fe\/ °^%/:iife:^/.'aft: V :«£ V &l U f •'* 4. 4 o'.^^ME-H- "X i"» "oK r M %^s^v /.^/^ ^.:^:.X .Aittfc..v v^raX y.-a ;-.% £V V %'WV ? V-*S?V V-#-> V™V V-w\ 5> -o ^ ** •rfCvVA"' <& ^ •'fife*' % <& •* 0y V V V^ 1 ••-..•V V-^'>' ***•- ^3 V V .. ^ 'bV ' o V ^ ■ ^ '^•o 1 4 o • a,r (TV » -J*^ _ 1 _. ,v -w CATALOGUE OF THE Splendid Rare Coin Collection OF THE LATE HENRY C. MILLER, Esqr. OF NEW YORk CITY To be Sold Without Reserve, By Order Of His Executrix, Miss Emma Miller IN FOUR SESSIONS On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th, 1 920 Commencing each day at 1 .30 o'clock in the afternoon DANIEL R. KENNEDY, Auctioneer By THE ELDER COIN & CURIO COMPANY 21 West 35th St., New York City EXHIBITIONS: The lots for Each Day's Sale will be Shown Sepa- rately, and except in special cases, Only on the Day of Sale from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Positively no lots will be exhibited nor any coins delivered during the progress of the sale. Catalogued by THOMAS L. ELDER, F.A N.S.. F.R.N.S., Etc. Manager of THE ELDER COIN & CURIO COMPANY Twenty-one West Thirty-fifth St., New York City. Registered Cable Address. Ranfurly, New York NOTE. In order to assist bidders, Mr. Elder will be glad to advise them in regard to the value of any lot in this sale, SIZES OF COINS AND MEDALS. In this Catalogue given in Millimetres. iilti|iii&iitii|tiii|iitiiiiii|iiii]iiti|iiii|iiai|iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiitfiiiiiiii!|Ufiiffii * 15 85 38 « J 05 I 65 J 71 I M W 20 80 «a 50 60 70 60 I illllllM! 95 I 80 100 AR. — Silver AE. — Bronze Abt. — About. B. — Brass. D. — Pence. Dif. — Different F. — Fine. Fa. — Fair. ABBREVIATIONS. G. — Good, h. c. — Hair-cord. L — Left. Lib. — Liberty. MM. — Milimeters. Obv. — Obverse. Oct. — Octagonal. Pf. — Proof. R. — Right. Rev. — Reverse. U.— Unc. Unc. — Uncirculated. V. — Very. Var. — Variety. Var. — Varieties. W. M. — White Metal. U. S. Mints are Designated as Follows: C. — Charlotte. C. C. — Carson City. D. — Dablonega. O. — New Orleans. S. — San Francisco. Without Letter — Philadelphia. CONDITIONS OF SALE. This is a bona-flde public sale, for prompt cash settlement, and irrespon- sible persons who are not sure whether they can pay for what they bid on, are asked not to bid. The cataloguer has taken special pains to describe each lot accurately. Errors will be corrected, but he reserves the sole right to de- cide upon any claims. No corrections or refunds will be made, and no lots can be returned, unless the bidder submits his case in writing within 30 days of the date of the sale. Coins and medals are sold at so much per PIECE, and no lot will be sep- arated. The auctioneer will accept any bid up to 50c, then 5c up to $2.50. when 10c. advance must be bid, up to $10.00, when no advance under 50 cents will be accepted. If there are 5 pieces in the lot and you wish to pay $5.00 for the entire lot, then bid $1.00. Auction sales are strictly for cash. Parties unknown to me and bidding for the first time, must give bank or other reliable reference, or their bids will not be executed. Forward your bids as early as possible, as thousands of bids have to be entered. Do not make ridiculously low bids, such as 10c. and 15c. on foreign silver coins worth several times over as bullion. Write your bids plainly, with a pen if practicable. Where the number of pieces in a lot is not given after the description, there is but one piece in the lot. Be sure you hid on the lot you wish to buy. All coins, etc., are genuine unless otherwise described A charge of 5% will be made to cover packing and shipping, but where the parcel is bulky an additional packing charge will be made. No charge made for bidding except for lots actually purchased. Remit by money order or New York draft. If any further information is required as to valuation of lots, or how to bid, please write the cataloguer, THOMAS L. ELDER. Ink — Priced Catalogue of This Sale, $8.50. — Print ed, $1.50. v^e^a PREFACE. The late Henry C. Miller, Esqr., was born on May 19th, 1844. He was educated at, and graduated from, Williams College in 1867. His death occurred very suddenly on February 5th this year. As a numismatist, he must be considered one of the best in America. From his unosten- tatious and quiet manner one was not apt to imagine to what a wide ex- tent he had entered into this pursuit of Numismatics. Feeling no doubt that his end might come at an unexpected moment he had for the past half a dozen years gradually offered the various series in which he was inter- ested, selling them all through myself in my sales. I always regarded it as an especially high compliment that I retained from a first acquaintance with JMr. Miller, some fifteen years ago, his fullest confidence. So that it was no great surprise to learn that shortly before his death he had told his sister, Miss Miller, that if anything happened to him to take his collection at once to me for disposal at auction sale. The notations he left on some ,of his coin envelopes showed that as early as the '70s he had purchased some of the coins offered in this very sale. His classical tastes lead him into ;the realm of education, and he once was the principal of a private school in this city. As early as forty years ago he had made trips to Europe, and on those trips had gathered coins from all quarters, from Rome to London, and from Paris to Thebes. The magnificent set of heavy early Ptolemaic bronze coins in this sale was obtained by Mr. Miller personally in Thebes. His interest in English coins, and especially in the early Anglo-Saxon issues, was very keen and the remarkably fine and large collection of these, includ- ing many of the very rarest issues, shows to what an extent he indulged in their collection and study. A brief list of some of the rarest of the early English silver pennies in this collection shows the following monarchs rep- resented: Offa, Coenwulf, Coelwulf, Burgred, Cuthred, Wulfred, Coelnoth, Eadmund, Siefried, Cnut, St. Peter, St. Edmund, Egbert, Aethelwulf, Aethel- hert, Aethelred I, Alfred the Great (quite a number), Edward The Elder ,(with two perhaps unique), Aethelstan, Aedmund, Eadred, Eadwig, Edgar, Harthacanute, Harold I, Harold II, etc. The mediaeval and later British coins present an unbroken line of rulers from Edward The Confessor down ;to George V. The copper coins, dating from the reign of Elizabeth, are especially choice for rarity and preservation and include two different un- circulated farthings of Anne, also some choice patterns of the Georges. The Georgian half pence and farthings present the best lot I have yet seen, with a proof half penny dated 1729, as well as the error farthings and half jpence of Charles II, George II and III, all of which are mentioned in Mon- tagu's Book on the subject of British Copper Coins. The ancient Roman section is perhaps the most important of all, for it contains over a thousand catalogue lots of coins with many well known and finely preserved examples of the denarius, the first, the second and the smaller bronzes. Unusual things are plentiful and a list of the most remarkable includes coins of Antony and Cleopatra, Brutus ("Eid Mar" denarius), Julius Caesar (many varie- ties), Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger (2 varieties, both ex- tremely fine), Titiana (second bronze), Gordianus Africanus, Sr. and Jr., Tranquillina, Quietus, Marius, Magna Urbica, Nigrinianus, Domitius Domi- tianus, Romulus, Hanniballianus, Vetranio, Jovianus, Procopius, Eugenius. Flavius Victor, Jovinus, Theodahatus, Gunthamundus, Theodoric, Witiges, and many unusual Byzantine pieces. There are a host of third and smaller bronzes of about all the late emperors with many uncirculated. The feature of the American Colonial and Continental coin collection is, , first of all, the magnificent collection of the coins of Connecticut, with four varieties of the Granby Three Pences of John Higley. The Connecticut series was a special favorite with Mr. Miller, and his book on the subject, about to be printed by the American Numismatic Society, is the result of his interest in this group. His collection has in it choice examples of the Sommer Island coins, the Lord Baltimore Shilling and Six pence, the Chal- mers Annapolis Three Pence, (an uncirculated example); an extremely fine Carolina Elephant Half Penny, the Superior of the one I sold in 1907, in the Gschwend Sale; a large collection of the Massachusetts issues with a plenti- ful line of the N.E., Oak and Pine-Tree Coins, and some choice cents and half cents of that state. The Fugios, Nova Constellatios (with one proof), the New York cents, the large collection of Pennsylvania half pence, the Vermonts, the New Jerseys and the fine Washington Collection of coins and Patterns, all contribute to make one of the finest coin sales ever held in the United States. The few remaining choice books include a full set of Cohen's last edi- tion, a set of Babelon's work on Roman coins, Crosby's Early Coins of America and other desirable items. All coins are guaranteed genuine. In order to not crowd the selling, and to make deliveries more simple, the sale will be held in four sessions, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th, commencing each day at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The terms will be strictly cash, and the sale con- ducted as per the requirements printed in the catalogue giving full particu- lars as to its conduct. The catalogue has been conscientiously compiled ex- clusively by myself, and considering the rather short time allowed for its preparation, I hope it will be found of interest, and something worth keep- ing for future reference. THOMAS L. ELDER, F.A.N.S. New York,, April 22, 1920. WORKS REFERRED TO IN THE COMPILATION OP THIS CATALOGUE. British Numismatic Journal. Breton (P.N.). The Coins and Tokens of Canada. British Museum Handbook of English, Irish & Scotch Coins in the Museum. Babelon (E.). Monnaies De La Republique Romaine. Betts — Low. American Colonial Medals. Croslby (S.S.). The U. S. Cents and Half Cents of 1793. Cohen (H.). Des Monnaies Frappes Sous L'Empire Romain. Crosby (S.S.). The Early Coins of America. De Saulcy (De) Essai de Classification des Suites Monetaires Byzantines. Evans. Ancient British Coins. Elder Rare Coin Book. List of Mint Marks on Roman Coins. Grueher, (H.A.). English Coins in The British Museum. Anglo-Saxon Ser- ies. Hawkins, (Edw. F.R.S.) English Silver Coins. Head, (Barclay V, Ph.D.). "Historia Numorum." A History of Greek Nu- mismatics. Hall (Dr. Thomas) Description of Connecticut Coppers. Keary (Charles F. M.A. F.S.A.) Anglo-Saxon Series, Coins in the British Museum. Low (Lyman Haynes,) The Hard Times Tokens. Mailliet (Prosper — Lt. Col. of Artillery) Monnaies Obsidionales et de Neces- site. Miller, (H.C.). The Coins of Connecticut. Madden. Coins of the Jews. Montagu, (H.F.S.A.). The Copper, Tin and Bronze Coinage and Patterns for coins of England. Promis, Italian Coins. Stevenson (Seth. F.S.A. etc.) A Dictionary of Roman Coins. Snelling. English Copper Coins. Sabatier (J.). Description Generale des Monnaies Byzantines. Thomsen (Christian Juergensen). Les Monnaies du Moyen-Age. Von Loon. Supplement to the Coins and Medals of Holland. Wood (Howland, F.R.N. S.). The Blacksmith Tokens of Canada. ORDER OF SALE. First Day's Sale, Wednesday, May 26th, Lots Nos. 1 to 550, inclusive. Second Day's Sale, Thursday, May 27th, Lots Nos. 551 to 1100, inclusive. Third Day's Sale, Friday, May 28th, Lots Nos. 1101 to 1575, inclusive. Fourth Day's Sale, Saturday, May 29th, Lots Nos. 1576, to the end of cata- logue. PLATE AND PRICED CATALOGUES. A Plate Catalogue, of Extra Large Size, with many plates showing many hundreds of the finest coins, actual photographic negatives, together with a printed list of the prices realized at the sale, payable in advance, $9. Catalogue, priced in ink by hand $3.50 Printed list showing prices realized $1.50 SMOKING Will Not Be Allowed In THE SALES ROOM. CATALOGUE. SECTION I. EARLY BRITISH COINS. Note. — According to Ruding, the earliest coin which can be attributed to any British monarch, bears upon it the letters SEGO, possibly for Se- gonax. He was one of four petty Kentish monarchs who by the command of Cassivellan, attacked Caesar's camp upon its second invasion of Britain. But there is no doubt that the Britons had coins of their own prior to Caesar's time, and the early staters and copper pieces give certain evidence of having been copied after Greek models, particularly those of Philip II of Macedon, the same influence which is seen in the curious Gaulish tetradrachms. So the rude horses pictured on the following coins were mainly poor imitations of Philip's coins. Roman letters and figures are found also. After Cuno- beline's time the British coins disappeared while Britain was under Rome's dominion. 1 Gold Stater. A rude horse to right, over it jumbled letters and dots; underneath, a large dot. Reverse plain and uninscribed, as issued. Evans B. 8. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. See Ruding PI. I. 3, and Hawkins, PI. I. 1. 2 Copper coin. Rude head to left. Rx. Horse to left. TO, a crescent and 3 dots. Very fine. Patinated. Plate. 3 Copper coin. Horse to right. VGood. Evans p. 122. VGood. 4 Kentish copper coins. Rude heads to left. Rx. Rude animal or horse to left. 3 var. See Hks. 30-31. VG & F. 3 pes. 5 Copper Coin. Rude head to right. Rx. Horse ridden by Victory. Fine. 6 Copper Coin. Channel Islands. Rude head r. Horse to r. Resembles Hks. PI. 14 and Ruding III. 50. Fine. Plate. 7 Another with head like Hercules in lion's skin; two more, larger style, heads to left. Rx. Horses to left with extra long tails, forked at the ends. VFine. Plate. 3 pes. 8 Another, ruder style, small. V. Fine; a second, larger head to r. Rude horse and Victory, somewhat like Rud. 3.50. F. 2 pes. 8a Early British (Iceni) Silver coin. Head to r, with bristle — like hair. Rx. Horse to r.; another, with helmeted head to 1. Rx. Horse to left and pyramidal device beneath body. Rare. Fine. Plate. 2 pes. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS. SCEATTA. Period. A. D. 700-750. Note. — "The earliest coins of the Anglo-Saxon Series are small pieces in gold and silver known as Sceattas; the word Sceat signifying Treasure. Some have no inscription, others have legends in Roman or Runis charac- ters. The locality of issue of the majority has not been determined. The early types are derived from Roman and Frankish coins, but the later ones appear to be of native origin. — The silver vary in weight from 15 to 20 grains." See B. M. Catalogue of Coins of Great Britain and Ireland. 9 Head diademed within circle of dots, in form of serpent; traces of legend. Rx. "1000, etc. Cross with annulet on both sides. A bird; all within serpent-like circle of dots. B.M.C. 130. Type 27-b. Fine. 10 Curved figure with bristles; in front XII, etc. Rx. Ls X and crescent, with O, in middle of circle; something like Ruding PI. 1.5. Ex. fine. Rare. Plate. 11 Rude head with bristles. Rx. TTOII See Ruding PI. I. 8. Ex. F. Plate. 12 Rude head facing; crosses on either side. Rx. Dragon to 1, head turned to r, facing raised tail. B.M.C. 148. Type 31. V.F. Plate. 2 pes. 13 Rude head bearded; on either side X. Rx. Dragon-like animal, with raised claw. B.M.C. Type 31. V.F. Plate. 14 Curved figure with long bristles behind and angle and dots in front. Rx. Within compartment annulet — 4 dots. Outside blundered in- scription. B.M.C. 57. t. 4. V.F. 15 Bird with long feathers in back; in front of it small cross. Rx. Square compartment containing annulet, lines and dots. Outside curves and numerous dots. B.M.C. 72. t.6. V.F. 16 Curved figure r; in front 4 lines, pellets & triangle. Rx. XVOI in square. Obv. B.M.C. type 5, Rx. not in B.M.C. Resembles Ruding 5. PI. I. Base material. F. Rare. 17 Degraded head r, with nose, and long bristles, in front pellets, cross and several blundered letters. Rx. XDOLL in square, some retro- grade form; outside letters and blundered letters. V.F. B.M. Type 4 (Rarity). EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 9 18 Degraded form of head r, with long bristles behind; annulet below nose, T and cross in front. Rx. TTOII in square beaded compart- ment, cross and angle above. B.M.C. 4. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 19 Curved figure with bristles, behind; rude nose and 3 straight lines. Rx. LLOII, the Ls retrograde; blundered letters. B.M.C. 5. Ex. F. Plate. 20 Rude animal on branch; above, AVO; below, MMO. Rx. LLOII Rare type. Fine. ANGLO-SAXON KINGDOMS. Regarding the following remarkable set of silver pennies, Ruding states that the term Penny was first mentioned in the Laws of Ina, King of the West Saxons, who began to reign in A.D. 688. The word Penny is written in several ways, and its form, but not its type, was adopted from the Carl ovingian Denier. The Saxons valued it at the rate of 240 to a pound of silver. This number would give 24 grains for each coin. Large sums were computed by Pennies alone. Finds of early English pennies have been made at various times. Some rulers or varieties are exceedingly rare, or unique, and valued up to around a thousand dollars apiece. We offer in this col- lection the best lot which has ever been offered to the American market at public sale, and collectors should take full advantage of their opportunity. SILVER PENNIES. MERCIA. 21 (A.D. 757-796). Offa. OFFA REX; ram's horn form above name. Rx. WINOTH; ornamented and dotted. Ruding 4.22. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. First in these sales. 22 Name in circle, cross in center. Obv. EOBA. Legend same as B.M. No. 41, but the pattern of cross different. Rx. Same as B.M. No. 47. Variety of Montagu 216. Small flan, edge uneven. Fine. Ex. Rare. Plate. 23 (A. D. 79 6-822). Coenwulf. Bust to r COENWLF-REX. Ram's horn device. Rx. SIGEBERTHI MONETA. Cross over cross patee. Ruding 6.20. Fine. Exceedingly rare and worth a big price. Plate. 23 (A.D. 796-822). Coenwulf. Bust to r COENWLF-REX. Ram's horn device. Rx. SIGEBERTHI MONETA. Cross over pattee. Rud- ing 6.20. Fine. Exceedingly rare and worth a big price. Plate. 24 Another, much finer and without bust COENWLF REX. Ram's horn device in middle. Rx. Ornamented triangular device D-VD-A. Very fine. Ex. Rare. B.M. Cat. 94. Ruding VII. 26. Plate. 10 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 25 Another, type similar to last, but larger devices and flan. Rx. tri- angular angles divide VVILHVN. Not in Ruding or B.M.C. Fine. Ex. Rare. Plate. 26 (A.D. 822-24). Coelwulf. Head to right. CEOLWLF REX. Rx. + HEREBERHT. A gem Uncirculated. R. 8. 2. The most valu- able offered so far in this list and cost a very high price. Plate. 27 (A.D. 853-74). Burgred. Head to right BVRGRED RI; Rx. BERANH MONETA in 3 lines. Resembles somewhat B.M.C. PI. II. 45, va- riety. Hks 85. Fine. Very rare. Plate. Note. — This piece was found at Seddlecombe Kent in October, 1882. Weight 27 grains. Fine. V. Rare. Plate. 28 Another, finer condition and style, bust to r. BVRGRED REX, no divisions of lettering. Rx. in 3 lines, HVSSA MONETA. Type C Same general style as last. Uncirculated. One of the finest exam- ples extant. Very rare. Plate. 29 Another, different bust, + BVRGRED REX + . Rx. MON — WINE — ETA. B.M.C. Type D, 391. Uncirculated. V. Rare. Plate. KENT. 30 (A.D. 798-807) Cuthred. Bust to r, Name, title. Rx. HEREPODI MONETA + in circle; cross in center. Fine. Very rare. B.M.C. 7. Plate. ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY. 31 (A.D. 805-832). Bust facing. Wulfred. VVLFRED ARCHIEPI. Rx. Monogram (Dobernia Civi.) SAEBERHT MONETA. Extremely fine. B.M. Cat. 26. Very rare. Plate. 32 (A.D. 833-70). Ceolnoth. CEOLNOD ARCHIEP + Rx. Cross-form, with lettering inside angles SAEBERHT MONETA, N-E-T-A divided by angles, B.M.C. 26. About uncirculated. Ex. Rare. Plate. KINGS OF NORTHUMBERLAND AND ARCHBISHOPS OF YORK. STYCA SERIES. Note. — Ruding states "two of these small copper stycas passed for a farthing, showing the need of a coin of very small denomination. The name was derived, by Lye, from Sticce, minuta pars, because this money was of all others the smallest." They were struck by only a few kings and arch- bishops. They are very small, thick pieces of about the weight of the silver penny. A few come in base silver. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 11 33 (A.D. 808-41). Eanred-EANRED REX. Rxs. MONNE, BRODR AL- TEARD; Redwulf REDVVLD REX. Rxs. WLFRED, BRODER COENED. Fine lot. Rare. Plate. 7 pes. 34 (A.D. 850). Eanbald II. Rx. EADVVLT, B.M. Cat. 882; (A.D. 854) WULFHERE — of Dots. VG & Fine. Rare. 3 pes. 35 (A.D. 796-808). Eardulf. + E — DVLE (retrograde) star. Rx. VLFRED. Cross. B. N. Journal p. 76, Vol. I. Fine; Aethelred II. Name. Rx. ALGHERE EARDVLF. Light brass. Fine. Rare. Plate. 3 pes. 36 (A.D. 841-49). Aethelred. Name. Rxs. ANRED, BRODR, AL- GHERE, LEOFDETN. All very fine. Rare. Plate. 37 Others, Rxs. FORD RED, WLFRED EANRED MONNE. Fine. 5 pes. 38 (A.D. 857-54). Vigmund. Name. Rxs. + EDELHELM (BM.C. 739); + COENRED (BM.C. 724); + HVNLAF, (BMC. 774). F. & V. F. Rare. 3 pes. z 38a (A.D. 844). Redulf. REDVLF. Rx. CVDRERCHT. Silver styca. Very rare Plate. EAST ANGMA. 39 (A.D. 857-70). Eadmund. O'bv. Cross. + EADMVND REX. Rx. Cross JPICGA MON. B.M. 82, variety. Fine. V. Rare. Plate. 40 Another, finer style and broader type. A cross either side. EADMVND REX + Rx. CENBERHT MO. B.M. Cat. Type I. Hks PI. XV. 193. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. 41 Another. A in center. + EADMVND REX: Rx. + EADPALD MON. Cross in center. V. Fine. Plate. 42 Viking Penny (East Anglia), in memory of King Aedmund, who was murdered by the Danes in 870. Large letter A. in center. + SCE EADMVND RE. Rx. Cross in center. ANSIER MONTA. Ex- tremely fine. Very rare. Plate. 43 (A.D. 894-8). Siefried. C. SIEFE EPVS RE; long cross. Rx. Small cross in center. EB — IA — CEC — IVI, trefoils, etc. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 44 Another. DN SDS — REX, in two lines; two dashes above. Rx. Cross ND ADHIAIFECIT. (blundered legend for Mirabilia Fecit). Ex. fine. V. Rare. Plate. 45 Cnut. & Siefried. C N V T I-R, patriarchal cross, pellets between. Rx. Large cross. SI EF RED VS +. About uncirculated. Gem coin. Plate. 46 Cnut (Siefred). York Penny. Obv. similar to last. Rx. EB-IAI-CE- CI. (Abraice Civitas). Small cross pattee. About Unc. V. Rare. Plate. 12 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 47 Another of Cnut. Obv. Patriarchal cross, name letters spaced and divided. CVHNETTI +. Cross in center. Ex. fine and choice. Plate. 48 Another, York Penny CNVT REX. Plain cross (without crosslet), pel- lets in angles Rx. BRAICI: CIVIT +. Small cross in center with- out pellets. Rare type. About uncirculated. Plate. 49 Another, same general type of obverse. Rx. Small cross with two pellets in angles CVN:I:T:TI + . About uncirculated, sharp and choice. Plate. 50 Another quite similar but CVNETTI, from the Cuerdale hoard. About uncirculated. Plate. SAINTS. 51 (A.D. 948-54). St. Peter. York Penny. Obv. SCIIE Till and small crescent five pellets. Rx. Small cross pattee EBORVCE (crescent) , +. Ex. fine B.M. Cat. PI. XXX. 9. Rud. 12.9. Variety. Plate. 52 Another + SCI. PE-TRI MO. Rx. EBORACI — CIV. Ex. fine and very rare. Plate. 53 (A.D. 900). St. Eadmund. Large A, in circle. + SC. EADIOIVNDE. Rx. + ABBOE IYNIIYRE. Ex. fine. Very rare. Plate. 54 Another. Large A in circle. + SCEADMVNDE. Rx. + WINECRA- ONT. Obv. very similar to Ruding PI. XIII. 6. Rx. not shown. About Unc. V. Rare. Plate. 55 Another, with Blundered name, + SCEVDIOIYNE. Rx. Cross in cir- cle. + MARTINVN. B.M. Cat. 655. Ex. fine. Very rare. Plate. WESSEX. 56 (A.D. 827). Egbert, or Ecobeorht (1st Sole Monarch). Rude head to r. ECGBEARHT REX. Rx. Monogram, for DOROB. C. (Doro- bernia Civitas), + BOSEL MONETA. Very fine. Type 1-4. Very rare. Plate. 57 (A.D. 838-58). Aethelwulf. Bust r. AEDELVVLF. REX. Rx. Cross form MANI N NC MO NETA upon limbs and angles of cross. B. M. Cat. Type 17. No. 71. Fine. V. R. Plate. 58 Another. Cross form, or PX. + EDELHERE. Rx. Same as obverse. Hks. 163. V. Fine. Plate. 59 Another. Bust to r, + EDELVVLF REX. Rx. Cross (crosslet), DIAR MO NITA. Fine. Rare. B.M.C. 43. Plate. 60 Another, broad type. + EDELIWLF + REX. In circle; DORIBI. Rx. Monogram. MANINE MONETA. Centerbury. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. Cost a high figure. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 13 61 Another. Cross Pattee over another cross pattee IE + (Crescent) ELWLF REX. Rx. MANNA MONETA. Monogram Sax-onio-Rim. B.M.C. Type 5. Ex. fine. X. Rare. Plate. 62 (A.D. 861-66). Aethelbert. Bust r. AEDELBEARHT REX. Rx. HVNBEARHT MONETA, upon limbs and angles of cross of beaded lines. Type 1. Uncirculated. V. Rare. Plate. 63 Another. Bust to r. AEDELBEARHT. REX. Rx. Cross form with HEABEART MONETA upon limbs and angles. Uncirculated. V. Rare. Plate. 64 (A.D. 863-71). Aethelred 1. Head to right AEDELRED REX. +, Rx. MANN — MONETA, in three lines, divided by two straight lines. About uncirculated. Obv a little like BM. Handbook, 133. Plate. 65 (A.D. 863-71). Alfred The Great. Burgred type. Head to r, small type AELBRED REX. Rx. SIGESTEF MON-ETA in 3 lines, divided by 2 straight lines. Very fine. Plate. See Ruding 15.2. 66 Large bust to right AELFRED REX. Rx. Monogram of London, a cross above, pellets beneath. Extremely fine. Very rare and re- markable coin. See B.M.C. 89. Plate. 67 Another. Large head r. AELFR — EDRE. Rx. Smaller monogram of London. TILVINE — LON — MONETA, in 3 lines. V. Fine. V. Rare. Plate. For monogram type see B. M. Handbook, No. 140. See Ruding P. 15.8. 68 Another, Oxford Mint. ORS (retrograde) HA — AELFRED — FORDA; pellets above and below. Rx. EIDIIO h + + PLLTIV (?). See B.M. Cat. Type XVIII. Rx. inscription badly formed. See Ruding PI. 16.14 for Obverse of this coin; the reverse differs. Ex. F. V. R. Plate. 69 Another. Small cross in circle. EL — FR — ED — RE. Rx. CVDB — ERHT. Three groups of pellets divide lines. B.M. 228. Type XIV. About Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 70 Another. AEL — FRE — DREX. Cross pattee. Rx. AEDER h + + EDMO. Very choice penny, about uncirculated. For obv. See Ruding PI. 15.11. Plate. 71 Another. Obv. + EL — FR — ED — REX. Small cross in center. Rx. LVDIG— MON: BM. Cat. Type XIV. 358. Ex. F. V. Rare. Plate. 72 (901-925). Eadward The Elder. Head to left + EADVVEARD REX. Rx. VVLF h + + REDHO, trefoils above and below. Extreme- ly fine, and exceedingly rare. Cost a big price years ago. B.M. Cat. 91. Montagu Collection. Plate. 14 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 73 Another. + EADVVEARD REX; Cross in circle. Rx. BRE (cinque- foil) CE + between two 8 pointed stars, 3 pellets on each side of stars. Extremely fine. Br. M. Cat. 97, type VIII, unpublished va- riety of reverse. Unique! This is one of the pieces which should 'bring a terrific price in this sale. See Plate. 74 Another Head to left, lettering as on last. Rx. TIDERE \- + + EDMONE. Reverse strictly different from Hawkins PI. XIV. No. 179. Unpublished. Edge slightly broken off back of head but reverse lettering complete and uninjured. Very rare. Plate. 75 Another. Small cross. + EADVVEARD REX. Rx. EOFR h + + MVND. Ex. Rare. V. Fine. Plate. 76 (A.D. 825-37). Aethelstan. Bust r, crowned, more finished work- manship than any of preceding AEDELSTAN REX. Rx. RAEGEN- VLF MO VVINCI; a small cross in center. B.M. Type. VIII. Very fine. Very rare. Winchester Mint. Plate. 77 Another without bust, cinquefoil in center on either side. AEDEL- STAN REX TOB + Rx. EOFERMVND M SCROB (Shrewsbury). Extremely fine and Excessively rare. Plate. 78 Another. Obv. A in center. EDELSTANI + Rx. DIIfiDAI RAI. Cross. Fine. Very rare. Plate. 7 9 Another + EDELSTAN RESA + ORYM. Rv. ERE MONTA LVND OIVITT. B.M. Cat. type V, but legends differing from any de- scribed. Cracked, but skillfully mended. V. Rare. Plate. 80 Another, + AEDELSTAN REX. Rx. + ELLAT MO LVND CIVITT. B.M. Cat. Type 5. Fine. V. Rare. Plate. 81 Another, Cross in center on either side. + AEDELSTAN REX. Rx. ABBA + + + MON in 3 lines. Extremely fine. V. Rare. B.M.C. Type 1, 93. Plate. 82 (A.D. 925-46). Eadmund, half brother of Athelstan. Bust r. EAD- MVND REX. Rx. + FREDARD MONEIT. Cross pattee. Very fine. Ex. Rare. For obv. type see Rud. XIII. 2. Plate. 83 (A.D. 955-59). Eadred, son of Edward The Elder. Bust to r. + EADRED RE Rx. MAHHEMNOPI (Norwich). Cross pattee. Ex. fine. Very rare. Plate. 84 Auother. Cross pattee + EADRED REX. Rx. EADM — O + O — VMiMO & pellets beneath. Ex. Fine. V. Rare. Not in Ruding. Plate. 85 Another. Obv. like last. Rx. Rosette, EADM — O + O — VNDM. B.M. Cat. 32. Ex. fine and Rare. Plate. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 15 86 Another. Similar obv. Rx. HVNR — ED MO; three crosses between lines, smaller flan and type than last. Hks. XV. 196. B.M. Cat. 54. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 87 (A.D. 955-59). Eadwig. + EADVVIG REX. Cross pattee. Rx. LEOFS TA MO in two lines, 3 crosses separating. Fine. Type I. Rare. Plate. 88 Another, smaller lettering. Same obv. type. Rx. EOFR — ON + TO — RAD (Eoferat on To). Very rare, and Ex. fine. Plate. KINGDOM OF ENGLAND. SILVER PENNIES. 89 (A.D. 957). Edgar. + EADGAR REX. Cross. Rx. Rosette — MEL- ZVDAN — OL + EO. Extremely fine and Very rare. Plate. Rud- ing PI. XXI. 13. Chester Mint. 90 Another. + EADGAR REX TO. Rosette. Rx., Rosette. EAFERARD MO. Rare type and Ex. fine. B.M. Cat. Type 4. Plate. 91 Another. Lincoln. Small bust to left + EADGAR REX + ANGLOR. Rx. EANVLT MO LINDCO. B.M. Cat. Type VI. Ex. fine. V. Rare. Plate. 92 Another. Cross pattee. + EADGAR REX + (Mark, crescent) Rx. trefoil, DODH + + + HLMO. Very fine. V. Rare. Plate. 93 Another + EADGAR REX. Cross. Rx. EANVLF MO, three crosses dividing. B.M. Type 1. Fine. Rare. Plate. 94 (A.D. 975-79). Edward II (The Martyr). Note. — He was the eldest son of Eadgar. He was murdered at Corfe in Dorsetshire. He struck but two types of coins. Bust to 1. + EADPEARD REX ANGL. Rx. Cross pattee, AELFSTAN MO BEDA (Bedford). B.M. C. 2. About uncirculated, a gem and very rare. .Plate. 95 Another. Another, taller, thinner bust to left + EADPEARD REX ANGLO Rx. Small cross in circle. CUARA — MO STANFOR (Stamford). Ex. fine. B.M. Cat. Type 1 No. 26, variety. Very rare. Plate. 96 (A.D. 979-1016). Ethelred II. Head r. + EDELRED REP ANGLO: — Rx. Hand of Providence. EADWI MO LVNDO. Ex. F. Plate. 97 Another, Head 1. + EDELRED REX. AN + Rx. LEOFPINE MO LINC. Type VIII. PI. XV. — 1 Ex. F. Plate. 98 Another. Bust 1. + EDELRED REX ANL. Rx. Long cross EDEL- PERD MO LVND. B.M. Cat. — 230. type 10-a. V. Fine. 99 Another. Head 1. + EDELRED REX AIG. Rx. Small cross pattee RAEIENOLD MO LINC (Lincoln). B.M. Type 1. Ex. fine. Plate. 16 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 100 Another. Small bust 1, holding sceptre. + EDELRED REX ANGLO + Rx. Cross with C.R.V.X. in angles. AELFSTAN MO EAXE. B.M. Type 111-a. Ex. F. Rare. .Plate. Exeter Mint. 101 Another. Head to 1, Inscription as last. Rx. Long cross DVNSTAN MO EAXE (Exeter). B.M. 57. Type IV — A. About Unc. Plate. 102 Small uncrowned head to left, holding sceptre. + AEDELRAED REX ANGLO. Rx. Short cross with CRVX in angles. GOLDPINE MO CAENTP + Ex. fine. B.M. Type Ilia-. Plate. 103 Another. Ugly head with large features to right. + AEDELRED REX ANGLOX. Rx. Hand. GVNER MO DECORAB (Derby). B.M. Type 11-A. Ex. F. Plate. DANISH KINGS. 104 (1016-35). Cnut. Head to 1 in escalloped border or circle CNVT REX ANGLORI +. Rx. Cross in same design. SVNOLF MO EOF Hks. 213. V. F. Plate. 105 Small bust 1, holding sceptre. CNVT REX AN X. Rx. FRIDCOL MO EOTR. Type XIV. Ex. F. Plate. 106 Another, head to 1. CNVT RE ANX. Rx. Short cross with pellets in angles. ELFPINE ON LVNDE X. Ex. fine and choice. Plate. 107 Another, Small bust in escalloped circle to 1. CNVT RE ANGLORVM X; a cross patte behind head. Rx. SVMERLO MO LIN X. Type VIII. Uncirculated. .Plate. 108 Well executed head to left, holding sceptre CNVT REX X. Rx. Short cross a circle in middle EDPINE ON LVND X. Type XVI. Small type penny. Ex. F. Plate. 109 Head 1, CNVT REX ANGLORV X. Rx. LEOPPINE ON LVNDE. Un- circulated. Plate. 110 Head to 1. Same name, etc. Rx. Long cross, escalloped circle. STIR- COL MO ECI X. Ex. F. Type VIII. Plate. 111 Head 1 in circle, CNVT REX ANGLO X. Rx. Cross and four pellets in aglee. PVLNO OM — O EOFR;. Ex. Fine. Plate. 112 (1040-42). .Harthacnut. Small type penny. Head to r. HARDCNVT REX. Rx. Short cross with thick limbs + EADRIC ON TANT:. Unpublished Mint (Taunton) for this reign! B.M. Cat. Type 1-A. About uncirculated. Plate. 113 A different head to 1. + HARDECVNT. Rx. Long cross, two crescents in angles. + TOOCI: ON LVNDI. Spink Cat. 4048. Not in B.M. Cat. .Very rare. Ex. fine. Plate. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 17 114 Small type penny. Head to r HARDA CNVT REX. Rx. AELFEH ON ROFE .'. + Very rare mint. B.M. Cat. Type 1. Var. A. Ex- tremely fine, about uncirculated. .Plate. 115 Coiled serpent within circle. HARDCNVT REX I. Rx. 4 semi-circles forming cross, within curves of pellets. Struck at Lund in Denmark. Very rare. Slight crack in middle. Very good. ENGLISH KINGS. 116 (A.D. 1035-40). .Harold I. Head to left. + HAROLD REX. Rx. Short thick cross DVDINIC ON LVN + . Type I. V. Fine. Plate. 117 Bust 1, with sceptre. HAROLD REX. Rx. Long cross. SAEPINE ON LEIR. Unpublished obverse. B.M. Cat. Type VI. Abt. Unc. Plate. 118 A different head to left, headdress ornamented. + HAROLD REX. Rx. ELFPIC OIIN HERETO (Hereford). Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 119 A different head to left HAR — OLD REX. Rx. Short, thick cross, LEOFPIG ON LEGIEE (Chester). B.M. Cat. 46. Type 1. VF. V. Rare. Plate. 120 A still different head to 1, holding sceptre. + HAROLD RECX. Rx. + CYLDEPINE O CE. Long cross voided, in each angle fleur de lis between two pellets. Type VI. B.M. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 121 (A.D. 1042-66). Edward, The Confessor. Obv. King enthroned, holds orb and sceptre EADPARD REX ANGL. Rx. COLLINE ON TANE, Tamworth Mint. Very rare for this mint. Fine. .Plate. 122 Bust to r, holding sceptre, a crown of 2 arches and 3 balls. + EAD- PEARD RE. Rx. Short cross voided, limbs ending in segment of circle. BRVNPINE ON PALINE. B.M. Type XI. Abt. Unc. Plate. 123 Obv. King enthroned; in hand, sceptre, in 1, orb and cross EADPARD ANGLO. Rx. Short cross voided, a martlet (bird) in each angle. BRAND ON PALLIN (Wallingford) . Sovereign type. B.M. IX. Abt. Uncirculated. V. Scarce. Plate. 124 Bust facing, bearded. EADPARD REX A. Rx. Cross, small style, pattee. BRIHTMAER ON PAL (Wallingford). B.M. Type XIII. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 125 Bust to r, holding sceptre, crowned EADPARD RD REX. Rx. Rx. Long cross with semicircles at ends PVLMER ON EXECEST. Type XI. Uncirculated, choice gem. Plate. 126 Head to left, holding sceptre + EDPERD REX: Rx. Cross. COL- GRIM ON LINCO. B.B. P. 3. 11. About uncirculated. Plate. 18 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 127 Rude head facing r, holding sceptre + EADPAR RD RE. Rx. Long cross, semi-circles and pellets at the ends DIORMAN ON STAENIG. (Steyning). B.M. Cat. 1213. PI. XXVIII. 14 Abt. Unc. Plate. 128 Bust r, holding sceptre. EADPARD REX. Rx. PINTERFUGEL ON E (York). Short cross voided, each limb ending in 3 crescents; an- nulet in one angle B.M. VII-A. Ex. F. Plate. 129 Bust r, holding sceptre and bearded. EADPARD REX. Rx. Long cross, annulet, pellets in agles. + DOR ON EOTERPIC. B.M.C. 427, Type XV-C. Ex. F. Plate. 130 Head to 1, holding sceptre. EDPERD REX. Rx. Long cross with smaller cross and pellets over it IFINC. ON PINCEST (Winchester). , Type III. (Not in B.M. Catalogue). VF. Rare. Plate. 131 King enthroned holding orb and sceptre (Sovereign type). Name, etc. Rx. ANDERODA ON PINC (Winchester) Long cross with birds in angles. Fine. Rare. B.M. Type IX. Plate. 132 Head to 1, with sceptre EDPERD REX. Rx. Thin-limbed cross with 3 pellets in each angle. GODPIC ON LVND. B.M. Type III. About Unc. Plate. 133 York Half Penny. Head to left + EDPERD RE:. Rx. Cross with i annulet in agle COCIL ON E — M. Ex. F. See Hawkins PI. XVII. No. 229, variety. Plate. 134 (A.D. 1066). Harold II. Bust 1. holding sceptre. + HAROLD REX ANGL. Rx. On horizontal line in field PAX. Around border: -f- EADPARD ON CA. Ex. F. Plate. 135 Larger head to 1, holding sceptre + HALOLD REX ANG. Rx. PAX in field: + OLDOLDONLEPEEI, all lettering together without spac- ing or punctuation. Ex. fine. B.M. 46. Type I. Plate. WILLIAM I "The Conqueror" Note. — William I. was the son of Robert le Diable, Duke of Normandy, claimed the throne as heir designate of Edward The Confessor, defeated and slew Harold II at the battle of Hastings, A.D. 1066. Succeeded by his sons, William Rufus and Henry I. His pennies were the continuation of the same types as those issued under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, and their weight and fineness were retained. The weight of his coins was about 21 grains. 136 (A.D. 1066-87). Canopy Type. Small bust facing between two sceptres + PILLEMVS REX. Rx. Lozenge-shaped ornament,, each angle terminating in a trefoil. SIBODE ON LVNDEN Ex. fine. See B.M. Hand-Book. No. 200. Plate. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 19 137 Another, same type. Same obv. Rx. Similar ornament in center GOD- PINE ON LVNDE Ex. fine. Plate. London Mint. 138 Another of Canopy type. Name, title. Rx. As last. BRIHTMIER ON PAL (Wallingford). Hks. 236. V. Fine. Slight edge cleft; rare. Plate. 139 Bonnet type. Bust facing in crown with fillets. + PILEM REX. Rx. Cross voided, each limb terminating in two crescents; in each angle pyramid outwards; in centre annulet; GIFPAR ON LINC +• Hks. 234. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. Lincoln Mint. 140 Another, same type. PILLEMV REX I. Rx. Same cross as last. v BRVN PINE ON STA (Stamford) Hks 236, type 111. Fine. Plate. 141 Another, same type + PILEM REX A. Rx. Same cross. + GIFEL ON LINCOL. Hks. Lincoln mint. 142 Another, same type. Rx. ALGERIC ON LEGEI (Chester). Hks. 234. Fine and rare. Plate. 143 Another Bonnet type, unusually clear portrait and head + PILLEMVS REX Rx. BRIHTM AER ON PALL (Wallingford) About uncircu- lated. V. Rare. Plate. 144 Bust facing between two sceptres + PILEHE REX ANGL. Rx. Cross with trefoils in angles. DORSTAN ON LIN. Lincoln. Hks. 237. Uncirculated. Rare. Plate. 145 Head facing between two stars. + PILLEM REX ANG. Rx. Lozenge- shaped device, each angle terminating in a trefoil; in centre, circle, H DI ON PHILTIINE. (Wilton). Hks type 238. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 146 Bust to left, holding sceptre + PILLEMV REX I. Rx. Floriated cross BRITMAR ON PIN (Winchester). Hks. 233 V. Fine. Plate. 147 Pax Type Pennies. Bust facing, crowned, sceptre on right + PIL LELMVS. Rx. Cross pattee; in angles PAXS, each letter within circle. LIFPORD ON SVDEP. (Southwark). Hks. 241. V.F. Plate. 148 Same type. Rx. EDPINE ON CICES (Chichester). Fine, lettering weak in spote. Fine. 149 Same type PILLEIM REX. Rx. BRINTREDON OXN. (Oxford). V. Fine. 150 Same type. + PILLELM RX I. Rx. GODPINE ON LVND. Fine. 151 Same type. + PILLELM REX. Rx. IFPINE ON IEXET. (Exeter) Ex. fine. Rare. Plate. 152 Same type. Same name. Rx. PIMVID ON PINC — PAXS (Winches- ter) Class VIII. Ex. fine, about Unc. Plate. 20 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 153 Head to right. Same spelling of name. Rx. Cross pattee, in each angle a His. BRINTPORD ON BR (Bristol). Hks. 239. Ex. Fine. Rare. Plate. 154 (1087-1100). William Rufus. (II). Bust facing, holding sword. + PILLELM REX. Rx. GODPINE ON LVN. Cross pattee over cross fleury. Ex. Fine. Rare. Plate. 155 Another, same bust, eye. Rx. Cross raguled within quatrefoil; legend not clear, otherwise fine. Plate. 156 Another. Profile bust to r, holding sword. + PILLELM I — . Rx. Cross pattee four leaves in each angle EDPI ON LUNDNE. Hks. 244. Ex. F. Plate. 157 Small bust facing, between two stare. Rx. Cross voided over cross with annulet. Hawkins 250 (obv. varying). Fine, rare. Plate. 158 (A.D. 1100-1135). Henry I. Bust facing, crowned. HENRICVS, Etc. Rx. Dotted cross, with fleur de lis in angles. ALDPINE ON SERB (Salisbury). "Snitched". Hks. 262. Fine. Rare. Plate. Type 15. 159 Another, bust facing, slightly to left, holding sceptre. Cross fleury on quatrefoil fleury. Type Hks 255. Very good. Rare. 160 Bust facing. HENRICVS. Rx. Cross fleury on quatrefoil fleury. SMEPINE ON LVNO. Very good. Rare. 161 (1135-54). Stephen. Bust to r, holding sceptre. STIEFNE R. Rx. Cross fleury with fleur de lis ornaments. GEFREI ON LINE. Fine, badly struck. Rare. 162 Full head bust. Double lined cross. GVRIC ON — OR. Good, cracked. Rare. 163 Head r, holding sceptre, the head clear. Cross moline, the tressures fleury. Lettering not all clear, otherwise very fine. Rare. Plate. 164 Head facing, holding sceptre. Rx. Cross pattee voided, lis inward in each angle. RID — NO. See Hks. PI. XXI. 268. London penny. Fine, crudely struck. .Plate. 165 (A.D. 1154-89). Henry II. 1st Coinage. Bust facing + HENRI R — Rx. WILLELM ON NIV (Newcastle) Hks. 285. Fine, crudely struck. Plate. 166 Another, smaller bust facing. Part of name illegible, but bust fine. Rx. Cross pattee, small cross pattee in each angle — ON — Fine. Plate. 167 2nd Coinage. Bearded head facing. HENRICVS REX. Rx. Short cross. RENAVD ON NOR. (Norwich). Struck during reign of John. Fine. Rare. .Plate. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 21 168 Bust facing holding long sceptre. Rx. Short cross, cross botonnee in each angle Moneyers RODBERT — OSBER. Struck during reign of Henry II. V.F. Plate. Wilton Mint. 169 Similar head, and name. Rxs. ILCER ON LVNDE (John) and AL- WARD ON LUN (Henry II). Both V.F. 170 Others Same types busts and crosses. + REINAVD ON CAN (Richard I) and RO ER ON C (Henry III). Canterbury mint. Fine. 2 pes. 171 Others, same general types under John, and Henry II. Moneyers ADAM — ILES — RODBERT — and GODELM ON WINC, 2 very fine. Plate. 4 pes. 172 (1189-99). .Richard I. (The Lion-hearted). French penny. Obv. Cross pattee. + RICARDVS REP. Rx. PICTAVIENSIS (Poictou). Very fine. Rare. Plate. 172a Another. Very fine. Plate. 173 Another, smaller. Cross pattee. + AOVITAINE. Rx. RICARDVS. Fine. Scarce. 174 (1216-72). Henry IH. Long cross penny. Head facing HENRICVS REX. III. Rx. Cross, pellets in each angle. LVCAS ON GLOV. V. F. Plate. 175 Another. Rx. IOH ON EOCETRE. Very fine and rare mint. 176 Same type. Rx. Moneyers RICARD ON LVNDE and NICOLE ON CANT. Both fine and with sceptre. 2 pes. 177 Short cross penny. Very small head facing. WALTER ON LVN. Ex. F. Plate. VARIOUS SILVER COINS, PENNIES, GROATS, ETC. 178 (1272-1307). Edward I. Penny. Head, crowned facing. EDWR. ANG DNS HVB. Rx. Long cross with 3 pellets in each angle CIVITAS EBORACI (York). Fine. Plate. 179 Another, about same lettering. Rx. CIVITAS LONDON. Uncirculated. Plate. 180 Others, same mint, variance in lettering. Fine. 3 pes. 181 Others of Durham and St. Edmunsbury Mints. V. Fine. 2 pes. 182 Another, very fine. Rx. CIVITAS CANTOR (bury). Plate. 183 Another. York. Quatrefoil in center of reverse. Rare. VGood. 184 London Half Penny. Types like penny. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 185 Another. Fine. Rare. 186 Farthing. Same general types as last. LONDONIENSIS reverse. Rare and fine. Plate. 187 Another. Rx. CIVITAS LONDON. Fine and rare. 22 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 188 Groat. Head facing Obv. + ED WARD VS: DI: GRA: REX: ANGL. Bust facing crowned and clothed within quatrefoil; mullet on breast and at each side of head; trefoil in each 6pandril of quatrefoil. Rx. Long cross fleury, three pellets in each angle, DNS HIBNE DVX AGVT LONDONIA CIVI. V. Fine. Rare. Hks. PI. XXII. No. 290. B.M. Handbook 242. Plate. 189 (1307-1327). Edward II. Bust facing, + EDWAR ANGL DNS. Rx. Long cross CIVITAS LONDON. Penny. Fine. Plate. 190 Another, similar type. Rx. CIVITAS DVREME. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 191 (A.D. 1327-77). Edward III. Groat. Bust facing + EDWARD. D. G. REX. ANG. FRA. HV.D.N. Rx. Cross, like lot 188. POSVI DEVM: ADIVTOREM MEV + CIVITAS LONDON. V. Fine. Plate. 192 Another. Slight variations. V. Fine. Plate. 193 A third. Edge defective. Fine. 194 Same types, half groat. V. Fine. Plate. 195 Pennies, similar to Edward II types. Pennies of London and Durham and Half Penny of London. Fine. 3 pes. 196 Esterlin for Aquitaine, style resembles English coins. Bust. Name. Rx. long cross with crowns in angles. DVX AQVITA(INE). Thom- sen 3065. Good. Rare. 197 (1330-1376). Edward The Black Prince. Hardi. Bust facing POS'T I. .ECTON. Rx. Long cross with leopards and fleur de lis' in angles. PRICPS AQTNE. Hardit. Not shown in BM. Fine. Rare. 198 (1377-99). Richard II. Types similar to preceding groats. RICARD DEI G (RA) REX ANGL Z FRANCIE. Mint London. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 199 York Penny. Resembles preceding types. Good. Rare. Plate. 200 Half Penny. Bust facing. + RICARD REX ANGL. Rx. Long cross, pellets between CIVITAS LONDON. AM. Fine. Rare. 201 (A.D. 1413-1422). Henry V. Groat. Bust facing; mullet on left shoulder Rx. Pierced cross, quatrefoil after POSVI. V. Fine. Plate. 202 (A.D. 1422-61). Henry VI. Groat. Types like preceding. LONDON. Rosette Mascle coinage. Both fine. 2 pes. 203 Another, very fine. Pine-cone, cross. Plate. 204 Calais Groat. Rx. VILLA CALISIE. Rosette, mascle. Uncirculated. Gem coin. Plate. 205 London Groat, pellet coinage. Fine. 206 Annulet in angles. Half groat. Calais, Abt. Fine. 207 Penny. Bust facing. Calais. Annulet coinage. Good. 207a Penny Calais mint. Pellet coinage. .Plate. Fine. 208 Half Penny. Bust facing. Cross. London pellet coinage. VG. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 23 209 (A.F. 1461-83). Edward IV. Groat. Similar to preceding lots. MM. Crown. Very fine. London. Plate. 210 Half groat. Similar types. MM. Rosette. Canterbury. Fine. Scarce. 211 (A.D. 1483-1485). Richard III. Groat. Similar to preceding types. London. Fine. Rare. Plate. 212 Another, very similar. Fine. Rare. 213 (A.D. 1485-1509). Henry VII. Groat. Head to r, crowned. + ENRIC: VII DI: GRA: REX: AGL: Z: FR: Rx. Royal shield on cross fourchee. POSVI DEV etc. 3rd issue. Fine. Plate. 214 .Old type with bust facing, like those of Edward III. VGood. 215 Half Groats, 1st and 3rd types. VGood. Rare. 2 pes. 216 (A.D. 1509-47). Henry Vffl. Shilling. Bust facing, crowned and clothed HENRIC. VIII. DG. FRA HIB. REX. Rx. Double rose crowned between H-R. POSVI DEUM ADIVTORIV. MEVM. See V. Rare. First in these sales. Plate. Type B.M. Handbook 418. 3rd Coinage. 217 Groat. Head to r, crowned. Shield on cross fourchee. Mark a rose. 2nd Coinage. V.F. Plate. 218 Groat. First issue. Mark Portcullis VF. Plate. 219 Half groat. FR omitted on obv. legend. WA over shield (Abp. Ware- ham, Canterbury) ; another, 2nd issue, with FR, also Canterbury- Fine. Plate. 2 pes. 220 Another, 2nd coinage, T.C. (Thomas Cranmer) CIVITAS CANTOR. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 221 Another, 2nd issue; also bust facing 3rd issue, York and Centerbury. VG. 2 pes. 222 Groats, third and fourth issues. Busts facing. VGood. 2 pes. 223 Penny. Bust facing. H.D.G. ROSA SINE SPI. Cross. 4th issue, Canterbury Mint. See B. M. Handb. No. 429. VG, also half penny, latter only fair, but both rare. 2 pes. 224 (A.D. 1547-1553). 1552. Edward VI. Crown or 5 shillings. King to r, mounted. EDWARD: VI. D.G. AGL': FRANC Z HIBER': REX: MM. Tun. Date in field below horse. Rx. Square shield on cross fourchee. POSVI: DEVM: A. DIVTORE METJM. Struck at the Tower (Tun) Very fine. V. Rare. Plate. B.M. Hbk. No. 466. 225 1549. Shilling. Profile bust to r EDWARD VI: D:G. AGL: FRA: Z. HIB. REX. Rx. Oval shield garnished, between E-R. Bristol Mint. Fine. V. Scarce. Type B.M.Hbk. No. 457. Plate. 226 Shilling. Bust facing, crowned wearing ermine collar and robe and collar of the Garter; a rose to left and XII (12 D) on right of 'bust. Rx. same as crown. MM. Tun (Tower mint) Extremely fine. Plate. B.M. Hbk. 468. 24 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 227 Shilling, type of last, without tun. Aht. Fine. 228 (A.D. 1553-4). Mary. Groat. Bust 1. MARIA D.G. ANG. FRA. Z. HIB. RAGI. Rx. Square shield on cross fourches VERITAS TEMPORA FILIA. Fine. B.M.Hbk. Plate. 229 (A.D. 1554-8). Philip and Mary. 1555. Broad shilling. Busts vis- a-vis, crown above separates date 15 — 55. PHILIP ET MARIA D. G. REX ET REGINA: ANGL: Rx. Oval garnished shield, arms of Spain and England quarterly; above, crown dividing mark of value XII. POSIMVS DEVM. ADIVTOREM NOSTRVM. Fine. Rare. Plate. 230 Another dated 1554, with Spanish & Neapolitan titles. Rx. Similar. VGood. Rare BM 489. 231 Another, undated shilling. With English and Spanish titles. Rx. similar. Fine. Plate. 232 Penny. R rose. ROSA SINE SPINA. Shield. CIVITAS LONDON. Good. BM. 486. G. Rare. 233 (1558-1602). Elizabeth, Crown. Bust of the queen to left, crowned in ruff and embroidered dress. ELIZABETH. D. G., ANG. FRA. ET HIBER. REGINA. MM: 1: (1601). Rx. Square garnished shield on cross fourchee. POSVI: DEVM ADIVTOREM: MEVM; Fine. Rare. Plate. BM506. 234 Hammered shilling. Similar types to last. MM. Tun (Tower). Fine. Plate. 235 Another. MM. Martlet. Fine. 236 1562. Milled six pence. General types as above; a rose behind head, and bust to left, but much finer workmanship and finish. MM. Star. Very fine. Plate. Scarce. BM 514. 237 1567. Another, same class MM. 'lis. V. Fine. Plate. 238 1579. Hammered six pence. Types like shilling, (Lot 234) MM. Cross. Abt. Fine. 239 (1603-25). James I. Shilling. Bust r, name, titles XII behind head. Rx. Shield uncrowned QUAE DEVS etc. MM. Lis. Fine. 240 Half groat. A thistle crowned 1 D. G. Rosa Sine Spina, etc. Very good. Scarce. 241 (1625-49). Charles I. Exeter Crown. King mounted to left, hold- ing sword. CAROLVS:D:G. MAG: BRI: FRA: ET H:I. REX: X: Ax. Oval garnished shield. CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO: 1645: X: Edge irregular. Fine for this scarce piece. Resembles BM. 618, variety. Plate. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 25 242 1643. Oxford Crown. Smaller figure of king mounted to left. CAROLVS: D.G: BRIT: FRAN: ET: HIBER: REX.; plumes behind head. Rx. EXVRGAT: DEVS: DISSIPENTVR: INIMICI: Across field in two lines: RELIG: PROT: LEG — ANG: LIBER. PAR. above V; below, the date in large figures, 1643. Fine. Rare. Type BM. 631. Fine. Rare. Plate. 243 Briot's Shilling. (1638). Bust to 1, bearded. CAROLVS :D:G: MAG. BRIT. FR ET. HIB. REX. XII behind head. MM. anchor. Rx. Square shield on cross fleury CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO. MM. Same B.M. 598. Fine. Scarce. Plate. 244 Old type shilling. Bust 1. Name, titles. Rx. Square shield crowned, C.R. divided. EUAE DEVS, etc. Very good; 2 Pence. Bust 1. II behind head. Rx. oval shield. IVSTITIA. THRONVM FIRMAT. latter fine. B.M. 587. 2 pes. 245 (1649-1660). Commonwealth. 1653. Crown. THE. COMMON- WEALTH. OF. ENGLAND. MM. sun. Shield, bearing cross of St. George, within wreath of palm and laurel. Rev. GOD. WITH VS, 1653. Unusually strong impression evenly struck. About uncir- culated. Best offered in these sales. Very rare. Plate. BM. 680. 246 1652. Half Crown. Similar types. Or Rx. II and VI over the shields. Uncirculated, strong impression. Very rare example. Plate. BM. 683. 247 1660. Shilling. Same types. XII over shields on reverse. MM. An- chor. Almost uncirculated. Plate. 248 Two Pence. Value above shield on rev. but no legends either side B.M. 687. 1 pence, as last, but mark 1. Fine. Plate. 2 pes. 249 Another penny, similar, also the rare little half penny without mark of value. About uncirculated. Plate. 2 pes. 250 (1653-1658). .Oliver Cromwell. Crown. Bust draped to left. OLIVAR D.G.R.P.ANG SCO, HIB.&c PRO. Die break as usual over bust. Rx. Shield crowned, viz. 1 & 4, cross of St. George; 2, cross of St. Andrew, 3, Irish harp. PAX QUAERITUR BELLO. Edge let- tered HAS. NISI. PERITVRVS. MIHI. ADIMAT. NEMO. Fine. Very rare. B.M. 693. Note. — Two pieces of this noted coin were struck in gold. Plate. 251 1658. Shilling. Same types as last, but edge milled. Uncirculated. Very rare. B.M. 695. Plate. 26 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 252 (1660-1685). Charles II. Crown of 1662. Head to r, laureate. CAROLVS II DEI GRA; beneath bust a rose. Rx. Four shields in cross form. 25. MAG. BR. FRA. ET. HIB. REX. 1662. Edge: X Decvs Et Tvtamen. Note. — The rose signifies the coin was struck from silver supplied by the mines in the West of England. Nearly uncirculated. Plate. BM. 724. 253 1684. Shilling. Same general types. About uncirculated. Plate. 254 Maunday money. Plain edge, two types. First issue. Christo Au- spice Regno and linked Capital letter C types; various dates, 2 sets of 2nd type. 1 of first. Mainly very fine, some uncirculated. 12 pes. 255 Old type 2 pence. Value behind head. Abt. Fine. 256 1685-88 JAMES II. Crown. Bust to left. IACOBVS II. DEI. GRA- TIA. Rx. Four shields in form of cross, crowned at end of each limb. MAG. BR. FRA: ET. HIB. REX. 1688. Extremely fine, about uncirculated. Edge lettered. Plate. B.M. 743. Plate. 257 1685. Shilling. Same types. Uncirculated. Plate. BM. 745. 258 Maunday set 1, 2, 3, 4 pence. 1686-7. Numerals of value on rev. of each. V.F. to Unc. 4 pes. 259 (1688-94). William & Mary 1694. Half Crown. Busts jugata to r. Names, titles. Rx. Shield crowned MAG. BR. etc. Uncirculated and sharp. Plate. 260 16 93. Shilling. Busts r. Rx Shields in cross form. Abt. Unc. 261 Set of Maunday 1, 2, (2), 3, 4, 1589-93. Mostly Unc. 5 pes. 262 (1694-1702). William III. Crown. Bust to r, name, title. Rx. Similar to James II crown. Very fine. Plate. 263 1696. Shilling. Same types. Uncirculated. Iridescent color. Plate. 264 Maunday 1, 3 and 4 pence 1700, etc. VF. to Unc. 3 pes. 265 (1702-1714). Anne. Crown. Bust to left. ANNA. DEI. GRATIA. Vigo under bust. Rx. Similar to preceding crown. Note. — The gold and silver coins of 1702 and 3 were struck from bullion taken from the Spanish galleons captured in Vigo Bay, the 12th Oct. 1702. Plate. BM. 790, without lovelock on shoulder. About uncircu- lated. Rare. 266 1711. Shilling. Same types. Uncirculated. 267 1703-10. Maunday set 1, 2, 3, 4D and 6 pence of 1703. Uncircu- lated. 5 pes. 268 (1714-27). George I. Crown. Bust to r. Name, titles. Rx. Shield, cross form, plumes and roses in angles. Crown. Very fine. Rare. Plates. 269 1723. Shilling. Rx. S. S. Co. (South Sea Company) in angles, on account of the silver being supplied by the South Sea Company. Unc. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 27 270 Maunday set 1, 2, 3 and 4. 1717-23. Unc. 5 pes. 271 (1727-60). George II. Crown. Old head to 1. LIMA under bust . Struck by the government from bullion taken by Admiral Anson from the Spaniards in South America during his famous voyage around the world (1739-43). Name, titles. Rx. like preceding crown. Uncirculated. Plate. 272 1746. Half crown. Similar types 1758, shilling; and six pence. Ex. fine to Uncirculated, choice. 3 pes. 273 Maunday set 1 (2), 2, 3, 4d, various dates, VF to Unc. 5 pes. 274 1739-58. Shillings, plumes and no plumes; 1757. six pence. Ex. F., two are uncirculated. 3 pes. 275 (1760-1820). 1787. George HI. Shilling; crowns in angles. Unc.; Maunday sets, 1st, 2nd and last types, 1,2, 3 and 4 pence; wire money set not complete. All Uncirculated. 17 pes. 276 (1820 J 30). George IV. Crown. Head to left by (B.P.). Rx. St. George and Dragon. Type by B. Pistrucci; blank field, date In exergue. Uncirculated. 277 1825-6. Shillings, two types, Garter shield and lion type. Uncircu- lated. 2 pes. 278 Maunday set Head, L. Numerals of value on reverse 1, 2, 3, 4D, dates 1825-7, several dups. Unc. & proof. 7 pes. 279 1830-37). William IV. 1833-37. Maunday set 1 to 4 D, 1 regular issue 4 pence. Unc. 6 pes. 280 (1837-1901). Victoria. 1847. Celebrated Gothic Crown. Bust to left in rich dress, low-necked. Name, title in Gothic letters. Rx. Cross form with shields in angles Latin inscription. Edge plain. Proof. Rare. Plate. 281 1857. Shilling. Bust 1. Rx. Value; same, 6 pence. Unc. 2 pes. 282 Maunday sets, two types, one voiled 1, 2, 3, 4. Unc. and Pf. 10 pes. COINS OP SCOTLAND. 283 (16 01). James VI. Sword and sceptre Piece. Shield crowned. IACOBVS 6 D.G.R. SCOTORVM Mark a rose. Rx. Sword and sceptre crossed; in field crown, thistles and date. SALVS. POPVLI. SVPREMA. LEX.BM. 130. Metal, Gold. Fine. Plate. SCOTCH SILVER COINS. 284 (A.D. 1165-1214). William The Lion. Penny. Head to left. + LE REI WILAM. Rx. Short double cross, star in agles. DVE WALTER. (Perth). B,M. No. 7. Very good. Rare. 28 EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 285 1214-49). Alexander II. Penny, 4th Coinage. Bust 1. + ALEXAN- DER RAX. Rx. Long cross, stars in angles. REX SCOTORVM, two types with 5 and 6 pointed mullets. Plate. Fine. 2 pes. 286 (1240-1285). .Alexander III. Penny, 3rd coinage. Name, title Rx. Cross, mullets. JOHAN ON PER (Perth). Fine and very rare. Type BM. 10. Plate. 287 (1292). John Baliol. Bust 1. Name, title. Rx. Cross, similar to pre- ceding types. CIVITAS SANDREE. BM. 20. Rare. VGood. 288 (A.D. 1306-29). Robert Bruce. Head to 1. Name, titles. Rx. Types similar. REX SCOTORVM. Fine. Rare. BM. 25. Plate. 289 (1371-90). Robert II. Head 1, holding sceptre. ROBERTVS etc. Rx. Cross, mullets. Edinburg mint. BM. 32. Fine. Plate. 290 (1329-71). David U. Types like last. Groat. Very fine. BM. 30. 2nd coinage. V. Fine. Plate. 291 Pennies. Types similar to preceding. Very fine. 2 pes. 292 Another. Very fine. Plate. 293 (A.D. 1390-1406). Robert HI. Groat. Bust facing. Rx. Cross. Edinburg mint. Fine. Type BM. 41. 294 (1406-37). James I. Pennies. J. D. G. Rosa Sine Spina. Rose. Rx. Thistle. TVEATVR VNITA DEVS. VGood. 2 pes. 295 (1514-42). James V. Groat. Bust to r. IACOBVS V. DEI. REX. SCOTORV +. Long cross fourchee, with shield. B.M. 87. Edin- burg. Fine. Rare. Plate. 296 (1542-67). Mary Stuart. 1565 Ryal, or crown in silver. Shield, with Scottish arms, crowned. MARIA & HENRIC DEI GRA. R. &. R. SCOTORV. Rx.. A palm-tree; a crown above it DAT GLORIA VIRES; trunk dividing date. EXVRGAT. DEVS. ET. DISSIPENTR. INIMICI EI. Fine. V. Rare. Known as the Crookston Dollar. See BM. No. 118. Plate. 297 1558. Testoon. 3rd Issue. Obv. Shield crowned between M.R. + MARIA. D. G. SCOTORV REGINA 1558. Rx. Cross potent with plain cross in each angle. + IN VIRTVTE TVA LIBERIA ME 1558. Very fine. B.M. 101. .Plate. V. Rare. 298 Plack. Thistle crowned divides M.R. Cross, two stars. EDINBURGI rev. Unc. Plate. 299 Another, different workmanship. EDINBVRG reverse. Unc. Plate. 300 Billon Hardhead. M. Crowned. Lion. VG. TRISH SILVER COINS. 301 (A.D. 989-1029). Sihtric III. Well struck head to left, + SIHTRC REX DVFLIN. Rx. Rx. Long cross. FAEREMIN MO DYFLI. BM. No. 4. About Unc. Choice and rare. Plate. EARLY BRITISH SILVER COINS 29 302 Another, differs, ornaments in cross angles, legend blundered. Ex. F. Plate. 303 (1199-1216). John. Bust facing in triangle. IOHANNES REX. Rx. Flaming star and crescent in triangle. ROBARD ON DIVA. Dub- lin. Fine. BM. 10. .Plate. 304 Half Pence, 1 as Lord of Ireland; another as King. Rxs. Cross and Triangle. VGood. Rare. B.M. 7 and 12. 2 pes. 305 (1216-1272). .Henry III. Head in triangle. HENRICVS REX. III. Rx. Long cross pommee, voided, pellet in centre and 3 in each angle. RICARD ON DIVE (Dublin). BM. 14. Fine. Scarce. .Plate. 306 (A.D. 1272). Edward I. Head facing in triangle. EDWR. ENGL. DNS. HYB. Cross pattee, pellets in angles. CIVITAS WATERFOR. Fine. 307 (1509-47). Henry VIII. .Groat, let type. HENRIC. VIII. D.G. R. AGLIA.Z. MM. Crown. Shield. Arms of England on cross fourchee. Rx. FRANCE DOMINUS: HIBERNIE. Harp, crowned between H and K. (Henry and Katharine of Aragon). B.M. 51. Fine. Plate. 308 Groat. 2nd issue. Same general types. H-R. on reverse. Fine. Plate. ENGLISH COPPER COINS, PATTERNS AND SPECIAL ISSUES. 309 Commonwealth. Farthing, in Copper. Three Pillars linked together, bearing respectively a cross, a harp and thistle; under the pillars the letter R. THVS, VNITED. INVINCIBLE. Rx. A ship in full sail; MM. a mullet AND. GOD. DIRECT. OVR. COVRSE. Very fine. .Very rare. See Montagu's Copper, Tin and Bronze Coinage of England. P. 30. No. 5. Plate. Montagu gives this as Rarity 6 ! This grading may be considered conservative. 310 (1654). Obv. A shield with a cross fourchee; above it a garland containing the letters T.K. Legend: % OVNCE.OFFINE PEWTR. Rx. A shield with the Irish harp; above it, a garland. From the center of the shield, a sun's rays extending through the shield to the inner circle. FOR. NECESSARY. CHANGE. Pattern for a farthing. Fine. Very rare. Plate. Montagu P. 31. No. 7. Rar- ty 6! 311 Copy of the farthing. Obv. A shield with St. George cross. ENG- LAND'S FARDIN. Rx. Shield, with harp. FOR NECESSARY CHANGE. With brass insert in the middle. Shown Monttgu P. 29, No. 3. Mr. Miller had this piece among his coins, but I do not guarantee it to be genuine. (T.L.E.) 30 ENGLISH COPPER COINS 312 1673. Charles II. Great rarity in error or pattern farthing. Head to left as on adopted type but reading: CAROL VS. A. CAROLA. Rx. Britannia seated to left, BRITANNIA. Date in exergue. Near- ly fine. See Montagu p. 39, note for this rarity. Said to be not , over ten known! Plate. 313 16 65. Pattern farthing in silver. Bust to left. CAROLVS.A.CA- ROLO. Date in exergue, extra broad beaded border end deep edge milling. Rx. Britannia seated to left like regular type. QUATUOR MA — RIA. VINDICO; In exergue, BRITANNIA. Proof. Very rare thus. Montagu. Page 49, No. 18. 314 Another, broad milling in copper. Good. Rare. 315 A third, smaller flan and narrow border. Copper. Very fine. Rare. 316 James II. Tin Half Penny. Bust to r, IACOBVS SECVNDVS; a cop- per plug inserted in center. Rx. Britannia seated to left. BRITAN — NIA. Edge: NVMMORVM FAMVLVS 1686. Bright uncirculated, mint, state. One of the rarest English coins in this wonderful preservation. Plate. Montagu. P. 60. No. 1. 317 William & Mary. Tin Half Penny. Busts to r, Names, titles. Rx. Britannia seated to 1. BRITAN — NIA. Good, but part of date off. Rare. 318 Farthings, same material and design, 1690. Fairly good for these coins. 2 pes. 319 William and Mary Pattern half Penny. Small head of William to r GVLIELMVS III DEI GRATIA. Rx. Bust of Maria to right. MARIA II DEI GRATIA. Edge plain and undated. See Montagu, P. 65, No. 3 (See Snelling Copper Coins, PI. 8, No. 1.) Extremely fine. V. Rare. Plate. 320 Farthing. Bust of William to r. GVLIELMVS III. DEI GRA. Rx. Bust of Maria to r. MARIA. II. DEI GRA. Broad beaded border, edge plain. Thick flan. Copper, about uncirculated. V. Rare. Montagu P. 70. 15. Plate. 321 Same exactly, but thinner flan. About Uncirculated. V. Rare. M.P. 70.15. Plate. 322 Farthing. Bust to r, small letters MARIA II DEI GRA. Rx. a rose EX. CANDORE DECVS. Edge plain. About Uncirculated. Cop- per. Rare. M. P. 71.18. Plate. 323 1697. William III (Alone). Very rare pattern half penny. Mon- tagu gives a description of a piece very similar but not exactly like this, on page 73, No. 25. Obv. Bust of king to r, GVLIELMVS III. DEI. GRA. The bust and locks near to lettering but do not touch it. The Montagu piece is stated to have lettering touch bust. ENGLISH COPPER COINS 31 Rx. Arms in cross form, "the Dutch lion on a shield of pretence in the Centre.'' MAG. BR. FRA. ET. HIB REX. 1697. Edge plain. Please note also that this coin is dated 1697, while the speci- men mentioned in Montagu is dated 1791. There is no question of the genuineness of this piece, which so far as I can see, is unlisted. Diameter 29 MM. About fine. The coin shows actual circulation. Plate. 324 1713. Anne. Farthing. Small flan, thick flan, thick type. Obv. Bust to left. ANNA. DEI. GRATIA. Rx. Britannia, to left, hold- ing olive branch. BRITANNIA. 1713. Edge plain.| Proof, partly red. V. Rare. M. P. 81. 11. Plates. 325 1714. Farthing. Small bust to left. ANNA DEI GRATIA (no punc- tuation ( Rx. Britannia seated to left. BRITAN — NIA. In exergue, 1714. Edge plain. Uncirculated, half red. Not listed or illustra- ted in Montagu. Ex. Rare. Plate. 326 Pattern Half Penny. Bust of Anna, draped to left. ANNA. D. G. MAC. BR FR ET HIB REG (No punctuation). Rx. Britannia seated to left on a plain field; a crown above her. Edge plain. See Montagu. P. 79. 3. Fine. Very rare. Plate. 327 1730. George H. Rare error Half Penny. Bust 1. GEOGIVS II REX. Rx. Same as regular issue. Uncirculated, glossy brown color. V. Rare. Plate. 328 1772. George III. Rare error half penny. Bust to r, as on regular type. GEORIVS HI. REX. Rx. as on regular issue. Uncirculated, glossy brown. Very rare. Plate. 329 1788. Pattern Half Penny by Droz. Beautiful bust to r, resem- bling the head on the half pence of Bermuda of same period GEOR- GIUS III. D. G. REX. D(roz) on bust. Rx. Britannia seated to left, holds staff. BRITANNIA. 1788. the date along border. A ship's rudder and palm branch in exergue. Edge: RENDER TO CESAR THE THINGS WHICH ARE CESARS. Gilt proof. In small capper, felt lined box as issued. M. P. 100. 3. Unc. Plate. 329a 1790. Half Penny. Head of George III, as on Bermuda half penny. GEORGIVS III. D. G. REX, on the shoulder, DROZ. Rx. Britannia std. to 1, by globe and shield, holding pole; with the other hand she points to left. BRITANNIA. In ex: 1790, and DR. F. Edge: guil- loche pattern. See Montagu P: 102, after No. 7, note. Copper, V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 330 1805. Ireland. George III. Regular issue. Penny. Copper proof. Brilliant red. Gem. Plate. 331 1805. Ireland. The Half Penny. Brilliant gilt proof. Plate. 32 ENGLISH COPPER COINS 332 1806. England. Regular type penny, date on obv. Brilliant bronze proof. .Rare. Plate. 333 1806. Half Penny. Brilliant gilt proof. Plate. 334 1806. Same as last, but copper proof; red. 335 1793. Bermuda. Head Geo. III. Rx. Sbip BERMUDA, date. Edge plain. Bronze proof. 336 1836. George IV. Regular issue. Half penny. Bronze proof. Rare. Plate. 337 1831. William IV. Proofs of penny and balf penny. Bronzed. Plate. 2 pes. PENCE. 337 1797. George III. Noted "Cart-wheel 2 Pence. Bust of king to r. Name, titles incuse on raised border. Rx. Britannia std to left. BRITANNIA 1797. on raised border. Weight 2 Oz. Medium brown proof, traces of redness. Rare state. Plate. 338 1797. Same type, Penny. Uncirculated glossy brown, proof sur- face, partly red. Rare state. Plate. 339 1807. George III, regular type. Uncirculated. 340 1825. George IV. Regular type. Uncirculated, half red. V. Rare state. 341 1826. Another, uncirculated, half red. Rare state. 342 1827. Geo. IV. Unc, dark brown. 343 1831 William IV. About Unc. brown, 1837 Ex. F. 2 pes. 344 1834. Bright red. Rare state. 345 1841. Victoria. Regular type. Unc, red. Rare state. 346 1843-4-5-6. Mostly Unc, 3 partly red. Rare state. 4 pes. 347 1847-8-9-50. Mostly Unc. 1 partly red. 4 pes. 348 1851-54-55, 2 Unc, partly red, 1 Unc. brown. 3 pes. 349 1853. Proof, partly red. Plate. 350 1856-57-58-59, All unc. 3 partly red. 4 pes. 351 1860. New type, smaller, thinner style (3) to 1869, incl. Includ die vafietiese, mostly Unc, red. 13 pes. 352 1870. Bright red proof, or proof surface and inclusive to 1880. Most- ly bright red, choice lot. 12 pes. 353 Others 1881 to end of reign, 1901, 2 types. Unc, red, choice lot. 22 pes. 354 Edward VII to 1910, inclusive; George V. to 1913, inclusive. All bright red. 1 2 pes. HALF pence. 355 1672. Charles H. Regular type. Head to 1. CAROLVS A. CAROLO. i Rx. Britannia std. to left BRITAN — NIA — date in exergue. Very- good. Rare. 356 1673. Half Penny. Glossy brown color, almost uncirculated. Very rare state. Seldom comes above good. 357 1675. Similar, but uncirculated, partly red. Excessively rare in this condition. Plate. 358 1694. William & Mary. Busts to r, jugata, names, titles. Rx. Simi- lar to last. About uncirculated, brown color. V. Rare state. Plate. 359 1694. Another, not so fine, but a fine example. 360 1695. William m. Bust to r. Name, title. Rx. Britannia std to 1. Legend thus: BRI TAN NIA. Fine, dark color. 361 1696. Another. Legend thus: BRITAN NIA. Good.; another, die differs. 2 pes. 362 1698. Larger flan and lettering. Rx. BRITAN N IA 1698 — the date back of Britannia and follows legend! Good. Very rare. Plate. 363 1699. Regular type. Head to r, on large flan. Rx. Small date in exergue. Uncirculated, glossy brown color. V. Rare state. Plate. 364 1700. Regular type. Fine. 365 1701. Obv. regular type. Rv. BRITAN NIA, the letter As are in- verted Vs! Date in exergue. Very good. V. Rare. Pattern? 366 1717. George I. Small, dump style half penny. Head to r GEOR- GIVS. REX. Rx. Britannia to left. BRITAN NIA — In exergue, 1717. Edge plain. Uncirculated, bright red. V. Rare state. Plate. 367 1718. Thick dump style but slight larger than last. Unc. brown color. Plate. 368 1718. Another, different die, same class. Unc, dark brown. 369 1719. Larger flan with inner circle, but not the largest sized flan. Uncirculated, red. Plate. 370 1719. Another, different die, same sized flan Unc, dark brown. 371 1720. Medium flan. Small, close date. Uncirculated, partly red. Plate. 372 1720. Same, wider date. Fine. 373 1721, over 1720. A clear over-date, largest size flan. Uncirculated. half red. V. Rare. Plate. 374 1722. Large fltn. V. Fine. 375 1723. Small, close date, large flan Ex. F. brown color. 376 1723. Wider date. Uncirculated, brown color. 377 1724. Largest flan. Uncirculated, red. Rare gem. Plate. 34 ENGLISH COPPER COINS 378 1724. Different die, large flan. Ex. fine, dark brown. 379 1729. George H. Head to 1. GEORGIVS. II. REX. Ex. Britannia seated to left BRITAN NIA. Date very small, 1729. Pattern. Proof, partly red. Exceedingly rare. Mentioned by Montagu in bis Copper Coins of England, page 89. Plate. 380 Regular issues, not as fine workmanship, larger letters and figures, 1730-1-2-35-7, some fine. 6 pes. 381 1734. Uncirculated, brigbt red. Rare state. Plate. 382 17&3, 1739. 2 var. of dies-40-42. VG. to Ex. fine. 5 pee. 383 1743. Uncirculated, brigbt red. Plate. 384 1744-46-47-49-50. Fine to Ex. fine, above average. 5 pes. 385 1746. Uncirculated, brigbt red. Plate. 386 1748. Uncirculated. Red. Rare state. 387 1752, 1753. Botb. Unc, brown color. 2 pes. 388 1754-57. Botb uncirculated. 2 pes. 389 1755-7. Both undoubtedly copies 1 Fine. 2 pes. 390 1770.. .George III. Types similar. Bust r. Uncirculated, partly red, proof surface. Plate. 391 1771. Another, Uncirculated, red. Plate. 392 1772. Uncirculated, partly red. 393 1773. Uncirculated, red. 394 1774. Uncirculated, red. Rare state. 395 1799. Bust to r, smaller style. Name, titles. Rx. Britannia to left. BRITANNIA — 1799 beneath figure. Bright red. 396 1806. New type. Bust to r. Name, titles, date beneath bust. Rx. Britannia to 1, BRITANNIA. Undated reverse. Unc. half red. 397 1807. Half. P. similar. Unc. 398 1825. George IV. Bust 1. Name, titles. Rx. Britannia std to r, etc. another 1826, 1 duplicate. Unc, red. 3 pes. 399 1831-34-37. William IV. Half P. Unc. 1 red. 3 pes. 400 1838. Victoria. Bust 1. Name, titles, date. Rx. Britannia std to r, as on last. Unc, red, bright. 401 Others, 1841-44-45-48. 3 Unc, red. 4 pes. 402 1853. Br. Proof. Very rare. Plate. 403 1851-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. Mostly Unc. red. Scarce lot. 9 pes. 404 1860, new type, to 1870, inclusive; 1872 to 1879 incl. Mostly Unc. red. 22 pes. 405 Others 1879 to 1901, inclusive, two styles of head. Unc. red. 23 pes. 406 Edward VII and Geo. I., to 1912 and two model coins of Victoria 1 and %D, with silvered centers. Unc, red. 12 pes. 35 FARTHINGS AND SMALLER. 407 Charles H. Finely executed bust to left. CAROL VS A CAROLO. BRIT AN NIA; date in exergue, 1671. Die broken over NI. Al- most Uncirculated. Rare state. 408 1672. Same type, different die, and an overdate. Fine. 409 1673. Another, die break over NI. Abt. Fine. 410 1675. Another, perfect die. Uncirculated, glossy brown. Scarce. 411 1674. Another, on a broad flan, close lettering, touching string at back of head. Rx. Small lettering closely spaced. Uncirculated, partly red. V. Rare gem. Plate. 412 1679. Ex. fine, also a farthing of Charles I., fine. 2 pes. 413 1694. William & Mary. Busts jugata to r. Uncirculated, partly red. Rare state. Plate. 414 1696. William m. Regular type. Fine. 415 1697-99. Large & small letters. Fine. 2 pes. 416 1699. Rarity with date after legend on reverse, the As inverted Vs. Fine. Plate. 417 1700. The regular type except the As on reverse inverted Vs. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 418 1717. George I. Smallest type GEORGIVS .REX Bust to r. Rx. Britannia to left. BRITA N NIA. Ex. fine, glossy dark brown. Plate. 419 1717. Another, slightly larger flan, very thick type GEORGIVS. REX. (Periods (2) on obverse. Rx. similar, period after A. Bright red. Proof! A gem. Plate. See Montagu P. 88 note for mention of proof of this year. 420 1718. Similar types, very broad grained rim. Struck on a very thin flan. Montagu mentions a very thin example for the year 1720, but does not mention 1718. Must be very rare. Unc. partly red. Plate. 421 1719. Example with very broad rim and beading, two periods on obv. Rx. similar. Uncirculated, glossy light brown. Plate. 422 1719. A break on the chin gives bearded effect. No periods on the reverse; the date overstruck. Uncirculated, glossy medium brown. 423 1719. As last, but perfect die. Uncirculated, partly red. Plate. 424 1720. Similar, two periods on obv. Rx. short figures in date. Unc. half red. Rare and choice. Plate. 425 1720. Same, longer figures in date. Uncirculated, glossy color. 426 1721. Evidently struck from an old or rusted die. V. Fine. 427 1722. Broad flan, beaded border. Uncirculated, light brown. Choice. 428 1723. Rx. sprig nearly touches A. Uncirculated, brown color. 438 1773. 439 1773. 440 1774. 441 1775. 442 1799. 36 ENGLISH COPPER COINS 429 1723. Rx. Sprig distant from A. breaks through letters. Unc. brown. 430 1724. Rx. Date touches base. Uncirculated, medium brown. 431 1730. George II. Old head. 3 periods on obverse. VFine. 432 1731. Same types. Uncirculated, bright red. Remarkable example, finest we have met with. Plate. 433 1732, 33, 35-36-37-49-50. Fine to V. Fine. 7 pes. 434 1744. Uncirculated, reddish brown. 435 1746. Choice uncirculated, brown example. Plate. 436 1754. No period after Britannia on reverse. Uncirculated, partly red. Plate. 437 1773. George HI. Three periods on obverse 1 on reverse, extra broad flan. Uncirculated, dark brown. Plate. Smaller flan. Bright red, uncirculated. Plate. Uncirculated, glossy brown. Uncirculated, glossy brown. Small flan, narrow marginal beading. Uncirculated. Plate. New type. Smaller bust, Rex added to title, date beneath. Rx. Britannia seated, name above; 1 FARTHING beneath. Edge engrailed. Brilliant red proof. Plate. 443 1806-7. New type. Bust to r. Rex. added, date beneath. Rx. Brit- tannia std, name above, value omitted; SOHO on base. Proof and i Unc. 2 pee. 444 1821. George IV. Head 1. Name title, 1 period. Rx. Britannia std to r. period after date, in exergue. Edge plain. Unc. 445 1822. Period after date. Proof. Rare. Plate. 446 1822. Same, also 1823, first Unc. last brown. Unc. 2 pes. 447 1825-26. Two more, bright red. Plate. 2 pes. 448 1826. Another type, date on obverse; stops at either side of date; shamrock sprig in exergue. Unc, light brown. Plate. 449 1827. 1828, 1829, 1830. Unc. Plate. 4 pes. 450 1831. William IV. Head r. Name, DEI GRATIA no periods, date beneath bust, W. W(yon) on bust. Rx. as Geo. IV. Bronze proof. Rare. Plate. 451 1831, 34, 35, 36. Unc. some partly red. 4 pes. 452 1837. Unc. red. Plate. 453 Victoria. First type farthings dates 1828-9,-40, etc. to '49, diff. Most- ly Unc, red. 11 pes. 454 Others, 1850, 52 to 58 incl. Mostly Unc 8 pes. ENGLISH COPPER COINS 37 455 Victoria. Farthings, about every date from 1860 to end of her reign, Edward VII and George V. Mostly Unc, red. Choice lot, remark- able as to condition and variety of dates. 50 pes. 456 George IV. 1828-30. Half farthings, 1827. Vz farthing. 1837. Wil- liam I Half farthing 1835. % Farthing. Mostly Unc. Scarce lot. 5 pes. 457 Victoria. Half farthings of 1839, 1842-43-44-47-51-52-53-54-56. Bright red. Unusual lot. 10 pes. 458 Third farthings of 1844 1866-68-76-78-81-84-85. VG. 4 Unc. red. 8 pes. 459 Model Half farthing 1887 (proof); quarter farthing 1839. Unc, red. 2 pes. 460 Quarter farthings, 1851-52-53. Unc. 3 pes. 461 Farthing of Charles I, sceptres; rose crowned, fine, and third farthing of Edward VII, date 1902, Unc, red. 2 pes. 462 Misc. Copper coins 1723. Isle of Man penny. Edge cleft, otherwise fine. Rare date. 463 1834. Ionian Islands Obolus. Unc, partly red. Geo. II and Victoria farthing various dates, dups from above lots and a few later pence and half pence of Cictoria. Some fine. 23 pes. IRISH COPPER COINS. 464 1601. Elizabeth. Square shield, between E.R. ELIZABETH. D. G. AN. FR. ET. HIBER. MM. Star. Rx. Harp crowned dividing date 16 — 01. Fine. Rare. BM. No. 69. 465 1601. Half Penny. Same as the penny, but smaller and HIB for HIBER. Fine. Rare. BM. 70. 466 James I. Farthings. Sceptres through crown. IACO. D:G. etc. Rx. Harp, crowned. Fine. 3 pes. 467 Charles I. Farthings. Same general types as last. Fine. 2 pes. 468 1680. Charles n. Half Penny. Bust r. Name, title. Rx. Harp, crowned. Fine. Scarce. Made by Sir. T. Armstrong & Col. Legg, by patent. Plate. 469 1681. Half Penny. Same type, large letters and figures. Abt. Fine. 470 1682. Half Penny, as last, but lettering and figures decidedly smaller. Fine to very fine. Rare. Plate. BMColl. 106. 471 1683. Type as last. Fine. Scarce. 472 1686. James II. Half. Penny. Same types. Bust to 1. Fine. Scarce. 473 1688. Half Penny. Fine. Scarce. 474 1690. William & Mary. Half Penny. Busts to r, Jugata. Harp crowned, etc. Fair; another dated 1694, latter very good. 2 pes. 38 IRISH COPPER COINS 475 1692. Half Penny. Very fine, medium glossy brown color. Ex. fine. Rare. Plate. 476 1693. Half Penny. Similar. Very fine. 477 1696. William III (alone). Half Penny. Bust r. Rx. similar to last, two dies, G. and V. Good. Scarce. 2 pee. SERIES n. MONEY OF NECESSITY, 1689-1691. Popularly Known as "Gun Money." Note. — According to B. M. Hand-book its value was merely nominal, and the issue was not to be continued for any length of time. The metal in old brass cannon was used in their manufacture, whilst in Ireland the popular name was "Brass Money", any of the Crowns were restruck on the large half crowns. The gun money issued during the four months from July to October, 1690, was coined at Limerick by James's adherents. The six pence was the earliest of this coinage and was first struck in 1689. See illustrations in British Museum Handbook Plates LXII and LXIII; also Mailliet's Monnaies Obsidionales Et De Necessite PI. LXI. While the B. M. Handbook gives June as the first month in 1689 that the six pence was struck, which denomination it further states was the earliest one of these coins struck, kindly note that we have in this collection a six pence clearly dated January, 1689, and others of earlier dates than June, 1689. T.L.E. 478 James II. Six pence. Bust to left, IACOBVS. II. DEI GRATIA. Rx. Sceptres pass through crown; above same VI; below same Jan. Leg- end; MAG. BR. FRA. ET. HIB. REX. 1689. Sceptres divide J. R. Good. Must be rare, as this coinage is stated to have commenced later (June). 479 1689. Six Pence. Same design, but finer workmanship and the thin- nest flan I have ever noticed in a piece of this money. Uncircu- lated. Very rare state. Month July. Plate. 480 1689. Six pence. August. Very good. 481 1689. Six Pence. November. Very good. 482 1689. Six Pence. December. Very fine. Plate. 483 1689. Shilling. Larger head to left. Inscriptions and types similar to six pence; beneath sceptres JAN. Uncirculated, remarkable speci- men. Very rare. Plate. 484 1689. Shilling. February. Good. Rare. 485 1689. Shilling. July; another, Sept. Fine. 2 pes. 486 1689. Shilling. August. V. Fine. 487 1689. Shilling. September Mark 9 instead of Sept. About Unc. Plate. GUN MONEY 39 488 1689. Shilling. October, 2 with OCT, and 1 with "10.'' VGood. 3 pes, 489 1690. Half crown. Same types, but XXX over sceptres. Mar. V. Fine. 490 1689. Half Crown. Aug. Fine to very fine. 491 1689. Half Crown. Sept. Almost uncirculated. Very rare example. Plate. 492 1689. Half Crown. Dec. Ex. fine, almost Unc. Plate. 493 1690. Shilling Large types. V. Fine. Apr. Plate. 494 1690. Shilling. Large type, January, also reduced type May Fine. 3 pes. 495 1690. Shilling June, VGood. 496 1690. April. Half Crown, broad type. Apr. Very fine. Plate. 497 1690. Half Crown. Mar. Large type. Fine. 498 1690. Half Crown. Small, reduced type. May. Very fine. Plate. 499 16 90. Half Crown. June, similar. Fine. 500 1690. Crown. The King riding to left. Name, titles. Rx. Shields in cross form, crown in center; in angles ANO DOM — 16 — 90. CHRISTO. VICTORE. TRTVMPHO. Very fine. Plate. BM. 108. Mailliet PI. LXII. No. 103. Plate. 501 Limerick Money. 1691. Half Penny. Obv. Bust of king 1, draped. IACOBUS. II. DEI. GRATIA. Rx. Hibernia seated to 1, resting 1. hand on harp. Brass., or gun metal. Over struck Ex. fine. Very rare thus. Plate. B.M.116. Mailliet PI. LXII. 110. Note. — These half pence, according to B.M. Cat., were struck at Limerick after James's flight and during the siege of that place. They were common- ly called "Hibernias" and generally restruck on gun metal shillings of both sizes." 502 Another, fine, but poorly struck as usual. REGULAR SERIES OF IRISH HALF PENCE & SMALLER COINS. 503 1736. George n. Half Penny. Naked bust 1. Georgius II. Rev. 3 periods. Rx. Harp crowned. HIBERNIA — 1736. Ex. fine. Plate. 504 1742, 1743, 1744, 1749 Half P. VG. to F. 1 or 2 copies. 4 pes. 505 1750. Half P. V. Fine. 506 1760. Another, much older head. Very fine. Plate. 507 1738-44. Farthings. Same type as last, the last Ex. fine. Plate. 2 pes. 508 1760. Remarkable example. Uncirculated, partly red. Plate. 40 IRISH COINS 509 1766. George III. Half Penny. Bust to r. Mane, GEORGIVS. III. REX. Rx. Harp, crowned HIBERNIA, 17-66 About Unc. Plate. 510 1769. Others, different dies. Fine & V. F. 2 pes. 511 1775. New type, larger head, smaller lettering and figures, same in- scription. Rx. similar. Fine. 512 1781. Another, extremely fine. Plate. 513 1782. Unusual example. Uncirculated half red. Plate. 514 1805. Half Penny. New type. Smaller head, large letters. Rx. Small harp, crowned; also farthing same type 1806. Unc. 2 pes. 515 1822-23. George IV. Half pence Ex. F. & Unc. 2 pes. SCOTCH COPPER COINS. 516 Charles I. Turners, farthing size; C. R. crowned, etc. Thistle. 2 sizes, Good. Rare. 2 pes. 517 Charles n. Bust 1, name, titles. Thistle crowned Bawbee, or six- penny, G. (B.M. 208). also Turners & bodle, 1677, etc. G. and VG. 4 pes. 518 William (in) and Mary. Bodies, 1691-2-3. G. and VG. 3 pes. 519 William m. Alone. 1692. Bawbee. Bust. Crowned thistle; bodies, 1695-7. Good. 3 pes. SECTION n. THE COINS OF ANCTENT ROME. SILVER COINS OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC. OF DENARIUS SIZE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. THE COINS ARE CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE SPLENDID WORK BY M. ERNEST BABELON, OF PARIS, DES MONNAIES DE LA REPUBLIQUE ROMAINE. A FEW WORDS ON THE DENARIUS. ! "This coin," says Stevenson, "derived its appellation a denis assibus (from ten asses), for which it used to be exchanged, weighing a pound each, as they did at the time when silver first began to be coined at Rome, namely, in B.C. 269. According to Pliny it was established that the de- narius should be given in exchange for ten pounds of brass, the quinarius for five pounds and the sestertius for two pounds and a half. ROMAN SILVER 41 In B.C. 217 when the As was reduced in weight to one ounce, it was established that the denarius should be given in exchange for sixteen asses, the quinarius for eight, the sestertius for four." Various writers have compared the denarius to Greek drachms in their relative value, and indi- cate that the two coins had about the same value and weight. Under the successors of Augustus they were reduced far below their original weight. The principal types of the Family Roman denarii are those bearing the helmeted head of Rome and a quadriga on the reverse. Mr. Ackerman, a well known English numismatic writer, quoting from St. Matthew, where ,we find in the twentieth chapter and fifth verse the words "a penny a day", observes, "the penny here mentioned was the denarius which, at the time of our Lord's ministry was equivalent in value to about seven pence half penny (15 cents in U. S. money) of our (English) money. With the decline of the Roman Empire, the denarius was by degrees debased, and the later Emperors who issued them sometimes plated copper over with tin or silver to make them pass for the origintl denarii. "This reduction went on, after the division of the empire, until the denarius, once a beautiful medalet, be- came a coin of very inferior execution, low relief, and reduced thickness and .weight. The term denarius is yet preserved in our (English) notation of pounds, shillings and pence by L. S. D." In olden times in England "a penny a day" appears to have been "the pay of a field laborer; whilst among the Romans (see Tacitus Abb. lib. 1. c. 17) the daily pay of a soldier was a denarius!" So there is nothing new under the sun and history repeats. The coin referred to in St. Matthew by Jesus Christ was the denarius of Tiberius, one of which may be found in perfect preservation in this collection. The following collection of denarii is the largest and finest ever offered in the United States. EARLY REPUBLICAN SILVER. 520 Double denarius. Janiform head. Rx. Chariot, Jupiter driving. ROMA incused. Babelon 23 (p. 21). V. Fine. Plate. 521 Similar, but smaller, thicker. B. 24 (p. 22) VF. Plate. 522 (B.C. 96). Social War. Head of Italia to left. Rx. Warrior taking oath on a pig. V.F. Rare. Plate. 523 Head of Apollo to r. Rx. Jupiter in Quadriga. B. 226. V. Fine. 524 Head of Roma, helmeted to r. Rx. Victory in biga to r ROMA. Ex. F. Babelon 6. Plate. 525 Quinarius. Head of goddess of Rome to r, helmeted. Rx. The dios- curi to r. ROMA. B. 3. Ex. fine. Plate. 42 FAMILY DENARII. 526 Aburia. Helmeted head. Rx. Chariot. B. 6. Fine; Acilia. Head r in double circle. M. ACILIVS. M. F. Rx. Quadriga. ROMA, last abt. Unc. B. 4. Plate. 2 pes. 527 Acilia. Head of Health, r SALVS. Rx. Same standing holding ser- pent. M. ACILIVS III. VIR. VALETV. B. 8. Abt. Unc. Plate. 528 Accoleia. Head r. P. ACCOLEIVS LARISCOLVS. Statutes of three nymphs. Uncirculated. Plate. B.l. 529 Aelia. Head r., helmeted. Rx. P. POETVS ROMA. B. 3. Almost Unc; Another. Head with hair bound, to r. Rx. Chariot. E. ALLI. B. 4. Ex. F. 2 pes. 530 (B.C. 112). Aemilia. Head Roma r. Rx. N. AEMILIO LEP. B. 7; Another. Same 1. to r. ins. In Exerg. REX ARETAS. Rx. Char- iot 1. PVPSAE AED CVR etc. B. 8; a third somewhat like last. B. 9 a fourth. Veiled head r. PAVLLVS LEPIDVS CONCORDIA, etc. B. 10. Mostly. V.F. 4 pes. 531 Afrania. Head r. helmeted. Rx. Chariot r. SAFRA etc. Ex. F.B. 1; Antestia. Same types. CRAG. Rx. L. ANTES. ROMA. F. B. 9. 2 pes. 532 Antia. Aged male head r, Antiue Restio. Name. Rx. Hercules nude stdg. C. ANTIVS C.F. Ex. fine. V. Rare. B. 1. Plate. 533 Another. Two heads r. DEI PENATES. Rx. Hercules. C. ANTIVS C. F. Rare as last. Fine. 534 Antonia. Head Saturn. Quadriga. B. 1. Abt. Unc. 535 Appiileia. B. 1. Aquilia. VIRTVS III. VIR. B. 2; Atilia B. 1, 8 & 9 F. to Ex. fine. 5 pes. 536 Atilia. Head of Rome r. Rx. Victory in biga r. L. ATILI. NOM. (Rated at 50 francs by Babelon whose figures must be considered conservative and he figured on 19.3 cents per franc also.) Plate. V. Fine. 537 Aurelia. Head r. COTA. Rx. M. AVRELI ROMA. Fine. (10 Fes). B. 16. V.F. 538 Axsia. Head Mars R. NASO. Rx. Biga drawn by deers AXSIVS. V. Fine. (30 Fes). V. Rare. B. 2. Plato. 539 Baebia. Head 1. TAMPIL. Rx. Roma etc. B. 12; Caecilia. Head r. Rx. M. METELLVS P. F. in circle. B. 28; Another, head r. Jupi- ter, driving biga of elephants to 1. B. 14. V.F. Plate. 3 pes. 540 Others, B. 30, 43, latter with lephant to 1 on rev. VF. Plate. 2 pes. 541 Others. Head Piety r. Rx. Litvvs and Praefericvlvm in with. B. 44. Ex. F. Plate. ROMAN SILVER 43 542 Head Apollo r. Rx. Victory crowning std figure. Ex. F. B. 45; an- other, head of Jupiter to r, bearded. Q. METEL PIVS. Rx. Ele- phant r. SCIPIO IMP. Uncirculated. B. 47. (6 Fes). Plate. 543 Calidia. Usual types. B. 1; Calpurnia. Usual type, head Rome r. Two horsemen (dioscuri). Anthon Sale (May 5, 1884). B. 1. (5 Fes). F. 2 pes. 544 Same: head Apollo. Horsemen galloping to r. B. 11; another, quin- arius. Head r. Victory stdg. B. 13. Both VF. 2 pes. 545 Carisia. Head r. Quadriga r. B. 3. VF; Cassia. Regular types, helmeted head and quadriga. B. 1 a third, B. 7. Rx. Eagle on thunderbolt. VF. 3 pes. 546 Cassia. Head Liberty to r, fine style. CASSIVS LIBERT. Rx. Temple of Vesta A. C. B. 8 Ex. F. Plate. 547 Others, B. 4, 6, 10, the last, head of Vesta to 1. Rx. Man depositing a man or vote. Fine. 3 pes. 548 Cipia. Head Rome. Rx. Biga. B. 1. .Claudia. Usual types. B. 1. VF. 2 pes. 549 (B.C. 84). Claudia. Head of Diana. Rx. Victory. B. 5. another, Head of Consul M. Clavd. Marcellvs to r; back of his head in field a triquetra (as on the coins of the Isle of Man). MARCELLINVS. , Rx. The consul placing the spoils of the Gavlois Viridomar in the temple of Jupiter. B. 11. A highly interesting coin. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 550 Claudia. Head Apollo r. Rx. Diana & torches. B. 15. Unc. a gem coin. Plate. 551 Radiate head to the Sun. Rx. 5 stars, crescent. Ex. F. B. 17. Plate. 552 Cloiilia. Usual types. Head. Biga B. 1; another, quinarius, B. 2, Jupiter. Rx. Victory, etc. F. 2 pes. 553 Coelia. Head r. Dioscuri. B.l; another. Victory 1. Biga, B.2; a third. Head 1. Biga. F. to V.F. 3 pes. 554 Considia. Head r. Temple of Eryx; another, B.7, Head 1. Quadriga. VF. 2 pes. 555 Cordia. Two heads r. Venus with Cupid on her shoulder. B.l.; another, B.3, head r. Rx. Dolphin. F. 2 pes. 556 Cornelia. Head. Biga. P. SVLA. ROMA., Unc. B. 1. Plate. 557 Another. Head r. Jupiter, Juno, Pallas. B. 19; Another. Head Sa- turn 1. Quadriga. B. 24; a third, B.25. Head of Hercules. Rx. Goddess of Rome, crowned by genius, last abt. Unc. Plate. 558 Another. Head of Venus L. SVLLA. Rx. Lituus, etc.; another. Head of Venus. Double cornucopis. B. 33, the last very rare, both prac- tically Unc. Plate. 2 pes, 44 ROMAN SILVER 559 Another, head of Mars. Rx. Victory in biga. LENT. B. 50. F; an- other, Genius of Rome. Rx. LENT OVR etc. B. 55 Ex. F. 2 pes. 560 Hercules to right in lion's skin, as on coins of Alexander III. S.C. etc. Rx. Globe and 4 wreaths. Unc. Scarce. Plate. B. 61. 561 Another. Head r. Three trophies facing B. 63. Rare. V.F., also B. 64; Jupiter standing nude LENT, etc. Rx. Triquetra Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 2 pes. 562 Cosconia. Head r. Biga. B. 1. Scarce. Abt. F. 563 Cossutla. Head Medusa to 1. Rx. Bellerophon on pegasus. B. 1. Rare. V. Fine. Plate. 564 Crepusia. Head r. Rx. Cavalier mounted. B.l. Unc. Plate. 565 Another, very rare. Bust of Amphitrite to r. Rx. Neptune in sea- horse biga to r. M. Creper M.F. ROCVS. Fine. Babelon No. 2. (Priced by him at 45 francs!) Plate. 56 6 Cupiennia. Head. Dioscuri. B. 1. VF. Curiatia. Head. Quadriga. B. 1. Last Unc. Rare. Plate. 567 Ourtia. Usual type, VF. B. 2; Decimla. Head Biga. B. l.F. 2 pes 568 Didia. Head, Concord . Rx. Villa publica. B.l. Rare & fine. 569 Domitia. Head, Rome. Quadriga. B. 7. Ex. F. 570 Another Bust to r, AHENOBAR. Rx. Trophy on prow. CN DOMI (tius) IMP. B. 21. (20 Francs). V. Rare. Fine. Plate. 571 Egnatuleia. Quinarius. Head r. Victory before trophy. B.l. Ex. F. 572 Egnatia. Head r. Rome & Venus. B. 2. Another, bust of Cupid winged to r. MAXIMVS. Rx. Distyle temple. C. EGNATIVS, etc. B. 3, last rare. Fine. 2 pes. 573 Fabia. Head Rome r. LABEO ROMA. Jupiter in quadriga r. B. 1.; another. Head r. Cornucopia. B. 5; Head r. Victory seated to 1. B. 11. Ex. F. 2 scarce. 3 pes. 574 Another. Veiled Cybele to r. Rx. Biga r. Ex. F. Fannia. Head r. Quadriga. B. 1. F. 2 pes. 575 Farsuleia. Head r. Biga. B. 2; another, Flaminia. Winged head to r. Rx. Victory. B. 1. Last about Unc. 2 pes. 576 Fonteia. Double headed Jupiter. Rx. Galley. B.l. Abt. Unc. Plate. 577 Another Head Apollo to r. Rx. Cupid riding a goat. B.ll; Another, Mars to r. Rx. Cavalier. B. 17, latter rare and V. F. Plate. 2 pes. 578 Fufia. Honor and Valor to r. Rx. Rome giving hand to Italy. B. 1. Rare. Fine. 579 Fundania. Head Roma to r he, meted. Rx. Marius in quadriga. B. 5. Rare. V. Fine. 580 Fulvia. Usual types, B. 1. Furia. Janiform head. Victory before trophy. B. 18. Last ex. fine. 2 pes. ROMAN SILVER 45 681 Another of last family. Head of Cybele to r. Rx. Curule chair. B. 19. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 582 Another. Head of Ceres to r. Rx. Curule chair & fasces. B.23. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 583 GeUia. Head r. Rx. Quadriga r. C. N. GrEL. ROMA. Fine. B. 1. 584 Hosidia. Head of Diana to r. GETA III. VIR. Rx. Rx. Boar at- tacked by dog. C. HOSID.C.F. B.l. Ex. Fine. Plate. 585 Another. Type similar to last. B.2. Ex. F. and scarce number.Plate. 586 Herreirnia. Head of Piety to r. Amphinomus carrying another. M. HERENNI. B. 1. Abt. Unc. Plate. 587 Head of Pallor with streaming hair and bearded to r. Rx. Biga. B. 2. Ex. F. Plate. 588 Another, head of Pavor with long hair. Rx. Ephesian Diana stand- ing. B. 4. Rare. V. Fine. 589 Another, diademed and crowned head of Venus r. Rx. Victory with trophy and caduceus. B. 5. Ex. fine. Scarce. Plate. 590 Julia Gens. (Family of Julius Caesar). Winged head of Minerva r. behind, an anchor. Rx. Biga r. SEX. IVLI CAESAR. Babelon 2. Scarce. Fine. 591 L. Julius Caesar. Helmeted head of Rome to r. Rx. Biga r. LIVLI. B. 3. About Unc. Plate. 592 L. Julius Bursio. Apollo to r. Rx. Quadriga r. Name. B.5. Ex. F. 593 Head of Venus to r, hair tied at back. Rx. Aeneas carrying Anchises from the ruins of Troy. CAESAR. B.10. Abt. Unc. Plate. 594 Junia. Head of Rome to r. Rx. Dioscuri. C. INVI. C. F. ROMA. B.l; another. Rome to r. Rx. Victory in Biga r. D. SILANVS L.F. ROMA. B. 15. Ex. F. 2 pes. 595 Junia. Head of L. Junius. Brutus. Rx. Bust of his ancestor. AHALA. B.30. Ex. F. Plate. 596 Head of Liberty to r. LIBERTAS. Rx. The son of Brutus guarded by Lictors in procession, the guard carrying arms. BRVTVS. B.31. Remarkably fine. Plate. 597 Iiicinia. Head L. Rx. Voting scene. B.7. Abt. F; Another, Apollo to 1. Rx. Quadriga. C. LICINIVS MACER. B. 16; F. 2 pes. 598 Another, Head of Venus diademed to r. Rx. Roman chevalier by horse. P. CRASSVS M. F. Ex. F. B. 18. Rare. Plate. 599 Livineia. Head of the Praetor Regulus. L. REGVLVS PR. Rx. Curule chair. (R) EGVLVS F etc. B. 8. Rare. V. Fine. Re- verse off center. Plate. 46 ROMAN SILVER 600 Another, head of Regulus to r, on plain field, small style. Rx. Gladia- tors fighting lions, etc. L. REGVLVS. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 601 A different head of Regulus to r, plain field. Rx. Modius, etc. B. 13. Fine. Rare. 602 Iiucilia. Rome to r. Chariot to r. M. LVCILI. etc. B. 1, VF. 603 Lollia. Head to r. HONORIS. Rx. Curule chair. PALIKANVS. B.10 (10 Francs). Rare. Fine. .Plate. 604 (B.C. 104). Lucretia. Head Rome to r. Rx. Dioscuri. CN.LVS etc. B. 1; another, Head Neptune r. Rx. Cupid on dolphin. B. 3. Ex. F. 2 pes. 605 Lutatia. Obv. Head of Rome, helmeted to r ROMA over head. Rx. Galley in wreath. Q. LVTATI, V and T joined in monogram form. Note. — This example differs from British Museum specimen the Obv. being without "Cerco" and has clearly marked acorns in wreath. Ex. Fine. Plate. (Babelon — 50 Francs.) 606 Maenia. (B.C. 217). Rome to r. Quadriga, B. 7; (B. C. 194). Rome r. Rx. Biga r. Name, monogram form of letters, ROMA. Abt. Unc. B.l. 2 pes. 607 Mallia. Rome to R. Rx. 3 horse chariot, 1 horse half turned to left. B. 1 & 2. Little gem coins. Unc. Plate. 2 pes. 608 Mamilia. (B.C. 84). Head Mercury r. Rx. Ulysses and dog. B. 6. VF. 609 (B.C. 135). Manlia, Roma r. SER. ROMA. Rx. Sun in quadriga facing. L. MANLI. Q.F. B.l. (12 Francs). Fine. V. Rare. 610 Head of Sibyl to r. Rx. Tripod III VIR etc. Abt. Fine. (4 Fes.) B. 12. , 611 (B.C. 174). Marcia. Head Rome r. Rx. Dioscuri. Abt. Unc. B. 1; also. Biga. M. MARC ROMA. B. 8.; another Head of Philip V. of Macedon to r . Rx. Equestrian statue. PHILIPPVS. B. 12. 3 pes. .Plate. 612 Another Busts of Pompilius and Marcius r. Rx. C. CENSO. B. 18; Head Apollo r . Rx. Satyr to 1. Ex. F. B. 24. Plate. 2 pes. 613 Head of Martius. Rx. Philippus with statue on acqueduct. ACVA NAR. B.28. Ex. F. . 614 Maria. Head of Ceres r. CAPIT CXV. Rx. Ploughing scene. C. MARL C. F. S. C. B.9. Uncirculated. Plate. ROMAN SILVER 47 615 Memmia. Head Saturn 1. Victory. B.2; another Head of Romulus r. C. MEMMI. C. F. QVIRINVS. Ceres seated to r, holding stalks of grain. MEMMIVS etc., B.9; also, head Ceres r. Rx. kneeling trophy over captive. C. MEMMIVS, etc. Three choice examples, Ex. F. Ptal.e. 3 pes. 616 (B.C. 140). Minucia. Head Rome r. Dioscuri. Q. MINV etc. B.l; another, head Rome, ROMA. Rx. Ionic column, two standing at sides. C. AVG. B.3; another, head Rome r. Ionic column, two figures at sides. B.9 VF and Ex. F. 3 pes. 617 Another. Head Rome. Quadriga (L) MINVCI. B. 15; another, Rome to .1. Rx. Two warriors in combat. Q. THERM. M.F. B. 19 Ex. F. 2 pes. 618 Head Concord. R. Rx. Two figures facing on a portico, etc. B. 6. Ex. F. 619 Another. Head of the sun facing with rays. Rx. Two figures stand- ing on a portico, facing MVSSIDIVS LONGVS Ex. F. B.7. Rare. Plate. Ex. F. 620 Naevia. Head of Venus. Rx. Victory, biga. B.6; (B.C. 60). Nonia. Head Saturn r, bearded. Rx. Victory crowning seated deity. SEX. NOMI, etc. B.l. Unc. Rare. Plate. 2 pes. 621 (B.C. 84). Norbana. Head Venus. Rx. Caduceus etc. B.2; Opimia, Rome, Biga. B.16. F. 2 pes. 622 (B.C. 69, etc.). Plaetoria. Head Cybele r. Rx. Curule chair. M. PLAETORIVS etc. B. 3 Another, bust Vacuna to r. Rx. Eagle on thunderbolt. M. PLAETORIVS etc. B.4, last rare. & fine. 2 pes. 623 Another. Head of female to r. Rx. Caduceus. B.6; another, head female r. Rx. Vase & torch. B.7. last very rare. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 624 Plancia. Diana r. Rx. Wild goat B.l. Ex. F. 625 Plautia. Neptune r. Quadriga. B.l. F. 626 Head Amphitrite r. Rx. Quadriga. B.12; Another. Turreted head, of Cybele. Rx. Camel. BACCHVS IVDAE. B. 13. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 627 Mask facing with long curls. Rx. Aurora, etc. B.14. Abt. Unc. Plate. 628 Plutia. Head r. Dioscuri, B.l. F. 5 Fes. 629 Poblicia. Rome to r. Hercules fighting lion. B.9. Unc. Plate. 630 (B.C. 129). Pompeia. Head Pallas. Rx. SEX P — ROMA. Romu- las and Remus with she-wolf; also B.5: — Head Consul to r. RVFVS etc. Rx. Svlla. Rare a third. Curule chair either side. RVFVS etc. and SVLLA etc. Ex. F. B.5. All but first rare and Ex. F. Plate. 3 pes. 48 ROMAN SILVER 631 (B.C. 94). Pomponia. Head Apollo r. Rx. Man sacrificing a goat on altar, etc. NVMA POMPIL. B.6. (12 Francs.). VF. V. Rare. Plate. 632 Another, head Rome. Rx. Biga. B. 7. 633 Another. Diademed Apollo r. Rx. Hercules with club, dressed in lion's skin playing lyre. A very artistic coin. B.8 Ex. F. (10 Fes.). V.R. Plate. 634 Another, Apollo. Rx. Calliope. B. 9. Abt. Unc. Plate. 635 Head of Apollo. Rx. Clio. B. 11. Rare. Fine. 636 Apollo r. Rx. Euterpe. B. 13. 5 Fes. Ex. F. 637 Head Apollo r. Melphomene. Fine. B. 14. Rare. 638 Head Apollo r. Rx. Muse Q. POMPONI MVSA. Ex. F. Rare. B. 15. Plate. 639 Head Apollo r. Rx. Terpischore playing the lyre. B. 17 and 18. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 640 Head Apollo to r. Rx. Thalia to r. B.19. V.F. Rare. 641 Apollo r. Rx. Muse. Q. POMPONI MVSA, etc. B. 22. Ex. F. Rare. 642 (B.C. 129). Porcia. Head Rome r. Rx. Quadriga. B.3; another, head of Liberty diademed r. Rx. Victory std. Ex. F. B. 6. 2 pes. 643 (B.C. 101). Another Rome r. Rx. 3 figures stdg. B. 4. (6 Fes.). Rare. Ex. Fine. Plate. 644 (B.C. 149). Porcia. Head Rome r. Biga; another, B.10. Head Rome to r. Victory std. F. & VF. 2 pc6. 645 (B.C. 134). Postumia. Roma R. Rx. Mars in quadriga. B.l; an- other, Head of Spain r. Rx. A. POST etc. B.8 VF & F. 2 pes. 646 Head of Diana r. Rx. Dog. B.9. Another, B.10, head of Piety r. Rx. Clasped hands. ALBINVS BRVTI. etc. Rare. Both ex. fine. Plate. 2 pes. 647 Another, head of Mars r. Rx. Two Gallic trumpets, crossed AL- BINVS BRVTI. B.ll. Rare and Ex. F. Plate. 648 Head of A. Postvmivs, consul to r. Name. Rx. ALBINU-BRVTI. F. in wrth. B. 14. Rare. (6 F.). Ex. F. 649 Papia. Juno in Goat's skin to r. Rx. Griffin. L. PAPI. B. 1; (B.C. 139), Papiria. Usual types. B. 6 & 7. F. 3 pes. 650 (B.C. 43). Petillia. Eagle on thunderbolt. PETILLIVS CAPITOL- INVS. Rx. Temple surmounted by statues. B.2. Ex. fine and choice example, giving an unusual illustration of ancient architec- ture. Plate. 651 (B.C. 200). Pinaria. Usual types, Rome. Rx. Chariot. B.l. an- other, Rome. Victory in Biga. B.2. Both Unc. Plate. 2 pes. ROMAN SILVER 49 652 Procilia. Jupiter r. June. B.l. another June 3, in Goat's skin. Rx. Biga. B.2. Choice. Ex. F. 2 pes. 653 (B.C. 650). Quinctia. Rome. R. Dioscuri VF. 654 Renia. Head Rome r. Biga. B.l; Roscia. Juno to r in skin. Rx. Female, serpent. B.l. VF & Fx. F. 2 pes. 655 Rubria. Juno r. Rx. Chariot. B.2; (B.C. 69). llustia. Mars. R. Rx. Goat. B.l. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pee. 656 Rutilia Rome r. RVTILI. Biga. B.l. Scarce. VF. 657 (B.C. 74). Satriena. Rome r. Rx. She wolf 1. VF. Scarce. B.l. 658 (B.C. 200). Saufeia. Rome. R. Victory in Biga. B.l. Unc. Plate. 659 (B.C. 204). Scribonia. Rome. Dioscuri. B. 1; another, Bonus Eventus. Rx. PVTEAL SCRIBON. B.8. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 660 Sentia. Roma r. Quadriga B.l. Unc. 661 (B.C. 89). Servilia. Pallas to 1. Rx. Victory in Biga. B. 14; Sergia. Roma r. Rx. Horseman. B.l. F., also B.15. Head of Flora r. Rx. Two soldiers armed. B.15. last scarce. F. 3 pes. 662 (174 B.C.). Head r. Dioscuri. Unc. Plate. B.2. 663 (B.C. 51). Sicinla. Head Apollo Q. SICINIVS. III. VIR. Rx. C. CO- PONIVS PR. S. C. Hercules Club. Unc. Rare. Plate. B.l. 664 Another (B.C. 49). Head of Fortune. FORT. P.R. Rx. Winged caduceus and palm branch; above a wreath. Q. SICINIVS III. VIR. B.5. Ex. fine Rare. Plate. 4 665 (B.C. 214). Spurilia. Head, Rome. Rx. Biga. B.l. Ex. F. 666 (B.C. 69). Sulpicia. Vesta r, veiled. Rx. Implements of sacrifice. B.7. Scarce. Ex. F. 667 (B.C. 139). Trebanla. Rome r. Rx. Quadriga. V. 1. Ex. F. 668 (B.C. 214). Terentia. Hd. Rome r. Rx. Dioscuri. B. 10. Ex. F. 669 (B.C. 79). Thoria. Juno r in skin. Rx. Bull B.l. Ex. F. 670 Titia. Head of M. Titinvs. Rx. Pegasus, also quinarius. B. 1 & 3. Ex. F. & F. Plate. 2 pes. 671 (B.C. 90). Head of Bacchus Pegasus. VF. B. 2. 672 Tituria. Head of Tatius to r, bearded. Rx. Roman soldiers carrying off Sabine women. Rarieties, B. 1, 2 and 3 F. & VF. 3 pes. 673 Another variety. Rx. Tarpeia and soldiers. B. 4 & 5. Ex. F. 2 pes. 674 Head of the Sabine king Tatius to r, bearded, SABIN. Biga.| Ex. F. B.6. 675 (B.C. 94). Tullia. Rome r. Quadriga. B. 1. F. 676 (B.C. 104). Valeria. Head of Victory r. Rx. Mars, trophy & lance. L. VALERI FLACCI. B. 11; another, head of Apollo. L. VA- LERIVS. B. 17. Both rare. VF. Plate. 2 pes. 677 Vargunteia. Head Rome r. Quadriga. ROMA. B.l. F. 50 ROMAN SILVER AND GOLD COINS 678 (B.C. 69). Vettia. Head of T. Tatius. Rx. Biga 1. IVDEX-T. VET- TIVS. edge serrated. Babelon 2. Very rare (12 Fes in B.). About mint state. Plate. 679 Venturia. Bust Mars. Two soldiers stand pointing at a young pig which "sacerdos fecialis'' holds in arms. B.l. Rare. F. 680 (B.C. 90). Head, Apollo. PANSA. Rx. Pallas in quadriga. C. VIBIVSCF. Unc. B.l; another, head Apollo. Quadriga. B.2. Ex. F. 2 pes. 681 Head of Bacchante. Rx. Ceres. C. VIBIVS C.F. N.B. 16; Another, head of Pan Jove std. B.19. Unc. Plate. 2 pes. 682 Head Hercules. Rx. Pallas holds Victory and leans on a spear. B.23; Head Bacchus. Rx. Panther climbing on altar. B. 24. Both rare and Ex. F. Plate. 683 Head of Pallas. Hercules with club. B.26. Rare. Ex. F. Plate. 684 (B.C. 88). Volteia. Head of Jupiter r. Rx. Temple with four columns. B.l. Another, head of Bacchus. Rx. Ceres in chariot drawn by dragons. B.3; a third Head of Corybas. Rx. Cybele drawn by lions. All Ex. F. Plate. 3 pes. ROMAN AND BYZANTINE GOLD COINS. 685 (A.D. 14). ROME. Tiberius. Aureus. Head to right. TICAESAR- DIVI AVGVSTVS. Rx. Livia seated to r. PONTIF. MAXIM. The same type as the Tribute Penny, mentioned in St. Matthew. About uncirculated, the obverse a little off center. Plate. 686 (A.D. 380). Theodosius I. Head to r. DN THEODOSIVSPFAVG. Rx. Victory between two seated. VICTORIA AVGG — COM. Soli- dus. Ex. Fine. Plate. See Stevenson P. 787 illustration, and note. 687 (A.D. 324). Theodosius II, son of Arcadius. Head facing. DN THEO- DOSIVS PFAVG. Rx. Victory Std 1. VOT XXX etc. Solidus. V. F. Plate. See Stevenson P. 788, illustration. Solidus. 688 Byzantine. (A.D. 450-457). Marcianus. Bust facing. DN MAR- CIANVS PFAVG Rx. Victory stands to left holding large cross VIC- TORI AVGG. Thomsen No. 43, Sabatier VI. 6. Ex. F. Plate. 689 (A.D. 467-72). Anthemius. Bust facing, helmeted. D.N. ANTHE- MIVS P. F. AVG. Rx. Two emperors standing, each with a long spear in right and left hand, supporting orb. Solidus. SALVS REIPVBLICAE. COMOB. C.7. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 51 SILVER COINS OP THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Of the Denomination of the Denarius Unless Stated to Be Otherwise. References chiefly to the celebrated and standard work on the subject DE- SCRIPTION HISTORIQUE DES MONNAIES PRAPPES SOUS L' EMPIRE ROMAIN, etc. by HENRY COHEN, Published by Messrs Roilin and Fuer- dent. These Volumes Now out of Print. P. refers to value in Francs, ac- cording to Cohen, but his valuations are too conservative for this age. 690 (B.C. 48). Pompey, The Great. Head of Pallas to r, in helmet, (M) POBLICI LEG. PRO (PR). Rx. Pompey standing presenting a palm to a female. CN. MAGNVS IMP. Cohen 1. Pine. Rare. Plate. 691 Head of Numa Pompilius r. CN. PISO. PRO. Q. Rx. MAGN. PROQ. A prow. Cohen 4. Very fine. V. Rare. Plate. 691a Head of Pompey r. MAG. PIVS. IMP. ITER. Rx. Anapus and Om- phinome by Neptune. PRAEF. CLAS ET ORAE MARIT. EX. S. C. C. 17. V.P. Plate. 692 (B.C. 6'5-3>5). Sextus Pompey. Head of Neptune; bearded to r, hold- ing trident. MAG. PIVS IMP (ITER). Rx. Naval trophy (PRAET CLAS: ET) ORAE MARIT. EX. S. C. A very rare and extremely fine denarius. Some of the inscription does not show. Cohen No. 1. Plate. 693 Obv. View of the Lighthouse of Messina. Rx. the monster Scylla. An extremely fine example, although most of the lettering off due to smallness of the flan. Cohen No. 2. Plate. JULIUS CAESAR. Undoubtedly one of the very greatest men in all history. He was de- scended from Ascanius, otherwise called lulus, son of Aeneas. He was the son of I. Julius Caesar (praetor) and born about B.C. 100. His mother took an affectionate interest in him and he was greatly attached to her. At as early an age as 22 he was considered an orator second only to Cicero and his early life was filled with most important events and exper- iences. He was sent as Questor to Spain, and on seeing the effigy of Alex- ander the Great he shed tears. In B.C. 69. Cicero and M. Antony being consuls he was elected or declared Pontifex Maximus. During the years 51 and 50 he conquered Gaul. In the war with Pompey he passed the Rubi- eon and drove Pompey with the Consuls into Greece. He passed into Rome. After his victory in Thessaly, in B.C. 48, he was elected, or created, Dicta- tor for a whole year, an honour which was every year renewed. He followed Pompey into Egypt and found him dead. There he fell under the snare of Cleopatra VII and undertook a war with her brother Ptolemy, with a view 52 ROMAN SILVER of giving her sovereignty over Egypt. He took Alexandria and put Ptolemy to death. Then he gave Egypt into the hands of Cleopatra. Appointed Perpetual Dictator (See his coins for this famous inscription DICT. PERP.) for the fifth time, with Marc Antony as his consular colleague, while plan- ning a campaign against the Getae and Parthians he was assassinated in the Senate house in the "Ides of March" (See Denarius of Brutus — Rx. Poin- ards, cap (of liberty) and EID MAR) by a conspiracy of republicans, orig- inated and carried out by Brutus and Cassius, dying in the 56th year of his age. Stevenson says of him he was "A man, above all others, marvel- ously accomplished in the arts of both peace and war; one that whom an- tiquity cannot produce a more distinguished example. Noble and command- ing in person, of lofty stature and fair complexion, his black eyes were pierc- ing, and his whole countenance replete with expression. At the close of his career he carried with him something which vexed him greatly, a bald head. He was delicate in constitution but followed temperance in eating and drink- ing. He possessed a wonderful intellect, expressed somewhat in his "Com- mentaries." All our college boys are familiar with them especially the noted fifteenth chapter of his "Gallic Wai's." He fought fifty pitched battles, and by his personal bravery has said to have on several occasions turned the tide of battle. He was moreover very merciful to the conquered, even granting them honors on occasions. Stevenson says his good fortune never deserted him. He had an ambition to attain the empire of the world. His ambition led him to attack and conquer nations simply for conquest's sake. Finally he turned his arms against his fellow countrymen and won his last honors at the point of the sword. His coinage is numerous and covers a varied and most interesting series, the following of which are good examples. 694 Julius Caesar and M. Antony. Head r. CAESAR DI. Rx. M. ANTONY r. M. ANTO. IMP. R.P.C. Cohen 3. Very good. Rare. Plate. 695 Head of Venus r. Rx. Pontificial implements. PONT MAX. C. 4. Fine. Plate. 696 Veiled head of Julius Caesar to r. PARENS PATRIAE. Rx. C. COS- SVTIVS MARIDIANVSA. A. A. F. F. in cross form, 5 letters being in field in the angles. Cohen 8. (20 Francs). Very fine. Rare. Plate. 697 Head of Venus to r. Rx. Aeneas carrying Anchises from the ruins of Troy. C. 12. Ex. fine. Plate. 698 Head of Venus to r. Rx. Two captives by foot of a trophy. CAESAR. Cohen 3. Fine. 699 Head of Piety r. Rx. Trophy of arms. CAESAR. Cohen 18. Un- circulated. Rare state. Plate. ROMAN SILVER 53 700 Fine portrait bust of Caesar to r. CAESAR IM.P.M. Rx. Venus standing to left. L. AEMILIVS BVCA. Very fine. Cohen 22. Plate. 701 Head of Caesar to r. CAESAR DICT. PERPETVO. Rx. Venus, L. BVCA. C. 24. Abt. fine. Rare. Plate. 701a Head r. PERPETVO. CAESAR DICT. Rx. Caduceus, fasces, etc. L. BVCA. C. 25. Ex. F. Plate. 702 Head of Caesar r, in plain field. Rx. A rudder, globe, cornucopia, etc. L MVSSIDIVS LONG VS. Cohen 29. Fine. Rare. Plate. 703 Bust of Caesar to r. CAESAR DICT. PERPETUO. Rx. Victory and Venus. SEPVLLIVS, etc. Fine. Cohen 38. Rare. Plate. 704 Head of Caesar to r voiled. CAESAR DICT. PERPETVO. Rx. Venus standing. L. SEPVLLIVS. Cohen 39. Fine. Rare. Plate. 705 An elephant to right. CAESAR. Rx. Pontificial implements. C. 49. Ex. fine. Plate. BRUTUS. 706 (B.C. 82 — 42). Head of Liberty, r. veiled. L. PLANET. CEST. Rx. Plectrum, lyre and branch. BRVT. IMP. Extremely fine and rare. Cohen No. 2. Bahelon No. 50. Plate. 707 Head of Neptune to r, CASCA LONG VS. Rx. Victory treading on a broken sceptre and destroying a crown. BRVTVS. IMP. Extreme- ly fine and very rare. Cohen No. 3. Plate. 708 Head of Liberty to r. COSTA LEG. Rx. Trophy. BR(VT)VS. IMP. Cohen 4. Ex. fine. Very rare. Plate. 709 Head of Liberty to r. LEIBERTAS. Rx. Plectrum, lyre and branch. CAEPIO BRVTVS. PRO. COS. C. No. 5. Ex. fine and very scarce. Plate. 710 O'bv. Axe, simplum, etc. BRVTVS. Rx. Praefericulum and Lituus. LENTVLVS SPINT. Very good. Cohen No. 6. Rare. 711 Head of Liberty r, voiled. L. SESTI. PROQ: letter P. back of head. Rx. Tripod, axe and simplum. CAEPIO BRVTVS PRO. COS. Cohen 11. Ex. fine. Very rare thus. (Cohen 25 Fes). Plate. The Celebrated "Eid Mar" Denarius. 712 Remarkable portrait bust of Brutus to r, naked style. BRVT. IMP. L. PLANET. CEST. Rx. A cap between two daggers, blades down- ward, EID MAR. Only around a dozen known examples. From the collection of J. Du Lac (Rollin & Fuerdent, Paris, May 12, 1910). Extremely fine. Priced by Cohen at 350 Francs, and his number 15. Plate. See also Stevenson, page 145, illustration; also Bahelon 52. 54 ROMAN SILVER Note: — Stevenson refers to this remarkable and exceedingly rare coin as a "numismatic monument", for it "was the instrument of transmitting a record to the most distant posterity." Eckhel in describing it begins — "En pugiones, & c, "observe the daggers employed in the perpetration of so fell a murder brought before our eyes, on this coin, weapons, which, under the specious pretext of liberty, Brutus hesitated not to stain with the blood of that Caesar, to whom personally he owed so much; in the same deed a patriot and a cut-throat. We have the statement of Dion Cassius that this denarius was struck by order of Brutus himself, & described by himself as follows "And also on the coins, which he caused to be struck, he ex- hibited a likeness of himself, and a cap and two daggers; intimating by this type, and by the legend, that conjointly with Cassius, he had restored his country to Liberty." The inscription EID MAR, indicates the fatal day, the ides of March, on which the bloody deed was done — . The above tes- timony of Dion decides the question as to who it was that caused this de- narius to be struck; and the time was that at which Brutus passed into Asia to join Cassius, after having rendered himself master of Macedonia and a part of Greece." Stevenson describes the two or three examples known to him, and states that as early as 1848 this noted coin brought over 10 pounds sterling; and in another instance over 15 pounds.'' He reminds his readers also that these prices are ridiculously low for perhaps the most noted historical coin of antiquity. The cataloguer figures also that if the two or three known examples at that time brought 15 pounds, their sheer commercial value at the present ought to be six or seven times those sums C. CASSIUS. 713 (B.C. 42). Diademed head of Liberty to r. C. CASSI IMP. LEIB- ERTAS. Rx. Augur's baton and vase. LENTVLVS SPINT. Ex- tremely fine. Cohen No. 3. Babelon 15. Stevenson, illustr. Page 189. of this this coin and of C. Cassius, Stevenson says that the lituus and sacrificial vase on the reverse refer to the augural priest- hood of Lentulus Spinter, who after the murder of the Dictator, openly declared himself a partisan of the conspirators. Cassius came of one of the most distinguished families in Rome and was one of the assassins of Caesar. 714 Beautiful veiled head of Liberty to right. C. CASS. IMP. LEIBER- TAS. Rx. Augur's staff and vase. LENTVLVS SPINT. Cohen No. 5. Babelon 17. Uncirculated. Plate. 56 CELEBRATED DENARIUS OF CLEOPATRA AND MARC ANTONY. 715 Cleopatra and Marc Antony. Head of Cleopatra, VII (famous queen of Egypt) to right. CLEOPATRAE (REGINAE REGNUM) FILI- ORVM REGVM. Rx. Head of Antony to r. ANTONI. ARMENIA DEVICTA. Very fine. Cohen No. 1. One of the most celebrated of ancient coins, commemorating one of the most remarkable at- tachments in history. Plate. MARC ANTONY, ETC. LUCIUS ANTONY AND MARC ANTONY. 716 Head of Lucius Antony. L. ANTONIUS COS. Rx. Head of Marc An- tony. M. ANT. IMP. AVG. III. VIR. R.P.C. M. BARBAT. P. Q. Cohen 3. Good. Cohen 3. Ex. Rare and priced at 100 Francs. 717 Head of Antony to r. M. ANTONY. IMP. REV. head of Sun facing. III. VIR. R.P.C. Cohen 12. Very good. Scarce. 718 Head of M. Antony to r, in spiked crown. III. VIR. R.P.C. COS. DE- SIG. ITER. ET. TERT. Rx. Augur standing to r. M. ANTONINUS M.F. M.N. AVGVR. IMP TER. Ex. fine. Cohen 13. Scarce. Plate. 719 Obv. Galley. ANT. AVG. III. VIR. R.P.C. Rx. Standards. Legions III, XI, XII, XIII. C. 28, 39, 41, 42. V.G. to F. 4 pes. 720 Others. Legions VIII and XV. C. 36 and 47. F. Plate. 2 pes. 721 Another, Legion XX. Cohen 57. Fine. 722- Large head to r. (ANTON. AVG) IMP III. COS. DES etc. Rx. M. SILANVS., etc. Abt. Fine. C. 71. Rare. 723 M. Antony & Octavius. Bare head of Antony to r. (M. ANT. IMP. AVG). III. VIR. R.P.C. M. BARBAT. Q.P. Rx. Head of Octavius. CAESAR IMP. PONT. III. VIR. R.P.C. Ex. fine Cohen 8. Plate. AUGUSTUS. Adopted son and heir of Julius Caesar and first Emperor of Rome, the title conferred on him B.C. 27 by the Roman Senate, in acknowledgement of his services to his country. Born 6 3 B.C. In B.C. 42 he defeated Brutus and Cassius at Philippe, being aided by M. Antonius. In B.C. 40 he gained a decisive naval victory over Sextus Pompey. In B.C. 35 0ctavianu6 quarell- ed with M. Antonius, who had divorced his sister Octavia and married Cleo- patra VII of Egypt. Having assembled under his banner all the legions of the East, he attacked and totally defeated his former colleague and only formidable rival in a sea fight near Actium. In B.C. 30 he proceeded with an army into Egypt and captured Alexandria. Mark Antony and Cleopatra then committed suicide, leaving Augustus sole master. For these victories the Roman Senate made him Imperator. He died in A.D. 14, in the 76th year of his age. 56 ROMAN SILVER 724 Lepidus and Octavius. Head of Augustus r. CAESAR IMP. III. VIR. R.P.C. Rx. Bust of Lepidus r. LEPIDVS PONT. MAX. III. V.R.P.C. Cohen 1. Fair. Rare. 725 Barehead to r on plain field. Rx. Capricorn. AVGVSTVS. C. 21. F. Plate. 726 Augustus. Quinarius. Head r. CAESAR. IMP. etc. Rx. Cista Mys- tica. Two serpents. ASIA RECEPTA. Cohen 14. Abt. F. 727 Laureated head r. Rx. 2 Laurel branches CAESAR AVGVSTVS. C. 47. G. 728 Large head 1. CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Rx. Seven pointed stare. DIVVS IVLIVS. Abt. Uncirculated, broad flan. Cohen 97. Plate. 729 Head r. CAESAR AVGVSTUS, etc. Rx. Two Caesars stdg. Type of C. 42, but silver. Unc. Plate. 730 Head of Venus r. Rx. Octavius standing r. CAESAR — DIVI. F. C. 72. VF. Plate. 731 Head r. AVGVSTVS DIVI.F. Rx. Bull butting to right. IMP.X. C. , 141, but note the bull is to the right. VF. Plate. 732 Head r. CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Rx. S.P.Q.R. in wrth. OB CIVIS, etc. C. 215. 733 Head r. AVGVSTVS. DIVI. Rx. Apollo to 1. IMP.X. — ACT. C. 144. Ex.F. Plate. 734 Head to r. CAESARI AVGVSTO. Rx. Quadriga in temple, with Vic- tory, in field S.P.Q.R. (not in exergue as in illustration.), like 279. VF. Plate. 735 Head r. AVGVSTVS. Rx. Wreath, no legend. C. 336. V.F. Plate. 736 Head r. CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Rx. Wild boar to right. (M) DVRMIVS. etc. C. 430. Fine. P. 737 Head of Feronie to right. TVRPILANVS III. VIR. FERON Rx. A Parthian kneeling to r. CAESAR AVGVSTVS SIGN REGE. Fine. Rare. Plate. C. 484. 738 Rustia. Two busts to r. Part of Ins. off FORTVNAE ANTIAT. Rx. Altar. FOR RE, etc. VGood. Rare. C. 513. 739 Head r. CAESAR AVGVSTVS. etc. Rx. Livia seated Pontof. MAXIM. C. 223. Unc. V. Rare. Plate. 74 (B.C. 4 2 — A.D. 37). Tiberius. The noted Tribute Penny, mentioned in St. Matthew. Bust to r TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F. AVGVSTVS. Rx. Livia seated to r. PONTIF. MAXIM. Uncirculated. Rare state. Cohen 16. Plate. 741 (B.C. 9). Drusus. Head 1. NERO DRVSVS. Rx. DE GERMANIS. Plated denarius of the time. C. 6. ROMAN SILVER 57 742 (A.D. 12-41). Caligula and Augustus. Head of Caligula to r. C. CAESAR. AVG. GERM. P.M. TRPOT. Rx. Head of Augustus. DIVVS AVG. PATER. PATRIAE. Cohen 2. Very good. Rare. 743 Caligula and Augustus. Head of Caligula r. C. CAESAR AVG. GERM. etc. Rx. Head of Augustus to r, between two stars. Ex. fine. Rare. Cohen 11. Rare. Plate. 744 (A.D. — 41). Caligula, alone. Head r. C. CAESAR etc. Rx. S.P. Q.R. etc. in oak wrth. V. Good. Cohen 21. (20 Fes). V. Rare. 745 (B.C. 10-<54 A.D.). Claudius and Agrippina. Head r. Name. Rx. Agrippina. AGRIPPINAE AVGVSTAE. Cohen 4. Fine. Rare. Plate. 746 Claudius, alone. Head to r. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG. GERM. etc. Rx. EX. OB. CIVES SERVATOS. Cohen 35. Fine. Rare. Plate. 747 (A.D. 37-68). Nero, bust r. CLAVDIO DRVSO GERM. etc. part of lettering off. Rx. in center in 4 lines. EQUESTER ORDO PRIN- CIPI IVVENT. Cohen 97. Rare. Very good. (Cohen 20 Fes). 748 Head to r. NERO CAESAR. Rx. Ceres standing. PONTIF. MAX. TR. P. VII. COS. IIII. P.P. EX. S.C. Very fine, part of obv. letter- ing off at left. Plate. Cohen 218. 749 Head to r. Rx. Health SAL VS. Cohen 314. Very good. 750 Another, head r. NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Rx. Temple; above it VESTA. Fine. Plate. RARE INTERREGNUM DENARIUS, ETC. 751 Obv. Head of bearded Mars to r, in helmet with plume. MARS VLTOR. Rx. Roman eagle and lighted altar, between two military standards. See Cohen under Galba. Fine. Plate. 752 (B.C. 3-A.D. 69). Galba. Head r. IMP. SER GALBA etc. (some let- ters off) Rx Livia standing. DIVA AVGVSTA. Fine. Cohen 55. Plate. Rare. 753 Another. Head r. Rx. S.P.Q.R. in oak wrth. C. 285. Variety. Fine. Plate. 754 (A.D. 32-69). Otho. Head to r. IMP OTHO. CAESAR AVG.T.R.P. Rx. Equity with balance & sceptre. PONT MAX. Fine. Rare. Cohen 9. Plate. 755 Bold head to r. IMP OT(HO)— AVG. etc. Rx. PAX ORBIS TER- RARUM. F. C. 3. Plate. 756 Head r. (IMP) M. OTHO CAESAR AVG. Rx. Security stdg. Cohen 14. Abt. Fine. Another Bust r. Rx. VICTORIA OTHONIS. Fine & rare. Plate. 2 pes, 58 ROMAN SILVER 757 (A.D. 15-69). Vitellius. Head R. Part of name off — VS GERMAN IMP etc. Rx. Liberty standing. Cohen 47. Very good. Rare; an- other, head r. Rx. clasped hands. FIDES MILITVM. VG. 2 pes. 758 Head to r, smaller style. (V)ITELLIVS GERMAN IMP. Rx. Jupiter seated 1. IVPPITER VICTOR. Cohen 44. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 7<59 Head to r. A. VITELLIVS IMP GERMAN. Rx. VICTORIA AVGVSTI. Cohen 99. AM. Fine. Rare. 760 Smaller head r. A. VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP. Rx. Rx. Bird in an arch or temple; a dolphin over it XV VIR SACR. FAC. Cohen 116 Unedited variety). Very rare. Abt. Fine. Plate. 761 (A.D. 9-79). Vespasian. Head to r. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. Rx. Two oxen to left; In exergue, COS III. Not in Cohen. A variety of Cohen 33. Extremely fine. Plate. 761a Bust r. Name. Rx. Judea std. IVDAEA. Abt. F. Madden. 183.1, Rare. Plate. 762 Head r. VESP AVG — IMP CAESAR. Rx. winged caduceus. PON. MAX. T.R.P. COS. V. Choice piece, ex. fine. Cohen 361. Plate. 763 Head r. IMP CAES VESP AVG GENS. Rx. Female std. PONTIF. MAXIM. Cohen 386, variety. Ex. F. Plate. 764 Head r. Name. Rx. Oapricornus (January Sign of Zodiac). C. 497, VGood. 765 Head r. Name, etc. Rx. Virgin standing. VESTA. C. 574. Ex. F. 766 (A.D. 41-81). Titus. Head r. Rx. Elephant T.R.P. IX. etc. C. 303. Ex. F. Plate. 767 Head r. Name, etc. Rx. Dolphin about anchor. Cohen 309. VF. Plate. 768 Head r. Name, etc. Tripod & dolphin. C. 321. Fine. 769 Issue by Gallienus. Obv. Head to r. DIVO TITO. Rx. Altar. CON- SECRATIO. Cohen 405. Fine. Plate. 770 Julia, daughter of Titus. Head r IVLIA AVG VST A TITI AVGVSTI F. Rx. Venus stdg. Cohen 14. Rare. Good. 771 (A.D. 51-96). Domitian. Head r. Name, etc. Pegasus to r. COS IIII. C. 47. Ex. F. Plate. 772 Another Head r. Rx. Wolf and twins Ex. F. Rare. C. 51. Plate. 773 Head r. Pallas with spear. IMP XIIII, etc. C. 215. Ex. F. 774 Large head r. CAESAR AVG. F. DOMITIAN COS II. Rx. Domitian on horseback raising right hand and holding sceptre capped with a hammer head. C. 665. Rare. Fine. Plate. 775 (A.D. 32-98). Nerva. Bust r. Clasped hands. CONCORDIA, etc. C. 16. F., another. Rx. Liberty. C. 106. V.G. 2 pes. ROMAN SILVER 59 776 (A.D. 53-117). Trajan. Head r. Name, etc. Rx. Victory march- ing 1. COS V.PP.S.P.Q.R. etc. C.77 Ex. F. Plate. 777 Head r. Name etc. Rx. Arabia stdg. Cos. V. etc. C. 89. Ex. F. Plate. 778 Head r. Name, etc. Rx. S.P.Q.R. OPTIMO etc. Female seated 1. Cohen 648. V.Fine. Plate. 779 Head r. IMP TRAIANVS etc. Rx. DIVVS PATER TRAIAN. Fine. Cohen 140. (25 Fes.) Rare. Plate. 780 Head r. IMP CAES NERVA etc. Rx. Victory 1. Cohen 242. Ex. F. 781 (A.D. 76-138). Hadrian. Head r. Rx. Egypt std. AEGYPTOS. Fine. Cohen 99. 782 Head r, bold relief HADRIANVS etc. Rx. Crescent & 7 stars. COS III. Cohen 467. Ex. fine and rare thus. Plate. 783 Head r. Rx. Hadrian & Trajan standing. Adoption denarius. See Cohen 4. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 784 Large head r. HADRIANVS etc. Rx. ASIA. C. 189. Fine. Plate. 785 Head r. Rx. AFRICA. C. 144; another. Rx. NILVS. C. 989. Fine. 2 pes. 786 Head r. HADRIANVS etc. Rx. ITALIA. C. 867. Ex. Fine. Rare. Plate. 787 Head r. Similar. Rx. ALEXANDRIA. C. 154. Fine. Rare. Plate. 788 Head r. Rx. Pallas. Cos III. C. 295. Ex. F. Plate. 789 Head to r, large size. Rx. Rome std. R. COS. Ill C. 337. Ex. F. Plate. 790 Barehead to r. Head r. Rx. Liberty C. 374; another, Rx. Abund- ance. C. 381. F. & V.F. 2 pes. 791 Draped bust to r. Fortune seated. FORT. RED. etc. C. 745. Ex. F. Plate. 792 Barehead to r. Rx. Hope standing. Cohen 1411. Unc. Plate. 793 (A.D. 137). Sabina. Bust r. SABINA AVGVSTI HADRIANI AVG etc. Rx. Concord std. C.14. Abt. Unc. Plate. 794 Bust r. Juno etdg. C. 43; another, Rx. Piety. C. 56. F. & VG. 2 pes. 795 Bust r. Rx. PVDICITIA. C. 62. Ex. F. Plate. 796 Bust r. Venus stdg. Cohen 73. Fine. 797 Potin tetradrachm (base). Bust of Sabina, remarkable style, and headdress r. Rx. Hadrian. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 798 (A.D. 135-138). Aellus. Head r. L. AELIVS CAESAR. Rx. Piety. C. 36. VF. Plate. 799 (A.D. 86-161). .Antoninus Pius. With Aurelius. Bust of Ant. Pius. Name. Rx. Aurelius. Names. C 2. Fine. Plate. 60 ROMAN SILVER 800 Head of Ant. Pius r. Rx. Throne, thunderbolt; another, Rx. AVG. PIVS etc. Cohen 345 & 79. AM. F. 2 pes. 801 Heads r. Rx. Eagle above altar; another, Rx. Pyre. B. 155-164. V. Fine. 2 pes. 802 Bust r. Rx. COS IIII. Fortune stdg. C. 263. Ex. F. Plate. 803 Bust r. Altar. DIVO PIO. Ex. F. C. 357. 804 Busts r. Rxs. Liberality, C. 530, and Genius. C. 399. Abt. F. 2 pes. 805 Bust r. Name, titles. Rx. Winged caduceus between two cornucopias. IMPERATOR II. Ex. F. C. 451. Rare. .Plate. 806 Head r. Rx. TRANQ (in exergue). T.R.POT.VIIIICOS IIII. Cohen 825. V. Rare. V. Fine. Plate. 807 (A.D. 105-141). Faustina I. Busts r. DIVA FAVSTINA, etc. Rx. Rx. Ceres. AVGVSTA. Varieties of same types. C. 78-106 9 6. Fine & V.F. 3 pes. 808 Another lot, Rx. Eternity. C. 11, 26, 32, 61, two rare. VG. & Fine. 4 pes. 809 Head r. Rx. Temple. AED DIV. FAVSTINAE. C. 1. Rare & fine. Plate. 810 Others. Various busts. Rxs. Consecratio, Ceres, Concord, IUNO REG- INAE, (2 var.). C. 134, 160, 175, 215, 221. VG. to fine. Some rare. 5 pes. 811 Another. Bust r. Rx. Temple. DEDICTIO AEDIS. Cohen 191 (25 Fes). V. Rare. Very good. 812 (A.D. 121-180). Marcus Aurelius. Group, busts r. Rxs PIETAS IVVENTAS, CONCORD, Mars stdg., Equity. Rome std., CONSE- CRATIO, Health stdg. Victory Fortitude, etc. Cohen Nos. 35, 91, 139, 208. 236, 389, 468, 451, 493, 935, 938, 970. VG to fine. Very good lot. 13 pes. 814 Head r. M. ANTONINVS etc. Rx. Mars with lance and trophy. C 254. (10 Fes). Ex. F. Plate. 815 Head r. Rx. PAX (Egergue) :— -TR.P.XX.IMP.III. COS. III. C. 435. Ex. F. Plate. 816 Splendid bust r. Name, titles. Rx. Equity with scales and cornu- copia. TR.P.XXI.IMP.IIII.COS.III. Uncirculated, sharp. Cohen 882, Rare gem. Plate. 817 Antonia (daughter of Marcus Aurelius) Head r. ANTONIA AVGVSTA. Rx. Ceres with torch and cornucopia. CONSTANTIAE AVGVSTI. Cohen 2. (60 Francs). Ex. Rare. Very good. Also see Stevenson P. 55, illustr. Plate. 818 (A.D. 175). Faustina n. Bust r. DIVA FAVSTINA PIA. Rx. Pea- cock. CONSECRATIO. Cohen 71. Ex. F. Plate. ROMAN SILVER 61 819 Bust r. Rx. FORTVNAE MVLI EBRL; another. Rx. VENUS. C 107-261. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 820 Bust r. Rx. Juno feeding peacock. C. 120. Ex. F. Plate. 821 (A.D. 130-169). Lucius Verus. Bust r. Rx. Providence. PROV. DEOR, etc. C. 156. VF. Plate. 822 (A.D. 147-183). Lucilla. Head r. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINIA AVG. Rx. VOTA PVBLICA. Cohen 97. V.F. Plate. 823 Others. Revs. JUNO LVCILLAE and REGINA, PVDICITIA. VENVS VICTRIX. Cohen Nos. 36, 38, 41, 62, 89. VF. to F. 5 pes. 824 (A.D. 161-192). Commodus. Various head, large & small to r. Rxs. PRINC. IVVENT. T.R.P. IMP.VIIII, DERCVL ROMAN, etc.; — PACI AETERNAE Cohen Nos. 609, 790, 189 and 389. G. to fine. 4 pes. 825 Youthful head r. COMMODVS CAESAR etc. Rx. LIBERALITAS AVG. C. 291. Fine. Plate. 826 Others. Rxs. LIB. AVG. IIII T.R.P. VI IMP IV. COS, etc.; another P.R.TR.P.VIIL; a third, SERAPIDI CONSERV. AVG. C. 30E, 447, 703. Fine. 3 pes. 827 Bust r. Ex. MART. PAC. P.M.T.R.P. XIIII. COS. 5. Mars stdg. C. 351; another, Rx. Providence. TR. P. VI. IMP.IIII.COS III.P.P. etc. C. 804. Fine. 2 pes. PERTINAX, DIDIUS JULIANUS AND PESCENNIUS NIGER. 828 (A.D. 126-192). Pertinax. Head r, bearded. IMP. CAES. P. HELV. PERTIN. AVG. Rx. Equity standing. AEQVIT. AVG.TR.P.COS.II. Ex. fine. Exceedingly rare. Cohen 2. Note. — Reigned only 87 days and was assassinated. Plate. One of the big rarities in Ro- man coins. 829 Head to r, bearded. Titles, name, as last. Rx. Divinity seated to 1. OPI DIVIN. TR. P. COS. II. Cohen 33 (60 Francs). Very fine. Exceedingly rare. Plate. 830 (A.D. 133-198). Didius Julianus. Bearded bust to r. IMP. CAES. M. DID IVLIAN AVG. Rx. Julianus holding globe r. RECTOR ORBIS. Cohen 15. Exceedingly rare, one of the most precious of Roman denarii. Cohen rates it at 100 Francs, worth much more today. To show the rarity of this issue, Cohen only lists 15 pieces, or varieties of his coins altogether. He reigned but 66 days and, like Pertinax, was assassinated. He bought power by promises to the soldiers, but did not "make good" and they made away with him. Fine. Plate. 62 ROMAN SILVER 831 (A.D. 180-94). Pescennius Niger. Bearded head to right. IMP. CAES. C. PESCEN. NIGER. IVST. AV. Rx. Fortune standing. (FORTV)NAE REDVCI. Part of reverse lettering off, due to small flan. Cohen 28. Extremely fine and sharp otherwise. Cohen rates it at 250 Francs which makes it next in rarity to the celebrated EID MAR in this collection. This coin shows a wonderful portrait of this emperor. Niger was declared Emperor in Syria in A.D. 193. A good soldier, hut no statesman, he could not secure the power; was put to death as a rebel in A.D. 194. Plate. 832 Pescennius Niger. Another, different from preceding. Bust r. IMP. CAES. C. PESCEN NIGER. IVSTI AV. Rx. Mars marching and carrying a trophy. MARTI VICTORI. A variety of Cohen No. 52. (listed at 200 francs). Very fine. Excessively rare and seldom seen in any condition. Plate. 833 (A.D. 193-196). Clodius Albinus. Head r, bearded. IMP CAES. D. CLO. SEP. ALB. AVG. Rx. Clasped hands. FIDES MILITVM. COS. II. Extremely fine and choice impression. Cohen 25. Very rare. Reigned only one year. Took title of Emperor in Britain and Gaul in 196; defeated and killed by Septimus Severus in 197. A great general and a man of some learning. 834 (A.D. 193-211). Septimus Severus. Head r. Rxs. Victory writing on buckler, C. 48 9; Another, SAECVL FELICIT. Crescent, etc. C. 628; a third, Rx. VICTORIAE AVGG. C. 713; a fourth, Rx. PART MAX TRP.X.COS.II.PP. C. 373. All Ex. F. 4 pes. 835 Head r. Victory. P.M. TR.P.VIII. COS. II. PP. C. 454. Abt. Unc. Plate. 836 Bust r. Rx. Neptune with trident. C. 542; another. Rx. Providentia. PROVIDENTIA AVG. C. 592. Both Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 837 Head r. Rx. Victory. VICTORIAE BRIT C. 729. Ex. F. Plate. 838 Heads r. Rxs. Fortune. P.M.TR.P.XI.COS III. C. 461; another, Rx. Jupiter and infants Caracalla and Geta. C. 539. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 839 Bust r. Obv. of Cohen 672. Rev. 694. Victory stdg winged to left. VICT. AVGG. COS.II.P.P. Unedited! About Unc. Plate. 840 Others, Rx. VICTOR IVST AVG. Cohen 738. Rare. & fine. 841 Bust r. VICT. PARTHICAE. C. 741. Fine. 842 Head r. Rx. Victory. VICTOR. SEVER. AVG. C. 749. 12 Fes. F. 843 (A.D. 217). Julia Domna. Bust r. CERERI FRVCIF. Ex. F. C. 14. Plate. ROMAN SILVER 63 844 Busts r. Rx. FELICITAS. C. 47; HILARITAS. C. 79; PUDICITIA. C. 168. Fine. 3 pes. 845 Others. Rx. SAECVLI FELICITAS. C. 174; and PIETAS AVGG. C. 150. Ex. F. 2 pes. 846 (A.D. 188-217). Caracalla. Head r. youthful style. Trophy. PART MAX, etc. C. 177. F. Plate. 847 Older head r. Rx. Serapis with sceptre. P.M.T.R.P.XV. COS.IIII. C. 212. Abt. Unc. Plate. 848 Young and old heads r. Rx. Jupiter stdg. C. 279; another. PONTIF. TR.P.XI, etc. C. 510; a third, MINER VICTRIX. C. 159. VF. 3 pes. 849 (A.D. 202). Plautilla. Head r. PLAVTILLAE AVGVSTAE. Rx. Two stdg. CONCORDIAE AETERNAE. C. 10. Abt. Unc. Choice. Rrare. Plate. 850 Another. Rx. VENVS VICTRIX. C. 25. V. Fine. Scarce. Plate. 851 (A.L. 189-212). Geta. Head r. Rx. FELICITAS AVGG. C. 36. Abt. Unc. Plate. 852 Two more. Rx. FELICITAS PVBLICA. C. 38, and NOBILITAS. C. 90. Unc. Plate. 2 pes. 853 Two others. Rx PONTIF. TR.P.etc. C. 138, and. PRINC. IVVENTV- TIS. C. 157. V.F. 2 pes. 854 (A.D. 164-218). Macrinus. Bust to r, youthful style. IMP. CM. OPEL. SEV. MACRINVS. AVG. Rx. Jove stdg. IOVI CONSERVA- TORI. etc. C. 37. Rare. V.F. Plate. 855 Older head r, bearded. Rx. Emperor std 1. P.M. TR.P.II.COS.PP. C. 51. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 856 (A.D. 208-218). Diadumenianus. Head r. M. OPEL. ANT. DIADV- MENIANVS, etc. Rx. SPES PVBLICA, Cohen 21. Abt. F. Rare. Plate. 857 (A.D. 218-220). Elagabalus. Head r. Name. Rx. INVICTVS SACER- DOS. etc. C. 60. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 858 Others. Heads r. Rx. P.M.T.R.P.IIII.COS. etc. C. 195; another, Rx. TEMPORVM FELICITAS. C. 282 Ex. F. 2 pes. &59 Various busts to r. Rx. Hygeia stdg. C. 259; another, PROVID. DEORVM. C. 242; a third. Rx. CONSVL.II.P.P. C.22 and an- other, FIDES EXERCITVS. C. 32. Fine. 4 pes. 860 Fine portrait bust r. M. ANTONINVS PIVS, AVG. Rx. SVMMVS SACERDOS. C. 276. 6 Fes. Ex. F. Plate. 861 (A.D. 219). Julia Paula. Head to r. IVLIA PAVIA AVG. Rx. Con- cord std. CONCORDIA. Uncirculated example. Cohen 6. Ex. Rare in this remarkable condition. Plate. 64 ROMAN SILVER 862 (A.D. 220). Aquilia Severa, 2nd wife of Elagabalus. Head r, IVLIA AQVILIA SEVERA AVG. Rx. Concord stdg. CONCORDIA. Ex. fine and choice. V.Rare. Cohen 2. Plate. 863 (A.O. 222). Julia Soemias Head. R. Name. Rx. VENVS. CAEL- ESTIS. Cohen 14. Ex. Fine. Plate. 864 (B.C. 223). Julia Maesa. Head r. Name. Rx. PVDICITIA. C. 36. Fine. Rare. Plate. 865 (A.D. 205-235). .Alexander Severus. Head r. IOVI PROPVGNA- TORI. Cohen 82. Ex. F. Scarce. Plate. 866 Various. Busts large & small. Rx. PERPETVITATI AVG. C. 191; another, Rx. P.M.T.R.P. VI.COS.II.P.P., C. 323, and. Rx. P.M.T. R.P. VI.COS.II.P.P.,C. 323, and. Rx. P.M.T.R.P.XII. COS.III.P.P. C. 443. Fine to V.F. 3 pes. 867 Another. P.M.TR.P. II.COS.PP. C. 236. VF. 868 (A.D. 234). Barbia Orbiana. Third wife of Alexander Severus. Head r. SALL. BARBIA ORBIANA. AVG. Rx. Concord. CONCORDIA. AVGG. Fine. Cohen 1. V. Rare. Plate. Note. — This woman is said to be known only through the effigies on her coins. 869 (A|D. 234). Julia Mamea, mother of Alexander Severus. Bust r. Rx. FECVND AVGVSTAE. C. 5. V. Fine. Scarce. Plate. 870 Another. Bust r. IVLIA MAMAE AVG. Rx. A vestal standing to 1. VESTA. Cohen 81. About Unc. Scarce. Plate. 871 (A.D. 173-238). Maxiininus I. (a giant 8 feet high). Bust r. FIDES MILITVM. C.7; another. Rx. P.M.TR.P.P.P. C. 46; a third. Rx. P.M.TR.P.II COS.PP. Ex. F. Plate. 3 pes. 872 (A.D. 238). Maximums Caesar. Bust r. Rx. PRINC. IVVENTVTIS. CIO; another. PROVIDENTIA. AVG. C. 77. the last. Ex. F. 2 pes. 873 Head r. Rx. PAX AVGVSTI. C. 31. Abt. Unc. Plate. GORDIANUS AFRICAJVUS SR. AND JR. 874 (A.D. 158-235). Head to r. IMP. M.ANT. GORDIANVS. AFR. AVG. Rx. Rome seated to left holding a Victory. ROMAE AETERNAE. Cohen 8. Extremely fine and choice example. Very rare. Plate. Quoted at 120 Francs. One of the big rarities. See also Stevenson P. 433, Illustr. Note. — Proclaimed emperor in Africa, but was op- posed by Capellianus and others, so strangled him- self after a reign of about 45 days. An able and cultured man. ROMAN SILVER 65 87-5 (A.D. 191-238). Gordianus Afiicanus II. Head to r. IMP.M.ANT. GORDIANVS.AFR. AVG. Rx. Valor standing. VIRTVS. AVGG. Cohen 14. (120 Francs). Ex. fine. Ex. Rare. Plate. Note. — Gordianus Africanus Jr. was killed in Africa fighting at the head of the troops which his father had levied to oppose the advance from Mauretania to Capellianus. His wife's name is unknown. His son was Gordian III, called "Pius''. 876 (.D. 178-238). Balbinus. Large head to r. IMP.CAESPCAEL BAL- BINUS. AVG. Rx. Two hands clasped. PIETAS. MVTVA. AVGG. Cohen 17. Ex. fine and handsome example of this rare coin, extra large flan, double size, or double denarius. Cohen 17. Plate. 877 Head to r IMP. C.P. CAEL. BALBINVS. AVG. Rx. Victory holding wreath and palm. VICTORIA AVG. Single denarius. Cohen 27. Ex. fine. V. Rare. Plate. 878 (A.D. 164-238). Pupienus. Head to r, very fine portrait. IMP. CAES. PVPIEN. MAXIMVS. AVG. Rx. Two hands clasped. CARITAS MVTVA AVGG. About uncirculated. Cohen Ofov. 2, Rev. 3. Double denarius. Plate. Very rare. A great soldier. Victorious over the Sarmatians and the Germans he and Balbinus were drag- ged from the palace by the Praetorian guards and murdered on July 15th, A. D. 238, in his 74th year. A very wise and able man. 879 Another, single denarius. Bust to r. Rx. Rome seated holding palm branch. PAX PVBLICA. Cohen 22. (Bought by Mr. Miller in Aug. 1889). Very fine. V. Rare. Plate. 880 Head to r. IMP. C.M.CLOD PVPIENVS AVG. Rx. Peace stands holding caduceus and sceptre. Cohen 26. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. 881 (A.D. 222-224). Gordian IH (Pius) Bust to r. Name. Rx. Eter- nity AETERNITATI AVG. C. 39. Ex. F.; another, double size. Rx. IOVI STATORI. C. 109. Choice examples. 2 pes. 882 Bust r. Rx. CONCORDIA MILIT. Double den. C. 62. Unc. Plate. 883 Another. Rx. SAECVLI FEBICITAS, C. 319; a second, Rx. P.M. TRPIII.COS II. C. 237. Last a denarius. Rare size and Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 884 Others. Busts r. Rx. FORT. REDVX. C. 97; another, LAETITIA AVG. N. C. 120; a third, P.M.T.R.P.II.COS PP. All abt. Unc. Double size. 3 pes. 66 ROMAN SILVER 885 (A.D. 204-49). Philip I. Bust r. Rx. ADVENTVS AVG. C.3; an- other AEQUITAS AVGG, last similar to C. 9, but with AVGG. About Unc. 2 pea. 886 Head r. Rx. Antelope. SAECVLARES AVG. C. 189. Unc. Plate. 887 Head r. Temple. SAECVLVM NOVVM. C. 198. Rare. Fine. 888 Another. Head r. Rx. She wolf Romulus and Remus. SAECULARES AVG C. 178. Ex. F. Plate. 889 Another. Rx. Philip & son mounted to r. C. 241. VF. Rare. Plate. 890 (A.'D. 240). Otacilia. Wife of Philip I. Bust r. PIETY stdg. PIETAS AVG. C. 34; another. Rx. Hippopotamus. SAECVLARES AVGG etc. C. 63. Ex. F. Double size. Plate. 891 Bust r. PVDICITIA. Cohen 53. Denarius. Ex. F. Rare size. Plate. 892 (A.D. 237-249). Philip Jr. Bust r. M.IVL PHILIPPVS CAES. Rx. Emperor standing to 1, holding globe. PRINCIPI IVVENT. C. 48. Abt. Unc. Plate. Note. — This young man was killed with his father at the age of 12. 893 (A.D. 201-251). Trajan Decius. Bust r. Name title. Rx. Female stdg. DACIA. C. 16. Unc. Plate. 894 Another. Rx. PANNONIAE. C. 82. Ex. F. 895 A third. Rx. VICTORIA AVG. C. 111. Ex. F. Note. — This Emperor accepted the purple from an army under threats of death, and was later drowned in a bog. 896 (A.D. 240-50). Etmscilla. Busts r. IVNO REGINA and PVDICI- TIA. C. 14 and 19. Known only from her coins, but was the wife of Trajan Decius. VF. Plate. 2 pes. 897 (A.D. 249-51). Herennius Etruscus. Bust r. Concord. C. 4; An- other, PIETAS AVG C. 11; others, Rx. PIETAS and PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS V. Fine lot. Plate. 4 pes. 898 (A.D. 251). Hostilianus. Head to r. C. VALENS HOSTILIANVS MES QVINTVS N.C. Rx. Mars advancing to r. MARTI PROPVG- NATORI. Cohen 15. Very fine, but flan irregular. Very rare. Plate. 899 (A.D. 253). Trebonianus Gallus. Bust r. Rx. AETERNrTAS AVG. Cohen 11; another. Rx. Liberty. LIBERTAS. AVGG. C. 63. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 900 Others. Reverses: JVNO MARTIALIS. C. 46; FELICITAS. C. 41 and LIBERTAS PVBLICA. C. 69. Ex. F. 3 pes. ROMAN SILVER 67 901 (A.D. 251). Volusian. Head r. Rx. Peace. PAX AVGG. C. 70; another, Rx. VIRTVS AVGG. C. 133. Ex. F. Choice. Plate. 2 pes. 902 Another. Head r. Rx. PIETAS AVGG. C. 88. V.F. 903 (A.D. 208-54). Bust to r. IMP AEMILIANVS PIVS FEL. AVG. Rx. Apollo standing 1. APOL. CONSERVAT. Cohen 2. Edge irregu- lar. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 904 Another. Head r. Rx. VICTORIA AVG. C. 53. Ex. fine. Plate. 905 Another, finer bust to r. with title P.F. AVG. Rx. Valor standing. VIRTVS. AVG. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 906 (A.D. 190-206). Valerian. Head to r. IMP.C.P.LIC VALERIANVS P.F. AVG. Rx. Liberality. LIBERALITAS. AVGG.III. Cohen 119 Ex. F. Plate. 907 Others. VICTORIA AVGG. C.230, 279, etc. Mostly Ex. F. Plate. 7 pes. 908 (A.D. 260). Mariniana, wife of Valerian. Veiled head to right. DIVA MARINIANA. Rx. Peacock facing. CONSECRATIO. Very fine. C. 4. Also Stevenson, Illustration. P. 538. S. states her silver coins are very rare and the bronze still rarer. She is known only through her coins. Plate. 909 Another, bust to r, veiled, same inscription. Rx. Peacock walks to the right. CONSECRATIO. Cohen II. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 910 Another, same inscription. Rx. Flying peacock bearing empress aloft. CONSECRATIO. C. 14. Fine. V. Rare. Plate. 911 (A.D. 253-58). Gallienus. Head to r. GALLIENVS AVG. Rx. Piety standing, a youth at her feet. CONSERVAT PIETAT. Cohen 144. (12 Fes). Ex. fine. Billon. Plate. Note. — Of this emperor, whose coinage is so large and varied, a word; He was the son of Valerian by his first wife. Emperor with his father, A.D. 253. Assassinated 268. A contemptible character. It was during this reign that so many generals declared themselves emperors, and these are designated as "The Thirty Tyrants.". He was killed while besieging in Milan the new competitor, Aureolus, being assassinated by conspirators in his 50th year. Every vice imaginable was charged to him. It is to be noted that from the reign of Septimus Severus to Gallienus the silver standard was reduced. The above and the others following of Gallienus are billon, copper, or bronze plated with silver. 912 Examples selected for superior condition Reverses: GERMANIC VS MAX. V C. 310; SAECVLAERES AVG. Stag. C. 922; VIRTVS. AVGG. Gallienus and Valerian on reverse, C. 1310; VIRTVS AVGVSTI. Hercules standing. C. 1320. All Dnc with original silvering. Plate. 4 pes. 68 ROMAN SILVER 913 Others. Rx. P.M. TR.P.IIII.COS.III.P.P. C. 804; PAX FVNDATA. Trophy C. 769; also. Rx. LEG.XIII. etc. Victory and Lion; C. 537 (Rare); also VICT. GERMANICA. C. 1062 (Rare). Ex. F. to Unc. Plate. 4 pes. 914 Others, a wide variety of types, including C. 375, 566 843, 848, 860, 878, 919, 979, 1071, 1173, 1236, etc. Mostly Unc. with original silvering. 13 pes. 915 (A.D. 254). Salonina, wife of Gallienus. Bust r. SALONINA AVG. FECVNDITAS AVG. Cohen. 39; IVNO REGINA. C. 60; VENVS FELIX, C. 115. Rebarkable portrait coins. Mint state. Plate. 3 pes. 916 Others. CONCORD AET. C. 25; CONCORDIA AVGG. C. 31; SALVS AVG and VENVS VICTRIX. C. 132. All Ex. F. or Unc. 4 pes. 917 (A.D. 267). Valerianus, Jr. Bust r. VALERIANVS P.F.AVG. Rx. ORIENS AVG. Cohen No. 6. Rare. Fine. 918 (A.D. 242-159). Salontnus. Son of Gallienus. Put to death 259. Heads R. REVS. CONSECRATIO. Eagle. C. 9. CONSECRATIO, ALTAR. C. 12; IOVI CRESCENTI. C. 26; PRINC. IVVENT. C. 61; and SPES PVBLICA. C. 95. All V. Fine or Ex. F. Scarce. 5 pes. 919 Another, good portrait to r. SAL VALERIANVS C.S. Rx. PRINC. IVVENT. C. 62. Ex. F. Plate. 920 (A.D. 258-267). Postumus. Double denarius. Head r. Rx. VIC- TORIA AVG. C. 377; another, single denarius. Rx. MINER FAVTR. C. 195. Unc. & Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 921 (A.D. 267). Victorious. One of the Thirty Tyrants. Head r. Rx. Mars stdg. COMES AVG. C. 14. V. Fine. Another, PAX. C. 79. 2 pes. 922 (A.D. 267). Marius. Said by Pollio to have reigned only three days and stated to have been killed by one of his ancient comrades with a sword which he himself had "fabricated". (S); Obv. Head to r IMP C. MARIVS P.F. AVG. Rx. Clasped hands. CONCORDIA MILITVM. Cohen 4. V.F. Very base. Fine and very rare. Plate. 923 Head in clearer relief to r. Rx. SAEC. FELICITAS. Cohen 12. (15 Fes). Extremely fine and very rare. Very base. Plate. 924 (A.D. 262). Maeriamis, Jr. Youthful head to r. IMP. C. FVL. MA- CRIANVS. P.F. AVG. Rx. Rome seated to left holding staff. ROMAE AETERNAE. Cohen No. 10. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. Note. — This young man flourished during the later years of his father's reign and was killed in battle. ROMAN SILVER 69 925 (A.D. 262). Quietus. Usurper, taken prisoner and put to death. Obv. Head r. IMP. C. FVL. QUIETVS P.F.AVG. Rx. IOVI CONSER- VATORI. Cohen 8. Base denarius, only fair, but very rare. 926 Another, better silver. Head r in spiked crown. IMP C.FVL. QUIETVS P.F.AVG. Rx. Figure of the Sun standing 1. SOL IN- VICTO. Cohen 12. Very fine. V. Rare (C. 30 Fes). Plate. 927 Another. Similar lettering on obverse. Rx. Hope standing. SPES PVBLICA . Cohen 14. (Purchased by Mr. Miller in Athens, 1905). Ex. fine. V. Rare. Plate. 928 (A.D. 267). Laelianus, Usurper. Bearded head to r. IMP.C. LAELIANVS. P.F. AVG. Rx. Victory walking to r. VICTORIA AVG. C. 4. Ex. fine and Very rare. Plate. Note. — He is said to have been of Spanish origin, and in 267, when Postumus was slain, seized on the government at Mayence, Germany. A distin- guished military man, afterwards slain by troops un- der Victorinus. 929 (A.D. 232-267). Probus. Bust r. Name, title. Rx. Two stdg. CLEMENTIA TEMP. C. 87. Unc. Plate. 930 Bust r. IMP.C. PROBVS. P.F. AVG. Rx. Mars advancing to r. MARS VICTOR. C. 334. Unc. Plate. (Purchased 3/21, 1887). 931 (A.D. 254-282). Numerianus. Head r. Name, title. Rx. Figure of the Sun to left, ORIENS. AVGG. C. 37. also, bust r. Rx. Provi- dence. PROVIDENT AVGG. C. 83. Unc. Plate. 2 pes. 932 (A.D. 270). Severina. Head r. SEVERINA AVG. Rx. Venus stand- ing. VENVS FELIX. C. 14. About Unc. Small size. Plate. 933 (A.D. 267). Tetricus, Sr. Head r. Health SALVS AVGG. C. 152. VF. V. Base. This man, conquered by Aurelian, was forced to follow the chariot of his master, but Aurelian afterwards bestowed on him great honors. 934 (A.D. 250-310). Maximianus Hercules. Son of a shepherd; strangled himself. Head to r. MAXIMIANVS AVG. Rx. Four soldiers sac- rificing. VIRTVS MILITVM. Cohen 622. In fine silver. Very rare. Fine. Plate. 935 (A.D. 245-311). Diocletian. Head r. DIOCLETIANVS AVG. Rx. Soldiers before a military camp. VIRTVS MILITVM. Ex fine. Very rare in silver. C. 517. Plate. 936 (A.D. 250-306. Constantine Chlorus. Head r. Name. Rx. Gateway or entrance to a military camp. VIRTVS MILITVM. C. 320. Va- riety. Holed at top fine otherwise. Very rare in silver. Plate. 70 ROMAN SILVER 937 (A.D. 263-323). Licinius I. Head left. Rx. Jupiter on eagle. IOVI CONSERVATORI. C. 99. Fine. Note. — This emperor was a peasant by birth and was strangled. 938 (A.D. 274->337). Constantine Magnus, or The Great. Head to r. CON- STANTINVS NOB. C. Rx. Gate to a military camp. VIRTVS MILITVM. Cohen 706. Extremely fine. V. Rare in silver. Plate. Note. — He was the son of Constantius Chlorus and Helena. Was Caesar in 306 and Augustus in Britain. In 311 he embraced the Christian religion, and became sole emperor in A.D. 323. Quitted Rome for Byzan- tium in 330, which he named Constantinople. He died 337. He evidently suffered from an exaggerated ego, judging by some of his acts and the so- called "visions" he imagined he saw while traveling along with his army. One of these was his "discovery" of the PX sign, or seal of Christ. As a matter of fact numismatists have proven he borrowed this PX vision from Ptolemy III or the early Bactrian Kings, as this monogram is clearly seen on their coins of several hundred years previous to his time. In fact we have them in this very sale. His "In Hoc Signo Vinces" and his PX visions were truly "dreams." W 939 (A.D. 335-61). Constantius II. Head to r. D.N. CONSTANTIVS P.F. AVG. Rx. VOTIS XXX MVLTIS XXXX. In exergue. ANT. C. 342. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 940 Another. Smaller bust to r. Name, title. Rx. VOTIS XXX. MVLTIS XXXX P. CON in exergue. C. 343 Fine. Plate. 941 (A.D. 328-378). Valens. Rare medallion. Bust to r. D. N. VAL- ENS. P.F. AVG Rx. Soldier standing holding standard and shield. VIRTVS EXERCITVS. Small edge crack at top, otherwise fine. Very rare. Cohen 71. Plate. 942 Another, denarius size. Head r. Similar reading. Rx. Rome std. to 1. VRBS ROMA. C. 109. VF. Plate. 942a Another. Bust R. Urbs Roma. C. 91. V. F. 943 (A.D. 364-75). Valentinian I. Head r D.N.VALENTINIANVS P.F. AVG. Rx. Emperor stdg. RESTITVTOR REIP. C. 18. Abt. Fine. 944 Another, head r. similar. Rx. Rome std 1, VOT X. MVLT.XX. C. 73. Extremely fine. Plate. 945 Another. Rx. URBS ROMA. Treves Mint. Uncirculated, choice. Plate. 946 (A.D. 380-92). Valentinian II. Head r. Urbs. Roma. V.F. C.76. F. ROMAN SILVER 71 947 Another. Rx. VIRTVS ROMANORVM. C. 60. Fine. 947a A third. Rx. Victory. VICTORIA AVGGG.TRPS (Treves). C.40. Dnc. VR. Plate. 948 A third. Rx. VOT.V. MVLT.X. C. 67, variety. F. Plate. 949 (A.D. 331-62). Julian the Apostate. Head r, bearded. FL.CL IVLIANVS P.F. AVG . Rx. VOT.X. MVLT.XX. C. 147. Fine. Scarce. 950 Another without beard. D.N.IVLIANVS P.F. AVG. Rx. VOTIS V. MVLTIS X in exergue. CON C. 161. VF. Plate. 951 Another not so fine. Obv. DN.CL.etc.Rx. VOTIS V. MVLTIS X VG. C. 158. 952 (A.D. 350-53). Magnentius. Large type. Head r. Name. Rx. Valor holding a spear and leaning on a buckler GLORIA EXERCITI. TD. in Exergue (Treves Mint). Fine. Small edge crack. Plate. Fine silver. 953 (A.D. 363-4). Jovianus. Large type. Head to left. FLIOVIANVS PF AVG. Rx. VOT.V.MVLT.X in wrth. HERACA in exergue C. 33. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 954 Another, half the size of preceding. D.N.IOVIANVS PF.AVG Rx. VOT V. MVLT X. in wrth; CONST under wreath. Cohen lists it under same as above. No. 33. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 955 (A.D. 375-83). Gratianus. Head r. DN.GRATIANVS P.F.AVG. Rx. I VOT. XV. MVLT.XX. In exergue SISCPS (Siscia Mint) Cohen 72. Ex. F. Plate. 956 Another, not so fine. URBS ROMA. C. 86. VGood. 957 (A.D. 383-88). Magnus Maximus. Head r. Name, title. Rx. Rome std 1. VIRTVS ROMANORVM. TRPS (Treves Mint). Unc. C. 20. 958 (A.D. 388). Flavins Victor. Head to r DN.FL. VICTOR PF AVG. Rx. VIRTVS ROMANORUM. TRPS. (Treves Mint). About uncircu- lated. Excessively rare. C. 6. Plate. w Note. — Son of Magnus Maximus. Arbogastes, the general of Theodosius, seized Victor, who had been left in Gaul, and put him to death in A.D. 388). 959 (A.D. 346-94). Theodosius, the Great. Head r, Name, title. Rx. Con- cord. CONCORDIA AVGG. C.3. fine; another. Rx. VRBS ROMA. C. 71 AQPS (Aquilia Mint). F. 2 pes. Note. — Associated with Gratian in the Empire in 379, his division being the Eastern. Died 395. 72 ROMAN SILVER 960 Another. Head to r. Name, title. Rx. VIRTVS ROMANORVM. Treves Mint. Uncirculated. C. 56. Plate. 961 (A.D. 392-94). Eugenius. Bearded head r. D.N.EVGENIVS.P.F. AVG.Rx. Rome to 1. VIRTVS ROMANORVM. Lyons (France) Mint. Cohen 18. VF. V. Rare. Plate. 962 Another. A different bearded head to right. Ins. as last. Rx. Rome seated to left holding Victory. VIRTVS ROMANORVM.T.R.P.S. Treves Mint. About uncirculated and Not in Cohen! Ex. Rare. Plate. Note. — An usurper of the time of Theodosius the Great. He was a scholar and teacher. Acknowl- edged as Emperor in Gaul and in the Western prov- inces, he allied himself with the Germans and Franks. He was attacked, taken prisoner and put to death in 294, by Theodosius. 963 (A.D. 393-4). Honorius. Head r. Name, title. Rx. similar to last. M.D.P.S. Mint. Ex. F. Plate. C. 59. 964 (A.D. 396-408). Arcadius. Bust r. D.N. ARCAD(IVS P) F. AVG. Rx. Rome std 1. VIRTVS ROMANORVM. TRPS. (Treves Mint — See Elder Coin Book, pages 93-94 and 95 for mint marks on Ro- man coins). Ex. F. Plate. 965 (A.D. 411-413). Jovinus. Head to right. DN. IOVINVS P.F. AVG. Rx. Victory std to 1. (VICTOR) IA AVGG, part of reverse letter- ing off. An excessively rare coin. Cohen 4. Good. Plate. I find no mention of this ruler in Stevenson, but I found another note as follows: "Jovinus, a Gaulish captain. Proclaimed emperor at Mayence A.D. 411. Defeated by Adolphus, the Gothic king, and beheaded A.D. 413. 966 (A.D. 450-57). Marcianus. Medallion in silver. Head to r. D.N. MARCIANVS PIET. AVG. Rx. Victory standing holding trophies. VICTORIA AVGGG. In exergue COMOB. Good to V.G. V. Rare. Plate. 967 (A.D. 461-65). Severus III. Quinarius. Head r. Name, title. DN. LIB. SEVERVS.P.F.AVG. Rx. PX, or seal of Christ in laurel wreath. In Exergue, R.M. Fine. V. Rare. Cohen 16. Plate. Note. — Stevenson calls this man a phantom of a sovereign, who induced the soldiers to give him the title of Augustus, in the city of Ravenna. He died in the palace of the Caesars in Rome A.D. 465. 73 VARIOUS RULERS, BYZANTINE, ETC. 968 (A.D. 474-91). Zeno. Quinarius. D.N.ZENO. PERP. AVG. Rx. Eagle surmounted by cross. Thomsen 56, Sabatier VIII. 3. Thom- sen gives it as "Ties Rare." Fine. Plate. 969 (A.D. 488-518). Anastasius and Theodoric. Head of first to r. D.N. ANASTASIVS PP.AVG. Rx. Monogram of Theodoric. See Thomsen P. 81, No. 986. Sabatier XVIII. 3. Very rare. Plate. Note. — Of obscure parentage. An officer in Zeno's household he succeeded to the Byzantine throne and married Ariadne. He died struck by lightning. His silver is rare especially those where his name was associated with Theodoricus, king of the Ostrogoths. Stevenson. 970 (A.D. 527-34). Justinian and Athalaricus. Bust r. D.N.JVSTINI. AVG. Rx. D.N. ATHALARICVS. RIX. Quinarius. Very rare. Fine. See Thomsen 995. Sabatier XVIII. 20. V. Rare. Plate. Note. — A prince of weak, vain ungenerous character. On the reverse of his rarest coins appear the name of Athalaricus, king of the Ostrogoths. 971 Justinian, alone. Quinarius. Bust r. Name. Rx. VOT. MVLT. HTI. Thomsen. No. 100. S. XII. 11. Fine. Rare. Plate. 972 (A.D. 536). Justinian & Witiges Head of Justinian R. D.N. IVSTINIANVS. P.F. AVG. Rx. D.N. WITIGES. Thomsen 1009, Sabatier XIX. 1. Edge crack, otherwise about fine and Excessive- ly rare. Plate. Note. — Witiges, or Vitiges, was king of the Ostro- goths A.D. 536-40. Silver and copper coins are ex- tant. See above. Stevenson, page 892. 973 (A.D. 527-65). Justinian alone. Quinarius. Bust r. Name, title. Rx. Large C.N. within a garland. The CN means 250. Thomsen 101 Sabatier XII. 13. Very rare and Extremely fine. Plate. 873a Heraclius. Quinarius. Head to r. DN ERACLIVS PP. AVG. Rx. Cross potence in wreath. Extremely fine and very rare little coin. Thomsen 454. Plate. 974 (A.D 484-496). Kingdom of the Vandals. Gunthamundus. Obv. D.N. RX. GVNTHA. Rx.D.N. in wrth. Thomsen 1070 Sab. XX. 3. Fine. Extremely rare. Plate. SHiqua. 74 ROMAN SILVER 975 (A.D. 496-523). Thrasamundus. Diademed head r. D.N.RX () SAM- VNDVS. Rx. D.N. Within myrtle wreath. Quinarius or Siliqua. Thomsen. 1073, Ex. Rare and fine. Plate. 976 (A.D. 523-530). Hildeiic. Head r. D.N.HILDIRIX REX. Rx. Nude figure of a woman standing facing. FELIX KARTG Thomsen 1074. Extremely rare. Abt. Fine. Plate. Note. — Stevenson lists six Vandal kings of Africa, some of whom issued coins. The above are all of excessive rarity and seldom seen or offered. 977 (A.D. 1143-80). Trebizonde. Manuel I. Commenus. Emperor dia- demed. Rx. St. Eugene with cross. Greek ins. Thomsen 841. DeSaulcy XXVIII. 4. Broad denarius. Fine. Rare. 978 (A.D. 280-97). John Commenus. Emperor stdg. Rx. St. Eugene stdg. Greek inscription. Thomsen 844. Sab. LXVIII.3. VG. Rare. EARLY ROMAN BRONZE COINS. 979 (338-268 B.C). AS. Obverse Head of Janus inside border. Rx. Prow of a vessel. Over the vessel its mark of value I. Full size of early type, about 10 Oz. Very fine and patinated. Unusually nice example and rare. Stevenson P. 84. Babelon 51. 980 (B.C. 431-211). Campania. Semis. Head of Pallas in helmet 1. S. below same. Rx. Same head to r. 3 oz. 20 Dwts. 553 MM. Very fine. Unusual example. Very rare. 981 (B.C. 338-268). Head of Hercules to 1, 3 dots behind same. Rx. Prow, under it 3 dots. Quadrans, weight about 2 Vz oz. Good. Rare. Babelon 54. Rare. 982 (B.C. 338-268). Quadrans. A hand, open, 3 dots. Rx. two grains of barley, 3 pellets between them. Weight 2% oz. Slight surface depression in flan, otherwise very fine. Very rare. Purchased by Mr. Miller 10/12, 1883. This alone shows he was a veteran col- lector. 983 Obverse a dog to r. RX. Same to left. 4 dots, either side. Triens, about 3 oz. Very good. Rare. 984 Heaviest type Triens. Dolphin and 4 dots. Rx. Thunderbolt and 4 dots. Very fine, weight 3% oz. Patinated. Very rare. Bought in 1883. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 75 985 Formiae. Early triens of the heavy type. Horse head to r and 4 dots. Rx. Same to left. Fine. Weight about 4 oz. Fine and very rare. 986 Female head with peaked cap to r, 2 dots behind same. Rx. Same to left. An extremely fine example of the Sextans, early type, pat- inated. weight over 2 oz. 987 Apulia. Cockle Shell. Rx. Astragalos and two dots. Sextans, 13 diots 1 grain 26 MM. Good. Rare. 988 (217-154). Second Period. .Semis. Head of Zeus. S back of head. Rx. Prow, S. over it, ROMA below it. Fine, patinated. about 1 oz. 989 Umbria. Tuder. Sextans, early period. A cricket. Rx. Trident Fine. V. Rare. Weight 1 oz. 990 Early type Sextans. Cockle. Shell. Rx. Caduceus, 2 dots either side. VF. 2 % oz. 991 Early Uncia. Obv. knuckle bone. Rx. a dot raised high at the center of the coin. Weight about 1 oz. Fine. V. Rare. 992 Early Uncia. Obv. Beetle. Rx. VT, lance head. Weight % oz. Good. Rare; 993 (B.C. 268-217). Uncia. Early period. Head of Rome, helmeted to 1, ^ a dot back of same. Rx. Prow to R. 1 dot, ROMA. About 1 oz. Fine, patinated. 994 As last. Patinated. Fine. 995 Another very good; also Sextans. Head of Hercules. Rx. Prow. *4 and % oz. VG. 2 pes. 996 Uncia. Head of Mercury. Rx. Prow, patinated green, and fine. 997 Head of Mercury to r. Prow. 2 dots either side. Small sextans, V. Good. 998 Head of Female to r. Rx. Cavalier on galloping horse r. ROMA. Uncia. Fine. 999 Head of Minerva r. Rx. A dog to r. ROM. Very small. Fine, pat- inated. 1000 Head of Apollo with flowing locks to r. Rx. Prancing horse to left ROMA. Small bronze. V. Fine, patinated. ROMAN LARGE OR GREAT BRONZES. (Note. — For dates see the preceding list of denarii.) 1001 Pompey the Great. Head of Janus., above MGN. Rx. Prow EPPIVS LEG. Fine, patinated. Plate. Cohen 7. 1002 Julius Caesar and Octavius. Head of Caesar to r. DIVOS JVLIVS. Rx. Head of Augustus. DIVI. F. CAESAR. Cohen 3. Very good, patinated. Plate. 76 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1003 Julius Caesar and Augustus. Heads Back to back DIVI IVLI CAESAR DIVI F. IMP. Rx. Prow. Very good. Rare. C. 7. 1004 Augustus. Head to r. star in field. DIVI.F. Rx. in with. DIVOS IVLIVS Fine. V. Rare. Plate. 1005 Obv. OBCIVES SER(VATOS) DIVO AVGVSTO S P Q R. Rx. SC. etc. Good. Cohen 303. Rare. 1006 Obv. Elephant quadriga to left DIVO AVGVSTO SPQR. Rx. S.C. etc. Illustrated in Cohen, page 105, No. 306. 1007 (A.D. 29). Livia. Obv. Mule car to r. S.P.Q.R. IVLIA AVGVST. in 3 lines. Rx. TI. CAESAR DIVI AVG.F. AVGVST. P.M.T.R. POT. XXIIII. S.C. Cohen 6. Extremely fine. Exceedingly rare in this condition. Plate. 1008 Tiberius. Large S.C. in center, TI. CAESAR DIVI AVG.F. AVGVST. P.M.TR.POT. XXIII. Rx. Tiberius laureated, seated to left in curule chair. CIVITATIBVS AEIAE RESTITVTIBVS. Extreme- ly fine and patinated. Very rare. Cohen 3. Plate. 1008a Head to r. TI. CAESAR. AVGVSTI. F. IMPERATOR VII. Rx. Al- tar at Lyons, below which ROME T AVG. Cohen 35. Excessive- ly rare. Obv. Good. Rev. fine, surface brown erosion. Cohen gives its value as 150 Francs. Plate. 1009 Quadriga to r. Rx. Large S.C. TI CAESAR DIVI. AVG. F. AVGVST. P.M. TR.POT. XXXVI. Good. Cohen 65. Rare. 1010 Drusus. Heads of the Children of Drusus, cornucopia form. Rx. DRVSVS CAESAR, etc. Very good. Rare. Cohen 1. 1011 (A.D. 33). Agrippina, Sr. Head to r. AGRIPPINA M.F.MAT. C. CAESARIS AVGVSTI. Rx. Mule-car to left. S.P.Q.R. MEM- ORIAE AGRIPPINAE. Cohen 1. Good. Patinated black. Rare. 1012 (A.D. 37-41). Caligula. Head to left. C. CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON. AVG. P.M. TR. P. III. P. P. Rx. Caligula standing on a plat- form to left, haranguing 5 soldiers; above, ADLOCVT; below COH. Very fine and very rare thus. Cohen No. 2. Plate. 1013 Emperor seated to left. C.CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P.M.T. R. P. IIII. P.P.; below, PIETAS. Rx. Temple scene with calf on the altar for sacrifice DIVO AVG. S.C. Very fine. Very rare. Cohen (illustr). 9. Plate. 1014 Head to left. C.CAESAR AVG GERMANICUS PON M TR POT. Rx. S.P.Q.R. OB. CIVES SERVATOS. Very fine. Cohen 24. Rare. Plate. 1015 (A.D. 37). Nei-o Drusus. Head to left. NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP. Rx. Emperor seated to left TI CLAVDIUS CAESAR AVG PM RTP IMP PP — SC. Ex. fine. Very rare. Cohen %, (Illustr.) riate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 77 1016 Claudius I. Elongated head to right. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P.M. TRP IMP Rx. Hope walking to the left. SPES AVGVSTA. Type Cohen Obv. 83. Rx. 85. Fine. Rare. 1017 Head to r. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR, etc. Rx. EXSC — OB— CIVES— SERVATOS. Very good. Cohen 85. Rare. 1018 Nero. Head to r. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVGGER PMTR P IMPPP. Rx. Rx. ANNONA AVGVSTI CERES. Two figures, 1 seated. S.C. Very Fine, patinated. Very rare. Cohen 17. Plate. 1018a Head to r. NERO CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG GER P.M.T.R.P.IMP PP. Rx. View of the harbor of Ostia with ships; statue of Neptune, with Tiber seated to left SPQR OSTC. The number of ships are 7. See Cohen. No. 33 for this number. Very fine. V. Rare. Plate. 1019 Head r. Name, titles, etc. Rx. Two mounted to r. DECVRSIO. Fine. Rare. Cohen 92. Plate. 1020 Head r. Name, titles, as above. Rx. Temple, of Janus. PACE P.R. TERRA. MARIQ PARTA. IANVM CLVSIT. S.C. Very fine, dark patination. Cohen 134. Very rare. .Plate. 1021 Head to left, name, titles, as above. Rx. Rome seated to left hold- ing victory in her hand, divides S.C; in exergue, ROMA. About uncirculated, medium brown glossy patination. Very rare. Cohen 273. Plate. 1022 Head to r, name, titles. Rx. Arch of triumph, quadriga on top of it. divides S.C. Extremely fine, dark patination. Very rare. Cohen 307. Plate. 1023 Galba. Head to r. SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG TRP. Rx. Lib- erty standing to left. LIBERTAS PVBLICA — S.C. Very good. Cohen 108. Rare. 1024 Remarkable portrait bust to left. SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG TRP. Rx. Beautiful figure of Victory walking to r, holding wreath, dividing S C. Glossy dark patina, about uncirculated. A very rare gem, perfectly centered and valued at a very high price. One of the prizes of this sale. Cohen 248. Plate. 1024a Head to r. SER GALBA IMP CAES AVG TRP. Rx. Victory, winged, advancing to the left; divides S.C. No reverse lettering. Fine, patinated. Cohen 263. Rare. Plate. 1024'b Head to r. Name, as last. Rx. SPQR OB CIVSER. Very good. Rare. C. 289. 1025 Otho. Head to r, name, etc. Rx Emperor receiving soldiers. SE- CURITAS P.R. Cast from a Paduan, no originals known. VF. 78 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1026 Vitellius. Bust to r A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP AVG P.M.T. R.P. Rx. Honor and Valor standing vis-a-vis. HONOS ET VIRTVS. Very fine and patinated. Excessively rare. Cohen 38. Plate. 1027 Large head to r. A. VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP AVG PMTRP. Rx. Peace stands and holds cornucopia PAX AVGVSTI; in the field, S.C. A gem coin, extremely fine, about uncirculated, pat- inated a dark green color. Cohen 68. Very rare. Plate. 1028 Vespasian. Head to r. IMP. CAES. VESPASIAN. AVG P.M.TR.PPP COS II. Rx. Titus and Domitian standing. CAES. AVG. F. DEO. IMP AVG F. COS DES IT.S.C. Cohen 46. Very fine, a brilliant green patina. Very rare. Plate. 1029 Celebrated JUDEA CAPTA. Head to r. IMP. CAES VESPASIAN AVG PMTRPPP COS III. Rx. Palm-tree; on the left side ot tree, a Jew standing, his hands tied behind his back; behind him shields; on the right, a Jewess seated on a cuirass weeping. IVDAEA CAPTA. In Exergue, S.C. Cohen 239. Madden P. 185, No. 1; Stevenson page 491, illustration; Head P. 809. Fine to very fine, a light brown color. Very rare. Plate. 1030 Another, a different type. On the reverse the Jewess sits straighter the figure is smaller and the workmanship finer. See Madden P. 185, No. 3. Extremely fine, the best example I have seen, pat- inated a greenish color. V. Rare. Plate. 1031 Head to right IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG PMTRPPP COSIII. Rx. Rome standing to left holding a victory, in other hand a lance; divides S.C. in field; at left ROMA. Resembles Cohen No. 418, but a variety. Fine. Rare. 1032 Another, head to r, lettering similar. Rx. SPQR ADSERTORI LIB- ERTATIS PVBLIC. Cohen 518. Variety of obverse, listed at 40 Fes. Abt. fine. Rare. 1033 Titus. Head to right. IMP TCAES VESP AVG PMTRPPPCOS VIII. Rx. Felicity stands to left holding lance and cornucopia. FELICIT PVBLIC; S C divided in field. Extremely fine, glossy patination. Very rare. Plate. Cohen 73. 1034 Large head to left. IMP. TCAES VESP AVG PMTRPPPCOSVIII. Rx. Hope standing to left holding a flower; her dress diaphanous and extends almost to the ground; divides large letters S-C in field. A very beautiful patinated example, extremely fine. Obv. C. 205. Rx. 207. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 79 103i5 Domitian. Head r. Name, titles. Rx. Jupiter seated to left holding a victory. IOVA VICTORI — below. S.C. Cohen 315. Extremely fine and paginated. Very rare. Plate. 1036 Another. Head r. CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIANVS COSVII. Rx. Victory with shield and lance advancing to right; dividing S.C. No further inscription on reverse. Very fine, dark green patination. Cohen 439. V. Rare. Plate. 1037 Nerva. Head to r. IMP NERVACAES AVG PMTRP II COS HIPP Rx. Palm-tree. FISCI IVDAICA CALVMNIA SVBLATA. S. C. Re- fers to the abolition of the tribute of the Jews. See Madden, P. 199 and Cohen No. 54. About fine. Exceedingly rare and seldom offered. Plate. 1038 Head to r. Name, titles, etc. Rx. Fortune stands facing to the left. FORTVNA AVG VST. Cohen 67. Extremely fine, dark green pat- ination. Very rare. Cohen 67. Plate. 1039 Head to r, name, titles, etc. Rx. Liberty stdg to 1. LIBERTAS PVBLICA; S.S. in field. About fine, and patinated. Scarce. V. 114. 1040 Head to r. IMP NERVA CAES AVG PMTRPCOSIIIPP. Rx. Two donkeys feeding. VEHICVLATIONE ITALIAE REMISSA. Cohen 143. Fine, patinated. 1041 Trajan. Naked bust to r. Name, titles, etc. Rx. Abundance. In Exergue ALIM ITAL. S.P.Q.R. etc. C. 7. Obv. fine. Rx. Good. Patinated. 1042 Head to r IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PMTRP COSVPP. Rx. Peace seated to left presenting wreath, SPQR. OP- TIMO PRINCIPI — below, S.C. Cohen 425. Fine, unusually well centered with good margin. Plate. 1043 Head to r. Name, titles etc. Rx. Victory standing to r, by a statue; S. C. in field. S.P.Q.R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Cohen 452. Fine, patinated. 1044 Head to r. Ins. similar. Rx. Trajan crowned by Victory SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI — S.C. Cohen 519 (50 France). Very rare. Fine. Plate. 1045 Head r. Name, etc. Rx. view of Danube bridge SPQR, etc., as last. Good. C. 542. V. Rare. 1046 Head to r, ins. similar. Rx. Peace holds sprig to left. SPQR. as last; in exergue ARAB ADQVIS; in field, S.C. Very fine. Very rare. C. 582. Plate. 80 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1047 Large type head to r. IMP CAES NERVE TRAIAN AVG. GERM. P.M. Rx. Concord seated to left, holding cornucopia. T.R.POT. COS IIII. IMP Extremely fine, light brown color. Very rare. C. 623. V. Rare. Plate. 1048 Head to r, Ins. similar to last. Rx. Peace std to left TRPOT — COS IIII PP — below, S.C. Fine, patinated. C. 637. 1049 Hadrian. Head to r HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP Felicity stand- ing. FELICITAS AVG — S — C. Extremely fine, dark patina. Cohen 609. Plate. 1050 Head to r. Name, etc. Rx. Justice std to 1. IVSTITIA AVG. COS III PP. C. 885. Surface erosion on rev. VGood otherwise. 1051 Head to r. HADRIANVS AVG COS HIPP. Rx. Liberality stdg to r. LIBERALITAS AVG VI — in field, S.C. Very fine, patinated. Cohen 936. Plate. 1052 Another. Head to r. Name as AVG. Rx. Emperor mounting on prancing horse to left P.M.T R P COS etc. — below; EXPED AVG — SC. Reverse a little off center, otherwise very good. Rare re- verse. 1052a Sabina. Head to r. SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG PP. Rx. Pudicity seated 1. PVDICITIA. — below, S.C. VGood. Scarce. C. ,63. 105 2b Head to r in curious cap. or head-dress, Ins as last. Rx. Vestal seated to 1; large S.C. below her. C. 65. Patinated. Fine. 1052c Aelius. Bearded bust r. L.AELIVS CAESAR. Rx. Concord std 1. divides SC; TR.P.O.T. COS.II. VGood. C.6. 1052d Bust to r. L.AELIVS CAESAR. Rx. Hope stdg. TR POT. COS.II. C. 56 (12 Fes). VG. 1053 Antoninus Phis. Head to r, bearded DIVVS ANTONINVS. Rx. Pyre, or monument. CONSECRATIO — S — C. Extremely fine, patinated. C. 165. Remarkably fine example. Plate. 1054 Similar head r. Rx. Column at top of which figure of the Emperor. DIVO PIO — S — C. Cohen 354. Ex. fine, patinated. Plate. 1055 Head r. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PPTRP COS III. Rx. Italia seated 1. S. C. Cohen 464 Abt. fine. 1056 Head to r. Similar ins. Rx. Liberty standing to r. LIBERTAS COS IIII — S.C. Ex. fine, dark patina. V.Rare. C. 535. Plate. 1057 Head to r. ANTONINVS AVGVS PPTRPCOSIII. Rx. Health stand- ing to left feeding a serpent. SALVS AVG — S.C. in field. Re- barkable example, ex. fine, fark patina. C. 715, variety with AVGVS instead of AVG. Very rare. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 81 1057a Head to r. ANTONINVA AVG PP IM(P). Rx. Abundance. TR POT XXI COS III S.C. in field. Fine, glossy patina. 1058 Bust to r. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PPTRP COS IIII. Rx. Rome seated to left, holding Victory, in field, S.C. C. 753. V. Fine. Plate. 1058a Head R. Rx. Heads facing, cornucopia style. Ins partly off. G. 1059 Head to r, Ins., similar. Rx. Security seated, dividing S — C. Very fine, patinated. Rare. C. 757. Plate. 1060 Head to r. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PPTRP. Rx. Abundance stand- ing 1. COS IIII— PAX AVG and SC last 3 in the field. Fine, part of reverse inscription not clear. Green patina. Plate. 1061 Head r. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PPTRP Rx. Honor standing to 1. Good. 1062 Faustina I. Head r. DIVA FAUSTINA. Rx. Vestal before an altar holding bowl and torch. CONSECRATIO, S.C. Very fine. C. 162. Plate. 1063 Head r., similar ins. Rx. Eternity standing AETERNITAS, — S.C. Cohen 28. Fine. 1064 Faustina II. Small bust to r, hair tied. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA. Rx. Laetitia standing to left, divides S.C. LAETITIA. Not in Cohen with female facing to the left with this inscription. About un- circulated, glossy brilliant black patina. One of the choicest ex- amples in the entire collection, perfectly centered on either side and a uniform color. Plate. 1065 Head to r, different style and larger lettering. DIVA FAU — STINA PIA Rx. Eternity to left, seated, holding a globe and sceptre. AETERNITAS; in field, S.C. Extremely fine, brilliant black pat- ina. V. Rare. Plate. C. 7. 1066 Another, head to r. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA. Rx. Cybele seated to r. MATRI MAGNAE; in exergue, S.C. Ex. fine, dark green patina. C. 169. Plate. 1067 Another, head r. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA. Rx. Abundance standing. FECVNDITAS; in field, S.C. C. 100. Fine, patinated. 1068 Head to r DIVA FAVSTINA PIA. Rx. Diana standing to r. SI- DERIBVS RECEPTA — in field — S.C. Ex. fine, glossy black pat- ina, fine portrait. C. 215. Plate. 1069 Marcus Aurelius. Head of Marcus Aurelius to r, DIVOS M. ANTON, etc. Rx. Altar. CONSECRATIO. — S.C. in field. Irregular flan. Very good. C. 85. 1070 Head r. Name, inscription partly off. Rx. VICT — GERM — IMP VI— COS III— SC. VGood. C.99. 82 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1071 Bust in fine style to right, bearded AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PHI. Rx. Valor standing to r, holding spear, VIRTVS COS II — in field, S.C. Extremely fine, evenly centered, glossy dark patina. (Albert Niess Sale, Frankfort, 4-21-90). C. 1007. One of the best in the collection, with a most striking portrait of this great man. Plate. 1072 Lucius Verus. Bust bearded to r IMP CAES L AVR E LIVS VERVS AVG. Rx. L. Verus and M. Aurelius standing facing with hands clasped. CONCORDIA AVGVSTOR.T.R.P.II; in exergue, COS II. Remarkably bold impression, and evenly struck. Glossy dark pat- ina. Very rare, ex. fine. C. 36. Plate. 1073 Head to r. L. VERVS AVG ARM. PARTH. MAX. Rx. Armenian or Parthian prisoner seated by a trophy TR POT V IMP III COS II — in field, S.C. Cohen 194. Fine. Plate. 1074 Head r. L. VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX. Rx. Abundance seated to 1. TRPOT VIII IMP V COS III — in exergue, FORT RED — in field S.C. A variety of C. 214. Very good. 1075 Lucilla. Head r. LVCILLA AVGVSTA. Rx. Juno seated to left hold- ing patera. IVNO — in field, S.C. V. Fine. C. 35. Plate. 1076 Head r, LVCILLA AVGVSTA. Rx. Piety standing 1. PIETAS— in field, S.C. Ex. fine, brilliant dark patina. C. 53. Plate. 1077 Very small head to r LVCILLAE ANTONINO AVG F. Rx. A vestal sacrificing to left. VESTA; in field, S.C. Ex. fine, patinated, medium brown. Rare. Cohen 94. Plate. 1078 Commodus. .Head r. M.AVREL.COMMODVS AVGGERM SARM. Rx. Trophy. DE GERMANIS, Etc. Rev. inscription weak, otherwise Fine. C. 79. 1079 Head to r, fine portrait M. COMMODVS etc. Rx. Abundance to left; left part of Reverse ins. off IMP VI COS IIII PP; S.C. in field. Fine, patinated. 1080 Head r. Rx. Emperor haranguing 3 soldiers to left. P.M.TRP, etc. In exergue, FID EXERC. Very good. Very rare reverse. 1081 Head r, youthful style. L. AVREL.COMMODVS AVG PPPIII. Rx. Liberty to 1. LIBERTAS AVG. IMP.II.COS.PP.S.C. C. 330 Ex. fine, patinated green. V. Rare. Plate. 1082 Head r, aged style. M. COMMODVS, etc. Rx. Victory standing 1, a trophy behind her. MINER VICT. P.M.TRP.XIIII.IMP.VIII. COS V.PP Cohen 369. The longest inscription I have yet seen on a reverse, in a single line. Fine, patinated. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 83 108)3 Crispina. Small bust to r. CRISPINA AVGVSTA. Rx. Abundance std to left, CONCORDIA; in field, S.C. Extremely fine, glossy dark patina, but parts of letters off reverse due to small flan. Still a bandsome and rare example. C. 6. Plate. 1084 Another. Bust r. Rx. Venus L. VENVS FELIX. SC. C. 40 Abt. F. 1085 (A.D. 126-192). Peitinax. Head to r, bearded. IMP CAES P HELV PERTINAX AVG. Rx. Divine Assistance seated to left OPI DI- VIN.TR.P.COS II.; in field, divided S — C. Excepting for slight pitting in places in obverse field a fine example, the reverse quite fine. Cohen No. 34. (Cohen valued it at 200 Francs, so it is one of the rarest of all Roman bronze coins). Excessively rare. Plate. Note. — This emperor reigned only 87 days, in con- sequence of his firmness in insisting upon reforms in the army and state. He was assassinated. 1086 Didius Julianus. Head to right, bearded. IMP CAES M.DID SEVER IVLIAN AVG. Rx. Fortune standing to left. P.M.T.R.P.COS S.C. See Cohen P. 400, No. 12. Fine. Ex. Rare. Cohen lists only 15 numbers under Didius Julianus so their rarity may be imagined. Assassinated after a reign of only 66 days. Plate. 1087 (A.D. 193). Manlia Scantilla, wife of Didius Julianus. Head to r. MANLIA SCANTILLA AVG. Rx. Juno standing 1. IVNO RE- GINA). Inscription except S.C. o: reverse. Type of Cohen 3. Cohen lists only two varieties of first bronzes for this empress, so their rarity may be judged. She had a brief reign as Julianus was soon assassinated and her honors were taken away from her and she died in obscurity. Good. Plate. 1088 Clodius Albums. Head to r. D.CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES. Rx. Felicty stands to left holding sceptre and caduceus. FELICITAS COS II. Fine, patinated. Very rare thus. Cohen 16. Plate. 1089 Another listed the same by Cohen, but a different die, parts of let- tering off either side. Very good, nearly fine otherwise and rare. The portrait is fine. 1090 Septimus Severus. Head to r. L. SEPT. SEVERVS. AVG.IMP. VIII. Rx. Emperor mounted to r. ADVENTI AVG FELICISSIMO; in eexereg. S.C. V.G. About fine. Rare. C. 8. 1091 Head r. IMP CAES.L.SEPT SEV.PERT.AVG. Rx. FIDEI LEG TRP COS — S.C. Small flan. About fine, glossy dark patina, c. 147. Scarce. 84 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1092 Head r. Name, etc. Rx. Victory walking to 1. VICT AVG TRP COS. Obv. lettering partly off. About fine otherwise. C. 683. Scarce. 1093 Julia Domna. Head r. IVLIA AVGVSTA. Rx. Cybele std to 1. MATER DEVM; in ex. S.C. two lions beneath chair. C. 124. Rare 12 Fes. Fine, dark patina. 1094 Head to r. IVLIA PIA FELIX. AVG. Rx. Juno. 1. IVNONA — S. C VGood. C.88. 1095 Caracalla. Head r. M. AVREL. ANTONINVS PIVS. AVG. BRIT. Rx. Security seated to r, holding palm branch. PMTRPX1HI COS III PP. In exerg, S.C. C. 193. Fine. Plate. 1096 Head r. Same ins. Rx. Providentia std. to 1. PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM! in ex. S.C. A fine portrait piece. Patinated, C. 531. Plate. 1097 Head r, similar ins. Rx. Security to r. SECVRITATI PERPETVAE. S.C. C. No. 579. Part of reverse lettering off. V. Good. 1098 Geta. Head to r SEPTIMIVS GETA PIVS AVG BRIT. Rx. Fortune seated 1. FORT RED T.R.P.III.COS.II. — below.S.C. Brilliant green patina. Fine. Rare. Plate. Cohen 52. 1099 Head to r. SEPTEMIVS GETA PIVS AVG BRIT. Rx. Figure fac- ing. VOTA PUBLICA. C. 232. Patinated, about fine. 1100 Head to r, fine portrait. IMP CAES P.SEPT GETA PIVS AVG. Rx. Three female figures facing each other PONTIF TRP II COS II — below, S.C. Fine. 1101 Maerimis. Head r. IMP CAES M.OPEL. SEV. MACRINVS AVG. Rx. Jove standing to left, divides S.C; IOVI CONSERVATORI. Cohen 39. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 1102 Diadumenianus. Bust to r, good portrait, M OPEL L ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES. Rx. Emperor holds standards and spear. PRINC IVVENTVTIS — below, S.C. Cohen 7 (illustra- tion), valued by C. at 80 Francs. Very rare and about fine. Plate. 1103 Elagabalus. Head r. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Rx. ElegabaJlus standing to 1. INVICTIS SACERDOS AVG — S.C. in field. C. 64. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1104 Head r. Ins as last. Rx. Liberty to r. LIBERTAS AVGVSTI. S.C. in field. C. 103. Patinated green. Very good, about fine. Un- usual golor. 1105 Another, head r. Name. Peace to left. PAX AVGVSTI C. 121 (20 Fes). Good. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 85 1106 Elegabalus and Annia Faustina. Head r. Name, title. Rx. ANNIA FAVSTINA, etc. Early Italian (modern) work. Fine. 1107 Julia Maesa. Head to r (IV)LIA MAESA AVG. Rx. Felicity to 1. SAECVLI FELICITAS— in field, S.C. A very fine patinated coin but slightly off center. C. 47. Plate. 1108 Alexander Severus. Head to r IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG Rx. Vi- croty advancing to r, holding a buckler on which VOT VICTORIA AVGVSTI; Victory divides S C at her feet. This comibination with buckler not mentioned in first bronze in Cohen. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1109 Head to r IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG. Rx. Mars advancing, hold- ing spear and shield; MARS VLTOR. divides S.C. C. 163. Fine, patinated green. 1110 Fine bust to r. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG. Rx. Providence standing to 1. PROVIDENTIA AVG; in field, S.C. Fine. Cohen 503. 1111 Saal. Barbia Orbiana. Head r. SALL BARBIA ORBIANA AVG. Rx. Concord to 1. CONCORDIA AVGVSTORVM. C. 4. (40 Fes), Fair- ly good. Very rare. 1112 Julia Mamea. Head to r. IVLIA MAMEA AVGVSTA. Rx. Felicity facing 1. FELICITAS PVBLICA. — S.C. in field. Fine. C. 21. Plate. 1113 Maximinusl. (The Giant). Head to r IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG. Rx. Faith to left. FIDES MILITVM — In field, S.C. Cohen 10. Patinated green. V. Fine. Plate. 1114 Bust r. Same ins. Rx. Peace stands 1. PAX AVGVSTI — in field, S.C. C. 34. Very fine patinated green. Plate. 1115 Head r. Similar. Rx. Victory to r. VICTORIA AVG — in field, S.C. C. 100. VG. 1116 Head r. Similar. Rx. VICTORIA GERMANICA. G. Rare. C. 109. 1117 Paulina. Head to r veiled. DIVA PAVLINA. Rx. Empress riding on a peacock to right CONSECRATIO; in field, S.C. Cohen No. 2. Very rare. Very good. Plate. Cohen lists only four coins for this Empress, so their rarity is unquestioned. Stevenson says she was the wife of Maximian I the Thracian giant. There are no gold coins of her, the first brass rare, the silver still rarer. The em- blem of the peacock is meant to bear the Empress to the skies. 1118 Maximus Caesar. Head to r C IVL VERVS MAXIMVS CAES. Rx. Implements of sacrifice. PIETAS AVG — below, S.C. V.G. Cohen 9. 86 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1119 Head r. MAXIMVS CAES GERM. Rx. Emperor stands to left by two standards PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS — S.C. V.G. 12. 1120 Gordianus Africanus. Head to r IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG. Rx. Security seated to left in chair; S.C. below it. Legend; SECVRITAS AVGG. Fine, patinated. Very rare. C. 11. Plate. 1121 Gordianus Africanus, Jr. Head to r. IMP CAES M. ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG. Rx. Rome seated to left, armed and holding trophy. ROMAE AETERNAE. — below figure, S.C. Fine. Very rare. C. 9. (illustrated) Plate. 1122 Balbinus. Head r. IMP CAES D CAE L BALBINVS AVG. Rx. Liberality standing to 1, holding Cornucopia, etc.; in field S.C; LIBERALITAS AVGVSTORVM. Very fine. V. Rare. C. 11. Plate. 1123 Head to r. Similar ins. Rx. Balbinus standing to 1. P.M.TRO. COS II PP; in field, S.C. Fine, but edge defect. Rare. C. 21. 1124 Head to r. Similar ins. Rx. Providence standing to 1. PROVIDEN- TIA DEORVM; in field, S.C. Fine. Cohen 24. Rare. Plate. 1125 Pupienus. Head r. IMP CAES M. CLOD PVPIENVS AVG. Rx. Liberality standing to 1. LIBERALITAS AVGVSTORVM. — S.C. Good. C. 15. Rare. 1126 Head r, bearded. Same ins. Rx. Peace stands 1. P.M. TR. P. COS II PP. — S.C. C. 30. Good, patinated. Rare. 1127 Bust t or. Same ins. fine portrait. Rx. Victory stands facing 1, holding a wreath. VICTORIA AVGG — S.C. Very fine. V. Rare. C. 38. Plate. 1128 Gordian Pius in. Head r. IMP CAES M. ANT. GORDIANVS AVG. Rx. Concord seated to 1. CONCORDIA AVG. S.C. C. 51. V. Fine. Plate. 1129 Head to r, IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rx. Gordian stand- ing, holding spear P.M.TR.P.V.COS II.P.P. — infield, S.C. V. Fine, patinated. C. 267. Plate. 1130 Philip I. Head r. IMP M:iVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Pedestal. MILIARVM SAECVLVM — S.C. Good. V. Rare. C. 15. 1131 Head r. Similar ins, parts of lettering cut into by small flan, Rx. Standards FIDES EXERCITVS— below, S.C. C. 51. V. Fine. 1132 Head r. Similar ins. Rx. Emperor std to 1. P.M.TR.P. II.COS.PP. — In ex. S.C. C. 121. Fine. Plate. 1133 Head r. Similar ins. Rx. Abundance to 1. P.MTR.P. III. COS. P.P.; in field, S.C. Cohen 125. V.Fine. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 87 1134 Head to r. Similar ins. Rx. Hope standing to 1, holding flower. SPES PVBLICA. S.C. Cohen does not describe a first bronze with this type of reverse and inscription. Flan too small for coin, cut- ting into inscription, otherwise fine. Rare. 1135 Otacilia. Head to r. MARCIA OTACIL SEVERA AVG. Rx. Hip- popotamus to r. SAECVLARES AVGG — below, S.C. Cohen 65. Ex. fine and patinated a bright green. Rare. Plate. 1136 Philip II. Head to r. IMP P.M. IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rx. Two Emperors seated to left LIBERALITAS AVGG III — S. C. Ex. fine, a bright green patina. C. 18. Plate. 1137 Smaller head r. Name, etc. Rx. Peace standing to 1. PAX AETER- NA. — S.C. VGood. C. 325. 1138 Head r. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES. Rx. Young Emperor to 1. PRIN- CIPI IVVENT — S.C. C. 55. Abt. Fine. 1139 Head r. IMP M. IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rx. Deer or animal to 1. SAECLVARES AVGG — helow, S.C. Fine. C. 73. Plate. 1140 Trajanus Decius. Head r. IMP.C.M.Y. TRAJANVS DECIVS AVG. Rx. Dacia standing 1. D A C I A — In field, S.C. Irregular flan. C. 28. Fine. 1141 Etruscilla. Head r. HERENNIA ETRVSCILLA AVG. Rx. Pudicity to 1. PVDICITIA AVG — In ex. S.C. Cohen 22. V.Fine. 1142 Herennius. Head to r. small flan cuts into lettering. Name, title, etc. Rx. Implements of sacrifice, PIETAS AVGVSTORVM. Very fine portrait and patinated. Cohen 15. 1143 Head to r. Q. HER. ETR. MES. DECIVS NOB.C. Rx. Emperor to 1. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS — S.C. V. Fine. C. 23 (Fcs.15). Plate. 1144 Hostilian. Head r. IMP CAE.C.VAL.HOS. MES QVINTVS AVG. (flan too small, part of lettering off either side). Rx. Security stdg, S.C; SECVRITAS. AVGG. Very good. V. Rare. (30 Fes). Cohen 60. 1145 Head to r. IMP.CAE.C.VAL. HOS.MES. QVINTVS AVG. Rx. Ins in 4 lines: VOTIS — DECENNA — LIBVS— S.C. Small flan cuts into legend somewhat otherwise very fine. V. Rare. Plate. Cohen 71 (50 Fes). Plate. 1146 Treb. Gallus. Head to r. IMP. CAES.C.VIB. TREB. GALL VS. AVG. Rx. Liberality to 1. LIBERALITAS. AVGG III. Very fine, pat- inated. C. 57. Rare. Plate. 1147 Others, various reverses, the flans not regular, 1 has an edge crack. Good to very good. 3 pes. 1148 Volusian. Head r. IMP.CAE.C. VIB. VOLVSIANO. AVG. Rx. Peace stands left. PAX AVG G — S.C. C. 74. Fine. 88 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1149 Another, bust r., similar. Rx. Emperor stdg. P.M.TRP.IIII.COS.II. PP.SC. Irregular flan. Fine, patinated. 1150 Head to r, fine portrait, inscription cut into by small flan. Name, etc. Rx. Juno facing in a temple with dome. IVNONI MAR- TIAL! C. 41. Fine. 1151 Aemilianus. Head to r IMP AEMILIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rx. Hope marching to left, holding "fleur". SPES PVBLICA SC. Cohen 49. Ex. Rare. Priced at 100 Francs! Fine. Plate. 1152 Head r. Most of obv. ins. off due to smallness of flan. Rx. in center of wrth, in 4 lines, VOTIS — DECENNA — LIBVS— S.C. C 67. Good. V. Rare (listed at 100 fcs). 1153 Valerian I. Head r. IMP.C.P.LIC. VALERIANVS.P.F.AVG. Rx. Apollo stands to 1. APOLINI CONSERVA— S.C. C. 22. Edge crack. Fine, patinated. 1154 Another, Head r. Similar ins. Rx. Abundance 1. COS, etc. Irregu- lar flan cuts off inscription in places. VGood. 1155 GaUienus. Bust to r. IMP GALLIENVS PF. AVG. Liberality 1. LIBERALITAS AVGG CS. VGood. Scarce. C. 574. 1156 Head r. Similar ins. Rx. Sun standing. ORIENS AVGG. S.C. C. 711, Patinated. VGood. 1157 Head to r, fine portrait for this rude style. IMP C.P.LIC. GAL- LIENVS P.F. AVG. Rx. Victory to left. VICTORIA AVGG S.C. C. 1140. Small flan cuts into legend, otherwise very fine. Rare. Plate. 1158 Head r. Name, titles, etc. Rx. Valor stdg to 1 part of ins. off. C. 1297. Good. Rare. 1159 Salonina. Head to r. CORNELIA SALONINA AVG. Rx. Juno stdg to 1. INVO REGINA — S.C. Cohen 62. Fine, patinated. Plate. 1160 Postumus. Head to r, bearded. IMP. C.M.CASS.LAT. POSTVMVS PF. AVG. Rx. Galley. LAETITIA. AVG. — below it, S.C. C. 177. Good. 1161 Head r. IMP C.POSTVMVS PF. AVG. Rx. Valor standing to r, armed. VIRTVS AVG. Without SC. C. 437. Fine. Rarely comes so com- plete. Plate. ROMAN SECOND OR MIDDLE BRONZES. (For dates of Rulers see the Denarius Series in This Sale). 1163 Julius Caesar. Head of Victory to r. CAESAR DIC. TER. Rx. Pallas to left. C. CLOVI. PRAET. Cohen 7. VGood. Rare. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 89 1164 Agrippa and Augustus. Heads back to back. IMP (DIVI.F.) Rx. Crocodile. COL. NEM. CIO Patinated green. Fine. 1165 M. Agrippa alone. Head to 1. M. AGRIPPA L.F.COS III. Rx. Nep- tune facing left. S.C. Cohen 3. Ex. fine, beautiful dark green patina. Plate. AUGUSTUS. 1166 Head to 1. DIVVS AVGVSTVS; large S C. Rx. Augustus seated 1. CONSENSV SENAT. ET. ORDIN. P.Q.R. V. Fine. Patinated. C. 87. Plate. 1167 Head 1. DIVVS AVGVSTVS.PATER. Rx. Altar, large S — C. at sides, below PROVIDEMT. Ex. fine, glossy black. C. 228. Rare. Plate. 1168 Head 1. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Rx. Livia std to r. divides large S.C. C. 244. Fine, patinated. Plate. 1169 Head 1. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Rx. Eagle, with wings open facing r. divides S.C. C. 247. Fine. Plate. 1170 Head I. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, first 2 or 3 letters partly off coin. Rx. Fulmen, and large S.C. Glossy patina, Ex. F. C. 249. Rare. Plate. Rare. 1171 Head to 1. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Rx. Large S.C. in heavy wrth. Cohen 252. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1172 Head to r CAESAR. AVGVST. PONT. MAX. etc. Rx. M MAECILIVS etc. large S.C. in center. Type described by Babelon on P. 103. Good. 1173 Tiberius. Head 1. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST. IMP VIII. Rx. Caduceus, S.C. etc. C.12. Abt. Fine. 1174 Bust 1. Name, titles, etc. Rx. Livia std. PONTIF MAX, etc., C. 17. Fine, patinated green. 1175 Head 1. TI CAESAR etc. Rx. PONTIF MAX, etc., SC in center, C.19. Abt. Fine. 1176 Head 1. Name, etc. Rx. Winged caduceus. PONTMAX, etc. C. 21. Fine. 1177 Head r. TI. CAESAR. AVGVST.F.IMPERAT. Rx. PONTIF EX, etc. S.C. Cohen 27. Ex. fine and choice. Plate. 1178 Another, Cohen 27, different die. VGood. 1179 Head r. TI CAESAR AVG, from right to left. Rx. Altar of Lyons. Fine. Cohen 33. 1180 Livia. Head to r, veiled, PIETAS. Rx. DRVSVS CAESAR, etc. C. No. 1 Patinated, abt. fine. 90 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1181 Mead to r, below, IVSTITIA. Rx. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG.P.M. TR. POT. XXIIII. — S.C. Very fine. Rare and choice. C. 4. Plate. 1182 Head r SALVS AVGVSTA. Rx. CAESAR DIVI, etc. C. 5. VGood. 1183 Drusus. Head 1. DRVSVS CAESAR, etc. Rx PONTIF TRIB, etc. Good. C.2. 1184 38 B. C. Antonia. Head r. ANTONIA AVGVSTA. Rx. Antonia standing 1. TI CLAVDIVS, etc. C. 6. About fine, patinated. 1185 Germanicus. Head 1. GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVGVST etc. Rx. C. CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M. TR POT. C. 1. V. Fine, glossy black patina. Plate. 1186 Head 1. GERMANICVS CAESAR etc. Rx. C. CAESAR DIVI, etc. C. 4, (illustrated). AM. Fine. 1187 Obv | Emperor standing to left with, outstretched hand. SIGNIS RECEPT. DEVICTIC GERM. S.C, below, large S — C. Rx. Em- peror in quadriga to r. GERMANICVS CAESAR in two lines. C. 7. VFine and rare. Plate. 1188 Head to r GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG. N. Rx. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVGGER etc. Cohen 8. Extremely fine and sharp, black patina. Rare. Plate. 1189 Caligula. Head to left. C.GAES. AVG. GERMANICVS PON. M.TR. POT. Rx. Vestal seated to left, above, VESTA; in field, large S — C. V. Fine. Patinated. Cohen 27. Plate. 1190 Another, not quite so well patinated, but fine, a different die from last, larger letters. C. 27. 1191 Claudius I. Head to 1. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR etc. Rx. Ceres std. CERES AVGVSTA — S.C. X. 1. VG. 1192 Head 1, TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR, etc. Rx. Pallas 1. CONSTANTAE AVGVSTI. S.C. C. 14. Abt. fine, patinated green. 1193 Head to 1. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PMTRP IMP.PP Rx. Lib- erty standing r LIBERTAS AVGVSTA — S.C. Ex. fine, strong im- pression, glossy patina. One of the best pieces in the collection. Cohen 47. Rare. Plate. 1194 Head 1. TI CLAVDIVS etc. Rx. Pallas with shield to r, Large S.C. Cohen 84. Fine, glossy patina. Plate. 1195 Nero. Head to r NERO CLAVDIVS etc. Rx. Edifice. MAC. AVG. S.C. C. 126. VGood. Rare. 1196 Head to left. NERO CAESAR AVG GERM IMP. Rx. Victory in clouds to left, divides S.S. C. 288. Ex. fine and beautifully pat- inated. Plate. 1197 Head to r. NERO CLAVD CAESAR etc. Rx. Victory walking 1, separates S and C VICTORIA AVGVSTI. Cohen 349. V. Fine. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 91 1198 Galba. Head to r. SER. GALBA. IMP. CAESAR. AVG.TR.P. Rx. Roman eagle on two military ensigns. S.C. C. 272. Fine. Obv. a little off center cutting off part, of the lettering. 1199 Head to r. IMP SER GALBA AVG TRP. Rx. SPORT — OB — CIV- SER. Abt. Fine. C. 298. Rare. 1200 Head to r. SER GALBA IMP CAES AVG TRP. Rx. Vestal seated to 1; divides S.C; in Exereg. VESTA. Cohen 313. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1201 Roman Colonial for Egypt. Head of Galba r. Name, etc. in Greek. Rx. Eleutheria stdg. Abt. F. Potin tetradrachm. Scarce. 1202 Vitellius. Head 1. A VITELLIVS ,etc. (part of ins. off) Rx. Liber- ty stands to r. LIBERTAS RESTITVTA; in field; S.C. V. Fine. Rare. Cohen 49. Plate. 1203 Vespasian. Head to r. IMP CAES VESP AVG P.M.T.P.COS VII.Rx. Felicity standing to left holding caduceus and cornucopia. FELICI- TAS PVBLICA — in field, S.C. Uncirculated, glossy patina. Slight edge defect. Very rare and choice. C. 1'55. Plate. 1204 Head to 1. IMP. CAES. VESPASIAN. AVG.COS III. Rx. Palm-tree; on the right of it, Judea seated on cuirass, leaning left arm on shield. In Exereg. S. . Like Madden P. 187 No. 7, but bust faces to left, not right. Cohen 247. Brilliant green patina. Fine. Plate. 1205 Head to 1 IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG. Rx. Cornucopiae crossed, with a caduceus in the center. PON MAX TR.POT.PP.COS 5 CENS. Extremely fine and bold impression. Cohen 376. Plate. 1206 Head to r, smaller style than last IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III. Rx. Victory, winged walking to right. VICTORIA NAVALIS — in field, S.C. Cohen 632. Ex. fine and nice patination. Plate. 1207 Titus. Head r. T CAES IMP AVG F TR P COS VICENSOR. Rx. a palm-tree, on right a Jewess seated on arms, resting arm on left knee. IVDAEA — CAPTA — In exereg. S.C. A very fine example of this rare and interesting piece having reference to the captivity of the Jews. See Madden P. P. 192, No. 4 (Illustration); and Cohen No. 117. Plate. 1208 Head r. T. CAES.IMP. AVG. F. TR.P. COS VI. CENSOR. Rx. Hope holding a flower, divides S. C, no further inscription. V. Fine. C. 217. Plate. 1209 Head to 1, IMP T CAES VESP AVG PMTRP COS VILL. Rx .Victory on a prow presenting wreath to r VICTORIA AVGVST — in field, S.C. V. Fine, patinated almost black, glossy color. C. 367. Rare example. Plate. 92 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1210 Julia (daughter of Titus). Head r. IVLIA M IMP. T. AVG. F. AVGVSTA Rx. Vesta std to 1; in field, S.C.; in exerg. VESTA. Cohen No. 18. (illustration). Abt. Fine. Rare. 1211 Domitian. Head to r. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XII CENS. POT. P.P. Rx. Fortune standing to 1. FORTVNA AVGVSTI; in field S.C. C. 122, variety. Fine black patina. Plate. 1212 Head to r. IMP CAES DOMITIAN AVG GERM COS XI. Rx. Altar; above it SALVTI; below it, AVGVSTI; at sides S — C. Cohen 417. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1213 Head r, shorter, thicker style. CAES DIVI VESP F DOMITIANVS COS VII. Rx. Hope holds a flower to left and divides S. C. No further ins. Obv. Cohen 441. Rx. 444. Dent on reverse left field, otherwise. V. Fine. 1214 Head to r. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XV CENS PER PP. Ax. Valor stands armed to right; divides S.C. Legend; VIRTVTI AVGVSTI. Cohen 656. A choice well centered coin, extremely fine, glossy brown patina. V. Rare example. Plate. 1215 Nerva. Head r. IMP NERVA. CAES. AVG. P. M. TR. P. COS.II PP. Rx. Clasped hands CONCORDIA EXERCITVM. S.C. Black pat- ina, about fine. C. 17. 1216 Trajan. Head r. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO etc. Rx. Felicity 1 FELICITAS AVGVSTI S.C. C. 145. Glossy dark green patina. Fine. Scarce. 1217 Head to r. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M. Rx. Piety stands beside an altar (TR) POT COS II; S.C. V. Fine, dark patina. C. 613. Plate. 1218 Hadrian. Head r. HADRIANV(S) AVGVSTVS. Rx. Valor to r. COS III PP. C. 481. Flan a little too small. Fine to V. fine. 1219 Aelius. Head r. C AELIVS CAESAR. Rx. Hope to 1. T.R. etc., some of ins. off. Very good. 1220 Head r. ANTONINVS AVG, etc., part of ins. off. Rx. Abundance to 1. C. 257. Fine, patinated. 1221 Head .r ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TRP COS IIII. Rx. Pallas burling javelin-divides S.C. C. 746. Fine to V. Fine. Plate. 1222 Head r. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP. Rx. Mars advancing armed to r; in front of him a female figure reclining. TR P COS III. Uat- inated, Abt. Fine. 1223 Faustina I. Head to right DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA. Rx. Piety stands to left PIETAS — in field, S.C. Cohen 243. A beautifully patinated coin, well centered and very fine portrait. V. Rare. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 93 1224 (A.D. 126). Titiana (wife of Pertinax). Bust to r. TITIANH CEBACTH. Rx. Victory holding wreath to left; divides L — A in field. Cohen No. 1. Struck at Alexandria. (Priced by Cohen at 300 francs, so it is one of the rarest of all Roman coins.) Fine and patinated. Plate. Note. — This person was so little known evidently that Stevenson makes no mention of her in his bio- graphical notes of rulers of the Roman Empire. It is the first example of any sort of coin of her that we have ever seen, and it is absolutely genuine. 1225 Commodus. Head r in lion's skin, as on coins of Alexander III. Rx. Club. HERCVL ROMAN AVGVS. Part of lettering off otherwise fine. V. Rare. C. 193. 1226 Geta. Head r. Name, etc. Ins. out into. Rx. Fortune 1. FORT RED TRP. etc. C. 60. Good, patinated. 1227 (A.D. 241). Tranquillina, daughter of prime minister of Gordian III. Head to r. Name, etc. in Greek. Rx. Abundance holding cornucopia and patera to left. Ins. Abt. Fine. Struck at Perin- thus. Very rare and seldom offered. Plate. 1228 Tranquillina. Another, struck at Alexandria. Head to r. Name in Greek. Rx. Eagle standing facing to r; L — E in field. Extreme- ly fine. Very rare. Plate. Note. — Married Gordian III in A. D. 241. "Young beautiful and in- telligent, '' says Stevenson, she graced — the illustrious elevation to which Gordian had raised her. She survived her murdered husband, but her lot in life afterwards remains without record. Of this Empresses coins there were but few in bronze, and none in gold. The silver and first and second brass are of the highest rarity. She is styled, as on the above coin: Sa- bina Tranquillina, CAB TPANKTAAEINA. 1229 (A.D. 204-49). Philip I. Head r. Rx. Turretted head of Antioch. Roman Colonial. Very good. Inscription, Greek. 1230 (A.D. 237-9). Philip II. Head r. Name, title. Rx. Emperor to 1. C. 50. Abt. F. patinated black. 1231 (A.D. 270). Severina. Head r. SEVERINA AVG. Rx. Juno 1. IVNO REGINA. Abt. F. C 9. Rare. 1232 Diocletian. Heads R. and L. Rx. Genius of the Roman people. 1. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI Plain field and B in field. Ex. F. C. 105, 119. Plate. 2 pes. . 94 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1233 Head right, D.N. DIOCLETIANO FELICISSIMO SEN. AVG. Rx. Two figures facing, Providence to left holding sceptre. PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QUIES AVG Ex. F. and rare variety. C. 423. Plate. Ex. F. 1234 Another. Bust r. D.N. DIOCLETIANO BEATISSIMO SEN.AVG. Rx. Ins. similar. C. 422 AM. F. Rare. 1235 Head r. with FELICISSIMO. Rx. PROVIDENTIA DEORVM etc. Like C. 422. Fine. 1236 Head to r. DN DIOCLETIANO PFS AVG. Rx. Female stdg to 1. VIES AVGG; in field, S.C. MM.PTR (Treves Mint) Ex. F. and rare. Plate. 1237 Head r. IMP DIOCLETIANVS PF AVG. Rx. Female to 1. SAL VIS AVGG ET CAESS. FEL KART Ex. F. Scarce rev. C. 438. Plate. 1238 Others, heads r. Rx FELIX ADVENT AVGGNN; another, Moneta to 1. SACRA MONETA etc. Fine & scarce. 2 pes. 1239 (A.D. 298). Domitius Domitianus. Head to r. IMP CL DOMITIVS DOMITIANVS AVG. Rx. Genius standing to 1, holding cornucopia and Patera. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Fine. Excessively rare. Plate. C. 1. See also illustration in Stevenson on page 345. Note. — These names which, "according to Steven- son," appear on coins are supposed to be those of one of Diocletian's generals, who declared himself em- peror at Alexandria, whilst in command of the Im- perial legions in Egypt. Mionnet says "Of this Domi- tus Domitianus, the name, fate and career are equal- ly unknown. But on the reverse of the medals ap- pear the letters ALE, which shows they were struck at Alexandria." 1240 (306-307). Severus II. Head r. SEVERVS NOBILLISSIMVS CAES. Rx. Genius stdg. GENIO POPVLI etc. C. 24. Fine. Rare. 1241 Head r. IMP SEVERVS PF AVG. Rx. Genius to 1. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Treves Mint. C. 24. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 1242 Head r. SEVERVS NOB. C. Rx. Genius stdg 1. Same ins. C. 43. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 1243 Head r. SEVERVS NOB CAES. Rx. Moneta, or justice to left. SAC. MON. VRB. AVGG. ET CAES. NN. MM. A.T. C. 62. V.F. Rare. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 95 1244 (286-305). Max Hercules. Head to r. MAXIMIANVS NOB NOBIL C. (Rare obverse lettering) Rx. Genius to 1. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Treves mint. Fine. 1245 Head r. Rx. Temple, with Genius of Carthage standing in it. IMP MAXIMIANVS SEN AVG. C. 74. VF. V. Rare. (15 Fes). Plate. 1246 Head r. IMP C. MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rx. Similar temple CON- SERV URBS SVAE. Treves mint. C. 75. Rare. Fine. Plate. 1247 Head to r. IMP MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rx. Africa to 1. FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN. Fine. Scarce. C. 106. 1248 Head to r. IMP.C.M. AVR. VAL. MAXIMIANVS. P.F. AVG. Rx. Gen- ius to 1. GENIO IMPERATORIS. C. 137. (30 Fes, V. Rare). V. Fine. Plate. 1249 Head to r. IMP C.M.AVREL.VAL.MAXIMIANVS PF. AVG. Rx. GENIO POP ROM. Treves Mint. C.141.F. 1250 Head to r. D.N.MAXIMIANO PFS AVG. Rx. GENIO POP.ROM. Fine C. 142. 1251 Obv. D.N. MAXIMIANO P.F.S. AVG. Rx. Genius to 1. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Extremely fine and choice. C. 223. 1252 Head to r. IMP C MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rx. Jove to 1, holds victory. IOVI CONS CAES. Alexandria Mint. C. 325. Unc. Plate. 1253 Head r. IMP MAXIMIANVS P.F.AVG. Rx. Moneta stdg. M. SACRA AVGG ET CAESS NN. C. 421. Ex. F. 1254 Head to r. IMP MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rx. Moneta stdg. SACRA MONET AVG ET CAES NOSTR. Fine. C. 503. 1255 Head to r. IMP MAXIMIANVS. P.F. AVG. Rx. Health standing 1. SALVIS AVGG ET etc. C. 510 Fine. 1256 Constantius Chlorus. Head r. DIVO CONSTANTIO AVG. Rx. Eagle. CONSECRATIO. VGood. C. 26. Scarce. 1257 Head r. FL VAL CONSTANTIUS NOB CAES. Rx. Genius to 1. GENIO AVGG ET CAESARVM NN. Mint KB. (Carthage) C. 58. Ex. F. Scarce. 1258 Head r. DIVO CONSTANTIO PIO. Rx. Altar with two eagles at sides. MEMORIA FELIX. Fine, patinated. C. 178. Rare. 1259 Head r. CONSTANTIVS NOB. CAES. Rx. Moneta standing MONETA SACRA AVGG ET CAESS NN Ex. C. C. 19 6. 1260 Head R. CONSTANTIVS NOB. CAES. Rx. SACRA. MON. VRB. ET. CAESS NN. T (Aries Mint) Fine. Cohen 267. Scarce. 1261 Bust r. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES. Rx. SACRA MONETA AVGG ET CAESS NOSTR P.M. Variety of Cohen 263 (SACRA spelled out in full). About Unc, patinated. Plate. 1262 Head r. IMP CONSTANTIVS etc. Rx. Health to r. SALVIS etc. C. 272. Fine. Scarce. 96 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1263 Others. Bust r, 2 varieties. Rx. Genius. GENIO etc. Ex. F. 2 pes. 1264 (A.D. 292-311). Galerius Maximianus. Head r. DIVO MAXIMIANO MAXIMINVS AVG FIL. Rx. Altar on which a fire burns, in center an eagle. AETERNAE MEMORIAE GALERINA XIIIA III. Alex- andria mint. Not in Cohen with this inscription in full as above. Fine. Rare. 1265 Head R. IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS P.F.AVG. Rx. Genius to r. GENIO IMPERATORIS. C. 48. Ex. F. 1266 Head r. MAXIMIANVS NOB. CAES. Rx. Genius 1. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. About Unc. C. 56. 1267 Head R. Name as P.F. AVG. Rx. Mars to r. VIRTVS EXERCITVS. C. 214. Ex. F. 1268 Head r. Name r. Rx. Mars R. VIRTVTI EXERCITVS. C. 231. Fine, patinated. 1269 Head r. MAXIMIANVS NOB. CAES. Rx. Moneta. SACRA MON VRB AVGG ET CAESS NN. C. 189. V. Fine. 1270 Head to r. SACRA MONET. AVGG ET CAESS NOSTR. Variety not in Cohen, this spelling. Ex. F. Plate. 1271 (A.D. 315). Galeria Valeria. Head to r. GAL VALERIA AVG. Rx. Venus standing to left VENERI VICTRICI. Various markfi in field. Uncirculated. Rare. Plate. Cohen 2. 1272 Another, a different head from the last. Same inscription both sides. MM. SIS. Ex. F. C. 2. Plate. 1273 Another, still different die from last. Alexandria mint. Uncircu- lated. Rare and choice. C.2. Plate. 1274 Another, larger lettering. Same types MM. SHS. Ex. F. Plate. 127i5 Another, larger head. Same types. MM. S.M.T.S. (Treves). Ex. F. Plate. 1276 Another, larger flan, small lettering. S.M.T.E. (Treves, 2nd Mon. Office) Ex. F. Plate. Patinated green. 1277 Another, small type flan and lettering, better workmanship than last ANT(IOCH) Mint. Ex. F. Plate. 1278 (A.D. 305-13). Maximums Daza. (Poisoned). Head r. Name GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES. Rx. Genius stdg to 1. GENIO AVG ET CAESARV N N. CM. 15. Ex. F. Plate. 1379 Others, smaller types Same reverse type with Genius stdg. includ- ing GENIO AVGVSTI Antioch, and Alexandria mints. VF. C. 18, 32, 34, 89. 4 pes. 1280 Another with a rare reverse, BONO GENIO PII IMPERATORIS. Alexandria mint. Cohen 2. Ex. F. Plate. 1281 Another, Rx. GENIO IMPERATORIS (Alexandria) C. 55. Ex. F. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 97 1282 Head to r. MAXIMINVS FIL AVGG. Rx. Genius to left, GENIO AVGVSTI.SIS. C. 24. Priced at 30 Francs. Ex. F. and V. Rare. Plate. 1283 Head to r. MAXIMINVS FIL AVGG. Rx. Genius. GENIO CAESARIS. V. Rare. Cohen 42. (30 Francs). Ex. F. Plate. 1284 Head to r. GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS NOB. C. Rx. Genius L. GENIO CAESARIS. MKV (Carthage Mint) Cohen 38. Ex. F. Scarce. Plate. 1285 Head r. GAL VAL MAXIMIANUS NOB CAES. Rx. Genius to 1. Ins. as last. C. 41. Ex. F. Plate. 1286 Head r. Name, NOB C. etc. Rx. Health to 1. SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART. Cohen 150. Fine. Rare. 1287 Head to left in helmet MAXIMINVS NOB CAES. Rx. The Sun (Helios) in quadriga in a gallop SOLI INVICTAE. ANT(IOCH). V. Fine and very rare (C. 20 Fes). Plate. 1288 Head to R. IMP.C. GAL.VAL. MAXIMINVS.P.F. AVG. Rx. Valor armed, standing to r. VIRTVS EXERCITVS. In exerg. Ant(ioch). C. 204 Ex. F. Plate. 1289 Head r. MAXIMINVS NOB CAES. Rx. CAESSNN; in exergg H.Q.T. Ex. F. Cohen 193. Rare. Plate. 1290 (A.D. 306-312). Maxentius. (Drowned in the Tiber). Head to r, IMP C. MAXENTIVS PF. AVG. Rx. The Dioscuri facing, hold- ing their horses; below Romulus and Remus suckling a wolf AETERNITAS AVG Exerg. MOST (Treves, Germany) Fine. C. 10. F. 1291 Head 1. IMP C MAXENTIVS PF AVG CONS. Rx. Rome seated in temple. CONSERV VRB SVAE. C. 29. Ex. F. (1'5 Fes.). V. R. Plate. 1292 Head r. Very similar obv. Rx. Same type. C. 34. VGood, patin- 1293 Head r. M AVR MAXENTIVS NOB. CAES. Rx. Health to 1. SALVIS AVGG. ET CAES. FEL. KART. (Carthage) C. 103. Patinated, Fine. Scarce. 1294 Head r, IMP C. MAXENTIVS PF AVG. Rx. Victory 1. VICTORIA AETERNA AVG N. Treves mint. VG. C.112. 1295 (A.D. 306). Romulus. Head to right IMP. MAXENTIVS DIVO ROMVLO NV FILO. Rx. Temple of six columns. AETERNA MEMORIA. Very good, patinated. Very rare and seldom offered. Cohen 1 (20 Fes.) 98 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1296 Head to r. DIVO ROMVLO NVBIS CONS. Rx. Temple with two doors, an eagle above it AETERNAE MEMORIAE; in ex. MOST (Mint Treves, or Ostia?). Cohen 6. V. Rare. V. Fine, patinated. Plate. 1297 Another, same general types, larger head and different lettering, but same inscription. C. 6. V. Fine. V. Rare. Plate. Note. — This ruler was the eldest son of Maxentius and of the daughter of Gal. Maximianus, born about A.D. 306. Little is known of him. He was declared Caesar by his father when he had completed his first year, and Augustus a short time after; and dying in A.D. 309 his father placed him in the rank of the gods, all his coins being struck in honor of his consecra- tion. An unique gold medallion exists of this boy. On the reverse is a temple having on its top an eagle with spread wings, with the motto AETERNAE MEMORIA. Neither Mionnet nor Echkel knew the meaning of the words NVBIS CONS., which appear on the above coins. 1298 (A.D. 263-323). Licinius I. Head r. IMP C. VALER LICIN. LICINIVS P.F. AVG. Rx. Genius to left. BONO GENIO PII IM- PERATORIS. Alexandria Mint. Cohen 1. (6 Fes). VF. Plate. 1299 Head r. VAL LICINIVS PF. AVG. Rx. Genius 1. GENIO AVGVSTI. V.F. C. 27; another. IMP LICINIVS PF AVG. Rx. Genius holds a statue of Serapis. C. 38; a third VAL LICINNIANVS LICINNIVS P.F. AVG. (Note very peculiar spelling of names) Rx. Genius to 1. C. 38, another, variety of the 2nd one. All V.F. 4 pes. 1300 Head to r. IMP C VAL LICINIVS PF AVG. Rx. Genius 1. GENIO IMPERATORIS. Alexandria mint. C. 43. Unc. Plate. 1301 Constantuie The Great. Head r. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS. NOB.C. Rx. CONCORDIA IMPERII. C. 67 (20 Fes). V. Fair only. 1302 Head r. CONSTANTINVS P.F. AVG. Rx. Temple with Rome seated within. (CONSERVATORI) VRBIS SVAE. T(Arles Mint) Ex. F., ipart of rev. ins. off. C. 77. 1303 IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. Rx. Genius to 1. GENIO POP ROM. Treves Mint, (PTR) Unc. C. 199. Plate. 1304 Head R. IMP CONSTANTINVS etc. Rx. Jove 1. IOVI CONSERVA- TORI, etc. C. 310, VF; another Bust r. Rx. Temple CONSER- VATORI KART, etc. C. 73. VG. 2 pes. 1305 Another. Bust r. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS etc. Rx. Genius L. GENIO IMPERATORIS. etc. C. 192 Ex. F. 1306 Head r. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB C. Rx. Genius 1. GENIO AVGG ET CAESARVM NN. K (Carthage Mint) Ex. F. C. 171. (20 Fes.). V. Rare. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 99 1307 Head r. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NC. Rx. Genius I. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. In field N; Exerg. PLG (London?) Ex. F. Patinated, C. 226. Plate. 1/308 Smaller type, head R. FL VALER CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. Rx. Genius L. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Alexandria Mint. C. 235. Rare. Ex. F. Plate. (10 fcs). 1309 Head r. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB.C.Rx. Mars armed advanc- ingr. MARTI PATRI PROPVGNATORI. Treves MM (PTR) Unc. a gem. C. 366. Plate. Ii3'10 Head r. Name as PF. Rx. MARTI PATRI CONSERVATORI. PTR. Fine. 13 111 Smaller type. Head r .IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rx. head of Mars, large style to r, helmeted. (Note — the head about same size as Constantines) MARTI CONSERVATORI (continuous border in- scription) Ex. F. Rare. C. 326. Rare. Plate. 1312 Head r. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. Rx. Emperor to r. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS. PTR (Treves). Ex. F. C. 416; another: Rx. young Emperor holds two standards 1. Ex. F. C. 444. Ex. F. 2 pes. 1313 (320-350). Constans. Head r. DN CONST ANS PF AVG. Rx. Con- stans standing L holding PX sign. Victory std. F.C.9; a second. i Head 1. Rx. Constans and 2 captives 1. C.14; another, Head r. Rx. Soldier & captive. C. 15; a fourth, C. 18. F. 4 pes. 1314 (A.D. 303-353). Magnentius. (Suicide). Head r. DN MAGNENTIVS PF AVG. Rx. Emperor stands to 1. FELICITAS REIPVBLICE. F.C. 4. 1315 Head r. D.N. MAGNENTIVS PF AVG. Rx. Large "Monogram of Christ" (PX) in center; in field, A.W. Legend; CALVS DD NN AVG ET CAES. MM. TRS (Treves) C. 30. (Illustration.) Note. — Cohen calls this a G.B., but it is hardly the full size of an early MB. Ex. F. Plate. Rare. Ii316 Head r. IM CAE MAGNENTIVS AVG. Rx. Magnentius to 1. Vic- tory std. FEL TEMP. REPARATO. C. 11. Ex. F. Plate. 1317 Bust r. DN MAGNENTIVS PF. AVG. Two Victories stdg. VICT. DDNN. AVG ET OU CAES VF.C. 41; another Head R. Rx. Em- peror stdg to 1., a captive at his feet VICTORIA AVGG.; another, Head r . Two Victories VICTORIAE DD NN etc. C. 68. F. & VF. 3 pes. 1318 Head r. DN MAGNENTIVS PF A VG. Rx. Magnentius riding down an enemy to r. GLORIA ROMANORVM (parts of last word off flan). V.F. C.20. 100 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1319 (A.D. 350). Vetranio. Head r. DN VETRANIO PF AVG. Rx. Vic- tory crowning soldier who holds standard. HOC SIGNO VICTOR ERIS Mark SIS (Siscia?) Very good. Exceedingly rare. Cohen 4. Plate. Note. — This man "commanded the legions in Illyria and Pannonia at the murder of Constans by Magnentius, A.D. 350, and he then assumed the title of Augustus at Sirmium. Constantius II marched with his army to meet him, and on a plain near Serdica, Constantius II, appealing to the assembled armies that he was a son of the great Constantine, Vetranio took off his diadem and abdicated. Constantius treated him with kindness and allowed him to retire to Prusa, in Bithynia where he spent the remaining six years of his life" (Stevenson). 1320 (A.D. 317-61). Constantius II. Head to r DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG. Rx. Emperor standing to 1. Victory std behind him. FEL TEM. REPARATIO. C. 3'5. AM. Unc, choice. Plate. 1321 Another, not quite to fine, longer head. DN CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES. Rx. Emperor killing an enemy to 1. FEL. TEM. REPARA- TIO. Ex. F. C. 7. 1322 Heads L. and R. Reverses: Emperor leading captive, FEL. TEMP. REPARATO; Emperor with 2 captives to 1; Emperor killing an enemy, C. 41, 44 (2 var). & 56. All Ex. F. 4 pes. 1323 Head r. DN CONSTANTIVS etc. Rx. Victory crowning soldier, hold- ing standard. HOC SIGNO VICTOR ERIS. A in field. A SIS. C. 142. Ex. F. 1324 (A.D. 331-362). Julian the Philosopher. Bust bearded to r. DN FLCL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rx. A bull to right, two stars over his head. SECVRITAS REIPVB; in exerg. ANTA (Antioch Mint). The bull supposed to be in derision of Christianity, which he re- pudiated. Slain on the banks of the Tigris at the age of but 31 in the 4th year of his reign. See Cohen No. 38 for this noted coin, which he calls a first brass although it is less in size than the early second brass. An unusually fine example, the best we have seen. Rare. Plate. 1325 Another, a different variety of same type with larger lettering and a different bust of Julian. Slight nick on reverse otherwise fine. Mark CONSPA (Constantinople office A). Plate. 1326 (A.D. 383-388). Magnus Maximus. (Beheaded). Heads r. DN MAG MAXINVS PF AVG. Rx. REPARATIO REIPVB (C.3), and VIC- TORI AVGG, with a captive kneeling before the emperor, Mark LVCS, the last not in Cohen. Good. Rare. 2 pes. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 101 1327 (A.D. 371-92). Valentinianus II. Heads r. Rx Emperor and cap- tive 1. REPARATIO REIPVB In ex. SISC, Another. Rx. GLORIA ROMANORVM. C. 22-26. Abt. F. 1 silvered. 2 pes. 1328 (A.D. 346-393). Theodosius (The Great). Head r. Rx. Emperor to 1, Victory std behind him. GLORIA ROMANORVM; another, Emperor standing r. same Ins. C. 18 and 19. one SMHA (Hera- cleia mint). F. 2 pes. 1329 (A.D.377-408). Arcadius. Head R. DN ARCADIVS PF AVG. Rx, Emperor stands to r, holding standard. GLORIA ROMANORVM. Fine. C.6. Plate. 1330 Head r. Name, title. Rx. Captive kneels at Emperor's feet, GLORIA ROMANORVM. V. Fine. Plate. 1330a (A.D. 381-88). Flaccilla. (Wife of Theodosius I.) Head r. AEL FLACCILLA AVG. Rx. Empress standing to right as Health, SALVS REIPVBLICAE. Ex. ALEX(ANDRIA). Very fine. V. Rare. C. 6, variety. Plate. 1331 (A.D. 384-423). Honorius. Head R. DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rx. Emperor r. GLORIA ROMANORVM. F. THIRD AND FOURTH BRONZES. (For dates see Denarii, Etc.) 1332 Augustus. LAMIA SILIVS ANNIVS. Simpulum and Augur's staff. Rx. III(VIR). AAA FF around S.C. C. 338. Fine. 1333 Obv. Cornucopia. LAMIA SILIVS ANNIVS. Rx. Coiner's anvil. III. VIR.AAAFF. C. 340. Fine, patinated. C. 340. 1334 Claudius I. Obv. Modius. Rx. PON.M. TR.P. COS DES.IT. C.70. Patinated. Fine. Rare. 1335 Obv. Hand holding a balance. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG. PNR. Rx. PON M TRP IMP COS DESIT around S.C. C. 71 and 72. F. and VG. 2 pes. 1336 Obv. Modius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG Rx. PON. M. TR.P.IMP. P:P. COS. II. Patinated, fine. C.72. 1337 Vespasian. Palm Tree. Name parts off. Rx. Trophy PM. T.R.P, etc. VG. Rare. C. 363. 1338 Titus. Obv. head of Titus r, name. Rx. Head of Antioch, turreted r. ANTIOCHIA. VG. Rare. C. 412. 1339 Domitian. Obv. Rhinoceros r. Rv. IMP DOMIT, etc. Good. C. 673. 1340 Trajan. Head r. IMP CAES. TRAIAN. AVG. GERM. Rx. Boar. S.C. Obv. a little off center. C. 341. Fine, patinated, Plate. 102 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1341 Gallienus. Head r. Rx. Apollo (Sagittarius or man-headed horse). VF. C. 73. Head r. GALLIENVS AVG. Rx. PAX AVGV. C. 727. Ex. F. 2 pes. 1342 Salonina. KORNELIA SALONINA CEB (Greek). Eagle. Thick piece (Ilisium) VF. 1343 Postumus. Billon denarius or 3rd B. Bust r. Rx. Moneta. COS IIII. C. 31. VF. 1344 Head r. IMP C. POSTVMVS PF. AVG. Rx. COS IIII. C. 31. Unc. Plate. 1345 Head r. Rx. SAECVLI FELICITAS. C.331. Ex. F. 1346 (A.D. 266). Victorian*. Head. R. Rx. Equity AEQVITAS AVG. C.8; another Rx. SALVS AVG. and a variety of same, C. 112-118. Ex. F. 3 pes. 1347 Another, fine portrait r. IMP. VICTORINVS L. Rx. Peace 1. PAX AVG. C. 88. Unc, sharp. Plate. 1348 Tetricus I. Heads R. Rx. COMIES AVG, C.17; and, HILARITAS last C. 48; and a barbarous quinarius or 4th size, all V. Fine. 3 pes. 1349 Head r. CONCORDIA AVGG. C. 23; and Rx. SALVS AVGG. C. 154.; a third. Rx. VIRTVS AVG. C. 207. Fine. 3 pes. W50 Tetricus BE. Head r. name, etc. Rx. Hope to r. SPES AVGG. C. 88; another. PAX AVG. a third, SPES PVBLICA. C. 97. Ex. F. 3 pes. 1351 Claudius Gothicus (II.) . Busts r. Rx. AEQVITAS, C.6; SPES PVBLICA, C. 281, CONSECRATIO, C. 43, VICTORIA AVG. C. 301; REQVIES OPTIMVR MERIT. C. 243 and VIDTVS AVG. C. 318. All F. to V.F. 6 pes. 1352 (A.D. 270). QuintUlus. Head r. APOLLINI CONS. C. 5; another. Rx. CONCORD EXER. C. 11, variety. VG. 2 pes. 1353 Bead to r. IMP QVINTILLVS AVG. Rx. Rome to 1, 2 standards. FIDES MILIT.; in Exerg. S. C. 25. Uncirculated. Scarce. Plate. 1354 Heads t. Rx. FIDES MILITVM, C. 27; and FORTUNA RED (va- riety). C. 33. VF. 2 pes. 1355 (A.D. 270-7>5). Aurelian. Head r. IMP AVRELIANVS AVG. Rx. CONCORD LEGI. C. 22; a second, Rx. CONCORDIA. AVG. C. 35, F. & VG. 2 pes. 1356 Head r. IMP AVRELIANVS. AVG. Rx. Concord and Emperor stdg clasping hands. CONCORDIA MILITVM. C. 60 (Scarce) VF. 1357 Head r. Similar ins. Rx. Sun standing r. ORIENS AVG. C. 140. Ex. F.; another, Rx. VICTORIA AVG. C. 250 (last rare). Both Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 103 1358 Head r. Name. Rx. Aurelian and Severina sacrificing at lighted altar. PIETAS AVG. C. 171 (10 Fes). Ex. F. Plate. 1359 Head r. Rx. RESTITVTOR ORBIS. C. 209. Ex. F. and a thick S.B. of Alexandria mint, with Greek Ins. VF. 2 pes. 1360 Aurelian and Vabalathus. Bust r. Name and title in Greek. Rx. VaJbalathus. Name, etc. Thick bronze of Alexandria mint. Ex. F. and patinated a bright green. Rare. Plate. 1361 Head R. IMP. AURELIANVS AVG. Rx. Vabalathus, name, C. 1. G. Rare. 1362 Severina. Head r. SEVERINA AVG. Rx. Concord Std. 1. CON- CORD MILIT. DL. Ex. F. C. 5. Plate. 1363 Head r. SEVERINA AVG Rx. CONCORDIA MILITVM; C. 7; an- other, smaller flan. Same ins. Rx. VENVS FELIX. Ex. F. C. 14. Scarce. Plate. 2 pes. 1364 Head r. Name. Rx. PROVIDEN DEOR. Uncirculated. C. 12. Plate. 1365 Head r. Name, Greek ins. Rx. Eagle. Thick SB. of Egypt. V.F. 1366 (A.D. 2715-76). Tacitus. Head R. IMP CMCL TACITVS AVG Rx. Providentia. PROVIDE AVG. C. 90. (variety). Ex. F. Plate. 1367 Others, Rx. SPES PVBLICA, C. 140; TEMPORVM FELICITAS. C. 144. V.F. 2 pes. 1368 Head r. IMP CL TACITVS. Rx. MARS VICTOR. C. 57. Ex. F. Plate. 1369 Head r. IMP CL TACITVS AVG. Rx. PAX AETERNA. Ex. F. C. 65. Plate. 1370 Others, Rx. PROVI DEOR. C. 86; and, VICTORIA GOTTHI. C. 157. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 1371 Head t or. Name in Greek. Rx. Abundance stdg. Hhick SB. Alex- andria. VF. 1372 (A.D. 232-267). Florianus. Head r. IMP C. FLORIANVS AVG. Rx. AEQVITAS AVG. C. 1; also PROVIDEN DEOR. C. 71 (variety). Fine. Scarce. 2 pes. 1373 Head r. IMP C.M.AN FLORIANVS AVG. Rx. Young Emperor. 1. PRINCIPI IWENTVT. Ex. F. C. 61. Rare. Plate. 1374 Bust r. IMP CM AN FLORIANVS AVG. Rx. TEMPORVM FELICI- TAS. C. 88. Ex. F. Plate. 1375 (A.D. 232-282). Probus. Head r. IMP PROBVS P.F.AVG. Rx. Emperor mounted to 1. ADVENTVS AVG. C. 36 (variety). Ex. F. Scarce type. Plate. 1376 Head r. Rx. CLEMENTIA TEMP C. 87; another, Rx., similar. Ex. F. C. 99. 2 pes. 1377 Others, Head 1; CONSERVA AVG. C. 179; and, FELICITAS AVG. C. 218. VF. 2 pes. 104 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1378 Head to I, radiated with imperial mantle. IMP (C) M. AVR. PROBVS AVG. CONS.IIII. Rx. Peace standing to 1, holding wrth. PAX AVGVSTI. C. 430. (20 France). Uncirculated. Rare. Plate. 1379 Head 1. Rx. MARTI PACIF. C. 354; another, Rx. Sun to 1. ORIENS AVG. C. 388 a third. Rx. PROVIDENT AVG. C. 486; a fourth, Rx. VICTORIA AVG. C. 741. All Ex. fine. 4 pes. 1380 Head R. RESTITVTOR ORBIS. C. 565; another. Rx. ROMAE AETER. C. 528. VG. & F. last rare. 2 pes. 138(1 Bust 1. VIRTVS PROBI AVG. Rx. SALVS AVG; another. Hea"d 1. IMP C. PROBVS AVG. Rx. Similar to last. C. 577, 584. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 1382 Head r. IMP CM. AVR PROBVS AVG. Rx. TEMPORVM FELICI- TAS; another bust r IMP CM. AVR. PROBVS AVG. TEMPORE FELICI. C 727 and 713. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 1383 (A.D. 230-238). Carus. Head r. DIVO CARO PARTHICO. Rx. Altar. CONSECRATIO. C 23 another, head R IMP C.M.AVR CARVS PF AVG.. Rx. IOVI VICTORI, C 37; a third, head r. Rx. VIRTVS AVGG. C 107. F. Scarce. 3 pes. 1384 Head r. IMP CARVS. P.F.AVG. R. PAX EXERCITI. C 56. Abt. Unc. 1385 Head r. Rx. AETERNIT IMPERI KAA (Carthage?) C 11; another, head r. IMP CARVS PF AVG. Rx. Hope to left. SPES PVBLICA — SXXI. Unc. C 79. Rare. Plate. 2 pes. 1386 (A.D. 254-284). Numeriamis (brother of Carus). Head r. IMP NVMERIANVS AVG. Rx. PIETAS AVG. Ex. F. C 61; another, Rx. PRINCIPI IVVENTVT (2 var.) C 72 & 76. Ex. F. Plate. 3 pes. 1387 Others. Head r. PROVIDENT AVGG. C. 82; others, Rx. VIRTVS AVGG (2 var.). C 107 & 108. Ex. F. Scarce. 3 pes. 1388 Head r. Name. AVG. Rx. VNDIQVE VICTORES. Fine. C 120. Rare. 1389 (A.D. 294-284). Carinus. Head R. IMP CARINVS AVG. Rx. Fe- licity standing r. FELICIT. PVBLICA. C 24; another, bust r. CARINVS NOBIL CAES. Rx. Emperor to 1. PRINCIPI IVVENTVT. C 92. & 97. Ex. F. Plate. 3 pes. 1390 Head r. IMP. C MAVR CARINVS AVG. Rx. FIDES MILITVM. VF. C 30. 1391 Laureated head r. IMP C MAVR CARINVS PF AVG. Rx. Peace to left. PAX AVGG. Fine. Very rare. Cohen 64 (40 Francs). Plate. 105 MAGNA URBICA AND NIGRINIANDS. 1392 (A.D. 275?). Magna Urbica, (supposed wife of Carinus). Head to r. MAGNIA VRBICA AVG. Rx. Venus standing to the left, holding sceptre and globe. VENVS OELEST. In Exergue, SXXI. Extremely fine. Cohen 9. Ex. Rare. First in these sales. Plate. 1393 Smaller head to r. MAGN VRBICA AVG. Rx. Venus standing to left holding sceptre and globe (or trophy), VENVS VICTRIX. Ex. C. Cohen 17. Exceedingly rare, about Uncirculated. Plate. Note. — Of this obscure empress Stevenson says "Magna Urbica whose coins in every metal are extremely rare, has by some been ascribed as the wife of Maxentius, by others of Magnentius or Decentius; by others again of Carus and Numerianus; but Knell and Eckhel as- sign her to Carinus." 1394 Nigrinianus. Head to right. DIVO NIGRINIANO. Rx. Eagle stand- ing with open wings CONSECRATIO MM. KAA (Carthage?). Cohen 3. Of excessive rarity and fine. Plate. Note. — A youthful radiated head appears on the above coin. Stevenson says the third brass coins are of great rarity, coupled with the appellation of DIVUS. The type of the gold coin is a funeral pile with a biga placed on the summit. History makes no mention of Nigrinianus, who is known only by the coins above alluded to. Tristan supposes him to have been the son of the tyrant Alexander, who reigned in Africa during the time of Maxentius. Other writers state he was a son of Carinus, and with much probability Arria Nigrina for his mother. He apparently died during his youth and these coins were issued as a memorial. Both Eckhel and Mionnet quote the gold coins from the museum of Saxe-Gotha. 1395 Diocletian. Heads to r. and left. Rx. IOVI AVGG; IOVI CONSER- VAT; IOVI CONSERVAT AVGG; IOVI STATORI AVGG. 4 var. C. 153, 198, 237 and 291. All Ex. Fine and choice. Plate. 4 pes. 1396 Max Hercules. Head to r. IMP CMA. MAXIMIANVS AVG. Rx. CON- CORDIA MILITVM. C. 53; f; bust to r. IMP C M AVR VAL MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rx. IOVI ETHERCV CONSER. AVGG. C. 311 Ex. F. 2 pes. 106 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1397 Head r. IMP MAXIMIANVS AVG. Rx. Peace standing 1. PAX AVGG. C. 438; another, very small type (4th bronze) head to r. DIVO MAXIMIMIANVS SEN. FORT IMP. Rx. Lion to r. MEM- ORIAE AETERNAE. C. 400, the last abt fine. Rare. Plate. 2 pes. 1398 Head r. IMP CM. A. Maximianvs PF. AVG. Rx. VOT XX in wrth, A in exergue. C. 675 (variety). Ex. F. patinated. Plate. 1399 (A.D. 287-93). Carausius. Emperor in England also. A remark- able man. Head to r. IMP CARAVSIVS IMP IIII. Rx. Equity standing to 1. AEQUITAS AVG (letter very crude). C. 15. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1400 Head to r. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG Rx. Peace standing to I. PAX AVG. in field, divided F — O; in exergue, ML (London, England mint). 209. Plate. 1401 Head to r. IMPC CARAVSIVS PF AVG. Rx. Peace standing to left, holding sceptre and olive branch. PAX A(V) G. Ex. fine (edge crack). Very rare. Cohen 215. Plate. 1402 (A.D. 294-96). Allectus. Emiperor also in England. Head r. IMPC ALLECTVS. P.F.AVG. Rx. Peace standing to 1. PAX AVG; In field, S.P.; In exergue, C. (Carthage). Type C. 31. Fine, pat- inated. Rare. Plate. 1403 Another, very similar types, different die and obv. reads, IMP C. ALLECTVS P.F.I. (Invictus). AVG. Same MM, etc. Ex. fine, very choice and rare. C. 33. Plate. 1404 Another. IMP.C.ALLECTVS PF. AVG. Rx. PAX AVG. Like C. 37. Fine. Rare. 1405 Head r. IMP C. ALLECTVS PF AVG. Rx. Providence stdg to 1. PROVIDENTIA AVG.; in field, S — A.; In exerg MSL (London, England). VFine. Rare. Plate. Cohen 54. 1406 Another similar, reverse reading PROVIDE AVG; in exergue C. Cohen 50. Rare and very Fine. Plate. 1407 Head r. Similar. Rx. Mars tt r. VIRTVS AVG; S.P. in field. C. in ex. Cohen 78. VGood. 1408 Head to r., similar ins. Rx. Galley with 5 oars or rowers PL (Lon- don Mint). C. 85. (25 Fes) Fine. V. Rare. Plate. 1409 Same variety, but with 6 rowers, or oars. Fine. V. Rare. (25 fee.) C.85. Plate. 1410 Constantius Chlonis. Head r. FL VAL CONST ANTIVS NOB. C. Rx. Providence stands 1. PROVIDENT DEOR C. 237. Ex. F. an- other .smaller, Head r. DIVO CONSTANTIO PIO PRINC. Rx. Eagle stdg MEMORIAE AETERNAE. C. 186, fine. 2 pes. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 107 1411 Helena, (wife of Constantius Chlorus). 4th Bronze. Head r. PL IVL HELENAE AVG. Rx. PAX PVBLICA. C. 4. Fine. Rare. 1412 Head to r, larger style. FL HELENA AVGVSTA. Rx. Helena as Security standing to left. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICE. Ex. TSIS. Ex. fine and has beautiful glossy green patina. C.12. V. Rare. Plate. 1413 Theodora (Second wife of Constantius Chlorus) Head r. FL MAX THEODORA AVG Rx. Piety faces right. PIETAS ROMANA. Cohen 4. Fine, patinated. Scarce. 1414 Galerius Maximianus. Head r. MAXIMIANVS NOB.C. Rx. Pallas stands 1. COMES AVGG. Cohen 14 (variety). Ex. fine, abt. Unc. Plate. 1415 Romulus. (Eldest son of Maxentius). Head to r, as boy. DIVO ROMVLO NVBIS CONS. Rx. View of temple, an eagle above it. AETERNAE MEMORIAE. In ex. MOSTT Ex. fine and patinated. Remarkably fine example of this very rare coin. C.7. Plate. 1416 Another, smaller, different workmanship, same types. MM AC. See illustration in Cohen P. 183, No. 7. Ex. fine. Rare. Plate. 1417 Licinius I. Head r. IMP LICINIVS AVG. Rx. SDN LICINI AVG; in wrth; VOT-XX; in ex. TSAVII. Unusual. Uncirculated. C. 14. Plate. 1418 Head r. IMP C. VALLICIN LICINIVS PF AVG. Rx. Jove 1. IOVI CONSERVATORI Ex. F. C. 70; another. Rx. IOVI CONSERVA- TORI AVGG, others about same, but Antioch, Alexandria and other mints, all Ex. F. C. 74, 109, 112, 118. 5 pes. 1419 Head r. LICINI AVG. VOTIS XX. C. 134; F. 1420 Head 1. IMP LICINIVS AVG. Rx. Entrance to a camp PRO VI- DENTIAE AVGG. MM. HTE. C. 145. Ex. F. Plate. 1421 Others. Heads r. various styles. Rx. IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN; SOLI INVICTO COMITI; and VIRTVS EXERCIT. VOT XX. Cohen 123. 162 and 188. V.F. 3 pes. 1422 Head to r. part of obv. ins off. Rx. VOT XX — MVLT XXX. (T.S.A.) Very good. C. 212. (20 Frtncs. V. Rare. 1423 Licinius II. Head r. Rx. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM etc. C. 9. F. 1424 Head 1, helmeted. R.N. VAL LICIN. LICINIVS NOB. C. Rx. Jove 1. IOVI CONSERVATORI, etc. C. 21 (illustrated). Ex. F. green patina. Plate. 1425 Head 1. similar ins., Rx. Jove 1. IOVI CONSERVATORI CAESS. An- tioch Mint. Ex. F.; another Head r. DN. VAL. LICIN. LICINIVS. NOB. C. Rx. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS.; another, C. 32, 39. VF. 2 pes. 108 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1426 Head r. LICINIVS IVN NOB C. Rx. Rome seated r. ROMAE AETERNAE. In ex. R.S. All original tin plating remains. Un- circulated. C. 45; also, head r, large style, same ins. Rx. VICT. LAETAE. PRINC. PERP. C. 52. Unc. Plate. 2 pes. 1427 Constantine the Great. Head r. CONSTANTINVS AVG, Rx. Monu- ment. BEATE TRANQVILLITAS. C. 20. F. Scarce. 1428 Others, Revs. MARTI CONSERVATORI, MARTA PATRI CONSER- VATORI, IOVI CONSERVATORI and ROMAE AETERNAE. C. 20. 344, 361, 291 and 464. F. to V.F. 4 pes. 1429 Others, varying reverses S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, PROVIDEN- TIAE AVGG, VIRTVS AVG VIRTVS EXERCITI. etc. Includes C. 91, 454, 487, 5'58, 632, 664, 665, 689. Fine to Ex. F. 8 pes. 1430 Head to r CONSTAN.TINVS AVG. Rx. D.N.CONSTANTINE MAX. AVG.; in wrth VOT.XX. C.123 Antioch and Treves mints, differ- ent dies. VF. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 1431 Others, C. 249, 254. Busts. Soldiers standing hy ensigns. Another, head r. Military camp entrance; another, quinarius size. Head r. DIVO CONSTANTINVS PF. AVG. Rx. Tablet, etc. Mostly fine. 5 pes. 1432 Head left, no ins. Rx CONSTAN-TINVS-AVG-SMANT. C 110. (An- tioch M.). F. 1433 Busts r. Rx. Sun std. SOLI INVICTO COMIT. etc. varieties of C 511. Ex. F. 2 pes. 1434 Others. Head r, veiled. VN R etc. C. 716; another, veiled head r. Quadriga r. C. 760; a third, quinarius. Head r. Rx. VOT X MVL XX. C. 733. F. Rare. 3 pes. 1435 (Temp Cons. Mag.) Constantinopolis. Head of Rome to left. CON- ST ANTINOPOLI. Rx. Victory facing, Ex. CONST.; another, smaller head 1. Similar. Rx. as last. Ex. S. M.H.A. V.F. 4 pes. 1436 Urbs Roma. (City of Rome). Head of Rome 1. VRBS ROMA. Rx. Romulus and Remus and the wolf. C. 17. Ex. F. 1437 Head 1. as last. Rx. Two soldiers standing by standard. GLORIA EXERCITVS. Ex. F. C. No. 1. 1438 Smaller type, same. Two stars above wolf. C. 17. 1439 Pop Romanus. (The Roman People). Head of Constantine I (or Rome) 1. POP ROMANVS. Rx. CONSS under star in wreath. Ex. fine little quinarius. Rare. Cohen No. 1. Plate. 1440 Another, the bust and hair slightly different. Rx. CONSI. and star. Ex. F. C. No. 2. Rare. Plate. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 109 1441 (A.D. 307-326). Fausta. Head to r. FLAV MAX FAVSTA AVG. Rx. Hope standing to 1. SPES PVBLICAE — P — T. (Treves Mint). About Unc. Handsome little coin. C. 15. Plate. 1442 Another, head r. Same ins. Rx. SALVS REIPVBLICAE. C. 6. Rare, VG. Note. — As to Fausta. She was married to Constantine the Great in A.D. 307. Caused the death of her step-son, and some historians say, was smothered to death in a warm bath, by her husbands order, A.D. 326. But this must have been an error since her good husband was called "The First Christian Emperor of Rome". Such conduct on his part would not have been considered entirely christianlike. 1443 (A.D. 300-326). Crispus. Son of Constantine the Great; Caesar A.D. 317. Gained glory in battle. Put to death by his step- mother.) Obv. Head r. FL IVL CRISPVS. NOB. CAES. Rx. Vic- tory to r. ALMANNIA DEVICTA, C. 1 VG. 1444 Bust r. CRISPVS NOB. C. Rx. Tablet. BEATA TRANQVILLITAS. London Mint. V.F. C.5. Plate. 1445 Head r. IVL CRISPVS NOB. C. Rx. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM. VOT V. F. Patinated. C. 34. 1446 Head r. IVL CRISPVS NOB. C. Rx. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM. VOT.X. C. 44 Ex. Fine. Plate. 1447 Head 1. CRISPVS NOB. CAES. Rx. DOMINOR NOSTRORVM; in wrth, VOT — X. Ex. F. Treves Mint. Cohen 65. Plate. 1448 Head r. IVL CRISPVS etc. Rx. VICTORIA LAET, etc. C. 149. F. 1449 Head 1. CRISPVS NOB. CAES. Rx. Crispus to 1. PRINCIPIA IVVENTVTIS. C. 100. VF. 1450 Head 1. FL IVL CRISPVS NOB. CAES. Rx. Gateway to a camp. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Antioch Mint. Ex. F. choice. Plate. C. 125. 14'51 (A.D. 335-337). Delmathis. (nephew of Constantine I). Head r. FL DELMATIVS NOB. C. Rx. two soldiers by standards, GLORIA EXERCITVS. 4th bronze. C. 4. Ex. F. Plate. 1452 A variety of the last. Fine patinated. C. 4. 1453 Haniiiballiamis. Head r. FL HANNIBALLIANO REGI. Rx. The Euphrates reclining. SECVRITAS PVBLICA. C. 2. (40 Fes). Very rare and fine. .Plate. 1454 Constantine II. Head r. CONSTANTINVS IVN N.C. Rx. Tablet. BEATA TRANQVILLITAS. London mint. Ex. F. C. 11. Plato. 1455 Head 1. Rx. Tablet, similar ins. C. 2,3. Ex. F. 110 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1456 Head r. Rx. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM. C. 31, but VOT X; an- other, Rx. CLARITAS REIPVB, C. 47; a third. Rx. CLARITAS REIPVBLICAE. C 53. Ex. F. Unc. Plate. 3 pes. 1457 Head r. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB. C. Rx. Sun to left holding a globe CLARITVS REIPVB. C. 57; another. Bust 1, no inscrip- tion. Rx. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB. C. SMRT C. 87; another, head r. CONSTANTINVS etc. Rx. DOMINORVM NOSTRORVM, etc. C. 102; a fourth. Large bust 1. Rx. Gate to a military camp. VIRTVS CAESS. Unc. C. 239. Jlate. 4 pes. 1458 Various heads 1. and r. Rx GLORIA EXERCITVS; IOVI CONSER- VATORI, VOTIS MVLTIS CAESS TSB, VIRTVS EXERCIT, and PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS. C. 122, 133, 135, 143, 250 and 273. Ex. F. 6 pes. 1459 Very small head to left. DN FL CL CONSTANTINVS NOB C. Rx. Jupiter standing 1., holding sceptre and victory. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS SMN (Narbonne mint) C. 161. Uncirculated. (10 Fes). Rare. Plate. 1460 Large head r. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB. C. Rx. Gate to an armed camp. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. C. 163; another, head 1. ■ Same ins. Rx. similar. C. 165. Unc. Plate. 2 pes. 1461 Constantius H. Bust to r. DN. CONSTANTIVS NOB. CAES. Rx. FEL TEMP REPARATIO. C. 40 (variety); another, head 1. Rx. 2 captives before Emperor, C. 43; A third, very similar. F. 3 pes. 1462 Heads r. Rx. FEL. TEMP. REPARATIO; a 2nd, Rx. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE, C. 188; VOT XX MVLT XXX. C. 57, 188, 335. F. 3 pes. 1463 Heads r. Rx. GLORIA EXERCITVS. C. 100, 104 F. 2 pes. 1464 Head to 1. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB. C. Rx. Gateway to an armed camp. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. Ex. STRE (Treves). Unc. C. 167; another, Head 1. Same ins. Rx. similar, VIRTVS CAESS! ARLQ (Aries). C. 314. Ex. F. Plate. 2 pes. 1465 Vetranio. Head r. DN VETRANIO P.F.AVG. Rx. Soldier stand- ing holding standard on which PX monogram. GLORIA ROMAN- ORVM. C. 2. (40 Fes.) VFine. Ex. Rare. Plate. 1466 Decentius. Heads to right. DN DECENTIVS NOB CAES. Rx. GLORIAE DDNNAVG ET CAE. another, similar, diff. die. Re- sem'bles C. 43 with OU CAE omitted. Part of ins. off. Fine. 2 pee. 1467 Constans. Head r. FL IVL CONSTANS NOB. C. Rx. Two soldiers, GLORIA EXERCITVS. C. 50, Ex. F; another, CONSTANS MAX etc. Rx. similar, C. 56, a third, D.N. FL CONSTANS AVG. Rx. SECURITAS REIP. C. 102; also, Rx. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 197 F. Fine. 4 pes. ROMAN BRONZE COINS 111 1468 Julian the Apostate. Youthful head r. DN FL CL IVLIANVS NOB. C. Rx. Emperor killing an enemy. FEL. TEMP REPARATIO. C. 17; another, head 1, bearded, part of ins. off. Rx. VOT X MVLT XX C. 151. VG to F. 2 pes. 1469 Jovianus. Head r. DN IOVIANVS PF AVG. Rx. VOT V MVLT X. C 35. VG. Rare. 1470 Valentinian I. Head r. DN VALENTINIANVS PF.AVG.Rx. GLORIA ROMANORVM. C. 12; another. Rx. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE. C. 37, a third. Rx. RESTITVTOR REIP. C. 21. F. 3 pes. 1471 Valens. Head r. DN VALENS PF AVG Rx. GLORIA ROMANORVM. Like C. 11, prisoner by Emperor; another, head R. Security 1. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE C. 47. F. 2 pes. 1472 (A.D. 365-366). Procopius. Head to r. DN PROCOPIVS PF AVG. Rx. Procopius mounted to r. GLORIA ROMANORVM. Cohen 4. (60 Fes.). Ex. Rare. Plate. Note. — Assumed title of Augustus AD. 365. Defeated by Valens and had him put to death A.D. 366 in his 32nd year. Extremely rare are all his coins. 1473 Head to r. DN PROCOPIVS P F. AVG. Rx. Emperor standing to r, holding standard, or sceptre. REPARATIO FEL. TEMP VGood. C. 10. (30 Fes). Plate. 1474 Gratianus. Head r. DN GRATIANVS. AVGG AVG. Rx. Emperor stands to 1. GLORIA NOVI SAECVLI. Ex. CON. (Constantinople). C. 13; another, head r. Same ins. Rx. Emperor and captive. GLORIA ROMANORVM. C. 23; a third, head r. Rx. REPARATIO REIPVB. C. 30; a fourth bronze, or quinarius. Rx. VOT XX MVLT. C. 77. VG. & F. 4 pes. 14T5 Theodosius, The Great. Head r. DN. THEODOSIVS PF. AVG Rx. Emperor and captive. GLORIA ROMANORVM. C. 23; another, quinarius, head r. same ins. Rx. Victory 1. VICTORIA AVGG. C. 41. VG & F. 2 pes. 1476 (A.D. 383-88). Flavius Victor. Quinarius. Head ta r. DN FL. VICTOR. P.P. AVG. Rx. Entrance to military camip, or gate. SPES ROMANORVM. Poorly struck so that most of reverse let- tering does not show, still fine for this very rare coin. C. 3. Plate. Note. — Son of Magnus Maximus, associated with his father in Empire. Maximus was given up by the people and killed by the soldiers. Arbogaetes the general of Theodosius, seized Victor, who had been left in Gaul, and put him to death in 388. 112 ROMAN BRONZE COINS 1477 (A.D. 375-392). Valentinianus II. Name. Rx. CONCORDIA AVGGG. C.8; another, Rx. SECVRITAS REIPVB (not in Cohen) 1 a third Bust r. URBS ROMA, (not in Cohen) VG to F. 3 pes. 1478 Head r. Rx. VOT X MVLT XX. Quinarius (C. 73) ; another. Head r. DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG. Rx. Victory to 1. VICTORIA AVGGG. C. 46. Rare and fine. Plate. 2 pes. 1479 Honorius. Quinarius. Head r. Rx. SALVS REIPVBLICAE. C. 32. VG. BYZANTINE COPPER COINS. 1480 (A.D. 395-408). .Arcadius. Bust r. Rx. Emperor mounted to r. GLORIA ROMANORVM. Thomsen 14. Sabatier IV. 15. Fine. 1481 Others, including quinarii. Thomsen 23, 27 35. G. & VG. 3 pes. 1482 (A.D. 408). Eudoxia (wife of Theodosius II). Head r. AEL EVDOXIA AVG Victory to r. SALVS REIPVBLICAE. V. Fine Thomsen 37. Sab. VI. 4. Plate. V. Rare. 1483 (A.D. 450-57). Marcianus. Quinarius. Head r. DN MARCIANVS. PF.AVG. Rx. Laurel wrth, with monogram of Christ. T.45. Sab. VI. 10. VG. Rarity 6. 1484 (A.D. 488-518). Anastasius. Great bronze (as broad as any of the Roman first bronzes of the early Emperors). Bust to r. DN ANASTASIVS PP. AVG. Rx. Large M, above it a cross; stars at sides; In ex; CON Fine to very fine, diameter 35. Known as the Follis. See Thomsen P. 5, No. 65. Sab. IX.3. Plate. 1485 (A.D. 518-27). Justinus. Quinarius. Head r. ins. illegible. Rx. Large letter V, a star above it. Thomsen 93. Fine for coin. Sab. XI. 5. 1485a Head facing. Rx. ANNO XXX. M. etc. Follis. T. 165. Fine. 1486 (A.D. 527-65). Justinian. Head r. Name. Rx. Cross and star. Thomsen 223; another, smaller, head facing. Rx. 6 pointed star. T. 231. Fine. Rare. 2 pes. 1487 Head to r. Rx. 1 + B. Thomsen 181; another, head r. Rx. K + etc. Vgood and F. 3rd bronzes. 2 pes. 1487a Head facing, holding globe or orb; a cross at the right. DN IVSTIN- IANVS P P AVG. Rx. Large M, above it a cross; at left, ANNO at right, XII; in ex. NIK. Broadest type of Follis, diameter 42 MM. Extremely fine, the best we have yet seen. Seldom comes above good and is scarce in any condition. Thomsen 111. Sabatier XIII. 13. Plate. BYZANTINE COPPER COINS 113 1488 (A.D. 527-65). Head facing. Name, etc. Rx. ANNO K-I, etc. MB. Fine. Scarce. 1489 (A.D. 565-78). Justinus & Sophia. Follis. Busts facing. Rx. Large M. ANNO.III. T. 255, De Sauley III. 5. VG. Rare. 1490 (A.D. 610). Focas and Leontini. Figures facing. DN FOCA.NERE AV. Rx. ANNO — M etc. Follis. Thornsen 439. Sab. XXVIII.26. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1491 (A.D. 583). Tiberius Constantine. Head facing. DM TIB CN-ST PP. AVG. Rx. Cross and X. T. 328 S. XXIII. 18. R. 1492 (A.D. 716-741). Leo. III. Follis. Head facing. Rx. M-RAV. S. XXXI. 18. Fine. Rare. 1493 (A.D. 832-9). Michael II and Theophilus. Busts facing. Rx. M. surmounted by cross. T. 671. V.Fine. 1494 (A.D. 82y-42). Tneophdus. Bust facing. BEOFIL BASIL. Rx. + OEO FILI AVG Ovb lESV HlCAS, in 4 lines. Follis. T. 674. Ex. fine. V. Rare so choice. Plate. 1495 (A.D. 842-56). Michael 111 Tiieodora and Thecla. Busts facing. Rx. Bust facing. SB. Fine. Lettering off, flan too small for it. 1496 Another, very similar. Fine. Planchet V. small, lettering off. 1497 (A.D. 896-912). Leo VI. ±sust facing. + LEOH BASILEVS ROM. Rx. + LEOH EH OEO BASILEVS ROM EOH in 4 lines. T. 691. F. 1498 (A.D. 886-911). Leo VI and Alexander. Busts facing + LEOH S ALEXANGROS. Rx. + LEOH — SALEXAN — GROS — BASIL — ROMEOH. Follis. T. 692. Fine. Rare. 1499 (A.D. 959). Leo V, The Armenian & Constantine VII. Bust of Leo facing, holding long cross potense. Rx. Constantine facing. KON (ST). SB. Rudely struck. Fine. 1500 (A.D. 969-76). John Zimisces. Bust of Jesus Christ facing. IC — XC. Rx. + IHSVS— XRISTVS— BASILEV— BASILE. VGood. T. 715. 1501 Bust of Jesus Christ facing, IC — XC. Rx. Bust of the Virgin facing. MP — OV. T. 727. Sab. XLVIII. 9. Abt. Fine. Follis. 1502 (A.D. 1143-80). Manuel Commenus. Emperor facing, holding lab- arum and globe, crowned by the Virgin Mary. Rx. Christ holding the book of evangelist. IC. — XC. Concave MB. VGood. Thorn- sen. 787. 1502a S. B. Emperor facing. Rx. Virgin. Thornsen 795. V.F. Plate. 114 BYZANTINE COPPER COINS 1503 (A.D. 1182-85). Andronicus. Concave MB. The Emperor facing, crowned by Jesus Christ, name in Greek. Rx. The Virgin Mary facing MP — OV. Fine. Thomsen 802. Sab. LVII.II. OSTROGOTHS, ETC. 1504 (A.D. 534-536). Theodahatus. Head to r. DN. THEODOHATVS REX. Rx. Victory to right, divides a rude attempt at S.C. VIC- TORIA PRINCIPVM. MB. Size. Fine and very rare. Thomsen 1006. Sab. XVIII. 24. Plate. 1505 Another, known as the "Invicta Roma." (an autonomous coin). Head of Rome to right INVICTA ROMA. Rx. Eagle with open wings facing In ex. E. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. See Thomsen No. 975. 1506 (A.D. 894, etc). Early Popes. Romanus I. Quinarius. Head r, ins. off. Rx. Monogram of his full name. A curious bronze coin. See Thomsen No. 1297, Promis V.12, for one in silver. Ex. F. Plate. 1506a Another, probably papal, about same period. Head r. Monogram with letters SL etc. & cross. Fine. V. Rare. EGYPTIAN BRONZE COINS. 1507 (B.C. 246-221). Ptolemy III (Euergetes) Largest bronze coin. Head of Zeus to right, bearded, on plain field. Rx. Eagle standing on a fulmen to left; in left field a cornucopia; between his legs the well known so-called "Monogram of Christ — viz., conjoined P and X said to have been "originally discovered" by Constantine the Great (sometime after 300 A.D..) BA2IAEQ2 JITOAEMAIOT. Diam- eter 41 MM., weight 2 oz. 4 dwts. Uncirculated. Finest ever of- fered. See Head page 852. Plate. 1508 Another, smaller in size, same general types, with the Monogram be- tween the eagle's legs. Diameter 35 MM. weight 1 oz. 2 dwts. Uncirculated. Finest we have seen. .Plate. 1509 (B.C. 221-204). Ptolemy IV. Same type, Zeus to r. bearded. Rx. Eagle facing to left. Name and title of Ptolemy as above. Diam- eter 30 MM, weight 14 dwts V. Fine. Plate. See Head P. 854. 1510 (B.C. 204-180). Ptolemy V. (Epiphanes) (2nd coinage). Head of Zeus, bearded to r, as on preceding. Rx. Eagle on fulmen with open wings, looking back. Name, title. Diameter 37 MM, weight 1 oz. 6dwts. Uncirculated. Rare gem. Head P. 855. Plate. EGYPTIAN BRONZE COINS 115 1511 (B.C. 198-174). Cleopatra I. Head to right curls, on plain field. Rx. Eagle to left on fulmen. Name and title of Ptolemy, as on preced- ing. Diameter 33 MM, weight nearly 1 oz. The largest coin of Cleopatra we have yet offered, and extremely fine. See Head P. 855. Plate. 1512 Smaller bronze. Head to r, similar style. Rx. Similar. Diameter 26 mm, weight 12% dwts. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1513 Another, still smaller, likely of the same Cleopatra. Head r. Eagle, name and title as preceding. Struck for Cyprus. Diameter 25 MM, weight about 10 dwts. Fine. Plate. 1514 (B.C. 117-81). Ptolemy X and Cleopatra. Head of Zeus to r, as on preceding lots. Rx. two eagles to left. Name and title of Ptolemy. L. bronze, diameter 34 MM, weight 1 oz 1 dwt. Ex. fine. .Plate. See Head P. 858. 1515 Smaller bronze of same type as last. Extremely fine. Diameter 22 MM, weight 7 dwts. Ex. fine. Plate. 1516 Head r. Rx. two eagles as on preceding. Small bronze, diameter 20 Ex. F. Plate. VARIOUS EGYPTIAN BRONZES UNDER ROMAN EMPERORS. 1517 Nero. Head r. Name in Greek. Rx. his wife Poppaea. Potin tetra- drachm; others, Hadrian. Bust r. Rx. clasped hands, etc. some fine. 5 pes. 1518 Smaller types of bronzes from cast flans. Claudius. Bust r. Rx. fine. MB size. 2 pes. 1519 Trajan. Large bronze, cast flan. Rx. Nile seated. G; Hadrian. Busts, various reverses, Nile seated, Isis and Horus, Roman eagle, etc., Very good lot for this rude coinage. 5 pes. 1520 Hadrian. Head r. Rx. Nile seated by a crocodile. Fine, largest bronze. Scarce. 1521 Others, smaller, with varying reverses, Isis seated 1, Victory, etc. Very good lot, 1 fine. 3 pes. 1522 Later Emperors, Probus, Tacitus, Carus, Numerian, etc., small, thick bronzes. Busts. Reverses, eagle, standards Zeus std., Victory etc. Fine lot. 12 pes. 1523 Others, Maximianus Hercules. Philip I, Salonina, Gordian Pius (III), Diocletian, Claudius II, etc. Fine lot. 10 pes. 1524 Others, Salonina, Valerian Probus Aurelian and Vabalathus, Numer- ian, Max Hercules, etc. Fine lot. 16 pes. 116 SECTION III. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS. Summer Islands. 1525 (1616)*. Shilling. A hog facing to left; over him, XII; legend SOMMER ILANDS. Rx. Antique ship. Good. Ex. Rare. Crosby PL I. 1. Plate. 1526 (1616). Six pence. Same general types, but VI over the hog. Fine, excessively rare. Crosby PI. I. 2. Plate. *Note. — The first coins accredited to the British Colonies in North America. COINS OP MASSACHUSETTS. N. E. SHILLING. 1527 (1652). NE in raised letters in square depression, no other in- scription. Rx. XII in square depression; field blank. Fine. Ex. Rare. Crosby PI. I. 3. Plate. OAK TREE COINS. 1528 (1652.) Shilling. MASATHVSETS IN (two periods); an oak tree. Rx. NEW ENGLAND. AN DOM (2 periods) 1652 — XII. Ex. fine, almost uncirculated. Crosby 2 — D. Very rare. Plate. 1529 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS. IN Oak tree. Rx. NEW ENGLAND. AN DOM. — 1652. XII. Deep edge cleft, or flan defect, and off center, otherwise fine. Crosby 9-H. Rare. 1530 1652. Six pence. MASATHVSETS Oak tree, topmost limb points to right foot of A. Rx. IN NEW ENGLAND ANO; 1652, VI. Good to V.G. V. Rare. C. Plate. 6-F. Plate. 1531 1652. Three Pence. Obv. MASATHVSETS; tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND; 1652, III. Crosby 5-B. Very good. V. Rare. Plate. 1532 1662. Two Pence. MASATHVSETS IN; an oak tree. Rx. NEW ENGLAND — 1661 — II. Crosby 16. Almost uncirculated. V. Rare. Plate. PINE TREE SILVER COINS. 1533 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS IN. large pine tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND. AN DOM. 1652— XII. V. Fine. C. 1-a.C. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 117 1534 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS IN; pine tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND. AN DOM — 1652 — XII. Crosby — 1-a C. as last. Fine to V. Fine. Plate. 1534a 1652. Shilling, broadest type MASATHVSETS. IN; large pine tree. Rx. NEW ENGLAND. AN DOM., die broken through the let- ters. 1652 — XII Crosby 1 b-D. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1535 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS IN; pine tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND AN DOM. 1652. XII. Crosby 4-F. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1536 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS IN; pine tree. Rx. NEW. ENG- LAND. AN.DOM 1652 — XII. Almost uncirculated. Broad flan. Crosby PI. II. No. 1, also known as C. 5-B. 1. V. Rare. Plate. 1537 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS. IN. pine tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND: AN: DOM. 1652 — XII. Obv. similar to C. 12, but with 77 pellets. Rx. C-l. See also illustration on page 58, No. 16 for this type. V. Fine. Rare. Plate 1538 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS. IN. Pine Tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND: AN: DOM. 1652 — XII. Broad type, Crosby 12-1. V. Fine. Plate. 1539 1652. Shilling. (Small types). MASATHVSETS IN; pine tree. Rx. NEW ENGLAND: AN: DO: 1652 — XII. Crosby 14-R. VGood. Rare. Plate. 1540 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS IN: pine tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND. AN. DO. 1652— XII. Crosby 16-0. Rarity 4. Fine. Plate. 1541 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS. IN; pine tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND. AN DO — 1652-XII. Crosby 21-L. Abt. fine. Rare. Plate. 1542 1652. Shilling. MASATHVSETS IN. pine tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND; AN. DO— 1652 — XII. Crosby 22-L. Rare, about fine. Plate. 1543 1652. Six Pence. MASATHVSETS (partly off flan as usual). IN; pine tree. Rx. NEW ENGLAND. ANO — 1652, VI. Fine. Rare. Crosby 1-a. Plate. 1544 1652. Threepence. MASATHVSETS. (parts missing as last) ; pine tree. Rx. NEW ENGLAND, etc (parts off) — 1652— 1545 1652. Three Pence. MASATHVSETS; pine tree. Rx. NEW ENG- LAND; 1652— III. Very fine and V. Rare. Cr 2-A. Plate. Half Cents. 1546 1787. Indian standing. Rx. Eagle. Crosby 2-A. V.Fine. Plate. 1547 1788. Half cent. Same type. C.P1.VI. 13. 1-A. Ex. F. Plate. 118 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1548 1787. Crosfby 4-B. R. 5. Good. V. Rare. 1549 1787. Crosby 2-a. R. 3. Uncirculated. Rare. .Plate. 1550 1787. Crosby 1-D. Gem, uncirculated, half red. V. R. Plate. 1551 1787. Crosby 4-C. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. Cents. 1552 1787. Same type. Horned eagle variety. Cr. 2-b — A. Fine. 1553 1787. Crosby 3-G. Uncirculated, bright red. One of the finest examples extant. V. Rare. Plate. 1554 1787. C. 6 — G. Fine. 1555 1788. Crosby 1 D V. Fine. 1556 1788. C. 2-B. VGood. 1557 1788. C. 3-A. VFine. 1558 1788. C. 4-G. Abt. Fine. 1559 1788. C. 6-N. Uncirculated, half red. V. R. Plate. 1560 1788. C. 7-M. Uncirculated .sharp. Rare. Plate. 1561 1788. C. 10-L. Ex. F. 1562 1788. C. 10-L Abt. F. 1563 1788. C. 11-CJ Ex. fine. 1564 1788. C. 12-1. R. 5. Good. 1565 1788. C. 12-M. Good. 1566 1788. C. 13-N. obv. not in Crosby 1 ray of mullet points to mouth. bow long and extends above N, arrow short and top under E. Good. Maryland. 1567 (1659). Lord Baltimore Shilling. Bust of Lord Baltimore to left. CAECILIVS: DNS: TERRAE — MARIAE.: &ct + . Rx. Arms of Lord Baltimore crowned and dividing XII. CRESCITE: ET: MVLTIPLICAMINI. Very fine. Exceedingly rare. Crosby PI. III. No. 1. Plate. 1568 (1659). Six Pence. Same types as last, but with VI at sides of shield. Very light scratch across head, otherwise fine and very rare. C. Plate III. 2. Plate. 1569 1783. Chalmers Annapolis Three Pence. Clasped hands. I. CHAL- MERS. ANNAPS. Rv. Sprig. THREE PENCE — 1783. Uncircu- lated. V. Rare little gem. Cr. PI. IX. No. 9. Plate. Finest we have seen of this coin. 119 CAROLINA. 1570 1694. Obv. an elephant standing to left. Rx. GOD: PRESERVE: CAROLINA: AND THE: LORDS: PROPRIETORS 1694. The per- fect die. Extremely fine, and excessively rare. Seldom offered in any condition. See Croslby, PI. IX. No. 2. We have not offered one since 1907, in probably 175 sales, so its rarity may be im- agined. Plate. 1571 London Elephant Half Penny (belongs to the English series). Ele- phant to 1, as last. Rx. Arms of London LONDON GOD PRE- SERVE, thicker flan than last. Uncirculated, partly red. Rare state. Plate. THE ROSA AMERICANA SERIES. Made by William Wood under a patent got from George I through one of George's female friends. They were struck for circulation in America. This is by all odds the finest lot which has been offered in many years, and includes the choicest examples gathered by Mr. Miller during many trips abroad. For condition they cannot be excelled. Two Pence. 1572 Undated variety. Head of George I. to r. GEORGIVS D.G. MAG. BRI.FRA. ET.HIB.REX. Rx. A rose uncrowned. ROSA. AMERI- CANA, on band, UTILE. DULCI Edge plain. Uncirculated. Very rare piece this fine. Plate. 1573 1722. Head to r. Similar lettering. Rx. Rose uncrowned date ad- ded after AMERICANA, 1722. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1574 1722. Another, very similar to the last. Fine to very fine. Rare. Crosby PI. IV. 1. Plate. 1575 1723. Rose crowned variety. Head r. Similar ins. Rx. Rose crowned. I directly over center of crown. Light nicks on obv, very fine. V. Rare. Plate. C. P1.IV.10. Plate. 1576 1723. Another, very similar, wide space between AMERICANA and date. Extremely fine. V. Rare. Plate. 1577 1723. Similar, but letter I in AMERICANA to right of center; of the crown, and date closer to AMERICANA. Uncirculated, slight traces of original redness. V. Rare. Plate. Resembles C. 9 (variety in UTILE DULCI). 120 Pence. 1578 1722. Uncrowned rose variety. Head to r. GEORG1VS. DEI. GRATIA. Rx Legend all in circle on border. REX. distant from bust. Uncirculated. V. Rare. Plate. Cr. PI. IX. 3. 1579 1722. Same as last, but no period on obv. after REX. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 1580 1723. Crowned Rose Variety, Head r. Georgivs. del. gratia. REX. REX near to bust. Rx. Rose crowned; top of crown points between R and I. V. Fine. Plate. Crosby PI. IX.12. Plate. 1581 Head r. REX closer to bust; top of crown points to right part of R. Ex. F. Rare. Plate. 1582 Another, still different; top of crown points to centre of letter R in AMERICANA. Very fine. Rare. Plate. Half Pence. 1583 1722. Head to r. GEORGIVS D: G: REX. Rx. Uncrowned rose. ROSA. AMERI: UTILE. DULCI. 1722. Nose of king points to G. Rx. Fleuron points to I in DULCI and 2 in date. Unc. Gem. Cr. PI. IX. 7. Plate. 1584 Another, nose points slightly below G. Rx. similar to last Ex. F. Plate. 1585 Another. DEI GRATIA. Nose points to A in Gratia. Rx. Fleuron points between 7 and 2 in date. Abt. Uncirculated. V. Rare. Plate. 1586 Another. King's nose points to left stand of second A in GRATIA Rx. Fleuron points to 7 in date; another to A in AMERICANA. VGood. Scarce. WOODS COPPER COINAGE. Struck by same patent, by William Wood. Refused in Ireland and sent to America. Very handsomely designed coins, and quite a number of die varieties were issued. Half Pence. 1587 1722. Head of George I to r GEORGIVS. DEI GRATIA REX., with word Rex very close to bust. Rx. Hibernia seated to the left, by harp. HIBERNIA. 1722. Variety with Harp behind Hiber- nia. Uncirculated. Rare date and condition. Plate. 1588 1722. Another, similar, but die differs, REX distant from bust Ex. F. Plate. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 121 1589 Another, broader flan. REX close to bust. Rx. Harp before Hi- bernia. Fine. V. Scarce. 1590 1723. Similar. Small flan. Legend closely crowded. Rx. Harp behind Hibernia, no period before HIBERNIA. Unc, red choice. Plate. 1591 1723. Same type, small flan REX distant from bust. Period before H in HIBERNIA. Uncirculated. Plate. 1592 1723. Broad flan type REX medium close to bust. Period before H. Uncirculated, partly red. Plate. 1593 Another. Head r as last, broad milled border, small date, period before H. Uncirculated, partly red. Very choice. Plate. 1594 1723. Large & small flans, first, REX distant from bust; smaller flan with REX close to bust. V.F. 2 pes. 1595 1724. Rare date, dent on rev otherwise. VF. Farthings. 1596 1723. Type of last. No period before HIBERNIA: 5 touches harp. Unc. Rare. Plate. 1597 Another, same type; flake from planchet back of head, otherwise uncirculated as last. Plate. 1598 1723. Rex close to bust. Reverse; date away from harp. Ex. F. abt. Uncirculated. Scarce. 1598a 1724. Rex away from bust; no period before Hibernia. V. Rare. Unc. Red. Plate. THE VOCE POPULI COINS. 1599 1760. Half pence. Head of George III to r. VOCE.POPULI; let- ter P before head in obv. field. Rx. Hibernia to 1 HIBERNIA — 1760. Flan irregular. Fine. Scarce. 1600 Another, evidently from the same die. V. Fine. Plate. 1601 Another, different die, the letter P under the bust. Fine. Plate. 1602 Another, long curious bust with sharp nose, no letter P; another, different, short bust, VG. 2 pes. 1603 Others, long and short busts. VG. 2 pes. 1604 Medium long, narrow bust differing from any of preceding and better executed; also short bust, period after VOCE, I touching bust, VG. & Fine. 2 pes. 1605 Unusually small flan and small bust with very narrow neck, harp below A in HIBERNIA. Ex. F. brown. Scarce. Plate. 122 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1606 Small thick bust, no period after VOCE; harp directly opposite A. Well executed small, even date. Uncirculated, partly red. The best example we have yet seen. Plate. 1607 Another from a very similar die. V. Fine, light brown color. 1608 The Voce Populi Farthing. Types 6irnilar to last. No period after VOCE. Harp opposite right stand of A, back of head at N. Very rare. Fine for piece. Very seldom offered. Plate. FLORIDA. 1609 (1685-88). James II. l/24th Part of a Real, tin money. The king mounted to r. IACOBVS II.D.G. MAG. BRI.FRAN. ET HIB. REX. Rx. Uncirculated. Plate. LOUISIANA. 1610 1721. Sou. Obv. Two Ls crossed under crown — SIT NOMEN DO- MINI BENEDICTUM. Rx. COLONIES FRANCOISES — 1721 — H. Rochelle Mint?). Almost uncirculated, glossy light brown. The best offered in these sales. V. Rare so. Note this coin is said to have circulated also in Canada, See Breton No. 507, where it is found listed as Rarity 4. Plate. 1611 Another, very similar but dated 1722 Fine to very fine. Rare state. 1612 1767. Sou. SIT NOMEN DOMINI BENEDICTVM. Cstpd RF. Rx. COLONIES FRANCOISES; sceptres divide L — XV. Unc. Rare state. Plate. 1613 1767. Another without Counterstamp, and broad flan. Mark A shows it was struck in Paris. Uncirculated, half red. Best we have offered. Plate. VIRGINIA. 1614 1773. Head Geo. III. r. GEORGIVS III. REX. Rx. Arms VIRGI — NIA — 17 — 73. Unc; red, small flan. 1615 Another, same condition. 1616 1773. Rarity with much larger flan. Good. PITT TOKEN — GEORG1US TRIUMPHO. 1617 Head of George to right. GEORGIVS TRIVMPHO. Rx. Female left. VOCE POPULI — 1783. Uncirculated. Plate. 1618 1766. Head of Pitt to left. THE RESTORER OF COMMERCE, etc. Rx. Ship, by it AMERICA THANKS TO THE FRIENDS, etc., VFine. 123 THE NOVA CONSTELLATIOS. 1619 0!bv. Pointed rays. NOVA CONSTELLATIO. Rx. U. S. blocked let- ters Tn wrth. LIBERTAS. JUSTITIA, 1783. V. Fine, brown color. Crosby 1-A. Plate. 1620 1783. Smaller pointed rays, same inscription. Uncirculated. Crosby 2-B. Plate. 1621 1783. Blunt, long rays, much finer workmanship than the last. Blocked letters U.S. Proof, brown color. Undoubtedly the best known example. Crosby 3-C. Very rare. Plate. 1622 1785. Small pointed rays, same ins. Rx. script U.S. V. Pine. Rare. Plate. Crosby 2-A. 1623 1785. Similar rays, but larger letters, date, etc. Crosby 3-B. Un- circulated, partly red. Very rare. Plate. 1624 1785. Pointed rays, with script. U. S. and 29 pairs of leaves on reverse. Crosby 4-D. Rated as Rarity 6; V. Fine. Plate. RHODE ISLAND TOKEN. 1625 1779. View of the Island with troops crossing to right; three ships at left and 13 boats at right. D'Vlugtende Americaanen. Rx. Ad- miral Howe's flagship. DE ADMIRAALS FLAG van ADMIRAAL HOWE 1779. Bronze. Betts 561. Von Loon's Supplement does not mention it and its history is not clear, evidently satirical. Unc. Rare. U. S. A. BAB CENT. 1626 Obv. Monogram of U. S. A. Rx. 13 horizontal bars, no further in- scription. This is the variety mentioned in Crosby on p. 334, as No. 78. The genuine issue is told by a slight break at the right end of the 2nd bar. Uncirculated, partly red. The best one yet offered in these sales. Plate. Note. — Mr. Crosby states that Mr. Bushnell said "This copper was coined in Birmingham, England, in the year 1785, and was probably the work of Wyon. The obverse U.S.A. monogram was used on old Continental buttons, and was copied from them." 124 Franklin Press Half Penny. 1627 Obv. a printing press. SIC ORITUR DOCTRINA SURGETQUE LIB- ERTAS — 1794. Rx. PAYABLE AT THE FRANKLIN PRESS LONDON. Unc. Plate. MISCELLANEOUS PIECES. 1628 Tory Half Penny. Head of Geo. Ill to r. Name (illegible in parte). Rx. Britannia or Liberty std to left. (INDE ET) LIB — 1788. Good. Rare. 1629 Another, different, smaller type. Head of Geo. Ill r. GEORGIVS III. REX. Rx. Liberty to 1, as on Conn. Cents, or those of Vermont. INDE. ET LIB — ; date off. Fine for piece. Scarce. 1630 1787. Auctori Plebis Cent. Head to r, evidently by the maker of some of the well known Connecticut dies of 1787-8. AUCTORI. Plebis. Rx. Female seated by Globe, leaning on anchor. INDEP. ET LIBER — In ex. 1787. Evidently this reverse is copied after a familiar English half penny. Ex. fine, about Unc. Rare. Plate. Cr. PI. IX.15. 1631 Auctori Plebis Cent. A different head to right, copied after those on the English Bungtowns. AUCTORI. PLEBIS. Rx. entirely blank! Diameter of this coin is only 27 MM. It is very rare. "Very good. Plate. VERMONT. 1632 1785. Obv. The sun rising above mountains on which 8 trees; a plow beneath them. VERMONTIS. RES. PUBLICA. — 1785. Rx. Radiation. QUARTA DECIME STELLA. Slight flaw in planchei at edge. Fine. Rare. Plate. Cr. P. 180. No. 29. 1633 1785. Immune Columbia. Rude head to r. VERMON AUCTORI. Rx. Justice seated to r, holding scales. IMMUNE COLUMBIA. Date off. Fine for this rare coin. Cr. P. 186. No. 36. V. Rare. Plato. 1634 The "Tory Half Penny" or Cent. Head to r, VERMON AUCTORI. Rx. Britannia std to 1. BRITANNIA. There is no trace of date, while this coin is practically uncirculated and the finest example we have seen, and perfectly centered. C-3. Obv 1. Plate. Unc. 1636 1785. Mountains with 8 trees. VERMONTS RES. PUBLICA — 1785 (part of date off) Rx. Radiation. QUARTA DECIMA STELLA. V. Fine. Rare. C. — 1-a. Plate. 1637 178C. Vermontensium, 7 trees. Fine. Rare. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 125 1638 1786. Vermontensium. 9 trees, date distant from plough, 1 double cut C. — 3 — L\ Fine. Rare. 1639 1786. Vermontensium. U double cut; date close to plough, 9 trees, C. 2 — B. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1640 1786. Head 1. VERMON: AUCTORI. Rx. Head 1. INDE: (ET LIB) last two words off or illegible. V. Fair. Rarity 6.C. 3-B. 1641 1788. Head r. VERMON AUCTORI. Rx. Liberty std to 1, INDE ET LIB. 1788. Uncirculated, light brown. V. Rare. C. 1-A. Plate. 1642 1786. So called "Baby head". Head r. AUCTORI: VERMON. r. Liberty std 1. INDE ET: LIB. 1786. V.Fine. V.Rare. C. P. 181. No. 32. 1643 1786. Head 1. VERMON: AUCTORI: Rx. Lit), to 1. INDE. ET LIB. C. PI. V. No. 1. VG. 1644 Head r. VERMON AUCTORI. Rx. INDE ET LIB. C. 2-a. VG; an- other, 1788, Head r. VERMON. AUCTORI. Rx. Lib. to 1. INDE ET LIB. 1788. C. 2-A. VG, last fine. 2 pes. 1645 1788. Head r. VERMON AUCTORI. Rx. Head 1. INDE ET.LIB. C. 3-B, two others, C. 3-A. G. & VG. 3 pee. 1646 1788. Head r as on Conn, cents, VERMON AUCTORI. Rx. Lib. std. 1. INDE. ET LIB. — 1788. V. Fine. C. 4-C. Rare. Plate. 1647 1788. Head r. VERMON. AUCTORI. Rx. Lib. to 1. INDE ET LIB, 1788 C. 5-B. VG. Rarity 6. KENTUCKY. 1648 Obv. a hand holding a scroll inscribed OUR CAUSE IS JUST. UN- ANIMITY IS THE STRENGTH OF SOCIETY. Rx. A radiant tri- angular pyramid of 15 stars united by rings, each star bearing the initial of a state, that of Kentucky at the top. Legend, E. PLURIBUS UNUM. Larger sized flan, plain edge. Ex. fine. 1649 Similar, but smaller, thicker flan. Edge lettered: PAYABLE IN LANCASTER LONDON OR BRISTOL. Uncirculated. THE FUGIO DOLLARS AND CENTS. Dollars. 1650 Made after a design by Benjamin Franklin. 1776. Obv. a sun dial, ibelow, MIND YOUR BUSINESS, within a double circle, in one of which the Sun; to the left, FUGIO. CONTINENTAL CURRENCY 1776. Rx. A chain of 13 links, each with the name of a state; in center AMERICAN CONGRESS WE ARE ONE. Uncirculated. Crosby PI. VIII, 15. Rare. Plate. 126 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1651 Another, differing from preceding and with only one letter R in "CURRENCY." Very fine. Rare. .Plate. Cents. 1652 Obv. A sun dial, at left FUGIO, 1787, below, MIND YOUR BUSI- NESS. Rx. UNITED STATES WE ARE ONE, around 13 links. Variety, corrected G on obverse. Reverse has raised 8 pointed star between STATES & UNITED. Very rare. Fine. 1653 Another, with Clubbed rays, and on the reverse the "WE ARE ONE stands out in remarkable relief to the other words. V. Pine. Rare. Plate. 1654 Another STATES UNITED, variety, with raised edges to band. Very fine. Plate. 1655 Another, corrected G in FUGIO, and shows suction marks on obv. Fine. Rare. 1656 Another variety, with a period after FUGIO, a cross after 1787; STATES UNITED in raised circle. Obv. V. G. Rev. fine. V. Rare. Plate. 1657 Another, STATES UNITED. Rx. Letters spaced as follows WE A RE ONE, the word WE are above ARE. Unc. 1658 Another variety of STATES UNITED, the word WE much closer to ARE. Unc. red. A still different one with WE ARE ONE all dis- tant from each other. V. Fair. NEW YORK. 1659 1787. Excelsior. Arme of New York Cent. Obv. State arms of New York; below, EXCELSIOR. Rx. A large eagle displayed with shield on his breast, sprig and arrows in talons. E. PLURI- BUS UNUM 1787. Note. — The eagle's head above arms ie to the left (not right), and the date is on the reverse. This variety Mr. Crosby does not illustrate on Plates VIII or IX. Fine to very fine. Exceedingly rare. Plate. 1660 1787. Large head to right with two quatrefoils before NOVA EBORAC. Rx. Liberty std to left by shield which has a border of scale armour. VIRT.ET LIB. — In ex. date, very small 1787. Very fine. Very rare variety. Parmelee sale lot 463. Plate. C. 3. 1661 1787. Smaller head r. NOVA EBORAC. Rx. Liberty seated to r. VIRT. ET.LIB; in ex. 1787. Very fine and date unusually strong. Cr. PI. VIII. 10. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 127 1662 1787. Head to r. NOVA EBORAC. Rx. Liberty seated to the left. VIRT. ET.LIB — 1787. The rare variety of this type. Ex. fine. Plate. Cr. P. VIII. 11. 1663 1787. The Immunis Columbia. Justice seated to r, holding scales, IMMUNIS COLUMBIA — In ex, 1787. Rx. Eagle with wings open facing to r. E. PLURIBUS.UNUM. Fine. Rare. Crosby P. VIII.8. Plate. 1664 1789. Obv. A clock face. Mott Token. Rx. Eagle. Thick flan, with "mouse on the clock". Fine. Scarce. 1665 1789. The thin variety, showing a bad break in die on clock. Fine for piece, not very well struck. 1666 1794. Obv. Liberty standing holding pole on which a cap. at her feet a bale. LIBERTY & COMMERCE — In ex. 1794. Rx. a Ship. TALBOT ALLUM & LEE — over ship in small letters New York; In ex. in large letters, ONE CENT Edge: PAYABLE AT THE STORE OF . Unc, red. Cr. IX. 18. Plate. 1G67 1795. Similar types, but NEW YORK in border, following legend. Type of Crosby 20. Red, almost proof. Plate. THE WASHINGTON COINS AND TOKENS. Mr. Crosby states little is known of the origin of these coins. How- ever the letters "T.W.I." (Thomas Wyon) give a pretty sure clue, seen on one of the Liberty and Independence cents of 1783. There is more evidence of the English origin of most of these pieces. On the W. & J. Taylor card, bearing on one side a kangaroo, and offered below, the reverse of the Washington small bust cent of 1783 is used. Taylor also had a card with the same seated figure on the reverse but with no reference to the United States. The one reading UNITY STATES is said to have been executed in France by someone who had little knowledge of our language or institu- tion, as the simple word UNITY has been misused. The following will be found a most interesting lot in remarkably fine condition, most of them got by Mr. Miller in England, and three very rare pieces are included. 1668 1783. Cent. Bust 1. WASHINGTON & INDEPENDENCE— 1783. Rx. ONE CENT in wrth. Legend: UNITY STATES OF AMERICA; below 1/100. Fine. An interesting fact is the first use here of the fraction seen on so many of our early U. S. Cents, 1/100. 1668a Another, very fine. 1669 1783. Cent. Large togated bust to 1. WASHINGTON & INDE- PENDENCE. 1783. Rx. Liberty std to 1., holding sprig. UNITED STATES; no letters below seated figure. Uncirculated. Original. Rare. Plate. 128 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1670 1783. Smaller bust in military dress, to 1, same reading and date. Rx. Similar to last, but letters T.W.I, etc. below figures, and cap do not touch A in States. Uncirculated, glossy brown. Plate. 1G71 1783. Smallest of all the busts to left, same reading and date. The obverse die broken through I in INDEPENDENCE through head, etc. down to lower border between date and WASHINGTON. Rx. Similar to last, but a different die, the cap touching both T and A in STATES. Ex. F. Plate. It; 7 2 Muling of similar reverse to last lots. Obv. A kangaroo to right. MELBOURNE; In ex. W. J. TAYLOR, MEDALLIST TO THE GREAT EXHIBITION — 1851 Rx. figure same as Liberty on above seated to left holding sprig, UNITED STATES; no inscription be- low base of figure, thin planchet, copper proof. V. Rare. Plate. 1673 Double Bust cent. Head to 1. WASHINGTON. Rx. Similar head. ONE CENT. Ex. fine, about Unc. Plate. 1674 1791. Military bust cent. Bust 1. WASHINGTON PRESIDENT — 1791. Rx. Large eagle with open wings. Above, ONE CENT. Edge UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Uncirculated, proof sur- face. Rare. Plate. 1675 Similar military bust to left. WASHINGTON PRESIDENT, no date. Rx. Small eagle heraldic tyle. ONE CENT — below, 1791. edge UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Uncirculated, partly red. Rare. Plate. 167 6 Obverse as last. Bust 1. WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. No date. Rx. as last with date and small eagle. A very rare edge: PAYABLE AT MACCLESFIELD LIVERPOOL OR CONGLETON. Uncircu- lated, partly red proof surface. See Parmelee catalogue for this great rarity, the first offered in these sales. Plate. Note. — Even Mr. Crosby did not know of this, and did not make any mention of it. THE WASHINGTON HALF DOLLAR IN COPPER. 1677 1792. Military bust to left. G. WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT. I. 1792. Rx. Large heraldic eagle holding arrows and sprig; 15 stars above his head. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Edge plain. Copper, almost uncirculated. Exceedingly rare. See Cros- by P. 357,100 (illustrated). Plate. 129 VARIOUS WASHINGTON PATTERNS AND TOKENS. 1678 1793. Ship Half Penny. Bust to left as on the cents of 1791. WASH- INGTON PRESIDENT. No date. Rx. A ship; above it, HALF PENNY, below 1793. Edge: PAYABLE IN ANGLESEY LONDON OR LIVERPOOL. Fine. 1679 (1795). Penny. Military bust 1. GEORGE WASHINGTON. No date. Rx. U. S. Shield, eagle above it LIBERTY AND SECURITY. No date. Edge: AN ASYLUM FOR THE OPPRESSED OF ALL NATIONS. Uncirculated, red. Scarce. Plate. 1680 1795. Half Penny, or cent. Civilian bust to r, hair in queue and tied at back. GEORGE WASHINGTON. No date. Rx. U. S. Shield and eagle as on preceding lot. LIBERTY AND SECURITY — 17 — 95. Edge: BIRMINGHAM REDRUTH & SWANSEA. . 1830! The addition of these figures would indicate these pieces passed current in England as late as 1830, among the tradesmens tokens. I have not heard of this edge before. The flan is thick. V. Fine. V. Rare. Plate. 1681 The same coin, thinner flan, the edge reading. PAYABLE AT LON- DON LIVERPOOL OR BRISTOL. Small dent on rev., otherwise abt. fine. 1682 Muling of the reverse of last. Obv. Hibernia standing by anchor 1. IRISH HALF PENNY — below 1795. Rx. Similar to last, vita date also. Edge lettered: PAYABLE AT LONDON LIVERPOOL OR BRISTOL. Abt. Fine. The flan very thin. Rare. 1683 1795. The Fire Grate Half Penny. Civilian bust of Washington r. G. WASHINGTON THE FIDM FRIEND TO PEACE & HUMAN- ITY. Rx. A fire-grate, below it, LONDON — 1795. Legend: PAY- ABLE BY CLARK & HARRIS 13 WORMWOOD ST. BISHOPS- GATE. Edge engrailed. Red Unc. 1684 "Bungtown" half penny. Head of Washington to left GEORGEIVS WASHINGTON. Rx. A Harp crowned . NORTH WALES. . Tbin flan, edge plain. Uncirculated, never strongly struck. Plate. 1685 The "Success" token, largest size. Bust to r. GEORGE WASHING- TON. Rx. Radiation. SUCCESS TO THE UNITED STATES. Brass. V. Fine. Plate. 1686 Similar type to last, but decidedly smaller. Fairly good. Rare. 130 PENNSYLVANIA HALF PENCE AND FARTHINGS. Commonly known as "Bungtowns." Made in England in Imitation of Various European and English coins, bearing chiefly the heads of George II and III. Some are satirical or humorous in type and inscription. The series has been treated toy tooth Messrs. Crosby Atkins and L. H. Low. The following is one of the largest collections, and one of the finest, ever offered in American sales. They circulated largely among the early German colon- ists in the eastern part of the state, in fact the cataloguer has hardly met with a single example in Western Pennsylvania, where he resided for many years. And a good many of them never left England. On July 14, 1781, Joseph Reed, President of the Supreme Executive Council of the Common- wealth, issued a proclamation stating that "divers ill-disposed persons have manufactured or imported into this State quantities of base metal, in the similitude of British half pence, but much inferior in value and weight to genuine British half pence to the great depreciation of that coin, the injury of the community in general, and the poor in particular — and we have, therefore, thought proper to prohibit, and do hereby strictly enjoin all of- ficers — not to receive such base coin in any payments whatsoever — and do earnestly recommend to all the faithful inhabitants of this State to refuse it in payment — and to make due inquiry after offenders in the premises, that they may be brought to speedy and condign punishment." Mr. A. R. Frey, a well known writer on numismatic topics, in his Dictionary of Numismatic Terms, states in speaking of the word "Bungtown," that it is a name given to clumsy imitations of the English half pennies, which circulated exten- sively in Pennsylvania and other states in the latter part of the eighteenth century. The name is probably derived from the slang term 'to bung — meaning to cheat or deceive' ". HALF PENCE WITH HARP REVERSES. These types are usually a crowned harp with Hibernia on the front of the harp turned to the left. OBVERSE HEADS TO LEFT. 1687 Head of George Washington. Name. NORTH WALES. VG. Rare. 1C88 BRUTUS SEXTUS. Rx. MUSIC CHARMS 1775; DELECTAT RUS; NOBEBGTA (?) 1696. VG. to Unc. Rare. 3 pes. 1689 GEORGE RULES. Reverse: NORTH WALES, another, dated 1781; others, 1760, 1760, 1781.; also 1782; another. Rx. HISPAN- NIOLA 1791. G. to fine. Some scarce. 8 pes. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 131 1690 COLONEL KIRK, one dated 1796; THOMAS SEYMOUR MUSIC CHARMS, SOUTH WALES. Diff. V.G. to Ex. F. 4 pes. 1691 Wm. Shakespeare 1. SHAKESPEARE. Rx. NORTH WALES; PAY- ABLE AT W. WILLIAMS, date 1762 (retrograde); CHARLES FOX M.P. Rx. Dates 1761-91, VG to VF. 4 pes. OBVERSE HEADS TO RIGHT. 1692 GEORGE RULES. Various dates and legends. G. to fine. 7 pes. 1693 IOHN KEMP, ALFRED THE GREAT, PAYABLE AT W. WILLIAMS. Various. VG. to Ex. F. 5 pes. 1694 PRINCEPS WALLIAE, GOD SAVE THE KING, LONG LIVE THE KING GEORGIVS HI REX; CORNWALLIS IND, ST. BEVIOUS SOUTHAMPTON. Some fine & Scarce. 7 pes. 1695 LOUIS THE SIXTEENTH, GEORGE RULES, date 1761; GULLIEL- MUS SHAKESPEARE, GANGES III RATE, DUKE OF BEDFORD, ST. BEVIOUS SOUTHAMPTON, CLADUIS ROMANUS, OLIVER CROMWELL. Some fine. 8 pes. 1696 GEORGIUS III R E X.; GUILIELMUS SHAKESPEARE, IOHNSON PUGALIST, GLACIOUS DE RAX, GOD SAVE THE KING, LUD (XV) DEI.GRA.I.R. QUINTUS SEXTUS G. to fine. Some rare. 7 pes. 1697 GLORIOVS III VES; Rx. HEBRIDES, fair. Rare. 2 pes. 1698 Head to r. GEORGE Pe WALES. Rx. BRITANNIAS — Ex: HERO Unc, partly red. V. Rare. Plate. 1699 GREGORIOUS III.PON, 1781; GEOIUISR INI. BAX; date 1766. the last very rare G. 2 pes. REVERSE TYPES WITH BRITANNIA SEATED TO LEFT. OBVERSE HEADS TO THE LEFT. 1700 BRUTUS SEXTUS. Reverse; PAX PLACID. DELECTAT RUS BRIT- ANNIA, VG to VF. 4 pes. 1701 GEORGE RULES. A good variety of reverses, some scarce. G. to fine. 11 pes. 1702 CORNWALLIS. IND. Rx. BRITISH GIRLS 1788. Uncirculated, partly red. Rare. .Plate. 1703 Same obverse. Reverses differ BRITISH TARS BATERSEA etc. VG. 6 pes. 1704 SHAKESPEARE. Date 1771 , others, dated 1774, 1792. VG. to fine. 4 pes. 1706 CLAUDUIS ROMANUS. Various reverses, G. to F. 5 pes. 132 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1706 GLACIOUS DER. PAX; (GEO) RGIVS LVDOVICUS XVI., SHAKES- PEARE, GLORIOVS PELLEW GEORGIUS II. REN, some rare, G. to Fine. 5 pee. 1707 Head of eorge II. GEORGE RULES. Rx. BRITAINS ISLES — 1730. Unc, partly red. Scarce. 1708 PAYABLE AT W. WILLIAMS (2 var reverses); THOMAS SEY- MOUR, Colonel Kirk, GLORIOVS II. LEW. Some rare. G. to F. 5 pes. 1709 GLAUCOYS REI PAX, CORNWALLIS IND, GEORGE REIGNS GOD SAVE THE KING GEORGE GORDON. GLORIOUS PE LEW GEORGES IL MAC (V. Rare) GEORGE FOREVER. Average good. 9 pes. 1709a Romulus GEORGIUS LUDOVICUS TURCUPELLERIUS etc., some fine & scarce 6 OBVERSE WITH HEADS TO THE RIGHT. 1710 CLAUDUIS ROMANUS. DELECTAT RUS. 1774; another, GEORGE III RULES; a third, GREGORY III PON Rx. BELONA. Unc, red. 3 pes. 1711 CLAUDUIS ROMANUS. Various reverses, etc. G. to fine. 7 pee. 1712 GREGORY III. PON. Varying reverses. G. to F. 6 pes. 1713 GLORIOVS III. VIS, GLORIOVS IERVIS, GLORIOVS PEL LEW. Diff. dies. G. t oF. 4 pes. 1714 GULIELMUS SHAKESPEARE (4) IOHN KEMP, IOHN HOWARD, LOUIS THE SIXTEENTH, DUKE OF YORK, DUKE OF BED- FORD. Some scarce & fine. 9 pes. 1715 GOD SAVE THE KING, PRINCEPS WALLIAE BRUTUS SEXTUS, GEORGE SUSSEX. Good lot, some scarce. 7 pes. 171G ALFRED, ALFRED THE GREAT, IOHN WILKINSON GEIRGIVS II, etc., includes regular issues, Isaac Newton, Shakespeare half pence. G. to Unc. 5 pes. 1717 Ohv. IOHN HOWARD F.R.S. PHILANTHROPIST Rx. type used on Talbot, Allurn & Lee Cent of N.Y. Liberty standing by bale. LIB- ERTY & COMMERCE, 1794, this flan, edge lettered, but not clear. Fine, rare muling. Plate. 1718 GLORIOVS IERVIS; GLORIOVS PE. LEW, GANGES III RATE, GOD SAVE THE KING, GEORGE III KING OF B. H — L. Some rare and V. Fine. 7 pes. 1719 GOD SAVE THE KING; (2 var); WILLIAM PIT. P.M. GEORIVS PIT. SEX VG. to VF. rare lot. 3 pes. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 133 1720 GEORGE III RULES CORNWALLIS GLORIOVS II RUVIS GEOR- GAIS Til RAX, GOD SAVE THE KING. Fair to VG. 5 pes. 1721 GLORIOVS III. VIS. Rx. BRII. See Wood's Blacksmith Tokens, P. 15. No. 33. Uncirculated. Rare. 1722 Counterfeit British Half Pence of George III, including several made in Connecticut, dates 1775 — 1787. Some V. Fine. 8 pee. 1723 British Half Pence, etc. Head 1. GVLIELMVS VALAS. Rx. Scotia Rediviva, 1797. Ex. F; head 1 DUKE OF YORK. GOD SEND PEACE, etc. G. 3 pes. BUNGTOWN FARTHINGS. OBVERSE HEADS TO THE LEFT. 1724 GEORGE RULES. Varying reverses. Some fine and rare, a variety. 7 pes. 1725 Regular series of farthing tokens. Prince of Wales Ic. Newton (2 var. reverses) Isaac Newton. These all Unc, red. 4 pee. 1726 Others. Duke of York, II. Newton, Druid, etc. F. 4 pes. 1727 Bungtowns Isaac Newton, GREGORY II PON GLORIOVS W. OWE, etc., some very good, 1 holed. 8 pes. OBVERSE HEADS TO THE RIGHT. 1728 MAY PEACE BE ESTABLISHED. Rx. Harp. 2 var.; SOUTH WALES, etc. LORD CAMDEN GEORGE II X, etc, some rare & fine. 14 pes. 1729 Regular series North & South Wales Farthings, PRO BONO PUB- LICO 1796, etc., some Unc. and choice. 6 pes. NOTES ON THE COINAGES OF NEW JERSEY. "On the 19th of November, 1681" says, Crosby, "there arrived in New Jersey a party of emigrants from Dublin, Mark Newby and his family being among them. Newby lived on the farm an Newton, since owned by Jos. B. Cooper, Esqr., where many of the St. Patrick half pence have been plowed up. Newby brought with him a quantity of those pieces known as St. Patrick's Half Pence which, owing to the scarcity of small money there, were, in the ensuing May, made current in that State under certain con- ditions expressed in the act by which they were authorized — . The date and origin of these pieces are enveloped in mystery, and various opinions have been expressed upon these coins. Evelyn an old numismatic writer gave the first published account of them in 1697, thinking them Irish coins. 134 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS Bishop Nicholson placed them among the coins of Charles I; another expressed the opinion that 'they were struck in the time of Charles I by the Papists, when they rebelled in Ireland and massacred the Protestante." They were struck also in rare cases in silver, the cataloguer having had examples in that metal. As to later coinage, we note that by enactment of a law for the estab- lishment of a copper coinage, in June, 1786, Walter Mould, Thomas Goads- by and Albion Cox, were authorized to strike and coin in copper, for that stated sum to the value of ten thousand pounds, at fifteen coppers to the shilling — the coppers to be of pure copper and of the weight of six penny- weight and six grains. There were two mints in the state, one located at Morristown and the other at Elizabethtown. Walter Mould was an Eng- lishman, who had been employed at minting coins in Birmingham, England. In the coinage of the New Jersey coins a screw with a long lever was used. This information is positive as Mr. Lewis Condict saw the mint in operation. Mr. Bushnell wrote in 1855 from Morristown, describing the mints and stated that they were then standing. Mr. Bushnell further stated that a Mr. Hatfield claimed to have made dies and coined New Jersey Coppers in a barn, below Elizabethtown, in striking which he was assisted by a negro — Mr. Bushnell presented an affidavit (copy) signed by one John Bailey stat- ing he "had not made any New Jersey coppers after April 15th, 1788" indi- cating he had made some before that. Dr. Maris has treated this subject at length in his work on the cents of New Jersey, and has illustrated most of the coins. His book is referred to in the classifying of the following col- lection, made by Mr. Miller. COPPER COINS OF NEW JERSEY. Mark Newby Half Penny and Farthing. 1730 Half Penny. Obv. a crowned king facing to left, playing the harp. Above the harp a crown . FLOREAT REX. Rx. St. Patrick with trefoil, in his right hand and a crozier in his left, surrounded by a crowd of people. At his left is a shield charged with three castles, (on some resembling six flaming altars) ECCE GREX (no punc- tuation on the reverse side. For this rare coin very fine. Evi- dently struck in very soft copper so that it rarely comes above good condition. See Crosby Plate III, No. 8, but this example differs in having no period before ECCE. Plate. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 135 1731 Farthing. Similar type, FLOREAT: REX: Rx. St. Patrick stands holding a crozier, driving snakes and reptiles before him; behind him a church, the cross on steeple just touching S. QUIESCAT: PLEBS: Fine. See PI. III. No. 9. Fine. Plate. Note. — Crosby mentions 22 dies of the obverse, and 23 of the reverse, so this variety must have been plentifully struck, although it is far from common at the present time. 1732 Another, different die, crozier being distant from lettering. Good. 1732a Another, crozier points to E in PLEBS Ex. F. Rare. Plate. THE REGULAR SERIES. These coins are of but a single type, but of many varieties of the type. Obv. A horse's head, placed upon a wreath as in heraldry, beneath which is a plow. Legend: NOVA CAESAREA. In Ex, the date, 1786, 1787 or 1788. Reverse. A shield, six pale6 gules, a chief azure. Legend: E. PLURIBUS UNUM. Borders, serrated, edges plain. 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1787. Maris 6-C. Rarity 3. Abt. Fine. 1787. M. 6-D. about uncirculated, glossy brown. Plate. 1786. M. 10 G. R 5. Good. 1786. M. 11-H. Plow without coulter. Rarity 3. Very fine, above average. Plate. 1787. Plow without coulter. M. 12-G. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1786. M. 12-1. No coulter. Good. Rare. 1786. M. 14-J. Uncirculated, choice example. Plate. 1786. M. 1786. M. 1786. M. 1786. M. dition. 1786. 1786. 1786. 1786. 1786. 1786. 1786. 1786. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. 15-J., 15-T. 16-J. 16-L. Plate. 16-L. 17-4)., 17-K. 18-J. 18-M, 19-M 20-N. 21-N, also 15-L. VG. 2 pes. Fine. Rarity 4. Good, broken die, practically Uncirculated. Scarce con- Perf. die, also 17-J. VG. 2 pes. same over a Vermont cent, G. and V. Fair. 2 pes. Rare. Very fine, above average. Plate. Bridle variety. Rarity 5. VGood. with break downward from nose. Fine. R. 3 Extremely fine. Rare so choice. Plate. Extremely fine. about uncirculated, medium brown. Rare. Plate. 136 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1752 1786. M. 21-P and 21-0, latter rarity 4, VG. 2 pes. 1753 1786. M. 23-P., also 23-R. VG. 2 pes. 1754 1786. M. 24-P. Extremely fine, a little off center. 1755 1786. M. 25-S VG & 26 S. G. 2 pes. 1756 1787. M. 28-L Fine. 1757 1787. M. 28-S, VG; 30-L. VG. 2 pes. 1758 1787. M. 31-L. perf. die. Uncirculated. Plate. 1759 1787. M. 32-T. About Unc. Plate. 1760 1787. M. 33-U. Fine. 1761 1787. M. 34-J. B. die, also perfect. VG. 2 pes. 1762 1787. M. 37-F, lump, or break, under horses head. V.F. 1763 1787. M. 37-J. G; also 37-Y. Obv. G. rev. poor. 2 pes. 1764 1787. M. 38-A., 38, C, 38 Q, VG. 3 pes. 1765 1787. M. 38-Y, 39-A, VG. 2 pes. 1766 1787. M. 42-C. (R.3), and 41 C. (Rarity 6!). Good. 2 pes. 1767 1787. M. 43-D. Uncirculated, traces of original redness. C. R. Plate. 1768 1787. M. 43-Y, Rarity 4. Good. 1769 1787. M. 44-D. V. Fine. 1770 1787. M. 45-C., good; 46; E ex fine, traces of redness on rev. 2 pes. 1771 1787. M. 48-F. VFine. 1772 1787. M. 48-G. Sharp, uncirculated, brown color. Plate. 1773 1788. Horse's head to the left. 49-F. About fine. Rare. Plate. 1774 1788. Head to the left. M. 50 F.G. to V.G. Rare. 1775 1788. Head to the left. M. 51-G. Fine to very fine. V. Rare thus. Plate. 1776 1787. M. 52-1. Fine. 1777 1787. M. 53-G. Sharp, ex. fine, almost uncirculated. Rare. Plate. 1778 1787. M. 54-K., 55 M. VG. 2 pes. 1779 1787. M. 55-L. Rarity 4. Fine, black color. 1780 1787. M. 56-N. Large type. Uncirculated, sharp, traces of red- ness. Rare example. Plate. 1781 1787. M. 56-N. V.Fair; 59 O. "saw tooth" variety, R. 2, last VG. 2 pes. • M. 48-N. Fine, an overstruck coin. Rarity 3. M. 60-P. E. PLURIBS UN'UM. Abt. F. M. 61-P. E. PLURIBUS UNUM. Fine. Rare. M. 62-Q. Fine. M. 63-V. Rarity 3. Nearly fine. M. 63-S. Abt. Fine. M. 63-Q. Reverse die broken. Fine. 1782 1787. 1783 1787. 1784 1787. 1785 1787. 1786 1787. 1787 1787. 1788 1787. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 137 1789 1787. M. 63-Q. Perfect die. Abt. Fine. 1790 1787. M. 64-T. V. Fine. 1791 1788. M. 65-U. V. Fine. 1792 1788. M. 66-V. Rarity 5! Good. Date 'barely shows, otherwise a satisfactory coin. 1793 1788. M. 67-V. Abt. Uncirculated. Plate. 1795 1787. M. 68-W. G. to VG. date partly off. R. 4. 1796 1788. (date does not show) M. 73-A-A. Rarity 5. Good, struck over a Geo. Ill half penny. 1797 1788. The Fox type M. 75 J bb. Rarity 2 a strong impression, the date especially bold. Very fine. Plate. No break back of neck. 1798 1788. The fox type, variety with the break back of neck. V. Fine. M. 78-dd. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. CONNECTICUT. THE HIGLEY OR GBANBY COINS. Three Fences. Struck by John Higley, of Granby, Connecticut, in rude black-smith fashion from copper mined on the premises, in the years 1737-9. Among the most celebrated of the American Colonial coins. Messrs S. H. Chap- man, J. C. Mitchelson, and the cataloguer visited the mine and handled the ore. ' 1799 Obv. A deer standing to the left; III beneath him. VALVE. ME. AS. YOU. PLEASE. Rx. Three crowned hammers. I. AM. GOOD. COPPER.- — 1737. Cr. P. 324. No. 6 6. Very fair. Exceedingly rare. Plate. 1799a 1737. Another. A deer standing to the left. THE VALVE. OF. THREE. PENCE. Rx. Three crowned hammers. CONNECTI- CVT. 1737. Good, with some surface erosion as usual. Exceed- ingly rare. Plate. C. P. 66. VIII 17. 179 9b 1737. A deer standing to the left. VALVE. ME. AS. YOU. PLEASE.; Ill beneath the deer's feet. Rx. A broad axe to the left. J. CUT. MY. WAY. THROUGH. Extremely fine. Excessively rare. See Crosby PI. VIII. 24. The finest known Granby HI Pence. Much finer than Crosby's illustrated piece. Plate. Note. — The example I sold in the Gschwend sale in 1907 for $275 was not as fine a piece as this, es- pecially as regards the striking and flan of it. 138 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1799c 1737. Three Pence. Same type as last, but a variety, seen in the letters of the word PLEASE. In this example the letter I is more distant from P than in the foregoing example, and it differs from any shown in Crosby's plates, the letters in the word PLEASE being widely separated from each other. Very fair. Exceeding- ly rare, the obverse might be termed good. Plate. NOTES ON THE LATER COINAGES OF CONNECTICUT. In October, 1785, we read in Crosby's Early Coins of America, author- ity was granted to Samuel Bishop, Joseph Hopkins, James Hillhouse and John Goodrich to establish a mint for coining coppers "not to exceed in amount of Ten Thousand Pounds lawful money in Value of the standard British Half Pence, to weigh six penny weight, and to bear the following impression or Stamp (Viz.) a man's head on the one side with Circum- scription in the Words or Letters following, (Viz) AVCTORI: CONNEC: and on the other side the Emblem of Liberty with an olive branch in her hand with a circumscription in the Words and Figures following (Viz) INDE: ET. LIB: 1785: " — these men to pay into the Treasury of this State, at the end of every six months, one twentieth part of all Coppers by them coined or Manufactured at said Mint" etc. "The Hon. Henry Meigs, late of New York, deceased, informed me (Mr. Bushnell) in 1854 that the Connecticut coins were made in a building situated under the Southern Bluff, near the centre of the north shore of the harbor, in New Haven," etc. The building was a small frame house, and he thinks was painted red. Mr. Broome superintended the mint, not more than three of the employees were seen at work at one time. Both members of the firm would sometimes dis- tribute some of the coins among the boys, among whom was my informant. The coins were struck by means of a powerful iron screw." CONNECTICUT CENTS FOR YEARS 1785-88. Especial interest attaches to the splendid collection of Connecticut Cents which follows, because Mr. Henry Clay Miller had completed, just before his death, an exhaustive and detailed description of these pieces. This work, together with similar articles on the state coinages of Vermont and Massachusetts by Mr. Hillyer Ryder is being published by The American Numismatic Society as Part I of Volume 53 of the American Journal of Numismatics. This book will be invaluable to collectors of these import- ant eries and, by stimulating their collection will greatly enhance their value. (The Elder Coin & Curio Company offers this new work of Mr. Miller on the Coins of Connecticut, For Sale for $3.00 per copy). AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 139 The Following is the Finest Collection of Connecticut Cents Ever Of- fered at Auction Sale. The parenthesis numbers refer to Mr. Miller's varie- ties. (First Set). 1800 1785. Head to r, laureated AUCTORI. CONNEC. Rx. Liberty seated to left, by shield, holding sprig and pole with liberty cap. INDE. ET LIB. Ex. 1785. Fine for this rare coin. Crosby 1-E. 1801 1785. Head to r, laureated, similar, colons after words. Rx. simi- lar, with two colons. C. 2-A.-1. Fine. Rare. 1802 1785. Similar types and punctuation. Rx. very similar. C. 2-A-4. 1803 1785. Coarser head to r, similar. Rx. V. similar. C. 3-1 and A-3. VG & fine. Rare. 2 pes. 1804 1785. Types very similar to preceding. C. 3-1-L. Fine. 1805 1785. Very similar types and designs C. 3-2-L. VG. 2 pes. 1806 1785. Very similar. C. (3)-3-F(3). 1807 1785. Similar types, smaller date C. -F. (1). Fine. Rare. Plate. 1808 1785. C. 3 (4)-F. 2. VFine. Rare. 1809 1785. Similar types. C. 3-5-B. VG & fine. 2 pes. 1810 ' 1785. "Negro head" variety C-4 (1)-F (4). Almost uncirculated. V. Rare. Plate. 1811 1785. Same variety. Fine. Rare. 1812 1785. 4 (3), A (2), Not in Crosby. Type. Head to r, colons after two words. Rx. similar. Ex. F. V. Rare. Plate. 1813 1785. C. 4 (4)-^C. V. Fine. Plate. 1814 1785. C. 5 (1), F. (5), VG. 1815 1785. 5 (2)-F (5). VGood. 1816 1785. C. 6 (1), A (1) Ex. fine. Plate. 1817 1785. C. 6 (2) F (1) Ex. F. V. Rare. Plate. 1818 1785. B. Die. As last. Fine. rare. 1819 1785. Rx. INDE . . ET LIB: C. 6 (3) G F. 1. Fine. 1820 1785. Similar punctuation. 6-3-G. 2. Rarity 4. VG. 1821 1785. C. 6 (4), K (1). Rx. INDE: ET LIB: VG. 1822 1785. C. 6 (4), F (5). VGood. 1823 1785. C. 6 (4) I. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1824 Another. Fine. Scarce. 1825 1785. Rx. INDE: .:. ET LIB : .:. 6 (5) M. Crosby 6. Reverse not in Crosby VG. 1826 1785. C. 7-D AUCTORI CONNEC (no periods) Rx. similar to last, but wider, larger date. VG. 2 pes. 140 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1827 1785. Head to 1. Rx. similar to last. C. 8-D. Rarity 6. Fine. 1828 1786. Head r. AUCTORI CONNEC (no punctuation). Rx. Lib- erty to left, ET LIB INDE ,no punctuation) C-l-A Rarity 4. Fine, glossy brown. .Plate. 1829 Another. Very good. Rarity 4. 1830 1786. Similar types. C. 2-A. Fine. Rare (R 4). 183H Another, Abt. fine. Rarity 4. 1832 1786. Head r. AUCTORI: CONNEC: Rx. INDE. ET LIB. V. small date. C. 3-D. Rarity 4. Good. 1833 1786. Similar. C. 2 (2) D (2). V. Fair. 1834 1786. Ohv. AUCTORI CONNEC Rx. INDE. ET LIB, C. 4-R (2). Rarity 5. Fairly G. 1835 1786. Head 1. AUCTORI CONNEC (no punctuation). Rx. INDE: .:. ET LIB., date large C. 4- (1). G. V.Fine. Plate. 1836 1786. Head 1. AUCTORI: CONNEC: Rx. INDE: ET LIB: C. 5-1 (1) H (1). Abt. F. black. 1837 1786. C. 5-(2) H (1). Good. 1838 1786. Rude head 1. AUCTORI: CONNEC: Rx. INDE ET LIB — 1786. Hand touches E, no punctuation on reverse. C 5-(3)-B (2). Combination not previously known. Only one seen. Flan defect otherwise very fine. Unique. Plate. R. 6. 1839 1786. Different head 1, shorter thicker bust. AUCTORI: CONNEC: Rx. INDE : .:. ET. LIB. 5-(2) I. VG. 1840 1786. C. 5 (3), N. G. Rare. 2 pes. 1841 1786. Rx. INDE : .:. ET LIB. Cr. 5(4) G. Fine. 1842 1786. Very similar. C. 5-(4), 0(1) VG. 2 pes. 1843 1786. Head 1. AUCTORI: CONNEC. Rx. Liberty to 1. INDE .:. (Fleuron) ET LIB. (Not in Crosby). V. Rare. Obv. of C. 5-M. V.F. Plate. C. 5(6)-M. (Parmelee Collection). Dented on obv. G. Rx. INDE. ET. LIB: C. 5(1) -H. Fine. C. 5 (8)-H (2). VG. 2 pes. C. 5 (7)-0 (2). Rarity 5, G. 2 pes. C. 5 (8)-F. Good. C. 5 (8)-0. (2) Fine. Rare. C. 5 (9).-Q. Rarity 5. Good. Rx. INDE: ET. LIB:. C. 5 (10)-L. Crosby supplement. Fine .F. Crosby 5 (10) -P. Good. C. 5-(ll). R. VGood. 1844 1786. 1845 1786. 1846 1786. 1847 1786. 1848 1786. 1849 1786. 1850 1786. 1851 1786. to 1852 1786. 1853 1786. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 141 1854 1786. C. 5 (12)-L. Rarity 6 G. 1855 Another, good. 1856 1786. C. 6-K. Rx. INDE : .:. .:. LIB: VG. R. 5. 1857 1786. C. 7-K. R. 5 V.Fair. 1858 1786. Rarity reading UCTORI: CONNEC: Rx. curiosity misstruck. C. 8-0. VG.V.R. Plate. 1859 1787. Head to r AUCTORI CONNEC (no punctuation) Rx. Bust 1. ETLIB INDE (No punctuation) C. 1-A. VG. 2 pes. 1860 1787. C. 1-VV. Fair. Rare. I860. 1787. Head r, no punctuation. Rx. Liberty to 1 INDE. ET.LIB. VG. Crosby 1 (3)-L. Rarity 4. 1862 1787. Celebrated Mutton head. Large ugly head r. Rx. Liberty to 1. INDE. ET LIB VFine. 1. 1-C. Plate. 1863 The same. Good. Rare. 1864 1787. Head 1. AUCTOPI CONNEC. No punctuation on Rx. C. 2-B. Rarity 4. VG. 1865 1787. C. 3-G. Head 1. : after CONNEC. Rx. Liberty 1. INDE. ET LIB. (Asterisks) , date large. C. 3-G. Rarity 5. Good. 1866 1787. "Horned bust." C. 4-L. Fine. 1867 1787. Broken die before bust, Sm. planchet. C. 4-L. VG. 1868 Another, larger bust. VFine. Rare. 1869 1787. Perfect die of same type. C. 4-L. Fine. Rare. 1870 Head 1. AUCTORI. . CONNEC Rx. Lib. to 1, IN — DE. ETLIB. C. 5-P. Rarity 6. Good. 1871 1787. C. 6-(l)-M. Curious narrow bust to 1 with silly expression. AUCTORI. . Rx. INDE: ET LIB: Ex. F. Plate. 1872 1787. Very similar types. C. 6-(2). M. Almost Unc. Unc. Rare. Plate. 1873 1787. C. 7-1. Hercules head. G. to VG. R. 4. 1874 1787. C. 8-N. Rarity 5. Obv. Head 1. AUCTORI: CONNEC: Rx. Lib. to 1. INDE . . . ET LIB. VG. 1875 1787. Obv. AUCTOPI: . . CONNEC: .:.. Rx. . INDE . . ET LIB: . C. 8-0. Rarity 5 VG. 1876 1787. C. 9-D. R. 4 Good. 1877 Another. Good. 1878 1787. C. 9-R. Good. Rare. 1879 1787. C. 9-R. Fine. Rarity 5. 1880 1787. C. 10-E. Date off, flan defect. Fine. Rare. 1881 Another Good. 142 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1882 1787. Head 1. AUCTOPI. CONNEC. Rx. Rx. Liberty 1. INDE. ET. . LIB. very small date. Extremely fine. Rarity 3. C. ll-(l) E. 1883. Another, similar, but C. 11 (2)-K. VGood. R. 3. 1884 1787. Head 1. AUCTORI. . CONNEC. Rx. Lib. 1. IN — DE. ET LIB . . Cr. 12-Q. G. Rarity 5. 1885 1787. Mailed bust 1. AUCTORI CONNEC Rx. INDE . ET . . LIB. Crosby 13-D. Rarity 4. Really uncirculated, with traces of orig- inal red, but not a good impression. 1886 Anothe.r better struck, about fine. 1887 1787. Head 1. .:. AUCTORI .:. .:. .:. CONNEC .:. (neuron punc- tuation). Rx. Lib. L. INDE. ET .:. .:. LIB . .:. and neurons at either side of date. Uncirculated. Ex. rare. (Cost $10) Crosby PI. IV. No. 14 and 14-H. Plate. 1888 1787. Head 1. AUCTORI. . . CONNECT.. Rx. INDE . ET . . LIB . . Uncirculated. C. 15-F. R, 4. Plate 1889 Another, stronger impession, darker color. Uncirculated. V. Rare. Plate. 1890 1787. Crosby 15-R. Head 1. . AUCTORI. . . . CONNECT . . Rx. Bust 1. 12 quatrefoils for stops. Exceedingly rare. Crosby saw but one. Black, obv. VG. Rx. Good. A valuable coin. 189.1 1787. CONNECT, variety. C. 15-S. Good. 1892 1787. C.-16 (1), M. (1). Good. R.3. 1893 1787. C. 16-(2) NN Good. 1894 1787. C. 16-(5), N (1). R. 3 Head 1. AUCTORI: CONNEC: Rx. INDE ... ET LIB: Abt. Fine. R.3. 1895 1787. Head 1. AUCTORI: CONNEC. Rx. . INDE . . . ETLIB. Obv. 16 (5) H (1) G. 1896 1787. Cr. 16(6) NN(1).G. to V.G. 1897 1787. Cr. 17-G. (3). VGood. 1898 1787. Cr. 18-G (1). Fine. 1899 1787. Obv. AUCTORI: . . CONNEC :.Rx. . INDE . . ET LIB : C. 20-A (l)-2. R. 4. Fine. 1900 1787. Cr. 21-DD (Hall 54-DD). R. 4. Fine. 1901 Another, VGood. 1902 1787. C. 22-G (2). Good. 1903 1787. C. 24-G. (3). VG. 1904 1787. Cr. 24-G. (5) R. 3. G. & VG. 2 pes. 1905 1787. C. 25-B. Obv. Head 1. AUCTORI : . . CONNEC : Rx. . INDE : . . ET LIB : V. Fine. Rarity 5. Plate. 1906 1787. C. 19-G (4). R. 3 V.Fine. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 143 1907 1787. Cr. 26-K (2)-l. R. 5. VG. 1908 1787. Head 1. . AUCTORI: CONNEC: Rx. . INDE : . . . ET- LIB: Parrnelee collection. C. 26-AA. Abt. Fine. 1909 Another, Very good. Same collection. 1910 1787. Cr. 26-A (1-a). 1911 1787. C. 27-A. Rarity 5, V. Fine. Plate. 1912 1787. C. 28-M. Rarity 4. Fine. 1913 1787. C. 29 (1)-N (1) Good. 1914 1787. C. 29 (1),-P. Good. 1915 1787. C. 29 (2)-0 (1). Obv. Head 1. AUCTORI: CONNEC. Rx. INDE . . . ET LIB. (asterisks) VF. 1916 Another. Good. 1917 1787. C. 29 (2) — N. Good. 1918 1787. Rx. . INDE : ET LIR. C. 30-H (1). Fine. 1919 1787. Crosby 30-X (1). VGood. 1920 1787. C. 31 (1)-G (2)-l .. Fine to V.F. Brown color. 1921 1787. Head 1. AUCTORI: . . CONNEC:. Rx. . INDE: . . ETLIB: Very fine. C. 31 (1)-R. V. Fine. 1922 Another. Fine. 1923 1787. Cr. 31-(2)-R (3). Fine, brown color. 1924 1787. Head 1. AUCTORI . . . CONNEC . . . . Rx. . INDE .... ETLIB . . 6 asterisks on reverse. Uncirculated. Red. Crosby 32 (1)-X (3). V. Rare. Plat©. 1925 1787. C. 32 (2)-X. VGood. 1926 1787. C. 32 (2)-X (2). Abt. Fine. 1927 1787. C. 32 (2)-X (4). Rarity 5-5 Asterisks, (cinquefoils) on re- verse. Abt. Fine. 1928 1787. C. 32-(3)-X (4). Fine. 1929 1787. C. 32 (4)-X (5). VGood. 1930 1787. C. 32 (4)-Z (3) (Dr. Hall) Good. 1931 1787. Rx. FNDE ET LIB. Six cinquefoils — (asterisks) on rev. C. 32 (5)-A. VG. Rare. 1932 1787. C. 32 (6)-X (6). VFine. Rare. 1933 1787. C. 32 (7)-X (1), VG. Rarity 5. 1934 1787. C. 32 (8)-A (2). Abt. Fine. 1935 1787. C. 33 (1)-S (2). Fine. 1936 1787. C. 33-(2) Z (9). Rarity 4. Rx. . INDE: . . . ETLIB:. (6 cinquefoils, 2 colons.) Ex.F. R. 4. Plate. 1937 1787. C. 33-(3)-W.(l). CONNFC . Rarity 3, VGood. 1938 1787. C. 33 (4)-Z (7) Good. 144 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1939 1787. C. 33 (3)-W (1) V. Fine. 1940 1787. Another, fine. CONNFC, the first N double struck or im- perfectly designed. C. 33 (3)-W (1). Fine. 1941 1787. C. 33-(10)-Z (8-new No.). VG. 1942 1787. C. 33 (5)-R-l. Obv. . AUCTORI:..CONNEC: . Rx. . INDE: ...ETLIB: Remarkably fine, strong impression for this coinage. Uncirculated. One of the finest in the collection. Plate. 1493 1787. C. 33 (6)-Z (15).. Very fine. 1944 Another. About fine. 1945 C. 33 (6)-L(l)-2.. Head 1. 4 cinquefoils, 2 colons. Rx. .:. .:. INDE : .:. .:. .:. .:. ET-LIB: 6 neurons Rarity 5. Very fine. Plate. 'l946 1787. C. 33-(6)- T (1). Rarity 5. Good. 1947 1787. C. 33 (7) R (l)-2. Rx. . INDE: . . . ET LIR:. Very fine. brown color. 1948 1787. C. 33(8)-Z (13). R. 4, VGood. 1949 Another, nearly fine. Rare. 1950 1787. C. 33 (8)-Z- (19). VG. Rarity 5. 1951 1787. C. 33-(9)-T (1), 2 Rx.. 5 cinquefoils 2 colons. V. Fine. R. 5 1952 Another as last, better centered, but not so fine. Fine. R. 5. 1953 1787. C. 33 (10)-KK. (Dr. Hall) Fine. 1954 1787. C. 33-(ll)-Z-(l) VGood. 1955 1787. C. 33 (13)-G-(2). Abt. Fine. 1956 1787. C. 33 (ll)-Z (6) VG. 1957 1787. C. 33 (ll)-Z (7) Fine, brown color. 1958 1787. C. 33 (12)-Z (5) VG. 1959 1787. C. 33 (12)-Z. (12). VGood. 1960 1787. C. 33 (12)-Z (17). Ex. Fine. R. 4. 1961 1787. . 33 (12)-Z (21). Good. 1962 1787. C. 33 (12) -A (22).; fair; another, 33 (13)-R (1)-1, last fine. 2 pes. 1963 1787. C. (33) (13)-R (l)-5. Rarity 6.. Rx. . INDE: ... ETLIB: 4 cinquefoils 2 colons. Not in Hall's list. VGood. 1964 1787. C. 33 (14)-W (3), G. to VG; another 33 (14)-Z (16). latttr R. 3.G. 2 pes. 1965 Another as last, 33-Z, VGood; also 33 (14)-Z (24). G. 2 pes. 1966 1787. C. 33 (15)-G (2)-l. R. 5. VGood. 1967 1787. C. 33 (15)-Z (18). G. to VG. R. 5. 1968 1787. C. 33-(16)-Z (13). G. R. 4. 1969 1787. C. 33 (17)-Z. (14) VGood.; also 33 (18) Q. last fine. 2 pes. 1970 1787. C. 33 (18-Z (2). VG; and 33 (19)-Q. (R3) VG. 2 pes. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 145 1971 1787. C. 33 (17)-Z (1); also 33 (19)-Z (2) VG. 2 pes. 1972 1787. C. 33 (20-y 2 )-Z (24). Obv. Head 1. Small lettering. . AUC- TORI: . . CONNEC: . Back of hair touches C. Rarity 6, obv. not in Hall's list. Fine. 1973 1787. C. 33 (21),-Z (4). VGood. 1974 1787. C. 33 (23)-R (l)-4. Rarity 4 VFine. Plate. 1975 Another, fine, dark glossy color. 1976 1787. C. 33-(24)-Z (11). Good. R. 4 1977 1787. C. 33 (24)-Z. (16) R. 4. Fine to VF. 1978 C. 33 (24)-Z (20). Rarity 6 Good. 1979 1787. C. 33 (25)-Z (10). R. 5 G. edge dents. 1980 1787. C. 33 (29)-Z (1). VGood. 1981 1787. Another as last. Good. Rare. 1982 1787. C. 33 (25)-Z-(24). Rarity 5. G. to VG. 1983 1787. C. 33 (30)-Z (3). VGood. 1984 1787. C. 33 (31)-W-(2). R. 4 Good; another, C. 33 (3)-Z (11). 2 pes. 1985 1787. C. 33 (31)-Z (11). R. 5 VGood. 1986 1787. C. 33 (31)-Z (3). Parmelee Collection. Good. .1987 1787. C. 33 (32)-Z (9). Good; also 33 (33)-T (1) VG. 2 pes. 1988 1787. C. 33 (33)-T(2). Abt. Fine. 1989 Another, VG; another, C. 33 (34)- S (1)-1., last abt. F. 2 pes. 1990 1787. C. 33 (34)-S. (1)-1. Abt. Unc, slight traces of redness. V. Rare. 1991 1787. C. 33 (35)-Z (13) Cracked die Fine. 1992 1787. C. 33 (35)-Z (13). As last. V. Fine. 1993 1787. X. 33 (36)-Z (1). Fine. 1994 1787. C. 33 (36)-Z-(6) VG. 1995 1787. C. 33 (36)-Z (23); another, 33 (37)-G (2)-2. VG. 2 pes. 1996 1787. C. 33 (38)-G (2)-l. R. 4. VGood. 1997 1787. C. 33 (38)-Z (7). V. Fine. 1998 1797. C. 33 (39)-S. (4). Blurred E in INDE. Dr. Hall calls this reverse E E. VG. 2 pes. 1999 1787. C. 33 (41)-Z (11) VG; also C. 33 (44)-H(2)-2. R. 3, last fine. 2 pes. 2000 1787. C. 33 (45)-W (3). R. 4. AM. Fine. 2001 As last, also C. 33 (44)-Q G. 2 pes. 2002 1787. C. 33 (46)-W (2). Rx. 5 cinquefoils, 2 colons. Uncirculated, partly red. Rare. Plate. 2003 1787. C. 34-F (2)-l R. 4 Uncirculated. Plate. ,2004 1787. 2005 1787. 2006 1787. £007 1787. £009 1787. £010 1787. 2011 1787. 2012 1787. 2013 1787. 146 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS C. 36-L. Fine. R.2. C. 37 (H)-LL.; C. 37 (2)-F. (2). G. 2 pes. C. 37 (3)-HH. Abt. F; C. 37 (4)-C (2). R.4. 2 pes. C. 37 (5)-HH.; also 37 (5)-LL G. & VG. 3 pes. C. 37 (5)-K (2). Very fine. Plate. C. 37 (7)-E (1). VGood. 2 pes. C. 37 (6)-E. Ex. fine. Plate. C. 37 (8)-K-(l)-l. Fine. Obv. Crosby (37) (8) — Rev.RR. Not in Crosby in this com- bination, nor in Hall's list. .:. .:. INDE: .:. .:. .:. ET-LIB: .:. Abt. Fine. 2014 1787. C. 37-(9)-I. Very fine. 2015 Obv. Crosby 37 (ll)-RR. Rx. 7 neurons and 2 colons. Fine. This reverse not in Crosby. Fine. Plate. 2016 1787. C. 37 (ll)-K (l)-4. VG; and, 37 (12)-K (l)-5., last fine. 2 pes. 2017 1787. C. 37-(14)-C (2)-2. R. 6 Good. 2018 1787. C. 38-GG. The AUCIORI CONNEC variety. R.4. Fine. 2019 1787. C. 38-L (l)-2. R. 4. AUCIORI : . CONNEC: . VFine. Plate. Two quatrefoils on obv. 2020 1787. C. 39-(l)-H (1)-1. V. Fine. Rare. Plate. 2021 1787. C. 39-EE. AUCTOBI CONNEC and INDE ET LIR variety G. 3 pes. ,2022 1787. C-39 (1)-F (2)-2. AUCTOBI CONNEC. R. 5. 4 neurons. VGood. 2023 1787. C. 40- K (2)-l.; fair. Also C. 41-L. R. 4 AUCTOPI CON- NEC, last VG. 2 pes. 2024 1787. C. 40-N. AUCTOPI CONNEC. Rarity 6 and fine. 2025 1787. C. 42-K. AUCTOPI: . CONNEC: .. Rx. . INDE: ... ET IIB. Ex. fine. R. 4. Plate. ,2026 As last. About fine. Rare. 20>27 1787. C. 32-Y. . AUCTORI CONNFC. R. 4 V.Fine. 2028 1787. Obverse not in Crosby. . AUCTORI:. CONNEC : . Three cin- quefoils. Rx. Crosby W-4 V.Fine. V.R. Plate. 2029 1787. Obverse not in Crosby. . AUCTORI: . CONNFC: . 3 cinque- foils. Rx. Crosby Z-10 VGood. 2030 1787. + AUCTORI : - + - + - CONNEC: + Rx. _j_ INDE: + -f- h- ET LIB: 45 CC. Not In Crosby Good. 2031 1787. Somewhat resembles C. 25-B, but minute differences. 46-BB. VGood. 2 pes. £032 1787. 2033 1787. G. 2034 1787. 2035 1788. 2036 1788. 2037 Anoth 2038 1788. 2039 1788. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 147 48-G. R. 5. G. to VGood. C. 32-F* Dr. Hall 50-R* AUCTORI CONNLC, 4 cinquefoilfl. C. 52-G; also 37-F VG. 2 pes. C. 1-1., also B-l (Parmelee collection) G. 2 pes. Cr 2-D (R. 3) with head r. Fine. Plate. Another, die badly broken near edge. Fine. Plate. C. 3-(2) B (2), R. 6. Head r. G. V.Rare. C. 4-(l)-B (;). Head r. Rx. Liberty 1. INDE. ET LIB. 1 star, 1 quatrefoil on rev. Fine. Ex. F. Plate. 2040 1788. C. 4 (1)-K. . INDE. ET. LIB. 4 stars on reverse. Uncir- culated. V. Rare. Plate. 2041 1788. Same variety as last. Uncirculated, slight flan defect at edge, and reverse a little off center. V.Rare. .2042 1788. Over 1785 Constellatio cent. C. 4-K. Rare. Good. 2043 1788. Cr. 5-B (2). Over a Nova Constellatio. Head r. Star after Inde, quatrefoil after LIB Uncirculated, black. V.R. Plate. 2044 Another, over N. Constellatio. C. 4-K. Fine. Rare. 2045 A third example. Very good. 2046 1788. C. 6-H. Uncirculated. Rare. Plate. From Proekey col- lection. 2047 1788. Crosby 7-K. G; & C. 7-E, G. 3 pes. 2048 1788. C. 8-K. R. 5 Fine. 2050 Another, similar, die badly broken on reverse. Fine. Rare. 2048 1788. C 12 (2). C. V.fine. Very rare. 2051 1788. C. 9-E. Rarity 4. Ex. fine. Plate. 2052 1788. C. 10-R. (6). VGood. p53 1788. C. 11-G V.Fine. Rare. 2054 Another, very fine, but slight planchet defect at edge. ,2055 1788. Cr. 12-E (1). R. 3, fine but weakly struck. /2056 1788. C. 12 (1)-F. Fine to V.Fine. Rare. ,2057 1788. C. 12 (2)-E. Fine, weakly struck, as most of them are. Rare. 2058 1788. C. 14 (1)-L (2). Good, and 13-A (1), the last CONNLC, VG. 2 pes. ,2059 Another of last, 13-A.(1)., Good. ,2060 1788. C. 14 (2)-A (2). R. 4. V.Fine. V. Rare. ,2061 1788. C. 15- (1)-L. (1). Uncirculated, half red. V. Rare. Plate. £062 1788. C. 15-(2)-P., also C. 16-(1)-H. G. 2 pes. ,2063 1788. C. 16 (2)- O. INDL ET LIB Ex. Fine. Very rare. ,2064 Another, very good. V. Rare. 148 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS ,2065 1788. C. 16 (2)-N. Head 1. with four cinquefoils. Rx. IN DE curiously divided V. Fine. V. Rare. R. 5. 2066 Same as last, curious breaks in the die, Fine. V. Rare. ,2067 1788. C. 16 (3)-N.(2). Large planchet, small letters. Periods elongated; base of E in INDE indented. E.x. fine. V.Rare. ,2068 1788. C. 16(1)-D* R. 3. Rx., 3 five pointed stars. VF. R. 3. £069 1788. Another. Good. 2070 1788. C. 16-(5)-H V.good, about Fine. 20'71 1788. C. 16-(4)-L (2). R. 4 Fine. £072 1788. C. 16 (6)-H(*) New variety of obverse V. Fine. Rare. £073 1788. Cr. 17- Q. Very fine. Very rare. DUPLICATE CENTS OF CONNECTICUT. 2074 1785. C. 1-E--2-A; 2-A (1), 35 B (4), 32-L G. and VG. Some scarce. 9 pee. C. 2-A 3 (4)-F (2), VG. 2 pes. C. 3 (4)-F (1); 4 (3)-A (2), VG. 2 pes. C. 3 (4)-F (1). Fine, Scarce, black. C. 3 (4)-F (2) Dups. G. and VG. 4 pes. C. 4-(3)-A (2)., also 4 (1)-F (4). G. & VG. 2 pes. C. 4 (4) C; also 5 - F (5) VG. 2 pes. C. 5-(l)--F (5); 4 (4)--C, and 5 (2)--F (5) G. & VG. 4 pes. C. 6(1)--A (1); 6-(2)-F (1). VG. 3 pes. C. 6- (2)-F (1), 4--C; 6 (3)--G (l)-6 (4)- I. G. to abt. Scarce. 5 pes. C. 8 D . R. 5.; 6 (4)-L, Good. 4 pes. C. 7-D. Head 1, without periods after AUCTORI and CON- Crosby knew of only one specimen. Good. C. -7— D. Extremely rare. Crosby knew of but one. Good. 1--A. ET LIB INDE. R.4 (2).G.&VG. 2 pes. C. 2-A. ET LIB INDE R. 3 VGood. C. 1--A and 2- A, also 4-G. G. to Abt. F. 3 pes. C. 4-G. G. and one fine. 2 pes. C. 5 (4)--0. VG. 2 pes. Same. Fine. Another, fine. Rare. ) 5 (2)-I VG. 2 pes. C. 5 (5)-M. R. 3 Fine. 2075 1785. 2076 1785. ,2077 1785. 2078 1785. 2079 1785. .2080 1785. 2081 1785. 2082 1785. 2083 1785. 1 Fine. 2084 1785. 2085 1785. NEC. 20-86 1785. 2087 1786. 2088 1786. 2089 1786. 2090 1786. 2091 1786. 2092 1786. 2093 1786. 2094 C. 5-G, 2095 1786. 2096 Anothei AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 149 ,2097 1786. C. 5--M. Crosby Supplt. R. 3 Another, 5 (6) M. last rarity : 5, a most difficult piece to find., first VG, second fair. 2 pes. ',2098 1786. C. 5 (5) M, and 5 (8) H (2) VGood lot. 3 pee. ,2099 1786. C. 5 (11) R, holed; and 5 (8)--F. VG. 2 pes. ,2100 1786. C. 6-K. Dates off, G. 3 pes. ,2101 1787. C. 1 (2) — C. The Mutton head. Fine for piece, but parts , weakly struck. V. Rare. 5102 Another, good, a second, fair. 2 pes. 2103 1787. Over a Mass. Cent; another freak. Rx. incused G. 2 pes. 2104 1787. C. 1 (1)-A.; also 2--B. (2). G. 3 pes. 2105 1787. C. 4-L. Horned bust G. to fine. 3 pes. 2106 1787. C. 6-(2)—M. VG; also 6--M (2 var) Laughing head., and , simple head. Curious. G. & VG. 4 pes. 2107 1787. C. 3-G. R. 5, holed; also 8--0., last G. & VG. 3 pes. 2108 1787. C. 9-R, and 10 E V. Fa. to G. 3 pes. 2109 1787. C. 11 (1)-E. Parmelee Coll'n. G. 3 pes. 2110 1787. C. 11-K-- 11 (2)-K Avg. G. 4 pes. 2111 1787. C. 12-Q. ; 13-D Avg. G. 5 pes. 2112 1787. C. 14-H (4); 15-F., Parmelee Coll'n. Avg. G. several very good. 9 pes. 2113 1787. C. 15-F, R. 4. Fine. 2114 1787. C. 16 (l)--M. (2); 17-G.(1). G. & VG. 6 pc. 2115 1787. C. 18 G (1)-1. (2); 19--G (4) G. & VG. 7 pes. 2116 1787. C. 20--A, also 21-DD (2). G. 3 pes. 2117 1787. C. 22--G (1), 25 B and 25 B(l). G. 4 pes. 2118 1787. C. 26-AA and 28- M (1). G. 3 pes. 2119 1787. C. 28-M-(l), 29(2)-0 (1), 30-H(2)--l Avg. G. 4 pes. 2120 1787. C. 29 (2)-0 (1), 30 --H (2)-l-; 31 (1)-G (2)--l; and 31 (1), G. (2)--l G. & VG. 4 pes. 2121 1787. C. 31(2)--R (3);-31 -(1) R (4), G. to abt. Fine. 7 pes. 2122 1787. C. 31 (2)--R (3), G. & VG. 5 pes. 2123 1787. C. 32 (3)-X (4); 31 (1); G (2)-l G. & VG. 4 pes. 2124 1787. C. 31 (1)-R (4), and 31 (1); R (4) G. & VG. 3 pes. 2125 1787. C. 32- (4)--X (5). R. 4. Off center, Good. 2126 1787. C. 32 (l)--X (3). five pieces, also 32 (2)--X (1). G. and VG. 6 pes. 2127 1787. C. 32 (2)-X (1) (3); also 32 (2)- X (2) G.&VG. 5 pes. 2128 1787. C. 32 (3) -X (4). G.&VG. 6 pes. 2129 1787. C. 32 (3)-X (4), 4 pieces; 32 (1)-S (l)--2. 3 pes. G. & VG. 7 pee. 150 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 2130 1787. C. 32 (5)--A--(2) 3 pes; 33 -- (3)--W. (1). G. 4 pes. 2131 1787. C. 33 (3)--W (1) 2 pes. also 33 (4)--Z (8); and 33 (5)--R (1). seven pieces; G. to about fine. 12 pea. 2132 1787. C. 33 (8)-4H.; 33 (5)--R (1) 2 pes; also 33-Z (6 pes). Good to VGood. 9 pes. 2133 1787. C. 33 (7)--R (2) VG, lot. 7 pes. 2134 1787. C. 33 (7)~R (2). Cleneay Sale. 4 pes; 33 (10) KK, 5pcs; 33 (12)-Z (5) (3). G. and VG. 12 pes. ,2135 C. 33 (lO)-KK 33 (ll)-2 (6), 33 (12)--Z (12) 7 pee; 13 pes. 2136 1787. C. 33 (13)-G (2)-2, 33 (16)--Z (13); 33 (13)-R (1) 4 pes. G. & VG. 6 pes. 2137 1787. C. 33 (13)-R (1)-1 and 33 (14)-Z (16) VG. 3 pes. 2138 1787. C. 33- (19) Z (1), 33 - (19) Z (2), 33 (24)--Z (11), 33 (30)-Z (11) Good lot. 11 pes. 2139 1787. C. 33 (24)-Z (16); 33- (30)-Z (11) 33 (2)-Z (9),; 33 (32)--Z~9; 33 (33)-T-2; 33 (34)-S (1); 33 (33)-T (2); 33 (34), S (l)--l; 33 --(34), Z (1)-1. Average good. 16 pes. 2140 1787. C. 33 (34)-S (1)-- 33 (36)-Z (1)- 33 (38)-Z (7); 33 - (19) Z (2) 33 (34)--S (l)--l-- 33 (44)- H-(2)--2. - 33 (45)- W (3). Good lot, several VGood. 10 pes. 2141 1787. C. 34 Z (2)-l, 34 Z (3 pes); 36 L (1) G. & V.G. 7 pes. 2142 1787. C. 37-(3) H; 37 (5)-K (l)-2- 37 (5)-L.L.; 37 (6)-E (I); 37-(7)-E (1); 37 (7)-E (1); 37- (8), K (1) Good lot. 11 pes. 2143 1787. C. 37-(9)-I (1); 38 G. Good lot, last AUCIORI. G. & VG. 6 pes. 2144 ?.787. C. 38--L (1),2; 41-- L. (Auctopi) ; 44-W (4). G. & VG. 3 C. 37 (9)-- I, Parmelee Coll'n.; 42-K (2)-2. G. 4 pes. C. 41-1. AUCTOPI Rev. ET IIP, VG. Rare. C. 43--Y (8 pes); also 33 (44) Q (1), 54 DD. G. & VG. 12 C. 46--BB; 1788. 1--I : and 37 (12)-K (1)-- 2 pes. Fair & 4 pes. C. 53-(10)-FF. Rev. not in Crosby; also Hall 46-BB, also not in Crosby. G. V. Rare. 2 pes. C. 3-D. Broken die. Fine. Rarity 3. Plate. C. 2--D, perf. die, VGood lot. All scarce. 3 pes. C. 2--D Broken die. G. 2 pes. C. 3 (2)-B (2); 5-- B (2); also 4-- B. Fair to G. 5 pes. C. 4— K. Abt. Unc. Rare especially in this condition. Plate. pes. 2145 1787. 2146 1787. 2147 1787. pes. 9.148 1787. G. 2149 1787. not 2150 1788. 2151 1788. 2152 1788. .2153 1788. 2154 1788. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 151 ,2155 Another, dented; also 6- H;; 12 (1) F. Fair to G. 5 pes. ,2156 1788. C. 7-E, 9-E, 12 (1), E- 11-G- 14- (2)--A (2)- 16 (1), L. (1) Good, some scarce. 12 pes. ,2157 1788. C. 15 (l)--L. (1). 15 (2)--P; 16--L. (2); 6--N-- 16--(2)~0.; I 6-- (3) -N., avg. B. several scarce. 13 pes. 2158 1788. C. 3--B, Parmelee Coll'n. R. 6. Good. Plate. 2159 1788. C. 4-K VG.R. 5. Plate. 2160 1788. C. 12-F;; 16 (l)--D., also 16 (3)-N;; 17- Q and others. Average good, some scarce. 11 pee. VARIOUS CONNECTICUT CENTS, ETC. 2161 Miscellaneous Odds and Ends in Conn. Cents. 1785. C. 2 -A; 3 (4)-F (2) G. last abt. fine. Rare. 2 pes. C. 4 (4)-C. --6 (1)-A (1) G. to VG.R. 4 2 pes. C. -5-1. VG.R. 3; also 5 (5)-M. 2 pes. C. 8- O. R. 3; also 13-D R. 4 G. & VG. 2 pes. C. 9-E Good. Very rare. C. 15--S. Rarity 6, poor;- 16 (5)-N (1) G. 2 pes. C. 16 (2)-NN. Good. 3 pes. C. 19-G. R. 3 ; 16 (6)-NN (2) G. 2 pes. C. 29 (1)-P. R. 4; also 31-R(Hall 31) (1)-R 4. G. 2 pes. C. 32 (7)-X (1) R. 5 VG. C. 32 (5)-A-2. FNDE ETLIB. Slight flan granulation in center of obv, otherwise Fine. Rarity 3. C. 32 (2)-X (1). Fine. C. 33 (24)-Z (16) R. 4; also 33-Z (Hall 33 (24)-Z (16). Also R. 4. Both VG. 2 pes. 2174 1787. C. 33-Hall 33 (lO-KK. Reverse not in Crosby): Liberty std 1. . INDE : . . . ETLIB: . 5 cinquefoils and two colons, date large Abt. Fine. V.R. Plate. 2175 C. 33-R. Hall 33 (5)-R (l)--l; also 37 (10)-RR. G. to abt. F. 2 pee. 2176 1787. Hall 44--W (4). Obv. not in Crosby. Head to 1, large style like 33 type. . AUCTORI: . CONNEC: . 3 cinquefoils 2 colons, VG. 2177 1787. C. 37-1. R. 2; 1788 9-E, last R 4 and fine. 2 pes. 2178 1788. C. 10--C. R. 5 V. Fair; also 12-C. R.3 VG. 2 pes. .2179 Various Conn. Cents 1787-8. Average good, several scarce. 9 pes. 2180 Balance of the Conn. Cents, poor and fair, duplicates. 44 pes. 2162 1785. ,2163 1786. ,2164 1787. ,2165 1787. 2166 1787. ,2167 1787. ,2168 1787. .2169 1787. 2170 1787. 2171 1787. ,2172 cen 1787. 2173 1787. 152 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS ,2181 1786. Contemporaneous copy in copper. Curious head to r. AUC- TORI. CONNEC. Rx Rude figure of Liberty std to 1. (I)NDE (ETL) IB-1676. V. Fair. 2182 Miscellaneous Coins, etc., 1787-8. Copies Geo. II. Half P. V. F. 3 pes. ,2183 1884. U.S. Quarter dollar, Unc; & small silver Lincoln medalet. F. 2 pes. 2184 Thick copper coin of Probus for Egypt, and 3rd B. of Constantine I, both VFine; Farthing of James I, Jackson tokens, 3 U.S. Small cents (Unc). Jackson token, Low 97 (last Unc) and Misc. for'n cop- pers, mostly English, duplicates (33). 39 pes. 2185 N.Y. Numismatic Club medal. Head of Elliott Smith to 1. by J. M. Swanson. Rx. Seal of the club. Unc. Bronze. GROUP OF NUMISMATIC BOOKS, ETC. 2186 Cohen (Henry). Description Historique Des Monnaies Frappes Sous L'Empire Romain, etc. Paris, 1880, 8 volumes, illustrated. The greatest numismatic work ever attempted. Imitation Half Mo- rocco binding. The first volume has had rather hard usage and a few pages are loose, and several covers are skinned a little, otherwise a fine set and can be improved. Very rare. Sold per volume. 8 pes. 2187 Bahelon (Ernest). Description Historique Et Chronologique Des Monnaies De La Republique Romaine, Vulgairement Appeles, Mon- naies Consulaires. 2 "Vols. Illustrated. Half morocco. Good. V. Rare. 2 pes. 2188 Evans (John). The Coins of the Ancient Britons, arranged and de- scribed. Cloth octavo. London, 1864. with 18 plates and cuts. Fine. Scarce. 2189 Grueher and Thorborn. A Guide to the History and Valuation of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in Gold, Silver & Copper. 12 Mo. Imit. Half Mor. With cuts. Good. 2191 Thomsen (Christian Jurgenson). Description Des Monnaies Du Moyen Age. 3 Vols. A valuable little set of books. Half Mor. 12 Mo. Very good. Rare. 3 pes. 2192 Breton (P.N.). Coins of Canada. Illustr. Octavo, covers missing. ,2193 Scott's Copper and Nickel Coins, 1893 Ed., cloth binding, covers loose. Scarfe. NUMISMATIC BOOKS 153 2194 Hall (Dr. Thomas). A Descriptive list of the Coppers Issued By Authority, for the State of Connecticut for the year 1787." Pri- vately printed. Dr. Hall's own copy I think, front cover impressed in gold with his name, 1892. Half Morocco. V. Fine. Rare. 2195 Crosby. (S.S.). The Early Coins of America. Cloth edition, blue binding. Good. Very rare and in great demand. 2196 Heaton (A.G.). Coinage of the U. S. Branch Mints.). Boards, 1893. Fine. 2197 Gilbert (Ebenezer). The United States Half Cents. Without plates or illustrations. Pub. by the Elder Numismatic Press (Note. The clothbound edition with plates sells by the Elder Co. for $4.00 per copy) . 2198 The American Journal of Numismatics for years 1915 and 1918, in- clude articles by Dr. T. Louis Comparette on the AES SIGNATUM, another by Mr. Newell on the Coinage of Alexander the Great, U.S. War Medals, Copper Coins of Canada, Symbolism on Greek Coins, etc. Fine, paper covers. 2 vols. 2 pes. 2199 The British Numismatic Journal for 1917. Symbols on late Saxon Coins, Silver Coins of the Tower Mint of Charles I, Touchpieces, Modern War Medals, etc. Handsomely bound in buckram, red cover. As new. To members only. 2200 Britton (P.W.P Carlyon, F.S.A.). A Penny of St. Aethelberht, King of East Anglia; also "The Gold Mancus of Offa, King of Mercia". Pamphlet form, octavo. Fine. Presentation copies. F. 2 pes. 2201 Britton (.P.W.P. Carlyon, F.S.A.). On Some Coins of the Tenth Century, etc.; another, "A Numismatic History of the Reigns of William I and II., Part II." An illustr. pamphlet, same form as last lot. Presentation copies. VF. 2 pes. 2202 Crosby (S.S.). The United States Cents and Half Cents of 1793. Paper, plates, V. Rare. Good. 2203 Doughty (F.W.). U. S. Cents. Paper. Author's autograph. Cover loose. Rare. 2204 Andrews (Frank D.). An arrangement of the U. S. Copper Cents, 1816-57. 2205 Gilbert (E.) and Elder. (Thomas L.) U. S. Cents of 1796, with additions and notes in pen by Mr. Miller on the cents of 1796. Heavy paper cover, 154 NUMISMATIC BOOKS 2206 Gilbert (E) and Elder (T.L.). U. S. Cents of 1794 (after Hays-Fros- sard). With many additions, finding lists, and other information, marking a great improvement over the original edition. Cloth. V. F. Plates. 2207 Marisi (Dr. Edw.). The Coins of New Jersey, with plates, Cloth, Fine and rare. 2208 Low (Lyman Haynes). The Hard Times Tokens and supplement. Last edition. V.Rare. Paper covers. Sold as 1 lot. Good. ,2209 Higgins (Frank C). The Cross of the Magi, an unveiling of the ancient mysteries. Illustrated by Mr. Higgins himself. An interesting work, octavo. Fine. Paper, also Supplement to the Bushnell cata- logue, noting the Samaritan Shilling of the Colony of Massachu- setts. 2 pes. 2210 Twelve trays with various sized circles for coins. 12 pes. 2211 Poole (R.S.). A catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum, Volume I, 30 plates, cloth, octavo. Very good. ,2212 Grueber, (H.A.). Catalogue of English Coins In The British Mu- seum. Volume II, with 32 plates. Cloth, octavo. Very good. THE END. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED FOR SALE IN NEW YORK. In our new store, located on the ground floor in the elite shopping dis- /rict of New York, we find ourselves well equipped to catalogue and dispose of your collection, or duplicates, to the best possible advantage. The prices are holding well and we reach a very large clientele in all parts of both the United States and Canada. We send out from 1100 to 1200 catalogues of each sale to live collectors, which include many of the larger and more important collectors, and some unknown to any other dealer in the country. In this way we are enabled to reach a great variety of collectors, with the best possible results to yourself. Our sales date from 1903, covering a period of over 16 years, and we have been in business since 1898, over twenty years. Some of our sales include, the Gschwend (1907), total $9,200; James B. Wilson (1908), total $12,600; the Mougey (1910), al- most $21,000; the Woodin (1911), almost $17,000, and the Miller Sale, to- tal about $11,000. This shows we can handle sales of all sizes without diffi- culty. Write us for terms. New York, the greatest city in America, is none the less great as a coin selling market. Communicate with us for further particulars, or send on your collections addressed as below. Our sales up to this time number around 200. THE ELDER COIN AND CURIO COMPANY, THOMAS L. ELDER, MANAGER, 21 WEST 36th STREET, NEW YORK. INDEX. Page BRITISH COINS 7 Coins of Scotland 27 Danish Kings 16 East Anglia 11 English Copper Coins 29 English Kings 17 Irish Copper Coins 37 Irish Silver Coins 28 Kent 10 Kingdom of England 15 Mercia 9 Money of Necessity 38 Saints 12 Styca Series 10 Sceatta 8 Scotch Copper Coins 40 Wessex 12 William I 18 ANCIENT ROMAN COINS 40 Augustus 55 Brutus 54 Byzantine Copper Coins 112 C. Cassius 54 Cleopatra and Marc Antony 55 Egyptian Bronze Coins 114 Family Denarii 41 Gordianus, Africanus Sr. and Jr 64 Interregnum Denarius 57 Julius Caesar : 51 Large or Great Bronzes 75 Marc Antony 55 Magna Urbica and Nigrinianus 105 Ostrogoths 114 Pertinax. Didius Julianus and Pescennius Niger 61 Roman Silver 41, 51 Roman and Byzantine Gold Coins 50 Roman Bronze Coins 74 pp"ond or Middle Bronzes 88 Third and Fourth Bronzes 101 AMERICAN COLONTAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 116 Bnngtown Farthings 133 Carolina 119 Connecticut 137 Florida 122 Fugio Dollars and Cents 125 Kentucky 125 Louisiana 122 Maryland 118 Massachusetts 116 N E Shilling 116 New Jersey 133 New York • • • • 126 Nova Constellatios 123 Pine Tree Coins 116 Pennsylvania "Bungtowns" 130 Rhode Island Tokens 123 Rosa Americana Series^ 119 Sommer Islands .....". 116 U. S. A. Bar Cent 123 Vermont 124 Virginia 122 Voce Populi Coins 121 Washington Coins & Tokens 127 Woods Copper Coinage 120 NUMISMATIC BOOKS 152 19.... Thomas L. Elder, 21 West 35th Street, New York City. Please execute the following bids at your sale of My bids are so much for each piece. No. BID.' No. BID. No. BID. No. BID. • • • ' ■ • - No. BID. No. BID. No. BID. No. BID. 1 - The J. W. Stowell printing company Federalsburg. Maryland. /41&&L w / A \ \FW &? ...% 7 '3\ Y^ 4B & m& r s ,i v 239 242 oa \ =6* 33? 337£ 337 349 J 57 35S 413 4£l 416 4?> 417 423 4o2 4?0 4-24 432 ^■.■■■■■■■.■n»«im'^««'«i^"'^' mp «» n 483 49 1 492 527 528 532 536 538 54 - 6'tt — 62 6 _ ■^.-■«— «».■■■■ M»mi ■■■■■■«■ Bmaama 658 655 662 663 664 610 /U 676 /T" 7$ 9 77 772 773 r.r^ 776 ^ llillllllMniiiiiif" — "—■ " ■»""— «"■""""*—-■ %J 944 y52 ¥mt M 957 967 5b8 ■ min.in.~i... IIIIIIMIIIMI ■15= """« llllullllnnmTrrmm.mw~~... 1071 K)83 logs '08ft ~ — ~m,... r ,nrr*>-*~** — *xm = 17— >3 "35 "3.9 143 7 H5i - 18- i uimi i iiiw i muni iH m j i IIIII H I I III IIIMIIIIHII I I MIINlillHI = 19 = = 20 = ■ I40i i«02 \ 'S75 ago /S8| 153? \ fi 1585 ms 1587 1588 • '590 1608 = E6 = \730 1732 A 1734 173 6 27 = 17^)6 r/75 '758 >758 1777 799 1799 A 1767 \~712 1793 I799B 1797 \i 1799 C \%M 1308 1810 \8\Z 1807 1813 I8|6 1817 Ifo8 ^' 1835 1338 1843 y 1858 186?- 2//3 2028 2036 2037 2«39 2040 3/74- 2o 33 2150 2154 ^158 2159 ^ 4 o « o O > "W •- °o *b^ ** v % A** « « <* I. V^'V ... v^v %-^V V^> V'^v t .x**y ;,.a^ /W x^>t. ;v— v° %^'V° \**-^'\^ V'^^V *%*v^\^ %/*f?^\p * *V*' P\^ %;^^ 4 y \*-^P\a^ *v^^* ^o s ^°- °^ *•"• ,4 A. V %* +^-t{4r J *'y* > ^ , D0BBSBR0S. V % .'•"-. ^> .0^ »*VL', "> V* , ' * » . O ,0^ , • ' * ' <> V % iik-. °°- .y .->!fe-.