Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States REGISTER OF THE Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania April i^, 1 86^ — September i, 1902 PHILADEl. PHIA I go 2 By t^^ The ^1^1-^ - March 3rd, 1^^ Brevet Lieut. -Colonel John P. Nicholson Recorder COMPILER ^' ">H r,.: ^^^ . ABRAHAiif'XlNCOLN President of the United States March 4, 1S61, to April 15, 1865 Born Feb. 12, 1809, in Hardin (La Rue) Co., Kentucky Assassinated April 14, 1865; died April 15, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Enrolled by Special Resolution April 16, 1865 1. Samuel Brown Wylie Mitcheli. Major and Surgeon l.Sth Penna. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, 1S61. Major and Surgeon Sth Penna. Cavalry Aug. 17, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 24, I860. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, I860, " for gallant and meritorious services." One of the founders of the Order, April lo, I860. Class 1. Insignia 1. Secretary of the Commandery May 17-July 20, 1865. Acting Recorder of the Commandery Juh- 21-Oct. 31, 1865. Recorder of the Commandery Nov. 1, 1865-Aug. 16, 1879. Representative from the Commandery to the First, Second and Third Quadrennial Congress of the Order. Born Aug. 16, 1828, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Aug. 16, 1879, at Philadelphia, Pa. 2. Thomas Ellwood Zell Captain 121st Penna. Infantry vSept. 2, 1862; resigned and honorably dis- charged for disability March 14, 1863. Lieut. -Colonel 3d Battalion Penna. Infantry July 29, 1863 ; honorably mus- tered out Jan. 29, 1864. One of the founders of the Order, April 15, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 2. Acting Commander of the Commandery May-November, 1865. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery 1865-1866. 3. Peter Dirck Keyser Captain 91st Penna. Infantry vSept. 21, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Aug. 15, 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S Army June 18, 1864 ; resigned March 9, 1865. One of the founders of the Order, April 15, 1865. Class ]. Insignia 3. Chancellor of the Commandery 1865-1866. Treasurer of the Commandery May 5, 1869-1873. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery Feb. 5, 1883-1885. Representative from the Commandery to the Fifth Quadrennial Congress of the Order. Born Feb. 8, 1835, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 9, 1897, at Philadelphia, Pa. 5. Joseph Waln Wistar First Lieutenant 8th Pemia. Cavalry Aug. 19, 1861; Captain Jan. 1, 1862; Major Dec. 23, 1863 ; honorablj' mustered out Nov. 4, 1864. Elected April 20, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 5. Council of the Commandery 1865-1866. 6. Caspar Moffitt Berry Second Lieutenant 1st Penna. Infantry Dec. 17, 1846 ; resigned and honor- ably discharged for disal)ilitv April 9, 1847. Major 2(3th Penna. Infantry May 27, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability July 7, 1862. Lieut. -Colonel 60th Penna. (Militia) Infantrj^ July 20, 1863; honorably mustered out Sept. 8, 1863. Elected April 20, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 6. Born April 8, 1822, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died June 16, 1866, at Philadelphia, Pa. 8. Albert Eugene Lehman Private 67th Penna. lufantry Feb. 27, 1862 ; Quartermaster-Sergeant March 29, 1862; discharged for promotion, Nov. 2o, 1864. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 67th Penna. Infantry Nov. 25, 1864 ; honorably mustered out March 28, 1865. Elected April 20, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 8. Born Sept. 1, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 18, 1870, at Philadelphia, Pa. 11. Thomas Graham First Lieutenant 71st New York Infantry June 28, 1861 ; Captain Sept. 6, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability March 18, 1863. Captain Veteran Reserve Corps June 20, 1863 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged April 30, 1864. Elected July 26, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 11. Born Jan. 28, 1810, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 25, 1885, at Philadelphia, Pa. 12. Horatio Gates Sickel Captain o2d Penna. Infantry (3d Reserve) May 27, 1861 ; Colonel July 28, 1861 ; honorably mustered out June 17, 1864. Colonel 198th Penna. Infantry Sept. 15, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 4, 1865. Brevetted Brig.-GeneralU. S. Volunteers Oct. 21, 1864 ; Major-General March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected July 26, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 12. Treasurer of the Commandery 1865-1869. Born April 3, 1817, at Bensalem, Pa. Died April 17, 1890, at Philadelphia, Pa. 16. Thomas Mitchell First Lieutenant 198tli Penna. Infantry Sept. 14, 1864 ; Captain May 29, 1865; honorably mustered out June 4, 1865. Elected July 26, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 16. Transferred to Commandery of Colorado Dec. 31, 1891. 17. James Boyer Rodgers First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 109th Penna. Infantry Nov. 25, 1861 ; honorably discharged April 9, 1864. Elected July 26, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 17. Born Nov. 23, 1823, at New York City. Died July 6, 1868, at Philadelphia, Pa. 20. Charles Eugene La Motte Captain 1st Delaware Infantry May 2, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 13, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st Delaware Infantry Sept. 27, 1861 ; resigned and honor- ably discharged April — , 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 4th Delaware Infantry June 25, 1862 ; Major Aug. 16, 1862; Lieut.-Colonel Oct. 1, 1863; honorably mustered out June 3, 1865. Colonel 6th U. S. Veteran Volunteers Aug. 22, 1865 ; honorably discharged March 22, 1866. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Volunteers July 6, 1864, "for gallant and distin- guished services during the operations before Petersburg, Va. ; " Brig. -General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war " Elected Sept. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 20. Transferred to Commandery of Ohio, Feb. 7, 1883 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania, April 18, 1883. Born Aug. 20, 1839, at Lenni Mills, Pa. Died May 24, 1887, at Wilmington, Del. 21. Charles Isaac Wickersham First Lieutenant Hth Penna. Cavalry Aug. 19, 1861 ; Captain March 1, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 26, 1864. Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 25, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 25, 1867. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 18, 1865, " for faithful and efficient services during the war." Elected Sept. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 21. Transferred to Commandery of Illinois Oct. 19, 1883. 22. William Edward Van Reed Corporal 5th Penna Infantry April 20, 1861 ; discharged for promotion June 22, 1861. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery Maj' 14, 1861 ; First Lieutenant July 2, 1863 ; Captain March 1, 1875 ; retired Dec. 9, 1887. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Aug. 18, 1864, "for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad " Elected Sept. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 22. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 1, 1882. Born April 4, 1842, in Berks Co.. Pa. Died Aug. 8, 1896, at San Francisco, Cal. 23. Harry Clay Blye Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Nov. 17, 1862 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) March 23, 1864; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Jan. 1, 18(J8 ; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874; retired (Lieutenant) Oct. 28. 1874. Elected Sept. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 23. 24. William Henry Fry Captain 18th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 22, 1862; Major Nov. 14, 1862; honorably discharged May 17, 1865. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13,1865, " for efficient services at the battles of Kelly's Ford, Culpeper, and Shepherdstown, Va." Elected Sept. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 24. Council of the Commandery 1865-1866. Born March 17, 1841, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died June 23, 1875, near Sulphur Springs, Col. 26. John Clark Captain 32d Penna. Infantry (3d Reservel May 5l, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel Aug. 1, 1862; honorably mustered out June 17, 1864. Elected Sept. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 26. Born Nov. 30, 1822, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died May 30, 1872, at Philadelphia, Pa. 27. WiNFiELD Scott Captain U. S. Light Artillerv May 3, 1808; vacated commission July 5, 1812 ; Lieut.-Colonel 2d Artillery July 6. 1812; Colonel March 12, 1813. Brig.-General U. S. Army March 9, 1814 ; Major-General June 25, 1841 ; retired Nov. 1, 1861. Brevetted Major-General L^. S. Arm}- Jul}- 25, 1814, "for distinguished service in the battles of Chippewa, Niagara, etc.;" Lieut. -General March 29, 1847, "for eminent service in the war with Mexico." Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 27 (not issued). Born June 13, 1786, near Petersburg, Va. Died May 29, 1866, at West Point, N. Y. 28. Henry Wilson Colonel 22d Mass. Infantry Sept. 21, 1861; resigned and honorably dis- charged Oct. 29, 1861. United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Jan. 31, 1855 ; resigned March 3, 1873. Vice-President of the United States March 4, 1873, to Nov. 22, 1875. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 28 (not issued). Born Feb. 12, 1812, at Farmington, N. H. Died Nov. 22, 1875, at Washington, D. C. 30. George Stoneman Cadet U.S. Military Academy July 1, 1842 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 1st U.S. Dragoons July 1, 1846; Second Lieutenant July 12, 1847; First Lieutenant July 25, 1858 ; Regimental Adjutant Oct. 22, 1854, to March 3. 1855 ; Captain 2d Cavalry March 3, 1855 ; Major 1st Cavalry May 9, 1861 ; Major 4th Cavalry Aug. 3, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel 3d Cavalry March 30, 1864 ; Colonel 21st Infantry July 28, 1866 ; retired Aug. 16, 1871 ; resigned Sept. 15, 1882. Colonel U. S. Army, Feb. 9, 1891 ; retired Feb. 24, 1891. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 13, 1861 ; Major-Geueral Nov. 29, 1862 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Sept. 1, 1866. Brevetted Colonel U. vS. Army Dec. 13, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ;" Brig.-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Charlotte, N. C.;" Major-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 30. Transferred to Commandery of Tennessee Av;g. 29, 1866 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 31, 1880. Transferred to Commandery of California Jan. 4, 1883. Born Aug. 8, 1822, at Busti, N. Y. Died Sept. 5, 1894, at Buifalo, N. Y. 31. William Denlson Whipple Cadet U.S.Mihtary Academy July 1, 1847 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 3d U.S. Infantry July 1, 1851 ; Second Lieutenant Sept. 9, 1851 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 31, 1856 ; Brevet Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General May 11, 1861 ; Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General Aug. 3, 1861 ; Major and Asst. Adjt. -General July 17, 1862 ; Lieut -Colonel and Asst. Adjt. -General March 3, 1875 ; Colonel and Asst. Adjt.-General Feb. 28, 1887 ; retired Aug. 2, 1890. Lieut.-Colonel and Additional Aide-de-Camp U. S. Army Feb. 10,1862; vacated commission July 17, 1863. Colonel and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Army Jan. 1, 1873, to Jan. 1, 1881. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers July 17, 1863; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel, Colonel and Brig.-General U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the Atlanta campaign, and in the battles before Nashville, Teun. ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 31. Council of the Commandery 1865-1867. Born Aug. 2, 1826, at , N. Y. Died April 1, 1902, at New York City. 32. Henry Seaman Goddard Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers May 28, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 1, 1865. Elected Oct. 4. 1865. Class 1. Insignia 32. Born Nov. 4, 1837, at New York City. Died Oct. 31, 1892, at Bayonne, N. J. 33. James Collins Major and Surgeon o2d Penna. Ini'antry (3d Reserve) July 28, 1861 ; dis- charged for appointment in U. S. Volunteers April 11, 186-4. Captain and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Feb. 10, 1864 ; Major and Surgeon Feb. 7, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 19, I860. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers June 1, I860, "for faithful and « meritorious services." Elected Oct 4,1865. Class 1. Insignia 33. Chancellor of the Commandery May 5, 1869-1873. Born Oct. 20, 1831, at Piueville, Pa. Died Oct. 7, 1895, at Philadelphia, Pa. 34. James Gwvn Captain 23d Penna. lufantrv April 21, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 31. 1861. Captain 23d Penna. Infantry August 13, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged July 15, 1862. Lieut. -Colonel 118th Penna. Infantry Aug. 16, 1862 ; Colonel Dec. 5, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 1, 1865. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 30, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Poplar Spring Church, near Petersburg, Va. ; " Major-General April 1, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Va." Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 34. 36. Andrew Adams Ripka Captain 119th Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability March 3, 1863. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 36. Born Feb. 16, 1833, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died May 9, 1902, at Boston, Mass. 37. Charles Marouedent Burns, Jr. Captain's Clerk U. S. Navy January 1, 1862; resigned April 14, 1863; Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) April 11, 1863; resigned and honorably discharged April 17, 1865. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 37. Council of the Commandery May 6, 1891-1893. 88. Harmanus Neff Captain 19th Per 29, 1861. Colonel 196th Penna. Infantry July 22, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Nov. Captain 19th Penna. Infantry April 27, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 29, 1861. 17, 1864. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 38. Born March 27, 1831, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 9, 1877, at Philadelphia, Pa. 39. William Albert Leech Major 17th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. Lieut. -Colonel 90th Penna. Infantry March 10, 1862 ; honorably discharged Feb. 21, 1865. Brevetted Colonel and Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services." Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 39. Born Feb. 3, 1832, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 20, 1870, at Philadelphia, Pa. 40. Clifford Stanley vSims Private 2.5th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 15, 1862; discharged Oct. 1, 1862. Captain's Clerk U. S. Navy Sept. 28, 1862; resigned Feb. 11, 1863. Acting Asst. Paymaster U. S. Navy (Master) March 10, 1868 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 10, 1865. Lieut. -Colonel {a. w. in.) 4th Arkansas Infantry June 22, 1864. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 40. Transferred to Commandery of Tennessee Aug. 29, 1866. — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 31, 1880. Born Feb. 17, 1839, at Emeline Furnace, Pa. Died March 3, 1896, at Trenton, N. J. 43. Thomas William Neill First Sergeant Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery April 24, 1861; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Second Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 30, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Nov. 20, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Aug. 13, 1863. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 43. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 15, 1883. 44. Edwin McMasters Stanton Secretary of War Jan. 15, 1862, to Aug. 12, 1867, and Jan. 14, 1868, to Mav 28, 1868. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 3. Insignia 44 (not issued). Born Dec. 19, 1815, at Steubenville, O. Died Dec. 24, 1869, dt Washington, D. C. 45. Gideon Welles Secretary of the Navy March 5, 1861, to March 5, 1869. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 3. Insignia 45 (not issued). Born July 1, 1802, at Glastonbury, Conn. Died Feb. 11, 1878, at Hartford, Conn. 46. Salmon Portland Chase Secretary of the Treasury March 5, 1861, to July 1, 1864. Chief Justice Supreme Court of United States Dec. 6, 1864, to May 7, 1873. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 3. Insignia 46 (not issued). Born Jan. 13, 1808, at Cornish, N. H. Died May 7, 1873, at New York City. 47. Hannibal Hamlin United States Senator from the State of Maine May 26, 1848, to Jan. 17, 1861. Vice-President of the United States March 4, 1861, to March 4, 1865. United States Senator from the State of Maine March 4, 1869, to March 3, 1881. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiarv of the United States to Spain June 30, 1881 ; resigned Jan. 10, 1883. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 3. Insignia 47 (not issued) . Transferred to Commandery of Maine, May 5, 1890. Born Aug. 27, 1809, at Paris, Me. Died July 4, 1891, at Bangor, Me. 48. Lafayette Sabine Foster United States Senator from the State of Connecticut March 4, I800, to March 3, 1867. President of the U. S. Senate {pro tempore) March 7, 1865, to March 2, 1867. Elected Oct. 4, IS60. Class 3. Insignia 48 (not issued) . Born Nov. 22, 1806, at Franklin, Conn. Died Sept. 19, 1880, at Norwich, Conn. 49. Andrew Gregg Curtin Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Jan. 15, 1861, to Jan. 15. 1867. Euvo}- Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to Russia April 16, 1869 ; resigned July 4, 1872. Representative from the 20th District of Penna. to the XLVII, XLVIII and XLIX Congress Dec. 12, 1881, to March 4, 1887. Elected Oct. 4. 18(i5. Class 3. Insignia 49. Born April 23, 1815, in Centre Co., Pa. Died Oct. 7, 1894, at Bellefonte, Pa. 50. William Hexry Seward Secretary of State March 5, 1861, to March 5, 1869. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 3. Insignia 50 (not issued). Born May 16, 1801, at Florida, N. Y. Died Octi 10, 1872, at Auburn, N. Y. 51. John Albion Andrew Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Jan. 5, 1861, to Jan. 6, 1866. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Class 3. Insignia 51 (not issued). Born May 31, 1818, at Windham. Me. Died Oct. 27, 1867, at Boston, Mass. 52. Alfred Thomas Archimedes Torbert Cadet U. S Military Academy Sept. 1, 1851 ; Brevet vSecond Lieutenant U. S. Infantry July 1, 1855; Second Lieutenant 5th Infantry July 19, 1855; First Lieutenant Feb. 25, 1861 ; vacated commission Sept. 25, 1861. Captain and Asst. Ouartermaster U. S. Army Aug. 3, 1861 ; resigned Sept. 25, 1861. Captain 5th U. S. Infantry Sept. 25, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Oct. 31. 1866. Colonel 1st New Jersey Infantrv Sept. 16, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 15, 1863. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1862 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S Army July 4, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; " Lieut. -Colonel May 28, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hawes' Shop, Va. ; " Colonel Sept. 19, 1864. "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Win- chester, Va. ; " Brig.-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the Rebellion." Major-General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 9, 1864, " for distinguished services during the rebellion." Elected Oct. 11, 1865. Class 1. Insignia .52. Born July 1, 1833, at Georgetown, Del. Lost at sea Aug. 29, 1880. • 10 53. Joseph Barr Kiddoo Private 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Private 6od Penna. Infantrj' Nov. 1, 1861 ; Corporal Nov. 22, 1861 ; Sergeant June 1, 1862; First Sergeant July 10, 1862; discharged for promotion Aug. 29, 1862. Lieut. -Colonel loTth Penna. Infantry Aug. 25, 1862 ; Colonel March 15, 1863; honorably mustered out June 1, 1863. Major 6th U. S. Colored Troops Oct. 5, 1863 ; Colonel 22d Colored Troops Jan. 6, 1864 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 28, 1867. Lieut.-Colonel 43d U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; unassigned March 15, 1869 ; retired with rank of Brig.-General Dec. 15, 1870. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for faithful and meritorious services in the assault on Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864 ;" Brig.-General March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in action at Fair Oaks, Va. , Oct. 27, 1864." Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers June 15, 1865 ; Major-General Sept. 4, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Oct. 11, 1865. Class!. Insignia 53. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 1, 1870. Born March 31, 1837, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died Aug. 19, 1880, at New York City. 55. James Eglin'Ton Montgomery Captain Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery April 24, 1861; honorably mus- tered out Aug. 15, 1861. Captain and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Volunteers Oct. 21, 1861 ; Major and Asst. Adjt.-General Aug. 1, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 10, 1866. Elected Oct. 11, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 55. Transferred to Commandery of New York March 1, 1867. 57. Charles Wilhelm Lieut.-Colonel 18th Penna. Infantrv April 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 6, 1861. Lieut.-Colonel 23d Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 20, 1862. Elected Oct. 11. 1865. Class 1. Insignia 57. Born March 8, 1808, at Darmstadt, Ger. Died May 12, 1876, at Darmstadt, Ger. 58. George Ashbridge Fairlamb Captain 148th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1862; Major Sept. 7, 1862; Lieut.- Colonel Nov. 15, 1863 ; honorably discharged for disability Feb. 24, 1865. Elected Oct. 11, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 58. 59. Augustine Timothy Lynch Corporal 20th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 18, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 30, 1862. First Lieutenant 59th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Julj' 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 9, 1863. Second Lieutenant 183d Penna. Infantry Oct. 3, 1863 ; Captain Dec. 24, 18(53 ; Major Aug. 9, 1864 ; Lieut.-Colonel Dec. 4, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 13, 1865. Elected Oct. 11, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 59. 60. George Cadwalader Brig -General U. S. Volunteers March 3, 1847; honorably discharged July 20, 1848. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 13, 1847, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chapultepec, Mex." Brevet Major-General of Pennsylvania (militia in the service of the United States under the call of the President for volunteers) April 16, 1861 ; honor- ably mustered out July 19, 1861. Major-General U. S. Volunteers April 25, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Julv 5, 1865. Elected Nov' 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 60. 11 Commander of the Commandery Nov. 4, 1865-1879. Representative from the Commandery to the First, Second and Third Quadrennial Congress of the Order. Born May 16, 1806, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 3, 1879, at Philadelphia, Pa. 61. William Whitehead Acting Midshipman U. S. Naval Academy vSept. 2o, 18o6 ; Midshipman June 15, 1860; Master Aug. ol, 18(U ; Lieutenant July 16, 1862; Lieut. -Commander July 25, 1866 ; Commander June 4, 1874 ; Captain Sept. 4, 1877. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 61. Born June 12, 1840, at Erie, Pa. Died Jan. 8, 1893, at Philadelphia, Pa. 62. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain Lieut. -Colonel 20tli Maine Infantry Aug. 8, 1862; Colonel June 13, 1863; discharged for promotion July 3, 1864. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers June 18, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 29, 1865, " for conspicuous gallantrv and meritorious services in action on the Quaker Road, Va." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for daring heroism and great tenacity in holding his position en the Little Round Top and carrying the advance position on the Great Round Top, at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863." Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 62. Transferred to Commandery of Maine June 6, 1866— Charter member. 64. James Alden Midshipman U. S. Navy April 1, 1828; Passed Midshipman June 14, 1834 ; Lieutenant Feb. 25, 1841 ; Commander Sept. 14, 1855 ; Captain Jan. 2, 1863 ; Commodore July 25, 1866 ; Rear Admiral June 19, 1871 ; retired March 31, 1872. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 64. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery 1865-1866. Born March 31, 1810, at Portland, Me. Died Feb. 6, 1877, at San Francisco, Cal. 65. KiLBURN Knox First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Captain May 14, 1864 ; transferred to 22d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; resigned April 1, 1869. Breveted Major U. S. Army July 22, 1864, " for gallant and efficient services in the attack on Atlanta ; " Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 65. Transferred to Commandery of New Vork April 30, 1877. Born Oct. 23, 1842, at Lawrenceville, Pa. Died April 17, 1891, at Milwaukee, Wis. 67. Alfred Lacev Hough Sergeant 17th Penua. Infantrv April 18, 1861 ; discharged for promotion June 29, 1861. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; transferred to 28th Infantry Sept. 21, I86(i ; unassigned March 31, 1869 ; assigned to 13th Infantry April 16, 18/0; Major 22d Infantrv Feb. 18, 1874 ; Lieut.-Colonel 16th Infantry Feb. 20, 1882 ; Colonel 9th Infantrv Aug. 21, 1888 ; retired April 23, 1890. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Sept. 20, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; " Lieut.-Colonel March 13, 1865, "for faithful services in connection with the muster of troops ;" Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 67. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 5, 1891. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 2, 1894. 12 70. Nai.bro' Frazier Private 1st Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry May 13, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 17, 1861. Captain 2d Penna. Cavalry July 1, 1862 ; honorably discharged for disability June 16, 1864. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 70. Council of the Comniaudery May -5, 1869-1873, and May 1, 1878-1880. Junior Vice-Coniniander of the Commandery May 5, 1880-1883. Born Nov. 14, 1832, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 20, 1887, at Philadelphia, Pa. 71. Peter Lyle Colonel 19th Peuna. Infantry April 27, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 29, 1861. Colonel 90th Penna. Infantry March 10, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 26, 1864. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant services in battle." Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 71 (not issued). Born Dec. 24, 1821, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 17, 1879, at Philadelphia, Pa. 74. Charles Austin Robinson. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 114th Penna. Infantrj' Aug. 12, 1862; Captain March 8, 1863 ; honorably discharged April 10, 1863. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 74. Born Sept. 18, 1837, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Aug. 1, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 75. Robert Porter Dechert. Sergeant-Major 29th Penna. Infantry July 1, 1861 ; discharged for promo- tion Jan. 16, 1862. First Lieutenant 29th Penna. Infantry Jan. 16, 1862 ; Captain Feb. 23, 1864; Major March 25, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 17, 1865. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Nov. 1, 18(55. Class 1. Insignia 75. Council of the Commandery May 4, 1881-1884. Junior Vice Commander of the Commandery May 1, 1889-1890. Born Aug. 16, 1842, at Reading, Pa. Died May 12, 1894, at Philadelphia, Pa. 76. EmviN Augustus Landell. First Lieutenant 119th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1862 ; Captain Jan. 2, 1863 ; Major (a. w. m.) June 9, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 19, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Dec. 5, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Winchester, Va., and for his habitual good conduct and deportment on all the battlefields of the campaign before Richmond, Va.;" Lieut. -Colonel April 6, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg and at the battle of Little Sailor's Creek, Va." Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 76. 77. Joseph Thomas. Captain 32d Penna. Infantry (3d Reserve) June 18, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 6, 1862. Major and Surgeon iLSth Penna. Infantry Aug. IS, 1862; honorably mustered out June 1, 1865. Major and Surgeon 82d Penna. Infantry July 6, 1865; honorably mustered out July 13, 1865. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 77. 13 78. Archer Nevins Martin Second Lieutenant IHth Penna. Cavalry Sept. 22, 1862 ; First Lieutenant June 1, I860; Captain April 22, 1864; resigned and honorably discharged May 26, Ls6.i. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, I860, "for gallant and meritor- ious services ;" Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 186-5, " for conspicuous gallantry at the battle of Cedar Creek and in all the engagements during the Appomattox campaign." Elected Nov. 1, 186.5. Class 1. Insignia 78, Transferred to Commanderv of New York June 30, 1881. Born Nov. 1-5, 184-5, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 2-5, 1894, at Summit, N. J. 86. Lemuel Rossiter Private .5th Wisconsin Infantry June 11, 1861 ; Corporal Dec. 13, 1861 ; Ser- geant Sept. 19, 18(>2 ; First Sergeant Feb. 1, 1863; Second Lieutenant June 4, 1863; mustered out Julv 28, 1.S64. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Veteran Infantry Jan. 15, 186-5; First Lieutenant Aug. 14, 1865 ; Captain Dec. 1, 186-5 ; honorably mustered out April 23, 1866. Elected Nov. 1, 186-5. Class 1. Insignia 86. Transferred to Commandery of Missouri Oct. 20, 1887. 94. Robert Patterson Captain, Lieut. -Colonel, and Colonel 2d Penna. (Militia) Infantry Oct. 2, 1812 ; mustered out April 2, 1813. First Lieutenant 22d U. vS. Infantry April -5, 1813 ; transferred to 32d Infantry May 27, 1813. Captain and Asst. Deputv Quartermaster-General June 24, 1813, to June -5, 1814. Captain 32d U. S. Infantry April 19, 1814 ; honorably discharged June 15, 181.5. Major-General U. vS. Volunteers July 7, 1846 ; honorably discharged Julv 20, 1848. Major-General of Pennsylvania (militia in the service of the United States under the call of the President of the United States for Volunteers) April 16, 1861 ; honorably discharged July 27, 1861. Elected Nov. 1, I860. Class 1. Insignia 94. Born Jan. 12, 1792, in County Tvrone, Ire. Died Aug. 7, 1881, at Philadelphia, Pa. 9.5. William Sprague Governor of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations May 29, 1860, to March 3, 1863. United States Senator March 4, 1863, to March 4, 187.5. Elected Nov. 1, 186.5. Class 3. Insignia 9.5 (not issued). 96. Horace Binnev, Sr. A "gentleman who in civil life, during the Rebellion, was specially dis- tinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government, and was active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same." Elected Nov. 1, 186-5. Class 3. Insignia 96 (not issued). Born Jan. 4, 1780, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Aug. 12, 187-5, at Philadelphia, Pa. 97. William Morris Meredith Attornev-General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania June 3, 1861, to Jan. 17. 1867. Elected Nov. 1, I860. Class 3. Insignia 97 (not issued). Born June 8, 1799, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Aug. 17, 1873, at Philadelphia, Pa. 14 98. Alexander Dallas Bache. Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1821 ; Brevet Second lyieutenant Corps of Engineers July 1, 1825 ; Second Lieutenant Corps of Engineers July 1, 1825 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 1, 1829. Superintendent U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Nov. — , 1848, to Feb. 17, 1867. One of the organizers and Vice-President of the U. S. vSanitary Commission. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Class 3. Insignia 98 (not issued). Born July 19, 1806. at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 17, 1867, at Newport, R. I. 99. Richard W. Johnson. Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1844; Brevet Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry July 1, 1849; Second Lieutenant 1st Infantry June 10, 1850; First Lieutenant 2d Cavalry March 3, 1855; Adjutant 1st Infantry March 3, 1853, to April 12, 1855 ; Regimental Quartermaster 2d Cavalry June 12, 1855, to Sept. 30, 1856; Captain 2d Cavalry Dec. 1, 1856 (changed to 5th Cavalry, Aug. 3, 1861) ; Major 4th Cavalry July 17, 1862 ; retired with rank of Major- General Oct. 12, 1867, with rank of Brig. -General March 3, 1875. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Oct. 11, 1861 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service January 15. 1866. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Army Sept. 20, 1863, "for gallant and meri- torious services in the Vjattle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; " Colonel Nov. 24, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. ; " Brig-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battles before Nashville, Tenn." Elected Dec. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 99. Transferred to Commandery of Minnesota May 6, 1885 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania June 14, 1886. Transferred to Commandery of Illinois July 8, 1890. Born Feb. 7, 1827, in Livingston Co., Ky. Died April 21, 1897, at vSt. Paul, Minn. 100. Lewis Merrill. Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1851 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Dragoons July 1, 1855 ; Second Lieutenant 2d Dragoons Dec 13, 1855 ; First Lieutenant 2d Dragoons (2d Cavalry) April 24, 1861; Captain Oct. 1, 1861 ; Major 7th Cavalry Nov. 27, 1868; Lieut.-Colonel Jan. 9, 1886; retired Jan. 21, 1891. Colonel 2d Missouri Cavalry (Merrill's Horse) Aug. 23, 1861; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Dec. 14, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Sept. 10, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services against the rebel forces in North Missouri;" Lieut.-Colonel Sept. 10, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Little Rock, Ark. ; " Colonel March 5, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services against the rebel forces in Northwest Georgia under the command of the rebel General WofFord, and which terminated in his surrender;" Brig. -General Feb. 27, 1890, " for gallant service in action against Indians at Canyon Creek, Montana, Sept. 13, 1877." Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Dec. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 100. Council of the Commandery May 4, 1887-1888. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 2, 1888-1889. Born Oct. 28, 1834, at New Berlin, Pa. Died Feb. 27, 1896, at Philadelphia, Pa. 15 102. William Watts Hart Davis Private 1st Mass. Infantr}- Dec. 5, 1846; First Lieutenant Dec. .31, 1846; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Jan. 16, 1847 ; Captain March 16, 1848 ; honor- ably mustered out July 1>4, 1848. Cfaptain i5th Penna Infantry April 18, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 26, 1861. Colonel 104th Penna. Infantry Sept. 5, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 30, 1864. Brevetted Brig-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for meritorious services during the operations against Charleston, S. C." Elected Dec. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 102. Council of the Commandery May 4, 1887-1889. 103. Francis Bacon Jones First Lieutenant 149th Penna. Infantry Aug. .30, 1862 ; Captain March 25, 1863 ; honorably discharged April 6, 1865, to accept promotion. Lieut.-Colonel 215tli Penna. Infantry April 16, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 31, 1865. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry May 11th, 1866 ; transferred to 87th Infantry Sept. 21, 1866; First Lieutenant July 21, 1868; transferred to 3d Infantry Aug. 11, 1869. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Army April 16, 1885 ; Major and Quartermaster Oct. 15, 1897 ; retired Oct 26, 1901. Lieut.-Colonel and Chief Quartermaster U. vS. Volunteers May 9, 1898; honorably discharged from Volunteer service May 13, 1S99. Elected Nov. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 103. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Nov. 6, 1900. 106. George Silver Luttrell Ward Second Lieutenant 3d Penna. Cavalry April 1, 1863 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 5, 1864 ; Captain Oct. 31, 18(i4 ; transferred to 5th Penna. Cavalry May 8, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, 1865. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry May 11, 1866; transferred to 31st Infantry Sept. 21, ISIifi ; transferred to 22d Infantry May 15, 1869 ; First Lieu- tenant July 1, 1872 ; Captain April 24, 1883 ; retired April 18, 1891. Elected Dec. 6 1865. Class 1. Insignia 106. Born Feb. 12, 1841, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died April 21, 1901, at New Brighton, N. Y. 109. Joseph Towner Pratt Private Independent Company (Penna.) Acting Engineers Aug. 14, 1862; First Sergeant Dec. 13, 1862; Second Lieutenant {a. w. vi.) Dec. 24, 1862; discharged for promotion Feb. 24, 1864. Captain 32d U. S. Colored Troops March 4, 1864 ; Major June 7, 1865 ; honor- ably mustered out Aug. 22, 18(i5. Elected Dec. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 109. Born Aug. 3, 1838, at Prattville, Pa. Died March 26, 1877, at Philadelphia, Pa. 110. James M.\cIntvre First Lieutenant 115th Penna. Infantry Feb. 28, 1862; Captain (a. w. in.) May 3, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 19, 1863. Elected Dec. 6, 1865. Class 1. Insignia 110. Born Feb. 10, 1842, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 6, 1883, at Philadelphia, Pa. 16 111. Charles Graham Halpine Major aud Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 5, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability July 31, 1864. Lieut.-Colonel (by assignment) Nov. 8, 1862, to July 1, 1863. Brevetted Lieut-Colonel U. vS. Volunteers June o, 1864, " for gallantry and distinguished services at the battle of Piedmont, Va. ;" Colonel March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war ;" Brig. -General March 13, 1865, " for meritoriovis services during the war." Elected Jan. 3, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 111. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866 — Charter member. Born Nov. 22, 1829, at Oldcastle, Ire. Died Aug. 3, 1868, at New York City. 112. Robert Hampton Ramsey Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Dec. 5, 1863; Major and Asst. Adjt.-General Jan. 27, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 8, 1866. Brevetted L,ieut. -Colonel and Colonel U. S. Volunteers June 5, 1865, "for faithful services in the field." Elected Jan. 3, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 112. Born May 29, 1838, at Pottsville, Pa. Died May 31, 1876, at Nashville, Tenn. 114. Samuel Neave Lewis Second Lieutenant 118th Penna. Infantry Aug. 20, 1862 ; First Lieutenant March 9, 1863 ; resigned and honorabl}' discharged for disability Nov. 27, 1863. Elected Jan. 3, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 114. 115. Charles Alexander Vernou Second Lieutenant 3d Penna. Cavalry April 18, 1862 ; honorably mustered out July 8, 1862. Second Lieutenant 3d Penna. Cavalry May 9, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 24, 1864. First Lieutenant 6th Penna Cavalry Feb. 19, 1865 ; Captain March 22, 1865; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, 1865. vSecond Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry March 7, 1867; First Lieutenant Jan. 13, 1868 ; transferred to 19th Infantry July 10, 1873 ; Captain Dec. 18, 1886 ; Major 17th Infantry March 2, 1899 ; retired June 8, 1899. Major and Chief Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers June 7, 1898 ; honorably discharged from volunteer service Sept. 17, 1898. Elected Jan. 3, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 115. Transferred to Commandery of Michigan Dec. 31, 1895. 118, Henry Edgar Keene A "gentleman in civil life who, during the Rebellion, was specially dis- tinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Govern- ment, and active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same." Elected Jan. 3, 1866. Class 3. Insignia 118 (not issued). Born July 4, 1818, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died June 24, 1875, at Philadelphia, Pa. 119. Joseph Warner Johnson A citizen of Philadelphia and member of the Society of Friends, who, from 1862 to 1864, accompanied the Philadelphia Brigade (69th, 71st, 72d and 106th Penna. Infantry) in the field, and in many ways rendered very valuable assistance to the men of that command. Elected Jan. 3, 1866. Class 3. Insignia 119 (not issued). Born Jan. 6, 1818, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Sept. 21, 1873, at Philadelphia, Pa. 17 121. John Grubb Parke Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1845; Brevet Second Lieutenant U. S. Topographical Engineers July 1, 1849; Second Lieutenant April 18, 1854 ; First Lieutenant July 1, 1856; Captain Sept. 9, 1861 ; transferred to Corps of Engineers March o, 1868 ; Major June 17, 1864 ; Lieut. -Colonel March 4, 1879 ; Colonel March 17, 1884 ; retired July 2, 1889. Brig.-Geueral U. S. Volunteers Nov. 23, 1861 ; Major-General July 18, 1862 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Army April 26, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Macon, N. C. ; " Colonel July 12, I860, " for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Jackson, Miss.;" Brig. -General March lo, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the defence of Knoxville, Tenn. ; " Major-General March 18, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the repvilse at Fort Stedman, Va." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 121. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866— Charter member. Born Sept. 22, 1827, at Coatesville, Pa. Died Dec. 17, 1900, at Washington, D. C. 122. Israel Vogdes Cadet U.S. Military Academy July 1,1838; Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery July 1, 1837 ; First Lieutenant July 9, 1838; Captain Aug. 20, 1847 ; Major May 14, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel 5th Artillery June 1, 1863 ; Colonel 1st Artillery Aug. 1, 1863 ; retired Jan. 2, 1881. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1862 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Brig -General U. S. Army April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services in the field during the war." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 122. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866— Charter member. Born Aug. 4, 1816, at Willistown, Pa. Died Dec. 8, 1889, at New York City. 123. Daniel Butterfield First Sergeant "Clay Guards" (Washington, D. C.) April 8, 1861; dis- charged May 2, 1861. Colonel 12th New York Infantry April 19, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Lieut.-Colonel 12th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Colonel 5th Infantry July 1, 1863; unassigned March 15, 1869; resigned and honorably discharged March 14, 1870. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 7, 1861 ; Major-General Nov. 29, 1862 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Aug. 24, 1865. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Army March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war;" Major-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for having seized the colors of the 83d Pennsylvania Volunteers at a critical moment and, under a galling fire of the enemy, led the command at the battle of Gaines Mill, Va., June 27, 1862." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 123. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866 — Charter member. Born Oct. 31, 1831, in Oneida Co., N. Y. Died July 17, 1901, at Cold Spring, N. Y. 18 124. Sam u EI. Wylie Crawford First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army March 10, 1851 ; vacated commission Sept. 2, 1861. Major 18th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel 2d Infantry Feb. 17, 1864 ; Colonel 16th Infantry Feb. 22, 1869; transferred to 2d Infantry March 15, 1869; retired with rank of Brig. -General Feb. 19, 1878. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers April 25, 1862; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Army July 2, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ;" Brig. -General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Five Forks, Va. ; " Major- General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Major-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, " for conspicuous gallantry in the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, Jericho Mills, Bethesda Church, Petersburg and Globe Tavern (Weldon Railroad), and for faithful service in the campaign." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 124, Born Nov. 8, 1827, near Chambersburg, Pa. Died Nov. 8, 1892, at Philadelphia, Pa. 125. Guy Vernon Henry Cadet U. 8. Military Academy July 1, 18.56 ; Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery May 6, 1861 ; First Lieutenant May 14, 1861 ; Captain Dec. 1, 1865 ; transferred to od Cavalry Dec. 15, 1870; Major 9th Cavalry June 26, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel 7th Cavalry Jan. 80, 1892; transferred to 5th Cavalry Sept. 22, 1894 ; transferred to8d Cavalry Oct. 15. 1895 ; Colonel 10th Cavalry June 1, 1897. Brig.-General U. S. Army Oct. 11, 1898. Colonel 40th Mass. Infantry Nov. 9, 1863 ; honorably mustered out of Vol- unteer service June 30, 1865. Brig.-General U. S Volunteers May 4, 1898; Major-General Dec. 7, 1898; honorably discharged from Volunteer service June 12, 1899. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Oct. 22, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in action near Pocotaligo River, S. C. ; " Major Feb. 20, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Olustee, Fla. ; " Lieut.-Colonel Sept. 29, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. ; " Colonel March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war; " Brig.-General Feb. 27, 1890, " for gallant and meritorious service in action against Indians on Rosebud Creek, Mont., June 17, 1876." Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Oct. 28, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va." Awarded the "Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress, "for at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864, led the assaults of his brigade upon the enemy's works, where he had two horses shot under him." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 125. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Aug. 1, 1891. Born March 9, 1839, at Fort Smith, I. T. Died Oct. 27, 1899, at New York City. 126. Daniel Tompkins Van Buren Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1843 ; Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery July 1, 1847 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 14, 1849 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 81, 1855. Captain of Engineers 20th Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. May 4, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. Major and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 3, 1861 ; vacated com- mission June 1, 1862. Colonel and Additional Aide-de-Camp June 1, 1862 ; honorably mustered out March 20, 1866. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 126. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866— Charter member. Born Jan. 15, 1826, at Kingston, N. Y. Died July 16, 1890, at Plainfield, N. J. 19 127. Henry Eugene Davies, Jr. Captain 5th New York Infantry (Duryea's Zouaves) May 9, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 14, 1861. Major 2d New York Cavalry Aug, 15, 1861; Lieut. -Colonel Dec. 30, 1862- Colonel June 16, 1868. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers vSept. 16, 1868 ; Major-General May 4, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 1, 1866. Brevetted Major-General U. vS. Volunteers Oct. 1, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished conduct during the campaign before Richmond, and more particularly in the battle on the Vaughan Road, Va." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 127. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866— Charter member Born July 21, 1886, at New York City. Died Sept. 6, 1894, at Middleboro, Mass. 128. Martin Thomas McMahon Captain and Additional Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers Oct. 25, 1861 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp Oct. 29, 1862 ; appointment revoked Feb. 14, 1863. ' Lieut. -Colonel and Asst. Adjt. -General (by assignment) Jan. 1, 1868, to Aug. 15, 1865; honorably mustered out Feb. 21, 1866. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, "for highly meritorious service in the campaign from the Wilderness to Cold Harbor, Va. ; " Brig.- Geueral and Major General March 18, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress " for volun- tarily rescuing a valuable train that had been abandoned and was covered by the enemy's fire at the battle of White Oak Swamp, Va., June 80, 1862." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 128. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866— Charter member. 129. Egbert Ludovickus Viele Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1842; Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry July 1, 1847 ; Second Lieutenant 1st Infantry Sept. 8, 1847 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 26, 1850; resigned June 1, 1858. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 17, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 20, 1863. Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 129. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866 — Charter member. 130. William Conaxt Church Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U.S. Volunteers Oct. 4, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged June 18, 1868. Brevetted Major and Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 130. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866 — Charter member. 132. Horatio Collins King Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers Aug. 19, 1862; Major and Quartermaster (by assignment) Feb. 20 to Maj' 19, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 19, 18(i5. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 18, 1865, " for meritorious services in his department during the war ; " Lieut. -Colonel and Colonel May 19, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress " for having been often under fire during the action while accompanying the division commander as a volunteer aide-de-camp in the battle near Dinwiddie Court House, Va., March 31, 1865." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 132. Transferred to Commander}' of New York Jan. 17, 1866 — Charter member. 20 loo. Joseph Augcstus Slipper First Lieutenant 67th New York Infantry Sept. 16, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 9, 1862. Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 9, 1862; honorably mustered out Sept. 19, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S Volunteers March 18, I860, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war; " Lieut. Colonel and Colonel March 13, 1865, '■ for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia loo. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866 — Charter member. Born March 2o, 1841, at New York City. Died July 24, 1882, at Glen Cove, N. Y. 135. George Foster Emmons Midshipman U. S. Navy April 1, 1828; Passed Midshipman July 14, 1834; Lieutenant Feb. 25, 1841 ; Commander Jan. 28, 1856 ; Captain Feb. 7, 1863 ; Commodore Sept. 20, 1868 ; Rear Admiral Nov. 5, 1872 ; retired Aug. 23, 1873. Elected Jan. 17, 1S(;6. Class 1 . Insignia 135. Council of the Commandery May 3, 1871-1880. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 5, 1880-1884. Representative from the Commandery to the Second, Third and Fourth Quadrennial Congress of the Order. Born Aug. 23, 1812, at Vergennes, Vt. Died July 23, 1884, at Princeton, N. J. 136. George MARCEttus Ransom Master 186: 28, 1877 ; retired June 18, 1882. Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 136. Council of the Commandery May 5, 1869-1870. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1866 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 1. 18(i8. Transferred to Commanderv of New York May 1, 1870. Born June 18, 1820, at Springfield, N. Y. Died Sept. 10, 1889, at Norwich, Conn. 137. William Reynolds Midshipman U. S. Navy Nov. 17, 1831 ; Passed Midshipman June 15, 1837 ; Lieutenant Sept. 8, 1841 ; retired Sept. 24, 1855 ; Commander (retired list) June 9, 1862 ; Commander (active list) May 11 1865, to date April 25, 1861 ; Captain July 25, 1866 ; Commodore June 10, 1870 ; Rear Admiral Dec. 12, 1873 ; retired Dec. 12, 1877. Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 137. Born Dec. IS, 1815, at Lancaster, Pa. Died Nov. 5, 1879, at Washington, D. C. .140. Philip Carigan Johnson Midshipman U. S. Navy Aug. 31, 1846 ; Passed Mid.shipman June 8, 1852 ; Lieutenant Sept. 16, 1855; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1862; Commander Feb. 2, 1867 ; Captain June 14, 1874 ; Commodore July 28, 1884 ; Rear Admiral Jan. 25, 1887. Elected Jan. 17, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 140. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 8, 1882. Born Nov. 21, 1828, at Fryburg, Me. Died Jan. 28, 1887, at Portsmouth, N. H. 141. John Watters Midshipman U. S. Navy Feb. 12, 1846 ; Passed Midshipman June 8, 1852 ; Lieutenant Sept. 16, 1855 ; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1862; Commander April 14, 1867. Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 141. Born Jan. 5, 1831, Mich. Died Jan. 22, 1874, at Baltimore, Md. 21 142. Frank Latta Du Bois Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy May 22, 1S62 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) Oct. 80, LSHo ; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) Feb. 20, 1870; Medical Inspector (Commander) Sept. lo, 1.S88. Elected April 25, 18H6. Class 1. Insignia 142. Born Oct. 21, 1887, at New London, Pa. Died Feb. 24, l89o, at Portsmouth, N. H. 148. Joshua Thomas Owen Colonel 24th Penna. Infantry Mav 8, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 10, 1861. Colonel 69th Penna. Infantry Aug. 18, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 27, 1868. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out July IS, 1864. Elected Feb. 7, 186ti. Class 1. Insignia 148. Correspondent of the Commandery May 2, 1866-1867. Council of the Commandery May 6, 1885-1887. Born March 29, 1821, at Caermarthen, S. W. Died Nov. 7, 1887, at Philadelphia, Pa. 144. Joseph Walter Burke Major 10th Ohio Infantry May 8, 1861 ; honorably mustered out June 3, 1861. Major 10th Ohio Infantry June 4, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel Jan. 9, 1862 ; Colonel Jan. 20, 1868 ; honorably mustered out June 17, 1864. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 18, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services." Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 144. Transferred to Commandery of Ohio Dec. 18, 1889. Born Feb. 18, 1887, at Westport, Ire. Died Nov. 7, 1900, at Jacksonville, Fla. 145. Charles Mallet Prevost Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers May 1, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 16, 1862. Colonel 118th Penna. Infantry' Aug. 28, 1862 ; discharged to accept appoint- ment in Veteran Reserve Corps Sept 80. 1868. Colonel 16th Veteran Reserve Corps Sept. 29, 1863 ; honorably discharged June 80, 1866. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 18, 1865, " for meritorious services." Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 145. Born Sept. 19, 1818, at Baltimore, Md. Died Nov. 5, 1887, at Philadelphia, Pa. 146. J.\MES POULTNEV PEROT First Lieutenant and Adjutant 118th Penna Infantry Aug. 30, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Jan. 17, 1868. Lieut.-Colonel 49th Penna. i Militia) Infantry July 14, 1863; honorably mustered out Sept. 2 1868. Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 146. Born May 12, 1825, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 18, 1872, at Philadelphia, Pa. 147. John Means Pomeroy Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers Aug. 14, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Mav 1, 1868. Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class' 1. Insignia 147. Born April 1, 1823, at vShippeusburg, Pa. Died June 20, 1887, at Chambersburg, Pa. 22 149. Cecil Clay First Lieutenant 58th Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1861 ; Captain Jan. 1, 1862; Major Nov. 2, 1864; Lieut. -Colonel Nov. 19, 1864; Colonel Nov. 20, 1864; honorably mustered out Jan. 24, 1866. Brevetted Colonel and Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, I860, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for leading his regiment in the charge, carrying the colors of another regiment, and when severely wounded in the right arm, incurring loss of same, he shifted the colors to the left hand, which also became disabled by a gunshot wound, at Ft. Harrison, Va., vSept. 29, 1864." Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 149. Transferred to Commandery of District of Cohimbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. 150. Antony Alexander Clay First Lieutenant 58th Penna. Infantry Jan. 9, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 17, 18H5. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 58th Penna. Infantry Sept. 23, 1865 ; honor- ably mustered out Jan. 24, 1866. Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 150. Council of the Commandery May 5, 1897-1899. 151. John Willl4.m Hofmann Captain 23d Penna. Infantry April 21, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 31, 1861. Lieut. -Colonel 56th Penna. Infantry Oct. 1, 1861; Colonel Jan. 8, 1863; honorably mustered out March 7, I8(i5. Brevetted Brig.-General LT. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, " for brave, constant and efficient services in the Vjattles and marches of the campaign." Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 151. Council of the Commandery May 6. 1868-1869 ; and May 2, 1877-1882. Born Feb. 18, 1824, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 5, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 152. Richard Biddle Roberts Colonel 30th Penna. Infantry {1st Reserve) June 4, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 1, 1862. Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 152. Born Aug. 25, 1825, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died April 19, 1886, at Chicago, 111. 153. Frank Taylor Bennett Major 16th Penna. Infantry May 3, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 30, 1861. Lieut. -Colon el 55th Penna. Infantry Dec. 4, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Dec. 21, 1864. Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 153. Born Aug. 1, 1834, at Minersville, Pa. Died Feb. 5, 1871, at Cincinnati, O. 154. Robert Miller Henderson Captain 36th Penna. Infantry (7th Reserve) April 21, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel July 4, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 30, 1863. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct during the action at Charles City Cross-roads where he was wounded, and for good conduct throughout the campaign ;" Brig.-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Bull Run (2d), Va." Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 154. 23 156. Benito Juarez President of the Republic of Mexico Jan. 11, 1861, to July 18, 1872. Elected Feb. 7, 186H. Class o. Insignia 156 (not issued). Born March 21, LsCH!, at Villa Ixltan, State of Oajaca. Died July 18, 1872, at the City of Mexico. 158. Thornton Alexander Jenkins Midshipman U. S. Navy Nov. 1, 1828; Passed Midshipman June 14, 1834; Lieutenant Dec. 9, 1839 ; Commander Sept. 14, 1855 ; Captain July 16, 1862 ; Commodore Julv 25, 1866 ; Rear Admiral Aug. 15, 1870 ; retired Dec. 11, 1873. Elected Feb. '12, 186(). Class 1. Insignia 158. Council of the Commandery May 1, 1867-1868. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. Born Dec. 11, 1811, in Orange Co., Va. Died Aug. 9, 1893, at Washington, D. C. 159. Henry Augustus Wise Midshipman U. S. Navy Feb. 8, 1834 ; Passed Midshipman July 16, 1840 ; Lieutenant Feb. 25, 1847 ; Commander July 16, 1862; Captain Dec. 29, 1866. Elected Feb. 12, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 159 (not issued). Born Mav 2, 1819. at Brooklyn, N. Y. Died April 2, 1869, at Naples, Italy. 161. Winfield Scott Hancock Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1840; Brevet »Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry July 1, 1844 ; Second Lieutenant June 18, 184(> ; Regimental Quartermaster June 30, 1848, to Oct. 1, 1849; Regimental Adjutant Oct. 1, 1S49, to Nov. 7, 1855 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 27, 1853, to June 5, 1860 ; vacated commission June 5, 1860. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Army Nov. 7, 1855; Major and Quartermaster Nov. 30, 1863; vacated commission Aug. 12, 1864. Brig.-General U. S. Army Aug. 12, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished services in the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor, and in all the operations of the army in Virginia under Lieut.-General Grant ; " Major-General July 26, 1866. Brig.-General U.' S. Volunteers Sept. 23, 1861 ; Major-General Nov. 29, 1S<>2 ; vacated commission July 26, 186H. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army Aug 20, 1847, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, Mex. ; " I\Iajor-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spotsylvania, Va." The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled Resolved (joint resolution approved April 21, 1866), " That in addition to the thanks heretofore voted by joint resolution, approved Jan. 28, 1864, to . . . and the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Potomac for the skill and heroic valor which, at Gettysburg, repulsed, defeated, and drove back, broken and dispirited, the veteran army of the Rebellion, the gratitude of the American people, and the thanks of their Representatives in Congress are likewise due and are hereby tendered to Major- General Winlield S. Hancock, for his gallant, meritorious and conspicuous share in that great and decisive victorv." Elected Feb. 12, 1866. Cla'ss 1. Insignia 161. Council of the Commandery ]May 2, 1866-1869. Commander of the Commandery June 5, 1879-1886. Representative from the Commandery to the Fourth Quadrennial Congress of the Order. Born Feb. 14, 1824, at Montgomery Square, Pa. Died Feb. 9, 1886, at Governor's Island, N. Y. 24 168. ADOtPH BUSCHBECK Lieut.-Colonel 27th Penna. Infantry Sept. 8, 1861; Colonel Nov. 1, 1861; honorably mustered out June 11, 1864. Elected Feb. 12, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 163. Born March 23, 1821, at Coblentz, Prussia. Died May 26, 1883, at Floreuce, Italy. 164. William Faxon Chief Clerk Navy Department March 19, 1861. Asst. Secretary of the Navy June 1, 1866 ; resigned March 3, 1869. Elected Feb. 12, 1866. Class 3. Insignia 164 (not issued). Born April 17, 1822, at West Hartford, Conn. Died Sept. 19, 1883, at Hartford, Conn. 165. Cornelius Rea Agnew One of the founders of the United States Sanitary Commission, 1861-186-5, " whose practical skill, executive ability, generosity of personal toil, valuable experience as Medical Director, and keen interest in the detail of the service, rendered perfectly successful the plans of the Commission, in the relief which it afforded on so vast a scale in their life-saving work on the battlefields of the war, and the succor which it was able to minister to soldiers returning from Southern prisons." Elected Feb. 12. 1866. Class 3. Insignia 165. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 17, 1888. Born Aug 8, 1830, at New York Citv. Died April 18, 1888, at New York Ci"ty. 166. Theodore Roosevelt "A gentleman in civil life who, during the rebellion, was specially distin- guished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government, and active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same." Elected Feb. 12, 1866. Class 3. Insignia 166 (not issued). Born Sept. 22, 1831, at New York Citv. Died Feb. 9, 1878, at New York City.' 167. Christopher Colon Augur Cadet U.S. Militarv Academy July 1, 1839; Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry July 1, 1843 ; Second Lieutenant 4th Infantry Sept. 12, 1845 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 16, 1847 ; Captain Aug. 1, 1852; Major 13th Infantrv May 14, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel 12th Infantry July 1, 1863 ; Colonel March 15, 1866. Brig. -General U. S Army March 4, 1869 ; retired July 10, 1885. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 12, 1861 ; Major-General Aug. 9, 1862, "for distinguished and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; " honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Sept. 1, 1866. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Army Aug. 9, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va, ; " Brig.-General March 13. 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Port Hudson, La. ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Elected Feb. 19, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 167. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Jan. 7, 1887. Born July 10, 1821, at Kendall, N. Y. Died Jan. 16, 1898, at Washington, D. C. 168. Phineas Jonathan Horwitz Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Nov. 8, 1847 ; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) April 19, 1861 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) March 3, 1871 ; Medical Director (Captain) Dec. 19, 1873 ; retired March 3, 1884. Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Commodore) Julv 11, 1865, to July 1, 1869. Elected Feb. 19, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 168. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 7, 1884-1885. Ifi9. Horatio Bridge Purser U. S. Navy Feb. Ki, 1S3S ; retired (Commodore) April 8, 1868 ; Pay-Director (Commodore) (retired list) March o, 1871. Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing (Commodore) Oct. 1, 1854, to April 8, 1868. Elected Feb. 19, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 169. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia March 7, 1882. Born April 8, 1806, at Augusta, Me. Died March 18, 1893, at Athens, Pa. 171. John McDowell Rice Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy April 28, 1863. Elected Feb. 19, 18(i(i. Class 1. Insignia 171. Born vSept. 19, 1841, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 13, 1868, at sea. 172. George Henry Cooke Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Sept. 22, 1862 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) Jan. 20, 1866; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) Feb. 20, 1870; Medical Inspector (Commander) Sept. lo, ISSS ; Medical Director (Captain) Sept. 29, 1895; retired (Captain) Dec. 12, 189.S. Elected Feb. 19, LS6H. Class 1. Insignia 172. Council of the Commandery May o, 1.S95-1897. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commander}- May 5, 1897-1898. 173. William Brooke-Rawle Second Lieutenant 3d Penna. Cavalry Dec. 18, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 5, 18;i4 ; Captain October 31, 18H4 ; transferred to oth Penna. Cavalry May 8, 1865; honorabh' mustered out Aug. 7, 1865. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry Jul}- 28, 1866 ; declined Nov. 7, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 9, 1864 ; " Lieut. - Colonel April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign terminating in Lee's surrender April 9, 1865." Elected Feb. 19, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 173. Council of the Commandery May 1, 1889-1891. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery Oct. 4, 1893-1894. 174. William Radford Midshipman U. S. Navy March 1, 1825 ; Passed Midshipman June 4, 1831 ; Lieutenant Feb. 9, 1837 ; Commander Sept. 14, 1855 ; Captain July 16, 1862 ; Commodore April 24, 1863 ; Rear Admiral Juh' 25, 1866 ; retired March 1, 1870. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 174. Born Sept. 9, 1809, at Fincastle, Va. Died Jan. 8. 1890, at Washington, D. C. 175. Henrv Kuhx Hoff Midshipman U. S. Navy Oct. 28, 1.S23 ; Passed Midshipman March 23, 1829 , Lieutenant March 3, 1831 ; Commander Feb. 6, 1854 ; Captain June 30, 1861 ; Commodore July 16, 1862; Rear Admiral April 13, 1867. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 175. Council of the Commandery Ma}' 2, 1866-1867. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery Mav 1, 1867-1868; and May 7, 1.S73-1874. Born , 1809, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 25, 1878, at Washington, D. C. 26 178. Jonathan Messersmith Foltz Asst. Surgeon U.S. Navy April 4, 1881 ; Surgeon Dec. 8, 18o8 ; Medical Director (Captain) March ;-i, 1871 ; retired (Commodore) April llo, 18712. Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Commodore) Oct. 25, 1871, to April 2o, 1872. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 176. Born April 2o, 1810, at Lancaster, Pa. Died April 12, 1877, at Philadelphia, Pa. 181. James Madison Fraley Midshipman U. S. Navy May 1, 1828; Passed Midshipman June 4, 1836; Lieutenant Sept. 8, 1841 ; Commander April 24, 1861 ; Captain Feb. 6, 1866 ; Commodore March 2, 1870; retired Maj* 6, 1871. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 181. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery Maj' 2, 1866-1867. Born May 6, 1809, at Baltimore, Md. Died Sept. 26, 1877. at Philadelphia, Pa. 182. FoxHALiv Alexander Parker Midshipman U. S. Navy March 11, 1887 ; Passed Midshipman June 29, 1843 ; Lieutenant Sept. 28, 18-50; Commander July Ki, 1862; Captain July 25, 1866. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 182. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts Nov. 3, 1868. Born Aug. 5, 1821, at New York City. Died June 10, 1879, at Annapolis, Md. 183. John Guest Midshipman U. S. Navy Dec. 16, 1837 ; Passed Midshipman June 29, 1843 ; Lieutenant Dec. 24, 1850; Commander July Ki, 1862; Captain July 25, 1866 ; Commodore Dec. 12, 1872. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 183. Born March 7. 1822, at Jackson, Mo. Died Jan. 12, 1879, at Portsmouth, N. H. 185. Merriwether Patterson Jones Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 9, 1841 ; Passed Midshipman Aug. 10, 1847 ; Lieutenant Sept. 15, 1855; Lieut. -Commander Juh^ 16, 1862. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 185 (not issued). Born Aug, 25, 1824, at Sharon, Va. Died April 11, 1866, at Sharon, Va. 186. Alexander Foster Crosman Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Oct. 2, 1851 ; Midshipman June 9, 1855 ; Passed Midshipman April 15, 1858 ; Master June 23, 1860 ; Lieutenant Nov. 23, 1860; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1802; Commander July 1, 1870. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 186 (not issued). Born June 11, 1839, at St. Louis, Mo. Drowned April 12, 1872, at Greytown, Nicaragua. 187. Richard Warsam Meade Midshipman U. S. Navy Oct. 2, 1850 ; Passed Midshipman June 20, 1856 ; Master Jan. 22, 1858; Lieutenant Jan. 23, 1858; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1862 ; Commander Sept. 20, 1868 ; Captain March 13, 1880 ; Commodore May 5, 1892 ; Rear-Admiral Sept. 7, 1894 ; retired May 20, 1895. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 187. Born Oct. 9, 1837, at New York City. Died May 4, 1897, at Washington, D. C. 191. William Bedford Royall First Lieutenant 2d Missouri Mounted Volunteers Julv 31, 1846, to Aug. 14, 1847. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Santa Fe Battalion Aug. 14, 1847 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 20, 1848. First Lieuteuaut 2d U. S. Cavalry March 3, I800 ; Captain 2d Cavalry March 21, 1861 (changed to .)th Cavalry Aug. 3, 1861) ; Major oth Cavalry Dec. 7, 1863 ; Lieut. -Colonel 3d Cavalry Dec. 2, 1875 ; Colonel 4th Cavalry Nov. 1, 1882; retired Oct. 19, 1887. Brevetted Major U. S. Armj' May 27, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hanover Court-House, Va. ;" Lieut. -Colonel June 13, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the cavalry action at Old Church, Va. ; " Colonel March 13, I86.1, " for arduous and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United vStates ; " Brig. -General Feb. 27, 181K), " for gallant service in action against Indians on Rosebud Creek, Mont., June 17, 1876." Elected March 7, 18()(). Class 1. Insignia 191. Born April lo, 1825, in Halifax Co., Va. Died Dec. 13, 189o, at Washington, D. C. 193. Robert Smith La Motte Captain 1st Delaware Infantry May 2, 1861 ; Major June 12, 1861; discharged to accept appointment in U. S. Army June 24, 1861. Captain 13th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Major 12th Infantry Dec. 3, 1868; transferred to 13th Infantrv March 15, 1869; Lieut. -Colonel 12th Infantry June 12, 1879 ; Colonel 13th Infantry Dec. 8, 1886. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 193. Born Aug. 24. 1825, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 16, 1888, at Fort Supply, I. T, 194. George Robert Orme Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers May 18, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 30, 18()6. Brevetted Major, Lieut. -Colonel, and Colonel U. vS. Volunteers March 13, 18()5, "for faithful and meritorious services." Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 194. Born Jan. 13, 18()l>, at London, Eng. Died Jan. 9, 1886, at Philadelphia, Pa. 195. Robert Morton Brixton Private 2d Penna. Cavalry Oct. 17, 1861 ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant Dec. 9, 1N()1 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 17, 1862. Second Lieutenant 2d Penna. Cavalry Jan. 17, 1862; First Lieutenant and Regimental Commissary of Subsistence Jan. 1, 18(i3 ; Captain Nov. 24, 1864; Major April 19, 1865 ; transferred to 1st Penna. Provisional Cavalry June 17, 1865; honorably mustered out Jul\- 13, 1865. Captain 7th U. S. Veteran Volunteer Infantry July 15, 1865 ; honorabl}- dis- charged May 21, 18()6. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. vS. Volunteers April 1, 1865, "for gallantry in the battle of Five Forks, Va." Elected March 7, 18(;6. Class 1. Insignia 195. Chancellor of the Commandery May 3, 1876-1885. Born June 25, 1843, at Lancaster, Pa. Died Jan. Ki, 1885, at Philadelphia, Pa. 197. Anson George McCook Captain 2d Ohio Infantry April 17, 1861 ; honorablv mustered out July 31, 1861. :Major 2d Ohio Infantry Aug. 6, 18(U ; Lieut. -Colonel Jan. 1, 1863 ; Colonel Jan. 20, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct, 10, 1864. Colonel 194th Ohio infantry March 14, 1865; honorably discharged Oct. 21.1865. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for meritorious services. " ' Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 197. Transferred to Commanderv of New York Nov. 5, 1875. 28 198. John White Geary Captain 2d Penna. Infantry Dec. 21, 1846; Lieut. -Colonel Jan. 7, 1847; Colonel Nov. 3, 1847 ; honorably mustered out July 21, 1848. Colonel 28th Penna. Infantry June 28, 1861 ; discharged for promotion May 11, 1862. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers April 25, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Major General U. S. Volunteers Jan 12, 1865, " for fitness to com- mand and promptness to execute." Elected March 7. 1866. Class 1. Insignia 198. Born Dec. 30, 1819, at Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Died Feb. 8, 1873, at Harrisburg, Pa. 199. John Frederic Hartranft Colonel 4th Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 27, 1861. Volunteer Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Colonel, upon the staff of the First Brigade, Third Division, at the battle of Bull Run, Va., July 21, 1861. Colonel 51st Penna. Infantry Nov. 16, 1861 ; discharged for promotion July 2, 1864. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers May 12, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 15, 1866. Colonel 34th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866; declined Nov. 7, 1866. Brevetted Major-Geueral U. S. Volunteers March 25, 1865, "for conspicuous gallantry in repulsing and driving back the enemy from the lodgment made on our lines at Fort Sedgwick, Va." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for having volunteered his services when his regiment marched to the rear to be mus- tered out, at the battle of Bull Run, Va., July 21, 1861." Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 199. Junior Vice-Commander of the Conimaudery May 6, 1885-1886. Born Dec. 16, 1830, in Montgomery Co., Pa. Died Oct. 17, 1889, at Norristown, Pa. 201. Henry Earnest Goodman Major and Surgeon 28th Penna. Infantry July 23, 1861 ; discharged for appointment in U. S. Volunteers April 19, 1864. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Feb. 26, 1864 ; Major and Surgeon May 18, 1864 ; resigned and honoral:)ly discharged Nov. 3, 18(i5. Lieut. -Colonel and Medical Director U. S. Volunteers (by assignment) Feb. 25, 1865, to April 1, 1865. Colonel and Medical Director U. S. Volunteers (by assignment) April 2, 1865, to June 10, 1865. Brevetted Lieut -Colonel and Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 201. Registrar of the Commandery May 7, 1890-1896. Born April 12, 1836, at Germantown, Pa. Died Feb. 3, 1896, at Philadelphia, Pa. 202. PowEivi, Stackhouse Corporal 3d Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; mustered out July 30, 1861. Second Lieutenant 133d Penna. Infantry Aug. 5, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 21, 1862; honorably mustered out May 24, 1863. Captain 198th Penna. Infantry Sept. 8, 1864 ; Major May 1, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 4, 1865. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 202. 29 203. Benjamin Franklin Winger First Lieutenant -d Penna. Heavy Artillery Aug. 2o, 1S62 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 24, LSOo. Captain (a. w. »«.) 2d Penna. Provisional Heavy Artillery April 30, 1864; Major 2d Penna. Heavy Artillery Jan. 24, I860 ; Lieut.-Colonel March 8, I860 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 29, 1866. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 203. 2O0. Richard Donagan Captain ll8th Penna. Infantry Aug. 19, 1862 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged March 30, 1864. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 205. Born May 22, 1809, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 30, 1874, at Philadelphia, Pa. 206. Frederick Tiedemann Private 19th Penna. Infantry April 27, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 10, 1861. Quartermaster-Sergeant 7.5th Penna. Infantry Aug. 20, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Nov. 11, 1861. Second Lieutenant 7oth Penna. Infantry Nov. 12, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Feb. 10, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 2, 1862. Captain 7oth Penna. Infantry Aug. 24, 1862 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Sept. 1-5, 18(i3. Captain (a. w. m.) 7oth Penna. Infantry Oct. 9, 1863. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 206. Transferred to Commandery of New York March 22, 1886. Born Jan. 18, 1848, at Dixon, 111. Died Oct. 11, 1887, at New York City. 207. Alfred Scull Newlin Second Lieutenant 114th Penna. Infantry July 28, 1862; First Lieutenant July 1, 1863 ; Captain Feb. 26, 1864 ; honorably mustered out May 29, I860 Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry Feb. 23, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 23, 1866; transferred to 21st Infantry Sept. 21, 1866. Bre vetted Major U. S. Volunteers April 9, I860, " for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee." Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 207 (not issued). Born , 1844, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 18, 1867, at Richmond, Va. 208. Richard Young Private 109th Penna. Infantry Dec. 3, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 28, 1862. First Lieutenant 109th Penna. Infantry Jan. 29, 1862 ; discharged for pro- motion Oct. 29, 1862. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 208. 211. Matthew Simpson, D.D. Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Elected March 7, 1866. Class 3. Insignia — (not issued). Born June 21, 1811, at Cadiz, O. Died June 18, 1884, at Philadelphia, Pa. 30 213. William Hemsley Emory Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1826 ; Brevet 2d Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery July 1, ISol ; Second Lieutenant July 1, 1831 ; resigned and honor- ably discharged Sept. 30, 1836. First Lieutenant U. S. Topographical Engineers July 7, 1838 ; Captain April 24, 18ol ; Major 2d U. S. Cavalry March 3, 18o5 ; transferred to 1st Cavalry May 26, 185.5 ; Lieut.-Colonel Jan'. 31, 1861 ; resigned May 9, 1861. Lieut.-Colonel Hth U. S. Cavalry May 14, 1861 ; Colonel oth Cavalry Oct. 27, 1863. Retired with rank of Brig.-General U. S. Army July 1, 1876. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 17, 1862 ; Major-General Sept. 25, 1865 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Dec. 6, 1846, " for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of vSan Pasqual ; " Major Jan. 9, 1847, " for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of San Gabriel and the plains of Mesa ; " Lieut.-Colonel Oct. 19, 1857, "for meritorious and distinguished services as commissioner for running the boundary line between the United States and the Republic of Mexico ; " Colonel May 27, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hanover Court-House, Va.;" Brig.-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fisher's Hill, and in the campaign of the Shenandoah Valley, Va.; " Major-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va." Elected April 25, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 241. Born Sept. 9, 1811, in Queen Anne Co., Md. Died Dec. 1, 1887, at Washington, D. C. 218. James Porter Martin Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1855 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry July 1, 1860; Second Lieutenant 7th Infantry Dec. 20, 1860; First Lieutenant May 14, 1861 ; Captain Jan. 2, 1863 ; vacated commission April 20, 1869. Major and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Army April 10, 1869; Lieut.-Colonel and Adjt.-General Feb. 28, 1887. Brevetted Major U. S Army July 2, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ;" Lieut.-Colonel Jul}' 22, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Elected April 26, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 246. Transferred to Commanderj- of Kansas April 22, 1886 — Charter member. Born Sept. 27, 1836, at Louisville, Ky. Died Feb. 19, 1895, at Chicago, 111. 221. William Alexander La Motte First Lieutenant 4th Delaware Infantry June 18, 1862 ; discharged for promo- tion Nov. 20, 1863. Captain and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 9, 1863; honorably mustered out Sept. 1, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritor- ious services in the battles before Petersburg, Va. ;" Lieut.-Colonel March 16, 1866, "for faithful and meritorious services connected with the mustering out and disbanding of the Volunteer armies of the United States." Elected April 25, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 249. Council of the Commandery Oct. 3, 1892-1895. 31 223. Marshai,!. Independence Ltdington Captain aud Asst. yuartennaster U. S. Volunteers Oct. 20, 1862 ; vacated commission in Volunteer service March 14, 18(57. Major and Quartermaster (by assignment) Aug. 2, 18()4, to Oct. 23, 1864 ; Colonel and Quartermaster (by assignment) Oct. 24, 18H4, to Jan. 1. 1867. Major and Quartermaster U. S. .\rmy March 14, 1867 ; Lieut. -Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster-General March 1-5, 1883 ; Colonel and Asst. Quarter- master-General Dec. 31, 1894 ; vacated commission Feb. 4, 1898. Brig.-General and Quartermaster General U. S. Army Feb. 3, 1898. Brevetted Major, Lieut. -Colonel, and Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1S().5, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; " Brig.-General March 13, 186.), " for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's department during the war." Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's department during the war." Elected April 2o, 186(>. Class 1. Insignia 251. Transferred to Commandery of California Nov. IS, 1889. 225. Francis Fes.senden Captain 19th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; transferred to 28th Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; Lieut.-Colonel 45th Infantry July 28, 18()6 ; declined Aug. 27, 1866. Colonel 25th Maine Infantry Sept. 29, 1862 ; honorably mustered out July 10. 1863. Retired with rank of Brig.-General Nov. 1. 1866. Colonel 30th Maine Infantry Jan. 11, 1864 ; discharged for promotion June 3, 1864. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers May 10, 1864 ; Major-General Nov. 9, 1865 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Sept. 1, 1866. Brevetted Major and Lieut.-Colonel U. S Army July 6, 1864, "for gallant services at Shiloli and Monteil's Bluff, on Red River ;" Brig.-General March 13, 18ti5, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected April 25, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 253. Transferred to Commandery of Maine June 6, 1866 — Charter member. 226. Charles Henry Smith Captain 1st Maine Cavalry Oct. 19, 1861 ; Major Feb. 16, 1863 ; Lieut.- Colonel March 1, 18fi3 ; Colonel June 18, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 11. 18H5. Colonel 28th U. S. Infantrv July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 19th Infantry March 15, 18«i6; retired Nov. 1, 1891. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Vokinteers Aug. 1, 18()4, "for distinguished conduct in the engagement at vSt. Mary's Church ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, " for highly distinguished and meritorious services." Brig.-General U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Sailor's Creek, Va. ; " Major-General March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress, " for remain- ing in the fight to the close, although severelj' wounded, at the battle of St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, I8(i4." Elected April 25, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 254. Transferred to Commander}' of Maine June 6, 1866 — Charter member. Transferred to Commander}- of Pennsylvania July 14, 1881. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 31, 1891. Born Nov. 1, 1827, at Hollis, Me. Died July 17, 1902, at Washington, D. C. 32 228. Henry Goddard Thomas Captain oth Maine Infantry June 24, 1861 ; honorably discharged Aug. 26, 1861. Colonel 79th U. S Colored Troops March 20, 1863 ; honorably discharged July 11, 1863. c5olonel 19th U. S. Colored Troops Jan. 16, 1864 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 8, 1864. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 30, 1864 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 1-5, 1866. Captain 11th U. S. Infantry Aug. 5, 1861 ; Major 41st Infantry July 28, 1866; declined Oct. -5, 1866; transferred to 20th Infantry vSept. 21, 1866; Major 4th Infantrv Oct. 22, 1876 ; transferred to Pay Department May 23, 1878 ; retired July 2, "1891. Brevetted Major U. S. Army May 12, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spotsylvania, Va ;" Lieut -Coloneljuly 30, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. ;" Colonel and Brig. -General March 13, 186-5, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected April 2-5, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 2-56. Transferred to Commandery of Maine June 6, 1866 — Charter member. Born April -5, 1837, at Portland, Me. Died Jan. 23, 1897, at Oklahoma City, O. T. 232. Thomas Worckster Hyde Major 7th Maine Infantry Aug. 21, 1861; Lieut. -Colonel Dec. 1, 1863; transferred to 1st Maine Veteran Infantry Sept. 20, 1864 ; Colonel Oct. 22, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 28, 186.5. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers April 2, 186-5, " for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Va." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for having led his regiment in an assault on a strong body of the enemy's infantry and keeping up the fight until the greater part of his men had been killed or wounded, bringing the remainder safeh- out of the fight, at the battle ol Antietam, Md , Sept. 17, 1862." Elected April 2-5, 18(i6. Class 1. Insignia 260. Transferred to Commandery of Maine June 6, 1866 — Charter member. Born Jan. 1-5, 1841, at Florence, Italy. Died Nov. 14, 1899, at Old Point Comfort, Va. 233. John Marshal!^ Brown First Lieutenant and Adjutant 20th Maine Infantry Aug. 29, 1862 ; discharged for promotion June 29, 1863. Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers June 23, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Maj' 10, 1864. Lieut -Colonel 32d Maine Infantry May -5, 1864; resigned and honorably discharged for disability from wounds Sept. 12, 1864. Brevetted Colonel U. vS. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for distinguished gallantry in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa ; " Brig.-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected April 25, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 261. Transferred to Commandery of Maine June 6, 1866 — Charter member. 234. Charles Benjamin Merrill Lieut.-Colonel 17th Maine Infantry Aug. 19, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 3, 1864. Elected April 25, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 262. Transferred to Commandery of Maine June 6, 1866 — Charter member. Born April 14, 1827, at Portland, Me. Died April 5, 1891, at Portland, Me. 33 235. George Varney Major 2d Maine Infautry May 28, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel Aug. 29, 1861 ; Colonel Jan. 10, 1868 ; honorably mustered out June 9, 1863. Elected April 25, 1866. Class' 1. Insignia 263. Transferred to Commandery of Maine June 6, 1866 — Charter member. 237. Andrew Ai,i, 18(i6. Elected July 2, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 314. Transferred to Commandery of New York Feb. 1, 1889. 287. Montgomery Cunningham Meigs Cadet U.S. Military Academy July 1, 1832; Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery July 1, 1836 ; resigned July 1, 1837. Brevet Second Lieutenant Engineers July 1, 1836 ; First Lieutenant July 7, 1838 ; Captain March 3, 1853 ; vacated commission May 18, 1861. Colonel 11th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; vacated commission June 13, 1861. Brig.-General and Quartermaster-General U. S. Army May 15, 1861 ; retired Feb. 6, 1882. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Army July 5, 1864, "for distinguished and meritorious services during the present war." Elected July 2, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 315. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. Born May 3, 1816, at Augusta, Ga. Died Jan. 2, 1892, at Washington, D. C. 38 288. Brantz Mayer Major and Additional Paymaster U. S.Vokinteers Feb. 19, 1863 ; discharged to accept appointment in Army Jan 27, 1867. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army Jan. 17, 1867 ; retired June 15, 1875. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers Nov. 24, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Elected July 2, 1866. Class 1. Insignia — (not issued). Born Sept. 27, 1809, at Baltimore, Md. Died Feb. 23, 1879, at Baltimore, Md. 290. Charles Bird First Lieutenant 1st Delaware Infantry May 20, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 16, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2d Delaware Infantry April 11, 1862; First Lieutenant Oct. 1, 1862 ; Captain March 15, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 30, 1864. Lieut. -Colonel 9th Delaware Infantry Sept. 3, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Dec. 23, 1864. Lieut.-Colonel 1st U. S. Veteran Volunteers Dec. 24, 1864 ; Colonel May 30, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 19, 1866. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry May 11, 1866 ; transferred to 23d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; First Lieutenant May 23, 1867 ; Regimental iVdju- tant Aug. 1, 1873 to Oct. 1, 1876. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Army March 14, 1882 ; Major and Quartermaster Jan. 14, 1895; Lieut.-Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster-General May 5, 1901. Brig. -General U. S. Army April 16, 1902; retired June 17, 1902. Lieut.-Colonel and Chief Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers May 9, 1898 ; Colonel and Quartermaster July 10, 1898 ; honorably discharged from Volun- teer service May 13, 1899. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Jan. 3, 1901 ; honorably discharged from Volunteer service June 20, 1901. Brevetted First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ;" Major March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spotsyl- vania. Va. ;" Lieut.-Colonel March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Petersburg, Va., June 20, 1864." Elected July 2, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 290. Transferred to Commandery of New York Oct. 6, 1880. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Feb. 7, 1883. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia April 19, 1901. 292. Joseph Esrey Johnson Private 4th Penna. Infantry June 14, 1861 ; mustered out July 21, 1861. Second Lieutenant 58th Penna. Infantry Dec. 19, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 31, 1863 ; Captain Nov. 14, 1864 ; Major (a. w. m.) Jan. 23, 1866 ; honor- ably mustered out Jan. 24, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services at the capture of Fort Harrison, Va." Awarded the "Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress : "At Fort Harrison, Va., Sept. 29, 1864, this officer, then serving as First Lieutenant and Adjutant, 58th Penna. Volunteers, while advancing to the assault of the enemy's works was wounded by a canister shot, but he continued forward and sprang upon the parapet, — there receiving a second gun-shot wound, but disregarding his wounds dashed among the enemy, — demanding their sur- render ; and was again shot while inside the fort, which he was the first man in the army to reach." Elected July 2, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 320. 39 293. Frederick William Sparling First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 14th Michigan Infantry Feb. 14, 1862; honorably mustered out to accent promotion, May 27, 1862. Major and Surgeon 10th Michigan Infantry May 28, 1862 ; honorably discharged May 22, 1865. Elected July 2, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 321. Transferred to the Commandery of Washington, Oct. 18, 1897. 295. Robert Toland Maccoun Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Nov. 27, 1844 ; Surgeon Sept. 12, 1858 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) March 3, 1871 ; Medical Director (Captain) Nov. 7, 1872 ; retired April 19, 1879. Elected Aug. 2, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 338. Born April 19, 1817, at , Pa. Died March 21, 1890, at Baltimore, Md. 296. James Rufus Tryon Acting Asst. Surgeon (Ensign) U. S. Navy March 19, 1863 ; Asst. Surgeon (Master) Sept. 22, 1863; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) Dec. 21, 1866; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) June 30, 1873 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) Sept. 22, 1891; Medical Director (Captain) Jan. 21, 1897; retired (Rear Admiral) Sept. 24, 1899. vSurgeon General U S. Navy (Commodore) May 11, 1893. Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 339. 297. John W. Moore Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy May 21, 1853 ; Second Asst. Engineer June 27, 1855; First A.sst. Engineer July 21, 1858; Chief Engineer (Lieut.- Commander) Aug. 5, 1861 ; Chief Engineer (Commander) Aug. 5, 1866; Chief Engineer (Captain) Dec. 1, 1887 ; retired (Commodore) May 24, 1894. Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 340. Transferred to Commandery of California Jan. 1, 1889. 298. George H. Gripping Private 4th Conn. Infantry May 22, 1861 (changed to 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery Jan. 2. 1862) , mustered out May 21, 1864. Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. 'Navy Nov. 18,1864; transferred July 23, 1866 ; Passed' Asst. Paymaster Lieutenant) July 23, 1866 ; Paymaster (Lieut. -Commander) Oct. 3, 1874 ; Pay Inspector (Commander) Sept. 26, 1897. Elected Aug. 29, 18(i6. Class 1. Insignia 341. Born April 24, 1839, at Hartford, Conn. Died Nov. 11, 1899, near Ogden, Utah. 299. David McMurtrie Gregg Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1. 1851 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Dragoons July 1, 1855 ; Second Lieutenant 1st Dragoons Sept. 4, 1855 ; First Lieutenant March 21, 1861; Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry May 14, 1861; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 3, 1865. Colonel 8th Penna. Cavalry Jan. 24, 1862; discharged for promotion Jan. 16, 1863. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 3, 1865. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, "for highly meri- torious and distinguished conduct throughout the campaign, particularly in the reconnoissance on the Charles City Road." Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 342. Commander of the Commandery May 5, 1886-1902. Representative from the Commandery to the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Quadrennial Congress of the Order. 40 301. Peter C. Hains Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1857 ; Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery June -4, 1861 ; First Lieutenant June 24, 1861 ; transferred to Topo- graphical Engineers July 24, 1862 ; transferred to Engineer Corps March 3, 1863; Captain July 18, 1863 ; Major Sept. 22, 1870. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army May 27, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hanover Court-House, Va.;" Major July 4, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.;" Lieut.- Colonel March 13,1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war. ' ' Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 344. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia, Oct. 10, 1882. 804. George M. McGill First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Armj' April 16, 1862 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon July 28, 1866. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army May 12, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in action at Meadow Bridge, Va.;" Major March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war;" Lieut. -Colonel Sept, 28, 1866, "for meritorious and distinguished services at Hart's Island, where cholera prevailed;" Colonel July 20, 1867, "for faithful and meritorious services in the Medical Department during the prevalence of cholera near Fort Harker, Kans. " Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 347. Born April 20, 1838, in Centre Co., Pa. Died July 20, 1867, near Old Fort Lyon, Col. 305. John Hill Brinton Major and Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Aug 3, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 9, 1865. Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 349. 306. Jacob MiIvLER Campbell First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 3d Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; mustered out July 30, 1861. Colonel 54th Penna. Infantry Feb. 27, 1862 ; honorably discharged Sept. 3, 1864. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Piedmont, Va., June 5, 1864." Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 348. Born Nov. 20, 1824, in Somerset Co., Pa. Died Sept. 27, 1888, at Johnstown, Pa. 307. Henry Clay Longnecker First Lieutenant 1st U. S.Voltigeurs Feb. 10, 1847 ; honorably discharged Aug. 29, 1848. Colonel 9th Penna. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 29, 1861. Colonel 5th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 11, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 27, 1862. Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 350. Born April l7, 1825, in Cumberland Co., Pa. Died Sept. 16, 1871, at Philadelphia, Pa. 808. James Edward Carpenter Private 8th Penna. Cavalry March 17, 1862 ; discharged for promotion March 19, 1862. Second Lieutenant 8th Penna. Cavalry March 19, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 4, 1862 ; Captain Dec. 23, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 26, 1864. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious conduct at the battles of Deep Run, Ream's Station, and on the Vaughan Road, near Petersburg, Va. " Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 351. Council of the Commandery May 5, 1880-1881. .Born March (>, 1841, in Kent Co., Md. Died Aug. 16, 1901, at Newburyport, Mass. 41 309. Franklin Davenport Howell First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged April '27, ISHo. Elected Aug. 29, 18H(i. Class 1. Insignia 3.52. Registrar of the Commaudery May 5, 1880-1882, and May 2, 1883-1888. 310. William Hunter Major 32d Illinois Infantry Dec. 31, 1861; Lieut. -Colonel April 12, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 18, 1863. Elected Aug. 29,. 186(i. Class 1. Insignia 353. Transferred to the Commander}^ of Tennessee Aug. 29, 1866 — Charter member. Born May 15, 1817, at Bantry, Cork, Ire. Died Nov. 29, 1869, at Memphis, Tenn. 311. Webster Jay Colburn Private 1st Wisconsin Infantry April 20, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 21, 1861. Sergeant 3d Wisconsin Battery Aug. 26, 1861 ; First Sergeant July 10, 1862; discharged for promotion Aug. 19, 1862. Second Lieutenant 3d Wisconsin Battery Aug. 19, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Oct. 6, 1864. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers Sept. 19, 1864; honorabh' mustered out June o, 1866. Brevetted Major U. 8. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war." Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 354. Transferred to Commandery of Tennessee Aug. 29, 1866— Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 31, 1880. Transferred to Commandery of Ohio May 8, 1891. 312. Havnes E. Hudson Sergeant-Major Bissell's Missouri Engineer Regiment Sept. 15, 1861 ; dis- charged for promotion Jan. 7, 1862. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster Bissell's Missouri Engineer Regiment Jan. 8, 1862 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant July 1, 1862. Transferred to 1st Missouri Engineers, Feb. 17, 1864 ; Captain July 19, 1864; honorably discharged Nov. 18, 1864. Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 355. Transferred to Commandery of Tennessee Aug. 29, 1866— Charter member. Born Oct. 17, 1837, at Palmyra, N. Y. Died June 3, 1873, at Memphis, Tenn. 313. James Oscar Pierce Privat-e 1st Winconsin Infantry April 20, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 21, 1861. First Lieutenant 29th Wisconsin Infantry Sept. 27, 1862 ; discharged for promotion May 31, 1863. Major and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Volunteers May 8, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 22, 1865. Elected Aug. 29, 18(56. Class 1. Insignia 356. Transferred to Commandery of Tennessee Aug. 29, 1866 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsj'lvania May 31, 1880. Transferred to Commander}' of Minnesota Oct. 22, 1886. 315. George W. Waldron Second Lieutenant 5th Michigan Infantry Sept. 12, 1862; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Jan. 25, 1863 ; discharged for promotion July 3, 1864. Captain and Commissiiry of Subsistence U.S. Volunteers May 8, 1864 ; honor- ably mustered out Oct. 9, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Aug. 23, I860, "for faithful and meritori- ous services." Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 358. Transferred to Commandery of Tennessee Aug. 29, 1866 — Charter member. Born , 1834, at — , Mich. Died Oct. 26, 18(>9, at Memphis, Tenn. 42 321. Samuel Bradford Fales A citizen of Philadelphia who was eminent and conspicuous for his patriot- ism and unwearied devotion to the defenders of the country in connection with the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon at Philadelphia, Pa. , during the war of the Rebellion. Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Class 3. Insignia 364. Council of the Commandery May 5, 1869-1880. Born June 23, 1804, at Boston, Mass. Died Sept. 14, 1880, at Philadelphia, Pa. 323. William Henry Macomb Midshipman U. S. Navy April 10, 1834; Passed Midshipman July 16, 1840; Lieutenant Feb. 27, 1847 ; Commander July 16, 1862 ; Captain July 25, 1866 ; Commodore July 1, 1870. Elected Sept. 19, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 373. Born June 16, 1818, at Detroit, Mich. Died Aug. 12, 1872, at Philadelphia, Pa. 324. John Cumming Howell Midshipman U. S. Navy June 9, 1836 ; Passed Midshipman July 1, 1842; Lieutenant Aug. 2, 1849; Commander July 16, 1862; Captain July 25, 1866 ; Commodore Jan. 29, 1872 ; Rear Admiral April 25, 1877 ; retired Nov. 24, 1881. Elected Sept. 19, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 374. Council of the Commandery May 6, 1868-1869. Transferred to Commandery of the District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Jan. 1, 1883. Born Nov. 24, 1819, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Sept. 12, 1892, at Folkestone, Eng. 326. Thomas Kilby Smith Lieut.-Colonel 54th Ohio Infantry Sept. 9, 1861 ; Colonel Oct. 31, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 25, 1863. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 11, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Sept. 19, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 376. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 7, 1873-1877. Born Sept. 23, 1820, at Boston, Mass. Died Dec. 14, 1887, at New York City. 327. Daniel Webster Burke Private 2d U. S. Infantry June 10, 1858; Corporal Nov. 1, 1859; Private Dec. 31, 1860; Corporal Sept. 19, 1861; First Sergeant Dec. 1, 1861 ; dis- charged for promotion Nov. 8, 1862. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry July 18, 1862 ; First Lieutenant July 2, 1863 ; Captain 45th Infantry Jan. 22, 1867 ; transferred to 14th Infantry July 22, 1869 ; Major 23d Infantry Aug. 13, 1894 ; Lieut.-Colonel 11th Infantry Dec. 2, 1897 ; Colonel 17th Infantry Sept. 8, 1899. Brig.-General U. S. Army Oct. 20, 1899; retired Oct. 21, 1899. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army July 2, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; " Major Jan. 22, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress " for volun- tarily attempting to spike a gun in the face of the enemy at Shepherdstown Ford, Va., Sept. 20, 1862." Elected Sept. 19, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 377. Transferred to Commandery of Oregon Aug. 6, 1900. 43 328. John Irvin Gregg Private 2d Penna. Infantry Dec. 29, 1846 ; discharged for promotion May 6, 1847. First Lieutenant U. S. Infantry Feb. 18, 1847 ; assigned to 11th Infantry April 9, 1847 ; Captain Sept. 5, 1847 ; honorably discharged Aug. 14, 1848. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry May 14, 1861 ; Colonel 8th Cavalry July 28, 1866 ; retired April 2, 1S79. Colonel 16th Penua. Cavalry Nov. 14, 1862 ; honorably mustered out of Vol- unteer service Aug. 11, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Army March 17, 1868, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Kelly's Ford, Va. ; " Lieut. -Colonel Oct. 12, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services in the action at Sulphur Springs, Va. ; " Colonel Oct. 7, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Deep Bottom, Va. ; " Brig.-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services in the field during the war." Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, " for gallant and distinguished services in the engagement at the defences of Richmond, on the Brock Turn- pike and at Trevillian Station ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services." Elected Oct. 31, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 378. Born July 19, 1826. at Bellefonte, Pa. Died Jan. 6, 1892, at Washington, D. C. 330. James Lewis vSecond Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps Sept. 25, 1855 ; Captain July 26, 1861 ; ]Major Oct. 13, 1869 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 11, 1876. Elected Oct. 13, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 380. Council of the Commandery May 1, 1867-1868. Born June 2 1832, at Towanda, Pa. Died Feb. 15, 1876, at Philadelphia, Pa. 331. WiLiviAM Richardson Brown Captain loth U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Aug. 21, 1865. Elected Oct. 31, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 381. Born April 20, 1830, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died April 15, 1879, at Philadelphia, Pa. 332. Galusha Pennypacker Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant 9th Penna. In.^antry April 22, 1861 ; mustered out July 29, 18(U. Captain 97th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1861 ; Major Oct. 7, 1861 ; Lieut.- Colonel June 7, 1864 ; Colonel Aug. 15, 1864 ; discharged for promotion May 7, 1865. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Feb. 18, 1865 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged April 30, 1866. Colonel 34th U. S. Infantrv Julv 28, 1866 ; transferred to 16th Infantry March 15, 1869 ; retired July 13, LS8'3. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Jan. 15, 1865, "for gallant ser- vice in the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Brig.-General U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; " Major-General March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Awarded the "Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress " for gallantly leading the charge over a traverse and planting the colors of one of his regi- ments thereon ; was severelv wounded, at the battle of Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15. 1865." Elected Oct. 13, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 382. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 6, 1891-1892. 44 834. Hampton Sidney Thomas Corporal 9th Penna. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; mustered out July 29, 1861. Second Lieutenant 1st Penna. Cavalry Aug. 80, 1861 ; First L,ieutenant Sept. 27, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant April 1, 1862; Captain May 1, 1862; Major Jan. 4, I860; transferred to 2d Provisional Penna. Cavalry June 17, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, I860. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry July 28, 1866 ; declined Feb. 20, 1867. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers April o, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services ;" Colonel April 5, 1865, "for great gallantry near Jeters- ville, Va., in assisting to capture a rebel battery." Awarded the "Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress "for having acted with conspicuous gallantry in the capture of a field battery and a number of battle flags, and in the destruction of the enemy's wagon train in the battle of Amelia Springs, Va., April 5, 1865." Elected Oct. ol, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 384. Born Nov. 3, 1837, at Quakertown, Pa. Died May 21, 1899, at Philadelphia, Pa. 337. Henry Hand Stewart Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy March 23, 1848 ; Second Asst. Engineer Sept. 13, 1849 ; First Asst. Engineer Feb. 26, 1851 ; Chief Engineer (Lieu- tenant) July 21, 1858 ; Chief Engineer (Lieut.-Commander) March 13, 1863 ; Chief Engineer (Commander) July 21, 1863 ; Chief Engineer (Captain) March 3, 1871 ; retired (Captain) Sept. 6, 1885. Elected Nov. 21, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 402. Born Sept. 6, 1823, at Cape May, N. J. Died May 2, 1893, at Philadelphia, Pa. 338. James Washington Whittaker Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy Nov. 21, 1857 ; Second Asst. Engineer Aug. 2, 1859 ; First Asst. Engineer (Ensign) Oct. 16, 1861 ; Chief Engineer (Lieut.-Commander) Nov. 10, 1863. Elected Nov. 21, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 403. Born Jan. 22, 1832, at Trenton, N. J. Died March 9, 1881, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 339. John Johnson Third Asst. Engineer L^. S. Navy May 20, 1857 ; Second Asst. Engineer Aug. 2, 1859; First Asst. Engineer (Ensign) July 1,1861; Chief Engineer (Lieut.-Commander) Nov. 10, 1863; retired (Lieut.-Commander) June 10, 1876. Elected Nov. 21, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 404. Born May 15, 1830, at Wilmington, Del. Died Feb. 15, 1897, at New York City. 340. William Henry Gartrelle West Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy May 13, 1861 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) F'eb. 19,"l863 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) July 25, 1866. Elected Nov. 21, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 405. Born June 10, 1837, at — , England. • Drowned July 19, 1872, at Cape May, N. J. 341. Jeremiah Bernard Brinton Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Dec. 1, 1861 ; resigned April 3, 1862. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army, April 16, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 17, 1865. Brevetted Captain and Major U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services dviring the war." Elected Nov. 21, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 406. Born Aug. 16, 1835, at New Hope, Pa. Died Dec. 6, 1894, at Philadelphia, Pa. 45 342. George Christian Matthias Eicholtz First Lieutenant ood Penna. Infantry Oct. 30, 1861 ; Captain April 27, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Sept. 30, 1863. Elected Nov. 21, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 407. Born Jan. 3, 1835, at Lancaster, Pa. Died May 13, 1899, at Exeter, Pa. 343. George Edwin Ford Private 4th Iowa Infantry July 10, 1861 ; Sergeant Aug. 8, 1861 ; First Sergeant Oct. 10, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 22, 1862. Second Lieutenant 4th Iowa Infantry Jan. 23, 1862 ; Captain Sept. 15, 1862 ; discharged to accept staff appointment April 29, 1865. Captain and Aidede-Canip U. S. Volunteers Feb. 2, 1865; honorably mustered out Jan. 12, 186(i. First Lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry June 12, 1867 ; unassigned April 20, 1869; assigned to 3d Cavalry Jan. 1, 1871; Captain Dec. 14,1877; retired March 20, 1879. Brevetted Major and Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war; " Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant services in the battle of Ringgold, Ga." Elected Nov. 21, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 408. Born Feb. 12, 1841, at Olnev, Pa. Died April 28, 1893, at Olney, Pa. 344. William Sully Beebe Cadet U. S. Militarv Academy July 1, 1858; Second Lieutenant Ordnance Department U. S Army June 11, 1863; First Lieutenant July 30, 1863; resigned Jan. 1, 1874. Major of Ordnance U. S. Volunteers July 27, 1898. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army July 6, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services, and for intrepidity, daring and skill in handling men in the face of the enemy ; " Major Aug. 23, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Fort Morgan, Ala." Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress " for volun- tarily leading a successful assault on a fortified position at Cane River Crossing, La., April 23, 1864." Elected Dec. 5, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 409. Transferred to Commandery of New York Oct. 6, 1880. Born Feb. 14, 1841, at Ithaca, N. Y. Died Oct. 12, 1898, at Havana, Cuba. 345. George Douglas Ramsay, Jr. Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1859; Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery June 11, 1863; transferred to Ordnance Department Nov. 6, 1863; First Lieutenant Nov. 6, 1863 ; Captain June 23, 1874. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army March 13, 1865, "for meritorious services in the Ordnance Department during the war." Elected Dec. 5, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 410. Born Dec. 3, 1840, at Washington, D. C. Died July 5, 1878, at Washington, D. C. 846. Jerome Henry Kidder Private 10th Maryland Infantry June 22, 1863 ; Corporal Oct. 13, 1863 ; mustered out Jan. 29, 1864. Asst. Surgeon (Master) U.S. Navy April 27, 1866 ; Passed Asst. vSurgeon (Lieutenant) June 18, 1866 ; Surgeon (Lieut.-Commander) April 14, 1876 ; resigned June 18, 1884. Elected Dec. 5, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 411. Transferred to Commanderv of New York May 1, 1871. Born Oct. 26, 1842, at Baltimore, Md. Died April 8, 1889, at Washington, D. C. 46 347, Adam Trau Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army May 24, 1862 ; resigned May 7, 1864. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army June 6, 1864 ; resigned June 30, 1865. Acting Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy April 27, 1866; Asst. Surgeon (Master) June 18, 1866 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 1, 1871. Elected Dec. 5, 1866. ' Class 1. Insignia 412. Born Dec. 16, 1839, at — , Ger. Died Feb. 7, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 349. William Walker McKim Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers Aug. 3, 1861 ; vacated commission Aug. 3, 1864. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Army July 2, 1864 ; Colonel and Quartermaster (by assignment) Aug. 2, 1864, to March 8, 1866 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 8, 1866. Brevetted Major, Lieut.-Colonel, and Colonel U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected Dec. 5, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 414. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts Nov. 2, 1871. Born — , at — , Mass. Died April 2, 1895, at Boston, Mass. 350. Nathaniel Chapman Mitchell Private 15th Illinois Cavalry Nov. 6, 1862 ; Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant Oct. 25, 1862 ; discharged for promotion May 20, 1863. First Lieutenant and Adjutant loth Illinois Cavalry May 20, 1863; dis- charged for promotion April 10, 1864. Major 4th U. S. Colored Cavalry April 11, 1864; Lieut.-Colonel April 11, 1865 ; honorably mustered out March 20, 1866. Elected Dec. 5, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 415. Born , at . Died April 26, 1900, at Philadelphia, Pa. 351. Augustus Boyd First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; vacated commission June 11, 1864. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Army May 30, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 15, 1864. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Oct. 10, 1864 ; Lieut.-Colonel March 13, 1865, " for faithful and valuable services during the war." Elected Dec. 5, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 416. Botn Jan. 10, 1826, in Harford Co., Md. Died Oct. 5, 1896, at Philadelphia, Pa. 353. John Yeatman Taylor Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Sept. 26, 1853 ; Surgeon (Lieut.-Commander) Aug. 1, 1861 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) June 29, 1872 ; Medical Direc- tor (Captain) April 2, 1879 ; retired (Captain) Jan. 21, 1891. Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 426. 354. James Suddards Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy March 22, 1849 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon April 7, 1854; Surgeon (Lieut.-Commander) April 24, 1861 ; Medical Inspector (Com- mander) March 3, 1871 ; Medical Director (Captain) April 5, 1875. Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 427. Born Feb. 27, 1827, at Hull, Eng. Died Aug. 31, 1888, at Atlantic City, N. J. 47 356. Hknry Beauchamp Nones Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy Sept. 23, 1853 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 19, 1856. Second Asst. Engineer (Master) U. S. Navy May 28, 1861 ; First Asst. Engi- neer (Ensign) July 1, 18()1 ; Chief Engineer (Lieut. -Commander) Dec. 14, 1861 ; Chief Engineer (Commander) Dec. 1, 1885 ; retired (Commander^ May 15, 1892. Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 429. Council of the Commandery May 6, 1885-1886. 357. William Francis Asbury Torbert Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy May 11, 1864; Passed Asst. Paymaster (Lieutenant) July 23, 1866; Paymaster (Lieut. -Commander) Sept. 16, 1868. Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 430. Born May 9, 1837, at Elkton, Md. Died Oct. 2, 1874, at Philadelphia, Pa. 359. Albert Williamson Bacon Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Nov. 7, 1863; Passed Asst. Paymaster (Lieutenant) Aug. 1, 1866 ; Paymaster (Lieut.- Commander) Oct. 25, 1874 ; Pay Inspector (Commander) Feb. 12, 1898 ; Pay Director (Captain) July 10, 190U. Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 432. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Nov. 25, 1883. 360. Louis Henry Carpenter Private 6th U. S. Cavalry Nov. 1, 1861; Sergeant Jan. 1, 1862; Corporal June 5, 1862; Sergeant July' 1, 1862; discharged for promotion Sept. 20, 1862. Second Lieutenant 6lh U. S. Cavalry July 17, 18(52 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 28, 18(i4; Captain 10th Cavalry July 28, 1866 ; Major 5th Cavalry Feb. 17, 1883; Lieut. -Colonel 3d Cavalry July 28, 1892; transferred to 5th Cavalry Aug. 12, 1892; transferred to 7th Cavalry Sept. 22, 1894; Colonel 5th Cavalry June 2, 1897. Brig.-General U. S. Armv Oct. 18, 1899 ; retired Oct. 19, 1899. Lieut.-Colonel 5th U. S. Colored Cavalry Oct. 1, 1864 ; Colonel Nov. 2, 1865; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service March 16, 1866. Brig -General U. S. Volunteers May 4, 1898 ; honorably discharged from Volunteer Service June 12, 1899. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army July 3, 18(i3, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; " Captain Sept. 19, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Winchester, Va.; " Major and Lieut.-Colonel March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services duriug the war ; " Colonel Oct. 18, 1868, " for gallant and meritorious services in the engagement with Indians on Beaver Creek, Kan., Oct. 18, • 1868." Colonel U. S. Volunteers Sept. 28, 1865, " for meritorious services during the war. ' ' Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress, for : " During the Indian campaign in Kansas and Colorado in 1868, this officer, then Captain 10th Cavalry and commanding Troop " H ", was able, gallant and meritorious throughout. He was specially gallant in the combat of Oct. 15, and also in the forced march on Sept. 23, 24 and 25, to the relief of Forsyth's scouts who were known to be in the greatest danger of annihilation by bands of Indians outnumbering his own troop eight or ten to one." Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 433. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Jan. 1, 1890. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Dec. 18, 1891. 48 861. Horace Jewett First Lieutenant loth U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Captain Dec. 31, 1862; Major 16th Infantry Jan. 31, 1882; Ueut.-Colonel 3d Infantry Aug. 1, 1886; Colonel 21st Infantry Dec. 4, 1891. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Dec. 31, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Shiloh and Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; " Major Sept. 1, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and in the battle of Jonesboro, Ga. ' ' Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 434. Transferred to Commandery of Minnesota Feb. 7, 1889. Born March 31, 1834, at South Brunswick, Me. Died April 30. 1897, at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y. 362. Andrew Milun Brown Second Lieutenant 1st Missouri Infantry June 11, 1861 ; discharged to accept appointment in U. S. Army Nov. 14, 1861. First Lieutenant loth U. S. Infantry Oct. 26, 1861 ; Captain Aug. 21, 1865 ; transferred to 24th Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; unassigned April 25, 1869 ; assigned to 13th Infantry July 14, 1869; retired Aug. 31, 1871. Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 435. Transferred to Commandery of California May 5, 1887. Born April 21, 1840, at Alton, 111. Died Dec. 29, 1899, at San Francisco, Cal. 363. Samuel Duncan Ouphant Captain 37th Penna. Infantry (8th Reserve) April 24, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel June 28, 1861 ; honorably discharged for disability Dec. 29, 1862. Major Veteran Reserve Corps June 9, 1863 ; Lieut. -Colonel Sept. 28, 1863 ; Colonel Dec. 4, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 30, 1866. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers June 27, 1865, "for meritorious services." Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 436. Council of the Commandery May 3, 1882-1884. 364. Washington Blair Mendenhall Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers Nov. 26, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers Nov. 24, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 437. Born May 19, 1828, at Colerain, Pa. Died Nov. 27, 1898, at Atlantic City, N. J. 366. David Jones First Lieutenant 9th Penna. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 27, 1861. First Lieutenant 97th Penna. Infantry Oct. 17, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster Oct. 31, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 31, 1864. Elected Jan. 27, 1867. Class 1 Insignia 439. Born Aug. 20, 1831, in Montgomery Co., Pa. Died Feb. 17, 1894, at West Chester, Pa. 367. James Franklin Wade First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry May 14, 1861; Captain May 1, 1866; Major 9th Cavalry July 28, 1866 ; Lieut.-Colonel 10th Cavalry March 20, 1879; Colonel 5th Cavalry April 21, 1887 ; vacated commission June 2, 1897. Brig.-General U. S. Army Mav 26, 1897. Lieut.-Colonel 6th U. vS. Colored Cavalry May 1, 1864; Colonel Sept. 19, 1864 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service April 15, 1866. 49 Major-General U.S. Volunteers May 4, 1898 ; honorably discharged from Volunteer service June 12, 1899. Bre vetted Captain U. S. Army June 9, 18B3, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; " Major Dec. 19, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services in the action at Marion, Kast Tenn. ; " Lieut. -Colonel and Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war. ' ' Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Feb. 13, 186-5, "for gallant services in the campaign in Southwestern Va. " Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1 Insignia 445. Transferred to Commandery of Ohio Nov. 12, 1892. 371. William H. Brown Private 2d U. S. Cavalry March 1, 1858 ; Corporal Jan. 1, 1859 ; Sergeant Jan. 1, 1861 ; discharged for promotion June 12, 1861. Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 9, 1861 ; resigned to accept new commission Oct. 23, 1861. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry Oct. 23, 1861 ; First Lieutenant July 17, 1862; Captain April 1, 1865. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers Dec, 1, 1862; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Aug. 25, 1865. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army June 18, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the Piedmont and Lynchburg expeditions ; " Major April 1, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Va." Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war." Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 449. Born Jan. 30, 1840, at , Md. Died June 4, 1875, at New York City. 372. Augustus H. D. Williams First Lieutenant 11th Penna. Cavalry vSept. 6, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 7, 1864. Private 5th U. S. Cavalry Oct. 6, 1864 ; Corporal — , 1864 ; discharged for promotion March 29, 1865. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry March 12, 1865 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 12, 1866 ; retired July 20, 1868. Brevetted First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Army April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Petersburg, Va." Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 450. Born , 1843, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died May 12, 1876, at Philadelphia, Pa. 373. John Vincent Furey Private 84th New York Infantry May 18, 1861 ; discharged Sept. 28, 1862. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers May 1, 1864; vacated commission to accept appointment in U. S. Army March 25, 1867. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Army Jan. 18, 1867 ; Major and Quartermaster Nov. 11, 1887 ; Lieut. -Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster- General Aug. 21, 1896 ; Colonel and Asst. Quartermaster-General Aug. 12, 1900. Colonel and Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers July 12, 1898 ; mustered out of Volunteer service March 2, 1899. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war." Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 451. 50 374. Edward Miles Heyl Company Quartermaster-Sergeant od Penna. Cavalry Aug. 12, 1861 ; First Sergeant Oct. 16, 1861 ; Second Lieutenant Sept. 8, 1862 ; First L,ieutenant May 1, 1863 ; Captain May 2, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug 24, 1864. "^ First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry July 28, 1866; Captain July 31, 1867 ; transferred to 4th Cavalry Jan. 1, 1871 ; vacated commission March 2, 188.5. Major and Inspector-General U. S. Army Feb. 19, 188-5; Lieut. -Colonel and Inspector-General Sept. 22, 1885 ; Colonel and Inspector-General Feb. 12, 1889. Brevetted Major U. vS. Army, " for gallant service in action against Indians at the Rio Pecos, Texas, June 7, 1869 ; the Salt Fork of the Brazos River, Texas, Sept. 16, 1869, and at the South Fork of the Llano River, Texas, Nov. 24, 1869, in which last named action he was severely wounded." Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 452. Born Feb. 14, 1844, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 2, 1895, at Chicago, 111. 375. Henry Clay Cochrane Acting Master's Mate U. S. Navy Sept. 7, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 20, 1863. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps March 10, 1863; First Lieutenant Aug. 20, 1865 ; Captain March 16, 1879 ; Major Feb. 1, 1898 ; Lieut.-Colonel March 3, 1899; Colonel Jan. 11, 1900. Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 455. Council of the Commandery May 6, 1885-1886. 376. Alfred Ellis Lewis Captain 1st Penna. Light Artillery June 20, 1861 ; Major Aug. 1, 1861 ; hon- orably discharged July 16, 1862. Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 456. Transferred to Commandery of New York Nov. 19, 1894. 377. George Fairlamb Smith First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 2d Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 26, 1861. Captain 49th Penna. Infantry Aug. 2, 1861 ; discharged for promotion March 13, 1862. Major 61st Penna. Infantry March 14, 1862; Lieut.-Colonel June 1, 1862 ; Colonel March 21, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 7, 1864. Colonel 61st Penna. Infantry Sept. 29, 1864 ; honorably discharged April 20, 1865. Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 457. Born Feb. 28, 1840, at West Chester, Pa. Died Oct. 18, 1877, at West Chester, Pa. 378. Samuel Powhatan Carter Midshipman U. S. Navy Feb. 14, 1840; Passed Midshipman July 11, 1846 ; Master Sept. 12, 1854 ; Lieutenant April 18, 1855 ; Lieut.-Commander July 16, 1862 ; Commander June 23, 1865 ; Captain Oct. 28, 1870 ; Commodore Nov. 30, 1878 ; retired Aug. 6, 1881 ; Rear Admiral (retired list) May 16, 1882. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers May 1, 1862; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected March 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 458. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. Born Aug. 6, 1819, at Elizabethtown, Tenn. Died May 26, 1891, at Washington, D. C. 51 379. Henry Forry Picking Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 28, 1857 ; Midshipman June 1, 1861 ; Lieutenant July 16, 1862; Lieut.-Commander July 25, 1866; Commander Jan. 25, 1875 ; Captain Aug. 4, 1889 ; Commodore Nov. 22, 1898 ; Rear Admiral March o, 1899. Elected March 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 459. Bom Jan. 28, 1840, in Somerset Co., Pa. Died Sept. 8, 1899, at Boston, Mass. 380. William Albert Truman Maddox First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers , 1836. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps Oct. 14, 1887 ; First Lieutenant March 3, 1847 ; Captain Sept. 27, 1856 ; vacated commission Sept. 28, 1857. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Marine Corps Sept. 28, 1857 ; retired Jan. 3, 1880. Brevetted Captain Jan. 3, 1847, " for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Santa Clara, on that date, and in suppressing the insurrection at Monterey during the time he was commandant of the Middle District of California." Elected March 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 460. Council of the Commandery May 1, 1867-1878. Born Feb. 25, 1816, in Charles Co.. Md. Died Jan. 1, 1889, at Georgetown, D. C. 381. John Bucher Johnson Captain 11th Penna. Infantry April 23, 1861 ; discharged for appointment in U. S. Army July 13, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry May 14, 1861 ; Captain Feb. 3, 1865 ; wholly retired Dec. 31, 1870. Brevetted Major and Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for meri- torious services during the war." Elected March 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 461. Born , 1832, at , Pa. Died June 24, 1871, at Harrisburg, Pa. 382. Isaac Brown Parker Second Lieutenant 49th Penna. Infantry July 31, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 8, 1862 , discharged for promotion Dec. 7, 1863. Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers June 25, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 20, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Dec. 2, 1864, " for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va. ; " Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 1865, " for services throughout the war." Elected March 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 462. Bom April 19, 1841, at Carlisle, Pa. Died Feb. 28, 1880, at New York City. 383. Peter Vorhees Schenck First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army May 28, 1861 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon July 28, 1866 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 1, 1867. Brevetted Captain and Major U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected March 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 463, Born Mav 23, 1838, m Somerset Co., N. J. Died March 11, 1885, at St. Louis, Mo. 384. Tattnall Paulding First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry May 14, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 20, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 1, 1866. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army July 3, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg campaign ; " Major and Lieut. -Colonel Nov. 11, 1865, " for meritorious services during the war." Elected March 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 464. 52 386. Wilson Tweed Hartz Sergeant-Major 6th Peuna. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; mustered out July 27, 1861. First I/ieutenant 70th New York Infantrj^ Oct. 23, 1861 ; discharged for pro- motion Oct. 28, 1862. Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Oct. 23, 1862; honorably mustered out Sept. 1, 1867. Second Lieutenant loth U. S. Infantry May 11, 1866 ; First L,ieutenant June 17, 1867 ; Captain Aug. 23, 1877 ; Major April 26, 1898 ; Lieut -Colonel 22d Infantry May 25, 1899; retired May 31, 1900. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meri- torious services. " First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Army INIarch 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. ; " Major March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va." Elected March 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 466. Transferred to Commandery of Illinois April 26, 189-1. 388. Levin Minn Powell Midshipman U. S. Navy March 1, 1817 ; Lieutenant April 28, 1826 ; Com- mander June 24, 1843 ; Captain Sept. 14, 1855 ; retired March 1, 1862 ; Com- modore (retired list) July 16, 1862 ; Rear Admiral (retired list) July 25, 1866. Elected April 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 468. Born April 21, 1803, at Winchester, Va. Died Jan. 15, 1885, at Washington, D. C. 389. Arthur Burtis, Jr. Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy July 14,1862; Paymaster (Lieut. - Commander) May 4, 1866 ; Pay Inspector (Commander) Sept, 21, 1891 ; Pay Director (Captain) May 5, 1899. Elected April 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 469. Transferred to Commandery of New York Oct. 15, 1888. 390. William Bond Slack Second Lieutenant U.S. Marine Corps Jan. 28, 1839; First Lieutenant March 3, 1847 ; Captain Feb. 8, 1857 ; Major and Quartermaster Aiig. 1, 1861 ; retired May 3, 1885. Brevetted Captain March 10, 1847, " for bravery in battle." Elected April 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 470. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. Born . at , N. J. Died Dec. 3, 1895, at Washington, D. C. 391. James Hemphill Jones Third Lieutenant U. vS. Revenue Marine March 1, 1841 ; Second Lieutenant Dec. 16, 1843 ; resigned and honorablj' discharged March 10, 1847. Second Lieutenant U. S Marine Corps March 3, 1847 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1853 ; Captain May 7, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel June 10, 1864 ; Colonel March 16, 1879. Elected April 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 471. Born May 6, 1821, at Wilmington, Del. Died April 17, 1880, at Boston, Mass. 392 Philip Richard Fendall, Jr. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps Oct. 17, 1857 ; First Lieutenant Mav 24, 1861 ; Captain July 21, 1861 ; Major Jan. 22, 1876. Brevetted Major June 17, 1870, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Hatteras Inlet, Port Royal, Sewell's Point, Ocrakoke Inlet, etc., etc." Elected April 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 472. Born Feb. 22, 18.32, at Alexandria, Va. Died March 21, 1879, at Portsmouth, N. H. 63 394. Richard Stockton Howell Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers March 11, 1863; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Nov. 9, 1863. Elected April 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 474. Council of the Commandery May 6, 1874-1877. Born . Died Oct. 11, 1893, at Zurich, Switzerland. 395. Jacob Bowman Sweitzer Major 62d Penna. Infantry July 4, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel Nov. 17, 1861 ; Colonel June 27, 1862; honorably mustered out July 13, 1864. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected April 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 475. Born July 4, 1821, at Brownsville, Pa. Died Nov. 9, 1888, at Allegheny City, Pa. 396. William Bradford Stockton Boudinot First Lieutenant 9th New Jersey Infantry Oct. 15, 1861 ; Captain May 16, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 17, 1864. Elected April 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 476. 397. Alfred Cromelien Second Lieutenant 5th Penna. Cavalry Dec. 2, 1861 ; First Lieutenant May 6, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Sept. 26, 1863. Elected April 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 477. Registrar of the Commandery May 7, 1879-1880. Acting Recorder of the Commandery Aug. 16-20, 1879. 401. Robert Field Stockton Brig.-General and Adjt. -General of the State of New Jersey, Jan. 30, 1858 ; resigned April 10, 1867. Brevetted Major-General of the State of New Jersey, March 9, 1859. Major 19th U. S. Infantry Oct. 26, 1861 ; declined Nov. 4, 1861. Elected April 3, 1867. Class 3. Insignia 481. Born Jan. 22, 1832, at Princeton, N. J. Died May 5, 1898, at Trenton, N. J. 402. Jacob Zeilin Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1822, to Aug. 27, 1825. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps Oct. 1', 1831 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 12, 1836 ; Captain Sept. 14, 1847; Major Julv 26, 1861; Colonel June 30, 1864; Brig.-General March 2, 1867 ; retired Nov. 1, 1876. Brevetted Major Jan. 9, 1847, " for gallant conduct at vSan Gabriel and La Mesa." Elected Mav 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 482. Born July 16, 1806, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Nov. 18, 1880, at Washington, D. C. 403. John C. Cash Second Lieutenant L^. S. Marine Corps March 14, 1845 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 21, 1852; Captain May 7, 1861 ; vacated commission Nov. 20, 1862. Major and Paymaster U. S. Marine Corps Nov. 20, 1862. Elected Mav 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 483. Born ,'1825, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 8, 1877, at Washington, D. C. 404. Grenville Mellen Dodge Colonel 4th Iowa Infantrv July 6, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion April 30, 1862. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 21, 1862; Major-General June 7, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 30, 1866. Elected May 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 484. Transferred to Commandery of New York Feb. 4, 1886. 54 405. Francis Laban Town First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army May 28, 1861 ; Captain and Asst. vSurgeon May 28, 1866; Major and Surgeon Oct. 20, 1866; Lieut.- Colonel and Surgeon July 10, 1889 ; Colonel and Asst. Surgeon-General June 28, 1894 ; retired Oct. 10, 1896. Brevetted Captain and Major U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services;" Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 485. 407. Francis Moore Private 1st Colorado Cavalry Sept. 10, 1861 ; Sergeant Dec. 81, 1862 ; dis- charged for promotion Dec. 28, 1863. Captain 65th U. S. Colored Troops Dec. 29, 1863 ; Lieut.-Colonel March 30, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 21, 1865. Major 65th U. S. Colored Troops June 21, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 8, 1867. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry July 28, 1866 ; First Lieutenant July 12, 1867 ; Regimental Quartermaster May 15, 1867, to July 15, 1870, and vSept. 1, 1870, to Aug. 24, 1872 ; Captain Aug. 24, 1872 ; Major 5th Cavalry July 28, 1892 ; Lieut.-Colonel 10th Cavalry May 6, 1899 ; Colonel 11th Cavalry Feb. 2, 1901. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 1, 1867, Class 1. Insignia 487. Transferred to Commandery of Kansas March 6, 1887. 408. William Alexander Cameron Captain 16th New York Cavalry Dec. 6, 1864 ; honorably discharged June 23, 1865. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery Nov. 29, 1865 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 25, 1866 ; honorably discharged Oct. 25, 1870. Elected May 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 488 (not issued). Born , at Plymouth, Eng. Died May 2, 1873, at , 409. William Henry Lessig Captain 96th Penna. Infantry Sept. 23, 1861 ; Major Oct. 1, 1862 ; Lieut.- Colonel Dec. 31, 1862 ; Colonel {a. w. m.) March 13, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 21, 1864. Elected May 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 489. 410. Isaiah Price Captain 97th Penna. Infantry Sept. 18, 1861 ; Major April 3, 1864 ; honor- ably mustered out Sept. 17, 1864. Elected May 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 490. Born May 20, 1822, in Chester Co., Pa. Died Nov. 23, 1901, at West Chester, Pa. 411. William Wayne Captain 97th Penna. Infantry Nov. 5, 1801 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged May 9, 1863. Elected May 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 491. Born Dec. 6, 1828, at Paoli, Pa. Died Nov. 20, 1901, at Paoli, Pa. 413. Chandler Price Eakin Private Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery April 24, 1861 ; discharged for promotion June 25, 1861. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery Aug. 5, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 26, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 1, 1874 ; retired Jan. 14, 1888. Captain 42d U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; declined Nov. 22, 1866. 55 Brevetted Captain U. S. Army May 5, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Williamsburg, Va. ; " Major July 3, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Elected May 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 493. Transferred to Commandery of California April 24, 1882. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Feb. 8, 1888. 414. Charles Ake Smith Captain 5th California Infantry Oct. 18, 1861 ; honorablv mustered out Dec. 14, 1864. Elected May 1, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 494. Transferred to Commandery of Tennessee Aug. 29, 1866 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of New York July 21, 1868. 418. William H. Gardner Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 6, 1814 ; L,ieutenant Jan. 13, 1825 ; Commander Sept. 8, 1841; Captain Sept. 14, 1855; retired Dec. 21, 1861; Commodore (retired list) July 16, 1862. Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 499. Council of the Commandery May 5, 1869-1870. Born Nov. 23, 1797, at , Md. Died Dec. 19, 1870, at Philadelphia, Pa. 419. Donald McNair Fairfax Midshipman U. S. Navy Aug. 12, 1837 ; Passed Midshipman June 29, 1843 ; Master Aug. 4, 1850 ; Lieutenant Feb. 26, 1851 ; Commander July 16, 1862 ; Captain Julv 25, 1866; Commodore Aug. 24, 1873; Rear Admiral July 11, 1880; retired vSept. 30, 1881. Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 500. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts July 23, 1868. Born March 10, 1821, at Sharon Hill, Va. Died Jan. 10, 1893, at Hagerstown, Md. 420. William C. West Midshipman U. S. Navy Jan. 30, 1841 ; Passed Midshipman Aug. 10, 1847 ; Lieutenant Sept. 15, 1855 ; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1862 ; retired Feb. 5, 1867 ; Commander (retired list) March 3, 1873. Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 501. Born Jan. 7, 1825, at , N. Y. Died June 23, 1879, at Washington, D. C. 423. Eugene Winslow Watson Master's Mate U. S. Navy May 2, 1859 ; Acting Ensign Oct. IS, 1861 ; Acting Master Jan. 25, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 30, 1862. Acting Ensign U. S. Navy Sept. 18, 1863 ; Ensign March 12, 1868 ; Master Dec. IS, 1868 ; Lieutenant March 21, 1870 ; Lieut. -Commander Nov. 16, 1883 ; Commander April 27, 1893 ; Captain Nov. 22,1899; Rear Admiral (retired) June 2, 1902. Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 504. 425. Daniel Pratt Mannix Captain's Clerk U. S. Navy Dec. 20, 1862; Acting Mate March 27, 1863; Acting Ensign Nov. 24, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged to accept promotion Feb. 22, 1865. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps Feb. 14, 1865 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 12, 1870 ; Captain Dec. 19, 1885. Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 506. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia July 1, 1889. Born July 20, 1842, at Nevi^ York Citv. Died Feb. 6, 1894, at Washington, D'. C. 56 426. John Randolph McGinness Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1859 ; First Lieutenant Ordnance U. S. Army June 11, 1863 ; Captain Feb. 10, 1869 ; Major June 1, 1881 ; Lieut. - Colonel July 7, 1898; Colonel June 14, 1902. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army March 1, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Morris Island, S. C. ;" Major March 1.3, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the operations before Charleston, S. C." Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 507. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts June 2, 1875. Transferred to Commander}^ of Pennsylvania Oct. 5, 1881. Transferred to Commandery of Missouri Oct. 21, 1885 — Charter member. 428. Bethel Moore Custer Private 19th Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 9, 1861. Corporal 90th Penna. Infantry Sept. 17, 1861 ; Sergeant March 1, 1863; discharged for promotion Feb. 27, 1864. Second Lieutenant 23d U. S. Colored Troops March 4, 1864 ; First Lieuten- ant Nov. 26, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 22, 1865. First Lieutenant 11th \j'. S. Colored Troops Oct. 22, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 12, 1866. Second Lieutenant 38th U. S. lufantty July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 24th Infantry Nov. 11, 1869 ; First Lieutenant March 1, 1871 ; Regimental Quarter- master May 15, 1877, to April 30, 1880 ; Captain June 18, 1880. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army March 2,1867, "for gallant and meritorious services at James Island, S. C." Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 509. Born April 14, 1839, at Swedeland, Pa. Died Dec. 22, 1887, at Dansville, N. Y. 429. Frederick Darley Ogilby First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Captain June 27, 1864 ; transferred to 33d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; transferred to 8th Infantry May 3, 1869. Brevetted Captain and Major Dec. 31, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn." Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 510. Born , 1841, at New Brunswick, N. J. Died May 30, 1877, at Camp Apache, Ariz. Ter. 430. William vSeyferT McManus Second Lieutenant 69th Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. April 20, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 3, 1861. Captain loth U. S. Infantry Aug. 5, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 13, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Sept. 1, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tenn., and during the Atlanta cam- paign and the battle of Jonesboro, Ga." Elected June 5, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 505. Born Oct. 26, 1839, at Reading, Pa. Died Jan. 19, 1901, at Chester, Pa. 432. Frank Morrell Coxe Second Lieutenant 87th U. S. Colored Troops Nov. 2, 1863 ; First Lieutenant May 9, 1864 ; First Lieutenant 81st Colored Troops Dec. 1, 1864 ; Captain 87th Colored Troops July 7, 1865; Captain 84th Colored Troops Aug. 31, 1865; honorably mustered out March 14, 1866. Captain 40th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 25th Infantry April 20, 1869 ; vacated commission April 29, 1875. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army March 3, 1875 ; Lieut. -Colonel and Deputy Paymaster-General Feb. 24, 1896 ; Colonel and Asst. Paymaster-General Feb. 1, 1899. 57 Brevetted Major, Lieut -Colonel, and Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected July 8, 1867. Class 1. Insignia olo. Transferred to Commandery of California, Sept. 11, 1882. 434. Jonathan T. Marshall First Lieutenant and Quartermaster ISth Penna. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 6, 1861. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 110th Penna. Infantry Dec. 23, 1861 ; honorably discharged for disability Dec. 10, 1863. Elected July 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia olo (not issued). Born . Died . 485. John Bolton Acklev Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Oct. 19, 1861 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) March 5, 1866 ; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) June 8, 1873. Elected July 3, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 516. Born Oct. 6, 1834, at Vincentovpn, N. J. Died Sept. 11, 1874, at Pensacola, Fla. 438. Henry Benjamin Nones Third Lieutenant V. vS. Revenue Marine June 10, 1831 ; Second Lieutenant June 13, 1831 ; First Lieutenant June 2, 1832 ; Captain Dec. 14, 1838. Elected July 3, 1867. Class 3. Insignia 519. Born April 13, 1804, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Aug. 25, 1868, at Wilmington, Del. 439. Robert vSmith Ralston Second Lieutenant U. S. Revenue Marine Nov. 30, 1861 ; First Lieutenant March 7, 1865 ; commission revoked July 19, 1870. Elected July 3, 1867. Class 3. Insignia 520 (not issued). Born May 17, 1824, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died April 26, 1884, at Philadelphia, Pa. 440. Cyrus Hamlin Captain and Additional Aide-de Camp U. S. Volunteers April 3, 1862 ; vacated commission March 2, 1863. Colonel 80th U. S. Colored Troops Feb. 12, 1863 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 19, 1864. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Dec. 13, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, ' ' for distinguished services during the war." Elected Aug. 7, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 521 (not issued). Born April 26, 1839, at Hampden, Me. Died Aug. 28, 1867, at New Orleans, La. 441. William Augustus Nichols Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1834 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery July 1, 1838 ; vSecond Lieutenant July 7, 1838 ; First Lieutenant June 1, 1844 ; vacated commission vSept. 28, 1852. Brevet Captain and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Army July 29, 1852 ; Major and Asst. Adjt.-General March 7, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel and Asst. Adjt.-Gen- eral Aug. 3, 1861 ; Colonel and Asst. Adjt.-General June 1, 1864. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Sept. 23, 1846, " for gallant conduct in the several conflicts at Monterey, Mex. ;" Major Sept. 8, 1847, " for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rev, Mex. ;" Brig.-General Sept. 24, 1864; Major-General March 13, 1865, "for meritorious and faithful services during the Rebellion." Elected Sept. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 522. Born May 12, 1818, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died April 8, 1869, at St. Louis, Mo. 58 442. John Henry Knight First Lieutenant 1st Delaware Infantry May 22, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 30, 1861. Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Aug, 20, 1861 ; discharged April 17, 1862, to accept appointment in U. S. Army. Captain 18th U. vS. Infantry Feb. 19, 1862 ; transferred to 36th Infantry Sept. 21, 1866; unassigned May 19, 1869; honorably discharged Oct. 1, 1870. Brevetted Major U. S. Army March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war;" Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services connected with the organization of the Volunteer armies of the United States during the war." Elected Sept. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 523. 443. John Weretts Hannay First Lieutenant 198th Penna. Infantry Oct. 29, 1864 ; resigned Feb. 15, 1865. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery March 10, 1865 ; honor- ably mustered out Feb. 10, 1866. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry Sept. 28, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 15. 1873 ; Captain Feb. 1, 1887 ; Major March 2, 1899 ; Lieut. -Colonel 12th Infantry July 1, 1901 ; retired Oct. 15, 1901. Elected Sept. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 524. 444. Henry Clay McIlvaine Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy Feb. 17, 1860 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) Nov. 1, 1861; Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) Jan. 6, 1862; First Asst. Engineer (Master) March 1, 1864 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieuten- ant) July 25, 1866 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 21, 1869. Elected Sept. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 525. Council of the Commandery May 5, 1897-1899. ' Treasurer of the Commandery May 3, 1899-1900. Born Feb. 20, 1838, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Oct. 12, 1900, at Philadelphia, Pa. 445. Anthony Francis Holmes Acting Ensign U. S. Navy Aug. 20, 1862; Acting Master May 9, 1864; honorably discharged April 24, 1869. Elected Sept. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 526. Born Dec. 19, 1818, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Aug. 23, 1873, at Yonkers, N. Y. 446. Thomas Carstairs Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Sept. 30, 1862; appointment revoked June 30, 1866. Elected Sept. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 527. Born Oct. 30, 1826, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 14, 1879, at Philadelphia, Pa. 447. Sylvanus W. Godon Midshipman U. S. Navy March 4, 1819; Passed Midshipman June 4, 1831 ; Lieutenant Dec. 17, 1836; Commander Sept. 14, 1855; Captain July 16, 1862; Commodore Jan. 2, 1863; Rear Admiral July 25, 1866; retired June 18, 1871. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 538. Born June 18, 1809, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died May 17, 1879, at Blois, France. 449. Walter W. Queen Midshipman U. S. Navy Oct. 7, 1841 ; Passed Midshipman Aug. 10, 1847 ; Master Sept. 15, 1855 ; Lieutenant Sept. 16, 1855 ; resigned April 16, 1857. Lieut. -Commander U. S. Navy July 16, 1862; Commander Julv 25, 1866; Captain June 4, 1874 ; Commodore Feb. 9, 1884 ; Rear Admiral Sept. 10, 1886 ; retired Oct. 6, 1886. 59 Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 540. Transferred to Comniandery of District of Columbia Dec. 4, 1883. Born Oct. 6, 1824, at Washington, D. C. Died Oct. 24, 1893, at Washington, D. C. 450. Arthur Reid Yates Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 24, 1853 ; Passed Midshipman June 25, 1860 ; Master Oct. 24, 1860; Lieutenant April 18, 1861 ; Lieut.-Commander Nov. 16, 1864 ; Commander Feb. 6, 1872 ; Captain Feb. 9, 1884. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 541. Born Oct. 29, 1838, at Schenectady, N. Y. Died Nov. 4, 1891, at Portsmouth, N. H. 451. George Cochran Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Sept. 27, 1861 ; Paymaster (Lieut.- Commander) June 12, 18(i3 ; Pay Inspector (Commander) Dec. 6, 1880 ; Pay Director (Captain) Nov. 19, 1891. Elected Nov. 13. 1867. Class 1. Insignia 542. Born April 8, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 9, 1900, at Philadelphia, Pa. 452. George De Forest Barton Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy June 5, 1861 ; Asst. Paymaster (Master) July 2, 1864 ; Paymaster (Lieut.-Commander) May 4, 1866 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 12, 1869. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 543. Transferred to Commandery of New York Nov. 1, 1878. 453. Charles Anderson McDaniel Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Jan. 19, 1865 ; Passed Asst. Pavmaster (Lieutenant) July 23, 1866 ; Paymaster (Lieut.-Commander) Sept. 3, i871. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 544. Born , at , O. Died Feb. 6, 1894, at Dayton, O. 454. Edward Norman Whitehouse Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Dec. 4, 1862; Asst. Paymaster (Master) July 23, 18(>6 ; Passed Asst. Paymaster (Lieutenant) Sept. 6, 1867; Paymaster (Lieut.-Commander) April 12, 1877 ; retired (Lieut.-Commander) Feb. 4. 1898. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 545. Transferred to Commandery of New York Dec. 13, 1884. 455. Albert Carpenter Gorgas Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Aug. 30, 1856; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) Aug. 30, 1861 ; Surgeon (Lieut.-Commander) Oct. 13, 1861 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) Oct. 6, 1873; Medical Director (Captain) March 4, 1884 ; retired (Captain) June 7, 1895. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1 Insignia 546. Born May 29, 1834, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died June 29, 1895, at Germantown, Pa. 456. Samuel Pellman Boyer Acting Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy June 21, 1862; Acting Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) May 19, 1865 ; honorably discharged April 3, 1870. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 547. Born June 13, 1839, at Bauerville, Pa. Died April 14, 1875, at Reading, Pa. 60 457. Henry Clay Nields Acting Master's Mate U. vS. Navy Feb. 11, 1863; Acting Ensign July 11, 1864 ; Acting Master Nov. 4, 1864 ; Master March 12, 1868 ; Lieutenant Dec 18, 1868; Lieut.-Commanderjuly 1,1870. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 548. Born March 18, 1839, at West Chester, Pa. Died Dec. 13, 1880, at West Chester, Pa. 459. Clarke Merchant Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy May 29, 1852; Midshipman June 10, 1857; Passed Midshipman June 25, 1860 ; Master Oct. 24, 1860 ; Lieutenant April 18, 1861 ; Lieut. -Commander March 3, 1865 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Aug. 10, 1865. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 550. Council of the Commandery May 4, 1881-1884. Senior Vice Commander of the Commandery May 6, 1891-1892. 460. Henry Harrison Bingham First Lieutenant 140th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1862; Captain Sept. 9, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 25, 1864. Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Volunteers Sept. 20, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 2, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, "for good conduct and conspicuous gallantry, especially at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Gettysburg; " Lieut-Colonel April 9, 1865, "for high)}- meritorious services during the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. Robert E. Lee ; " Colonel and Brig -General April 9, 1865, " for conspicuous gallantr}- and meritorious services during the war." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for having rallied and led into action a portion of the troops who had given way under the fierce assaults of the enemy at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864." Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 551. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Dec. 29, 1899. 461. Charles Albright Major 132d Penna. Infantry Aug. 21, 1862; Lieut.-Colonel Sept. 18, 1862; Colonel Jan. 24, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 24, 1863. Colonel 34th Penna. (Militia) infantry July 3, 1863 ; honorablv mustered out Aug. 10, 1863. Colonel 202d Penna. Infantry Sept. 4, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 3, 1865. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 7, 1865. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 552. Born Dec. 13, 1830, in Berks Co., Pa. Died Sept. 28, 1880, at Mauch Chunk, Pa. 465. Thomas B. Weir Second Lieutenant 3d Michigan Cavalry Oct. 13, 1861 ; First Lieutenant June 19, 1862; Captain Nov. 1, 1862; Major Jan. 18, 1865; Lieut.-Colonel Nov. 6, 1865 ; honorablv mustered out Feb. 12, 1866. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry July 28, 1866 ; Captain July 31, 1867. Brevetted Major U. S. Army July 31, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Farmington, near Corinth, Miss., May 3, 1862 ;" Lieut.- Colonel, July 31, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the engagement vpith Forrest near Ripley, Miss." Elected Nov. 13. 1867. Class 1. Insignia 556 (not issued). Born Nov. 28, 1838, at Nashville, O. Died Dec. 9, 1876, at New York City. 61 467. Alfred Hedberg Private 15th U. S. Infantry Nov. 19, 1862 ; discharged for promotion July 22, 1863. Second Lieutenant loth U. S. Infantry July 21, 1863 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 11, 1864 ; Captain June 17, 1867 ; Cashiered Jan. 15, 1873. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry March 1, 1889. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 558. Born 1837, at , Sweden. Died Oct. 30, 1893, at Chicago, 111. 469. Prince Redington Stetson Second Lieutenant 6th Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. April 19, 1861 ; discharged to accept appointment in U. S. Armv June 24, 1861. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Captain Dec. 22, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 21, 1864. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia .560. Transferred to Commandery of New York Dec. 7, 1870. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania June 2, 1880. 474. John Paul Quinn Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy May 9, 1861; Surgeon (Lieut. -Com- mander) Dec. 30, 1864. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia -565 (not issued). Born Julv 7, 1838, at , Vt. Died June 6, 1869, at Havana, Cuba. 475. J.\MES Hepburn Campbell Private "Clay Guards" (Washington, D. C.) April 18, 1861; discharged May 6, 1861. Major 25th Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 1, 18H1. Lieut.-Colonel 39th Penna. (Militia) Infantry July 4, 1863 ; honorably mus- tered out Aug. 2, 1863. Elected Nov. 13, 1867 Class 1. Insignia .566. Born Feb. 8, 1820, at Williamsport, Pa. Died April 12, 1895, at Wayne, Pa. 477. Roger Nelson Stembel Midshipman U.S. Navy March 27, 1832; Passed Midshipman June 28, 1838 ; Lieutenant Oct. 26, 1843 ; Commander July 1, 1861 ; Captain July 25, 1866 ; Commodore July 13, 1871 ; retired Dec. 27, 1872 ; Rear Admiral (^retired list) Feb. 2. 1875. Elected Nov. 13, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 568. Born , at Middletown, Md. Died Nov. 19, 1900, at New York City. 478. Charles Steedman Midshipman U. S. Navy April 1, 1828; Passed Midshipman Jan. 14, 18.34; Lieutenant Feb. 25, 1841 ; Commander Sept. 14, 1855 ; Captain Sept. 12, 1862; Commodore July 25, 1866 ; Rear Admiral Mav 25, 1871 ; retired Sept. 24, 1873. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 589. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts June 3, 1874. Born Sept. 24, 1811, near Santee, S. C. Died Nov. 13, 1890, at Washington. D. C. 479. J.AMES Shepard Thornton Midshipman U. S. Navy Jan. 15, 1841 ; Passed Midshipman Aug. 10, 1846; resigned May 9, 18-50 ; reinstated Feb. 3, 1854, to rank from Aug. 20, 1847 ; Master May 7", 1855 ; Lieutenant Sept. 14, 18-55 ; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1862; Commander July 25, 186<> ; Captain Mav 24, 1872. Elected Dec. 4, 1867! Class 1. Insignia -590 (not issued). Born Feb. 25, 1827, at Thomson's Ferry, N. H. Died May 14, 1875, at Germantown, Pa. 62 481. Theodore Zeller Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy June 15, 1843 ; Second Asst. Engineer Feb. 27, 1847; First Asst. Engineer Nov. 6, 1849; Chief Engineer June 27, 1855; Chief Engineer (Commander) March 13, 1863 ; Chief Engineer (Captain) June 27, 1875 ; retired (Commodore) Dec. 1, 1885. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 592. Born Dec. 1, 1823, at New York City. Died June 30, 1901, at New York City. 482. Francis Cadwalader Dade Third Asst. Engineer U.S. Navy Jan. 20, 1849; Second Asst. Engineer Feb. 26, 1851 ; First Asst. Engineer May 21, 1853; Chief Engineer (Lieut.- Commander) June 30, 1861 ; Chief Engineer (Commander) March 3, 1871 ; Chief Engineer (Captain) March 4, 1881 ; retired (Captain) Jan. 26, 1889. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 593. Born March 22, 1829, at Richmond, Va. Died April 29, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 483. William Roberts Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy Aug. 2, 1855 ; First Asst. Engineer Aug. 2, 1859 ; resigned Aug. 24, 1859. First Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy April 24, 1861 ; Chief Engineer (L,ieut.- Commander) April 21, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 18, 1869, Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 594. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts Feb. 3, 1869. 484. William Hervey King Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy May 20, 1857 ; vSecond Asst. Engineer Aug. 2, 1859 ; First Asst. Engineer Dec. 2, 1861 ; Chief Engineer (Lieut. - Commander) Nov. 10, 1863. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 595. Born Dec. 1, 1837, at Jackson, Mo. Died March 11, 1883, at San Francisco, Cal. 485. George W. Rogers Carpenter U. S. Navy Feb. 6, 1862 ; resigned . Acting Ensign U. S. Navy Oct. 1, 1862 ; Acting Master April 16, 1863 ; Act- ing Volunteer Lieutenant July 9, 1864 ; honorably discharged Dec. 15, 1868. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 596. Born March 2, 1811, at , Pa. Died June 13, 1885, at Dexter, Mo. 486. Lorenzo Traver Acting Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Nov. 22, 1861 ; honorably dis- charged Oct. 18, 1868. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 597. 487. John McGowan Acting Master's Mate U. S. Navy March 8, 1862 ; Acting Master May 7, 1862 ; Master March 12, 1868 ; Lieutenant Dec. 18, 1868 ; Lieut.-Commander April 22, 1870; Commander Jan. 29, 1887; Captain March 3, 1899; Rear Admiral (retired) April 13, 1901. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 598. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 5, 1891. 488. Robert Peebles McKibbin Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry Aug. 5, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 1, 1862; Captain Jan. 20, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 15, 1870. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Sept. 17, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Md.;" Major March 13, 1865, "for gallant 63 and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va ;" Lieut. -Colonel March lo, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 599 (not issued). Born Aug. 17, 18o4, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died July 21, 1873, at Galveston, Tex. 490. George Alexander LeMaistre Private 97th Penna. Infantry Oct. 2, 1861 ; Sergeant Oct. 17, 1861 ; Sergeant- Major Oct. ol, 1861 ; discharged for promotion April 29, 1862. Second Lieutenant 97th Penna. Infantry April 29, 1862 ; Captain [a. w. nt.) June 6, 1864 ; honorably discharged for disability from wounds Sept. 20, 1864. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 601. Born March 21, 1842, at Dublin, Ire. Died Jan. 7, 1897, at Charleston, S. C. 492. John Pringle Hiester Jones First Lieutenant 2d Penna. Cavalry Nov. 12, 1861 ; honorably discharged for disabilitv July 24, 1863. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 603. Born April 8, 1841, at Reading, Pa Died April 10, 1884, at Norristown, Pa. 493. Richard Coulter Private 2d Penna. Infantry Dec. 24, 1846 ; discharged July 14, 1848. Captain 11th Penna. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel April 26, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 1, 1861. Colonel 11th Penna. Infantry Nov. 27, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 1, 1865. Brevetted Brig-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, " for gallant conduct in the battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Court-House, Va." ; Major- General April 1, 1865, " for gallant conduct in the battle of Five Forks, Va., in an energetic assault of the enemy on the Ford Road." Elected Dec. 4, 1867, Class 1. Insignia 604. 495. David Inglis Scott Private 7th Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. June 16, 1863 ; mustered out July 20, 1863. Private 17th U. S. Infantry Aug. 27, 1863 ; Sergeant Sept. 1, 1863 ; dis- charged for promotion July 19, 1864. Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry May 18, 1864 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 3, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 26, 1868. Brevetted First Lieutenant May 19, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Spotsvlvania, Va." Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 606. Born , 1836, at Ipswich, Eng. Died Feb. 10, 1879, at Paterson, N. J. 496. George Plunkktt Asst. Paymaster (Master) U.S. Navy Oct. 10, 1861; Paymaster (Lieut. - Commander) Feb. 6, 18(52 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 25, 1868. Reinstated Paymaster (Lieut. -Commander) April 2, 1872. Elected Dec. 4. 1867. Class 1. Insignia 607. Born Feb. 11, 1846, at New York City. Died Oct. 24, 1874, at Boston, Mass. 497. John Hopson vShoenberger "A gentleman in civil life who, during the Rebellion, was specially dis- tinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Govern- ment, and active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same." Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Class 3. Insignia 609. Born Oct. 23, 1810, at Juniata Forge. Pa. Died Nov. 12, 1889, at New York City. 64 499. Thomas Harman Patterson Midshipman U. S. Navy April 5, 1836; Passed Midshipman Jnly 1, 1842; Master Oct. 31, 1848; Lieutenant June 23, 1849; Commander July 16, 1862; Captain Julv 25, 1866 ; Commodore Nov. 2, 1871 ; Rear Admiral March 28, 1877 ; retired May 10, 1882. Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 611. Born May 10, 1820, at New Orleans, La. Died April 9, 1889, at Washington, D. C. 500. Joseph Rowe Smith First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Dec. 15, 1854 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Dec. 15, 1859; Major and Surgeon June 11, 1862; Lieut. - Colonel and Surgeon Jan. 9, 1885 ; Colonel and Surgeon Feb. 9, 1890 ; retired April 18, 1895. Lieut. -Colonel and Medical Director U. S. Volunteers (by assignment) Feb. 25, 1865, to June 30, 1865. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for superior ability and excellent management of the affairs of his department ; " Colonel Nov. 22, 1866, "for meritorious services and devotion to the sick during the prevalence of the cholera at Little Rock, Ark." Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 612. 501. Joseph Morgan Bradford Midshipman U. S. Navy Jan. 10, 1840; Passed Midshipman July 11, 1846 ; Master March 1, 1855; Lieutenant Sept. 16, 1855; Lieut. -Commander July 15, 1862 ; Commander July 25, 1866. Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 613. Born Nov. 4, 1824, in Summer Co., Tenn. Died April 14, 1872, at Norfolk, Va. 502. George Abisha Woodward Captain 31st Penna. Infantry (2d Reserve) May 27, 1861 ; Major April 2, 1862; Lieut. -Colonel Feb. 20, 1863; discharged to accept appointment in Veteran Reserve Corps Aug. 29, 1863. Major Veteran Reserve Corps Aug. 24, 1863 ; Lieut. -Colonel Sept. 25, 1863 ; Colonel Dec. 4, 1863 ; honorably mustered out July 20, 1866. Lieut.-Colonel 45th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866; transferred to 14th Infantry March 15, 1869; Colonel 15th Infantry Jan. 10, 1876; retired on account of wounds March 20, 1879. Brevetted Colonel U.S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 614. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Nov. 2, 1888. 503. Francis Henry Swan Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Dec. 9, 1861 ; Asst. Paymaster (Master) March 9, 1865; Passed Asst. Paymaster (Lieutenant) May 4, 1866; Paymaster (Lieut.-Commander) March 5, 1867; Pay Inspector (Commander) Feb. 5, 1886 ; retired (Commander) July 15, 1886. Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 615. 506. John Thaw Denniston Corporal 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Private 155th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 2, 1862. Second Lieutenant 155th Penna. Infantry Sept. 2, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 29, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 31, 1864. Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 618. 66 507. John Franksford Tarbei.i, Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Jan. 28, 1862; honorably dis- charged Dec. 11, 1865. Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Feb. 7, 1867 ; Passed Asst. Paymaster (lyieutenant) Sept. 16, 1868; Paymaster (Lieut. -Commander) April 3, 1879; retired (Lieut. -Commander) Feb. 18, 1892. Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 619. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts May 6, 1874. 508. WiLUAM Kapus First Lieutenant 1st Washington Territory Infantry Sept. 20, 1862 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Nov. 24, 1862 ; honorably mustered out July 24, 1865. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry March 7, 1867 ; Regimental Quarter- master June 1, 1868 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 1, 1869. Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 620. Transferred to Commandery of Oregon May 7, 1885 — Charter member. Born May 7, 1835, at Brunswick, Ger. Died May 21, 1901, at Portland, Ore. 509. William Delaware Lewis, Jr. Colonel 18th Penna. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 6, 1861. Colonel 110th Penna. Infantry Jan. 2, 1862; resigned and honorably dis- charged for di'sability Dec. 20, 1862. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Elected Jan. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 621. Born May 10, 1827, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 19, 1872, at Philadelphia, Pa. 510. James Newton Dickson Private Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery April 24, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Second Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 4, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Regimental Commissary of SubsisteuceApril 8, 1862 ; Captain March 1, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 17, 1864. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery March 6, 1862 ; resigned and honor- ablv discharged April 27, 1863. Elected Jan. 2. 1868. Class 1. Insignia 622. Born July 14, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 13, 1875, at Philadelphia, Pa. 511. Thomas West Sherman Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1832; Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery July 1, 1836; First Lieutenant March 14, 1838; Captain May 28, 1846; Major April 27, 1861; Lieut.-Colonel 5th Artillery May 14, 1861; Colonel 3d Artillery June 1,1863; retired with rank of Major-General Dec. 31. 1.S70. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers May 17, 1861 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service April 30, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Feb. 23, 1847, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Buena Vista ; " Brig.-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Port Hiidson, La. ; " Major- General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritor- ious services during the war." Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 643 (not issued). Born March 26, 1813, at Newport, R. I. Died March 16, 1879, at Newport, R. I. 66 513. Henry Jackson Private 14th Illinois Cavalry Dec. 28, 1863; Corporal June 1, 1864; trans- ferred to 5th U. S. Colored Cavalry Jan. 2, 1865 ; Sergeant-Major Jan. 2, 1865 ; discharged for promotion May 14, 1865. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Colored Cavalry May 14, 1865; First Lieuten- ant Dec. 28, 1865 ; honorably mustered out March 16, 1866. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry Jul}^ 28, 1866; First Lieutenant July 31, 1867; Captain June 25, 1876; Major 8d Cavalry Aug. 27, 1896; Lieut. - Colonel 5th Cavalry Jan. 23, 1900; Colonel 3d Cavalry April 29, 1901 ; retired Mav 31, 1901. Elected Feb. 5, 1808. Class 1. Insignia 645. Transferred to Commandery of Kansas July 12, 1901. 514. Henry Andrew Morrovi^ Private District of Columbia and Maryland Infantry May 18, 1846; dis- charged Maj' 30, 1847. Colonel 24th Michigan Infantry Aug. 15, 1862 ; honorably mustered out July 19, 1865. Lieut.-Colonel 36th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; transferred to loth Infantry March 15, 1869 ; Colonel 21st Infantry April 27, 1879. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished services during the campaign before Richmond, Va. ; " Major- Geueral March 13, 1865, " for distinguished and conspicuous gallantry and for good conduct before Petersburg, Va." Colonel U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 6, 1865." Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 646. Transferred to Commandery of California Dec. 3, 1883. Born July 10, 1829, at Warrenton, Va. Died Jan. 31, 1891, at Hot Springs, Ark. 515. CharIvES Henry Whittelsey Second Lieutenant 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery March 12, 1862 ; First Lieutenant June 18, 1862; discharged for promotion May 17, 1863. Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers May 15, 1863 ; Major and Asst. Adjt. -General May 26, 1865; honorably mustered out Sept. 1, 1866. Captain 30th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; unassigned March 23, 1869 ; assigned to 13th Infantry Sept. 1, 1869. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Oct. 19, 1864, "for faithful and meritor- ious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley;" Lieut.-Colonel April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle before Petersburg, Va. ; " Colonel April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminat- ing with the surrender of the insurgent army under General Robert E. Lee ;" Brig.-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the vs^ar. " Major U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865." Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 647. Born , 1833, at New Haven, Conn. Died Oct. 18, 1871, at Fort Bridger, Wyoming. 516. Arthur MacArthur, Jr. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 24th Wisconsin Infantry Aug. 4, 1862 ; Major Jan. 25, 1864 ; Lieut.-Colonel May 18, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 10, 1865. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry Feb. 23, 1865 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 23, 1865 ; transferred to 26th Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; Captain 36th Infantry July 28, 1866; unassigned May 19, 1869; assigned to 13th Infantry July 5, 1870 ; vacated commission Dec. 16, 1889. Major and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Army July 1, 1889 ; Lieut.-Colonel and Asst. Adjt.-General May 26, 1896. 67 Brig.-General U. S. Army Jan. 2, 1900; Major-General Feb. 5, 1901, Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers May 1'7, 1.S9S ; Major-General Aug. 13, 1898; honorably discharged from Volunteer service Feb. 18, 1901. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March LS, 186.5, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Perryville, Ky., Stone River, Missionary Ridge, and Dandridge, Tenn. ; " Colonel March IH, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., and in the Atlanta Campaign." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress, "for having seized the colors of his regiment at a critical moment and planted them on the captured works on the crest of Missionary Ridge, at the battle of Mission- ary Ridge, Tenn., Nov. I'o, 1868." Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 648. Transferred to Commandery of Wisconsin Oct. 21, 1886. 519. John Edmond Yard Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry Nov. 12, 1861 ; First Lieutenant May 30, 186;:J ; Captain July 28, 1866 ; Major 10th Cavalry March 7, 1867 ; unassigned Dec. lo, 1870 ; assigned to 20th Infantrv Dec. 31, 1870 ; Lieut. -Colonel 24th Infantry March 4, 1879 ; Colonel 18th Infantry April 19, 1886. Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia Oo'l. Transferred to Commandery of California Nov. 7, 1883. Born May 4, 1837, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 19, 1889, at Fort Hays, Kan. 521. David Bell McKibbin Second Lieutenant 9th U. vS. Infantrv March 3, 1855 ; First Lieutenant March 1, 1861; Captain 14th Infantrv 'May 14, 1861; transferred to 32d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; Major 10th Infantry Sept. 15, 1867 ; unassigned March 15, 1869 ; assigned to 10th Cavalry Jan. 1, 1871 ; retired May 31, 1875. Colonel 158th Penna. Infantry Nov. 24, 1862 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Aug. 12, 1863. Colonel 214th Peuna. Infantry April 5, 1865 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service .^pril 30, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Aug. 1, 1864, " for gallant services in the battle of North Anna, Va. ;" Lieut. -Colonel Aug. 1, 1864, " for gallant services in the battle of Bethesda Church, Va. ;" Colonel and Brig.-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 653. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. Born April 5, 1831, at Pittsbiirg, Pa. Died Nov. 8, 1890, at Washington, D. C. 525. Evan Miles First Lieutenant 12th U. vS. Infantry Aug. 5, 1861 ; Quartermaster 1st Battalion Aug. 5, 1863, to Nov. 19, 1863 ; Regimental Quartermaster Nov. 19, 1863, to Jan. 20, 1865 ; Captain Jan. 20, 1865 ; transferred to 21st Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; Major 25th Infantry April 24, 1888 ; Lieut.-Colonel 20th Infantry, April 25, 1892; transferred to 22d Infantrv Sept. 11, 1895; transferred to 1st Infantry Nov. 4, 1895 ; Colonel May 4, 1897 ; retired July 19, 1899. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers, Oct. 6, 1898, honorably discharged from Volunteer service Jan. 10, 1899. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Aug. 18, 1864, "for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va." ; Major Feb. 27, 1890, " for gal- lant service in action against Indians at the Clearwater, Idaho, Juh' 11 and 12, 1877, and against Indians at the Umatilla Agency, Oregon, July 13, 1878." Elected Feb 5,1868. Class 1. Insignia 657. Transferred to Commandery of Minnesota Aug. 31, 1888. 68 526. Chambers McKibbin Private General Service U. S. Army Sept. 22, 1862 ; discharged to accept promotion Sept. 24, 1862. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry Sept. 24, 1862; First Lieutenant June 10, 1864; transferred to 32d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866; Captain 3.5th Infantry July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 1.5th Infantry Aug. 12, 1869 ; Major 25th Infantry April 25, 1892; Lieut.-Colonel 21st Infantry May 1, 1896; Colonel 12th Infantry April 1, 1899. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers July 1, 1898 ; honorably discharged from Volunteer service May 12, 1899. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Aug. 18, 1864, " for gallant service in the battle of North Anna, Va., and during the operations on the Weldon Rail- road." Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 6-58. 528. Caspar Schenck Acting Paymaster U. S. Navy July 6, 1861 ; Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) Sept. 14, 1861 ; Paymaster Feb. 5, 1862 ; Paymaster (Lieut.-Commander) Jan. 6, 1864 ; Pay Inspector (Commander) March 3, 1871 ; Pay Director (Captain) Dec. 6, 1880; retired (Captain) Sept. 25, 1897. Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 660. Transferred to Commandery of California May 19, 1881. Born vSept. 26, 1835, at Nissequague, L. I. Died June 21, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 529. Edward Terrv Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 21, 18.53 ; Midshipman June 10, 1857 ; Passed Midshipman June 25, 1860 ; Master Oct. 24, LSfiO ; Lieutenant April 3, 1861 ; Lieut.-Commander Jan. 4, 1863 ; Commander Oct. 30, 1871. Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 661. Born Jan. 24, 1839, at Hartford, Conn. Died June 2, 1882, at Manitou Springs, Col. 5.S0. Philip Henry Cooper Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 28, 1860 ; Ensign May 28, 1868 ; Master Nov. 10, 1865; Lieutenant Nov. 10, 1866; Lieut.-Commander March 12,1868; Commander Nov. 1, 1879; Captain April 11, 1894; Rear Admiral Feb. 9, 1902. Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 662. 531. George Croghan Reid Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps July 2, 1864 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 29, 1869 ; Captain April 2, 1884. Major-Adjutant and Inspector U. S. Marine Corps May 2, 1894 ; Colonel- Adjutant and Inspector March 3, 1899. Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 663. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Oct. 28, 1893. 532. Francis Carpenter Hooton Lieut.-Colonel 175th Penna. Infantry Nov. 29, 1862; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, 1863. Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 664. 533. John William Duncan Major 37th Penna. Infantry (8th Reserve) July 21, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 21, 1861. Volunteer Aide-deCamp with the rank of Major on the staff of Major-Gen- eral John F. Reynolds U. S. Volunteers Nov. 22, 1861, to July 1, 1863. Elected Feb. 5, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 665. Born Feb. 8, 1826, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died March 15, 1887, at Altoona, Pa. 537. Cornelius Gilbert Attwood Second Lieutenant 3d Battalion Mass. Riflemen April 19, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 3, 1861. Captain 2oth Mass. Infantry Oct. 12, 1861 ; Major Oct. 29, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Aug. 18, 186-4. Bre vetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 679. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts March -1, 1868 — Charter member. Born Aug. 14. 1836, at Bangor. Me. Died Jan. 19, 1888, at Boston, Mass. 538. Francis Augustus Osborn Lieut. -Colonel 24th Mass. Infantry Aug. 31, 1861; Colonel Dec. 28, 1862; honorably mustered out Nov. 14, 1864. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, I860, "for distinguished services in the movement on the enemv's works near New Market, Va." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 680. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts March 4, 1868 — Charter member. 639. William Cocswell Captain 2d Mass. Infantry May 11, 1861; Lieut. -Colonel Oct. 23, 1862; Colonel June 2o, 1863; honorably mustered out July 24, I860. Brevetted Brig.-General U. vS. Volunteers Dec. lo, 1864. Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 681. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts March 4, 1868 — Charter member. Born Aug. 23, 1838, at Bradford, Mass. Died May 22, 1895, at Washington, D. C. 540. JosiAH Pickett First Lieutenant 3d Battalion Mass. Riflemen April 19, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 3, 1861. Captain 2oth Mass. Infantry Oct. 28, 1861 ; Major March 20, 1862 ; Colonel Jan. 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 10, I860. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers June 3, 1864, "for gallantry during the war, especially at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., where severely wounded." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 682. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts March 4, 1868 — Charter member. 541. AUGU.STUS Brown Reed vSprague Captain 3d Battalion Mass. Riflemen April 19, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 3, 1861. Lieut. -Colonel 2oth Mass. Infantry Sept. 9, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Nov. 14, 1862. Colonel 51st Mass. Infantry Nov. 11, 1862; honorably mustered out July 27, 1863. Lieut. -Colonel 2d Mass Heavy Artillerv Feb. 27, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 15, 1866. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 683. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts March 4, 1868 — Charter member. 70 542. Ivouis Nathaniel Tucker Captain 18th Mass. Infantry Aug. 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 2, 1864. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 186-5, " for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 684. Transferred to Comuiandery of Massachusetts March 4, 1868 — Charter member. 543. Orson Moulton Third Lieutenant 3d Battalion Mass. Riflemen April 19, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 3, 1861. Captain 25th Mass. Infantry Oct. 12, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel Nov. 5, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 31, 1864. Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 685. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts March 4, 1868 — Charter member. Born Aug. 10, 1825, at Monson, Mass. Died Aug. 31, 1894, at Indian Orchard, Mass, 544. Joseph Waldo Denny Third Lieutenant 3d Battalion Mass. Infantry, April 22, 1861 (attached to 6th Mass. Infantry) ; honorably mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. Captain 25th Mass. Infantry Oct. 12, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 20, 1864. Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 686. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts March 4, 1868 — Charter member. 545. Charles Nisbet Turnbull Cadet U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 1850; Brevet Second Lieutenant U. S. Topographical Engineers July 1, 1854; Second Lieutenant April 30, 1856; First Lieutenant July 1, 1859; Captain July 14, 18()2 ; transferred to Corps of Engineers March 3, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 31, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Aug. 1, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign before Richmond, Va.;" Lieut. -Colonel and Colonel March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 687. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts March 4, 1868— Charter member. Born Aug. 14, 1832, at Washington, D. C. Died Dec. 2, 1874, at Boston, Mass. 546. Charles Frederic Ruff Cadet U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 1834 ; Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Dragoons July 1, 1838 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 31, 1843. Lieut. -Colonel 1st Missouri Mounted Volunteers June 18, 1846; resigned and honorably discharged vSept. 17, 1846. Captain U. S. Mounted Rifles July 7, 1846; Major Dec. 30, 1856; Lieut.- Colonel 3d Cavalry June 10, 1861 ; retired March 30, 1864. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Aug. 1, 1847, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the affair at San Juan de los Llanos, Mex.;" Colonel and Brig.- General March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services in recruiting the armies of the United States." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 688. Council of the Commandery May 4, 1870-1877, and May 7, 1884-1885. Registrar of the Commauderv May 3, 1882-1883. Born Oct. 10, 1818, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Oct. 1, 1885, at Philadelphia, Pa. 71 547. Frank William Paul Private Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery May 13, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. First Lieutenant of Battery attached to oSth Penna. Infantry Nov. 12, 1861 ; transferred to 2d Penna. Heavy Artillery Nov. 12, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 17, 1864. First Lieutenant 24th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 21, 1868. Brevetted Captain U. S. Volunteers March 13, I860, " for gallant and meri- torious services during the war." Captain U. vS. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services at Petersburg Mine, Va." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 689. 548. Frederick Rodgers Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 25, 1857 ; Lieutenant July 16, 1862 ; Lieut.- Commander Julv 25, 1866; Commander Feb. 4, 1875; Captain Feb. 28, 1890; Commodore Dec. 25, 1898 ; Rear Admiral March 3, 1899. Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 690. 549. William M. King Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Dec. 3, 1858 ; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) May 22. 1862 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) May 4, 1875. Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 691. Born June 22, 1837, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 14, 1880, at Philadelphia, Pa. 550. Benjamin Franklin Garvin Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy March 29. 1847 ; Second Asst. Engineer Oct. 31, 1848; First Asst. Engineer Feb. 26, 1851; Chief Engineer (Lieuten- ant) May 11, 18.58; Chief Engineer (Lieut.-Commander) Jan. 1, 1863; Chief Engineer (Commander) Jan. 1, 1864; Chief Engineer (Captain) March 3, 1871 ; retired (Captain) Feb. 14, 1885. Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 692. Born Feb. 14, 1823, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 22, 1892, at Philadelphia, Pa. 551. William Thomas Buck Acting Master U. S. Navy May 27, 1862 ; Ensign March 12, 1868 ; Master Dec. 18, 1868; Lieutenant March 21, 1870. Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 693. Born March 22 1843, at Baltimore, Md. Died July 20, 1874, at Pensacola, Fla. 553. Charles Leslie Sherman Second Lieutenant 1st Michigan Cavalry April 26, 1861 ; resigned and honorablj' discharged May 31, 1862. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps July 12, 1862 ; FHrst Lieutenant Dec. 8, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged Sept. 7, 1877. ' Brevetted First Lieutenant March 2, 1867, to rank from Aug. 5, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mobile Bay." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 695. Born , 1838, at , Mich. Died April 16, 1879, at Philadelphia, Pa. 72 554. George Washington Mindil Second Lieutenant 23d Penna. Infantry July 15, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 31, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 5, 1861 ; transferred to 61st Penna. Infantry Oct. — , 1861 ; resigned for promotion Oct. 6, 1862. Colonel 27tli New Jersey Infantry Oct. 10, 1862; honorablv mustered out July 2, 1863. Colonel 33d New Jersey Infantry Sept. 5, 1863; honorably mustered out July 17, 1865. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for general good conduct during the campaign from Savannah, Ga., to Goldsboro, N. C. ; " Major-General March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, and Mill Creek Gap, near Dalton, Ga." Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress " for having volunteered the services of his regiment after its term had expired." Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress " for having as aide-de-camp led the charge with a part of the regiment, pierced the enemy's centre, silenced some of his artillery, and, getting in his rear, caused him to abandon his position, at Williamsburg, Va. , May 5, 1862." Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 696. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. 14, 1895. 557. Georgb Breed Edwards Sergeant 5th Iowa Cavalry Oct. 25, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 8, Second Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant 5th Iowa Cavalry Jan. 9, 1862 ; honorably discharged Sept. 30, 1862. Elected March 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 699. Born Jan. 3, 1842, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died May 19, 1887, at Pittsburg, Pa. 658. Henry Knox Thatcher Midshipman U. S. Navy March 4, 1823 ; Passed Midshipman March 23, 1829; Lieutenant Feb. 28,1833; Commander Sept. 14, 1855; Commodore July 16, 1862; Rear Admiral July 25, 1866 ; retired May 26, 1868. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 700. Born May 26, 1806, at Thomaston, Me. Died April 5, 1880, at Boston, Mass. 559. Charles Stuart Boggs Midshipman U. S. Navy Nov. 1, 1826; Passed Midshipman April 28, 1832; Lieutenant Sept. 6, 1837 ; Commander Sept. 15, 1855 ; Captain July 16. 1862 ; Commodore Julv 25, 1866; Rear Admiral Julv 1, 1870; retired Jan. 29, 1872. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 701. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882 — Charter member. Born Jan. 28, 1811, at New Brunswick, N. J. Died April 22, 1888, at New Brunswick, N. J. 560. George Beall Balch Midshipman U. S. Navy Dec. 30, 1837 ; Passed Midshipman June 29, 1843 ; Lieutenant Aug. 16, 1850; Commander July 16, 1862; Captain July 25, 1866; Commodore Aug. 13, 1872; Rear Admiral June 5, 1878; retired Jan. 3, 1883. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 702. 561. Walter Abbott Midshipman U. S. Navy Nov. 29, 1859 ; Ensign Nov. 22, 1862 ; Lieutenant Feb. 22, 1864; Lieut.-Commander July 25, 1866. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 703. Born Oct. 29, 1842, at Charlestown, Mass. Died Feb. 8, 1873, at Funchal, Madeira. 73 562. John Dash Van Buren Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy May 13, 1861 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) April 21, 1863; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Jan. 1, I860 ; resigned Sept. 22, 1868. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 704. 066. Williams Adams Olmstead Captain 2d New York Infantry May 1-4, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colouel July 27, 1861 ; honorably mustered out May 26, 1863. Colonel o9th New York Infantrj^ Nov. 3, 186-1; honorably mustered out June 30, I860. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry May 11, 1866 ; transferred to 22d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 15, 1867 ; resigned May 4, 1869. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers April 9, 1865, "for meritorious services in the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insur- gent army under General Robert E. Lee." Captain U. S. Army Sept. 15, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Malvern Hill.Va. ;" Major Sept. 15, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ;" Lieut. -Colonel Sept. 15, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va." Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 708. Transferred to Commandery of Indiana Dec. 13, 1897. 568. Hiram Henrv Ketchum Private 16th New York Infantry Sept. 20, 1861 ; honorably discharged Sept. 29, 1862. Private 1st New York Engineers Sept. 10, 1864 ; honorably discharged May 30, 1865. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry Feb. 23, 1866 ; transferred to 22d Infantrv Sept. 21, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Julv 31, 1867 ; Regimental Adjutant March 1, 1869, to Oct. 1, 1881 ; Captain July 20, 1882 ; Major Aug. 11, 1898 ; retired Aug. 11, 1898. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army " for gallant service in action against Indians near the mouth of the Big Horn River, Mont., Aug. 11, 1873." Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 710. Transferred to Commanderv of New York, April 10, 1893. Born Feb. 14, 1844, at -, Can. Died Aug. 12, 1898, at Avon-by-the-vSea, N. J. 570. William Spencer McCaskey Private 1st Penna. Infantrv April 20, 1861 ; honorablj- discharged Julv 26, 1861. First Sergeant 79th Penna. Infantry Sept. 5, 1861 ; discharged for promo- tion Oct. 8, 1862. Second Lieutenant 79th Penna. Infantry Oct. 9, 1862 ; First Lieutenant April 10, 1863 ; Captain July 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out July 12, 1865. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry Feb. 23, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 23, 1866 ; transferred to 22d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; transferred to 20tli Infantrv Julv 14, 1869; Captain Sept. 5, 1871; Major May 31, 1895; Lieut- Colonel 2d Infantrv Aug. 30. 1898 ; transferred to 20th Infantrv Dec. 30, 1898; Colonel 7th Infantrv Jan. 29, 1900 ; transferred to 20th Infantry Feb. 3, 1900. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 712. Transferred to Commandery of Kansas April 2, 1897. 572. Joshua Stroud Fletcher First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry Mav 14, 1861 ; Captain March 17, 1862 ; transferred to 16th Infantrv April 14, 1869; Major 23d Infantry Feb. 8, 1880; Lieut.-Colonel 2d Infantry July 10, 1885 ; retired June 19, 1891. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Aug. 1, 1864 " for gallant services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va." ; Lieut.-Colonel Aug. 18, 1864, " for gallant services in the battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va." Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 714. Born Feb. 6, 1840, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 3, 1899, at Philadelphia, Pa. 74 573. Charles Lawrence Cooper Private 71st New York (Militia) Infantry May 27, 1862; mustered out Sept. 2, 1862. Private 21st New York (Militia) Infantry June 27, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 6, 1863. Second Lieutenant 127th U. S. Colored Infantry Sept. 7, 1864 ; First Lieutenant March 5, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 20, 1865. Second Lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 5, 1867 ; transferred to 10th Cavalry Jan. 1, 1871 ; Captain Sept. o, 1883 ; Major 5th Cavalry July 5, 1898 ; Lieut.-Colonel 15th Cavalry Feb. 17, 1901. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 715. 575. George Simon Grimes Private 116th New York Infantry Sept. 3, 1862; discharged to accept promotion Dec. 1, 1863. Sergeaut-Major 89th U. S. Colored Infantry Dec. 24, 1863 ; transferred to 98d Colored Infantry Aug. 5, 1864 ; transferred to 81st Colored Infantry March 30, 1865. Second Lieutenant 81st U. S. Colored Infantry March 80, 1865; First Lieutenant Jan. 6, 1866 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 30, 1866. Second Lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry Jan. 22, 1867 ; First Lieutenant July 20, 1868 ; transferred to 25th Infantry April 20, 1869 ; unassigned July 13, 1869; assigned to 2d Artillerv Dec. 15, 1870; Captain Nov. 20, 1887; Major March 31, 1899; Lieut.-Colonel Aug 22,1901. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 717. Transferred to Commandery of California Dec. 10, 1901. 576. Henry Perkins Muirheid Second Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 10, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 1, 1861; Captain March 29, 1862; honorably discharged for disability April 2, 1863. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 718. Chancellor of the Commandery May 8, 1873-1876. Born Sept. 10, 1835, at Pennington, N. J. Died April 28, 1876, at Philadelphia, Pa. 577. Samuel Emlen Meigs Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers Nov. 14, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 31, 1863. Elected April 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 719. 578. John Brown Parker A "gentleman in civil life who, during the Rebellion, was specially dis- tinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Govern- ment, and active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same." Elected April 1, 1868. Class 3. Insignia — (not issued). Born Oct. 5, 1816, at Carlisle, Pa. Died Aug. 17, 1888, at Carlisle, Pa. 579. Philip Henry Sheridan Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1848 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry July 1, 1853 ; Second Lieutenant 4th Infantry Nov. 22, 1854 ; First Lieutenant March 1, 1861 ; Captain 13th Infantry May 14, 1861 ; vacated commission Oct. 12, 1864. Brig. -General U. S. Army Sept. 20, 1864 ; Major-General U. S. Army Nov. 8, 1864, " for the personal gallantry, military skill, and just confidence in the courage and patriotism of his troops, displayed by him on the 19th day of October, at Cedar Run, whereby, under the blessing of Providence, his routed army was reorganized, a great national disaster averted, and a brilliant victory achieved over the rebels for the third time in pitched battles within thirty days." The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Resolved (joint resolution approved Feb. 9, I860), that the thanks of Congress are hereby tendered "To Major-General P. H. Sheridan and the officers and soldiers under his command, for the gallantry, military skill, and courage displayed in the bril- liant series of victories achieved by them in the valley of the Shenandoah, and especially for their services at Cedar Run on the 19th day of Oct., 1864, which retrieved the fortunes of the day and thus averted a great disaster." Lieut. -General U. S. Army March 4, 1869 ; vacated commission June 1, 1888. General U. S. Army June 1, 1888. Colonel 2d Michigan Cavalry May 25, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 29, 1862. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers July 1, 1862; Major-General Dec. 81, 1862 ; vacated commission in Volunteer service Nov. 8, 1864. Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. -Insignia 7-50. Transferred to Commandery of Illinois May 1, 1879— Charter member. Born March 6, IH'M, at Albany, N. Y. Died Aug. 5, 1888, at Nonquitt, Mass. 581. Henry Sanford Gansevoort Private 7th Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. April 19, 1861 ; discharged to accept appointment in U. S. Army June 3, 1861. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery May 14, 1861 ; First Lieutenant March 1, I8(i2; Captain Aug. l.S, 1866. Colonel loth New York Cavalry March 28, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 23, I8H0. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Sept. 17, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Md. ;" Major Oct. 14, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in action near Manassas Gap, Va.;" Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war. " Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers June 24, 1864. Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1 Insignia 759. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts April 6, 1870. Born Dec. 15, 1835, at Albany, N. Y. Died April 12, 1871, at Albany, N. Y. 582. James Curtis Cadet U. S. Militarv Academv July 1, 1847 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry July 1,' 18-51 ; Second Lieutenant Jan. 30, 1852 ; First Lieuten- ant March 3, 1855 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 15, 1857. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry Mav 14, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 25, 1861 ; unassigned Aug. 12, 1869 ; assigned to 3d Cavalry Dec. 15, 1870 ; Major 10th Cavalrv May 31, 1875 ; retired May 17, 1876. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Sept. 1, 1864, 'for faithful and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., and during the Atlanta campaign." Elected March 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 760. Born March 20, 1831, at Eastport, Me. Died Jan. 19, 1878, at Chicago, 111. 583. Henry Sweeney Private 2d U. S. Dragoons Sept. 11, 1854; Bugler June — , 18.55; Private Sept. 8. 1857; Corporal Feb. 1, 1859; Hospital Steward Jan. 20, 1859; dis- charged for promotion Oct. 8, 1863. Captain 60th U. S. Colored Troops Oct. 15, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 11, 1867. S'econd Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry June 18, 1867 ; First Lieutenant Julv 27, 1868 ; unassigned Aug. 12, 1869 ; assigned to 4th Cavalry Jan. 1, 1871; Captain April 2, 1879 ; retired April 24, 1886. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for long and faithful service." Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 761. Transferred to Commandery of California Aug. 27, 1886. 76 584. Henry Ci,itz Pratt Second Lieutenant 8Sth New York Infantry Jan. 11, 1862 ; First Lieutenant July 30, 18G2; Captain Nov. 21, 1862; honorably mustered out June 22, 1863. First Lieutenant 13th New York Heavy Artillery Nov. 20, 1863 ; Captain Dec. 12, 1864 ; honorabl}' mustered out Aug. 24, 186-5. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry May 11, 1866 ; First Lieutenant July 1, 1867; Regimental Adjutant Sept. 1, 1871, to June 10, 1876 ; Captain Tune 10,1876. J - . F J Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Blackburn's Ford, Va. ; " Captain March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va." Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 762. Born Feb. 1, 1843, at Governor's Island, N. Y. Died March 1, 1887, at Fort Stanton, N. M. 585. Washington Irving vSanborn Second Lieutenant 1st Washington Territory Infantry Oct. 3, 1862 ; dis- charged for promotion Oct. 20, 1865. Captain and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Volunteers Feb. 1, 1865; honorably mustered out Oct. 1, 1866. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantrv May 11, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 10, 1869 ; unassigned Julv 20, 1869 ; assigned to 25lh Infantry Jan. 1, 1871 ; Captain Dec. 4, 1884 ; Major Nov. 1, 1898 ; retired Nov. 1, 1898. Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 763. Transferred to Commandery of California May 8, 1899. 587. Edwin Robinson Denbv Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy July 11, 1855; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) Aug. 1, 1861 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) Dec. 28, 1872. Elected Mav 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 764 (not issued). Born Feb. 28, 1834, at Richmond, Va. Died May 3, 1875, at sea. 592. John Cassels Private 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. First Lieutenant 11th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 8, 1861 ; Captain April 16, 1862 ; Major Oct. 28, 1864 ; resigned and honorablv discharged April 1, 1865. Captain 9th U. S. Cavalry July 28. 1866 ; declined Oct. 10, 1866. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for faithful, meritorious, and untiring services as Provost Marshal of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina." Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 770. Council of the Commandery May 7, 1890-1892. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 4, 1898-1899. 593. Horace Preston Egbert Private 8th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 12, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 25, 1862. Private Landis Penna. (Militia) Battery June 27, 1863 ; mustered out July 30, 1863. Second Lieutenant 183d Penna. Infantrv Nov. 13, 1863 ; First Lieutenant July 11, 1864; Captain Aug. 8, 1864; Major Dec. 24, 1864; honorably mus- tered out July 13, 1865. Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 771. 594. Powell Clayton Captain 1st Kansas Infantry May 29, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 27, 1861. Lieut. -Colonel 5th Kansas Cavalry Dec. 28, 1861 ; Colonel March 7, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 29, 1864. Brig-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 24, ISfio. Elected May 6, ISfiS. Class 1. Insignia 772. Transferred to Comniandery of Arkansas May 6, 1868 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 31, 1880. Transferred to Commandery of Missouri April 2, 1887. 597. Abraham Hall Ryan First Lieutenant 17th Illinois Infantry May 25, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Mav 25, 1861 ; Captain May 14, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Feb. 9, 1864. ' Colonel od Arkansas Cavalry Feb. 10, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 30, 1865. Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 775. Transferred to Commandery of Arkansas May 6, 1S68 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 31, 1880. Transferred to Commandery of New York Oct. 14, 1889. 598. Albert Webb Bishop Captain 2d Wisconsin Cavalry Dec. 30, 1861 ; resigned for promotion July 10, 1862. Lieut. -Colonel 1st Arkansas Cavalrv July 10, 1862 ; honorably discharged Feb. 22, 1865. Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 776. Transferred to Commandery of Arkansas May 6, 1868 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 31, 1880. Transferred to Commandery of New York June 2, 1881. 599. Henry Page Private 11th Mass. Infantry May 8, 1861 ; Quartermaster Sergeant June 13, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 10, 1861. Second Lieutenant 11th Mass. Infantry Sept. 10, 1861 ; discharged for pro- motion Feb. 25, 1863. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers Nov. 26, 1862 ; honorably mustered out July 17, 1867. Major and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers July 16, 1898 ; honorably mvistered out May 31, 1899. Brevetted Major, Lieut. -Colonel and Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 777. Transferred to Commandery of Arkansas May 6, 1868 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Jan. 11, 1882. 607. Frederick Townsend Colonel 3d New York Infantry May 10, 1861 ; resigned to accept appoint- ment in U. S. Army June 12, 1S61. Major 18th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel 9th Infantry April 20, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 26, 1868. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Army Dec. 31, 1862, "for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; " Colonel March 30, 1865, " for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States;" Brig. -General March 30, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 799. Transferred to Commandery of New York May 1, 1871. Born Sept. 21, 1825, at Albany, N. Y. Died Sept. 11, 1897, at Lake Luzerne, N. Y. 608. John Schuyler Crosby Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery Aug. o, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 28, 1861 ; honorabl)' discharged Dec. 31, 1870. Lieut. -Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to the Lieut. -General of the Army March 13, 1869, to July 31, 1870. Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers June 3, 1863 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Aug. 1, 1866. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army April 12, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in action at Fort Bisland, La. ; " Major April 9, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La. ; " Lieut.-Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 800. Transferred to Commandery of New York May 8, 1890. 609. Henry T. Davis Second Lieutenant 1st. Mass. Cavalry Oct. 31, 1861 ; First Lieutenant May 1, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 9, 1864. Captain 10th U. S. Cavalry July 28, 1866. Brevetted Captain U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorioiis services. " Major U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va." Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 801 (not issued). Born , at , Mass. Died April 10, 1869, at New York City. 611. Samuel Rakestraw Colladay Private 19th Peuna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 9, 1861. Corporal 6th Penna. Cavalry Aug. 29, 1861; Sergeant June 1, 1862; dis- charged for promotion Jan. 24, 1863. Second Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry Jan. 24, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 3, 1864. First Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry March 1, 1865; Captain March 23, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, 1865. Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Cavalry Aug. 9, 1867; First Lieutenant Jan. 1, 1871. Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 803. Born March 6, 1842, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 14, 1884, at Fort vStockton, Tex. 612. Louis Henry Orleman Private 103d New York Infantry Jan. 29, 1862 ; mustered out May 8, 1862. First Lieutenant 119th New York Infantry Aug. 11, 1862 ; Captain May 3, 1863 ; honorably discharged June 27, 1865. Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Cavalry Sept. 20, 1867 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 16. 1874; retired Nov. 20, 1879. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army " for gallant service in actions against Indians at Beaver Creek, Kansas, Oct. 18, 1868, and at Wichita Agency, I.T., Aug. 22, 1874." Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 804. 615. Samuel Rhodes Franklin Midshipman U. S. Navy Feb. 18, 1841 ; Passed Midshipman Aug. 10, 1847 ; Master April 18, 1855; Lieutenant Sept. 14, 1855; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1862; Commander Sept. 26, 1866; Captain Aug. 13, 1872; Commodore May 28, 1881 ; Rear Admiral Jan. 24, 1885 ; retired Aug. 24, 1887. Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 807. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia April 11, 1882. 616. William Lowber Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Nov. 8, 1847 ; Surgeon (Lieut.-Commander) April 18, 1861 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) March 3, 1871 ; retired (Com- mander) July 5, 1872. 79 Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 808. Born Oct. 9, 1823, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 24, 1888, at Philadelphia, Pa. 618. Gershom Mott Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry April 23, 1847 ; honorably dis- charged Aug. 22, 1848. Lieut. -Colonel oth New Jersey Infantry Aug. 17, 1861 ; discharged for pro- motion May 6, 1862. Colonel 6th New Jersey Infantry May 7, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 10, 1862. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 7, 1862; Major-General May 26, 186.5; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 20, 1866. Lieut. -Colonel 32d U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; declined Sept. 24, 1866. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, " for distinguished services during the war." Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 810. Council of the Commandery Nov. o, — 29, 1884. Born April 7, 1822, at Lambertville, N. J. Died Nov. 29, 1884, at New York City. 619. William Joyce Sewell Captain oth New Jersey Infantry Aug. 28, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel July 7, 1862 ; Colonel Jan. 6, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 6, 1864. Colonel 38th New Jersey Infantry Oct. 1, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 30, I860. First Lieutenant 40th U.S. Infantry July 28, 1866; declined Jan. 21, 1867. Major-General U. S. Volunteers May 4, 1898 ; declined May 18, 1898. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; " Major-General March 13, I860, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Awarded the "Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress, "for assuming command of a brigade, he rallied around his colors a mass of men from other regiments, and fought these troops with great brilliancy through several hours of desperate conflict, remaining in command though wounded, and inspiring them by his presence and the gallantrj^ of his personal example, at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., Ma3-3, 1863." Elected June 3. 1868. Class 1. Insignia 811. Born Dec. 6, 183.5, at Castlebar, Ire. Died Dec. 27, 1901, at Camden, N. J. 620. William Elmer Potter Second Lieutenant 12th New Jersey Infantry Sept. 4, 1862 ; First Lieu- tenant Aug. 6, 1863 ; Captain Feb. 4, 1864 ; honorably discharged June 4, I860. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers May 1, 1865, "for meritorious services during the war." Elected June 3, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 812. Born June 13, 1840, at Bridgeton, N. J. Died Nov. 9, 1896, at Bridgeton, N. J. 621. George Alexander Hamilton Blake First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Dragoons June 11, 1836; Captain Dec. 3, 1839; Major 1st Dragoons July 23, 1850; Lieut. -Colonel May 13, 1861 (1st Cavalry Aug. 3, 1861) ; Colonel 1st Cavalry Feb. 15, 1862 ; retired Dec. 15, 1870. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Aug. 17, 1847, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the affair of San Augustine, Mexico ;" Brig.-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and efficient services during the Gettysburg campaign." Elected July 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 827. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia March 15, 1882. Born Aug. 31, 1810, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Oct. 27, 1884, at Washington, D. C. 80 623. Joseph Nicholson Abbey First Lieutenant 2d Penna. Heavy Artillery Feb. 8, 1862 ; Captain Nov. 25, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Nov. 2, 1861:. Elected July 1, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 829. Born Aug. 29, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Sept. 1, 1884, at Philadelphia, Pa. 626. Alexander Murray Midshipman U. S. Navy Aug. 22, 1835 ; Passed Midshipman June 22, 1841 ; Lieutenant Aug. 12, 1847; Commander July 16, 1862; Captain July 25, 1866; Commodore June 19, 1871 ; Rear Admiral April 26, 1876 ; retired April 30, 1878. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 569. Transferred from Commandery of New York Oct. 1, 1868. Transferred to Commanderv of New York April 20, 1870. Born Jan. 2, 1818, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died Nov. 10, 1884, at Washington, D. C. 627. John Roberts Goldsborough Midshipman U. S. Navy Nov. 6, 1824 ; Passed Midshipman April 28, 1832; Lieutenant Sept. 6, 1837 ; Commander Sept. 14, 1855 ; Captain July 16, 1862 ; Commodore April 13, 1867 ; retired July 2, 1870. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 891. Born July 2, 1809, at Washington, D. C. Died June 22, 1877, at Washington, D. C. 628. Pierce Crosby Midshipman U. S. Navy June 5, 1838; Passed Midshipman May 20, 1844; Master Nov. 4, 1852 ; Lieutenant Sept. 3, 1853 ; Commander July 16, 1862 ; Captain May 27, 1868 ; Commodore Oct. 3, 1874 ; Rear Admiral March 10, 1882 ; retired Oct. 29, 1883. Elected Oct. 14. 1868. Class 1. Insignia 892. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Oct. 21, 1896. Born Jan. 16, 1824, in Delaware Co., Pa. Died June 15, 1899, at Washington, D. C. 6.30. Edmund Ross Colhoun Midshipman U. S. Navy April 1, 1829; Passed Midshipman, July 2, 1845; resigned June 27, 1853. Acting Lieutenant U. S. Navy Sept. 24, 1861 ; Commander Nov. 17, 1862 ; Captain March 2, 1869; Commodore April 26, 1876; Rear Admiral Dec. 3, 1882; retired May 6, 1883. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1, Insignia 894. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Jan. 12, 1883. Born May 6, 1819, at , Penna. Died Feb. 17, 1897, at Washington, D. C. 631. Thomas Cooper English Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1845 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry July 1, 1849 ; Second Lieutenant July 31, 1850 ; First Lieutenant 9th Infantry March 3, 1855 ; Captain Dec. 29, 1857 ; Major 5th Infantry Aug. 27, 1863 ; Lieut. -Colonel 2d Infantry Feb. 22, 1869. Lieut.-Colonel 1st Washington Infantry April 19, 1862 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service April 17, 1865. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Army March 13,1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the Rebellion." Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 895 (not issued). Born Dec. 22, 1827, at — , Pa. Died June 10, 1876, at Philadelphia, Pa. 81 632. George Shorklev First Lieutenant olst Penna. Infantry Nov. 16, 1861 ; Captain April 22, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 27, 1865. Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant loth U. S. Infantry Feb. 23, 1866 ; Captain Oct. 13, 1867 ; retired Sept. 23, 1885. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers July 30, 1864, "for gallant and dis- tinguished services in the operations before Petersburg, Va. ;" Lieut. -Colonel March 25, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at Fort Stedman, Va.;" Colonel April 9, 1865, " for long, faithful and valuable services." Captain U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ;" Major March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritor- ious services in the engagement at Fort Stedman, Va." Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 896. 633. James Forney Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps March 1, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1861; Captain April 23, 1864; Major Feb. 24, 1884; Lieut -Colonel Jan. 30, 1891 ; Colonel July 11, 1892. Brevetted Captain April 24, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services at the attack upon Forts Jackson and St. Philip;" Major April 15, 1869, "for gallantry in action against the savages of Formosa, to date from the 13th of June, 1867;" Lieut. -Colonel March 15, 1870, "for meritorious and gallant services in defeating a rebel raid at Gunpowder Bridge, which threatened the ferries at Havre de Grace and borders of Pennsylvania, in Julv, 1864." Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 897. Transferred to Commander}' of California Oct. 18, 1888. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania July 6, 1891. Transferred to Commandery of New York Feb. 18, 1893. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Feb. 2, 1898. Council of the Commandery May 3, 1899-1900. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 2, 1900-1901. 634. Richard Strader Coli^um Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 20, 18-54 ; resigned May 7, 1857. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps Sept. 7, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 30, 1862 ; Captain March 13, 1872 ; vacated commission May 5, 1885. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Marine Corps May 4, 1855 ; Major and Quartermaster June 26, 1897 ; retired June 26, 1897. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 898. Council of the Commanderv May 5, 1886-1888. Treasurer of the Commandery May 2, 1888-1890. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 7, 1890-1891. 636. Douglass Martin Scott Captain's Clerk U. S. Navy Nov. 12, 1863 ; discharged Jan. 28, 1864. Captain's Clerk U. S. Navy Aug. 27, 1864 ; discharged Nov. 23, 1864. Captain's Clerk U. S. Navy April 23, 1865 ; discharged Jan. 19, 1866. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry June 19, 1867 ; transferred to 1st Infantry vSept. 16,1869; First Lieutenant June 28, 1878; Captain Feb. 20, 1884 ; vacated commission. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army Dec. 10, 1888 ; Major and Commissary of Subsistence June 10, 1896 ; retired June 10, 1896. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 900. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Sept. 28, 1893. 637. William Willard Swan First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Captain April 20, 1864 ; transferred to 35th Infantry Sept. 21, 1886 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 1, 1866. Brevetted Major V. S. Army Aug. 1, 1864, " for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the campaign before Richmond, Va. ; " Lieut. -Colonel April 1, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at Five Forks, Va." Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 901. 82 638. Henry Blake Hays Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry Aug. 5, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 5, 1864. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 902. Born Aug. 12, 1829, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died Aug. 10, 1881, at Pittsburg, Pa. 639. Joseph Moss Knap First Lieutenant 28th Penna. Infantry July 20, 1861 ; transferred to Battery E, Penua. Light Artillery, Oct. 5, 18(il. Captain Battery E, Penna. Light Artillery, Oct. 1, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 16, 1863. Captain Battery A, Penna. (Militia) Light Artillery, June 27, 1863 ; honor- ably mustered out Aug. 16, 1863. Major Independent Battalion Penna. Light Artillery May 21, 1864 ; honor- ably mustered out Aug. 12, 1864. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 903. Transferred to Comniandery of New York March 3, 1887. 640. Charles Huston Hale First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry Aug. 5, 1861 ; Captain Feb. 20, I860; resigned and honorably discharged April 28, 1865. Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers June 25, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged April 28, 1865. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 904 (not issued). Born , 1837, at , Pa. Died Oct. 3, 1872, at . 642. James Patterson Robertson Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 28, 1857 ; Midshipman June 1, 1861 ; Lieutenant Aug. 1, 1862; Lieut. -Commander July 25, 1866. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 906. Born Dec. 21, 1840, at , Pa. Died July 19, 1875, at Philadelphia, Pa. 644. Daniel McMurtrie Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Aug. 22, 1862 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieut.) May 11, 1866; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) June 29, 1872; Medical Inspector (Commander) Feb. 4, 1890; Medical Director (Captain) Sept. 3, 1896 ; retired (Captain) June 18, 1898. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 908. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia, Aug. 28, 1894. Born June 18, 1836, in White Deer Township, Pa. Died Nov. 21, 1899, at Washington, D. C. 646. Richard Stockton Field United States Senator from the State of New Jersey Nov. 21, 1862, to Jan. 14, 1863. U. S. District Judge in the State of New Jersey Jan. 21, 1863, to May 25, 1870. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Class 3. Insignia 910 (not issued). Born Dec. 31, 1803, at White Hill, N. J. Died May 25, 1870, at Trenton, N. J. 647. Austin Pendergrast Midshipman U. S. Navy Oct. 14, 1848 ; Passed Midshipman June 15, 1854 ; Lieutenant Sept. 16, 1855; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1862; Commander Aug. 31, 1867. Elected Nov. 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 911. Born April 6, 1833, in Jefferson Co., Ky. Died Oct. 23, 1874, at Philadelphia, Pa. 83 648. Sullivan Dorr Ames Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 22, 18o6 ; Midshipman June lo, 1860 ; Master Sept. 19, 1861 ; Lieutenant July 16, 1862 ; Ivieut.-Commander July 25, 1866; Commander Jan. 6, 187-4. Elected Nov. 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 912. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts Dec. 1, 1869. Born July 16, 1840, at Providence, R. I. Died Nov. 22, 1880, at Providence, R. I. 650. Charles Wurts Tracy Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Oct. 27, 1859; Ensign Dec. 10, 1862; Lieutenant Feb. 22, 1864 ; Lieut -Commander July 25, 1866 ; retired Oct 22, 1878. Elected Nov. 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 914. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts Nov. 20, 1894. 651. Isaac Smith Finney Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy May 3, 1859 ; Second Asst. Engineer Oct. 29, 1861 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) July 25, 1866; Chief Engineer (Lieut. -Commander) March 4, 1871. Elected Nov. 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 915 (not issued). Born Sept. 5, 1835, at Halifax, Pa. Died Nov. 19, 1874, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 653. Hector Tyndale Major 28th Penna. Infantry June 28, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel April 25, 1862 ; discharged for promotion March 18, 1863. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Aug. 26, 1864. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Nov. 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 917. Council of Commandery May 4, 1870-1871. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 1, 1878-1880. Born March 24, 1821, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 19, 1880, at Philadelphia, Pa. 654. Alfred Jacob Sellers Captain 19th Penna. Infantry April 27, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 29, 1861. Major 90th Penna. Infantry Feb. 26, 1862 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Feb. 29, 1864. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers July 2, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 31, 1865. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14,1862;" Colonel March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862." Avparded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for volun- tarily leading the regiment under a withering fire to a position from which the enemy was repulsed, at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863." Elected Nov. 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 918. 655. James King Major and Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Aug. 5, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 6, 1862. Elected Nov. 4, 1868, Class 1. Insignia 919 (not issued). Born Jan. 18, 1816, near Bedford, Pa. Died March 11, 1880, at Pittsburg, Pa. 84 656. RUDULPH Erxis Private First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry May 13, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 17, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 6th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 20, 1862 ; Captain April 11, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Dec. 27, 1864. Elected Nov. 4, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 920. 657. Carule Boyd vSecond Lieutenant oth New York Infantry May 9, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 5, 1861 ; Captain Dec. 6, 1861 ; Major Jan. 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 14, 1863. Major Veteran Reserve Corps Sept. 17, 1863 ; Lieut. -Colonel Sept. 29, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 30, 1866. Captain 44th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 17th Infantry May 27, 1869 ; wholly retired March 22, 1879. Brevetted Major U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; " Lieut. -Colonel March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Groveton, Va." Elected Dec. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 929 (not issued). Born Jan. 31, 1828, at Newry, Ire. Died March 22, 1883, at Mt. Airy, Pa. 658. Edward Field Second Lieutenant 1st New Jersey Cavalry Aug. 15, 1861 ; discharged to accept appointment in U. S. Army Feb. 28, 1862. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery Feb. 19, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 11, 18(i3 ; Captain April 29, 1873 ; Major 2d Artillery June 6, 1896 ; Lieut.- Colonel 3d Artillery Oct. 17, 1899 ; retired June 6, 1900. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army June 30, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in battle of White-Oak Swamp, Va. ; " Captain May 12, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services in action at Meadow Bridge, Va." ■ Elected Dec. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 930. Transferred to Commandery of California Sept. 10, 1896. 660. John Butler Conyngham Major 52d Penna. Infantry Nov. 5, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel Jan. 9, 1864 ; Colonel June 3, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 12, 1865. Captain 38th U. S. Infantry March 7, 1867 ; transferred to 24tli Infantry Nov. 11, 1869. Brevetted Major U. S. Army March 7, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Yorktown, Va. ; " Lieut. -Colonel March 7, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va." Elected Dec. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 932. Born Sept. 29, 1827, at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Died May 27, 1871, at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 661. Hugh Mortimer Johnson Ensign 21st New York Infantry May 20, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 2, 1862; mustered out to accept commission in U. S. Army May 6, 1862. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry Feb. 19, 1862; First Lieutenant Oct. 21, 1863; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 15, 1869. Elected Dec. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 933. 662. Henry Fei2. Second Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 1, 1862; honorably mustered out Oct. 3, 1864. Captain 8th Penna. Cavalry June 24, 1865; transferred to 16th Penna. Cavalry Julv 24, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 11, 1865. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry Feb. 23, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1866 ; Regimental Commissary of Subsistence Nov. 3, 1868, to July 15, 1870 ; Capta'in June 25, 1877 ; retired March 24, 1890. Brevetted Captain and Major U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Dec. 2, 18(i8. Class 1. Insignia 935. Born Oct. 8, 1842, at Bellefonte, Pa. Died Dec. 31, 1900, at Hueneme, Cal. 664. Aaron Ward Weaver Midshipman U. S. Navy May 10, 1848 ; Passed Midshipman June 15, 1854 ; Master Sept. 15, 1855; Lieutenant Sept. 16, 1855; Lieut. -Commander July 16, 1862 ; Commander July 25, 1866 ; Captain Aug. 8, 187») ; Commodore Oct. 7, 1886 ; Rear-Admiral June 27, 1893 ; retired Sept. 9, 1893. Elected Dec. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 936. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia March 16, 1895. 665. Edward Shippen Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Aug. 7, 1849 ; Passed Asst. vSurgeon (Lieutenant) April 21, 1S55 ; Surgeon' (Lieut. -Commander) April 2(), 1861; Medical Inspector (Commander) March 3, 1871 ; Medical Director (Captain) March 17, 1876; retired (Captain) June 18, 1888. Elected Dec. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 937. 666. William Nickun Watmough Second Lieutenant 33d Penna. Infantry (4th Reserve) Oct. 26, 1861 ; resigned and honorablv discharged Nov. 11, 1862. Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Nov. 2, 1862 ; Asst Paymaster (Master! June 30, 1864 ; Paymaster (Lieut. -Commander) May 4, 1866. Elected Dec. 2. 1868. Class 1. Insignia 938. Born June 27, 1838, at Washington, D. C. Died Jan. 20, 1887, at Baltimore, Md. 667. John J. Read Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 21, 1858; Ensign Nov. 22, 1862; Lieutenant Feb. 22, 1864 ; Lieut. -Commander July 25, 1866 ; Commander Dec. 11, 1877 ; Captain April 27, 1893 ; Rear- Admiral Nov. 29, 1900. Elected Dec. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 939. Council of the Commandery Mav 7, 1890-1891. Senior Vice Commander of the Commandery May 1, 1901-1902. 668. Heman Potter Babcock Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Sept. 24, 1862; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) Oct. 30, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 28, 1868. Elected Dec. 2, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 940. Transferred to Commandery of California May 8, 1871. Born Oct. 28, 1.S40, at Buffalo, N. Y. Died Dec. 27, 1878, at Buffalo, N. Y. 86 669. William Potter Wilson First Lieutenant 148th Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1862; Captain Nov. 15, 1863 ; discharged to accept staff appointment May 14, 1865. Captain and Aide-de-Catnp U. S. Vokmteers Jan. 23, 1865; honorably mus- tered out July 10, 1866. Captain 21st U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; unassigned April 19, 1869 ; honorably discharged Oct. 23, 1870. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Dec. 2, 1864, " for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va, ; " Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 1865, " for services throughout the war." Major U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va." Elected Jan. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 962. Born Jan. 1, 1838, at Potter's Mills, Pa. Died Aug. 6, 1886, at Warm Springs, Va. 670. Augustus Whittemore; Corliss Major 7th Squadron Rhode Island Cavalry June 24, 1862; honorably mus- tered Oct. 2. 1862. Major 2d Rhode Island Cavalry Dec. 24, 1862 ; Lieut. -Colonel Jan. 15, 1863; resigned July 11, 1863. Private and First Sergeant 15th U. S. Infantry March 14, 1865; discharged for promotion Aug. 9, 1865. Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry July 21, 1865 ; transferred to 33d Infantrv vSept. 21, 1866 ; transferred to 8th Infantry Mav 3, 1869; Captain Mav 29, 1873; Major 17th Infantry Feb. 4, 1897; transferred to 7th Infantrv Feb. 23, 1897; Lieut -Colonel 2d Infantrv Feb. 6, 1899; Colonel Feb. 2', 1901 ; retired March 25, 1901. Elected Jan. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 963. Transferred to Commandery of California Feb. 10, 1898. 676. Edmond Butler Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry Oct. 7, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 20, 1862 ; Captain May 14, 1864 ; Major 2d Infantry Oct. 8, 1885 ; Lieut. - Colonel 17th Infantry March 9, 1891 ; retired March 19, 1891. Elected Jan. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 969. Born March 19, 1827, at , Ire. Died Aug. 21, 1895, at Tourville, Normandy. 677. George Brydges Rodney Private Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery April 24, 1861; discharged for appointment in U. S. Army Aug. 5. 1861. Second Lieutenant and "First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery Aug. 5, 1861 ; Captain March 4,1869; Major Nov. 28,1892; Lieut.-Colonel Feb. 13, 1899; Colonel Feb. 2, 1901. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Dec. 31, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn ;" Major Sept. 20, 1863, " for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga." Elected Jan. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 970. 678. George Bartol White Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 28, 1854 ; Midshipman June 11, 1858 ; Passed Midshipman Jan. 28, 1861 ; Master Feb. 28, 1861 ; Lieutenant April 19, 1861 ; Lieut. -Commander March 3, 1865 ; Commander Aug. 13, 1872 ; Captain Nov. 3, 1884. Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks (Commodore) April 2, 1889— Feb. 27, 1890. Elected Jan. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 971. Council of the Commandery May 4, 1887-1888. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 1, 1889-1890. Born March 27, 1836, at Doylestown, Pa. Died Feb. 27, 1890, at Washington, D. C. 87 681. George Frederick Schayer Second Lieutenant 29th New York Infantry Sept. 5, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Jime 17, IHH'2 ; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 24, 1863. First Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps Aug. 1, 1863; Captain Nov. 21, 1864 ; honorably discharged Aug. 7, 18(>7. Bre vetted Major U. S. Vohinteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant conduct in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va.;" Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 1865, "for gallant conduct in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va." Elected Jan. 6. 1869. Class 1. Insignia 974. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia May 5, 1884. 682. Augustus Henry Kilty Midshipman U. S. Navy July 4, 1821; Passed Midshipman April 28, 1832; Lieutenant Sept. 6, 1837 ; Commander Sept. 14, 1855 ; Captain July 16, 1862 ; Commodore July 25, 1866 ; retired Nov. 25, 1868 ; Rear Admiral (retired list) Julv 13, 1870. Elected Feb. 3, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 991. Born Nov. 25, 1807, at , Md. Died Nov. 10, 1879, at Baltimore, Md. 683. WiLtiAM Howard Brice Acting Master's Mate U. S. Navy Sept. 5, 1861 ; Acting Ensign Sept. 3, 1862; Acting Master July 16, 1864; Ensign March 12, 186S ; Master Dec. 17, 1868 ; Lieutenant March 21, 1870. Elected Feb. 3, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 992. Born Feb. 9, 1834, in Baltimore Co., Md. Died July 6, 1874, at Philadelphia, Pa. 684. W1LI.IAM Hartshorxe Johxstox Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers, Sept. 5, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 20, 1866. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army July 28, 1866 ; Lieut. -Colonel and Deputy Paymaster-General July 5, 1885 ; retired Sept. 6, 1888. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful service in the Pay Department." Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for faithful and meritorious service in the Pay Department during the war." Elected Feb. 3, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 993. Born Sept. 6, 1824, at Cincinnati, O. Died May 6, 1896, at Portland, Ore. 688. Joseph Franklin Tobias Volunteer Aide-de-Camp, with the rank of Major, on the staff of Major- General David Bell Birnev. U. S. Volunteers, April 14, 1862, to Mav 16, 1864. Elected Feb. 3, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 997. Elected member at large by the 4th Congress of the Order April 14, 1881. 690. Maxwell Van Zandt Woodhull Captain and Additional Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers Dec. 22, 1862; vacated commission July 18, 1864. Major and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers June 30, 1864 ; honorably mustered out ^Vla^- 31, 1866 Lieut. -Colonel and Asst. Adjt. -General (bv assignment) Feb. 17 to Aug. 1, 1865. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the present campaign ; " Brig. -General March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected March 2, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1006. Transferred to Commanderv of District of Columbia Dec. 29, 1897. 88 691. George Briggs Russei^l Second Lieutenant 38th Mass. Infantrj- Aug. 20, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 1, 1863; Captain April o, 1863; discharged to accept appointment in Veteran Reserve Corps Sept. 8, 1864. First Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps Aug. 25, 1864 ; Captain Sept. 15, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 1, 1866. Captain 44th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; unassigned May 27, 1869 ; assigned to 7th Infantry April 7, 1870; transferred to 9th Infantry April .30, 1870 ; Major 5th Infantry April 22, 1892 ; Lieut.-Colonel 14th Infantry March 10, 1896 ; retired March 25, 1898. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for meritorious ser- vices ; " Lieut.-Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious conduct during the siege of Port Hudson. La." Major U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the assault on Port Hudson. La." Elected March 2, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1007. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts Dec. 31, 1898. 693. MOTT HOOTON First Sergeant 30th Penna. Infantry (1st Reserve) June 4, 1861, to July 9, 1861. Second Lieutenant 30th Penna. Infantry (1st Reserve) July 10, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 16, 1861 ; honorably mustered out June 13, 1864. Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry Feb. 23, 1866 ; transferred to 31st Infantry Sept. 21, 1866; transferred to 22d Infantry May 15, 1i' ; Sergeant March 1, 1863; First Sergeant July 4, 1863; discharged for promotion .Sept. 19, 1864. Second Lieittenant Veteran Reserve Corps Sept. 16, 1864 ; honorably dis- charged Aug. .S, 1866. Elected April 7, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1039. 702. Thompson Lennig Private 6tli Penna. Cavalrv Sept. 13, 1862; discharged for promotion Nov. 20, 1862. Second Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 1, 1S62 ; First Lieutenant April 18, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 11, 1864. Elected April 7, 1869. Class 1. lus'ignia 1040. 703. John Hays Second Lieutenant 130th Penna. Infantry Aug. 14, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 17, 1862 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Feb. 18, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Mav 21, 1863. Elected April 7', 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1041. 706. Duncan Sherman Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry Jan. 22, 1867 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 2, 1869; resigned and honorably discharged July 31, 1873. Elected April 7, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1044. Born Dec. 1, 1844, at Albany, N. Y. Died July 26, 1879, at Hanover, Ger. 707. WiLLi.'^M Henry Pancoast Volunteer Surgeon with Army of the Potomac at White House, Va., 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army June 27, 1862 ; resigned Jan. 22, 1863. Consulting Surgeon at U. S. General Hospital, Phila., Pa., 1863-186.5, Elected April 7, 1869 Class 3. Insignia 104o. Born Oct. — , 1835, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 5, 1897, at Philadelphia, Pa. 708. Thomas Wilson Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1849 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry July 1, 18.53 ; Second Lieutenant Oct. 26, 1854 ; First Lieuten- ant April 1, 1857 ; vacated commission Oct. 25, 1861. Captain and Commi.ssary of Subsistence U. S Army Oct. 25, 1861 ; Major and Commissary of Subsistence May 20, 1882 ; Lieut. -Colonel and Asst. Commissary-General Aug. 1, 1892; Colonel and Asst. Commissary-General June 1. 1896; retired June 10, 1896. Lieut. -Colonel and Commissary of Subsistence (by assignment) Dec. 26, 1863, to Aug 1, 1865. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, " for faithful and meritor- ious services in the field;" Brig. General March 13,1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war. " Major, Lieut. -Colonel, Colonel, and Brig. -General U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected Mav 5, 1869. Class-1. Insignia 514. Transferred' to Conimanderv of Kansas April 22, 1886— Charter member. Born June 10, 1832, at Washington, D. C. Died May 30, 1901, at New York City. 90 710. Thomas Holdup Stevens Midshipman U. S. Navy Dec. 14, 1836; Passed Midshipman July 1, 1842 r Lieutenant May 10, 1849 ; Commander July 16, 1862 ; Captain July 25, 1866 ; Commodore Nov. 20, 1872 ; Rear Admiral October 27, 1879 ; retired May 27, 1881. ^ Electedjune2, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1072. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882— Charter member. Born May 27, 1819, at , Conn. Died May 15, 1896, at Rockville, Md, 711. William Sexton Fort Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Oct. 3, 1861; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) Jan. 24, 1862. Elected June 2, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1073 (not issued). Born Nov. 20, 1839, at Pemberton, N. J. Died March 24, 1873, at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 715. Peter Dumont Vroom First Lieutenant 1st New Jersey Infantry Aug. 28, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 19, 1863. Major 2d New Jersey Cavalry Sept. 25, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 24. 1865. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry Feb. 23, 1866 ; First Lieutenant July- 28, 1866 ; Regimental Commissary Dec. 1, 1866, to May 28, 1867 ; Regimental Adjutant Dec. 28, 1868, to May 15, 1871 ; Captain May 17, 1876 ; vacated com- mission Jan. 17, 1889. Major and Inspector-General U. S. Army Dec. 10, 1888; Lieut. -Colonel and Inspector General Jan. 2, 1895; Colonel and Inspector-General Dec. 19, 1899. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel and Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Oct. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1093. 718. William Alexis Thompson Private 1st Maryland Infantry Aug. 18, 1862; Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant Dec. 6, 1864 ; honorably discharged June 3, 1865. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry June 18, 1867 ; First Lieutenant July 31, 1869; Regimental Adjutant Sept. 1, 1877, to March 1, 1878; Captain July 23, 1879 ; Major 2d Cavalry June 19, 1897 ; retired Nov. 7, 1898. Elected Oct. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1096. 719. Joseph Benson Parker Medical Cadet U. S. Army Sept. 26, 1862 ; honorablv discharged April, 1863. Acting Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Dec. 4, 1863 ; honorably dis- charged Oct. 12, 1865. Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Nov. 24. 1866 (to date March 10, 1863) ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) Dec. 31, 1867; Surgeon (Lieut. -Com- mander) Aug. 13, 1876 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) Nov. 30, 1894 ; Medical Director (Captain) June 18, 1898. Elected Oct. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1097. Council of the Commandery May 7, 1902 — 721. Theodore Strong Thompson Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Oct. 9, 1863 ; honorably dis- charged Aug. 23, 1865. Asst. Paymaster (Master) Julv 23, 1866; Passed Asst. Paymaster (Lieuten- ant) Feb. 1, 1868; Paymaster (Lieut.-Commander) Jan. 25, 1878; Pay Inspector (Commander)" July 10, 1898; Pay Director (Captain) Sept. 21, 1901. Elected Oct. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1099. Transferred to Commander}' of New York March 9, 1881. 91 722. Louis Evans Atkinson Hospital Steward U. S. Army Sept. o, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 23. lS6o. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 18th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 12, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 26, 1862. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 1st Peuna. Cavalry Jan. 24, 1863; honorably mustered out Sept. 2-5, 1864. Major and Surgeon 188th Penna. Infantry Oct. 18, 1864 ; honorably mus- tered out Dec. 14, 186.5. Elected Oct. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1100. 723. Wallace Mason Spear Private 2d Wisconsin Infantry June 11, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 31, 1861. Second Lieutenant 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery Jan. 1, 1862 ; First Lieu- tenant Dec. 17, 1862; Captain Jan. o, 1864; honorably mustered out Sept. 1, 1865. Elected Oct. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1101 (not issued). Born July 21, 1832, at Ludlow, Vt. Died July 26, 1878, at Ludlow, Vt. 724. George Humphries North Private Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery April 24, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 14th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 3, 1862 ; Captain March 3, I860 ; honorably discharged July 17, I860. Elected Oct. 6, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1102. Council of the Commandery May 2, 1888-1890. Transferred to Commandery of New York April 13, 1898. 727. Henry Glass Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 24, 1860 ; Ensign Sept. 8, 1863 ; Master Nov. 10, 186.5; Lieutenant July 25, 1866; Lieut.-Commander March 12, 1868 ; Commander Oct. 27, 1879 ; Captain Jan. 23, 1894 ; Rear Admiral Oct. 9, 1901. Elected Nov. 3, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1117. Transferred to Commandery of California April 30, 1877. 728. Grant Weidman Second Lieutenant 11th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 12, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 25, 1862. Major 173d Penna. Infantry Nov. 18, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 18, 1863. Elected Nov. 3, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1118. Born Sept. 8, 1839, at Lebanon, Pa. Died Nov. 11, 1895, at Lebanon, Pa. 729. Charles Stewart Lieutenant U. S. Navy March 9, 1798 ; Master Commandant May 19, 1804 ; Captain April 22. 1806 ; Senior Flag Officer April 20, 18.59; retired Dec. 21, 1861 ; Rear Admiral (retired list) July 16, 1862. Elected Nov. 6. 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1119 (not issued). Born Julv 28, 1778, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Nov. 7, 1869, at Bordentown, N. J. 730. Peter Penn Gaskell Hall Second Lieutenant 26th Penna. Infantry May 31, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 25, 1861 ; resigned and honorablv discharged Feb. 16, 1863. Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers Nov. 6, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 15, 1865. Major and Paymaster U. S. Armv Jan. 17, 1867 ; retired July 2, 1891. Elected Dec. 1, 1869. Class 1. insignia 1120. 92 731. John Palmer Bankson Captain 118th Penna. Infantry Aug. 20, 1862 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged March 23, 1864. Elected Dec. 1, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1121 (not issued). Born Dec. 3, 1835, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 27, 1876, at Philadelphia, Pa. 732. Henry Augustus Widdifield Private 2oth Penna. Infantry April 28, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 1, 1861. First Sergeant 104th Penna. Infantry Nov. 1, 1862 ; discharged for promo- tion March 6, 1864. Second Lieutenant 104th Penna. Infantry March 6, 1864 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 17, 1864; First Lieutenant and Adjutant March IS, 186.5; honorably mustered out Aug. 25, 1865. Elected Dec. 1, 1869. Class 1. Insignia 1122. 733. Edward Burd Grubb First Sergeant 3d New Jersey Infantry May 25, 1861 ; discharged for pro- motion June 13, 1861. Second Lieutenant 3d New Jersey Infantry June 13, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 10, 1861 ; Captain [a. w. m.) Aug. 21, 1862; discharged for promotion Dec. 10, 1862. Major 23d New Jersey Infantry Nov. 24, 1862 ; Lieut -Colonel Dec. 26, 1862 ; Colonel April 9, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 27, 1863. Colonel 37th New Jersey Infantry June 23, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 1, 1864. Brevetted Brig-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Jan. 5, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1127. 734. James McQueen Forsyth Second Class Pilot U. S. Navy July 25, 1861 ; discharged Sept.—, 1861. Acting Master's Mate U. S. Navy Sept. 25, 1861 ; Acting Ensign Sept. 5, 1862 ; Acting Master Aug. 1, 1864 ; 'Master March 12 ; 1868 ; Lieutenant Dec. 18, 1868 ; Lieut.-Commander May 9, 1878 ; Commander Feb. 12, 1889 ; Captain March 3, 1899 ; Rear Admiral Sept. 25, 1901 ; retired Sept. 25, 1901. Elected Jan. 5, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1128. Council of the Commandery May 7, 1879-1880. Senior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 1, 1895-1896. 736. George Henry Thomas Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1836; Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery July 1, 1840 ; First Lieutenant April 30, 1844 ; Captain Dec. 24, 1853 ; Major 2d Cavalry May 12, 1855 ; Lieut.-Colonel April 25, 1861 ; Colonel May 3, 1861; (5th Cavalry Aug. 3, 1861;) vacated commission Oct. 27, 1863. Brig.-General U. S. Army Oct. 27, 1863 ; Major-General Dec. 15, 1864. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 3, 1861 ; Major-General April 25, 1862 ; vacated commission in Volunteer service Dec. 15, 1864. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army Nov. 6, 1841, "for gallantry and good conduct in the war against the Florida Indians;" Captain Sept. 23, 1846, "for gallant conduct in the several conflicts at Monterey, Mex. ; " Major Feb. 23, 1847, "for gallant and meritoriovis conduct in the battle of Buena Vista, Mex." The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled. Resolved (joint resolution approved) March 3, 1865, "that the thanks of Congress are due, and are hereby tendered to Major- General George H. Thomas, and the officers and soldiers under his command, for their skill and dauntless courage, by which the rebel army under General Hood was signally defeated and driven from the State of Tennessee." Elected March 6. 1870. Class 1. Insignia — (not issued.) Born July 31, 1816, at Jerusalem, Va. Died March 28, 1870, at San Francisco, Cal. 93 7o8. Jacob Thomas Elliott Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers Sept. 10,1862; honorably mustered out Nov. '22, lS6o. Brevetted Major U. 8. Volunteers Nov. 7, 186.5, "for faithful and meritor- ious services." Elected April 6, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1160 (not issued). Born Julv 9, 1832, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Nov. 12, 1872, at Philadelphia, Pa. 739. Theodore Frelinghuysen Patterson Private Washington Artillery (Co. H, 2.5th Penna. Infantry) April 18, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 1, 1861. Private 48th Penna. Infantry Sept. 9, 1861 ; Sergeant Oct. 30, 1861 ; dis- charged for promotion March 30, 1862. First Lieutenant 67th Penna. Infantry March 31, 1862 ; discharged to accept appointment in U. S. Signal Corps June 6, 1864. First Lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps March 3, 1863; appointment expired July 4, 1864 ; Second Lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps March 3, 1863 ; declined Aug. 31, 1864 ; appointment cancelled Sept. 10, 1864. Elected April 6, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1161. 740. William Wallace Goodwix Acting Asst. PayHiaster (Master) U. S. Navy Oct. 4, 1861 ; honorably dis- charged March 3, 1866. Elected April 6, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1162. Born — . Died Oct. 6, 1901, at Bordentown, N. J. 741. Alpheus Starkey Williams Lieut. -Colonel 1st Michigan Infantrv Dec. 8, 1847 ; honorably mustered out July 29, 1848. Brig.-General of Michigan (militia in the service of the United States under the call of the President for Volunteers) April 24, 1861. Brig.-General U. vS. Vohmteers May 17, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers Jan. 12, 186-5, " for marked abilitv and energv, etc." Elected Mav 4,' 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1181. Born Sept. 10, 1810, at Saybrook, Conn. Died Dec. 21, 1878, at Washington, D. C. 742. Charles Lane Fitzhugh First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery Oct. 24, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 21, 18()8. Colonel 6th Nevp Vork Cavalry Feb. IS, 1865 ; transferred to 2d New York Provisional Cavalry June 17, I860 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 9, 1865. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalrv July 28, 1866 ; declined Nov. 1, 1866. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army April 7, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh,' Tenn. ; " Major Aug. 28, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Smithfield, Va. ; " Lieut. -Colonel March 13, 186.5, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Va. ; " Colonel March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war ;" Brig.-General March 13, 186.5, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 186-5, "for gallantry, energy and abilitv. " Elected May 4, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1182. 94 744. Andrew Woods Denison Colonel Sth Maryland Infantry Sept. 12, 1862 ; honorably mustered out May 31, 1865. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 19, 1864, "for meritorious conduct in the battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania, Va.;" Major- General March 31, 1865, "for gallant conduct in the battle of White Oak Road, Va." Elected June 1, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1193. Born Dec. 15, 1831, at Baltimore, Md. Died Feb. 24, 1877, at Baltimore, Md. 746. Alexander Theobald Von Mitzel Captain 74th Penna. Infantry Sept. 30, 1861 ; Major May 2, 1863 ; Lieut.- Colonel May 11, 1864 ; honorably discharged Oct. 15, 1864. Elected June 1, 1870. Class 1.' Insignia 1195. Born . Died Sept. 26, 1887, at Baltimore, Md. 747. Robert Levan Orr First Lieutenant 17th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. Captain 61st Penna. Infantry Sept. 7, 1861 ; Major Dec. 18, 18()4 ; Lieut.- Colonel April 18, 1865 ; Colonel Mav 14, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 28, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Sept. 22, 1864, " for gallant and meritor- ious services in the battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill, Va.;" Colonel April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the assault before Petersburg, Va." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for having carried the colors, at the head of the column, in the assault, after two color- bearers had been shot down, at the battle of Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865." Elected June 1, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1196. Born March 28, 1836, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Nov. 14, 1894, at Philadelphia, Pa. 749. David Krause First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Quartermaster 1st Battalion June — , 1862, to July 31, 1863 ; Captain July 31, 1863; Major 5th Infantry April 2, 1883 ; transferred to 11th Infantry May 17, 1883. Brevetted Major U. S. Army March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Elected June 1, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1198. Born Dec. 14, 1840, at Harrisburg, Pa. Died Sept. 12, 1885, at Fort Sully, Dak. 751. Charles Garretson Regimental Commissary Sergeant 16th Penna. Infantry May 3, 1861 ; mus- tered out Aug. 2, 1861. First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 76th Penna. Infantry Nov. 13, 1861 ; discharged for promotion July 28, 1862. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers June 11, 1862 ; honorably mustered out March 5, 1864. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry March 3, 1866 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1867; Regimental Quartermaster Nov. 1, 1866, to May 27, 1869; unassigned May 27, 1869 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 1, 1871. Elected June 1, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1200. Born , at , Md. Died Sept. 2, 1871, at Charleston, S. C. 95 7,52. Lewis Mulford Dayton Captain and Aide de-Camp U. S. Volunteers March 11, 1863 ; discharged for promotion April 4, 1SB.5. Major and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Jan. 12, I860 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 1, 1866. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry July 24, 1866 ; Captain 7th Cavalry March 6, 1867 ; honorably discharged Dec. 31, 1870. Lieut. -Colonel and Military Secretary Aug. 11, 1866, to March 8, 1869; Colonel and Aide-de-Camp March 8, 1869, to Dec. 31, 1870. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for meritorious services in the recent campaigns of Atlanta and Savannah, Ga., and the Carolinas." First Lieutenant, Captain, and Major U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for gal- lant and meritorious services in the Atlanta campaign ; " Lieut.-Colonel March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign through the Carolinas." Elected Nov. 2, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1233. Transferred to Commandery of Ohio Feb. 7, 1883 — Charter member. Born June 20, 183o, in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Died May 18, 1891, at Cincinnati, O. 753. Harry M. Smith Private 19th U. S. Infantry May 6, 1862 ; Sergeant-Major June 19, 1862 ; discharged for promotion May 6, 1865. Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry Feb. 9, 1865 ; transferred to 28th Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; Captain Nov. 1, 1866 ; unassigned March 31, 1869 ; assigned to 21st Infantry July 5, 1870. Elected Nov. 2, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1234. Transferred to Commandery of California, Nov. 1, 1871. Born , 1832, in Washington Co., Pa. Died April 23, 1877, at Fort Lapwai, Idaho. 754. John Sylvanus Loud Private 7th Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. May 25, 1862 ; discharged Sept. 5, 1862. First Lieutenant 12th New York Cavalry Jan. 5, 1863 ; Captain Jan. 25, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 24, 1865. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry Jan. 22, 1867 ; First Lieutenant July 31, 1867 ; Regimental Adjutant Sept. 13, 1867, to Jan. 13, 1880 ; Captain Jan. 13, 1880 ; Major 3d Cavalry June 29, 1897 ; retired June 30, 1898. Brevetted First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for meritorious services during the war." Elected Nov. 2, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1235. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 2, 1898. 755. La Fayette Hammond First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 1st California Infantry Aug. 15, 1861 ; Captain July 17, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 19, 1863. Major 2d Ohio Heavy Artillery Oct. 8, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 23, 1865. First Lieutenant 23d U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866. Elected Nov. 2, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1236. Born , at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Sept. 6, 1873, at fort Yuma, Cal. 96 757. Henry Seymour Lansing Colonel 17tli New York Infantry May 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out June 2, 1863. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry Aug. o, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged July 17, 1863. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected Nov. 2, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1238. Council of the Commandery Mav 5, 1880-1882. Born Feb. 17, 1824, at Utica. N. V. Died April 13, 1882, at BurUngton, N. J. 758. Francis Christopher Deimling Private 3d U. S. Reserve Corps Missouri Infantry May 8, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 8, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 10th Missouri Infantrv Aug. 15, 1861 ; Major Oct. 3, 1862; Colonel Julv 17, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 20, 1864. Elected Nov. 2, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1239. Born Sept. 13, 1836, at Philadelphia,"Pa. Died Jan. 2, 1887, at Virginia City, Mont. 759. David Newun Fell Second Lieutenant 122d Penna. Infantry Aug. 11, 1862 ; honorably mustered out May 15, 1863. Elected Nov. 2, 1870. Class 1. Insignia 1240. 760. Joseph Kirby Corson Corporal 4th Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; Sergeant May 30, 1861 ; mus- tered out July 26, 1861. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon o5th Penna. Infantry (6th Reserve) March 23, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 11, 1864. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Oct. 9, 1867 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon July 23, 1869 ; Major and Surgeon Nov. 14, 1888 ; retired Nov. 30, 1897. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services in the Wilderness campaign in Va." Elected Jan. 4, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1252. 761. Obadiah Craig Maxwell Second Lieutenant 1st Ohio Infantry April 17, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. Captain 2d Ohio Infantry Aug. 31, 1861; Major Dec. 24, 1862; Lieut.- Colonel Dec. 31, 1862 ; honorably discharged Feb. 1, 1864. Lieut. -Colonel 194th Ohio Infantry March 15, 1865; honorably discharged March 19, 1866. Brevetted Colonel and Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Jan. 4, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1253. Born Feb. 7, 1837, at Franklin, O. Died Dec. 5, 1872, at Dayton, O. 763. Lucien Franklin Prud'homme Second Lieutenant 11th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 12, 1861 ; First Lieutenant June 26, 1864 ; honorably discharged Sept. 2, 1864. Asst. Professor (Civil) U. vS. Naval Academy Sept. 15, 1866 ; Professor July 1, 1872; Head of Department of Modern Languages July 1, 1876 ; Pro- fessor (Lieutenant) U. S. Navy May 20, 1881; retired (Commander) Sept. 1, 1896. Elected Jan. 4, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1255. 97 764. Joseph M. Kelley Private 19th Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; discharged Aug. 8, 1861. First Lieutenant 69th Penna. Infantry Aug. 26, 1861 ; honorably mustered out March 4, 1863. First Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps March 8, 1864 ; Captain April 3, 18H.5 ; honorably mustered oxit Nov. 20, 1865. First Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry March 7, 1867; unassigned Nov. 11, 1869 ; assigned to 10th Cavalry Dec. 15, 1870 ; Captain April 15, 1875 ; Maior April 15, 1893 ; retired Oct. 24, 1898. ^ Elected Jan. 4, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1256. 766. John Livingston Dinwiddie Borthw^ick Private 1st Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry April 19, 1861 ; honorably dis- charged Aug. 17, 1861. Third Asst. Engineer U. S Navy Oct. 8, 1861 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) Aug. 3, 1863; First Asst. Engineer (Master) Oct. 11, 1866; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874; Chief Engineer (Lieut.-Com- mander) Sept. 7, 1885 ; Chief Engineer (Commander) Oct. 13, 1896 ; retired (Commander) Oct. 13, 1896 • Elected April 5, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1272. 767. Richard Morris Popham Private 10th New Jersey Infantry May 7, 1862; Corporal June 12, 1862; Sergeant — , 1863; Regimental Commissary Sergeant Jan. 7, 1865; discharged for promotion March 16, 1865. First Lieutenant 10th New Jersey Infantry March 16, 1865 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant {a. w. m.) Julj- 1, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 1, 1865. Elected April 5, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1273. 768. John McAi.i.ister Schofield Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1849 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery July 1, 1853; Second Lieutenant 1st Artillery Aug. 31, 1853; First Lieutenant March 3, 1855 ; Captain 11th Infantry May 14, 1861 ; declined Oct. 6, 1861. Brig.-General U. S. Army Nov. 30, 1864 ; Major-General March 4, 1869 ; Lieut.-General Feb. 5, 1895 ; retired Sept. 29, 1895. Major 1st Missouri Infantry April 26, 1861. Major 1st Missouri Light Artillery June 26, 1861 ; discharged to accept pro- motion Nov. 29, 1861. Brig.-General U. S Volunteers Nov. 21, 1861; Major-General Nov. 29, 1862; appointment expired March 4, 1863. Major-General U. S. Volunteers May 12, 1863 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Sept. 1, 1866. Brevetted Major-General U. S. Army March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn." Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for having been conspiciiously gallant in leading a regiment in a successful charge against the enem}', at the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. 10, 1861." Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1274. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Illinois May 5, 1884. Transferred to Commandery of New York Oct. 16, 1886. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia May 13, 1890. 98 769. Hiram Leonard Additional Paymaster U. S. Arm}' Nov. 24, 1846 ; Major and Pa3'master March 2, 1849 ; Lievit. -Colonel and Deputy Paymaster-General Sept. 6, 1862 ; retired Jan. 1, 1872. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war;" Brig. -General March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services in the Paj' Department during the war." Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1275. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. Born April 24, 1809, at , Vt. Died Dec. 21, 1883, at San Francisco, Cal. 770. Charles Greene Sawtelle Cadet U. S. Military Academy Jul}' 1, 1850; Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry July 1, 1854 ; Second Lieutenant 6th Infantry March 3, 1855 ; Regimental Quartermaster Feb. 15, 1857, to June 19, 1861 ; First Lieutenant June 5, 1860 ; Captain and Asst. Quartermaster May 17, 1861 ; Major and Quartermaster Jan. 18, 1867 ; Lieut. -Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster- General Jan. 24, 1881 ; Colonel and Asst. Quartermaster-General Sept. 12, 1894 ; vacated commission Aug. 21, 1896. Brig.-General and Quartermaster-General U. vS. Army Aug. 19, 1896 ; retired Feb. 16, 1897. Lieut.-Colonel and Quartermaster (bv assignment) Aug. 20, 1862, to Oct. 4, 1862, and Nov. 12, 1862, to Feb. 15, 1864, and May 27, 1864, to May 24, 1865; Colonel and Quartermaster (bv assignment) May 25, 1865, to Jan. 1, 1867. Brevetted Major, Lieut.-Colonel, and Colonel U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; " Brig.-General March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war." Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1276. Registrar of the Commandery May 7, 1873-1875. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania May 7, 1873. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 6, 1884. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Jan. 1, 1891. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 2, 1894-1895. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 28, 1896. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Nov. 1, 1897. 771. George Wilson McKee Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1858; First Lieutenant Ordnance U. S. Army June 11, 1863 ; Captain June 23, 1874 ; Major Aug. 23, 1881. Brevetted Captain and Major U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for efficient and valuable services during the war." Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1277. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. Born March 16, 1842, at Lexington, Kv. Died Nov. 30, 1891, at Bridesburg, Pa.' 772. Charles John McDougal Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy May 26, 1852; Midshipman Oct. 1, 1856 ; Passed Midshipman April 20, 1859; Master Sept. 5, 1859; Lieutenant Jan. 23, 1861 ; Lieut. Commander Nov. 16, 1862; Commander Jan. 19, 1871. Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1278. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. Born Jan. 30, 1837, at New York City. Drowned March 28, 1881, at Cape Mendocino, Cal. 99 773. Alfred TiTus Snell Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 25, 1S57 ; Midshipman June 1, 1861 ; Lieutenant July l(i, 1862 ; Lieut. -Commander July 25, 1866 ; Commander Sept. 19, 1874. Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1279. Transferred to Commandery of California May .3, 1871 —Charter member. Born Feb. 7, 1841, at , N. H. Died Sept. 8, 1876, at San Francisco, Cal. 774. John Henley Higbee Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps March 9, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1861; Captain June 10, 1864; Major Aug. 18, 1889; Lieut.-Colonel July 11, 1892; retired June 1, 1898. Brevetted Captain May 25. 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services at Port Hudson and Grand'Gulf May 25, 1863." Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1280. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. 775. Jonathan Letterman First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon L". S. Army June 29, 1849 ; Major and Surgeon April 16, 1862 ; resigned and honorablv discharged Dec. 22, 1864. Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1281. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. Born Dec. 11, 1824, at Cauonsburg, Pa. Died March 15, 1872, at San Francisco, Cal. 777. George Spafford Evans Major 2d California Cavalry Oct. 16, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel Nov. 14, 1861 ; Colonel Feb. 1, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 31, 1863. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1283. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871. Born Aug. 8, 1826, at Tecumseh, Mich. Died Sept. 17, 1883, at San Francisco, Cal. 778. James Madison McNulty Major and Surgeon 1st California Infantry Aug. 15, 1861 ; discharged to accept appointment in U. vS. Volunteers April 16, 1863. Major and Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Feb. 19, 1863 ; resigned and honorablj' discharged Feb. 5, 1865. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services as Medical Director of the Department of New Mexico ; " Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant and distinguished services as Medical Director of the 2d Armv Corps." Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1284. Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. Born Sept. 17, 19, at Mouroeton, Pa. Died July 26, 1894, at Pittston, Pa. 1404. Edward Bi^ackfan Moore First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 1.38th Penna. Infantry Aug. 26, 1862 ; discharged to accept promotion July 4, 1864. Captain and Commissar}' of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers Maj' 28, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 31, 186.5. Brevetted ]\Iajor U. S. Volunteers July 18, I860, " for efficient and merito- rious services." Elected May 2, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6265. 1406. James Dwight Orne Private 18th Mass. Infantry Aug. 1, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 20, 1861. Second Lieutenant 18th Mass. Infantry Aug. 20, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 25, 1862 ; Captain March 15, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 2, 1864. Elected Mav 2, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6267. Born Sept. 'lO, 1836, at Springfield, Mass. Died July 31, 1894, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1407. Charles Norman Priest Private 155th New York Infantry Aug. 28, 1862 ; Corporal , 1863 ; dis- charged for promotion Dec. 24, 1864. Second Lieutenant 155th New York Infantry Dec. 24, 1864 ; Captain June 26, 1865 ; honorablv mustered out Julv 15, 1865. Elected Mav 2, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6268. Born March 14, 1847, at Buffalo, N. Y. Died Dec. 11, 1892, at Erie, Pa. 1408. Julius Schwarz Private 19th Penna. Infantry April 27, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 9, 1861. Private 2d Penna. Cavalry Jan. 1, 1862; First Sergeant Feb. — , 1862; dis- charged for promotion Jan. 1, 1863. Second Lieutenant 2d Penna. Cavalry Jan. 1, 1863; First Lieutenant (a. w. in.) Mav 11, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 1, 1865. Elected May 2, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6269. 1409. Charlemagne Tower Captain 6th Penna. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Julv 26, 1861. Captain and Provost-Marshal Tenth District Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania April 18, 1863 ; resigned April 7, 1864. Elected Mav 2, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6270. Born April 18, 1809, at Paris, N. Y. Died July 24, 1889, at Waterville, N. Y. 1410. David Milxe Watt Private 74th New York Infantry Oct. 1, 1861 ; First Sergeant Nov. 11, 1861; discharged for promotion Oct. 14, 1862. Second Lieutenant 74th New York Infantry Oct. 14, 1862 ; First Lieutenant March 9, 1863 ; Captain Dec. 14, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 29, 1864. Elected Mav 2, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6271. Born Feb. 23, 1843, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Sept. 1, 1901, at Maple Grove, Pa. 190 1411. Ira Coxdict Whitehead Acting Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Nav}^ Aug- 1-, 1S61 ; resigned March 16, 1865. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Arnn- Aug. 15, 1867 ; resigned May 22, 1868. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Aug. 7, 1868 ; resigned May 4, 1869. Acting Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Feb. 25, 1871; resigned Jan. 1, 1874. Acting Asst. Surgeon (Ensign) U. vS. Navy July 22, 1875 ; honorably dis- charged June 30, 1879 Elected May 2, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6272. Transferred to Commandery of New York Dec. 2, 1889. 1412. Samuel Thompson Lowrie Elected May 2, 1888. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6278. Eldest brother of deceased Companion James Anderson Lowrie. Private 18th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 6. 1861. Captain and Asst Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Oct. 7, 1861 ; Major and Asst. Adjt. -General May 13, 1863 ; resigned and honorablv discharged Oct. 12, 1864. Elected April 8, 1886, in Commandery of California. Class 1. Insignia 4618. Transferred to Commandery of Colorado June 2, 1887 — Charter member. Died Jan. 11, 1888, at Denver, Col. 1413. Samuel Bell, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Brevet Lieut. -Colonel Samuel Bell. Elected May 2, 1888. Class 2. Insignia 6274. 1414. Henry Watts Merchant Eldest son of Companion Lieut. -Commander Clarke Merchant. Elected May 2, 1888. Class 2. Insignia 6275. Born Dec. 5. 1863, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 8, 1900, at Phoenix. Ariz. 1415. Edward Lloyd Key Turner Messersmith Eldest son of deceased Companion Medical Director John S. Messersmith. Elected May 2, 1888. Class'2. Insignia 6276. Transferred to Commandery of California Sept. 19, 1888. First Class in Succession Feb. 16, 1891. 1417. Jacob Edmund Noel Cadet U. S. Naval Academy Dec. 3, 1861 ; Midshipman U. S. Navv Sept. 25, 1865 ; Ensign Dec. 1, 1866 ; Master March 12, 1868 ; Lieutenant March 26, 1869 ; Lieut. Commander Aug. 2, 1879; resigned June 30, 1887. Elected Dec. 30, 1885. Class 1. Insignia 4445. Transferred from Commandery of California May 8, 1888. Transferred to Commandery ot Washington Dec. 31, 1890 — Charter member. 1418. William Judah Thomson Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy March 29, 1865 ; resigned March 20, 1866. Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. vS. Navy Julv 28, 1866 ; Passed Asst. Paymaster (Lieutenant) March 20, 1868; Paymaster (Lieut. -Commander) Feb. 11, 1878; Pav Inspector (Commander) April 9, 1899; Pay Director (Captain) March 29," 1902. Elected June 10, 1885. Class 1. Insignia 3673. Transferred from Commandery of California May 8, 1888. Transferred to Commandery of California April 18, 1895. 1419. Joseph Fulton Boyd Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers Oct. 7, 1861 ; appoint- ment expired by constitutional limitation March 4, 1863. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers March 4, 1863. Lieut. -Colonel and Quartermaster (by assignment) March 17 to Nov. 1, 1863. 191 Lieut. -Colonel aud Quartermaster (by assis;ament) Feb. 25, 1864, to June 21, lS6o. Colonel and Quartermaster (by assignment) June 21, 1S6.5, to March 13, 1806 ; honorably mustered out March 18, 1866. Brevetted Major, Lieut. Colonel, Colonel, aud Brig. -General U. S. Volun- teers March lo. l8(io, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 64-59. 1420. William Henry Bradv Private 119ai Penna Infantry Aug. 16, 1862; Corporal March 3, 1863; Sergeant Nov. o, 1863 ; First Sergeant Aug. 1, 1864 ; discharged for promotion Oct'. 30, 1864. First Lieutenant 119th Penna. Infantry Oct. 30, 1864; honorabl)' mustered out June 19, 1865. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6460. Born June 19, 1841, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 25, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1421. Christian Frederick Gramlich Musician 2d Penna. Heavy Artillery Nov. 28, 1861 ; Corporal June 1, 1863 ; Sergeant Feb. 1, 1864 ; discharged for promotion Feb. 12, 1865. Second Lieutenant 2d Penna. Heavy Artillery Feb. 12, 1865 ; First Lieu- tenant May 3, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 29, 1865. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6461. 1422. E. HuNN Hanson Corporal Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery April 30, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 4th Missouri Cavalry Nov. 19, 1862 ; dis- charged for promotion May 22, 1865. Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers Feb. 21, 1865 ; honorably mus- tered out Aug. 17, 1865. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6462. 1423. Alfred Hicks Private 2d Penna. Infantry .\pril 20, 1861 ; discharged for disability Mav 10, 1861. Second Lieutenant 76th Penna. Infantry Oct. 17, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 2, 1862 ; Captain May 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 28, 1864. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6463. 1424. John Livingston Janew.av Chaplain 3d New Jersey Infantry April 27, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 31, 1861. Chaplain 30th New Jersey Infantry Sept. 19, 1862; honorably mustered out June 27, 1863. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6464. 142o. Francis William Milnor Captain 23d New Jersey Infantry Sept. 13, 1862 ; Major Jan. 1, 1863 ; Lieut.- Colonel April 10, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 27, 1863. Elected Oct 17.1888. Class 1. Insignia 6465. Born Mav 25, 1830, at Philadelphia, P"a. Died Sep't. 23, 1896, at Burlington, N. J. 1426. Joseph Phillip Mickley Acting Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy March 28, 1864 ; honorably discharged Jan. 11, 1869. Second' Asst. Engineer (Master) U. S. Navy March 20, 1871 ; Asst. Engineer (Master) Feb. 24, 1874 ; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1878 ; Chief Engineer (Lieutenant) Aug. 28, 1894 ; Lieut. -Commander March 8, 1899; Commander Jan. 17, 1900; retired Jan. 17, 1900. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6466. Born Mav 2H, 1845, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 9, 1902, at Micklevs. Pa. 192 1427. William Graff Moore Second Lieutenant 14th Penna. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; honorably mus- tered out Aug. 6, 1861. Second L,ieuienant ooth Penna. Infantry Oct. 1, 1862; First Lieutenant July 1, 1863 ; Captain Oct 23, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 11, 1865. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 64'67. Born May 1, 1841, at Womelsdorf, Pa. Died May 7, 1899, at Redlands, Cal. 1428. Harvey Washington Mc Knight First Sergeant 138lh Penna. Infantry Aug. 16, 1862 ; discharged for promo- tion Nov. i, 1862. Second Lieutenant loSth Penna. Infantry Noy. 1, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 4, 1862. Private 2(kh Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 16, 1863 ; discharged for pro- motion June 23, 1863. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 26th Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 23, 1863 ; honorably mustered out July 30, 1863. Captain 210th Penna. Infantry Sept. 17, 1864 ; honorably mustered out May 30, 1865. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6468. 1429. Henry Christopher McCook F'irst Lieutenant 41st Illinois Infantry Aug. 7, 1861 ; discharged for promo- tion Oct. 1, 1861. Chaplain 41st Illinois Infantry Oct. 1, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Jan. 8, 1862. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6469. Chaplain of the Commandery May 1, 1889-1890; May 6, 1891-1896; May 5, 1897-1902. 1430. Kossuth Niles Private 142d Illinois Infantry May 7, 1864 ; mustered out Oct. 26, 1864. Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 23, 1865; Ensign July 12, 1870; Master March 1, 1873 ; Lieutenant Sept. 30, 1876; Lieut. Commander May 1, 1898; Commander Feb. 19, 1901. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6470. 1431. John Henry Hobart Peshine Midshipman U. S. Navy Feb. 26, 1863 ; resigned Oct. 20, 1864. Second Lieutenant 31st U. S. Colored Troops Dec. 14, 1864; First Lieuten- ant May 16, 1865 ; declined June 26, 1865; honorably mustered out Nov. 7, 1865. Second Lieutenant 13th V. S Infantry Oct. 1, 1873 ; First Lieutenant May 7, 1882; Captain July 5, 1895; Major ll'th Infantry April 16, 1901. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6471. ' Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 28, 1897. 1432. Jacob Franklin Raub Private 129th Penna. Infantry Aug. 1, 1862; mustered out May 18, 1863. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army May 29, 1864 ; resigned Aug. 28, 1864. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 2i0lh Penna. Infantry Sept. 14, 1864 ; honorably mustered out May 30, 1865. Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress "for dis- covering a flank movement by the enemy, apprised the commanding general, at great peril, and, though a non-combatant, voluntarily participated with the troops in repelling this attack, at the battle of Hatchers Run, Va., Feb. 5, 1865." Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. In.signia 6472. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Oct. 21 , 1896. 193 1433. Edwin Malcolm Shkpard Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Nov. 24, 18o9 ; Ensign Nov. 25, 1862 ; Lieu- tenant Feb. 22, lS(i4 ; Lieut. -Commander Julv 2o, 1866 ; Commander May 9, 1878 ; Captam Mav 15, 1893 ; Rear Admiral March 3, 1901 ; retired June 13, 1902. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6473. Transferred to Coinmandery of District of Columbia May 23, 1902. 1434. John Shields First Lieutenant 53d Penna. Infantry Nov. 1, 1861 ; Captain March 1, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disabilitv March 9, 1864. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6474. 1435. Anthony Eugkne Stocker Major and Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Aug. 3, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 15, 1865. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers June 1, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6475. Born March 5, 1819, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died May 23, 1897, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1436. James Sterling Yard Major 3d New Jersey Infantry April 27, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 31, 1861. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. Insignia 6476. Born April 20, 1826, at Trenton, N. J. Died April 29, 1900, at Freehold, N. J. 1437. Samuel Baldwin Marks Young Private 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Captain 4th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 6, 1861 ; Major Sept. 20, 1862 ; Lieut.- Colonel Oct. 1, 18(i4 ; Colonel Dec. 29, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 1, 1865. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry May 11, 1866; Captain 8th Cavalry Julv 28. 1866; Major 3d Cavalry April 2, 1883; Lieut.-Colonel 4th Cavalry Aug. 16. 1892; Colonel 3d Cavalry June 19, 1897. Brig.-General U. S. Army Jan. 2, 1900; Major-General Feb. 2, 1901. Brig -General U. S. Volunteers May 4, 1898; Major-General July 8, 1898; honorably discharged April 13, 1899. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers April 13, 1899 ; vacated commission Jan. 10, 1900. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent arnu' under General R. E. Lee." Major U. S. .\rmy March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in action at Sulphur Springs, Va. ; " Lieut.-Colonel March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in action at Amelia Springs, Va. ; " Colonel March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Sailors' Creek, Va." Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1. In.signia 6477. Transferred to Commandery of Missouri Oct. 1, 1891. Transferred to Commandery of California Dec. 18, 1893. 1439. Frank Hudson Hawkins Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6479. Eligibility of membership derived from George \V. Hawkins, Private 17th Penna. Infantrj' April 25, 1861 ; mus- tered out Aug. 2, 1861. Captain 97th Penna. Infantry Oct. 29, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel {a. w. in.) Sept. 18, 1864. Died Oct. 28, 1864, of wounds received at Darbytown Road, Va. 13 194 1440. DanieIv Lammot Nephew of deceased Companion Brevet Brig. -General Charles E. L,aMotle. Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6480. 1441. John Yardley Elected Oct. 17, 1888. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6481. Eligibility of membership derived from Mahlon Yardlej-, First Lieutenant 104th Penna. Infantry Sept. 20, 1861 ; discharged April '27, 181)3, to accept appointment as Provost Marshal. Captain and Provost Marshal 5th District Commonwealth of Pennsylvania April 18, 1863 ; discharged Dec. 31, 186-5. Died June 23, 1873, at Doylestown, Pa. 1442. Alexander Williams Biddle Eldest son of deceased Companion Colonel Alexander Biddle. Elected Oct. 17, 1888 Class 2. Insignia 6482. First Class in Succession May 2, 1899. 1443. Theodore Frelinghuyser Forbes Corporal 102d New York Infantry Nov. 9, 1861; Sergeant Nov. 12, 1861; Second Lieutenant Nov. 12, 1862 ; mustered out March 7. 1863. Second Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps Aug. 13, 1863; honorably mus- tered out Oct. 12, 1866. Second Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; unassigned April 22, 1869 ; assigned to 5th Infantry Nov. 15, 1869 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 31, 1875 ; Captain Oct. 8, 1885; Major 4th Infantrv Feb. 27, 1899; transferred to 5th Infantry March 20, 1899 ; Lieut.-Colonel 29th Infantry Feb. 28, 1901 ; Colonel July 14, 1902 Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va." Elected Oct. 5, 1886 Class 1. Insignia 4933. Transferred from Commandery of Minnesota Oct. 25, 1888. Transferred to Commandery of New York May 4, 1893. 1444. Albert Corson Engard Acting Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Sept. 13, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 1, 1862. Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy March 17, 1863; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) July 25, 1865 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Jan. 11, 1873; I'assed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874; Chief Engineer (Lieut. -Commander) Oct. 3, 1891 ; Chief Engineer (Commander) Feb. 7, 1898; retired (Commander) Julv 11,1899. Elected Feb. 16, 1887. Class'l. Insignia 5380. Transferred from Commandery of California Nov. 1, 1888. 1445. Erskine Douglass Smith First Sergeant 49th Peiiua. Infantry Sept. 14, 1861 ; Sergeant-Major Dec. 21, 1861 ; discharged for promotion March 10, 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 49th Penna. Infantry March 10, 1862; hon- orably mustered out Nov. 19, 1863. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6757. Born Oct. 18, 1833 at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 19, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1446. James Harwoqd Closson Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6758. Eligibility of niemberi-hip derived from James Harwood Closson, First Lieutenant 91st Penna. Infantrv Nov. 19, 1861 ; Captain March 1, 1864. Died Nov. 22, 1864, of wounds received at Hatcher's Run, Va. 195 1447. CiPRiANO Andradk Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy July 1, 1861 ; vSecond Asst. Engineer Dec. 18, ISIili ; First Asst. Engineer (Master) Jan. oO, ISHo ; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874 ; Chief Engineer (Lieut -Commander) Sept. 11, 1881 ; Captain March 3, ISiJi) ; Rear Admiral (retired list) July 1, 1901. Elected Feb. (i, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6759. 1448. Henry Atwood Breed Private 155th Penna. Infantry Aug. 9, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 21, 1862. Second Lieutenant 155th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1862; honorably dis- charged for disability Oct. 8, 1863. Elected Feb. 6, LS89. Class 1. Insignia 6760. 1449. Davis Cunninghaim Private 56th Penna. Infantry Sept. 25 1861 ; Sergeant Nov. 1, 1861 ; First Sergeant May 20, 1S62; discharged for promotion Oct. 14, 1862. Second Lieutenant 56th Penna. Infantry Oct. 15, 1862 ; First Lieutenant March 4, 1863 ; honorably discharged Nov. 3, 1863, for disability from wounds. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6761. 1450. Mavi.axd Cuthbert Third Asst Engineer U. S. Navy Aug. 24, 1861 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) April 21, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 22, 1864. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6762.' 1451. William Sill Foster Pr gean Private 1st Penna. Cavalry Sept. 6, 1861 ; Sergeant Oct. 1, 1861 ; First Ser- geant Jan. 3, 1862 ; discharged to accept promotion Feb. 18, 1862. Second Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant 1st Penna. Cavalry Feb. 19, 1862 ; honoral)ly mustered out vSept. 9, 1862. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6763. 1452. William Goodrich First Lieutenant 15th Conn. Infantry Aug. 25, 1862; honorably mustered out June 27, 18()5 Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6764. 1453. Alexander Wallace Givin Sergeant 114th Penna. Infantry July 22, 1862; First Sergeant Nov. 1, 1863 ; Sergeant-Major Jan. 16, 18(i4; discharged for promotion April 23, 1864. First Lieutenant 114th Penna. Infantry April 24, 1864 ; honorably mustered out May 29, 1865. Bre vetted Captain U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for meritorious services during the war." Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6765. 1454. Conrad John H.\bighurst Third Asst. Engineer June 23, 1863; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) Sept. 2, 1865 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) vSept. 17, 1873 ; Passed Asst. Engi- neer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874; Chief Engineer (Lieut. -Commander) March 2, 1892; Chief Engineer (Commander) March — , 1898; retired (Captain) Nov. 7, 1898. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6766. Born May 27, 1842, at Bristol, Eng. Died March 24, 1901, at Las Cruces, N. M. 1455. Matthew Hall First Lieutenant 91st Penna. Infantry Sept. 9, 1861 ; Captain Dec. 20, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 28, 1864. Elected Feb. (i, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6767. 196 1456. Thomas Ai^oysius McElmei^l Mate U. S. Navy Dec. 6, 1861 ; Acting Ensign Oct. 9, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 1, 186.3. Acting Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy April 19, 1864 ; Acting Second Asst. Engineer (Master) March 28, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged Sept. 11/1868. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6768. 1457. Charles Rick Private Ringgold Artillery (Co. A, 25th Penna. Infantry) May 15, 1861 ; mustered out July 28, 1861. First Sergeant 128th Penna. Infantry Aug. 14, 1862; discharged for promo- , tion Aug. 24, 1862. Second Lieutenant 128th Penna. Infantry Aug. 25, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 18, 1862 ; honorably mustered out May 19, 1863. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6769. 1458. Joseph Theodore Ridgway Seaman U. S. Navy July 15, 1861; Acting Master's Mate July 16, 1862; Acting Ensign Aug. 23, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 28, 1865. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6770. Born Jan. 22, 1838, atTuckerton, N.J. Died Aug. 27, 1896, at Trenton, N. J. 1459. John Rosselle Tucker Ryan Second Lieutenant 10th New Jersey Infantry April 18, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 24, 1863. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6771. 1460. Benjamin Saylor Second Lieutenant 119th Penna. Infantry Aug. 4, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 5, 1862 ; Captain Nov. 20, 1863 ; resigned June 5, 1864, to accept appoint- ment in U. S. Volunteers. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers April 20, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 10, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Aug. 5, 1865, " for efficient and merito- rious services." Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6772. 1461. David Tully Chaplain 77th New York Infantry Nov. 23, 1861; resigned and honorably discharged Julv 7, 1862. Elected Feb.' 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6773. 1462. Heber Samuel Thompson Private Washington Artillery (Co. H, 25th Penna. Infantry) April 16, 1861 ; mustered out Jul}- 29, 1861. • • First Lieutenant 7th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 16, 1861 ; Captain July 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 18, 1865. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6774. 1463. James William Thomson Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navv June 26, 1856 ; First Asst. Engineer (Ensign) Aug. 2, 1859; Chief Engineer (Lieut.-Commander) Feb. 2,1862; Chief Engineer (Commander) Aug. 18, 1883 ; retired (Captain) June 26, 1896. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6775. 1464. Edward Ewing Williams First Lieutenant 114th Penna. Infantry Aug. 20, 1862; Captain Aug. 25, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Feb. 2, 1864. First Lieutenant 17th Veteran Reserve Corps March 5, 1864; honorably mustered out June 11, 1866. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6776. 197 1465. James Roberts Wood Sergeant 1st New York Battery Nov. 18, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Feb. 4, 1863. First Lieutenant 11th New York Cavalry Feb. 9, 1863 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Oct. 6, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 21, 1865. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6777. 1466. Benjamin Bradford Harris Wharton Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy Nov. 21, 1857; vSecond Asst. Engineer Aug. 2, 1859; First Asst. Engineer (Ensign) Oct. 16, 1861 ; Chief Engineer (Lieut. -Commander) Nov. 10,1863; Chief Engineer (Commander) Oct. 6, 1884 ; retired (Captain) Jan. 14, 1895. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6778. Born Jan. 14, 1833, at Stevensburg, Va. Died Jan. 13, 1901, at Moutclair, N. J. 1467. Thomas Howe Childs Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6779. Eligibility of membership derived from James Harvey Childs, First Lieutenant 12th Penna. lufantry April 25, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Lieut. -Colonel 4th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 18, 1861 ; Colonel March 12, 1862. Killed Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. 1468. Henry Kuhl Dillard Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6780. Eligibility of membership derived from Thomas Dillard, Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Nov. 25, 1824; Surgeon Jan. 3, 1828 ; retired (Captain) Jan. 24, 1863. Died March 1, 1870, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1469. Edwin Jaouett Sellers Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6781. Eligibility of membership derived from Finnix Stretcher Jaquett, Major and Surgeon 5th Penna. Cavalry Dec. 22, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 17, 1862. Died Dec. 11, 1870. 1470. William Wallace Powell Private 37th (Militia) Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. June 18, 1863 ; dis- charged July 22, 1863. Private 37th (Militia) Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. May 6, 1864 ; dis- charged June 6, 1864. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6782. Eligibility of membership derived from James Wallace Powell, First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 71st New York Infantry July 18, 1861 ; honorablv discharged for disability Sept. 16, 1862. Died April 12, 1872. 1471. Henry Stevenson Sweitzer Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Brig. -General Jacob B. Sweitzer. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 6783. 1472. Benjamin Franklin Betts, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Lieut. -Colonel Charles M. Betts. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 2. Insignia 6784. 1473. George Steinman Franklin Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain George M. Franklin. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 2. Insignia 6785. First Class in Succession May 15, 1899. 198 1474. Hari^an George MendenhalIv Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Lieut. -Colonel W. B. Menden- hall. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 2. Insignia 6786. First Class in Succession Nov. 27, 1898. 1475. i^ARON Thomas Grkgg Captain 140th Peuna. Infantry Aug. 9, 1862; honorably discharged for dis- ability June o, 1863. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7048. Born July 26, 1815, at Brownsville, Pa. Died Feb. 27, 1898, at Monongahela City, Pa. 1477. Samuei. Canby Sergeant 4th New Jersey Infantry April 25, 1861 ; First Sergeant May 29, 1861 ; mustered out July 31, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2d Delaware Infantry July 25, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 28, 1861. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery Oct. 21, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 5, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 1 , 1868. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army April 7, 1862, " for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; " Captain July 3, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa ; " Major March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Franklin, Tenn." Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7050. Born Aug. 5, 1837, at Wilmington, Del. Died July 24, 1897, at Vancouver, Wash. 1478. Thomas Holdich Challenger First Lieutenant 4th Delaware Infantry Aug. 23, 1862 ; Captain Sept. 28, 1864 ; honorably discharged May 15, 1865. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7051. 1479. Frederick Hill Collier Colonel 139th Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1862; honorably mustered out Nov. 27, 1865. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7052. 1480. James Monroe Craig Private 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Second Lieutenant 23d Penna. Infantry Sept. 24, 1861 ; P'irst Lieutenant Jan. 1, 1863 ; Captain Nov. 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 8, 1864. Elected May 1. 1889. Class 1. Insignia 70"53. Born June 1, 1840, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died Feb. 1, 1899, at Pittsburg, Pa. 1481. John Ewing Captain 155th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1862; Major Nov. 1, 1863; Lieut. - Colonel July 23, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 2, 1865. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Volunteers July 6, 1864, " for gallant and dis- tinguished services during the present operations before Petersburg, Va." Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7054. 1482. Thomas William Fixch Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy June 23, 1863 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) June 25, 1866 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Oct. 8, 1873; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 31, 1875. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7055. 199 1488. Theodore Lore Flood First Sergeant li5th Penua. Infantry Aug. 7,1862; discharged for promo- tion Feb. 6, 1863. Second Lieutenant 12oth Penna. Infantry Feb. 7, 1863 ; honorably mus- tered out May 18, 1863. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7056. 1485. Frank Furness Second Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 14, 1861 ; First Lieutenant May IS, 1862 ; Captain Jan. 11, 1864; honorably mustered out Oct. 3, 1864. Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress, " for most distinguished gallantry in action atTrevilian Station,Va. , June 12 1864. On this occasion, a detachment occupying an exposed and isolated outpost having expended its ammunition. Captain Furness, carrying a box of ammunition on his head, ran to the outpost across an open space that was swept bj' a fierce fire from the enemy. This ammunition, together with that carried by another officer who had responded to Captain Furness's call for volunteers, enabled the detachment to hold its position until nightfall, thus saving the main line from severe loss." Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7058. 1486. George Fairlamb Harris First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 7th Penna. Cavalry March 29, 1864 ; resigned and honorablv discharged for disabilitv Sept. 24, 1864. Elected May 1, 1889' Class 1. Insignia 7059. 1487. Hartley Howard First Sergeant 38th Penna. Infantry (9th Reserve) May 1, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Oct. 19, 1861. Second Lieutenant 38th Penna. Infantry (9th Reserve) Oct. 20, 1861; Cap- tain IVIarch 3, 1862 ; honorably mustered out May 12, 1864. Brevetted Major LT. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant conduct at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va." Elected Mav 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7060. Born Dec. 27, 1840, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died May 2, 1901, at Pittsburgh Pa. 1488. John B. Landis Corporal 130th Penna. Infantry Aug. 8, 1862 ; discharged for disability from wounds received in action Feb. 12, 1863. Captain 209th Penna. Infantry Sept. 14, 1864 ; honorablv mustered out May 81, 1865. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7061. 1489. John Jacob Lawrence Captain 12oth Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862; Major Aug. 16, 1862; honor- ably mustered out May IS, 1868. Colonel 4(>th Penna. ^Militia) Infantrv July 8, 1863 ; honorablv mustered out Aug. IS, 1863. Elected May 1, 1SS9. Class 1. Insignia 7062. Born March 7, 1827, at Washington, Pa. Died INIarch 27, 1898, at Allegheny City, Pa. 1490. Benjamin Franklin Lee First Lieutenant 12th New Jersey Infantry Sept.' 4, 1862 ; resigned and honorablv discharged for disability April 7, 1864. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7068. Born Jan. 8, 1889, at Vincentown, N. J Died July 11, 1901, at Mount Holly, N. J. 200 1491. Hiram Long First Lieutenant and Asst Surgeon 173d Penna. Infantr}- Nov. 29, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 17, 1863. First Lieutenant and x\sst. Surgeon 205th Penna. Infantry Sept. 3, 1864 ; Major and Surgeon March 17, 1865 ; honorahlv mu.stered out June 2, 1865. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7064. 1492. Martin Van Buren McIntyre Private 12th (Militia^ Infantry National Guard S. N. Y. April 22, 1861 ; mustered out Ang. 5, 1861. First Sergeant 7th New York Battery Light Artillery Sept. 26, 1861 ; dis- charged for promotion April .30, 1862. First Lieutenant 7ih New York Battery Light Artillery May 1, 1862 ; hon- orably mustered out July 22, 1865. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7065. 1493. George Morris Middleton Private 97lh Penna. Infantry Oct. 28, 1861 ; Corporal Aug. 26, 1862; Ser- geant May 1, 1864 ; First Sergeant Nov. 6, 1864 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 5, 1864. Second Lieutenant 97th Penna. Infantry Dec. 6, 1864 ; honorably' mustered out Aug. 28, 1865. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7066. 1494. Algernon Sidney Mountain Morgan Second Lieutenant 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; honorably mus- tered out July 31, 1861. Lieut.Colonel 63d Penna. Infantry Aug. 1, 1861; Colonel Oct. 6, 1862; honorably mustered out April 18, 1863, for disability from wounds. Ordnance Storekeeper U. S. Army Dec. 5, 1863 ; Captain and Ordnance Storekeeper July 28, 1866 ; retired June 6, 1894. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7067. 1495. James Bissett Murdoch Major and Surgeon 24th New York Infantry May 17, 1861 ; honorablj- mus- tered out May 29, 1863. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7068. Born Oct. 16, 1830, at Glasgow, Scot. Died Oct. 29, 1896, at Pittsburg, Pa. 1496. Levi Quier Second Lieutenant o4th Penna. Infantry Dec. 13, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 22, 1863 ; First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster Jan. 1, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 3, 1864. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7069. 1497. Samuel Chadwick Schoyer First Lieutenant 139th Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1862 ; Captain Jan 19, 1863 ; honorably discharged for disability May 6, 1865. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7070. Born June 1, 1840, at Allegheny Citv, Pa. Died Feb. 11, 1890, at Pittsburg, Pa^ 1498. William Finley Speer Private Independent Company Penna. Cavalry Oct. 22, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Oct. 4, 1862. Second Lieutenant Independent Company Penna. Cavaly Oct. 25, 1862 ; transferred to 22d Penna. Cavalry Feb. 22, 1864 ; Captain Sept. 7, 1864 ; transferred to 3d Provisional Penna. Cavalry June 24, 1865 ; honorably mus- tered out Oct. 31, 1865. 201 Brevetted Major and Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7071. Born Sept. o, 18oo, in Westmoreland Co., Pa. Died Sept. 15, 1893, at Pittsburg, Pa. 1499. Ai.Ex.\NDER Morrow Speer Major and Surgeon 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; honorably mus- tered out Aug. 5, 1861. ]\Iajor and Surgeon 7th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 4, 1861 ; resigned to accept appointment in U. S. Volunteers June 1, 1863. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Feb. 19, 1863 ; Major and vSurgeon U. S. Volunteers June 13, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 7, 1865. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers Oct. 6, 1865. "for faithful and meritorious services." Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7072. 1500. Robert Ekin Stewart Private 123d Pennsvlvania Infantry Aug. 6, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 7, 1862. First Lieutenant 123d Penna. Infantrv Aug. 8, 1862 ; honorably mu.stered out May 12, 1863. Major 24th U. S. Colored Troops March 27, 1865 ; honorablv mustered out Oct. 1, 1865. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7073. 1501. Edward Smith Wright Captain 62d Penna. Infantrv July 22, 1861; honorably mustered outjulv 13, 1864. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7074. 1-502. Thomas Brooks Wright First Lieutenant 21st New York Infantry May 12, 1861 ; resigned and hon- orably discharged June 16, 1862. Elected May 1, 18S9. Class 1. Insignia 7075. Born July 16, 1840, at Nottingham, Eng. Died June 14, 1893, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1.503. Frank King Biggs Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Brig -General Herman Biggs. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7076. 1504. Henry LaMotte Eldest nephew of deceased Companion Colonel Robert S. LaMotte. Asst. Surgeon (Ensign) U. S. Navy Jan. 27, 1892 ; retired (Ensign) Sept. 15, 1897. Major 1st U. S. Volunteer Cavalry May 19, 1898; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Sept 15, 1898. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7077. Transferred to Commandery of New York Sept. 15, 1899. 1505. Howard Loeser McIlvain Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7078. Eligibility of membership derived from Howard Mcllvain, Private Ringgold Artillery (Co. A, 25th Penna. Infantry) -\pril 18, 1861 ; mustered out July 18, 1861. First Lieutenant Battery D, Penna. Light Artillery Sept. 24, 1861. Died Nov. 15, 1862, of wounds received at Sulphur Springs, Va. 202 1506. Wir,UAM Houston Patterson Son of deceased Companion Major-Getieral Robert Patterson. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7079. 1508. Daniei, Smith Rittenhouse Eldest son of Companion Captain Henrv N. Rittenhouse. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 2. Insignia 7081. 1509. Howard Vansant Sickee Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Major-General H. G. Sickel. Elected May 1, 1889. Class 2 Insignia 7082. First Class in Succession April 17, 1890. 1510. Richard Biddee Irwin Private Co A (National Rifles) od Battalion District of Columbia Infantry April 15, 1861 ; Battalion Quartermaster Sergeant May 3, 1861 ; mustered out July 15, 1861. Captain and Additional Aide-de-Camp Aug. 22, 1861 ; resigned and hon- orably discharged for disability Sept. 19, 1864. Ivieut. -Colonel and Asst. Adjt. -General (by assignment) Nov. 12, 1862. Elected Sept. 6, 1871. Class 1. Insignia lo4:->. Transferred from Commandery of California Jan. 1, 1889. Transferred to Commandery of New York Dec. 4, 1889. Born Dec. 23. 1889, at Pittsburg Pa. Died April 26, 1892, at New York City. 1511. Robert Ayres Private U. S. Engineers Dec. 20, 1855 ; Artificer Dec. 20, 1857 ; Corporal Dec. 1, 1859; Sergeant July 1, 1861 ; First Sergeant July 12, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 19, 1862. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infanlrv Nov. 29, 1862; First Lieutenant Nov. 25, 1863 ; Captain July 28, 1866 ; unassigned March 31, 1869 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 1, 1871. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army Nov. 25, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Chickamauga, Ga., and Mission Ridge, Tenn." Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7826. 1512. John Lewis Benzon Private 31st Peniia. Infantry (2d Reserve) May 27, 1861; Regimental Quarter- master-Sergeant Aug. 9 1861 ; discharged for promotion June 5, 1864. Second Lieutenant 191st Penna Infantry June 6, 1864 ; Captain Dec. 9, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 28, 1865. Brevetted Captain U. S. Volunteers Oct. 1, 1864, "for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va." Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7327. 1513. Edwin McCurdy Boring Private 1st Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; mustered out July 26, 1861. First Sergeant 79th Penna. Infantrv' Sept. 17, 1861 ; discharged for promo- tion June 19, 1864. First Lieutenant 79th Penna. Infantrv June 19, 1864 ; honorably mustered outjulv 12, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7828. 1514. Zaccur Praee Boyer First Lieutenant 96th Penna. Infantry Sept. 23, 1861 ; discharged for pro- motion Nov. 21, 1862. Lieut. -Colonel 178d Penna. Infantry Nov. 18, 1862; honorably mustered out Aug. 17. 1863. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7329. Born Oct. 28, 1832, at Port Carbon, Pa. Died Nov. 17, 1900, at Philadelphia, Pa. 203 lolo. John Cook Brown Private oih Penna. Cavalry Aug. 14, 1862 ; Sergeant-Major Nov. 18, 1863 ; discharged for promotion May 30, 1864. First Ivieutenant and Adjutant oth Penna. Cavalry May 30, 1864 ; Captain March 7, 1865; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, I860. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7330. 1516. RAI.PH BuCKI,EY Second Lieutenant 124th Penna. Infantry Aug. 13, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 16, 1862; honorably mustered out May 16, 1863. First Lieutenant 29th Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 22, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 1, 1863. First Lieutenant 197th Penna. Infantry July 8, 1864 ; Captain July 22, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 11, 1864. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7331. Born Jan. 31, 1830, at Cheshire, Eng. Died Oct. 11, 1895, at Media, Pa. 1517. George Shiras Clark Private 15th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 10, 1862 ; Regimental Quartermaster-Ser- geant March 1, 1863 ; discharged for promotion May 8, 1863. Captain 15th Penna. Cavalry May 8, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 21, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7332. 1518. Robert Parks Crawford First Lieutenant 57th Penna. Infantry Feb. 10, 1862 ; discharged for promo- tion Sept. 11, 1863. Captain and Asst. Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 4, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 1, 1865. Brevetted Major and Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers May 1, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7333. 1519. Gerald Dunne O'Farrell Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army July 9, 1862 ; resigned Oct. 8, 1862. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 63d Penna. Infantr}^ March 14, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 5, 1864. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Sept. 28, 1864 ; resigned March 15, 1865. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 215th Penna. Infantry April 22, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 31, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7334. Born Oct. 18, 1836, at Ballinasloe, Ire. Died March 27, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1520. John Rakestraw Hallowell Private 4th Iowa Cavalry Nov. 2, 1861 ; Corporal Jan. 15, 1862 ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862 ; First Sergeant May 1, 1864 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 16, 1865. Second Lieutenant 4th Iowa Cavalry Jan. 16, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 8, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7335. 1521. Elmore Charles Hine Second Asst. Surgeon 7th Conn. Infantry Aug. 28, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon April 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 14, 1864. . Elected Oct 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7336. Born Sept. 16, 1836, at Middlebury, Conn. Died March 8, 1895, at Atlantic City, N. J. 204 1522. Patrick Francis Hodge Private 14th Penna. Infantry April 24, ISfil ; mustered out Aug. 6, lS(Jl. Private ooth Penna. Infantry Sept. 14, 1861 ; Sergeant Nov. 1, 1861 ; First Sergeant Jan. 1. 1868 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 8, 1868. Second Lieutenant 55th Penna. Infantry Aug. 8, 1868 ; First Lieutenant Nov. 9, 1863 ; Captain April 1, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 80, 1865 Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7837. 1523. Alfred Horton Keith Second Lieutenant 6th Vermont Infantry Oct. 15, 1861 ; honorably dis- charged for disability Feb. 6, 1862. Second Lieutenant 6th Vermont Infantry March 21, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 28, 1862 ; Captain March 18, 1863 ; honorably discharged Sept. 3, 1864, for disability from wound received in action. Brevetted Major and Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 18, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war, and particularly for gallant conduct at the battle of Spotsylvania." Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7838. 1524. Charles Howard Kirk Private 15th Penna. Cavalry Aug. 22, 1862 ; Corporal Oct. 30, 1862 ; Sergeant March 1, 1863; First Sergeant March 14, 1863; discharged for promotion May 8, 1863. First Lieutenant 15th Penna. Cavalrv May 8, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 21, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7339. 1525. William Bascom Kroesen Private 18th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 6, 1861. Private 108d Penna. Infantrv Sept. 25, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Feb. 11, 1862. Second Lieutenant 108d Penna. Infantry Feb. 11, 1862 ; resigned and honor- ablv discharged July 12, 1862, for disability from wounds. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7840. 1526. Theodore Baskin Lashells First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 12th Penna. Cavalr\- July 30, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 5, 1862. Major and Surgeon 171st Penna. Infantry Dec. 6, 1862 ; honorably mus- tered out Aug. S, 1863. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7341. 1527. William Howard Longwell Corporal 44th New York Infantry Aug. 8, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Sept 27, 1862. vSecond Lieutenant 114th New York Infantry Sept. 3, 1862 ; First Lieutenant July 1, 1868; Captain Nov. 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 8, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7342. 1529. Theodore Hart M'Calla vSergeant 17th Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. First Lieutenant 95th Penna." Infantry Oct. 16, 1861 ; Captain May 16, 1862 ; Major May 8, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 14, 1864. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 18, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the Army of the Potomac." Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7344. Born Nov. 13, 1884, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 12, 1900, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1530. HiLLiS McKowN Private l()5th Penna. Infantry Sept. 12, 1861 ; Sergeant-Major Feb. 10, 1863; discharged for promotion Sept. 28, 1864. 205 First Lieutenant and Adjutant lOoth Penna. Infantry Sept. 28, 1864 ; honor- ably mustered out Julv 11, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7345. 1581. Joseph Moore Private 20th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 1, 1862; mustered out Sept. 28, 1862. Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers Dec. 5, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Jan. 10, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7346. Born Sept. 27, 1820, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 28, 1894, at Philadelphia, Pa. ■ 1532. John W. Newhix Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers Sept. 5, 1861 ; honorably mustered out June 1, 1867. Brevetted L,ieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7347. Born June 29, 1819, at Franklin, O. Died Jan. 5, 1897, at New Brunswick, N. J. 1533. Edward Overton IVIajor 50th Penna. Infantry Sept. 30, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel Dec. 15, 1863 ; honorahlv mustered out Sept. 30, 1864. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7.348. 1534. William J. Patterson Second Lieutenant 62d Penna Infantry July 14, 1861 ; resigned and honor- ably discharged Oct. 8, 1863, for wounds received in action. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7349. 1535. Edward H. Parry Private 1st New Jersey Cavalry Aug 14, 1861 ; Sergeant Aug. 15, 1861 ; First Sergeant Aug. 1, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Oct. 21, 1862. Second Lieutenant 1st New Jersey Cavalry Oct. 21, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 8, 1864 ; honorablv mustered out Sept.'l6, 1864. Elected Oct. 16, 1889!; Class 1. Insignia 7350. 1536. James Sheafer First Lieutenant 101st Penna. Infantry Oct. 22, 1861 ; Captain July 1, 1862; Colonel June 3, 1865 ; honorablv mustered out June 25, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7351. 1537. Daniel Webster vSearle First Lieutenant 141st Penna. Infantry Aug. 27, 1862 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Aug. 29, 1862 ; honorably discharged June 17, 1864, for disability. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia" 7.352. 1538. John Crawford Spear Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy May 9, 1861 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) Oct. 26, 1863; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) June 23, 1864; Medical Inspector (Commander) Oct. 6, 1878 ; retired (Commander) Sept. 14, 1888. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7353. 1539. Jamks Postlethwaite Speer Captain 40th Penna. Infantry (11th Reserve) June 8, 1861 ; Major May 28, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 27, 1863, for disability from wounds. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant conduct at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7354. 206 1540. Charles Champun Townsend Private o8th Penna. Infantry (9th Reserve) Aug. 28, 1861 ; transferred to 1st Penna. Cavalry Jan. 28, 1862; discharged for promotion Nov. 1, 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 1st Penna. Cavalry Nov. 1, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged June 16, 1868, for disability. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7355. 1541. Washington Warren Wattles Second Lieutenant 28th Penna. Infantry July 11, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 1, 1862; Captain (a zf/. w.) Aug. 1, 1862; resigned and honotably dis- charged Feb. 1, 186.8, for disability in line of dutv. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7356.' 1542. John Wilson Wishart First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 140th Penna. Infantry Sept. 12, 1862 ; Major and Surgeon Oct. 25, 1862 ; honorably mustered out May 31, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7357. Born April 19, 1829, at Washington, Pa. Died June 21, 1902, at Pittsburg, Pa. 1543. William White Wiltbank Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers April 22, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct 12, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Oct. 5, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7358. 1544. William Wright Acting Master U. S. Navy Oct. 28, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Sept 17, 1865. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 7359. Transferred to Commander}^ of New York Dec. 21, 1894. Born July 10, 1839, at Edgecomb. Me. Died March 23, 1900, at St. George, N. Y. 1545. Arthur Haviland Eldest son of deceased Companion Major Thomas P. Haviland. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7360. 1546. James Seguin de Benneville Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7361. Eligibility of membership derived from James Seguin de Benneville, Major and Surgeon 40th Penna. Infantrj' (11th Reserve) Julv 29, 1861 ; resigned and honorablv discharged Nov. 4, 1863. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers M'arch 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Died Sept. 5, 1866. 1547. Olin Fresbie Harvey Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7362. Eligibility of membership derived from Elisha B. Harvey, Colonel 36th Penna. Infantrj' (7th Reserve) July 27, 1861; resigned and honorablv discharged July 4, 1862. Died Aug. 20, 1873. ' 1548. John Thompson Lewis, Jr. Private 32d Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 26, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 1, 1863. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7363. Eligibility of membership derived from Thomas Chalkley James, Captain 1st Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry May 13, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 17, 1861. 207 Lieut. -Colouel 9ih Peniia. Cavalry Oct. :20, 1S61 ; Colonel ((?. ze;. w.) Oct. 14, 1862. Died Jan. 18, 1863, at Philadelphia, Pa. looO. James Hancock Eldest son of Companion Major Elisha A. Hancock. Elected Oct. 16, 1889. Class 2. Insignia 7365. 1551. EzR.A. Palmer Gould Private 24th Mass. Infantry Oct. 18, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion Dec. 20, 1863. Second Lieutenant 55th Mass. Infantry Dec. 20, 1863 ; honorably mustered out for promotion March 2, 1864. Captain 59ih Mass. Infantry April 9, 1864 ; Major Dec. 16, 1864; transferred to 57tb Mass. Infantry May 26, 1865 ; honoral)ly mustered out July 30, 1865. Elected June 2, 1875. Class 1. Insignia 1679. Transferred from Cominandery of Massachusetts Nov. 6, 1889. Born Feb. 27, 1841, at Boston. Mass. Died Aug. 22, 1900, at While Lake, N. Y. 1552. James Cooper McKee First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. 8. Army Oct. 2, 1858 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Oct. 2, 1863 ; Major and Surgeon Dec. 22, 1864 ; Lieut -Colonel and Surgeon Nov. 17, 1887 ; retired June 19, 1891. Brevetted Lieut -Colonel March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war." Elected Jan. 26, 1876. Class 1. Insignia 1694. Transferred from Commandery of Massachusetts Nov. 12, 1889. Born Mav 18, 1830, at Butler, Pa. Died Dec. 11, 1897, at Butler, Pa. 1553. John PemberTox Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Dec. 8, 1862 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) April 8, 1864; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Jan. 1, 1868 ; Passed A'^st. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874; retired (Lieutenant) Sept. 14, 1891. Elected Nov. 10, 1886. Class 1. Insignia 5071. Transferred from Commandery of California Nov. 18, 1889. Transferred to Commandery of New York June 1, 1894. 1554. Robert Strachan Innes Private 1st Michigan Engineers and Mechanics Sept. 15, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 5, 1861. I'irst Lieutenant and Quartermaster 1st Michigan Engineers and Mechan- ics Dec. 6, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 26, 1862. Elected Feb. 6, 1889. Class 1. Insignia 6838. Transferred from Commandery of Ohio Dec. 12, 1889. Born July 26, 1834, at Port Hope, Ont. Died June 7, 1899, at Newburg, N. Y. 1555. Walter C. Odiorxe Master's IVIate U. S. Navy Aug. 26, 1861 ; Acting Ensign U. S. Navy April 24, 1863; resigned and honorably discharged March 16, 1866. Elected April 2, 1884. Class 1. Insignia 3218. Transferred from Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 26, 1889. 1556. Robert Wilsox McClaughey Captain llSth Illinois Infantry Nov. 7, 1862 ; Major Dec. 15, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged May 13, 1864. Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers April 20, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 12, 1865. Elected May 2, 1883. Class 1. Insignia 2680. Transferred from Commandery of Illinois Jan. 20, 1890. Transferred to Commandery of Illinois Jan. 28, 1891 208 1557. William Lewis Atkinson First Lieutenant 5th Maryland Infantry Dec. 31, 1861 ; resigned and honor- ably discharged Nov. 21, 1862. Captain 1st Potomac Home Brigade Marjdand Cavalry March 31,1864; honorably mustered out June 28, 1865. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7629. 1558. William Wardle Barker Private 12th Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Sergeant 77th Penna. Infantry Sept. 20, 1861 ; honorably discharged Sept. 8, 1862 Second Lieutenant 1st Tennessee Cavalry Sept. 9, 1862 ; honorably mus- tered out April 10, 1863. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence \J . S. Volunteers June 30, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 10, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers June 10, 1865, "for meritorious services during the war." Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7630. Born Feb. 22, 1839, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died Dec. 10, 1896, at Pittsburg, Pa. 1559. Thomas Bohannan Second Lieutenant 48th Penna. Infantry Oct. 1, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 18, 1862 ; honorably mu.stered out July 17, 1865. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7631. 1560. William Jord.\n Bolton Captain 4th Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 25, 1861. Captain 51st Penna. Infantry Sept. 13, 1861 ; Major Sept. 17, 1862 ; Colonel Jiine 26, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 27, 1865. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7632. 1561. Hunter Brooke Private 124th Penna. Infantry Aug. 11, 1862; honorably discharged May 15, 1863. Sergeant 29th Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 20, 1863 ; honorably discharged Aug. 1, 1863. Second Lieutenant 192d Penna. Infantry July 6, 1864 ; First Lieutenant July 16, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 11, 1864. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7633. 1562. Samuel Farnum Chapin First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 30th Penna. Infantry (1st Reserve) Dec. 17, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion Sept. 15, 1862. Major and Surgeon 139lh Penna. Infantry Sept. 12, 1862; honorably mustered out June 21, 1865. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7634. 1563. Walter Howard Cooke Captain 4th Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 31, 1861. Major 11th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 12, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 25, 1862. Private Independent Co. Penna. Cavalry (attached to 20th Penna. Cavalry) June 29, 1863 ; honorably discharged July 30, 1863. Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress " for having volunteered his services after his regiment had marched to the rear to be mustered out." Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7635. 209 15f)5. William Harvey Crawford First Lieutenant 61st Penna. Infantry Aug. 1, 1861 ; Captain May 21, 1862 ; honorably discharged Dec. 18, 1862, to accept appointment in U. S. Navy. Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Feb. 19, 1863 ; Second Asst Engineer (Master) June 20, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 80, 1868. Elected Feb. o, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7687. 1566. Edwin Gould Fay Private 107th New York Infantry July 14, 1862 ; Sergeant Aug. 9, 1862 ; First Sergeaut Nov. 1, 1862 ; Sergeant-Major Jan. 1, 1868 ; discharged for pro- motion IVIay 2, 1868. Second Lieutenant 107th New York Infantry May 8, 1863 ; honorably mus- tered out June 5, I860. Brevetted First Lieutenant U.S. Volunteers March 18, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Franklin, Tenn ;" Captain March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Kingston, N. C." Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7688. Born Nov. 8, 1841, at Cazenovia, N. Y. Died June 12, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1567. William James Glenn Private 61st Penna. Infantry Sept. 7, 1861 ; Sergeant-Major Nov. 1, 1861 ; discharged for promotion May 2, 1862. Second Lieutenant 61st Penna. Infantry May 21, 1862; Captain April 1, 18()8 ; hoiiorabl}' mustered out Sept 7, 1864. Colonel 14th Penna. Infantry Mav 12, 1898 ; honorably discharged Feb. 28, 1899. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7689. 1568. Thomas Griest Private Independent Company Penna. Engineers Aug. 12, 1862 ; Sergeant Nov. 1, 1862 ; discharged for promotion April 28, 1868. Second Lieutenant Independent Company Penna. Engineers April 29, 1868 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 19, 1864 ; honorafjly mustered out July 11, 1865. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7640. 1569. James Hartley Private 4th New Jersey Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out July 31, 1861. First Sergeant 114th Penna. Infantry Aug. 9, 1862 ; Quartermaster-Sergeant March 1, 1868 ; discharged for promotion April 80, 1864. First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 114th Penna. Infantry March 1, 1864 ; honorably miistered out May 29, 1865. Brevetted Captain U. S. Volunteers April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Rich- mond, Va. , and the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee. ' ' Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7641. 1570. William Perry Herbert Private 189th Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1862; Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant Sept. 10, 1862 ; discharged for promotion March 4, 1863. Second Lieutenant 139th Penna. Infantry March 5, 1868; First Lieutenant April 28, 1863; Captain Nov. 2, 1863; honorably discharged Jan. 4, 1865, for disability from wounds received in action. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7642. 1571. Levi Huber Second Lieutenant 96th Penna. Infantrj- Sept. 28, 1861 ; First Lieutenant June 28, 18()2 ; Captain July 30, 1862 ; Major March 5, 1864; honorably mus- tered out Oct. 21, 1864. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7648. Born Nov. 9, 1818, in Schuylkill Co., Pa. Died April 26, 1900, at Pottsville, Pa. 14 210 1572. George McLean Irwin Private 6tli Penna. (Militia) Iiifautrv Sept. 15, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 28, 1862 Private 56th Penna. (Militia) Infantrj- June 29, 1863 ; Sergeant-Major July 5, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 13, 1863. Captain 5th Penna. Heavy Artillery (204th) Sept. 7, 1864 ; Major Sept. 10, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 30, 1865. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7644. 1573. Richard Hai.l Jones Captain 128th Penna. Infantry Aug. 17, 1862 ; honorably mustered out June 8, 1863. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7645. Born Aug. 22, 1834, at Douglassville, Pa. Died Jan. 15, 1899, at Reading, Pa. 1574. Thomas Ross Kerr Private 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Second Lieutenant 14th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 18, 1862 ; Captain May 13, 1864 ; honorabh' discharged June 17, 1865. Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress, "for after being most desperately wounded, he captured the colors of a Confederate regiment at the battle of Moorfield, W. Va., Aug. 7, 1864." Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7646. 1575. Jesse Brownback Kimes Captain 109th U. S. Colored Infantry July 23, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Feb. 6. 1866. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7647. 1576. Lewis Taws Matlack Sergeant 18th Penna. Infantry April 24, IS61 ; honorablj' discharged Aug. 7, 1861. First Lieutenant 91st Penna. Infantry Sept. 25, 1861 ; resigned and honor- ably discharged for disability Jan. 17, 1863. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7648. 1577. John Roberts First Lieutenant 3d New Jersey Infantry May 22, 1861 ; Captain Nov. 8, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug 5, 1863. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7649. 1578. Henry Royer First Lieutenant 96th Penna. Infantry Sept. 23, 1861 ; Captain March 1, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 13, 1863. Colonel 53d Penna. (Militia) Infantry July 13, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 20, 1863. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7650. 1579. Charles Grubb Rumford First Lieutenant 1st Battery Delaware Light Artillery Aug. 30, 1862; resigned and honorablv discharged Jan. 17, 1865, for disability in line of duty. Elected Feb. 5, 1890.' Class 1. Insignia 7651. Born Aug. 17, 1841, at Byberry, Pa. Died Nov. 24, 1901, at Wilmington, Del. 1580. John Glendie Sankey Captain's Clerk U. S. Navy Dec. 28, 1859 ; resigned April 5, 1862. Acting Master's Mate U. S. Navv June 6, 1862 ; resigned June 25, 1862. Paymaster's Clerk U. S. Navy June 26, 1862 ; resigned , 1863. Acting x\sst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy Sept. 24, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 11, 1865. 211 Elected Feb. o, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7652. Born Oct. 23, 1889, at Baltimore, Md. Died July 30, 1891, at Baltimore, Md. 1581. Joseph Stockton Schoonmaker Second Lieutenant 14th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 29, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 14, 1864 ; Captain Jan 28, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 31, 1865. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7653. Born Feb. 3, 1845, at Allegheny, Pa. Died May 8, 1899, at Plainfield, N. J. 1582. Linton Smith First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 4th Delaware Infantry May 28, 1863 ; Major and Surgeon Oct. 4, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 3, 1865. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7654. 1583. Martin Van Burkn Smith Private 3d Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; mustered out July 25, 1861. Private 5th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 6, 1861 ; Corporal April 1, 1863 ; Sergeant Sept. 1, 1863 ; discharged for promotion March 6, 1S65. Second Lieutenant 5th Penna. Cavalry March 7, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, 1865. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7655. 1584. John Alden Spooner Hospital Chaplain U. S. Volunteers Aug. 8, 1862 ; appointment expired by constitutional limitation March 4, 1863. Hospital Chaplain U. S. Volunteers April 22, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 8, 1864. Elected Feb. 5. 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7656. Born April 2, 1807, at Charlestown, Mass. Died July 20, 1890, at Edgevvater Park, N. J. 1585. Thomas Brent Swearingen Second Lieutenant 3Sth Penna. Infantry (9th Reserve) July 27, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant July 27, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 8, 1862, Captain and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Volunteers Aug. 8, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 11, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for highly meritorious and gallant services during the vpar." Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. In-signia 7657. 1586. Robert Darious Taylor Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy April 21, 1863; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) July 25, 1866 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Jan. 31,1873; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874; retired (Lieu- tenant) April 23. 1892. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7658. 1587. FixDLAY Isaac Thomas Corporal 87th Penna Infantry Sept. 12, 1861 ; Sergeant March 1, 1863; hon- orablv discharged Dec. 31, 1863. Private 87tli Penna. Infantry Jan. 1, 1864; Sergeant-Major Sept. 16, 1864; discharged for promotion Jan. 2, 1865. Captain 87th Penna. Infantry Jan. 3, 1865 ; Major June 15, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 29, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers April 2, 1865, " for gallant and merito- rious services before Petersburg, Va." Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7659. 212 1588. Christian Young Private 17th Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. First Sergeant ~2d Penna. Infantry Aug. 10, 1861; Sergeant-Major Jan. 16, 1862 ; discharged for promotion April 6, 1862. Second Lieutenant 72d Penna. Infantry April 7, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 29, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Jan. 25, 1863. First Lieutenant 186th Penna. Infantry- June 23, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 15, 1865. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7660. Born Sept. 13. 1829, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 20, 1901, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1589. John Heck Pomeroy Eldest son of deceased Companion Major John M. Pomeroy. Elected Feb 5, 1890. Class 1 bj' Inheritance.. Insignia 7661. 1590. George Frederick Tyler Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Cla?s 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7662. Born Aug. 4, 1822. at Brooklyn, Conn. Died Sept. 24, 1896, at Philadelphia, Pa. Eldest brother of deceased Companion Robert Ogden Tyler. Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1849 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery July 1, 1853 ; Second Lieutenant 3d Artillery Dec. 24, 1853 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1856 ; vacated commission to accept promotion Nov. 1, 1861. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Army May 7, 1861 ; Lieut. -Colonel and Deputy Ouarlermaster-General July 29, 1866. Colonel 4th Conn. Infantry (designation changed to 1st Heavy Artillery) Aug. 29, 1861 ; resigned to accept promotion Nov. 29, 1862. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1862; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Dec. 13, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; " Lieut. -Colonel July 2, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; " Colonel May 17, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spotsylvania, Va. ;" Brig. -General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. ;" Major-General March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Major-General U S. Volunteers Aug. 1, 1864, " for gallantry at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va." Elected Sept. 15, 1896, in Commandery of New York. Class 1. Insignia 850. Died Dec. 1, 1874, at Boston, Mass. 1591. Simon Brua Cameron Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7663. Eligibility of membership derived from Brua Cameron, Major and Paymaster U. S. Army Maj' 1, 1861 ; retired Nov. 4, 1863. Died Jan. 13, 1864, at Harrisburg, Pa. 1592. James Clarence Fitzpatrick Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7664. Transferred to Commandery of Illinois Jan. 20, 1892. Eligibility of membership derived from James Fitzpatrick, First Lieutenant 28th Penna. Infantry June 28, 1861 ; Captain Jan. 1, 1862; Major May 3, 1863; Lieut.-Colonel Aug. 9, 1864; hon- orably mustered out July 18, 1865. Died March 17, 1889, at Hazleton, Pa. 1593. Allan Haines Denniston Eldest son of Companion First Lieutenant John T. Denniston. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 7665. Transferred to Commandery of Missouri Jan. 1, 1891. Born Jan. 5, 1867. at Pitt.-^burg, Pa. Died Sept. 29, 1893, at Fort Wayne, Ind. 213 1595. Louis Stuart Tiemann Eldest son of Companion Captain William F. Tiemann. Elected Feb. 5, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 7667. 1596. Jamks Horatio Watmough Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Nov. 24, 1848 ; Purser Dec. 12, 1844 ; Pay- master (L,ieut. -Commander) June 22, 1860; Pay Director (Captain) March 3, 1871 ; Paymaster-General (Commodore) July — , 1873 ; retired (Commodore) July 30, 1884. Elected Dec. 5, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 334. Transferred from Commandery of New York April 2, 1890. 1-597. Hiram Andres Private 2d New York Infantry May 14, 1861 ; First Sergeant July 28, 1861 ; Sergeant Aug. 3, 1861; Corporal Sept. — , 1861; Private June — , 1862; mustered out May 26, 1863. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers Aug. 27, 1864; honorably mustered out Aug. 10, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Aug. 8, 1865, "for efficient and meritor- ious services." Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7854. Born Sept 28, 1839, at Chambly, Can. Died May 21, 1898, at Pittsburg, Pa. 1598. Thomas Gregory Baylor Cadet U. 8. Military Academy July 1, 1853; Brevet Second Lieutenant ■Ordnance July 1, 1857; Second Lieutenant Jan. 25, 1861; First Lieutenant Feb. 1, 1861 ; Captain March 3. 1863; Major March 7, 1867 ; Lieut. -Colonel May 29, 1879 ; Colonel Dec. 4, 1882. Brevetted Major U. S. Army Sept. 1, 1864, " for gallant services in the cap- ture of Atlanta, Ga. ; " Lieut -Colonel Dec. 21, 1864, " for gallant services in the capture of Savannah, Ga.; " Colonel March 13, 1865, "for meritorious services in the recent campaigns of Atlanta, Savannah, and the Carolinas." Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7855. Born May 4, 1837, at Norfolk, Va. Died Sept. 15, 1890, at Bridesburg, Pa. 1599. David R. Beaver First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 41st Penna. Infantry (12th Reserve) April 12, 1864 ; honorablj' mustered out June 11, 1864. First Lieutenant and Asst. vSurgeon 191st Penna. Infantry Julj^ 21, 1864; honorably mustered out June 28, 1865. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7856. 1600. Abner Balch Edson Corporal 83d Penna. Infantry Sept. 13, 1861 ; First Sergeant Aug. 30, 1862 ; discharged for promotion July 2, 1864. Second Lieutenant 83d Penna. Infantry July 2, 1864 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 14, 1864 ; honorably discharged for disability from wound Feb. 23, 1865. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7857. 1601. Thomas Jefferson Frow First Lieutenant 1st Penna. Cavalry Aug. 16, 1861 ; Captain March 29, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged March 14, 1863. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7858. Born Feb. 11, 1839, at Mifflintown, Pa. Died Aug. 1, 1899, at Lewistown, Pa. 1602. John W. Gili^espie Second Liei:tenant 57th Penna. Infantry Dec. 11, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 1, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 26, 1863. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7859. 214 1603. Alexander Murray Guthrie Second Lieutenant 4th Battalion Ohio Cavalry Sept. 29, 1863 ; honorably mustered out March 12, 1864. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7860. Born March 28, 1842, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died Nov. 30, 1899, at New York City. 1604. Johnson Hubbell Private 1.5th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 15, 1862 ; honorablv discharged for dis- ability April 28, 1863. Second Lieutenant 203d Penna. Infantry Sept. 15, 1864 ; First Lieutenant April 1, 1865 ; honorablv mustered out June 22, 1865. Elected May 7, 1890. ' Class 1. Insignia 7861. 1605. Jacob Jones Janeway Captain 14th New Jersey Infantry Aug. 26,1862; Major Dec. 13, 1864; Lieut. -Colonel Dec. 28, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 18, 1865. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Volunteers April 2, 1865, " for gallant and meritor- ious services before Petersburg, Va." Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7862. 1606. Elias Henry Johnson Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy April 18, 1864 ; honorably discharged Aug. 7, 1866. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7863. 1607. Henry Horner Kuhn Private, Corporal and Sergeant 39th Penna. Infantry (10th Reserve) June 20, 1861 ; discharged for promotion April 2, 1864. First Lieutenant 23d U. S. Colored Infantry April 4, 1864 ; honorably mus- tered out Nov. 22, 1864. Second Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps Jan. 5, 1865 ; honorably mus- tered out Oct. 31, 1866. Second Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry Jan. 22, 1867 ; unassigned April 22, 1869 ; retired with rank of Captain Dec. 31, 1870 ; with rank of First Lieu- tenant March 3, 1875. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7864. Born March 15, 1839, at Ligonier, Pa. Died Nov. 1, 1901, at Johnstown, Pa. 1608. Frederick Leser First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Reserve Corps May 8, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 18, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 17th Missouri Infantry Sept. 16, 1861; resigned and honorably discharged for disability Feb 3, 1863. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7865. 1609. Joseph Watson North Master's Mate U. S. Navy Aug. 11, 1861; Acting Ensign Sept. 28, 1863; honorably discharged Sept. 22, 1865. Elected May 7, '1890. Class 1. Insignia 7866. Transferred to Commandery of New York Nov. 18, 1896. 1610. Edwin Sylvanus Osborne Corporal 8th Penna. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; mustered outjuly 29, 1861. Captain 149th Penna. Infantry Aug. 30, 1862 ; Major March 2, 1865 ; honor- ably mustered outjuly 21, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services during the war." Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7867. Born Aug. 7, 1839, at Bethany, Pa. Died Jan. 1, 1900, at Washington, D. C. 215 1611. Andrew Morrell Potter First Sergeant 74th Illinois Infantr)' July 80, 1862 ; discharged for promotion April 19, 1S6S. Second Lieutenant 74th Illinois Infantry April 19, 1868 ; First L,ieutedant Jan. 20, 1864; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Feb. 4, 186-5; honorably mus- tered out June 10, 186-5. Brevetted Captain U. vS. Volunteers March 18, 1865, " for gallant and meri- torious services in the battles of Stone's River and Mission Ridge, Tenn., and in the Atlanta campaign." Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7868. Born March 8 1848, at Rockford, 111. Died March 29, 1900, at Summit City, Pa. 1612. Chari,es Bingham Penrose Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers Aug. 3, 1861 ; vacated commission May 27, 1865. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army May 18, 1865 ; Major and Commissar}' of Subsistence Oct. 4, 1889. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for meritorious services during the war." Major U. S. Army March 18, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department during the war;" Lieut. -Colonel Nov. 11, 1867, " for faithful and meritorious services during the Avar." Elected Mar 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7869. Born Aug. 28, 1888, at Carlisle, Pa. Died Sept. 18, 1895, at Carlisle, Pa. 1618. Thomas Neai.1, Penrose Asst. Surgeon (Master) Nov. 11, 1861 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) June 28, 1865 ; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) May 28, 1871 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) Jan. 25, 1889; Medical Director (Captain) Feb. 28, 1896; retired (Captain) June 6, 1897. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7870. Born June 6, 1835, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 13, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1614. Thomas Benton Reed Sergeant and First Sergeant 84th Penna. Infantry (5th Reserve) June 5, 1861 ; discharged for promotion March 5, 1868. First Lieutenant 84th Penna. Infantr}' March 5, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 11, 1864. Captain 205th Penna. Infantrv Sept. 3, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 2, 1865. Second Lieutenant 29th U. S. Infantry July 22, 1867 ; unassigned April 25, 1869 ; assigned to 9th Cavalry July 14, 1869 ; transferred to 24th Infantry Feb. 3, 1870; retired Nov. 14, 1871. Brevetted Captain U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant conduct in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.;" Lieut. -Colonel June 1, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7871. 1615. William Andrew Robinson Private 38th Penna. Infantry (9th Reserve) May 1, 1861; Corporal , 1861 ; Sergeant June 26, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Nov. 30, 1861. Second Lieutenant 78d Penna. Infantry Nov. 80, 1861. Captain 77th Penna. Infantry April 22, 1862 ; Major (a. zu. ni.) March 25, 1865 ; Lieut. -Colonel June 10, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Dec. 6, 1865. Brevetted Colonel and Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7872. 216 1616. James William Reilly Cadet U. S. Military Academy Jul}- 1, 1859; First Lieutenant Ordnance June 11, 1868; Captain June 23, 1874; Major May 9, 1885; Lieut.-Colouel April 7, 1899. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services in the campaign of Nov. and Dec, 1864, including the battles of Franklin and Nashville." Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7873. Transferred to Commandery of Massachusetts Feb. 1, 1897. 1617. Charles Francis Rahn Private 6th Penna. Infantry April '22, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 1, 1861. Private Independent Company Penna. Infantry Sept. 15, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Oct. 16, 1862. Second Lieutenant Independent Company Penna. Infantry Oct. 16, 1862; honorabl}^ mustered out July 9, 1863. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7874. Born Jan. 8, 1845, at Orwigsburg, Pa. Died Jan. 1, 1893, at Pottsville, Pa. 1618. Thomas Hammer Rickert First Lieutenant 7th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 27, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster Nov. 5, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 15, 1864. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7875. Born April 8, 1834, at Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Died Nov. 16, 1899, at Pottsville, Pa. 1619. Edmund Carlyle Ver Meulen Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Nov. 16, 1861 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Lieutenant) May 24, 1865; Surgeon (Lieut. -Commander) April 26, 1872; retired (Lieut. -Commander) Oct. 21, 1882. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7876. Born Aug. 25. 1833, at Harlem, N. Y. Died Jan. 21, 1898, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1620. William Henry Winslow Acting Midshipman U. S. Navy Sept. 23, 1858; resigned Jan. 20, 1860. Acting Master's Mate U. S. Navy July 3, 1862; Acting Ensign Oct. 3, 1862; Acting Master Sept. 12, 1863; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 26, 1865. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 7877. 1621. Edward White Clark Brother of deceased Companion Brevet Lieut. -Colonel Joseph H. Clark. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7878. 1622. Charles Edmund Dana Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Brig.-General Edmund L. Dana. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1 Ijy Inheritance. Insignia 7879. 1623. John White Geary Eldest sou of deceased Companion Brevet Major-General John W. Geary. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7880. 1626. Joseph Beale Cadet Midshipman U. S. Navy Oct. 12, 1874 ; Midshipman June 22, 1882 ; Ensign (Junior-Grade) March 3, 1883; Ensign June 26. 1884; Lieutenant (Junior-Grade) Feb. 17, 1893; Lieutenant April 23, 1898; honorably dis- charged Sept. 3, 1898. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7883. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 21, 1899. 217 Eligibility of membership derived from Joseph Beale, Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Sept. 6, 1837 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Master) March 14, 18-lr! ; Surgeon (Lieuienaut) April 19, 1848; Medical Director (Captain) March 8, 1871 ; Surgeon-General (Commodore) July 8, lS7o ; retired (Commodore) Dec. 80, 1876. Died Sept. 28, 1889; at Philadelphia, Pa. 1627. Stanley Brickett Haddock Elected May 7, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 7884. Born Sept. fi, 18.52, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 17, 1900, at Philadelphia, Pa. Eligibility of membership derived from John Haseltine Haddock, Second Lieutenant 8th Penna. Cavalrj' Dec. 29, 1862. Killed May 2, 1868, at Chancellorsville, Va. 1629. John Henry Dick Eldest son of Companion Captain Samuel B. Dick. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 7886. 1680. Christian Carson F"ebiger Eldest .son of deceased Companion Lieut. -Colonel Chri.stian Febiger. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 7887. First Class in Succession Jan. 15, 1892. 1631. John Watt Foster Eldest son of Companion First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon William S. Foster. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 7888. Born Aug. 26, 1842, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died Feb. 16, 1900, at Los Angeles, Cal. 1632. Thom.\s William Milnor Eldest son of deceased Companion Lieut.-Colonel Francis W. Milnor. Elected May 7, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 7889. First Class in Succession Sept. 23, 1896. 1683. Ch.\rles Walker Raymond Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1861, to June 28,1865; First Lieuten- ant of Engineers June 28, 1865; Captain March 21, 1867; Major Feb. 20, 1888 ; Lieut.-Colonel Mav 18, 1898. Elected May 2, 1888. Class 1. Insignid 2803. Transferred from Commandery of Massachusetts May 7, 1890. 1684. Allen Harwood Babcock Eldest son of deceased Companion Passed Asst. Surgeon Heman P. Babcock. Elected Sept. 22, 1886. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 4909. Transferred from Commandery of California Oct. 25, 1890. Transferred to Commandery of California May 25, 1891, 1685. Sami'EL Loring Percival Ayers Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy July 21, 1858; Second A.sst. Engineer (Midshipman) Jan. 17, 1861; First Asst. Engineer (Ensign) April 21 , 1863; Chief F'ngineer (Lieut. -Commander) March 21, 1870; Chief Engineer (Com- mander) June 1, 1887 ; retired (Captain) July 29, 1897. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8202. 1636. Charles James Barclay Acting Midshipman U. S. Naval Academy Sept. 21, 1860 ; Ensign Oct. 1, 1868; Master May 10, 1866; Lieutenant Feb. 21, 1867; Lieut. -Commander March 12, 1868 ; Commander Nov. 25, 1881 ; Captain Oct. 1, 1896. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8203. 218 1637. DANiEt Webster Bland Major and Surgeon 96th Penna. Infantry Sept. 23, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 21, 1864 Elected Nov. 12. 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8204. Born Jan. 28, 18.37, at Pottsville, Pa. Died March 28, 1899, at Pottsville, Pa. 1638. John Randolph Bricker Captain 179th Penna. Infantry Nov. 18, 1862; honorably mustered out July 27, 1863. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers May 18, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 9, I860. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers Aug. 29, I860, " for faithful and merito- rious services. " Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8207. 1639. Alexander Simms Buchanan Private 3d U. S. Reserve Corps May 27, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 19, 1861. Second Lieutenant 10th Missouri Infantry April 21, 1862; First Lieutenant Jan. 2, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 28, 1863. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8205. 1640. Henry Buehler Buehler First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 11th Penna. Infantr}' April 26, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 1, 1861. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army June 10, 1862 ; resigned Sept. 24, 1864. Elected Nov. 12,^1890. Class 1. Insignia 8206. 1641. John Herron Cain Private 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Captain looth Penna. Infantry Aug. 29, 1862 ; Major Sept. 2, 1862 ; Lieut.- Colonel Dec. 31, 1862 ; Colonel July 22, 1863 ; resigned and honorabh- dis- charged Aug. 30, 1863. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8208. 1642. Charles Cosslett Second Lieutenant 116th Penna. Infantry March 3, 1864 ; Captain June 13, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 22, 1865, for disability. Brevetted Major U. vS. Volunteers March 13, I860, " for gallant conduct at Williams's Farm, Va." Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8209. 1643. GuYAN Irvin Davis Private 11th Illinois Infantry April 19, 1861 ; mustered out July 30, 1861. First Lieutenant 11th Illinois Infantry July 30, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster Sept. 1, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Julv 29, 1864. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8210. Born Jan. 28, 1827, in Centre Co., Pa Died April 0, 1901, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1644. David MaTTheys Fulmer Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy April 21, 1863 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) Sept. 28, 1864 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Dec. 8, 1872 ; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874 ; retired April 26, 1884. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8212. 1645. Benoni Charbonnett DuPlaine Corporal 119th Penna. Infantrv Aug. 5, 1862; discharged Dec. 20, 1862. Clerk U. S. Navv Dec. 27, 1862. 219 Acting Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy (Midshipman) Oct. 21, 1863 ; Acting Second Asst. Engineer (Master) June 20, 1864 ; honorably discharged Nov. 29, 1865. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8211. 1646. Joseph Wilson Garrett Private 69th Penna. Infantry Aug. 29, 1861 ; Corporal March 1, 1862 ; Sergeant Dec. 1, 1862; Sergeaut-Major July 14, 1864 ; discharged for promo- tion Nov. 10, 1S64. Second Lieutenant 69th Penna. Infantry Nov. 11, 1864 ; Captain March 4, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 1, 1865. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 821H. 1647. David Bright Green First Lieutenant and Adjutant 129th Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862 ; honor- ably mustered out May 18, 1863. Lieut.-Colonel 27th Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 19, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 1, 1863. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8216. Born Dec. 22, 1831, at Reading, Pa. Died Feb. 6, 1893, at Pottsville, Pa. 1648. Frederick Grili, First Lieutenant 3d Penna. Heavy Artillery Sept. — , 1862 ; honorably mus- tered out by reason of consolidation of regiment Feb. 27, 1863. Second Lieutenant 3d Penna. Heavy Artillery Feb. 17, 1863 ; First Lieu- tenant Sept. 1, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 11, 1865. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8214. Born Feb. 25, 1838, at , Ger. Died Aug. 10, 1898, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1649. John Heist.and Grove Major and Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Oct. 4, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 19, 1865. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers Oct. 12, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8215. Born Jan. 13, 1825, at Mavtown, Pa. Died April 6, 1901, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1650. Charles Badger Hall Second Lieutenant 25th Maine Infantry Sept. 29, 1862 ; First Lieutenant March 6, 1863 ; honorably mustered out July 10, 1863. First Lieutenant 30th Maine Infantry Jan. 1, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 2, 1865. Second Lieutenant 28th U. S. Infantry Jan. 22, 1867 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 28, 1868; unassigned March 31, 1869; assigned to 19th Infantry Dec. 23, 1870; Regimental Quartermaster May 1, 1876, to Feb. 23, 1882; Regimental Adjutant Feb. 24, 1882, to March 31, 1887 ; Captain March 24, 1888; Major 2d Infantry March 2, 1899. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La.;" Captain March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Pleasant Hill, La." Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8217. Transferred to Commandery of Nevp York May 11, 1898. 1651. George Raymond Holt Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Oct. 16, 1861 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) Aug. 3, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Mav 4, 1869. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8218. 220 1652. Andrew Gardner Happer Private 1st Penna. Cavalry Sept. 6, 1861 ; Corporal Oct. 1, 1861 ; discharged March 22, 1862. First Lieutenant 11th Penna. Infantry July 16, 1862; Captain March 28, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 20, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for highly meritorious and gallant conduct during the war. ' ' Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8219. 1653. Chillion Clarke Washburne Hazzard Second Lieutenant 41st Penna. Infantry (12th Reserve) July 5, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 10, 1861 ; Captain April 20, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 11, 1864. Brevetted Major U. S. VoUinteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant conduct at the battle of Spotsylvania Court-House, Va. " Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8220. Born May 5, 1839, at Monongahela City, Pa. Died April 22, 1901, at Monongahela City, Pa. 1654. Samuel Belton Horne Private 2d Conn. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 7, 1861. Private 11th Conn. Infantry Oct. 10, 1861 ; Sergeant Dec. 3, 1861 ; First Sergeant Sept. 18, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 8, 1863. Second Lieutenant 11th Conn. Infantry Aug. 9, 1863; First Lieutenant April 9, 1864 ; Captain Sept. 26, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 17, 1864. Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress " for at Fort . Harrison, Va., Sept. 29, 1864, this officer, then serving as First Lieutenant, 11th Conn. Volunteers, and acting as Aide-de-camp to General Ord, while carrying an important message on the field was wounded and his horse killed; but notwithstanding his severe wounds and suffering, he continued on his way, delivered the order, and then joined his General but had to be taken to the rear on account of injuries received." Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8221. 1655. George Peabody Kimb.\ll Captain's Clerk U. S. Navy Feb. 4, 1862 ; resigned April 21, 1862. Private 15th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 10, 1862 ; discharged to accept promotion Dec. 9, 1862. Second Lieutenant 3d Penna. Heavy Artillery Feb. 11, 1863 ; First Lieuten- ant March 9, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 4, 1865. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8222. 1656. James Lewis Private 1st Delaware Infantry April 18, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 6, 1861. Private 1st Delaware Infantry Aug. 7, 1861 ; Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861 ; Sergeant-Major Oct. 2, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 20, 1861. Second Lieutenant 1st Delaware Infantry Dec. 21, 1861; First Lieutenant Aug. 1, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 20, 1863. First Lieutenant 18th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps Nov. 21, 1868; honorably mustered out Feb. 23, 1866. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8223. 1657. Charles Grymes McCawley Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps March 3, 1847 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 2, 1855; Captain July 26, 1861; Major June 10, 1864; Lieut.-Colonel Dec. 5, 1867; Colonel-Conimandant Nov. 1, 1876; retired Jan. 29, 1891. Brevetted First Lieutenant Sept. 13, 1847 ; Major Sept. 8, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services at the night attack upon Fort Sumter." Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8224. Born Jan. 29, 1827, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Oct. 13, 1891, at Rosemont, Pa. 221 1658. James McGregor First Lieutenant 18th Penua. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 6, 1861. Captain lo9th Penna. Infantry Aug. 4, 1862 ; Major Jan. 1, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 21, 1865. Elected Nov. 12. 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8225. Born Aug. 17, 1829, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died Jan. 29, 1894, at Pittsburg, Pa. 1659. Joseph Swift Osterstock Private 129th Penna. Infantrv Aug. 1, 1862; mustered out May 18, 1868. Private 27th Penna. (Militia)' Infantry June 19, 1863 ; First Sergeant , 1868 ; mustered out July HI, 1868. Second Lieutenant 214tli Penna. Infantry March 81, 1865 ; honorably dis- charged March 21, 1866. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8228. 1660. William Harnly Pfahler Private 45th Penna. Infantry Aug. 10, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Nov. 24, 1864 First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 45th Penna. Infantry Nov. 22, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 17, 1865. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8229. 1061. James Parke PostlES Private 1st Delaware Infantry April 18, 1861 ; First Sergeant , 1861 ; discharged Aug. 6, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st Delaware Infantry Sept. 10, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 15, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 10, 1864. Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress, " for vol- untarily delivering an order, in the face of heavy fire of the enemy, at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1868." Elected Nov. 12. 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8280. 1662. Edmund Randall First Lieutenant 116th Penna Infantry July 8, 1862; honorably discharged Jan. 27, 1868. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8281. 1668. Thom.\s Varker Keam Second Lieutenant 1st New Mexico Cavalry Feb. 13, 1865 ; honorably mus- tered out Sept. 29, 1866. Elected Nov. 12, 1890 Class 1. Insignia 8232. 1664. Matthew Brown Riddle Chaplain 2d New Jersey Infantry May 28, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 81, 1861. Elected Nov 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8238. 1665. Charles Wilson Roberts Second Lieutenant 124th Penna. Infantry Aug. 12, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 16, 1862 ; Captain Feb. 17. 1868 ; honorably mustered out May 17, 1868. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8284'. Born June 8, 1839. in Chester Co., Pa.' Died Dec. 19, 1895, near West Chester, Pa. 1666. George Schall Second Lieutenant 51st Penna. Infantry Aug. 16, 1861 ; First Lieutenant June 28, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 28, 1864. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8235. Born June 9. 1842, at Green Lane, Pa. Died May 12, 1899, at Exeter, Pa. 1667. George Louis Senat Second Lieutenant ITtli Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8236. Born Jan. 26, 1817, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 2, 1898, at Riverton, N. J. 1668. Thomas Ogden Slater Corporal 12th New Jersej^ Infantry Sept. 4, 1862; .Sergeant Jan. 1, 1864; First Sergeant Feb. 1, 1864 ; discharged for promotion May 19, 1864. First Lieutenant May 20, 1864 ; Captain Oct. 20, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 21, 1865. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8237. 1669. Joseph Hooton Thomas Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy May 20, 1863; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) Sept. 15, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 29. 1873. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8239. 1670. Thaddeus Lawrence Vanderswce Musician 31st Penna. Infantry (2d Reserve) July 16, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 10, 1862. Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Sept. 8, 1863; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) Oct. 15, 1865 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 31, 1871. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8240. 1671. Henry Warner Sergeant Battery G Penna. Light Artillery Aug. 22, 1862 ; Quartermaster- Sergeant Dec. 9, 1862 ; First Sergeant July 1, 1863 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 31, 1863. Second Lieutenant Battery G Penna. Light Artillery Sept. 1, 1863 ; honor- ably mustered out June 15, 1865. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8241. Born May 30, 1838, at Allegheny, Pa. Died Sept. 7, 1895, at Aspinwall, Pa. 1672. Krewson Yerkes Sergeant 5th Ohio Infantry April 25, 1861 ; re-enlisted First Sergeant June 18, 1861 ; discharged for promotion May 25, 1862. Second Lieutenant 5th Ohio Infantry May 26, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 3, 1862; Captain Sept. 21, 1863; Major Feb. 23, 1865; honorably mustered out July 26, 1865. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8242. 1673. WitLiAM Snethen Stockton Corporal 71st Penna. Infantry May 28, 1861 ; Sergeant May 1, 1862; Ser- geant-Major March 1, 1863; discharged for promotion Sept. 20, 1863, First Lieutenant 71st Penna. Infantry Sept. 21, 1863 ; honorably mustered out July 2, 1864. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8238. 1674. WiLiviAM Henry Miller First Lieutenant 95th Penna. Infantry Sept. 13, 1861 ; honorably discharged for disabilitv Oct. 25. 1862. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1. Insignia 8226. 1676. Charles Wheaton Abbot, Jr. Eldest nephew of deceased Companion Lieut. -Commander Walter Abbot. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. lufantrv Feb. 16, 1881 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1887 ; Regimental Adjutant May 13, 1889 ; Captain April 26, 1898. 223 Colonel 1st Rhode Island Infantry Maj' 10, 1898 ; bonorabh- mustered out of Volunteer service March 80, 1899. Elected Nov. 12, 189(1. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8243. Transferred to Commandery of Kansas Feb. 16, 1891. 1677. William Milo Coulter Jones Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain William R. Jones. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8246. 1678. Albax Spooner Eldest son of deceased Companion Chaplain John A. Spooner. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance! Insignia 8244. 1679. Melaxcthox L,loyd Woolsev Eldest son of deceased Companion Commodore Melancthon L. Woolsey. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8245. 1680. John Chalmers Blair Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8247. Born Nov. 26, 1847, at .Shade Gap, Pa. Died June 23, 1897, at Philadelphia, Pa. Eligibility of membership derived from Brice X. Blair, Private 149th Penna. Infantry Aug. 7, 18G2 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 26, 1862. First Lieutenant 149th Penna. Infantry Aug. 27, 1862 ; Captain Aug. 30, 1862 ; honorablv discharged Feb. 5, 1864. Died March 2'l, 1890, at Huntingdon, Pa. 1681. Ferdinand Victor Bonnaffon Corporal Keystone Battery Penna. Light Artillery July 12, 1864 ; mustered out Oct. 25, 1864. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8248. Eligibility of membership derived from Augustus Benton Bonnaffon, Corporal 12th Penna, Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Major 78th Penna Infantrj- Sept. 15, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 18, 1861. Lieut.-Colonel 78th Penna. Infantry July 25, 1864 ; Colonel March 29, 1865; honorablv mustered out Dec 27, 1865. First Lieutenant 35th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866. Died July 12, 1867, at Indianola, Tex. 1683. Charles Augustus Oliver Elected Nov 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8253. Eligibility of membership derived from George Powell Oliver, First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 98th Penna. Infantry Oct. 23, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 9, 1863. Major and Surgeon 111th Penna. Infantry Jan. 10, 1863 ; resigned and honorablv discharged Julv 11, 1864. Died Feb. 20, 1884. 1684. Joseph Jeanes McKee Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8250. Eligil)ility of membership derived from Samuel F. McKee, Finst Sergeant 2Sth Penna. Infantry June 28, 1861 ; Sergeant-]\Iajor July 20, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Sept. — , 1861. Second Lieutenant 143d Penna. Infantry Sept. 20, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 5, 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 147tli Penna. Infantrv Dec. 6, 1862; Captain March 12, 1864. Died June 25, 1864, of wounds received June 20, 1864. 224 1685. James W. Nagle Private 39th Penna. (Militia) Infant^ July 4, 1868 ; uuistered out Aug. 2, 1863. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8251. Eligibility of membership derived from James Nagle, Captain 1st Penna. Infantry Dec. 15, 1846 ; honorably mus- tered out July 27, 1848. Colonel 6th Penna. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; honorablv mustered out July 26, 1861. Colonel 48th Penna. Infantry Oct. 1, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 10, 1862. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Sept. 10, 1862 ; appointment expired by constitutional limitation March 4, 1863. Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 9, 1863. Colonel 39tli Penna. (Militia) Infantry July 1, 1863 ; honorablv mustered out Aug. 2, 1863. Died Aug. 22, 1866, at Pottsville, Pa. 1686. John Henry Rhoads Private 11th Penna. (Militia) Infantry vSept. 12, 1862; discharged Sept. 25, 1862. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8252. Eligibility of membership derived from George Bushar Rhoads, Private Ringgold Light Artillery (Co. A, 25th Penna. Infantry) April 18, 1861 ; mustered out July 26, 1861. Second Lieutenant 88th Penna. Infantry Sept. 18, 1861 ; Captain April 10, 1863. Killed June 13, 1864, at White Oak Swamp, Va. 1687. John Crafts Wright Brooks Eldest son of Companion Chief Engineer William B. Brooks. Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1881, to June 14, 1885; Second Lieu- tenant 4th U. S. Artillery June 14, 1885 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 14, 1889 ; Captain 6th Artillery March 2, 1899 ; transferred to 4th Artillery April 21, 1899. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers May 17, 1898 ; Major and Quartermaster Nov. 16, 1898 ; honorably discharged from Volunteer service June 30, 1901. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8254. Transferred to Commandery of Wisconsin Dec. 8, 1896. 1688. Brown Cai^dwell Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant John Caldwell. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8256. Transferred to Commandery of New York June 23, 1896. 1690. Joseph Kirby Davison, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Lieut. -Colonel Joseph K. Davison. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8257. 1691. Philippe Due d'Orleans Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain Philippe Comte de Paris. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8262. First Class in Succession Sept. 8, 1894. 1692. William Macpherson Horner Eldest son of Companion Brevet Lieut. -Colonel Caleb W. Horner. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8258. ^1693. William Watson Lawrence Eldest son of deceased Companion Major John J. Lawrence. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8260. First Class in Succession March 27, 1893. 225 1694. Joseph Leidy, Jr. Eldest son of deceased Companion Major Philip Leidy. Elected Nov. 12, 1S90. Class 2. Insignia 82-59. First Class in Succession April 29, 1891. 1695. Theodore Hart M'CAi,r,A, Jr. Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Lieut. -Colonel T. H. M'Calla. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8261. First Class in Succession March 12, 1900. 1696. John Loeser Schwartz Eldest son of deceased Companion Lieutenant James E. Schwartz. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8263. First Class in Succession May 16, 1900\ 1697. Grant Weidman, Jr. Eldest son of deceased Companion INIajor Grant Weidman. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8264. First Class in Succession Nov. 11, 1895. 1698. John Welsh Young Eldest son of deceased Companion Lieutenant James B. Young. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. Class 2. Insignia 8265. First Class in Succession Aug. 28, 1892. 1699. Robert Adams Abbott Captain lo2d Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged on account of disabilitv Jan. lo, 1863. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8449. Born June 25, 1832, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 13, 1902, at Bethlehem, Pa. 1700. Charles Hexry Buehler Captain 2d Penna. Infantry April 21, 1861 ; honorably mustered out JuK' 26, 1861. Major 87th Penna. Infantry Sept. 14, 1861 ; honorably mustered out to accept promotion Dec. 15, 1862 Colonel 165th Penna. Infantry Dec. 16, 1862 ; honorably mustered out July 20, 1863. Elected Feb. 4. 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8450. Born Feb. 9, 1825, at Gettysburg, Pa. Died March 24, 1896, at Gettysburg, Pa. 1701. Henry Martyn Dougan Private 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Private 100th Penna, Infantry Sept. 13, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Nov. 25, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 100th Penna. Infantry Nov. 26, 1864 ; honor- ablv mustered out Julv 24, 1865. Elected Feb. 4, 189l'. Class 1. Insignia 8451. Born Jan. 9, 1841, in Fayette Co., Pa. Died July 7, 1901, at Washington, Pa. 1702. Edward Livingston Dunbar Private 43d Ohio Infantrv Nov. 23, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion Dec. 31, 1861. Second Lieutenant 48d Ohio Infantry Jan. 1, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 1, 1862. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8452. lo 226 1703. James Ellis First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 6th Penna. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 27, 1861. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 4Sth Penna. Infantry Oct. 1, 1861 ; resigned and honorabl}- discharged Dec. 20, 1862 Major ood Penna. (Militia) Infantry July 3, 1863 ; honorabl)' mustered out Aug. 20, 1868. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8453. Born June 2, 1835, in County Tyrone, Ire. Died vSept. 17, 1897, at Pottsville, Pa. 1704. WiLUAM Magee Field Private loth Penna. Cavalry Aug. 18, 1862 ; Regimental Commissarj'- Sergeant March 1, 1863 ; discharged for promotion May 7, 1863. First Lieutenant loth Penna. Cavalry May 8, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 1, 1864. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8454. 1705. Horatio Balch Hackett Private 81st Penna. Infantry Aug. iO, 1S61 ; First Sergeant Sept. — , 1864 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 12, 1864. Second Lieutenant 81st Penna. Infantrj- Dec. 13, 1864; First Lieutenant Ma}^ 19, 1864; Captain (a. 7V. in.) April 19, 1865; honorably mustered out June 29, 1865. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8455. 1706. Charles Parker Hatch First Lieutenant and Adjutant 53d Penna. Infantry Nov. 7, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 24, 1864. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8456. Born Aug. 3, 1833, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died May 5, 1900, at Radnor, Pa. 1707. Robert Watkinson Huntington Private 1st Conn. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; discharged for promotion June 4, 1861. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps June 5, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1861 ; Captain June 21, 1864 ; Major Oct. 24, 1889 ; Lieut. -Colonel Feb. 2, 1897 ; Colonel Aug. 10, 1898 ; retired Jan. 10. 1900. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8457. 1708. George Gibson Huntt Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry March 27, 1861 ; First Lieutenant May 2, 1861 ; Captain 4th Cavalry July 17, 1862 ; Major 1st Cavalry Feb. 10, 1870 ; Lieut. -Colonel 10th Cavalry April 27, 1887 ; Colonel 2d Cavalry April 20, 1891 ; retired May 3J , 1898. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8458. 1709. Francis Jordan Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers June 1, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 12, 1864. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8459. Born Feb. 5, 1820, in Bedford Co., Pa. Died June 9, 1900, at Harrisburg, Pa. 1710. Walter Kneicdler Ludwig Second Lieutenant llOtli Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 12, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 13, 1863. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8460. 1711. William M. Mintzer Quartermaster Sergeant 4th Peuna. Infantry April 21, 1861 ; mustered out July 1'7, 1861. First I^ieutenaut .53d Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1861 ; Captain June 2, 1862 ; Ivieut. -Colonel Sept. 29, 1861 ; Colonel Oct. 30, 1861 ; honorably mustered out June 30, 1865. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services." Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8461. 1712. Hexry Beam Piper Private lltb Penna. Infantry April 22, 1861 ; mustered out July 31, 1861. Second Lieutenant 11th Penna. Infantry Oct. 4, 1861 ; First L,ieutenant Sept. 1, 1862 ; Captain June 3, 1863 ; honorably discharged on account of disa- bilitv Nov. 24, 1864. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8462. Born Oct. 15, 1831, in Westmoreland Co., Pa. Died June 8, 1895, at Tyrone, Pa. 1713. Joseph Andrew Erastus Reed First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon looth Penna. Infantry Sept. 12, 1862 ; Major and Surgeon April 10, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 2, 1865. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8463. 1715. John Addison Baxter Smith Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy April 21, 1863 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) Sept. 28, 1864 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Jan. 22, 1873 ; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874 ; Chief Engineer (Lieut. -Commander) Feb. 16, 1892 ; Chief Engineer (Commander) March 3, 1899; Captain June 8, 1902. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8465. 1716. Norman Macalester Smith Private Commonwealth (Penna.) Artillery April 24, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Private Anderson Troop Penna. Cavalry Nov. 2, 1861 ; discharged for pro- motion Sept. 20, 1862. Captain 15th Penna. Cavalry Oct 1, 1862; resigned May 9, 1863. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 19th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 17, 1863; Captain Feb. 17, 1865 ; resigned and honorabh' discharged May 31, 1865. Colonel 18th Penna. Infantry Mav 13, 1898 ; honorably discharged Oct. 22, 1898. Brevetted Major U. S Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for distinguished gallantry in the battle of Hollow Tree Gap, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864;" Lieut. - Colonel March 13, 1865, "for distinguished gallantry in the battles of Anthony's Hill and Sugar Creek, Tenn." Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8466. 1717. George Henry Watts Private 4th Rhode Island Infantry Sept. 7, 1861 ; Sergeant Oct. 30, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 10, 1862. Second Lieutenant 4th Rhode Island Infantry Aug. 11, 1862 ; First Lieu- tenant Nov. 1, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 13, 1863. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8467, 1718. Joshua Martin Wiestling Second Lieutenant 127th Penna. Infantrj^ Aug. 9, 1862; First Lieutenant Aug. 19, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged on account of disability Oct. 4, 1862. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8468. Transferred to Commanderv of Washington March 25, 1891. 228 1719. Singleton Mercer Brice Eldest nephew of deceased Companion Lieutenant Wni. Howard Brice. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8469. 1720. Matthew Fife Roberts Eldest son of deceased Companion First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon Jacob Roberts. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8470. 1721. Joseph Nathaniel Blanchard Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8471. Eligibility of membership derived from Justus Wardwell Blanchard, Captain od New York Infantry May 14, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged to accept promotion Sept. 17, 1862. Lieut.-Colonel 162d New York Infantry Oct. 18, 1862 ; Colonel April 9, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 12, 1865. Brevetted Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Died Sept. 14, 1877. 1723. Warner Johnson Banes Eldest son of Companion Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Charles H. Banes. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8473. Born Sept. 14, 1866, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Oct. 20, 1895, at Ashbourne, Pa. 1724. Albert Detre Booz Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Albert Booz. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8474. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Oct. 15, 1896. 1725. Hugh McNeil Irvin Eldest son of Companion Lieut.-Colonel Edward A. Irvin. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8475. 1726. Guy Roche Johnson Eldest son of Companion Brevet Major Joseph E. Johnson. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8476. 1727. Horace Graham Kimes Eldest son of Companion Captain Jesse B. Kimes. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8477. 1728. John Ewing Latta Eldest son of Companion Brevet Lieut.-Colonel James W. Latta. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8478. 1729. Cecil Andrew Lyon Eldest son of Companion First Lieutenant Oliver T. Lyon. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8479. 1730. Louis Wagner Mullikin Eldest son of Companion Captain James R. Mullikin. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8480. Transferred to Commandery of New York Nov. 17, 1897. 1731. Lewis Cassidy Randall Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Edmund Randall. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8481. 1732. Charles Abercrombie Sims Eldest son of deceased Companion Lieut.-Colonel Clifford S. Sims. Elected Feb. 4, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8482. First Class in Succession March 3, 1896. 229 1733. Herman Philip Schuyler Private 1st Wiscousiu Infantry Sept. 26, 1861 ; Sergeant Oct. 8, 1861 ; Regi- mental Sergeant-Major Oct. o, 1862; discharged for promotion Jan. 25, 1863. Second Lieutenant 1st Wisconsin Infantr}' Jan. 26, 1863 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 7, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 12, 1864. Elected Dec. 3, "1879. Class 1. Insignia 1914. Transferred from Commandery of New York Feb. 4, 1891. Transferred to Commander}' of New York Oct. 3, 1894. 1734. Almon Ferdinand Rockwell First Lieutenant and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers Oct. 26, 1861 ; honor- ably discharged Sept. 17, 1863. Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers Sept. lo, 1863 ; Major and Asst. Adjt. -General Feb. 23, 1865 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service April 1, 1867. Captain and Asst. -Quartermaster U. S. Army Jan. 18, 1867; Major and Quartermaster Jan. 22, 1885 ; Lieut.-Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster-Gen- eral Jan. 14, 1895 ; retired Feb. 11, 1897. Colonel (by assignment) and Superintendent of Public Buildings Washing- ton, D. C, from April 1, 1881, to June 1, 1885. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for efficient and meritorious services." Major and Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Army March 2, 1867, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected March 1, 1882. Class 1. Insignia 2348. Transferred from Commandery of Minnesota Feb. 14, 1891. 1735. Fred. Joel Amsden Second Lieutenant 136th Penna. Infantry Aug. 26, 1862 ; First Lieutenant April 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 29, 1863. Second Lieutenant U. vS. Signal Corps March 3, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 25, 1865. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallantly maintaining his position, under great exposure, on James's Signal Tower, while his station was, for some time, deliberatel}' cannonaded by rebel bat- teries ;" Captain March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8740. 1736. William Crawford Armor Corporal 28th Penna. Infantry June 28, 1861 ; Sergeant July — , 1861 ; First Sergeant Sept. 20, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 6, 1863. First Lieutenant 28th Penna. Infantry Dec. 7, 1863 ; Captain Jan. 18, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 18, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services during the recent campaign in Georgia and the Carolinas. " Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8741. 1737. WiLLi.\M Henry Boyd Private 1st New York Cavalry May 1, 1861 ; Sergeant July 19, 1861 ; Quar- termaster-Sergeant Aug. 28, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion Nov. 24, 1862. Second Lieutenant 1st New York Cavalry Nov. 25, 1862 ; mustered out to accept promotion July 28, 1863. First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 21st Penna. Cavalry July 28, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Feb. 29, 1864. Captain 21st Penna. Cavalry March 1, 1864; resigned and honorably dis- charged June 7, 1865. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8742. Born Dec. 25, 1841, near Brockrill, Can. Died March 3, 1896, at Reading, Pa. 230 1738. James Croxali, Brooks Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers Jan. 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Dec. 19, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, ]86o, " for meritorious services in his department during the war." Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8743. 1739. Samuel T. Davis Private 15th Penna. Infantry April 29, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 7, 1861. Second Lieutenant 77th Penna. Infantry Sept. 20, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Nov. 29, 1861 ; Captain Dec. 8, 1863 ; honorably discharged Aug. 15, 1864. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8744. 1740. Frank Cr,EMENS Gillingham Second Lieutenant 119th Penna. Infantry Aug. 7, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 30, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1863. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8745. 1741. Michaei, A, Golden Private 6th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 29, 1861 ; Corporal Jan. 3, 1863 ; Sergeant April 10, 1863 ; First Sergeant Nov. 1, 1864 ; discharged to accept promotion May 18, 1865. First Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry May 19, 1865 ; transferred to 2d Penna. Provisional Cavalrv June 17, 1865 ; honorablv mustered out Aug. 7, 1865. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8746. 1742. William Winthrop Hart First Lieutenant 14th Conn. Infantry Aug. 20, 1861 ; Captain Sept. 17, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 29, 1862. ElectedMay 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8747, 1744. Frank Austin Howard First Lieutenant Rifle Battalion 1st Missouri Infantry June 9, 1861 ; (changed to 1st Regiment Missouri Light Artillery Sept. 1, 1861;) First Lieutenant Battery F June 11, 1861 ; honorably mustered out April 2, 1862. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8749. 1745. William Smith Janney First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 21st New Jersey Infantry Sept. 15, 1862; honorably discharged to accept promotion April 11, 1863. Major and Surgeon 22d New Jersey Infantry April 12, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 25, 1863. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8750. 1747. Charles Lewis Leiper Private 1st Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry April 29, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 17, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 10, 1861 ; Captain Nov. 20, 1862 ; Major Sept. 1, 1864; Lieut. -Colonel Feb. 10, 1865; Colonel March 27, 1865; transferred to 2d Penna. Provisional Cavalry June 17, 1865 ; honorably mus- tered out Aug. 7, 1865. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for meritorious services during the war." Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8752. Junior Vice-Commander of the Commandery May 6, 1896-1897. Born Dec. 25, 1842, at Avondale. Pa. Died May 14, 1899, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1748. Samuel Davis Marshall First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 1st Delaware Infantry Oct. 4, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 14, 1863. . 231 Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army June 26, I860 ; resigned Nov. 15, 1864. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Nov. 2.3, 1864 ; resigned June 28, 1865. Elected Mav 6. 1S91. Class 1. Insignia 8753. Born May 9, 1840, at Milton, Del. Died Jan. 29, 1892, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1749. Charles W. May Captain 101st Penna. Infantry Dec. 30, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Jan. 17, 1863. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8754. 1750. Benjamin Nields First Lieutenant 1st Delaware Infantry May 6, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st Batter^' Delaware Light Artillery July 27, 1862 ; Cap- tain Aug. 15, 1862; honorably mustered out June 23, 1865. Brevetted Major and Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for conspicuous gallantry at Cane River Crossing, La., April 23, 1864." Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8755. 1751. Silas Wright Pettit First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; appointment expired Aug. 5, LSlil. Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry Feb. 20, 1862 ; resigned and honor- ably discharged June 14, 1862. Captain 2l3th Penna. Infantry March 5, 1865 ; honorablv mustered out Nov. 18, 1865. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8756. 1752. George Purviance Sergeant 134th Penna. Infantry Aug. 7, 1862 ; Sergeant-Major Aug. 20, 1862; discharged for promotion Dec. 31, 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 134th Penna. Infantry Jan. 1, 1863; honor- abW mustered out May 26, 1863. Elected May 6, 1891, Class 1. Insignia 8757. 1753. John Milton Ray Private 140th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1862 ; Sergeant Sept. 4, 1862; First Sergeant Sept. 23, 1863 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 19, 1863. Second Lieutenant 140th Penna. Infantrv July 19, 1863 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 16, 18()4 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Oct. 10, 1864 ; Captain Dec. 5, 1864 ; honorablv mustered out Mav 31, 1865. Elected May (3, 1891, Class 1. insignia 8758. 1754. William Boardman Reed Private 2d Wisconsin Infantry May 20, 1861 ; Corporal Jan. 1, 1863 ; honor- ably discharged for disability Jan. 24, 1863. Captain 50th Wisconsin Infantry April 8, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 14, 1866. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8759. 1755. Barzillai Ridgway First Lieutenant 4th New Jersey Infantry Aug. 13, 1861 ; Captain Jan. 9, 1862; Lieut. -Colonel Jan, 8, 1863; resigned and honorably discharged April 27, 1863. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8760. 756. John Catherwood Robinson Second Lieutenant 104th Penna. Infantry Sept. 12, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 8, 1862, Elected May 6. 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8761. 232 1757. Washington Augustus Roebling Private 9th New York State Militia (83d lufantry) June 15, 1861 ; Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion Jan. 22, 1862. Second Lieutenant 6th Independent Battery New York Light Artiller}' Jan. 23, 1862 ; discharged to accept promotion May 26, 1864. Major and Aide-de Camp U. S. Volunteers May 26, 1864 ; resigned and hon- orably discharged Jan. 21, 1865. Brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. Volunteers Dec. 2, 1864, " for gallant ser- vices during the present campaign before Richmond, Va.; " Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected May 6, 1891, Class 1. Insignia 8762. 1758. Thomas Benton vScarborough Sergeant 104th Penna. lufantry Sept. 12, 1861 ; First Sergeant July 1, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Nov. 9, 1862. Second Lieutenant 104th Peuna. Infantry Nov. 10, 1862; Captain Sept, 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 1, 1865. Major 104th Penna. Infantry May 2, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 25, 1865, Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8763. 1759. Martin Luther Schoch Private 4th Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; mustered out July 26, 1861. Private 51st Penna. Infantry Sept. 3, 1861 ; First Sergeant Sept. 23, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion Jan. 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant 51st Penna. Infantry Jan. 12, 1864 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant May 2, 1864 ; honorably discharged Nov. 2, 1864. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8764. 1760. Hannibal Kelley Sloan First Lieutenant 40th Penna. Infantry (11th Reserve) July 29, 1861 ; Captain Aug. 17, 1863; honorably mustered out June 13, 1864. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and merito- rious services in the Wilderness Campaign, Va." Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8765. Born Sept. 4, 1838, at Indiana, Pa. Died Aug. 11, 1894, at Indiana, Pa. 1761. Harry George Thayer Yeoman U. S. Navy June 7, 1862 ; honorably discharged Feb. 24, 1864. Acting Asst. Paymaster (Master) U. S. Navy March 24, 1864 ; honorably discharged Dec. 12, 1865. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8766. Born April 25, 1837, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 17, 1901, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1762. Albert F. Ulmer Acting Master's Mate U. S. Navy Jan. 17, 1863 ; Acting Ensign Aug. 7, 1866; honorably discharged Dec. 17, 1868. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8767. 1763. Charles Watts Private 1st New Jersey Cavalry July 27, 1861 ; Corporal Jan. 12, 1863 ; Ser- geant Sept. 1, 1864; First Sergeant Nov. 16, 1864; discharged for promotion Dec. 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant 1st New Jersey Cavalry Dec. 12, 1864 ; First Lieutenant May 16, 1865; Captain (a. w. m.) July 18, 1865; honorably mustered out July 24, 1865, Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8768. 233 1764. Heman Lincoln Wayland Chaplain 7th Conu. Infantry Sept. 18, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged Nov. 2o, 1862. Chaplain 7th Conn. Infantry Dec. 24, 1862; resigned and honorably dis- charged Jan. 7, 1864. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8769. Chaplain of the Commandery Maj' 6, 1896-1897. Born April 23, 1830, at Providence, R. I. Died Nov. 7, 1898, at Wernersville, Pa. 1765. Daniel M. Yost Corporal 4th Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; First Sergeant May 30, 1861 ; mustered out July 26, 1861. Lieut-Colonel 11th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 16, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 2-5, 1862. Lieut. -Colonel 179th Penna. Infantry Dec. 8, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Julv 27, 1863. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8770. 1766. George vStephenson Clark Eldest son of deceased Companion Lieut. -Colonel John Clark. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8773. 1767. Theodore Lewis Peterson Matthews Brother of deceased Companion Captain Charles W. Matthews, Private Independent Battery Penna. (Militia) Light Artillery June 26, 1868 ; discharged Aug. 1. 1863. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8774. 1768. Alan Dickson Wilson Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Lieut.-Colonel William P. Wilson. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8775. 1769. John Pinknev Frantz Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8776. Eligibility of membership derived from John Herr Frantz, First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U.S. Army May 28, 1861 ; Major and Surgeon Dec. 19, 1867. Brevetted Captain, Major, and Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Died March 2, 1882, at Baltimore, Md. 1770. John Moran Knox Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8777. Eligibility of membership derived from John H. Knox, Captain 11th Penna. Infantry Sept. 4, 1861. Died Feb. 28, 1862, at Annapolis, Md. 1771. Hamilton Markley Elected May 6, 1891. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 8778. Born Mav 6. 18-54, at Camden, N. J. Died April 4, 1900. at Camden, N. J. Eligibility of membership derived from John Hamilton Markley, Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry Nov. 26, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 8, 1863; resigned and honorablv discharged Jan. 31, 1866. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry Nov. 16, 1866 ; declined Jan. 3, 1867. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army June 27, 1862, " for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Gaines's' Mill, Va.; " Captain, "for gallant and meritorious services at the second battle of Bull Run, Va." Died Jan. 18, 1890. 234 1772. George Washington Roberts Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain Charles W. Roberts. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8779. First Class in Succession Dec. 19, 1895. 1773 Chauncey Percival Ayres Eldest son of Companion Chief Engineer S. L,. P. Ayres. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8780. 1775. George Sheaff Gregg Eldest sou of Companion Brevet Major-General David McM. Gregg. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8782. 1776. David Lynn Magruder, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Colonel David L. Magruder. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8783. 1777. Grantley Parke Postles Eldest son of Companion Captain J. Parke Postles. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8784. 1778. Lewis Wood Robinson, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Rear Admiral Lewis W. Robinson. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8785. Born Feb. 9, 1870, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 4, 1893, at vSewickley, Pa. 1779. Charles Greene Sawtelle, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Brig.-General Charles G. Sawtelle. Cadet U. S. Military Academy June 15, 1889; Additional Second Lieuten- ant 7th U. S. Cavalrj^ June 12, 1893 ; Second Lieutenant 2d Cavalrv Aug. 14, 1893 ; First Lieutenant March 2, 1899 ; Captain 8th Cavalry . " Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers June 3, 1898 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service April — , 1901. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8786. Transferred to Commandery of California Dec. 5, 1899. 1780. Norman Lesue Stamm Eldest son of deceased Companion Chief Engineer William S. Stamm. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8787. First Class in Succession June 27, 1897. 1781. Nalbro' Frazier Thomson Eldest son of Companion Chief Engineer James W. Thomson. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8788. 1782. W11.LIAM Caner Wiedersheim Eldest son of Companion Brevet Major William A. Wiedersheim. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8789. 1783. John Duni,ap Wilwamson, Jr. Eldest son of Companion First Asst. Engineer William C. Williamson. Elected May 6, 1891. Class 2. Insignia 8790. 1786. Samuei. Lippincott FuIvI^wood Captain 102d Penna. Infantry Sept. 15, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 15, 1864. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8965. Born Aug. 8, 1838, at Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Died March 12, 1894, at Pittsburg, Pa, 1787. Matthew Bigger Private 34th Ohio Infantry Aug. 10, 1861 ; Corporal Oct. 31, 1862 ; Private (by consolidation of Regiments) 36th Ohio Infantry Feb. 23, 1865 ; dis- charged for promotion March 9, 1865. 235 Second Lieutenant oHth Ohio Infantry March 10, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 27, 1865. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8966. 1789. WlLIJAM MlivLER Barr Acting Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy Dec. 19, 1861; Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) March 17, 186H ; Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) Sept. 1, 1864; retired Jan. 11, 1866 ; resigned April 16, 1866. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8968. 1790. John Wesi^ev Boughton Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant 1st Wisconsin Cavalrj' Sept. 1, 1861 ; discharged for promotion July 12, 1864. First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 1st Wisconsin Cavalry July 13, 1864; honorably mustered out Jan. 5, 1865. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8969. 1791. J.A.MES Shreeve Doran Acting Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy July 1, 1861 ; Acting Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) Oct. 23, 1862 ; resigned June 10, 1863. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8970. Born Feb. 17, 1835, in Bucks Co., Pa. Died Dec. 17, 1900, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1792. Robert Henry Forster Private 2d Penna. Infantry Dec. 23, 1846 ; mustered out July 20, 1847. Captain 148th Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1862 ; Major Nov. 15, 1863 ; honor- ably discharged for disability Oct. 22, 1864. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8971. Born Nov. 10, 1829, at Miflflinsburg, Pa. Died May 2, 1901, at Harrisburg, Pa. 1793. WiLi-iAM Robinson Howe First Lieutenant and Adjutant 14th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 3, 1862 ; discharged to accept promotion June 11, 1863. Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers June 12, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 23, 1864. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8972. Born July 26, 1842, at Allegheny, Pa. Died June 19, 1899, at Pittsburg, Pa. 1794. James Hustead Second Lieutenant 14th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 21, 1862; First Lieutenant March 30, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged March 30, 1865. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. insignia 8973. 1795. Richard Inch Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Sept. 8, 1863 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) Oct. 15, 1865; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) July 25, 1866; Asst. Engineer (Master) Feb. 24, 1874; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieu- tenant) vSept. 28, 1874 ; Chief Engineer (Lieut.-Commander) Aug. 3, 1892 ; Commander March 3, 1899. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8974. 1796. Enos Phillips Jefferis Private 17th Penna. Cavalry Sept. 15, 1862 ; Company Commissary-Sergeant Sept. 25, 1862; discharged for promotion Jan. 13, 1865. Second Lieutenant 17th Penna. Cavalry Jan. 14, 1865; honorably mustered out June 21, 18()5. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8975. 1797. John Littlefield First Lieutenant 23d Mass. Infantry Sept. 28, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged May 3, 1862. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8976. 236 1798. Edward Marshall Private 19th Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; Corporal May 18, 1861 ; mus- tered out Aug. 9, 1861. . Sergeant Anderson Troop Penna. Cavalry Oct. lo, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion Nov. 6, 1862. First Lieutenant 15th Penna. Cavalry March 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 8, 1863. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8977. Born Dec. 17, 1836, near Blackwood, N J. Died March 16, 1892, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1799. James Metzger First Lieutenant ooth Penna. Infantry Oct. 13, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Jan. 1, 1862; Captain Nov. 25, 1862; Major Jan. 4, 1865; Lieut.- Colonel March 31, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 30, 1865. Elected Oct. 14, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8978. 1800. Wii7, at Carlisle, Pa. 1857. Robert D.avison Coxe Private Commonwealth Penna. Artillery May 8, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Private 7th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. 12, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 24, 1862. Private 32d Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 26, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 1, 1863. Elected Feb. 3, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9297. Eligibilit)' of membership derived from Edward E. Coxe, Private 119th Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862; First vSergeant Sept. 7, 1862; discharged for promotion Jan. 5, 1863. Second Lieutenant 119th Penna. Infantry Jan. 6, 1863. Died Nov. 22, 1863, of wounds received at Rappahannock Station, Va., Nov. 7. 1863. 244 1858. William Sinclair Ashbrook Eldest son of Companion Brevet Major Joseph Ashbrook. Elected Feb. 3, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9298. 1859. Samuel Ashton Bonnaffon Eldest son of Companion Brevet L,ieut. -Colonel Sylvester Bonnaffon, Jr. Elected Feb. 3, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9299. 1860. Lewis Randolph Hamersly, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Lewis R. Hamersly. Elected Feb. 3, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9300. 1861. Joseph Wistar Huey Eldest son of Companion Brevet Brig. -General Pennock Huey. Elected Feb. 3, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9301. 1863. Charles Shaler Sergeant 12th Penna. Infantry April 25, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Cadet U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 1863; Second Lieutenant 5th U. S, Artillery June 17, 1867; transferred to Ordnance Department Julv 5, 1867 First Lieutenant June 23, 1874 ; Captain March 4, 1879; Major Feb. 22, 1897 Lieut. -Colonel and Chief Ordnance Officer U. S. Volunteers July 18, 1898 declined July 22, 1898. Elected April 6, 1881, in Commandery of Massachusetts. Class 1. Insignia 2226. Transferred to Commandery of New York Feb. 1, 1882. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania April 6, 1892. Transferred to Commandery of Indiana Dec. 3, 1900. 1864. John Aiken Private 126th Ohio Infantry Aug. 20, 1862 ; Corporal Sept. 8, 1862 ; Sergeant April 1, 1863 ; discharged to accept promotion Sept. 26, 1864. First Lieutenant 29th U. S. Colored Troops Oct. 10, 1864 ; honorably mus- tered out Nov. 6, 1865. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9490. Born Feb. 7, 1847, at West Liberty, W. Va. Died March 17, 1894, at Washington, Pa. 1865. Edwin Jennings Conway Private 1st U. S. Dragoons April 22, 1852; discharged April 22, 1867. Private 1st U. S. Cavalry Nov. 28, 1859 ; discharged Dec. 4, 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 18th Missouri Infantry Dec. 4, 1862 ; honor- ably mustered out April 7, 1863. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalrv Feb. 19, 1863 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 7, 1864 ; Captain Aug. 17, 1867 ; retired Dec. 31, 1870. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army April 2, 1865, '• for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Selma, Ala." Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9491. 1866. Charles Bunker Dahlgren Master's Mate U. S. Navy Dec. — , 1861 ; Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) Dec. 24, 1861 ; resigned Dec. 15, 1862. Acting Ensign U. S. Navy Dec. 15, 1862; Acting Master May 14, 1863; resigned Feb. 1, 1865. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9492. 1867. George Frederick Baer Captain 133d Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862; honorably mustered out May 26, 1863. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9493. 1868. Philip Bissinger Private 79th Penna. Infantry Sept. 19, 1861 ; Sergeant-Major Jan. 19, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Jan. 17, 1863. 245 Second Lieutenant 79th Penna. Infantry Jan. 18, 1863; Captain Dec. 1, 1863; resigned and honorablj' discharged Sept. 12, 186-1. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9494. 1869. Wilbur Fisk Gilder Private 13th Conn. Infantry Feb. 15, 1862 ; Corporal March 1, 1868 ; dis- charged to accept promotion Sept. 17, 1863. First Lieutenant 98th U. S. Colored Infantry Sept. 18, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 21, 1864. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9495. 1870. Job Townsend Hickman Private 23d Penna. Infantry- April 18, 1861 ; Sergeant April 21, 1861 ; mus- tered out July 31, 1861. Private 23d Penna. Infantry Oct. 1, 1861 ; Sergeant Nov. 1, 1861 ; discharged for promotion Dec. 31, 1862. Second Lievitenaut 23d Penna. Infantry Jan. 1, 1863; First Lieutenant Jan. 1, 1864 ; honorablv mustered out Sept. 8, 1864. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9496. ' 1871. Thomas J. Hamilton Private 28th Penna. Infantry July 11, 1861 ; Corporal July 12, 1861 ; Ser- geant Jan. 1, 1863; First Sergeant July 1, 1863; discharged for promotion June 12. 1863. First Lieutenant 28th Penna. Infantry June 13, 1863 ; Captain Nov. 25, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 18, 1865. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9497. 1872. Lorenzo Mathias Kieffer Corporal 1st Kansas Infantry May 31, 1861 ; discharged for promotion May 6, 1863. Captain 48th U. vS. Colored Troops (10th Louisiana) May 7, 1863; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 5, 1863. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9498. 1873. William Lea, Jr. Private Independent Battery Delavpare Light Artillery July 28, 1862 ; Ser- geant Aug. 30, 1862 ; discharged for promotion May 18, 1863. Second Lieutenant Independent Battery Delaware Light Artillery May 18, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 23, 1865. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9499. 1874. Isaac Daniel Landis Private 9th Penna. Cavalry Aug. 26, 1861 ; Corporal Oct. 29, 1861 ; Sergeant April 1, 1862; Sergeant-Major Mav 23, 1863 ; discharged to accept promotion June 30, 1864. Second Lieutenant 9th Penna. Cavalrj' July 1, 1864 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant June 4, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 18, 1865. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9500. 1875. Joseph Morgan, Jr. Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Nov. 16, 1861 ; Second Asst. PvUgineer (Ensign) Aug. 25, 1863 ; resigned Jan. 5, 1866. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9501. 1876. Joseph Hiester McKnight Private Ringgold Artillery (Co. A. 25th Penna. Infantry) April 16, 1861 ; mustered out July 23, 1861. Second Lieutenant 128th Penna. Infantry Aug 16, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Feb. 1, 1863 ; honorablv mustered out Mav 19, 1863. Elected May 4, 1892.' Class 1. Insignia 9502. Born Nov. 13, 1841, at Reading, Pa. Died Aug. 10, 1895, at Reading, Pa. 246 1877. HiESTER Muhlenberg Nagle First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 11th Penna. Cavalry Aug. 4, 1862 ; Major and Surgeon Dec. 17, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 13, 1865. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9508. Born Dec. 23, 1834, at Williamsport, Pa. Died Jan. 30, 1893, at Reading, Pa. 1878. Francis Joshua Randali, First Sergeant 18th Penna. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. First Lieutenant 95th Penna. Infantry Sept. 19, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 15, 1862; Major May 6, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 2, 1864. Elected Mav 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9504. Born April 8, 1838, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Oct. 13, 1896, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1879. James Scullky Private 10th New York Infantry Oct. 15, 1861 ; discharged to accept pro- motion March 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant 43d U. S. Colored Troops March 12, 1864 ; First Lieu- tenant March 1, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 20, 1865. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9505. 1880. Samuei. Longacre Kurtz First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 40th Penna. Infantry (11th Reserve) Feb. 28, 1862 ; discharged for promotion June 7, 1862. Major and Surgeon 85th Penna. Infantry June 7, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 22, 1864. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9506. 1881. Ethelbert Washington Brown Eldest son of deceased Companion Lieut. -Colonel William H. Brown. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9507. 1882. Joseph Marx Etting Nephew of deceased Companion Pay-Director Henry Etting. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9508. 1888. Louis BI.AKE Hays Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain Henry B. Hays. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9509. 1884. Samuei. Harvey Thomas Eldest brother of deceased Companion Captain John J. Thomas. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9510. Born June 5 1826, at Died Jan. 1, 1901, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1886. Francis Michler Cadet U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 1866; Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry June 15, 1870 ; First Lieutenant Nov. 12, 1876 ; Regimental Adjutant March'll, 1887, to May 23, 1888; Captain May 23, 1888. Lieut.-Colonel and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers May 9, 1898 ; hon- orably discharged from Volunteer service May 12, 1899. Lieut.-Colonel 46th U. S. Volunteer Infantry Aug. 17, 1899 ; declined Aug. 19, 1899. Bre vetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army Feb. 27, 1890, " for gallant services in actions against Indians at Muchos Caiions, Arizona, Sept. 25, 1872, and at the head of Tonto Creek, Arizona, Jan. 22, 1878." Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9512. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Oct. 9, 1895. Born Aug. 10, 1849, at New York Citv. Died May 29, 1901, at Washington, D. C. 247. Eligibility of membership derived from Nathaniel Michler. Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1844 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant Topographical Engineers U. S. Army July 1, 1848 ; Second Lieutenant April 7, 18o4 ; First Lieutenant May 19, 1856 ; Captain Sept. 9, 1861 ; transferred to Corps of Engineers March 3, 1863 ; Major April 22, 1864; Lieut. -Colonel Oct. 16, 1877. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Army Aug. 1, 1864, " for faithful and merito- rious services in the field ; " Colonel April 2, 1865, " for gallant and merito- rious services during the siege of Petersburg, Va. ; " Brig.-General "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died July 17, 1881, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 1887. Albert Ritter Private 11th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Sept. — , 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 25, 1862. Corporal 42d Penna. (Militia) Infantry July — , 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 11, 1863. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 1 b}' Inheritance. Insignia 9513. Eligibility of membership derived from John Francis Ritter, Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1852; Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantrv July 1, 1856 ; First Lieutenant March 27, 1861 ; transferred to 15th Infantry May 14, 1861 ; Captain Oct. 22, 1861 ; transferred to 3;3d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; transferred to 8th Infantry May 3, 1869. Colonel 1st Missouri Cavalry Aug. 9, 1862; resigned and honorably dis- charged Dec. 5, 1864. Brevetted Major U. S. Army March 28, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Apache Canon, N. M.;" Lieut.-Colonel Sept. 10, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Little Rock, Ark." Died Aug. 1, 1872, at Catskill, N. Y. 1888. William Hervev Allen Eldest son of Companion Colonel Edward J. Allen. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9514. 1889. George Burton Eldest son of deceased Companion Lieut.-Colonel George W. Burton. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9515. First Class in Succession Dec. 26, 1898. 1890. Francis Cadwalader Dade, Jr. Eldest son of deceased Companion Chief-Engineer Francis C. Dade. Elected May 4. 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9516. First Class in Succession April 30, 1902. 1891. Robert Denniston Eldest son of Companion Pav-Director Henrj^ M. Denniston. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9517'. Transferred to Commandery of New York Nov. 25, 1899. 1892. Edward Torbett Lashells Eldest son of Companion Major Theodore B. Lashells. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9518. 1893. Walter Audubon McClurg Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Lieut.-Colonel John R. McClurg. Asst. Surgeon (Ensign) U. S. Navy Feb. 8, 1874 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon (Master) Nov. 2, 1877 ; Surgeon (Lieutenant) Jan. 25, 1889 ; Medical Inspector (Commander) Nov. 19, 1900. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9519. First Class in Succession Nov. 3, 1896. 1895. George Blight Robinson Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain Charles A. Robinson, Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9521. First Class in Succession Aug. 1, 1902. 248 1896. William Kelly Tully Eldest son of Companion Chaplain David Tullv. Chaplain U. S. Army April 23, 1887 ; resigned'Nov. 17, 1893. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9522. Transferred to Conimandery of Kansas Aug. 1, 1892. Transferred to Commandery of Pennsylvania Jan. 5, 1895. 1897. Joseph Pownell Griest Eldest son of Companion First Lieutenant Thomas Griest. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9523. Born Feb. 4, 1858, at Christiana, Pa. Died July 18, 1901, at Reading, Pa. 1899. Henry Sweyer Eckert Eldest son of Companion First Lieutenant George B. Eckert. Elected May 4, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9525. Born Oct. 21, 1869, at Reading, Pa, Died July 23, 1893, at Reading, Pa. 1900. John Pitman Private 1st Rhode Island Infantry July 18, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 2, 1861. Private 10th Rhode Island (Militia) Infantry May 26, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 30, 1862. Sergeant-Major 11th Rhode Island Infantry Sept. 22, 1862'; discharged for promotion April 13, 1863. Second Lieutenant 11th Rhode Island Infantry April 14, 1863 ; honorably mustered out July 13, 1863. Cadet U. S. Militarj^ Academy Sept. 29, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant Ordnance U. S. Army June 17, 1867 ; First Lieutenant June 23, 1874 ; Captain May 27, 1878 ; Major Sept. 2, 1894. Elected Dec. 1, 1886. Class 1. Insignia 5150. Transferred from Commandery of Minnesota Oct. 3, 1892. 1901. Robert Audley Browne Chaplain 100th Penna. Infantry Sept. 24, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 28, 1863. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9762. 1902. Lemon Buch Private 128th Penna. Infantry Aug. 5, 1862 ; mustered out May 19, 1863. Private 195th Penna. Infantry July 16, 1864 ; Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant July 24, 1864 ; mustered out Nov. 4, 1864. First Lieutenant 213th Penna. Infantry March 8, 1865 ; resigned and honor- ably discharged May 26, 1865. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9763. 1903. George Edward Clymer Captain 6th Penna. Cavalry Aug. 8, 1861 ; Major March 29, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 5, 1863. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9764. Born Jan. 8, 1830, in Berks Co., Pa. Died July 7, 1895, at Reading, Pa. 1904. George Harvey Christy Quartermaster-Sergeant Battery A Knap's Battalion, Penna. Light Artillery May 19, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 29, 1864. Second Lieutenant 22d U. S. Colored Infantry Oct. 29, 1864 ; First Lieu- tenant and Adjutant Dec. 9, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 23, 1865. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9765. 249 1905. Alfred Darte Private 2oth Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; discharged for promotion April 25, 1861. First Lieutenant 2oth Penna. Infantry April 26, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Julv 26, 1861. Second Lieutenant 4th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 30, 1861 ; Captain March 1, 1863; resigned and honorably discharged Sept. 19, 1864. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9766. Born April 28, 1836, at Dundaff, Pa. Died July 20, 1901, at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1906. Michael John FitzGerald Private 1st U. S. Artillery Jan. 5, 1855; Corporal , 1858; discharged Nov. 5, 1859. Private and Ordnance Artificer U. S. Army Dec. — , 1859 ; discharged Feb. 23, 1861. Hospital Steward U. S. Army March 14, 1861 ; discharged to accept promo- tion June 5, 1863. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry June 1, 1863 ; First Lieutenant March 4, 1864 ; Captain Dec. 31, 1873 ; retired for wounds May 1, 1879. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9767. 1907. Charles Crook Hood Private 31st Ohio Infantry Aug. 20, 1861 ; Corporal Sept. 24, 1861 ; Sergeant June 1, 1862; discharged for promotion Feb. 2, 1864. First Lieutenant 31st Ohio Infantry Feb. 3, 1864 ; Captain Oct. 26, 1864 ; honorably mustered out July 20, 1865. Captain 41st U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 24th U. S. Infantry Nov. 11, 1869; Major 7th U. S. Infantry July 4, 1892; Lieut.-Colonel 19th ■ Infantry Jan. 28, 1897 ; Colonel 16th Infantry May 5, 1899. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9768. 1908. John Cockerell Johnson Major 110th Penna. Infantry Oct. 7, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged June 16, 1862. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9769. Born Jan. 21, 1827, at Christiana, Del. Died July 31, 1894, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1909. Andrew Adams Luckenbach Private 1st Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; mustered out July 26, 1861. First Lieutenant 129th Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862 ; Captain May 10, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 18, 1863. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9770. 1910. Henry Allen Laycock First Lieutenant 56th Penna. Infantry Jan. 23, 1862 ; Captain Nov. 13, 1862 ; Major Jan. 31, 1865 ; Lieut.-Colonel March 16, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 1, 1865. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of White Oak Road, Va. ; " Colonel April 1, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Va." Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9771. Born Nov. 11, 1834, in Warren Co., N. Y. Died Aug. 5, 1897, at Wyoming, Pa. 1911. William Worthington Myers Acting Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Sept. 27, 1862; appointment expired Aug. 7, 1865. Acting Asst. Surgeon (Master) U. S. Navy Dec. 12, 1873 ; appointment expired Dec. 31, 1874. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9772. 250 1912. Matthew Henry McCall Private 130th Penna. Infantry Aug. 7, 1862; mustered out May 21, 1863. First Lieutenant 1st Battalion Penna. Infantry July 28, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 3, 1863. First Lieutenant 1st Battalion Penna. Infantry Jan. 17, 1864 (designation changed to 187th Penna. Infantry); First Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter- master March 8, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 8, 1865. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9773. 1913. Samuei. Henry Sturdevant Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers Aug. 3, 1861 ; honorably mustered out June 26, 1865. Lieut. -Colonel and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers (bv assign- ment) Jan. 1, 1863, to Jan. 31, 1865. Colonel and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers (by assignment) Mav 26, 1865, to June 26, 1865. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9774. Born March 29, 1832, at Skinners Eddy, Pa. Died Feb. 24, 1898, at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1914. Abraham Stout First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 153d Penna. Infantry Oct. 11, 1862; honorably mustered out July 24, 1863. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9775. 1915. Elias Wright Second Lieutenant 4th New Jersey Infantry Aug. 17, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 3, 1862; Captain June 24, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 24, 1863. Major 1st U. S. Colored Infantry June 25, 1863 ; Lieut.-Colonel April 29, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 14, 1864. Colonel 10th U. S. Colored Infantry Aug. 15, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged June 17, 1865. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers Jan. 15, 1865. Elected Oct. 20, 1892 Class 1. Insignia 9776. Born June 23, 1830, at Durham, N. Y. Died Jan. 2, 1901, at Atlantic City, N. J. 1916. Paul Frederic Rohrbacher First Lieutenant Battery B 1st Ohio Light Artillery Oct. 17, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 2, 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2d West Virginia Cavalry Aug. 4, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 24, 1863. Private Battery B 1st Penna. Light Artillery Oct. 1, 1864 ; discharged to accept promotion Feb. 11, 1865. Captain 77th Penna. Infantry Feb. 18, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Dec. 6, 1866. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9777. Born Oct. 27, 1827, at Baden, Ger. Died Oct. 24, 1899, at Sewickley, Pa. 1917. John Gormly MacConnell Second Lieutenant Battery G Independent Penna. Light Artillery Aug. 23, 1862; First Lieutenant July 27, 1863; honorably mustered out June 18, 1865. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9778. 1918. John Wallace Morrison Private 100th Penna. Infantry Aug. 27, 1861 ; Regimental Sergeant-Major March 18, 1863 ; discharged for promotion May 13, 1864. Second Lieutenant 100th Penna. Infantry May 14, 1864 ; honorablv mus- tered out Oct. 2, 1864. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9779. 251 1919. Frederick Musser Yeager Private Ringgold Artillery (Co. A 2oth Penna. Infantry) April 18, 1861 ; mustered out July 23, 1861. First Lieutenant 12Sth Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862 ; Captain Jan. 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 19, I860. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9780. 1920. John McCandless Thompson Major 134th Penna. Infantry Aug. 22, 1862; resigned and honorably dis- charged Feb. 16, 1863. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1. Insignia 9781. 1921. Frederick James Amweg Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9782. Eligibility of membership derived from John Michael Amweg, Captain 122d Penna. Infantry Aug. 11, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 11, 1862. Died Dec. 4, 1891, at Roanoke, Va. 1922. MiNFORD Levis Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9788. Eligibility of membership derived from Richard Joseph Levis, Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army June 8, 1862 ; • resigned April 1, 1863. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Jan. 7, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 14, 1863. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Oct. 15, 1863 ; resigned April 14, 1865. Died Nov. 12, 1890, at Kennett Square, Pa. 1924. William Wayne Hanson Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9785. Born Dec. 22, 1869, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 19, 1894, at Colorado Springs, Col. Eligibility of membership derived from William Wayne Hanson, First Lieutenant 1st New York Cavalry July 19, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 26, 1862. Died Jan. 29, 1870. 1925. William Henrv Loyd, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Major William H. Loyd. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9786. 1926. William Wayne, Jr. Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain William Wayne. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9787. First Class in Succession Nov. 20, 1901. 1927. Robert Sewell Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Major-General William J. Sewell. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry June 7, 1892 ; First Lieutenant 1st Cavalry Oct. 24, 1898 ; vacated commission Dec. 13, 1899. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Armv Sept. 1, 1899. Captain and Asst. Adjt.-General U. S. Volunteers May 12, 1898; vacated commission Aug. 24, 1899. Captain 41st U. S. Volunteer Infantry Aug. 17, 1899 ; vacated commission Sept. 1, 1899. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 2, Insignia 9788. First Class in Succession Dec. 27, 1901. 1928. John Barclay Stevenson Rex Eldest son of Companion First Lieutenant and Surgeon Oliver P. Rex. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9789. 252 1929. Walter Allan Rkinoehl Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Major Adam C. Reinoehl. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9790. First Class in Succession Dec. 14, 1900. 1931. Van Dusen Rickert Eldest son of deceased Companion First Lieutenant Thomas H. Rickert. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9792. First Class in Succession Nov. 16, 1899. 1932. George Shattuck Barrows Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Major William E. Barrows. Elected Oct. 20, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9793. First Class in Succession July 30, 1901. 1933. Madison Monroe Meredith First Lieutenant lOod Penna. Infantry Nov. 13, 1861 ; Captain April 10, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 12, 1862. Elected May 5, 1886. Class 1. Insignia 4725. Transferred from Commaudery of District of Columbia Dec. 6, 1892. 1934. Arthur Tappan Parsons Acting Master's Mate U. S. Navy Jan. 2, 1862; Acting Ensign July 30, 1863 ; honorably discharged Oct. 25, 1865. Elected Dec. 7, 1887. Class 1. Insignia 5894. Transferred from Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 22, 1892. Born Feb. 10, 1840, at Rockport, Mass. Died Dec. 25, 1893, at Vineland, N. J. 1935. Mancil Clay Goodrell Private 15th Iowa Infantry Jan. 29, 1862 ; discharged to accept promotion April 18, 1865. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps March 9, 1865 ; First Lieutenant April 16, 1870; Captain July 16, 1886; Lieut.-Colonel March 3, 1899. Elected March 1, 1882. Class 1. Insignia 2357. Transferred from Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 28, 1892. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 2, 1895. 1936. Alexis Rupert Paxton Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry March 3, 1877 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 31, 1884 ; Captain Nov. 7, 1896 ; Major 13th Infantry Oct. 16, 1901. Elected May 12, 1892. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9620. Transferred from Commandery of Illinois Dec. 28, 1892. Eligibility of membership derived from Joseph Rupert Paxton, Captain 15th U. S. Infantry Oct. 26, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged July 1, 1865. Died Aug. 20, 1867, at Houston, Tex. 1937. Robert Thompson Cornwell Captain 67th Penna. Infantry Sept. 17, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 25, 1864. Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 9971. 1938. John Joyce Carter Private 33d New York Infantry May 13, 1861 ; Regimental Commissary- Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion May 20, 1862. Second Lieutenant 33d New York Infantry May 21, 1862 , honorably mus- tered out June. 2, 1863. Captain 1st New York Cavalry Oct. 10, 1863 ; honorably mustered out July 20, 1865. 253 Awarded the " Medal of Honor" under resolution of Congress, " for while in command of a detached company, seeing his -regiment thrown into confu- sion by a charge of the enemy, without orders made a countercharge upon the attacking column and checked the assaiult. Penetrated within the enemy's lines at night and obtained valuable information, at the battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 18G2." Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 9972. 1939. Byron C. Davis Private 7lst Penna. Infantry May 21, 1861 ; Corporal Feb. 22, 1862 ; Ser- geant Mav 1, 1862 ; First Sergeant Oct. 16, 1862; discharged for promotion March l,'l863. Second Lieutenant 71st Penna. Infantry- March 1, 1863 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 20, 1863 ; Captain Sept. 21, 1863. Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 9973. 1940. Walter Franklin Fundenberg First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 136th Penna. Infantry Sept. 18, 1862 ; honorabl)^ mustered out to accept promotion Dec. 1, 1862. Major and Surgeon 176th Penna. Infantry Dec. 1, 1862 ; honorably mus- tered out Aug. 19, 1863. Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 9974. 1942. Webster Bodine Lowman Private 3d Penna. Infantry April 19, 1861 ; discharged for disability May 4, 1861. Private 1.36th Penna. Infantry Aug. 20, 1862 ; First Sergeant Aug. 27, 1862; discharged for promotion Feb. 18, 1863. Second Lieutenant 136th Penna. Infantry Feb. 19, 1863 ; Captain April 21, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 29, 1863. Captain .5111 Penna. Heavy Artillery Sept. 10, 1864 ; honorably mustered out June 30, 1865. Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 9976. 1943. Jacob Rapelye Ludlow Major and Surgeon 1st Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861 ; honorably mustered out July 27, 1861. Major and Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Feb. 19, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 10, 186.5. Brevetted Colonel U. S. Volunteers Oct. 6, 1865, "for faithful and merito- rious services." Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 9977. 1944. Augustus Van Cleef Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army July 15, 1862 ; resigned April 18, 1864. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Volunlieers April 18, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged April 6, 1865. Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 9978. 1945. John Nesbit Conyngham Nephew of deceased Companion Brevet Lieut. -Colonel John B. Convngham. Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9979. 1946. Francis Joseph Bird Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9980. Transferred to Commandery of Wisconsin Oct. 24, 1898. Eligibility of membership derived from Francis Wesley Bird, First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 51st New York Infantry Nov. 28, 1862 ; honorably discharged Oct. 20, 1864. Died 'April 15, 1877, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 254 1947. GUSTAVUS KiDD MOREHEAD Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9981. Eligibility of membership derived from Turner Gustavus Morehead, Colonel '22d Penna. Infantry April 24, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 5, 1861. Colonel 106th Penna. Infantry Aug. 28, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged April 4, 1864. Brevetted Brig.-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Died June 4, 1892, at Asbury Park, N.J. 1948. Richard Randolph Parry Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9982. Eligibility of membership derived from Edward Randolph Parry, First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861; Captain Oct. 14, 1864 ; transferred to 20th Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; unassigned Sept. 18, 1869 ; honorably discharged Aug. 1, 1870. Brevetted Major U. S. Army March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services." Died April 13, 1874, at New Hope, Pa. 1949. John Max Schniepp Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 9983. Eligibility of membership derived from John Melchior Schniepp, Private 98th Penna. Infantry Aug. 17, 1861 ; Regi- mental Quartermaster-Sergeant Sept. 30, 1861 ; discharged for promotion June 11, 1862. Second Lieutenant 98th Penna. Infantry June 12, 1862 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 1, 1863; First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster May 23, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 3, 1864. Died July 19, 1892, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1950. John Wheeler Watson Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 1 bv Inheritance. Insignia 9984. Born June 14, 1865, at West Point, N. Y. Died Oct. 7, 1893, at Pittsburg, Pa. Eligibility of membership derived from Malbone'F. Watson, Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1856; Second Lieutenant U. S. Cavalry May 6, 1861 ; First Lieutenant 5th Artillery May 15, 1861 ; Captain March 9, 1866'; retired Sept. 18, 1868. Brevetted Captain U. S. Army June 27, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; " Major " for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Died Dec. 9, 1891, at Dayton, O. 1952. Euclid Barnardo Frick Eldest son of former Companion Major and Surgeon A. P. Frick. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Oct. 29, 1889 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Oct. 29, 1894 ; Major and Surgeon June 28, 1902. Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 9986. 1953. Clement Grubb Smith Eldest son of deceased Companion Lieut. -Colonel Levi H. Smith, Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 9987. First Class in Succession Aug. 5, 1898. 1955. John Charles Taylor Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Captain John Taylor. Elected Feb. 8, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 9989. First Class in Succession Jan. 5, 1894. 255 1956. Joseph Henry Hirst Sergeant 141st Peiina. Infantrj' Aug. 7, 1862; discharged for promotion Dec. 18, 1862. First Lieutenant 141st Penfia. Infantry Dec. 19, 1862; Captain Feb. 28, 1865; honorably mustered out May 28, 18()0. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry March 7, 1867 ; First Lieutenant Jan. 81, 1874 ; Captain May 28, 1884 ; retired March 15, 1893. Brevetted First Lieutenant U. S. Army March 7, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.;" Captain March 7, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spotsylvania, Va." Elected Feb. 18, 1885. Class 1. Insignia .3555. Transferred from Commandery of California Jan. 31, 1893. Born June 1, 1838, at London, Eng. Died Jan. 24, 1896, at Rummerfield, Pa. 1957. Erasmus Corwin Gilbreath First Lieutenant 20th Indiana Infantry July 22, 1861 ; Captain Dec. 7, 1862 ; Major July 27, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 19, 1864. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers Jan. 23, 1865; honorably mustered out July 28, 1865. Second and First Lieutenant loth U. S. Infantrv Feb. 23, 1866 ; transferred to 24th Infantry Sept. 21. 1866; transferred to llth Infantry vSept. 25, 1869 ; Captain Dec. 23, 1873 ; Major 9th Infantry April 30, 1897 ; transferred to llth Infantrv May 29, 1897. Elected May 6, 1881. Class 1. Insignia 8812. Transferred from Commandery of District of Columbia April 29, 1893. Born May 13, 1840, in Guernsev Co., O. Died Aug. 22, 1898, near Mayaguez, P. R. 1958. David Miller Anderson Acting Medical Cadet U. S. Army Nov. 27, 1862; discharged Jan. 29, 1863. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 12th U. S. Colored Infantry April 14, 1864 ; honorably discharged May 27, 1865. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10131. 1959. John Edvi^ard Doughty Sergeant 4th New Jersey Infantry Aug. 17, 1861; First Sergeant Oct. 19, 1862; Regimental Sergeant-Major Jan. 19, 1865; discharged to accept promo- tion Feb. 1, 1865. Captain 4th New Jersey Infantry Feb. 2, 1865 ; honorablv mustered out Julv 9, 1865. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10132. 1960. David Fornham Gerrish Acting First Asst. Engineer (Master) U. S. Navy Nov. 25, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Aug. 25, 1865. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10133. 1961. James Wilson King Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navy Sept. 2, 1844 ; Second Asst. Engineer July 10. 1847 ; First Asst. Engineer Sept. 13, 1849 ; Chief Engineer Nov. 12, 18.52; Chief Engineer (Commander) ,1862; retired (Captain) Aug. 26, 1881. Chief of Bureau of Steam Engineering (Commodore) March 15, 1869, to March 20, 1873 Elected :\Iay 3. 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10134. 256 1962. Edward Stewart Moffat First Sergeant 9th New Jersey Infantry Oct. 15, 1861 ; discharged to accept promotion Aug. 18, 1863. Second Lieutenant 9th New Jersey Infantry May 16, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 26, 1864, to accept appointment in U. S. Signal Corps. Second Lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps March 3, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Aiig. 11, 1865. Brevetted First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10135. Born Jan. b, 1844, at Oxford, O. Died Aug. 4, 1893, at Edinburgh, Scot. 1963. Jesse Merrill Second Lieutenant 36th Penua. Infantry (7th Reserve) June 1, 1861 ; First Lieutenant July 27, 1861 ; Captain May 9, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 12, 1863, to accept appointment in U. S. Signal Corps. Captain U. S. Signal Corps Sept. 14, 1863 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 3, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for long, faithful and meritorious service." Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10136. Born March 28, 1836, at New Berlin, Pa. Died Jan. 14, 1899, at Lock Haven, Pa. 1964. Frederick Aylmour Tencate Private 30th Penna. Infantry (1st Reserve) July 26, 1861 ; Regimental Com- missary-Sergeant Aug. 4, 1862. Transferred to 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps Nov. 25, 1863 ; mustered out June 9, 1864. First Sergeant Veteran Reserve Corps June 9, 1864 ; mustered out to accept promotion Jan. 23, 1865. Captain 124th U. S. Colored Infantry Jan. 24, 1865 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 24, 1865. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Colored Cavalry Jan. 30, 1866 ; honorably mus- tered out July 9, 1866. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10137. 1965. Alonzo James Thompson Private 1st Battery Ohio Light Artillery Nov. 5, 1861 ; Corporal , 1862; discharged to accept promotion Sept. 6, 1863. First Lieutenant 2d Ohio Heavy Artillery Sept. 7, 1863; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Oct. 7, 1864; Captain June 27, 1865; honorably mustered out Aug. 23, 1865. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10138. 1966. James Lawrence Lardner Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10139. Eligibility of membership derived from James Lawrence Lardner, Midshipman U. S. Navy May 10, 1820 ; Lieuten- ant May 17, 1828 ; Commander Nov. 21, 1851; Captain May 19, 1861; Com- modore' Julv 16, 1862; retired list Nov. 20, 1864 ; Rear- Admiral (retired list) July 25, 1866. Elected Jan. 2, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 425. Resigned Jan. 14, 1880. Died April 12, 1881, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1967. Frederic Albert Molitor Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10140. Eligibility of membership derived from Albert Molitor, First Lieutenant 13th New York Independent Battery Dec. 20, 1861 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec. 8, 1862. Died Aug. 23, 1875, at Rogers' City, Mich. 257 1968. Bertram Howell Taylor Elected Mav 3, 1893. Class 1 bv Inheritance. Insignia 10141. Born Oct. 24. 18-51, at Philadelphia, Pa, Died Jan. 23, 1901, at Philadelphia, Pa. Eligibility of membership derived from William Taylor, Private 100th Penna. Infantry ; Sergeant April 8, 1863 ; discharged to accept promotion June 7, 1864. Second Lieutenant 100th Penna. Infantry May 2, 1864 ; First Lieutenant June 1, 1864; Captain (a. zv. in.) Oct. 4, 1864; honorably discharged_|[on account of disability Nov. 2, 1864. Died Dec. 21, 1890, at Cambridge, N. J. 1969. Francis Baltzer Shalters Elected May 3, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10142. Eligibility of membership derived from Francis Baltzer Shalters, Second Lieutenant 88th Penna. Infantry Sept. 14, 1861 ; First Lieutenant May 7, 1862; Captain Sept. 1, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged April 10, 1863. Died March 16, 1891, at Reading, Pa. 1970. David Bast Abbott Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain Robert A. Abbott. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 10143. First Class in Succession Feb. 13, 1902. 1971. Robert W.allace Givin Eldest son of Companion Captain Alexander W. Givin. Elected May 3, 1893 Class 2. Insignia 10144. Born Nov. 3, 1860, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. o, 1898, at Roxborongh, Pa. 1972. Gibbons Gray Cornwell Eldest son of Companion Captain Roljert T. Cornwell. Captain 6th Penna. Infantry Mav 10, 1898; honorably mustered out Oct. 17, 1898. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 10145. 1973. Robert Rieman Harvey Eldest son of Companion First Lieutenant and Adjutant William J. Harvey. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 10146. 1974. Hfrbert Miner Morris Eldest son of Companion Captain John R. Morris. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 10147. 1975. Percy Bowman Metzger Eldest son of Companion Lieut -Colonel James Metzger. Elected Mav 3, 1893 Class 2. Insignia 10148. Born Nov. I8, 1861, at Bedford, Pa. Died April 22, 1902, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1976. William Reynolds Ricketts Eldest son of Companion Colonel R. Bruce Ricketts. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 10149. 1977. Charles Gallaudet Trumbull Eldest son of Companion Chaplain H. Clav Trumbull. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 10150. 1978. John .\lmv Tompkins, Jr. Eldest son of Companion Lieut. -Colonel John A. Tompkins. Elected May 3, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 10151. 17 2o8 1979. George Milton Bradfield Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army April 22, 1804 ; resigned June 15, 1865. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 111th Penna. Infantry May 9, 1865 ; hon- orably mustered out Julv 19, 1865. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. ' Class 1. Insignia 10256. 1980. Joseph Claypoole Clark Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1844 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery July 1, 1848; Second Lieutenant 4th Artillery Jan. 6, 1849; First Lieutenant Oct. 11, 18.50 ; Captain May 14, 1861 ; retired' May 11, 1864 ; with rank of Major July 28, 1866. Brevetted Major U. S. Army June 9, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of the Shenandoah Valley, Va. ; " Lieut. -Colon el Sept. 17, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; " Colonel March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10257. 1981. Joseph Benton Donley Captain 83d Illinois Infantry Aug. 21, 1862 ; honorably mustered out June 26, 1865. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10258. 1982. Francis Flanegin Davis First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 168th Penna. Infantry Oct. 24, 1862 ; honorably mustered out July 25, 1863. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 121st Penna. Infantry Sept. 9, 1863 ; honorably mustered out June 2, 1865. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10259. 1983.5WILLIAM Smith Forbes ' Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army May 15, 1862 ; resigned Nov. 16, 1862. Major and Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Nov. 7, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Nov. 20, 1863. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army May 30, 1864 ; resigned Oct. 3, 1864. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10260. 1984. Peter Grace Private 83d Penna. Infantry Aug. 19, 1861 ; Corporal vSept. — , 1862 ; Ser- geant March 24, 1863 ; discharged for promotion Oct. 31, 1864. Second Lieutenant 83d Penna. Infantry Nov. 1, 1864 ; First Lieutenant Dec. 28, 1864 ; Captain Feb. 17, 1865 ; honorably mustered out June 28, 1865. Awarded the " Medal of Honor " under resolution of Congress," for recap- turing a soldier of his regiment with two Confederate guards in the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864." Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10261. 1985. Felix McCurley Acting Master U. S. Navy Nov. 13, 1861 ; Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Nov. 9, 1864. Master U. S. Navy March 12, 1868; Lieutenant Dec. 18, 1868 ; Lieut. -Com- mander March 2, 1870 ; Commander Jan. 26, 1887. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10262. Born Dec. 28, 1834, at Baltimore, Md. Died May 3, 1896, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1986. Daniel Furber Nichols Private 18th Mass. Infantry April 19, 1861 ; mustered out Dec. 14, 1864. Captain 5th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery Feb. 18, 1865 ; honorably mus- tered out Mav 20, 1866. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10263. Born Dec. 19, 1836, at Franklin, N. H. Died Oct. 23, 1899, at Wavne, Pa. 259 1987. James Belcombe Thomas Private 20th Peniia. Infantry April 26, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 6, 1861. Private 107th Penna. Infantry March 5, 1862; Sergeant-Maj or March 26, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Oct. 80, 1862. P'irst Lieutenant 107th Penna. Infantry Oct. 27, 1862; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Nov. 22, 1862 ; honorably mustered out March 5, I860. Private 107th Penna. Infantry March 27, 1865; discharged for promotion April 19, 186.5. Captain 107th Penna. Infantry April 20, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 13. 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers "for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Dabney's Mills, Va." Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1. Insignia 10264. 1988. James Brown Markoe Eldest son of deceased Companion Brevet Brig.-General John Markoe. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10265. 1989. Thomas Edw.ard Heenan Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10266. Eligibility of membership derived from Dennis Heenan, Lieut-Colonel 24th Penna. Infantry May 8, 1861 ; honor- ably mvistered out Aug. 10, 1861. Colonel 116th Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1862; honorably mustered out Jan. 26, 1863. Died July 4, 1872, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1990. William Robinson Molinard First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Volunteer Engineers June 21, 1898 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 25, 1899. First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant 42d U. S. Volunteer Infantry Aug. 17, 1899; honorablv mustered out June 27, 1901. Elected Oct 4, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10267. Eligibility of membership derived from Albert Julian Steffan Molinard, Cadet U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 1847 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery July 1, 1851 ; Second Lieutenant 2d Artillery Sept. 28, 1852 ; First Lie'utenant Feb. 20, 1855 ; Captain Nov. 12, 18(U ; wholly retired Oct. 1, 1863. Died Sept. 14, 1872, at Leavenworth, Kan. 1991. vStephen Collins Potts Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10268. Eligibility of membership derived from Stephen Collins Potts, Second Lieutenant 3d Penna. Infantry April 20, 1861; honorably mustered out July 30, 1861. First Lieutenant 62d Penna. Infantry Sept. 1, 1861. Died Dec. 14, 1862, of wounds received in action. 1992. Joseph Lapsley Wilson Private 7th Penna. (Militia) Infantry* Sept. 12, 1862; mustered out Sept. 26, 1862. Corporal 32d Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 26, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 1, 1863. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10269. Eligibility of membership derived from Albert Barnes Lapslev, Private 17th Penna. Infantry April 18, 1861 ; mus- tered out Aug. 2, 1861.' Private 72d Penna. Infantry Aug. 10, 1861 ; Corporal Aug. 10, 1861 ; Ser- geant Jan. 16, 1862 ; discharged for promotion April 30, 1863. Lieutenant 72d Penna. Infantry May 1, 1863; honorably discharged on account of phvsical disability Dec. 14, 1863. Died Sept. 2, 1867, at Philadelphia, Pa. 260 1993. Irwin Boyle Laughlin Eldest son of Companion Brevet Major Georije McC. Laughlin. Elected Oct. 4, 1893. Class 2. Insignia 10270. 1994. William Goodwin Fitch First Lieutenant 4th Conn. Infantrv May 22, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 16, 1861. vSecond Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry Oct. 29, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 12, 1862 ; retired Nov. 16, 1863. Elected Nov. 3, 1886. Class 1. Insignia 5029. Transferred from Commandery of Massachusetts Nov. 1, 1898. 1995. Lewis Rice Eldest son of Companion Brevet Major Lewis F. Rice. Elected Nov. 2, 1892. Class 2. Insignia 9813. Transferred from Commandery of Massachusetts Dec. 6, 1893. Born Aug. 15, 1868, at Dorchester, Mass. Died April 2, 1899, at Brookline, Mass. 1996. Clayton McMichael Second Lieiitenant 9th U. S. Infantry Aug. 5, 1861 ; First Lieutenant Aug. 5, 1861 ; Captain March 4, 1864 ; resigned and honorably discharged Sept. 28, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S Army April 2, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Petersburg, Va." Elected Dec. 5, 1883. Class 1. Insignia 3025 Transferred from Commandery of District of Columbia Dec. 20, 1893. 1997. John Brooke Acting Asst Surgeon U. S. Army June 24, 1862 ; resigned Nov. 26, 1862. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Nov. 22, 1862 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Julv 28, 1866; Major and Surgeon March 2, 1887; retired Feb. 22, 1894. Brevetted Captain and Major U. S. Army March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Elected Sept. 2, 1891. Class 1. Insignia 8930. Transferred from Commandery of Kansas Jan. 10, 1893. Born Feb. 22, 1830, in Delaware County, Pa. Died May 12, 1902, at Radnor, Pa. 1998. Charles Fremont Williams Private 1st Conn. Infantry April 19, 1861 ; Sergeant April 20, 1861 ; mus- tered out July 31, 1861. Second Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps June 14, 1862; First Lieutenant June 10, 1864 ; Captain Nov. 1, 1876 ; Major Feb. 2, 1897; Colonel March 3, 1899. Brevetted Captain Jan. 14, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the attack upon Fort Fisher, Jan. 13, 14 and 15, 1865." Elected Dec. 5, 1883. Class 1. Insignia 2981. Transferred from Commandery of California Jan. 1, 1894, Transferred to Commandery of California April 22, 1898. Born Jan. 27, 1842, at Hartford, Conn. Died Jan. 30, 1900, at Mare Island, Cal. 1999. Augustus Henry Able Third Asst. Engineer U. S. Navv Feb. 21, 1861 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Ensign) April 21, 1863; First Asst'. Engineer (Master) Dec. 1, 1864; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874; Chief Engineer (Lieut.-Com- mander) Nov. 20, 1874; Chief Engineer (Commander) ,1893; Chief Engineer (Captain) ; retired (Captain) Feb. 27, 1899. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10393. 261 2000. William Lamdin Bailie Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Jan. 1, 1808; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) May 2S, 1804 ; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Jan. ol, 1874 ; Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874 ; retired (Lieutenant) June 30, 188."). Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10394. 2001. Robert Crawford Third Assl. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navj'^ June 23, 1803 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) July 2-j, 1800; First Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant) Feb 20, 1874 ; Passed Asst. Engineer i Lieutenant) Feb. 24, 1874 ; retired Jan. 30, 1892. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10395. 2002. John McCleerv Captain 34th Penna. Infantry (5th Reserve) June 7, 1861 ; resigned and hon- orably discharged Nov. 24, 1862. Lieut. -Colonel 28th Penna. (Militia) Infantry June 24, 1863; honorablj' mustered out July 28, 1863. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10396. 2004. Owen Jones Third Asst. Engineer (Midshipman) U. S. Navy Feb. 19, 1863 ; Second Asst. Engineer (Master) June 20, 1864 ; resigned Dec. 22, 1866. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10398. 2005. GusTAV Adolph Prieson First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 6th Penna. Cavalrv Aug. 2, 1862; hon- orably discharged Oct. 24. 1862. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 38th Penna. (Militia) Infantry Julj' 3, 1863 ; honorablv discharged Aug. 7, 1863. Elected Feb. '7, 1894. Class 1.- Insignia 10399. 2006. Henry Jackson Sheafer Captain 107th Penna Infantry March 8, 1862 ; Major Feb. 23, 1863 ; honor- ably mustered out March 8. 1865. Brevetted Lieut -Colonel and Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864," and " for gallant conduct in the battle of Dabney's Mill, Va., Feb. 7, 1865." Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10400. Born Mav 21, 1826, at Strasburg, Pa. Died March 29, 1900, at Harrisburg, Pa. 2007. Francis Ritter Schmucker First Lieutenant 128th Penna. Infantry Aug. 15, 1862; Captain Feb. 1, 1863 ; honorably mustered out May 19, 1863. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 42d Penua. (Militia) Infantry July 6, 1863; mustered out Aug 12, 1863. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10401. Born Mav 24, 1838, in Berks Co., Pa. Died March 3, 1902, at Reading, Pa. 2008. Edmund Thomas Tiers Ensign 22d Penna. Infantry April 23, 1861 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 6, 1861. Second Lieutenant 11th Penna. Infantry Nov. 17, 1861 ; discharged for pro- motion October 11, 1862. Captain 157th Penna. Infantry Jan. 28, 1863; Major Oct. 19, 1864 ; Lieut. - Colonel Dec. 1, 1864. Transferred to 191st Penna. Tnfantrv March 21,1865; honorably mustered outJune28, 1865. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10402. Born Aug. 10, 1841, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Nov. 3, 1901, at Holmesburg, Pa. 262 2009. Henry Wheeler Chaplain 17th Penna. Cavalry Nov. 21, 1862; resigned and honorably dis- charged March 8, 1863. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10403. 2010. Julian Peter Wright Private Iftth Penna. Cavalry Aug. 13, 1862; discharged Oct. 1, 1863, to accept promotion. Second Lieutenant 34th New Jersey Infantry Oct. 19, 1863 ; First Lieutenant Oct. 24, 1864 ; Captain March 8, 1866 ; honorably mustered out April 80, 1866. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1. Insignia 10404. 2011. Edward Harvey Eldest son of deceased Companion Captain George T. Harvey. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10405. 2012. William Watervall Lucas Nephew of deceased Companion Brevet Lieut. -Colonel William H. Fry. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10406. 2013. George Franklin Barney Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1877; Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery June 13, 1882 ; First Lieutenant Sept. 3, 1888 ; Captain March 2, 1899. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10407. Transferred to Commandery of New York Jan. o, 1897. Eligibility of membership derived from Elisha L. Barney, Captain 6th Vermont Infantry Oct. lo, 1861 ; Major Oct. 15, 1862 ; Lieut.-Colonel Dec. 18, 1862 ; Colonel March 18, 1863. Died May 10, 1864, from wounds received in the battle of the Wilderness. 2014. William Kennedy Boone Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10408. Eligibility of membership derived from William Marshall Boone, Captain and Asst. Adjt. -General U. S. Volunteers July 19, 1862 ; honorably mustered out Oct. 26, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, "for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Gettysburg;" Lieut.-Colonel March 13, 1865, " for long, continuous and meritorious services in the Adjt. -General's Depart- ment during the war." Died Jan. 23, 1879, at Baltimore, Md. 2015. Thomas George Morton Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10409. Eligibility of membership derived from James St. Clair Morton, Cadet U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 1847; Brevet Second Lieutenant Corps of Engineers U. S. Army July 1, 1851 ; Second Lieutenant April 1, 1854 ; First Lieutenant July 1, 1856 ; Captain Aug. 6, 1861; Major July 3, 1863. Brig. -General U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1861 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Nov. 7, 1863. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Army Jan. 2, 1862, " for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Stone River, Tenn ; " Colonel Sept. 20, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga.;" Brig. General June 17, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services at the assault on Petersburg, Va , where he was killed." Killed June 17, 1864, in the assault on Petersburg, Va. 2016. John Hassinger Murphy Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10410. Born Dec. 25, 1857, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 25, 1897, at Wilmington, Del. 263 Eligibility of nieinbership derived from John Gamble Murphy, Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Nov. 6, 1862; resigned Dec. 8, 1864. First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Volunteers Nov. 25, 1864 ; honor- ably mustered out Oct. 9, 1865. Brevetted Captain U. S. Volunteers Oct. 6, 1865, " for faithful and meritor- ious services." Died Nov. 6, 1878, at Philadelphia, Pa. 2017. S.\MUEL ASHME.'iD ROHRER Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10411. Eligibility of membership derived from Benjamin Rohrer, Major and Surgeon 89th Penna. Infantry (10th Reserve) July HI, 1861 ; honorably mustered out June 11, 1864. Brevetted L/ieut.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the Wilderness Campaign, Va." Died June 15, 1875, at Philadelphia, Pa. 2018. Chari^es Frederick Seeger Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10412. Eligibility of membership derived from Roland Seeger, First Lieutenant 15th Penna. Cavalry Oct. 30, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 27, 1863. Died April 7, 1876, at Philadelphia, Pa. 2019. Edward Potts Rockhill First Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army Jan. 9. 1901. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10413. Eligibilitv of membership derived from William Potts Rockhill, Jr., Private 15th Penna. Cavalrv Aug. 14, 1862; Corporal Oct 30, 1862 ; Sergeant Nov. 1, 1862 ; First Sergeant Dec. 31, 1862 ; discharged for promotion March 1, 1863. First Lieutenant 15lh Penna. Cavalry March 1, 1863 ; Captain May 8, 1863 ; resigned and honorably discharged Julv 29, 1864. Died Sept. 27, 1882, at Philadelphia, Pa. 2020. John Marston Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 1 by Inheritance. Insignia 10414. Eligibility of membership derived from John Marston, Midshipman U. S. Navy April 15, 1813 ; Passed Midshipman , 1823; Lieutenant Jan. 13, 1825; Commander Sept. 8, 1841; Captain Sept. 14, 1855 ; Captain (retired list) Dec. 21, 1861 ; Commodore (retired list) July 16, 1862; Rear Admiral (retired list) Feb. — , 1881. Died April 8, 1885, at Philadelphia, Pa. 2021. George Francis Wright Eldest son of Companion Captain Edward S. Wright. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 2. Insignia 10415. 2022. John Walcott Thompson Eldest son of Companion Colonel J. Milton Thompson. Elected Feb. 7, 1894. Class 2. Insignia 10416. 2023. Franki,in Howard Barnhart Private 6th Penna. Infantry April 21, 1861 ; mustered out July 26, 1861. Corporal 56th Penna. Infantry Aug. 19, 1861 ; Regimental Sergeant- Major March 1, 1864 ; discharged for promotion Nov. 25, 1864. First Lieutenant 50ih Penna. Infantry Sept. 24, 1864 ; Captain March 2, 1865 ; honorably mustered out July 30, 1865 Second Lieutenant 25th U. S. Infantrv June 18, 1867; transferred to 18th Infantry April 26, 1869 ; First Lieutenant'june 30, 1877 ; retired June 16, 1890. Elected June 24, 1886. Class 1. Insignia 4807. Transferred from Commanderv of Kansas April 15, 1894. Born May 16, 1840, at Pottsvil'le, Pa. Died Nov. 28, 1896, at Morgantown, N. C. 264 2024. Norman von Heii4 ; Lieutenant July 2, 1840; Commander Sept. 14, 1855; Captain Aug. 29, 1862; retired Dec. 24' 1865. Enrolled by special Resolution July 16, 1866. Class 1. Insignia (not issued). Born Oct. 13, 1809, at Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 16, 1866, at Cape May, N. J. Daniel Bowley Ridgely Midshipman U. S. Navy April 1, 1828 ; Passed Midshipman June 14, 1834 ; Lieutenant Sept. 10, 1840 ; Commander Sept. 14, 1855 ; Captain Nov. 16, 1862; Commodore July 25, 1866. Enrolled by special Resolution May 5, 1808. Class 1. Insignia (not issued). Born Oct. 19, 1812, at Lexington, Ky. Died May 5, 1868, at Philadelphia, Pa. 307 Companions of the Third Class of the Comniandery. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Died Dec. 24, 1869. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Died Feb. 11, 1878. Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasurj-, Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Died May 7, 1878. Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice-President of the United States. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Died July 4, 1891. Hon. LaFavette S. Foster. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Died Sept. 19, 1880. Hon. Andrew G. Curtin, War Governor of Pennsylvania. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Died Oct. 7, 1894. Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Died Oct. 10, 1872. Hon. John A. Andrew, War Governor of Massachusetts. Elected Oct. 4, 1865. Died Oct. 27, 1867. Hon. William Sprague, War Governor of Rhode Island. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Hon. Horace Binney. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Died Aug. 12, 1875. Hon William M. Meredith. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Died Aug. 17, 1873. Alex. D. Bache, Superintendent U. S. C. and G. Survey. Elected Nov. 1, 1865. Died Feb. 17, 1867. Henrv E. Keene, Esq. Elected Jan. 3, 1866. Died June 23, 1875. Joseph W. Johnson, Esq. Elected Jan. 3, 1866. Died Sept. 21, 1873. Benito Juarez, President of the Republic of Mexico. Elected Feb. 7, 1866. Died July 18, 1872. Cornelius R. Agnew, M.D. Elected Feb. 12, 1866. Died April 18, 1888. Theodore Roosevelt, Esq. Elected Feb. 12, 1866. Died Feb. 9, 1878. Reverend Matthew Simpson, D.D. Elected March 7, 1866. Died June 18, 1884. Samuel B. Fales, Esq. Elected Aug. 29, 1866. Died Sept. 14, 1880. Brevec Major-General Robert F. Stockton, Adjutant-General vState of New Jersey. Elected April 3, 1867. Died May 5, 1898. Captain Henrv B. Nones, U. S. R. M. Elected July 3, 1867. Died Aug. 21, 1868. First Lieutenant Robert S. Ralston, U. S. R. M. Elected July 3, 1867. Died Aug. 26, 1884. John H. Shoenberger, Esq. Elected Dec. 4, 1867. Died Nov. 12, 1889. John B. Parker, Esq. Elected April 1, 1868. Died Aug. 17, 1888. Hon. Richard S. Field. Elected Oct. 14, 1868. Died May 21, 1870. William H. Pancoast, M.D. Elected April 7, 1869. Died Jan. 5, 1897. Hon. Joel Parker, War Governor of New Jersey. Elected Oct. 20, 1886. Died Jan. 2, 1888. Edwin N. Benson, Esq. Elected Oct. 19, 1887. 308 Companions of the Commandery who have paid the commutation fee, and are exempt from dues in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws Art. VI, Sec. 3. Colonel William B. Royall . Commodore John P. Gillis . First Lieutenant Franklin D. Howell . Mr. Samuel B. Fales .... Brevet Major-General G. Pennypacker Medical Director John Y. Taylor Colonel James H. Jones Captain Richard S. Howell . Brevet Major General Robert F. Stockton First Lieutenant John F. Denniston . Brevet Major-General Hector Tyndale First Lieutenant Duncan Sherman Brevet Brig. -General E. Burd Grubb . Acting Ensign Persifor Frazer Mr. FrancisE. Patterson Mr. William W. Powell Rear-Admiral George W. Melville . Paid Dec. 2, 1868. Dead. " March 17, 1868. Dead. . " July 2, 1868. " Sept. 10, 1866. Class 3. Dead. " March 14, 1868. " Jan. 2.5, 1869. " Jan. 7, 1868. Dead. " Dec. 2, 1868. Dead " April 7, 1867. Class 3. Dead " Jan. 22, 1868. Dead " Nov. 17, 1868. Dead " June 21, 1869. Dead " Nov. 7, 1870. . " July 1, 1884. " March 4, 1885. Class 2. . " Feb. 8, 1889. Inheritance. " Oct. 4, 1892. Companions of the Commandery whose membership has ceased, since transferred to other Commanderies. 244. Brevet Major-General John B. Mcintosh, U. S. Army. Elected April 25, 1866. Class 1. Insignia 272. Transferred to Commandery of New York Oct. 6, 1880. Resigned May 2, 1883. 368. Brevet Brig. -General James J. Dana, U. S. Army. Elected Feb. 6, 1867. Class 1. Insignia 446. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Nov. 1, 1884. Resigned Jan. 4, 1893. 580. Lieut.-Colonel George W. Wallace, U. S. Army. Elected May 6, 1868. Class 1. Insignia 758. Transferred to Commandery of New York April 22, 1882. Resigned May 7, 1884. 776. Brevet Brig. -General George W. Bowie, U. S. Volunteers. Elected April 12, 1871. Class 1. Insignia 1282 Transferred to Commandery of California May 3, 1871 — Charter member. Dropped from roll Nov. 29, 1892. 787. Brevet Brig. -General Duncan S. Walker, U. S. Volunteers. Elected May 1, 1872 Class 1. Insignia 1402. Transferred'to Commandery of District of Columbia Jan. 3, 1883. Dropped from roll March 2, 1887. 844. First Lieutenant Edward DeC. Loud, 2d Penna. Heavy Artillery. Elected May 3, 1876. Class 1. Insignia 1720 (returned by purchase) Transferred to Commandery of Illinois Nov. 1, 1883. Dropped from roll May 10," 1888. 986. Brig.-General Green B. Raum, U. S. Volunteers. Elected Jan. 11, 1882. Class 1. Insignia 2296. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia Feb. 1, 1882- Charter member. Dropped from roll April 4, 1901. 309 Companions of the Commandery who have resigned in accordance with the Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 1. 29. Admiral David D. Porter, U. S. Navy. Jan. 14, 1880. Insignia 29, returned. 160. Captain James A. Greer, U. S. Navy. Nov. 10, 1880. Insignia 160, returned. 180. Rear Admiral Oliver S. Glisson, U. S. Navy. Jan. 14, 1880. Insignia 180, returned. 190. Brevet Brig.-General Charles L. Kilburn, U. S. Army. Dec. o, 1866. Insignia 190, not returned {void). 258. Brevet Lieut-Colonel Frank M. Etting, U. S. Army. Jan. 14, 1880. Insignia 286, returned. 352. Rear Admiral James L. Lardner, U. S. Navy. Jan. 14, 1880. Insignia 425, returned. 427. Captain Joseph Kerin, U. S. Army. Nov. 10, 1880. Insignia 508, returned. 476. Major Edward P. Pearson, Jr., U. S. Army. Dec. 1. 1880. Insignia 567, returned. 498. Rear Admiral Thomas O. Selfridge, U. S. Navy. Nov. 10, 1880. Insignia 610, returned. 649. Commander George M. Bache, U. S. Navy. Nov. 11, 1882. Insignia 913, returned. 696. Paymaster Charles W. Slamm, U. S. Navy. June 16, 1890. Insignia 1012, not returned {void). 806. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Louis J. Ladner, 98th Penna. Infantry. Maj' 6, 1885. Insignia 1531, returned. 815. First Lieutenant Albert H. O'Brien, late U. S. Marine Corps. Nov. 2, 1881. Insignia 1577 {not issued). 1126. Lieutenant George T. Emmons, U. S. Navy. Inheritance. May 4, 1898. Insignia 3414, returned. 1304. First Lieutenant Frederick R. Kent, 3d Penna. Heavy Artillery. Feb. 10, 1897. Insignia 5497, returned. 1438. Private Harry E. Garsed, 95th Penna. Infantry. Inheritance. Oct. 2, 1900. Insignia 6478, returned. 1624. Henr)- A. Macomb. Inheritance. Nov. 6, 1895. Insignia 7881, not returned [void). 1689. William M. Camac. In Succession. Feb. 5, 1902. Insignia 8255, returned. 310 Companions of the Comraandery who have been dropped from the roll in accordance with the Constitution, Art. XV, Sec. 3, "Having neglected or refused after due notice to pay their arrears." 4. Captain Franklin B. Gilbert, 91st Penna. Infantry. Insignia 4, returned by purchase. 7. Lieut. -Colonel Charles Parham, l29th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 7, not returned {void ). 9. Captain Vincent P. Donelly, 61st Penna. Infantry. Insignia 9, not returned [void). 10. Brevet Lieut. -Colonel John M. KoUock, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 10, not returned [void ). 13. Asst. Surgeon John H. Austin, U. S. Navy. Insignia 13, not returned [void). 18. Captain Elias W. Shertz, 196th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 18 {not issued). 19. Captain Theodore H. Peters, 82d Penna. Infantrj'. Insignia 19 {not issued ) . 25. Captain Charles F. Hulse, 121st Penna. Infantry. Insignia 25 {not issued). 42. Acting Asst. Paymaster George W. GrifBn, U. S. Navy. Insignia 42 {not issued ). 66. Brevet Major Edwin E. vSellers, U. S. Array. Insignia 66 {not issued). 68. Captain John S. Crawford, 114th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 68, fiot returned {void). 69. Captain William Brian, 32d Penna. Infantry. Insignia 69, not returned {void). 72. Brevet Brig. -General Henry A. Frink, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 72, not returned {void). 73. Captain George D. Stroud, 20th Penna. Cavalry. Insignia 73, not returned {void). 80. Major Isar C Lawver, 6th U. S. Veteran Infantry. Insignia 80, not returned {void ). 105. Colonel John W. Kester, 1st New Jersey Cavalry. Insignia 105, not returned [void). 107. Lieut. -Colonel Thomas F. B. Tapper, 33d Penna. Infantry. Insignia 107, not returned {void ). 117. Brevet Brig. -General David Vickers, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 117, not returned ( void). 139. Lieut. Commander John S. Barnes, U. S. Navy. Insignia 139, not returned {void i. 157. Captain Gustavus V, Fox, U. S. Navy. Insignia 157 {not issued). 311 162. Brevet Brig. -General Philip P. Brown, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 1<52, not rediriied {void). 179. Medical Director George Maulsby, U. S. Navy. Insignia 179, not returtied {void ). 188. Major George P. Houston, U. S. Marine Corps. Insignia 188, not returned {void). 196. Brevet Major-General Edward M. McCook, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 196, not returned [void). 204. Captain Nicholas Baggs, 112th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 204, not returned {void). 209. Second Lieutenant George Janney 198th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 209, not returned {void). 241. Lieut. -Commander Antonie De Reilhe McNair, U. S. Navy. Insignia 269, not returned {void). 247. Brevet Major George B. Newton, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 275, not returned {void). 249. Captain William Shields, Veteran Reserve Corps. Insignia 277 not issued). 250. First Lieutenant Sewall H. Brown, U. S. Army. Insignia 278, ttot returned {void). 252. Second Lieutenant William G. Button, 67th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 280 {not issued). 254. Brevet Brig. -General James L. Selfridge, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 282, returned by purchase. 256. Second Lieutenant William E. Bayley, 9th Illinois Cavalry. Insignia 284 [not issued ). 261. Brevet Major Henry Bowman, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 289 {not issued). 262. Major William H. Taggart, Surgeon 2d Penna. Cavalr>% Insignia 290 {not issued). 265. Captain Alexander Lawrie, 121st Penna. Infantry. Insignia 293, not returned {void) . 267. Colonel Henni- L. Cake, 96th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 295, not returned {void). 278. Commander Thomas H. Eastman, U. S. Navy. Insignia 306, not returned {void). 284. Pay Director James D. Murray, U. S. Navy. Insignia 312, not returned {void) . 291. Brevet Major George W. Hammersley, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 319, ?iot returned {void). 317. First Lieutenant William M. Benton, 9th Illinois Infantry. Insignia 360, not returned {void). 322. Pay Director Calvin C. Jackson, U. S. Navy. Insignia 372, not returned {void). 312 335. Lieut. -Colonel Jacob H. Dewees, 13th Penna. Cavalry. Insignia 385, vot returned [void). 365. Brevet Colonel J. Lee Englebert, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 438, returned by purchase. 385. Brevet Major John Craig, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 465, not rcturni d [void ). 387. Major George H. Hill, 55th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 467, 7iot returned {void) . 398. Major Hugh O. Roberts. 95th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 478, not returned [void. ). 412. Captain Charles Mcllvaine, 97th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 492, returned. 415. Captain Henry F. Dix, 16th Vermont Infantry. Insignia 495, not retuyned [ void). 416. Major William H. White, 22d Iowa Infantry. Insignia 496, not returned [void). 417. Captain Correl Smith, 19th Ohio Infantry. Insignia 497, not returned [void). 431. Brevet Brig. -General DeWitt C. Baxter, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 512, not returned {void). 436. Acting First Asst. Engineer T. C Brecht, U. S. Navy. Insignia 517, nut returned {I'oid). 437. First Lieutenant John W. Haverstick, 36th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 518 {not issued). 448. Rear Admiral Gustavus H Scott, U. S. Navy. Insignia 539, not returned [void). 463. First Lieutenant and Adjt. William D. Luckenbach, 202d Penna. Infantry, Insignia 554, 7iut returned [void). 468. Captain William V. Spencer, 1st Washington Infantry. Insignia 559, not returned {void). 470. Captain John C. Anderson, 1st Colorado Cavalry. Insignia 561, not returned {void). 472. First Lieutenant J. Wilson Dewitt. Asst. Surgeon 17th Penna. Cavalry. Insignia 563, not returned {void). 505. Captain Edward P. Boas, 22d Illinois Infantry. Insignia 617, not returned {void ). 512. Brevet Major-General John W. Davidson, U. S. Army. Insignia 644, not returned {void). 517. First Lieutenant Harry H. Link, late U. S. Army, Insignia 649, not returned {void). 555. Lieut. -Colonel Augustus P. Dner, 97th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 697, not returned {void). 569. Captain Enno F. Wenckebach, U. S. Army. Insignia 711, not retmmed {void). 313 571. Lieut. -Colonel Benjamin F. Hutchins, 1st New Hampshire Cavalry. Insignia 71B, not relumed {void). 574. Captain Eniniet Crawford, U. S. Array. Insignia 716, tioi returned {void). 590. Major Lucien L. Dawson, U. S. Marine Corps. Insignia 768, returtied by purchase. 624. First Lieutenant Edwin L. Tevis, 6th Penna. Cavalr}-. Insignia 880, not returtied {void). 641. Captain Joseph P. Fyffe, U. S. Navy. Insignia 905, not returned {void). 645. Acting Volunteer Lieut.-Commander Edward Conroy, U. S. Navy. Insignia 909, not returned {void). 652. Acting Ensign James D, Moore, U. S. Navy. Insignia 916, not returned {void). 671. Major Charles E. Goddard, Surgeon U. S. Army. Insignia 964, not returned {vojd). 674. Captain James H. Spencer, U. S. Army. Insignia 967, ttot returned {void) . 679. Lieut.-Commander Benjamin L. Edes, U. vS. Navy. Insignia 972, not returned {void ). 689. Brevet Colonel Hendric M. F. V. Stamp, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 998, not returned {void). 704. First Lieutenant Charles H. Shepard, U. S. Army. Insignia 1042, not returned {void ). 735. Lieutenant George W. Young, 4th New York Heavy Artillery. Insignia 1129, not returned {void). 743. Captain Charles C. Goddard, U. S. Army. Insignia 1183 {not issued). 750. Captain William Krause, U. S. Army. Insignia 1199, not returned {void). 756. First Lieutenant Richard R. Neill, U. S. Marine Corps. Insignia 1237, returtied by purchase. 762. Lieut. -Colonel Charles L'Hommedieu Long, 35th Ohio Infantry. Insignia 1254, not returtied {void). 780. Lieut.-Colonel Frank Reeder, 80th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 1304, returned. 781. Captain Howard J. Reeder, 153d Penna. Infantry. Insignia 1305, not returtied {void). 795. First Lieutenant Charles T. Baroux, 119th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 1473 {not issued). 798. Colonel Thomas J. Town, 95th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 1484, not returned {void). 799. Colonel Frederick E. Embick, 106th New York Infantry. Insignia 1485, not returned {void). 314 820. Major and Surgeon David H. Bartine, 114th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 1607 [not issued). 846, Captain John W. Haseltine, 2d Penna. Cavalry. Insignia 1722, not relumed {void). 862. Captain Edwin H. Nevin, Jr., Battery H Penna. Light Artillery. Insignia 1796, not returned (void ). 864. Major Frank T. Bennett, U. S. Army. Insignia 1816, not returned {void ). 890. First Lieutenant Aaron Lazarus, 28th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 1986, not returned (void). 891. First Lieutenant Thomas H. Mumford, 2d Penna. Heavy Artillery. Insignia 1987, not returned (void). 950. Lieut. -Commander Henry C. White, late U. S. Navy. Insignia 2233, not returned (void). 952. Mr. Jacob C. Davis. Class 2. Insignia 2235, not returned Sz'oid ). 969. Mr. Richard St. John C. L. Bennett. Inheritance. Insignia 2263, not returned (z'oid). 977. Major Theophilus Gaines, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 2287, not returned (void). 992. Captain Charles L. Atlee, 121st Penna. Infantry. Insignia 2337, not returned (void). 998. Brig.-General Thomas A. Rowley, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 2343, not returned (void). 1014. Captain John R. White, 118th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 2447, not returned (void). 1019, Mr, Henry T. Rowley. Class 2. Insignia 2452, not returned (void ). 1051. Captain Henry C. Wagner, 54th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 2641, not returned (void ). 1064. Major Louis D, Radzinsky, Surgeon U. S. Colored Troops. Insignia 2746, not returned (void). 1070, Mr. Henry W. Lansing. Inheritance. Insignia 2752, not returned (void). 1086, Captain Theodore K. Vogel, 198th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 2943, not returned (void ). 1089. Major Jacob Wagner, 48th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 2946, not returned (void). 1100. Sergeant Joseph M. Lowry, 78th Penna. Infantry. Inheritance, Insignia 3094, 7iot returned (void). 1107. Lieutenant George B, Wight, 1st New Jersey Infantry. Insignia 3228, not returned (void). 1121. Captain Thomas W. Manchester, 97th U. S. Colored Infantry. lusigniai'i'i^O'd, not returned (void). 315 1131. First Lieutenant Henry W. Gaskill, llith New Jersey Infantry. Insignia 3591, not returfied {void). 1160. First Lieutenant William Gable, 1 01st U. S. Colored Troops. Insignia 4165, not returned (void). 1184. Brevet Major Benjamin F. Hean, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 4411, not returned {void). 1195. Captain Samuel Mercer, U. vS. Marine Corps. Inheritance. Insignia 4422, not returned {void). 1223. Major Joseph A. Wolf, Surgeon 29th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 4675, not returned {void). 1225. Mr. Alonzo P. Douglass. Inheritance. Insignia 4677, not returned {void). 1242. Acting Asst. Paymaster Lynford Lardner, U. S. Navy. Insignia 4948, not returned {void ). 1256. Lieutenant Henry G. Williams, 1st U. S. Colored Troops. Insignia 4962, not returned {void). 1314. Captain William DeS. Stauffer, 195th Penua. Infantry. Insignia 5507, tiot returned {void). 1321. Mr. William G. Thomson. Class 2; Insignia 5514, not returned {void). 1354. Mr. Henry- S. Woodhull. Class 2. Insignia 5745, not returried {void). 1357. First Lieut, and Adjutant Clement A. White, 8th Penna. Cavalry. Insignia 4141, not returned {void ). 1402. Major William S. Moorhead, 76th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 6263, not returned {void). 1405. First Lieutenant William B. E. Miller, 143d Illinois Infantry. Insignia 6266, not returned {void). 1416. Mr. Alfred Weeks, Jr. Class 2. Insignia 6277, not returned {void). 1476. Captain Walter A. Barrows, 115th U. S. Colored Troops. Insignia 7049, not returned {void). 1484. Major Abraham P. Frick, Surgeon 103d Penna. Infantry. Insignia 7057, not returned {void). 1507. Mr. Herbert A. Davis. In Succession. Insignia 7080, not returned {void). 1528. Captain Owen B. MacKnight, 9th Penna. Cavalry. Insignia 7343, not returned {void), 1549. Mr. Henry B. Goodwin. Class 2. Insignia 7364, not returned {void ). 1564. Captain Samuel A. Craig, 105th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 7636, not returned {void). 1594. Mr. Frank F. Grugan. In Succession. Insignia 7666, returned. 316 1625. Mr. James R. Rodgers. Inheritance. Insignia 7882, not returjied {z'oid). 1628. CorporalWm. H.Shelmire, Independent Co. ,Penna. Cavalry. Inheritance. Insignia 7885, not returned [I'oid). 1675. First Lieutenant Thomas Munroe, 28th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 8227, not returned {x'oid ). 1682. Mr. Thomas C. Harris. Inheritance. Insignia 8249, not returned {z'oid). 1714. Captain Charles D. Rhodes, 5th Penna. Heavy Artillery. Insignia 8464, not returned {z'oid). 1722. Mr. William K. Jones. Inheritance. Insignia 8472, not returned [z'oid). 1743. First Lieut, and Adjutant Daniel H. Heitshu, 122d Penna. Infantry. Insignia 8748, not returned {void). 1746. Captain George A. Knight, 188th Ohio Infantry. Insignia 8751, not returned {void). 1774. Mr. Justus Dunott. In Succession. Insignia 8781, not returned {void). 1784. Mr. Charles A. Wishart Class 2. Insignia 8791, not returned {void). 1785. Mr. Warren R. Yerkes. Class 2 Insignia 8792, 7iot returned {void). 1788. First Lieut, and Adjutant Alpheus Beall, 4th West Virginia Infantry. Insignia 8967, not returned {void ). 1828. Lieutenant Frederick E. Boden, 117th New York Infantry. Insignia 9268, not returned {void). 1853. Mr. Beverley R. Keim. Inheritance. Insignia 9293, not returned [void). 1862. Mr. John R. White, Jr. Class 2. Insignia 9302, not returned {void). 1885. Mr. Alfred G. Clay. Inheritance. Insignia 9511, not returned {void ). 1894. Mr. William D. Orr. In Succession. Insignia 9520, not returned {void ). 1898. Mr. Edwin S. Potter. Class 2. Insignia 9524, not returned {void). 1923. Mr. Richard T. Leaf. Inheritance. Insignia 9784, not returned {void). 1930. Mr. John A. Bechtel. Class 2 Insignia 9791, tiot returned {void). 1941. Captain John W. Kreps, 77th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 9975, not returned {void). 1951. Mr. John B. Cunningham. In Succession. Insignia 9985, not returned {void). 317 1954. Mr. James P. Williams. Class 2. Insignia 9988, not returned [z'oid). 2003. Brevet Captain William M. Everhart, U. S. Volunteers. Insignia 10897, not returned [z'oid). 2034. Mr. John Pleasants. Inheritance. Insignia 10531, 7iot returned {z'oid). 2068. First Lieutenant Edward F. Curtis, 3d Rhode Island Heavy Artillery Insignia lOSHl, not returned [void). 2086, Mr. Martin E. Benson. Inheritance. Insignia 10882, not returned (void). 2130. Captain Jacob F. Kreps, U. S. Army. Class 2. Insignia 11173, not returned {z'oid). 2172. Mr. Thomas R. Dibble. Class 2. Insignia 11547, not returned (z'oid). 2247. Captain Hugh A. Ayres, 78th Penna. Infantry. Insignia 12228, not returned {void). Companions of the Conimandery who have withdrawn in accord- ance with the Constitution (1865-1881), Art. VII, Sec. 2. 15. Lieut. -Colonel Francis H. Reichard, 188th Penna. Infantry, . Insignia 15, 7iot retiirtied {void). 189. Brevet Major-General George H. Crosman, Jr., U. S. Army, April 10, 1873. Insignia 189, 7iot returned {void). 210. Chaplain John J. Pomeroy, 198th Penna. Infantry, May 6, 1868. Insignia 210, )iot returned {void) 238. Commodore John B. Marchand, U. vS. Navy, Maj- 5, 1871. Insignia 266, not returned {void). 336. Medical Director Gustavus R. B. Horner, U. S. Navy, Nov. 4, 1868. Insignia 401, not returned {void). 393. Lieutenant E. Rittenhouse Miller (retired), U. S. Marine Corps, Nov. 16, 1874. Insignia 473, not returned {void). Companion of the Commandery who has been disenroUed. 348. Asst. Surgeon George S. Fife, U. S. Navv. Dropped from the U. S. Navy Dec. 31, 1867. Insignia 413 {not issued). Companion of the Commandery whose membership was forfeited. Resolution of the Commandery Nov. 1, 1871. 714. Brevet Brig. -General Richard N. Bowerman, U. S. Volunteers. 318 • Companions of the Commandery who have been expelled in accordance with the Constitution, Art. IX, Sec. 3. 855. Surgeon William Johnson, Jr., U. S. Navy. Dismissed from U. S Navy Feb. 19, 1870. Insignia 428 [not issued). 358. Paymaster George R. Watkins, U. S. Navy. Dismissed from U. S. Navy June 13, 1888. Insignia 431, not returned {void). 421. Lieut. -Commander John H. Rowland, U. S. Navy. Dismissed from U. S Navy Sept. 10, 1873. Insignia 502, ?iot returned {void). 464. Brevet Major Henry Inman, U. S. Army. Cashiered from' U. S. Army July 24, 1872. Insignia 555 [void). 686. Captain Alexander Sutorius, U. S. Army. Dismissed from U. S. Army Sept. 25, 1876. Insignia 995, not returned [void). 765. Captain William McC. Netterville, U. S. Army. Deserted from U. S. Army June 2, 1876. Insignia 1271, not returned {void). 783. Captain George T. Robinson, U. S. Army. Cashiered from U. S. Army April 15, 1875. Insignia 1347, not returned {void). ROLL OF COMMANDERIES. 1. Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Instituted April 15, 1865. Headquarters Philadelphia, Pa. 2. Commandery of the State of New York, Instituted Jan. 17, 1866. Headquarters New York City. 3. Commander}' of the State of Maine. Instituted April 25, 1866. Headquarters Portland, Me, 4. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts. Instituted March 4, 1868. Headquarters Boston, Mass. 5. Commandery of the State of California. Instituted April 12, 1871. Headquarters San Francisco, Cal. 6. Commandery of the State of Wisconsin. Instituted May 15, 1874. Headquarters Milwaukee, Wis, 7. Commandery of the State of Illinois Instituted May 8, 1879. Headquarters Chicago, 111. 319 8. Commandery of the District of Columbia. Instituted Feb. 1. 1882. Headquarters Washington, D. C. 9. Commandery of the State of Ohio. Instituted May 3, 1882 Headquarters Cincinnati, O. 10. Commandery of the State of Michigan. Instituted Feb. 4, 1885. Headquarters Detroit, Mich. 11. Commandery of the State of Minnesota. Instituted May 6, 188o Headquarters St. Paul, Minn. 12. Commandery of the State of Oregon. Instituted May 6, 1885. Headquarters Portland, Ore. 13. Commandery of the vState of Missouri. Instituted Oct. 21, 1885. Headquarters St. Louis, Mo. 14. Commandery of the State of Nebraska. Instituted Oct. 21, 1885. Headquarters Omaha, Neb. 15. Commandery of the State of Kansas. Instituted April 22, 1886. Headquarters Leavenworth, Kan. 16. Commandery of the State of Iowa. Instituted Oct. 20, 1886. Headquarters Des Moines, Iowa. 17. Commanderv of the State of Colorado. Instituted June 1, 1887 Headquarters Denver, Col. 18. Commanderv of the State of Indiana. Instituted Oct. 17, 1888. Headquarters Indianapolis, Ind 19. Commandery of the State of Washington. Instituted Jan. 14, 1891. Headquarters Tacoma, Wash. 20. Commanderv of the State of Vermont. Instituted Oct. 14, 1891. Headquarters Burlington, Vt. Commanderv-in-Chief. Instituted Oct. 21, 1885. Headquarters Philadelphia, Pa. 320 CONGRESSES OF THE ORDER. First Quadrennial Congress of Second Second Adjourned Third Quadrennial Fourth " Fifth Sixth Seventh " Eighth Adjourned Ninth Quadrennial the Order, Philadelphia, April 9, 1869. " 1.5, 1873. New York, Dec. 10, 1873. " " Boston April 11, 1877. Philadelphia, " 13, 1881. Chicago, " 15, 188-5. Cincinnati, " 10, 1889. St. Paul, " 12, 1893. " Detroit, June 2, 1897. " Washington, April 10, 1901. INDEX PAGE Abbey, Joseph Nicholson 80 Abbot, Charles Wheaton, Jr 222 Abbott, David Bast 257 Abbott, Robert Adams 225 Abbott, Walter 72 Abercrombie, William Ralph 141 Able, Augustus Henry 260 Able, Augustus Henry, Jr 278 Ackley, John Bolton 57 Adams, Harry Francis Eaton 304 Agnew, Benjamin Lashells 273 Agnew, Cornelius Rea 24 Aiken, John 244 Albright, Charles 60 Aldeu, James 11 AUeman, Hiram Clay 101 Allen, Edward Jay...'. 145 Allen, Harrison 170 Allen, Harrison, Jr 283 Allen, Ralph Wheelock Pomeroy... 34 Allen, William Harrison 295 Allen, William Her\-ey 247 Allison, Henry Willard 273 Ames, Sullivan Dorr 83 Ammen, Daniel 33 Amsden, Fred. Joel 229 Amweg, Frederick James 251 Anderson, Alexander Hopkins 294 Anderson, David Miller 255 Anderson, Thomasjohns 282 Audrade, Cipriano 195 Andrade, Cipriano, Jr 273 Andres, Hiram 213 Andrew, John Albion 9 Appleton, John William Messer 123 Archambavilt, Victor Ellis, Jr. 275 Armor, William Crawford 229 Arthur, Elliott John 107 Artnian, Enos Reeser 165 Asch, Myer 102 Ashbrook, Joseph 178 Ashbrook, William Sinclair..... 244 Ashhurst, Richard Lewis 138 Ashton, Frank Marion 154 Ashton, Thomas Jefferson 112 Atkinson, Louis Evans 91 Atkinson, William Lewis 208 Attwood, Cornelius Gilbert 69 Audenried, Joseph Crain 105 PAGE Augur, Christopher Colon 24 Aulick, Richmond 36 Awl, Francis Asbury, Jr 299 Awl, John Weslej- 1.54 Ayers, Samuel Loring Percival 217 Aj'res, Charles Greenlief 238 Aj-res, Chaunce)' Percival 234 Ayres, Robert 202 Babcock, Allen Harwood 217 Babcock, Heman Potter 85 Bache, Alexander Dallas 14 Bacon, Albert Williamson 47 Baer, George Frederick 244 Bailie, William Lamdin 261 Baker, Theodore Sylvaies Snyder... 178 Balch, George Beall 72 Ball, Wallace Michel Boyd 183 Banes, Charles Henry 146 Banes, Robert Coleman 278 Banes, Warner Johnson 228 Bankson, John Palmer 92 Barber. Theodore Strong 284 Barclay, Charlesjames 217 Barker, Eben Francis 170 Barker, William Wardle 208 Barnard, Daniel Paddock 264 Barney, George Franklin 262 Barnhart, Franklin Howard 263 Barr, Jacob Eby., 112 Barr, William Miller 235 Barrows, George Shattuck 252 Barrows, William Eliot 239 Barth, Charles George 34 Bartleman, Richard Milne 134 Barton, George De Forest 59 Bates, Caleb 123 Bates, Joshua Hall 123 Baum, William Theodore 277 Bausman, Edwin Wickerham 268 Baylor, Thomas Gregory- 213 Beale, Clifford Southgate 303 Beale, James Hervey 301 Beale, Joseph 216 Bean, Theodore Weber 134 Bean, William Heebner 169 Beath, Robert Burns 165 Beaumont, Eugene Beauharnais 138 Beaver, David R 213 PAGE Beaver, James Addams 165 Bechtel, Henry Horace 240 Beck, Charles Augustus 265 Beebe, William Sully 45 Beidelman, William 265 Bell, Charles Dutilh 129 Bell, Edmund Hayes 145 Bell, Samuel .' lOH Bell, Samuel, Jr 190 Beudire, Charles Kmil 147 Benet, Stephen Vincent 126 Bennett, Frank Taylor 22 Benson, Edwin North 182 Benson, Harvey Wilfred 142 Benson, Richard Dale 120 Benson, Richard Dale, Jr 297 Benyaurd, William Henry Harrison. 170 Benzon, John Lewis 202 Bernard, George Alexander 108 Berry, Caspar Moffitt 3 Betts, Benjamin Franklin, Jr 197 Betts, Charles Malone 139 Bevin, Abner Averv 160 Biddle, Alexander' 186 Biddle, Alexander Williams 194 Biddle, James Cornell 152 Biddle, Spencer Fullerton Baird 160 Biddle, Walter Livingston Cochrane 157 Biddle, William Foster 165 Bigelow, John 174 Bigger, Matthew 234 Biggs, Frank King 201 Biggs. Herman 139 Bingham, Gonzalez Sidney 145 Bingham, Henry Harrison 60 Bingham, Judson David 109 Binney, Horace, Sr 18 Birch, Milton 802 Bird, Charles.. 38 Bird, Charles Moody 301 Bird, Francis Joseph 253 Bishop, Albert Webb 77 Bishop, William Thomas 800 Bissinger, Philip 244 Blackwood, Norman Jerome 291 Blair, John Chalmers 228 Blair, John Milton 136 Blake, George Alexander Hamilton 79 Blanchard, Joseph Nathaniel 228 Bland, Daniel Webster 218 Bly, David 276 Blye, Harry Clay 5 Boggs, Charles Stuart 72 Bohannan, Daniel 285 Bohannan, Thomas 208 Boland, Frederick 128 Bolton, William Jordan 208 Bonnaffon, Edmund Walters 284 Bonnaffou, Ferdinand Victor 228 PAGE Bonnaffon, Samuel Ashton 244 Bonnaffon, Sylvester, Jr 115 Boone, William Kennedy 262 Booz, Albert 171 Booz, Albert Detre 228 Borchers, Lyman Taft 269 Boring, Edwin McCurdy 202 Borthwick, J. Livingston Dinwiddie 97 Bosbyshell, Nathan Stem 174 Bosbyshell, Oliver Christian 123 Boudinot, Wm. Bradford Stockton.. 58 Boughton, John Weslej^ 285 Bo wen, Edward Roscoe 182 Bowen, Edward Roscoe, Jr 290 Bowen, George Altheus 272 Bowen, John Buck 188 Bovd, Augustus 46 Boyd, Carlile 84 Boyd, Guv Mortimer 238 Boyd, Joseph Fulton 190 Boyd, William Henry 229 Boyer, Samuel Patterson 295 Boyer, Samuel Pellman 59 Boyer, Zaccur Prall 202 Boyer, Zaccur Prall, J r 268 Boyle, Edward Melville 290 Boyle, John Richards 264 Bradfield, George Milton 258 Bradford, James Hey ward 138 Bradford, Joseph Morgan 64 Bradley, Luther Prentice 110 Brady, William Henry 191 Breck, George 186 Breed, Henrv Atwood 195 Breese, Edward Yard 292 Brewer, Edwin Parker 164 Brewertou, Henry Feltus 84 Brice, Singleton Mercer 228 Brice, William Howard 87 Bricker, John Randolph 218 Bricker, Peter Dock 266 Bridge, Horatio 25 Briggs, Frank Obadiah 169 Brinckl6, John Rumsey 273 Brinton, Daniel Garrison 160 Brinton, Frederick Schermerhorn... 265 Brinton, Jeremiah Bernard 44 Brinton, John Hill 40 Brinton, Robert Morton 27 Brinton, Theodore Gillingham 275 Brooke, Benjamin 160 Brooke, Hunter 208 Brooke, John 260 Brooke, John Rutter 180 Brooke, Mark 300 Brooke Rawle, William 25 Brooks, James Croxall 230 Brooks, John Crafts Wright 224 Brooks, William Bcnthall 184 Hrown, Andrew Millin Brown, David Paul Brown, Ethelbert Washington.. Brown, John Cook .. Brown, John Marshall Brown, John Rowland Brown, William H Brown, William Harvey Brown, William Ravvle Brown, William Richardson.. .. Browne, Roliert Audley Bryan, Edwin Horace Bryan, Edwin Horace, Jr Bryan, William Ewen Buch, Lemon Buchanan, Alexander Simms .. Buck, William Thomas Buckholdl, Augustus Peter Buckley, Ralph Bucklyn, John Knight Buehler, Charles Henry Buehler, Harry Eahnestock Buehler, Henry Buehler Buehler, William Gordon Bullus, William Ellison Burke, Daniel Webster Burke, Joseph Walter Burnap, George Jacob Burns, Charles INIarquedent, Jr. Burritt, Ira Nichols Burtis, Arthur, Jr Burton, George Burton, George Washington.... Buschbeck, Adolph Butler, Edmond Butler, John Morris Butterfield, Daniel Buttrick, Edwin Lorenzo Byers, Nelson Byrnes, Timothy Augustine 48 292 246 208 82 297 49 188 116 43 248 170 287 178 248 218 71 27o 208 157 225 289 218 120 805 42 21 287 7 126 52 247 289 24 86 171 17 129 276 281 Cadwalader, Charles Evert 102 Cadwalader, George 10 Cadwallader, George Burges 287 Cain, John Herrou 218 Caldwell, Brown 224 Caldwell, John 150 Camac, William 188 Cameron, Simon Brua 212 Cameron, William Alexander 54 Campbell, Edward 240 Campbell, Jacob Miller 40 Campbell, James Hepburn 61 Canby, Samuel 198 Carpenter, Edward 800 Carpenter, Emlen Newbold 147 Carpenter, James Edward 40 Carpenter, John (juincy 115 Carpenter, Louis Henry 47 PAGE Carstairs, Thomas 58 Carter, Charles Gibbs 271 Carter, John Joj'ce 252 Carter, Samuel Powhatan 50, John C 58 Cassels, John 76 Cavenaugh, Harry Gibbons 804 Caziarc, Louis Vasmer 100 Challenger, Thomas Holdich 198 Chamberlain, Charles Kirby 240 Chamberlain, Daniel Henrj' 165 Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence 11 Chamberlin, Thomas 160 Chambers, Thomas Preston 277 Chapin, Samuel Farnum 208 Chase, Salmon I'ortland 8 Chauncey, Charles 293 Chenery, Leonard 105 Chester (Jones), Samuel Beach 803 Chetlain, Augustus Louis Ill Chew, Henrv Franklin 124 Childs, Thomas Howe 197 Christy, George Harvey 248 Church, William Conant 19 Cist, Henry Martyn 137 Clapp, John Martin 171 Clark, Edward White 216 Clark, George Shiras 208 Clark, George Stephenson 233 Clark, John 5 Clark, Joseph Claypoole 258 Clark, Joseph Hinckley 171 Clay, Antony Alexander 22 Clay, Cecil 22 Clayton, Powell 76 Cleaver, Israel 279 Cleaver, Wilbur Moore 290 Clem, John Lincoln 189 Closson, James Harwood 194 Clymer, George Edward 248 Cochran, George 59 Cochrane, Henry Clay 50 Coe, John Nichols 148 Coffin, Edward Win.slow 110 Cogswell, Joseph Hubert 299 Cogswell, William 69 Colburn, Webster Jay... 41 Coleman, William Bunker 240 Coley, Thomas Luther 288 Colhoun, Edmund Ross 80 CoUaday, Samuel Rakestraw 78 Collier, Frederick Hill 198 Collins, James 7 Collord, James 178 CoUum, James Walter 305 CoUum, Richard Strader 81 Colton, William P'rancis 160 Conaway, Frederick Willcox 268 Conaway, John P^tton 152 PAGE Connet, Andrew Thompson ,.... 186 Conrad , Jacob 266 Conrad, Jacob, Jr 283 Conway, Edwin Jennings 244 Conyngham, Charles Miner 113 Conyngham, John Butler 84 Conyngham, John Nesbit 253 Cook, William Crowell 160 Cooke, George Henry 25 Cooke, Walter Howard 208 Cooper, Benjamin George 269 Cooper, Charles Lawrence 74 Cooper, James Joseph 171 Cooper, Philip Henry 68 Corliss, Augustus Whittemore 86 Cornwell, Gibbous Gray 257 Cornwell, Robert Thompson 252 Corson, Joseph Kirby 96 Cosslett, Charles 218 Coulter, Richard 63 Cox, James M 288 Coxe, Charles H 112 Coxe, Eckley Brinton, Jr 267 Coxe, Frank Morrell 56 Coxe, Robert Davison 243 Craig, Edward Armstrong 292 Craig, James Monroe 198 Craig, John 154 Crane, William Edmund 137 Crater, Lewis 178 Craven, Robert 169 Crawford, John Agnew 238 Crawford, Joseph Ury 148 Crawford, Robert 261 Crawford, Robert Parks 203 Crawford, Samuel Wylie 18 Crawford, William Harvey 209 Crawford, William Harvey, Jr 303 Cree, Joseph C , 174 Crilly, Francis James 145 Crofton, Robert Erskine Anderson.. 136 Cromelien, Alfred 53 Crosby, John Schuyler 78 Crosby, Pierce 80 Crosman, Alexander Foster 26 Crotzer, Henry W 285 Crow, Dallas 266 Croxton, John George 171 Cruice, John Mulchinock 291 Cruice, Robert Blake 126 Cryer, John Henry 171 Cryer, Matthew Henry 240 Cumings, Charles Andrews 294 Cumings, Henry Harrison 174 Cunningham, John Scott 119 Cunningham, John Sharpe 126 Cunningham, Thomas Davis 195 Curiin, Andrew Gregg 9 Curtis, David Cushman Frank 158 PAGE Curtis, Elliot Miles 174 Curtis , James 75 Curtis, Stillman Wilson 282 Custer, Bethel Moore 56 Cuthbert, Mayland 195 Cuthbertson, Harry Chamberlin 299 Dade, Francis Cadwalader 62 Dade, P'rancis Cadwalader, Jr 247 Dahlgren, Charles Bunker 244 Dahlgren, Ulric 265 Dally, George Washington 161 Dana, Charles Edmund 216 Dana, Edmund Lovell 140 Darte, Alfred 249 Darte, Luther Curran 271 David, Thomas Boylston Adams 269 Davids, Richard Wistar 243 Davies, Henry Eugene, Jr 19 Davies, William T 183 Davis, Augustus Plummer 113 Davis, Bvron C 253 Davis, Charles 285 Davis, Charles Lukens 104 Davis, Francis Flanegin 258 Davis, Guyan Irvin 218 Davis, Henry T...., 78 Davis, Joseph 124 Davis, Samuel T 230 Davis, William Watts Hart 15 Davison , Joseph Kirby 142 Davison, Joseph Kirby, Jr 224 Dawes, Ephraim Cutler 116 Dayton, Lewis Mulford 95 Dean, George Washington 175 Deacon, Howard Ridgeway 158 DeBenneville, James Seguin 206 Dechert, Henry Taylor 267 Dechert, Robert Porter 12 Deimling, Francis Christopher 96 Deimling, William Lovell 292 Demming, George 288 Demming, Henry Clay 165 Denby, Edwin Robinson 76 Denison, Andrew Woods 94 Dennison, Ludovici Waters 299 Denniston, Allan Haines 212 Denniston, Henry Martyn 148 Denniston, John Thaw 64 Denniston, Joseph Faries 108 Denniston, Robert 247 Denniston, William Thaw 277 Denny, Harmer Denny 282 Denny, Joseph Waldo 70 Detre, Cyrus S 161 Devendo'rf, LaMotte Kibby 126 Devereux, Alfred 175 Devereux, John 124 Dibble, Theodore Hovt 273 Dick, John Heurv 217 Dick, Samuel Bernard 183 Dickinson, Samuel Meredith 166 Dickson, James Newton. 65 Dillard, Henry Kuhl 197 Dil worth, Francis Albert 280 Dixon, William Dunlop 266 Dobson, William John Warren 297 Dodge, Grenville IMellen 58 Donagan, Richard 29 Donaldson, Francis Adams 116 Donley, Joseph Benton 258 Donnelly, James Joseph 175 d'Orleans, Louis Philippe 118 d'Orleans, Philippe 224 Doran, James Shreeve 235 Dorr, Dalton 173 Dougan, Henr}- Martvn 225 Doughten, William White 242 Doughty, John FMward 255 Downing, Joseph B 293 Dripps, William Augu.stus 117 DuBois, Barron Potter 275 DuBois, Delafield 134 DuBois, Frank Latta 21 Ducat, Arthur Charles 110 Dudley, WiUiam Wade 126 Duff, Levi Bird 158 Dunbar, Edward Livingston 225 Duncan, John William 68 Duncan, Peter vShoenberger 182 Dungan, William Wierman 279 Dunii.John Mitchel 106 Dunn, John Mitchel 286 Dunott, Thomas Justus 155 DuPlaine, Benoni Charbonnett 218 Durland, Coe 174 Eachus, George Wa.shiiigtou 269 Eakin, Chandler Price 54 Easton, William Thomas 264 Eckert, George Brown 121 Eckert, Henry Sweyer 248 Edgerlev, FMward 175 Edsou, .\bner Balch 213 Edwards, George Breed 72 F^gbert. Horace Preston 76 F^gle, William Henry 155 Eicholtz, Geo. Christian Matthias.. 45 F', Henry Aug. Muhlenberg 295 FUliot, Joseph Pond.'. 113 Elliott, Jacob Thomas 93 F;ilis, George 292 Ellis, James 226 Ellis, Rudulph 84 Ellis, William vStruthers 273 Ellsworth, Henry Goodrich 148 Elmer, Horace 287 Elwood, Robert David 273 PAGE Emanu el , Jonathan Manly 186 Emerson, Edward Octavius 301 Emmons, George Foster 20 Emory, Campbell Dallas 101 Emory, William Hemsley 30 Engard, Albert Corson 194 Engard, Harry Stewart 287 England, Thomas Young 146 English, Thomas Cooper 80 Etting, Charles Edward Ill Etting, Henr>- 37 Etting, Joseph Marx 246 Etting, Theodore Minis 117 Evans, Franklin Harold 148 Evans, George Spafford 99 Evans, Henry Landis 182 Evans, Joseph Spragg 187 Evans, Joseph Spragg, Jr 278 Everhart, Isaiah F^awkes 273 Ewing ,John 198 Fagan, Louis Estell 187 Fagan, Maurice Edward '..^ 113 Fairfax, Donald McNair 55 Fairlamb, George Ashbridge 10 F'ales, Samuel Bradford 42 Farley, Joseph Pearson 285 Farquhar, Norman von Heildreich.. 264 Farrand, Daniel Felton 179 Faxon, William 24 Fay, Edwin Gould 209 Febiger, Christian 187 Febiger, Christian Carson 217 Fell, David Newlin 96 Feltus, Roswell Graves 142 Fendall, Philip Richard, Jr 52 Fessenden, Francis 31 Fetters, Arthur Halderman 287 Fetters, Levi 146 Field, Edward 84 Field, Richard Stockton 82 Field, William Magee 226 Fillebrown. Thomas Scott 36 Finnev, Isaac Smith 83 Fish, John Billings 277 Fisher, Benjamin Franklin 115 Fisher, Clark 117 Fisher, Ellicott 160 Fisher, Harvey 148 Fitch, Thomas William 198 Fitch, William Goodwin 260 Fitch, William Sherman 294 FitzGerald, Michael John 249 Fitzhugh, Charles Lane 93 Fitzhugh, Robert Hughes 266 Fitzpatrick, James Clarence 212 Flagler, Daniel Webster 183 Fleming, Hugh Neely 275 Fletcher, Joshua Stroud 73 PAGE Flood, Theodore Lore 199 Foering, John Oppell 116 Foley, James Louis 129 Foltz, Frederick Steintnan 186 Foltz, Jonathan Messersniith 26 Forbes, Theodore Frelinghuyser.... 194 Forbes, William Smith 258 Force, Manning Ferguson 122 Ford, Elias Allen 277 Ford, George Edwin 45 Forney, James 81 Forrester, Charles Wesley 142 Forster, Robert Henrj' 235 Forsyth, James McQueen 92 Forsvth, James Perkins 294 Fort", William Sexton 90 Fortescue, Louis Roberts 178 Foster, John Watt 217 Foster Lafayette Sabine 9 Foster, William Sill 195 Fraley, James Madison 26 Franklin, George Mayer 117 Franklin, George Steinman 197 Franklin, Samuel Rhodes 78 Frantz, John Pinkney 233 Frazer, Persifor 110 Frazer, Persifor, Jr 292 Frazier, Nalbro' 12 Frazier, William West 175 F^razier, William West, Jr 273 Frederick, George Washington 134 P"ri«_k. Euclid Barnardo 254 Frow. Thomas Jefferson 213 Fry, William Henry 5 Fuller,- Frederick ... 281 F^ullwood, Samuel Lippincott 234 Fulmer, David Mattheys 218 Fundenberg, Walter P^ranklin 253 Furey, John Vincent 49 P'urness, P'rank 199 Galloway, John 295 GaUvSevoort, Henry San ford 75 Gardner, William H 55 Gardner, William Henry... 134 Garretson, Charles 94 Garrett, Joseph Wilson 219 Garvin, Benjamin PVanklin 71 Gause, Edmund Canby 276 Gause, Harlan 269 Gawthrop, Alfred 240 Geary, John White 28 Geary, John White 216 Geary, William Logan 117 Gerrish, David P'ornham 255 Getchell, Frank Horace 175 Gherardi, Bancroft 35 Gilbert, Calvin 279 Gilbert, Charles Champion ; 142 PAGE Gilbert, Joseph 175 Gilbreath, Erasmus Corwin 255 Gilder, Wilbur Fisk 245 Gile, George W 140 Gillespie, John Weslev 213 Gillespie, Robert 266 Gillespie, William Kountze 283 Gillett, Edward Angustus 127 Gillingham, Frank Clemens 230 Gillingham, Frank Maris 265 Gillis, John Pritchett 33 Gillis, John Pritchett 138 Gilmour, Henrj- Lake 240 Givin, Alexander Wallace 195 Givin, Robert Wallace 257 Glass, Henry 91 Glendinning, Robert Edward 282 Glenn, William James 209 Gobin, John Peter Shindel 152 Goddard, Henry Seaman 6 Goddard, Kingston, Jr 101 Goddard, Paul I'rederick 164 Goddard, Paul Lacey 35 Godon, Sylvanus W 58 Golden, Michael A 230 Goldsborough, John Roberts 80 Goldsborough, Worthington 179 Goodloe, Green Clay 122 Goodman, Edward Harris 286 Goodman, Henry Earnest 28 Goodman, Joseph P^ar nest 89 Goodman, Joseph Earnest, Jr 265 Goodman, Samuel 88 Goodman, Samuel, Jr 290 Goodman, William Earnest 88 Goodrell, Maucil Clay 252 Goodrich, William 195 Goodwin, William Wallace 93 Gorgas, Albert Carpenter 59 Gould, Ezra Palmer 207 Grace, Peter 258 Grafly, Daniel Webster 112 Graham , Thomas 4 Graham, William Gibson 187 Grainlich, Christian Frederick 191 Grant, James R 292 Graves, Frederick William 302 Greble, Edwin vSt. John 144 Green, David Bright 219 Green, John Pugh 146 Green, Kane Stovell 272 Greene, Albert Sivillian 117 Greene, Charles vShiel 106 Gregg, Aaron Thomas 198 Gregg, David McMurtrie 39 Gregg, George Sheaff 234 Gregg, John Irvin 43 Gregg, Thomas Jackson 85 Gregg. William Lampas 122 I'ACE Grew, William 294 Grier, John Alexander 179 Griest, Joseph Powneil 248 Griest, Thomas 209 Griffing, George H 89 Griggs, John William 2S4 Grill, Frederick 219 Grimes, George Madden 294 Grimes, George vSimon 74 Griswold, Edward P'arwell 1H6 Griswold, Elisha 187 Grosh, Jeremiah Martin 296 Grove, Abraham C 296 Grove, John Heistand 219 Grubb, Edward Bnrd 92 Grugan, Florance William 116 Grundy, Joseph Ridgway 272 Guest, John 26 Guthiie, Alexander Murray 214 Guthrie, Francis Sellers 299 Gwyn, James 7 Habighurst, Charles Raughman 288 Hahighurst, Conrad John 19o Hackett, Andrew vSlack 276 Hackett, Horatio Balch 226 Haddock, Stanley Brickett 217 Haeseler, Charles Herman 285 Hains, Peter C 40 Haldeinan, Horace Leander 153 Hale, Charles Huston 82 Hall, Charles Badger 219 Hall, Matthew 19o Hall, Peter Penn Gaskell 91 Hallowell, John Rakestraw 203 Hallowell, William Penrose 158 Halpiiie, Charles Graham 16 Hambright Henry Augustus 166 Hamersly, I^ewis Randolph 157 Hamersly, Lewis Randolph, Jr 244 Hamill, Hugh 274 Hamilton, Samuel Todd 145 Hamilton, ThomasJ 245 Hamlin, Cyrus 57 Hamlin, Hannibal 8 Hammann, Edward 240 Hammond, LaFayette 95 Hancock, Fllisha Atherton 102 Hancock, James 207 Hancock, Winfield Scott 23 Hand, Albert Evans 184 Hannay, John Weretts 58 Hanscom, John Forsyth 269 Hanson, E. Hunn....! 191 Hanson, William Wayne 251 Happer, Andrew Gardner 220 Harbach, Abram Alexander 161 Hardie, James Allen 107 Harkisheimer, Howard Elisor 293 Harkisheimer, William John 241 Harlan, George Cuvier 122 Harper, Thomas Barnett 284 Harriman, Horace Marshall 266 Harris, Franklin Mendenhall 289 Harris, Franklin Mendenhall, Jr ... 305 Harris, George Fairlamb 199 Harris, James 301 Harrison, Thomas Skelton 103 Harrison, William Henry 155 Hart, Lane Schofield 155 Hart, William Bud 166 Hart, William Winthrop 230 Hartley, James 209 Hartranft, John Frederic 28 Hartranft, Samuel Sebring 136 Hartz, Wilson Tweed 52 Harvey, Edward 262 Harvey , George Thomas 1 27 Harvey, Olin Fresbie 206 Harvey, Robert Rieman 257 Harvey, William Jameson 140 Harwood, Andrew Allen 33 Harwood, Paul 179 Ha.ssinger, David Stanley 109 Hatch, Charles Parker../. 226 Haviland, x\rthur 206 Haviland, Thomas Philip 124 Hawkins, Frank Hudson 193 Hawley, Joseph Williamson 188 Hays, George Metzger 276 Hays, Henrv Blake 82 Hays, John."" 89 Hays, Louis Blake 246 Hazleton, Dwight Wesley 292 Hazzard, Chillion C. Washburne. ... 220 Hazzard, Vernon 304 Hebard, Charles 295 Heberton, George Alexander 161 Hedberg, Alfred 61 Heenan, Thomas Edward 259 Heffelfinger, Jacob. 148 Heilman, William Henry 185 Heitshu, Charles Welchans 288 Henderson, Richard Parker 127 Henderson, Robert Miller 22 Henderson, William Miller, Jr 304 Henry, Guy Vernon 18 Herbert, William Perry 209 Herring, Charles Mallet Prevost 292 Herring, Charles Paine 102 Heulings, Henry Lippincott 286 Hewitt, Edward Lukens 289 Hexamer. Charles Adolph 272 Heyl. Edward Miles 50 Heysinyer, Isaac Winter 274 Hickenlooper, Andrew 128 Hickman, Job Townsend 245 Hicks, Alfred 191 PAGE Hicks,' Lewis Wenman 276 Higbee, John Henley 99 Higgs, Augustus Ferzard 158 Hill, George Richards 305 Himes, George Washington 275 Hine, Elmore Charles 203 Hirons, William Fennel) 164 Hodge, Patrick Francis 204 Hoff, Henry Kuhn 25 Hofmann, John William 22 Hoge, Solomon Lafayette 106 Holman, Samuel 269 Holmes, Anthony Francis 58 Holt, Frederick Vanriper 158 Holt, George Raymond 219 Homer, Arthur Benson 145 Homer, Arthur Patch 285 Hood, Charles Crook 249 Hooton, Francis Carpenter 68 Hooton, Mott 88 Hord, Arnold Harris 302 Home, Samuel Belton 220 Horner, William Macpherson 224 Hornor, Caleb Wright 187 Horwitz, Phineas Jonathan 24 Hough, Alfred Lacey 11 Hough, Charles Merrill 138 Houghton, Charles Woodman 131 House, John Adlum Green 303 Hovey, Henry Walter 154 Hovey, John Gorham 148 Howard, Frank Austin 230 Howard. Hartley 199 Howe, Henry Smith 143 Howe, William Robinson 235 Howell, Franklin Davenport 41 Howell, Franklin Davenport, Jr 283 Howell, Horatio Stockton 155 Howell, John Cumming 42 Howell, Richard Lewis 119 Howell, Richard Stockton 53 Hoyt, Eben, Jr 36 Hoyt, Henry Martyn 113 Hoyt, Henry Martyn, Jr 133 Hu'ber, Levi 209 H ubbell , Johnson 214 Hudson, Haynes E 41 Huey, Arthur Baird 239 Huey, Joseph Wistar 244 Huey, Pennock 187 Huey, Robert 188 Huey, Samuel Baird 109 Huggins, Eli Lundy 120 Huidekoper, Arthur Clarke 188 Huidekoper, Henrv Shippen 143 Huidekoper, Thomas WaUis 239 Hunter, William : 41 Huntington, Charles Lathrop 88 Huntington, Robert Watkinson 226 PAKE Huntt, George Gibson 226 Hurst, Joseph Henrj' 255 Hustead, James Miller 235 Hutchinson, William Francis 103 Hutchinson, William Spruill 238 Hutt, William Henry ... 173 Hyde, Thomas Worcester 32 Inch, Richard 235 Ingham, George Trenchard 158 Innes, Robert Strachau 207 Irish, Dallas Cadwallader 274 Irvin, Edward A 184 Irvin, Hugh McNeil 228 Irwin, George McLean 210 Irwin, Richard Biddle 202 Ivins, William 283 Jackson, Henry 66 Jackson, Samuel McCartney 155 James, William Levis 105 Janes, Henry Warner 35 Janeway, Jacob Jones 214 Janeway, John Livingston 191 Janney, Spencer Moses Ill Janney, William Smith 230 Jefferis, Enos Phillips 235 Jenkins, Thornton Alexaiider 23 Jennings, Benjamin Fitzgerald 172 Jennings, William Wesley 166, Jewett, Horace 4S Johnson, Andrew Wallace 36 Johnson, Elias Henry 214 Johnson, Guy Roche 228 Johnson, Hugh Mortimer 84 Johnson, Isaac 283 Johnson, Isaac Edward 300 Johnson, John 44 Johnson, John Bucher 51 Johnson, John Burges 146 Johnson, John Cockerell 249 Johnson, Joseph Esrey 38 Johnson, Joseph Warner 16 Johnson, Philip Carigan 20 Johnson, Richard W 14 Johnston, William Hartshorne 87 Jones, David 48 Jones, Francis Bacon 15 Jones, Henry Roger 172 Jones, James Collins 286 Jones, James Hemphill. 52 Jones, James Miles 239 Jones, John Pringle Hiester 63 Jones, Merriwether Patterson 26 Jones, Owen 261 Jones, Paul Townsend, Jr 105 Jones, Richard Hall 210 Jones, William Milo Coulter 223 Jones, William Newton 188 PAGE Jones, William Richard 184 Jordan, David Wilson 303 Jordan, Francis 226 Jordan, Thomas Jefferson 100 Juarez, Benito 23 Judson, Oliver Albert 175 Judson, Oliver Boyce 290 Justice, Jefferson 281 Kafer, John Christian 179 Kaiser, Julius Adam 146 Kane, Theodore Frederick 36 Kapus, William 65 Karge, Joseph 131 Kauffman, Joseph Anthony 159 Kay, Samuel Williams 110 Kaye, John \\411iam 137 Keam, Thomas Varker 221 Keene, Henry Edgar 16 Keese, Francis Suvdam 161 Keith, Alfred Hortbn 204 Kelley,John Goshorn 285 Kelley, Joseph M 97 Kelly, Henry Kuhl 121 Kemper, Andrew Carr 135 Kepner, Daniel Koch 281 Kerr, Thomas Ross.. 210 Ketchum, Hiram Henry 73 Keyes, Alexander Scam m el Brooks 100 Keyser, Peter Dirck 3 Kidder, Jerome Henry 45 Kiddoo, Joseph Barr 10 Kieffer, Lorenzo Mathias 245 Kilpatrick, Robert Lacy 134 Kilty, Augustus Henry 87 Kimball, George Peabody 220 Kimes, Horace Graham 228 Kimes, Jesse Brownback 210 King, Guy 265 King, Henry Holdship 179 King, Horatio Collins 19 King, James 83 King, James W^ilson 255 King, William Hervey 62 King, William Howard 297 King, William :\I 71 King, William Shakespeare 188 Kinney, John Coddington 153 Kinsey, William Baker 186 Kirk, Charles Howard 204 Kirk, Edward Cameron 268 Kitchen, Theodore 103 Kitchin, Elias Carey 291 Knap, Joseph Moss 82 Knight, Charles C 109 Knight, John Henry 58 Knox, John Moran 233 Knox, Kilburn 11 Krause, David 94 PAGE Kroesen, William Bascom 204 Kuhn, Henry Horner 214 Kurtz, Samuel Longacre 246 Ladner, Louis Jackson 280 Lambert, George Thomas 291 Lambert, William Harrison 114 Lamdin, William Freebon 302 Lammot, Daniel 194 La Motte, Charles Eugene 4 LaMotte, Henry 201 La Motte, Robert Smith 27 La Motte, William Alexander 30 Landell, Edwin Augustus 12 Landell, George Albert 288 Landis, Isaac Daniel 245 Landis, John B 199 Landis, John Fulton Reynolds 154 Landis, Norman 273 Lane, Philander Parmale 124 Lanius, William Henry 188 Lansing, Henry Seymour 96 Lardner, James Lawrence 256 Lashells, Edward Torbett 247 Lashells, Theodore Baskin 204 Latta, James William 104 Latta, John Ewing 228 Laughlin, George McCully 143 Laughlin, Irwin Boyle 260 Lawrence, Charles 161 Lawrence, John Jacob 199 Lawrence, William Watson 224 Laycock, Henry Allen 249 Lea, Joseph Tatnall 150 Lea, Langdon 297 Lea, William, Jr 245 Leatz, Axel 108 Lee, Benjamin Franklin 199 Lee, John 269 Leech, William Albert 7 Leffingwell, Douglass 266 Lehman, Albert Eugene 4 Leib, Frank Randolph 264 Leidy, Joseph, Jr 225 Leidy, Philip 149 Leiper, Charles Lewis 230 Leisenring, George Henry Thomas 304 Leisenring, Thomas Benton 129 LeMaistre, George Alexander 63 Lennig, Thompson 89 Leonard, Hiram 98 Leoser, Christopher 161 Leser, Frederick 214 Leser, Victor 296 Lessig, William Henry 54 Le Tourneau, William 272 Letterman, Jonathan 99 Levis, Minford 251 Levis, Paul Lajus 293 PAGK Lewis, Alfred Ellis 50 Lewis, Jauies 43 Lewis, James 220 Lewis, John Thoinpsoii, Jr 206 Lewis, John Van Houghten LS2 Lewis, vSamnel Neave IB Lewis, William Delaware, Jr 6-5 Lindsay, James Patrick 184 Lineaweaver, Charles Pleasants 271 Lineaweaver, Washington Kline... 131 Linen, James Alexander 286 Lisle, Robert Patton 295 Littlefield, Henry Warren 17fi Littlefi eld, John ^ 235 Littlefield, Paul Goddard 303 Lloyd, Isaac 14g Lloyd, William Penn 188 Lockhart, John 172 Lodge, John William 131 Long, Hiram 200 Longacre, Orleans 37 Longnecker, Henry Clay 40 Longenecker, Jacob H 188 Longshore, William Righter 167 Longwell, William Howard 204 Loomis, John Mason 109 Lord, James 301 Lord, Thomas William 143 Loud, John Sylvanus 95 Longhead, Isaac Marselis 284 Love, Robert 276 Lowber, William 78 Lowe, William Warren 104 Lowman,John Bodine 282 Lowman, Webster Bodine 253 Lowrie, Samuel Thompson 190 Lowry, Horatio Barnard 131 Loxley, Benjamin Ogden 127 Loyd, William Henry 124 Loyd, William Henry, Jr 251 Lucas. William Waterall 262 Luckenbach, Andrew Adams 249 Ludington, Marshall Independence 31 Ludlow, Henry Hunt 268 Ludlow, Jacob Rapelyi? 253 Ludlow, William '. 150 Ludwig, Walter Kneedler 226 Lukens, Edwin Jefferson 137 Lull, Edward Phelps 35 Lusk, William Du Bois 274 Liitje, William Frederick 270 Lyle, Peter 12 Lynch, Augustine Timothy 10 Lynch, Bennet Ball 298 Lynch, John Wbe3ton 179 Lynch, Joseph p; 142 Lyon, (reorge Armstrong 288 Lyon, George Armstrong, Jr 294 Lyon, Cecil Andrew 228 PAGE Lyte, Eliphalet Oram 176 Macallister, Samuel AUister 117 MacArthur, Arthur, Jr 66 Macauley, Carter Nelson Berkeley.. 149 MacConnell, John Gormly 250 Maccoun, Robert Toland 39 Macfarren, Samuel James 289 Machette, Henry Clay 128 Maclntyre, James 15 Maclntyre, Samuel Maxwell 106 Macomb, William Henry 42 Macpherson, William 167 Maddox, William Albert Truman... 51 Magee, FrankJoseph 180 Magee, Robert Smith 265 Magruder, David Lynn 150 Magruder, David Lynn,Jr 234 Mahon, John Montgomery 277 Maish, Levi ' 236 Manges. Henry P'ranklin 184 Mannix, Daniel Pratt 55 Manton, Benjamin Dyer 285 Markley, Alfred Collins 176 Markley, Arthur Donaldson 180 Markley, Hamilton 233 Markoe, James Brown 259 Markoe, John 162 Marple, Alfred 236 Marshall, Edward 236 Marshall, Jonathan T 57 Marshall, Samuel Davis 230 Marston , John 263 Martin, Archer Nevins 13 Martin, James Porter 30 Martin, John Parker 147 Martin, Sylvester Hopkins 279 Mason, Addison Gordon 188 Mason, Ebenezer Porter 294 Matlack, Lewis Taws 210 Matthews, Charles William 103 Matthews, Ezra Wallace 103 Matthews, Louis lungerich 298 Matthews, Stanley 124 Matthews, Theodore Lewis Peterson 233 Mattox, Absalom Heiskell 129 Maxwell, Norman Jay 301 Maxwell, Obadiah Craig 96 May, Charles W 231 May, James 180 Mayer, Brantz 38 Mayer, Daniel 153 McCall, Charles Archibald 176 McCall, Matthew Henry 250 M'Calla, Theodore Hart 204 M'Calla, Theodore Hart, Jr 225 McCalmont, Robert 282 McCamant, Thomas 159 McCandless, George Miltenberger... 294 PAGE McCandless, William Graham 162 McCartney, William Henry 140 McCartney, William Henry 284 McCaskey, William Spencer 73 McCanley, Edward Yorke 147 McCauley, John Roberts 298 McCauley, I.evi Gheen 118 McCauley, Louis (iheen 290 McCawley, Charles GrN'mes 220 McClaughey, Robert VVilson 207 McCleery, John 261 McClelland, WiUiam 167 McCloskey, I'Vancis Kendrick 122 McCloskey, John Alexander 265 McClurg, John Russell 241 McClurg, Walter Audubon 247 McConkey, John 242 McConway, William 149 McCouway, William Lytle 278 McCook, Anson George 27 McCook, Henry Christopher 192 McCormick, William Henry 28;-5 McCourt, John 11-5 McCoy, Robert Abbott 34 McCreary, Daniel Berkley 236 McCurley, Felix 2o8 McDaniel, Charles Anderson 59 McDougal, Charles John 98 McElhaney, William 236 McKlmell, Kdward Francis 304 McElmell, Jackson 34 McElmell, Thomas Aloysius. 196 McEwan, Henry Douglas 180 McFeeters, James Little 236 McGill, George M 40 McGinness, John Randolph 56 McGovvan, John 62 McGrath.John 133 McGrath, John Macrelish 103 McGregor, James 221 Mcllvain, Howard Loeser 201 Mcllvaine, Henry Clay 58 Mclntyre, Martin Van Buren 200 McKee, George Wilson 98 McKee, James Cooper 207 McKee, Joseph Jeanes 223 McKibbin, Chambers 68 McKibbin, Chambers 282 McKibbin, David Bell 67 McKibbin, Robert Peebles 62 McKim, William Walker 46 McKinstry, James Patterson 36 McKnight, Harvey Washington 192 McKnight, Joseph Hiester 245 McKown, Hillis 204 McLean, Hugh Douglas 304 McMahon, Martin Thomas 19 McManus, Thomas 167 McManus, William vSevfert 56 PAGK McMichael, Clavton 260 McMurtrie, Daniel 82 McNair, Frederick Vallette 149 McNulty, James Madison 99 Meade, George 118 Meade, Richard Warsam 26 ]\Ieade, Robert Leamy 33 Meade, Spencer 173 MeCutchen, John Fox 180 Meigs. Montgomery Cunningham.. 37 Meigs, Samuel Emlen 74 Melville, Cieorge Wallace 164 Mendenhall, Clarence Miles 182 Mendenhall, Harlan (xeorge 198 Mendenhall, Washington Blair 48 Menken, Nathan Davis 142 Menken, Jacob vStanwood 120 Merchant, Clarke 60 Merchant, Henry Walts 190 Merchant, Thomas Edward 140 Meredith, Frank Clark 291 Meredith, Madison Monroe 252 Meredith, William Morris 13 Merrick, George Washington 301 Merrill, Charles Benjamin 32 Merrill, Jesse 256 Merrill, John Houston 125 Merrill, Lewis 14 Merriman, Edgar Clarence 146 Messersmith, Edward Lloyd K. T... 190 Messersmith, John Schaum 155 Metzger, James 236 Metzger, Percy Bowman 257 Michler, Francis 246 Mickley, Joseph Phillip 191 Middleton, George Morris 200 Miles, Evan 67 Miller, Daniel Bright 180 Miller, Edgar Thomson 186 Miller, Frederick Augustus 291 Miller, William Edward 122 Miller, William Henry 222 Mills, Frank Halsey 164 Milnor, F'rancis William 191 Milnor, Thomas William 217 Mindil, George Washington 72 Mintzer, William M 227 Mitchell, Benjamin Bently 264 Mitchell, James Tyndale 119 Mitchell, John Kearsley, 3d 294 Mitchell, Nathaniel Chapman 46 Mitchell, Samuel Brown Wylie 3 Mitchell. Samuel Murray 290 Mitchell, Silas Weir 174 Mitchell, Thomas 4 ]VIoffat, F^dward Stewart 256 Molinard, William Robinson 259 Molitor, Frederic Albert 256 Molonv, Charles Thomas 278 PAGE Monroe, William Newton 236 Montgomery, James Eglinton 10 Montooth, Edward Alexander 241 Moore, Edward Blackfan 189 Moore, Francis -54 Moore, John W 39 Moore, Joseph 205 Moore, Joseph Addison 172 Moore, William Graff 192 Moorhead, Maxwell Kennedy 270 Moorhead, William Jefferson 167 Morehead, Gtistavus Kidd 254 Morgan, Algernon vSidney Mountain 200 Morgan, Joseph, Jr 245 Morris, Caspar Wistar 180 Morris, Herbert Miner 257 Morris, John Rogers 184 Morris, Richard Henry 151 Morris, William Governeur 99 Morrison, John Wallace 250 Morrison, Willis Irwin 305 Morrow, Albert Purington 296 Morrow, Henry Andrew 66 Morse, Joseph Elias.... 176 Morton, Thomas George 262 Mott, Gershom 79 Moulton, Orson 70 Muirheid, Henry Perkins 74 Mulholland, St. Clair Augustin 167 Mullikin, Louis Wagner '. 228 Munhall. Leander Whitcomb 270 Munns, Henry Cuthbert 274 Murdoch, James Bissett 200 Murdoch, James Edward, Jr 264 Murdock, James Henry 167 Murray, Alexander 80 Murphy, John 270 Murphy, John Hassinger 262 Mussey, Reuben Delavan 127 Myers, George Francis 265 Myers, William Worthington 249 Nagle, Hiester Muhlenberg... 246 Nagle, James W 224 Naile, Frederick Irving 272 Neff, Harmanus 7 Neff, Robert Penick King 136 Neide, Horace 293 Neill, Thomas William 8 Neilson, Robert 149 Neilson, William Delaware 186 Nevin, David Robert Bruce 168 Nevin, Robert Jenkins 108 Nevin, William Wilberforce 106 Newell, John vStark 274 Newell, Tohn W 205 Newlin, Alfred Scull 29 Nichols, Daniel Furber 258 Nichols, William Augustus 57 PAGE Nichols, William Augustus 130 Nicholson, John Page 112 Nields, Benjamin 231 Nields, Henry Clay 60 Niemann, George Preston 276 Niles, Kossuth 192 Nil), Thomas Jeff erson 121 Noel, Jacob Edmund 190 Nones, Henry Beauchamp 47 Nones, Henrj' Benjamin 57 Norris, Alexander Wilson ; 265 Norris, William P'isher 132 North, George Humphries 91 North, Joseph Watson 214 Norvell, Stevens Thomson 137 Noyes, Edward Follansbee 132 Oakes, James 125 Cakes, Samuel Everett 178 Oakford, James William 271 Oakley, Thomas Boyd 184 Oberteuffer, Herman Frevtag 305 O'Brien, Lyster Miller '. 150 Odiorne, Walter C 207 Odiorne, Walter Jones 239 O'Farrell, Gerald Dunne 203 Ogilby, Frederick Darley 56 Oliphant, John Campbell 300 Oliphant, Samuel Duncan ;. 48 Oliver, Charles Augustus 223 Oliver, Paul Ambrose 114 Olmsted, William Adams 73 Orleman, Louis Henry 78 Orme, George Robert. 27 Orne, James Dwight 189 Orr, Robert Levan 94 Osborn, Francis Atigustus 69 Osborne, Edwin Svlvanus 214 Osborne, John Ball 268 Osbourn, Francis Alexander 237 Osterstock. Joseph Swift....... 221 Overton, Edward 205 Owen, Charles Hunter 156 Owen, Joshua Thomas...... 21 Page, Henry i". 77 Painter, Herbert Brown 290 Palmer, James S 35 Pancoast, William Henrj- 89 Pardee, Ario, Jr ; 162 Pardee, Calvin... 162 Parke, John Grubb 17 Parker, Daingerfield 138 Parker, Foxhall Alexander 26 Parker, Isaac Brown 51 Parker, Joel 169 Parker, John Brown 74 Parker, John Carr 120 Parker, Joseph Benson 90 PAGE Paniientier, William Jencks 143 Parrs', Edward H 205 Parry, Richard Randolph 25-1 Parry, Thomas Palmer 114 Parsons, Arthur Tappan 252 Parsons, Oliver Alphonso 272 Patterson, Francis lingle 150 Patterson, John Henry 162 Patterson, Robert 13 Patterson, Robert Emmett 125 Patterson, Theodore Frelinghuysen 93 Patterson, Thomas Harman 64 Patterson, William Houston 202 Patterson, William J 205 Paul, Charles Rodman 130 Paul, Frank William 71 Paul, Oglesbv 292 Paulding, John Tattnall 296 Paulding, Tattnall 51 Paxton, Alexis Rupert 252 Paxton, John R 128 Pearce, Frank Savary 303 Peck, Henrv Theodore 286 Peck, Henry Thomas 180 Pemberton, John 207 Pendergrast, Austin 82 Pennington, Henry 163 Pennypacker, Galusha 43 Penrose, Charles Bingham 215 Penrose, Thomas Neall 215 Perkins, Edwin vStanley 266 Perkins, Edwin Stanley, Jr 304 Perot, James Poultney 21 Perry, James Hillhouse 286 Peshine. John Henry Hobart 192 Pettit, Henry 243 Pettit, Silas Wright 231 Pfahler, Alfred Edward 284 Pfahler, William Harnly 221 Phillips, Duncan Clinch 177 Phillips, Joseph Augustus 176 Phillips, wmiiam W. L 118 Phipps, Robert Johnston 270 Pickering, Henry Yeamans 237 Pickett, Jo.siah 69 Picking, Henry Forry 51 Pierce, James Oscar 41 Pierson.John Lacv 135 Pierson, Stephen..'. 128 Pinknev, Ninian 34 Piper, Henry Beam 227 Pitman, John 248 Pitman, John Richmond 271 Plunkett, George 63 Pomeroy, John Heck 212 Pomeroy, John Means 21 Popham, Richard ^lorris 97 Porter, John Biddle 114 Porter, John Richard 301 Postles, Grantley Parke 234 Postles, James Parke 221 Potter, Andrew Morrell 215 Potter, Carroll 290 Potter, Carroll Hagedorn 298 Potter, Edward Eells 176 Potter, Henry Clay 109 Potter, William Elmer 79 Potter, William Franklin 118 Potts, John Templin 132 Potts, Stephen Collins 259 Powell, Levin Minn 52 Powell, William Wallace 197 Pratt. Henry Clitz 76 Pratt, Joseph Towner 15 Pratt, Richard Henry 156 Pratt, WilUani Fennell 237 Preston, Noble Delauce 267 Prevost, Charles Mallet 21 Prevost, vSutherland Mallet 169 Price, Isaiah 54 Prieson, Gustav Adolph 261 Priest, Charles Norman 189 Prud'homme, Lucien Franklin 96 Purviance, George 231 Purviance, John Nelson 291 Quay, Matthew Stanley 163 Queen, Walter W 58 Quier, Edwin Addams 239 Quier, Levi 200 Quinn, James 280 Quinn, John Paul 61 Radford, William 25 Rahn, Charles F'rancis 216 Ralston, Robert Smith 57 Ramsay, George Douglas, Jr 45 Ramsay, John Sylvester 241 Ramsey, Robert Hampton 16 Randall, Edmund 221 Randall, Edward Locke 268 Randall, Francis Joshua 246 Randall, Lewis Cassidv 228 Randolph. Wallace Fitz 172 Ransom, George Marcellus 20 Raphall, Alfred Maurice 151 Raub, Jacob Franklin 192 Ray, John Milton 231 Raymond, Charles Walker 217 Raymond, John Baldwin...'. 144 Read, John J 85 Read, Louis W 112 Redfield, John Bayard , 287 Reed, Joseph Andrew Erastus 227 Reed, Thomas Baird 147 Reed, Thomas Benton 215 Reed, Thomas Davis 267 Reed, William Boardman 231 PACK Rehr, Lewis 237 Reichard, George Nicholas 279 Reicbhelm, Edward Paul 279 Reid, George Croghan 68 Reilly, James William 216 Reilly, John Edward 178 Reinoehl, Adam Cyrus 172 Reinoehl, Walter Allan 252 Reunyson, Charles Edward 277 Rennyson, W'illiam Miller 157 Rex, George Peters 102 Rex, John Barclay Stevenson 251 Rex, Oliver Paj'sou 101 Reynolds, Alfred 268 Reynolds, John William 296 Reynolds, William 20 Rhoades, Frank William 304 Rhoads, John Henry 224 Rice, John McDowell 25 Rice, Lewis 260 Richards, Benjamin Wood. 115 Richards, Channing 120 Richards, Thomas Myers 153 Rick, Charles 196 Rickert, Thomas Hammer 216 Rickert. Van Dusen 252 Ricketts, Robert Bruce 107 Ricketts, William Reynolds 257 Riddle, Matthew Brown 221 Ridgely, Daniel Bowley 306 Ridgway, Barzillai 231 Ridgway, Joseph Theodore 196 Riley, Francis Marion 287 Ripka, Andrew Adams 7 Ritner, Isaac Newton 237 Rittenhouse, Daniel Smith 202 Rittenhouse, Henry Norman 159 Ritter, Albert .' 247 Robert, Henry Martyn 184 Roberts, Charles Wilson 221 Roberts, George Washington 234 Roberts, Jacob 156 Roberts, John 210 Roberts, Joseph 168 Roberts, Matthew Fife 228 Roberts, Richard Biddle 22 Roberts, Thomas Albright 181 Roberts, William 62 Robertson, James Patterson 82 Robinson, Alexander Blaine 300 Robinson, Charles Austin 12 Robinson, De Witt Clinton 283 Robinson, George Blight 247 Robinson, John Catherwood 231 Robinson, Lewis Wood 119 Robinson, Lewis Wood, Jr 234 Robinson, William Andrew 215 Rockhill. Edward Potts 263 Rockwell, Almou Ferdinand 229 PAGE Rodgers, Frederick 71 Rodney, George Brydges 86 Rodgers, James Boyer 4 Rodgers, John Jacob Smith 238 Roebling, Washington Augustus... 232 Roebling, Charles Gustavus, Jr 286 Roemer, Paul 119 Rogers, George W 62 Rogers, Wilham Peuncck 144 Rohrbacher, Paul Frederic 250 Rohrer, Samuel Ashmead 263 Roosevelt, Theodore 24 Rose, William Horace 270 Rosenmiller, David Porter 177 Rossiter, Lemuel 13 Rourke, Patrick Francis 298 Royall, William Bedford 26 Royce, Alfred Lee 241 Royer, Henry 210 Ruff, Charles Frederic 70 Rugh, Jacob Welty 296 Ruhm.John 136 Rumford, Charles Grubb 210 Rumford, Lewis 305 Runyon, Theodore 172 Ruscheuberger, Charles Wister 177 Ruscheuberger, Wm, S. Waithman 168 Rusling, James Fowler 118 Rusling, James Wood 283 Ru.ssell, Alexander Wilson 37 Russell, Pvdmund Kirby 297 Russell. George Briggs 88 Ru.ssell, John Henry 151 Ru.ssell, Roswell Moale 237 Russell, William Campbell 169 Russell William King 123 Ryan, Abraham Hall 77 Ryan, John Rosselle Tucker 196 Sacket, Delos Benet 102 Sailer, John 168 Sailer, Joseph 305 Sample, Nathaniel Welshir 800 Sanborn, Washington Irving 76 Sankey, John Glendie 210 Savage, Robert Henry 242 Sawtelle, Charles Gre'ene 98 Sawtelle. Charles Greene, Jr 234 Baylor, Benjamin 196 Baylor, John Seltzer 288 Scarborough, Thomas Benton 282 Schall, George 221 Schall, John'William 157 Schayer, George Frederick 87 Bchell, Henry Sayler 113 Schenck, Caspar 68 Schenck, Peter Vorhees 51 Schenk, John 153 Schmucker, Francis Ritter 261 PAGE Schniepp, John Max 254 Schoales, Charles Boarnian 293 SchoalcvS, Joseph Daffron 156 Schober, Frederick Ill Schoch, Martin Luther 232 Schofield, John McAllister 97 Schoonniaker, James Martinus 181 Schoonmaker, Joseph Stockton 211 Schoonniaker, Robert Dalzell 302 Schoonmaker, William Henry 271 Schoonover, John. 242 Schoonover, John Depue LaBarre.. 305 Schoyer, Samuel Chadwick 200 Schrocder, Edward Laucks 242 vSchultz, Edward Magill 302 vSchuyler, Herman Philip 229 Schwartz, James Ernest 185 Schwartz, John Loeser 225 Schwarz, Julius 189 Scofield, Tames Kitchen 153 Scofield , Walter Keeler 278 Scot, John Agnew 272 Scott, David Inglis 63 Scott, Douglass Martin 81 Scott^, James Patterson 288 Scott, John Wallace 303 Scott, Winfield 5 Scudder, William Van Dyke 153 ScuUey, James 246 Searle, Daniel Webster 205 Seeger, Charles Frederick 263 Scely, Henry Bates 181 Seesholtz, Isaac Hull 276 Sellers, Alfred Jacob 83 vSellers, Edwin Jaquett 197 Senat, George L,ouis 222 Seward, William Henry 9 Sewell, Robert 251 Sewell, William Joyce 79 Shalcr, Charles ^ 244 Shalters, Francis Baltzer 257 Shanbacher, Jacob H 293 Sharp, Thomas 159 Sharpe, Alexander Brady 163 Sheafer, Henry Jackson 261 Sheaf er, James % 205 vShenk, David Bair 243 Shepard, Edwin Malcolm 193 Shepley, George F^oster 34 Sheridan, Philip Henry 74 Sherman, Charles Leslie 71 Sherman, Duncan 89 Sherman, Thomas West 65 Shields, John 193 Shipley, Howard Wheatley 185 Shipley, Malcolm Augustus 280 Shippen, Edward 85 Shippen, Edward 104 Shippen, Lloyd Parker 299 PAGE Shirk, David Marshall 300 vShoemaker, William Mercer 277 Shoenberger, John Hopson 63 Shorkley, George 81 Sickel, Horatio Gates 4 Sickel, Howard Vansant 202 Simpson, Matthew 29 Sims, Clifford Stanley 8 Sims, Charles Abercrombie 228 Skelding, Francis Hobbs 279 Skinner, George Washington 241 Slack, William Bond 52 Slagle, Jacob Frederick 1.S8 Slater, Thomas Ogden 222 Slipper, Joseph Augustus 20 Sloan, Hannibal Kelley 232 Smith, Charles Ake 55 Smith, Charles Henry 31 Smith, Clement Grubb 254 Smith, Erskine Douglass 194 Smith, George Augustus 281 Smith, George Fairlamb '.. 50 Smith, Harry M 95 Smith, John Addison Baxter 227 Smith, Joseph Adams 303 Smith, Joseph Rowe 64 Smith, Levi Heber 186 Smith, Linton 211 Smith, Martin Van Buren 211 Smith, Melancton 35 Smith, Norman Macalester 227 Smith, Samuel B 132 Smith, Samuel Rodmond 106 Smith, Thomas Kilby 42 Smith, Walter George 110 Smith, William James 270 Smith, William Mifflin 289 Smith, William Scharf. 276 Snell, Alfred Titus 99 Sparling, Frederick William 39 Speakman, Franklin Baily 242 Spear, John Crawford 205 Spear, Wallace Mason 91 Speer, Alexander Morrow 201 Speer, James Postlethwaite 205 Speer, William Finley 200 Spencer, William 243 Spencer, William Anson 299 Spooner, Alban 223 Spooner, John Alden 211 Sprague, Augustus Brown Reed 69 Sprague, William 13 Stackhouse, Powell 28 Stallman, Charles Henry 297 Stamm, Norman Leslie 234 Stamm, William Seaman 122 Stanton, Edwin McMasters 8 Starr, James 121 Starr, James 238 PAGE Starr, Samuel Henry 151 Stauffer, David McNeely Ill Steedman, Charles 61 Steel, John Alexander 267 Stellwagen, Henry S 306 Stellwagen, Thomas Cook 105 Stembel, Roger Nelson 61 Stephenson, James 271 Stetson, Edward Eckert 157 Stetson, Prince Redington 61 Stevens, Asa Bradley.. 288 Stevens, Thomas Holdup 90 Stevenson, Harry Winfield 290 Stewart, Charles 91 Stewart, Henry Hand 44 Stewart, James, Jr 152 Stewart, Murray 292 Stewart, Robert Elkin 201 Stewart, William Shaw 114 Stillwell, Leander 156 Stocker, Anthony Eugene 193 Stockcr, George Fitz Randolph 271 Stockman, George Henry 275 Stockton, Robert Field 53 Stockton, William Snethen 222 Stone, George Whitfield 177 Stone, William Alexis 270 Stoneman, George 6 Stork, William Lynch 298 Stout, Abraham 250 Stradling, James Moore : 304 Stranahan, James Alexander 299 Straw, Cyrus 272 Stricklaud, David Hayes 286 Strong, Edward Trask 274 Stryker, William Scudder 119 Stubbs, George Eastman 181 Sturdevant, Samuel Henry 250 Sturges, Dexter 267 Suddards, James 46 Sutton, Rhoades Stan.sbury 292 Swain, James A 34 Swan, Francis Henry 64 Swan, William Willard 81 Swartrlander , Frank 163 Swearingen, Thomas Brent 211 Sweeney, Henry 75 Sweitzer, Henry Stevenson 197 Sweitzer, Jacob Bowman 53 Swett, George Washington 289 Taggart, Francis Hickman 278 Taggart, Grantham Israel 125 Taggart, Joseph 289 Tarbell, John Franksford 65 Taylor, Anthony 152 Taylor, Bertram Howell.. 257 Taylor, Henry Genet 185 Taylor, John 156 PAGE Taylor, John Bonsall 275 Taylor, John Charles 254 Taylor, John P 144 Taylor, John Yeatman 46 Taylor, Robert Darious 211 Taylor, Robert Randolph 181 Tencate, Frederick Aylmour 256 Terry, Clarence 136 Terry, Edward 68 Thatcher, Henry Knox 72 Thayer, Harry George 232 Thomas, Alfred Kirk 300 Thomas, F'indlay Lsaac 211 Thomas, George Henry 92 Thomas, Hampton Sidney 44 Thomas, Henry Goddard 32 Thomas, James Belcombe 259 Thomas, James Phillips 299 Thomas, John Jacob 152 Thomas, Joseph 12 Thomas, Joseph Hooton 222 Thomas, Samuel Harvey 246 Thompson, Alouzo James 256 Thompson, Charles Peter 107 Thompson, Heber Samuel ^. 196 Thompson, John McCandless 251 Thompson, John Milton 159 Thompson, John Walcott 263 Thompson, Theodore Strong 90 Thompson, William 279 Thompson, William Alexis 90 Thomson, James William 196 Thomson, Nalbro' Frazier 234 Thomson, William 128 Thomson, William Judah 190 Thornton, James Shepard 61 Thornton, William Foster 296 Tiedemanu, Frederick 29 Tiemann, Louis Stuart 213 Tiers, Edmund Thomas 261 Tingley, Benjamin West Ill Tingley, Clement, Jr 101 Tisdall, William Newlin 125 Titus, Uriel Burroughs 280 Tobias, Joseph Franklin 87 Todd, William Charles 112 Toffey, John James 168 Tompkins, John Almy 136 Tompkins, John Almy, Jr 257 Torbert, Alfred Thos. Archimedes.. 9 Torbert, William Francis Asbury... 47 Torreuce, Thomas Rogers 281 Town , Francis Laban 54 Towne, Nathan Pratt 271 Townsend, Charles Champlin 206 Townsend, Frederick 77 Tower, Charlemagne., 189 Towers, Michael 304 Tracy, Charles Wurts 83 PAGE Trau, Adam ' 46 Traver, L/orcnzo 62 TrunibuU, Charles Gallaudet 257 Trumbull, Henry Clay 110 Truxtun, William Talbot 87 Try on, James Rufus 39 Tschudy, Henry Martin 182 Tucker, Louis Nathaniel 70 Tully, David 196 Tully, William Kelly 248 Turubull, Charles Nisbet 70 Twining, William Johnson 128 Tyler, George Frederick 212 Tyler, Sidney Frederick 282 Tyndale. Hector 83 Tyson, Carroll Sargent 288 Ulmer, Albert F 232 Ulmer, Albert Franklin, Jr 287 Van Buren, Daniel Tompkins 18 Van Buren, John Dash 73 Van Cleef, Augustus 253 Vanderslice, Thaddeus Lawrence... 222 Van Reed, William Edward 5 Van Vliet, Frederick 138 Varney, George 33 Veale, Moses 116 Veale, William MacDonald 276 Veil, Charles Henry 284 Ver Meuleu, Edmund Carlyle 216 Vernou, Charles Alexander 16 Vezin, Henry Augustus 35 Viele, Egbert Ludovickus 19 Vogdes, Israel 17 Von Mitzel, Alexander Theobald... 94 Vroom, Peter Duniont 90 Wade, James Franklin 48 Wagner, George EHwood 288 Wagner, George Emil 169 Walcutt, Charles Carroll 133 Waldron, George W 41 Wales, John Patten 138 Walker, Thomas McCormick 283 Walker, William Dodson 290 Wallace, William Wigton 163 Walters, Albert Henry 149 Ward, George vSilver Luttrell 15 Ward, William Clark 123 Ward, William Clark, Jr 284 Warner, Henry 222 Warner, Wallace Bird 242 Warren, Elisha Willard 289 Warren, Lucius Henry 107 Wasson, William Henrj- Harrison... 298 Waterhouse, Kben Webster 163 Watmough, James Horatio 213 Watmough, William Nicklin 85 PAGE Watson, Adolphus Eugene 37 Watson, Eugene Winslow 55 Watson, John Crittenden... 280 Watson, John Wheeler 254 Watt, David Milne 189 Watters, John 20 Wattles, Washington Warren 206 Watts, Charles 232 Watts, George Henry 227 Wayland, Heman Lincoln 233 Wayne, William 54 Wayne, William, Jr 251 Weand, Henry Krepps 164 Weaver, Aaron W^ard 85 Weaver, Joseph Kerr 168 Weeks, John Huey 132 Wehn, George 278 Weidman, Grant 91 Weidman, Grant, Jr 225 Weidman, William Murray 121 Weir, Thomas B 60 Weirick, John Henry 280 Welles, Gideon 8 Wells, Andrew Byerly 177 Wells, Daniel Tyler 239 Wells, Edwin 144 W^ells, John Lucius 280 Wells, Levi 278 Welsh, Blanton Charles 177 West, Charles Warren 113 West, George Emlen 164 West, William C 55 West, William Henry Gartrelle 44 Wetherill, Francis Dring 121 Wetherill, John Macomb 157 Wetherill, John Price 178 Wetherill, Samuel 135 Wharton, Benjamin Bradford Harris 197 Wharton. Robert Stout 135 Wheeler, Henry 262 Whipple, William Denison 6 White, George Bartol 86 White, George Harrison 185 White, George Quincy 141 White, George Ritchie 295 White, James Harvey 297 White, John Chester 170 Whitehead, Ira Condict 190 Whitehead, William 11 Whitehouse, Edward Norman 59 Whitesides, Edward Gardiner 181 Whitesides, John Garrett 272 Whittaker, James Washington 44 Whittelsey, Charles Henry 66 Whittelsey, Henry Martyn 88 Wliittemore, James Madison 114 Wickersham, Charles Isaac 5 Widdifield, Henry Augustus 92 Widdis, Cornelius Comegys 156 PAGE I Wiedersheini, William Augustus.... 132 Wiedersheim, William Caner 234 Wiestliug, Joshua Martin 227 Wilhelm, Charles 10 Willard, Edward Newell 283 Williams, Alpheus Starkey 93 Williams, Andrew Gomer 301 Williams, Augustus H . D 49 Williams, Charles 169 Williams, Charles Fremont 260 Williams, Charles Larned 154 Williams, Edward Ewing 196 Williams, John Hey 238 Williams, Thomas, Jr 173 Williamson, John Dunlap 141 Williamson, John Dunlap, Jr 234 Williamson, William Corkin 141 Wilson, Alan Dickson ... 233 Wil-son, Benjamin Buck 302 Wilson, Byron 133 Wilson, Charles Henry 159 Wilson, George Edward 182 Wilson, Henry 6 Wilson, Joseph I^apsley 259 Wilson, Thomas 89 Wilson, William Potter 86 Wiltbank, William White 206 Winger, Benjamin Franklin 29 Winslow, William Henry 216 Wint, Theodore Jonathan 144 Wise, Henry Augustus 23 Wishart, John Wilson 206 Wistar, Jo.seph Wain 3 Wister, Francis 135 Wister, Langhorne 130 Wister, William Rotch 286 Wood, Andrew George 271 Wood, James Roberts 197 Wood, William Willis Wylie 33 Woodhull, Maxwell Van Zandt 87 WoodhuU, William Waters 159 PAGE Woodman, Andrew Jackson.. 177 Woods, George Worth 100 Woolsey, Melancthon Brooks 36 Woolsey, Melancthon Ivld5'd 223 Woodward, George Abisha 64 Woodward, John Wilson 141 Woodward, Joseph Janvier 296 Woodward, Samuel Lippincott 101 Woodworth, John Maynard 108 Worden, Charles Beatty 303 Worden, James Avery 237 Worth, John Carpenter 298 Worth, Mason Galloway 302 Wren, James 242 Wright, Edward Smith 201 Wright, Elias 250 Wright, George Francis 263 Wright, Julian Peter 262 Wright, Samuel 185 Wright, Thomas Brooks 201 Wright, William 206 Yard, James Sterling 193 Yard, John Edmond 67 Yardley, John 194 Yates, Arthur Reid 59 Yeager, Frederick Musser 251 Yerkes, Krewson 222 Yerkes, William Henry 121 Young, Christian 212 Young, James Black Ill Young, John Welsh 225 Young, Richard 29 Young, Samuel Baldwin Marks 193 Yost, Daniel Miller 233 Zeigler, Edwin Elmer 281 Zeilin, Jacob 53 Zell, Thomas EUwood 3 Zeller, Theodore 62 PRESS OF JOHN T. 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