SB 235 .U59 Copy 1 T^'iS LETTER COMMISSlOiNER OF AGRICULTURE HON. JNO. W. JOHNSTON, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, U. .S. SENATE, ON SORGHUM SUGAR. WASHINGTON: .aOVERNMENT PIMNTINO OFFTCIE, IS 80. ^ ^ \, flA.S 'JJjlLJ. of c»-,«^a^A/Xtu./c«. . iXj-jQ^rC^ ^K^. 1(0-2 LETTER OF THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE TO THE HON. JNO. W. JOHNSTON, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, U. S. SENATE, SORGHUM SUGAR. WASHINGTON: aOYEKNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1880. "^ (uyf^ <^ Department of Agriculture, Washington, B. C, April 8, 1880. Hon. Jno. W. Johnston, United States Senate : Sir : I have the liouor to acknowledge the receipt of your communi- cation of tlie 24tli ultimo, inclosing Senate bill No. 1514, and also the resolution introduced by Hon. A. S. Paddock, and adopted in committee, requesting the Commissioner of Agriculture "to furnish a written report giving all the information in his power in regard to the manufacture of sugar from sorghum and Chinese sugar-cane, its cost, the character and cost of the machinery necessary, &c., together with statistics of the con- sumption and production of sugar in the United States and all matters bearing on the subject." Eeplying seriatim to these inquiries, I submit the following, in some respects hastily-prepared, statement, which, while it is not as comi:)lete an answer to the resolution as I would desire to make, yet is as full as can be prepared in the limited time at my command. The introduction and widespread distribution by the department of the variety of sorghum called Minnesota Early Amber (the juice of which is supposed to granulate more readily than that of many other varieties) has given a great impetus within the past two years to the cultivation of the sorghum cane and to the manufacture of sugar therefrom. It is earlier than any other known variety, ripening its seed in from ninety to one hundred days, and (as apj)ears from reports made to the department, and in which are given the results obtained in almost every State in the Union) yields bountifully an excellent quality of sirup, besides, in many cases, good sugar, although all the operations reported, except the opera- tion of F. A. Waidner & Co. at Crystal Lake, 111., were carried on with open-pan evaporation. It should also be remarked that these reports show that the farmers who have raised this variety of cane during the past year believe it to be better, from the quality of juice obtained, as well as from the quantity per acre, than any other variety previously culti- vated. These opinions, however, are the opinions of farmers who have not had the opportunity to make comparative tests, and wlio compare the results with those obtained from former cultivation and manipulation, from their recollection rather than from note-books in which experiments have been carefully recorded. We have now in the department some thirty-two varieties of sugar- liroducing sorghums and millets, all of which are valuable to a greater or less degree, according to the varying soil, climate, cultivation, seasons, and process of manufacture. That other valuable varieties of sorghum are to be obtained is altogether probable. The so-called Honduras sor- ghum is only one of the varieties native to the country of Honduras ; and I have information that leads me to believe that there are several 1 AG varieties growing' iu Central America and also at tlie month of Eio de la Plata, in South America. It is not impossible that varieties superior to any we now ha"S"e may, in a few years, be common amongst us. It is of h e highest importance to the country at large that all obtainable varie- ties of cane should be carefully and scientifically examined 5 and, if pos- sible, they should be grown in various soils and climates, that we may know which is best adapted to particular localities, which will give the best results for the least expense, and which, in the hands of the least intelligent, can be most easily manipulated. For the northern part of the United States there is probably no cane so suitable as the Early Amber ; and, perhaps, it might be said that no other variety would ripen sufliciently to yield sugar with certainty (al- though it might give good sirup) above the latitude of Chicago. Below this latitude the Liberian might be planted as auxiliary to the Early Amber, while in the latitude of Saint Louis and to the south of it, Hon- duras sorghum should be added to the other two varieties ; thus ex- tending the season for working the cane into sugar many weeks beyond the period that could b'e utilized in this way if but one kind of cane were planted — the Early Amber ripening in about ninety to one hun- dred days, the Chinese two weeks later, and the Honduras some five weeks after the Chinese, all being i>lanted at the same time. Illustrations of the seed-bearing tops of these different varities have been prepared for the forthcoming annual report of this department and are included in this reply, in iuclosure marked A. At a meeting of the i^orth western Cane Growers' Association held in Minnesota last season, the subject of planting, cultivating, and har- A^esting Early Amber cane and of its manufacture into sugar was so thoroughly discussed that a resume of tlie proceedings of that conven- tion will probably give as much practical information on the question as can be condensed into the same space. The convention decided that as to the kind of seed to be planted in Minnesota there was no room for debate, the Early Amber being the only soi-t that would ripen in that high latitude; but tbe discussion of the characteristics of soil best adapted to the cane showed some difference of opinion as to the availa- bility of new land. But for fuller information touching, these matters I would respectfully refer you to iuclosure marked B. The experimental work done at the department during the past two years iu examining different sorghums has shown that old ideas in relation to the habit of the different varieties of this plant need to be corrected in many respects. The chemist of the department has demon- strated that there is practically but little if any difference in the juice of different varieties ; that all varieties produce sugar that can be easily granulated, if the cane be taken at the proper period of growth; and that the only important question yet to be determined is as to the variety that will yield the largest amount in a given soil and climate. The Early Amber, the Liberian, the Chinese, and the Honduras, planted the past year within the corporate limits of this city, all yielded excel- lent results, as will be seen from the following report of the chemist of the department, prepared for our annual report for 1879 not yet pub- lished : Hon. W. G. Le Due, Commissioner of Agriculture : Sir : I have the honor to r-ibmit the following results of our recent experiments in the manufacture of sugar from the stalks of corn, sorghum, and pearl millet, made at the Agricultural Department during the year 1879. Duiing the past season there have been made several series of investigations for the purpose of determining the development of sugar in tlie juices of several varieties of sorglium and of pearl millet, and the results are such as to warrant their being given to the people at the earliest opportunity. These investigations api)ear to demonstrate that there exists little difference between the various kinds of sorghum as. sugar-producing plants ; and, what is quite a sur- prising result, each of them is, at a certain period of its development, nearly if not quite as rich in sugar as tlie very best of sugar-cane. It is a matter, also, of extreme practical importance that this maximum content of sugar is maintained for a long period, and affords sufficient time to work up a large crop. Another result of these investigations has been to satisfactorily explain the canse of repeated failure in the production of sugar dirring the past quarter of a century, and to give the assurance that in the future such failure need not attend tiiis industry. For the purpose of making clear the above points, the results obtained in the laboratory and in out-of- door experiments are appended. The varieties of sorghum grown and subjected to continuous investigation during the season were Early Amber, White Liberian, Chinese, and Honduras, and Pearl Millet. Besides the above there were made very many examinations of other speci- mens of sorghums and corn-stalks ; all the results of which only confirmed the general principle above stated, viz, the practical equality and great value of every variety of this plaut. In the following table are given the results of the analysis of each of the plants in the successive stages of development. It will be observed that the amount of glucose (or uncrystallizable sugar) diminishes, and the amount of sucrose (or true cane-sugar) increases. It will also be observed that the plants differ widely in the date when the sucrose is at its maximum, but are alike in this, that this maximum is attained at about the same degree of development of the plaut, viz, at full matiu'ity, as indicated by the hard, dry seed, and the appearance of ofl'-shoots from the upper joints of the stalk. It is also to be observed that the heavy frost of October 24, which was suffi- cient to produce one-half inch of ice, did not cause any marked diminution of sugar. For purpose of comparison, analyses are also appended of three varieties of sugar- cane received from Louisiana, Avhich arrived in excellent condition, and doubtless fairly repi-esented the average character of this famous sugar-plant. It will be understood that the results of these tables are to be taken as a whole, since it was practically impossible to secure in each case specimen stalks for examination in the laboratory, the development of which in every case corresponded to the date when the plant was cut, and, therefore, it doubtless happened that })lants taken from the same row upon September 15, for example, were in reality no further developed than those selected a week earlier, but taken as a Avliole the several series of analyses are convincing as showing the rate and progress of development of saccharine matter in the plant. By reference to the tables it will be seen that the analyses made of the several sorghums under date of October 29, were, after they had been subjected to a very hard frost, sufficient to have formed ice one-half inch iu thickness, and this cold weather continued for four days before this examination was made. As will be soen, there appears no diminution of sucrose in either of the stalks examined and no increase of glucose as the result of this freezing and continued exposure to a low temperature. The examination of November 8 was made after a few days of warm weather had fol- lowed this cold spell, and the influence of this subsequent thaw is noticeable in the diminution of sucrose and the increase of glucose in each specimen examined. From this it would ai)pear that the effect of cold, even protracted, is not injurious to the quality of tlie cam^s, but that they should be speedily worked up after freezing and before they have again thawed out. This is a matter of such iiractical importance that some experiments should be made to learn whether the sirup prei^ared from the juice of frozen cane differs from that ijrepared from cane not frozen but in other re- spects of like quality. The Early Amber, Chinese, Liberian, and Honduras sorghuiiis and the Pearl Millet examined, mentioned as having been grown niion the department grounds, were all planted the same day. May 15, 1879. The relative weights of the different kinds of sorghum experimented upon are as follows : Pounds. Early Amber, average of 40 stalks 1.73 White Liberian, average of 38 stalks 1. 80 Chinese, average of 25 stalks 2. 00 Hondiuas, average of 16 stalks 3. 64 Since these were all grown side by side and upon land presumably of equal fertility, it will alford the data for calculating the relative amount of each variety to be grown per acre. » 'sdoj niojj aomt JO X)iAB.i5 omo jd^ rt O r^ t^ CO X X I- X) X X X ^ X 003.00000000000 'O C^l "A ri '^ t-' 00 CO C: X) 00000 93iaf JO 'Vaao Ja j o o o c:i 31 r -^ 3i r-^ t-^ -H ■; 1 ro CO n ro ra n ■71 ro CO C5 o lO ci ci re rs oo*i''T'id-H'>i'-Hri-i C^l 71 M 71 71 71 71 7^1 7^ 70 (71 » o :o C) » ITS o •eotnC JO ^qSiaA ' ib;ox icxmoo3tro o— i i-HOOOOOO-HTP O CO QO t^ m to O -— t d 71 uO 71 ^ 71 t- X Tj« tr- O — t cit*asot-xxt>ox ^ ci ^ m t^3S3SCS0 35I:^0'-0 o o o o o o i-o ;o t- t- 35 CO O OS to ^ O ^ I— t O CO -^ OS 'do; at 90iiiC JO iq^ia j\i xas:ot-ioo»oo Tf -tj" CO rj" CO CO l-O CO LO 3S h- uO C^l .-O •OUBO UI I9JBM. 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CO -* LO C5 CO O •e^jnq inojj 9omf ni jiiSne i).oti spnog LO o o t- n ■* M i-< OS m C>J-^OOOOLOOC^OOCJ«i« ■sdo^ raojj aotnf m acgns ^on spuog c: Tl -5< CJ CO ^ CI O l> rH -?r r^ 00 -H iH ■— — 1 CO ; • lO C^l LO -^ X t^ X :£> .Or^LO-Jl-Ti— »T-( •' t> ^i ' CO co' -* CO CO •9Draf m 080.ions 'jnoo aad 9.3i;.ioay iO IfO LO C3 X CO -^ t- t* C<1 CO 1 <0 C-] n ^^ O X C5 to ci CO -T -Ti^ -^ CO 01 00 • ci -11^ LO -^- Tj! 1-4 cf o t^ ^ LO ^ to X o CO O CO •gijtiq raojj lO O O t- ?! 1* ri -J 35 lO CJ LO to 00 •aomf m gsoon^S -^uao jad aSiMaAy T-l LO CI LO lO O LO LO '• = .-OLO-J'-S'OC-LOS>XS5rtC5-}Tiq mo.ij aoinf TIT gsoaans jo ■%n'ao jaj 05 CO en (OUO-J 32.4 14.2 14.7 13. 7 14.0 13.4 32.1 10.3 16.4 13.9 14.1 14.6 13.7 13.4 12.5 13.5 8.4 5.2 7.1 •8do!> rao.ij 9omf nX 9S0.1011S JO -^U^i .19jI «0 rt 3 -tf^XC3P0i-l-;rTflO"#i^ClX:Ot-OClrHOr.Jt-.Cl C1C» COO i>ra 00 CO COC^ C) i-irti-HiHi-ir-irt rHrHi-ii-( rtCJ LO •edoT rao.ij ooml' Tii eeooniS jo -^noo aaj c^ci to irfi* CO xrQca!0-*coxt:-LOO'Oi>.-C5rtincj N Ci i-i r-i i-i tH tA ■ 1-H i-h Ci C3OCSC0 O Cl -O iH Ci tC l> iH •gdoj raojj 9onif Tit Bpr[os -^090 jcaj t^ t^ to to ^ft 1-1 o X o c— oiod- tOitXOJ t-^t> odod LOtOi-iCOlOCaLO-rJ^XE^XtO OJi-li-!COOi-tOTHOCOT(t^ootdt35od iMC~i-l t~ CO to CO to •9onif JO j$4tA'B.iS og{09d8 9§i;.i9AY X iM LO CO CI CI O CI O O lO X lO C^ X 1-4 t^ t^XXXXXXXXXt^t^C^L^tOXt^ ooooooooooooooooo CO eft C5 t^ •ej^nq nio,ij 90Tnf JO A''}iAT!aS ogpadg XXtO t^-H^OO^t-O— 11-IOCOClCl-fXOO -* Tti to t- X X X X t^ X X X X 1^- X t^ t^ to [- t^ 1.0 to to X §3^.9 CO ttg =^« n ;h o s eg •1-3 X 3 e t^ " 5? o P,Q 3 U !-i 1^ ^- ^ '^ ,0 d) ^ i/ ^ '^- xi „. 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JO iq§i9^ COTiiGOt-HinfMCDWOOCOXinoOO t^COTt'CMOOCOt'C'lOOOC^COO coi>i^cccoTjJ^uq JO q;§u8i oO'^c JO q^§n9i CO « CO i-( in 00 CO O r^ C3 o t> t> ■^ • CD CO t> in CO CO CO i> t> CO CO ■*CqrH coo in oo' co' ■*■ CO ■!199J UT OOOrHrHmt-i-HOOCQOSOOincOCa '3[^B^S p9ddo^ JO qijSna'J int-ioscosoiosososos'oooo m 00 O C- CI 00 d Os" !> CO •sfsiliBa'e aoj p9en. esitB^s jo jaqumig;; C^ N C5rH rH , +3 ° S H g S: ; a; ■« c © p 5 . t< 2 'X^ o S J ^ -r-. oc =.-, ^ --^ t; O 4c ■B 2 ;w Wo- i- C- t-l X t -* rl CI CJ WO 11 •steA[iJnL* JO .laqnui]^ Cl -<* CO "X -t ox C-i -^ T- ^ i-iIM 5-1 •sj;nq JO 9omf nt adooei -j"B|odi!q980.ione -iaaojaj •sdp^ 'adoosi 00 o o -^ •aoiuf ni juSne [(.on epipg '■^ngo Jdd oSejaAy — ' C3 C^l ^ O L*^ O CI 3i OOCSrtC-t-Or-lOOO ' Ci r-i ' *-i i-i O 7^i r-i •sj^nq tno.ij o 00 c-j in o c^i w "^ o ■ M 1-i ■ r-I i-i ci I'i I-! •sdoj tno.l} aorat ni jbSus :).on spjxog COO3^CaO500XI>T+" o in o cs X cc o o CI < 11 i-H T-H 1-1 t •anno luo.ij aainC ni oeojons -(juao lad'aSuiaAy (NQ0Svl05D0'*OQ0in«OrH(MCi r-I « Tf .rf t-^ CO 00 00 O ci -T iri T? pi 0<20 X ■^ Dt CO in i-i O •antjo rao.ij aoinf m oeo.iinS •%udo jad aS-BjaAy i-HC-iot^cooooicooooO'^ccinm Ln iri tn cii m 05 ci « cj ci i-K 1-H r-i CO •8»nq JO aaiTif nt gsojous -i^naa aaj; *co^iO!3odododoi-HTfio«ci o t- t~ t-» •sdoj JO aonif ni asojoiis •:>uao jaj t^ Cl O Cl CS O O Tj- O O CO o o -^ 1-5 ci ■* o t-^ 00 00 oj o H -* •* Lt' CO CO CO in :o l-^ •8»nq JO aomf nt aeoonp -[(.naa ja j ClOr-tOi-IO^HOOCOinoO-^OSrH COinin-^Tj^-shCOCOCOCOr-irHrHCO !>»)• i-H in -* in rH 00 o o i-H 00 c>:oo' ■sdo; ;o aotnf ni asooiixs •jnao jaj; i-HTj'OS^int^OOOS'^C^OClrHCSj - in -r CO CO CO ci ci ci ci 1-5 r-i r-i CO (DO) M CO O in o o 1^ 1* o in 00 l> ■aainC nt gpnos -i^nao iadaSBiaAy Oi-t-Ht-oinoosc^-^ t-r-tcqcjooocoot--^- J'ffcO-^COt-.T-^t— 00 IrlrHr-li-lr-ICJi-lrH CO to l~ !0 1-1 O ci 00 t-i Tli •8:>jnq nio.iJ aoint' nt 8i)i[08 ■%U30 jaj; ci to o CO o »H ci o 00 in cointocicj«3t>rtiooco o m 00 1- in ^cj-^co^cot>a:t-E T(iC0t~'^r^Oca-HO05000Ct~'?' •gdoj UtOOJ 050Cl«C1000COC!Oi*t-tOO aomf ut epijos •4.aao J9 j i "'■^^s^rtrtSHSirt^cl^rt c~a; t-— < CO o r-i ciod -* •aonif JO .ifjtABaS ogioails aSeaaAv inocoxcoint-ooooociosino CO -T •r in in in in o o to t^ t' t- X oooooooooooooo o o o o o a 9S S-IcS ^J-S:bXj^^ btS Or2- !2iP^: CI ^'S H ^ a 1— , tS a +^ -^ •- ■ -H ■ « I- w 1 « - a , o .s r: s £q^£f^ iQ .HKc? o « a = 'S-a cs3sooinc;inc3^-ii-^Od73 idlMWIiiMIM ■edo;> ooinf JO jJ:>iABag ogpgdg OS QC O 01 t~ rH ( C) -^ 00 iC o • t- C- O CO o 1 3 •sis.CiBne JO jaqran^ t- 1> f-'^-os" ■ CO -^ * nt oaraf ^jo -'[jnoo jaj C5 i-i -^ l« UO • .O t^C^l -# LO T* CO --I 1 Ol d Ol 0^1 CI • •noiiBZLiBjod ^q 9omf ni 9soions 9SBJ9AY i -OI>OS •oomf JO jqSioji {bjox C0pO'--01iI0TjB.44. JO -(jnao jaj 75.69 73.63 72.48 70.80 70.15 78.67 ; •asojons JO ■^nsD J9d aSB.ia.vy 9.6 1-2.4 13.2 15.3 15.5 11.7 6.9 13.6 14.4 •do; HI .TSjBAi JO -^nao jg^j 69. 42 71.39 81.25 71.33 71.67 77.73 •9nco JO 9Dinf ujgeoo -n^g JO ■^nao .iod a^BiaAy uocstot-toinrtinco cocsTji c4 •spnnod m 'jjnq jo iqgpjii i.'io' .99 .90 3.23 •aeoions ■■jn9o .lad 'mojj 9omL' 'e4;na: 9.9 13.2 13.9 15.1 15.9 8.8 ■spnnod ui 'do; jo ^qSp^ 1.03 1.03 1.87 3.23 ; •960.10118 JO •;U9D J9d 'lao.ij goiiif 'sdox 9.3 11.6 12.6 15.6 1.5.2 14.7 •epnnod ni 'p9ddU}g 3HB;S J0i);'qSl9j^ •^ tW CO C-l t> ?0 00 01 cs CSClrtOI>-TOS-*r^ •9Sooniif JO -^nao , ""^ ° ^ '"; ^ "^ J9d 'uto.ij 9amf 's^jng i ' -i ' ' ' ^6 rtC-lOlOliHOrtr-lrt ■epnnod ni '3[iu;s JO iqSia^ ^ ^ -i^ CO. O ■ Ol CO I-.- t- CI 01 rH O . 1.^ UO CO •asoanxS jo •^nga J9d 'nio.ij 9omf 'sdox t~03 O t~ t-CO CO'^-ft-* iClrHrH •;09j ni ';;nq ;i! J9;9im!i(i JO CO CO OS lO => 01 Ol OS t-t-OOt-t-OC-OSL-- OOOOOrli-lOO •e^nq tuo.ij goiuf ni gpjios -^iigo i9jj uo L-5 18. 07 18.11 18.72 15.41 CJ i •;99j HI ';;nq jo q^Snafj 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 3. 94 ■sdo; ino,ij aoinf ni spijos -^nao jaj 13.97 17.31 18.38 18.77 18. '24 16. 9-2 •;99j m 'do; JO Ti;gn9i 3.3 3.1 3.3 3.6 2.5 10.82 ■aomf JO Ji!;iABjS ogioods 9Sb,i9ay 1.078 1.077 1.080 1.081 1.077 1.067 1.008 1.084 1.077 ■;99j ni 'j[lB;e p9ddo; j6 qiSnai 'X) t> '^ O t* tlO l>- X lO CO irf irf iri lo -«s5 ^ CO o t> ' •eillB;g JO .i9qinnjj (M C'l C-1 ff-l CI 1-1 rH i-( r^ 1 •s;;nq nio.ij 90inf JO A';iAB.ig ogpadg 1.07'- 1. 07( 1.08^ 1. OSC 1. 07i: 1.064 13 o a o P • t4 • ' jg : : S © • • 1 j ^ : 1 : ! ■s i S 1 1 * Development. Z a O rill J (5 i c >-• »-l "* ; 1 "s I ; g : : s' ', I .S-o ; 1 c: Gunnison Mastodou 1 c. o .2 'S O Ma.stodon o 5pq cS M 41 S CO 1 osc tea: Sept. 16 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 10 5 O « S T-t r 3GC 5 H 3 ft a a cs 1 «3 CldrH 1- KCCOC SI O O 13 -A"[BUB JO .idqimi^ o CI tfi s^ ?i ri w in 3^ 00 00 X o c^i ■'S* o ao ^^ C'l -^ _ _r-< T-l rH i-l rH 5^ (M (M OS rH •aomf HI epjios JO • id^ JO K-iiAreiS dgpadg l-'^-tCJCS-^Or-IOCCiOO ooooooocoo •noi^uztiBioj; ■aonil' m 'j-bShs }on 'spjxoe JO -^ndo ja j 3.07 3.03 1.29 .41 2.70 2.00 3.45 3.38 5.94 ■9»mf nt 880.10 -ns jo ■}ti80 ,ia-icoooo50 CO CO ^ C-J S^ Cl C<1 CQ CC « ■spnnod ai 'aomf JO ^qSi^jii i-oo:o;oir'C^r:t>ot~ o X t^ o ^!t< X c^i t^ ^ CO iri-^CO-^OL^iACOiOC^i •91IB0 m jajBA JO -juao jad .^XOCOOf-'ii^-t -'Oc^t^t^t^CDCDCOt •epanod ni 'j[[Bjs pad ■dujs JO ^qgpAi. (M-^C-IOiCSXXt-COQO fHOOO-^OOSOiOX I CI i-l •spntiod ut ':aiBjs 9IoqAi JO !l[qSw^ t>ir-oxooc:iomco comot^ooooo^>o I-; I-! CJ i-i C-i CO Oi rH -H rH •}a9j m 's jjnq ^B a9:t.9ai'Bi(i o ic «o cj 01 OS CJOOOOOOOOO •J99J HI 'S5[ni'>8 paddoj JO qiStwj •sie.CxBaB aoj gjjoojg jo.iaqiaii^ (M (M ^1 IM " CO ?1 Cl Cl CO £ S-a'*H2'^ a » o o-^ »"» ^'^ oo?oosif:j05-«*<-«*oos O, Ci* ^ & ft Ph-*-^ -t^ "t^ -♦^ TJllflVlKTiVimOO'^O 14 •sdo^ 'aoraf c cj m .Tf in . •eis.i|Bn«jo "OX i *l ' •9nB0 9.iija8 nt Qomf JO -ijnaa jq j ■* ItOOOOIJrtOOO CO ; CO rt CI c^ •nopBzi -JBpd jo" 9g^J9AY •9omf JO ^mSpJi.' i«;ox .822 .642 .837 .081 .095 .207 . 097 .980 1.100 •noij -BzijBiod Ji-H sj^ng^ 1 J •noij 1 -1321113X05 iq sdox i ooraf JO :>qSi9^ gi2"5 : -I- CO in . in CD •90infni'ji3Sns ! :fon spifoe'9§t'.i3AY .84 .37 2.05 12. 51 4.88 7.00 •sdo'i. moil eomf JO !jqSi9j4^ 05 t-oi ; C-l «> CO ■ CO CO 1 -ewnq ni jijSns %o\i gpips 71 t^ t^ •9nBo m jG^i'Bjii. JO •!>n90 a9d 93BI9AY 84. 51 76.25 78.66 70. 83 66.54 51.56 '• ^ ; •sdo; tnojj 90Tn(' tn ivSns joii ep'tpg r-oo CO CO rt r-( J9:>'BAi. JO •:>U90 .19^ CO O [- O OCM LO CO CJ 00 c- l:~ in i ■9nB0 nio.ij90inf '^'^^'^'^'^ ; ni 9S0 jgns 9'SB jaAy •>* t>: ih co co od CO t^ in CO •do!> m i9%vM. JO ■:jn9D a9 J » t^ t- CO !>C0 •9UB0 raoaj 9oinf '^. "^ 1 °^ "^ °? : m 980011^3 ai?Bi9 Ay ■* n co ci 1-1 00'* T^CO •asoions 's!i:;na; C5in COt-^r-i ■^co CD CO •:j;iiq jo :jqSia^ in !0 •* O 00 o •do:j JO :^qgi9jVi ggs •9eojons 'sdox in l>r.i •gsooniS 'sj^ug; CO 00 •* CO ■p9ddijje JH'e%s JO !^q3i9^ 1.85 1.44 1.71 .30 .59 .92 .59 3.87 3.63 •9soorn§ 'sdox t- ;g ■« •^%n(i ijB j9j9niBta: .083 .083 .083 .041 .049 .062 .049 .068 .088 •Wnq JO q:>Sn9i inrt COCO •sdoj Tao3^ gomf ni epips •:)n9o'jOti t- 00 CO 00 CO en -3^ t-^ •do; JO q^Sna'j in 00 CO ci •^JtA13.I^ ogioade ' «3bi9ay Ki^lg CO -* CO CO 05 in CO 00 Tf -* •!J99J m 'j^B^S p9ddoj JO q;ga9T[ OST}.in(Mt~(MC0I>-* ^^tococoin^in-^ •ejjiiq 'ooTTif JO Ji%xA'eiS oif'iobdg in-* in CO cocq 000 rH rHi-i C-. c- •e^nB^g JO jgqran^ CONINUCOIOCOCOCO p l: St : .5 in ii .5 2 '3 SJO ^ c: a -u D Variety. a : c c , a ; c 13 C c M !. C ffl _o c C > g a 61, a; c 3 C -§ c3 c s Date. c "c'a 1.C 7: ■'_t '1 §5 b < ?5 a <1 6 P p a. hP P a; CO (M bi 3 15 •9eo,ion8 -';Tiao jad 'qot^tjzubjo j; 7.08 11.13 1."! n7 5.97 15.79 17.00 5.06 14.07 14.59 •9omf m 'Mgne !)on epnoe jo -jnao .isj t- CO ■ l~ 00 f~ C- 00 CO - -* - •9Dmf m 'jo -(^1190 .i9d 'asojong 1.57 11.30 "2." 83 11.30 13.64 6.30 15.82 17.17 2.14 13.36 15.26 1 Qooor-io-i^^oo r-(,-i in oo n CO-^WtO^OOOOOO l.'S CO Ci ^- CO ?o -* •* t~. ri t-c- iH - ci CO ' i-irA - !M- c4 - ci CO •9nBD nt J91BM. JO -^ngo J9 j ^. 79.19 80.11 84. 90 78.18 76. 19 81. 81 91.90 |71. 63 81.97 75.67 78.22 •^mof-jBai ^sjg jo nj.§a9i | 3 C5 S3 00 •!juiof aippiOT JO qiSnai 1 g ■* : : : •?^^Tof pnooas jo mSu9i ] CO-H M CO •;nior:f8.Tg joq:iSnai ?J C5 CO 55 1-1 c- . . . 1 pa 1 Variety. 1' § c c c ■ars °ss Ribbon-cane plant, 1 878 Red cano. 1878 i i ts 1 > > > 1 ^ "A > 1^; "A 16 For purpose of fiirfclier comparison the following analyses of sugar-canes and juice of the sugar-cane grown in Madras, India, are given below. The canes were divided into upper, middle, and lower thirds, each third being 2 feet in length, except the lower thirds of the selected canes, which were 3 feet in length. Bandle of medium good canes. Bundle of selected canes. Upper third. Middle third. Lower Upper third. third. Bagasse ■ 7. G30 Sucrose | 10. 6:W Glucose I 2. G40 Ash .307 "Water i 78.334 Undetermined | . 459 8.470 13. 310 1.510 .259 75. 612 .839 8. SOCi 13. 370 1.540 .233 76. 122 .4.55 7.580 9.490 2.430 .545 79. 484 .471 Middle Lower third. third. 8.650 13. 640 .736 .363 75. 628 100.000 i 100.000 100. 000 100. 000 100. 000 8.290 13. 850 .710 .349 75. 945 .856 100. 000 ANALYSIS OF EXPRESSED JUICE. 11.510 2. 860 .333 .497 84. 800 14. 550 1.650 .283 .917 82. 600 14. 580 1.680 . 2.55 . 485 83. 000 10. 270 2.630 .590 .510 86. 000 14. 930 .806 .398 1.076 82. 790 15. ] 10 .775 Ash .381 934 Water 82. 800 100. 000 100. 000 100. 000 100. 000 100. 000 100. 000 Chem. Cent. Blatt., February, 1880. For more clearly presenting the facts developed bj- the examinations of the four kinds of sorghum, the following chart represents graphically the foregoing results : It will bo observed how closely the Early Amber and Liberian correspond in their development, being almost identical, and yet being clearly distinct varieties. It will also be seen that "while these two varieties attain a content of sugar in their juices equal to the average content in the juice of sugar-cane by the middle of August, the does not reach this condition until the last of September, while the Honduras does not reach this point until the middle of October. It will be seen also that after having attained appro.'cimately the maximum content of sugar, this condition is maintained for a long period, affording ample time to work up the crop. It is doublcss true that had the season been longer it would have been found that the Chinese and Honduras having once attained this full development of sugar would also have retained it ; but, as is seen by the chart, the heavy frosts and sub- sequent warm weather which happened about November 24, caused a rapid dimi- nution of sucrose in each variety, and a corresponding increase in glucose. The converse of what is found true of the sucrose is clearly shown as to the devel- opment of the glucose, and it is seen that a minimum quantity once attained is continued a long time, and that this minimum is quite as low as the average amount found present in the sugar-canes. It is obvious that the results depicted upon the chart are not to be taken as entirely exact, but the general fact represented is without doubt true, and with a still larger number of observations the approach to true curves would be found nearer than here represented. The line representing the average per cent, of sucrose in sugar-beets is from the re- sults of analysis of thirteen specimens of sugar-beets grown upon the Agricultural Col- lege farm, Amherst, Mass., and analyzed by Profe.ssor Groessmann (olde Mass. Agric. Kept., 1870-'71). An average of all the examinations made of these four sorglmms during these pe- riods when they were suitable for cutting gives the following results : Early Amber, from August 13 to October 29 inclusive, 1.5 analyses extending over 78 days, 14.6 per cent, sucrose. Liberian, froiji August 13 to October 23 inclusive, 13 analyses, extending over 78 days, 13.8 per cent, sucrose. Chinese, from September 13 to October 23 inclusive, 7 analyses, extending over 46 g df, fi -s. s ^ c:0;"*nr; ^ClIN. CO t i-i - -ryn- ^ 17 •A s 8 " "± " y^- 1^ 6 ' s 4 ^^ ' dX--l"-1 -4 " " ■±4I>' i_i 16 / 8 _i_ ^-^ 1 \ I" 6 I 1 .. \i 4. *^- '^ .^^ - ^ 9 5^^:^^lt i r 15 "^ -' ^^ ol \d 8 ' ITS -'s,'" ' i 6 = h-'^ ' ^^ - J3-^. 1 4 — .=^y ^^''^-f^ 2 , _^ _,iv i*4 i 14 --i — .L. +^.4i...^.,^ ^..^^^ i-^ 8 >.X^ ^ - ■ " "" \, \ 1 4 <^ it:. -4 1 "'■ 1 » ^ IP^ 2 " S^ V k > . 13 "■^■5^ -^ - ^^t -« " t: Ti ^ ^ '^ - 6 M \^"N 4 J ^ kv -^ v-i^r: ^2 \ \ /Siicrosu 8 __i:::" ^ e i^-^5 i- 2 \u ^ \^ ' 8 - \ ^ ^ 4 2 ID 8 6 4 2 9 8 . _[;._ fi Ij It 4 •) ""^ ■ 8 8 6 4 2 7 8 (i _ . ll 2 el ^_ |8 to U i2 5i 18 6 - V^ ^ 4: . ._. -U- ^^ t ^ ^.» >'ll£C0jJe_ _|8 ._ ^^K_u.:t_„_ __ _.^?^L^ 1 -i-t- .^^£^^Lr __[2_ ...■•.^yf 3 ,.. 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Ci _jf: = _^ ^_: ^. ..-'(■■ 1 - ;c >'■ I i-xex;"^"--\^- '- =1^=t " r M t "i _L -^' il_ _, >; ---- >-(----h-*_.w -/^ , ^ ^ XCi. _X:X3 " "-'- " u ^ „ _^*-^-'^ - .-' /* . ^ — ..-^T-;, M . i^^-^- 1^^ _. ... .^ J? it __, . X-: J . + -/ ^_ ^\ !\ V ~ 6 ± ._ ... .- „-, .^^^ ""- __ .-_ ^- ^.J ^X\ V's X '■ ' "i ,. . -,.^ ._ J ^ jr _ „ ^■-: .' it ■ 'I'^^Jt XXPX '-'2 / - - ^'^ -t- S l^'tX. ■ ^^^ ^' ^^13 ■ X - ^- -- -T- -i -^ . 7 "1~ 1- ■" > ^«1 i X L L 8 " • .^ . . J Z ^^- / X -- - - .--...^^A, -- ^ - ^^ - - , 'X*v , - * _. ._ . _._. j_-- 2^ „,-, ,^ y*" ^ ^ •-■-+- f 2 it /^ ^ X 2 1 V, k * 12 "^^ ^ j ._ t^-?-- ■ -, • \' , ^iiJuorosi' (i •§yeri^_S!ieLos< iv SWaulLcjet, -i-»' / ^ X X iVXx^t --X i:i^r l-.,Ui:iiiiiii+iiiii/:,t iiiiii iiii^ixxiii nm ii i in -4- - - -^ ^ . .zt_ _U. r__._..„...z: = .rI^^:-,Wz_p:-:, _ 4 ^ f 7 / 'X: " u r / ' u . X 'U « .t±i:_,__^i__ 7 ~ 7 , „ ^ C 1 ii ,__^ . ir,r f . it: ^ ^ -4 - — f— _, _1 1 ' \ ;l _. .,„ ^2 it - X . „ -^^-^ - , 2 >'' 1 "'i .cl* ^ --"^ — t ~4 i I" Ci >' 1 [<5 Z' T X----^* - ^ I ; - <^^ 2 ! «1 ^5 it ^ X T> „. _- ^. ^ • •/ .' ^.^ 1 -- -._. .. .^^i t. 1 >i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 11 1 1 1 1 n 1 "^ ^-l ^v X V i [- _ .__ " ' it 1 «l -^- Z« .^.. X ' ^ 1 8 ^-^ J ^^ (i - _ £ - ^ ^ •t i- --2 "' -. "7 2 ^. -" ■ :z -- -^ X" 7 "! ±4 xxiiiiiiiiiiitiiii±-x:iiiiiiiii;^^iiiiii - ■--- " - - _ I i-ii 1 _, ! H ' ;l> ^m^mmm^W\\\^m\\\M\ -"-x--i-±-x x-t^t"^ t/---- ^»fi*'*'*'t''"M«.v^v4r"^ " ^ ~ r^ ;-ip , 1 lo ^ -. - -- r- - -)•* _ii5S^;,...XX iiiiiiiiiiiiyXiiiiiiii^^ ji:;;:'iiii:^-^^iiiii±_: X -.- --iiiiixixi— '->P - r^ X jl „ _. ^ /^.-i^^^mo if{ i» _ it cUi 11 bi T ? ^»j^ _ _ ^ , +/ '•}*, - ^"*^**-»c*« 1 Iji'*^! , ^ i.G |-xiiJj_lJ 1 M M j- • -tj-^T- - ! xHirmJ^ 1 1 Jxrh Mfflriifflsffiffl x-i-.xii.___.xi u.fX''.__,__ 1 4_. 0. l-j-i-;-^;- . ! , 1 , ! i ^j-^ ~~"X ^"^ — 4 — it ; ^ -;T-^»^'.^--+-----|--p--Xt;T^-v4..i-4..^X^..p^^^^^^^^ : 1 -^^^^'^-:^- — ' ' IlptH-H^Tx — n — tT""ttia l-LLLili 1 1 Hi 1 ]■ "-ft-_ f- - 1 ■ j-- "t '--~\ -."'°""="s..^^^^| •/[_:■.' 1 4 '4o<,.-44'"t-"'^'""=i**''*^'*''^'' lXj u — x^ — LiiL — in M 1 ' 1 A.Ho-n.Ko Lith Bjliim"ii- 17 iu making sugar from corjistalks, sorghums, pearl millet, &c., in all of which there have been used over "23 tons of stalks. The result of these experiments has heen to fully contiriii all the experiments of the previous year, not only, but also to help to- wards the solution of certain questions of the highest practical importance. In every case it has 1>een found that the quality of the sirup obtained has been precisely such as the previous analysis iu the laboratory of the juice used made probable. An average of the nine best sirups obtained showed a percentage of cane-sugar present equal to 92.7 of the amount originally present in the juice, while an average of the nine poorest (i. e., containing the lowest percentage of cane-sugar) showed a percent- age of cane-sugar present equal to 90.1 of the amount present in the juice. This must not be understood to menu that there has beeu no loss of sugar in the process of manufacture, as such conclusion would be quite erroneous, as Avill be seen by consulting taldes further on in this report. Below are given the detailed results of 33 experiments in the making of sirups from sorghum, pearl millet, and cornstalks, and analyses of the juices from wliich these sirups were made. These stalks were obtained from neighboring farmers, and, as will be seen, were never in the condition best suited for working, l»ut the results obtained from them are, however, of great practical value, and are given in detail. The last column represents the relative loss of sucrose in making sirup, as compared with the glucose present, but gives no indication as to the absolute loss which may have been incurred, and since tlie economical production of sugar largely depends upon the amount of this loss, tliis matter is discussed more fully in another place. 2 aG 18 •dn.iis I Sni5[But m esoia -ns" .;o S80J 'eAijBie^ | •9ora[' JO uot:).bzijbioj; •aomf tn 1 -ne jo -inao .ia LO to rt o o o o CO e> 050000 OOJ O rH -* O 00 CO O C T* CO CO CO C^l C<] T-( ^-H . »H in i'l>. CO ■*CO • O CO eoioioio w (NOOtX Cq IM ^] i-H rH t- OJ i-l 1-1 ■<* 1-5 CI «0 CO CD CO CO CO O^ r CO (M CO CO t>ci * o ■^ t-^ tI M C^ rn CD C-i (Mi-(THrH(MC0COT(> O CO l.- ooffj in ^ CD C<1 IM Ca W (M C5 CDrHI>.-;wr4rHO caTht-icococococo i dtuTs" nt osoiong i-l CO cooos " oi CO iJ o in -^ in CO CO CO -"^j^ CO CO »n lo (M CO tn CI 00 o I— ' QO in in t-^ i> S5 ci oc CK -^ in •*■*■* CO •* t asoot^cocococoos o 00 CO O CO t^ Tti -^ Id* in in in cd cocococom -i^c^ico 1 CO tc in CO ca CI OOJCI r-fin L^ i-i -^ 'X OO 00 00 00 CO iH -rf" 00 CO CO CO CO O O CO t- 1~ o 1^ -^ »-t CO 1-i o •^ Tj- 1^ in in 00 inc^CDt^O 03Cc3Cflcoc:sffaooc^ r-liH^rHCJOlrHrH dn,Ti8 JO "(juoo ao J m o ■* 00 th t -•# 05 t^ 00 CO CO CO I CO CD CO in CO t- Oi 1-1 o in-* CO t> coed in t>-*in cd -^ Tji CO 1— ( Tj» OO Tf ^ ^ CO t> 00 d CO CO t> t> cd ci ■* ci ci ci •^C0 O 05 t» O -^ji t^ iCOOini* y-i OSXCOCli-l Clt^t> O CO CO »ned^ coino i-Jinin rjiocOOOOOOin incOCOCJiTJiQOrHt'C^I o ;d cd o in ■;)< in oj 00 CM CO 00 t-^ CI 1* o in t-^i> CO m ci 1— I 00 Ir- cob- 05 CO cd "^ rJ CO in • CO-»*«COOCJrO 05— l^HOOt^t* iiHOitr-incot- i:^i>in:Dinoo • t-^odo*^ cdt-^H-1+oco • -1* CO CO CO CO -^ ' I* -^ ■•* in CO t-cocicicorH i-i oroc]-*;:? cdx: CO-# Oi-I C5 o -*COi-( t-oo Cl ^H O t^ Cl rH o o o o o o r^ 05 CO i> Tti c^Mocoroco-'i'O COCO^i-(COCOCOt*i l^ 00 00 - ) in in CO CD CO in (O o o o o ooo CO 00 o ^H in LO c CO Cl CO CO CT Cl c t^"^T)il:*COTt<-^COCD ooooooooo CI CO 1-. 00 1-i i-IC CO CO CO CI CO cq c - rca"^'cj'rH~i^ C . _ -t-^-^^inin-*^-^ •passajdxa aamp j rji CO m O CJ 05 00 CO t' CO CO C" 1-1 CD i-( CO O 1 CO O Oi CO CO C3 r-t CD CO CO CO 1-1 fH in in O — 1 1-1 1 CI o cji CO .-* o -* Tji m c;. -- .. , _. , -. . cOTpcocioocot-05QOC3coin ooi^^ftiincDa* • CO CD CI ■* CO CJ CI •s:5t'&;e paddox OS i-t t-. O CO CO t-O CI CD CO I-I 1-1 m t- i-TcfciTi-r "s-5i|b:(8 paddjug •"l"* CO COCO r-rH t-OOTJi i-< rHcqosci ■sdox Til in OS 00 1-1 • o CO OS CI in CO • rH ca COCO C3 1-1 1 in CI CO CO in r o rti in OS o o inocQcacnoo ocit . ,. r-l CO O O O CO -^ OS CO Id* 00 t> •edO} pnB 89A'B91 — 1 1- in in CD OO rH in 00 t> Cl 1-1 rH CO in rH CO 1-1 t^ ^ CO CO OS coco •* o C3 m cj in Tji •85[X?0S Aiuj JO epnnoj CO CO CO 00 rH CD o CD CO t> OS in inrHrHOOOS COOSOS .,--.-_-- -- OCOCOCOrH OSt-O CO in Tji b- 00 in CO -^co-^coco co » t^ ■5*1 t^ 00 CS CO rH OS I OS OS OO ■ rH in in 00 O t:^ rH rH rH S 00 CO CD O OS -M O I OS in 1* 'CD la" rH OS t- -^ rH 00 O •jnoui ■Tjodxa JO 9%V(j 00 ■*«« O rH rH OS © qj ® c^ o cj mmmOOO in rH CO -^ CO CO CI CO <:j O O O © ^ ^P,AO,ftP. a o o ^o o o s o o Q a a o a a J^Sj £* "" bCjH O 4H ». a ft, - a R-e s s « -a ..a ftj bsri bjcft, ^ £ btS f -p «-E«o g. 2is C-G"3i3 c« m H'S O cS O.^ U O i-J Ph f^ C-''w c ^ . c _ c t- cv G c* C3 Pi q; ^-1 mC ti'S ^ CO <^ m "'^ ^-C as H§ .^ £ ^ 2 p,ft, i ft, a. Pi ft. ft. o o !h O <:; ft y^m .fa 19 The apparatus used iu tlie experiments, besides a few barrels and pails for holding the juice, consisted of a copper tank of the following dimensions : 4 feet 3 inches long, 2 feet 3 inches deep, 2 feet 3 inches wide ; a galvanized iron pan 9 feet long 8 inches deep, 3 feet 6 inches wide. This iron pan was surrounded by a wooden frame of 2-iuch plank so as to support the sides, and each pan was placed in brickwork with chimney, and so arranged as to permit a fire to be kept below it iu direct contact with the bottom. In the case of the copper tank the flame played about the sides also, so as to heat the contents more rapidly. The galvanized iron pan was such as could readily be constructed by any ordinary tinsmith or mechanic. The copper tank was tised for defecation with lime ; the galvanized iron pan for evapora- tion. The process, in brief, is as follows ; after topping and stripping the corn or sor- ghum, it was passed through the mill, and when sufficient juice had been obtained it was heated in the copper tank to a temperature of 82° C. =180° F. After the jiiice had reached this temperature, there was added to it, with stirring, cream of lime, until a ])iece of litmus paper dip])ed in the juice showed a purple or bluish-purple color. The heat was now raised to the boiling point, and, so soon as the juice was in good ebul- lition, the fire was drawn and a thick scum removed from the surface of the juice. After a few minutes the sediment from the juice subsided, and by means of a siphon the clear liquid was decanted off, leaving a muddy sediment, which was equal to about one-tenth to one-twentieth of the bulk of the juice. It was found that by means of the stop-cock at the bottom of the defecator, it Avas possible to draw off the clar- ified juice more thoroughly than by means of the siphon, so that this juetliod has been adopted for removing the juice. It is only necessary to collect in a separate ves- sel the first portions of juice coming from stop-cock, which are turbid, and passing this through the bag filter with the sediment. This muddy sediment was then drawn oft' by means of a stop-cock and filtered through a plaited-bag filter, and the clear filtrate therefrom was added to the liquid previously siphoned off. The clarified juice, which, during the above operation, is not allowed to cool below a temperatnre of 66° C. or 150'^ F., was now emptied into the evaporating pan, and there was added to it, with stirring, Ji solution of sulphurous acid in water until the lime present Avas neutralized, as was shown by the reddening of litmus paper when it was dipjied iu the juice. The evaporation was now hastened cas much as possible, and the juice concentrated to a sirup at a boiling point of 112° C, equal to 234° F., or thereabout. During the close of the evaporation there is great danger of scorching the sirup, and this was obviated by allowing only coals beneath the evaporator and briskly stirring the syrup by means of paddles 8 or 10 inches wide. When the sirup reached the density aijove indicated it was drawn oft' into wooden tubs, the fire having previously been drawn from beneath the evaporator. It is doubtless true that many failures result iu securing a crystallizable sirup even from good juice, owing to the operations of j)ressing of the cane, defecation, and evap- oration being too much x)rt'tracted. In order that those wishing to enter upon this industry may know what is practically attainable, even with common appliances, the following data, are giA^en. In experiment No. 3, 2, 107 pounds of topped stalks of Early Amber cane were pressed by the mill in 3^ hours, yielding 97.') pounds of juice. The time required for heating the jnice, defecation with lime, and cA'aporationto sirup Avas 5f hoiu's. In order that the inferior character of the material supplied for these experiments might be known, specimens Avere taken from the several lots of stalks in experiments Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and it was found that the average weight of the stalks in these lots was four ounces each. In most of the experiments above recorded the juice was raised to the temperature of 82° C. ( 180° F. ), and then neutralized with milk of lime, but scA'cral experiments were matle to learn the effect produced by neutralization with lime at dift'erent tempera- tures. In experiment No. 4 the juice was divided into two portions, and the lime was added to the one portion at '40° C. (104° F.) ; to the oth'er portion at 2.5° C. (77° F.), and the portions were separately evaporated to sirup. In experiment No. 13 the lime was added directly after the juice Avas obtained from the mill, the temperature being 16° C. (61° F.). In experiment No. 18, the lime was added at 80° C. (176° F.). In the aboA'e-mentioned exi^erimeuts the results were entirely satisfactory, and seem to indicate that the neutralization by means of lime may be effected at any stage below 82° C. No experiments -vrere made in neutralizing at higher temperature than 82° C. An experiment was also made to determine whether splitting the canes before they were passed through the mill Avould increase the percentage of juice obtained from the stalks. One hundred pounds of butt ends of Honduras sorghuin were split length- wise and then passed through the mill. Another parcel of one hundred pounds of ItuttK of the same variety of sorghum, equal in all respects to the previous lot, was passed tlu'ough the mill without splitting them. The results obtained were as fol- lows: Percentage of juice obtained from split stalks, .54 per cent. ; percentage of juice 20 obtaiuetl from imsplit stalks, 57 per cent., from whicli it would appear tliat iu this case, at least, the previous splitting of the stalks occasioned an appreciable loss iujuice. In plate 27 the apparatus used iu those exi)6riment8 is figured, showing the relative position of mill, pans, &c. Two pans only are represented as being in use, viz : the defecating pan upon the left hand in the wood-cut and the evaporator upon the right band. The stop-cocks by which the contents of the defecating pan are removed is not shown in the plate, being concealed by the small evaporator in front. A space of about two feet separates the brick work underneath the several pans, x>ermitting one to pass easily about them. The apparatus represented in the rear is used for making sulphui'oas acid solution, and consists of a small-sized hot water tank for kitchen range, about 40 inches long and 10 inches diameter. Into this powdered charcoal and oil of vitriol are put, and the sulphurous gas is passed through iron pipes into a wasb-bottle containing oil of vitriol, and from thence into a barrel nearly filled with water. A safety tube is con- nected with the wash-bottle to prevent any possible rushing back of the water into the generator in case of the Avithdrawal of the heat. By this apparatus a barrel or two of the solution may be made in a short time and at an expense not over 75 cents per barrel. For two barrels there would be required 75 pounds of oil of vitriol and 7 pounds of powdered charcoal. A few of the experiments made give a reasonable basis for estimating the ])robable yield of sirup and sugar to the acre ; and, therefore, an approximate estimate of the cost of producing sugar. Below is a tabulated result of a few of the experiments from stalks grown iipou the gi'ounds of the department. These stalks were grown in rows 3 feet apart, and in drills, and although a good crop, there is no doubt but that upon good land the esti- mated yield to the acre could be obtained : ^ 2 ° o Chinese sorghum | 38, 600 Liberian sorghiim ; 33, 727 Early Amber sorghum ' 32, 415 Honduras sorghum CG, 151 PearlmiUet.A 65,000 Field corn , 27,240 2, 096 2,472 2,100 3, 652 1,846 1,166 2,397 2,609 2,615 5,168 3,128 3,673 3,783 3,661 7.537 4, 865 1. 807 The first and second columns give the results actually secured, but the several juices were not in their best condition as compared with the resiilts given in the first table. The third column is the amount of sii-up the same weight of stalks would have yielded had they been cut at the proper time. The juice obtained from the stalks by the im- perfect means at command of the department was little more thau half the amount present in the stalks. The fourth column represents the results attainable by the use of a mill that would give 70 per cent, of juice from the stalks; a result which is possible, and which is claimed by manufacturers of mills. There is no doubt but that, when the present industry shall have secured the em- ployment of the capital and scientific ability which has developed the beet-sugar industry, even these results, which may appear extravagant to many, will be assured." Although, as has been stated, these sirups were obtained from stalks in Avhich the maximum content of sugar had not yet been developed, they did, however, all crystal- lize well, and all yielded excellent sugai*. At the present the sugar has been separated from but the Chinese sorghum sirup, which yielded in the first crop of crystals 54.7 i)er cent, of its weight iu sugar ; the Early Amber sirup, which yielded 47.5 per cent, of sugar; and from the field-coru sirup, which yielded 39.3 per cent, of sugar. This latter experiment is worthy of esj)ecial mention, since the result secured is not only most surprising, but contrary to an almost universal belief. The corn-stalks used were of three varieties : Lindsay's Horse Tooth, Improved Prolific, and White Dent ; three coarse-growing white field corns. The stalks grew in drills 3 feet apart, and about 9 or 10 inches apart in the drill. The ears were plucked after they had thoroughly ripened, and the husks were dead and dry. The corn was i^luinp and sound, and yielded at the rate of Gy. I bushels of shelled corn (56 pounds to the bushel) to the acre. The stalks were then topped, stripped, and crushed, and the juice proved to be the best juice yet obtained from corn-stalks, at any period of growth or of any variety. 21 Below are given the results of the examiuation of the stalks of Egyptian sugar-corn, Honduras and Early Amber sorghums, and the leaves from the same. This examina- tion was made for the purpose of determining the loss of sngar in the method employed in its extraction, also to determine the relative nutritive value of the leaves and stalks, pressed and unpressed. The stalks selected were split lengthwise, so that a fair average might be taken, and one-half was dried thoroughly without pressing, and the other half was passed through the mill, and the bagasse, or pressed stalks, care- fully saved and dried. Leaves, stalks, and bagasse from corn and sorghums Egyptian sugar-corn, leaves Egyptian sugar-corn, one-Half of 4 stripped stalks, unpressed Egyptian sugar-corn, one-half of 4 stripped stalks, pressed . . . Honduras sorghum, leaves Honduras sorghum, one-half of 2 stripped stalks, un- pressed. Honduras sorghum, one-half of 2 stripped stalks, pressed Early Amber sorghum, leaves Early Amber sorghum, one-half of 3 stripped stalks, im- pressed. Early Amber sorghum, one-half of 3 stripped stalks, pressed. 380 832 875 432 1,428 1,390 399 651 460 ! 415 47.43 i 724 1 666 47.91 1 1 1 458 j 447 1 • 49.39 116.6 126.0 90.0 100.8 285.3 222. 7 99^7 157.9 147.8 67.3 84.9 88.7 76.7 80.0 84.0 75.0 75.7 A determination of the proximate constituents of the dried leaves, stalks, and bagasse is given below, from which it will appear that there still remains a large amount of sugar in the bagasse which the process employed failed to remove from the cane or stalks, also that the per cent, of starch compounds is greater in the pressed than in the unpressed stalks, and that the percentage of nitrogenous matter remains nearly the same. Since the nutritive value of the pressed stalks is nearly if not quite equal to that of the umpressed stalks, weight for weight, and as they arc left in a mechan- ical condition suitable for their preservation as green fodder by the system of en- silage, it would appear desirable that experiments be made leading to their utiliza- tion for this piu'pose. Proximate analyses of stalks, bagasse, and leaves of sweet corn and sorghum, calculated to the dry substance. "^ 1 e robably true that, owing to immaturity, the tops had not yet attained their maximum content of sugar. A study of the previous tables giving results of the analysis of sorghums shows that up to a certain period the lower half of the cane is the best, but that this does not remain true of the sorghum, as it does of the sugar-cane in Louisiana, since the sorghum does have time to comx^letely mature, which is not true of the sugar-cane in our country. In the following table there have been calculated from the results given of the ex- periments iu the making of sugar the following : 1st. The percentages of the sugar present iu the juices oi>erated upon, which were obtained in the sirup. "2d. The percentage of crystallizable sugar (sucrose) present in the juices Avhich was obtained in the sirup. '.k\. The percentage of uncrystallizable sugar (glucose) iireseut in the juices, which Nvas obtained in the sirup. 4th. The percentage of crystallizable sugar present in the juices, Avhich was inverted by the process of manufacture. 5th. The percentage of uncrystallizable sugar (glucose) destroyed during the process of manufacture. The presence of the same relative proportions of crystallizable and uncrystallizable sugar in a sirup to those present in the juice trom which thissrup has been prepared, by no means implies that there has been no inversion of the crystallizable sugar; for the destructive action of an excess of lime upon glucose is well known and is not un- frequeutly made available in the production oi^ sugar. Hence it not unfrequently happens that the relative quantity of crystallizable sugar in the sirup may begre.ill.N- in excess of that present in the juice, even after alarge quantity of the crystal]!;-;il)li> 24 su'^iu- has been destroyed by iuversiou. It is only possible ilien to dotevmiue the char- acter oi" the changes which have taken place in the sugars during the process of manu- facture, by quantitatively determining the amounts of sucrose and glucose in the juices and in the sirups prepared from them. Since, obviously, this is a question of the greatest practical importance, as bearing upon the profitableness of the production of sugar Ixom corn-stalks or sorghum, the tables following will be studied with interest by those engaged in this production. As will have been observed in the previous table, there is a constant but not lini- form discrepancy between the polarizatioii of the sirujis and the amount of crystal- lizable sugar found present by analysis. , Almost invariably the amount of sucrose found, present is somewhat in excess of the a,mount indicated by the polariscope. and this variation is such as to forbid any sup- position that it is the result of error in observation or in analytical work. This explanation may be found by consulting the following tables, by which it ap- pears that, although there is generally about the same amount of glucose in the sirups relative to the amount present in the juice (averaging 97.1 per cent.), there is still evidence of the destruction of au average of 35 per cent, of the glucose. This destruc- tion of glucose appears to be compensated, in part, by the inversion of a certain por- tion of the crystallizable sugar, and this inverted sugar possesses such action upon the polarized ray as to render the results of the polariscope practically worthless. Practically, it appears that the proportion of crystallizal^le sugar present in the juice, which may be obtained in the sirup, de[>ends greatly ujion the condition of the stalks when worked. For, as will be seen, the average amount secured in all these ex- periments was but 77.1 per cent., still in those sirups prepared from canes which were in the proper condition the amount was over 90 per cent, of the crystallizable sugar present in the juice ojierated upon. (See experiments A^os. 6 and 7.) It is not im- probable that even better results may he secured after further experiments shall have perfected the process of manufacture ; but in view of the fact that such results have been attained with such crude and simple ap]>aratns as that employed in the experi- ments liere recorded, this result is highly gratifying. "We may hope then to secure in sirup 90 per cent, of the crystallizable sugar jireseut in the juice operated upon. Xnmlior. fl ° a pa o * d 9 ^ ® fl s^-3 8 . 9 . 10. 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15. It) . 17 . 18 . 19. 20 . 21 . 22. 23. 24 25 26 27 28 29 HO .31 32 82.3 74.7 83.3 8.5.1 94.4 92.9 77.4 89.5 91.8 79.0 82.1 80.4 86.4 95.6 66.7 66.1 76.0 80.2 89.1 91.7 57.7 87.1 9.5.7 69.7 79.8 67.5 68.9 98.7 138.3 102.1 106.0 107.8 120.9 103.6 127.7 96.5 90.7 91.2 91.3 114.5 98.6 110.6 33.3 33.9 24.0 19.8 10.9 8.3 42.3 12.9 4.3 30.3 20.2 32.5 31.1 1.3 0.0 31.8 18.0 12.0 4.7 14.6 16.4 13.6 39.1 28.9 18.0 32. 5 87.4 75. 5 71.8 70.1 87.2 86.3 90.8 83.3 08.8 OS. 7 77.2 82.9 85.6 69.3 96.7 < 103. 5 80.4 71.3 96.8 87.2 98.3 16.7 31.2 30. 3 22. 8 17.1 14.4 30.7 20.0 27.7 49.9 51.5 20.3 27.2 32.4 102. 2 58. 3 79^2 102.7 29.7 102.0 25.8 37.5 70.3 71.2 144.5 133.7 ... 1 96. 1 98.5 79.2 110.1 92.8 96.1 1 133.2 .. 1.5 20.8 8.7 1 85. 4 24.7 ' lis 5 1 84 9 77.5 9.3.7 22. 5 28.8 1 - 77.1 97.0 34.7 25 Tlie results obtaiuod iu the expcriinents liuidc with stalks i'roiii Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn are most remarkable and demand ex])lauatiou. It will be seen that the Juice obtained from these stalks gave in the laboratory excellent results, and promised a sirup of fine quality. By reference to the tables it will be seen, however, that these sirups (see experiments Nos. 26 and 27) were wholly abnormal and very disappointing. These stalks were cut in Frederick, Md., Octoljer 11, packed iu a close car, and, through an oversight, allowed so to remain during oppressively hot weather until the 15th. They were worked up on the 16th, 17th, aiul 18th. Upon their arrival at Washington they were found so heated as to render their removal from the car even difficult, and yet, as will be seen, the juice expressed from them appeared of excellent quality, but every attempt to produce from it a crysfcallizable sirup failed, and an analysis of the sirup showed that a very large percentage of the sugar had been inverted (in exper- iments Xos. 26 and 27), and that the destruction of glucose in the sirup had been un- usually large, Avhile the amount of crystallizable sugar present in the juice, and re- covered in the sirup, was less than 30 per cent. A few of the results attained appear to be only explicable upon the supposition that there have been slight errors in analysis, but revision of the work fails to reveal such errors, and the results are given in full without omission, hoi>ing that future investi- gntion may enable us to solve difficulties which at present appear irreconcilable. Compailsou of the upper and lower halves of sor(/hum-canes. Per cent. Average per cent, of water in 17 specimens of Chinese sorghum tops . . 73. 0,5 Average per cent, of water in 16 specimens of Chinese sorghum butts.. 74. 46 Average per cent, of water in 20 specimens of sorghum tops . . 72. 57 Average per cent, of water in 20 specimens of Honduras sorghum., .butts.. 76. 15 Average per cent, of water in 23 specimens of Liberian sorghum tops.. 71. 67 Average per cent, of water in 23 specimens of Liberian sorghum butts.. 75.22 Average per cent, of water iu 22 specimens of Early Amber sorghum . . .tops . . 72. 73 Average per cent, of water in 22 specimens of Early Amber sorghum. butts.. 72. 13 Average per cent, of juice from 10 specimens of Chinese sorghum tops.. 45. 17 Average per cent, of juice from 10 specimens of Chinese sorghum., .butts.. 49. 89 Average per cent, of juice fronr 16 specimens of Honduras sorghum. ..tops.. 42. 88 Avecimeus of Liberian sor- ghum butts.. 16. 71 Average per cent.-^f solid matter in juice from 19 specimens of Early Amber sorghum tops.. 17.59 Average per cent, of solid matter in juice from 21 specimens of Early Amber sorjrhuni * butts . . 16. 75 26 Per cent- Avei'age jjcr cent, of water iu tops, 79 specimens 72. 45 Average jier cent, of Avater in bntts, 79 specimcDS 74. .51 • Average per cent, of juice from tops, 50 si)ecimens 43. 9<) Average ]3er cent, of juice from butts, 51 specimens 40. 90 Average per cent, of solids in juice from tops, 77 sjiecimens 16. IS Average per cent, of solids in juice from butts, 80 specimens IG. Q2 Average specific gravity of juice from tops, 84 specimens 10. 71 Average specific gravity of juice from butts, 84 specimens 10. 70 From tlie above comparison it will ajjpear tliat there exists no marked diftereuce in the amount of juice present in the upper and lower halves of the canes, nor iu the quality of this juice as indicated by either the relative specific gravities or the total amount of solid matter present in the juices. But by reference to the previous tables, giving the results in detail, the fact will appear in the case of each of the sorghums examined that, during the early stages of development of these plants, the total sugars present iu the juices is comparatively low, often not one-third of the maximum afterwards found in the plant, and conse- quently the amount of sirup possible to be made from this immature cane is propor- tionately less than that w^hich the same stalks would yield when fully matured. It will also appear that, during this early and inmiature state of the plant, the rela- tive amount of crystallizable sugar (sucrose) as compared with the total sugars i)resent is much greater in the lower half of the canes. This condition remains, ai>parently, until the seed has reached the milky state, at which time the juices iu both parts of the plant appear to be of equal value. But it must not be understood that the maxi- mum content of sugar in the x>lant has been reached at this period of development, since, as will be seen by the tables, this is far from the fact. From this period in the plant's development until the perfect ripening of the seed, the juices appear to uniformly increase iu their content of crystallizable sugar, and to decrease in their couteut of uncrystallizable sugar. Still later in the history of the iilant there appears a slight deterioration in the qual- ity of the juice from the lower half of the stalk, and it is found generally to be some- Avhat inferior to the juice from the upper half. It appears probable that this deterioration of the juice from the lower part of the cane marks the incipient stages of death and the ultimate decay of the plant, the roots and leaves failing in their office to supply the full amount of nourishment which the plant requires. It begins to feed ux)on itself, so to speak, and it is to be observed that at this period the oif-shoots from the upper ^j^aints of the stalk begin a vigorous growth and appear to live as parasites upon the parent stalk. It will appear also that at the first examinations the specific gravity of the juices from the lower half of the cane is almost invariably greater than that of the juices from the upper halves, and that an equality of specific gravity apjiears to indicate an equality between the juices in their content of sugar not oulj^, but in its relative pro- portions of sucrose and glucose. Proximate analyses have been made of the seed of two varieties of sorghum, the early amber and the Chinese, the results of which are given below. It will be seen that this seed difiers but little in composition from the other cereals, aud closely resembles com, and it will doubtless prove valuable as food for farm stock. • Sorghum seeds. !Early amber. Chinese. Moisture 10.57 1.81 4.60 1.91 2.64 7.34 1.10 C8.55 1.48 9 93 Ash 1 47 Fat o <)5 Sugars '' 70 Albumen, insoluble in alcohol Albumen, soluble in alcohol Gum 2.04 6.90 Starch, color, &c TO 17 1 52 100. 00 100. 00 Moisture was estimated from loss by drying at 105° C. Ash, by simple ignition ; total albuminoids from total nitrogen multiplied by 6.25. Under "sugars'' is given that portion of the 80 per cent, alcohol extract which was found soluble in water. The insoluble portion of this alcohol extract included a little red coloring matter, but otherwise seemed to be identical with the "zein" of maize. Gum was extracted by 27 water, after use of ether and alcohol. Fat Avas extracted dirc('My from the saiu]>le by absolute ether ; it was 'yt'Howish, semi-solid, and very much resembled the fat simi- larly extracted from corn. Starch, color, &c., were determined by difference. la early amber there was found 64.0.^) per cent., and in Chinese sorghum (54.74 per cent, of starch by titration, with Fehliug's solution of an acid extract made after extractiou with ether, alcohol, and water. Crude liber is that portion, ash free, Avhich still remains insoluble after treatment of the sample with ether, alcohol, water, dilute hydrochloric acid, and dilute potassie hydrate. It is usuallj^ Avhite or slightly gray, and free from nitrogen. Proximate analyses have also been made of the scum and sediment obtained in defe- cating the juice, with a view of throwing light upon the chemical character of this important process. The results of these analyses are given below. Liberian lime pre- cipitate. Moisture Ash Chlorophyll and wax Sngars Kesins '>jid trace albumen . . . Gum Albuminoids Humus-like substances, diff . Crude fiber Starch isomers 9.77 21.69 17.60 10.80 -3.61 6.02 22.58 - 5. 73 2.20 Trace. 100. 00 Honduras lime pre- cipitate. 7.69 7.00 8.95 43.96 3.26 11.40 4.55 12. 71 .48 Trace. 100. 00 Honduras skimmings. 5.72 14.39 14.44 15. oe 5.08 11.10 8.05 5.58 5.4S^ 15.18 100.00 The large amount of ash in Liberian lime precipitate and Honduras skimmings is due to the isreseuce of considerable clay, which had been used to hasten the clarifica- tion of the juice. There was little or no clay present in Hoiuluras lime precipitate. The claying seems mechanically to have carried down a large proportion of the alba- men in the Liberian lime precipitate. The very great difference in these waste products is probably due almost wholly to differences in the manipulation of the juices. Very probably there exists in lim^ precipitates a combined organic acid ; this will be investigated in the future. Whoever may detect error ui the methods employed, or in the results .stated, will confer a favor by mentioning the same. It is certainly most desirable that these experiments be continued upon a larger scale, and Avith at a dozen Aarieties of sorghum and an equal number of A^arie- ties of sweet, yellow, and Avhite com. At least an aci'e of each A^ariety should be grown, and the dcAelopment of each should be watched through the season, and Avhen the proper time for Avorking up the crop has come, let the acre be worked up for sugar. Such an experiment Avould require little outlay and be productive of invaluable results. It would require at least three or four assistants additional iji the chemical laboratory to attend to the continued analy- ses of the canes, and would necessitate a somewhat larger api)aratus for AVorking up the crop. The corresjiondence addressed to this diA-ision upon this subject of sugar has steadily increased until it requires nearly all the time of one assistant to attend to it. V THE PERMAXGAN.\TE PROCESS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF SUGARS IN JUICES. 1. Preparation of the juice. Usually two stalks were selected for analysis. Their maturitv, as shown by the development of blossoms, seeds, and the color and condition of the glumes, was re- corded. Then were noted — a. The Aveight of the unstripped stalks. h. The weight of the stripped and topped stalks, and, by difference, the weight of leaves and tops. c. The aA'erage leng-th and diameter of the stripped stalks. These stripped stalks Avere then divided so that tops and butts were of equal weight. Then was found — d. The average length each of tops and butts. The tops and butts Avere then sepa- rately analyzed. Each \yj itself was cut finely with a hatchet, and then bruised in an iron mortar. The bruised mass Avas then placed in a small bag, and submitted to a heavy pressure in an ordinary iron press. * 28 The expressed juiee was collected and weighed, aud the percentage calculated to the imstripped stalks taken. The juice thus obtained usually was greenish from the presence of chlorophyll. As the plant matured, the color of the juice inclined to amber, and in perfectly ripe stalks (especially of the Early Amber variety) the color was red, from the presence, in the central portion of the stalk, of a red coloring matter sparingly soluble in ether, readily dissolved bj"- 80 per cent, alcohol. The specific gravity of the juice was determined usually by a x^ikuometer. It was fouml that the readings given by an accurate hydrometer accorded well with the .specific gravity indicated by weight, if the juice was iireviously allowed to stand for about half an hour, to allow included air to escape. A weighed portion of the juice was dried, at a heat not exceeding lOO^^ C, until two successive weights showed but little variation ; the percentage of residue thus found was stated as total solids in juice. These figures can be regarded only as fair ai>proxi- matious, for chemists are well aware of the difficulties attending the perfect desicca- tion of saccharine juices. In this connection, however, the results are valua,ble as checks upon the sugar determinations. For determination of sugars in the juice" 100 c. c. were taken, aud made in every case to 125 c. c. by addition of solution of subacetate of lead and water. Among other sub- stances precipitated by tiie treatment were cbloroiihyll, albumenoid matter, gum, and lead salts of the inorganic acids of the ash. The li(xid was filtered perfectly clear through dry papei-, aud was sometimes colorless and sometimes amber. Every 10 c. c. of this li(iuid repieseuted 6 c. c. of the original juice. For the determination of inverted sugar, 10 c. c. of this filtered li(iuor were taken, and for sucrose ^ c. c. The portion for glucose was treated with considerable excess of Fehliug's solution, and carefully heated on the w^ater-bath, a thermometer being inserted in the liquid, which was not allowed to rise above 75° C. At tliis temperature perfectly pure sucrose does not reduce Febliug's solution in the least. The iiortion for sucrose was inverted by boiling half an hour with sliglit excess of dilute hydrochloric acid. The inverted sugar thus formed was then treated with large excess of Fehliug's solution, exactlj"- as above described, except that it was not neces- sary to keep the temperature lower than the heat of the water-bath (100^ C. ). The precipitated red suboxide of copper was then thoroughly washed with hot water by decantatiou aud filtration (without aspiration usually) through fine paper. It was then dissolved in an acid (sulphuric) solution of ferric sulphate, aud the amount of ferrous salt determined b}^ titration with potassium permanganate. This method for determining glucose depends upon the following facts : 1. That two molecules (360 parts by weight) of glucose (Cg Hin O,;) will reduce from Fehliug's solution five molecules of cuprous oxide"(5 Cuj O). 2. That the five molecules of cuprous oxide thus precipitated will reduce in acid sol. five molecules of ferric sulphate (Fcn (S O4) 3) to form ten molecules (1,.520 parts by weight) of ferrous sulphate (Fe. S 0^) as is explained by the following equation: 5 Cu3 O ? , 5 5 Fe. (S 04)3 ? , 316.2 parts ^ "^ ^ 784 parts ^ ~ { 2,000 parts ^ "*" \ 302 parts S "^ S K0SO4 > , { 8H.2O ^ +! \ 174.2 parts ^'^\lU parts i By following this explanation, it appears that two molecules of glucose are exactly represented by one molecule of potassium permanganate, as will ajqiear from the fol- lowing, by omitting the second aud third members of the series. Thus: j 2 Co Hi, Oo \_<, 5 Cu.2 O ^_roblem. CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION. Of your several inquiries there remains to be considered only the ques- tion of statistics relative to the consumption and i^roductiou of sugar in the United States. Perhaps I cannot make better reply to this inquiry than has already been made in my annual report for 1S78. In that report the consunvp- fion from 1866 to 1878 inclusive for the entire country is given as follows : Pounds. Pouutls. 1866 1,012,799,904 | 18?:5 . 1.525,974,^71 1867 870,.526,017 I 1874 1.705,19:5,954 1868 1,195,120,41:? I 1875 ■.. 1.859,159,674 1869 I,:i09,847,125 I 187G 1,604,947,164 1870 1,306,202,065 I 1877 1,7:31.57:^.553 1871 1,327, 456, :300 \ 1878 1,991.744.160 IS72 1,565,760,616 | For the same years t^o, production of cane sugar in the United States was as follows : Pounds. j . Pounds. 1866 47,150,000 1873 102,922,700 1867 43,294,050 1868 96,894,400 1869 100, 153, 500 1870 "... 166,613,1.50 1871 147,730,150 1874 134,504,691 1875 163,418,070 1876 190,672,570 1877 147, 101, 941 1878 2.57, 094, 160 1872 124,798,000 | 1879 210,670,000 In addition to this amount of sugar from cane there were produced, from 1866 to 1877 inclusive, 459,031,151 pounds of maple sugar. The consumption of sugar for the year 1879 was within a small frac- tion of 40 pounds per capita of our population, being an increase of nearly 10 pounds per capita since the decade of 1860-70 and of 15 pounds since the decade 1850-'60. From these and other tables in our possession, it is found that over and above the amount of all sugars produced in the United States since 1849 we have consumed during the same period not less than eighteen hundred and odd millions of dollars' worth of foreign sugars and their allied products, or an amount of sugar more than equal in Aalue to all the precious metals mined in the country since the disco\'ery of gold in California, and nearly equal to the public debt at the present time. Es- timating the population of the United States at 50,000,000, and multi- plying this number by the pounds (40) per capita consumed in 1879, we have for the consumption of that year a total of 2,000,000,000 jjounds. Of this amount 1,74:3,560,000 pounds, or more than 80 per cent., besides 38,395,575 gallons of molasses (the whole valued at $75,017,145, or, duty added, $114,516,745), were imported. To bring the vast amount ot 33 sugar imported into tlie countiy within more easy comprelieiisiou, we have only to imagine five vessels of nearly 500 tons each and loaded with sugar arriving daily at our ports each day in the year. To convey the whole amount consumed would require five trains of twenty cars each starting daily for one thousand days. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, WM. G. LE DUG, Commissioner. ILLUSTRATIONS OF SUGAR PLANTS. Of tlie followiug plates the first four represent varieties of sugar-caue growu, duriug the past season, on tlie gronuds of the Department of Agriculture at Washington and used in the experiments of the Chemical Division, as detailed in Professor Collier's accompanying report. The drawings were made by a gentleman employed in the departinent. The designations given them are somewhat different from those current in some parts of the country, but are conformed to what are believed to be the most authoritative standards. Plate I represents the Early Amber sugar-cane, the favorite variety with planters in Minnesota and the Northwest. What is now called the Minnesota Early Amber cane is claimed as an improvement upon the Early Amber varieties growing formerly in differeut parts of Minnesota, by Hon. Seth M. Kenny and Mr. C. F. Miller, of that State. Acting on the theory tliat cane in a high latitude will degenerate if grown continuously from its own seed, these gentlemen selected the finest specimens of seed from their own crops and sent them to a southern latitude to )je grown. The seed product of this'sonthern growth was returned to Minnesota. By this alternation of seed, and by other intelligent processes of culture, they have succeeded in establishing a new and permanent variety, which they claim to be more productive in weight of cane and to contain a higher per cent, of saccharine matter than any other grown in that State. This claim needs to be substantiated by more careful and extended ob- servations before it can be said to be fully established. Messrs. Kenny and Miller describe the Early Amber cane as presenting "the char- acteristics of both sorgo and imphee." By sorgo they mean the Chinese sorgo (Plate II), and by imphee, the White Liberian (Plate III), ami its kindred African varieties. The Early Amber receives its name from its early ripening and from the bright amber color wliich characterizes its sirup when properly made. It is very rich in saccharine matter. When scientifically treated its products are destitute of that peculiar " sorghum" taste formerly complained of; the flavor is very similar to that of pure honey. The sirup readily granulates and yields sugar equal to the best ribbon cane of Louisiana. The Early Amber cane on the department grounds did not grow quite so tall as the White Liberian. Its seed-heads were of moderate fullness and of very dark color. Plate II shows the Chinese sorgo cane grown on the department grounds. Its height is about that of the Early Amber. Its seed-heads are fuller and more compact and somewhat resemble a head of sumac; hence the synonym " sumac cane." It is also known as " Chinese cane." Plate III represents the White Liberian cane grown on the department grounds. This variety is rather taller than the Early Amber. The stalk curves at the top, leav- ing the liead pendent ; hence the synonym " Gooseneck." It is also styled a variety of" the White Imphee. The seed-heads are shorter, more compact, and of lighter color than the Early Amber. • Plate LV shows the Honduras cane grown on the department grounds. It grows about one-half taller than either of the above varieties. Its seed-top is of reddish brown and spreading ; hence its synonym " Sprangle Top." It is also called " Masto- don " and •' Honey cane." B. MINNESOTA CANE GROWERS' CONVENTION. A numerous and intelligent convention of the Early Amber cane growers and manu- factirrers of Minnesota was held at Minneapolis, January "i^, 1880. The Commissioner had The pleasure of attending this convention and secured a phonographic report of its proceedings. As it embraced men of scientific attainuients and of specific acquaint- o AG 34 ance with this new branch of productive industry, the discussions were remarkable for the vast number of facts and principles already accumulated in their experience. Of these it is proposed to furnish, here, an abstract showing the drift of opinion upon all the points of culture and manufacture. There were some differences in the opinions expressed as to the availability of new land and, as usual in such cases, experiences varied. Some having expressed the fear that new land Avill impart a strong flavor to the cane-sirup, Mr. Wiley, who had large experience in both culture and manufacture, emphaticallj" denied the fact. He said that while old laud might produce a sirup of brighter color it was not at all better in taste. An advantage in nsiug new timber land is found in the small amount of cul- tivation required. Costly culture on old laud will not pay in opposition to cheap culture on new land. Mr. Wiley had paid as high as $1.5 per acre for hoeing. New land is comparatively free from foul seed and consequently less liable to a troublesome growth of weeds. On the other hand Colonel Coleman, of the Saint Louis Rural World, and others contended that old land required less cultivation and produced better results. It was suggested that if it were necessary to clear old land of weeds or to fertilize it with barn-yard manure, a crop of corn should be grown upon it before planting the cane. The general opinion was in favor of a sandy upland soil, well drained, but not freshly manured. In regard to manuring, facts were alleged to show that it spoiled the flavor of the sirup. A farmer had selected for his cane patch an old cow-yard. The stalks were tall and luxuriant, but the siruji would nearly "take ott' the skin of the mouth." The great majority of opinion was in favor of the indefinite repetition of this crop on the same soil. The president of the convention mentioned the case of a neighbor who had cultivated the same ground most successfully for seven years without deterioration, his product ranging from 2.50 to 3U0 gallons of sirup per acre. Mr. Day and Mr. Dyer, of Hastings, corroborated this opinion from their own experience. The latter thought that his continued crops improved not only in quantity but also in quality. The soil required for the cane is not necessarily very rich. A gentleman planted several knolls, too poor for wheat, in cane, and realized 200 gallons per acre of excel- lent sirup. PREPAKATION OF THE GROUND. The general opinion was in favor of fall plowing. Mr. Farmer plows in August putting the plow to the beam. This caused all foul seed and especially ])igeon grass to germinate in the fall and to be killed by winter freezing. Another advantage of fall plowing was that the crop was less liable to injury from droughts in the early season. Mr. Bozarth, of Iowa, after twenty-one years' experience in raising cane was decidedly in favor of fall plowing. In one case a portion of his cane patch, replowed in spring, yielded but half as much sirup as that which had been only fall plowed. On the other hand, Mr. E. A. Chapman, of Windham, had "demonstrated that a very large crop of cane can be raised the first year on the open prairie, and at the first breakage." He had "broken 2 acres with the La Dow harrow, harrowing it com- pletely, and it produced the best cane out of 5 acres." It was planted June 1, on black, loam soil. He believes that with the La Dow harrow "large crops can be raised on new breakings." "It did the work so well that several farmers got down on their knees to look at the soil ; it looked so much like old soil." Those who practiced fall plowing were careful to stir the ground in the spring in order to destroy the weeds. Mr. Farmer, when the ground becomes sufficiently warm in the spring, goes over it with the Beaver Dam seeder and then with the drag and roller. This treatment ef- fectually disposes of the grass, which point was generally considered of first impor- tance. ^ TIME OF PLANTING. There was soane discussion on this point. The drift of opinion was expressed by the following resolution : "Besolved, That the cane be planted as early as it is possible to work the ground properly, avoiding late frosts." The ground should be well warmed before the seed is placed in it. In Minnesota the avei-age seeding time is in the fore part of May, though several growers had been successful with plantings still earlier. The president of the conventiou thought that planting should not be quite so early on ground impregnated with grass seed. Mr. Wiley advised against planting till the season was warm enough to germinate the seed quickly. He had had later plantings which produced better than some earlier ones. A late spring frost might cut down early plantings and before they grew again the pigeon grass was apt to start up profusely. Mr. Wood had seen a 'field of cane 35 some 8 or 10 iuches liiglier than a uoigliboring field. He found that in the former case the seed had lain in the ground all winter and the latter had been planted early in spring. Experience and discretion were considered requisite to settle for each locality the exact time of planting as they are in all other cultures. VARIETIES OF SORGHUM. In a more southern latitude the cane grower may have considerable range of choice between ditferent varieties, but for a locality so far north as Minnesota, the Early Am- ber, ripening within the productive season, is the only one that can be relied upon. The Commissioner of Agriculture, General Le Due, by request, gave some very inter- esting facts in regard to the experiments with different sugar plants under the direc- tion of the chemist of the department. The Early Amber cane was tested July 18, when the .seed-head was just out, and showed 3.77 per cent, of glucose and 4.43 per cent, of sucrose. It was again tested August 16, 29 days afterwards, and found to contain but 1.54 per cent, of glucose, while the sucrose had risen to 14.67 per cent. Here was indi- cated a most important chemical change, in which not only the sucrose was enlarged, but over half of the grape sugar or glucose changed to cane sugar or sucrose. A third examination, September 16, 31 days afterwards, when the seed was ripe, hard, and dry. showed a still further enlargement of the sucrose to 15.95 per cent., and a still further absorption of the glucose, of which 0.65 j>er cent, was detected by analysis. Another examination, not long afterwards and'just following a severe frost, showetl little or no change, the sucrose had increased to 17 percent, and the glucose to 1.00. These experimental results place the Early Amber almost on a par with the best Louisiana cane. The departmental experiments included several other varieties of sorghum and other sugar plants. The Chinese cane was examined at the same times that the Early Am- ber, and gave the following results. When the seed-head was just out, there was 5.55 per cent, of glucose and but 1.85 per cent, of sucrose ; when the seed was hard and dry, there were developed 1.85 per cent, of glucose and 13.90 of su.crose ; after the frost, the glucose had enlarged to 1.85 and the sticrose had declined to 13.10. The White Liberian cane showed its maximum of sucrose 15.20 per cent., and its minimum of glu- cose 0.95 per cent., when its seeds were dry. The Honduras, before the seed-head was out, gave 5.13 per cent, of glucose and 1.20 per cent, of sucrose; when the seed was hardening, its glucose had fallen to 1.30 per cent, and its sucrose had risen to 15.10. The Louisiana cane of 1879 gave a maximum of but 12.47 per cent, of sucrose ; the growth of 1878 gave 16 per cent. The fact seems sufficiently evident that the sorghum as a sugar plant contains an amount of crystallizable sugar fully equal to the Loui- siana cane. SEED. It was suggested that by steei)iug the seed in warm water for 24 to 48 hours it would become sprouted, and hence would grow more rapidly. But, on the other hand, it was lu-ged that a dry season would kill the sprouted seed and the crop would be a fail- ure. Nature porvides the most opportune moistening. The weight of opinion was decidedly in favor of seed brought from the latitude of Saint Louis. Some cane-growers had sent their seed to Missouri and Kansas to have a crop grown and its seed returned. Among the decisive facts reported, Mr. Miller stated that his seed imported from Southern Indiana 11 years before had produced on its first sowing stalks from 12 to 15 feet high ; but by planting the seeds of each crop its suc- cessor showed a declining height of cane until it grew but 7 or 8 feet high. Mr. Wylie had averaged, with seed brought from the South, 273 gallons per acre ; the following y^ar, using his own seed, he obtained but 223 gallons, a falling off of 50 gallons. The president of the convention had found, as a general thing, that the deterioration of seed was not very marked till the third year. The Southern seed did not excel so much in an earlier ripening of the crop as in its increased product, the excess, in some cases, amounting to one-third. The sentiment of the convention was expressed in the following resolution: " JResolvcd, That Early Amber cane-seed, grown in the latitude of Saint Louis, is the best seed for Minnesota for two years." The seed has a value of its own for consumption on the farm. It was pronounced excellent for feeding hogs, sheep, or poultry. The 5 or 6 tufts growing upon a hill of cane were estimated as equal in feeding value to three average ears of corn. A mem- ber of the convention pi'onouuced it equal to oats. Another liad found that the seed fed to sheep made the lleeoe look lively and iJolished. PLANTING. Plant just deep enough to secure moisture. Hence, earlier plantings should be shal' lower than late ones. There was some difference of opinion as to the arrangement of the hills. The president of the convention, Mr. Kenny, plants in rows 3^ feet each. 36 way and uses 2 pounds of seed per acre or 6 or 7 seed to the hill ; at the second hoeing he thins them out. Mr. Day marks the rows 3 feet each way. Seed should be planted not down in the trough of the marking furrow Avhere a heavy rain is apt to wash it away, but on the edge. Mr. Wiley plants from 15 to IS inches one way and 3 feet the other way, the rows running north and south, thus doubling the number of hills planted by Mr. Day. A tract of 4 acres sown broadcast was repor'ted as producing at the rate of 450 gallons per acre. Mr. Miller practiced stepping upon the seed as they were placed in the ground. Several planters present sanctioned this practice, urging that the close pi-essure of the soil around the seed enables it to germinate more rapidly. It was objected that step- ping the seed caused the ground to bake, but it was replied that this was tiie case only with wet clay ground. CULTIVATION OF THE CROP. The leading point presented in the culture of cane is keeping it clear of weeds. This requires prompt action with the hoe, drag, and cultivator. A grain farmer suggested the use of Thomas's harrow, of 90 steel teeth, but the general sentiment was that the cane-plants were too tender for any such treatment. It should be thoroughly hoed until large enough to cultivate witlx the jjIow or cultivator. TIME TO CUT THE CANE. Mr. Whiting had found the best results from early cuttings, but admitted tluit iu the later cuttings it was the extreme hot weather that had changed tlie sucrose to glu- cose. The president thought the proper time was when .the seed is in the stiff dough, or from August 28 to September 1. It seems to improve for a few days, hut afterwards it begins to decline in saccharine matter. The earlier the cutting after the seeorator, of which three sizes are for sale. These pans are 44 inches wide and from 6 to 9 feet in length, ranging from 40 to 90 gallons jier day. When tlie pans are of galvanized iron, the prices are. re- spectively, $65, $75, and $85. With copper pans the prices are from $55 to $70 higlier. Each contains a portable furnace. The whole can be lifted into a wagon bj' two men and transported from field to field with a light Victor mill, and thus save the transpor- tation of the cane. Plate VIII, Fig. 2, represents a " Cook" stationary evaporator, of which there are seven sizes, adapted to corresponding sizes of the Victor mills. They ai"e bedded upon brick or stone arches, and are 44 inches wide, ranging in length from 6 to 15 feet. Their capacity is from 40 to 180 gallons jjer day, and their price from $30 to $90 for galvanized-irou pans, and from $80 to $210 for copper ]>ans. Furnace fronts and doors cost from $5.50 to $8 ; grates, from $4 to $8. Plate IX represents still larger sizes of these pans. Plate X represents a complete sugar factory, the size and cost of which must neces- sarily vary with the number of acres of sugar-cane to be worked up. A is the juice - tank ; the juice, after running from the crushing-mill into a tank on a lower level, is pumped up to thejuice-tank in the upper portion of the building. B is the defecator for the elimination of crude impurities. C C are settling tanks; D, supply tauk from which the evaporator is fed ; E, a Cook evaporator : F, supply-tank for the strike-pan ; G, strike-pan, in which the semi-siruj) is reduced to the proper consistency for sugar ; H H, receptacles for scum ; I, truck for carrying the sirup to the sugar room ; J, the sugar-room, with cooling-boxes, barrels, &c. ; here an even temperature is kept up to assist granulation ; here, also, the sugar is drained and stored. Plate XI represents a steam plant, or steam train, consisting of a duplex mill for grinding the cane. It has two sets of housing, and each set two rollers. Each stand of housing and rollers is placed 6 or 8 feet from centers, and the intermediate space occupied by an endless carrying- frame traveling in the same direction as the rotation (if the wheels, and at the same speed. The cane is fed to one set of rolls, called the roughing-roUs, which slit and crush it. It is then received by the carrying-frame of wooden slats and carried to the other set of rolls. It is moistened, on its way, by a spray of water thrown by a steam jet. This saturates and fluxes the sucrose, not yet extracted, which is then obtained. This residuum, though diluted with water, is the richest of the whole. This mill, when properly fed, will grind from 5 to 6 tons of eaue in twenty-four hours. Plate XII is a vertical view of the last. Plate XIII is a defecating tauk 8 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 2 feet deep. Over the bottom is spread a manifold of steam pipe, and contains a strainer through which the juice, perfectly clear, can be drawn off. The tank may be cleansed with pure water for a fresh filling. Each tank-full can be handled in thirty minutes. Two of these tanks are connected with the mill, and are ample for defecating 600 gallons per hour. Plate XIV represents au evaporator G feet in diameter and 4 feet deep. Each is furnished with coils of steain-pi[ie 125 feet long, and a diaphragm directing the cur- rents of evolution over the steam-coils up the outside and down the middle axis. In the center of the pan is an adjustable, funnel-shaped skimmer, which may be raised or lowered, so as to be on a level with the surface of the boiling juice. It catches all the scum gathered by the currents and delivers it through a pipe penetrating the bot- tom, outside of the evaporator. Two evajwr ators will reduce 600 gallons of defecated juice to one-half the volume in an hour and a half. Plate XV represents the concentrator, which differs from the evaporator by having a. closed top and a water-jet condenser, producing a vacuum. In this vacuum 600 gallons of evaporated juice are reduced to 200, or only one-sixth the volume that en- tered the evaporator. This i-educed liquid is called semi -sirup, and can be stored in tanks or shipped in barrels to a refinery, or reduced to a dense sirup in a vacuum-pan constructed very much on the same plan as the concentrator. A comjilete sugar-mill, embracing the above apparatus, with engines, boilei's, cen- trifugal dryer, tubs, tanks, and all other necessary appliances for making sirup and sugar, will cost about $10,000. Plate XVI represents a A'ery heavy crushing mill. The smallest size of this series of mills has rollers 12 inches in diameter and 20 inches long, expressing from good ripe cane about 150 gallons of juice per hour. Larger sizes do a proportionately larger share of work. Plate XVII is an " exhaust steam clarifier." Heat is applied to the juice ; the albu- men is coagulated and, the acid neutralized by milk of lime, which also renders insol- 40 iible sundry soluble iuipiu'ities and precipitates tliem. But as au excess of liine attacks the sugar ill the juice it is of special importance that its quantity be resiulated. In this clarifier this is done by means of a vessel fjraduated by inches, each inch correspond- iuj,' to 4^ cubic inches of milk of lime. The total quantity of the lime ranges from 0.01 to 0.03 per cent, of the total weight of the juice. Wlien the proper temperature has been acquired, the scum rises to the top aud begins to break and show bulbs. The proper point of defecation is then considered to have been reached, and the clari- fied sirup is drawn off by means of a double cock iu the bottom of the defecator. The scum and precipitates are discharged through another channel. Plate XVIII is a "direct steam evaporator," which receives the clarified juice from the steam clarifier shown in Plate XVII. The juice is boiled by means of a coiled steam pipe. Tlie resuUing scum boils over into a trough arouud the upper edge of the evap- orator and is itself subjected to defecation afterwards. Plate XIX represents a " steam train" of three clarifiers and one evaporator, repre- sented in Plates XVII and XVIII. This steam train retjuires but few men to work it and is very cleanly in its action. It dispenses with pumps aud ladles. The sirup is fully prepared for the vacuum-pan. Plate XX represents a vacuum-pan. This pan can be placed upon framing or walls built up in the house, but it is considered preferable to support it upon iron columns as in the plate and independent of the building. The elevation should be sufficient to admit of discharging the "strike" into the "centrifugal mixer." The plate shows a vacuum-pan ai-ranged to work on the " wet " system ; that is, in combination Avith a water-pumii. The sirup is boiled at a very low temperatui'c, producing a larger quan- tity and a better quality of crystallized sugar, yet the boiling is so rapid that the sugar does not get time to become inverted. Heat is applied to the sirup by means of a coil of copper pipe filled with steam, which, on being condensed, is conducted back to the boiler. Plate XXI represents a combination styled " Multiple effect." It embraces a direct fire evaporator for the first juice, working under a vacuum in connection with a strike pan with the combined water and vacuum pump, also the mixer aud centrifugal ma- chine. This machinery is especially designed for making sugar from sorghum aud corn- stalks. The process consists in boiling the juice in a tubular or cylindrical boiler very similar to a steam-boiler, the fuel being only the bagasse. The vapor is conducted by pipes to the valves in the vacuum-pan and admitted to the copper coil which serves as a surface condenser. A- vacuum-pump draws off the condensed liquid and the vapors. As the liquid thickens it is passed to the strike-pan where, by means of a higher vacuum, the boiling is perfected into crystal. It is then discliarged into the mixer, where it is gently stirred to prevent "settling." It is then drawn through valves in the bottom of the mixer into the centrifugal, where the molasses is eliminated and the granulated sugar fitted for packing. The molasses is discharged into a tank and reboiled, after which it is passed into cans aud allowed to granulate ; finally, the molasses is eliminated, as in the first run. The only use of a steam-boiler iu this process is to drive the cane-mill and the centrifugal, which will require a small engine. This feature is claimed as a special advantage iu cutting down the expense of the ])roces8. As there will be no very heavy pressure there is no danger of explosion, and conse- quently the boiler may be made less expensive. This method of reducing in vacuo pre- vents carameiization, as the air is kept oft' and only a low heat employed. The prices of this apparatus vary with the results to be obtained. Plate XXII represents a form of centrifugal machine called the "German style." It runs in elastic bearings and does not require to be set in masonry. Its manufacturers claim that it will purge from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds of sugar per hour. Price, $400, with $10 extra for boxing. Plate XXIII represents a " Hanging centrifugal machine," especially adapted to cer- tain classes of gummy sugars. It'reqnires no specific skill in the operator. Price, without frames, $775; witli frames, !|955, or .$900 eacli for two machines ; boxing, $10 for each machine. It is hirger than the German machine described in Plato XXII, and discharges the sugar through th.e bottom. It will purge from 2,000 to 1,000 pounds of sugar per hour. Plate XXIV represents the latest improved centrifugal driven from below. It will purge from 2,5O0 to 5,000 pounds of sugar per hour. Price, with frames, $1,000 ; two ma- chines, $950 each ; a machine without frames, $S50. The sugar is discharged througli the bottom. Plate XXV, Fig. 1, is a cheap home-made evaporator, which can be put together by any ingenious mechanic. It is constructed by putting wooden sides and ends upon a galvanized iron or copper bottom. Plate; XXV, Fig. 2. is a pan for cooling sirup sent by a correspo'idont. Its methoiL is sutfi'jiently clear from the diagram. Plate XXVI represents a newly-invented "evaporator." It is available either for con- centrating cane-ju ice to the density of sirup to be finished in tlie vacuum-pan or, if the vacuum pan is not used, directly up to the point of granulation of sugai*. Th 41 tlefeeated juice is "bronglit tlirongli a. canal sliown on the left of the picture and de- posited continuously in tbe first table of the evaporator. When it has acquired a depth of two inches steam is introduced into the pipes and ebullition immediately commences and the impurities begin to rise. The latter How outward to the sides and are held there l)y a constant outward curreut. They may be removed without any waste of the juice. The discharge of water resulting from condensation is regulated by a valve. The gate is then opened and the juice is passed to the second table where it is subjected to the .same process, and then" to the third table. By the time it is ready to pass from the third table it is reduced to a density varying from 18° to 32° B. It then passes to the strike-pan on the fourth level where it is brought up to the sugar point. It is then drawn, either in a continuous stream or by "strikes," into molds or liogsheads. Not less than 1.5 hogsheads or 30 moulds should be ready for the sirup. These should re- ceive, each in its tnru, about 2 inches depth of the liquid, and when the last lias re- ceived its quota begin again at the head of the series. This method of filling gives the sugar time to crystallize a'Hl cool ; it dispenses with tanks and with a second hand- ling, "it is claimed in behalf of this apparatus that its elimination of impurities at the commencement of the operation, the limited time in which the sugar is subjected to the heat, and the low temperature used, cause only a minimum of inversion of cane sugar into grape sugar. An apparatus producing a cubic yard of sugar per hour is 29 feet long'by 7 feet xNide. It Avill require about 4,000 bricks to construct the walls. These trains are of all sizes desirable, with capacities ranging from 100 gallons per day to 1,500 gallons per hour. Prices from |50 for two small pans to |3,000 for large trains, complete. Plate XXVII represents the Stubbs Evaporator. The first cut shows the pan with two compartments. The first occupies three-fourths of the pan ; the second compart- ment the remaining fourth. The juice enters the first compartment near the smoke- stack in a regular stream, passing around the circle over the fire-box to cross-parti- tions, where it thickens to a senn-sirup. Biiing over the hottest part of the furnace, it raises to a light foam, which breaks to the lowest point where the cool juice enters, not only keeping back the green scum, but carrying all the scum off of thirty feet sur- face, where it is scraped off without loss of sweet. The semi -sirup is turned into the second compartment at intervals to be finished under full control of heat governed by Hlllllllil>!llllHii HANGING CENTEIFUGAL. Fig-. 1. Plate XXV. COMMON FLAT EVAPOEATING PAN. Wooden sides and partition. Fig-. 2. COOLING PAN. The hot sirup passes through the iron pipelmmersed in cold water. Plate XXVII. STUBB'S EVAPORATOR. \ Plate XXVIII. SIGAR MACHINERY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. [United Statps Siiiiar Mill. ExpciinKiits for two yeai'S on jriounds of Depaitmciit of AKiiciiltiire. Uesciiiitioii in the Chciuist's Ki'poit. PlateXXIX. SUGAR MILL IN HINDOOSTAN IN 1800. I Plate XXX. SUGAK MILL IN HINDOOSTAN IN 1800. Plate XXXI. SUGAR MILL IN HINDOOSTAN IN 1800. Plate XXXII. SUGAR MACHINERY IN HIXDOOSTAN IN 17D2. Plate XXXIII. MACHINERY USED IN STEWART'S PROCESS. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 685 932 3 /