IRDLINGB Class _£5_^Sa51_ Book_Jlild4_JL COPYRIGHT DEPOSm THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ^' Ihey have given you to me ! ^^ THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE By CHARLES FREDERIC NIRDLINGER 'I After the verse of JOSE ECHEGARAY'S EL GRAN GALEOTO NEW YORK MITCHELL KENNERLEY ^ East ^9th Street -A ,,^^ Copyright 1908 by^'^Q^ Julie Opp Faversham All rights reserved Copyright 1908 by Mitchell Kennerley b LIBRARY of (;Oiv:GRESS| Two OcDiay fieojived PEC 18 !908 CLASS ol; xxc, m THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE As presented at Daly's Theatre, New York, November 2nd, 1908 by Mr. William Faversham and his Company Cast of Characters Don Julian Mr. H. Cooper Cliffe Donna Teodora, his wife Miss Julie Opp Don Severo Mr. Charles Harbury Donna Mercedes, his wife Miss Olive Oliver Don Pepito, their son Mr. Harry Redding Captain Beaulieu, of the British Embassy, Mr. Morton Selten Don Ernesto Mr. Faversham Genaro, concierge '. Mr. Lionel Belmore Synopsis of Scenes Act 1. — Drawing-room in Don Julian's home in Madrid. Evening. Act II. — Two weeks later. Don Ernesto's rooms in the Alvarado Studio. Act III. — Evening of the same day. Scene same as Act I. Time — Present. The World and His Wife ACT I The Scene is the drawing-room in the house of DON JULIAN: spacious and sumptuously fur- nished. The walls are hung with velvet of old- rose; the coverings of chairs and couches are of corresponding tints. The beamed ceiling is of painted cedar. At the back, right, in a large arch, with French windows the full height of the room, opens a wide balcony; at the left, a similar arch leads to a stone hall-way, conducting to Julian's apartment. A door at the left of the stage, flanked by tall, many-candled torcheres, opens into the entrance hall of the house; a door at the right of the stage leads to the library. Between the arches, at the back, is a grand-piano, and a single torchere of massive design. Below the library door is a mantel of pale-pink marble, with grilled fire-place and brazier of Moorish cop- per. On the mantel are two antique figures, supporting candelabra. When the curtain rises, teodora stands at [7] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE the balcony door; faintly from the street below, is heard the waltz of the opera ''Galeoto," played by the mandolinata. JULIAN, entering [At the door, calling. Teodora ! [She does not answer. Teo! TEODORA, turns Oh, it's you, dear ! JULIAN In the clouds again? TEODORA There aren't any. The sky's as clear as crystal. It's going to be a gorgeous evening. JULIAN I've asked my brother, Severo, to dinner — and Mercedes. TEODORA [With a pout. Oh, did you.f^ [8] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN Why, what's the matter? TEODORA Oh, nothing, nothing at all. Only — I was think- ing we'd be all by ourselves this evening — ^just you and I — and Ernesto. JUIilAN Well, I'll make some excuse — and call it off — TEODORA No, no, no — it was just a mood — I'm glad they're coming — and we'll dine on the balcony. [^Rings for servant. JULIAN Isn't it too cool.'' TEODORA Oh, no — it'll be lovely. TEODORA [To SERVANT who entevs. We'll have dinner on the balcony. [9] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SERVANT Yes, Madame — the usual hour, Madame? TEODORA No, earher — half an hour — we're going to the opera. SERVANT Yes, Madame. l^Goes out. TEODORA The moon ought to be up, at the latest, with the coifee — and there's sure to be a street-band to play for us. — Julian, there's much we'll miss when we leave Madrid. JULIAN My dear, other countries have a moon and street- bands. TEODORA [ With a regretful toss of the head. Not like those of Madrid. [10] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN Well, we may not have to give them up. TEODORA, surprised Why, you've changed your plans? JULIAN Not so much I, as the Foreign Office. TEODORA Really ? — What's happened ? JULIAN For some reason, there's a sudden curious hesitancy over my appointment. TEODORA Politics, of course? JULIAN To tell the truth, I can't make out what it is. Severo has gone to the Minister, to see if he can get at the bottom of the mystery. TEODORA But it was quite settled, I thought. [11] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JUI.IAN So did I. In fact, I never thought of possible rivalry. It's a very costly Embassy, the one they offered me — urged on me. The war with America left us all so poor — there aren't many who'd care to take it. — Why, when I lunched at the Palace, a few days ago, the King asked when I'd find it convenient to start — And the Queen said no end of nice things about you — with your beauty, charm and tact, the Em- bassy was sure to succeed — And now this! I really don't mind so much about myself, but won't Ernesto be disappointed ! TEODORA You asked he be made First Secretary .? JULIAN Not only asked — stipulated — TEODORA And they — agreed — ? JULIAN Yes ! A little dissent at first, — his youth and lack of diplomatic training — but I reminded the Minister the Government owed something to the [12] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE son of Don Florio, whose devotion to Spain cost him his fortune. . . . Had he made cause with her foes he would not only have saved his vast investments in Cuba, but increased them ten- fold. — The least they can do in recompense is to start Ernesto on a diplomatic career. TEODORA You think he has the qualities .^^ JULIAN Why not.f^ Good-looking .^ TEODORA Rather. JUI.IAN Talks well.? TEODORA Rather. JULIAN And not too much.? TEODORA Too little, rather. [13] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN And dances? TEODORA Divinely ! JULIAN There ! Bismarck began with less than that. The one thing Ernesto lacks — TEODORA Fortune ? JULIAN That, thank Heaven, we can supply. TEODORA, dubiously That's the stumbling block, I'm afraid. JULIAN Why? TEODORA Such help — he'll refuse. JULIAN Has he said so? [ 14 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Oh, no — we've never spoken of it — but — you'll find I'm right, Julian. JULIAN But I won't hear of such — pride. \_Pushes the bell-button. Is he in.^ TEODORA {^Shozmng the book. He — er — sent me this volume of Dante just be- fore you came. JULIAN {^To SERVANT who enters. Say to Don Ernesto I wish to see him here. [servant goes out. He has no right to deny me the chance to repay, in some small part, what I owe his father. At more than one crisis of my affairs Don Florio helped me to safety. But for him — I should have nothing — least of all you, Teodora. Isn't that enough to make me grateful .^ — ^What- ever I might do for the lad, I should never feel free of the debt. [16] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Julian, aren't you a bit fantastic about it? You've been kindness itself to Ernesto. Rushed off to Barcelona the instant you learned he was alone. Brought him here, to be with us until his sorrow had softened. Watched over him, humoured his moods, won him gradually — and with such loving care! — from his sombre thoughts. Why — if he were your brother — JULIAN I've tried to, as if he were my son. TEODORA, lightly No, no — 'brother' will do — quite well enough. [erne ST o appears at the door. Here he is. JULIAN Hello, Ernesto. ERNESTO, bowing Juhan — and Teodora — you got the book.? TEODORA [Holding it up. Thanks. [16] The usual^ and universal^ three.'''' THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO Any news, Julian? JULIAN Nothing certain. We're waiting for Severe — If our plans fell through — would you mind very much ? ERNESTO On your account, yes. On my own, not at all. JULIAN Why — ERNESTO For one thing, I'm too poor for the post. JULIAN Legation secretary.^ Nonsense! Nothing's ex- pected of you. You don't ask people to dinners and dances — ERNESTO No, but other people ask me to theirs — and gloves and cravats cost something — and cabs don't grow on trees. [17] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN, impatiently That phase of the matter I will not discuss. ERNESTO But I must, Juhan. It's about that I want to speak with jou — [tegdora moves as if to go to the door. And you, too. Donna Teodora — Now you mustn't think me boorish or ungrateful, but it's high time I cut loose from this secure and com- fortable haven and set out to see what I can do for myself. JULIAN Nonsense ! ERNESTO [Appealing to teodora. Am I not right, Teodora? TEODORA No ! You must come with us ! — And we'll marry you to one of those nice, tall American girls — like we saw at Ostend — who get railroads for dowries, and coal-mines for pin-money. [18] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO Alluring — but I've quite decided! TEODORA, deprecatingly Of course — if you're unhappy here — ERNESTO It's just because I've been so wonderfully happy that I've begun to be — unhappy. JULIAN If you'd only look at matters sensibly and realize that whatever I may do for you — - ERNESTO, interrupting Oh, yes, I know you were loyal friends — but, my dear Julian, I can't accede further to your chivalrous, almost quixotic, memory of a favour long since passed. The companionship of all these months has more than repaid it. Without it I don't know what would have become of me. My father and I were great chums, you know, and I didn't think anything could ever begin to take his place in life, as you have. But now, I beg of you, offer me nothing more that I must refuse. [19] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN \^As if hurt. Oh, of course, if mj poor services humiliate you — or embarrass you — ERNESTO 'Humiliate,' no — 'embarrass,' yes. Of course, you'll say it doesn't amount to anything — that I should take no notice — and at first I didn't. But when people saw me constantly with you — in your box at the opera — using your traps and horses — a wing of the palace set apart for me — your servants at my beck and call — credit at your bankers' — why, I can't tell you how often I've been asked: 'You are Donna Teo- dora's brother?' No. — ^ 'Ah, cousin, then?' No. 'Oh, Don Julian's nephew?' Again, no. 'But, of course, a near relation?' No — no re- lation at all — just a friend, an old friend. 'Ho — Ho — well, you're a very lucky young man.' — And up went the eyebrows ! [Laughing. Now, can't you see that that might become annoying after a while? [After waiting for some response. Teo, you must understand? [ 20] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE Why, yes, I— Well, / don't- TEODORA JULIAN TEODORA But, Julian, you don't have to answer the ques- tions — JULIAN Don't I, though ! Every day. A little different in form, perhaps. 'That's an attractive young fellow you've stopping with you.' Yes, we like him. 'Going to put him into the bank, I sup- pose?' No, has no taste for business. 'Poli- tics.'^' We're trying to induce him. 'And if you can't.?' He has some talent for letters. 'Ah, artist .^^ — that's too bad! — Any fortune?' Yes, just as much as I have. ERNESTO, interrupting But, Julian — JULIAN Why not ? It's the truth. Your father was ready [21] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE to share with me everything he had — and so am I with jou. It is not a favour I oifer — ^but only what I beheve is due to you. ERNESTO But JuHan, such generous spirit — the world doesn't understand. JULIAN [^Snapping his fingers. That for the world ! — If I disregard what I deem an obligation, what does the world give me for my lost peace of mind? After all, you see, I am selfish ! When you're as old as I am — the prattle and tattle of the world — [^Starts to go. Teodora will tell you what I think of it — [To TEODORA. When Severo comes — I'm in the library — \To ERNESTO. The world, indeed! [Laughing. You're young yet, Ernesto, very young! [He goes out. [ 22] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO [^Loolcing after julian. Just the finest fellow — isn't he? TEODORA I think so — that's why I married him. ERNESTO Couldn't be kinder to me, if I were his son. TEODORA l^With a stamp of her foot. Brother, if you please — Brother ! ERNESTO, laughing Of course, if you prefer, but it means the same. TEODORA No, it doesn't — not by a good many years. — You're going to the opera with us? ERNESTO Is there a place? [23] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Surely — So when the story gets lost in the maze of the music, you can set us right — You must know it by heart ! ERNESTO [Pointing to the hook which teodora holds. Yes — as it's told there — in the 'Inferno,' — I read it very often. TEODORA \_Loohing at the pages. Yes — this page shows — thumb-marked — and notes everywhere — in the margin. Here you've writ- ten — [Peers at the page. 'Poor Francesca !' 'Poor Paolo !' — And here — ERNESTO [Reaching to take the hook. Don't, Teodora — you'll hurt your eyes. [24] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA [Retaining the book. No, I want to see the rest — \_Starts toward the balcony. ERNESTO Some other time — it's getting dark. TEODORA \_At the balcony-window. Light enough here — by the window. TEODORA, reading 'Blameless — both' - — what does that mean ? ERNESTO I forget now — idle, vagrant thoughts — scrawled, as I read. l^Turns to take the book. TEODORA [^Drawing it away. But why 'Poor Paolo' — 'Poor Francesca'.? You pity them? ERNESTO And don't you? [25] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA No — I — yes — pity, perhaps. But ^blameless* — No! ERNESTO They loved — greatly — ^'God-like,* is Dante's word. TEODORA And 'God-like' they should have kept it — up there with the stars ! — And not drag it down to earth — forgetting — disdaining — faith— loyalty — gratitude — pride — That was not 'God-like !' ERNESTO You are right, Teodora — but, now and then. Fate leads two weak humans, face to face, and says : 'You twain are mates' — 'You belong together, body and soul' — And when that happens — as with Francesca and Paolo — faith — loyalty, pride are vain words. Love doesn't heed them, nor hear them. When that happens — not only in poet's fancy, but the hum-drum of every-day life — the maid, nobly bred, guarded like a price- less pearl, runs away with the picador; — a Princess of the line, takes up with her street- fiddler ; — the queen leaves her throne for her ballad-monger — [26] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [sEVERo enters in time to hear the last part of the speech: he is not seen hy TEODORA and ernesto. TEODOEA And thej are 'blameless'? ERNESTO Yes — because — helpless. [It has been gradually growing darker- the light of the setting sun now scarcely reaches beyond the point where ernesto and teodora stand. MERCEDES, entering; Nobody here? [teodora and ernesto, absorbed in each other, do not hear. SEVERO Wait— I'll ring for lights. [He pushes the bell-button. MERCEDES [Catching sight of the others. But there is — [Starts toward the balcony. [S7] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO [Stopping her. No — don't disturb them. MERCEDES, sTieeringly Together — as usual. SEVERO And yet you wonder people talk — call it an out- rage. [^Calls in a sharp tone. Julian ! [ernesto and teodora turn quichly. TEODORA [Coming from the balcony. Oh, Mercedes ! [Kisses her. ERNESTO, advancing It's I, Don Severo. SEVERO, significantly So I see — I thought, of course, it was Julian. [28] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES, SUSpiCWUsly What were you two doing — in the dark? TEODORA [With hook in hand. Reading. MERCEDES By this light? — We could hardly find our way in. TEODORA Oh, I forgot — [Goes toward hell. SEVERO I've rung. — Julian's out, of course? TEODORA No — in the library — he's expecting you. SEVERO {With intention. Yes — I have news for him. [29] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES Take Don Ernesto — it may interest him. ERNESTO Julian will tell me — if he thinks I ought to know. MERCEDES [To ERNESTO. Has Don Julian arranged for the opera-box to- night ? TEODORA He asked Pepito to look after it. MERCEDES [^To ERNESTO. Won't you please make sure — Pepito's so careless, you know. [To TEODORA. I want to talk with you. TEODORA Talk ahead. [ 30 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES Alone, please. Get rid of him! TEODORA [In a tone of surprise. 'Get rid of—' MERCEDES If you don't, I shall — TEODORA, protesting Why, my dear — {Turns to ernesto. Ernesto, Donna Mercedes has something to tell me. ERNESTO [Starting to go. Oh, I beg — TEODORA — and asked me to 'get rid of you — MERCEDES, embarrassed But, Teo— [31] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA The truth, dear — it's so much simpler ! ERNESTO [^Stopping at the door, and turning. Oh, Teodora, I've asked Captain BeauKeu to come to dinner. Do you mind? TEODORA No, glad to have him. Julian likes him. Dinner at seven. [ernesto goes out. [To MERCEDES. Captain Beaulieu is military attache at the British Legation. MERCEDES Yes, I've met him — And Ernesto — [Nods. asks people to dinner? — [teodora nods '^es.' Quite master-of-the-house, isn't he? [32] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Why, of course. That's the way we want him to feel. His father and Julian — you know what friends they were. — Julian never tires talking of it. — Ernesto's as much at home here as Julian himself. MERCEDES, suappishly Yes, that's what they say. TEODORA Good! Everything we have is at Ernesto's dis- posal, and we want the whole world to know it. MERCEDES Teo, you're either very ingenuous or very ingen- ious. TEODORA Sounds interesting — I wish I knew what it meant. [MERCEDES looks at TEODORA,* there is a troubled pause. TEODORA Well, well — what is it? You look serious. [33] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES It is serious. TEODORA Aha, you've been up to some mischief? MERCEDES No, but — my dear, you know I Hke you, don't you? — that I'm your friend? TEODORA Yes — but you didn't send Ernesto away to tell me that! — Now what's happened? MERCEDES I hope nothing has happened, I pray nothing will. TEODORA, impatiently Don't keep me on the rack. What can happen — and to whom? MERCEDES To all three. TEODORA What three? [34] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES The usual, and universal, three — the wife, the hus- band — and — another man. TEODORA, perplexedly Another — ? MERCEDES The other man— [With a nod to indicate ernesto. TEODORA Ernesto ? MERCEDES [With elaborate relief. Thank jou for guessing! TEODORA, laughing Wasn't very hard with that — [Repeats mercedes' nod. [With sudden change of tone. And you^re in love with Ernesto? [35] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES [Looking at her closely. If I didn't know jou to be a candid, straight- forward woman, I'd say you were fencing — or worse ! TEG DORA, rising And I'd say you were — MERCEDES Teodora — is it possible you don't know what they are saying? TEODORA Who are ^they'? MERCEDES Everybody — everybody — in our world — and half Madrid, besides. TEODORA [After a 'pause. And what do they say? MERCEDES That you are making a fool of Julian — you and Ernesto ! [36] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA, aghast Mercedes ! MERCEDES, deliberately That's what they say, Teo. TEODORA, rising Ernesto and I — they say — ! \^After a pause. Well — now the shock's over — it's so ridiculous — what they say — so supremely and sublimely wicked — that it's ridiculous — MERCEDES Then you care nothing for this man? TEODORA I like Ernesto — like him — better, I believe, than any man I know — MERCEDES Ah! TEODORA But I love Julian. [37] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES Is there so much difference ? TEODORA, impatiently Is there ! — Well — if you don't know the difference, I'm sorry for you — l^As an after-thought. And your husband, too. \^In a different tone. I'd lay down my life for Julian, and you know it. MERCEDES / believe you — but out there — [Indicating the world without. They don't — They're laughing at Julian. TEODORA Laughing at him! I'd hate to be the one he catches at it ! MERCEDES [With a gesture. He has only to reach out his hand — anywhere- [38] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE at his club — in the Prado — at the opera — And as for you, Teo — TEODORA Never mind me ! That's no matter ! — what they say ! — A woman reckons only with God and her own conscience. But Julian — that pink of chivalry, with the pride of El Campeador ! — Mercedes, it would kill him — Mil him ! MERCEDES Yes, and knowing that, Teo, feeling as you do, how could you be so — so — TEODORA What ! MERCEDES Reckless — or indifferent — of what everyone thinks. TEODORA No, they can't — MERCEDES Says then — comes to the same — and more! — It isn't what you do, nor what people think you do ; it's what they say you do ! [39] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA But no right — or reason — MERCEDES Oh, plenty of reason — this man constantly about you. TEODORA With Julian! MERCEDES No, not always — Just now — when we came in — and found you — bien-intime — 'reading' — in the dusk — Julian wasn't with you — TEODORA But — here — in my home — MERCEDES And the servants? TEODORA The servants ! MERCEDES Have eyes and ears just the same as the others. [40] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA And can see and hear no more than the others. [Nods to indicate the world outside. Oh, but, come, Mercedes— this is too much! The servants! I begin to beheve you mean to humihate me. MERCEDES No, but neither shall he—ii we can help it— we who really care for you. Teodora, the fel- low's unworthy of you— not fit to tie your— [Points to teodora's shoes. TEODORA [Turning sharpie/. Mercedes, I forbid you ! MERCEDES, triumphantly/ There,^ you see !— you flare at the first word against him. TEODORA Yes,^ a guest under our roof— Juhan's closest friend— as dear to him almost as Severo— living with us in the frankest companionship— you ex- pect me to listen— in patience— to the chatter [41] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE of the servants' hall — the scandal of the streets. MERCEDES It is more than that — much more ! This preuou- chevalier whom you defend with such fire has compromised Julian ruinously. TEODORA Nonsense ! MERCEDES Indeed! You know, perhaps, Julian's appoint- ment has been held up? TEODORA Yes, he told me. INTERCEDES And the reason .? TEODORA He doesn't know — MERCEDES But Severo does — learned it just now at the For- eign Office. The gossip you make so light of — - that you ridicule and despise — well, there they take it more seriously. You understand.f^ [42] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA I begin to. MERCEDES At first they would tell Severo nothing — the usual diplomatic excuses and evasions. "A mere de- lay" — they put it. When Severo insisted — ■ there were intimations, none too nice — shoulder shrugs — -lifted eyebrows ; — and then an at- tempt to make a joke of it all! TEODORA I can imagine that was enough for Severo ! MERCEDES Yes. — He demanded that they come out into the open and tell him exactly what this treatment of his brother meant. — He demanded the truth — and he got it ! TEODORA, contemptuously The truth? MERCEDES Well, what they believe the truth. And in plain, blunt terms, without disguise or delicacy. — Is that enough, Teo.? [43] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODOBA No, go on. MERCEDES Well, the Capital to which Julian would be ac- credited, they explained, prides itself on its prim and precise social orders. None of our Euro- pean ways ! — The menage-a-trois, with its at- tendant gossip and eventual divorce, is quite unknown. — In short, their social code, over there is summed up in the Seventh Commandment — Or so the}^ tried to make Severo believe. They told of an Ambassador, from a Power much greater than Spain, practically given his conge because of some vague doubt regarding a mem- ber of his household. The Ambassador showed his Emperor's decree that proclaimed his prote- gee princess by title and heiress to all his es- tates. But even that didn't satisfy his straight- laced censors ; and Monsieur rAmhassadeur had himself transferred. — Now do you understand .^^ TEODORA, bitterly Quite well enough ! MERCEDES Why did Julian insist on Ernesto's appointment — and why did you let him.^ Without that [44] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE everything would have gone well. — They told Severo relations with the other country were still awkward and the Government could not risk a contretemps. — If here in Madrid, where we are not squeamish, this menage is misunder- stood — what chance to escape scandal over there ? TEODOHA If Julian should know ! MERCEDES He must know. — Severo's come to tell him. TEODORA, protesting But, first, let ine see Julian. It is my right- MERCEDES His brother has the greater right. [ JULIAN and SEVERO enter, talking vehe- mently. TEODORA [^Rushing to Julian. Julian ! [45] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN [Indicating meecedes. What has she been telling you? MERCEDES Just what Severo has been telling you. JULIAN Now, my good people, for this once I let it go, but you shall not — SEVERO We only tell you what they say — JULIAN They say — they say — who? MERCEDES Everyone — everywhere — all the world and his wife ! — JULIAN They shall answer to us. SEVERO You can't fight all the world ! [46] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN For Teodora, yes — all the world. MERCEDES Perhaps — but you can't fight his wife. — I've spok- en to Teo only as I would to a loved sister whom I saw in danger. JULIAN If there were danger, I should be the first — SEVERO No, the last to see. It is always so ! Shut your own eyes if you will, but you can't shut out the picture, here, for all the world to look at ; the wife, young, beautiful, with a mind for moon- light and the mandolinata, and an idling, dream- ing youth, who when he isn't lolling at her feet is mooning over love stories — or writing verses — for Teodora to read ! A fine animal to let loose about the house while you're at your desk muddling over State affairs — I'd as lief bring into my house the pet of the bull-ring ! JULIAN, indignantly Severo, you forget the presence of my wife- [47] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE S E V E R O No — nor that she bears our name — that her hon- our is our own. — Let him not forget it either — this fellow Ernesto ! [ernesto appears at the door in time to hear this: he is followed hy pepito. ERNESTO [As if to withdraw. I beg your pardon. JULIAN Come in — PEPITO [To TEODORA. Here are the tickets — the opera is 'Galeoto' — with a ballet, from Paris. Trala ! TEODORA Thanks, Pepito. ERNESTO [To JULIAN. What's happened? [48] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Why, of course. That's the way we want him to feel. His father and Julian — you know what friends they were. — Julian never tires talking of it. — Ernesto's as much at home here as Julian himself. MERCEDES, snapplsJily Yes, that's what they say. TEODORA Good! Everything we have is at Ernesto's dis- posal, and we want the whole world to know it. MERCEDES Teo, you're either very ingenuous or very ingen- ious. TEODORA Sounds interesting — I wish I knew what it meant. [MERCEDES looks at TEODORA,* there is a troubled pause. TEODORA Well, well — what is it.? You look serious. [33] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES It is serious. TEODORA Aha, you've been up to some mischief? MERCEDES No, but — my dear, you know I like you, don't you? — that I'm your friend? TEODORA Yes — but you didn't send Ernesto away to tell me that! — Now what's happened? MERCEDES I hope nothing has happened, I praif nothing will. TEODORA, impatiently/ Don't keep me on the rack. What can happen — and to whom? MERCEDES To all three. TEODORA What three? [34] THE WORLD AND HIS WIF E MERCEDES The usual, and universal, three — the wife, the hus- band — and — another man. TEODORA, perplexedly Another — ? MERCEDES The other man — [With a nod to indicate ernesto. TEODORA Ernesto? MERCEDES [With elaborate relief. Thank you for guessing! TEODORA, laughing Wasn't very hard with that — [Repeats mercedes' nod. [With sudden change of tone. And you're in love with Ernesto? [35] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES [Looking at her closely. If I didn't know you to be a candid, straight- forward woman, I'd say you were fencing — or v/orse ! TEODORA, rising And I'd say you were — MERCEDES Teodora — is it possible you don't know what they are saying? TEODORA Who are 'they'? MERCEDES Everybody — everybody — in our world — and half Madrid, besides. TEODORA [After a pause. And what do they say? MERCEDES That you are making a fool of Julian — ^you and Ernesto ! [ 36 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA, aghast Mercedes ! MERCEDES, deliberately That's what they say, Teo. TEODORA, rising Ernesto and I — they say — ! [After a pause. Well — now the shock's over — it's so ridiculous — what they say — so supremely and sublimely wicked — that it's ridiculous — MERCEDES Then you care nothing for this man? TEODORA I like Ernesto — like him — better, I believe, than any man I know — MERCEDES Ah! TEODORA But I love Julian. [37] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES Is there so much difference? TEODORA, impatiently Is there ! — Well — if you don't know the difference, I'm sorry for you — l^As an after- thought. And your husband, too. [//J a different tone. I'd lay down my life for Julian, and you know it. MERCEDES / believe you — but out there — {^Indicating the world without. They don't — They're laughing at Julian. TEODORA ( Laughing at him ! I'd hate to be the one he catches at it ! MERCEDES {With a gesture. He has only to reach out his hand — anywhere — [38] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE at his club — in the Prado — at the opera — ^And as for you, Teo — TEODORA Never mind me ! That's no matter ! — what they say ! — A woman reckons only with God and her own conscience. But Julian — that pink of chivalry, with the pride of El Campeador ! — Mercedes, it would kill him — hill him ! MERCEDES Yes, and knowing that, Teo, feeling as you do, how could you be so — so — TEODORA What! MERCEDES Reckless — or indifferent — of what everyone thinks. TEODORA No, they can't — MERCEDES Says then — comes to the same — and more! — It isn't what you do, nor what people think you do ; it's what they say you do ! [39] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA But no right — or reason — MERCEDES Oh, plenty of reason — this man constantly about you. TEODORA With Julian! MERCEDES No, not always — Just now — when we came in — and found you — bien-intime — 'reading' — in the dusk — Julian wasn't with you — TEODORA But — here — in my home — MERCEDES And the servants? TEODORA The servants ! MERCEDES Have eyes and ears just the same as the others. [40] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA And can see and hear no more than the others. [Nods to indicate the world outside. Oh, but, come, Mercedes — this is too much ! The servants ! I begin to beheve jou mean to humihate me. MERCEDES No, but neither shall he — if we can help it — we who really care for you. Teodora, the fel- low's unworthy of you — not fit to tie your — l^Points to teodora's shoes. TEODORA [^Turning sharply. Mercedes, I forbid you ! MERCEDES, triumphantly There, you see ! — you flare at the first word against him. TEODORA Yes, a guest under our roof — Julian's closest friend — as dear to him almost as Severo — living with us in the frankest companionship — you ex- pect me to listen — in patience — to the chatter [41] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE of the servants' hall — the scandal of the streets. MERCEDES It is more than that — much more ! This preux- chevalier whom you defend with such fire has compromised Julian ruinously. TEODORA Nonsense ! MERCEDES Indeed ! You know, perhaps, Julian's appoint- ment has been held up? TEODORA Yes, he told me. MERCEDES And the reason.^ TEODORA He doesn't know — MERCEDES But Severo does — learned it just now at the For- eign Office. The gossip you make so light of — that you ridicule and despise — well, there they take it more seriously. You understand .^ [42] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA I begin to. MERCEDES At first they would tell Severo nothing — the usual diplomatic excuses and evasions. "A mere de- lay" — they put it. When Severo insisted — there were intimations, none too nice — shoulder shrugs — lifted eyebrows ; — and then an at- tempt to make a johe of it all ! TEODORA I can imagine that was enough for Severo ! MERCEDES Yes. — He demanded that they come out into the open and tell him exactly what this treatment of his brother meant. — He demanded the truth — and he got it ! TEODORA, contemptuously/ The truth? MERCEDES Well, what they believe the truth. And in plain, blunt terms, without disguise or delicacy. — Is that enough, Teo.? [43] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA No, go on. MERCEDES Well, the Capital to which Julian would be ac- credited, they explained, prides itself on its prim and precise social orders. None of our Euro- pean ways ! — The menage-a-trois, with its at- tendant gossip and eventual divorce, is quite unknown. — In short, their social code, over there is summed up in the Seventh Commandment — Or so they tried to make Severo believe. They told of an Ambassador, from a Power much greater than Spain, practically given his conge because of some vague doubt regarding a mem- ber of his household. The Ambassador showed his Emperor's decree that proclaimed his prote- gee princess by title and heiress to all his es- tates. But even that didn't satisfy his straight- laced censors ; and Monsieur rAmbassadeur had himself transferred. — Nov/ do you understand .^^ TEODORA, bitterly Quite well enough ! MERCEDES Wh}^ did Julian insist on Ernesto's appointment — and why did you let him? Without that [ 44 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE everything would have gone well. — They told Severo relations with the other country were still awkward and the Government could not risk a contretemps. — If here in Madrid, where we are not squeamish, this menage is misunder- stood — what chance to escape scandal over there ? TEODORA If Julian should know! MERCEDES He must know. — Severo's come to tell him. TEODORA, protesting But, first, let me see Julian. It is my right- MERCEDES His brother has the greater right. [juLiAN and SEVERO enter, talking vehe- mently. TEODORA [^Rushing to jitlian. Julian ! [45] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN [^Indicating mercedes. What has she been telling you? MERCEDES Just what Severe • has been telling 7/ou. JULIAN Now, my good people, for this once I let it go, but you shall not — SEVERO We only tell you what they say — JULIAN They say — the2^ say — who? MERCEDES Everyone — everywhere — all the world and his wife ! — JULIAN They shall answer to us. SEVERO You can't fight all the world! [46] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN For Teodora, yes — all the world. MERCEDES Perhaps— but you can't fight his wife.— I've spok- en to Teo only as I would to a loved sister whom I saw in danger. JULIAN If there were danger, I should be the first— SEVERO No, the last to see. It is always so ! Shut your own eyes if you will, but you can't shut out the picture, here, for all the world to look at; the wife, young, beautiful, with a mind for moon- light and the mandohnata, and an idhng, dream- ing youth, who when he isn't lolling at her feet IS mooning over love stories— or writing verses —for Teodora to read! A fine animal to let loose about the house while you're at your desk muddhng over State afFairs— I'd as lief brin^ into my house the pet of the bull-ring! JULIAN, indignantly Severo, you forget the presence of my wife— [47] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO No — nor that she bears our name — that her hon- our is our own. — Let him not forget it either — this fellow Ernesto! [ernesto appears at the door in time to hear this: he is followed hy pepito. ERNESTO [As if to withdraw. I beg your pardon. JULIAN Come in — PEPITO [To TEODORA. Here are the tickets — the opera is 'Galeoto' — with a ballet, from Paris. Trala! TEODORA Thanks, Pepito. ERNESTO [To JULIAN. What's happened? [48] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN, evasively Why — why — why — what should happen? ERNESTO I don't know — but — I heard my name — and Teo- dora — she's been crying. JULIAN Women are given to that sort of thing, I believe. ERNESTO Not Teodora. What's wrong here.^^ TEODORA, lightly Nothing — nothing to speak of. ERNESTO Anything I can set right? JULIAN \^As if to dismiss the subject. Whatever's wrong, / am here to set it right. — This is her affair and mine. s E V E R o , significantly And if need be I'll make it mine ! [49] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO You make it mine, too — when you take that tone with me. — Come, Julian, you have never yet denied me your confidence — and I demand it now — since it is plain the affair directly con- cerns me. JULIAN Forgive me — I've been greatly disturbed. SEVERO \^To ERNESTO. It is the matter of his appointment. ERNESTO The delay.? SEVERO There's more than delay — they threaten to with- hold it entirely. And because of yoii. ERNESTO That trouble's easily gotten over. I never wished the post for which Julian urged me — all along intended to refuse it. [50] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO Then why didn't you? ERNESTO One doesn't decHne a diplomatic post until it is offered; and I knew it would never come to that — I knew Don Alvarez' influence would prevent it. SEVERO He says your father ruined him — in prestige and fortune. ERNESTO Yes, he did. That's one of my proudest memories. Alvarez was of that precious crew of army con- tractors who sent our soldiers to Cuba and the Philippines with guns of tin instead of steel, with sand for powder, and stole their poor rations until they starved. My father brought him to book for it. Everyone knows that. SEVERO Yes — and if it were only Alvarez — ■ ERNESTO Who else then? [51] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO A thousand others — half the town — every man and woman who has taken note of your position in this house. Surely, you have not been left in ignorance — ERNESTO Oh, no — SEVERO [To JULIAN. You see? [To ERNESTO. Then, even to you — ? ERNESTO Yes. SEVERO And you didn't strangle the wretch.? ERNESTO I should have — only it was your son, Pepito. SEVERO Better he than another. THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO \^In a threatening tone. Better, perhaps, for jou. SEVERO What do you mean? What do you mean?^ [^Turns to pepito. Pepito, take your mother — l^Motions them to leave. ERNESTO Teodora, if you will — TEODORA [As if asking Julian's permission. No — I'd rather remain — may I not, Julian? JULIAN [After a glance at ernesto. No — let it be as Ernesto wishes — [Takes teodora to the door, and comes hack. Now we may as well have this out, once for all. [53] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO Now, Sir, you mean? — ERNESTO I mean, Don Severo — [At a glance from teodora, as she goes out, he softens his tones. I mean that what I heard from Pepito — some absurd, some petty — and all infamous — might better come from anyone else than one of Julian's kinsmen. If I did not thrust the lie down the throat of him who only repeated it — carelessly, I know — half in jest, and with no conscious evil — it was because he was Julian's kin. I could not be so patient a second time, even with Julian's kinsmen. — That's what I mean, Don Severo. JULIAN And he's right. [severo starts as if angry — julian con- tinues more gently. Oh, I know your devotion to me — the honesty of your motive — but if out there shameless per- sons make a gutter frolic of the reputation of an innocent woman and two honest men, at [54] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE least let us shut our door against it. — Here, under my roof, I have my own eyes to look after my own affairs — and if need arises I have steel and my own right arm. SEVERO And it will come to that if we let it go on. Stop it — I say — stop it where it is. JULIAN, tensely That we shall — you may be sure ! And in a way all Madrid will ring with. SEVERO, appeasingly No, no, no — that's just what we must avoid. — With calmness and prudence we must order this affair — like sensible men of the world — and not precipitate a new embarrassment. There is no need here of passion or violence — the matter is not beyond repair. ( Lightly.) As yet, it is nothing — really nothing ! ERNESTO l^With sardonic laughter, at first; then with rebuke, and crescent vehemence. 'Nothing'? 'Nothing,' indeed? To nag and torture him with doubts and suspicion — that is nothing? You hurry to him with every new [55] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE invention of scandal and slander — but that is nothing! You din into his ears the malicious prattle of club, cafe, the very street corner — and that is nothing? You tell him he is threat- ened with shame and dishonour — destroy his peace of mind — kill his faith in everything he holds dearest and sweetest — the wife adored — the friend cherished — and that is nothing ! You drag into his house the mire of the streets — stamp it on his hearth-stone — and when you have maddened him by the infamy, you bid him *be calm' because 'it is nothing' — 'really noth- ing' ! Look — {^Pointing to julian. his face drawn by anguish — and the tears we saw in Teodora's eyes — they are nothing? SEVERO No, not to you — else you'd end it all. ERNESTO I'll hunt out these traducers — I only wait Julian's word — to begin with them. SEVERO There's a simpler way and a quicker one — leave here ! [56] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN {^Coming between them. Severo, I am master in this house — SEVERO [Waving julian aside; to ernes to. Leave here! That will end it ! ERNESTO Right ! I leave this house to-day. I leave the country the moment my affairs are arranged. JULIAN And I forbid one and both. — What ! Justify their slander — lend colour to their lies, by running away.f^ Let them think they've frightened us — or shamed us? What has come over you, Don Severo — to suggest such a course? [To ERNESTO. You remain here — with us — and our life goes on as before. — Just as before ! ERNESTO That is impossible, Julian. Things will never again be as they were. For no fault of our own — for nothing we have done — or should ever do [57] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE — those dear days are over. There's come into our hves a subtle, insidious, venomous poison, stronger than we are — stronger than our faith, our trust, stronger even than our friendship. — That is the meanest part of calumny — you fight it — you vanquish it — but you carry a scar [^Beats his heart. that never heals ! — Don Severo is right — it is for me to go. SEVERO Without question — and without delay. — (Disdain- fully.) And if you haven't the ready means, vaj brother will supply them. ERNESTO, indignantly Don Severo, you seem bent on insulting me! — You are Julian's brother, and I love him — ^but you presume too far — JULIAN, interposing No, no — he meant kindly. — I'm sure my brother doesn't forget what I owe Ernesto's father. SEVERO Repay it, then — as freely as you like — but not at [58] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE the price of our place before the world — and your career. JULIAN, impatiently I'll not listen to you. [Starts to leave. ERNESTO [Stopping him. But you must, Julian — there's no going back now — the mischief has been done. [jULiAN makes a gesture of protest. Oh, yes — the very words he has just spoken — the fact that we've had to hear them — proves it — and that we, in turn, speak of them, proves it the more. — It were folly for you and me to ignore a foe that has already disarmed us, even before we dreamed of attack, and put us at the mercy of malice and stupidity! [The last word is thrown at severo. SEVERO Call it what you please ! — But I will stop at noth- ing, I warn you, to end a condition I believe dangerous to Juhan's happiness and position. SERVANT, announcing Captain Beaulieu. [ 59 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN [To SERVANT. Yes — show Captain Beaulieu in — then tell Ma- dame. [servant goes out. JULIAN [After a slight pause. Now, see to what we have come here ! Misunder- standing — bitterness — ugly words, where be- fore was good-will, and cheer, and good-fellow- ship. — And all through the idle gossip of people who care nothing for us — and we less for them. — Now let's have an end of it — and of your talk of leaving us ! [captain beaulieu enters: julian crosses to greet him. BEAULIEU \To JULIAN. So glad of this chance to see you before you leave. When do you go? JULIAN That rests with the Foreign Office, Captain. [60] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [juLiAN, at a nod from severo, joins the latter on the balcony where they walk to and fro, in animated conversation. BEAULIEU [To ERNESTO. How stands the Embassy matter? ERNESTO, confused Why — I — don't quite know — BEAULIEU Still wabbles, eh? ERNESTO I believe so, BEAULIEU I thought as much. ERNESTO, alert You've heard something? BEAULIEU [^Glances toward the others. No, no, but when I came in — I thought I smelt [61] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE powder. — But that may be only this over-sensi- tive, diplomatic nose of mine. — Of course, we never mix up in these matters — officially — but you know I'm awfully fond of Don Julian and you and Donna Teodora — and I like Donna Mercedes and little Pepito — all the family in fact, with possibly one exception — whom, of course, I won't mention by name, except to say I'd never take him for Don Julian's brother. But you know who's making all the trouble, don't you.^ ERNESTO Do you. Captain.? BEAULIEU Everyone does — it's the Marquis Alvarez. He's been pulling wires at our Legation — or, rather, trying to. — But he got precious little satis- faction — and I dropped a hint if that sort of work went on, I'd go to the Queen — she's Eng- lish, God bless her! — and ask fair play for Julian. ERNESTO Thank you — you're very good. [62] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU And you won't mind a bit of counsel, from a fellow who likes you? ERNESTO I'll be grateful. BEAULIEU Well, then — don't let Alvarez draw you. ERNESTO Draw? — What do you mean.^^ BEAULIEU Don't play into his hands by an open quarrel. That's his game— from what I gather — to push matters to an explosion — and involve Julian in the crash — ERNESTO Yes, so it would seem. — But it's really at me he's striking — over Julian's head — BEAULIEU [As if enlightened. Oho ! That complicates matters. [63] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO On the contrary — simplifies them. — Alvarez will quiet down the moment I'm out of the way. BEAULiEu, surprised *Out of the way!' — Where are you going, boy? ERNESTO South America — the Rio Plata region. BEAULIEU, gaily The Argentine ! I've been there. Delightful country ! — Almost as many rainy days as Lon- don. — Jolly lot of people — and excellent beef! [With sudden change to seriousness. And when did this happen .^^ ERNESTO Oh, some time ago I decided on leaving Madrid — My father had interests out there — mines and a tea-plantation — and I'm going to look up the stray ends of the estate — BEAULIEU Soon ? [64] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO I'm sailing in a week or two, at the latest. BEAULiEU, impulsively Good! [^Correcting himself. I beg your pardon — [teodora and mercedes, followed by PEPiTo, appear at the balcony-entrance. You understand? ERNESTO Of course — and — thanks ! [beaulieu goes to m^^f teodora and MERCEDES. PEPITO [Comes down to ernesto and leans across the table, half whispering. You're not angry with me.'' ERNESTO No, no, boy, of course not — you meant no harm. [65] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO Only told you those things, to put you on your guard. ERNESTO Yes, yes, it's all right. l^Turns to go. PEPITO, persisting And after all — you can't help it — you and Teo — if you've come to care for each other. ERNESTO [^Hardly suppressing his frenzy. By God ! Pepito ! Don't you say that — ever again — or anything like it ! TEODORA [^Entering, to captain beaulieu. So glad Don Ernesto thought to ask you to dine with us. BEAULIEU And I. Most of the Legation people are En- vacances. I don't know what to do with myself evenings. [66] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Then maybe you'll come on to the opera with us? BEAULIEU For your charming company — thanks. — ^What particular form does the trouble take to-night? TEG DORA, perplexed Why?— BEAULIEU One of my stock jokes, dear lady. — What's the opera, I mean? TEODORA 'Galeoto.' BEAULIEU Don't know it — new? TEODORA Quite — the season's one novelty. BEAULIEU One o' those awful made-in-Germany affairs? [67] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Oh, no — Italy — the new school. BEAULIEU Heavy ? TEODORA Au contraire. [Music is heard through the balcony win- dows. There, that answers you ! The street bands have it now — and the barrel organs in a week. [All listen for a few seconds to the music. BEAUIilEU Yes, I think I'm up to that. SEVERO Do you have much opera in London.'' BEAULIEU Not enough to hurt, thank Heaven ! You know there never was a people who loved music who could fight. MERCEDES Oh, Captain — the Germans, they love music. [68] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAUI.IEU Oh, but bless you, dear lady, what they think is music isn't music — l^With assurance, not as me English understand music! TEODORA The Russians, then? Their composers are doing wonders — running away from their rivals. BEAULIEU They did that at Port Arthur, too, and at Muk- den — as many as could get away. — ^No — the best fighters we English ever met were the Boers — and can you imagine a Dutch Boer sing- ing grand-opera or playing the harp.? SEVER o, proudly But we Spaniards also love music. BEAULIEU ^^Disconcerted for a moment. Ah, thank you — the exception that proves my rule. — Until this moment I never could think of one. [To TEODORA. Tell me — the opera to-night — in Spanish.? [69] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Oh, no, the original — you know Italian? BEAULIEU Not much — Vostra Eccelenza — and Bella Sig- norina — and of course, Chianti and that sort of thing. — What's it about? TEODORA Oh, no, that'll spoil the surprise. BEAULIEU Yes, but I'll spoil your evening, with no end of questions — and have them hissing at our box. TEODORA It's the story of Francesca and Paolo. I'm lost again. BEAULIEU ERNESTO The same story as your English Launcelot and Guinevere. BEAULIEU Oh, yes, I remember them — never could spell their [70] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE names right — But I don't recall the 'Galeoto' Johnny ! TEODORA He's in Dante's story. BEAULIEU The usual 'other fellow,' eh? — Sings tenor? ERNESTO No, Galeoto is the go-between — the mischief- maker. He brings Francesca and Paolo the gossip of the court — the quips and jests and wanton rhymes that play about them. — To each in turn, he tells the general report of the other's love — meaning no harm, of course ! Oh, no ! — And when they flout his story — he says: 'Look about you ! What does that side-glance mean, as you pass, the nudge — the grin — the shrug of shoulder — the flippant word thrown after?' Little by little he has Francesca and Paolo seriously concerned, — at first each for self, and then for each other ! TEODORA, lightly That's the crux of the opera ! BEAULIEU, approvingly Pretty idea ! [71] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO l^Continuing with more fervour. In the end, you see a man and woman, at first indifferent, thrown into each other's arms, ut- terly despite themselves, by the subtle, insidious, fiendish power of trifles. — The arch passion flaming up in souls that, unfanned hy scandal^ would have flickered on forever, harmlessly, in- nocently — ignorant of evil — except for 'Gale- oto'— SEVERO Who, if the truth were known, only did his duty. BEAULIEU Well, I call him a rotter, a perfect rotter ! — Sings bass, I'll wager. SEVERO, drily For all that, Captain, the world will always be- lieve 'where there's smoke there's fire.' BEAULIEU Yes — but what the world takes for smolce is very often nothing but dust kicked up by a lot of busy-bodies. [72] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [Turning to ernesto. I thought I smelt powder! [footmen draw aside the curtains of the balcony-doors, disclosing the dinner-table, splendid with silver, candelabra and flow^ ers. Suspended above the table is a large antique lantern. FIRST FOOTMAN, advancing Dinner is served ! [tEODORA, ERNESTO, CAPTAIN BEAU- LIEU and PEPiTo walk slowly toward the balcony, chatting animatedly. They stop by the open doors. MERCEDES \To JULIAN. Oh, we dine on the balcony? JULIAN You think it's too cool? MERCEDES No, but — \^In a lower voice. Where everyone can see? [73] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN \_With a surprised look at severo. Well, upon my word! SEVERO You know the Alvarez live just across the street. MERCEDES l^With a nod toward ernesto and teo- DORA. And they watch every little thing that goes on here. JULIAN Well, what of it? What goes on here they shouldn't see? They or anyone else — - [mercedes shrugs her shoulders. Do you suppose I'm going to alter my house, my ways — because loose tongues and light minds choose to — MERCEDES No, of course not ! But since they are all so eager to talk, why give them any excuse, even the flimsiest ? [74] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN If for nothing else, to show how we despise their talk — how little it touches us. — This house might be of glass for all they could see to our discredit. \^C ailing. Captain BeauHeu, will you take in the Donna Mercedes ? [beaulieu gives his arm to Merce- des. Ernesto — [ernes TO continues in lively conversation with TEGDORA, and takes no notice. [//i a louder tone. Ernesto ! [ernes TO still does not hear. [Calling again with some temper. Ernesto ! ERNESTO [Lightly, turning and coming to him. Hello, what is it? [75] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN I called you three times. ERNESTO I beg pardon — I didn't hear — we were so inter- ested — JULIAN Evidently — yes ! ERNESTO \^After a pause. Well, well, Julian — what do you wish? JULIAN [Looking at him closely. Why — take in Teodora ! [ernesto and teodora join the others on the balcony. JULIAN \To SEVERO, after a pause. What do you suppose they were talking about? SEVERO, viciously 'Galeoto,' of course! [ iQ ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN [Gazing after them. Did you notice — he didn't hear me? SEVEBO You called him only three times. JULIAN Yes, three times I had to call him. — I wonder why — h'm — Severo, why? [Seizes sever o's hand, tensely. SEVEitO [With a smile of triumph. Ah, you're beginning to see — at last! JULIAN [Pulling himself together. Passes his right hand over his brow as if to get rid of an ugly thought. No, no, no ! [Drops SEVERO 's hand excitedly. There's nothing to see. Only for a moment — God forgive me — I caught your madness — THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA {^Calling from the balcony. Julian. JULIAN Come — they're waiting — and, brother, [^Lightly. never again, if you love me, one word of these — phantoms ! [Laughingly. — phantoms ! [There is animated chatter and laughter at the table. CURTAIN [78] ACT II The Scene is Ernesto's lodgings, in a small hotel attached to a popular cafe. The furnish- ings, though meagre and time-worn, give the room the air of a studio. Double doors at the right lead to the public hallway: at the back, towards the left, is a similar door opening into the bedroom, while towards the right there is a casement window, with a striped awning, aiid a flower-box on the sill. On the left, a door leads into a corridor which is set at an angle. The general appearance of the room indicates preparations for Ernesto's departure : the book- cases are almost emptied of their contents, and the mantelpiece stripped of pictures and photographs. On the floor are trunks and boxes, some open, some closed and strapped. Clothes and other articles are scattered about. When the curtain rises, ernesto is putting books and papers in a travelling bag. genaro enters, humming or singing the waltz from **Gal- eoto,'' which the band is playing in the cafe gar- den below. He breaks off the song instantly on seeing ernesto. [79] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE EENESTO Who is it, Genaro? GENARO The young Don Pepito. PEPITO [Entering hrishly. Are jou in, Ernesto? ERNESTO Of course, boy ! PEPITO [Indicating genaro. He wasn't certain — Beauheu's waiting below — [Goes to the door and calls out. Captain ! Only one more flight ! [Signals to him. ERNESTO [To GENARO. Ask Captain Beaulieu to be good enough to come up — and, Genaro, close the window — [80] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE GENARO Excellent music, to-day, sir. PEPITO They're playing 'Galeoto.' ERNESTO Yes, yes — but I don't care to hear it, to-day — [genaro, in response to a gesture from ERNESTO, closes the window and goes out. PEPITO l^With feeling. No more do I, Ernesto — [^Noting the preparations for departure. Can't that wait? ERNESTO No — they'll be coming for the trunks, presently. —Why? PEPITO Oh, I don't know — but somehow — l^T ouches his eye furtively. I don't like to see you — When do you go? [81] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO To-night — I leave Madrid — forever! PEPITO, protesting Oh, no ! EENESTO, firmly Yes, Pepito — forever! [genaro is heard singing. There's Beaulieu. BEAULIEU l^Heard speaking to genaro. All right — I'll find my way. \_Enters, breathing hard and fanning him- self. Regular song-bird, isn't he, that landlord? What's the idea ? ERNESTO An old custom of the house, he says — handed down from father to son. [ 82 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAUIilEU [Throwing himself in a chair, wearily. Pretty idea ! [Fanning himself. By Jove, three years in India take it out of a fellow ! PEPiTo, chaffingly Not you ! At an Embassy ball I've seen you dance half the men off the floor. BEAUIilEU Oh, that's in the line of duty, my boy. [Crosses to ernesto. But climbing three flights of stairs to bid hon voyage to a fellow you're fond of, is mere pleasure! ERNESTO Really, Captain .? BEAULIEU Well, you know what I mean. — But I'm hoping Julian may induce you to change your plans. ERNESTO Nothing could induce me to remain in Madrid. [83] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU But go with him, I mean. — The Embassy matter's settled, you know. ERNESTO [Somewhat embarrassed. No — I — I — haven't seen Julian for some days. — I must send him a line at once — to tell him how glad I am — [Sits at the desk preparing to write. He might have let me know. [ Writes. BEAULIEU It was announced only this morning — at least, we only got the news then at our legation. ERNESTO [As he writes. Thank you for bringing me word. It will lighten my dismal journey immensely. For all his seem- ing not to care, I know Julian's heart was set on this appointment. PEPITO And he can thank you for it. [84] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO, laughing How on earth do I figure in it? PEPITO Just because you're out of it. Why, the moment it got about that you weren't going as Secre- tary, all opposition ended, and Julian's appoint- ment was confirmed. Isn't that so. Captain .^^ BEAULIEU, curtly Don't know anything about it. PEPITO Well, anyway, that's what they say. ERNESTO l^Sealing the note. Oh, 'that's what they say.?' \_Rises. PEPITO Yes, and they say, too — Alvarez is raging — You've cut the ground from under his feet. ERNESTO [To BEAULIEU. You see I was right, Captain. [85] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAU LIEU, nodding I suppose so. — I say, it's to Buenos Ayres you're going ? ERNESTO For a while, yes. BEAULIEU I've brought you letters to some people out there — may be of service — until you get acquainted — [^Running through three or four letters. These chaps '11 put you up at a club or two — and this letter's to my sister and her husband — he's in our Legation there. Trump of a fel- low! ERNESTO [^Deeply moved. Letters to your people !— Beaulieu, I don't dare to tell you how grateful I am — PEPiTo, exuberantly I'll do it for you — [Takes a step toward beaulieu. Captain, if you were a Spaniard, like Ernesto and myself — I'd kiss you. [ 86 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAU LIEU, retreating Pretty idea ! — But there's nothing Spanish in my family ! PEPITO I'm going to tell my father what you've done. BEAULIEU Pretty idea, too ! \_With some temper. ^ But I don't think you need bother. PEPITO [^With feeling. Oh, don't blame my father for what's happened — \_To ERNESTO. You don't, Ernesto.'^ ERNESTO l^With kindness. No one's to blame — and nothing has happened. [ 87 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO It would have — if you'd stayed here — and the talk kept up. There was bound to be a quarrel with somebody. ERNESTO, bitterly Yes, with somebody. PEPITO Alvarez, probably. ERNESTO, listlessly Yes — Alvarez — PEPITO And my father wanted to avoid that. BEAULiEU, explosively Then, why in thunder didn't he mind his own — [With a sudden change of tone, as if to himself. Pretty idea — why don't I? ERNESTO [As if explaining to beaulieu. After all, Don Severo may really believe he's act- ing for the best. [88] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO Mj father's of the old school — he hasn't travelled, Beaulieu, like you and I — hasn't seen the world — the great world. Some of his notions I don't approve — BEAULIEU, chafjingly No? PEPITO Wears low collars at the opera — and won't have the champagne iced. — But, between ourselves, here — I'm not so certain he's wrong in this matter. ERNESTO [Pausing in his work of putting things in a trunk. What do you mean, Pepito.? PEPITO Well, of course, the world says you musn't watch your wife — or keep a curb on her. — You must let her do as she pleases. Because, if you don't, she will, anyway — and a bit more so ! Well, [89] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE some fine morning — or evening — she does do as she pleases, and then the world says: 'Well, it served her husband right! What could he ex- pect? He always let her do just as she pleased!' GENARO, entering A messenger from Senor Moreno. ERNESTO Yes? GENARO He's waiting for you at the Alcazar Cafe. ERNESTO Yes — say I'll be over at once — And, have this sent immediately. [genaro goes out. BEAULiEU, questioning Moreno? Who's he? ERNESTO The steamship agent — to arrange about my ticket and baggage — [Takes his hat as if to go. I won't be long — [90] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO [Stopping him. The Alcazar! Oh, don't go over there — ERNESTO But I've an appointment — PEPITO Well, I'll go for jou — ERNESTO But — why ? PEPITO You're sure to run into Alvarez and his crowd — • they're always there — ERNESTO Well?— BEAULIEU Pepito's right. — Let him go for you. ERNESTO Nonsense! I'll only be there a few minutes. [91] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAUIilEU Well, then, I'll go with you. ERNESTO [^Fondly, with arm on beaulieu's shoul- der. Dear old Beaulieu — [Laughing lightly. You'd think I was still a boy. BEAULIEU Gad ! You Latin fellows never get over being boys. Come along ! ERNESTO [At the door. Pepito, while I'm gone, you might throw some things in that chest, for me — those books — [Points to the hooks on the table. the pictures — [Points to the pictures on the cabinet. any odds and ends — if you will. — And, Pepito, in the room at the end of that corridor — [92] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [^Goes to the door on the left, and indicates room. you'll find my foils and fencing traps — will you fetch them, like a good fellow ? [^Goes out with beaulieu. PEPITO Yes, I'll have them ready. \^He gathers together various articles from the table and hook-cases and puts them in the travelling-chest and trunks. Now and then he stops and listens to the music heard very faintly from the cafe below. He goes to the window, and opens it, so that the music is heard more distinctly. Going to the cabinet, he picks up two or three picture- frames and looks at them. Ernesto's father — Don Florio — l^Looks at another. One of me — taken in Havana — Don Julian — and the frame's mate empty. Teo's picture used to be there. Well, he's right — better keep reminders out of sight. [93] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [Puts frames in one of the chests. Picks up a book from the table n£ar-by, and reads the title — ^ Dante — The Divine Com- edy: [A photograph falls from the book. He picks it up, and looks at it. H'm — Teo — Trala, she is a beauty! I don't wonder Julian is in love with her. [Pause. And it wouldn't be a wonder if Ernesto — We'll put it back in the book — [As he does so he notices writing on the back of the picture. Verses — Ernesto's writing — No — not verses — [Reads. 'Now and then, Fate leads two weak humans face to face, and says "You twain are mates" — "You belong together — body and soul" — And when that happens — as with Francesca and Paolo— faith — loyalty, pride are vain words. Love doesn't heed them, nor even hear them. When that happens — ' [genaro is heard singing. [Continuing, as he puts the picture in the [94] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE book, and throws the book into a tru/nh, which he closes mth a bang. 'When that happens' — trunks can't be packed too quickly ! [^Goes out hastily through the door open- ing into the corridor. [gen ARC enters, humming or singing as usual, followed by julian and severo. JULIAN l^Looking about. Don Ernesto is out? GENARO Would seem so. [Resumes singing and crosses to the door of the bed-room, looking in. Not in his bed-room, either. He must just have gone. SEVERO [Annoyed by the singing. If you please, my good fellow — GENARO, turning I beg pardon, a custom of the house — A custom of [95] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE the house, Sir — understood by our regular guests, and I believe appreciated. JULIAN Don Ernesto is expected back soon? GENARO Doubtless — at least, I hope so. [Holds up a letter. Here's a message — just come — marked 'urgent.' JULIAN We'll wait ! [pEPiTO enters, carrying fencing foils, masks, etc. SEVERO, surprised You here? PEPITO Helping Ernesto pack his traps. [To JULIAN. You wish to see him? JULIAN At once. [ 96 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE GENARO I'll send word to the Alcazar Cafe. [pEPiTO puts foils in case, PEPiTO, turning He's gone to meet the steamship agent about his baggage and tickets. JULIAN You go— tell him we are here— ask him to come as soon as possible. [Recalls pepito. And, Pepito, tell him he's to cancel his steam- ship ticket — stop preparations for leaving — he's not going — [With a glance at seveuo. tell him / said so — Be quick about it. PEPITO I'll run every step. [Goes out hastily. SEVEE.O [Recalling genaro, who is about to fol- low PEPITO. Don Ernesto is sailing? — [97] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE GENARO To-morrow. SEVEEO [^As if to himself. Good. GENAEO His trunks are 'most ready now. He goes to-night to Cadiz — there takes the steamer El Cid for Buenos Ayres. SEVERO [Half to himself. Fresh wind to his sail and good speed ! GENARO You are friends of Don Ernesto.? [sever o makes a sign of impatience, JULIAN Yes, Oh, yes. [98] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE GENARO Well, permit me to say, gentlemen, your friend is a gentleman. You may take my word for it. A complete gentleman. SEVEEO In Don Ernesto's name we thank you. GENAEO Yes, gentlemen, a complete gentleman. Even though he drinks Httle wine and that rather cheap, he is a gentleman — you may take my word for it — no matter what they say. — Of course, a person in my position is in the way of hearing a lot of gossip. [jULiAN crosses the room as if to get out of hearing of what is lihely to follow. But I know enough not to repeat the stuff. — They say for instance — they say — SEVERO Yes, they say.? — JULIAN [As if to dismiss genaro. We don't care what they say. [ 99 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE GENARO No more do I, Sir. He's young, clever, good-look- ing and if, as they say — \^He places the sealed note on the table, so that it can he readily seen by seveeo. some charming lady chooses to make a fool of her old husband, why — I'm sure Don Ernesto v/ill show himself — a — a — perfect gentleman. You may take my word for it, gentlemen. JULIAN \_With a gesture of dismissal. Yes, we'll take your word if you'll be good enough to take your leave. GENARO [^TaJces the sherry-decanter from the buffet, and puts it on the table. Certainly. — A glass of Xeres, perhaps, while you wait "? JULIAN No, thank you. — If you'll tell Don Ernesto as soon as he enters — [100] J THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE GENARO Certainly — ^And will the gentlemen call the young gentleman's attention to this note — here on the table? It came just after he'd gone. \_Goes out, JUI.IAN [LooMng after genaro, and then at SEVERO. They say' — 'they say 1' SEVERO [Takes the note and thrusts it under Ju- lian's eyes. Do you wonder? JULIAN, surprised Teodora ! SEVERO [Turning the letter. Her writing — her seal ! JULIAN [Tal^es the letter and looJcs at it dubiously. After all — a farewell. [101] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO, cynically Rubbish — A rendezvous ! JULIAN, savagely Severo — is there no hmit to your — SEVERO [As if in challenge. Read it — read it! JULIAN [As if to break the seal of the letter. Yes, if only to prove — No! [Puts the letter back on the table. That were the last meanness! SEVERO Then give it back — unopened — or I shall. [Approaches the letter. JULIAN, interposing It isn't yours to dispose of — nor mine. — ^Leave it! I'm not afraid. SEVERO But, by God, I am afraid, I own it. [ 102 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN And I, too, am afraid — SEVERO Then, why — JULIAN But Teodora shall not know I'm afraid. For I'm not afraid of her — of her love — her loyalty. — But I am afraid of myself — of you — and Mer- cedes — Pepito — afraid of what all this fear — and doubt — suspicion — and questioning may work with her — [sEVERo makes a gesture of impatience, JULIAN, continuing Most of all afraid lest she discover that my heart shelters this story that my lips deny and my in- telligence rejects. — I know Teodora — as no one else knows her — She is the proudest creature in the world — If I must lose her love, I'll take good care not to gain her contempt. SEVERO There's something worse ! [ 103 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN No, thafs the worst ! Severo, a woman may de- spise her lover, and still love him, but once she despises her husband ! — SEVEHO Despise, indeed! Because you act the part of prudence and common sense — Because you shut out temptation — opportunity — from a wife young, beautiful and damnably romantic — In such a case, caution is not cowardice — it's a compliment. JULIAN To a woman like Teodora, it's an insult. She's shown it — from the moment that man left us — SEVERO He went of his own accord. JULIAN But / let him go — When I should have barred the door, and said 'No, no, I forbid it ! The stories are lies ! These dangers are phantoms conjured by mischief or malice — They'll scurry back to the hell from which they came, if we but look them straight in the face' — That, Severo, would have been the thing to do. [ 104 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO No! Cest magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre! — Yes, if Teodora didn't love him — and he her. JUIilAN [Approaching sever o, almost threaten- ingly. Have you gone mad? You believe that? [Turns. No ! No ! [Throws himself in a chair. SEVERO, coldly It is no kindness to keep the truth from you now. You are fighting not only Kes and phantoms — that were easy enough! — ^but there's come into the hearts of this man and woman a resistless and relentless longing — JULIAN, appealingly No, brother — SEVERO Your courage and chivalry — her pride — Ernesto's faith — if he have any — mean nothing now. They love. [105] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN No, no, you are wrong — Ask Mercedes — SEVERO You ask Mercedes — Trust a woman to read that secret. JULIAN, rises And I let him go. And you — i/ou — my brother,, who vows he loves and honours me — you stood by and saw me fall into that abyss of infamy and folly — You urged — demanded — that he go t SEVERO Yes, and I'll not know an hour's peace until he's gone. JULIAN And I'll not know a moTnenfs peace, after he's; gone. SEVERO For all that, he must go! [Sits at the table. JULIAN No, he must stay! [106] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO But, why — if she loves him — why? \_With anger, and rehelliously. Thafs why! — If I send him away I send her heart and her soul with him — if what you say is true. There remains here, with me, the empty form of a woman — who shudders at my approach — whose lips chill under mine — whose arms deny response to my embrace — whose eyes, cold and pitiless, will never know a tear except for him — the lover, forced from her by the husband, jeal- ous and disdained! Severo — I'm a proud man, with reverence for the name I bear, but rather than that torture — dishonour! SEVERO But with him away, your house is safe. — And your career, too ! Events at the Foreign Office make that clear enough; the instant he's eliminated, your appointment's confirmed! JULIAN Yes — and on such terms, though only implied, I declined it ! — I'll make no compromise with slan- der — ^not for an Embassy to the Kingdom of Heaven ! — And as for Ernesto — [^Sits, opposite severo. [107] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE He stays, I tell you ! I can fight the man of flesh and blood — fight him with my perfect faith — my devotion to her, my adoration, but I can't fight the ideal creature she would raise up to take his place once he's gone from here. I can fight the man — I can't fight the martyr, haloed by her imagination and her pity — He stays — and I fight! You'll lose. No, no ! SEVERo, grimly JULIAN SEVERO Alas! Yes — you'll lose! JULIAN [^Hitting the table with his hand. Be it then ! — I lose — if some purpose of God or devil wills it so — But I lose to a man — not a shadow ! [sEAUiiiEu and pepito enter. PEPITO \To BEAULiEU, indicating jul-ian and SEVERO. Oh, they're still here — [ 108 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU [To JULIAN and severo. Waiting for Ernesto? SEVERO To take our leave — [With a glance at julian. He's going to-night ! PEPITO If he's lucky ! [beaulieu nudges pepito and motions 'silence.^ JULIAN [Seeing the movement. Lucky ! PEPITO, confused I — I — mean if nothing stops him. SEVERo, decisively Nothing will stop him. [ 109 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAUIilEU I wish I felt as certain about it. SEVEEO You may. BEAtJLIEU I ,M^%4M^ Oh, I've seen him with the foils — this Alvarez. JULIAN, alert Alvarez! Ernesto and he — PEPiTo, stammering Why, yes, but — but — you weren't to know. JULIAN But now we do know. They've quarrelled — where ? PEPITO At the Alcazar — before a crowd — SEVEEO The shame of it! — Ernesto sought the — BEAULIEU No, no! Did his best to avoid it. Had an ap- pointment there, some business about his sail- ing. Alvarez and his friends had just risen to [110] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE go when they caught sight of Ernesto — they turned from their table to take another near ours — and then they began ! — JULIAN Yes, go on — BEAULIEU \^Shrugs his shoulders. Oh, you know that crowd — what they can do, what they can say, over a table; kill a reputa- tion between every cigarette puff and bring on a fresh victim with every change of glasses. Under their hands the marble slab becomes a dissecting board. And when they've done, it might better serve as a tombstone for the good names they've ruined. SEVERO Ernesto should have left — JULIAN, thunderingly No! No! BEAULIEU He tried every way to avoid them — pretended not to notice. Looked only at Pepito and me — [ 111 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE: chattered like a magpie about everything and nothing — the weather, the opera, the ship he's saihng on. But Alvarez wouldn't have it — laughed in his face, raised his voice, pointed at him ! — I changed my place so as to get between him and Ernesto — and with that the cur cried out — a name ! PEPITO Yes, so everyone heard — the whole room-full! BEAULIEU No holding Ernesto after that ! JULIAN He struck him, then? PEPITO No, not yet — he wanted to be sure, quite sure. He crossed to Alvarez' table, quivering like a leaf, so he could hardly speak. 'Who dares,' he asked, 'ridicule an honourable man?' ^You, his friend* — Alvarez shouted — 'you do — you, and the Donna' — JUIilAN Teodora — Great God! [112] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU No, he didn't saj it! His lips closed with Ernesto's blow. SEVERO With glove? PEPITO [^Interrupting gleefully. 'Glove' nothing! tout-a-fait Anglais — ^Le boxe — bing ! [With a gesture indicating a stiff blow on the chin. [To BEAUIilEU. The upper slice, eh? BEAULIEU Cut, upper cut. PEPITO, continuing Alvarez clean over the table — on the floor — glasses, bottles, chairs. His friends put him on his feet — and in ten minutes all the details were arranged. JULIAN, joyously Good ! And Ernesto's seconds ? [113] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO The Marquis Acedo and Mario Sanchez. JULIAN Friends of Alvarez? PEPITO Wasn't time to find others. BEAULIEU I offered — but Ernesto said 'no', I'd get in trou- ble with my government — JULIAN And when — to-morrow ? PEPITO No, Alvarez asked for to-morrow, but Ernesto insisted to-day. JULIAN The hour.? PEPITO, hesitating Ernesto forbade — JULIAN iLest I take his place! — The time, Pepito. [ 114 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAUiiiEU, interposing No, Pepito. But, why? JULIAN BEAULIEU You're playing Alvarez' game for him. — Don't you see? — This is the very thing he wanted — an open esclandre! — Just what he's been intrigu- ing for. Up to now he's been fighting you with dirty tattle — gutter gossip — that everyone knew to be lies ! But now — with a duel to dig- nify the talk — he has a different weapon. He has sworn you shall not have this appointment. He is a violent, desperate man — will go to any lengths to have his way — and you're playing right into his hands ! He involves you in scan- dal so notorious and possibly so tragic — no government dare ignore it. A duel with a rat like that — By Jove ! — It's sacrilege to honest steel ! SEVERO It is the Spanish way — for all we love music ! BEAULIEU Yes, but if you don't mind my saying so, your Spanish way is like your Spanish wine — out of fashion! Picturesque, your Spanish ways, but [115] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE like your old castles very uncomfortable. Now, in my country — SEVERO Cold blood — all of you ! BEAULIEU Not all of us — don't you believe it! Scandal doesn't bother about the latitude. This sort of thing happens with us, too — but we manage differently and, I believe, better. See — herCy a scamp does his best to injure you — smirches your good name — spreads ill and lying reports — and to avenge yourself — to punish him — you let him poke six inches of cold steel into your ribs. Pretty idea, if you like — but bad busi- ness! SEVERO But an affair of honour — BEAULIEU Oh, hang it, my dear fellow, honour is a thing within one's self — in one's own watch and ward. Heaven forbid it should be at the mercy of every flippant tongue and evil mind. JULIAN \In a tone that indicates he has already answered his own question. What shall one do with such a man as Alvarez? [ 116 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU Just what Ernesto did — and more of the same sort ! Cane him, kick him, brand him — Jcill him if you hke — but don't let the devil kill you! And that's just what he'll do if you give him the chance. JULIAN, grimly No, he will not. BEATTT.TETT My God, he will ! He's the strongest arm, the quickest wrist, in Madrid, to-day. JULIAN But not to-morrow — I promise you that. [To PEPITO. When do they meet, Pepito? PEPITO [^After a frightened glance at severo. Why — why — four o'clock. JULIAN [To SEVERO, glancing hurriedly at his •watch. We have just time — come! [ 117 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU [^To PEPITO. You've blundered, my boy. PEPITO O SEVERO. Have I, father — blundered? JULIAN, joyously Blundered ! \_With his hands on pepito's shoulders. You dear, delightful boy — you've done the best day's work of your life — [Turning to severo. Severo — if anything happens to me — whatever happens — good or bad — half of everything I have is Pepito's — all, if he wants it — and my eternal gratitude besides ! SEVERO For what? Planning this holiday? JULIAN It is a holiday ! [118] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULiEu, warningly Please, please, Don Julian, don't underrate your opponent. When you face Alvarez — JULIAN [/7^ a sort of nervous ecstasy. Anything, or anyone, just so it is someone ! Great God, think of the relief — the relief ! Until this moment, the calumny that was all about me, dogging my footsteps, invading my home, seated at my table, stalking by my bed, pursu- ing me, asleep, awake — every minute of the day and night — until this moment, I could not reach it or lay hands on it. It was nothing — no one ! Because it was everyone. But now, this subtle, elusive, poisonous mist — this will-o'-the-wisp that stung me, escaped, and mocked me — now it has taken a body, shape and being, whom I can lay hands on and hold face to face ! It is no longer a ghost — It's a man — Alvarez 1 Do you wonder I am overjoyed.'^ — Come, Severo ! [Goes out quickly with his arm in seve- ro 's ; their voices are heard, mingled with laughter, as they pass down the hall-way. BEAULIEU [Calling after julian. God be with you — gallant gentleman. The other — [119] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [Pointing downward. Will be with Alvarez. [After a pause , to pepito. We've done it, my boy, PEPITO No — it's all right — Alvarez won't fight Julian — not until he's met Ernesto. BEAULIEU Are you sure? PEPITO Of course — it's the code! BEAULIEU Much he cares for the code — that blackguard! PEPITO [With an air of authority. Oh, well, Captain — Alvarez may be blackguard, as you say, but for all that, he's gentleman. Why, can't you see? Suppose he allowed Ju- lian to kill or disable him — that wouldn't be fair to Ernesto. He has the prior right. [ 120 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU [Holding up a glass of sherry. Here's he'll make the most of it! PEPITO And if not — Julian can take care of himself. This Alvarez, you know what he is? — what they say in London — a cat ! A bouncer ! BEAULIEU Cad, Pepito, cad — and bounder — not bouncer! PEPITO You know what I mean — he boasts and blusters. BEAULIEU Yes, you've a lot here like that — ^boast and blus- ter, but, hang it ! when they get a sword in their hand, they're as good as their word — and bet- ter. PEPITO He'll have to be — when Ernesto knows that Julian follows him — BEAULIEU He mustn't know. [121] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO But he's sure to learn — BEAULIEU After his own affair — well and good ! But not one word now — would only unnerve him — excite him — PEPITO \^As if struck hy an idea. Beaulieu — I don't care what people say — you're no fool ! BEAULIEU Pretty idea! Thank you kindly — And if you'll accept it as mere courtesy, I'll return the com- pliment — provided you follow my counsel and say nothing to disturb Ernesto. — The poor fel- low has more than his share, now — and for what? What has he done — ? PEPITO Captain — I can speak with you frankly — you are our friend — and a man of the world — as I am. [beaulieu adjusts his monocle quizz- ingly and turns to pepito, mho does the same. Yes, I have travelled — Ernesto, no — nor my [ 1!32 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE people — except in summer, to San Sebastian, for the sea-bath — but I have seen Hfe — the high-Hfe — the great world. I passed one whole winter in Havana — in my uncle's bank — before the Yankees came — with their narrow ideas and open plumbing — and I tell you, Ernesto and Teodora — BEAULIEU [With uplifted hand, and turning away. If you please, I'd rather not. PEPITO No — it is nothing ! Only they've not been — what you say in London — clever. — Why, with my own eyes, I've seen — BEAULIEU [Stopping PEPITO, with a gesture. Well, no use telling me ! — Because I never believe anything I don't see with my own two eyes — ► and then I only believe one-half of that, be- cause — [Indicating his monocled eye. this one eye's a blinker! PEPITO Well, — they should have been prudent. One owes [123] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE that to one's friends. — Here, in Madrid, life is not varied — people are hard put for amusement — diversion — Yes, the bull-fight, opera, theatre, dance — but the same story, the year round. But the gossip, that is always new. BEAULiEU, interrupting There's been no ground for gossip — long as I've been in Madrid, I don't believe I've ever seen Donna Teodora and Ernesto alone, in public — yes, once, perhaps. PEPITO Precisely ! But if a hundred persons saw them that once, it is just the same as if one person saw them a hundred times — or fifty persons twice — or twenty persons five times. And they run to tell their families — and they, in turn, tell the neighbours — and then they tell — BEAULIEU [Hitting the table mith his hand. They! They! [^Rising. Do you know what 'they' stands for.^^ It's the family-name of Ananias and Sapphira ! — [ 124] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE Yes — it was the name on their door-plate and visiting cards. In the parish registry of their time, it read: 'Ananias and Sapphira They.^ And when the Lord struck them down, in the midst of their last gigantic whopper — and you may be sure it was about some decent man and woman — the newspapers reported the sudden taking off of Mr. and Mrs. They — known to their friends as Ananias and Sapphira ! PEPITO But that isn't in the Bible ! BEAULIEU No — ^because the name is of such evil and malig- nant portent, the Good Book wouldn't repeat it — 'They !' 'They !' By Jove, I never hear the word that I don't want to cross my fingers [Crosses his fingers. and repeat the Litany with an added clause — 'Good Lord, deliver us from They!* [eunesto enters. ERNESTO [To PEPITO. Hello, boy! — ^You needn't have waited, Beaulieu. [125] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU Thought we might be of some service. ERNESTO No, thanks. Everything's arranged. It'll be all over in an hour. l^Pulls the bell-cord. BEAULIEU [^Noting Ernesto's calm manner. One good thing — you're cool about it. ERNESTO Why not ? If I finish him, the world's better off — and the other way round, I'm better off. BEAUL,IEU In that mood, you'll be easy for him. ERNESTO l^Shaking his head, and with a grim smile. No! BEAULIEU Oh, I've seen him, at the fencing club, match you as a snake watches a bird — and you never knew it! [126] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO Good! Or I'd had to show him all I know. BEAULIEU \^Catching his meaning. Oh, I see ! Pretty idea — and so Spanish ! ERNESTO J[In a low tone to genaro who enters. Genaro — some gentlemen will call presently, to arrange for the use of your studio. GENARO Yes, sir — they've already been here. ERNESTO Oh ! — See the door from that corridor is locked. GENARO Yes, sir. , \_Goes out. BEAULIEU Now, I suppose, you'd like to be alone. [m] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE EENESTO [^Looking at his watch. No hurry — some time until the seconds call for me. [gen A no re-enters. ERNESTO [To GENARO. I'll be going out presently, and shan't come back here again — they will come for my trunks — while I'm out — see they get to the station in good season for the night train to Cadiz. GENARO Yes, sir. — The night train to Cadiz. [Goes out. PEPITO But — Ernesto — ERNESTO Yes. PEPITO If — if something — should happen .f* ERNESTO [With his hands on pepito's shoulders. Don't you worry, boy. [128] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO l^Shaking his head dubiously. H'm — h'm — he'll send you to the devil — if he can. ERNESTO, lightly Well, at the worst, I won't need my trunks there — they might just as well go on — BEAUIilEU [Suddenly, as if roused from thought. Damn it ! — Why the deuce did you have to go there ! ERNESTO Because, as you heard, I'd arranged to meet Moreno. BEAULIEU Yes, but just at that moment ! Another minute, Alvarez had been gone from the place — and this wouldn't have happened! ERNESTO Yes, but this was meant to happen, and that one single minute Fate held free that it should hap- [129] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE pen ! Think of it, Beaulieu, in all the infinite space of time, there was only one minute — one tick of the watch — for that encounter between Alvarez and me, and chance gave it to me! Without that, I'd have had to bear, all the rest of mj life, the torturing thought, the bitter impotent rage, that he had hurt and humiliated me, until my senses reeled, while I stood helpless and unresisting, with lips locked and my hands bound ! Can't you see, in what happened there, the determined purpose of Chance or Fate or whatever it may be, to end his infamies and bring him to account? — Why, my dear Beau- lieu, if there be any power that orders human affairs for right and wrong, do you suppose a man like Alvarez is to go on his way of calcu- lated evil — ruthless, brazen and exultant — to the end! Do you doubt there is one appointed moment when he must answer for his offence ! — What sort of world would this be — would it be worth the making or worth the caring-for — if such a creature could defile fair names, could distort the very faith and candour of men and women to their shame and confusion and yet escape all reckoning with God or man? — No, Beaulieu, as you're my friend, don't you regret that one blessed moment that led me to Senor Alvarez. Whatever Fate may have in store for me to-morrow, to-day I know I stood in her good graces — that she means only well by me. [ 130 ] V THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU I hope you're right, but I'm never so sure about the good intentions of that Fate lady — I've seen her play some rather queer tricks upon mighty good chaps. [With a changed tone. And when — when is it to be? ERNESTO Four o'clock. BEAULIEU Out of town, of course. ERNESTO No — wouldn't be time for that — the seconds agreed on a room. PEPITO Not the Alcazar — where the quarrel — ? ERNESTO No, here. BEAULIEU [To ERNESTO, In this house.'* [ 131 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO l^Crosses to door at the left. At the end of this corridor — [To PEPITO. where you got my fencing traps. \^Opens the door. Large room, good Hght — and stairs leading from the court below — We'll be quite comfort- able there. It's been used for the same purpose before. — Beaulieu, you can do me a service, if you will. BEATJLIEII [Comes to him. Anything in the world, old chap. ERNESTO By this time, Don Julian must have heard of the affair at the Alcazar. BEAULIEU Oh, surely. ERNESTO Go and find him, if you can — [Looks at his watch. [132] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE At the Foreign Office or his house — assure him I didn't start the quarrel — and, above all — he likes you, you know — keep him in hand until this is over — don't let him out of your sight. — If nothing else, just talk to him. BEAULIEU If need be, I'll be hrilliant — anything to keep matters straight. — Now tell me again — and you can't tell me too often — you're sure of yourself.'' ERNESTO I can only be sure I'll do my best. BEAULIEU Hang it, no! — the best isn't good enough — it's the worst that's needed for that scamp. Finish him, my boy — finish him — or else come so near it he won't know the difference for a month or two. [^Holding out his hands. Now, good luck and God bless you ! ERNESTO [Rather sombrely. Good-bye. [ 133 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU Ugly word — I never say it. Au'voir — au'voir! And you, Pepito — Au'voir ! l^Puts his fingers to his lips to indicate si- lence y and goes out. [genaro is heard, singing: he appears at the door as beaulieu goes out, and makes way for him. GENARO [Entering, to ernesto. Somebody to see you, sir. ERNESTO But I've no time, now. GENARO I said that, sir, but the lady insisted. PEPITO Trala! A lady.? GENARO I shouldn't wonder, sir — she has no veil on. [ 134 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO The lady's alone? GENARO Yes, sir — I should say alone — she has only her maid with her. ERNESTO I'll go below to see her. \^Starts to go. GENARO I beg pardon, sir — it's the music hour — there are many in the cafe — and the lady has been crying. [ernesto is obviously disturbed. PEPITO No veil and crying — sounds promising. — Well, I'll be off. [To GENARO. What are you waiting for.? GENARO Orders to show the lady in. [135] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO Why, don't you know your business better than that? You must always show a lady in, es- pecially when she's crying — and, once she's in — no one else! GENARO \^To ERNESTO. Your orders, sir? ERNESTO Didn't you ask the lady's name? GENARO [^With a knowing grin. Not a custom of the house, sir — but (sugges- tively) perhaps, the lady of the letter. ERNESTO What letter? GENARO [Crossing to the table, I put it there. [Takes the letter. Yes, here it is. [136] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE \^Gives ERNESTO the letter. Came just after you'd gone — she says she must see you. ERNESTO [^Glances nervously at letter and then at PEPITO. Yes, yes, of course — show the lady in. [genaro goes out. PEPITO Trala, aren't you clever ! You're doing just right, Ernesto. ERNESTO You think — PEPITO The very thing! — making a diversion, as diplo- mats say. Beautiful ! The quarrel with Al- varez over this new one. Good-bye and good luck ! And whatever happens, Ernesto, I won't be far off. [Goes out quickly. ERNESTO [^Opening the letter. Teodora ! [ 137 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE l^Reads. I implore you do not quarrel with Julian ! No matter what he may say or do — be patient with him ! I entreat you — by our love for him — yours and mine — be patient with him. Remem- ber, dear friend, my soul adores him — and he is so unhappy — and /. TEODORA [Appearing at the door. I am not too late? ERNESTO Teodora ! — You shouldn't have done this, Teo ! TEODORA Never mind about me — now, it is you and Julian — Where is he? I must speak with him — and you. ERNESTO But to come here — and alone! TEODORA There was no other way — and I had to see you. [138] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO But surely, Mercedes would have — TEODOEA No, she refused — Severo forbids her to be seen with me in public, anywhere. ERNESTO, fiercely Severo ! TEODORA That's what they've brought it to, Ernesto. [^Pointing to the letter in Ernesto's hand. I waited for an answer — ERNESTO [Indicating the letter. I just now have it. TEODORA [Continues feverishly. I wanted your word — to assure me — but I could endure it no longer. ERNESTO But, Teodora, to come here ! If you were seen — • [ 189 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA, defiantly What of it? What could they say that they have not ah^eady said? I no longer care — nothing matters — only that you shall not fight. ERNESTO, protesting But, Teo, when you hear what happened! TEODORA [^Insisting commandingly . No, no, no — no matter — what happened — you shall not fight on my account! ERNESTO If you knew — the insult ! TEODORA [Pointing to the letter still in Ernesto's hand. But I warned you — implored you — [With pathos. to bear with him. ERNESTO, bewildered Julian — P [ 140 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA When Mercedes told me he'd come here — with Severo — who hates us — you and me — I knew what it meant. But you shall not fight for me. Oh, the shame of it! — you and Julian! — to seek each other's Hfe — for me! ERNESTO But, Teo, we have no quarrel, JuUan and I. TEODORA You promise me — your word of honour? ERNESTO Of course. TEODORA And you forgive — the insult.? ERNESTO There's been none. TEODORA But you said just now — ERNESTO Alvarez — yes. [141] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Alvarez ! Despite Beaulieu's warning, you sought a quarrel with him? ERNESTO No — he forced the quarrel on me — wildly — in a frenzy — like a man drunk with hate. He knew I was leaving to-day — the thought that I might escape him, and that, once I had gone, there'd be no further excuse for his lies — maddened him! TEODORA Still, I forbid it — you shall not fight — for me! ERNESTO For a woman, then — any woman — held up to scorn — her name tossed from glass to glass — in a group of jeering ribalds — until every nook and corner echoed the insult — clear and insistent above the turmoil of a tippler's brawl. TEODORA, overwhelmed Great God! Ernesto, was it like that? ERNESTO [With clenched fists and in tones of mingled horror and vengeance. Oh, Teodora, I only want the picture before me, when I face him ! [ 142 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA [^Recovering herself. But the world will know it is for me — they'll ask why you defend my good name, and not Julian ! — And you should have thought of that, Ernesto, you should have avoided the quarrel — ERNESTO, interrupting I tried. TEODORA, continuing At any cost of pride — b}'^ any trick — ERNESTO How I sought to avoid it — Beaulieu will tell you — till they threw it into my face — the insult. TEODORA But it was meant for Julian — and me. You have no right — to take his quarrel on yourself — [As if to clinch the matter. It would be — impertinence ! ERNESTO, horrified Teodora ! [143] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA [^Proudly and almost coldly. It is Julian's privilege — and his alone. It is for mj husband — and none but him — to guard my good name. ERNESTO But, Teodora, a life must be staked against this man's — when swords cross, the issue is always uncertain. Alvarez' skill is proved and notori- ous — you know that.^ TEODORA, weakly Yes. TEODORA Well, then, if it must be Julian or me — TEODORA, falteringly Julian, or — you? ERNESTO Between his life and mine you will not hesitate .f* [They look at each other intently, and in silence. [144] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA \^As if she has forced herself to a decision. Julian himself shall decide. ERNESTO But, Teo, think a moment — it was / who struck Alvarez — full in the face — before his friends and a hundred others. — He is entitled to a chance at mj life. If I refuse to meet him he will kill me — and rightly so ! TEODORA '[In a panic of apprehension. No, no, he shall not. No ! — Let Julian decide, please — send for him — or, come — let us go to him. [Starts toward the door, stops suddenly, listens. Why — I thought I heard Julian's voice. [A door is heard to close. ERNESTO No one for me. TEODORA Shall we not go.^^ [145] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO {^Glancing at the clock. There is no time now. TEODORA \_Not understanding. Why? No time? You mean — you fight Alvarez to-day ? ERNESTO At four o'clock. TEODORA \^As if beside herself. No ! I forbid you — for the last time — I for — [^Voices are heard. Who is that. There is someone for you, surely. ERNESTO It is almost time for them. [^Goes to the door and looks out. TEODORA [In tones of fright. Your seconds? — Captain Beaulieu and — [ 146 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO [Interrupting, and shaking his head. The Marquis Acedo and Mario Sanches. TEODORA They! Alvarez' friends ! ERNESTO The first to hand — TEODORA [Panic- stricken. If they saw me here! ERNESTO [As if to calm her. No, no — it may not be they. [The voices are heard again: And — even if they saw you — TEODORA, brohenly Ernesto, my courage is gone — quite gone — I trem- ble like a leaf! [147] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [There is a noise of knocking; then the voices again. ERNESTO, listening That can't be they ! [Goes to the door of the corridor. It is here ! TEODORA JuHan's voice — it is! — And Severo's ! [The noise is repeat ed, with the sound of a knob being turned. [teodora and ernes to stand silent, be- wildered. [A voice is heard beyond the closed door, crying: ''Open — unbolt the door!* PEPITO [From outside. Open, Ernesto ! Ernesto ! teodora Pepito ! It's Pepito ! [Looks about, as if to rush off. [148] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO [^Stopping her, and opening the door lead- ing to the corridor. No, no, no — remain where jou are ! It's only Pepito. — Stay, Teo ! [Disappears into the corridor. Ashe opens the door at the other end of the corridor, voices are heard in a confused babble. [teo DORA, frightened, distracted, rushes toward the door at the right. As she opens it, there is heard the music from the cafe, the buzz of voices, and laughter; and then beaulieu's voice in controversy with GENARO. BEAULIEU [Spealiing outside. Never mind, I know the way — GENARO, protestingly But there's someone with him — BEAULIEU [Coming nearer. Nonsense, I only just left him — [ 149 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA {^Beside herself. Captain Beaulieu ! [Pauses for an instant^ as if at hay. Then, as the voices in the corridor draw nearer, and the buzz from the cafe increases, in a flash of panic she rushes into the bedroom. [ernest'o re-enters from the corridor, followed by pepito. PEPITO You're alone? ERNESTO [Glancing about. Yes, yes. [To himself. Thank God! BEAULIEU [Entering, excitedly. Julian came here, with your seconds ! [In a tone of horror. What's the matter with you fellows? — ^What's happened? [ 150 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO, fiercely This boy betrayed me-told them everything! BEAULIEU But didn't mean to— they made him. PEPITO Juhan flew to Alvarez' house-dragged him here with your seconds-forced him to fight-and they fought like fiends ! BEAULIEU And Julian— hurt? PEPITO Mortally, I believe. [Steps are heard in the corridor. They're bringing him here. JUIilAN [Entering from the corridor, and warding off SEVEUO, who moves as if to support him. No, no-let me be.-Close that door.-That rat shan't see how he scratched me ! [sEVEBO goes into the corridor. [ 151 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO l^With an appealing gesture. Julian, that was my work ! — You had no right to take it from me. JULIAN Never mind, mj boy. — It is still for you to do — and better than I — [^Winces and supports himself against the cabinet near the door. SEVERo, re-entering Come, Julian, you must lie down — ERNESTO Yes, in here. [Goes to the bedroom door, opens it, and sees to his astonishment that teodora is there. He closes the door abruptly, and stands with his back to it, obviously panic- stricken, and as if to bar entrance. JULIAN [Takes a step toward the door; stops; and gasps, as if in great pain. One minute, please — I can't — Ernesto — [ 152] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [ernesto returns as if to help him. They move toward the bedroom, until they reach a large chair near the door. JULIAN [^Clutching the chair. Ernesto — Here — for a moment. [Faintly. Yes — that's better — [Pauses. Now — Ernesto — [Growing weaker. Send — for — for — Teo. ERNESTO, aghast Teo! [As if to re-assure him. Julian, you're not — JUEIAN [With his hand to his heart, gaspingly. I'm afraid — yes — you go — bring her — to me- Don't — tell — her — I'm — [To SEVERO. Let me lie down. [ 153 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [Takes a step toward the bedroom, hut utters a piercing cry of pain, and collapses into the chair. TEODORA [Rushing from the room, impelled hy j\j- lian's cry. Julian ! [ JULIAN pulls himself together at the sound of her voice, and stares at her as if dazed. TEODORA [On her knees before him. Julian, don't you see me ? — Teo, your wife ! JULIAN [Staring, as if into space, and bewildered. My wife — here — already — no ! SEVERO Yes, brother, your wife ! [Pointing to ernesto. And your friend! [ 154] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN [Looking about, as if to make sure where he is. Here! [Pause. Why — are you — here? TEODORA To save you from this — I meant — ERNESTO, eagerly Yes ! — she feared we would fight — you and I ! — SEVERO [Interrupting savagely. Then why hide? — [Pointing to the bedroom, hide — hke guilty things? TEODORA [In agonized protest. No, no, no, Julian! [ 155 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN [Pushing her aside. You were right, Severo — a rendezvous ! ERNESTO [Frantically, as he offers teodora's letter. Here, Julian, you will see the truth! SEVERO [To ERNESTO and teodora. Oh, he sees — yes, now he sees ! JULIAN [Half rises from the chair, with hands to eyes, as if rubbing away a mist. No, no — Phantoms ! Only phantoms ! [Collapses into the chair. SEVERO, wildly No, not phantoms ! Traitors — flesh-and-blood traitors ! [Advancing rapidly to ernesto. For this day's work I'll — [Moves as if to strike ernesto. [ 156 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNrSTO [^Seizing severo s uplifted hand, and holding it down. Yes, yes — of course — later, if you like — you may kill me, and with my last breath I'll bless you for it — but, first, in God's name — let me meet Alvarez ! \^Goes quickly into the corridor , followed by BEAULIEU. CURTAIN [157] ACT III The Scene 25 again the drawing-room in don Julian's house, a few hours after the event of the previous act. Only the torchere, hy the piano, and the hall-lantern are lighted. The curtains in the archway leading to the balcony are drawn to- gether. [As the curtain rises, p e p i t o enters, slowly, from JULIA n's room. servant [Entering silently, announces in almost a whis- per. Captain Beaulieu. p E p I T o, nodding Yes. [servant opens the door leading to the hall. [beaulieu enters. BEAULIEU How's the good man ? p E p I T o, dubiously Hard to tell. [158] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU Not the worst! P E P I T O Julian says it's a mere scratch. BEAULIEU What does the surgeon say — Any chance? p E p I T o Yes, if he can be kept quiet. Will come through all right, the surgeon says. But he won't even lie on the couch; starts up every few minutes, as if from a nightmare; stalks about the room, pretending he isn't really hurt. And keeps asking for Teo! BEAULIEU, surprised Why, isn't Donna Teodora with him ? p E p I T o, meaningly What! after — her visit — to Ernesto? BEAULIEU, warningly By Jove, if you people aren't careful, you'll do for Julian what Alvarez didn't. p E p I T o Well, whatever happens, my father will square the score with him. [159] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE l^Makes a gesture. He'll run him through! BEAULIEU Pretty idea! — But the account's already squared — and wiped off the slate! p E p I T o, eagerly Ernesto ? BEAULIEU Beautiful piece of work ! — May cost me my conge, but I wouldn't have missed it for an Embassy. p E p I T o But not the— finish? BEAULIEU If Alvarez gets over it, it's because the devil doesn't want his company. At any rate, he'll never fight again. That wonderful arm of his is out of business. [mer CEDES enters from the door at the right. [ 160 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE P E P I T O [Greeting her joyously. Mother, dear, isn't it splendid! — Alvarez can't harm Papa! He's done for! MERCEDES [Looking at beaulieu for explanation. Don Ernesto ? BEAULIEU \_Nods ^yes\ They fought at four — precisely as they'd arranged. p E p I T o [At the balcony windows, drawing hack the curtains, so as to disclose Alvarez' house, showing dark in the brightly lit avenue. See, mother, not a light over there, at Alvarez' — dark as a house of mourning. [Gleefully. I'Ujgo tell father. MERCEDES [Stopping him as he reaches the door. And say I wish to see him — now. [p E p I T o goes out. [161] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU [To MERCEDES. And the Donna Teodora? MERCEDES We're not to speak her name — my husband fo7'- hids — to strangers. BEAULIEIT But I count myself an old friend — and I bring a message. MERCEDES, eagerly Then he's gone ? BEAULIEU No. — And he won't go — until he's seen Donna Teo- dora and Julian. MERCEDES Has the man lost his wits ? BEAULIEU The very question I asked him. MERCEDES If he shows himself here — I don't know what might happen. [162] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU I do! So I'm going to keep close to him, until he's safely off on his journey. — The poor fellow is all alone. — His life since he's been in Madrid was lived in this house. There's no one out there he can turn to. And he's beside himself — more than half mad — desperate enough for anything. — Don't drive him one step further — receive him when he calls — MERCEDES But if it were known — that he'd come here ^ BEAULIEU Excellent diplomacy! — the best possible way to end this — this — • [Hesitates. tragedy of gossip! And, after all, why shouldn't it be known — why shouldn't he come here ? MERCEDES, wondevingly Why.? BEAULIEU Yes. MERCEDES And you don't believe — he and Teodora— _? [ 163 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULiEU, interruptiiig No more than you and I — [mercedes indicates her amazement at the awkward comparison. BEAULIEU {^QuicJcly correcting himself. I beg your pardon, dear lady, but I want to put it convincingly. [sEVERo is heard talldng to pepito. Now, if you can persuade — Don Severo — [^Points to the door to indicate severo; then turns as if to go out. MERCEDES [Stopping him. Wait — judge for yourself. SEVERO [At the door. What is it.^ MERCEDES Severo — Teodora begs to see Julian — [164] THE WOULD AND HIS WIFE S E V E R O [Advancing to Mercedes and speaking sharply. You've disobeyed my orders! MERCEDES ;N^o_I've not spoken with her— I listened to her pleadings. s E V E R o [Turning as if to go. Til not listen — I want none of them — MERCEDES She asks only to say good-bye to Julian;— then she will go. S E V E R O She'll go without that— and now—1 told you what to do — MERCEDES ' ' I cannot send that poor, distracted creature from this house at such a moment.— Where could she go, that she wouldn't be pointed out— after the scandal of to-day i^— Where could she find wel- come, or even shelter ? [165] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE s E V E R o, deliberately At her lover's — where we surprised her — BEAULiEU, angrily Don Severo ! — [^Apologetically . X beg your pardon for intervening — in this purely family matter— but circumstances have made me a part of it, as it were — and I've always been proud of Don Julian's friendship — and his wife's — Now, I know nothing of Donna Teodora's — [Hesitating. errand — to-day; but if you would take the trouble to learn the truth, you'd regret what you just said — I'd stake my life on it! rj MERCEDES, timidly We may be doing her wrong — SEVERO [As if amazed. What! MERCEDES It is possible — just possible — [ 166 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE s E V E R o, interrupting Now you defend her! That's the woman of you! MERCEDES No, I don't defend her — I beheve as you do — her sin is too mean — her guilt too clear — but it's not for me to punish her. [sEVERo turns away impatiently. That is God's business. SEVERO, fiercely It was Julian's — now it is mine. BEAULIEU [ With a shrug. Of course, if you think you can do it better! SEVERO No one shall intercede here! — My brother casts this woman from his heart — MERCEDES That's as it should be! And you, his kinsman, cast her from the house she has dishonoured — thafs as it should be. But when that is done, she is no [167] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE longer the sinning wife, but only a woman, help- less, sorrowing and alone — And I must give her what I can of comfort and pity. BEAULIEU [To himself. Thafs the woman of it, too ! p E p I T o [With outstretched hands^ appealingly. Yes, father, if you could but see Teodora, you would pity— SEVERO, bitterly Pity! Pity! I have none — only for him — [With a sudden change, to a tone quivering with tears. Oh, Pepito, my brother — my poor, dear brother, [^Buries his head on pepito's shoulder. MERCEDES, tenderly Severo — does not Teo — also love Julian ? s E V E R o l^Turns and faces her; speaks savagely. No! No! [168] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [Goes to the door at left; pauses, pointing to Julian's room. Let her not cross that threshold ! [Goes out. BEAULIEU [^Looking after severo. Donna Mercedes, jour husband is — MERCEDES [Proudly, and in a chilling tone. Yes, Captain Beauheu ? BEAULIEU l^With a shrug. A Spaniard, I suppose. [servant enters. SERVANT, announcing Don Ernesto. MERCEDES We receive no one. [servant hesitates, as if waiting for further orders. [169] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE BEAULIEU [To MERCEDES. I beg of you — [MERCEDES, with a gesture indicating S E V E R O. You heard — [To SERVANT. Do not admit him. [servant starts to go out. BEAULIEU That won't stop him. — He's in the mood when nothing can. p E p I T o I'll go talk to him — [MERCEDES stojps him with a gesture. SERVANT Don Ernesto insists, Madame. MERCEDES He shall not enter this house! [ 170 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SERVANT He has already done so, Madame, p E p I T o, advancing Then you should have — SERVANT, hoiving I thought it unwise, Sir. p E P I T o [With a threatening movement. Then I shall — SERVANT Beg pardon, Sir, I still think it unwise, Sir. MERCEDES [With growing anger. Tell him to leave and if he will not — [ernesto appears at the door and brushes by servant. p E P I T o [Finishing the sentence. Show him in. [ 1^1 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SERVANT, announcing / Don Ernesto. BEAULIEU [Tapping p e p i t o on the shoulder ap- provingly. Pretty idea ! [e R N E s T o comes into the room; he has his hat in his hand, and over his arm carries a long travelling -cape. MERCEDES [To ERNESTO. The servants were ordered — ERNESTO, excitedly Don't blame them— they were as rude as — anyone could wish. — Now that I'm in — you'll please have them announce me to Teodora. MERCEDES That is impossible, Ernesto! ERNESTO Why ? [172] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES If, just now, you'd heard Severo — p E p I T o, nodding Yes. ERNESTO Severo is nothing to me — I don't know there is such a man — And well for him, perhaps! — In my world — to-night — there are only three beings — Julian, Teodora and I — And nothing shall come between them and me — not Fate itself! PEPiTO, appeasingly But, see, Ernesto — the state you're in — you'd con- sider nothing — not your life nor an3^one else's. ERNESTO Because, Pepito — I've lost everything that makes life ivorth considering — And for no fault of my own — Honour, friendship, love — all taken from me — and for nothing, 'really nothing,' as he says — MERCEDES Careful, Ernesto — if Severo should hear! ERNESTO Oh, he will hear — enough! — Beaulieu knows! The [173] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE door barred to me won't shut out those thousand tongues — MERCEDES They know — already ? BEAULIEU They think they know — everything — everywhere. ERNESTO And everywhere it's different! And nowhere the truth ! Teodora jealous of another woman, they say — made Julian challenge me. They had that story from the inn-keeper! — Julian surprised his wife in my room — some declare — and I killed him before her eyes. — Others, again, raise me from the rank of mere assassin and say we fought like loyal gentlemen — Julian and I! — A few have the tale — accurately- — Oh, yes ! from Alvarez' sec- onds — I arrived on the scene late — not through accident or fear — but because I preferred to re- main in Teodora's arms — MERCEDES [ Turning toward beaulieu as if for corroboration. Oh, no! [174] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [eeaulieu nods ''yes.^ ERNESTO Yes, to such figures they can transform an innocent woman and two men who worship her, with love, with reverence, once they begin spattering their mud of slander. — And from such tales I am to flee, like a thief in the night, not daring even to look behind — \l7i a tone of decisive command. Bring Teodora here — or take me to her! p E p I T o [Starting for the door. Yes, mother. MERCEDES \^S topping PEPiTo. Wait. — Ernesto, will that content you ? ERNESTO Yes— [^Then, as if suspecting what is in her mind. but— I— MERCEDES You will go, in peace .^^ [,175] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO And not see — Julian? MERCEDES No — not Julian. ERNESTO Why— I— BEAULiEU, persuasively If Donna Teodora so wishes ? ERNESTO, decisively Yes — if Teodora so wishes. [Appealing, to pepito. Now, then, Pepito. [P E P I T O looks to MERCEDES for COU- sent. MERCEDES, iiodding Say, only, I wish to see her. [pepito goes out. [To ERNESTO. You will let me speak with her first ? ERNESTO Yes. MERCEDES Alone ? [176 THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO Yes. MERCEDES And you will do as she decides is best ? ERNESTO, nervously Yes — ^yes — MERCEDES Your promise — before Captain Beaulieu — ERNESTO, wildly Yes, yes, yes! — anything — anything — just so I see her! MERCEDES [Pointing to the balcony. Wait out there until I call you. [e R N E s T o goes out to the balcony with BEAULIEU. p E p I T o, re-entering She is here. MERCEDES [With a nod toward e r n e s t o. You didn't tell her— ? [ 177 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE P E P I T O No — only that you wished to see her. [beaulieu re-enters. BEAULIEU [Taking p e p i t o's arm. Come, Pepito, we'll reason with him. [Goes out with pepito. T E O D O R A [Entering quickly. Julian — he is worse ? MERCEDES No — a little better — possibly. T E O D O R A You're telling me the truth .^ [mercedes nods. Then I may go to him? [MERCEDES does uot answer. Mercedes — ^you asked Severo? — [ 178 ] ^^ " The truth! — Why did you go there to-day? THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES [Nodding ^yes.^ Yes, but he — refuses. TEODOEA [Withiire. He dare not refuse — he must not — MERCEDES Teodora, Julian's life hangs by a thread. — He believes that you and Ernesto — TEODORA, interrupting i No, no, — it is Severo who believes — and who stands between Julian and me — so the truth may not reach him. MERCEDES, Sceptically The truth! — Why did you go there to-day.? TEODORA You told me Julian had gone — that they might fight — and an awful dread — lest harm come to him — MERCEDES, Cynically Julian ? [ 179 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE T E O D O R A Of course, Julian. MERCEDES, skarply And the other — there was no thought of himf T E O D O R A [^As if trying to fathom her own thoughts. Why — I don't know — MERCEDES, angrily Oh, yes, you do — you know ! T E O D O R A \As if suddenly awakened to the truth. Yes! You are right — I feared for him, too — be- cause — MERCEDES, incredulously Oh, yes — T E O D O R A No! — Only because the thought that those two men — my husband and — the other — would fight over me — appalled me — sickened me — soul and body — I am not of those women for whom men may slay each other — like raging beasts — why, [ 180 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE even with Alvarez — that monster! — I forbade Ernesto to fight — but now — now — he — shall — kill— him! MERCEDES It is already done, Teodora. TEGDORA \^With a smile. You are certain? [meecedes nods 'yes.' [Exultantly. I knew he would! I knew he would! MERCEDES You say that as if — as if — TEODORA What! You still mistrust me? MERCEDES But see how proud — TEODORA Of his courage, yes — his skill — his life, staked for Julian ! — [ 181 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES And you! He fought for you. T E O D O R A No, not for me — for a woman — struck in the face^ in his presence, by words more cowardly than the clenched fist. What man would not do the same ? — [With a glow of admiration. What man like Ernesto ? l^Turns from mercedes. MERCEDES \F ollowmg her. See how you betray yourself — T E O D O R A Betray ! MERCEDES Yes! Every tone you utter — the flush of your cheek — your lips tremble — your eyes soften with tears if you but speak his name. — Teodora, you love him! TEODORA No, no, no, a thousand times no! — [182] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES [Looking at her closely. Guard yourself, well, I warn you — your steps falter. T E o D o R A And you wait to see me fall ! [MERCEDES makes a sign of protest. You urge and push me to the very trap you pre- tend to warn me of; else why do you din into my ears this lie — this lie — 'You love him' — 'you love him.' — Little by little, oh, so cunningly, so fiendishly, you try to convince me that love for Julian is going from my heart, and that love for another — try as I will to fight it — is taking its place. — It is from you I must guard myself — and not from him for whom I have never known one single, passing thought but honest friendship. MERCEDES Is that the truth.? T E O D O R A I have never lied! It is the truth now. But God knows what you all may do with your ceaseless sus- picion — warning us of danger we never dreamed of — weaving about us a mist of doubt and self- [ 183 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE distrust through which we no longer see our own souls clearly. [Fiercely. Keep on with this lie, Mercedes, and in the end you may distort the lie into truth! MERCEDES [Triumphantly, turning from her. You see, you're not certain of yourself! T E O D O R A Indeed I am — MERCEDES \_Coming hack to her. Of him, too ? T E O D O R A Yes. MERCEDES You wouldn't say so, if you'd seen him just now — and heard him. T E o D o R A Where ? [ 184 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE MERCEDES jjere. Every word and look declared the truth. — He loves you! T E O D O R A [Frotesting wildly. No, no, no! MERCEDES If you'd heard him — you wouldn't doubt — T E O D O R A Then well for him I didn't!— He's gone? MERCEDES He's waiting for you — out there. T E O D O R A [Takes a step toward the balcony, then turns. No! Tell him to leave here. He's done harm enough in this house. Tell him to be off~I want never to see him again. MERCEDES, deliberately If you don't love him, you'll tell him that with your own lips. [185] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE T E O D O R A That I will — and you shall see how I tell hini. [MERCEDES goes to the balcony-door and beckons ernesto to enter. MERCEDES [To ERNESTO. You forced your way into this house against my orders — you insisted on seeing Donna Teodora against my advice — I trust her to make you re- gret it. [There is an awkward pause, ernesto obviously waiting for Mercedes to leave . ERNESTO Better, then, between Teodora and me. MERCEDES {^Making no sign of going. For what Teodora has to say to you — ERNESTO, interrupting But for what I have to say to Teodora — [With a bow as if dismissing Mercedes^ If you please — [ 186 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFP: MERCEDES [Appealing to t e o d o r a. Teodora ? ERNESTO Alone, Teodora — you and I. TEODORA [After a slight hesitation. Let it be as he wishes. MERCEDES, accusingly You are as wax in his hands. TEODORA You shall see! [MERCEDES goes out. TEODORA Don Ernesto, I wish you to leave this house, at once ! ERNESTO [As if bewildered. So that was her plan! — You to show me the door! But not your own free will, Teodora ? [187] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE T E O D O R A Absolutely — I wish you to go — we must never see each other — again. ERNESTO Yes, yes, of course — that must be, I know — [Appealingly. but, Teodora, not this way — not this way ! T E o D o R A [In a softer tone. Surely, you must understand. . . . ERNESTO That my very presence is hateful to you, yes — and that I must seem the evil genius of your house — but don't drive me out — till I've seen Julian — spoken with him. TEODORA, excitedly Julian ! No — that cannot be. ERNESTO Por just one word of forgiveness — a hand-clasp of farewell. [188] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE T E O D O R A No, no, no — you may not go to Julian. ERNESTO Teodora — [Pointing to j u l i a n's door. To leave him, forever — this way — I'm not a coward — and I've learned to suffer, but I can't face that — I can't! [Starts toward Julia n's door. TEODORA [Stopping him. I forbid you! ERNESTO You forbid! They knew, they knew I'd obey — made me promise. — Then, you, Teodora — you will go — and bring me word — only one word, of Julian's faith. TEODORA [Stands with lowered head as if ashamed to answer. No — no — I — [189] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO You refuse ■ — Teodora, even though you hate me — have [ ity— pity! TEODORA Yes, and yoi, too, for me. If you may not cross that thresiioM, no more may I — j; :nesto, amazed Teo! TEODORA They bar me f < ni him, as though my touch were poison. ERNESTO Who does this — who — Severo ? TEODORA Yes, Severo. ERNESTO, tensely We shall see — we shall see! [Takes her hand. Come. TEODORA [Drawing her hand away quickly. What would you do ? — [ 190 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFK ERNESTO To Julian — you and I— T E o D o R A, feverishly No, no, no— it would kill him— they say. ERNESTO, insisting No-but their lies, that torture and poison him, may! We'll give him new strength and courage, with the truth. T E O D O R A [Drawing away from him, shaking her head sadly. He will not believe— he would not listen. ERNESTO [With increasing fevour. He must believe! Though no word be spoken- he'll see the truth. Come, Teodora, everythmg else, I yield-ni obey-but let me not go from here till — [On half hended knee. I implore you— I entreat you— [ 191 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [At full height, and with changed tone. I command you — [As ERNESTO utters this impassioned plea to TEODORA, SEVERO appears at the door which leads ^o j u l i a n's room. SEVERO You wretched — [Advances threateningly to ernesto. Who dared let you enter? ERNESTO No one — I forced my way in. Don Severo, I wish — SEVERO, interrupting To complete your perfidy ! — You see what has come from — ERNESTO *From nothing — really nothing!' That I will prove to Julian, if I must fight at every step to reach him. For see him, I shall. [ernesto makes two or three steps to- wards JULIA n's door; severo posts himself before the door as if to bar the way. [ 192 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE S E V E R O Be off! I counsel you— go! ERNESTO, decisively Not till I've seen Julian— spofcen with him— S E V E R O Why^ With what purpose? To finish the work Alvarez began for you ? The grim spectre stalks too slowly, eh? [ERNESTO makes a gesture of fwtest. Your every heart-throb bids him Hurry! hurry! hurry!— So eager are you two for each other's arms. ERNESTO [After a pause. I'll not answer you in kind— here— now. Your crrief— your great love for JuHan, excuses much. —Deal with me as you will— but this unhappy woman you must show, at least, pity. S E V E R O [Going to the hell at left. Her and you, I show only— [193] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [With a gesture of dismissal. The door' Go— or I'll— [Rings. ERNESTO When I've seen Julian. SERVANT [Entering, to s e v e r o. Orders, sir? T E o D o R A, quietly No — a mistake — Don Severo has no orders to give — [servant goes out. Here. [To severo. So long as Julian lives, I am mistress of this house. [To ERNESTO. Remain. SEVERO You set your authority against mine — in this house you've dragged down to disgrace! — You forget you remain under this roof — by my sujfferance — and Mercedes' plea for you. — You are mistress [194] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE here, indeed!— Well, not only does he go, but he takes you with him, you — [Utters a word that only t e o d o R a hears. T E O D O R A [Recoiling, as from a blow, and in tones of mingled horror and anguish. Oh, Julian! — [Buries her face in her hands. S E V E R O Now, will you go? ERNESTO When, on bended knee, you ask her pardon. [Seizes s e v e r o as if to bring him to his knees. That word should be your last.— On your knees T E O D O R A [Coming between them and interceding. No, no, no, no— Julian will hear— please— [ERNESTO throws SEVERO to ouc side, as he releases him. [ 195 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [t E o D o R A leads e r n e s t o away from s E V E R o, "pleading with him. I beg of you — Ernesto — go — please go — ERNESTO, decisively No— not until I've seen Julian — JULIAN [Speaking in his room. Let me go — I hear them — I tell you — MERCEDES [She is heard speaking to Julian, in his room. No — you must not — [JULIAN enters, followed by m e r c e d e s. He is deadly pale; his eyes glitter with fever. MERCEDES makes one last effort to re- strain him. He jjushes her aside, rather brusquely. [beaulieu and p e p i t o re-enter from the balcony. JULIAN Let me go, I say — [ 196 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [Advances a few steps, glaring at teoboha and ERNESTO, who stand side by side, their eyes fixed on Julian. JULIAN, bitterly Together — as usual ! — I knew I heard them — [To MERCEDES. You said not! [Rather peevishly. Why does everyone He to me ? — Where are they going.? Who stopped you — you traitors! You accursed — [Takes a step toward them, threateningly, but almost collapses, and leans for support against the piano. s E V E R o [^Hastening to his assistance. JuHan — dear brother — JULIAN, tenderly Ah, Severo, you are true to me — aren't you ? They broke faith with me, didn't they .^^ — Tricked me! — Wasn't hard, though, was it.? — with my trust — my poor, bhnd trust. — And look — [Points feebly at them. [ 197 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE together — as always — together! [ERNESTO and t e o d o r a move apart instantly. And they take care — don't they? — good care — to keep out of — my reach. [t E o D o R A takes one step toward him — slowly, shrinkingly — and then stops. Nearer ! Nearer ! [t E o D o R A stretches out her hands ap- pealingly, but does not approach him. T E O D O R A Julian ! JULIAN [With a gesture of command. Come here! Here! I order you. In my arms! [t E o D o R A rushes forivard and throws herself into j u l i a n's arms. He clasps her frantically. In triumphant tones to the others. You see — she is mine ! For all you may say — she is mine ! [To TEODORA, caressing her. Tell me — you're mine ? [198] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE T E O D O R A Yes, Julian. J U L I A N [Holding her at half-arm's length, and look- ing at her intently. You lie — you lie! T E o D o R A No! JULIAN [Draws her again to him. I could crush you— stifle you— as you deserve — S E V E R O Yes — a thousand times. JULIAN But I look at her— I look at /t^r- and— it was always so — I'm weak. [With a sudden outburst, and pulling him- self together. Besides — [Pointing to e R N e s t o. There's the culprit — the real traitor — [ 199 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [With a commanding gesture. Here! Nearer! [ERNESTO goes to him. Confess — you betrayed me — ERNESTO [Deliberately — almost coldly. No, Julian. JULIAN You dare deny — without blush or falter — what the whole world says ? E R N E S T O The world lies, Julian — mine's the truth! I swear it! JULIAN By what ? ERNESTO On my honour — JULIAN [Interrupting, with hitter irony. His honour! [200] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE [To the others. You hear? — his — precious — honour! ERNESTO Then, by my father's — JULIAN, fiercely Silent ! — I forbid you to sully my friend's name — as you sullied mine — you two. ERNESTO By what oath, then, oh, Julian, my more than brother, by what sacred — [ JULIAN makes a gesture for silence, and ERNESTO turns to TEODORA. Teodora, what can we do? — to prove to him? JULIAN [To SEVERO. See, they take counsel of each other, openly — under my very eyes. — No more need of stealthy messages — letters sealed — [ 201 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO \^With a startled look at teodora. Tell him, Teo, what you wrote. JULIAN Oh, I know — the rendezvous — arranged — his rooms — [To severo. You were right, brother — we should have read — ERNESTO Oh, if you only had — ]^ Appealing to teodora. Teodora, tell him — JULIAN [Silencing them. Lies — more lies ? A cypher ! A lover's code ! Oh, I see all so clearly now — [Puts his hand to his eyes as if clearing his vision. TEODORA [Caressing julian. No, no, Julian — the mists of fever blind you! [ SOS ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN [With growing wrath. There was no fever, then — when I found you — with him. — The truth ! — You did betray me — you two — confess ! TEODORA [Looking julian straight in the eye. Juhan, could my hand rest in yours without a tremour — could my eyes meet yours — thus? JULIAN [Pushing her away. Yes — because you are shameless — wanton — in your guilt. [teodora in despair turns and faces ERNESTO ; they exchange glances of help- less appeal, julian follows their mutual glance with frenzied intentness. [Wildly. See ! How love lights her eye when she turns to him — and the gleam in his — [ 203] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE \^Puts his hand on Ernesto's ei/e. Not from tears. l^Seizes ernesto's wrist fiercely. Confess ! ERNESTO \^Almost coldly. To a lie — no^ Julian ! JULIAN [Raising his arm threateningly. For that lie, then, I'll kill you. ERNESTO [On bended knee. Kill me, yes, Julian, but first forgive me ! JULIAN That's confession — to ask forgiveness ! ERNESTO For all your woe and pain — forgive me ! Then — JULIAN No, you shan't escape conscience that way. — Live [ 204 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE — you must live — and on your brow — for all men to see — I'll put the mark of shame — soon, by God's help, with my sword! Now — with my— [He strikes ernesto a stinging blow in the face, ernesto with a cry of horror recoils, steps backward slightly, raises him- self to his full height, and makes a threat- ening step forward as if to return the blow. TEODORA [With a shriek. Ernesto ! [ernesto stops instantly at the sound of her voice, clasps his hands together, and stands rigid as a statue, julian, after striking ernesto, totters, and only keeps from falling to the floor by leaning against the piano, severo and beaui^ieu rush to support him, as he reels to and fro, TEODORA crosses to ERNESTO, as if to keep him from following julian as the others lead him from the room. SEVERO [To JULIAN. Come, come, Julian. [205] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE JULIAN [Faintly, looking at teodora and ERNESTO fixedly, and moving toward them. No — I've not done with them — SEVERO Leave them to me — leave them — JULIAN [At the door, looking back. Together — as always — together! [Goes out, supported by beaulieu. [ernesto stands dumb, motionless, gaz- ing after jul,ian, as if actually stunned by the blow. TEODORA [Following him. Julian ! [As she reaches the door, severo turns. SEVERO No! [MERCEDES and PEPiTo, at a gesture [ we ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE from SEVERo, go into Julian's room, TEODORA, beseechingly Surely, I may — SEVERO, vehemently No! [^Closes the door in her face. [teodora turns to ernesto. They stare at each other in silence for some sec- onds. TEODORA It was the madness of fever — that blow — you must forgive Julian. ERNESTO I love him for it — it makes the rest so easy — Only, to go and leave you here, alone, with these pitiless — TEODORA Where are you going — what will you do? ERNESTO What is left me to do? [ 207 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODOKA, affrighted You'll not— ERNESTO After that blow — you wouldn't have me live? T E O D O E A Kill yourself — [Treinulously. No ! no ! [With bitterness. No ! Fate took one life because of me — and for nothing, nothing, nothing! It shall not have another. [With a commanding gesture. Here — you remain — under my eyes — until this horror ends ! — Or — come — [Talies his hand, ernes to draws back, ERNESTO Where? TEGDORA To Julian. — Now, I'll take you to him — [208] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE ERNESTO, proudly No! TEODORA With me — yes — In the clear Hght that comes with the end to guide every soul to its Maker, he will see the truth — and tell us so. [ernes TO shakes his head. TEODORA He must tell us. [She leads ernesto, who is reluctant, toward jtjeian's room. Before they reach the door, it opens. SEVERO [At the threshold. Where are you going .^ TEODORA [Drawing slightly bach. To Julian. SEVERO You shall not. [209] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE TEODORA Don Severe ! — It is my right. SEVERO [/t* measured tones. You have no more right in this house. TEODORA But you will let me see — my husband. SEVERo, grimly Oh, yes. [Holds open the door. You may see what you have done. [teodoea passes him, stands a long time, gazing into the room; then, with a cry of anguish, staggers hack, and falls on her knees, with her head buried in her arms. SEVERO [Standing over her. And — now — out with you! [Calls. Pepito ! [210] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE PEPITO \_Entering with mercedes. Yes, father — SEVERO You have my orders. PEPITO But, father — SEVERO Show this woman the door. [pEPiTo hesitates. SEVERO [/t* louder tones. You hear me? PEPITO [Tremulously, appealing to mercedes. But my mother would rather — SEVERO Since you won't — then the servants ! [Crosses to the hall. MERCEDES [Commandingly, so that he stops quickly. Severo !— Donna Teodora was Julian's wife ! [211] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO Oh, you want ceremony for this creature. Well, then, since you prefer, / shall — [Approaches teg dor a. [From the moment that ernesto realizes the meaning of teodora's cry, as she turns from julian's door, he stands dumb, motionless, staring vacantly into space, as if stunned into a graven image. — Now, as SEVERO advances to her, he fairly leaps between them, with arms uplifted, and in a quivering frenzy of wrath. ERNESTO [In tones of mingled rage and tears. If you dare ! If you dare! — So much as touch this woman — since death itself cannot shame you — nor stop you. — You've had your way — your dull, stupid, cruel, pitiless way. — In your ignorance, your folly, your vileness, you dared dishonour Julian's wife — you shall not dishon- our mine. Brave, noble gentleman though he was, he could not guard his wife from you. You shall see how I can guard mine! [212] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO \_Turning triumphantly to mercedes. 'Mine' — you heard ? *Mine' ! They've done with lies, now. ERNESTO Because, now, now^ for the first time, it is the truth! And wonder of it all, your lies have made it truth. Now, but never till now. . , . If love had burned its way into my heart I'd have strangled it — or strangled myself — before a word passed my lips. I'd have plucked out my eyes before one gleam should betray me. Not even to myself — in the loneliness of night — would I have owned to such disloyalty. — And so it would have gone to the end of life — to the end of time — so that we could face him — we two — through all eternity — unflinching, though our very hearts shrivelled with passion. \_Turning to teodora, with arms out- stretched. Come, Teodora. l[She shrinks back — as if frightened — to- ward MERCEDES. Come — you are mine, now, Teo, mine ! mine! ! THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE SEVERO Ah, now we have the truth! It is as we said — just as we said. ERNESTO [With exultation that grows steadily from the start to the -finish of his speech, so that at the end it thrills with tones of defiance and victory. Yes, now it is as you would have it ! — Never until this moment was there thought of love between us. This woman's soul was pure as the sun- beams — my heart as clear as the skies. Teo- dora loved none but Julian. I was his loyal friend, ready to serve him to the death. [With uplifted hand. And that I swear to the Great Judge before whom Julian has gone to arraign her and me. So, too, it would have been to the end. But now ! Now we are as you would have us — conscious of guilt, bold in shame. The life warmth fled from the slain Julian kindled in our hearts the flames of an accursed passion. — [Rushes to the balcony and flings the doors wide open. Go cry it from the windows and the house-tops, [ 214 ] THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE to all your neighbours, you and your kind! Say to them: 'Yes, we were right — they are lovers, Teodora and Ernesto — they confess it, without blame or blush!' And when they ask you who has wrought this — this marvel and infamy, you may answer them: "You have done it — and I — and that man there — and that one — and that one ! all of us, everywhere ! We mixed the subtle poison and scattered it to the winds, so these two might breathe it in, to stifle conscience and drug the soul.' Yes, the triumph is yours — and you've done your hell- ish work well! Come, Teodora, \_Taking her in his arms. they have given you to me — my sacred love — my eternal hfe. Henceforth you rest in my arms — that strain to clasp you. — They've willed it so — they've willed it so — and let all righteous Heaven judge between them and us! [The last sentence is uttered in tones of thunderous defiance, as ernesto and TEODORA are making their way to the door. CURTAIN [215] DEC 18 1*08 ™ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllillllillliiilil 018 407 177 <