NLWYCM ILlMfWED • ■* • . ■ft/7 -'""" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. T* ?mm FEB 10 UW8 Greater New York ILLUSTRATED. OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF THE FOREMOST CITY OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. 189s RAND, McNALLY & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS H ChII A1.1 ' AND Xl VV Yi i|(K. •"'W' k<\ u 5" v 1243 Copyright, 1897, by Rand, McNally & Co. r, TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAC1 ■ ■ 's Theater i , ; Amei i' .ni Museum ol Mai ural 1 1 isti iry American Surety Co.'s Building . . a mi i i i ■■" >ciet] Bu ng 1 . Mrs. fohn Jact ib, Reside] Pai fc and Ni w Yoi k Bay, fn nn Roi if ot Washington Building 9 Bei keley School 141 well's Island, South End Boli\ .Li , Statue ol .1 . Bowling Green B . . . , t B ■ l ' !'■■■■ -klyn ■ i Brighton Beach, Coney Island ' 1 r.t oad Street, I ooking South from \\ all Strei ' Broad Street, Looking North from Beavi 1 Broadwaj and Bond Streel to Tenth Street . Broadway and Fifth Avenue, Junction of . 119 Broadway from Tenth Streel to Union Square 1 1 Broadway, Looking North from Exchange Plai 1 Bi 1 M ifc 1 ) 11 Brii Ige 233 i ' :i and Court Streets . . 1 1 iklyn Savings Bank (i Casino [43 t';^: ti rovernor's Island, New York Bay 17 I Pa , East J >rh e untairj and Lake .... Central Park, View of 177 iry Club 157 Church and Library, Saili n •-' Sunt; Harbor, Sta- [sland 29 h Missions 1 louse, Entrance . ... 153 City Hs Pari ind New Building on Broadway 85 Coffee Exchange .... 61 College ot Pharmacy ... 147 C< »lon 1 al Club . . . 1/, Columbus Monument 171 Conkling, Roscoe, Statue of .... . . 83 Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange . 51- ('••in Exchange Bank 63 Criminal Courts and the Tombs Dakota Flats . ... i 1 Island ■ • 39 I lelmonico's 59 Fidi Litj & Ca sualt 5 1 '■■ 1 Luilding. . ... 61 Fifth A\ enue, Fifty-first to Fil d Si reet 1 . Fifth Avenue, I king North from 1 )ne Hundred and Twenty-sixth street Fifth Avenue, Looking South from Twenty- second Street „ I2 3 Fifth Avenue Theater , Fire Headquarters, Brooklyn 237 I 1] i Schuyler .... * Fori Wadsworth, Staten Island ■- Fori Wood, Outer Battery, ['..-.line's island . . 2--, Fourteenth Street, Looking West from Fifth \ ■■ ■ • I 1 11 e 1 1 j PAGE. Fourth Avenue, from Twenty-firsl to Twenty- third Streel Gansevoort Market ... . . Gar rick Theater . . . [41 1 Iniieh 99 1 1 Central I )epi »t . > 1 . 1 1 rani 's I < imb, K \\ ersidi I >rive Hale, Nathan, Statue ol 83 Hall "i" Architectural Casts, Metropol tan Mu- seum of Art 183 II' raid Building High Bridge .231 Hoi land 1 [i ittse 135 Hotel Astoria . . 139 I lotel Ma jest ic 1 1 J Intel Margaret, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn ■ I lotel New Nethei land I li itel Savoy J 1 unt ingtt m, Collis P . Res id< m e oi Judson Memorial Baptisl * hurch 105 Tumel Mansion 229 Liberty, Statue of, Front View, from Southeast 1 berty, Statue of, Side View, from West . , Liberty, statue of, View from Entrance of Pedi i oward New York . . 27 Life 1 tuilding ■ ■■, Mad is< in Si | uai •■ » ta 1 den 127 Mail and Express Building 75 Manhattan Life Insurance Co 's Building . . ■ 53 Matthews, J. H., Resident e ol May Parties, Central Park . . Memi - 1 1 . 1 1 Arch, Brooklyn Metro]!, ilitan Club [45 Metropolitan Museum of Art 181 Metropolitan Opera 1 1< >use . [33 Montauk Club, Brooklyn ... ... 243 Moonlight on New York Bay National Shoe & Leather Bank New York Bay from Battery 7 York Bay, a Misty Morning on is New York C ity Hall ." 91 New York Clearing House New York Post 1 >ffii e - < New York Stock Exchange, Into ... 71 Ni 'i College 187 Ocean Steamers in Berths, North River . . . 41 One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, Looking West from Seventh Avenue Oyster Row Printing House Square 87 Produce Kxchange | Prospect Park, Brooklyn . i 1 ■ and Fiftieth Street [59 nces, Southwest Corner West-End Ave- nue and Eighty-third street 201 * ' ■ , Southwest C« End Avi nd Sevenl j sei ond Si reet 1 ■ ■ D G ■ Tomb 1 ' Drive, Looking North fr< ! - Rivets 1 I . North from One Hun- . and Sixth street 205 Riverside Drive. Lo Oni Hun- . and Twelfl h . . 209 Riverside I »: 1 North from < me Hun- dred and Twentieth Street _-i 1 Rivei U Dri ■ am Oi 11 1 tred a I Eighth Streel 207 1 Building m 1 1 D klyn Navy Yard . 35 inien' Armory . Society of American Artists .' .157 1 New York Statues 169 South oking Smith fromCoenties Sli] Sou th S t r& n St. Bartho is... 147 St. Francis Xaviei Church, Interior of .... 117 St. Pa 1 edral -151 St. Pal 1 i interior ol St. Paul Building ■ • 79 St rh< imas Church Temple Betb-E] E-omb ol ' lenei al Grant .... 1 ■■: ■ . ( 1 173 The Start from New York The Waldorf ,37 Tiffany, Charles, Resid< Church, from Wall Stri . . 65 Union Leagu< t lub 229 Union Square 115 I'm:. 1-T1 easury United States Ti ust Co. . Vanderbilt, Cornelius, I ' Viaduct and Harlem River, from New Speeds a Viewfrom Broi River Br idgi View from Grant 's Tomb View from North River 5 View Ld 'kin.^ N01 mi Ri h ii oi 1 ■: ing, '■' Broadway 1 Vii w I' oking South from Root Office Build- ing, 1 1 1 ■■, . Southwest from Roof of Office B I adwav n Wall Street and Trinity Church . . Washington Bridge Washington Memorial Arch West Stri et, L h king Noi th fr< im I ! I Windsor Hotel and Fifth Avenue Blackwell's Island 3 LOWER PART OF MANHATTAN BOROUGH IX 1897 — View from Brooklyn , Showing East River B ■: LOWER PART OF MANHATTAN BOROUGH IN [897 — View from North River. 5 E "l- LIBER i , » i i L ENDING. NEW YORK BAY FROM BATTERY. < \> 1 LE GARDEN. BATTERY PARK AND HARBOR FROM ROOF OF WASHINGTON BUILDING, i BROADWAY. VIEW LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM ROOF OF OFFICE BUILDING, 66 BROADWAY. 1 1 VIEW LOOKING SOUTH FROM ROOF OF OFFICE BUILDING, 66 BROADWAY. "■^P A MISTY MORNING ON NEW YuRK BAY. 15 < X -r. (3 OS H > I— I < ' M 09 y. :: n.ll I . i . . BY S R. STI 'DDARD. Mi mi\*i. [CUT ON NEW YORK BAY. 19 _ : . ■J. ' - OUTER BATTERY, FORT Wool), HE\)\J )K 'S ISLAND. 25 VIEW FROM ENTRANCE OF PEDESTAL, LOOKING TOWARD NEW York. CHURCH AND LIBRARY, SAILOR'S SNUG HARBOR — West New Brighton, Staten Island. R. W. Gibson, Archil 29 Til VIEW LOOKING NORTHEAST FROM ROOF OF OFFICE BUILDING, 66 BROADWAY. *zM tfh "By THE START FROM NEW YORK. 33 SECTIONAL DRY DOCK— East River. ILD FRIGATF " VERMONT," USED AS \ REl l l\ IV. SHIP BROOKLYN NAVY YARD — East River. WORK HOUSE, BLACKWELL'S ISLAND — ] """"" ^aaaawa CITV HOSPITAL. NURSES' HOME. SOUTH END BLACKWELL'S ISLAND — East River. 37 FORT SCHUYLER— Entrance to Long Island Sound. UJ^&Ul..J ■ ', ^-^' Milinnf wa ^'iMlA^^j ^ i. r&js-g^fotZS^SZm&fr i£ji^<^:*' *? DAVID ISLAND — Long Island S 39 OCEAN STEAMERS IX BERTHS, NORTH RIVER. SOUTH STREET, LOOKING SOUTH FROM COENTIES SLIP i - u J < m r « •& -a _ .1. — >r. ■/ s v LI Ul U VJ3 1 '«*»Y*. »J>;S-» »-»'«-» »_« \? i *= A! .*=^- 1 ,.r^ "■"' "i *■* ■"•WjT , ... >» E '-- ; 7 S5 "2 s Y. ~ ? 5 - — — - - V^* ->* y. r- W W UNITED STATES SUB-TREASURY — Northeast Corner Wall and Nassau Streets. 67 INTERIOR '>!" NEW VORK STOCK EXCHANGE — Broad and Wall Sti 71 ■5 - - I g - — z x r — - r. •Jl Z. ■^ - #e. MM V 3> -\ . . m.\ ~m&: « I •■-■ MI -- ■ . » ihAK V,-. ■:_• ns fc^ Cu» ; ''*■" • *»• *# < tit I J 2* »' " „ ».V T.,V "Jl- l \ jyg ■_. • : »• 1»«^... *» *.»«•., jfji]jjp-. »—.,,— fP- E "."^^ -\. \ -, . ,-- T „. y.r- fc, 1 ., - ,^ r .^- pM .«.i j..- fmt ■ f ^i^ flnff; 7 -' '^ *- g I ■ - 5 7 ft, - y. STATUE CM ROSCOE CONKLING — Madison Square, STATUE OF NATHAN HAL! Park. • 3 i J > 2 * . S * J * » * * t t 3 ' i * * z 3 5*: 9 * -^ / ™ /f" '" fc r " *" "■ ^ ■"■ "" " , ) ^ / 1— •* _*aat *-m aaa. r-» aw r-» aaa rn Imb J «■» J I— '■ Vw r» i-ai r» rw i— ■ ajar raj _ r» r-» r~* aa» • n, n ifi ta Dm Ki fc, Hi la la In li rV.i Hi la >■ hi lei EjRl la la M i « n Ul Iw 111 Hi li tm Y-] I", *" y f < y J. y y y. 2 n i\ ii fi ii 4k SI t • is: '.s: tt ;bi ISl IB! 1 I ••' ■a'a --J aa m j d .- ... in y*M ■ • » «* SUN. IK1HIM. PRINTING HOUSE SQU VRE. 87 ■'"' ft-B 0g& ' IS ^ rm\ V*. V-m\ \J» W- - u - 5 I So '• _ « ^S — THE CITY HALL, NEW YORK - In City Hall Park, between Broadway and Park Row, opposite Murray S 9i WEST STREET, LOOKING NORTH FROM RECTOR STREET. 93 u I — y. '< ^__g^W\.^ ' ■ ■*! Ms " yd \HK ft h i n^ ■ i» ! * l ]tL ' L I -III I li\ i k| V 1 w w - CO Q X. : y. f. v^ffLwiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinni ' ' T V e^'"^< i _ • awwrct — r ' ' 'Z. o : - cr /. I S < — "-' — i - u x b o g c * f. 'r- S s/ ■ ■ h i rtH^HIf i OYSTER ROW — West Street, Foot of Eleventh Streel [07 GANSEVOORT MARKET— West and Washington Streets, Gansevoort to Little Twelfth S 109 y- -e i. < 7. y. c ■ i) ... Cfl V. z -J. V. WASHINGTON EQI ESTRIAN M< INI Ml S I UNION SQUARE— Looking Northwest from Corner Fourth Avenue and Fourteenth Struct. 115 1 > M U ^■J:A— 'J : #% INTERIOR OF CHURCH OF ST. FRANCIS XAVIER — 36 West Sixteenth Street. Patrick C. Keely, Architect. 117 FIFTH AVFN1 I II I Al>!>< IN SQ JUNCTION BROADWAY AND FIFTH AVENUE. ng FIFTH AVENUE, LOOKING SOUTH FROM TWENTY-SECOND STREET. 123 - u z z ja — a ~ •* ~ >. ~ — ~x - 3' > x -; U3 b: m?- I- II ' '\t ARMORY, 71st REGIMENT, N. G. S. N. Y- Southea 1 Cornel Park Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street Jf. R. Tiinu is, Architect. 131 - _ E -a 5 [J ^ a i - £ — > - - TEMPLE BETH EL, HEBREW— Southeast Comer Fifth Avenue and Seventy-sixth SI Brunner & Tryon, An hit HOLLAND HOUSE — Southwest Corner Fifth Avenm Thirtieth Street. i H tRDlNG & i. II. Architi '35 ff {jig r liJllliiull BERKELl Y SCHOOL — 20 West Forty-fourth Si Lamb & Rn it, A.rchiti 1 GARRICK THEATER West Thirty-fifth Street. near Sixth A\ 1 Francis H. Kimi 141 THE CASINO AND ABBEY'S THEATER — Broadway, Thirty-ninth to Thirty-eighth t43 s X. s 1 S - s u ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S PARISH HOUSE — 205 East Forty-second Street. Keswick, ASPINWALL & RENWK k, Architects. nwpiiiiir^" tim *??* ' .*j||i»*i" i fi.SB. ft B.B-B- ftft-8 ; v- '* .. * imr _ i r* Ec 7, ci--t 33 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY — 115 West Sixty-eighth Street. Little ^v O'Connor, Architects. 1 1 WINDSOR HOTEL AND FIFTH AVENUE — Looking North from Forty-sixth - _ / ^ - / - , ^ - ■ r y U ENTRANCE, CHURCH MISSIONS HOUSE — Southeast Corner Fourth Avenue and Twenty-second Street. k. \V i .11.-' in, Architect. INTKKHiR OF ST. PATRICKS CAT1I Kl )RAL. 153 MK-. \v.\l. 11 \ kNDI rill « M. D. SLOAM1 . FIFTH AVENUE, FIFTY-FIRST TO FIFTY-SECOND STREETS. Hi k I I R BRl '- . An li i-- <5fc. MWy THE CENTURY CLUB — 7 West Forty-third Street Mi Kim. Mi w & WHITE, An hitects SOCIETY OF AMERICAN ARTISTS — 215 West Fifty-seventh Street. II J II VRDEN 11 RGH, A; chitect. 157 'I 1 _■ n — I M ii i£ L r ii it .. i c i itta?? H. C. KAIIM D. ADAMS. \ H HOLMES Will 1 KLAV 5IDENCES NORTHEAST CORNER MADISON AVENUE AND FIFTIETH STREET Ml Kim, Me \V & WHITE, \ 159 IS ■ f-^M: RESIDENCE OF CORNELIUS VANDERBIL'J Fifth Avenue, Fifty-seventh to Fifty-eighth - IGE B. Pi i Architect ■-. 1. ■f. - a a \ _ : V. U I* = - > - ■/. r- £ -* _" ir f. T L £ x. u - / - cd 7- HOTEL NEW NETHERLAND — Northeast Corner Fifth Avenue a ninth Street. WM. II. MniK, Arrh HOTEL SAVOY — S Corner Fifth Avenue and Fifty-ninth St' RALPH II. TOWNSEND, Architect. 167 $ ^p^ ^ ^ ^\- - A - : x r 2 / — t _ - V. ^ " 2 — 7 ~ i ^ - — THE MALI.. CENTRAL PARK. ■r- f. < IX CENTRAL PARK FOUNTAIN AND LAKE — Central I i-'i THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART- Central Pa METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART— Hall of Architectural Casts '33 MAY PARTIES, CENTRAL PARK. NORMAL COLLEGE — Park and Lexington Avenues, Sixty-eighth to Sixty-ninth Street. 187 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — Cei id Seventy-seventh C.\i>. Mfrkf in in •" RESIDENCE OK CHARLES L. TIFFANY — Northwest Corner Madison Avenue and Seventy-second S1 Mi Kim, Mi vd S Whi re, Architi 191 is,, x m »» : 11 M > - l;.iiB'iBi.i. iii.^, ,:,rM,JiU HOTEL MAJESTIC — Centra] Park (West), Seventy-first to Seventy-second Street. Ai.fki D Zi i K i n. Architect. IQ3 THE DAKOTA FLATS — Northwest Corner Central Park (West) and Seventy -second Street. II J HARDENBURG, Archii' 195 RESIDENCES — Southwest Corner West-End Avenue and Seventy-second Street. Lamb & rich, A.i i97 COLONIAL CLUB — Boulevard and Seventy-second Street. Henry F. Kilburn, Architect 1 99 RESIDENCES — Southwest Corner West-End Avenue and Eighty-th 201 RESIDENCE OF fOHN II. MATTHEWS, ESQ.— Northwest Corner Riverside Drive and Ninetieth I. AMI: & In I' II > 203 RIVERSIDE DRIVE — Looking North from One Hundred and Sixth Street. 205 RIVERSIDE DRIVE — Looking North from One Hundred and Twelfth Street. j, ii , RIVERSIDE DRIVE — Looking North from One Hundred and Twentieth Street. 21 I RIVERSIDE DRIVE— Looking North from Grant's Tomb. RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND ('.RANT'S TOMB. 217 GRANT'S TOMB, RIVERSIDE DRIVE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, LOOKING WEST FROM SEVENTH AVENUE. FIFTH AVENUE, LOOKING NORTH FROM ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIXTH STREET. 22;, VIADUCT AND HARLEM RIVER, FROM NEW SPEEDWAY— One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Street. 225 THE WASHINGTON BRIDGE— Across Harlem River, from One Hundred and Eighty-first Street and Tenth Avenue to Aqueduct Avenue. 227 i THE JUMEL MANSION — Washington Heights. (Once Washington's Headquarters > Mil. UNION LEAGUE CLUB Northwest Corner Fifth Avenue and Thirty-ninth Str 229 NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN BRIDGE 233 r — ^f.Al, - At? " ,/g i ^ ml " 1 1' i l 1 i ^ u ■ I to m y\- \j^u fr^m jH .a V. x : a < — SI \ li l OF ill NRY W \KH BE El HER. FULTON AND COURT STREETS, BROOKLYN. 239 BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK — Corner P and Clinton Streets. FR \NK 1'Kl 241 ' fa.**! iHiHi i MUtfi MONTAUK CLUB, BROOKLYN -Eighth Avenue and Lincoln P i i; incis H Kimball, -'i r. I r. w '_- IX PROSPECT PARK, BROOKLYN. -"47 MANHATTAN BEACH HOTE] BRIGHTON BEACH, CONEY ISLAND. 249 kg* »j <4c * .itPli^ ^Jl^i^r • ^^«P2S^l ^£iii: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 221 784 3