028 opy 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1921, No. 3a SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS AND THEIR ASSISTANTS IN SCHOOL SYSTEMS OF CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE By WALTER S.DEFFENBAUGH Specialist in City School Systems, Buieau of Education WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFnCE 1922 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1921. No. 30 SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS AND THEIR ASSISTANTS IN SCHOOL SYSTEMS OF CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE By WALTER S. DEFFENBAUGH Specialist in City School Systems, Bureau of Education WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFHCE 1922 A V.^* <^'^ ^ ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCUEED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY #«iw4MR.iWiiM \iiefsii\ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS a SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS AND THEIR ASSISTANTS IN ? SCHOOL SYSTEMS OF CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE. INTRODUCTION. By P. P. Claxton Only a few years ago the public schools of most of the largest cities of the United States were constantly ''in politics." Superintendents and their assistants all too frequently came and went with changing administrations of city affairs. Individual members of boards, aldermen, or city councils, through political pull obtained the appoint- ment of some teachers and the dismissal of others, thus paying political debts and squaring political animosities. Boards of educa- tion, usually very large, made up chiefly of ward politicians, more or less under the control of the ''bosses" of the wards from which they were appointed or elected and the representatives of which they understood themselves to be, were uncertain both as to their rights and their powers, servilely yielding or stubbornly antagonizing mayors and boards of aldermen that constantly interfered, some- times domineeringly, with their duties. They in turn interfered, both as boards and as individuals, without regard to any sound principles of administration, with the duties of the superintendent of schools and his assistants. Too often there was apparent reason for such interference because of the inefficiency of low-salaried superintendents and the failure of boards to provide the office of the superintendent with a sufficient number of competent and adequately paid administrative assistants. Boards, too large to function effectively as a whole, were subdivided into many stand- ing and special committees which attempted to do, but ineffectively and wastefuUy, a wide range of things that should have been left wholly to the superintendent and his assistants. When they did not thus interfere harmfully, school boards required of the superintendents of schools and their small corps of low-paid assistants, where there were any, a wide range of tasks, which were, because of their variety, number, and size, utterly beyond the ability of educators trained for the schoolroom and interested chiefly in courses of study and methods of teaching. The superintendent was too often expected, with the help only of an inadequate corps of inex- perienced and inefficient clerks, to direct the details of expenditures 1 2 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICERS. of hundreds of thousands or even miUions of dollars, look after the erection of buildings, purchase all fuel and supplies, keep accounts of all receipts and expenditures, employ janitors and supervise their work, serve as sanitary and health inspector, examine teachers, make reports, statistical and other, and look after a thousand and one details of organization and administration — all of which took so much of his time and strength that the important function of direct- ing wisely the educational work of the schools, for which the super- intendent was fitted by disposition and training and for which all else in the school system exists, had to be neglected. In attempting to save thousands of dollars in the salaries of superintendents and their offices, tens and hundreds of thousands were lost through the lack of definite and effective administration, business management, and accounting. Sometimes there was actual antagonism between the board and the superintendent of schools, or at least a total lack of any feeling of authority on the one side or of responsibility on the other. Fre- quently the superintendent could not be held responsible for the work of the schools because he was given little or no authority.. Still more frequently the board could not be held responsible for the efficiency and success of the schools because, although given apparent author- ity, it had little real authority, not being able to control its budget. The board complained of the superintendent, the people complained of both, and the schools failed of their purpose because neither the board nor the superintendent was given the means or the freedom and authority necessary to all good and successful work. Conditions are still far from perfect, but they are much better than they were only a decade or two ago, and are improving. There is a much better understanding of the powers, functions, responsibihties, and methods of procedure, both of boards and of superintendents. They are beginning to understand each other better, to differentiate their functions more clearly, and to respect more the authority and responsibility, each of the other. The people and their representa- tives in legislative bodies and administrative offices have gained a higher conception of the work of the schools and are therefore in- clined to interfere less and to help more by recognizing more fully the authority, the responsibility, and the rights both of school boards and school superintendents, and by voting and appropriating more ade- quate funds for the equipment and support of the schools. For any large city, and in most respects for any small city or town as well, the ideal would probably be somewhat as follows; at least this is what is recommended by the Bureau of Education : I. A small board of five or seven members elected by the people on a nonpartisan ticket from the city at large, or appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Election by the people is more SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. 3 democratic and, in most cases, better than appointment. If the board is appointed, it should be made as nearly as possible nonpar- tisan by stipulating that not more than three out of five or four out of seven members may be of any one political party. The term of office should be for as many years as there are members of the board; the term of one member expiring each year. On an appointive board, no person having served two terms in succession should be eligible for reappointment. Members of the board should be removable only by a majority vote at a properly constituted election or upon conviction of crime or gross neglect of duty. There should be no means, by which the whole or a part of the board could be removed for sinister purpose by the mayor, the city council, or any other political or semi- political body. Members of boards should not be paid a salary. Salaried members of boards are in danger of the temptation of wanting to earn their salaries by administrative activities that should be left to the super- intendent and other employees of the board. The board should regard itself as a legislative and policy-making body like unto the boards of directors of a bank or any other busiriess or industry. Its members should remember that they have no more individual author- ity than have the members of any other legislative body and that when the board is not in session they are only ordinary citizens, subject like all other citizens to the rules and policies of the board itself. No member should ever assume to make promises for the board or to speak for it except when duly authorized to do so. The number of standing and special committees should be reduced to a minimum. A small board with a competent superintendent and administrative staff should have little need of standing com- mittees. The board should elect its own chairman annually and employ a competent secretary from outside its own membership. It should hold open meetings at stated times, not too frequent, should require attendance of its members, and not do business without a quorum actually present. All action should be taken by formal vote and should be duly and accurately recorded. The records of the board should be open for the inspection of the public and all important actions affecting the policy should be published promptly in the public prints. The superintendent of schools should be expected to attend all meetmgs of the board except when his own election, his salary, or other matters pertaining to his own interests are being voted on. Under the provisions of the charter of the city, the constitution of the State, and the acts of the legislature, the board of education should have entire control of the schools, be held responsible for their success, and should be given such power as necessarily accompanies such responsibility. Among the powers of the board should be the 4 SALARIES OF ADMIWISTKATIVE OFFICEES. making of its budget without review by any other body, determining and carrying out its own program of buildmg, repairing and equip- ping schoolhouses, including their location and the purchasing of sites, and within limits prescribed by law levying taxes and issuing and selling bonds for school purposes. II. As its administrative agent the school board should employ a competent superintendent of schools. To assist in assuring his competency, the salary should be made large enough and the condi- tions of employment such as to' attract men of first-rate ability, preparation, and successful experience. No man worthy of the position of superintendent of schools works for pay alone or thinks of salary first, but in America, where we have put everythmg on a money basis and have eliminated to a large extent at least patron- age, favoritism, and special privilege, we should not expect such service as is required of a superintendent of schools in a city of any size for much less pay than a man of equal ability might earn else- where for services requiring as much effort and responsibility and no more risk or uncertainty. No supermtendent whose heart is in his work will want the difference between his own salary and the salary of his assistants and the teachers to be so great as to create discontent or result in giving to a competent head incompetent assistants. Yet since the value of all the work of all connected with the school system depends on the wisdom, energy, tact, and executive ability of the superintendent, it is utmost folly for a board to attempt to save money by skimping his salary. This is coming to be understood and is recognized more and more, as is shown by a comparison of salaries of superintendents given in this bulletin with the" salaries of superintendents in the same cities 10 or 20 years ago. In every large city the superintendent of schools should have the assistance of a competent business manager and assistant superin- tendent for each important division of the school work, and should have under his direction a competent corps of directors or supervisors of special subjects. There should also be under his direction an efficient bureau of research or investigation and statistics. There should also be sufficient clerical and office help to relieve the super- intendent and all his assistants from time and energy consuming details and leave freedom for larger and more important tasks. Through these, under the general authority of the board of educa- tion and in harmony with its larger policies, the administration of the schools should be such as to bring out and utilize to the fullest possible extent all the latent energies of all administrative and super- vising officers and all teachers and students. Everywhere there should be such definiteness of purpose, combined with such freedom of initiative, as will inspire the heartiest and most effective coopera- \ SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. 5 tion for the fullest attainment of the great work of the schools, the right education of all the children, and the inspiration of the entire community with higher ideals, inspiring purposes, and clearer con- ceptions of the duties and responsibilities of patriotic American citi- zens. In Bulletm, 1917, No. 8, was given an analysis of the constitution and powers of the boards of education in these cities. In Bulletin, 1917, No. 46, the report of the survey of the schools of San Francisco, pages 83-88, is a clear and comprehensive statement of the functions of the board of education and the superintendent of schools on the basis of analogy with the business corporation. Read- ers of this bulletin are referred to these two bulletins. In this bulletin are given the salaries paid administrative and super- visory officers in cities having a population of 25,000 or over, also the salaries paid all employees connected with the school administrative offices in cities having a population of over 100,000. Unfortunately some of the superintendents in this group of cities did not report with the same degree of fullness of detail, as the request for information was not interpreted in the same way by all to whom it was sent. But, upon the whole, the data are sufficiently complete to furnish valuable in- formation to boards of education and others making a study of the salaries of superintendents, supervisors, and other persons connected with the various administrative offices. . 6 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICEES. 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Cities of 25,000 to 49,999 population. Officers. Minimum. Lower quartile. Median. Upper quartile. Maximum. Superintendent of schools Assistant superintendent Secretary to school board Business manager Superintendent of buildings. . . Chief attendance officer Medical inspector Supervisors: Kindergarten Primary Intermediate and grammar Music Art Manual training Home economics Play Physical education Educational tests Vocational education Continuation schools Evening schools Special classes 82, 500 1,200 100 2,100 800 500 300 900 1,500 '1,400 1,215 1,000 1,500 1,300 1,200 1,350 1,500 1,500 1,500 300 1,500 S4, 200 2,400 1,150 2,325 1,800 1,200 850 1,250 1,900 1,700 1,725 1,650 2,000 1, 650 1,600 1,800 1,500 2,200 1,700 400 1,600 $5, 000 3,050 2,000 2,500 2,000 1,400 1,200 1,635 2,275 2,200 1,925 1,900 2,250 1,850 1,700 2,100 1,800 3,000 2,160 1,500 1,800 $5, 500 3,600 2,800 3,325 2,500 1,700 2,000 1,850 2,500 2,700 2,300 2, 150 2,600 2,200 1,700 2,500 2,400 3,400 2,650 2,100 2,000 $7, 100 5,500 4,500 3,600 4,500 2,500 3,000 2,400 3,000 3,100 3,600 3,550 3,600 4,635 3,000 3,900 2,500 4,400 3,400 3,400 2, 500 Cities of 50,000 to 100,000 population. Officers. Minimum. Lower quartile. Median. Upper quartile. Maximum. Superintendent of schools Assistant superintendent Secretary of school board Business manager Superintendent of buildings Chief attendance officer Medical inspector Supervisors: Ivindergarten Kindergarten-primary Primary grades ". Intermediate and grammar . . . Music Art Manual training Home economics Play Physical education Education and psychological tests Vocational education Continuation schools Evening schools Special classes $3, 450 2,000 350 2,000 1,200 1,000 300 1,250 1,400 1,650 1, 800 1,440 1,500 1,000 1,305 900 1,200 1,000 1,320 1,090 240 1,200 $5, 000 2,670 2,100 2,200 2,350 1,400 1,000 2, 150 2,250 1, 860 2,300 2,100 2,000 2,400 2,000 2,268 1,800 2,100 2,600 2,000 540 1,600 $6, 000 3, 450 3,000 3,000 2,780 1,700 1,800 2,285 2,500 2,250 2, 500 2,400 2,300 2,700 2,200 2,550 2, 500 2,350 3,000 2,550 1,440 1,850 S6, 250 4,000 3,600 3,800 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,900 2,700 3,000 2,600 2,600 3,000 2,600 3, 200 2,800 2,860 3,600 3,000 2,700 2,200 $10, 000 5,500 5,000 4,200 4,200 2,900 4,392 2,820 3,300 3,300 3,300 3, 600 3,600 4,000 3, 260 4,250 5,000 3,380 4,800 4,000 3,000 2,650 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population. AKRON, OHIO. Superintendent of schools $9, 000 Superintendent emeritus 8, 000 Assistant superintendent 5, 500 Business manager 5, 500 Superintendent of maintenance 3, 600 Director of — Research 3, 600 Trade extension 3, 200 Americanization 3, 000 Chief architect 4, 000 Head of attendance 2, 000 AKRON, OHIO — continued. Supervisor of — Vocal music $2, 600 Instrumental music 2, 600 Art 2,600 Physical education 2, 600 Two superintendent's secretaries, each 1, 920 Payroll clerk 1,800 Clerk of sinking fund 2, 040 Stock clerk 1,920 Stenographer 1, 500 Typist 1,080 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICER^. 15 Salaries in detail Jor cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. AKRON, OHIO— continued. Warehouse clerk Assistant superintendent's secretary. . . Clerk in — Maintenance department Attendance department Americanization department Bureau of research Architect's office ALBANY, N. T. Superintendent of schools Superintendent of school buildings Clerk of board Principal at large Requisition clerk Three attendance officers, each Supervisor of— Drawing Music Special classes Kindergarten Handwork • Primary grades English Penmanship Americanization Director of — Ph3'sical education Vocational education Assistant supervisor of— Special classes Vocational education Physical education Division of library, textbooks and records: Head of division One assistant ; Three assistants, each One assistant One assistant Two clerks (%Z.riO a day), each about Teacher-clerk, physical education dept ATLANTA, GA. Superintendent Asst. superintlndentand business manager Supervisor (first year) Supervisor (second year) Supervisor (third year) Assistant supervisor (first year) Assistant supervisor (second year) Assistant supervisor (third year) Compulsory attendance officer Superintendent of repairs Stenographers, each Clerks, each . BALTIMORE, MD. General administration: Departmental secretary Principal account clerk Senior stenographer Junior typist Supervisor of school buildings Janitor Stenographer 68724°— 22 3 $1,5(K) 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,620 1,080 1,200 6,000 3,050 2,500 3,200 1,625 1,550 3,200 3,050 3,200 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2, 500 2,000 3,400 3,400 2,000 2,000 1,900 2,200 1,800 1,475 1,400 1,175 1.092 1,100 5,000 3,600 1,736 1,986 2,186 1,536 1,586 1,636 1,080 2,400 1,200 1.200 2,750 2,100 1,900 1,100 2,300 1,000 1,200 BALTIMORE, MD.— Continued. Administrative: Superintendent $8, 000 First assistant superintendent 6, 000 Assistant superintendent 6, 000 Assistant superintendent 5, 500 Senior clerk 1, 500 Junior clerk 1 , 100 Senior stenographer 1, 300 Three junior clerks, each 1, 200 Telephone clerk and typist 900 Statistician 1, aX) Supervisor of — Manual training and teachers 2, 900 Music 2,500 Drawing 2, 000 Sewing 2, 000 Physical culture 2, 000 Kindergarten-primary . 2, 100 Chief attendance officer 1, 500 Fourteen assistant attendance officers, each 1,000 Junior typist 1, 200 Four supervisors of elementary grades, each 2, 000 One assistant supervisor of music 1, 700 Three assistant supervisors of music, each 1, 556 Two assistant supervisors of music, each 1,450 Four assistant supervisors of music, each.... 1,350 Two assistant attendance officers, each. 950 Substitute attendance officer 500 BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Superintendent of pubUc schools 7, 500 Assistant superintendent 5, 000 Secretary, board of education 2, 700 Auditor and statistician 1, 500 Bookkeeper 1,600 Stenographer to secretary 1, 440 Stenographer to supt 1, 500 Assistant stenographer and filing clerk 1, 200 Supervisor, attendance department 2, 000 Assistant supervisor, attendance depart- ment 1, 200 Supervisor of music 2,500 Assistant supervisor of music 1, 500 Supervisor of — Drawing 2,200 Home economics 2, 500 Manual arts 2, 400 Physical training 2, 700 Penmanship 2, 000 Primary work 2,200 Parental school 2, 100 Director, vocational department 3, 400 Medical inspector 2, 700 Superintendent of buildings 2,400 Superintendent, warehouse and repair shop 1,500 BOSTON, MASS. Superintendent 10, 000 Thirty assistants to superintendent 28, 572 16 SALAKIES OF ADMIlSriSTEATIVE OFFICEES. Salaries in detail for cities oj over 100,000 population — Continued. BOSTON, MASS. — Continued. Five assistant superintendents S27, 480 Secretary 4, 740 Assistant secretary 2, 700 Seven assistants to secretary 7, 908 Business agent 4, 740 Chief accountant, 22 assistants and 2 chauf- feurs to business agent 34, 392 Schoolhouse custodian 3, 000 Clerk to schoolhouse custodian 1, 116 City treasurer, custodian of the retirement fund 1,500 Telephone operator 720 Substitute telephone operator 300 Officers, clerks, assistants, and stenog- raphers 132,309 Chief attendance officer 2,880 Twenty-four attendance officers 39, 278 Director of— Department of manual arts 3, 540 Dept. of household science and arts 2, 820 Department of music 3, 540 Evening schools 3, 697 Kindergartens 2, 740 Special classes 2,260 Salesmanship 2, 100 Penmanship 2, 004 Vocational guidance 2, 292 Chief examiner, educational investigation and measurement 3, 510 Director of medical inspection 3, 000 Supervising nurse 1, 620 Director of physical training 3, 340 Director of extended use of public schools. . 3, 000 BEIDGEPORT, CONN. Superintendent 6, 000 Assistant superintendent 4, 000 Second assistant superintendent 4, 000 Superintendent's secretary 1, 600 Assistant secretary of board 2, 600 Agent of board 2,400 Purchasing agent 1, 400 Bookkeeper 1, 450 Pay-roll clerk 1,300 Stenographer 960 Stenographer 800 Stenographer 900 Switchboard operator 800 High-school principal's secretary 1, 500 Stenographer for high school 700 Stenographer for high school 650 Supervisor of— Art 2,300 Art 1,970 Penmanship 1, 950 Music 2, 500 Music 2,300 Physical education 2,60 Grades 2, 900 BUFFALO, N. T. Superintendent 10, 000 Three deputy superintendents , each 4, 800 Secretary to superintendent 3, oOO BUFFALO, N. Y. — Continued. General supervisor Secretary, board of education Superintendent, janitorial service. . . Supply clerk Chief clerk Three clerks, each Clerk (part-time school) Manager, stenographic department. Stenographer to superintendent Stenographer to board of education. Two stenographer clerks, each Two stenographer clerks, each Storekeeper Assistant storekeeper Chauffeur Three helpers in storeroom, each — Switchboard operator Messenger Chief attendance officer Thirteen attendance officers, each. . Two attendance officers, each Inspector, trades law Psychological examiner CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Superintendent Business agent Superintendent of buildings and grounds . . Secretary to school committee, per week . . Assistant superintendent, director of con- tinuation and evening schools Supervisor of— Primary schools Kindergartens and special classes Director of art education Assistant director of art education Director of music Two assistants, each Director of physical education Assistant Secretary to superintendent, per week Clerk, p er week Temporary clerk, certificate division, per week Seven attendance officers, each Two clerks, each per week One clerk, per week Porter CHICAGO, ILL. Superintendent of schools First assistant Three assistants, each Secretary to board of examiners Examiner Ten district superintendents, each Supervisor of^ Music Art Blind Household arts Technical work in high schools Commercial work in high schools Physical education in elementary schools S3, 200 3,000 2,500 1,800 2,000 1,200 1,500 1,900 1,700 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,500 1,200 1,200 800 1,100 520 1,800 1,600 1,000 1,700 1,600 6,000 3,000 2,500 22.90 4,320 2,460 2,460 3,220 1,596 3,220 1,596 2,460 1,824 26.50 26.50 15.00 1,800 26.50 31.00 1,300 12,000 8,100 7,200 7,200 6,000 6,000 3,750 3,750 3,500 4,500 4,300 4,300 4,500 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICEES. 17 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. CHICAGO, ILL. — continued. Director of— School extension $5, 000 Special schools 5, 000 Elementary manual training 5, 000 Child study 4,900 Vocational guidance 5, 000 Chief compulsory oflBcer 5,300 Principal continuation school 6, 120 Business manager 10,000 Architect 8,000 One hundred and seventy-four clerks from $900 to $3,000. CINCINNATI, OmO.l Superintendent 10,000 Assistant superintendent 5,000 Assistant superintendent 3, 500 Director of— Kindergartens 3, 000 Vocational education 3,100 Continuation schools 3, 100 Household arts 3,200 Industrial arts 3, 500 Art 3,600 Music 3,600 Penmanship 3, 600 Physical education 3, 600 Civic and vocational league 2, 200 Executive secretary 1, 500 Superintendent's secretary 1, 500 Stenographer 1 , 200 Two stenographers, each 1,000 Stenographer 900 OflSce attendant and telephone operator. . . 900 Assistant director in charge of attendance department 1, 600 Court attendance officer 1,500 Attendance officer 1, 800 Two attendance officers, each 1, 600 Attendance officer 1, 500 Attendance officer 1,200 Attendance officer 1,300 Stenographer 900 Assistant director of vocation bureau 2, 20ft Two psychological laboratory assistants, each 1, 400 Two psychological laboratory assistants, each 1,200 Social investigator 1, 300 Placement secretary 1, 900 ' Employment certificate assistant 1 , 500 Placement assistant 1, 500 Placement assistant 1, 400 Two stenographers, each 1, 200 Stenographer 780 Clerk 3, 500 Deputy clerk 2, 200 Stenographer 1, 200 Stenographer 1, 100 Business manager 5, 000 Clerk 3, 500 CINCINNATI, OHIO — Continued. General clerk $1, 600 Clerk-stenographer l, 250 General clerk-stenographer 1, 350 Stenographer 950 Clerk-typist 950 Stores bookkeeper 1, 400 Assistant stores bookkeeper 1, 200 Custodian i, 500 Assistant custodian 1, 400 Visiting engineer 2, 700 Assistant stores keeper 1, 300 Assistant stores keeper 1, 200 Telephone operator 800 CLEVELAND, OHIO. Superintendent of schools 10, 000 Three assistant superintendents, each 6, 5(X) Two assistant superintendents, each 5, 500 One assistant superintendent 5, 000 Director of— French and Spanish 4, 000 English 4,250 Mathematics Secretary to superintendent 4, 000 Supervisor of substitute teachers 2, 000 Supervisor of appointments 2, 750 Two assistant supervisors of appointments, each 1,600 Director of school housing 4, 500 Assistant director of school housing 3, 500 Assistant director of school housing 2, 750 Director of reference and research 4, 500 Assistant director of reference and research . 2, 400 Assistant director of reference and research. 2, 200 Supervisor of evening schools 3, 850 Assistant supervisor of evening schools 2, 750 Supervisor of community centers 3, 300 Assistant supervisor of community centers . 2, 750 Supervisor of school gardens 3, 300 Supervisor of medical inspection 3, 300 Assistant supervisor of medical inspection. 2, 500 Twenty-three school doctors, each 1, 282 Assistant supervisor of school nurses 2, 500 Two school nurses, each 1, 440 Three school nurses, each 1, 670 Two school nurses, each 1, 610 Three school nurses, each 1, 320 One school nurse 1, 382 Five school nurses, each 1, 550 Seven school nurses, each 1, 730 One school nurse 1, 370 Three school nurses, each 1, 490 Three school nurses, each 1, 200 One school nurse 1, 210 Assistant supervisor of dental clinics 2, 000 Nine school dentists, each 1, 425 Four school dentists, each 2, 850 Seven dental nurses, each 760 One dental nurse 950 Assistant supervisor, orthopedics 2, 479 Director of pubhcations 4, 000 1 Chief medical inspector, in charge of medical, dental, and nursing service in the schools, Is paid by board of health. 18 SALAEIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICEKS. Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. CLEVELAND, OHIO— Continued. Assistant director of publications Director of attendance, census, and voca- tional guidance Assistant director of attendance, census, and vocational guidance Assistant director of attendance, census, and vocational guidance Oneattendance officer Two attendance officers, each Three attendance officers, each Three attendance officers, each Two attendance officers, each Twenty attendance officers, each General supervisor, elementary schools General supervisor, elementary schools General supervisor, elementary schools General supervisor, elementary schools General supervi-sor, elementary schools Supervisor of music Four assistant supervisors of music, each. . Supervisor of chorus music Supervisor of art Five assistant supervisors of art, each One assistant supervisor of art Supervisor of writing Three assistant supervisors of writing, each. Supervisor of kindergartens Supervisor of physical training Three assistant supervisors of physical train- ing, each Supervisor exceptional classes Assistant supervisor exceptional classes Assistantsupervisorexceptionalclasses Assistant supervisor psychological clinics. . Assistant supervisor psychological clinics . . Assistant supervisor psychological clinics . . Assistant supervisor psychological clinics . . Assistant supervisor speech defects Supervisor of manualtraining Supervisor of home economics Assistant supervisor of home economics Supervisor of lunch rooms Supervisor of blind classes (| time) Assistantsupervisor of blind classes (J time) Director of board of examiners Assistant secretary to Supt Clerk to superintendent Stenographer Thirteen stenographers, each Nine stenographers, each Two clerks, each Oneclerk Ten clerks, each Oneclerk One Braille stereotyper Two Braille stereotypers, each COLUMBUS, OHIO. Executive department: Superintendent Assistant superintendent Assistant superintendant Secretary SI, 600 3,000 2,100 3,035 2,500 2,000 1,900 1,700 1,500 3,680 3,560 3,200 3,080 3,000 3,680 2,500 3,000 3,560 2,500 1,350 3,560 2,500 3,000 3,560 2,705 3,000 2,045 1,200 2,675 1,800 1,350 1,320 2,170 3,680 3,560 1,800 3,020 3,680 2,500 3,500 2,400 2,640 1,600 1,425 1,350 1,680 1,470 1,300 960 1,656 1,488 7,500 4,500 4,000 1,300 COLUMBUS, OHIO— continued. Executive department— Continued. Clerk Clerk Business department: Clerk (ex officio treasurer) Assistant clerk Assistant clerk Assistant clerk Stenographer Storekeeper Assistant storekeeper Architect's office: Architect Two draftsmen, each Two draftsmen, each One draftsman Building supervisor Building supervisor Electrical engineer Heating' engineer Building and repair department: Superintendent of buildings Foreman painter Shopman Electrician Three carpenters, each Public school library: Librarian Two assistant librarians, each Two assistant librarians, each Three high-school librarians, each Two high-school librarians, each Attendance department: One attendance officer One attendance officer Two attendance officers, each Board of examiners: Three examiners, each Supervisors: Manual training Assistant supervisor, home economics.. Three assistant supervisors, of music, each Assistant supervisor, physical educa- tion Americanization Art Assistant supervisor, art. Kindergarten Nature study Journalism School physician Two nurses, each Three nurses, each $1,200 1,080 4,000 2,500 2,000 1,560 1,080 1,600 1,560 2,880 3,000 2,400 2,700 3,000 2,400 2,400 3,000 3,000 2,160 1,704 1,704 1,704 2,280 1,600 1,200 1,600 1,500 1,560 1,800 1,380 200 2,250 1,875 1,875 1,875 2,187 2,625 2,125 2,125 2,187 2,086 3,600 1,300 1,100 DALLAS, TEX. Superintendent of schools 7, 200 Assistant superintendent of schools 6, 000 Private secretary 2, 000 Supervisor of— High-school instruction 5, 000 Intermediate grades 3, 600 Primary work 3, 000 SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. 19 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. DALLAS, TEX.— continued. Supervisor of— Continued. Music $3,000 Drawingand writing 3,000 Assistant supervisor of music 2, 000 Assistant supervisor of drawing and writing 2, 000 Super\isor of physical training, primary. . . 2, 000 Stenographer 1, 200 Statistical clerk 1, 200 Business administration: Secretary of board of education (busi- ness manager) , 4, 800 Purchasing agent 3, 000 Supervisor of buildings 3, 000 Teller 1,800 Bookkeeper 1, 800 Stenographer 1, 500 Clerk 900 DAYTON, OHIO. Supervisor of— Grade schools (part-time, also princi- pal of one of the elementary schools). 750 Physical training 2, 050 Kindergartens 1, 750 Drawing and industrial work 2, 050 Assistant 1, 550 Expression 2, 050 Penmanship 2, 050 Vocal music 2, 550 Two assistants, each 1,400 Orchestras 2, 550 Manual training 2, 550 Home economics 2, 550 Truant officer 1,920 Truant officer (also has charge of compul- sory continuation school) 2, 050 Health Inspector ' Business manager • Clerks Assistant clerk Stenographer Superintendent of construction (also has office of his own) Clerk Superintendent of buildings Stock clerk and pvu-chasing agent Two clerks (stock room^), each i Stenographer (stock room) Secretary to superintendent of instruction. Assistant office of superintendent of in- struction 4,000 1,800 1,200 5,000 1,430 2,520 2,200 1,200 1,080 1,200 1,800 1,200 DENVER, COLO. Superintendent's office: Superintendent 8, 000 Assistant superintendent 5, OOO Assistant to superintendent 4, 100 Secretary in charge of supply teachers . 2, 100 « This work is now under the charge of the city department of health. The board pays $100 per month for the services of five district physicians, part-time. 3 The board has no business manager. The financial matters are taken care of by the clerk, who is also treasurer of the board. Clerk of board of education, construction department, stock clerk, and purchasing department are responsible directly to board of education. DENVEE, COLO.— continued. Superintendent's office— Continued. Chief clerk Clerk Three clerks, each Clerk Clerk Clerk Telephone: Operator Operator Business office: Chief engineer Chief clerk Clerk [[[[[[ Clerk ] Clerk Clerk Two clerks, each Storehouse: Storekeeper Clerk Clerk, part-time Clerk Expressman Departments: Director, measurements and standards. Special teacher, speech Special teacher, speech Special teacher, special schools Director, penmanship Special teacher, penmanship Girls' handicraft director Special teacher, girls' handicraft Director of art education Special teacher, art education Special teacher, art education Director of— City gardens Manual training Physical education Lunch rooms Domestic science Cadet corps Two special teachers, cadet corps, each. Director of music Special teacher, music Two special teachers, music, each Special teacher, music Special teacher, music Director of playgrounds Special teacher, playgrounds Director of attendance Four attendance officers, each DES MOINES, IOWA. Superintendent of schools 7, 600 Director of — Elementary education 4, 000 Kindergartens 2, 412 $2,400 1,800 1,600 1,500 1,040 1,020 5,000 2,400 1,90) 1,500 1,300 1,180 1,100 2,000 1,100 300 1,200 2,200 3,240 1,960 1,740 1,840 2,640 1,960 2,540 1,960 2,590 1,440 1,960 2,440 2,940 2,540 2,540 2,740 1,970 1,400 3,500 1,840 1,440 1,300 1,200 1,840 1,500 2,400 1,400 20 SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — CoBtinued. DES MOINES, IOWA — Continued. Director of— Continued. Industrial education Business education Extension activities and Americaniza- tion work Research Exceptional children Supervisor of— Primary grades Home economics Art Assistant Music Two assistants, each Penmanship Director, department of health (half time). School dentist (half time) Oral hygienist Clerk Supervisor, physical education Supervisor, school nurses Secretary to superintendent Clerk Four stenographers from $960 to 81,500. Information clerk Director, attendance and employment Two attendance ofBcers, each Chief clerk Assistant clerk Secretary and business manager Bookkeeper Two clerks from $1,200 to $1,380. Stenographer Superintendent, buildings and grounds. . . Clerk DETROIT, MICH. Superintendent Deputy superintendent Two assistant superintendents, each. Director of— Ins. normal tr . and research Education expenditures Statistics Special education Intermediate school Assistant director of — Industrial art , Physical education Educational research Inspector, teachers Asst. supr ., statistics and reference. . . Asst.supr.,educationalresearch Supervisor of — Arithmetic Comp. education Music Elementary music Art Perunanship Geography 'English , Kindergarten primary grades Visual education Special education 13,400 3,400 2,100 2,500 2,000 3,000 2,340 2,412 2,000 2,700 1,540 2,167 1,758 1,758 1,760 1,080 2,527 2,500 2,400 1,380 960 3,500 2,400 1,400 1,200 4,200 2,000 1,320 3,500 1,500 9,000 7,680 6,600 6,000 6,000 5,100 3,600 4,000 6,000 3,000 4,800 4,500 3,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,600 4,800 DETROIT, MICH— continued. Supervisor of— Continued. Ungraded classes $4, OOO Girls' activities 4, OOa Mech. drawingandman.tr 4,000' Domestic arts 4, 000' Domestic science 4, 000 Industrial training 4, OOO Phy. education high sch 4, 000 Boys' athletics 4, 000 Seven asst. supr. physical ed., each 2,500 Twoasst. supr. music, each 2,500 Four asst. supr. art, each 2, 500 Two asst. supr. penmanship, each 2, 500 Four asst. supr. EngUsh, each 2, 500 Three assit. supr. kindergarten, each 2, 500 Four asst. supr. special ed., each 2, 500 Two dist. attendance officers, each 3, 000 Two dist. attendance officers, each 2, 500 Attendance officer 1, 700 Business manager 5, 199 Two clerks (chief clerks), each 3, 000 One clerk (chief clerk) 2, 400' One clerk (chief clerk) 1,920' Two clerks (chief clerks), each 1, 680 One clerk 2,000 One clerk 2,100 Two clerks, each 1,740 Oneclerk 1,620 Seven clerks , each 1, 560 Seven clerks , each 1 , 500 Five clerks, each 1,440 Oneclerk 1,380 Three clerks , each 1, 320 Two clerks, each 1,200 Two clerks, each 1,080 Oneclerk 1,02a One stenographer 2, 040 Two stenographers, each 1, 80* Fivestenographers, each 1, 680 Two stenographers, each 1, 560 Two stenographers, each 1, 440 Two stenographers, each 1,320 FALL RIVER, MASS. Superintendent 5,000 Assistant superintendent 3, 400 Primary supervisor 2, 160 Primary supervisor 2,280 Supervisor of — Household arts 2,120 Drawing 2,880 Assistant 2,000 Reading 2,400 Physical training 2, 400 Assistant 1, 520 Music 2,880 Secretary 2,200 Seven attendance officers, each 1, 800 Supply clerk 1,900 Stenographer 1, 600 Stenographer 1, 100 Stenographer 900 Clerk 1,200 Clerk 1,100 SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. 21 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population— Continued. HOUSTON, TEX. Superintendent Superintendent of hygiene Business representative, school board Superintendent of — Music Intermediate grades Primary grades Penmanship Art Manual training Domestic science Secretary to superintendent Secretary to business representative Secretary to manual training director Assistant in supyerintendent's office Manager of free textbooks Four nurses, each (Ten other nurses employed, but salary paid by the city or by private organiza- tions.) INDIANAPOUS, IND. Superintendent of schools Assistant to superintendent Director, dept. of ref. and research Director, vocational education High school principal High school principal High school principal Principal, normal training school Tive district superintendents, each One district superintendent One district superintendent Director of — Manual training Music Physical educa. and school hygiene — Art instruction School lunches Handwriting Supervisor of sewing Supervisor of cooking Director of attendance department Pour attendance officers, each One attendance officer Two attendance officers, each One attendance officer One attendance officer Director, business department Assistant, business director Superintendent of supply Superintendent, buildings and grounds Attorney Deputy auditor Coimty treasurer— by city Secretary to supt Two stenographers, each One stenographer One clerk to superintendent One clerk One clerk $8,000 4,200 3,600 2,400 2,700 2,700 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,100 1,820 1,820 1,680 870 2,180 1,200 8,000 4,500 3,600 5,000 4,300 4,500 4,800 3,200 3,600 4,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,800 3,500 3,000 3,000 2,300 2,200 3,000 1,500 1,400 1,000 1,760 1,870 6,000 5,000 2,400 3,500 2,500 2,100 1,500 1,800 1,300 1,100 1,800 1,400 1,300 JERSEY CITY, N. J. Superintendent of schools $10, 500 Assistant superintendents of schools 5, 400 Secretary 3, 400 Clerk • 2, 200 Clerk 1,936 Clerk 1, 888 Supervisor of methods in primary dept 3, 900 Supervisor of methods in grammar dept ... 3, 500 Assist, supt., grammar and primary dept. . 3, 100 Director of vocal music 3, 800 Assistant directors of vocal music 3, 100 Supervisor of— Classes for pupils mentally defective ... 2, 300 Drawing 4, 100 Physical training 3, 800 Instruction of pupils defective in speech 2, 600 Director, manual tr. and domestic sc 4, 100 Chief attendance officer 2, 800 Assistant attendance officer 2, 500 Sixteen assistant attendance officers, each . 1 , 800 Three assistant attendance officers, each ... 1 , 600 Chief clerk attendance department 1 , 800 Two clerks, each 1,500 Director, medical inspection 2, 500 Fourteen assistant medical inspectors,each. 900 Fourteen nurses , medical department , each . 1 , 320 Woman medical Inspector 1, 200 Medical department clerk 2, 000 Medical department clerk 1,500 Director of dental hygiene 2,240 Five dentists, each 1, 200 Six dental nurses, each 1, 320 Dental department clerk 1, 500 Secretary of board of education 4, 250 Clerk, office of secretary 2, 000 Clerk, office of secretary 1,800 Four clerks, office of secretary, each 1, 500 Inspector of repairs 2, 700 Clerk to inspectsr of repairs 1, 500 Inspector of buildings 2, 500 Three inspectors of buildings, each 2, 200 KANSAS CITY, KANS. Superintendent of schools 5, 000 Director, coniiauation schools 4, 000 Four district supervisors, each 2, 760 One special supervisor 2, 388 Four special supervisors, each 2, 208 Two stenographers, each 1, 800 One stenographer 1, 140 Oneattendance officer 1, 560 Three attendance officers, each 1, 125 Clerk, board of education 3, 000 Bookkeeper 1, 800 Switchboard operator 1, 320 Stenographer 1, 020 Superintendent, buildings and grounds 3, 000 Purchasing agent 2, 400 Chief engineer 2, 100 Bookkeeper 1, 680 Supply clerk 1, 560 22 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICERS. Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. KANSAS CITY, KANS. — Continued. Stenographer. Architect KANSAS CITT, MO. Superintendent Assistant superintendent Assistant superintendent District superintendent District superintendent Director of — Vocational education R esearch Primary-kindergarten Assistant director of research Psychologist Secretary to superintendent Clerk, compulsory education Pay-roll clerk One stenographer and clerk One stenographer and clerk Three stenographers and clerks, each LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Superintendent Deputy superintendent First assistant superintendent Second assistant superintendent Third assistant superintendent Fourth assistant superintendent Assistant to superintendent Assignment secretary Two clerks, each One clerk Two clerks, each Three stenographers, each Junior clerk Chauffeur Chief telephone operator Three assistant telephone operators, each. Evening telephone operator Business Manager's Department. Business manager's oflBce: Business manager Clerk Clerk Stenographer Clerk Chauffeur Supply department: Supply clerk Assistant to supply clerk Requisition clerk Head stock and record clerk Stenographer and clerk Clerk Stenographer and clerk Stenographer and clerk Filing clerk Two stock record clerks, each Receiving clerk Shipping clerk Six stock clerks, each Janitor Sl,5(» 1,200 7,500 4,740 4,620 3,780 3,720 4,740 4,980 3,800 2,640 3,000 2,100 2,100 1,800 1,440 1,320 1,200 8,000 4,800 4,600 4,600 4,200 4, 200 2,400 2,238 1,500 1,440 1,320 1,320 1,025 1,500 1,260 1,140 360 5,000 2,220 2,100 1,320 1,320 1,500 2,220 1,680 1,500 1,500 1,440 1,200 1,200 1,080 1,080 1,200 1,560 1,560 1,200 1,320 LOS ANGELES, CALIF.— Continued. Purchasmg department: Chief clerk $1,920 Stenographer and clerk 1, 380 Stenographer and clerk 1, 320 Clerk 1,200 Stenographer and clerk 1, 200 Telephone operator 1, 260 Military equipment division: Stock clerk 1, 280 Helper 1, 080 Clerk 2, 100 Shop department: Clerk 2,380 Four district foremen, each 2, 160 Yard foreman 2, 160 Chief electrician 2, 160 Stenographer 1, 320- Night watchman 1, 320' Five truck drivers, each 1, 440 Clock and bell foreman 1, 920 Secretary's office: Secretary 3, 900 Assistant secretary 2, 160 Chief clerk 2, 160 Bookkeeper 1, 680 Two minute clerks, each 1, 500 Correspondence clerk 1, 500 Five stenographers and clerks, each ... 1, 320 Clerk 1,140 Auditor's office: Auditor 3,900 Deputy auditor 2, 220 Assistant to deputy auditor 1, 680 Five senior bookkeepers, each l, 680 Two junior bookkeepers, each 1, 380 Four assistant bookkeepers, each 1, 200 Senior stenographer 1, 320 Two junior stenographers, each 1,200 Demand clerk 1, 320 Counter clerk 1, 260 Timekeeper 1, 260 Bookkeeping machine operator 1, 025 Messenger and typist 900 Compulsory education and child-welfare department: Director 3, 600 Assistant director 2, 400 Division supervisor 2, 040 Chief attendance officer 2, 000 T welve attendance officers, each 920 Clerk 1,380 Clerk 1,140 Two clerks, each l, 020 Department of psychology and educational research: Director 3, 600 Assistant director 2, %4 Secretary 1,320 Clerk 1,200 Health and development department: Director 3,900 Nine physicians, each 2, 640 Four dentists, each 2, 640 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICEEa 23 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. — Continued. Health and development department — con . Eleven senior nurses, each Three junior nurses, each Clerk Matron Dental assistant Dental assistant Department of pait-time instruction: Director Two coordinators, each Elementary school library: Supervising librarian Two assistant librarians, each Assistant librarian Clerk Clerk Supervisor of— Home economics Drawing Physical training Vocational training Immigration Kindergarten Manual arts (sloyd) Music Orchestra Nature study Penmanship Modern languages Agriculture Cardboard construction Primary manual arts Forty-three assistant supervisors, each. Five clerks, each LOUISVILLE, KT. Superintendent Secretary to superintendent Stenographer Stenographer Librarian T elephone operator LOWELL, MASS. Superintendent of schools Clerk Clerk Attendance officer Attendance officer Attendance officer Attendance officer Clerk, attendance office Business agent Clerk, business agent's office Stock clerk MEMPHIS, TENN. Superintendent Supervisors, each Attendance officers, each Secretary to school board Secretary to superintendent of schools. Clerks (average salary) $1,440 1,320 1,200 1,200 960 1,020 3.600 3,300 2,400 1,560 1,*620 960 720 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,600 3,600 2,964 1,200 5,000 2,400 1,008 936 1,140 1,020 5,000 1,400 1,000 3,090 2,400 2,000 1,800 1,200 3,10o 1,200 1,600 5,000 1,980 1,320 3,OOo 1,620 1,200 MILWAUKEE, WIS. Superintendent of schools Asst. supt. of schools Asst. supt. of schools (primary dept.). Assistant to superintendent Supervisor of — Industrial education Street trades Attendance Director of — Drawing Elementary manual training Household arts Music Special classes Social centers Supervisor of physical training Secretary-business manager Auditor Supply clerk Asst. to supt. (extension dept.) Athletic director MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Superintendent of schools Assistant superintendent (instructional). Assistant superintendent (instructional). Assistant superintendent (industrial) — Assistant superintendent (business) Assistant superintendent (office) Supervisor of — Evening and summer schools Domestic science and lunch room Dra^^lng Music _ Manual training Penmanship Subnormals-mental examinations — Bhnd Physical education Director, attendance and guidance Director, Americanization Special teacher of — Drawing ; Home economics Physical education Physical education General department: Secretary to superintendent . Asst. secretary, board of education... Librarian Mail and supply clerk Telephone operator Telephone operator (assistant) Ci^^l service record clerk Information clerk $9,000 5,000 4,520 3,840 5,500 2,760 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,480 2,760 3,840 7,200 3, 840 3,840 4,200 2,760 8,000 4,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 3,600 2,500 2,500 2,750 3,200 3,300 2,203 2,300 1,850 3,300 3,000 2,700 2,333 2,283 2,500 2,083 2,400 2,000 1,800 960 1,200 840 1,560 1,020 810 Educational department (instructional division): Stenographer to superintendent 1, 680 Stenographer to supervisors 1, 080 Stenographer-clerk 900 Chief clerk 1,920 24 SALAEIES OF ADMIlSriSTEATIVE OFFICEES, Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population. MINNEAPOLIS, MESTN.— Continued. Educational department (instructional division) — Continued . Records of substitute teachers ?1, 440 Special activities clerk 1, 200 Clerk, teachers' applications 1, 200 Clerk, hygiene and physical education. . 1, 380 Clerk, files 960 Attendance and guidance division : Supervising attendance officer 1, 700 Two attendance officers, each 1, 400 Two attendance officers, each 1, 350 Vocational guidance 2, 658 Vocational guidance 2, 040 Vocational guidance 1, 560 Vocational guidance 1, 320 Super^'lsing census clerk 1, 440 Census clerk 1, 260 Census clerk 1, 200 Census clerk 1, 140 Two census clerks, each 1, 080 Absenteedesk 1,200 Absentee desk 1, 140 Statistician 1, 900 Stenographer 1, 080 Stenographer (guidance) 1, 320 Stenographer (physical education and hygiene) 1,020 Finance department: Auditor 3,300 Two accountants, each 1, 680 Pay ToUs clerk 1, 920 Pay roUs clerk (assistant) 1, 020 Stenographer 1, 380 Business department: Assistant business superintendent 2, 460 Secretary to business superintendent. . . 1, 500 Statistical eng., real est., ins 2, 100 Purchase requisition clerk 2, 100 Bookkeeper 1, 260 Bookkeeper (lunch rooms) 1, 500 Stenographer (purchase requisitions) . . 1, 320 Stenographer (work orders) 1, 200 Stenographer 1, 260 Textbook clerk 1,200 Textbook clerk 1, 140 Invoice clerk 1, 860 Invoice clerk 1, 440 Invoice clerk 1, 140 Cost records clerk 1, 260 Stock record clerk 1, 140 Stock adjustment clerk 1, 380 FUe clerk 1, 080 One clerk 1, 140 Three clerks, each 1, 020 One clerk (lunch rooms) 960 Bureau of buildings division: Building Inspector 2, 220 Architectural engineer 3, 600 Architectural designer 2, 700 Senior architectural draftsman 2, 700 Three architectural draftsmen, each ... 2, 040 Two architectural draftsmen, each 1, 980 One architectural draftsman 1, 920 One architectural draftsman 1, 680 One architectural draftsman 1, 620 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN— Continued. Bureau of buildings division— Continued. One architectural draftsman $1, 380 Mechanical engineer 3, 600 Two mechanical draftsmen, each 1, 920 Structural draftsman 2, 220 Structural draftsman 1, 980 Structural draftsman 1, 860 Stenographer 1, 380 Buildings and repair division: Operating engineer 2, 700 SuperAasor of buildings 3, 600 Foreman of grounds 2, 220 Service investigator 1, 800 'Service inspector 1, 920 Accountant 1, 680 Pay roUs clerk 1, 260 Stenographer 1, 320 Stenographer 900 Telephone operator 900 Clerk 1,080 File clerk 1,0S0 Supply division: Stores keeper 2, 400 Assistant stores keeper 1, 440 Stenographer 1, 140 Typist 960 Twoclerks, each 1,020 Stock clerk 1,200 Ufcihtyman 1,200 NASETVTLLE, TENN. Superintendent of schools Supervisor of vocal music Supervisor of writing and drawing Two academic supervisors, each Assistant supervisor, writing and drawing. Supervisor, grade work (colored) Business manager Clerk and stenographer Clerk and stenographer :. . Clerk and telephone operator Custodian of supplies Janitor Truck driver Chief medical inspector Two assistant medical inspectors, each Assistant medical inspector (colored) Attendance officer 4,800 1,700 1,700 1,500 1,100 1,200 3,000 1,440 960 900 1,020 540 720 1,250 1,100 450 1,440 NEWARK, N. J. Superintendent 10, 000 Three assistant superintendents, each 4, 900 One assistant superintendent 4, 700 One assistant superintendent 4, 500 Clerk to superintendent 4, 200 Director of manual arts 3, 900 Super\isor of — Manual training (grammar). 2, 700 Manual training (primary) 2, 600 Drawing 2, 900 Drawing (alternating schools) 2,500 Domestic art 2,900 Domestic science 2, 900 Music (alternating schools) 2, 700 SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. 25 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population. NEWARK, N. J.— continued. Supervisor of— Continued. . Physical education S3,900 Athletics (high and elementary schools) 3, 000 Penmanship 2, 900 Binet schools and classes 2, 900 General supervisor 3, 200 Director of music 3, 200 Assistant supervisor of — Drawing 2,400 Drawing 2,000 Domestic art 2, 600 Domestic art., 2,400 Music 2,600 Music 2,000 Music 1 , 800 Physical training, 2 each 2,800 Physical trammg, 2 each 2, 600 One clerk 1,920 One clerk 1,740 Two clerks, each 1,440 Three clerks, each 1, 140 Two clerks, each 1,020 One clerk 960 One clerk 900 Two clerks, each 840 One clerk 660 One clerk 480 Super\isor of attendance 4, 020 Assistant supervisor of attendance 3, 000 Attendance officers: One officer 2,000 Four officers, each 1, 700 One officer 1, 640 Four officers, each 1. 460 Seven officers, each 1, 400 One officer 1 , 340 Three officers, each 1, 280 Two officers, each 1,200 One officer 1,080 Oneclerk.. 1,020 One clerk 900 Two clerks, each 840 Supervisor of medical inspection 3, 000 Assistant supervisor of medical inspection . 1^ 700 Psychologist 3,500 Assistant psychologist 1, 680 Assistant psychologist 1, 000 Assistant ophthalmologist 1, 140 Two dentists, each 1, 020 Seven medical inspectors, each 750 Sanitary inspector 1, 440 Fifteen nurses, each 1, 720 One nurse 1, 660 One nurse 1 , 600 Four nurses, each 1, 480 Three nurses, each 1, 420 Three nurses, each 1 , 360 Two clerks, each 1, 020 Oneclerk 840 Business manager's department: Business manager 9, 000 Assistant business manager 3, 600 Secretary to business manager 3, 000 Building inspector 3,000 NEWARK, N. J. — continued. Business manager's department — Contd. Clerk SI, 500 Clerk 900 Clerk 420 Stenographer 1, 196 Two drivers, each 1,'240 Supply department: Superintendent of suppUes 4, 800 Assistant superintendent of supplies. . . 3, 000 Supervisor of equipment 2, 600 One clerk 2, 000 Two clerks, each 1, 920 One clerk .^. 1, 500 One clerk .*. 1, 440 Oneclerk 1,400 Two clerks, each 1, 140 Three clerks, each 1, 020 Oneclerk 1,000 Two clerks, each 900 Oneclerk 840 One clerk 420 Secretary's office: Secretary, board of education 6, 000 Assistant secretary 3, 600 Counsel 4,000 Oneclerk 2,100 Oneclerk 1,920 Oneclerk 1,320 Oneclerk 1,020 Two clerks, each 960 Two clerks, each 780 One clerk 540 Oneclerk 420 Telephone operator 1, 320 NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Superintendent of schools Secretary to superintendent Two clerks to superintendent, each One clerk to superintendent One clerk to superintendent Assistant superintendent of schools Grade supervisor Supervisor of — Instrumental music Vocal music Two assistants, each Drawing Two assistants, each Manual training Three assistants, each Cooking Two assistants, each Sewing Five assistants, each Physical training Assistant School nurses Three assistants, each Americanization (part-time) Department mechanic Director of Americanization (part time) . Director of continuation schools Three clerks, each 5,500 1,716 1,300 936 780 3,600 2,850 3,200 2,975 1,800 2,975 1,800 2,850 1,700 1,850 1,700 1,850 1,700 2,500 1,700 1,664 1,560 2,200 2,080 400 3,600 780 26 SALAEIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. NEW BEDFORD, M ASS— Continued Specialist for eyesight classes (part time). . . SI, 000 Director of community centers 4, 000 Two supervisors, each 2, 250 One assistant supervisor 1, 800 One assistant supervisor 1, 000 • Clerk 780 NEW HAVEN, CONN. Superintendent Three assistant superintendents, each Supervisor of — Music Assistant Assistant Drawing Assistant Penmanship Kindergarten Sewing Two assistants, each Two assistants, each One assistant One assistant Physical training Elementary science (part time) Subnormal department Cooking Cooking, two at Cooking, three at Cooking, two at Shopwork, four at Shopwork, one at - Shopwork, one at Shopw ork, two at Two truant officers (paid by police dept.). Health inspectors, nurses, dentists, etc. (paid by health dept.). Supply clerk Stenographer Clerk Superintendent of buildings Stenographer and clerk Secretary Assistant secretary Stenographer and clerk Bookkeeper -• Pay-roll clerk Bill clerk Telephone operator Office boy Superintendent's clerks: Secretary Stenographer and clerk Clerk NEW ORLEANS, LA. 5,000 3,950 2,650 1,650 1,525 2,750 1,650 2,650 2,100 1,850 1,750 1,500 1,250 1,150 2,650 500 2,100 1,500 1,600 1,250 1,050 1,900 1,700 1,650 1,600 2,750 1,000 900 3,250 900 3,550 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,400 1,400 1,000 600 2,100 1,200 900 Superintendent 8, 000 First assistant 4, 500 Second assistant 4, 000 Medical inspector 2, 400 Assistant medical inspector 1, 920 Nurse 1, 500 Nurse 1, 920 * Officers and employees directly responsible to NEW ORLEANS, LA.— Continued. Attendance officer Assistant attendance officer Assistant attendance officer Physical training super^'isor Assistant Assistant Clerks and stenographers, $1,080 to $1,680. Secretary ^ Inspector * Bookkeeper ■• Assistant inspector * Clerks and stenographers,^ 8900 to $1,980. $2, 700 1,680 1,500 3,240 2,640 2,160 5,400 3,900 3,600 2,520 NEW YORK, N. Y. Supervising force: Superintendent 12, OOO Eight associate superintendents, each . . 8, 250 District superintendent 7, 500 Twenty-six district superintendents, each 6, 600 Seven examiners, each 7, 700 Director of — Reference, research, and statistics. 7,000 Attendance 7, 700 Assistant 5, 50O Lectures 6, 60O Assistant 4, 500 Art 5, 500 Drawing 5, 50O Speech improvement 5, 000 Music 5, 500 Assistant 4, 275 ■ Kindergartens 5,000 Two assistants, each 3, 780 Sewing, two each 5, 000 Cooking..... 5,000 Assistant 3, 780 Physical training 5, 500 One assistant 5, 500 Three assistants, each 4, 500 Recreational activities 7, 000 Vocational activities 7, 500 Evening and con tinuation schools . 7, 000 Modern languages in high schools. . • 5, 500 High-school organization 5, 500 Assistant director of manual training. . 4, 500 Five inspectors of public-school ath- letics, each 3, 300 Superintendent of libraries 5, 000 Library assistant 2, 100 Two physicians to examine teaching applicants, each 2,600 Two assistant directors of educational hygiene, each 4, 500 Inspector of playgrounds and recreation centers 2, 760 Inspector of ungraded classes 5, OOO Two assistants, each 3, 780 Two medical inspectors of ungraded classes, each 3, 600 Inspector of classes for the bhnd 3, 780 Two supervisors of continuation classes, each 3, 360 board of education. SALAEIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICEES. 27 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. NEW YORK, N. T. — Continued. OflB.ce of superintendent of schools: Chief clerk One clerk Two clerks, each One clerk Seven clerks, each Ten clerks, each Clerk Clerk Clerk Three clerks, each Five clerks, each Clerk Three clerks, each Clerk Three clerks, each Four stenographers, each Two stenographers, each Three stenographers, each Three stenographers, each Three stenographers, each Three stenographers, each Eighteen stenographers, each Twelve stenographers, each One stenographer Two typewriter copyists, each One typewriter copyist Mechanical draftsman Printer for the blind Board of examiners: Clerk Clerk Clerk Two clerks, each Twoclerks, each Six clerks, each Clerk Two stenographers, each Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer Two stenographers, each .' Bureau of reference, research, and statistics: Clerk Two clerks, each Two clerks, each Clerk Clerk Clerk Three clerks, each Four clerks, each Clerk Three clerks, each Clerk Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer Typewriter copyist Typewriter copyist Statistician Statistician $4, 500 5,500 4,800 3,312 2,820 2,640 2,262 2,106 1,950 1,482 1,326 1,170 1,014 858 702 2,820 2,640, 2,262 2,106 1,950 1,794 1,482 1,326 1,170 1,326 1,014 2,106 2,106 3,600 2,640 2,262 2,106 1,950 1,326 702 2,820 2,640 2,262 1,950 1,794 1,326 3,528 2,640 2,106 1,950 1,794 1,638 1,482 1,326 1,014 858 702 1,950 1,794 1,482 1,326 1,170 1,170 1,014 3,312 2,820 NEW YORK, N. Y.— Continued. Bureau of reference, research, and statis- tics—Continued. Statistician S2, 262 Six tabulating-machine operators, each. 1, 482 Tabulating-machine operator 1, 170 Bureau of attendance: Chief attendance oflBcer 4, 752 Two division supervising attendance oflEicers, each 3, 672 Twenty-five district attendance officers, each 2,808 One district attendance officer 2, 680 Seventy-nine attendance officers, each. 1,690 Fifty-one attendance officers, each 1, 820 Twelve attendance officers, each 1, 950 Eight attendance officers, each 2, 080 Four attendance officers, each 2, 210 Ninety-nine attendance officers, each . . 2, 340 One clerk 2, 640 Four clerks, each 2, 106 Two clerks, each 1, 950 Five clerks, each 1, 794 Eight clerks, each 1, 482 Twenty-nine clerks, each 1, 326 Three clerks, each 1, 170 Ten clerks, each 1, 014 One clerk 858 Thirty-nine clerks, each 702 ■ Stenographer 2, 820 Stenographer 1, 794 Stenographer 1, 482 Stenographer • 1, 326 Telephone switchboard operator. . . 1, 482 OflBces of district superintendents: Three clerks, each 2, 106 Six stenographers, each 1, 950 Twelve stenographers, each 1, 794 One stenographer 1, 482 One stenographer 1, 170 Teachers' council: Clerk 2, 106 Bureau of buildings: Superintendent of buildings 11,000 Five deputy superintendents of build- ings, each 6, 500 One deputy superintendent of build- ing 5,500 Salutary assistant 5, 500 Assistant chief, sanitary division 4, 000 Chief of electrical division 5, 500 Assistant chief, electrical division 4, 200 Chief of furniture di\^sion 4, 500 Assistant chief, furniture division 4, 000 Engineer 3, 528 Assistant engineer 4, 000 Assistant engineer 4, 320 One clerk 5, 500 One clerk 3, 528 On e clerk 2, 820 Two clerks, each 2, 640 Two clerks, each 2, 262 One clerk 2, 106 One clerk. .• 1, 326 One clerk 1, 170 One clerk 1, 014 Six clerks, each 702 28 SALAEIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 ■population — Continued. NEW YORK, N. Y.— Continued. Bureau of buildings— Continued. One stenographer S2,820 Two steographers, eacli 2, 640 Five stenographers, each 2, 262 One stenographer 2, 106 One stenographer 1, 953 Three stenographers, each 1, 794 Four stenographers, each 1, 482 One stenographer 1, 326 Typewriting copyist 1, 326 Telephone switchboard operator 1, 482 Telephone switchboard operator 1,323 Messenger 2, 262 One architectural draftsman 4, 000 Nine architectural draftsmen, each. ... 3, 528 Seven archi tectural draftsmen, each . . . 3, 312 Forty-four architectural draftsmen, each 2, 820 Four architectural draftsmen, each 2, 640 Eleven architectural draftsmen, each . . 2, 470 Two architectiu'al draftsmen, each 2, 106 Nineteen architectm-al draftsmen, each . 1, 638 One mechanical draftsman 2, 820 One mechanical draftsman 2, 470 Two mechanical draftsmen, each 2, 262 Nine structural steel draftsmen, each . . 2, 820 Five structural steel draftsmen, each. . 2, 470 Eleven junior draftsmen, each 1, 794 One junior draftsman 1,,482 Eighteen junior draftsmen, each 1, 170 Six general inspectors, each 3, 528 Three general inspectors, repairs, each . . 3, 528 One general inspector, repairs 3, 096 One inspector, iron and steel construc- tion 3, 528 One inspector, carpentry 2, 820 Seven electrical inspectors, each 2, 820 Two electrical inspectors, each 1, 950 One inspector of electrical conductors. . 2, 820 Two f lU^niture iiispectors, each 2, 820 Four inspectors of masonry, each 2, 820 Thirty-four inspectors of masonry and carpentry, each 2, 820 One inspector of masonry and carpen- try 2,262 One inspector of m.asonry and carpen- try 1,950 Two inspectors of masonry and carpen- try, each 942 One inspector of painting 2, 820 Four inspectors of repairs, each 2, 820 Two inspectors of repairs, each 2, 470 Eleven sanitary inspectors, each 2, 820 One sanitary inspector 2, 470 One sanitary inspector 1, 950 Laborer 1, 794 Photographer 2,262 Expert blue printer 2,262 Autotruck driver 1, 794 Bureau of supplies: Superintendent of supplies ^. 9, 000 Deputy superintendent of supplies 4, 000 Two clerks, each 4, 000 Four clerks, each 3, 312 NEW YORK, N. Y.— Continued. Bureau of supplies — Continued. Five clerks, each Ten clerks, each , Two clerks, each Four clerks, each Three clerks, each Nineteen clerks, each One clerk Two clerks, each Twenty clerks, each Two clerks, each Twenty-five clerks, each Three clerks, each One clerk One stenographer One stenographer Two stenographers, each Three stenographers, each Two stenographers, each Five stenographers, each One stenographer Moon-Hopkins machine operator Moon-Hopkins machine operator Chemist Orderly Orderly Toolman One storekeeper's helper Four storekeeper's helpers, each Fourteen storekeeper's helpers, each. One storekeeper's helper One laborer Nine laborers, each Two laborers, each One laborer Nineteen cleaners, each Attendant Gymnasium attendant Four autotruck drivers, each Automobile engineman Licensed steam boiler fireman ; Fuel engineer One fuel inspector Ten fuel inspectors, each Bureau of finance: Auditor Deputy auditor Two clerks, each One clerk Two clerks, each Three clerks, each Three clerks, each Six clerks, each Seven clerks, each Five clerks, each One clerk , Five clerks, each Forty-five clerks, each Four clerks, each , One clerk One clerk Five clerks, each Bookkeeper Four examiners of claims, each ....... $2, 820 2,640 2,262 2,106 1,950 1,794 1,638 1,482 1,326 1,170 1,014 858 702 2,820 2,640 2,262 2,106 1,794 1,326 1,014 1,170 1,014 2,820 2,262 1, 326 1,950 1,794 1,950 1,482 1,326 1,794 1,482 1,326 858 1,482 1,482 2,820 1,794 2,106 2,106 4,500 2,820 2,640 7,500 6,000 4,200 4,000 3,312 2,820 2,640 2,262 2,106 1,794 1,638 1,482 1,326 1,170 1,014 858 702 4,200 3,312 SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER^ 29 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population^Continued . NEW YORK, N. T.— €oatinued. Bureau of finance— Continued. Stenographer $2 Stenographer 1 One typewriting copyist 1 Two typewriting copyists, each 1 Three tabulating-machine operators, each 1 Typewriter accountant 1 Office of the secretary, board of education: Secretary 6 Assistant secretary 5 Chief clerk 4 Clerk 3 Clerk 3 Two clerks, each 2 Clerk 1 Clerk 1 Clerk 1 Two clerks, each 1 Clerk Three stenographers, each 3 Stenographer 2 Two stenographers, each 1 Stenographer 1 Typewriting copyist 2 TjTDewriting copyist 1 Telephone-switchboard operator 1 Three telephone-switchboard operators, each 1 Messenger 2, Chauffeur 2 Chaufieur 1 Confidential secretary 3 Confidential secretary 2 Confidential secretary Bureau of plant operation: Superintendent of plant operation 7 Chief of heating and ventilating div ... 5 Asst. chief of heating and ventilating div 4 Supervisor of janitors 3 Three assistant supervisors of janitors, each 3 Clerk 4 Two clerks, each 2 Clerk 1 Clerk 1 Clerk Stenographer 2 Three stenographers, each 1 Assistant engineer 3 Assistant engineer 3 Mechanical engineer 3 Mechanical draftsman 3 Three mechanical draftsmen, each 2, Four mechanical draftsmen, each 2, Architectural draftsman 2, Architectural draftsman 2, Junior draftsman 2 Junior draftsman 2 Three j unior draftsmen, each 1 Heating and ventilating inspector 3 326 950 326 326 482 500 000 000 960 312 820 950 482 326 014 858 312 820 794 482 640 794 170 482 262 820 482 312 640 470 500 500 200 600 528 500 640 794 170 624 106 326 600 528 528 528 820 6^0 820 640 262 106 794 312 NEW YORK, N. Y.— Continued. Bureau of plant operation — Continued. Eleven heating and ventilating inspec- tors, each Inspector of boiler-pipe covering Bureau of lectures: Stenographer Two stenographers, each Stenographer Stenographer Two stenographers, each Clerk Clerk Librarian NORFOLK, VA. Division superintendent Supervisor of instruction Primary-Mndergarten supervisor Secretary, school board Auditor, school board Stenographer, school board office Superintendent of buildings Vocational director Assistant vocational director Supervisor of — Art department Penmanship Music department Special classes Director, physical training department. Attendance officers: White Colored OAKLAND, CALIF. Superintendent of schools Two assistant superintendents of schools, each Secretary to superintendent Secretary-business manager Assistant business manager Auditor Astronomer Detention home instructor Supervising storekeeper Supervising custodian Supervising librarian Supervisor of — Reports and information Speech defects Two assistant supervisors of music, each. . . Supervisor of— Bands and orchestra (J) Physical education Two assistants, each Penmanship Kindergarten and primary education. . Supervisor and director, patriotic activities. Assistant supervisor of manual training Two assistant supervisors of drawing, each $2,820 2,640 2,262 2,106 1,950 1,482 1,326 1,014 702 1,950 5,000 4,000 2,500 1,800 2,500 1,320 3,000 3,300 1,725 1,625 1,550 1,675 1,800 2,200 1,000 55C 10,000 5,500 2,460 4,500 2,750 3,300 3,060 2,aio 2,700 2,400 2,508 2,040 2,820 2,820 690 2,840 2,820 2,820 2,820 2,880 2,820 2,820 30 SALARIES OF ADMIE-ISTRATIVE OFFICERS. Salaries in detail for cit'>es of over 100,000 population — Continued. OAKLAND, CALIF.— continued. Director of — Health and sanitation $3, 744 Assistant 2, 760 Citizenship 3, 240 Science (^) 1, 980 Assistant 1, 440 Boys' vocational work 3, 900 Assistant (|) 1,572 Social studies (J) - . 1,620 Home economics ($480 for evening) 3, 220 Assistant (i) 1, 620 Agriculture (J) 1, 425 Physical education (J) 975 Art 3, 060 Music 3,660 Research and guidance (|) 4, 000 Four assistants, each 2,820 Attendance ($350 included as aitto expense) : 3, 410 Chief attendance officer ($350 for auto) 2, 750 Four assistant attendance officers ($350 for auto) , each 2, 030 Accountant 2, 400 Two assistant accountants, each 2, 040 Pay-roll clerk 2,400 Bookkeeper 1, 620 Warrant clerk 1 , 620 Six secretarial stenographers, each 1, 620 Nme junior stenographers, each 1,320 Statistical clerk 1, 620 Census file clerk 1, 320 Duphcator operator 1, 320 File clerk 1,320 Telephone operator 1, 320 Three senior clerks, each 1, 800 Four junior clerks, each 1, 320 OMAHA, NEBK. Superintendent of schools 10, 000 Assistant superintendent 4, 200 Assistant superintendent 3, 500 Assistant superintendent 3, 300 Secretary 4, 800 Superintendent of buildings 4, 800 Assistant superintendent of buildings 3, 000 Supervisor of— Kindergartens 2, 600 Drawing 2,200 Physical education 2, 200 Writing 2, 400 Music 2, 500 Manual training 2, 700 Nurses 2,700 Assistant supervisor of drawing 2, 000 Assistantsupervisor of physical education. . 1, 500 Director of vocational guidance and de- partment of child labor 2, 000 Attendance officer 2, 200 Assistant attendance officer 1, 800 Assistant attendance officer 1, 600 Supervisor of — Music in high schools (part time) 1, 440 6 Plus $200 bonus. OMAHA, NEBK. — Continued. Supervisor of — Continued. Night schools $2,100 Speech correction 1,600 Director of department of health supervi- sion (part time) 2,000 School dentist 2, 400 One clerk 2, 100 One clerk 1, 650 Two clerks, each 1, 500 One clerk 1, 350 One clerk 1, 275 Two clerks, each 1, 200 Two clerks, each 1,080 Four clerks, each 960 PATERSON, N. J. Superintendent of schools 6, 000 General supervisor 4, 800 Supervisor of — Drawing 2,200 Assistant 1, 800 Music 2, 000 Cooking 2, 200 Sewing 2, 200 Mentally defective children 2, ] 00 Manual training 2, 900 School hygiene 5, 000 Eight medical inspectors, each 500 Chief attendance officer 2, 050 Three attendance officers, each 1, 650 One attendance officer = 1, 200 Stenographer ^ 1, 700 Stenographer '' 1, 550 Secretary, board of education 3, 500 Assistant secretary 3, 000 Accountant 5 2, lOO Stenographer 5 1, 450 Clerk 5 1,300 Clerk SI, 150 PHttADELPmA, PA. Superintendent of schools 12, 000 Four associate superintendents, each 5, 060 Eight district superintendents, each 4, 070 Director of— Music 5, 060 Art education 4, 510 Kindergartens 3, 410 Practicalarts and vocational education. 4, 510 Examinations 4, 510 Compulsory education 4, 510 Medical inspection 4, 510 Supervisor of special education for handi- capped children 3, 410 Min. Max. Eighteen assts.todir. of music, each. $1,240 6 2,040 Ten assts. to dir. of art education, each 1,240 6 2, 040 One asst. to dir. of kindergartens... 1,240 '2,040 Twenty-five assts. to dir. of physical ed.,each 1,240 62,040 6 Ten years. SALAKIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICEES. 31 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. PHILADELPHIA, PA. — coatinued. Five assts. to dir. of prae. arts and Min. Max. voca. ed., each $1, 240 6S2, 040 Nine attendance supervisors, each . . 1, 240 « 2, 040 One employment supervisor 1, 240 e 2, 040 Sixty-two attendance officers — ClassA,each 1,200 ? 1,500 ClassB,each 1,600 '2,000 Eight medical supervisors, each 1, 240 e 2, 040 Seventy-four medical inspectors, each 1,000 71,200 Head nurse 1,240 6 2,040 Forty school nurses, each 1,000 6 1,400 Librarian, pedagogical library 1, 240 ^ 2, 540 Assistant librarian, pedagogical library 900 n,325 Six clerical assts. to supt. and assoc. supts.. Class C-D 1,375 62,000 Eight clerical assts. to supt. and assoc. supts., Class A-B 900 « 1, 325 Eight clerical assts. to dist. supts.. Class C-D 1, 375 « 2, 000 Clerical asst. to dir. of compulsory ed.. Class C-D 1,375 6 2,000 Eight clerical assts. to dir. of com- pulsory ed.. Class C 1,375 7 1,615 Twenty clerical assts. to dir. of com- pulsory ed., Class A-B 900 6 1,325 Eight clerical assts. to other direc- tors. Class C-D 1,375 62,000 Ten clerical assts. to other directors, ClassA-B 900 61,325 Secretary's office: Secretary 6, 500 Asst. secretary and asst. solicitor 4, 500 One clerk 3, 000 Two clerks, each ^ 2, 600 Twoclerks, each 1,800 One clerk 1, 600 One clerk 1,500 Two clerks, each 1, 200 Three notice servers, each 1, 400 Clerical assistant 2, 000 Clerical assistant 1, 495 Clerical assistant 1, 325 Clerical assistant 1, 325 Two clerical assistants, each 1 , 225 Two clerical assistants, each 1, 125 Office boy 480 Buildings: Superintendent 6, 000 Assistant superintendent 4, 000 Chief draftsman 4, 000 Assistant draftsman 3, 000 Structural engineer 3, 500 Mechanical engineer 2, 500 Electrical engineer 2, 200 Mechanical assistant 2, 000 Mechanical assistant 1, 500 Detail draftsman 2, 500 Two general draftsmen, each 2, 000 General draftsman 1, 800 Two general draftsmen, each 1, §00 8 Ten years. ' Five years PHILADELPHIA, PA.— Continued. Buildings — Continued. Photographer $1, Five inspectors, each 2, Clerical assistant 1, Clerical assistant 1, Clerical assistant School treasurer: Chief clerk 1, Three clerks, each 1, Clerk School controller: School controller 4, Chief accountant 1, Chief tax auditor 1, Four clerks, each 1, One clerk 1, One clerk I, Eleven clerks, each Receiver of taxes: Chief clerk 1, One clerk 1, Nine clerks, each 1, Eleven clerks, each 1, Extra services 1, Supplies: Superintendent 4, Assistant superintendent 2, Clerk 2, Clerk 1, Clerk 1, Two clerical assistants, each 1, Three clerical assistants, each 1, One clerical assistant 1, Storehouse: Foreman 2, Assistant foreman 1, One packer and sliipper 1, Three packers and shippers, each 1, Three packers and shippers, each 1, Clerical assistant 1, Warehouse: Custodian 1, Two chauffeurs, each. 1, Janitor Outside force: Four inspectors, each 1, Piano tuner 1, 500 100 495 325 945 000 320 300 000 000 000 980 485 320 330 ,000 ,430 ,320 210 000 400 000 900 700 495 325 225 000 800 400 30O 200 035 450 300 850 PITTSBURGH, PA. Superintendent of schools 12, 000 Four associate superintendents, each 5, 000 Executive secretary for superintendent 2, 600 Stenographer for superintendent 1, 440 Stenographer for superintendent 1, 200 Three stenographers for assoc. supts., each. . 1, 200 Two stenographers for assoc. supts., each. . . 1, 440 Clerk for superintendent 1,200 Director of— Special schools and extension work 4, 000 Art "4,000 Kindergartens 4, 000 Hygiene 6, 000 8 Fifteen years. 32 SALAEIES OF ADMIISTISTEATIVE OFFIGEES. Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. PITTSBURGH, PA. — continued. Director of — Continued. Music $4,000 Research and measurement 4, 000 Primary supervision 4, 000 Nature study and school gardens 4, 000 "Writing and commercial work 4, 000 Household economy 4, 000 Compulsory attendance 4, 000 Vocational guidance. (FiUed by high- school principal.) Clerks to directors: Secy, to director of special schools 1, 440. 00 Two clerks to other directors, each ... 1, 115. 62 Clerk to other directors 918. 75 Two clerks to other directors, each . . . 750. 00 Clerk to other directors 1, 000. 00 Clerk to other directors 1, 500. 00 Clerk to other directors 2, 500. 00 Clerk to other directors 1, 500. 00 One supervisor of art 1, 950 Two supervisors of art, each 2, 300 Nine supervisors of art, each 2, 400 One supervisor of kindergartens 2, 300 One supervisor of hygiene 2, 100 One supervisor of hygiene 2, 200 Pour supervisors of hygiene, each 2, 400 One supervisor of hygiene 2, 450 Five supervisors of hygiene, each 2, 600 Payment to city of Pittsburgh, depart- ment of health, for inspectors' service and nurses 38,963 Eight dental operators, each 1,000 Eight dental cUnic assistants, each 520 Medical examiner (new child-labor law) ... 3, 000 Chief, psychological clinic 3, 000 Assistant, psychological c lini c 1, 440 Matron and clerk, chnics 1, 020 Chief, tuberculosis X-ray clinic 2, 400 Laboratory assistant 900 One supervisor of music 2, 100 One supervisor of music 2, 200 Seven supervisors of music, each 2, 400 Three supervisors of music, each 2, 600 Supervisor of writing and commercial work. 2, 000 Supervisor of writing and commercial work . 2, 100 Supervisor of writing and commercial work. 2, 300 Six supervisors of writing and commercial work, each 2, 400 Four supervisors of household economy,each 2,400 Supervisor of manual training 3, 600 Supervisor of manual training 3, 410 Supervisor of manual training 3, 100 Vocational guidance: Field secretary (man) 2, 600 Field secretary (man) 2, 300 Field secretary (woman) 2,000 Field secretary (woman) 1, 500 Two assistant placement secretaries, each 1, 350 Elfven high-school counsellors for Sat- urday work, each 300 Twenty-sis truant officers, each 1, 300 Sis truant-officer supervisors, each 1, 420 PITTSBTJEGH, PA. — Continued. Secretary's office: Secretary Chief clerk and paymaster Stenographer, board Stenographer and cashier Assistant secretary Chief accountant and statistician General accountant Cost accountant Accountant for disbursements Chief voucher and pay roU clerk Stenographer and clerk Statistical clerk Stenographer and clerk Stores-distribution clerk Machine operator for individual pay checks Retirement system bookkeeper, shop clerk Shop clerk Accountant for retirement system Controller's department: School controller Auditor Bond clerk Auditing clerk Retirement clerk Legal department: Solicitor Building department: Superintendent of buildings Chief clerk Stenographer and clerk (superintend- ent's) Assistant superintendent Building supervisor Assistant to building supervisor Engineer clerk Draftsman Draftsman Engineer Chief draftsman Chief inspector Chief clerk Stenographer and clerk Clerk Supply department: Superintendent of supplies Assistant superintendent Inspector, supplies and services Chief clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk T ypist and clerk Stenographer and file clerk Clerk Storekeeper Assistant, storeroom Two assistants, storeroom, each Assistant, shop storeroom Three truck drivers, each $5,000 2,970 1,440 1,584 2,970 4,000 1,680 1,6S0 2,640 1,416 1,140 1,224 1,015 1,296 1,125 1,296 1,125 2,100 4,000 3,600 2,200 1,800 1,500 5,000 6,000 2,500 1,500 4,500 3,300 2,400 1,080 1,800 2,040 2,400 3,000 2,400 2,000 1,500 960 6,000 3,000 1,800 2,000 1,224 1,296 1,296 1,125 1,125 1,224 1,932 1,500 1,200 1,300 1,352 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICEES. 33 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. PORTLAND, OEEG. Superintendent Assistant superintendent Assistant superintendent Secretary Record clerk Stenographer Stenographer Garden supervisor Physical training Attendance officer Assistant attendance officer Assistant attendance officer Assistant attendance officer Attendance clerk Business department: School clerk and business manager Assistant clerk Cashier Secretary Statistician ■ Bookkeeper Assistant bookkeeper Assistant bookkeeper Bill clerk Timekeeper Stenographer Stenographer Assistant bookkeeper Stenographer Telephone operator Operation department: Purchasing agent Assistant purchasing agent Two stenographers, each Superiutendent of properties General foreman Supervisor of operation Supervisor of grounds Secretary Stenographer Storekeeper Assistant storekeeper Two bookkeepers, each •. . . . Clerk Clerk Truck driver Truck helper Two watckmen, each PROVIDENCE, B. 1. Superintendent of schools First assistant superintendent of schools. . . Second assistant superintendent of schools. Third assistant superintendent of schools. . Supervisor of — Primary schools Special schools rirector of — Kindergartens Industrial education and drawing Five assistants, each Music Three assistants, each S7, 000 4,450 4,200 1,800 1,500 1,320 960 1,250 3,900 2,500 2,040 1,800 1,680 1,260 4,750 2,100 1,9S0 1,800 1,620 1,500 1,500 1,260 1,080 1,200 1,440 1,380 1,080 1,200 1,080 1,800 1,380 1,080 4,200 2,700 2,400 2,280 1,380 1,080 1,800 1,320 1,500 1,320 1,350 1,440 1,200 1,380 6,000 4,500 3,250 2,750 2,500 2,500 2,500 4,000 2,000 3,500 2,000 PROVIDENCE, R. I.— Continued. Director of — Continued. Penmanship S2, 000 Physical education 3, 500 Two assistants, each 2, 000 Vocational guidance 3, 150 Assistant 2, 200 Instructor in military training 2, 000 Secretary of school committee 4, 600 Purchasing agent (books and supplies) 2, 550 Truant officer 2, 700 Supt., school property, including janitors. . 2, 600 Assistant superintendent of school property 1, 872 Bookkeeper (secretary school committee office) 2,100 Bookkeeper, assistant 1,400 Indexing and recording clerk 1, 600 Stock cl erk 2, 000 Stock clerk 1,400 Stenographer (superintendent of schools) . . 1, 800 Two stenographers, each 1, 100 One stenographer 676 One clerk 1,600 Two clerks, each 1, 30o Twoclerks, each 1,200 One clerk 1,000 READING, PA. City superiutendent of pubUe schools 4, 700 General supervisor (administrative) 2, 700 Supervisor of— Kindergartens and primary grades 1, 700 Intermediate and grammar grades 1, 700 Director of — Visual education 3, 200 Practical arts 2, 050 Physical education 2, 350 Medical inspection 1, 150 Medical Inspection 1, 150 One assistant 800 Three assistants, each (3 mos.) 240 Dentist 800 Fournurses, each 970 Music 2,000 Supervisor of— Drawing 1,850 Writtag 1,250 Home economics 1, 500 Child welfare 1, 850 Special teacher in music 1, 650 Special teacher in music 1, 250 Special teacher iu physical training 1, 300 Special teacher in drawing 1, 900 Special teacher 1, 500 Special teacher 1, 450 Special teacher : 1, 300 Special teacher in sewing 1, 300 Special teacher in sewing 1, 050 Special teacher in cooking 1, 250 Two special teachers in cooking, each 1, 200 Two attendance officers, each 1, 475 Superintendent of buUdings 2, 000 Superintendent of suppUes 1, 325 Stenographer 960 34 SALAKIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICEES. Salaries iu detail for cities of over 100,000 'population — Continued. RICHMOND, VA. Superintendent of schools Assistant superintendent Director of— Night schools Manual arts Music Physical education Penmanship Medical tuspection Supervisor of — Primary schools Kindergarten (first-grade supervisor) . Drawing Household arts Truant officer Clerk and supervisor of buildings Assistant clerk Supply clerk Messenger Two stenographers, each One stenographer One stenographer One stenographer EOCHESTEK, N. Y. Superintendent of schools Two assistant superintendents of schools . . Director of — Lunch rooms Commercial work. Junior high schools Manual training Art instruction Cluld study department Music Penmanship Physical education Special classes Elementary grades and kindergartens . Home economics Employment and certification of teachers Supervisor of — Art instruction Bands and orchestras Home economics Physical education Boys' clubs High-school music Elementary grades and kindergartens . Supervising teacher of— Penmanship Penmanship Special classes Music Music Music Music Art instruction Home economics Special classes Domestic art ' Child study Visiting teacher Superintendent of buildings Chief engineer S6,500 3,960 1,280 2,420 2,420 2,420 2,420 3,000 2,200 2,200 1,793 1,793 1,280 3,500 2,200 1,980 528 1,500 1,440 1,168 1,080 8,000 5,500 3,200 3,400 4, 500 3,400 3,900 3,100 4,100 4,100 4,000 3,800 3,300 3,600 3,500 3,200 3,000 2,500 2,450 2,300 3,000 2,050 2,050 2,300 2,100 2,350 2,000 2,350 2,300 2,200 2,500 2,150 2,500 2,000 2,800 3,500 3,000 EOCHESTEK, N. T.— Continued. Chief draftsman Examination board (part-time), 2 mem- bers, each Two chauSeurs, each Four attendance oflicers, each Attendance officer (part-time) One clerk One clerk One clerk One clerk Two clerks, each One clerk One clerk Two clerks, each Telephone operator Secretary Secretary One stenographer One stenographer Two stenographers, each One stenographer Two messengers, each One messenger Two messengers, each One messenger Thirteen messengers, each Twelve messengers, each SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Superintendent Assistant superintendent of high schools.. Assistant superintendent of grade schools. Secretary Statistician Stenographer Purchasing agent and clerk Bookkeeper .■ Secretary Stenographer Assistant Superintendent, buildings and grounds. . . Office engineer Assistant engineer Office clerk Stenographer Attendance officer Assistant attendance officer Assistant attendance officer Stenographer Supervisor of — Primary grades Exceptional children Art Physical education Art and handwork Domestic art Writing Industrial arts Home economics ^ Music Assistant Instrumental music EngUsh Modem languages Part-time Health direction S3, 000 250 1,300 1,620 408 1,600 1,304 1,300 1,260 1,200 1,162 998 960 1,326 1,600 1,260 1,266 1,140 1,020 960 1,200 1,080 960 900 780 600 6,000 4,350 3,600^ 2,040 1,320 1,320 4,500 2,220 2,040 1,500 780 4,200 2,700 2,640 1,680 1,200 2,600 2,000 1,500 3,500 2,500 2,800 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,400 2,600 2,000 2,550 1,600 1,500 2,500 2,500 3,350 3,000 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFFICEE^. 35 Salaries in detail/or cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. SAN ANTONIO, TEX. Superintendent Assistant superintendent BusLness manager Superintendent of buildings Secretary to superuitendent Bookkeeper Two stenographers, each Physician (9 months) ._ Dentist (9 months) Nurse (9 months) - Nm-se (9 months) Nurse (9 months) Two attendance officers, each Boards' attorney .Two supervisors, grammar and primary, each Three superx'isors, music, art and phy. ed., each SAN FEANQSCO, CALIF. Superintendent Five deputy superintendents, each . Secretary Stenographer Messenger clerk Chief attendance bureau 86,000 3,534 3,600 1,782 1,506 1,770 1,200 900 900 1,237 1,089 990 1,800 600 2,214 1,950 4,000 3,600 2,220 1,920 1,800 1,800 SCEANTON, PA. Superintendent of school". 6, 000 Supersz-isor of— Drawing Drawing Drawing Music Music Sewing Sewing Sewing Primary grades Penmanship Kindergartens One attendance officer Three attendance officers, each One attendance officer Health inspector Secretary of school board Superintendent of buUdings and supplies. Superintendent's secretary 1,890 1,770 1,650 2,150 1,770 1,890 1,870 1,550 2,290 1,990 2,010 1,800 1,500 1,200 1,800 3,600 3,600 1,800 SEATTLE, WASH. Superintendent Three assistant superintendents, each Head of dept . of method for grammar grades. Head of dept. of method for primary grades . Supervisor of — Drawing Garden work Home economics (2), each Manual arts Music (2), each Music Music Penmanship Physical education (4), each Attendance 10,000 5,100 3,840 3,300 3,000 3,300 2,760 3,000 2,760 2,400 2,100 2,940 2,760 3,000 SEATTLE, "WASH.— continued. Director of— Vocational guidance Home economics Manual training Music Orchestras Physical education Two coordinators with vocational guidance, each Three attendance officers, each. Home visitor Comptroller Bookkeeper One clerk One clerk One clerk Two clerks, each One clerk One clerk Two stenographers, each Two stenographers, each Two stenographers, each Three stenographers, each SPOKANE, WASH. Superintendent of schools ; . Secretary of board Assistant secretary of board Superintendent of buildings and grounds. Accountant Secretary to superintendent Supermtendent's assistant Supervisor of — Drawing Music Writing and evening school Household arts Physical training (2), each Manual training , Health Attendance officer ." . . Four stenographers, each One stenographer One stenographer One stenographer SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Superintendent Assistant superuitendent Secretary to superintendent Supervisor of — Art and handwork Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Music Assistant Assistant Nature study Assistant Physical education Two assistants, each Home economics $4, 200 3,660 3,660 3,660 2,580 3,660 2,760 2,200 1,620 3,900 2,100 1,800 1,680 1,500 1,320 1,200 2,400 1,440 1,320 1,140 1,0,SO 5,800 3,000 2,400 2,800 2,400 2,400 2,250 2,550 2,550 2,450 2,250 2,250 2,250 3,400 1,800 1,380 1,260 1,140 1,0S0 5,800 3,500 1,650 3,175 2,200 2,050 1,950 1,870 1,630 3,175 2,250 1,800 2,275 1,950 2,975 1,800 2,700 36 SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.— Continued. Supervisor of— Continued. Manual arts (this in addition to regular salary as head of department in high school) S500 Director of psychological laboratory (two- fifth time) 1,770 Visiting teacher 1, 800 Director of evening-school extension (this in addition to regular salary as head of de- partment in high school) 700 Assistant (in charge of immigrant educa- tion) 2, 000 Chief clerk 2,800 Bookkeeper 1, 400 Two clerks , each 1, 400 Stenographer 1, 200 Two clerks, each. . ". 1, 200 Two clerks, each 1, 000 One clerk 900 Attendance officer 2, 300 Two assistant attendance officers, each 1, 900 One assistant attendance officer 1, 800 One assistant attendance officer 1, 500 ST. LOUIS, MO. Superintendent of instruction 8, 000 Two assistant superintendents, each 5, 000 Three assistant superintendents, each 6, 000 One assistant superintendent (principal, Harris Teachers' College) 6, 000 One assistant superintendent 4, 500 Chief clerk 2,500 Teachers ' clerk 2, 300 One stenographer 1, 500 One stenographer 1, 400 One stenographer 1, 300 Five stenographers, each 1, 200 Messenger 600 Chief attendance officer 4, 000 One assistant attendance officer 1, 600 Nineteen assistant attendance officers , each 1, 900 Clerk 1,400 Director of hygiene 5, 000 Supervisor of hygiene 2, 550 Three inspectors, each 1,900 Two inspectors, each 2, 100 Nine inspectors, each 2,300 Supervisor of nurses 1, 750 Two nurses, each 1, 200 Four nurses, each 1, 300 Two nurses, each 1, 400 One nurse 1, 500 Fourteen nurses, each 1, 600 Two nurses, each 1, 920 Director of psychoeducational clinic 4, 300 Clerk 1,500 Supervisor of — Continuation schools 4, 100 Drawing and manual arts 5, 000 Educational extension 4, 300 Kindergarten 4, 000 Penmanship 4, 000 Music 4, 000 Physical training 4, 000 Primary (3), each 3, 400 ST. LOUIS, MO. — continued. Supervisor of— Continued. School gardens $2, 950 Special schools 2, 600 Assistant supervisor of — Drawing (3), each 1,900 Drawing (1) 2,000 Drawing (4), each 2,300 Music (3), each 1,900 Music (2) , each 2, 100 Music (6), each 2,300 School orchestras 3, 200 Penmanship 2, 200 Physical training (1) 2,000 Physical training (2) , each 2, 100 Physical training (1) 2, 200 Physical training (4) , each 2, 30O Physical training (1) 2,500 School gardens 1, 700 Building department: Superintendent of buildings 7, 500 Stenographer. 2, 093 Stenographer 1, 455 Chief clerk 3,210 Clerk, first rank 2, 093 Clerk, second rank 1,672 Clerk, third rank 1, 405 Messenger 808 Chief engineer 4,000 Superintendent of construction 3, 210 Superintendent of heating and ventila- tion 2, 555 Superintendent of heating repairs 2, 555 Superintendent of plumbing 3, 290 Superintendent of electric work 2, 922 Superintendent of janitors 2, 922 Superintendent of shops and repairs ... 3, 510 Shops, head clerk 1, 895 Shops, stock clerk 1, 495 Shops, second clerk 1, 465 Three building superintendents , each. . 2, 010 Two draftsmen, each 2,700 Landscape gardener 2, 922 Meter reader 1 , 750 Head garage man and chauffeur 2, 249 Second garage man 1, 503 Truck driver (shops) 1, 591 Supply department: Superintendent of supplies 6, 000 Assistant to superintendent of supplies 3, 106 Stenographer 1, 590 Cashier 1 , 380 Inspector of supplies 2, 400 Clerk, first rank 2, 100 Clerk, second rank 1, 920 Clerk, third rank 1, 740 Clerk, f oiuth rank 1 , 560 Clerk, fifth rank 1 , 380 Clerk, sixth rank 1,260 Messenger 720 Auditing department: Auditor 5,000 Chief clerk 3,200 Clerk, first rank 2, 300 Clerk, second rank 1, 950 Clerk, third rank 1 , 675 SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. 37 Salaries in detail for cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. ST. LOUIS, MO.— continued. Law department:. Attorney Finance department: Secretary-treasurer Assistant to secretary-treasurer Stenographer — Stenographer Cashier Assistant cashier Paymaster Clerk, first rank Clerk, second rank Clerk, third rank Clerk, fourth rank Clerk, fifth rank Telephone operator ST. PAUL, MINN. Deputy commissioner (business manager) . Superintendent of schools Assistant superintendent of schools Director of research Assistant director of research Director of attendance Truant officer Truant officer Director of hygiene Superintendent of buildings Assistant superintendent of buildings Inspector of fuel and heating plants Bookkeeper Clerk One stenographer Two stenographers, each Two stenographers, each Two stenographers, each Supervisor of— Grammar grades (assistant superin- tendent) Primary grades and kindergarten Manual training and vocational train- ing Music Art Physical training Domestic science Special classes Supplies Gardens Assistant supervisor of music Assistant supervisor of music Assistant supervisor in charge of kin- dergartens Two assistant supervisors of art, each. . Assistant to supervisors (research division). STKACUSE, N. T. Superintendent ., Clerk Assistant clerk Secretary to superintendent Superintendent of buildings and janitors. Two attendance officers, each One attendance officer $4,500 7,500 4,200 2,500 1,550 3,500 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,500 1,450 1,100 3,300 5,000 2,600 3,800 2,500 3,400 2,040 1,740 3,850 2,500 2,475 2,475 1,860 2,040 2,040 1,608 1,548 1,488 3,300 2,850 3,500 2,700 2,600 2,650 2,500 2,400 1,558 1,850 1,950 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,520 6,000 2,800 1,800 2,000 2,600 1,500 1,050 SYRACUSE, N. Y.— Continued. Census clerk Assistant clerk Assistant clerk Custodian of supplies Supervisor of— Grades Kindergartens Industrial education. Music Assistant Drawing Assistant Physical education . . SI, 500 1,000 900 1,200 3,700 2,450 3,600 2,650 2,150 2,450 1,800 2,500 TOLEDO, OHIO. Superintendent of schools 6, 240 Assistant superintendent 4, 000 Assistants in charge of special departments: Manual training 3, 750 Extension 3, 200 Vocational training 3, 500 Supervisor of— Physical training 2, 500 Art 2, 500 Music 2,800 Music 2, 200 Kindergarten 2,500 Grades I-II 2,500 Grades III-IV 2,200 Grades VII-VIII 2,200 Nature study 2, 500 Penmanship 2, 200 Home economics 2, 200 Health 1,900 Attendance department: Chief attendance officer 1, 800 Three attendance officers, each 1, 600 Two attendance officers, each 1, 350 One attendance officer 1, 200 Clerk 1,080 Clerk 1,020 Superintendent's clerk 1,500 TRENTON, N. J. Superintendent 7, 000 Assistant superintendent 2, 100 Stenographer 1, 300 Two stenographers, each 1, 200 Clerk 1,450 Director of primary grades 2, 250 Supervisor of — Music 2,350 Assistant 1, 850 Art 2,350 Assistant 1,850 Physical training 2, 150 Domestic science 2, 250 Manual training 2, 900 Assistant 2,050 Medical director 4, 500 Four inspectors, each 900 One inspector 300 One nurse 1, 300 Three nurses, each 1,250 38 SALARIES OF ADMINISTEATIVE OFEICEES. Salaries in detail jor cities of over 100,000 population — Continued. TBENTON, N. J. — Continued. One niirse $1, 200 Three nurses, each 1, 150 One nurse 1, 100 One nurse 1, 050 Dentist 1, 650 Extension education director 4, 500 Clerk 720 Two attendance officers, each 1, 500 One attendance officer 1, 300 Tliree attendance officers, each 1, 200 Two attendance officers, each 1, 100 One attendance officer 700 Supervisor of working papers 1, 220 School psychologist. 2, 300 Continuation-school director 800 Business manager 3, 500 Clerk 1,800 Secretary board of education 3, 000 Assistant secretary, board of education 2, 000 WASHINGTON, D. C. Superintendent Two assistant superintendents, each Director, intermediate instruction Director, primary instruction Tliirteen district principals, each Secretary ^ Financial clerk ° One clerk ^ Two clerks, each ' One clerk ' Three clerks, each " One clerk Two stenographers, each. s Two messengers, each ■. Supervisor of — Domestic art ' Domestic science ^ Drawing s Penmanship ^ Physical training ' Manual training i" Music WILMINGTON, DEL. Superintendent Assistant superintendent Director of vocational education Clerk, office of vocational education Clerk, office of Americanization depart- ment Supervisor of — Americanization classes Sewing Music Art Nature study Physical education Chief attendance officer Two assistant attendance officers, each Medical inspector » Plus $240 bonus. 6,000 3, 750 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,000 2, 000 1,600 1, 500 1,400 1,000 9 900 1,000 9 720 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,400 2,500 2,900 2,500 6,000 3,000 4,500 1,200 1,200 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,800 1,500 1,500 1,150 1,500 WILMINGTON, DEL. — Continued. Three nurses, each Clerk, superintendent's office Secretary, board of education Clerk, office board of education Clerk, office board of education Supervisor of buildings Chief engineer WOECESTEE, MASS. Superintendent of schools Two assistant superintendents, each One assistant superintendent Director of— Drawing Home economics Kindergarten Manual training ,. . Music Physical training Writing Agricultm'e Two supervisors of Americanization and evening practical arts, each Business manager and clerk of school com- mittee , Chief attendance officer Supervisor of attendance Chief clerk, superintendent's office First assistant clerk, superintendent's office Chief clerk, business manager's office First assistant clerk, business manager's office Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer Clerk, attendance officers Inspector of schoolhouses and supervisor of janitors Director of school hygiene TOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. Superintendent Assistant superintendent Director of schools Clerk-treasurer Assistant clerk Secretary Secretary Secretary, substitute (per month) Supervisor of— Drawing Music Kindergarten and primary Penmanship Domestic science and arts Manual training Physical education and hygiene Assistant supervisor of — Physical training Music Four attendance officers, each $1,200 1,200 2,500 1,400 1,000 2,500 2,500 6,000 4,600 4,250 3,250 2,000 1,800 3,250 3,250 3,250 2,000 3,250 1,700 4,600 2,100 2,100 2,000 1,400 2,200 1,387 1,200 1,150 900 825 918 2,125 2,500 9,000 4,500 5,000 2,760 2,220 1,320 1,260 70 2,850 2,375 3,000 2,375 2,250 2,975 3,300 2,850 2,0(X) 1,600 10 Plus $120 bonus. o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS /^ ^ 021 496 801