F7^ 014 014 627 4 F 74 .02 D38 Copy 1 BAPTISMS CHURCH IN SALEM VILLAGE, NORTH PARISH, DANVERS. COMMUNICATED BY HENRY WHEATLAXD. ••? [From the Essex Institute Historical Collections, Vol. XVI.] SALEM : PRINTED AT THE SALEM PRESS. 1880. Orr^ OIL BAPTISMS AT CHURCH IN SALEM VILLAGE, NOW NORTH PARISH, DANVERS. COMMUNICATED BY HENRY WHEATLAND. 1689, Feb. 16. Sister Priscilla Wilkins, adult. Mch. 2. Brother Sain'l Nurse, adult. Sister Mary Tarbell, adult. Sister Mary Flint's children, viz., Thomas, Mary, Ebenezer, William, Elizabeth, Jonathan. 1690, Mch. 23. Sister Mary Nurse, adult. Brother Goodale's children, viz., Thomas, Abraham, John, Elizabeth, Sarah, Benjamin, David. Brother Abr. Walcot's child Abigail. Apr. 13. Bro. Ezek. Cheever's child Sam. Bro. Sam'l Nurses chiKlren, Samuel, Margaret, George, Mary, Rebekah. Apr. 20. Bro. Ben. Wilkin's ch. Abigail. Bro. Aaron Wey's children Ruth, Johaunah. Apr. 27. Lydia Hutchinson, a sister, adult. Bro. Tarbell's children, John, Mary, Cornelius. Bro. Jona. Putnam's child Ruth. May 4. Bro. Sibley's children, Mary, Benjamin, Samuel, William. Sister Kory's son Thomas. May 11. Bro. William Way childr. Samuel, Mary, Moses. " 25. Sister Han. Holton's childr. Joseph, Hannah, Sarah. Bro. Geo. Flint's son Ebenezer. Bro. Jno. Putnam's dau. Susannah. June 8. Sister Abigail Cheevers, adult. July 13. Ruth, Bro. Henry Wilkins' child. " 20. Bro. Tho. Wilkins' childr. Bray, Joseph, Isaac. Bro. George Flint, adult, Mch. 27, 1690. Sister Abigail Cheevers 8 June (error). Feb. 22. James, Bro. James Putnam's child. Eliz., Bro. Benj. Putnam's child. Mch. 1. Bro. Aaron Wey's child John. 1691, Ap. 5. Sister Deliverance Walcot's son (William). " 26. Bro. Tho. Putnam's Timothy. (3) 1691, May 10. Bro. Jonathan Putnam's son Jonathan. Bro. Sam'l Abbie's child Abigail. May 31. Sister Ruth Fuller's children, Joseph, ■William. Sister Han. Wilkins. Sister Sarah Fuller adult and her children Samuel, Sarah. June 7. Bro. Benj. Wilkin's child Priscilla. July 12. Sister Abigail Holten and her child James. Aug. 23. Hannah Wilkins, adult. Sister Elizabeth Buxton's children, viz., Joseph, Sarah, Anthony, Hannah, Rachel, Ebenezer. Bro. John Putnam, jr., and his children, twins, John, Rebekah. Sept. 20. Sister Lydia Hutchinson's childr., Abigail, Richard, Samuel, Lydia, Robert. Bro. Wm. Wey's child Wait-still. Oct. 25. Sister Lydia Hutchinson's son Ambrose. Bro. Sam"l Sibly's child Rebekah. Sister Mary Flint's dau. Anna. Ebenezer, son to Ezek. Cheever. Mary, dau. to George Flint. Abigail, dau. to Wm. Way. John, son to Sam. Abbie. Sarah, dau. to Aaron Way. Jonathan, son to Jno. Tarbell. Abigail, dau. to Thos. Putnam. Benj., son to Benj. Putnam. Sarah, dau. to Jno. Putnam, jr. Lydia, dau. to Jno. Buxton. Mary, dau. to George Flint. Ebenezer, son to Jonathan Walcut. Timothy, son to Henry Houlton. Daniel, son to Benj. Wilkins. Ruth, dau. to Benj. Fuller. Sarah Prince. * her daug. Silence Phillips. * Charity Prince. ♦ Sam, son to Thos. Flint. ♦Jonathan, son James Putnam. * Jeremiah, son to Deacon Putnam. * dau. to Joseph Whipple. * dau. to Jonath. Putnam. * Wilkins, adult, and her children. •Margins defaced in original. Nov, , 1. 1092, , June 26. July 9. 24. Oct. 16. 23. 30. Jan. 25. Mar . 12. 1693 «t 26. Ap. 16. (( 23. May 24. Aug . 6. 11 20. Sept ;. 17. ^ *Johii, Esther, Dan. * Nathaniel, son to Abr. Walcut. *Eliz., dan. to Sam'l Sibly. ♦ son to Sam. Abbie. *son to Jno. Putnam, jr. * Nathanael, sou to George Flint. *son to Beiij. Putnam. * Wife to John Wheldon and her childr. ♦Gershom, 13 yrs., John, lOyrs., * Mary, 9 yrs., Jonathan, 7 yrs., "Joseph, 4 yrs , Samuel, 2 yrs. ♦Nathaniel, son to Ezek. Clieever. * Benjamin, son to Capt. Walcut. ♦son to John Buxton. *son to Thos. Putnam. *dau. to Jno. Wilivins. * Ebenezer, son to Wm. Way. *dau. to Thos. Flint. * Hanuah, dau. to Geo. Flint. *son to John Wheldon. * Jerusha, dau. to Jonathan Putnam. ♦Mary, wife to Jno Hutchinson. * Ezra, son to Deacon Putnam. ♦ son to Jno. Putnam tertius. * Mehitable, dau. to sd Putnam. * dau. to Benj. Wilkins. ♦son to George Flint. * Benjamin, son to Henry Browne. ♦Hannah, dau. to Henry Browne. BajHisms by Joseph Green in 1698 and 1699. 1698, Nov. 20. Experience, dau. of Thos. Putnam. Susannah, dau. of Thos. Putnam. Mehitable, dau. of Henry Browne. Miriam, dau. of Jno. Putnam 3d. Nov. 27. Amos, son of John Putnam, jr. Hannah, dau. of Benj. Fuller. Dec. 11. Hebekkah, dau. of James Prince. Ruth Osburn, wife of Alex. Osburn, and two of her children, Nath'l Sibly, aged 12, Ruth Sibly, aged 10. James, son of John Buxton. ♦Margins defaced in original. 1699, Ap. 9. John, son of John Hutchinson. " 16. Ebeuezer, son of Henry Felton. May 28. Jane Hutchinson, wife of Benj. Nathaniel, son of Benj. Hutchinson. Mary, dau. of Philip Maccantire. Rebekah, dau. Philip Maccantire. Rachel, dau. of Sam'l Goodale. June 18. Elizabeth Williams, wife of Richard. July 16. Prudence, dau. of Capt. Walcut. Priscilla, dau. of Jno. Putnam, jr. Aug. 13. Josi.ih, son of Edvv. Bishop, jr. Susannah, dau. of Edw. Bishop, jr. James, son of Edw. Bishop, jr. John, son of John Hadlock. Israel, son of Benj. Putnam. Mary Walcot, wife of Jon. Walcot. Three daughters of John Walcot, viz., Elizabeth. Jerusha, and Mary. Mary, dau. of Joseph Whipple. Abigail Marten, adult. Anna, dau. of Joseph and Eliz. Green. John Buxton, jr., adult. Enos, son of Edw. Bishop, jr., and Susannah. Miriam, dau. of Abigail Marten. 7 children of Joseph Hutchinson, jr., viz., Joseph, Ebenezer, Elisha, Jasper, Rutii, Bethyah, Elizabeth. May 5. 4 sons of Richard and Eliz. Williams named Richard. Thomas, Nathanacl, Benjamin. May 19. Child of Jonathan and Mary Howard, named Mary. " 26. John Giles and his children, John, Bridget, Abigail. Deacon Putnam's child Abigail. May 26. John and Ruth Rae's children, viz., Gideon, Hannah, Kezia, Emma. June 2. Mercy Guppy, adult. " 9. Mary, wife of Joseph Goodale, and her 3 childr: Edward, Mary, Ruth. Elizabeth Sampson, maid, adult. Jonathan, son of John and Mary Walcut. Moses, son of John 3d and Hannah Putnam. Abigail Lane and her children, Samuel, Hannah, Eliz- abeth, Mary. Phillip, son of Phillip and Rebekkah Maccantire. William, son of Joseph and Eliz. Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of James and Sarah Putnam. Elizabeth Allin and her children, Joseph, William, Elizabeth. Jepthah, son of Eleazer Putnam. Aug. 14. " 27. Sept. 3. " 10. Oct. 22. Nov. 26. Dec. 3. " 24. 1700, , Apr. 7. " 28. June 16. July 7. «( 14. Aug. 4. (( 25 1700, Sept. 15. Oct. 20. Nov. 3. " 10. " 22. " 29, Jan. 12. noi, , Mar. IG. May 11. " 25. " 25. June 29. Jerusha, dau. of Jona. Putnam. Jane, wife of Ephraim Sheldon, and her children, William, Ephniiin, Rebekkah. Israel, son of Richard and Elizabeth Williams. Children of John and Elizabeth Dale, viz., John, Samuel, Elizabeth, Lydia, Mary, Sarah, Jane. Samuel, son of Samuel Goodale. Nathaniel, son of Henry Brown. James, son of James Prince. Susanna, wife of Jonathan Fuller. Benjamin, son of Benjamin Fuller. Jonathan, son of James Kettle. Phebe, daughter of Sam'l and Abigail Lane. Thomas Kenny, who owned the covenant (adult). Amos, son of John and Elizabeth Buxton. July 6. Benjamin, son of Ezek'l and R. Chevers. Susanna, Anna, eh. of Jonathan and Susana Fuller. Mary, Isaac, ch. of Thomas Nicols. Constant, dau. of Thom. Nicols. Sarah, wife of James Phillips, and his 3 children, Samuel, James, Sarah. Martha Cox, maiden, adult. Lemuel, son of Ephraim and Jane Shelden. Anna, wife of Wm. Curtis, and her son William. Rebekak, dau. of John and Sarah Hadlock. Keturah, dau. of Joseph and Mary Goodale. Elizabeth Smith, maiden, adult. John, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Green. Joseph, son of Joseph and Mary Whipple. Samuel, son of John Giles. Joseph Kenny, who owned ye Coven't, adult. Daniel Kenny, who owned ye Coven't, adult. Hannah Cloye, who owned ye Coven't, adult. Jonathan Kenny, who owned ye Coven't, adult. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Hutchinson, jr. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Hutchinson. John, son of John and Priscilla Buxton. Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Phelps. Elizabeth, wife of George Wyat, and their children, George, Mary. Also Elizabeth Perd, maiden, adult. Zachary Goodale, jr., and Sarah his wife, and their child'n, Nathaniel, Lydia, Hannah, Rebekkak. Rebekkah Alley, maiden, who owned the covenant, adult. July 27. Aug. 17. Sept. 7. Oct. 19. Nov. 2. " 30. Dec. U. " 28. Feb. 8. 1702, , Mar. 22. 1701, , Aug. 3. Nov. IG. 1702, , Ap. 5. " 19. Ap. 2G. May 3. May 10. May 17. 8 1702. May 24. Mary, wife of Jacob Fuller, and their children, Mary, who owned the covenant, adult, Edward, Jacob, Sarah. June 14. Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob and Mary Fuller (adult). Rebekkak Shelden, maiden (adult). Mary, wife of Samuel Rae, and their children, Sam- uel, Robert, Jonathan, Benjamin, Abel. June 21. John, son of John and Ruth Rae. Abigail, dau. of John Hutchinson. June 28. Mary, wife of Isaac Goodale, and their children, Isaac, Samuel, Ezekiel, Jonathan, Hester. Sarah, dau. of William AUin. Aug 16. Elizabeth, dau. of James and Sarah Phillips. Sept. 6. Cornelius, son of Benjamin and Sarah Putnam. Jeremiah, son of Thomas and Martha Kenny. Sept. 27. Rachel, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Putnam. Oct. 18. Stephen, son of Thomas Fuller. Nov. 8. Diademma, dau. of Nicholas and Jemima Howard. Dec. 6. Children of John and Elizabeth Flint, named Stephen, Joshua, Joseph, Lydia, Sarah. Jan. 31. David, son of James and Sarah Prince. Feb. 7. Elizabeth, dau. of Rich'd and Elizabeth Williams. " 14. Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Mary Howard. 1703, A p. 11. Samuel, son of Henry Houlton. May 2. Jethro, son of James and Sarah Putnam. Bartholemew, son of Benj. and Jane Hutchinson. Zechariah, son of Zachary Goodale, jr. May 30. Mary, dau. of James Kittle. June 13. John Marten's children, viz., John, Mary, Abigail. Mary, wife of Francis Fuller, and her child Mary. Joseph, son of John AUin. July 4. Joseph, son of Abraham Smith. Hannah, dau. of Daniel and Eliz. Andrew. July 18. Ruth, dau. of John Putnam, 3d. Ruth, dau. of Phillip Maccantire. Sept. 5. John, son of Samuel Goodale. " 12. Joseph, son of Henry Brown. Elizabeth, dau. of John Flint. Edward and Elizabeth, ch. of Wm. and Dorothy Bishop. Sept. 19. Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Ray. Ann, dau. of John and Elizabeth Phelps. Oct. 3. Sarah Read, adult, owned the covenant. " 17. Jonathan, son of Thomas Nichols. Hepsibah, dau. of Ephr. and J. Sheldon. 1703, Dec. 12. Joseph, son of Joseph and Ellz. Green. " 19. Hannah, dau. of Edw. and Susanna Bishop. *' " Hannah, dau. of John Giles. Jan. 9. Hannah, dau. of Jon. Flint (adult). Also two daughters of Joshua Rae, named Sarah and Elizabeth (adults). Also a maiden named Margret Chick. John Jeffers, adult, owned the covenant. James, son of Thomas and M. Kenny. Elizabeth Shepherd owned covenant (adult). Ruth, dau. of John Dale. Unice, dau. of Jonathan Fuller. Girl adopted by Mary Ross, a child of her deceased sister, named Penelope. Martlia Parker, maiden, adult, — Sarah, dau. of Joseph Goodale. Mehitable, dau. of John and Mary Walcot. Stephen, son of John and Priscllla Buxton. Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Prince (adult). Children of John Wooden (of Beverly chh.), named Samuel, James, Hepsibah, Ellz., Daniel. Solomon, son of David and Hannah Richardson. Robert and Joseph, ch. of Jos. and Eliz. Prince. Bartholemew, son of John and R. Rae. Paul, son of Nicholas and Jemima Howard. John Fuller, adult. William Clemens, adult. John Clemens, adult. Mary, dau. of John and Sarah Hadlock. Mary, dau. of John AUin. Daniel, son of Daniel Andrew. Josiah White, adult. Mary White, adult. Catherine, dau. of Wm. and Triphosa Leech. John, son of Thom. and Sarah Darling. Ebenezer, son of John Hutcliinson. Anna, dau. of Joseph and Eliz. Putnam. Robert Bartle, adult. Lydia, dau. of James Phillips. Stephen, son of Thomas and Martha Kenny. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Prince. Katherine, dau. of Rich'd and El. Williams. Jane, dau. of Benj. and Jane Hutcliinson. Thomas, son of Thomas and Eliz. Peirce. Mary, dau. of Jon. and Eliz. Phelps. Feb. 20. 1704, Mar. , 5. Ap. 16. " 23. (1 30. May 14. (( 28. June 4. (( 25. (( «' July 9. Sept . 3. t( (( Oct. 22. Nov, , 5. Dec. 3. Jan. 21. Feb. 15. u ti 25. 1705, Ap. ! 3. (( < 29. May 20. June 3. " 10. u 17. <( 24. July 1. (< 15. {( 29. (( " Aug. 19. t( 26. Sept . 2. 10 1705, Sept. 16. Priscilla, wife of Henry Kenny, jr., and their chil- dren—Jemima, Pricilla, Dinah, Mary, Anne, Esther. Ruth, dau. of John Giles. John, son of Wm. and Anna Curtis. ♦' 30. Elizabeth, dau. of Tho. and Eliz. Vinny. Oct. 7. Hannah Shephard, adult. Sai'ah Smith, adult. Priscilla Chubb, adult. Zerviah Rae. " " Lydia, dau. of Wra. and Eliz. Allin. " 14. Abigail, dau. of — and Abigail Allin. " 21. Mary Pitman, adult. " *' Mary Squire, adult. Nov. 18. Daniel, son of Daniel Kenny. Dec. 2. Edward, son of Joseph and Eliz. Green, " " Thomas, son of Thomas and Lydia Flint. " 16. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Nichols. " 23. Mary Littlefield, maiden, adult. " 30. Rachel Guppy, maiden, adult. Feb. 3. Hannah Roberts, maiden, adult. Mch. 3. James Prince, adult. " 10. Humphrey Case and his children, John, Mary, Mar- garet. " " Hannah, dau. of Abraham Goodale. " 24. Sarah dau. of Joshua and Mary Beans. Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Hadlock. 1706, Ap. 7. Nath'l, son of Ephraim and J. Shelden. " 14. Elizabeth Bailey, maiden, adult. •' " Ebenezer, son of Aquila and Lydia Wilkins. " 27. , son of John Kenny. May 5. Jonathan Fuller, adult. " 12. Hepsibah Shelden, adult. " " Abigail, dau. of Henry Holten. " " dau. of John Fuller. " 19. dau. of Jonathan Fuller. " 26. Priscilla, dau. of John and Priscilla Buxton. June 2. Susanna, dau. of John and Mary Walcot. " 9. Othmel, son of Beuj. and Margery Wilkins. " " Hannah, dau. of Henry Brown. " 23. James Smith, adult. " " Benjamin Holten, adult. ♦• " Lydia, dau. of Edward Bishop. " " Sarah, dau. of Henry and Sarah Wilkins. " " Sarah, dau. of Isaac Goodale. Nov. 10. Feb. 16. if 23. 707, Mch, .23. i( 30. 11 1706, Aug. 25. Thomas, son of Thomas Putnam. Sept. 8. David, son of Capt. Jouath. Putnam. " 29. Holj^oke, son of Edward Putnam, jr. Oct. 7. Samuel Cutler, jr. Samuel, Jonathan, ^ pi -i i f " 14. Cornelius, Sarah, Abigail, r'samuel Cutler ir Hannah, Eunice, J ^-miuel Cutler, jr, " " Also Ebenezer Cutler and his children, viz. : Eben- ezer, Zachariah, Ezekiel, Amos, Mary (adult), Elia- abeth. Jonathan, son of Jon. and Eliz. Buxton. Ruth, dau. of Jos. Whipple. Aaron, sou of Thomas Kenny. Mehitable, dau. of Henry Kenny, jr. Robert Moulten, jr., adult. Solomon, son of Joseph Priuce. " " Bethyah, dau. of Tho. Peirce. " " Mary, dau. of James Smith. Ap. 6. Mary, wife of Wm. Upton. " " Ruth, dau. of John Rae. " 20. Hepsibah, dau. of Sara'l Rae. " 27. Mary, dau. of Daniel Andrew. May 11. John Gausou, adult, and his daughter, Lois. " " Hannah, dau. of John Putnam, 3d. " 18. Amos, son of Wm. AUiu. " " Eleazer, son of Abraham Goodale. " " Hannah, dau. of Eben and Sarah Fowle. John, son of Wm. Leech. Samuel, son of Eleazer Putnam. Elizabeth, tlau. of Abraham Smith. Ebenezer, son of Isaac Goodale. of G. and Abigail Allen of Capan, named — Joseph, son of Thomas Darlin. Jonathan, son of James and S. Prince. Abigail, wife of Sam'l Upton and his children, viz. : Samuel, Abigail. Phebe, dau. of Thomas Nichols. Amos, son of Sam'l and Mary Goodale. Ginger, dau. of Israel and Sarah Porter. " 24. Elizabeth, wife of Thos. Fuller, jr. Rachel Prance. Sept. 21. Joseph, Timothy, Elizabetlh, ) ch. of Thom. and Ruth, Mary, 5 Eliz. Fuller. *' " Joseph, son of Jon. and Eliz. Phelps. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Goodale. " 25. June 15. July, , 6. June 1. July 13. " 20. Aug. 3. July 27. Aug. 10. (1 17. 12 1707, Sept. 28. Robert, Hannah, > , ~ „^, . i.c^„,f«„ :„ Mary, Abigail, Lois, $ ^h. of Robt. Moulten, jr. Oct. 5. William, son of John Tarbell, jr. " 19. Jonathan, son of Thomas Flint, jr. *' " Isaac, san of Daniel Kenny. " 26. David, son of Joseph Putnam. " " Mary, dau. of Benj. Wilkins, jr. 1708, Mch. 28. Bethyah, dau. of Jos. Hutchinson, jr. Ap. 4. Phinehas, son of Thos. Putnam. " " Lydia, dau. of Robert Molten. «' 25. of Wm. Upton. May 9. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Green. Jtine 6. Mary, dau. of John Buxton, jr. " 13. Samuel, son of Samuel Goodale. " 20. Hannah Cox (adult). " 27. of John Hadlock. •• " John, son of James Phillips. "^ " Abigail, dau. of Henry Holten. July 1&. Elizabeth, dau. of Jos. Swinnerton, 2 years old- " " Elizabeth, dau. of John AUin. Jonathan, son of Henry and Rachel Phelps. Israel, son of Benjamin Hutchinson. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Fuller. Amos, son of Thomas Kenny. of Aquila Will\ins. Benjamin, son of John Kenny. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Rayment. Sarah, dau. of Edward Putnam, jr. Eunice, dau. of Zach. Goodale, jr. Susanna, dau. of Joseph and Mary Whipple. Nathaniel and Jemima, twins of Sam'l Upton. " " Mary, dau. of Ebenezer Fowle. Ap. 24. Experience, dau. of John Wallcut. " " Nathaniel, son of Ebenezer Flint. May 8. Jerusha, dau. of John Fuller. July 3. Samuel, son of Jonathan Rayment. Samuel, son of John Brown. Timothy, son of Isaac Wilkins. Susanna, dau. of Joseph Prince. Anna, dau. of Henry Wilkins, jr. " 10. Nicholas Bayly and Mary Bayly (adults). " " Susanna Wilkins, adult. " " Desire, child of Ezekiel Marsh. Aug. 7. Mehetabel, dau. of Nicholas Howard. (( 25. Oct. 5. (( 10. (( n Sept . 10. Nov. 28. (( (( Jan'y &. Mch. 6. 1, Mch. 27. Oct. 8. (( 30. Nov. Dec. 18. Jan. 4. Feb. 10. (1 Mch 1710, , Ap. 18. 13 1709, Aug. 7. Mar}', dau. of Thomas Peirce. Sept. Thomas, son of Daniel Andrews. " John, son of John Phelps. " 25. Thomas Preston and his son Thomas. " " Lydia, dau. of Thomas Flint, jr. Elizabeth, dau, of J. and Eliz. Smith of Plainfleld. Bartholemevv, son of John Buxton, jr. Rachel, dau. of Henry Phelps. Jacob, son of Daniel Kenny, James, son of James Smith. Sarah, dau. of Israel Porter. Matthew, son of Thom. Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of John Ganson, dau. of Benj. Holten, Paul, son of Wm. Upton. " " Eunice, dau. of Jos. Putnam. May 7. Stephen, son of Sam'l Felton. " " Joseph, son of Joseph Buxton, *' 14, John, son of James Jeffers, " 18, Theophilus, son of Henry Kenny, " " John, son of John Kenny, " " Moses, son of Thomas Kenny. " •' Abigail, dau. of Sam'l Nurse, jr. Emma, dau. of Wilkins. Martha Gloid, maiden, adult. Ebenezer, son of Humphry Case, dau, of Wm. Leech, Elizabeth, dau. of Thom. Darlin. Phebe, dau. of Sam'l Goodale. William, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Green. Joseph, son of Joseph Porter, jr. Patience, dau. of Sam'l and Mary Lambert. Israel, son of William Porter. Elizabeth, dau. of George Nurse. Thankful, dau. of Abraham Goodale. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Putnam. Thomas, son of Jonathan Rayment. Hannah, dau. of Isaac Buxton. Abel, son of Joseph Prince, Thomas, son of Thomas Peirce. Moses Gibbon, jr., adult. Mary, dau. of Sam'l Fuller. Ezekiel, son of Ezekiel Marsh. Amos, son of Ambrose Hutchinson. June 25. July 16, ti (( t( 2. u 23. << 30. Aug, . 13. Aug, . 13, (( u (< 20, Sept , 24, Oct. 1, n Mch . 4, (( 11. 1711, Ap. i 3, (< 29, (< 16, May 20. (( 27. June 10, 14 1711, Jane 17. Bethyah, dau. of James Phillips. " 30. Edward, son of Edward Putnara, jr. " " Samuel, son of Samuel Putnam. " '• Elizabeth, dau. of Thorn. Nichols of Reading. July John, son of John Brown. '• John, son of John Fuller. Aug. 26. Joseph, son of Joseph Goodale. " " Mary, dau. of John Jeffers. Sept. 2. Benjamin, son of Benj. Wilkins, jr. " Abner, son of Benj. Wilkins. " Stephen, son of Joseph Whipple. " 23. Jabez, son of John Wallcut. " 30. Mary, dau. of Thom. Flint, jr. Jan. 6. Mary, wife of Benj. Delaud. «' " Mary Wallcutt (adult). Mch. &. Benjamin, son of Edward Bishop. '• " Bartholeraew, son of Bartholemew Putnam. " '• Martha, dau. of Thomas Kenny. 1712, Ap. 6. Joseph, son of Ebenezer Fowle. " Hannah, granddaughter of Joseph Houghton. " Anna, dau. of Samuel Upton. 20. Eunice, dau. of John Hutchinson. " Rebeckak, dau. of Thomas Preston. " Joseph, son of Joseph Fuller. " Jacob, son of Nath'l Putnam. May 18. son of John Wilkins, jr. " " Benjamin, son of John Ganson. " 25. Priscilla, dau. of Joseph Porter, jr. •' " Mary, dau. of Sam'I Goodale. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony Buxton. June 1. Mary Gould and Zerviah Gould (adults). " " Jonathan, son of John Wilkins (14 yrs.). " " Nathaniel, son of John Phelps. " " Mary, dau. of Henry Phelps. " 8. Abraham, son of Abraham Goodale. " " Jonathan, son of Jonathan Kenny. " 22. Abigail, dau. of Joseph Buxton. July 6. Jonathan, son of Thom. Darbon. " '♦ Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Putnam. «' 13. Ruth, dau. of Ben. Houghton. " ♦' Eunice, dau. of S. and Mary Lambert. " 20. Rebekkak, dau. of Sam'I Nurse, jr. " 27. Daniel, son of Dan'l Rae, jr. Aug. 3. Anna, dau. of Wm. and Anna Curtis. 15 1712, Aug. 17. Henry, son of Eli Putnam. •' 31. Henry Peirce and Mary Peirce, two children educated by Mary, wife of Jno. Houghton. " " John, son of Benj. Parnell. Sept. 7. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Houghton. " 21. Ebenezer, sou of Eben Flint. " " Francis, son of Wm. Upton. " " Sarah, dau. of Robert Hutchinson. Oct. 5. John, son of Daniel Andrews. " " Stephen, son of Abi-ahaiu Smith. " " Israel, son of Daniel Kenny. Sept. 21. Thomas, sou of Thom. Nicols. Oct. 12. Thomas, son of John Tarbell, jr. " 19. Elliner, dau. of John Jeffers. " " Susanna, dau. of Wm. Dagget. Dec. 28. Sarah and Priscilla, adult daug's. of Jona. Wallcott. " " Lydia, dau. of Slielton Felton. Mch. John, son of Israel Porter. " Jacob, sou of Sam'l Phelton. " Bartholemew, son of John Kenny. " Lois, dau. of Thomas Keuny. 1713, May 10. Benjamin, son of Sam'l Upton. " 24. dau. of Isaac Burton. " " dau. of Nicholas Bayly. " 31. Bethyah Whipple of Ipswich (adult). " ♦' Anua, dau. of James Smith. " '• Hannah, dau. of Thomas Perce. June 21. Abigail Pudney, a maiden (adult). »♦ " William, son of Wm. Porter. " " Martha, dau. of Joseph Prince. June 28. Margaret and Abigail, two adult daughters of Je- hoshaphat Rogers. •' " Samuel, son of Gabriel Wood. " •' Margaret, dau. of John Buxton. July 5. Benjamin, son of Joseph and Eliza Green. " 26. Jonathan Trask, ") " " Mary Trask, }■ adults. " " Sarah White, J " '• Isaac, son of Isaac Wilkins. " " Abigail, dau. of Wilkins. Aug. 2. Mai-y, dau. of George Nurse. " 9. Mary Richards, adult. " 23. Israel, son of Ambrose Hutchinson. " " Anna, dau. of Wm. Wallcott. Sept. 3. Joseph Sibly, grandson of Ruth Osborn. ;, Sept .27, Oct. 24. Nov. 1. <( (( Dec. 6. Jan. 17. 1714, , Ap. May 2. i( n <( 9. June 27. t( (( << (( July 11. (( 18. Aug. 1. 16 David, sou of John Fuller. Amos, Mary, and Joseph, ch. of Joseph Wilkins. Hannah, dau. of Remember White. Naomi, dau. of Benj. Wilkins, jr. Rachel, dau. of Humphrey Case. Ebenezer, son of Thomas Putnam. " Susanna, dau. of Edward Putnam, jr. 31. William, son of Jno. Hutchinson. (here possibly some were omitted.) A child of Joseph Whipple. A child of John Wilkins, jr. Nath'l son of Nath'l Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of John Giles. Miriam, dau. of Sam'U Fuller. Edward, son of Thomas Flint, jr. Rachel, dau. of Joseph Buxton. Elizabeth, dau. of John Jefferds. Elizabeth Pope, maiden (adult). William, son of Wm. Flint. Christian Trask (adult). *' " Abigail, dau. of David Goodale. " 15. Asa, son of Josiah Putnam. " " Rachel, dau. of Joseph Fuller. " " Anna, dau. of Abraham Goodale. " 29. Lydia Rae (adult). Sept. 20. Elizabeth, Thomas, Abigail, Susanna, Rebekkak, and Benjamin Bayly. " " Lois, dau. of Ebenezer Flint. " " Rebekkak, dau. of Jonathan Kenny. Oct. 3. Timothy, son of John Buxton, jr. " " Susanna, dau. of Dodge (Edw. Bishop's daughter). " " Hannah, dau. of Nehemiah Wood. Hannah, dau. of Henry Phelps. Bette, dau. of Nehemiah Wilkins. Anna, dau. of Thomas Preston. Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas Bayly. Joseph, son of S. and Mary Lambert. Bartholemew, son of Jonath. Raymt. Kezia, dau. of Thos. Kenny. Jonathan, son of Joseph Flint (deceased). Samuel, son of Ambrose Hutchinson. Eunice, dau. of Samuel Upton. David, sou of John Kenny. " 17. " 31. (( t( (( t( Dec. 12. Jan. 16. Mar. 6. 1715, , Ap. 24, 17 1715, Ap. 24. Mary, dau. of Daniel Kenny. May 1. Mercy, dau. of John Gassy (deceased). " 29, Samuel, son of Sam'l Nurse, jr. " " Mary, dau. of Joseph Porter (deceased). June 5. Mary, dau. of John Giles. " 19. David, son of John Wilkins, also Lydia and Mercy, daus. of John AVilkins. " " Benjamin, son of Wm. Porter. " " Thomas, son of Thomas Cave. July, 3. Sarah, dau. of John Phelps. " " Lois, dau. of Jonathan Wilkins. " 10. Sarah, dau. of Rufus Herrick. " 17. Pelatiah, son of Daniel Rae, jr. " 24. Elisha, son of Thomas Flint, jr. " " Jonathan, son of Jonathan Putnam, jr. Aug 7. Hannah, dau. of James Phillips. " 14. Stephen, son of Richard Hutchinson. " 21. Mary Pre , adult. " " Lydia, dau. of Thos. Fuller, jr. Sept. 11. Samuel, son of Daniel Andrews. " " Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Fuller. " " Samuel, son of Stephen Flint. Oct. 9. Ruth, dau. of John Fuller. " " Jeremy, son of William Fuller. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Wilkins. " " Stephen, son of Isaac Buxton. " " Abigail, dau. of Samuel Chevei*. " 16. Edward, son of William Upton. " " George, son of George Nurse. " " Edward, son of John Wilkins, 3d. " " Jonathan, son of Daniel Wilkins. Children baptized by the elders of other churches after Mr. Green's decease, who departed this life the 26th day of November, 1715, at the age of 40 years and 2 days. 1715, Dec. 4. Sarah, dau. of James Putnam, jr. Jan. 8. Elisha, son of Elisha Putnam. Mch. 18. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Prince. 1716, May 6. Ruth, dau. of Mrs. Elizabeth Green. " " Jonathan, son of Joseph Whipple. " " Anna, dau. of Thomas Putnam. " " Robert, son of Rohert Hutchinson. " " Ebenezer, son of Thomas Darling. " " Lidiah, dau. of Joseph Wilkins. 18 1716, May 6. Nehemiah, son of Isaac Wilkins. " " Enos, son of Anthony Buxton. " " Tarant, son of Tarant Putnam. " " David, sou of David Goodale. " " John, son of Samuel Putnam. Sept. 2. Stephen, and Joseph, sons of Philip Mackintire. Hannah, dau. of John Woden (?) Wood. " " Lidiah, dau. of Richard Hutchinson. " " Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel Putnam. •' " Thomas, son of Jonathan Kenny. " " Ruth, dau. of Joseph Fuller. " " Abigail, dau. of John Ganson. " " Rebekkak, dau. of Wm. Daget. " " Lydia, dau. of Benjamin Holton. Dec. 2, Assiah, dau. of Eleazer Putnam. 1717, Feb. 10. Mary, dau. of Edward Putnam. " " Enos, son of Josiah Putnam. " " Nathan, son of Benjamin Hutchinson. Baptisms by Peter Clark. 1717, June 30. Huldah, dau. of Joseph Putnam. " " Francis, son of Sam'l Nurse. " " Henry, son of Abraham Goodale. " " Ruth, dau. of Daniel Kenny. July 21. Daniel, son of Philip Maccantire. " " Stephen, son of Francis Eliot. " " Samuel, son of John Wilkins, 3d. " *' Elizabeth, dau. of George Prooth. Sept. 1. Nathan, sou of Ebenezer Flint. " " Elizabeth, dau. ol James Smith. " " Sylvester, son of Thon^as Cave. Sept. 1. Joseph, son of Joseph Pope. " " John, son of Thomas Btvily. " " Sarah, dau. o Benj. Russell. " 8. William, son of Joseph Prince. " " Hannah, dau. of Elisha Putnam. " 29. Edward, son of Edward Fuller. Oct. 6. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Flint. " " John, son of Timothy Holten. " 20. Richard, son of William Upton. " " Amos, son of Sam'l Upton. " " Ebenezer, son of James Putnam. " 27. William, son of William Walcot. " " Hannah Gould (adult). 1717, Nov. 3. (( (( " 17. Dec. 1. 1717- -18 Feb. 2, " 16. Mar. 2. " 16. a (( 1718, Ap. 20. May 4. June 8. 19 Walter Smith (adult). Nathaniel Carril and his child named Francis. David, son of Jonathan Putnam, jr. Susanna Prentice (adult). Israel, son of Joseph Putnam. Amos, son of Joseph Fuller. Nathan, son of Jonathan Kenny. Andrew, son of John Fuller. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Buxton. Daniel, son of Daniel Felch. Israel Richards (adult). Esther, dau. of John Giles. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Tarrant Putnam. " 22. Daniel, son of Anthony Buxton. " " Archelaus, son of Nath'l Putnam. " 29. Rachel, dau. of Henry Phelps. July 27. Thomas, son of Thomas Putnam. " " Benjamin, son of Benjamin Holten. Aug. 3. Henry, son of Isaac Burton. " " William, son of Israel Richards. " 10. Josiah, son of John Wilkins, 3d. Sept. 7. Rebekkak, dau. of John Phelps. " " Sarah, dau. of Cornelius Tarbel. " 21. Timothy and Dorcas, ch. of William Upton. '* " John, son of John Deal, jr. " 28. Eunice, dau. of Sam'l Nurse, jr. Oct. 5. Elisha, sou of Wilkins. " " Joshua, son of Benjamin Swinnertou. " 18. Amos, son of Ebenezer Flint. " " Ruth, dau. of William Fuller. " " Benjamin, son of Benjamin Putnam. Uziel, son of Daniel Rae. Enos, Jacob, Abigail, ch. of Isaac Goodale. Walter, son of Walter Smith. Nath'l son of Nath'l Carril. Joseph, son of Thomas Pearse. Nehemiah, sou of Elisha Putnam. John, sou of John Ganson. Mary, dau. of Daniel Wilkins. Elizabeth, dau. of Israel Porter. Mehetable, dau. of Joseph Pope. * Josiah, son of Josiah Putnam. Stephen, son of Stephen Putnam. Daniel, son of George Bigsby. Oct 2G. Nov, 2. (( a Dec. 28. Mch . 1. " 29. " " Ap. 5. " 26. May 3. (( 17. " 24. 20 1719, June 7. Joseph, Stephen, Solomon, sons of John Wilkins, sen. " " Samuel, son of Joseph Prince. *' " Josiah, son of Edward Fuller. " " Samuel, son of Samuel Chever. " 21. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Buxton. " " Mehetable, son of Eleazer Brown. Benjamin, son of Daniel Rolf. John, son of Ambrose Hutchinson. Hannah, dau. of Isaac Wilkins. Benjamin, son of Benjamin Russel. Sam'l White and his child Jerusha. Eunice, dau. of Edward Putnam. Daniel, son of Samuel Putnam. Anna, dau. of Thomas Flint. Mary, dau. of William Walcot. Eunice, dau. of Daniel Kenny. Abigail, dau. of Samuel Fuller. dau. of Cornelius Tarbell. Jane, dan. of Benj. Hutchinson, jr. Timothy, son of Timothy Holten. Ephraim, sou of Nath'l Putnam. Thomas, son of Joseph Fuller. John, son of John Sampson. Deborah, dau. of Daniel Feleh. Amos, son of Ebenezer Cheever. Ebenezer, son of Isaac Burton. Samuel, son of Jonathan Kenny. Solomon, son of Tarrant Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan Putnam. Lydia, dau. of James Smith. Amos, son of Thomas Darling. Abigail, dau. of EdwaiYl Putnam, jr. " " Archelaus, son of John Dale, jr. " " Priscilla, dau. of Henry Wilkins, jr. Oct. 2. Peter, son of Peter & Deborah Clark. " " Mercy Rogers (adult). " 30. William, son of William Henfield. " " Joseph & Benjamin, sons of Edward Nichols. Nov. 13. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Putnam. Feb. 12. James, son of Walter Smith. Mch. 12. Mehetable, dau. of Joseph Putnam. " 19. Israel, son of Benj. Holten. 1721, Ap. 18. Miriam, dau. of Stephen Putnam. May 7. John, son of Benj. Russell. (( 28. July r>. Aug 16. " 30. Sept u . 13 Oct. 11. Nov 15. Feb. 7. " 14. If (( Mch 0. (I 20. (1 27. 720, Ap. £ . " ] 0. " 24. May 1. a 22. June 12. ii 19. a " July 3. Sept 4. Sept 11. I 21 1721, May 7. Elizabeth, dau. of Ezra Putnam. " 14. Eunice, dau. of Sam'I White. " " Archelaus, son of James Putnam, jr. " 21. John, son of Joseph Buxton. June 4. Hannah, dau. of Nath'l Carril. " 11. James, son of Ambrose Hutchinson. July 9. William, son of John Ganson. " 23. Priscilla, Nathauael, Joshua, Rachel, children of Nath'l Pribble. " " Phebe, dau. of Sam'I Nurse. •' 30. Elizabeth, dau. of Eleazer Brown. Aug. 13. Abigail, dau. of Francis Eliot. Sept. 3. Jonathan, son of Elisha Putnam. " " Hannah, dau. of Joseph Pope. " 10. Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Putnam. " 17. Noah, sou of Samuel Upton. " 24. Moses, son of Thomas Flint. Oct. 1. William, sou of William Fuller. " " Jasper, son of Benjamin Svvinnerton. " 15. Israel, son of Samuel Cheever. " 29. Susanna, dau. of Isaac Burton. Dec. 3. Hobart, son of Peter & Deborah Clark. " " Moses, son of Caleb Putnam. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Wilkins. " 31. Aaron, sou of Jonathan Putnam. Jan. 28. Mary, dau. of John Sampson. Feb. 25. Moses, sou of William Walcot. Mch. 4. Hannah, dau. of Nath'l Putnam. 1722, Ap. I. Judith, dau. of Uzziel Rea. " 8. Edward, son of Edward Fuller. " 29. Joseph, Ruth, ch. of Joseph & Abigail Hutchinson. Ap. 29. Cornelius, son of Cornelius Tarbel. May 20. Elizabeth, dau. of Nathan Smith. June 10. Eunice, dau. of Benjamin Putnam. July 1. Abigail, dau. of John Hutchinson, jr. " 22. John, son of Joseph Swinnertou, jr. " 29. David, son of Daniel Kenny. " " Stephen, son of Nath'l Pribble. Aug. 12. Timothy, son of Joseph Prince. " 19. Mary, dau. of Israel Richards. Sept. 9. Elizabeth, dau. of George Bigsby. " 16. Anna, dau. of Israel Porter. " 30. Benjamin, son of Benj, Hutchinson, jr. Oct. 7. Mary, dau. of Francis Eliot. 22 1722, Oct. 7. Phinehas, son of Isaac Putnam. *' 21. Nathan, son of Daniel Rea. " " Oliver, son of Joseph Putnam, jr. " " Ephraim, son of Joseph Fuller. " 28. James, son of Samuel Fuller. Nov. 11. Nathan, son of John Ganson. " 18. Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer Nurse. Dec. 16. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Putnam. Jan'j"^ 6. Nathan, son of Ebenezer Cheever. Mar. 3. Mary, dau. of Ezra Putnam. " 10. Samuel, son of Samuel Fuller. " 24. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Darling. 1723, Ap. 7. Jonathan, son of Obed Abbot. " " Abigail, dau. of Walter Smith. June 23. Samuel, son of Nath'l Carril, jr. July 7. Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. Holteu. " 21. Ann, dau. of Sam'l White. " " Elizabeth, dau. of John Deal, jr. Sept. 8. Susanna, dau. of Elisha Putnam. " 15. Rufus, son of Stephen Putnam. " 22. Eunice, dau. of Daniel Rea. " 29. Rachel, Elizabeth, daus. of Richard Hutchinson. Oct. 13. Samuel, an orphan child, presented by Joua. Fuller. Nov. 10. Mehetabel, dau. of Caleb Putnam. Dec. 8. David, son of Cornelius Tarbel. " " Nathan, sou of Jona. Putnam, jr. Jan. 5. Samuel, son of Thomas Putnam. " " Hannah, dau. of Eleazer Brown. Mar. 15. Mary, dau. of Nath'l Hutchinson. " 8. Abigail, dau. of John Sampson. " 22. Caleb, son of Peter & Deborah Clark. 1724, Ap. 5. Peter, son of Josiah Putnam. 19. Lois, dau. of Edward Putnam, jr. " Edward, son of John Wilkins. " Mehetabel, dau. of John Hutchinson, jr. 26. Joseph, son of Joseph Putnam. " Sarah, dau. of Israel Andrew. May 3. Mary. dau. of Tarrant Putnam. " 17. Arclielaus, son of Joseph Wilkins. " " Nathaniel, son of Joseph Pope. - June, 14. Mary, dau. of Oliver Smith. " 21. Nath'l. son of Nath'l Putnam. " " Susanna, dau. of Ibaac Wilkins., " " Rachel, dau. of John Case. " 15. Dec. 20. Feb. 21. March, 21 1725, , Apr. 11. May, 9. " 16. Juue, 13. 23 1724, June 28. Stephen, son of Isaac Burton. Aug. 9. Lydia, dau. of Joseph Buxton. " 30. Mary, dau. of Benj. Kussel. Sept. 6. Abner son of Joseph Hutchinson. " 20. Sarah Needhani, (adult). " " Asaph, son of Isaac Putnam. Oct. 11. John, Amos, Lydia, cii. of John Putnam jr. " " Francis, son of Thos. Eliot. Nov. 1. Betty, dau. of Israel Richard. '• 8. Jerusha, dau. of Francis Eliot. Martha, dau. of Ebenezer Nurse. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Swinnerton jr. Sarah, dau. of Benj. Hutchinson. Elizabeth, dau. of Obed Abbot. Ruth, dau. of Sain'l. Flint. Benjamin, son of George Bigsby. Nathan, son of \Vm. Fuller. Rachel Needham, (adult). Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Rea. " " Amos, son of Walter Smith. " " Joseph, son of Joseph Berry. " " Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer Cheever. " 27. Edmund, son of John Putnam jr. " " Hannah, dau. of Edward Nichols. July, 4. Elizabeth, dau. of Josiali Putnam. " 11. Thomas & Susanna, ch. of George Cloye. " " Hannah, dau. of Joseph Wilkins. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Whipple jr. " 18. Mary & Abigail, dans, of Daniel Wilkins. " 25. Susanna, dau. of Isaac Burton. Aug. 8. Nicholas, son of Benj. Baily. Aug. 22. Abigail, dau. of Nath'l Carril. " " Mary, dau. of Sam'l Cheever. Sept. 5. Nathan, son of Sam'l Putnam. " " Miles, son of Edward Putnam ji'. " " Nehemiah, son of Ezra Putnam. " 19. Elizabeth, dau. of John Fuller. " " Judith, dau. of Dan'l. Town, of Topsfield. " 26. Nathaniel, son of Nath'l Town. Oct. 3. John, son of Sam'l. Flint. " " Ruth, dau. of Benj. Swinnerton. " 10. Elizabeth, dau. of Oliver Smith. Nov. 21, Mary, dau. of Peter & Deborah Clark. " " Abigail, dau. of John Sampson. " 28. Susanna, dau. of Nath'l. Hutchinson. 24 1725, Dec. 5. Margaret, dau. of Christopher Dennis Feb. 13. Hannah, dau. of David Richardson. " " Calei), son of Caleb Putnam. " 20. Mary, dau. of Jona. Putnam. March, 20. David, son of David Prince. " 27. Timothy, son of Stephen Putnam. " " Francis, son of Francis Eliot, jr. " " Elizabeth, dau. of John Eliot. 1726, Apr. 10. Anna, dau. of John Deal jr. " 24. Mary, dau. of Israel Porter. May, 15. Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. Putnam. " " Thomas, son of Thos. Eliot. " 22. Amos, son of Jona. Rea. " •' Sarah, dau. of Nath'l Goodale. " " Lydia, dau. of Rachel Needham. Benjamin, sou of Benj. Baily. Mary, dau. of Cornelius Tarbel. Gideon, son of Tarrant Putnam. Amos, son of John Case. Mary, dau. of Nathan Smith. Josiah, son of Joseph Hutchinson jr. James, son of James Putnam jr. Anna, dau. of Isaac Putnam. Ruth, dau. of Acquila Wilkins. Joshua, son of Sam'l Fuller. Elizabeth, dau. of Ebenezer Nurse. Joseph, son of Eleazer Brown. Hannah, dau. of wid. Abigail Hutchinson. Nathan, son of Isaac Burton. Anna, dau. of Israel Andrew. Hannah, dau. of Joshua Putnam. " " Jonathan, son of Daniel Kenny. " 29. Eleanor, wife of Moses Stacy. March, 12. Matthew, son of Joseph Whipple jr. " 19. Mehetable, dau. of Natha' Putnam. " " Sarah dau. of George Bigsby. 1727, Apr. 2. Sarah, dau. of Dan'l. Wilkins sen. " 16. Huldah, dau. of Jethro Putnam. " 23. Hannah, dau. of Edward Putnam jr. " " Samuel, son of Ilephsibah Felch. " 30. Eunice, dau. of Joseph Pope. Vj May, 7. Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. Knight. " 14-. widow Mary Read & her children, ^ named Isaac, Mary, Aaron, John, > Bartholeraew, Sarah. S a 29. June :, 5. 12. July , 10. <( 31. Sept . 11. u 25. Oct. 2. i( 9. (( 23. Dec. 23. Jan. 1. Jan. 15. <( 1(5. (( 23. (< " Aug. 20. Sept. 24. Oct. 1. 25 1727, May 28. Benjamin, son of Walter Smith. June 4. Rachel, dau. of Dan'l Wilkins, jr. " " Israel, sou of Paul Hayward. " 23. Archelaus, sou of Beuj. Fuller, jr. July 2. Lucy, dau. of John Eliot. '♦ 9. Emma, dau. of John Putnam, jr. *' " Mary, dau. of Uzziel Rea. Emma, dau. of Daniel Rea. Henry, sou of Abraham Goodale. Caleb, Sarah, ch. of Zorobabel Rea. Job, son of Joseph Swiunerton. Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer Cheever. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Berry. Ilanuah, dau. of Amos Putnam. Mary, dau. of Joshua Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. Hutchinson, jr. Ruth, dau. of Thos. Putnam. George, son of George Wyat. Israel, son of Elisha Hutchinson. Margaret Masury (maiden), adult. Deborah, dau. of Peter & Deborah Clark. Amos, son of Isaac Burton. John, son of Caleb Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of Slueman. Samuel Masury (adult). George Cloye (adult). Elisha, son of Josiah Putnam. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Hutchinson, jr. Sarah, dan. of Sam'l Masury. Mehetabel, dau. of Sam'l Upton, jr. Jonathan, son of Joua. Goodale. " " Sarah, dau. of Dan'l Felch. May 5. Sarah, dau. of David Prince. *' " Amos, son of Nath'l Carrill. «' 12. Abiel Curtis (adult). " " Elizabeth Ford (adult). " 2G. Mary Tapley (adult). •* " Daniel, son of Benj. Baily. June 2. Margaret Rj^al (adult). " 16. Phinehas, son of Stephen Putnam. ♦' " Mary, dau. of Samuel Berry. Sept. I. Isaac, sou of Christopher Denny. " 8. Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer Nurse. ♦' 15. Margaret, dau. of Joseph Wilkins. 2* i( 22. Nov. 5. " 12. (( 19. Dec. i ( 17. 31. Jan. 21. Feb. 18. March 17. i( 24. <( 31. <( «' 8, Ap. 7. (( 21. 26 1728, Sept. 22. Phebe. daa. of John Putnam, jr. Oct. 13. Moses, son of Zorobabel Rea. Betty, dau. of John Dale. '• " Roger, sou of John Eliot. " 27. Rachel.wifeof George Needhami her children George, Thomas. Rachel, Mary. Xov. 17. Mary, dau. of Abraham Goodale. " 24. Elizabeth, dau. of Jona. Putnam. " " Jonathan, Thomas, ch. of Thos. Bailey. ♦' " Mary. Sarah, ch. of Sani'l Lambert. Dec. 1. Elizabeth, wife of John Butler ic her child named John. " S. Rachel, dau. of Joshua Putnam. " 22. Sarah, dau. of William Putnam. Jan. 12. Daniel, son of Paul Hayward. Feb. 2o. Mary. dau. of Samuel Putnam. M'ch 2. Nathaniel, son of Cornelius Tarbel. •• It). Wiliiani, son of Eleazer Brown. 1729. Ap. 6. Mary. dan. of Israel Andrew. ■' Sarah, dau. of Daniel Wilkins. May 11. Ruth. dau. of Walter Smith. •• •• Elizabeth, dan. of Sam'l Cheever. *■' '• Benjamin, son of Beuj. Cheerer. »• '• Elizabeth, dau. of Jona. Walcot. June 1. Bethiah. sou of David Richardson. " S. Sarah, dau. of Isaac Buxton. " '• Ezra, son of Ezra Putnam. " •• Eunice, dau. of Jona. Ray. '« •• Mary. dau. of Jasper Swinnerton. ^ 29. Nathiui. son of Nathan Smith. Jaly 20. Elisha, son of Jacob Puller. '• •• Jonathan, son of Jona. Buxton. '• •• Sarah, dau. of Joseph Whipple, jr. " 27. John, sou of George Xeedham. Aug. 3. Sarah, dau. of Beuj. Fuller. Daniel, sou of Richard Hutchiuson- Haunah. dau. of Ebenezer Cheever. Humphrey, son of John Case. Amos, son of Amos Putnam. Anna, daa. of Sam'l Houlton. Elizabeth, dan. of Benj. Russell. Isaiah, son of Daniel Rea. Jacob, son of Christopher Dempser. Elisha, son of Joseph Hutchinson, jr. Nov. 2. Samuel, son of Samuel Ma«iry. (C 17. ( 23. Dec. 28. 1736, Ap. 18. May 9. (C 16, t( 23. June 13. July 4. " 25. Aug. 22. Sept. , 5. 30 Nathan, son of John Giles. John, son of Peter & Deborah Clark. Lydia, dau. of Natha' Goodale. Eleazer, son of Joseph Pope. Mehitable, dau. of George Gould. Abigail, dau. of John Dale. Joshua, son of George Wyat. John, son of Daniel Andrew. Mehitable, dau. of David Putnam. Margaret, dau. of Robert Spear. John, son of Joseph Hutchinson. Hannah, dau. of Joshua Goodale. Lydia, dau. of Joseph Porter. Moses, son of Caleb Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of Peter & Deborah Clark. Archelaus, son of Paul Hayward. Elizabeth, dau. of Walter Smith. Thomas, son of Christopher Dempsey. Emma Wilkins (adult). Thomas, son of Thomas Andrew. David, son of Robert Prince. Sarah, ye wife of Benj. Upton. Ruth, dau. of Widow Swinnerton. John, son of Bartholemew Rea. Margaret, dau. of Stevenson. Jeremiah, son of Jona. Putnam. Jonathan, son of Eben. Gloyd. Rachel, dau. of William Small. Rachel, dau. of Joseph Buxton, jr. Elizabeth, dau. of John Andrew. Sarah, dau. of John Burton. Samuel, son of Samuel Holten. Nathan, son of Jonathan Prince. Sarah, dau. of Hugh Kelly. John, son of Benj. Cheever. Eleazer, son of Henry Putnam. " " Benjamin, son of Jona. Hutchinson. Sept. 24. Israel, son of Thos. Andrew. " " Sarah, dau. of Eleazer Brown. Oct. 8. Jeremy, son of Ebenezer Hutchinson. " " Samuel, Anna, ch. of Daniel Gardner. " 15. Jonathan, son of Sam'l Porter, jr. <' " Ezra, sou of Paul Upton. 173G, Oct. 3. Oct. 10. Nov. 14. 28. '3G-7 , Jan. 23. 1736, Feb. 6. M-ch 6. 13. 20. 1737, May 15. 22. July 17. Sept . 4. (( 25. Oct. it 9. 1(5. '37-8 , Jan. 14. 1737, Feb. 12. 19. M'ch 12. (( <( <( 19. (( 26. 1738, Ap. 2. (1 9. May (1 7. 14. 28. June 4. 11. 25. (( " July 30. Aug. 13. 1738, Nov. . 5. 12. Nov. , 12, (( a 26. Dec. 3. 17. 24. ch. of Michael & Emma Cross. Emma, j Abigail, dau. of George Gould. Joseph, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Cross. Philip, son of Jacob Putnam. Joseph, son of Joseph Porter. Israel, son of Israel Putnam. Elizabeth, ) j ^ ^, j ^ Hannah Prince. Anna, 5 Sarah, dau. of Robert Prince. Sarah, dau. of Wm. Small, jr. William, son of Peter & Deborah Clark. Ruth, dau. of Daniel Gardner. " " Mary, dau. of Widow Mary Badger. Oct. 19. INIary, dau. of Hugh Kelly. 1739 , Ap. 1. May 20. June 24. July 29. Aug. 19. 26. Sept. 2. 30. Oct. 7. 14. 28. Nov. 4. Dec. 16. '39-40, Jan .13. 1739 , Feb. 24. M'ch 9. 1740 , Ap. 6. June 8. " " <( 29. July 13. 27. Sept. 21. 32 1740, Oct. 26. Jonathan, son of Jona. Hutchinson. Nov 23. Archelaus, son of Archelaus Putnam. Dec. 21. Nathan, son of Joshua Goodale. '40-1, Jan. 4. Jonathan, son of Jonas Putnam. Feb. 22. Sarah, dau. of Thos. Andrew. 1741, Ap. 12. Samuel, son of Daniel Andrew. " 26. David, son of Paul Upton. May 17. Mehitabel, dau. of Sam'l Hay ward. " 24. Lydia, dau. of Abraham Goodale, jr. June 7. Hannah, dau. of Caleb Balch. " 14. Lydia, dau. of Amos Putnam. " " Samuel, son of Samuel Putnam. " 21. Lydia, dau. of Christopher Dempsey. July 5. Phebe, dau. of Benj'n Ganson. " 19. Benjamin, son of Joshua Swinnerton. " 26. Elijah, son of Henry Putnam. Aug. 16. Kebeckah, dau. of Eleazer Brown. " " Hannah, dau. of Hannah (widow of Abel) Prince. Sep. 27. Jonathan, sou of John Burton. Oct. 4. |arjih|^^ I cii. of Rowland & Marg't Thomas. " 18. Stephen, son of Jacob Putnam. Nov. 22. E/.ra, son of Jonathan Prince. " 29. Amos, son of Thomas Pearse. <' *' Amos, son of Joseph Porter. '41-2, Jan. 3. George, sou of George Small. 1741, Feb. 14. Stephen, son of Stephen Putnam. M'ch 21. Elisha, son of Asa Putnam. " " Abigail, dau. of John Giles. 1742, Ap. 4. William, son of Richard Whittredge. " " Peter Laberee (adult). Sarah Norman " Rebecca Judd " Mary Judd (adult). Ebenezer, son of Archelaus Putnam, jr. Israel, son of David Putnam. Jonathan, son of Jona. Darling. Daniel, son of George Gould. George, son of Daniel Gardner (bapt. by Mr. Spar- hawk). Benjamin, son of Benj. Putnam, jr. Elizabeth, dau. of Hugh Kelly. Mehetabel, dau. of Archelaus Putnam, sen'r. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Putnam. ii 11. a 25. May 2. June 20. July 11. Aug. 1. (( 29. (( (< Sept. 19. Nov. 14. Dec. 12. 1742, Dec. 19. '42-3, Jan. 16. (( 30. '42-3. Feb. 6. 33 Lucius Pearse (adult). Daniel, son of Paul Hayward. Samuel, son of Eleazer Poi-ter. Peter, son of Peter Clarlc, jr. " " Lydia, dau. of Beuj. Ganson. M'ch 6. Sarah, dau. of Sam'l Upton, jr. *' " Eliakira, son of Jona. Darlinij. " 13. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Prince. " " Mary, dau. of Elisha Flint. Rachel, dau. of George Small. Martha, dau. of Sam'l Putnam. \. ^ p, Sarah, dau. of Ebeu'r Gloyd. 5 "^ ^^' ^^^se. Elijah, son of Jona. Hutchinson. Eleazer, son of Abraham Goodale, jr. Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. Andrew. Hannah, dau. of Paul Upton. Roger, son of Henry Putnam. Lydia, dau. of Joseph Porter. John, son of James Prince. Tan-ant, son of Samuel Putnam. Josiah, son of Asa Putnam. Anna, dau. of Peter & Deborah Clark. John, son of John Putnam, jr. Mary, dau. of Dr. Jona. Prince. Samuel, son of Samuel Upton, jr. Asa, son of Joshua Svvinnerton. Jesse, son of Samuel Hayward. William, son of Oliver Putnam. Ephraira, son of Archelaus Putnam. John, son of George Gould. Richard, son of John Clement. Abigail, dau. of Benj. Ganson. Jacob, ^ Hannah, > ch. of Jacob Goodale. Mehitable, } Elizabeth, dau. of Sam'l Putnam, jr. Eliot, son of Hobart Clarks. " " Archelaus, son of Archelaus Putnam, jr. '44-5, Jan. 13. Hannah, dau. of Abraham Gould, jr. " " " Elizabeth, dau. of Jona Putnam. " Jan. 27. George, son of George Small. Sarah, dau. of John Burton. 1745, Mar. 31. Lydia, dau. of Wm. Small (by Mr. Chase). April 7. John, sou of Samuel Houlton. << 20. 27. 1743, , June 5. 26. Sept. 4. (( 25. Oct. 16. Dec. 25. '43-4 , Jan. 29. Feb. 26. M'ch 11. 1744; , May 27. t( (( June 3. July << 8. 15. Sept. 2. (( 23. <( 30. Oct. 7. (( 14. <( 28. Nov. 11. (< 25. Dec . 9. 34 1745, April 28, (( (1 May 12. (< << «( <( <( (< " 19. June 23. July 21. (( n Sept. 29. <( (( Oct. 13. Nov. 24. 1746, April 6. May 18. " 25. June 15. July 13. July 20. <( (( <( (( " 27. Aug. 10. Sept ;. 7. (< 29. Oct. 26. Dec. 7. (< 21. '46-7, Jan. 11. (( it (( Feb. 22. <( (( March 16. 1747, April 5. May 3. (< 10. March 29. Eunice, dau. of David Putnam. James Phillips, son of Amos Putnam, jr. Abijali, son of Joseph Brown. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Whittredge. Elizabeth, dau. of Bartholemew Rea. Elizabeth, dau. of John Preston. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Putnam. John, son of Hugh Kelly. Joseph, son of Joseph Buxton, jr. William, son of Peabody. Ruth, dau. of Lydia Buxton. Lydia, dau. of Jona Flint. John Porter, son of John Andrew. John, son of Henry Putnam. John, son of James Prince. Rufus, son of Samuel Putnam, sen. Mary, dau. of Joseph Porter. Nathaniel, son of Archelaus Putnam. Jacob, son of Peter Twiss. Saer*^^' ] ^^- ^^ "^^^^^ Smith, jr. John, son of Joshua Swinnerton. Moses, son of Elisha Flint (bapt. by Mr. Chase.) Elizabeth, dau. of Jona. Hutchinson. Hannah, dau. of James Smith, jr. Israel, son of Ebenezer Gloyd. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Andrew. Lydia, dau. of Joseph Putnam, jr. William, son of Caleb Putnam, jr. John, son of John Preston. Daniel, son of Joseph Buxton, jr. John, son of Bartholemew Brown. Mary, } ch. of Peter Twiss. Elijah, son of George Gould. Abigail, dau. of Hobart Clark. Abigail, dau. of Jona. Flint. Asa, son of Dr. Jonathan Prince. Joseph, son of John Clement. Ruth, dau. of Abraham Goodale, jr. John, son of Joseph Brown. Huldah, dau. of Edmund Putnam. Hannah, dau. of Wm. Small, jr. Abigail, dau. of George Small (bapt. by Mr. Pres- cott). 35 1747, May 31. Samuel, son of Timothy Prince. June 28. Sarah, dau, of Jacob Goodale. July 19. Lydia, dau. of Jonathan Putnam. " " Mary, ^ Sarah, > ch. of Widow Annis Parnel. Benjamin, ) July 26. David, "l v.^Ll Icb- of David and Lydia Goodale. jiimma, > Phebe, J Aug. 9. James, son of Archelaus Putnam, jr. " 16. Phebe, dau. of Paul Upton. " " Mehitable, dau. of Oliver Putnam. Sept. 27. Ede, dau. of David Goodale. Nov. 29. Thomas, son of Samuel Putnam, jr. Dec. 13. David, son of David Putnam. '47-8, Feb. 14. Amos, son of James Prince. March 20. Mary, dau. of Archelaus Putnam, jr. 1748, April 3. Josiah, sou of Richard Whittredge. April 24. Daniel, son of John Putnam, jr. May 15. Moses, son of Caleb Putnam, jr. June 12. Elizabeth, dau. of William Porter, jr. " 19. Peter, son of Hugh Kelley. July 3. Asaph, son of James Smith, jr. " 10. Samuel, son of Joshua Swiunerton. ^^' EhSJe'th \ ^^- ^^ ^^^- ^^^^^^^ ^isk, of Salem, Aug. 14. Mary, dau. of William Ratcliffe. Sept. 11. Bethiah, dau. of Benjamin Putnam. Oct. 16. Catharina, dau. Jona. Flint. Nov. 6. Philip, son of John Preston. " " Francis, sou of Nathaniel Putnam, jr. 1748, Nov. 13. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Putnam, jr. " 20. Solomon, son of Samuel Putnam, jr. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Abr. Goodale, jr. Dec. 18. John, son of Joseph Buxton, jr. " " • Phebe, dau. of Timothy Prince. " 25. Israel Porter, son of Paul Hayward. '48-9, Jan. 29. Simeon, son of Bartholemew Brown. ♦' " Rebecca, dau. of Elisha Flint. " " Sarah, daughter of Joseph Putnam, jr. 1749, June 25. George, son of William Small. " " Hannah, dau. of Thomas Andrew. July 2. Israel, J ch. of Rowland Thomas. William, 5 " 23. Sarah, dau. of Dr. Jonathan Prince. 1749, 1 July 30. Sept. 17. 24. Oct. 15. Nov, 26. <( (( (< <( 1750, , Apr. 1. (( 8. << 15. 29. May 6. ' " 27. (C " June r 3. June 3. 36 William, son of George Small. Nathan, son of Jonathan Putnam. Hannah, dau. of Amos Putnam, jr. Daniel ^' \ ^^' ^^ J*>"^' Russell. Daniel, son of Joseph Brown. Daniel, son of George Gould. Jacob, son of Archelaus Putnam, sen. Sarah, dan. of Samuel Fisk, of Salem. Ebenezer, son of Archehms Putnam, jr. Huldah, dau. of David Goodale. William, son of Jonathan Russell. Sarah, dau. of widow Gloyd. Amos, son of Gideon Tapley. Joshua, son of Sawyer. Asa, son of Asa Putnam. George, son of Paul Upton. Jethro, 1 Susanna, Uh. of Benj. Russell, jr. <( 15. Aug . 5. Sept. 23. Nov. 11. (( 25. Dec. 23. 1, Jan. 20. David, Caleb, son of Caleb Putnam, jr. James, son of John Putnam, jr. Samuel, son of Hobart Clark. Rufus, son of Samuel Putnam, sen. Sarah, dau. of Abraham Goodale, jr. Daniel, son of Gilbert Tapley. '50-1, Jan. 20. Joseph, son of Eben. Porter. " Susanna, dau. of John Nicols. 27. Bartholemew, son of Earth. Brown. " Andrew, son of Edmund Putnam. Sarah, dau. of Jeremiah Page. Joshua, son of Joshua Preston (by Mr. Diman). Eunice, dau. of David Putnam, jr. Jonathan, son of Jona. Flint. Ruth, dau. of Samuel Putnam. William, son of William Porter. " " Joseph, son of Joseph Putnam, jr. " '^- ?"'^'-.i. Ich. of John Flint. Jeremiah, ) May 5. Amos and Sarah, ch. of ^^^^ ^^^^^ Mary, wife of > July 16. Benjamin, son of Isaac Southwick. " " Bartholemew, son of Walter Smith. Aug. 4. Ruth, dau. of Jona Prince. " " Levi, sou of Jona. Putnam. Feb. 24. March 26. K 31. (( " 1751, April 21. 37 1751, Aug. 4. Eunice, dan. of Benj. Putnam. " " John, son of John Venney. " 11. William, son of Jacob Goodale. " " Joseph, son of John Venney. Sept. 1. Peter and Sarah, ch. of Peter Twiss. " " Sarah, dau. of Humphry Pierce. Benjamin, sou of Henry Putnam. Samuel, son of Joshua Swinnerton. Phebe, dau. of Archelaus Putnam. Betty, dau. of Timothy Prince. Ebenezer, son of Thomas Andrew. Ruth, dau. of Archelaus Putnam, jr. David, son of John Preston. William, sou of Mr. Samuel Fisk, of Salem. Jesse, son of Nathan Smith, jr. Stephen, son of Benjamin Russell. Amos, son of John Putnam, jr. Mary, daughter of Abraham Goodale, jr. 1. (N. S.) Phebe, dau. of Jona. Russell. Huldah, dau. of James Smith. Oliver, son of Oliver Putnam. Peter, son of Asa Putnam (by Mr. Prescott). Elizabeth, dau. of Amos Putnam, jr. dau. of Samnel Putnam. Amos, son of Benjamin Sawyer. John, sou of John Nichols. Anne, dau. of Samuel Putnam, jr. Samuel, son of George Small. Israel, son of Joseph Putnam, jr. Ruth, dau. of Benjamin Putnam. Samuel, son of Jeremiah Page. Caleb, son of Archelaus Putnam, sen. Anna, dau. of John Flint. Phebe, dau. of Gideon Tapley. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Endicott. Samuel, son of Samuel Dodge. Nehemiah, son of Ezra Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of Archelaus Tarbell. Henry, son of Henry Putnam. Nathaniel, son of Ebenezer Porter. Jesse, son of David Putnam, sen. Perley, son of Jona. Putnam. Mary, dau. of Jacob Goodale. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Towne. << 15. 29. Dec. 1. 22. (( 29. '51-2 !, Jan. 12. 1752 , Mar. 22. April 5. " " May 24. June 7. Aug. 16. Oct. 1. 22. 1753, , Feb. 4. 18. March 18. 25. April 15. May 13. 20. June 24. July 1. 8. (1 22. 29. Sept 2. Oct. 7. " 14. (( 21. Nov, . 4. Dec. 2. 9. 1754, , Jan. 13. March 24. May 5. 38 1754, June 16. " 30. Aug. 11. Sept. 8. " 15. " 29. Oct. 20. Nov. 3. Dec. 8. " 29. 1755, Jan. 19. Feb. 23. March 16. May 4. June 1. 8. " 22. (( 29. July 13, Aug :• 3, (( 17. Sept. 14. <( 21, <( 28, Oct. 5. Nov. 16. Dec. 16, 1756, Jan, 18, Feb. 15. (( 29. March 7. of George Wiat, jr. Sarah, dau. ) John, son of Jona. Kettle. Lydia, dau. of Oliver Putnam. Kuth, dau. of Nathan Smith, jr. Eunice, dau. of Abraham Goodale. Emma, dau. of James Swinnerton. Archelaus, son of Archelans Dale. Elisha, son of Israel Hutchinson. Matthew, son of Matthew Whipple. Enoch, son of Jona. Whipple. Ephraim, son of Samuel Patch. Ruth, dau. of Archelaus Dale. Mary, dau. of Samuel Pu'nam, jr., > baptised by Hannah, dau. of Gideon Putnam, J Mr. Carnes. Mary, dau. of Cornelius Tarbell, jr. David, son of David Putnam, jr. Mary, dau. of Joseph Putnam, jr. Mary, dau. of Jeremiah Page. Sarah, dau. of Archelaus Putnam, sen. Eli, son of Jona. Russell. Peter, son of John Putnam, jr. Mary, dau. of Samuel Putnam, sen. Samuel, son of Samuel Endicott. Hannah, dau. of Asa Putnam. Samuel, Peter, ^ Philip, Eunice, > ch. of Francis Nurse. Benjamin, j John, Betty, ch. of John Clinton. John, son of John Flint. John, son of Benjamin and Sarah Porter. Phebe, dau. of Benjamin Sawyer. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Flint. Joseph, son of Gilbert Tapley. Betty, dau. of Joseph Brown, ), „ j.. Phiuehas, sou of Phinehas Putnam. 5 "^ ^^^^- "'^^^- 39 1756, May 2. Experience, wife of Zachary Goodale. " " Benjamin, son of Benjamin Putnam. " 9- Elizabeth, )j^ (,f g^^uel Cheever. Tcafey, 3 " " Jethro, son of Enoch Putnam. May 30. Anna, dau. of John Porter. July 1. Hannah, K^^, ^f gkelton and Elizabeth Sheldon. Jonathan, ) July 11. Asa, son of Joseph Brown. Aug. 8. Matthew, son of Phinehas Putnam. " " Rebecca, Kjj of william Putnam. Andrew, ) " «' Mehetable, ^ch. of Sam'l, jr. and Martha White, John, 5 «« 15. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Goodale. Sept. 12. Aaron, son of Jonathan Putnam. " " Samuel, son of Samuel Cheever. " " Benjamin, son of Sarah, relict of Matthew Whipple. " 26. Sarah, ) „ . ^ Job, > ch. of Job and Sarah Swmnerton. Elisha, ) " " Gideon, son of Gideon Putnam. Oct. 3. Asa, son of Jacob Goodale. " 24. Levi, son of John Preston. " 31. David, > ch. of Zechariah and Experience Good- Experience, > j^jg^ Stephen, ) Nov. 7. Timothy, son of Timothy Prince. »' 14. Timothy, son of Elizabeth, widow of Timothy Put- nam. " 21. Samuel, son of John Venney. Dec. 17. Joshua, son of George Wiat. 1757 Feb. 1. Mary, wife of Peter Cross. " 20. Israel, son of widow Betty Putnam. " 27. Mary, dau. of John Clinton. March 20. William, son of William Putnam. April 10. Betty, dau. of Archelaus Dole. '« " Benjamin, son of Benjamin Russel, jr. " 24. Eutii, dau. of Job and Sarah Swinnertou. " " David, son of Samuel Felton. May 8. Eunice, dau of John Nichols. " " Samuel, son of Samuel Putnam, jr. " " Sarah, dau. of Edmund Putnam. .' «' Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Goodale. " 22. Simeon, son of George Gould, jr. ». '» Jeremiah, son of Skelton and Eliz. Sheldon. 1757, , May 22. June 12. July 3. .<( 24. Aug. 7. 21. 28. Sept. 25. 40 Hannah, dau. of Samuel Clark. These three by Mr. Diman. Sarah, dau. of Thos. Andrew. Hannah, } ch. of Eben Nurse, jr., and Hannah, his Eli, 3 wife. Ebenezer, son of Eben. Dale. Eunice, dau. of Elias and Eunice Endicott. Solomon, son of Sam'l and Mary Endicott. Houlton, son of David Putnam, jr. Phebe, dau. of Francis Nurse. Daifie'/' \^^' °^ ^^^'^ ^°^ ^^^^ Marsh. Oct. 9. Benj., Lydia, "] John, Ebenezer, , , T^ • i /~i ^ ■i?i- ou *i o .V. I ch. of Daniel Gardner. Elizabeth, Sarah, > Esther, J " " Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer Dale. " " Aaron, son of Benjamin and Sarah Porter. Benjamin, son of Benjamin Prescott, jr. Henry, son of Nathan and Hannah Patch. 1758, Jan. 15. Mehetable, dau. of Elisha Flint. Jonathan, son of Zachariah Goodale. Lydia, dau. of Joseph Putnam, jr. Elizabeth, dau. of Jeremiah Page. Sarah, dau. of William Browne. Caleb, son of Caleb Rea. Moses, son of John Preston. Ephraim, son of Nathan Smith, jr. Ruth, dau. of Cornelius Tarbel, jr. Samuel, son of Eben and Hannah Nurse. Aaron, son of Benjamin Sawyer. Samuel, son of Samuel Putnam, jr. Anna, dau. of Samuel Putnam, jr. Mary, dau. of Nathan Smith, 3d. Asa, sou of Jona. Russell. Elijah, son of James Smith. Sarah, dau. of John Brown. Mary, dau. of Samuel Endicott. Samuel, son of Samuel Cheever. Eleazer Porter, son of Tarrant Putnam. 1759, Jan. 24. Joseph, son of George Wyat, jr. Asa, son of Sam'l Felton, jr. Aaron, son of Gilbert and Pliebe Tapley. Peter S ^^" °^ Peter and Lydia Putnam. Nov, . 6. Dec. 11. ], Jan. 15. (( 29. Feb. 26. (< " March 5. K 12. April 23. May 19. <( 28. <( (( July 2. Aug. , 6. (( n « 27. Sept. 3. Nov, . 5. (( 19. (( 28. Dec. 3. (( 10. ), Jan. 24. <( " Feb. 4. April 4. 1759, April 29. tc (1 JMay 6. (( 20. May 27. June 3. <( ^^ John, son of J Jol'^ Crowell. Zorobabel, son of Benjamin Porter. Benjamin, son of John and Sarah Crowell. Eunice, dau. of John Clinton. Deborah, dau. of Samuel Clark. " " Jonathan, son of Benjamin Buxton, jr. These two last by Mr. Smith. Nov. 12. Miriam, dau. of Capt. Elisha Flint. " 25. Amos, son of Skelton Sheldon. [Here some may be omitted.] 1760, Mar. 30. Jonathan Porter, son of widow Ruth Rea. Aaron, son of John Preston. " 23. Anna, dau. of Jeremiali Page. April 27. Mary, dau. of Samuel Cheever (by Mr. Diman). May 11. Ruth, dau. of John Symonds. «' 18. Jacob, son of Francis Nurse, K Mr. Smith. Lydia, dau. of Aaron Putnam, ) ^ June 1. Esther, dau. of Job Swinnerton. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Eleazer Brown. ' " 15. Benjamin Chase, Mulatto, Freeman. '• 29. Mary, dau. of Samuel Holton, jr. July 20. Daniel, son of Thos. Town (by Mr. Swain). Aug. 24. Elizabeth, dau. of Patrick Carril (by Mr. Wells). Sept. 21. Israel, son of Israel Hutchinson. " 28. Hannah, dau. of John and Hannah Crowell (by Mr. Porter). Oct. 19. Hannah, dau. of Timothy Prince. " " Mitchel, son of Eben Nurse, jr. Nov. 16. Ede, > j^ ^^ j^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Swinnerton. Hannah, > Dec. 14. Jonathan, son of Nathan Smith, jr. 1761, Jan. 18. John, son of Joseph Putnam, jr. 3* 1761, Feb. 15. March 15. April 19. " <( K 26. June 7. " 21. July 26. Aug. 2. Sept. 6. (( 13. 42 Phebe, dau. of James Swiniierton. Hannah, dau. of Peter Putnam. Anna, dau. of Gideon Putnam. Joseph, son of Phiuehas Putnam. John, son of John Swinnerton (by Mr. Merrill). Elijah, son of Deacon Samuel Putnam. Daniel, son of John Preston. Samuel, son of Ebenezer Dale. Samuel, son of George Wiat, jr. Mary, dau. of Mr. Samuel Clark. Grandchild, named Daniel, of widow Lydia Goodale, by her dau. Silver, deceased. 20. Asa, son of Gilbert Tapley, > . ht -r.- John, son of Eleazer Brown, 5 ^^ ^^^ ^'™^»- Thomas, son of John Symonds. David, son of John Goodale. Amos, son of Zachariah Goodale. John, son of Nathan Smith, 3J. John Eliot, son of Archelaus Dale. Abigail, dau. of Francis Nurse. Anna, dau. of Samuel Endicott. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Putnam, sen. Richard, son of Richard Whittredge. " 28. Rebecca, dau. of Joseph Seccombe. April 4. Lydia, dau. of Benjamin Porter. " " Anna, dau. of ^ Sarah, " > Jona. Whipple. Susanna, " ) Hannah, dau. of Joseph Brown. Aaron, son of Aaron Putnam. Molly, dau. of Eleazer Pope. Sarah Guilford, a maiden. John, son of John Webber. Joseph, son of Samuel White, jr. Cornelius, son of Cornelius Tarbell. George, son of Thomas Town. John, son of Patrick Carrill. Ezekiel, son of Samuel Cheever. Francis, son of John Symonds. '■ " Ruth, dau. of ) ,^1,^ t>., ,„i John, son of JJohnRussel. " " Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Putnam. " 12. Betty, dau. of Job Swinnerton. " 26. John, son of Peter Putnam. Oct. 10. Daniel, son of Daniel Putnam. Oct. 4. (( 11. " 18. Nov. 22. 1762, Jan. 17. CI " (< <« Feb. 28. March 7. (I 11. <( 18. (( (( May 2. (t 16. May 23. June 13. Aug. 1. (( 8. " 22. Sept. 5. 43 1762, Dec. 17. Anna Buxton, a maiden. " " Lydia, dau. of Jeremiiih Page. " " Abrahtun, son of Gideon Putnam. 1763, Jan. 30. Lucy, dau. of Oliver Putnam. April 10. Timothy, son of Plnnehas Putnam. May 1. Asa, son of Tarrant Putnam. *' 15. Abigail, dau. of Arch's Putnam, jr. " 22. Archelaus, son of Arch's Putnam, jr. July 10. Joseph, son of Joseph Porter. Aug. 7. Abigail, dau. of ) ^ i ., • •, ci -^i Jonathan, son of I J""''^- ^"^ ^^'S^^' ^mith. " " Efron, son of John Russell. " " Ruth, dau. of Joseph Seccomb. " 14. Sarah, dau. of Dr. Samuel Holten. Sept. 11. John, sou of Eleazer Brown. " " Lydia, dau. of Archelaus Dale. *' 25. Eunice, dau. of Nathan Smith, jr. " " Josiah, son of ^ John, '• > John Hurlbut. Jemima, dau. of j Lydia, dau. of John Svvinnerton. Aliigail, dau. of John Symonds. Betty, dau. of Joseph Putnam, jr. Ruth, dau. of Jona. Smith. Hannah, dau. of Capt. Elisha Flint. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Porter. Caleb, sou of Archelaus Putnam, jr. Joanna, dau. Ezra and Mary Batchelder (by Mr. Di- raan). George, son of George Wiat. Lydia, dau. of Samuel Putnam, jr. Elizabeth, dau. of William Putnam. William, son of Patrick Carrill. Rufus, son of Aaron Putnam. John, son of Jon. Clark. Lucy, dau. of Jacob Perkins. " " Lucy, dau. of Joseph Masury. " 8. Roger, son of ) t^,, , .^t Rufus, " jEben'rNurse. " " Joseph, son of Eleazer Pope. "**• " 22. Amos, sou of Thomas Town. Aug. 19. Elizabeth, dau. of Nathan Smith, 3d. " " Fanne, dau. of Enoch Putnam. Sept. 9. Samuel, son of Samuel White, jr. " 16. Mary, dau. of Peter Putnam. " " Anna, dau. of Richard Whittredge, jr. Oct. 2. (( 9. '' 30. Nov. 13. a 27. Dec. 25. 1764, April 8. (( 15. 22. May 13. June 1 2. July 1. 44 1764, Sept. 23. 30. Oct. U. " 21. 28. Nov . 6. 18. (( 25. 1765, Jan. :^0. Feb. 24. March 17. <( 24. April 28. (1 " May 19. July 14, July 21, Aug. 11. Sept. 8. ♦' 29. Oct. 20. " 27. Nov. , 3. (( 17. Dec. 8, 1766, Jan. 5. Feb. 2. March 30. Jacob, son of Jacob Goodale, jr. Margaret, wife of John Giles. John, son of John Giles. Israel, son of John Andrew. Sarah, adopted daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Up- ton. Nathaniel, son of John Symonds. Josiah, son of Job S winner ton. Anne, dau. of ^ Joseph, son of > Michael Cross. MoUey, dau. of) Hannah, dau. of Jeremiah Page. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Porter. Jonathan, son of Gideon Putnam. dau. of John Goodale. Hannah, dau. of Daniel Putnam. Hannah, wife of Isaac Dempsey. Elijah, son of Zachary Goodale. Walter, son of Jonallian Smith. Ede, dau. of Francis Nurse. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Brown (by Mr. Diman). Becca, dau. of Arch's Dale. Mary, dau. of Deacon Asa Putnam. Mary, dau. of Samuel Putnam, jr. Abigail, dau. of ^ Abraham, son of > Isaac Dempsey. William, " > Deborah, dau. of my son, Hugh Clark. Phebe, dau. of Jacob Goodale, jr. Anne, wife of ") Anne, dau. of | James, son of I. j^^^es Johnson. Mary, dau. of [ Sanih, " j Lydia, " J Nathaniel, son of Ezra Batchelor. Lydia, dau. of Archelaus Putnam, jr. Moses, son of ^ Lydia, dau. of > Benj. and Lydia Guilford. Aaron, son of ) James, son of ) j^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ Buxton. Anne, dau. of J •' . -»*!«W^ John, son of John Andrew, ) , Anne, dau. of Michael Cross, 3 of Tarrant Putnam. Hannah, dau. of John Simond. Michael, son of Patrick Carrill. Daniel, son of James Johnson. Mr. 4o 1766, Ma.v 4. Benj., son of Benj. Porter. June 8. Jesse, son of Ezra Upion. July 6. Elijah, son of Gilbert Tapley. •' '■ Caleb, sou of Peter Putnam. " 13. Israel, son of Aaron Putnam. " " Sarah, dau. of ^ Ebeuezer, son of > Jeremy Hutchinson. Beihiah, dau. of ) " 20. Aug. 3. " 31. Sept. 7. U. Oct. 12. Nov . 1. Jan. 11. L'fi. Feb. 1. " 8. " ir>. " 22. ilarcli 1. April 10. May 10. June ! 7. " 14. " 21. •' 28. July 19. Aug. y. " IG. " 30. Sept. 6. " 20. Nov. . 8. " 15. " 29. lliomas, sou of ) „. , y, , ^ , ^, ,, , ' ;. > widow Rebecca Oakes. Caleb, '• 3 Lydia, clau of ) j^j^^ Crowell. Sarah, " S John, son of Ebeuezer Dale. Hannah, dau. of George Wiat. Simeon, son of Benj. Guilford. Samuel, son of Tliomas Town. Nathan, son of Samuel Cheever. Elizabeth, dau. of Gideon Putnam. 1767, Jan. 11. James, sou of James Svviuuerton. Mary, dau. of Joseph Putnam, jr. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Putnam, jr. Phebe, dau. of Daniel Putnam. Elizabeth, dau. of Deacon Asa Putnam. Eleazer, son of Eleazer Brown. Lydia, dau. of Richard Whittredge, jr. Joseph, sou of Arch's Dale. Deborah, dau. of Samuel Endicott. Nathan, son of Jeremiah Page. Hannah, dau. of Jacob Goodale, jr. Samuel, son of Peter Nurse. Deborah, dau. of Ebeu and Hannah Nurse. Samuel, sou of Samuel Clark. Isaac, son of Isaac Dempsey. Eben, son of William Putnam, jr. Ruth, dau. of John Putnam, jr. Daniel, son of Hugh Clark. Huldah, dau. of John Symonds. Asa, son of Elisha Putnam. Samuel, sou of Jona. Whipple. Abigail, dau. of Ezra Batchelor. Mehetable, dau. of Eleazer Pope. "*" Ruth, dau. of ^ Samuel, son of I Elijah, son of )■ Sam'l and Ede Flint. Ede, dau. of j Hezekiah, sou of J 46 1767, Nov. 29. Becky, dau. of Elisha Putnam. Dec. 6. Mehetable, dau. of Archelaus Putnam, jr. 1768, Feb. 28. Jolin, son of Samuel Flint. March 6. Lois, dau. of Peter Putnam. " " John, son of Michael Cross. April Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Porter. " " Mehitabel, dau. of Jeremy Richardson. Daniel, son of ^ Mary, dau. of > Sam'l Andrew. Nathan, son of) Elizabetli, dan. of Anthony Buxton. Eben, son of Ezra Upton. June 19. Samuel, son of Gideon Putnam (by Mr. Chipman). July 17. Abigail, dau. of Tarrant Putnam. " 24. Hannah, dau. of Isaac Domfrey. " " Bethiah, dau. of Joseph Brown. " 31. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Chever. " " Alice, dau. of ^ Olive, '• V Henry Putnam (by Mr. Diman). Jonathan, son of) Oct. 30. Levi, son of Benj. Gilford. " " Mary, dau. of Andrew Fuller. " " lllioda, dau. of Henry Putnam. y \^y jjj. Smith. " " Tliomas, son of ^ Eunice, dau. of > Jeremy Putnam. | Elijah, son of ) J 1769, Jan. 8. Peter, son of Hush Clark, > , ^^ „ , Francis, son of Peter Nurse, > ^^ ^^^'^- ^°^^- Feb. 26. John, son of John Putnam, jr. (by Mr. Shearman). April 30. Eunice, dau. of James Johnson. " " Hete, dau. of Jacob Goodale (by Mr. Diman). May 28. David, son of Ebenezer Deal. " " Samuel, son of Daniel Putnam (by Mr. Treadwell). Lydia, dan. of Peter Putnam (by Mr. Symmes), Mary, dau. of George Wiat. Phebe, dau. of Joseph Porter. Nance, dau. of Eleazer Pope (by Mr. Holt). " Lucy, dau. of Archelaus Dale (by Mr. Smith). Sarah, dau. of William Putnam, jr. (by Mr. Stone). Anna, dau. of Thomas Town (by Mr. Barnard). Porter, son of Joseph Putnam, jr. " " Lydia, dau. of Hugh Clark. " " Jeremiah, son of Jeremy Putnam. " •' Ezra, son of Ezra Batchelor. May 27. Lydia, dau. of Sam'l White, jr. " •' Joseph, son of Jeremy Hutchinson (by Mr. Smith). July 2. Aug. 27. (( <( Sept. 24. Oct. 29. Nov. 26, 17 '0, Mar. 25. i 47 17 70 July 29 Nov. 25 17 71, Jan. 13 Feb. 24. April U. 21. June 30. Aug. 25. Oct. 27. 1772, Feb. 12. April 2G. May 17. " 24. July 12. Sept. 20. Nov. 22. Andrew, son of Ezra Upton. Molly, dau. of Sam'l Flint (by Mr. P ). Lucretia, dau. of Henry Putnam (by Mr. Smith). Sarah, dau. of Benj. Gilford. Lucy, dau. of Michael Cross (by Mr. Stone). Molly, dau. of Joseph Porter (by Mr. Thatcher). Mary, dau. of Tarrant Putnam (by Mr. Haven). Bartholemew, sou of Isaac Dampsey (by Mr. Tread- well). Ezra, son of Phinehas Putnam (by Mr. Holt). Elizabeth, dau. of Aaron Putnam. Caleb, son of Caleb Clark. Hannah, dau. of Enock Putnam. Oliver, son of Francis Nurse. Hette, dau. of Joseph Brown. Betty, dau. of Jacob Goodale. Mehitable, dau. of Eben Deal (by Mr. Stone). Ruth, dau. of Richard Whittredge (by Mr. Chandler). Edmund, son of Dea. Edmund Putnam. Abijah, son of William Putnam (by Mr. Smith). Rebecca, dau. of Peter Putnam. Allen, son of Israel Putnam (by Mr. ). Francis, son of Isaac Dempsey (by Mr. Emerson). Seelah, dau. of Gilbert Tapley (by Mr. Swaiu). Philip, son of Arch's Dale. Samuel, son of Samuel Flint. Lydia, dau. of Josepli Porter. Hannah, dau. of Jeremy Hutchinson. Andrew, son of Ezra Batchelder. Affiah, dau. of Jeremy Putnam. Allen, son of Eleazer Pope. Ruth, dau. of Joseph Putnam, 3d. Phebe, dau. of widow Sarah Upton (by Mr. Holt). William, son of Michael Cross (by Mr. Smith). John, son of Peter Kelley (by Mr. Swain). / LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 'lllllllllllllllllllllli Hill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIIII nil 014 014 627 4 I LIBHAKY Uh UUNUHhtiS 014 014 627 4 ^