farm, milling and gen- eral), farm implements, building material, furniture, boots and shoes, beer, wagons and carriages, woolen and knit goods, confection- ery and scores of other branches are in a process of rapid develop- ment. Still there is room for ad- ditional establishments in most of these lines, and some favorable opportunities for the production of articles now imported from the east have not been taken advan- tage of. The value of the manu- factured product is estimated at $250,000,000 and some 30,000 men are employed. The principal de- partments of manufacturing will be found treated under their ap- propriate heads. Maps and Guides — All station- ery and book stores and most news stands carry this "Diction- ary of Minneapolis" as well as Hudson's Indexed Pocket Map of Minneapolis, "One Hundred Views of Minneapolis" and pocket maps and guides for the northwest. The Hudson Publishing Co. at its office, 404 Kasota Bldg., cor. 4th and Hen., makes a specialty of maps and guides, carrying a large assortment of pocket maps of states and cities, road maps and guides, U. S. Geological Survey topographic maps, county maps, wall maps, etc., and supplies any map made upon order. Maps of all kinds are mounted and special maps are made to order. Market. — In the block bounded by Second and Third Avs. N. and N. Sixth and Seventh Sts. There are many stalls for market -gar- deners and conveniences for com- mission dealers. J MAN-MAS Masonic Temple. — The Masonic Temple is the finest structure of its kind in the West, and is sur- passed by but few in the country. Covering a ground space of 88 feet on Hennepin Av. and 153 feet on 6th St., it rises eight stories in height. The walls are of Ohio sand- stone. The building is fire proof throughout, and provided with all the modern conveniences. It is intended primarily for the use of the Masonic fraternity, but the Knights of Pythias and Rawlins Post G. A. R. have comfortable quarters therein, and there are numerous office apartments. The rooms devoted to the Masonic lodg- es are, of course, the main feature of the building. On the second floor, and extending through two stories is the blue lodge room, oc- cupied by three lodges. This apart- ment occupies the center and the rear, and is 44 by 48 feet in dimen- sions. The frescoing is exceeding- ly rich and the furnishings are of the costliest material. Adjoining is the room occupied by the Ma- sonic library. The lodge rooms on fourth and fifth floors are occu- pied by the "Scottish Rite" — two fine halls. The Commandery and one Blue lodge occupy the halls on the sixth and seventh floors, the ar- mory occupying the corridors on the seventh floor. The lodge room is one of the finest in the country. On the eighth floor of the building is the ball room, for banquets, dancing and drills, and is used for the meetings and work of the "Mystic Shrine." At the south end of the hall is a gallery with a seating capacity of 150, the par- lor and the banquet hall which has a seating capacity of 200. Adjoining the banquet hall is a kitchen. The first move made to- ward erecting the Temple was in 1885, by an organization known as "The Masonic Temple Association of Minneapolis." The site was purchased at a cost of $61,000. The corner stone was laid Sep- MES-MET C tember 4, 1888, with appropriate ceremonies. The total cost of the structure was $300,000. The as- sociation and structure is now controlled by the several Masonic bodies which meet in the Temple, who own about four sevenths of the capital stock. (See Secret So- cieties.) Messenger Service. — Boys for special messenger service are fur- nished on short notice by the American District Telegraph Com- pany, 51 S. 4th St.; Union Hack & Messenger Co., 8 S. 3d St. ; and the Guaranty Hack & Coupe Co., 216 S. 3d St. They may be summoned by telephone or automatic signal from all hotels and many stores and offices. Methodist Episcopal Churches. — With characteristic energy the Methodists organized in the front- ier village of St. Anthony about a year before the other denomina- tions. The first Methodist church Cor. 18th Av. N. and N. Lyndale. was formed in 1849 and became the forerunner of the 30 churches and missions of the denomination of the present day which appear in the following list. Calvary. — 10th Av. N. and Penn Av. Columbia Heights. — At Columbia Heights. Douglas Chapel. — 5th St. and 11th Av. N. Epworth. — 37th Av. S. and 3 2d. First. — Cor. 9th Av. and 5th St. S. E. Foss. — Cor. Fremont and 18th Avs. N. Grace. — Penn and 33d Avs. N. Hennepin Avenue. — Cor. S. Du- pont and W. Franklin Aves. Hobart Memorial. — BlaisdellAv. and 46th St. Jefferson St. — 741 N. E. Jeffer- son St. Joyce Memorial. — Cor. 31st St. and S. Fremont Av. Lake Harriet. — Cor. 44th St. and S. Upton Av. Minnehaha. — Cor. 40th Av. S. and 52d St. North. — Cor. 44th Av. N. and Fremont Av. Olivet. — 26th St. and Columbus Av. S. Park Avenue. — Park Av. and 34th St. Prospect Park. — Cor. Malcolm Av. and Orlin Av. S. E. Simpson. — Cor. 1st Av. S. and 28th St. Trinity. — Cor. 25th Av. N. E. and Taylor St. Walker. — 16th Av. S. and 31st St. Wesley. — Cor. 1st Av. S. ana Otrant St. In other conferences. Bethany ( Norwegian - Danish ) . —Cor. 30th Av. N. and Dupont Central German. — 1020 13th Av. S. First German. — Cor. 10th Av. N. E. and 2d St. North Minneapolis German. — Norwegian Danish. — Cor. 13th Av. S. and 9th St. First Swedish. — 7th St. and 13th Av. S. Hartland Swedish. — 2914 N. Aldrich Av. North Swedish. — 2925 N. Lyn- dale Av. Second Swedish. — 1837 Polk St. N. E. Rev. T. W. Stout, Presiding El- der, office 703 Metropolitan Life Bldg. Metropolitan Music Building 1 . — The musical center of the city. It is a handsome five-story building and is occupied by the Metropolitan Music Co. and numerous musical societies and teachers of music. The Metropolitan building is at 41 and 43 S. 6th St., near Nicollet Av. Metropolitan Life Building'. — Formerly the "Guaranty Build- ing." At the corner of 3rd St. and 2nd Av. S. It is a magnificent structure twelve stories in height, covering just half an acre and with a total street frontage of 282 feet. The total height from the street level to the top of the main tower is 220 feet, or as high as Bunker Hill monument. The material used in the construction for the first three stories Is North Conway and New Hampshire green granite, the nine stories above being Portage ised sandstone. The finishings of the interior are iron, brick, terra eotta and antique oak. There are some 400 offices in the building and they are occupied by some of the heaviest financial and legal firms in the city, as well as by a host of minor tenants. From the tower which rises high above the main structure a comprehensive view of the city may be obtained. The building is heated by steam and lighted by electricity. Six hy- draulic elevators and commodious stairways afford access to the up- per floors. The total cost with site approximated $1,000,000. Metropolitan Opera House. — On Marquette Av. between 3rd and 4th Sts. The leading theatre of the city. It has an exceptionally large stage and capacious and comfort- able auditorium. It is usually open during the entire season from late August to June and frequent- ly presents light opera or other at- tractions during a part of the sum- mer at popular prices. (See Thea- tre s.) Midland National Bank. — Or- ganized in 1909 and occupying the large banking room in the Security Building at Second Av. So. and 4th St. The banking room is one of the finest and per- haps the most beautiful in the west. (See Security Bldg.) Midway District. — That portion of St. Paul lying between the city proper and Minneapolis. It com- prises the suburbs of Merriam Park, St. Anthony Park, Macales- ter, Hamline and considerable farming and vacant land. The mid- way district is traversed by the Minneapolis & St. Paul, the Selby- Lake and the Como-Harriet elec- tric lines. Millinery.— The leading millin- ery establishments are on Nicollet i MET-MIL , Av. or the cross streets near the avenue. Some of the principal mil- linery stores are the following: Fifield, 816 Nicollet; Phillips, 824 Nicollet; Murray, 906 Nicollet. All the department stores and ladies' specialty stores have mil- linery departments. Mills. (See Floue and Flodb Mills, and Lumber and Saw Mills.) Milling District.— The region at the foot of 6th Av. S., and adja- cent to St. Anthony's Falls, in which the larger part of the flour mills are located. The great Washburn "A" mill is the largest and most conspicuous in the group. Mill Explosion. — On a large tab- let set in the wall of the Wash- burn "A" flour mill is an inscrip- tion in memory of fourteen men who perished in the great explo- sion of 1878. This disaster, wholly without precedent both as to cause and extent of damage, as result- ant from explosion, called the at- tention of the whole world to Minneapolis for the time being. The disaster occurred at 7 o'clock in the evening. Eye witnesses saw first a sheet of flame and a volume of black smoke issue from the lower story of the Washburn "A" mill, followed almost instant- ly by the explosion. The concus- sion was so terrific as to partially wreck the surrounding mills and was felt as far away as St. Paul. Thousands of dollars worth of glass was broken in Minneapolis, the damage extending even to dis- tant parts of the city. Not one of the employes of Washburn "A" es- caped, so the exact cause of the explosion was never determined by verbal testimony. It was, how- ever, satisfactorily concluded that fire broke out in the mill and that the explosion was occasioned by the ignition of flour dust mingled with the air. The walls of the "A" mill were leveled instantly. MIL-MIN 6 Five more mills were destroyed and Ave damaged, the whole loss of property being over a million dollars. The total loss of life was 18. Appliances were introduced, when the mills were rebuilt, which do away with the liability of simi- lar disaster. (See Flour and Flour Mills.) Mill Wood. (See Fuel.) Minikahda Club. — The clubhouse of this popular organization is on the west shore of Lake Calhoun, where the club owns about 14S acres of land in a beautiful loca- tion. The clubhouse is complete in every appointment of a mod- ern club home and the grounds have extensive golf links and both turf and dirt tennis courts. Mem- bership is open to both men and women. H. L. Hankinson is president and Henry C. Mackall, secretary. St. Louis Park car. Minneapolis, Anoka & Cuyuna Range Ry. — Electric suburban line to Anoka, 19 miles, from 6th St. and 2nd Av. S. Minneapolis & St. Louis Bail- road. — This line runs south through a fertile section of Min- nesota, Iowa and Illinois to Des Moines and Peoria, and has through trains for Chicago and St. Louis. To Chicago through trains run via Albert Lea, Minn., and the Illinois Central Ry. and the line is known as the "Albert Lea Route." The St. Louis trains run via Albia, la., and the Wabash R. R. A western division reaches Watertown, Aberdeen and the Mis- souri river in South Dakota, and a line to the southwest passes through New Ulm, Minn., and ter- minates at Storm Lake, la. W. H. Brenner is president; R. G. Kenley, general manager; F. B. Townsend, vice president traffic; A. B. Cutts, passenger traffic man- ager; D. M. Dennison, freight traf- fic manager. The general offices of the company are in the Trans- portation building, and the city ticket office at 202 S. 6th St. The passenger station is at Wash- ington and 4th Avs. N. (See Railroads.) Minneapolis Athletic Club Or- ganized in 1912 and in 1915 com- pleted a magnificent club house at 615-21 2d Av. S. The club is formed on the general lines of the great athletic clubs of the leading American cities. The fourteen-story building, planned by Bertrand & Chamber- lin, architects, occupies a space of 88x157 feet and is used exclu- sively by the club. It is of rein- forced concrete construction, ab- solutely fireproof and represents the last thing in up-to-date club building construction. In planning and fitting the in- terior the idea of making the club homelike prevailed. Instead of finding a formal and business-like lobby, one, on entering the club steps at once into an apartment not unlike the living room of a private residence. A great fire- place and other home-like features and the absence of the office and hotel characteristics of many clubs carries out the idea — and the same feeling runs through the entire building. Among the ath- letic features provided are a main gymnasium 68x153 feet, hand ball courts, bowling alleys, separate billiard and pool rooms, swimming pool 25x60 feet, etc. The main dining room is 50x97 feet with a seating capacity of 500. In addi- tion there are a grill room and ten private dining rooms. Other appointments include a salon de- voted to music, painting and sculpture, an assembly room, chess room, card room, ladies' parlors, roof garden, library and 140 sleeping rooms. The cost of the building is placed at over $500,000. Membership is limited to 2,500; initiation fee $150 and annual dues $60. (Life membership, $500.) Membership certificates are trans- ferable The officers of the club are : Manager, Geo. D. Morrison. Minneapolis Club. — The leading social club of the city. It main- tains a handsome club house at the corner of 8th St. and 2d Av. S. This building, which cost with site $325,000, was completed in 1908. It is not only architectur- ally conspicuous but is one of the most complete club houses, in every detail, recently erected. On the ground floor are the billiard and grill rooms, check rooms, the offices and reception room. In the grill room there is some very effective stained glass work showing views of Minnesota lakes and hunting scenes. On the second floor are the reading and loung- ing rooms and card rooms. The reading room extends entirely along the Second Av. side of the building and like the other rooms of the first and second floors is finished in dark early English oak. The dining rooms and kitch- en are on the third floor. The main dining room is directly over the reading room. It is heavily paneled in oak and the decora- tions in oil show a series of har- vest scenes. Along the Eighth St. side of the third floor are three smaller dining rooms, and the ladies' cafe and on the fourth floor are the private rooms for the club members living in the building. During the year 1911 the club added to its property an athletic annex, which is entirely given over to athletic features. * The membership of the club includes about 700 of the business and professional men of the city and about 225 non-residents. The entrance fee for resident members is $100 and the annual dues $100. for non-residents $50 and $40. E. Pennington is president of the club, and C. D. Mills is the secre- tary. MIN-MIN Minneapolis Improvement League. — An organization of wom- en and men with the purpose of improving the conditions of city life. Such work as the beautify- ing of the city, the encourage- ment of home gardens, and the maintenance of public playgrounds is carried on with much success. The work is practical and deserv- ing of generous support. The league was organized in 1892. Mrs. Thos. F. Quimby, 2424 Hum- boldt Av. S., is president; Miss Maria Sanford, 1050 13th Av. S. E., is honorary president; Mrs. Frank E. Crary, 728 S. E. 4th St., is sec- retary. Minneapolis Institute of Arts. — (See Art Institute, Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts and Minne- apolis School of Arts.) Minneapolis Municipal Band — Joseph Sainton, conductor, an or- ganization of forty instruments. This band gives a concert season of eight weeks in Lake Harriet pavilion and Minnehaha Park un- der the auspices of the park board. Minneapolis Retailers' Associa- tion. — An organization for the ad- vancement of the interests of the retailers and of the city. Geo. R. Root is president, and Wm. J. Hayes is secretary. Office, 508 Barnum Bldg., 806 Nicollet Av. Minneapolis School of Arts. — Established in 1886 and located from 1889 to 1915 in the public li- brary building. On the opening of the new Institute of Arts, Janu- ary, 1915, the school removed to the ground floor of that building. 24th St. between Stevens Av. and 3rd Av. S. (54th St. and Col. Heights car line.) During the summer of 1916 a separate school building, costing $50,000, was erected in close proximity to the Institute, and the fall term of the school commenced in these new quarters. The new building, known as the Julia Morrison Memorial Building, was MIN-MIN 6 given to the society by Mrs. John R. Van Derlip and Dr. Angus M. Morrison. The school is support- ed only in part by tuition fees paid by the students, the balance being contributed by the Society of Pine Arts from its membership fees. There are about 250 stu- dents and classes are maintained in drawing from the cast and the living model, still life and por- trait painting, illustration, one for children Saturday morning, and departments for decorative and commercial design, and handi- crafts. There is a summer course offered during late June and July. The plan of instruction for the regular school year is designed to cover a period of three years of three terms each, although there are special courses covering a shorter period. (See Art Ik- stitute and Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts.) Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. — In January, 1883, Dr. W. W. Folwell, of the University of Minnesota, with 24 others, lovers of art, organized the Society of Fine Arts. Dr. Folwell was the first president of the society, and held the office for five successive years. Up to 1886 the society promoted the love and study of art by means of loan exhibitions and in other general ways. In April of that year an art school was opened and supplied with temporary quarters till the close of 1889, when the completion of the new library building gave access to the hand- some rooms so admirably suited to the purpose. In 1911 by the gift of a site of 10 acres from Clinton Morrison, $100,000 from W. H. Dunwoody, and other subscrip- tions the Society was enabled to begin building the first unit of a new Art Museum, which was opened January 7, 1915, with one of the most important exhibitions ever held in this country. The Society is glad to welcome to membership anyone who is in- terested in art. The advantages of membership are the privileges of free admission to the Institute during the hours when it is open to the public, and to all lectures, receptions and entertainments given by the Society; such privi- leges will extend not only to the member, but to his or her imme- diate family and to house-guests from out of town. The member- ship dues are: $10.00 for an an- nual member; $100.00 for a life member. For those interested in giving larger sums there are ap- propriate classes of membejrship. (See Art Institute and Minneap- olis School of Arts.) Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Railway. — One of the characteristic enterprises of Min- neapolis was the construction of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie R'y, commonly known as the "Soo" line. The need of a direct line to the sea-board which should be able to make rates in the interests of Minneapolis was ur- gent. A route of 500 miles to Sault Ste Marie, Mich., was taken and the road was opened in 1888 in connection with the Canadian Pacific. With the completion of the line to Sault Ste Marie the necessity of a western feeder became evident and the result was the construc- tion of a line from Minneapolis northwest through Minnesota and North Dakota to the international boundary where connection was again made with the Canadian Pa- cific and a transcontinental route opened to Puget Sound. A new line was completed north from Minneapolis to Winnipeg, in 3 904, a line from Thief River Falls to Kenmare, N. Dak., in 1905, and in July, 1907, a new route through the Canadian Northwest and the Kootenay country to Spokane was opened. A new line from Glen- wood, Minn., was completed to METROPOLITAN MUSIC BUILDING 41-43 South Sixth Street Ivers & Pond Piano 100% Highest Quality. GRAGEFULL — REFINED - ELEGANT At its price the Ivers & Pond is the highest grade piano it is possible to build. They are constructed correctly by old time masters using only the very best material, and striving each year to build a still better piano, always maintaining Highest Grade in both. BABY GRANDS and UPRIGHTS at Sold for cash or convenient payments in Minneapolis only Metropolitan Music Co. THE COMPLETE MUSIC STORK 41-43 South Sixth Street. The home of the Stein way, Ludwig, Hazelton, Behr Bros., Pianola Pianos and The Duo Art Piano. VICTROLAS. and all RECORDS. SHEET MUSIC. Late 10c hits and all classics. Visitors always WELCOME. Superior and Duluth in 1909 and in 1910 a line was built from the head of the lakes through the Cayuna range and to Plum- mer on the Winnipeg line. Early in 1909 the Soo acquired the Wiscon- sin Central railway, giving it direct lines from Minneapolis and Duluth to Chicago. A new line from Minneapolis to Superior and Duluth was opened in 1912. All tot these lines, east, north and west, traverse beautiful country and reach some of the finest fish- ing and hunting sections in the Northwest. Soo Line territory has long been a favored one with sportsmen. The general offices are in the First National-Soo Line Bldg., cor. 5th St. and Marquette Av. Ticket office, 202 S. 6th St. Through pas- senger trains use the Milwaukee Station, Washington and 3rd Avs. S. Local trains use the Soo Line Station at Washington and 5th Avs. N. E. Pennington is president; W. L. Martin, vice president, G. R. Huntington, general manager, and W. R. Callaway, general passenger agent. (See Railroads.) Minneapolis Stock Exchange. — Organized in 1909 and now having a membership of 22 with offices in the McKnight Bldg. Only high grade securities are listed, It be- ing one of the main objects of the organization to place the stock business upon a conservative ba- sis. There is a daily call at 3 p. m. The rooms of the exchange are open to the public. The officers are: President, H. D. Thrall, Min- nesota Loan and Trust Co.; vice- president, G. L. Lang, of Geo. B. Lane; treasurer, J. W. Greenman, Gold-Stabeek Co.; secretary, E. A. Fish, Wm. W. Eastman Co. Minneapolis Symphony Orches- tra. — Organized in 1903, with Emil Oberhoffer as conductor, who has ever since held that position. Com- prises eighty-two professional musicians, and all the instruments 9 MIN-MIN contained in any symphony orches- tra in the world. Has been pro- nounced by visiting musicians of the highest standing to be one of the foremost orchestras in Ameri- ca. Gives fifty concerts in Min- neapolis and St. Paul dur- ing the winter season under the direction of Mr. Oberhoffer, and under the management of the Or- chestral Association of Minneapo- lis. The Orchestra also gives fes- tival concert tours in the United States and Canada. (See Phil- harmonic Club and Orchestral Association.) Minneapolis Traffic Association, For the promotion of the traffic interests of the city. W. P. Trickett, traffic director, office 41 Old Chamber of Commerce. Minnehaha Creek. — The outlet of Lake Minnetonka. It flows in a generally easterly course along the. southern boundary of Minneapolis, draining several lakes and finally falling over the cliff near the Mis- sissippi river, thus forming Minne- haha Falls. Minnehaha, Palls of. — The Falls of Minnehaha are perhaps the most widely celebrated of the natural curiosities of the Northwest. Since Longfellow sung of the deeds of Hiawatha, Minnehaha has been an object of the curiosity and admiration of trav- elers. The Falls are formed by Minnehaha creek (the outlet of Lake Minnetonka) which after a devious course of 25 miles, plung- es over a cliff 50 feet high, just before joining the Mississippi riv- er. Below the Falls the stream follows a beautiful glen which is all a part of Minnehaha Park. Minnehaha electric line. About six miles from the center of town, (See Park System, Drives.) Minnehaha Park. — Consists of 122 acres surrounding Minnehaha Falls (which see). This park con- tains a zoological collection, a pony track and abundant facilities for picnics. Minnehaha Parkway. — Extends from Lake Harriet along the banks of Minnehaha creek to the Falls, about five and one-half miles. It is a charming drive and one of the most important links in the park system. (See Park System and Drives.) Minnesota Academy of Natural Science. (See Academy of Sci- ences.) Minnetonka. — Lake Minnetonka lies slightly southwest of the cen- ter of Minneapolis and within easy reach by three lines of railroad. Since the days of the first settlers this lake has been renowned for its beauty; in recent years it has established a wide reputation as a summer resort. Except that it is rather larger than the average, Lake Minnetonka is, perhaps, as perfect a physical type of the northwestern lake as could be se- lected. It possesses to a marked degree the characteristic irregu- larity of outline which constitutes the chief source of beauty in the lakes of this region. The voyager upon its waters is bewildered by the numerous channels and inlets. The extreme eastern and western points of the lake are scarcely a dozen miles apart, but the shore line measures about 105 miles. This wonderful length includes, in addition to countless bays and deep arms, as well as long points which nearly divide the lake, the shores of some ten or a dozen is- lands. In making the tour of the lake the steamers usually follow a course, which, though touching only the principal landings, is at least 40 miles long. The lake is divided by a narrow marsh near the center into the "upper" and "lower" lakes; the latter being, of course, the part from which flows Minnehaha creek. The "lower lake" is much the larger portion and contains the wide expanse which won the Sioux name of "Broad-water." As the greatest length is from east to west the principal shores of Minnetonka naturally received the designation of the "north shore" and "south shore." The north shore is reached by the Great Northern R'y, which skirts the "lower lake" and passes through the town of Wayzata, the nearest point to Minneapolis on the lake. From "Wayzata steam- ers may be taken for trips about the lake. Just west of the village the main line of the railroad leaves the lake, but a branch follows the sweep of the shore and crossing the "north arm" reaches Minne- tonka Beach. Here is the Lafay- ette Club house. Two miles be- yond is Spring Park, where there is a hotel and extensive picnic grounds. Besides these places there are numerous stations used by the owners of the cottages which line the lake shore. These cottages range from rough board shanties to palatial villas cost- ing thousands of dollars. They are mostly owned and occupied by citizens of Minneapolis, though some are inhabited every season by people from distant points. On the south shore is the village of Excelsior, the largest town upon the lake. It is reached from the city by the "Twin City Electric Lines," as well as by the Minne- apolis & St. Louis railroad. Across an adjacent bay is Tonka Bay and the terminus of the main line of the electric road. In connection with the electric line to Excelsior the "Twin City Electric Lines" operate fast steamers to all the principal points on the lower and upper lakes. These steamers run on schedule and their route extends from Way- zata near the outlet of the "low- er lake" to Zumbra Heights in the distant "upper lake." Through boats make the round trip in about 5% hours at a cost of 50 cents. They may be boarded at any of the electric line terminals — Excelsior, Deephaven, Tonka Bay or Wildhurst. In Bay St. Louis is the beautiful club house of the Minnetonka Yacht Club (which see). Bay St. Louis is the terminus of the Deep- haven branch of the electric line, and it may also be reached by the Minneapolis & St. Louis R'y, which passes near and skirting the shore reaches Excelsior. At Excelsior there are a number of good hotels and many summer boarding houses; cottages abound at every point on the "lower lake." The "upper lake" is less accessible and more beautiful and romantic. During the summer there is much gaiety at the lake. Parties at the hotels, concerts, excursions, yacht races, fishing and similar amusements fill up the time. It is the custom with many families to occupy their cottages from early May till late in the fall. The ho- tels are open from June till Sep- tember 1 or later. Board for the season may be ob- tained at rates slightly in ad- vance of city charges. Boats are to be had at all the principal land- ings. Fishing is fair and may be enjoyed without the inconvenience attending a trip to a remote lake. Minnetonka Yacht Club. — The original yachting organization. It maintains a beautiful club house on an island at the entrance to St. Louis bay, where the members gather for social pleasures, and which serves as rendezvous for the frequent regattas. In winter ice yachting is a popular sport. Mississippi River. — One of the most interesting sights in Minne- apolis is, quite naturally, the Mis- sissippi river. In all its course of nearly 3,000 miles the "Father of Waters" is nowhere more attrac- tive than here. It is at Minneapolis that the great river loses its char- MIN-MUN acter as a rapid, tortuous lumber- ing stream and begins its course of 2,200 miles as a navigable wa- terway. Minneapolis interests are closely identified with the Mis- sissippi. The great water pow*r afforded by the Falls of St. Antho- ny led to the founding of the city; the same power developed has been one of the chief factors in its growth; the river has brought mil- lions upon millions of feet of logs from the pineries of the north to supply the second great manufac- turing industry of the city; and lastly, Minneapolis is at the head of navigation, and with improve- ments now being completed, will reap large benefits from the com- mercial advantages of this posi- tion. At Minneapolis the river has an average width of perhaps 1,200 feet. Below the falls it courses for miles between high and ex- ceedingly picturesque cliffs. De- lightful views of this gorge may be had from half a dozen bridges. The source of the Mississippi is near Lake Itasca which is only about 150 miles from Minneapolis in a direct line but by the devious course of the river channel is several times that distance. Motion Pictures. — Minneapolis is deeply devoted to the "movies." There are about seventy-five theaters showing motion pictures and the number is being con- stantly increased. It is estimated that over 90,000 people attend the shows each day and the capi- tal invested is about $3,000,000. Nearly all the places are "10-cent" shows. The city is also the center for the film business of the northwest and some 1,500 outside shows are served from here. Municipal Court. — Has power to try civil actions where the amount in controversy does not exceed $500 or where the title to real estate is not involved, but cannot issue writs of habeas corpus, man- MfUN-NEW 7 damus or injunction, nor entertaiffi divorce proceedings. It also ha* jurisdiction in cases of misde meanor arising within tl e county In cases of violation of the statt laws ordinarily triable before jus- tices of the peace it has exclusive jurisdiction, and also in offenseg against the city ordinances. The maximum penalty which it can im- pose is a fine of $100, or imprison^ ment for 90 days in the county jai'i or city work house. In felonies and indictable misdemeanors it examines and may hold accused persons to await the action of the grand jury. Complaints in crimi- nal cases may be made to either the judge or clerk of the court, and must be in writing and sworn to. There are three judges of thi* court. The court is held in roon?r on the fourth floor of the cit- hall. C. L. Smith, E. A. Montgomery, and W. W. Bardwell are judges of this court. Harry Moore, clerk. Municipal Wharf. — Head of navigation on Mississippi river, below Washington avenue bridge. Musical Societies and Clubs. — A list of the principal musical so- cieties and clubs is as follows : Apollo Club. — Lyric Theatre Bldg. H. S. "Woodruff, director. Dania Singing Society. — Dania Hall. H. Askeland, director. Haemonia Societ y. — 305 Ply- mouth Av. Minneapolis Liederkeanz. — Sie- bel Blk. L». W. Harmsen, director. Nobmandbn's Sangbfoebning. — 801 Cedar Av. Erick Oulie, direc- tor. Orchesteal Association of Minneapolis. — 405 Auditorium Bldg. Emil Oberhoffer, director. Philharmonic Club. — J. Austin Williams, director; Trafford N. Jayne, secretary, 703 Hennepin Av. Thursday Musical. — 806 Nicol- let Av. See (Bands and Oechesteas.) National Banks. (See Banks.) National Guard. — The National Guard State of Minnesota is re- presented in Minneapolis by a great number of young men who are enlisted in various companies of infantry and batteries of artil- lery. In the summer of 1917 the process of transferring the older regiments to the federal service and of organizing new ones was going on rapidly. Through the Guard, through enlistment in the various branches of the service and through the operation of se- lective draft the city and state are furnishing a great number of men to the federal service. Navigation. — For many years navigation of the Mississippi river to the center of Minneapolis was hindered by the rapids below the Falls. A project of improve- ment was commenced some years ago and in 1917 the completion of a great dam and a lock of enor- mous capacity, opened the river to Minneapolis. The first steamer passed through the lock and ar- rived at the municipal dock at the foot of S. Washington Av. on July 3, 1917. With the completion of channel improvements and adequate dock and transfer facilities an exten- sive traffic will be developed. Min- neapolis is now officially the "head of navigation." New Boston. — The popular name for the locality surrounding Cen- tral Av. and 25th Av. N. E. Take 54th St. & Columbia Heights elec- tric cars. Newsdealers. — Most of the book- stores, some of the stationery stores and many stands in the hotels, office buildings, depots and in all directions through the city, sell current periodicals and the leading daily papers. Newspapers and Periodicals. — In proportion to its size, as compared with other cities, Minneapolis has few daily newspapers. Its class and trade publications are numer- ous and important. Below is given a list classified as to frequency of publication and with the yearly subscription price and place of publication : Daily. Journal. — (Evening and Sun- day.) $5.40. 47 and 49 S. 4th St. Independent Republican. Finance and Commerce. — $15. 206 So. 3rd St. Market Record. — 318 S. 3rd St. $3. ( Evening except Sunday.) Grain Markets. Market Reporter. — 602 2nd Av. N. Minnesota Daily. — University of Minnesota. $2. (During College year.) News, The Minneapolis Daily. — $3. 6th St. and 2d Av. S. Inde- pendent. Railway and Hotel News. — 401 Phoenix Bldg. Tribune. — (Morning daily, $5.40; evening except Sunday). 57 S. 4th St. Republican. Tidende — $3. Norwegian (Eve- ning and Sunday) 307 S 6th St. Semi- Tv uekly. Parmer's Tribune. — $1. 57 S. 4th St. Skandinaven. — $3. 922 Phoenix Bldg. Weekly. American Jewish World. — $2. Tribune Annex. Bellman. — $4. 118 S. 6th St. In- dependent. Saturday. Both Sides. — $2. 200 N. 3d St. Chronicle. — $1. 317 20th Av. N. Commercial West. — $5. 409 Globe Bldg. Saturday. Finan- cial. Court Record. — $5. 253 2d Av. S Echo de L'Ouest. — $1. Thurs- day. 305 E. Hennepin Av. Folkebladet. — $1. 322 Cedar Av. Norwegian. Freie Presse Herold. — $2. 2d Av. and '6th St. ILLUSTRERET FAMILIB JOURNAL. $1.50. 722 S. 4th St. Improvement Bulletin. — $5. 610 Exchange Bldg. Irish Standard. — $2. Saturday. 422 1st Av. N. ; NEW-NEW Lutheraneren. — $1. 427 S. 4th St. Norwegian. Masonic Observer. — $1. Mason- ic Temple. Minnesota Alumni Weekly. — $1.25. 219 Folwell Hall, Univ. of Minn. Mirror. — $1. Ill S. 6th St. Mississippi Valley Lumberman. --$2.50. 1011 Lumber Exchange. N. E. Argus. — 2333 Central Av. Local. Northwestern Miller. — $4. Fri- day. 118 S. 6th St. Milling. Nye Normanden. — $1. Tribune Bldg. Norwegian. Orange Judd Northwest Farm- stead. — $1. 602 Oneida Bldg. Progress. — $1. 417 Hennepin Av. Register. — Saturday. 402 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Skandinavisk Farmer Journal. — 50c. 722 S. 4th St. Agricultural. Scandinavian. SVENSKA AMERIKANSKA POSTEN. — $1. 500 S. 7th St. SVENSKA FOLKETS TlDNING. $1. Wednesday. 603 2d Av. S. Tidende. — 50c. 307 S. 6th St. Norwegian. Twin City Commercial Bulletin. 2429 Univ. Av., St. Paul, $2. Sat- urday. Mercantile. Ugebladet. — $1. 722 S. 4th St. United Lutheran. — $1. 425 S. 4th St. Woman's Home Weekly. — 601 2d Av. S. Veckoblad. — $1.50. 307 S. 6th St. Semi-Monthly. Farm, Stock and Home. — 50c. 414-16 S. 6th St. Agricultural. Journal-Lancet. — $2. 839 Lum- ber Exchange. Skordemannen. — 75c. 2625 Chi- cago Av. Swedish Agricultural. Monthly. Cigar and Tobacco Journal.— 209 Globe Bldg. Farm Implements. — $1. 1018 Lumber Exchange. Trade. Forskaren. — $1.50. 1119 S. Wash- ington A v. Swedish. Keith's. — $2. 828 McKnight Bldg. Kvindens Magasin. — $0.75. 406 5th Av. S., Norwegian Woman's Paper. Labor Digest. — $1. 807 N. Y. Life Bldg. Minnesota Horticulturist. — §1. 207 Kasota Bldg. NEW-NOR 7 Minnesota Magazine. — Edited and published by students Univ. of Minn. Mudsiktidning. — 50c. 417 Hen- nepin Av. Musical. Profitable Farming. — 25c. 6th St. and 2nd Av. S. Public Weal. — 25c. 803 Sykes Blk. Prohibition. Pythian Advocate. — $1. 754 Se- curity Bldg. Knights of Pythias. School Education. — $1.25 1401 Univ. Av. S. E. SVENSKA FAMILJ JOURNAL. 50c. 722 S. 4th St. Scandinavian. Svenska Roman Bladet. — $1.50. 246 Cedar Av. Western Architect. — 735 Palace Bldg. Quarterly. Clearing House Quarterly. — $5. 836 Andrus Bldg. Annually. Dictionary op Minneapolis. — 25c. Hudson Pub. Co., 404 Kasota Bldg. Minneapolis City Directory. — $7. 903 Northwestern Bldg. New York life Building-. — Built in 1890 by the New York Life In- surance Co. It stands at the corner of 5th St. and 2nd Av. S. with a frontage of 165 feet on the former and 121 feet on the latter thoroughfare. In exterior appear- ance it is massive and substantial. The lower stories are of St. Cloud granite, with pressed brick above topped with an artistic balustrade and cornice of terra cotta. The building is perfectly fire proof. There are about 250 offices. It is now the property of the First and Security National Bank of Minneapolis. Nicollet Avenue. — Beginning at Bridge Square Nicollet Avenue takes a southwesterly course to Grant St. and thence due south to the city limits. It is the most prominent street in the city. From 1st to 8th Sts. it is crowded with retail stores and in fact almost monopolizes this class of trade. Architecturally the street is above the average. Its chief structures are the Andrus Bldg., Syndicate Blk., Minnesota Loan and Trust Company's building, The Glass Block, Donaldson building, Dayton Bldg. and Westminster Presbyte- rian church. Nicollet Avenue is 80 feet wide. Nicollet House. — One of the best known hotels in the Northwest. It fronts upon Washington, Nicollet and Hennepin avenues at the cen- ter of the street railway system of the city and within a short dis- tance of the principal railroad sta- tions and both the wholesale and retail districts. The Nicollet was established in 1S57 and for nearly half a century has been a Minne- apolis landmark and a center of the city's life and activity. It is conducted on the European M and has accommodations for about 300 guests. The cafe, on the main floor adjoining the office, is one of the finest in the Northwest. Nicollet Island. — Directly oppo- site the center of the city and only a few hundred yards above the St. Anthony Falls. It is about half a mile long and divides the Missis- sippi river into the east and west channels. The latter is spanned by the "steel arch" bridge and the former by a stone arch bridge, the two forming with Central Av., the main thoroughfare to the east side. At the lower end of the island, fac- tories fill all the available space. Northeast Minneapolis. — That part of the city lying in the east- ern district and north of Central Av. and Division St. A popular term. North Minneapolis. — The com : mon designation for that part of the west division lying north of 4 th Av. N. Northwestern Bank Building". — (Formerly Bank of Commerce Building.) A six-story, brown stone office building at the corner of 4th St. and Marquette Av., handsome architecturally and most advantageously situated in the financial center. North East Neighborhood House. — Is a social settlement at 2d St, and 15th Av. N. B., of a non-sec- tarian, non-partisan character, for the people. It aims to instill prin- ciples of sound morality, to pro- mote a spirit of civic righteous- ness and to improve standards of living. It conducts a day nursery, industrial and home economic classes; gymnasium and baths; so- cial dances, library, social and literary clubs, a garden club, play- ground and musical instruction. Northwestern National Bank — Occupies a modern banking building on Marquette Av. bet. Fourth and Fifth Sts. erected in 1903 and owned by the institution. The architecture is strictly class- ical. The white marble facade is relieved by a handsome portico with six massive columns. The street front shows two stories, but the main banking room in the rear extends the entire height of the structure and is lighted by a number of large skylights. The interior decoration is hand- some and in keeping with the commercial purposes of the build- ing. Every modern appliance and convenience for the business of banking is found in the build- ing. Northwestern National Iiife In- surance Co. — The Minneapolis home company, officered by Minne- apolis bankers and business men, and one of the most prominent financial institutions of the city. The company occupies its own home office building at the corner of Nicollet Av. and Eleventh St. John T. Baxter is president. Nurses. — Training schools for nurses are maintained by the leading hospitals. A good nurse can usually be obtained by ap- plying to any of the hospitals or to some reputable physician. NOR-ORC Oak Grove.— (W. 17th St.) Re- ceived its name from the large oak trees growing on the slope, through which it takes its course. It is one of the beautiful residence streets of the city. Oak Lake. — A section of the city lying between Western Av. and 6th Av. N. and Lyndale and Hoag Aves. It is laid out in park style. Western & 2nd St.; and the 4th Av. S. & 6th Av. N, electric lines. Oak Park. — A sightly locality north of 6th Av. N„ and west of Humboldt. It occupies high ground overlooking the city. 4th Av. S. & 6th Av. N. cars. Odin Club. — A social organiza- tion with club rooms in the Metro- politan Bank building, 6th St. and 2nd Av. S, n I- Office Building's. — Minneapolis is well supplied with office buildings of a high order. For a list of the more important ones see Build- ings. Officials. — (See City Officials.) Old Books. (See Book Stokes.* Oldest House. — The first house erected in Minneapolis (west side) was that of Col. John H. Stevens built in 1849 on the bank of the river where the Union passenger station now stands. It was re- moved, years ago, to 16th Av. S. between 4th and 5th Sts. and later to Minnehaha Park where it is preserved as a memento of the early days of the city. Omnibuses. — A responsible con- cern operates busses for the trans- fer of passengers between depots and hotels; and pleasure omni- buses for excursions, may be had at the large livery stables. (See Taxicabs. ) Opera Houses. (See Theatres.) Orchestral Association of Min- neapolis, The. — An incorporated ORP-PAR 7 body, under whose management are given the forty concerts of the Minneapolis Symphony Or- chestra, supported by a guaranty fund of about $75,000 per year subscribed by 250 public-spirited citizens. The officers are Elbert L. Carpenter, president; Edmund J. Phelps, vice president; Charles N. Chadbourn, secretary and treasurer. (See Minneapolis Symphony Or- chestra and Philharmonic Club.) Orphan Asylums. (See Benevo- lent Societies and Institutions.) Orpheum Theater. — Seventh St. near Hennepin Av. It was opened in 1904 and is devoted to vaude- ville at popular prices. Parade, The. — One of the newest of the city's parks. Lies west of Hennepin Av. and north of Ken- wood Parkway, immediately west of Lorlng Park. It comprises some 46 acres and is intended chiefly as a drill and play ground. Parcel Delivery Companies. — A full list with location of offices may be found in the city directory. They will be found convenient for the delivery of small packages es- pecially where there are many for different addresses. Park Avenue. — A handsome resi- dence street corresponding to 7th Av. S., south from 10th St. It is 100 feet wide with a 36 foot road- way paved with asphalt. Park Avenue Congregational Church. — At the corner of Park and Franklin Aves.; was com- pleted in 1888 at a cost about $75,- 000. The church was organized on Oct. 14, 1867, with 20 members; it now has about 400 and a Sunday school enrollment of over 300. Chicago & Fremont electric line. Park Commissioners. (See City Officials and Parks.) Parks and Parkways. — Nature has supplied Minneapolis with all the requisites for the finest park system in the world. All that has been done in the way of improve- ment has simply been along the line of wise adaptation of the nat- ural advantages lying ready to the hand. But it required courage, wisdom and forethought, to bring about the present admirable condi- tion of the park properties of the city. Stated briefly the park system embraces a general plan of me- dium sized neighborhood parks, at convenient distances throughout the city, with an elaborate system of parkways and boulevards skirt- ing the lakes, and the gorge of the Mississippi, and connecting sever- al large parks in the outlying dis- tricts. The presence within or ad- joining the city limits of several sightly ridges, no less than a dozen beautiful lakes, the pictur- esque Minnehaha creek (the outlet of Lake Minnetonka) and the re- nowned Minnehaha Falls, left no lack of natural material. Building on these natural gifts, and sup- ported by public opinion, and fa- vorable legislation, the gentlemen in charge of the parks have ac- cumulated for the public, park property valued at about $8,500,- 000 and amounting to one acre 'to each 100 of the city's population, a larger area in proportion to pop- ulation than any other American city. The city owns about 3,800 acres of park area with connecting and encircling driveways aggre- gating about 50 miles in length. Board of Park Commissioners.— The board of park commissioners was created in 1883. The law provides for the election of twelve commissioners who with the mayor, ex-officio, the chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, and the chairman of the committee on roads and bridges of the city council, ex- officio, constitute the board. It has power to obtain title to lands by purchase or condemnation and 77 to assess the value of lands se- lected for parks upon the sur- rounding benefited property. The board further has power to issue bonds to pay for property ac- quired, close streets which may divide lands bought for park pur- poses, construct bridges, adopt police regulations and acquire and control park ways. One very val- uable power given the board is that of planting and controlling shade trees on any streets or public grounds in the city. The Park System. — A look at the map will show that four large lakes lie along the southwestern boundary of the city while Minne- haha creek winds its way near the southern limits, finally tumbling over the cliffs and forming Minne- haha Falls, in the extreme south- easterly corner of the city. To reach these points of interest was of course the object of the park board in laying out the park sys- tem. The beautiful Loring Park (described elsewhere under its own heading) was from its loca- tion the natural point of begin- ning, and the place to which one must repair who wishes to view the park system most advantage- ously. Due west from Loring Park extends Kenwood Parkway. It is a broad avenue with walks and double rows of trees on either side. Like all the boulevards, it is beautified with occasional flower beds and ornamental shrubbery Further on the drive occupies a ridge extending in a general south- westerly direction and command- ing fine views of the city and the lakes. At its southernmost end it connects with Lake of the Isles Boulevard which completely encir- cles the charming lake of that name. Next south and con- nected by a drive of a few hundred yards is Lake Calhoun. These lakes are also connected by a waterway opened in 1911 It Is spanned by handsome stone arch bridges and between the lakes Is PAR-PAR a beautiful lagoon which serves as a harbor for water craft. A similar waterway connects Lake of the Isles with Cedar Lake and Brownie Lake, giving continuous passage for small craft through the four lakes — Calhoun, Lake of the Isles, Cedar and Brownie Lake. The Park Board maintains boats for hire on Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet, while hundreds of private boats, canoes, launches and sail boats are kept on the lakes. The Park Board also operates pub- lic launches on Calhoun and Lake of the Isles and on Lake Harriet. Every 45 minutes after 2 :30 p. m. (every iy 2 hrs. 7 a. m. to 2:30 p. m.) the "Three Lakes" or the "Maid of the Isles" leaves Lake St. Landing for the tour of Lake Calhoun, Lake of the Isles, and Cedar Lake. Fare between any two landings on any one of the lakes, 5 cents. Round trip of the three lakes, 11 miles — 90 minutes — 25 cents. The "Harriet" leaves Main Dock (42nd St.) every hour (every 30 minutes after 4 p. m.) for the tour of Lake Harriet. Fare be- tween any two landings, 5 cents. Round trip of the lake, 3.5 miles — 25 minutes — 10 cents. A model bathhouse on the north shore of Lake Calhoun was opened in 1912. This group of lakes and sur- rounding parks forms a rare com- bination of natural beauty and the work of the landscape archi- tect. The whole forms virtually one great park and as it is gradu- ally perfected will become one of the most beautiful parks in the world. The parkway continues along the eastern shore of Lake Cal- houn, now rising high above the water and again dropping almost to its level. A short distance farther south is Lake Harriet around which extends the most beautiful part of PAR-PAR 7 the parkway system. The natural contour of the lake shore has been preserved, in most places, with admirable effect. Between Lakes Calhoun and Harriet and north of the latter is a large tract of land acquired partly by the gift of the late Col. Wm. S. King and partly by purchase. From Lake Harriet southeasterly the parkway system extends along Minnehaha creek to the Falls. The driveway winds along the shores of the romantic stream, occasionally crossing and approaching or diverging as the formation of the land suggests. At Minnehaha Falls the parkway reaches a park of 142 acres which, with the adjoining grounds of the Minnesota soldiers home, form 200 acres of parked land. From this point there is a parkway along the summit of the Mississippi river cliffs to Riverside Park about a mile below St. Anthony Falls. West and north of the group of lakes described extends a newer portion of the park system sur- rounding Cedar Lake, Brownie's Lake and Glenwood Lake. From this almost continuous park ex- tends the Glenwood-Camden park- way following the western city limits north to 45th Av., where it turns and crosses eastward, to the Mississippi river. With the south- erly lakes and River Bank park- ways, this extension goes far toward completing a grand encir- cling parkway which within a few years will extend entirely around the city. Facts relating to the various parks are to be found under their own individual headings. (See Citt Officers and Government.) Parks and Parkways. — Follow- ing is a list of the parks and park- ways with area of each, and a supplementary list of the drive- ways in these parks with the length of each : Audubon Park. — 5.39 acres; Fill- more and 29 th Av. N. E. Barnes Place. — 0.57 acres; El- wood Av. and 8th Av. N. Bedford Triangle — 0.009 Orlin and Bedford St. S. E. Bottineau Field — 6.22 2nd St. and 19 th A v. N. E. Bryant Square. — 3.68 acres; Bryant Av. S. and 31st St. Bryn Mawr Meadows. — 39.30 acres; Bryn Mawr. Caleb Dorr Circle -0.103 E. end Franklin Av. Bridge. Camden Park. — 21.5 acres; Washington, Lyndale and 44th Avs. N. Cedar Avenue Triangle. — 0.021 acres; Cedar Av. and 7th St. S. Cedar Lake Boulevard. — 48.50 acres; south and west shores Cedar Lake. Chowen Triangle. — 0.05 acres; W. 28th St. and Chowen Av. Clarence Triangle — 0.024 Clar- ence Av. and Bedford St. S. E. Clifton Triangle. — 0.034 acres; Clifton Av. and Clifton PI. Columbia Park. — 185 acres; Central Av. and 31st Av. N. E. Cottage Park. — 0.50 acres; James Av. and Ilion Av. N. Crystal Lake Triangle. — 0.053 acres; Crystal Lake Av. and 30th Av. N. Dean Boulevard. — 15.90 acres; From southwest side of Lake of the Isles to and on north side of Lake Calhoun. Dell Park. — 0.44 acres; W. side Lake Harriet, 44th to 45th Sts. Dell Place. — 0.037 acres; Dell Place, bet. Summit and Groveland. Dorilus Morrison Park. — 8.49 acres; E. 22nd St. and Stevens Av. Douglas Triangle. — 0.07 acres; Douglas and Mt. Curve Avs. Elliot Park. — 6.924 acres; 8th St. and 9 th A v. S. Elm wood Triangle. — 0.02 acres; Elmwood Place and Luverne Av. Euclid Triangle. — .33 acres; Eu- clid PI. and W. 26th St. Farview Park. — 20.82 acres; Lyndale Av. and 26th Av. N. Farwell Park. — 1.22 acres; Sheridan Av. N. and Farwell PI. Franklin. Steele Squake. — 1.54 acres; Portland Av. and 16th St. E. Glen Gale. — 1.65 acres; Irving Av. and 23rd Av. N. Glenwood-Camden Parkway. — 164.56 acres; From Glenwood park at 19th Av. N. to Camden Park via. W. Limits and 45 th Av. N. Glenwood Park. — 585.38 acres; Western Av. and Abbott Av. N. Groveland Triangle. — .209 acres; Groveland and Forest Avs. Hiawatha Triangle. — .50 acres; Minnehaha Av. and 3 2d St. Highland Oval. — 0.058 acres; in Highland Av. near Royalston Av., in Oak Lake Addition. Hillside Triangle. — .607 acres; Hillside Av. and Logan Av. N. Humboldt Triangle. — 0.35 acres; 6th Av. N and Elwood Av. Iagoo Triangle. — .05 acres; Hia- watha Av. and E. 45th St. Interlachen. — 25 . 50 acres; South of Lake Calhoun, from W. 38th St. to W. 40th St. Irving Triangle. — 0.11 acres; Irving Av. and 22d Av. N. Jackson Square. — 2.32 acres; 22d Av. N E. and Jackson St. Kenwood Park. — 33.45 acres; bet. Logan, Franklin, Oliver, Kenwood Parkwaj'- and Morgan Avs. Kenwood Parkway. — 20.60 acres; from Lake of the Isles to Loring Park via Kenwood and Spring Lake. Kenwood Triangle. — .02 acres; Oliver Av. and W. Franklin. King's Highway. — 17.58 acres; from W. 36th St. to Lake Harriet via Dupont Av. and 46th St. Lake Calhoun. — 522.6 acres; surrounding and including Lake Calhoun. Lake Harriet. — 402 acres; sur- rounding Lake Harriet and includ- ing "The Beard Plaisance." Lake Nokomis. — 409.6 acres; surrounding and including Lake Nokomis. Lake of the Isles Park. — 200 acres; surrounding and including Lake of the Isles. Lakeside Oval. — 0.316 acres; north of Lakeside Av. in Oak Lake Addition. Laurel Triangle. — 0.01 acres; Laurel Av. and Cedar Lake Rd. Linden Hills Boulevard. — 5.59 acres; Russell Av. and W. 40th St. to Lake Harriet. Logan Park. — 10.08 acres ; Broad- way and Monroe St. PAR-PAR Longfellow Field. — 4.22 acres; Minnehaha Av., bet. 28 th and 29 th Sts. Loring Park. — 36.34 acres; Hen- nepin Av. and Harmon PI. Lovell Square. — 1.35 acres; Irv- ing Av. and 10th Av. N. Lowry Triangle. — 0.16 acres; Hennepin Av. and Vineland PI. Lyndale Farmstead. — 18.49 acres; 38th and Bryant Av. S. Lyndale Park. — 61.26 acres; bet. Lake Harriet Blvd. and Lakewood Cemetery, from King's Highway to Penn Av. S. Maple Hill. — 8.04 acres bet. Polk, Filmore, Summer and Broadway N. E. Marshall Terrace 7.75 acres; Marshall St. and 27th Av. N. E. Minnehaha Parkway. — 177.07 acres; from Lake Harriet to Min- nehaha Falls via Minnehaha Creek and E. 48th St. Mississippi Park. — Includes : Minnehaha Park. — 142.04 acres; at Minnehaha Falls. Riverside Park. — 42.28 a,cres; 6th St. and 26th Av. S. River Road, East. — 82.50 acres; East bank Mississippi river, Ar- lington St. to east city limits and Pleasant St., through University campus. River Road, West, including Islands in River. — 175.36 acres; Mississippi River, Franklin Av. to Minnehaha Park. Monroe Place. — .048 acres; Mon- roe, 7th St. and 3rd Av. N. E. Mount Curve Triangle. — 0.05 acres; Mount Curve and Fremont Av. Murphy Square. — 3.33 acres; 22d Av. S. and 7% St. Newton Triangle. — 0.12 acres; Hillside Av. and Newton Av. N. Normanna Triangle. — 0.07 acres; Minnehaha Av. and E. 22d St. North Commons. — 25.74 acres; bet. Morgan, James, 16th and 19th Oak Lake. — 1.33 acres; bet. Lakeside Av. and Border Av. Oliver Triangle. — 0.04 acres; 21st Av. N. and Oliver Av. Orlin Triangle- 0.013 acre*; Melbourne and Orlin Aves. S. E. Osseo Triangle. — .03 acres; Hia- watha Av. and E. 45th St. PAR-PAR 8 POWDERHORN LAKE PARK. 65.6 acres; Tenth Av. S. and B. 32nd St. Prospect Field. — 5.31 acres; Williams and St. Mary's Avs. Rauen Triangle. — 0.027 acres; 11th Av. N. and 5th St. Richard Chute Square. — 1.07 acres; University Av. and 1st Av. S. E. Royalston Triangle. — 0.20 acres; 6th A v. N. and Royalston Av. Russell Triangle. — .03 acres; Russell Av. and McNair Av. Rustic Lodge Triangle. — .175 acres; Rustic Lodge & Bingham Avs. Sheridan Field. — 1.25 acres; 12th and University Avs. N. B. Small Triangle. — 0.01 acres; Royalston Av. and Highland Av. Smith Triangle. — 0.26 acres; Hennepin Av. and 24th St. St. Anthony Boulevard. — 59.8 acres. Division St. to Columbia Park. Stevens Place. — 0.06 acres; Portland Av. and Grant St. Stevens Square. — 2.48 acres; bet. 18th and 19th, Stevens and 2d Avs. S. Stewart Field. — 3.75 acres; 26th St. and 10th Avs. S. Stinson Boulevard. — 15.10 acres; Oak St. from Division St. to 11th Av. N. E. Sumner Field. — 3.01 acres; bet. Bryant and Dupont and 8th and 11th Avs. N. Svea Triangle. — 0.089 acres; Riverside Av. and 26th Av. S. The Gateway. — 1.21 acres; Hen- nepin and Washington Avs. The Mall. — 4.75 acres; Hen. Av. to Calhoun Boul. S. of C, M. & St. P. Ry. The Parade. — 68 acres; Ken- wood Parkway and Lyndale Av. Tower Hill. — 4.70 acres; Uni- versity Av. S. E. bet. Clarence and Malcolm Avs. Van Cleve Park. — 6.97 acres; Como Av. and 14th Av. S. E. Vineland Triangle. — 0.05 acres; Vineland Place and Bryant Avs. S. Virginia Triangle. — .167 acres; Hennepin and Groveland Avs. Washburn Fair Oaks. — 7.48 acres; Stevens to 3rd Av. S., bet. 22nd and 24th Sts. Washington T r i a n g l e. — 0.04 acres; Washington St. and 8th Av. N. E. West End Triangle. — 0.132 acres; W. 28th St. and Cedar Lake Av. Wilson Park. — 1.13 acres; 12th St. N. and Hawthorn Av. Windom Park. — 8.63 acres; John- son St. and 25th Av. N. E. Drives in Parks and Parkways. Miles. Camden Park 11 Cedar Lake Boulevard l.liJ Columbia Park 2.99 Dean Boulevard 94 Farview Park 84 Glenwood-Camden Parkway.. 4.50 Glenwood Park 3.19 Interlachen 31 Kenwood Parkway 1.62 King's Highway 1.45 Lake Calhoun, Circuit Drive.. 3.21 Lake Harriet, Circuit Drive 2.82 Lake Harriet, Additional Drives 1.96 Lake of the Isles 2.85 Lyndale Farmstead 41 Lyndale Park 1.02 Minnehaha Park 2.22 Minnehaha Parkway 6.02 Powderhorn Lake Park 37 River Road, East 2.16 River Road, West 4.00 St. Anthony Boulevard 3.57 Stinson Boulevard 1.83 Riverside Park 57 The Mall 32 The Parade 50 Windom Park 22 Total 51.00 Water Areas. Acres. Lake Calhoun 460 Lake Harriet 353 Lake of the Isles 107 Lake Nokomis 26b Powderhorn Lake Park 18 Glenwood Lake 38 Rrownie Lake 18 Loring Lake 7 Birch Pond 6 Spring Lake g 2 Loring Park Lake 7 Birch Pond 6 Spring Lake 2 Parochial Schools. — Schools con- nected with the Catholic church of the city have an enrollment of about 5,500 pupils and are as fol- lows : De La Salle Institute, high school for boys, Nicollet Island; St. Margaret's Academy, 1301 Linden Av. ; Holy Angels' Acade- my, 643 N. 4th St.; Holy Rosary, 18th Av. S. and 24th St.; St. Jo- seph, 5th St. and 11th Av. N.; St. Anthony of Padua, 2nd St. between 8th and 9th Avs. N. E.; St. Boniface, corner 2nd St. and 7th Av. N. E.; Our Lady of Lourdes, Prince St. near Central Av.; St. Elizabeth, 1412 8th St.; Ascension School, 18th Av. N. and Colfax; Procathedral School, 16th near Hennepin; Holy Cross, 1628 N. E. 4th St.; Incarnation, Pleas- ant Av. and W. 38th St.; St. Philip, Bryant Av. and 26th Av. N.; Cath- olic Orphan Asylum, Chicago Av. . and 47th St. Patrol limits. — The boundaries of the region in which by special legislation the saloons of the city are compelled to remain. This territory is almost exclusively what is usually called the business district, making the residence parts of the city practically pro- hibition localities. (See Saloons.) Patrol Wagons. (See Police.) Paving. — Minneapolis has about 140 miles of paved streets. As- phalt, sandstone, brick, granite and creosoted blocks are the ma- terials principally used. There are about 900 miles of curbstone in place. (See Streets and Pub- lic Improvements.) Periodicals. (See Newspapers and Periodicals and Newsdealers.) Philharmonic Club. — An associa- tion of 250 men and women sing- ers, which gives, with the assist- ance of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, choral concerts during the winter season, one of which is always Handel's "Messiah," on Christmas Day. The club is now in its twentieth year. Officers, C. Ellis Fisher, presi- PAT-PIL dent; W. P. Fruen, vice-president; and Trafford N. Jayne, secretary. (See Minneapolis Symphony Or- chestra and Orchestral Associ- ation of Minneapolis.) Photography. — There are many well equipped photographic gal- leries. Prominent are those of The Brush Studios. 33 and 35 S. 6th St.; Sweet, 29 S. 10th St.; Hubner, 1030 Nicollet; Miller, Medical Block, 608 Nicollet. The thousands of amateur pho- tographers in the city include many artists of ability. The leading dealers in photographic supplies are : C. A. Hoffman, 814 Nicollet Av.; E. B. Meyrowitz, 604 Nicollet Av.; O. H. Peck Co., 116 S. 5th St.; T. V. Moreau, 616 Nic. Av. Picnic Grounds. — For large parties the most desirable picnic grounds are on the shores of Lake Minnetonka. Spring Park reached by the Great Northern Ry., affords accommodations for large parties, while small companies can also be accommodated there and at scores of other places about the groves about Lake Calhoun and Harriet (Como-Harriet electric line) and at Minnehaha Falls, reached by the Minnehaha line. If carriages or bicycles are used the roads about the city lead to many pretty places which are very re- tired. (See Excursions.) Pioneers' Museum. — The Pio- neers' Museum in the Godfrey House, Richard Chute Square, is now free to the public daily, ex- cept Sunday, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Pillsbury "A" Mill. — The great "Pillsbury A," stands on S. E. Main St. at the corner of 3d Av. S. E. It is built of stone, six stories high with dimensions of 115x175 feet and a height from the bottom of the wheel pit to the roof of 187 feet. Work was be- gun on the mill in March, 1879, and it commenced operation in 1881. The cost, equipped, was PIL-PLY 8 about $1,500,000, and the mill has a capacity of 13,500 bar- rels of flour in twenty-four con- secutive hours. About 60,000 bush- els of wheat are needed for the ordinary daily run, 400 men are employed, and the force furnished by the two immense turbine wa- ter wheels is 4,000 horse power. This is supplemented by 3,500 electric horse power. (See Flour and Flour Mills.) Filisbury Hall. (See Univer- sity.) Fillsbury House. — The home of the settlement work conducted by Plymouth Congregational Church — for many years as the Bethel Settlement. The building is a beautiful and complete structure earefully adapted to the needs of settlement work. It was built in 1906, the gift of Chas. S. and John S. Pillsbury as a memorial to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pillsbury. The House is at 320 16th Av. S. Pillsbury library. — One of the most beautiful buildings in Min- neapolis is the Pillsbury branch library erected in 1903, and is occupied by the East Side branch of the public library. It is located at University Av. and 1st Av. S. E. This structure repre- sents a long-considered plan of the late John S. Pillsbury for the erec- tion of a public library for the special benefit of the "east side" where he lived during his half century of residence in Minneap- olis. The building is of white marble 90 feet long by 70 feet in depth, entirely fire proof and adapted perfectly to the modern ideas of a circulating and refer- ence library. It is beautifully fin- ished in mahogany, and is fur- nished with handsome mahogany furniture and the most modern steel book-stacks. Beside the reg- ular reading room, reference room, children's room and delivery room there is also a very com- fortable audience hall. The cost of the building was about $75,000. Places to "Visit. (See Seeing the Citt, Drives, Excursions.) Playgrounds. — Public play- grounds are receiving much at- tention. Every park is in fact a playground but many are unsuited for certain sports and games; and space and equipment have been especially provided in various parks, as baseball and football grounds in The Parade, gymnas- tic apparatus and all sorts of things for the smaller children in a dozen different parks. Sup- ervision is given in most places and the children are interested and instructed in games, folk dancing, etc. The board of edu- cation has playgrounds in the vicinity of twelve or more schools and provides supervision in a most successful way. The whole movement has the approval and co-operation of the public and the system will be rapidly developed. Plumbing Inspection. — House- holders or tenants may secure the sanitary inspection of plumbing by making proper application at the health department office in the city hall. (See Health Department.) Plymouth Building 1 . — A twelve- story concrete office building erect- ed in 1910 at the corner of Henne- pin Av. and Sixth St. at a cost of about $1,000,000. It is thoroughly modern in every respect and abso- Iutely fire-proof. The exterior walls are of red brick, stone and terra cotta. Interior fittings are of mahogany. Simplicity of design, solidity and permanence character- ize every detail of the great build- ing, which is one of the largest in the West. The ground dimensions are 247 feet on Sixth St. by 187 on Hennepin. Plymouth Congregational Church. — The largest church in the denomination, and one of the most influential in the city. Its 83 membership includes some of the wealthiest and most prominent of the citizens of Minneapolis. The church is always foremost in the activities of the religious ele- ment of the community. The church was organized in 1857 with 18 members. From 1875 until the summer of 1907 a church edifice at Eighth St. and Nicollet Av. was occupied and was one of the land- marks of the city. This building was sold early in 1907 and a new building was erected on Grove- land Av. between Nicollet Av. and Vine PI. This is one of the most beautiful and completely equipped churches in the city. The material used on the ex- terior of the church is seam face granite from St. Cloud, Minn., with trimmings of buff Bedford limestone from Indiana. The principal frontage is on Grove- land Av. The parish house is at the left, next Nicollet Av. Be- tween the parish house and the church proper and farther back from the street is the chapel, with the cloisters connecting the two. The church proper, seating about a thousand, is cruciform in plan, with a vestibule running across the full width, at the rear of nave, and a gallery over the vestibule. The chapel is rectangular and is covered by an open trussed Gothic roof. With the gallery it will seat about 500 people. Open- ing from the chapel is the parlor, which in turn connects with the corridor of the parish house and other smaller rooms. The office and minister's reception room and the library are all on the main floor of the parish house. In benevolences and charities Plymouth Church has a remark- able record. An important branch of the church work is in the line of city missions and settlement work. Rev. H. P. Dewey, D. D., is pastor. POL-POL Police. — The Minneapolis police force is composed of 350 men ap- pointed by the mayor and under the authority of a superintendent. Headquarters are in the City Hall. The city is divided into six police precincts, each in charge of a lieutenant and station sergeant. The police stations are located as follows: First Precinct, in City Hall. Second Precinct, 412 1st Av. S. E. Third Precinct, Cor. 19th Av. S. and 4 th St. Fourth Precinct, 3rd St. near 20th Av. N. Fifth Precinct, 213 E. Lake St. Sixth Precinct, 3001 Minnehaha Av. As adjuncts to the First, Sec- ond, Third and Fourth precincts there are four patrol wagons kept in constant readiness to aid officers who have arrested unruly prison- ers. In case of mobs or riots the patrol wagons are valuable for bringing a large number of officers speedily to the scene of action. They are also used when raiding tough resorts, or gambling dens, or in making wholesale arrests. The wagons at the first and third precinct stations are "auto-pa- trols." An ambulance is kept at the Central precinct and a police surgeon is always on duty. Police Court. (See Municipal COURT. ) Political Divisions. — Minneap- olis is divided into 13 wards for the administration of local govern- ment and contains several senato- rial and legislative districts. It is in the Fourth Judicial District and with the remainder of Hennepin County forms the Fifth Congres- sional District of the state. Wards and their Boundaries.— (It should be understood that where a street or avenue is men- tioned as a dividing line the mid- dle of the street is the actual line). Is* Ward.— Bounded on the west by the river, on the south by POL-POL 8 Bridge St., Nicollet Island. Cen- tral Av., on the east by N. E. 5th St., and on the north by the city limits. 2nd Ward.— On the west and south by the river, on the east by city limits, on the north by Divi- sion St., S. E. 9th St., Central Av. and Bridge St. 3rd Ward.— On the east by the river, south by 3rd Av. N., 6th St. and 6th Av. N., west by west city limits, north by 26th Av. N. ±th Ward.— On the north by 3rd Av. N., 6th St. and 6th Av. N., west by city limits, south by W. Frank lin Av., (laid out and extended, and east by Nicollet Av., E. Grant St., Marquette Av. and the river. 5th Ward. — On the west by Mar- quette Av., E. Grant St. and Nicol- let Av., south by E. 24th St., east by 10th Av. S. and north by river. Qth Ward.— On north and east by river, south by S. 7th St., west by 10 th Av. S. 1th Ward— On north by E. 24th St., east by Hiawatha Av., 28th St. and 21st Av., south by city limits, west by Chicago Av. 8th Ward.— On north by Frank- lin Av., Nicollet Av., and E. 24th St., east by Chicago Av., south by 34th St. (laid out and extended), west by western city limits. 9th Ward.— On north and east by city limits, south by Division and S. E. 9th Sts. and Central Av., west by N. E. 5th St. Wth Ward.— On north by city limits, east by river, south by 26th Av. N., west by west city limits. nth Ward— On the north by S. 7th St., east by river, south by E. 24th St. and west by 10th Av. S. 12th Ward— On the north by E. 24th St., east by river, south by city limits and west by 21st Av. S.. E. 28th St. and Hiawatha Av. lZth Ward.— North by 34th St., east by Chicago Av., south and west by city limits. State Legislative Distbicts.— Members of the state senate and house of representatives are elect- ed from the following districts either wholly or partly within the city limits, each district being en- titled to elect one senator and two representatives : 28th District. — 1st ward; 1st pre- cinct 10th ward ; 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th precincts 3rd ward ; 4th and 5th precincts 9th ward. 29th District. — 2nd ward; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th pre- cincts 9th ward ; and the town of St. Anthony. ZOth District. — 4th ward. Slst District. — 5th and 6th wards. 32nd District. — 11th and 12th wards. 33 rd District.— 7 th and 13 th wards. Zith District — 8th ward. Z5th District. — 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th pre- cincts 3rd ward ; 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th precincts, 10th ward. Voting Pkecincts.— In compliance with the terms of the state law and for convenience in conducting elections the city is divided into 115 precincts or election districts which are apportioned among the wards as follows: First, 9; Second, 9; Third, 15; Fourth, 19; Fifth, 16; Sixth, 5; ington Av. between Second and Third Aves. S., is the second Fed- eral Building to be constructed in Seventh, 14 ; Eighth, 23 ; Ninth, 14 ; Tenth, 9 ; Eleventh, 8 ; Twelfth, 11 ; Thirteenth, 14. Politics. — In national elections Minneapolis has ordinarily been classed as "republican" but in municipal elections there has been much fluctuation between the two prominent parties. Since 1880 six democratic and eight republican mayors have been elected. In 1912 the non-partisan system of nomination went into effect with the result that Wallace G. Nye, a republican in affiliations, was elected over Thomas Van Lear, who was supported by the socialists. In 1887, the time of holding municipal elections was changed from April to November making them occur at the same time as the state and national elections. The vote of the City of Minneap- olis for mayor in the election of* 1916 showed 64,983 votes cast, as follows : KASOTA BUILDING Corner of Fourth Street and Hennepin Avenue Center Retail and Wholesale District Vaults for Moving Picture Films Display Rooms for Manufacturers' Agents, Etc. For Mayor. H O h3 o E 3o §3 o sr hd m WARDS. 1 3-ga of 3 First 27841 4356 | 889 2468 1895 Second 1888 Third 6977 2777 4200 Fourth 6336 3450 2886 Fifth 5250 1797| 2724 506 2526 Sixth 1291 Seventh 5035 2268 2767 Eighth 9021 6363 2658 Ninth 4956 1634 3322 Tenth 4039 1350 2689 Eleventh 3309|[ 1226 2083 Twelfth 4690 1599 3091 Thirteenth 5967 64517 3979 1988 Totals 31233 33284 Soldier vote. . 466 64983 306 160 Grand total . . 131539 33444 Majorities or pluralities . . . 1905 The vote for mayor in the last two decades has been as follows : Rep. Dera. Plur alities. 1880. . 3,039. . 1,690.. ..Rand, R ...1,349 1882. . S.505. . 6,259.. ..Ames, D ..1,754 1884. .12,244. . 5,876.. ..Pillsbury, R. ..6,388 1886. .10,011. .17,882. .15,151.. .14,759.. ..5,140 1888. ..Babb, R ..3,123 1890. .11,000. .17,200.. ..Winston, D.. ..5,200 1892. .17,910. .15,728.. ..Eustis, R ..2.182 1894. .19,666. .15,343.. ..Pratt, R ..4,323 1896. .25,401. .16.610.. ..Pratt, R ..8,791 1898. . 9,494. .16,066.. ..Gray, D ..6,572 1900. .17,292. .12,732.. ..Ames, R ...4,560 1902. .14,437. .20,345.. ..Haynes, D... ..5,908 1904. .18, Wo. .18,189.. ..Jones, R ... 256 1906. .18,213. .21,778.. ..Haynes, D... .3,565 1908. .19,558. .19,814.. ..Haynes, D... . £56 1910. .12,754. .12,788.. ..Haynes, D.. .. 34 Population. — The following ta- ble shows the growth of the city in forty years according to the U. S. census : Gain in Population. 10 yrs. 1850 538 1860 6,849 5,311 1870 J8,079 12,230 J POP-POS 1880 46,887 28,808 1890 164,738 117,851 1900 202,718 37,980 1910 301,408 98,690 The figures for 1850 are those of the village of St. Anthony alone, Minneapolis not then being in ex- istence; those of 1860 and 1870 are the combined population of the two towns. In 1872 the two places were permanently united. In the 10 years from 1880 to 1890 Minneapolis gained 251.75 per cent in population, a rate of increase not equalled by any city of the same class. The population in 1918 is esti- mated at about 425,000. Portland Avenue. — The continu- ation of 6th Av. S. from 11th St. ■ to city limits. It is iOO feet wide with broad sidewalks and grass strips. Post Office The New Post Of- fice Building, located on Wash- Minneapolis. It was occupied January 15, 1915, and is devoted entirely to postal business. The building covers the entire block, being one story in height over the largest area and three stories to a depth of 100 feet along the Third Avenue elevation. The first floor is devoted to the Mailing Di- vision — incoming and outgoing; Registry Section, Money Order Section and "stamp Section, and offices of the Postmaster, and superintendent of mails. On the second floor are the offices of the Custodian, Assistant Post- master, Railway Mail, Post Of- fice Inspector and Cashier. On the third floor are the Examina- tion Rooms for the Post Office and the Civil Service. The Dis- patch Room is in the rear facing the court-yard on Second Av. S. The building is the largest im- proved modern Post Office at pres- ent constructed in the United States. Edward A. Purdy is Postmaster, and C. W. Kerr, assistant post- POS-PO'S 8 master in charge of Finance Di- vision and J. C. Crowley, super- intendent of mails in charge of mailing division. Branch Offices. — There are branch offices as follows : Traffic Station — 623 1st Av. N. . . Commerce Station.— Old Chamber of Commerce Bldg. St. Anthony Falls Station. — 22 Univ. Ave. S. E. Calhoun Station. — Lake St. and Lyndale Av. Lake St. Station. — Blaisdell Av. and Lake St. Highland Station.— 1910 N. Wash- ington Av. Camden Station. — 709 42d Av. N. Bloomington Station. — 1501 B. Lake St. Linden Hills Station. — 2733 W. 43rd St. Station F (Rural carriers). — 54th St. and Lyndale Av. S. These branch offices perform all the functions of a regular post office. In addition to these are 59 numbered stations which issue and pay money orders, register letters and sell stamps. Post Office Hours. — The gener- al post office is open for the recep- tion of mail from 5 o'clock a. m. to midnight, and for general business from 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m., except Sundays. Cashier's of- fice, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. For the transaction of .registry busi- ness, from 7 :30 a. m. to 9 p. m., and for money order business from 8:15 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. The carrier stations are open for general business from 7:30 a. m. to 6 :00 p. m. The numbered stations in drug stores, etc., are open for business at all hours of the day and even- ing, including Sundays. Arrival and Departure of Mails. — Nearly all mails arrive and de- part both morning and evening. Eastern mails leave, usually, very early, the closing hour (varying with the railroad schedules) being ordinarily not later than 5:30 p. m. for the "fast mail." The im- portant eastern mails arrive from 8 to 9 a. m. Delivery of Mails. — Through the central portion of the city from three to six deliveries are made daily. Outside two or three is the rule. A 10c "special deliv- ery" stamp secures immediate de- livery to any part of the city be- tween 7 a. m. and 11 p. m. Ordi- nary stamps may be used for special delivery, provided the words "Special Delivery," or their equivalent, are written conspicu- ously on the envelope. There are 2,000 lock boxes in the post office which may be rented at prices ranging from $2 per quarter up. Collection of Mails. — Street boxes are located in all parts of the city and letter chutes are found in all office buildings of im- portance. From boxes in residence sections there are from one to six daily collections. From boxes in business section 10 to 20 collec- tions. No Sunday collections ex- cept from boxes located on car lines. From these and from boxes in business sections there is one collection Sunday between 2 and 4 :30 p. m. Collection wagons with- in the central business district will call for large quantities of mail upon application. Rates of Postage. — Rates of do- mestic postage are as follows: First Class. — Letters and all written matter whether sealed or unsealed, and all other matter, sealed, nailed, sewed, tied or fastened in any manner so that it cannot easily be examined, two cents per ounce or fraction thereof. Postal cards lc, with "Return" card 2c. Second Class. — All regular news- papers and periodicals issvied at intervals not exceeding three months, 1 cent for each four ounces. Third Class. — Printed books, pamphlets, circulars, engravings, lithographs, proof-sheets and man- uscript accompanying- the same and all matter of the same general character, and not having the character of personal correspond- ence, circulars produced by hekto- graph or similar process, or by electric pen; limit of weight 4 pounds, except single books ex- ceeding that weight, lc for each two ounces or fraction thereof. Packages of books weighing more than 8 oz. are now under Parcel Post rates. Parcel Post. Fourth Class. — All mailable mat- ter not included in the three pre- ceding classes, which is so wrapped as to be easily examined. Rate, lc per ounce or fraction thereof up to 4 oz. Over that weight the limit is 50 lb. for a distance of 150 miles and 20 lb. beyond that distance. Weights over 4 oz. are chargeable with postage by the following scale: 1st Each Zones Distance lb. add. lb. 1st & 2nd. . 150 mi. 5c lc 3rd 300 mi. 6c 2c 4th 600 mi. 7c 4c 5th 1,000 mi. 8c 6c 6th 1,400 mi. 9c 9c 7th 1,800 mi. lie 10c Liquids not admitted except under conditions which may be learned at the postoffice. Injur- ious substances, as explosives, habit forming drugs, etc., are not admitted. Perishable goods can- not be shipped over 150 miles. Foreign Postage — Domestic let- ter postage of two cents an ounce or fraction of an ounce is applic- able to the TJ. S. and its Prov- inces, also to Canada, Cuba, Mexi- co, Republic of Panama, Bahamas, Barbadoes, British Honduras, Lee- ward Islands, Newfoundland, Ger- many (by direct steamer only), England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and the city of Shanghai, China. To all other places the postage is five cents for first ounce and three cents for each additional ounce or fraction, which must be fully pre- paid. Foreign Parcels Post. — Un- sealed packages of mailable mer- POS-POS chandise may be sent by Parcels Post to Germany, Jamaica, Bar- badoes, the Bahamas, British Honduras, Mexico, the Leeward Is- lands, the Republic of Columbia, Costa Rica, the Danish West In- dies and Salvador, British Guiana, Windward Islands and Newfound- land, Hong Kong, Japan, Norway, Belgium, Great Britain, Sweden, Peru, Denmark, Ecuador, Bermu- da and Australia at the postage rate of 12 cents per pound. Post Cards. — Post cards manu- factured by private parties bearing either written or printed messages are transmissible in the domestic mails prepaid 1 cent and in the mails of the Postal Union prepaid 2 cents each, by stamps affixed, when they conform to the regula- tions, which may be learned on ap- plication.' Money Orders. — For money or- ders the following fees are charged: $2.50 or less, 3c; $5 or less, 5c; $10 or less, 8c; $20 or less, 10c; $30 or less, 12c; $40 or less, 15c; $50 or less, 18c; $60 or less, 20c; $75 or less 25c; $100 or less, 30c. Office open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Registry. — Registry fee, ten cents, which, with the postage, must be fully prepaid. Office open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. All carriers are authorized to re- ceipt for registered letters. Postal Savings Department. — In money order department. Directing Mail. — Direct mail matter to a post office; writing the name of the state plainly; and if to a city, add the street and num- ber or post office box of the per- son addressed; or "general deliv- ery" if your correspondent is tem- porarily there. Write or print your own name and address upon the left hand upper corner of the wrapper of all classes of mail sent. Postal Business. — The receipts of the Minneapolis post office in exceed $3,000,000 annually. POW-PUB 8 Powderhorn Park. — A tract of 65 acres at 10th Av. S. and 32d St., surrounding and including Powder- horn Lake. Chicago & Fremont or Plymouth & Bloomington Lines. (See Park System.) Presbyterian Churches. — An- drew Presbyterian church in East Minneapolis had its origin in the year 1857. On the west side the First Presbyterian church was or- ganized in 1853 and Westminster in 1857. The denomination now numbers the following 22 churches and missions : Andeew. — Cor. 8th Av. S. E. and 4th St. Aldrich Av. Church. — S. Aid- rich Av. and 35 th St. Bethany Church. — Cor. Oak and Essex Sts. E. D. Bethlehem. — Cor. Pleasant Av. and W. 26th St. Calvary. — Bryant and 37th Av. N. Fifth. — Cor. N. Lyndale and 4th Av. N. First. — Cor. Portland Av. and E. 19th St. Glen Car Chapel. — Talmadge and 25th Av. S. E. Grace. — Cor. Humboldt Av. and 28th St. Highland Park. — Cor. 21st Av. N. and Emerson Av. Homewood. — P lymouth and Queen Avs. Hope Chapel. — Wash. Av. bet 19th and 20th Avs. N. House of Faith. — Cor. Broadway and Jefferson Sts. N. E. Knox. — 48th St. and S. Lyndale Av. Oliver. — Cor. Bloomington Av. and E. 27th St. Riverside. — Cor. 20th Av. S. and Riverside Av. Shilqh. — Cor. 24th Av. N. E. and Central Av. Stewart Memorial. — Cor. Stev- ens Av. S. and 32nd St. "Vanderburgh. — Cor. 30th Av. S. and 33rd St. Welsh. — 2917 15th Av. S. Westminster. — Cor. Nicollet Av. and 12th St. Presbyterian Headquarters, 703 Plymouth Bldg. Rev. W. R. Har- shaw, Supt. Home Missions ; R. F. Sultzer, in charge Sunday School Missions. Prisons. (See Police, Court House and Workhouse.) Private Schools. — There are a number of successful institutions of this class. Among them may be mentioned: Blake School for Boys. — Blake Station, Como-Hopkins electric line. Northrop Collegiate School. — 511 Kenwood Parkway. Boarding and day school for girls. Handicraft Guild. — 89 S. lOtb St. Holy Angels Academy. — 4th St and '7th Av. N. Boarding and day school for girls. Stanley Hall. — 2118-2122 Pleas- ant Av. Boarding and day school for girls. St. Margaret's Academy. — 13th St. and Hawthorn Av. Grammai and high school for girls. Probate Court. — The rooms of the Hennepin county probate court are in the court house on 4th St. Pro-Cathedral. — (See Cathe- dral.) Produce Exchange. — The Min- neapolis Produce Exchange is com- posed of commission merchants and dealers handling fruit, eggs, butter, poultry and this class of goods. Sixth St. and 2nd Av. N. Prominent Buildings. (See Buildings.) Protestant Episcopal Churches. (See Episcopal Churches.) Public Improvements. — All pub- lic improvements are under the direct control of the city council and its committees and under the immediate supervision of the city engineer. An exception must be made in the case of parks, which are under the management of the board of park commissioners. (See Parks.) Street grading is paid for by a regular assessment for each ward, which is added to the gener- al tax levy. The amounts thus raised are disbursed under the di- rection of the aldermen of each ward, a "street commissioner 1 having charge of the actual work. The cost of paving, curb and gut- ter, sewers, water mains and side- walks (the latter when not laid by the owner) is assessed upon abutting property at an equal rate per front foot, the city, however, paying for all such work at the intersection of streets. (See Paving, Sewbks, Bridges, etc.) Publio Library. — Cor. Hennepin Av. and 1 Oth St. The public libra- ry was the outgrowth of a pri- vate institution, the Athenaeum, incorporated in 1860 and endowed by Dr. Kirby Spencer. In 1884 steps were taken to establish a public library with the under- standing that a consolidation with the Athenaeum should be effected, and upon the establishment of the library board, a contract was made by the terms of which the Athe- naeum was to place its entire col- lection in the city library build- ing. By the terms of the public li- brary act, $50,000 in private sub- scriptions was required to sup- plement the public issue of bonds. This sum was secured in a few weeks, such prominent men as T. B. Walker, (who was a leader in the enterprise from the start), C. A. Pillsbury, Thos. Lowry, W. D. Washburn, Clinton Morrison, C. G. Goodrich, W. S. King and J. Dean subscribing $5,000 each. The site cost $63,867. Work was begun on the building in 1886 and it was completed and furnished in 1889 at a cost of $270,000 more. It is occupied by the library, and the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. The librarian is Miss Gratia A. Countryman. The Building. — The building has a frontage of 116 feet on Henne- pin and 150 on 10th St., and is three stories above the basement. The walls are Lake Superior brown > PUB-PUB stone. The main entrance on Hen- nepin Av, consists of two door- ways, each 11 feet wide and 12% feet high, and surmounted by a polished gray granite cap stone, the two being separated by a clus- ter of three polished granite shafts. The entire front is broken up with large arched windows with elaborately carved casements and cap stones. The architecture is Romanesque. Just within the entrance there is a staircase hall 36 feet square and extending up- ward 80 feet. The grand stair- case, 17 feet wide, runs up the centre of the hall to the first floor landing, and on either side are secondary flights leading upward and downward, with landings mid- way between the floors. On the first floor is the open shelf room in the north corner and the delivery room at the head of the stairway. Book stacks oc- cupy the 10th St. side on first and second floors and the second floor of a new wing on the side toward 11th St., while the art de- partment and reference occupy the third floor. The art depart- ment is shelved with steel roller shelves and furnished with large sloping desks and tables, and is now the finest department of its kind in the West, filling a room 28x103 feet. The museum and art gallery occupy the entire fourth floor. Books and the Book Rooms — In December, 1889, when the library was opened there were about 30,- 000 books upon its shelves. In December, 1916, there were nearly 320,000 books and the number is constantly increasing. During 1888 Mr. Herbert Putnam, then librarian, spent some time abroad and secured some 17,000 volumes, of especial value, at very low prices. The peculiarly happy union of two purchasing funds — one the Athenaeum fund, designed more especially for the purchase of ref- erence material, and the other the PUB-PUB 9( money raised by general taxation, and therefore, naturally, appropri- ated to more popular classes of literature — has enabled the libra- rian to build up both the refer- ence and the more popular depart- ments, with a very unusual inde- pendence. The result is, that the library while not a very large one, contains a great deal of expensive reference material in the way of long sets of serial publications of learned societies, illustrated works on natural science, etc., very rare- ly to be met with in a free city library of its size. The three main reading rooms accommodate 250 readers. Thirty-eight alcoves, with desks and chairs, afford quar- ters for investigators and stu- dents. There are about 92,000 borrow- ers' cards out and an average of 5,300 books are issued each day. Branches. There are fourteen branches of the library as follows : A — North Branch, Emerson Av. near Twentieth Av. N. B — Franklin Branch, cor. Frank- lin and 14th Av. S. C — Pillsbury Branch, 100 Uni- versity Av. S. E. E — Thirty-sixth Street Branch, 36th St. and 4th Av. So. G — Seward School Branch, Twenty-eighth Av. S. and 24th St. H — New Boston Branch, 2 2d and Central Av. N. E. HE — Walker Branch, 2900 Hen- nepin Av. K — Sumner Branch, 901 6th Av. N. L— Lyndale Branch, 610 W. Lake St. M — Camden Park Branch, Web- ber Field House, Camden PL N— Unity Branch, 1718 N. Third St. R— Linden Hills Branch, 2720 W. Forty-third St. S — Seven Corners Branch, 300 Fifteenth Av. S. Business and Municipal Refer- ence Branch, 508 2nd Av. So. All these branches have reading rooms supplied with various maga- zines and periodicals. Besides the branches there are also 23 deposit stations where books called for are delivered : No. 1 — Court House. No. 2 — 11 W. 26th St. No. 3—2940 Bloom- ington Av. No. 4 — 1401 Univer- sity Av. S. E. No. 5 — 4337 France Av. S. No. 6 — 3124 Emerson No. No. 7 — 3464 Minnehaha Av. No. 8 — 1807 Plymouth Av. No. 9 — Grand and 26th Av. N. E. No. 10 — Orlin and Malcolm S. E. No. 11 —4301 East 50th St. No. 12— 4253 Nicollet Av. No. 13 — 23rd Av. S. and Franklin. No. 14 — 14th and Talmadge S. E. No. 15 — Oak and Washington S. E. No. 16— ,1600 Western Av. No. 17 — 118 Hennepin Av. No. 18—2122 6th Av. N. No. 19— 38th. Street and Grand. No. 20 — 38th Av. S. and 31st St. No. 21 — 4553 Bryant Av. S. No. 22 — Minnehaha and 40th St. No. 23 — Penn and 36th Av. N. No. 24 — 48th St. and 28th Av. S. Regulations. — The Library is ©pen on all week days, not legal holidays, from 8:30 a. m. till 10 p. m.; but no books are issued for circulation after 9:00 p. m. The reading rooms and reference de- birches grow in profusion along the high bluff overhanging the ri- partments are open on Sundays and legal holidays from 2 until 10 p. m. Each adult borrower may have a card upon which two volumes of fiction and as many volumes of non-fiction as are needed, may be drawn at a time. Books may be retained for 14 days, and may be renewed for the same period. Books of recent purchase, marked "Seven Day Books," may not be retained more than one week and cannot be re- newed. A fine of 2 cents a day must be paid on each volume which is not returned according to rule. In addition to the 500 periodi- cals and newspapers to be found in the reading rooms the library circulates about fifty of the more popular magazines, the total of such copies amounting to 400 per month, and the time being re- stricted to three days. In the case of books of great popularity, in addition to the free copies furnished, the library pro- vides copies, the number vary- ing according to the demand, which are loaned at a charge of 5c a week. Public Morals Commission. — Authorized by city council to in- vestigate the moral conditions of the city with special reference to social vice, and to report its find- ings not less than once in three months, and more frequently if advisable, to the mayor and the council. Public Schools. — In point of ef- ficiency, thoroughness, quality of teaching force, buildings and gen- eral management, the public schools of Minneapolis are as well equipped as the best. The board of education (See City Officees) is chosen directly by the people. B. B. Jackson is the superin- tendent of schools. Minneapolis has now a very satisfactory group of school buildings. It is the ac- cepted policy "to build well and cheaply; to plan pleasing, substan- tial and commodious structures; to fit them with all modern im- provements; to make matters of plumbing, lighting, heating and ventilation of vital importance; to make, in short, a perfect school building, with due regard mean- while to economy." In the new buildings the light enters all school rooms from the left side only of the seated pupil. Two stories and a basement are the model. The basement pro- vides for play rooms, manual training shops, etc. A number of buildings have large auditoriums suitable for neighborhood and other meetings. There are 81 school buildings in the city, about 1,700 teachers and about 54,000 pupils enrolled. There PUB-PUB are five high schools with an en- rollment of over 9,000 pupils. Manual training is taught in the high school course of four years with the greatest success. The system employed is designed to give skill and precision in the handling of tools and to give the pupil a training in mechanical principles, in drawing, in design- ing and in the treatment of mate- rials, that will enable him very readily to acquire the practical technique of any particular me- chanical trade. It also fits him for a course in mechanics offered by any university in the United States. Aside from this direct preparation for higher mechanical pursuits the manual training work does not lose sight of its primary and original purpose of develop- ment of mind and character through the training of eye and hand. (See Industrial Education.) Commercial courses are ar- ranged to give studies which will fit young men and young women to go into commercial positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, or general office assistants. The home economics course gives girls a chance to become efficient home makers or prepare for entrance into culinary occupations or the needle trades, while the arts course is designed for the person who wishes to specialize in music, drawing or handicraft. Manual training, cooking and sewing are also a part of the work of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Intermediate or Junior High Schools have been established in the Bremer, Franklin, and Seward buildings and others will be es- tablished as soon as conditions warrant. These schools include the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades and with their additional equipment offer special oppor- tunities for boys and girls to try themselves out and be guided to their life's work. PUB -PUB 9 Summer schools are maintain- ed by Board of Education for six to eight weeks during July and August to give backward pupils an opportunity to make their grades and to enable bright pu- pils to secure an extra promo- tion. Night schools are main- tained by Board of „ Education from October to April, giving in- struction in academic and indus- trial subjects. Enrollment this year has exceeded 9,000. In connection with the state uni- versity the school system of the city has a certain completeness within itself. The pupil may pass through all grades into the uni- versity, or may from the high school enter one of the state nor- mal schools, and in due time se- cure a position as a teacher in the schools. The schools open about the 1st of September and close the mid- dle of June. Holidays occur on Labor day, at Thanksgiving, from Christmas to New Year's, Wash- ington's and Lincoln's Birthdays, at Easter and on Memorial day. The offices of the school board and superintendent are in the city hall where the assistant secretary and the business superintendent are to be found. Regular board meetings are held on the second and last Tuesdays of the month. Running expenses of the school system are about $2,500,000 annu- ally. Names and Locations of Schools. Central High. — 4th Av. S. and 34th St. East High. — 4th St. and 1st Av. S. E. North High. — Fremont and 17th A vs. N. South High. — Cedar Av. and E. 24th St. Wert High. — Hennepin Av. and 28th St. Girls' Vocational High. — 4th Av. S. and 12th St. Adams. — 16th and Franklin Avs. Blaine. — 3rd St. and 12th Av. N. Bremer. Fremont and Lowry. Avs. N. Bryant. — 37th St. and Clinton Av. Brtn Mawr. — Russell Av. and Cedar Lake Road. Calhoun. — Girard Av. near Lake St. Clara Barton. — Colfax Av. and 43d St. Clay. — 4th St. and 20th Av. S. Clinton. — Clinton Av. and 28th St. Columbus. — Winter St. and 24th Av. S. E. Corcoran. — 34th St. and 19th Av. S. - Cyrus Northrop. — 16th Av. S. and E. 46th St. Douglas. — Franklin and Dupont Avs. Emerson. — 14th St. and Spruce PL Eugene Field. — Portland Av. and E. 48th St. Everett. — University and 6th Avs. N. E. Franklin. — 4th St. and 15th Av. N. Garfield. — Chicago Av. and 24th St. Geo. Bancroft. — 14th Av. S. and 38th St. Grant. — Girard and 12th Avs. N. Greeley. — 26th St. and 12th Av. S. Grover Cleveland. — Russell and 33 rd Avs. N. Hamilton. — Girard and 44th Av. Harrison. — James and 4th Avs. Hawthorne. — 6th St. bet. 24th and 25th Avs. N. Hiawatha. 42nd St. and 42nd Av. S. Holland. — Washington St. and 17th Av. N. E. Holmes. — 5th St. and 3d Av. S. E. Horace Mann. — Chicago Av. and 34th St. Irving. — 28th St. and 17th Av. S. Jackson. — 4th St. and 15th Av. S. John Ericsson. — 3 1st A v. S. and 44th St. Johnson. — 31st St. and 37 th Av. S. Julia Ward Howe. — 41st Av. S. and E. 36th St. Kenwood. — S. Perm bet. Frank- lin Av. and W. 21st St. Lake Harriet. — Sheridan Av. and 42nd St. LaFaybtte. — Laurel and Lyn- dale Av». Lincoln. — Penn and 10th Av. N. Logan. — Emerson and 18th Avs. N. Longfellow. — Lake St. and Min- nehaha Av. Louis Agassiz. — Harriet Av. and W. 38th. Lowell. — 22nd St. and 23rd Av. N. Lyndale. — Lyndale Av. and W. 34th St. McKinlby. — Bryant and 37th Av. N. Madison. — 5th Av. S. bet. 15th and 16th Sts. M arc y.— 7th St. and 11th Av. S. E. Margaret Fuller. — Harriet Av. and W. 48th St. Maria Sanford. — 29th Av. N. and 6th St Miles Standish. — 22nd Av. S. and E. 40th St. Minnehaha. — 51st St. bet. 38th and 39th Avs. S. Monroe. — Franklin and 23rd Avs. S. Motley. — Oak St. and Washing- ton Av. S. E. Nicollet. — Upper Nicollet Is- land. Peabody. — 2% St. and 19th Av. S. Penn. — Penn and 36th Avs. N. Pierce. — Fillmore St. near Spring St. N. E. Pillsbdry. — B. St. and 23rd Av. N. E. Prescott. — Taylor St. and 25th Av. N. E. Robert Fulton. — Vincent Av. and 49th St. Rosedale. — Wentworth Av. and W. 43rd St. Seward. — 24th St. and 28th Av. S. Schiller. — 26th Av. N. E. and California St. Sheridan. — Broadway and Uni- versity Av. N. E. Sidney Pratt. — Malcolm and Or- lin Avs. I PUM-RAD Simmons. — Minnehaha Av. and 38th St. Sumner. — Aldrich and Sixth Avs. N. Thomas Arnold. — 9 th Av. S. E. and 4th St. Thomas Lowry. — Lincoln St. and 29 th Av. N. E. Tuttle. — Talmage Av. and Oak St. Van Cleve. — 25th Av. and Jeffer- son St. N. E, Washington. — 8th Av. S. and 6th St. Webster. — Summer and Monroe Sts. N. E. Whitney. — Pierce St. and 19th Av. N. E. Whittier. — Blaisdell Av. and 26th St. Willard. — Queen and 16th Avs. N. (See Education, University, In- dustrial Education, etc.) Pumping" Stations. — (See Watbb Works.) Quarantine Station. — An isola- tion station for the detention of persons afflicted with smallpox, lo- cated west of Lake Calhoun. In Gharge of the Health department (which see). Radisson Hotel. — One of the fin- est hotels in the West, opened to the public January, 1910. It is a twelve-story, reinforced steel and concrete structure on Seventh St., between Hennepin and Nicollet Aves., entirely fireproof and equipped in the most modern way. It has 350 rooms. The main en- trance on Seventh St. leads di- rectly into the magnificent lobby, finished in Italian marble through- out. Seven electric high speed elevators give access to the up- per floors. Adjoining the lobby is the for- mal dining room, "The Chateau Room," a replica of the grand din- ing hall of Chateau Blois, France, with tapestries and special furni- ture after models of the Francois Premier period. Towards the rear of the lobby is the secluded and RAI-RAI 9 restful men's cafe, "The Viking Room," with wainscoting and fur- nishings carved after the models of ancient Norse handicraft and mural paintings and decorations of the Viking period. The Teco Inn, a cafe opened in September, 1912, located downstairs, is one of the most unique dining rooms in this country and a show place of the city. It is finished in Teco tile throughout, the decorations represent landscapes taken locally and from the West and Northwest. The ladies' parlors, the library, the ball room and banquet hall and four private dining rooms, in- cluding the Empire Room, are lo- cated on the first (balcony) floor. The billiard room and barber shop are located in the basement. The appointments of the hotel include every contrivance known to modern hotel construction for perfect sanitation as well as the comfort and convenience of its guests. The air entering the pub- lic rooms is filtered, as is the wa- ter circulating to its guests and dining rooms. It has vacuum cleaning system and automatic thermostat temperature control. It has a complete power, electric, heating, ventilating and refriger- ating plant; carpenter, upholster- ing, decorating, printing and laun- dry departments, telephone, telau- tograph, master and secondary clock systems. The decorative scheme of the Radisson is restful and in good, harmonious taste, with no ap- proach to garishness. The con- struction, equipment, decorations and furnishings of the hotel rep- resent an investment of almost $2,000,000. Railroads. — Nine great railways afford transportation facilities for Minneapolis. Their numerous branches and divisions, if counted separately, would double the num- ber. Trains arrive and depart daily over a score of routes. The railway systems represented in the city aggregate about 40,000 miles of lines, and include the strongest corporations of the kind in the West. Seven railways connect Minneapolis with Chicago and the eastern lines there terminating, but the city is in a measure inde- pendent of Chicago. The Minne- apolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Railroad, with its Canadian Pa- cific connection to the east, north of Lake Michigan, and several "lake and rail" routes via Duluth, Green Bay, Milwaukee and Glad- stone, give independent outlets to the, seaboard. To the westward there is a choice of five routes to the Pacific coast. Every section of Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dako- tas, Nebraska and Montana is in direct communication with Minne- apolis. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Northern Pacific, Great Northern, "Soo" line, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha ("The Northwestern Line"), Chicago Great Western, C, R. I. & P. and Minneapolis & St. Louis have ac- quired extensive terminal facili- ties in the city. (See Railroad Stations, Ticket Offices, etc.) Railroad Shops. — The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Minne- apolis & St. Louis and the "Soo" railways have extensive shops in the city, and take rank among the largest local employers of skilled labor. The aggregate value of the real estate, terminal property and shops owned by these companies is very large, probably exceeding $8,000,000. The total number of hands employed in the shops is about 2,000, and their earnings per annum amount to over $1,000,- 000. Railroad Stations. — Passenger trains of five railroads entering the city, arrive at and depart from the Great Northern passenger sta- . tion which is at the foot of Hen- nepin and Nicollet Aves. This station is used by the Great Northern; Northwestern Line; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; Great Western and North- ern Pacific The building is a modern structure, completed in 1914. (See Great Northern Sta- tion) Como-Harriet; Oak & Har- riet; Kenwood & Johnson; Nicol- let & Central; Washburn Park & Columbia Heights; Marquette & Grand; Monroe & Bryant and Western & 2nd St. N. E. electric lines. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul passenger station is on Washington Av. at the corner of 3rd Av. S. It is a handsome new building, three stories in height and surmounted by a lofty clock tower. There are commodious waiting rooms, baggage rooms, and all the conveniences of a mod- ern railway passenger station. The train sheds are on the level of the main floor of the station. Besides the C. M. & St. P. R'y the C. R. I. & P. and Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie rail- roads use this station. St. Paul & Minneapolis; Minnehaha or 50th St. & Camden electric cars. The Minneapolis & St. Louis R'y has its own station at Wash- ington and 4th Aves. N. It is within easy walking distance from the business center and the Chicago & Fremont; 50th St. & Camden and the Plymouth & Bloomington electric cars pass the station. (See Ticket Offices, Railroads.) Railroad Ticket Offices. (See Ticket Offices.) Reading" Rooms. — There are reading rooms at the public libra- ry, Cor. Hennepin Av. and 10th St., where an exceedingly fine col- lection of magazines and newspa- pers is on file. Readers also have the use of the extensive reference department, and in fact of all the books in the library. The rooms are open from 8:30 a. m. to 10 p. RAI-REA m.; on Sundays from 2 p. m. till 10 p. m. Any person of good de- portment may use the reading rooms and consult works in the library whether a card holder or not. Besides the central library reading rooms each of the twelve branches has a large well lighted reading room liberally supplied with periodicals. (See Public Li- brary.) Real Estate. — There are about 850 real estate agents or firms whose names appear in the Min- neapolis directory. As some of these employ many clerks and as- sistants it is safe to say that there are at least three thousand persons engaged in the business in the city. The daily transfers of real estate, as recorded in the office of the register of deeds, are pub- lished in the papers and scanned with interest. There has been a decidedly healthy movement in Minneapolis real estate in late years. Business property has been the object of liberal invest- ment and residence lots and houses have been in active demand. An unusually large number of dwell- ings have been erected for occu- pancy by the owners — this tenden- cy being quite as noticeable among the wage earners as among people of means. Business and residence property sell at less prices than in other cities of the same size and for this reason considered a most excellent investment. The real estate transfers In 1917 aggregated $25,192,269, the building operations, $9,258,365. The real estate transfers by years since 1901 have been as fol- lows : 1901 $11,557,585 1902 16,873,104 1903 13,811,346 1904 13,565,470 1905 18,125,485 1906 17,542.400 1907 24,911.962 1908 19,019,068 1909 26,360,777 REA-RET £ 1910 27,500,000 1911 24,891,670 1912 24,460,227 1913 23,812,649 1914 23,580,552 1915 33,209,086 1916 30,291,229 1917 25,192,269 Seal Estate Board. — An organi- zation of the leading real estate and financial agents for mutual advantage in the buying, selling and renting of real estate, the loaning of money upon the same and the promotion of the interests of the city of Minneapolis. The Board was organized in May, 1892, and reorganized in the spring of 1900 upon a very substantial and business-like basis, its member- ship consisting of the representa- tive real estate and loaning houses of the city. The officers are: President, A. E. Zonne; Vice President, P. E. Von Kuster; Sec- retary, H. U. Nelson; Treasurer, J. S. Hooper; Board of Directors, M. Bartlett, W. B. Boardman, Harry C. Brace, A. C. Danenbaum, C. I. Fuller, G. N. Hoaglin, M. F. iSchutt, F. G. Smith, S. S. Staring, P. E. Von Kuster, C. G. Went- worth, A. E. Zonne. The Board maintains attractive rooms at 835 Palace Building where members are always welcome and where a large assortment of maps, atlases and books on real estate subjects are available. The work of the valuation committee of the real estate board is especially valuable to the comnrUnity. The committee, under the rules, must personally examine every piece of property appraised. It consists of five members, and the valuations are reliable and unbi- ased. Regular meetings of the board are held each month. Infor- mation may be secured and appli- cations for valuations made through the secretary of the board. The membership of the board is over 200. This organization is a mem- ber of the National Real Estate Exchange. Religious Societies. — In the fol- lowing list are found the more prominent religious associations of the city or those having local representatives here. Those of most importance are also found under separate heads. American Sunday School Union OF MlNN.- American Baptist Missionary Union. — 405 Evanston Bldg. Christian Worker's Mission. — 29 S. Washington Av. Wm. A. Petran, director. Congregational S. S. & Pub. So- ciety. — 525 Lumber Exchange. Hennepin County Biblb So- ciety. — 1015 Nicollet Av. Hennepin County S. S. Associa- tion. — 848 Plymouth Bldg. Methodist Episcopal Missionary and Church Extension Society. — Rev. M. P. Burns, secretary. Minnesota Baptist State Con- vention. — 405 Evanston Bldg. Union City Mission. — 124% Hennepin Av. C. M. Stocking, su- perintendent. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. — (See separate heading.) Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. — 10th St. and Mary Place. Young Women's Christian Asso- ciation. — 87 S. 7th St. (See Benevolent Societies anb Institutions.) Retail Stores. — Nicollet Avenue is the favorite street for the bet- ter class of retail stores, though trade is gradually extending on to the side streets. Washington Avenue South abounds with less pretentious shops. Central Ave- nue is the retail center of the east side, and lesser centers occur at intervals throughout the different sections of the city. Thus Cedar Avenue is a retail trade center in South Minneapolis and the vicini- ties of Plymouth and Washington Avenues and of Washington and 20th Av. N. in North Minneapolis are busy places. Twenty-sixth Street and Nicollet and Franklin and 16th Avenues S. are favor- able points for retail business and Lake St. has become a promi- nent retail thoroughfare. Richfield. — The township lying immediately south of Minneapolis. It is an excellent farming section, with a rolling surface diversified by a score or more of beautiful lakes. Many fine drives may be had through Richfield, almost every road leading out of the city to the south being pleasant. (See Drives.) Riverside Park. — A pleasantly situated tract of land on the cliffs overlooking the Mississippi is called Riverside Park. It is be- tween 27th and 29th Aves. S. and contains nearly twenty acres. The picturesqueness and beauty of this location has always made It a favorite resort and the hand of the landscape artist has found but little work to convert it into an ideal park. In the adornment of the park the aim has been to pre- serve its pristine beauty. Minne- haha electric line. Road Maps. — Road maps for automobiles and pedestrians may be had at the principal book and stationery stores and news stands. The Hudson Publishing Co., 404 Kasota Bldg., cor. 4th St. and Hen. Av. makes a specialty of maps of all kinds, carrying in stock a large variety, and supplying to order any map published. Rose Garden. — Maintained by the park board in Lyndale park near Lake Harriet. Many varieties of roses are grown in perfection. The garden is one of the park beauty spots from June to Sep- tember. Monroe & Bryant line. Rowing 1 . — Boats may be hired at Lakes Harriet and Calhoun and at Lake Minnetonka. (Sew Boating.) Safe Deposit Vaults. — For the safe keeping of valuable papers, jewelry, etc., several safe deposit vaults are maintained by respon- sible corporations, in which in- dividual safes may be rented, at BIO- SAL from $3 a year up. The safe renter has his own key and ac- cess cannot be obtained to the safe by anyone except himself, or his authorized agent, and then only in conjunction with the man- ager of the vault, who carries a master key. Protection is af- forded against theft, fire, or un- authorized inspection. Vaults are located as follows: The Minnesota Loan & Trust Company, Northwestern Bank Bldg., Marquette Av. and Fourth St.; Minneapolis Trust Company, 115 S. 5th St.; Metropolitan National Bank, Metropolitan Life Bldg., Second Av. So. and Third St.; State Bank of Commerce, 517 Marquette Av. Sailing". — Sail-boats may be had for hire at the principal lakes in the vicinity of the city. Lakes Calhoun and Harriet and Minne- tonka are the most available. At Minnetonka there are scores of private sail-boats and regattas by the yacht club are the most inter- esting events of the lake season. Salaries of City Officials. — The more important are : Mayor, $6,- 000; aldermen, $1,500; city clerk, $4,000; municipal judges, $4,000; attorney, $6,000; treasurer, $5,- 800; comptroller $4,000; assessor, $4,200; inspector of buildings, $3,- 500; engineer, $7,500; commission- er of health, $3,600; chief engineer fire department, $4,104; superin- tendent of police, $3,600; registrar water works, $2,700. Saloons. — Minneapolis disposes of the temperance question by a strict surveillance of the saloons under the drastic general and spe- cial legislation of the state. High license is the principal restriction. An annual tax of $1,000 is assessed upon every saloon keeper. Appli- cation must be made for such li- cense two weeks before the time of Issue, and when the licenses are Issued cash payment of the full amount must be made. SAS-SEC £ Licenses may be revoked and con- fiscated for disorderliness, or vio- lation of any of the laws regu- lating the sale of liquor. Another statute provides that all saloons must close promptly at 11 p. m. and all day on Sundays. The "pa- trol limits" confine the saloons to the business part of the city and absolutely prevent their invasion of any residence quarter. There are about 435 saloons in the city. (See Patrol Limits.) Sash, Doors and Finishing's. — Minneapolis is the first city in the country in the "sash and door" industry. Her factories produce more "mill work" than those of any other city and in ad- dition the city is an important jobbing point for the product of factories located elsewhere. Saving's Banks. — Savings depos- its are heavy. One savings bank has 79,000 depositors and savings deposits in the city aggregate nearly $50,000,000. (See Banks.) Saw Mills. (See Lumber and Saw Mills.) School Board. (See Public Schools and City Officials.) School of Agriculture. (See University. ) School of Design. (See Minne- apolis Society of Fine Arts and Handicraft Guild.) Schools. (See Public Schools, Private Schools and Handicraft Guild.) Secret Societies. — A description of the Masonic Temple is given elsewhere. The Masons are a large and powerful body in the city and have gained prestige with the erection of such a creditable structure. Next in rank come the Odd Fellows who as yet have no building, their lodges meeting in various halls about the city. The Knights of Pythias and the An- cient Order of Foresters are very strong and rapidly growing in membership. Among the other or- ders represented in the city are the Good Templars; A. O. U. W. ; Knights of Honor; Druids; Royal Arcanum; Elks and Grand Army of the Republic. For the meet- ing places of the posts, as well as the lodges of the various secret societies the city directory must be consulted. (See Masonic Tem- ple.) Security Building A hand- some ten-story office building at the corner of Second Av. S. and Fourth St. It is one of the most striking buildings in the city. The exterior is of white enameled brick with white terra cotta trir mings, the design simple and al- most severely plain, but dignified and in excellent taste. There is a frontage of 152 feet on Second Av. and 132 feet on Fourth St., and on the longer front are the en- trances, which admit to the main lobby, elevators and stairways. Immediately beyond is the lobby of the Scandinavian- American Na- tional Bank, which occupies most of the ground floor. This lobby is 50 by 70 feet and is surrounded by the bank offices and is lighted by twelve large skylights directly under the central court of the building. These banking rooms are perhaps the most beautiful in the northwest. Marble, bronze and delicately tinted and decorat- ed panels and richly colored glass combined in the most refined taste give very rich effects. The tone is classical although much of the decoration is of modern type. Every detail of banking equipment is worked out in the most practi- cal way. The remainder of the building is devoted to general of- fice purposes. There are about 35 offices on each floor, all having outdoor light and finished in the most sumptuous manner. The building- is constructed after the latest ideas in fireproof architec- ture, concrete, steel, brick and tile being almost the only materials used. There are five plunger ele- vators. The building was erected in 1905-6. Seeing- the City. — Minneapolis is a city of "magnificent distances" and it is well to plan one's sight- seeing carefully unless unlimited time is at disposal. Otherwise a good deal of time may be lost in uninteresting places or in doub- ling on one's course. The princi- pal places of interest are the re- tail district, the wholesale dis- trict, the flour mills, the saw mills, the Falls of St. Anthony, the state university, the public library and art collections, the parks, lakes and Minnehaha Falls. Following are a number of outlines of short trips about the city for the use of strangers, or of residents when showing visitors about. It is well to look over the map of the city before starting and have general directions and distances in mind. The time given is for continuous walking or riding at ordinary speed; if time is taken to examine the interior of buildings or to diverge from the ^-oute, allowance should be made. In each case The Gateway, at Nicollet, "Wash- ington and Hennepin Aves., is taken as the starting point; the trips may be adapted to other starting places with proper al- lowance for time. Combinations of the various routes may, of course, be made up to suit the individual. 1. A Hasty Glance. — Walk up Hennepin Av. to 3rd St., Nicollet House at left and Temple Court and Sykes Blk. at right; north on 3rd to 1st Av. N. and west on 1st Av. N. to 6th St., passing some of the largest wholesale houses; SEE-SEE south on 6th to Hennepin Av., Masonic Temple on left, Ply- mouth Bldg. opposite; east on Hennepin to Fiftn St., West Hotel on left and Lumber Exchange di- agonally opposite; south on Fifth to Nicollet; west on Nicollet to Sixth St., view up and down Nicol- let, Pillsbury Bldg. at right, Glass Blk. opposite and Syndicate Blk. diagonally opposite; proceed on 6th to Marquette Av.; to 5th St., First Nat'l Bank on right; south on 5th to 2nd Av. S., passing New York Life Bldg.; east on 2nd Av. S. to 3rd St., passing Court House one block at right, Mc- Knight and Security buildings and Metropolitan Life Bldg. at 3rd St.; north on 3rd to Marquette Av., west on Marquette to 4th St., Met- ropolitan Opera House at right, Phoenix Bldg., Oneida Bldg. and Northwestern Bank Bldg. at cor- ner of 4th; north on 4th to Nicol- let passing newspaper offices; east on Nicollet to Washington pass- ing retail stores and office build- ings; north on Washington to Hennepin. 30 to 40 minutes. 2. An Houe's Walk. — Same route as in No. 1 to 6th and Hen- nepin; continue west on Hennepin past Lyric theatre to Public Li- brary at 10th St.; south on 10th past First Baptist church and Y. M. C. A. Bldg. to Nicollet Av.; east on Nicollet past office build- ings and retail stores to 6th St.; complete as in No. 1. 3. For Two Hours. — Same as No. 1 with this addition : On re- turn to Washington and Hennepin take Oak & Harriet or Como-Har- riet car going east, passing union passenger station, crossing steel arch bridge over Mississippi river with glimpse of saw mills at left and flour mills at right; through Central Av. and 4th St. S. E. (pleasant residence district) to 14th Av. S. E.; walk one block to right, enter University campus SEE-SEE 1< (for description see University op Minnesota); walk from Uni- versity grounds through Pleasant St. two blocks to Washington Av.; take west-bound Minneapolis & St. Paul car, passing across Washing- ton Av. bridge (fine view), the flour mills at 6th Av. S., the C. M. & St. P. passenger station at 3rd Av. S., to Sixth St. and Hen- nepin. 4. For Three Hours. — Same as No. 3 with this addition: On re- turn to Fifth St. and Hennepin from the University, transfer to Como-Harriet car going west; out Hennepin past Lyric theatre, Public Library at 10th St., Loring Park, Lowry Hill, through Hennepin Boul. (rapidly develop- ing residence district), past Lake Calhoun; past Lakewood Ceme- tery at left; to Lake Harriet. The return may be made without leav- ing the car or such time as may be added to the trip may be spent in the pavilion or in exploring the lake and vicinity. 5. The Flour Mills. — Cedar & Camden or Minnehaha (Third St.) cars south on Washington Av. to 6th Av. S. ; walk two blocks to the left to 1st St. Half an hour, unless the mills are entered, when at least 30 minutes more should be allowed. Washburn "A" is the largest mill in the growp. Permits for visitors may be se- cured at the office of the Wash- burn-Crosby Company in the Chamber of Commerce. 6. Falls of St. Anthony. — Same as No. 5 continuing east from 1st St. under stone arch bridge to the "apron." 30 min- utes. 7. Court House and Chamber op Commerce. — Plymouth & Bloomington car to Fourth Av. S., Court House at right, Cham- ber of Commerce at left. The Interiors of these buildings are worth inspection. Take elevator to visitors' gallery In Chamber of Commerce. It is but a short walk from the Chamber to the flour miiis and 5, 6 and 8 may be combined with this trip without much loss of time. 8. Flour Mills and Falls. — Same as No. 5 to mills on west side; turn to right at 1st St. and walk through milling district and railroad yards to 10th Av. S. (View of falls and river at left.) Cross 10th Av. S. bridge. (View of falls and milling district at left, new dam and power house which supplies electric power for street railway system, at right. Univer- sity in distance at right.) At east end of bridge walk along river bank to 3rd Av. S. E. to 4th St.; electric cars to Washington and Hennepin. 1% hours. At Third Av. S. E. the great Pillsbury "A" flour mill may be visited. Permits should be secured in advance at the office of the com- pany in the Metropolitan Life Bldg. 10. University. — See No. 3, 1 hr. ; if buildings are examined 2 or 3 hours. 11. Saw Mills. — 50th St. & Camden cars north on Washington to 3 2d Av., plant of Northland Pine Co., li/ 2 hours. (See Lumber and Saw Mills.) 12. Residences. — Many fine res- idences are to be seen in trips Nos. 3 and 4. To see another interest- ing residence section, take Chicago & Fremont cars going south to 27th St.; walk two blocks west on 27th to Park Av.; north five blocks to 22nd St.; west on 22nd to 3rd Av. S.; south to 24th St.; west to Nicollet passing Art Institute, Washburn residence and other beautiful homes; any car going north for return. Time about 1 hour if the walk is taken briskly. An additional hour will allow of seeing more of the pleasant neigh- borhoods traversed. (See Drives.) 13. Railroad Terminals. — These include hundreds of miles of tracks , ^ ■ <*•■ • ■}■■'-* ' ' < CERTS Minn. ,,: : - ** , & • •_-I.*VW~" - , ... ; !l !...?-'' -:''^3;=, H o £ _.„__._ :: ... ^ ■ :|g C/5 u a , ' ^^™-. .J* A fRS W ! «3 §j a i o s E g JNG 1919 Buildi • - ->■ '*■ :;? &- ^ j^y x J ^ =22 2 B * fr ' ^1 1?f*^' *i r 1 2? < T 2 o .■§ ^** - '■•' 0': ■''/ ^m.' """""" 1 N CTC IND 18. 1st, ril t Aud - * ^ I /^ 3 ^ ON - » w ,■ ^„ ■ *..W...: -m. PH , Con E ON, ERTS 118 to A TOUR, AGER. 11 ■ §t- ^ c« * a£ o '1 :r -fc . POLIS EMIL OBE Manager XTEENT 24 POPl Home Season, ENTH ANNU/ ENDELL HEK Hi y^^» • -'■"" ■ • ■;'■,"• EA 3HTON, ox. TS HIRTE Iress W ^, . -~^\-/J.^ r^ ; Z j ... - r "N , 1 ■■~m^±#* \ / . Z =i o g HH o U 0) 1 JkX " § 1 z 5 .iii/ *.-'- %- : f / o • « »^'i ' |! W SYMPH or Dates 1< DC H 2 ^ in all parts of the city, but the visitor who wishes to have an idea of the down town terminals may walk north on Washington Av. to 4th Av. N. bridge over the Great Northern and Minneapolis & St. Louis roads, where a glimpse may be had of one end of a sys- tem of terminals extending three miles toward the southwest. Pass- ing north on 4th Av. to River St. will give an idea of the nearer yards of the Soo Line, Northern Pacific and "Northwestern." When the latter yards are reached the Great Northern station is in sight at the right but a few blocks away. Returning to Washington Av. take 50th St. & Camden electric car to 6th Av. S., walk toward the mills through C. M. & St. P. yards and about the mills observe the facilities for handling wheat and flour in and out. This much can be done in an hour of brisk walking. Many trips about town may be made most pleasantly on the elec- tric cars and still others more successfully in carriages or auto- mobiles or on bicycles. (See Excursions, Drives, Automobiles.) Servants. — The larger portion of the "girls" are Scandinavians, there being comparatively few Germans or Irish in service. Au- thorities differ as to the best way of engaging a girl. An advertise- ment in one of the daily papers will usually bring applicants. Wages range from $3 to $6 per week and upwards for girls doing general housework. Settlement Houses. — Settle- ment work is carried on at four centers. (See Pillsbtjry House, Northeast Neighborhood House, Unity House and Wells Memor- ial House.) Sewers. — There are about 400 miles of sewers in the city of Min- neapolis. Most of this has been the work of the past twenty years. SER-SID The main sewer system of the city is nearly perfect, penetrating every important section, and can have many miles added in years to come at a small cost, as the trunk sewers are all laid. One of the heaviest engineering works in this line was the construction of a large sewer tunnel from the foot of 8th Av. S. under the main busi- ness center to the northern part of the city. It drains a large region which otherwise would be obliged to turn its sewage into the river above the falls. The tunnel is over 7,000 feet long and is at an average depth of 50 or 60 feet and cost $200,000. There are several lesser tunnels in other parts of the city, their total length being about six miles. (See Public Im- provements. ) Shade Trees. — Visitors seldom fail to remark the handsome shade trees on all the older streets of the residence portions of the city. Every effort has been made by the board of park commissioners to en- courage the planting of trees by property owners. The park com- missioners will on request, set out trees on any block or blocks and care for them for five years at a nominal cost. This secures uni- formity and successful growth. Many miles of Minneapolis streets are under this system. There are a number of very fine natural groves throughout the city which have been utilized to enhance the beauty of the residences so for- tunate as to be located among them. Sidewalks. — Throughout the business portion of the city the walks are usually wide and uni- formly laid with artificial stone. In residence quarters the walks vary from six to ten feet in width and there is ordinarily a strip of turf between the pave- ment and the street. There are about 950 miles of stone sidewalk in the city. SKA-SPO V Skating". — From the middle of November until early in March the ice on the numerous lakes is us- ually strong enough for skating. There is seldom heavy snow un- til after Christmas, after which time skaters must be content with artificial rinks or go to Loring Park Lake, Lake of the Isles and other park lakes which are kept clear of snow for the public con- venience. Buildings containing warmed rooms for adjusting skates, check rooms for super- fluous wraps, and a large assort- ment of skates for rent, are pro- vided. Sleighing". — There are usually about three months of sleighing in each year at Minneapolis. The drives are delightful and with plenty of wraps a dash behind a good horse is enjoyable even with the mercury near zero. Soldiers' Home. — The Minnesota Soldiers' Home occupies a tract of 51 acres near Minnehaha Falls, and overlooking the beautiful gorge of the Mississippi River. It was established in 1887 and is wnder the management of a board of seven trustees. To secure the home, the citzens of Min- neapolis raised a large sum of money and donated the land to the state. The city has since purchased the surrounding prop- erty which has been named Min- nehaha Park and the whole tract is virtually one large park. The home is on the "cottage plan." An administration building has a central position and around it are the hospital, dining hall, amuse- ment hall and cottages which are the actual homes of the inmates, and the other minor departments of the institution. The water supply of the Home comes from an artesian well 1,019 feet deep. Each cottage will accommodate 70 men. There are about 500 members of the Home. The property has cost over $700,000, and the expense of maintenance is about §100,000 a year. An ad- dition to the Women's Building for the accommodation of wives, widows and mothers of veterans has recently been erected at a cost of $50,000. The officers of the Home are W. H. Harries, com- mandant; R. R. Henderson, ad- jutant; A. W. Guild, quarter- master; Rev. Leland P. Smith, chaplain; Dr. T. C. Clark, surgeon. Minnehaha electric line. It is a six mile drive from the center of the city. Soo Line. — The popular name for the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie R'y, which see. South-East Minneapolis. — The name commonly used to designate that part of the eastern district south of East Hennepin Av. — or where the streets and avenues are called "southeast." South Minneapolis — A rather indefinite term used to designate that part of the city lying south- east of the business center and south and west of the Mississippi river. Sports. — Athletic sports are among the staple amusements of the Northwest, where irresistible energy is the natural consequence of a vigorous climate. In summer golf, tennis, base- ball, bicycling, yachting, swim- ming, automobiling and riding have their thousands of votaries, while fishermen and hunters find stream and field within easy dis- tance from the city. Foot ball creates great enthusiasm during the autumn. There are numerous golf and tennis clubs and two gun clubs of large membership. Very fine racing is to be seen each year at the Minnesota State Fair during the first week in Sep- tember. Automobiling is extreme- ly popular and a very large num- ber of motors are owned in the city, while motor boats are num- erous at Lake Minnetonka. In winter curling, skating, ice yachting, horse racing on the ice, and sleighing are the popular sports. Several well equipped gymnasiums afford ample facili- ties for those who enjoy the use of apparatus for indoor exercises. (See Clubs.) St. Anthony Boulevard. — One of the latest acquisitions of the park system and at present only par- tially improved. It extends in an irregular course along the high land of Northeast Minneapolis from Division St. to Columbia Park. It is the last important section of the "Grand Rounds." (See Park System.) St. Anthony Commercial Club, of East Minneapolis. — An organi- zation of business and profession- al men for the promotion of the welfare of the interests of East Minneapolis particularly, and of the entire city in general. The Club is now the largest strictly Commercial Club in the city, hav- ing over 600 members. It is ac- tive in all civic and commercial matters pertaining to the growth of the Bast Side. Club Rooms are maintained on the second and third floors of the Chute Building, 305 to 311 East Hennepin Av., including main and private dining rooms, loung- ing, reading, card and billiard rooms, bowling alleys, gymnas- ium, shower baths, locker rooms, tennis courts, etc. The annual dues are $15 and the initiation fee $25. Any man of good stand- ing is eligible but must be pro- posed by a member and acted up- on by the directors. Officers for the current year are: Wm. Eurich, president; R. E. Satterlee and Nils Olson, vice-presidents; Rollin V. Morgan, secretary and treasurer; Anthony W. Ingenhutt, chairman of public affairs committee. 3 ST. A-STA St. Anthony Falls. — Strangers in Minneapolis look in vain for the famed St. Anthony Falls, pic- tured in every school geography of a few decades back, as a seeth- ing, boiling torrent plunging over a wild and rocky precipice. With the construction of the "apron" (see Water Power) the falls, as such, went out of exist- ence but the taming of the great river and its confinement within metes and bounds by the skill of man, is perhaps as wonderful as the unchecked madness of the natural waterfall. The best view of the falls is obtained from the incoming trains from St. Paul as they pass over the stone arch bridge. A less hurried view may be had by descending to the foot of 6th Av. S. and passing under the stone arch bridge. The fall is about fifty feet in the perpen- dicular; with the rapids below the fall amounts to about eighty-five feet. St. Anthony Falls are 2,- 200 miles from the mouth of the Mississippi river and mark the Siead of navigation. The utilized liorse power is 40,000 in the up- per and lower dams. (See Water Power, Flour and Flour Mills.) St. Anthony Park. — A suburb iying east of the city, 20 minutes ride distant on the Como-Harriet line. It is within the St. Paul city limits. State Fair. — The Minnesota State Fair, held under the aus- pices of the Minnesota State Ag- ricultural Society, has a larger at- tendance than any other fair in the United States, and has proba- bly the largest and most complete fair ground in .-the United States. The grounds are located midway between Minneapolis and St. Paul on the Como-Harriet interurban line, the fare from either city be- ing but 5 cents. The grounds comprise approximately 360 acres and have upwards of 125 buildings. Thos. H. Canfield, secretary. State University. — (See Univer- sity of Minnesota.) Stationers. — Leading establish- ments are Kimball & Storer Co., 623 1st Av. S.; Beard, 926 Nicol- let Av.; Farnham Ptg. & Sta. Co., 417 Hennepin Av. ; Thomas & Grayston CO., 422 Hennepin Av.; Jeffrey & McPherson Co., 527 2d Av. 8.; Miller-Davis Co., 219-21 8. 4th St.; Bertelson Bros., 120 S. 4th St.; E. R. Williams Sta- tionery Co., 415 Hennepin Av. ; S. M. Williams, 317 Hennepin Av.; Louis F. Dow Co., 15 S. 4th St. (See Book Stores.) Consult lists of stationers and wholesale paper dealers in city directory. Statuary. — There has been little attempt to beautify the city with statuary. In the rotunda of the Court House and City Hall is a heroic statue of "The River God" emblematic of the Father of Wa- ters. The monument to Ole Bull in Loring Park and the statue of the late John S. Pillsbury and the student soldier memorial on the University campus are creditable works. A fine collection of casts of antique sculpture, originally purchased by the exposition has found an appropriate home in the Minneapolis public library build- ing. It includes reproductions of many of the best known master- pieces of ancient sculpture. A statue of Col. John H. Ste- vens, the Minneapolis pioneer, stands at the intersection of Port- land Av. and Eleventh St. Steamboats. — (See Navigation.) Steel Arch Bridge. — The "steel arch bridge" spans the west chan- nel of the Mississippi from Bridge Square (the foot of Nicollet and Hennepin Avs.) to Central Av. on Nicollet Island. This is the main thoroughfare between the east and west sides of the river. It has a width of 80 feet; with a roadway 56 feet wide and two sidewalks of 12 feet each. The bridge has a length of 530 feet and consists of two spans of 258 feet each. It cost nearly $200,000. Over 4,000 teams cross the river at this point daily. St. Louis Park. — About four miles from center of city on M. & St. L. Fv'y. This is a manufactur- ing suburb provided with first- class railroad facilities, and is in every way advantageously located. St. Louis Park electric line. St. Mark's Episcopal Church. — Organized in 1868 and for many years the leading church of the denomination in the city, occupy- ing a building on 6th St. between Nicollet and Hennepin Avs. This property was sold in 1907 and a beautiful and costly new church has been erected at Oak Grove St. and Hennepin Av. The plan of the church is one of the basilica type, with nave and side aisles; the traditional English plan. It presents a vari- ation from the usual English plan, however, in that the great arch between the nave and the chancel is placed at the entrance to the sanctuary as in the early Christian basilica, instead of in its more usual location at the en- trance to the choir, thus enhanc- ing the perspective of the vault- ing and nave piers, and giving a greater majesty and solemnity to the sanctuary. To the right and left of the sanctuary are located the working and rector's sacris- ties connected by a narrow pas- sage beneath the great altar or "East" window. Correspondingly, to the right and left of the choir are the organ and a small chapel, separated from the choir and nave by carved oak screens. The contour of the lot made it possible to place the parish house at the left on a lower level, thus permitting the arrangement of the Sunday School rooms, rec- tor's office, and choir rooms on church floor. The first story of the parish house contains a ban- quet hall, kitchen, kindergarten, and other features necessary to the parish life and activities. The stone of the exterior is buff Bedford; the interior stone is pink Kasota. The windows are double glazed to secure extra insulation against noise and cold. The floors which are of rein- forced concrete are all finished with tile, except under the pews and choir stall. The plan of the church while simple, offered an unusual oppor- tunity for the development of a complete scheme of decorative woodwork. The railings and screens of the organ, choir and chapel are of quarter sawed oak enriched by carving.- In the sanctuary the elaborate carved cornice of the choir screens is continued over the wood wainscot and broken out to form a rich canopy over the bishop's and priest's sedilia. The pulpit, a memorial gift, is designed in har- mony with the choir woodwork. Rev. James A. Freeman is the rector. Stock Exchange. — (See Minne- apolis Stock Exchange.) Stone Arch Bridge. — The rail- road bridge spanning the Missis- sippi immediately below the Falls of St. Anthony and forming a graceful curve in front of the great flour mills. Passenger trains over the Great Northern, North- ern Pacific, Northwestern Line, Burlington and Great Western, all cross this bridge giving the traveler a fine view of the falls and rapids below, and the mills on both sides of the river. The bridge carries a double track. It is a fine example of engineering skill. Storage. — Household goods are received on storage at various > STO-ST. P warehouses at rates ranging up from $2 per load per month. As loads vary widely in size, it is well to have some more definite agreement regarding rates before the goods are delivered. Separate compartments for goods are pro- vided in some fireproof ware- houses at a charge of from $1.50 to $10 per month, according to the size of space. There are also numerous warehouses which store general merchandise exclusively, and elevators for grain storage. (See Elevators.) St. Paul. — The main part of the city lies upon the slopes of the hills which rise abruptly from the viver bank and reach in some places a height of about 200 feet. The railroads enter along the foot of the bluffs, or through a narrow valley which gives access to the highlands back of the city and forms the only break in the bluffs on the north shore of the river. Within a few blocks of the union passenger station, at the foot of Sibley St., street cars may be taken for any part of the city. The leading retail streets are East Sixth, East Seventh and Wabasha, the first two parallel with the ri- ver and the last at right angles and about half a mile west of the union depot. Public buildings of special interest are the new State Capitol building on upper Waba- sha St; the Court House, Wabasha between 4th and 5th Sts. ; and the Minnesota club, corner Cedar and 4th Sts. Two papers, the Pioneer Press and Dispatch, have fine buildings and the New York and Germania Life Insurance Compa- nies have given the city handsome structures. St. Anthony Hill, west of the business center, and on a sort of second plateau, is the home of most of the wealthy citi- zens of St. Paul. Around the crest of the hill runs Summit Av. lined with palatial residences. It is paved with asphalt as are many STR-STR li of the hill streets. Farther back less pretentious homes find a place. This part of the city is reached by the Selby Av. electric line. The "west side," as the part of St. Paul south of the Mississip- pi is called, is reached by one rail- road bridge and three wagon bridges which cross at a great height and give fine views of the river and its valley. St. Paul may be reached by the Minneapolis & St. Paul, the Como-Harriet, Snel- ling-Minnehaha, and the Selby- Lake interurban lines. Trains on _ all railroads reaching the cities ' run into both. Street Cleaning*. — No organized department for the purpose of cleaning the streets has been re- garded necessary. At present the work is done under the direction of the street commissioners of each ward. Street Ughting*. — The principal streets in the business center are lighted by a special electric light- ing system. Ornamental lamp posts of uniform design, each sur- mounted by five globes containing electric lights, give brilliant illu- mination and produce a very hand- some effect. About 1,000 of these posts, extending over a distance of about nine miles, have been in- stalled and the system is still be- ing extended. This beautiful light- ing plan is being copied exten- sively in other cities. In other parts of the city the streets are well lighted by gas lights of mod- ern design and by electric arc lights. Street Railways. — Minneapolis has a street railway system equal, if not superior, to that of any first-class city in the country. Electricity is used exclusively as motive power. The change from horse power was begun in 1889 and was accomplished within two years. It involved the entire re- building of the system, and the purchase of a new equipment throughout. About the same time the street railway system of St. Paul was connected with that of Minneap- olis and the two systems made practically one. The "Twin City Lines" owns and operates the en- tire dual city system as well as The Minneapolis & St. Paul Subur- ban Railroad which operates suburban lines of 29 miles from Minneapolis to Tonka Bay and Deephaven on Lake Mirmetonka as well as lines of 30 miles from St. Paul to White Bear, Mahtomedi, Stillwater and South Stillwater. (See map bet. pages 104 and 105.) The company is officered as fol- lows: President, Horace Lowry; first vice president, E. W. Decker; second vice president, John R. Mitchell; third vice president, A. M. Robertson; general manager, Foster Hannaford; auditor, D. J. Strouse; treasurer, E. A. Crosby; general passenger agent, A. W. Warnock; general superintendent, J. J. Caufield; superintendent Min- neapolis division, C. Brewer Good- sell. The company's offices are in its own building at the corner of Hen- nepin Av. and 11th St. In the entire system there are 444 miles of electric railway, and to operate the system an army of men is required. The power for operating the system is generated in two water power stations, one of 10,000 h. p., the other of 12,000 h. p., and one steam station of 60,000 h. p. The power is distrib- uted by means of high tension cables to fourteen substations, ten in the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul and four on suburban di- visions. At the corner of University and Snelling Avs. are extensive shops where the company manufactures its own cars and does its repair work. The present type of car is a 47 foot double-truck car, which seats 48 persons, with large windows, electric lights and modern heat- ers. These cars are capahle of high speed and are models of comfort and convenience. The electric cars afford a popular means of seeing the city and environs. (See Ex- cdesions.) Special cars may be obtained for private trolley par- ties. The list of car lines which fol- lows is divided into "Interurban," "Minneapolis" and "Suburban" lines and again sub-divided into groups of lines having the same general routes over much of their courses. Thus the cars running from Chicago Av. points through to north Minneapolis and on streets diverging from 20th Av. N. are grouped in one section. "Loop" cars never make through trips but turn in the center of the city on some of the loops pro- vided for that purpose. Interurban Lines. St. Paul & Minneapolis. — From 5th Av. N. and 5th St., Minneapo- lis, ,5th St., 2nd Av. S., Washington Av., University Av., Wabasha St., 5th St., Robert St., 8th St., Waba- sha St., St. Paul, and return. University to Snelling. — Same as St. Paul & Minneapolis except that eastbound from Minneapolis, or westbound from St. Paul, cars run to University and Snelling Avs. Como-Harriet. — From Robert and 5th Sts., St. Paul, Robert St., 8th St., Wabasha St., Rice St., Como Av., Front St., Chatsworth St., Como Park, Como Av., 15th Av. S. E., 4th St. S. E., E. Hennepin Av., Hennepin Av., 31st St., thence on private right of way via Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet to Minneapolis west city limits (France Av.) Como-Hopkins. — Same as Como- Harriet from St. Paul to Minne- apolis west city limits, thence via Lake Minnetonka line to Excelsior Av., in Hopkins. Como-Hopkins signs carried. Fair Grounds. — Same as Como- Harriet except that eastbound from Minneapolis, cars run to Snelling and Como Avs., St. Paul (State Fair Grounds). r STR-STR Como Av. to Minneapolis Loop. — Same as Como-Harriet, westbound from St. Paul, except that cars run to Hennepin Av. and 6th St., Min- neapolis. Selby-Lake. — From Hennepin Av. and Lake St., Minneapolis, Lake St., Marshall Av., Fairview Av., Selby Av., 3d St., 4th St., Rosabel St., 3d St., Broadway, 4th St., St. Paul, and return. Snelling - Minnehaha. — From Hennepin Av. and 11th St., Minne- apolis, 11th St., 4th Av. S., Frank- lin Av., 27th Av. S., Minnehaha Av., thence via Minnehaha Falls, Soldiers' Home and Fort Snelling Reservation, 7th St., to Duluth Av., St. Paul. Minneapolis Local Lines. Chicago & Fremont. — From Chi- cago Av. and 46th St., Chicago Av., 9th St., 8th Av. S., 6th St., 1st Av. N., Washington Av., 20th Av. N., Emerson Av. N., 33d Av. N., Fre- mont Av. N. to 44 th Av. N. Chicago & Emerson. — Same as Chicago & Fremont except that cars run from Chicago Av. and 38th St. to Fremont and 36th Avs. N. Chicago & Penn. — From Chicago Av. and 38th St., Chicago Av., 9th St., 8th Av. S., 6th St., 1st Av. N., Washington Av., 20th Av. N., Crys- tal Lake Av., Penn Av. N. to 38th Av. N. Chicago to Lake. — Southbound, same as Chicago & Fremont or Chicago and Penn except .that cars run to Chicago Av. and Lake St. Loop. — Southbound from Fre- mont and 44th Avs. N. or from Penn and 38th Avs. N. to Loop. Loop. — Northbound from Chica- go Av. and 46th St. to Loop. Washington to 24th Av. N. — Cars carrying this sign on any Chicago Av. line run to new North Side Station, Washington and 24th Avs. N. 50th St. E. & Camden. — From 50th St. E. and 34th Av. S., 50th St. E., 28th Av. S., 38th St., 23d Av. S., 35th St., Cedar Av., Wash- ington Av., to 42nd Av. N. Lake Nokomis-Camden. — Same as 50th St. E. & Camden except that cars run from 50th St. E. and 28th Av. S. 38th St. E. & Camden. — Same as 50th St. E. & Camden except that STR-STR 1C cars run from 38th St. and 28th Av. S. Cedar & Camden. — Same as 50th St. E. & Camden except that cars run from Cedar Av. and 34th St. N. Ltndale to 51st Av. — North- bound cars carrying this sign on any Cedar Av. line run to City Workhouse, 51st Av. N. Washington to 24th Av. N. — Cars carrying this sign on any Cedar Av. line run to new North Side Station, Washington and 24th Avs. N. Cedar Av. — From Cedar Av. and 42nd St., Cedar Av., Washington Av., 4th Av. S., 3rd St., 2nd Av. N., and return via Washington Av. Broadway & 20th Av. N. — From Washington and 20th Avs. N., 20th Av. N., across'river, 13th Av. N. E., Washington St., Broadway, to Jackson St. Plymouth & Bloomington. — From Bloomington Av. and 38th St., Bloomington Av., Franklin Av., 15th Av. S., 7th St., 10th Av. S., 6th St., 8th Av. S., 4th St., Mar- quette Av., Washington Av., Ply- mouth Av., to Sheridan Av. N. Bloomington to Lake. — South- bound, same as Plymouth & Bloomington, except that cars run to Bloomington Av. and Lake St. Loop. — Northbound, from Bloomington Av. and 38th St. to Loop. Minnehaha Falls. — From Washington and 2nd Avs. N., 2nd Av. N., 3d St., 4th Av. S., Wash- ington Av., Cedar Av., Riverside Av., 27th Av. S., Minnehaha Av., to Minnehaha Falls, 50th St. Washington & Riverside. — Same as Minnehaha Falls except that cars run to Minnehaha Av. and 37 th St. Riverside to Lake. — Same as Minnehaha Falls exce>t that cars run to Lake St. and 27th Av. S. Kenwood & 25th St. — From Penn Av. and W. 21st St., Penn Av., Oli- ver Av., Douglas Av., Hennepin Av., Washington Av. S., Cedar Av., Min- nehaha Av., East 25th St. to 36th Av. S. Lake St. to 33th Av. S. — Same as Selby-Lake, except that cars run on Lake St. between Hennepin Av. and 36th Av. S., Minneapolis. Franklin Av.-11th St. — From Hennepin Av. and 11th St., 11th St., 4th Av. S., Franklin Av., to West River Road. Oak & Harriet. — From Hamline Av. and 27 th Av. S. E., 27 th Av. S. E., Dartmouth Av., Erie St., Fulton St., Oak St., 4th St. S. E., E. Hennepin Av., Hennepin Av., 31st St., thence on private right of way via Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet, Xerxes Av., W. 50th St., to Penn Av. S. Oak & Xerxes. — Same as Oak & Harriet except that cars run to Xerxes Av. and W. 50th St. Lake Harriet. — Westbound, same as Oak & Harriet except that cars run to Lake Harriet Loop. Eastbound, from Lake Harriet Loop- to Hennepin Av. and 1st St., to 1st Av. N. Hennepin to 15th & Como. — Same as Como-Harriet eastbound, except that cars run to 15 th Av. S. E. and Como Av. Loop. — Same as Como-Harriet or Oak & Harriet eastbound, except that cars run to Hennepin Av. and 1st St., to 1st Av. N. Como Av. to Eustis St. — Same as Como-Harriet, eastbound, except that cars run to Como Av. and Eus- tis St. Western & 2nd St. — From Grand St. and 30th Av. N. E., Grand St., Lowry Av., 2nd St., Broadway, 2nd St., E. Henrrepin Av., Hennepin Av., 7th St., West- ern Av., to Penn Av. N. Glenwood Park. — Same as Western & 2nd St., westbound, ex- cept that cars run to Glenwood Park. Loop. — Southbound, from Grand St. and 30th Av. N. E. to Loop. Bryn Mawr. — From Oliver Av. N. and Laurel Av., Laurel Av., Bryant Av., Hawthorn Av., 12th St., Hennepin Av., 3d St., 1st Av. N., 5th St., Hennepin Av., and re- turn. 54th St. & Columbia Heights. — From Nicollet Av. and 54th St., Nicollet Av., Grant St., Marquette Av., High St., Hennepin Av., E. Hennepin Av.. Central Av., 40th Av. N. E., to 5th St. N. E. Washburn Park & Columbia Heights. — Same as 54th St. & Co- lumbia Heights except that cars run from Nicollet Av. and 50th St. Central to 40th Av. N. E. — Same as 54th St. & Columbia Heights, northbound, except that cars run to Central and 40th Avs. N. E. Nicollet & Central. — Same as 54th St. & Columbia Heights ex- cept that cars run from Nicollet Av. and 38th St. to Central and 29 th Avs. N. E. Loop. — Northbound, from 54th, 50th, 38th or 31st Sts. to High St. Nicollet to 31st St.-— From Nicollet Av. and 31st St., Nicollet Av., Grant St., Marquette Av., to High St. Grand & Johnson. — From Grand Av. and 40th St., Grand Av., Lake St., Nicollet Av., Grant St., Mar- quette Av., High St., Hennepin Av., 8th St. S. E.. 10th Av. S. E., John- son St. to 29th Av. N. E. Monroe & Bryant. — From Wash- ington St. and 17th Av. N. E., Washington St., Broadway, Mon- roe St., 7th St., E. Hennepin Av., Hennepin Av., Lyndale Av., Lake St., Bryant Av., to 50th St. Bryant to 38th St. — Same as Monroe & Bryant except that southbound cars run to Bryant Av. and 38th St. and northbound cars run to Hennepin Av. and 1st St., to 1st Av. N. Lyndale to Lake. — Same as Monroe and Bryant, except that cars run to Lyndale Av. and Lake St. 4th Av. S. & 6th Av. N. — From Russell and 6th Avs. N., 6th Av. N., 5th St., 4th Av. S., to 38th St. 4th Av. to Lake — Same as 4th Av. S. & 6th Av. N., except that cars run to 4th Av. S. and Lake St. Loop. — Northbound, from 4th Av. S. and 38th St. to 5th St. and 5 th Av. N. Suburban Lines. Lake Minnetonka Lines. — From 6th St. Station (17 N. 6th St.), Minneapolis, 6th St., Henne- pin Av., 31st St., thence on private right of way via Lake Calhoun, Lake Harriet and Hopkins to Lake Minnetonka (Excelsior, Wildhurst, Tonka Bay and Deephaven). Tonka Bay. — To Tonka Bay. Lake Minnetonka. — To Excel- sior — 2nd St. Excelsior Limited. — To Excel- sior — 2nd St. Excelsior Excursion. — To Ex- celsior Docks. ) STR-STR Deephaven. — To Deephaven. Hopkins. — To Hopkins. ROBBINSDALE AND St. LOUIS PARK Line. — From Robbinsdale via Crystal Lake Road, France Av., Johnson Road, Crystal Lake Road to Penn Av. N„ Crystal Lake Av., 20th Av. N., Washington Av., 1st Av. N., 6th St., Hennepin Av., La- goon Av., West Lake St., to St. Louis Park. Same route returning except that cars turn off Henne- pin Av. on to 1st Av. N. via 7th St. instead of via 6th St. St. Paul White Bear and Still- water. — From Seven Corners Ter- minal on 7th St., thence on private right-of-way to Wildwood Park, White Bear Lake and Stillwater. To reach White Bear Lake and Stillwater from Minneapolis, pas- sengers from Snelling-Minnehaha, or Selby-Lake lines transfer at Seven Corners Terminal, St. Paul, and from St. Paul-Minneapolis or Como-Harriet-Hopkins lines at 7th St., St. Paul. To reach Lake Minnetonka from St. Paul, passengers transfer to the Lake Minnetonka line at Hen- nepin Av. and 6th St. or Henne- pin Av. and Lake St., Minneap- olis. The street railway company has its downtown ticket office and in- formation bureau for its Lake Minnetonka lines at 17 N. 6th St., near Hennepin Av. All cars carry plain signs, bear- ing the name of the route, which at night are illuminated. On all principal lines they run at inter- vals of from four to fifteen min- utes. Fare, five cents on all local lines. Interurban lines ten cents. Stillwater line 30 cents. Excel- sior or Deephaven line 25 cents. Transfer tickets may be obtained from the conductors. Steamboat Division. The company also owns and op- perates a fleet of express steam- boats on Lake Minnetonka, which connect with trains at Excelsior, Wildhurst, Tonka Bay and Deep- haven for all points on the lake. Streets and Avenues. — To find conveniently, a given street or a given number, however remote, is made comparatively easy by an understanding of the general plan STR-STR 1 on which the city is laid out. This is measurably simple. Consulta- tion with the map will show that the city is divided into two parts by the Mississippi river which has a generally southeasterly course within the limits. The smaller part of the city — its northeastern corner — is called the East Divi- sion, or in common parlance the "east side." The larger part is of course the West Division or "west side." The streets and ave- nues of the two divisions are en- tirely distinct and have different names and sets of house numbers. The numerical system of nam- ing streets and avenues is in use. In the West Division the streets are parallel with the river and are designated as North and South, First, Second and Third Streets, etc. Hennepin Avenue as far as Kenwood Boulevard is the divid- ing line between North and South. The thoroughfares running at right angles with the river are called Avenues, and their position with regard to Hennepin Avenue (the dividing line) is indicated by the addition of the words "North" or "South." Thus Fourth Avenue North is the fourth avenue north of and parallel with Hennepin Avenue. South of Hennepin, Nic- ollet Avenue intervenes before First Avenue South (now Mar- quette Av. in business center) after which the numbered ave- nues continue consecutively. The course of Nicollet Av. from the river is southwest for about a mile. At Grant St. (next to 13th St.) Nicollet Av. turns due south and continues to the city limits with all intersecting streets at right angles and consequently having due east and west lines. From Grant St. to the south limits Nicollet Av. becomes the dividing line and intersecting streets are designated as "east" and "west." Thus East 14th St. is the first south of East Grant, and West Fourteenth, its continuation west of Nicollet. First Av. S. contin- ues as the first street east of and parallel with Nicollet south of Grant and with the other avenues retains its appellation of "south." Parallel with Nicollet on the west is a series of avenues desig- nated by names. The seventh is Lyndale which runs exactly north and south from the north to the south boundary lines of the city. It is an avenue and as such would be expected to be at right angles with the river. But in the north- ern part of the city it is, by a change of the river's course, ex- actly parallel with the stream and consequently with North First St., which has followed the bend of the river. From Plymouth Av. (same as 13th Av. N.) Lyndale Av. is the seventh street west of the river. West of and parallel with Lyndale and extending north and south from Kenwood Park- way and Superior Av. is a series of avenues whose names are alphabetically arranged as Aldrich (first west of Lyndale), Bryant, Colfax, Dupont, etc. This series extends to the western city limits. In the East Division the same system prevails with Central Av. and Division St. as the dividing line as Hennepin Av. is on the west side. To prevent confusion with the west side, avenues north of and parallel with Central Av. are called "First Av. Northeast," "Second Av. Northeast," etc., and south of Central Av., "First Av. Southeast," etc. The streets are called "Southeast Fourth St.," or "Northeast Second St.," according to the direction from Central Av. The addition of the word "east" in this designation has no signifi- cance except that it marks the street or avenue as being in the East Division. In various parts of the city there are avenues between the consecutive numerical streets or avenues. These are sometimes confusing to strangers. The most conspicuous among these is Wash- ington Av., which runs north and south parallel to the river between Second and Third Sts. House Numbers. — In numbering stores and houses a new hundred is commenced at the crossing of every numerically named street or would be the first door beyond S. avenue. Thus 700 Marquette Av. 7th St., whether the "600s" had been exhausted between 6th and 7th Sts. or not. On ordinary blocks there are from twenty-five to thirty numbers. One may be sure that 627 S. 9th St. is very near the intersection of 7th Av. S. Where the streets are not desig- nated numerically a new "100" is ordinarily commenced after each crossing though the rule is not in- variable. A good point to remem- ber is that on all streets and ave- nues crossing Lyndale Av. the first number west of Lyndale is invariably "700." By keeping the general principle of the numbering system in mind it is not difficult to find any num- ber or to determine in advance just how many blocks it is dis- tant. In the following street directory all numerically named streets and avenues are omitted except where their course is unusual. The fore- going explanation will enable one to find those which conform to the general rule. In some parts of the city the system is sadly broken in upon and it has been the intention to mention all streets in such localities. Impor- tant divergencies from the system of numbering are also noted. Abbott Av. — See South Abbott Av. Adams St., E. D. — 1st e of Wash- ington st, 4th av ne to 18th av ne; 400 4th av ne, 600 Spring st, 700 Summer st, 1100 Broadway, 1300 13th av ne. (Regular to end.) 1 STR-STR Alden Lane. — From S. Xerxes se 1st s of W 52nd. Aldrich Av. — See N. and S. Al- drich. Alma Pl. — N. from 27th av n bet. Wash, av and n 4th st. Arlington St., E. D. — River e to University av, 1st s of University grounds. Arthur Av. E. D. — 1st s of Wil- liams av., fr Orlin Av. sw to s line of Prospect Park. Arthur St., E. D. — Division st. n to limits, 4th e of Johnson. Ash St., W. D. — N. Oliver av. to Cedar Lake Road, 1st w of Elm. Bank St., E. D. — River n e to Univ. Av., 1st s Central. Barnes Pl., W. D. — Humboldt av w to Lovell Park, 1st n of 8th av n. Barton Av., E. D. — From Mal- colm Av. s e to s line of Prospect Park. Bassett Pl., W. D. — 6th av n to 8th av n 1st w of Aldrich av. Beacon St., E. D. — River to Uni- versity av, 2d s of University grounds; 4 River, 100 Prospect st, 200 Pleasant, 300 State, 400 Church, 500 Union, 600 Harvard, 700 Wal- nut, 800 Oak, 900 Ontario. Beard Av. — See South Beard Av. Bedford St., E. D. — Fr Univer- sity Av. s to Sharon Av, 1st w of Emerald St. Belle St., E. D. — Oak to 21st av se, 1st n of Marshall av. Benjamin St., E. D. — Division st. n to limits, 6th e of Johnson. Bjornson Av., W. D. — 1st e of 22d av so, a 5th to s 6th. Blaisdell Av., W. D. — Franklin av to w 48th st, 1st w of Nicollet av. Bloomington Av., W. D. — Frank- lin av s to city limits, 1st e of 15th av s. Bluff St., W. D. — 1st n of 1st st, Cedar av to 20th av s. Border Av., W. D. — Holden st n w to Lakeside av, 1st s w of High- land av; 2 Western av, 14 Holden st, 30 Border pl. Bradford Av., W. D. — 6th av n to 8th av n, 2d e of n Lyndale av. Bridge Sq., W. D. — The com- bination of Hennepin and Nicollet avs from their junction at 1st st to the river. STR-STR l: Brighton Av., E. D. — 25th av ne at Hayes, ne to 29th Av. Beoadwat St., E. D. — Main st e to limits, 1st s of 12th av ne; 131 Main st, 201 2d st ne, 301 3d st, 331 Univ av ne, 401 ne 4th st, 501 ne 5th st, 601 ne 6th st, 619 Washington st, 641 Adams, 661 Jefferson, 681 Madison, 700 Monroe, 800 Quincy, 824 Jackson, 900 Van Buren, 933 Central, 1001 Tylor, 1201 Filmore, 1301 Pierce, 1401 Buchanan, 1501 Lincoln. Brook Av., E. D. — Rollins add. 12th av se to Oak st, 1st s of Como av. Bryant Av., — See N. and S. Bry- ant. Buchanan St., E. D. — Division st n to limits, 1st w of Lincoln; 300 Division st, 400 Winter, 600 Spring, 700 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1200 12 th st ne, etc. Butler Pl., W. D. — 22d av s to 25th av s, bet 8th and 9th sts s. Calhoun Av., W. D. — 1st w of Lake Calhoun, 32d to 36th st. Calhoun Boul., W. D. — E side of Lake Calhoun. Calhoun Pl., W. D. — Irving av w to Calhoun Blvd., 1st s of w 34th. California St., E. D. — First w of Main st, ne fr 15th av ne to limits. Camden Av., W. D. — First w of Lyndale, 44th av n to 47th av n. Cecil St., E. D. — Hamline Av., s 1st w of Bedford. Cedar Av., W. D. — Bluff st to limits, 1st w of 19th av s. Cedar Lake Av., W. D. — Along s shore of Cedar Lake to s Chowen av. Cedar Lake Road. — See n and s Cedar Lake Rd. Center St. — See Findley Place. Central Ave., E. D. — From East Hennepin and 5th Sts. N. to lim- its; 600 6th, 700 7th, 800 8th, 900 9th, 930 10th, 963 3d av ne, 1017 Harrison st, 1037 Summer st, 1100 Broadway, 1200 12th av ne, regular to limits. Chandler St., E. D. — C, M. & St. P. Ry. s, 1st e of Thorton. Chester Av., E. D. — Stock Yards Road se to 16th Av. N. E., 1st s of 19th Av. N. E. Chestnut Ave., W. D. — 11th St. W to Limits; begins two blks n of Hennepin av. Chestnut Pl. — Fr Chestnut av s, e of Lyndale av. Chicago Ave., W. D. — Continua- tion of 8th av s, 9th st to s limits. Chowen Av. — See South Chowen Av. Church St., E. D. — University av se to Margin st; 4th e of riv«r. Clarence Av., E. D. — Fr Univer- sity Av. s e to Bedford, 1st s of Malcolm Av. Clarendon Ave., W. D. — 1st n of w 38th; s Emerson av to Hennepin av. Cleveland St., E. D. — Division St. n to limits, 5th e of Johnson. Clifton Ave., W. D. — Vine pl w to Clifton pl; 1st s of Oak Grove or w 17th st; 100 Vine pl. 420 Clif- ton pl. Clifton Pl., W. D. — Crosses w end of Clifton av s from Oak Grove st. Clinton Ave., W. D. — From Grant st s to limits; bet 3d and 4th av s. Cole Av., E. D. — 23d Av. S. E. e to Elm St., 1st s of N. P. Ry. Colfax Ave. — See N. and S. Col- fax Aves. Colgate Av. W. D. — S. Chowen Av. w bet. W. 43rd and W. 43% Sts. Columbus Ave., W. D. — S fr 18th st, 1st e of Park av, formerly iy 2 av, also called "Park Place." Como Ave., E. D. — 10th av se to limits; 1st s of Talmage av; 1001 10th av se, etc. Cooper St., W. D. — On the flats. Crystal Lake Ave., W. D. — Humboldt av n to limits; continua- tion of 20th av n; 1401 e line For- est Heights; 1501 Ewingavn; 1601 James, 1701 Knox, 1801 Logan, 1901 Morgan, 1915 21st av n, 2023 23rd av n, 2201 Penn, 2S01 Queen, 2601 26th. Dartmouth Av., E. D. — Fr On- tario, e to Lennox, 1st n of Yale. Dean Boul., W. D. — W side Lake of the Isles, w and s to Lake Calhoun. Delaware St., E. D. — River e to St Mary av; 4th s of Univer'y grounds; 14 Mississippi river, 100 Prospect st, 200 Pleasant st, 300 State st, 400 Church st, 500 Union st, 600 Harvard st, 700 Walnut st, 800 Oak st, 900 Ontario st. 1000 Erie st, 2500 25th av se etc. Dell Pl., W. D. — Lyndale av e to Groveland. Dorman Av., W. D. — First bw of Riverside av fr 40th to 46th av s. Douglas Av., W. D. — Hennepin av w to limits, 1st n Summit av; 901 Bryant, 1001 Colfax, 1101 Du- pont, 12Q1 Emerson, 1301 Fremont, 1401 Girard, 1500 Humboldt, 1600 Irving, 1700 James, 1800 Knox, 1900 Logan, 2000 Morgan, 2100 Newton. Drew Av. — See South Drew Av. Dupont Av. — See N. and S. Du- pont av. Bast Franklin Av., W. D. — Nic- ollet av to river; 1st s of 19th st same as East 20th st. East Grant St., W. D. — Nicollet av to Portland av; next n of e 14th st. East Hennepin Av., E. D. — From river at Steel Arch bridge to lim- its; 60 Stone Arch bdg. 100 Main, 112 Prince, 200 2nd St, 208 Ort- man, 300 University, 400 4th, 500 5th, 600 6th, 700 7th, 800 8th, 900 9th, 1000 Tyler, 1025 Folk, 1101 Taylor, and 5th Av. S. E., 1201 Fillmore, 1301 Pierce, 1401 Bu- chanan, 1501 Lincoln, 1601 John- son and 10th Av. S. E., etc. East Lakh St., W. D. — Nicollet av to river (same as 30th st.) Eastman Av., E. D. — E and w on Nicollet Island. 1st n of Bridge st, 2 Island Av. e side Island, 58 Is- land av w side Island, 18% Av., NE, E. D. — Monroe e to Filmore st; 700 Monroe, 801 Quin- cy, 901 Jackson, 933 Central, 1000 Polk. 1100 Taylor. 11th St. — See n and s' 11th st. Elliott Av., W. D. — Same as 9th av s fr 9th st to limits. Elm St., E. D. — Fr 22% av s e, e to city limits, 4th n of Marshall av. Elm St., W. D. — (Bryn Mawr add.) Fr Newton av to Cedar Lake Road, 2d e of Oliver av. Elm wood Pl., W. D. — Bet. 50th and 5 2d Sts, Washburn Pk. Elroy St., W. D. — Nicollet bet 29th and 30th w to Pleasant. (Same as 29% st.) Emerald St., E. D. — E limits s fr University av. El wood Av., W. D. — 6 th av n and Humboldt av n w to 10th av n, 604 6th av n, 700 Irving av, 800 8th av I STR-STR Emerson Av. — See N. and S. Emerson. Erie St., E. D. — 2d e of Oak st; fr C M & St P Ry to river; 200 C M & St P Ry, 300 Cambridge, 400 Delaware, 500 Essex, 600 Fulton, 700 Dartmouth av. Essex St., E. D. — River e to St Mary av, 5th s of University; 14 Prospect st, 100 Pleasant, 200 State, 400 Church, 500 Union, 600 Har- vard, 700 Walnut, 800 Oak, 900 On- tario, 1000 Erie, 1200 Huron, 2600 26th av se, 2700 27th av. Euclid Pl., W. D. — Fr w 25th st to Lake of the Isles boul. Ewing Av. — See South Ewing Av. Excelsior Av., W. D. — Sw fr Lake st w of Lake Calhoun. Fairmount St., E. D. — Fr. 22%, S E, 1st s of Como. Ferrant Pl. — McNair to Sheri- dan av, 1st w of Crystal Lake av. Filmore St., E. D. — Division st n to limits, 1st e of Taylor st; 301 Division st, 401 Winter, 601 Spring, 701 Summer, 801 Broadway, 1600 16th av ne, etc. Findlet Pl. — Lake st s, w of Blaisdell av. Florence Av., W. D. — 1st s of W. 36th St. between Hennepin Av. and S. Emerson Av. Florence Court, E. D. — S fr University av, 1st e of 10th av se. Forest Av., W. D. — Groveland av w to Lyndale, 1st n of Ridg- wood. France Av. — See South France Av. Franklin Av. — See E. and W. Franklin Av. Franklin Pl. — Franklin av s to e 24th, bet 22d and 23d avs s. Franklin Terrace. — Same as Riverside av from 8th st to Frank- lin av. Fremont Av. — See N. and S. Fre- mont av. Fulton St., E. D. — Pleasant e to Huron av; 6th s of University grounds; 200 Pleasant, 300 State, 400 Church, 500 Union, 600 Har- vard, 700 Walnut, 800 Oak, 900 On- tario, 1000 Erie, 1027 Huron. Garfield Av., W. D. — Franklin av s to limits; 6th w of Nicollet av. STR-STR 1; Garfield St., E. D. — Division n to limits, 3d e of Johnson St. George St., E. D. — Nicollet Id, n Gt. Nor. Ry. Girard Av. — See N. and S. Gir- ard av. Godfrey Av., W. D. — Minnehaha Park. Gram mercy Av. — Lies parallel to and one block nwly of S Cedar Lake Road. Numbers begin at Western av. Grand Av., W. D. — Franklin av to limits. 4th w of Nicollet av. Grand St., E. D. — 13th av ne, n Jo 31st av ne, 1st e of Marshall. Grant St. — See E. and W. Grant St. Gray Place, W. D. — 31st to 32d Av. N. bet 3d and 4th sts. Greeley Av., W. D. — Western av s to 1st av n, 1st w of Fremont av; 200 1st av n, 224 2d av n. Grove St., E. D. — Nicollet Is- land; e and w across Nicollet Is- land, 2d n of Bridge st; 2 Island av w side, 28 Nicollet st, 58 Island av e side. Grovel and A v., W. D. — Fr w 19th at Pillsbury av, w to Henne- pin av. Groveland Terrace, W. D. — Fr Hennepin w to Mt. Curve, 1st n of Mt. Curve av. "H." — Between Division st and 14th av ne is known as the "Stin- son Boulevard." Hamline Av., E. D. — From river at Franklin av. bridge e to Emerald st, 1st n of Sharon av. Harmon Pl., W. D. — 10th st to Hennepin, 1st s of Hennepin; 1000 10th, 1100 11th, 1200 12th, 1300 13th. 1400 Spruce pl, 1500 Willow st, 1528 Maple. Harriet Av., W. D. — Franklin av s to city limits, 2d e of Lyndale. Harrison St., E. D. — Division st n to 3d av ne, 300 Division, 400 Winter. Beginning n of Bi'oadway the extension of this street is known as Central av. Harvard St., E. D. — 6th e of riv- er, fr University av s to river; 2 University av se, 100 Arlington st, 200 Beacon, 300 Cambridge, 400 Delaware, 500 Essex, 600 Fulton. Hawthorn Av., W. D. — 9th st n, sw to limits, 1st n of Hennepin at beginning. Hayes St., E. D. — Division to limits, 2d e of Johnson St. Hennepin Av., W. D. — Sw fr riv- er to w 28th st, thence due s to Florence av; 1st to 13th sts regu- lar, 1400 Laurel av, 1401 Spruce pl, 1501 Willow st, 1528 16th, 1529 Ma- ple, 1576 Harmon pl, 1608 Superior av, 1701 Oak Grove st, 1732 Lyn- dale av on w, 1748 Groveland av, 17 69 Lyndale av on e, 1780 Mount Curve av, 1800 Summit, 1900 Lin- coln, 2000 Franklin, 2100 Colfax av s, 2200 w 22d st, regular to end. Hiawatha Av., W. D. — E 22d st se to limits, 1 blk e of Cedar av at 22d st. Highland Av., W. D. — Royalston av nw to Lyndale av, bet- Royal- ston and Lakeside avs; 2 Royal- ston' av, 86 Royalston. Highland Pl., W. D.— Highland to Border avs. Oak Lake add. Hillside Av., W. D. — Humboldt av nw to 25th av n; 1400 Hum- boldt av n, 1500 Irving, 1700 Ilion, 1800 James, 1901 Logan. Hillside Pl., W. D. — Groveland s to Mt. Curve, 1st e S. Dupont. Hoag Av., W. D. — Royalston av to 8th av, 1st w of n 6th; 21 Royal- ston av, 601 6th av n, 701 7th av n. Holden St., W. D. — N 9th st w to Border av, 1st n of Western av. Holmes Av., W. D. — H & D R R to w 36th st, 1st w of Hennepin av. Howard St., E. D. — W of Mon- roe, fr 22d av ne to 27th av ne. Humboldt Av. — See N. and S. Humboldt av. Huron St., E. D. — Essex st s to river, 1st e of Erie st; 500 Essex, 600 Fulton, 700 Dartmouth av, 800 Yale av. Ilion Av., W. D. — 21st Av. N, n e to 25th Av. N, 1st e of James Av. Irving Av. — See N. and S. Irving av. Island Av., E. D. — On Nicollet Island, fr w end of Bridge st to e end around the n end of island; 1 Bridge st, 29 Eastman av, 49 Grove st, 75 G. N. R'y. 107 Maple st. 163 Maple st, 208 G. N. R'y, 219 Grove st, 267 Bridge st. Ivy Lane, W. D. — 1st s 3 2d St. bet. Lake Calhoun and Calhoun av. Jackson St., E. D. — 2d av ne to 27th av ne; 5th e of Adams; 300 3d av ne, 600 Spring, 700 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1200 12th av ne, etc. Jambs Av. — See N. and S. James av. Jefferson St., E. D. — 3d av ne, n to limits; 1st e of Adams; 300 3d av ne, 400 4th av ne, 600 Spring st, 700 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1300 13th av ne, etc. Jewett Pl., W. D. — 6th av n to 8th av; 1st w of Dupont. Johnson St., E. D. — Division st n to limits, 1st e of Lincoln; 300 Di- vision, 400 Winter, 600 Spring-, 700 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1600 16th av ne, etc. South of Division st the extension of this street is called 10th av se. "K" St., E. D.— 1st e of Taft St., Division St. to limits, continuation of 21st Av. S. E. (The streets east of "K" St. to the city limits are named consecutively "L," "M," "N," etc. to "U," which is close to the limits. All are numbered same as Johnson St. As few are opened for more than a few blocks they are not mentioned again in this list.) Kenwood Boul., W. D. — Same as Superior av to Humboldt, Henne- pin av w, sw and s to Lake of the Isles boul; 101 Lyndale, 501 Du- pont, 601 Emerson. 901 Waverly pl. 1200 Morgan, 1700 Mt Curve, 1800 Douglas, 2000 Franklin, 2200 22d st. King's Highway, W. D. — 38th St. s via Dupont Av. and W. 46th to Lake Harriet Boul. Knox Av. — See N. and S. Knox. Lagoon Av., W. D. — Same as 29th, from Hennepin w to Knox. Lake St. — See E. and W. Lake st. Lake Harriet Boul., W. D. — Around Lake Harriet. Lake Pl., W. D. — Irving av s to w 26th st; near Lake of the Isles, 2204 Irving av, 2500 e 25th st. Lake of the Isles Boul., W. D. — Around Lake cf the Isles. Lakeside Av., W. D. — Western av n and w to Lyndale av, 1st e of Lyndale; 1 Western av, 21 Lawn pl, 57 Border av, 73 Park pl. Laurel Av., W. D. — Hennepin av at 14th st w to limits, 1st s of Hawthorn. Layman Av. — 1st E. of 21st av s 28th to Lake st. Lenox Av., E. D. — C, M. & St. P. Ry. s to river, 1st e of Superior. 5 STR-STR Leonard Pl., W. D. — 1st w Lake Calhoun from 32d st to Ivy Lane. Lincoln Av., W. D. — Lyndale av w to s Oliver av; 1st n of Frank- lin; 701 Lyndale av, 801 Aldrich, 813 Hennepin, 901 Bryant, 1001 Colfax. 1101 Dupont, etc. Lincoln St., E. D. — 7th e of Cen- tral fr Division st n to limits; 301 Division st, 400 Winter, 600 Spring, 700 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1600 16 th av ne, etc. Linden Av., W. D. — 12th st nw to limits; 1st s of Chestnut av; 72 n 12th st, 120 n 15th, 144 n 16th, 168 n 17th, 184 Lyndale av, 228 n 19th, 256 Bryant av. Linden Hills Boul. — Fr. w. 39 th st. to w. 44th st. w. of Queen. Locust St., W. D. — 427 22d av s to river. Logan Av. — See N. and S. Logan. Longfellow Av., W. D. — 1st e of Cedar av fr e Lake st to limits. Lowland Av., W. D. — Each side of N P R R on the flats. Lowrt Av., W. D. and E. D. — Formerly 3 2d av n from river to w limits; and 25th av ne from river to e limits. Lyndale Av. — See N. and S. Lyn- dale. Lyndale Pl., W. D. — 1st w of Lyndale av fr 6th av n. McKinley St., E. D. — Division St. n to limits, 7th e of Johnson st. McNair Av., W. D. — Penn av at Crystal Lake Road sw to limits. Madison St., E. D. — 3d e of Washington st fr 3d av ne to 27th av ne; 300 3d av ne, 400 4th, 600 Spring st, 700 Summer, 1100 Broad- way, 1300 13th av ne, regular to end. Main St., N. E. — 1 Central av ne to city limits. Main St., S. E. — 2 Central av se to 8th av se. Malcolm Av., E. D. — Bet Arthur and Clarence Avs. Maple Pl., E. D. — Crosses n end of Nicollet Island. Maple St., W. D. — Hennepin av s to Harmon pl; 1st w of Willow st. Marquette Av. — 1st se of Nicol- let, High St. to Grant (formerly 1st Av. S.). Marshall Av., E. D. — Oak st and 4th st e to limits. STR-STR 11 Marshall St., E. D. — 5th av ne nw to city limits; 1st w of Main St. Mary PL., W. D. — Bet Nicollet and Hennepin avs; 8th to 13th sts. Melbourne Av., E. D. — Fr Sey- mour av to Orlin av, 1st w of Hamline av. Merriam St., E. D. — Nicollet Is- land, 1st s of Central a v. Mill St., W. D. — 26th av n to 31st av n; next to river. Mill Pl., W. D. — On the flats. Milwaukee Av. (was 22% Av. S.) — Between Franklin and 24th St. Minneapolis Av., W. D. — 1st w of Seabury from 31st av s to 24th St. Minnehaha Av., W. D. — Cedar av and 8th st se to city limits near Minnehaha Falls. Minnehaha Parkway, W. D. — S of w 52 st, along- Minnehaha Creek, fr Lake Harriet to Minnehaha av. Mississippi Av. — 1st n of 30th av n fr Lyndale to Dupont avs n. Mississippi St., E. D. — Franklin av bridge to Lenox st. Monroe St., E. D. — 3d av ne to 29th av ne; 1st e of Madison st; 301 3d av ne, 601 Spring st, 701 Summer, 1101 Broadway, 1301 13th av ne, etc. Mount Curve Av., W. D. — Doug- las av near Hennepin, w to Ken- wood Parkway, 816 Douglas, 1000 Colfax, 1101 Dupont, 1201 Emer- son, 1226 Fremont, 1500 Humboldt, 1600 Irving, 1700 James, 1800 Knox, 1900 Logan, 2000 Morgan. Nicollet Av., W. D. — Hennepin av and High st sw to Grant st thence s to limits; dividing line be- tween East and West for all streets South of Grant. Nicollet St., E. D. — Nicollet Is- land; Grove st to Maple. North Aldrich Av., W. D. — Su- perior av n to limits; 1st w of Lyn- dale av; 1 Superior av, 29 Huron, 53 Erie, 77 Ontario, 101 Laurel, 125 Hawthorn, 149 Linden, 183 Chest- nut, 201 1st av n, 225 2d, 241 West- ern, 301 3d av n, etc. North Bryant Av., W. D. — Supe- rior av n to limits; 2d w of Lyn- dale av; 1 Superior av, 29 Huron, 53 Erie, 77 Ontario, 101 Laurel, 125 Hawthorn, 600 6th av n, etc. North Cedar Lake Rd., W. D. — S w from Western av bet n Hum- boldt and n Irving avs, to Superi- or; numbers begin at Western av. North Colfax Av., W. D. — Supe- rior av n to limits, 3d w of Lyn- dale av; 1 Superior av, 29 Huron, 53 Erie, 77 Ontario, 101 Laurel, 125 Hawthorn, 177 Chestnut, 201 1st av n, 229 2d av n, 251 Western, 301 3d av. Unopened from 6th av n to 26th av n; thence 100 to a blk to 36th av n. North Dupont Av., W. D.-^-Supe- rior av, n to city limits, 4th w Lyndale av, 1 Superior av, 29 Hu- ron. 53 Erie. 76 Ontario. 101 Laur- el, 177 Chestnut, 201 1st av n, 255 Western av, 501 5th av n, etc. North Eleventh St., W. D. — Hennepin av n to 2d av n, 1 Hen- nepin av, 31 Hawthorn, 53 Chest- nut, 101 1st, 125 Western av. North Emerson Av., W. D. — Su- perior av n to limits; 5th w of Lyn- dale av, same numbering as n Du- pont. North Fremont Av., W. D. — Su- perior av n to limits; 6th w of Lyndale av, same numbering as n Dupont. North Humboldt Av., W. D. — Superior av n to limits; 8th w of Lyndale av, same numbering as n Dupont. North Irving Av., W. D. — Chest- nut av to limits; 9th w of Lyndale av; 176 Chestnut av, 204 1st, 232 2d av n, 300 Western av, 400 4th av n, etc. North James Av., W. D. — Chest- nut av n to limits; 10th w of Lyn- dale av, 170 Chestnut av. 204 1st av n, 232 2d av n, 300 Western, 400 4th av n, etc. North Knox Av., W. D. — West- ern av to limits; 11th w of Lyn- dale av; 400 4th av n, etc. North Logan Av., W. D. — Supe- rior av n to limits; 12th w of Lyn- dale av; 300 Western, 400 4th av n, etc. North Lyndale Av., W. D. — Ken- wood Parkway near Loring Park n to limits; 29 Huron, 53 Erie, 77 Ontario, 101 Laurel, 125 Hawthorn, 149 Linden, 171 Chestnut, 195 R R Crossing, 201 1st av n, 229 West- ern, 301 2d av n, 600 6th av n, etc. North Morgan Av. — N fr West- ern av to limits, 13th w of Lyn- dale. DIAMONDS as an investment should be purchased from re- liable and experienced dealers. A Complete Stock of Sterling Silver — for — Wedding Gifts We Can Please You WHITE & MacNAUGHT 506 Nicollet Avenue A WEEKLY FINANCIAL JOURNAL Of National Scope, Covering Banking, Grain and Milling and Western Investments. Subscription Price $5.00 per year. THE COMMERCIAL WEST COMPANY EDWIN MEAD, President and Manager MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Noeth Ninth St., W. D.— N fr e end of Hawthorn av; 40 Hawthorn av, 100 1st av n, 124 Western av, 154 Holden. North Oliver Av., W. D. — Su- perior av n to limits, 7th w of Humboldt av; 300 Western av, 400 4th av n, etc. North Penn Av., W. D. — Six- teenth w of Lyndale av; fr Superi- or av n to limits, same numbering as Oliver. North Queen Av., W. D. — Supe- rior av n to limits; 17th w of Lyndale av. North Russell Av., W. D. — Su- perior av n to limits; 18th w of Lyndale av, same numbering as Oliver. North Seventeenth St., W. D. — Fr Erie av 1st e of Lyndale av; 100 Laurel, 125 Hawthorn, 148 Lin- den. North Shfridan Av., W. D. — Su- perior av n to limits; 11th w of Humboldt av. North Sixteenth St., W. D. — 2d e of Lyndale av n; 1 Hennepin, 32 Laurel, 56 Hawthorn, 82 Linden. N. Thomas Av., W. D. — Superior av. n to limits, 12th w of Hum- boldt av. N. Upton Av., W. D. — Superior av. N to limits, 13th w of Hum- boldt av. N. Vincent Av., W. D. — Super- ior av. n to limits, 14th w of Hum- boldt av. N. Washburn Av., W. D. — Su- perior av. n to limits, 15th w of Humboldt av. North Washington Av., W. D. — Hennepin av to limits; bet 2d and 3d st n; 2 Hennepin av, 100 1st av n, etc. N. Xerxes Av., W. D. — Superior av. n to limits, 16th w of Hum- boldt av. Oak St., E. D. — River n to Great Northern R R; 1st e of 17th av se. Oak Grove St., W. D. — Nicollet av w to Hennepin av; s of W 15th st; 101 Vine pi, 201 Spruce pi, 417 Clifton pi, 508 W 15th st, 536 Hen- nepin av. Oakland Av., W. D. — 1st e of Portland, Franklin av s to limits. Same as QV 2 av s. Oak Lake Av., W. D. — 6th av n to 10th av n; 1st e of Lyndale av. Oliver Av. — See n Oliver av. 7 STR-STR Ontario Av., W. D. — Lyndale av w to Dupont av ; 1st s of Laurel av, 1 Lyndale av, 73 Aldrich. Ontario St., E. D. — Beacon st s to river; 1st e of Oak st. Orlin Av., E. D. — Fr University Av. through Prospect Park to Emerald St. Ortman St., E. D. — Central av se to 1st av se; 1st w of University av; 1 Central av, 49 Bank st, 100 1st av se. Pacific St., W. D. — 20th av n to 33d av n; 1st e of 1st st. Palace Court. — Fr Nic to 1st av s, bet. 3d and 4th sts. Park Av., W. D. — Continuation of 7th av s fr 10th st to limits. Park Drive, W. D.— W. 46th st. to Minnehaha Pkwy, 1st e of Lake Harriet Boul. Penn Av. — See n Penn av. Pierce St., E. D. — Division st n to limits; 1st e of Filmore st; 300 Division st, 400 Winter. 600 Spring. 700 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1600 16th av ne, etc. Pillsbury Av., W. D. — Fr w 19th to 48th st, 2d w of Nicollet av (for- merly Lindley av). Pleasant Av., W. D. — W Frank- lin av s to limits; 3d w of Nicollet av. Pleasant St. E. D. — Arlington st s to river; 1st e of Prospect st; 101 Arlington st, 201 Beacon, 301 Cam- bridge, 401 Delaware, 501 Essex, 601 Fulton. Plymouth Av., W. D. — Same as 13 th av n; runs from river w to city limits. Polk St., E. D. — Division st n to n limits; 1st e of Tyler st; 301 Di- vision st, 401 Winter, 601 Spring, 701 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1801 18th av ne. Port Av., W. D. — Lake St. to 28th st. bet. 21st and 22d avs. S. Portland Av., W. D. — Continua- tion of 6th av s fr Grant st to lim- its. Post Office Ct., W. D. — Rear post office fr 1st av S to 3d st. Prince St., E. D. — Central av se to Bank st. Prospect Av., W. D. — 1st s of 50th st. bet. Nicollet and Lyndale. Prospect St., E.D. — Arlington st to river; 1st n of Pleasant st; 100 STR-STR 1 Arlington st, 200 Beacon, 300 Cam- bridge, 400 Delaware, 500 Essex. Queen Av. — See N. Queen Av. Quincy St., E. D. — 3d av ne n to 27th av; 1st e of Monroe; 300 3d av ne, 600 Spring st, 700 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1800 18th av ne, etc. Railroad Av., W. D. — E 34th to e 41st, 2d w of Minnehaha av. Ramsey St., E. D. — 6th av ne n to river; 1st w of Marshall st. Randolph St., E. D. — 1st e of Marshall st; 26th to 31st av ne. Richfield Av. — From Calhoun Boulevard s to 40th, 1st w of Queen. Ridgewood Av., W. D. — Pills- bury av w to Lyndale; 1st n of Franklin av; 200 Pillsbury av, 400 Pleasant, 700 Lyndale. River Road East, E. D. — Along east river bank fr university to limits. River Road West, W. D. — Along Miss river fr Franklin to Minne- haha Park. River St., W. D. — Hennepin av nw to Bassett's Creek next to riv- er. Riverside Av., W. D. — Cedar av and s 4th st; se to Franklin. Rollins Av.. E. D. — 14th av s e Roosevelt St., E. D. — Division st. n to limits, 9th e of Johnson st. to Oak, 2d s Como av. Royalston Av., W. D. — Western av and 12th st nw to 6th av n; 1 Holden st, 20 Highland av, 120 6th av n. Rustic Lodge Av., W. D. — Fr, Nicollet av w, 1st s of W. 48th st. Sanford Court. — Bet 8th and 9th sts and 7th and 8th avs se. Seabury Av., W. D. — (Formerly part of Riverside av.) Franklin to E. Lake. Seymour Av., E. D. — Clarence av s to Sharon av; 1st s e of Mal- colm av. Sharon Av., E. D. — Fr river e to Emerald st, 1st s Hamline av. Sheridan Av. — See N. Sheridan. Sibley St., E. D. — 7th av ne n to 13th av ne; 3d w of Main st. Sidney Pl., E. D. — Orlin av to Malcolm, 1st s Univ av s e. Snelling Av., W. D. — Franklin av se to limits; 1st w of Minne- haha av. South Abbott Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to city limits, 1st w of Zenith av. South Aldrich Av., W. D. — Lin- coln av s to limits; 1st w of Lyn- dale av, 1950 Lincoln av, 2000 Franklin, 2200 w 22d st, etc. South Beard Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to city limits, 2d w of Zenith av. South Bryant Av., W. D. — Doug- las av s to limits; 2d w of Lyndale av; 1766 Douglas. 1800 Summit, 1900 Lincoln, 2000 Franklin, 2200 w 2 2d st, etc. South Cedar Lake Road, W. D. — Runs sw from Superior av near Xerxes av to w limits. South Chowen Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to city limits, 3d w of Zenith av. South Colfax Av., W. D. — Doug- Las av s to limits; 3d w of Lyndale av; 1766 Douglas, 1800 Summit, 1900 Lincoln, 200 Franklin, 2200 w 22d st, etc. South Drew Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to Douglas av, 4th w of Zenith av. South Dufont Av., W. D. — Supe- rior av s to limits; 4th w of Lyn- dale av; 1700 Mt Curve, 1766 Doug- las. 1800 Summit, 1900 Lincoln, 2000 Franklin av w, 2200 w 22d st, etc. South Eleventh St., W. D. — Hennepin s to Portland; 1 Henne- pin av, 30 Harmon pl, 64 Mary pl, Nicollet av, 100 1st av s, etc. South Emerson Av., W. D. — Su- perior av s to limits; 5th w of Lyn- dale av; 1400 Groveland, 1705 Mt Curve, 1766 Douglas, 1800 Summit. 1900 Lincoln. 2000 Franklin, 2200 w 22d st, 2400 w 24th, 2420 Henne- pin, 2500 25th st, etc. South Ewing Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to city limits, 5th w of Zenith av. South France Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to city limits, 6th w of Zenith av. South Fremont Av., W. D. — Mt Curve av s to w 36th st: 8th w of Lyndale av; 1700 Mt Curve, 1766 Douglas, 1800 Summit, 1900 Lin- coln, 2000 Franklin, 2400 w 24th st, etc. South Girard Av., W. D. — Doug- las av s to limits; 7th w of Lyn- dale av; 1766 Douglas av, 1800 Summit, 1900 Lincoln, 2000 Frank- lin, 2400 24th st, etc. South Humboldt Av., W. D. — Mt Curve av s to w 36th st; 8th w of Lyndale; 1701 Mt Curve av, 1766 Douglas, 1801 Summit, 1901 Lin- coln, 2000 Franklin, 2200 22d st, etc. South Irving Av., W. D. — Mt Curve av s to w 36th st; 9th w of Lyndale av s to limits; 9th w of Lyndale av; 1700 Mt Curve, 1767 Douglas, 1800 Summit, 1900 Lin- coln, 2000 Franklin, 2200 22d si, 2312 Lake pi, 2400 24th st, 2500 Euclid pi, 2600 26th, etc. South James Av., W. D. — Mt Curve s to limits; 10th w of Lyn- dale; 1700 Mt Curve, 1767 Douglas, 1800 Summit, 1900 Lincoln, 2000 Franklin, 2900 29th, 3000 Lake, 3100 31«t South Knox Av., W. D. — Mt Curve s to Franklin; 11th w of Lyndale; 1700 Mt Curve, etc. South Logan Av., W. D. — W of s Knox. South Lyndale Av., W. D. — Ken- wood Parkway s; 7th w of Nicol- let; 23 Vineland pi, 1743 Groveland av, 1801 Summit, 1819 Lincoln, 1921 Franklin av, 2201 w 22d st, etc. South Morgan Av., W. D. — W of s Logan. South 7% St., W. D. — 1st s of s 7th st; n of Murphy pk; 22d to 23d avs s. S. Sheridan Av., W. D. — Ken- wood Pkwy s to Lake of Lsles and Lake Calhoun s to limits, 11th w of Humboldt av. S. Thomas Av., W. D. — Franklin av. s to 24th st and 48th st to 5 2d, 12th w of Humboldt. South Upton Av., W. D. — Fr Lake Calhoun s, 13th w of Hum- boldt av. South Vincent Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to city limits, 22d w of Lyndale av. South Washburn Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to city limits, "22d w of Lyndale av. South Washington Av., W. D. — Hennepin av bet 2d and 3d sts s to river, across bridge and (E. D.) from river to University av se, 3d s of University grounds; numbered regularly in W. D. In E. D. 200 Pleasant, 300 State, 400 Church, ) STR-STR 500 Union, 600 Harvard, 700 Wal- nut, 800 Oak, 900 Ontario. South Xerxes Av., W. D. — Fr Superior av, s to city limits, w s of Cedar Lake Park add. South York Av., W. D. — Fr w 36th st, s to city limits, 1st w of Xerxes av. South Zenith Av., W. D. — Fr Superior ac, s to city limits, 2d w of Xerxes av. Spring St., E. D. — Washington st to Johnson st; 1st s of Summer st, 621 Washington st, 641 Adam3, 661 Jefferson, 681 Madison, 701 Monroe, 801 Quincy, 825 Jackson, 933 Central, 1001 Tyler, 1025 Polk, 1101 Taylor, 1201 Filmore, 1301 Pierce, 1401 Buchanan, 1501 Lin- coln, 1601 Johnson, etc. Spruce Pl., W. D. — Hennepin av to Oak Grove st; next w of s 13th st; 2 Hennepin av, 30 Harmon pl, 58 Yale pl, 118 w Grant st, 1400 w 14th, 1500 w 15th, 1536 Oak Grove. St. Anthony Parkway, E. D. — now "River Road, East." St. Louis Av., W. D. — S. of Ce- dar Lake, 1st w M & St L Ry. St. Marys Av., E. D. — Prospect Pk, fr Univ. av s to Chandler st. St. Paul Av., W. D. — s of Cedar Lake from Chowen av. to M. & St. L. Ry. State Road, E. D. — 29 th Av. S. E. and Como, ne to limits. State St., E. D. — Arlington st s to river; 1st e of Pleasant st; 101 Arlington st, 201 Beacon, 301 Cam- bridge, 401 Delaware, 501 Essex, 601 Fulton. Stevens Av., W. D. — Bet 1st and 2d avs s fr Grant st to limits; 1300 Grant st, 1400 14th, etc. Stinson Boul., E. D. — Division st. n to 14th av N. E., continua- tion of 18th Av. S. E. ■ Stock Yards Rd., E. D. — Broad- way n e to limits, 1st e Johnson st. Summer St., E. D. — 7th av ne to Johnson st, bet Spring and Broad- way; 626 7th av ne, 640 Adams st, G30 Jefferson, 680 Madison, 700 Monroe, 800 Quincy, 824 Jackson, 900 Van Buren, 932 Central, 1001 Tyler, 1024 Polk, 1100 Taylor, 1200 Filmore, 1300 Pierce, 1400 Buchan- an, 1500 Lincoln, 1600 Johnson, etc. STR-STR 11 Summit Av., W. D. — Lyndale av w to Logan av; 2d n of Frank- lin: 700 Lyndale av, 800 Hennepin, 900 Bryant, 1000 Colfax. 1100 Du- pont, 1200 Emerson, 1300 Fremont, 1400 Girard. 1500 Humboldt. Summit Pl., W. D. — 1st w of Fremont av s; fr Groveland av to Mt Curve av. Sumner Pl., W. D. — 1st w of n Bryant av; fr 6th av n to 11th av n. Superior At., W. D. — Hennepin av w to limits ; 1st s of Ontario av. Superior St., E. D. — South line of Regent's add to Bridal Veil Falls; 1st e of Huron st. Sverdrup St., W. D. — 1st n of s 6th st, near Riverside av. Taft St., E. D. — Division St. n to limits, 10th e of Johnson st Talmagb Av., E. D. — 10th av se to 23d av se; 1st s of Division st. Taylor St., E. D. — Division st n to limits; 1st e of Polk st: 301 Division, 401 Winter. 601 Spring, 659 Summer, 1100 Broadway, 1800 1 8 th av ne. etc. 10 y 2 Av. N., W. D. — S. fr 4th to 5th and W. from Lyndale to Knox. Thomas Pl., W. D. — Elwood Av. to Logan. 1st w of 6th Av. N. Thornton St., E. D. — Fr C M & St P Ry, s to Sharon, 1st w Chand- ler. Tyler St., E. D. — Division st n to Division st, 401 Winter, 601 Spring, 701 Summer, 1101 Broadway. Ulysses St., E. D. — Division St. n to limits, 1st e of Johnson St. Union St., E. D. — Fr Arlington st to river; 1st e of Church st. University Av., ne, E. D. — Cen- tral a.v n to limits, bet 3d and 4th sts ne. University Av., se, E. D. — Cen- tral av s to limits bet 2d and 4th sts se. Van Burbn St., E. D. — 3d av ne n to 18th av; 1st e of Jackson st; 600 3d av ne, 700 Summer st, 1100 Broadway, 1200 12th av, etc. Van Nest Av., W. D. — W. 38th to W. 40th St., 1st w of Nicollet. Vine Pl., W. D. — Grant st s to Franklin av; 1st w of Nicollet; 1350 Grant st, 1400 w 14th, 1500 w 15th; 1700 Oak Grove, 1800 Clifton, 1900 w 19th, 1934 Franklin. Vinbland Pl., W. D. — Fr Henne- pin av w to Bryant av; 1st s of Kenwood Parkway; 700 Lyndale av, 810 Bryant. Walnut St. E. D. — Arlington st s to river; 1st w of Oak st. Warwick St., E. D. — Hamline av e to Sharon av, 1st w of Ce- cil, Prospect Park. Washington Av. — See N. and S. Washington av. Washington St., E. D. — 5th st ne n to 27th av ne; 4th w of Monroe st, 601 Spring st, 701 Summer, 727 6th, 747 8th av ne, 1101 Broadway, 1301 13th av, etc. Water St., E. D. — 8th av ne to Ramsey st; next to river. Waverly Pl., W. D. — 1st w of line of Humboldt av s; Kenwood Parkway to Mt Curve av; 1 Ken- wood Parkway, 1600 Groveland av. Weeks Av., E. D. — Como Av. se to 28th Av. S. E., 1st n of N. P. Ry. Wentworth Av., W. D. — S from w 40th st, two blocks w of Nicollet av. Western Av., W. D. — 7th st at 1st av n to limits; 2 7th st n, 28 9th, 50 10th, 76 11th, 100 12th, 124 St P M & M Ry, 172 Border av, 494 Lakeside, 700 Lyndale, 1200 Fremont, etc. West Franklin Av. W. D. — Nic- ollet av to city limits; 1st s of 19th st; 1 Nicollet av, 101 Vine pl, 201 Pillsbury av, 301 Pleasant, 401 Grand. 501 Harriet, 601 Garfield, 791 s Lyndale. 801 s Aldrich, 901 s Bryant, 1001 Hennepin, 1101 Dupont, 1201 s Emerson, 1301 s Fremont, 1401 s Girard, 1501 s Humboldt, 1601 s Irving, 1701 s James, 1801 Lake of Isles Boul- evard. West Grant St., W. D. — Nicollet av w to Willow st, bet 13th and 14th sts, 1 Nicollet av, 101 Vine pl, 201 Spruce pl. West Lake St., W. D. — Nicollet av w to limits (same as 30th st"); 1 Nicollet av, 101 Blaisdell, 113 Center st. 201 Pillsbury av, 301 Pleasant, 401 Grand, 501 Hnrriet, 701 s Lyndale, 801 s Aldrich, 901 s Bryant, 1001 s Colfax, 1101 s Du- pont, 1201 s Emerson, 1301 s Fre- mont, 1401 s Girard, 1401 Henne- pin, 1501 s Holmes, 1601 s Hum- boldt, 1701 s Irving, 1801 s James, 1901 s Knox. West 19th St., W. D. — Nicollet av w to Lyndale; 1 Nicollet av; 100 Vine pi, 200 Pillsbury av. West River Bank Parkway. — Now "River Road. West." Wilder St., B. D. — Bridge st se; 1st e of w channel. Williams Av., E. D. — St. Mary's av s to Arthur av, Prospect Park. Willow Av., W. D. — Logan av nw to Penn av bet Crystal Lake av and Hillside av. Willow St., W. D. — Hennepin av to w 15th st; 2d w of s 13th st. Winter St., E. D. — Harrison st e to V st; 1st n of Division st: 932 Central av, 1000 Tyler. 1024 Polk. 1100 Taylor, 1200 Filmore. 1300 Pierce. 1400 Buchanan, 1500 Lin- coln, 1600 Johnson. Yale Av E. D. — Huron e to C M & St P Ry. 1st s Dartmouth. Yale Pl., W. D.— 10th st to Wil- low st; 1st s of Harmon pl; 1000 10th st. 1300 13th, 1400 Spruce pl, 1500 Willow st. Street Sprinkling". — Like all other public works, the sprinkling of streets is extended each year. Over 400 miles are now sprinkled. Improved sprinklers are used. In freezing weather a solution of cal- cium chloride is used for sprin- kling in the business center. St. Stephen's Catholic Church. — Cor. 22nd St. and Clinton Av. It is built of Bayfield brown stone and has an auditorium capable of seating 1,400 people. 4th Av. S. & 6th Av. N. electric line. Sub-Postal Stations. — (See Post Office. ) Suburban Railways. — Suburban lines of the Twin City Rapid Transit Co. reach Lake Minne- tonka on the west and Stillwater on the east. The Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Ry. ex- tends south to Northfield, Minn. The Electric Short Line is com- pleted west, past Medicine Lake and Lake Minnetonka to Hutch- inson, Minn., and is plan- ning extensions aggregating 350 miles. It enters the city from the west and has very valuable L STR-SYN terminals at 7th St. and 2nd Av. N. The Minneapolis, Anoka & Cuyuna Range Ry. runs to Anoka, 19 miles up the Mississippi river. Suburban Trains. — For trains to Lake Minnetonka, and all places in the vicinity, it is always best to consult the current time cards, as frequent changes are made. (See Ticket Offices.) Sunday is a quiet day in Minne- apolis. Police restrictions close the saloons. During the summer thousands visit the lakes either by automobiles, steam or electric cars or carriages. At Lake Harriet concerts are usually provided, and refreshments of a non-intoxicat- ing order may be obtained every- where. The boulevards and lake drives afford a means of pleasure which is very extensively enjoyed. Swedish Mission Churches. — The churches of the Swedish Evangel- ical Mission Covenant of America are as follows : Bethanta Church. — Cor. 25th Av. S. and 22d. Camden Place. — Cor. 42d Av. N. and Emerson. Gethsemane Church. — Cor. 20th Av, N. and Aldrich. North East (Swedish). — Cor. 18% Av. N. E. and Central. Swedish Elim Church. — Cor. 18th Av. S. and 31st St. Swedish Mission Tabernacle. — Cor. 8th Av. S. and 7th St. Swedish Mission Tabernacle. — Corner of 8th Av. S. and 7th St. It was built in 1886 at a cost of about $50,000 and the main audi- ence room is the largest in the city having a seating capacity of 2,800. Synagogues, Jewish. — (See He- brew Churches.) Syndicate Block. — A large build- ing on Nicollet Av. extending from 5th to 6th St. The 6th St. corner was destroyed by fire in 1911, and was replaced by what is virtually a distinct building — TAX-TEL 1 a substantial steel frame and con- crete structure devoted to stores on the ground floor and physi- cian's offices above. The original building was erected in 1882, and cost about $640,000, and with site $900,000. Conklin-Zonne-Loomis Co., Mgrs. Taxes and Assessments. — (See Finances and Public Improve- ments. ) Taxicabs. — Taxicabs are usually to be found at the leading hotels and may be ordered from the hotel offices or by telephone from home or office. The charges are based on an initial fee of 50 cents for the first % mile for from one to five passengers and 10 cents for each y& mile thereafter, and 10 cents for each 3 minutes' waiting time. "Yellow taxicabs" on a meter basis charge 30 cents for the first % mile or fraction, 10 cents for each % mile there- after and 10 cents for each three minutes wait. Additional pas- sengers 10 cents each per trip. Hour basis, $2.50 per hour. Tas Levy. — (See Finances and Government.) LIC (See P u Teachers. Schools.) Technical Education. — (See In- dustrial Education and Univer- sity op Minnesota.) Telegraph Offices. — The North American, Western Union, Nation- al District, and American District telegraph companies do business in the city. The last two are lo- cal; the others reach all points and take cable messages. Their offices are as follows : North American. — Main office, — Phoenix Bldg., 60 S. 4th St. Branches: — Chamber of Commerce. Metropolitan Life Bldg. Flour Exchange. Security Bank Bldg. Market State Bank Bldg. 1405 Hennepin Av. First National-Soo Line Bldg. Radisson Hotel. 106 N. 3rd St. 503^ Hennepin Av. 11 S. 6th St. 759 Wash. Av. N. Western Union. — Main office, 317 2nd Av. S. Branches: — Chamber of Commerce, exchange floor. Old Chamber of Commerce, ground floor, cor. 3rd St and 4th Av. S. Andrus Bldg. Lumber Exchange. 51 S. 4th St. Jordan Bldg., 3rd Av. N. and 2nd .St. Central Market. Univ. Av. and 27th Av. S. E. Security Bldg. First National-Soo Line Bldg. Radisson Hotel. Dyckman Hotel. West Hotel. Metropolitan Life Bldg., (for- merly Guaranty Bldg.). Union Depot. C. M. & St. P. Depot. Mpls. and St. L. Pass. Depot, Washington and 4th Aves. N. 608 N. Washington Av. Dayton Co. L. S. Donaldson Co. Plymouth Bldg. Leamington Hotel. Rogers Hotel. 1407 Hennepin Av. 9 University Av. S. E. 260 Hennepin Av. 1429 W. Lake St. 6 W. 26th St. In connection with the Western Union is operated the A. D. T. Co., with offices at all Western Union offices. (See Messenger Service.) Telephone Service. — Minneapolis is served by two telephone compa- nies. The older company is the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company which has been in the field for a score of years. Its cen- tral exchange is in its building at the corner of Third Av. S. and 5th St.. where it also maintains gen- eral offices. C. E. Yost is presi- dent; W. B. T. Belt, vice president and general manager; J. W. Chris- tie, treasurer; Geo. A. French, district commercial manager. The Tri-State Telephone Com- pany is a newer institution, hav- ing entered the field about fifteen years ago. Geo. W. Robinson is president, C. B. Randall, secretary, and R. L. Barry, general superin- tendent. Its offices are at 3rd Av. S. and 7th St. These companies were merged during 1918. Through the business center of the city the telephone wires are carried in conduits. Rates charg- ed by the Northwestern are ap- proximately the same as those in othei cities, of similar size, in this country and vary according to the character of the service. For an unmeasured exclusive service in a business office the Northwestern rate is $6.00. The Tri-State Com- pany for this service charges $4 per month. Numerous pay sta- tions are maintained in hotels, office buildings and other public places where telephone service may be had for 5c for local mes- sages and from 10c up for out-of- town messages. The long-distance service reaches every part of the northwest and the principal east- ern cities. Temperature. — ( See Climate. ) Temple Court. — An eight-story brick and terracotta office build- ing at the corner of Washington and Hennepin Avs. It is of fire- proof construction. Tenement Houses. — The tene- ment house as it is found in most large cities, is almost unknown in Minneapolis. As a rule even the very poor live in small detached houses and thus secure a fair al- lowance of light and air even if overcrowded Along lower Wash- ington Av. perhaps the nearest ap- proach to the typical tenement house is found. Theatres. — Minneapolis theatres have a large patronage. A great J TEM-THU variety of attractions is provided during the season and with one or two exceptions the theaters are entirely devoted to vaudeville and motion pictures. The leading the- aters are as follows : Auditorium. — 11th St. bet. Nicol- let and Marquette Av. Concerts, grand opera and special theatrical engagements. Lyric Theatre. — 720 Hennepin Av. Motion pictures. Metropolitan Opera House. — Marquette Av. between 3rd and 4th Sts. New Garrick Theatre. — 40 S. 7th £,t. Vaudeville and motion pictures. New Grand. — 619 Hennepin Av. Motion pictures. New Palace. — 408 Hennepin Av. Vaudeville and motion pictures. Orpheum Theatre. — 7th St. bet. Hennepin and Nicollet. Vaudeville and motion pictures. Princess Theatre. — 12-14 4th St. N. E. Motion pictures. Shubert. — 7th St. bet. Hennepin and 1st Av. N. Stock. Strand. — 38 S. 7th St. Motion pictures. Unique. — Hennepin Av. bet. 5th and 6th Sts. Vaudeville and mo- tion pictures. Things to See. — (See Seeing the City, Drives and Excursions.) Third Ave. Bridge. — The latest addition to the group of bridges spanning the Mississippi river at Minneapolis. From the foot of Third Av. S. it extends from the west side of the river in a curve, approaching quite near the crest of the Falls of St. Anthony and affording an unequalled view of the milling district. The bridge is of concrete construction. Thursday Musical. — This orga- nization is composed of ladies in- terested in the study of music and the promotion of musical af- fairs, and is made up of three classes of membership — active, student, and associate. The ac- tive members to be eligible must be proficient in some branch of TIC-TOR 12 musical art. The musical meets fortnightly and fourteen regular programs are given by the active members according to a definite plan. During each season it gives several concerts by artists outside the club. Its philanthropic work which consists of furnishing free musical programs wherever there is need of such entertainment without the means to pay for it, is an important feature of the club's activity. The Settlement Committee, operating through the various settlement houses pro- vides musical instruction for tal- ented children of limited means. The membership is approximately 1,000. The active membership is subdivided into four classes — pi- anists, vocalists, organists and strings — for the purpose of facili- tating the study in which each class is particularly interested. A studio and office are maintained in the Barnura Building, 806 Nic- ollet Av. Mrs. "Weed Munro is president, and Mrs. Henry S. God- frey, secretary. Ticket Offices. — In addition to the depot offices the railroads cen- tering in Minneapolis maintain city ticket offices as follows : United States Railroad Admin- istration Consolidated Ticket Of- fice. — Sixth St., cor. 2nd Av. S., serving the following lines : Chicago, Bdklington & Quincy. Chicago Great Western. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Great Northern. Minneapolis & St. Louis. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie. Northern Pacific. Northwestern Line. Canadian Northern. — 311 Nic- ollet Av. Dan Patch Line. — 54th and Nicollet, and 7th St. and 2nd Av. N. Electric Short Line. — 7th St. and 2nd A v. N. Minnetonka Electric Line. — 17 N. 6th St. Tonka Bay. — A beautiful place on the south shore of Lake Minne- tonka at the terminus of the Lake Minnetonka electric line. It is about a mile northwest of Excel- sior across the intervening bay. Topography. — There are no par- ticularly marked elevations within the city of Minneapolis and no de- pressions of importance with the exception of the gorge of the Mis- sissippi below the falls. In a gen- eral way it may be said that the main part of the city lies in an ir- regular basin, formed by low ranges of hills extending in semi- circular form on the southwest and northeast. The Mississippi river flows through the city a distance of 8V 2 miles, and along the easterly border an additional distance of Sy 2 miles, making a total course of 12 miles, within which distance it has a fall of 105 feet. Trib- utary to the river are Shingle creek in the extreme northern, Bassett's Creek in the central and Minnehaha Creek in the extreme southern portions of the city, all flowing through the city from the west. The soil is for the most part sandy, varied here and there with coarse gravel and clay. A large part of the central and northern parts of the city were originally covered with trees, and many are still standing in the door yards of pleasant homes. In the south- western part of the city are four large lakes, referred to in the ar- ticle on Park System. All drain- age is carried by sewers to the Mississippi river below the falls. Topographic maps of the U. S. Geological Survey, for the region about Minneapolis may be ob- tained from The Hudson Publish- ing Co., 404 Kasota Bldg., cor. 4th St. and Hen. Av. Torrens land Title Law. — A system of land title registration ■:/.: SHIP TO THE OLD RELIABLE YOU ARE SURE TO GET THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE NORTHWESTERN HIDE & FUR COMPANY Established 1890 200-204 FIRST STREET NORTH J. W. DREGER Sheriff of Hennepin County from March 10, 1902, to January 4, 1909, Resident since 1868. MEMBER OF FIRM E. EICHORN & SONS, ESTATE and'LOANS Foreign Collections in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Switzerland and Holland Steamship Agency— 626 Security Building, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. N. W. Phone Nicollet 1636 Tri-State Center 3916 J. B. PETERSON Furniture Repairing, Refinishing and Upholstering Antique Furniture NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE 1022 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. after the Torrens method is in ef- fect in Minneapolis and Hennepin county. By making application to the district court an owner of real estate may secure a decree of reg- istration upon which is issued a certificate which is conclusive evi- dence of title. After the initial registration all subsequent trans- fers of the property may be made without further legal examination. The average cost of an initial reg- istration is between $15 and $20. After that transfers may be made at a cost of $3. Toys. — All the department stores have toy departments. "Deutsche Spielwaaren" may be found at Holtzermann's, 417-25 Cedar Av., where a special dis- play of imported German toys and novelties is made before each Christmas season. Trades and Labor Assembly. — An organization composed of dele- gates from various organized bodies of workingmen, trades un- ions, etc. It considers matters of interest to the laboring classes. Meetings are held 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 36 S. 6th St. (See Labor Organiza- tions.) Transient Koine for Girls. — For women desiring a moderate priced boarding place for a few days. (See Woman's Christian Associa- tion.) Trust Companies. — (See Loan and Trust Companies.) Twin CitieSj The. — Minneapolis and St. Paul; a popular name orig- inating in St. Paul. Underground Wires. — (See Elec- tric Conduits.) Union City Mission. — Organized by the churches of all denomina- tions in 1895 and incorporated as an interdenominational institu- tion. Its affairs are managed by a board of 15 business men. In 1916 it occupied its present quar- 5 TOY-UNI ters — Hennepin Av. and 2nd St. — where it maintains a new, fire- proof, 12-story commercial hotel, lodging house and a mission hall. Religious services are held night- ly. An employment bureau, read- ing room, free baths for homeless men are maintained. Its aim is to furnish aid in a practical way, helping only those who need tem- porary relief in food, lodgings or clothing, avoiding any tendency to pauperize, but with friendly kindness to open the way for its religious work. T. E. Hughes is president and C. M. Stocking, su- perintendent. Unique Theater. — Hennepin Av. between 5th and 6th Sts. Vaude- ville at popular prices. Unitarian Churches. — The Uni- tarian churches are : First. — 8th and Mary Place. Nazareth Free Christian (Nor- wegian) — 1525 E. Franklin Av. (See First Unitarian Church.) United States Courts. — Tne rooms of the U. S. District court are in the Post office or Inderal building, corner 3rd St. and Mar- quette Av. Unity House. — A social settle- ment at 250 17th av N. Estab- lished in 1897, by the liberal churches of the city, for "general benevolent and educational work and social and moral reform." Its purpose is "to be a center, which through mutual helpfulness will secure higher standards for the children and neighborhood." Maintains the following activi- ties: Mothers' club, day nursery, employment bureau, gymnasium, swimming pool, playground, sum- mer camp, infant welfare clinic, kindergarten, sewing school in both hand and machine sewing, and clubs and classes for people of all ages. The house furnishes a meeting place for organizations and social groups in the commu- nity. Resident director, Henry F. Burt. There are twelve resident UNI-UNI IS workers, and many volunteer help- ers. The building- was completed and opened in 1912, the entire plant, including lots, costing about $75,000. Universalist Churches. — A Uni- versalist society was formed in the village of St. Anthony in 1853 and the Church of the Redeemer was formally organized in 1859. These were the beginnings of Uni- versalism in Minneapolis. The de- nomination now has three churches as follows: All Souls. — 8th Av. S. E. be- tween 6th and 7th Sts. Church of the Redeemer. — Cor. 2nd Av. S. and 8th St. Tuttle Memorial. — 1868 when a reorganizing act was passed which was virtually the charter of the institution. College work with a faculty of nine was begun in the fall ot 1869. From this has developed the university of today with its twelve colleges and professional schools in which over 5,700 students of full collegi- ate grade are regularly enrolled. The agricultural schools, short courses, and Extension Division, attract 8,500 more. Cyrus Nor- throp, LL. D„ president from 1884 to 1911, was succeeded by George Edgar Vincent, Ph. D., LL. D., who was succeeded in July, 1917, by Marion LeRoy Burton, Ph. D., LL. D., formerly president of Smith College. The university is an integral part of the state school system. Graduates of approved high schools and other accredited preparatory schools are admitted to the university without exami- nation, provided their credentials satisfy the specific requirements of the college to which entrance is desired. The following depart- ments are maintained: The College of Science, Litera- ture., and the Arts. The College of Engineering and' Architecture. The Department of Agricul- ture, including — The College of Agriculture. The College of Forestry, includ- ing — Forest Experiment Stations a\ Itasca and Cloquet. The Central School of Agricul- ture, University Farm. The Northwest School of Agri« culture, Crookston. The West Central School of Ag- riculture, Morris. The Experiment Stations, includ- ing — The Main Station, St. Anthony Park. The Northwest Experiment Station, Crookston. The North Central Experimen\ Station, Grand Rapids. The West Central Experiment Station, Morris. The Northeast Demonstration Farm and Experiment Station, Duluth. The Southeast Demonstration Farm and Experiment Station, Waseca. The Fruit Breeding Farm, Zumbra Heights. The Law School. The Medical School, including — The School for Nurses. The School of Embalming. The College of Dentistry. The School of Mines, includ- ing — Minnesota School of Mines Ex- periment Station. The College of Pharmacy. The College of Education. The Graduate School. The University Extension The School of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. Service, including General Extension Division. Agricultural Extension Division Government. — The management of the university is vested in a board of twelve regents, of whom nine are appointed, and three, the governor of the state, the super- intendent of public instruction and the president of the univer- sity, are members ex-officio. Grounds and Buildings. — The university grounds comprise about 108 acres lying between Uni- versity Av. and the river and from llth Av. S. E. to Harvard. They command a fine view of the falls and the city but are sufficiently removed from the business center to secure reasonable quiet and re- tirement. A more attractive cam- pus could hardly be imagined. Much of its surface is covered with handsome oak trees, while ver. The buildings on the Great- er Campus are valued at $3,909,- 835, the equipment at $2,006,611. the land at $2,000,000, making the total valuation of the main plant, $7,916,446. The perma- nent fund invested is $3,408,648.32. The campus of the College of Ag- riculture, situated midway be- tween Saint Paul and Minneapolis on the Como-Harriet interurban line, consists of 418.75 acres of land valued at $419,300, the buildings are valued at $1,345,145, and the equipment at $402,320, making a total of $2,166,765. In addition to this there are experi- mental stations at Morris, Crookston, Grand Rapids, Du- luth, and Waseca, the Fruit Breed- ing Farm at Excelsior, the experi- ment station of the College of Forestry at Cloquet, and the forestry reserve at Itasca Park, with grounds, buildings and equip- ment valued at a total of approxi- mately $959,682. These figures for the Department of Agriculture added to the figures for the main 7 UNI-UNI campus, give a total of $11,042,893 as the approximate total value of the grounds, buildings and equip- ment of the University of Minne- sota. Upon entering the university grounds, the Music Building, Law Building, College of Education Building, Alice Shevlin Hall for the women of the university and the "Women's Gymnasium, are on the right, the Library, Mechanic Arts Building, Folwell Hall, Phys- ics Building, Minnesota Union (Men's Building), Pillsbury Hall and Armory on the left. The Armory provides for the depart- ments of military science and physical training, and is so con- structed as to serve the additional purpose of a large assembly hall. Pillsbury Hall is 245 feet in length, and is built of brown stone. It contains museums, laboratories for geology, mineralogy, botany, and animal biology, recitation and lecture rooms, and accommoda- tions for the geological survey. The building was the gift of the late John S. Pillsbury. The library building contains the assembly hall, the offices of the president, registrar, comptrol- ler and librarian; rooms for pack- ing, storing and cataloguing books; recitation rooms and offices for the department of history. It contains stack rooms for the stor- age of one hundred thousand vol- umes; and the special library of the department of history. On the land recently acquired by the University to the south of the old campus new buildings have been erected in accordance with a well defined architectural and landscape plan. The Elliott Memorial Hospital (194 beds); Millard Hall, the Institute of Anatomy, the Main Engineering Building, Experimental Engineer- ing Building, the Chemical Labor- atory and the buildings for the School of Mines, and the Depart- ment of Biology are now in use. UNI-UNI IS College of Science, Literature and the Arts. — This is the largest collegiate department of the uni- versity. The completion of the course leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. All resident students registering in this col- lege are required to pay a tuition fee of $40 per year. Non-residents are charged double this amount. The college year opens during the third week in September. The work of the first two years is elective within certain limita- tions as to the range of subjects from which the electives may be chosen. The remaining work of the course is entirely elective subject to certain provisions as to distribution of work. In addition to the students who enter for the four-year course leading to a degree, many others enter for the first two years of pre-professional training required for entrance to the Law School, the Medical School, and the Col- lege of Education. College of Engineering and Architecture. — The College of En- gineering has the exclusive use of four buildings. The Experi- mental Engineering Building, com- pleted in 1911, contains one of the finest laboratory rooms in the United States, and has in ad- dition, lecture, computing, mu- seum, office and tool rooms. It is already equipped for excellent work in experimental lines, and will in the near future be more elaborately equipped. The new Main Engineering Building, com- pleted in 1912, contains the quar- ters of the Departments of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mathe- matics and Mechanics, and Draw- ing. It contains further, welfare rooms for the use of students, the administration offices of the College, the general Engineering Library of the College, occupying \t\ entire wing of the building and extending through three stories, an auditorium, capable of seating 400 persons, and many recitation, lecture and drafting rooms. The Electrical Engineering De- partment occupies a building by itself, in connection with the Pow- er Plant, which furnishes in part light and power on the campus. The building is not new. but has recently been re- modeled. A large amount of new modern electric apparatus has been installed. The Power Plant is operated jointly by the De- partments of Electrical and Me- chanical Engineering, and is an as,set of the College. The Mechanical Engineering De- partment is housed in a large brick building containing the ma- chine and pattern-making shops, foundry and forge rooms. The building contains in addition the lecture, drafting and class rooms of the Mechanical Department. This College offers regular courses of study of five years each \n civil, mechanical and electricai engineering and architecture, leading to the degrees of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical En- gineer and Architect, the de- gree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering or Architec- ture being conferred at the end of the fourth year. A tuition fee of $60.00 per year is charged. The aim of the instruction given in the regular undergraduate course* of this College is to lay a broad and solid foundation in mathemat- ics, mechanics, and drawing, se that, with the practice in field, shop, office, and laboratory worlf given to the students in the re- spective courses, they shall be fitted for immediate usefulness upon graduation, and after moderate amount of subsequen/ practice and experience be ca- pable of taking charge of impor- tant works. Department op Agriculture.— Consists of the College of Ag- riculture, the College of For- estry, the Schools of Agriculture at St. Anthony Park, Crookstoi* and Morris, the Extension Divi- sion, the Division of Research ia Agricultural Economics, the Stat© Experiment Station at St. An- thony Park with substations at Crookston, Grand Rapids, and Morris, Duluth and Waseca. I» addition the Department super- vises a number of demonstration farms through its Extension De» partment. The College of Agri- culture offers four year courses in Agriculture and Home Econom- ics leading to the degree of Bach- elor of Science. These courses, in uniformity with all other courses in the University, require fifteen units for entrance, and the work given is of collegiate graC.e. The Schools of Agriculture s,re de- signed to give young m 1 I 1 yfEAR K MUNSING UNION SUITS for Men, Women, Children Fine in Quality, Non-Irritating, Long Wearing Always Perfect Fitting, World Famous for Durability The most in demand because the most satisfactory Wear them, you will like them. They please everybody THE NORTHWESTERN KNITTING CO., Minneapoli&Minn