wmm iijwiwi Miwmwuuii ill )Jlll l lUIMUU I >MiiU I IIWilW n \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Cliap Copyright No Slielf.3.._^_*=? -5 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, /> . SCHOOL GYMNASTICS WITH LIGHT APPARATUS BY JESSIE H. BANCROFT DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL TRAINING IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NEW YORK CITY, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN BOSTON, U.S.A. D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS 1900 r-." 61397 l^ibi^ry of Conv pv,u CDfiti *tai OCT 15 1900 stcow conr. OftOiii DIVISION, OCT 18 lyuu &V4-S-? Copyright, 1900, By JESSIE H. BANCROFT TYPOGRAPHY BY J, 8. CUSTIING A CO., NORWOOD, MASS. PRE8SW0RK BY JI. M. PLIMPTON A CO., NORWOOD, MASS. Contents PAGE Publisher's Note ...,..,... 5 Introduction 7 Explanatory Notes : 1. Period for exercise 10 2. Each lesson for one week 10 3. Place for exercise . . . . . . . .10 4. Floor formation . . . . . . , . .11 5. Position ; stretching 12 6. Tactics (facings and marching) . . , . . .15 7. Running .......... 16 8. Breathing I7 9. Commands 18 10. Exercises in series ig 11. Time ........... 20 12. Music 90 13. Leading 20 14. New exercises . . . 20 15. Progressive principles 21 16. Effects of exercises 21 17. Programmes for special exercises 23 Course of Instruction FOR Boys and Girls : Eirst series, first school year, second half, dumb-bells, \ pound 25 Second series, second school year, second half, wands, 3 feet . 57 Third series, third school year, second half, dumb-bells, J pound 91 Fourth series, fourth school year, second half, wands, 3^ feet . 133 Contents PAGE Fifth series, fifth year, boys and girls, Indian clubs, J pound . 179 Sixth series, fifth or sixth year, boys and girls, double series, wands, 4 feet . . . 215 Seventh series, sixth year, boys, bar-bells, 4 feet . . . 253 Eighth series, sixth year, girls, iron grace hoops, 1^ pounds . 297 Ninth series, seventh year, boys and girls, Indian clubs, 1 pound 335 Tenth series, seventh or eighth year, boys and girls, double series, dumb-bells, 1 pound 379 Eleventh series, eighth year, boys, dumb-bells, 1 pound . . 419 Twelfth series, eighth year, girls, dumb-bells, 1 pound , . 467 Publisher's Note The course of lessons herewith presented for public school use is in two divisions — free hand and light apparatus exer- cise respectively. Each of these divisions is a complete course in itself, covering eight grades of work from the lowest primary to the highest grammar. The free hand work can be used in the regular classroom, though a special room is obviously desirable. The apparatus work necessitates free floor space. Each grade of work is arranged in eighteen lessons, extend- ing over half of the school year. This does not cover the entire term of most school sessions, as it is considered best to use review work during times of examination and promotion, rather than to tax pupils with new exercises at such times. While each course is complete in itself, the two kinds of work are designed to be interchanged — half of the school year to be devoted to free hand exercise and the succeeding half to the apparatus. In grading the exercises each free hand series is used as the foundation for the movements of the apparatus work for the same year, which in turn, in the greater variety and freedom of its exercises, forms an advance upon the last series of free work. Both courses prepare for the heavier work of the gymnasium. Introduction The course of school gymnastics with light apparatus here presented supplements the course of free gymnastics contained in School Gymnastics, Free Hand. The course of free work comprises eight series or grades of lessons, each covering one half of the school year. The completed plan uses appa- ratus for the second half of each school year. In the full course, therefore, the free work alternates with the apparatus work throughout the eight years of the elementary school. The reasons for this alternation lie in the superiority of free work for the correction of posture, which is the main object of school gymnastics, and in the superiority of apparatus work for physiological results, for the cultivation of skill, and for the holding of interest and attention. In free gymnastics the concentration of attention upon the muscular sense, and especially upon the strong resistance of antagonistic muscular groups, results in greater expansion of the chest, and better carriage of the shoulders, head, spine, etc., than is apt to come from apparatus work alone. Too much emphasis cannot be placed upon the question of posture in any exercise intended for schools. The constant conditions of school life are such as tend to cultivate and fix what has been called the fatigue position, — a position in which the chest is contracted and flattened, the shoulders rounded for- ward, and the head and hips protruded forward. This is the typical school attitude where corrective gymnastics are not taken. The habit of incorrect position implies in the child a distorted muscular sense — the habitual feeling of a dispro- 8 Introduction portionate contraction and relaxation in opposing groups of muscles. A new adjustment of the muscles, and its main- tenance until correct posture becomes a habit, cannot be ac- complished without a conscious effort on the part of the pupil. This effort is better concentrated in free gymnastics. The limitations of free work are reached, however, when the pupil's interest flags because the work seems to him " too easy.'' The motor powers want instinctively some outlet requiring greater skill, more muscular strength, and greater range of movement than is possible without apparatus. By accustom- ing the body to correct form in typical movements without apparatus, the power of correct position may be used as a foun- dation for apparatus exercise without danger of cultivating incorrect positions. Apparatus work is advisable because it is more stimulating to the circulation, respiration, and other physiological processes, than free work. This effect comes partly through the resist- an. RISING ON TOES WITH WAND TO CHEST 1, rise on the toes and raise the wand to the chest ; 2, heels and wand down. Second Series, ]Vands — Boys and Girls 67 3. LESSON VI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging wand forward — One ! 8. h. Foot ! — forward — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step forward. c. Combine I 8 — 8. f a. Rising on toes — One ! 8. I h. With wand ! 8. r a. Trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8. I h. With wand ! 8—8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. E/unning. 10. Breathing— Begin ! Four times. 5. J 68 School Gymnastics SWINGING WAND FORWARD 1, swing the wand forward and upward to shoulder level at arm's length; 2, return the wand to position. Keep the head and waist firmly erect, and correct any tendency to throw the hips forward or the shoulders backward. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FORWARD AND SWINGING WAND FORWARD 1, point step and wand forward ; 2, heels together and wand down. 8. BREATHING In this and succeeding lessons the exhaling should be through the nostrils, the lips being closed. Second Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 69 LESSON YII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Swinging wand forward — One ! 8. 3. ] h. Foot 1— forward— place. 8—8. Ic. Combine! 8—8. r a. Rising on toes — One ! 8. '^' [h. With wand! 8. a. Raising wand vertically forward, right arm up — One! 8—8—8. 5. \ b. Trunk !— twist— front. 8—8. Note. — Trunk twisting. ;. Combine ! 8—8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 70 School Gymnastics 5 a. RAISING WAND VERTICALLY FORWARD 1, raise the wand to a vertical position at arm's length in front ; 2, return to position. Right arm uppermost eight counts ; left eight ; alternate eight. 5 6. TRUNK TWISTING 1, twist or rotate the trunk to the side ; 2, return to the for- ward position. The movement should be from the ankles, the feet remaining firmly in place and flat upon the floor. The head should turn with the trunk, but no farther. There should be no bending of the trunk sideways. V^ITF^S^ 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWIST- ING AND RAISING WAND VERTI- CALLY FORWARD 1, twist to the right and raise the wand vertically forward, the right arm up and the left down; 2, return to the front, wand down to position. In twisting to the left, the left arm should be up. Second Series, IVands — Boys ami Girls 71 LESSOK VIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a: Alternate swinging wand forward and aiming — One ! 8—8. 3. \ h. Foot! — forward — place — side — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Alternate point step forward and sideways. c. Combine I 8 — 8. { a. Eising on toes — One ! 16. 1^. With wand! 16. f a. Wand vertically forward, right arm up — One ! 8—8—8. h. Trunk !— twist— front. 8—8. I c. Combine ! 8 — 8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March! (Eeturn wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 6. I I 3 a. ALTERNATE SWINGING WAND FORWARD AND AIMING 1, swing the wand forward at arm's length to shoulder level ; 2, down to position ; 3, aim to the right side; 4, down to position. 3&. ALTERNATE POINT STEP FORWARD AND SIDEWAYS 1, point step forward ; 2, heels together ; 3, point step side- ways ; 4, heels together. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FORWARD AND SIDEWAYS AND SWINGING WAND FORWARD AND AIMING 1, point step forward and wand forward ; 2, heels together and wand down ; 3^ point step to the side and aiming to the same side ; 4,, heels together and wand down. 72 School Gymnastics , ^. . . . LESSON IX 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Alternate swinging wand forward and aiming — One ! 3. ^ b. Foot! — forward — place — side — place. 8 — 8. c. Combine! 8 — 8. a. Wand to chest, forward and return — One ! 16. b. Foot ! — forward — up — down — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Stepping forward and rising on toes. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Wand vertically forward, right arm up — One ! 8 — 8—8. b. Trunk !— twist— front. 8—8. ^c. Combine! 8—8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Return wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin! Four times. Second Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 73 4 a. WAND TO CHEST, FORWARD AND RETURN 1, raise the wand to the chest ; 2, extend the wand forward arm's length at shoulder level; 3, wand agam to the chest; 4, down to position. 4 6. STEPPING FORWARD AND RISING ON TOES 1, step forward, both feet flat upon the floor and the weight equal ; 2, rise on the toes ; 3, heels down ; 4, heels together. 4 c. COMBINATION OF STEP- PING FORWARD AND RISING ON TOES WITH WAND TO CHEST. FOR- WARD AND RETURN 1, step forward and raise the wand to the chest; 2, rise on the toes and extend the wand forward; 3, heels down and wand again to the chest; 4, heels together and wand down. 74 School Gymnastics 3. \ LESSON X 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Wand to chest, vertical and return — One ! 8 — 8. Foot ! — side — face — front— place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step sideways, face to the side and return. Combine ! 8—8. Wand to chest, forward and return — One ! 16. Foot ! — forward — up— down — place. 8 — 8. Combine ! 8—8. J a. Trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8. ^' \b. With wand! 8—8. Note. — As in Lesson III et seq. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Return wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. a. b. Second Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 76 3 a. WAND TO CHEST, VERTICAL AND RETURN 1, raise the wand to the chest ; 2, extend vertically forward ; 3, return to the chest ; 4, down to position. 3 6. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS. FACE TO THE SIDE AND RETURN 1, point step sideways; 2, face to the side, the feet being then in the position of point step forward; 3, return to the front, the feet then being in the position of point step sideways ; 4, heels together. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND FACING SIDEWAYS AND WAND TO CHEST AND VERTICALLY FORWARD 1, point step to the side and wand raised to the chest ; 2, face to the side and extend the wand vertically forward ; 3, face to the front and return the wand to the chest ; 4, heels together and wand down. In facing to the right, the right arm will be uppermost in extending the wand, and vice versa. 76 School Gymnastics LESSON XI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Wand to chest, vertical and return — One ! 8 — 8. h. Foot ! — side — face — front — place. 8 — 8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Aiming right and left alternately — One ! 8 — 8. h. Foot! — step — up, down; — step — up, down. Forward 4. \ 8, backward 8. Note. — Stepping and rising on toes. . Combine! 8—8. fa. Trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8. I h. With wand ! 8—8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. Second Series, JVamis — Boys and Girls 77 4 a. AIMING RIGHT AND LEFT ALTERNATELY 1, aim to the right; 2, swing the wand down in front of and across the body to the left; 3, aim to the left; 4, swing the wand down and across to the right; 5, aim to the right; 6, 7, continue to alternate the direction of the aiming, swing- ing the wand down in the transition ; 8 wand down to position in front. 4 6. STEPPING AND RISING ON TOES 1, step forward with the right foot as for walking ; 2, bring up the left heel beside the right, at the same time quickly rising on the toes and lowering the heels to position ; 3, step forward with the left foot ; 4, bring up the right foot, rise on the toes and lower the heels to position ; 5, step backward with the right foot; 6, draw the left foot back beside the right, rise on the toes and lower the heels to position ; 7, 8, the same with the left foot leading. Eepeat. 4 c. COMBINATION OF STEPPING AND RISING ON TOES AND AIMING 1, step forward with the right foot, rise on the toes, and aim to the right ; 2, swing the wand down across the body as the heels are lowered; 3, 4, repeat with the other foot leading and the wand swung across to the aiming position on that side. The combination of these two exercises will fall into a natural, swinging rhythm, the aiming and the rising on toes coming together and the downward motion of the wand and heels coinciding. Waltz time will facilitate the mastery of this rhythm. 78 School Gymnastics 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. LESSON XII Stretching. Facings. Marching. a. Wand to chest, vertical and return — One ! Foot ! — side — face — front — place. 8 — 8. Combine ! 8—8. Aiming right and left alternately — One ! 8 Foot ! — step — up, down. 8 — 8. Combine ! 8—8. Wand over head — One ! 16. Trunk !— twist— front. 8—8. Note. — Trunk twisting. Combine ! 8—8. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! Forward — March! (Eeturn wands to place.) Stretching. E/unning. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 8—8. b. c. a. b, c. a. b. c. Second Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 79 5 a. WAND OVER HEAD 1, raise the wand in a horizontal position directly over the head, the elbows straight and the head erect ; 2, wand down to position. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND WAND OVER HEAD 1, twist the trunk to the side and raise the wand over the head ; 2, return to the front, the wand down to position. 80 School Gymnastics LESSON XIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Alternate wand to chest and aiming, right — One ! 8 — 8. b. On toes ! — up — down— side— place. 3. j Note. — Alternate rising on toes and point step sideways. ^ c. Combine ! 8 — 8. f a. Aiming right and left alternately — One ! 8 — 8. 4. \ b. Foot ! — step — up, down. 8 — 8. Ic. Combine! 8—8. ( a. Wand over head — One ! 16. 5. ] b. Trunk !— twist— front. 8—8. Ic. Combine! 8—8. 6. Wand at carry — One 1 Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. Arms folded behind — Place ! 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. Second Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 81 3 a. ALTERNATE WAND TO CHEST AND AIMING 1, raise the wand to the chest ; 2, wand down to position ; 3, aim to the right side ; 4, wand down to position. 3 6. ALTERNATE RISING ON TOES AND POINT STEP SIDEWAYS 1, rise on the toes ; 2, heels down ; 3, point step sideways ; 4, heels together. 3 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND POINT STEP SIDEWAYS WITH WAND TO CHEST AND AIMING 1, rise on the toes and raise the wand to the chest ; 2, heels and wand down ; 3, aim to the right side and take the point step to the left ; 4, heels together and wand down. In aiming to the left take the point step to the right. 82 School Gymnastics LESSON XIV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Alternate wand to chest and aiming — One ! 8 — 8. 3. ^ h. On toes ! — up — down— side — place. 8 — 8. U. Combine! 8—8. a. Alternate point step and stepping and rising on toes, right — One ! Forward 16, backward 16. h. With aiming ! 16—16. a. Wand over head — One ! 16. h. Trunk !— twist— front. 8—8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Return wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4. 5. 4 a. ALTEKNATE POINT STEP AND STEPPING AND EISING ON TOES 1, point step forward with the right foot ; 2, heels together ; 3, point step forward with the left foot ; 4, heels together ; 5, 6, ^' step, up, down," with the right foot leading ; 7, 8, " step, up, down," with the left foot leading. Eepeat through 16 counts ; on the second 16 step backward instead of forward. 4 6. COMBINATION OF ALTERNATE POINT STEP AND STEPPING AND RISING ON TOES WITH AIMING During the stepping and rising on toes aim to the sides as in previous lessons. The wand remains down in front during the point steps. Second Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 83 LESSON XV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. j- a. Alternate wand to chest and aiming — One ! 8 — 8. 3. ] h. On toes ! — up — down — side — place. 8 — 8. ic. Combine! 8—8. a. Alternate point step and stepping and rising on toes, right— One ! 16—16. h. With aiming! 16—16. a. Wand to chest and over head alternately — One ! 16. h. Trunk ! — bend— up — twist — front. 8 — 8. 6. \ Note. — Alternate trunk bending sideways and twisting, c. Combine ! 8^ — 8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 84 School Gymnastics 5 a. WAND TO CHEST AND OVER HEAD ALTERNATELY 1, wand to the chest; 2, wand down to position; 3, wand over head ; 4, wand down to position. 5 h. ALTERNATE TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND TWISTING 1, bend the trunk to the side ; 2, resume the erect position ; 3, twist the trunk to the same side ; 4, face to the front. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND TWISTING WITH WAND TO CHEST AND OVERHEAD 1, raise the wand to the chest and bend the trunk to the side simultaneously ; 2, resume the erect position, wand down in front ; 3, raise the wand over the head and twist the trunk to the side ; 4, face to the front, wand down to position. ' Second Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 85 LESSON XVI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Aiming sideways, wand forward and return, right ! —One ! 8—8. b. Foot !— side — forward— side — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step sideways, forward, and return. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Alternate point step and stepping and rising on toes, 4. ] right— One! 16—16. b. With aiming ! 16—16. f a. Wand to chest and over head alternately — One ! 16. 5. ] 6. Trunk — bend — up — twist — front. 16 — 16. i c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 86 School Gymnastics 3 a, AIMING SIDEWAYS, WAND FORWARD AND RETURN 1, aim to the side ; 2, swing the wand from this to the for- ward position as in Lesson VI ; 3, aim again to the same side ; 4, wand down to position. 3 6. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS, FORWARD AND RETURN 1. point step to the side ; 3, point step forward ; 3, point step again to the side ; 4, heels together. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND WAND, SIDEWAYS, FORWARD AND RETURN 1, point step and aiming to the side ; 2, point step forward, and wand forward ; 3, point step and aiming again to the side ; 4, heels together and wand down to position. Second Series. Wands — Boys and Girls 87 3. LESSON XVII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Aiming sideways, wand forward and return, right _One! 8—8. h. Foot ! — side — forward — side — place. 8 — 8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Wand forward twice and to chest twice — One ! 16. h. Foot! forward — place— change — place; twist — front — change — front. 16. Note. — Point step and trunk twisting. 0. Combine ! 16 or 32. f a. Wand to chest and over head alternately — One! 8. 5. \h. Trunk ! — bend — up — twist — front. 8 — 8. [c. Combine! 8—8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin I Four times. 88 School Gymnastics 4 a. WAND FORWARD TWICE AND TO CHEST TWICE 1, raise the wand forward ; 2, down to position ; 3, 4, repeat ; 5, wand to chest ; 6, down to position ; 7, 8, repeat. 4 6. POINT STEP AND TRUNK TWISTING 1, point step forward with the right foot ; 2, heels together ; 3, point step forward with the left foot ; 4, heels together ; 6, twist the trunk to the right and extend the right foot in a point step in front of the body as it then faces ; 6, return to the front, heels together ; 1, 8, repeat the twisting to the opposite side. 4 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND TRUNK TWISTING WITH WAND FORWARD AND TO CHEST 1, point step forward with the right foot and raise the wand forward ; 2, heels together and wand down ; 3, raise the wand forward again and take the point step forward with the left foot ; 4, wand down and heels together ; 6, twist to the right, the right foot extended in a point step and the wand at the chest ; 6, return to the front, heels together and wand down ; 7, 8, repeat to the opposite side. Second Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 89 LESSON XVIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Wand forward twice and to chest twice — One ! 16. b. Foot ! — forward — place — change — place ; twist — front — change — front. 16. c. Combine ! 16 or 32. a. Wand over head — One ! 8. b. On toes! 8. Note. — Eising on toes. c. Combine ! 8. a. Wand to chest and over head alternately — One ! 8. b. Trunk ! — bend — up — twist — front. 8 — 8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. 6. Wand at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Forward — March ! (Return wands to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND WAND OVER HEAD 1, rise on the toes and raise the wand over the head; 2, heels and wand down. Keep the head erect. 90 School Gymnastics 2. 3. 4. 6 Second Series Wands, 3 feet PROGRAMME FOE SPECIAL EXERCISES a. Aiming, right — One ! 8 — 8. Lesson IV. h. Foot! — side — place. 8 — 8. . c. Combine ! 8 — 8. ' a. Wand vertically forward, right arm up — One ! 8—8—8. Lesson VII. ] h. Trunk !— twist— front. 8—8. [c. Combine! 8—8. a. Wand to chest, forward and return — One ! 16. Lesson IX. b. Foot ! — forward — up — down — place. 8 — 8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Wand to chest and overhead, alternately — One ! 16. Lesson XV. h. Trunk ! — bend — up — twist — front. 16 or 32. c. Combine I 8 — 8. a. Wand over head — One ! 8. Lesson XVIII. 5. \ b. On toes ! 8. c. Combine ! 8. ' a. Aiming right and left, alternately — One ! 8 — 8. Lesson XL b. Foot ! — step — up, down ; step — up, down. 8 — 8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. Third Series Third year, boys and girls Dumb-bells, ^ pound LESSON I Note. — For details of preliminaries, stretching, tactics, floor formations, etc., see Explanatory Notes. Class — Stand ! 1. Stretching. 2. Left— Face! Right— Face ! Forward — March ! (Take bells and march to position on floor.) ^ a. Raising bell forward, right — One ! Eight 8, left 8 both 8. 3. J h. Foot ! — forward — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step forward. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. 4. Forward — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) Class— Halt ! 5. Stretching. 6. Forward — March! (To seats.) 91 92 School Gymnastics 3 a. RAISING BELLS FORWARD 1, raise the bell at full arm's length forward and upward to shoulder level, the bell vertical ; 2, lower again to the side. Keep the head erect, and avoid any forward motion of the hips or backward inclination of the shoulders. 3 6. POINT STEP FORWARD 1, extend the foot forward, and touch the toe on a line directly forward of the position from which it started ; 2, heels together. Keep the body firmly poised, with the shoulders (upper part of the body) perfectly still, and the knees stiff. Do not drag or scuff the foot over the floor. The weight should remain entirely on the stationary foot. 3 e. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FORWARD AND RAISING BELLS FORWARD 1, point step forward with the right foot and both bells raised forward ; 2, heels together and bells down. 3. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 93 LESSON II 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Raising bell sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Foot ! — side — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step sideways. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Clicking bells vertically forward — One ! 8. h. Trunk ! — twist — front — left — front. 8. Note. — Trunk twisting, right and left alternately. c. Alternate ! — twist — place — click — place. 16. d. Combine! 8. 5. Forward — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) 6. Stretching. Arms folded behind — Place ! 7. Breathing — Begin! Position ! RAISING BELL SIDEWAYS 1, raise the bell at full arm's length sideways to shoulder level, bell horizontal ; 2, lower again to the side.* Keep the waist and head erect, and make the movement a strong pull throughout that it may lift and expand the chest. 3 6. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS 1, touch the side of the toe directly to the side, stretching the instep as straight as possible ; 2, heels together. As in the point step forward, the weight should be held steadily on the stationary foot that a firmly poised carriage may be cultivated by the exercise. Keep the shoulders squarely to the front and the knees stiff. 94 School Gymnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND RAISING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, point step tio the side and both bells raised sideways; 2, heels together and bells down to position. 4 a. CLICKING BELLS VERTICALLY FORWARD 1, swing the bells up to shoulder level at arm's length in front and click the four lobes together, the bells held verti- cally ; 2, lower the bells again to the sides. Avoid bending backward from the waist as the arms are stretched forward, and be sure that the chest is thrown well forward as the arms return to position at the sides. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 95 4 h. TRUNK TWISTING, RIGHT AND LEFT ALTERNATELY 1, twist or rotate the trunk to the right side ; 2, return to the forward position ; 3, 4, twist to tlie left side and return. The movement shoukl be from the ankles, the feet remaining firmly in place and flat upon the floor. The head should turn with the trunk, but no farther. There should be no bending side- ways at the waist. 4 c. ALTERNATE TRUNK TWISTING AND CLICKING BELLS 1, twist the trunk to the right ; 2, return to the front ; 3, click the bells forward ; 4, bells down to the sides ; 6, twist the trunk to the left ; 6, face to the front ; 7, click the bells ; 8, position. ^d. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND CLICKING BELLS 1, twist to the right and click the bells in front of the body as it then faces ; 2, re- turn to the front, bells down to the sides ; 3, twist to the left and click the bells in front; 4, position. 7. BREATHING Inhale a deep breath through the nostrils and exhale through the mouth. Repeat three times. The breath should be much - deeper than the normal. The folding of the arms behind keeps the shoulders from an exaggerated shrugging or lifting during the inhalation. 96 School Gymnastics 3. 4. LESSON III 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bell forward to shoulder, right — One! 8—8—8. h. Foot ! — forward — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step forward, c. Combine! 8 — 8. a. Eaising bell sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. 6. On toes ! — up — down. 8. Note. — Rising on toes. c. Alternate ! — up — down — arms— down. 8. d. Combine! 8. a. Clicking bells vertically forward — One ! 8. h. Trunk ! — twist — front — left — front. 8. c. Alternate ! — twist — place — click — place. 16. d. Combine ! 8. 6. Forward — March ! (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. Note. — See Eeference Note 7. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. Third Series, Dumb-bells ^ Boys and Girls 97 Za. SWINGING BELL FORWAKD TO SHOULDER 1, swing the bell forward and upward the full length of the arm as in the raising forward, and when at shoulder level bend the elbow and bring the hand to the top of the shoulder, the elbow remaining pointed for- ward at shoulder level ; 2, swing the arm forward and downward to position at the side. Keep the head and torso erect. Be sure that the arm is stretched to its full length in passing through the forward position. Avoid tipping the trunk backward by keeping the hips well back. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FORWARD AND SWINGING BELLS FORWARD TO SHOULDERS 1, point step forward with the right foot and swing both bells forward to the top of the shoulders ; 2, heels together and bells forward and downward to position. 9. BREATHING While inhaling raise the arms sideways to shoulder level ; while exhaling lower them to position. 98 School Gymnastics 46. RISING ON TOES 1, rise on the toes as high as possible ; 2, heels down, quietly and without jarring. The return to position should not be made until the count for it is given, that the exercise may lose nothing of its power to cultivate good balance a,nd erect car- riage. Be sure that the weight is not allowed to sway back over the heels when the latter are lowered. 4 c. ALTERNATE RAISING BELLS SIDEWAYS AND RISING ON TOES 1, rise on the toes; 2, heels down; 3, raise the bells side- ways ; 4, bells down. 4 d. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND RAISING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, rise on the toes and raise the bells sideways to shoulder level; 2, heels and bells down to position. I Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 99 LESSON IV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bell sideways to shoulder, right — One 8—8—8. 3. \ b. Foot !— side— place. 8—8. Note. — Point step sideways. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. f a. Raising bell sideways, right — One! 8 — 8 — 8. , ! b. On toes ! 8. I c. Alternate ! — up — down — arms — down. 8. [ d. Combine ! 8. a. Clicking bells vertically forward — One ! 8. b. Trunk ! — twist — front — left — front. 8. c. Alternate ! — twist — place — click — place. 16. d. Combine ! 8. 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. L«rc. 100 School Gymnastics 3 a. SWINGING BELL SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDER 1, swing the bell upward at the side the full length of the arm, turning the palm upward as it moves ; when at shoulder level, bend the elbow and bring the hand to the top of the shoulder, the elbow remaining extended horizontally at the side ; 2, swing the bell out again to the side the full length of the arm, and down to position, turning the palm down and in as it moves. This is a very effective exer- cise for the side of the chest, for the top and back of the shoulder, and for the arm itself. Keep the head erect. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDERS 1, point step to the side and swing both bells sideways to the top of the shoulders ; 2, heels together, and bells outward and downward to position. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 101 3. 4. LESSON V 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bell sideways to shoulder, right — One ! 8—8—8. h. Foot ! — side — place. 8 — 8. c. Combine! 8 — 8. a. Clicking bells over head — One ! 8. h. On toes! 8. Note. — Eising on toes, c. Alternate! 8. cL Combine ! 8. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Alternate point step forward and trunk bending side- ways, right — One ! 8 — 8. h. With clicking! 8—8. Position I 6. Forward — March ! (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. f 4 a. CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD 1, swing the bells upward at the sides with a full sweep of the arms and click the thumb ends over the head ; 2, swing the arms outward and downward again to position at the sides. Keep the head erect. This is an excellent exercise for the chest and shoulders, if the arms are stretched to their full extent throughout the movements. 102 School Gymnastics 4 c. ALTERNATE RISING ON TOES AND CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD 1, rise on the toes ; 2, heels down ; 3, click the bells over the head ; 4, bells down. 4rf. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD 1, rise on the toes and click the bells over the head ; 2, bells and heels down to position. 6 a. ALTERNATE POINT STEP FORWARD AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, point step forward with the right foot ; 2, heels together ; 3, point step forward with the left foot; 4, heels together; 5, bend the trunk from the waist directly to the right side ; 6, resume the erect position; 7, bend the trunk to the left side ; 8, resume the erect position. In bending the trunk keep both feet flat upon the floor and the knees stiff. The head should remain in a straight line with Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 103 the axis of the trunk. The bending shoukl be to an obtuse angle, and as far as can easily be done without strain. There shoukl be no rotating of the trunk forward or backward of the lateral line. The bending should be far enough to exert a strong pressure upon the internal organs, and thus affect the circulation and digestion. 5 ft. ALTERNATE POINT STEP FORWARD AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH CLICKING Click the thumb ends of the bells at arm's length down in front while taking the point step ; return the bells to the hips as the heels come together. The bells remain on the hips during the trunk bending. 104 School Gymnastics LESSON VI 1. Stretching. ^ 2. Facings. Marching. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Extending bells sideways, clicking forward and re- turning, both — One ! 16. h. Foot ! — side — forward — side — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step sideways, forward, and return. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. Position ! a. Clicking over head — One ! 8. h. On toes ! 8. c. Alternate ! 8. d. Combine! 8. Bells on hips — Place ! f a. Alternate point step forward and trunk bending side- 5. \ ways, right — One ! 8 — 8. [h. With clicking ! 8—8. Position ! 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 105 3 a. EXTENDING BELLS SIDEWAYS, CLICKING FORWARD, AND RETURNING 1, extend the bells sideways at full arm's length, palms down and bells horizontal ; 2, keeping the elbows straight, swing the bells forward and click the thumb ends at shoulder level in front ; 3, return again to the side position ; 4, bells on hips. Keep the head erect. This succession of movements is admirable for chest ex- pansion. Zh. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS, FORWARD, AND RETURN 1, point step to the side ; 2, move the same foot to the point step forward ; 3, return the foot to the point step sideways ; 4, heels together. This is an admirable balance exercise if the movement be made a full circular sweep from the hip joint and the shoulders are held squarely to the front — not allowed to swing to the side as the foot moves. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP SIDEWAYS, FORWARD, AND RE- TURNING WITH BELLS SIDEWAYS AND CLICKING FORWARD 1, point step, and both arms sideways ; 2, point step forward and click the bells in front ; 3, foot and bells again to the side ; 4, heels together and bells on hips. 106 School Gymnastics LESSON VII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Extending bells sideways, clicking forward and return- ing, both — One ! 16. b. Foot ! — side — forward — side — place. 8 — 8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Extending bells sideways, both — One ! 8. h. Knee ! — up — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Lifting knee, c. Alternate ! — knee — place — arms — place. 16. ^ d. Combine ! 8. r a. Alternate point step forward and trunk bending side- 5. \ ways, right — One ! 8 — 8. [ b. With clicking ! 8—8. Position ! 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. Third Series, Dumb-bells ■— Boys and Girls 107 4 h. LIFTING KNEE 1, lift the knee upward and for- ward until the thigh is at right angles with the trunk of the body, and the lower leg is at right angles with the thigh, the toe depressed and pointed downward; 2, heels together. Keep the trunk erect. This exercise affects chiefly the muscles of the thigh and abdomen. It is an admirable balance move- ment. 4 c. ALTERNATE LIFTING KNEE AND EXTENDING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, lift the right knee; 2, heels together; 3, extend both bells sideways ; 4, bells on hips ; 5, lift the left knee ; 6, heels together ; 7, extend both arms ; 8, bells on hips. 4d. COMBINATION OF LIFTING KNEE AND EXTENDING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, lift the knee and extend both bells to the side ; 2, heels together and bells on hips. Alternate the knees in this combi- nation. Keep the shoulders and head erect. 108 School Gymnastics LESSON VIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bell forward to shoulder, extending forward and returning, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Foot ! — forward — up — down — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Stepping forward and rising on toes. c. Combine! 8 — 8. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Extending bells sideways, both — One ! 8. h. Knee ! — up — place. 8 — 8. c. Alternate ! — knee — place — arms — place. 16. d. Combine 18. Position ! a. Clicking bells forward and backward — One. 8. h. Trunk !— twist— front. 8. Note. — Trunk twisting, c. Alternate ! — twist — front — click — click. 16. , d. Combine ! 8—8. 6. Forward — March ! (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 3«. SWINGING BELL FORWARD TO SHOULDER, EXTENDING FORWARD AND RETURNING 1, swing the bell forward to the top of the shoulder ; 2, ex- tend the bell at arm's length forward at shoulder level, bell vertical; 3, return to the shoulder; 4, swing forward and downward to position at the side. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 109 Zh. STEPPING FORWARD AND RISING ON TOES 1, step forward, both feet flat upon the floor and with the weight resting equally upon them ; 2, rise on the toes ; 3, heels down ; 4, heels together. Because of the elongated base this is a more difficult balance movement than the rising on toes with the heels together. 3 c. COMBINATION OF STEPPING FORWARD AND RISING ON TOES WITH BELLS TO SHOULDERS AND FORWARD 1, step forward and swing both bells forward to the top of the shoulders ; 2, rise on the toes and extend the bells forward; 3, heels down and bells again on the shoulders; 4, heels together and bells forward and downward to position at the sides. 110 School Gymnastics 5 a. CLICKING BELLS FORWARD AND BACKWARD 1, click the thumb ends of the bells at arm's length down in front; 2, swing the bells around the hips and click the same ends at arm's length down behind; 3, 4, 5^ 6, 7, continue to alternate the forward and backward clicking ; 8, arms to posi- tion at the sides. Keep the head erect and the chest well forward. If the points of posture noted be carefully observed, this is an excellent exercise for the chest and shoulder blades. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 111 6 c. TRUNK TWISTING ALTERNATED WITH CLICKING BELLS FORWARD AND BACKWARD 1, twist the trunk to the right; 2, return to the front; 3j click the bells in front ; 4, click the bells behind ; 5, twist the trunk to the left ; 6, return to the front ; 7, click the bells in front ; 8, click the bells behind. 5 d. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING WITH CLICKING BELLS FORWARD AND BACKWARD 1, twist to the right and click the bells in front of the body as it then faces ; 2, face to the front and click the bells behind ; 3, twist to the left and click the bells in front ; 4, face to the front and click the bells behind. 112 School Gymnastics LESSON IX Stretching. Facings. Marching. a. h, c. a. K c. a. b, c. d. Swinging bell forward to shoulder, extending forward and returning, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. Foot ! — forward — up — down — place. 8 — 8. Combine ! 8—8. Swinging bells sideways and clicking, both — One ! 8. On toes ! 8. Note. — Eising on toes. Combine ! 8. Clicking bells forward and backward — One ! 8. Trunk ! — twist — front. 8. Alternate ! — twdst — front — click — click. Combine ! 8—8. Forw^ard — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) Stretching. Running. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 16. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 113 4 a. SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS AND CLICKING 1, raise the bells straight out at the sides at shoulder level, bells horizontal; 2, swing the bells down in front and click the thumb ends ; 3, swing them up again to the side position ; 4, 5, 6, 7, continue to alternate the two movements as above ; 8, bells down to position at the sides. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS AND CLICKING 1, raise the bells to the sides and rise on toes ; 2, heels down and click the bells in front 114 School Gymnastics LESSON X ■ 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bell sideways to shoulder, extending sideways and returning, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Foot ! — side — face — front— heels. 8 — 8- Note. — Point step and facing sideways, c. Combine! 8 — 8. ( a. Swinging bells sideways and clicking, both — One ! 8. h. On toes ! 8. 5. . Combine ! 8. Bells on hips — Place ! ' a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulders, both — One ! 8. h. Trunk ! — bend — up — left — up. 8. Note. — Trunk bending sideways, right and left alternately. c. Alternate ! — bend — up^arms— place. 16. d. Combine ! 8. Position ! 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 3 a. SWINGING BELL SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDER, EXTENDING SIDEWAYS AND RETURNING 1, swing the bell sideways to the top of the shoulder ; 2, ex- tend the arm sideways, elbows straight, palm up, bell hori- zontal ; 3, return to the shoulder ; 4, swing sideways and downward to position at the side. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 115 Zh. POINT STEP AND FACING SIDEWAYS 1, point step to the side ; 2, face to the side, the feet being then in the position of point step forward; 3, return to the front, the feet being then in the position of point step position sideways ; 4, heels together. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND FACING SIDEWAYS WITH SWINGING BELLS TO SHOULDERS AND SIDEWAYS 1, point step to the side and swing both bells sideways to the top of the shoulders ; 2, face to the side and extend the bells sideways at shoulder level ; 3, return to the front, bells on the shoulders ; 4, heels together and swing the bells out- ward to the sides and downward to position. 116 School Gymnastics 5 c. ALTERNATE TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOUL- DERS 1, bend the trunk to the right side ; 2, resume the erect posi- tion; 3, swing both bells side- ways to the shoulders ; 4, ex- tend the bells sideways and return them to the hips ; 5, bend the trunk to the left ; 6, erect position; 7, swing the bells sideways to the top of the shoulders ; 8, return the bells to the hips. 5 d. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND SWINGING BELLS TO SHOULDERS 1, bend the trunk to the side and swing the bells to the top of the shoulders ; 2, resume the erect position, extend the bells sideways and return them to the hips. Alternate the bending from right to left. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 117 LESSON XI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bell sideways to shoulder, extending side- ways and returning right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Foot ! — side — face — front — heels. 8 — 8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Swinging bells right and left alternately— One ! 8. h. On toes !— right— left. 8. Note. — Swinging upon toes. c. Combine ! 8. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulders, both — One ! 8. h. Trunk ! — bend — up — left — up. 8. c. Alternate ! — bend — up — arms — place. 16. , d. Combine ! 8. Position ! 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4 a. SWINGING BELLS RIGHT AND LEFT ALTERNATELY 1, swing both bells to the right side, the right arm extended at full length, palm to the front, the left arm bent across the front of the body, palm facing inward, both bells vertical; 2, swing the arms down across the front of the body with a full downward extension of the arms in the transition, and raise them to the same position on the left side that they had on the opposite side on the first count ; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, continue to swing the arms from side to side ; 8, bells down to position. This is a very effective exercise for the top and back of the shoulders. 118 School Gymnastics 4&. SWINGING UP ON TOES 1, take a short step to the right and rise on the toes ; 2, keep- ing the feet in the same relative position, lower the heels, transfer the weight mainly to the left foot and swing up on the toes on that side ; 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8, continue to swing from one side to the other, rising on the toes in the terminal posi- tions as above. Keep the shoulders squarely to the front. 4 c. COMBINATION OF SWING- ING UP ON TOES WITH BELLS 1, swing up on the toes toward the right side and swing both arms to the right ; 2, swing upon the toes toward the left side and swing both arms to the left ; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, continue to alternate the di- rection of the swinging as above ; 8, heels together and bells down to position at the sides. I ■__- Third Series, Dumb-bells — Bovs and Girls 119 6. 3. \ LESSON XII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Clicking bells forward and backward — One ! 16. h. Foot ! — forward — raise— down — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step forward, and raising knee. , c. Combine ! 8 — 8. r a. Swinging bells right and left alternately — One ! 8 4. I h. On toes !— right— left. 8. I c. Combine ! 8. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulder, both — One ! h. Trunk ! — bend — up — left — up. 8. c. Alternate ! — bend — up — arms — place. 16. d. Combine ! 8. Position ! 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Punning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 120 School Gymnastics 3 h. POINT STEP FORWAUD AND RAISING KNEE 1, point step forward ; 2, from this position raise the knee as in previous lessons; 3, return to the point step; 4, heels together. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND RAISING KNEE, WITH CLICKING FORWARD AND BACKWARD 1, point step forward and click the bells in front; 2, raise the knee and click the bells behind; 3, point step forward again and click the bells in front ; 4, heels together and bells to position at the sides. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 121 LESSON XIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Clicking bells forward and backward — One ! 16. 3. -j h. Foot ! — forward — raise — down — place. 8 — 8. [c. Combine! 8—8. a. Swinging bells right and left alternately — One ! 8. 4. \ b. On toes !— right— left. 8. c. Combine ! 8. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Alternate swinging bells sideways to shoulders and clicking over head, both — One 1 16. ». Trunk ! — bend — up — rise — down. 16. Note. — Alternate trunk bending sideways and rising on toes. . Combine ! 16. Position ! 6. Forward — March ! (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 122 School Gymnastics 5 a. ALTERNATE SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDERS AND CLICKING OVER HEAD 1, swing the bells sideways to the top of the shoulders ; 2, return the bells to the hips ; 3, click the thumb ends of the bells directly over the head ; 4, bells on hips. Keep the head erect. 5 h. ALTERNATE TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND RISING ON TOES 1, bend the trunk to the right side ; 2, resume the erect posi- tion ; 3, rise on the toes ; 4, heels down ; 5, 6, 7, 8, repeat but bend to the left side. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND RISING ON TOES, WITH BELLS ON SHOULDERS AND CLICKING OVER HEAD 1, bend the trunk to the right side and swing both bells to the top of the shoulders ; 2, resume the erect position, bells on hips ; 3, rise on the toes and click the bells over the head ; 4, heels down and bells on hips. Third Series, Dumb-bells — Boys ami Girls 123 LESSON XIV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Bells on hips, sideways and return, right — One! 8—8—8. 3. . With swaying ! 16. r a. Pendulum, both right — Start ! 16. 6. \ b. Trunk ! — twist — bend — up — twist — bend — up. 16- Ic. Combine! 32. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4 6. PENDULUM WITH SWAYING 1, pendulum to the right (starting the clubs to the left), step to the right side and rise on the toes, bending the trunk slightly at the waist toward the left ; 2, without changing the place of the feet on the floor, lower the heels and transfer the position to the left side, at the same time making the pendulum swing to the left. Come to position on the last count. Fifth Series, huiiaii Clubs 21; LESSON XVIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! a. Alternate full circle and hand circle forward, both — Start ! 16, 3. \ b. Charge ! — forward — hold — place — hold, right — hold — place — hold, left — hold — place — hold. 16. c. Combine ! 16. f a. Pendulum, both right — Start ! 8 — 8. I b. Trunk ! — twist — bend — up. 16. 4. -^ . Note. — As in preceding lesson. ^ c. Combine ! 16. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! 214 School Gymnastics / be. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH CONTINU- OUS PENDULUM 1, as in the previous com- bination, start the clubs to the left for a pendulum swing to the right as the trunk is twisted to the right ; 2, clubs at rest position; 3, start the clubs to the right and con- tinue the swing into the left pendulum, while bending the trunk to the right ; 4, reverse the pendulum, trunk erect; repeat to the opposite side. The combination of the twisting with the bending increases the effect of both exercises upon the digestion and circulation by increasing the pressure upon the ab- dominal organs. Fifth or Sixth Series Fifth or Sixth Year, Boys and Girls Double Series^ Wands, 4 feet LESSON I This series is designed as a substitute for the Indian clubs in the fifth year, where there is not enough free floor space for club work, and for mixed classes of boys and girls, in the sixth year. Many of the exercises can be taken tvith the partners standing back to back. When this is to be done, the partners should turn upon command as described in Exercise Jf., Lesson XVII. Note. — For stretching, tactics, floor formation, effects of exercises, etc., see Explanatory Notes. 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Partners — Face ! (This position will be understood hereafter.) r a. Wand on shoulder, sideways and return — One ! 8 — 8 —16. >. Foot ! — step — bend — up — place. 16 — 16. Note. — Stepping and bending sideways. . lo Combine! 16—16. Note. — Combination of stepping and bending side- ways with wands on shoulders, and sideways. 4. Marching. (Keturn wands to place.) 5. Stretching. 6. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 215 3. 216 School Gymnastics WAND AT CAREY In marching to place the wand should be held at carry like the bar-bell in the first lesson of the bar-bell series. POSITION FOR WORK Pupils should be carefully sized so that upon the command, Partners — Face! adjacent pupils of similar size may face each other and lower the wands to position for work. This position of the wands is gained by lowering the upper end of the wand toward one's partner, who grasps that end of it. The wand is thus grasped by each partner and held at arm's length down at the side. Great care should be taken that the partners stand near enough together to jwevent any pulling for- ward of the shoulders during the work. 3 a. WAND ON SHOULDER, SIDEWAYS AND RETURN 1, raise the wand to the top of the shoulder ; 2, extend the wand sideways at arm's length, pulling strongly upon the chest ; 3, return the wand to the shoulder ; 4, wand down to position. The side to which all movements should begin should be understood by the class, as directions cannot be given in the command without consuming much unnecessary time. Fifth or Sixth Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 217 Zh. STEPPING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, step to the side, with the weight borne equally by the feet ; 2, bend the outer knee ; 3, straighten the knee ; 4, heels together. The trunk should be held erect throughout, and the wands should be in their usual position down at the sides. Be sure that the bend of the knee is sufficient to bring into action the large muscles of the leg, and through them stimulate the circulation. 3 c. COMBINATION OF STEPPING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH WANDS ON SHOULDERS AND SIDEWAYS 1, step to the side and raise both wands to the top of the shoulder; 2, bend the outer knee and extend the wands; 3, straighten the knee and return the wands to the shoulders ; 4, position. (Note. — See cut on next page.) 218 School Gymnastics 6. BREATHING Eaise the arms sideways to shoulder level, and inhale a deep breath ; lower them to position while exhaling. The breathing should be much slower and deeper than the normal. The arm action lifts the ribs, thereby increasing the diameter of the chest. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands — Boys ami Girls 219 LESSOlSr II 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. [ a. Wand on shoulder, sideways and return — One ! IG 3. J -16- h. Foot ! — step — bend — up — place. IG — IG. i c. Combine ! IG— IG. r a. Raising wands sideways, both — One ! 8. h. On toes! IG. Note. — Rising on toes. I c. Combine ! IG. Note. — Combination of rising on toes and raising wands sideways. 5. Marching. (Return wands to place.) G. Stretching. 7. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. \ 4 a. RAISING WANDS SIDEWAYS 1, raise the wands sideways to shoulder level ; 2, lower the wands to position. Pull hard upon the chest. 4 h. RISING ON TOES 1, rise on the toes as high as possible ; 2, heels down, quietly and without jarring. Avoid all swaying backward upon the heels as they are lowered. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND RAISING WANDS SIDEWAYS 1, rise on the toes and raise the wands sideways to shoulder level ; 2, heels and wands down. 220 School Gymnastics 3. LESSON III 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Wand on shoulder, sideways, and return — One ! 16 —16. h. Foot ! — step — bend — up — place. 16 — 16. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. { a. Eaising wands sideways, both — One ! 8. 4. \ h. On toes ! 16. t c. Combine ! 16. r a. Wand on shoulders — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. g I h. With trunk !— bend— up. 8—8—16. I Note. — Trunk bending sideways with wands on I shoulders. 6. Marching. (Eeturn wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Fifth or Sixth Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 221 5 a. WAND ON SHOULDERS 1, raise the wand to the shoulder through the full arm exten- sion sideways, pulling well upon the chest in the transition; 2, wand down, with the same full extension in the transition. bh. TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS, WITH WANDS ON SHOULDERS 1, raise both wands to the shoulders and bend the trunk side- ways from the waist, the head remaining in line with the trunk ; 2, position. The bending should be as far as possible without lifting the feet or bending the knees. If taken correctly, this exercise is very effective for lateral expansion of the chest and for the circulation and digestive organs. 222 School Gymnastics 3. LESSON IV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marcliing. a. Raising wand obliquely upward — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Charge I — reverse. 8 — 8. Note. — Reverse charging. I c. Combine ! 16—16. Note. — Combination of reverse charging with wands obliquely upward. r a. Raising wands sideways, both — One ! 8. j h. On toes ! 16. [ c. Combine ! 16. ^ { a. Wand on shoulder — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. [h. Withtrunk!— bend— up. 8—8—16. 6. Marching. (Return wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 223 3 a. RAISING WAND OBLIQUELY UPWARD 1, raise the arm at full length side- ways to an ob- lique upward position, pull- ing hard upon the chest; 2, wand down to position. Be careful that the trunk of the body does not tip to the side opposite the moving arm, and that the head is held erect. 3 6. REVERSE CHARGING 1, face and step to the side and bend the outer knee, with all of the weight upon it, and the trunk erect ; 2, keeping the feet in the same relative position, face and charge in the opposite direction; 8, return to the first charging; continue to reverse the charging as above to 7 ; 8, position. The bend of the knee should be as great as possible, that the heavy thigh muscles may be brought into action and so stimulate the circulation. 3 c. COMBINATION OF REVERSE CHARGING WITH WANDS OBLIQUELY UPWARD 1, charge sideways and raise the wand on that side obliquely upward; 2, reverse the charging, lower the raised wand and raise the opposite one j continue to 7 ; 8, position. 224 School Gymnastics LESSON V 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Raising wand obliquely upward — One ! 8 — 8. 3. j h. Charge ! — reverse. 8 — 8. I 0. Combine! 16 — 16. a. Raising wand upward — One ! 8—8 — 8. h. On toes. 16. Note. — Rising on toes. , c. Combine ! 16. Note. — Combination of rising on toes with raising wands upward. f a. Wand on shoulder — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. \h. With trunk !— bend— up. 8—8—16. 6. Marching. (Return wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. Note. — See Explanatory Note 7. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 5. Fifth or Sixth Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 225 4 a. KAISING WAND UPWARD 1, raise the wand through the sideways to a vertical position, the elbow straight, and the head and shoulders erect through- out ; 2, wand down to position. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES WITH RAISING WANDS UPWARD 1, raise both wands upward and rise on the toes ; 2, heels and wands down. 226 School Gymnastics 4. 6. ! 8—8. LESSON VI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Raising wand obliquely upward — One 3. \ b. Charge ! — reverse. 8 — 8. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Eaising wand upward — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. \ h. On toes ! 16. I c. Combine ! 16. Wand on shoulder, extend and return — One ! 8 — 8—16. Note. — As No. 3 in Lesson I. With trunk! 8—8—16. Note. — Trunk bending sideways with wands on shoulders, sideways and return. 6. Marching. (Return wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. a. h. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 227 5 6. TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH WANDS ON SHOULDERS AND SIDEWAYS 1, raise both wands to the shoulders ; 2, extend the wands at arm's length sideways, shoulder high, and bend the trunk sideways; 3, trunk erect and wands to shoulders; 4, bend the trunk and extend the arms ; continue to 7 ; 8, position. 228 School Gvmnastics LESSON VII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Raising wand sideways, upward and return — One! 8—8—16. 3. {h. Charge ! — side — rock back — charge. 8 — 8. Note. — Rocking. c. Combine! 16—16. Note. — Combination of rocking and raising wand sideways, upward and return. r a. Raising wand upward — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. 4. -j h. On toes ! 16. I c. Combine ! 16. r a. Wand on shoulders, sideways and return — One 5. j 8—8—16. \h. With trunk! 8—8—16. 6. Marching. (Return wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 3 a. RAISING WAND SIDEWAYS, UPWARD AND RETURN 1, raise the wand sideways at shoulder level ; 2, raise the arms to a vertical position ; 3, wand again sideways at shoulder level ; 4, arms vertical ; alternate to 7 ; 8, wand down to position. Pull strongly upon the chest. Keep the head erect. i Fifth or Sixth Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 229 3 b. ROCKING 1, face and charge sideways ; 2, keeping the feet in the same position, and the shoulders facing in the same direction, straighten the forward knee, transfer the weight to the rear leg and bend that knee; 3, return to the first charging position ; continue to rock from one charging position to another to 7; 8, heels together. The knees should be bent to their farthest extent, as in the charging, that the circulation may be quickened by the action of the large thigh muscles. 3 c. COMBINATION OF ROCKING AND RAISING WAND SIDEWAYS AND UPWARD 1, face and charge to the side, and extend the wand on that side at shoulder level ; 2, bend the rear knee and extend the 230 School Gymnastics arms to a vertical position; 3, return to the forward charge, wand at shoulder level ; continue to 7 ; 8, position. 9. BREATHING While inhaling, continue the sideways lifting of the arms taken in the previous breathing exercise, until the arms are in a vertical position ; while exhaling, lower them sideways to position. Fifth or Sixth Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 231 LESSON VIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. ' a. Eaising wands sideways, npward and return — One ! 1 h. Charge ! — side — rock back — charge. 8 — 8. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Wand on shoulder, upward and return — One ! 8 — 8 — I h. On toes ! 16. [ c. Combine ! 16. Note. — Combination of rising on toes with wands on shoulders and upward. r a. Wand on shoulders, sideways and return — One ! 5. I 8—8—16. i b. With trunk ! 8—8—16. 6. ^Marching. (Eeturn wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4 a. WAND ON SHOULDER, UPWARD AND RETURN 1, wand on shoulders ; 2, raise the wand upward, arms verti- cal, pull hard upon the chest and keep the head erect; 3, wand again to the shoulders ; 4, wand down to position. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES WITH WANDS ON SHOULDERS AND UPWARD 1, raise both wands to the shoulders and rise on the toes ; 2, hold the position on the toes and raise the arms to a vertical position ; 3, still keeping the heels off of the floor, return the wands to the shoulders ; 4, heels and wands down. 232 School Gymnastics 3. LESSON IX 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Raising wand sideways, upward and return — One ? 8—8—16. Charge ! — side — rock back — charge. 8 — 8. Combine ! 16 — 16. Wand to shoulder, upward and return — One ! 8— 8—16. On toes ! 16. Combine ! 16. 6. a. Facing and charging sideways, and bending trunk for- ward—One ! 16—16. 6. Marching ! (Return wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. { a. 4. { Running. 9. Breathing- Begin ! Six times. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 233 '-.■rf!»&w^^,^;,-^ss!i^^ , ^^vmm- 5 a. FACING AND CHARGING SIDEWAYS, AND BENDING TRUNK FORWARD 1, face and charge to the side with the wand extended for- ward at shoulder level ; 2, holding the charge position, bend the trunk forward and touch the wand to the floor ; 3, trunk erect, the weight remaining over the forward knee ; 4, position. This is a very effective exercise for the circulation and res- piration as well as for strengthening the muscles of the back and thigh. 234 School Gymnastics LESSON X 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Charging forward and backward alternately — One ! 8—8. 3. \ b. Arms !— up. 8—8. Note. — Combination of charging forward and backward with arms upward. a. Wand on shoulder, upward and return — One ! 8 — 8—16. b. On toes! 16. c. Combine ! 16. 5. Facing and charging sideways, and bending trunk forward _One ! 16—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 235 3 a. CHARGING FORWARD AND BACKWARD, ALTERNATELY 111 tliis exercise the partners charge forward and backward in opposite directions ; 1, a's charge forward and 6's back- ward on the same side ; 2, position ; 3, a's charge backward and ?>'s forward on the same side ; 4, position ; continue to alter- nate to 7 ; 8, position. 3 h. COMBINATION OF CHARGING FORWARD AND BACKWARD WITH ARMS UPWARD Raise the arms vertically upward while charging on the first count, and lower them to the sides on the second count. < 236 School Gymnastics LESSON XI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. {a. Charging forward and backward, alternately — One! 3. 8—8. [h. Arms!— up. 8—8. a. Wand on shoulder — One ! 8 or 16. h. On toes ! — up — bend knees — up — heels. 16. Note. — Rising on toes and bending knees, c. Combine ! 16. Note. — Combination of rising on toes and bending knees with wands on shoulders. 6. Facing and charging sideways, and bending trunk forward _One! 16—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands -Boys and Girls 237 4 ft. RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES 1, rise on the toes ; 2, bend the knees, the heels remaining off of the floor ; 3, straighten the knees, the heels still raised ; 4, heels down. The knees should spread as they are bent. Keep the trunk perfectly erect. This is an admirable exercise for cultivating erect carriage of the trunk, as well as for quickening the circulation. '.^^„€i 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES WITH WANDS ON SHOULDERS 1, rise on the toes and place the wands on the shoulders ; 2, bend the knees; 3, straighten the -knees; 4, heels and wands down. The wand should remain upon the shoulders from the first to the fourth count. 238 . School Gymnastics LESSON XII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. [ a. Charging forward and backward, alternately — One ! 3. \ 8—8. [ h. Arms ! — up. 8 — 8. [ a. Wand on shoulder — One ! 8 or 16. 4. ] 6. On toes ! — up — bend knees — up — heels. 16. I c. Combine ! 16. a. Charging and trunk bending sideways — One ! 8 — 8. h. With wand. 16—16. Note. — Combination of charging and trunk bending sideways with wand to floor. 6. Marching. (Eeturn wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands —Boys and Girls 239 5 a. CHARGING AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, charge directly to the side \ 2, bend the trunk sideways toward the bent knee ; 3, straighten the trunk, but hold the charge position ; 4, heels together. The wand should be placed on the hips during this exercise. 5 b. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH WAND TO FLOOR 1, charge sideways ; 2, bend the trunk sideways and touch the wand on that side to the floor ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, position. 240 School Gymnastics 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. LESSON XIII Stretching. Facings. Marching. I a. Facing and stretch step sideways with wand downward [ and upward — One ! 16 — 16. f a. Wand on shoulder — One ! 8 or 16. \ h. On toes ! — up — bend knees — up — heels. 16. i c. Combine ! 16. a. Charging and trunk bending sideways — One ! 8 — 8. b. With wands ! 16—16. Marching. (Return wands to place.) Stretching. Eunning. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands —Boys and Girls 241 Zn. FACING AND STRETCH STEP SIDEWAYS WITH WAND DOWNWARD AND UPWARD 1, face to the side^ bend the inner knee as in a backward charging position, stretch the outer foot forward and touch the toe only to the floor, the knee remaining stiff ; at the same time bend the trunk forward at the waist and touch the wand to the forward ankle ; 2, bend the trunk slightly backward at the waist ; raise the arms vertically, bend the head backward, and look up at the wand; 3, bend forward again; 4, position. This exercise is excellent for the waist and back muscles. It is very stimulating to the circulation. 9. BREATHING While inhaling, raise the arms forward to a vertical posi- tion ; while exhaling, lower them sideways. 242 School Gymnastics LESSON XIV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. 3. Facing and stretch step sideways with wand downward and upward — One ! 16^16. a. Wand on shoulders^ upward and return — One i 16—16. h. On toes ! — up — bend — up — heels. 16. Note. — Rising on toes and bending knees as m previous lesson, c. Combine ! 16. Note. — Combination of rising on toes and bending knees with wands on shoulders and upward. r a. Charging and trunk bending sideways — One ! 8 — 8. I h. With wand ! 16—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 243 4«. WAND ON SHOULDERS, UPWARD AND RETURN 1, raise the wand to the shoulder; 2, raise the wand up- ward; 3, wand again on the shoulder; 4, wand down to position. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES WITH WANDS ON SHOULDERS AND UPWARD 1, rise on the toes and raise the wands to the shoulders ; 2, bend the knees and raise the wands upward ; 3, straighten the knees and return the wands to the shoulders ; 4, position. 244 School Gymnastics LESSON XV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. 3. Facing and stretch step sideways — One ! 16 — 16. a. Wand on shoulders, upward and return — One ! 16 — 16. h. On toes ! — up — bend — up — heels. 16. . c. Combine ! 16. 5. Facing, kneeling, and trunk bending backward — One ! 8 — 8. 6. Marching. (Return wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times* Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 245 5 a . FACING, KNEELING, AND TRUNK BENDING BACKWARD 1, face to the side, kneel on the inner knee and extend the wand on that side forward at shoulder level ; 2, bend the trunk backward and raise the wand upward ; bend the head back- ward and look up at the wand ; o, trunk erect and w^and again forward at shoulder level ; 4, position. This is one of the best all-over exercises. 246 School Gymnastics LESSON XVI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Raising wand sideways, upward and return — One ! 8—8—16. Note. — As in 3 a, Lesson VII. h. Pivot ! — bend — up — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Pivoting and bending knees, c. Combine! 16—16. Note. — Combination of pivoting and bending knees with wand sideways, upward and return. { a. Wand on shoulders, upward and return — One ! 16 — 16. 4. \ h. On toes ! — up — bend — up — heels. 16. I c. Combine ! 16. 6. Facing, kneeling and trunk bending backward — One ! 16—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six tiniesc Fifth or Sixth Series, Wands — Boys and Girls 247 3 h. PIVOTING AND BENDING KNEES 1, rise on the toes and pivot to the side on the balls of the feet ; 2, holding this position of the feet, bend the knees ; 3, straighten the knees ; 4, pivot to the front and lower the heels to position. This is one of the most difficult balance movements. If correctly done, it is very serviceable for strengthening the muscles that maintain a good carriage of the body. 3 c. COMBINATION OF PIVOTING AND BENDING KNEES WITH WAND SIDEWAYS AND UPWARD 1, rise on the toes, pivot to the side and extend the wand on that side forward at shoulder level ; 2, bend the knees and raise the wand upward ; 3, straighten the knees and return the wand to the forward position ; 4, pivot to the front, and return the heels and wand to position. 248 School Gymnastics LESSON XVII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Wand sideways, upward and return — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 3. \ h. Pivot ! — bend — up — place. 8 — 8. ic. Combine! 16—16. 4. Cross step and facing to rear — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 5. Facing, kneeling and trunk bending backward — One ! 16—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4. CROSS STEP AND FACING TO REAR 1, cross one foot over the other and touch the toe on a line sideways from that of the stationary foot ; partners should work on the same side ; raise upward the wand on the side of the stationary foot ; 2, face to the rear, turning under the raised wand, and lower the wand to position ; the partners should then be back to back and the heels and wands in position; 3, raise the same wand and return to the front; this will leave the feet crossed and the wand raised ; 4, position. Fifth or Sixth Series, IVands — Boys and Girls 249 LESSON XVIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Wancl sideways, upward and return — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 3. i h. Pivot ! — bend — up — place. 8 — 8. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 4. Cross step and facing to rear — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. a. Eaising wand upward — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. iSToTE. — As in 4 a, Lesson V. 5. ] h. Bend ! 8—8—8. I Note. — Trunk bending sideways, wands at hips. [c. Combine! 8—8—16. XoTE. — Combination of trunk bending sideways and raising wands upward. 6. starching. (Return wands to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND RAISING WANDS UPWARD 1, bend the trunk sideways and at the same time raise both wands upward, the arms being in a line with the trunk ; 2, position. Seventh Series Sixth Year, Boys Bar-bells^ 4 feet LESSON I ;N"ote. — For stretching, marching, floor formation, effects of exercises, etc., see Explanatory Notes. When direction is not mentioned in the command, it is under stood that the exercise will begin to the right side. 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position, for work — One ! Two ! a. Bar at carry, right — One ! 16 — 16. h. Foot !— forward. 8—8—16. Note. — Point step forward. ^ c. Combine ! Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 4. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 5. Stretching. While marching to place, the bar should be carried in the right arm, as shown in the illustration for 3 h. BAR IN POSITION FOR WORK 1, raise the left arm upward, with the elbow bent at right angles so that the forearm crosses the forehead, and grasp the bar with the left hand, palm to the front ; 2, lower the bar to a horizontal position at arm's length down in front. 253 Seventh Series Sixth Year, Boys Bar-bells, 4 feet LESSOI^ I KoTE. — For stretching, raarching, floor formation, effects of exercises, etc., see Explanatory Notes. When direction is not mentioned in the command, it is under stood that the exercise will begin to the right side. 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position, for work — One ! Two ! a. Bar at carry, right — One ! 16 — 16. b. Foot !— forward. 8—8—16. Note. — Point step forward. ^ c. Combine ! Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 4. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 5. Stretching. While marching to place, the bar should be carried in the right arm, as shown in the illustration for 3 h. BAR IN POSITION FOR WORK 1, raise the left arm upward, with the elbow bent at right angles so that the forearm crosses the forehead, and grasp the bar with the left hand, palm to the front ; 2, lower the bar to a horizontal position at arm's length down in front. 253 254 School Gymnastics 3 a. BAR AT CARRY The movements in this exer- cise are the same as in the bar in position for work. 1, place the bar at carry at the right shoulder ; 2, bar down to the horizontal position. Zb. POINT STEP FORWARD 1^ lift the right foot^ extend the leg and touch the toe the length of a step in front of its normal position ; no weight should be carried by the mov- ing foot, the shoulders remain- ing immovable; the knee and instep should be stretched to ' ' .---- .: -^-..^-;-., their utmost ; 2, heels together. If correctly taken, this exercise is effective for balance work and for general carriage. The bar should remain at carry during this exercise. This position of the bar will be understood hereafter whenever the legs or trunk are working alone, unless otherwise specified. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FORWARD AND BAR AT CARRY 1, point step forward with the right foot and bar at carry at the right shoulder, the right arm bent across the forehead and grasping the bar; 2, heels together and bar in horizontal position. In taking the point step with the left foot, the bar should be placed at carry at the left shoulder. Be sure to keep the head erect in this and all other exercises. Seventh Series, Bar-bells Boys 255 3. LESSON II 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! r a. Aiming sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. \. Foot!— side. 8— 8— la Note. — Point step sideways. ic. Combine! 8—8—16. { a. Bar at chest — One ! 16. ' h. On toes ! 16. Note. — Rising on toes. c. Combine ! 16. Bar at carry — One ! Two I 5. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 6. Stretching. 7. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4. \ 3 a. AIMING SIDEWAYS 1, raise the bar horizontally to shoulder level and aim to the right side, the right arm extended at full length, the left elbow bent and raised to shoulder level ; turn the head and look in the direction of the aiming; 2:)ull hard upon the chest with the extended arm ; 2, wand down to position. 3 6. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS This is similar to the point step forward except in direction. The same features of steady carriage and extended knee and nistep should be observed. Start the exercise to the right side. 256 School Gymnastics 4 a. BAR AT CHEST 1, bend the elbows and raise the bar to a horizontal posi- tion at the chest ; 2, bar down to position. The upper arms should be drawn backward when the bar is raised, so as ^ to expand the chest. Keej) the head erect. 3r. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND AIMING SIDEWAYS 1, point step side- ways to the right, and aim to the left side ; 2, heels together and bar down to posi- tion. When the point step is taken to the left side, aim to the right. ^^^K r^^^M^B M 1 Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 257 4^. RISING ON TOES 1, rise as high as possible on the toes ; 2, heels down, quietly and without jarring ; do not let the weight sway backward upon the heels after the latter are lowered. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BAR AT CHEST 1, rise on the toes and raise the bar to the chest ; 2, heels to- gether and bar down. 7. BREATHING Raise the arms sideways to shoulder level and inhale ; lower them to position and exhale. The breath should be slow and forced, i.e. deeper than the normal. 258 School Gymnastics LESSON III 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! r a. Bar forward, over head and return — One ! h. In quick time ! 8. 3. \ G. Foot! — forward. 16. Note. — Point step forward- ed. Combine! 16. a. Bar at chest — One ! 16. h. On toes! 16. c. Combine ! 16. Bar at carry — One ! Two 1 5. Marching. (Eeturn bar-bells to place.) 6. Stretching. 7. Running. Note. — See Explanatory Note 1. 8. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 16. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 259 3 a. BAR FORWARD, OVER HEAD AND RETURN 1, raise the bar horizontally forward at arm's length in front at shoulder level; 2, continue the upward movement until the arms are vertical and the bar directly over the head ; 3, return to the forward position ; 4, bar down to position. Much care will be needed in this exercise to keep the head perfectly erect. Pall hard upon the chest with the arms. Zh. BAR FORWARD, OVER HEAD AND RETURN IN QUICK TIME 1, swing the bar through the forward to the upward posi- tion ; 2, bar down to position. Be careful that the hips, or. ab- domen, and the head are not pushed forward as the bar is raised. A sway-back position should also be avoided. 2G0 School Gymnastics t^'^'iS^^PfMJ--^- :^^ Zd. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FORWARD AND BAR OVER HEAD 1, point step forward and bar over lieaid ; 2, heels and bar to position. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 201 3. 5. LESSON IV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar forward^ back of shoulders, and return — One i 16c h. In quick time ! 8. c. Foot!— back. 8—8—16. Note. — Point step backward. cl. Combine ! 16. I" a. Bar at chest — One ! 16. ^ h. On toes ! 16. c. Combine ! 16. a. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. h. With trunk sideways ! 8—8—16. Note. — Trunk bending sideways. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 6. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 262 School Gymnastics 3 a. BAR FORWAED, BACK OF SHOULDERS, AND RETURN 1, bar forward at arm's length at shoulder level; 2, swing the bar to the upward position, with the arms vertical, bend the elbows, and while keeping the head firmly erect, place the bar back of the shoulders ; 3, bar through the upward to the forward position; 4, bar down to position. If taken with the head in good position throughout, this ex- ercise is one of the most effective for correcting the position of the shoulders and shoulder-blades. 3?>. BAR FORWARD, BACK OF SHOULDERS, AND RETURN, IN QUICK TIME 1, swing the bar through the forward and upward positions and place it back of the shoulders; 2, return the bar to posi- tion. Be sure that the arms are stretched to their farthest extent betw^een the terminal positions. 3 c. POINT STEP BACKWARD 1, stretch the right leg backward from the w^aist and touch the toe directly back of its normal position; 2, heels together. The moving foot should carry no weight. The knee and instep should be stretched to their utmost. If taken correctly, this exercise makes effective work for the lower back muscles, which help to hold the trunk erect. Seventh Series, bar-bells — Boys 263 Zd. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP BACKWARD AND BAR BACK OF SHOULDERS 1. point step backward with right foot and bar back of shoulders; 2, foot and bar to position. bh. TRUNK BENDING SIDE- WAYS WITH BAR BACK OF SHOULDERS 1, bar back of shoulders as in 3 ; 2, bend the trunk from the waist directly to the right side; 3^ trunk erect; 4, bar down to position. The move- ment of the trunk should be as far as possible without bending the knees or lifting the feet. This exercise is admirable for expanding the chest lat- erally and for stimulating the action of the digestive organs and the circulation. 264 School Gymnastics 3. 5. LESSON V 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar forward, back of shoulders, and return — One ! 16. h. In quick time ! 8. c. Foot!— back. 8—8—16. d. Combine ! 16. f a. Bar vertically forward, right arm up — One! 8 — 8 — 8 i h. On toes ! 16. Note. — Eising on toes, c. Combine ! 16. a. Aiming sideways, left — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8. Note. — Trunk twisting. c. ftuick time ! 8. d. Combine ! 8. e. Quick time ! 8. {a. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. j b. With trunk sideways ! 8—8—16. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Eeturn bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Seventh Series, Rar-belh — Boys 205 4 a. BAR VERTICALLY FORWARD, RIGHT ARM UP 1, raise the bar to a vertical position in front of the body, the arms extended at full length, the right arm upward ; 2, bar down to position. See illustration in Lesson IX, 5 cZ, for the vertical position of the bar. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BAR VERTICALLY FORWARD 1, rise on the toes and extend the bar vertically forward 2, heels down and bar to position. 5 6. TRUNK TWISTING 1, twist or rotate the trunk co the right side, the feet remain- ing firmly in place and the knees stiff ; the head should turn with the trunk, but no farther; 2, return to position. The chest should be thrown well forward as the body is rotated, and the chin should be drawn in. The twisting should be as far as possible with the maintenance of a good position, that a strong pressure may be exerted upon the digestive organs. be. TRUNK TWISTING IN QUICK TIME 1, twist the trunk to the right ; 2, twist to the left ; 3, twist to the right ; continue to alternate the directions to 7 5 8, posi- tion. 266 School Gymnastics bd. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND AIMING 1, twist the trunk to the right and aim directly backward, twisting the head so as to look in the direction of the aiming ; 2, return the trunk and bar to position. be. TRUNK TWISTING AND AIMING IN QUICK TIME 1, twist the trunk to the right and aim backward from the right side ; 2, twist the trunk to the left and aim backward from the left side ; continue to alternate the sides to 7 ; 8, trunk and bar to position. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 20' LESSON VI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar forward — One ! IG. Note. — As for the first count of 3 a, Lesson IV. h. Charge! 16—16. Note. — Charging forward. c. Combine! 16—16—32. f a. Bar vertically forward^ right arm up — One ! 8 — 8 —8. h. On toes! 16. c. Combine ! 16. a. Aiming sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. b. Trunk !— twist. ^—S. 5. { c. Quick time ! 8. d. Combine ! 8. e. Quick time ! 8. a. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. ^' ' b. With trunk sideways ! 8—8—16. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Keturn bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 268 School Gymnastics 3h. CHARGING FORWARD 1, take a long step forward with the right foot, bend the knee and throw the weight entirely on that leg, though the trunk should remain erect and the rear heel upon the floor ; 2, heels together. If the bend of the knee is sufficient to bring the thigh muscles w^ell into action, this exercise will have a very stimu- lating effect upon the circulation and respiration. It cultivates an erect carriage of the trunk if the chest is thrown well for- ward and the trunk held erect in the charge position. 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND BAR FORWARD 1, charge forward and swing the bar forward at arm's length at shoulder level ; 2, heels and bar to position. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 269 6. LESSCm VII 1. Stretching. 2. Eaeings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! [ a. Aiming sideways, right — One ! 10 — IG — 16. 3. i I). Charge sideways ! 16 — 16. [c. Combine I 16—16—32. a. Bar over head — One ! h. On toes ! 16. I c. Combine ! 16. a. Aiming sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8. ; c. Quick time ! 8. d. Combine! 8. e. Quick time ! 8. a. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. [ h. AYith trunk sideways ! 8 — 8 — 16. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Keturn bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. Zh. CHARGING SIDEWAYS This differs from charging forward only in direction. 1, charge directly to the right side, the trunk erect and all of the weight carried by the moving foot ; 2, position. The shoulders should remain squarely to the front throughout. School Gymnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND AIMING SIDEWAYS 1, charge and aim to the right side ; 2, position. In charging to the left side aim to the left. 4r. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BAR OVER HEAD 1, rise on the toes and swing the bar through the forward to the horizontal position over the head; 2, heels and bar down. 10. BREATHING While inhaling continue the upward movement of the arms until they are in a vertical position; arms down while exhaling. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 271 6 LESS0:N^ VIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! f a. Bar at carry, aiming forward and returning, right — One ! 16— IG. >. Foot !— backward — charge — backward — place. 16 — 3. \ 16. Note. — Point step backward, charging forward and returning, c. Combine! 16—16—32. r a. Bar over head — One ! 8. 4. { b. On toes ! 16. I I c. Combine ! 16. 6. Alternate trunk bending forward and bar back of shoulders —One ! 32. a. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. b. With trunk bending sideways ! 8 — 8 — 16. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 3 a. BAR AT CARRY, AIMING FORWARD AND RETURNING 1, bar at carry at the right shoulder ; 2, aim directly forward by raising the right arm with the bar forward, and placing the left hand, still grasping the bar, at the right shoulder ; 3^ bar at carry ; 4, position. 272 School Gymnastics Zh. POINT STEP BACKWARD, CHARGING FORWARD, AND RETURNING 1, point step backward; 2, charge forward; 3, point step backward ; continue to 15 ; 16, heels together. This combination of exercises is very serviceable for culti- vating erect carriage, if the point step is taken with a strong stretch of the entire leg, and yet without any weight being borne upon it. The balance and control of body required for changing from one position to the other is considerable. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP BACKWARD AND BAR AT CARRY, WITH CHARGING AND AIMING FORWARD 1, point step backward with the right foot and bar at carry on the same side ; 2, charge and aim forward ; 3, point step backward and bar at carry; continue to 15 ; 16, position. 5. ALTERNATE TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND BAR BACK OF SHOULDERS 1, bend the trunk forward from the hips, with the back straight, and swing the arms upward in line with the trunk; the head should remain in a straight line with the back ; 2, trunk erect and bar down to position ; 3, bar back of shoul- ders ; 4, bar down to position. This exercise is admirable for the back muscles, and if cor- rectly taken will do much to cultivate an erect carriage. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 273 LESSON IX 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! ' a. Bar at cany, aiming forward and returning, right — One ! 16—16. h. Foot ! — backward — charge — backward — place. 16 — 16. c. Combine! 16—16—32. a. Bar over head, back of shoulders and return — One ! 16. h. On toes ! 16. Note. — Eising on toes, c. Combine ! 32. f a. Bar vertically forward, right arm up — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. b. ftuick time ! 8. Note. — Alternate the arms without coming to posi- tion. c. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—8. Note. — 1, twist ; 2, return to the front. . d. Combine ! (Quick time.) 16. 6. Alternate trunk bending forward and bar back of shoul- ders—One ! 32. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Eeturn bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 274 School Gymnastics 4«. BAR OVER HEAD, BACK OF SHOULDERS AND RETURN 1, bar over head ; 2, bar back of shoulders ; 3^ bar over head ; 4, bar down to position. In swinging the bar over the head, keep the elbows straight as they move through the forward position. Keep the head steadily erect throughout. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES WITH BAR OVER HEAD AND BACK OF SHOULDERS 1, rise on the toes, bar over head ; 2, hold the position on the toes and place the bar back of the shoulders ; 3, still remaining on the toes, return the bar to the position over the head; 4, heels and bar down to position. 5 d. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWIST- ING AND BAR VERTICALLY FOR- WARD 1, twist the trunk to the right and raise the bar vertically for- ward, with the right arm upper- most ; 2, twist the trunk to the left and reverse the arms ; con- tinue to 15 ; 16, position. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 275 LESSON X 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar. in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar forward and at chest — One ! 16. 3. I h. Rocking ! 8—8. [c. Combine! 16—16. r a. Bar over head, back of shoiiklers and return — One ! 16. 5. '^' h. On toes! 16. .c. Combine! 32. a. Bar vertically forward, right arm up — One! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Quick time! 8. c. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—8. d. Combine ! (Quick time.) 16. 6. Alternate trunk bending forward and bar back of shoul- ders—One ! 32. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 276 School Gymnastics BAR FORWARD AND AT CHEST 1, swing the bar forward at arm's length ; 2, bar at chest ; 3, bar again forward ; 4, bar down to position. 3&. ROCKING 1, charge forward ; 2, keeping the feet in the same place on the floor, straighten the forward knee, bend the rear knee and throw all of the weight npon it ; 3, return to the forward charge position ; continue to alternate the movements to 7 ; 8, position. The trunk should be erect throughout. The transition of the weight from the forward to the rear knee gives a rocking motion to the body. This exercise is very serviceable for quickening the cir- culation. 3 c. COMBINATION OF ROCKING WITH BAR FORWARD AND AT CHEST 1, charge forward and ex- tend the bar forward ; 2, rock backAvard and place the bar at the chest ; 3, return to the forward position ; continue to 15 ; 16, heels together and bar down. The position for the first count is illustrated in 3 c, Lesson VI. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 211 5. 6. LESSON XI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! r a. Bar forward and at chest — One ! 16. 3. b. Eocking ! 16—16. I c. Combine ! 16^ — 16. L Bar at chest — One ! 16. 4. ^ Note. — 1, bar at chest ; 2, position. b. On toes ! — bend — up — place. 16. Note. — Rising on toes and bending knees. a. Bar vertically forward, right arm up — One ! 8 — 8—8. b. Quick time ! 8. c. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—8. d. Combine ! (Quick time.) 16. a. Bar over head and trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 8—8—16. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 278 School Gymnastics 4 6. RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES 1, rise on the toes and raise the bar to tlie chest; 2, keeping the heels up and the bar at the chest, bend the knees, the trunk remaining erect ; 3, straighten the knees, the heels still remain- ing off of the floor and the bar at the chest ; 4, heels and bar down. This exercise is admirable for cultivating erect carriage. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 279 4 a. BAR OVER HEAD AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, raise the bar over the head ; 2, bend the trunk to the side ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, bar down to position. This is excellent work for the chest and waist muscles. The effect upon the circulation and digestion is very stimulating. 280 . School Gymnastics 3. 5. LESSON XII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar placing obliquely forward^ right — One! 8 — 8 —16. h. Charge! 16—16. Note. — Charging obliquely forward. c. Combine! 16—16. a. Bar at chest — One ! 16. h. On toes ! — bend — up — place. 16. a. Bar back of shoulders — One! 8. h. Trunk! — forward. 16. Note. — Bar back of shoulders with trunk bending forward. 6. Bar above head and trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 8—8—16. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Eeturn bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin! Six times. 3 a. BAR PLACING OBLIQUELY FORWARD 1, loosen the grasp of the right hand, swing that end of the bar obliquely forward the full length of the left arm, and place or plant it firmly upon the floor, the bar being in a vertical position ; 2, return the bar to position. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 281 3 b. CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD This differs from 23revioiis chargings only in direction, the foot moving outward in a direction midway betw^een the for- ward and sideways directions. The shoulders should face in the direction of the charge. 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND BAR PLACING OBLIQUELY FORWARD 1, charge obliquely forward to the right, and place the bar obliquely forward on that side ; 2, heels and bar to position. bh. BAR BACK OF SHOULDERS WITH TRUNK BENDING FORWARD 1, bar back of shoulders ; 2, bend the trunk forward ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, bar to position. This is one of the best exercises in the series for correcting the posi- tion of the shoulder-blades, back, and chest. 282 School Gymnastics LESSON XIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! ' a. Bar placing obliquely forward, right !— One ! 8 — 8 —16. h. Charge! 16—16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Bar above head, back of shoulders and return — One ! 16. 6, On toes ! — up — bend — up — place. 16. (Bar at chest.) c. Combine ! [ a. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. \ h. Trunk ! — twist — bend — up — place. 8 — 8 — 16. Note. — Trunk twisting and bending forward. 6. Bar above head, and trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 8—8—16. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) . 8. Stretching. 9. Kunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 283 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES WITH BAR OVER HEAD, BACK OF SHOULDERS AND RETURN 1, rise on the toes, the bar over the head ; 2, bend the knees, the bar back of the shoulders ; 3, straighten the knees, bar over head ; 4, position. This is a very difficult balance movement. It will be taken easier and in better form if done firmly and steadily instead of rapidly. Keep the head and shoulders erect. 284 School Gymnastics >tx 6 h. TRUNK TWISTING AND BEND- ING FORWARD WITH BAR BACK OF SHOULDERS 1, twist the trunk to the right and place the bar back of the shoulders ; 2, holding this di- rection, bend the trunk f orward, keeping the head and trunk in a straight line ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, trunk and bar to position. 10. BREATHING Eaise the arms forward to a vertical position, palms facing inward, while inhaling ; lower them sideways, turning the palms downward while exhaling. Keep the head erect and pull well upon the chest with the arm movements. 3. 4. o. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 285 LESSON XIV 1. Stretcliing. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar over head — One ! 16. h. Change ! — reverse. 16 — 16. 1 Note. — Reverse charging sideways with bar over head. a. Bar above head, back of shoulders and return — One ! 16. h. On toes ! — bend — up — place. 16. ^ c. Combine ! 16. f a. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. \ b. Trunk ! — twist — bend — \ip — place. 8 — 8 — 16. 6. Bar above head, and trunk bending sideways, right ! — One ! 8—8—16. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 6. REVERSE CHARGING SIDEWAYS WITH BAR OVER HEAD 1, face and charge to the right side and swing the bar over the head ; 2, keeping the feet in the same relative position, reverse the charge, i.e. face in the opposite direction, and bend the knee that is then forward; in the transition swing the bar downward, and have it over the head when facing in the opposite direction ; continue to reverse the directions to 15 ; 16, position. Be sure to bend the knee as far as possible, that the heavy thigh muscles may be brought well into action and so stimulate the circulation. 286 School Gymnastics 4. LESSON XV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar over head — One! 16 — 16. h. Charge ! — reverse. 16 — 16. a. Bar above head, back of shoulders and return — One ! 16. h. On toes ! — bend — up — place. 16. c. Combine ! 16. a. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. h. Trunk ! — twist — side — up— place. 8 — 8 — 16. Note. — Trunk twisting and bending sideways with bar back of shoulders. 6. Bar back of shoulders and trunk bending forward — One ! 32. Note. — As in Lesson XII. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Seventh Series, Bar-hells ~ Boys 287 5 h. TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH BAR BACK OF SHOULDERS 1, twist the trunk to the right and place the bar back of the shoulders; 2, bend the trunk to the right side; 3, trunk erect; 4, face to the front, bar down. 288 School Gymnastics 3. lesso:n^ XVI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar at carry, aiming obliquely upward and returning, right— One ! 16—16. h. Charge ! — stamp — charge — place. 16 — 16. ISToTE. — Charging obliquely forward, stamping and returning. Combine ! 16—16. Bar above head, back of shoulders and return — One ! 16. On toes ! — ^bend — up — place. 16. Combine ! 16. Bar back of shoulders — One ! 8. Trunk ! — twist — side — up — place. 8 — 8 — 16. 6. Bar back of shoulders and trunk bending forward — One ! 32. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. I c. ' a. 4. h. . c. 5. - fa. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 289 3«. BAR AT CARRY. AIMING OBLIQUELY UPWARD AND RETURNING Ij bar at carry; 2, aim obliquely upward; 3, bar at carry; 4, bar in position. 3 b. CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD, STAMPING AND RETURNING 1, charge obliquely forward ; 2, give two quick stamps with the forward foot, slightly extending the step with each ; 3, return to the position of the charge ; 4, heels together. 290 School Gymnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND STAMPING WITH AIMING OBLIQUELY UPWARD 1, charge obliquely forward, bar at carry ; 2, stamp twice quickly and aim obliquely upward ; 3, charge position and bar at carry ; 4, heels together and bar in position. LESSOI^ XVII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Bar at carry, aiming obliquely upward and returning, right— One ! 16—16. h. Charge ! — stamp — charge — place. 16 — 16. c. Combine! 16 — 16. a. Bar above head — One ! 8. h. On toes ! — bend — up — place. 16. Note. — Rising on toes and bending knees with bar over head. [ a. Trunk twisting and bending sideways with aiming to 5. ] the rear, left— One ! 16—16. [b. With charging ! 16—16. 6. Bar back of shoulders and trunk bending forward — One ! 32. Note. — As in Lesson XII. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Eeturn bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Bunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 291 4 6. RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES WITH BAR OVER HEAD 1, rise on the toes, bar over head ; 2, keeping the bar above the head, bend the knees ; 3, straighten the knees ; 4^ heels and bar down. 292 School Gymnastics 5 a, TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH AIMING TO THE REAR 1. twist the trunk to the right^ bend the trunk sideways to the left and aim obliquely upward to the rear; 2, hold the position ; 3, return to position ; 4^ hold. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 293 5 h, CHARGING WITH TRUNK TWISTING AND AIMING TO THE REAR 1, charge forward with the right foot, twist the trunk to the aef t, bend to the right and aim upward to the rear ; 2, hold the position ; 3, return to position ; 4, hold. 294 School Gymnastics LESSON XVIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Bar in position — One ! Two ! a. Aiming obliquely upward, alternately, right — One ! 16. Note. — As for the second count of 3 a, Lesson XVI. h. Charge ! — reverse. 16 — 16. Note. — Reverse charging and aiming obliquely. r a- Bar above head — One ! 8. 4. \ [ h. On toes ! — bend — up — place. 16. r a. Trunk twisting and bending sideways with aiming to 5. \ the rear, right — One ! 16 — 16. I h. With charging ! 16—16. ( a. Alternate trunk bending forward and bar back of 6. I shoulders — One! 16. 16. Combine! 8. Bar at carry — One ! Two ! 7. Marching. (Return bar-bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Kunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Seventh Series, Bar-bells — Boys 295 3 6. REVERSE CHARGING AND AIMING OBLIQUELY 1, charge obliquely forward with the right foot, and aim obliquely upward in the direction of the charge ; 2, reverse the charging position by facing obliquely to the rear to the left side, left knee bent, and swing the wand downward and upward to the oblique upward aiming, in the direction of the last charge ; continue to reverse the directions to 15; 16, position. 296 School Gymnastics 6 a. TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND BAR BACK OF SHOULDERS, ALTERNATELY 1, bend the trunk forward^ the bar down in front at arm's length ; 2, trunk erect ; 3, bar back of shoulders ; 4, bar to position. In bending the trunk forward keep the back straight and the head in line with it. 6 6. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND BAR BACK OF SHOULDERS 1, bend the trunk forward and place the bar back of the shoulders, as shown in the illustration to 5 h, Lesson XII; 2, trunk erect and bar down to position. Eighth Series Sixth Year, Girls Iron Grace Hoops wound with Tape — li pounds LESSON I Note. — For stretching, marching, floor formation, effects of exercises, etc., see Explanatory Notes. 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position for work — Place ! a. Hoop forward — One ! 8. 3. \ h. Hoop at chest — One ! 8. G. Alternate ! 16. a. Point step forward, alternately, right — One ! 16. h. Backward! 16. Note. — Point step backward. Ic. With hoop! 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 5. Forward — March ! (Return hoops to j)lace.) 6. Stretching. 297 298 School Gymnastics HOOP AT CARRY While marching to and from position on the floor, the hoop should be carried over the right shoulder, as in the accompanying illustration. HOOP IN POSITION FOR WORK Swing the hoop forward at arm's length, grasp it with both hands, and lower the arms at full length in front, so that the hoop rests against the body in a vertical posi- tion. To return the hoop to carry, reverse this movement. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 299 3«. HOOP FORWARD 1, raise the hoop forward at arm's length; 2, return the hoop to position. Keep the head erect. Zb. HOOP AT CHEST 1, bend the elbows and place the hoop vertically in front of the chest and face, so that it forms a frame for the latter ; 2, position. In raising the hoop for this exercise, the shoulder- blades should be drawn together, so that they may be flattened and the chest expanded; the chin should be held well in. 3 c. HOOP FORWARD AND AT CHEST 1, raise the hoop forward; 2, hoop in position; 3, hoop at chest; 4, position. 4 a. POINT STEP FORWARD 1, touch the toe of the right foot forward as far as can be done without transferring any weight to it ; the knee and in- step should be strongly stretched ; 2, heels together. This is a balance exercise, and cultivates firm, erect carriage. 4&. POINT STEP BACKWARD This is the same as the point step forward, except in direc- tion. The stretching should be from the waist, so as to in- crease the curve of the lower back. 300 School Gymnastics 4 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FOKWARD AND BACKWARD WITH HOOP FORWARD AND AT CHEST 1, point step forward with the right foot, and hoop forward; 2j foot and hoop in position; 3, the same with the left foot; 4, position ; 5, point step back- ward with the right foot, and hoop at chest ; 6, position ; 7, the same with the left foot ; 8, posi- tion. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls oOl LESSON II 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! a. Aiming sideways right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. h. Foot: 8—8—16. Note. — Point step sideways. c. Alternate! 16—16. d. Combine! 8—8—16. a.* Hoop at chest — One ! 8. h. On toes! 8. Note. — Eising on toes, c. Combine ! 16. Hoop at carry — Place ! 5. Forward — March ! (Eeturn hoops to place.) 6. Stretching. 7. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 3. 3 a. AIMING SIDEWAYS 1, extend the right arm sideways at full length at shoulder levelj the hoop resting vertically against the arm, the left elbow high; pull hard upon the chest; the position is that of aiming with a bow and arrow ; turn the head and look in the direction of the aiming ; 2, hoop down to position. Zh. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS This is the same as the previous point steps except in direc- tion. Be sure that the weight remains firmly on the station- ary foot; so as to cultivate steady poise. 302 School Gymnastics 3 c. ALTERNATE POINT STEP AND AIMING SIDEWAYS 1, aim to the right side; 2, position; 3, point step to the right side ; 4, position. Zd. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND AIMING SIDEWAYS 1, point step and aiming simultaneously to the right side ; 2, foot and hoop to position. 4 6. RISING ON TOES 1, rise on the toes as high as possible ; 2, heels down, with- out noise or jarring. The weight should remain on the forward part of the foot after the heels are lowered. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND HOOP AT CHEST 1, rise on the toes and raise the hoop to the chest ; 2, hoop and heels down. BREATHING Eaise the arms sideways to shoulder level while inhaling ; lower them to position while exhaling. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 303 3. \ 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. LESSON III Stretching. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! Hoop over head — One ! 16. Foot !— forward. 8—8—16. Note. — Point step forward. Combine ! 16. Aiming sideways, right — One ! Trunk !— twist. 8—8—8. Note. — Trunk twisting. Combine ! 16. Hoop at carry — Place ! Forward — - March ! (Eeturn hoops to place.) Stretching. Running. Note. — See Explanatory Note 7. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. a. h. c. 3 a. HOOP OVER HEAD 1, raise the hoop horizontally over the head, the arms fully extended ; bend the head backward and look up through the hoop ; 2, hoop down to position. Pull upon the chest with the arms. Keep the chest well forward and avoid a sway-back position. 8—8. 304 School Gymnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FORWARD AND HOOP OVER HEAD 1, point step forward and hoop over head ; 2, hoop and foot to position. 4&. TRUNK TWISTING 1, keeping the feet firmly in position, twist or rotate the trunk to the side as far as possible, so as to create a strong pressure upon the internal organs ; the chest should be thrown well forw^ard in this movement; the head should move with the trunk, but no farther ; 2, return to position. 4 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND AIMING 1, twist the trunk to the right side, and aim to the rear on the same side ; 2, trunk and hoop to position. In this combi- nation the head should turn so as to follow the direction of the aiming. 3. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 305 LESSON IV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! ' a. Hoop above and behind head — One ! 16. b. Foot ! — forward — backward — forward — place. 16 — 16. Note. — Point step forward, backward, forward, and place. c. Combine! 16—16. Hoop back of head — Place ! 4. Alternate point step and walking forward, right — One! 16—16—16. Hoop in position — Place ! r a. Aiming sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8. 5. I h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—8. [ c. Combine — 16. Hoop at carry — Place ! 6. Forward — March ! (K/Cturn hoops to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. HOOP ABOVE AND BEHIND HEAD 1, raise the hoojj horizontally over the head, as in the first exercise of the previous lesson ; 2, keeping the head perfectly still, with the chin drawn in, lower the hoop to a vertical posi- tion behind the shoulders, so that the upper rim of it touches the head ; the hoop may have to slip through the hands some- what to allow it to touch the head ; 3, hoop again in the hori- zontal position over the head ; 4, hoop to position. This is one of the best exercises for the chest and shoulder- blades. 306 School Gymnastics 3 6. POINT STEP FOKWARD AND BACKWARD 1, point ste^D forward ; 2, point step backward ; 3, point step again forward; 4, heels together. The shoulders should not move in this exercise, the weight remaining firmly on the stationary foot. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP FORWARD AND BACKWARD WITH HOOP ABOVE AND BE- HIND HEAD 1, point step forward with the right foot, and the hoop horizontally over the head ; 2, point step backward, and hoop behind the head ; 3, point step forward, and hoop over the head ; 4, foot and hoop to posi- tion. 4. ALTERNATE POINT STEP AND WALKING FORWARD 1, point step forward with the right foot ; 2, heels together ; 3, 4, the same with the left foot; 6, 6, 7, walk forward; 8, heels together. Eepeat, walking backward to place. Ee- peat, facing to the right on the first count, walking in that direction and back to place, and then to the left and to place. The entire exercise may be repeated if time allows. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 307 LESSON V 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! r a. Hoop above and behind head — One ! 16. 3^ \h. Foot ! — forward — backward — forward — place. 16 — 16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. Hoop back of head — Place ! a. Alternate point step and walking forward, right — One! h. With aiming ! Once in each direction. Note. — Aim sideways Avith the point step on the same side as the moving foot, and place the hoop back of the head for walking. Hoop in position — Place ! a. Hoop forward — One ! 8. Note. — As in 3 a, Lesson I. 5. \ h. Trunk !— bend. 8—8—8. Note. — Trunk bending sideways. !. Combine ! 16. Hoop at carry — Place ! 6. Forward — March ! (Return hoops to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Punning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 308 School Gymnastics 5 ft. TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, bend the trunk from the waist directly to the side, the head remaining in line with the trunk ; 2, return to the erect position. This exercise, by means of the pressure exerted upon the internal organs, quickens the circulation and digestion. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND HOOP FORWARD 1, raise the hoop for- ward ; 2, keeping the hoop in this position, bend the trunk to the side ; 3, trunk erect; 4, hoop down to position. On the last eight counts alternate the sides, raising the hoop as the trunk bends and return- ing it to position as the trunk is raised. 9. BREATHING Eaise the arms sideways to a vertical position while inhal- ing; arms down to position while exhaling. 6. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls .'>()9 LESSON VI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place. a. Aiming obliquely downward, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 5. Foot!— side. 8—8—16. Note. — Point step sideways. . c. Combine ! 16. Hoop back of head — Place ! f a. Alternate point step and walking forward, right — 4. ] One! 16—16—16. [h. With aiming! 16—16—16. Hoop in position — Place ! Hoop forward — One 1 8. h. Trunk!— bend. 8—8. c. Combine ! 16. Hoop at carry — Place I 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn hoops to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. f a \ h 3 a. AIMING OBLIQUELY DOWNWARD 1, aim obliquely downward at the side, the hoop resting on the arm ; turn the head and look down in the direction of the aiming ; 2, hoop in position. 310 School Gymnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP SIDEWAYS AND AIMING OB- LIQUELY DOWNWAKD 1, point step sideways, with a slight bend at the waist, and aim obliquely downward; turn the head and look down at the foot ; 2, foot and hoop to position. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 311 LESSON VII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! • f a. Aiming obliquely downward, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 3. j h. Foot !— side. 8—8—16. I c. Combine ! 16. r a. Hoop over shoulders — One ! 16. 4. \b. Balance step — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. i c. Combine ! 16 or 32. a. Hoop over head — One ! 8. h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8. c. Combine !— 16 or 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 6. Forward— March ! (Return hoops to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin! Six times. 5. 4«. HOOP OVER SHOULDERS 1, raise the hoop above the head at arm's length, bend the elbows and lower the hoop over the head to shoulder level; 2, return the hoop to position, being sure to extend the arms upward to their full length in the transition, with a strong pull upon the chest. The head should remain firmly erect> throughout. 4 6. BALANCE STEP 1, cross the right foot over in front of the left one, and rise on the toes of both feet; the knee of the moving foot should not bend, and the shoulders should remain squarely to the front ; 2, heels together. Like all balance exercises, this is admirable for cultivating a firm poise and upright carriage. 312 School Gymnastics 4 c. COMBINATION OF BALANCE STEP AND HOOP OVER SHOULDERS 1, balance step with the right foot and hoop over the shoulders ; 2, position. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWIST- ING AND HOOP OVER HEAD 1, twist the trunk to the side and raise the hoop horizontally over the head, at arm's length ; 2, posi- tion. o 3. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 31* LESSON VIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! a. Hoop forward — One ! 16. h. Charge! 8—8—16. Note. — Charging forward, c. Combine! 8—8—16. r a. Hoop over shoulders — One ! 16. 4. ] h. Balance ! 8—8—16. I c. Combine ! 16 or 32. r a. Hoop over head — One ! 8. 5. \ b. Trunk !— twist. 8—8. I c. Combine ! 16 or 32. 6. Hoop over shoulders and trunk bending sideways^ right — One ! 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 7. Forward — March ! (Return hoops to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 6. CHARGING FORWARD 1, take a long step forward with the right foot, bend the right knee and throw all of the weight upon it ; the trunk should be held erect, and the shoulders should face to the front ; the rear heel should remain upon the floor and the rear knee should be stiff ; 2, recover position without scuffing the feet over the floor. The bend of the forward knee should be enough to bring the large muscular groups of the thigh well into action^ and so quicken the circulation. 314 School Gymnastics 2 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND RAISING HOOP FORWARD 1^ charge forward and raise the hoop forward at arm's length ; 2, position. 6. HOOP OVER SHOULDERS AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, hoop over the shoulders as with the balance step ; 2, bend the trunk to the side ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, hoop down to position. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 315 LESSON IX 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place! a. Hoop forward — One ! 16. h. Charge! 8—8—16. Ic. Combine! 8—8—16. ( a. Hoop swinging sideways^ right — One ! 16. 4. -j h. Alternate balance! 16. I c. Combine ! 16. f a. Hoop above head — One ! 8. 5. ] h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8. I c. Combine ! 16 or 32. 6. Hoop over shoulders and trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 32. Hoop at carry ^ — Place ! 7. Forward — March ! (Return hoops to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 316 School Gymnastics 4 a. HOOP SWINGING SIDEWAYS In two counts swing the hoop across the front of the body to an oblique upward position at the side, the hoop itself held ver- tically; on the next two counts swing the hoop down, across, and up to the other side. Turn the head so as to look at the hoop. 4 6. ALTERNATE BALANCE This is the same as the balance step in previous lessons, ex- cept that the feet are alternated. 1, balance step with the right foot ; 2, heels together; 3, balance step with the left foot; 4, heels together. 4 c. COMBINATION OF ALTER- NATE BALANCE STEP AND HOOP SWINGING SIDEWAYS 1, balance step with the right foot, crossing it toAvard the left, and swinging the hoop up on the left side; 2, heels together and hoop down; 3, balance step with the left foot toward the right, and swing the hoop up on the right side ; continue to alternate to 15; 16, position. The movement should be a continuous swing from one side to the other, without any pause or jerk in the transition. 3. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 317 LESSON X 1. Stretching. 2. Facing's. Marching. Hoop in position — I^hice ! a. Hoop back of shoulder^ right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. h. Foot!— back. 8—8—16. Note. — Point step obliquely backward. c. Combine ! 16 or 32. a. Hoop swinging sideways, right — One ! 16. 'i h. Alternate balance ! 16. c. Combine ! 16. a. Hoop back of head — One ! 16. 5. ] h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—16. I c. Combine ! 16 or 32. 6. Hoop over shoulders and trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn hoops to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Eunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. HOOP BACK OF SHOULDER This is like the aiming sideways, except that the hoop is back of the extended arm instead of in front of it. The opposite arm will be back of the head. Turn the head to look backward through the hoop. This exercise is admirable for flattening the shoulder-blades and expanding the chest. 3&. POINT STEP OBLIQUELY BACKWARD This differs from the other point steps only in direction. The toe should touch at a point midway between a direct back- 318 School Gymnastics ward and a sideways position. Turn the head and look back- ward over the shoulder at the moving foot. There should be no bend at the waist or turning of the shoulders. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP OBLIQUELY BACK- WARD AND HOOP BACK OF SHOULDER 1, point step obliquely backward with the right foot and aim sideways back of the right shoul- der ; look through the hoop at the foot ; 2, posi- tion. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWIST- ING AND HOOP BACK OF HEAD 1, twist the trunk to the side and place the hoop back of the head, drawing the chin in; stretch the arms fully upward in the transi- tion; 2, position. This §xercise is excellent for the shoulders and chest, as well as for its stimulating effect upon the cir- culation and digestion. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 319 LESSON* XI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! r a. Hoop back of shoulder, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 3. \ b. Foot !— back. 8—8—16. [ c. Combine ! 16 or 32. a. Hoop swinging sideways, right — One ! 16. b. Alternate balance ! 16. c. Combine ! 16. ^ (a. Hoop under arm, right — One ! 8 — 8. I b. Trunk forward ! 16. ' a. Hoop back of head — One ! 16. 6. j b. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—16. c. Combine ! 16 or 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 7. Forward — March ! (Return hoops to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 320 School Gymnastics 5 h. TRUNK BENDING OBLIQUELY FORWARD WITH HOOP UNDER ARM 1, place the hoop verti- cally under the arm at the side, bend the trunk obliquely forward, and look through the hoop ; 2, position. 5 a. HOOP UNDER ARM 1, raise the arm outward at the side and place the hoop vertically under it; 2, hoop in position. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 321 LESSON XII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! a. Hoop over head — One ! 16. h. Charge! 8—8. 1 Note. — Charging obliquely forward. t c. Combine ! 8 — 8. r a. Hoop swinging obliquely forward, right — One ! 8 — 8 4. ^ h. Balance ! — double time. 16. 5. L c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Hoop under arm, right — One ! 8 — 8. h. With bending ! 16. r a. Hoop back of head — One ! 16. 6. \ b. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—16. I c. Combine ! 16 or 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 7. Forward — March ! (Eeturn hoops to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 322 School Gymnastics 3 6. CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD This differs from the charging forward only in the direction, which should be midway between the front and side. The shoulders should face in the direction of the charge. Be sure that the step is long enough to admit of a bend of the knee sufficient to stimulate the circulation through the action of the thigh muscles. 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD AND HOOP OVER HEAD 1, charge obliquely forward . and raise the hoop over the head ; bend the head backward and look up through the hoop ; 2, position. 4 a. HOOP SWINGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD 1, swing the hoop obliquely upward in front, holding it hori- zontally ; 2, hoop down and up to the opposite side, still in the horizontal position. The head should follow the move- ment of the hoop. 4 h. OBLIQUE BALANCE STEP, IN DOUBLE TIME This is the alternate balance step taken in double time, and with a longer step, the foot being placed obliquely forward on the opposite side from its normal position. 1, balance step to the right ; 2, heels together and balance step to the left ; 3, heels together and balance step to the right, etc. ; 16, position. In this oblique balance step, the shoulders should face obliquely in the direction of the step. 4 c. COMBINATION OF BALANCE STEP IN DOUBLE TIME AND HOOP SWINGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD 1, a long balance step to the left with right foot, and swing the hoop horizontally upward on the left side ; 2, reverse the position ; continue to 15 ; 16, position. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 323 LESSON XIIT 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! C a. Hoop over head — One ! 16. 3. ] h. Charge ! 8—8—16. I c. Combine ! 16. r a. Hoop swinging obliquely forward, right — One! 16. 4. ] b. Balance ! ^—S, i c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. Hoop under arm — One ! 8 — 8. \h. With bending! 16. a. Hoop back of head — One ! 8. h. Trunk ! — sideways. 32. Note. — Trunk bending sideways. Hoop at carry — Place ! 7. Forward — March ! (Return hoops to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 324 School Gymnastics 6 6. TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH HOOP BACK OF HEAD 1, hoop back of the head; 2, bend the trunk to the side ; 3, trunk erect; 4, hoop in posi- tion. Alternate the sides. This exercise has a stimulat- ing effect upon the digestive organs and the circulation if the bend is considerable. It is excellent for the chest and shoulder-blades. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 325 LESSON XIV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! a. Hoop obliquely upward and downward — One ! 16. 3. h. Rocking! 16—16. c. Combine! 16—16. r a. Hoop swinging obliquely forward — One ! 16. 4. ^ h. Balance ! 8—8. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. ^ I a. Hoop back of head — One ! 8. I h. Trunk ! — sideways. 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn hoops to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. HOOP OBLIQUELY UPWARD AND DOWNWARD 1, raise the hoop obliquely forward and upward in a hori- zontal position; 2, hold the position; 3, lower the hoop to a position obliquely downward, the outer edge tipped below the horizontal ; continue to 15 ; 16, position. Bend the head so as to look through the hoop in both the upward and down- ward positions. 326 School Gymnastics Zh. ROCKING 1^ charge forward; 2, without moving the feet, straighten the knees, transfer the weight to the rear foot and bend the rear knee; 3, rock forward to the charge position again; continue to alternate to 15 ; 16, position. Bend the knee as much as possible. ^ T^^ ■^?sC^r=''5S«*'?^^ 3W. '^■"'^^ 3 c. COMBINATION OF ROCKING WITH HOOP OBLIQUELY UPWARD AND DOWNWARD 1, charge forward, and raise the hoop obliquely forward in the horizontal position; look up through the hoop; 2, rock backward, lower the hoop obliquely downward, the outer rim touching the forward ankle, and look down at that point ; 16, position. I 3. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 327 LESSON XV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! a. Hoop obliquely upward and downward — One ! 16 — 16, h. Rocking! 16—16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Hoop swinging sideways, right — One ! 16. Note. — As in Lesson IX. h. Swaying and bending, right — One ! 16. c. Combine ! 16 or 32. C a. Hoop back of head — One ! 16. 5. ] h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—16. [ c. Combine ! 16 or 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 6. Forward — March ! (Return hoops to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4 6. SWAYING AND BENDING 1, step to the right side with the weight on the right foot; the left toe should touch as in the point step to the left side ; bend slightly at the waist and look down at the left foot; 2, hold the position ; 3, rise on the toes and reverse the posi- tion by transferring the weight to the left foot, and looking down at the right; 4, hold the position; continue to 15; 16, position. 328 School Gymnastics 4 c. COMBINATION OF SWAYING AND BENDING WITH HOOP SWINGING SIDEWAYS 1, step to the right, swing the hoop up to the right side, and bend and look down toward the left foot ; 2, hold the position ; 3, reverse ; 4, hold ; continue to 15 ; 16, position. This exercise is excellent for the waist muscles and for cul- tivating freedom and grace of movement. 9. BREATHING Eaise arms forward to the vertical position while inhaling ; lower them sideways Avhile exhaling. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 329 LESSON XVI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! a. Hoop forward and back of head — One ! 16. h. Charge ! — foot back. 16 — 16. ISToTE. — Charging forward and point step backward. ^ c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. Hoop swinging sideways, right — One ! 16. h. Swaying! 16. c. Combine! 32. a. Aiming sideways, hoop over head and return, right — One ! 16—16. 5. \ b. Facing and trunk bending sideways, right — One! 16—16. c. Combine ! 16—16. Hoop at carry — Place ! 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn hoops to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 3 a. HOOP FORWARD AND BACK OF HEAD 1, raise the hoop forward at arm's length ; 2, hold the posi- tion ; 3, hoop vertical, back of the head ; 4, hold ; 5, hoop for- ward again ; 6, hold ; 7, hoop back of head ; 8, hold ; 9, hoop forward; 10, hold; alternate these two movements to 15; 16, position. 3&. CHARGING FORWARD AND POINT STEP BACKWARD 1, charge forward ; 2, hold the position ; 3, point step back- ward ; 4, hold the position ; alternate the two movements to 15 ; 16, position. 330 School Gvmnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING FORWARD AND POINT STEP BACKWARD, WITH HOOP FORWARD AND BACK OF HEAD 1, charge forward and raise the hoop forward at arm's length ; 2, hold the position ; 3, point step backward and hoop back of head ; 4, hold the position ; alternate the movements to 15 ; 16, position. ba. AIMING SIDEWAYS AND HOOP OVER HEAD 1, aim to the side, the hoop vertical ; 2, hoop horizontal over the head ; 3, aim to the side ; 4, position. Pull well upon the chest. ■ 6 6. FACING AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, face to the right ; 2, bend the trunk to the right side ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, face the front. be. COMBINATION OF FACING AND TRUNK BENDING SIDE- WAYS WITH AIMING SIDE- WAYS AND HOOP OVER HEAD 1, face and aim to the right side ; 2, raise the hoop over head and bend the trunk to the right ; 3 as 1 ; 4, position. This exercise is particu- larly effective for strengthen- ing the muscles of the trunk around the waist. Eighth Series J Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 331 5. LESSON XVII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marchinsr. ^&" Hoop in position — Place ! -. Hoop forward and back of head — One ! 16. . Charge !— back. 16—16. . Combine ! 16 — 16. ,. Hoop swinging sideways, right — One ! 16. . Swaying with reverse bending, right — One ! 32. . Combine! 32. ,. Aiming sideways, hoop over head and return, right- One ! 16—16. . Face!— bend. 16—16. . Combine! 16—16. Hoop at carry — Place ! 6. Forward — March ! (Return hoops to place.) 1. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4 6. SWAYING WITH REVERSE BENDING 1, sway to the right as in the previous swaying exercise, and look down at the left foot ; 2, hold the position ; 3, keeping the weight on the right foot, bend at the waist to the right side, and look up to the left ; 4, hold ; 5, return to the previous position ; 6, hold ; 7, sway to the opposite side and repeat the movements there ; come to position on the last count. 332 School Gymnastics 4 c. COMBINATION OF SWAYING WITH REVERSE BENDING AND HOOP SWINGING SIDEWAYS 1, step to the right, swing the hoop up to that side and look down at the left foot ; 2, hold the position ; 3, bend the trunk to the right side, swing the hoop up to the left side, and look up at it ; 4, hold the position ; 5, return to the previous position ; 6, hold ; 7, transfer the weight to the opposite foot, and repeat the movements on that side ; position on the last count. This exercise is excellent for cultivating strength and sup- pleness of the waist muscles. Eighth Series, Iron Grace Hoops — Girls 333 LESSON XYIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Hoop in position — Place ! r a. Hoop forward and back of head — One ! 16. 3. \ b. Charge !— back. 16—16. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. [ a. Hoop swinging sideways^ right — One ! 16. 4. -! b. Swaying ! — bend — reverse — place. 16 — 16. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. Hoop aiming sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 5. \ b. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—16. I c. Combine with charging ! 16 — 16 — 32. Hoop at carry — Place ! 6. Forward — March ! (Eeturn hoops to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 334 School Gymnastics be. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND TRUNK TWISTING WITH HOOP AIMING SIDEWAYS 1, charge forward with the left foot, at the same time twist- ing the trunk to the right and aiming backward to the right ; 2, hold the position ; 3, position ; 4^ hold. Ninth Series Seventh Year, Boys and Girls Indian Clubs, 1 pound LESSOR I Note. — For stretching, tactics, floor formation, effects of exercises, etc., see Explanatory Notes. 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! a. Full circle sideways, right — Start ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. Foot !— side— place. 16—16. Note. — Point step sideways. c. Combine! 16—16. 4. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 5. Stretching. 335 336 School Gymnastics CLUBS IN POSITION FOE WORK Grasp the handle of the clubs around the ball, bend the fore- arm forward so that it forms a slightly acute angle with the upper arm, and hold the clubs upright. This is the ^^rest position" of the clubs in the following exercise. Za. FULL CIRCLE SIDEWAYS 1, from the rest position straighten the arm upward, and swing the club outward and downward at full length to the side, with a strong pull upon the chest, across the front of the body, and up on the other side, describing a circle ; 2, lower the club to rest position. Keep the shoulders squarely to the front; avoid any swaying of the body. The head should be held firmly erect. The full arm circle works u]3on the front and sides of the chest, upon the top of the shoulder, the back, and the shoulder- blades. The erect carriage of head and chest is a crucial feature in all of the club sivinging, and should he strenuously insisted upon. There should be no jerking in the movement. See illustration in Lesson II. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 337 Zh. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS 1, touch the side of the toe directly to the side, stretching the instep and knee as straight as possible ; 2, heels together. The weight should remain firmly on the stationary foot, and the shoulders should be turned squarely to the front. Keep the knees stiff. The foot should be lifted and touched lightly, without scuffing. This exercise cultivates steadiness and erectness of carriage. Rest the clubs on the shoulders while taking the point step. Unless otherwise specified, this position of the clubs will be understood in succeeding series whenever another part of the body is working alone. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND FULL CIKCLE SIDEWAYS 338 School Gymnastics LESSON II 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! f a. Full circle forward, both — Start ! 16. I h. Foot !— forward. 16—16. I ISToTE. — Point step forward. ic. Combine! 16—16. a. Full circle sideways, right — Start ! 8 — 8 — 8. h. On toes! 16. Note. — Rising on toes. G. Combine ! 16. a. Full circle, both right — Start ! 8 — 8. h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8. Note. — Trunk twisting. c. Combine ! 16—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4. 6. 3 a. FULL CIRCLE FORWARD 1, straighten the arm and swing the clubs forward, down- ward, and backward at the side to describe a full circle at the side of the body ; 2, rest. Keep the head erect and the shoul- ders squarely to the front. Unless these points of posture are closely observed, this exercise may be detrimental to good position. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Roys and Girls 339 3^. POINT STEP FORWARD 1, extend the foot forward and touch the toe on a line directly forward of the position from which it started ; 2, heels together. Keep the shoul- ders (upper part of the body) perfectly still and the knees stiff. Do not drag or scuff the foot over the floor. The weight should remain entirely on the stationary foot, that the exercise may serve as a balance movement, culti- vating steady poise of body. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND FULL CIRCLE FORWARD 1, point step forward and both clubs forward in the full circle ; 2, heels together and clubs at rest. Alter- nate the feet in this com- bination. 340 School Gymnastics 4 6. RISING ON TOES 1, rise high on the toes ; 2, heels down, quietly, and without jarring. There should be no swaying backward upon the heels as these touch the floor. The normal standing position should have the weight so far forward that no forward movement is necessary for rising on the toes. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND FULL CIRCLE SIDEWAYS 1, rise on the toes and swing the clubs in the full circle side- ways ; 2, heels down and clubs at rest. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 341 5 6. TRUNK TWISTING 1, twist or rotate the trunk to the side far enough to make a strong pressure upon the internal organs ; 2, return to the for- ward position. The movement should be from the ankles, the feet remaining firmly in place and fiat upon the fioor. The head should turn with the trunk, but no farther. There should be no sideways bending of the trunk at the waist. Alternate the direction on the last eight counts. The clubs should be upon the shoulders during this exercise. be. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWIST- ING AND FULL CIRCLE 1, swing both side in the full the trunk to the oblique direction bring the clubs to 3, start the clubs twist the trunk clubs at rest. clubs to the left circle and twist right; 2, hold the of the trunk and the rest position; to the right and to the front; 4, 8. BREATHING While inhaling, raise the arms sideways to shoulder level; while exhaling, lower the arms to position. The breathing should be much slower and deeper than the normal. 342 School Gymnastics LESSON III 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Chibs in position — Place ! a. Alternate full and hand circle forward, right — Start ! 8—8—16. 3. I b. Charge! 16—16. I Note. — Charging forward. [c. Combine! 16 — 16. f a. Full circle sideways, right — Start ! 8 — 8 — 16. 4. \ b. On toes ! 16. [ c. Combine ! 16. f a. Alternate full circle and pendulum sideways, both right I —Start ! 16. 5. \ b. Trunk !— twist. 16. I Note. — Trunk twisting and holding. [ c. Combine ! 16. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Running. Note. — See Reference Note 7. 8. Stretching. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. HAND CIRCLE rORWARD The hand circle is made entirely from the wrist, which is the centre of the circle. Drop the club forward and describe with it a circle on a vertical plane inside of the forearm. 1, full circle forward; 2, hand circle forward; alternate to 7; come to the rest position on the last count. 3 b. CHARGING FORWARD 1, step forward and bend the forward knee, both feet flat upon the floor, the rear knee straight, and all of the weight Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 343 upon the forward foot; 2, heels together. Keep the trunk of the body upright and the shouklers squarely to the front. This exercise should bring into strong action the muscles of the calf and thigh, and through them quicken effectively the circulation. Unless the knees are bent as far as possible, this result will not be obtained. 3r. COMBINATION OF CHARGING FORWARD WITH ALTERNATE FULL AND HAND CIRCLE FORWARD 1, charge forward, and swing both clubs in a full circle for- ward; 2, hold the charge position and make the hand circle forward ; 3, heels together and full circle forward ; 4, hokl the position for the hand circle. 344 School Gymnastics last count. 6 a. ALTERNATE FULL CIRCLE AND PENDU- LUM SIDEWAYS In the pendulum swing the clubs de- scribe the lower half of the full circle across the front of the body, rising only to the shoulder level. 1, full circle with both clubs to the right ; 2, continue the full circle to a pendulum swing, pausing at shoulder level on the left sidfe; 3, full circle to the right; 4, pen- - ^ dulum to the left; clubs at rest on the Keep the chest high and the chin drawn in. 5 6. TRUNK TWISTING AND HOLDING 1, twist the trunk to the right ; 2, hold the position ; 3, twist to the left; 4, hold ; come to position on 16. The clubs should rest upon the shoulders throughout. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING WITH FULL CIRCLE AND PENDULUM SIDEWAYS 1, swing the clubs in a full circle to the left, and twist the trunk to the right; 2, hold the position of the trunk while the clubs take the pendulum swing to the right; 3, clubs in full circle to the right and twist the trunk to the left ; 4, hold the position for pendulum swing to the left. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 345 3. LESSOK IV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! r a. Alternate full and hand circle forward, both — Start ! J 16. I h. Charge ! 16—16. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. straightening clubs forward, right — Start ! 8 — 8 — ^8. h. On toes ! 16. ISToTE. — Rising on toes. I c. Combine ! 16. [ a. Alternate full circle and pendulum sideways, both right— Start ! 16. i h. Trunk!— twist. 16. I c. Combine ! 16. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Running. 8. Stretching. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4. \ 5. < 346 School Gymnastics 4 a. STRAIGHTENING CLUBS FORWARD 1, from the rest position, straighten the arm and club directly forward in one continuous line ; 2, return to the rest position. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND STRAIGHTENING CLUBS FORWARD 1, rise on the toes and straighten the clubs forward ; 2, heels down and clubs in rest position. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls ^47 LESSON V 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! r a. Alternate hand and full circle forward, both — Start ! I 16. 3. \ h. Foot !— Bend— up— bend— up. 16. Note. — Stepping and bending forward. . c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. Straightening clubs forward, right — Start ! 8 — 8 — 8. 4. ^ h. On toes ! 16. L c. * Combine ! 16. r a. Alternate full circle and pendulum sideways, both right— Start ! 16. h. Trunk !— twist. 16. c. Combine ! 16. Clubs on shoulders — Place ! 6. Marching. (Keturn clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Kunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six timeSo 5. \ 348 School Gymnastics 3 a. ALTERNATE HAND AND FULL CIRCLE FORWARD This is like the first exercise in the previous lesson, except in the order of the alternation, which is reversed. 1, hand circle forward ; 2, full circle forward ; rest position on the last count. 3 6. STEPPING AND BENDING FORWARD 1, step forward, both feet flat upon the floor, and the weight equal ; 2, bend the forward knee to the charging position j 3, straighten the forward knee again, weight equal ; 4, bend as in 2 ; continue to alternate the bending and straightening of the forward knee to 7; 8, heels together and clubs at rest. The step should be long enough to admit of a bend in the knee suflELcient to call into action the large thigh muscles, and so stimulate the circulation. 3 c. COMBINATION OF STEPPING AND BENDING FORWARD WITH ALTERNATE HAND AND FULL CIRCLE FORWARD ^ 1, hand circle and stepping forward ; 2, full circle and charge position ; 3, hand circle and straighten forward knee ; 4, 5, 6, 7, continue to alternate the two exercises ; 8, clubs at rest. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 349 LESSON VI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! r a. Alternate hand and full circle forward, both — Start ! 3 ' ^^• j h. Foot !— bend— up. 16—16. L c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. straightening clubs upward, right — Start ! 8 — 8 — 8. . I h. On toes ! 16. 4. { Note. — Eising on toes. L c. Combine ! 16. r a. Alternate full circle forward and hand circle sideways, both— Start ! 16. h. With trunk! 16. L Note. — Trunk bending forward. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 5. 350 School Gymnastics 4 a. STRAIGHTENING CLUBS UPWARD Straighten the arms and clubs upward to a vertical position, the clubs continu- ing the line of the arms. Pull well upon the chest ; keep the head erect and the chin in. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND STRAIGHT- ENING CLUBS UPWARD 1, rise on the toes and straighten the arms up- ward ; 2, heels down and clubs in rest position. 5 a. ALTERNATE FULL CIRCLE FORWARD AND HAND CIRCLE SIDEWAYS 1, from rest position straighten the arms upward and swing the clubs downward and backward in a full circle ; 2, return to the rest position ; 3, drop the clubs outward to the sides and describe a hand circle sideways ; 4, clubs at rest. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 351 5 a. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING FORWARD WITH ALTER- NATE FULL CIRCLE FORWARD AND HAND CIRCLE SIDEWAYS 1, raise the clubs upward for the full circle, and as they move downward and backward, bend "the trunk forw^ard from the hips, with the back straight and the head up ; 2, trunk erect and swing the clubs forward and upward to the rest posi- tion ; 3, hand circle outward ; 4, clubs in rest position. This exercise strengthens the back muscles that hold the trunk erect. 9. BREATHING Raise the arms forward to the vertical position while inhal- ing ; lower them sideways while exhaling. 352 School Gymnastics LESSON VII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! Alternate hand and full circle sideways, both right — Start I 16. Foot I— bend— up. 16—16. Note. — Stepping and bending sideways. Combine ! 16—16. Straightening clubs upward, right — Start ! 8 — 8 — 8. On toes ! 16. Combine ! 16. Alternate full circle forward and hand circle sideways, both— Start ! 16. With trunk ! 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. {a. I I 3. \ b. 1 I I (C. (CI. lb. I [c. C a. I 1 [b. 4. 5. i Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 353 3«. ALTERNATE HAND AND FULL CIRCLE SIDEWAYS 1, hand circle sideways ; 2, full circle sideways; continue to alternate these two movements until the last count, when the clubs should be returned to the rest position. 3 6. STEPPING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, step to the right side, the weight equal ; 2, bend the knee on that side as for a side charge ; 3, straighten the knee ; 4, bend again ; continue to alternate the bending and straighten- ing to 15 ; 16, position. The clubs should rest upon the shoul- ders for this exercise. School Gymnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF STEPPING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH HAND AND FULL CIRCLE SIDEWAYS 1, hand circle with both clubs to the right and step sideways to the right; 2, full circle with both clubs to the right and bend the right knee to the charge position ; 3, hand circle and knee straight ; alternate to 15; 16, position. Ninth Series, huiian Clubs — Boys and Girls 355 3 LESSON VIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Chibs in position — Place ! a. Alternate hand and full circle sideways, both — Start ! 16. I h. Foot! — bend — up. 16 — 16. i c. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Straightening clubs forward, upward and return, right —Start! 8. h. On toes! — bend — up — place. 16. j iSToTE. — Rising on toes and bending knees. [ 0. Combine ! 16. fa. Pendulum, both right — Start! 8 — 8. 5. ] h. Trunk side ! 16. I IS^oTE. — Trunk bending sideways. 6. Marching. (Keturn clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Kunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4 a. STRAIGHTENING CLUBS rOEWARD, UPWARD AND RETURN 1, extend the clubs forward ; 2, raise them to a vertical posi tion ; 3, return to the forward position ; 4, clubs at rest posi- tion. Be sure to keep the elbows straight as the arms move from the forward to the upward position and back again. The head should be perfectly erect throughout. 356 School Gymnastics 4 6. RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES 1, rise on the toes; 2, bend the knees ; 3, straighten the knees ; 4, heels down. The clubs should rest upon the shoulders throughout this exercise. The trunk should be held perfectly erect as knees bend. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES WITH STRAIGHTENING CLUBS FORWARD AND UPWARD 1, rise on the toes and straighten the clubs forward ; 2, bend the knees and raise the clubs upward ; 3, straighten the knees and extend the clubs forward again; 4^ heels down and clubs at rest position. The head will need especial attention in this combination. 5 a. PENDULUM 1, pendulum swing to the left with both clubs, starting these clubs to the right ; 2, pendulum to the right ; 3, pendulum to the left; continue to 7 ; 8, clubs at rest position. On the second eight counts start both clubs outward and repeat the movement with the clubs moving in opposition. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 367 bh. TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH PENDULUM CLUB SWING- INQ 1, start both clubs to the right and bend the trunk to the right ; 2, hold the position, as in the illustration ; this gives a pause in which to reverse the mo- mentum of the movement; 3, reverse the movement, bending the trunk and swinging the clubs to the opposite side; return to position on the last count. The bending of the trunk should be from the waist and directly to the side. The head should be in line with the trunk. This exercise is very serviceable for expanding the chest later- ally. It strengthens the waist muscles and stimulates circula- tion and digestion. 358 School Gymnastics 3. < LESSON IX 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! r a. Full circle backward, both — Start ! 16. ' b. Stretch step! 8—8. Note. — Stretch step forward. [c. Combine! 16—16. r a. straightening clubs forward, upward, and return, both —Start! 8. h. On toes I — bend — up — place. 16. L c. Combine ! 16. r a. Pendulum, both left — Start ! 8 — 8. • [h. Trunk side! 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin! Six times. 4. \ 3 a. FULL CIRCLE BACKWARD This is the same as the full circle forward except in direc- tion, the club being swung backward after it is lifted. This is a very difficult exercise to do correctly, as the head is very apt to move forward in opposition to the arms. Observe carefully a firm, upright carriage of the head and chest throughouto Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys mid Girls 359 3 6. STRETCH STEP FORWARD 1, bend the left knee, which should retain all of the weight, and extend the right^foot forward, the knee stiff, and the toe only touching the floor ; 2, heels together. The bend of the knee should be as deep as possible with an erect position of the trunk. 3 c. COMBINATION OF STRETCH STEP FORWARD AND FULL CIRCLE BACKWARD 1, stretch step forward with the right foot and full circle backward with both clubs ; 2, heels together and clubs at rest. Be sure to keep the head erect in this exercise. 360 School Gymnastics 3. 4. 5. ! 16. lesso:n" X 1. stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! f a. Full circle backward^ both — Start j h. Stretch step ! 8—8. Ic. Combine! 16—16. I' a. Straightening clubs sideways, upward and return, left— Start ! 8—8—8. 6. On toes ! — bend — ^np— place. 16. I c. Combine ! 16. a. Trunk twisting and bending forward, left — Start ! 16. 6. With clubs! 16. 6. Marching. (Eetnrn clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 361 4 a. STRAIGHTENING CLUBS SIDEWAYS, UPWARD AND RETURN 1, straighten the arms and clubs in a line sideways at shoulder level ; 2, move them to the vertical position ; 3, return to the side position ; 4, clubs at rest. 4 6. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES WITH STRAIGHTENING CLUBS SIDEWAYS AND UPWARD This combination is the same as in a similar exercise in preceding lessons. 5 a. TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING FORWARD 1, twist the trunk to the side ; 2, hold the direction and bend for- ward ; 3, return to the erect posi- tion ; 4, face the front. Keep the back straight and the head well up as the trunk is bent forward. 362 School Gymnastics ^^^ bh. TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING FORWARD WITH FULL CIRCLE SIDEWAYS AND FORWARD 1, start both clubs to the right for a full circle, and twist the trunk to the left ; 2, hold the position of the trunk and bring the clubs to rest position ; 3, straighten the clubs upward, and swing them downward and backward with the trunk bending forward; 4, swing the clubs forward as the trunk returns to the erect attitude, and bring the clubs to rest position ; 5, start both clubs to the left, and twist the trunk to the right side ; 6, hold the oblique position, and bring the clubs to rest ; 7, bend the trunk forward, etc. On the last count, face to the front and return the clubs to the rest position. 3. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 363 LESSON XI 1. Stretcliiiig. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — ^Place ! f a. Shoulder circle inward^ right — Start ! 8 — 8 — 8. ' h. Foot I— back. 8—8. I^OTE. — Point step backward. c. Combine! 8—8—16. a. Straightening clubs sideways, upward and return, rirfit —Start ! 8—8—8. h. On toes ! — bend — up — place. 10. c. Combine ! 16. a. Trunk twisting and bending forward, right — Start ! 16. h. With clubs! 16. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4. 5. 3 a. SHOULDER CIRCLE INWARD 1, double the arm upon itself, with the elbow extended side- ways, and describe a hand circle back of the shoulder, starting inward ; 2, bring the club to the rest position in front of the body. Great care will be needed to keep the head perfectly erect. 364 School Gymnastics Zb. POINT STEP BACKWARD 1, stretch the leg backward from the waist and touch the toe in a point step backward; 2, heels together. The knee and instep should be stretched. 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP BACKWARD AND SHOULDER CIRCLE INWARD 1, backward circle with the right hand, and point step back- ward with the right foot; 2, clubs at rest, heels together. Through the count of 16, use both clubs and alternate the feet. Keep the head erect. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 365 LESSOISr XII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clnbs in position — Place ! C a. Shoulder circle inward, right — Start ! 8 — 8 — 8. 3. [ b. Foot !— back. 8—8. [c. Combine! 8—8—16. r a. Full circle, both left— Start ! 8—8—8. 4. I h. Pivoting ! 8—8—16. U. Combine! 8—8—16. r a. Trunk twisting and bending forward, right — Start ! 6. J 16. I h. With clubs ! 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Ennning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3G6 School Gymnastics 4 ft. PIVOTING 1, rise on the toes^ pivot to the side on the balls of the feet, and put the heels down ; the feet should then be in a straight line, one behind the other ; 2, hold the position ; 3, rise on the toes and pivot to the front, heels down ; 4, hold the position. The clubs should rest upon the shoulders. This balance exercise, like all others, cultivates general steadiness of poise and upright carriage; it is unusually strengthening for rotator muscles. the ankles, as it brings into action the 4r. COMBINATION OF PIVOTING AND FULL CIRCLE SIDEWAYS 1, start both clubs to the left in the full circle and pivot to the right ; 2, heels down and clubs at rest ; 3, start both clubs to the right and pivot to the front ; 4, heels down, clubs at rest. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 'Mn LESSON XllI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! ((. Alternate full circle and shoulder circle outward, right —Start I 8— 8— IG. h. Foot I— side. 16—16. Note. — Stretch step sideways. I c. Combine ! 8 — 8. f a. Full circle, both right— Start ! 8—8—8. 4. ] h. Pivoting ! 8—8—16. Ic. Combine! 8—8—16. f a. Trunk twisting and bending forward, right — Start ! 5. { 16. [h. With clubs! 16. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. ALTERNATE FULL CIRCLE AND SHOULDER CIRCLE OUTWARD 1, full circle outward ; 2, back shoulder circle outward ; alternate through 7 ; 8, clubs at rest. 368 School Gymnastics 3 6. STRETCH STEP SIDEWAYS The stretch step sideways is the same as the stretch step forward except as to the direction taken by the extended foot. 1, stretch step sideways ; 2, hold the position ; 3, heels to- gether ; 4, hold the position. The clubs should remain upon the shoulders. 3 c. COMBINATION OF STRETCH STEP SIDEWAYS WITH FULL CIRCLE AND SHOULDER CIRCLE OUTWARD 1, stretch step sideways and swing both clubs outward in the full circle ; 2, hold the stretch step for the shoulder circle out- ward ; 3, heels together and full circle outward ; 4, hold the position for the shoulder circle ; 8, heels together and clubs in position. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 369 3. LESSON XIV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! a. Alternate full circle and shoulder circle outward, right —Start ! 8—8—16. h. Foot!— side. 16—16. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. a. Hand circle forward, twice inward, twice outward, both— Start ! 8. h. Step!— kneel. 16—16. Note. — Kneeling. c. Combine! 16—16. a. Pendulum and rest, both right — Start ! 16. h. Trunk !— twist— bend. 16. jSTote. — Trunk twisting and bending sideways. c. Combine ! 16 or 32. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing— Begin ! Six times. HAND CIRCLE FORWARD 1, forward hand circle inward; 2, repeat; 3, forward hand circle outward ; 4, repeat ; 8, position. 370 School Gymnastics 4 ft. KNEELING 1, 2, step forward with the entire weight on the moving foot, the rear foot touching by the toe only ; 3, 4, kneel on the rear knee ; 5, 6, rise to the same position as in 1 ; 7, 8, heels together. Keep the trunk erect. 4 c. COMBINATION OF KNEELING WITH HAND CIRCLE 1, 2, step forward and describe two hand circles inward ; 3, 4, kneel and describe two circles outward ; 5, 6, rise and describe two circles inward; 7, 8, heels together, two circles outward. 5 a. PENDULUM AND REST 1, start both clubs to the right, and continue the movement into the pendulum swing to the left ; 2, clubs at rest ; 3, start the clubs to the left, pendulum swing to the right ; 4, clubs at rest. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 371 5^. TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, twist the trunk to the right; 2, hold the position; 3, bend the trunk to the right side ; 4, erect position ; 5, twist the trunk to the left side ; 6, hold ; 1, bend to the left side ; 8, erect position. This exercise is particularly effective for the digestive organs. 5r. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH PENDULUM 1, start both clubs to the left, pendulum and trunk twisting to the right ; 2, hold the position ; 3, start the clubs to the right and bend to the right ; 4, reverse the clubs, swing and return to erect position; 5, start the clubs to the right, pendulum and trunk twisting to the left, etc. 372 School Gymnastics 4. LESSON XV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! a. Alternate full circle and hand circle forward, both — Start! 16. h. Charge ! — reverse. 16 — 16. ISToTE. — Reverse charging sideways. c. Combine! 16—16. a. Hand circle forward, twice inward, twice outward, both— Start ! 8. h. Step!— kneel. 16—16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. Pendulum and rest, both right — Start ! 16. h. Trunk! — twist — bend. 16. c. Combine I 16 or 32. 6. Marching. (Eeturn clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. ALTERNATE FULL CIRCLE AND HAND CIRCLE FORWARD 1, full circle forward ; 2, hand circle forward ; 3, full circle forward ; alternate to 16. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 373 3 6. REVERSE CHARGING SIDEWAYS 1, face and charge to the right side ; 2, hold the position ; 3, without changing the place of the feet, face and charge in the reverse direction ; 4, hold ; 5, 6, reverse ; 16, position. Observe the usual points of a strong bend in the knee and an upright position of the head and trunk. 3 c. COMBINATION OF REVERSE CHARGING SIDEWAYS WITH ALTERNATE FULL CIRCLE AND HAND CIRCLE FORWARD 1, clubs in full circle to the right, charge and face to the left ; 2, hold the charge position, for the outward hand circle forward with both clubs ; 3, swing both clubs in full circle to the left, and reverse the charge to the right side; 4, hold the charge position for the hand circle ; 16, feet and clubs to position. 374 School Gymnastics LESSON XVI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! a. Alternate full circle and hand circle forward^ both- Start ! 16. 4. h. Charge ! — reverse. 16 — 16. . c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Full circle outward, both — Start ! 16. I). On toes ! — pivot — return — down. 16 — 16. Note. — Return pivoting". c. Combine ! 16. f a. Pendulum and rest, both right — Start ! 16. 5. ] h. Trunk !— twist— bend. 16. I c. Combine ! 16 or 32. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4 6. RETURN PIVOTING 1, 2, rise on the toes ; 3, 4, j^ivot to the right side ; 5, 6, return to the front ; 7, 8, heels down. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RETURN PIVOTING AND FULL CIRCLE OUTWARD 1, 2, rise on the toes, swing the clubs in a full circle outward and bring them to rest position ; 3, 4, pivot to the side with another circle and rest ; 5, 6, return to the front, clubs in full circle and rest ; 7, 8, heels down, circle clubs, and rest. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 375 LESSON XVII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Clubs in position — Place ! a. One full circle and three hand circles forward, both — Start ! 16. h. Charge! — reverse. 16 — 16. , Note. — Reverse charging obliquely forward. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Full circle outward, both — Start ! 16. 4. -! h. On toes ! — pivot — return — clown. 16 — 16. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Pendulum and rest, both right — Start ! 16. 5. -j h. Trunk ! — twist — bend. 16. i c. Combine ! 16 or 32. 6. Marching. (Return clubs to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Za. FULL CIRCLE AND HAND CIRCLES FORWARD 1, full circle forward ; 2, outward hand circle forward ; 3, inward hand circle forward ; 4, outward hand circle forward ; 5, full circle forward ; 6, 7, 8, repeat the hand circles. 3/>. REVERSE CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD 1, charge obliquely forward, right ; 2, hold the position ; 3, reverse to an oblique backward charge, left ; 4, hold ; 5, reverse the oblique forward charge ; 6, hold ; continue to reverse the charging, with two counts for each position, to 14 ; 15, 16, position. 376 School Gymnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF REVERSE CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD, AND FULL CIRCLE AND HAND CIRCLES FORWARD 1, charge obliquely forward and take the full circle forward with both clubs ; 2, 3, 4, hold the charge position for the hand circles ; 5, full forward circle and reverse the charge ; 6, 7, 8, hold the position for the hand circles ; 16, feet and clubs to position. Ninth Series, Indian Clubs — Boys and Girls 377 LESSON XVIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Chibs in position — Place ! a. One full circle and three hand circles forward, both — Start ! 16. b. Charge ! — reverse. 16—16. c. Combine! 16 — 16. [ a. Full circle outward, both — Start ! 16. 4. \ b. On toes ! — pivot — return — down. 16 — 16. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. Alternate full circle forward and hand circle side- 5. i ways, both — Start ! 16. I b. With trunk ! — forward. 16. I^OTE. — As in Lesson VI. r a. Straightening clubs upward, both — Start ! 8. [b. Trunk I— side. 8—8—16. Note. — Combination of trunk bending sideways and straightening clubs upward. 7. Marching. (Eeturn clubs to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Kunning. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 378 School Gymnastics 'tMJm^M/M/M/AyMfMMMil 6 6. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND STRAIGHTENING CLUBS UPWARD 1, straighten both, clubs upward and bend the trunk to the right side ; 2, clubs in rest position, trunk erect. This is one of the strongest exercises for the trunk muscles, and in its effect upon the digestive and circulatory functions. Tenth Series Seventh or Eighth Year, Boys and Girls Double Series, Dumb-bells — 1 pound This series is designed as a substitute for Indian clubs in the seventh year, where there is not enough free floor space for club icork; and for mixed classes of boys and girls in the eighth year. lesso:n^ I Note, — For stretcliing, tactics, floor formation, effects of exercises, etc., see Explanatory Notes. 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. Partners — Face ! a. Clicking bells sideways, same — One ! 8 — 8. 6. Foot! — point — place. 8 — 8. j Note. — Point step sideways. Ic. Combine! 16—16. 4. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 5. Stretching. 379 380 School Gymnastics XoTE. — The floor formation for this series should be such as to leave the pupils standing in pairs, or partners, of equal height. These partners should face each other upon the com- mand Partners — Face ! This relative position of the partners will be understood in subsequent lessons without the special command. As it is impracticable for commands to indicate on which side movements shall begin for two persons facing each other, it should be understood at the first lesson toward which side of the room all exercises should be commenced. When the com- mands indicate that both partners are to start on the " same side/' it means that both are to start toward this understood side of the room. When the commands indicate opposite sides for the two partners, number ones will start toward the usual side, and number twos toward the opposite side. 3 a. CLICKING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, swing the bells sideways to shoulder level, palms down, and click the thumb ends of partner's bell ; 2, bells to position. The arm should pull hard upon the chest when it is extended, but the trunk should not turn. 3 d. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS 1, extend the foot sideways and point the toe, i.e, stretch the instep and depress the toe, touching the toe to the floor ; the entire leg from the hip should be stretched, but the weight should remain firmly on the stationary foot that the exercise may cultivate firm poise of body ; 2, heels together. The bells should be placed at the hips during this and all other exer- cises in which the arms are not in action. They should be placed there on the first count of the foot exercise, without a separate command, and lowered to the sides on the last count. Tenth Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 381 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP AND CLICKING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, point step and click the bells sideways at shoulder level on the same side as the moving foot ; 2, position. 382 School Gymnastics LESSON II 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. ^ a. Clicking bells sideways, same side — One ! 8 — 8. 3. ] b. Foot !— side— place. 8—8. [ c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Clicking bells sideways, both — One ! 8. ' b. On toes ! 16. Note. — Rising on toes, c. Combine ! 16. . 5. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 6. Stretching. 7. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 4. 4/>. RISING ON TOES 1, rise on the toes as high as possible; 2, lower the heels quietly to the floor, without allowing the weight to sway backward upon them. There should be no sound or jarring as the heels come to place. 4 e. COMBINATION OF RISING ON THE TOES AND CLICKING BOTH BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, rise on the toes and click the thumb ends of both bells sideways at shoulder level ; 2, position. 7. BREATHING Kaise the arms sideways to shoulder level wliile inhaling; lower them to position while exhaling. The breathing should be slower and much deeper than the normal Tenth Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 383 LESSOK III 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. ^ a. Clicking bells sideways, same side — One ! 8 — 8. 3. j b. Foot ! — point — place. 8 — 8. i c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Clicking bells sideways, both — One ! 8 — 8. 4. j b. On toes ! 16. Ic. Combine! 16—16. About — Face ! Note. — The execution of this order will leave the pupils standing back to back. 5. Trunk twisting and clicking bells sideways — One ! 8 — 8—16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 384 School Gymnastics 6 a. TRUNK TWISTING AND CLICKING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, keeping the feet firmly in position, twist the trunk toward the side (partners working toward the same side), and click the thumb ends of the bells at arm's length sideways, at shoulder height ; 2, twist toward the other side and click the bells on that side, and return the opposite bell to the hip ; continue to alternate the direction to 7 ; 8, position. Be sure to keep the head erect, though it should turn to follow the movement of the bells. The bells should be upon the hips on the first count and return to that position after the clicking as above illustrated. Tertth Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 385 LESSON IV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging opposite bells sideways and clicking in centre —One ! 8—8. 3. \ b. Foot ! — side — cross forward — side — place. 8 — 8. Note. — Point step sideways and cross step forward. c. Combine! 16—16. f a. Clicking bells sideways, both — One ! 8 — 8. 4. -i b. On toes ! 16. Ic. Combine! 16—16. About — Face ! 5. Trunk twisting and clicking bells sideways — One ! 8 — 8—16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 386 School Gymnastics Za. SWINGING OPPOSITE BELLS SIDEWAYS AND CLICKING IN CENTRE 1, swing the opposite bells sideways to shoulder level, turn- ing the palms upward ; 2, click the thumb ends of the same bells in the centre, palms downward, elbows straight ; 3, swing the bells again sideways with the palms upward ; 4, position. The shoulders should not turn with the arm movement. 3 6. POINT STEP SIDEWAYS AND CROSS STEP FORWARD 1, point step sideways, the partners working with opposite feet; 2, cross the same foot forward and touch the toe on a line in front of the stationary foot ; 3, re- turn to the point step sideways ; 4, heels ^1^- ^ together. The cross fHpp p > > step should be made ^^^^P" ¥ ^1^ ^^ with a full swing ^^^^Bjfe /^tl^^f^^^^% from the hip joint, ^^^n «H|V , so as to cultivate ^^^V ^^^E^ strength and freedom ^^^^Bk l^lk ^^ movement there. ^^^^^H fl^^fe "^^^^ knee should re- ^^^^^^m I^^^K main stiff. There ^^^^^^H I^^^K' should be no turning ^^^^^^^H ^^^sk of the shoulders. ^^^^^^^ Mm COMBINATION OF ^WI^^Mi^ mm POINT AND CROSS ^B ^Jiv Jk STEPS WITH SWING- Vjj^ . FOOT CROSSING AND FACING TO REAR 1, cross one foot over the other, partners w^orking on the same side, and touch the foot by the toe, as in the point step, directly to the side of the stationary toe; 2, rise on the toes of both feet, face to the rear, pivoting on the balls of the feet, and low^er the heels to position; 3, rise on the toes, pivot to the front, and lower the heel that bears the weight; 4, heels together. 4r COMBINATION OF FOOT CROSSING AND FACING TO REAR WITH CLICKING BELLS FORWARD AND OVER HEAD 1, cross the feet and click the bells forward ; 2, rise on the toes, turn to the rear and click one's ow^n bells over head ; 3, face partner and click the bells in the centre ; 4, position. 410 School Gymnastics LESSON XV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. ' a. Swinging opposite bells sideways, clicking over head and returning — One ! 8 — 8. h. Eocking! 16—16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. ' a. Clicking bells forward, over head and return — One ! 16—16. h. Twist! — cross forward — face — cross forward — heels. 8—8. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 5. Facing and trunk bending outward — One ! 16 — 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Tenth Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 411 5 a. FACING AND TRUNK BENDING OUTWARD 1, partners face to the same side ; 2, bend the trunk sideways away from partner and click the inside bells upward in the centre ; 3, trunk erect and bells on hips ; 4, bend and click ; continue to 15; 16, face to the centre, bells down. 412 School Gymnastics LESSOI^ XVI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Anvil strike— One ! 16—16. 3. \ b. Charge forward !— (opposite). 8 — 8. Bells on hips. [ c. Combine ! 8 — 8. ' a. Clicking bells forward^ overhead, and return — One ! 16—16. 4. \ b. Twist! — cross forward — face — cross forward — heels. 8—8. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 5. Facing and trnnk bending outward — One ! 16 — 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. ANVIL STRIKE 1, nnmber ones extend one bell toward the centre at shoul- der level, the bell held in a vertical position ; at the same time nnmber twos swing the opposite bell in a circle starting down- ward and backward, and strike partner's extended bell; 2, num- ber twos hold the bell in the centre and nnmber ones circle and strike; continue to 15; 16, position. The trnnk should be rotated slightly toward the centre to avoid narrowing the chest with the working arms. The bell not in use should be held at the hip. Be sure that the circle is made with the arm fully extended and pidling upon the chest, and that the head is held firmly erect. Tenth Series, Dumb-bells — Boys ami Girls 418 Zb. CHARGING FORWARD 1, charge forward, partners working with opposite feet and the bells held on the hips; 2, position. Have the step long enough to bring the thigh muscles well into action when the knee is bent. 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING FORWARD AND ANVIL STRIKE 1, partners charge forward with opposite feet ; number ones extend one bell to the centre, number twos circle and strike, both working with the bell on the side of the moving foot; 2, still holding charge position, number twos hold bell in the centre and number ones circle and strike; continue alternate striking, still holding charge position to 7 ; 8, position. Twist the trunk slisfhtly toward the centre while the arms are in action. 414 School Gymnastics LESSOR XA^II 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. { a. Anvil strike — One ! 16 — 16. 3. \ b. Charge forward ! 16 — 16. U. Combine! 8—8. 4. Pivoting and trunk bending inward — One ! 8 — 8. 5. Facing and trunk bending outward — One ! 16 — 16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin! Six times. Tenth Series, Dumb-bells — Boys and Girls 415 4. PIVOTING AND TRUNK BENDING INWARD 1, rise on the toes, partners pivot to the same side on the balls of the feet, and lower the heels ; the feet will then be in a straight line, one directly behind the other ; 2, bend the trunk inward and click the ontward bells over the head, the inside bells remaining on the hips ; 3, trunk erect and bells on hips ; 4; bend and click ; repeat to 7 ; 8, pivot to the front. 416 School Gymnastics LESSO^^ XVIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Anvil strike — One ! 16 — 16. 3. j h. Charge forward ! — opposite. 16 — 16. Ic. Combine! 8—8. 4. Pivoting and trunk bending inward and clicking bells — One! 8—8. o. Charging forward and trunk twisting and bending — One I 8—8. 6. Marching. (Keturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Kunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Tenth Series, Dumo-bells — Boys and Girls 41' 5. CHARGING FORWARD AND TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING 1, charge forward, past partner, twist the trunk toward the centre, and extend the rear bell sideways at shoulder height, palm upward; 2, holding the charge position, bend the body sideways, toward the bent knee, and click the rear bells over head; 3, trunk erect, still holding the charge position, and extend the arm again sideways ; 4, bend and click ; continue to 7 ; 8^ position. Eleventh Series Eighth Year, Boys Dumb-bells — 1 pound LESSON I Note. — For stretching, tactics, floor formation, effects of exercises, etc., see Explanatory Notes. 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Raising bells forward, both — One ! 8. b. Sideways ! 8. Note. — Raising bells sideways. c. Upward! 8. Note. — Raising bells upward. d. Foot! 8—8. Note. — Raising foot forward. e. Sideways ! 8 — 8. ]^OTE. — Raising foot sideways. /. Backward! 8—8. ]^0TE. — Raising foot backward. rj. Combine ! 16. 4. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 5. Stretching. 6. Breathing — begin ! Four times. 419 3. \ 420 School Gymnastics BELLS IN POSITION FOR WORK The bells should be grasped by the steins and held naturally at the sides while marching to place. From this position all of the exercises are taken^ unless the position Bells on hips is specified, when the bells are placed horizontally at the hips, with the elbows well back so as to flatten the shoulder-blades and throw the chest forward. 3 n. RAISING BELLS FORWARD 1, raise the bells forward at arm's length in front, the bells held in a vertical position ; 2, lower the bells to the sides. Be sure to keep the hips back and the head well up during this exercise. Stretch the arm hard, but do not twist or rotate the trunk. 3 h. RAISING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, raise the bells sideways to shoulder level, palms turned downward, the bells horizontal; 2, lower the arms to the sides. Pull hard upon the chest so as to lift and expand it. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 421 3 v. RAISING BELLS UPWARD 1, raise the arms through the forward to a vertical position, pahns facing inward ; be sure to keep the head erect, the cliin in, and the hips back ; 2, lower the arms sideways to position, turning the palms down as they move. The chest should be consciously worked upon throughout the movements of the arms. This is one of the most effective exercises for the chest and shoulders. Zd. RAISING FOOT FORWARD 1, raise the right leg forward from the hip, as far as can be done without tipping the trunk forward or backward ; the knee should be fully extended and the toe pointed (i.e. the instep stretched) ; 2, heels together. The bells should be placed on the hips for this and all other balance movements taken without an arm combination. They should be placed there on the first count without a special command and re- turned to position on the last count, unless the following exer- cise calls for the same position of them, as in the present instance. 3e. RAISING FOOT SIDEWAYS 1, raise the foot sideways, observing the same points as to erect trunk and stretched knee and instep, as in the previous exercise ; 2, heels together. 3/. RAISING FOOT BACKWARD 1, raise the foot backward and stretch the entire leg from the back, dropping the heel inward ; 2, heels together. All of these leg exercises cultivate strength and mobility of the hip, thus helping to a firm, erect carriage, and ease of movement. 422 School Gvmnastics ■^ 1 j L^M^^%.^^-'^ i mI^^ 3 g. COMBINATION OF RAIS- I^^OT ING FOOT AND ARMS Jpi.^^ FORWARDS , SIDEWAYS , Mt^^ BACKWARD, AND UP- j^^ WARD 1, raise both arms for- ward to shoulder level and the right foot for- ward ; 2, position ; 3, raise both arms and the left foot f o r- ward ; 4, po- sition; 5, raise both arms and the right foot side- ways ; 6 J po- sition; 7, 8, repeat with U.- Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 423 the left foot ; 9, raise both arms upward and the right foot back- ward ; 10, 11, hold the position ; 12, foot and arms to position; 13, raise both arms upward and the left foot backward ; 14, 15, hold; 16, position. This is one of the best possi- ble exercises for increasing the diameter of the chest and for getting the shoulders and spine into a good position. 6. BREATHING Raise the arms sideways to shoulder level while inhaling ; lower them to position while exhaling. The breathing should be slow and much deeper than the normal breath. 424 School Gymnastics LESSOX II 1. Str etching. 2. Facings. ]\[arcliin2f. [ a. Raising bells forward, sideways and upward, both — One! 32. Note. — In series, as for the combination in pre- 3. \ vious lesson. b Foot! 32. ^N^OTE. — Forward, sideways and upward, c. Combine! 32. a. Raising and turning bells sideways, right — One ! 8—8—8. < b. On toes! 16. XoTE. — Rising on toes, c. Combine ! 1(3. ^ a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulders, both — One ! 10. 5. \ b. With trunk ! IG— 10— 16. I Note. — With trunk bending sideways. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 425 4 a. RAISING AND TURNING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, raise the bell sideways to shoulder level, turning the palm upward ; 2, lower the bell to position, turning the palm down in the transition. Lift and pull upon the chest with this exercise ; keep the chin in. 4&. RISING ON TOES 1, rise as high as possible on the toes ; 2, heels down, quietly and without jarring. Keep the weight poised forward after the heels are lowered. Bells on hips. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES WITH RAISING AND TURNING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, rise on the toes and raise the bells sideways, palms up- ward ; 2, heels and bells to position. 426 School Gymnastics i A V a. SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDERS 1, raise the bells as in the previous exercise, but continue the movement by bending the elbows after the palms are turned upward, and bringing the bells to the top of the shoul- ders in a horizontal position, one lobe toward the front and the other toward the rear ; 2, return to position through the full side extension. Be sure that the arm is stretched to its utmost when out at the side, so as to lift and expand the chest. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 421 5 h. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDERS 1, swing the bells sideways to the shoulders ; 2, bend the trunk directly to the right side from the waist, the head remain- ing in a line with the trunk ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, bells to position. This exercise expands the chest laterally and strengthens the waist muscles. It has a very stimulating effect upon the, circu- lation and digestion. 428 School Gymnastics LESSON III 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Clicking bells over head and behind back — One' 16. ^ j h. Charge: 16— IG. 1 Note. — Charging forward. I c. Combine! 16 — 16. f a. Raising and turning bells sideways, both — One ! 8. 4. \ h. On toes ! 16. i c. Combine ! 16. [a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulders, both — One! 16. • I h. With trunk !— side. 16—16—16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. Note. — See Explanatory Note 7. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Zn. CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD AND BEHIND BACK 1, raise the bells sidew^ays and click the thumb ends over the head, the elbows f ally extended and the head erect ; 2, lower the arms and click the little finger ends of the bells behind, being sure to keep the head erect, the chin m, and the chest, but not the hips, prominent. Zh. CHARGING FORWARD 1, take a long step forward, bend tUe forward knee, and throw all of the weight upon it ; keep the trunk erect, the rear knee straight, and the rear heel upon the floor ; 2, heels to- Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 429 gether. Bells on hips. The bend of the knee should be enough to bring the large muscles of the thigh into action and so quicken the circulation. 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING FORWARD AND CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD AND BEHIND BACK 1, charge forward and click the bells over the head ; 2, heels together and click the bells behind the back. This is one of the best all-over exercises in the series, and is particularly useful for the shoulder-blade and other back muscles. To get its full benefit in this way, especial care should be taken to keep the head erect and the chest promi- nent, without any sway -back tendency. 430 School Gymnastics 3. LESSON IV Stretching. Facings. Marching. a. Clicking bells over head and behind back — One! 16. h. Charge! 16—16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulders, under shoulders and return — both — One ! 16. h. On toes ! 16. Note. — Eising on toes. c. Combine ! 16 or 32. a. Trunk twisting, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. b. With arms ! 8—8—16. Note. — With raising and turning bells sideways as in 4, Lesson XL 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 431 4«. SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDERS, UNDER SHOUL- DERS, AND RETURN 1, swing the bells sideways to the top of the shoulders as in 5, Lesson II ; 2, extend the arms again at full length at the side at shoulder level, turn the palms downward, bend the elbows, and place the bells un- der the arms; 3, return the bells to the top of the shoul- ders, extending the arms fully at the side in the transition; 4, stretch the arms sideways, turn the palms downward and lower them to position. 4r. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDERS, UNDER SHOULDERS, AND RETURN 1, rise on the toes, and swing the bells to the top of tlie shoulders ; 2, hold the position and place the bells under the arms ; 3, still remaining on the toes return the bells to the top of the shoulders ; 4, heels and arms down to position. 5 a. TRUNK TWISTING 1, twist or rotate the trunk to the side from the ankles ; the head should turn with the trunk but no farther ; 2, return to the front. Bells on hips. Keep the chest prominent and the shoulders level. The twisting should create a strong pressure upon the internal organs and so quicken their action. 432 School Gymnastics 5 b. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING WITH RAISING AND TURNING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, twist the trunk to the right, and swing both arms np to the shoulder level at the sides, palms upward; 2. face the front, and lower the arms to position. Pull hard upon the chest with the arms. 9. BREATHING While inhaling raise the arms forward to a vertical position ; while exhaling lower them sideways to position. 9 4. 5. 6. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 433 LESSON V 1. Stretching. Facings. Marching. f a. Anvil strike, right arm forward — One! 8 — 8 — 8. ! h. Foot I — forward — place. 8 — 8 — 16. Note. — Stretch step forward. c. Combine! 16 or 32. ( a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulders, under shoulders I and return, both — One ! 16. 1 h. On toes ! 16. [ c. Combine ! 16 or 32. [ a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulders, both — One ! ] 16. 16. With trunk I 16—16—32. Note. — With trunk bending sideways, as in 5, Lesson II. f a. Trunk twisting, left— One ! 8—8—8. j h. With arms 1 8—8—16. 7. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Za. ANVIL STRIKE 1, extend the right arm at full length in front, holding the bell vertically ; at the same time swing the left bell in a full- arm circle backward and upward, pulling w^ell upon the chest ; keep the head "erect and the chin in ; 2, bring the left bell down so as to strike with its lower lobe the upper lobe of the right bell ; 3, drop the left bell to the side ; 4, continue the movement through the backward and upward circle and strike ; continue to 7 ; 8, return both bells to the sides. 434 School Gymnastics 3 b. STRETCH STEP FORWARD I5 bend the left knee, the entire weight of the body resting npon it, and stretch the right foot forward, touching the toe only to the floor; keep the trunk and head erect; 2, heels together. Bells on hips. The bend of the knee in this exer- cise should be sufficient to bring the large muscular groups of the thigh into action, and so quicken the circulation. 3 c. COMBINATION OF STRETCH STEP FORWARD AND THE ANVIL STRIKE 1, stretch step forward with the right foot, extend the right bell forward and circle and strike with the left ; 2, heels together and bells at sides. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 435 LESSON VI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Anvil strike, right forward— One ! 8—8—8. 3. ] h. Foot !— forward— place. 8—8—16. I c. Combine ! 16 or 32. a. Swinging bells to chest, sideways, and return, both- One ! 16. h. Pivoting! 8—8—8. c. Combine ! 8 — 8. Bells on chest — Place ! Note. — This is the same position as that called for in the previous exercise. a. Swinging bells downward and upward alternately, both— One ! 16. 5. \ b. Trunk !— forward— place— back— place. 16. Note. — Trunk bending forward and backward. . c. Combine ! 16 or 32. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4 a. SWINGING BELLS TO CHEST, SIDEWAYS AND RETURN 1, raise the forearms forward by bending the elbows, and bring the bells to the chest in a vertical position ; 2, swing the bells sideways at shoulder level, the palms facing forward ; 3, return the bells to the chest ; 4, bells down to position. In raising and lowering the bells from the chest, keep the elbows at the sides and the upper arms well back so as to contract the shoulder-blades and throw the chest forward. 436 School Gymnastics 4 6. PIVOTING 1, rise on the toes ; 2, pivot on the balls of the feet to the side; 3, still keeping the heels up, return to the front; 4, heels down. Bells on hips. This is one of the best balance exercises, as it brings the rotator muscles into action. 4 c. COMBINATION OF PIVOTING AND SWINGING BELLS TO CHEST, SIDEWAYS AND RETURN 1, rise on the toes and swing the bells to the chest ; 2, pivot to the side and swing the bells sideways ; 3, pivot to the front and return the bells to the chest ; 4, heels and bells down. 5 a, SWINGING BELLS DOWNWARD AND UPWARD ALTERNATELY 1, without jerking, swing the bells through the full forward Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 437 position down to the sides ; 2, swing them through the full forward position to the chest, drawing the shoulder-blades backward when the bells are at the chest ; 3, stretch the bells directly upward ; 4, return the bells to the chest. 5 h. TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND BACKWARD 1, bend the trunk forward from the hips, the back remaining straight and the head in line with it; 2, trunk erect; 3, bend the upper part of the trunk backward, being careful not to throw the hips or abdomen forward ; 4, trunk erect. Keep the bells at the chest for this exercise. This exercise works upon the back and abdomen. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND SWINGING BELLS DOWN- WARD AND UPWARD 1, bend the trunk for- ward, keeping the back straight, and stretch the arms downward at right angles to the trunk ; 438 School Gymnastics 2, trunk erect and bells at chest ; 3, bend the trunk backward and stretch the arms upward at right angles to the trunk ; 4, trunk erect and bells at chest. Eleventh Series, Duiub-bells — Boys 439 LESSON VII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bells upward, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. h. Foot! — back — place. 8 — 8— IG. Note. — Stretch step backward. e. Combine ! 16 or 32. f a. Swinging bells to chest, sideways and return, both — i One! 16. \ b. Pivot ! 8—8—8. [ c. Combine ! 16 — 16. Bells on chest — Place ! f a. Swinging bells downward and upward alternately. I both— One! 16. ^' j b. Trunk ! — forward — place — back — place. 16. I c. Combine ! 16 or 32. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. SWINGING BELLS UPWARD 1, swing the right bell through the forward to the upward position, the elbow remaining stiff throughout; 2, lower the bell sideways to position. The movements should be felt in the chest and shoulder. 440 School Gymnastics Zb. STRETCH STEP BACKWARD This is the same as the stretch step forward except in direc- tion. Keep the weight entirely upon the forward foot, stretch the back knee and instep as far as possible, as the foot moves backward, without transferring any weight to it; keep the trunk erect. Bells on hips. 3 V. COMBINATION OF STRETCH STEP BACKWARD AND SWINGING BELLS UPWARD 1, stretch step backward with the right foot and swing both bells forward and upward; 2, heels together and lower the bells sideways to position. Keep the head erect. This IS one of the most effective exercises for correcting the posture of the shoulders, back, and chest. It is very stimu- lating for the circulation and respiration. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 441 5. LESSON VIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. jMarching. ( a. Swinging bells upward, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 3. \ b. Foot I^back— place. 8—8—16. i c. Combine ! 16 or 32. f a. Swinging bells to chest, sideways and return, both — I One! 16. • I b. Pivot ! 8—8—8. t c. Combine ! 16 — 16. Bells on chest — Place ! f a. Swinging bells downward and upward alternately, both— One! 16. b. Trunk ! — forward — place — back — place. 16. [c. Combine! 16 or 32. Position ! r a. Swinging bells to shoulders, sideways and return, both— One ! 16. 6. i b. Trunk I — twist— bend — up — front. 8 — 8. Note. — Trunk twisting and bending sideways. c. Combine! 8—8—16. 7. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Punning. 10. Breathing — Begin! Six times. U2 School Gymnastics 6 a. SWINGING BELLS TO SHOULDERS, SIDEWAYS AND RETURN 1, swing the bells sideways to the top of the shoulders ; 2j extend the bells sideways, palms upward, and lift and expand the chest ; 3, return the bells to the shoulders ; 4, bells down to position. 6 6. TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, twist the trunk to the right side ; 2, bend the trunk to the right side ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, return to the front. Bells on hips. This exercise, because of the strong pressure exerted upon the digestive organs, is very serviceable for stimulating their action. 6 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING SIDEWAYS AND SWINGING BELLS TO SHOULDERS AND SIDEWAYS 1, twist the trunk to the right and swing both bells sideways to the shoulders ; 2, bend the trunk to the right side and extend Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 443 the bells sideways in line with the shoulders, palms upward ; 3, trunk erect and bells on shoulders ; 4, face to the front, bells in position. 444 School Gymnastics 4. 6. LESSON IX 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Oblique swinging and clicking, right arm up — One! 8—8—16. h. Charge !— place. 8—8—16. Note. — Charging obliquely forward. c. Combine ! 16—16. Bells on hips — Place ! [ a. Swinging bells to shoulders, sideways and return, both— One ! 8. Note. — As in 6, Lesson A^III. h. On toes !— bend— up — place. 16. Note. — Rising on toes and bending knees, c. Combine ! 16 or 32. { a. Swinging bells downward and upward alternately, ! both— One ! 16. I h. Trunk ! — forward — place — back — place. 16. i c. Combine ! 16 or 32. a. Swinging bells to shoulders, sideways and return, both— One ! 16. h. Trunk ! — twist — bend — up — front. 8 — 8. [ c. Combine ! 8 — 8. 7. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys Za. OBLIQUE SWINGING AND CLICKING 445 1, swing or stretch the arms in an oblique line, the right arm upward and the left downward and backward, pulling well upon the chest ; the palms should face the front ; 2, click the little finger ends of the bells obliquely forward. Keep the head firmly erect. 3&. CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD This differs from the charging forward only in direction. The charge should be toward a point midway between the forward and side- ways directions, the shoulders turning in the same direction. Bells on hips. Re- member that the effectiveness of any charging exercise, as regards the circula- tion, depends upon the degree of the bend in the knee. 3c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD, WITH OBLIQUE SWINGING AND CLICKING OF BELLS 1, charge obliquely forward with the right foot, and stretch 446 School Gymnastics the right arm obliquely upward and the left downward and backward ; 2, heels together and click the bells. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 447 4 ft. RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES 1, rise on the toes ; 2, keeping the heels from the floor and the trunk erect, bend the knees ; 3, straighten the knees, the heels still remaining off of the floor ; 4, heels down. Bells on hips. This is one of the best exercises for cultivating erect car- riage of the trunk. It also works strongly upon the circulation. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES WITH SWINGING BELLS TO THE SHOULDERS AND SIDEWAYS 1, rise on the toes and swing the bells sideways to the shoul- ders ; 2, bend the knees and extend the bells sideways, palms upward; 3, straighten the knees and return the bells to the shoulders ; 4, heels and bells down. 448 School Gymnastics LESSOX X 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Oblique swinging and clicking, right up — One ! ! 8-8-16. h. Charge !— place. 8—8—16. [ c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Swinging bells to shoulders, sideways and return, ! both— One! 8. j h. On toes ! — bend — up — place. 16. t c. Combine ! 16. Position ! f a. Clicking bells over head and behind back — One ! 8. 5. ] ISToTE. — As in 3, Lesson IV. [ h. With trunk ! — forward — up — backward — up. XoTE. — Trunk bending forward and backward. f a. Swinging bells to shoulders, sideways and return, both— One ! 16. h. Trunk ! — twist — bend — up — front. 8 — 8. ^ c. Combine ! 8 — 8. 7. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 8. Stretching. 9. Running. 10. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 6. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Bovs 449 5 b. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND BACKWARD WITH CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD AND BEHIND BACK 1, bend the trunk forward and click the bells over the head; 2, trunk erect, and click the bells behind the back ; 3, bend the trunk backward and click the bells over the head; 4, trunk erect, and click the bells behind the back. This exercise works strongly upon the muscles of the back and abdomen. 4. 5. 450 School Gymnastics LESSON XI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Oblique swinging and clicking, right up — One ! 8—8—16. Note. — As in 3, Lesson IX. h. Charge ! — reverse — return — reverse. 16—16. Note. — Reverse charging obliquely forward. c. Combine! 16—16. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Swinging bells to shoulders, upward and return, both — One ! 8. b. On toes! — bend — up — place. 16. Note. — Rising on toes and bending knees as in previous lesson. c. Combine ! 16. Position ! fa. Clicking bells over head and behind back — One! 8. [ b. With trunk ! — forward — up — backward — up. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 6. REVERSE CHARGING OBLIQUELY FORWARD 1, charge obliquely forward to the right ; 2, straighten the knees ; 3, pivot so as to face and charge obliquely to the rear on the opposite side ; 4, straighten the knees ; 5, reverse the charge to the oblique forward position again ; 6, straighten the knees ; 7, reverse to the oblique backward charge ; 8, position. Bells on hips. This is one of the most stimulating exercises for the circu- lation. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 451 3 c. COMBINATION OF RE- VERSE CHARGING OB- LIQUELY FORWARD AND OBLIQUE SWINGING AND CLICKING OF THE BELLS 1, charge obliquely for- ward to the right, and stretch the arms obliquely, the right arm upward ; 2, straighten the knees and click the bells; 3, reverse the charging and stretch the arms obliquely with the left upward ; 4, straighten the knees and click the bells ; continue to alternate as above to 7 ; 8, posi- tion. 452 School Gymnastics 4«. SWINGING BELLS TO SHOULDERS, UPWARD AND RETURN 1, swing the bells sideways to the shoulders, stretching the arms to the utmost and pulling upon the chest in the transi- tion ; 2, stretch the arms upward \ 3, bells again on the shoul- ders; 4, bells sideways and dow^nward to position. 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND BENDING KNEES WITH SWINGING BELLS TO SHOULDERS AND UPWARD This differs from the balance exercise of the previous lesson only in the direction in which the arms are stretched when the knees bend. The balance work is more difficult in the present exercise, and particular care should be taken to move steadily and to keep the chest and head erect. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 453 3 4. LESSON XII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Oblique swinging and clicking, right up — One ! 8—8—16. h. Charge! — reverse — return — reverse. 16 — 16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Swinging and turning bells sideways, both — One ! 8. Note. — As in 4, Lesson II. b. On toes ! — pivot — bend — hold — up — pivot — down. 16 —16. Note. — Pivoting and bending knees. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Clicking bells over head and behind back — One ! 8. Note. — As in 3, Lesson IV. h. AYith trunk ! Note. — AVith trunk twisting and bending sideways as in previous lessons. I c. Sideways ! 16. Note. — Trunk bending sideways with clicking bells over head. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4 6. PIVOTING AND BENDING KNEES 1, rise on the toes ; 2, pivot to the side ; 3, keeping the heels off of the floor, bend the knees; 4, hold this position; 5, straighten the knees ; 6, pivot to the front ; 7, heels down : 8, hold. Bells on liips. 454 School Gymnastics 4 c. COMBINATION OF PIVOTING AND BENDING KNEES WITH SWINGING AND TURNING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, 2, rise on the toes and pivot to the side with the bells on the hips ; 3, bend the knees and extend the bells sideways, palms upward; 4, hold; 5, straighten the knees and return the bells to the hips ; 6, 7, 8, pivot to the front, lower the heels and hold the position, the bells re- maining on the hips. 5 c. TRUNK BENDING SIDE- WAYS WITH CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD 1, bend the trunk to the side and click the bells over the head; 2, trunk erect and click the bells behind the back. Alter- nate the direction of the bending. This is one of the strong- est exercises for the waist muscles ; it expands the chest on the convex side and is very stimulating for the circulation and digestion. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 455 LESSON XIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Swinging bell over head, right — One ! 8 or 16. I h. Charge I — reverse — return — place. 16 — 16. Note. — Reverse charging sideways. c. Combine ! 16—16. f a. Pivoting and bending knees, right — One ! 16 — 16. ■ ^ h. With arms ! 16—16 3. \ Position ! r a. Clicking bells over head and behind back — One ! 8. 5. \ h. With trunk ! — forward — up — back — up — left — up- i right— up. 32. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. SWINGING BELL OVER HEAD 1, raise the right arm upward and bend the elbow so as to form a right angle, the forearm being over the head, and the bell held vertically at the opposite side of the head ; at the same time raise the left arm sideways at shoulder level, with the palm facing to the front, the bell held vertically ; 2, reverse the position of the arms; continue to reverse the arm positions to 15 ; 16, position. Pull hard upon the chest with the arm movements. 456 School Gymnastics Zb. KEVEKSE CHARGING SIDEWAYS 1, charge directly to the right side ; 2, transfer the weight to the left foot and bend that knee in the charge position ; 3, return to the first position; 4, heels together. Bells on hips. Bear in mind the necessity of strong knee action for the result upon the circulation. 3 c. COMBINATION OF REVERSE CHARGING SIDEWAYS AND SWINGING BELL OVER THE HEAD 1, charge to the right side, extend the right arm sideways at full length, and bend the left arm over the head ; 2, reverse the position to the opposite side ; 3, return to the right side ; 4, heels and arms to position. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 45' LESSON XIV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Swinging bell over head, right — One ! 8 or 16. 3. { b. Charge ! — reverse — return — place. 16 — 16. Ic. Combine! 16—16. f a. Pivoting and bending knees, right — One ! 16 — 16. • I b. With arms ! 16—16. f a Anvil strike, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 8. I b. Charge ! — twist — twist — twist — place. 16 — 16. I Note. — Charging and trunk twisting. [c. Combine! 16—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 5 b. CHARGING AND TRUNK TWISTING 1, charge forward with the right foot and twist the trunk to the left ; 2, hold the position ; 3, twist the trunk to the right ; 4, hold ; 5, twist to the left ; 6, hold ; 7, position ; 8, hold. Bells on hips. 458 School Gymnastics 5 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND TRUNK TWISTING WITH THE ANVIL STRIKE 1, charge forward with the right foot, twist the trunk to the left, extend the left arm in front and begin the circle with the right one ready for the anvil strike ; 2, circle and strike with the right arm ; 3, twist the trunk to the right, extend the right arm forward of the body as it then faces and begin the circle with the left arm ; 4, circle and strike with the left ; continue to alternate the directions to 15 ; 16, position. 3. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 459 LESSON XV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging and holding bells upward and downward, both— One ! 16. h. Charge I — bend — up — place. 16 — 16. Note. — Charging and bending trunk forward, c. Combine! 16—16. a. Swinging bells sideways and clicking forward, both — One ! 16. 4. \ b. On toes ! 16 or 32. Note. — Eising on toes. Bells on hips, c. Combine ! 16 or 32. ( a. Anvil strike, left— One ! 8—8—8. 6. ^ b. Charge ! — twist — twist — twist — place. 16 — 16. [ c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 a. SWINGING AND HOLDING BELLS UPWARD AND DOWNWARD 1, swing bells forward and upward to the vertical position ; 2, hold ; 3j swing the bells downward and backward, keeping the chest high and the chin well dj^awn in; 4, hold. Zb. CHARGING AND BENDING TRUNK FORWARD 1, charge forward; 2, hold; 3, still holding the charge posi- tion, bend the trunk forward, keeping the head and back in a straight line; 4, hold ; 5, trunk erect; 6, hold; 7, heels together; 8, hold. Bells on hips. 460 School Gymnastics 3 e. COMBINATION OF CHARGING AND BENDING TEUNK FORWARD WITH SWINGING BELLS UPWARD AND DOWNWARD 1, charge forward and swing the bells forvv^ard and upward to a vertical position; 2, hold the position; 3, bend the trunk forward and touch the bells to the floor; 4, hold; 5, trunk erect and swing the bells again up to the vertical position; 6, hold; 7, heels together and bells to position at the sides; 8, hold. 4 a. SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS AND CLICKING FORWARD 1, swing the bells sideways at shoulder level^ palms to the front; 2, click both ends of the bells forward {i.e. bells vertical). 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES WITH SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS AND CLICKING FORWARD 1, swing the bells sideways while rising on the toes ; 2, click them forward as the heels come down. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 461 LESSOX XVI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Swinging and holding bells upward and downward, both— One ! 16. h. Charge ! — bend — up — place. 16 — 16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Clicking bells over head, swinging sideways, and re turning — One ! 8 — 16. . Trunk forward ! 16—16. XoTE. — Trunk bending forward, and raising foot backward. . Combine! 16—16. r a. Anvil strike, left— One ! 8—8—8. 5. \ h. Charge ! — twist — tw^ist — twist — place. 16 — 16. t c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4«. CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD. SWINGING SIDEWAYS, AND RETURNING 1, click the thumb ends of the bells over head ; 2, extend the arms sideways at shoulder level, palms upward; 3, click again over head ; 4, bells down sideways to position. Be sure to keep the head erect. The arms should pull strongly upon the chest throughout. 462 School Gymnastics 4&. TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND RAISING FOOT BACK- WARD 1, bend the trunk forward and raise the right leg back- ward, stretching the knee and instep as much as possible ; the body should form a straight line from the head to the extended foot; 2, hold the position ; 3, trunk erect and heels together; 4, hold. Bells on hips. 4 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND RAISING FOOT BACKWARD WITH CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD AND SWINGING SIDEWAYS 1, bend the trunk forward, click the bells over head, and raise the foot backward ; 2, hold the position of the trunk and the foot, and extend the arms sideways at shoulder level ; 3, still holding the trunk and foot position, click the bells again over the head ; 4, position. This exercise is particularly effective for the muscles around the hip, and those of the back which hold the trunk erect and flatten the shoulder-blades. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 463 3. LESSON XVII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. jVIarching. r a. Raising and turning bells sideways, both — One ! 8 or 16. XoTE. — As 4, in Lesson 11. L h. With charging I — twist and bend — up — place. 16 — 16. Note. — Charging with trunk twisting and bending to floor. r a. Clicking bells over head, swinging sideways, and re- . I turning — One ! 8 or 16. I h. Trunk forward ! 16—16. [c. Combine! 16—16. r a. Anvil strike, left— One ! 8—8—8. 5. \ b. Charge ! — twist — twist — twist — place. 16 — 16. L c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 464 School Gymnastics 3 6- CHARGING WITH TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING TO FLOOR 1, charge forward with the right foot, and extend the arms sideways at shoulder level, palms upward ; 2, hold the position ; 3, twist the trunk to the left, bend it sideways to the right, and touch the right bell to the floor, the left arm stretched upward ; 4, hold the position ; 5, as 1 ; 6, hold ; 7, position ; 8, hold. This is one of the most effective all-over exercises. It works strongly upon the circulation and respiration. Eleventh Series, Dumb-bells — Boys 465 LESSOX XVIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Raising and turning bells sideways, both — One ! 8 o I or 16. 4. Note. — As 4, Lesson II. [ h. With charging ! — twist and bend — up — place. 16 — 16. a. Clicking bells over head, swinging sideways, and re- turning — One ! 8 or 16. b. Trunk forward ! 16 — 16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. ' a. Swinging bells to chest, sideways and return, both — One ! 8 or 16. 5. \ h. Trunk ! — twist — back — up — place. 8 — 8 — 16. XoTE. — Trunk twisting and bending backward. ic. Combine! 8—8—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 5 a. SWINGING BELLS TO CHEST, SIDEWAYS AND RETURN 1, raise the forearm and bring the bells to the chest in a vertical position, as in 4, Lesson VI ; 2, swing the bells side- ways at shoulder level, palms to the front ; 3, return the bells to the chest ; 4, bells down to position at the sides. 466 School Gymnastics 5 h. TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING BACKWARD 1, twist the trunk to the right ; 2, bend the trunk backward ; 3, trunk erect ; 4, face to the front. Bells on hips. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND BENDING BACKWARD WITH BELLS TO CHEST AND SIDEWAYS 1, twist the trunk to the right and swing the bells to the chest ; 2, bend the trunk backward and swing the bells side- ways ; 3, trunk erect, and bells again at the chest ; 4, face to the front, bells downward to position. This exercise works strongly upon the abdominal muscles. Twelfth Series Eighth Year, Girls Dumb-bells — 1 pound LESSOR I Note. — For stretching, tactics, floor formation, effects of exercises, etc., see Explanatory Notes. 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bell forward to shoulder, right — One ! 8—8—16. h. Tap step ! — forward — place. 8 — 8 — 16. Note. — Tap step forward, c. Combine! 8—8—16. 4. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 5. Stretching. 6. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 467 468 School Gymnastics BELLS IN POSITION FOR WORK The bells should be grasped by the stems and held naturally at the sides while marching to place. From this position all of the exercises are taken, unless the position, hells on hips, is specified, when the bells should be placed horizontally at the hips, the hands bent under so as to point the bent wrists forward and downward ; the elbows should be kept well back, so as to flatten the shoulder-blades and throw the chest forward. 3 a. SWINGING BELL FORWARD TO SHOULDER 1, swing the bell forward at arm's length, bend the elbow and bring the bell to the top of the shoulder in a horizontal position, one lobe toward the front and the other toward the rear ; 2, swing the bell forward and downward to position. The elbow should be fully extended in the transition, so that the arm pulls upon the chest. 3 6. TAP STEP FORWARD This is like the point step of previous series, except that the toe does not remain upon the floor ; it should tap the floor in a light, easy way, with no weight upon it, and remain extended, with the toe well pointed downward and raised from the floor, and the knee stiff, until the return count is given. 1, tap forward; 2, heels together. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 469 This exercise cultivates an erect carriage if the hip action is strong and sustained. Keep the chest well forward and high, avoiding any tendency to a sway-back position. 3 c. COMBINATION OF TAP STEP AND SWINGING BELLS FORWARD TO SHOULDERS 1, tap step forward with the right foot and swing both bells forward to the shoulders; 2, foot and bells to position. Alternate the feet on the last sixteen counts. 6. BREATHING Eaise the arms sideways to shoulder level while inhaling ; lower them to position while exhaling. The breathing should be slower and deeper than the normal. 470 School Gymnastics LESSON II 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. [ a. Swinging bell sideways to shoulder, right — One I j 8—8—16. 3. \ b. Tap step !— side— place. 8—8—16. I Note. — Tap step sideways. [c. Combine! 8—8—16. a. Swinging bells forward to shoulders, anvil strike, and return — One ! 16. 4. \ h. On toes! — pivot — return — place. 16 — 16. Note. — Rising on toes and pivoting. c. Combine! 16—16. 5. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 6. Stretching. 7. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 471 3«. SWINGING BELL SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDER This differs from the first exercise in the previous lesson only in the direction in which the arms are raised, which is to the side instead of forward. Extend the elbow fully in the transition, and turn the palm upward as the arm is raised. The chest should be lifted and expanded by the movement. The position of the bells on the shoulders is the same as in the swinging forward to shoulder. 3 6. TAP STEP SIDEWAYS This differs from the tap step forward only in direction. Tap the foot directly to the side of its normal position. Stretch the entire leg from the hip in doing this, but be careful that the, whole weight is held upon the stationary foot. 3 c. COMBINATION OF TAP STEP SIDEWAYS AND SWINGING BELLS SIDE- WAYS TO SHOULDERS 1, tap step sideways and swing the bells sideways to the shoulders ; 2, posi- tion. 472 School Gymnastics 4 a. SWINGING BELLS FORWARD TO SHOULDERS, ANVIL STRIKE AND RETURN 1, swing both bells forward to the shoulders ; 2, extend the right arm at full length in front, holding the bell vertically ; at the same time raise the left bell at arm's length upward, and bring it down so as to strike with its lower lobe the upper lobe of the right bell ; 3, return both bells to the shoulders ; 4, bells forward and downward to position. Alternate the arms for the anvil strike. 4&. RISING ON TOES AND PIVOTING 1, rise on the toes ; 2, pivot to the side on the balls of the feet and lower the heels ; 3, rise on the toes ; 4, pivot to the front, heels down. Keep the weight poised over the forward part of the feet when the heels are lowered. ,luV. 1 mil i 4 c. COMBINATION OF RISING ON TOES AND PIVOTING WITH SWINGING BELLS FORWARD TO SHOULDERS, ANVIL STRIKE AND RETURN 1, rise on the toes and swing both bells forward to the shoul- ders ; 2, pivot to the right side, put the heels down, extend the right arm and make the anvil strike with the left bell ; 3, rise on the toes and return the bells to the shoulders ; 4, pivot to the front, heels and bells down. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 473 3 4. LESSON III 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Swinging bell forward to shoulder, right — One ! 8—8—16. h. Tap step ! — forward — place. 8 — 8 — 16. c. Combine! 8—8—16. d. Bells sideways ! 8 — 8 — 16. Note. — Swinging bells sideways to shoulders. e. Tap step ! — side — place. 8 — 8 — 16. /. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Swinging bells forward to shoulders, anvil strike and return — One ! 16. h. On toes ! — pivot — return — place. 16 — 16. ^ c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Clicking bells over head — One ! 8. 5. \h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—16. I Note. — Trunk twisting. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. Note. — See Explanatory Note 7. 9. Breathing — ^Begin ! Six times. CLICKING BELLS OVER HEAD 1, swing the bells upward at the side and click the thumb ends over the head; 2, return the bells to position. Extend the arms to their full length in the transition, so as to affect the chest ; keep the head erect. 474 School Gymnastics 5 h. TUTTNK TWISTING 1, twist or rotate the trunk to the right, from the ankles ; 2, return to the front. The head should turn with the trunk, but no farther. The bells should be placed upon the hips for this exercise without any special command, and re- turned to the sides on the last count. Be sure that the elbows are well back, so as to throw the chest forward. The twisting should be as far as possible, so as to make a strong pressure upon the internal organs, sufficient to overcome any sluggish tendency in their action. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND CLICKING BELLS OVEB HEAD 1, twist the trunk to the right and click the bells over the head; 2, posi- tion. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 475 LESSON IV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. [a. Swinging bell sideways, palm up, right— One! I 8—8—16. 3. ] h. Foot!— back. 8—8—16. Note. — Point step obliquely backward. c. Combine ! 8—8—16. a. Swinging bells forward to shoulders, anvil strike and return — One ! 16. h. On toes ! — pivot — return — place. 16 — 16. I c. Combine ! 16 — 16. r a. Clicking bells over head — One ! 8. 5. ] h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—16. [c. Combine! 8—8—16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Four times. 3 a. SWINGING BELL SIDEWAYS, PALM UP 1, swing the bell up to the shoulder level at the side, the arm extended and the palm turned upward; pull hard upon the chest ; 2, return to position. 476 School Gymnastics Zh. POINT STEP OBLIQUELY BACKWARD 1, touch, the toe obliquely backward, stretching the entire leg from the hip ; turn the head and drop it backward so as to look back over the shoulder toward the foot ; 2, foot and head to position. Keep the shoulders squarely to the front 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP OBLIQUELY BACKWARD AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, point step obliquely backward; extend the arms side- ways with the palms turned upward ; turn the head and look backward over the shoulder at the foot ; 2, position. 9. BREATHING While inhaling, raise the arms forward to a vertical posi- tion ; while exhaling, lower the arms sideways to position. Keep the head erect; pull upon the chest with the arms. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls ^11 3. 4. LESSON V 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Swinging bell sideways, palm up, right — One 8—8—16. 5. Foot!— back. 8—8—16. c. Combine! 8—8—16. a. Clicking bells forward and over head — One ! 8 — 8. h. Stamp ! — stamp — step— heels — step. 32. Note. — Stamping twice and follow step. c. Combine ! 32. Clicking bells over head — One ! 8. , h. Trunk !— twist. 8—8—16. ic. Combine! 8—8—16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. [ a. \ h. 4 a. CLICKING BELLS FORWARD AND OVER HEAD 1, click the thumb ends of the bells forward at shoulder level ; 2, click the same ends over head ; alternate to 7 ; 8, posi- tion. Keep the head erect. Pull hard upon the chest with the arms. 4 6. STAMPING TWICE AND FOLLOW STEP 1, stamp with the right foot, the emphasis coming mainly upon the ball of the foot ; 2, repeat ; 3, step forward with the right foot, and draw the left toe up to the right heel ; 4, step 478 School Gymnastics again with the right foot ; 5, 6, 7, 8, repeat with the left foot, still moving forward with the follow step; repeat, moving backward. The follow step is like the polka step, and should have its rhythm. 4 c. COMBINATION OF STAMPING AND FOLLOW STEP WITH CLICK- ING BELLS FORWARD AND OVER HEAD Click the bells forward and over head, respectively, while stamping ; place them on the hips for the follow step. 3. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls ' 479 LESSON VI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Anvil strike, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 6. Foot ! — oblique — place. 8 — 8 — 16. Note. — Tap step obliquely forward. ,c. Combine! 8—8—16. f a. Clicking bells forward and over head — One ! 8 — 8. 4. j h. Stamp ! — stamp — step — heels — step. 32. Ic. Combine! 32. f a. Clicking bells forward and backward — One ! 8 — 8. I h. Trunk ! — forward — place. 8. I Note. — Trunk bending forward. I c. Combine. 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 9 6. TAP STEP OBLIQUELY FORWARD 1, tap step obliquely forward, right, turning the shoulders in the direction of the foot ; 2, heels together. Bells on hips. 480 School Gymnastics ft 3 c. COMBINATION OF TAP STEP OB- LIQUELY FORWARD AND ANVIL STRIKE 1, take the tap step obliquely forward with the right foot, at the same time turn the shoulders and extend the right arm ob- liquely forward at shoulder level in the direction of the foot, the bell vertical, and make the anvil strike with the left bell ; 2, heels together, bells down to position and shoulders to the front. 5 a. CLICKING BELLS FORWARD AND BACKWARD 1, click the thumb ends of the bells at arm's length obliquely down in front ; 2, click the bells behind. Avoid any forward movement of the head or shoulders as the bells are clicked behind. 5 h. TRUNK BENDING FORWARD 1, bend the trunk forward, the back and head in a straight line ; 2, trunk erect. Bells on hips. This exercise is admirable for strengthening the muscles that hold the trunk erect. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 481 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING FORWARD AND CLICKING BELLS FOR- WARD AND BACKWARD 1, bend the trunk forward and click the bells in front of the head ; 2, trunk erect and click the bells behind. This exercise is one of the best for the shoulder-blades and back. 482 School Gymnastics LESSON VII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Anvil strike, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 3. ^ h. Foot !— oblique— place. 8—8—16. Ic. Combine! 8—8—16. a. Circling bells outward and clicking — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. h. Step ! — point — step— point — back— two— three — heels. 32. Note. — Stepping and pointing foot forward, c. Combine ! 32. C a. Clicking bells forward and backward — One ! 16. 5. \ b. Trunk ! — forward — place. 8. I c. Combine ! 16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4. 4«. CIRCLING BELLS OUTWARD AND CLICKING 1, circle the arms upward and outward ; 2, click the thumb ends of the bells down in front. The arms should be stretched to their full extent during the circle, so as to lift and expand the chest. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 4 6. STEPPING AND POINTING FOOT FORWARD 483 1, step forward with the right foot ; 2, extend and point the left foot, i.e. stretch it downward without touching the floor, as in the tap step ; 3, step forward with the left foot ; 4, extend and point the right foot ; 5, 6, 7, walk backward to place ; 8, heels together. Bells on hips. 4 c. COMBINATION OF STEPPING AND POINTING FOOT FORWARD WITH CIRCLING AND CLICKING BELLS 1, step forward with the right foot, swing the arms outward and upward ; 2, point the left foot and click the bells; 3, step with the left foot and circle the arms ; 4, point the right foot and click the bells ; 5, 6, 7, 8, walk backward to place, the bells on the hips. The carriage should be firmly erect during this exercise, and the movements should be light and dainty. 484 School Gymnastics 5. 3. \ LESSON VIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. ' a. Clicking bells forward and over head — One ! 16. Note. — As in 4, Lesson IV. 6. Foot ! — oblique — heels — back — heels. 16 — 16. Note. — Point step obliquely forward and backward alternately. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. a. Circling bell outward and clicking — One ! 16. h. Step ! — point — step — point — back — two — three— heels. 32. c. Combine! 32. a. Swinging bell sideways to shoulder, right — One ! 8 — 8. Note. — As in 3, Lesson 11. h. Trunk !— twist— place. 8—8—8. c. Combine! 8—8—16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 3 h. POINT STEP OBLIQUELY FORWARD AND BACKWARD ALTERNATELY 1, point step obliquely forward; turn the head and look at the foot ; 2, heels together ; 3, point step obliquely backward ; turn the head and look at the foot over the shoulder ; 4, heels together. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 485 3 c. COMBINATION OF POINT STEP OBLIQUELY FORWARD AND BACKWARD WITH CLICKING BELLS FORWARD AND OVER HEAD 1, point step obliquely forward ; bend forward at the hips and click the bells over the forward foot; 2, heels together, bells on hips ; 3, point step obliquely backward, and click the bells over the head; turn the head and look back over the shoulder at the foot ; 4, heels together and bells on the hips. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK TWISTING AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDERS 1, twist the trunk and swing both bells sideways to the shoulders ; 2, position. 486 School Gymnastics 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. LESSOX IX Stretching. Facings. Marching. r a. Clicking bells forward and over head- ^ ^ ' ^ ^ • " ^ -back — heels. ■One ! 16. 16—16. c. a. \ b. Foot ! — oblique — heels- ic. Combine! 16—16. ' a. Circling bells outward and clicking — One ! 16. b. Step ! — point — step — point — back — two — three — heels. 32. Combine ! 32. Bells on hips — Place ! Swinging bells sideways to shoulders, right — One ! 8—8—16. 5. i b. Trunk — side — place. 8 — 8 — 8. ISToTE. — Trunk bending sideways. c. Combine! 8—8—8. Marching. (Return bells to place.) Stretching. Running. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 5 6. TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS 487 1, bend the trunk directly to the side from the waist, the head remaining in line with the trunk ; the feet should remain firmly upon the floor and the arms stiff ; 2, trunk erect. 5 c. COMBINATION OF TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDERS 1, bend the trunk to the side, and swing the bells sideways to the shoulders ; 2, trunk erect and bells on the hips. This is an excellent exercise for strengthening the muscles around the waist, for expanding the chest on the sides, and for stimulating the digestive organs and the circulation. 488 School Gymnastics , LESSON X 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Swinging bells sideways, palms upward, both — One ! 8. ! h. Charge! — forward — place. 8 — 8 — 16. 1 Note. — Charging forward. .c. Combine! 8—8—16. Bells on hips — Place ! { a. Clicking bells and bending head alternately — One ! 32. h. With foot !— cross— place — cross — place; head — up — I right — up. [ Note. — Cross step forward. f a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulder — right — One ! i 8—8—16. I h. Trunk !— side— place. 8—8—8. I c. Combine ! 8—8—8. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin I Six times. 3 a. SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS, PALMS UPWARD 1, swing the bells up to the shoulder level at the sides, arms extended and palms upward ; 2, position. The elbows should be fully stretched and the chest lifted by the movement. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 489 Zh. CHARGING FORWARD 1, take a long step forward, bend the knee and throw all of the Ave ight upon it; keep the trunk erect, the rear foot upon the floor and the rear knee straight ; 2, position. Bells on the hips. If this exercise is taken correctly, so as to make a consider- able bend in the knee, the large muscles of the thigh will be brought into action and through them the circulation will be much quickened. 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARGING FORWARD AND SWINGING BELLS SIDEWAYS 1, charge forward, and swing both bells sideways, palms upward ; 2, position. This is an admirable all-over exercise for both the posture and general physiological results. 490 School Gymnastics 4 a. CLICKING BELLS AND BENDING HEAD ALTERNATELY 1, click both ends of the bells twice quickly in front ; 2, bells on the hips ; 3, 4, repeat ; 5, bend the head to the right side ; 6, head up ; 7, 8, repeat, the head bending to the left side. 4 h. CROSS STEP FORWARD WITH CLICKING BELLS 1, cross the right foot over in front of the left and touch the toe in a point- step on a line in front of the left toe ; keep the knees stiff and the shoulders to the front ; click the bells twice, rap- idly, while doing this ; 2, heels together and bells on the hips ; 3, 4, repeat with the left foot ; 5, bend the head to the right ; 6, head up ; 7, 8, repeat the head bending to the left. The cross step helps to ease and grace in walk- ing by the strength and mobility which it cultivates in the hip joint. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 491 LESSOK XI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. { a. Swinging bells sideways, palms upward, both — ^ i One! 8. I b. Charge ! — forward — place. 8 — 8 — 16. [c. Combine! 8—8—16. f a. Clicking bells and bending head alternately — One ! 32. 4- \ h. With foot ! — cross — place — cross — place ; head — up I — right — up. { a. Swinging bell sideways to shoulder, extending and I returning, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. 6. \ b. Face !— bend. 16—16. I Note. — Facing and trunk bending sideways. [c. Combine! 16—16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 5 a. SWINGING BELL SIDEWAYS TO SHOULDER, EXTENDING AND RETURNING 1, swing the bell sideways to the shoulder ; 2, extend it side- ways at arm's length, the palm upward; 3, return to the shoulder ; 4, swing the bell outward and downward to position. 492 School Gymnastics 5 h. FACING AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS 1, face to the right side ; 2, bend the trunk to the right side ; 3, trunk erect; 4, face to the front. 5 c. COMBINATION OF FACING AND TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH SWINGING BELLS TO SHOULDERS AND EXTENDING SIDEWAYS 1, face to the side and swing the bells sideways to the shoulders ; 2, bend the trunk sideways and extend the arms at shoulder level, palms upward ; 3, trunk erect and bells on the shoulders ; 4, face to the front, bells down to position. This exercise is very stimulating to the circulation and the digestive organs. It is particularly useful for overcoming any sluggishness in these functions incident to much sitting. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 493 LESSON XII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. * Marching. r a. Clicking bells forward and over head — One ! 16. 3. ' h. Rocking ! 8—8. ic. Combine! 8—8. Bells on hips — Place ! ' a. Clicking bells and bending head alternately — One ! 32. 5. With foot ! — cross — place — cross — place ; head — up — right — up. ' a. Swinging bells sideways to shoulder, extending and returning, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. h. Face!— bend. 16—16. . c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. Zh. ROCKING 1, charge forward; 2, without changing the place of the feet upon the floor, straighten the knee, transfer the weight to the rear foot and bend the rear knee ; 3, rock forward {i.e. return to the first position) ; continue to alternate to 7 ; 8, heels together. If the step is long enough to admit of a good bend of the knee, this exercise is very serviceable for quickening the circulation. 494 School Gymnastics 3 c. COMBINATION OF ROCK- ING AND CLICKING BELLS FORWARD AND OVER HEAD 1, charge forward and click the bells over head ; 2, rock backward (bend the rear knee), bend the trunk forward, and click the bells over the forward foot; alternate to 7; 8, position. This is one of the most vigorous all-over exercises in the series. 5. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 495 LESSON XIII 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. r a. Clicking bells forward and over head — One ! 16. 3. \ b. Eocking ! 8—8. i c. Combine ! 8. a. Oblique swinging and clicking of bells, right arm up —One ! 8—8—16. . I b. Foot I — oblique — hold — place — hold. 16 — 16. Note. — Stepping obliquely forward and rising on toes. . c. Combine ! 16—16—16. f a. Swinging bell sideways to shoulder, extending and re- I turning, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. j b. Face !— bend. 16—16. [ c. Combine ! 16 — 16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4 a. OBLIQUE SWINGING AND CLICKING OF BELLS, RIGHT ARM UP 1, swing or stretch the arms in an oblique line, the right upward and the left downward and backward; the palms should face the front ; 2, hold the position ; 3, click the little- finger ends of the bells obliquely forward ; 4, click the thumb ends of the bells ; 5, swing the arms obliquely. The arms should not be brought to position until the last count of the alternation. Keep the head erect. Stretch the arms fully so as to affect the chest and shoulder-blades. 496 School Gymnastics 4 h. STEPPING OBLIQUELY EORWAKD AND RISING ON TOES 1, step obliquely forward to the right with the right foot, and rise on the toe of the extended foot; 2, hold the position; 3, heels together ; 4, hold the position. Bells on hips. 4 c. COMBINATION OF STEPPING OBLIQUELY FORWARD AND RISING ON TOES, WITH OBLIQUE SWINGING AND CLICKING OF BELLS 1, step obliquely forward on the right toe, and swing the arms to the oblique position, the right arm upward ; 2, hold the position ; 3, heels together and click the little-finger ends of the bells ; 4, hold the position of the feet and click the thumb ends of the bells. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 497 LESSON XIV 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. a. Clicking bells forward and over head — One ! 16. h, Eocking! 8—8. c. Combine ! a. Oblique swinging and clicking of bells — right arm up _One ! 8—8—16. h. Foot ! — oblique — hold — place — hold. 16 — 16. c. Combine ! 16 — 16. Bells on hips — Place ! a. Trunk bending sideways, right — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. h. With arm ! 16. 6. Marching. (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Eunning. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 4. \ 498 School Gymnastics 5 h. TRUNK BENDING SIDEWAYS WITH ARM IN HALF CIRCLE 1, bend the trunk to the right side and raise the left arm in a half circle over the head, the left bell remaining on the hip ; 2, trunk and bell to position. This exercise is admirable for strengthening the muscles of the trunk as well as for a quicken- ing effect upon the general physi- ological functions. Tu^elfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 499 LESSON XV 1. Stretching. Facings. Marching. a. Swinging bells backward and clicking over head — One ! 32. h. Charge back! — forward— hold — hold. 16 — lf>. Note. — Charging backward and stepping forward. . c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Oblique swinging and clicking of bells, right arm ! ^^p_One! 8—8—16. 4 { I b. Foot! — oblique^hold — place — hold. 16 — 16. [ c. Combine ! 16 — 16. f a. Trunk bending sideways, right I — One ! 8 — 8 — 16. *'• j b. With arm ! 16. ^ 6. Marching. (Eeturn bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Running. 9. Breathing — Begin ! Six times. 500 School Gymnastics 3«. SWINGING BELLS BACKWARD AND CLICKING OVER HEAD 1, swing the bells downward and backward at the sides, the arms parallel ; 2, swing them forward and upward to a vertical position ; 3, click the four lobes of the bells twice, quickly, over head ; 4, repeat the clicking ; 5, swing downward and backward 3 h. CHARGING BACKWARD AND STEPPING FORWARD 1, charge backward ; the position is the same as in the second count of the rocking explained in Lesson XII ; 2, throw all of the weight upon the forward foot, and straighten the knee as in stepping forward ; 3, 4, hold the forward position ; 5, charge backward as in 1 ; alternate to lo ; 16, position. The bells should remain upon the hips. 3 c. COMBINATION OF CHARG- ING BACKWARD AND STEPPING FORWARD WITH SWINGING BELLS BACKWARD AND CLICK- ING OVER HEAD 1, charge backward, swing the bells downward and backward and bend the trunk slightly forward from the waist ; 2, throw the weight upon the for- ward foot, straighten the forward knee and swing the bells forward and up- ward ; 3, hold the position Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 501 and click the bells twice, quickly, over head : 4, repeat the click- ing; 5, charge backward and swing the bells downward and backward. This is an admirable all-over exercise, but is particularly useful for the back, including the shoulder-blades. 502 School Gymnastics LESSON XVI 1. Stretching. 2. Facings. Marching. f a. Swinging bells backward and clicking over head — 3. One ! 32. W>. Charge back !— forward — hold — hold. 16 — 16. [ c. Combine I 16 — 16. a. Swinging bells sideways, palms upward, and clicking over head — One ! 4. \ h. On Toes ! 16. I Note. — With rising on toes. 1, Eise on the toes ; [ 2, heels doAvn. Bells on hips. Bells on hips — Place I 5. Kneeling and trunk bending forward and sideways — One ! 16—16. Position ! 6. Marching ! (Return bells to place.) 7. Stretching. 8. Kunning. 9. Breathing — Begin I Six times. Twelfth Series, Dumb-bells — Girls 50o 4