A SYSTEM Questions ii Geography, ADAPTED TO ANY MODERN ATLAS, KHBBACrNO GEOGRAPHICAL DEFINITIONS, INTRODUCTION TO THE USE OF THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE, AND ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. BY ©AVID H. PIERSON, Ph.D. f/.-^.m:^-. 131 REVISED EDITION. NEW YORK: ALBERT MASON, PUBLISHER 18'74. LIBUARY OF CONGRESS. ||imA..\.2.V. IwigM |» ■ : I ^'/J/':^aL ! UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, f A SYSTEM Questions in Geography, ADAPTED TO AI^T MODEEl^ ATLAS, GEOGRAPHICAL DEFINITIONS, INTEODFCTION TO THE USE OP THE TEERESTEIAL GLOBE, AND ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. DAVID H. PIEESON, Ph.D. REVISED EDITION?-. _ ^.^aS>: NEW YORK: ALBERT MASON, PUBLISHER. 1874. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by KIGGINS & KELLOGG, In the Caerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for _ the Southern District of New York. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, bt albert mason, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE The want of a suitable Geography for beginners, and one, not en- cumbered with too much descriptive, statistical, and historical matter, for classes more advanced, induced the author to undertake the follow- ing work. In the study of Geography, the one great aim should be, to imprint the map upon the memory, so that whenever a geographical name is read or mentioned, its exact locality will be known at once, by recur- ring, mentally, to its position on the map, and not to a certain page or part of a page in a book, where the description is given. Therefore, that system of teaching geography is best adapted to common school education, which requires the learner to study the maps, and depend cpon a knowledge of them, rather than upon initial letters or descriptive paragraphs in the book. The distinctive features of this system are as follows 1 . It is suited to any correct modern Atlas. This will save trouble and expense. 2. It vanes the form of questions. This will better prepare classes for examination by different persons, and tend to fix the desired knowledge in the memory. 3. It requires a constant searching of the Maps. This leaves in the mind, the appearance of the earth'' s surface, rather than initial letters and printed paragraphs. 4. It gives the latest changes in boundaries, capitals, ^e. 5. It contains nothing to be omitted IV PREFACE. 6. It reviews every map in such a way as to fasten the knowledge pre' Viously gained.. A nail simply driven through a board, may be easily withdrawn ; but if clenched, the removal is more difficult. 7. It is divided into Three Parts, to suit all ages. Part First contains nothing but what children caH readily under- stand, and nothing but what is necessary to an acquaintance with Geography. Part Second may be thought by some lobe too minute, especially in the Reviews ; but an experience of more than twenty years' teaching, has convinced the author, that the time spent in searching maps, is by no means lost. Part Third is intended merely to introduce the study of the Terres- trial Globe and Ancient Geography. The latter is especially designed to aid pupils in their elementary classical reading. In many cases the orthography of proper names may differ from the maps used. The method chosen is generally that found in the majority of the Atlases. Initial letters and answers are given, where there might be serious difficulty in finding the correct answer. Pictures are omitted, because those generally found in Geographies tend but little either to increase" the knowledge or improve the taste ol the pupil. Tables are. also omitted, because they are generally found in Atlases, and may be studied without questions, at the discretion of teachers. All questions relating to population, square miles, and chief towns. are omitted ; because the population is constantly changing ; the square miles are not easily remembered, and are not of sufficient con- sequence to warrant the expense of time consumed in committing them : and chief towns are too indefirute to the minds of pupils. Elizabeth, N. J. GEOGRAPHY. PART FIEST Q. What is Geography^ A. A description of the earth's surface. Q. Of what is the earth's surface composed ? A. Land and water. Q. How nrnch is water ? A. About three-fourttis. Q. What is the shape of the earth '^ A. Round, like an orange. Q. What is the distance round the earth 1 A. About twenty-five thousand miles. Q. What is this called? A. Its circumference. Q. What is the distance through it? A. Nearly eight thousand miles. Q. What is this called? A. Its diameter. Q. How many motions has the earth ? A. Two. Q. What are they? A. It moves round the sun, and turns on its axis. Q. How long does it require to go round the sun ? A. One year, or three hundred and sixty-five days. Q. How long to turn on its axis ? A. About twenty-four hours. Q. What does its motion round the sun occasion ? 6 PART FIRST. A. A change of seasons, as summer and winter. Q. What causes day and night? A. The turning of the earth on its axis. Q. Which way does it turn on its axis? A. From West to East. Q. How rapidly does it move round the sun? A. More than a thousand miles every minute. Q. What is the Axis of the earth 1 A. An imaginary line passing through its centre from North to South. Q. What are the Poles of the earth "* A. The ends of the axis. Q, How many poles are there ? A. Two : the North and the South pole. Q. What is the Equator ? A. It is an imaginary line drawn round the earth from east to west, dividing it into two equal parts. Which way from us is North ? Which way is South ? East ? West ? Q. How can you always tell ? A. The sun rises in the east and sets in the v/est. If you stand with your face towards the east, which way will the right-hand point ? Which way will the left-hand point ? Q. What is a Map ? A. It is a picture of the earth or any part of it. Q. What part of the map is North ? A. The top. Q. What part is South ? A. The bottom. ^ What part is East ? West ? A. The right-hand is east and the left-hand west. Q. What is ah Atlas? A. Several map& bound together. DEFINITIO:SfS. i Which way is north-west ? Which way is south-east ? Which way is north-east ? Which way is south-west ? NATURAL DIVISIONS OF LAND AND WATER Q. How is Land naturally divided? A. Into Continents, Islands, Peninsulas, Isthmuses, Capes, Mountains, Shores or Coasts, &c. Q. What is a Continent? A. A vast extent of land. Q. How many Continents are there? A. Two : the Eastern and the Western. Q. What does the Eastern Continent include ? A. Europe, Asia and Africa. Q. What the Western? A. North and South America. Q. What is an Island ? A. A portion of land surrounded by water. Q. What is a Peninsula ? A. A portion of land almost surrounded by water. Q. What is an Isthmus ? A. A strip of land which connects two bodies of land* Q. What is a Cape ? A. A point of land extending into the sea. Q. What is a Promontory 1 A. A high and rocky cape. Q. What is a Mountain ? A. A very high hill. Q. What is a Shore or Coast ? A. Land, that borders on the sea or ocee n. Q. What is a Volcano 1 A. A mountain that sends forth fire, smoke, and lava from its top. 8 PART FIRSl. Q. What is a Valley? A. A tract of land lying between two 'nils. Q. What is a Plain ? A. A level tract of land. Q. What are large plains called in the United States I A. Prairies. Q. What in South America ? A. Pampas. Q. What in Europe and Asia ? A. Steppes. Q. What is a Desert? A. A barren tract of country, generally sandy. Q. What is a Wilderness ? A. An uninhabited and uncultivated region. Q. How is Water naturally divided ? A. Into Oceans, Seas, Archipelagoes, Gulfs or Bays, Lakes, Straits, Rivers, &c. Q. What is an Ocean ? A. A vast collection of salt water. Q. What is a Sea ? A. A smaller division of salt water than an ocean. Q. What is an Archipelago ? (Ar-ke-pel'-a-go.) A. A sea containing many islands. Q. What is a Gulf or Bay ? A. A body of water extending into the land. Q. What is a Lake ? A. A body of fresh water surrounded by land. Q. What is a Pond ? A. A small lake. Q. What is a Strait ? A. A narrow passage of water connecting two bodies of water. Q. What is a Sound ? DEFINITIONS. 9 A. A passage of water so shallow that its depth may be measured with a lead and line. Q. What is a Channel ? A. A passage of water wider than a strait Q. What is a River ? A. A large stream of water running from the land to some larger body of water. Q. What are small streams called ? A. Brooks, creeks, rivulets and rills. Q. What is the Head or Source of a River ? A. The place where it begins. Q. What is its Mouth ? A. The place where it ends or empties. Q. What is a Cataract ? A. Water flowing over a precipice. Q. What is a Canal ? A. A wide ditch filled with w^ater, for the use of boats. Q. What is a Port or Harbor ? A. A small bay where ships can anchor safely. What is the difference between a Continent and an Ocean ? What is the difference between an Island and a Lake ? What is the difference between a Peninsula and a Sea ? What is the difference between an Isthmus and a Strait ? What is the difference between a Desert and a Wilderness ^ Q. What is a Hemisphere ? A. Half a Globe. Q. How many hemispheres are there ** A. Two : Eastern and Western. Q. How does the equator divide the earth ? A. Into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Q. How many oceans are there ? A. Five : the Northern, Southern, Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. Q. Which is the largest ? -A. The Pacific. 10 TAET FIEST. MAP OF THE WORLD. Q. What does the Mip of the World represent? A. The whole surface of the earth. Q. What is the northern part of the Western Continent called ? N. A. Q. What is the southern part called ? S. A. In what part of the Eastern Continent is Europe ? N. W. What is New-Holland or Australia ? An island. Q. Is it ever called by any other name ? A. It is sometimes called a Continent on account of its size. Q. What large body of land in the Southern ocean ? A. The Antarctic Continent. Q. When was it discovered ? 1840. Q. By whom? A. The United States Exploring Expedition. Which extends farther north, Africa or South America ? What ocean east of North and South America ? Q, What part of the map is North-East ? A. The right-hand corner between north and east Q. What part is South-East ? A. The right-hand corner between south and east. What parts South-west and North-west ? Which way from Europe to South America "^ Which way from North America to New-Holland ? Which way from the Indian Ocean to North America * What ocean west of North and South America ? Does the equator cross North or South America ? What is the equator ? Which hemisphere contains the greater portion of land ? What is a hemisphere ? Which is the largest island in the world ? What two islands next in size ? B. and N. G. What is an islaid ? THE WOULD. 11 Which contains more land, the northern or southern hemis- phere ? What large island south-east of Africa ? What cape at the southern extremity of Africa? What is a cape ? What is the difference between a cape and a gulf or bay ^ What cape at the eastern extremity of South America '- What cape at the southern extremity of Madagascar ? What cape in the southern part of Greenland ? What cape in the northern part of Madagascar ? Q. What islands between North and South America ? A. West Indies. Q. What islands between Asia and Australia? A. East Indies. What sea between Europe and Africa ? What sea between Africa a^d Asia ? What is a sea? What sea between North and South America ? What sea between Europe and Asia ? B. What gulf south of the United States ? What is a gulf? What gulf south of Guinea ? What gulf between Canada and Newfoundland ? St. L. What bay north of North America ? What bay south of Baffin's Bay ? What bay east of Hindostan ? What strait between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean ? What strait between Patagonia and Terra del Fuego ? What is a strait ? What strait between Asia and North America ? What strait between Newfoundland and Labrador i What large River in South America flows into the Atlantic just south of the equator ? What is a river ? What river in Africa flows into the Meditenanean ' 12 PART FIRST. In what latitude is North America ? North. Q. Why? A. Because it is north of the Equator. In what latitude is Australia ? Why ? In what latitude is Africa ** Why ? In sailing from Newfoundland to Australia, what two ocenns would you cross ? In sailing from Europe to Asia by the way of Cape Horn, wliat two oceans would you cross ? What ocean is nearest us ? How many oceans are there ? What are their names ? What is an ocean ? What peninsula in the southern part of Asia ? H. What peninsula in the southeastern part of the U. States ? What is a peninsula ? Q. Which are the largest two peninsulas on the globe ? A. Africa and South America. Q. What is it to bound a country ? A. To mention what is on the North, East, South, and West. What bounds Asia on the east ? How do you bound Europe ? Q. What prevents Africa from being an island ? A. The Isthmus of Suez. What 's an isthmus ? What isthmus connects North and South America ? Where is Brazil ? Where is Ethiopia? Where is Greenland? To whom does Greenland belong ? Denmark. Where is Mexico ? Where is China ? In what country do we live ? NORTH AMERICA. 13 What general name is ^iven to the islands of the Pacific ' What large island south of the United States ? What island east of Cuba ? MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. How is North America bounded on the north ? How is it bounded on the east ? What ocean on the west ? In what part is British America ? In what part are the United States ? In what part is Alaska ? What country in the most southern part ? Name all the countries of North America ? Q. How long is North America ? A. Five thousand miles. Q. How wide is it ■? A. Three thousand miles. What gulf east of Mexico ? What gulf between Mexico and California ? What gulf west of Newfoundland ? What bay and strait separate Greenland from North America ? What bay south of Hudson's Bay ? What bay north of Central America ? What bay west of Yucatan ? What is a gulf or bay ? Which is more northerly. Hudson's Bay or Baffin's Bay ? Where is the Gulf of California ? What strait between Newfoundland and Labrador ? What bodies of water does it connect? What two straits lead into Hudson's Bay? What strait separates North America from Asia ? What strait leads from Baffin's Bay into the Polar Sea * What is a strait 1 What cape in the southern part of California? What cape in the southern part of Greenland 1 14 PART FIRST. What is a Cape ? What cape in the southern part of Nova Scotia 1 What cape in the south-eastern part of Newfoundland 1 R What cape south of Chesapeake Bay ? What cape in the southern part of Florida 1 What cape in the eastern part of Labrador ? What cape at the western extremity of Cuba ? What cape in the north-eastern part of Central America ? What four large Jakes between the United States and British America ? Which is the largest 1 Which is the most eastern 1 Which is the most western 1 What is a lake 1 What is a pond ? What large lake lies north-west of Lake Superior 1 What three lakes north-west of Lake Winnipeg ? What lake in Guatimala or Central America ? What lake in Mexico 1 What lake south of Lake Superior wholly within the United Btates ? How do the waters of Lake Huron reach th6 Atlantic Ocean 1 What Island at the mouth of the St. Lawrence ? What is a River 1 In what direction does the St. Lawrence run ? What large river flows into the Polar Sea ? What large river flows into the Pacific Ocean 1 What two unite, and flow into the Gulf of California 1 What two large rivers flow into the Gulf of Mexico ? Where the Mississippi and Missouri unite, which is the larger? Where is Smith's Strait ? What is a Sound 1 Where is Albemarle Sound 1 Where is Prince William's Sound ? NORTH AMERICA. 15 Where is Lancaster Sound 1 Where is Norton Sound 1 Where is Queen Charlotte's Sound ? What long range of mountains separates the waters that flow i»-.o the Arctic and Atlantic oceans from those that flow into tLrt Pacific 1 What is the southern part of the Rocky Mountains called ? What mountains separate the waters which flow into the 0^10 and Mississippi from those that flow into the Atlantic ? Where is Grinnell Land 1 A. In the Arctic Ocean. When and by whom was it discovered 1 A, In 1850, by an o-iedition in search of Sir John Franklin, fitted out by Henry G -^nnell, Esq., of New -York. What mountain in this Land 1 A. Mount Franklin. What is a mountain ? What is the general direction of the Rocky Mountains 1 Where are the Arctic Highlands 1 What desert in the western part of the United States ? What is a desert I Which is the largest division of North America 1 What large division in the centre 1 What is the general name given to the islands that lie between North and South America 1 Which is the largest 1 Which is the second in size ? The third? What large island in the northern part of Hudson's Bay ? What cluster of islands north of Cuba 1 What cluster east of the United States 1 What is an island 1 Where is Melville Island 1 Where is Queen Charlotte's Island 1 Where is Long Island 1 Where is Vancouver's Island ? Where is Cape Breton Island 1 Where is Iceland 1 To wiiom does it belong 1 A. To Denmark. Where is Prince Edward's Island "^ 16 PART FIRST. Where is the peninsula of Alaska ? What peninsula between Baffin's Bay and the Atlantic 1 What peninsula east of the Gulf of Mexico 1 W hat peninsula west of Mexico ? W hat peninsula south of the Gulf of Mexico 1 What is a peninsula 1 In what direction does the eastern coast of the United States run 1 The western coast 1 In what direction from us is Cape Farewell ? Cape St. Lu- cas 1 Isthmus of Darien 1 Cook's Inlet 1 Lake Superior ? Bermuda Islands 1 Lake Winnipeg ? Mt. St. Elias ? James Bay ? Lake Chapala 1 Prince William's Land ?- Q. What is the Capital of a country 1 A. The place where the laws are made. What is the capital of British America 1 What is the capital of the United States ? What is the capital of Mexico 1 What is the capital of Central America 1 Note. — A review of each map before proceeding to the next, is re- commended. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. How are the United States bounded 1 What is the capital ] What is a State 1 A. A division of country over which a governoi presides. How many states are there 1 How many territories 1 In how many grand divisions are these states included ? A. Four : viz., Eastern, Middle, Southern, and Western. Which are Eastern States ^ A. Those east of New- York. Q, What are their names ? A. Maine, N. H., Vt, Ms., Con., R. I. UNITED STATES. 17 Which is the largest ? Which is the smallest 1 Which has no sea-coast 1 Which has the greatest extent of sea-coast 1 Which is the largest river in the Eastern States ? Where does it empty ? Through what two states does it run ? Wiiat two states are separated by it ? What is the capital of Maine ? What is the capital of New-Hampshire ? What is the capital of Vermont ? What is the capital of Massachusetts "i What is the capital of Connecticut ? What are the capitals of Rhode Island ? How many Middle States are there 1 Four. What are their names ? N. Y., N. J., Pa., Del. Which is the largest 1 Which is the smallest ? Which has no sea-coast 1 What river separates New-Jersey from Pennsylvania i What bay south of New-Jersey 1 What large river in the eastern part of New- York ? What two large lakes west of New- York 1 What is the capital of New-York? Of New-Jersey ? Of Pennsylvania 1 Of Delaware 1 What river from Pennsylvania empties into Chesapeake Bay? How many Southern States are there ? What are their names 1 Md., Va., N. C, S. C, Ga., Fa., Aa., Mi., La., Ts. W, V. Q. Describe their position 1 A. All the states S. W. of Delaware bordering on the Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico, are soathevn states, together with West Virginia. Which is the largest ? Ts. "What bay divides Maryland ? IS PART FIEST. What large river forms the S. W. boundary of Texas V How many states border on the Gulf of Mexico, and what are their names ? "Which state has the greatest extent of sea-coast 1 What two states are separated by the Potomac River '? What river separates South Carolina from Georgia "? Through what states does the Bl ue Ridge run ? What is the capital of Maryland ? Of Virginia ? Of North Carolina? Of South Carolina? Of Georgia? Of Florida? Of Alabama ? Of Mississippi ? Of Louisiana ? Of Texas ? Of West Virginia? How many western states are there ? What are their names ? Which is the largest ? Which four are bounded in part by the Ohio River ? Through which one does the Missouri flow ? Which state borders on the Pacific ? Which three are bounded east by the Mississippi ? What four border on Lake Michigan ? Through what seven do rivers flow of the same name with the states? Ky., Te., As., Mo., Is., Wn., la. What is the capital of Ohio ? Of Kentucky ? Of Tennessee 1 Of Michigan ? Of Indiana ? Of Illinois ? Of Missouri ? Of A.rkansas? Of Wisconsin? Of Iowa? Of California ? What river separates Indiana in part from Illinois ? In what direction is Kentucky from California ? What is the general course of the Missouri River i W hich are the largest three branches of the Mississippi ? Which is the most western Territory ? Which is the most southern ? Where is Lake Champlain ? ^Vhat four states are bounded in part by Lake Erie ? How many states lie entirely west of the Mississippi River 1 Name them ? Name the fourteen states that border on the Atlantic Ocean 1 What state lies north of Long Island Sound ? UNITED STATES. 19 What state is bounded in part by four large lakes ? What two states are separated by the Chattahoochee River ? What states are separated in part by the Cumberland Moun ains 1 Va., Ky. What two are separated by the Alleghany Mountains 1 Which is the largest state in the Union ? Ts. Which is the smallest ? R.I. Which two states have each two capitals 1 Where is Moosehead Lake 1 What river flows from Moosehead Lake into the Atlantic t What lake south of Lake Champlain ? G, What two capes in the eastern part of Massachusetts ? What mountains in New-Hampshire ? What mounlains in Vermont 1 What two islands south-east of Massachusetts 1 What island south of Rhode Island 1 B. What island in the north-western part of Lake Superior ? What two capes at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay I What two sounds east of North Carolina "^ Where is Apalachee Bay 1 What three capes in the eastern part of North Carolina ? Where is Chatham Bay ? South of Florida. Where is Pensacola Bay 1 Tampa Bay 1 Where are Penobscot and Casco bays ? What large bay is connected with Lake Michigan 1 What river rises in New- York and flows into Chesapeake 8ay 1 What river in part separates Georgia from Alabama ? What two rivers when united form the Ohio 1 What two rivers when united form the Mobile 1 What two rivers flow into the Ohio near its mouth ? What river in part separates Louisiana from Texas 1 Which is the larger river, the Tennessee or the Cumberland "? What river in part separates Virginia from Kentucky '* Where is the Sacramento River ? What bay at the mou^h of the Sacramento ? 20 PART FIRST What town at the mouth of the Columbia River ? Where is the llio San Joaquin ? Through what states woula a person pass in traveling from the capital of New- York to the capital of Maine, m a straight line? A person in travelmg from New-Jersey to Arkansas may pass through but three states. Name them ? In what direction from Connecticut is Maine 1 In what direction from us is the Gulf of Mexico ? Which extends farther north, Pennsylvania or Illinois ? Which extends farther south, North Carolina or Arkansas ? Which one of the United States extends farthest south ? What is the principal branch of the Hudson River ? What cape in the easlern part of New-Jeisey. A. Sandy Hook What two capes on the eastern coast of Florida ? Through what states would you pass in traveling in a straight line from Louisiana to Ohio ? From Texas to Maine ? From New-Jersey to Missouri ? What states border on Alabama ? In what part of Ohio is Columbus ? On what river is Jackson ? In what part of Missouri is Jefferson City ? What is the general course of the Mississippi ? Can we go to South America by land ? What is the capital of Iowa ? Of Maine ? Of Wisconsin ? Of New-Hampshire ? Of Illinois? Of Vermont? Of Kentucky? Of Massachusetts? Of Missouri? Of Rhode Island? Of Arkansas? Of Connecticut ? Of Tennessee? Of New- York? Of Texas ? Of New-Jersey ? Of Louisiana ? Of Pennsylvania ? Of Mississippi? Of Delaware? Of Alabama? Of Maryland? Of Florida ? Of Virginia ? Of Georgia ? Of North Carolina ? Of California ? Of South Carolina ? Of Ohio? Of Michigan? Of Indiana? Of West Virginia ? Of Oregon? Of Kansas? Of Minnesota? Of Nevada? The initials of certain capitals spell Branch. Name them? Name the capitals whose initials spell Captain? Of what state is Jackson the capital ? Trenton ? Columbus ? Columbia? Lansing? Madison? SOUTH Al^lERICA. 3- MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. In what direction from us is South America ? What body of water is on the north ? What is on the east ? What strait on the south ? What is on the west? What prevents South Am erica- from being an island ? What is an isthmus ? Which is the largest grand division of South America? Which is the most southern division ? W^hich lies in the north-western part ? Which lies in the northern part ? V. What division east of Venezuela ? What division next south of Equador ? What two divisions directly north of Patagonia ? Which is the larger of these ? Which has the greater amount of sea-coast ? What division between Argentine Confed. and Peru ? What two small divisions east of Argentine Confederation ? How many grand divisions of Soutli America are there ? What are their names ? Which is the smallest ? Which is the most western division ? What divisions lie on the Atlantic ? What division extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific ? What divisions lie on the Pacific ? What divisions lie on the Caribbean Sea ? What division between U. S. of Colombia and Peru ? What range of mountains extends along the western coast of South America ? What three large rivers in South America ? Which is the largest river in the world ? Amazon. What is a river '^ What two rivers unite and form the La Plata ? P. and U. What river flows into the Caribbean Sea 1 What island at th Tagus? Bug? Bog? Ems? Minho ? Garonne? Save? Tiber? Oka? R. Tornea? Shannon? Guadiana? Dwina ? Pruth ? Loire? Volga? Glomma? Thames? Kama? Oder? Guadal- quiver ? Niemen ? Dahl, or Dal ? Don ? Rhone ? Danube '* Duna? Elbe? Ural? Theisse ? Rhine? Onega? Weser? Mayne ? G. Dnieper ? Gironde ? Petchora ? Donetz f Mezene ? 3. Where are the following lakes ? Ilmen? Wenner ? Peipus, or Tchoudsko? Constance? Wetter? Enara ? Onega? Ladoga? Malar? Sw. Geneva? 4. Where are the following mountains ? Dofrafield, or Scandinavian ? Carpathian ? Ural ? Cantabrian ? Caucasus? Balkan? Appenines ? Pyrenees ? Alps ? Montser- rat? Sierra Morena? Sierra Nevada ? Mount Etna ? Moun* Hecia? Mount Vesuvius ? Cevennes ? 5. Whure are the lollowing straits and chanrels T EUROPE. lis Bonifacio ? Skager Rack "? Gibraltar 1 Dover ? Dardanelles I Messina ? Cattegat ? St. George's Channel ? English Channel ? Enikale ? Otranto ? Bristol Channel ? North Channel ?- Chan- nel of Constantinople, or the Bosphorus 1 6. Where are the following seas, and gulfs or bays 1 The Black Sea ? Caspian 1 White ? North ? Baltic 1 Adriatic Sea, or Gulf of Venice'? Irish? Azov, or Azof? Archipelago?- Mediterranean 1 Sea of Marmora ? Donegal Bay ? Gulf of Bothnia? Bay of Biscay? Tcheskaya Gulf ? Finland? Lyons? Riga? Zuyder-Zee? Genoa? Gnilf of Onega ? Taranto ? 7. Where are the following towns '^ Athens ? Cronstadt ? Portsmouth ? Barcelona ? Brest ? Zurich? Londonderry? S. Marino? Rheims? Ferrol ? Leeds? Scutari? Archangel? Leon? Brussels? Mont- pelier ? Glasgow ? Plymouth ? Lille, or Lisle ? Florence ? Waterford ? Ghent ? Lemberg ? Mantua ? Hermanstadt ? Milan ? Sligo ? Cagliari ? Syracuse ? Bordeaux ? Turin ? Madrid? Magdeburg? Orenburg? Presburg? Toulouse? Valladolid ? Dantzic ? Hamburg ? Belgrade ? Breslau ? Silistria? Bremen? Lisbon? Tours? Toledo? Vienna? Leipsic ? Bucharest ? Onega ? Prague ? Bayonne ? Arta ? Carlscrona ? Umea ? Freyburg ? 8. Where are the following islands ? Iceland? Jersey? Samos ? Oland? Corsica? LofFoden Isles ? Candia ? Elba ? Great Britain ? Anglesea ? Funen ? Majorca ? Faroe Islands ? Dago ? Isle of Man ? Sicily ? Aland? Ivica? Sardinia? Malta? Cyprus? Lipari ? He- brides, or Western ? Scilly ? Wight ? Rhodes ? Scio ? Oesel? Negropont? Zealand? Cerigo ? Gothland? Milo? Naxio ? Rugen? Corfu? Cephalonia ? Minorca? Shet. land Islands ? Orkney Isles ? Ireland ? y. V/here are the following capes '^ North? (2) Naze? Land's-End ? Ortegal? Matapan ? 14:6 PART SECOND. St. Vincent ? Passaro ? Finisterre? Clear? Trafalgar 1 Lizard Point ? Where is the Maelstrom ? What is it ? 1 0. Where are the following towns ? 1 0. Galway ? Kola ? Missolonghi ? Corunna ? Berlin 1 Salonica ? St. Petersburg ? Copenhagen ? Stockholm ? Toulon? Birmingham? Naples? Metz? York? Limer- ick? Gibraltar? Inverness? Bilboa ? Messina? Nancy? Parma ? Berne ? Grenada ? Genoa ? Manchester ? Edin- burgh? Burgos? La Rochelle ? Marseilles? Skalholt ? Corinth? Ragusa? Gottingen ? Gallipoli? Murcia ? Mu- nich? Newcastle? Dublin? Alicant ? Havre? Sles- wick? Gottenburg ? Viborg? Revel? Konigsberg? Han- over ? Napoli ? Novogorod ? Brunn ? St. Ubes ? Bristol ? Odessa? Rotterdam? Christiana? Stettin? Varna? Pesth ? Jassy ? Larissa ? Cadiz ? Adrianople ? Catania ? Bologna ? Drontheim ? Hague ? Olmutz ? Lublin ? Groningen ? Bergen ? Upsal ? Trieste ? Antwerp ? ASIA. How is Asia bounded ? How many countries in Asia 1 Name them ? Which is the largest ? Q. For what is Asia distinguished ? A. Here our first parents were created, and here were the famous Babylonian, Assyrian and Persian empires. Here the family of Noah were saved from the deluge ; here the Saviour lived and died ; here also tha apostles first published salvation to man. TURKEY IN ASIA. How is Turkey bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? In what direction does the Euphrates ilow, and where does it empty ? What town on the Euphrates near its mouth ? What river empties into the .Euphrates ? How is Bagdad situated ? For what noted ? It was once the renowned AEABTA. 147 pity of the Saracen Caliphs. On what river is Mosul? Where •s Brusa 1 Diarbekir ? Trebisonde ? Angora 1 In what direction from Angora is Erzerum 1 How is Smyrna situated ? In what part is Mount Ararat?- What other mo'^atains in Tur key ? What lake in the eastein part ? Van. What ruins near Mosul ? Nineveh. What ruins on the Euphrates south of Mosul ? Babylon. What islands in the Archipelago belonging 10 Turkey ? Rhodes, Samos, Scio and Metlin. What country between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean 1 S. SYRIA. How is Syria bounded "^ What noted city in the northern part? A. In what part is Damascus? For what noted ? Its great antiquity and extensive commerce. Name the three principal seaports ? Tr., Be., Sidon, or Saida. In what part are the ruins of Baalbec 1 The mountains of Lebanon ? Mount Hermon 1 What jdicient country in the south-western part of Syria 1 P. PALESTINE. What river runs through Palestine ? Where does it empty ? By what other names is Palestine called ? The Holy Land, anu the Land of Israel. In what part is Jerusalem ? Gaza ? Acre ? Where is Mount Carmel ? In what direction from Jerusalem is Bethlehem 1 Hebron 1 Joppa ? Where is the Mount of Olives ? Mount Pisgah ? What ruins near Mount Pisgah ? What lake in the northern part 1 In what direction from Acre is Nazareth ? What mount near Nazareth ? Tabor. For what is Bethlehem noted? It was the birth-place of our Saviour. For what is Nazareth noted ? It was the residence of the Saviour until he entered upon his ministry ARABIA. How is Arabia bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ ated ? What strait south of Arabia ? How is Mocha situated 1 148 PART SECOND. For what noted? Its excellent coffee. Where is Mr>oat? Aden ? For what noted ? It is a free port, open to the ships of all nations. In what direction from Mecca is Medina 1 What town on the Red Sea south-west of JNIedina ? Y. Where is Sana 1 Deraia 1 What mountains in the northern part of Arabia 1 Ramleah. How long is the Red Sea 1 What cape dt the south-eastern extremity of Arabia 1 What strait between Persia and Arabia "? Ormus. What isthmus connects Arabia with Egypt ? What town on the isthmus at the head of the Red Sea 1 What noted mountain near Suez 1 PERSIA. How is Persia bounded ? What is the capital and how situ- ated ? In what part is Ispahan ? For what noted ? It was the ancient capital, and one of the most splendid cities of the east Are there any large rivers in Persia ? What strait between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman ? What town in the north-western part ? T. What town on the strait of Ormus ? Gombroon. Where is Shiraz ? What ruins near Shiraz ? What desert in Persia ? What springs on the western coast of the Caspian Sea ? Naphtha, or pure rock oil, which is bumed in lamps, and used as fuel. What mountains in Persia ? Elborz. AFGHANISTAN. How is Afghanistan bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? C. What river in Afghanistan 1: What course does it run, and where does it empty 1 What mountains on the north? How is Peshawur situated? Candahar, or Kandahar? Herat ? What country south of Afghanistan ? BELOOCHISTAN. How is Beloochistan bounded ? What is the capital, and how^ situated 1 By whom is Beloochistan inhabited ? By small, independent, warlike tribes. The chief, or Khan, resides at Kelat. What town in the south-easlern part? Bela. What town on the coast west of Bela ? Gwuttur. SIBERIA. 149 CAUCASUS, OR CAUCASIAN RUSSIA. How is Caucasus bounded 1 What does it comprise ? The country lying between the Black and the Caspian seas What are the principal divisions ? Circassia and Georgia What mountains between them 1 What is the capital of Gosorgia ? T. On what river is Teflis? Kur. For what noted ? Its hot baths. For what are the Georgians noted 1 Their beauty. What part of Caucasus belongs to Europe 1 That which lies north of the Cau- casian Mountains. ASIATIC RUSSIA. Q. What does Asiatic Russia comprise 1 A. Siberia, and the districts south of the Caucasus Mountains. When were these districts annexed to the Russian Empire 1 In 1801. What two ranges of mountains separate European from Asiatic Russia '^ U. C. SIBERIA. How is Siberia bounded 1 What is the capital of Eastern Siberia and how situated ? Ir. Of Western Siberia "? Omsk, on the Irtysh. How is Tobolsk situated? By whom inhabited ? Prin- cipally by exiles from Russia and their descendants. Where is Tomsk 1 Yakoutsk ? Ochotsk ? Where is Lake Baikal ? What town south of it ? Kiachta. What is the general course of the rivers of Siberia 1 What sea in the north-western part 1 What mountains on the south ? What sea in the south-eastern part ? Where is the Gulf of Obi ? Gulf of Anadir? How is Siberia separated from America? Where is Lake Tchany ? Between v/hat two rivers does it lie ? What town east of it, on the Obi? Where is cape Chalagskoi? What two large islands north and west of the sea of Kara ? Where is the river Kolima and where does it empty ? The Tungooska ? The Yenisei ? The Anabara ? The Olensk ? The Lena ? W^iat peninsma 150 PAKT SECOND. in the south-eastern part 1 Where is East Cape ? How wide is Behriiig's Strait? Where is cape Lopatka ? Where are Behring's Islands ? Where are the Tchantar Islands 1 What mountains north-west of the sea of Okhotsk ? Stanovoy. Where is the Island of New-Siberia ? What is the most northern cape ? What chain of islands south-west of cape Lopatka 1 TURKESTAN. How is Turkestan bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? By whom is Turkestan inhabited ? By differ- ent tribes of Tartars, the most powerful of which, are the Us- becks. How is Khiva situated ? For what noted? It is the chief slave market in Turkestan ? Where is Samarcand ? Khokan ? What sea in the interior ? For what noted ? It has no outlet, and its water is salt. What mountains on the south ? What lake near the eastern boundary ? What two large rivers empty into the Sea of Aral ? What course do they run ? What river forms the boundary line betwen Turkestan and Russia in Europe ? What mountains between Turkestan and the Chinese Empire ? How long is the Aral Sea ? How long is the Caspian ? INDIA. Q. What does India comprise ? A. Two large peninsulas, which form the southern portion of Asia, viz.: Hindostan and Farther India. Q. For what is India noted ? A. For its immense population, and its valuable productions. Which peninsula extends farther south, the eastern or the western ? Which extends farther north 1 Which is the larger? What sea on the east ? What on the west ? What mountains on the north ? HINDOSTAN. How is Hindostan bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? What range of mountains between Hindostan and FARTHER INDIA. 151 the Climese empire? What mountains in the southwestern part ? What direction is it from Calcutta to Cashmere ? Where is Cashmere situated 1 For what noted ? For its rich and beau- tiful shawls. Where is Great Sandy Desert ? What two rivers flow into the noHhern part of the Bay of Bengal ? What is the eastern coast of Hindostan called ? What^ the western \ How is Patna situated ? Surat ? Madras? Bombay? Pondicherry ? What is the most southern cape ? Where is Lahore ? Wha« river flows through the north-western part of Hindostan ? In what direction does the Godavery flow, and where does it empty ? The Nerbuddah ? Where is Seringapatam ? Luck- now ? Cambay ? What town between Cambay and Bombay ? Where is Tatta ? On which side of the river Indus? What town on the other side, a little north of Tatta ? Where is Benares ? Cochin ? Agra ? In what part is Nagpoor ? Dacca ! Aracan ? In what part is the Hoogly River ? The Kistna, oi Krishna River ? On what river is Cuttack ? On the Mahanud dy. Where is Goa ? Delhi ? What large island south ot Hindostan ? What town west of Benares, on the Ganges "> Allahabad. Where is the Gulf of Cambay ? Where are Candy and Colombo ? What gulf between Ceylon and Cape Comorin \ What strait between Ceylon and Hindostan ? Palko Strait. Tc whom does Ceylon belong ? G, B. What clusters of islands south-west of Hindostan in the Indian Ocean ? What noted tree in Hindostan ? Banyan tree. Where is Hyderabad ? Foi what was Golconda formerly noted ? For its diamonds. FARTHER INDIA. How is Farther India bounded ? Q. What does Farther India comprise ? A. The empires of Burmah and Anam, the kingdom of Siam, the British possessions in the western part and the Malay peninsula. In what part is Birmah ? What two divisions lie on the Gulf of Tonquin and the China Sea? In what part is Cambodia? Which is the most southern division^ In what part is Siam 152 PART SECOND. BTRMAN EMPIRE. How is Birmah bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated 1 What course does the Iriawaddy flow, and where does it empty ? What town a little south-west of Uraerapoora ? For wnat is Ava noted ? For its splendid temples and palaces. "Where is Rangoon ? For what noted ? Its commerce, and the great temple of Shoe Dagon. What cape near the mouth of the Irrawaddy ? What gulf on the south ? Gulf of Martabaii. EMPIRE OF ANAM. How is Anam bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? For what is Hue noted 1 For its strong fortress. Q. What are the divisions of the Empire of Anam ? A. Tonquin, Cochin-China, Cambodia, and part of Laos. Where is Saigon situated? For what noted ? For its citadel and the beauty of its scenery. It is the largest city in the em- pire. Where is Kesho? What cape at the southern extremity of Anam ? Cambodia. SIAM. How is Siam boundea ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? What river flows through tho centre 1 M. Where does it empty ? What town on the Meinam, north of Bankok ] What peculiarity has Bankok, the capital? The houses are many of them built upon rafts in the river, which may be easily floated from place to place. BRITISH POSSESSIONS. Q. What do these possessions comprise ? A. Two long narrow countries in the western part, the Malay peninsula or Malacca, and the islands of Penang and Singapore. CHINA. 153 In what part is Aracan ? Amherst ] What river west ol Assam ? B. Which way does the Salweiii flow, and where does it empty ? Where is Patani ? Malacca 1 What cape at the southern extremity of Malacca ? R. How is Malacca separated from Sumatra ? Where is Singapore ? For what noted 1 For its free port and extensive commerce, CHINESE EMPIRE. How is the Chinese Empire bounded ? What is the capital and how situated 1 Q. What does the Chinese Empire embrace ? A. China, Chinese Tartary, Corea and Thibet. Which is the largest of these divisions ? Which the smallest ' Which has no seacoast ? Which forms a peninsula 1 Which is the longest river, and through what division does it flow 'i CHINA. How is China bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? Q. What great national works in China ? A. The Great Wall and Grand Canal. Q. Describe the Great Wall "? A. It is 1,500 miles long, 24 feet high and 20 broad on the top. It was built 2,000 years ago. Q. Describe the Grand, or Imperial Canal 1 A. It is 700 miles long, 200 feet wide, and 60 deep in some places. For what is China noted 1 A. For its great antiquity, its singular customs, and lis jealousy of other nations. For what is Pekin, the capital, noted ? It is one of the largest and most populous cities in the world. It is composed of tw-o distinct towns, each of which is surrounded by a wall thirt> 1* 154: PAET SECOND. feet high. How is Nankin situated ? For what noted? It -vras* formerly the capital, and the most beautiful city in the empire • but now it is reduced. It is still noted for its extensive manu factures, the learning of its citizens, and its porcelain tower, which is 200 feet high. What do the names Pekin and Nankra sig nify ? The Northern and Southern Court. How is Canton situ ated ? For what noted ? It has a more extensive commerce than any other city in China, and until 1842, it was the only free port in the Empire. What other ports are now free ] Amoy, Footchow, Ningpo and Shanghae. Which o-f these has the greatest commerce ? S. How is Macao situated 1 What gulf north-west of the Yellow Sea ? if. Where is Singan ? Where is Poyang Lake ? What lake west of it ? Touting. Which is the longest river in China, what course does it run, and where does it empty ? In what part is the Canton River, or the Hoang Kiang ? What mountains cross the southern part of China ? The Meling Mountains. What mountains cross the northern part ? The Peling Mountains. What river north of the Peling Mountains ? Where is the island of Hong Kong ? To whom does it belong "? G. B. Through what island does the Tropic of Cancer pass ? Where is Hangtchow ? In what direction is Pekin from Canton ? What large city in the United States is nearly in the same latitude with Pekin ? Which are the principal islands that belong to China ? Hainan, Formosa, and the Loo-choo group. What strait separates China from For- mosa 1 How long is Formosa ? 220 miles. In what direction from Formosa, is Hainan ? How long is Hainan '^ 200 miles. THIBFT. How is Thibet bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ ated ? For what is Lassa, the capital, distinguished ? It is the residence of the Grand Lama, or God upon Earth, whom the Chinese worship. On what river is Teshoo-Lomboo situated ? B. What direction is it from Lassa ? For what noted ? For its large monastery, composed of 400 houses, surrounded by a very high wall, in which an inferior Lama resides EMPIBB or JAPAN. 155 Where is Little Thibet ? What is the principal town > Leh. For what noted? Its wool trade. On what river is it situated ? What mountains m tne souttiern part ? H . CHINESE TARTARY. How is Chinese Tartary bounded ? What mountains between Chinese Tartary and Siberia? What river crosses the north- eastern part ? What course does it run, and where does it empty? In what pant is Littk Bokhara '^ Soongarial Mongolia f What deserts in Chinese Tartary? Where is Kirin-Oula? Cashgar ? What sea touches the north-eastern part ? What channel separates Chinese Tartary from Saghalien Island ? COREA. What is Corea ? How is it bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? EMPIRE OF JAPAN. Q. What does the Empire of Japan comprise ? A. The islands of Niphon, Kiusiu, Jesso and Sikof k, or Sikoke. What is the capital ? J. How situated ? For what noted ? Its great number of palaces. Where is Miaco ? For what noted? It is the religious capital, and is the centre of learning and science. Where is Osaca ? Which extends farther south, Sikoke or Kiusiu ? Where is Jesso ? What is the chief town on Jesso ? M, What island north of Jesso ? What is its length ? 600 miles. What cluster of islands north-east of Jesso ? Which is the largest ? Staten Island. On which island is Nambu ? N How is Nangasaki situated ? 156 PART seco:n"d. REVIEW OF THE MAP OF ASIA. 1. Where are the following towns 1 Bagdad ? Seringapatam ? Nankin 1 Teflis ? Agra ? Bassora f Balk ? Lassa 1 Aden ? Mecca 1 Teheran ? Tauris ] Angora "i Dacca ? Diarbekir ? Amoy ^ Bombay ? Tomsk ? Cochin ? Damascus? Cambodia? Malacca? Mosul? Goa? Benares? Irkoutsk? Shiraz? Tobolsk? Pondicherry? Cabul? Hue? Ava? Aleppo? Bukharia ? Herat '^ Surat ? Kelat ? Muscat? Candahar ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Godavery ? Jihpn, or Amoo ? Kiang-Ku, or Yangtse-Kiang? Euphrates ? Krishna, or Kistna ? Sihon ? Hoang-Ho ? Yenisei ? Meinam ? Indus ? Nerbuddah ? Cambodia ? Tigris ? Amour ? Ural? Granges? Burrampooter, or Brahmaputra ? Irravrnddy ? Lena ? Obi ? Helmund ? Irtish ? Kolima ? 3. Where are the following seas ? Caspian? Okhotsk? Japan? Black? Kara? Aral? Dead? Kamtschatka ? Arabian ? China ? Yellow ? Red ? 4. Where are the following islands ? Kurile ? Nova Zembla ? Andaman ? New-Siberia ? Kiusiu ? Nicobar ? Hainan ? Sumatra ? Saghalien ? Niphon ? Formosa ? Loo-choo ? Behring's ? Staten ? Socotra ? Cyprus ? Jesso "* Hong Kong? Sikoke ? Philippine? 5. Where are the following straits ? Behring's ? Malacca ? Ormus ? Formosa ? Corea ? Sangar, or Matsraay ? Babelmandel ? Channel of Tartary ? 6. Where are the following lakes, gulfs, or bays ? Baikal ? Balkhan, or Balcash, or Balcat ? Dzaisang, or Zai- zan ? Durrah, or Zurrah ? Poyang ? Lob, or Lop-Nor ? Tchany, orTcharry? Obi? Anadir? Tonquin? Siam? Persian? Marta- ban? Cambav' Oman? Bengal? Manaar^ AFEICA. 157 7. Where are the following capes 1 Lopatka? Chalagskoi ? Comoiin ] Cambodia, or Camboja 1 Romania ? East 1 8. Where are the following mountams 1 Little Altai 1 Hindoo-Koosh ? Ghaut 1 Peling 1 Himalaya ? Caucasian ? Beloor, or Belur Tag ? Sinai ? Great Altai ? Uial ? Taurus? Ramleah ? Meling ? 9. Where are the following towns ? Nangasaki? Cashmere? Columbo? Mocha? Candy? Miaco? Acheen 1 Tyre ? Bankok ? Jerusalem ? Jeddo ? Pe- kin ? Madras ? Calcutta ? Khiva ? Umerapoora 1 Canton 7 Kecho, or Kesho ? Smyrna? Cashgar? Lahore? Medina? Acre 1 Patna ? Palmyra ? Samarcand ? Tatta ? Ispahan ? Sana? Kangoon ? Baalbec ? Macao? Ningpo ? Tripoli? Hyde- rabad ? Singapore ? Amherst? Shanghae ? Osaca ? Matsmay ? Saghalien ? AFRICA. How is Africa bounded ? How is it con^if cted with Asia ? Q. For what is Africa distinguished ? A. For its immense deserts, its hot climate and un- explored regions. How does it compare in size with the other grand divisions of the Globe ? A. It is third ; being about three times as large as Europe. Which is the most southern cape ? The most eastern ? The most western ? The most northern ? What large island south east, of Africa ? What three clusters of islands near the north- western coast? What islands in the Atlantic Ocean south-west of the Gulf of Guinea ? What two large rivers in Africa? What mountains east of Ethiopia ? entre. from east to west ? 158 PART SECOND. BARBARY STATES Q. What do tiie Barbary States include 1 A. Morocco, Algiers, or Algeria, Tunis and Tripoli. Beled el Jerid, or Country of Dates, forms a part oi Barbary, and stretches along from the Atlas Mountains on the west, to Tripoli on the east. MOROCCO. How is Morocco bounded ? What is the capital, and how- situated ? What mountains in Morocco ? How is Fez situated ? For what noted ? It is the largest city in the empire, and was formerly noted for its literary institutions. How is Mogadore situated ? Santa Cruz ? In what direction from Morocco is Mequinez, or Mequinet 1 In what part is Mount Miltsin 1 How high is it ? 11,400 feet. What strait on the north? How wide is it ■? 15 miles. In w^hat part is Noon, or Nun ? What town on the coast next south of Mequinez ? Salee. For what has it been noted ? Its piracies. What cluster of islands west of Morocco ? What two towns situated on the strait of Gibral- tar? Tangier and Ceuta. What town in the eastern part? Tafilelt. For what noted ? It is a place to which persons are banished by the government for political offences. ALGIERS. How is Algiers bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated '^ Q. For what has Algiers been noted ? A. For its daring piracies and depredations on the seas. How is Oran situated ? Bona ? For what noted ? Its coral fishery. In what part is Hemsen. or Tlemsen ? In what direc- tion from Algiers is Constantina ? What mountains in Algiers ? EGYPT 159 What country south of Algiers and Tunis "i What are the principal towns in this country 1 Tuggurt and Gadames. For what are the towns in this region noted 1 They are mostly sur rounded by walls, and inhabited by different tribes. TUNIS. How is Tunis bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated 1 What noted cape in the northern part of Tunis 1 What direction is it from the capital 1 How is Kairwan situated ? What gulf in the eastern part 1 What town at its head ? Cabes. What lake west of Cabes 1 Lowdeah. The ruins of what ancient city are found north-east of Tunis 1 Carthage. What large island between Tunis and Italy 1 TRIPOLI. How is Tripoli bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? How is Mesurata situated "? What gulf north-east of Tripoli 1 In what part is Barca ? For what was the coast of Barca once noted ? For its three-fold crops. What is its capital, and how situated ? What town in the western part on the Gulf of Sidra 1 What desert south of Barca ? Where is FezzanJ What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? What is Fezzan ? Several oases, which produce large quantities of dates. EGYPT. How is Egypt bounded? What is the capital and how situated ? Q. For what is Egypt celebrated ? A. For its great antiquity, its early civilization, its vast pyramids, and magnificent ruins of its ancient cities. What noted river flows through Egypt ? What is the trian- gular tract of land between the mouths of the Nile called 1 160 PART SECOND. Delta. How is Alexandria situated? Where is Damietta'f What town west of Damietta, on the Mediterranean 1 R. Where is the town of Suez 1 Siout 1 In what part of Egypt are the ruins cf Thebes 1 What town en the coast of the Red Sea 1 What desert south of Egypt ? What is the size of the largest pyramid 1 It is 460 feet high, and covers thirteen acres of ground. Ancient historians say that 1 00,000 men were engaged twenty years in its construction. In what part of Egypt are the cataracts of the Nile 1 S. In what part are the pyramids ? On which side of the Nile are the ruins of Thebes 1 In what latitude is Cairo ? What isthmus in the north-eastern part I Between what two seas is it 1 NUBIA. How is Nubia bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? In what part is Dongola 1 Sennaar 1 What desert east of the Nile ? Which is farther north, Old or New-Dongola ? Where is the town of Sennaar 1 Where is Shendy, or Chendi ? What country south-east of Nubia ? ABYSSINIA. How is Abyssinia bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? In what part is Massuah 1 What lake in the Inte- rior 1 What strait on the east ? How wide is it 1 Twenty miles. In what part is Axum? For what noted? For its antiquities. It was the ancient capital. What other important towns in Abyssinia 1 Adowa and Antalo. OR GREAT DESERT. Q. What is the extent of this desert ? A. From the Atlantic on the west, to the Nile on the east, and from the Barbary States on the north, to Soudan on the south. It is 3,000 miles long, and 1,000 wide SIEEEA LEONE. IGl Q. Describe its appearance ? A. Its surface is composed of sand and gravel, witli- out vegetation. It is like the bottom of a dried up sea, with here and there^ a few fertile spots, called oases. From what city in Soudan do caravans start to cross the desert 1 In what part is Agdass 1 Fezzan 1 Tibestj ? Ti- sheet? What is Tisheet ? Where is Angela ? Where is Tuat ? What cape forms the most western point of the desert ? What cape north of cape Blanco 1 Barbas. Where is cape Bajador ? What cluster of islands north-west of cape Bajador 1 What country south-west of the desert 1 6KNEGAMB1A. How is Senegambia Lounded '^ What is the general course of the rivers of Senegambia, and where do they empty 1 Which is the most northern river ? What town at its mouth "^ Where is the Gambia River? What town at its mouth? What river next south of the Gambia 1 What cape between the mouth of the Gambia and the Grand 1 In what part is Timboo 1 How is Senegambia divided ? Into several small states. In what part is Bambouk 1 For what noted ? Its gold. What three nations have settlements along the coast? En., Por., Fr. What colony in the south-western part on the coast 1 SIERRA LEONE. To what nation does this colony belong ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. When, and for what purpose, was it established ? A. In 1787, for the purpose of suppressing the slave trade, and civilizing the-interior of Africa. On what river is Freetown? The Rochelle. What village south of Freetown ? York. What bay south of York ? Yawry. What colony on the coast south-east of Sierra Leone ? 162 PAKT SECOND. LIBERIA. How is Liberia bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. When, and by whom, was this colony established ? A. In 1820, by the American Coloiiization Society, to furnish a settlement for the free blacks and emanci pated slaves of the United States. On what river is Millsburg ? What cape near Monrovia 1 Name the principal settlements on the coast ? Marshal], Edina, Buchanan and Harper. What cape in the southern part ? Where is Grain Coast 1 Which way from Grain is Ivory Coast "^ What is the present condition of the colony ? Very flourishing, and is exerting a happy influence on the neighboring tribes. What country east of Liberia ? UPPER GUINEA. How is Upper Guinea bounded ? What range of mountams on the north ? What river separates Upper from Lower Guinea 1 In what part is the kingdom of AsJiantee ? What is the capital ? C. Where is Ivory coast ? Where is the kingdom of Dahomey 1 What is the capital ? A. Where is the kingdom of Betiin ? What is the capital 1 B. On what coast is Elmina ? What two capes on the Gold Coast ? Cape Three Points and Cape Coast-Castle. What country next south-east of Upper Guinea 1 LOWER GUINEA. How is Lower Guinea bounded ? Name the principal coun- tries in Lower Guinea ? In what part is Biafra ? What gulf or bay south-west of Biafra ? What island in the bight or bay of Biafra 1 To what country does Fernando Po belong ? Sp. Where is Prince's Island 1 What two islands south-west ol Prince's ? To whom do these three islands belong 1 Per. CAPE COLONY. 163 Where is Loango? What is the capital? What town north-west of Loango on the coast ? What town south-east I Cabenda. What river separates Loango from Congo ? What division south-east of Loango ? What is the capital of Congo ? What mountains east of Congo ? Crystal. What division south of Congo 1 What river flows through Congo 1 The Ambriz. What is the capital of Angola ? What river on the south between Angola and Benguela 1 What is the capital of Benguela ? What cape in the south- western part? Negro. What bay? What country south of Benguela ? CIMBEBAS. How much seacoast has Cimbebas ? 500 miles. Why are there no towns or settlements ? The whole coast is a desert, with but little fresh water. What two capes on the coast ? Frio and Cross. What bay on the south ? SOUTH AFRICA. Q, What are the divisions of South Africa ? A. Cape Colony, CafFraria and Natal. The north- ern portion is inhabited by different tribes Where is the Orange River ? What part is inhabited by the Hottentots ? By the Boshuanas ? The Zulus ? W. Where is Lattakoo, or Kruman ? Which is the most southern division ? CAPE COLONY. How is Cape Colony bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. When, and by whom, was Cape Colony settled ? A. In 1650, by the Dutch. 164 PART SECOND What mountains in Cape Colony? In what part are the principal settlements 1 What bay south of Cape Town 1 Table Where is Cape of Good Hope ? What is the most southern cape of Africa ? In what part is Georgetown ? What town in the south-eastern part ? G. What bay on the west 1 St. H Under what government is Cape Colony ? G. B. What division north-east of Cape Colony 1 What was formerly the extent of Caffraria, and what is it now ? It formerly extended from Cape Colony to Mozambique ; but frequent wars between the colonists and the native CafFres, have reduced the country to a district of about 160 miles on the coast. Where, and what is Natal ? It is the middle portion of what was formerly called Caffraria. It is a British settlement, ex- tending about 200 miles on the coast. What is the chief town ? D'Urban, or Port Natal ? What tribe occupies the country north of Natal ? The Zoolu tribe. What bay east of Zoolu country ? Delagoa Bay. What river between this country and Mozambique 1 The Manice. MOZAMBIQUE. How is Mozambique bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? What bay south of Mozambique 1 What large river runs through the centre of Mozambique ? What town situated at its mouth. 1 Where is Sofala ? On what river is Sena? What town on the Zambezi north-west of Sena? To whom does Mozambique belong ? To the Portuguese. ZANGUEBAR. How IS Zanguebar bounded?. What does this country em- brace ? Several states, among which, Magadoxa, Melinda, Mombas and Quiloa are the principal. In what part is Quiloa ? Melinda ? What town on the coast of Melinda in ruins ? M SOUDAN. 165 Where is Magadoxa ? What river ia the northern part oi Zanguebar ? What course does it run ? Where is the island of Zanzibar ] What island a little north of it 1 Where is Ajan f What cape at the northern extremity of Ajan ? G. What cape south of Cape Guardafui ? Orfui. What cape in the southern part ? Bassas. What two countries on the coast between Ajan and Abyssinia 1 Berbera and Adel. What is the chief town in Berbera "? B. What town in Adel ? Z. Which is farther north, Berbera or Zeyla 1 What gulf north ot Berbera ? Aden. What country stretches through the interior ^f Africa from Abyssinia on the east to Senegambiaon the west 1 SOUDAN. flow is Soudan bounded ? How is it divided ? Into f^veral small kingdoms or states. What lake in Soudan near the eentre of Africa ? What mountains on the south ? What noted river flows through the eastern part ? What one through the «v estern ? 1)1 what part is the kingdom of Darfur ? What is the capital '^ C. How situated 1 In what part is the kingdom of Bambarra ? What is the capital 1 S. How situated 1 What other town on the Niger east of Sego '? J. In what part is the kingdom of Tirribudoo 7 What is the capital ? T. For what noted ? It is the meeting point of cara- vans from Egypt and the Barbary States. In what part is the kingdom of Bornou ? What is the capi- ' tal? K. In what part is the kingdom of Kanem J What is the capi- tal ? Koriah. In what part is the kingdom of Mandara ? What is the chiei town 1 Mora. Where is the town of Wara 1 On what river, and in what part, is Boussa? 166 PART SECOND. In what part is the kingdom of Eoussa? What is the Tjhief town ? Kano. What country east of Lower Guinea ? Where is lake Victoria ? Has this region been exploi ed ? Where is the supposed source of the Mle ? In lake Usambiro, near the centre of Ethiopia. AFRICAN ISLANDS. What is the laigest island near Africa? What chavnel separates it from thw continent 1 What two capes, one at the northern and the oth«?r at the southern extremity ? What is the capital of Madagascttr, and how situated 1 What town on the eastern coast, nearly ^ast of Tananarivou 1 T. Where is Port Dauphin ? What bay south-west of Madagascar ? Augustine, Which is the most northern town ? Bembatooka. What mountain.*! in the southern pa/t 1 Red. What mountains in the northern part ? Radama. What tw'o noted islands east of Madagascar ? To whom does Mauritius, or the Isle of France, belong ? G. B. To whom does Bourbon belong ? Fr. Which is farther north 1 What town on Mauritius 1 What town on Bourbon ? Where are the Seychelle Islands ? The Aknirante Islands 1 To whom do they belong 1 G. B. Where is Aldabra Island ? What cluster in the northern part of the channel of Mozambique 1 Where is Socotra ? Where is St. Helena 1 What town on this island 1 Jamestown. For what is St. Helena noted 1 As the place in which Napoleon Bonaparte lived an exile for six years. In what direction from St. Helena is Ascension Island ? To whom do these two islands belong ? G. B. What town on A-Scension Island ? Georgetown. What four islands in the Gulf of Giunea ? Which is farthest north ? Which is farthest south % What cluster west of Sene- MALAYSIA. 167 gambia ? What cluster north of the Cape Verde Islands ? C. What cluster north of the Canaries 1 What cluster north-west of the Madeira Islands 1 To which cluster does Mayo belong"? Fayal 1 Porto Santo "? St. Jago ? Ferro and Teneriffe ? St fVIichael 1 St. Mary 1 OCEANICA. Q. What does Oceanica comprise ? A. The islands of the Pacific, which lie south-east of Asia. Q. What part of the land surface of the globe do these islands embrace 1 A. About one-eleventh. ^ Q. How are they commonly divided ? A. Into Malaysia, or East Indies, Australasia and Polynesia. MALAYSIA, OR EAST INDIES Q. Name the principal groups in Malaysia 1 A. The Sunda Isles, the Moluccas or Spice Islands the Manillas, or Philippine Islands, Celebes, Borneo, and several smaller islands near. What two islands are separated by the Strait of Sunda ? What four are crossed by the equator 1 Name the four Sunda Isles ? Sumatra, Java, Banca and Timor. Which is the most eastern 1 Which the most western 1 Which is the largest 1 Which is the smallest 1 B. What does the Strait of Malacca separate ? Which is the most northern town on the island of Sumatra ? How is Batavia situated 1 Where is Bencoolen ] On which of the Sunda Isles is Mount Ophir ? S. In what part of Malaysia are the Philippine Islands? Name the principal islands of the Philippine group 1 Which is largest ? What town situated on it 1 What town situated on the most southern of the group 1 M. To whom do these islands belong 1 Sj^.. 168 PART SECOND. Where are the Spice Islands? Name them ? Gilojo, Cerani, A-mboyna, Bouro and Banda. To whom do these belong '\ The Dutch. For what are they noted 1 For their aromatic spices. Where is Celebes ? What town situated in the southern part ? Macassar. To whom does this island belong ? The Dutch. Where is Borneo f What is the chief town 1 What islands north-east of Borneo? Sooloo. For what noted ? Their piracies. Where is Floris ? AUSTRALASIA. Q. Name the principal islands in Australasia ? A. Australia, New-Guinea, New-Zealand and Van Dielhen's Land. Which is the largest 1 What was its former name ? New- Holland. To whom does it belong ? G. B. What are its chiei divisions 1 For what is the island noted 1 Its mild climate, fer- tile soil and valuable minerals. Gold is found in great abun- dance. What mountains in Australia ? Blue. W^hat is the principal river ? In what part is Albany ? Melbourne ? Which is the most northern cape ? Which is the most northern town 1 What gulf in the northern part 1 What strait between Aus- tralia and New-Guinea? W^here is Botany Bay ? What is the most south-western cape? Where is Shark's Bay ? Sidney? Perth ? Cape Flattery ? Which is the most eastern cape ? Sandy. Where is Swan River Colony ? Adelaide ? What strait separates Australia from Van Diemen's Land ? Where is Cape Howe ? What large island north of Australia ? By what other name is New- Guinea sometimes called? Papua. Name the other islands in the north-eastern part ol Australasia ? Louisiade, New-Britain, New-Ireland, Solomon's Archipelago, New-Hebrides and New-Caledonia. W^hat may be said of New-Guinea and the othei islands just named ? Ttiey have not ytt baen fully exploied, and but little is known re- specting them, jxcopt that they are inhabited by savages, divided into petty tribes, which are coniinuuliv at war with each other. REVIEW. 169 Where is Van Diemen's Land? What is the chief town? To whom does this island belong ? For what purpose is it used ? As a place of banishment for convicts. Where is New-Zealand? How many islands does New- Zealand comprise *? Three. To whom does it belong 1 G. B. What is the name of the smallest? What strait separates the two large islands of New-Zealand ? What town situated on Cook's Strait? Wellington. Where is the Bay of Islands? In the northern part. What island south-east of Coo 't's Strait ? POLYNESIA. Q. What does Polynesia comprise ? A. The numerous islands of the Pacific Ocean, between Malaysia, Australasia and South America. Q. Name the principal groups ? A. Pelew, Ladrone, Caroline, Sandwich, Marquesas, Society, Friendly, Fejee and Navigator's. Which are the most civilized? The Sandwich Islands. What is the capital of the Sandwich Islands ? H. On what island is Honolulu situated ? 0. Where are the St. Andrew's T The Washington ? The Pelew ? The Kerraadec ? In what direction from Pitcairn's, are the Gilbert Islands ? What group between the Friendly and the Society Islands ? What direction is it from Gambler to the Marquesas Islands ? On which side of the equator are the Washington Islands ? Which is the most noted of the Society Islands ? 0. REVIEW OF AFRICA AND OCEANICA. I. Where are the following towns? Sego? Alexandria? Santa Cruz? Algiers? Damietta? Monrovia? Derne ? Tamatave? Loango? Thebes? Mo- gadore? Tripoli? Nun, or Noon? Melinda ? Dongola? Constantine ? Mozambique ? Tananarive ? Benguela ? Gon- .170 PART SECOND. dar? Cairo? Fez? Magadoxa? Timbuctoo ? Sennaar? 2eila j Tunis 1 Freetown 1 Quiloa 1 Sallee, or Rahat 1 Oran? Sofala? Suez? Berbera ? St. Salvador ? Benin? Cobbe ? St. Louis ? Rosetta T Mourzonk ? Massuah ? Tangier ? St. Denis ? Port Dauphin ? Cape Town 1 Zanzi- bar ? Georgetown? Boussa? Granam Town? Port Natal, or D'Urban ? Bathurst ? Port Louis ? Sidney ? Honolulu ? Batavia ? Manilla ? Perth ? Bencoolen ? Adelaide ? Acheen ? 2. W} ere are the following rivers, what course do they run, and wh re do they empty ? Niger ? Nile ? Congo, or Zaire ? Gambia ? Orange ? Zambezi ? Senegal ? Grande ? Haines ? Murray ? 3. Where are the following capes ? Palmas ? Bajador ? Bon ? Good Hope ? Verde ? Blanco ? Ambro? Three Points ? St. Mary? Agulhas, or LaguUas ? Guardafui ? Frio ? Delgado ? Flattery ? Howe ? Sandy Cape ? Chatham ? Corrientes ? 4. Where are the following gulfs, bays, or lakes ? Guinea ? Delagoa ? Maravi ? Fish, or Great Fish ? Cabes ? Tchad ? Walwich B ? Sidra ? Dembea ? Biafra ? Benin ^ Botany Bay ? Bay of Islands ? 5. Where are the following islands ? St. Helena ? Bourbon ? St. Thomas ? St. Antonio ? St. Jago ? St. Mary's ? St. Nicholas ? St. Michael ? Fernando Po ? Comoro ? Socotra ? St. Paul ? Ascension ? Aldabra ? TenerifFe ? Fayal? Zanzibar? Annobon ? Mayo? Princes? 6. Where are the following straits and channels ? Gibraltar ? Babelmandel ? Mozambique ? Torres ? Cook's ? Bass ? Sunda ? Malacca ? 7. Where are the following islands ? Palawan ? New-Zealand ? Timor ? Caroline ? Van Die- GENEKAL REVIEW 171 men's Land? Floris? Kermadec ? Mindanao? Pelew ? Washington ? Oahu ? Ladrone? Otahiti'? Pitcairn's ? Chat- ham ? New-Britain 1 Hawaii, or Owhyhee ? Celebes 1 Gilbert ? Gilolo ? New-Caledonia 1 Stewart's 1 8. Where are the following mountains and deserts ? Snow ? Kong 1 Atlas 1 Mountain s-of-the-Moon ? Red ? Lupata? Crystal? Sahara, or Great Desert ? Nubian"? Lybian ? GENERAL REVIEW. Middle, Southern and Western States, nor that of the British Isles. 1. Where are the following towns 1 Assumption ? Bristol ? Campeachy 1 Damascus ? Easton ? Fez 1 Gottenburg 1 Honda ? Ispahan ? Jassy ? Kingston ? (2.) Lyons? Montreal? New-Haven ? Oran ? Paris'? (2.) Quebec? Riga? Sligo ? Toronto? Ulm ? Victoria? Wil- mington? (2.) York? (3.) Zanzibar? Goa? Erie? Olmutz ? Groningen ? Rome ? (2.) Amherst ^ Patna ? Herat ? York- town ? Iowa City ? St. Ubes ? Utica ? St. Domingo ? Edenton ? Freyburg ? Upsal ? Lima ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and "vhere do they empty ? Sf4ne? Turkey? Uruguay? Dulce ? Yazoo? Haines? Amour ? Red ? Donetz f Albany ? Nelson ? Delaware ? Yellowstone ? Oka ? Ural ? White ? Illinois ? Loire ? Licking? Lena? Euphrates? Alabama? Rio Grande ? (3) Niemen ? Rock ? Athabasca ? Po ? Clarke's ? Des Moines ? Ganges? Yenisei? Save? Slave? Santa Cruz ? Sacra- mento? Sihon? Saladillo? St. Lawrence? Shannon? Sabine ? Senegal ? 172 PART SECOND. 3. Where are the following islands ? Sikoke? Samos-z St. Thomas ? Philippine? Prince of Wales ? Palawan? Orkney? Oaliu ? Royale? Rhodes? Teneriffe ? Trinidad ? Cape Breton ? Cyprus ? Celebes ? Chiloe ? Candia? Disco? Hong Kong? Corn? Minorca? New- foundland ? Oland ? Princes ? Queen Charlotte's ? Socotra ' Staten ? Scio ? Sumatra ? St. Catharine ? Staten Land ? Melville? Margarita? Saghalien ? Curacoa? St. Lucia ? Tobago ? Zealand ? Loochoo ? Isle of Pines ? 4. Where are the following towns ? Orleans ? Osaca ? Oaxaca ? Odessa ? Oporto ? Oswego ? Onega? Opelousas ? Orenburg? Owego ? Palermo? Puebla? Panama? Pisco? Prague? Potosi ? (2.) Pesth ? Padua? Pasco ? Philadelphia ? Pacific City ? Perth ? Parma ? Porto Seguro ? Plymouth? (2.) Port au Prince? Presburg? Popayan ? Peoria ? Parnaiba ? Paramaribo ? Pernambu- co ? Pontiac ? Payta ? Pensacola ? Plattsburg ? Para ? Petersburg ? Poughkeepsie ? Prairie du Chien ? Palmyra ? Port Dauphin ? Pondicherry ? Port Louis ? Port Natal, or D' Urban ? 5. Where are the following lakes ? Superior? Sabine? Ladoga? Slave? Maravi? Malar? Lob, or Lop Nor ? Ilmen ? Itasca ? Huron ? Geneva ? Great Salt ? Great Bear ? Enara ? Erie ? Durrah, or Zurrah ? Abbitibbee ? Balcat, or Balcash, or Balkhan ? Peipus ? Poy- ang ? Pontchartrain ? Nicaragua ? Red ? Tcharry, or Tchanny ? Rainy ? Tule ? Titicaca ? Tchad ? Salt, or Porongos ? Silver ? Wetter ? Winnebago ? Winnipeg ? Pepin ? Peoria ? Wener ? 6. Where are the following capes ? Ann? Agulhas ? Bathurst ? Blanco ? (3.) Ambro ? Ro- manzofr? Three Points ? Trafalgar? St. Vincent? St. Lewis? St. Roque? Sable? (2.) St. Antonio ? (2.) Verde ? PassaroT GENERAL REVIEW. 173 Prince of Wales? Palmasl St. Mary's ? St. Lucas? Delgado'? Sandy? Farewell? Fear? Frio? (2.) Finisterre ? Catoche? Cod ? Clear 1 Bojador 1 Gracias a Dios 1 Bon '? Naze ^ North 1 (3.) Orange 1 Moro Hermoso ? 7. Where are the following towns 1 Tokay? Tripoli? (2.) Tunis? Trenton? Tours? Turin? Tuscaloosa ? Timbuctoo ? Troy ? Thebes ? Tortosa ? Tou- louse ? Tucuman ? Toledo ? (2.) Teflis ? Tatta ? Tangier ? Toulon? Tula? Tornea ? Tallahassee? Tauris ? Trieste? Truxillo? (3.) Tomsk? Tamatave? Teheran? Tobolsk^ Thorn ? Tananarive ? 8. Where are the following gulfs or bays ? All-Saints? Martaban ? Baffin's? Bristol? Cabes ? Ch oco ? Biscay ? Bay of Islands ? Appalachee ? Delaware ? Donegal ? Fish, or Great Fish ? Fundy ? Finland ? Guay- aquil ? Green ? Genoa ? Bothnia ? G ainea ? Sidra ? St. Lawrence ? Saginaw ? Tampa ? San Francisco ? Taranto ? Thunder? Venezuela? Walwich ? Traverse? Tcheskaya ? Trinidad? Pascagoula ? Obi? Bengal? Oman? 9. Where are the following seas ? Yellow ? Zuyder Zee ? Marmora ? North ? Aral ? Okhotsk ? Red ? Mediterranean ? China ? Azof, or Azov ? Archipel- ago ? Caspian ? Dead ? White ? Irish ? Japan ? Arabian ? Kara ? Adriatic Sea, or Gulf of Venice ? Kamtschatka ? Black ? Baltic ? 10. Where are the following straits and channels ? Bonifacio ? Barrows ? Bass ? Babelmandel ? Cattegat ? Cook's ? Ormus ? Torres ? Malacca ? Messina ? Le Maire ? Juan de Fuca ? Hudson's ? Gibraltar ? Gut of Canso ? Skager Rack? Sunda? Otranto ? Frobisher's? Formosa? Enikale ? Dover ? Bristol Channel ? North Channel ? 11. Where are the following towns ? 174: PART SECOND. Valencia? (2.) Vicksburg? Yiborg? Villa Rica? Val- lejo? Vera Cruz? Varna? Vienna? Vandalia ^ Valladolid ? (2.) Villa Bella ? Vmcennes ? Valdivia ? Wilna ? Valparaiso ? Wheeling ? Waterford ? Wilkesbarre ? Wood- ville? Wetumpka? VVincliester ? (2.) Washington? (2.) Wes*; Point ? WiUiamsport ? Whitehall ? 12. Where are the following peninsulas and inlets ? Pen. of Alaska ? Of Florida ? Of Nova Scotia ? Of Yuca- tan? Of California ? Of Tres Montes ? Of St. Joseph's ? Ba- thurst In. ? Chesterfield ? New ? Cook's ? Mosquito ? 3 3. Where are the following forts, isthmuses and places "* Albany? Oaines ? Churchill? Gibson? Moose? Snelling? Smith? Vancouver? Walla- Walla ? Wayne? Towson ? Win- aebago ? Severn? York? Isthmus of Darien ? Suez? Council Bluff? Florida Reefs ? Falls of St. Anthony ? Grand Portage ? Great Bank? Hot Springs? Key West? Victoria Land? Spanish Peaks ? The Maelstrom ? Point Barrow ? Pictured Rocks ? Niagara Falls ? 14. Where are the following towns ? Astrachan? Acre? Amsterdam? Abo? Salt Lake City ? Santa Martha? S. Barbara? Sleswick ? Seville? St. Charles ? Salis- bury? St. Denis? Sofala ? Santa Fe ? (2.) Salem? (2.) Sal tillo ? San Antonio ? Sandusky ? Stockton ? Sego ? Sallee, oi Rabat ? Sidney ? Seringapatam ? Saghalien ? Smolensk ? S. Marino ? Silistria ? Skalholt ? St. Johns ? San Paulo, or St. Paul? Springfield? (2.) Sheffield? Salamanca? Saragossa ? Strasburg ? Scutari ? Salonica ? Santiago ? Schenectady ? Salta ? San Jose ? Suez ? St. Louis ? (2.) Sennaar ? Shawnee- town? Stettin? Sophia? St. Augustine ? Shiraz ? Sana? Staunton? St. Petersburg? Stuttgard ? Syracuse? Stockholm? St. Joseph's ? Sackett's Harbor ? Savannah ? (2.) San Fran Cisco ? Santa Cruz ? St. Stephen's ? Surat ? Shanghae ? St. Salvador ? Smyrna ? Singapore ? Samarcand ? 15. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? GENERAL REVIEW 175 Indus? Don? Lewis? Ebro ? Negro? (3.) Elbe? Salmon? Severn ? [rrawaddy ? Salado ? Alleghany ? Surinam ? Irtish * Nuces ? Bug ? Ems ? Washita ? Araguay ? Roanoke ? Esse- quibo ? Orinoco ? Tagus ? Hoang Ho ? East Main ? Para 1 Neuse? Amazon? Tiber? Zambezi? Puras? Nile? Bog? Beni ? Brazos ? Black Warrior ? Blanco ? Burrampooter, or Brahamapatra? Big Horn ? Cambodia? Clark's? (2.) Color- ado? Obi? Cape Fear? Cauca? Columbia? Churchill? Dal? Douro? Canadian? IS. Where are the following islands? Anglesea ? Abaco ? Annobou ? Behring's ? Aland ? Anti- costi ? Caroline ? Bourbon ? Aldabra ? Bermuda ? Andaman ? Chatham ? Comoro ? Cephalonica ? Dago '^ Elba ? Formosa ? Funen ? Cerigo ? Fayal ? Faroe ? Floris ? Corsica ? Corfu 7 Fernando Po? Southampton? Falkland? Great Britain? Gilolo ? St. Paul, or Ascension ? Grenada ? Grand Menan 1 Gothland ? Gilbert ? Hawii. or Owhyhee ? Milo ? St. Sebas- tian ? St. Felix ? Santa Cruz ? (2.) Shetland ? Rugen ? Sfc. Helena ? Sicily ? Terra del Fuego ? Isle of Wight ^ 17. Where are the following towns ? Baalbec ? Benin? Buenos Ay res? Bergen? Buda? Berlin' Bowling Green? Benares? Braga ? B'elfast? Bokhara? Brest ? Bremen ? Balize ? Brussels ? Batesville ? Boussa ? Bordeaux ? Berne ? Bedford ? Benguela ? Batavia ? Bassora ? Barcelona ? Baton Rouge ? Bardstowu ? Bagdad ? Bologna ? Burgos? Burlington? (3.) Boston? 18. Where are the following lakes ? Athabasca ? Bevedero ? Huron ? Chapala ? Constance ? Deer? Ontario? Dembea? Champlain ? Baikal? Draisang, or Zaizan? Lake-of-the- Woods? Michigan? M istissinny ? Mirira? Miid? Little-Slave? Ottertail ? Palos ? Onega ? Moosehead' Maracaybo ? Okee-cho-bse ? Pyramid ? St. Clair ? 19- Where are the folio wins: mountains ? 176 PART SECOND. Appenines 1 Acaray ? Beloor, or Belur Tag 1 Blue Ridge 1 Balkan 1 Mountains-of-the-Moon 1 Meling 1 Atlas ? Alps I Arctic Highlands I Alleghany? Brazilian? Carpathian? Black Hills 1 Kong 1 Cumberland 1 Andes 1 Cantabrian 1 Chimbo- razo? Snow? Peling? Mount Chilian ? Crystal ? Cevennes] •Red? 20. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Niger ? Osage ? Pilcomayo ? Port Desire ? Topajos ? Big Sandy? Colorado? (2.) Danube? Drave ? Cumberland? Pai- chora? Oder? Orange? Ucayale? Volga? Rhone? Tornea ? Minho ? Meinam ? Onega ? Ottawa ? Nerbuddah ? Paraguay ? Red Cedar ? Murray ? Wisconsin ? Gambia ? Wabash ? Weser ? Tigris ? St. Francis ? Potomac ? Pruth ? Parana ? Penobscot ? Mayne ? Montreal ? Merrimac ? Virgen ? Vermejo ? Theisse ? Saskatchawan ? St. Louis ? Godavery ? 21. Where are the following towns ? Columbia ? (2.) Cadiz ? Cape Haytien ? Caraccas I Chicago ? Cuzco "^ Catania ? Corinth ? Cambodia ? Cape Town? Carmel? Cagliari ? Cologne? Copiapo ? Columbus? (2.) Claiborne? Cairo? Cabul ? Cashgar ? Council Bluff? Cobbe ? Callao ? Cumana ? Christiana ? Calais ? Carlscrona 1 Coquimbo ? Concord ? Constantino ? Cassville ? Carlisle ? Co- chin ? Candy ? Cordova ? (2.) Copenhagen ? Charleston ? (2.) Carthagena ? Cincinnati? Christobal ? Corrientes ? Cronstadt? Candahar? Columbo? Chillicothe ? Corunna ? Cork? Cash- mere ? Cleveland ? Cahawba ? Cayenne ? Colberg ? Cherson ? Coimbra ? Cracow ? 22. Where are the following bays or gulfs ? Massachusetts? Matagorda 1 Riga? San Antonio? Pensacola ? Lyons ? Honduras ? Hudson's ? Georgia ? Delagoa ? Benin ? Biafra ? California ? Chesapeake ? Penas ? St. Mathias ? St. George's? Botany? Blanco? Campeachy? Penobscot? Pana. ma ? Monterey ? Mobile ? Onega ? Darien ? Mexico ? Mos- quito? Gray's? Boothia? Manaar? Cambay? Persian? Siam] Tonquini Anadir? GENERAL REVIEW. ITT 23. Where are the following sounds and deserts 1 Queen Charlotte's ? Nootka ? Norton 1 Puget's 1 Pamlico » Long Island "? Lancaster ? Prince William's 1 Smith's 1 Nu- bian 1 Great Sandy 1 Sahara, or Great Desert ? Atacama 1 Great American 1 Lybian 1 Great Desert of Gobi ] Great Salt 1 24. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty 1 Apalachicola ? Chippeway ? Congo, or Zaire ? Connecticut 1 Chatahoochee } Dniester 1 Dwina "? Garonne ? Gila 1 Great Pedee 1 Glomma ? Green 1 (2.) Gironde ? Guadiana 1 Duna 1 Guadalquiver ■? Dnieper? Grand? (3.) Great Sioux"? Helmund ? Hudson 1 Jihon, or Amoo 1 James' ? Javary ? Kiang Ku, or Yang-tse-Kiang ? Kanawha 1 Klamath ? Kennebec ? Krishna, or Kistna ? Kolima ? Mezene ? McKenzies ? Thames ? Moose ? 25. Where are the following mountains ? Pyrenees? Rocky? Rannier? Sorata? Ramleah? Sierra Mo- rena ? Sinai ? Shaste Peak ? Sierra Nevada ? St. Helen's 1 Taurus? Ural? White? Vulcan? Vesuvius? Geral ? Green? Ghaut ? Great Altai ? Guadalupe ? Hecla ? Himalaya ? Lupa- ta ? Hindoo Koosh ? Little Altai ? Franklin ? Montserrat ? St Elias? Cotopaxi? Caucasus? Cordilleras? Dofrafield? Etna "^ 26. Where are the following towns ? Aberdeen? Athens? (2.) Arta? Acapulco? Agra? Arica? Camden? Archangel? Albany? (2.) Arequipa ? Arispe i Antwerp ? Alicante ? Abingdon ? Aleppo ? Algiers ? Austin ? Auburn ? Annapolis ? Adrianople ? Aspinwall ? Apalachicola ? Adelaide? Astoria? Augusta? (2.) Amoy ? Aden? Acheen ? Ava ? Angora ? Adrian ? Alton ? Alexandria ? (2.) Espiritu Santo? Edinburgh? Eastport? Elsinore? Jaen? Jackson? (4.) Jacksonville? (3.) Jefferson City? Inverness? Indianapolis? Irkoutsk ? Ithaca ? Kiev ? Kola ? Konigsburg ? Knoxville ? Kelat? Quincy? Quito? Quiloa ? Uleaborg ? Umea ? Upper- navick ? Rangoon ? Rochester ? Rosetta ? Ravenna ? Rio Janeiro ? 1T8 PART SECOND. 27. Wnere are the following capes 1 Corrientes'? (2.) Florida? Charles'? CanaveraH Chatham 1 Gallinas, or Vela ? Good Hope 1 Henry 1 Howe 1 Henlopen ? Guardafui 1 Hatteras 1 Flattery 1 (2.) Lookout 1 Lizard Point 'i King's? Lisburne? Matapan ? Land's-End? Point Concep lion? Oxford? Malabar? Ortegal ? Mendocino? 28. Where are the following islands ? Cyprus ? Hebrides, or Western ? Hainan ? Iceland ? Ivica ? Ireland ? Jesse ? Jersey ? Jamaica ? Isle of Man ? Johannes ? Key West ? Juan Fernandez ? Kodiak ? Kurile ? Long ? Ker- madec ? Kiusiu ? Ladrone ? Lipari ? LafFoden ? Vancouver's ? Zanzibar ? Van Diemen's Land ? Washington ? The Apostles ? Wellington? Timor? Santa Rosa? Stewart's? Sardinia? St. Antonio? Scilly ? St. Michael? Pelew ? St. Mary's? Pit- cairn's ? St. Nicholas ? Quibo ? Oesel ? Otahiti ? Prince Edward's ? 29. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run and where do they empty ? Mamore? Xingua? Maroni ? Monongahela ? Madeira? Mis- souri ? Mohawk ? Magdalena ? Maumee ? Mississippi ? St Lawrence ? Savannah ? Kama ? St. John's ? San Joaquin 1 Susquehannah ? Shenandoah ? St. Croix ? (2.) Tocantin's ? Topajos ? Tennessee ? Tombigby ? Rhine ? Vistula ? 30. Where are the following towns ? Bangor ? Brunswick ? Belleville ? Barboursville ? Berbera f Bathurst? Balk? Bencoolen? Bombay? Bayonne ? Belgrade? Bilboa ? Brunn ? Birmingham ? Breslau ? Bucharest ? Bogo- ta ? Dresden? Dublin? Dijon? Drontheim ? Dover? (3.) Dantzic ? Dacca ? Detroit ? Dongola ? Dayton ? Derne ? Darien? Dunkirk? Donaldsonville ? Danville'^ Damietta ? Dubuque? Diarbekir ? Frankfort? (3.) Ferrol? Fredericks- burg ? Florence ? (2.) Freetown ? Fort Wayne ? Frederick 'J Gratz? Fayette ville ? Geneva? Graham Town ? Glasgow] GENERAL REVIEW. 179 Gallipoli ? Grenada 1 Gottingen ? Galway 1 Ghent ? Gib- raltar 1 Guamanga ? Georgetown 1 (3.) Gondar ? Guaya- quil ? Galena 1 Galveston ? Genoa 1 Greenville "? 31. Where are the following straits and channels 1 Behring^s 1 Belleisle ? Constantinople, or Bosphorus 1 Cum- oerland 1 Davis' ? Dardanelles 1 English Channel 1 Corea ? St. George's 1 Sangar, or Matsmay ? Mozambique 1 Chan nel of Tartary ? Mackinaw ? Magellan 1 32. Where are following towns 1 Havana ? Hanover ? Halifax ? (2.) Holsteinburg 1 Hope- dale, or Hoffenthal 1 Hague ? Helena ? Hue 1 Havre ? Hartford 1 (2.) Hermanstadt ? Harrisburg ? Harmony ? Hot Springs? Herculaneum ? Honolulu"? Hamburg? Hunts- ville 1 Hallowell ? London ? Lahore 1 Liege ? La Kochelle ? Louisburg ? Lewisburg ? Lublin ? Liberty ? La Paz ? Lis- bon ? Lisle ? Lansing ? Leipsic ? Lafayette ? Larissa ? Londonderry? Lynchburg? Lassa ? Little Rock ? Limerick? Lancaster ? Leon ? (2. j Louisville ? (2.) Lubec ? L'Orient ? La Rioja ? Leeds ? Lexington ? Loango ? Laguayra ? Rheims 1 Richmond ? Rotterdam ? Revel ? Ragusa ? Zeila ? Zurich 1 Zanesville ? Lemberg ? Liverpool ? Rouen ? 33. Where are the following islands ? Mas a Fuero ? Malta ? Mayo ? M anitouline Isles ? Mmdinao i Majorca ? Nantucket ? Niphon ? New-Zealand ? Nicobar ? New-Britain ? New-Caledonia ? Naxio ? New-Siberia ? Negro- pont ? Nova Zembla ? 34. Where are the following towns ? Manheim? Madrid? Metz? Monterey? (2.) Milan? Mes- sina? Munich? Mantua? Mem el '^ Maranham? Macao? Missolonghi ? Malaga ? Moscow ? Montpeiler ? (2.) Madi- son? Murcia? Merida ? (2.) Mobile? Mecca? Matanzas ? Milwaukie ? Memphis ? Montgomery ? Monroe ? Mead- viile? Milledgeviile ? Maracaybo? Marietta? Montevideo? 180 PART SECOND. Marseilles? Maysville ? Morgantown ? Monrovia? Mel bourne 1 Montezuma 1 Madawaska 1 Mosul 1 Macon 1 Mocha 1 Matsmay 1 Magadoxa ? Mogadore 1 Malacca 1 Melinda? Muscat? Miaco ? Mozambique? Mourzouk ? Medina ? Manilla ? Massuah ? Nantes ? Nain ? Navarino ? Newport ? (2.) Ningpo ? Nice ? Natal ? Nancy ? New castle? Naples? New- York? Nankin? Newbern? New- Orleans ? Napoli ? New-Amsterdam ? Newburgh ? Novo- gorod ? Nashville ? Newburyport ? Newark ? New-Albany ? Noon, or Nun? Natchez? New-London? Nacogdoches] New-Madrid ? Natchitoches ? Nangasaki ? THE TER-RESTKIAL GLOBE. 1^1 PART THIRD. INTRODUCTION To the use of the Terrestrial Olobt: Q. What is the Terrestrial Globe 1 A. It is a round body representing the earth, with all ita divisions marked out as on the map of the world, and is used in the study of geography. What is the Axis of the earth 1:^ What are the Poles 1 What is the Equator % What are Great Circles ^t What are Less Circles ? What are Meridians 1 Into how many degrees 18 every meridian divided 1 How is each degree divided ? Into sixty equal parts called minutes. How is each minute divided 1 Into sixty equal parts called seconds. Q. How many horizons are there 1 A. Two ; sensible and real. Q. What is the Sensible Horizon ? A. It is the line where the earth and sky seem to meet. Q What is the Real Horizon 1 A. It is a great circle which divides the earth in*o upper and lower hemispheres. Q. How is the horizon divided ? A. Into four equal parts of 90-^ each. * See page 6 t Page 43. 1S2 PART THIRD. Q. What is the Wooden Horizon ? A. [t is a wooden circular frame on which the globe rests. Q. What is the Brazen Meridian 1 A. It is the circle of brass in which the globe turns, and ib divided into 360 equal parts. What are zones 1^ How many are there, and what are their names 1 Describe the limits of each 1 How many seasons has the Torrid Zone ? How many have the Temperate Zones ? How many the Frigid ? What is Latitude 1 What is Longi- tude? Are degrees of longitude equal in length? What is the greatest latitude a place can have ? What is the greatest longitude 1 Where has a place no longitude ? From what meridian do most nations reckon longitude If Q. What is the Ecliptic 1 A. It is an imaginary great circle in the heavens which the earth describes in its annual revolution round the sun. Q. How is this marked on the globe 1 A. Obliquely to the equator, making with it, an angle o.' 23 « 28/. Q. How is the ecliptic divided 1 A. Into 12 equal parts of 30° each, corresponding to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Q. What is the Zodiac ? A. It is a broad belt in the heavens, 16* wide, through tba centre of which the ecliptic is drawn. Q. How many Colures are there, and what are they ? A. Two ; one is the meridian which passes through the equinoctial points, called the equinoctial colure; the other is the meridian which passes through the solstitial points, called the solstitial colure. Q. Where are the equinoctial points ? A. Where the ecliptic cuts the equator Q. Where are the solstitial points 1 A. Where it touches the tropics. Q. Why are they called equinoctial pomts ? * See p. 46. f P. 45 THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 183 A Because when the sun reaches these points^ the days and nights are equal. Q. Why are the other points called solstitial ? A. Because the sun here appears to stand still, L e. it neither approaches the north or the south. Q. When does the sun reach the equinoctial points 1 A. March 21st, and September 23d. Q. When does it reach the solstitial points "? A. June 21st, and December 22d. Q. What is the Quadrant of altitude 1 A. It is a thin strip of brass divided into 90°, used to deter- mine the distance between any two places. Q. What is the Hour Circle 1 A. It is a small circle drawn round each pole, on which the hours of the day are marked. A movable index is attached to each pole, pointing to the figures in the hour circle. Q. How many degrees at the equator, does . each hour indi cate ? A. Fifteen. PROBLEMS. 1. To FIND THE LATITUDE OF ANT PLACE. Turn the given place to the brass meridian, and the degree directly over it indicates the latitude required. What is the latitude of Halifax 1 Boston 1 Liverpool ? Cape Horn? London? Constantinople'? Naples'? San Francisco? Calcutta 1 The mouth of the Amazon ? Cairo 1 Edinburgh "? Paris ? New-York 1 2. To FIND THE LONGITUDE OF ANY PLACE. Turn the given place to the brass meridian, and the degree on the equator under the meridian, shows the longitude required. What is the longitude of Moscow? Cairo? Philadelphia? Lisbon ? St. Petersburg ? New-Orleans ? Amsterdam ? Quebec ? Tunis ? Dublin i Madras ? Aleppo ? Boston ? Batavia ? Atiiens ? ' New-York ? 134: PART THIRD- 3. To FIND ALL THE PLACES ON THE GLOBE THAT HAVE THE BAME LATITUDE WITH ANT GIVEN PLACE. Turn the globe, and all places passing under the latitude of the given place, will be those required. • What places on the globe, have 513^ degrees north latitude ? What places have 16 degrees south'? What places have the same, or nearly the same latitude with Stockholm? New- Orleans? Philadelphia? 4. To FIND ALL THE PLACES ON THE GLOBE THAT HAVE THE SAME LONGITUDE WITH ANY GIVEN PLACE . Turn any place to the brass meridian, and all the places under the same edge, have the same longitude. What places have the same longitude with London ? Dantzic ? Boston ? Portland ? Vienna ? Lima ? Stockholm ? What places have no longitude ? 5. To FIND ALL THOSE PLACES THAT HAVE THE SAME HOUR AT THE SAME TIME . All places situated under the same meridian from the Arctic to the Antarctic Circle, have the same hour at the same time. What places have noon at the same hour with New- York ? Washington ? Vienna ? St. Louis ? When it is sunrise at Charleston, what time is it at the Isthmus of Darien ? When it is noon at Alexandria, at what places is it midnight ? When it is sunset at Vienna, at what places is it sunrise ? When it is midnight at New-Orleans, at what places is it noon-day ? 6 The latitude and longitude being given, to find the PLACE . Turn the given degree of longitude to the brass meridian, and under the given degree of latitude, will be the place required. THE TEKRESTRIAL GLOBE. 185 What place has 151^ east longitude and 34° south latitude 1 50° 50' east longitude and 32® 25' north latitude 1 5° 22' west longitude and 36® 5' north latitude 1 81® 11 ' east longitude and 8® 32 ' north latitude 1 What island, about 6* west longitude and 16° south latitude"? TUDE : Turn the given place to the brass meridian, the degree over tC 'will be the latitude, and the degree on the equator, cut by the meridian, will be the longitude. What is the latitude and longitude of the following places 1 Rome 1 Savannah 1 Canton 1 Quebec 1 Dublin 1 Stock- holm ? Bombay 1 Madrid 1 New-Orleans ? San Francisco ? Buenos Ayres 1 Lisbon 1 Botany Bay ? Aberdeen ? Liver- pool ? Boston 1 8. To FIND THE DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE OF ANY TWO GIVEN PLACES. Find the latitude of eaeh place, and subtract one from the other, if both are the same side of the equator, if not, add them. What is the difference of latitude between London and Ma- dras 1 Between Boston and Liverpool ? Between Rome and Aberdeen ? Between Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope 1 Between Berlin and Bristol ? Between Mexico and Coquimbo 1 Between Lima and St. Petersburg ? 9. To FIND THE DIFFERENCE OV LONGITUDE OF ANT TWO GIVEN PLACES . Find the longitude of both places, and subtract one from the other, if both are on the same side of the first meridian, if not j add them. TNoTE. — If the sum exceeds 180°, subtract it from SSO**, and the remainder will be the difference. "1 186 PART THIRD. What is the difference of longitude between London and Con stantinople 1 Between Morocco and Thibet 1 Between Mecca and Calcutta 1 Between Mount Hecla and Mount Etna 1 Be- tween Paris and Glasgow 1 10, To FIND THE DISTANCE BETWEEN ANY TWO PLACES ON THB GLOBE. Lay the graduated edge of the quadrant of altitude over the two places, and the number of degrees between them multiplied by 60, will be the distance required in geographical miles. Multiply by 69)^, and the distance will be expressed in Eng- lish miles. What is the distance between Quebec and New-Orleans ? Charleston and the Bermuda Islands I St. Helena and Paris '\ London and New- York ? Washington and San Francisco? Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope ? [NoTEi — If the distance exceeds the length of the quadrant, a string or pair of compasses may be used, which, applied to the equator, wilt give the distance in degrees.] IL A PLACE BEING GIVEN, TO FIND ALL PLACES AT THB SAMP DISTANCE FROM IT, AS ANY OTHER GIVEN PLACE. Turn the first place to the brass meridian, attach the quadrant oj altitude over it. and move it, till the graduated edge falls on the other place ; then turn it entirely round, and all the places cut by the circle, will be those sought. What places are at the same, or nearly the same distance from London, as Warsaw ? From Buenos Ay res, as Madrid 1 From Mecca, as Mexico 1 From Washington, as San Francisco ? 12. The hour at any place being given, to find what hour it is at any other place, Turn the place^ whose hour is given, to the brass meridian, and set the index of the hour circle to that hour ; then turn the globe till the proposed place comes under the meridian, and the index will point to the present hour at that place. When it is ten o'clock, A. M., in London, what time is it in AKCIENT CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 187 New- York ? Calcutta 1 Constantinople ? When it is midnight in Moscow, what time is it in New-Orleans 1 Buenos Ayres '^ Cairo ? Canton 1 When it is six o'clock, P. M., at Cape Horn, what time is it at Botany Bay 1 Q. Who are the Antmcians ? A. Those living in the same longitude and latitude with our lelves, only on the opposite side of the equator. . Q. Who are the PericEcians ? A. Those living in the same latitude with ourselves, but on opposite sides of the earth, or 180" difference of longitude. Q. Who are the Antipodes ? A. Those living on the part of the globe directly opposite to ourselves. [NoTK. — Questions on the above Problems mav be increased indefi- nitely, at the discretion of the teacher.] ANCIENT CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY, Q. What is Ancient Geography 1 A. A description of the earth's surface, as known to tho ancients. Q. To what periods of time does this term apply ! A. From the earliest records of geographical research, to tha downfall of the Roman Empire. Q. To what resources are we indebted for our knowledge of Ancient Classical Geography 1 A. To the writers of ancient Greece and Rome. Q. To what extent were those writers acquainted with the surface cf the earth ? A. Chiefly, the central and southern portions of Europe, the adjacent portions of Asia, and those parts of Africa bordering on the Mediterranean. EUROPE. Q. To what country did this name originally apply 7 A. Probably at first only to a small portion of Thrace, a country lying north of the iEgean Sea, or the Archipelago. The name was aftei wards applied to the whole continejat. 188 PART THIRD. Q. What general name was given to the northern coilntries of Europe? A. Scandinavia. -a Q. What was Scandinavia supposed to be ? A. A group of islands. Q. How did the Romans usually divide Europe ? A. Into Britannia, Hibernia, and the adjacent isles called InsulsB Minores, Hispania, Gallia, Germania, Illyricum, Pannonia, Italia, Graecia, Dacia, Rhsetia, and Sarmatia. Q. What other name was given to Britannia, and why ? A. It was called Albion probably from Albus^ on a'coount of the chalky cliffs on the S. W. Coast. Q. What is Britannia now called ? A. England, Scotland, and Wales. Q. What is the modern name of Hibernia ? 1. Ireland. Q, What was the ancient name of Scotland ? A. Caledonia. Q. What is the modern name of Hispania 1 A. Spain. Q. What did Gallia include ? A. France, and the western part of Switzerland. Q. What is the modern name of Germania ? A. Germany. Q. What is the modern name of Pannonia ? A. Hungary. Q. What did Illyricum include 1 A. Croatia, Dalmatia, and part of Turkey. Q. What are the modern names of Italia and Graecia ? A. Italy and Greece. Graecia included also part of Tur- key. Q. What did Dacia include 1 A. Transylvania, Wallacnia and Moldavia. Q. What countries were called Sarmatia Europaea 1 A. Russia and Poland. Q. What did Rhastia include 1 A. The eastern part of Switzerland and the Tyrol. ANCIENT CLASSICAL GEOGKAPHT. 189 SEAS. Where is ihe Aictic Ouean? What was its ancient name? Jfare Frlgrum, or CroT^ium. What was the ancient name of the North Sea? Oceanus Germanimis. Wliat was the ancient name of tlie Atlantic Ocean ? Atlanticnm Mare. Where is tlie Sea of Azof, or Azov? Wliat was it anciently called? Pcehis Meotis. What was the Black Sea cailea? Pontus Euxenua, What Sea between the Black Sea and the Ar Jiipclago ? What was its ancient name ? Propontw. What was the ancient name of the Archipelago 1 Mgeum Mare. Give the ancient name of the Mediterranean ■? Mare Internum. What sea west oi Greece 1 Mare Ionium. What sea west of Italy ? Mare Inferum, TyrrJie- num, or Tuscum. By what name was the Gulf of V\?nice known ?- Mare Hadriaticum^ or Superum. Give the ixKoiv it names of the Baltic ? Sinus Codaniis, or Mare Suevicuni. What were the ancient names of the Straits of Dover 1 Frc- turn Britannicum, or GalUcum. Where is the Bay of Biscay ? What was it called ? Oceanus, Cantabricus. Give the ancient name of the Strait of Gibraltar 1 Fretum Gaditanum. The Gulf of Lyons ? Galhcus Sinus. The Gulf of Genoa ? Sinus Li g'-is- iiciis. The Gulf of Trieste ? TergesUnus Sinus. The Strait of Bonifacio ? Fossa. The Strait of Messina 1 Fretum Siculum. The Dardanelles 1 Hdlespontus. The Strait of Constantinople 1 Bosporus Thracicus, or Thrdcius. The Strait of Kaffa 1 Bospo- rus Cimmerius. RIVERS. Where is the Oder ? What was its ancient name ? Via- dus. What was the ancient name of the Elbe ? Albis. The Weser ? Visurgis. The Scheldt ? Schaldis. The Rhine 1 Rhenus. The Thames ? Tamesis. The Seine 1 Sequana. The Loire ? Liger. The Garonne 1 Garumna- The Douro ? Durius. The Guadiana ? Anas. The Guadalquiver 1 Btetis 100 PART THIRD, The Ebro 1 Iberus. The Rhone % Rhoddnus. The Saone > Avar. The Arno ? Arnus. The Tiber ? Tiberis. The Adige '] Athesis. The Po ? Padus, or Er'iddnus. The Danube ? /s^er. The Dniester ? Tyras. The Dnieper ? Borysihenes. The Don ? T«»ae.s. The Volga 1 Rha. MOUNTAINS. Where are the Dofrafield Mountains ? What was their ancient name 1 Sevo Mons. The Ural Mountains ? Hyperborei, or Rhipeei Monies. The Pyrenees 1 Fyrencei Monies. The Alps 1 Alpes. The Apennines ? Apenninus Mons. The Carpath ian Mountains ? Carpates, or Bastarnicee Monies. The Bal kan Mountains ? Hctmus Mons. LAKES. Where is Lake Geneva ? What was its ancient name. Lacua Lemdnus. Lake Constance "^ Lacus Briganiinus. Lake Mag giore '? Lacus Verhdnus. ISLANDS. Where is Britania or Albion ? What is it now called 1 Where is Hibernia, and what is it now called 1 What is the ancient name of the Orkneys 1 Orcddes. Of Tvica 1 Ebusus. Of Ma- jorca '? Baledris Major. Of Minorca % Baledris Minor. 01 Elba '? JEthalia, or Ilva. Of Sicily ? Trinacria, or Sicilia. Ot Malta ? Meliia. Of Corfu ? Corcyra. Of Santa Maura ? Xet*- cac^ifa, or Leucas. Of Cephalonia ? Cephallenia. Of Zante 1 Zacynthus. Of Cerigo ? Cythera. _ Of Candia ? Cre^a. Of Negropont 1 Eubcea^. Of Belleisle ? Vindllis. Of Ushant ? C^r anii*. Of Jersey? Casarea. Of Guernsey'? Sarnia. OfAldi" ney "? Riduna. TOWNS. What was the ancient name of London? Londinuiii. Of York ? Eboracum. Of Carlisle ? Lugwcallum. Of Batli ? ^^?/flB /iSoZis. Where is Saragossa ? What was its ancient name ? ANCIENT CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 191 C(£sar A ugusta. Toledo "? Toletum. Carthagena ? Carthago Nova. What were the Pillars of Hercules 1 Calpe, or the rock of Gibraltar, and Abyla, on the opposite shore in Africa. Where is Cologne 1 What was its ancient name ? Colonia Agrippmay Mentz 1 Moguntiacum. Lyons 1 Lugdunum. Paris ? Lutetia. Rouen ? Rotomagus. Zurich ? Tigurum. Toulouse 1 Tolosa Marseilles 1 Massillia, Cherson ? Chersonesus. Caffa o-» Kaffa ? Theodosia. Padua ? Patavium. Trent ? Tridentum Where is Maatiia ? For what noted 1 It was the birth-place Of Virgil. Where is Modena 1 What was its ancient name 1 Mutina. Genoa I Genua. Florence ? Florentia. Rome 1 Latium. What was Ostia ? The port of Rome. What was the ancient name of Naples ? Neapolis. For what was Falernum noted 1 For its wines, Venafrum f For its olives. Venusia ? It was the birth-place of Horace. Luceria ? For its wool. Brundusium ? For its harbor, and as the place where Virgil died. Tarentum 1 For its commerce. Matinum ? For its bees. P(Bstum ? For its roses Metapontum ? For a school of Pytha- goras. Syharis ? For the effeminacy of its inhabitants, SEVEN WONDERS. What were the Seven Wonders of the ancient world ? 1 . The Pyramids of Egypt. 2. The Statue of Jupiter, at Olympia. 3. The Colossus, at Rhodes. 4. The Mausoleum, at Halicar- nassus. 5. The Temple of Diana, at Ephesus. 6. Tlie Walls of Babylon. If. The Royal Palace of Cyrus, or, as some say the Tower at Alexandria. Ilf DEX PART FIRST. Definitions 5, 10 Map of the World 10, 13 *' of North America. , . .13, 16 " of United States 16, 20 " of South America . . . .31, 23 Page. Map of Europe 23, 28 " of Asia .28, 32 " of Africa 32, 35 " of Oceanica 35, 36 Review 36, 42 PART SECOND. Page. Definitions 43, 45 IntroductoryLessons. ... 45, 49 United States 49, 87 Territories and Review. 87, 101 Brit. Am. and Alaska. .103, 107 Greenland and Iceland. 107, 108 Mexico, &c 108, 111 Westlnd. and Review.. Ill, 115 South America 115, 122 Europe 122 Page. Grreat B. and Ireland 123 England, Scotland, &c.. 123, 146 Asia 146, 157 Africa 157, 166 African Islands 166 \ Oceanica 167 \ East Indies 167 I Australasia 168 Polynesia 169 \ Review 180 PART THIRD. Page. I Page. Terrestrial Globe 181 Ancient Geography 187 Problems on the Globe 183 1 Europe 187 The Seven Wonders of the World 191 THE END. Hold last tlia.t "wlxicli T LIBRARY OF CONGRESS T o A7V- isr^O 021 650 969 NEW REVISED SERIES 0' BY SALEM TOWN, M, . D . ^OBLISHEP I'V ^ L B E R. T IS/T A. S O IST , N E W Y O I-^ K . TOWN'S TOWN'S TOWN'S TOWN'S TOWN'S TOWN'S THIB POPULAR 8EB1E8 BMBBACF' NEW SPELLER AND TEPINER. ... FIRST READER, half bound SECOND READER, do THIRD READER, do FOURTH READER, cloth FIFTH READER, do GRAMMAR SCHOOL READER, do... ANALYSIS, new and improved edition. 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The elocutionary rules for tho cultivation and management of llio voice are phil- I osophicaJ, and e:vsily understood and applied by tlic pu|)il. I 3. The numerous illustrations of tho rules are hapi«y in theii adaptation, and adBoir- ably arranged for p/ (fciical use. 4. Tho Lessons, both in reading and spelling, i. eet the proffre^sive-yv&uts of all gr.acles of learners, from the abecedr.rian to tlic mo^t advanced classes. 5. The selections aro particularly interesting an