Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/descendantsofandOOdewi i' Readers of this department will recall the initials B. F. D. signed to answers. lev. Anson Titus sends us the following: Mr. Benjamin F. Dewing, who a few lonths since published the "Genealogy of |he Dewing Family," died at his home in Joston, Nov. 9, li>04, aged sixty-nine ypi-rs. Tor many years he was an active busines.s lan. and in these same years zealous in ^ehalf of good causes. He was loremost in fevery practical mission work of the Con- irregationalist Church, and loved the ser- irices of the Lord's house. In tec^nt yeais ie became interested in his family history land published one of the best liook.s upon genealogy that has appeared. Jt is well ^igh a modet In condensation, carefulness mf research and form of publication. Mr. |l)ewing was a life member of the New tengland .Historic-Genealogical Society and lidelighted in its increasing usefulness to all |the sons and daughters of New England. EXPLAlN"ATORY XOTE. This Genealogy is arranged on what is known as the "Register plan," approved by the N. E. Historic Genealogical Society. The emigrant Andrew is 1. Following the sketch of his life are the names of his children (see page 11) ; the number prefixed to one or more of these children indicates that such a child becomes the head of a farail}', an account of which will be found under the corresponding number on a subsequent page. Thus, Andrew's son Jonathan, on page 11, has the number 3 at the left. On turn- ing to page 18, under 3 in the middle of the line, his family will be found. There, his son Jonathan is numbered 7 ; turning for- ward until 7 is found (see page 19), particulars concerning this Jonathan are given; his son Daniel, (17) is found in consecutive numerical order on page 31 ; and so of the other families. The italic names which follow the name of the head of a family show the direct line of descent from Andrew; thus Daniel (17), page 31, is followed in italics by Joniler, however, did not include an attemjit to trace the history of the Dewing family previous to the appearance of its founder in Dedliam. The recent history of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, of which Andrew^ was a member as stated above, says that he came from Lincolnshu-e. It is well known that for centuries there have been Dewings in the neighboring County of Norfolk (separated from Lincoln- shire by "the Wash"), and a few notes on descendants of some of the Norfolk Dewings will be found in the Apj)endix to this volume. There is an ancient armorial family of this name, which has a seat at Carbrooke, whose arms are given by Burke, — " Gules, on a chevron argent, three cinquefoils sable." * " Crest, a greyhound's head erased, argent, collared and ringed gules." f The same crest is given by Fairbairn (p. 129), and other authorities. There was also a family with the name " Dewin," a spelling used on the Dedham records, in Gwinear, Cornwall, England, in the sixteenth century, given in the Visitation of that County in 1620 (edited by Vivian and Drake, and published in London, 1874), whose arms, both in tinctures and charges, are almost identical with those of the Norfolk family, the only difference being that the cinquefoils of the Cornwall family are "slipped" (having a stem, thus suggesting a fiower).| The similarity of these arms may possibly indicate that there was some con- nection, more or less distant, between these families, but we liave no * This may be interpreted : three five-lobed rosettes of black on a white chevron placed on a red shield. t That is, the head and part of the thi'oat of a white greyhound, which has a red collar and ring about his neck; the lower line of the neck is irregular, as if torn away. I See Visitations as cited, pp. 62, 304. viii Introduction. information on this point, and it would be foreign to the purpose of the compiler to discuss it. It is proper to add that no evidence whatever has been found, to show that Andrew of Dedham was even remotely connected with either the Norfolk or Cornwall branch of the families of his name. A common impression prevails among those who are not familiar with the laws of Heraldry, that armorial devices appertain to the name., but nothing is more erroneous. Burke has the arms of another Dewing family in England, which are entirely different fi'om those described above, which have been given merely as of possible interest to the reader. While it may be that some of the descendants of the English branch in Norfolk who are given in the Apj^endix, may fairly claim a right to the Norfolk Dewing arms, that is a matter of which we have no knowledge and express no opinion. It is certain that no descendant of Andrew has thus far proved any right to use them, and unless some future investigator shall discover the English home and ancestor, and be able to show that that ancestor had a right to armorial bearings, the use of either of the devices alluded to would imply a claim with- out foundation, a pretence without any justification. There is a tradition that Andrew Dewing doubted the equity of his title to the lands assigned him, bounded in part by the Charles River, and Dewing Brook (near Wellesley College), which rested upon the grants under the Royal Charter ; that he might hold it with an easy conscience, he is said to have purchased it a second time from the Indian chief Waban, paying him therefor in blankets, tobacco, beads, etc., to the entire satisfaction of the original owner. Whether this be true we are unable to say, but it is clear that such a man would have scorned to use the armorial devices of a family to which he had no right, and we can hardly doubt that his descendants will be found equally con- scientious. Benj. F. Dewing. June 1, 1904. ANDREW DEWING AND HIS DESCEKDAE^TS. Andrew^ Dewing, the date and place of whose birth is un- known, appears on the Dedhara, Mass., " Towne Booke," among the subscribers to the "Covenant," as " Andr: Duein." The name is also variously spelled, in records of that town, Duing, Duinge, Dewin, Duin, Duen, Deuin, Dewein, Dueing, and Deuing. The date of his signing the Covenant does not appear. It is thought he settled in the part of Dedham that, in 1711, was set off as Needham. His name appears in Wliitman's History of the An- cient and Honorable Artillery Company (2d ed., p. 143) as a member, in 1644, from Natick; but he probably resided nearer that place than the settlement at Dedham, and perhaps on what was afterward known as the Ridge Hill farm in Wellesley, part if not all of which was owned by the Dewing descendants until 1811. He was received into the First Church in Dedham, 19 d. 2 m. 1646 ; and was made freeman, May 6, 1646, The Dedham Town records say : " At a General Town Meeting 1651 y^ First of the eleventh mo: called Januarie Andr: Duein [with five others] admitted Townesmen." * He was elected sur- * The " Covenant," recorded in the " Towne Booke " of Dedham, and printed in the volume of Records of the Town and Selectmen, 168(5-1059, shows that a somewhat different custom obtained in Dedham from that in other old New England towns, in regard to admission to the privileges of citizenship — " Euery man so receaued" as a townsman (i. e. citizen), was required to sub- cribe his name to the Covenant. Andrew's is 104 on the list. See Dedham Town Recs., as cited above, vol. iii: pp. 3, 135. 6 Andreio Dewing and His Descendants. veyor at the same meeting, and was again elected to that office 1661 ; he was fence viewer for several years, and constable 1663 or '64 ; he also served the town on some important committees. On 14 d, 10 m. 1664, "A bill is orderd to be giuen to Andr. Duein to receaue of the Constable 20^ for killing 2 woolues in the Towne." * A report of Major Daniel Gookin presented to the Council, Nov. 10, 1676, regarding the disposition of Christian In- dians at or near the close of the Indian war, 1676, mentions "a Second Company" who "were near Natick garrison-house under the inspection of Andrew Dewin & his sons, who desired to live near them;" their number was "about fifty — ten men & forty womin & children."! In 1667, or earlier, he acquired rights with the other citizens of Dedham in what was later the town of Deerfield. At a Town Assembly to make the rate to pay for the purchase of the Indian rights at " paucomptucke " (Deerfield), 2, 8, 1667 : " Vpon searious consideration and debateiug the case respecting the payem' aboue specified it is concluded that the charge of that purchase must be defrayed by the ppriators in the Land at Pocomptucke, and to be assesed vpon them by the rule of C-ow Comons, accounting 14 Acres or therabout to each Comon and that the Lands allready granted in sattisfaction to them that layed out the whole 8000 acres shall beare pportion in this charge, acre for acre equally with each other acre there . . . 4ms asessed upon each Cow Comon "...." Andr : Duein assessed £0L00.00 " % The Dedham Records show the taxes charged against him for country, town, and school rates in various years, from which it is evident that he was in comfortable circumstances. In 1662, 92 were assessed and his name is the twenty-seventh on the roll of the amounts paid; in 1673, in the rate for building a new meeting- house, etc., his tax rate is tenth on a list of 104 ; in 1675 it is eighth on a list of 102. * Dedham Town Recs., vol. iv: p. 93. t N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg., vol. xliv : p. 380. Felt, Eccl. Hist, of N. E., vol. ii: p. 602, 3. t Dedham Town Recs., vol. iv: p. 18(5. First Generation. 7 His will, dated Sept. 8, and probated Oct. 30, 1677, is in Suffolk Co. Probate Records, vi : 207. His first wife, Lydia ( *), died 13 d. 8 m. 1051 ; he married second, 10 d. 9 ni. 1652, Ann Donstall. He died Sept. 16, 1677. Will of Aj^dkeav' Dkwin (Dewing) of Dedham. In the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred Seventy and seven The Eighth day of the seventh month called September. I Andrew Dewin of Dedliam in the County of Suffolk in New England being weake in body yet of abillety of mind by the goodness of God doe make this my Last Will and Testament for the Settling of that Estate of which the Lord hath made me liis Steward. ^Vnd first of all my desire is to Commit my Soule into the hands of Jesus Christ my Saviour and my body to the earth from whence it was taken therein to be intered after my decease in decent and Christian manner at the discretion of my Executrix. And my will is to Give and bequeath unto Anne my well beloved wife and to her dispose all my Estate whatsoever that I have not particularly disposed of in this my present will. Also I Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son Andrew Dewin one par- cell of Upland Containing forty Acres lying south east from my houses and buildings upon Charles Kiver on the south and Twelve acres of meadow lying in Severall parcels which said parcel of up land & meadow the above said Andrew ^ his heirs shall have the free use of during the time of my wifes Life at which time my will is to give the above said parcels of Lands with all the Improvements thereupon to Jonathan Dewin my youngest Son and his heirs for Ever. Also my will is to Give unto Andrew Dewin my Eldest sonn and to his heires for Ever all my houses and lands which my wife die Seezed of and further I Give unto Jonathan my youngest Sonn and to his heirs for Ever Twenty acres of my Land lying at Natick divident when he shall attain to Lawfull age. and the rest of my land in Natick divident I give unto the above said Andrew and his heirs forever. * The late Horace Mann of Natick thought it probable that Lydia's maiden name was Goodenowe, and that she was a daughter of John Goodenowe, of Semley, Wilts, who with his family — wife Jano and daughters .Jane and Lydia — sailed in the ship "Confidence" from Southampton, Eng., in April, lOl^S, and settled in Sudbury, Mass. Mr. Mann further wrote the compiler, that "Andrew Dewing came in the same sliip as a servant of Goodnow," but we have been unable to find his authority. It was not unusual for those who desired to conceal their identity from the Government officials, when em- barking for New England, to call themselves servants, thus escaping recog- nition. For Goodenough, see Barry's History of Framingham, and Savage, vol. ii : p, 272. 8 Andrew Dewing and Sis Descendants. Also I Give unto Jonathan Dewin my youngest Sonn Twenty Pounds to be paid in Currant Country pay Tenn Pounds to be paid when he shall attain to Lawful! age & the other Tenn Pounds within Two ]SIonths after he is marryed. And further I do Give unto Lydia my Eldest daughter Twenty Pounds in Currant Country pay Five pounds of which shall be paid to her when She shall attaine to Lawfull age, and so five Eveiy yeare after untill the full Summe of Twent}' Pounds be fully paid Also I Give unto my other Two Daughters Anne & Deborah each of them Twenty Pounds to be paid in Current Countrey pay five pounds of which shall be paid to each of them when they shall attaine to lawfull age and so five pounds Every year after untill the full summe of Twentj' Pounds be paid to each of them. And I do appoint and ordaine Anne iny well beloved wife to be my Sole Executrix for the performance of this my last will in all respects what soever. And for the Confermation of this to be my Last will I hereunto fix my hand & Seal the Eighth of the Seventh month Sixteen hundred seventy & seven. Eead Signed and Sealed Andrew Dewin & a Seal in presence of us Thomas Herring Thomas Metcalfe Thomas Herring & Thomas Metcalfe made oath in Court October 30, 1677 that they were present on the date of this Instrument and did see and heare Andrew Dewin signe Seal and Pubhsh the same to be his last will & Testament, and that he was then of disposing mind. as Attests Jsa Addington Clerk Examined Jas Addington Clerk INVENTORY. An Inventory of the Estate of Andrew Dewing of Dedham Late deced. taken. upon this. 8d. 8™°. [16]7T, by us whose names are Subscribed. £ s. d. Imp : In a Large cloth, coate & one pr. of cloth. Breeches and a stuffe Jerkin. & 1 pr. of cloth drawers . . . .02 — 10 — 00 Item, overworn, cloaths. viz. ^ four, upper, garmts. 2 pr. of breeches and cloth cap & gloves 01 — 10 — 00 It: 2 hats. 12s. 2 Shirts, 2. caps &. 4 handkercheifs 25s stockins and Shoes. 15s 02 — 12 — 00 It: severall Bookes apprized at 00 — 15 — 00 It: 3 yds. 1^. of. Kearsy 00 — 14 — 00 It: 4 yds. 1^ of Searge 00-18-00 It: one cushion, and. 3. cushion, tops 00 — 16 — 00 It: hose yarn. 3/6. Linnen-yarn. 12s 00 — 15 — 06 First Generation. It: four, paire of Sheets &. 4. pillow beers It: two tablecloths. 9. napkins &. 2. towels . . . . ft: a bedsteed bed cord one feather bed. 1. bolster. 3. pillows, two blankets, one Rug & the curtains . . . . It: a warmingpan and one Eoider. ...... It: one chaire. 1. candle stick & a Looking glass. It: one wallet. 18d. Cloth at the fulling mill. 52s. In the chanibr: It: one bedsteed the bed cord one feather bed. 1: bolster one blanket, one Rug and a coverlit . • . . It: one trundle bedsteed, bed cord the bed & furniture It: one joined chest and one plain chest .... It: one chest with tcarc tlax & other small things in it It: one small mealo hatch, wtii the meale therein &. 2. Sives It: one l^ bushel measure & one ^o peck. 7. Sacks. 1: fan . It: 4: bushiis. of Rye, 16s. one barr'i. wth. malt. 6s It: one woolen, wheele it. 2. Linnen. wheeles. 2. paire of cards two tow combs and one hashall It: Indian Corn — some threshed & some unthreshed. It: six Sickles and a hop hooke It: small-tooles as planes, wimbles, chizels, squares hamers It: a Caske. with, wool in it. some old iron & Lumber In the fire Room. It: two fowleing peices, one musket. 2 Swords, 2 belts, two pr bandileers, bullet molds & other amunition . It: one table. 1: forme. 1. joined stoole & 4 chaires & some other stooles and cushions. It: one brake. 2. and irons, one firepan & tongs one gridiron, one tosting iron. 1: box iron & heaters It: two. Spits and some other, small things . . . . In the Butt8r[y] It: one brass kettle, one brass pot & 2 brass posnets It: 5. pewter, dishes. 2. basons, a drinking pot. 2 cups. It: two iron pots & the pot-hooks, one frying pan. and a candle- stick and some tin-ware. ....... It: three pailes, bowles, trayes, cheese fats, cheese tongs & dishes Spoons & trenchers. It: one cheese press and some other small things It: Cheese and Butter In the Cellar It: one powdering tub with the meate therein . . . . It: two powdering tubbs & one Churn. &c. .... It: one mashing tubb & three keelers, three beere vessells and some Earthen-ware ........ In the Barn. It: wheate. Rye & hey in the barn. & abroad on the Stack It: Flax undrest and Cow bells. 5 02 01 06 00 00- 02- 03 02 00 01 00 01- 01- 01 01- 00 01 00 18 — 00 06 — 00 00 — 00 10-00 09 — 00 13 — 06 ■05 — 00 05 — 00 12-00 •00 — 00 06 — 00 ■02-00 02-00 ■15 — 00 04—00 -05 — 08 ■16 — 00 -12 — 00 03 — 06 — 00 08 — 00 01- 01 00 01- 01 ■ ■09-00 11-00 10 — 00 01 — 00 01—04-00 01 00 00 00- 00 00 ■ 17 00- 04 — 00 05 — 00 ■15-00 15-00 13 — 00 11 — 00 10-00 17 — 00 10 Andreio Deioing and His Descendants. It: Coller, trace, whiple tree chain, one cart rope, three forkes, four Rakes 01—06 — 00 It: part in a harrow 00 — 06 — 00 It: a saddle, saddle cloth, one bridle, one pillion, one pannel, and 2 pr of Iron Setters . , 01 — 14 — 00 It: one beetle, 3. wedges. 5. axes. 2. Spades, a Shovel, and one grindstone. 01 — 03 — 06 It: one crosscut Saw and an Iron, crow 00 — 12 — 00 It: Seven Sythes it what do appertain to them . . . .00 — ^10 — 00 It: four broad hows, one breaking up how. 1: turnip how. . 00 — 13 — 00 It: one Cart, wheeles, shackle & pin. &. 4. draft yoakes. . . 01 — 18 — 00 It: 4 ploughs it the irons, thereto belonging. 2. draft chains, plough Shakles & a timber chain 03 — 04 — 00 It: 2 Oxen. 9£. two Steeres. 8£. Six Cow's 15£ . . .32-00-00 It: one heifer, and one bull 03 — 00-00 It: two fat Cow's 06 — 10-00 It: 3. horse beasts 7£. one mare and. 2. Colts 4£. 10: 00 . . 11 — 10 — 00 It: ten Sheep. 3£. ten Swine: 10£. Poultery. 12s ... 13 — 12 — 00 It: the dwelling house. 20£. The Barn 14£ . . . .34-00-00 It: the orchard & other small parcels of Land about. 12. acres . 26 — 00-00 It: broken up Land and unbroken up Land in the great corn feild, and neare adjoining thereunto about. 50. acres . 50 — 00 — 00 It: eight acres of Indian corn upon the aforesd. Land . . 10 — 00 — 00 It: 40 acres of upland as it lyeth. as it Lieth. [sic] on the plain towards the East from the dwelling house aforesd, . , 30 — 00 — 00 40. acres of upland in Natick dividend. . . . .20 — 00 — 00 a Lot in the great Cedar Swamp by the Saw Mill . . 01 — 00 — 00 6 acres of meadow in Rosemary meadow . . . .12 — 00 — 00 2 acres of meadow in Birtch meadow 02 — 00 — 00 Pine Swamp meadow. & the meadow at the horse neck . 05 — 10 — 00 2 acres of meadow by the heard yard, & 2 acres neare Natick. 02 — 10 — 00 about 7. acres by Charles River neere the dwelling house . 20 — 00 — 00 comon Right in all divisions of Lands yet to bee laid out in ye Town 09 — 00-00 Totall* £372 — 06 — 02 Debts due from the Estate 20 — 00 — 00 Tho: Fuller. Thomas Battelle. Thomas Metcalfe. Ann Dewing made Oath, in Court. Octobr. 30th. 1677 that this is a just and true Inventory of the Estate of her late husband Andrew Dewing deced. to her best knowledge & that w. Shee know's more Shee will discover the same. Attests. Jsa; Addington Clerk *The "totall" is three shillings too small, but whether the error is in the footing or in recording one of the items does not appear. First Generation. 11 Children, born in Dedham, by first wife : i. JoHN,2 b. 16 d. 12 m. 1649; bapt. 17 d. 1 m. 1650; d. in infancy, ii. John, b. 19 d. 5 m. 1651 ; d. 20 d. 8 m. 1651. Children by second wife : 2. iii. AxDREW, b. 26 d. 11 m. 1655. iv. Rachel, b. ; bapt. 27 d. 4 m. 1658 (Dedham Church rec.) ; prob. d. inf. ; no other mention found. V. Lydia, b. about 1660 ; d. Nov. 17, 1754 ; mentioned in her father's will as his eldest daughter; m. Dec. 15, 1683, John, son of John and Rebecca (Hall) Racon, b. July 17, 1656; d. Oct. 27, 1732. Children (Bacon), b. in Dedliam : 1. Lydia,^ b. Oct. 12, 1684. 2. Rebecca, b. June 30, 1687. 3. Fachel, b. Mar. 30, 1600. 4. John, b. Jan. 3, 1692/3. 5. Michael, b. Mar. 21, 1695/6. (See Dedham recs.) 3. vi. JoNATiiAX, b. Apr. 3, bapt. Apr. 19, 1663. vii. Ann, b. ; bapt. May 6, 1666; d. May 10, 1725; m. Feb. 17, 1685/6, Daniel, son of Henry and Jane (Good- enough) Wight, b. Nov. 24, 1656; d. May 1, 1719. Children (Wight), b. in Dedham: 1. iJavid,^ Dec. 19, 1686; d. Jan. 28, 1742/3; m. Jan. 17, 1716/17, Sarah, dau. of Ralph and Sarah (Fuller) Day, b. Apr, 1, 1689, in Dedham. 2. Daniel, b. Jan. 25, 1690; d. Feb. 28, 1773; m. Nov. 14, 1751, Susanna Kinch, of Needham. 3. John, b. Apr. 22, 1699; d. May 8, 1753; m. (1), July 3, 1728, Mary Pond, b. Nov. 22, 1706, in Dedham; d. June 19, 1735, in Bristol, R. I.; m. (2), Mrs. Deliverance Carpenter. He graduated at Harvard College, 1721; he was a teacher in Dedham schools, afterward a minister in Bristol, and in New Marblehead, now Windham, Me. (See Wight Gen.) viii. Debokah, b. Oct., 1668. 12 Andreio Bexoing and His Descendants. SECOND GENERATION. Andreav^ Dewing (^Andreiv^'), born 26 d. 11 m. 1655 ; died Jan. 14, 1717/18 ; married 27 d. 10 m. 1682, Dorothy* Hyde. He resided in that part of Dedham wliich was set off as Needham, Mass., in 1711, and was a husbandman. He inherited land from his father's estate, and also had some small parcels of land granted liim from the town of Dedham. He was one of the petitioners for the incorporation of Needham. His will is recorded in Suffolk Co. Probate, No. 3938 ; it is dated Jan. 14, 1717, names son Edmund, and wife Dorothy, executors ; his elder sons, Andrew and Henry, having received their full shares in Ms lands and meadows by deeds, are to receive ^5 each, and his daughters Esther and Dorothy the same amount, wliich is to be paid three years after his death, by son Edmund, who is to share the remainder of the estate with the widow until her death, Avhen he is to have the whole. No record of an inventory. Children, born in Dedham : 4. i. Andrew,^ b. Sept. 25, 1683. ii. Martha, b. Nov. 30, 1685; d. Mar. 24, 1686. 6. iii. Henry, b. Oct. 16, 1690. iv. Esther, b. Sept. 21, 1692; d. before 1753; m., by Mr. Hubbard, of Dorchester, Mass., Sej^t. 15, 1714, John,^ son of John^ {John^) and Mary (Turner) Parker, b. Aug. 17, 1687; he m. (2), in 1753, Hannah Pierce, of Weston, Mass. He d. in 1762; will offered for probate June 15, 1762. He resided in Newton, Mass., and Avas a farmer.t Children (Parker), b. in Newton : 1. Josiah,* b. July 7, 1715; d. in 1758, while serving in the French and Indian war, in the army at Lake George; m. in 1739, Sarah Hammond, b. abt. 1716; d. in 1758, aged 43. * Called " Dority " in Dedham recs., i: 17. I Authorities : — Dorchester Kec. of Marriages; Jackson's Hist, of Newton; Middlesex Reg. of Probate, and "M. L. T. A." in Boston Evening Transcript^ June 29, 1903. Second Generation. 13 2. Timothy, b. Feb. 14, 1717; d. in 1754; m. in 1743, Keziah Hammond. 3. Jolm, b. May 1, 1719. 4. Phineas, b. Oct. 16, 1721. 6. Sarah, b. ; d. in 1724. 6. Esther, b. Feb. 24, 1724; m. Nov. 1, 1750, Samuel Child, of Weston. 7. Mary, b. June S, 1726; m. in 1745, Josiali Knapp. 8. bihyl, b. May 14, 1729; m. , Wm. Marean, of Eut- land, Mass. 9. Ezra, b. June 13, 1731; m. in 1755, Sarah Pratt. 6. V. Edmund, b. Sept. 9, 1694. vi. Dorothy, b. July 20, 1697. 3 Jonathan^ Dewing (Andrew^}, born April 3, 1663 ; died in 1741; married Jan. 7, 1691/2, Susannah, daughter of John and Rebecca (Hall) Bacon, born Jan. 18, 1668 ; they resided in that part of Dedham which was set off as Needham in 1711. He was one of the petitioners for the incorporation of Needham ; he in- herited some land from his father's estate. His will, dated Sept. 23, probated Nov. 10, 1741, names wife Susannah, son Stephen, and Capt. John Fisher, as executors ; the latter declined to serve. The Inventory amounted to £962. 3s. 2d. (Suffolk Co. Probate, No. 7666.) Cliildren, born in Dedham : 7. i. Jonathan,^ b. Oct. 5, 1692. 8. ii. NATHATsriEL, b. Aug. 7, 1695. iii. Srpn'HEN, b. Apr. 6, 1698; d. in 1770 or '71 (adni'r a})- pointed Mar. 22, 1771) ; nnm. iv. Patience, b. Feb. 18, 1699/1700; d. abt. 1770; unm. V. David, b. May 9, 1703; d. after 1770; unm. vi. Jemima, b. June 25, 1706; d. Nov. 18, 1762; ra. May 14, 1782, in Boston, Jolm Coller. Children (Coller), b. in Needham: 1. Jemima,^ b. Oct. 12, 1732; d. Oct. 14, 1819; m. Dec. 6, 1753, Joseph Mackintire. 2. Mary, b. Sept. 25, 174U. (See Nathaniel, 8, iii.) 14 Andrew Deioing and His Descendants. THIRD GENERATION. 4 Andrew^ Dewing {Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born Sept. 25, 1683, in Dedliam, Mass. ; died Nov. 4, 1745 ; married Feb. 15, 1708/9, Abigail, daughter of John and Rebecca (Ellis) Fisher, born Jan. 19, 1684, in Dedham ; died Jan. 24, 1758. He was one of the peti- tioners for the incorporation of Needham, Mass., where he resided, was selectman and assessor of the town, 1725-7, and served on important committees. He owned considerable land in Needham. He died intestate, and his widow Abigail was appointed admin- istratrix, Nov. 27, 1745. The administration of his estate is recorded in Suffolk Co. Probate, No. 8382. The inventory, dated June 20, 1746, amounted to £1404. 9.s. 9d. Children, born in Needham, and the last five baptized Sept. 1, 1728: i. Timothy,* b. Nov. 6, 1709; d. Apr. 3, 1710. ii. Jeremiah, b. May 19, 1715; d. ; m. Nov. 27, 1739, in Boston, Martha, dau. of Jonathan and Martha (Rug- gles) Smith, b. Jan. 15, 1713/14 ; d. Aug. 22, 1802. Her will was probated Oct. 5, 1802, in Norfolk Co. Probate. She was a school-teacher in Needham much of the time from 1761 to 1772, and one of the petitioners for setting off the West parish of Needham in 1774. No children. iii. Mary, b. Mar. 30, 1718; no record of death; m. Dec. 7, 1743, John, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Thorp) Chicker- ing, b. Aug. 23, 1715; he m. (2), Jan. 9, 1766, Mrs. Elizabeth Gay. (See Dedham recs.) Children (Chick er- ing), b. in Dedham (Dover Dist.) : 1. John,^ b. Aug. 2, bapt. Aug. 5, 1744; m. Lois Marsh, of Medfield, Mass. 2. Samuel, b. Sept. 23 (28 Dedham recs.), bapt. Sept. 29, 1745; d. May 12, 1746. .3. Ahigail, b. Nov. 25, bapt. Nov. 29, 1747, in Natick, Mass. 4. Timothy, b. Mar. 10, 1750. 5. Oliver, b. ; bapt. June 7, 1752, in Needham (Xeed- ham church recs.); m. Feb. 27, 1772, Tabitha Hooker.* Chil- * See N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg., vol. Iv: p. 265. Third Generation. 15 dren: Oliver,'' and O&ecZ (twins), b. Aug. 20, 1772. (Dedham Hist. Reg., vol. i.) 6. Samuel, b. May 24, bapt. June 22, 1755. 7. Molly, b. Sept. 20, 1758. iv. Dorothy, b. May 3, 1721; d. Jan. 26, 1756; m. Apr. 12, 1750, as his second wife, Josiah,^ son of NathanieP (Robert^) and Mary (" Wheelak ") Ware, b. Mar. 21, 1707, in Wrenlham, Mass.; d. July 3, 1798, in Needham, where he resided and where their children were born; he was a farmer; chosen selectman in 1773. Children (Ware) : 1. lt.s«,= b. Mar. 5, 1750/1; d. May 9, 1832, in Wrentham; m. (1), Dec. 27, 1779, Phoebe, dau. of Elisha and Phoebe (Clark) Ware, b. Jan. 2, 1758; d. Jan. 25, 1820; m. (2), Abigail Turner. They resided in the north part of Wrentham, now Xorfolk. He was a soldier in the Revolution, and lost his left hand in the battle of Monmouth, 1778; he was a deacon of the church for forty years. (See Ware Gen., p. 69.) 2. Dorothy, b. May 16, 1752; d. July 4, 1815; m. July 4, 1792, Josiah Hall, of Wrentham; s. p. 3. Joseph, b. Oct. 15, 1753; d. Nov. 12, 1805; m. June 1, 1780, Esther, dau. of Jonathan and Ruth (Hunting) Smith, b. Jan. 16, 1756; d. Aug., 1834. He was a farmer until the Revolution, when he entered the army and served through the war, acting as orderly sergeant and recruiting officer; he was at the battles of Concord and Ticonderoga. He was the author of a Journal of the Expedition to Quebec under Gen. Arnold, 1775/6. (N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg., vol. vi.) They had seven chil. b. in Needham and Natick. (Ware Gen., p. 70.) 4. Daniel, b. May 19, 1755; d. Oct. 20, 1819; m. Sept. 16, 1784, Abigail Newell, b. Nov. 24, 1764, in Dover, Mass.; d. Apr, 20, 1849. They resided in Needham. He served two terms of three months each as orderly sergeant in the Revolu- tionary' army. Later he filled various public offices in Need- ham, as selectman 1805-15, and treasurer 1807, 1808. They had eight chil. b. in Needham. (Needham recs.; Ware Gen., pp. 55, 91; Clarke's Epitaphs, pp. 62 et seq.) V. Rebecca, b. May 14, 1723 ; d. Feb. 3, 1730. 9. vi. Solomon, b. Sept. 30, 1727. 16 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. 5 Henry^ Dewing (^Andrew^^ Andrew^'), born Oct. 16, 1690, in Dedham, Mass. : died Mar. 21, 1765 ; married (1), Dec. 4, 1716, in Roxbiir}^, Mehitable, daughter of Eleazer and Mehitable (Thurs- ton) Ellis, born May 13, 1695; died May 17, 1750; he married (2), Jan. 18, 1753, Mrs. Elizabeth Warren. He resided in Need- ham, where he joined the church, July 16, 1721. He inherited land from his father's estate, and held some minor offices in the town. His will was dated and signed Aju'il 29, 1763, and presented for probate April 19, 1765; son Ebenezer appointed executor. (SufPolk Co. Probate, No. 13,610.) Children, born in Needham, by first wife : 10. i. MosES," b. Sept. 15, 1717; bapt. Oct. 13, 1723. ii. Aaro^, b. Feb. 25, 1718/19; bapt. Oct. 13, 1723; d. Jan. 17, 1731. iii. Mehitable, b. Nov. 6, 1720; bapt. Oct. 13, 1723; d. in 1797?; m. (1), Nov. 29, 1743, Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Ann (Rice) Tolraan, b. Aug. 3, 1716, in Needham; d. Aug. 30, 1775. He was a physician, and resided in Needham; she m. (2), Mar. 5, 1777, in Boston, Henry Plympton, of Medfield, Mass. ; d. in 1797. Children (Tolman), b. in Needham : * 1. John JRice,^ b. ; bapt. Oct. 14, 1744; prob. d. in in- fancy. 2. Judith, b. Feb. 2, 174o/G; bapt. same day; d. Aug. 20, 1766, in Needham. 3. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 5, 1747; m. Elizabeth Ritts; he was a soldier in the battle of Lexington. 4. Elijah, b. Sept. 8, 1749; he was a Revolutionary soldier. 5. Mehitable, h. May 30, 1751 ;t d. Jan. 30, 1846; m. May 18, 1786, Samuel risher,t b. Feb. 4, 1738/9; d. Sept. 7, 1821. 6. John, b. Mar. 18, 1753; d. May 20, 1835; m. Jan. 12, 1778, Elizabeth risher,J b. June 28, 1746; d. April 30, 1835; they resided in Needham, and in Winhall and Fairhaven, Vt., where he d. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and severely • See Tolman Gen. t This is the date given in Fisher Gen.; the Tolman Gen. has June 2, 17.51, perhaps date of baptism. t Samuel and Elizabeth Fisher were brother and sister. Third Generation. 17 wounded in the battle of Lexington; he enlisted in Capt. Kobert Smith's company, Col. Heath's reg't, Jan. 3, 1776, and rose from the ranks to be a captain; he was adjutant of Col. Benj. Gill's reg't.* 7. Elman, b. May 29, 1755; a Revolutionary soldier. 8. Experience, b. Feb. 27, 1757; d. Dec. 2, 1757. 9. Sarah, b. Apr. 1, 1759. 10. Ann, b. Dec. 14, 1762. 11. Experience, b. Feb. 10, 1765. 11. iv. Henry, b. Apr. 1, bapt. Oct. 14, 1724. 12. V. Ebenezek, b. Oct. 10, bapt. Oct. 24, 1725. vi. Esther, b. May 24, bapt. June 4, 1727 ; d. July 25, 1775, in Natick; m. Oct. 2, 1750, Timothy, son of Jonathan and jNIartha (Ruggles) Smith, b. July 3, 1725, in Need- ham; d. July 1, 1803; he m. (2), Apr. 18, 1780, Mrs. Abigail (Sawin) Bacon. Esther and her husband are buried in the cemetery in South Natick, Children (Smith), b. in Natick (baptisms from Needham church recs.) : 1. Tinwthij,^ b. Aug. 14, bapt. Aug. 25, 1751; d. Mar. 7, 1755. 2. Eslher, b. Apr. 29, bapt. May 6, 1753; m. May 29, 1775, Theodore Broad. 3. Henry, b. Nov. 20, 1754; bapt. Sept. 25, 1757. 4. Abigail, b. June 30, 1758; bapt. Nov. 16, 1760; m. Apr. 14, 1777, Edward Jackson, of Newton. 5. Hannah, b. May 20, bapt. Nov. 16, 1760; m. Joshua Car- ter, of Natick. 0. Timothy, b. May 16, 1764; bapt. Oct. 26, 1766; d. in 1825; unm. 7. Judilh, b. Aug. 5, 1769; bapt. Aug. 30, 1772. vii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 29, bai)t. Nov. 9, 1729 ; d. Apr. 5, 1764 ; m. Mar. 27, 1751, David, son of Jonathan and Martha (Ruggles) Smith, b. May 6, 1727 ; d. Dec. 23, 1807 ; he m, (2), Dec. 16, 1768, in Boston, Mrs. Abigail (Parker), widow of Timothy* (15) DeM'ing. (See Boston Kec. Com. Report, vol. xxx : p. 399. ) They resided in Need- ham. His will, dated Oct. 31, 1803, names son David, * Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Rev. 18 Andrei/} Dewing and His Descendants. daughters Elizabeth Daniels, Olive Kingsbury, Mehit- able Whiting, Deborah Pratt, and children of daughter Martha Fisk, deceased ; Aaron Whiting, of Dover, " son- in-law," ex'r. Children (Smith), b. in Needham, and bapt. there. 1. Martha,^ b. Dec. 6, 1751, bapt. Aug. 28, 1757; m. Mar. 24, 1774, Joshua Fisk, and had issue. 2. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 28, 1754, bapt. Aug. 28, 1757; m. Daniels. 3. Mehitable, b. Oct. 22,1756, bapt. Aug. 28,1757; d. Apr. 28, 1820; m. June 10, 1775,* Aaron, son of Jonathan and Anna (Bullard) Whiting, of Dedham, b. Dec. 3, 1745; will dated July 13, 1835, proved Apr. 4, 1837; he d. in Dover, Mass. 4. Olive, b. Apr. 23, bapt. ISTov. 11, 1759; m. Kings- bury. 5. TJavid, b. July 19, bapt. Aug. 30, 1761; d. Feb. 24, 1832; m. Jan. 3, 1788, Phoebe Hunting, b. Sept. 7, 1767; d. Xov. 14, 1848. (See Clarke's Epitaphs from Needham Grave vards, p. 20. viii. Aaro:^, b. Sept. 24, 1731; d. June 15, 1750. ix. EpHRAni, b. July 20, bapt. July 22, 1733 ; d. Dec. 18, 1765 ; unm. 6 Edmund^ Dewing (Andrew,'^ Andrew^'), born Sept. 9, 1694, in Dedham; died Sept. 1, 1752; married Mar. 26, 1723, Ruth Dunk- ley, died Sept. 5, 1755. He resided in Needliam on land received from his father. Children, born in Needliam : 13. i. JosiAH,^ b. Apr. 11, bapt. July 17, 1724. ii. Ruth, b. Apr. 4, bapt. Apr. 24, 1726 ; d. Dec. 25, 1793 ; m. Dec. 5, 1745, Isaac, son of Isaac and Abigail (Griggs) Newell, b. Jan. 11, 1718, in Roxbury, Mass. ; d. May 7, 1790 ; resided in Sturbridge, Mass. Children (Newell) : 1. Elizabeth,^ b. Feb. 13, 1747; d. Aug. 20, 1747. 2. Isaac, b. Sept. 9, 1748; prob. d. before 1762. 3. Jacob, b. June 13, 1750. 4. Abraham, b. Aug. 4, 1754. *See Whiting Gen., p. 45, for further particulars. The Dedham recs. (printed) i: p. 245, has his marriage as in text, but on p. 125, "intention" is dated May 11, 1770, doubtless a clerical error. Third Generation. 19 5. Mary, b. June 5, 1755. 6. Samnel, b. Apr. 29, 1757. 7. Stephen, b. June 31, 1760. 8. Isaac, b. Mar. 5, 1762. 9. Ruth, b. Jan. 10, 1764. 10. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 1, 1760. 11. Elizabeth, b. June 18, 1768. (See Sturbridge recs.) iii. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 22, bapt. Mar. 24, 1728 ; d. Jan. 21, 1729. iv. Edmund, b. Dec. 28, 1729, bapt. Jan. 4, 1730 ; d. June 1, 1750. V. Joshua, b. Mar. 23, bapt. Mar. 26, 1732 ; d. in infancy. 14. vi. Andrew, b. Mar. 23, bapt. Mar. 25, 1733. vii. Mary, b. June 6, baj^t. June 8, 1735; d, Aug. 19, 1761. 15. viii. Timothy, b. July 13, bapt. July 16, 1738. 16. ix. Hezekiah, b. iSept. 9, bapt. Sept. 14, 1740. 7 Jonathan^ Dewing {Jonathan,'^ Andrew^'), born Oct. 5, 1692 ; died Nov. 27, 1756, in Natick, Mass. ; married Jan. 5, 1720, Tab- itha, daughter of Benoni and Sarah (Wright) Learned, of Sher- boni, Mass., born Mar. 19, 1697/8 (see Hist, of Slierborn) ; died Apr. 20, 1734, in Sherborn, He resided in Slierborn and Natick, and was a farmer and cooper. Children, recorded in Sherborn :* 17. i. Daniel,^ b. Mar. 16, 1720/1. ii. Beulah, b. Mar. 2, 1723/4; m. Feb. 19, 1751, Moses Dew- ing. (See No. 10.) iii. Sarah, b. July 8, 1726; m. May 23, 1745, Joshua, son of Thomas and Sarah (Cheever) Kendall, b. Aug. 7, 1713, in Framingham, ]Mass. ; resided in Framingham and Xeedham. Children (Kendall), all but the eldest born and bapt. in Needham : 1. Jane,^ b. July 17, 1746; d. Feb. 2, 1837 (see Barry's Hist, of Franiinghani, p. 308); iii. Sept. 29, 1768, in Sherborn, Reuben Eames, of Ilolliston, Mass., d. May 16, 1818, aged 75 years. * It was probably more convenient to have Lis family recorded with the Sherborn church, than with that nearer him in JS'atick, Avhich at that time was largely of Indian membership. 20 Andrew Deioing and His Descendants. 2. Anne, b. Sept. 25, bapt. Oct. 2, 1748; d. May 23, 1750. 3. Anne, b. June 14, bapt. June 16, 1751; d. May 7, 1754. 4. Joshua, b. Feb. 13, bapt. Feb. 17, 1754; m. Aug. 20, 1781, Beulab Knowlton. (Holliston marriages.) iv. Keziah, b. Mar. 8, 1728/9; d. Mar. 14, 1742/3. 8 Nathaniel^ Dewing {Jonathan,'^ Andrew^), born Aug. 7, 1695 ; died in 1783 or 4 ; married Sept. 7, 1727, Hannah, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (Holland) Phillips, of Watertown, Mass., bap- tized Apr. 23, 1699. He owned land in Needham and Weston, Mass., and resided in Weston near the Needham line. He dis- posed of his land a few years before his death. Children born in Weston : i. Jemima,* b. Apr. 18, 1728. ii. Hannah, b. Oct. 19, 1731. iii. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 18, 1739; d. Mar. 3, 1788 (Weston Town recs.); m. Oct. 13, 1763, his cousin Mary, dau. of John and Jemima (Dewing) Coller (see 3, vi, 2), b. Sept. 25, 1740; d. July 30, 1764. They had one child who d. in infancy. FOURTH GENERATION. 9 Solomon* Dewing (Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born Sept. 30, 1727 ; died Jan. 25, 1764 ; married (intention published in Natick, Dec. 23, 1750) Ruth, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth (Clark) Richardson, born Apr. 26, 1729 (see Richardson Memorial, p. 725) ; died Dec. 1, 1810, in North Brookfield, Mass.* (Brookfield recs.) He resided in Needham, where he owned land which he probably * The " Worcester County Warnings " note that Jonathan Eichardson (the father of Solomon's widow), his wife called "Lydia," (not mentioned in Richardson Memorial, and perhaps a clerical error of the officer for " Ruth," who is known certainly to have been living at that date), and Ruth Dewing and her children, then of Brookfield, were "warned " April 19, 1765; return of service made May 21, 1765; showing that after her widowhood Ruth and her children removed thither with her father and settled there. Fourth Generation. 21 received, from his father's estate, some of which he sold a few days before his death ;* his widow sold land in May, 1764. Children, born in Needham, all baptized Mar. 4, 1764, in Natick: i. Rebecca,^ b. Mar. 28, 1752. (Needham recs.)t ii. Ruth, b. abt. 1756. 18. iii. SoLOMOx, b. abt. 1758. iv. Abigail, b. in 1760; d. Oct. 17, 1839, aged 82; m. July 1, 1781, Jude, son of Roger and Ilannali (Wolcott) Stevens, b. Nov. 17, 1754; d. Oct. 25, 1825. 19. V. Jkkkmiah, b. 1762. j 10 Moses* Dewing (Henry ^ Andrew^ Andreio^^., born Sept. 15, 1717, in Needham, Mass. ; died in 1775 ; married Feb. 19, 1751, Benlah, danghter of Jonathan^ and Tabitha (Learned) Dewing, born Mar. 2, 1724 ; died Sept. 8, 1775 : resided in Natick, Mass. Children, recorded in Needham : i. Aako^V b. Mar. 25, bapt. Mar. 29, 1752; d. Oct. 15, 1754. ii. Rhoda, b. Oct. 3, bapt. Oct. 6, 1754; d. Oct. 15, 1754. iii. Jo:nathan, b. Oct. 7, bapt. Oct. 13, 1755 ; d. June 22, 1774. iv. Beulah, b. Dec. 18, bapt. Dec. 31, 1758 ; m. Aug. 22, 1776, Beriah, son of Timothy and Lydia Sparhawk, of Natick, b. Aug. 21, 1754, bapt. Oct. 11, 1767 ; d. July 1, 1836. Child (Sparhawk) : Martha,^ b. Sept. 4, 1777; d. Dec. 14, 1845 ("relict .... 8et. 68," gravestone, North Natick, on which the name is Sparrowk); m. Edward Parker. § 11 Henry* Dewing {Henry^ Andreiv^ Andretv^^, born Apr. 1, 1724, in Needham, Mass.; died Apr. 3, 1805; married Nov. 9, *See Suffolk recs., vol. 103, pp. 174-75. etc. t Intentiou of marriage between "Rebecca Dewin," and "Seth Bobbit," published in Brooklield, May 3, 1772, but no record of marriage found. t The dates of birth of the four younger children are inferred from the Church record of their baptism, which gives their age in years. Temple, Hist, of North Brookfield, says Solomon was b. 31 Jan., 1756, for which we have found no other authoi'ity, and this differs from Church rec. cited. § Clarke's Epitaphs, p. 151. 22 Andrew I>ewin.g and His Descendants. 1752, Elizabeth, daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth Tolman, of Stoughton, Mass., born (3ct. 7, 1728 ; died Mar. 29, 1812. He was a farmer and resided in Needham. As a member of Capt. Caleb Kingsbury's company, of Col. Aaron Davis's regiment, he marched to Lexington on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775. He also had a short service in Capt. Robert Smith's company, of Need- ham, on the occupation of Dorchester Heights, in Mar., 1776. He was one of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, of the Town of Needliam, in 1778-9; selectman, 1782, and served the town on important committees, and in minor offices. His will and accompanying documents are in Suffolk Co. Probate, No. 13,610. Cliildren born in Needham : i. Timothy Tolman,^ b. Nov. 7, bapt. Nov. 11, 1753 ; d. Jan. 14, 1755. 20. ii, Timothy, b. Nov. 2, bapt. Nov. 9, 1755. iii. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 9, bajit. Dec. 11, 1757; d. Feb. 11, 1825; m. Jan. 1, 1787, Royal, son of Col. William and Abigail (Whiting) Mcintosh, 1). Jan. 18, 1757, in Rox- bury, Mass.; d. July 8, 1807. They resided in Need- ham; he was a Revolutionary soldier, selectman 1805 and 1807, and held other offices. (Clarke's Epitaphs, p. 186.) Children (JMcIntosh) : 1. Samuel,^ b. May 10, 1788 ; bapt. Nov. 10, 1793 ; d. Jan. 13, 1837; m. Sept. 24, ISlo, Priscilla Smith, d. , leavhig issue. 2. Eoyal, b. Sept. 13, 17U0 ; bapt. Nov. 10, 1793 ; d. Oct. 21, 1851; m. July 11, 1813, Sukey Gurney, dau. of Aaron and Lydia (Pratt) Smith, bapt. Mar. 23, 1794 ; he was assessor 1839. (See Clarke's Epitaphs, pp. 59, 187, 204.) 3. Priscilla, b. Feb- 13, 1792; bapt. Nov. 10, 1793; d. Apr. 21, 1818; m. Mar. 22, 1814, Calvin Broad, d. Nov. 18, 181G. 4. Catherine, b. Feb. 13, bapt. Mar. 30, 1794; m. June 19, 181(i, Newell Smith, of Needham, and had issue. 5. Elizabeth, b. May G, bapt. June 19, 1790; d. Aug. 17, 1820. 6. Hannah, b. Mar. 10, bapt. Apr. 22, 1798; d. May 1, 1875; m. May 20, 1824, Reuel,*' sou of DanieP and Abigail (Newell) Ware, and grandson of Dorothy* Dewing (see Andrew,^ 4, Fourth Generation. 23 iv), b. Sept. 25, 1794; d. Aug. 15, 1882. lie was selectman 18;5f;-.S8, and held other offices. (Clarke's Epitaphs, p. 136.) iv. Meiiitable, b. ]\Iay 10, bapt. Oct. 14, 1759; d. Feb. 25, 1847, in Needhatn; m. Oct. 23, 1783, Gideon, son of Col. William and Abigail (Whiting) Mcintosh, d, Julj^ 31, 1825, in Milton, Mass. He was a farmer, and re- sided in Needhara and Milton. Children (Mcintosh), the first three, and perhaps all, born in Needham : 1. Melntahle,'^ h. Apr. 10, 1784 ; m. -June 8, 1806, Caspar Adams. 2. Elizuheth, b. Aug. 29, 1785; d. Mar. 11, 1862, in Mat- tapan, Mass.; m. Feb. 6, 1803, Benjamin McKendry, b. Nov. 22, 1780, in Canton, Mass.; d. Oct. 26, 1833, in Milton. 3. Gideon, h. May 13, 1789; d. Sept. 19, 1859, in Canton; m. Xov. 5, 1812, Nancy, dau. of John Sherman, of Canton, and gr-dau. of Hon. Roger Sherman, of Connecticut; she d. Sept. 19, 1836, aet. 42, in Canton. 4. Lucy Fisk, b. in 1793; d. May 23, 1855, in Boston; unm. 5. Bathsheha, b. Aug. 1, 1795 ; d. Mar. 24, 1863; m. Dea. Jacob Flynn, of Dorchester, Mass. No issue. V. Henry, b. June 17, bapt. July 5, 1761 ; d. Dec. 6, 1762. vi. Henry, b. Aug. 29, bapt. Sept. 25, 1763; d. Jan. 21, 1836. vii. TIaxnah, b. Nov. 3, bapt. Nov. 24, 1765 ; d. Aug. 14, 1845 ; m. Jan. 13, 1806, Capt. Enoch, son of Joseph and Susan- nah Whitmore, of lioyalston, Mass., b. Dec. 28, 1760; d. Dec. 21, 1843. They resided and both d. in Royal- ston. No issue, viii. Epiiualm, b. June 16, bapt. June 30, 1771 ; d. July 8, 1844, in Brookline, Mass. 12 Ebenezer* Dewing {Henry, ^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^'), born Oct. 10, 1725, in Needham, Mass. ; died Nov. 26, 1766 ;* married in 1753, in Boston, Isabella Brownley.f He resided in Needham, probably on the homestead of liis father, who gave him, by deed signed * There is in the Library of the N. E. Hist. Gen. See. a MS. account, by the late Benjamin H. Dewing, of the circumstances attending Ebonezer's death; this also contains some material bearing on the history of Andrew,^ and others of the family. f See Boston Rec. Com, Report, vol. 30: p. 393. 24 Andreio De^oing and His Descendants. Jan. 2, 1753, " 20 acres valued at X60, so much toward his portion, for and in consideration of love, good will and affection wliich I have and do bear toward my well beloved and dutiful son." After the death of his father he received additional land left by will to him and his brother Henry, which was divided between them by agreement, Sept. 13, 1765. Isabella administered her husband's estate. She taught a school in Needham in the summer of 1773. She married (2), Apr. 8, 1776, Asa Gay, of Needham, born Aug. 20, 1728 ; died Apr. 9, 1806. No record found of her death. Children (Dewing), born in Needham : i. Lydia,^ b. Dec. 2, 1753 ; bapt. Feb. 22, 1767 ; d. May 6, 1817; m. (1), May 25, 1774, Samuel, perhaps son of Samuel and Hannah Mackintier, b. Apr. 17, 1753 ; d. Feb. 23, 1777. Widow Lydia (Dewing) Mackintier m. (2), Jan. 22, 1778, in Natick, Mass., by Rev. Stephen Badger, Amos, son of Samuel and Eunice Morse (his 2d m.), b. in 1749; d. May 23, 1819. He resided at one time in Needham, and appears to have been one of the West company, detaclied for service during Shays' Re- bellion, Jan., 1787. (Clarke's Epitaphs, p. 41.) Child (Mackintier) : 1. Lydia,'^ b. Nov. 22. 1774. Children (Morse), b. in Natick : 2. Polly, b. Sept. 15, 1778. 3. Kitty, b. Oct. 31, 1780; d. Oct. 26, 1783. 4. Elijah, b. Apr. 4, 1782. 5. Jabez, b. Nov. 14, 1784. 21. ii. Nathan, b. Feb. 8, 1758 ; bapt. Feb. 22, 1767. 22. iii. Elijah, b. July 11, 1761; bapt. Feb. 22, 1767. 23. iv. Jabez, b. ; bapt. Feb. 22, 1767. 13 JosiAH* Dewing (^Edmund,^ Andreiv,^ Andreiv^'), born Apr. 11, 1724, in Needham, Mass. ; died Aug. 12, 1786 ; married (1), Apr. 22, 1747, Mary, daughter of Josiah and Hannah (Fisher) Newell, born Oct. 23, 1721; died Apr. 11, 1760, in Needham; married (2), June 26, 1766, Margaret, daughter of Nathaniel and Mar- Fourth Generation. 25 garet Gay, born Feb. 5, 1725; died Dec. 12, 1811. He resided in Needham, where he owned land.* Children, born in Needham : i. HAxxAn,5 b. Apr. 23, bapt. May 8, 1748 ; ra. Apr. 26, 1769, Jacob Perham, of Upton, JNIass. (Needham Town recs.) 24. ii. JosiAu, b. Aug. 7, bapt. Aug. 13, 1749. iii. Mary, b. Nov. 20, bapt. Dec. 2, 1750; d. Dec. 30, 1754. iv. Rum, b. Apr. 1, ba})t. Apr. 8, 1763; m. (int. pub. Nov. 29, 1771, in Dedhara, Mass.), John P'arringtou. They resided in Walpole, Mass. Children (Farrington) : 1. JleJieccu,^ b. June 18, 1772; ni. Due. G, 17!)8, tSeth Bishop, of Wrentham, Mass. 2. Chloe, b. Jan. 1, 1780. 8. Fhineas, b. May 28, 1784. V. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 10, bapt. Aug. 18, 1754. vi. Mary, b. Feb. 5, bapt. Feb. 8, 1756 ; d. Dec. 18, 1813 ; m. (1), Mar. 24, 1783, in Salem, Mass., Aaron, son of Ephraim and Mary (Davis) Jackson,t of Newton, Mass., b. in 1758; d. Aug. 2, 1802, in Sudbury, Vt, to which town he removed with his family; m. (2), Suly. Child (Jackson) : Mary,^ b. in 1783; d. June 13, 1868, in Sudbury, Vt.; m. Barnard Ketchuni, of Sudbury. vii. Experience, b. June 25, bapt. Swly 3, 1757. 25. viii. Joseph, b. Apr. 11, l)apt. July 15, 1759. 14 Andrew* Dewixg (^Edmund,^ Andrew,"^ Andi-ew^}, born Mar. 23, 1733, in Needham, Mass. ; died Feb. 6, 1810 ; married Sept. 17, 1761, Esther, daughter of Joseph and Abigail Richardson, l^orn Apr. 1, 1742, perhaps in Uxbridge, Mass. ; she may have married a second time, as the Pelham, Mass., records have the intention of marriage, June 1, 1811, of Esther Dewing and Thomas * A Josiah Dewing [probably this one] was among sick and wounded sol- diers who received assistance at Salem. .June 4, 1763. (Felt's Annals of vSalem, ed. 1827, p. 462.) t The records of St. Peter's Church, Salem (where two of her brothers were then living), contain this marriage, and Mary and Aaron are both called "of Needham." 26 Andreio Detcing and His Descendants. Packard, but no record of such marriage appears.* Oct., 1765, Andrew and Esther, then of Weston, Mass., join with others in a conveyance of land in Brookfield, Mass., to her brother Joseph. | He owned land in Natick, Mass., and was living there in the early part of the Revolutionary war. He was surve3'or of highways in Natick in 1769, and constable there in 1771; Oct. 2, 1770, he conveyed by deed a parcel of land in Natick, " as a free gift, for the purpose of building a school-house, with liberty to pass and repass .... the travel to be where it shall be of least damage to said Dewing." (Natick Town recs., p. 127.) In June, 1779, he, with his wife and some of liis cliildren, was "warned" from Men- don, Mass., whither he had gone from Sherborn, Mass. (Worcester Co. Warnings) ; later he removed to Greenwich, Mass., where he bought land and resided until his death. He was a soldier in Capt. Aaron Gardner's company of Col. Brooks's regiment, of Sherborn, wliich was in the battle of White Plains, Oct. 18, 1776. J Sept. 18, 1776, the town of Natick paid Andrew Dewing for "i turn to New York," X3. 6s. 8c?. His estate was administered in Hampshire Co. Cliildren : i. Esther,^ b. in 1762 ; bapt. Oct. 8, 1769, in Dedham, Mass.; d. Jan. 27, 1845, in Dover, Mass.; m. (int. pub. Apr. 18, 1781), in Dedham, Nathaniel, son of Daniel and Keziab (Ellis) Chickering, b. Mar. 24 (Dedham Town recs.), 1750; d. Feb. 5, 1837 (Fisher Gen., p. 39). Children (Chickering), b. in Dover: 1. Simeon,^ b. Mar. 23, 1782; d. Apr. 2, 1790. 2. mahaniel, b. May 23, 1784; d. May 4, 1863, in Enfield, Mass.; m. Fanny Nelson; they res. in Enfield. 3. Daniel, b. Aug. 13, 1787; d. Jan. 17, 1872; m. Caroline Clark. 4. Polly, b. May 26, 1789; d. Nov. 2, 1789. * Andrew and Esther were both of Dedham, Mass., when married. (Ded- ham recs., p. 98.) See Richardson Memorial, p. 725. t Worcester Registry of Deeds, vol. 75, p. 53. t Temi^le, Hist, of Framingham, p. 300, and Mass. Soldiers and Sailors iu the Rev. Fourth Generation. 27 5. LeonanK b. Xov. 2, 17i»0; d. Mar. 24, JS4!); m. Jan. 1, 1S29, Roxa, dau. of Nathaniel and Submit ('apeii, of I)ed- hani, b. Nov. 1".), IT'JS. 6. Simeon, b. Sept. 2(), 17'.»2; d. Oct. 1«, ISOO. 7. Joseph, b. Sept. 1, 17'J4; d. Oct. 25, ISOU. 8. Otis, b. Oct. 1(5, 179(5; d. Oct. 1(5, ISOO. 9. Lucy, b. Jan. V), 1799; d. Oct. 15, 1800. 10. Esther, h. May 10, 1801; d. Jnly 18, 1819. 11. Almira, b. Apr. 7, 180(5; d. Dec. 18, l8(5l, in Worcester, Mass.; m. Oct. 25, 1825, Saniucl 15. Scott, 1). in ISOO; d. Nov. 10, 1857, in AVorcester.* ii. Mary, b. ; bapt. Oct. 8, 17(i9, in Natick, aged " abt. 5." iii. Chlok, b. July '29, 17(3;"), in Weston; bapt. Oct. 8, 17G9, in Natick. iv. Abigail, b. Oct. 13, 17G7, in Natick; bapt. Oct. 8, 17b9, in Natick. 2(3. V. Edmund, b. Nov. 21, 17G9, in Natick; bapt. Mar. 4, 1770, in Natick. vi. Leonard, b. May 17, 1772, in Natick ; bapt. June 27, 1773, in Natick. vii. Andrew, b. ; bai)t. Sept. 22, 1776, in Natick. 15 TiMOTHV* Dewing (^Edmund,^ Andrew,^ Andretv^}, bom July 13, 1738, in Needham, Mass. ; died there Mar. 6, 1768 ; niarriod Sept. 23, 1760, Abigail, perhaps daughter of Francis and Abigail Parker, of Natick, Mass., baptized Aug. 20, 1738, by Rev. Mr. Peabody (see Natick Church recs.) They resided in Need- ham, where his first and last children were born (Needham Town and Church recs.) ; he probably resided in Natick when his second and third children were born, as their birth is recorded on Natick Town records, and the baptism of one on the Church records, but probably returned to Needham before the birth of his last child, Rebecca, where he and tAVO of his cliildren died within one month. Widow Abigail married (2), as his second wife, Dec. 16, 1768, in Boston,! David Smith, of Needham. * See Dedham Town recs., Dedham Hist. Reg., vol. iii, pp. 120, 121, and Fisher Gen. t See Trinity Church recs. in Boston Rec. Com. Report, vol. .30, p. 399; Intention, lb., p. 428. 28 Andrew Deioing and His Descendants. Children i. Saeah,5 b. Mar. 23, 1761; bapl. Mar. 28, 1762; d. Apr. 4, 1768, in JSTeeclham. ii. RiiODA, b. Oct. 11, bapt. Oct. 24, 1762 (called on Natick Town recs. dau. of Timothy and Eunice, which I think an error) ; d. July 1, 1834, in Needham ; m. June 24, 1779, Israel, son of Daniel {Stephen^ Jolrn^- Jolvt}) and Eleanor (Cheney) Hunting, b. Apr. 23, 1758 (Cheney Gen.) ; d. June 1, 1834, in Needham, where their chil- dren were born. He was a farmer, and a soldier in the Revolutionary war, 1776-78. Children (Hunting) : 1. Ehoda,'^ b. Apr. 12, 1780 ; m. May 28, 1804, Xahum Seaverns, of Brookline, Mass., b. Nov. IG, 1770, in Weston, Mass.; they had nine child. 2. Charles, b. Feb. 12, 17S3; d. Jan. 19, 1861, in HoUiston, Mass. ; m. Hannah Gilmau, b. in Gilmanton, N. H. (?) ; d. July 28, 1866, in Holhston. 3. Mehitable, b. May 8, 1785; d. June 1, 1865, in Brighton, Mass.; m. Isaac, son of Ebenezer and Mary Farrington, of Walpole. Mass., d. June 30, 1862, in Brighton, aged 85 yrs. 10 mos. 4. Israel, b. Mar. 16, 1787; d. Aug. 26, 1865; m. Eebecca, dau. of Cyrus and Deborah (Smith) Pratt, of Needham, d. Oct. 6, 1889, aged 91 yrs. 11 mos. 26 ds. (Wellesley recs., Mass. State Archives.) 5. Calvin, b. Nov. 29, 1789; m. Keziah Pierce. 6. Julia, b. May 21, 1793; d. Feb. 16, 1865, in Lexington, Mass., aged 71 yrs. 9 mos., a widow; m. (1), ■ ; m. (2), Owen Claflin, b. in Hopkinton; d. Aug. 26, 1850. 7. Luther, b. Jan. 18, 1796; d. y. 8. Timothy, b. May 4, 1798; m. in 1819, Mary Barnard. 9. Luther, b. Dec. 2, 1801; d. June 9, 1842; m. Oct. 5,1823, Abigail LoveweU, b. Feb. 12, 1801, in Weston; d. Mar. 12, 1877; they had issue. 10. N'ahum, b. Aug. 18, 1804. (See Hunting Gen.) iii. Abigail, b. Aug. 18, 1765, in Natick; d. Mar. 24, 1768. iv. Rebecca, b. Dec. 1, baj)t. Dec. 7, 1766; d. Aug. 25, 1805, in Needham ; m. Ephraim, son of Ephraim and Sibyl (Gay) Stevens, b. Oct. 24, 1760, in^Holden, Mass.; d. July 2, 1843, in Needham; both were buried in the old Fourth Generation. 29 cemetery in Wellesley. Children (Stevens), b. in Need- ham : 1. Timothy,^ b. Jan. 25, 1785; d. Feb. 4, 1854; m. Dec. 7, 1817, Eliza, dau. of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Fuller) Stimson, of Weston, b. Oct. 3, 1801; d. May 9, 1864. 2. Sally, b. Oct. 30, 1792; d. July 14, 1841,in Framin^•hanl, Mass.; m. Jan. 24, 1811, Henry Wesson, son of Elijah and Lydia (Pierce) Travis, b. Jan. 3, 1791; d. Jan. 21, 1869, in Saxonville, Mass.; they had nine chil. He subsequently m. twice (see Travers Gen., p. 72). Their second child, Kebecca Dewing Travis, b. July 17, 1814; m. Oct. 11, 1836, in West Needham (now Wellesley), James Harvey Tash, b. Sept. 25, 1810; d. Oct. 21, 1871. Mrs. Tash resided (1898) in Natick. From her I learned the maiden name of her grandmother, Rebecca, only her Christian name appearing on a gravestone near her husband's, Ephraim Stevens, in Wellesley Cemetery. 16 Hezekiah'* Dewing QUdmund,^ Andretv,'^ Andrew^), born Sept. 9, 1740, in NeecUiain, Mass. ; died Mar. 18, 1798 ; married Nov. 29, 1762, Eunice, daughter of Jonathan and Eunice (Draper) Bugbee, born June 9, 1741, in Woodstock, Ct. ; died Sept. 22, 1808. He owned a farm of seventy acres, with homestead and bkicksmith shop, in Woodstock. The inventory of his estate, taken Apr. 4, 1798, was £488. 9s. 4c?., £300 of which was in real estate. His sons, Michael and Luke, had been given their share before their father's death. His widow, Eunice, was administra- trix ; her will, dated May 8, 1808, named her son Abijah as executor. Hezekiah was a corporal in Capt. Stone's company, Col. Latimer's regiment of Connecticut militia, in the Revolution, serving in the Northern Department, Aug. 23 to Oct. 20, 1777. The regiment was assigned to Gen. Poor's biigade, in Arnold's division, and fought in both battles with the enemy, Sept. 19 and Oct. 9. (Ct. Military Record, p. 505.) Cliildren, born in Woodstock: 27. i. Michael,^ b. May 2, 17G4. ii. Eunice, b. Sept. 20, 17GG; d. Dec. 19, 1839, in Ashford, Ct. ; m. June 80, 1785, Abner,'^ son of John'' and Phoebe (Dunham) Richmond, b. Nov. 9, 1761, in Taunton, Mass., 80 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. <1. Sept. 17, 1834, in Ashford. " He enlisted in the Army of the Revokition and was one of a select company chosen to go into the enemy's camp near New York for the purpose of obtaining goods stored there. They suc- ceeded in the enterprise, and brought off a large amount of valuable merchandise which was supposed to have been lost irrecoverably." (1 Richmond Gen.) He was a deacon of the church, a justice of the peace, and a prom- inent man. Children (Richmond), b. in Woodstock : 1. Michael,^ b. [Nov. 13, 1786; d. Dec. 31, 1881; m. Mar. 5, (3, Tarn. Bible), 1814, Polly Byles, of Ashford, and resided there. He represented the town several years in the General Assembly, was twice a candidate for Congress, justice of the peace for many years and postmaster for thirty years. 2. Charles, b. Apr. 12, 1789; d. Sept. 7, 1868; m. Nov. 8, 1810, Hannah Chapman, of Ashford. He was a man of influ- ence and a member of the Assembly; a merchant in Ashford and retired after thirty years of successful business. 3. Esther, b. Apr. 7, 1792; d. Oct. 3, 1873; m. Apr. 7, 1812, Silas Potter, of Ashford. 4. Danfonl, b. Mar. 5, 1795; d. Apr. 7, 1869; m. Jan. 14, 1822; Clarissa H. Danforth, of Weathersfield, Vt. They re- sided in Ashford and Tolland, Ct., and in Buffalo, N. Y. " A prominent man." 5. Eunice, b. Feb. 2r,, 1798; d. July 6, 1868; m. Apr. 1.5, 1822, Amos Bugbee, of Ashford. 6. Aimer Thomson, b. Oct. 22, 1801; d. Apr. 13, 1816. 7. Jared Dewing, b. Mar. 30, 1804; d. Dec. 27, 1881; m. June 5, 1832, Mrs. Abigail (Byles) Pearl, dau. of Josiah Byles, of Ashford, and widow of Rufus Pearl. He graduated at Brown University in 1825, and studied law with Hon. Eben- ezer Stoddard ; he settled in Woodstock, and was a represen- tative in the General Assembly, 1842, '45, '49 and '53; Judge of the County Court four years, and of the Probate Court eleven years. (Richmond Gen.) 8. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 12, 1806; d. Feb. 15, 1873; m. May 11 (18, Fam. Bible), 1826, Ethan Paul, of Union, Ct. 9. Sii^san Potter, b. Apr. 25, 1811; d. Sept. 6, 1835; m. Oct. 7, 1830, Amasa Carpenter, of Woodstock ; they removed to Canada.* * See Eichmond Geu., pp. 01, 145. We are also indebted to Mrs. J. R. Child, a relative, for dates taken from the Family Bible, which differ slightly from Richmond Gen. Fourth Generation. 3 1 iii. I'oM.v, b. Nov. 5, 1769; d. Feb. 19, 1842; in. Jan. 25, 1791, Elias, son of John and Sibyl (Eugbee) Child, b. Jan. 7, 1758, in Woodstock, Ct. ; d. Nov. 28, 1824. He was a merchant in West Woodstock, Ct., and owned the largest farm in the town in addition to his store. He presented to the Congregational Church in West Wood- stock a bell for its meeting-house. His gravestone has the following inscription : — In nu'Hiorj' of Elias Child 1^^ Esqr wlio closed liis active and useful] life Nov. 28 1824. Ae. 07 years. Though clasped in the cold arms of death His deeds declare his fame. His xoorlcs survive Jds mortal breath And loudly sjienk his name. Children (Child), born in West Woodstock :* 1. Almira,'^ b. May HO, 1792; m. June H, 1811, Waldo Fox. 2. 3Iary Ann, b. Oct. 4, 179o; ni. Silas Cutler. 3. Sophia, b. Jan. K!, 1797; m. Daniel Perry. 4. Elias, b. Apr. 2, 1799 ; d. in 18(jf) ; m. Dec. 8, 1825, Xancy Perrin. 5. Horatio Nehon, b. Aug. 1, 1802; d. Oct. IS. 1844; in. Jan. 30, 182G, Dolly M. Paine, d. Mar. 4, 18K0. 6. Maria, b. .Tune — , 1805; m. Luther Ripley, Es(|. 7. Caroline, b. June 24, 1800 ; m. July 23, 1844, Anson Paul, of Canada. 28. iv. Luke, b. May 9, 1774. 29. V. Ai!i.jAu, b. Apr. 14, 1778. 30. vi. EiJKXEZEE, b. Apr. 19, 1782. 17 I)axiei> Dk\\mx(^ (JoiKithanf' Jonathan,'^ Andrew^}, born Mar. 16, 1720/1 (recorded in Sherborn, Mass.) ; died Mar. 24, 1758, in Natick, Mass. ; married in 1753, by Rev. Samuel Porter, of Sher- born, Hannah, daughter of Isaac and Margaret Bond, born July 15, 1729, in Sherborn. (See Natick and Sherborn recs.) They resided in Natick, where he owned a farm. (See Middlesex Co. Reg. of Deeds and Probate recs.) Mis widow administered his * See Child Gen., p. 434. 32 Andrew Devnn(j mid His Descendants. estate; she manied. (2), Apr. 26, 1763, Joseph Hunting, of Need- ham. (See Needham recs.) Children, born in Natick : i. Keziah,^ b. Oct. 4, 1753. 31. ii. JonN, b. abt. 1756. iii. IIaxnah (posthumous child), b. Aug. 6, bapt. Sept. 24, 1758, by Rev. J. Townseud, in Sherborn; d. Nov. 7, 1809, in Orange, Mass.; m. Mox. 11, 1779, in Milford, Mass., David Legg. Children (Legg), all except the first b. in Orange : 1. Betsey,^ b. May 21, 1780, in Milford. 2. Pearly, b. June 1, 1782 ; d. y. 8. Amasa, b. Nov. 5, 1784. 4. Luther, b. Jan. G, 1780. 5. Anna, b. Mar. 17, 1788; d. y. 0. Hannah, b. May 7, 1701. 7. Frudy, b. Oct. 25, 1793. 8. Anna, b. Mar. 27, 1790. 9. rearly, b. Jan. 10, 1800. FIFTH GENERATION. 18 Solomon^ Dewing (^Solomon,'^ Andrew,'^ Andretv,^ Ayidreto^'), born in Needham, Mass., about 1758 ; baptized, in Natick, Mass., Mar. 4, 1764, called "about 6 years of age ; "* died Feb. 12, 1813, in Brookfield, Mass.; intention of marriage, Nov. 18, 1776, pub- lished in North Brookfield ; married Dec. 10, 1776, Lydia,f daughter of Jonathan and Miriam (Bartlett) Pickard, born June * See Temple's History of North Brool. iii. Betsey Morse, b. May 10, 1812; d. Jan. 17, 1863, in Alabama, Texas ; m. Sept. 5, 1838, Thomas Knowlton, son of Jolm and Iluldah (Howard) Chandler, b. Feb. 1, 1813; d. spring of 1875; they resided in Chandlerville, 111., Livingston and Sbongato, Miss., and Alabama, Texas. After the death of Betsey he m. twice.* * See Chandler Family, pp. 8.51-2, where she is erroneously called Keziah, but is correctly named elsewhere in that work (see p. 488). 50 Andreto Dewing and His Descendants. Children (Chandler) : 1. John Knoivlton,'' b. ISTov. 15, 1841, in ChandlervUle ; d. Mar. 19, 18— ; m. (1), Mar. 3, 1869, Elizabeth Murphy, d. Jan. 28, 1873 ; m. (2), Aug. 20, 1873, Mrs. Sarah A. Chand- ler. He was living at the South when the Civil war began, and was forced to serve in the Confederate army; he was taken prisoner by the Union troops at Vicksburg, paroled, and went home ; not long afterward he succeeded in passing the lines and joined the Union army. 2. Sillimcm Beedier, b. Apr. 20, 1845, in Livingston ; d. Mar. 19, 1852, in Crockett, Miss. 3. Susan Brainard. twin to Silliman B.; d. Apr. 30, 1849. 4. Charles Howard, b. Dec. 5, 1848, in Shongato ; m. Dec. 5, 1870, Sarah Angeline Magee, d. Dec. 4, 1871, in Houston, Texas ; s. p. 5. Mary Jane, b. July 8, 1852, in Alabama, Texas ; m. May 22, 1878, TV. M. Albee; they had eight chil., and reside near Ash, Houston Co., Texas. iv. Mary Maeia, b. Mar. 22, 1815; d. Aug. 25, 1900, in Nor- wich, Ct. ; m. Sept. 3, 1884, John, son of Ebenezer and Eunice (]3ass) Witter, b. Sept. 27, 1812, in Canterburj^; d. Sept. 9, 1890, in Norwich; they resided in Canter- bury, on the farm formerly owned by his father and grandfather, where his children were b. ; they removed in 1874, to Sprague (Hanover), Ct., and in 1883 thej'^ went to Norwich to live with their son. Dr. William Witter, where they both d. Childi-en (Witter) : 1. Maria Dewing:- b. Dec. 16, 1835; m. Feb. 14, 1872, Eev. Wm. E. B. Moore, of Bolton, Ct.; he is a graduate of Amherst College and Andover Theological Seminary, and pastor in East Hartland, Ct.; they have one child. 2. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 25, 1837; d. Feb. 4, 1855. 3. Nathan, b. May 27, 1839; m. Nov. 1, 1865, Lucy H. Bishop, of Sprague; reside in Scotland, Ct. ; they have chil. 4. William, h. May 20, 1841; m. May 10, 1871, Ellen A. Campbell, of Griswold, Ct.; he graduated M. D. at Yale in 1865; resides in Norwich, where he is in practice; they have had two chil.; only one was living in 1900. 5. David Allen, b. May 27, 1843; m. (1), Mar. 18, 1874, Susan E. Maine, of Lisbon, Ct.; d. Aug. 14, 1884; m. (2), Sept. 22, 1880; Lyra S. Buck. d. Apr. 11, 1888, in Dudley, Fifth Generation. 51 Mass.; m. (3), Xov. 28, 1894, Mary E. King, of Danielson, Ct., where they reside; two chil. by the first m. are living. G. Celestia, b. Sept. 2G, 1844; m. Dec. 31, 18G8, John F. Pease, of Northampton, Mass.; they reside in East Hartford, Ct., and have had two chil. 7. BiUh, b. Jan. 26, 184G; unni.; she was a teacher in the public schools four years; since 1872 she has been an instruc- tor in the Clark Institution, an Oral School for the Deaf, in Northampton ; in this school speech-teaching is her special work. 8. Joel, b. July 2o, 1847; m. Jan. 4, 1871, Mary Waldo, of Danielson; they reside (1900) in Worcester, Mass., and have two chil. GO. v. Albert, b. Aug. 29, 1819. vi. Nancy Ann, b. Apr. 30, 1821 ; d. July 16, 1900, in Prov- idence, R. I.; m. A2:)r. 15, 1849, Lij^pitt, son of Caleb and jMary (Lippitt) Congdon, b. May 11, 1827, iir Cran- ston, R. I. ; d. Aug. 22, 1884, aged 57 yrs., 3 mos., 11 ds. Child (Congdon) : Oliver Lippitti^' b. Nov. 1, 1857, in Cranston; m. Dec. 11, 1894, Mary E. White, of Provi- dence, vii. IIezekiaii, b. June 2, 182-3 ; d. May 22, 1854, in Rockville, Ct. ; m. Nov. 14, 1849, Sarah, dau. of Allen and Orra (Park) Hammond, of Rockville, b. Sept. 19, 1829; she survived her husband and m. (2), May 22, 18G7, An- thony Cribson. Dr. Dewing was a graduate of ]jerk- shire Medical School, Pittsfield, Mass.; he resided in Rockville, where he practiced his profession, viii. Olivek Mouse, b. Aug. G, 1829; d. Nov. 5, 1850. 30 Ebenezee,^ Dewing (^Hezekiali^^ Edmund? Andrew? Andrew^^., born Apr. 19, 1782, in Woodstock, Ct. ; died July 81, 1809 ; mar- ried Nov. 28, 180G, Catherine, daughter of Thaddeus and Lucy (Whitney) Chapin, born Mar. 17, 1787, in Worcester, Mass. ; died Sept. 15, 18G5. He resided in Woodstock, on the old homestead, as a farmer, and also carried on blacksmithing wliich he and his elder brothers learned from their father, as they all followed that calling, some in conm^ction with tlieir farming. Roth he and his 52 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. wife died in Woodstock, and their children were born there ; it is said that he died in the house in which he was born. Cliildren : i. Eunice ChapinV b. Apr. 5, 1808; d. Feb. 18, 1892; m. (1), Dec. 14, 1825, Larned, son of Stephen and Rachel (Larned) Haskell, of Thompson, Ct., b. Sept. 23, 1800; d. Nov. 25, 1848; resided in Dudley, Mass.; she m. (2), Jan. 5, 1855, John Works, d. Oct. 8, 1862; s. p. Chil- dren (Haskell) : 1. Celestina B.,'^ b. May 17, 1827; d. Sept. 18, 1890; m. in 1844, Edwin Warren. 2. Melissa if., b. Mar. 8, 1829; m. May 29, 18GG, Oscar Fisher. 3. Lamed, b. Apr. 26, 1831; d. Apr. 19, 189G ; m. Harriet Booth. 4. Calista C, b. Mar. 12, 1840; m. Dec. 14, 1858, William Leonard.* 61. ii. Leonard Chapin, b. July 6, 1811. iii. Nancy, b. June 28, 1813; d. July 9, 1900, in Providence, R. I., at the home of her son; m. May 28, 1836, George, son of Daniel and Mehitable (Hicks) Leonard, b. Apr. 9, 1798 ; d. Dec. 15, 1882, in Woodstock, where he re- sided; he previously lived in LTnion, Ct., where tlieh chil. were b. Children (Leonard) :t 1. George Chapin,'' b. May 8, 1839; m. July 2, 1SG3, Eden Sawyer, b. Feb. 7, 1843; they had five chil., four daus. and a son. 2. Thomas Jefferson, b. July 1, 1843. 3. Ze7ias, b. May 9, 1846; d. Oct. 4, 1848. 4. Susan A.,h. Jan. 29, 1850; d. Nov. 28, 18G3. 5. Newton C, b. Nov. 26, 1852; d. Nov. 6, 1863. 6. Jessie E., b. Dec. 3, 1853; d. Dec. 17, 1863. iv. Thaddeus Chapin, b. Sept. 5, 1815; d. May 13, 1839, in Cynthiana, Ky., where he was a school teacher ; unm. 62. v. Hiram, b. June 7, 1819. vi. Clark, b. Dec. 22, 1822; d. Aug. 5, 1852, in New York city ; interred in West Woodstock, Ct. ; he was engaged in the manufacture of straw goods in New York city. * I am indebted to Mrs. Leonard for information concerning this family. t Authority for information of the Leonard family, Mr. Geo. C.^ Leonard. Fifth Generation. 53 vii. Setii, b. Jan. 24, 1824; d. Sept., 1854; m. Amelia Ui)8on. He was at one time (1852-3) in the straw goods business in New York.* Child : Katie^' b. ; she is engaged in missionary work in California among the Chinese, 31 JOHN^ Dewing (^Daniel,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,'^ Andrew^y, born about 1756, in Natick, Mass. ;t died Sept. 11, 1833, aged 77 years, in Hopkinton, Mass.; married Sept. 21, 1780, Patience, daughter of James and Mary (Bigelow) Sumner, born Nov. 2, 1746, in Mendon, Mass. ; died Jan. 3, 1888, in Hopkinton. (See Ballou's History of Milford, and Bigelow Genealogy, p. 40.) " John Dewing, of Mendon, Private, Capt. Samuel Warren's company, Col. Joseph Read's regiment. Muster Roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted Apr. 30, 1775; service 3 mos. 9 ds. ; return dated Sept. 26, 1775. Order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated " Roxbury, Nov. 21, 1775." His name appears in a descriptive list, dated Leicester, Worcester Co., June 2, 1778, of enlisted men who were raised under the Resolve of April 20, 1778, for the term of nine months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, N. Y. : " Age, 22 years. Stature, 5 ft. 6 in. Complexion light, hair and eyes light ; residence, Mendon." He belonged to Capt. Penni- man's company. Col. Ezra Wood's regiment, enlisted from Mendon, and is returned as " received of Jonathan Warner, Connnissioner, by Col. R. Putnam, July 20, 1778; arrived at Fishkill, June 7, 1778." He served later as a private in Capt. Ichabod Thayer's company, Col. Nathan Tyler's regiment ; " enlisted July 28, 1780 ; discharged Aug. 8, 1780; service, 15 days' travel included, on alarm of July, 1780 ; company ordered to march to R. I."| He * Dates of marriage of Ebenezer and wife, and of birth of their children, and dates of marriage of Hezekiah (16) and Eunice Bugbee, and births of their children, are from Woodstock Town recs. t His birth does not appear on the Natick recs., but his ago at death, as given in the Hopkinton recs., shows the year, which is further confirmed by the settlement of his father's estate in 1758, in which he is referred to as "about two years of age," and in the guardian's appointment, Apr. 19, 1762, he is named. (Middlesex Probate recs., No. 4246.) t Mass, Soldiers and Sailors in the Kev., vol. iv: p. 716. 54 Andrew Deicing and His Descendants. resided in Milford, Mass., and Hopkinton, where he owned a small farm. His will, signed June 2, 1825, was probated in Middlesex Co. (Middlesex Probate recs., No. 4247.) Children, born in Milford. (See Town History) : i. Penblope,6 b. Feb. 1, 1781 ; d. July 29, 1860 ; m. May 1, 1803, in Hopkinton (Town recs.), Jonathan, son of Deacon Edmond and Hannah (Stearns) Bowker, b. July 6, 1781, in Milford; d. Aug. 26, 1831, in Milford, where he resided. Child (Bowker) : Mircmda,'^ b. May 29, 1808 ; cl. Feb. 24, 1833 ; m. Jan. 30, 1825, Eliphalet Bailey; they had two chil., of whom one was James Dewing^ Bailey, b. Dec. 1, 182.5 ; d. Dec. 18, 1896. ii. Daniel, b. Mar. 5, 1784 ; d. Feb. 2, 1796. iii. Polly, b. Aug. 3, 1787. 63. iv. James, b. Mar. 28, 1791. V. Hannah, b. Oct. 8, 1794 ; d. Feb. 5, 1857 ; m. Apr. 2, 1820, Thomas Wheeler, b. in 1790 ; d. Dec. 19, 1846, aged 56 yrs., in Hopkinton, where he resided. Children (Wheeler), b. there : 1. Sarah,-' b. Dec. 9, 1820; d. Nov. 21, 1856. 2. Samuel, b. Feb. 21, 1823; d. May 2, 1891. 3. Susan, b. Nov. 28, 1824; d. Feb. 3, 1856. 4. Mat-y Deicing, b. Feb., 1827; d. Oct. 7, 1850. 6. Daniel Dewing, b. Mar. 18, 1829; d. Jan. 8, 1871; unm. 6. Thomas, b. Sept. 4, 1830; d. June 20, 1832. 7. Abigail, b. Apr. 1, 1832; d. Mar. 7, 1841. 8. Willard, b. Nov. 26, 1833; killed July 1, 1803, in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; he was a sergeant in company K, 13th reg't, Mass. Vols. vi. Abigail, b. July 26, 1797; d. Feb. 23, 1871, near Fulton, Iowa; m. Apr. 28, 1816, in Hopkinton, Joel, son of Joel and Abigail (Force) Morse, of Hopkinton, b. in 1795 ; d. Oct., 1880, in Fulton ; resided in Hoj^kinton, Dexterville and Jamestown, N. Y., and Fulton. Children (Morse) : 1. Samuel,'^ b. Sept. 1, 1817, in Hopkinton; d. Oct. 1, 1818. 2. Albert, b. Aug. 23, 1819, in Hopkinton. 3. William, b. , in Hopkinton; d. about 1840. 4. Edidn, b. , in Dexterville ; he was a soldier in the Civil war. Sixth Generation. 55 0. Jackavn^ b. Aug. 7, iSoO, iu Jamestown; resides in Ful- ton. 6. Susan, b. Aug. 31, lf^33, in JaniestoAvn; ni. Feb. 11, 1857, Thomas, son of Jonathan and Elizabetli (Smith) Sias, b. Feb. 19, 1830, in Huntingdon Co., Penn.; resides in Akron, Iowa. He was a soldier in the 2d Iowa Cavalry in the Civil war. SIXTH GENERATION. 32 Samuel^ Dewing (Solomon,^ Solomon,'^ Andretv,^ Andrew,'^ An- dretv^}, born Jan. 31, 1778, in Brookfield, Muss. ; died Sept. 17, 1812; married Apr. 15, 1806, Anna, daughter of Samuel and Kezia (Bruce) Edmunds, born Dec. 17, 1777, in Brookfield ; she married (2), Feb. 14, 1820, Sylvanus Ta3dor, of Hardwick, Mass., died June 19, 1841. Mr. Dewing resided in Brookfield. Children, born in Brookfield : i. Henry Albert,'' b. Feb. 2, 1807; d. Apr. 21, 1882, in Hardwick. 64. ii. Gideon Bridges, b. Feb. 11, 1811. 33 Solomon^ Dewing {Solomon,^ Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andrew,"^ An- dretv^), born Jan. 28 (Town recs. ; Jan. 26, Family recs.), 1780, in Brookfield, Mass. ; died Feb. 2, 1870, in Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. ; married May 19, 1808, in l>rooklield, Abigail, daughter of Peter and Sarah (Ayers) Washburn, born June 19, 1781, in Brookfield; died Jan. 30, 1857, in Litchfield, to which place he removed with his family from Brookfield, Jan. 26, 1823, and re- sided there until his death ; he was probably a farmer. Children, born in Brookfield, in that part set off in 1812 as North Brookfield: i. Polly,' b. Mar. 25, 1809; d. June 25, 1862; unm. ii. Rejoice, b. Nov. 16, 1810; d. Nov. 9, 1900, at the home of Mrs. L. Anna Matteson (her niece), in Utica, N. Y, ; m. Feb. 8, 1847, Ely, son of Joseph and Abigail (Pad- dock) Crosby, b. Oct. 26, 1795; d. Oct. 16, 1877, prob. in Litchfield, where he was a prosperous farmer. His father was one of the first settlers of that town. 56 Andreio Deioing and His Descendants. iii. Abigail, b. July 4, 1812; d. May 15, 1828. iv. Peksis, b. Feb.* 27, 1814; d. Aug. 15, 1873, in Buffalo, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 1, 1832, Augustine T., son of Timothy and Zilpali (Howard) Snow, b. June 19, 1810, in Litch- field; d. July 2, 1875, in Buffalo; he resided in Litch- field until 1846; he then moved to Clayville, N. Y., Avhere he remained until 1854, and then, after a short residence in Rome, N. Y., settled in Buffalo, in 1856. He was a contractor and builder. Children (Snow) : 1. De Etta E.,^ b. Mar. 24, 1835, in Litchfield ; m. June 2, 1880, Lorenzo Marcellus Kenyon, M. D., of Buffalo, b. Mar. 17, 1821; d. N'ov. 27, 1887. He practiced forty-four years as a homoeopathic physician, and was a pioneer of that school in western New York. 2. Harriet A., h. Dec. 16, 1845, in Litchfield; d. May 23, 1853, in Clayville. 3. Jennie A.,h. Mar. 16, 1S50, in Clayville; m. Dec. 22, 1870, Charles E., son of John and Laura A. (Holden) Selkirk, b. Dec. 27, 1847, in Buffalo. Children (Selkirk): i. Hattie E.,9 b. Dec. 29, 1871: ii. Cornelia B., b. Jan. 29, 1874 : iii. Edward A., b. Apr. 10, 1876: iv. Gertrude E., b. Dec. 13, 1886. They reside in Buffalo. 65. v. George, b. July 18, 1816. vi. Horatio, b. Dec. 3, 1818; d. Dec. 16, 1844; unm. 34 Jonathan^ Dewing {Soloino^i,^ Solotnon,'^ Ayidrew,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^'), born July 28, 1782, in Brookfield, Mass. ; died Apr. 23, 1814, in Westford, Vt. ; married Feb. 4, 1810, in Brookfield, Lucy, daughter of Joseph and Rachel (Hathaway) Poland, born June 2, 1783, in Brookfield. (For her second marriage to her husband's brother George, see No. 36). They resided in West- ford, to which place he removed soon after his marriage. He was probably a farmer. Child : 66. i. Samuel,^ b. Nov. 17, 1812, in Westford. * One informant gives April. Sixth Generation. 57 35 Ephraiivi^ Dewi^tg (^Solomon,^ Solomon,^ Andreiv,^ Andrew,'^ Andreiv^^, born Oct. 81, 1784, in Brookfield, Mass. ; died Jan. 12, 1855 ; married (1), Sept. 29, 1807, Jemima Hinds, born about 1784; died Dec. 21, 1838, in North Brookfield, aged 54 years; married (2), May 12, 1840, as her second husband, Mrs. Esther (Tyler) Dodge, died Mar. 9, 1853, aged 69 years ; married (3), Aug. 27, 1853, Catharine O'Neal, born in England ; died Apr. 10, 1877, in North Brookfield, aged 85 yrs. 4 mos. He resided in North Brookfield and worked at shoemaking. He, with liis brother Cheney, as members of the Brookfield Light Infantry, were ordered to the defence of Boston, and were in camp at the Rope Walk, South Boston, Sept. 8 to Oct. 30, 1814. Children, born in North Brookfield, by first wife : i. William,'' b. . A William Dewing resided in 1850-55 in Fenner, N. Y., where he was assessed, and is said to have been a blacksmith. No other information has been obtained. 07. ii. Samuel Fisk, b. Mar. 10, 1810. iii. Mary, b, prob. in 1811; d. Jan. 31, 1867, aged 56. Two other chiL, b. later, d. in infancy. 36 George^ Dewing (^Solomon,^ Solomon,'^ Andreiv,^ Andrew,"^ An- drew^), born Feb. 16, 1787, in Brookfield, Mass.; died May 8, 1881, in Glover, Vt., aged 94 yrs. 2 mos. 22 ds. ; married July 24, 1817, Mrs. Lucy (Poland) Dewing, widow of his brother Jon- athan (34), recorded Sept. 15, 1818, in Westford, Vt. ; died May 24, 1863, in Glover. He resided in Westford, where liis cliildren were born, and afterwards in Glover. He was probably a farmer.* Cliildren : 68. i. JoxATHAN,^ b. Jan. 24, 1820. 69. ii. George, b. Nov. 19, 1821. 70. iii. Joseph Hathaway, b. Oct. 14, 1825. * Authorities : Town clerk of Westford and Henry A.^ Dewing of Glover, Vt. 58 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. 37 John Fisk^ Dewing (^Solomon,° Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andretv,'^ Andreiv^')., born Dec. 18, 1795, in Brookfield, Mass. ; died Sept. 27, 1863; married (1), Aug. 3, 1826, Eunice, daughter of Josiah and Polly (Knowlton) Bush, born Nov. 1, 1800 ; died Apr. 30, 1827 ; married (2), A^Dril, 1831, Mrs. Harriet (Matthews) Bemis, daugh- ter of David and Lydia (Rainger) Matthews, and widow of Cephas Bemis, of Spencer, Mass., born July 29, 1806; died Jan. 30, 1873. He resided in North Brookfield, and served the town as a select- man and assessor ; he worked at shoe-making for thirty-five years, and purchased a large farm in North Brookfield, on which he lived, carrying it on in connection with his business until his death. Child by first wife : i. ; b. Apr. 30, 1827; d. inf. Cliildren by second wife : ii. Lydia Pickard, b. Feb. 24, 1832; m. Apr. 29, 1852, Wil- Uam H., son of William H. and Isabella (Davis) Newton, b. Oct. 29, 1828, in Rutland, Mass. ; d. May 10, 1863, in North Brookfield, whei'e they resided. He was a stage proprietor and fivery stable keeper. Children (Newton): 1. George Briggs,^ b. Mar. 10, lSo3; d. inf. 2. Ldzzie Bemis, b. Apr. 18, 1855 ; m. Sept. 15, 1874, Fred- erick D. BufRngton. 3. Ellen Muna, b. Aug. 2, 1856; d. May 28, 1858. 4. William Dewing, b. Mar. 5, 18G0; d. inf. 5. William Horace Austin, b. May 31, 1863; m. liis cousin Jennie Adeline (see 72). 71. in. John Bush, b. Jan. 28, 1835. 72. iv. George Fisk, b. Feb. 25, 1842. 38 jEREivnAH*^ Dewing {Solomon,^ Solomon,'^ Andreiv,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born June 28, 1801, in Brookfield, Mass. ; died Sept. 3, 1876 ; married Dec. 23, 1811, Rachel, daughter of Galen^ and Rachel (Prouty) Wliiting, born June 7, 1810, j^robably in Lincoln, Mass. The Whiting family came from Hingham, Mass., where James (1) settled on his arrival from England. (Temple's His- Sixth Generation. 69 tory of North Brookfield, p. 784.) Rachel died Jan. 5, 1892, in North Brookfield, where her husband resided, and, with his brothers, John F. and Cheney, carried on the shoe-making busi- ness. Children, born in North Brookfield : i. Chakles Whiting,'^ b. May 21, 1843 ; m. May 27, 1869, Adelaide, dan. of Freeman and Sall}^ Ann (Bates) Glazier, b. prob. in 1847 in Oxford, Mass. ; resided for some time in North Brookfield; resides (1902) in Woburn, Mass. Child : John Moon,'^ b. Dec. 18, 1869, in North Brooklield ; d. Mar. 14, 1881. u. John Moon, b. July 3, 1847; d. Jan. 4, 1850. iii. Sarah Makia, b. July 20, 1853; d. Mar. 16, 1882. 39 Dexter^ Dewing (JeremiahJ' Solortion,'^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Ari- drew'^'), born Aug. 4, 1796, in Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y. ; died Jan. 9, 1867, in Elkhorn, Walworth Co., Wis. ; married Apr. 20, 1817, Deidamia, daughter of Thomas and Lois (Green) Weaver, born Apr. 30, 1796, in Otego, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; died Aug. 6, 1868, in Elkhorn. He resided first in Niagara Co. ; about 1830 he moved to French Creek, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and in 1843 to Elkhorn, where he resided until his death. He owned land in French Creek and probably in Elkhorn, as his occupation was that of a farmer ; he was also a mason, which at that time and place included bricklaying and plastering. Children : 78. i. George,^ b. Nov. 8, 1818, in Rome, N. Y. ii. Cordelia, b. Sept. 19, 1820, in Rome ; d. Dec. 15, 1821. iii. Fidelia, b. Sept. 8, 1822, in Eaton, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 23, 1838, in French Creek, William Oakley, son of Sanford and Clarissa (Oakley) Garfield, b. July 12, 1819, in Vermont; d. Mai-. 9, 1888, in Elkhorn, where he re- sided. He was a boot and shoe-maker. Children (Gar- field), the first two b. in French Creek, the others in Elkhorn : 60 Andrew Deioing and His Descendants. 1. Julia Omelia,^ b. Jan. 6, 1840. 2. Eli William, b. Dec. 20, 1841. 3. Helen Louise, b. July 8, 1844. 4. Edwin Bruce, b. Nov. 26, 1846. 5. Henry Irwin, b. Jan. 30, 1850. 6. Lily Florence, b. July 18, 1856. 7. Frank Dewing, b. May 15, 1860; d. Nov. 11, 1900. iv. Olivia, b. June 22, 1825, in West Flamboro, Canada; m. May 4, 1843, in French Creek, Lewis Shepard, son of Allen and Edna (Shepard) Bemis, b. Oct. 12, 1819 ; d, Feb. 1, 1899. They resided in Milwaukee, Wis. He was in the hotel business. Children (Bemis), b. in Elk- horn : 1. Emily Eliza,^ b. May 17, 1845. 2. Grace Eveline, b. Oct. 3, 1849. 3. Harry Arthur, b. Feb. 22, 1859 ; d. Jan. 29, 1899, in Milwaukee. V. Edwin, b. Apr. 21, 1827, in West Flamboro; d. Jan. 28, 1828. vi. Myron Edwin, b. Mar. 27, 1832, in French Creek; d. Mar. 26, 1874, at Elkhorn, where he resided; unm. When a child of less tlian two years old, he fell on a pile of burning chips in his father's yard, by which " he was so badly burned that no jjortion of the fingers or thumb on either hand could be saved," and even his life was in great danger. Removing to Elkhorn with his father's family in 1843, he became an accomplished scholar, teaching at intervals for several years ; he ac- quired a tine library, the greater part of which now forms the " Dewing Collection " in the free library in Elkhorn. He served as town clerk and town treasurer, 1854 and 1855, and was county clerk from 1857 until his death. 74. vii. Ely Bruce, b. June 21, 1834, in French Creek, viii. Melvina, b. Apr. 14, 1838, in French Creek. 40 Madison^ Dewing, first called Addison (Jeremiah,^ Solomon,* Andrew,^ Andrew,"^ Andreiv^^, born May, 1802, probably in Utica, N. Y. ; died Oct., 1859, near Elkhorn, Wis. ; married in 1824, Sixth Generation. 61 in or near Lockport, N. Y., Deborah, daughter of Thomas and Lois (Green) Weaver, born Oct. 31, 1805, in what was then Niagara Co., N. Y. ; died May 10, 1871, in Elkhorn. He Avas a farmer, and resided in French Creek, N. Y., and from 1845 in Elkhorn. Children :* 75. i. Almon Fare,'' b. June 3, 1825, in Hamilton, Canada. ii. Nelson Horatio, b. Nov. 9, 1826,t in Canada ; m. Feb. 17, 1870, in Elkliorn, Jeanette, dau. of Philo and Mrs. Susan (Barber) Willis Mather, -1: b. Jan. 10, 1842, in Bur- lington, Wis. ; s. J). He resides in Elkhorn, and is a farmer. He was a soldier in the 8d regt. Wis. Cavalry, in the Civil war. iii. Omelia, b. ; d. inf. 70. iv. Mahlon Birdsey, b. June 20, 1833, in French Creek. V. Caroline Cecilia, b. Mar. 11, 1837, in French Creek; d. Feb., 1864, in White Creek, Wis. ; m. Feb. 23, 1856, David C, son of Noah B. and Charlotte (York) Bacon, of Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., b. Mar. 26, 1834; d. Apr. 16, 1898, in White Creek, where he resided. He was a farmer and blacksmith. Children (Bacon) : 1. Aildis(m^^ b. Dec. 16, 1856. 2. May, b. Sept. 20, 1863; m. Nov. 11, 1885, G. E. Rey- nolds, of Mars, Wis. vi. Orlando Philoski, b. Apr. 28, 1839, in French Creek ; d. ]May, 1893, in Montana; unm. He was a soldier in the 10th regt. Wis. Infantry, in the Civil war ; he after- wards engaged in mining. vii. Omklia, b. Nov. 17, 1843, in French Creek ; m. Apr. 7, 1865, Carlton William Mather (brother of Mrs. Nelson H. Dewing, ii), b. Feb. 13, 1840, in Ohio. He resides in Butte, Mont., where he is engaged in mining, real estate and hotel business. Children (Mather), b. in Helena, Mont. : * The dates furnished us by different members of the family are slightly conflicting in a few instances. We follow those furnished by the late Ely B.' (74) Dewing. t Mrs. N. II. Dewing gives the year of his birth as 1828. t See Mather Family, p. 296. 62 Andrew Dewing and JSis Descendants. 1. Frank Croclcer,^ h. Aug. 13, 1869. 2. Carrie May, b. Oct. 15, 1872 ; m. July 23, 1895, William Morris Adamson. 41 Elihu^ Dewing (Jeremiali^ Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born Aug. 15, 1805, in Rome, N. Y. ; died Aug. 5, 1881, in Keclii, Sedgwick Co., Kan. ; married July 3, 1826, in Lock- port, N. Y., Orpha Alice, daugliter of Capt. and Mary Brown, born Aug. 22, 1810, in Utica, N. Y. ; died Nov. 6, 1896, in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kan. He first resided near Lockport, then in French Creek, N. Y,, where he owned a farm ; he moved from there in 1853 or '54 to Michigan, thence to Elkhorn, Wis., and afterward to Illinois, perhaps to Aurora, Kane Co. ; he finally settled near Wichita, where some of the members of his family are now living. One of liis daughters writes that he was a weaver. Children, the first two born near Lockport, the others in French Creek : 77. i. Thurston Brow^ b. Oct. 22, 1828. ii. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 5, 1829; d. Nov. 2, 1901, in Wichita; m. Nov. 5, 1845, in French Creek, Richard Arthur, son of Jack and Hannah (Arthur) Spinks, b. June 30, 1823, in Essex, N. Y, He resides in Wichita, where he has been a farmer. Cliildreu (Spinks), b. in French Creek : 1. Orpha,^ b. July 17, 1847; d. Oct. 20, 1882, in Valley Centre, Kan.; m. Feb. 9,1866, Ely Whitmore, b. June 11, 1847, in Waterford, Pa. Tliey have had two chil., the eldest b. Apr. 4, 1867. 2. Mmnie, b. Aug. 16, 1850 ; m. Apr. 22, 1868, in Kane- ville. 111., Irwin, son of Solomon and Harriet (Gray) Beach, b. Aug. 13, 1848, in West Glover, Vt. Ees., Kansas; they have two chil. Our data are from Mrs. Beach. 3. Pyra, b. Feb. 28, 1853 ; m. Dec. 2, 1869, Dwight Beach, brother of Irwin, b. Aug. 14, 1850. They reside in Wichita, and have two chil. 4. Arthur, b. Aug. 24, 1864; d. Dec. 3, 1866, in Black- berry, Kane Co., 111. iii. Melissa, b. ; said to have d. y. iv. Melinda, b. ; said to have d. y. Sixth Generation. 63 V, Almika, b. May 18, 1838 ; m. Dec. 31, 1857, Delos, son of Chauncy and Fanny (Eagles) Smith, b. Sej^t. 5, 1836, in Columbus, Pa. ; d. Feb. 14, 1895, in French Creek, where they resided, and where three of their chil. were born; he was a farmer; she ra. (2), June 11, 1900, James M. Humphrey (his 'id m.), b. Feb. 4, 1827 ; they reside in Corry, Pa. Children (Smith) : 1. Elmer Ellsworth,^ b. Oct. 15, 1858 ; m. Feb. 24, 1885, in Chicago, 111., Florence Woods, b. May 19, 18G0. in Williains- town, X. Y.; they reside in Denver, Col. Child : Elnier,** b. Nov. 5, 1887; d. Apr. 10, 1888. 2. Mary Katy, b. Feb. 23, I.SCJO ; d. Apr. 3, 1884 ; m. Mar. 26, 1881, George P. Brown, b. May 3, 1859, in Crawford Co., Pa.; resided in Concord, Pa. Child : A son, b. Dec. 3, 1882, in Concord ; on the death of his mother he was given to his grandmother Smith (afterward Mrs. Humphrey), with whom he was living (1901) in Corry. 3. Charles Hubert, b. Feb. 22, 1863; d. Mar. 30, 1887. 4. Millie May, b. Aug. 3, lS(i4, in Elkhorn ; m. May 3, 1891, James H., son of James M. Humphrey and step-son of Almira (v), b. Apr. 10, 1864. 78. vi. Manville Hexry, b. Dec. 22, 1840. 79. vii. XoRjfAN HouGHTOx, b. Feb. 16, 1844. viii. KoviLLA L., b. ; said to have m. Guest, now living in Ilennessy, Ok., and reported to have had six- teen chil. No response to letters. 80. ix. Hubert L., b. Oct. 18, 1847 (Town recs.). X. DoRLisKA, b. in 1849 ; d. in "fall of 1855." xi. Caroline Tressia, b. Nov. 1, 1850; m. (1), Sept. 1, 1868, in Illinois, Harley E., son of Solomon and Harriet (Gray) Beach, b. Jan. 6, 1845, in West Glover, Vt. ; d. Mar. 3, 1872, in Aurora, 111., where he resided. He was a wagon- builder.* Child (Beach) : Hattie Edith,^ b. Oct. 23, 1.S70 ; m. Dec. 25, 1001, J. E. McKenzie. She m. (2), Feb. 6, 1873, in Kansas, Christopher P. Baker, b. in 1821. He was a soldier in company A, 36th regt. 111. Vols., in the Civil war. He is a farmer, and resides in Kingfisher, Ok. Child (Baker) : * Accounts furnished are conflicting. Ours are from Caroline T., herself. 64 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. Cassius 3L, b. Feb. 14, 1876 ; d. Oct. 5, 1892. xii. Edwin A., b. Aug. 13, 1853 ; d. in 1872. 42 Henry^ Dewing (^Timothy, ^ Henry, '^ Henry, ^ Andreiv,'^ Andrew^), bom June 13, 1792, in Needham, Mass. ; died Dec. 6, 1832 ; mar- ried Apr. 7, 1819, in Boston, by Rev. Hosea Ballon, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Hannah Mellish, born Sept. 21, 1793, in Dorchester, Mass. ; died there Jan. 22, 1880.* He was a soldier in the 9th U. S. Infantry, and was wounded in an engagement near Lake Champlain, perhaps at Plattsburgh, N. Y., in 1814. A few days later, he was granted a furlough by General Scott, and walked with the aid of crutches, wliich he cut in the woods, to his home in Needham, stopping on the Way where he could find hospitality ; the wound healed poorly, and he was permanently lame, in consequence of which he was put on the U. S. pension roll, Jan. 23, 1819, his pension dating from May 24, 1815. Child : i. Eunice L.^ b. Nov. 17, 1819, in Sharon, Mass.; m. Oct. 10, 1841, in Dover, by Rev. Henry Clark, George Wash- ington Ga}^ b. Apr. 30, 1817, in Roxbury, Mass.; d. May 6, 1889, in Sharon, where his widow now (1901) resides. Children (Gay), b. in Sharon : 1. Henry Harrison,^ b. July 21, 1843 ; d. inf. 2. George Herbert, b. Aug. 25, 1845 ; d. May 26, 1864, from a wound received at Resaca, near Dallas, Ga. He was a sol- dier in the 33d regt. Mass. Vols., in the Civil war. 3. Henry Lamartine, b. Aug. 6, 1848 ; d. Sept., 1849. 4. Charles Sumner, b. Jan. 8, 1852 ; d. Apr. 2, 1854. 5. Edicard Abbott, b. July 29, 1855 ; d. Mar. 23, 1873. 43 Warren^ Dewing {Timothy,^ Henry, '^ Henry, ^ Andi-ezv,^ An- dreiv^'), born May 15, 1796, in Needham, Mass. ; died Mar. 2, 1882; married Dec. 29, 1823, by Rev. William Ritcliie, of Need- ham, Betsey, daughter of Abiathar and Meribah (Fuller) John- * Authorities : Needham Town recs. and Boston recs. in State Archives. Sixth Generation. 65 son, of Weston, Mass., bom May 14, baptized June 27, 1802; died Aug. 12, 1884. He was a prominent citizen of Needliam, serving the town as one of the school committee, 1825 and 1837 ; selectman 1835, '86 and 1845-48; he was one of the standing committee of the First Parish Church (Unitarian), 1828-31, and its treasurer, March, 1828-32: he was one of the founders of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Newton Upper Falls, Mass., which he joined June 15, 1833, and of which he was a mem- ber and steward until his death ; he was influential in build- ing the railroad (a branch of what is now known as the Circuit system of the B. & A. R. R.) to Needliam. With Marshall Rice, of Newton, he was also instrumental in developing the village of Higlilandville. He enlisted, when he was nineteen, as a private in Capt. Tolman's company, which was stationed at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, in the War of 1812-15, and served until the withdrawal of the blockade of the port by the British. He was commissioned Sept. 25, 1820, as captain in the 1st regi- ment, 2d brigade, 1st division, Mass. Vol. Militia ; promoted major June 26, 1823 ; he became colonel of the same regiment, July 12, 1824, and was discharged Jan. 17, 1827.* Cliildren, born in Needliam : 81. i. Charles Hiram,'^ b. Apr. 22, 1824. ii. Martha, b. Mar. 3, 1827; d. inf. 82. iii. George Wakren, b. Oct. 29, 1829. 44 Etjenkzer*' Dewing (^Nathan^^ Ehenezer,'^ Ilenry^ Andrew,^ Andretv^), born Oct. 7, 1780, in Needham, Mass.; died Nov. 9, 1852; married June 22, 1809, Sarah, daughter of Jesse and Sarah (Fisher) Richards, born Mar. 15, 1786, in Dedliam, Mass. (see Dedham Town and Church recs.) ; died Aug. 15, 1872, in Revere, Mass., at the home of her son, Benjamin H. Dewing. She, with * Authorities : Needham and Weston Town recs. ; for the service in the War of 1812 of Warren and his brother Timothy, we are indebted to Mr. George W.'' (82) Dewing. (For record of service in the militia, see rolls in Adjt. Gen.'s oflSce, Mass.) 66 Andreio Devnng and His Descendants. her mother, Mrs. Sarah Richards, was received iiitf) membership of the First Congregational Church in Dedham, Mar. 23, 1828, then under the ministry of Rev. Ebenezer Burgess, in which they continued members until their death. (See Dedham Church recs., by D. G. Hill, p. 227.) Both are interred in the lot of the late Benjamin H. Dewing, in the new or last addition to Dedham old cemetery. When eighteen years old, Mr. Dewing went to learn the soap and tallow chandlery business of Dea. Benjamin Hill, of Brighton, Mass., where he continued until he went into business on his own account in West Roxbury, Mass., before liis marriage, remaining there until after the breaking out of the war with Great Britain in 1812, when he met with misfortune in business; ill health prevented his continuing, and he removed to Dedham, where he died. (B. H. Dewing's MS., as cited.) Children : 83. i. BE>rjAMiN Hill,'' b. Nov. 3, 1811, in West Roxbury. 84. ii. George, b. May 5, 1818, in Dedham. iii. Sarah Elizaueth, b. Nov. 12, 1820, in Dedham; d. Feb. 14, 1877, in Chelsea, Mass. ; m. Jan. 1.5, 1851, by Rev. Sebastian Streeter, of Boston, Frederic Spoor, of Chel- sea (his third m.), b. in 1813, in New Ipswich, N. H. ; d. Feb. 26, 1880, aged 67 years; they resided in Chelsea. He was employed for 37 consecutive years by the Win- nisimmet Ferry Co. as engineer on their boats plying between Chelsea and Boston, and resigned Oct. 1, 1879. 45 Nathan^ Dewing {Nathan,^ Ubemzer,^ Henry,^ Andreiv,'^ An- drew^}, born Feb. 20, 1786, in Needham, Mass. ; died Oct. 9, 1832, in Boston, Mass., where he was interred in the South Burying- ground; married Sept. 12, 1812, by Rev. Stephen Palmer, of Need- ham, Fanny, daughter of Samuel* and Mehitable^ (Tolman) Fisher, born Mar. 31, 1792 ; died June 24, 1887, at the home of her grand- daughter in Spencer, Mass., aged 95 yrs. 2 mos. 24 ds. After * See 5, iii, 5. Samuel's line of descent was Jeremiah, ^ John,* Daniel, ^ Anthony,^ Anthony.^ See Fisher Gen. Sixth Generation. 67 learning the carpenter's trade, he went to sea in the first vessel that sailed for the North-west Coast from Boston, on a trading voyage ; on his return he married a second cousin (as above), and resided in Needham, and probably in Brookline and Boston. He was in business as a housewright. Children : i. EuzAiiKTH," b. May 30, bapt. Aug. 1, 1813, in Needham; d. July 18, 1891, in Boston ; m. Mar. 25, 1837, in Bos- ton, Joseph, son of Seth and Hannah Bowen (Allen) Whitmarsh, b. Feb. 24, 1810, in Warren, R. I. ; d. Mar. 19, 1855, in Boston. He was a printer, and resided in Boston. Children (Whitmarsh), b. in Boston : 1. Henry A.,^ b. Feb. 14, 1838 ; d. . 2. Joseph Allen, b. Oct. 22, 1839 ; d. the same day. 3. John Gregory, b. May 3, 1844 ; d. Mar. 9, 1885 ; m. Helen Appleby. 4. Seth Barton, b. June 21, 1849 ; m. Emma Moulton. 5. Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 24, 1851; d. June 13, 1877, in Spencer, Mass. ; m. May 30, 1870, John Whitman Adams, d. Mar. 1(5, 1897, in Spencer, where he resided. Child (Adams): Olive May ,9 b. Apr. 16, 1871; d. Dec. 19, 1891. G. Era Josephine, b. Apr. 4, 1854 ; m. Dec. 7, 1878, as his second wife, John Whitman Adams, who had previously m. her sister, Mary Elizabeth. She resides (1901) in Spencer. Child : Howard W.,^ b. Jan. 12, 1882, in Spencer. 85. ii. Samuel P'ishee, b. Dec. 14, 1814, in Brookline, Mass. 80. iii. George, b. Oct. 8, bapt. Nov. 17, 1816, in Needham. iv. Susanna Lydia Ricuaeds, b. Sept. 30, 1818 (Town recs.) ; bapt. June 13, 1819, in Needham; d. there Apr. 8, 1846; m. Dec. 6, 1841, by Rev. Edward T. Taylor, of Seamen's Bethel, Boston, Ralph Nelson, b. in Eng- land ; he m. (2), Caroline Mclntire (see No. 21, iv, 6). Children (Nelson) by first wife : 1. Alonzo Balph,^ b. Sept. 13, 1842, in Boston ; d. Feb. 16, 1875, in St. Louis, Mo. ; m. June 6, 1872, at Ottawa, Kan., Helen Brooks. They had two chil. 2. Lleirellyn, b. Feb. 4, 1844, in Philadelphia, Pa.; d. Jan. 19, 1899, in Milford, N. H.; m. Mar. 25, 1867, Emma L. Co- burn, of Brookline, N. H. They had three chil. 68 Andreio Dewing and Jlis Descendants. ?>. FiDoiy Susan, b. Dec, 1845 ; d. inf. V. Frances, b. Sept. 19, 1820; bapt. Oct. 6, 1822, in Need- ham; d. Feb. 5, 1824. 87. vi. WiLLARD, b. July 26, bapt. Oct. G, 1822, in Needbam. 88. vii. Francis Henry, b. Aug. 22, 1824; bapt. Oct. 16, 1825, in Needbam. 89. viii. Thomas Blasland, b. Feb. 4, 1826, in Boston. 90. ix. Nathan Ellis, b. Oct. 28, 1827, in Boston. X. James, b. Jan. 14, 1829 ; d. inf. 46 Seth^ Dewing (^Nathan,^ Uhenezer,'^ Heiii'i/,^ Andreiv,^ Andretv^'), born Sept. 6, 1788, in Needliam, Mass. ; died Jan. 7, 1888, at the residence of his son, Joseph H. (in that part of the town then called Wellesley) ; married Apr. 10 (13, Family recs.), 1815, by Rev. Thomas Noyes, Olive, daughter of Ezra* and Mary (Glover) Haven, born Sept. 12, 1791, in Framingham, Mass. ; died Jan. 4, 1882, in Wellesley; both are interred in Woodlawn Cemetery, Wellesley. He resided in Need ham, Boston and Charlestown, Mass. When a young man he learned the carpenter's trade by a four years' apprenticeship with Silas Fuller. In 1810 he went as a ship-carpenter on the ship Sally Ann, Capt. Glover, of Need- ham, to Liverpool, Eng. ; on the return voyage the weather was rough and tempestuous, causing the vessel to leak ; she was also chased by a privateer for quite a distance. He worked at his trade in Needham and Newton (Upper and Lower Falls) until 1815, when he engaged in the West India goods trade at Grant- ville (now Wellesley Hills), acting as postmaster there. Later he removed to Boston, and was employed by the Government as foreman of carpenters in building the dry-dock in CharlestoAvn, and also at the forts in Boston Harbor ; he was deputy surveyor of lumber in Boston, and was also interested in a paper manufac- turing firm in Methuen, Mass., which was not successful. He afterwards kept a grocery store on Lincoln Street, Boston, retiring in 1869. Except for a few years' residence in Charlestown, where * The line of descent is Jesse,^ Moses, ^ Nathaniel. ^ Sixth Generation. 69 two or three of his chikh'eii were born, he spent most of his life in Needham (Wellesley). He also served the town of Need- ham in most of the minor offices, from 1815 to 1824 ; he was one of the scliool committee for the Lower Falls district in 1822, and surveyor of lumber of the town continuously from 1841 to 1862 inclusive. He was for several years Master of Meridian Lodge, in wliich he was made a Mason in 1809, then located in Water- town, and his funeral was attended by that body. Seth and his wife united with the West Needham Congregational Church in 1845, with which they retained their membersliip until their death. (IJ. H. Dewing"s MS., as cited.) Children : i. Mary Axx," b. Feb. 7, 1816, in Needham; d. Sept. 22, 1817. ii. Mary Axx, b. Sept. 29, 1818, in Needham; m. Apr. 9, 1840, Dexter, son of Luther and Almira (Morse) Kings- bmy, b. May 11, 1814, in Needham, where he resided most of his life; d. Mar. 22, 1892, in Wellesley (for- merly Needham). He was elected a selectman of Need- ham 1869, '70, '72; he served as assessor 1877-81 ; col- lector 1869-81, and held various minor offices for eight years or more. He was also one of the selectmen of Wellesley 1886-91 ; assessor 1881-86, and collector 1881. By occupation he was a farmer. Children (Kings- bury) : 1. Fanny Maria,^ b. Aug. 17, 1843 ; m. Apr. 21, 1885, Lucius A. Kinnear. 2. Emma Olive, b. Nov. 15, 1850. 8. Freclenck Horace, b. Apr. 11, 1853 ; m. Nov. 8, 1885, in Milford, N. H., Edith A. Nelson, b. Aug. S, 18G7, in Natick; he has been elected town clerk of Wellesley annually since 1888, and has held other town otiices. iii. Seth, b. Aug. 8, 1820, in Needham; cl. Jan. 3, 1895, in Wellesley, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Dexter Kings- bury; m. Aug. 24, 1863, Mary T. W., dau. of WiUiam S. and Elizabeth (Holbrook) Beal, b. Jan. 30, 1832, in Milton, Mass.; d. Aug. 31, 1881, in Braintree; s. p. 70 Andrevi Devnmj and His Descendants. He was educated in the public schools of Needham, Boston, and Brown University, Providence, R. I., but did not graduate. Soon after completing his studies, he engaged with Mr. L. Allen Kingsbury in conducting the academy in Wrenthara, Mass, ; he was also a teacher in the public schools of Westboro, Mass., and about 1865 became principal of the grammar school in Quincy, Mass., which position he held nearly twenty years. He re- turned to Wellesley, where he resided until his death. He was a member of Boston Commandery, Knights Templar, and of Meridian Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of Natick, over which his father presided as Worshipful Master in 1814, then located in that part of Needham which is now Wellesley HUls. iv. Charles, b. Aug. 7, 1822, in Needham; d. Oct. 13, 1894, in Boston; m. Nov. 9, 1851, in Chelsea, Mass., Mrs. Olive (Adams) Baker, dau. of Ephraim C. and Temper- ance (Thurber) Adams, d. Aug. 20, 1894, in Wrentham. He was a carpenter, and resided in Needham and Bos- ton. They had one child : Charles Adams,^ b. Dec. 2, 1855, in Needham ; d. Dec. 23, 1898, in Wellesley; unm. 91. V. George Feedeeic, b. Aug. 16, 1824, in Needham. vi. Horace, b. Sept. 14, 1826, in Boston ; d. Oct. 3, 1852, in Shaw's Flat, Cal. ; unm. vii. Joseph Haven, b. June 14, 1829; d. Jan. 5, 1831. viii. Joseph Haven, b. July 14, 1831, in Charlestown; d. July 2, 1890, in Wellesley; m. Apr. 7, 1864, Mrs. Sophia Abbie (Grant) Kingsbury, widow of Hamilton Ellis Kingsbury, b. Jan. 17, 1834; d. Sept. 4, 1874; m. (2), Apr. 21, 1885, E. Marietta, dau. of Albert and Emily (Kingsbury) Smith, b. Sept. 11, 1837 ; he was a resident of Wellesley, and a farmer; selectman of Needham, 1878-81 ; one of the assessors of Wellesley, 1882-86, and treasurer of the Wellesley Cong. Society, 1881-82. He enlisted Sept. 1, 1862, in company C, 43d regt. Mass. Vols., for nine months; was made a corporal Oct. 7, 1862, and sergeant June 1, 1863 ; discharged July 30, 1863. Sixth Generation. 7 1 ix. Cauouxe Elizabeth, b. June 4, 183C, in Need ham ; ra. Apr. 30, 1887, George IT. Wise (his 2d m.) ; they re- sided for a few years in Los Angeles, Cal., but are now (1903) living in Wellesley. Before her ni. she was a teacher in the public schools of Needham, XeAvton and Natick. 47 Paul^ Dewtn(j {J^athan,^ Uhenezer,'^ Henn/,^ Andrew,^ Andretv^'), Lorn Aug. 14, 1805, in Needham, Mass. : clicd Aug. 15, 1863, and was interred in Needham cemetery; married Jan. 10, 1834, Soplironia, daughter of Thomas and Nabby (Starr) Durant, born Sept. 20, 1811, in Newton ; died Apr. 1, 1899, in Cambridge, and was interred in the Newton Lower Falls cemetery. He learned the carpenter's trade, and was afterwards engaged in paper manufacturing at Newton Lower Falls, and elsewhere. He was an expert millwright, and followed that business in connection with other interests. He was commissioned a lieutenant in the Needham Rifles, 1st regiment, 2d brigade, 1st division, Mass. Vol. Militia, Apr. 26, 1832 ; promoted to captain, Sept. 5, 1833 ; he was made major of a battalion of light infantry. Mar. 23, 1836, as of Newton, and discharged Aug. 8, 1837. (Rolls in Mass. Adjutant General's office). He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, from June 3, 1833, and in Roberts's History is called of Natick. He resided in Newton and Boston.* Children : 92. i. Charles H.,^ b. Nov. 16, 1834. ii. Louise, b. Aug. 10, 1836; d. Apr. 8, 1903, in Cambridge, Mass. ; unm. iii. Paul F., b. July 10, 1842 ; d. JVlar. 14, 1903, in (Cambridge ; unm. lie was brought up in mercantile business. Aug. 31, 1864, he was appointed acting assistant paymaster in the U. S. Navy; honorably discharged, Nov. 8, 1865. (Mass. in the Army and Navy, 1861-65, vol. 2: p. 421.) He then entered the employment of the Pacific Mail * Authorities: Charles H.'' (92) Dewing, and Needham Town recs. 72 Anxlreio Deviing and Ills JJescendaiits. Steamship Company and was stationed in Nagasaki, Japan. About two years later he returned home and was in business again with his old employers (Chenery & Co.) ; he later became a partner with Mr. Solomon Fuller, and retii'ed several years ago. iv. Ellen, b. ; d. inf., in Somerville, Mass. Oo. V. Thomas Wilmbe, b. May 4, 1851, in Boston. 48 EiJjAH^ Dewing (Elijah,^ Uheneser,'^ Henry, ^ Andre iv,^ An- dretv^), born Oct. 13, 1790, in Dover, Mass. ; died Nov. 1, 1864, in Mendon, Mass. ; married July 5, 1820, in Bellingham, Mass., by Rev. Abial Fisher, Mary, daughter of Jesse and Sarah (Adams) Coombs, born July 3, 1796, in Bellingham; died Dec. 23, 1868, in Mendon, aged 72 yrs. 6 mo. 20 ds.* (See Henry Adams's Gene- alogy) ; they resided in Bellingham and Mendon where they died. He was a carpenter, builder, and contractor. Children : 94. i. CiiAKLES,^ b. May 15, 1821. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 26, 1826 ; d. July 24, 1897, in Ilopkinton, Mass. 95. iii. Martin, b. July 8, 1830. 49 Elisha^ Dewing (^Elijah,^ Ehenezer,^ Henry^ Andreiv^ An- drew^'), born Nov. 9, 1795, in Dover, Mass. ; died Feb. 28, 1877, in Holliston, Mass.; married (1), Apr. 10, 1823, Vesta, daughter of Elial and Sophia Littlefield, born Apr. 3, 1803 ; died Apr. 10, 1857 ; married (2), May 16, 1858, Louisa ParkJiurst, born Aug. 23, 1800, in Framingham, Mass. They resided in Holliston; in early life he was a blacksmith, and afterwards a farmer ; he was commissioned June 25, 1825, ensign in the 4th regiment, 1st bri- gade, 3d division, Mass. Vol. Militia ; lieutenant, Jan. 12, 1826 ; captain, Apr. 4, 1829 ; discharged Sept. 5, 1829. (Rolls in Ad- * Mary's age is as furnished by Mr. Horace C. Adams, from Mendon town recs. Sixth Generation. 73 jutant General's office). He is said to have been one of the select- men of HoUiston. Children, born in Holliston, by first wife :* i. W1LT.1AM ElisiiV b. Nov. 2G, 1827 ; d. Sept. 1, 1853. ii. Sopiii.v W., b. Jan. 4, 1880 ; d. Sept. 6, 1849. iii. Elizabeth, b. in 1837 ; d. Aug. 9, 1842, aged 5 years. 96. iv. Joseph H., b. Dec. 17, 1843, V. MARY,b. Oct. 28, 1845 ; d. Feb. 2, 1846. 50 Reuben^ Dewing (^My'ah,^ JSbenezer,'^ Henry,^ Andreiv,^ An- drew^'), born Feb. 12, 1805, in Bellingham, Mass. ; died in 1858 ; maiTied Mary, daughter of William and Sally (Parker) Fames, born Aug. 30, 1809, in Holliston, Mass. (see Parker Family of Lex- ington) ; died in February, 1846 (Holliston Town recs.) They resided in Holliston, in that part set off as Asldand, March, 184G. Children : i. George,^ b. abt. 1830; d. Feb. 2, 1833, aged 3 years. 97. ii. Elijah Francis, b. Dec. 18, 1833. iii. Mary Jaxe, b. Feb. 9, 1840 ; d. Oct. 31, 1874, m Brain- tree, Mass.; m, Oct. 16, 1861, WiUiam IT., son of Wil- liam and Maria (Willet) Howard, b. Sept. 14, 1828, in Boston, Mass. They have resided in Natick, Braintree, and (1903) Wellesley Hills, Mass. Children (Howard) : 1. Ma7ia Willet,^ b. Feb. 23, 1864, in Natick. 2. Elizabeth Beed, b. Feb. 11, 1873, in Braintree ; d. June .5, 1901, in Wellesley Hills. iv. James K. Polk, b. Dec. 28, 1845 ; d. inf. 51 JoEL^ Dewing (^Mijah,^ Ubenezer,^ Henry ^^ Andretv,^ Andrew^), born Feb. 12, 1807, in Bellingham, Mass. ; died Apr. 16, 1891, in Worcester, Mass. ; married (1), Apr. 18, 1832, Mary W., daughter of Gershom and Priscilla Wheelock, of Shrewsbury, Mass. ; died Nov. 4, 1848, in Worcester (see Worcester recs.), aged 35 or 38 * Authorities : Josepli H. (96) Dewing, and Holliston and Framingbain Town recs. 74 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. years (accounts differ); married (2), May 6, 1851, Mrs. Sarah (Congdon) Lowell, of Norwich, Ct., daughter of George and Phoebe Congdon (her second marriage), born Apr. 1, 1822 ; died Jan. 28, 1894, in Worcester. He was a cutler and gunsmith, and resided in Shi-ewsbury, Medfield, Worcester, and New England Village or Grafton, Mass., and in Norwich. Children,* by first wife : i. Albert W.,' b. Aug. 25, 1833, in Shrewsbury ; d. date un- known, in Honolulu, Hawaii; ra. Dec. 21, 1861, Phoebe M., dau. of Emory and Eliza A. liay, b. in Norwich ; d. Feb. 4, 1866, in Freetown, Mass. 98. ii. Charles Prextice, b. Sept. 2, 1835, in Medfield. 99. iii. Alonzo Frederick, b. July 5, 1839, in Shrewsbury. iv. Ablie a., b. Feb. 14, 1843, in Shrewsbury; m. June 5, 1864, in Leicester, Mass., John H., son of James S. and Mehitable (Lyon) Bigelow, b. July 12, 1829, m Spencer, Mass. He was a carder and spinner. Children (Big- elow), all but the last two b. in Cherry Valley (Leicester), Mass. : 1. Manj Jf.,8 b. June 22, 1865; d. inf. 2. Charles Edward., b. Sept. 21, 1866. 3. Jane Augusta, b. Aug. 18, 1869; d. May 7, 1881. 4. Edvyin Muzzy, b. Feb. 16, 1872, in Paxton. ;j. Willie Herbert, b. Jan. 20, 1875, in Worcester; d. inf. V. George Walker, b. Aug. 11, 1848, in Worcester; d. inf. Children by second wife : vi. William W., b. Jan., 1857; d. inf. 100. vii. William Henry, b. Dec. 18, 1859, in Worcester. 52 JoHN^ Dewing {Elijah,^ Ubenezer,'^ Henry, ^ Andreiv,^ Andrew^), born Jan. 18, 1813,1 in Bellingham, Mass. ; died Sept. 5, 1891, in Albany, Ohio; married (1), Jan. 13, 1836, in Harwinton, Ct., Mind- * Authorities: State Archives, Bigelow Gen., p. 164, and Mrs. A. A. Bigelow. t Since page 42 was printed, we find the year of his birth was not 1812 but 1813. Sixth Generation. 75 well Rosetta, daughter of Ephraim Smith and Mindwell Rosetta (Barber) Cleveland, born Sept. 14, 1817 (see Cleveland Gen., p. 1517); died Jan. 17, 1888, in Albany; married (2), Aug. 18, 1891, Mrs. Etta (Dunton) Stacy, born Sept. 28, 1834, in Cole- raine, Mass. They resided in Albany for many years, going there (as his daughter wiites) probably about 1843. He was a jeweler in his younger days ; later he engaged in a small brokerage busi- ness in Ohio. Children, born in Albany : i. Mary MmnwELL,^ b. Jan. 11, 1860; m. Oct. 15, 1879, James Huston, son of Andrew Hunter and Salome Jennings (Kerr) Holmes,* b. May 27, 1858, in Albany. He was a commercial traveller 1880-9G, and since then he has been manager of Hotel (Ireen, Pasadena, (^al. Children (Holmes), born in Albanj'^ : 1. Angie Green,^ b. Aug. 4, 1881. 2. John Beiving, b. Jan. 29, 1885. Five others died in infancy. 53 Charles C.*' Dewing (Jabez,^ Ehenezer,'^ Henry? Andrew? An- dre^v^'), born in 1796, in Cambridge, Mass. ; died Nov. 12, 1884, in Hutchinson, Minn. ; married , in Ohio, Betsey Tomson, died Sept. 20, 1877, at their home near Lake Jenny, Meeker Co., Minn. After the death of his father, and the subsequent marriage of his mother, he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where from about 1820 to 1840, he found employment as a river boatman between that city and New Orleans. While living there he married, and some of his cliildren were born there. About 1840 lie moved to Hender- son' Co., 111., opposite Burlington, Iowa, and in 1847 to Iowa, re- siding in several places, chiefly in Monroe and Marion Counties, in that State; in September, 1860, he went to Minnesota, spending the winter in Shell Rock, Freeborn Co. ; the following spiing he moved to Lesueur Co., and a year later settled near Lake Jenny, * Authority: Mrs. Mary M. Holmes. 76 Andrew Detoing and His Descendants. where he took a homestead May 3, 1862. His son Samuel* writes : " This was the year made famous by the bloody outbreak of the Sioux Indians ; we almost lived on our horses, engaged in scouting and fighting the savages." Children : i. HenkV b. Dec. 1, 1831 ; d. Nov. 20, 1894. 101. ii. Fergus, b. in 1837. iii. Joseph, b. in 1838; d. aet. abt. 18, in Iowa. iv. Caroline, b. in 1839; d. when 16 or 18 yrs. of age. 102. V. Samuel, b. Aug. 7, 1841, in Henderson Co., III. vi. Betsey Ann, b. Feb. 1, 1851; d. Aug. 10, 1880; m. Jan. 4, 1869, Cornelius McGraw. Children (McGraw) : 1. Roxana^^h. in 1870 ; m. in 1889, Charles Anderson; they reside in the vicinity of Litchfield, Minn., and have seven chil. 2. Mahlon, b. in 1872; m. in 1898 or '99, Sadie Hill; they reside in Denver, Col., and have two chil. 103. vii. Charles William, b. . There were three other children, who died in infancy. 54 Joseph^ Dewing (Joseph,^ Josiah,'^ Edmund,^ Andrew,^ An- dretv^), born Mar. 18, 1799, in Salem, Mass. ; died Apr. 20, 1857, in San Francisco, Cal. ; married Aug. 3, 1830, Charlotte, daughter of Thomas and Mary Bailey, born Jan. 2, 1803, in Salem ; died there Sept. 13, 1886. He was a master mariner, having his home in Salem. Cliildren, born in Salem : i. Dolly Margaret,« b. Dec. 18, 1831 ; d. Sept. 25, 1840. ii. Mary Ellison, b. Apr. 16, 1835; resides in Salem. 55 Rev. Jared^ Dewing (Michael,^ Hezekiah,^ Edmund,^ Aiidrew,'^ Andrew^}, born Sept. 29, 1790, in Woodstock, Ct. ; died July 29, 1864, in Southport, N. Y. ; married (1), Sept. 20, 1826, Sarah P. * To Samuel and his wife we are indebted for our infoi-mation. Sixth Generation. 77 Orr, of Philadelphia, Pa. ; died , probably in Fishkill, N. Y. ; married (2), in Blaiiveltville, N. Y., Mrs. Julia Ann Reves (her second marriage) ; not further traced. Mr. Dewing was pastor of the Presbyterian church in Fishkill, and later of another in Blauveltville, for twenty-five years ; he also had charges in other places in New York and Pennsylvania. Child : 104. i. Thomas ScnoFiELD,^ b. Sept. 16, 1827, in Fislikill. 56 Andrew^ Dewing {Michael,^ Hezekiah,'^ Edmund,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born July 19, 1792, in Salisbury, Ct. ; died Aug. 26, 1883 ; married (1), Apr. 1, 1820, Elizabeth Fahnestock, born Apr. 20, 1797 ; died July 26, 1821 ; married (2), in 1844-5, Nancy Dobson, born Oct. 10, 1817. He resided in Warrenham, Bradford Co., Pa., where he owned a farm; his children were born there and their parents died there. Cliild, by first wife : i. SoN,'b. Feb., 1821; d. inf. Children, by second wife : 105. ii. George F., b. Apr. 29, 1846. iii. Elizabeth F., b. Jan. 29, 1848; m. (1), Jan. 29, 187.3, James M. Newman, M. D., d. Mar. 3, 1881, in Elmha, N, Y., where he resided. Children (Newman), born in Elraira: 1. Elizabeth J)ewing,^ b. Oct. 80, 1873: 2. Linda Anna^ b. Aug. 30, 1875. She ra. (2), Aug. 16, 1898, Truman F. Hubbard, of Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y. iv. Anna Clementine, b. Sept. 1, 1849; ra. Aug. 30, 1871, Irvin Merrill Young ; tliey reside in Warrenham. Cliil- dren (Young), b. in Warrenham : 1. 'Nathan Elmer,^ h. Doc. .']1, 1S74. 2. Andreiv Dewing, b. Oct. 20, 1877. 3. George Burton, b. Feb. S, iHSo. 4. Cohurn, b. Sept. 2S, 1802. 106. v. Andrew, b. .Ian. 30, 1853. 78 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. 57 Edward Coburn^ Dewing {Michael,^ ffezekiah,^ Edmund,^ Andretv,'^ Andreiv^^, born Nov. 8, 1801, in Salisbury, Ct. ; died Mar. 19, 1867 ; married Feb. 22, 1834, Susan A. Coburn, born May 17, 1810; died Nov. 19, 1866, in Warrenham, Pa. He was a farmer. Children : i. Alexander,^ b. June 1, 1836; d. Oct. 7, 1851. ii. JoHX RicHMo-^D, b. Ajjr. 8, 1838; d. July 23, 1864; ra. Oct. 13, 1860, Carrie Baker, of Clover Hill, N. J.; s.^>. 107. iii. Charles Shumway, b. Dec. 26, 1839. iv. SusAK Mason, b. Dec. 3, 1845; d. Feb. 16, 1846. V. Ruth, b. Jan. 3, 1848; ra. (1), ; m. (2), Aug. 31, 1895, Ira W. Mitchell; they reside in Alton, N. H. 58 Adolphus^ [Dolphus] Dewing (Luke,^ Hezehiah,'^ Edmund,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^^, born Apr. 2, 1794, in Hartford, Ct. ; died Mar. 22, 1864 ; married Oct. 15, 1818, Elizabeth, daughter of Reuben and Sarah (Clough) Towle, born May 16, 1792, in Enfield, N. H. ; died Mar. 22, 1865, in Franklin, Vt., where they had resided. He owned a large farm wliich he carried on, and was also a black- smith ; he held some of the town offices, representing the town of Franklin in the Vermont Legislature in 1842, and was justice of the peace for twelve years. Children, born in Franklin : i. Sarah A.,'^ b. Aug. 11, 1819, in Sheldon, Vt. ; d. Apr. 15, 1854; m. Dec. 18, 1836, Ai, son of Dr. Enos Pearson, of Frankhn, b. in 1805, in Starksboro, Vt. ; d. Dec. 11, 1868, in Franklin, where they resided. He represented that town in the Legislature, 1867. Children (Pearson), b. in Franklin : 1. Gullen,^ b. June 80, 1838; d. Aug., 1840. 2. Lydia, b. July 19, 1840; m. Jan. 22, 1862, Whitman S. Hibbard, d. Aug. 31, 1882; they had three chil. 3. Betseij E., b. May 19, 1853; m. Sept. 12, 1870, Winslow Yaw, of Berkshire, Vt.; d. Aug. 14, 1875; they had a dau. b. Sixth Generation. 79 Aug. 14, 1872. Mrs. Betsey E. Yaw m. (2), Oct. 18, 1876, Loyal Stowe; they had a dau., b. July 29, 1882. ii. Lydia, b. May 3, 1822; d. Sept. 5, 1839. iii. Louisa, b. Apr. 20, 1824; m. Oct. 31, 1844, Henry Ham- raond, son of Ilenrj^ and Sojibia (Ilazelton) liowman, b. Oct. 2, 1818, in Westford, Vt.; d. July 13, 1882, in St. Albans, Vt. ; they first resided in Franklin, but in 1858 removed to St. Albans. Children (Bowman) : 1. Rosina E.,^h. May 9, 1851; d. Oct. 27, 1887; m. Oct. 21, 1884, Isaac Salter Borley. 2. Emma Louisa, b. July 10, 1858, in Franklin. 8. Hemy Hammond, b. July 18, 18G2; d. May 3, 1804, in St. Albans. iv. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 16, 1826 ; m, July 21, 1852, Alloway, son of Capt. Bartholomew and Sarah (Safford) Whitney (his 2d m.); b. Mar. 23, 1814, in Swanton, Vt. (see Peirce's Whitney Gen., p. 646) ; died Sept. 4, 1889, in East Franklin. He was a farmer. Mrs. Whitney re- sides (1903) in East Franklin. Children (Whitney), b, in St. Armand, P. Q., except the last : 1. Adolxjhus i).,8 b. Oct. 15, 1855; m. Oct. 20, 1876; Maria M. Colcord; they have five chil. 2. Sarah Louise, b. June 14, 1857; ni. Nov. 27, 1877, San- ford Armstrong; they have one child. 3. Betsey, b. Nov. 18, 1859; d. inf. 4. Ai B., b. Oct. 15, 1862; d. inf. 5. Betsey Ehiora, b. Feb. 27, 1865, in East Franklin; m. Apr. 2, 1889, Carlos Emory, of Sheldon ; the old Neighbor- hood burying-ground in which Luke Dewing and his wife are interred is on Mr. Emory's estate. 108. v. DoLPHUS, b. Mar. 31, 1828. vi. Diana, b. Aug. 23, 1830; d. Sept. 28, 1862; m. Mar. 4, 1854, Alvin Stewart, son of Uev. Peter Chase; they re- sided in Sheldon and liichford, Vt. ; the latter town he represented in the Legislature in 1870. He was a farmer. Children (Chase), b. in Sheldon : 1. Ella,^ b. Sept. 16, 1855; m. Nov. 4, 1878, J. C. Connors; they have four chil. 80 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. 2. Alvin Stewart, b. Aug. 23, 1857; m. Jan. 18, 1881, Kellie Thayer; they had four chil. 3. Henry D., b. Aug. 19, 1859; d. inf. vii. Caroline M., b. Feb. 18, 1835 ; m. Mar. 4, 1858, James E., son of Capt. Ransom and Harriet Wilder, b. Oct. 1, 1835, in Fairfield, Vt. They resided in Sheldon, where their children were born. In 1879 they removed to Franklin. ChUdren (Wilder) : 1. Edna M.,^ b. Mar. 14, 1859; m. Oct. 18, 1877, Charles Morgan; they have two chil. 2. Ransom E., b. Dec. 7, 18G0; d. Oct. 18, 1863. 3. Diana E., b. Dec. 27, 1862; m. Sept. 15, 1885, Eugene Butler; they have one son. 4. Daniel D., b. Aug. 27, 1804; d. inf. 5. Sarah A., b. Aug. 11, 1866; m. Feb. 3, 1887, Arhn D. Horskins; they have four chil. 6. /. Edson, b. July 11, 1868; m. Aug. 25, 1889, Lulu L. Welch. 7. Allen Dewing, b. Oct. 15, 1871; m. Nov. 23, 1898, Flora Philips. 8. Carrie M., b. Aug. 31, 1874; m. Oct. 14, 1893, Homer L. Manley. 9. Nellie E., b. Feb. 10, 1877; m. Aug. 8, 1901, in Frank- lin, Eev. Seymour H. Smith, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Eichford, Vt., 1902. 59 Andrew^ Dewing {AMjah,^ Jlezekiah,'^ Edmund,^ Andrew,'^ An- drew^), bom Mar. 19, 1809, in Woodstock, Ct. ; died Apr. 12, 1883, in Westminster Society, Canterbury, Ct. ; married (1), May 11, 1835, Amy, daughter of Amasa and Lucy (Sanford) Bronson, born Aug. 12, 1809, in Burlington, Ct. ; died Feb. 11, 1852, in Tolland, Ct. ; married (2), Nov. 25, 1852, Eunice Williams Cross, born June 20, 1819, in Mansfield, Ct. ; died Mar., 1902. The " Norwich Courier," of Apr. 23, 1883, contained a tribute to his memory, from which the following is compiled : — Andrew Dewing died, after a painful illness of sixty days, in Westminster Society, Canterbury, whither his father removed in 1813, having purchased it of the Rev. Mr. Staples, when Andrew was about four years Sixth Generation. 81 old. Here he was reared and educated in tlie craft of his father, who was a blacksmith. He worked at his father's forge until lie was of age, and then remained for two or three years longer, when he settled in Collinsville, Ct., in the employment of the Collins- ville Company, which manufactured axes, cutlery, etc. While there he married, and several of liis children were born there. At the close of liis engagement he bought a farm in Tolland, and moved thither with liis wife and family. He was successful in business, but did not remain long among the hills of Tolland ; in 1851, with his friend Dr. Eaton, he went to California, and added largely to his fortune, but the health of his wife compelled him to return the following j^ear, and she died soon after. About three years after liis second marriage he bought his father's homestead in Westminster, and resided there until liis death. He was one of the pillars of the Westminster church, a man of deeds rather than words, a wise and safe counsellor, modest and retiring, never court- ing popularity nor seeking display, but never shrinking from duty, even in the face of ridicule. A Christian patriot, he lent a strong and ready helping hand in the Civil war ; he was a great reader of history, and was well informed upon the progress of Christian mis- sions. He will long be remembered for liis gentle and genial ways. Children, by first wife ; the first two born in Collinsville, the others in Tolland : i. Andrew,^ b. Apr. 16, 1836; d. K\^x. 10, 1864. 109. ii. Francis, b, Feb. 9, 1838. 110. iii. Amasa, b. Apr. 20, 1840. 111. iv. Albert, b. Mar. 25, 1842. V. Charles, b. May 20, 1844 ; d. Mar. 24, 1845. 112. vi. James, b. Jan. 10, 1846. 113. vii. Stephex, b. Mar. 10, 1848. viii. Charles A., b. Mar. 18, 1850. Cliildren, by second wife ; the three younger born in West- minster : 114. ix. Madison, b. Apr. 19, 1854, in Tolland. X. Oliver Morse, b. Aug. 13, 1856; d. Mar. 22, 1860. xi. Sanford, b, Jan. 1, 1858 ; d. inf. 115. xii. Oliver Morse, b. July 18, 1862. 82 Andreio Deioing and His Descendants. 60 Albert^ Dewing {Abi^dh^ Hezekiah^^ Edmund,^ Andrew,"^ An- dreiv^'), born Aug. 29, 1819, in Canterbury, Ct. ; died there July 19, 1854 ; married May 22, 1848, Nancy, daughter of Dea. Nathan and Nancy (Hinckley) Allen, of Canterbury, born Jan. 28, 1829 ; she married (2), Mr. Stillman, and resides in Rochester, N. Y. Albert Dewing resided in Canterbury, where he bought the farm formerly owned by liis father, which he later sold to his brother Andrew. He was school examiner in Canterbury, and a man much esteemed and respected. Child, born in Canterbury : i. Vincent,'^ b. Nov. 18, 1849; he resides with his mother in Rochester, where he is employed as a commercial travel- ler for Messrs. Sibley, Lindsay &> Cun* Co., in that city. 61 Leonard Chapin^ Dewing {Ubenezer,^ Hezehiah,^ Edmmid,^ Andrew,"^ Ayidrew^')^ born July 6, 1811, in Woodstock, Ct. ; died Mar. 18, 1866, in New York city; married Oct. 22, 1844, Susan Maria, daughter of Zalmon and Cyntliia (Stowell) Storrs, of Mans- field, Ct., born Feb. 14, 1823; she has resided in Hartford, Ct., since her husband's death.* Leonard and his brother Hiram were engaged in the manufacture and sale of straw goods, such as bon- nets, hats, etc., in New York city, and also had a store in Charles- ton, S. C. Leonard attended to the business of manufacturing in New York, and Hiram to that in Charleston, residing there or at Summerville, S. C, until after the close of the Civil war. Children, born in New York city : i. Edwin Storrs,'' b. Jan. 8, 1849; d. Sept. 19, 1876; he was engaged in the straw goods business in New York. 116. ii. Leonard Hiram, b. Nov. 12, 1858. 62 Hiram*' Delving (Ebenezer,^ HezehiaJi^'^ Edmwid,^ Atidrew,^ An- dreiv^), born June 7, 1819, in Woodstock, Ct. ; died Aug. 12, 1897, in Stamford, Ct. ; married (1), Aug. 29, 1850, Susan, daughter of * See Storrs Family, p. 337. HIRAM DEWING. Sixth Generation. 83 John and Mary (Marsh) Burkett, of Kocky Hill, Ct., born Feb. 14, 1829 ; died Aug. 5, 1877 ; married (2), Feb. 16, 1881, Charlotte A., daugliter of Joshua M. and Anne (Quintard) Beach, of Stam- ford. He was in the straw goods business in New York city for a short time ; then in Charleston, S. C, remaining there until after the war, and residing at Summerville, S. C. ; after returning north he entered the banking and brokerage business in Wall Street, New York city, in wliich he continued until his death which occurred in Stamford, where he resided after his return from the south. Children, Ijy first wife : 117. i. Clakk,^ b. Mar. 4, 185B, in Rocky Hill. ii. Mary Burkett, b. Oct. 15, 1862, in Summerville ; ni. June •28, 1892, Lieut. Edmund Dickinson, son of Hon. Truman and Mary (Dickinson) Smith, of Stamford, b. Sept. 25, 1857 ; d. Feb. 5, 1900 ; graduated at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, June 13, 1879, and was commis- sioned second lieutenant in the 19tli Infantry; promoted first lieutenant in the same regiment Dec. 3, 1889, and ca2)tain Jan. 3, 1895 ; he was mortally wounded in action, P^'eb. 4, 1900, near Fort Amia, Island of Cebu, Philip- ])ines. He was buried with military honors in Wood- land cemetery, Stamford. He was an instructor in mathematics in the Academy, 1884-88, and again, 1891- 95. A tablet commemorating his service has been placed in Cullom Memorial Hall, West Point, and anotliei", by the officers of his regiment, in St. John's Church, Stam- ford. On one of his exjjeditions in the Island of Cel)U, by a skillful turning movement, lie captured a heavy marine gun which the insurgents had mounted to sweep one of the defiles through which they expected the American troo])S to approach. This gun was forwarded from Cebu to West Point by the officers of his regiment, to be mounted on the grounds of his Alma INIater as a monument to her gallant son. Unfortunately the gun was lost in a storm at sea ; but Captain Smith has a less perisha1)le monument, in a record of valual)le services rendei-ed during his lifetime, to the academy, the army, and the country. Children (Smith) : 84 An/1/rew iJ&mng 'i/n/l I [in UesfsewJAMiM. \. Trurmn,'' b. Aug, 25, 1893, in Weat Point, Is. Y. 2, Ch/irhtie Dewing^ b. Oct., 1897, in Fort JJrady, Sault 8te. Marie, Mich, 63 James*' Df:wiNG (John,^ Daniel,'^ Jrmathan/^ Jonathin? Andrew^^^ \><>m Mar. 28, 1791, in Milford, Muhh. ; died Aug. 2:5, 187H ; rn;..r- i-ied Apr. IB, 1815, OathaT-ine Freeland, bom Sept., IT^'J, mi Hop- kinton, Mas8. ; died June 3, 18-33. They resided m Hopkirjton until 1823, and then moved to Orange, Mum., where \i<>i\> \i': ;ui'j his wife died. He was a faimer and a shoemaker. Children, the first two bom in Hopkinton, the otJif is m < )r,urj(:: i. Maby ELizA,nj, JuneS, 1816; d, Jnne 12, 1 :»')!. in Oi.-.r.;/*;; m. Apr. 16, 1880, Leonard, son <,i Ahr;iti;irn \\',w:tr^.;. If<-, was a carpenter. Children (Howai'l), U. m Oianr/f;; 1. 7farmi i7^2a,« b. May 23, 1843. 2. JJ/'/.r// TIf, J., b. July 22, 1847. 3. Jum^s Z/., b. July 2G, 1851. 4. Ch/j/rles Frederic, b. Aug. 9, 1860, 118. ii. James B., b. Apr. 29, 1820. Vn. TTarbiet Ani^, b. Feb, 16, 1824; m. Mar. 2:;, 1818, Kranci.H, son of Sylvester and .Jemima CF^jrrnan; Fi<;l'l, b. May '2.''>, 1822, in Northfield, Mass.; 'li'-.-l A|.r. -J, 1>'.^);5. r),ilrookfield, Mass. ; died Mar. 16, 1889; married Oct. 4, 1842, Mary A., daughter of Capt. Joseph and Lucy (Emery) Ball, of Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., born Aug. 4, 1817 ; died Sept. 9, 1893. He purchased a farm in Litchfield about 1850, where he lived until his death. He was a strong Republican, an abolitionist and a temperance man. Children : i. Le Anna,® b. May G, 1845; m. June 24, 1874, William Allen, son of Horace C. and Betsey (Kay) Matteson, b. July lo, 1845, in Frankfort, Herkimer Co., N. Y. ; he studied law in the office of U. S. Senator Francis Ker- nan, at Utica, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar in 1872 ; he was elected district attorney of Oneida Co., in 1880, and re-elected in 1883. In 1891 he formed a part- nership with P. C. J. De Angelis, which still continues (1903), and has a large practice. Mar. 16, 1898, he was elected president of the " Holstein -Frisian Association, of America," and is associated with his brother-in-law, Dr. Wra. H. (120) Dewing in the "Homestead Stock Farm," at Clayville, N. Y. ii. Lu Ella, b. Feb. 13, 1847 ; d. May 17, 1895. 120. iii. William Hokatio, b. June 4, 1858. 66 Samueiv Dewing {Jonathan^ Solomori^^ Solomon^'' Andrew^ Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born Nov. 17, 1812, in Westford, Vt. ; died Aug. 26, 1882, in Barton, Vt. ; married June 12, 1839, Hannah, daughter of Caleb and Dorcas Eastman, born Sept. 27, 1810, in Westford ; died in Glover, Vt., July 19, 1871. He was a farmer. 88 Andrevj Devnnr/ and His Descendants. Child, bom in Underliill, Vt. : i. Jenkie,8 b. May 11, 1850; m. Mar. 18, 1869, Charles N., son of William and Sophronia (Learned) Hibbard, b. Dec. 11, 1840, in Littleton, N. H.; d. Feb. 14, 1903. He was a farmer, residing in Glover and Bai"ton, Vt., of which he was one of the village trustees, and was also a dei:)uty sheriff. Children (Hibbard), b. in Glover : 1. William Samuel,^ b. Jan. 15, 1870. 2. Bertha, b. Feb. 27, 1878 ; m. Sept. 14, 1898, Henry V. Baldwin, of Barton. 3. Henry Charles, b. Jan. 6, 1886. 67 Samuel Fisk' Dewixg (Ejyh'aim,^ Solomon,^ Solomon.,^ An- dreio^ Andrew^ Andreiv^'), born Mar. 10, 1810, in North Brook- field, Mass. ; died Mar. 7, 1861 ; married Sept. 1, 1839, by Rev. George Chandler, in Kensington (Philadelphia), Pa., Mary, daugh- ter of James and Rebecca Houghton, born July 2, 1818, in Ohio; died Jan. 11, 1900. Mr. De\ving probably learned the boot and shoe-making trade in North Brookfield ; he went to Philadeljdiia about 1830—35, where he carried on that business,* and he and his wife died there. Children, born in Philadelphia : i. EanAiA Feances,^ b. June 28, 1842; m. Apr. 21, 1867, Joshua, son of William and Esther Fisher, b. in Spring- field, Montgomery Co., Pa. ; they reside in Gerraantown, Pa. Children (Fisher), the first five b. in Montgomery Co., the others in Philadelphia : 1. Elizaheth Henrietta,'* b. Feb. 29, 1868. 2. John Henry, b. Mar. 16, 1869. 3. William John, b. Aug. 23, 1870. 4. Anna Barbia, b. June 26, 1872. 5. Emma Frances, twin to Anna ; d. May, 1883. 6. Walter Deidng, b. July 24, 1874. 7. Mary Eehecca, b. Dec. 21, 1876 ; d. Dec. 21, 1879. 8. Albert Joshua, b. Sept. 1, 1878. 9. WinfieU Scott Hancock, b. Kov. 11, 1880. 10. Mae Yonyvj, b. Apr. 21, 1883. * See Philadelphia Directories, 1840 and later. Seventh Generation. 89 ii. JosEPHixE Hinds, b. Feb. 4, 1845; d. Apr. 18, 1845. iii. Charles Hinds, b. Jan. 2, 1846; d. Nov. 2, 1849. iv, Walter Vanzandt, b. Sept. 19, 1853 ; ra. Aj^r. 1, 1877, Catharine, dau. of Patrick and Mary (Delany) Furlong, b. May 28, 1858, in Philadelphia, where they reside.* Child : 3Iary Agnes,^ b. Aug. 14, 1879. V. Antoinette Josephine, b. Nov. 4, 1856; m. Sept. 12, 1875, Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth (Dun- ham) Beard, b. Aug. 8, 1850, in Philadel})hia, where they reside. Children (Beai'd), b. there : 1. Anna May,^ b. Aug. 8, 1883. 2. Walter Vanzandt, b. Dec. 3, 187G; d. Mar., 1878. vi. Samuel Fisk, b. May 19, 1858; d. Mar. 22, 1880. vii. Mary Louisa, twin to Samuel F. ; d. inf. 68 Jonathan'' Dewing (^G-eorge,'^ Solomon,^ Solomon,* Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^^, born Jan. 24, 1820, in Westford, Vt. ; died June 8, 1898 ; married Oct. 1, 1845, Maiy Smith Davis, born Jan. 1, 1821, in Enosburg, Vt. ; died July 18, 1888. His occupation was farming ; he moved to Micliigan in Oct., 1862. Children:! i. Sarah E.,^ b. Aug. 11, 1848, in Westford ; m. Mar. 6, 1875, William L. Bickel, b. in 1837, in Philadelphia, Pa.; they reside in Michigan. Children (l>ickel), b. in Leelanau Co., Mich. : 1. Charks Preston,^ b. Nov. 29, 1875 ; d. July 27, 1898. 2. William Henry, b. Aug. 11, 1877. 3. Katie Gertrude, b. Sept. 9, 1879. 4. Balph Raphael, b. Oct. o, 1882. 121. ii. Preston Joseph, b. Jan. 4, 1858, in Underbill, Vt. 69 George' Dewing (^George,^ Solomon,^ Solomon,'^ Andreio,^ An- drew,^ Andrew^^, born Nov. 19, 1821, iu Westford, Vt. ; died in 1862, in Johnson, Vt. ; married Mar. 27, 1845, lielucia lluggies, * The dates in this family have not been fully verified. t Authority: Mrs. Sarah E. Bickel, of Maple City, Leelanau Co., Mich, 90 Andrexo Dewing and His Descendants. bom May 25, 1824, in Westford; died July 10, 1891. He was a wheelwright. Children :* i. Lucy Adelia,^ b. Feb. 18, 1847 ; d. Feb. 1, 1887 ; m. Sept. 23, 1865, John Fowler, b. Sept. 3, 1842, in Johnson, Vt. Children (Fowler) : 1. George Dewing ^"^ b. June 13, 18G7, in Northfield, Vt. 2. Gertrude Ellen., b. Nov. 19, 1870, in Johnson; d. Aug. 31, 1896. 3. John TF«er, b. Oct. 31, 1875, in Johnson. 4. Albert Henry, b. Oct. 2, 1878, in Plainfield, Vt. ii. Clara Maeia, b. Mar. 13, 1850; m. Nov. 2, 1869, Robert Henry, son of Robert and Nancy (Gihnore) Holmes, b. July 2, 1848, in Johnson. Children (Holmes) : 1. Jennie Louisa,^ b. Nov. 17, 1873, 2. Bohert Ernest, b. June 10, 1882. 3. Ealph Chester, b. July 23, 1887. 122. iii. CiiAELES Wesley, b. July 15, 1852. 70 Joseph Hathaway'' Dewing (^G-eorge,^ Solomon^^ Solomon,'^ Andrew^^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^')., born Oct. 14, 1825, in Westford, Vt. ; died Jan. -3, 1879, in Glover, Vt. ; married May 13, 1849, Rhoda Ann, daughter of David and Rhoda Ann Macomber, born July 27, 1826 ; died May 9, 1882, in Glover. They resided in Underliill, Vt., where their two elder children were born, and later in Glover. He was a farmer and a justice of the peace. f Children : 123. i. George Hathaway,^ b. Feb. 3, 1851. 124. ii. Henry Albert, b. May 15, 1853. 125. iii. Edward Wilson, b. July 3, 1859, in Johnson, Vt. 71 John Bush' Dewing (John Fisk,^ Solomon,^ Solomon,^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ A7idrew^'), born Jan. 28, 1835, in North Brookfield, Mass.; died there Jan. 12, 1902; married (1), June 2, 1857, * Authories: Mr. John W. Fowler, Jr., and Mr. Robert H. Holmes. t We are indebted to Mr. Henry A. Dewing for names and data, and also for some data of George*^ (No. 36) Dewing's family. Seventh Generation. 91 Lomira C, daughter of Joseph W. and Phebe W. (Johnson) Thompson, born Mar. 10, 1837, in North Brookfield ; died Aug. 5, 1876; married (2), June 25, 1879, Susan M., daughter of Edward and Mercy Ann (Hopkins) Bucklin, of Providence, R. I. " Mr. Dewing was always a resident of North Brookfiekl, and was educated in its public schools, but spent one year at Pierce Academy, in Middleboro, Mass. In 1857 he entered the employ- ment of the firm of E. & A. H. Batcheller, in their large shoe manufactory, where he remained for tliirty-seven consecutive years, during thirty of wliicli he had charge of the stitching or fitting- room, Avith one hundred employees. He was elected selectman in 1872, and held the position for the next ten years, a part of the time as chairman. He was one of the board of assessors, a trustee of the Public Library, and held other offices in the town. In the fall of 1896 he was elected to represent the fourth district of Worcester Co. in the Massachusetts Legislature, and was re-elected the following year by an almost unanimous vote, there being only twelve opposition votes. He was one of the directors of the North Brookfield Railroad corporation from its organization in 1875 until his death, and Avas treasurer of the company for twenty- one years previous to his death. He was a member of Meridian Sun Lodge of Masons, and of Woodbine Lodge of Odd Fellows. Eor tliirty-eight years he was a member of the First Congrega- tional Parish of North Brookfield, and was chairman of its stand- ing committee for several years. He was a companionable man, a lover of a bright story or a pleasing anecdote. As a husband and father, as a friend and public-spirited citizen, he may be said with truth to have been most worthy." The following Resolutions were passed at a meeting of the selectmen of North Brookfield soon after Iris death : — Whereas: Our fellow citizen John Bush Dewing has been called ajx))! to pay the debt of nature and leave the scenes of this earth, and Wliereas : His faithful services as a pubhc official for the past thirty years on various boards of officers of the town of North Brookfield, together with his services as Treasurer of the North Brookfield "Railroad Coi-poration for a period of twenty-one years, and his success and fidelity in many respon- sible business positions, command our respect and esteem, therefore. 92 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. Besolved: That we hereby exjiress our heartfelt sorrow for the loss of one so active, so true and kind as a friend, as a husband and as a father. Resolved: That our deepest symiiathy is hereby expressed for the be- reavement of the family and relatives. Resolved: That these Resolutions be spread upon the records of the selectmen, and that a copj^ be sent to the widow. Signed b}' the selectmen and assessors of North Brookfield. Cliildren, born in North Brookfield, by first wife : i. Marion LomirV b. May 18, 1861; ra. Oct. 18, 1882, Harry S., son of David and Edna (Pierce) Lytle, of Cambridge, N. Y., b. Oct. 18, 1852. Children (Lytle) : 1. Carl Dewing,^ b. June 17, 1884. 2. Edna Lomira, b. Nov. 3, 1885. 3. Marion TJiompson, b. Feb. 24, 1887. ii. Alfred Fisk, b. June 26, 1870 ; m. May 15, 1901, Bertha Cushman, dan. of Leonard Parker and Lucina Cushman (Walker) Lovell, b. Aug. 27, 1872. He is a pharmacist (1903) in Providence, R. I. Child: Alfred Fisk,^ b. Aug. 5, 1902. iii. John William, b. Aug. 2, 1876. 72 George Ftsk^ Dewing (John Fisk,^ /Salomon^, Solomon,'^ An- drew,^ Andreiv,^ Andretv^'), born Feb. 25, 1842, in North Brookfield, Mass.; died July 12, 1893; married Nov. 25, 18G2, Rosetta, daughter of Abner and Adeline Smith, of Spencer, Mass., born Mar. 30, 1845. They resided in North Brookfield. Children, born in North Brookfield : i. Alice Haeriet,^ b. Aug. 3, 1863; m. Mar. 4, 1885, John N., son of Thomas A. and Georgianna Prouty, b. in 1860, in Paxton, Mass. Chiklren (Prouty), the first two b. in Spencer, the others in Norton, Mass : 1. Florence Ellen, ^ b. June 30, 1886. 2. John Ahner, b. July 10, 1888. 3. Thomas Earle, b. Dec. 9, 1893. 4. Harold Deioing, b. Mar. 5, 1895. ii. Jennie Adeline, b. July 1, 1866 ; m. Oct. 14, 1891, William Horace Austin Newton, b. May 31, 1863. (See No. 37). Child (Newton) : Rairaond Lovejoy,^ b. Aug. 14, 1892, in Maiden, Mass. Seventh Generation. 93 73 George' Dewinc (^Dexter, ^ Jeremiah,^ Solomon^'^ Andrew,^ An- drew,^ Andrew^), 1)0111 Nov. 8, 1818, in Rome, N. Y. ; died Oct. 22, 1894, in Manning, Carroll Co., Iowa ; married Dec. 24, 1887, in Sherman, N. Y., Louisa, daughter of Saiiford and Chirissa (Oakley) Garfield, born Sept. 3, 1820, in Vermont; died Dec. 31, 1873. He resided first in French Creek, N. Y., wliere he probably owned a farm, as a deed from him is on record ; he removed to Elkhorn, Wis., in 1843, and remained there until after the death of his wife. He was also a mason and contractor. Children, the first three born in French Creek : 126. i. Walter Edwin,» b. Apr. 6, 1839. 127. ii. Charles Dexter, b. May 2, 1841. iii. LoviNA Addie, b. Nov. 29, 1842; m. Oct. 22, 18G5, in Elkhorn, Charles, son of David Wilson and Rosanna (Bartle) Lyon, b. Oct. 21, 1834, in Green, N. Y.; he re- sides in Chicago, 111. Children (Lyon), b. in Elkhorn : 1. Lena Maij,^ b. Sept. 24, 1866. 2, George Bewincj, b. Mar. .5, 1868. iv. Jeanette Olivia, b. Apr. 28, 1844, in Elkhorn ; m. there May 15, 1869, Anthony Charles, son of Charles J. and Margaret (Humphrey) Koraar; he resides (1902) in St. Louis, Mo., and is a salesman. Children (Komar), b. in Willoughby, Ohio: 1. Jay Humphrey,^ b. May 27, 1870. 2. George Detcing, b. Sept. 18, 1871. 3. Margarette Louisa, b. Dec. 15, 1873 ; d. Aug. 17, 1894, in St. Louis. V. Alice May, b. Nov. 30, 1848, in Elkhorn; m. there, Jan. 14, 1875, Alonzo Artemas, son of Richard John and Delilah (Weaver) Rowley, b. Jan. 17, 1848, in Chi- cago. They reside in Washington, D. C, where he is a lawyer in the U. S. civil service. (Jhildren (Rowley) : 1. Bertha May,'-' b. Dec. 2i), 187."), in Chicago. 2. Laim-ence, b. Aug. 1, 1882, in Aberdeen, Dak.; d. .Tan. 20, 1884. 3. (JliD'onl Alonzo, b. Sept. 1!J, 1885. in Topeka, Kau. 94 Andreio Deioing and Sis Descendants. 128. vi. Frank Arthur, b. Oct. 23, 1852, ia Oregon, Wis. vii. Clinton Dewitt, b. Oct. 23, 1854, in Elkhorn ; m. there June 30, 1881, Belle B., dau. of Charles and Eliza Anna (Crandall) Wales, b. May 12, 1859, in North Geneva, Wis. He resides in Manning, and is a dealer in real estate. viii. Louise, b. Sept. 4, 1858, in Elkhorn; d. Mar. 11, 1884. unm. 74 Ely Br^ucE^ Dewing (^JDexter,'^ Jeremiah,^ Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andreii)^ Andreiv^), born June 21, 1834, in French Creek, N. Y. ; died Aug. 7, 1902, in Elkhorn, Wis.; married Aug. 15, 1855, in White Pigeon, Mich., Elizabeth, daughter of George and Theresa (Sowerby) Dixon, born Apr. 1, 1834, in Yorkshire, England. He resided in Elkliorn, where he was at one time engaged in the dry-goods and clothing trade ; he was also a printer, and in con- nection with that business did considerable editorial work and was a correspondent for the newspaper press. In 1879 he was a member of the Wisconsin Legislature ; from 1888 to 1895 he was clerk of the Circuit Court for Walworth County. He was active in the establishment of the Charles E. Sprague Free Library in Elkhorn, and was its first president; to tliis library he and his brother, Miron E. Dewing, contributed a large collection of vol- umes. The Directors of the Free Library, in recognizing Mr. Dewing's services to the Board, paid a tribute to liis memory, from which we take the following : — In the death of Hon. Ely Bruce Dewing this Board has lost its natural leader. He was not only in years its senior member, but was second to no member in his inteUigent knowledge of books. Because of his high per- sonal character, his sound, clear judgment, his experience in public affairs, his admirable temper and courteously easy manners, and his early and serviceable good-will to the Library, it was eminently fit that he should be first to fill the post of president, and that his term should end only with his membership of this body. It is therefore fit that some memorial of our late presiding ofiicer, our well-esteemed fellow-worker, our now most regretfully remembered friend, should be made part of the permanent record of the Board. Seventh Generation. 95 Child : i. Mary Maggie,** b. May 18, 1856; d. Feb. 5, 1876, in Mim- roe, Mich. 75 Almon Farr' Dewing (Madison,^ Jeremiah,^ Solomon,'^ An- drew,^ Andretv,^ Andreiv^), born June 3, 1825, in Hamilton, On- tario, Canada ; died July 21, 1892, in Hushville, Neb. ; married (1), May 15, 1848, Polly Maria Wilcox,* born Feb. 12, 1825 ; died Nov. 24, 1856, in Black River Falls, Wis. ; married (2), Se^^t. 10, 1857, Nancy Elizabeth, daughter of James and Sophia Jacobus, born Oct. 24, 1836; died Oct. 20, 1879, in Seward, Neb., where they were then residing, having previously lived in Elkhorn, Sugar Creek and Wliite Creek, Wis., and Danville, Minn. He was a veterinary surgeon and farmer. Cliildren by first wife : i. Ida Adela,^ b. Feb. 12, 1849, in Elkhorn; m. May 14, 1879, Shields Bragg, son of Samuel and Sarah Jane Nunemaker, b. in Pennsylvania, near Ennnittsburg, Md. ; tliey reside (1902) in Seward. Children (Nunemaker), b. there : 1. Ida Belle,^ b. Sept. 7, 1880. f 2. Samuel Almon, b. Dec. 16, 1883 ; d. Oct. .'U, 1889. 3. Frederick, b. Aug. 8, 1885 ; d. Sept. 18, 1885. 4. Millie Jane, twin to Frederick. 5. Zoe Eehecca, b. Jan. 4, 188S ; d. Jan. 4, 1891. (5. liitth Dewing, b. Jan. 31, 1891. ii. Milton Madison, b. June 5, 1854, in Sugar Creek; m. Jan. 22, 1896, Annie Mae, dau. of William C. and Sarah Brown, b. Jan. 22, 1881. He resides (1902) in Rushville, where he is a farmer. Child : John Milton,^ b. Dec. 21, 1890. Children by second wife : 129. iii. John Harry, b. July 15, 18()0, in Wliite Creek, iv. Frederick Ely, )>. Feb. 10, 1862, in White Creek; d. abt. 1888 (aged 26), in White Creek; he was a lawyer. * Step-daughter of David Bemis. t We are indebted to Miss Ida Belle for valuable aid. 96 Andrew Deioing and Sis Descendants. V. Thomas Weaver, b. July 23, 1867, in Danville; unm.; he is engaged in the manufacture of brick and in stock raising; res. (1902), Rushville, Neb. 130. vi. Samuel Arthur, b. Mar. 14, 1873, in Seward. vii. Courtney Almox, b. Aug. 26, 1876, in Seward. 76 Mahlon Birdsey^ Dewing QMadison,^ Jeremiah,^ Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andrew,'^ Andi-ew^'), born June 20, 1833, in French Creek, N. Y. ; died May 5, 1881, in Wliite Creek, Adams Co., Wis. ; married June, 1856, Amanda, daughter of Noah and Char- lotte (York) Bacon, born Jan. 7, 1839 ; died July 4, 1896, in Des Moines, Iowa. He resided in White Creek, and was a farmer. He served as a soldier in the 11th Wisconsin regiment during the Civil war, from 1861 to 1865, and was engaged in eleven battles and many skirmishes. Children : 131. i. Clifton B.,« b. Apr. 2, 1857, in Sugar Creek, Wis. ii. Lulu Belle, b. Jan. 22, 1859, in Easton, Wis. ; m. (1), Oct. 6, 1875, Charles W. French. Children (French) : 1. Liihi Amelia,^ b. Aug. 12, 1877, in Eau Claire, Wis. 2. Lana, b. July 9, 1879, in Moody Co., S. D. 3. Victor Mahlon, b. June 1, 1881, in Moody Co. Mrs. French m. (2), Dec. 23, 1886, Dan A., son of Jackson W. and Mary M. Ruland, b. Aug. 22, 1857. They reside (1902) in Alva, Wyo. Child (Ruland) : 4. Billon Bacon, b. July 25, 1894, in Hulett, Crook Co., Wyo. 132. iii. Austin Mahlon, b. July 3, 1861, in Easton. iv. Laurel Halbert, b. Mar. 12, 1867, in Point Bluff, Wis.; he is said to have m. and had chil., and to reside (1902) in Almeda, Assiniboia, B. C. ; but no further information has been obtained. 77 Thurston Brown^ Dewing (^Mihu,^ Jeremiah,^ Solomon,"^ An- drew,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^'), born Oct. 22, 1828, near Lockport, N. Y. ; married Oct. 22, 1851, Julia Caroline, daughter of Nath- Seventh Generation. 97 aniel S. and Persis (Miller) Royce, born Mar. 28, 1885, in Onvcll, Vt. He has resided in Lockport, Clymer and Olcott, N. Y., (lien Arbor, Fremont and Detroit, Mich. He is a carpenter and joiner, and also a farmer. Children : i. Emma A.,^ b. Sept. 8, 1854; m. Sept. 11, 1872, John A., son of Aaron Morey, b. IMar. 26, 18.53 ; d. May 21, 1S9G ; they have resided in Fremont, Ann Arbor and Detroit. He was a physician. Children (Morey) : 1. Gertrude Edith,^ b. May 21, 1875, in Fremont. 2. ErneHt Linwood^ b. May 5, 1871), in Anu Arbor. 3. Nellie Albee, b. May 2G, 1884, in Detroit. 133. ii. Rodney C, b. Aug. 18, 1857.* 78 Manville Henry''' Dewing QEWm,^ Jeremiah^ Solomon^^ An- drew,^ Andrew,'^ Andreto^^, born Dec. 22, 1840, in French Creek, N. Y. ; married (1), May 28, 1868, in Elburn, 111., Esther E., daugh- ter of Thomas Moulding, l)orn in Warrington, England ; died ; married (2), November, 18 — , Mary Elizabeth, dangliter of Andrew and Susan (Mershon) Green, born Nov. 12, 1846, in Now Jersey, He was a soldier in company A, 4th Wisconsin cavalry, in the Civil war, enlisting April, 1861, and serving to Oct. 14, 1862. He is a soliciting passenger and excursion agent, and re- sides (1903) in Detroit, Mich. Child ]jy first wife : i. Fraxk E.,8 b. Jan. 17, 1873, in Elburn; ra. July 4, 1901, Florence Frencli, of Detroit. Child : Marmille Iloiry^ b. Apr. 11, 1902. 79 Norman Houston" Dewing f {FAilm^' Jeremiah,'' fSolomon,^ Aitdreiv,^ Andrew,^ Aridrezv^), born Feb. 16, 1844, in French Creek, N. Y. ; married Nov. 14, 1871, Anice Katharine, daughter of * Authority : Mrs. Thurston B. Dewing, of Detroit. t A letter received from Mr. Dewing gives his middle name as Ilouston in- stead of Houghton as on page 69. 98 Andreio Deioing and His Descendants. Banks and Sarah (Dudger) Booker, born Aug. 11, 1850, in Men- dota. La Salle Co., 111. They have resided in Michigan, in Elk- horn, Wis., Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kan., and now (1902) in Kingfisher, Ok. Children, born in Wicliita : 1. Claeei^ce Edwin,8 b. May 28, 1873 ; m. Aug. 4, 1898, Eva North. Child: Philip Norman,^ b. Nov. 17, 1901, in Ellsworth, Kan. ii. Jasper Banks, b. Sept. 24, 1875. iii. Earl Wayne, b. May 15, 1877. iv. Norman Henry, b. Jan. 26, 1881 ; d. Apr. 7, 1881. V. Elva May, b. May 27, 1883. vi. Archer Everett, b. Jan. 4, 1891. 80 Hubert L.' Dewing {EliJiu,^ Jeremiah,^ Solomoyi^'^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andretv^), born Oct. 18, 1847, in French Creek, N. Y. ; married Oct. 18, 1868, Ednor, daughter of Solomon, Jr., and Har- riet (Gray) Beach, born Jan. 26, 1854, in West Glover, Vt. He resides in Wicliita, Kan. Children, born in Kechi, Kan. : i. Harry L.,^ b. Sept. 27, 1875 ; m. Dec. 18, 1901, in Wichita, Delia Lemon, b. Dec. 16, 1877, in Augusta, Kan. Child, b. in Wichita: *Shelma i^.,« b. Nov. 8, 1902. ii. DuKWALD D., b. Mar. 5, 1878 ; m. July 1, 1899, in Wichita, Ina M. Hodges, b. Mar. 10, 1878, in Kentucky. He is (1902) one of a firm doing business in Wichita, under the style of the Western Grain and Storage Co. Child : Chester Z.,^ b. Nov. 10, 1901, in Wichita, iii. IvA M., b. Oct. 26, 1880; m. Oct. 12, 1898, in Wichita, Howard A. Post, b. Jan. 18, 1856, in Chesterlauds, Ohio. ChUd (Post) : Harold Afton,^ b. Aug. 10, 1902. iv. Irwin E., b. Dec. 17, 1883. V. Ora Pearl, b. Jan. 8, 1886. 81 Charles Hiram" Dewing ( Warren,^ Timothy,^ Henry, ^ Heyiry? Andrew^" Andretv^), born A^Dr. 22, 1824, in Needhara, Mass. ; died there Aug. 17, 1895; married (1), Dec. 4, 1851, Harriet C, Seventh Generation. 99 daughter of Setli and Elizabeth (Barrett) Shaw, of Windsor, Vt, born Sept. 14, 1830 ; died Dec. 30, 1888 ; married (2), Jan. 16, 1890, Mrs. Rachel C. Daggett, daughter of Peter and Rachel (Rowland) Russell, born June 22, 1842. He resided in Swanip- scott, Mass., about four years ; he then returned to Needham, where he passed the remainder of Iris life, and was interred in the cem- etery there; he was one of the selectmen, 1866-69 and 1871; he served on the board of assessors in 1865, and was liighway sur- veyor and supcriiiteudent of streets for eighteen years, and until his death. He Avas in business for many years with his brother, George W. Cliildren, all except the eldest born in Needham : i. Feaxk Warren,^ b. Jan. 24, 1854, in Swampscott; d. June 30, 1867, in Needham. ii. Frederic H., b. May 1.3, 1858; d. Nov. 8, 1877. iii. Edward S., b. Sept. 16, 1863; d. Oct. 28, 1878. iv. WiLBER WARREx,b. Sept. 15, 1870 ; m. Sept. 20, 1897, Net- tie Ann, dan. of Simon and Grace I. (Gillis) Van Iderstene, b. Feb. 11, 1875, in Mt. Stewart, Prince Edward's Island. They reside in New York. Child : Warren Montague^ b. July 9, 1898, in New York. 82 GeoFvGE Waiuien'' Dewing ( Warren^ Timotliy^ Henry ^'^ Henry, ^ Andrew,^ Andreiv^^, born Oct. 19,* 1829, in Needham, Mass. ; mar- ried Nov. 25, 1858, Elizabeth S., daughter of Frederic and Eliza- betli (Jenkins) Marchant, born June 17, 1838, in Nantucket, Mass. They resided in Needham, and later (1904) in Fitcliburg, Mass. Children, born in Needham : i. Chester Fraxcis,» b. Dec. 10, 1861; m. Oct. 12, 1897, in Fitchburg, Annie Elizabeth, dau. of George and INIary E. (Welch) Buckley, b. abt. 1874, in England; he re- sides (1903) in Fitchburg. ii. Ida Gertrude, b. Jan. 9, 1864. iii. GeorCxE M., b. May 21, 1866. iv. Helen E., b. Sept. 3, 1869; m. Mar. 15, 1892, in Fitch- burg, Edward J., son of Edward Bunker and Almira W. * By an oversight, this date is given on p. 65 as Oct. 29. 100 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. (Jenkins) Macy, b. Aug. 4, 1868. Tie is a wholesale and retail dealer in fruit and produce in Fitchburg. Children (Macy), b. in Fitchburg: 1. Ednmi^ Warren,^ b. Aug. 7, 1893. 2. Elizaheth Dewing, h. July 26, 1897. 83 Benjamin Hill' Dewing {Ehenezer,^ Nathan,^ Ehenezer,^ Henry^ Andreiv^ Andi-ew^}, born Nov. 3, 1811, in West Roxbury, Mass. ; died Sept. 28, 1890, in Revere, Mass. ; married (1), Nov. 27, 1834, by Rev. Ebenezer Burgess, D. D., of Dedham, Mass., Louisa, daughter of George Washington and Mary (Lyon) Briggs Jackson, born Oct. 28, 1807, in Halifax, Mass. ; died May 4, 1840, in Boston, Mass.; married (2), Oct. 28, 1841, by Rev. Emerson Paine, in Halifax, Almira, daughter of Reuben and Desire (Till- son) Sylvester, born Nov. 20, 1810 ; died June 4, 1876, in Revere; married (3), Jan. 24, 1877, in Providence, R. L, by Rev. Thomas Laurie, D. D., Mary Whipple, daughter of Samuel and Eunice (Whipple) Emerson, born Aug. 6, 1827, in Uxbridge, Mass. ; died June 12, 1892, in Revere. AH are buried in his family lot in Dedham Old Cemetery. When a boy of fourteen he was placed with Dea. Jonathan Richards, of Dedham, to do such work on his farm as a lad of that age was able ; here he remained for two years or more, under a somewhat strict discipline, for which, in his later life, he was always thankful. He then learned the mason's trade, which included brick-laying, plastering and lathing, at which he continued to work, much of the time in Boston, on small con- tracts of his own and others, until the fall of 1841. He then purchased a small farm in Chelsea, Mass., in that part of the town which in 1845 was set off as North Chelsea (receiving in 1871 the name of Revere) ; to this he added some twenty acres by two sub- sequent purchases. Here he continued to reside for the remainder of his life, and was engaged in the raising of fruit and vegetables. Mar. 5, 1848, he was elected one of the assessors, chairman of the school committee, and a constable ; in March, 1850, he was chosen a selectman, and also an assessor and constable. Apr. 14, 1852, after the town of Winthrop was set off from North Chelsea, he BENJAMIN H. DEWING. Seventh Generation. 101 WHS elected town treasurer, and continued to liold that ol'licc until after the close of the Civil war in 18G5, when he declined to be a candidate for further service. In November, 1854, he was elected to represent the town in the Legislature. He was ap- pointed a justice of the peace Jan. 80, 1857, and recommissioned until January, 1878; he was also one of the coroners of Suffolk County from Apr. 10, 1860, until the office was abolished. Dur- ing the depressed condition of the Lynn & Boston Railroad Com- pany he became president of the road, and by his energy infused new life into the corporation, and placed it on a paying basis. He was treasurer of the Evangelical Congregational Society in Revere from April, 1860, until April, 1887, with the exception of two years when he declined to serve, — a period of twenty-five years. He was much interested in the genealogy of the family, and contributed to the Dedliam Transcript numerous and valuable liistorical, biographical and genealogical notes, not only on liis direct ancestral lines, but also on collateral lines with wliich he was connected. An obituary notice, printed shortly after Ids death, described liim as " a man of sterling qualities of head and heart, and .... a self-reliant and worthy member of the commu- nity. He was a man of positive convictions, and always voiced those convictions with directness of diction and expression, never faltering in his opposition to what he deemed wrong, but there was no ' root of bitterness ' in his disposition." By the bequest of liis widow, Mrs. Mary W. Dewing, a building for the use of ministers and missionaries, and known as the " Dew- ing Memorial," has been erected in Revere, at a cost, including the land, of about -f 17, 000. The location is a very fine one, being near the Revere Beach Boulevard and the Lay College, Revere, students of which have certain privileges in the "Memorial." Children by first wife, born in Boston : i. Benjamin Franklin,'* b. Jan. 24, 1836; m. Jan. 11, 1865, by Rev. Marcus Ames, of Lancaster, Mass. (a former pastor of the Cong'l Church in Revere), Sarah, dau. of Jonas Prescott and Rebecca (Pijier) Whitney, b. Oct. 14, 1830, in Ashby, Mass. ; s. p. He learned the niason's 102 Andrew Deioing and His Descendants. trade in Boston, at which he worked until 1866, when he began business as a contractor and buikler, in which he continued until 1893. He joined the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association in 1869, and has served as one of its trustees and also on its board of relief. In May, 1866, he united with the Berkeley Street Cong'l Church, then under the pastoral care of Rev. Henry M, Dexter, D. D., and in Jan., 1878, was chosen one of its deacons, to fill an unexpired term of a year, caused by the removal from the city of the previous incumbent, and was re-elected for the usual term of six years, con- tinuing in that office by successive elections until 1897 ; he also held other offices in that church and society until 1897. In Nov., 1898, having been a member for thirty-two years of the Berkeley Street Church (in 1888 called Berkeley Temple), he and his wife took letters to the Shawmut Cong'l Church, with which they are now connected. Mr. Dewing and his sister Mary Louisa are of "Mayflower" stock, being descendants, through their mother, from Isaac Allerton, one of the signers of the famous " Compact."* ii. Mary Louisa, b. Aug. 26, 1838 ; unm. Children, by second wife, born in what is now Revere : iii. Almira Sylvester, b. July 23, 1842; m. July 26, 1869, in her father's home, Walter, son of James and Sabra Steele, b. Nov. 19, 1841, in West Randolph, Vt.; d. July 5, 1873. She was a graduate of the State Normal School, in Salem, Mass., and a teacher in the public schools of Chelsea and Revere ; after her marriage they resided in Salem, and in Deer Park, Md., until her hus- band's death ; she then returned to Revere, and resumed teaching, but resigned her position in 1880 to take charge * The line of descent is as follows : Louisa Jackson, ^ dau. of Mary (Lyon) Briggs,'' dau. of Asaliel Lyon and Fear Cushman,^ dau. of Abner,^ son of Dea. Moses,* son of Eleazar,^ son of Elder Thomas Cushman, who m. Mary,- dau. of Isaac Allerton.i Thomas was a son of Kobert Cushman, who started from London in the Mayflower, but withdrew from the company before she finally sailed. (See Cushman Gen., 2-3L) Seventh Generation. 103 of a school among the freedmen in South Carolina, under the American Missionary Association ; later she went as a missionary to Chattanooga, Tenn., where in 1884 she founded the "Steele Home for Needy Cliildren," in that city. She is stUl engaged in that work, and during the past twentj^ years has had a thousand or more colored children under her charge. Child (Steele) : Almira Dewing^ b. Nov. 5, 187*2, in Deer Park; m. Oct. 11, 1897, Alexander Print/., b. Nov. 29, 1868 ; he Ls in business with his father and brothers in Cleveland, Ohio. 134. iv. Ebenkzee, b. Nov. 11, 1843. V. Sarah Avery, b. Aug. 9, 1845; d. Mar. 16, 1869; unm. ; she was a graduate of the State Normal School, in Salem ; and a teacher in Williams school, Chelsea. vi. Miriam Mercy, b. Aug. 28, 1847 ; d. Mar. 16, 1853. vii. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Nov. 23, 1849; d. May 29, 1895. 135. viii. Reuben Sylvester, b. P'eb. 19, 1852. 84 Geokge^ Dewing {Ehemzer^ Nathan^ Ehenezer,'^ Eenry^ An- drew? Andreiv^), born May 5, 1818, in Dedliam, Mass. ; died there Apr. 3, 1849 ; married Sept. 20, 184G, Mary J., daugliter of John and Lucinda (Caswell) Kennerson, born Mar. 22, 1825, in Haver- hill, N. H. ; died May 29, 1848, in Newton, Mass. Cliild, born in Newton : i. George Nelson,« b. Oct. 29, 1847 ; m. Aug. 7, 1873, in Windsor, Vt., Clara E., dau. of Lorenzo and Harriet (Sumner) Slack, b. Aug. 20, 1848, in Norwich. Vt. Re- sides (1903) in West Lebanon, N. IL Cliildren : 1. Clyde J. /f.,» b. Mar. 17, ISTS, in White River Junc- tion, Vt. 2. Frances L., b. Oct. 27, 1879, in Lebanon, N. II. 85 Samuel FishepJ Dewing {Nathan,^ Nathan,^ Ehenezer,^ Henry, ^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born Dec. 14, 1814, in Brookline, Mass. ; died Sept. 16, 1861, in Rangoon, Burmah ; married Aug. 6, 1841, 104 Andreio Dewing and His Descendants. by Rev. Edward T. Taylor, of the Seaman's Bethel, Boston, Mass., Susan S., daughter of Redman and Mary Cole (Rawson) Puffer, born Aug. 31, 1817, in Boston; died May 5, 1895, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Isabelita Leach, in Dorchester District, Bos- ton. He was a master mariner. During the Crimean war he commanded the ship " Golden Gate," which was then employed in transporting troops and supplies to the Black Sea for the French Government. He was liiglily respected for his ability and for liis kind and courteous treatment of those under him. Cliildren, born in Boston : i. Samuel Nelso^ b. Aug. 18, 1843; d. Aug. 25, 1844. ii. Isabelita Hyne, b. Sept. 12, 1845; d. Feb. 2, 1903, in Dorchester Dist. ; m. Nov. 3, 1866, in Providence, R. I,, L. Frederick, son of Levi and Elizabeth (Gleason) Leach, b. June 3, 1846, in Boston. He has been em- ployed for a number of years by the Boston & Albany Railroad as a baggage-master ; resides (1904) in Ash- mont. Childi-en (Leach), b. in Boston : 1. Flora Belle,^ b. Aug. 17, 1867; d. Feb. 5, 1875. 2. Harry Ashton, b. Oct. 13, 1869; d. June 11, 1870. 3. Walter Chapman, b. Nov. 21, 1870. 4. Susannah Seaver, b. Sept. 11, 1879. iii. Albert Henry, b. May 6, 1848; d. Dec. 14, 1885; m. Aug. 22, 1882, in South Framingham, Mass., Mary Isa- belle L. Rinnie. iv. Susan Ella, b. Feb. 6, 1857 ; d. May 7, 1857. 86 Geoege^ Dewing {Nathan,^ Nathan,^ JEbenezer,^ Henry,^ An- drew,'^ Andrew^), born Oct. 8, 1816, in Needham, Mass. ; died Oct. 8, 1865, in Butte Co., Cal. ; married Feb. 5, 1843, Mary M. Hardy, born July 27, 1819, in Raymond, Me. He first resided in Need- ham, where liis children were born, and later went to California. His wife survived and married again, and was living (May 5, 1900) in Lewiston, Me. Children, born in Needham : i. Samuel F.,« b. Nov. 28, 1844 ; d. Apr. 23, 1846. Seventh Generation. 105 136. ii. James Henry, b. Dec. 1, 1846.* 137. iii. Fkancis Henry, b. Sept. 19, 1849. 87 WiLLARD^ Dewing {Nathan,^ Nathan,^ Fhenezer,'^ Henry, ^ An- drew,^ Andrew^), born July 26, 1822, in Ncedham, Mass. ; died Jan. 1, 1864, in California; married Angeline,t daughter of John and Susan (Parker) Hart, born June 16, 1817, in Colerain, Mass. ; died Mar. 19, 1858, in Dover, Mass. He went to Califor- nia, probably with one or more of liis brothers. Child : i. Fanny Mehitable,^ b. June 5, 1849; m. June 28, 1871, in Nevada, James Evans, b. Oct. 10, 1847, in Liverpool, Eng. ; resides in Eureka, Nev. Children (Evans), b. in Eureka : 1. William A.,^ b. Aug. 15, 1873. 2. Thomas Blasland, h. Oct. 10, 1876. 3. John, b. Feb. 20, 1880. 4. James, b. Dec. 15, 1883. 5. Annie Bell, b. June 28, 1885. 6. Nellie Eva, b. Mar. 17, 1888. 7. Peter, b. Dec. 20, 1892. 88 Francis Henry'^ Dewing (Nathan,^ Nathan,^ Ubenezer,'^ Henry, ^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^}, born Aug. 22, 1824, in Boston, Mass. ; died Sept. 17, 1878; married Mar. 29, 1845, Elizabeth Q., daugh- ter of James and Eunice (Pridham) Burns, born Feb. 21, 1827, in Portland, Me. ; died May 10, 1864, in Boston. They resided in Boston and Dover, Mass. His occupation has been that of a mariner, teamster and farmer. Childi'en, born in Boston : i. Lydia FisnER,« b. Nov. 16, 1859; m. Sept. 17, 1877, George, son of William and Betty (Hatch) Hart, b. May 15, 1857, in Dover. Children (Hart), b. in Dover: *The State records call him Samuel Henry; letters from his mother and brother give his name as James Henry. 1 The State record has Adeline. 106 Andrew Dewing and Sis Descendants. 1. Ellen Georgianna,^ b. Mar. 17, 1879. 2. Henry Garfield, b. Sept. 19, 1882. 3. Charlotte 3L, b, Aug. 15, 1884; d. Sept. 3, 1885. 4. Orra Etta, b. May 1, 1886; d. Kov. 18, 1886. ii. Susan Isabella, b. Jan. 29, 1862; m. Dec. 31, 1882^ George Henry, son of Henry Clay and Mary Elizabeth (Marble) Stimson, of Wilton, N. H., b. Apr. 12, 1857. They reside in Hollis, N. H., where he is engaged in the teaming and jobbing business. Children (Stimson), the first two b. in Milford, N. H., the others in Hollis : 1. Emma Elizabeth,^ b. Jan. 1, 1883. 2. Hem-y Clay, b. Jan. 31, 1885. 3. FranTc Joel, b. Feb. 24, 1887. 4. Willard Bertell, b. Apr. 12, 1889. 5. Chester Ernest, b. Aug. 19, 1891. 0. Lillian May, b. Sept. 9, 1893. 7. Beatrice Louisa, b. Jan. 1, 1895. 8. Eugene Deioing, b. IsTov. 29, 1900. 89 Thomas Blasland'' Dewing (^NatJian,^ Nathan,^ Uhenezer,'^ Henry,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^')^ born Feb. 4, 1826, in Boston, Mass. ; died there May 3, 1874 ; married Oct. 6, 1854, Elizabeth, daughter of William and Beard, born Mar. 1, 1835 ; died Feb. 20, 1889, in Lompoc, Santa Barbara Co., Cal., at the home of her son. Children : 138. i. Alonzo Wilson,^ b. July 15, 1855, in "Jack's Ranch," Butte Co., Cal. ii. Thomas Jefferson, b. Oct. 8, 1856, in "Bidwell's Bar," Feather River, Cal. ; unm. 1898. 90 Nathan Ellis^ Dewing (Nathan,^ Nathan,^ Ehenezer,^ Henry, ^ Andrew? Andrew^}, born Oct. 28, 1827, in Boston, Mass. ; died Dec. 26, 1871 ; married Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of William R. and Sarah (McCarthy) Hudson, born May 8, 1835, in South Bos- ton ; died Jan. 2, 1885, having married as her second husband William G. Clark, of Natick. Seventh Generation. 107 Children : i. Sarah P]lizai5etii,8 h. Dec. 5, 1852; m. Yah. 24, 1871, in Berkshire, Vt, llichard Watts Wilkins, b. Sept. 27, 184(), in Dunham, P. (J. Children (Wilkins) : 1. Sarah Eliza,'' b. Jan. 23, 1875, in Eu()sl)urg, Vt.; m. Feb. U, 18U2, in Franklin, Vt., Herman Vinton Barnes. They had two chil. 2. Son, b. Aug. 23, 1877; d. same day. 139. ii. Nathan Ellis, b. Nov. 17, 1854. 91 Geokge Frederic'^ Dewing (^Seth,'^ Nathan,^ Ehenezer^^ Henry? Andrew? Andreiv^}, born Aug. 16, 1824, in Necdhani, Mass. ; mar- ried May 1, 1850, Lydia Sawin, daughter of Amory and Lydia (Sawin) Morse, born Apr. 23, 1831, in Natick, Mass. ; died Sept. 26, 1903. They resided on a farm in Natick, formerly owned by the Morse family. Some years ago he went to California, and was at one time residing in Los Angeles ; his wife continued to live in Natick. He obtained a divorce, and married (2), about February, 1886, Isara J. Barnard. He resides in Verdugo, Los Angeles Co., Cal., where he has a small ranch. Cliildren by first wife, born in Natick : i. Ellen Mauia,^ 1). Sept. oO, 1852. ii. Georgk Emeky, b. Sept. 22, 1855. iii. Leonard Everett, b. Oct. 6, 1861 ; d. inf. 92 Charles H.^ Dewing (^Paul? Nathan? Ebenezer? Henry? An- drew? A7idrew^}, born Nov. 16, 1834, in Newton, Mass. ; married Jan. 26, 1869, by the Rev. Rufus Ellis, D. D., of Boston, Mass., Eliza W. S., daughter of David and Charlotte A. S. Paine, born about 1845, in Boston. He resided (1903) in Cambridge, Mass., and is an accountant; at present (1904) living in Green Hill, N. H. Cliild: i. Arthur Stone,^ b. Apr. 16, 1880, in l>oston; he grad- uated at Harvard in 1902; "he then became a member of the Graduate School, and was ap])ointed assistant in- structor in philosophy. He i)ublished, 1903, 'An Intro- duction to the History of Modern Philosophy.' " 108 Andrew Dewing and Mis Descendants. 93 Thomas WilmepJ Dewing (Paul,^ Nathan,^ Ubenezer,'^ Henry, ^ Andrew,'^ Andreiv^^, born May 4, 1851, in Boston, Mass. ; married Apr. 18, 1881, Maria, daughter of William Francis and Sally (Sullivan) Oakey, born Oct. 27, 1 855, in New York city. When a young man he went abroad, and while in Paris was a pupil of the eminent artists Boulanger and Lefebvre ; on his return, he settled in New York city, 1880 ; he was elected a member of the Society of American Artists in 1880, and of the National Academy of Design in 1888. In 1898 he was one of the founders of the group of leading painters called the " Ten American Painters." When the " Red Room " in the White House was refurnished, in 1903, an elegant piano was presented to the President, the design for which was furnished by the Messrs. Joseph M. and Richard H. Hunt, and to Mr. Dewing was assigned its decoration. He sug- gested a figure typifying the young Republic in the centre of a graceful group of the Nine Muses ; his theme was somewhat of a departure from the conventional manner, for the figures were not robed in classic costume. His painting covers the entire lid. Mr. Dewing's artistic ability has been recognized abroad, his pictures having frequently appeared in the Paris Salon " hors eoncours.^^ Child: i. Elizabeth Bartol,^ b. Nov. 26, 1885, in New York city. 94 Charles' Dewing (^Ulijah,^ Elijah,^ Ehenezer,^ Henry^ Ati- drew^ Andrew^^, born May 15, 1821, in Bellingham, Mass.; died Nov. 14, 1884, in Hopedale, Mass.; married Mar. 4, 1849, in Hopedale, Angeline Aurilla, daughter of Dwight and Aurilla (Un- derwood) Colburn, born Feb. 18, 1831, in HoUiston, Mass. ; died Dec. 27, 1881, in Mendon, Mass. They resided in Mendon, and in Dartmouth and Richmond, Nova Scotia.* Children, the first two born in Mendon, the others in Nova Scotia : * Authorities : Frank (i) Dewing (names and data of his father's family, with his own and some relating to his brothers), and Town recs. of Mendon. MARTIN DEWING. Seventh Generation. 109 i. Fkank,8 I). Dec. 16, 1849 ; m. Jan. 1, 1872, Sarah Frances, dau. of Dr. Royal and Sarah IJalcome (Carpenter) Cuni- mings, b. Aug. 16, 1848, m Northbridge, Mass. ITe lias resided in IVIilford and Ilopedale and other places in Mass.; in 1899 he was a farmer in Alstead, N. II. Child : CharUs Royal,^ b. Oct. 0, 1S78, in Milford. 140. ii. DwiGiiT CoLBURN, b. Jan. 3, 1852. iii. Charlks Elijah, b. Dec. 11, 1858, in Dartmouth; m. Apr. 27, 1889, Nelly F. Coy, of Milford; he resides tliere (1899), and is employed in a shoe manufactory. Chil- dren: 1. Carrol,'' b. Feb. 7, 1890. 2. Kate, b. Aug. 11, 1891; d. inf. iv. William George, b. June 10, 1869, in Richmond; d. Jan. 16, 1886, in Milford. 95 Martin' Dewing (Elijah,^ Elijah,^ Ehenezer,'^ Henry, ^ Ati- dreiv,"^ A7idrew^^, born July 8, 1830, in Bellinghain, Mass. ; mar- ried Nov. 3, 1852, Ardelia, daughter of Welcome Ballou and Rhoda W. (Pickering) Cook, of Mendon, Mass., born Dec. 1, 1831. lie resides in Providence, R. I., where he has been engaged since 1857 in the fish and oyster business, and since 1898 as a wholesale dealer, cultivator and sliipper of " Narraganset oysters." Children : i. Mary Coomi',s,« b. Aug. 20, 1853, in Milford, Mass. ; m. Jan. 21, 1880, Bradford Frank, son of Jonathan and Betsey (Tolman) Billings, of Sharon, Mass., b. Sept. 3, 1844. Tie is in the boarding and livery stable business in Providence. Child (Billings) : 71/ary Loidsa,^ b. Nov. 30, 1880, in Providence. ii. Ardelia Cook, b. Aug. 23, 1857, in Woonsocket, R. I. ; m. Nov. 19, 1895, George Drown, son of George Anthony and Julia Ann (Drown) Gladden, of Barrington, R. I., b. Sept. 9, 18G0. He is a dealer in and shipper of hay. 110 Andrew Dewing and Sis Descendants. 96 Joseph HJ Dewing (UUsJia,'^ Elijah,^ Ubenezer,'^ Henry,^ An- dreiv,^ Andretv^), born Dec. 17, 1843, in Holliston, Mass.; married Oct. 23, 1866, Altliea Maria, daughter of John L. and Julia A. (Fisk) Hunt, born Sept. 1, 1844. They reside in Holliston, where he is a carpenter and does some farming ; he has served the town on the board of assessors, on the school committee, and as a repre- sentative to the Legislature in 1886 ; he is a trustee of the Hollis- ton Savings Bank, and lias been on its investment committee for twelve years. He is one of the deacons of the Holliston Congre- gational church. Cliildren, born in Holliston : 141. i. Fkederic MelleV b. Feb. 12, 18G8. ii. Grace A., b. Aug. 14, 1877; m. Apr. 12, 1899, Charles D., son of Kobert A. and Mary J. (Clark) Fisher. 97 Elijah Francis'' Dewing {Reuben,^ Elijah,^ Ehenezer,^ Henry, ^ Andrew,^ Andrew^}, born Dec. 18, 1833, in Holliston, Mass. ; died Dec. 25, 1886, in Natick, Mass. ; married Aug. 16, 1859, Louise Burr, daughter of Peter Frederick Williston, born Jan. 26, 1839, in Boston, Mass. ; died Feb. 18, 1896, in Wellesley, Mass. Both are buried in the cemetery in Natick. He graduated at Dart- mouth in 1856, studied law with Hon. Charles R. Train, of Framingham, Mass., and practiced in Natick and Boston ; he was a judge of the District Court of Louisiana, residing in New Orleans. Child : i. Mary Louise,^ b. July 29, 1861, in Natick ; m. Oct. 23, 1884, Alonzo G., son of Alonzo G. and Harriet Faye, b. abt. 1861, in New York city. 98 Charles Prentice''' Dewing (Joel,'^ Elijah,^ Ebenezer,^ Henry, ^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^^, born Sept. 2, 1835, in Mediield, Mass. ; mar- ried (1), Jan. 1, 1862, by Rev. M. Richardson, Eliza, daughter of Michael and Ellen Gernhardt, born in 1842, in Germany; died ; he is said to have probably married (2), Dec. 10, 1868, Seventh Generation. Ill Harriet E., daughter of Isaac and Sarah A. Hall, born about 1843, in Shirley, Mass. Cliild by second wife:* i. Frederick IlALLj^b. Sept. 30, 1869; m. (1), Nov. 2, 1889, Annie L., dau. of Joseph and Bridget Wilkinson, of Wor- cester, Mass., b. abt. 1865; m. (2), May 31, 1S94, in Worcester, Margaret A., dau. of John and Sarah Holmes. Cbihl : Grace L.,^ h. Nov. 12, 1894, in Worcester; d. there Sept. 23, 1900. 99 Alonzo Fredekick^ Dewing {Joel,^ Elijah,^ Ubenezer,'^ Henry, ^ Andrew,^ Andretv^^, born July 5, 1839, in Shrewsbury, Mass. ; died Feb. 10, 1890, in Edinboro, Penn. ; married Apr. 3, 1870, Mrs. Lavern (Tiffany) Baker, daughter of Elijah and Diana (Hawkins) Tiffany, born Apr. 11, 1818, in Edinboro. They resided in Edin- boro, where their cliild ren were born. Children : i. Frederick Wilber,^ b. Oct. 12, 1880. ii. Edna Ethel, b. June 27, 1882. 100 William Henry' Dewing (Joel,^ Elijah,^ Ehenezer,^ Eenry? Andrew^ Andrew^), born Dec. 18, 1859, in Worcester, Mass. ; mar- ried Sept. 6, 1885, Frances M., daughter of James N. and Abiah Wheeler, born Nov. 5, 1864, in Milbury, Mass. He resides in Worcester, and is a last-maker, f *We have found no records of the death of his first wife, wlio had no cliil. nor of his marriage with Ilarriet E. ; nor of the birth of their son, Frederick n. ; nor of the death of his wife, Annie L. The State archives have the second marriage of Mrs. Harriet E. (Hall) Dewing, 28 Feb., 1885, to Edward L. Pierce, of Worcester, Mass. We have been unable to verify the data fur- nished us, or identify the parties. t William H. Dewing had a half-brother, Henry C. Lowell, a son of Mrs. Sarah Lowell Dewing by her first husband ; after his mother's marriage to Mr. Joel Dewing, Henry assumed his step-father's name, and was known as Henry C. Dewing. He was b. about 1848, in Norwich, Ct. ; m. Sept. 26, ISS.'S, Sarah E., dau. of Edward W. and Betsey A. Green, of Worcester, Mass.; they have no chil. 112 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. Cliildren, born iu Worcester : i. Frances May,« b. Mar. 25, 1887. ii. Walter Wheeler, b. Jan. 27, 1889 ; d. Dec. 28, 1890. iii. Henry Leon, b. Feb. 15, 1891. iv. Leslie Ray, b. Sept. 8, 1895 ; d. Dec. 20, 1896. V. Roy Kenneth, b. Dec. 7, 1897. 101 Fergus'^ Dewing (^Charles (7.,^ Jahez^ Ehenezer,'^ Heyiry,^ An- drew,'^ Andreiv^'), born in 1837, in Ohio ; married Mar. 27, 1858, Elizabeth Conklin, of Lovilia, Monroe Co., Iowa, born Mar. 28, 1841. Mrs. Dewing resides in Hutchinson, Minn. Cliildren :* i. Orenda Jane,^ b. Mar. 27, 1859. ii. John, b. Oct. 10, 1861. iii. Betsey Ann, b. Feb. 8, 1863. iv. William H., b. Nov. 16, 1865 ; m. Dec. 21, 1902, Minnie Gunderson, b. Nov. 30, 1882 ; they reside (1904) in Stephen, Minn. Child : Marvel Elinor,^ b. l!^ov. 6, 1903, in Stephen. V. Jetty Delia, b. Aug. 7, 1867. vi. Hattie Maria, b. Sept. 10, 1869. vii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Oct. 7, 1871. viii. Mary Eliza, b. Mar. 25, 1874. ix. Lesley, b. May 21, 1877 ; d. inf. X. Charlotte May, b. Ajjr. 6, 1882; unm. ; res. Hutchinson 102 Samuel^ Dewing ( Charles O.,^ Jabez,^ Ehenezer,'^ Henry, ^ An- drew,"^ Andrew^'), born Aug. 7, 1841, in Henderson Co., 111.; married Sept. 19, 1867, Louisa, daughter of James and Amanda Maiiand Helms Huffman, born Sept. 19, 1851, in Pikeville, Pike Co., Ky. They reside in Hutchinson, Minn. He is a farmer. Children, born in Hutchinson : i. Adelia Lois,8 b. Mar. 27, 1869 ; m. Nov. 24, 1899, Elmer Workman. Child : Madge Madeline,^ b. Nov. 28, 1900. * Several of these children have married, but particulars have not been obtained. Seventh Generation. 113 ii. Nellie, b. Feb. 4, 1871. iii. Alfred M., b. Nov. 25, 1872 ; m. Mar. 20, 1902, Emogene Workman. Child : Byron Lester,^ b. Sept. 17, 1903, in Hutchinson, iv. Arthur C, b. Sept. 28, 1870. V. Walter W., b. Aug. 30, 1878. vi. Louisa Amanda, b. July 23, 1885. 103 Charles William' Dewing (Charles,^ Jabez,^ Ehenezer,^ Ilenry^ Andrew,^ Andreiv^'), born Aug. 24, 1848, in Hancock Co., 111. ; married Nov. 9, 1874, Margaret, daughter of James and Amanda Marland Helms Huffman, born Mar. 4, 1854, in Pike- ville. Pike Co., Ky. They reside in Hutchinson, Minn. He is a farmer. Children, born in Meeker Co., Minn. : i. Cornelius C.,« b. July 30, 1875 ; resides (1904) in Lari- more. No. Dak. 142. ii. Jacop., b. Aug. 24, 1877. iii. Caroline, b. Dec. 3, 1879. iv. Jane, b. Dec. 15, 1881. V. Isaac, b. Nov. 7, 1883 ; d. Nov. 14, 1883. vi. Charles, b. Dec. 15, 1885. vii. Eugene W., b. May 4, 1887. viii. Jessie, b. Dec. 24, 1889. ix. Susan, b. Mar. 31, 1891. 104 Rev. Thomas Schofield''' Dewing (Jared^ Michael,^ Heze- kiah,^ Udmundj^ Andrew,"^ Andretv^), born Sept. 16, 1827, in Fish- kill, Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; died Feb. 25, 1891 ; married Nov. 4, 1851, in Franklin, Delaware Co., N. Y., by his father, Rev. Jared Dewing, Clarissa [Clara] J., daughter of Alexander and Phoebe (Chidester) Walling, born July 12, 1831, in Maryland, Otsego Co., N. Y. He was a graduate of Williams College, class of 1847 ; studied theology at Princeton, and was ordained by the Presbytery of Wyoming, Oct. 26, 1852. For brief periods lie preached at Tuscarora, N. Y., Andover, 111., Marshall, Iowa, Wai-ronham, 114 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. and Wyalusing, Pa., Southport, Elmira and Pike, N. Y., Shamokin, Pa., Cold Spring, N. J., Centerville and Barton, Md., and Rose- ville, CaL, where he died. "His ripe scholarship, his intimate and profound knowledge of the Scriptures, which enabled him to quote and apply its exhaustless treasure with a readiness and fitness that seemed almost a second nature to him ; his thorough knowledge of Hebrew and the classics, together with liis careful theological training, dominated by a deeply religious nature, and a fixed, earnest purpose to do liis Master's bidding, made him one to be revered and beloved."* His widow and two daughters re- side (1902) in Oakland, Cal. Children : 143. i. Samuel Miller,* b. Nov. 20, 1854, in Andover, Henry Co., III. 144. ii. Arcuibald Alexander, b. Sept. 1, 1856, in Reedsville, Marshall Co., Iowa. 145. iii. Charles Hodge, b. July 17, 1858, in Wyalusing. iv. Sarah Jane, b. Jan. 9, 1860, in Wyalusing. V. Robert Jared, b. June 8, 1861, in Wyalusing; d. inf. vi. Mary Frances, b. June 9, 1863, in Southport, Chemung Co., N. Y. vii. William Henry, b. July 31, 1865, in Southport ; d. Oct. 16, 1880, in Centerville. He was killed by an accident. 105 George F.'' Dewing (^Andrew^^ Michael^ Hezekiah,^ Edmund,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^}, born Apr. 29, 1846, in Warrenham, Warren township, Bradford Co., Pa. ; married Mar. 22, 1876, Abigail G., daughter of Albert and Susan (Bull) Lent, born Feb. 12, 1851, in Wysox, Pa. ; died Jan. 9, 1893. They reside in Warrenham, where he has a farm. Children : i. Nancy,8 b Dec. 5, 1877. ii. Frances T., b. Mar. 12, 1882. iii. George Albert, b. Apr. 25, 1884. iv. Anna, b. May 27, 1886. V. Elizabeth, b. June 12, 1891. * See Williams Obituary Record, iii : 135, Seventh Generation. 115 106 Andkew^ Dewing (Andreiv,^ Michael,^ Ilezekiah,'^ .Echmind^^ Andreiv,^ Andrew^}, born Jan. 30, 1853, in Warrenham, Bradford Co., Pa. ; married Apr. 17, 1877, Esther Romanda, daughter of Augustus Addison and Sopliia Jane (Manning) Coburn, born Sept. 5, 1858, in Warrenham, where they reside, and own tlie fai-m which he carries on.* Children, born in Warrenham : i. Andrkw,^ b. July 8, 1878.t ii. Fredekick Coburn, b. June G, 1880. iii. CuARLES Jerome, b. Apr. 1, 1882. iv. Harry Augustus, b. Jan. 2, 1886. V. Nellie Rosseel, b. Sept. G, 1889. vi. IIiRAM Dudley, b. June 22, 1892. vii. Amy Genevieve, b. Nov. 10, 1894. viii. Mary Beatrice, b. Mar. 22, 1897. 107 Rev. Chaeles Shumway^ Dewing, D. D. {Edward 0.,^ Michael^^ Hezekiah,^ Edmund,^ Aiidrew,^ Andretv^^, born Dec. 26, 1839, in Warrenham, Pa. ; died Oct. 20, 1901, in San Jose, Cal. ; buried in Union, N. Y. ; married July 23, 1868, in Trenton, N. J., Louie Elizabeth, daughter of James and Catharine (Osborn) Hoag- land, and an adopted daughter of Charles Edwin Collins,^ born Sept. 27, 1849, in Wasliington, D. C. He fitted for college in the preparatory school at Princeton, N. J., under John C. Schenck, and he graduated from the College of New Jersey (Princeton) in 1865. " In the fall of the same year he entered the Theological Seminary at Princeton, and took the full three years' course there, graduating in 1868. He was licensed by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, Apr. 18, 1867, and ordained an evangelist by the Presbytery of San Francisco, Oct. 11, 1868. He was stated supply of the Presbyterian churches of Columbia and Sonora, Cal., Sept. 10, 1868, to Aug. 10, 1869, and of the *See Manning Gen., p. 371, No. 1815. t We are indebted to Mr. Andrew Dewing for the above information, and also for data concerning bis father's family. t Mr. Collins married Mrs. Hoagland as her second husband. 116 Andreio Dewing and Jlis Descendants. church at Ahimeda, CaL, Sept. 1, 1869, to Mar. 1, 1870. He then served the church at Mendocino, CaL, as pastor-elect, April, 1870, to May, 1874. After this he was pastor of the church in Union, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1874, to Apr. 16, 1884 ; of the church in Lower Tuscarora, Pa., Nov. 11, 1885, to Oct. 2, 1886, and of the Union Square church in Somerville, Mass., Jan. 25, 1887, to Oct. 4, 1893. He then became superintendent of Presbyterian home missionary work in New England, and remained such until 1900. Resigning on account of ill-health, he went to California, and wliile in search of restoration he supplied a missionary church in the Santa Cruz mountains as long as he was able. He received the degree of D. D. from Emporia College, Kansas, in 1895."* Children : i. Marie Collins,^ b. Apr. 26, 1869, in California; m. June 23, 1896, Keinhold Faelten, of Boston, Mass. (bis 2d m.). ii. Louis Alexander, b. Sept. 1, 1871. iii. Jerome Ford, b. Mar. 2, 1873. iv. Susan Elizabetu, b. Aug. 9, 1875 ; m. Apr. 26, 1897, Harry Field, son of William and Mary (Field) Gibbs, b. July 7, 1860, in Waltham, Mass. Children (Gibbs), b. in Auburndale, Mass. : 1. Harry Field,^ b. Apr. 27, 1898. 2. Eleanor, b. Nov. 6, 1900. v. LouELLA WiTHERELL, b. Feb. 11, 1884. 108 Adolphus^ [Dolphus] Dewing {Adolphus,^ Luke,^ Hezekiah,'^ Edmund,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^^, born Mar. -31, 1828, in East Frank- lin, Vt. ; married Jan. 29, 1854, Sarah, daughter of Adolphus and Sally (Fish) Colton, born Nov. 20, 1831, in Franklin. He re- sides in East Franklin, on a farm formerly owned by liis father. Children, born in East Franklin : 146. i. Henry E.,^ b. June 9, 1857. ii. Carrie Maria, b. Jan. 30, 1862. iii. Charles Adolphus, b. Apr. 29, 1865 ; m. Aug. 8, 1901, in Berkshire, Vt., Priscilla Jane, dau. of James and Per- * Necrological Keport, 1902, Princeton Theol. Sem. The Rev. CHARLES S. DEWING. D. D. Seventh Generation. 117 melia (Livingston) Chaffee, b. Dec. 23, 1866, in Berk- shire, lie resides on the homestead farm in East Franklin, formerly owned by his grandfather.* 109 Feancis^ Dewing {Andrew^ Ahijali^ Hezekiah^^ Edmund^^ An- drew,'^ Andrew^), born Feb. 9, 1838, in Collinsville, Ct. ; died Aug. 3, 1882, in Venice, Italy, while travelling; married Feb. 28, 1864, in Westminster (Canterbury), Ct., Mary W., daughter of Samuel and Lucy (Carter) Spaulding, born Oct. 20, 1838, in Norwich, Vt. His widow and family reside (1903) in San Fran- cisco, Cal. Francis went to California about 1859, making the journey overland, and opened an office in Sacramento, but soon removed to San Francisco, where he engaged in the publishing business, and was the general agent for many subscription books, the sale of wliich was placed in his charge ; in this he was very successful. Returning to his former home for a brief period, he was married, and then went back to California. In 1866 liis brother James followed him, and became a partner ; in 1876 they were joined by their younger brother, Madison S. ; the same busi- ness was continued until 1880, when in consequence of illness Francis sold out to his brother James, and went abroad, where he died. Children, the first four born in San Francisco : i. Maby Frances,^ b. July 14, 1865 ; d. Aug. 6, 1877. 147. ii. Arthur James, b. Oct. 25, 1870. iii. Francis Spaulding, b. Dec, 3, 1872; d. July 31, 1873. iv. Alice B., b. May 6, 1876. V. Dora, b. Dec. 30, 1881, in New York city. 110 Amasa J." Dewing {Andrew,^ Ahijah,^ HezeJciah,'^ Edmund,^ Andrew,'^ Andreiv^), born Apr. 20, 1840, in Tolland, Ct. ; married May 9, 1877, in Chicago, 111., Henrietta E., daughter of Edward * Authorities: Miss Carrie M. Dewing, who has furnished most of the data and information relating to Capt. Luke (No. 28) Dowing's family and (h)scen- dants; Mr. Benj. A. Beatty; Mrs. Adeline Mitchell; Sheldon Town recs. and Franklin Town recs. 118 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. Bauldwin and Annetta (Townsend) Beecher, born in England. He resided for a time in Cliicago, where he was engaged in piano tuning ; later he removed to San Francisco, Cal., where he became interested with liis brotliers James (112), Stephen (113), and Madison S. (114), in the piano business, and was a deacon of the First Congregational church there. At present (1003) he resides in Alameda, Cal. Cliildren : i. Emily Frances,^ b. Jan. 14, 1879, in Kankakee, 111. ; d. July 14, 1879. ii. Albert Beecher, b. May 9, 1880, in Chicago. iii. Mabel Louise, b. Jan. 31, 1882, in Chicago. iv. Edwin Ernest, b. Oct. 31, 1885, in San Francisco. Ill Albert'^ Dewing (^Andrew^ Ahijali^ Hezekiah^^ Edmund^ An- drew? Andrew^'), born Mar. 25, 1842, in Tolland, Ct. ; died Feb. 3, 1890, in Danielson, Ct. ; married Jan. 13, 1872, Josepliine Avilda Baker, born Jan. 26, 1845, in South Killingly, Ct. He re- sided in Danielson, and was engaged in the grocery business there. Children, born in Danielson : i. Bertha Mabel,« b. Nov. 13, 1872 ; d. Mar. 31, 1895. ii. Myrtella Isabel, b. Dec. 2, 1876. iii. Florence Edith, b. Mar. 13, 1878. iv. May, b. Oct. 27, 1882. V. Alliton, b. Dec. 28, 1886 ; d. inf. vi. Leon Alfred, b. July 28, 1888. 112 Jambs'^ Dewing (^Andrew^ Ahijah,^ Hezehiah,'^ Edmund,^ An- drew,^ Andrew^}, born Jan. 10, 1846, in Tolland, Ct. ; died Feb. 22, 1902, in San Francisco, Cal. ; married May 14, 1874, in San Francisco, Mary Fisk, daughter of Stewart and Elizabeth (Wyn- koop) Cheesebrough,* born Dec. 17, 1855, in Oakland. He was a member of company A, 18th regiment of Connecticut Vols., in the Civil war ; mustered in Dec. 29, 1863, from Canterbury, Ct. ; mustered out June 27, 1865, at Harper's Ferry, Va. After the * Authority, Madisou S.'^ Dewing. Seventh Generation. 119 close of the war he went to California, and was in business there with his brother, under the style of F. Dewing & Co., as a pub- lisher; about 1882, his brother Frank retired, and James purchased liis interest, in which, in 1884, Madison S. Dewing (114) became a partner. The firm was incorporated in 1887, with a capital of $250,000, James Dewing becoming its president, and for many years they transacted a large and extensive business. Cliildren, born in San Francisco : i. Elizabeth Anna,^ b. Apr. 24, 1875. ii. Amy Beonson, b, Sept. 10, 1876. iii. Fkank Grant, b. Dec. 11, 1885. 113 Stephen'^ Dewing (^A7idreiv,^ Abijah,^ Hezekiah,'^ Edmund,^ An- dreWy^ Andrezv^^, born Mar. 10, 1848, in Tolland, Ct. ; married Nov. 13, 1870, in Westminster, Ct., Eva Victoria, daughter of Plenry and Lucy (Webb) Lincoln, born Aug. 26, 1852, in Scot> land, Ct. Cliildren : i. Victor Stephen,^ b. Aug. 18, 1873, in Hartford, Ct. ; d. inf. ii. Grace Eva, b. Apr. 3, 1876, in Westminster; m. Apr. 30, 1894, George S. Barry, Children (Barry), b. in Oak- land, Cal. : 1. Buth Beidng,^ b. Dec. 4, 1895. 2. acorge S., h. July 29, 1897. iii. Lucy W., b. May 18, 1878, in Westminster; m. Sept. 25, 1902, Malcolm C. Wliyte, of Oakland, iv. Henry B., b. Mar. 2, 1882, in Westminster. V. James A., b. Dec. 7, 1884, in Westminster. vi. Flora L., b. Jan. 11, 1889, in Oakland, vii. Stepuen L. V., b. Aug. 3, 1891, in Oakland. 114 Madison Stores^ Dewing (Andrew,^ Abijah/' Ilezekhih,'^ Ed- mund,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born Apr. 19, 1854, in Tdllaml, Ct. ; died Sept. 4, 1903, in Oakland, Cal.; married Apr. 10, 1879, in 120 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. San Francisco, CaL, Hattie, daughter of Henry G. and Elizabeth A. Fiske, born Aug. 8, 1854, in Oakland ; resided in Oakland. Madison S. joined his elder brothers in California in 1876, and about 1884, his eldest brother Francis having retired, he became a partner with his brother James in the firm of J. Dewing & Co. The firm became the agents on tlie Pacific coast for the sale of the " Personal Memoirs of Gen'l Grant," of which they sold 25,000 sets ; their first order for this work was an entire car-load, and their first remittance a check for -f 20,000, which it has been stated was the best sale ever made in the United States of a work of that character, considering the sparsely settled country. They also handled with success Senator Blaine's " Twenty Years in Congress," and many other books. They were joined by their brothers, Amasa J. and Stephen Dewing, and then formed a part- nersliip for the manufacture and sale of the "Dewing Bros. Pianos," which also proved a success. In 1887 they formed an- other company, which was incorporated as the J. Dewing Company, for the manufacture and sale of school supplies and furniture. They also established a publishing house in New York, and brought out the well-known illustrated work . entitled "Picturesque Cal- ifornia," wliich had a large sale. Children, born in San Francisco : i. Pearl MARTnA,^ b. Feb. 19, 1880. ii. Ethel Ruby, b. July 1, 1881. 115 Dr. Oliver Morse^ Dewing {Andrew,^ Abijah,^ Hezekiah,'^ Edmund, ^ Andrew,^ Andrew^^, born July 18, 1862, in Westminster, Ct. ; married Aug. 26, 1885, in Wilton, Ct., Elizabeth, daughter of Sereno Edmund and Sopliia P. (Botsford) Ogden, born Apr. 30, 1856, in New Canaan, Ct. He graduated at Columbia in 1887, and has been for some years physician in charge of the King's Co. Insane Asylum, King's Park, Long Island, N. Y. Children : i. Edward Ogden,^ b. Apr. 19, 1887, in Westminster. ii. Eunice, b. June 3, 1888, in Wilton, iii. Dorothy, b. Oct. 28, 1896, in King's Park. Seventh Generation. 121 116 Leonard Hiram'' Dewing {Leonard (7.,^ Ebeneser,^ HezeJciaJt,^ Edmund,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^}, born Nov. 12, 1858, in New York city; married Apr. 26, 1882, in Christ Church, Oswego, N. Y., by Rev. Dr. Beach, Fanny Chandler, daughter of Leonard and Anna Maria (Allen) Ames, born July 5, 1861, in Mexico, N. Y. He resides in Hartford, Ct. Childi'en, born in Hartford : i. Harold Ames,^ b. Mar. 22, 1884. ii. Allen Stores, b. June 29, 1892 ; d. July 1, 1895. iii, Leonard Chandleu, b. July 13, 1898. iv. Edwin Storrs, b. Nov. 29, 1898. 117 Clark'^ Dewing (Hiram,*^ Ubenezer,^ Rezekiah,'^ Edmund,^ An- drew,"^ Andrew^), born Mar. 4, 1853, in Rocky Hill, Ct. ; died Mar. 12, 1895, in St. Augustine, Fla. ; interred in Stamford, Ct. ; mar- ried Oct. 12, 1875, Catharine Havens, daughter of Frederick N. and Ellen D. (Havens) Fleming, born Apr. 29, 1854, in Stamford ; died May 16, 1893. He was graduated A. B. from Yale Univer- sity in the class of 1874. He was in business with his father in New York city as a banker and broker, and was a member of the New York Stock Exchange. Child, born in Stamford : i. IIiKAM Edwin,« b. Aug. 23, 1876 ; m. Nov. 1, 1902, Susan Latimer Franklin, of Baltimore, Md, ; served in battery A, Pennsylvania Vol. Light Artillery, in the Spanish- American war. Tie is a broker in New York city, and a member of the Stock Exchange. 118 James S.^ Dewing (James,^ JolmJ' Daniel,'^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Andretv^), born Apr. 29, 1820, in Hopkinton, Mass. ; married June 15, 1848, Minerva A., daughter of Elisha and Harriet (Ruggles) Morgan, born Dec. 30, 1822, in Northfield, Mass. Mr. Dewing was a wood-working mechanic, and an inventor of wood-working 122 Andrew Dewitif/ and His Descendants. machinery. He was engaged in the manufacture of pails and tubs, doors, sashes, blinds, etc., and of chairs and other furniture. He was with the Orange Furniture Co. of Orange, Mass., of which he was president until 1900, when the works were burned, after which he retired from business. He resided in Orange, to wliich place he came with his father in 1822 or 1823. Child, born in Orange : i. Mabion Estelle,8 b. Feb. 22, 1849; m. June 13, 1872, Walter E., son of James B. and Caroline (Jennison) Nason, of Boston, Mass., b. in 1846; d, Sept. 26, 1887. He was a clerk and acconntant. He resided in Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; his widow resides (1903) in Orange.* Chil- dren (Nason) : 1. Walter Dewing,^ b. Aug. 25, 1873, in Somerville, Mass. 2. Susan Helen, b. Dec. 13, 1875, in Orange. 3. Arthur Clifton, b. Aug. 4, 1879, in Brooklyn. 4. EalpJi Morgan, b. ISTov. 10, 1882, in Brooklyn. 119 John A.'^ Dewing {-lames,^ Jolm^ Daniel,^ Jonathan^ Jonathan^ Andrew^'), born July 9, 1826, in Hopkinton, Mass. ; married (1), Nov. 17, 1851, Mary, daughter of Peter and Sarah (Rogers) Gratton, born Apr. 30, 1832; died Nov. 4, 1890, in Montpelier, Vt. ; married (2), Aug. 6, 1894, Alzina Haskins, daughter of Stephen and Rhoda (Wliittemore) Emory. He resides in Orange, Mass., and is a boot and shoe-maker, f Child: i. Harry Gratton,^ b. Nov. 16, 1852, in Lisbon, N. H. * We are indebted to Mrs. Nason for information of her own and her father's families. 1 We are indebted to Mr. J. A. Dewing for names and data of his brother's family as well as of his own. Eighth, Generation. 123 EIGHTH GENERATION. 120 Dr. William Horatio^ Dewing {G-eorge,"' Solomon,^' Solomon,^ Solomon,'^' Aiidrezv,^ Andrew,^ Andretv^), bom June 4, 1858, in Litclifield, N. Y. ; iiiarriod May 21, 1884, Olive, daughter of Sidney and Frances Jeanette Van Auken, born Oct. 11, 1801, in Montrose, Pa. He graduated from Whitestown Seminary in 1878, studied medicine witli Dr. Marcellus M. Gardner of Utica, N. Y., and graduated from the Hahnemannean Medical College, Mar. 12, 1882, and began practice in Oswego, N. Y., where he remained three years; he then removed to Clayville, N. Y., where he now resides and has a large practice. He has been one of the trustees of the village union school for several years, and is president of the callage of Clayville. He, with William A. Matteson (No. 65-i), owns the farm of about 200 acres formerly belonging to Dr. Dewing's father, and known as the " Homestead Stock-farm." They have a large herd of pure-bred Ilolstein Frisian cattle, of the finest type. The reputation of the herd is very wide, and animals are sold from it to breeders in all parts of the United States and Canada. Cliildren, born in Clayville : i. Ethel Maky,« b. Oct. 18, 1886. ii. Georgk Teacy, b. ^ept. 10, 1890. iii. LuELLA L., b. May 27, 1896; d. Feb. 20, 1897. 121 Preston Joseph^ Dewing {Jonathan,'' George,^ Solomon,^ Sol- omon,'^ Andreiv,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), boi'u Jan. 4, 1858, in Under- bill, Vt. ; married Nov. 2, 1886, Maggie Spafford, born Sept. 13, 18G3, in Talmage, Oliio. Children, born in Kasson, Leelanau Co., Mich. : i. Mary Parmelia,» b. Aug. 25, 1887. ii. Henry Spafford, b. June 24, 1889. iii. Paul Dudley, b. Mar. 20, 1893. 124 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. 122 Charles Wesley^ Dewing (^George,"* Greorge^ Solomon^ Sol- omon^^ Andrew^ Andrew^ Andrew^}, born July 15, 1852, in West- ford, Vt. ; died Nov. 16, 1888, in Manchester, N. H. ; married Oct. 16, 1878, Susan, daughter of Aaron and Mary Youth, born Sept. 18, 1857, in Westford. She married (2), Mr. Benware, and resided (1899) in Chicago, 111. Children, born in Glover, Vt. : i. IvAH Alice,9 b. June 12, 1880. ii. Tracy William, b. Nov. 17, 1882. 123 George Hathaway^ Dewing (Joseph ff.,"^ G-eorge,^ Solomon,^ Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andnm,^ Andrew^'), born Feb. 3, 1851, in Un- derliill, Vt. ; married May 19, 1878, Jane A. Darling, born Sept. 2, 1860, in Shelby, Blue Earth Co., Minn. In May, 1872, he went from Vermont to Minnesota, where he was engaged in sur- veying, in Martin Co. ; in August, 1872, he Was appointed deputy county surveyor, and in November, 1873, was elected county surveyor, and held that office three years ; he has been employed in teacliing for a large part of his life, and for five years was en- gaged in newspaper work. He was principal of the business de- partment of Mendota College from February, 1892, until 1895, when he went to Edinboro, Pa., where he has been pastor of the Advent Christian church, and still (1899) holds that position. He is also principal of the business department of the State normal school in that town. Cliildren : i. Harold Edward,^ b. Nov. 27, 1880, in Shelby. ii. Nellie Darling, b. July 7, 1885, in Elk River, Minn. 124 Henry Albert^ Dewing (Joseph H.,"' George,^ Solomon,^ Sol- omon^^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born Mar.* 15, 1853, in Under- bill, Vt. ; married Mar. 20, 1878, Nettie N., daughter of William * March is correct, not May, as on p. 90. Eighth Generation. 125 and Jane (Arthur) Crow, born June 10, 1860, in Morgan, Vl. He is a carpenter and joiner, and resides in Glover, Vt. Children, born in Glover : i. Joseph Willi am,» b. Feb. 10, 1879. ii. Arthur Macomber, b. July 22, 1881. ill. Harry Ernest, b, Sept. 15, 1884. iv. Mabel Leona, b. July 20, 188G. V, Clarence Ivax, b. June 13, 1889. vi. Nellie Christina, b. Feb. 6, 1891. vii. Henry Leslie, b. Dec. 11, 1893. viii. Lois Jane, b. Feb. 22, 1897. ix. Edith Bertha, b. Apr. 22, 1900. 125 Edward Wilson^ Dewing {Joseph H.,'' George,^ Solomoti,^ Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born July 3, 1859, in Johnson, Vt. ; married (1), Nov. 15, 1882, Elizabeth O. Smith, born Mar. 21, 1864 ; died Apr. 26, 1883 ; married (2), Nov. 22, 1886, Mary S., daughter of Rufus Leonard and Laura Nora Drew, born Nov. 22, 1868. He resides in South Albaii}^ Vt., and is a land surveyor and engineer. Children, born in South Albany : i. Daniel Rufus,^ b. May 4, 1888. ii. Evelyn Rhoda, b. July 29, 1889. iii. Eva Laura, b. Nov. 30, 1890. iv. Alice Susan, b. Feb. 19, 1893. V. Myrtle Belle, b. June 12, 1894. vi. Leo Edward, b. Oct. 10, 1895. vii. Blanche Alma, b. July 21, 1899. 126 Walter Edwin^ Dewing {George,'' Dexter,^ Jeremiah'' Sol- omon,'^ Andretv,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^^, born Apr. 6, 1830, in French Creek, N. Y. ; died Mar. 15, 1891, in Waukesha, Wis. ; married Oct. 7, 1866, Lucy, daughter of Andrew and Sophronia (Percival) Tyler, born June 23, 1851. His occupation was that of a mason. He served in the 10th Wisconsin regiment of infantry in the 126 Andrew Dewing and IBs Descendants. Civil war, from 18G1 to 1865. He resided for a time iu Elkhorn, and afterwards in Waukesha. Children : i. Jessie May,» b. Aug. 23, 1870. ii. Mabel Faith, b. May 16, 1873 ; d. Apr. 14, 1880. 127 Charles Dexter'^ Dewing (^G-eorge,'' Dexter^ Jeremiah,^ Sol- o7non,^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born May 2, 1841, in French Creek, N. Y. ; married Nov. 16, 1861, in Manitowoc, Wis., Nancy Esther, daughter of Francis and Elizal)eth Flinn, born Nov. 6, 1839. He is a jeweller, and resides in Brookings, So. Dak. Child : 148. i. Leslie Ciiakles,^ b. Nov. 28, 1862, in Delavan, Wis. 128 Frank Arthur^ Dewing {G-eorge,'' Dexter,'^ Jeremiah^^ Sol- omon^ Andrew? Andreiv? Andretv^^, born Oct. 23, 1852, in Oregon, Wis. ; married June 29, 1880, in Clifton, Kan., Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Gween, of Carrollton, Oliio, born May 21, 1860. He resides in McGregor, Iowa, where he is a mason, contractor and builder. Cliildren : i. Louise," b. July 24, 1881, in P^ergus Falls, Minn, ii. Samuel, b. Apr. 6, 1884, in McGregor. 129 John Harry^ Dewing (^Almofi F.,"' Madison? Jeremiah? Sol- omon? Andrew? Andrew? Andrew^), born July 15, 1860, in White Creek, Wis. ; married (1), Dec. 1, 1886, Jennie A. Henderson, born Mar. 13, 1864. They were divorced in March, 1892. He married (2), July 18, 1894, Agnes Sommerville, born Jan. 4, 1873. He resides at or near Horr, Mont. Cliildren by first wife : i. George F.," b. Jan. 8, 1888. ii. Jessie, b. Aug. 10, 1890. Eighth Generation. 127 Children by second wife : iii. JonN H,, b. July 7, 1895. iv. Edna, b. Jan. 22, 1807 ; d. Mar. 27, 1898. V. Robert, b. July 24, 1898. vi. Bessie, b. Apr. 30, 1901. 130 Samuel Arthur^ Dewing (^Almon F.,"^ Madison,''' Jeremiah,^ Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andreiv^')., born Mar, 14, 1873, in Seward, Neb. ; married Aug. 17, 1894, in Hushville, Neb., Mary Elizabeth, daughter of James Norman and Mai-ia -lane (Lonsdale) Brooks, born Se^Jt. 20, 1870, in La Porte, Ind. He is engaged in stock raising, and resides in Rusbville. Cliildren, born in Rusbville : i. Feed Almon,« b. Jan. 28, 1896. ii. Benjamin Courtney, b. May 28, 1897. iii. Emma Mildred, b. Nov. 10, 1901. 131 Clifton B.^ Dewing (Maldon B.,'' Madison,'^ Jeremiah,^ Sol- omon,^ Andrew,^ Andreiv^^ Andrew'^'), born Apr. 2, 1857, in Sugar Creek, Wis. ; married Feb. 9, 1880, in Easton, Adams Co., Wis., Maggie, daughter of Benjamin and Norah Gahan, born July 9, 1859, in Twin Valley, Wis. He is a farmer, and resides in Toma- hawk, Lincoln Co., Wis. Cliildren, the first three born in White Creek, the others in Tomahawk : i. Frank Mahlon,^ b. Nov. 10, 1880. ii. Thomas Earl, b. Sept. 20, 1884. iii. Ethel May, b. Apr. 17, 1888. iv. Arthur George, b. Aug. 3, 1897. v. Lulu Belle, b. July 29, 1900. 132 Austin Mahlon*^ Dewing (^Mahlon B.,^ Madison,^ Jeremiah,^ Solomon,^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born July 3, 1801, in Easton, Wis. ; married Sept. 29, 1881, in Friendsliip, Wis., Carrie, 128 Andreio Dewing and Sis Descendants. daughter of Charles and Catharine Reinheimer, born Aug. 13, 1866, in Nashville, Tenn. He resided in White Creek, Wis., Big Horn Co., Wyo., and in 1902 at Gebo, Carbon Co., Mon., where he has been engaged in the business of raising stock. Children : i. Alice Am and a,^ b. Mar. 23, 1883, in White Creek. ii. Mahlon Austin^, b. July 19, 1884, in White Creek ; d. Aug. 19, 1885. iii. Charles Herbert, b. Mar. 11, 1886, in White Creek, iv. Bertha Belle, b. Jan. 14, 1894, in Big Horn Co. V. Richard Cliftois^, b. Feb. 13, 1896, in Big Horn Co. vi. Philip, b. Oct. 25, 1900, in Gebo. 133 Rodney C.^ Dewing (^Thurston B.,'' EliJiu,^ Jeremiah,^ Sol- omon^ Andreiv,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^^, b. Aug. 18, 1857; married June 8, 1879, Aquila [Acquilla], daughter of Isaac Thompson, born Aug. 17, 1860. He is a carpenter and farmer, and the family reside in Wichita, Kan. Cliildren, the first two born in Fremont, the others in Valley Centre, Kan. : i. Charles O.,^ b. Aug. 13, 1880. ii. RoYCE O., b. Aug. 10, 1882 ; he is a musician, iii. Hattie, b. Mar. 3, 1885 ; she is a music teacher. iv. Nettie, b. Feb. 26, 1887. V. George, b. June 3, 1889. vi. Fred, b. Dec. 13, 1895. 134 Ebenezer^ Dewing (^Benjamin H.,"' Eheiuzer^ Nathan^ Ehen- ezer,'^ Henry, ^ Andrew,'^ Andreiv^~), born Nov. 11, 1843, in what is now Revere, Mass. ; married Apr. 13, 1865, lone Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Benjamin Franklin and Martha Elizabeth (Bosson) Dam, born Apr. 13, 1846, in Cambridge, Mass.* After his marriage he resided on his father's farm in Revere, which he carried on until after 1893, when he acquired by inheritance and purchase * Recorded as Jane E. Dam in Cambridge recs. Eighth Generation. 129 from some of the other lieirs a hirge part of his father's farm, most of wliich has since been sold for building lots. He lias also been emplo3'ed for many years as a motorman on the Lynn & Boston Street Railway. Children, born in Revere : 149. i. Benjamin Bosson,^ b. Mar. 17, 1860. 150. ii. Charles Edward, b. July 30, 18GS. iii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aj)r. 2, 1871; m. .Tune 24, ISDCt, at her father's home in Revere, Charles Edwin, son of Charles Dudley and Mary EHza (Welcli) Folsom, b. Aug. 21, 1852. 151. iv. Eben Franklin, b. Aug. 27, 1874. V. Henry Franklin Cooledge, b. June 14, 1880 ; he is a student at Harvard University in the class of 1904. 135 Reuben Sylvester^ Dewing (^Benjamin H.,"' Ubenezer,^ Na- than,^ Ubenezer,^ Henry,^ Andretv,^ Andreiv^), born Feb. 19, 1852, in Revere, Mass.; married Sept. 4, 1878, at her father's home in Brookline, Mass., Betsey Alice, daughter of John and Alice (lUit- terworth) Thompson, born Apr. 7, 1852, in Ilavcrliill, Mass. He resides in Brookline, and is a mason. Children, born in Brookline : i. Lillian Alice,^ b. July 4, 1879. ii. Nelson Sylvester, b. Jan. 21, 1881; d. Dec. 21, 1882. iii. Bessie, b. Dec. 6, 1882. 130 James Henry*^ Dewing ( George,'' Nathan,^ Nathan^' Ehcnezer,"^ Ilenrg,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born Dec. 1, 184G, in Needliam, Mass. ; married Apr. 8, 1874, Addie J. Knight, born Dec. 29, 1854, in Strong, Me. He resides (1899) in Lewiston, Me. Children : i. Edith,^ b. Feb. 4, 1875, in Green, Me. ii. Arthur, b. June 20, 1876, in Sabattus, Me. iii. Susie, b. Feb. 22, 1884, in Sabattus. 130 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. 137 Francis Heney^ Dewing ( G-eorge^' Nathan^ Nathan,^ Eben- ezer^^ Senry^ Andrew^ Andrezv^), born Sept. 19, 1849, in Need- ham, Mass.; married Jan. 13, 1870, in Lewiston, Me., Martha B. Harmon, born Oct. 20, 1853, in Harrison, Me. He resided (1898) in New Brunswick, N. J. Children : i. Chaeles F.,'' b. Oct. 16, 1872, in Sabattus, Me. ii. George II., b. Nov. 29, 1874, in New Brunswick, iii. Edna May, b. May 2, 1878, in New Brunswick. 138 Alonzo Wilson^ Dewing (Thomas B.,'' Nathan,^ Nathan,^ Eheyiezer,^ Henry^ Andrew^ Ajidt-eiv^'), born July 15, 1855, in Butte Co., Cal. ; married June 15, 1884, Nellie Adelaide, daughter of Henry Ward and Ruth Alma (Barker) Ivory, born Oct. 10, 1867, in Berryessa, Cal. He resides in Lompoc, Cal. Cliildren, born in Lompoc : i. Henry Alonzo,^ b. Mar. 29, 1887. ii. Clara Adelaide, b. Oct. 27, 1888. iii. Raymond Wilson, b. May 21, 1S91 ; d. June 12, 1892. iv. Hazel Louise, b. Mar. 17, 1894. V. Myrtle Lucille, b. Sept. 19, 1895. 139 Nathan Ellis^ Dewing {Nathan E.,"' Nathan^ Nathan,^ Eben- ezer^^ Henry ^ Andrew^ Andrew^')., born Nov. 17, 1854 ; married (1), Mar. 19, 1876, Flora Ella, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Underwood) Sloper, born Jan. 19, 1857, in Natick, Mass. ; died July 12, 1891, in Newton, Mass. ; married (2), Oct. 22, 1898, in Gloucester, Mass., Lulu B., daughter of William and Martha (Field) Hunter, born about 1863, in West Virginia. Mr. Dewing is (1903) a conductor on the Boston & Albany Railroad, and re- sides in Auburndale, Mass. Children by first wife, born in Natick : i. Florence Etta,^ b. Dec. 6, 1877. Eighth Generation. 131 ii. Grace, b. Mar. 3, 1879 ; d. Aug. 2, 1879. Child by second wife : iii. Nathan Hunter, b. Mar. 16, 1899, in Auburndale. 140 DwiGHT CoLBURN^ Dewing (^CharUs,'' Elijah,^ Elijah,^ Eben- ezer^^ Henry^ Andrew^ Andretv^^, born Jan. 3, 1852, in Mendon, Mass. ; died July 10, 1899, in South Milford, Mass. ; married Apr. 9, 1876 (Family recs. ; Apr. 9, 1876, Milford recs.. State archives), Ida Emeline, daughter of Elisha and Eliza C. (Ilawes) Cook, born June 2, 1855, in Providence, R. I. He was employed (1900) as a shoe-cutter in a manufactory in Milford. Cliildren : i. Hamlet Elisha,^ b. Oct. 8, 1876, in Milford. ii. Marion Eliza, b. Oct. 11, 1879, in Milford. iii, Angeline, b. Oct. 25, 1881, in Bellingham, Mass. iv. DwiGiiT CoLBURN, b. Dcc. 5, 1884; d. inf. V. Hazel Ballou, b. July 18, 1886, in Milford. vi. Earl, b. Aug. 5, 1888, in Milford. vii. Gertrude Louise, b. Mar. 29, 1891, in Milford. 141 FiiEDERic Mellen^ Dewing Qloseph H.,"' Elisha,^ Elijah,^ Eben- ezer,'^ Henry^^ Andrew^^ Andreio^^, born Feb. 12, 1868, in HoUiston, Mass. ; married Mar. 1, 1893, Kate, daughter of Matthew J. and Sarah (Colton) Scott, born July 17, 1874. He resides in Wol- laston, Mass., and is a macliinist. Cliildren : i. Gladys Colton,''* b. Dec. 25, 1894, in Savamuili, Ga. ii. Earl Hunt, b. Nov. 28, 19U(), in Dorcliestcr J>ist., IIosloii, Mass. 142 Jacob^ Dewing ( Charles TF.,' Charles^''' Jahez/' Ebenezer,'^ Henry ^^ Andrew,'^ Andretv^), born Aug. 24, 1877, in Meeker Co., Minn. ; married Sept. 17, 1901, Elsie Bowycr. Ibi is a faniicr in I'drtal, No. Dak. 132 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. Children : i. Gertie M.,^ b. Mar. 4, 1902. ii. Waeren C, b. Nov. 1, 1903. 143 Samuel Miller^ Dewing (Thomas S.^ Jar ed,^ Michael^ Heze- kiah,'^ Edmu7id,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born Nov. 20, 1854, in Ando- ver, Henry Co., 111. ; married Dec. 31, 1884, in Centreville, Md., Ida, daughter of William T. R. and Mary Elizabeth Eliot, born Sept. 20, 1853. His occupation is that of a clerk; he has resided in Centreville, and was (1900) living in Newport News, Va. Children, born in Centreville : i. Thomas Edmund,^ b. Aug. 22, 1887. ii. Arthur Archibald Miller, b. Nov. 10, 1888. 144 Aechibald Alexander^ Dewing {Tliomas S.,"' Jared,^ Michael,^ ITezekiah,^ Ud'mu7id,'^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born Sept. 1, 1856, in Reedsville, Iowa; married Mar. 11, 1886, in Oakland, Cal., Mary Lincoln, daughter of Dr. S. H. Melvin, born Dec. 29, 1860, in Springfield, 111. He is a clerk, and resides in Oakland. Children, born in Oakland : i. Ralph Melvin,^ b. Apr. 29, 1890. ii. Henry Alexander, b. Nov. 16, 1892. iii. George Barrett, b. Jan. 8, 1895. 145 Charles Hodge^ Dewlng (Thomas S.," Jared,^ Michael,^ Reze- kiah,'^ Udmund,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^^, born July 17, 1858, in Wyalu- sing, Bradford Co., Pa. ; married Oct. 28, 1886, Elizabeth Jane, daughter of John M. and Jane (Harrison) Collins, born Sept. 8, 1861, in Centreville, Md. He is a clerk in Oakland, Cal. CliUdren, the first two born in Centreville, the others in Oak- land : i. Alice Mat,^ b. Sept. 27, 1887. ii. Marguerite Collins, b. Oct. 27, 1888. Ninth Generation. 133 iii. Charles William, b. Aug. 11, 1895. iv. Edith Harrison, b. Sept. 10, 1897. V. Ruth Finley, b. Oct. 1, 1901. vi. Clarissa Jane, twin to Ruth F. 146 Henry E.^ Dewing (Adolphus,"' Adolphus,^ Luke,^ IlezekiaJi,^ Udmund,^ Andreiv,^ Andreiv^^^ born June 9, 1857, in East Franklin, Vt. ; married Feb. 20, 1879, Lillian Agnes, daughter of George and Permelia (Earle) Colcord, born Jan. 9, 1861. He is an undertaker. Children, born in East Franklin : i. Herman Adolpiius,^ b. Jan. 12, 1884. ii. Ernest G., b. May 11, 1886. iii. W. Howard, b. Apr. 1, 1894. 147 Arthur James^ Dewing {Francis," Andrew,'^ Abijah,^ ffeze- ziah,'^ Edmund,^ Andrew,^ Andreio^~), born Oct. 25, 1870, in San Francisco, Cal. ; married Aug. 1, 1893, Edna R. Williams. Children, born in San Francisco : i. Walter R.,^ b. July 30, 1894. ii. Andrew S., b. Jan. 16, 1897. NINTH GENERATION. 148 Leslie Charles^ Dewing (^Charles 2).,^ George,'' Dexter,^ Jeremiah,^ Solomon,'^ Andrew,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born Nov. 28, 1862, in Delavan, Wis. ; married Jan. 17, 1887, Almira Alice, daughter of George and Sarah Brown, born Aug. 3, 1862. He is in the jewelry business in Brookings, So. Dak. Children, born in Brookings : i. Litta Marie,i° b. Mar. 10, 1888. ii. George Dexter, b. Apr. 24, 1892. iii. LoRA Louisa, b. Oct. 8, 1894. 134 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. 149 Benjamin Bosson^ Dewing (Ehenezer,^ Benjamin IT.,'' Ehen- ezer^ Nathan^ Ehe.nezer^^ Henry, ^ Andrew ^^ Andrew^'), born Mar. 17, 1866, in North Chelsea (now Revere), Mass. ; married May 14, 1889, in Alameda, Cal., Laura Arleen, daughter of Marion Jasper and Margaret E. (Slinkard) Hindman, born June 9, 1868, in Newberry, Ind.* He graduated LL. B. at Boston University in 1892. Cliildren : i. Margaret Marion," b. Feb. 20, 1890, in Revere, ii. Edmund Rosltn, b. Sept. 4, 1891, in Chelsea. iii. Norman Frank, b. Mar. 28, 1894, in Chelsea. 150 Charles Edward^ Dewing (^Ehenezer,^ Benjamin ff.,'' Ehen- ezer^ Nathan,^ Ehenezer,'^ Henry, ^ Andreiv,"^ Andrew^^, born July 30, 1868, in Revere, Mass. ; married Sept. 12, 1889, in Henniker, N. H., Annie Laurie, daughter of Moses D. and Sarah J. (George) Sargent, born Jan. 27, 1869, in Eaton, Canada East.* He has been a locomotive engineer. Child : i. loNE Elizabeth," b. June 21, 1890, in North Weare, N. H.; d. Nov. 26, 189G, in Weare. 151 Eben Franklin^ Dewing (Ehenezer,^ Benjamin H,'' Ebenezer,^ Nathan,^ Ehenezer,'^ Henry,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born Aug. 27, 1874, in Revere, Mass. ; married Oct. 25, 1899, in Cambridge, Mass., Maude Lillian, daughter of Robert Thomas and Hannah (Chaffe) Marshall, born June 25, 1877, in Charlestown Dist., Boston, Mass. He resides in Arlington, Mass. Children : i. Lester," b. Aug. 20, 1890 ; d. inf. ii. Dorothy Leland, b. Jan. 18, 1903. * Authority : Eben F.^ Dewing. Andrew Deioing and His Descendants. 135 The following data concerning the children of Fergus (101) Dewing were received too late to be placed in their proper order : 101, i Oeenda Jane^ Dewing {Fergus,^ Charles (7.,^ Jabez,^ JEbenezer,^ Henry,^ Andrew,^ Andreio^^, born Mar. 27, 1859 ; married Oct. 11, 1880, William Glazier Huffman, born July 3, 185G. Cliiidren (Huffman) : i. Edwin,« b. July 23, 1881. ii. John, b. Mar. 10, 1883. iii. AuROBA,* b. Dec. 27, 1884. iv. Edith, b. Apr. 20, 1888. V. Etta, twin to Edith ; d. Dec. 10, 1890. vi. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 7, 1893. vii. Roland, b. Oct. 10, 1900. viii. Louie, b. May 14, 1904. 101, ii JOHN^ Dewing QFergus,'' Charles C.,^ Jabez,^ Ebenezer,^ Henry,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^'), born Oct. 10, 1861 ; married May 15, 1888, Lola Haines, born June 27, 1866. Children : i. Vernie Ellis,« b. Mar. 8, 1889. ii. RoxY Anna, b. Mar. 1, 1891. iii. RosANNA, b. July 14, 1892 ; d. inf. iv. Harlow, b. June 20, 1893. V. Chester, b. Dec. 20, 1894. vi. Hollis Leroy, b. Aug. 1, 1898. vii. RoHERT Orland, b. Mar. 12, 1901. viu. Rosa, b. Feb. 10, 1903. 101, viii Maiiy Eliza^ Dewing (^Feryus,'^ Charles C.,^ Jahez^ Ehenezer^^ Henry^ Andreio^ Andrew^')., born Mar. 25, 1874 ; married Aug. 13, 1892, Fred Gottlieb Schultz, born Jan. 17, 1872. Children (Schultz) : i. George Frederick,^ b. Mar. 15, 1893. ii. Henry William, b. Oct. 19, 1895. * This name is indistinct as f urnisbod us ; it may be Isora. ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. While this volume has been passing through the press some further information has been received, too late to give in its proper place, and one or two errors have been discovered, which we note below. Page 15, line 2, for Hist. Reg. read Town Recs. Page 19, line 3, of No. 7, for (Wright) read (More). Page 42, line 10 from foot, for 1812 (birth of John) read 1813. Page 48, line 6. Ruth Judd was b. Oct. 14, 1825 ; d. Apr. 13, 1808. Line 8. Hiram D. Lovering m. Jane Hall ; she d. Apr. 1, 1884. Line 10. George W. Iv. Lovering m. Margaret Wright ; they had one son, William. The surname is spelled Loverin by many of the family. Line 14, after Leonard Reed add b. Jan. 24, 1820; d. Nov. 15, 18G9; they had a son, Curtis L.^ Reed, who res. in Richford, Vt. He gives his mother's name as Mary M. instead of Polly. Line 18, for Chase, read Mark Chase. Line 21. Dela and Dilla are as furnished us by members of the family. The town clerk of Sheldon writes that it is " Delia" on the Record ; the Family Bible Record, as we are informed, has " Delilah," and differs in a few other dates in her father's family from those in the text. She was married by Samuel West, J. P. Page 50, line 11 from foot, for they [Mr. and Mrs. Moore] have one child, read they have two chil. Line 8 from foot, Nathan has had three children, of whom two are living. Page 52, line 20. His son writes that George Leonard was born in 1795. Page 63, line 1. We find that the date of death of Seth (30, vii), which was sent by a correspondent, is some years too early, as Katie was b. Mar. 1, 1856, in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; there was an older dau. who died young. Page 72, line 13. The date of birth of Mary Coombs, if her age at death is correctly given on the Mendon Town recs. , as furnished us by the town clerk, should be June 3 (not July 3). Geneal. Hist, of Henry Adams of Braintree, p. 570, has July 8 ; we do not know on what authority. The foot-note on this page should read, Mary's age at death, etc. Addenda and Corrigenda. 137 Page 74, line 10. By the Massachusetts State Archives, Phoebe M. Hay (Mrs. Albert W. Dewinu) was 20 when she died, and was therefore born about 1840. Page 75, under No. 53, we have conflicting information ; a recent letter says that Charles C. Dewing was born Sept. G, 1800, and died Nov. 30, 1881. We are unable to say which is correct. Page 76, line 17, after Charles William add b. Aug. 24, 1848. Page 79, line 4, for 31 (date of marriage of Louisa) read 21. Page 90, line 9 from foot, for May (date of birth of Henry A. Dewing) read March. Page 93, line 14, for Addie (middle name of Lovina, iii) read Adelia. Page 96, line 5. Mr. Ely B. Dewing wrote that the seventh child was Courtney Benjamin, and that he married April 21, 1901, in Tlushville, Neb., Carrie Ellen, daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Josephine (Van Trump) Carter, born Sept. 24, 1878, in Rochester, Ind. They reside in Ilusliville, where he is engaged in stock-raising. Our authority for Courtney Almon (as in the text) was his niece, Miss Ida B. Nunemaker ; in a later letter she writes that Courtney Benjamin is correct, and that he has children : — 1. Frank Benjamin,'^ b. Mar. 19, 1902 : 2. Josephine Ida, b. Nov. 17, 1903. Page 96, line 17. One informant gives White Creek (not Sugar Creek) as the birthplace of Clifton B. Dewing. Page 106, line 23, for William read Wilson. Page 110, line 14. Grace A. died May 31, 1904, leaving a son (Fisher), Bohert Demng, b. May 13, 1904. In gathering material wo have found several entries of the name of Dewing on the State Archives, and also in some Genealogies that have been consulted, which on investigation prove to be clerical errors. We note some of those concerning which we have direct information in re- sponse to our inquiries. The Middlesex Co. recs., Newton Marriages, p. 179, have the marriage of James Dewhig of Watertown, Oct. 5, 1774, to Eebekah Adams of Newton, Mass. AVe have been unable to learn anything further of this James. The town clerk of Holliston furnishes the following from the Town records : " George Dewing and Margaret White married Aug. 30, 1759." One George Dewing of Mendon, husbandman (perhaps the same), con- veyed by a deed signed Jan. 21, 1755, for €249, a lot of land in JSIcndon, Mass., and seven acres of swamp land in Holliston, in which he had an "absolute estate of inheritance, in fee simple," to Daniel Ide, a gunsmith of Medway; and Martha Dewing, of Wrentham, signed a release of her dower in the above premises, Oct. 4, 1756. (Worcester Co. recs., at Wor- cester, and also recorded with Suffolk deeds, 89 : 121.) It is possible that 138 Andrew Dewing and His Descejidants. this Martha may have been the wife or widow of Jeremiah (4, ii) Dewing (the date of his death being unknown), and George may have been a son ; or Martha may have been the wife of George previous to his marriage to Margaret AVhite; we have not been able to identify the parties, and the name may perhaps be meant for Deming. The errors in the State Archives concerning the Dewings are found chiefly in Entries from Sandisfield, Mass. Under date of ^o\. 7, 1848 (p. 57, Marriages), James A. Dev»ring is said to have married Sarah E. Jones of Sandisfield. Apr. 30, 1850 (p. 56, ibid.)^ Edward Kellogg married Maria Dewing, both of Sandisfield. Feb 25, 1851 (p. 55, ibid.), David B. Dewing married Mary Bosworth, both of Sandisfield. May 2, 1863 (p. 54, Deaths), Burton D. Dewing of Sandisfield was shot at Port Hud- son ; he is called son of Eussell and Sarah Dewing. In each of the above cases, as we are informed by the town clerk of Sandisfield, the name Dewing is incorrectly given ; it should be Deming. In Chelsea rec. of marriages (State Archives, p. 215, Marriages), Charles H. Cutting of Chelsea married Aug. 24, 1871, Myra J. Dewing. Mr. Cut- ting informs us that the maiden name of his wife was Deering ; she was born in Bradford, Me. In Milford recs. (State Archives, p. 334, Marriages), Charles C. Dewing married Dec. 12, 1886, Etta B. Thurston, of Ilopedale, Mass. He writes that his name should have been recorded Charles C. Downing. In the Burr Family Gen. (2d ed., I^o. 675, p. 333, and in the same work 4th ed., p. 421, No. 1214), William B. Burr is said to have m. Mary E. Dewing ; a letter from Mrs. Burr, from St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1901, says her maiden name was Mary M. Devney. In the Chandler Family Gen., p. 981, No. 3788, E. G. Dewing, of Madi- son, Wis., is said to have married Aug. 24, 1881, Lucretia M. Eandall. We have a letter from him saying this should be E. G. Deming. . It should be said that while discrepancies in spelling names will very likely be noticed, these are generally due to the fact that correspondents do not always agree among themselves, even in the same family, — a com- mon experience of genealogists. APPENDIX. We give below the wills of Andrew^ (2), of his l)rother Jonathan- (3), and of Ilenry^ (5), son of Andrew,^ from certiHed copies on tlie Suffolk County Probate records, together with the inventories of the two brothers, Jonathan (3) and Andrew^ (4), the latter of whom died in- testate. It is believed that these documents will be interesting, as they indicate something of the character of those by whom the wills were made, while the inventories, by the minuteness of then- details, give the reader a glimpse of the surroundings and home life of their owners, and of the period in which they lived. WILL OF ANDREW (2) DEWING. THE last Will and Testament of Andrew Dewin Sen"", of Needham Husbandman, made in the year of our Lord 1717. January 14*''. AU- though at the day of the date hereof I am in a very weak and low Con- dition as to my Body and in and under the visiting hand of God and concluding that God is now calling of me out of this world ; Yet, through the goodness of God to me I am now in the Injoyment of the use of understanding, reason and memory ; I therefore account it both duty and ])rudence to be preparing for my departure out of this world. And whereas I consist of an Immortal Soul and Earthly Body my desire is, that at my departure out of this world my Soul may return to God that gave it me, and be received into those mansions — jn^epared for such as are Appointed Vessels of honour. My Body to be Committed to the Earth there to remain untill the llesurrection and then both Soul and Body to be raised incorruptible and Improved in the Glory- fying and praising of my Creator, and Redeemer, to Eternity. NOW as for my worldly Instate of Lands and Chattels which tlie Lord hath given me my mind and will is as foUoweth Viz'. That after my death all my True and Just debts be truly and honestly paid and that which is necessary for my Burial to be taken out of my Estate ; and then the rest of my Estate which is not given away by Deed Namely my Housing, and Lands, and Moveables I give and bequeath the use 140 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. and Improvemeut of one half of them to my wellbeloved Wife Dorothy Dewin, during the whole time and term, that she shall remain my Widow ; and in case that she shall change her Condition by Marriage that then she shall have the use and Improvem*. of one third part of my Estate, which I dye in the LawfuU possession of during the term of her natural life : as for my two Eldest Sons Namely Andrew Dewin my Eldest Son and Henry Dewin my Second Son I have given them their full share in my Lands and Meadows by Deed I therefore now give and bequeath to them, That is namely to my Eldest Son Andrew Dewin five pounds in money to be paid to him within three years After my Decease, by my youngest Son Edmund Dewin and that shall be his share in my whole Estate; As for Henry Dewin my Second Son, I now give and bequeath to him five pounds in money Also to be paid to him within three years After my Decease by my youngest Son Edmund Dewin and that shall be his share in my w^hole Estate. Now as for my Two Daughters namely Easter and Dorothy my mind and Will is, that my youngest Daughter Dorothy be made equal with my Eldest Daughter Easter, in what she hath already had of my Estate and then that Easter my Eldest Daughter and Dorothy my youngest Daughter have each of them five pounds apeice in money out of my Estate paid to them by Edmund Dewin my Youngest Son within three years after my Decease. NOW as for my youngest Son Edmund Dewin my mind and Will is That immediately after my death he shall have the one half of my Estate which I dye possessed of both Housing and Lands. And further my mind and Will is. That when my loving Wife Dorothy shall Change her condition by Marriage, That then my youngest Son Edmund Dewin shall have the other half part of my Estate in Housing and Lands, and Moveables or at the departure of my Loving Wife Dorothy out of this world, That then my said Son Edmund Dewin shall have the other half of my Estate which I dye possessed of which he hath not at my death. And in case that my loving Wife shall mai-ry again, That then my Son Edmund Dewin, shall pay to his Mother Dorothy annually the produce and Income of one Third part of my Estate during the whole Time and Tei'm of her natural Life to the true and faithf all performance of this my last Will and Testament I Appoint my youngest Son Edmund Dewin Executor with my Loving Wife Executrix. I the said Andrew Dewin have here unto Set my hand and Seal the year and day above written. Andrew Dewin Sen'', and a Seal. Signed and Sealed in presence of, Eleazar Ellice, Jonathan Gay, John Gay Apj^endix. 141 WILL OF JONATHAN (3) DEWING. I>r THE Name op God Amen I Jonatliaa ])e\ving in the County of Suffolk witliin the Province of the Massachusetts 13ay in New England yeoman being under the Infirmities of age & Decay of nature but of sound & disposing mind & memory blessed be the name of God for the same but not knowing how soon or suddenly The Lord may please to call Me out of this World by Death Do make this ray Last \\\\\ & Testament in manner & form following That is to say, First &, Princi- pally I commend my Soul into the hands of God almighty hoping tt trusting in the Merits & Mediation of Jesus Christ my Redeemer to receive full pardon of all my Sins & Eternal Life; my Body T commenil to the Earth to receive such decent Interment as my Executrix and Executors hereinafter named shall think fit and my Estate which the Bountifull hand of Providence hath bestowed u})on Me the same I give devise and bequeath in manner and form following viz. Imp"^s njy mind and will is that all my Just Debts & Funeral Charges shall be paid within convenient Time after my decease. Item I give & bequeath to my beloved Wife Susannah Demng the Income of the Tlm-ds of my whole Estate during her Natural Life. Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved Son Jon-^. Dewing Fifty pounds besides what he has already received to be paid by my Executors in convenient time after my Decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Nathaniel Dewing Thirty & five pounds besides what he hath already received to be paid by my Executors in convenient Time after my Decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son David Dewing Forty pounds besides what he hath already reC^, to be paid by my Executors in convenient Time after my decease. Item I give unto my l)eloved Daughter Patience Dewing J^'orty pounds to be paid by my Execute*, in convenient Time after my decease. Item I give to my beloved Daughter Coller Thirty pounds to be paid by my Execuf^ in convenient Time after my decease. Item I give to my well beloved Son Stephen Dewing all the Remainder of my Real Estate Housing & orcharding, all my Lands upland &, Meadow Land — as to my l^ersonal & moveable Estate my mind & Will is to be Equally divided among all my abovesaid Children and I do hereby make nominate & appoint m^' belove other charges ; and I give to the said Ebenezer the residue of my Real & personal Estate. Finally I Constitute & appoint my said Son Ebenezer Dewing to be sole Execu- tor to this my last Will & Testament. In Wittness whereof I the said Henry Dewing have to this my last Will & Testament set my hand & Seal the day & year first mentioned. — Signed, Sealed & delivered by the \ Testator as & for his last Will & \ Henry Dewing &> a Seal Testament, in presence of us — ) Jeremiah Fisher, Joshua Ellis Nehemiah Mills Jun^, John Jones — A])pe7idix. 145 Suffolk ss The afore written Will being presented for Probate by the Executor therein named, Jeremiah Fisher, Joshua Ellis, Neheniiah Mills jun^ & John Jones made Oath that they saw Henry Dewing the subscriber to this Instrument sign the same, and also heard him pul^lish & declare it to lie his last Will & Testament, and that when he so did he was of sound dis- posing mind & memory according to these Deponents best discerning, and that they set to their hands as Witnesses thereof in the said Testators presence. — T. Hutchinson, Jud: Pm: Boston April 10'" 17G5 INVENTORY OF ANDREW (4) DEWING. Needham, April tlio 14tli : I74f3 An Inventory of the Real and iiersdiial Estate of Andrew Dewing late of Needham deced Gent, taken by iis tlio Sub- scribers Taken in Bills of the old Tenor vizt. — The Homestead and Buildings tSi^.") The woodland on the northeastside of the road that . . . leadeth / from said House to Henry Dewing .... . i The Stone swamp with the Land adjoyuing to it on the west / side of said way S A Piece of Land in Natick 2 Acres by the wigwam Half an Acre between the Land of John Mclntier deced and j the land of Henry Dewings near the House of Josiah Ware 1 To Books 42/ to a Coat & Hat 50/ To Beds and Beding To a Log Chain and Harrow To Tubs and Barrells To Iron potts Pewter To Trammells Tongs & peal To a Chest & 2 Tables and 7 Chairs 2 Chizzells 2 files pinchers & Gimblett 2 pales & wooden Dishes & Churn A Spining wheel & 2 Sickles post Ax . To a Ax & Hatchett Rake & hoe and Shave To Oxen & Horse To Cash £48 . 10 — to Old Iron 26/3 l!)-. ic 250 120 54 20 4- 14 G 1 40 4'.)- 12 15 10 11 2 14 1 14 15 10 .i:l404 ■• '.I. '.I JosiAii Reed JosiAii Nkwki.i. Jonathan Pakkkk Suffolk ss By the HonWe: Edward Hutchinson Esqr. Judge of Pro: itc Abigail Dewing Admiu", presented tlio within written and inailc Oath that it contains a true and perfect Inventory of the Estate of her late Husband 1-16 Andrew Deioing and His Descendants. Andrew Dewing deced so far as hath come to her knowledge and that if more hereafter Appears she will Cause the same to bo added The Subscribing Appraisers having been sworn as the Law directs. — _ Edw» Hutchinson Boston June 20th: 1746 NOTES ON ENGLISH FAMILIES. We add some notes on other families bearing the name of Dewing, referred to in the Introductory note, who are not descended from Andrew of Dedham, and who came to this country from Norfolk County, England, at different times during the last century. RiciiAED Dewing, of Ashwicken, near NorMdch, Norfolk Co., Eng- land, married Elkabeth, daughter of William Herring, of the same County; she died Mar. 10, 1874, leaving an estate. They had eleven children as given below, though full data have not been obtained. Two of the sons came to America about 1837, but one of these, Augustus F., subsequently returned. From information received from Mr. James H. Dewing, of Kalamazoo, Wis., we are enabled to give the following : Children, born in Burnham Overy, Norfolk Co., England : i. EiciiARD, eldest son ; m. and had issue living in Burnham Overy. ii. William G., b. May 17, 1809; d. Apr. 11, 1884, in Kalamazoo, where he settled not long after his arrival in the United States ; m. in 1842, Jane Amelia, dau. of Capt. Thaddeus and Amelia (Atwater) Tuttle, of Burlington, Vt., b. in 1812*; d. Sept. 6, 1901, in Kalamazoo. Children, b. in Kalamazoo : 1. Amelia Jane, b. June 17, 1843; d. Aug. 18, 1883; m. Thaddeus Rowe, of Kalamazoo. Children (Kowe): 1. Charles, b. ; d. in 1900: ii. Mary, b. May 7, 1870; unm. ; she is now called Mary Dewing, 2. William Sheldon, b. Sept. 17, 1845; m. Caroline F. Woodford, of Fredonia, N. Y., b. Sept. 29, 1855. Child: Winifred, b. Mar. 9, 1879, in Kalamazoo; she was a student at Smith in 1902. 3. Frederick Augustus, b. ; d. inf. 4. Charles Atwater, b. Aug. 19, 1850; unm. ; res. (1902) in Kalamazoo. 5. Edward, b. ; d. y, 6. James Herring, b. Sept. 5, 1853; m. Jan. 9, 1890, Fannie Anderson, dau. of Lebbeus and Sallie Frances (Sawyier) Eliot Chapin, b. Nov. 21, 1863, in New Haven, Ct. ; res. (1902) in Kalamazoo, where he is Vice- President and General Manager of the Chicago, Kalamazoo and Saginaw R. R., and has other large business interests. Res. (1902) in Kalamazoo. Children: i. Chapin Anderson, b. Dec. 21, 1891: Elizabeth, b. Oct. 16, 1898. * Our date from her son; the Tuttle Gen. has 1815, and gives an interesting account of her father's home. Notes on English families. 147 iii. Augustus Frederick, b. ; d. abt. 1894, in London, England; m. ; s. p. iv. Elizabeth A., b. ; m. Mr. Oaks. Child (Oaks): Alfred, rm. Chicago. V. Henry, b. ; m. ; res. Australia. vi. Frederick Augustus, b. ; m. ; settled in Australia, and has four chil. vii. Emma, b. ; m. Rev. Edward IT. Kittoe; he was a clergyman of the Church of England. They had issue, viii. Ellen P., b. ; m. the Rev. George Burril; both d. abt. 1S95 leaving issue. He was living in the Carbrooke rectory, in IKOO, near Walton, Norfolk, and many of the family are buried in tlu; Carbrooke Parish Church (Sts. Peter and Paul). They had several chil. ix. Elizabeth Ann, b. ; m. Mr. Wells. X. Thomas, b. . xi. Georgina Mary, b. ; m. Mr. Simpson. We are much indebted to Mr. James II. Dewing of Kalamazoo, for information concerning the above Norfolk families. John Dewixg, of Norfolk Co., England, who died in 1870, niarrit'i;iiiii I'J. (\V'il.sliiia 17 |yii(;.y 1 17 (JaKvvoii, Ijii(;iii(la IO;i (Jliallc, Ilaiiiiaii i;M (Jiialioo, JamoK 1 1'i I'oriiiolia (l>iviiiKHt,(Mi) I 10, I 17 I'riscilla J. IKi (;!iaMill<)r,JJolHoy ^l.(l>(;vv- i"K) V.) (Jliarli;s H. 50 l';ii/,al)(jl,li Miirj>liy 50 lliiMali (U(nvaiii') I'J .\i)\\\\ ID .loliii K. 50 Mary .J. 50 JSarali A. Oliaruilor 50 Sarali A. Magco 50 .Silliiriari IJ. 50 Simari 15. 50 'I'liomas K. 4!) (liiapin, <.'at-lii!riii() 51 IiU<;y (VVIiil.ricy) 51 Tlia. SO Jauo A, (li(jvoi'iiig) Is Cliaso, Mark 4.S,* i:>(( Ncdlio TliayorHO l'()l,(!r 7'.» (-'liocsehortjiigli, Ml i /.ah' 111 (VVyiiUooj)) 1 Is MaiyK. I IH Stowarl; 1 IH Clioovor, (jliarli)l,l<) (Dow- ing) :!7 Dolly (WliDolor) 'M Joliii ;{7 liyiiian :j7 Saiah Hi (Mionuy, Abigail, ((J Odd oil) SI Anna M. SI Calliariiio (Dowing) Si I'llxjiio/.or S4 I'lhniiior 28 l''iaiik L. 85 (i (sorgo VV. 84 lloiiry (J. 85 I/iioiiiK Va. 84 ■Noilio A. 85 I'oljii- 84 (;lii(;k(!ring, Abigail II Alniira 27 (Jai'olino (jlai'k 20 Daiiiol 2(i Kli/,abol b (Jay II Kst.bor 27 I'lslbor (Dowing) 20 l<';i,miy Nol.son 20 .John' II .lo,soi»li 27 Koziali (KlliH) 20 Loonanl 27 LcjIh Mar.sli II Lii<;y 27 Mary (Dowing) 14 Mary (Tliorii) 14 Moliy 15 .Natlianiol 14, 20 OIkmI 15 Olivor II, 15 Olis 27 I'olly 20 Itoxa ((;a|)on) 27 •Saninol 14, 15 SitrKion 20, 27 Tabilha llookor II 'rinioUiy 14 lloialio N. ;>1 .1. U. (Mi-H.) :J0 (Jhild, John ;:i Maria .'tl Mary A. ;tl Nancy I'orrin \\\ I'olly (Dowing) ;!1 iSaniiiol \'.\ Sibyl (Miigb(M)) :tl Sophia .'!l (.'latlin, .hilia (llunling) 28 Owon 28 <;iark, (jarolino 20 .lohn 42, 4;! Mary .1. 1 10 i'hoobo 15 Unlh 20 Sally 42, 4:1 Sarali 4:! Sarah K. (Ihnlsoii) Dow- ing 100 William (i. 100 (Jlov(!lan (jollor, .lominia \-'> .Joininia (Dowing) b!, 20 .John l.J, 20 Mary i:j, 20 (Jollins, (-'aLliarino (<)h- born) Iloagland 1 15 (J bar 1 OK K. I 15 Kli/.abolb ,). l;i2 .Jano (Harrison) V-Vl .lohn M. l;!2 (Jollon, Ailolj)hiiK 110 152 Andrew Deioing and His Descendants. Colton, Sally (Fish) lUi Sarah, 110, 131 Conklin, Elizabeth 112 Congdon, Caleb 51 George 74 Lippitt 51 Mary E. White 51 Mary (Lippitt) 51 Nancy A. (Dewing) 51 Oliver L. 51 Phoebe 74 Sarah 74 Connors, Ella (Chase) 70 J. C. 79 Cook, Ardelia 109 Eli8hal31 Eliza C. (Ilawes) 1:]1 Ida E. 131 Neourly C. 49 Rhoda W. (Pickering) 109 Welcome 15. 109 Coombs, Jesse 72 Mary 72,* 136 Sarah (Adams) 72 Coy, Nellie F. 109 Crandall, Eliza A. 94 Cresson, Sarah :\1 Crosby, Abigail (Pad- dock) 55 Ely 55 Joseph 55 Kejoice (Dewing) 55 Cross, Eunice W. SO Crow, Jauo (Arthur) 125 Nettie N. 124 William 124 Cummings, Koyal 109 Sarah 13. (Carpenter) 109 Sarah F. 109 Currier, Adeline (Mitch- ell) 49 George W. 49 Cushman, Abner 102 Eleazar 102 Fear 102 Mary (Allerton) 102 Moses 102 Robert 102 Thomas 102 Cutler, Mary A. (Child) 31 Silas 31 Cutting, Charles H. 138 MyraJ. (Deering) 138 Daggett, Rachel C. (Rus- sell) 99 Dam, Benjamin F. 128 lone 128 Dam, Martha E. (Bosson) 12S Dauforth, Clarissa II. 30 Daniels, p:iizab'tli (Smith 18 Darling, .lane A. 124 Davis, Isabella 58 Mary 25 Mary S. S9 Day, Ralph 11 Sarah 11 Sarah (Fuller) 11 Dean, Sarah 38 Deering, Myra J. 138 Deigler, Roxana (Dewing) 43 Delany, Mary 89 Deming, Burton D. 138 David B. 138 James A. 138 Lucretia M. (Randall) 138 Maria 138 R. G. 138 Russell 138 Sarah E. (Jones) 138 Devney, Mary M. 138 Dewing, Aaron 10, 18, 21, 42 Al>bie A. 74 Abigail 21, 27, 28, 54, 50 Abigail (Fisher) 14 Abigail G. (Lent) 114 Abigail (Parker) 17, 27 Abiyail (Washburn) 55 Abi^ah 29, 31, '19 Ada (Fisher) Mills 38 Addie J. Knight 129 Adelaide ((ilazier) 59 Adelia L. 112 Adolphus [Dolphus] 47, 48, 78, 79, 110 Agnes Sommerville 120 Albert 51, 81, 82, 118 Albert B. 118 Albert II. 104 Albert W. 74 Alexander 45, 78 Alfred F. 92 Alfred M. 113 Alice A. 128 Alice B. 117 Alice H. 92 Alice M. 93, 132 Alice S. 125 Allen S. 121 Alliton 118 Almira 03 Almira A. (Brown) 133 Almira S. 102 Dewing, Almira (Sylves- ter) 100 Almon F. 61, 95 Alonzo F. 74, 111 Alonzo W. 106, 130 Althea M. (Hunt) 110 Alzina TI. (Emory) 122 Amanda (Bacon) 96 Amasa 81 Amasa J. 117, 120 Amelia Upson .53 Amy B. 119 Amy (Bronson) 80 Amy G. 115 Andrew .5-8, 10-12, 14, 19, 22, 23, 25-27, 39, 45, 49, 77, 80, 81, 115 Andrew S. 133 Angeline 131 Angeline A. (Colburn) 108 Angeline (Hart) 105 Anice K. (Booker) 97 Ann 8, 10, 11 Ann Donstall 7, 8 Anna 114 Anna C. 77 Anna (P>lmunds) 55 Anna Evans 47 Anna M. 85 Annie E. (Buckley) 99 Annie L. (Sargent) 1.34 Annie Ij. (Wilkinson) 1 1 1 Annie M. (Brown) 95 Antoinette J. 89 Aquila [Acquilla] (Thompson) 128 Archer E. 98 Archibald A. 114, 132 Ardelia C. 109 Ardelia (Cook) 109 Arthur 35, 129 Arthur A. M. 132 Arthur C. 113 Arthur G. 127 Arthur J. 117, 133 Arthur M. 125 Arthur S. 107 Austin M. 96, 127 Belle B. (Wales) 94 Benjamin B. 129, 134 Benjamin C. 127 Benjamin F. 101 Benjamin H. 23, 39, 05, 00, 09, 100 Bertha B. 128 Bertha C. (Lovell) 92 Bertha M. 118 Bessie 127, 129 Betsey 42 Index. 153 Dewiug, Betsey A. 7G, 112 Betsey A. (Tlioinpson) 129 Betsey (Esterbvook) -1") Betsey (Johnson) (54 Betsey M. 4i) Betsey Tomson, 75 Betty Heed 40 Beul'ali, 19, 21 Blanche A. 125 Burton D.* i:3S Byron L. 113 Calvin 35 Canlield 48 Caroline 40, Vti, 113 Caroline C. (51 Caroline E. 71, 103 (Jarolino M. 80 Caroline S. 36 (Jaroline T. 03 (Jarrie Baker 78 Carrie E. (('arter) 137 Carrie M. 110, 117 Carrie (U(!inheinier) 127, 128 Carrol, 109 C'atharine 84 Catharine Freeland 84 Catharine (Furlono) 89 C'atharine II. (Fleininy) 121 Catharine O'Neal 57 Catherine (('liai)iM) 51 Charles 70, 72, 81, 108, 113 Charles A. 70, 81, 110 Charles C. 43,75,* 137, 138 Charles D. 93, 120 Charles E. 109, 129, 134 Charles F. 130 Charles H. 05,71, 89, 9S, 107, 114, 128, 132 Charles J. 115 Charles O. 128 Charles P. 74, 110 Charles R. 109 Charles S. 78, 115 Charles W. 59, 7(i,* 90, 113, 124, 133, 137 Charlotte 37 Charlotte A. (Beach) 83 Charlotte (Bailey) 7(i Charlotte M. 112 (Jheney 33, 57, 59 (Chester 135 (Jhester F. 99 Chester !>. 98 C!hloe 27 (Hara A. 80, 130 Clara E. (Slack) 103 Dewing, Clara M. 90 Clarence E. 98 Clarence I. 125 Clarissa J. 133 Clarissa [Clara] J. (W; ing) 113 (;lark 52, 83, 121 Clifton B. 90,* 127, l: Clinton D. 94 Clyde J. II. 103 Cordelia 59 Cornelius C. 113 Courtney A. 90,* 137 (Jourtuey B. l.")7 Danford 18 Daniel 19, 31, .54 Daniel K. 125 David 13 David B.* 138 Deborah 8, 11 Deborah (Weaver) 01 Deidaiuia (Weaver) 5 Dela (I)illa) 48,* 130 Delilah i;;o Delia Lemon 98 Dency 35 Dexter 30, 59 Diana 79 Dilla 48 Dolly 44 Dollv M. 70 l)olphus47,48,78,79, Dora 117 Dorliska 03 Dorothy 12, 13.15, 22, Dorothy (Ilolbrook) Dorothy Hyde 12 Dorothy L. 134 Dorothy (Morse) 49 Diirwald I). 98 Dwight C. 109, 131 E. Marietta (Smith) ' Earl 131 Earl II. 131 Earl W. 98 Eben F. 129, 134 Ebeuezer l(i, 17, 23, 40, 51, 53, (i5, 103, Edith 129 Edith B. 125 Edith fl. 1.J3 Edmund 12, 13, 18, 27, 45 Edmund K. 134 Edna 127 Edna K. Ill l<:dna M. 130 Edna li. (Williams) (Minor (I'.each) 9s Edward C. 47, 78 vll- 110 120 44 31, 12S 19, Dewiug, Edward O. 120 Edward S. 99 Edward W. 90, 125 Edwin 00 Edwin A. 01 Edwin !•:. 1 IS E(hvin S. 82, 121 Elihu 3(;, (i2 Elijah 24, 40-42, 72 Elijah F. 73, 110 Elisha 40-42, 72 Eliza ((Ternhardt) IKt Eliza W. S. (I'ainc) 107 Elizabeth 17, 19, 22, 25, 35, 43, 07, 73, 79, 114 Elizabeth A. 119 Elizabeth B. 108 Elizabeth (Beard) 100 Elizabeth Bond 43 Elizabeth (Broad) 38 Elizabeth Conk! in 1 12 Elizabeth (Dixon) 91 Elizabeth F. 77 Elizabeth Fahnestock 77 Elizabeth, I. (Collins) 132 Elizabeth (Mellish) (M Elizabeth O. Smith 125 Elizabeth (Ogdeu) 120 Elizabeth Q. (Burns) 105 Elizabeth S. (Marchant) 99 Elizabeth (Tolmau) 22 Elizabelh (Towle) 78 Elizabeth Warren 10 Ellen 72 Ellen M. 107 Elliott K. 80 Elsie Bowyer 131 Elva M. 98 Fly B. 34, 00, 01, 94, 1:17 Emily F. 1 18 Enuna A. SO, 97 Emma F. 88 Emma M. 127 Emogene Workman 113 Ephraim 18, 23, 33, 57 Ernest (;. 133 Esther 12, 17, 20 Ksther E. (Moulding) '.l7 Esther (Richardson) 25, 20 Esther R. (Coburn) 115 Esther (Tyler) Dodge 57 Ethel M. 123, 127 Ethel R. 120 Etta B. Crhurstou) 13s* Etta (Dnntoii) Slacey 75 Eugent! \V. 113 Eunice 29, 120 Eunice ( ) 28 154 Andrew Devnng and His Descendants. Dewiug, Eunice (Bugbee) 29, 53 Eunice (Bush) 58 Eunice C. 52 Eunice L. 64 Eunice W. Cross 80 Eva L. 125 Eva Nortli 98 Eva V. (Lincoln) 119 Evelyn R. 125 Experience 25 Fanny C. (Ames) 121 Fanny (Fisher) (50 Fanny M. 105 Fergus 76, 112, 135 Fidelia 59 Flora E. (Sloper) 130 Flora L. 119 Florence E. 118, 130 Florence French 97 Frances 68 Frances L. 103 Frances M. 112 Frances M. (Wheeler) 111 Frances T. 114 Francis 81, 117, 120 Francis H. 68, 105, 130 Francis S. 117 Frank 108, 109, 119 Frank A. 94, 126 Frank B. 137 Frank E. 97 Frank G. 119 Frank M. 127 Frank W. 99 Fred 128 Fred A. 127 Frederic H. 99 Frederic M. 110, 131 Frederick C. 115 Frederick E. 95 Frederick H. Ill Frederick W. Ill George 33, 40, 56, 57, 59, 66, 67, 73, 87, 89, 93, 103, 104, 128, 137 George A. 114 George B. 132 George D. 133 George E. 107 George F. 58, 70, 77, 92, 107, 114, 126 George H. 90, 124, 130 George M. 99 George N. 103 George T. 123 George W. 65, 74, 99 Gertie M. 132 Gertrude L. 131 Gideon B. 55, 85 Dewing, Gladys 0. 131 Grace 131 Grace A. 110, 137 Grace E. 119 Grace L. Ill Hamlet E. 131 Hannah 20, 23, 25, 32, 54 Hannah (Bond) 31 Hannah (Eastman) 87 Hannah McEwen 44 Hannah (Phillips) 20 Harlow 135 Harold A. 121 Harold E. 124 Harriet 46 Harriet A. 84 Harriet C. (Shaw) 98 Harriet E. (Hall) 111 Harriet (Matthews) Be- mis 58 Harry A. 115 Harry E. 125 Harry G. 122 Harry L. 98 Hattie 128 Hattie (Fiske) 120 Hattie M. 112 Hazel B. 131 Hazel L. 130 Helen E. 99 Henrietta E. (Beecher) 117 Henry 12, 16, 17, 21, 23, 37, 64, 76 Henry A. 55, 57, 90,* 124, 130, 132, 137 Henry B. 86, 119 Henry C. Ill Henry E. 116, 133 Henry F. C. 129 Henry L. 112, 125 Henry S. 123 Herman A. 133 Hezekiah 19, 29, 51, 53 Hiram 48, 52, 82 Hiram D. 115 Hiram E. 121 Hollis L. 135 Horace 70 Horatio 56 Hubert L, 63, 98 Huldah 45 Ida A. 95 Ida E. (Cook) 131 Ida (Eliot) 132 Ida G. 99 Ina M. Hodges 98 lone E. 134 lone E. (Uam) 128 Irwin E. 98 Dewing, Isaac 113 Isabelita II. 104 Isabella Brownley 23, 24 Isara J. Barnard 107 Iva M. 98 Ivah A. 124 Jabez 24, 42, 43 Jacob, 113, 131 James 54, 68,81, 84, 117- 120, 137 James A. 119, 138* James H. 105, 129 James K. P. 73 James S. 84, 121 Jane 113 Jane A. Darling 124 Jared 45, 76, 113 Jasper B. 98 Jeanette (Mather) 61 Jeanette O. 93 Jemima 13, 20 Jemima Hinds 57 Jennie 88 Jennie A. 92 Jennie A. Henderson 126 Jeremiah 14,* 21, 33, 34, 58, 138 Jerome F. 116 Jessie 113, 126 Jessie M. 126 Jetty D. 112 Joel 42, 73, 111 John 11, 32, 42,* 53, 74, 112, 135, 136 John A. 84, 122 John B. 58, 90, 91 John F. 33, 58, 59 John H. 95, 126, 127 John M. 59, 95 John R. 78 John W. 92 Jonathan 7, 8, 11, 13, 19, 21, 33, 56, 57, 89 Joseph 25, 44, 76 Joseph H. 57, 68, 70, 73, 90, 110 Joseph W. 125 Josephine A. Baker 118 Josephine H. 89 Josephine I. 137 Joshua 19 Josiah 18, 24, 25, 43, 44 Julia 41 Julia A. Reeves 77 Julia C. (Royce) 96, 97 Kate 109 Kate (Scott) 131 Katie 53 Keziah 20, 32 Laura A. (Ilindraan) 134 Index. 155 Dewing, Laurel H. 96 Lavern (TilTany) Baker 111 Le Anna 87 Leo E. 125 Leon A. 118 Leonard 27, 35 Leonard C. 5-2, 82, 121 Leonard E. 107 Leonard H. 82, 121 Lesley 112 Leslie C. 120, 133 Leslie R. 112 Lester 134 Lillian A. 129 Lillian A. (Colcord) 133 Litta M. 133 Lois J. 125 Lola Haines 135 Lomira C. (Tliomi)son) 91 Lora L. 133 Louella W. 116 Louie E. (Hoagland) 115 Louis A. 116 Louisa 79,* 137 Louisa A. 113 Louisa (Garfield) 93 Louisa (Huffman) 112 Louisa (Jackson) 100 Louisa Parkhurst 72 Louise 71, 94, 126 Louise B. (Williston) 110 Lovina A. 93,* 137 Lu Ella 87 Lucretia M. (Randall) 138 Lucy 37, 44 Lucy A. 90 Lucy (Poland) 56, 57 Lucy (Tyler) 125 Lucy W. 119 Luella L. 123 Luke 29, 31, 47, 79, 117 Lulu B. 96, 127 Lulu B. (Hunter) 130 Lydia 8, 11, 24, 33, 79 Lydia ( ) 7 Lydia Bradway 47 Lydia F. 105 Lydia P. 58 Lydia (Pickard) 32 Lydia S. (Morse) 107 Mabel F. 126 Mabel L. 118, 125 Madison 36, 60, 81 Madison S. 117, 119 Maggie (Galian) 127 Maggie Spafford 123 Mahlon A. 128 Dewing, Malilon B. 61, 96 Manville H. 63, 97 Margaret A. (Bliss) 85 Margaret A. (Holmes) 1 1 1 Margaret G. 44 Margaret (Gay) 24 Margaret (HulTman) 113 Margaret M. 134 Margaret( White) 137, 138 Margaret (Wliittredge) 44 Marguerite C. 132 Maria 138 Maria (Oakey) 108 Marie C. 116 ilarion E. 122, 131 Marion L. 92 JIartlia 12. 65, 137, 138 Martha B. Harmon 130 Martha (Smith) 14 Martha S. Talmage -15 Martin 72, 109 Marvel E. 112 Mary 14, 19, 25, 27, 57, 73 Mary A. 69, 89 Mary A. (Ball) 87 Mary B. 83, 115 Mary (Bosworth) 138 Mary 0. 109 Mary (Coller) 20 Mary (Coombs) 72, 130 Mary E. 72, 70, 84, 112, 135, 138* Mary (Fames) 73 Mary E. (Brooks) 127 Mary E. (Green) 97 Mary E. (Gween) 126 Mary F. 114, 117 MaryF. (Cheeseborough) 118 Mary (Gratton) 122 Mary (Houghton) 88 Mary I. L. Rinnie 104 Mary J. 62, 73 Mary J. (Kennerson) 103 Mary L. 89, 102, 110 Mary L. (Melvin) 132 Mary M. 50, 75, 95 Mary M. [Devucy] 138* Mary M. Hardy 104 Mary (Xewcll) 24 Mary P. 123 Mary S. Davis 89 Mary S. (Drew) 125 Mary W. (Emerson) 100 101 Mary W. (Spaulding) 117 Mary W. (Wheelock) 73 Maude L. (Marshall) 134 May 118 Dewing, Mehitable 16, 23 Mehitable (Ellis) 16 Melinda 62 Melissa 62 Melvina 60 Michael 29, 45 Milton M. 95 Mindwell R. (Clcvchiiid) 74, 75 Minerva A. (Morgan) 121 Minnie Gunderson 112 Miranda 37 Miriam 33 Miriam M. 103 Moses 10, 19, 21 Myra J. 138* Mvron E. 00, 94 Myrtolla I. ] 18 Myrtle B. 125 Myrtle L. 130 Nalium 40 Nancy 52, 1 14 Nancy A. 51 Nancy (Allen) 82 Nancy Dobson 77 Nancy E. (Flinn) 120 Nancy E. (Jacobus) 95 Nathan 24, 37, 40, 06 Nathan E. 68, 100, 107, 130 Nathan H. 131 Nathaniel 13, 20 Nellie 113 Nellie A. (Ivory) 130 Nellie (J. 125 Nellie D. 124 Nellie F. Coy 109 Nellie R. 115 Nelson H. 61 Nelson S. 129 Neourly C. (Cook) Rice 49 Nettie 128 Nettie A. (Van Ider- stene) 99 Nettie N. (Crow) 124 Norman F. 134 Norman H. 63, 97, 98 Olive (Adams) Baker 70 Olive (Haven) 68 Olive (Van Auken) 123 Oliver M. 51, 81, 120 Olivia 00 Omelia 61 Ora P. 98 Orenda J. 112, 135 Orlando P. 01 Orplia A. (Brown) 02 Patience 13 Patience (Sumner) 53 156 Andreio Deioiiig Sarah (McCarthy) 100 William R. 100 ' HuJlman, Amanda M. H. llL>, 113 Aurora (?) 135 James 112, 113 Edith 135 Edwin 135 Elizabeth 135 Etta 135 Isora 135 John 135 Louie 135 Louisa 112 Margaret 113 Orenda J. (Dewing) 135 Roland 135 William G. 135 Ilumijhrey, Almira (Dew- ing) Smith 63 James H. 63 James M. 03 Margaret 93 Millie M. (Smith) 63 Hunt, Althea M. 110 John L. 110 Julia A. (Fisk) 110 Hunter, Martha (Field) 130 William 130 Lulu B. 130 Hunting, Abigail Love- well 28 Calvin 28 Charles 28 Daniel 28 Eleanor (Cheney) 28 Hannah (Bond) Dewing 31, 32 Hannah Gilman 28 Joseph 32* Israel 28 Julia 28 Keziali I'ierco 28 Luther 28 Mary Barnard 28 Meh'i table 28 Nahum 28 riiocbe 18 Jiebocca (Tratt) 28 Rhoda 28 Rhoda (Dewing) 28 Ruth 15 Timothy 28 Hyde, Dorothy 12 Ivory, Henry W. 130 Nellie A. 130 Ruth A. (Barker) 130 Jackson, v\aron 25 Abigail (Smith) 17 Edward 17 Epliraim 25 George W. 100 Louisa 100, 102 Mary 25 Mary (Davis) 25 Mary (Dewing) 25 Mary (l>yon) Briggs 100 Jacobus, James 95 Nancy E. 95 Sophia 95 Jenkins, Almira W. 99, 100 Elizabeth 99 Jennison, Cai'olino 122 Jewell, Dency (Dewing) 35 Eliphalot 35 Marcus 35 Mason S. 36 Permelia 36 I'ermelia (Andrews) 35 Sarah A. 30 William P. 36 Johnson, ( ) 30 Abiathar 64 Betsey 64 Caroline S. (Dewing) 36 Carrie 36 Johnson, Meribah (Ful- ler) 64 Phebe W. 91 Jones, Sarah E. 138 Judd, Ruth 48,* 136 Kay, Betsey 87 Kellogg, P^dward 138 Maria [Deming] 138* Kendall, Anno 20 Beulah Kuowltou 20 Jane 19 Joshua 19, 20 Sarah (Checver) 19 Sarah (Dewing) 19 Tliomas 19 Kennerson, John 103 Lucinda (Caswell) 103 Mary J. 103 Kenyon, De Etta E. (Snow) 56 Lorenzo M. 50 Kern, Mary L. 80 Kerr, Salome J. 75 Ketchum, Barnard 25 Mary (Jackson) 25 Kinch, Susanna 1 1 King, Lydia (Manly) 33 Mary E. 50 Rufus 33 Kingsbury, Almira (Morse) 69 Clara M. 37 Dexter 69 Edith A. Nelson 69 Emily 70 Emma O. 09 F'anny M. (i9 Frederick H. 09 Hamilton E. 70 James 37 L. Allen 70 Luther 69 Mary A. (Dewing) 09 Miranda (Dewing) 37 Olive (Smith) 18 Sarah (Cresson) 37 Sophia A. ((irant) 70 Thomas 37 Kinuear, Fanny M. (Kings- bury) 09 Lucius A. 09 Knajjp, Josiah 13 Mary (Parker) 13 Knigiit, Addie J. 129 Knowlton, Beulah 20 Polly 58 Komar, Anthony C. 93 Charles J. 93 George D. 93 160 Andrew Devnng mid His Descendants. Komar, Jay H. 93 Jeanetto O. (Dewing) 93 Margaret (Humphrey) 9o Margarette L. 93 Larned, Rachel 52 Larrabee, Henry O. 33 Maria (Manly) 33 Law, Agnes 46 Leach, Elizabeth (Glea- son) 104 Flora B. 104 Harry A. 104 Isabelitall. (Dewing) 104 L. Frederick 104 Levi 104 Susannah S. 104 Walter C. 104 Learned, Benoni 19 Sarah (Wright) 19 Sophronia 88 Tabitha 19, 21 Legg, Amasa 32 Anna 32 Betsey 32 David 32 Hannah 32 Hannah (Dewing) 32 Luther 32 Pearly 32 Prudy 32 Lemon, Delia 98 Lent, Abigail ii. 114 Albert 114 Susan (Bull) 114 Leonard, Calista C. (Has- kell) 52 Daniel 52 Eden Sawyer 52 George 52,* 136 George C. 52 Jessie E. 52 Mehitable (Hicks) 52 Nancy (Dewing) 52 Newton C. 52 Susan A. 52 Thomas J. 52 William 52 Zenas 52 Lincoln, Eva V. 119 Henry 119 Lucy (Webb) 119 Lippitt, Mary 51 Littlefield, Elial 72 Sophia 72 Vesta 72 Livingston, Permelia 116, 117 Lonsdale, Maria J. 127 Loud, Charlotte D. 37 Loud, Francis 37 Henry S. 37 Lucy (Dewing) 37 Stephen 37 Timothy W. 37 Lovell, Bertha C. 92 Leonard P. 92 Lucina C. (Walker) 92 Loverin, [See Levering] 136 Lovering, Anna S. 48 Austin J. 48 Benjamin L. 47 George W. K. 48,* 136 Hiram D. 48,* 136 Jane A. 48 Jane E. 48 Jane Hall 136 Lucinda A. 48 Luke R. 48 Lydia M. 48 Margaret Wright 136 Polly (Dewing) 47 Polly M. 48,* 136 Ruth Judd 48 William 136 Lovewell, Abigail 28 Lowe, Alice 86 Anna M. (Dewing) 85 Catharine A. 86 Catliarine M. (Brigham) 85 George A. 85 George H. 85 Lowell, Henry C. Ill Sarah (Congdon) 74, 111 Lyon, Asahel 102 Charles 93 David W. 93 Fear (Cushman) 102 George D. 93 Lena M. 93 Lovina A. (Dewing) 93 Mary 100, 102 Mehitable 74 Rosanna (Bartle) 93 Lytle, Carl D. 92 David 92 Edna L. 92 Edna (Pierce) 92 Harry S. 92 Marion L. (Dewing) 92 Marion T. 92 Mackintier, Hannah 24 Lydia 24 Lydia (Dewing) 24 Samuel 24 Mackintire, Jemima (Col- ler) 13 Mackintire, Joseph 13 Macomber, David 90 Rhoda A. 90 Macy, Almira W. (Jenk- ins) 99, 100 Edmund W. 100 Edward B. 99 Edward J. 99 Elizabeth D. 100 Helen E. (Dewing) 99 Magee, Sarah A. 50 Maine, Susan E. 50 Manley, Carrie M. (Wil- der) 80 Homer L. 80 Kate M. 46 Manly, Adin 33 Adin T. 33 Chandler 33 Dexter W. 33 Elizabeth Hobbs 33 Elmira Taggart 33 Ephraim F. 33 Hartwell D. 33 Lydia 33 Maria 33 Melinda 33 Miriam (Dewing) 33 Nathan 33 Samuel F. 33 S. Hopkins 33 Manning, John C. 40 Ruth M. (Coburn) 46 Sophia J. 115 Marble, Mary E. 106 Marchant, Elizabeth(Jen- kius) 99 Elizabeth S. 99 Frederic 99 Marean, Sibyl (Parker) 13 William 13 Marsh, Lois 14 Mary 83 Marshall, Hannah (Chaf- fe) 134 Maude L. 134 Robert T. 134 Sarah 45 Massey, Albert E, 35 Albert H. 35 Jane A. (Heywood) 35 William H. 35 Mather, Carlton W. 61 Carrie M. 62 Frank C. 62 Jeanette 61 Omelia (Dewing) 61 Philo 61 Susan (Barber) Willis 61 Matteson, Betsey(Kay) 87 Index. Kil Matteson, Horace C. 87 L. Anna 55 Le Anna (Dewing) 87 William A. 87, 120 Matthews, David 58 Harriet 58 Lydia (Kainger) 58 May, Clara 37 Clara M. (Kingsbury) 87 Daniel 37 Henry F. 37 McCarthy, Sarah lOG McEwen, Hannah -14 Mc(;ra\v, Betsey A. (Hew- ing) 76 Cornelius 70 Mahlou 7() Koxana 70 Sadie Hill 70 Mclntire, Caroline 40, 07 Caroline (Dewing) 40 Elizabeth 40 George 40 James 40 John 40 Samuel 40 Sarah 40 Susanna 40 Mcintosh, Abigail (Whit- ing) 22, 23 Bathsheba 23 Catherine 22 Elizabeth 22, 23 Elizabeth (Hewing) 22 Cideon 23 Hannah 22 Lucy F. 23 Mehitable 23 Mehitable (Dewing) 23 Nancy (Sherman) 23 I'riscilla 22 I'riscilla Smith 22 Koyal 22 Samuel 22 Sukey C. (Smith) 22 William 22, 23 McKendry, Benjamin 23 Elizabeth (Mcintosh) 23 McKenzie, llattie E. (Beach) 03 J. B. 03 Mellish, Elizabeth 04 Hannah 04 John 04 Melvin, Mary L. 132 S. H. 132 Merrill, Agnes Law 40 Alexander D. 40 Amos 40 Andrew D. 46 Merrill, Charles 46 Harriet E. 46 Henry C. 46 Henry L. 45 Kate Hassam 40 Lyman 40 Maria L. Sampson 40 Martha O. Bates 40 Martha S. 40 Polly M. (Dewing) 45 Susan M. 46 Mershon, Susan 97 Miller, Persis 97 Mills, Ada (Fisher) 38 Paul 38 Sarah 30 Sarah (Whittemore) 30 William 3() Mitchell, Adeline 40, 117 David 48 Diana S. 41) Edwin 49 Ira W. 78 Jacob 33 Louisa 49 Mary A. 48 Moliuda (Manly) Z'^ Oren 48 Ruth (Dewing) 78 Samantha 48 Samantha (Dewing) 47, 48 William 49 Moore, Maria D. (Witter) 50,* 130 Wm. E. B. 50 More, [Sarah] 130 Morey, Aaron 97 Emma A. (Dewing) 97 Ernest L. 97 (iertrude E. 97 John A. 97 Nellie A. 97 Morgan, Charles 80 Edna M. (Wilder) 80 Elisha 121 Harriet (Buggies) 121 Minerva A. 121 Morrison, Peggy 42 Morse, Abel 49 Abigail (Dewing) 54 Abigail (Force) 54 Albert 54 Almira 09 Amory 107 Amos 24 '> Dorothy 49 Edwin 54 Elijah 24 Eunice 24 Morse, Jabez 24 .Jackson 55 Joel 54 Kitty 24 Lydia (Dewing) Mackin- tier 24 Lydia S. 107 Lydia (Sawin) 107 Polly 24 Samuel 24, 54 Sarah (Holbrook) 49 Susan 55 William 54 Moulding, Esther E. 97 Thomas 97 I\loulton, Abel 35 Dency (Dewing) Jewell 35 Elizabeth (Dewing) Hey- wood 35 Emma 67 Solomon 35 Stei)heu 35 Thomas 30 Murphy, Elizabeth 50 Nason, Arthur C. 122 Caroline (Jennison) 122 James B. 122 Marion E. (Dewing) 122 Ilalph i[. 122 Susan H. 122 Walter 1). 122 Walter E. 122 Nelson, Alouzo K. (i7 Caroline (Mclntire) 40, 07 Edith A. 09 Emma L. (Coburu) 67 Fanny 26 Fanny S. 68 Helen Brooks 67 Llewellyn 07 Ralph 40, 07 Susanna L. K. (Dewing) 40, 07 Newell, Abigail 15, 22 Abigail ((iriggs) 18 Abraham 18 Elizabeth 18, 19 Hannah (Fisiier) 24 Isaac 18, 19 Jacob 18 Josiah 24 ISIary 19, 24 Nathaniel 19 Butli 19 Ruth (Dewing) 18 Samuel 19 Stephen 19 Newman, Elizabeth D. 77 162 Andreto Devting and His Descendants. Newman, Elizabeth F. (Dewing) 77 James M. 77 Linda A. 77 Newton, Ellen M. 58 George B. 58 Isabella (Davis) 58 Jennie A. 58, 92 Lizzie B. 58 Lydia P. (Dewing) 58 Raimond L. 92 William D. 58 William H. 58 William H. A. 58, 92 North, Eva 98 Norton, Charles E. 42 Elihu 42 Elizabeth 42 Noah 42 Peggy (Morrison) 42 Sally (Dewing) 42 Nunemaker, Frederick 95 Ida A. (Dewing) 95 Ida B. 95, 137 Millie J. 95 Ruth D. 95 Samuel 95 Samuel A. 95 Sarah J. 95 Shields B. 95 Zoe R. 95 Oakey, Maria 108 Sally (Sullivan) 108 William F. 108 Oakley, Clarissa 59, 9o Ogden, Elizabeth 120 Sereno E. 120 Sophia P. (Botsford) 120 O'Neal, Catharine 57 Orr, Sarah P. 76 Osborn, Catharine 115 Packard, Esther (Rich- ardson) Dewing 25 Thomas 25, 26 Paddock, Ai)igail 55 Page, Samantha (Mitch- ell) 48 W. S. 48 Paine, Charlotte A. S. 107 David 107 Dolly M. 31 Eliza W. S. 107 Park, Orra 51 Parker, Abigail 17, 27 Edward 21 Esther 13 Esther (Dewing) 12 Ezra 13 Parker, Francis 27 Hannah Pierce 12 John 12, 13 Josiah 12 Keziah Hammond 13 Martha (Sparhawk) 21 Mary 13 Mary (Turner) 12 Phineas 13 Sally 73 Sarah 13 Sarah Hammond 12 Sarah Pratt 13 Sibyl 13 Susan 105 Timothy 13 Parkliurst, Louisa 72 Patch, Sarah 42 Paul, Anson 31 Caroline (Child) 31 Ethan 30 Mary A. (Richmond) 30 Pearson, Ai 78 Betsey E. 78 Cullen 78 Enos 78 Lydia 78 Sarah A. (Dewing) 78 Pearl, Abigail (Byles) 30 Rufus 30 Pease, Celestia (Witter) 51 John F. 51 Percival, Sophronia 125 Perham, Hannah (Dew- ing) 25 Jacob 25 Perrin, Nancy 31 Perry, Daniel 31 Sophia (Child) 31 Philips, Flora SO Phillips, Hannah 20 Jonathan 20 Sarah (Holland) 20 Pickard, Jonathan 32 Lydia 32 Miriam (Bartlett) 32 Pickering, Rhoda W. 109 Pierce, Edna 92 Edward L. Ill Hannah 12 Keziah 28 Lydia 29 Piolett, Theresa 45 Piper, Rebecca 101 Plympton, Henry 16 Mehitable (Dewing) Tol- man 16 Poland, Joseph 56 Lucy 56, 57 Poland, Rachel (Hatha- way) 56 Pond, Mary 11 Post, Harold A. 98 Howard A. 98 Iva M. (Dewing) 98 Potter, Abner 48 Dela [Dilla] (Dewing) 48 Esther (Richmond) 30 Jane 48 Loyal 48 Sheldon 48 Silas 30 Pratt, Cyrus 28 Deborah (Smith) 18, 28 Lydia 22 Rebecca 28 Sarah 13 Pridham, Eunice 105 Printz, Alexander 103 Almira D. (Steele) 103 Prouty, Alicell. (Dewing) 92 Florence E. 92 Georgianua 92 Harold 1). 92 John A. 92 John N. 92 Rachel 58 Thomas A. 92 Thomas E. 92 Puffer, Mary C. (Rawson) 104 Redman 104 Susan S. 104 Quintard, Anne 83 Rainger, Lydia 58 Randall, Lucretia M. 138 Rawson, Mary C. 104 Ray, Eliza A. 74 Emory 74 Phoebe M. 74,* 136 Reed, Betty 40 Reed, Curtis L. 136 Leonard 48,* 136 Mary M. (Loverin) 136 Polly M. (Loverin) 48,* 136 Reves, Julia A. 77 Reinheimer, Carrie 127, 128 Catharine 128 Charles 128 Reynolds, G. E. 61 May (Bacon) 61 Rice, Ann 16 Neourly C. (Cook) 49 Richards, Jesse 65 Index. 163 Richards, Sarah (iy Sarah (Fishor) (io, (in liichardson, Abigail 25 Estlior 25, 20 Jonathan 20 Joseph 25, 26 Ruth 20 Ruth (Clark) 20 Richmond, Abigail (Bylos) Pearl 30 Abner 2!) Abner T. 30 Charles 30 Clarissa W. Danforth ;10 Danford 30 Esther 30 Eunice 30 Eunice (Dewing) 20 Hannah Chapnuxu 30 Jared U. 30 John 29 Mary A. 30 Michael 30 Phoebe (Dunham) 29 Polly Byles 30 Susan P. 30 Rinuie, Mary I. L. 104 Ripley, Luther 31 Maria (Child) 31 Ritts, Elizabeth 10 Rogers, Sarah 122 Rowley, Alice M. (Dew- ing) 93 Alonzo A. 93 Bertha M. 93 Clifford A. 93 Delilah (Weaver) 93 Lawrence 93 Richard J. 93 Royco, Julia C. 90, 97 Nathaniel S. 90, 97 Persis (Miller) 97 Ruggles, Harriet 121 Martha 14, 17 Relucia 89 Ruland, i:)an A. 90 Dillon B. 90 Jackson W. 90 Lulu B. (Dewing) French 90 Mary M. 96 Russell, Peter 99 Rachel C. 99 Rachel (Howland) 99 Safford, Sarah 79 Sampson, Maria L. 40 Sanford, Lucy 80 Sargent, Annie L. 134 Moses D. 134 Sargent, Sarah J. (George) 134 Sawin, Abigail 17 Lydia 107 Saw5'er, Eden 52 Schultz, Fred G. 135 George F. 135 Henry W- 135 Mary E. (Dewing) 135 Scott, Almira (Chickcr- ing) 27 Kate 131 Matthew J. 131 Samuel B. 27 Sarah (Colton) 131 Seaverns, Xahum 28 Rhoda (Hunting) 28 Selkirk, Charles E. 5(i Cornelia B. 50 Edward A. 5() Gertrude E. 56 Hattie E. 50 Jennie A. (Snow) 50 John 56 Laura A. (Iloldou) 50 Shaw, Elizabeth (Barrett) 99 Harriet C. 98 Seth 99 Shepard, P^dna 00 Sherman, Caroline (Carr) 34 John 23, 34 Nancy 23 Roger 23 Sias, Elizabeth (Smith) 55 Jonathan 55 Susan (Morse) 55 Thomas 55 Slack, Clara E. 103 Harriet (Sumner) 103 Lorenzo 103 Slinkard, Margaret E. 134 Sloper, Elizabeth Under- wood) 130 Flora E. 130 Henry 130 Smith, Aaron 22 Abigail 17 Abigail (I'arker) Dewing 17, 27 Abigail (Sawin) Bacon 17 Abner 92 Adeline 92 Albert 70 Almira (Dewing) 63 Catherine (Mcintosh) 22 Charles H. 03 Charlotte D. 84 Smith, Chauncy 63 David 17, 18, 27 Del)orah 18, 2S Delos 03 E. Marii'tta 70 Edmund D. 83 Elizal)eth 18, 55 Eiizal)eth (Dewing) 17 Elizabeth O. 125 Elmer (»3 Elmer E. 03 Emily (Kingsbury) 70 Esther 15, 17 Esther (Dewing) 17 Fanny (Eagles) (53 Florence Woods 63 Hannah 17 Henry 17 J. Woodbridge 40 Jonathan 14, 15, 17 Judith 17 Lydia (Pratt) 22 >Alartha 14, 18 Martha (Ruggles) 14, 17 Maiy B. (Dewing) 83 Mary (Dickinson) 83 IMary K. (i3 Meliitable 18 Millie M. 63 Nellie E. (Wilder) 80 Newell 22 Olive 18 Phoebe Hunting 18 Priscilla 22 Rosctta 92 Rutli (Hunting) 15 Seymour H. 80 Sukey (J. 22 Susan M. (Merrill) 46 Timothy 17 Truman 83, 84 Snow, Augustine T. 56 De Etta E. 56 Harriet A. 56 Jennie A. 56 Persis (Dewing) 56 Timothy 56 Zilpah (Howard) 5(» Sommerville, Agnes 12(i Sowerby, Theresa 94 Spallord, Maggie 123 Sparliawk, Beriah 21 Beulah (Dewing) 21 Lydia 21 Martha 21 Timothy 21 Spaulding, Lucy (Carter) 117 Mary W. 1 17 Samuel 117 164 Andrew Dewing and His Descendants. Spinks, Arthur 62 nanuali (Arthur) 62 Jack 62 Mary J. (Dewing) 62 Minnie 62 Orpha 62 Pyra 62 Eichard A. 62 Spoor, Frederic 66 Sarah E. (Dewing) 66 Stacy, Etta (Dunton) 75 Starr, Nabby 71 Stearns, Hannah 54 Stebbins, Patience 35 Steele, Almira D. 103 Almira S. (Dewing) 102 James 102 Sabra 102 Walter 102 Stevens, Abigail (Dew- ing) 21 Eliza (Stimson) 29 Ephraim 28, 29 Hannah (Wolcott) 21 Jude 21, 34 Kebecca (Dewing) 28 Roger 21 Sally 29 Sibyl (Gay) 28 Timothy 29 Stillman, Nancy (Allen) Dewing 82 Stimson, 13eatrice L. 106 Chester E. 106 Eliza 29 Elizabeth (Fuller) 29 Emma E. 106 Eugene D. 106 Frank J. 106 George H. 106 Henry C. 106 Jeremiah 29 Eillian M. 106 Mary E. (Marble) 106 Susan I. (Dewing) 106 Willard B. 106 Storrs, Cynthia (Stowell) 82 Susan M. 82 Zalmon 82 Stowe, Betsey E. (Pear- son) Yaw 78, 79 Loyal 79 Stowell, Cynthia 82 Stuart, Ida F. 46 Sullivan, Sally 108 Sumner, Harriet 108 James 53 Mary (Bigelow) 53 Patience 53 Sylvester, Almira 100 Desire (Tillsou) 100 Reuben 100 Taggart, Elmira 33 Talmage, Martha S. 45 Tash, James H. 29 Rebecca D. (Travis) 29 Taylor, Anna (Edmunds) Dewing 55 Sylvanus 55 Teesdale, Lucy 35 Thayer, Nellie 80 Thompson, Aquila [Ac- quilla] 128 Alice (Butterworth) 129 Betsey A. 129 Isaac 128 John 129 Joseph W. 91 Loiuira C. 91 Phebe W. (Johnson) 91 Thorp, Mary 14 Thurber, Temperance 70 Thurston, Mehitable 16 Etta B. 138 Tiffany, Diana (Hawkins) 111 Elijah 111 Lavern 111 Tillson, Desire 100 Tolman, Ann 17 Ann (Rice) 16 Betsey 109 Elijah 16 Elizabeth 22 Elizabeth Fisher 16 Elizabeth Ritts 16 Elman 17 Experience 17 John 16 John R. 16 Judith 16 Mehitable 16, ^(S Mehitable (Dewing) 16 Nathaniel 16 Sarah 17 Timothy 22 Tomson, Betsey 75 Towle, Elizabeth 78 Reuben 78 Sarah (Clough) 78 Townsend, Annetta 118 Margaret 44 Travis, Elijah 29 Henry W. 29 Lydia (Pierce) 29 Rebecca D. 29 Sally (Stevens) 29 Turner, Abigail 15 Turner, Mary 12 Tyler, Andrew 125 Esther 57 Lucy 125 Sophronia (Percival) 125 Underwood, Aurilla 108 Elizabeth 130 Upson, Amelia 53 Van Auken, Frances J. 123 Olive 123 Sidney 123 Van Iderstene, Grace I. (Gillis) 99 Nettie A. 99 Simon 99 Van Trump, Josephine 137 Waldo, Mary 51 Wales, Belle B. 94 Charles 94 Eliza A. (Crandall) 94 Walker, Luciua C. 92 Walling, Alexander 113 Clarissa [Clara] J. 113 Phoebe (Chidester) 113 Ware, Abigail Newell 15 Abigail (Newell) 22 Abigail Turner 15 Asa 15 Daniel 15, 22 Dorothy 15 Dorothy (Dewing) 15 Elisha 15 Esther (Smith) 15 Hannah (Mcintosh) 22 Joseph 15 Josiah 15 Mary (Wheelak) 15 Nathaniel 15 Phoebe 15 Phoebe (Clark) 15 Phoebe (Ware) 15 Reuel 22 Robert 15 Warren, Celestina B. (Haskell) 52 Edwin 52 Elizabeth 16 Washburn, Abigail 55 Peter 55 Sarah (Ayers) 55 Weaver, Deborah 61 Deidamia 59 Delilah 93 Lois (Green) 59, 61 Index. 165 AVeaver, Tlionias Tj'j, (U Webb, Lucy ll'J Wolch, Lovina o'j Lulu L. 80 Mary E. d!), 129 Whoelak. IShiry L5 Wheeler, Abiah 111 Abigail 54 Daniel I). 54 Dolly 87 Frances M. Ill Hannah (Dewing) 54 James N. Ill Mary D. 54 Samuel 54 Sarah 54 Susan 54 Thomas 54 Willard 54 Wheelock, Gershom To Mary W. 73 Priscilla 73 Whipple, Eunice 100 White, Margaret 137 Mary E. 51 Whiting, Aaron 18 Abigail 22, 23 Anna (Bullard) 18 Galen 58 James 58 Jonatlian 18 Mehitable (Smith) 18 Kachel 58, 50 Rachel (Prouty) 58 Whitmarsh, Elizabeth (Dewing) (J7 Emma Moulton 07 Eva J. 07 Hannah B, (Allen) 07 Helen Appleby 07 Henry A. 07 John G. 07 Joseph 07 Joseph A. 07 Mary E. 07 Seth 07 Seth B. 67 Whitmore, Ely 02 Enoch 23 Hannah (Dewing) 23 Joseph 23 Ori)lia (Spinks) 02 Susannali 23 Whitney, Adolphus D. 70 Ai B. 79 Whitney, Bartholomew 79 Betsey 70 Betsey E. 79 Elizabctli (Dewing) 79 Jonas P. 101 Lucy 51 Maria M, Colcord 79 Rebecca (Piper) 101 Sarah 101 Sarah L. 79 Sarah (Safford) 79 Whittemore, Rhoda 122 Sarah 30 Whittredge, Henry 44 Margaret 44 Margaret (Townsend) 44 Whyte, Lucy W. (Dew- ing) 119 Malcolm C. 119 Wight, Ann (Dewing) 11 Daniel 11 David 11 Deliverance Carpenter 11 Henry 11 Jane (Goodenough) 11 John 11 Mary Pond 11 Sarah (Day) 11 Susanna Kinch 11 Wilcox, Polly M. 95 Wilder, Allen D. 80 Caroline M. (Dewing) 80 Carrie M. 80 Daniel D. SO Diana E. 80 Edna M. 80 Flora Philips 80 Harriet 80 J. Edson 80 James E. 80 Lulu L. Welch 80 Nellie E. 80 Ransom 80 Ransom E. 80 Sarah A. 80 Wilkins, Richard W. 107 Sarah E. 107 Sarah E. (Dewing) 107 Wilkinson, Annie L. Ill Bridget 111 J(^se])li 111 Willet, Maria 73 Williams, Edna R. 133 Willis, Harriet E. (Mer- rill) Aiken 40 P. J. 40 Susan (Barber) 01 Williston, Louise B. 1I(» Peter F. 110 Wise, Caroline E. (Dew- iug) 71 (ieorge II. 71 Witter, Celestia 51 David A. 50 Ebenezer 50 Elizabeth 50 Ellen A. Campbell 50 Eunice (Bass) 50 Joel 51 John 50 Lucy 11. Bishop .50 Lyra S. Buck 50 Maria D. 50 Mary E. King 51 Mary ISl. (Dewing) 50 Marv Waldo 51 Natiian 50,* 130 Ruth 51 Susan E. ]Maine 50 William 50 AVolcott, Hannah 21 AVood, I'alirha 49 Woods, Florence 03 Workman, Adelia A. (Dewing) 112 p:imer 112 Emogene 113 Madge M. 112 Works, Eunice C. (Dew- ing) Haskell 52 John 52 Wright, Margaret 130 Sarah [More] 19,* 130 Wynkoop, Elizabeth 118 Yaw, Betsey E. (Pearson) 78, 79 Winslow 78 York, Charlotte 01, 90 Young, Andrew 1). 77 Anna C. (Dewing) 77 Cob urn 77 George B. 77 Irvin M. 77 Nathan E. 77 Youth, Aaron li' I Mary 124 Susan 124 ^^B 1 5 193;^