BF 1623 ■ P9 H6 Copy 1 BF 1623 .P9 H6 Copy 1 FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NUMEROLOGY BY FRANK HOUSEHOLDER, Ph. P. A. S. N. n AUTHOR OF HOUSEHOLDER'S SUCCESS GAME ( T^ETiT^ETTTAT ) "DESTINY ) CALCXJLATING J CALENDAR" EFFICIENCY OF THE FIVE KINGDOMS WITH U FIFTY-TWO LESSONS "HOW TO GET SUCCESS" PRICE $5.00 Seaside Publishing Compa'ny Publishers Long Beach, California. \ s FEMEMBER He who reacts witJi an open mind, absorbs knowledge as a sponge does ivater. ■ Read, compare and analyze, the prin- ciple by number in this book, aitd your reward will be WISDOM. SEP 28 1921 ©CLA627242 N J Resting in the Belief That the Science of NUMEROLOGY Will, When Thoroughly Understood, Impart to the Mind of Humanity a Clear Comprehension of the Principle of Truth in All Its Manifestations and Expressions of Nature I Confidently DEDICATE This Book to All Men and Women Who Are Seeking Numerical Proof of the Creative Law —The Author \ COPYRIGHT 19 2 1 FRANK HOUSEHOLDER LOS ANGELES, CALIF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED if V FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NUMEROLOGY b