l^j^'ifij^my j&s/zsi'iAy LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shell'. -- - » c> a -J UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. -i^^^eg^wj, T^m-^m) -§■ •:^r TT^j"?^; fe=Sf 1892. Staple Plumbing Goods. CATALOGUE «_„ / • - ' L.Wolff Manufacturing Company (Established 1855.) MANUFACTURERS OF PLUMBING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. General Offices, 9> West Lake Street. FACTORIES, 93-117 West Lake Street, 754-794 Fulton Street, 804-852 and 837-851 Carroll Avenue. Show Rooms, 91 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. Western Branch, - - - DENVER, COLORADO. -^]\^^S^ Entered according to act of Congress in the j'ear 1S92, by the L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. jer The Kehm. Fiktsch & Wilson Co. Printers, 117-121 Lake Street, Chicago. L. Wolff Manufacturing Company. 93 TO 107 WEST LAKE STREET, General Offices and Salesrooms. Brass and Machine Shop, Water' Closet, Marble and Electro Plating Departments. CHICAGO. L. Wolff Manufacturing Company. 109 TO 117 WEST LAKE STREET, Copper Shop, Slate and Soapstone, Wood Working and Finishing, Bath Tub and Lavatory Departments, CHICAGO. L, Wolff Manufacturing Company. •iT 'nsfiSjig t^is» CARROLL AND HOYNE AVENUES AND FULTON STREETS, Main Building; 125x475 Feet, Iron Foundry, Range Boiler, Enameling, Galvanizing, and Steel Sink Departments, CHICAGO. L. Wolff Manufacturing Company. i. Hl^ 91 DEARBORN STREET, Show Rooms, CHICAGO. H^ TO THE TRADE. This book we have compiled witli a view of covering all Staple Plumbing Goods as manufactured by us, omitting all special- ties, for had we included the illustrations and price lists necessarj'' for our line of Plumbing Specialties, it would have proven un- wieldy and cumbersome for general use. We will,' therefore, issue another catalogue devoted to Plumb- ing Specialties, being designated as Specialties, "Catalogue B," and which we will be pleased to send upon application. When ordering please use the number designating the articles wanted, also being careful to use the prefix "A," in so doing errors and dela3's will be avoided. We have added a telegraphic code for correspondence, also a code word to each price given in this catalogue so that an^^ article can be ordered by wire, when desired. April 15TH, 1S92. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TELEGRAPHIC CODE FOR CORRESPONDENCE. QUESTIONS- Vacancy. — How soon can you furnish ? Vacated. — At what price, and how soon can you furnish ? Vacation. — Can j-ou furnish from stock ? if not how long would it take ? Vacilate. — How long will it take you to make ? Vacuity. — Have you in stock ? if not all how many ? Vagabond . — How many have you in stock ? Vagarious . — Have j^ou in stock ? Vagary. — How man^- can we depend upon ? Vagrancy. — Can you furnish us promptly ? Vainglory. — Can you ship at once ? Vainness. — ^When will you ship our order? Valance. — When can 5rou ship any part of our order ? Valedicted. — When will j-ou complete our order ? Valentine. — We are waiting for the , shall we ship balance without them ? Valiantly. — Shall we enter order ? Validation. — Can we substitute? I'alidity. — Have you sent prices as requested in our letter of the ? Answer. ANSWERS. Wabble. — We can furnish . Wabbling. — We have in stock. Wachfeiier. — We have none in stock. Wadded. — We have all in stock and can ship at once. Wadding. — We have all in stock and will ship at once. Wadhook. — We have the largest part in stock. Wadsett. — We have no in stock. Waeldchen. — We have in stock. Waffner. — We can ship part from stock and balance in . Wafers. — It will take us about to make. Waftage. — Will ship at once. Wafting. — Will ship in days. Wafture. — We can ship immediately on receipt of order. Wag. — We cannot furni.sh these goods at the time named. Wagegela. — Will ship earlier if possible. Wagerer. — We have no order. Wagering. — We have alreadj' shipped your order of . Wagging. — Too late to make alteration now. Waggish. — Have changed order referred to and will ship. Waggoner. — Will forward specifications by mail at once. Wagtail — We have sent price by mail. Telegraphic Code continued on next page. L. WOLFF MANUFATURING COMPANY. TELEGRAPHIC CODE.-continued. INSTRUCTIONS. Ubcrous. — Ship by rail. UbicatioH. — Ship by boat. Ubiquitous. — Ship by express. Udder. — If j^ou cannot ship at once . Ugliness. — Ship what j'ou have ready and let balance follow. Ugly. — If j'ou cannot ship by the time named, advise us by telegraph. Ulcer. — Start tracer after. Ulcerate. — Wanted badly ; when will you ship. Answer by telegraph. Ulceration. — Please send shipping instructions. Ulterior. — Please answer our letter (or telegram) of UltimatHm. — Telegraph to-morrow early. Ultimity. — Ship the whole order in one lot. Ultraist. — Shipping instructions by mail. Umbellate. — Rush shipment of . Umbilical. — Telegram received too late to stop shipment. Umbonate. — Ship at once, any portion of order. Unbrage. — Your order was shipped. Umbrageous. — We are holding order for the . Umbratic. — Freight rate in car loads, per loo lbs. Umpirage. — Freight rate in less than car loads, per loo lbs. Unaccorded. — Free on board. Unadored. — Will hold offer open. Unailing. — If you cannot ship by the time named, advise us by wire. Unalist. — Prices have advanced. Unalloyed. — See our letter of . Unanimity. — Send immediateh' duplicate of order of . Unapt. — Ship earliest date possible and wire what date it will be. Ufiawares. — Don't understand order give better particulars. Unbaked. — Forward specifications, we require them to get out material properl}-. Unbar. — Must have sketch showing exact locations of . Unbecoming . — Your letter received, but enclosure mentioned missing. Unbeliever. — On your order of . Unbending. — F. O. B. Chicago. Unbind. — F. O. B. Denver. Unbolted. — Car load lots. Unboned. — Less than car load lots. Unbound. — Must have at once. L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX. Acorn Tips, ...... Adjustable Shave Hooks, " Urinal Inlet Connections — Wolft's proved, ...... Adjustable Urinal Outlet Connections — Wolft's proved, ...... Air Cocks, ..... Alcohol Cocks, ..... Ale Cocks, Anchor Closet Bowls, . . . . Angle Compression Stops, . " " " — Loose Key, " Stops — Extra Pattern, Compression, " Valves, ..... Anti-Syphon Trap Vent— McClellan's, B Backs and Brackets — Marble, Backs — Sink, Bags — Plumbers' Tool, . Bailee' Slop Hopper, . Ball Cocks — Boston Self-Closing, " " — Compression, . •■ —Fuller, " " — Ground Key, . " " — Improved, ■ Balls — Copper, . Ball Stem, for Fuller Hose Pipe, Basins — C. O., • Basin Clamps, " Chain, " Cocks — Compression, " " — Boston Self-Closins: " —Double Bracket, " " — Double Compression, " " — Extra Pattern, Compression " —Fuller, " —Fuller Double, . " —Fuller Bracket, '^ —Gielow's Patent, " —Ground, " —Self-Closing, " Grate, " Plugs, .... " Plugs, with Paibber Stoppers, " Pumps, .... Wrench- — Buzzell's Bar Strainers — Brass, Barber.-;' Slabs — Marble, Barrel Cocks, .... Bath Bibbs — Compression, . " " — Fuller, " Chain, ..... Bath Cocks — Compression, " " — Extra Pattern, Compression " " — Fuller, 240-241 357 Im- 195 Im- 194 53-245 52 242 340 81 81 . 116 50 • 348 312 275 360 283 177 84 138 42 84 306 223 336-337 211 217 87-92 170-171 96 97 1 19-122 142-158 149-151 156-158 172 54-57 168-172 210 206-207 . 207 257 ■ 358 209 316-317 245 73-75 133-134 • 172 99-101 123 -125 161-167 Bath Plugs, .... Plugs, with Rubber Stopper, . Tubs, .... " — Copper, " — Monarch Porcelain, (see ties. Catalogue B.) Bath Tubs — Porcelain L,ined, ' ' Waste and Washer, Bedfordshire Urinals, Beer and Ale Work, " " " Cock, . " " " Slabs, " Pump, .... " Vent— Schultz. Bell Trap — Brass, for Urinal Base, Bending Pins, Bender — Billing's Pipe, Bent Hose Couplings, " Ferrules, .... Bibb End for Hose, Bibbs — Boston Self-Closing, " — Compression, " — Compression, Bath, " — Compression, Hose, " — Compression, Loose Key, " — Compression, Wash Tra}', " — Compression, for Wood, . " — Compression, Extra Pattern, ■• —Fuller Bath, . " — Fuller Bath, Loose Key, " — Fuller Hose, . " —Fuller Plain, ■' —Fuller, Wash Tray, " — Oround Key, " — Ground Key Hose, . " — Prier Self-Closing, " — Self-Closing Telegraph, . Billing's Pipe Bender, Blast Furnace — Plumbers', Blatchford Combination Ferrules, Block Tin, Blow Pipes, .... Boiler Bracket, . . ■ ■ . " Couplings, . Couplings, for Iron Pipe, . " Hangers, " Stands, .... Boilers — Copper, " — Copper, with Coil, — Copper Wash, . •• —With Coil, . — Oj'ster, — Range, Bolts — Copper, " —Sink, .... Borers — Tap, Boston Self-Closing Ball Cocks, . " " Basin Cocks, " Bibbs, . our special- 206-208 207 309-311 309-310 ■ 311 212 338-339 242-245 242-244 319 • 245 245 190 357 • 361 225 ■ 199 227 173-174 58-70 73-75 59-70 65-67 71-73 . 64 103-1 1 1 133-134 134 127-132 127-138 136-138 1-6 2-6 179 169 361 362 201 363 359 303 204 20 1 303 302 304 304 308 300-304 306 2 98 301 356 ■ 279 357 • 177 1 70-1 7 1 173-174 XIV L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. B-CONTINUED. Boston Self Closing Hopper Cocks, . 177 Pantry Cocks, • 175 Stop Cocks, 176 Urinal Cocks, 188-189 Bossing Sticks, . . . . 359 Box Cover, for Stop Cock, . 289 Box — Grease, ..... 358 Boxes— Stop— Wolff's, . 290 Boxwood Bossing Sticks, 359 " Dressers, .... ■ 359 Side Edges, .... 359 Turn Pins, • 359 Bowls— Closet, 339 " — For Anchor Closet, • 340 Bower Traps, ..... 347 Bracket Basin Cock — Double Fuller, ■ 158 " —Fuller, . 156-158 " • " " —Ground, . 56-57 Brackets — Boiler, ..... 303 " -Sink, .... • 275 Brass Basin Pump, .... 237 " Bell Trap, for Urinal Stall Base, 190 " Ferrules, 198-200 " —Bent, • 199 " —With Strainer, 198 " —With Trap Screw, . 198 " Quarter Bend, . 200 " Fittings, ..... 240-241 " Lift and Force Pumps, . 238-239 " Safe Waste Valve, . . . 211 ' ' Sewer Traps, .... 21 1 " Strainer, ..... 209 " Tubes, . . . . . 241 " Traps for Wash Tubs, • 331 " Urinal Trap, .... 192-193 Brazed Copper Balls, ■ 306 Burner Pliers, ..... 358 Buzzell's Basin Wrench, • 358 Calking Chisels, Caps — Hose, .... " — McMahon Sewer, ' ' — to cover Basin Cock Hole, Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings, " " Soil Pipe, " Sinks, " Traps, . Cesspools — Hydrant and Bell Trap, Cesspool —Hydrant, " — Large with Grating, . Cesspool Plates, Cesspools — Willetts, . —with Bell Trap, Chain Stays, .... " " — with Soap Cups, Chains — Basin, Bath and Wash Tray Check and Guide for Street Washer, Chicago Vapor Torch, Chipping Knives, ■ Chisels — Calking, " —Cold, " — Floor, .... " —Wood, " — Yarning, 356-357 227 • 349 212 247-269 248-269 273-284 266-271 • 285 284-286 • 285 286 • 285 285 213-215 2 1 5-2 1 6 217 220 • 361 357 356-357 356 • 356 356 • 356 Cistern Cocks, 7 " —Valve, .... 212 Climax Granite Wash Tubs, 321-322 Clamps — Basin, ..... 211 " —Hose 226 — Hydrants, .... . 218 Closet Bowls, Anchor, 340 " Bowls, ■ 339 " Pans 306 Closets and Urinal Combined, , • • .341 " — Water, (see our specialties Catalogue B.) Cloths — Wiping, .... ■ 360 Cockhole Caps, .... 212 Cocks — Air, ..... 53-245 ' —Alcohol, .... 52 ' —Ale, 242 ' —Ball, Boston Self-Closing, 177 " Compression, . 88 " Fuller, 134 " Ground Key, . 42 ' —Barren, .... 245 ' — Basin, Compression, 87-92 ' " "Extra Pattern," Compression, 119-122 " Fuller, 142-158 ' " Ground, . ■ 54-57 " Self-Closing, 168-172 ' — Bath, Compression, . 99-101 ' " Extra Pattern Compression, • 123-125 Fuller, 161-167 ' — Beer, 242-244 ' — Boston Self-Closing, . . 170-171 ' — Bracket Basin Compression, . 96 " Fuller, • 156-158 " Ground, . • 56 ' — Cistern, .... 7 ' — Compression, .... 58-101 "Extra Pattern," 102-125 ' — Cooler, ..... . 244 Cock Cover, for Corporation Cock, . . . 289 Cocks — Double Acting Hopper, . . 182 ' " Bracket Basin Compression 97 " Fuller, . ... 158 ' —Fuller Bath, 161-167 ' ' ' Bracket Basin, (56-158 " Double Basin, . I 49-1 5 I " Pantry, 152-155 ' — Gas Service, 52 ' — Gielows Self Closing Basin, . 172 ' — Hopper, .... 182 ' " Compression, 85-86 ' " " Extra Pattern " Compression, 117-118 Fuller, 140-141 Kelly Stop and Waste, 180 ' — Hydrant Compression, • 83 " Ground Key, . • 38-40 ' — Liquor, ..... • 244 ' — Lock, .... 243 ' ' — Meter, . 52 ' — Pantrj^, Boston Self Closing, 175 ' " Compression, 93-94 Fuller, . 152-155 ' — Prier, Basin and Pantry, . . 178 ' — Racking, .... 243 ' —Rain and Well Water, 41 ' — Sill, Compression, • 76-77 ' — Shampoo, Compression, . 95-98 ' " Fuller, 157-160 ' —Stop, 9-37 Iv. WOLFF MANUFATURING COMPANY. XV C— CONTINUED. Cocks— Stop, Boston Self Closing, . 176 " Compression, 78-82 " Fuller, .... 139 " " Prier, ..... • 179 For Wood, 48 " Steam, 51 " — Urinal, Boston Self Closing, 1S8-189 Compression, 184-187 Fuller, ..... 190 " " Prier, . • . . • 179 " " lyoose Key Compression, . 187 Cold Chisel, • 356 Coler's Rubber Couplings, 00 355 Combined Closet and Urinal, -?/i.i Combination Ferrules, Raymond and Blatchford, 200-201 Pliers, • 358 Combined Slop Sink and Trap, ■280 Common Overflow Basins, .... • 336 Compa.ss Saws, . . 356 Compression Ball Cocks, .... . 84 Basin Cocks, • 87-92 " Extra Pattern,". 119-122 Bath Bibbs, ■ 73-75 " Cocks, .... 99-101 " "Extra Pattern," 123-125 " Double Basin Cocks, 97 " Bracket Basin Cocks, 96 " " Pantry Cocks, 94 " " Shampoo, • 95-98 Extra Pattern Hopper Cock, 117-118 " Hopper Cocks, . 85-86 "Extra Pattern,' 117-118 Hose Bibbs, 59-70 Hydrant Cocks, • 83 Pantry Cocks, . . . 93-94 Plain Bibbs, . . 58-70 " for Wood, 64 " EooseKey, . 65-67 Sill Cocks, . . . ■ . • 76-77 " " " lyoose Ke3^ 77 Stops, . 78-82 " "Extra Pattern," . 1 1 3-1 16 " " " Loose Ke y, 115-116 " and Waste, " Extra Patterr ," 1 12-1 14 " " Loose Key, 81-82 Urinal Cocks, 184-187 " " " Loose Key, 187 Wash Tray Bibbs, . 71-73 " "Extra Pattern ," IIO-III Work, ' ' Extra Pattern , " 102-125 Connections — Rubber, .... 354-355 — Urinal Inlet, 195-196 Outlet, . 194 Continuous Waste for Wash Tubs, 331 Cooler Cocks, 244 Copper Balls, . . . ... 306 Bath Tubs . 309-310 Boilers, ..... 304 Closet Pa, IS, .... 306 Foot Tubs, . ... 305 Hatchet Bolts, .... 356 Oyster Kettles, . . . . • 306 " Pantry Sinks, .... ■ 305-305 Pointed Bolts, . : . . ■ 356 " Seat Tubs, - . . . . 305 " Showers, • 308 Copper Wash Boiler, " Wire, . Corner Sinks, Corporation Cock Cover, " Stops, " for Wood, " " Mueller, " Payne, . Couplings — Boiler, " • " for Iron Pipe, " "for Wood Mains, —Hose, . " Bent, —Plain, . —Sink, —Valve, —Water Back, Cover — Street Washer, Cudell Traps, . Cutters — Washer, . Cups — Rubber Force, " —Soap, " —Soil, 307 364 278 289 44-48 48 46 47 204 204 49 ■ 225 225 203 279 203 205 289 348 ■ 357 360 279 359 Daisy Lawn Sprinklers, . . . . 229 Diamond Hoppers, ... • 340 Double Acting Hopper Cocks, 182 Douglas Instantaneous Water Heater, . • 352 Dressers — Boxwood, . ... 359 Drinking Fountains, . ■ . • 318-319 Slabs, . • . 316 Drip Trays, ..... • 340 Drivers — Screw, . . 357 Dry Pipe Tapping Machine — Mueller, . • 350 Drum Traps — Lead, . . . . 346 Duplex Water Lifter — Gould's, • 351 Earthenware, . 336-340 Eccentric for Fuller Hose Pipe, 223 Elbows — Ricketts — Rubber, • 354 Enameled Iron Bath Tubs, 311 " " Drip Trays, . • 340 " " Short Hopper and Traps . 270 " " Slabs and Bowls, . 296-297 " Slop Sink, with Trap, 280 " " Public Urinal, . 287 " " Wash Stands, 293-297 " Wash Tubs, 327-329 Expansion Tanks, ..... 303 " " — Greenhouse, ■ 265 Extra Long Traps, ..... 345 Extra Pattern Compression Angle Stops . 116 Basin Cocks, . . 119— 122 Bath Cocks, 123-125 ' Hopper Cocks, 1 1 7-1 1 8 ' Hose Cocks, . 109 / * Plain Bibbs, . Stops, ' Stops and Wastes, ' S tops and Loose K Work, . Wash Tray Bibbs, 103-109 113-116 112-114 sy, 115-116 102-125 IIO-III I,. WOI,FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Fastener — Hose Stap, Ferrules — Brass, .... " Bent, " " with Strainer, " with Trap Screw, ■ " Quarter Bend, " — Combination — Blatchford's, " — Combination — Raymond's, " — with Vent Connection, Fibre — Washers, Fittings — Brass, .... —Cast Iron Soil Pipe, " — Greenhouse, Filters — Globe Water, . Floor Chisels, . Fountains — Drinking, . Fountain — ^Jets, Foot Tubs, Force Cups — Rubber, Force Pumps, Friend — Plumbers, . French Closet Bowls, . Fuller Ball Cocks, . " Basin Cocks, " Bracket Basin Cocks, " Bracket Shampoo Cocks, " Bath Bibbs, . " Bath Bibbs, Loose Key, " Combination Bath Cocks, " Double Basin Cocks, . " Double Bracket Basin Cocks, " Double Pantry Cocks, " Double Shampoo Cocks, " Hopper Cock, " Hose Bibbs, " Hose Pipe, . " Hose Pipe Repairs, " Pantry Cocks, " Plain Bibbs, ' ' Repairs, " Stops, " Urinal Cocks, " Work, ' ' Wash Tray Bibbs, ' ' Work Trimmings, Furnace — Plumbers' Blast. Q Galvanized Range Boilers, " Expansion Tanks, Gas Hooks, .... Gas Pliers, .... Gas Service Cocks, Gem Spray Nozzle, Gielow's Self-Closing Basin Cocks, Globe Valves, " Ventilators, " Water Filter, Goose Neck Screw, Gould's Duplex Water Lifter, Granite Wash Tubs, . Grates — Basin, " — For Monarch Kitchen Sinks " — For Monarch Slop Sinks, " — Overflow, " —Safe Waste, 227 )8-200 199 . 198 198 . 200 201 . 201 198 • 364 240-241 248-269 262-265 224 318 234-236 305 360 238-239 360 339 138 142-158 156-158 157-160 133-134 • 134 161-167 149-151 • 158 154-155 159-160 I 40-1 4 I 127-132 223 • 223 151-152 127-138 141 • 139 190 126-267 136-138 . 141 362 298-301 303 363 358 52 224 172 50 355 224 220 351 321-322 210 . 208 208-209 20g 210 Grease Boxes, • 358 Green House Expansion Tanks, 265 " " Pipe and Fittings, 262-265 Valves, 264 Ground Basin Cocks, 54-57 " Bracket Basin Cocks, . • 56-57 " Bracket Shampoo Cocks 57 H Half- Round Sinks, . 278 Hatchet Bolts — Copper, 356 Hammers, ■ 356 Handles — Hydrant, 218 " —Rod, . 218 Hanger — Iron, for Boilers, 303 Hayden Pipe Wrench, • • -358 Heaters —Water , 352-353 Heavy Soldering Unions, . 203 Holly Hose Reel, . 229 Hopper Cocks — Boston Self-Closing, . . -177 " " — Compression, . ■ . 85-86 " " — Extra Pattern, Compression, 117-118 "- " —Fuller, . 140-141 " " — Johnson, . 183 " —Kelly, . 180 Hoppers— Short — and Trap, Iron, . ■ . 270 " — Mclver, 341 " — Philadelphia, • . ■ 340 " -Slop, .■ 283 Hopper — Traps — Iron, . 271 " and Traps Combined, 341 Hot Water Expansion Tanks, • 303 Hooded Lipped Urinals, . 339 Hooks — Gas, ■ 363 Hookis — Pipe, 259 — Plumbers', . • 363 " —Shave, 357 Hose Bibb Ends, 272 ' Bibbs — Compression, • 59-70 ' " — Extra Pattern Compression, . 103-109 " —Fuller, 127-132 ' " — Ground Key, . 2-6 " —Prier Self-Closing, ■ • 179 ' Caps, . . . . 227 ' Clamps, 226 ' Couplings, . . .225 ' Increaser, 226 ' Nipples, 226 ' Pipes, .... • . . 222-224 " Fuller, • 223 ' Reducers, 226 ' Reels, 229 ' Splice, . • . . . , 226 ' Sprinklers, 224 ' Straps, .... 227 ' Strap Fasteners, . 227 " Valves, 228 Hospital Slop Sink, . 282 Hydrants — Valve, . 292 Hydrant — Cocks Compression, • 83 " " Ground Key, . 38-40 " Cesspools, 284-286 with Bell Tra p, . . 284-286 " Clamps, . 218 " Handles, .• 218 Nozzles, . 219 " Sockets, . 219 I.. WOI.PF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. I Improved Ball Cocks, Kitchen Sinks, Lead Traps, Wolff's . " Urinal Outlet Connections " " Traps, Increasers, Hose, Inlet Connections — Urinal, Instantaneous Water Heater, Iron Brackets, ' ' Hopper Traps, " Hopper and Traps, " Ladles, . " Legs, " Range Boilers, - " with Coil " Sinks, . " Sink Plugs, " Slabs and Bowls, " Slop Sinks with Trap, " Strainers, " Traps, " Urinals, " Wash Stands, Irons, round. Jets — Fountain, . Johnson Hopper Cocks, K Kelly Hopper Cocks, . " Stop and Waste, . Keys — Street Washer, Kitchen Boilers — Iron and Copper, " Sinks, Wolff Improved, . Cast Iron, Knives, Chipping, . 84 276-277 342-346 194 • 193 226 195-196 352 • 275 271 270 360 275-281 298-301 300-301 272-284 • 279 296-297 . 280 286 266-271 287 293-297 356 234-236 18.-. . 180 180 220 298-301-304 276-277 272-277 • 357 Ladles — Iron, . . . . . . 360 Large Cesspools with Grates, .... 285 " Plumber's Furnaces, . . . . 362 Latch for Kelly Stop and Waste, . . . . 181 Laundry Tubs, ..... 321-335 Lavatories — see our specialties Catalogue B. . _ Lawn Sprinklers, ..... 229-333 Lead Drum Traps, ...... 346 " Traps, 342-346 Legs — Cast Iron, ..... 275-281 " — Sink, ....... 275 " — Slop Sink, . . . . . .281 Lilt and Force Pumps, .... 238-239 Lifting Attachment for Privy Sinks, . . . 289 Lifter — Water, . . . . . . 351 Liquor Cocks, ....... 244 Lock Cocks, ....... 243 Loose Key Bath Bibbs^FuUer, - . . -134 " " Compression Bibbs, ... 65 Urinal Cocks, . . .187 " " Stops — Extra Pattern, Compression, 115-116 Low Down Basin Cocks — Boston S. C, ■ -171 M Marble Backs and Brackets, " Barber Slabs, . " Radiator Tops, " Slabs — Plumber's, " " for Beer and Ale, . McClellan Anti-Siphon Trap Vent, Mclver Hopper, McMahon's Sewer Caps, Menders — Hose, Meter Cocks, .... Milk and Oyster Kettles, Minneapolis Pattern Stop, . Monarch Porcelain Sink Grates, Slop Sink Grates, WashTuks, " " Kitchen Sinks, see specialties Catalogue B . Monarch Porcelain Pantry Sinks, see our specialties Catalogue B. Mouldings — Marble, ..... Moulds— Tack Muellers' Automatic Pressure Regulator, " Corporation Stops, .... " Tapping Machines, • 316- -317 320 312 317 319 34S 341 349 226 52 306 35-37 208-209 209 333 -335 N Name Plates — Plumbers' , Nipples — Hose, . " — Soldering, Bent, " for Wood Mains, . Nozzles — Gem Spray, " H3^drants, . o Oakum — Spun, . Offset Calking Chisels, . Ohligers Rubber Connections, Open Sink Strainers, Outlet Connections for Urinals, Oval Basins, . Oval Closet Bowls, Oval Copper Pantry Sinks, Overflow Grates, Oyster Kettles, Pan Closets, ..... Pans — Copper Closet, Pantry Cocks — Boston Self Closing, " " — Compression, . " " — Double Compression, " —Fuller, . Double " Sinks — Copper, Patent Hopper Cock,s — ^Johnson, . " Lifting Attachment for Privy Sink, " Overflow Basins, " " Sinks, . Pasteboard Washers, . . • . Payne Corporation Stops, Philadelphia Hoppers, Pins — Boxwood Turn, 355 349 46 350 364 226 203 202 49 224 219 363 357 354 279 194 337 339 305 209 306 ■ 341 306 ■ 175 93-94 94 152-155 154-155 305-306 • 183 289 336-337 274 • 364 47 • 340 359 XVlll Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. P- -BilHiigs, CONTINUED. Pipe Bender- Pipes — Blow, Pipe — Cast Iron, Pipes — Hose, Pipe Hooks, " Testers, . " Wrench — Hay den, " — Stillson, . Pins — Bending, . Plain Bibbs — Compression, " " — Extra Pattern, " " — Ground Key, " Couplings, " Stops, finished, . . , .12- Plates — Cesspool , Plated Screws, Pliers — Combination, " — Gas, ■ Plugs — Basin, " —Bath, " " with Rubber Stoppers " —Drift, " — Sink — Iron ' ' for Slate or Soapstone Sinks, " —Wash Tray, . Plumbers' Blast Furnace, ' ' Earthenware, " Force Pumps, , " Friend, Hooks, . ' ' Name Plates, Slabs, ' ' Solder, Tool Bag, Torches, Wiping Cloths, Pointed Bolts, Porcelain Bath Tubs, see specialties Catalogue B. Drip Trays, ..... " Kitchen Sinks, see specialties Catalogue B. " lyined Baths—Iron, .... " f " Iron Wa.sh Tubs, . . 327 " Slop Sinks, see specialties Catalogue B. Wash Tubs, .... 333. • 361 359 246-247 222 • 259 261 ■ 358 358 • 357 ■ 58-70 103-109 1-5 • 203 ■15-26-29 ' . 286 364 • 358 358 206-207 206-208 207 359 ■ 279 206-208 206-207 362 336-340 238-239 • 360 363 • 364 312-317 • 363 360 ■ J59 360 356 Pots— Solder, .... Prier Self Closing Basin cocks, Bibbs, . Hose Bibbs, Urinal Cocks, Stops, Privy Sinks, . Public Urinals, .... Pull — Iron, for Kelly Hopper Cocks, Pumps, ..... Pumps — Beer, .... " — Brass Basin, . R Racking Cocks, Radiator Tops, — Marble, Rain and Well Water Cocks, Raised Strainers, .... " " for Urinal Trough, Range Boilers, .... with Coil, Rasps, ..... 340 3" -329 -335 360 . 178 179 ■ 179 179 • 179 288 . 287 tSi 237-239 245 • 237 ■ 243 320 41 210 210 298-391 300 304 356 Ra}'mond Combination Ferrules, Reducers — Hose, ..... Reels — Ho.se, ..... Regulators —Water Pressure, . Removable Shields, for Plumbers' Furnace, Repairs— Fuller, . . . . . Rests — Rod, .... Rickett's Rubber Elbows, Rod Handles, . . . . Rod Rests, . . ■ . Roll Edge Kitchen Sinks, . Round Bar Strainers, Round Irons, .... Round Strainers — Brass, Round Wa}^ Stops, " " " finished, " and Waste, . " " " " " finished Rough Stops, .... " " and Waste, " " Minneapolis Pattern, " Round Way, " " with Coupling, " " with Hose Coupling, . Rubber Connections, . " Force Cups, ' ' Ring Shampoo Sprinkler, " Stoppers, .... Safe Waste Grates, " " Valve Brass, Saws, .... " — Compass, ■ Screw Drivers, Screws — Goose Neck, " —Plated, ' ' — Street Washer, . " —Trap, . Seat Tubs, .... Seamless Drawn Brass Tubes, Sectional Slabs and Bowls, Self-Closing Ball Cocks— Boston, " " Basins Cocks, " . " Basin Cocks Prier, Plaiu Bibbs, " " Hopper Cocks — Boston " " Stop Cocks — Boston, " " Urinal Cocks — Boston, " " Work — Boston, " " Work — Telegraph, Sewer Caps — McMahons, Sewer Traps, .... Shampoo Cock — Bracket — Ground, " " — Compression " —Double Fuller, " —Fuller, Shampoo Sprinkler, with Rubber Ring Shampoo Sprinklers, Shave Hooks, .... Shields for Plumbers' Furnace, —Urinal, .... Short Hopper and Trap Iron, Showers — Copper, Shower — Stops, . • Shower Stops, Flange and Handle, Shultz Patent Beer Vent, 201 226 229 349 362 141 219 354 218 219 276-277 286 • 356 209 11-37 15-29 11-37 16 • 8-37 9-34 35-37 11-37 8 8 354-355 360 221 207 210 211 • 356 356 ■ 357 220 • 364 220 • 197 305 . 241 296 • 177 168-173 . 178 169 • 177 176 188-189 173-177 168-169 349 211-286 57 95-98 159-160 157-160 221 221 357 • 362 191 . 270 308 13-27-43 • 43 245 Iv. WOI.FP MANUFATURING COMPANY. see our specialties S— CONTINUED Side Edges — Boxwood, Sill Cocks — Compression, " " " Loose Ke}' Sink Back with Air Chambers, " Backs, " Brackets, ' ' Couplings, " Bolts, . " Grates, " Legs, . . . " Plugs, " or Bath Plugs, " Strainers, . Sinks— Corner, " —Half Round, . " — Iron, . " — Monarch Porcelain "Catalogue B. " on Brackets, ..... " Patent Overflow, . . . ' . " — Privj' " — Slate, see our specialties " Catalogue B " Slop, " " on Legs, .... " with Bell Trap, " Steel, " Square Cast Iron, Slabs and Bowls — Iron, " — Barbers^Marble, " — Drinking, .... " — Marble — Plumbers' . ... Slate or Soapstone Sink Plugs, Slate or Soapstone Sinks, see specialties alogue B." Slate or Soapstone Wash Tubs, Slop Sink, .... Slop Sink Grate, Slop Hoppers, Slop Sink Leg, " —Hospital, . " " — on legs, . " —with Trap Standard, " —with Bell Trap, Soap Cups — Iron, . " " — Brass, " " — with Removable Cup, Soapstone Washtubs, Sockets — Hydrant, Soil Cups, Soil Pipe — Cast Iron, " —Fittings, . " " — Plug— Wolfl's, Solder, Solder Pots, . Soldering Nipples, —Bent, Soldering Unions, Splice — Hose, Sponge Holder, Sprinklers — Hose, Sprinklers — Lawn, Sprinklers — Shampoo, Spun Oakum, Square Earthenware Basins, Square Copper Pantry Sinks, Stands —Boiler, Stays- Chain, . • 359 76-77 • 77 275 ■ 275 275 • 279 279 208-209 275 • 279 206-208 ■ 279 278 . 278 272-284 275-276 • 274 288 280-284 . 281 283 ■ 274 273-275 296-297 316-317 318-319 312-317 . 208 Cat- 323-326 280-284 208-209 283 281 282 281 280 283 279 2 15 -216 216 323 -326 219 359 247 248 -269 261 363 360 202 202 202 226 211 224 229 -233 21' 221 363 337 305 302 -215 Steam Cocks, ..... 51 Steel Sinks • 274 Steel Water Tanks, .... 353 Steamer — Thawing, .... • 361 Stick,s — Bossing, ..... 359 Stillson Wrench, ..... • 358 Stop Boxes— Wolffs, .... 290 " Cock for Wood, ..... . 48 " Cocks, 9-37 " Bo,ston Self Closing, . . 176 " " Compression, 78-82 " Fuller, • 139 " Prier Self Closing, 179 " Box Cover, .... 289 " and Waste " Extra Pattern " Compression, I 12-1 14 " Cocks Kelly, . 180 " " " Round Way . 11-37 " " " " " finished, . 16 " " Wastes — Rough, 9-34 Stops — Angle, "Ex. Pat." Compression, . 116 " " Compression, . . . . 81 " — Compression, ..... 78-82 Loose Key, 81-82 " — Corporation, ..... 44-48 for Wood. . 48 Mueller, . . . 46 " " Payne, 47 " — Extra Pattern Compression, 113-116 " " " " Loose Key, 115-116 " — Finished, . . T2-13-15-16-26- 27-29-30 " —Fuller, 139 " — Minneapolis Pattern, ... 35-37 " — Rough, . . . ■ . 8-37 ' ' with Hose Coupling, . . ... 8 " with Plain Couplings, 8 " — Round Wa3^ Finished, 15 " — Shower, ..... 13-27 " " Flange and Handle, 43 " with Couplings — "Ex. Pat." Compression 113 " "W" Pattern, 31 Strainers — Brass, ..... 209 —Raised, 210 ' ' — Round Bar, Iron , . 286 —Sink, • 279 Straps — Tinned, . 363 " —Hose . 227 Street Washers, ..... 291-292 Washer Check and Guide, . 220 " Cover, .... 289 " Key, 220 " " Screws, 220 Stuffing Box Work, . . . 102-125 Success Hose Reel, .... 229 Swing Seat — Hoppers and Traps, ■ 341 T Tack Moulds, ' • • 355 Tanks — Expansion, Hot Water, 303 " " Greenhouse, • 265 " —Steel— Water, .... 353 Tap Borers, • . • 357 Tapping Machines — Mueller's 350 Telegraph— Self- Closing Work, . 168-169 Testers, Wolff's Pipe, .... 261 Thawing Steamer, ..... • 361 Tin— Block, 363 Tinned Copper Showers, .... • 308 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. T— CONTINUED. Tinned Straps, Tips — Acorn, .... Torches, .... ' ' — Chicago Vapor, . Tool Bag — Plumbers', Trap.s — Brass Bell for Urinal Base, "for Wa.shTubs, . " " Sewer, . " — Bower, " — Cast Iron, " — Cudell, . " — Lead, Drum . " — Iron, Hopper " — Lead, Wolff 's Improved, " — Screws, Vented, with Projecting Flange, ' ' with Strainer for Urinal Base, " with Sockets " — Sewer, " — Urinal, Wolif's Improved, Trap Vents, McClellan, . Trays — Drip, .... Trimmings — Fuller, Tubs — Copper Foot, .... " — Porcelain Bath, see specialties Catalogue ' ' — Copper Seat, " — Zinc, .... Turn Pins, .... u Unions — Soldering, .... " — Soldering — Heavy, . Urinal Cocks, ..... " —Boston Self-Closing, " " — Compression Loose Key, " —Fuller, . " — Prier, Self-Closing, " Connections, Wolff's Improved, ' ' Inlet Connections, . . ■ . Outlet Connections, " Shields, Traps, .... " Traps, Brass Bell for Urinal Base, Traps, Wolff's Improved, ' ' Trough Strainers, Urinals — Bedfordshire, . . . " — Hooded, .... " —Public, .... V Vacuum Valves, Valve — Brass Safe Waste, " Couplings, " for Hj'drants and Street Washers, " Water Closets, . Valves — Cistern, ' . " — Globe and Angle, ' ' — Green House, " — Hose, . " — Vacuum, . Vapor Torch, Vented Bower Traps, Vented Brass Ferrules, Vented Lead Traps, 240- 19: 36,1 -241 , 359 ■ 361 360 190 331 211 347 266-271 348 • 346 271 342-346 197 • ■ 197 197 190 197 . 286 -193 193 348 340 141 _30,5 305 309 359 202 203 1S4-190 188-198 . 187 190 ■ 179 194 195-196 194 . 191 192-193 190 193 210 338-339 • 339 287 211 21 1 203 292 341 212 50 264 228 211 361 347 198. -346 Vented Trap Screws, Ventilators — Globe, . . . Vents — Beer, " — McClellan Anti-Syphon, 197 355 245 34^ H3- Wash Boilers, 307 " Stands, ..... 293-297 Wash Tubs, 32 1-335 " — Climax, Granite, 321-322 " — Monarch Porcelain, -. 333-335 " " — Porcelain Lined, . 327-329 " — Slate and Soapstone, . 323-326 " —Yorkshire 330-332 " Tray Chain, 217 " Bibbs, Compression, . 71-73 " " " " " Extra Pattern,' ' IIO-III Fuller, 136-138 " Plugs, . : . . 206-207 " '■ " with Rubber Stopper, 207 " Waste, 212 Washer Cutter, ..... 357 Washers — Pasteboard, .... 364 Waste — Continuous, for Wash Tubs, . ■ 331 Waste and Washer, for Wash Tray and Baths, 212 Water Back Couplings, .... • 205 " " with long .spuds. 205 " Closets, (for a full line see our specialties. "Catalogue B.) Water Closets— Valve, .... 341 Filter— Globe, .... 224 Heaters, 352-353 " " — Douglas, .... ■ 352 " Lifter — Duplex, ... 351 Pressure Regulator — Mueller's, • 349 Tanks, 353 Willett's Cesspools, ■ 285 Wilk's Water Heaters .... 353 Wiping Cloths, ..... • 360 Wire — Copper, ..... 364 Wire Sponge Holder, .... 211 Wolff's Adjustable Urinal Connections, 194 Climax Granite Wash Tubs, - 321-322 " Combination Ferrules, 200 Copper Tubs, .... 309-310 " Improved Lead Traps, 342-346 Roll Rim Sinks, . 276 Urinal Traps, 193 Inlet Connection, . • 195 Lawn Sprinklers, 230-233 Patent Street Washers, • 291 " " Stop Boxes, 290 Soil Pipe Plug, .... . 261 Wood Chisels, 356 Wrench — Buzzell's Basin- . . . • '• ■ 358 — Hayden Pipe, 358 — Stiflson's, ■ 358 Wrought Iron Bracket for Boilers, • 303 " Hanger, .... 303 Steel Sinks, . . . . ' • 274 " W" Pattern Stop, . . . . ' 31 Yarning Chisel, • Yorkshire Wash Tubs, Zinc Tubs, • 356 330-332 * 309 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PLUMBERS' BRASS WORK, PLAIN BIBBS. ROUGH. Size, Rough, per doz., /4 $9.00 Aback. II .00 Abaft. A-1. % H Va 14.00 16.00 21.00 Abandon. Abase. Abash. I I^ 32.00 52.00 Abate. Abbess. 72.00 Abbey. 2 m. 150.00 Abnet. PLAIN BIBBS. FINISHED AND PLATED. A-2. Size, .... Finished, per doz.. Jio.oo Abbott. 12-00 Abdicate. 15.00 Abbacot. 5/8 18.00 Abduce. ■ V4 24.00 Abbaca. I 36.00 Abet. 60.00 Abettor. 84.00 Abeyance. 2 in. I 70 . 00 About, Nickel Plated, per doz.. $12.00 Abhor. 14.00 Abhorrent. 17-50 Abib. 20.50 Abide. 26.50 Abiding-. 39.00 Ability. L. WOI.FF MANUIfACTURING COMPANY. PLAIN BIBBS, SCREWED FOR WOOD. FINISHED AND PLATED. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. A-3. H fi )4 $ii.oo 13-50 17.00 Abject. Abjectness. Abjure. $13.00 15.50 19.50 Abode. Abolish. Abolitiou. ^8 20.00 Ablative. 22.50 Abominate. 27.00 Able. 29.50 Abortive. I m. 41 .00 Ablution. 44.00 Abound. HOSE BIBBS. FINISHED AND PLATED. A-4. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., 72 $16.00 About. $18.50 Abroad. 19.00 Above. 21.50 Abrogate. Va 26.00 Abrade. 28.50 Abrupt. I m. 39.00 Abrasion. 42.00 Abruption. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE, WITHOUT SHOULDER. ROUGH. Size, Rough, per doz., A-5. $10.00 Abscess. 12 .00 Abscind. % 15.00 Abscision. 17.00 Abscond. ^ 23.00 Absence. I m. 35- 00 Absent. PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE, WITHOUT SHOULDER. FINISHED AND PLATED. Size, Finished, per doz. , Nickel Plated, per doz., A-6. % $11 .00 Absorb. $13.00 Abu.sive. 13.00 Absorbent. 15 .00 Abut /2 16.00 Abstain. 18.50 Abutment. ig.oo Absterge. 21-50 Abuttal. 26.00 Abstract. 28.50 Abyss. I 111. 39.00 Abstruse. 42.00 Academic. t. WOI^I^F MANUI^ACTURING COMPANY. HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE, WITHOUT SHOULDER. ROUGH. Size, Rough, per doz., A-r. $16.00 Academy. /a 18.00 25.00 I in. 38.00 Accelerate. HOSE BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE, WITHOUT SHOULDER. FINISHED AND PLATED. A— 8. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. $17.00 Acceptable. $19.50 Accessible. 20.00 Acceptably. 22.50 Accession. 'A 28.00 Acceptance. 30-50 Accidence I m. 42.00 Accepted. 45.00 Accident. I,. WOIvFF MAN'UFACTURING COMPANY. PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. ROUGH. Size, Rough, per doz., . A-9. $10-00 Accidental. 3/s }4 i/s H lin-' 12.00 15-00 17.00 23.00 35- 00 Acclimate. Acclivity. Acclivous. Accompany. Accomplice. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. FINISHED AND PLATED A- 10. $11.00 Accouple. $13.00 Accu racy. 13.00 Accoutre. 15.00 Accurse. 'A 16.00 Accredit. 18.50 Accusant. 19.00 Accretion. 21.50 Accuse. H 26.00 Accretive. 28.50 Accuser. I in. 39.00 Accrue. 42.00 Accustom Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. ROUGH. .■Si?i, rfV.- ^## A-11 Size, Rough, per doz., /2 5i6.oo Ace. IS.OO Aceldama. 74 35.00 Acerbity. I in. 38-00 Acescent. HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. FINISHED AND PLATED. A-12. caize. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. $17.00 Achieve. $19.50 Acme. 20.00 Aching-. 22.50 Acorn. 74 28.00 Acid 30-50 Acoustic. I m. 42.00 Acidify. 45.00 Acquaint. h- WOI.FP MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Size, Rough, per doz.. Size, Rough, per doz., CISTERN COCKS. SCREWED FOR WOOD WITH PLAIN COUPLING. $20 . GO Acquest. 24.00 Acquiet. H I in. 31.00 44.00 Aquisite. Acquisition CISTERN COCKS. SCREWED FOR WOOD WITH HOSE COUPLING. $19.00 Acquisitive. 23.00 Acquisitor. n 29.00 Acquaiutaut. I m. 42.00 Acquiescent L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. SCREWED FOR WOOD WITH PLAIN COUPLING. Size, Rough, per doz., fiy.oo Acquiry. 21 .00 Acrase. % 27.00 Acquist. I m. 38.00 Acreage. ROUGH STOPS. SCREWED FOR WOOD WITH HOSE COUPLING. Size, Per doz., y2 y& Ya I 1^4 i}4 2 in. $16.00 20.00 25.00 36.00 60.00 go. 00 180.00 Acritical. Acrity. Acroatic. Acrog-eu. Acroleine. Acrolitli. Acromial. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. "T" HANDLE, RIVET. Size, Per doz., A- 17. 3/8 Acquiesce, 11.50 Acquirable. 14.50 Acquire. 18.50 Acquit. I m. 27.00 Acquittal, ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. "T" HANDLE, RIVET, CHICAGO PATTERN. Size, Per doz., A- 18. $9-50 Acreue, 12.50 Acre. V^ 15-50 Acrid. 20.00 Acrimouy. I in. 29.00 Acritude. L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. "T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER. Size, Per doz. ^ Acronical. /2 I2.00 Acropolis. A- 19. 15.00 Across. Ya 19.00 Acrostic. 28.00 Act. 46.00 Acting. 64.00 2 in. 110.00 Active. 2/4, 3 and 4 incli made to order. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. 'T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER. Size, Per doz. $10.00 Activity. 13.00 Actor A-20. 5/8 16.00 Actress. 20.50 Actual. 30.00 Actually. 49.00 Actuary. 1% 68.00 Actuate. 2 m. I 20 . 00 Aculeate. ■2)4., 3 and 4 inch made to order. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. II ROUGH STOPS. "T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER. Size, Per doz., A-21, Y^ 1/2 Jsiy.oo 20.00 25.00 44.00 70.00 100.00 Acuminate. Acute. Adage. Adagio. Adamant. Adamic. 2 m. 180.00 Adapt. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. "T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER. Size, Per doz., A-22. % fliS.oo 21.00 26.50 46.00 73-00 104.00 Adaptation. Add. Adder. Addict. Addition. Addle. 190.00 Addled. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE. Size, Per doz., A-23. yi y^ /8 Va I iX ^% 2 in. $9.00 12.00 15.00 19.00 28.00 46.00 64.00 I 10.00 Adduce. Adducent. Adducible. Adept. Adequate. -Adhere. Adherence. Adherent. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., PLAIN STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, FINISHED OR PLATED- A-24. % /A 5^10.50 Addoom. $12.50 Adding. 12-50 15-50 Addorsed. Addressioii. 14.50 18.00 Adelite. Adelphi. 18-50 Adduce r. Va 25.00 Adduction. 37.00 Adductive. 62.00 Adductor. 86. 00 Addulce. 2 m. 175.00 Adeb. 21.00 27.50 40.00 Adempt. Ademption. Aden. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE. 13 Size, . Per doz., ^8 $10.00 Adhesive. A-25. 13.00 Adieu. 16.00 Adipocere. 20. 50 AAM. 30.00 Adjacency. i/4 49.00 Adjacent. 68.00 Adjective. 2 m. 1 20 . 00 Adjoin.' SHOWER STOPS. FINISHED OR PLATED. A-26. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. 3/8 /8 $14.00 A-deptist. . $16.00 Adipsy, 17.00 AdequaC3'. 19.50 Adition. 20.00 Adipic. 22.50 Adject. 27.00 Adhibit. 29.50 Adjudicate. I HI. 40.00 Adipose. 43.00 Adjute. H L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER. Size, Per doz. A-2.T. r% /2 ys n $9 . oo 1 2 . oo 1 5 • oo 1 9 . oo Adjourn. Adjudge. Adjuiup. Adjunct. 2)4., 3 and 4 incli made to order. 28.00 Adjure. 46.00 Adjust. 64.00 Adjutant. 2 111. 110.00 Adjutor. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER. A-28. Size, Per doz. , ?!>IO.OO Adniirable. 13.00 Adniirablv. 16.00 Admiral. 20.50 Admiralty. 30.00 Admiration. 49.00 Admire. 1/2 68.00 Admirer 120.00 Admissible. 2>^, 3 and 4 iiicU made to order. h. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 15 ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, Size, Per doz., 25.00 44.00 70.00 Admonish. Admonisher. Admonitor. 1/2 100.00 Adnoun. 2 in. I 80 . 00 Ado, FINISHED STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER. A-30 Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. $21.50 Aduate. $25.00 Adulator, 24.50 Adobe. 28.00 Aduuque. 32.00 Adscript. 36. 00 Adulted. I 111. 56.00 Adsignify. 60.00 Advene i6 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER. Size, Per doz., $18.00 Adoption. A-31. 21 .00 Adoptive. 26.50 Adorable. 46.00 Adoration. 73.00 Adore. 104.00 Adorer. 2 in. 190.00 Adorn. FINISHED STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HAJ^DLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER. 32. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $23.00 Adolescent. $27.00 Adown. 5/8 26.00 Adonean. 30.00 Adread, 34.00 Adonic. 39.00 Adpressed. 59.00 Adonis. 64.00 Ad ream. 1,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 17 ROUGH STOPS. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. T" HANDLE, RIVET, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. "T" HANDLE, RIVET, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. A-33. Size, . ^ >^ S/a H i in- Per doz., $9.00 12.00 15-50 19-50 28.50 Adrift. Adroit. Adroitly. .\dry. Adulation. A-34. Size, . Vs Yt. s/s ^ I in. Per doz., $10.00 13-00 16.50 21.00 30.50 Advance. Advantage. Advent. Adventual. Adventure Note; — Unless otherwise ordered, A-34 Stop and Waste will always be furnished with Waste on Lead Pipe End. ROUGH STOPS. "T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. "«<^ mmmmmSr m A-35 Size, . Per doz., . ^8 $9 -50 Adverse. 12.50 Adversely. 5/8 16.00 Adversity. 3Xin. 20.00 Advert. Size, . Per doz.. I $29.50 Advertent. 48.00 Advertise. 67.00 Advertiser. 2 in. 115.00 Advice. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. "T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz.. Size, . Per doz., A-36. 1,10.50 Advisorv. $31-50 Advower. 13-50 Advocacy. i/4 51.00 Advowson. 17.00 21.50 Advocate. Advocation. ij^ 2 in. 71.00 125.00 Advum. Adze. 2_!4, 3 and 4 inch made to order. Note— Unless otherwise ordered, A-36 Stop and Waste will always be furnished with Waste on Lead Pipe End, i8 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY NUT AND WASHER FOR LEAD PIPE. Size, Per doz. , A-37. Ibiy.oo Aeon. 20.00 Aeneid. 25.00 Aegis. 44.00 Aeolian. 70.00 Aelepile. 1/2 100.00 Aeolist. 2 in. 180.00 Aerate. ROUGH STOPS. "T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz. , $18.00 Aerian. Aerify. 47.00 Aerolitb. i/4 74.00 106.00 Aerosite. 2 in. I 90 . 00 Aerog^o. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 19 ROUGH STOPS. "T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., A-39. % 517.50 Aerie. 21 .00 Aeriform. 26.00 45-50 Aerify. Aeriolite. 1/4 72.00 Aeronaut. 1/2 103.00 Afar. 2 in. 185.00 Afeard. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. 'T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., A-40. Vi ^H- 2 in. $18.50 22.00 27.50 47-50 75-00 107.00 195-00 Affair. Affect. .effected. Affection. Affective. Affiance. Affiant Note— Unless otherwise ordered, A-40 Stop and Waste will always be furnished with Waste on Lead Pipe End. 20 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz., A-41. n $9-50 Affiliate. 12.50 Affinity. 16.00 Affirm. % 20.00 Affiniiaut. 29.50 Affix. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. A-42. Size, . Per doz., 'A fio.50 Affluence. 13.50 Affluent. 17.00 Afflux. 'A 21.50 NoTi?— Unless otherwise ordered, A-4:2 Stop and Waste -will always be furnished with Waste Oil Lead Pipe End. I in. 31-50 Affray. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz , $9 50 Afloat. A— 43. % 12.50 Afoot. 16.00 Afore. 74 20.00 Afraid. 29 50 Afresh. 48 00 Aft. 2^, 3 and 4 inch made to order. 67.00 After. 2 in. 115.00 Aftermost. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE- NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz., 510.50 Again. 13-50 Against. 17.00 Ag-ape. 31-50 Ag'ave. 51.00 71 .00 Ajel. 2 m. 125 CO Agency. 2_!-<, 3 and 4 inch made to order, Note — Unless otherwise ordered, A-44: Stop and Waste will always be furnished with Waste on Lead Pipe Eud. 22 1. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., 45 'A 5/8 $17.50 21.00 Aggrandize. Aggregate. 26.00 45-50 Aggress. Aggrieve. 72.00 Aghast. 1/2 103.00 Agile. 2 m. 185.00 Agility. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. A— 46. Size, Per doz., H $18.50 22.00 27.50 47-50 75 00 Agitate. Agitator. jVglet. Agnail. Agnate. 1/2 2 in. 107.00 195.00 Agnation. Agnomen. Note — Unless otherwise ordered, A-46 Stop and Waste will always be furnished with Waste on Lead Pipe End. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 23 ROUGH STOPS. 'T" HANDLE, RIVET, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz., A— 47. s/s J59.50 Agog. 12.50 Agoing. 16.50 Agone. 'A 20.50 Agon ism. I m. 30.00 Agnostic. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. 'T" HANDLE, RIVET, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz., A-48. H $10.50 Agreeable. V2 13-50 Agrestic. 17-50 Aground. 22.00 Ague. I in. 32.00 Aguish. 24 1,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. ■T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., 17.00 Airgun, 21 .00 Airhole. 2}4, 3 and 4 inch made to order. 31.00 Airily. 50 00 Airless. 1/2 70.00 Aisle. 2 in. 1 20 . 00 Akimbo. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. 'T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., 22. 50 Alas. 33 00 Albert. 53- 00 Albino. 74.00 Album. 2 in. 1 30 . 00 Albumen. 2/4, 3 and 4 inch made to order. Iv. WOI,FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 25 ROUGH STOPS. 'T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. bize, Per doz., $18.00 Alcohol. A— 51. 22.00 Alcoram. 27.00 Alcove. 47.00 Alder. 74 00 , Ale. 106.00 Alert. 2 in. I 90 . 00 Alertness ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. "T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., $19.00 Algebraic. 23.00 Algerine. 28.50 Alias, ^% 49.00 Alibi. 77.00 Alieu. 110.00 Alienate. 2 m. 200.00 Alight. 26 I.. WOIvFP MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz., A-53. liIO.OO Ailment, 13.00 Alimony. Vz 17.00 Aliquot. 21 .00 Aliquant, I 111. 31.00 Alive. PLAIN STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, FOR IRON PIPE, FINISHED OR PLATED. A-54. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. $11.50 Align. $13-50 AUtrunk. ^8 13-50 Alig-nnient. 15-50 Alizarine. 16.50 Alike. 19.00 Alkalify. 20.50 Aliota. 23.00 Alkaline. 27.00 Aliped. 29.50 Alkaloret. I m. 40 00 Alish. 43 00 Alkaloid. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 27 ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz.. A-55. ^11 00 Allegory. 14.00 Allegro. 18.00 Alleviate. Yk 22.50 Alley. 33.00 All-hail SHOWER STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, FOR IRON PIPE, FINISHED OR PLATED. A— 56. Size, .... Finished, per doz., . Nickel Plated, per doz., y-^ $15. 00 Allective. $17.00 All fours. ^2 18 00 Allegan t. 20.50 AlUoves. ^8 22. 00 Alleger. 24.50 Allocate. Va 29.00 Allegorist- 31 .50 Allodial. 43.00 Allerion. 46 00 Allodian 28 I.. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., 5510.00 Allotment. A-57. 13.00 Alow. 17 .00 .allowable. 'A 21 .00 Allowance. 31.00 Alloy. 50.00 AUoyage. 70.00 Allspice. 2 in. 120.00 Allude. 2yi, 3 and 4 inch made to order. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz., J5II .00 Allusive. A-58. 14.00 Alluvial. 5/8 xS-oo Alluviaii. 22.50 Ally. 33- 00 Almanac. 2/^, 3 and 4 inch made to order. 53- 00 Almighty. 1/2 74.00 Almond. 2 in. I 30 . 00 Almoner. I,. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 29 ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., A-59. i8-oo Aloetic. 22.00 Aloft. 27.00 Alone. 47.00 Along. 74.00 Aloof. 106.00 Aloud. 2 m I 90 . 00 Alpaca. FINISHED STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., ^23.00 Alpheuic. $27.00 Altin. 27.00 Alquier. 31 .00 Allot. 'A 35- 00 Alt. 40.00 AUoo. I in. 60.00 Altern. 65-50 Allonge. 30 Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., big.oo Alpbabet. 23.00 Alphabetic, 49.00 Already. 77.00 Also. 110.00 Altar. 2 in. 200 . CO Alt erant FINISHED STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., A-62. ^24.50 Allure. $29.00 Aiiiad. 28.50 Alveus. 33- 00 Ainate. % 37-50 Am. 43-50 Amb. I in. 63 50 Amadou. 70.00 Amber. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 31 Size, Per doz. ROUGH STOPS, "W" PATTERN "T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, FOR IRON PIPE. 63. Per doz., with Tube Waste and Stop on Key, fl2.00 Alteration. $13.00 Although. Va iS-oo Alternate. 19.50 Altitude. I in. 30.00 Althea. 32.00 Alto. ROUGH STOPS, "W" PATTERN LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., ... . . Per doz., with Tube Waste and Stop on Key, jf>12.00 Aludel. ^13.00 Alvine. 18.00 Alumusis. 19.50 Amain. 30.00 Alveolate. 32 .00 Amalgam. 32 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. "T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz., ''liS^ A-65. P9.50 Amiass. % 5/8 12.50 16.00 Amateur. Ambages. Va 20.00 Amaze. I 29.50 Amazon. 48.00 Ambient. 67.00 Ambiguity. 2 in. 115.00 Ambigious ROUGH STOP AND WASTE "T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz.. ^8 $10.50 Ambition. A-66. 5/8 % 13-50 Amble. 17.00 21 .50 Ambrosia. Ambulance. I iM i^ 2 in. 31.50 5 1 . 00 7 I . 00 I 25 . GO Ambush. Ameliorate. Amendable. Amend. Note — A-66 will always be furnished with Waste Oil Male End, unless otherwise ordered. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 33 ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. 1 »-«•"' A-67. Size, Per doz., $9 -50 Amerce. 12.50 Amethyst. ^8 16.00 Amiable. ^ 20.00 Amicable. 29.50 Amid. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., A— 68. 510.50 Among. 13-50 Amoroso. 17.00 Ambon. 21.50 Amorphous. 31-50 Amount, N0T15-A-68 will always be furnislied with Waste On Male End, unless otherwise ordered. 34 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS. LEVER HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz.. $9 -50 Amputate. 12.50 Amulet. 16.00 Amuse. 20.00 Amusing. 29.50 Amusive. 48.00 Anaconda. 1^2 67.00 Anagram, 115.00 Analeptic, 2%^ 3 and 4 inch made to order. ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. LEVER HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz. 17.00 Analytic. 31-50 Anapest. 51.00 Anarachic. Analyze. 2_J'^, 3 and 4 inch made to order. Note— A-70 will always be sent with Waste on Male End, unless otherwise ordered. 1V2 71 .00 Anathema. 125.00 Anatomist. L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 35 ROUGH STOPS, "MINNEAPOLIS" PATTERN "T" HANDLE, RIVET, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. A-71 Size, ; For lyCad and Iron Pipe, per doz., For Iron Pipe — Male and Female, per doz. For Lead Pipe, per doz., For Iron Pipe^Female, per doz. % I in. $15-50 Anatomy. 23.00 Ancestor. 33-50 Ancestral 16.00 Anchor. 24.00 Anchovy. 35-00 Ancient. 15.00 Anecdote. 22 .00 Anemone. 32.00 Anew. 16.00 Angel. 24.00 Angelic. 35- 00 Anger. ROUGH STOPS, "MINNEAPOLIS" PATTERN "T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. A-72. Size, ..... For lyead and iron Pipe, per doz., For Lead Pipe, per doz., /2 $16.50 Angle. i6.oo Angry. Ya 24-50 Angler. 23-50 Ang:uish. 35-50 Angling. 34.00 Angular. 36 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS, "MINNEAPOLIS" PATTERN "T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz., A-r3. jSiy.oo Animal. Ya 25.00 Animate. 37-00 Animator. ROUGH STOPS, "MINNEAPOLIS" PATTERN "T" HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, . Per doz. , A-74. $17-50 Animosity- 26.50 Ankle. I in. 38-50 Annex. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOPS, "MINNEAPOLIS" PATTERN "T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER. Size, ..... For Lead Pipe, per doz, For Lead and Iron Pipe, per doz., A-75. ^2 $2 I . GO Annexation. $21.50 Ann on a. 1'A 29.50 Annihilate. 30-50 Annotate. I 111. 40.00 Annivcsary. 41.50- Announce. ROUGH STOPS, "MINNEAPOLIS" PATTERN. "T" HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. A-T6. Size, For Iron Pipe, Male and Female — per doz. For Iron Pipe — Female, per doz.. ^22. GO Ann 03% 22.50 Annul. % 31-50 Annual 32 - 50 Annular. I in. 43- 00 Annuity. 44-50 Annulet. 38 1.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HYDRANT COCKS. RIVET, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. A-77. Size, Per doz. $14.00 Annunciate. 17-50 Anodyne. ^ 21.50 Annoyance. I m. 33-50 Anuoiuted. HYDRANT COCKS. NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz. $14.50 Anomalous. IS. GO Anomaly. 22 .00 Anon. I in. 34-50 Anonymous. L. WOLFIf MANUI^ACTURING COMPANY. 39 Size, Per doz.. HYDRANT COCKS. RIVET, FOR IRON PIPE. A-79. $14.50 22.50 Ant. I m. 35- 00 Antagonize. Size, Per doz., HYDRANT COCKS. NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. A— 80. ^15. 00 Antarctic. 23.00 Antedate. I m. 36.00 Antelope 40 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HYDRANT COCKS. ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER. FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Size, Per Doz. $18.50 Anthem. 22.00 Anther. 74 27.50 Anthology. 47-50 Anthracite. HYDRANT COCKS. ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., A-82. 519.00 Antic. 28.50 Antidotal. I in. 49.00 Antidote. Iv. WOIvFP MANUFACTURING COMPANY. RAIN AND WELL WATER COCKS 41 Size, Per doz. ).oo Antipapal 84.00 Antiphony RAIN AND WELL WATER COCKS. FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., A~84. $79.00 Antique. 96. CO Antiquity. 42 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BALL COCKS Size, Per doz., A-85. /2 612.00 15.00 Anxiously. Ya 19.50 Apart. I in. 30.00 Apathy. Size, Per doz., BALL COCKS FOR IRON PIPE. A-86. % V^ % I in. 13.00 16.50 21.50 33-00 4peish. Apologist. Apologize. Apostate L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 43 SHOWER STOPS. FLANGE AND HANDLE. "^ ---e Y-, s/i k'lUgh — Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., $24.00 29.00 Arcaded. Arcadian 1\' lUgh — Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz. , $26 .50 31-50 y\ in- 36.00 Arcadic. 38.50 Arctural. Arcturet. A-87. SHOWER STOPS, FLANGE AND HANDLE FOR IRON PIPE. Rough — Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., . R 1 1 —Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz., $25.00 Arabist. $27 50 Arachis. 31.00 Arable. 33-50 Araig"n. 39.00 Arace. 41.50 Aratory. A-88. 44 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Size, Per doz., CORPORATION STOPS FOR IRON PIPE. TO DRIVE INTO MAIN. A-89. $18.00 Appear. 22.80 Appease. 33 -60 Appellate. 52.20 Append. CORPORATION STOPS. FOR IRON PIPE. TO DRIVE INTO MAIN. WITH EEU GUARD. Size, Per doz., A-90 % Vb Ya I 111. 20.00 pplause. 24.80 Apple. 35-60 Applianee. 54.20 Applicable L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 45 CORPORATION STOPS. BOTH ENDS OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, • V-^ 5/8 Vx I in. Per doz., $16.00 20.00 29.00 46 00 Appreutice. Apprised. Approval. Approve CORPORATION STOPS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE. A-92. Size, Per doz., % /8 $16.00 20.00 Apace. Apertness. 29.00 Aperton. I in. 46.00 Apery. CORPORATION STOPS. INSIDE, FOR IRON PIPE, WITH STRAIGHT COUPLING. Size, Per doz., $19.00 Apagoge. Y& Va I in. 23.00 34- 00 53 00 Apaid. Apanage. Apartment. Note — A-93 can be furnished with Bent Coupling, when desired. A-93. 46 Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CORPORATION STOPS FOR MUELLER TAPPING MACHINE, FOR SCREW PLUG, FOR IRON PIPE. A— 94. Size, Per doz., $13.20 Apastron. 16.80 Apatelite. 25.20 Apathist. I m. 40.20 Apatite. FOR SCREW PLUG WITH STRAIGHT COUPLING. A-95. Size, Per doz. 5^14.40 Apaumel. /2 16.20 Ape. 20.40 Apeak. % 30.00 Apellous. I in. 46.20 ATjennine. FOR SCREW PLUG WITH BENT COUPLING. A-96. Size, Per doz., Yz % ^8 Ya I in. $14 40 16.20 20.40 30.00 46.20 Apepsy. Aper. Apert. Apertion. Aphanite Note — Stops for Hexagon Plug can be furnished when desired. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 47 CORPORATION STOPS FOR PAYNE TAPPING MACHINE, FOR IRON PIPE. -«r — ~ A-9T. Size, Per doz.. % 5/8 y^ I m. II3.20 16.80 25.20 40.20 Aphelion. Aphis. Aphonic. Aphony FOR PAYNE TAPPING MACHINE, WOOD MAIN. Size, Per doz., A-98. $16.20 Aphorist. 20.40 Aphthons. M 30.00 Aphthong. I in. 46.20 Aphorize. FOR PAYNE TAPPING MACHINE, BENT COUPLING. A-99. Size, Per doz $19.00 Apairy. 23.00 Apical. M I in. 34.00 Apice.s. 53-00 Apiece. 48 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Size, Per doz., CORPORATION STOPS. SCREWED FOR WOOD. WITH EITHER STRAIGHT OR BENT COUPLING. A-100. $30.00 April. Apron. Note — A-100 will always be sent with Straight Coupling unless otherwise ordered. 48.00 Apropos. I in. 76.80 Aptitude. STOP COOKS. SCREWED FOR WOOD PIPE. Size, Per doz % 24.00 Aqueduct. 32 00 Aqueous. I in. 50.00 Aquiline 1,. WOIvFF MANU-FACTURING COMPANY. 49 COUPLINGS, FOR WOOD MAINS LEAD SERVICE PIPE. A- 102. Size, Per doz., /2 5io-oo Arab. 12 .OO Arabian. H 14 OO Arabic. I m. 20. 00 Arbiter. NIPPLES, FOR WOOD MAINS. LEAD SERVICE PIPE. A- 103= Size, Per doz., 3/i I m. |6 00 7-00 8.00 9.00 Arbitrary. Arbitrate. Arborer. Arboreous. NIPPLES, FOR WOOD MAINS IRON SERVICE PIPE. A- 104. Size, Per doz., y^ H .00 8 . 00 Arboret. Arc. 9.00 Arcade. I m. 10.00 Arcanum, 50 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. STANDARD GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. BRASS. GLOBE. ANGLE. A- 105. A- 106. Size, Price, each, Size, . Price, each, $o.6o Arcane. /A .60 /8 •75 Arcboutant. Arborized. $2 . 80 3 . 90 Arbustive. Arbustuni. I .00 Arborvitae. 5-90 Arbute. 1-35 Arbusckle. 11.25 Arbutus. I in. 1-80 Arbuscular. 3 in- 16.00 Arbutean. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 51 THREE-WAY STEAM COCKS SQUARE HEAD, EXTRA HEAVY. BRASS, WITH CHECK. Size, . Price, each; A- 107. Archaic. /4 2 40 Archaical, 3.60 Archaism. 1% 5-75 Archangel 7-30 Archbishop. STEAM COCKS. BRASS. SQUARE HEAD. IJJ A-108. Size, • % Price, Square Head, each, . $0.70 Archbatles. Price, Flat Head, each, . . $0.70 Arched. FLAT HEAD. 3/8 1/2 .75 I. 10 1.50 2.25 3.75 4.80 Archba. Archchemist. Archcount. Archdeacon. Archducael. Archduchv .75 I. 10 1.50 2.25 Archelogy. Archenemy. Archeress. Archery. 3-75 4-80 Archetj-pal, Archeus. 2 in. 7 25 Archduke. 7-25 Archiater, 52 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. UNION METER COCKS. BRASS. Size, Price, each, A-1 10. >3 ^ I iH I. '4 2 m. $i,oo Archical. 1.30 Archierey. 2.00 Archil. 3.00 Architrave. 4 25 Archibal. 6-75 Archive GAS SERVICE COCKS BRASS. Size, Fach, H ALCOHOL COCKS FOR METERS, BRASS. A-1 12. i%in. /4 n /2 |o-55 -65 .75 1. 00 1.40 2.20 3.00 Archivist. Archivolt. Archlilte. Archly. Archou. Archoiitic. Archstone, Size, Fach, 3/8- 111. ^0.90 Archy. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 53 AIR COCKS TEE HANDLE. LEVER HANDLE. Size, Price, each, A-1 13. 1^ % Yf. y2 in. $0.40 .45 -50 -60 Archer. Archwise. Arcograph. Arctituae. A-1 14. Size, Price, each, *o-55 Arctus. }i y& % in. •60 .65 .75 Arcturus. Arcuate. Arcuation AIR COCKS WITH MALE THREADS, TEE HANDLE. TEE HANDLE. DOUBLE THREAD. A-1 15. Size, ... y^ Price, Tee Handle, each, $0 . 45 Arcubus. Price, Ivever Handle, each, $o . 60 Arcub. y Ys in. .50 .90 Ardeb. Ardency. .65 1.05 Arde. Arcu. A-1 16. 3^ in. Size, . . . }i % Price, Tee Handle, each, $0.65 .70 .75 Ardently. Arduity. Arduonsly. Price, L,ever Handle, each, $0. 80 85 .90 Ardus. Arduit. Ardup. 54 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GROUND BASIN COCKS A-1 ir, Finished, per doz. , Nickel Plated, per doz., All our Basiu Cocks are made with Ground Couplings. 51618. OO Arrow. $21 OO Arsenal. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 55 GROUND BASIN COCKS. A-1 18. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. All our Basia Cocks are made with Ground Coaplings. $30 00 Arson . $36.00 Art. 56 I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GROUND BRACKET BASIN COCKS A-1 19. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $18.00 Artery. $22.00 Artful. GROUND BRACKET BASIN COCKS Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz $34.00 Artichoke. $40 . 00 Article. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 57 GROUND BRACKET SHAMPOO COCK A-121, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. $30.00 Art ley. 00 An-el. 58 L. WOLFF' MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, Size, . . . Rough, per doz., $8.50 Ascribable. 9-50 Ascribe. Va- 11.00 Ash. 17.00 Ashamed. 30.00 Ashen. 44.00 Ashes. 68.00 Ashore. 2 in. 140.00 Ashy. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, Size, Finislied, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz.. A- 123. ^8 j5 9-00 Asiatic. II .00 Aslope. 10.00 Aside. 12.50 Asp. 12.00 Asinine. 14.50 Aspect. 18.00 Ask. 20.50 Aspen. 34.00 Askance. 37.00 Asperity 52.00 Askew. 80.00 Astant. 2 in. 160.00 Asleep. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 59 COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS Size, Rough, per doz., $9-50 Aspirant. A-124. /2 10.50 Aspirate. 12.00 Aspire, 19.00 Asquint. 33- 00 Assail. 48-00 Assailant. 74.00 Assassin. 2 m. 150.00 Assassinate. COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS A- 125. Size, . • Finished, per doz., . Nickel Plated, per doz.. $10.00 Assault. $1 2 - 00 Assiduity. II .00 Assay. 13-50 AssigTi. I' .00 Assayer. 15-50 Assignee. 20.00 Assemble. 22.50 Assigner. 37.00 Assent. 40.00 Assimilate. 56.00 1/2 86.00 Assertion. 170.00 Assess. 6o L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE WITHOUT SHOULDER. Size, Rough, per doz., A-126. ^8 Atticize. 10.50 Attire. 12.00 Attorney. 19.00 Attract. 33- 00 Attractor. 48 . GO Attribute. 74.00 Attrite 2 in. 150.00 Attune. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. WITHOUT SHOULDER, Size . Finished, Per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., A- 127. 3/8 5^10.00 Auburn. $12.00 Auger. /2 II .00 Auction 13-50 Aught. 13.00 Audacious. 15-50 Augment. 20.00 Audacity. 22.50 Augural. 37.00 Audible. 40.00 Augury. 56.00 Audience. 86.00 Audit. 170 00 Auditor. Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 6i COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE WITHOUT SHOULDER. A— 128. Size, Rough, per doz., 3/8 $10.50 Auricula. 11.50 Auriculate. 13.00 Aurora. 21 .00 Auspice. 36.00 Austere. iX 52.00 Austerity, 1/2 80.00 Austral. 2 111. I 60 . 00 Autheutic. COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE WITHOUT SHOULDER. A-129. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., 511 .00 Author. 513.00 Avail. /2 12.00 Authoress. 14.50 Avarice- 14.00 Authority. 16 50 Avast. 22.00 Authorize. 24.50 Avaunt. 40.00 Autocracy. 43.00 Avende. 60.00 Autocrat. 92.00 Autograph. 2 in. I 80 . 00 Autumn- 62 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE 130 Size, Rough, per doz. W-50 Assist. 10.50 Assistant. /8 12.00 Assize. 19.00 Assizer. 33- 00 Associate. 48.00 Assort. 1/2 74.00 Assuage. 2 in. 150.00 Assume. COMPRESSION PLAIN B I B BS , FO R 1 RO N PIPE 131. Size, Finished, per doz.. As: Nickel Plated, per doz., . $ $10.00 Assurance. 12.00 Astound. /2 II .00 Assure. 13-50 Astral. % 13.00 Asterisk. 15-50 Astray. 20.00 Asterism. 22.50 Astride. 37.00 Astern. 40.00 Astringe. 56.00 Asteroid. 1/2 86.00 Asthma. I 70 . 00 Astonish. I.. WOI.FP MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 63 COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE Size, Rough, per doz., Atheism. II .50 Atheist. 13.00 Atheneum., 80.00 Athwart, 2 m. I 60 . 00 Atlantic. COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE Size, .... Finislied, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., . A- 133. . ^« % 5^'8 Vx I iK ly^z 2 in. $11.00 12.00 14.00 22 .00 40.00 60.00 92.00 180.00 Attach. Attack. Attain. Attaint. Attempt. Attend. Attendant. attention $13.00 Atteutive. 14.50 Attendant 16.50 Attest. 24.50 Attic 43.00 Atticism. 64 I,. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Size, Rough, per doz., COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS SCREWED FOR WOOD. A- 134. J6IO.OO Attinge. n.50 Attire. 13.00 Attitle. 20.00 Attitude. 35- 00 Attle. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS SCREWED FOR WOOD. A— 135. |/8 gIO.50 Attoleut. $12.50 At wain. /2 12.00 Attonce. 14.50 At wist. 14 00 Attone. 16.50 A two. Ya 21 -GO Attractive. ■23-50 Atypic. 39.00 Attrition. 42.00 Aubaine. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 65 COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS. LOOSE KEY. A-136 Size, Rough, per doz., Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., Await. $16.00 Aware. $18.50 Awsome. 17.00 Awake. 18.00 Away. 20.50 Awhape. 'A 24- 00 Awakeji. 25.00 Awful. 27.50 Awk. COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS LOOSE KEY. 137. Size, Rough, per doz.. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., I m. 38.00 Award 42 .00 Awhile. 45.00 Awl. $16.50 Awarn. /8 18.00 Awe. 26.00 Aweary. I in. 41 .00 A weigh. $17.00 Awkward. 19.00 Awn. 27.00 Awning. 45.00 Awry. $19.50 Awlwort. 21.50 Awm. 29 50 Awned. 48.00 Awny. 66 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE Size, Rough, per doz., Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. $16.50 Axe, 18.00 Axis. 26.00 Axil. I in. 41.00 Azote. $17.00 Azotic. 19.00 Azure. 27.00 Axiom. 45.00 Aye. $19.50 Axial. 21.50 Axiform. 29.50 Axillary. 48.00 Azmous. COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE LOOSE KEY. Size, Rough, per doz.. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., 139. V2 $17.50 Ayle. /8 19.00 Axeltree. 28.00 Ayly. I in. 44.00 Azalea. $18.00 Azarole. 20.00 Azoic. 29.00 Azoted. 48.00 Azoth $20.50 Aztec. 22.50 Azure. 31-50 iizurine. 51.00 Azyme, 1. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 67 COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE, LOOSE KEY. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., 27-00 Bacchant. 30-50 Backboard. %in. 35- 00 Bacchic. 39.00 Backed. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. LOOSE KEY. A-141 Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $31.00 Baal. $34-50 Babylou. /8 38.00 Babion. 41. 50 Bac. ^in. 51.00 Bablah 55-00 Bacca- 68 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, WITH FLANGE, FOR IRON PIPE. A-142. Size, • . . . Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $16.00 Bacy. $18.50 17-50 Backshish. 20.00 Bacule. 'A 25.00 Backstafif. 27.50 Backsight. I m. 46. 00 Backsword. 49.00 Backset. COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS, WITH FLANGE FOR IRON PIPE. 143. Size, . Finished, per doz. y^ Nickel Plated, per doz., $17. 00 Baddish. $19.50 Baelfire. 18.50 Badigeon. 21 .00 Baftas. 27.00 Badly. 29.50 Bag. 49.00 Badness. 52.00 L. WOLFlf MANUI^ACTURING COMPANY. 69 COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE vSize, . . . . . Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., Add for Hose End, per doz., A— 144. $16.00 Baa. $19.00 Babyish. $1.00 Bade. 18.00 Babble. 21.50 Bachelor. I .00 Badge. 21 .00 Babe. 24.50 Back. I 00 Badger. 28.00 Baboon. 32.00 Backbite. 2.00 Badinage. 51-00 Baby. 55- 00 Backbone. 3.00 Baffle. COMPRESSION PLAIN B I B BS , F L A N G E A N D T H I M B LE . FOR IRON PIPE. A- 145. Size, . Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., Va I m. $17.00 Buggala. 19.00 Baggy. 23.00 Bagman. 30-50 Baguet. 54-00 Bagreef. $20.00 Bagnette. 22.50 Bah. 26.50 Bahar. 34-50 Barre. 58.00 Baigne. 7° Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. A- 146. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., y^ ^ ^in. 25.00 32.00 44.00 Bay. Bag-gage. Bagging 28.50 35-50 48.00 agpipe. Bail. Bailable COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. A-14T. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz. % ^8 ^in. $26.00 Bailpiece. 33-00 Baiii. 46.00 Baira. $29.50 Balaam. 36-50 Balanile. 50.00 Balase. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 71 COMPRESSION WASH TRAY BIBBS STRAIGHT. A- 148. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., fii .00 Bailer. Bakery. 13.00 Bait. 15-50 Baking. Kin. 19.00 liaize. 21.50 Balance. COMPRESSION WASH TRAY BIBBS, STRAIGHT. FOR IRON PIPE, WITHOUT SHOULDER. Size, . Finished, per doz. Nickel Plated, per doz., A- 149. ^12.00 Baldness. $14.50 Ball. 14.00 Baldric. 16.50 Ballad. am. 21 .00 Bale. _ 50 Ballast. ^J- 72 ■L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION WASH TRAY BIBBS, STRAIGHT. FOR IRON PIPE. A-150. Size, . 1^ Finished, per doz., .......... $i2"oo Balm. Nickel Plated, per doz., .......... $14.50 Baluster. 14.00 Balmy. 16.50 Bamboo. 21 .00 23-50 Ban. COMPRESSION WASH TRAY BIBBS, STRAIGHT. FLANGE AND THIMBLE. A-151 Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. $19.00 Bandage. $22.50 Bandrol. 22.00 Bandana. 25-50 Bane. %in. 30. 00 Bandbox. 34.00 Baneful. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 73 COMPRESSION WASH TRAY B I B BS, ST R A I G H T FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. A-152. Size, Fiuished, per doz., Nickle Plated, per doz. $26.00 Baniau. $29.50 Bankable. 33- 00 Banish. 36-50 Banker. 3/i4.oo Brag. /8 17.00 Brahmin. 24.00 Braid. I in. 42.00 Brain. $15-50 Brake. 18.50 Bran. 25-50 Brand. 44.00 Brandy. $18 00 Brasier. 21 .00 Brass. 28.00 Brassy. 47 00 Brat. "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION SHOWER COCKS, FLANGE AND HANDLE. A-2 19. Size, . . . . . Finished, Flange and Handle, per doz., Nickel Plated, Flange and Handle, per doz., ^24.00 Bonus. ^26.50 Boor. 29.00 Boom. 31-50 Boost. % in. 36.00 Booming. 38-50 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "3 "EXTRA PATTERN " COMPRESSION STOPS A-220. Size, Rough, per doz., Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. 5/8 ^12.50 Boreal. $13.00 Botany. |i5-5o Boudoir. 14.00 Borrow. ■15.00 Both, 17-50 Bought. 21.50 Bosom. 22 . 50 Bottle. 25.00 Bounce. I in. 36.00 Botanist. 40.00 Bottom. 43.00 Bound, " EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION STOPS, COUPLING ON BOTH ENDS A- 221, Size, Rough, per doz., Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz. , 9522.50 Bowing. ^23.00 Bowl ess. $26.00 Bowoar. 26.00 Bowkuot. 27.00 Bowline. 30.00 Bowpen. 37-50 Bowleg. 38-50 Bowman. 42.00 Bowsaw. I in. 56.00 Bowler. 60.00 Bownet. 65.00 Bowse. 114 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. " EXTRA PATTERN " COMPRESSION STOPS, FOR IRON PIPE Size, Rough, per doz., Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., A-222. $13-50 Bout. $14.00 Bowel. $16.50 Box. ^/8 16.00 17.00 Bowery. 19.50 Boxer. 'A 23-50 Bowlder. 24.50 Bowl. 27.00 Boy. 39.00 Bowman. 43.00 Bowsprit. 46.00 Boyhood. " EXTRA PATTERN " COMPRESSION STOP AND WASTE, FOR IRON PIPE Size, . . . Rough, per doz., Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., A-223. $15.00 Brawl. $16.50 Brazen, $19.00 Breakfast. 19.00 Brawn. • 20.50 Breach. 23.00 Bream, 26. 00 Braye. 27.50 Bread. 30.00 Breast. I in. 45.00 Braze. 47.00 Break. 50.00 Breath. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 115 "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION STOPS, FOR LEAD PIPE. LOOSE KEY. A-224. Size, Rough, per doz., Finished, per doz. , Nickel Plated, per doz., $18.50 Breathless. $19.00 Brenie. $21.50 Ereviom. 20.00 Breech. 21.00 Brennage. 23-50 Briarean. 'A 28.50 Breeder. 29.50 Bretzel. 32.00 Bribeless. I in. 44.00 Breezy. 48.00 Breviary. 51.00 Briber. EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION STOPS, FOR IRON PIPE. LOOSE KEY. A-225. Size, yi Rough, per doz., ......... $19-50 Brickbat. Finished, per doz., ......... $20.00 Bricky. Nickel Plated, per doz $22.50 Bridler. Va 30-50 Brickdust. 31-50 34.00 Bridoon. I m. 47.00 Brickie. 51.00 Bridgj-. 54.00 Briered. ii6 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION ANGLE STOPS FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. FOR LEAD PIPE. A-226. A-227. Size, . y^ /a Y^xn. Rough, per doz.. $12.50 14-00 21.50 Breccia. Brede. Breeding Size, Rough, per doz.. 511.50 Breezo. 13.00 Brehon. % in. 19.50 Breen: EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION ANGLE STOPS. FOR IRON PIPE. FOR IRON PIPE, WITH LOOSE KEY. 228 A— 229. Size, Finished, per doz. , Nickel Plated, per doz. $14.00 Brettice. $16.50 Brevany. %in. 24.50 Bretti. 27.00 Brevia. Size, . Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz.. $20 . 00 Brevray. $22.50 Brevin. Mm. 31-50 Brevip. 34.00 Brevrep. Iv. WOI,FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 117 "EXTRA PATTERN" STRAIGHT COMPRESSION HOPPER COCKS FOR LEAD PIPE. FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. A-230. Size, ..... Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., Rough, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz., P20.00 Brent. 1-22.50 Breton . 23.00 Bret. 25-50 Breve. Va in. 31.00 Bretful. 33-50 Breviate. A-231 Size, ..... Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., Rough, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz.. Ya. in. 5^20.50 24.00 32.00 Brevier. Breviped. Brewage. $23.00 26.50 34.50 Brewing. Erewis. Breziline, Note — A-231 will always be furnished with Iroii Pipe End for Pressure, unless otherwise ordered. Ii8 I,. WOLFF MANTjFACTURING COMPANY. "EXTRA PATTERN" LONG STEM COMPRESSION HOPPER COCKS FOR IRON PIPE FOR LEAD PIPE. A-232. A-233. Size, . . Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., . jsig-oo % in. 22.00 29.00 Brethren. Brevet. Brevity. Rough, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz., . $21.50 24.50 31-50 Brew. Brewer. Brewery, Size, . . . . }4 Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., . $iS.oo Bridal. Rough, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz., . $20.50 Bridge. 21 .00 Bride. 23.50 Bridalfy. 3^in. 27.00 Bridewell. 29.50 Brief. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 119 "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION BASIN COOKS, "T" HANDLE. A-234. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., • $18.00 Brighten. $21.00 Brilliant. 120 t. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS CROSS HANDLE. A-235. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. $2 1 . 00 Brimstone. $24 . 00 Brine, Iv. WOIvFF" MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 121 "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS CROSS HANDLE. A-236. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz,, i526.oo Briny, foo.oo Brink, Deduct if with " T " Handle, per doz.. $2 . OO Brin, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS CROSS HANDLE. A-237. Finished, per doz., ....... Nickel Plated, per doz., ....... Deduct if with " T " Handle, per doz., $28.00 Bristle. $32.00 Bristly. ^2.00 Brist. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 123 EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COOK, No. S'/s HANDLES IN FRONT. A-238. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, S5-50 Broaden. $6.00 Brocade. 124 1. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. EXTRA PATTERN COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, No. 4, HANDLES IN FRONT. A-239. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, S7-50 Briton. $8.oo Broach L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 125 EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COOK, No. 5. A-240. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each. $8.00 Broil. $8.50 Broiler. 126 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER WORK. SECTIONAL VIEW OF FULLER FAUCET. AS MADE BY THE L. WOLFF MFG. CO. A-24 1 , N. B.— All Cocks made somewhat like Fuller Cocks are not the " Fuller Cock." Look for the name " Fuller;" its absence shows the counterfeit. The genuine has lead and wick packing around the stem, absolutely insuring against leakage; and has a taper nut at end of stem, to avoid water hammer or concussion in the pipes. The rubber ball, upon which the great durability of the Faucet depends, is a secret composition, to be had only in the genuine article. Imitations are called improvements, etc., but are experiments or subterfuges made either to avoid legal rights or cheapen the article, and, naturally, the quality has suffered. To get what you ought to have and what you expect, call for "Wolffs make Fuller Work," as the genuine have our name and ' ' Fuller' ' stamped on them. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 127 FULLER PLAIN BIBBS. A-242. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. $16.00 Broker. $20 . 00 Brood. 18.00 Brokerage. 22.00 Brook. 20.00 Bronchial. 24.00 Broom. % 26.00 Bronchitis. 32.00 Broomy. I 36.00 Bronze. 46.00 Broth. I^in. 56.00 Brooch. 70.00 Brow. FULLER HOSE BIBBS. -243 Size, . Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., % V^ V^ I in. $2 I . 00 Brunette. 24.00 Brunt. 30.00 Brush. 38.00 Brushy. $25.00 Bubble. 28.00 Buccaneer. 36.00 Buck. 48.00 Bucket. 128 X. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE WITHOUT SHOULDER. A— 244. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $2 1 . oo Buckskin. I25.OO Budgero. 24.00 Bucolic. 28.00 Budget. 30.00 Bud. 35- 00 Budlet. I in. 40 . 00 Budge. 48.00 Buff. FULLER HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. WITHOUT SHOULDER. A-245. Size, . Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. % /8 J< 1 in. $24.00 Bug. 27.00 Bugbear. 32.00 Buggy. 42.00 Bugle. $28.00 Buhrstone. 31.00 Build. 37.00 Builder. 50.00 Bulb. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 129 FULLER PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE A-246. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., ^21 .00 Bulky. ^25 00 Bullion. 24.00 Bull. 28 GO Bullock. % 30.00 Bullet. 35- 00 Bullseye. 1 in. 40.00 Bulletin. 48.00 Bullrush. FULLER HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE A-247. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., ^24 00 Bunch. $28.00 Bunion. 27.00 Bundle. 31 .00 Bunk. 32.00 Bung. 37.00 Bunting^. I m. 42.00 Bungle. 50.00 Buoj^. I30 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER PLAIN BIBBS, WITH FLANGE, FOR IRON PIPE. 248 Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz. , % ^8 Vx I in. $29.00 32.00 40.00 52.00 Buoyage. Bour. Burbot. Burdelais $35.00 38.00 46.00 62 .00 Burdeuous. Burdock. Burette. Burgage. FULLER HOSE BIBBS, WITH FLANGE, FOR IRON PIPE. A-249. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., % S/8 V^ I in. $32.00 Burgall. 36 00 Burgamot. 44.00 Burganet. 56.00 Burgee. $38 . 00 Burgois. 42.00 Burggrave. 50.00 Burgh. 66.00 Burgoo. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 131 FULLER PLAIN BIBBS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. 34.00 Burlesque. 42.00 Burly. I m. 48-00 Burg:tindy. 58.00 Burner. FULLER HOSE BIBBS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE, A-251 Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., J526.00 Bunios. ^31. 00 Burt. 29.00 Burrel. 35- 00 Bury, •^fgm 32.00 Burrock. 38 00 Burse. 40.00 Burry. 46.00 Busby. 52.00 Burker. 62.00 Bushet. 132 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER PLAIN BIBBS, FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING A-252. Size, . Finished, per cloz., . Nickel Plated, per doz. $35 -oo Business. $41.00 Bust. 40.00 Busk. 46.00 Bustle. 54.00 Buskiu. 60.00 Busy. I in. 72.00 Buss. 82.00 Butt. FULLER HOSE BIBBS, FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING A-253. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz.. $38.00 Button. /8 44.00 Buttress. 58.00 ButUhaft. I. in. 76.00 Buy. $44.00 Byard, 50 00 Bygoue. 64.00 Bylane. 86. 00 Bylaw. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 133 FULLER UPRIGHT BATH BIBBS Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., 254 $18. uo Butyrine. $22.00 Buzzard. 20.00 Buxom. 25.00 Buzzing-. 26.00 Buyer. 32.00 Bvssine. I m. 36.00 Buzz. 42.00 Cab. FULLER UPRIGHT BATH BIBBS, FOR WITHOUT SHOULDER. IRON PIPE Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz. -255. $20 . 00 Cake. 1^24 . 00 Calash. 23.00 Calabash. 28.00 Calcine. 30.00 Calamity. 36.00 Calculate, I m. 44.00 Calamus. 50.00 Calculator. 134 h. WOI^FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER UPRIGHT BATH BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE LOOSE KEY. 256. Size, Finished, per doz.. 5524.00 Calculus. Nickel Plated, per doz. .00 Calefy. S/s in. 28.00 Caldron. 36.00 Calender. FULLER UPRIGHT BATH BIBBS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., A-257. $25.00 Cabbage. fel.OO Caboose. 28.00 Cabin. 34.00 Cabriolet. Va 34.00 Cabinet. 40.00 Cacoa, I m. 48.00 Cable. 56.00 Cache. h- WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 135 FULLER UPRIGHT BATH BIBBS, WITH FLANGE, FOR IRON PIPE. A-258. Size, Finished, per doz. , Nickel Plated, per doz. $28.00 Cachet. $34.00 Cacique. Vb 32.00 Cachiri. 38.00 Cack. % 'A 38.00 Cachuca. 44.00 Cackler. 52.00 Cachunde. 60.00 Cactus. FULLER UPRIGHT BATH BIBBS FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., % $34.00 Cadaverous. 40.00 Caddy. 52.00 Cade. 72.00 Cadence. $40 . 00 Cadenza. 46.00 Cadet. 58.00 Cadi. 80.00 Caducean 136 L. WOIvFP MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER WASH TRAY BIBBS A 260. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., /2 $20.00 Calends. $24 . 00 Calidity. 22.50 Calf. 26.50 Caliph. 'A 30 00 Calibre. 36.00 Caliphate. I in. 40.00 Calico. 50.00 Calk. FULLER WASH TRAY BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE WITHOUT SHOULDER. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz.. A-261 % $23.00 Calker. $27.00 Callous. =/8 26.50 Call. 30-50 Callow. Va 34.00 Calliope. 40.00 Calm. I in. 44.00 Callosity. 54.00 Calomel. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ^37 FULLER WASH TRAY BIBBS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE, Size, Finished, per doz. Nickel Plated, per doz.. -262 /2 $26.00 Caloric. $32.00 Caluminate. 28.00 Calorific. 34.00 Calvary. 36 00 Calotype. 42 00 Calyx. I in. 50.00 Calumet 60.00 Can:. FULLER WASH TRAY BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE. WITH FLANGE Size, Finished, per doz. , Nickel Plated, per doz , 263. $29 . 00 Camaien. $35 -00 Camblet. 32.00 Cambial. 38.00 Camboge. 40.00 Cambest. 46.00 Ca ni boose. 54.00 Cambium. 64 00 Came. L. WOIyFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER WASH TRAY BIBBS FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. Size, . Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., 264. % I in. $35-00 Camber. 40.00 Cambric. 54.00 Carmel. 74.00 ' Cameo. ^41 .00 Camera. 46.00 Camisade. 60.00 Camlet. 84.00 Camp. FULLER PATENT BALL COCKS Size, . . . . ■ For Lead Pipe, per doz., For Iron Pipe, per doz., 265. -SIZE WITH BAtI<.- )^27.00 Canter. 32.00 Cany. 34.00 Canticle. 38 00 Cap. ^ I ^'A i>^ in. 50.00 60 06 75.00 90-00 Canting- Canto. Canton. Canvas. 56.00 68.00 85.00 100.00 Capability. Capable. Capacity. Capapic h. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 139 FULLER STOPS WITH COUPLING. Size, Rough, per doz. , Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. A $18.00 CampaigTi. $20.00 Cancel. $25.00 Canine A-266. 21 .00 Campheiie. 24.00 Candid. 30.00 Canister, 25.00 Camphor. 28.00 Candidate. 34.00 Cannibal, 36 . 00 Camphoric, 40.00 Candle, 50.00 Pressure Knd. 60.00 Can, 65.00 Candour. 70.00 Canal. 75.00 Candy. 135-00 Canary. I 50 . 00 Cane. FULLER STOPS, FOR IRON PIPE WITH COUPLING. -267 Pressure End. Size, Rough, per doz.. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. V2 $19.00 Canaan, 23.00 Canaille. 27-00 Can akin. I 39.00 Canard. 64.00 Cauaster. i>^ 76.00 Caubuoy. 2 in. 145.00 Cancer. $21 .00 Cancerate. 26.00 Cancrine, 30.00 Cancroid. 43.00 Candent. 70.00 Canderos. 82.00 Candicant. 175.00 Candied. $26.00 Caudify. 32.00 Candist. 36.00 Candite. 53- 00 Candock. 140 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER HOPPER COCKS WITH COUPLING. Pressure Knd. A-268. Size Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz.. Rough, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz.. ^2 I . GO Capitalist, 25.00 Capitular. $25.00 Caprice. 30.00 Capricious Y\ in- 32.00 Capon. 38.00 Capricorn. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 141 FULLER HOPPER COCKS, FOR IRON PIPE WITH COUPLING. Pressure iCnd- 269. Size Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., Rough, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz., ^23 00 Capelin. ^27.00 Capias. 28.00 Capelet. 33 00 Capilose. 3Xin. 35- 00 Caper. 41.00 Capivi. FULLER WORK TRIMMINGS. ECCENTRIC. RUBBER BALL. Size, Per doz., net. Size, . Per doz., net. A-271. and 5,i 3^ 5po 75 Caracole. I .00 Carafe. 1-25 • Carat. BALL STEM WITH BALL. 1 H 4.00 Capture, A % $ c -270. and ya 3.00 aptor. I in. 6.00 Car. Size, . Per doz., net, }4 and ^« $3.00 Caraway. 4.00 Carbine. 2.00 Caravan. I in. 6. 00 Carbon. 142 Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BASIN COCK, No. I. A-273. Nickel Plated, per doz., $40 . 00 Card. Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 143 FULLER BASIN COCK, No. 2. A-274. Nickel Plated, per doz. $44.00 Cardinal. 144 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BASIN COCK, No. 3 A— 2T5. Nickel Plated, per doz. $60 . 00 Cardoon. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 145 FULLER BASIN COCK, No. 4. A-276. Nickel Plated, per doz., , , f t • • $72.00 Cardtable. 146 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BASIN COCK, No. 5 A-277. Nickel Plated, per doz., g»o.oo Carex. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 147 FULLER BASIN COCK, No. 6 LOW-DOWN PATTERN. A-278. Nickel Plated, per doz., ^72.00 Carboyest, 148 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BASIN COCK, No. 10 A-279. Nickel Plated, per doz., o t $120.00 Carentane. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 149 FULLER DOUBLE BASIN COCK A-280. Nickel Plated, each, $14.00 Careucy. If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add g2.oo Cae. I50 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER DOUBLE BASIN COCK, ROUND PATTERN. A-281 Round Pattern, Nickel Plated, each, Oval Pattern, Nickel Plated, each, $13.00 Carnival. Carniverous. If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add J52.00 Carney. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 151 FULLER DOUBLE BASIN COCK SOAP CUP TOP, OVAL PATTERN. A-282. Nickel Plated, each, ..... If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add $16.00 Carpet. ^2.00 Carper. 152 I,. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER PANTRY COCK, No. I A-283. Plain, Nickel Plated, per doz., With Hose End, Nickel Plated, per doz., 5!i42.oo Carib. $45 . oo Carrom. I,. WOIvKF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 153 FULLER PANTRY COCK, No. 2 A-284. Plain, Nickel Plated, per doz., "With Hose End, Nickel Plated, per doz., J550 . 00 Carry. I53-00 Carrier. 154 I.. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER DOUBLE PANTRY COCK, No. 12 A-285. Nickel Plated, each, If with Ebony or Ivoiy Handles add $2.00 Carbon. $15.00 Carboy. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 155 FULLER DOUBLE PANTRY COCK. No. 13 ROUND PATTERN. A-286. Round Pattern, Nickel Plated, each, Oval Pattern, Nickel Plated, each, If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add $13.00 Cartridge. ^14.00 Cascade. $2.00 Cashoo. 156 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BRACKET BASIN COCKS A-287. Nickel Plated, per doz., ..... If Thimble is screwed for Iron Pipe add If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add $36 . 00 Caseic. I14.OO Caseum. fl2 .00 Cashew. FULLER BRACKET BASIN COCKS WITH SWINGING TUBE. Nickel Plated, per doz., .... If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add A-288. I48.00 Casemate. {612.00 Caseine. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 1.57 FULLER BRACKET BASIN COCKS NUT AND BENT COUPLING, WITH SWINGING TUBE. A-289. Nickel Plated, perdoz., ..... If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add 5bo . CO Cask. Pl2.00 Casque. FULLER BRACKETSHAMPOO COCKS. WITH SWINGING TUBE. Nickel Plated, per doz., If with Fbony or Ivory Handles add $60 . 00 Casern. Si 2. GO Cass. 158 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER DOUBLE BRACKET BASIN COCK WITH JEWEL CUP. A-291 Nickel Plated, each, If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add $12.00 Casino. $2.00 Cassada. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 159 FULLER DOUBLE SHAMPOO COOK, No. 1 WITH SWINGING TUBE. A-292. Nickel Plated, with Hose and Sprinkler, each, LARGE PATTERN. Nickel Plated, with Hose and Sprinkler, each, .... If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add . $14.00 Cashbook. fi6.oo Cashier. $2.00 Cashac. i6o h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER DOUBLE SHAMPOO COOK, No. 2. WITH LONG SWINGING TUBE. A-293. Nickel Plated, each, . . - . , If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add $22.00 Cassava. $2.00 Cassia. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER COMBINATION BATH COOK, No. I WITH COUPLING AND SPRINKLER. A-294.. Nickel Plated, each, |)I2.00 Cassonade. If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add $2.00 Cassideous. l62 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER COMBINATION BATH COOK, No. \'k. WITH COUPLING AND SPRINKLER. A-295. Nickel Plated, each, • e fI2.00 Castanea. If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add $2.00 Castirou. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 163 FULLER COMBINATION BATH COOK, No. 2 WITH COUPLING AND SPRINKLER. A— 296. Nickel Plated, each, $14-00 Castellan. If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add • • $2.00 Castlery. 164 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER COMBINATION BATH COOK, No. 21/2. WITH HANDLES ON TOP, COUPLING AND SPRINKLER. A-297. Nickel Plated, each, $14.00 Castigate. If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add 5^2.00 Castoreum. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 165 FULLER COMBINATION BATH COCK, No. 3 WITH COUPLING AND SPRINKLER. A-298. Nickel Plated, each, $15.00 CastreU. 1 66 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER COMBINATION BATH O OO K, No. 3 '/2, WITH COUPLING AND SPRINKLER. A-299. Nickel Plated, each, J15.00 Castle. If with Ebony or Ivory Handles add }b2.00 Casteel. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 167 FULLER COMBINATION BATH COCK, No. 4, WITH COUPLING AND SPRINKLER. A-300, Nickel Plated, each, 5iS2I CO Casuist. 1 68 1,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCKS. TELEGRAPH HANDLE. A-301. Finished, perdoz., .... Nickel Plated, per doz., Finished, per doz., .... Nickel Plated, per doz., Add for large Tubes, per doz. LARGE PATTERN. .CO Cataclysm $27.00 Catacomb $30-00 Catafalque $34.00 Catagraph. $2.00 Catalpa. I.. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 169 SELF-CLOSING PLAIN BIBBS, TELEGRAPH HANDLE. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., 302 $15.00 Catalysis. $17.00 Catapuce. 17.00 Catalytic. 19.50 Catapult. 20 . 0,0 Catamite. 22.50 Calaract. y\ in- 26.00 Catapasm. 28. 50 Catarrh. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. , FOR IRON PIPE, WITHOUT SHOULDER. NOT IHUSTRATED. A-303. )i6.oo Catch. 5i8.oo Gate. 18.00 Catcher. 20. 50 Category. 21 .00 Catchfly. 23 50 Catenate. % in- 28. 00 Catsup. 30 50 Cater. Size, Finished, per doz. , Nickel Plated, per doz., N PIPE, WITH SHOULDER. NOT ILLUSTRATED. A-304. 1/8 $16.00 Catfish. 18.00 Catgut. ^8 21 00 Catharist. %m. 28.00 Cathartic $18.00 Cathode. 20-50 Cathole. 23-50 Cation. 30-50 Catkin. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., WITH FLANGE AND THIMBLE. NOT ILLC'STRATED. A-305. $22.00 Catsalt. .00 Cattle. 26.00 Catseye. 28.50 Caucus. 30.00 Catso 32-50 Caudal. 3^ in. 42.00 Cattish. 44 50 Caudate. 170 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BASIN COOKS A-306. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., • e $45.00 Caufle. f 48 . GO Caught. h. WOlvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. lyi BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCKS LOW-DOWN PATTERN. A-307. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $45.00 Caul. $48 . 00 Caulicle. 172 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCKS GIELOW'S PATENT. A-308. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. $33 -oo Caulis. .00 Caulk. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 173 BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BIBBS Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. , $2 1 . 00 Causable. $25.00 Causator. 24.00 CausaL 28.00 Cause. Yz in. 27.00 Causation. 31.00 Cause ful. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BIBBS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE, Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $33- 00 Causeyed. #37.00 Cautelous. 36.00 Causlical. 40.00 Cauter. V& in. 39.00 Causticity. 43.00 Cauteraut. 174 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BIBBS FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., Va in. J43.00 50.00 Cauterism. Cauterize. $48 - 00 55- 00 Cautionry. Cautiously BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz.. y2 ^25. 00 Causou. $29.00 Caister. 72 28.00 Caustic. 32 .00 Caution. ya in. 31 .00 Cautel. 35- 00 Cautious. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 175 BOSTON SELF-CLOSING PANTRY COCKS PLAIN. WITH HOSE END. A— 3 1 3. Finished, per doz., . $54.00 Caverol. A-3 1 4. Finished, per doz.. $58.00 Cavalcade. Nickel Plated, per doz., $64 . 00 Caveroc. Nickel Plated, per doz. .00 Cavass. 176 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING STOP COOKS FOR LEAD PIPE. Size, Per doz., A -3 15. $24.00 Cavation. s/s in. 27.00 Cave. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING STOP COCKS FOR IRON PIPE. Size, Per doz., A-316. $32.00 Caveat. ^in. 35- 00 Cavern. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 177 BOSTON SELF-CLOSING HOPPER COCKS FINISHED FLANGE AND HANDLE, FOR LEAD PIPE. 5^ in., Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., $30.00 Caveator. Nickel Plated, *3.3-oo Caveating. Yt. in., Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz., $31 .00 Cavendish. FOR 1-2 INCH IRON PIPE, ONE END. Nickel Plated, $34.00 Oa viler. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING HOPPER COCKS. WITH PLATES AND HANDLES. Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz. Vz in. $60.00 Cavil. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BALL COCKS. Size, ..... Rough, per doz., Copper Balls, Weighted, per doz., . $ /2 21.00 Cavesson. 12.00 Cavetto. ^in. 31.00 Caviar, 18.00 Ca\'icorii . A-319. 178 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PRIER SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCKS Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz. , A-320. PANTRY COCKS. $45.00 Cavity. .00 Caw. $62 . 00 Ceaser. $71.00 Cebral. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 179 PRIER SELF-CLOSING WORK A-32 1 PLAIN BIBBS. FOR LEAD PIPE. Size Yl Y?. in. Finished, perdoz., . . $24 00 27.00 Cedar. Celebrity. Nickel Plated, per doz., . . $28.00 31.00 Ceil. Celerity, Size, Finished, Nickel Plated, per doz., PLAIN BIBBS. FOR IRON PIPE. • Y^ 5^ in. $28.00 Cervine. 31.00 Cetic. r doz., . • $32-00 Ce.=sion. 35- 00 Chafe. PLAIN BIBBS. FLANGE AND THIMBLE Size, . . . . . Y'2 Finished, per doz., $36.00 Cell. Nickel Plated, per doz.. ).oo Cellar. Yi in- 39.00 Celtic. 43.00 Cement. HOSE BIBBS. FOR LEAD PIPE. Size, Finished, perdoz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., $30 . 00 change. $34.00 Changeable. s/?, in. 33- 00 Chant. 37.00 Chaos. HOSE BIBBS. FOR IRON PIPE. Size, ..... Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz.. $33- 00 Censual. $37.00 Census. 5^ in. 36 00 40-00 Centre. HOSE BIBBS. FLANGE AND THIMBLE. Size, ..... ^ Finished, per doz., . . $40.00 Chapron. Nickel Plated, perdoz., . . $44.00 chaplain. Yi in. 43.00 Chapter. 47-00 Character. STOPS. STOPS. FOR LEAD PIPE. FOR IRON PIPE, Size, Y^ Finished, per doz., . $24.00 Century. 5^ in. 27.00 Ceriferous. Size Y^ Finished, per doz., . . $30.00 Charcoal. Yz in. 33- 00 Chariot. URINAL COCKS. Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, perdoz.. $45.00 Chaste. $48 . 00 Chat. URINAL COCKS. FLANGE AND THIMBLE. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, perdoz., $b2 . 00 Chateau. $71.00 Cheap. i8o L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. KELLY STOP AND WASTE COCK FOR ROD. A-322. With Rod or Lever Attachment for Lead Pipe, each, With Rod or Lever Attachment for Iron Pipe, each, FOR CHAIN AND LEVER. A— 323. $5.00 Cheer. $5-50 Cheese. KELLY HOPPER COCK. FOR SEAT ACTION A-324. For Lead Pipe, each For Iron Pipe, each, $5-50 Cheetah. $6.00 Chet REGULAR. A-325. For Lead Pipe, each, For Iron Pipe, each. Cherry. $5-50 Chess. Any of our various styles Hoppers, or Hoppers ami Traps, Earthenware or Enameled Iron (not flush rims), can be used in con- nection with this Hopper Cock. We can also furnish our Seats, with or without Drip Trays, for Hoppers selected. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. i8i GALVANIZED IRON LATCH FOR KELLY STOP AND WASTE COCK. >m A-326. GALVANIZED IRON NEW PATTERN PULL, FOR KELLY HOPPER COCK. A-327. Each, ?o.75 Each, $0.50 Upright Pulleys, 2}4 inches in diameter, per doz.. Side Pulleys, 2 inches in diameter, per doz., $1.20 Chew. $0.80 Cbick. l82 t. woLFi^ mAnui^acTuring company. HOPPER COCKS A-328. Per doz. 1^26 . oo Chilly. DOUBLE-ACTING HQPPER COCKS ON FRAME WITH WASTE. A-329. Each, $5.00 Chime. t. XVOlvI^I^ MANUP'ACI^URING COMPANY. i&^ PATENT HOPPER COCKS, Each, A-330. Thread on cap is for gas pipe protection when put in the jjround. Thread on stem is for the rod. Chimera. PATENT HOPPER COCKS FOR IRON PIPE. A-331. Each, for }^ inch Iron Pipe, ............. Thread oa cap is for gas pipe protection when put in the ground. Thread on stem is for the rod. Chillier. 184 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION URINAL COCKS A-332. Size, Finished, per doz. Nickel Plated, per doz., 517.00 Chi. j)2o . 00 Chieab. 18.00 Chie. 21 .00 Chieac. yz'xn. 20.00 23.00 Chiead. COMPRESSION URINAL COCKS FOR IRON PIPE. -333. oize. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. |/8 $18.00 Chieae. ^2 I . 00 Chad. 19.00 Chieaf. 22.00 Chald. f^in. 21 .00 Chilf. 24.00 Cheald. H. WOIvFI^ MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 185 COMPRESSION URINAL COOKS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE WITH UNION AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. A-334. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., e a 00 Chela. • I45-00 Chelda. i86 L. WOLFI^ MANUI^ACTURINO COMPANY. COMPRESSION URINAL COCKS, FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. WITH UNION AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. A-335. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $54 . oo Chedla. f 60 . 00 Chadl. t. WOIvIfl^ MANUI^ACTURING COMPANY. 187 COMPRESSION URINAL COOKS LOOSE KEY. A 336. Size, . . . _ . . . . . . . 14 in. Finished, per doz., $24.00 Cibc. Nickel Plated, per doz., ............... $27.50 Cibe. COMPRESSION URINAL COCKS, FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. WITH UNION AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. LOOSE KEY. A-337. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., 0.00 Ciba. 00 Cibb. i88 L. WOIvIfl^ MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING URINAL COCKS A-338. Finished, perdoz., . . . . Nickel Plated, per doz.. For Iron Pipe add, per doz., I36.00 Cibf. $4 I . 00 Cibar. H-oo Clab. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING URINAL COCKS, FLANGE AND THIMBLE. WITH UNION AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. A-339. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., >.oo Clac. $64.00 Clag. L. WOI^FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 189 BOSTON SELF-CLOSING URINAL COOKS FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. WITH UNION AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. A-340. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $72.00 Clae. $78.00 Claf. I go L. WOlvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER URINAL COCKS A-341 Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., f 27.00 Capsule. $29.50 Caption. 5/8 in. $31 00 Captain. $33 50 Captious. BRASS BELL TRAP, WITH STRAINER FOR URINAL STALL BASE. A-342. Rough, Finished Flange and Strainer, each, Rough, Nickel Plated Flange and Strainer, each, . $3-50 Caple. $4.00 Capitule. L,. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 191 URINAL SHSELDS FOR BEDFORDSHiFiE URINALS. TOP-FLAT. A-343. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, fi.oo Cognitive. Cognizant. TOP-CORNER. A-344. Finished, each Nickel Plated, each. |.i .00 Cogue. $1-25 Cogware. BOTTOM-FLAT. BOTTOM-CORNER. A-345. Finished, each. Nickel Plated, each, $1-65 Cohere. $1-85 Coherent. A-346. Finished, each. Nickel Plated, each, $1 -65 Cuhibil. $1-85 Cohobate. 192 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BRASS URINAL TRAP. WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGE AND STRAIGHT COUPLING. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, A-347. $3-75 Codder. $4.00 Coddy. Finished, each Nickel Plated, each. BRASS URINAL TRAP. WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. A-348. $4-25 Codeine. $4-50 Coequal. I.. W0L,1?V- MANUFACTURING COMPANY. = 93 WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL TRAPS WITH BENT COUPLING. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, A-349. $5.00 Coercion. $5-25 CoexteDd. This trap can be adjusted and all joints made tight from the front of Urinal Stall Back. Open space back of marble is not required. WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL TRAPS WITH "T" FOR VENT. A-350. Finished, each, . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . $5 -50 Coempt. Nickel Plated, each, . . $5-75 Coeta. This trap can be adjusted and all joints made tight from the front of Urinal Stall Back. Open space back of marble is not required. 194 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. URINAL OUTLET CONNECTIONS WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. WITH CLEAN-OUT AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. A -351. Finished, each, tor i^ in. Lead Pipe, $3 00 Cofferdam. Nickel Plated, each, for i % in. Lead Pipe, $3 25 Cofferer. A-352. Finished, each. Nickel Plated, each, . $3-25 Coffile. $3-50 Co found. WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL OUTLET CONNECTIONS. WITH BENT COUPLING. WITH "T" FOR VENT. A-353. Finished, each. Nickel Plated, each, A-354. $3-75 Finished, each. Cogman. $4.00 Nickel Plated, each, . Cognati. $4-25 Cogiiisee. $4.50 Cognition A-353 and A-354, Urinal Outlet Connections, can be adjusted and all joints made tight from the front of Urinal Stall Back. Open space back of marble is not required. iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 195 WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL INLET CONNECTION. IMIlllllllll A-355. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, . $2.25 Cognovit. $2.50 Cogwheel. A-356. Sectional View of Wolffs Improved Adjustable Urinal Inlet Connection. Wolffs Improved Adjustable Inlet Connection, sectional view of which is shown in A-355, does not require open space back of stall, all joints can be made from the front, it obviates the necessity of removing backs to disconnect couplings, and when used in connection with our Improved Adjustable Urinal Traps A-349 or 350, or Adjustable Outlet Connections A-353 or 354, a Urinal can be easily replaced in a short space of time, as the construction of the adjustable arrangement is such that adjustment both vertical and horizontal is possible. 196 h. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. URINAL INLET CONNECTIONS. FOR LEAD PIPE. WITH COUPLING FOR IRON PIPE. Il^» .'*'! A-357. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, fo.75 Coffee. $1 .00 Coflfer. A-358. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, fo.75 Coffin. $1.00 Cog. URINAL INLET CONNECTIONS FOR BEFORDSHIRE URINALS. WITH FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. WITH UNION, FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. A-359. Finished, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, as shown, each, . . . . ■ $i-75 Cogency. Nickel Plated, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, as shown, each, . . . . $2.00 Cogent, If with Thimble instead of Nut and Bent Coup- ling, deduct - . . . • $0.50 Cognus. A-360. Finished, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, each, $2.10 Cogneaw. Nickel Plated, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, each, $2.35 Cognate. If with Thimble instead of Nut and Bent Coup- ing, deduct . . . - ■ $0.50 Cognor. L. WOI.F'F MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 197 Size, Finished per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. U So Coh. TRAP SCREWS A-36 1 , 'A I i;i 1/2 2 2.25 2.50 3 00 4.00 7.00 Coherald. Cohesible. Cohesion. Coliobato Coifii. I I . 00 Coldfinch. ^/2 10.00 Coifed. 15.00 Coldish. 3 15.00 Coiffure. 7 and 8 inch made to order. 3'^ 18.00 Coitiiig. 20.00 23.50 4 20.00 Coity. 26.00 27-50 Cold. 6 in. 42.50 Collier. 36.50 54-50 Coldly. Coldness. Colegatee. Colemouse. Coleperch. TRAP SCREWS WITH PROJECTING FLANGE, TO COVER FLOOR OPENING IN MARBLE OR TILE FLOORS. Size, Finished, per doz., ' Nickel Plated, per doz.. A-362. 2 --% 3 z% 4 5 m- $11.00 14.50 20.00 25-50 26.00 35-50 Colessee. Colestaff. Colleto. Cole wort. Colicky. CoUapsion $15-50 Collarage. 19.50 Collared. 26.00 Collatable. 30-50 Collation. 35 00 CoUative. 47-50 Collator. 6, 7 and S inch made to order. TRAP SCREWS WITH SOCKET, TO FINISH EVEN WITH FLOOR. Size, Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. A-363. 2 $7.00 Colland. $11.00 Collegian. Made up to 8 inch. lO.oo Colleague. 15.00 Collegial. 3 15.00 Collected. 20.00 Collegiate. 1 8. 00 Collector. 23-50 Collet. 4 in. 20.00 Collection. 26.00 Collitic. TAP SCREWS WITH I 1/2 INCH VENT COUPLING. STRAIGHT. TRAP SCREWS WITH PROJECTING FLANGE AND I 1/2 INCH BENT VENT COUPLING. A-364. Size, ... 3 Finished, per doz. , $2 1 . 00 Colliery. 3^ 25.00 Colligate. 4 28.00 Colling. 5 in. 35 - 50 CoUiquant. Nickel Plated, per doz. , $28 . 50 CoUiquate. 33-50 Collision. 38.00 Collocate 50-50 Collodion. 3>^ 5 in- -365 Size, ... 3 Finished per doz., $28.00 Coyllbist. Nickel Plated, per doz., $36.50 42.00 48.00 61.50 Colonelsliip. Colonial. Colonade. Colorable, 4 32 50 36.00 45-50 Colocyntli. Colonel. Colonelcy. 6, 7 and 8 inch made to order. 1 98 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BRASS FERRULES. FOR IRON PIPE. FOR IRON PIPE WITH TRAP SCREW. Size, Per doz. , as shown, Size, Per doz., A-366. 2 3 4 5 6 in. .CO 9.00 II -00 27.00 36. 00 Commerce. Commit. Commix. Commode. Commonty. EXTRA HEAVY. A-367. Size, ... 2 3 4 5 6 in. Per doz., as shown, $1000 20 00 3000 54-00 72.00 Comose. Compact. Compacter. Compages. Companion. EXTRA HEAVY. |>9.oo Comparable. EXTRA LONG, EXTRA HEAVY. Size, 2 in., I^ength, 4 in., per doz., Size, 4 in., l,ength, 5 in., per doz., 4 m. 22 . 00 Comparative. |)I2.00 Compartner. $25.00 Compasses. Size, Per doz.. 2 $14.00 Comparer. EXTRA LONG, EXTRA HEAVY. Size, 2 in.. Length, 4 in., per doz.. Size, 4 in., Length, 5 in., per doz.. 4 in. 41 .00 Comparison. $17.00 Compassing. $44.00 Compassion. BRASS FERRULES. FOR IRON PIPE WITH I V2 INCH VENT COUPLING. FOR IRON PIPE WITH STRAINER. A-368. A-369. Size, Per doz., 3 4 5 m- $26.00 38.00 62.00 Combinate. Combing. Combless. Size, 2 3 4 5 m. Per doz , $11.00 22 .00 33 00 59.00 Combolio. Comeofi. Comer. Coraicry L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 199 Size, Per doz. REDUCING. A-370. BRASS FERRULES. WITH HUB FOR LEAD TRAP. 2 X i}4 in. Size, $S . 00 Per doz. , Compatible. A-371. 2 4 m. $8.00 16.00 Commune. Coraroute BRASS FERRULES. BENT, FOR IRON PIPE. BENT, WITH HUB FOR LEAD TRAP. A-3T2. Size, Per doz., 2 $12.00 Compatriot. 4 m. 24.00 Compel. A-373. Size, Per doz. 2 $12.00 Company. 4 m. 24.00 Comparate. 2O0 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BRASS FERRULES. QUARTER BEND, FOR IRON PIPE. A-374. Size, Per doz. Compassion. 4 in. $27.00 Compiler. WOLFF'S COMBINATION FERRULES. Size, Each, A-3r5. A-376. 1)4 X 2 in. $0.23 Com patient. Size, . Each, 2 3 4 in. $0.18 •25 •35 Complaiie. Complete. Complexion These Ferrules are Cast Iron and are moulded with a Tin Casing of sufficient length to wipe the joint. They are well tinned after moulding, and have been pronounced by the trade a very satisfactory article. h. WOLFlf MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 201 COMBINATION FERRULES LEAD AND IRON. I PAT. 1878 J I OTHER PAT'S APf ID f°'^! ;, POUR ON THIS L^BEL A— 377. ij4 X 2 in., each, .... 2 in., each, .• . - . . 3 in., each, ..... 4 in., each, ..... 4 in.. Extra Heavy Ferrules 5 in. long, each A- 378. A-^379. REGULAR PATTERN. 4 in. long. 6 in. long. 8 in. long. 10 in. long. 12 in. long $0.23 •35 •45 ■50 •55 Complexed. Complexly, Complise. Complicity. . Comple. $0.18 •30 .40 •45 •50 Com plat. Complux. Compli. Comt)lict. Complin. $0.25 Compony. .40 Complo. •55 Compon. 70 Complous. 75 Comportance. I0.35 Compor. •55 Compot. .70 Comporn. •85 Coinpotan. .90 Composed. {50.50 COMBINATION FERRULES LEAD AND IRON. '*BD1/EDC0MBINAT fflUPLlWG FERRULE JllillliUJ'' A 380. 1)4 X 2 in., each, 2 in., each 3 in., each, 4 in., each, H'ii I [LP A-381. fe 4 in. long. $0.23 Compupil. $0.18 Corapra. $0.25 Com pre. $0^35 Comptlble. 6 in. long. 8 in. long •35 Compup. •30" Compo. .40 Compri. •55 Compromit. ■45 Cumputer. .40 Com pot a. •55 Com pro. .70 Compriest. A-382. 10 in. long. 12 in. long. •50 Comper. •45 Compoto. .70 Compti. •85 Comprehend. •55 Com lire. •50 Compral. •75 Composure. .90 Comprador. 202 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SOLDERING NIPPLES. STRAIGHT, SCREWED OUTSIDE. STRAIGHT, SCREWED INSIDE. A-383. A-384. Size, Per doz., $1-75 Combat. ^8 % 2.25 2.50 Combatant. Combater. 3- 00 Combative. I in. 5.00 Comber. Size, Per doz.. $1-75' Coruer. |/8 2 25 Comet. 2.50 Coraetic. 3/ 3.00 Comfit. I in. 5.00 Comfort Size, Per doz.. $7 -50 Combine. i-Yi 2 TO. 00 14.00 Combust. Come. 2% 20 00 Comedy. 3 in. 28.00 Comely. Size, Per doz.. • • $7-50 Comfrey. 10 00 Comic. 2 in. 14 00 Comical. Note— Extra Heavy Nipples made to order. BENT, SCREWED OUTSIDE. BENT, SCREWED INSIDE. A-385. Size, Va 34 V-^ 3i 1/2 2 in. Per doz., . $9 . 00 12.00 16 00 22.00 Colstaff. Coltevil. Colnbrine. Columba. 386. Size, Per doz.. ■ $2.75 Columbic. Yi 3-25 Columbine. % 4-50 Columbite. 3i.oo Clonic, A-425. Nickel Plated, each. $0.75 Clomb. A-426. Nickel Plated, each I4-50 Cockloft. $1-25 Clooni. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 211 BASIN CLAMPS BASIN CLAM PS A-4.27. Per doz., Close. Per doz., S>2.00 Closh. BRASS SEWER TRAPS Size, Each, •50 Coagulate. 8 ill. 1 8. 00 . Coal. BRASS SAFE WASTE VALVE A-430. Size, 74 I I'A 1/4 2111. Finished, each, $1.50 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.50 Coaid, Coaret. Coarse. Coarsen. Coast, VACUUM VALVES. WITH COUPLING, FOR COPPER BOILERS. '^v A-43 1 Each, $5.00 Comptiiess. WIRE SPONGE HOLDER A-432. Number, . Each, . $0.50 Coat. •75 Coatee, 3 in. 1. 00 Coati. 212 I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WASTE AND WASHER. WITH LOCKNUT AND COUPLING. WASH TRAY WASTE AND WASHER. Size, Finished, per doz., A-433. A-434. i^ Yt, in. $30 .00 40 . 00 Coachbox. Coachel. Size, . Finished, per doz., $10.00 Coachman. 17.00 Coaction. BATH WASTE AND WASHER. Size, Finished, per doz., I |)8.oo Coagfinent. Nickel Plated, per doz., $io.oo Coally. 9 . 00 1 2 . 00 1 5 ■ 00 Coalblack Coalery. Coalfield. I 1. 00 14.00 18.00 Coalmeter. Coalmouse. Coalpasser. WITH STANDING PIPE. 24.00 Coalfish 27.00 Coalpit. 3 30.00 Coalfitter. 34.00 Coalplant. Size, • Finished, per doz. Nickel Plated, per doz.. TERN VALVE NEW PATTERN. $36.00 Coalstone. $40 . 00 Coal work. CAP. TO COVER COCK HOLE. A-436. With Air Tube, per doz., Without Air Tube, per doz., $26 . 00 Chimney. $25.00 China. Finished, per doz. , Nickel Plated, per doz A-437. 2.m. 21 .00 Coamings. 4 in. 60.00 Coalition. 65.00 Coalship. \y-i in. 42.00 Coaltar. 46.00 Coaly. $3-50 Cobby. $4-50 Cobeal. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 213 CHAIN STAYS No. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. A-438. A-439. A-440. A-441 Number, Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., o $2.00 Cobalt. $2.50 Cobnut. 2 3 00 Cobaltic. 3-75 Coboose. 3 3 '^o 4 25 Cobstone. 7. 00 CobblL-. 8.00 Cob.swau. 214 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CHAIN STAYS. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. WITH JEWEL CUP. WITH JEWEL CUP. A-442. A-443. A-444. Number, Finished, per doz. Nickel Plated, per doz., 5 $8.oo Cobbler. $Q.OO Cobwall. 8.00 Cobweb. 9.00 Cocagne. 7 10.00 Coca. I 2. 00 Coccolite. L. WOIvI^If MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 215 CHAIN STAYS, No. 9. No. II. WITH OVAL SOAP CUP WITH STRAINER. WITH REMOVABLE OVAL SOAP CUP. A-445. A-446. Nickel Plated, with Gold Lined Soap Cup, each, $2.00 Cocyx. Nickel Plated, with Gold Lined Soap Cup, each, $2.75 Cocus. 2l6 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SOAP CUPS OVAL. WITH UNION AND LARGE WASTE TUBE. WITH REMOVABLE SOAP CUP. A-447. A-448. Nickel Plated, with Gold Lined Soap Cup, each, $3.00 Nickel Plated, with Gold Lined Soap Cup, each, $2.75 Cobiron. Cobloaf. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 217 BASIN, BATH AND WASH TRAY CHAINS AND SNAPS A— 449. Number, .......... 00 Basin Safety Chains and Snaps, per doz., . . . . I Bath Safety Chains and Snaps, per doz., .... 12 Wash Tray Single Chains and Snaps, per doz., Basin Chains, 16 inches long. Bath Chains, 27 inches long. 00 12 Brass. Nickel Plated $0.80 Cockade. 1-25 Cocoon $1-85 Cocktible. 2.60 Coction $1. 20 Cod. I .90 Coddle Wash Tray Chains, 21 inches long. CHAIN No. 17. SINGLE. A-450. Number, .... Per Package, of 12 3^ards, Brass, Per Package of 1 2 yards. Plated, 17 $1. 10 Code. $1.80 Codetta. 16 1-25 Codeine. 2 . 10 Codex. No. 14. SINGLE. A-451. Per Package of 1 2 yards, Brass, Per Package of 1 2 yards, Plated, ?,i.70 Codfish. $2-85 Codger. No. 17. DOUBLE, USUALLY FOR BASIN PLUGS. No. 15. DOUBLE. A-452. Per Package of 12 yards. Brass, Per Package of 1 2 yards, Plated, ^1-95. Codical. $2.90 Codicil. A-453. Number, .... Per Package of 12 yards, Brass, . 14 $3 00 Codify. 15 2-55 Codilla Per Package of 1 2 yards. Plated, • $4-50 Codille. 3-75 Codist No. 00. SAFETY. A-454. Number, .... Per Package of 1 2 yards. Brass, Per Package of 12 yards, Plated, 00 $2.25 Codlin. $3.00 Coeval. No. I. SAFETY. A-455. o I 2.50 3.12 Coehorn. Cecliac. 3.25 4.08 Coevous. Co-exist. 2 4.68 Coerce. 5-75 Co-eypaud. 3 6.36 Coercive. 8.00 Coff. 2l8 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HYDRANT HAN DLES. FOR COMPRESSION COCKS TRIANGULAR GUIDE. fg^- -^^— -^^— =— « k i A-456. Brass, per doz., . ■ . Malleable Iron, per lb., . . . $5-00 Compare $0.15 Compart Per doz., A-457. 5J58.00 Compend. ROD HAN DLE Malleable Iron, per doz.. Brass, per doz., A-458. f2.00 Coachbox. $6.00 Coachee. HYDRANT CLAMPS TAPPED FOR IRON PIPE. A-459. Brass, yC and S/s inch, per doz., Brass, 3^ and i inch, per doz., . Malleable Iron, per lb., $2.50 Compete. $3-50 Competent. $0-15 Competitor. A-460. Malleable Iron, Tapped for }i in. Pipe, per lb., $0. 18 Compilator. Malleable Iron, Tapped for }^ in. Pipe, per lb., $0. 20 Compile. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 219 HYDRANT NOZZLES. FOR LEAD PIPE, WITHOUT FLANGE. FOR IRON PIPE, WITHOUT FLANGE. Size, Per doz., A-46 1 'A H I in. $6.00 7-50 9.00 Compone. Compose. Composer Size, Per doz., A-462. A 3^ I in. $7.00 8.50 10.00 Comprise. Compt. Comptly FOR IRON PIPE, WITH FLANGE. Size, Per doz., A-463. A H I in. $8.00 9-50 11.00 Compound. Compress. Comprint HYDRANT SOCKETS A-464. ROD RESTS FOR 3/8 INCH ROD, A-465. Bras.s, per doz.. Malleable Iron, per lb., $2.00 Compass. $0.15 Compeer. Cast Iron, per doz., $0.96 Compensate. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. STREET WASHER SCREWS SHORT, FOR LEAD PIPE. SHORT, FOR IRON PIPE. A-466. A-46r. Size, ■ y^ Va I in. Size, , • H Va I in. Short, per doz., $4-50 5.00 6.00 Short, per doz., $5.00 6.00 7-5° Complain. Complex. Complaint. Compliment. Compline. Complisli L,ong, per doz. , . • $5-50 6.00 8.50 Ivong, per doz., . • $6.00 7.00 10.00 Complicate. Complice. Coraplier. Complore. Complot. Comply. Price, per ]b.. STREET WASHER KEYS MALLEABLE IRON. A-468. $0.15 Combiner. GOOSE NECK SCREW. Size, . Per doz., A-469. >4 X 34 iu. $5.00 Commatic, J< X % in. $6.50 Comicry. STREET WASHER CHECK AND GUIDE. A-470. Brass, per doz., $3- 00 Complacent. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 221 SHAMPOO SPRINKLER PLAIN. SHAMPOO SPRINKLER WITH RUBBER RING. A-471 Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz. A-4r2. fS.OO Conacre. $10.00 Conation. Finished, per doz.. Nickel Plated, per doz., ;i(>22.oo Comedian. $24 . 00 Comliness. Finished, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., SHAMPOO SPRINKLER, WITH HANDLE. A-473. J513 00 Conatus. $15-00 Concave. 222 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HOSE PI PES. TO TIE ON. A-474. Size, To Tie on Hose, per doz. /^ I iji in $3 -50 4.00 6.40 Conceptive. Conceptual. Concern WITHOUT SCREW TIP. A-4r5. Size Per doz., y4 I ^X ^% 2 2}i in. $3-50 4.00 6.40 1 5 . 00 21.50 28.50 CoQcert. Concession. Concessive. Concetto, Conch, Concha. WITH SCREW TIP. Size, . Length, Per doz., A-476. H ^ I i^ ^/2 2 2)4 in. 8 12 9 17 20 20 24 m. $8.00 10.00 10.50 28.00 36 00 50.00 100.00 Conchifer. Conchite. Conchoid. Conciator Concierge. Conciliar. Conciliate COCK, LARGE END. Size, . Length, Per doz., 15.00 Concisely. 12 40.00 Concision. 12 m. 55- 00 Concite. I,. \VOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 223 FULLER HOSE PIPES. (Patented Jdne 12, 1877.) Size, Per doz. , A-479. LONG PATTERN % I in. $18.00 Conclave. 30.00 Conclavist A-480. Size, Per doz., M $22.50 Conclude. I in. 36.00 Concluder. It throws a solid stream. No Leakage. No Sprinkler or changing of tips necessary. It throws a spray in a great shower, varying to the finest mist. Its great durability, its perfect freedom from any liability of leakage, place it far in advance of other Hose Nozzles. All others have a ground-in key or plug; these, if they do not leak to start with, do so the first season, being easily damaged by dropping on the ground, or by sand getting around the plug. If not ruined in this way, the first winter destroys them, as the water left in the key, when shut off, freezes ; this expands the key so that it does not fit in its place, and forever after this causes it to leak badly. iJg^Any part lost or destroyed can be duplicated. ECCENTRIC. FOR FULLER HOSE PIPE. BALL STEM. FOR FULLER HOSE PIPE. A-481. A-482. Size, ^ inch, per doz., Size, I inch, per doz.. $3-00 Conclusion. $4.00 Conclusive. Size, ^ inch, per doz.. Size, I inch, per doz., M-oo Concoct. $5.00 Concoction. The above constitute all the working parts of Fuller Hose Pipes. Any lost or destroyed parts we can duplicate by mail. 224 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE GEM SPRAY NOZZLE, A-483. A-484. Size . . . . ^ Finished, per doz , . . . . . ...... . . . . $10.00 Concoctive. Nickel Plated, per doz., . . . . . . ■ . . . . . . $13-00 Concause. I in. 12.00 Concolor. 15.00 Concave ness HOSE SPRINKLERS GLOBE WATER FILTER, A-485. A-486. Size, 2 2% 2/2 3 in. For Hose Pipe, ■ Ya Va I ij^in. Per doz.. $4-50 5-25 6.00 9.00 Concomitant. ConceaL Concord. Concordant Copper, per doz., Nickel Plated, per doz., $10.00 Concealer, $12.00 Concede. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 225 HOSE COUPLINGS, A-487. Size, ....... Hose Pipe Thread, per doz., Iron Pipe Thread, per doz., . ' . Female Half Hose Pipe Thread, per doz.. Female Half Iron Pipe Thread, per doz., • • % $2.40 Concordist. 2.40 Concreate. I 4.40 Concredit. 10.00 Concrete. 14.00 Coscrew. 2 in. 24.00 Concupy • $2.65 Concuss. 2.65 Condensate. 4-65 Condense. 10.50 Conder. 15.00 Condign. 26.00 Condite. $i.So Condone. 1.80 Condor. 3.00 Conduce. 7.20 Conducive. 9.60 Conduct. 16.20 Conducta • $1.80 Condyle. 1.80 Cone. 3-25 Coneine. 7.80 Compate. 10.80 Coney. 17.40 Confab. WITH 1 LUGS. J ^^J «^ A-488. Size, . . . . Iron Pipe Thread, per dcz.. 2 214 3 3^2 4«i- $32.00 50.00 76.00 120.00 150.00 Con. Concernedly. Concertative. Concernment. Concitation, BENT. Size, Per doz.. 50 Concertation. 226 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HOSE SPLICE, FOR MENDING HOSE. HOSE CLAMPS Size, Per doz. A-490. M ■ $1.20 Concenter. I 111. 1.20 2.00 Concept. Concerted. Size, Per doz., $1 .50 A-49 1 - 1-50 Confeder. Confederate. 2.00 Confer. 2.50 Conferva. 1% in. 3.00 Confess. HOSE REDUCERS HOSE INCREASERS Size: Per doz.. A-492. I to 34 $6.50 Coniform. to^ ^74 10. 00 Conine. I^ to I ill. 10.00 Conceit. A-493. Size, % to I Per doz.. $6.50 Conceited. iyi to iX 10.00 Conceive. }i to ij4 in. 12 .00 Concent. HOSE N IPPLES. MALE. FEMALE. Size, Per doz., . A-494. A-495. y^ H I i^ i>^ 2 2}4 in $3-50 3-50 5.00 9.00 10.00 14.00 28.00 Congress, Congreve. Congrue, Congruous. Conical. Conies. Conifer. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 227 HOSE CAPS. A-496. Size, ^ I ij{ i}4 2 2^ in. Perdoz., $4.00 6.00 8-oo 1000 15-00 24.00 Confirm. Confit. Confiture. Confix. Confixture. Conflate. HOSE BIBB END vSize, Per doz., A-497. % $2.50 2.50 2.50 3.50 6.00 Conflux. Con form. Coufract. Confriar. Confront. HOSE STRAP FASTENER. A-498. j4 .to I inch, each, $0.50 Congree. iX to 2}4 inch, each, HOSE STRAPS. No. 2, }4 inch, 3^ inch long. No. 4, ^ inch, 3^ inch long. No. 6, 5^ inch, 4^ inch long, No. 8, ^ inch, 434^ inch long, No. 10, I inch, 5 inch long, No. 12, I inch, 5^ inch long. No. 14, I )^ inch, 6 inch long. No. 16, ij{ inch, 6^ inch long, No. 18, ij4 inch, 6% inch long. per doz.. $0.40 Confucian per doz., $0.40 Confuse. per doz.. $0.60 Confusion per doz., $0.60 Confutant per doz.. $0.80 Confute. per doz., $0.80 Cong. per doz.. $1.00 Conge. per doz. , $1.00 Congeal. per doz.. $1.20 Congener A-499. No. 20, iH inch, 73/s inch long, per doz.. No. 22, i}i inch, 71^ inch long, per doz., No. 24, li/i inch, 8 inch long, per doz.. No. 26, 2 inch, 8}^ inch long, per doz.. No. 28, 2 inch, 9 inch long, per doz.. No. 30, 2}( inch, g}4 inch long, per doz.. No. 32, 2^4^ inch, 10 inch long, per doz.. No. 34, 2}4 inch, io>^ inch long, per doz.. No. 36, 2% inch, n inch long, per doz.. Congregate. $1.20 Congenite. $1.40 Conger. $1.40 Congeries. $1.60 Congest. $1.60 Congiary. $1.80 Congius. $1.80 Conglobe. $2.00 Congo. $2.00 Congou. 228 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Size, Each, Size Each, HOSE VALVES TEE HANDLE. A-500. $3-25 Cockroach. 4.00 Cockscomb. 5-50 Cockshead. 2 8.00 Cockspur. 2J4 in. 10.00 Cockswain. WHEEL HANDLE. A-501. $3 '25 Cockweed. 4.00 Cocoanut. ^% 5-50 Cocuswood. 2 8.00 Cocuswool. 2% in. 10.00 Cocusoil. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 229 HOSE REELS THE "SUCCESS." THE " HOLLY. ;^^-S>.W 1:^56=1^-3 A-502. No. I, Carries 100 feet ^ Hose, price, No. 2, Carries 250 feet % Hose, price. $2.50 Conductor. $3-50 Conductive. A-503. No. I, Carries 100 feet 'i/i Hose, price. No. 2, Carries 200 feet % Hose, price. $5.00 Conduceiit. $6.00 Condoler. THE "DAISY" LAWN SPRINKLER. No. I. No. 2. GROUND PATTERN TOP PATTERN. A-504. A-505. No. I, Ground Pattern, Brass, ^ inch Hose Pipe Thread, per doz., No. I, Ground Pattern, Nickel Plated, Y^ inch Hose Pipe Thread, per doz., . No. 2, Top Pattern, Brass, Y^ inch Iron Pipe, or Yi inch Hose Pipe Thread, per doz., . No. 2, Top Pattern, Nickel Plated, "^ inch Iron Pipe, or Ya inch Hose Pipe Thread, per doz. $12.00 Condign. $13.00 Condiment. $10.00 Condemn. $11 .00 Cond, 230 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LAWN SPRINKLERS, WITH SINGLE HEAD OR FOUR ARMS. PAINTED AND BRONZED. (Patented February 4, 1S79. No. 211,876.) A-506. Finished Brass Head, each, . . . . . . . . . - . , . . $6.00 Conisor. Nickel Plated Head, each, = $6 . 50 Conistra. The top jet or head revolves vfith the arms, adding greatly to the appearance when in operation, and wetting the ground inside the water thrown from the arms. The revolving part is fastened with a screw having only one joint ; this prevents the great leakage happening in other makes, and also allows the parts above the arms to be taken off readil)'. The friction is greatly reduced, thus lessening the liability to wear and stick. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 231 LAWN SPRINKLERS, WITH SINGLE HEAD OR FOUR ARMS, BASKET AND BALL TOP. PAINTED AND BRONZED. (Patented Fee. 4, 1879. No. 211,876.) XS^ A-507. Finished Brass Head, each, Nickel Plated Head, each. $12.00 Conite. $13.00 Conject. L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LAWN SPRI NKLERS WITH DOUBLE HEAD OR EIGHT ARMS. PAINTED AND BRONZED. (Patented Feb. 4, 1879. No. 211,876.) A-508. Finished Brass Head, each, Nickel Plated Head, each. $7.00 Conjector. $7-50 Conjecture. The operation and construction is the same as the four-arm, except it has four additional arms at the top ; these, being screwed m, can be set in different positions, thus getting a variety of appearances with the water thrown. They are superior to any eight-arm Sprinkler in the market. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 233 LAWN SPRINKLERS. « WITH DOUBLE HEAD OR EIGHT ARMS, BASKET AND BALL TOP. PAINTED AND BRONZED. •(Patented February 4, 1879. No 211,876 ) A-509. Finished Brass Head, each, Nickel Plated Head, each, $13.00 Conjoble. $14.00 Conjoin. 234 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FOUNTAIN JETS. Otir Jets are substantially made, and more durable than any imported ones. In most of them the different parts are screwed, and so put together as to be readily separated. If cleaning out becomes necessary, this will be found a decided advantage. If any of the parts become damaged, we can furnish duplicates at a slight expense. All our Jets are well tested when made, and none sold that do not work properly. No. I. $2.00 Conjoint. No. 4. $3.00 Conjugal. Small, Large, No. 5. $2.50 Conjug-ate. $4.00 Coniunct. i;;ii'i|«v\lii F "'I No. 8. Small, Large, k'i<'!'0m^m No. 7. $2-50 Small, Conjure. $4.00 Large, Conjuror. $2.50 Connate. $4.00 Con nation. No. 10. $5.00 Counex. N. B. — All Jets called small are for use on aquariums, parlor and conservatory fountains, etc. They screw on " j^' " inch iron j)ipe, all other Jets fit " ^ " inch pipe, except Nos. 25, 26 and 27, which fit " }i " inch pipe. Iron reducers can be used to make Jets fit any size pipe ; these all gas-fitters have. Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 235 FOUNTAIN JETS i'liiiii 1' Dm I ! I 'Hi ' No. II. $7.00 Connexion. No. 14. $6.00 Connotate. No. 16. $9.00 Connusant. By reversing the top, either illustration is formed. $5.00 Cotmive. No. 13. $9.00 Connivent. $9.00 Connusor. No. 21. $8.00 Conoid. By reversing the top, either illustration is formed. $16.00 Conoidal. 236 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FOUNTAIN JETS. 5^5- 00 Conops. M: I ^"y!///0 No. 28. $5.00 Conquer, / \ %=^ 11^ Mm llllll||"f' No. 22. $8.00 Conquest. /h Ml '/'/.i/'/H'filH'|lii No. 26. $16.00 Conscience. No. 24. $10.00 Couscribe, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 237 BRASS BASIN PUMPS A-510. Nickel Plated, each, J5I4-00 Comrade. 238 1,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BRASS LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS. ON IRON FRAME. EITHER RIGHT OR LEFT HAND. 2 in. Cylinder, i in. Suction, 3^ in. Discharge. $7-oo Con descent, A-51 1, PLUMBERS' FORCE PUMPS, STEAM METAL. 5J5IO.OO Condensity. A -5 13. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 239 PLUMBERS' HOUSE LIFT AND FORCE PUMP BRASS CYLINDERS A-514. A-515. Size, Each (A-514), Each (A-515), with Air Chamber, |>20 . 00 Concertion. $23.00 Conierat. 3 m. 22 .00 Concerto. 25.00 Commend. 240 h. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY BRASS FITTINGS. IRON PIPE THREADS. EiL'hth Bend. Elbow. A-521. Coupling. A-517. Tee with Tag. A-522. Coupling Reducing One Size. n A-526. Cap. Elbow with Tag. Elbow with Side Outlet. Cross. A-518. A-519. A-524. A-520. Tee with Side Outlet. Tee Reducing One Size. Tee Increasing One Size on Side. A-525. Lock nut. A-527. A-528. A-529. A-530. Bushing to Reduce Close Nipple. One Size, Hexagon. A-531. A-532. Return Bend Open. A-533. Return Bend Close. A-5 34. Union Ground Joint. A-535 ACORN TIPS A-536. A-537. A-538. FOB SIZES AND PRICES OF ABOVE FITTINGS SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. A-539. L. WOIvFF MAisrUFACTURING COMPANY. 241 BRASS FITTINGS Size, inches, each, ..... ^ Eighth Bends, Rough, each, ... $0 Eighth Bends, Finished, each. Elbows, Rough, each. Elbows, Finished, each. Elbows with Tag, Rough, each. Elbows with Tag, Finished, each. Elbows with Side Outlet, Rough, each, Elbows with Side Outlet, Finished, each. Crosses, Rough, each, . Crosses, Finished, each, Tees, Rough, each. Tees, Finished, each. Tees with Tag, Rough, each, Tees with Tag, Finished, each, . Tees with Side Outlet, Rough, each. Tees with Side Outlet, Finished, each. Tees, reducing one size, Rough, each. Tees, reducing one size, Finished, each. Tees, increasing one size on side, Rough, each. Tees, increasing one size on side. Finished, each Couplings, Rough, each. Couplings, Finished, each, .... Couplings, reducing one size Couplings, reducing one size Caps, Rough, each, .... Caps, Finished, each, Plugs, Rough, each, .... Plugs, Finished, each, Locknuts, Rough, each, Locknuts, Finished, each, Bushings, to reduce one size. Rough, each. Bushings, to ruduce two sizes, Rough, each. Close Nipple, Rough, each, each. Return Bends, Open, Rough, each. Return Bends, Open, Finished, each, Return Bends, Close, Rough, each. Unions, Ground Joints, Rough, each, . .35 Acorn Tips, A-536 and A-537, Rough, each. Acorn Tips, A-536 and A-537, Finished, each, Acorn Tips, A-538 and A-539, Rough, each. Acorn Tips, A-538 and A-539, Finished, each. Rough, each. Finished, each. . 10 12 $ •15 18 . 10 12 ■15 18 ■15 18 . 22 27 •15 18 .22 27 •15 20 •30 35 .12 15 .20 25 .18 22 •30 37 .18 22 ■30 37 . 12 15 .20 25 •15 20 ■25 32 .08 10 •13 15 .08 10 ■13 15 .08 10 •13 15 .06 08 . 10 12 .08 08 . ID ID 06 •15 20 ■ 40 ^8 y. 16 $0 25 ■ 24 35 .16 25 •24 35 .24 37 ■ 36 53 • 24 37 ■36 53 •30 40 ■55 70 .20 30 35 50 •30 45 ■43 75 •30 45 ■43 75 .20 30 ■35 50 • 25 40 •45 65 • 15 20 .20 25 • 15 20 .20 25 • 15 20 .20 25 . 10 15 ■ 15 20 . 10 15 ■ 12 18 .08 12 .08 12 •30 35 50 70 40 •55 75 1'/ $0 •35 $0 50 $0. •45 65 I . ■35 50 •45 65 •52 75 •65 95 •52 75 •65 95 •55 80 •85 I 25 ■45 70 .65 I 00 .68 I 05 95 I 50 2 . .68 I 05 •95 I 50 •45 70 .65 I 00 •58 90 •85 I 30 •30 40 •35 45 •30 40 •35 45 ■30 40 ■35 45 .20 25 ■25 30 .20 25 ■23 30 .20 37 .20 37 ■45 60 .80 I 00 I . .00 I 30 2. .70 90 I ■ .00 I 40 I . ■45 75 I . .60 I 00 I . •35 50 •45 65 I . 4 I v. 2 85 $1 15 $1 50 ID I 50 2 oo 85 I 15 I 50 10 I 50 2 00 25 I 75 2 25 65 2 25 3 00 25 I 75 2 25 65 2 25 3 00 15 I 40 I 95 90 2 50 3 50 00 I 25 I 75 50 2 00 2 75 50 I 85 2 60 25 3 00 4 10 50 I 85 2 60 25 3 GO 4 10 CO I 25 I 75 50 2 00 2 75 30 I 60 2 25 95 2 Co 3 55 60 75 I 25 70 85 I 55 60 75 I 25 70 85 I 55 60 75 I 25 70 85 I 55 40 50 90 50 70 I 20 40 50 90 45 55 I 00 50 65 80 50 65 80 90 I 25 I 60 50 2 25 3 00 00 3 00 4 00 25 2 00 2 75 90 2 75 4 00 10 I 40 50 2 00 85 I 15 1.50 10 I 50 2 00 SEAMLESS DRAWN BRASS TUBES, Sizes, Inside Diameter, inches, 8 Outside Diameter, inches, hi Length, feet, . . .12 Weight per running foot, lbs., 0-32 043 8 i 4 I i\ Ik 2 2i 3 IJ 11 I ,'« I To IS 1 1 22 2I 3^ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0.58 o.8i 1. 19 1.66 2.42 2.92 3 90 5^i4 8.C 08 242 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BEER AND ALE WORK. Our Beer and Ale Cocks are extra heavy, and of the best metal, being made to stand the hard usage such goods are subjected to. They are not the cheapest in the market, but are more suitable for the purpose than anything of less price. BEER COCKS. FOR ICE BOX. Length, Finished, each. Nickel Plated, each, 540. 14 $3-50 Conscript. f4-5o 16 4 -GO Cousense. 5.00 Consign, 18 4-50 Consent. 5-50 Consignor. 20 5.00 Conserve. 6.00 Consist. ALE COCKS FOR ICE BOX. A- 541 Length, Finished, each. Nickel Plated, each. SHORT BEER COCKS 22 in. 5 -50 Concessor. 6.50 Console. 14 16 18 20 22 in. $3 • 50 Consoler. 4.00 Consols. 450 Consonant. 5.00 Cousonous. 6. GO Consort. • $4-50 Conspire. 5.00 Constable. 5-50 Constant. 6. GO Constat. 7 -GO Constrain SHORT ALE COCKS. A-542. Finished, 7 inches long, each. Finished, 9 V2 inches long, each, . Nickel Plated, each, A-543. $3 GO Constrict. 3-25 Construct. 3-75 Construe. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, ^3.00 Consul. 3-75 Consular. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 243 RACKING COCKS, TO SCREW IN. TO DRIVE OR SOLDER IN. Size, Finished, per doz Size, Finished, per doz.. Yi 5i6.oo Consultive. 32-50 Consumer. Size, Finished, per doz., Size, Finished, per doz.. A-545. • Ya. is- 00 Consutile. ■ /8 $14.50 Conteck. /8 7-50 Contact. Ya 17.00 Contemn. Y2 in. 10.00 Contagion. I in. 30.00 Conteniper. LEVER OR "T" HANDLE, FOR HOSE. Size, Rough, each, Finished, each, LOCK COCKS. TO DRIVE. A 547. A-546. $2.00 Convoke. $2-50 Cook. 3.10 Convolute. 3.60 Cookee. 4-25 Convolve. 5.00 Cool. i/2 6.00 Convoy. 7.00 Cooler. 2 m. II .00 Convulse . 13.00 Coolly. HEAVY RACKING COCKS "T" OR LEVER HANDLE. FOR BREWERS' AND DISTII,I Darnie. 3.00 3-50 Darrian. Darsis- EX. HEAVY. pl ■ 75 Dartre. 2.50 3-50 Dasher. Dashpot. 4 . 00 Dasyure. 4-75 Darter. EX. HEAVY. $2 . 10 Dastard. 3 • 20 Dataria. 4 • 50 Dash. 5-25 Data. 6.25 Datary. A-565. LONG SIXTH BEND 4 in., 18 in. in the clear, EX. HEAVY. ^2.25 Dateless. A-566. 250 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. A-567. A-568. I •.' Ji A-569. 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, lo inch, 12 inch, 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, SIXTH BEND EIGHTH BEND EIGHTH BEND. DOUBLE HUBS. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. o 40 Uatepalni. $0.50 Datelree. 55 Dater .70 Dative. 65 Datum. I . 10 Daul). I 00 Dauber. 1-35 Daubery. I 20 Daucus. 1-75 Daughter 3 .00 Dauk. 4.00 Daunt. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. >o 35 Daunter. $0 45 Dauphin. 45 Davit. 65 Davite. 65 Davyne. I 00 Daw. go Dawdk. I 20 Dawish. I 05 Dawk. I 40 Dawm. 2 •75 Day. 3 75 Daybed. 3 75 Daybook. 5 00 Daybreak 5 •50 Daycoal. 7 50 Daybruds STANDARD. $0.70 Dayfly. • 85 Daylight. - 9c* Daymaid. LONG EIGHTH BEN D ^^bH 4 in-, 18 in. in the clear. EX. HEAVY. $0.80 Daylabor. 1. 00 Daylily. I ■ 30 Daymaire. EX. HEAVY. ^2.15 Daynet. A-570. SIXTEENTH BEND, A-571. 2 inch,, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, ST.\NDARD. EX. HEAVY. $o-35 Daypeep. $0.45 Dayrule. •45 Daysight. •65 Daysman. •65 Daystar. I .00 Daytime. .90 Daywork. 1.20 Daze. 1.05 Dazzle. I .40 De. 2-75 Deacon. 3^75 Deaconry L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 251 "T" BRANCH A-572. A-573. IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIl^i A— 574. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 2X2 in., $0 .40 Deceive. $0.60 Deedy. 3x3 in., •.=5.5 Decent. .80 Deem. 3x2 m., •55 Decept. .80 Deep. 4X4in., ■75 Decern. I . 20 Deepen 4x310., ■75 Decerp. I .20 Deeply. 4x2 in.. •75 Decide. 1.20 Deer. 5x5 in-- • 20 Decil. 1.50 Deess. 5X4in., • 20 Deck. 1.50 Deev. 5x3 in., • 20 Decker. 1.50 Deface. 5x2 m., .20 Declaim. 1.50 Defail. 6x6 in., .40 Declare. 2.00 Defalk. 6 X 5 in , .40 Decline. 2.00 Defame 6x4 in.. 40 Deduct. 2.00 Default 6x3 m., 40 Deed. 2.00 Defeat. 6x2 in., 40 Deedful. 2 00 Defect. STAr IDARD. EX. HEAVY. 8x 8 in. .$3^25 Defence. $5^50 Defray. 8x 6 in. . 3^25 Defend. 5-50 Deft. 8x 5 in. , 3-25 Defense. 5^50 Deftly. 8x 4 in. . 3^25 Defer. 5-50 Defunct. 8x 3in. 3^25 Deficit. 5^50 Defy. 8x 2 in. . 3-25 Defier. 5 -50 Deg. 10 X 10 in. 6.50 Defile. 9.00 Degrade 10 X 8 m. , 6.50 Defiler. 9.00 Degree. lox 6 in. 6.50 Define. 9 00 Dehisce. lOX 5in. 6.50 Defix. 9 00 Dehors. lOX 4 in. 6.50 Dsflect. 9- 00 Dehort. 10 X 3 in. 6.50 Deflow. 9- 00 Dehusk. lOX 2 in. 6.50 Defly. 9 00 Deific. 12 X 12 in. TO 10.00 Deform. 14.00 Deify. 12 X 2 m. 10.00 Defoul. 14.00 Deign. SANITARY "T" BRANCH 2x2 3x3 3x2 4x4 4x2 5x5 5x4 5x2 6x6 6x4 6x2 inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch. STANDARD. f0.60 Deil. . 80 Deis. . 80 Deism. I . 20 Deist. I . 20 Deistic. I . 60 Deity. I . 60 Deject. 1 ■ 60 Dejure. 2 . 00 Dekle. 2 . 00 Delate. 2 . 00 Delator. EX. HEAVY. 60 . 80 Delf. 25 Deliac. 25 Delight. 60 Deline. 60 Dell. 25 Delph. 25 Delta. 25 Deltoid. 25 Delude. 25 Deluge. 25 Delve. T" BRANCH, WITH SIDE OUTLET, 4x4 inch, 4x3 inch, 4x2 inch, 5x5 inch, 5x4 inch, 5x3 inch, 5x2 inch, 6x6 inch, -with 2 inch outlet, 6x5 inch, ■with 2 inch outlet, 6x4 inch, with 2 inch outlet, 6x3 inch, with 2 inch outlet, 6x2 inch, ■with 2 inch outlet, with 2 inch outlet, with 2 inch outlet, with 2 inch outlet, with 2 inch outlet, with 2 inch outlet, with 2 inch outlet, with 2 inch outlet, SI 'ANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 35 Deme. $1 80 Demure. 35 Demean. I 80 Demy. 35 Demerge. I 80 Den. 80 Demerse. 2 10 Denary. 80 Demi. 2 10 Den ay. 80 Demise. 2 10 Dendrite 80 Demit. 2 10 Dengue. 2 00 Demitint 2 60 Denier. 2 00 Demon. 2 .60 Denim. 2 00 Demonist. 2 60 Denize. 2 00 Demulce. 2 60 Dennet. 2 .00 Demur. 2 60 Denote. SANITARY "T" BRANCH, WITH SIDE OUTLET, 4x4 inch, 4x2 inch, 5x5 inch, 5x4 inch, 5x2 inch, 6x6 inch, 6x4 inch, 6x2 inch. with with with with with with with with inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch outlet, outlet, outlet, outlet, outlet, outlet, outlet, outlet, STANDARD. $1 80 Dense. 1 . 80 Dent. 2 . 20 Dental. 2 . 20 Dented. 2 . 20 Dentil. 2 . 60 Dentine. 2 . 60 Dentist. 2 . 60 Dentize. EX. HEAVY. ^2 . 20 Dentoid. 20 Denude. 85 Deny. 85 Deodar. 85 Depaint. 85 Depart. 85 Depend. 85 Depict. A-575. Note— A-574 "T" Branch and A-575 Sanitary "T" Brancii -will always be sent with Outlet on Left-Hand Side as shown, but can be furnished with the Outlet on Rlght-Hand Side when desired. 252 L. WOLI^F MANUFACTURING COMPANY. T" BRANCH TAPPED. SANITARY "T" BRANCH TAPPED. A-576. A-57T. 2x1^-3 in. Thread, 2X2 in. Thread, 3x2 in. Thread, 4x2 in. Thread, 1^0 -So Deplete. . 90 Deplore. I . 80 Deplog. I . 95 Depone 2 X 1 1/^ in. Thread, 2x2 in. Thread, 3x2 in. Thread, 4x1)^ in. Thread, 4x2 in. Thread, "T" BRANCH. WITH HAND HOLE FOR CLEANING OUT. A-5r8. 2x2 inch, 3x3 inch, 4x4 inch, 5x5 inch, 6x6 inch, 8x8 inch, LONG "T" BRANCH A-579. 4x4. 24 in. 4x4, 30 in. 4x4, 36 in. 5x4, 24 m. 5x4. 30 in. 5x4. 36 in. 6x4, 24 m. 6x4, 30 in. 6x4, 36 in. in the clear, in the clear, in the clear, in the clear, in the clear, in the clear, in the clear, in the clear, in the clear. STANDARD. J50.75 Deprive. I . 00 Depth. 1.25 Depulse 1-75 Depurc. 2.25 Depute. 5 ■ 00 Deputy. STANDARD. $2.00 Derelict. 2 • 50 Deride. 3 . 00 Derider. 2 . 75 r>erisive. 3 . 50 Derivate. 4.25 Derive. 3 . 50 Derm. 4 . 50 Dermal 5 . 50 Dermic. LONG SANITARY "T" BRANCH. A-580. 4x4, 24 in. in the clear, 4x4, 30 in. in the clear, 4x4, 36 in. in the clear, 5x4, 24 in. in the clear, 5x4, 30 in. in the clear, 5x4, 36 in. in the clear, 6x4, 24 in. in the clear, 6x4, 30 in. in the clear, 6x4, 36 in. in the clear, STANDARD. $2 . 50 Descant. 3 • 00 Descend. 3 . 50 Descent. 3.25 Describe. 4 . 00 Descry. 4 ■ 65 Desert. 4- 25 Deserve. 5.25 Desight. 6 . 25 Design. $1.00 Deport. 1 . 10 Depose. 2 . 00 Depot. 2 . 00 Deprave. 2.15 Depress. EX. HEAVY. ^I.OO Deraign. 1 ■ 50 Derail. 175 Derange. 2 . 25 Deray. 3 . 00 Derby. 7 • 50 Dere. EX. HEAVY. $3-00 Dern. 3.75 Dernful. 4.25 Dernly. 4 . 00 Derrick. 5 . 00 Derring. 6.25 Der\-is. 5 . 00 Der\-ish. 6 ■ 50 Desart. 8 . 00 Desave. EX. HEAVY. ^3 . 50 Desire. 4.25 Desist. 4.75 Desitive- 4.75 Desk. 5 ■ 75 Desman. 7 . 00 Despair. 6.25 Despise. 7.75 Despite. 9 . 25 Despoil. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 253 j — 3 I I 4 X 2 in., X3 in., X 2 in., X4 in., X3 in., X 2 in., X5 in., X 4 in., X 3 in., X 2 in., X 6 in., X5 in., X 4 in., X3 in., X 2 in.. CROSS. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. $O.So Despond. $I.OO Deterge. 1 . ID Despot. 1.40 Detest. I . 10 Despume. I . 4G Detort. I . 25 Dess. I . 75 Detour. I . 25 Destiu. I . 75 Detract. I . 25 Destiny. I . 75 Detrude I . 6g Destroy. 2. ID Detur. 1.60 Destruct. 2 . IG Deturn. 1 . 6g Desurae. 2 . lO Deuce. 1.60 Detach. 2 . lO Dense. 2.50 Datail. 3-30 Devast. 2 . 50, Detain. 3 ■ 30 Deve. 2 . 50 Detaste. 3 ■ 30 Devest 2 . 50 Detent. 3 • 30 Devex. 2 . 50 Deter. 3 • 30 Deviate. 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x lOX lOX I2X 12 X 8 in., 6 in., 5 in., 4 in., 3 in., 2 in., ID in., 8 in., 12 in., 8 in., STANDARD. $5 . GO Device. 5 -GO Devil. 5 . 00 Devise. 5 . OG Devisor 5 ■ GO Devoid. 5 . OG Devoir. 8 . GO Devolve. 8 • OG Devote. 14.00 Devoter. 14 00 Devoto. $7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 18 18 iX. HEAVY. 00 Devour. p mil ' iiiNiiiiiiiiniiiiiir.i nil i"""">l|{|l |liiS™^gil GO 00 00 GO OG 00 GO 00 Devow. Dew. Dewlap. Dewless. 1 1 1, Dewey. Dexter. Dextral. Dey. 5 6 6 6 6 6 > !^-581. t iiiar? SANITARY CROSS A-582 STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. I OG Di. $1 25 Diamond 2F, Dia. I 60 Diana. 25 Diabase. I 60 Diapase. 65 Diadem. 2 00 Diaper. 65 Diadrom. 2 00 Diary. 2 25 Diagram. 3 OG Diatom. 2 25 Dial. 3 GO Diatribe. 3 GO Dialect. 4 00 Dib. 3 00 Dialing. 4 00 Dibber. 3 ■ 00 Diallel. 4 00 Dibble. A-583. I Y " BRANCH STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 2x2 in.. $0 .60 Dibs. $0.80 Dido. 8x 8 in., $5 00 Digamy. $8 00 Dim. 3x3 in.. .80 Dicast. 1-25 Didst. 8x 6 in., 5 00 Digest. 8 CO Dimble. 3x2 m.. 80 Dice. 1-25 Didus. 8x 5 m., 5 GO Dight. 8 00 Dime. 4x4 in., .20 Dicer. 1 .60 Didym. 8x 4 in.. 5 00 Digit. 8 00 Dimish. 4x3 4x2 in., .20 Dick. 1 .60 Die. 8x 3 in.. 5 00 Digne. 8 GO Dimit. in., .20 Dickens. I -60 Diecian. 8x 2 in.. 5 00 Digram. S 00 Dimity. lox 10 m., 7 00 Digress. 11 no Dimly. 5x5 m., ho Dicker. 2.25 Diet. S in., lOX 7 tX) Digue. II 00 Dimmy 5x4 m., 60 Dickey. 2.25 Dieter. IGX 6 in., 7 00 Dike. II no Dimple. 5x3 m.. ho Dictate. 2.25 Differ . lOX 5 m., 7 00 Diker. II (lO Dimply 5x2 m.. ho Dictator. 2.25 Diffide. IGX 4 m., / uo Dilate. 1 1 00 Din. 6x6 m.. 2 GO Diction . 3-25 Diffind. lOX 3 in-. 7 00 Dilator. II 00 Dinar. 6x5 in.. 2 GO Dictum. 3-25 Difform. IGX 2 in.. 7 00 Dill. II 00 Dindle. 6x4 in.. 2 00 Did. 3-25 Diffract. I2X 12 in.. 12 00 Dillv. 16 00 Dine. 6x3 m., 2 00 Didal. 3-25 Diffuse. 12 X 10 in., 12 CO DilogJ^ 16 00 Ding. 6x2 m.. 2 00 Didder. 3-25 Dig. I2X 8 in.. 12 00 Dilucid. 16 00 Dingily 12 X 6 in., 12 00 Diluent. 16 GO Dingle I2X 5 in-, 12 00 Dilute. 16 00 Dingo. I2X 4 m., -12 • GO Dilve. 16 00 Dinner. Y" BRANCH, WITH TWO INCH SIDE OUTLET. WITH 2 IN. OUTLET. 4x4 in . , 4x3 in., 4x2 in., 5x5 in., 5x4 in., 5x3 in., 5x2 in.. STANDARD. 5 1. 80 Dint. I ■ 80 Diodon. 1 • 80 Diorite. 2 . 20 Diota. 2 . 20 Dip. 2 . 20 Diploe. 2 20 Diplopy. EX. HEAVY. $2 ■ 20 Dipody. 2 . 20 Dipolar. 2 . 20 Dips. 2 . 85 Dipsa.";. 2.85 Dipsetic. 2 . 85 Diptera. 2 . 85 Dipteron. WITH 2 IN. OUTLET. 6 X 6 in. 6x 6x 6x 6x 5 in-, 4 in , 3 in-, 2 in., STANDARD. $2 . 60 Diptote. 2 . 60 Diptych. 2 . 60 Dire. 2 . 6g Direct. 2 60 Dirge. EX. HEAVY. fo-85 Dirk. 3.85 Dirl. 3.85 Dirt. 3.85 Dirty. 3-85 Dis. A-584. Note— A-584:." Y" Branch will always be sent with Outlet on Right Hand side as shown, but can be furnished with Outlet on left hand side when desired. 254 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "Y" BRANCH WITH TRAP SCREW. A— 585. 4x4, 4x3. 4x2, 5x5. 5x4. 5x3. 5x2, 6x6, 6x5, 6x4, 6x3, 6x2, 'ith 31 ith 3 1 nth 3 1 ith 3 i 'ith 3 1 ith 3 1 ith 3 11 ith 411 ith 411 ith 411 ith 4 11 ith 4 " nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass nch Brass Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw, Trap Screw. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. $3.20 Disable. $3.60 Disbind. 3.20 Disard. 3.60 Disbad. 3 20 Disarm. 3.60 Disburse. 3.60 Disaster. 4 25 Disc. 3.60 Disavow. 4-25 Discal. 3 60 Disassent. 4-25 Discamp. 3.60 Disband. 4-25 Discant. 4-25 Disbar. 5-50 Discerp. 4-25 Disbark. 5-50 Discert. 425 Disbase. 5-50 Discharge. 4-25 Disbench. 5-50 Discide. 4 25 Disbend 5 -50 Discind. Note — A-585 " Y" Branch will always be sent witli the Trap Screw on Right Hand side as shown, but can be furnished with Trap Screw on Left Hand side when desired. LONG "Y" BRANCH. 4x4, 24 in. in Clear, 4x4, 30 in. in Clear, 4x4, 36 in. in Clear, 5x4, 24 in. in Clear, 5x4, 30 in. in Clear, 5x4, 36 in. in Clear, 6x4, 24 in. in Clear, 6x4, 30 in. in Clear, 6x4, 36 in. in Clear, A-586. of Closets equal distances apart and not using any pipe. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 52 50 Disciple. $3-50 Discrete. 3 00 Disclaim. 4 75 Discrown. 3 50 Discloak. 5 25 Discure. 3 25 Disclose. 4-50 Discus. 4 00 Discord. 5-50 Disdain. 4 75 Discost. 6-75 Disinvite. 4 25 Discoure. 6.00 Disjoint. 5 25 Discous. 7-25 Disjunct. 6 25 Discreet. 9.00 Disease. la rly a dapted for setting a number DOUBLE BRANCH STANDARD. I . 00 Disedge. 25 Disenter. 25 Disentrail. 65 Disert. 05 • Disfancy. 65 Disfavor. Disflesh. Disfriar. 25 Disgage. 25 Disgest. 00 Disgorge. 00 Disgrace. 00 Disguise. 00 Disgust. 00 Dish. 25 25 EX. H $1-25 1 .60 1 .60 2- 00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4-00 EAVY. isliaunt. isheir. ishelm. isherit. Lshful. ishorn. ishouse. isk. islade. isleal. islike. slinib. islimn. islink. islive. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 8x 8, $6.00 Dislodge. fo.OO Disown. Sx 6, 6 00 Disloyal. 9 00 Dispace. «x 5. 6 00 Dismail. 9 00 Dispair. 8x 4, 6 00 Dismal. 9 00 Dispand, 8x 3. 6 00 Disman. 9 00 Dispark. 8x 2, b 00 Disraask. 9 00 Dispart. 10 X 10, 9 00 Dismast. 14 00 Dispatch 10 X 8, 9 00 Disraaw. 14 00 Dispel. lOX 6, 9 00 Dismay. 14 00 Dispend. lOX 5. 9 00 Disme. 14 00 Dispense. lOX 4, 9 00 Dismiss. 14 00 Disperse. 10 X 3. 9 00 Dismount. 14 00 Displace. lOX 2, 9 00 Disord. 14 00 Displant. DOUBLE "Y" BRANCH, WITH TRAP SCREW. A— 588. with 3 with 3 with 3 with 3 with 3 with 3 with 3 with 4 with 4 with 4 with 4 with 4 inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass inch Brass Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Screw, . • $3- Screw, ■ 3- Screw, . 3- Screw, ■ 4- Screw, . 4. Screw, • 4- Screw, . 4. Screw, • 5- Screw, . 5- Screw, • 5- Screw, . 5- Screw, • 5- ■AN] DARD. E S. HEAVY. 65 Displat. $4- 00 Dispute. 65 Displa}'. 4 00 Disrauge 65 Disple. 4 00 Disrank. 25 Displease. 5 00 Disray. 25 Displode. 5 00 Disrobe. 25 Dispone. 5 00 Disroot. 25 Disponge. 5 00 Disrout. 25 Disport. 6 25 Disseat. 25 Dispose, 6 25 Dissect. 25 Dispost. 6 25 Dissent. 25 Dispread. 6 25 Disser. 25 Disprince. 6 25 Disship A-588 Double Branch with Trap Screw, larger than 6 inch can be furnished when desired. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 255 A-589 DOUBLE "Y" BRANCH WITH SIDE OUTLET. inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, inch Outlet, HALF "Y" BRANCH s TAN DARD. EX. HEAVY. )2 25 Dissite. $2.50 Distort. 2 25 Dissolve. 2.50 Distract. 2 25 Distaff. 2.50 Distrain. 2 85 Distain. 3.60 Distress. 2 85 Distal. 3.60 District. 2 85 Distant. 3.60 Distrust. 2 85 Distaste. 3.60 Distune. 3 60 Distend. 4.60 Disturb. 3 60 Distent. 4.60 Disturn. 3 60 Dister. 4.60 Distyle. 3 60 Distich. 4.60 Disuse. 3 60 Distill. 4.60 Diswort. 2X2, 3x3. 3x2, 4X4, 4x3, 4x2, 5x5, 5X4, 5X3, 5x2, STANDARD. iO . 60 Dit. . 80 Ditch. . 80 Dite. 20 Dition. 20 Ditone. 20 Dittied. 60 Ditto. I . 60 Ditty. I . 60 Divan. I . 60 Divast. EX. HEAVY. fo.8o Dive. I . 25 Divel. I ■ 25 Diver. I . 60 Diverb. I . 60 Diverge. 1 . 60 Divers. 2.25 Diverse. 2.25 Divert. 2.25 Divest. 2 . 25 Divide. 6x6, 6x5, 6x4, 6x3, 6x2, 8x8, 8x6, 8x5, 8x4, 8x2, STAN J2.OO 2 .00 2.00 2.00 2.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5- 5- 5- 5- 5.00 DARD. Divine. Diviner. Divorce. Divulge. Dizen. Eizz. Dizzy. Do. Doall. Doand. EX. HEAVY. 13 ■ 25 Doat. 25 Dobber. 25 Dobbin. 25 Dobchick. 25 Dobule. 00 Docent. 00 Docetic. 00 Docible. 00 Docile. 00 Docity. A-590. This Fitting is also raade with 2 inch Outlet, similar to A-575. DOUBLE HALF "Y" BRANCH STANDARD. jSl.OO Dock. 1.25 Dockage. 1.25 Docket. I . 65 Doctor. I 65 Doctrine. 1 . 65 Dodd. 2.25 Dodder. 2 . 25 Dodge. 2.25 Dodger. 2.25 Dodkin. EX. HEAVY. 25 Dodnian. 60 Dodo. . 60 Dodrans. 00 Doe. 00 Doeskin. .00 Doer 00 Does. 00 Doff. 00 Doffer. 00 Dog. x6, X5. x4, X3. X 2, x8, x6, x5. X4. X2, STANDARD. $3.00 Dogal. 3 00 Dogate. 3 . 00 Dogbane. 3 . 00 Dogbee. 3 . 00 Dogbolt. 6 . 00 Dogcart. 6 00 Dogday. 6 00 Dogdraw. 6 . 00 Doge. 6 . 00 Dogeale. EX. HEAVY. $4 . 00 Dogeless. 4.00 Dogfish. 4 . 00 Docfly. 4.00 Dogfox. 4 . 00 Dogged. 9 ■ 00 Dogger. 9 . 00 Doggish. 9 00 Doggrel. 9 00 Dogly. 9 ■ 00 Dogma This Fitting is also made with 2 inch Outlet similar to A-589. DOUBLE ANGLE "Y." INVERTED "Y" BRANCH. 4x4 inch, 5x4 inch, 6x4 inch. -592. STANDARD. $3.50 Dogrose. 4.50 Dogship. 5 . 75 Dogsick. EX. HEAVY. $4 . 50 Dogstar. 5.75 Dogtooth. 7.25 Dogtrick. A-593. 4x2 inch, STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. ^1.50 Dogtrot. $2.00 Dogvane. 256 Iv. WOIyFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. OFFSETS. A 594. SIZE TO OFFSET. STANDARD EX. HEAVY. SIZE TO OFFSET. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 2 X 2, $0 40 Dotrwood. $0 60 Doltish. 4X 12, $1.40 Donate. |i.8o Doole. 2 X 4. ■ • -50 Doily. 90 Dom. 4x 14. ■ 1.65 Donator. 2.00 Dooley. 2 X 6, . .60 Doit. 00 Domage. 4x 16, . 1.80 Donax. 2.25 Doom. ' 2X 8, . . .70 Dolce. 10 Domain. 4x 18, . 2-15 Done 2.80 Door. 2 X 10, .80 Dole. 20 Donial. 4x 20, 2.25 Donee. 3.00 Doorgfa. 2 X 12, . • -85 Doleful. 25 Dome. 5x 4, • I .40 Donet. 1.80 Dooring. 3X 4. •75 Doleiit. 10 Domett. 5x 6, I .60 Doni. 2.00 Dop. 3x 6, . .80 Dolif. 20 Domify. 5x 8, . I. 80 Donjon. 2.25 Dopper. 3x 8, .90 DoUnm. 35 Domina. 5x 12, 2.00 Donkey. 2.50 Doquet. 3x 10, . • -95 Doll. 40 Domine. 5x 16, . 2.40 Donna. 3.00 Dor. 3x 12, I -oo Dolly. 45 Domino. 6x 4. 2 .00 Donnat. 3.00 Dorado. 4x 2, . . .70 Dollar. 10 Domiic. 6x 6, . 2.25 Donship. 325 Doree. 4x 4. ■85 Dolor. 25 Don. 6x 8, 2 .40 Donzel. 350 Doric. 4x 6, . . I 00 Dolmen. 40 Dona. 6x 10, . 2.60 Doodle. 3-75 Dorism. 4x 8, 1-15 Dolphin. 50 Donary. 6x 12, 2-75 Dook. 4.00 Doris. 4x 10, . • 1-25 Dolt. 60 Donat. OFFSETS. WITH TWO INCH OUTLETS. INOREASERS AND OFFSET FOR CALKING. 2x4, with 6 inch Oifset, 3x4, with 6 inch Offset, 4x5, with 6 inch Offset, 4x6, with 6 inch Offset, 6x8, with 6 inch Offset, A-596. INOREASER AND OFFSET, TAPPED. 1^x4, with 6 inch Offset, 2 X 4, with 6 inch Offset, STANDARD. j5l . 15 Dormant. I . 30 Dormer. I .45 Dorn. I . 55 Domic. I ■ 70 Dornock. I .95 Doron. 2.10 Dorp. 2.55 Dorr. EX. HEAYY. 5l • 55 Dorrer. I • 70 Dorsal. I . 80 Dorse. 1 . 90 Dorser. 2.10 Dorsum. 2 . 30 Dortour. 2.55 Dory. 3.30 Dose. p2 . 00 Dosel. 2 . 80 Dosser. 3 . 00 Dossil. 3.25 Dost. 4 . 00 Dot. J2.IO Dotage. 2 . 25 Dotal. A-597. L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 257 A-598. MBilllTwifiiSiirf A-599. A-600. A-601 INCREASER AND VENTILATING BRANCH WITH STRAIGHT SIDE OUTLET. FOR CALKING. 4x6, with 2 inch Outlet, 4x6, with 3 inch Outlet, $3.00 Dolant. $3-75 Dotard. INCREASER AND VENTILATING BRANCH. WITH SIDE OUTLET. FOR CALKING. 4x6, with 2 inch Side Outlet, ■ $3-25 Dote. INCREASER AND VENTILATING BRANCH. WITH STRAIGHT SIDE OUTLET. TAPPED. 4 X 6, Tapped for I ^ in. Pipe, .. • $3-65 Doted. 4 X 6, Tapped for 2 in. Pipe, . ' . $3-50 Doter. 4 X 6, Tapped for 3 in. Pipe, . . . . . . . • . $425 Doth. VENTILATING BRANCH. WITH SIDE OUTLET. STAND.-VRD. EX. HEAVY. 2X2 inch . • • $o.So 1.25 Dotish. Doubt. 3x2 inch, $125 1-75 Dotted. Doubtei'. 4x2 inch, . . -. . . . • • • $1-50 2.00 Dottrel. Douc. 5 X 2 inch, • . . • • ■ • • • . $2.00 2.75 I)ouane. Douced. 5x4 inch, $2.00 2.75 Double. Doucet. 6x4 inch, ■ . . • $3-oo 4.00 Doublet. Dowset. 8x4 inch, $6 . 00 8.50 Doublooa. Douche. 8x5 inch, . . . . . . . . . . $6 . GO 8.50 I)oubly, Dough, 258 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NCREASERS A-602. inch to 3 inch, inch to 4 inch, inch to 5 inch, inch to 4 inch, inch to 5 inch, I inch to 5 inch, 4 inch to 6 inch, 5 inch to 6 inch, 6 inch to 8 inch, INCREASER. TAPPED. STANDARD. EX. HEAVV. f C . 70 Doughty. $1 . GO Dow. •75 .80 .90 1. 00 1-15 r.25 Dour. Doura. Dcuse. Dout. Douter. Dove. 1 ■ 50 Dovelet. 2 • 00 Dovish. A-603. A-604. \y2 inch to 4 inch, 2 inch to 4 inch, il . 35 Dov.-ny. I • 45 Doviral. \]4 inch to 4 inch, 2 inch to 4 inch, LONG INCREASERS. FOR CALKING. ROOF PLATES A-606. 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 50 . 50 Doze. 1 • GO Dozer. 125 Dozy. 2 . GO Drab. i \\ I I !i A-605. 2 inch to 4 inch, 26 inches long, 3 inch to 4 inch, 26 inches long, 4 inch to 5 inch, 30 inches long, 5 inch to 6 inch, 36 inches long. ^2 . 5G Dowse. 2 . 60 Dowser. 4.25 DowSl. 6 . 00 Doxy. A-607. lyi; inch to 4 inch, 24 inches long, 2 inch to 4 inch, 24 inches long, . 10 Dowcet. 1 5 Dowdy. 4G Dowel. 50 Dower. 60 Dowl. 75 Dowlas. GO Dowle. 75 Down. SHORT INCREASER. TAPPED. Jl .20 Dowress. I ■ 20 Dowry. LONG INCREASERS. TAPPED. JS2 . 50 Drabber. ^2 . 60 Drabbish. Can also be furnished with Side Outlet. Can also be furnished with Side Outlet. Note -A-605 and A-607 can be furnished with two Side Outlets if desired. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 259 REDUCERS. A-608. 3 inch to 4 inch to 5 inch to 5 inch to 5 inch to 6 inch to 6 inch to 6 inch to 8 inch to 8 inch to 8 inch to 8 inch to 10 inch to 10 inch to 8 12 inch to 6 12 inch to 8 12 inch to ID inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. $0.45 Drabble. $0.55 Drake. .50 Drabbler. .60 Dram. .70 Drachm. .80 Drama. .70 Draciue. .80 Drank. .70 Draca. .80 Drap. .80 Drad. .90 Drape. .80 Drafif. .90 Draper. .80 Draffy. .90 Dra.stic. 1-60 Draft. 2.20 Draugh. I .60 Drag. 2.20 DraugliL. 1.60 Draggle. 2.20 Drave. 1.60 Dragon. 2.20 Draw. 2.50 Dragoon. 4.00 Drawee. 2.50 Drail. 4.00 Drawer. 5.00 Drain. 7.00 Drawl. • 5-00 Drainage. 7.00 Drawnet 5.00 Drainer. 7-00 Dray. A-609. SINGLE HUBS 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch, 12 inch, STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. $0 25 Drazel. $0-35 Dredge. 35 Dread. . 40 Dredger. 40 Dreader. ■ 50 Dree. 60 Dreadly. • 75 Dreelite. 75 Dream. I -CO Dreg. 40 Dreamer. 3 . CO Dreggy. 50 Drear. 4 . GO Dreiu. GO Dreary. 7 . GG Drench. DOUBLE HUBS. * ^i A-610. ST AND ARD. EX. HEAVY. 2 inch. $0 30 Dreat. $0.40 Drib 3 nch. 45 Dress. ■55 Dribble. 4 inch. 65 Dresser. •75 Driblet. 5 nch, 75 Dre.ssy. .90 Drie. 6 nch. 8g Drest. I-I5 Drier. 8 nch. I 50 D retch. 3-50 Drift. 10 nch, 2 50 Dreul. 4. GO Drill. 12 inch, 5 GG Drey. 7.GG Drilling STRAIGHT SLEEVES. THIMBLES A-61 1. 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch, 12 inch. STANDARD. $0 ■ 30 Drimys. ■ 45 Drink. .65 Drip. •75 D"^*^ . 8g Drivel. 1 . 50 Driven 2 . 50 Drizzle. 5 . GO Drock. EX. HEAVY. $0 - 40 Drofland. ■55 Droger. .75 Droil. . 90 Droit. I . I 5 Droll. 3 . 50 Drone. 4 . GO Dronga. 7 . 00 Dronish. A-6 1 2. 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch. PL.^IN. $0.15 Drony. . 25 Drool. . 30 Droop. . 35 Drooper . 45 Droplet. GALVANIZED. ^G.25 Dropper. • 40 Dropsy. . 50 Droptin . 60 Drosky. . 75 Dross. PLUGS OR STOPPERS PIPE HOOKS A— 613. 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, IG inch, 12 inch, STANDARD. >0 . 1 5 Drossel. 2 5 Drossy. 30 Drought. 'iz Droumy. 50 Drouth. 20 Drove. 00 Drovcu. EX. HEAVY. j5o.25 Drown. . 35 Drown er. . 40 Drowse. . 5G Drowsy. . 65 Drowth. I . 50 Drub, "i . GO Drubben. 3 GO Dro\'y. 4 GO Drudge. A-6 1 4. 2 inch. $0.08 Drudger. 3 inch. .IG Drug. 4 inch. . 12 Druid. 5 inch. ■15 Drum. 6 inch, .2G Drumble 8 inch. .40 Drumly. 26o L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LONG VENTILATING CAPS VENTILATING CAPS 4 inch, 12 inches long, Si . 25 Drunk. 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch. A-616. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. $0.40 Drunken. $0.50 Drupe. . 60 Druse. . 75 Drusy. • 80 Drused. I . 25 Druxey. I . 10 Druze. 2.50 Dry. I . 50 Dryad. 3 . 50 Dryas. "T" SADDLE HUBS A-6 1 7. inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, 6x3 inch, 6x2 inch, 2x2 3x3 3x2 4x4 4x3 4x2 5x5 5x4 5x3 5x2 6x6 6x5 6x4 STANDARD. iO . 30 Dryer. . 50 Dryite. .50 Dryly. . 60 Dryos. . 60 Dryrot. . 60 Dryvat. . 75 Duad. .75 Dual. .75 Duan. .75 Dub. 10 Ducal. 10 Ducat. 10 Duchess. 10 Duchy. 10 Duck. EX. HEAVY. $0.40 Duct. . 65 Ductile. . 65 Ductor. . 80 Dudder. • 80 Dudgeon. .80 Duds. ■ 00 Due. .00 Dueful. .00 Duel. • 00 Dueler. .40 Duelist. • 40 Duello. . 40 Duena. . 40 Dueness. .40 Duet. HALF "Y" SADDLE HUBS A-6 1 8. STANDARD. 2 inch, $0.35 Duff. 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 incli, 6 inch, •55 Duffel. • 70 Duffer. . 90 Duffle. .25 Dug. EX. HEAVY. pO . 45 Dugong. • 70 Dugout. ■ 90 Duke. I . 1 5 Dulce. 1.55 Dul. SADDLE HUBS A-6 1 9. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 2 inch. $0.35 Dulcet. $0.45 Dunker 3 inch. • 55 Duledge. . 70 Dunlin. 4 inch, . 70 Duncish. • 9O Dunlop. 5 inch, • 90 Dunder. I • 1 5 Dunner 6 inch. 1.25 Dune. 1-55 Dunny. PIPE RESTS 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, IP inch. A— 620. STANDARD. $0 . 30 Dunt. . 40 Dunted. . 50 Duo. .60 Dup. • 70 Dupe. I . 10 Dupion. 1-75 Duple. EX. HEAVY. $0.40 Duplex. • 55 Dupper. ■ 65 Dur. ■ 80 Durable. I . 00 Durably. 1 ■ 75 Durance. 2 . 50 Durant. 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch, A-62 1 . STANDARD. $0 ■ 65 Durate. . ■ 85 Durbar. I . 00 Dure. I . 20 Dureful. I • 45 Duress. 2.35 Durga. 3 • 60 During. EX. HEAVY. ^0.75 Durio. I .00 Durion. I . 15 Durity. I . 40 Duros. 1.75 Durra. 3 • 00 Durst. 4-35 Duse. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 261 WOLFF'S SOIL PIPE PLUG. SECTIONAL VIEW. MBPtR — A-622. A-623. Size, Price, each, 2 3 4 5 6 8 m. Si5i .00 Eadish. 1-25 Eager. 1.50 Eagle. 2.00 Eagless. 2.50 Eaglet. 4- 00 Eagre This plug will fit Standard or Extra Heavy Pipe; a perfectly tight joint can be made in a very short time, no matter how rough or uneven the pipe. The Rubber Ring is of the very best quality, and on account of its shape and that of the flanges compressing it, will retain its elasticity and last longer than any other made. 262 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GREEN-HOUSE PIPE FITTINGS. A-624. A-625. RETURN BENDS. SINGLE HUB. STANDARD. 2 inch, $0.65 3 i'lch $0.85 Ear. 4 inch, . . . . . . . $1.25 Earlap. 5 inch, . . . $2.00 Earn. 6 inch $3- 00 Earsh. RETURN BENDS. DOUBLE HUBS. STANDARD. 4 inch, $1-50 Earth. EX. HEAVY. •75 Ban. I . 10 Earl. 1-75 Early. 2-75 Earnest. 4.00 Earst. EX. HEAVY. 2.00 Earthy. A-626. 4 inch RETURN BENDS SPIGOT OUTLET. $1-75 Easy. 4 inch, RETURN BENDS WITH HUB ON OUTLET. $1-75 Karwig. A-627. 4 inch, 4 inch. 4 inch, L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DOUBLE ELBOWS A-628. TRIPLE ELBOWS A-629. THREE-WAY BRANCHES - ■iiiiini ini »ii^ r 1 f^ A-630. 263 $2.00 Ease. $2.75 EaseL f2.75 Hasily. 4 inch, "H" BRANCH THREE HUBS. A-631, $1-75 Easiness. 264 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PIPE BANDS A-632. 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, PIPE BANDS, WITH OUTLET. ?o.45 5 inch, . . $1.00 Bast. Eat. •55 6 inch, . 1.40 Easter. Eater. .70 8 inch, . 2.25 Easting;. Eath. 2x2 inch, 3x3 inch, 3x2 inch, 4x4 inch, 4x3 inch, 4x2 inch, 5x5 inch, 5x4 inch, 5x3 inch, 5x2 inch, 6x6 inch, 6x5 inch, 6x4 inch, 6x3 inch, 6x2 inch, *o.75 Eaves. .90 Ebb. .90 Ebon. I. 10 Echo. I. 10 Eclat. I . 10 Eclipse. 1-45 Eclogue. 1-45 Ectype. 1-45 Edda. 1-45 Edder. I .90 Eddish. I 90 Eddy. 1.90 Eden. I .90 Ebony. I .90 Edge. GREEN-HOUSE VALVE. HAS 4 INCH WATERWAY. A-63T. 4 inch. Net, $6.00 Edify. PIPE CHAIRS A-633. 4 inch, for 2 Pipes, $0.25 Edg-iug-. PIPE CHAIRS A-635. 4 inch, for 3 Pipes, PIPE CHAIRS fo.50 Edgy. A-636. 4 inch, for 4 Pipes, $0.75 Edict. GREEN-HOUSE BUTTERFLY VALVE. A-638. 4 inch, Net, $3-50 Edile. t. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 26.^ EXPANSION TANKS, FOR GREEN-HOUSES. No. I. A-639. No. i; Height, 48 inches; Diameter, 10 inches; 2 Outlets, 513-00 Edit. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Eve. Event. Evict, 29 m. 16 in. $2.00 4-50 4-50 Even. Ever. Evident. 31^2 in. 17 in. $2.25 4-75 4-75 Evene. Everse. EviL WHITE ENAMELED. 6 00 Evileye. 7.00 Evilly. 8. GO Evilness. 9 00 Evince, These Sinks can be made with Patent Overflows, same as Figs. A-671 and A-672. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 279 SOAP CUPS Plain, per doz. A-682. • • • • $2.50 KvoWe. Galvanized, per doz., . . • . . • • • . . . . . . . . $4.00 Ewe. Enameled, per doz., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 Kwry. SINK COUPLI NGS. TAPPED FOR IRON PIPE WASTE. OPEN SINK STRAINERS A-683. Plain, each, Galvanized, each, fo.75 Exact. $0.90 Exalt. A-684. Plain, per doz., Galvanized, per doz., . Gray Enameled, per doz., White Enameled, per doz., . $1-50 Exarch. $2.60 Excamb. $2.60 Excave. $3.00 Exceed. SINK COUPLINGS. A-685. Plain, per doz., Galvanized, per doz. Excel. $2.00 Exceptor. IRON SINK PLUGS. A-686. Plain, per doz.. Galvanized, per doz., . Gray Enameled, per doz. , White Enameled, per doz., $3-25 Excern. $5.00 Excerp. $5.00 Excerpt. $6.00 Excess. SINK BOLTS A— 687. Per doz.. Per package (100), $0.40 Exchange $2.00 Excheat, 28o h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. A-688. IRON SLOP SINK. WITH TRAP STANDARD WITH CLEANOUT AND IMPROVED BRASS VENT CONNECTION. l6 X 20 X 12, l8 X 22 X 12, 20 X 24 X 12, PAINTED. GALVD. ENAML'D. $9.50 12.00 13-00 Excide. Excite. Excitive. flO.50 13.50 14.50 Excise. Exciter. Exclaim. $11.50 15-00 16.00 Excision. Exciting. Exclude. IRON SLOP SINK. WITH TRAP STANDARD, WITH CLEANOUT AND IMPROVED BRASS VENT CONNECTION AND BACK, WITH AIR CHAMBERS. PAINTED. GALVD. ENAML'D. 16 X 20 X 12 without cocks, $13.00 17.00 19-50 Exclusion. Excreate. Excurse. 18x22 X 12 without cocks, $14.00 18.75 21-25 ■ Exclusive- Excrete. Excursion. 20 X 24 X 12 without cocks, $15-25 20.25 23-00 Excoct. Excur Excuse. Add for 2 Nickel Plated Fuller Bibbs, $2 . 00 Excuser. Add for Hardwood Rim, oil finish, $2.00 Excuss. Note — For complete line of Slop Sinks in Iron and Monarch Porcelain, see our Plumbing Specialties "Catalogue B." A-689. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 2SI SLOP SINKS, A-690. SIZE. i6 X i6 X lo inches deep, each, 20X 14X 12 inches deep, each, .... 20 X 16 X 12 inches deep, each, 24 X 20 X 12 inches deep, each, .... 23 X 15 X 15 inches deep, each, 30X 20X 12 inches deep, each, .... 36 X 20 X 12 inches deep, each, 48 X 20 X 17 inches deep, each, .... Add if for Patent Overflow, each. Add if for Patent Overflow and Plug Strainers, each, GRAY ENAMELED wtirTi:' E"Kri.»TJr or, AND GALVANIZED. WHITE ENAMELED. $2.70 5-25 7-50 Exect. Exectioii. Execute. $3-50 6.50 8.50 Exegete. Exempt. Exequy. $4 00 8.25 10.00 Exercent. Exercise. Exergue. $5.00 9-50 11.50 Exert. Exertion. Exertive. $4-25 8.00 II .00 Exesion. Exhale. Exhaust. $8.00 15.00 16.00 Exhibit. Exhort. Exhorter. $10.00 19. 00 20.00 Exhume. Exiccate. Exigence. $20 . 00 36.00 38.00 i?xig:ent. Exile. Exist. $1 .00 I -OO I .00 Exit. . Exitial. Exode. $1.20 1-25 1.30 Exodus. Exody. Exogen. SLOP SINK ON LEGS. SLOP SINK LEG, A-69 1 . E-xotic. For Price of L,egs see A-692. ' A-692. Each, PLAIN. GALVANIZED $0.50 Exotete. I. 00 Exolve. 282 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HOSPITAL SLOP SINK, WITH HOPPER ATTACHED A-693. Sink, 36x21 X 12 inches deep; Hopper, 18 inches deep, 4 inch Outlet. Each PLAIN. $11 .00 i^xon. GALVANIZED. GRAY E-NAMELED. WHITE ENAMELED 20.50 20.50 22.00 Exorate. Exorcise. Exorcist. HOSPITAL SLOP SINK, WITH HOPPER ATTACHED. WITH TRAP AND BRASS VENT CONNECTION. FOR LEAD PIPE CONNECTION. Each, A-694, Sink, 36 X 21 X 12 inches deep; Hopper, 18 inches deep, 4 inch Outlet. PLAIN. $14.00 Expand. If without Vent deduct Can also be furnished with Trap and Vent for Iron Pipe Connection. GALVANIZED. GRAY ENAMELED. WHITE ENAMELED 24.00 24.00 25.50 Expanse. Expect. ExpeL $1.00 Expeller. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 283 SLOP HOPPER. SQUARE. Each, A-695. $3 ■ 50 Expiate. Each, SLOP HOPPER ROUND. A-696. $3-50 SLOP SINK, WITH BELL TRAP. Size, Each, A-697. 12 X 12 14 X 14 16 X 16 in $2.00 Expire. 2.25 Expiree. 2.50 Expiring. 284 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SLOP SINKS. WITH 4 INCH OUTLET IN CENTER. A-698. SIZB. DEPTH. PI,AIN. GALVANIZED. 16 X 16 10 inch, $3.25 Expiry. $6.00 Explainer. 20 X 22 12 inch, 5 . 00 Explain. 10.00 Explat GRAY ENAMELED $6.00 Expiate. 10.00 Expletion. HYDRANT CESSPOOLS. WITH BELL TRAP. A-700. 1 2 X 12x6 inches deep, each, 14 X 14x6 inches deep, each, i6x i6x 6 inches deep, each, 18x18x6 inclies deep, each. EJxpletive. $1-65 Hxplicate. $1.80 Explicit. $2.10 Explode. 12x12x6 inches deep, each, . 14x14x6 inches deep, each, 16x16x6 inches deep, each, . 18x18x6 inches deep, each, $1.00 ■ Exploder. $1-15 Exploit. $1-30 Explore. $1.60 Explorer, L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 285 LARGE CESSPOOLS WITH BELL TRAP AND GRATING. SaCTIONAI, CUT. A-70 1 . Size, 16 X 16 X 10 inches deep^ A-702. CESSPOOLS WITH BELL TRAP. SECTIONAL CUT. A-ro3. Size, 6x6 inches square, Size, 9x9 inches square, ■ Size, 13x13 inches square. A-704. $4-50 EJxploring. $0.75 Explosion. $1.00 Explosive. $2.50 Expolish. WILLETT'S CESSPOOL. WITH TRAP AND HOPPER. WILLETT'S CESSPOOL, WITH TRAP. A-705. A-706. Price, each, $5.00 I^xponeiit. Price, each, $3.00 Export. 286 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HYDRANT CESSPOOLS. WITH WASTE PIPE CONNECTIONS. A-707. Size, 12 X 12 inches, 6 inches deep, each, Size, 14x14 inches, 6 inches deep, each. Size, 16x16 inches, 6 inches deep, each, PLAIN. GALVANIZED $1.00 Expunge. 1.50 Exposal. $1-15 Expulse. 1-7.5 Expose $1-30 Expugn. 1-95 Exposer. SEWER TRAPS, A-708. Size, 16 X 16 inches, each. 52.50 Exprime. Sewer Traps with Strainers, to prevent the passage of anything except water, and arranged with inverted bell underneath, to prevent nauseous gases from arising. ROUND BAR STRAINERS 4 inch, each, 5 inch, each, 6 inch, each, 7 inch, each, 8 inch, each, 9 inch, each. A-ro9. $0.20 Expurge. $0.25 Exquire. $0.30 Exscind. $0.50 Exscrib. $0.65 Exscript $0.80 Exsert. CESSPOOL PLATES ft t*-* mm mm A-710. Size, 6x8 inches, each, $0.50 Exserted. A-71 1. Size, 6x8 inches, each. A-71 2. *o.50 Extance. 6 inch, each, $0.50 Extancy. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 287 PUBLIC URINALS A-713. SIZE. 36 inches long, each, 42 inches long, each, 48 inches long, each, 60 inches long, each. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELE $5 ■ 50 6.25 lO-OO 15.00 Extaut. Extender. Extent. Extine. • $6.50 7-25 12.00 18.00 Extasy. Extensile. Extern. Extirp. $7 • 50 8.50 14.00 21 .00 Extatic. Extensive. Extill. Extirper. . $10.00 II .00 21.50 31.00 Extend. Extensor. Extinct Extol. HALF-CIRCLE URINALS A-ri4. No. I, Length of Back 12 inches, each, No. 2, Length of Back 15 inches, each, PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED $1.00 E.xtort. Extra. 2.00 Extract, 2. 50 Extreat. |i-30 Extreme. 1.50 Extruct. 2.50 Extrude. 3.00 Exude CORNER URINALS. OPENING BEHIND FOR LEAD PIPE. A— 715. SIZE. No. I, 7 in. on side, each, No. 2, 9 in. on side, each, No. 3, 12 in on side, each. PAINTED. go. 90 Exult. $1-15 Eyalet. $1-45 Eye. ENAMELED. 1-75 Exutory. 2.25 Eyas. 2-75 Eyeball. SIZE. 12 in. on side, each, PAINTED. $1 50 Eyebolt. ENAMELED. 3.00 Eyed. 288 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. i,e;ngth. 4 feet 4j4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet 11 feet 12 feet 13 feet PRIVY SIN KS. No. I. FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS, SCHOOLS, TENEMENTS, FACTORIES, ETC. WIDTH. 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch A-717. Lengths over 12 feet are made in two sections. DEPTH. PRic: $16.00 12 inch 12 inch 12 inch 12 inch 12 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch Fable. $17.00 Fabric. $18.00 Fabrile. $20-00 Facade. $25.00 Face. $28.00 Facer. $34.00 Facet. $37.00 Facete. ^^^ ■ 00 Facette. $43 • 00 Facial. $50.00 Facient, LENGTH. 14 feet 15 feet 16 feet 17 feet 18 feet 19 feet 20 feet 21 feet 22 feet 23 feet 23^^^ feet WIDTH. 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch 17 inch x'ai.icuL. For Patent Lifting Attachment (see A-71S), add {4.00. No. 2. DEPTH. 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch 14 inch PRICE. $53- 00 Facies. $56.00 Facile. $59.00 Faciug. $62 . 00 Fact. $70 . 00 Faction. $73.00 Factive. $80 . 00 Facto. .00 Factor, $86.00 Factum. $89 . 00 Facture. $92.00 Faddle. LENGTH. WIDTH. DEPTH. PRICE. LENGTH. WIDTH, DEPTH. PRICE. 6 feet 33'/^ inch 14 inch $30 . 00 Fadgc. 10 feet 33;^ inch 14 inch $50 . 00 Faery. 7 feet 33 >4 inch 14 inch $38-00 Fading. II feet 33 >4 inch 14 inch $54.00 Faffle. 8 feet 3314 inch 14 inch $42 . 00 Fad3'. 12 feet 33 >^ inch 14 inch $58-00 Fag. 9 feet 33 '4 inch 14 inch $46 . 00 Faecial. For Patent Lifting Attachment (see A-71S), add fo.oo. Note — For Washout Water Closet Ranges, with Automatic Tauks, see our Specialties Catalogue " B." L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 289 PATENT LIFTING ATTACHMENT FOR PRIVY SINKS. A T18. Our Lifting Attachment is a desirable improvement ou a Privy Sink, Handle being always clean, and the Plug can be suspended in its place when Sink is discharging. The Plug cannot get lost or stolen. Our Privy Sinks have a brass valve seat. The Plug has overflow trapped, as may be seen in Sectional View above. Lifting the Plug and a half turn of the Handle suspends it STOP COCK BOX COVER WITH LATCH. With lyUgs to Fasten to Side of Wooden Box, each, A-719. $0.50 Fahlerz, CORPORATION COCK COVER. STREET WASHER COVER. WITH HINGED LID. A-r20. Each, fo.35 Faience. A-T2 1 . Street Washer Cover, each. Plumbers' Address Pattern, Net, extra, $1-25 Fail, $2.00 Failing. 290 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S PATENT STOP BOXES, FOR WATER AND GAS. 3 INCHES INSIDE DIAMETER IN SMALLEST PART OF SHAFT. Size Number, Size Number, Size Number, Size Number, Size Number, Size Number, Size Number, No. 21/2. No. 31/2 2}^, Extreme lyength, 2 feet 3^, Extreme I^ength, 3 feet 4]4, Extreme lyength, 4 feet 5)^, Extreme I^ength, 5 feet 6J^, Extreme Length, 6 feet 7'/^, Extreme Length, 7 feet Syi, Extreme Length, 8 feet No. 41/2. No. 5'/2. No. 61/2. A— 722. 6 inches, Shortest Length, i foot 6 inches, each, . 6 inches. Shortest Length, 2 feet, each, 6 inches. Shortest Length, 2 feet 6 inches, each, 6 inches. Shortest Length, 3 feet, each, . . . , 6 inches, Shortest Length, 3 feet 6 inches, each, . 6 inches. Shortest Length, 4 feet, each, 6 inches. Shortest Length, 4 feet 6 inches, each. Faillis. $1.40 Failure. $1-55 Fain. $1-75 Faint. $1.90 Faints. $2.20 Faiuty. $2.50 Fair. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 291 WOLFF'S PATENT STREET WASHER FITTED FOR IRON OR LEAD PIPE. SIMPLE, DURABLE, CANNOT FREEZE. A-723. To Set in Ground, ^ inch Street Washer, each, I inch Street Washer, each, 3 $8.50 Fairing. 4 9.50 Fairness. 5 10.50 Fairy. 6 ft. 11.50 Faithful $10-00 Fairly. II .00 Fairway. 12.00 Faith. 13.00 Faitour. In ordering be careful to state whether for Iron or Lead Pipe. These Street Washers are durable, simple in construction and positively cannot freeze, as tliey waste very rapidly below the frost line. They need no other tools for taking them apart for repairing than a screw driver. No wrench is required. The two Iron Screws are removed, the whole working part can then be readily lifted out. The Iron Screws screw into a brass nut, so that it is impossible for them to rust. The valve will never need repairing, more than putting on a simple leather washer, which can be cut out with a penknife. There is a large Iron Flange at the bottom of the Street Washer, below the frost line, which will not permit of the Street Washer being raised in the ground by frost. The square head for the key is cast iron, and will not wear out in actual use half as fast as if it were brass; and is so made that it, too, can be easily taken off and renewed, should necessity require. Each Street Washer is tes^.ed at our works, so that we can guarantee every one of them. There are no ground joints to give out by using, and after they are once in the ground they will need no further repairing than to renew the leather washer, when it wears out. 292 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. VALVE HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS. WHEEL HYDRANT. I I STREET WASHERS. NEW IMPROVED COMPRESSION AND SELF-CLOSING ANTI-FREEZING; WITH SEDIMENT CHAMBER ATTACHMENT AND GROUND UNION JOINT, FITTED FOR IRON OR LEAD PIPE. Thousands of these Hydrants have been in use throughout the United States for the past fourteen years, and have given entire satisfaction. The recentlj' patented valuable improvements render this the most complete and durable Hydrant ever invented. Requires no digging up for repairs. By unscrewing the Nozzel and Top and lifting the tube from the Stock, on the end of which is the Valve, a new Washer can be put on, which requires little or no mechanical skill. This, however, is not likely to occur in several years. A-725. A-724. To Set in Ground, % inch Hydrant, each, . I inch Hydrant, each, % inch Hydrant, Self-Closing, each, ^ inch Street Washer, each, I inch Street Washer, each, . 3 $10.00 Fake. $12.50 Fakir. $12 .00 Faquir. $ 8.50 Falcade. $10.00 Falcate. Malleable Iron Street Washer Keys, per pound. 4 II .00 Falcon. 13-50 Falconet. 13.00 Faldage. 9-50 raldfee. II .00 Falding. 5 12.00 Fall. 14.50 Faller. 14.00 Fallow. 10.50 Falsar\'. 12 00 False. $0.15 Faltrauck. 6 ft. 13.00 Falsely, 15 50 Falsetto. 15.00 Falsify. 11.50 Falsity. 13.00 Falter. Hydrant Repairs kept in stock. In ordering hi c.irefiil to state whether for Iron or Lead pipe. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 293 CORNER. HALF-ROUND. WASH-STANDS. PATENT OVERFLOW FOR RUBBER PLUG. CORNER AND HALF-ROUND. Corner, 13^ inches on side; Half-round, 19 inches on back; Diameter of Bowls, \2\4 inches. Enameled, each, »9-50 Falun. State whether wanted with one or two cock holes. A-726. A-727. HALF-ROUND. CORNER. WAS H- STA NDS. PATENT OVERFLOW FOR RUBBER PLUG. CORNER AND HALF-ROUND. Corner, 16 inches on side; Half-round, 22 inches on back; Diameter of Bowls, 12 '-2 inches. Enameled, each, »ii-50 Fallible. State whether wanted with one or two cock holes. A-728. A-729. 294 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WASH-STANDS PATENT OVERFLOW FOR RUBBER PLUG. ENAMELED. ON FRAME. ON STANDARD. rx fe A-730. A-731. Length on back, 24 ;< inches; Diameter of Bowls, 12)4 inches. On Frame, each, ........ On Standard, each, ........ Plain Iron, Painted, Patent Overflow, including Brass Plug, each, |)ii .00 Fame. $11 .00 Fameless. $7 00 Familist. State whether wanted with one or two cock holes. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 295 DOUBLE WASH-STANDS, ON FRAME. A-732. Enameled Double Wasn-Stand, on Bronzed Frame, each, . $22.00 Family. Bowls, Patent Overflow for Rubber Plug. ON STANDARDS. A-733. Enameled Double Wash-Stand, on Bronzed Standards, each, $23.00 Famine. 296 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SECTIONAL SLABS AND BOWLS. WITH PATENT OVERFLOWS, BASIN WASTE PLUGS AND RUBBER STOPPERS. 734. Length of Back, 48 inches; Height of Bacli, 10 !^ inches; Width of Slabs, 19 inches; Diameter of Bowls, ra J^ inches, with End-piece on Right Hand side. Brackets extra. Price as shown. Painted, each, Price as shown, Galvanized, each, Price as shown, Enameled, each, $14-75 Famish. $22.50 Famous. $29.00 Famulist. A-735. Length of Back, 4S inches; Height of Back, 10 '■< inches; Width of Slabs, 19 inches; Diameter of Bowls, 12 '4 inches, with End-piece on Left Hand side. IJrackets extra. Price as shown. Painted, each. Price as sliown. Galvanized, each, Price as shown. Enameled, each, A-736. Total Length, 72 inches; Width of Slabs, 19 inches; Height of Back, io'4^ inches; Diameter ot Bowls, 12'i inches. Brackets extra. Price as shown. Painted, each, • Price as shown, Galvanized, each, Price as shown. Enameled, each, Above can be furnished in any number of Sections desired. $19.50 Fauatisni, $30.00 Fancied. $T,g . 00 Fancier, L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 297 COMBINED SLABS AND BOWLS PATENT OVERFLOW. RUBBER PLUG. HALF-ROUND. CORNER. A-737. Flange and Faucet Hole on Back. 13 inches wide; 12 inch Bowl. A-738. 12 inch Bowl. One Cock Hole. Enameled, each, $4-50 Fang. Enameled, each, IRON WASH BASI N. PATENT OVERFLOW, WITH PLATED PLUG AND STOPPER. A-739. 14 inch. Enameled, each. COMBINED SLABS AND BOWLS. PATENT OVERFLOW. RUBBER PLUG. HALF-ROUND. A— 740. A-741 Enameled, each. Enameled, each, State if wanted with one or two Cock Holes. $7-50 Fangled. $4-50 Fanged. S3 -50 Faiigle. S7-50 Fangless. 298 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS. We have a very complete and extensive plant for the manufacture of Range Boilers, we think the best equipped one in operation. Doing our own galvanizing, making our own rivits and doing the drawing up work of the heads, all of which is not done by other makers, customers can rely on our boilers being thoroughlj' well made in all parts. The Brass Couplings for lead pipe which we furnish with 66 and 82 gallon boilers, have % openings so that I inch pipe can be run to the water back if desired ; these couplings are somewhat larger than the regular kind sold. All Boilers 82 gallon and smaller have the spuds tapped i inch iron pipe thread. The 100 and 120 gallon boiler couplings for lead pipe are 3^ inch for the top connections and for i inch lead pipe side and bottom, for circulation to water back. Top spuds tapped i inch iron pipe, side and bottom tapped i 'j^ inch iron pipe. The 144 gallon boilers and larger have ^ inch top couplings for lead pipe, the side and bottom so that I OT ij^ inch lead pipe can be used to water back. Top spuds are tapped i inch iron pipe, side and bottom lyi inch iron pipe; 100 gallon boilers and larger have tube y^ inch iron pipe. Special Size Boilers made to order. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 299 GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS ^^-i CAPACITY 18 gallons, 21 gallons, 24 gallons, 24 gallons, 27 gallons, 28 gallons, 30 gallons, 32 gallons, 35 gallons, 36 gallons, 36 gallons, 40 gallons, 42 gallons, 47 gallons, 48 gallons, 52 gallons, 53 gallons, 63 gallons, 66 gallons, 79 gallons, 82 gallons, 98 gallons, 100 gallons, 120 gallons, 120 gallons, 144 gallons, 168 gallons, 192 gallons, SIZE. 3 feet by 1 2 inches, 3 1/2 feet by 12 inches, 4 feet bj^ 12 inches, . 3 feet by 14 inches, 4J/2 feet by 12 inches, . 33^ feet by 14 inches, 5 feet by 1 2 inches, . 4 feet by 14 inches, 5 feet by 13 inches, 6 feet by 12 inches, 4>^ feet bj' 14 inches, . 5 feet by 14 inches, 4 feet by 16 inches, . 434 feet by 16 inches, 6 feet by 14 inches, . 5 feet by 1 6 inches, 4 feet by 18 inches, . 6 feet by 16 inches, 5 feet by 18 inches, . 6 feet by 18 inches, 5 feet by 20 inches, 6 feet by 20 inches, 5 feet by 22 inches, . 6 feet by 22 inches, 5 feet by 24 inches, . 6 feet by 24 inches, 7 feet by 24 inches, . 8 feet by 24 inches, PRICE. $14.50 Fan got. $15-50 Fanion. $15-75 Fan n el. $19.00 Fanner. $18.50 Fanon. $20.25 Fantail $19.00 Faiitasni. $2 I . GO Fantast. $2 I . 00 Fantasy. $24.50 Fantone. $21.50 Fanwheel. $24.00 Fap. $26.00 Faquire. $30 • 00 Far. $30 ■ 00 Farand. $31.00 Farce. $31-50 Farcial. i-50 Fard. $63-50 Farday. $74.00 Fardel. $72-50 Fare. ^103.00 Farewell. fl20.00 Farfet. 35132.00 Farfetch A-742. Fear. N. B. — The above prices are for Boilers only. 300 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ''■!"«,"''■ ,7"' "" — "" ''-^"^^mf'nm GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS, VERTICAL. WITH COPPER STEAM COIL INSIDE. We manufacture these Boilers with copper coil inside to heat the water by steam. The pressure of steam, size of Boiler and quantity of hot water required determines the number of feet of heating coil needed; therefore the cost varies so much that no price can be attached. The regular i inch pipe openings for the connec- tion to water back are in the boilers, so that they can be use if desired, or plugged if not wanted. Note — When ordering always state the number of pounds of steam pressure to be used on the copper coil. Prices on Application WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 301 GALVANIZED RANGE BOILER, HORIZONTAL, WITH COPPER STEAM COIL INSIDE. A— 74.4. Farthest. With Inlet at Top. Prices upon application. Note— When ordering, always state the Number of Pouads of Steam Pressure to be used on the copper coil. GALVANIZED RANGE BOILER, HORIZONTAL WITH COPPER STEAM COIL INSIDE. A-745. Farthing. With Inlet at Bottom. Prices upon application. Note -When ordering, always state the Number of Pounds of Steam Pressure to be used on the copper coil. 302 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BOILER STANDS A-746. For 30 Gallon Boiler, or smaller, 12 inch Ring, each, . . . , For 35 Gallon Boiler, 13 inch Ring, each, . . . For 40 Gallon Boiler, 14 inch Ring, each, . . . . . . For 52 Gallon Boiler, 16 inch Ring, each, ...... For 66 Gallon Boiler, 18 inch Ring, each, . . . . . For 82 Gallon Boiler, 20 inch Ring, each, ...... For 100 Gallon Boiler, 22 inch Ring, each, ....... For 120 Gallon Boiler, or over, 24 inch Ring, each, .... State if wanted for Iron or Copper Boilers. pi . 25 Fariua. I - 35 Farinose. 1 . 40 Farl. 1.85 Farlies. 2 . GO Farm 2 . 25 Farmer. 2-75 Farmery. 3 . 50 Farming-. A-747. SIX INCHES SHORTER THAN REGULAR. each, For 30 Gallon Boiler, or smaller, 12 inch Ring, For 35 Gallon Boiler, 13 inch Ring, each, ...... For 40 Gallon Boiler, 14 inch Ring, each, ...... For 52 Gallon Boiler, 16 inch Ring, each, ...... For 66 Gallon Boiler, 18 inch Ring, each, ...... For 82 Gallon Boiler, 20 inch Ring, each, ...... For 100 Gallon Boiler, 22 inch Ring, each, ...... For 1 20 Gallon Boiler, or over, 24 inch Ring, each, .... State if wanted for Iron or Copper Boilers. I 2.5 Farmost I ,•^5 Farness. I 40 Faro. I 85 Farrago. 2 GO Farrand. 2 25 Farrier. 2 75 Farrow. 3 50 Farry Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 303 WROUGHT IRON HANGER FOR HORIZONTAL BOILER. WROUGHT IRON BRACKET FOR HORIZONTAL BOILER. A-r48. Fancy. Are made to order for any size Boiler. A-749. Fand. Are made to order for any size Boiler. GALVANIZED HOT WATER EXPANSION TANKS CAPACITY. 10 gallons, 12 gallons, 15 gallons, 18 gallons, 20 gallons, 24 gallons, 26 gallons, 32 gallons, 42 gallons, 66 gallons, 82 gallons, 100 gallons, 120 gallons, SIZE. 12 X 20 inches,, each, 12 X 24 inches, each, 1 2 X 30 inches, each, 12 X 36 inches, each, 14 X 30 inches, each, 14 X 36 inches, each, 16 X 30 inches, each, 16 X 36 inches, each, 16 X 48 inches, each, 1 8 X 60 inches, each, 20 X 60 inches, each, 22 X 60 inches, each, 24 X 60 inches, each. A-750. $8 00 Farther. $8.50 Faces. $9.00 Fascet. $9-50 Fascia. I12.5O Fascicle. $13.00 Fascine. $14.00 Fash. $15.00 Fashion. $16.50 Fast. $31.00 Fastener. $37.00 Faster. $51.00 Fasti. $58.00 Fastly. 304 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ma||,Qaii'»a..iv|i;^|iaaiai|||'i!||i||i . .1 COPPER BOILERS, Size, .... High Pressure np to 40 lbs. each. • 30 $26.00 Fatalist. 40 34.00 Fate. 60 55- 00 Fated. 80 72 00 Fateful. 100 gals 95 • 00 Father. Low Pressure, each, $24 . 00 Fathom. 32.00 Fatigue. 52.00 Fatting. 68.00 Fattute. 90.00 Fatty. High Pressure up to 80 lbs. , each. . $40 . 00 Favor. 50.00 Favored. So. 00 Favorer. 102.00 Favoress. 135-00 Favorite. Note— "High Pressure up to 40 lbs." Boilers will always be sent unless otherwis ordered. i I COPPER BOILERS WITH COPPER STEAM COI L INSIDE. We can furnish Copper Boilers with Copper Steam Coil inside, either Horizontal or Vertical as shown in A-743, A- 744 and A-745. Prices upon application. When ordering alwa3's state the Number of PoHods of Steam Pressure to be used on the Copper Coil. A-75 1 . L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 305 SEAT TUBS. FOOT TUBS A-752. Weight, Copper, Each, . Weight, Copper, Each, SEAT TUBS. Size, 24X 22 inches. 10 oz. 12 oz. 14 oz. fio.oo I I . GO I 2 . GO Fatner. Fatness. Fatten. FOOT TUBS. Size, 16 X 20; 10 inches deep. 10 oz. $7-50 Faubourg 12 OZ. 8.50 Faucal. 14 OZ. 9-50 Fauces. A-753. 16 oz. 13.00 Fattish. 16 OZ. 10.50 Faucet. 18 OZ. 14.00 Fatty. I 8 OZ. I I . 50 Faufel. 20 OZ. 15.00 Fatuity. 12.50 Faugh, SQUARE COPPER PANTRY SINKS 12 X 18 in. $4-50 Faule. 12 X 2G in. 14 X 16 in. 5.00 Fault. 4 50 Faulter. A-754. 14 X 20 m. 6.00 Faulting. 14 X 24 in. 7- 00 Faulty. 16 X 24 in. 8.00 Faun. 30 m. lo-oo Fauna. 18 X 30 in. II .00 Faunist. OVAL COPPER PANTRY SINKS Size, 12 X 18 in. 12 X 20 in. 14 X 16 in. 14 X 20 in. 14 X 24 in. 16x24 ii»- 16x30 i Each, $6. GO 6.50 7.00 7 ■ 50 9 .00 10.00 12 .00 Faunees. Fausen. Fautor. Fautress. Faux. Fauxpas, Favel. 18x30 in. 13.00 Favillous. 3o6 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SQUARE COPPER PANTRY SINKS. WITH PATENT STANDING OVERFLOW AND WASTE. Size, Each, . Size, Each, . 12 X i8 in. . $7 . oo Fruit. 14X 24 in. ■ $9-50 Frush. 18 X 20 in. 7-50 Fruitage. 16 X 24 in. 10.50 Frustra. 14 X 16 in. 7.00 Fruitive. i6x 30 in. 12.50 Frutex. 14 X 20 in. 8.50 Frump. i8x 30 in. 13-50 Fry. A-756. WITH LEVER. COPPER BALLS WITH SPUDS TAPPED FOR i/^ INCH 1. P. Size, Per doz., 5 $6.00 Fuage. A-757. 678 9 ID 12 in. 7.00 10.50 24.00 36.00 48.00 72.00 Fuar. Fub, Fubby. Fubsy. Fucate. Fucoid. Size, Per doz., A-r57 V2. .5 6 7 8 in. $4 . 00 6 . 00 9 . 00 1 5 ■ 00 Fucus. Fud. Fudder. Fudge. HEAVY BRAZED COPPER BALLS Pressure lbs.. . 20 40 60 80 100 Size, 4 in., ea. $2.50 2.85 3-75 4-25 5-50 Fuel. Fuero. Fuff. Fuga. Fugato Size, 5 in., ea. $4.00 4-25 4-75 5-50 6.25 Fugh. Fugue. Fucfuist. Ful crate Fulfil. Size, 6 in., ea. $5-25 6.50 7-25 8.00 8.50 Fulgent. Fulgid. Fulgor. Fulhaui. Full. Size, 7 in., ea. $7-25 8.00 8-75 9-25 10.00 FuUam. Fully. Fulmar. Fulmine. Fulness FOR EXTERNAL STEAM OR WATER PRESSURE. Pressure lbs. , . 20 Size, 8 in., ea., $8.75 Fulsome. Size, gin., ea., $9.00 Fumage. Size, 10 in., ea., $9.50 Fumid. 40 9-25 Fulvid. 9-75 Fumble. 10.00 Fumy. 60 10.00 Fulvous. 10.25 Fume. 10-75 Fun. 80 10 75 Fum. 11.25 Furaer. 11.50 Fund. 100 11.50 Fum ado. 11-75 Fumet, 12.25 Fundless. COPPER CLOSET PANS Weight of Copper, Per dozen, . 18 oz. 20 OZ. 24 OZ. $8.00 Fundus. 10.00 Funeral. 12.00 Funest. 758. COPPER MILK AND OYSTER KETTLES 10 Gallons, each, 6 Gallons, each, . 4 Gallons, each, 2 Gallons, each, . I Gallon, each, j4 Gallon, each, . $42 - 50 Fungal. $29.25 Funge. $25.00 Fungic. $2 I - 00 Fungine. $16-75 Fungus. $11.25 Funis, A-759. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 307 COPPER WASH BOILER. FOR BOILING CLOTHES. ■■ A-760- The above are made to order of any size wanted. A rim of Soap-stone or Slate surrounds them and sets on the brick-work. The Boiler sets in brick fire-place built for it. 3o8 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TINNED COPPER SHOWERS. No. 0. No. I. A-T6OV2. Plain Showers, for Y^ in. Iron Pipe, per doz., $11.00 Fickle. A— 76 1 Plain Showers, per doz., 512 .00 Feaze. No. 1 1/2. A-76 1 V2. Plain Showers, for y'2 in. Iron Pipe, per doz., $15.00 Fico. No. 2. A-762. Fancy Showers, per doz.. P15.00 Fegal. No. 3. A-763. Fancy Showers, with Flange and Thimble, per doz., $17-50 Feces. No. 4. A-763 V2 Tubular Showers, per doz., ^27. 00 Fecial. No. 5. A-764. Fancy Tubular Showers, per doz., $30.00 Fecifork. No. 6. mssM^^^^s^& A-76 5. Fancy Tubular Showers, with Flange and Thimble, per doz., .... $32.00 Note— Special Showers up to 18 inches in diameter made to order. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 309 WOLFF'S COPPER BATH TUBS A-T66. PRICES, AS ILLUSTRATED. Outside width of Tubs at head and foot, 24 inches ; outside depth of Tubs, 19 inches ; outside length of Tubs, 5, 5 ',< and 6 feet. Weight of Copper, Each, 10 oz. I15.00 Feciila. 12 oz. 14 OZ. 16 OZ. 18 OZ. 20 OZ 16 -00 Fecuud. 18.00 Fed. 20 GO Fedary. 22.00 Federal. 24.00 Fedity. ZING TUBS 5, 5)4 or 6 feet, each, .......... We can furnish the above, fitted with Patent Overflow, at an advance in list of fS.oo Fee. . $4 00 Feeble Smaller size Bath Tubs to order, usualb' no extra charge. Larger size Bath Tubs to order of Copper, 12 ounce and heavier. Our Bath Tubs are made from i '+ inch season dried lumber ; all others use i inch to cheapen the article, and it is too light for the purpose. All our Tubs are stamped with our name, weight of Copper, and warranty on the Copper at the head of the Tub. Being engaged in the manufacture of Bath Tubs over thirty years, parties can depend upon getting a first-class reliable Tub when made by us. 310 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S COPPER BATH TUBS FRENCH PATTERN. A-767. PRICES, AS ILLUSTRATED. Outside width of Ttil)s at liead and foot, 26 !4^ inches ; outside depth of Tubs, 22 itiches. Weight of Copper, 4 feet 6 inches long, 5 feet long, 5 feet 6 inches long, 6 feet long, 10 OZ. $16.00 Feebly. $18.00 Feed. $20 . 00 Feeder. $22 .00 Feeding. 12 OZ. 17-00 Feel. 19.00 Feeler. 21 .00 Feere. 23. 00 Feese. 14 OZ. 16 OZ 19.00 Feet. 21 .00 Feign. 21 .00 Feetail. 23.00 Feigned 23 00 Feetless. 25.00 Feigner. 25.00 Feeze. 27.00 Feint. 1 8 OZ. 23.00 Feline. 25.00 Felis. 27.00 Fell. 29.00 reliable. 20 OZ. 25 00 Fellable. 27.00 Fellah. 29.00 Feller. 31-00 Fellness. Our Bath Tubs are made from iX iuch season dried lumber ; all others use i inch to cheapen the article, and it is too light for the purpose. All our Tubs are stamped with our name, weight of Copper, and warranty on the Copper at head of Tub. Being engaged in the manufacture of Bath Tubs over thirty years, parties can depend upon getting a fir.st-class, reliable Tub when madi bv us. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PORCELAIN LINED BATHS FRENCH PATTERN. WITH NICKEL PLATED OVERFLOW STRAINER AND PLUG WITH RUBBER STOPPER. 311 §1 J^'T A-768. 4 feet, each, 4)4 feet, each, 5 feet, each, 5^ feet, each, 6 feet, each, $31.00 Felloe. $34.00 Fellow. $38.00 Felly. $42.00 Felon. $46 00 Feloiir3^ NoXB— For a complete line of Poixelain liued and Monarch Porcelain Baths see our Specialties "Catalogue B.' 312 h- WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PLUMBERS' SLABS. IN ITALIAN, AMERICAN, TENNESSEE AND OTHER MARBLES. O. G. MOULDING. ON EDGE OF SLAB AND IN BASIN HOLE. FILLET AND CHAMPFER MOULDING. ON EDGE OF SLAB AND IN BASIN HOLE. •• ,^ l^f-^.,-'' . ■ 1 . ' W\'^y^^^'\^'^.y^«ims^'^';\\\v^^^ A-770. Fez. A moulding finish in basin hole greatly improves the appearance of slabs; we only, in this country, put this finish on, as, having built special machinery for it, it adds nothing to the cost of the work. We call attention to our Fillet and Champfer Moulding. This style Moulding corresponds with the general inside finish now put on the wood work. We furnish at same price as O. G. Those desir- ing our make of slabs will need to specify " VVolfl' Mii'f'g' Oo.'s make," and call for Fillet and Champfer Moulding, if such is wanted. All our work is done by machinery; counter-sinking is extra deep. All lines are true, square or round. All edges are squared up and fitted on the rubbing bed, and we work close to sizes given. We give our customers superior workmanship, extra quality of stock, prompt shipment and bottom prices, and refer to any of them for confirmation of these claims. 2,000 Slabs, O. G. Moulding, regular sizes, kept in stock. '^''■'IISBillKII^ A-771 BACKS AND BRACKETS. The above cut shows Back for Slab, with two styles of Shelves or Brackets. Pl-ice of Brackets only, either style, each, . . $0.75 Felony. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 313 CORNER SLABS, TWO BACKS. 18 4 ft. 10 in. Felsite. 5 ft. 4 in. Feltre. 19 5 ft. 3 Felspar, in. 5 ft. 9 in. Felwort. A-772. SIZE OF SLABS. 20 21 NO. FEET IN SLABS, 8 INCH BACKS. 5 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 2 in. Felspath. Felt. NO. FEET IN SLABS, 10 INCH BACKS. 6 ft. 8 in. 6 ft. 3 in. Female. Fen. 22 6 ft. 6 in. Feller. 7 ft. 2 in. Fence. 24 in. 7 ft. 6 in. Feltinc;. 8 ft. 2 in. Fencful. NO. FEET IN SLABS, 12 INCH BACKS. 6 ft. o in. 6 ft. 5 in. 6 ft. 11 in. 7 ft. 4 in. 7 ft. 10 in. 8 ft. 10 in. Fencer. Fencible. Fencing. Fend. Fender. Fenduck. All Slabs have 8 inch backs, unless otherwise ordered. In ordering Slabs, be particular to state size, kind of Marble, number of Cock Holes, if for Chain Stay and Clamps, size of Bowl, and whether round, oval or square. In calculating measurements add one inch to each finished edge. SQUARE SLABS, SINGLE BACK. A-773. SIZE OF SLABS. 19 X 24 5 ft- 3 ill- Fengite. 5 ft- 7 in- Feod. 5 ft. II in. Ferme 20 X 24 5 ft. 6 in. Feuks. 5 ft. 10 in. Feodal. 6 ft. 2 in Ferily. 20 X 26 20 X 28 NO. FEET IN SLABS, 5 ft. 10 in. Fennec. NO. 6 ft. 3 in. Feoff NO. 6 ft. 7 in. Fenn. 6 ft. 4 in. Fennee. FEET IN SLABS, 6 ft. 9 in. Feral. FEET IN SLABS, 7 ft. 2 in. Ferment. 20 X 30 22 X 28 8 INCH BACKS. 6 ft. 8 in. 6 ft. 9 in. Fennish. Fenny. 10 INCH BACKS. 7 ft. I in. 7 ft. 2 in. Fer^. Ferial. 12 INCH BACKS. 7 ft. 7 in. Fern. 7 ft. 7 in. Fernery. 22 X 30 7 ft. I ill. Fenowed. 7 ft. 6 in. Ferle. 8 ft. o in. Ferny. 8 ft. 6 ill. Fensible. 9 ft. o in. Ferier. 9 ft. 6 in. Ferons. N.B. — Slabs ordered without Backs or Sides, cost more per square foot. Slabs for Combination Cocks and Oval Bowls must not be less than 22 inches wide. 314 h. WOLI^K MANUI^ACTURING COMPANY. 19 X 24 6 ft. 4 in. Ferret. 6 ft. II in. Fear. 7 ft. 7 in. Fester. 20 X 24 6 ft. 7 in. Ferric. 7 ft. 2 in. Kervence. 7 ft. 10 in. Festival. SQUARE SLABS. WITH BACK AND RIGHT HAND END. A-774. SIZE OF SLABS. 20x28 20x30 22x28 NO. FEET IN SLABS, 8 INCH BACKS. 7 ft. 5 in. 7 ft. 9 in. 7 ft. 11 in. Ferrule. Ferry. Fertile. NO. FEET IN SLABS, 10 INCH BACKS. 7 ft. 7 in. 8 ft. I in. S ft. 5 in. 8 ft. 8 in. Fer\'ore. Fescue. Fesels. Fesse. NO. FEET IN SLABS, 12 INCH BACKS. 8 ft. 3 in. 8 ft. 9 in. 9 ft. 3 in. 9 ft. 4 in. 20 X26 6 ft. II in Ferrier. Festive. Festively. Festoon. Festoony. 22 X30 8 ft. 3 in. Ferula. 9 ft. Festal. 9 ft. 10 in. Feslul. 22 X 36 in. 9 ft. 8 in. Ferular. 10 ft. 6 in. Festally. 1 1 ft. 4 in. Fet. 19x24 6 ft. 4 in. Fetal. 6 ft. II in. Fetlock. 7 ft. 7 in. Feudal. 20 X 24 6 ft. 7 in. Fetation. 7 ft. 2 in. Fetor. 7 ft. 10 in. Feudary. SQUARE SLABS. WITH BACK AND LEFT HAND END. A-775. SIZE OF SLABS. 20x26 20x28 20x30 22x28 NO. FEET IN SLABS, 8 INCH BACKS. 6 ft. II in. 7 ft. 5 in. 7 ft. 9 in. 7 ft. 11 in. Fetch, Fetchers. Fete. Fetich. NO. FEET IN SLABS, 10 INCH BACKS. 7 ft. 7 in. 8 ft. I in. 8 ft. 5 in. 8 ft. 8 in. Fetter. Fettered. Fettle. Fetwah. NO. FEET IN SLABS, 12 INCH BACK. 8 ft. 3 in. 8 ft. 9 in. 9 ft. 3 in. 9 ft. 4 in. Feudist. Feuter. Fever. Feveret 22 X 30 22 x 36 in. 8 ft. 3 in. Fetid. 9 ft. 8 in Fetish. 9 ft. Feu. 10 ft. 6 in Feud. 9 ft. 10 in. Feverish. 1 1 ft. 4 in Feverly. In ordering Slabs, be particular to state size, kind of Marble, number of Cock Holes, if for Chain Stay and Clamps, size of Bowl, and whether round, oval or square. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 315 RECESS SLABS WITH BACK AND TWO ENDS. A-r76. TheabovecutrepresentstheSlab with Nosiugs or End Projections, to finish ou the wall. When Nosines are made they are measured to extreme ends, and also one inch for the edge. In ordering Recess Slabs great care should be exercised in sending us the exact width and depth of Recess. RECESS SLABS WITH BACK AND TWO ENDS. A-777. The above cut represents the Slab without Nosings, and to finish flush with the wall. Recess Slabs vary so in size that a table of measurement would be of no benefit to customers. 3i6 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SQUARE SLABS WITH BACK AND ONE END, ALSO WITH APRON ON FRONT AND END. A-778. The above cut represents a Slab with holes for three basins, and with apron on front and end. These Slabs can be made for any number of basins, with back and end, either right or left hand, and front Apron to suit ; or can be made with back only and apron on both ends as well as in front. When more than four basins are wanted, the Slab will have to be made of two or more pieces of marble. BARBERS' SLABS, FOR FOUR BASINS, OCTAGON. A-779. Sizes, across widest part, No. of feet in Slab, 3 ft. ID in. i6ft. Few. 4 ft. 4 ft. 2 in. [7 ft. 4 in. 18 ft. 9 ill. Can have Soap Cup or Hole in center for Shampooing Cock. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 317 BARBERS' SLABS A-rso. Sizes, across widest part: 3 ft. 6 in. 3 ft. 8 in. 3 ft. 10 in Number of feet in Slab; 13 ft. 5 in. Fiasco. 14 ft. 5 in. 16 ft. Fiat. Fiaunt. A-781. Sizes, across widest part; 3 ft. 6 in. 3 ft. 8 in. Number of feet in Slab: 13 ft. 5 in. 14 ft. 8 in. Fibber, 3 ft. 10 in. 16 ft. Fiber. Can have Soap Cup or Hole iu center for Shampooing Cock. Barbers' Slabs are higher per square foot than ordinary Slabs. BARBERS' SLABS. FOR FOUR BASINS. FOR TWO BASINS. A-r83. • A-782. Sizes, across widest part; Sizes: t. 10 in. 4 feet. Number of feet in Slab; 4 ft. 2 in. 44 X 20 in. 46 X 22 in. Number of feet in Slab: 48 X 22 in 16 ft. Fibre. 17 ft. 4 in. Fibered. 18 ft. 9 in. Fibred. 7 ft. Fibril. 8 ft. Fibrin e. 8 ft. 4 in. Fibrous. Can have Soap Cup or Hole in center for Shampooing Cock. 3i8 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DRINKING FOUNTAINS. IN ITALIAN, PINK TENN., OLD RED TENN., OR FOREIGN MARBLES AND ONYX. A— 784. Drinking Fountains with No. 2 N. P. Fuller Faucet, N. P. Brass Drip Cup with Shield, N. P. Brass Brackets, N. P. Brass Supply Pipe to wall, N. P. Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to wall, and deeply countersunk Slab with Back. SIZE. ITALIAN. Price complete as described, 12 x 12 x 12 in. Back, Price complete as described, 14 x 14x12 in. Back, Price complete as described, 16 x 12 x 14 in. Back Price complete as described, 16 x 14 x 14 in. Back, Price complete as described, 18 x 14 x 14 in. Back, Price complete as described, 18 x 16 x 16 in. Back, $24-25 Flinger. $24.50 Flint. $25.00 Flock. $25-50 Flip. $27.00 Flipper. $27.50 Flirt. PINK TENN. 25-25 Flisk. 25-75 Flit. 26.50 Flitch. 27.00 Flite. 28.50 Flitter. 29.00 Flitting. OLD RED TENN. 26.75 Flitty. 27.50 Flix. 28-00 Flo. 28 50 Float. 30-50 Floater. 31.00 Floating. Note— Above can also be furnished with Bracket Basin Cock as shown in A-287, and the Slab can be furnished in St. Baueme, Rose Jasper, Numidian, Sienue, and other Imported Marble, and Mexican Onyx, when desired. Prices upon application. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 319 DRINKING SLAB FOR CORNER. A-r85. The above illustration is a sample of Slabs we have made for drinking places ; they have nickel plated Cup, let into the marble, where water strikes, to prevent splashing. Cups are fitted for waste connection. MARBLE SLABS FOR BEER AND ALE. A-786. The Marble Slab represented above is used when Beer Pumps are set and operated by the City Water Pressure in connection with Faucets and Air Cocks. Prices on application. ;20 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE RADIATOR TOPS, ITALIAN OR COLORED MARBLE. A— 787. Oblong Slabs, corners rounded to 2}^ inch radius (5 inch circle). In measuring allow for yi, yi or ^ inch projection all around. ROUND TOPS FOR RADIATORS A-788. In measuring allow for yi, ya or % inch projection all around. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 321 WOLFF'S CLIMAX GRANITE WASH TUBS, WITH ZINC CAPPING. WITH COMBINATION WASTE AND OVERFLOW, HAVING ONE OUTLET. A-T90. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE OUTSIDE. . PARTS. I LENGTH. 25 inches. WIDTH. 24 inches, DEPTH. 16 inches. PRICE. $9.00 Fiction. With I Soap Cup, PRICE. 9-75 Fid. 2 48 inches, 24 inches, 16 inches. $15-50 Fictions. With I Soap Cup, ■ 16-25 Fiddle. 2 54 inches, 24 inches. 16 inches, $18.00 Fictine. With I Soap Cup, 18.75 Fiddler. 3 72 inches. 24 inches. 16 inches, $25-00 Fictor. With 2 Soap Cups, . 26.50 Fides. 3 82 inches, 24 inches. 16 inches. $28.50 Ficus. With 2 Soap Cups, 30.00 Fidge. Galvanized Iron Legs for Single Tub extra. Ash Cover Oil Finished, Single Tub, . Add to above prices for $3 . 00 Two part Tub extra. Fidget. $1 . 50 Two part Tub extra, Fidgety. $3 . 00 Three part Tub extra, $4 50 Fie. Field. ^3 . 00 Three part Tub extra, $4 • 00 Fief. Fielded. Faucets are not included in above prices. Tubs with Faucet boles and without Soap Cups will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Wash Tubs when placed above the basement floor should be provided with overflows, as very often the Faucets are left open while the attendant is away, consequently the tubs are liable to overflow and much damage may result; as all our Tubs Iiare overflows the possibility of an overflow and consequent damage is obviated. Each overflow is so arranged that it can at any time be cleaned out. The Climax Wash Tub with WolfPs Improved combination Waste and Overflow connection is the most economical to use, as the plumber need make only one joint for all the overflows and wastes (see illustration). The Galvanized Iron Waste as shown in cut, is provided with a brass trap screw at either end. These can be unscrewed and the waste rodded from end to end, an advantage none other possesses. The inside surface of the overflows and wastes are smooth and even, 322 L,. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S CLIMAX GRANITE WASH TUBS. WITH HIGH BACK, WITH COMBINATION WASTE AND OVERFLOW, HAVING ONE OUTLET. NO. PARTS. 2 LENGTH. 48 inches, WIDTH. 24 inches. DEPTH. 16 inches. 2 54 inches, 24 inches, 16 inches. 3 72 inches. 24 inches. 16 inches, 3 82 inches. 24 inches, 16 inches, A-r9i. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE OUTSIDE. PRICE. $19.50 Fielden. $22.00 Fielder. $30.00 Fieldy. ■ $33-50 Fiend. Add to above prices for Galvanized Iron Legs for Two part Tub extra, b3.oo Fife. With I Soap Cup, With I Soap Cup, With 2 Soap Cups, With 2 Soap Cups, Three part Tub extra, PRICE. 20.25 Fiendful. 22.75 Fierce. 31-50 Fiercely. 35-00 Fiery. M-50 Mfer. Faucets are not included in above prices. Tubs with Faucet holes and without Soap Cups will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Wash Tubs when placed above the basement floor should be provided with overflows, as very often the Faucets are left open while the attendant is away, consequently the tubs are liable to overflow and much damage may result; as all our Tubs have overflows the possibility of an overflow and consequent damage is obviated. Each overflow is so arranged that it can at any time be cleaned out. The Climax Wash Tub with Wolff^s Improved combination Waste and Overflow connection is the most economical to use, as the plumber need make only one joint for all the overflows and wastes (see illustration). The Galvanized Iron Waste as shown in cut, is provided with a brass trap screw at either end. These can be unscrewed and the waste rodded from end to end, an advantage none other possesses. The inside surfaces of the overflows and wastes are smooth and even. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 323 SLATE AND SOAPSTONE WASH TUBS WITH SOAP CUPS AND GALVANIZED IRON LEGS. A-792. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE OUTSIDE. Set of 2 Tubs, with Galvanized Legs and Soap Cups, Set of 3 Tubs, with Galvanized Legs and Soap Cups, Set of 3 Tubs, with Galvanized Legs and Soap Cups, Set of 3-Tubs, with Galvanized Legs and Soap Cups, If without Legs, deduct for Legs for 2 part Tubs, Plugs are not included in above prices. Note— Tubs with Cock Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. LENGTH. WIDTH. DEPTH. SLATE. 30APST0N 4 ft. 6 in. 2 ft. 16 in. $25.00 Fifth. 31 50 Figary. 6 ft. 2 ft. 16 in. $33-50 Fifthly. 42.50 Figent. 7 ft. 2 ft. 16 in. $40.50 Fiftieth. 49-50 Figgum. 7 ft. 6 in. 2 ft. 16 in. $47-50 Fig. 56-50 Fight. $5.00 Fighter. For 3 part Tubs. ■ $6.50 Fighting. 324 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SLATE AND SOAPSTONE WASH TUBS. WITH SOAP CUPS, POLISHED BRASS CAPPING AND GALVANIZED IRON LEGS. A-r93. ALI, MEASUREMENTS ARE OUTSIDE. Slate or Soapstone Wash Tubs, with Soap Cups, Polished Brass Capping and Galvanized Iron Legs. Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, . . . . Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, .... Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, .... Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, . . . . If without Legs deduct for Legs for 2 part Tubs, Polished Brass Legs for corners, each, Plugs are not included in above prices. A-793 can be furnished with Nickel Plated Capping when desired, at a slight additional cost. Note— Tubs with-Cock Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. LENGTH. WIDTH. DEPTH. SLATE. SOAPSTONE 4 ft. 6 in. 2 ft. 16 in. $38.50 45-00 Figleaf. Figment. 6 ft. 2 ft. 16 in. $50-50 59-50 Figshell. Figtree. 7 ft. 2 ft. 16 in. $57-50 66.50 Fignlate. Figural. 7 ft. 6 in. 2 ft. 16 in. $64.50 73-50 Figure. Figured. $5 . 00 For 3 part Tubs, $6.50 Fighter. Fighting. $6.25 For center, each, . • • $9-50 Fickly. Figurist. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 325 SLATE AND SOAPSTONE WASH TUBS WITH HIGH BACKS SOAP CUPS AND GALVANIZED IRON LEGS. r^ i"-* '^•\ '1" 1 ^JaSss^ A-794. AIjI, MEASUREMENTS ARE OUTSIDE. LENGTH. Set of 2 Tubs, with Galvanized lyegs and Soap Cups, 4 ft. 6 in. Set of 3 Tubs, with Galvanized I^egs and Soap Cups, 6 ft. Set of 3 Tubs, with Galvanized I^egs and Soap Cups, 7 ft. Set of 3 Tubs, with Galvanized Legs and Soap Cups, 7 ft. 6 in. Plugs or Cocks are not included in above prices. Note— Tubs with Cock Holes in back, as shown, will always be sent unless otherwise ordered, HEIGHT iflDTH. DEPTH. OF BACK. SLATE. SOAPSTON 2 ft. 16 in. 12 m. $29.50 FigTvort. 36-50 Filander. 2 ft. 16 in. 12 m. $39-50 FiKe. 50.00 Filar. 2 ft. 16 in. 12 m. $47 ■ 50 Filacer. 58-25 Filature 2 ft. 16 in. 12 m. $55-00 Filament. 65-75 Filbert. 326 I,.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SLATE AND SOAPSTONE WASH TUBS. WITH HIGH BACKS AND SOAP CUPS, POLISHED BRASS CAPPING AND GALVANIZED IRON LEGS. A-795. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE OUTSIDE. Slate or Soapstone Wash Tubs with High Backs, Soap Cups, Polished Brass Capping and Galvanized Iron Legs. HEIGHT Price as aescribed, per set of 2 Tubs, Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, LENGTH. WIDTH. DEPTH. OF BACK. SLATE. SOAPSTONE 4 ft. 6 in. 2 ft. 16 in. 12 m. $40.00 Filch. 47.00 Filer. 6 ft. 2 ft. 16 in. 12 in. $53- 00 Filcher. 63-50 Filial. 7 ft. 2 ft. 16 in. 12 in. $61 .00 File. 71-75 Filing. 7 ft. 6 in. 2 ft, 16 in. 12 m. $68.50 Filefish. 79-25 Fill. Plugs or Cocks are not included in above prices. A-795 can be furnished -with Nickel Plated Capping -when desired, at a slight additional cost. Note— Tubs with Cock Holes in back, as shown, will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 327 PORCELAIN LINED IRON WASH TUBS, WITH PATENT OVERFLOWS, SOAP CUPS, NICKEL PLATED PLUGS WITH RUBBER STOPPERS AND CHAINS. A-796. Porcelain lined Iron Wash Tubs with Patent Overflows, Soap Cups, Nickel Plated Plugs with Rubber Stoppers and Chains as shown. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, ............ $54.00 Filler, Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, ............. fe6.oo Fillet. For prices of Wood Tops and Covers see A-797 and A-798. Note— Tubs with Cock Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. 328 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PORCELAIN LINED IRON WASH TUBS WITH ASH TOP. A-79T. Porcelain Lined Iron Wash Tubs with Patent Overflows, Soap Cups, Nickel Plated Plugs with Rubber Stoppers and Chains and with Ash Top, as shown. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, ..... Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, ..... Note — Tubs with Cock Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. $58.50 Filling. GO Fillip. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 329 PORCELAIN LINED IRON WASH TUBS, WITH ASH TOP AND COVERS. A-r98. Porcelain Lined Iron Wash Tubs with Patent Overflows, Soap Cups, Nickle Plated Plugs with Rubber Stoppers and Chains, and ■with Ash Top and Covers as shown. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, $63.00 Filly. $42 . 00 Film Note— Tubs with Cock Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Faucets are not included in above prices. 330 1. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "YORKSHIRE" WASH TUBS, GLAZED BROWN WARE. A-r99. ' Yorkshire ' ' Wash Tubs, with Bronzed Iron Legs and Ash Top. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, . . . . , . Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, ........ I ^A inch Waste Plugs and Coupling, with Brass Stopper, extra, each. j^i .00 Finched, $42 . 00 Finance. $28.00 Finch. For prices of Wash Tray Cocks, see pages 71 to 73 and 13610 13S. Note— Tubs with Cock Holes will be sent, unless otherwise ordered. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 331 "YORKSHIRE" WASH TUBS GLAZED BROWN WARE. A-800. "Yorkshire " Wash Tubs, with Bronzed Iron I^egs, Oil Finished Ash Top and Covers Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, ........... Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, .......... 1% inch Waste Plugs and Couplings, with Brass Stoppers, extra, each. Cocks are not included in above prices, for these see pages 71 to 73 and 136 to 138. .00 Finer. $29.50 Finesse. pi .00 Finem. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for 2 part Tubs, extra, $6.00 Fin fish. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for 3 part Tubs, extra $9 . 50 Finger. Rough Brass Trap, 1 1^ inch. Nickel Plated, extra, . • " • • • $500 Fining. Rough Brass Trap, 2 inch. Nickel Plated, extra, • . • . $6 . 50 Finite. Note— Tubs withoat Cock Holes will be sent, unless otherwise ordered. 332 I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "YORKSHIRE" WASH TUBS GLAZED BROWN WARE. A-801. ' ' Yorkshire ' ' Wash Tubs, with Bronzed Iron I^egs, Oil Finished Ash Top and Covers. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, ......... Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, ......... I J^ inch Waste Plugs and Couplings, with Brass Stopper, extra, each. Cocks are not included in above prices, for these see pages 71 to 73 and 136 to 138. . $1.00 Finny. ^51.00 Finned. $34.00 Finner. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for 2 part Tubs, extra, $6.00 Finos. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for 3 part Tubs, extra, $9 . 50 Fiord. Rough Brass Trap, i J^ inch. Nickel Plated, extra. Rough Brass Trap, 2 inch. Nickel Plated, extra. $5.00 Fipple. $6.50 Fir. Note— Tubs with Cock Holes will be sent, unless otherwise ordered. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 333 MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS A-802. Monarch Porcelain Wash Tubs, with Galvanized Iron Legs and Ash Top. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, ........ Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, ......... Cocks and Plugs are not included in above prices, for these see pages, 72, 73, 136, 138 and 207. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for 2 part Tubs, extra, Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for 3 part Tubs, extra, . Rough Brass Trap, i yi inch, Nickel Plated, extra, . . . $5 . go 2 inch, Firefly. Note— Tubs Avith Cock Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. FIRSTS. SECONDS $82.50 60.00 Fireball. Fireby. $55- 00 40-00 Firebare. Firebate. $6.00 Firebox. $9-50 Firedog. $6.50 Firehook. 334 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS. A-803. Monarch Porcelain Wash Tubs, with Galvanized Iron Legs, Oil Finished Ash Top and Back. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, . FIRSTS. SECONDS $85-25 Firer. 62.75 Fireside. • $57-25 Fireset. 42.25 Fireward Cocks and Plugs are not included in above prices, for these see pages 71, 73, 136, 138 and 207. For Continuous Waste and Traps see opposite page. Note— A-803 will be sent with Cocks in Wood Back, and without Cock Holes in Tubs. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 335 MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS, A-804. Monarch Porcelain Wash Tubs, with Galvanized Iron Legs, Oil Finished Ash Top and Covers. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, Price as described, per set of 2 Tubs, . FIRSTS. SECONDS $91.50 69.00 Firstly. Firtree. $6 I . 00 46 ■ 00 Firth. Fisc. Cocks and Plugs are not included in above prices, for these see pages 71 to 73, 136 to 13S and 207. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for 2 part Tubs, extra, $6.00 Fiscal. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for 3 part Tubs, extra, $9.50 Fish. $5-oo Fisher. $6.50 Fishpot. Rough Brass Trap, i]4 inch. Nickel Plated, extra, Rough Brass Trap, 2 inch. Nickel Plated, extra, Note— Tubs with Cock Holes will be sent, unless otherwise ordered. 336 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMMON OVERFLOW [O. O.] BASINS. A-805. Outside Diameter, .... Price, Common Overflow, as shown, each. Price, No Overflow, each, Fisk. 13 1-25 Fissile. $0 . So 1 . 00 Fistic. Fistieca. 14 1 .40 Fission. Fit. 15 2.00 Fissure. 1.80 Fitch. 16 in. 2-75 Fist, 2 .25 Filched. PATENT OVERFLOW [P.O.] BASINS. FOR RUBBER PLUG. A-806. FOR METAL PLUG. A-807. Outside Diameter, 1 2 13 14 15 16 in. Outside Diameter, 1 2 13 14 15 16 in. Price, each, . $1-40 Fitchet. 1-55 Fitchew. 1.70 Fitful. 2.50 Fitly. 3-50 Fitress. Price, each, . $115 Fitter. 1.30 Fitting. 1.50 Fitz. 2.2,5 Five. 3.00 Fix. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. OVAL BASINS. IVORY TINTED, MARBLEIZED OR PLAIN WHITE. 337 A-808. Size, Outside Measure, .... Price, Common Overflow, eacli, Price, Patent Overflow, for Metal Plug, each. Price, Patent Overflow, for Rubber Plug, each. Price, No Overflow Basin, each, . 14x17 15 X 19 16 X 21 in $3-50 Fixable. - 5.00 Fizgig. 6.00 Flabile. $3.80 Fixing. 5 30 Fizz. 6.30 Flaceid. $4.25 Fixity. 5-75 Fizzle. 6-75 Flacker. $3 50 Fixture. 5.00 Flabby. 6.00 Flaff. SQUARE BASINS A-809. Size, Outside Measure, . 14 x 17 in. Price, No Overflow, each, . . . . . . . . . • • • • . $7 . 00 Flag. Price, Common Overflow, each, . . . . . • . . • • • • • $7 . 00 Flaggy. Price, Patent Overflow, each, . . . • . . . • • • • • •, $7 ■ 5° Flagon. 338 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. FLAT BACK. FLAT BACK, LIPPED. A-810. No. I, 15x18 inches, each, No. 2, 12x15 inches, each, . No. 3, iif/^ X 14 inches, each, . «59-30 Flail. $7.10 Flaily. $6 70 Flake. A-81 1, No. I, 15X 18 inches, each, . No. 2, 12 X 15 inches, each, 1^3 -50 Flaky. $11.25 BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS CORNER. A-81 2. No. I, 12x12 inches, each, . No. 2, II X II inches, each. No. 3, loj^ X 10^ inches, each, $9-30 Flame. $7.10 Flamelet. $6 70 Flamen, CORNER, LIPPED. A-81 3. No. I, 12X12 inches, each, No. 2, II X II inches, each, . I13 50 Flamy. $11-25 Flanch. r.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 339 HOODED LIPPED URINALS. FLAT BACK. A-814. No. I, lyipped, with Hood and Vent, 15 x 18 in., each, No. 2, lyipped, with Hood and Vent, 13x15 in., each, . $17-45 Flange. $13.00 Flanged. CORNER HOODED URINALS, ('Not Illustrated.) No. I, Lipped, with Hood and Vent, 13 x 13 in., each, No. 2, Lipped, with Hood and Vent, liyi x iij4 in., each, . $17-45 Flank. $13.90 Flanker. OVAL CLOSET BOWLS A-815. Price, $1-65 Flannel. FRENCH CLOSET BOWLS, ROUND. A-816. Price, $1-45 Flannen. 340 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "ANCHOR" BOWL. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. A-817. Flap. Outside Measurement, Top of Bowl, • • 13x16 Outside Measurement, Discharge Outlet of Bowl 6^^x31^ Depth of Bowl, .... 9^ A-818. Flapjack. Outside Measurement, Top of Bowl, . 13x16 Outside Measurement, Discharge Outlet of Bowl, aH^3H Depth of Bowl, ..... 9^ When ordering Anchor Closet Bowls always state whether new or old style is wanted. "DIAMOND" PHILADELPHIA HOPPERS. ENAMELED. EARTHENWARE. Price, each. A-819. J>2.00 Flapper. Price, each. A-820. $3-25 Flare. DRIP TRAYS. PORCELAIN, ROUND OR OVAL. ENAMELED IRON, ROUND OR OVAL. A-821. Price, Oval, each, Price, Round, each. $3.00 Flash. $3.00 Flasher. A-822. Price, Enameled Iron, Oval, each. Price, Enameled Iron, Round, each. $2.50 Flashy. $2.50 Flask. L. WOLI^I^ MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 341 VALVE WITH VENTILATION CONNECTION. S WATER CLOSETS 823. Price, No. i, Price, No. 2, Flat. Flative Our No. I Valve Closet is warranted to be the best Pan Closet in the market. The Valve has regulating screw. All parts are strongly made Pan is of iS-oz. Copper. 824. A-825. COMBINED CLOSET AND URINALS. WITH SELF-RAISING SEAT. Single Acting Valve runs vphile seat is occupied. Double /i^ Acting Valve runs small quantity vphen seat is first occupied - • \ and limited time after seat is relieved. A-825, Straight Hopper, each, . . $10.00 Flatly. i A-826, with Full "S" Trap, each. $11.00 Flatten. A-826 can be furnished with ,'^ or " 14.' S ' ' Trap when Flatus. Flaunt, desired. N. B. — In ordering be careful to state which Valve is wanted. Single or Double-Acting. Flattish. Flatting. MCIVER HOPPER WITH KELLY VALVE. Price as shown with Kelly Valve, $12.00 Flatter. The Valve is placed below the frost line and is connected to the Hopper with a chain; when seat is depressed the Valve is opened and Hopper isflushed; when seat is relieved the Supply Valve is closed and the Waste Valve opened, allowing the water which is left bstween the Valve and Hopper to escape, this leaves the pipe between the Valve and the Hopper free from water. This style of Hopper and Valve is especially adapted for use in out- houses or any place where exposed to a low temperature. It has been adopted by the City of Denver for such use. 827. 342 Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S IMPROVED LEAD TRAPS These Traps have been on the market some years and have proven entirely satisfactory. They are made extra thick at the bends. We warrant them to flange satisfactorily. A-828. 'HJill ^T" A-829. A-830. FULL "S" TRAPS 4 inch, each, ^1.90 Flavor. THREE-QUARTER "S" TRAPS. 4 inch, each, $1.90 Flavous. '/" / / HALF "S" TRAPS. 4 inch, each, . . . . • • . . . $1.45 Flaw. RUNNING TRAPS, WITH TRAP SCREW i}{ inch, each, . . • . . - • . $0-40 Flawn. i}4 inch, each, . . . . . ■ . . • $o-50 Flawter. 2 inch, each, . . . . . . • • $0.80 Flawry. A-83 1 , L. WOLFI^ MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 343 WOLFF'S IMPROVED LEAD TRAPS. These Traps have been on the market for some years and have proven entirel}' satisfactory. They are made extra thick at the bends. We warrant them to flange satisfactorily. FULL "S" TRAP, WITH TRAP SCREW. i^ inch, each, 1% inch, each, 2 inch, each, 3 inch, each, A 832. A-834. THREE-QUARTER "S" TRAP WITH TRAP SCREW. A-833. $0.50 Flap. $0.60 Flaxen. $0.95 Flaxy. $1.70 Flay. ij{ inch, each, 1% inch, each, 2 inch, each, 3 inch, each, $0.50 Fleabite. $0.60 Fleak. $0.95 Fleaking. $1.70 HALF "S" TRAPS WITH TRAP SCREW. i^ inch, each, ij4 inch, each, 2 inch, each, 3 inch, each, fo.40 Fleamy. $0.50 Fleche. $0.80 Fleck. $1-30 Flecker. LONG LEAD BENDS. SHORT LEAD BENDS, A-835. i^ inch, each, 1% inch, each, 2 inch, each, 3 inch, each, 4 inch, each, $0.26 Fleckless. $0.36 Flection. $o-55 Flector. $0.90 Fled. $1.10 Fledge. i}( inch, each, i}4 inch, each, 2 inch, each, 3 inch, each, 4 inch, each. A-836. f0.20 Flee. $0.30 Fleece. $0.41 Fleeced. I0.65 Fleecer. $0.88 Fleecy. 344 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S IMPROVED LEAD TRAPS. WITH BRASS VENT CONNECTION. These Traps possess the following advantages; You can disconnect to clean the Vent. You can put in a blind Washer to dis- connect when forcing out the Waste. You avoid obstructing the Trap, as sometimes happens when " branching " for the Vent. The extra cost is no more than the value of extra time and material used in making a "branch" Vent. FULL "S" TRAPS WITH BRASS VENT AND TRAP SCREW. A-83r ^^^^A SIZES. PI i}{ inch, each, .... iVi inch, each, .... i. -^i 2 inch, each, .... ■'::■ 1 ■ 1 i 2 inch, with 2 inch Vent, each, $0.90 Fleer. $1.10 Fleerer. $1-45 Fleetly. $1-65 Fleming. THREE-QUARTER "S" TRAPS WITH BRASS VENT AND TRAP SCREW. SIZES. i}( inch, each, ........ 1^2 inch, each, . . . . 2 inch, each, 2 inch, with 2 inch Vent, each, A-838. We can furnish the Brass Vents on Traps Polished or Plated, for Exposed Work, at a slight additional cost. $0.90 Flemish. $1.10 Flench. $1-45 Flense. $1-65 Flesh. HALF "S" TRAPS WITH BRASS VENT AND TRAP SCREW. SIZES. j}( inch, each, ij/i inch, each, . . . - 2 inch, each, 2 inch, with 2 inch Vent, each. $0.80 Flesher. $1 00 Fleshless. $1-30 Fleshly. Fleshy. A-839. These Traps can be furnished with quarter or eighth bend vents. Ei^lltll Bend vents will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. The Eighth or Quarter Bend parts can be furnished separately; they are interchangeable on Traps of the same size, and can be furnished Polished Brass or Nickel Plated at a slight additional cost. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 345 WOLFF'S IMPROVED LEAD TRAPS. WITH BRASS VENT CONNECTIONS. These Traps possess the followin.a; advantages: You can disconnect to clean the Vent. You can put in a blind Washer to dis- connect when forcing out the Waste. You avoid obstructing the Trap, as sometimes happens when Branching for the Vent. The extra cost is no more than the value of extra time and material used in making a "branch " Vent. RUNNING TRAPS. WITH BRASS VENT AND TRAP SCREW. SIZES. i^ inch, each, . . . . 1 Yz inch, each, 2 inch, each, . . . . 2 inch, with 2 inch Vent, each. A-840. • ... . . • • a • • • . . So • OO Flet. $I.OO Fletcher. $I-30 Fleury, $i-50 Flew. These Traps can be furnished with quarter or eighth bend vents. Eighth Bend vents will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. The Eighth or Quarter Bend parts can be furnished separately; they are interchangeable on Traps of the same size, and can be furnished Polished Brass or Nickel Plated at a slight additional cost. EXTRA LONG TRAPS. EXTRA LONG FULL " S." A-841. i^ inch, each, lYz inch, each, EXTRA LONG FULL "S. WITH BRASS VENT. The outlet end on this style of Trap is of sufficient length to reach from the basin or sink to floor, therefore requiring only the joint at floor. The Trap and outlet end being made in one piece makes it a very desirable article, especially for open work. These Traps can be furnished with quarter or eighth bend vents. Eigllth Bend vents will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. The Eighth or Quarter Bend parts can be furnished separately; they are inter- changeable on Traps of the same size and can be furnished Polished Brass or Nickel Plated at a slight additional cost. $o.8o I^lewed. $1 .OO Flex. i^ inch, each, 1)4 inch, each, A842. $1.20 Fle.'iible. $i-50 Flexor. 346 L. WOLFff MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LEAD DRUM TRAPS WITH PLAIN SCREW. WITH PLAIN SCREW AND 2 IN. SIDE OUTLET. WITH PROJECTING SCREW. A-843. Diameter 4 in. Length 9 in. With Brass Screw, each, $1-40 Flick. With N. P. Screw, each, $1 . 65 Flier. I ' I I liiii hi': "111 A-844. Diameter 4 in. Length 9 in. With Brass Screw, each, $1-50 Flicker, With N. p. Screw, each, $1 .75 Flight. y A- 845. Diameter 4 in. Length 9 in. With Brass Screw, each, $1-50 Flidge. With N. P. Screw, each, $i-75 Flighted. PLAIN SCREW, WITH I 1/2 IN. STRAIGHT COUPLING. ttetagS |l I M w A-846. Diameter 4 in. Length 9 in. With Brass Screw, each, $1 .90 Flighty. With N. P. Screw, each, $2.25 PLAIN SCREW, WITH I Vz IN. BENT COUPLING. f^'^lTT *', A-847. Diameter 4 in. Length 9 in. With Brass Screw, eacli, $2.00 PROJECTING SCREW, WITH I 1/2 IN. BENT COUPLING. Flimsy. With N. p. Screw, each, $2.35 r. Flinders. Note — Any of the above Drum Traps are also made in 5 inch. A-848. Diameter 4 in. Length 9 in. With Brass Screw, eacli, $2.20 Flinch. With N. P. Screw, each, $2 55 Fling. L. WOLFF' MANUI^ACrURING COMPANY. 347 "S" TRAPS. BOWER'S TRAPS RUNNING. ONE-HALF "S" TRAPS A-849. FORM. Size, Inlet, .... Size, Outlet, Lead and Glass, All Lead, .... Lead and Brass, . . ■ Lead and Brass N. P. • Brass Body Screw and Glass, Brass Body Screw and Lead, Brass Body Screw and Brass, Brass Body Screw, N. P. and Glass, Brass Body Screw and Brass N. P. A 850. \^- , A-851. FULL " S." RUNNING. HALF " S." I in. i^in. 1 14: in. i^in. ij^in. i/^in. 1/4 in. i>^in. 2 in. i^in. i^in. 1 14 in. i>^in. I in. i^in. i^in i^in. i>2in. i>4in. ij^in. i^in. 2 in. $1 -oo Flog. 1.05 Flong, 1 . 10 Flood. 1.38 Flooder. 1.50 Flooding. 1 . 10 Flook. I 40 Flooking. •95 Flooky. 1 .00 Floor. 1.05 Flooring 1.30 Floorless 1 .40 . Flop. $1.20 Floppy. 1.25 Flora. 1.30 Floral. 1.63 Floral. 1-75 Floreal. 1.30 Floren. I 65 Florence. I-I5 Floret. I .20 Florid. 1.25 Florin . 1-55 Florist. 1.65 Floroon $1.40 Floscule. 1-45 Floss. 1.50 Flossy. 1.88 Flota. 2.00 Flotage. 1.50 Flotaut. I 90 Flole. 1-35 Flotten 1.40 Flounce 1-45 Flounder 1.80 . Flour. I .90 r^lourisb $1-50 Floury. I 55 Flout. I .60 Flow, 2.00 Flowage 2- 12 Flower. I .60 Floweret 2.02 Flowery. 1-45 Flowk. 1.50 Flown. 1-55 Fluate. I .92 Fluccan 2 -02 Flue. *i-45 Fluence. 1.50 Fluent. 1-55 Fluff. 1.88 Fluffy. 2.00 Fluid. 1-55 Flukan. I . 90 Fluke. I .40 Fluky. 1-45 Flume. 1.50 Flung. 1.80 Flunk. I .90 Flunkv $1-65 Fluor. 1.70 Fluonc. 1-75 Fluoride. 2.13 Fluorine 2.25 Fluoroid. 1-75 Flurry. 2.15 Flurt. I .60 Flush. 1.65 Flusher. 1.70 Fluster. 2.05 Flustra. 215 Flute. $1-85 Fluted. $1-50 Flyleaf. I .90 Fluter. 1-55 Flvmaii 1-95 Fluting I .60 Flyrail. 2.38 Flutist. 1.94 Flyslow. 2.50 Flutter. 2.06 Flyspeck. 1 . 95 2 . 40 Fluty. Flux. 1.60 1.96 Flytrap. Flywheel. 1.80 Fluxion 1-45 Fo. 1.85 Fly. 1.50 Foal. I .90 Flvblow 1-55 Foam. 2.30 Flyboat. 1.86 Foamless 2.40 Flyer. I 96 Foamy $2.00 Fob. 2.05 Focal, 2. 10 Focile. 2.58 Focus. 2.70 Fodder. 2.10 Foe. 2.60 Foeman. 1-95 Fog. 2.00 Fogey. 2 05 Fogge. 2.50 Fogger. 2.60 Fogless A-852. BOWER TRAPS, VENTED WITHOUT COUPLING. FORM Trap Number, ....... Size, Inlet, ....... Size, Outlet, Lead and Glass, Style A, . . . , . All Lead, Style B, Lead and Brass, Style C, . . . . ■ Lead and Brass N. P. , Style D Brass Body Screw and Glass, Style E, Brass Body Screw and Lead, Style F, . . • Brass Body Screw and Brass, Style G, Brass Body Screw, N. P. and Glass, Style H, . Brass Body Screw and Brass, N. P., Style I, Vented Traps can also be furnislied with Rough, Finished or Nickel Plated Vent Couplings. FULL "S." HALF "S." 70. 78. 71- 79- i^ in. i>^ m. i;2 in. i^in. i}4 in. $1-15 1-53 I . ID 1-45 Fogy. Foh. Foible. Foil. $1-35 1.78 1.30 1.70 Foiler. Foiling. Foin. Foison. $1-55 2.03 1.50 1-95 Foist. Foister. Foisty. Fold. $1-65 215 I .60 2.07 Flodage. Folder. Folding. Foldless $1 60 2.03 1-55 1-95 Foliage. Foliar. Foliate. Foliated $1.80 2. 28 1-75 2. 20 Poller. Folio. Foliole. Foliose. $2.00 2-53 1-95 2 45 Folk. Follow. Folly. Foment. $1-65 2.09 I .60 2 .01 Fon. Fond. Fondle. Fon die r. $2.15 2-73 2. ID 2.65 Fondly. Fondus. Fone. Fonly. 348 L. WOLFI^ MANUI^ACTURING COMPANY. CUDELL TRAPS A-853. A-854. Same price for "S," " yi S," "K S," Running or Bath Traps. A-855. Lead Body, Hard Metal Dome, Inlet i]{ inch; Outlet i^^ inch, each, $i .00 With Vent Top, each, Fontal. Lead Body, Hard Metal Dome, Inlet i]4 inch; Outlet i)4 inch, each, $1 .25 With Vent Top, each, Fooley. Lead Body, Hard Metal Dome, Inlet i^-^ inch; Outlet 2 inch, each, $1 .35 With Vent Top, each, Footboy. When ordering be particular to give size and Style of Trap wanted. 5^1-25 Fontague. $1-50 Foolish. $1 .60 Footed. - MCCLELLAN ANTI-SIPHON TRAP VENT, A-856. - A-857. Made in Two Sizes, i "/s and 2 inch, with either side or bottom connection, and can be attached to any trap. In ordering please be particular to state which connection is required. i>^ inch. Plain, ...........•'••• 1% inch. Nickel Plated, . . . , ■ . . . 2 inch, Plain, ..... ^ .... o-'- • 2 inch. Nickel Plated, ....,.. = •••••• $2.25 Footman. $4-25 Footpad. ^3-50 Foot rope. $6.00 Foot rot. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 349 McMAHON'S SEWER CAPS A-858. CAPS FOR 4 INCH SEWER PIPE. 1x4 admits two pipes, 2 inch iron and i}( lead. 4x1)^ admits i}{ or lyi lead. 4x2 admits 2 inch iron, extra heavy. 4x3 admits 3 inch iron, extra heavy. 4x4 admits 4 inch lead. CAPS FOR 9 INCH SEWER PIPE. 9x4 admits 4 inch iron, extra heavy. 9x5 admits 5 inch iron, extra heavy. 9 X 6 admits 6 inch iron, extra heavy. A-859. CAPS FOR 6 INCH SEWER PIPE. 6x1 admits two pipes, 2 inch iron and 1)2 lead. 6x1'/^ admits i}{ or ij4 lead. 6x2 admits 2 inch iron, extra heavy. 6x2x2 admits two 2 inch iron pipes, extra heavy. 6x3 admits 3 inch iron, extra heavy. 6 X 3 J^ admits 2 pipes 3 in. and 2 in. iron, extra heavy. 6x4 admits 4 inch iron, extra hea\'y. 6x5 admits 5 inch iron, extra heavy. One dozen Sewer Caps, with two cans of compound, price, $5 ■ 00. Force. Assorted sizes same price. When ordering be particular to give sizes wanted. MUELLER'S AUTOMATIC W AT E R- P R E SS U R E REGULATOR. Each, for ^ inch Pipe, Each, for i inch Pipe, Each, for iJ/( inch Pipe, Each, for i}4 inch Pipe, Each, for 2 inch Pipe, $10.00 Forcer. $13.00 Ford, $17-50 Fordo. $24 . 00 Forcing;. $40 - 00 Fordone. EVERY REGULATOR WARRANTED. For Lead Pipe, 25 cents extra for Couplings. Prices for larger Regulators furnished on application. The above cut is the full half size of a V i"ch Regulator, screwed for Iron Pipe. This Regu- lator can be set at any pressure desired in a building, and it will maintain the same regardless of the highest pressure in the street main. A Relief Valve is provided with each Regulator, for e.xpan- sion of hot water, where a Boiler is used in the building. A-860. 350 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MUELLER'S TAPPING MACHINE FOR DRILLING AND TAPPING WATER MAINS. Water Tapping Machine Complete, includes: I each, combined Drill and Tap — ^, ^, ^, I inch. I each, Screw or Hexagon Plug — ^, ^, 3^, i inch. 4 Malleable Iron Saddles any size. I Chain for any size Pipe. Price, . . . . . . $100.00 Fordry. In case all the tools and saddles are not required, or more saddles are needed, deduct or add, whichever the case may be, according to price list of extras. Power Clevis A-861, extra, . - $5-oo Fore. Power Clevis is never sent with a complete tapping machine unless specially ordered. The Power Clevis shown in cut A-861 is an extra attachment, and is needed only where very heavy pressure exists, say 90 pounds or upwards. With this extra attachment a tap can easily be made against any existing high pressure. To use Power C levis place hooks under cap handles, with end of screw resting on top of boring bar, then turn hand wheel to the right, forcing boring bar against any pressure. In ordering a machine it is necessary to state the Size of Tools Required, whether Screw or Hexagon Plugs are wanted, and also Sizes of Water Mains to be tapped. Ifstyleofplug is not mentioned. Screw Plugs will be sent. If sizes of mains are not mentioned, saddles for 4, 6, 8 and 10 inch mains will be sent. Also state approximate amount of Domestic Pressure. A-86 1 . 862. COMBINED DRILL AND TAP. FOR MUELLER TAPPING MACHINE, AS NOW MADE. ys inch Drill and Tap, . r . }4 inch Drill and Tap, .... ^ inch Drill and Tap, ..... ^ inch Drill and Tap, .... I inch Drill and Tap, ..... Screw Plugs, ^, }4, y^, Vi. and i inch wiae, each Forcast. Note — Any part of the Mueller Tapping Machine can be furnished separately when desired. NET PRICE. $3-75 Forearm. . $4.00 Forebay. $4 50 Forebode. ■ $5-50 Forebow. $6.50 Foreby. • $0 . 60 MUELLER'S IMPROVED TAPPING MACHINE. FOR TAPPING GAS AND DRY PIPES. Price, Machine complete, without tools, . 5^2 1 . 00 Foreclose. COMBINED TAPS AND DRILLS FOR DRY TAPPING. Size, ...... Standard Iron Pipe Thread, each, Size, ...... Standard Iron Pipe Thread, each. Size, Standard Corp-Stop-Cock Thread, ea.. Vz Ya I in. $4.00 ■ 4.50 5.00 Foredate. Foredect. Foredeem. l}i .1/^ 2 in. $6.25 7.50 9.50 Foredoom. Foreeiid. ForefeeL V. iA Va I in. $4.00 4.25 4.50 5.00 Forefend. Foreflow. Forefoot. Forefront. Note — When ordering state size of Tools desired, also give size of Largest Main to be tapped; unless otherwise ordered. Tools with Iron Pipe Thread will be sent. A-863. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 351 GOULDS "DUPLEX" WATER LIFTER. AN AUTOMATIC PUMP OPERATED BY WATER PRESSURE. No. o No. I No. 2 A-864. Diameter ot Power Cyls. Inches. 2 2% We can but briefly sketch the new Duplex Water Lifter here. It is designed to pump automatically, and by water pressure, pure city water to a greater height than its natural pressure will deliver it, or by this same water pressure, pure cistern water, where this is preferable to general supply for domestic purposes, etc., to upper supply tanks, bath rooms, etc. It dispenses with all noisy, cumbersome or offensive combinations of Engines and Pumps, and does its work noiselessly and automatically, and withal without waste of water and attending expense. It is designed afterthe well-known Duplex Steam Pump and operated by water pressure from city mains or wind- mill tower tanks. The water is conducted to Lifter and after exerting its efficiency may be discharged through waste pipe to sewer, or equally as well utilized for the many ordinal y requirements of the household. Our system of piping by which this waste water may be utilized on the same or higher level than Lifter is fully de- scribed in our special circular, to which we would refer. All parts are of bronze metal, except drip-pan under- neath, and we can confidently recommend this Lifter to our friends as complete in every respect, and efficient to a de- gree heretofore unknown in Engines of this class. The tank should in all cases be provided with an over- flow pipe back to cistern, or floats be arranged in tank to operate valve in supply pipe. SIZES, PRICES, ETC Diameter of Pump Cyls. Inches. Stroke. Inches. 3 3 3 Openings. Inches. /2 Height over all. Inches. i3>^ Length over all. Inches. $40 . 00 Forego. $41.50 Forehand. $43.00 Forehear. Securely packed, one in a box, wilh pair of iron brackets and shelf to stand on. TABLE OF HEIGHTS DIFFERENT PRESSURES WILL RAISE WATER FROM CISTERNS. WHERE EXHAUST WATER IS DISCHARGED ON THE SAME OR LOWER LEVEL THAN LIFTER. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. o with o with with with with with with 25 pounds 50 pounds 20 pounds 40 pounds 10 pounds 15 pounds 20 pounds pressure on pressure on pressure on pressure on pressure on pressure on pressure on Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Cyhnders Cylinders Cylinders Cylinders Cylinders Cylinders Cylinders will force will force will force will force will force will force will force 45 feet 85 feet 60 feet 125 feet 50 feet 75 feet 100 feet above above above above above above above Cistern. Cistern. Cistern. Cistern. Cistern. Cistern. Cistern. TABLE OF HEIGHTS DIFFERENT PRESSURES WILL RAISE WATER FROM CISTERNS. AND ELEVATE THE EXHAUST WATER ABOVE LIFTER. No. o with 25 pounds on No. o with 50 pounds on No. I with 20 pounds on No. I with 40 pounds on No. 2 with 10 pounds on No. 2 with 15 pounds on No. 2 with 20 pounds on Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Cylinders will Cylinders will Cylinders will Cylinders will Cylinders will Cylinders will Cylinders will discharge discharge discharge discharge discharge discharge dischargee IS 40 20 62 10 35 40 feet above feet above feet above feet above feet above feet above feet above cistern cistern cistern cistern cistern cistern cistern and exhaust and exhaust and exhaust and exhaust and exhaust and exhaust and exhaust 20 feet above lyifter. 30 feet above l,ifter. 15 feet above Lifter. 25 feet above Lifter. ID feet above Lifter. 10 feet above Lifter. 15 feet above Lifter. Capacity of Goulds Duplex Water Lifter at rate of about 150 gallons per hour. These examples might be multiplied indefinitely and are merely cited to illustrate duty " The Duplex " will perform under most economic conditions. TABLE OF CAPACITIES OF POWER AND PUMP CYLINDERS. No. o for 2% gallons used in Power Cylinders, iji gallons discharged from Pump Cylinders. No. I for 4 gallons used in Power Cylinders, lyi gallons discharged from Pump Cylinders. No. 2 for 6% gallons used in Power Cylinders, i}^. gallons discharged from Pump Cylinders. A comparison with our table of sizes will show that we make three sizes of Power Cylinders adapted for different pressures, the Pump Cylinders being .same on all Lifters. 352 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "DOUGLAS" No. 2 INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATER FOR BATHS AND DOMESTIC PURPOSES. A-865. No. No. No. No. Douglas, Douglas, Douglas, Acme, No. s Acme, Gasoline, DIAMETER. HEIGHT No. I Douglas, 9 in. 24 in. No. 2 Douglas, • 15 in- 42 in. No. 3 Douglas, 15 in. 42 in. No. 4 Acme, . 12 in. 38 in. No. 5 Acme, Gasoline, 12 in. 40 in. PRICE, F. O. B. CHICAGO. COPPER. NICKEL- No. I Douglas, $20.00 23.00 Forehew. Forehook. No. 2 Douglas, . ■ $35 -OO 40.00 Foreign . Forejudge. No. 3 Douglas, $45.00 52.00 Foreknow. Forel. No. 4 Acme, . $30.00 35 00 Forelay. No. 5 Acme, Gasoline, . $38.00 44- 00 Forelet. Forelift. Add for Gasoline Gas, . $2 . oo Forelock. Fittings for Bath and Basin, $3-00 Foreman JAPAN FINISH. NICKEL. Shelf for No. i, $1.50 2.50 Foremast. Shelf for No. 2, . ■ $2-50 4.00 Forename. Forensal. Shelf for No. 3, $2.50 4.00 Forensic. Forepart. Shelf for No. 4, . • $2.50 4.00 Foresay. Foresee. Shelf for No. 5, $2.50 4-00 Foreseen. Foreslip. GROSS NET WEIGHT. WEIGHT. . 25 lbs. 50 lbs. . . 50 lbs. 115 lbs. . 60 lbs. 125 lbs. . . 40 lbs. 90 lbs. 40 lbs. 90 lbs. Nos. I, 2, 3 and 4 are used with Coal, Water, or Natural Gas; also Gasoline Gas produced by Gas Machines. No. I Heater is only intended for basin use and where small quantities of hot water are required. Nos. 2, 3 and 4 are specially adapted for supplying the bath, and basin if desired. Gas supply for No. I should be J's in. pipe, and for Nos. 2, 3 and 4, yi in. pipe. No. 2 Heater will supply an ordinary bath in from S to 15 minutes; No. 4 in from 12 to 20 minutes, with an average gas consumption of 15 feet per bath. No. 5 will supply an ordinary bath in from 10 to 20 minutes at an average cost of one cent for gasoline. A-866. THE "DOUGLAS" No. 3 INSTANTANEOUS WATER H EATER. SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR MEDICAL. ELECTRIC AND MASSAGE BATHS, ALSO IN CLUB ROOMS AND WHERE BATHS ARE DESIRED AT SHORT INTERVALS, AND OPERATED BY AN ATTENDANT. The interior con.struction of Heater is the same as No. 2, but by continuing the diameter of o base to top of Heater storage, capacity is had between cylinders H and M to hold 15 gallons of u) water, which will be found of special advantage where baths are used for purposes mentioned. S Owing to quantity of water in Heater same can be discharged in a few moments, and dur- § ing the time the bath is being used the Heater can be refilled and ready for supplying the next ^ bath in from 15 to 20 minutes. The temperature of water in Heater can be regulated by supply V cock, and by allowing the water to enter slowly, such high temperature is attained that with the 3 quantity of cold water added to contents of Heater there will be sufficient water for a large bath The Heater is arranged with discharge and overflow connections on both sides, making them right or left handed, and also well adapted where two tubs are to be supplied. The Heater is also supplied with a water gauge, which shows at all times what quantity of water is in Heater and assists in regulating the temperature of same. Heater can also be used same as other sizes, i. e. to allow Ihe water to heat in its passage through. Used with Coal, Water or Natural Gas, also Gasoline Gas produced by Gas Machines. In ordering special mention is only necessary when desired for Gasoline Gas. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 353 WILKS WATER HEATER AND HOT WATER RESERVOIR FOR BARBER SHOPS, BATH HOUSES, HOTELS AND GREENHOUSES. COLD WATER This Heater is particularly adapted for all places where a large quan- tit}' of hot water is used. The Stove can be used without the Reservoir if you have a storage place for the heated water, and so connected with water as to circulate. The door to feed by is in a portion of Smoke Pipe, which we furnish. Fire can be kept in Self-Feeders for twelve hours without attention. SMALL SIZES NOT SELF FEEDERS. size of Furnace. 10 X 15 to X 18 12 X 24 12 X 30 14x30 14X36 Approximate Heating- Sur- Heating Ca- AoDrovimate Heating Power, face. Square pacity. Galls. '^^Jpr'ht 2-inch Pipe. Inches. per Hour. weigni. 50 ft. 60 ft. 100 ft. 125 ft. 150 ft. 175 ft. 342 399 648 792 945 1,066 30 40 65 75 100 125 70 lbs. 75 lbs. 125 lbs. 155 lbs. 185 lbs. 205 lbs. Price. $20.00 Forest. $2 I . GO Forestall. $25.00 Foretell. $26.50 Forelop. $30.00 Forever. $32.00 Forward. 867. SELF-FEEDING SIZES. size of Height from Floor Size of Heating Sur- .'\ppro.xiniate Heating Power. 4-in. Pipe. Feet. Heating Capac- Approximate Price with Price for Furnace. to top of Dome. Openings face. Square ity. Gallons Weight. Coal Soft Coal Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. per Hour. Pound.<^. Magazine. Burners. 16 X 30 4i>^ i>^ 1224 250 140 340 $ 57-50 Forewish. $ 54-50 Forgo. 16 X 36 47 >^ i>^ 1435 300 150 380 60.00 Forewit 56 50 Forgot. 20x30 43 2 I5S4 425 200 445 72.00 Foreworn 68 00 Forhail. 20x36 49 2 1720 450 250 500 75.00 Forfeit. 70 50 Forhend 20x42 55 2 2064 500 285 535 80.00 Forfend. 75 00 Fork. 24x36 50 2 2376 700 300 715 105.00 Forfex. 99 00 Forked 24x42 56 2 2548 1000 325 740 I 10. 00 Forgave 103 50 Forkless 30x42 57 3 3536 1200 650 1230 I 30 . 00 Forge. 123 00 Forktail 30x48 63 3 4002 1250 700 1280 135-00 Forger. 127 50 Forky. 36x42 60 3 4105 1450 900 1950 175.00 Forget 1 67 00 Forlay. 36x48 66 3 4588 1550 1000 2000 195.00 Forgetive. 186 00 Forlend. 42x42 63 3 5356 2000 1200 2600 215.00 Forging. 203 00 Forlet. 42x48 69 3 5928 2400 1300 2700 225.00 Forgive. 210 00 Forlie. Note— For direct radiation each square foot of radiating surface will heat from 20 to 40 cubic feet of space, dependent on the conditions as to exposure, etc. PRICE LIST OF STEEL TANKS. Length. Diameter ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. 20 in. 24 in. 24 in. 24 in. 30 in. 30 in. 30 in. Capacity. 82 galls. 120 galls. 142 galls. 2X2 galls. 180 galls. 220 galls. 332 galls. .\pproxiniate Weight. 210 lbs. 265 lbs. 345 lbs. 470 lbs. 445 lbs. 490 lbs. 660 lbs. 00 55-00 65.00 85.00 80.00 85.00 95.00 Fori ore. Forlorn. Forlye. Form. Formal. Formate Formed. Length. Diameter 5 ft. 36 in. 6 ft. 36 in. 9 ft. 36 in. 9 ft. 42 m. 8 ft. 42 m. 6 ft;. 42 in. Capacity. 265 galls. 320 galls. 470 galls. 650 galls. 575 galls. 425 galls. -Approximate Weight. 500 lbs. : 600 lbs. 890 lbs. 1200 lbs. 1080 lbs. 875 lbs. Price. go ■ 00 Former. 95 130 165 150 125 00 Formful. 00 Formula. 00 Formic. 00 Formule. 00 Formill. 354 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. OHLIGER'S RUBBER CONNECTION. FOR CONNECTING RUBBER PLUG BOWLS, URINALS, THE OVERFLOW OF COMMON OVERFLOW BOWLS, AND ALL KINDS OF EARTHENWARE TO THE WASTE PIPE. SECTIONAL VIEW. SHOWING APPLICATION. Per dozen, A-868. A-869. 5^2. OO Forpass. Per dozen, RICKETTS RUBBER ELBOWS No. 2. A-870. ^b.oo Forpiiie. Per dozen, No. 3. A-871, $4 -SO Forray. Per dozen, No. 6. FOR VENT. $7 -SO Forrill. No. 7. FOR VENT. W_lM A-873. Per dozen, $7.00 Forsake. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 355 COLER'S RUBBER COUPLING. FOR CONNECTING THE SUPPLY PIPE TO WATER CLOSET BOWLS, URINALS, HOPPERS, WASH BASINS, ETC. SECTIONAL VIEW. A-874. For Earthen Basins, per doz., For Closet Bowls, per doz., . A-875. GLOBE VENTILATORS. 5)52. oo Forsay. $2.00 Forslow. GALVANIZED IRON. A-876. 2>i 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 36 inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each; each, each, each, each, each, each, each, Extra charge for Square or Oblong Base. fl-OO I .00 1.50 1.50 1-75 2.00 2.50 3-40 4.00 4-65 5-75 6-75 13.00 20.00 27.00 33- 00 40.00 I 20 . 00 Forspeak. Forstall. Forster. Forswat. Forsvvonk. Fort. Forte. Forth. Forthink. Forthy. Fortify. Fortlet. Fortress. Fortune. Forty. Forum. Forword. Ported. DOUBLE. TACK MOULDS SINGLE. Each, A-877. 878 $4.00 Forward. Each, $3.00 Forweep 356 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PLUMBERS' TOOLS. HAMMERS WOOD CHISELS, A-879. Small, each, lyarge, each, $0.75 Fosse. $1 -00 Fosset. A-885. 2 inch Blade, 14 inches, each, . I inch Blade, loyi inches, each, $0.96 Fount. $0 50 Fountful. SAWS COPPER HATCHET BOLTS. Size, Single Edge, each. Double Edge, each, 12 go. 60 .75 Fossil. Fossroad , $o-75 -85 Fosterer Fostreps. A-886. ■95 Fother. COMPASS SAWS Per pound, . . . . ... COPPER POINTED BOLTS J>o-40 Fouter. Per pound, 12 m. •50 Fotmal. A-887. ROUND IRONS $0.40 Foutra. RASPS Size, Half Round, per doz Flat, per doz., FLOOR CHISELS. CALKING CH ISELS Each, A-883 Length, 15 inches; Width of Blade, 3 inches. COLD CHISELS, Each, $1.80 Foully. A-889. YARNING CHISELS $0.40 Fowl. Size, Each, A-884. 6 10 $0.42 .50 .61 Foulness. Foumart. Pound. 12 in. •63 Founder. Each, A-890. $0 50 Fowler h. WOIvFi? MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 357 OFFSET CALKING CHISELS SHAVEHOOKS Per doz., A-896. SHAVEHOOK. WITH ADJUSTABLE BLADE. $3-50 Fracas, A-891. Per pair, i Right and i I, eft, BENDING PINS «5i-35 Foxish. A-892. Per doz., Per doz. $3 -50 Foxly. WASHER CUTTERS BLACK HANDLE. A-897. SCREW DRIVER 50 Fracid. TAP BORERS A-893. Per doz., $10.00 Foxy. CHIPPING KNIVES A-894. 4.^2 and 5 inches, per doz., SHAVEHOOKS go. 00 Foy. Per doz., A-899. New York Pattern, per doz., Philadelphia Pattern, per doz., $6 -75 Frache. 7 in. 4.00 Fract. $5.00 Fracted. $5.00 Fracture. 358 L. WOLI^F MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GREASE BOX. Each, A-900. Wolff's Special, each, 9-1-25 Fraped *2-75 Frapler. A-901. STILLSON'S WRENCH A-902. GAS PLIERS BLACK HANDLE. Takes Pipe from, >^to I 'Atoiy. ^t0 2 Va t0 2>^ Length, open. ins., ID 14 18 24 Each, $2.25 3.00 4 GO 6. GO Frailty. Fraise. Fraised. Frame. Jaws, each, . ■75 I GO I 33 2 00 Franier. Frampel. Frane Frame, each. •33 •45 •55 6s Frangeiit Franioii. Frank. Frankly. Nuts, each, . •27 •35 .42 •50 Frantic. Franzy. Frap. Frape. HAYDEN PIPE WRENCH Size, 8 Perdoz., $12.00 Fratrage. A-903. 9 10 1 4 . oG 1 5 • 00 Fraud. Fraught. II 16.00 Fray. 12 m. 18. GO Freak. BURNER PLIERS. A-905. Polished, 5 inch, per doz., Polished, 6 inch, per doz.. Add for Nickel Plating, per doz., net, $8. 00 Freckle. $9.00 Fred. $1.00 Free. COMBINATION PLIERS. A-904. No. 2, 10 inch for }2, }4 and i inch Pipe, with one clamp, each, . . . . . $2 . 50 Freely. Additional Clamps, each, . . . . $0 50 Freeman. No. 3, 18 inch for i}{, i}4 and 2 inch Pipe, with one clamp, each, . . . . . I5 . gg Freeness. Additional Clamps, each, . . . . $i.og Freewill. BUZZELL'S PATENT BASIN WRENCH. A-906. 6 inch, Nickel Plated, each, 10 inch. Nickel Plated, each. $1-25 Freedom. $1-75 Freer. Per doz., Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 359 SOIL CUPS BOXWOOD TURN PINS. DRIFT PLUGS A-908. Copper, per doz., . $5 • oo French. A-909. I, 2 and 3 per doz., $3.00 Frenzy. A-910. i> i/^, i/^ and 2 in., per doz., $2.00 Fresh. BOXWOOD SIDE EDGES A-91 1 Per doz. , $8.50 Frequent. BOXWOOD DRESSERS A-91 2. Per doz., jblCGO Frere. BOXWOOD BOSSING STICKS. A-9 1 3. Per doz. , $10.00 Fresco. TORCHES A-9 1 4. Brass, with side filler, each. Brass, without side filler, each. Tin, common, each, BLOW PIPES A-9 15. Taper, Nickel Ends, per doz., . Taper, common, per doz., $2.00 Freshet. $1-35 Fret. $0.70 Fretful. $9-50 Frett. $4-50 Fretted. 36o L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SOLDER POTS A-916. SIZE In.ontop, 5 6 6J^ 8 9 1054 i3>^ Each, $0.40 .60 .70 .90 I • 10 1.65 2.75 Fretter. Pretty. Fretura. Friable. Friar. Friarly. Friary. TOOL BAGS A-917. Plain, each, ..... Leather Bottom, each, . . . • Leather Bottom and Sides each, RUBBER FORCE GUPS $4.00 Fribble. $5.00 Friborg. $6.00 Fricace. A-918. No. I, each, No. 2, each, No. 3, each, $0.50 Fridge. $0.75 Fried. $1 -00 Fringe. LADLES. WROUGHT IRON. A-919. Size, 2 14 3 yA 4 5 6 in. Perdoz., $3-75 4-65 5.50 6.50 8.75 10.00 Friesic. Frieze. Friezed. Frigate. Fright. Frigid. WIPING CLOTHS. A— 920. .ASSORTED SIZES. Moleskin, each, Ticking, each, »o.25 Frill. $0.15 Frim. PLUMBERS' FRIEND, A— 921 Price, each, ^2.00 Friend. I,. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 361 Size, Each. BILLINGS PIPE BENDER. 1 ii I I llf ' Hi w Set of above sizes, 1.50 , Frisk. $5.00 Frisker. 2 m. 2.00 Friskal, THE CHICAGO VAPOR TORCH. FOR PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS, ELECTRICIANS, STEAM FITTERS, CORNICE MAKERS, BELL HANGERS, ETC. To start flame, open burner pin enough to half fill cup with oil, then shut it off and light cup, and when nearly out, open burner to the desired flame. The blaze can be graduated after burner is heated, from two feet of fear- fully intense solid fire down to a delicately pointed blue blaze, half an inch in length. $6.00 Frisket, THAWING STEAMER. TO GO INTO PLUMBERS' BLAST FURNACE IN PLACE OF SOLDER POT. The Steamer is of heavy copper, and is well and substantially made. It is furnished as shown with Safety Valve and Filling Cock. It carries enough water to raise steam for continual use for about t%vo hours. One-quarter inch Hose to go on Pet Cock to conduct steam where needed. A-924. Steamer, net, Hose, extra, per foot, S5-00 Frisky. .09 Frit. 362 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PLUMBERS' BLAST FURNACE No. 3 REMOVABLE SHIELD TO TAKE TWO SOLDER COPPERS. A-926. A-925. No. I Removable Shield to take No. i Solder Pot. No. 2 Removable Shield to take Nos. 2 and 3 Solder Pot Furnace, with Nos. i and 2 Shields, .".......... Furnace, with Nos. i , 2 and 3 Shields, to take two Solder Coppers, . . . LARGE PLUMBERS' BLAST FURNACE. Furnace, with 8 inch Solder Pot, each, A-92T. $7.00 Frith. $9.00 Frithy. $10 00 Fritter. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 363 PLUMBERS' HOOKS A-928. Per pound, (50.25 Fro. GAS HOOKS A-929. Size of pipe, % 3/8 % y^ I ^Va iJ^ 2 in. Per 100, net. $0.45 •55 • 65 .80 I CO 1.30 1 .60 2.00 Frock. Frocked. Froe. Frog. Froggy. Froise. Frolic. From SPUN OAKUM. FOR CALKING IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. TINNED STRAPS, A-930. A-931 50 lb. Bale, per lb.. Market Rates. Frond. Size of Pipe, ^ ^ >^ 3^ i ■ i;< i^^in. Straps, per 100, $1 .00 i.oo 100 1-50 200 2.50 3.50 Fronde. Frondose. Fron.s. Front Frontal. Frontier. Fronton SOLDER A-932. No. I Bar Solder, Tinners' Solder, triangular bars, Market Rates. Frore. Market Rates. From , Special price in case lots of 500 lbs. SOLDER. IHi A-933. No. 2 Wiping Solder, Market Rates. Frory. BLOCK TIN Large Pig, Strait's, weight about 105 lbs.. Small Pig, Lamb & Flag, weight about 30 lbs. Small Blocks, Strait's, weight about 3V2 lbs., Bar Tin, Strait's, weight about i>^ lbs., A-934.. Market Rates. Frost. Market Rates. Frosty. Market Rates. Frote. Market Rates. Frotey. 364 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COPPER WIRE Copper Wire, No. A— 935. 12 Froth. 14 16 18 Fructose. Fructure. Frugal. Market Rates. WASHERS, A-936. Size, Fibre Washers, per 100, I. 00 1.25 $0 80 Frothy. Frow. Froward. Pasteboard Washers, Basin Cocks, per 1,000, $1-50 Frower. Pasteboard Washers, Basin Plugs, per 100, $0.30 Frown. Pasteboard Washers, Boiler Couplings, per 100, $0.30 Frowiiy. PLATED SCREWS A-937. Size, Nickel Plated, per doz.. 1/2 2 2J^ in $2.00 Frowy. 2.50 Frozen. 3.00 Frubish PLUMBERS' NAME PLATES, A-938. A-938 shows one of the many designs of Name Plates we make ; they are made different sizes, and the lettering can be done as desired. Prices, designs and sizes upon application. My &.''^^^Xif m ^^5^^ ^J rc& L>^=li -S^ -f^' m: stf ' V->Y ^ '*'-'' ^ vr:^ m^i ■'%tWW-. %- w^ ^WCj