33^: 1888 ** Under the (^kdar" AND OIMKRS. AU(;( SI A ( ilSroN WINIHKOP. Cl.AKKK et CARKUTH, 340 & 344 Washington St. 1888. », .1/ "Under the Cedar n AND OTHERS. BY AUGUSTA CLINTON WINTHROP. DOSTCN : CLARKE & CARRUTH, 340 & 344 Washington St. 1888. ,W/7 UL5 ^0 5-S\^4 LOVrSGLY DEZICATZD TO I i Louisz CH.\M ii: 17 : X i i INDEX. Closeneiss 9 To J. G. WnrrriER ii Tantalus 13 July in the Isle of Wight 15 The Wind 17 A Maiden's Question 18 All Souls' Day 20 "Outside" 22 His Message across the Sea 24 'Amor Meus' 26 "Protoplasm" 28 "Lighten Our Darkness" ....... 32 Parted 34 The Universal Question ;^6 A Village May Day Song, a. d. 1340 . . . 38 An Echo from Borneo 41 "The Pilgrim of Love" 42 A Word with the Children 44 A Child's Search 48 "That Sea" 51 The Dead Poet 53 ^'His Temple shall be among Men" . . . 54 The First Laurel Leaf 55 "My Ship" 56 Soul to its Creator 58 Mid Ocean 59 'Death'? 61 "Vita est lux Hominum" 63 Two Women • .... 64 "Quae sub his figuris vere Latitas" ... 66 The Beggar's Petition 6S QUEENSTOWN HaRBOUR 71 A Palm Sunday Dream 73. "Loves' Lures or Under the Cedar'' . . 76 INTRODUCTION. These scraps of rhyme together brought From fly-leaves, letters, scribbled o'er, In part from other tongues were caught Yet most were planted long before, — Germs quickened by a constant rain From the twin wells of joy and pain. Not sorted, labelled, each in place, Or sharpened into weapons keen, As when a wit with wits would race ; Small food for " minds " may here be seen ! For you my " scribbles," gentle wight. Who, like their writer, cannot write ! CLOSENESS. ^ Ceux que nous avons aimes et qtie nous avous perdus ne sent plus ou ils etaient, mais Us sont partout et toujours ou nous sommes" They are not absent from our life, our being, Whom thus you style, — " departed — gone away " — Dead ? Yes, to sight ! but that thin veil concealing Their lives from ours is pushed aside each day. No strangers now, though we may not have known them, And e'en their names have never reached our ear 1 If on these gravestones we one day are shown them, Straightway are they owy friends, beloved and dear. We know the promise, '' man shall live for ever," But many till they lose some loved one wait To feel, here in the body, nought can sever Freed souls from those within the earthly state ! They are around us when in summer lying In spicy shade we listen to the pines, — For when this world says most the next is trying To show itself behind the outward signs ! CM. ZM3^ Try rr-f rr:^ ?T»ff! ^^^ ^> 50ii! t>ef Se UJ D B^ Oar Fsdser !