.a7 General Instructions for Fire Drills by JOSEPH QUINN Certified Fire Drill Expert Chief Fire Drill Service New York City \ Copyright, 1919, by Joseph Quinn GENERAL INTRODUCTION Fire Drill signal systems consisting of a certain num- ber of taps operated by the hand of a certain person are not recommended, as that person may be absent at the time the fire drill signal is required. If there is no electric interior alarm signal system in the building which any teacher may operate in case of fire and which will sound an alarm throughout the building, then it is advisable to install either a bell, gong, horn or whistle, which any teacher or person of authority connected with the school may operate by sounding the same continuously. It is essential that all exit doors which lead out of a building should open outward, and it is recommended that such doors be equipped w^ith panic bolts, which by simply pressing against the same will cause such doors to immediately open. If there are no panic bolts on exit doors that lead out of a building, it is very important that all such exit doors (single or double) be kept unlocked and unbolted during the time students are in the building; also some person or persons should be assigned to see that this very important rule is carried out. The omis- sion of this rule has on several occasions caused serious loss of life to students and others, who were unable to get out readily owing to the fact that one or more of the exit doors were bolted on top and bottom at the time a fire occurred. (The above does not mean that exits doors should be left open.) Exit doors leading to outside iron stairways or fire escapes should swing outward so as not to obstruct f£B24l9g)aAr,,4]:)7 ^t, \0 Q^ such stairways or fire escapes; if necessary to do this such doors should be made in two vertical sections. When exit is through windows they should be made readily accessible and easy to open. "EXIT" signs in letters readily observed should be placed directly over or near each exit leading out of the building, and in large buildings either red or blue lights to be kept lighted at night time, to show the location of exits in smoke or darkness, or w^hich may be turned on immediately from a point near the main entrance or office in case of need. Exits and passageways should be kept free and clear from obstructions or any material that might cause or promote fire and thus prevent the same from beinj used. The policy of storing oils, paints or combustible material under stairways or near exits w'hich, if the same took fire, w^ould render such stairways or exit useless or inaccessible should be prohibited; all storage enclosures under stairways should be removed or closed up. Each class of students should have an assigned place of safety to stop at when they leave the building in response to the fire drill signal. During inclement w^eather it is not advisable to have a trial fire drill which would necessitate students to leave the building. Rapid Dismissal in w^hich students are allowed to get hats, coats, etc., should not be classed as a Fire Drill Dismissal; such drills are usually given when the fire is in some other building or when there is no im- mediate danger to the building in which the students are housed. Steam escaping from a radiator where the vent valve had become loose or fallen out has caused quite a few panics in schools, the students fearing an ex- plosion would occur. Therefore students should be instructed that in such cases the only harm that could result would be in case a person w^ere to place them- selves directly in front of the escaping steam. It is important that teachers read the Fire Drill In- structions to students, so that no matter what class room they are in they w^ill know w^hat exit to use and just what to do when the Fire Drill Signal is sounded. Fire Drills should be conducted at least twice during each month at unexpected times, without notifying teachers or students. A record of all fire drills should be kept, giving date, building, stories, number of students, exits used, time taken in dismissal and the alarm system used. ASSEMBLY ROOM DRILLS As each assembly room differs as to plan of seats, aisles, exits, etc., it is not possible to give exact in- structions in regard to same. The rule relative to all exit doors being unlocked and unbolted should be strictly observed when the students are assembled. Students should be assigned to use exits proportion- ately, so as not to cause congestion. The idea is to try and have all students move simul- taneously, and in regular order to their assigned exits. Marching in straight lines toward exits is preferable to making a number of turns. Teachers should accompany their classes and regu- late their dismissal. DORMITORY DRILLS For night fire drills the immediate turning on of all lights is important. Pounding on the dormitory floor with a baseball bat or a heavy piece of wood has proved to be oiie of the best methods of arousing sleeping persons and should be resorted to in addition to any other alarm system used. Thorough search should be made of the dormitory to make sure that no student has been left behind, as experience has taught us that some will unconsciously roll under the beds and remain there fast asleep. FIRE DRILL NAME. LOCATION INSTRUCTIONS THE FIRE DRILL SIGNAL FOR GENERAL DISMISSAL WILL BE. WHENEVER THIS SIGNAL IS GIVEN TEACHERS AND STUDENTS WILL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: TEACHERS Teachers will assign a student to immediately open the Class Room Exit Door. The teacher in class room nearest to any exit door leading out of the building will assign one or more students to open such exit door or doors. Teachers will take a position near their class room exit doors, see that all students have passed out; then close said doors to prevent draught. They will accompany their classes and may take a position at any part of their class line so as to main- tain discipline and keep class formations in order. If for any reason a stairway, fire-escape or other exit to which a class is assigned cannot be used, they wiU direct students to take the next available exit. In case a class meets with delay in leaving a class room, the next class in order of march will take its place £uid the delayed class will follow. When a class is endangered more than another, such class should be given preference in the line of march or to exits, if the case is urgent, and the other class should follow. In case of an emergency a teacher may give verbal dismissal to the class, and, if necessary, see that°the Gen- eral Dismissal Signal is also immediately sounded. They may take personal charge of, or may assign two members of their class to assist any student who may be suffering from an ailment that would render such student unable to take an active part in the drills. They should observe and adopt the quickest and best method of forming class lines at class room exits. They should note the location and should know how to operate the alarm sending stations or whatever other signal apphance IS used for the General Disniissal, and also for calling the Fire Department, so that, should an occ£ision su-ise, they could sound the alarm signal immediately. . . . Teachers shoidd see that all windows in their class rooms are immediately closed if there is a fire in the vicinity of the school buildmg. .u ..u ^^Mwu* ^^""^^ occasionally read to their classes all the instructions necessary for students to know, so that they will thoroughly understand just what they are to do when the Fire Drill Alarm Signal is sounded. COPYRIGHT. ^^^Jl^^^^fiQXn^f^, mre DrUl B.pert. ciuer tire Drill Sen-Ice, Neiv York STUDENTS-Class Room No. Use Exit No. All students shall immediately arise, put adjustable seats in use up and prepare to leave the building in the following order: Dismissal shsdl be immediate, those nearest exits move first, form in line while moving, pass out clasis room exit in DOUBLE-SINGLE file and LEAD-FOLLOW students from Class Room No, to assigned exit, thence to assigned place of safety. Order and Silence must prevail during the drill. Go quietly, quickly, without getting hats, coats, books, etc. Do not crowd ; do not try to pass those in front of you or those coming out of other class rooms except when directed to do so by a teacher. Keep moving (unless otherwise directed by a teacher) until out of the building and at assigned place of safety. Keep Class Line formation upon reaching assigned place of safety and when return signal is given return in reverse order of march. When passing through smoke filled halls or rooms students will form a chain by holding the hand of student directly behind them. In case a student becomes ill while the drill is in progress, such student will be taken to a place of safety by the two nearest students. When students are assigned by a teacher to assist another student, they will follow their class line with such student in their charge. Students assigned to open any exit door leading out of the building will hold such exit door or doors open until all students using such exits have passed out, after which they will follow the line. When the return signal is given they will hold such exit door or doors open until all students have returned, after which they will return to their classes. Students assigned to open class room exit doors that are NOT self-closing will take their usual place in the class line. When a teacher gives verbal fire drill alarm to a class, students will respond to the same as per instructions for general dismissal. Students suffering from any ailment that would prevent them from taking an active part in the drills will notify their teachers to that effect. Upon discovering fire in any part of the school building students will immediately notify the nearest teacher and also the person in charge. Do this quietly so as not to cause panic. When the fire is in a closet, locker or room, shut the door of same, so as to prevent it from spreading. If the Fire Drill Signal should be sounded while classes are returning after a drill, students will face about and proceed out of the building in the regular general dismissal order, under direction of their teachers. FIRE FIGHTING FORCE When there are fire hydrants in the vicinity of school buildings and fire hose, nozzles, hydrant wrenches, etc., been provided for, the male employees should be or- ganized into a Fire Fighting Force consisting of a Cap- tain, Lieutenant and as many Privates as obtainable. The Engineer, if he is an active man, is usually se- lected as Captain and usually selects the other mem- bers of the force. The Fire Fighting Force should respond with all necessary appliances to each Fire Drill Alarm. They should stretch one or more lines of hose from the nearest hydrant to the building, put nozzle on, and be ready to open hydrant if necessary. It is very important that at least three hydrant wrenches be carried to each alarm in case more than one hydrant line is stretched. The Fire Fighting Force should have practice drills (independent of the dismissal drills , once each week until proficient, and then at least twice each month. Such drills should consist in coupling hose together, connecting it to hydrant, stretching same to building, putting nozzle on, opening hydrant, allowing w^ater to flow through line, handling nozzle at different water pressures and also the charging and use of chemical extinguishers. (It is not advisable to open fire hydrant in freezing weather except a fire actually occurs. - The Captain should select Hydrant men and pipe men so that he will alw^ays have one man at the hydrant and if possible, two at the pipe or nozzle. Full stretch of the line of hose from hydrant to the fire should be made before turning on the water as it is difficult to move a charged line of hose. Avoid pulling the hose line too tight at the hydrant or standpipe, as this will cause a bend and thus stop the full flow of water thru the line. This is also liable to cause a burst. All bends should be taken out of the line after it is stretched. On practice Dismissal Drills avoid stretch- ing the line of hose -where it might interfere with the students' line of dismissal. Full instructions should be given the force in the charging and use of chemical extinguishers. The class in which sulphuric acid, bicarbonate of soda and w^ater are used in combination should not be upset or their contents broken, until they are brought near to the fire. Otherwise much of their contents will be lost. It is not advisable to take these extinguishers down from their place on practice fire drills, as by so doing some of the acid contained therein is upset, mixes w^ith soda and water and thus spoils the contents. Always try to prevent fire from reaching a stairway or shaft by driving it back and extinguishing it with a stream of water. It is rather a serious condition when fire has extended into hollow walls, ceilings, etc., and it would thus neces- sitate the immediate calling of the regular fire depart- ment. The usual procedure in such cases is to open up such hollow spaces, insert the nozzle in the opening and direct the stream of w^ater upw^ard or across the open- ing until the fire is extinguished. Then open the entire space as far as it shows a burnt condition. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III III II • 029 453 131 2 When fire has possession of a room, closet or locker do not open the door of same until you have a line of hose stretched and charged with water or something at hand with which to extinguish the fire. To prevent fire or smoke extending from rooms to halls and stairways close all doors and fanlights of such rooms. The water supply system for fire protection should be tested from time to time to see that the pressure is sufficient and that all fire hydrants are in good condi- tion, that their valve stem and threads on couplings are greased and that all water is drawn from their barrels before freezing weather sets in, except when they are of the non-freezing type. 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