Dl2(o7 .3 H 2- /€?t' ^be Columbia Ibanbbook Allen & Qinter's !1 Smoking Mixture is mild : — is fragrant: — is easy to light: — never needs relighting: — packs in pipe properly: — always draws clear, and smokes freely. This is the original ^'Cube Cut/^ are more desirable than ever — ^ the new tm box prevents their ^ breaking and is convenient to § carry in any pocket. w For Sale Everywhere* S ^D Exquisite Pelicacy FOR THE <2:^4.pi]vi(S P^SH. PE^UIiJKU P54NJD Pl^lviOJ^p + JB^gi^ + Te95APIJ^ Irj O^e ai^d Two Poured (Tai^s. (Tarj be pFcpared i^ twelve rrjirjutes arjd carj:Qot be distirjjguisljcd frorrj live TeppapiQ. Costs orje-tcQtt) wtjat you pay irj a restauratjt for ttje sanje portiorj. spKcri^k OFFE5 TO STupE]^iTS Pop a Iiirrjited Tirije oijly We will seQd six 1 lb, caps wlttj irjstructiorjs fbi" pFepaPirj.^ fop $5.00. 5eSula» ppice pep car} $l,BO. BEAULIEU TERRAPIN CO., 358 Broadway, New York. THE Columbia Handbook DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES . . . Copyright 1898 Published by O. B. STRONG & CO,, 258 Broadway, New York. 2nd COPY: I898w ^translations C^>^^ Literal— Interlinear — : ^Dictionaries Literal— Interlinear — 125 Volume; , French, Italian, Spanish "V^ Latin, Greek i^9 <@Cutorlal Series A^^ 200 vols, specially desired for coaching ,-,^, 1)ind$ § noble C(S^ Schoolbooks of all Publishers \^ 4 Cooper Institute, New York City 18496 ITS. EST 24th St., New York. DISON SQUARE, WEST. A IjREAT White L1(|HT !| THE CALCIUM KING LAMP BURNS GAS.__— New York, September, 1898. We endorse the "Calcium King T jamp ' ' as the idsi lamp for Bicycle use in the market. O. B. Strong & Co., PublisherB of the University Hand-Books. Rei^resentatives to tlie College Trade. A Greater and Whiter light than any other lamp. •• y^ A. steady and more reliable light. Absence of smoke, soot and odor. Absolute safety. Instantly lighted. Will not blo-w or jar out. The Handsomest Lamp made. \A''rite for Booklet. THE GEO. H. "CLOWES M'F'G. CO. WATERBURY, CONN., U. S. A. New York Office: :,o:. Postal Telegraph Building, 253 Broadway, New York ^\^^\ )ipzcfoFy of Qtueler)ls at c.olun-)Dia Cir)ive.psify. NAME ADDBESS Abbe, T. 4S9 West End Ave. Abbott, T. J. iiS \V. 64th Abramovicli, O, 211 W. 62d Acken, G. A. 2 \V. 14th Ackermaii, \V. A. 257 \V. I34tli Acton, H. \V. S2 \V. I32d Adams, A. 11. 344 .M.innattan Av. Adams, C. li. 330 \V. 5gth Adams, E. K. 455 .Madison Ave. Adams, H. W., Jr. 18 W. I02d Addoms, L. 1'. 270 McDonough liiooklyn Addy, A. R. 300 W. 70th Adelsohn, J. 88 E. icSth Adenaw, A. P. F. ii5 E. 26th Adier, M. L. 28 Gouverneur Adier, M. S. 150 ( )rchard Agatstein, S. loS E. 90th Akers, W. A. 134 \V. gist Alexander, A. J. A. 141 \V. 63d Alexander, B. 65 E. 93d .Viexander, D. E. 51 E. 127th AUee, W. H., Jr. 31S \V. s7th Allen, C. 28 \\'. S3d Allen, J. R. 417 W. 117th Allen. W. K. 10 E. Iisih Allen, \V. '1'. 154 Lorimer, Bklyn Alsberg, C. L. i6g E. Ii6th Alsberg, H. i;. i6g E. Ii6th Alter, J. 9 Montgomery Ambler, N. B. 344 W. 33d Ames, B. IE 39 W. 58th Anderson, A. E, 916 Greene Ave. Brooklyn Anderson, J.W. 564 Henry, Bklyn Anderson, R. \V. K. 78 Worth Andrews, .\. S. 140 W. 57th Andrews, B. 1' . 117 W. 63d Anspacher, L. K. 152 W. I3rst .Anthony, C L. 220 E. 123d Appel, IE N. 226 Clinton. Bklyn Applegate. W. II. 130 W. 6ist .Appleton.F. Sedgwick pk., F'dham Armstrong, II. Rahway Armstrong, H. (irand Union HI. Armstrong. W. I!. 330 W, 57th Arnegard, K. Arnold, H. N. loi W. 7Sth Aronson, E. A. 241 E. ii6th Ashley, R. E. 520 W. 123d Assenheimer, E. M. 323 E. 51st .\ustin, C. A. 56 W. 4gth .\ylmer-Small, C. S. Passaic B'dge, N. J. Bagster-CoUins, E. W. 84 W. 120th Bailey, F. R. 11(15 E. Jersey Elizabeth Bailey, J. ilcC. 31S W. S7th Bailey, T. 118 W. 74th Bainton, J. H. g W. fisth Baird, A. W. 239 W. 70th Baker, C. A. "294 Manhattan Ave. Baker, C. G. Baker. E. B. C. NAME ADDRE>:S Baker, E. W. i n, \\ . 121st Baker. J. E 699 Putnam Ave. Pklyn Baldwin, 11 41 E. 69th Ball, W. I.. f,i W. 104th Ballin, -\1. J. 73 E. gist Bamberger" R. S. 60 W. 92d Bandler, E. 60 W. 51st Bang, D. C. 165 W. 64th Banks, W. T. 356 W. 57th Banta, E. W. 157 W. 14th Barclay, H. 37 W. 46th Barcus, J. .S. 697 West End Ave. Bard, E. R. 273 W nth Bard, S. W. 273 W. nth Barker, S. 160 W. 5gth Barkley, G. ]!. 44 E. 69th Barnard, E. E. 20 W. 130th Barnes, G. E. 346 W. 58th Barnett, E. L. 139 W. 63d Barron, T. H. 116 E. 64th Barry, T. J. 137 E. 49th Bartberger, E. W. 372 W. 120th Bartlett, F. II. iS W. g3d Barton, E. W. 103 W. 63d Bostedo, W . .A. 121 W. 6ist Bates, E. \V. 583 Carlton Ave. Bklyn Bates, W. li. Batman, E. G. 41 E. 69th Baum, J. M. 326 E. 50th Bauman, I.. 2S6 E. 3d Baumann, A, P. 228 E. 52d Baumgarten.W. E. 1259 Washing- ton Ave. Baxter, F. E. 118 W. Sist Baxter, II. T. 47 St. Felix, Bklyn Baster, W. P. 3S1 West End Ave. Bayles, E. .\. 408 Main, Orange Bayles. H. White Plains Bayne, H. Riverside Drive, io8th Beadel, (;. W. New Brighton Beal, G. R. i W. 121st Beard, A. McC. 165 W. Soth Beard, W. M. 165 W. 8oth Bebee, E. L. 447 W. 57th Beck, E. C. 37 E. 31st Beck, O. C. 45 St. Marks PI. Becker, I^. 506 W. 157th Beebe, C. W. East Orange Beer. E. 38 W. 77th Belcher. H. |. B. Paterson Belden, W. A. 31S W. 7Sth Bell, C. E. 417 W. 117th Bell, C. F. 1204 Boston Rd Benedict, A. C. 85 Convent Ave. Benedict, K. 86 Convent Ave. Benedict, V,. S. 14 E. 70th Benedict, ]. 1). 344 .Manhattan Av. Bennett. D. C, Jr. 262 W. 128th Bennett, K, S. 300 W. 70th Bensel, W. A. ni W. 126th Bentel, G. E. g W. 31st Benton, F. L. 1063 Bergen, Bklyn Berger, J. 342 E. 4th Bernheim, G. B. 74 E. 79th NAME ADDRESS Bernstein, E. P. 227 E. ii6th Betts. A. G. 174 W. 126th Beveridge, J. W. 48 Wall Bice, II. H 52 W. 65th Bieber, J. n3 Cannon St Bigelow, R. 56 W. 54th Biggs, C. L. 225 W. 99th Bigham. A. ]. 1240 l.ex. Ave. Bill, P. W. ■ 243 W. 56th Binder, R. M. 352 W. 20th Bing, A. M. 21 W. S8th Bingham, A. W. 118 W. 64th Bingham, L. M. 73 W. g2d Birckhead, H. McC. 441 Park Av. Birckhead, J. 441 Park Av. Bird, H. K. I E. 39th Birkholz. J. A. 233 E. 69th Birnbaum, M. 939 2nd Ave. Bissel, A. H, 174 Grand, J. C. Bissell, P. 115 W. 49th Black, T. F. J. 318 W. 57th Blackford, U. G. 306 W. 104th Bladgen, P. 33 W. 73d Blair, E. 372 W. 120th Bleick, T. E. 431 W. 57th Bliss, R. F. 233 Cumberland, Bklyn. Block, .\. L. 138 W. 97th Blondel, T., ]r. 54S Mott .^tve. Blue, J. H. Blum, E. 1919 Mad. .\ve. Blumenthal, J. L. 1204 E. 167th Bodkin, D. G. 999 DeKalb Ave., Bklyn. Boehm, A. A. 41 W. 89th Boehm, G. N. 130 E. 78th Boehm, H. A. 41 W. Sgth Boese, W. H. 115 Charlton Bogart, E. L. Vonkers Bogue, M. G. 836 Union, Bklyn. Bohm, O. H. Neperan, N. Y. Boldnan, C. F. 226 Glenmore Ave. Bklyn. Bolte, H. A. 18 E. 109th Bonnell, C. H. 21 W. 60th Bonsall, V. F. M. 160 W. g5th Bonynge, P. 224 W. 120th Bookman, A. 9 E. 62d Boone, E. W. 135 W. 90th Boote, C. W. 128 Webster Ave. Yonkers. Borden, W. H. 249 W. 23d Boroschek, L. 149 E. 56th Bos, G. 230 W. 1 8th Bowman, G. .S. 49 W. 21st Bowman, H. H. Montclai-- Bowman, J. F. 130 Grove, Montclair Boyd, A." 34 W. 49th Boyd, A. S. 363 W. 56th Boyd, E. A. SSo St. Nicholas Ave. Boyd, J. D. 308 W. 73d Boyesen, H. H. 23 E. 77th Bradley, W. A. 683 E. 138th Bradner, F. C. 129 Lex. Ave. Bradshaw, P. H. Orange Bircofopy oj' ©tudcrjts — Continued. NAME ADEEESS Brady. F. L. 42 W. 6otli Brandeis, J. W. 113 E. I22d Brandon, V. I. 58 W. Sgih Brant, O. R. Kingsbridge Breckwedel, H. B. 315 W. 4Sth Bremer, A. M. 69 E. S6th Brewster, J. H., Jr. 2 W. loist Briesen, H. Weehawken Briggs, H. A. 41 E. 69th Briggs, W. P. 2301 7th Ave. Briil, A. 32 Ave C. Brinsmade, D. B. iiS W. 64th Britenstool, H. 214 E. 50th Brittinghani, A. DeW. 113 E. Lin- coln Ave. Mt Vernon Britton. H. B. 255 W. 75th Brodie. O. L. 372 W. i2oth Brooke, W.W. 915 Ave. C, Bayo'iine Brooks, F. H. 122 W. 103d Brooks, R. A. 351 W. 121st Brophy W. A. 364 W. 53d Bross, W. W. Montclair Brower. F.D. Riverside drive, 109th Brown, B. Brown, C. 301 W. 77th Brown, H. A. Rutherford Brown, T. E. W. Bruce, E. B. Yonkers Bruen, H. M. 41 E. 69th Brueninghausen, H. W. 155 Han- cock, Bklyn Bryan, R. C. 137 W. 64th Bryant, R. R 143 W. 6ist Brydges, R. L. Islip, N. Y. Bubb, H. A. 28 W. 6tst Buchhotz, G. W. 263 W. S8th Buchtel, F. C K. Orange Buckingham, T. S. 374 W. i i6th Budds, B. C. 339 W. 30th Buerger, L. 164 W. 133d Buffington.R.E. Short Hills, N. |. Buhler, J. S. 127 \V. 86ih Bulkley, H. D. 4 E. 37th Bullard, F. L. 302 Mad. Ave. BuUwinkle, F. 433 Franklin Ave. Bklyn. Burke, W. M. 242 W. I2isl Burhngame, F. A. 22 E. 7Sth Burnett, L. H. Burns, D.J. 423 W. 117th Burrows, F. R. 47 W. 49th Burt, H R. 59 W. 52d Butler. C. A. 753 Amsterdam Ave. Byers, M. W. 6S7 West End. Ave. Byington, K., Jr. 150 W. 6f)th Cable, B. S. Cabot, T-. Jr. Cady, t. W. Cairns, B. S. Cairns, D. \V. Caldwell, A. Callan,H.A. 156 Cameron, W. S. Campbell, A. J. Campbell E. F. Campbell, H. Campbell, W. A Cane, M. H. Cardozo, E. A. Cardozo, M. H,, Carhart, G. A. Carmalt, J. W. Carman, T. D. Carmienckee, A 126 W. 48th 36 W. 6ist 40 Grove 40 Grove Bay Ridge Park Av., Yonkers 239 W. 136th 120 W. 81st Larchmont 325 W. 58th 162 E. 90th 62 E. Soth 45 E. 65th 45 E. 6=;th 346 W. 58th S6 W. 96th 5 W. 82d 410 W. 23d Jr- Carpender, J. N., Jr. 7 W. 31st Carpenter, H. C. 113 E. 69th Carr, S. D. 417 W. H7ih Carrington, W. Sol High, Newark Carruthers, L. J. 246 Lenox Ave. Carter. W. F. 551 W. 125th Cary, J. W. 322 W. 113th Casamajor, W. 372 Greene Ave. Bklyn. Cassard, W. J., Jr. 139 W. 70th Cassebeer, H. A., Jr. I W. 68th Catlin, G. de G. 29 E. 28th Cauthers, T- B. 8^7 Lex. Ave. Celler, H."L. 6i W. 94th Chandler, F. W. 117 S. Oxford. Bklyn Chapman, PL 160 Hicks, Bklyn Charlton, H. R. 306 S. 6th Ave. Mt. Vernon Chase, A. McC. P. Chase, L N. 522 W. 123 Cherry, W. S. 244 W. 71st Chibas, L. F. 143 W. 43d Chollet. C. 129 W. 40th Churchill, M. Reform Club Cimiotii, W. F. 221 2d Ave. Clark, A. S. 137 W. 64th Clark, H., Jr. 318 W. 82d Clark, T. 1283 Columbus Ave. Clark, \'. .S. 12S3 Columbus Ave. Clark, \V. G. 37 E, 50th Clarke, H. J. B. 19 E. gth Clarke, W. C. Tenafly Clarke, W. ]. 148 E. 45th Cleveland, T., Jr. 8 E. 54th Clinch, E. S., Jr. 133 W. I2ist Clyde, J. P. 41 K. 69th Coan, P M. 67 E. 54th Cobb, W, B. 360 W. I2Cth Cochran, G. H. loi W. 73d Cochrane, F. L. 830 Butler, Bkljn Coffee, R. L 736 Lex. Ave. Coffin, H. L. 576 Lex. Ave. Coffin, T. R. 258 W. 72d Cogan, H. M. 320 W. 115th Cohn, A. E. 64 E. 66th Cohn, D. S3 Auburn, Paierson Cohn, IL 638 High, Newark Cohn, M. 83 Auburn, I^aterson Cohn, S, E, loi E. 6i5t Cole, A. T. 350 W. 1 1 nth Cole, L. T. 63 W. 96th Cole, R. G. Colt, M. 222 W. 45th Conant, R. L. 423 3d, Bklyn Condit, T. D. 415 W, q^ih Connell,"E. J., Jr. Bedlo.d't'k. Connolly, F, E. 795 Lafayette Ave. Bklyn ConviUe, T- J- '45 E. 4=;th Cook, C. V 164 W. 64th Cook, W. W. 22 Livingston Ave. Yonkers Cooke, A. S. 591 Mad. Ave. Cooke, W. E. 58 E. 25th Cooley, A. W. West Chester Corbin, L 296 McDonough, Bklyn Corbin, J. 402 W. 124th Cornaz, E. 119 W. 92d Cornell, R. T. 67 W. S3d Corning,W. B. 88 St. Nicholas Av. Corse, A. W. 129 W. 94th Corwin. N. S. 2055 7th Ave Costello, R. R. 129 E. 71st Cowen, T. B. 402 W. 124th NAME AUDBESS Cowperthwait, F. N. 5 Mt. Morris Park, W. Cox, W. N. Windsor Hotel Covkendall, F. Coykendall, R. B. Hotel Marie An- toinetle Cram, G. E. 243 W. 56ih Crampton. C. W. 133 W. 123d Crane, C. G. 25 W. 23d Crawford, H. E. 220 W. 2Sth Crawford, W. B. 231 W. 71st Creeden, E. L. 232 E. i8th Cregier, A. M. Mt. Vernon Cronin, W. Cross, C. E, 1879a Pacific Bklyn Cross, F. B. 6 W. 66th Culberti-on, H. C. Spuyten Duyvil Cummings, C. S. 170 W. 105th Cummings, J. J. 412 W. 57th Cummins, A.G., Jr. Hotel Balmoral Cunningham, J. A. 1296th L.LC. Curran, J. D. 36 W. 6ist Curran, P. J. 100 W. 64th Curran, R. A. 107 E. 57th Curry, R. New Brighton Curtiss, A. L. 24 W. 49lh Gushing, E. W. 308 W. 114th Cushman, E. L. 239 W. 131st Outright, W. B. 327 W. 112th Daley, D. W. 372 W. 120th Daly, E. H. 19 E. 62d Darling, E. F. in AV. 68ih Darrach, B., Jr. 306 W. ii5ih Darrach, W. 317 W. s8ih Davenport, F. M. loi W. Ii8th Davidson, T. McB. no 7th Ave. Bklyn. Davidson, L. P. 41 E. 69th Davis, B. 904 Lex. Ave. Davis, D. T. 15 E, 62d Davis, F., jr. 57 W. 48th Davis, M. M., Jr. 206 W. 139th Dawson, R. Boon ton, N. J. Day, A. W. 140 52d, Bklyn Day, S. E. 3 W. 63d Deal, F. PL 200 W. n 9th Deane, S. 40 W. sgih De Beaumont, V. E. 723 Colum- bus Ave. de Castro, R., Jr. 243 W. 136th Leely, G. E. ' 129 W. 6ist de Forest, H. L. 7 Wash. sq. de Forest. L 7 Wash. sq. Deignan. l'. 11. S54 E. 134th DeKav, W. 27 W. nth de la Fuente, ]. 35S W. iiSth Delgado, F. P. 328 W. 57th De Long, F. S. 312 W. 59lh Delson, I. 203 E. "69th de Mille,W. C. 56 Morningside pk. Deming, S. C. 230 W. 105th Dempewolfif, A. F. 11 Manhatian Denison, R. F. 361 W. 123d Dennis, A. L. P. 301 Lex. Ave. Denny, R. C. 36 Park PI. Denton, E. W. New Hyde Pk. Denzer, S. W. 113 W. 130th De Witt, W. A. 133 W. 78th Dickerson. F. S. 29 Cliff Dickey, C. L. 41 E. 69th Dickinson, H. T. 212 W. Soth Dieterich, A. E. ' 963 5 th Ave. Dill, H: T. 2;6 W. 128th DiUenback, G. P. ,132 AV. 77th Dir [or StuJerjls — Continued. NAME ADDEESS Dilleiibei-g, f. S. 325 E. 62J Dinwiddle, R. E. L. Ditmaii, N. E. Ent;lewood Dixon, J. Fiiishiiig Dixon, S. H. Westchester Dxon, W. II. 2()\V. 4gih Dobbs, J. F. 41 E. 6gth Dodd, E. L. Iij6 Clint. Av. Newark Doggett, \V. 11. 41 E. 69th Donnellan, C. L. 8S3 6lh Av. Donoliue, F. 1>. 253 Main, Patei son Donovan, P. G. 509 \V. 59th Doob, I. e. 219 E. 6ist Doran, M., Jr. 44 W. 46th Dorniiii, H. G. 51S W. 57th Doud, C. H. 240 W. I2rst Dougherty, K. E. 244 W. 20th Downs, A. S. 34 \V. 6ist Doyle, J. F. 227 \V. 121st Drake, W. W. 137 W. 80th Drew, J. B. 118 W. irsth Driscoll, D. M. 143 W. 6rst Dryfoos, A. D. 22 W. 69th DuBois.W. C 35 W. 34th B.iyonne Daden, W. Bronxville Duffield, F. 28 E.28th Daffield, R. 1- . llollis, N. V. Duggan, S. I'. 533 Lex Av. Duncan, O.li. 202 Carroll, Paterson Duncan, R. K. 116 W. 59th Dunning, II. 357 W. ii/lh Dunseith, J. (',. 354 \V. 42d Durham, K. 125 Bklyn. .\v. Bklyn Durham, L. 162 W. 27th Dusenbury, A. N. 71 W. 95th Dutton, I. |. Dwyer, J.W. Garfield, N. J. Dynes, j. Ti. 2S0 St. Nicholas Av. Eakins, O.M. 141 Water, Paterson Eastmond, C. iggMad. Bklyn Eaton. A. R., Jr. 1141 F. Jersey Elizabeth Eberle, C. F. Eccles, D. V. 32u W. 115th Eccles, G. W. Bay Side Echarte y Martos, E. 243 W. 136th Edson, H. A. 313 W. 74th Edwards, C. \V. 21 2d Ave. Edwards, E. J., Ir. Edwards, J. A. 144 W. 5Sth Egner, H. W.. [r. 10:5 Broad, New'k Ehrenreich, J. J. 48 E. 74th Ehret, G.,Jr. " 1197 Park Ave. Ehrborn, O. W. 215 gth Ave. Einbigler, B. F. 316 W. 113th Eisner. J. 15S E. 72d Eldert, "H. C. 347 W. 123d El'-Iridge, C. D., Jr. Palisade Ave. Riverdale Elkin,H. J. 793 St. Nicholas Ave. Ellenbogen, ]. K. 223 W. 1221I Eller, F. W." 243 E. iiSth Elliman, K. B. Flushing Elliott, R. A. 244 W. 72d Elliott, R. H. 310 \V. 113th Ellison, M. H. 48 E. 87th Ellison, M. II. 1S93 Mad. Ave. Elmer, C. 11. i8g Lenox Ave. Elmore, E. V. 61 W. 51st Emerson, II. Si Mad. Ave. Emhoff. E. E. 41 K- 69th I-;mmert, E. J. 2ig W. 42d I'^Tgel, W. F. 10 Stuyves.int Ave. Bklyn Engle, W. n. Englesby. W. H. Enteen, J. Entz, G. G. Erdal, O. W. Erdman, P. Erkiletlian, D. H Ernst, B. M. L. Erskine, J. Esser.J.li. 209 Sid Evans, M. D. Everilt, C. V. 38 Eyer, G. A. Fackenthai, f. I). 413 W. 145II1 10 \V. 35lh 278 Broome 24 E. 83d 35S W. 1181I1 41 I^. 6gth 348 W. 55th 233 W. 113th Wii hawUen ney Av. Mi Ver. 177 W. 79tli Bovd Ave. ]. C. '2=;^ W. ■i22d 93 Rodney, Bklyn Fahnestock, C. 457 Mad. .Ave. Fahnestock, E. 457 Mad. Ave. Faile, M. B. 53 W. 49th Fairlie, J. A. 364 W'. iiSth Faick, A. 29 E. I32d Falconer, B. .McL. 8 E. 62d Falk, H. L. 117 E. 60th Falk, K. G. gg5 Mad. .A.ve. Falk, M. S. 995 Mad. Ave. Farley, E. J. 10 W. 84th Farnsvvorth, P. T., Jr. Farrell. J. A. " 438 W. 57th Fay, C.J. Fechheimer, .\. I,. 57 W, sfitli Feeter, S. S. P'eldman, M. 133 E. 84111 P'ellowes, C, Jr. Marie .Antoinette Hotel Fendrich, A. F. 428 W. 41st Fiedler, E. C, Jr. 60 W. 39th Field, F. P. 656 Lex. .^ve. Finch, E. R. 417 W, 117th Finney, .\. 11. 520 W. 123d Finnigan, ].]. loS Amsterdam Av. Firth, E. \V". 473 14th, Bklyn Fishel, L. 122 W. g7th Fisher, F. V. White Plains Fisher, H. loS E. 70th Fisher, J. T. 15. Decatur Ave, Bedford Park. Fisher, R. M. Mt. V( rnon Fiske, W. M. 1. , [r. 484 IV.lford Ave. Bklvn Fitch, C. W. 139 W. 63d Fitz-C.erald, ]. D. Newark Flanagan, F:.J. 3SS Sackett, Bklyn Fleischmann, C. R. 10 E. 73d Fleischmann, E. U. 1523 Mad. Av. Fleming.C. I,., [r. 845 St. Nich. Av Fletcher, N. DeL. L. iSo E. 93d Flett, G. C. 41 E. 69th Fliess, R. .\. 201 W. 55th Flom, G. T. 360 W. i2oth Flood, G. |. B. 316 W. 34th Floyd, R. " 36 W. 68th Foehrenbarh, 11. P. 409 W. 46th Foote, S. K 243 W. fjgth Forbes, C S. 133 F;. 29th Ford, A. II. 31S W. 113th Ford, II. C. 310 W. iSth Forsch, A. 31 W. 86th Forsythe. F. W. 229 W. 121st Fort, G. P. 347 W. r23d Foster, G. II. 1). 47 W. 4eth Foster, O. R. 377 Q'uincy, Bklyn Fowler, A. A. 60 E. 6Sth F'owler, C. II. Fowler, E. P. iS E. 5Sth Fowler. W. W. 3T0 W. 123d na:\ie address Fox, C. V. Bronxville Fox, J. C. 123 Bklyn .Ave., Bklyn Franc, J. J. 216 Lenox Ave. France, M.P 933 Kent.Ave., Bklyn Frank, A. A. 308 \V. goth Frank, M. L. in E. 72d Frank, R. T. 17 E. 6ist Frankel, J. 1 >. 104 E. Sist Frazer, if. T. 41 W. 45th Frentzel, L. W. Wallington, N. J. Freund, J.. Jr. Hastings Friedmann. J. L. log E. 78th Frierson, ]. N. I34 W. 73d Frissell, L". F. 125 W. 47th l'"rost, H. R. 133 W. 103d Fry, H. J. 36 W. 24th Fry, W. "II. 3ig gth, Bklyn Fulda, C. 107 Kent. Bklyn Fuller, M. B. 165 W. 64th Fuller, P., Jr. 30 Washington .So. Fulton, A. M., Jr. Funk, J. A. 447 W. 57th Fnrraan, R. U4 W. 6sth F"urnald, R. B. iS W. 46th Gabriel, C. J. 308 15th Ave. New'k Gabriel, M. S. 341 W. 23d Gale, S. S. 141 W. 64ih Gallatin, F.. Jr. 58 W. 55th tiallatin, G. ' ' 670 5th Ave. tiallatin, J. N. 58 W. 55th tialt, J. M. CJammack, .A. J. 175 qth .Ave. Gardiner, P. P. I iarden City (iarretson, W. Van P. 176 Clerk, Jersey City Garrety, W. 1'. ,i4o W. 27th C.ates, C. M. 41 E. 69th Geiger, F. C. 31 I'nion Sq. (lennert, H. Greenville, N. J. Gennert, W. O. (Greenville, N. J. Gentzlinger, C. F. 316 2d .Ave. George. F. S. 135 W. 64th Gershel M. ig E. ggth Getman, ). E. 216 W. 59th Geyer, if. C. 78 2d (.;ibbs, J. P. C;ibson,"j. [. 136 Lex. Ave. Gibson, J. "L. 320 W. 115th Gibson, "S. .\. 543 Manhattan Ave. Giddings, II. S. 150 W'. 79th Gieschen, .\. H. 46 E. 124th Giffin, I. 311 Lincoln .Ave. t>range Gilbert, C.W. 444 Carlton .Av. Bklyn Gilbert, F. N. 168 State, Bklyn Gillette, C. 24 W. 40th (Ulman, R. Hempsiead Gilmour, A. ]. 139 W. 6ist Gilsey, G. I.. So .Mad. .Ave. Godwin. P. II. 125 W. I22d Goerwitz, W. 190 3d .Ave. Goff, |. W., Jr. 3ig W. lo-ith Goldberg, B. 157 E. 72d Goldberg, J. 157 E 72d Goldberg, L. 316 E. Il6th Golden, P. N. Elizabeth Goldman, C. i Pike Goldmark, II. 626 Greene .Ave. Bklyn Goldstein, F'.. S. Goode, E. L. Goodeil, G. A. 1283 Columbus Av. ( loodelman, S. 448 E. 84th Goodenough, R. J. iS 7th Ave. Bklyn Bipecfory e[ SluJenls — Continued. NAME ADDRESS Goodman, M. 338 E. 4th Goodridge, F. G. 250 5th Ave. Goodwiliie. R. H. 154 W. 34th Gordon, G. A. 41 E. 6gth Gotthelf, A. H. Gould, E. W. 539 W. 144th Gould, J. W. 246 14th, Bklyn Gouverneur, W. 32 E. 22d Gow, R. A. S30 Butler, Bklyn Grace, W. II. 52 E. 79th Grace, W. R., Jr. 31 E. 79th Graham, }. F. ' Graham, J. W., Jr. Gramm, F. E. 137 E. 52d Grannis, A. . Caldwell, N. J. Grannis, P. E. 306 W. 115th Grant, H. R. 45 Park Pi. Grant, J. E. 206 W. 88th Grausman, P. M. 136 W. 64th Graves, H. C. 347 W. 123d Gray, A. W. 346 W. 58th Gray, H. D. 524 W. 123d Gray, J. 246 14th, Bklyn Gray, L. H. 212 W. I2ist Green, R. C. Newtown, N. Y. Green, S. G. 431 W. 57th Greene, M. E. 417 W. 23d Greene, R. C. 912 West End Ave. Greenway, W. B. 41 E. 6gth Greenwood, A. J. Gregg, H, W. 354 Manhattan Av. Gregory, W. K. 179 W. loth Greil, G. 10 E. 75th Gretsch, B. J. 334 E. 77th Griffin, A. B". 8S2 St. Nich. Ave. Griffin, B. ]!. 205S Vanderbilt Ave. Griffiths, W. J., Jr. 317 S. 8th Av. Mt. Vernon Gros, F. 352 W. I20th Gros, PI. E. 352 W. I20th Grosner, B. A. 1041 Le.v. Ave. Gross, J. C. 1205 Park Ave. Grossmann, L. 209 E. io6th Grout, G. H. 165 W. 64th Gunn, G. B. 139 Munn Ave, East Orange Gunter, C. Flaberstroh, A. 2S23 nth Ave. Flackett, F. S. '7 W. io7ih Hackett, PL S. Hotel Manhattan liailey, W. 1'. Haines, E. I. New Rochelle Plall, C. H. 427 Waverly Ave. Bklyn, Hall, F. S. s6 Morningside Park. Hall, G. H. 163 W. 63d Hall, PI. N. 204 Hancock, Bklyn Hall, T- H. 543 Manhattan Ave. Hall, L. PI, 545 W. 125th Plall, M. F. 153 W. 6ist Halsey, F. R. 957 Boulevard, Astoria lialsey, R. 11. 31S W. 57th Planan, J. T. 317 W. 56th Hanauer, S, 310 W. 115th Hanscom, H. C. 224 W. 121st Planson, PI. (.). 622 E. i6oth Harden, A. D. 44 W. 46th liarding, ¥. L. 63 Nelson PI. Newark Hargrave, G. I",. 281 W. iiSth Harrington, H. S. Harrington, N. R. iS W. 43d Harris, PI. S. 41 E. 69th NAME ADDRESS Harris, I. R. 305 Henry Harris, M. 39 Cleveland, Orange Harris, W. .S. 416 W. 54th Harrison, PI. S. 145 Montague, Bklyn Harrison, J. .S. 72 William, Orange Hart, G. G Larchmont Plart, G. W, S9 Ross, Bklyn liartman, W. L. 275 2d Hasbrouck, H. 39 W. 90th Hasbrouck, J. R. Hashi, H. 34 Prospect, Bklyn liaussling, F. R. 661 liigh, New'k Havard, E, W. 35 Hawthorne Av. East Orange Haviland, R. F, 336 W. 59th Havill, O. A. 385 Grove, J. C. Hawkins, SO. 61 LeffertsPl. B'klyn Hawks, E. M. 124 W. 53d Haydock, C. E. 341 E. 50th Hayes, A., Jr. 10 E. 43d Hayes, H.W. S. Short Hills, N. ]. Hayt, R. A. 52 W. 38th Hayt, R. O. Hazen, T. E. 330 W. 57th Hazzard, PI. C. 321 W. ii2th Hedges, G. B. 262 W. 78th Heidelberg, M. G. 9 W. 90th Heike,R.E. 256 Montgomery, J. C. Heimann, AV. J. Hotel Cecil Ii8th St, Nicholas Av. Heindel, N. S. 240 Lenox Ave. Heineken, W. P. New Brighton. Heller, B. S. Graham House Mad. Ave., Sgth liellman, G. S. 200 W. 44th Plenderson, A. M. Henderson, A. W. 41 E. 69th Henderson, PL PI. 87 Locust Hill Ave. , Yonkers Plenderson, R. C. 73 W. 94th Henhne, C. D. 115 W. io6th Hennessy, J. F. West Chester lienriquez, C. L, 17 W. 87th Plensel, O. 197 2d Ave. Herdman, H. li , Jr. 126 P'orsyth Hermann, B. F. 78 E. 79th liervey, A. M. 102 W. 64th Hess, A. F. 956 Mad. Ave. Pleuser, F. W. J. 17S Lorimer, Bkn Plewitt, E. S. Heydt, C. E. 301 W. 91st Hickey, G. F. 52 Butler, Bklyn Iliester, A. V. 520 W. 123d llildburgh, L. W. Park Av. Hotel Ilildburgh, S. C. Park Av. Plotel Ilddreth, P. T. 31 E. 63d llildreth, T. F. 39 W. 25th Hill, B. F. 356 W. i2oth Hill, G. P. 31 E. 751h Hill, L. 241 W. 5 2d Hill, W. DeW. 64 Sands, Bklyn Plinck, O. 11. Montclaii Plinrichs, 1 '. \V. , Ir. 149 Congress Bklyn Hitchcock, C. K., Jr. 417 W. 117th Iloadley, C. W. 11 W. 49th Iloadley, H. 347 W. 58th Hochlerntr, T. 205 Plenry Hodges, A. L. 36 E. 12th Hodges, ^^'. Van D. 344 Man. Av. Hodgson, F. G. 117 W. 64th Hoeninghaus, F. W. 303 W. 72d Ploffman, I. M. 30 S. 13th Ave. Mt. Vernon NAME ADDRESS Ilogan, G. H. 41 E. 69th Hogan, R. 313 W. 17th Holbrook, J. S. 128 W. 73d Holden, E.", Jr. 143 W. 64th Holden, P.. H. 624 High, Newark Holden, O. PL 66 Park Ave. Holland, F. J. 165 W. 22d Holloway, J."M. 83 Mad. Ave. Holmes, G. ]. 141 W. 64th Plolmes, T. PL 160 W. 126th Holmes, W. S. 351 W. 57th Holt, H. 130 Fulton Plonnet, J PI. 31 W. 58th Hooker, S. R. 117 W. 64th Hoole, L, P. 77a Monroe, Bklyn Hooper, PI. N., Jr. 320 W. 125th Hopkins, G. G., Jr. 520 W. 123d Horowitz, y. 123 E. 126th Plorsford, F. C. 58 Bank Houston, PL E. Vreeland and 20th Aves.. Paterson Howe, H. N. Howe, J. P. 135 F. 3Sth Howe, "M. a. Hubbard, G. C, Jr. Tottenville Hubbel, C. G. Hubby, F. W., Jr. 30 W. 34th Hubschmitt, A. W. 408 E. 52d Hudson, D. S. 157 Franklin, Astoria Hudson, P. K. Hotel Marie Ant'e Hudson, R, M. 141 W. 64th Hughes, F. J. 119 W. 6ist Hughes. J. L. 146 W. 33d Hulbert, C. S. 109W. ii2th Hulick.E. R. 160 Broadway Hull, R. C. 44S 9th, Bklyn Hume, E. F. io6 W. 6lst Huraiston, W. H. East Orange liumphreys, M. 23 E. 47th Humpstone, O. P. 291 Ryerson, Bklyn Hunt, F, L. 58 Morningside Pk. Huse, R. S. 417 W. 117th Hutton, E. H. 500 Mad. Ave. Hyams, B. 164S Mad. Ave. Hyde, PL St. J. 210 E. iSth Plyde, O. T. " 177 W. 63d Hynes, E. G. 132 New York, Bklyn Imlach, W. B. 309 West End Ave. Immediate, G. 37 A\'. 124th Ingling, 11. W. 164 W. 64th Ireland, W. de F. 487 Man. Ave. Irving, J. D. 371 W. 117th Irving, P. F. New Brighton Isaacs, L. M. no E. 73d Iselin, E. 9 E. 26th Iselin, J. H 32 E. 22d Israel, I. 304 W. 115th Jackson, F. PI fackson, ]. G. Jackson, J. M. Jackson, R. PI Jacobs, E. Jacobs, R. K. Jacobs, W. K. Jacobus, 'P. I. Jacoby, L. jacocks, H. PL Jadwin, S. P. i James, J. PL I James, M. T. Tr. 146 W. 4Sth 19 E. 6ist 329 W. 58th 22g E, 57th Ii5 E. I2ist 892 Union, Bklyn 357 E. 50th 426 E. 115th 230 Central pk. S. 26 Gates Ave. Bklyn 69 Amsterdam Av. 32 Monticello Ave. Jersey City Direclorj' o[ §tuJer)ts — Continued. NAME ADDRESS Jarmulowsky, II. 102 E. 60th Jedel, M. 362 \\arren, Newark Jelliffe, S. K. 2ji \V. 71st Jellinghaus, C. F. 45 St. .Marks I'l. Jennings, J. E. 403 ist, Bklyn Jeschke, H. 41 E. dgth Jessup, W. C. 144 W. 117th Johnson, A. 491 Manhattan .Vve. Johnson, B. G. 102 5th Ave. Johnson, F.,Ji. 174 \V. 126th Johnson, J. B. 238 W. 123d Johnson, V. Van K. 31S \V. 57th Johnston, U.S. 37 li- 5olh Johnston, S. C. Jones, .A.. 1,. Jones, A. L. 236 5th .\ve. Jones, F. M. 417 W. 21st Jones, F. \'. 53 W. 51st Jones, J. M. 81 Sip .Vve. Jersey City Jones, M. 1). Far Kockaway Jones, T. J. 41 E. 69th Jones, \V. r.. 415 W. 57th Jordan. 1 1. 31 S W. 57th Joseph, C. 8u Beaver Joseph, L. 146 Clinton josephson, I". 131 .\mity, Bklyn fosephson.W. S. 131 .\mity, Bklyn "fosephtal, S. 1.. 30 E. 62d Judd, J. K. 317 \V. 58th fudson. E. 53 Washington Sq. Jung, -V. X. 2040 7th .Vve, Kafka, II., jr. 194 Edgecombe -Vv' Kahn, S. 406 E. 50th Kaine, 1.. V. 1777 Mad. Ave. Kaiser, C. S. 96 5th Ave. Kane, C. J. 115 \V. 63d Kaplan, B. M. 736 Lex. Ave. Kaps, J. I). So W. losth Karns, W. ,\. 129 W. 136th Kasner, E. 52 Catharine Kaufmann, A. 11 E. 66th Kebler, J. L. 606 W. 114th Kellock.'ll. A. 372 Man. Ave. Kellogg, F. F. 48 W. 53d Kellogg, \V. G. 68 W. 39th Kelly, .\. S. 117 E. 59th Kelly, J. A. 147 W. 57th Kemp, W. T. 543 Man. Ave. Kennedy, (;. V. 21 Man. Ave. Kennedy. T. J. L. 131 W. 77th Keppel, I>. 239 E. 17th Keppler, E. A. C. 28 \V. 70th Keresey, W. I.. 616 Hudson, Iloboken Kerr, J. C. Englewood Keschner, M. 72 Pitt Kidde, F. 66 Gates .Vve. M'tclair Kidder, S. 'Ridgefield Pk., N. J. Killgore, K. B. 224 W. 139th King, P. J. 247 i:. 50th Kipp. B. ' 20 W. I2i5t Kirally, II. B. 38 W. Wash. sq. Kirby, G. T. 158 W. 45th Kirkman, I.. G. 317 VV. 56th Kittle, G. E. 207 E. 126th Knapp, J. R. 62 W. 51st Kneeland, F. R. 239 W. 74th Knight, F. II., Y.M.C A .W. 57th Knight, II. B. 547 W. 125th Kno\vles. F. 209 VV. 11 8th KnowIe=, R. Knox, II. .\. 47S Mott Ave. Knudsen, A. S. -,49 W. :;8th Kohn, A. H. :;34 W. 72d Kompfe, K. II. Koronefsky, J. Koscherak, I-'. F; Kosmak, G. W. Kraft't, II. F. Kramer, 1). Kramer, I.. Krans, H. S. 2 Krebs, M. II. Kresel, I. J. Kress, G. W. B. Kretz, W. C. Krickl. M. Krug, E. ]• . Kuntz, C. Kurfiss, S. II. Kurrus, J. Kurzman, J. (.'. 361 W. 117th 3J I'ike 127 W. ,S2d 23 K- 93d 354 W. iigth 324 W. 33d 324 W. 33d 54 Central Pk.,W. 226 Clinton 1735 Mad. .Vve. loi W. 93d 149 W. I2th 28 W. 125th 320 W. sSth 28 Gouverneur 12 Convent Ave. 135 W. 64th 59 E. 82d Lacey, R. A. 147 Amity, Bklyn. Lambrecht, J. W. 112 E. g5th Lampman. L. B. 577 High, Xew'k Lamson, E. W. 621 W. I52d l.amson, H. G. l.andes, E. VV. 794 Parker, New'k Landman, J . 346 W. 48th Lang, E. J. 38 W. "ist Lange, G. E. 5 W. 124th Lansdowne, F. B. Lathrop, S. S. Latourette, L. ¥.. 304 VV . 115th Lawlor, J. F. 349 VV. 2sth Lawrence, .\. E., Jr. 2 W. S2d Lawrence, A. X. Xew Brighton Lawrence, C-. A. 15 Central pk.,VV. Lawrence, VV. II., Jr. 316 VV. 70th Lawshe, J. V.. 61 VV. 104th Lawson, L. M., Jr. 15 E. 67th Lay, C. D. 202 VV. 103d Lay, W. 224 VV 49th Leale, L. 604 Mad. Ave. Lebhar, K. J. Le Count, L. 225 VV. io6th I.ederer, A. M. Ridgewood, N. [. Ledwith, T. .V. 266 VV. 7id Lee, ."V. 361 W. 123d Lee, J. T. V. 235 E. 124th Lefferts, F. B. 34 E. 65th Lehmacher, V. 166 Springfield Av. Newark Lehman, 1. 5 E. 62d Leiter, M. M. 351 W. 114th Lemcke, G. R. 103 Remsen, .\storia Leo, R. L. 327 W. 84th Leonard, C. S. SoW. 105th Le Prince, L. A. W. 622 VV. I52d Le Prince, L. F. 170th, Edge- combe road Lese, F. 2^1 E. 60th Lesem, VV. W. 18 E. 66th Lesinsky, L. 13 E. 83d Leslie, A. M. 2102 8th Ave. Leslie, A. Von VV. 34S VV. 57th Lesser. J. M. 307 E. 55th Lesser, M. JI. 19 E. 61st Lessig, W. B. Letts, F. D. 361 W 123d Levine, A. J. 340 W. 88th Levine. D. 155 E. 52d Levy, C. 30S .Alexander Ave. Levy. D. 926 Columbus Ave. Levy, E. lloW. 7Sth Levy, I. PL 208 Broome Levy, W. I.. 200 VV. 57th NAMK ADDBES8 Lewine, 1. I.. 813 Lex. Ave. Lewis, I." II. 326 VV. 34th Lewis, "M. II. 25 E. 104th Leyenberger, S. B. VV. 98 3d Ave. Newark I.ibaire, E. VV. 150 W. 49th Lichtenstein, O. R. 132 Amity, Bklyn Lilly, F. F. 54 S. 7th .Vve., Mt. Vernon I.indenmeyer, 1.. 240 E. 15th Lindsay, I.. S. St. .Vustin's, West New Brighton Lindsay, W. G. 69 VV. 97th Line, A. .M. 147 W. 71st Linsley, ]. U. 228 E. 19th Lippitt, W. M. 134 VV. 91st Little, G. F. 469 Clinton Ave. Bklyn l.ivengood, II. R. 1164 E. (ersey, Elizabeth Livingston, F. M. 370 tlreene Ave. Bklyn Livingston, L., Jr. I slip Lloyd, F. E. Lobenstine, R. VV. 245 Cent Pk, VV. Loeke, J.A. 30-, VV. 84th Lockhart, L. S. 218 VV. 1 59th Lockward. L. G. Caldwell, N. J. Lockwood, F. T. 527 W. 125th Lockwood, W. A. 29 VV. 56th Logan, J. C. 525 VV. 112th Logan, R. R. 367 VV. Il6th Loizeaux, E. S, i Brook Ave. Plainfield Loney, F. R. 65 E, 64th Long, M. VV. 412 Lincoln, Flush'g Long, P. C. 74 Grove, Plainfield Long, T. 261 VV. 113th Longacre, C) , Jr. Spuyten Duyvil Longfellow, .\."H. 47 VV. 49th Loomis, .A. G. Loos, H. A. 119 E. 115th Loper, G. G. 36 W. 58th Lopez-Guillen, J. M. 32 VV. 123d Lorenz, K. K. 359 VV. Boulevard Loughran, R. L. 24 W. 50th Loughran. T. V. 445 W. 47th Love, L. C. Montclair Low, VV. G.. Jr. 58 Remsen, Bklyn Lowden. j. W. 41 E. 69th Lowenstein. O. 42 E. 74th Lowenstein, V. 215 E. 79th Ludlam, VV. K. 8 VV. i6th Lum, R. E. Chatham, X'. J. Lutz, F. A. 529 W. 147th Lyall, H. J. 367 VV. 20th Lyle, H. H. M. 118 VV. 64th Lyman, H. S. 348 VV. s6th Lynn, C. W. 139 VV. 96th Lyon, J. H. 34 Park Row McCabe, T. S. 400 Market, New'k McCafferty, ]. A. 754 Park .\ve. McCann, J. F., Jr. 361 VV. 123d McCarthy,J.F. 47 Linden, Yonkers McCastline, R. 313 E. 57th McClelland, J. B. 2 VV. 47th McClelland, J. F. 371 W. 117th McComas, H. C, Jr. 50 E. 70th McComb, W. H. 125 Storm Ave., Jersey City McConkey, H. ,V. 41 E. 69th McConn, II. J. 25 VV. 94th McCoy, F., Jr. 205 VV. 57th Dirccfory o| ^luderjis — Continued- NAME ADDRESS McCrea. K. C. 2265 7th Ave. McCready \V. V. McCulloch, K. A. New Brighton McCuUy. K. R. 220 VV. 24th McDonald, W., Jr. 153 W. 6ist McEntree, E. J. 144 Union .\ve P.klyn McFarland, \V. L. 121 E. 35th McCiill, E. L. 117 \V. (.4th McC.regor. K. G. 41 E. 6gth Mclntyre, H. K. 303 W. 74th Mclveag. E. C. New Urunswick McKee, F. E. 447 \V. 57th McKee, T. H. 47 W. 21st McKelvey, J. 1'. McKenna, J. J., \i: iO| \V. ii6tli McKenzie, E. T." 116 \V. 84th McKeon. J. (1. 343 Van Brunt, likn McKeon, 1'. J. 124 W. 47th Mclvim, A. K. lob E 23CI McLain, K. C. 160 \V Sgih McLaughlin, A. J., ]r. 143 W. 6rst McLaughlin, L.E 158 Waverley PI. McLintock, A. 149 W 79th McWhood, L, B. 136 Penn. .\ve. , Newark MacAlister, \V. W. 345 Van Hou- ten, Paterson Macdougall, G. W. y-,! W. 57th Macheii, C. H. 150 \V. S2d Macintosh, K. MacKay, J. W .2055 Seventh Ave. Maclay, R , Jr. 50 \V. 75th Madan, J A. 75 E. 56th Magnus, B. 22 E iiith Mainzer, H. R. 9 E, 66th Mandel, M. 736 Lexington Ave. Mantinband, J. 307 Henry Mapes, CM. 717 Union Ave. Mapes, C. S. 60 W. 40th Marcus, J. 100 Danforth Ave. J. C. Margulies, L 209 E. 114th Margulis, J. 86 Suffolk Marks, D. Marsh, E. ]. Jr. uS W. 64th Marshall, B. t. 41 E. 69th Martin, H. \V. 29 E 21st Martin, J. II. T., Jr. Wood- bridge. N. J. Martin, J. S., Jr. 260 Mad. Ave. Martin, T. A. 436 Lenox Ave. Martin, U F. 447 W. 57th Mason, H. C;. 2 W. 103d Mason, L, J. 361 Mad. Ave. Mason, W. Matthews, A. P. 27 Morningside Av. Mathews, J. .\. 4 First pi. Bklyn Matthews G. 509 .\msterdani Ave. Mattice, H- A. West Chester Maverick, W. C. 526 W. 123d Maxwell, W. IL. Jr. 682 Greene .\ve. Bklyn. Mead, D. I. 309 W. 104th Mead. R. A. 316 W. 82d Meagher, J. F. W. 35 Willow pi. Bklyn. Meehan, J. A. 215 E 6ist Meeker, A. V. Glen Ridge Meeks, R. Hotel Endicott Mehler, A. J. 619 West End Ave. Mehrbach, \V. 56 E. 72d Meissner, W. C. 48 W. 25th. Mendel. E. M. Menk, P. E. 106 Market st., New'k Merchant, M, H. 137 W. 6ist NAME ADDRESS -Merriam, C. E,, Jr. 36 Morning- side Ave Merriman. J. D. 46. W. 51st Mesick, E. S. 47 E. 31st Meyer, A S. 136 W. I32d Meyer, C. G. 137 W. S6th Meyer, R. B. 58 W. 113th Miehling. R. 350 W. 121st Milke, E. E., Jr. 82 Win field Ave., fersey City Miller, C. Ci. 13S W. 65th Miller, C. W. 353 W. 119th Miller, E. I. 127 W. 67th Miller, E. W. 301 York St , J. C. Millea, F. H. 212 Hooper St. Bkl'n Miller, G. .\., Jr. Montclair Miller G. (. 5 Middagh St., Bklyn. Miller, H." A. 232 W. 45th Miller J. A. 137 W, 64th Miller, W. E. 131 S. 8 Bklyn. Milligan, L. E. 4 Hancock pi. Mills, E. K. Morristown Mills, F. H. 417 W. 117th Mills, H. J. 1326 Dean St. Bklyn. Millspaugh, W. P. 447 W. 57th Minard, H. C. 280 W. 115th Miner, E. D. 1150 Forest Ave. Mitchel, J. P. 447 W. i62d Mitchell, "E. B. Flushing Mitchell, H. P.. 164 Washington pk. Bklyn. Mitchell, J. F. B., Jr. Flushing Mitchell, R J. 911 West End Ave. Mitchell, W. E. 326 W. 84th Moffat, E. S., Jr. 314 W. 113th MolTat, ^L R, Mamaroneck Moff'et, S. E. 351 W. 114th Mohr C. A. 41 E. 6qth Monroe P. Montgomery, H. E. 46 Cedar Montgomery, W. C. 5 W. 74th Mooney F. X. 493 Lex. Ave Moore, C. C. 76 Third pi. Bklyn. Moore. [. B. Moore. W. U. 203 W. 117th Moran, C. 68 William Moran J. F. 67 Forest St., J. C. Moran, W. E. 1983 Mad. Ave. More, T. in ]-iroadway Morey, A. T. 280 W. 115th Morgan, G. W. 242 W. 121st Morgan W. M. 156 W. 79lh Mork, S. 34S E. 5'ist Morrill. W. C. 24 W. 83d Morris. S. F., Jr. 16 E. 30th Morrison, A 11. 684 E. 143d Morrow D. W. Morse. C;. W. 345 W.55th Morse, R. Cr. 240 W. 121st Mortimer, H. C, Jr. 54 W. 21st Mortimer, L. 54 W. 21st Morton, C. E. 177 W. 63d Moschcowitz, E. 364 W. 55th Mosenthal H. O. i6W. 85lh Mosenthal, W. 16 W. 85th Moss, L. H 100 W. 77th Moulsdale, c; C. Rahway Moulson G, l)e W. 147 E. 21st ISIoulton, R- H. 51 W. 48th Moynan, W. T. 134 Hooper St. Bklyn. Muirheid, '. 322 W. 113th Mulcahy, t. A. 401 W. 57th Muller, [. 4'8 W. 154 h Mulligan", (' R. Ir. Dover, N. J. NAME ADDRESS Mund, C. 30S E. 62d Murphy, G. R. 615 Charles St West Hoboken Murphy H. A. 57 Park Ave. Murphy, J. J. 15 W. 58ih Murphy, \V. L. 520 \V. 123d Murray, II. C. 67 W. 66th Murriii J. B. 143 W. 44th Murtha," E. L 241 W. 54 Myers, D. M. 309 W. 70th Myers, S. S, 334 E. 86th Myrick, F. W. 129 W. 6ist Nash, S. P., Jr. 116 W. 55th Navoni, |. 150 Sullivan Neal, J. "R. 363 W. 117th Nellany, V. M, 16 E. 56th Nelson, F. A. 108 W. S4th Nelson, G. A. 184 Vernon Ave. Bklyn. Neresheimer. F. E. Bay .Side N. Y. Nesbitt, K. H. 121 W. 6ist Nettleton, L LaF., Neu, S. S. loi E. 61st Neugroschl, A. 119 E. S6ih Newborg, L. D. 33 E. 67th .Vewcomb, C. H. 750 St Marks Ave. Bklyn, Newgass, (',. W. 148 E. 61st Newman, E. S., Jr. ifiggB'way Newman. S L. 154 Mad. Noble, R. E. 356 W. 57th Nolan, T. 11 1 Fifth Ave. Noll, F. A. 526 W. 223d Noonan, C. J. 554 Henry St likl'n Noonan, T. F. 252 W. 25th Nordby, C. H. 30 W. i32d Norman, M. W. World l!ldg Norris, B. !■'. 245 Lafayette Bkjn. North, C. E. 316 W. 57th North, F. R. 318 W. 57lh Noyes, C. E. 879 7th Ave. Oakley, A. C. roi W. 72d Oakley, W. L. 35 E. 64th Obermeier, L. f. 220 E. 48th O'Brien, F. ].' 113 W. 64th. O'Brien, T."E. 247 Marcy Av. B'n ( I'Connor, C t.^. 400 Pacific St. J'.'n O'Connor K. F., Jr. 428 Clermont Ave. Bklyn. O'Connor, F. J. O'Connor, [. H. 316 W. 59th O.Connor, "j. W. 8 E. 12th O'Connor, W. A. 12 E. 44th Oddie, H. H. 59 W. 48th O'Donnel), W. T. 362 W. ii8th O'Dwyer. J. 967 Lex. Ave. Ogden, C. J. 250 W. 88th Ogilvie, I. 129 W. 6ist Olmstead, H. B. 322 St. Nicholas Ave. Opp, A. W. i8i Vernon Ave. Bk'n Oppenheimer, B. S. 608 W. 114th Orgel. D. H. 736 E. 9lh Orner, G. D. 202 W. 105th Osborn, T. D. Sheepshead Bay Osgood, A. T. 264 W. 57th O'Shea, J. E. 31 W. 8Sth Packard, R. G., Jr. 84 Columbia H'g'ts Bklyn Paddock, P. 237 E. 104th Page, R. W. 527 3d St Bklyn Pakelnisky, M. 406 E. 50th SHOTLKND &(i CO., ST. JAMES BUILDING, BROADWAY & 26th STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Opposite Delmonico's. We beg to anuounce our Fall and Winter opening for 1898. We are now ready to submit samples of our goods on receipt of request, or we will send our representative to you if nconvenient for you to call. Mr. Shetland has been connected as cutterwith some of the best houses in this city and understands the art of dreee- ng stylishly and fitting perfectly. He also supervises all work personally. Our goods, workmanship and low prices cannot be duplicated elsewhere. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. THE OLDEST 6c BEST KNOWN , Men and Institutions inquest of College-Trained Teachers, will find it to their .... # ADVANTAGE To write to Schermerhorn's Teachers' Agency III No. 3 East (4th Street, NEW YORK CITY. Those desiring Positions will receive Registra- tion Blanks FREE on Application. UireclGry of Studer)ls — Continued. NAME ADDKESi I'dlmer, A. \V. 33d St., 5th .\ve. Palmer, K. 103 \V. 73U Palmer, K. II. 417 \V. 117th Palmer, \'. K. 991 .Vmsterdani Av. I'annaci, C. E. h, 411 \V. 57th Paret, \V. P. lOr W. 76th Parish, E . i. . i W. 19th i'ark, \V. 86 W. 103d Parker, .\.\V., Jr,OSth 2d Av. Bkn. I'arker, C. dSili bt 2d Ave. Bklyn. Parker, I.. R. 345 State St. liklyn. Parsons, G. Hempstead Parsons, 1. 1 ). 344 \V. 23d Parsons, '1'. liempstead Pascual, \\ . \'. 263 Muyvesant Ave. Bklyn. Patterson, 11. S. 19 E. 45th Paulmier. K. C. .Madison Payne, \V. .V. 415 W. 57th Peabody, |. E. L nivcrsUy IPg'ts Pearson, C. E. New Brighton Pearson, 1- M. 322 E. 27th Pease, IP II. 56 W. 52d Pegram, R. J!. 129 E. 40th. Pelgram, G. IJ. 337 W. 88lh Pell, 1. D. 13 E. 29th Pent?., J. \V. 105 \V. 113th Perkins, 11. .\. 202 \V. 103d Perrin, E. N. in W. I24ih Perry, E, P. 352 \Y. s6th Perrv, W. \'. 567 W. 117th Pettv, N. (>. ' 216 W. 22(1 Pfeifl'er, C. II. 171 \V. 7^1 Phelan, |. 1. 66 W. 85 Ui Phelan, '|. '\1. 102 ^igth St. Bklyn. Phillips,"ll. M, " 228 Mad. St Phillip-, 1 E. 219 E. 34th Pier, V.S. 23S W. nth. Pierce, E. V. Pierrepont, K. 1. 29 E. 2.Sth Pierson, F. H., Jr. 1 1 29 E. Jersey St. Elizabetli Pinchot, ,\. R. E. 2 Gramercy Pk. Pindar, !•". S. 31S W. 57111 Pinkney C. S. 71b Mad. Si. Pinneo, E. \V. 301 Lex. ,-\vc. Pitt R. New Rochelle Pittman T- l'. ii^'^ \V. S'llh Planten.'W. R. J. 44 En^hlh.Vve. piklvn. Piatt, yi. C. " 306 W. 361I1 Piatt, S. B. Bay Shore Platz, |. M. 252 \V. 128th Plonsk'y, S. E. 50 W. 8Sth Plotz, I. L. 48 RiviiiJton St Pobe, (.;. O. 317 W. 56th Poillon. IE .\. 125 E. 70lh Polatsak, II. li. 149 Ave B. Pollak, E. D. 210 \V. I39ih Pollard, C. W . 150 Mad. Ave. Pollard, 1). II. Pond, .v.. Ir. Pool, E. 11. 137 W. 64th Pope, E. J. 356 \V. i20lh Pope, J. E. 12 Convent Ave. Popper, \V. 260 W. g3d Porter, E. E. P. 4'5 "'^'^ 57tli Potter, P. A. Ill W. 87lh Potter, R. K. 50 W. 48th i'owell, L A. 12 W. 40th Powell, \\ . R. 242 \V. I2ist Powers, E. B. Pratt, W. IE 304 ^V ii5"i- Prendergast. 1. W., Ir. 125 .\mity St. llklyn. NAME .IDDKESS Prentice. A. C. Prentice, 1. II. 2<) E. 28th Preston, l"'. B. 218 Walnut St. ,\'k. Priddy, J. E. »-)<) Pierrepont St. Bklvn. Prince, IE S. 868 Flatbush .\ve. Bklyn. Pringle, E. G. 155 \V. 130th Proctor, I). G. 307 W. 82d Proskauer,J. M. iioW. 136th Prout, G. P. Nutley Pulsifer, T. (. . 415 \V. 57th Putnam, A. W. 16 W. 77th Pyle, E. \V. 243 \V. 56th Quackenbos, G. P. 331 W. 28th Quel, B. '4:; (anal St Quinby, \V. (>'G 80 (_'olumbia St. Newark l,luinn, \V. R. 659 loth Si. Bklyn. Rabinovitz,.\l. 11 Eldridge St. Rae, J. G. 953 Home St. Radau, H. i75 9ihAve. Raiman, R. I. 704 Ouincy St. B'n. Rambaud. G. G. i \V. 97th Ramsay, A. L. ^06 \V. 104th Randolph. C. V. 007 W. 138th Randolph, E. P. 51 E. 29th Ratzell, J. P. 41 E. 69th Rauscher, EC 41 E. 6gth Ray, D. 11". 4i(. \V. 55th Raymond, i;. W. Ir. Summit Raymond, E. N. " 55 \V. 117th Read, C. P. 75 E. 54ih Redden, \V. .\. 362 \V. iiSth Reed, .V. G. 363 W. 117th Reed, R. E. 41 E. 69th Reich, S. 239 E. io4tli Reichers, G. IE Reiley, R. |. 145 E. 34th Reilly, E. V. 78 \V. 105th Reilly, J. A. 359 E. 42d Reinhardt, E. 243 7th St Reinsbeig, C. H. 34 Varick St. Reisman, .S. C ^0 Broome St. Reiss, H. ^01 Sih Remy, A. I'". J. 370 \V. iiSth Reyna, J. E.. The Elmer ^Morningside .\ve. Reynolds, G. 337 \V. 57th Reynolds, II. P.. 166 \V. 126th Reynolds, J. E. 166 \V. 126th Reynolds, |. 1 •. Reynolds Nl. T. SS^ 7O1 Ave. Rich, T- M. 53 ^V. 381I1 Rich. "W. II. 15 W. 69th Richardson, 45 Percy St. Elushmg Rider, C. C. 526 W. 123d Ridgway, W. C. 6S7 \V. End Ave. Riggio, I.. P. 7c) E. 114th Riker, J. L. 27 E. 6gth Riley, ^I. 227 \V. i2th Ring, E. G. 967 P.irk .\ve. Ringer, P. IE 64 W. 53d Rionda, J. B. 141 \V. 93d Rionda, M. E. 141 \V. 93d Ripley, W. II. 605 Le.N. Ave. Rising, H. R. 20 Summit St. New'k Riter, L. E.. Ir. 314 W. 115th Roach, W. M'acP. 607 \V. 1 1 ',th Robb, W. M. Amstenlani, N. V. Rohbins, \V. II. Roberts, C. C. Hotel .M.uie .\ntoinetle NAME Roberts, E. J. ADDRESS 256 \V. 71st Robinson, E.. P. Robinson, E. A. 123 \V. 76th Robinson, J. .\. 310 \V, 46th Robinson, R. M. 604 W. 114th Roca y, Casusa, C. 158 \V. 119th Rochester, IE 506 W. 115th Roelker, .V., Jr. ' 202 \V. 45th Roell A. ]. ' 1059 2d Ave. Roemer, \V. B. 140 E. 49th Rogers, A. 411 W. 57th Rogers, .V. P. 305. \V. 55th Rogers, E. W. 372 Manhattan .\v. Rogers. ]. ]. 316 W. 57th Roll, J. k.' 147 E. g2d Roller, II. C. Cranford, N. |. Rollins E. 356 W. 145th Roos, E. E. 2og E. 6Sth Ropes. E. C. 74 Wall St. Ros, J. 109 W. 48th Rosenbaum, S. 247 E. 51st Rosenberg, D. 1 1. 304 W. i!5ih Rosenberg, J. N. 230 W. 78th Rosenberg;, Nl. 240 E. 30th Rosensohn, \\'. 49 lildridge St. Rosenthal, C. M. 344 E. 50th Rosenthal, 529 W. I52d Rosenwasser, G. -\. 248 Eittleton .Vve. Newark Rosett, E. J. 1676 .VveA. Ross. II. \V. 2006 5th Ave. Ross. N. (J. 125 W. 2ist Rossi, E. M. f34 \V. 83d Rothe.H. EJr., ig4WashAve. N'k Rothwell, T. .\. 112 \V. ii6th Rowe, .v. C. 550 Wash. .\ve. Bklyn Rowe, J. C. 243 W. t23d Rowe, N. E. Jr. 647 [ersey .Vve. Tersey City Roy, II. F.' The Norwood I2()ih St 7th ,\v. Roys. C. K. 141 W. 63d Rubenstein, C. A. 1294 Columbus .\ve. Rubenstein, G. 112 E. 80th Rumsey, I). 200 W. 56th Runge, .\. Flushing Rupp, .\. 225 E. 19th Ruppert, G. I-'. in6 5th.\ve. Russell, J. 1. Russell, T. G. toi W. 73d Russell. W. .M. 366 lay St Bklyn. Rutz, A. A. 166 7th Ave. Bklyn. Ryan. P. E. X. ill E. 75th Ryder, (;. IP 318 \V. 57th Ryker, II. 19 W. 123d Sige, U. 23 W. 50th St. Clair, II. ! I. Jr. 349 W. 123d St. Georee, II. II. 30 W. I32d Silant, W. 348 E. 78th Sandt, 1. II. 41 v.. 69th Sandtor'd, II. G. 135 Mad. .\ve. Singer, E. E. 165 W. 78th Sitterlee, E. E. 60 E. 7Sth Satterlee, EE S. 8 W. i8th Saunders, G. C. 513 W. I42d Saunders, N. B. 139 W. 6ist Saxe, J. G. 18 W. 03d Scarlett, A. 1-:. 350 S 4lh .\ve. Mt. X'ernon Schaefter, B. E. 20S E. B'way Schaler. .\. S. 52 W. 46th Schaft.V. E. 15 E. 43d Schafran E. 1644 Mad. .\ve. yow docs tt^is stpit^e you ior- a Jr'reseQt? lylilitary yaip ^pusl^es. Flag iQ Silver ciQd KrjaiTjel. ^QY (Sollcoc. Price $10.00 Per Pair, XyE l^E^TEST I^OliiiKCSK SoUYENIg M^PE. 'i / v/ ... In Sterling Silver- and E^argel. Price $1.50 Per Pair. O. B. Strong & Co, 258 Broadway, New York. Dir '■^y 6| Oludcols — Continued. NAME ADDliESS Schanck, \V. 11. i.>i W. 73a .Schapcr, W. A. 280 St. Nicholas Ave. Scharf, II. \V. 171 \\ . 133d Scherick, t; K.W. Canarsie, IS'. V. Scherr, E. \V. . Jr. 2067 7th Ave. .Scherrer. J. .K. 404 AV. 124th Schildeckcr. C li. Schimper, I'', j. von M, 371 W. Ii7tli Schlegel, J. \V. ' (jo2 E. 5lh •Schlesingcr !■'. Schley, J. M., jr. (128 5lh .\ve. •Schlussel, \V. S. 37 \V. 74ih Schmidt, (',. ('•. .V. 54 New St Schnecker \V. A. M. 235 E, 52d Schneidenb ich. A. J. 105 E. 75lh Schneider, E, A. 165 \V. 64lh .Schneider, J. I'. 1046 E. 165th Schroeder, 1 1. II. 41 E. 691I1 Schroeder, II. 137 Mad. \vi-. Schulhofer, S. 338 1'. 120th Schulte, E. I). N. 47 W. 25th Schulte, H. von \V. 47 W. 25th Schullz, A P. 288 Broome St. Schuiz, H. 38 Fjankhn St New;irk .Schurz, H. ' 16 E. 64th Schuyler, JI., Jr. 1025 Park Ave. Schwartz, II. W. 189 Midland Ave. Rloomfield Shwarz, C. C. F. 175 W. 79th Schwarz, I. A. 148 W. 117th Schweitzer. II. 366 9th .\ve. Schwerin, ('. M. •^sjW. 113th Schwersejiski. .\. 1,. 2018 5th Ave. Scofield, (;. E. 152 Taylor St. Bklyii. Scoggan, E. 1!, 202 W. 105th Scudder, II., Jr. 21 E. 22d Scully, 1). |. jr., I'lS I'enn St. P.klyn, Sears, S. E. 520 W. 23d Seelig, M. (.,. 143 W. 6ist Seguine, E. M, Kosebank, N. Y. Selieck, E. E. 243 \V. 56th Senftner, A. D. 108 \V I3&th Sentfner, A. E. 108 W. 136th Serrano. V. Severino.J. M. .\storia Seward, E. K. 113 \V. S5th Seward, G. O. 48 Hawthorne ,\ve. E. Orange Seymour. ('. M. 258 \V. 121st Shanahan, K. II. 148 Washington St. Tarrytown Shangle, M. A. Koselle Sharp, j. C. 373 12th St. Bklyn. Shattuck, E. P. 126 W. 32d Shaw, C. E. 10 1st PI. Bklyn. Shearer, L. H. 117 E. 54lh Shearman, T. G., Jr. Paterson Shearman, K. \V. 39S \ an Pelt St. E. 1. City Shepard, ^\'. A. IC2 \V. 75lh Sheppard.J. J. 60 \V. 13th Sherer, P. .V. Hempstead Shipley, A. E. 239KeapSt. Bklyn. Shipman, C. S. i. \V. i2Sth Shirrifs, R. A. 571 .Mjd. Ave. Elizabeth Shoemaker, H. \V. 22 E. 46th Shrier. A. E. 12S .Vve C. Siegel, II. I-. 314 W. 115th Siegman, K. 7 E. 46th Silbiger, S. 64 E. 120th -NA.MK AnnUESS Simon, T. \V. Kin^sbridge Siniuns, J- . C . 13 \V. I20th .SimoMson, I,. ."M. 293 Eenox Ave. Simpson, K. C,. Plainfield Simpson, W. T, 208 W. 134th Sinclair, U, B., Jr, 130 AV. 91st Singermaii, S. A. 344 W. 4Sth Sites. E. .M. L. 264 \V. 127th Slade, 11. S, 95 Woodworth Ave. Yonkers Slaven, R. E. iig W. 72d Sloan, T. G. 447 W. 57th Sloane, T. ()'('., Jr. South Orange Slocum, 11. II. " 158 Walnut St. Montclair Small, 11. V. 54 \V. 85th Smitli, .\. G. 95 Grand St. Bklyn. Smith, II, 144 AV. 23d" Smith, p.. AV. 553 W. is6th Smith, C. C. Smith, C. E. 12S W. io2d Smith, C. II. Smith, C. H. 1293 Madison .\ve. Smith, C. W. 150 sth Ave. Smith, 1). H. 15" E. 3Sth Smith, F. (;. New Rochelle Smith, E. W, 415 \V. 46th Smith, G. B. 46 \V. fi4th Smith, H. V. A. 102 I'alisade .Vve, lersey (.'ity Smith. J. A. 353 \V. sSt'h Smith,! B, , Jr. 299 .Vlexander .We. Smith," f. P. 355 \V. i-ih Smith, L. B., Jr. 553 W 156111 Smith, P. 534 W. 4^111 Snyder, J H. West Hobukrn .Solomon, M. 11 Attorney Si. Solomon, N. ('. 344 W. 145111 Sommerich, < ). C. 175 E. 79th Son, C. A. 417 \\ . 117th Soper, E. B., Jr. Soper, F;. H. Soper, G. A. 63 W. 96th Southack, J. W. 401 B'way Spalding A. B. in W. 6Sth Spaulding. E. (;. 20 E. 5cth Spencer, E. II. 139 W. 6ist Spencer, G. \\'. Bedford .\ve, S. 5th St. I2klyn. Spiegel, L. 317 E. 30th Spiegel. M. J. 346 W. 121st Spiegelberg. E. !•'.. 156 W. 44ih Spiller, R. I,. Hotel San Remo Spingarn A. 31 IJivision St. Spingarn, A. B. 118 E. 58th Spingarn, J. E. iiS E. 5Sth Spiro, W. 21 W. 95lh Sporborg, W. I). in F!!. 65lh Squire. A. O. 4:5 W. 60th Siaah, J. S26'W. 123d Stanlev, W. P. Stark. 'M. 433 E. 57th Stark, M. M. 87 Baxter St. Stark. N. 257 2d St. Starr, k. II. E. 314 W'. 113th Starr, R. S. 140 W. 70th Stateler, J. II 312 W. io6th Staunton", H. G 145 W. 46th Steedly. B. B. 104 W. 89th Stein, M. 254 E. 112th Steinbach. G. E. 52 Barclay St. Steinberger. J. S. 153 F^ 6ist Stephens, J. \V. 314 E. 35th Stern, A. R. 55 W. soth Stern. B. H. n3 E. Soth NAME ADDRESS Stern, II. I.. 346 W. 121st .Stern, M. 54 W. 104th Stern, S. W. 101 E. 8ist. Stettcn De W. 53 W. 133d Steven, F. R. 264 Hicks St. Bklyn. Stevens, 'P. F. 29 K. 28th Stevenson, M. 10 W. 43d Stevenson, K. New Bridge, N. J. Stewart, A. L'. 41 E. 69th Stewart, I~. G. 27 E. 38th .Stewart, J. P.. 1390 Wash. Ave. Stewart. |. F. Cold Spring Harbor Stewart. "W. .\. W. 27 E. 38th Stiger. W. I). 319 W. 74th Stotkwell, V. E. "41 E. 69th Stoddart, (.'. W. 13 Eudlow St. Yonkers Stoeckius A. ^16 E. 66th Stone, H. F. 4i"7 W. 117th Stone, N. I. 372 W. 120th Stone, S. W. ^51 W. 27th Stradling, !■ . 447 W. 57th Strassburger, W. J. 524 W. 123d Stratlord, T. .\. "134 Berkeley PI. Bklyn. Strauss, E. Strauss, M. E. Streeter, G. E. Stripe, F. E. Stromeyer, W. T. Strong, S. M. Strunsky, S. Stryker, E. de M, Stuchell, W. T. Sturges, K. A. Sturm, M. .\. Saiiimersgill, H. T Sumner, 1- . B. Sutphen, K. B. Sutton, E. F. H. Swart, H. A. Sweeney, G. A. 237 E. 1 2th College Point 153 W. 6ist 202 W. 103d 1008 Trinity Av. New Rochelle 227 Clinton St. 41 E. 69th 61 \V. 51st 537 E. B'way 352 W. 55th 17 W, 31st 999 Broad Newark Audubon Park Mt. Vernon 438 W. 57th Tamblyn.W. T. F. 601 Lex. Ave. Tanner, F. P. Paterson Tarler. G. C. 69 W. Sgth Taylor, B. I. Rye Taylor, J. P. 374 W. Ii6th Teahan.W, J, 129 W, 64th Tegen, V. H. Clinton PI. Newark Telfair, J. H.. Jr. Port Richmond Temple, T. R. 128 'W. goth ter Meer, H. C. 1228 Garden St Hoboken Thayer, R. II. 75 Hawthorne Ave. Yonkers Theall. E. Jr. loS Montague St. Bklyn. Thomas, II, 520 W. 123d Thompson, I". C. 165 W. 64th Thompson, 1. I,. 330 W. 86th Thompson, M. K. no E. 46th Thomson, W. I ). Thorndike, E. E. 159 W. loSth Thorne, J. T. 2132a Fulton St B'n Thorne, "V. C. 677 West End Ave. Thurston, L. S. 71 Barclay St. Tiebout, C. H., Jr. 112 Pro'pect Pk. W. Bklyn. Tiemann, II. P, 522 W. 123d Tierney, M, J. 271 W'. 73d Tillotson, J. B. 314 W. S^th Tillotson W. L. special facilities fo?- photographing Groups^ Parties^ and Delegations . The minutest details receive careful attention and perfect work is assured. Moderate prices. A Cordial Invitation is extended to ■ every stitdent of Cohtmbia College to visit oiir Studio and examine our specirnens of High Art Photography. (Prices range up to $100. per dozen. All the latest styles of finish may be seen; our facilities are of the best^ and a visit ivill prove profitable To Cohmihia Colleoe Students. o C)0\.VV\\\.\>Vt\. CoWeaC^ "^OY OVVY ^WV\\.YOV^e\V C)tVY\>0\\C\\,C. ^\\.o\o«YU\v\\.%, ycovvWy \cvvc. St Marks Ave. B'kn Yohannan, I. 175 9th Ave. Young, R. T. Zabriskie, F. N. 709 5th Ave. Ziegel, H. F. L. 135 E. 62d Zinsser, II. W. 14 W. 86th Zipser. M. 614 Rivington St. A Terrapin Stew^ . . . BUT ... Beaulieu Diamond Back Terrapin twc ^tv\\e\\ev\. vv\>.ovv. v5\\Yvwv\»., C)Ytv\>«, awCV ^vv\\.e\ ^ov tv\ CtV.\\ eOV\\\>.UYC vvNvXXv \\\twx. BEAULIEU TERRAPIN FARM, New York Branch, 258 Broadway, N. Y. _/ AUSER rii'F'G ee, SILVERSMITHS rrfeembers of ooinmittees will find it to tpeir advantaae to get our estimate and desians for Prize ^rbphies, Blass 0r Fraternity Pins. kj call at our spow room will aive ample opportunity for a selection from our large and varied stocl? of Wares in ©terling ®ilver. ^9op and Pactory, Re. u Bast i5tb Street, N. Y. eiTY. 0, B. ?TR0NG 4 80., Representatives. Koof [©all lyccopels of ir) (Z lJcadir)a 'Kcarns Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania 17 Pennsylvania 33 Pennsylvania . . 18 Pennsylvania 57 Pennsylvania - 33 Pennsylvania 58 Pennsylvania . ,42 Pennsylvania 34 Pennsylvania 24 Pennsylvania 46 Pennsylvania 40 Pennsylvania 20 Pennsylvania 22 Pennsylvania 15 Pennsylvania 4 Total 463 Bushnell o F. and M o W. and J 4 Gettysburg o Eucknell o Lehigh o Virginia o Dartmouth o State o Lafayette o Brown o Indians lo Wesleyan o Harvard 6 Cornell o Total 20 Yale. Vale Vale Vale iS Vale Vale Vale 10 18 Vale Vale 6 Vale 16 Vale Vale 6 Trinity o Wesleyan o Amherst o ^^'ilUams o Newton o Brown 14 Indians 9 West Point 6 Chicago 6 Harvard o Princeton o Total 170 West Point Total . ■35 West Point 38 West Point 12 West Point o West Point 30 West Point 6 West Point 48 West Point 42 Total 176 Trinity o Wesleyan g Harvard 10 Tufts o Vale 6 Lehigh 6 Brown o Total 31 Brown. Brown 24 Brown 44 Brown 20 Brown 24 Brown 14 Brown o Brown o Brown 24 Brown 18 Brown o Brown 12 Tufts o Boston o Andover 4 Wesleyan 12 Vale 18 Harvard, 18 Pennsylvania 40 Newton o Indians 14 West Point 42 Wesleyan 4 Total . 152 Carlisle Ixi>iaxs. Indians . . o Princeton i S Indians 9 Vale 24 Indians 82 Gettysburg o Indians 10 Pennsylvania 20 Indians 14 Brown iS Indians 23 Illinois 6 Indians 10 Cincinnati o Total. . iSo Total 15 Total. .86 WEE HmEm QRME. My 0eiF Liifefele SjfI and I. WORDS AND MUSIC BY C FLORIAN ZITTEL. Order Early, AS SUNG IN THE LEADING THEATRES. Price 50 Cents* Mysi© ©f all f yblisl^er^S ^ Eypplied efe liswesfe iFiQes wifel^@yte SeliY- ^ Published by M. WITMARK & SONS, N. Y. City. Chicago. O. B. STRONG & CO., 258 Broadway, N. Y. €" Prinze of ^ales Favorite VUine.-^ (E^ci/14/M3a cm G^ BRUT and SEC pag The tS92 Vintage of this famous brand is now being shipped to this country, and is pronounced by consumers to be the finest ever imported. J, BURNLEY, 11 23 Broadway, New York, AGENT FOR THE U. S. & CANADA. A"c° ^ Excels all Others 'CONVENIENCE" Its Motto. HADE IN ALL SIZES. Patented Nov. 30, IS'n. Pcrfectior) Flat Oper^irjg J^ote Cover^ The only i-eally FLAT OI'EMNG Note Cover on the market. Paper lies perfeetly flat tlie «iiole width of the sheet. Sheets remove)! and a^rain Inserted wiierever desired. Any number of snbjeets carried in one cover, each hy itself .llanllla covers used for tiles. Economizes in paper. rianufactured by TREE & NOBLE, Ithaca, New York. THE RETAIL TRADE SUPPLIED BY O. B. STRONG &, CO., 258 Broadway, N. Y. SIZES AND PRICES. SIZE OF PAPER. ^'°- 1 36 Cents No. 4 45 Cents No. 1 i'yixl inches. No. 4 5^x9 inches " 2, 40 •• ■■ 5 45 ■' ■' 2 5 x8 •• •■ 5 6Ji:x8,>4 " ^ 40 ■• " 6 go ■■ •■ 3 5y,:s.sy^ •■ •■ 6 8 xlOJ^ " Card Size, 50 Cents. Price, 20 Cents lb. Sent Post-paid on Receipt of Price. Boot jSall Records. — Continued. Princet(^n. Princeton 44 Princeton 53 Princeton 28 Princeton 34 Princeton 18 Princeton 54 Princeton 10 Princeton 12 Princeton 30 Princeton 57 Princeton o Lehigh o Rutgers o Annapolis o State College o Indians o F. and M. . . o Cornell o Elizabeth o Dartmouth o Lafayette o Yale 6 Total 340 Total . Harvard H arvard 20 Harvard 24 Harvard 13 Harvard 38 Harvard 10 Harvard 24 Harvard iS Harvard 32 I larvard , 24 I larvard 24 I larvard .... o Harvard 6 Total 223 Williams o Bowdoin d Dartmouth o Amherst o West Point o Newton o Brown o Newton A. C o Cornell 5 Wesleyan o Yale o Pennsylvania 15 Total. 20 Cornell. Cornell G Cornell 16 Cornell 15 Cornell 4 Cornell o Cornell 5 Cornell 45 Cornell 42 Cornell o Total . .133 Colgate Syracuse o Tufts o Lafayette 4 Princeton 10 Harvard 24 State College o Williams o Pennsylvania 4 Total 42 Lafayette. Lafayette 15 Lafayette 26 Lafayette 24 Lafayette 8 Lafayette 64 Lafayette 4 Lafayette o Lafayette 34 Lafayette o Lafayette 10 Lafayette 41 Lafayette 22 Total 2^6 Bloomsburg o Wyoming o State o F. and M o Temperance A. C o Cornell 4 Pennsylvania 46 Lehigh o Princeton 57 Dickinson o Wesleyan 6 Lehigh o Total no Williams. Williams 6 Williams o Williams o \\'illiams o Williams o Williams o Willhams 6 Williams o Williams o Total 12 Laureates o Harvard 20 Yale 32 Lehigh 5 W'esleyan 22 Colgate 18 Amherst 6 Cornell . 42 Dartmouth , 52 Total 197 J. GLASSMAN, -LATE WITH JOHN PATTERSON & CO. Ladies' Tait.or, 481 F'iFTH Avenue, New York City. THE PROGRESS RIDING HABIT. Celebrated, and used by ladies of leading families throughout the United States and Europe. The Progress Riding Habit requires no elastics, it is self- adjusting in mounting and is perfectly safe in dismounting. I especially wish to state that the Progress Riding Habit "was patented by me, November 7th, 1893, and cannot be obtained elsewhere. ALSO SUITS. COATS, ETC. Establigbe?) 1865, Bartens & Rice Co., 328 Fifth Avenue, Formerly 20 John Street, NEW YORK, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Watches and Ornamental JEWELRY. ^3*- DIAMONDS AND DIAMOND ORNAMENTS IN GREAT VARIETY AND UNIQUE MOUNTINGS. FINE WATCHES OF ALL DIFFERENT GRADES, SPORTING AND REPEATING WATCHES INCLUDED -sss- Also the latest designs in Ornamental and Useful ^tlVCVWHCC* •^ ' "'^^ ■5^1 A ^ ^^^=^^ / 3'4. ^*i- ,S"i Jt i"4 ->•«. i"i -*•*. J't 5»t *"4 Jt i"i *it -^"i. i"^ Si^ -Jik^ -Vt^ 't? 'A* '"if 'ii' ■i^ir ^t*" ^tt "Si*- ^i«* '*(? Twr ^c- -J^ ABOUT THE MOST .FACTS 3NDERFUL E BICVCLE AND DRP WORLD. 93m0U The Calcium King is the only Practical Acety- lene Gas Lamp on the market. Why The " C. K. Safer than any oil lamij. A greater light. A whiter light. A steadier light. A reliable light. Always clean and bright. No smoke. No soot. No oil. No odor. Instantly lighted. Does not get hot on wheel. Will not jar out on wheel. Will not blow out. Instantly charged. Instantly discharged. Lamp is the Best : Reflector removable. Lens quickly removed for cleaning. Instantaneous burner cleaner. Only 5 3-4 inches high. The strongest and best designed lamp. The handsomest lamp. The safest lamp. The longest life lamp. The most desirable lamp Nothing to get out of order. The simplest and strong- est bracket. Adjustable for steering- head or front fork. Light 92.4 candle power Cost of light, NOMINAL. Sent by Mail upon receipt of Price, - - 0. B. STRONG & CO. 258 Broadway, N, Y. City, is^ ^^^^^m^^^^ft^i^i:^^ THE EAVES COSTUME GO. OF NEW YORK /T\aKi^ a specialty of Costuming College Fraternal Societies, \r/ ar>y rjumber or ai>y fast^ior) desired ai^d prouide fell, '97 - John Qoinct Pekkt, 'gS - - - Charles Undehhill Powell. 'gS Ben.jamin Piiwell. 'g6 Robert Harris Ripley, 'gS Edward Josiah Savage. 'gS Oliver Shantz, 'gi William Boyd Stamford, 'gg Edwin Regur Sweetland, 'gg Joseph Springer Swindells, 'g5 Cornelius Hoagland Tangeman. 1901 Habry Leroy Taylor, 'gS - William Hakgadine Thompson, '98 Lyndon Sandfoed Tracy, '98 Allen Edward Whiting, 'gS William Truman Yale, '97 Charles Van Patten Young, '99 Eugene Charles Zeller, gg Captain 'Varsity Football Team, 'g7. Captain 'Varsity Football Team, "gS. 'Varsity Football Team, '96; 'Varsity Baseball Team. '96-97. 'Varsity Crew, '96-97. 'Varsity Daseball Team, '97. 'Varsity Crew, '97. 'Varsity Crew, '97. 'V^arsity Baseball Team, '96. Captain Varsity Track Team, '98. 'Varsity Lacrosse Team, 95. 'Varsity Football Team. '96. 'Varsity Crew, '96-97. 'Varsity Lacrosse Team, '91. 'Varsity Crew, '97. 'Varsity Football Team, 'g^. 'Varsity Lacrosse Team, 'g5. 'Varsity Football Team, 'g7. 'Varsity Track Team. 'Varsity Track Team. 'Varsity Football Team, 'g6-g8. 'Varsity Football Team, '97. 'Varsity Track Team, '95. Captain 'Varsity Baseball Team, '97: 'Varsity Football Team, 'g6-97. 'Varsity Track Team. 'g6. Massey, Hirsh & Hyneman, Vvni- ^chWarzWaelder (X (£0., 1310 CHESTNUT STREET, MANUFA(.'TUEER8 OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. a D£S>\S E inPORTERS OF LIBRARY, CLUB AND OFFICE CLARETS, HOCKS, SAUTERNES, FURNITURe. CHAMPAGNES, ETC. \ FINE OLD WHISKVS, SUPERIOR QUALITY, BRANDY, SHERRY, ETC. ARTISTIC DESIGNS. SPECIAL WORK TO ORDER. V THE LARGEST AND FINEST \ STOCK IN THE CITY Warerooms : Shipment of Students' Orders, filled Promptly and with Care. No. 343 BROADWAY, N. Y. CITY. 5)avis ^alniu3 Kbowbev /Iftanufacturer, 149 duane st., & 147 w. broadway, New York City. 1 t(S\E beg you to find herewith cur lowest quo- tations on Baking Powder. To stimulate the trade and increase the business, we Avill allow after July 1st, lSg7, an extra lo per cent, from these prices on such orders received through the mail direct from our customers. We wish to assure the consumers of our Baking Pow- der, that it is really skiliiully prepared under my especial supervision. Davis Baking Powder is absolulely pure and wholesome, and we -allow only the best materials to be used in its manufaclure. For many \eais it has gotten for itself a large sale among the gro- cery trade where it has given satisfaction to the consumer. < ince tried no other will suffice. PRICE LIST. %\h. cans. 4 dozen in case. Per doz. ■ $45 '4 " 4 ■■ " " . .. 90 I " 2 . .1 60 2,!< •• I ..3 60 5 " ,. ,. . ,. . • •7 25 Assorted Cases containing : 'yi dozen i lb. Cans, % •' AEIUXD ITHACA. Stationery For Students We originated theidea of putting up boxes \^ containing twenty-four sheets of paper and envelopes to match, having College Flags Fraternity Emblems, etc. stamped on each sheet of paper from steel dies. We use the best grades of 5g correspondence papers, made up in any and all sizes. Any dealer in stationery can obtain these goods from us for you. . €3* W. C, LUCAS & CO., M.AKEKS OF Correspondence ^3 Wedding Stationery, Steel Die stamped novelties. Etc. 68 Beekman Street, NEW YORK. *)Kse;aeK)i8-;si<5i'<^JKji'^^'e«),'eK)ia'eie.K«^K)K)ie!©i€ B. BEINECKE. JOS. HESDORFER ilBKlia PWCiEi^ BEi^LElIS IM rO^LTE U & 1/^ ryLTOm STIKEET. ITT, »iei^^<^©K-)K^>:aK)i<5!<¥»^<)K-)K)K^^^<)!<)i<¥)ieK-)i<$ia<7i MARTIN JORDAN, FOEMERLY WITH DELUKY, r' ■TAILOR^ 104 West 42d Street, ONE DOOE WEST OF SIXTH AVENUE New York. L,J. gmllmnhn, Successor to CALLANAN & KEEP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER AND inPORTER OF (groceries, VVines. |_fiquops, College Clubs a Specialty. It; it will pay you to send for a Copy of my Monthly Price List. il< L. J. CALLANAN, Nos. 4 J and 43 Vesey Street, New York City. I K WE GIVE AWAY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, AN UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS TO Chambers's New and Revised Encyclopaedia In ten handsome royal octavo volumes, containing over 40,000 Articles, 8,000 Double-column Pages, 3,500 Illustrations, 250 Full-page Plates, 100 Double-page Maps and Charts, is the most modern and practical American Standard Work of Reference upon the market to-day. Its forty thousand articles are alphabetically arranged, and by perfect s\steni of cross-reference and bibiicjgrapin pest scflolarship, the most careful editorial superv 'ficent i aid Dr. . Johns e alphabetically arr . ibject to any desire< the highest typographical art, have been engaged in the production of th TESTIMONIALS ENDORSING THE WORK reach us by every post TO THE STUDENT. ^^rSr^lorupi"'; proved that he knew where to find information upon almost any subject. But i books upon all subjects as there are now. You cannot possibly find time to hu was the work of the contributors and editors of the New Chambers's Encycl6p£ed contained in those books, and to prepare it for the use of those who need to ' ' time and exertion. To this end, the work is arranged alphabetically, and and iUnstrations. and with a most complete system of bibliography and en pared to fill the lack of a good, practical, common-sense Dictionary of the English Language. It wa* and has always stood at the head of its class. Beside a complete system of Orthography, Pronunc for the student many special aids, — such as Vocabularies of Names, etc. The two works together form comprising the features of an Encyclopaedia, a Dictionary of the English, Language, ,an-Atlas»andvGi graphical Dictionary, — a combination indispensable to every student of Arts, Sciences, History, Thfnlo: of books. iteered by hundreds of i subject ourselves, or v Johnsc > possessors. ixlent of whose knowledge were not such multitudes o the best, books upon any one subject. I bring into small compass the knowledg 1 any desired fact with the least possible expenditure c ready of reference, it is furnished with valuable map Worcester's Dictionary !tha ful in thi! Chambers Chamberss [NCVClOPffllK&B'aOPSDlft VOL.ll.l CH/lMBERii [EitinpaiA Chambers's 'nO'CLOPAOIA CHAMBEBS|fHAMBERs';jCHAHBERS5 Chambers's [NaCUFffOIA&CyCLOFSfflAENtlCUPSCIftEllXlOPSDIA m, and Definition, it contains nvaluable Reference l^ibrary, of the World, and a Bio- It is the Chambers's tnaciopsDiA Chambers; ENCVClOPfflil I^IAMBEf^'- for you. nbership in the Ni:u' Ci SIX REASONS ;;'7^ei;"'chrb?rs-; Encyclopaedia and Worcester's Dictionary I. Because the information given, even by the best in structors, is often necessarily incomplete, and must bi supplemented. 2. Because a New Chambers's En- cyclopaedia will readily answer questions on all sorts of topics, obviating the inconvenience of a trip to the librarj Worcester's Dictionary is the standard among American Educators, and has been adopted in the various Departmem States Government. 4. BeCause the scope of the work is defined only by the limitations of human knowledge. Their fi branches of Arts, Sciences, Literature, History and Biography, Theology, and Law. 5. Because the contributors and works were carefully selected from the best minds of America and Europe. 6. Because both Not the least of their advantages is their superiority in material, press-work, and binding, rei Addre OUR OFFER For a limited time. WE GIVE YOU W somely bound, and containing 2,150 paee^ membership in the "New Chambers's Encyclop^di r address, and the set of books and Dictionary ' ' ' . OBthly payments. These payments are as follows: Cloth binding, $3.00 per month; Hall PRIVILEGE OF RETURN WITHIN TEN DAYS, IF NOT SATISFACTORY. .-ith $3.00 t rfully fun . Di( , and 1 irself lie best of their re spective kinds, veil as useful. iMirdiiidged Die opsdi'a Club.' ionary, hand- ration of your Cut out the imedately. Bal h; Hall Russi a, $4.00 per "'■ ll'^- "Ppurtuni y AT ONCE. O. B. STRONG & CO., Representatives. :,.;iii-»i. :. .--: - ■,..-. ,;;.«x»Ai*s«». ■■■■ -■'^'-- -^iXiiHitr-tiSiy ■!> Naval DATE. OPPONENTS. .i^'iy. 1873- 1874, July, 1S75 Tuly, .luiy, Tuly, July, luly, .Tuly, Tune, July, I une, "Tuly, July, July, Tune, July, June, June, June, June, July, June, T une, July, June, Tune, July, June, July, 1879. 1879 1884. 1885. 1 v., H., Wes., A., Col, / 1)., B., T., W., M. A. \ Col., Wes., H., W., ( D., T., V Col., H., D., Wes., v.. A., Br., W., B., Ham., U. P M., Col., v., Wes., P.... Col.. Wes i8S6 Col., Penn 1881 Hertford 1882 Penn., Wes., P.. 1883 Penn., P., Wes. . .. 1884 Penn., P Penn., Col., P., B. Penn . . Br., B., Penn ... B. 1887. 1887. iSgo 1890 I'enn Col., Penn. Penn Penn. I Penn., Col. 1892. 1897. . . Penn Penn Penn Col., Penn Trinity Hall... . H., I'enn., Col. . . H,, V Penn., Col H.. V Penn., Col., Wis. WINNER. TIME. MILES. Yale 16.59 3 Columbia 16.42 3 Cornell i6.53^'4^ 3 Cornell i-j.ci% 3 Columbia 8.26 i Ji Cornell 9.12 1^2 Hertford i^ Pennsylvania.... 9.35 ly, Cornell 11-57 iK Pennf g.o6;4 lyi. Pennt 8.39 i>4 Cornell 8.38 i^ * g-ioj'i 1/4 Cornell 9-38|4 iH Cornell. ... § Cornell 15.30 ."? Cornell 6.40 I yi Cornell T7.30 3 Cornell 1443 3 Cornell i4.27>l)or Kiiarraved Holder— *iiiii>lo «'«ii>lruetioii— Always Ready— Never Blots No better working Pen made— A resniar S3.50 Pen. Mailed complete, boxed, with filler, for $l.50. Your money back — if you want it. Agents Wanted. LINCOLN FOUNTAIN PEN CO., Room 100. 108 Fulton St., N. T. Shetland & Co»^ ST. JAMES BUILDING, Opposite Delmonico's. BROADWAY & 26th ST. NEW YORK CITY. We beg to anuox^nce our Fall and Winter opening for 1898, We are now ready to submit samples of our goods on receipt of request, or we will send our representative to you if inconvenient for you to call. Mr. Shetland has been connected as cutter with some of the best houses in this city and understands the art of dressing stylishly and fitting perfectly. He also supervises all work personally. Oar goods, workmanship and low prices cannot be duplicated elsewhere. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. r^LEES and Choruses for Male Voices, also for Ladies and nixed Voices. Collections of Music, and Books of lnstruc= tion for riandolin. Banjo, Guitar, Violin, and all other Instrutnents. All the New and Popular flusic for Piano, also the taking songs of the Day. Send to us for Catalogues. All Mail Orders will receive Protnpt and Careful Attention. ADDRESS, W. H. BONER & CO. MUSIC PUBLISHERS, LOCK BOX, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Retail and iA^holesale B\JTCH3RS, CLUBS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, SUPPLIED. Telepho 5=6=7 Washington Market, and 472 Ninth Ave., bet. 36th and 37th Sts. n. 902 3Stll St. Downtown, 188 C. NEW YORK CITY. We would respectfully call attention to THE PERFECTION FLAT OPENING NOTE BOOK, for which we are general agents to the trade. The Perfection i.s the acme of mechanical ingenuity. It is the only really flat-opening note book in the market. Notes for a dozen different subjects can be taken in one book and the pages removed and bound in separate manilla covers in an instant. Paper ruled for notes in any subject. Made in si.x sizes. For a dollar bill we will send two different sizes and guarantee them to last through a four year course. publishers of The University Handbooks. O. B. Strong & Co, 25S Broadway, New York. CORNELL ATHLETIC (g^oRiyy23 ^.^^ Outdoor. lOo-yard dash lo 1-5 sec. 220-yard dash 22 2-5 sec. 440-yard run 51 2-5 sec. 880-yard run 2 min. 4 2-5 sec. One-mile run 4 min. 49 sec. One-mile walk 7 min. 29 2-5 sec. 120-yard hurdle 16 4-5 sec. 220-yard hurdle 27 sec. Two-mile bicycle 5 min. 13 sec. Running high jump ... 6 ft. 3-S in. Running broad jump 20 ft. 6 in. I'ole vault 9 ft. 7 3-S in. Putting 16-pound shot 35 ft. 3 in. Throwing 16-pound hammer 123 ft. 2 in. May IS, 1892 .. Oct. 1892.... May Q. 1896 ... May P, 1896... May P' 1896.... May I,v i893... May n. 1S93.... May IV 1S94... May 13, iSqS... May q. 1896... May IS. 1894.... Oct. SI. 1S96... May 7. 1892... Oct. SI. 1896... Oct. 1S92.... May 13. 1S94 .. F. \V. Rane. W. P. Belknap. T. R. Bowen. H. L. Daniels. H. L. Taylor. G. W. Rulison. E. P. Andrews. I. Stern. T. R. \Vhittemor ■p. M. Walter. E. B. Corby. C. U. Powell. A. H. Place. F. F. Hall. J. \V. Taylor. G. L. Patterson. Indoor. EVENT. RECORD. One-mile walk 7 min. 26 3-4 sec. Running high jump 5 ft. 1 1 in. Standing high jump 4 ft. 9 7-S in. Standing high kick 7 ft. 7 r-2 in. Running high kick 9 ft. 1-4 in. Putting 16-pound shot 39 ft. 2 in. Pole vault 9 ft. 7 1-4 in. Standing broad jump 10 It. 6 in. DATE. March 7, 1891. March 6, 1896. March 5, 1S97. March 4, 1892. March 3, 1893. March 5, 1S97. March 5, 1897. March 5, 1897. HOLDER. O. Payne. C. U. Powell. L. Burnett. H. G. Reid. C. E. Murphy. E. C. White. J. G. Rosenburg. L. Burnett. HE CAN-LIKE KELLY CAN. " •' Walk," and "Two Little Busted Shoes." are three of thirty poetic gems to be found in Wm. Devere's latest book. "JIM MARSHALL'S NEW PIANNEK," and other Western Stories. GREAT READING FOR STAG'S, ROOH RECEPTIONS, FOR THE DORMITORY AND THE CAMPUS. Sent Post=paid on receipt of price, $1.00. " FREE !"— " Valuable letters" containing about sixty characteristic endorsements of Devere's book by prominent Professionals. THE WITMARK FIFTY CENT FOLIOS." For Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Zither and Male Quartette.^, are the finest in the world for the money, con- taining all the big hits of the season. Price lists of Folios and Sheet Music for these instruments on application. "are you INTERESTED IN AMATEUR AFFAIRS?" If so, send for our catalogue of catalogues, bearing on the subject — from the staging of a Minstrel show to a Grand Opera. The Witmark Music Library caters especially to Amateur societies, and can provide them with com- plete paraphernalia for any and every style of entertainment. Prospectus and catalogues on application. ''Zhc Crest" High Gbade Music Paper, and you will use no other. Prominent musicians and composers endorse it. Will last a life time. Sample sheet on application. "band and ORCHESTRA NOVELTIES GRATIS." Our 64 page Thematic, containing 1st Violin and Solo Cornet parts. Write for it. "the WITMARK MONTHLY." Subscription complimentary to Collegians. A paper devoted to the interests of teachers, buyers and sellers of music, the theatrical profession, clubs, band and orchestras. Bright, newsy, and in touch. Illustrated with photos of popular favorites in vavinus branches of the musical and dramatic proff ssion. "the witmark popular publications." Synonymous with all the leading stage hits and instrumental successes. so send for catalogue and thematics. Too numerous to mention here, IN PRESS." THE WITMARK PAN-COLLEGIATE COLLECTION OF 50N0S, Original in every particular. No " dead ones." Each and every number specially written for this work and adaptable for all Dniversilies. A competent staff has been engaged for months composing, arranging and compiling this folio, and it promises to fill a long felt want. Will be ready about January 1, 1899 Advance orders solicited. Kindly Address all Communications to M, Witmark & Sons, THE WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY. No. 8 W. 29th St. nr. 5th Ave. New York. western offices : Suite, 6i3=6i5"6i7, Schiller Building, Chicago, III. Toronto. London. Publishers of Victor Herbert's New Compositions, including the Comic Opera, " The Fortune Teller," (Book by Harry B. Smith,] as played by the Alice Neilsen Opera Co. lr)Ie.pcollecfiate, rye-copcis. Races. Names. Time. COLLESE. 100-yard run B, J. Wefers 9- 120-yard hurdle A. C. Kraenzlein 15 Quarter-mile run G. B. Shatluck 49- Half-mile run E. HoUister 1 One-mile run G. W. Orton 4 One-mile walk W. B. Fetherman, Jr 6 220-yard hurdle A. C. Kraenzlein 23- 220-yard run B.;j. Orfers 21- Running broad jump Myer Prinstein 23 Running high jump J. D. Winsor, Jr 6 Putting 16 pound shot W. O. Hickok 42 Throwing 16 pound hammer J. C. McCracken 149 Pole Vault W. W. HoytandG. S. Clapp....ll Quarter-mile bicycle race J. F. Williams, Jr.,-H. K. Bird. .32- Half-mile bicycle race G. Ruppert 1 One-mile bicycle race Ray Dawson 2 Five-mile bicycle race Ray Dawson 11 One-mile tandem bicycle race. . . .Ray Dawson and J. A. Powell. . . 2 seconds Georgetown U. ofP. -i " Amherst minute 56-^ seconds Harvard 23-1 " U. of P- 45-1 " U. of P. -f seconds U. of P. J " Georgetown feet 7-| inches SyracuEO "3 " U. of P. '■ 11-J " Yale " 5 " U.ofP. " 4-1 " Harvard-Tale i seconds Columbia minute 16-| seconds Columbia " 13-1 " Columbia " 50-| " Columbia " 10-1 " Columbia i rjlercelJeeiiolc (srarr)es ot yQ. \a/ir)r|ers at QS L'Veettrjq. laOhnrdle lOO-dash .. .. 6 .. 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 21 3 2 2 1 2 6 2 1 H 1 3 2 1 4 1 1 ^ 73 2 1 1 3 .. 3 One-mile walk... 220 hurdle .. 5 .. 5 220-daBh Throwing hammer Running high jump .. 7 .. 7 Running broad jump . . . Putting shot Bicycle events .. 5 .. 5 Totals. 50| THE POPULAR DEHAND FOR. 'i^KeniNQTON QuNS-i' HAS DOUBLED IN A YEAR. Nearly a Century of flechanical Experience and the Highest Efficiency in workmanship are bound to bring telling results, 313 BROADWAY, N. Y. RCniNQTON AKnS CO., WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. ILION, N. Y. FOR EVERYONE. John D. Donn, celebrated One Piece Drivers & Brasseys. D- vJi. I. Wooden and Iron Clubs. Fairfield A VERY LINE OF ^^'-'^^ CADDIE BAGS.^""''re:oe"Son.' WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. THIE B. O-. I. 00, 313 BROADWAY, N. Y. B'DC'PT. 162 COLUMBUS AVE., BOSTON. 0000 U. M. C. 00^0 F/ICTORT LO/lbED PAPER 5H0T 5nELL5, ESPECIALLY SMOKELESS, ACflE OR TRAP QUALITY, WITH ANY SnOKELESS POWDER. ALSO HETALLIC AHflUNITION FOR GALLERY OR SPORTING PURPOSES, The Union nerflLLic CflRTRibQE Co., No. 313 BROADWAY, N. Y. Send for Price List and Book of Came Laws. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Wir P3 Ir) rfreijidus ^^2 2d pbizes. ,...81X... ....63^4' .. ....50^... COLLEQBS. 1st prizes. Harrard 80 Yale 68;2 Columbia 55^2 University of Pennsylvania 40 29 Princeton 38 Dartmouth 5 C.C. N. Y 3 Amherst 5 Layf ayette 4 ^^'esleyan 4 Williams 2 Georgetown 3 Cornell Stevens 2 Boston University 2 Union 1 Brown .... Bwarthmore 1 University of California University of Michigan 1 .... Bowdoin Hobart Lehigh Washington and Jefferson ... . Syracuse Trinity ... . Columbian ... . .37X . 5 . . 8 . . 4 . . 4 . . 1 . . 4 . . I . . 3 . . . . 2 . 4 .. .. 2 .. ,. I .. 1 .. ,. .. 3d pbizes ....40,'j.. 21,%.. 15,1. ,. 16>4 . lO/j . .. Total Points. 602/j 494i->„ 3933 279;^ 275j', 35 84 34 28 221 18i 17 101 10 10 9 TONEVIUS ^ COnPANY JEJb£EI_BRS, SII-i£ERS7«JITHS, Makers of College and Club badges, in gold and silver ; will be pleased to submit estimates on all kinds of special order College work. The Green Book sent to any address on request, giving illus- trations of more than 1.000 articles suitable for general Christmas, Wedding, and Anniversary presents. MADURO BROTHERS & CO., MAKERS OF F=INE Cl-OTHIIMG, Ready to wear and to measure at moderate outlay. WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS TO MEASURE. Oneot many styl MADURO BROS. &CO.. Clothiers & Furnishers. 47 Fulton St., C0LLEGI,4N, ^ l»^illlk |Li^ ,H||^ilitli^fDili %^%^ [Iricorporated.] 'nm© i ^wM^TimMMMm^ Frank L. Hamilton, Pres't. A. A. Hamilton, Treas. IM IW jT®] IPifSiiiiii©!'® ®i lilk© iPai^©!ip©M|^ H^iii(iiaH®®!fe,®a Koof J©dll C)£0:sor), yQ>. ¥' Dates. Plated at. Opponents. Yale. 0pp. Sept. 24 Hartford Trinity 18 Oct. 1 New Haren Wesleyan 5 Oct. 5 " . Amherst 34 Oct. 8 •' Williams 23 Oct. 15 " Newtown. A. A . Oct. 19 " Brown Oct. 22 " Carlisle Indians Oct. 29 " West Point Oct. 12 Princeton Princeton Oct. 19 New Hayen Harvard rienpvapa. Dates. Plated at Opponents. Habvakd. Opp. Oct. 1 Cambridge Williams H Oct. 5 " Bowdoin 23 6 Oct. 8 .. ■' Dartmouth 21 Oct. 12 " Amherst Oct. 15 West Point West Point Oct. 19 Cambridge Newtown A. A Oct. 22 " ChicagoA.A Oct. 29 " Carlisle, Ind Nov. 5 " University of Penna Nov. 12 " Brown Nov. 19 New Haven Yale Igpir)cet0i Dates. Played at Opponents. Princeton. Opp. Oct. 1 Princeton Lehigh 21 Oct. 5 " Stevens 48 Oct. 8 •■ Franklin and Marshal 58 Oct. 12 " Lafayette Oct. 14 Baltimore Maryland A. C Oct. 15 Annapolis NavalAoademy Oct. 22 Princeton Cornell Oct. 26 " Penn. State College Oct. 29 Providence Brown Nov. 2 Princeton University of Virginia Nov. 5 " WestPoint Nov. 12 " Yale The Newest Fashions in Tailoring:, . . . Most Exclusive Designs in Fashionable Woolens combined with High Class Work- manship and Perfect Finish arc my SPECIALTIES. ^ I give the ^^best service and desire your patronage. E. W. LAGERROTH, Tailor and Importer, ADJOINING ASTOR COURT BUILDING. WALDORF-ASTORIA. PfJEVEflTIOl^ IS BETTER THAN CURE. USE PROF. LOEBERGER'S Q e^m j^ gstt^oying ^ablets, THE BEST DISINFECTANT EVER OFFERED FOR SALE. -■ HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT ONE^^^ Tney are essential in all siok-rooms, hospitals, nurseries, bedr ooms, schools, workshops, and all public places •» 4» 4B D jscroy baetaria and prevent the spread of all infections fe^ «^ diseases. Acknowledged by the leaders of the medical profession to be The Tablets »re put np in a handsome Japanned box. Only necessary to hang the box upon the wall and open the slide. The Tablets do the rest Save money and trouble for doctor and patient and buy THE BEST. PROF. LOEBERGER'S GERM DESTROYING TABLETS. SOLD BY ALL DRUQQISTS. PRICE 50 CENTS. New York Disinfecting Manufactory, 149 DUANE STREET, N.Y. |3all Se '9S. — Continued. U.r)ivepsity at §'er)r)syivetr)i Sept. 24 Philadelphia Franklin and Marshal . Sept. 28 " Gettysburg. Oct. 1. Oct. 5. Oct. 8. Oct. 12. Oct. 15, Oct. 19. Oct. 22. Oct. 29 Nov. 5. Nov. 12. Nov. 24, 41 50 .Penn. State College 40 " Normal School 50 '• Brown 18 " University of Virginia Lehigh Wesleyan ' ■ Lafayette University of Chicago . Cambridge .... Harvard . Philadelphia Carlisle, Ind Cornell ®0i»r)ell. Plated At. Opponents. COENELL. Opp. Sept. 21 Ithaca Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1. Syracuse 28 Colgate 28 Hamilton 41 Trinity 47 5 Syracuse Syracuse 18 8 Ithaoa Carlisle Indian School 23 15 " Rochester 22 Princeton Princeton 29 Ithaca Oberlin 5 Bufealo Williams 12 Ithaca Lafayette 19. No game. Nov. 24 Philadelphia Pennsylvania. ^T-1,- .. L V, 1^'' ^ 1 'till i\ -^5! Sargent's Economic System / OF DEVICES FOR BRAIN WORKERS. '' EMBRACES ALL THE SURVIVALS OF THE FITTEST, ^INCLUDING Sargent's Ball Bearing^ Rotary Book Cases. Sargent's Reading Stands in various styles Sargent's Dictionary and Atlas Stands. Sargent's Desks Attacliable to Chairs, ' Sargent's Telescopic Book Racks, *' Sargent's Adjustable Polio Stands, and Sargent's WORKING, EASY, LIBBAET, RE- CLINING and ADJUSTABLE CHAIRS, COUCHES, Etc. For Catalogues Address, CEORCE F. SARCENT CO., -S9 Fourth Avenue, Xew York. This Space reserved for A. E. CHIPMAN, Furniture and Upholster-y. Ithaca, N. Y. Established 1885. R. C. SMITH, HIGH CLASS SHIRT MAKER, t6}4 Whitehall Street, New York. Personal Attention given tu all Orders. This Space reserved for P. WALL & SON, Fine Shoes. Aurora Street, Ithaca, N. Y. j^crse |e)C[ll C)c:asor), yQ. ¥' Date. Played at. Opponents. Plaied at. Opponents. March 30. .New Haven. . April 2 . 6.. New York... '.' 7 .Washington " 12.. " 16 New Haven. . " 20.. " 23.. Amherst 27.. New Haven. . i.. 7.. 12.. 14. .Providence. . May .Holy Cross 6 . Wesleyan 12 .Manhat. College. 3 ..Georgetown 5 9 . Springfield , 7 .Williams 12 .Amherst 6 . Brown 9 .Lafayette Dartmouth 2 .Wesleyan 14 .Brown 2 May 16. .New Haven D. of Va 2 19.. " ...Columbia 23 " 27. .Newtown Newtown A. A . . 9 " 28..Andover Andover 7 " 30 .Providence... Brown 3 June 4. .New Haven. . . .Trinceton 7 8.. " ...V.otVt 10 11. .Princeton Princeton... .... 6 18.. New York Princeton 8 23. .Cambridge Harvard 4 28,.NewHaven " 7 July 2. .New York " 3 |f pir)cct©r). Datb. Played at. Opponents. Date. Played at. Opponents. March 30 . . Princeton . . . April 2. .Princeton. . . " 7. .Baltimore. . . " 9. .Washington. 11.. " 16. Princeton. . . " 20.. " 21.. " 23.. New York... ' 27 . . Princeton . . 30.. Ithaca 4 . Princeton . . 7.. May .Fordham 16 Columbia 8 Baltimore N.C 7 .Georgetown 5 9 Franklin and M. . .22 Lafayette 6 .Marcersburg 5 Forfeit, Columbus Maryland 14 .Cornell 3 Lehigh 6 Brown 6 May 12 . . Princeton . . " 14.. •• 18..Easton " 21. .Princeton . , " 25.. " 28 . . Cambridge. . June 1 .Princeton... • 3.. 4. .New Haven 8. .Princeton. . . ■' 11. Princeton. . . " 18.. New York. . . U. of. Va 12 . .Harvard 12 . . Lafayette 3 Cornell 11 .Brown 4 ..Harvard 9 . Georgetown 14 . Andover 2 Yale 12 .Lawrenceville 10 .Yale 4 .Yale 3 HetPVGIPel . Date. Played at. Opponents. H'v'd. Op. Date. Played at. Opponents. April 7 . . Cambridge. . . ■' 9.. " 12.. " 16. .N. Carolinii.. . " 18. .Virginia " 19. .Washington. " 20.. " 22. .New York, . . " 27. Cambridge. . " 30 .Williamsto'n May 2. .Andover. .. . " 3. .Cambridge. . " 7. Ithaca " 10. .Cambridge. " 14. .Princeton. . . .Cambridge 25 Tuffs 3 Woven Hose 25 U. of N. C 10 .U. of Va 7 Catholic Union 16 . Georgetown 1 .Columbia 7 Dartmouth 13 Williams 22 Andover 2 Lafayette 1 .Cornell 5 Amherst 20 Princeton 2 May 18.. Cambridge.. .Extera 8 20.. New York.... Fordham 9 1 " 2 1.. Philadelphia.. U. of Pa 2 3 10 " 28. .Cambridge. . .Princeton 2 9 5 June 1. Amherst Amherst 11 3 3 •• 7 .Worcester Holy Cross 9 4 3 " 8. Cambridge ...Brown 1 5 2 ■• 9.. " ....Graduates 6 4 7 "11,. " ....U. of Pa 2 1 2 ■' 15. .Providence. .Brown 14 3 1 " 18 Cambridge ...Holy Cross 12 5 8 •' 23. . " . ..Yale 9 4 8 " 28. New Haven. .Yale 7 6 July 2.. New York.... Yale 1 3 12 The MODEL a Shoe for Men and Young Men An exact copy of a $14.00 custom-mide shoe ; tlie only ready-made duplicate of the most styUsh made-to-ordershoe yet in existence. Calf, russet, patent, or enamel leather ; lace or button ; single or double sole, $5.00. ROGERS PEET & Coy NEW YORK CITY [Oase J3all 'OS.— Continued. Llr)iwpsity 0[ ger)r)syiv0:r)i April i. Played at. 2 Philadelphia. 13 Washington . , 20 Philadelphia. 23 27... 'FOMENTS. U. OF Pa. . Carlisle, Ind 5 .Georgetown 12 .Manhattan ; 2 . Penn. State College 16 . Lehigh 12 " 30 New York Columbia. May 7 Philadelphia Georgetown 2 " 11 " University of Virginia 9 " U " Cornell 2 " 18 " Brown 3 " 21 " Harvard 3 "25 " Lafayette... 7 " 28 Ithaca Cornell 7 " 30 South Bethlem Lehigh 3 June 1 Philadelphia Cornell 3 " 4 Easton Lafayette 8 " 10 Worcester Holy Cross 3 " 11 Cambridge Harvard 1 " 13 Providence Brown vL(Z>Fr)eiJ Played at. Opponents. April 13 Ithaca Rochester 4 " 20 " Syracuse 1 " 27 " ■' 7 " 28 " University of Vermont 5 " 30 " Princeton May i " University of Syracuse 6 " 7.. " Harvard 8 " 11 Easton Lafayette 5 " 12 Orange Orange A. C 1 " 14 Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania " 21 Princeton Princeton 6 " 24 Syracuse Syracuse ]3 " 28 Ithaca University of Pennsylvania 4 June 1 Philadelphia " " 1 " 4 Ithaca Williams 4 " 11 " Lafayette 11 vfjolunQEiici. Dates. Played at. Opponents. April 1 New York Trinity School 10 5 2 Princeton Princeton 3 8 8 New York NewYorkN.L 1 17 " 13 " New York University 13 10 " 22 " Harvard 2 7 " 23 " Forfeit, Princeton 9 " 30 " University of Pennsylvania 3 May 4 " Manhattan College 3 9 7 Orange Orange A. C 7 5 " 14 Hackeusack Orintavi F. C 7 11 " 19 New Haven Yale 1 23 " 21. New York New York University 9 7 You want the best ? Of course you do ! Come to us and you will get it, and at the same time you are protected by our " year's guaran- tee or money back ! " Our special line of black vicuua thibets for coat and vest, with a striped English trousering. Suit to order, $20.00. Overcoat of covert cloth, kersey or melton, silk lined, $18.00. Samples mailed free. ARNHEIM, BROADWAY & 9tii ST. WE HAVE NO OTHER STORE. 1?, etpsifv ^1 'J easor) 4 '9S. PoBITIOV. Stroke 7 6 ^__ 4"".'.'.".'.'." 8 2 Bow Coiswain . . Class. Name. F. A. Briggs '98 .E. J. Savage '98 R. W. Beardslej' '00 .0. S. Moore '98 .T. L. Bailey '99 .S. W. Wakeman '99 .W. Bentley '98 ,W. C. Ddlzell '99 .F. D. Colson P. G. Weight. ....138.. ....170.. ....150.. ....169.. .. . 169.. ....168.. .. .160.. ...160.. ....112.. Average Weight, 160^ Pounds. puapa. Stroke F. Dolyans . 5 i 3 2 Bow. .U. Biddle '00 ...J. H. Perkins '93 . ..C. L. Harding '00 . ..F. S. Higgenson '00 , ..E. Wadswortb '98 ...J. D.Kernan '00 . ..G. S. Derby M. S G. R. Orton P. G Average Weight, 163 Pounds. Stroke W. B. Williams y^ 7 I.e. Greenleaf '99 6 F. W. Allen '00 5 J. H. Niedicken '00 4 R.P.Flint '99 3 -J. P. Brock '00 2 H. P. Wrickes '00 Bow Payne Whitney '98 Coxswain I. M. L. Walton '99 .167^. .170.. .161.. .170 . .167.. .183.. .168.. .164.. .113 . Average Weight, 170 Pounds. Avar Stroke . 7 3 2 Bow Coxswain . Stroke 7 . .. 6 ' 5 4 3 2 Bow Coiswain . Height. ..5.06 .. ..6.00 .. ..5.11 .. ..5.10>^.. ..6.00 .. ..6.00 .. ..5.11>< . ..5.11 .. ..5.06 .. AOE. ...25 . 23 ,...21 ...21 ...20 ....22 ...21 ....20 , ... 22 151 5.09;,... 25 160 6.00 .. 19 172... . 6.01 ... . ... 22 163 .... 5.08 ... 19 .164 .... 6.01 ... 20 164 .... .... 5.10 ... 22 .160 6.00 ... 20 161 5.11 ... .... 24 .103 5.06 ... 23 |5«r)r)sylVe[r)ia. J. P. Gardiner. 153. . . S. M. Weeks 165... . . . . J. N. Busch 165 . . L. Kintzing 154. . . J. B. Saover 170 .. L. G. Buckwalter 161... ....J.H.Hall 160... A. e. Elickwin 161... ....J, S. Wise 102... Average Weight, 152 Pounds. (f(olurr)Bia. B. B. Silt 159... O. W. Erdol 165... J. W. Mackay 169... E. P. Shatluck 160 F. T. Jones 1 63 . . . H. H. Oddie 169 .. C. H. Maden 153... A. G. Betts 164... M. E. Boyne 102... Average Weight, 162 Pounds. l^esulls o[ l\aces June 23kd New London. Fouk Miles. Cornell 23 minutes. 38 seconds. Yale 24 " 2 Harvard 24 " 35 " July 2nd. Saeatoga. Thkee Miles. Pennsylvania 15 minutes 51^4 seconds- Cornell 16 " 6 " Wisconsin 16 " 10 " Columbia 16 " 21 " 5.10 .... ..19 ,6.00 .... ....19 6.00 . . . . ....19 6.00 . . . . ...21 5 11 20 5.10 ... ....18 5.11 ... ....19 5.10 .... ....22 5.09 ... ....18 .5.09 •<.... ....21 5.11 .... ...23 6.00 .... ....22 .5.10 .... ....19 .5.11 .... ....22 .5.11 .21 .6.09>-2'.... ....21 .5.10)4.... ....19 .5.03 .. .. .21 5.11X.-.- ....20 .6.00 .... ....20 .5.11 .... ....21 .6.00 .. ....20 .5 10 .20 6.00 . . . . ....21 5.08 .... .;. 21 G.OO'/z ... ....22 5.03 V 17 ^New yoffrQaQ I^iouse,' M^PIsoi^j Squ^^e, ISlEW Yo5i<:. j^bsolutely Fire-Prooi Conducted OQ tl^c Eupopeai^ piaQ. ^OOIylS $2.00 PK5 P^Y ^5JP UPW^5PS J. P. (2^PP4.(S^]^, Mar>a.4er. THE iM. . o>H W . SaYo MINT JUJUBES Relieve Coughs and Throat Irritations. ON SALE EVERYWHERE. WALLACE & CO., 160-166 Monroe Street, New York City. KODAKS... Ana o..„^MERAS^^ ^^^^ Fresh Films and First-Class Supplies only. Developing and Printing from Films or Plates. THE! oB:E^Ic^- c^^Is/eiei^..;^ oo., Titlephone: "4704 CoHTLANOT." 165 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (1-2 years ill the business.) O. B. STRONG & CO., Representatives. Superior All Tobacco Cigarettes Novel Package ,/ lO KOR lO Cts. ALSO In Bo>ces of~ so ^""■^^^^ ACKER, MERRAL & CONDIT, FOR A FREE SAMPLE. Second-Ht^nd TEXT KND OTHER BOUGHT SOLD-EXCHAIMGED. WE PAY CASH FOR BOOKS Books Write to 15 N.Tioga St., Ithaca, N.Y. The Second-Hand Book Store. TEACHERS WANTED ! u nion teache r s' agencies of America. REV. L. D. BASS, D. D., MANAQER. Pitlsburri, I'a., Toronto, Can.. New Orleans. La., New York, N. Y , Washington, D. C, San Francisco. Cat., Clacago, Itl., St. Louis, Mo. and Denver, Colorado. There are tliousards of positions to be filled soon. We had over 8.000 vaoanoies during the past season. Unqualified facili- ties for placing teachers in every part of the U. S. and Canada, as over 95 per cent, of those who registtireo before August secured positions. One fee registers in 9 offices. More vaoancien than teachers. AlUlress all AppllcationK to lMttsl>urgr, Pa. paris Expositior} Jourist ai^d ExeiJr5io9 <$ompar)y. HIGH CLASS EXCURSIONS UNDER SUPERIOR CON D UCTORS H I P. Paris Exposition Tourist & Excursion Company, Rev. L. n. B.ISS, 1».D , Presidciil. S'ltt^liiirS. Pm. HuLBERX Bros. & Comlpanv, HAVE REIMOVED TO NO. 236 FIFTH AVFxNUE. ART DEALER AND JEWELER, EBL-e, 105 West 42d Street, Formerly at 1&4 5th A\ Antique Jewelry and Silverware, Paintings, Porcelains, Curios, Ivories, Fans, Laces, etc. OLD COLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. f' 1^001 slTall .■*..*J' DIRECTORS, '96-'97. W. H. Andrus, '97, Harrison Hall, '98, tlARRETT Cochran, '9S Harrison Hall, 'gS, David S. Cook, '99, Carrett Cochran, '9S, Average weight of the line, Average weight of the backs, Average weight of the whole team. DIRECTORS, '97 '98. Brokaw, Left End, Weight, 159 Church, Left Tackle, 190 Crovvdis, Left Guard, . 225 Gailey, Centre, 195 Armstrong, Right Guard, . •• 187 Hillebrani), Right Tackle, 174 FIRST S Thompson, End, . Weight, 15S Tyler, Tackle, •■ .78 ROSENGARTEN, Half, •• 164 Reiter, Half 162 Manager. Asst. Manager. Captain. Manager. Ass't Manager. Captain. i84'i lbs. ibo}^ lbs. 177 ll^s- PRINCETON IN THE YALE QAHE. Cochran, Right End, Smith, (Quarter, Bannard, Left Half, Kelly, Right Half, . Bairii, Full Back, POE, Quarter, Half, Booth, Centre, Guard, Edwards, Guard, Wheeler, Half, Full Back, Weight, 162 157 168 153 Weight, 142 ■' 185 227 17s I? C. B. WILKINSON, 42 John Street, N. Y. City. MAKER OF College ^ Fraternity ^ Badges, MEDALS, TROPHIES, ETC. SUITABLE FOR ATHLETIC GAMES, AND SPORTS OF ALL KINDS. KEYS, CLASS PINS. FLAG PINS, BUTTONS, CLASS RINGS, CUPS. Correspondence Solicited. Tapestryt APESTRY r AINTINGS.. 2000 Tapestry Paintings to Choose from. 38 Ai'tists employed, inclndiug gold medalists of the Paris Salon. WHEN IN THE CITY CALL AND SEE OUR EXHIBITION. Willi Pjinpr<5 ^^^ styles, designed by gold medal artists. From lo cents per roll up. Send 50 Wall rapcrs. cents to prepay expressage on large sample books and drapery. Will include drapery samples in package. See our Antique Metalic, French, Pressed Silks, and Lida effects in special colors to match all kinds of wood work, carpets, and draperies. Have 500 different wall hangings with draperies specially made at our Broomhead Mills, Paterson, N. J., to match. p»j.„__„j_^ We have Draperies to match all wall papers from 15 cents a yard. This is a very import- ^'^**"''' "'*• ant feature to attain the acme of artistic excellence in decoration. No matter how much or how little you want to spend you must have harmony of form and colorings. Write us for samples. Special Silk Draperies made at our Broomhead Mills, Paterson, N J. Encourage Home Industry ! Write us for samples ! T"ar»f»cff\7 rinffriJll* We manufacture Tapestry Materials. Superior to foreign goods and half I apCSLry 1 laLCI iai». the price. Bookof Samples, 10 cents. Send $1.50 for trial order, for two yards of 50-inch wide No. 6 goods, worth, SS-Oo. rifroffltinriS Write for our color schemes, designs, estimates. Artists sent to all parts of the world L/CCUiai U . to do every sort of decorating and painting. We are educating the country to color harmony. Relief, stained glass, wall paper, carpets, furniture, draperies, etc. Pupils taught. Send $5.00 for a $25 .00 color scheme to decorate your home. Decorative Advice *-*" receipt of $i.oo Mr. Douthltt win answer any question on interior * decoration color-harmony, harmony of form, harmony of wall covering, carpets, curtains tiles, furniture, gas fixtures, etc. A |.f jg+ j^ Home Decorations Does it pay to have your home decorated and painted by inferior workmen, when you can have it done by artists at the same price ? "We were attracted to Mr, J. F. Douthitt's Studios, 286 Fifth Avenue, New York, and found four floors overflowing with Art Decorations. There were Tapestry Paintings, Tapestry Materials, Wall Paper, Carpets, Window Shades, all sorts of Att Draperies, Goblin Printed Burlaps, and a thousand and one other things he uses in the decoration of the modern home. Mr. Douthitt infoimed me that with the endless number of things at his command he could decorate a house from S150 up. He has fine satin and leather wall papers at 10 cents a roll ; goblin art draperies at 25 cents a yard. He has just issued a 200 royal quarto page Manual of Art Decoration, filled with full page colored illustrations (price $2.00). In addition he has an art school, in which he gives six three-hour China, Miniature or Tapestry painting lessons for S5.00. He has a corps of 38 artists to assist him, many of them gold medalists from the Paris Salon. Everybody who has a home to decorate should visit his place." The Goddess of Atvatabar a trip to the interior world. "Jules Verne in his happiest days outdone." 318 octavo pages, 44 illustrations, price f 2.00, postage prepaid. Paper covers 50 cents. rianual of Art Decorations. The art book of the century 200 royal quarto pages, 50 superb full-page illustrations (i I colored) of modern home interiors. Send $2 oo for this $50 art book. Ool)lin Art DraOerV To match all sorts of papers, from lo cents per yard up. In order that " ^ * we may introduce this line of new art goods, we will sell one yard each of 50 different kinds of our most choice patterns for S7.50. Ooblin Printed BurlaOS ^^ "5 cents a yard — 36 inches wide. Lida Leather Paper at " ' $2.00 per roll. J, F. DOUTHITT, American Tapestry and Decorative Company, 286 5th Ave., near 30th St., N. Y. ILbe Xamp that Xasts NEWKocHE^ N5I00 Bent GLASS Globe: NEW ROCHESTER, ^^pIFTEEN years ago webe- ^rj gan the manufacture of centre draft lamps. A dealer bought one of the first and has had it in his show win- dow every day since, lighted. That lamp is good to-day. Soon after the Rochester was demonstrated a success a host of imitations sprang up. A few of the better ones still survive ; but the rest of them, where are they ? One New Rochester in a home is but a beginning. Soon there will be others. Do you want to know why? Write or call on THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO,. 38 Park Place, and 33 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. "W ROCHESTER 0llJpEATERN?2 2| ROMEIKF^S PRE55 cutting bureau Will send you all newspaper clippings which may appear about you. your friends, or any subject on which you want to be " up to date." A large force in my New York office reads 660 daily papers and over 2,000 weeklies and magazines, in tact, every paper of importance published in the United States, for 5,000 subscribers, and through the European Bureaus, all the leading papers in the civilized globe. Clippings found for subscribers are pasted on slips giving name and date of paper, and are mailed day by day. Write for circular and terms. Branches: London, Paris, Berlin, Sidney. HENRY ROMEIKE, "o FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. Typeuuritet^ Bargains. Having purchased, for cash, a larg:e stock of first-class Typewriters of all standard makes (many of the latest improved patterns), we are enabled to sell at prices which will astonish you. Write or call for handsome colored price list. Machines sent on trial. Also exchanged and rented on liberal terms. Also publish the American Standard Pitman flanual of Phonography, complete in one book, requiring but one-half the instruction necessary by books of other systems. Arranged for self-insttuction, and used in colleges everywhere. Send for colored price list. COJ^SOLilDATED TYPEWt^ITER EXCHANGE, Established i88l.— Telephone, 5389 Cortlandt. 245 SroadcUay, JSteCU York. MADURO BROS & CO . Clothiers S. Furnishers, 110 &. 112 Nassau St., MADURO BROTHERS & CO., MAKERS OF F^iNE Clothing, Ready to wear and to uieasure at moderate outlay. WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS TO MEASURE. lit on you at your request. One Of many styles. •^ "^ |5Pir)cefor) i^zcopds ^ -^ 100 Yards Dash, 220 Yards Dasli, . 440 Yards Dash, 120 Yards Hurdle Race, 220 Yards Hurdle Race, . Half Mile Run, . One Mile Run, One Mile \Yalk, . Two Mile Bicycle Race, . Freshman 440 Yards Dash, . Running High Jump, Running Broad Jump, . Pole Vault, Putting 16-Pound Shot, Throwing IG-Pound Hammer, Indoor High Jump, Springl)oard Jump, Indoor Pole Vault, . 9^^ sec, . 22 sec, 49 sec, 16J sec, 26J sec, . 1 min. 57? sec, 4 min. 26 sec, . 6 min. 54 J^ sec. 5 min. 295 sec, 52 sec, 6 ft. "^ in., 22 ft. 5 in., . 10 ft. 10 in., 41 ft. lOJ^ in., 124 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in., . 8 ft. 10 in., 10 ft., . L. II. Cary, '93 L. II. Cary, '93 J. II. Coif el t, '00 H. Wheeler, '00 T. B. Turner, '93 C. II. Kilpatrick, '99 J. Cregan, '99 F. A. Borcherling, '93 J. B. Corser, '96 Goldthw-aite, '99 W. C. Carroll, '00 R. C. Kumler, 95 . A. C. Tyler, '97 R. Garrett, Jr., '97 H. C. Potter, '98 W. C. Carroll, '00 E. S. Ramsdell, '94 A. C. Tvler, '97 PACKAGES PERFORATED ROLLS PLAIN ROLLS SEVERED ROLLS FLAT ROLLS HOYT'S Sf M®!"!!!! Siatla Pte®©ta E. JVIIRIA|V[ COYRIEI^E, Home and Foifeign Teachei*^' /^genci], ESTABLISHED 1S80. 150 FIFTH AVENUE, Cor. 20th Street, (Room i4), NEW YORK CITY. Book Concern Building. Universities, Colleges, Schools, and Families supplied, with ProfesBors, Teachers, Tutors, Governesses, and Readers in every branch of Education, Secretaries, Bookkeepers, Companions, and Housekeepers, Schools, both home and abroad, conscientiously recommended to parents. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. D. VAN NOSTRAND CO., Publishers and Importers of Scientific and Technical Books, 23 Murray and 27 Warren sts.. NEW YORK CITY. All the standard and recent publications, both English and American, in the lines ot Chemistry, Sanitary Engineering. Electricity, Mathematics, Civil Engineering. Mines and Mining, Steam Engineering, Military and Naval, are carried in stock, or promptly imported on order. A ilREAT White lii^ht THE CALCIUM KING LAMP BURNS OIL New York, September, 1898. We endorse the "Calciura King Lamp " as the best lamp for Bicycle u\e in the market. O. B. Strong & Co., Publishers of the University Hand-Booiis. KepresentatiTes to the College Trade. A Greater and Whiter light than any other lamp. A steady and more reliable light. Absence of smoke, -'; soot and odor. Absolute safety. Instantly lighted. Will not blow or jar out. The Handsomest Lamp made. Write for Booklet. THE GEO. H. CLOWES M'F'G. CO., WATERBURY, CONN., U. S. A. New York Office : 202 Postal Telegraph Building, 253 Broadway, New York. Oiqrptr) e/lr)r)ual yJpG^i) p-etr)0iciap Oan;)es o[ lr)e |^pir)cefar) Llrjivepsiiy "rracl^ /itr)lelic e/i ssociGihor) KVENTS WINNERS TIME, IIEIlillT OK DISTANCE i Wills, Lawrenceville, 10 yards, .... itj sec. 100 Yards Dash, . . ■< Gantz, Princeton Seminary, 9 yards ( Byers, Yale, 3 yards i Clark, B. A. A. and Harvard, 9 yards, . . lij see. 120 Yards Hurdle Race, \ Van Biiren, Yale, 3 yards ( McKibben, University of Pennsylvania, s yards ( Price, University of Pennsylvania, 60 sec, . 7 min. 35j sec. One Mile Walk, . . -j Worth, University of Pennsylvania, 60 sec. ( Adams, Yale, 60 sec. i Cregan, Princeton, 8 yards, ... 2 min. i\ sec. 880 Yards Run, . . J. Harrison, University of Pennsylvania, 30 yards ( Steele, ITniversity of Pennsylvania, 25 yards i Hill, Yale, 20 yards, .... 4 min. 58 sec. Two Mile Bicycle Race, I Hubbert, Svvarthmore, 60 yards ( McGuire, Columbia, 170 yards i Sensenig, Haverford, 45 yards, ... 48 sec. 440 Yards Run, . . I Rodney, Haverford, 40 yards ( Robb, Princeton, 35 yards f Wills, I..awrenceville, 18 yards, .... 22; sec. 220 Yards Dash, . . ^ Quiulan, Fordham, and N. Y. A. C , 4 yards ( Chappelle, Yale, 6 yards i Van Ingen, Yale, 3 yards, ..... 24' sec. 220 Yards Hurdle, . . -I Perkins, Yale, scratch ( Bijur, Cdlnmbia, scratch ^ Palmer, Princeton, 60 yards, . . .4 min. 44: sec. One Mile Run, . . -j Paret, Drexel Institute, 65 yards ( Ross, Haverford, 95 yards ( Potter, Princeton, 8 feet, .... 42 ft. 5 in Putting l()-lb. Shot, . } lAIcCracken, T^niversity of Pennsylvania, 3 feet, 42 ft. 3 in. ( Richards, Lawrenceville, 8 feet, . . 41 ft. 5 in WHEN CALLING PLEASE ASK TO SEE TIR. GRANT. BOOKS AT,^^ LIBERAL DISCOUNT BEFORE BUYING BOOKS- WRITE FOR QUOTATIONS An Assortment of Catalogues and special slips of Books at Reduced Prices sent for 10-cent stamp. TO THE READER. Please reinember that whenever you need a Book or any in- formation about Books, if you -will address me, I -will try to please you by attention and low prices. Write me of your wants, or call and inspect stock, and in either case I will make you SPECIAL PRICES. K„ K. Grant, 23 WBST 42d ST., New York. Mention this Advertisement and receive a Discount. rl0r)GiiC(2ip ISTarrjes — Continued J'J-J- WINNERS Pole Vault, Ruiiiiiiig Broad Juiiij), Throwiiiif the Discus, (Tyler, Princeton, scratcli, ^ Strayer, Princeton, 10 inches, ( DuM^ inufacturer and l|)esiqner C0LLE6E PRATERJ^ilTt BAi0E§ S©glETt ^ dhAm RleNi Mm. 19 Jjohn Street J\|eW jork C. B. Walker. HAKERS OF ... . PORTRAITS 292 Fifth Avenue, New York. ....AND.... SARATOGA. Vl/Vl/)1/ SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. portraits ^y pi?oto§rapl;)y, pai9ti9(55 ir) Oil aqd pastel, aqd k/Tlii^iatijres 017 iuory, 09 exl;iibitio9 at oiir 5ttJ