» «L ^o ■ip • • - " >- .<* • o. 4 ' 'y J ^^0^ c "^^. ^^. 3- "^-^^X^^ * <-7 v> ..o' ,0-' V *"^- .V ./ -^0 ■''■J"}' ■ii, > .■»:>^ > N O ^-J.*^ «v ^ " " - • o . ' ^0-^ ^ ._;^';' ^o ,0' .y °^ *•-» aO ^ "^ .^^ . ^y^>^ ^ n H E "OA _\* I I LECTUliES BY THK FIRST CANDIDATE OUT FOR » . . .' fflESIBEIT OF THE ilTED STATES II\ 1 ST^O . * THE GOD THAT I WORSHIP ; MY PHILOSOPHY ; . AND MY RELIGION. /- ' -/ THE SUN A LIVING BEING ; THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSEr; . THE CREATOII OF ALL LIFE UPON THE FACE • . OF THIS OUU MOTHER EARTH. / BILL OF RIGHTS: A NEW DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE : INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY ; FREE LOVE AND MARRIAGE ; AND FINANCE. PRICE 15 CENTS, By Prof. J. W.'^Siiiveley, y \ > OV ALEXANDRIA, VA. PiTTSiu'i:^ ) them. : 2. " And on ilic sevenlli day God ended liis woiic. which he hud made, and he rested on Uie scvlmU!: ilay fiDmall the work which ho hud made. 3. " And God blesse>l tiii- sovent'.i d ly, an Isaactirted it, becau:"; that in it he had rcsU'd from ;dl his work which God creiilod and made." ..Villi wu i\a 1 on down ihrougli all the books of Mosc-^, aiiil all the iMKtk.s of lliis Holy IjUiIi-, down lo llii> coining of Jesii:^: Cliii.st, and we find it to In- only four thousand years ; aiul from Jesiis Christ down lo the jiresent time ciglitcen hundred and seventy-live years. S.>, ae, and that there iie\er was a time when old Time and the ilullu•ll^ily ilv v( mind and intellect ot the Sun of Light, that has life and being, creates, sees and knows, rules, directs andgoverns all tliiiiLT^ througliout all the vast eternity of the universe. M-ith an oiiuiipotent will that never lets go— :ui omnipotent will that creates, directs, rules ami governs uU by eternal law and piineiple that never fails ? The immensity of mind, the omnipotent will that grapjiles all the vast immensity of the universe, and liolds it obedient to that omnipotent will, that never rests, that never sleeps, that liolds on to tlm vast immensity of thu universe, from never beginning time unto all eternit)'. Do you get the idea that I wish to impress upon your minds — that tlie Sun of Light is a Living Being, the only True and Living God, that has life and being throughout all the vast eternity of the universe? If you do, we will come back to this our good old mother earth, and take a long look away back through the long vista of the Eternal Ages of ages that have rolled away since this, our good old mother earth, was created, and leaped into life and being a new-born babe, a Living Being, a Livincr Soul. *)-) Do you doubt it — do you doubt the truth of the idea that this good old mother earth is a Living Being, a Living Soul — that thinks, and feels, and sees, and knows wdiat's what? If you do, will you just look down through the strata of this good old mother earth, until you plunge into lier living, throbbing, fiery Heart and Soul, and you wiil see, and feel, and know that slid has all the Elements of an Oriranized LiviiiL'' Bein<'-? And then cast your eyes to the North, the South, the East, the West, and all around, anli in those uidcnown ages of the long ago; in those infant days of this good old Mother Earth, who wrapped a dee]> rolling sea all around her little, bright, stany Soul, teaming, swarming, swimming full of little, bright starry, Lising Souls, Living r.eings, that reproduced and multiplied, and worked, and toiled and died, for vast, unimmbered ages of ages, until their dust and ashes, and their coral reefs and fossil rocks began to lift themselves up out of the deep rolling seas. And then we see the insects, the creeping things, tlie grasses, the rej)tiles and the fowls of the air coming for untold ages moi-o; and tlnii tlu' j^lanls, an;). Our great Agassiz will lell you that all tlio living things, all the living creatures, living beings, living souls, that ever lived upon the face of this earth, in tlu; air and the Avaters thereof; all the fishes, the insects, the reptiles, the fowls of the air, and all animal life, and even man— all come into life out of an egg ; and that all eggs are composed of very small cells, some of thousands and some of billions and billions of these little cells,, so very small tiiat you have to use a very strong magnifying glass to sec them ; and that these little cells arc very much alike in all eggs, and that the great mystery of all life comes out of the combina- tion of these little cells into v^^a of various sizes, shapes and forms, with other combinations, surrounding circumstances and evolutions. Dut the great mystery — the creation of these little cells and thrir lifr-jiroducing powers — is still a mystery so great that the} cannot grapple it, cannot exjil.iin it. liut we look to the Sun of Light as the Creator of all things, of all life, and the great mystery of these little cells and their life-i>roducing jiowers is all explained. For when we lake a long, clear, steady look over the whole face of our I\b)ther Earth, through all the spring and Minuner months, through all the years — we see that all the mist and all t'.ie evaporation that goe.s \\\) from the face of the earth, the river.s, lakes a;,d se.is, and floats through the atmosphere ami gathers into clouds, are all the same, billion and billions of these same lit! le mysterious cells. And as thoy float through tlie air nnd ^^^ather into clouds, the Sua of Light, the Creator, the Great Jehovah, tlie God of all Light and the God of all Life, looks ui)on them, Avarius, magnifies, vivifies and electrifies them; and they become Living Germs, instinct with life; and in the humid, rolling masses of the storm clouds, we see these little, mysterious cells of oxygen and hydrogen mingle and clash, and grapple each other in the love embrace; and the vivid lightning's-flash and the thunders roar, proclaiming afar that billions and billions of little, brlglit, starry, Living Souls have just leni.ed into life and being out of the little crystal oxygen and hydrogen cells of the storm clouds, with the vivid, electric lightning's-flash and the thunder's-roar. And we liold out a bright new vessel, and catch the rain drops, and examine tiiem with a stro) g magnifying glass, and vre see thousands and mllliuu,^ v( these little, bright, starry, Living Souls iu one little rain drop. And we Avatch them from day to day, from week to week, from month to month, and we see that they are little cannibals, tlie large ones eating up their little brothers and sisters and neighbors, until the great mass of these little, bright, starry souls disai)poar, and we liave only a few warriors, kings and princes left, with their love mates, that grapple each other in the luve embrace, and in time repioduce and multiply themselves into families and races, a thousand different species. Herein we have the great Mystery of all Life, the Origin and Creation of all the living things, living souls, living beings that ever lived upon the face of our iiood uld Mother Earth— in the air or in the waters. Do you get the idea of the Oiigin and Creation of all Life upon the face of this earth? If you do, Ave will look away down through the vast ages, back to that great in-olilie time of creation, to that day and age Avhere in this our Mother Earth leaped into life and being, and we see that it was in that great day and age of creation that the Human Family— the nuniau Kaee — was created; aye, we see the myriad billions of little, briglit starry, Living Souls leap into life and being ii the same moment with our good uld :\Iotlier Earth, out of the little crystal oxygen and hydrogen cells of the storn-i clouds, the first little, bright starry souls that lived, and teamed, and swarmed iu the crystal ocean. And through myriad billions of vast unnumbered ages of ages we see this creation go on and on, and we see them multiply, and toil and struggle "up out of the briny waters, and nestle in the mosses, ferns and flowers and ocean lilies that" floated over the whole face of the deep waters— myriad floating islands and continents. We see them fighting the great battle of life Avith the fowls of the air and the fishes of the briny deep, until their dust and ashes, and the coral reefs hnd fossil rocks, begin to lift themselves xip out of the deep seas and oce ais. And again we see them migrate and leap to the rocks, and islands, and mountains and continents. Do you get tlie i lea ? Can you see the weary waste of the ages of ages througli which the human species, the hu.naii race, struggled uj) and u]) since they first leaped into life ar.d being in ihe same mument with this our good old 8 Mother Earth? Can you see the huinaii species, llio human race, at that great Day of Creation, in the little, briy;lit, starry «uuid of the Ktorm cluuJs, So very small that you eoukl not liave seen them only by using a very htioiig magnifying glass? And can you see, and believe, and know tliatall — all tlie great mon- sters that e\ cr li\ cd in iIkj deep seas, or upon the faee of this earth, all came into life and being out of the same little mysterious cells, little mysterious beings, so very small that you could not see them, in their day and age of creation, only by using a very strong magnifying glass? And that they fought the great battle of life up, and up, and up, for billions of vast ages, until they cro[)ped out into the great monsters that they ^vere in their greatest might and strength and glory ? AVe see and know that all organized animal life — the fishes, the in- sects, the reptiles, the fowls of the air, eve-ry living creature, every liv- inti- beinu", evorv li\ inir thini/ that ever h;ul life and belnLT upon ihe face of our good old Mother Earth — all re[)i-oduce and mullii)ly themselves from the production and combination of the same little mysterious ceils into eirtrs of various si/e and form, out of which come all oriranized life, according to the Aljjha and Omega of neverdjeginning Time, that ever rolls on, and li\e u[) to the Eternal Laws ami Prineijiles of the GoA of the Universe, through and by which this earth and all the stars anil plan- ets, suns and systems, were created, and took ilicir places in the uni- verse. Have we imjn-essed the idea u[)on your minds that the Sun of Light is a Living Being, a Living Soul, and llie Creator of all Life upon the face of this our good old Mother Earth, anil a true and i)erfect image of the God of the Lrniverse V And liave you got the idea of the unnum- bered billions of vast ages that have rolled away since this earthand the human species, the human race, first leaped into life and being? Do you get the idea of the great battle of life, the long, Aveary waste of ages that rolled away, as the human species, the human race, fou'dit the great battle of life u[) and up, unlil we see them crop out, or leap out of the dark, unknown ages of the universe, into the historical light and fact and truth — old Japan, China, Assyria, Egypt, ami jjoor old Moses and his God of the Jews, tluft did such wonderful things in six days, about six thousand years ago ? Then Persia, Greece ami IJome. lint I cannot stop here to diagnose poor old Closes and his God; for I see hundreds and thousands who cannot see and believe and know that the Sun of Light is a Living Being, a ],iviiig Soul — the great Jcho\ah, the God of all Light and the God of all Life, the Omnipotent, the Eter- nal, Living God, the Creator of all things, who sees and knows all the work that he has done, ami rules, ilirects and governs all by eternal laws and princij)les that never fail. For all who doubi and cannot see and believe, we will stop just here. Why, if the Sun, the God that I wor>hip, should sicken and die, and his great light, electricity and great heal, his great mind and intellect should 9 flicker and go out, and become a rotten, cliaotic mass of Egyptian darkness — in tliat awful day, I tell you, there would be a crash of worlds, and you mi'dit slirjek and howl and cry unto the God of the Jews, and unto your Catholic and Protestant Gods as loud ;is ten billions of thund;3rs, and I tell-you they would not hear, would not heed you; and you might shriek and a"roan anil dieaud rot, and all go to flinders with the awful crash of worlds on worlds, and your old Jewish God, the priestcraft, the golden calf, would go crash to flinders with you all. Do you get the idea ? and can't you see and believe and know that what I i)reach is true? Then when you pray, pray to the Sun. And when you worshi[>, worship the Sun, the great Jehovah, the only true and Living God, the Creator of all things upon the face of this our good old Mother Earth — the grass, the plants, the flowers, the trees,, the fruits, the grains and the cotton, the silks and the wool — yes, all im- imal life, the fishes, the insects, the fowls of the air, and the wild beasts and the sheep and the goats, the Jiorses and the cattle, upon a thousand liills — all, all are the gift of his Creative, his Omnijiotent Will, that never rests, never sleeps, never lets go; that creates and rules and gov- erns; that holds on to all the vast immensity of the universe, from never- beirinning Time until all Eternity. Then for Light and Life and Health, and for all the good things of this world, look to the Sun, and pray to the Sun, the Creator, the good Father, that giveth all. And remember that the only True and Pure Religion is to know thy Creator, and to love and worship liim with all thy heart and all thy soul, and to bve thy neighbor as thyself. And to do unto all others as you would that they should do unto you. Do you get the idea? If you do, then remember that thy Creator, thy Father, the Lord thy God, the Sun of Light, sees and knows all that we do from the cradle to the grave, and that you can see him face to face every day, when there is no intervening clouds to hide his bright and glorious face. You need no church, no jiriest to }»ray for you. You can see thy Creator, thy Father, the Lord thy God lace to face. Then when you pra}-, i>ray to him thyself. And don't fortret to love thy UL-i^hbor as thyself, and to do unto all others as you would that they should do unto you; a'.id you fulfill all the the law and the gospel, and live the only true and pure religion that is worth a cent to thyself, or tliy Creator, thy Father, the Sun, the Lord thy God. Then when you pray, pray to the Sun. And when you worshiji, wor.shijt the Sun. You need no Church ; you need no I'riest to pray for you ; you pray for yourselves. And remember that like e\cr be^.'-ets lihe, aiul that if youi- fathers, and 10 your mothers, and you yourselves are not good and true, and pure and kind and lovinj;, that your children c.innot be good. You cannot gather goud fruit from an evil tree ; and I tell you, and tell yua truly, that the Blood of Jesus Clirist ain't worth a cent in this day and age of the world to purge, and purify, redeem and save ilie human race. .For as the athers and the mothers are, so will ilie children be . , ■ "well, AVIIAT TIIKX? AVIIAT AVOL l.I) YOU HAVE US DO?" Why I tell you, and tell you truly, that the only way to purge and purify, redeem and save the human race, is to put away all things that corrui»t, demoralize, degrade aiul enslave, such as lium and Whisky, Brandy and all Distilled Liquors, and all Drinking Saloons, and all other vile and iilihy places that lead to vice and crime, and then be good and jiure, and true, and honest, and kind, and loving youi-selves. And don't forget to love and worship thy Creator with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and wiili all thy strength, and to love thy neighbor as thyself, and to do unto all others as you would that they should do unto you; and in time we may look for belter fruit — good, sound, healthy children, kind and loving sons and dau'diters, that shall grow up into manhood and womanhood, good, and great, and kind, and loving, whose lives and faces shall glitter and shine with liitellerl and iiund, knowledge and wisdom, like unto^the faces of the true sons and daughters of God. Then when you juay, pray to the Sun of Light, the Lord thy God, thy Creator, thy Father. rUAYEU. We i)ray to thee, thou bright and glorious Sun, thou God of all Light, thou God of all Life, our Creator, our Father, thou All-Wise, thou Omnipotent, thou Great Jehovah. We pray thee to purge, and purify, and save us with all the world of mankind ; to watch over, guide and protect us through all the Journey of Life, and give unto us this Day, and through all the Journey of this Life, all the good things of this world, that thou, in tiiy wisdom, hath ' created for us. And wo pray thee to give unto us Eternal Health and Fteinal Life, Mind and Intellect, and Knowledge and Wi.sdom, to love an.l wor- ship thee with all our heart, with all <.ui' soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength. And 1(» liive our Neighbor as Ourselves. And to do unto all others as we would that they should do unto us. And we i)ray th.it thy Light, and thy I'ower, and thy Kingdom, and thy Glory shall endure for ever and ever. Amen and Aujen ! Ai.KXANDKiA, ^■ll;'iI^lA, Jan. l.-t, 1 ST4. Claiming the right of individual sovereignty for myself and for all the people of these United States of America, nude and female, 1 here- ■wilh offer myself as a can.lidate for IMesident of the United States in 11 1876, upon the following great fundiuueuuil I'rincipled of Government, Indivihts, Governments are instituted by mankiml, deri\i:iLr their just powers from the con.^ent of the govei'iicd. And whereas, the Land, and the AVater, anteries of Life and Health, Disease and Death, and the great mystery and love of the sexes; and the time to love anil to make love, and how to select and choose love mates, husbands and wives, and to marry and make marrii^ge contracts; and the enjoyments, duties and the responsi- bilities tliereof; and how and w hen to dissolve and repudiate those mar- riage contracts, when union, love, enjoyment, contentment, peace and ha[)piness do not come and abiile therewith. 5. And whei-Cas, according to ^lature and Nature's laws, we believe that at the time and age of jmberty, say from fourteen to sixteen years of age, is the jiroper time to love and to make love, and to choose love ujates, husbands and wives, and to marry and make marriage con- tracts ; Therefore, be it resolved, That it is the duty of all parents, and of all 'jommunities, and of all States and all governments, and of the wdiole human family, to provide all their young men and young women with homes, and means, and husbands and wives of their own choosing, and a good trade t)rsomei)rofession, or a legitimate, honorable business of some kind, so that all the young men and young women of the coming ages shall ha- e a fair and an equal start in the race of life. 0. And w hcreas, Ave believe 'that tlie rights, duties and responsibilities claimed and set forth in the above ])reamble and resolutions are in- ■ alienable rights, duties and responsibilities, and universal, fundamental truths, bright and \)\\rQ and spotless as the Sun of Light, and believing that it is ill and tlirough and by these means alone that the Imman fam- ily, the liuman race, may bj and can be i)nrged and ])urilied, redei'ined and saved from its ])resent degrailed, demoralized, ci)rrupt ct)ndition,and fiom the dissipation, ])r<)stitulion, vice and crime, disease, suffering and the untimely death of the jiresent day and age; and seeing a bright and gl irious future and eternal life and health aiul youth ami happiness and Heaven and l*aradise, fur tiie whole human family, in these inalienable rights, duties and responsil)ilities, ami great, universal, fundamental truths and jirinciples being adopted ami faitid'idly carried out, and lived up to by the whole human family; Appealing to the God of the Universe for the rectitude of our be- lief and of our acts, we hereunto set our names, our lives, our fortunes and our saere 1 honors. So Iud]> us, thou rSun of 1/ight, our Creator, thou God of all Light and of all Life, and the Giver of all the good things that we have and enjoy here iu this life upon the face of this our good old Mother Earth. Pkof. J. W. SIIIVELY. M PREFACE. • GETTYSBURG KATALYSINE SPAS. UY JONATnAX, TUK SOX UK SOL. The above is ihc lillc of a .small book of thirty odd vt-r.-^t-.^, blank vci-bi-, average of 14 to IG lines in u verse, wherein the uuthor'describes the Magie Medical Healing Powers of tlie Gettysburg Katalysintj Spas, and attempts to discover tint source, the fountain heads of tliesc wonderful .Medical Waters. Tile autlior, in a prophetical, philosophical voyage, plunges down into the iiviujT. throbbing, fiery heart and soul of this our old Mother Earth ; and ou return taiwcs a peep into Milton's old Pandemonium, Hades, and in a moment leap.s back to the liglit of day to drink again at those .Magic ]\Iedical Kaialysine Spas, tlicn leaps off away down tlirougli the long, vast Eternity of never-beginning Time, until he stands alone with tlie Creator, the God of Light, the God of all Life, in the long ago when old Time was young and new, and saw all the .>-tars, new worlds, planets, suns andsyitems, take their places in the vast Eternitj-of the unbounded Ujiiversc, and saw this our good old ^Mother Earth, and the First Born, myriad bil- lions of tlie little, bright, starry, living infant Souls of tlie Human Race lean into life and being in the same moment, out of those little, mysterious, crystal Oxygen, and Hydrogen cells, by the creative powers of the Sun of Light, the God of all Life. And down through millions, myriad billions of vast ages this old prophetic philos- opher watches thib ne\v-b(jrn World and its myriad Ijillions of little, bright, starry, living Souls of tlie Human Race, up to tlie present time, and saw that every atom of this our good old jilother Earth and every living thing, every living creature, every soul and every living being that ever ilwelt upon the face of this our Earth, all were created by the same Power, and came into life and being cut of the same ll'itle, mysterious O.xj'gen and Hydrogen cells. .Vnd lie saw that the Sun of Light, the God of all Life, and those little, mys- terious O.xygen and Hydrogen cells were the source, the fountain-head of these Magic, Midieal, Healing Katalysine Spas, arid that the bright Arcadia, the fair Mecca, the New Jerusalem of Eternal Health and Youth and Life lies hidden iu tile mineral, animal and vegetable kingdoms of this our good old Mother Earth, and when we drink at these Magic, Medical Katalysine Spas, we drink thereof. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, in the oDice of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. J. W. SUIVELEY.of Alexandria, Vu. GE^rTYSBUKG KATAr.YSINE SPxVS. liV JOXA'IIIAX, T!1K S(.»X OF mOL. I was clirouic diseaseil, sick aiul dying, ^\'ill^ elogLCed kidneys, rhcuin:itio back, Ami iieuial. hi ]ic:isul\ cut lu-uliiig ])Owcrs, Clirouic dit^ease, racking ])aiiis, old age and death, Like a pali', weird, iVighlened gl»ost, Cre)it Ijai'kinto the far-off, Dark,