n "7t /~CV*MMifSi«M LIBRARY OF CONGRESS i mil mi in mi im „„„.,..„,. 013 744 383 t-(X« E 631 .074 Copy 1 T Wi. §b. Jtanitarg CommisstDn, CENTRAL OFFICE, Washington, D. C, July 15, 18G5. With the issue of the accompanying circular, it is deemed important to call the earnest attention of all those co-work- ers who have so faithfully contributed to the usefulness of the Commission during the past four years, to the work of its "Army and Navy Claim Agency," now being prosecuted by agencies established throughout the loyal States, for the gratuitous adjustment and collection of claims against the Government, for soldiers, sailors, and their dependents. It is most earnestly desired, that within the next sixty days the fact that, this enterprise has been inaugurated may be brought to the knowledge of, and the opportunity of enjoy- ing its benefits afforded to every soldier and soldier's family throughout the Union. To the Branches and Aid Societies the Commission appeals with confidence, to enlist their lively interest in this effort. A list of the Local Agencies already established by the Commission is appended. Each Aid Society should select the names of those agents most accessible to the field of labor, and should direct in person, if practicable, every claimant to such agent. Where this cannot be accomplished, the claimant's name and post-office address, and the name, rank, company, regiment, and ser- vice of the soldier, with the date of his discharge or death, should be taken, and a letter written at once to the agent, who will return the proper blanks, with directions for their execution. These suggestions are simple, but if energetically carried into operation, most valuable results must follow. This is a work worthy of your utmost zeal and energy, and in its accomplishment all the appliances of the press, of public speech, and private effort, of the various local interests so familiar to you all, should be freely used. Let but the united activity of all be exercised in this enter- prise, and in the future it will be rightly termed the crown- ing effort of the Commission's career of beneficence. JNO. S. BLATCIIFORD, General Secretary. &<* Ijp