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Woodward had a majoriiij of the legal votes of Pennsylvania of over 100,000 : so also had justice Lowrie. The Executive^ a member of the Supreme, Bench, and two-thirds of the He- publican members of the Legislature of this State, hold their offices by untold and unheard of frauds on the ballot-box. One-half of their members 7iow in Congress were elected in 1862 by the same ford means. The Hon. G. L. Vallandigham was elected Governor of Ohio by over 60,000 majority of the legal votes of that State, all of ivhich I clearly show in this Address. My Fellow Countrymen : Can a Government long exist in peace, happiness and tranquillity, whose fundamental principles, and entire organization, originated in infidelity, deception, falsehood, slander, bribery, human sacrifices to selfish ambition, war, coercion, robbery, treason, and the most flag- rant frauds evei^^erpetrated upon the public and private rights, and the elective franchise of a once free, sovereign, and happy ^^ people." Such is the present usurped, monarchical power, now ruling the des- tinies of a subjugated " people" of the several sovereign States of this once great and happy nation ? I will say here that I do not include all Eepublicans in the charges of premeditated treason (against the Constitutional Government of the United States) hereafter made, for a vast number of them are being deceived by their designing leaders, and made to believe that all who desire a Christian peace and restoration of the Union of States, and in state rights, are traitors and rebels, and all else that is bad. They have such unshaken confidence in such traitors, and Avould be perpetual despots, as Lincoln, Seward, Chase, Staunton, Lovejoy, Sumner, and B Butler, that they refuse, indignantly refuse, to investigate the subject for themselves, or to listen to any facts what- ever, from the only true friends of the Government, as formed by our great fathers of the revolution. They will not believe this truth, although God may speak to them; therefore I pity them. But those Abolition Gospel preachers herein alluded to, I cannot pity, for it is their religious duty at least, to investigate the scrip- tural 8ubje*ct for themselves ; and further, they have the time aiid ^ .4- education. Therefore my allusions are intended to embrace all such, but not the true men of God, such as Bishop Hopkins and the great Br. A. Chirk, and many others of well known truthfulness. But my follow countrymen, how is it that so many people of this enlightened country can be so blinded by such men, that they cannot see where their designing leaders are taking them, and the terrible abyss of irrevocable disgrace and ruin into which they are daily plunging themselves by following the ambitious tyrants who have already destroyed the best and only genuine, humane, and Chris- tian government on the face of the globe. A few more strides under the direction of those infidel, tyrant usurpers, will land them where political consolation and hope, thi'ough the elective franchise, will never reach their political abodes to lighten their political burthens. They in some way are lead to think that they who fer- vently adhere to the old Constitutional Government, truly democratic^ as adopted by Washington and his holy and pure compatriots, (whose only ambition was to elevate and bless the whole American '^people" alike, and place them oh a political equality, and their pos- terity through all future time) are the only ones who are to suffer under the iron heel of a military despotism. They seem to forget that all the subjects, white, black, and red, will be yoked with iron, and haltered with steel alike, on a social and political equality. I will now show some of the immense and untold frauds that have been recently practiced upon the ballot box or the elective franchise of the ^^ people" of this great and once happy nation, in 1862 and 1863, in order to effect the ruin and disgi-ace of all the ^'people" in this the great State of Pennsj^'lvania, and doubtless in all others, wherever it was necessary for the certain consummation of their most diabolical treason and usurpation. And I hope that every lover of constitu- tional liberty, and safe and peaceful homes, will look .well into the follo^<'ing calculations. The total vote in Pennsylvania at the Pre- sidential election of 1860, at which time I suppose there was the greatest excitement that had ever before taken place in this State on a like occasion — there having been four candidates for the Presi- dency — every means was used without limit, to arouse the people of the whole State to the greatest excitement and alarm. And it was believed and declared after that ever to be remembered and fatal result, that the whole people voted on that occasion, with as few ex- ceptions as possible, and that the vote all told was . . 476,442 But at the Governor's election, only one month prior, the total vote of the State was 402,459 Loss in one month in the State 16,017 Now I ask all candid men to look at this, and ask themselves the question, was it not most remarkable that there should have been 16,017 votes (at the Presidential election of 1860) sliort of the Go- vernor's vote just one month prior? And I do think that every candid^ thinking man, w^ho remembers the great excitement in the Presidential campaign of 1860, will conclude that there must have been a great mistake, to say the least of it. But let it be remem- bered tiiat, at the Governor's election of 1860, only the people of one of our neighboring States were confined at home with their own election, and at the Presidential election, one month after,the people 3 of all the States had to stay at home to attend to their own State elections for a President of the United States, and, therefore, could not go into another State to vote. There were many people unde- cided for whom they should vote at the Governor's election of 1860, and consequently, did not vote; therefore, it was believed by fai*-seeing men that there would be an increase at the Presidential election, over the Governor's election, of from 35,000 to 50,000 votes; yet it fell short 16,017. But in oi-der to be liberal towards our Abolition fanatics, I will take the highest vote of 1860 as the standard, thouo-h I believe that there were counted out of the ballot-boxes at least 50,000 more votes than there were legal votes cast in the State. I will now begin with the Presidential election of 1856, that the reader may see the figures. The total vote for the three Presidential can- didates was 433,83« The total vote of the State at the Governor's election of 1857, one year after, was 363,137 Governor's vote fell off in one year 70,701 Now, I would like some good man to explain to me how the vote for Governor in 1860 should be so much above the Governor's elec- tion of 1857, when there was just as much excitement, and three candidates in the field — Packer, Wilmot and Hazelhurst — yet the vote of 1860 excelled that of 1857, 129,322. The natural increase does not exceed two per cent, per annum. That would be 21,788 to add to the vote of 1857, the Governor's election, which was 363,137 Natural increase to the election of 1860 .... 21,788 The total vote of 1860 should have been .... 384,925 According to the Census Eeports of 1860, 1850 and 1840, the in- crease could not have been any more than two per cent, per annum, yet the increase in 1860 over that of 1857 was a fraction under 36 per cent. — 12 per cent, per annum — or 129,322. To be entirely on the safe side of correctness, I will take the Gubernatorial vote of 1860 (so that no candid man can charge me with extremes), and compare it with the Presidential vote of 1856, at which time there was the greatest excitement that had ever before taken place. There were three candidates in the field, and such candidates that no man could help making a choice and casting his vote; and it was believed at the time that the frauds were enormous, as the Gubernatorial vote the following year proves, which, as I have shown, fell off 70,701. That vote was . . . 433,838 The natural increase for four years, . . . . 34,707 The vote of 1860 should not have exceeded . . 468,545 It could not have been any more, and the proof is such that every candid thinking man will see that there must have been immense frauds to have got it up that high. And I have added two per cent, a year natural increase, or eight per cent. Yet the Gubernatorial vote of 1860 was 492,459 An extraordinary excess of 23,904 It will be remembered that up to this time we had no men in the field, and no war to take voters away on election day. I will now show by the clearest demonstration that the fraudg on the elective franchise in 1862 and 1863, were beyond anything of the kind ever before committed. No pirates or highwaymen have ever been guilty of more diabolical acts of treason and fraud on the face of the globe. Don't accuse the Democratic Party of these fraads and corruptions, for let it ever be remembered that they had neither Greenbacks, Gold, nor the key of the public crib of this State nor of the United States, paper mills, nor Provost Marshals; therefore, it was utterly impossi- ble for them to have committed anj^ such robbery on the rights of the ^^ people," and even if they could, and had been wicked enough, they were confident that they had not the slightest need of any thing of the kind, /or they knew thai they had a vast majority of the legal votes of this State, and the Abolitionists knew as well as they did, or no 30,000 picked men would have been sent into this State by the Sec- retary of War on election day, pledged to vote the Abolition Ticket in 18G3. The elections of 18(32 of nearly all the states had satisfied them of the vast Democratic majority in this State and many others, There having been large Democratic majorities in all the larger States, though the Abolition traitors thought they had stufted the ballot-boxes with greenbacks enough in 1862 to carry them all for their treasonable purposes. They claimed a vast majority in this State, as well as the others ; but when the votes were counted out they found themselves minus j therefore, they trebled their frauds in 1863, as will be seen in the following tabular illustrations : The total vote of this State in 1860 was counted or multiplied to . ■ 492,459 This was 16,017 above the vote at the Presidential election, one month after. The natural increase^ according to this, could not have exceeded 29,547 If there had been no war in 1863 the vote should have been, according to the vote of 1860 522,006 According to the message of Governor Curtin to the Legislature of 1864, we had sent from this State to the war, 277,409 men, but I will call it 267,000, to be on the sure side. The great number of re- giments that have returned since the election of 1863, only average about one-third of the number they took away with them, therefore we have a right to deduct two-thirds of the 267,000 soldiers sent to war, even if all the rest could have been at home on election day and voted. But I will only deduct one-third, . . . 89,000 This would leave the vote of 1863, all told, . . . 433,006 The Democratic vote for Governor in 1863, was . . 254,171 This would have left Curtin, all told, .... 178,835 Hon. Geo. W. Woodward's majority, over the Abolitionists, 75,336 But we have a right to claim a deduction of two-thirds of the army ; this would leave the Democratic majority 164,336 But wc have an undoubted right to claim a deduction of at least one-half of the number of men sent into the war, and who were from homo on that account. In 1862 it was said wo had over 200,000 soldiers in the war at the time of election ofl-hat year, therefore we claim that 100,000 legal voters were out of the State on the election day of 1862. 'i'hc legul vote o€ the State, with two years natural increase, if all voted 512,157 But wo have a right to deduct one-half of the army in 18C2, (for none were sent home to vote,) .... 100,000 The total vote of this State could not have exceeded . . 412,ir)7 The total Democratic vote of that year was . . . 219,066 The Abolition vote of the State could not have exceeded . 193,091 The Democratic majority of 1862, should have been . 25,975 But we all know that not one-half, nor one-fourth of the army and others, could have been at home to vote in 1862; none were sent home, for the Abolitionists thought they could stuff the ballot boxes with enough to carry the State without them. This would have made the Democratic majority in 1862, over 75,000. The vote of 1862, according to the Tribune Almanac, was . . . 434,756 This gives the Abolitionists all they ask for that year. The natural increase for one year, 8,695 The total legal vote of 1863, should have been, provided there were no more voters gone in 1863, than there were in 1862, 443,451 Hon. George W. Woodward's vote in 1863, was . . 254,171 The Abolition vote of the State could not have exceeded, in legal votes, 189,280 Judge Woodward's majority should have been . . 64,891 In this we allow all the Abolition traitors ask. Governor Curtin says there were 267,000 sent into the field from this State, and I will still allow that one-half could have been at home on election day to vote, which is perfectly ridiculous, to suppose that even one-third could have been at home to vote at the last election ; but we will say half, -. . . 133,500 This would leave the legal vote of the State . . . 309,951 Judge Woodward's vote was 254,171 The Abolition vote of the State in 1863, .... 55,780 Judge Woodward's majority in 1863, .... 198,391 Yet the Abolitionists allege to have given Governor Curtin 269,496 When all they could have got in 1863, was . . . 55,780 Frauds by stuffing the ballot boxes, &c 203,716 Every candid man will acknowledge that it was impossible that avo should have polled 523,667 votes in 1863, when in 1860, under a far greater excitement, we only polled, with all the enormous frauds of that year, 492,459, when we had no war nor anything else to take voters out of the State on election day. Doubtless this xoill appear erroneous to those who haVe not before thought on this subject, nor seen a tabular illustration of the facts in the case, as I have calculated from the election of 1862, and I am compelled to confess that it astounded me when I had completed the additions and subtractions and saw the result. I will allow that 233,500 of the 267,000 called out of the State by the war were at home and voted on election day, which was utterly impossible; then Judge Woodward would have still had 98,391 majority. I will now give another illustration, in which I will give the Abolitionists all they claim, except the 269,496 legal votes they allege to have polled at our late gubernatorial election. And every truthful and candid man must see and confess the enor- mity of the frauds in 1863 on the ballot box. The total vote in the entire State in 1860 for Governor, was .... 492,469 6 The Presidential Vote, one month after, with the greatest effort, and with tlie government patronage of both State and the United States, ., . . 476,442 Less than at the Gubernatorial election, . , , 16,017 I will add 6 per cent, natural gain to 1860, . . 29,547 It was utterly impossible that the vote of 1863 could have exceeded, ...... 522,005 even if the whole country had been at peace, and not a voter from home on election day, but Gov. Curtin said in his message that we had sent 267,000 men to the war. We will suppose one-half could have been at home and voted in their own precincts ; therefore, I will deduct only one-half of the voters sent to the war, supposing that number were in the field where they could not get home to vote, some being killed, wounded, died of sickness, or sick in foreign hos- pitals, where they could not vote on that fatal day, . 133,500 The legal vote of the State in 1863 evidently could not have exceeded 388,506 Of this number Judge "Woodward got .... 254,171 The Abolition vote of the State could only have been . . 134,335 Judge Woodward's majority over Gov. Curtin . . 119,836 I will repeat, that the Democrats can not be charged with any part of this enormous fraud, for even if they had been disposed to have taken part in it, they had it not in their power to have done so for reasons 1 have already given. And further : Every Democratic voter in the State went to the polls on that fatal day with a palpitating heart, expecting his right of suffrage would be interfered with by Fede^-al authority. And, further : A report got into the jjapers that a Provost Marshal would be at every precinct in the State to arrest deserters; therefore, thousands were kept from the polls on that day. And the Democi-ats knew in addition to that, that there were secret Admin- istration spies at all the voting places in the State, and also dis-XJnion League Vigilant Committees at them all; therefore, it ivas not in their poioer to have had any hand in it. This calculation does not in- clude the vast numbers kept from the polls, who had been drafted and refused to report, and feared to show themselves at, the windows; nor the vast number of votes polled \)y Democrats and by some mys- terious hand changed to Abolition votes in the ballot-boxes, as in the First Ward of Pittsburg, where only 78 votes were found for Judge Woodward, the Democratic candidate for Governor, and 187 men went forward and swore, or offered to swear, that they had voted for Judge Woodward in that ward. Without these losses by fi'ight and fraud, the frauds in the State were at least 134,650 ; that is, the vote was made to foot up ..... . 523,667 The legal vote of the State could not have exceeded at the last Gubernatorial election 389,017 This leaves a clear fraud of 134,650 In this calculation, I am sure, no candid, fair, calculating man, will charge me with unfiiirncBS or extravagance, for no circumstantial evidence could show up a crime clearer to the understanding of every candid, honest man in the whole world. It is beyond all dispute, and out of the reach of successful contradiction, thai the election of this State was carried as above. I will give one more illustration of this State election last year, and ])ass on. Gov. Curtin says in his Messa4,171 The one-tenth of the army vote would have been . . . 27,74U This would have made the Democratic vote . , . 281,911 And left the Abolition vote 240,085 Even this calculation would have given Woodward 41,826 majority. No Eepublican of any knowledge of politics would attempt to claim any more than I have given them in this table. We all know that at least one-half of the army were Democrats, and a large majority of them are of that party, as was proved by the army vote of 1861. But no candid Republican will venture to claim any more than the above. In all the tables except this one I have thrown off of the army vote 10,409, for soldiers under age. I have called it 267,000. Working and laboring men and women look at these figui-es ! These immense frauds are committed by the Abolition leaders to take your rights from you, and to reduce you to negro equality, and, if possi- ble, a little lower. Will you not lose your lives rather than to be thus degraded by having your manhood taken from you ? Awake from your slumber, and come forth and resolve to have your rights at the ballot-box, or die ! And the election of Ohio was carried the same way. The frauds on the ballot-box of that State were even greater than in this State, in order to defeat that greatest of all patriots, the Hon. C. L. Val- landigham, and only because they knew him to be true to the Con- stitution and the Union. He tvas banished for his true patriotism and loyalty, and not for his disloyalty. We have substantial evidence that the enlistments from that State contained avast majority of Val- landigham Democrats. Soldiers in the field from that State can vote in the field any time within ten days after their State election day. The army return stood for the Abolition candidate for Governor, 41,467 Vallandigham, the Democratic Candidate, . . . 2,288 Abolition Majority of the Army Vote, .... 39,179 No man or woman who knows anything about elections in Ohio will hesitate to denounce this vote as a gross and diabolical fraud. The total state vote was 476,223, Brough's majority, the Abolition Candi- date for Governor, was 101,099. In 1862 the Democrats carried the State by 5,577 majority, the total vote of the State was 363,087 ; at the Governor's election in 1861, the total vote of the State was 358,- .791 ; at the Presidential election of 1860, with four candidates in the field for that high office, such was the variety among the candidates that the most scrupulous could not foil to make a choice, and vote with a clear conscience ; and in addition to that the very heavens seemed almost to have been moved, and the earth almost shaken. Money was scattered like dirt among the people. Such an excite- ment had never preceded it on any occasion in that State; yet the total vote of the State on that fatal day was 442,441. There was no « war, nor anything else to take men from their homes, and thousands were brought forward and voted who never had voted before, or very, sel- dom. Yet on that memorable occasion the total vote of the State was only, 442,441 The natural increase could have been only, . . . 17,697 All they could have given legally was, . . . 460,138 I shall take no notice of this army vote, for it was too clearly a diabolical fraud. I am told that they had absent at the time of their late election, about 230,000 in the army and other places in the War Department, of which none or but few had reason to go home to vote. Yet I will allow one-third, which would leave out 153,332 This would leave the total vote of the State . . . 306,806 lion. C. L. Vallandigham's vote 185,274 This would leave Mr. Brough, Abolitionist, . . . 121,531 Mr. Vallandigham's majority, ..,.■. 63,742 I have allowed that 76,666 soldiers voted, when they only claim 43,755; I can throw off 60,000 majority, and Mr. Vallandighara was legally elected by 3,742 majority. But notwithstanding the great efforts and excitements in 1860, 1861 and 1862, yet in 1863, with between 200,000 and 300,000 out of the State,^and as they could vote in the field, they had no occasion to go home to vote, they allege to have polled 476,223. This was simply ridiculous, and as bare faced a fraud as ever was committed on the globe, and (doubt- less) done under influence of Federal green backs inside of the win- dows as in this State. This vote was larger than the largest vote ever before cast in that State by 113,136, except the Presidential vote of 1860, and it exceeded that vote 33,782. Oh men and brethren, if you have any love left for constitutional liberties, and your peace- ful and happy homes, open your eyes for G-od's sake, and look at the yokes of iron and halters of steel set for you in the name of liberty and union. Hise in the strength God hath given you or you are ruined, and posterity will rise up and curse us through successive generations for our imbecility and cowardice, which shall have en- tailed such disgrace and ruin upon them. I will give another ilhis- tration to prove that our Abolition administration knew that a vast majority of the people in all the States except three or four, are op- posed to them and their treason. The election of 1862 satisfied them of this fact. If the elections of that year had not disappointed them, there would have been no Fedei'al interference with the State elec- tions in 1863 — 30,000 picked men would not have been sent into this State at our election to vote the Abolition ticket, and sent too at the expense of the Federal Government, and 134,650 votes would not have been added to the list of voters" after the polls closed, neither would there have been a much larger amount of fraud committed in Ohio, nor armed troops enough sent into Missouri, Kentucky, Mary- land iind Delaware on their respective election days, to take charge of all their voting places to drive Democrats away from castingtheir votes, under a false pretext of military necessity; when they knew that all they feared was the loss of the money, place and power, by which they may destroy this great and glorious government, that they muy make sUivch of us all. Therefore these untold and unheard of I'ruuds have been committed on the constitutional rights of the people of this whole nation. This alone ought to satisfy all lovers of con- 9 stitutional liberty, and much more professing Christians and Chris- tian ministers. They know thai the majority is against them in nearly all the States. To prove that this war is not waged against the sovereign poioers of the independent States for constitutional freedom, or even the rights of conscience, by the Federal Administration, but for the subjugation of all the sovereign States of the Union, and to establish a' groat central despotism, to be secui-ed and perpetuated by military power. 1 will quote one official act of the Federal usurpation, called, ? PULPIT OKDER. Head-quarters, Norfolk and Portsmouth, \ Norfolk, Va., Feb. 11, 1864. / GENEKAL ORDERS, No. 3. All places of public worship in Norfolk and Portsmouth are hereby placed under the control of the Provost Marslial of Norfolk and Portsmouth respectively, who shall see the pulpits properly filled by displacing, when necessary, the present in- cumbents, and substituting men of known loyalty and the same sectarian denomi- nation, either military or civil, subject to the approval of the Commanding General. They shall see that the churches are open freely to all, officers and soldiers, white or colored, at the usual hour of worship, and at other times, if desired; and they shall see that no insult or indignity be offered to them, eitlier by word, look or gesture, on the part of the congregation. The necessary expenses will be levied, as far as possible, in accordance with the previous usages or regulations of each con- gregation respectively. No property shall be removed, either public or private, without permisssion from these head-quarters. By command of Brigadier-General E. A. WILD. This tyrannic, arbitrary, despotic usurpation of Federal authority, seems to me ought to be enough in itself to awaken and arouse every American with fierce indignation, and bring him or her erect, and compel them to cry aloud for " liberty or death." Democrats, and all lovers of constitutional liberty, and rights of conscience, and peace, prosperity, and civil protection and safety, will you still fold your arms and hope for peace and happiness, un|il the last vestige of hope is clean gone? May the arm of truth awaken you to your sensibili- ties^ If you do not wake soon, the time is not far distant when such orders as the above will be issued to all the churches and free insti- tutions of this great and happy land, and we shall be forced to sit in church promiscuously with black Afi'ican heathens and barbarians, with our Christian and civil rights placed at the disposal of some profane, drunken, debauched Provost Marshal. The party now in power intend to completely revolutionize the National and all the State Grovernments, and to establish a despotic government at Washington in their stead, and rule all the *' people" and negroes with a rod of iron. But can such a government give peace and happiness to its subjects as I have described at the begin- ing of this address ? Christian men and women, look at this picture, and reflect before you take another step with the revolutionists of the present day, who are at the head of our national government. You who profess to. believe that the ways of righteousness and truth are the only ways of safety, peace, happiness and union in this sin- stricken world, look at the facts I have given, with the pictures of arbitrary power already extant. Every charge I have made against the leaders of the party now in power in this great nation is true, and far more than proved by daily occurrences from one end of this country to the other. I know most of the Republican papers refuse 10 to publish the mass of evidence that daily transpires ; that proves to the clearest demonstration that this war is kept up for wholesale plunder, fraud and robbery. Newspapers that were once truthful, are now filled with the foulest and most debasing falsehoods and slanders. If you desire to know whither you arc being led by these myrmidons of ruin and disgrace, take some Democratic paper, such as the Philadelphia Age, or the Journal of Commerce, of New York, or any other good Democratic paper or papers. No Union-loving person ought to be without the Philadelphia Age, and if the " peaple" only knew what they are losing by not reading that valuable Iheet daily, they would not hesitate to pay three cents per day for it, I would not miss it for five times the amount. The Age is one of the most stirringly edited, truthful and dignified journals in the nation. Kepublicans, don't sacrifice your liberties for your prejudices, Take some Democratic journal, and you will see and learn the truth by which your eyes may be opened, and constitutional union and glory restored to all the people of this great nation. If you get a glimpse of the abyss of political ruin, on the verge of which you are now stand- ing, and which I so clearly see just before us, you will fly back with terrible fright. Open your eyes, for humanity's sake, for the next step may plunge us all beyond civil and political salvation. I warn you, as one who cannot be held by any party lines, outside of the organic law of the nation, or only so far as they are drawn around con- stitutional truth. I love constitutional liberty more than anything else on the globe; therefore, I have allied myself with the Democratic party, and warn you to stop and think, and turn and help us to rescue the Government from the hands of infidel tyrants and usupers, whose aims are to reduce us to servile bondage, down, doion to an equality with black negro heathens. Yea, in a far worse condition than our own Southern negro slaves were to individual masters. For the masters were always interested in the personal welfare of their negro slaves ; but a tyrant moilftrch would never know us, nor care anything about our political pains. And then we shall be taxed beyond our ability to pay; but the Southern slaves had no taxes to pay ; there- fore, Southern negro slaves would be reduced to a far worse condition than before freedom. I have published a book of some 400 pages on the moral, social, political and natural questions of negro slavery, called «' Pictures of Slavery and Freedom,'' in which I have fully discussed all those questions, and every lover of constitutional liberty and believer in Christianity ought to read it or Bishop Ilojjkins, which is still better, before he or she takes another step for the freedom and equality of that race. I tell you, when you see the facts, you will be alarmed at the course these infidel Abolitionists are pursuing, and the power they have already usurped. I tell you, my fellow countrymen, that this administration never intend to restore us to our liberties, and if you would read other papers than Eepublican or Abolition journals, you would soon see as we do, that they intend to ruin, not only the National Government, but all the State Governments. The oath they put to all the opposition in Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware at the polls, was, and is enough to satisfy every thinking man of this fatal fact. The oath was such that no truly loyal man could conscientiously take; because it compelled him to disobey the laws of his own sovereign State, and an oath too, unknown to the 11 Constitution and laws of the United States, and of his own sovereign State. Therefore it was a mere edict of usurpers and tyrants, to subjugate sovereign loyal States, and by that unlawful, ungodly course, to force the election of disloyal men to Congress and State Executives, and thereby destroy this great and glorious free government; that they may hold sovereign and despotic power over all the people of the nation. They plunged us into the quarrel with the Southern States, who were always loyal to the Constitution of the United States to the strictest letter, until they were driven by the disloyalty of the New England States to extremes, and finally to secession. We have been plunged into this war by the disloyal Abolition tyrants of the free states, in order to get a great army into the field, that they might use it to overthrow the Government of the United States and establish a military despotism over us all, with themselves at its head. This war was got. up for that purpose and no other. The freedom of the negro slave was and is a mere pretext, by which they might destroy the best and most Grod-like human government on which the sun has ever shone, to establish in its place one of terror and dismay to all the ''people" of the United States. We call again upon Democrats and all others who love our free institutions, to take a stand and look this matter fairly in the face, and ask yourselves the question, shall we stand still and see our liberties wrenched from us, and make no effort to beat back the powers of darkness and ruin? Shall we crouch down like cowards, and worship at the shrine of a despotic tyrant, who has already murdered more than a million of the ^'people" of this great nation, and completely demoralized a greater portion of the remainder, to satisfy, his wicked and despotic ambition, and brought reproach upon our great name as a greatly civilized, moi-al, pros- perous and powerful nation, and reduced us to a level, and even lower than any other civilized nation of the globe. Yea, even to extreme barbarism, not surpassed by any pretended civilized nation on the globe at any period of time, considering the circumstances. Shall we do nothing to head off this tide of ruin and devastation ? Shall we fold our arms and say it will be a dangerous undertaking ! Suppose our revolutionary fathers had feared danger and bowed submission to King Greojrge ? would Lord Cornwallis ever have delivered the British sword to G-eneral Washington ? no, never^ and we should this day be under the paw of the British Lion. If you would not now be reduced to a far worse condition than were our fathers under the Lion's Paw, you must not only risk something, but risk all for your liberty. Benjamin Franklin said, '^ that he who refused to risk his life for his liberty, was not worthy of liberty." Shall we give up so great a blessing as constitutional liberty, after our fathers shed so much blood and treasure for it and its blessings, and freely, without charge, willed them to us, on the single condition that we should maintain them and hand them down .to our children unadulterated, as we received them. Kemember what they cost our fathers, and the unmeasured peace, happiness and prosperity they have produced to every man who was faithful to the Constitution and laws. No, my fellow countrymen, let us resolve that we will respect no govern- mental power outside of the Constitutional Government as formed in 1787 hy our holy fathers. Don't say we cannot do it. Look at the facts I have given in figures, and you will see that we clearly have the power, for we are vastly in the majority. And if we let 12 those Abolition tyrants destroy this great Constitutional Government without risking our all to save it, we and our posterity will be made slaves through all time to come, and we shall justly merit the drudgery of an iron-hearted king, and our children shall rise up and curse us for our imbecility and cowardice, which will have entailed such degradation and ruin upon them. The judgments of Jehovah will rest upon us, ^Uind he will laugh at our calamity, and mock lohen our fear cometh." I tell you that God will forsake us unless we put forth all the powers he has given us in our own defence. Therefore let us prepare to have our rights at and through the ballot box, or die in the struggle. Let us resolve upon fair play in our elective franchise, if the issue of blood should be the result of so just a demand. Let justice, truth and righteousness be all we ask for in accordance with the Constitution of the United States. Therefore let us pro- claim to the minions of high-handed treason now in power in this nation, that if our liberties are to be taken from us, our lives shall go with them. Or let us say with the great Patrick Henry, " Give us our liberties, or give us death." A few words to the Christian ministers, or that part of them who have mainly plunged us into this destructive and damning civil war, and I am done. I have believed in Christianity as far back as I can recollect, and am now a member, and have been for thirty-seven years, of that branch of it which took the first steps against constitutional liberty in 1844, through which secession commenced at once. They were followed in 1845 by the next largest denomination, and so on, all the Christian churches, except the Catholic, have, by their arbitrary and despotic course, destroyed the very thing they wei-e ordained to establish. I am not Oaly a member of the church, but can testify to the power of a simple faith in the Son of God, and believe that, without a pure, unadulterated Christianity, there can be no consti- tutional liberty to mankind, either civil or religious. And without it, libertinism, licentiousness and bai'barism will predominate over one race, and a terrible despotism over the other. This is my Chris- tian faith or creed on this subject. And I appeal to God, who knows my heart, for my sincerity in what I say on the whole subject herein contained or alluded to, to whom I shall have to answer for my course in this whole matter, and by whom, I know, I shall be held responsible for all I have said, or shall say in this address. But you, pretended Christian ministers, have mainl}' plunged us into this most ungodly civil war. Those of you who have for the last fifty- five or sixty years, been proclaiming against the laws of Heaven and earth (made for the government of this part of this poor, fallen world), will have to stand side by side with me at the eternal bar of justice, and answer for your course, also, and for the ruin you have been instrumental in bringing this great nation into, and where prosperity, glory, peace, harmony, tranquillity and perfect union excelled any and everything outside the Kingdom of eternal Glory. Yea, it reached well nigh the gates of Heaven, and was still rising higher and higher in the scale of civilization and Christian pre-eminence. And this glorious peace, union and prosperity were consequent upon the purity and Christian forms of a National and State Government, formed and adopted, and agreed should be formed by your holy fathers in 1787. And until three j-ears ago, when by your instru* 13 mentality mainly, the reins of the National Govermont were seized by the Abolition intidel tyrants of the nation, whose power had been gradually increasing under your infidel Abolition instrumentality from the desk reared up, and dedicated for the promulgation of the Gospel of God, our Saviour. You brought sovereign State after vStato to adopt rebellious and treasonable laws against the Constitution of the Nation, and the Union of the sovereign States, until you by fraud, falsehood and deception brought this ruin upon this gi"eat God- begotten national Government, as well as the sovereign State Govern- ments, throug4i which God intended to show to the whole world of mankind what he intended man to be had Adam kept the divine law of Eden, as near as it could be shown through poor, fallen man. But, alas ! you have, by constantly interfering with sovereign State rights, driven the peace of Heaven from this land, without which there can be no Union of the States. Love towards and confidence in each other is the only source of National Union and constitutionallibei'ty. For the fiirst twenty years or more of our free institutions, you tried other pretexts than slavery for the destruction of liberty, and to head off the progress of Christian civilization. But for the last forty years you have made negro slavery, and negro freedom and equality, your great hobby to agitate the nation, when you knew that your Bible as clearly taught that negro slavery was ordained of God, as it teaches that Jesus Christ is His Son ; and you, New England Aboli- tion Gospel preachers, tmight this pro-slavery doctrine until the foreign slave trade was prohibited by law in 1808, and as long after that as it was safe to smuggle them into any of the slave ports of the world. And while some of you were teaching pro-slavery doctrines, many of you were denouncing the Union of States from your pulpits, as we were told by the Hon. John Q. Adams in 1827, whose lettei's on this subject will be seen by reference to the life of Thomas Jefferson, both of whom you claim as Abolitionists; thereforee it is not no20 negro philanthropy nor your conscientious scruples about negro slavery that you have determined to destroy this great God like Government, by your interference with sovereign State rights, under a pretext of conscientious scruples about negro slavery, but your great desire for a despotic government. You know, also, that every circumstance connected either directly or indirectly with the African race for the last thousand years, as clearly proves that they were originated for servile labor, as it is clear that ; the horse and ox were made for the use of the Caucassian race. One a human being, the other a brute, or one intelligent and the other instinctive. The negro being human, or intelligent, God so marked him in his physical nature and human appearance, that he might ever be distasteful to His, God's people, whom he declared should never be held as bond servants. The negro race never has been of any benefit to the world in any shape or form, except as bond servants, nor never loill he. Yet, as bond servants, they have greatly benefitted the whole civilized world ; and whenever they shall be all free in this country, the civilized world will feel the fatal shock, and millions who never saw an African negro will be made to mourn and many will starve for food, and the last hope of that unfortunate race will have ended in ruin to them- selves. And the just judgment of Almighty God will rest upon us, and we [the people) shall justly be madeslaves to some tyrant infidel monarch, whose executors will be a vast military force, constantly 14 under arms, to execute his own despotic edicts, while all civil courts of jurisprudence will be closed against us for ever. You have in the very face of the moral law had the audacity to charge God with wrong, crime, and inhumanity. And joii have set yourselves up as his judges and called his great works of wisdom and mercy, the works of the devil. By so doing you have completely cor- rupted and demoralized a large portion of the Christian churches, and plunged this great nation into an exterminating civil war, and arra^-ed brother against brother, and son against father in deadly conflict, and saturated this glorious soil with innocent blood, and rushed hundreds of thousands to the bar of a just God in a state of military excitement, and maimed for life hundreds of thousands more, all of whom were peaceable, law-abiding citizens, until you seduced them into this deadly conflict by false doctrines proclaimed from what they supposed to be the sacred desk. Yet through your instru- mentality, God designed to elevate the whole human family, and to redeem and save Africa from being slaughtered in cold blood, and feasted upon by their wretched kings, and fi-om being by them offered up as human sacrifices by thousands to their heathen Gods, in the shape of black huge serpents. But you, like ^^ Judas Iscariot," have betrayed the Son of God, for less than thirty pieces of silver. And your end shall be like his, sooner or later; for God alone occupies the eternal thi-one and will not be mocked, and his judgments shall find you out. You may be protected behind the popular influences awhile, but your sin shall find you out. For you have done this, wickedness with your eyes wide open ; therefore you have no excuse. You now exult over the slaughter of the tens of thousands of your own countrymen and blood on the battle field, and you exult over the hundreds of millions of private property that has been and is being destroyed by armed forces. And you exult over the reports, that your own race and blood, old men and women, young women and children, being driven from their homes by black negroes under Federal authority, and left to perish in the woods and swamps. You exult over all this because it ends consti- tutional liberty, and establishes a monarchy, and places our con- sciences in the hands of some profane Provost Mai'shal. If you doubt this, look at Norfolk, Portsmouth and Memphis, and you will be satisfied. Do you suppose God will wink at these enormities and atrocities, that have excelled anj^thing in the darkest ages of bar- barism ? And to cover your flagrant treason against the United States Government, and that of Heaven, you join the mass of traitors outside the Church, in crying treason and Copperhead against all whom you know to he true to the Constitution and Union on Christian principles. " Ye hj^pocrites, ye generation of vipers, how shall ye escape the damnation of hell." You have labored incessantly since 1803 and 1.8U4 to break up the Union of States. And now you find you have been successful, you cry out against those who have opposed you from the beginning in your diabolical treason against this God-liko Government, that could never have been thus formed, had not God directed the hearts of the *' people" that formed it. It seems almost supernatural. Man could never have planned such a glorious system for a human government, had not God been with him. Therefore New, England tyrants and despots formed secret leagues of armed forces to destroy it as fiir back as 1804. Slavery was not the plea 15 then for its destruction, and is only a pretext now for tlie over- throw of the "people's " government, and the establishment of a monarchy on its ruins. I call upon all the " people" who love constitutional liberty and apprise our free institutions, of whatever party they may be, to rise in the power that Grod hath bestowed upon them, and let us prepare to defend ourselves at the ballot box. We have a vast majority throughout the country, and if necessary, let us wade through blood for ftxir play in our lawful elective franchise; let us not hesitate, or we shall be ruined. And if I am to be made a slave to such tyrants and devils, let my heart's blood be wasted, and my body made food for buzzards. We heard a great deal about the Knights of the Golden Circle a few years ago — an association said to have been formed for the de- struction of the United States Government by the Democratic party. The people became much alarmed, and in 1861 it was currently re- ported that they had taken seventy five houses in this city for the Eui'pose of setting them all on fire simultaneously at midnight to urn down this great city. There were associations formed to ascer- tain whether there were such, and if so, their whereabouts. They soon discovered many such associations ; one in eveiy wax'd in Phila- delphia, and nearly all the townships throughout the country, and found them to be sworn, secret associations, whose design was the overthrow of the Constitutional Government of the United States, and the establishment of a monarchy on its ruins, and not to burn cities. The committees were greatly put to it at first, as all the political secret associations they discovered were auxiliaries of what is now called the Union League, on CJiesnut street, above Eleventh^ in Philadelphia. Soon after the beginning of the war the Knights of the Golden Circle disappeared, and an association called the Sons of Liberty appeared in their stead, whose main head-quarters were as above. After they were discovered under that name and exposed, they dodged behind the name of the Union League. Get the Hon. John Quincy Adams' Letters of Exposition, published in the Life of Jefferson, the Appendix to the 2d vol., about the 624th page (if I remember rightly), and you will clearly see where the Knights of the Golden Circle started, and their design. They were not Abolitionists in their primitive state, nor until about 1820, at which time they took the name of the Sons of Liberty. The Constitutfcn never having been attached to any of their names, it is evident, therefore, its destruction was their object, simply because it equalized the po- litical rights of all the '' people," and no despotism could stand while it was held as the organic law of the nation. These Sons of Liberty got up a scheme between 1856 and 1860, to start a report that the Democratic party had associations formed all over the country, called Knights of the Golden Circle, whose design was the destruc- tion of the Union of the States. This was designed to hide their own treason behind in case they should be discovered in their infidelity. They fully circulated this wicked report in 1860 and '61, and since then they cry treason against all who dare to stand up for the Con- stitution and the Union, as formed by our great and holy sires. They have already destroyed the Union of the sovereign States — slaughtered a million of their fellow-countrymen and race — ruined the entire nation — destroyed Constitutional liberty — repudiated Christianity — ruined thepeace 16 and harmony of the Christian or sacred altars — completely ruined the so- cial circle — and, what is still more monstrous, they have charged all this diabolical treason upon the only pure loyal ''people" in the nation, who protest against the destruction of this great and glorious Government formed by^ our ftUhers. And tliese traitors have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to do all these abominations, and to attach the blame to the Democratic party. I will here give one witness more to strengthen Mr. Adams' testi- mony against the pulpits that have mainly ruined the nation. I know you (the llepublican party and Chui'ch) will credit him, though you seem determined to crush me and all others who dare speak the truth on tliis all important subject. Alexander Henry, Mayor of Philadelphia, said in a speech in December, 1860, in the State House Yard to a very large congregation, as follows : " Our trouble is, that the South believes the North opposed to their institutions. That belief is unfounded and mistaken. But it becomes all to see to it, that Avhere public sentiment has been misled, it must be restored to the stand-point occupied twenty years since. The unwise rhapsodies of your lecture-rooms and pulpits on the subject of slavery must he iiidignantly frowned upon. It is thus that you may hope to abate the agitation which has shaken the Government to its centre." The truth is the sp^me to-day as then. Therefore, Democrats, awake from your slumber, and behold the chasms of political oppression which is only one step in your front, and another step may end the controversy and" place all except the very wealthy where political hope will" never again illuminate our enslaved spii'its. Then let us resolve to take no rest, but blow our trumpets aloud for constitutional liberty without ceasing. Let no other sounds engage your cars, no human inventions your brains, no anticipated fortunes your hearts no amusements your time no partisan politics your money. But let your all be laid on the altar of constitutional liberty, and let us all resolve that our; rights at the ballot box shall be maintained, and that such untold frauds on that sacred regulator and safeguard of the working classes, shall not again bo allowed, if it cost us our last drop of blood to prevent it, and maintain our rights of suffrage. And that the rights of a trial by jury in our own civil courts shall be restored to all alike, if we have to wade through rivers of blood. The next; Presidential election will be our last chance to restore our constitu-, tional rights. If wo allow those Abolition tyrants and traitors tO' defraud us out of the next Presidential election, as they did the Gu- bernatorial and congressional elections of 1862 and 1863, we shall never be blessed with the opportunity of voting for another in this great nation. General George B. McClellan, or some other conserva- tive man, will most likely be our next candidate, and if we do our duty he will be clepted as sure as God lives and reigns in heaven, and wo shall be saved from a political hell. If we do not elect him, our days of liberty, peace and happiness arc already numbered. Re- mcinl;er, that if they beat us, wc shall be made slaves to tyrants, but if yrc boat them, "(t'c, the people," shall all be restored to our equal rights, as before the Abolition tyrants got the reigns in their sacri- crilcgious hands. JOHN BELL EOBINSON, (Jorrrspondinq Scc'y of the Maj. Gen. George B McClellan Club, Philadelphia. To whom all onlors may be addressed fortius Pamplilot, published for the coming PresidciitiHl Campaign. A TWO CENT stamp must be enclosed for each to be sent by mail. Price for , .» 100 copies, $6; 1000 copies, $30. i60 .f»^ . t • o. v-f" '^r. ^V ^'^^ .<5' ^ ^^vPC,^ <* ^^ % • %^^^ » "^y ^^. /. »°-nK ■«« %/ '-afe'^ "-^/ -'Mk r^^.* ^0 ''*'^^^'' '^'>* -ov^ ^^ . ■; -^^0^ ^ V "^ .< , o 'bV v<<;' v- ^"'^^. '^^ - -^0^ %.<•" .' \* .. •*■ '•■' *" "^ '^r. /y ^^..^^ ^^ V <> *'T7.^ .0' ;• .^«' '-^^ ^v,