38^7 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 313 8914 • C38 S7 Copy 1 SOUVENIR (CrK- Of Cbapel point ?^5^^gL£^ "Ever clKwniing, ever new, When li ill the landscape tire thr riric ? " The Gem of the Potomac The Pride of Southern Maryland The Future County Seat of Charles County SHOini THIS TO YOUR F^RIENDS Pertinent Answers to Practical Inquiries. Where is Chapel Point? ' ON THE SALT WATER OF THE POTOMAC AND PORT TOBACCO RIA^ERS, 55 MILES FROM WASHINGTON CITY, NESTLED BY THE BEAUTIFUL HILLS OF MARYLAND IN CHARLES COUNTY. (See map on last page.) How do you get there? By Water--The swift and beautiful Steamer Harry Randall leaves Washington from Seventh-Street Wharf for CHAPEL TOINT direct every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday Morning at 7 o'clock. Leaves CHAPEL POINT on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday Morning at 8.15. Special Excursions during the Summer. " ""Important Points anc* Table of Distance on the Potomac River from Washington. JULES ' 6 Alexandria Fort Foot 8 River View 11 Fort Washington llj Mount Vernon 14 Marshall Hall If^ White House Itii- Hollowing Point 20 Gl,y mont ' a 2 Indian Head 232 Mattawoman Creek 26 Quantico Creek 27.t Posev's Wharf. 34 Liverpool Point 36 Clifton Beach 3'-> Aquia Creek 3t).j Maryland Point 45 Riverside 5'* Upper Cedar Point Light 51 Mathias Point 52 Chapel Point 55 Lower Cedar Point Light 61 2 Colonial Beach 68 Rock Point '75 Norfolk 220 By Rail --Pope's Creek Branch, Baltimore and Potomac Railroad. SOUTHWARD. WKKK-DAYS. STATIONS. Baltimore Leave (Calvert Station) Washington — Leave Bowie Leave Cox (Bel Alton P. O ) Chapel Point Arrive CO u Mixed Train. \. M. A. M. 7 15 7 20 8.05 8.05 9.50 12.01 10.10 12.21 5 "S p. M. 4.15 4.36 5.18 7.03 r.23 NORTHWARD. WEEK-DAYS. STATIONS. Chapel Point. Leave Cox (Bel Alton, P. O ) Bowie Arrive Washington. .Arrivej 60.3 Baltimore Arrive! 69.1 (Union Station.) 5.3 43.4 5.50 6.10 7.50 8.31 8.42 B£ 2 H c p. M. P. M. 2.58 3.18 4.58 5.55 5.24 5.40- ' 12.15 1.05 4.45 What advantages does it offer over any other resort on the lower Potomac ? In the first place, it has railroad transportation, which no other resort on the Potomac has. You can leave Washington or Baltimore by rail in the morning or evening and he at Chapel Point in a little over two hours. You can leave Saturday evening, arriving at Chapel Point for supper, remain until ]\Ionday morning, when yon can take the 6.10 train and be in Washington at 8.30 and Baltimore at 8.40 in lime for office. The telegraph office is in easy reach. The hotel bus meets every train. In the second place, by taking the steamer you arrive about noon and not at four, < seven and eleven at night, as is done at other resorts lower down the river. Heturn- 1 ing you have time to take a good morning's nap, get a good breakfast and take the steamer at 8.15 a. m., and not at three, four and six in the morning as others do lower down. These are valuable inducements, and not offered elsewhere on the Potomac. " How hai)i)y they, Who, from the toil and tumult of their lives, Steal to look down where nauL'ht but ocean strives! "" How about the Accommodations? Hotel Relleview is the largest in Southern Maryland. Capacity, 200 guests. Cool rooms ami large double porches. lioard on the American and European plans. Meals tirst-class and daily supplied with the luxuries of the salt water. Ample shade and trreen lawns (or promenading and tennis courts. Mineral water, and not a mosquito. Think of it 1 How about the Attractions? The dancing pavilion, 150 feet long, is right on the cool heach, and is the most delightful spot for dancing on the Potomac. During the months of July and August a Grand Colonial Ball will be 2i\en on Tuesday and Thursday nights. A Grand I'ancy Dress Ball on Thursday night, July 12 and Augu.st 16. A Grand ]\las(iuer- ade Ball on Thursday night, July '2{i and August 30. All given under the aus])ices of the management The music will be first-class, and concerts vill be given every evening. "On with the dance! Let joy be uncontiued. No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet." Bowling, shooting gallerj% tennis court, and driving over the beautiful country will amuse and invigorate. It has all the advantages of the ocean — line fishing and crabbing, excellent bathing, and a safe harbor for rowing and sailing. Refreshments at the Club Koom. How about the Churches? -V Catholic Church and manor house, founded in 1741 by the Jesuit Missionaries, is situated on the hill, near the hotel, where religious services are held every day. .\n Episcopal Church is near by and a Baptist Church is soon to be erected. A lot is also reserved for a Methodist Church. Hotel Rates: By the Day, = = = = = $1.50 to $2.50. By the Week, = = = = = 6.00 to 10.00. I^° Special rates to parties or families remaining two weeks or more. Grand Special Excursions on the Harry Randall, Tuesdays and Th'jrsdays, in July and August. Unusual offer. Nothing like it on the Potomac. ZW° Round-trip Ticket to and from Chapel Point, including supper, lodging at the hotel, breakfast, and admission to the Grand Colonial Ball Tuesday or Thursday nights, for $2.00. f;^ For further information apply to Mrs. A. P. Kretchmar, Hotel Belleview. Chapel Point, Md., Bel Alton, P. ()., or Capt. E. S. Randall, Hiver View Wharf, Seventh Street, Washington. D. C. Lots for Sale. This property, unsurpassed in beauty and location, has been su1)-divided into con- venient building lots, where cottages can be erected for summer and winter homes. A safe investment lor health and pleasure. Terms within the reach of ail. Don't buy until you visit this healthy and picturesijue resort, where you are sure to be l^leased. Choice lots are being purchased an(l cottages are in course of erection. Remember, only the best people patronize this resort. The Future County Seat. Since the burning of the court-house at Port Tobacco, nearly two years ago, the Maryland Legislature has pas.sed an act submitting to a vote of the people in June. 1895, the selection of a new county seat, and Chapel Point is one of the two places to be voted for. The sentiment of the people of the County, as well as of their friends outside of the County, is overwhemingly in favor of Chapel Point. For over fifty years it has been looked upon as the future county seat by reason of its superior claims over any otlier location in the County. Irs snccESSiiTJ. development vvili, maxG PROSPERITY TO THE WHOLK COUNTY. The friends of Chapel Point, both resident and non-resident, realize the iMPORTAXt'E of this fa(_t, and will make every effort to present to the people of the County the advantages of this place as the county seat, and. if selected, it will add another attractive feature to the town whose success is already assured and which is destined to become in the near future the great social, religious, educational, and commercial centre of Southern ISIaryland. Apply to or address Mr. CHAS. C. LANCASTER, 1313 F Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 014 313 891 4 'ri"' "^ LIBR LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 313 891 4 •