rr\^n^ THE GOVERNORS OF THE AMERICAN COLONI PRIOR TO 1750. OFRCERS OF THE ORDER OF THE DESCENDANTS COLONIAL GOVERNORS. ,-'K* vi"" ;^"-i-. ORDER OF THE DESCENDANTS OF COLONIAL GOVERNORS PRIOR TO 1750. The Order of the Descendani< of Colonial Governors was founded in January, 1896, by Miss Mary Cabell Richardson, of Covington, Kentucky, a Colonial Dame of \irginia, and Daughter of the Ameri- can Revolution. It commemorates the services of those men who exercised supreme executive ])i>wer in the American Colonies, and who laid in them the foundations of sta1)le government and of- that respect for civil law and authority which made the maintenance of their future independence possil)le. NATIONAL OFFICERS FOUNDER MISS MARY CABELL RICHARDSON Covington. Ky. GOVERNOR GENERAL MRS. HENRIETTA DANA SKINNER ,560 Jefferson Ave.. Detroit. Mich. VICE-GOVERNOR GENERAL MRS. EMMA WESTCOTT BULLOCK Bristol. R. I. GOVERNORS MRS. KATHERINE LIVINGSTON SCHUYLER New York MRS. SELDEN S. WRIGHT California MISS MARY K. TALCOTT Connecticut HON. DANIEL LINN GOOCH Kentucky DR. MARCUS BENJAMIN District of Columbia HON. RANDOLPH HARRISON BLAIN Kentucky MEMBERSHIP ^Icnibcrship in ihc Heredilar\- Order of the Descendants of Colonial Governors is purely honorary, and by invitation only. All men and women in tlie airect line of descent from a Governor or Acting Governor prior to 1750 are eligible to the Order, provided : 1st. That they be members of the Colonial Dames, Colonial Wars or Mayflower Societies, and that their line of descent from the Gov- ernors be recorded in anv one of the said Societies, or 2d. That the ancestral lines of ascent to the Governor, with all dates of hirtlis. marriages and deaths, as far as possible to ascertain, be furnished with affidavit attached, and 3d. That they be invited by their State Cliairman. or. wliere there is no Chairman. I)y the Governor-General. No chairman shall invite outside of her own state. Membership in the Order will be hereditary, the insignia i)assiiig to the nearest heir in the line of descent. The total number of invitations issued will be limited. When the limit is reached, the inembership lists will be closed, the Order incor- porated under a National Constitution., and a National Membership book issued. State Membership books may be issued at any time by the State Chairmen. The initiation fee is one dollar. There arc no annual dues. No meetings are of obligation. The insignia may be worn at the meetings of all hereditary societies and upon all patriotic occasions. The cost of the insignia is $10.50. Additional ancestral bars. $2.50 each. CHAIRMEN M.MXE. Mrs. William .\. I lougliton Bnmswick, Me. New H.\.mpsiiike. Mrs. David Cross ]\Ianchester. N. H. Vekmont. Hon. Horace K. Dyer Rutland. Vt. M.\SS.\CHUSETTS. Mrs. George S. 1 iale ( I Innorary ) Boston. Mass. Mrs. Prentiss Wel)ster ( .Acting ) Lowell. Mass. RlllMiK ISI.AXll. Mrs. Charles Warren l.ijjpitt Providence. R. I. CoNNECTIClT. Miss M. K. Talcott Hartford. Ct. GItt Mrs.lVlercus Benjamin Feb..lQ, 1933 New York. Mrs. Montgomery Schuyler 1025 Park Avcmie. X. Y. New Jersey. Miss Gail A. Treat East Orange. X. J. PeNNSYIA'-VXIA. Miss Lennig Hotel Bellevue, Philadelphia. Pa. District of Columbia. Miss Katherine E. Cropper 1742 M. Street. Wasiiington, 1). C. Delaware. Miss S. E. Spotswood Newcastle. Del. Maryland. Mrs. Frederick \'on Kapff Baltimore, Md. North Carolina and Gkorgia. Mrs. Edw. Latta Charlotte. N. C. Louisiana. Mrs. Oglesby St. Charles Avenue. New Orleans. La. Alabama. Mrs. J. H. Johnson Talladega. .Via. Texas. Mrs. John Wendelken Dallas, Tex. Missouri. Mrs. Shields St. Louis. Mo. Kentucky. Hon. Daniel Linn Gooch Covington. Ky. Arkansas. Mrs. Logan H. Roots Little Rock. Ark. Tennessee. Mrs. Benjamin Gates Kno.wille. Tenn. Ohio. Mr. Herbert Jenney Cincinnati. O. Illinois. Mrs. Henry Mason 407 Dearlxirn .Ave.. Chicago. 111. Indiana. Mrs. Winchester Indianapolis. Ind. Iowa. Mrs. Samuel F. Smith ' Davenport, la. Michigan. Mrs. H. \V. SkiniKi- Detroit, Mich. MiXXESOT.X. Hon. E. J. Kdwardcs Minneapolis, Minn. Coi.OK.MX). Mrs. Francis W. Goddard Colorado Springs, Colo. Oregon. Mrs. George A. Crux Portland. Ore. Caliform.\. Mrs. Selden S. Wright San Francisco, Cal. Canada. Mrs. Cameron 76 Union Avenue. ^Montreal COLONIAL GOVERNORS The Order includes, among Colonial Governors, those persons who by election or by appointment of the Crown held the Offices of Deputy Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Vice-Director-General or Vice-President in the Colonial States, and also those persons who. in the absence of the Chief Magistrate, were temporarily invested with supreme governing authoritj. irrespective of length of service. The Order also recognizes the honor conferred upon distinguished citizens of the American Colonial States in their election or appoint- ment to the office of Governor, even if, for good reason, they did not exercise its powers, or exercised them in a colony which is at present under foreign rule. In the latter case their descendants must have been loyal to the cause of the Revolution. Governors' Assistants and the Presidents of the United Colonies of New England are not eligil)le a>cendants to the Order of Colonial Governors. Military Governors and the rulers of trading posts and frontier settlements are not recognized as Colonial Governors. All questions of doubtful historic eligibility may be referred to tiie Governor-General. The following list of Governors is believed to l)e complete as far as the New England and Middle States are concerned. It has been difficult to obtain satisfactory data from the Southern States, but much time and care has been given to the subject and the lists compiled from recognized authorities in Colonial history. Any name not found on the lists may be submitted to the Governor- General : NEW H.\MPSHIRE. [The following list of Governors and Deputy-Governors in New Hampshire is compiled from the N. H. Manual of the General Court, issued by authority of vState.] I. John Cutt, President. 167Q. died 1681. Richard Waldron. Deputy- President, and from March 27. 1681. till October 4. 1682. Acting President of the Province. Charles Stileman. Deputy-President from 1681-1683. II. Edward Cranfield. Lieutenant-Governor from October. 1682, to May, 1685. Walter Barefoot. Deputy-Governor. 1683, and Acting- Governor from May. 1685, to May, 1686. III. Joseph Dudley. President. May. 1686. to December of same year. (Administration of Andros from December, 1686. to April. 1689. Township method of Government from 1689 to August. 1692.) I\'. Joliii Usher. LieiUcnant-Governor. Acting-Governor from August, 1692, till 1697. John Hmckes, Acting-Governor in 169,^4. and in 1697. (hning absence of Lieutenant-Governor. Samuel Allen, Commissioned Governor March, ibgj, assumed the Government in September, 1698, till July. 1699. William Partridge. Lieutenant-Governor. December. 1697, to 1 701. .\cting-Governor till September, 1698. \'. Richard. Earl of Bellomont. Governor, 1699, died 1701. William Partridge, Acting-Governor from March. 1701, to July. 1702. VL Joseph Dudley, Governor. July. 1702. till 1715. William Partridge. Lieutenant-Governor. 1702-3. John L'sher. Lieutenant-Governor. 1703- 1715. George Vaughan, Lieutenant-Governor, 17x5-17x7, Acting- Governor from October. 1715. till October. X716. Peter Coffin, Acting-Governor during the temporary absence of Lieutenant-Governor Lusher. \'IL Eliseus Burgess, Governor, 1715-1716. Never assumed Government, which was administered by George Vaughan, Lieutenant-Governor. VIIL Samuel Shute, Governor, 1716-1728. George Vaughan, Lieutenant-Governor till 1717. John Wentworth, Lieutenant-Governor, 1717-1730, Acting- Governor, 1723-1728. IX. William Burnet. Governor. 1728- 1729. John Wentworth. Lieutenant-Governor. X. Jonathan Belcher. Governor. 1730-1741. David Dunbar. Lieutenant-Governor, 1731. Shadrack Walton, many times Acting-Governor in absence of both Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. XI. I)enning Wentworth, Governor, 1741-1766. [The early rulers of the four Piscataqua settlements at Hampton, Exeter, Do\er ;ind Port-^mouth, are not recognized as Colcinial Gov- ernors. I COLONL\L (X)VERNORS OF M.VSSACHl'SETTS. I'l.vMorrn COLON v. [The governors of Plymouth Colony were chosen annually by the people.] Coz'cnwrs. John Carver. 1620. William Bradford, 1021-33, 1637, 1639-1644, 1645-57. Edward Winslow. 1633-4. 1636-7. 1644-5. Thomas Prence. 1634-5, 163O-7. 1657-73. Josiah Winslow, 1673- 1680. Thomas Hinckley, 1680-6, 1689-gj. Pcfitfy-Goz'cniors. [Prior to 1680 there was no office of Deputy-Governor, a Governor pro tem being appointed by the Governor to serve in his absence.] Isaac Allerton, Governor pro tem, 1621. John Alden, Governor pro tem, 1664-5, 1677. Thomas Hinckley, Deputy Governor. 1680. James Cadworth. Deputy Governor, 1681. William Bradford, Deputy Governor, 1682-6, 1689-92. [In 1692 Plymouth Colony was united to Alassachusetts Bay.] DORCHESTER COI.OXV. Roger Conant, Governor, 1625-6 and 1627-8. THE PL.\XT.\TIOX IX XEW EXC.I..\XI). John Endicott. Governor. 1629-30. MASSACHUSETTS BAY. GOVERNORS ELECTED .\NXU.\I,I,V UXDER THE ROV.M, CHARTER. Matthew Cradock, 1628-9 (non-resident). John Winthrop. 1629-34. 1637-40. 1642-4. 1646-9. Thomas Dudley, 1634. 1640. 1645. 1650. John Haynes, 1635. Henry Vane, 1636-7. Richard Bellingham. 1641, 1654, 1665-72. John Endicott, 1644. 1649. 1651, 1655. John Leverett, 1672-3. Simon Bradstreet. 1679- 1686. DEriTV-GOVERXORS. Thomas Goffe. 1628-9 (non-resident). John Humphrey, 1629 (elected, but did not serve). Thomas Dudley. 1624-34, 1637-40, 1646-50, 165 1-3. Roger Ludlow, 1634-5. Richard Bellingham. 1635, 1640. 1653, 1655-65. John Winthrop, 1636, 1644-6. John Endicott, 1641-4, 1650, 1654. Francis Willoughby, 1665-71. John Leverett, 1671-3. Samuel Symonds, 1673-8. .Simon Bradstreet, 1678-9. Thomas Danforth. 1679-86. DOMIXIOX OF THE KING. Joseph Dudley, President, 1686. Sir Edmund Andros. Governor. 1686-9. GOVERXMEXT OK THE PEOPLE. Simon Bradstreet. Governor. 1689-92. Thomas Danforth. Deputy-CVnernor, 1689-92. KOVAL GOVERNORS. Appointed by the Croz<.ii under the Seeoiid Cliarter. Sir William Phips, 1692-4. William Stoughton, Acting-Governor. 1694-9 'i"^ i/OO. Earl of Bellomont. 1699. Joseph Dudlej', 1 702-1 714. Eliscus Bnrgess, 1715 (non-resident). William Tailer. Acting-Governor. 1715, 1730. Samuel Shute, 1716-22. William Dummer. Acting-Governor. 1722-8 and 1729. William Burnet. 1728. Jonathan Belcher. 1730. William Shirley, 1 741-0. Spencer Phips. Acting-Governor. 1749-53. l-IErTEX.\NT-COVERXORS. Under the Second Charter. William Stoughton. 1692-1701. Thomas Povey. 1702-6. William Tailer, 1711-16, 1730-33. William Dummer, 171 6- 1730. Spencer Phii)s. 1733-49. PROXIXCE OF MAIXE. WESTERN DIVISION — GOVERNORS UNDER THE GORGES' CH.\RTER. William Gorges, Deputy-Governor, 1635-6. Thomas Gorges. Deputy-Governor. 1640. Richard Vines. Deputy-Governor, 1644. Edward Godfrey, Governor, 1646. George Cleaves. Deputy- President. 1646. From 1652 to 1680 the Province was under the jurisdiction of the Governors of Massachusetts Bay. In 1680 a provincial government was established. Thomas Danforth. President. 1680-86. Brian Pendleton, Deputy President, 1680. John Davis, Deputy-President, i68t. GOVERNORS OK THE E.XSTERN DIVISION. (Sagadoliock.) M. d'Aulney, Lieutenant-Governor. 1653. M. de la Tour, 1651. Sir Thomas Temple, 1655. M. Denys Dul'ourg. 1670. Sir Edmund Andros. 1688. The Charier of William and Mary, in 1691. united Sagadahock with Maine, and hoth were united with Massachusetts in 1692. under Sir William IMiip^. Royal Governor. C()l.()^'^■ OF MARTHAS \ IXIA'.\RI). Thomas Mayluw, Governor and l.ord Proprietor. i()4i-64 and 1664-73. NANTLX^KET. Tristram Coffyn, Chief Magistrate. 1671-3. Richard Gardner. Chief Magistrate, 1673-5. Thomas Macy. Chief Magistrate, 1675-7. Tristram Coffyn, Chief Magistrate, 1678-81. John Gardner, Chief Magistrate, 1681-93. The ishmds of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket each enjoyed the same Charter rights of government as the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. These islands were ceded to the Duke of York in 1664, but their Charter rights were respected by the Governor-General, Francis Lovelace, who appointed the Chief-Magistrate ; the assistants and deputies to the General Court of the Island being elected by the people. In 1693 Plymouth Colony, the Colonies of Nantucket and Martha's Vinej'ard. and the Province of Maine, were annexed to Massachusetts. Honorary Chairman in Massachusetts, Mrs. George S. Hale, Boston. Acting Chairman, Mrs. Prentis Webster. Myrtle Street. Lowell. Mass. COLOXI.\L GOVERNORS 01* CONXECTICL'T. Prior to 1750. Connecticut was explored by the Dutch in 1620. but they made no settlement there until 1633. The first permanent settlements were made at Hartford. Wethersfield and Windsor, by companies from Massachusetts, under a patent from the Plymouth Colony, covering the present state of Connecticut, portions of Rhode Island, Massa- chusetts, Long Island and Territory to the west. A board of eight commissioners, headed by Roger Ludlow, governed the towns during the first year of the settlement, 1636-7. In 1637 a government was organized, and in 1644 the Colony, under Winthrop at Saybrook, was united to it. In 1638 a Colony was founded at New Haven, by an English company, under Rev. John Davenport, and in 1643 included four other towns with itself in an organized government. In 1662 Charles II. granted a charter to Connecticut, including the New Haven Colony with that of Hartford. The union was confirmed by the Colonies in 1664. GOVERNORS OF CONNECTICUT COLONV. John Haynes, Governor, 1639. Edward Hopkins. 1640. John Haynes, 1641, and every alternate year until 1653. George Wyllys. 1642. Edward Hopkins, 1644, and every alternate year until 1654. Thomas Welles. 1655 and 1658. John Webster. 1656. John Winthrop. 1657, 1659-62. DEPUTV-GUVERXOKS Ol" CON XECnCLT COLONY. Roger Ludlow. 1639. 1642. 1648. John Haynes. 1640, 1644, 1646. 1650. 103^. George Wyllys. 164 1. Edward Hopkins, 164.3, and every alternate year until 1653. Thomas Welles, 1654. 1656-8, 1659. John Winthrop. 1658. John Mason, 1660-2. GOVERNORS OK NEW HAVEN COLONY. Theophilus Eaton, Governor, 1643-1658. Thomas Gregson, Deputy-Governor, 1643. Stephen Goodyear, Deputy-Governor, 1644-1658. Francis Newman, Governor, 1658-1661. William Leete, Governor, 1661-1664. Matthew Gilbert, Deputy-Governor, 1661-3. William Jones, Deputy-Governor, 1664. GOVERNORS Ol" CONNECTICUT. / luicr the Royal Charter. John Winthrop, 1662-76. William Leete, 1676-83. Robert Treat, 1683-98. Fitz John Winthrop, 1698-1708. Gurdon Saltonstall, 1708-1725. Joseph Talcott, 1725-42. Jonathan Law, 1742-51. DEPUTY-GOVERNORS UNDER THE CH.^RTER. John Mason, 1662-69. William Leete, 1669-1676. Robert Treat, 1676-1683. James Bishop, 1683-1692. William Jones, 1692-1698. Robert Treat, 1698-1708. Nathan Gold, 1708- 1724. Joseph Talcott, 1724-5. Jonathan Law, 1725- 1742. Roger Wolcott. 1742-1751. The Acting Chairman for Connecticut of the Order of Descen- dants of Colonial Governors is Miss Mary K. Talcott, 815 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Miss Talcott is also one of the National Board of Governors. RHODE ISLAND. The first ])lantali()ns in Rhode Island were at Portsmouth and Newport. Their executive heads were entitled Judges. The two were united in 1640. and the chief nfficer thereafter called ("iovernor. In 1647 Providence and Warwick were united with them under a patent and the Colony was governed by a President. There was no Deputy- President till 1663. when the Royal Charter was issued which provided for a Governor and ;i Deputy-Governor. The StAte of Rhode Island officially recognizes the early Judges and Governors before the patent as the first Governors of Rhode Island. The fol- lowin.LT list is coni]iile(l from its State Manual: GOVEKNORS. William Coddington. Judge, 1638-9. Governor. 1640 7. President, i04«-9, Governor under the charter. 1674-6, and 1678. William Hutchinson, Judge. 1639-40. William Brenton, Deputy-Governor of Aciuedneck. 1640-7. Presi- dent, 1660-2. Governor. 1666-9. John Coggeshall, President, 1647-8. John Smith, President, 1649-50. and 1652-3. Nicholas Easton. President, 1650-1. 1654. Governor under the Charier 1672-4. Samuel Gorton. President. 1651-2. Gregory Dexter. President. 1653-4. John Sanford, President of Portsmouth and Warwick. 165 V4. Roger Williams, President, 1654-7. Benedict Arnold, President, 1657-60, and 1662-3. Governor under the Charter 1663-6, 1669-72. 1677-8. Walter Clarke, Governor under the Charter. 1676-7, 1686. 1696-8. John Cranston, 1678-80. Peleg Sanford. 1680-83. William Coddington, Jr., 1683-5. Henry Bull. 1685-6. and 1690. (The Charter was suspended by Sir Edmund .Andros from i686- 1689. Deputy-Governor John Coggeshall acted as Governor during the mterval. The first Governor elected after the deposition of Andros and the resumption of the Charter was Christopher .\lmy. He declined to serve, however, and Henry Bull was elected in his place.) John Easton. 1690-1695. Caleb Carr, May, 1695. to December 17th, 1695. Samuel Cranston. 1698- 1727. Joseph Jencks. i-/2'/-\~ti,2. William Wanton. ij^tii-Ti,. John Wanton. 1734- 1740. Richard Ward, 1740-43. William Greene, I74.V45. 1746-7. 1748-55. and 1757-8.. Gideon Wanton, 1745-6. and 1747-8. DEI'I ••rv-GOVERNOKS. William Brenton. i663-(:). Nicholas Easton. 1666-9 and 1670-1. John Clarke. 1669-70 and 167 1-2. John Cranston. 1672-3 and 1676-8. William Coddington, 1673-4. John Easton. 1674-6. James Barker. 1678-9. Walter Clarke. 1679-186 and 1700-14. John Coggeshall. 1686 and 1689-go. John Greene. 1690- 1700. Henry Tew. 1714-15. Joseph Jenckes. 1715-21 and ^'/ii-'j. John Wanton. 1721-2 and i729-.^4. Jonathan Nichols, 1727. Thomas Frye. 1727-9. George Hassard. 17.34-8. Daniel .\bbott. 1738-40. Richard Ward, 1740. William Greene. 1740-3. Joseph Whipple, 1743-5 and 1746-7. WilHam Robinson, 1745-6 and 1747-8. William Ellery, 1748-50. COLONIAL GOVERNORS OF NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANL\. DELAWARE AND NEW JERSEY. The beginnings of Now York and Pcimsjlvania were in the Dutch settlements of New Netherlands and on the Delaware, and their his- tory is the same until the issuance of the Provincial Charter of 1681. The Charter of the New Netherlands Co., 1614-18, was in the nature of a trading license only, and it was not until the erection of New Netherlands into a Province, under the West India Company's Char- ter, 1621-3, that civil government was established. The Civil List of New York State recognizes Adrian Joris as First Governor of New Netherlands. Three counties of Delaware were included in tlic pro- prietary government of Pennsylvania, the others belonging to Mary- land. The early history of New Jersey is absorbed in that of New Netherlands, until the arrival of Carteret, in 1665. It was united to New York from 1703 to 1738. GOVERNORS OF NEW NETHERLANDS AND OF THE DUTCH ON THE DELAW^\RE. Adrian Jorisz Tienpont, Director. 1623. Capt. Cornelis Jacobsen May. Director, 1624. William Verhulst, Director, 1625. Peter Minuit, first Director-General, 1626-32. Wouter Van Twiller, Director-General, 1633-38. Arent Corssen, Vice-Director, 1633-5. Sir William Kieft, Director-General, 1638-47. Jan Jansen Van Ilpendam, Vice-Director, 1638-45. Andreas Hudde, Vice-Director, 1645-8. Peter Stuyvesant. Director-General. 1647-54. DIRECTOR OF THE ENGLISH, OR NEW HAVEN COLONY. Thomas Lamberton, 1641-53. GOVERNORS OF NEW SWEDEN AND OF THE SWEDES ON THE DELAWARE. Peter Minuit, 1638-40. Jost de Bogardt, Acting-Governor, 1640. Peter Hollandare, Governor, 1640-43. John Printz, Governor, 1643-53. John Pappegoya, Acting-Governor, 1653-4. Joliu Claudius Rysingh, Governor, 1654. DOMINION OF THE SWEDES. John Claudius Rysingh, Governor. 1654-5. DOMINION OF THE DUTCH. Peter Stuyvesant, Director-General, 1655-64. John Paul Jaqnet. Vice-Director, 1655-6. Alexander D'Hinayossa, \' ice-Director. 1663-4. DOMINION OF THE DUKE OF YORK. Col. Richard Nichols. Governor, 1664-7. Sir Robert Carr, Deputy-Governor, 1664-7. Col. Francis Lovelace. Governor, 1667-73. Capt. John Carr, Deputy-Governor, 1668-73. DOMINION OF THE DUTCH. Anthony Colve. Governor-General, 1673-4. Peter Alricks, Deputy-Governor. 1673-4. DOMINION OF THE ENGLISH. Sir Edmund Andros, Governor. 1674-81. Capt. Matthias Nichols. Deputy-Governor, 1674-5. Cant. Edmund Cantweli, Deputy-Governor, 1675-6. Capt. John Collier, Deputy-Governor, 1676-7. Capt. Christopher Billop, Deputj'-Governor, 1677-80. Capt. Anthony Brockholles. Governor. 1681. GOVERNORS OF NEW YORK UNDER THE PROVINCIAL CHARTER. Anthony Brockholles. 1681 -_>. Col. Thomas Dougan. 1682-8. Sir Edmund Andros, Governor. 1688. Francis Nichol.son, Lieutenant-Governor, 1688-9. RE\'()I,l"ri()N.\KV GOVKKX.ME.VT. Jacob Leisler, Lieutenant-Governor. 1689-91. TROVIXCI-M. CnVKKX.MK.XT RF.STOREP. Col. Henry Sloughter. Governor. 1691. Major Richard In.goldesby, Conuuander-in-Chicf. 1691-2. Col. Benjamin Fletcher, 1692-8. Richard, Earl of Bellomont, 1698-9 and 1700-01. John Naufan, Lieutenant-Governor, 1699-1700 and 1701-02. GOVERNORS OF EAST JERSl-.Y. Philip Carteret, Governor, 1665-1681. Robert Barclay. Governor, 1682-3. Thomas Rudyard, Deputy-Governor, 1683. Gawen Laurie, Governor, 1683-5. Lord Niel Campbell, Governor, 1685-92. Andrew Hamilton, Governor, 1692-7. Jeremiah Basse, Governor. 1698-9. GOVERNORS OF WEST JERSEY. Samuel Jennings. Deputy-Governor. 1681-4. Thomas Oliver. Governor, 1684-5. John Skein, Deputy-Governor, 1685-7. William Welsh, Deputy-Governor, 1686. Daniel Co.xe. Governor. 1687-92. Andrew Hamilton, 1692-7. Jeremiah Basse. Deputy-Governor. 1697-8. Andrew Hamilton. Governor. 1699-1702. GOVERNORS OF NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY, UNITED. Edward. Lord Cornliury, 1702-8. John. Lord Lovelace. 1708. Peter Schuyler. Acting Governor. N. ^'.. 1709. Richard Ingoldeshy. Lieutenant-Governor. 1709-10. Geradus Beekman. Acting Governor N. Y.. 1710. General Rol)ert Hunter, Governor, 1 710-19. Peter Schuyler, Acting Governor N. Y., 1719-20. Lewis Morris, Acting Governor N. J.. 1719-20. William Burnet, Governor. 1720-27. John Montgomerie. Governor, 1728-31. Rip Van Dam, Acting Governor N. Y., 1731-2. Lewis Morris. Acting Governor N. J., 1731-2. William Cosby, Governor. 1732-36. George Clarke, Acting Governor N. Y., 1736-7. John Anderson, Acting Governor N. J., 1736. Lord De La Warr, Governor, 1737. John Hamilton, .\cting Governor N. J., 1636-8. SEI'.VKATIOX OK THE COLONIES. GO\'ERNORS OF NICW YORK. George Clarke, Lieulenant-C^iovernor, 1737-43. Admiral George Clinton, Governor. 1743-53. GOVERNORS OF NIAV JERSEY. Lewis Morris, Governor, 1738-46. John Hamilton, Acting Governor, 1746-7. John Reading, Acting Governor, 1747. Jonathan Belcher. Governor. 1747-57. GOVERNORS OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA, INCLUDING THE COUNTIES OF THE DELAWARE. William Penn. Proprietary. 1681-93. W^illiam Markham. l^eputy-Governor. 1681-2. William Penn, Governor, 1682-4. Thomas Lloyd. Acting Governor, 1684-8 and i6go-i. John Blackwcll. Deputy-Governor, 1688-90. Thomas Lloyd, De|)uty-Governor of tlie Province. 1691-3. William Markliam. Dei)uty-Govenior of the Counties of the Dela- ware. 1691-3. Benjamin Fletcher. Governor of New ^'ork and Pennsylvania, under the Crown. 1693-5. William Markham, Lieutenant-Governor, 1693-5. William Penn, Proprietary. 1694- 1 718. William Markham. Governor. 1695-8. Samuel Carpenter. Deputy-Governor. 1694-8. John Goodson. Deputy-Governor. 1694-8. William Markham. Lieutenant-Governor. 1698-9. William Penn, Governor. 1699- 1701. Andrew Hamilton, Deputy-Governor, 1701-3. Edward Shippen, Acting Governor. 1703-4.' John Evans, Deputy Governor, 1704-9. Charles Gookin. Deputy-Governor. 1709-17. Sir William Keith, Deputy-Governor, 171 7-18. John Penn, Richard Penn and Thomas Penn. Proprietaries 1718-46. Sir William Keith, Deputy-Governor. 1718-28. Patrick Gordon, Deputy-Governor. 1726-36. James Logan, Acting Governor. 1736-8. George Thomas, Deputy-Governor. 1738-46. Richard Penn and Thomas Penn. Proprietaries. 1746-71. George Thomas. Deputy-Governor. 1746-7. Anthony Palmer. Acting Governor, 1747-8. James Hamilton, Deputy-Governor. 1748-54. COLONL^L GOVERNORS OF MARYLAND PRIOR TO 1750. LORDS PROl'KIKTARV. Caecihis Calvert, 2d Lord Baltimore, 1632-75. Charles Calvert, 3d Lord Baltimore, 1675-89. Benedict Leonard Calvert. 4th Lord Baltimore, 1715. Charles Calvert, 5th Lord Baltimore, 1715-51. PROPRIETARY GOVEKXORS. Caecilus Calvert, 1632-54. Leonard Calvert, Governor, 1633-48. John Lewger. Deputy-Governor, 1638. Cornwallis, Deputy-Governor, 1640. Giles Brent. Deputy-Governor, 1643. William Brainthwaite. Deputy-Governor. 1644. Thomas Greene. Deputy-Governor. 1647-8. William Stone. Governor. 1648-54. PARLIAMENT ARV GOVERNMENT, 1654-61. William Fuller. Acting Governor, as President of Commission, 1654-58. Josias Feudal!. Governor. 1658-61. PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT RESTOREH. Caecilus Calvert. 1661-75. Philip Calvert. Governor. 1661-2. Charles Calvert. Governor. 1662-75. Philip Calvert, Deputy-Governor, 1669-71. Thomas Notley. Deputy-Governor. 1675. Charles Calvert. Proprietary. 1676-89. Cecil Calvert (minor). Governor 1676-81. Jesse Wharton. Deputy-Governor. 1676-8. Thomas Notly. Deputy-Governor. 1678-81. Charles. Lord Baltimore. Governor. 1681-4. Benedict Leonard Calvert (minor). Governor. 1684-9. George Talhot. Deputy-Governor, 1684-5. William Joseph, President. Acting Governor, 1(585-9. COVEKXMEXT OF rROTESTANT ASSOCIATION, 1689-9I. Kenelni Cheseldine, Acting Ciovornor. 1689. George Robotham. Acting Governor, i6go. KOVAL GOVERNORS, 169I-I72O. Lionel Copley. Captain-General, 1691-3. Sir Edmnnd Andros. Governor, 1693, Nicholas Greenbury, Acting-Governor, 1693. Francis Nicholson. Governor. 1694-9. Thomas Tench. President of Council and .\cting Governor, 1 699- 1 703. John Seymour. Governor. 1704-9. Edward Lloyd. Acting Governor, 1709-14. John Hart, Governor, 1714-20. PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT RESTORED. Benedict Leonard and Charles Calvert. Charles Calvert. Governor, 1720-7. Benedict Leonard Calvert. Governor, \-/2y-^2. Samuel Ogle. Deputy-Governor. 1732. Charles. Lord Baltimore. Governor, 1733-51. Samuel Ogle, Deputy -Governor, 1735. Thomas Bladen, Deputy-Governor, 1742. Samuel Ogle, Deputy-Governor. 1746. VIRGINL\. PRESIDENTS OF THE COUNCTI,, ACTING-GOVERNORS. Edward Maria W'ingfield. 1607. John Radcliffc. 1607. John Smith, 1608. Matthew Scrivener. Dcputy-Cjovernor. George Percy, 1609. GOVERNORS OF THE LONDON COMPANY. Lord de la War. 1610. Sir Thomas Dale. lOii. Sir Thomas Gates. 161 1. Sir Thomas Dale, 1614. George Ycardlcy, Lieutenant-Governor, 1616. Samuel Argal, 161 7. Sir Thomas Smith, .\cling Governor, 1618. Sir George Veardley. 1619. Sir Francis Wyatt, 1621. GOVERNORS OF THE ROYAI, COLONY. Sir Francis Wyatt, 1624. Sir George Veardley, 1626. Francis West. 1627. John Pott. 1628. Sir John Hervey. 1629. John West. 1635. Sir John Hervey, 1636. Sir Francis Wyatt. 1639. Sir William Berkeley. 1641. Richard Kenii)e. Lieutenant-Governor. 1644. Sir William Berkeley, 1O45. Richard Bennett, 1652. William Claiborne, Deputy-Governor. 1653. Edward Digges, 1655. Samuel Matthews, 1656. Sir William Berkeley, 1659. Francis Morrison, 1662. Sir William Berkeley, 1662. Herbert Jeffreys, Lieutenant-Governor, 1677. Sir Henry Chicheley, Deputy-Governor, 1678. Thomas, Lord Culpepper, 1680^ Nicholas Spencer, Acting Governor, 1680. Lord Howard of Effingham, 1684. Nathaniel Bacon, Acting Governor, 1689. Francis Nicholson, Lieutenant-Governor, i6go. Sir Edmund Andros, 1692. Francis Nicholson, 1698. Earl of Orkney, 1704. Edward Nott, Lieutenant-Governor, 1705. Edmund Jennings, Lieutenant-Governor, 1706. Robert Hunter, Lieutenant-Governor, 1710. Alexander Spotswood, Lieutenant-Governor, 1710. Hugh Drysdale, 1722. Robert Carter, Acting Governor, 1726. William Gouch. 1727. Thomas Lee, Acting Governor, 1749. Lewis Burwell, 1749. NORTH CAROLINA. GOVERNORS 01' ALBEMARLE. William Drummond, 1664-7. Samuel Stephens, 1667- 1670. Peter Carteret. 1670. Samuel Stephens. 1671-4. Sir George Carteret, 1674. John Jenkins, 1675. Sir Thomas Eastchurch, 1676. John Jenkins, 1678. John Harvey, 1679. John Jenkins. 1681. Henry Wilkinson, i68t. Seth Sothel, 1683. DEPUTY GOVERNORS OF NORTH CAROLINA UNDER THE PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT OF CAROLINA. Philip Ludwell, 1689-93. John Archdale. 1694. Thomas Harvey, 1694- 1700. Henderson Walker, 1700. Robert Daniel, 1704. Thomas Carey. 1705- 1708. William Glover, Acting Governor. 1709. Edward Hyde. 1710. GOVEKNOKS 01" NORTH CAROLINA INDER THE I'KOI'RIETAKV GOVERNMENT. Edward Hyde. 1712. George Pollock, 1712-1.^ Charles Eden. 171.^ George Burrington. 1724. Sir George Evcrhard. 1725. C.OVERNORS I'NDER THE CROWN. George Burrington, 1730. Gabriel Johnston. 1734. (Compiled from the Colonial Records of North Carolina.) SOUTH CAROLINA. Sir John Ycamans. 1664-5. PROPRIETARY GOVERN MENT. William Sayle, 1669-70. Joseph West (acting), 1670-2. Sir John Yeamans. 1672-4. Joseph West. 1674-82. Joseph Moreton, 1682-4. Richard Kyrle. 1684. Robert Quarry. 1684-5. Joseph West, 1685. Joseph Moreton, 1686. James Colleton, 1689-90. Seth Sothell, 1690- 1. Philip Ludwell, 1691-3. Thomas Smith, 1693-4. Daniel Blake (acting). 1694. John Archdale, 1694-6. Joseph Blake, Lieutenant-Governor, 1696- 1700. James Moore, 1700-2. Sir Nathaniel Johnson. 1702-8. Col. Edward Tynte. 1708-9. Robert Gibbes, 1709-12. Charles Craven, 1712-16. Robert Daniel, Deputy-Governor, 1716-17. Robert Johnson, 1717-19. James Moore. 1719. ROVAI. GOVERNORS. Francis Nicholson. 1720. .Arthur Middleton (acting), 1725. Robert Johnson, 1731. Thomas Broughton. Lieutenant-Governor, 1734. Samuel Horslcy (non-resident). 1738. William Bull. Lieutenant-Ciovcrnnr. 1738. James Glen. 1740. GOVERNORS OF GF:0RGL\. James Edward Oglethorpe. 1732. William Stephens, Acting Governor, 1743-5'-