yaws -JH •*; -' ;/ W 1 J* > . • i 4 ' 1 -} I is*V \ N -^ ^ ' *. ^ «° *' ° *7 c V •S- v\ : '* r.° /V / >»■ *. "o^ - J» .... %*. V i* ^ ,-0 °* * £ ,> 'o. . * .C* ^r> S ■ <- A MILITARY ALBUM Containing Over One Thousand Portraits OF Commissioned Officers Who Served in the Spanish-American War L. R. HAMERSLY CO. New York 1902 -- 190? Oucm.3. '9C ci «ss Ayyy<- mo. /^2- 7*- ■ N\ Copyright 1901, by L. R. Hamersly Co. The Graduating Classes from West Point in the years 1895, 1896 and 1897 are grouped to- gether in this book, and in the cadet uniform, but the present rank in the Army of these gentlemen is given in each case. These photographs are reproduced by permission of Pach Bros., Photographers, of New York City :::::: (Ehta Album is Iteprrtfullu, Irotratrii By the Puhltshtfs Uln tttr ©ffirrra Who £>rruro in tlir £>uauiah-Amrnrau Star nf 1B9B The Navy and the Army, the Volunteers and the Regulars, soldiers from the South and from the North, from the West and from the East— who by their devotion to duty and their country, won the respect and affection of a grateful nation, placed the flag of their country high in the hall of Fame, secured for this Republic its proper place in the tribunal of nations, bound the South and North once more in affectionate brotherhood, and served the great cause of humanity and enlightenment. NO war was ever entered into with higher principles of action or graver reasons for resorting to the dire conflict of arms, and no nation ever conducted a war with more unselfish motives. The war was the will of the people, the heart-beat of the nation, a sincere and honest appeal for justice, humanity and freedom. The deeds of the brave men who fought it were worthy of its great purpose. The Navy, by their victories a I Manila and Santiago, not only made history, but also prescribed to the world its future tactics. The naval lessons of the war, the two great actions ol which were so remarkable and decisive, impressed the whole civilized world with their importance and significance. The battle tactics of our Navy were studied by all the great nations, and the principles deduced have been given a place in the tactics of the future. But, the study of the war from the naval standpoint did not end there: on the one hand, above and bevond the limited domain of tactics, there were principles of strategy involved which demanded careful consideration, and received unstinted praise, from the world's naval strategists; on the other, within and below the sphere of tactics, there were the elements of organization, training and instruction, which made "the man behind the gun" what he was, that called for minute investigation by naval students, as well as the material of the fleet — 'the ships, the guns, the armor and the machinery— every element of which had answered its purpose so perfectly, and all of which, in design, construction and management, was the work of naval officers. The work of the Navy in tins war was not only complete and glorious victory m battle, where valor and devotion to duty are the leading parts, hut it was . a higher .n.wn of glory for those heads whose brain and thought had developed and perfected OUT new Navy. The Army, no less than the Navy, won imperishable renown. "The world never saw Letter troops" was the unsolicited and spontaneous verdict at Santiago of an experienced soldier of one of the great military powers of Europe. But for them it was not all glory. Bravery on the field of battle was their simplest duty, it was but the holiday of their term, the poetry of their work: privation and suffering were their main portion, and waiting their most difficult task. The Spanish-American War brought about no changes in tactics, but it convinced the civilized world that the American soldier had fighting qualities which placed him in the foremost rank of trained soldiers. The President of the United States, in general orders, has characterized the work of the Army in glowing words: It has submitted to no discouragement and halted at no obstacle. Its officers have shown high qualities of command, and its men have shown devotion and discipline. Its splendid virile energy has been accompanied by self-control, patience, and magnanimity. With admirable good temper, sympathy, and loyalty to American ideals, its commanding generals have joined with the civilian agents of tin- Government in healing the wounds of war. 'The President feels that he expresses the sentiments of all the loyal people of the United States in doing honor to the whole Army which has joined in the performance and shares in the credit of these honorable services." The small regular army which existed at the outbreak of the war furnished the nucleus about which the war army was constructed. Its training and discipline was the model for the army, and its spirit pervaded the whole. The volunteers, from all sections of the country, and from all ranks of society. brought into the field the patriotism of our people. The Sccretarv of War has paid his tribute to volunteers and regulars in terms that should not be forgotten: 'All honor to the volunteers who have been and who must always be the main support of our country in war. All honor to the genius, the courage, the self-sacrifice of the men, many of whom I see before me now, who have won immortal renown as generals of the volunteer army. They will be the first to aye when I declare that the formative power, the high standard of conduct, the informing spirit of every American army is to be found in the Regular Army of the United States. 6 "All honor to the officers of the American Army who in true republican fashion have worked their way up from the ranks. All honor to the officers who, turning aside from the allurements of wealth and honor in civil life, have been appointed as civilians to the army, as volunteers, accepting the slender income and the hard life that is known to accompany the duties of a soldier. " Be of good cheer, American soldiers. When the record comes to be made up, in the cool judgment of the American people and of mankind, after Cuba, with its brilliant page, after China, with its glorious achievements, will be written another page equally brilliant, equally glorious, on which will be recorded the achievements in war and in peace of the American Army in the Philippines." Not the least of the results of the war attributable to the army is the re-estab- lishment of confidence between the South and the North. The two sections vied with each other in their patriotic devotion, and years of estrangement were obliterated in a few months of service side by side, in the camps of instruction, on the march, or in the trenches on the battle-field. The Navy and the Army, in the Spanish-American War, have been true In their traditions, and have added another series of victories to the long list in the short existence of the nation. They have won the confidence of our people, and how well they have deserved this let the records speak. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. Colonel ist U. S. Vol. Cavalry ["Rough Riders") in Spanish- American War. ADMIRAL GEORGE DEWEY. U. S. X. Battle of Manila Bay, May 1. L898 MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM R. SHAFTER, V. S. A. Commanding American Forces in Caba. MAJOR GENERAL HENRS C. CORBIN. Adjutant General U. S. A. 1:1 \l; ADMIRAL WILLIAM T. SAMPSON Commanding N'ortt Atlantic Fleet. WILBUR VOSSLER. Captain <'■■- K. 1st X. Y. Vols., M.iv ruary 22, 1899. CLAY C. MACDONALD. IS: S to Feb- Major 4th Mo. Inf.. U. S. V.. May It;. 1S98 to Feb- ruary in. 1899 LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER MARCUS BAIN- BRIDGE BUFORD, U. s. N. Commanding U. s. s. "Abarenda," May 1.:. 1898 to 1 mber 28, 1898, ALEXANDER C. OLIPHANT. Acting Aide-de-Camp and Military Secretary at State Headquarters at Sea Girt during Spanish-Ameri- can War. Appointed Adjutant-General Slate of Sew Jersey at the close of war. CHARLES L>. YIELE. Colonel O. S. A. Participated in battle "f San Juan and siege of Santiago de Cuba. Served through- out the campaign in command of the 1st U S Oav. PAUL MINOR MILLIK.IN. Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Inf. U. S. v.. May 6. 1S98 to October 25, 1898. edward c mcdowbll. Captain and Quartermaster U. S. V., May 1.', ivis to June 30, 1901. DANIEL II. McDEVITT. Captain Co. B, Gth Pa. Vols. WINFIELD S. DURBIX. Late Colonel 101st Ind. Vol. iDf. Goveruor of Indiana JOHN D. LEITXER. Majcii I'd Ohio Vol. Inf.. May 10. 1S9S to February In IV.I'.I WILLIAM S. BARGER. BTJRT S. SHAFER. Assistant Engineer TJ. S. N.. June 1. 180S to February Captain Co. F. 16th N. G, P., April 27. 1898 to Decem- 16. 1899. her 28. 1898. 13 EDWARD V. HACKETT, JK. Late l'irsi Lieutenant 42d r. S. V., May, 1898 ti 27, 1902. .IlMI>' Captain C JOHN 18th Pa October 22 II. REST. Vol. Inf.. April GEORGE A Lieutenant Co. E, 41 !i Pa, to November ezpedll ioTi LESHER. Vol. Inf.. April liN. Hi ivis Served in I'urh. LOVIE ESTELI.E BENNETT Major. Commanding lsl Battalion, 4 1 li III Vol. Inf. iv.>s Thirteen months' service In Spanish-American Rico War. Maiie Colonel of liis regiment upon it* return t<- Illinois. 14 FREDERIC H. SARGENT. Captain Sth Inf. U. S. A. Adjutant in Havana. Cuba. Decemher. 1S98 to August. 1899. Pari cipated in siege of Santiago, commanding Co. A. Stli Inf. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JAMES WOKDEN POPE. Chief Quartermaster Department of tlie Pacific and Kighth Army Corps. May 18, 1S98 to August 31, JOHN Mil. I. IS Major D. S. A. Engineer duty at Washington during Spanish-American \Yar. WALTER KESSLER. Assistant Engineer (Ensign), June 3, 1S9S to October 5. 1898. 15 R. M. CARY. Major 1st Fla. State Troops, Commanding .Id Bat- talion, May 23. 1898 to December 4, 1808. WALTER GILBERT ISAACS. Chaplain U. S. N. Served on V. S. S. ••Massachu- setts." during Spanish-American War. PRANK II. EEENAN. First Lieutenant Co F, lsi N. II. Vol. Inf.. 1898 to October 31, L898 May 11, JAMES A. FREED Captain ."".Mi Ohio Vol. Inf.. April 2(5. 1808 to Novem- ber 5, 1898. Served in It h. 5th and 71 h Army ' "I'PS. 16 WALDO W. HULL. First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon, 3d Brigade, 2d A. C.| stationed at Camp K. A. Alger, during Spanish-American War. Now Major and Surgeon of 12th Regt. GEORGE H. BROWN. Adjutant-General, State of Michigan. First Lieuten- ant Co. F, 33d Mich. Inf. Served in Spanish- American War from April 26, 1898 to December 31, 1808. WILLIAM SHKRLEY SCOTT. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, Captain and Major U. S. V., from June, 189S to May, 1899. Served in Cuba and Porto Rico during Spanish-American War. FRANKLIN BACHE STEPHENSON. Medical Inspector U. S. N. Served on U. S. S. gon" during Spanish American War. Ore- rim. ir yost. Captain Co. I. Stli Ohio Vol. Inf.. April 26. 1898 to Novembei 21. iviv Served in expcdit i • >n against Santiago de Cuba, during Spanish-American War. LEWIS A ANSHTJTZ, Major and Quartermaster 2d Brigade N . G I as Captain and Quartermaster. 1Mb Pa during Spanish-American War. Served Vol Inf BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BLOCKLINGEB Major r.iih Iowa. April 26, 1n!»n to May 18, 1899. Assigned to 7th Army Corps, stationed at Jack- sonville, ria.. at Savannah. Ga.. and Havana. Cuba, during Spanish-American War. J. W SACKETT. Major 1st l-'la. Vol. Inf. Landed liisc troops of U. S. Army In Porto Rico and participated In skirmish at iluanica. General engineering work In Porto Rico during Spanish American War. Commanded I'ri. visional Engineer Battalion. i8 JOHN I. RODGERS. Colonel Artillery Corps U. S. A. \V. C. H. COLQUHOUN. Captain and Quartermaster O. S. A. Served as He pot Quartermaster, during Spanish-American War. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL HENRY HOLLINGS- WOKTII HUMPHREYS, 1". S. A. Participated in the action at El Canev. Cuba. July 1. ls:is. the assault and capture of "El Vlso" and siege of Santiago de Cuba. Commanding 12th Inf. from August to October. 1898. GEORGE II. PALMER. Major 4th Inf. T. S. A. Served as Captaiu Co. B. 16th Inf throughout Spanish-American War. Participated in battle of San Juan. CBAELES R. EVANS. Major 6th V. S. Vol. Inf. Served at Camp Wilder, Knoxvilie. Tenn. : Camp Thomas. Chu kamauga Park. <;a. : Island of Porto Rico, and Camp On- ward, Savannah, Ga., during Spanish-American War. CHARLES C. MATTES. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. V. Served from May 5, 1898 to October 10. ls!a,, ' | Charleston, S. C. G ROLAND FOHTESCUE. Second Lieutenant 4tli Cavalry U. S. A. Served in Cuba with the Rough Riders during the entire Spanish-American War. HARRY E. BISCOE. Paymaster I". S. X. Served on "Yankee" of Admiral Sampson's command during Spanish-American War. JOHN B. CALDWELL, Second Lieutenant 1st Washington Inf. t". S. v.. May 12. 1808. to Xovember 1, 1S00. Engagements: Battle of Santa Ana. Singalong. San Pedro Ma- cati. Guadalupe Church. Capture of Pasig, Battle of Bay Lake. Battle of Pasig Bridge JOHN A. LOCKWOOD. Captain 4th Cavalry Served in Mississippi during Spanish-American War as Mustering Officer. \! .- Vols. I I i\l\l \\m:1! RICHARD WAINWRIGHT. U S. N. Commanded "Gl :ester" :ii Battle of Santiago during Spanish American War. 1:1 AH ADMIRAL GEORGE W. MELVILLE, s X. Chief of Bureau of Steam Engineering. CAPTAIN JOHN WILLIAM HEAVEY, 1 s \ iM.il during Spanish-American War as 1st Lleuten am inii I S. Int., commanding i 'o. I. Gen. Miles' Expedition to Porto Rico Engagements: Hormlgueros, August 10, 1898 and ai Rio Grande River, near I. a- Marias, August 1". 1898. II [AS PAN ARSDALE ANDRUSS. .a, -l Artillery Corps is A. Services In Spanish- American War slated "t* the command "i the "Defences of the Delaware," consisting of Fori M,,ii. N. J. : Fori Delaware, Del . and Fori Du rc.ni. Del, together with the mine fields, BRADLEY A. FISKE. Lieutenant-Commander U. S. N. Navigator of the "Petrel" during War. the entire Spanish-American JOHN GIBSON. Lieutenant-Commander U. S. N. Served on U. S. S, "Boston" in Battle of .Manila Bay, during Span- ish-American War. COLONEL W. J. FIFE. During Spanish-American War commanded the first troops that sailed in transports from Camp lingers, Tacoma. to San Francisco, on the trans porl "Senator," and the fifth expedition that left California for Manila: also in command at Fon- tana, Angel Island. Paro Santa Ana. Cayanti, Taytay and Morong. EDWARD CHYNOWETH. Captain 17th Inf. Served in Cuba in 3d Brigade. 2d Division, -"ith Armj Corps and in the Philippines in the 2d Division, 8th Corps Engagements "El Caney," San .loan. Santiago, San Luis. San Fernando, Angeles, San Pedro, Magalang, Masa pinit . 23 PAUL FITZSIMON8. Medical Director U. S. N. Participated in three bom- bardments ofT Santiago and the bailie of Santi- ago; attached to U. 8. I". S. "Brooklyn" during Spanish-American War. ALFRED I'.ItiMiKS I'UV (Lieut, i P. A. and Acting Chief Engineer U. S. N. Served at blockade of Havana, Sagua La Grande. Matanzas, Cardenas and off Porl ufariel. Served with monitor Heel and V. S. s. "Stranger" dur- ing Spanish-American War. THOMAS II. BARBER. Colonel 1st N. V Vols., 1898 to 1899. Brigadier- General U. S. Vol., January 10, 1899 to February 21. 1S99 I'.iiiuniitidi'd V. S. Forces In Sandwich Islands during Spanish-American War. WILLIAM NEILL HUGHES. Captain 13th Int. U. S A. Commanded Co. II, 13th Inf. in the battle ..f San Juan Hill, in :;,] Brigade, 1st Division. 6th Army Corps, during Spanish- American War. 24 CHARLES C. BALLOT. Captain 12th Inf. Served in 12th Inf. during Spanish- American War ; Major 7th 111. Vol. Inf. JAMES M. J. SANXO. Colonel 18th Inf. Engagements during Spanish-Amerl- At La Loma Church, west of Taytay, can War near Taytay. Imus. Dasmarluns and Luzon. ALBERT LEOPOLD MILLS. Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Vols., May, 1898 ; Adjutant-General 2d Brigade. 5th Army Corps, June, 1898; Superintendent U. S. Military Academy. August, 1898; Captain Oth TJ. S. Cav.. October, 189S ; with U. S. Cav., August, 1899. Engagements during Spanish American War ; Santiago campaign and battles of Las Guasimas and Santiago de Cuba, CAPTAIN HENRY WARE LYON, U. S. N. Commanding TJ. S. S. •'Dolphin" during Spanish- American War. Engagements: North Cuban Blockading Squadron Fleet under Rear Admiral Sampson, off Santiago, bombardment of Santiago, supporting Marines' camp at Guantauamo and Marines' Battalion at battle of Casgeo Hill, carry- ing dispatches and medicine to Cuban camps. Shelled and destroyed railroad train carrying reinforcements t<> Santiago. 25 JOHN MILLER Mi M >RE Pass j Assistant Surgeon (Lieutenant) U. S. N. Served iti Asiatic Squadron under Admiral Dewey, and was Surgeon u, S. T. S. "Franklin," during Spanish- American War. KM HARD E. THOMPSON. irps i Lieutenant -* 'nl.uiel Major Signal Corps i Lieutenant-Colonel D. S. v.). Chiei bignai oincer ... fniuppine islands, served through* m r Spanish -American War at Tampa and Key West. Engagements: Capture and battle of Manila. WALTER HOWE. Mnjor Art lller; Corps Appointed Colonel I7th Inf. r. s. V., during Spanish American War. Served in the Philippines and in the capture <>f Tnboro. iSulnobaton, Lagao, Ualabog, battles and sklr- in'shee In Southern Luzon, P. I. Was in com- mand of Abbas •'""' Sorsogan Provinces. COLONEL ALFRED T. SMITH. I' S. A. I):iring Spanish American War commanded I3tfa Inf at Tampa, 1'la . and 3d Brigade, 1st Division* r»th Corps. Relieved From tiuty with 5th Corps Rejoined Kith Inf. at Santiago, Cuba, and com- manded that regiment until retired from active service. June Ifl, 1899. 26 JOHN BAKER WHITE. Captain Co. It. 1st W. Va. Vol. Inf.. 2d Brigade. 2d P viflion. 1st Army Corps U. S. V. Served dur- ing Spanish-American War from April 26, 1808 to Fehrnaiv 4. IS'.i'.i LIEUTENANT E. L. D. BRECKINRIDGE. Served in Cuba during Santiago campaign as volunteer aid on General Lawton's staff : also in the Philip- pine Islands, and as Lieutenant in Regular Army, at Morro Castle, Santiago de Cuba, during Span- ish-American War. BENJAMIN I'. MONTGOMERY, 'aptain Signal Corps U. S. A. Served during Sp ish American War as I 'aptain Signal Corps V« May, 1898: Lieut. -Col. Signal Corps. August 1898 : assigned to 8tb Armv c.rps as chief Sig officer. August 5, 1898. JAMES A IRONS. G, 20tb Inf. During Spanish American War. was Captain Co. G. 20th Inf. and Chief Engineer Officer of 1st Ltivision, 1st Army Corps and lid Division, ~>th Army Corps. Engagements: Battle of El Caney and siege of Santiago Major Co Wai 27 RALPH WILSON HOYT. Major 1iuh [nf. r. s. A. Engagements during Span- ish-American War: Ho>-mieuerous, Porto Kico. Las Marias, Porto Rico, and Independent Regular Brigade, commanded by General Schwan A. T. TOURTILLOTT. Captain Co. K, 6th HI. Vol. Inf. Served in the Spanish-American War from April 2li. 1S98 to November L'... 1898, and was in the I'orto Rican expedition which landed al Guanica, July 25, lS'.is ROBERT II COWAN. Second Lieutenant Co. K. I'd N. C. U. S. v. Served wiih regiment at si. Gelaous Island, Ga; Ra- leigh : and assisted iii mustering in 3d V C. regl- menl during Spanish American War. 28 . N. G. Served in Cuba (nreseni at the surrender of Santiago), during the Spanish-American War. FRANK BEALL Jl INES. Major 9tb Inf. D. S. A. During Spanish-American War served with regiment at 1.1 Caney, battle of Santiago .1.. i aba. Taging and Luzon. UARItY S. IlilW r.AMl. First Lieutenant I3tb I". S. Inf. Served In tbe Philip- pines .luring the itt'ter pari of. Spanish-American yt/ar and ihrougbout Filipino Insurrection. Served as Ald-de-Camp on tbe staffs of Brigadier- General Robert II. Hall and Brigadier-General S. S Sumner CAPTAIN THOMAS I'. CLARK. CommaPder-ln-OMef of the Legion of Spanish War Veterans of Mass. At the outbreak of the Spanish American War, pr ted to Captain by the I'resi dent, i" represent Mass. in tbe U. S. V. Signal Corps Served in Cuba and the I'nited States as Captain 10th 0. S V. Signal Corps. Mustered out 1 ruber 'jn. ls'.is. 3° FRANK L. CHENEY. First Lieutenant 1st 111. Vol. Inf. Served in trenches at Santiago, Cuba, during Spanish-American War. CHARLES II. STODDARD. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain i S. Inf., from May '2. 1898, to November 15, 1898. MARSHALL MORGAN CLOUD. First Lieutenant aud Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. Served throughout the Spanish American War with the _'d. 3d, 4th and 7th Aran Corps. Com- manded the Division Hospital at Camp Shipp. Anniston, Ala. WADE L. SUARTWOUT. First Lieutenant Co. K. 33d Mich. U. S. Vols Served during Spanish-American War. from Ma 1898 to January 4. 1899. Engagements: lu Cuban campaign and Aquadores. Cuba. LESLIE R. GROVES. Chaplain U. S. A. Served In Cuba with 8th Inf. at battle of El Cane; and Santiago during Spanish- American War. CHRIS. KM1I. JOHNSON. Served during Spanish-American War as First Lieu- tenant Co. P. I6tn Begt. I'a. Vol. Inf. Three months on Island of Porto Rico. EDGAE ROMEYN KELLOGG. Brigadier-General I". S. A. Served throughout Span- ish-American War and < iinnnderl the l"tli U. S Inf. In the Cuban campaign and battle of Santiago. HUGH 1'.. KING. Served during Spanish-American War as Knsign. U. S. N., on board I' S. S. 'Ca'sar." and raise, 1 the first American Hag over the capital of Porto Kleo. 32 JOHN G. WALKEtt. Rear Admiral D. S. N. GEORGE WILLIAM BEAMAiV Rear Admiral U. S. N. WILLIAM THOMAS WEST. Served during Spanish-American War as First Lieu- tenant and Quartermaster 3d Ala. Vol. Inf. THOMAS M. MACKNIGHT. Lieutenant U. S. N. on U. S. S. "Glacier" during Spanish-American War. 33 GREENLEAF AUSTIN GOODALE. C ael lTih D. s. inf. Served throughout Spanish American War Engagements: Pumping Station in Philippines. Cal ;in and Tondo. WILLIAM CLINTON WISE. Captain I s v Served throughout Spanish-Ameri- can w :i ' in command auxiliary cruiser "Yale," North Atlantic Squadron. EDWIN WHITE. r Admiral I S N. Served throughout the Span Isfa American War as Commandant of Cadets. i s Naval Academy, Annapolis. Later com Banded the "Terror" and tne "Philadelphia.' flagship on Pacific station. .Hiliv MORRIS ELL1COTT. Lieutenant I S \ Served throughout the Spanish American War on t. s. s '-Baltimore." Asiatic Squadron. Engagements: Battle of Manila Bay. capture ot Manila and In engage nts during Philippine insurrect Ion. 34 COLONEL JOHN V. ITUKEY. Assistant Quartermaster-General U. S. A. Served throughout the Spanish-American War. KINK. Brigadier-General O. s. V. Served with 8th Army Corps in Manila during Spanish-American War. DANIEL HALL BOUGHTON. Captain 3d Cavalry U. s. A. Served throughout Spanish-American War. Participated in battie of San Juan and Santiago campaign. EDWARD HICKMAN GHEEN. Commander U. S. N. Served throughout the Spanish American War "Marietta." mirmind of the i folic" and DANIEL CORNMAN. Lleulenant-Colonel U. S. A. Served throughout the Spanish-American War. JOHN \V. ice >F1\ Served during Spanish-American War as 1st Lieuten- ant Co. M, 2d N. J. Vols.. 7th Army Corps. ADELBERT K. BTJFFINQTON. Brigadier-General, Chief of ordnance V. S. Army. Served throughout the Sp.-inisli-Amerlcan War. 36 W. P. BTJTLEB. Served during Spanish-American War as Major 1st III. Cav.. commanding l*t Squadron. CLAUDE E. SAWYER. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain Co. L, 1st South Carolina U. S. Vols. Served EDWARD C. BUTLER. Captain Troop G. 1st III. Vol. Cav. during Spanish-American War. JOHN WALTON ROSS. Surgeon U. S. N. Served throughout the Spanish American War with Navy and afterwards with Army in Florida and in Cuba WILLIAM E. MICKLE, Jit. Served during Spanish-A rican War as First Lieu- tenant 2d Ala. Vol. Inf. and as Quartermaster, Commissar; and Acting Ordnance officer. GBEEN CI. AY GOODLI >E Colonel 0. s. M. r. Served throug I American War. Spanlsh- ICHABOD GOODWIN HOBBS Inspector r. S. \ Served throughout the Span- ish-American War. I OBWIN POTTENGEB KEES. Commander V. S. \. Served throughout the Spanish American War. KDWABD BUTTEVANT BABBY. Commander r. s. N. Served throughout the Spanish- American War, CHARLES PLUMMEH PERKINS. Commander I", s. X. Served throughout the Spanisb- ZERA I.. TANNER. Commander U. s. N. American gan. War. Commanded U. S. S. "Michi- QEORGE COWIE. Chief Engineer (Captain i D. s. X. Served through- out Spanish-American War: V. S. B. S. "Indi- ana." North Atlantic Station: served throughout the entire Santiago campaign and the destruc- tion of Cervera's fleet. LEWIS HENRY MATTAIR. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain Co. I. 3d Battalion. 3Y EMMET. Served during Spanish-American War as Lieutenant I s. N. ..a I . S. S. "Justin" and in the Bureau ol Equipment, Washington, and at Norfolk Navy ■i 11,1 62 EDWARD M. HUGHES Commander O. S. N. Served throughout the Spanish- American War as Executive Officer U. S. S. "Petrel." Participated in battle of Manila Bay. W. P. VENABLE. Served during the Spanish-American War as 1st Lieu- tenant Co. C. 3d Ta D. S. v, with 2d Army Corps, at Camp Alger, Va. RICHARDSON CLOVER. Commander U. S. X. Served throughout the Spanish; American War. Commanded I'. S. S. "Bancroft." Particapated in several engagements. 63 JOHN DEMERITT. Served as Major and Paymaster U. S. Vols, on Staff of Major-General mis. in the Philippine Islands and at San Francisco, Cal. JOHN CLARK WILSON. Commander U. S. N. Served throughout the Spanish- American War. WILLIAM T. ANDERSON. Chaplain 10th Cav. D. S. A. Served with Regiment during Spanish-American War. HOMER LYCTJHGUS LAW. Surgeon V. S. N. Served throughout the Spanlsh- Ameri.an War on U. S. R. S. "Wabash. HENRY P. BIRMINGHAM. Major l'. S. A. Served as Brigade Surgeon with lirigndicr-Ceneral Fred D. Oram in Porto RIeo. 64 GEORGE Met'. Major U. GEORGE G. GREENOUGH. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A. JAMES H. STAXSFIELD. Served as Captain Co. P, 2d 111. Vol. Inf. at Cien- fuegos. Cuba, and in taking possession of Santa Clara. Province Cuba, during Spanish-American War. DANIEL A. CURRIE. Served as Lieutenant-Colonel 2d N. J. V. S. V. at Jacksonville, also instructor of small arms. 7th Army Corps, 2d Division, during Spanish-Ameri- can War. 65 \VM .1 I TUNER. Major D. S. A. Served throughout the Spanish- Auierican War. EDWIN W. IIINE. Served as Colonel 2d N. J. Vol. Inf. during Spanish- American War. ALGERM in SAIt'li IRIS. Served :i> 1st Lieutenant lal V. s Vol. Gngln, as Alde-de-Camp i" General I and ae Captain 3d r s Vol inf during Spanish-American War. i,i, THOMAS KINSBY. Served as Passed Assistant Paymaster intr Spanish-American War. S. X. dur- R. D. TAYLOR, rassed Assistant Engineer U. S. N. WILLIAM P. CARLIN. Major-General U. S. A. AYKKLF.Y CLAUDE HOLMES RUSSELL. Lieutenant-Commander U. S. N. Served throughout the Spanish-American War on U. S. flagship "San Francisco." also Fleet Surgeon Northern Patrol Squadron and North Cuba Blockade Squad- ron. FRANK W. KELLOGG. Lieutenant U. S. N. Served throughout Spanish- American War on U. S. S. ••Baltimore Asiatic Station, with Admiral Dewey, and participated in the battle of Manila Hay. 67 COLONEL JOHN T. BARNETT, D. S. A. Served throughout Spanish-American War as Colonel, 159th Ind. Vols. ARIEL HARRIS IDE. Served during Spanish-American War as 1st ant 65th N. Y. Vols. JOHN EDWARD BURKE. Served during Spanish-American War ns 1st Lieuten- ant «'., M. Till Ohio, and with 17th 1 S. Regu- lars. Engagements: San iVnandn. Caliilnt. An geles, San Louis, Magalang. Mayigun. all in Philippine Islands. GEORGE s. UECHLING. Served during Spanish-American War as 1st Lieuten- ant Co. E, 15th Pa. Vol. Inf.. attached to 1st Brigade, 3d Division. 2d Army Corps, under oinmand of General Oates. „s WILLIAM S. MCARTHUR. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain 33d Mich. Vol. Inf. Participated in demonstration before Aquardores. FRANK CAMM Captain and Assistant Surgeon Commanding Hospital Co., Corps. m. n. 3d Va. Inf. U. S. V. 1st Division, 2d Army THOMAS T. KNOX. Served during Spanish-American War as Lieutenant- Colonel and Inspector-General. In the Santiago campaign was Captain 1st Cavalry, and wounded in battle at Las Guasimos. RAYMOND DELANCKV HASBRODCK. Lieutenant U. S. N. Served throughout Spanish- American War on U. S. S. "Puritan" and in the operation of allied forces in China on the D. S. 8. "Monocacy." 69 THOMAS M. ANDERSON. Krigadler-f.Jeneral V. S. A. E. OWENS HOLLOWAT. Ensign r. s N. Served on 0. s s "Montauk" dur- ing Spanisb-A rican War. ROBERT M. KERB Served during Spanish-American War aa 2d Lieuten- ant, i o M. 33d Mi. b Vol. Inf, Participated in siege of Santiago and engagement at Aqundores. GILBERT I.. FITCH. Served d e Spanish-American War as Major 3d Conn. Vol. inf., from July ::, 1898 until Septem- ber 19, 1898. Service, camp routine 70 JOSEPH ALFRED GASTON. Captain 8th Cavalry D. S. A. Served with regiment throughout Spanish-American War. HENRY MELVILLE. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain Co. A. 8th N. Y. Vol. Inf. ROBERT POWELL PAGE WAINWRIGHT. Major 5th Army Corps, Cavalry Division. Engage- ments during Spanish-American War : Las Guas- imos. Cuba : San .limn. Culm, and until t lie sur- render on July IT. 1S9S. ROBERT MODISETTE W ' Served during Spanish-American War as 2d Lieuten- ant Co C 10th Pa. Vol. Inf. Engagements: Philippine battle of Malata. campaign against Malolos. and during Filipino Insun tmn. 71 GEORGE I!. SERENBETZ. First Lieutenant -iTtli N. Y. Vol. Inf. Served on Garrison duty, portu l:ko, ilui im; Spanish-Ameri- can War, May 2, 1898 to March 31, 1S99. LOUIS C. DUNCAN. M. I >. Served during Spanish-American War as 1st Lieuten- ant and Assistant Surgeon 22d Kan. Vol. Inf, 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Army c>rps. '.i 1LFORD SCHELL GABBER. First Lieutenant, 1 59th Ind. and i-i Lieutenant. 30th V. s. v. Engagements: Battles ot Binang, San Diego, Capture "i Batangas, Luslana, Lucban, M.-i |aj loj . M. mi' in ;n ii Sampalli . RICHARD .1. GAIN! 3 Served during Spanish American War as 1st Lieuten- ant Co I. .".1st Iowa Vol. Inf. Engagements: San Roque, Qulnqua, Qulnqua river, Pufllan, Ca- lumpit, s.in Fernando and Calullt. 72 CLYDE BINGHAM PARKER. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain Co. G. 22d Kan. Vol. Inf. CARL A. WETENHALL. Served during Spanish-American War as 2d Lieuten- ant Co. I, 1st Pa. Vol. Inf. J. It. McQUIGG. Major Battalion of Engineers, Ohio National Guard during Spanish-American War. Served as Cap- tain 10th Ohio Vol. Inf. from July 7, 1898 to March 23, 1899, at Camps Bushnell, O., Meade, I'a., and Augusta, Ga. JOHN D. FORD. Commander C. S. N. Served throughout Spanish American War on board U. S. S. "Baltimore" and flagship "Olympia." Also Fleet Engineer of the Asiatic station. 73 ISAAC KIIOI'.NTHAL. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain Co. H, i!d N J. Vols., at Camp Cuba Libre, Jackson- ville Fla. MARCUS HERBERT FOLQEB Served during Spanish-American War as 2d Lieutenant Co. R. 1st Ohio Vol. Inf.. at Tampa. IVrnandina and Jacksonville, Fla. and at Chickamauga I'ark. NOBLE II. CREAGEB Lieutenant-Colonel and Quartermaster I S. V. Served during Spanish-American War as Depot Quarter- master at Jacksonville. I'la. ; Chief Quarter master, 1st Division, 7th Array Corps and Chief Quartermaster. Department of Plnar del Rio. FREDERICK M. II. KENDRICK. Major U. S. A. Served throughout Spanish-American War with General Lav, ton's division and Gen- eral ChnlTee's lirigade oth Corps. Engagements^ Baiquirt*. I. as Guaslmos, El Caney, San .loan and Santiago. 74 ]'. J. HART. Chaplain 13th U. S. Cav. During Spanish-American War served as Chaplain 3d U. S. Cav. in Santi- ago, aixt in .'111 and stli I" s. Inf. in Philippine Islands. MAJOR FRANK KECK. In command of 3d Battalion, 71st N. Y. Vols. En gagements during Spanish-American War: In battle of San Juan Hill, and bombardment <>r Sant iago. V- <# LEON SCHWAKZ. Served during Spanish-American War as 1st Lieuten- ant and Battalion Adjutant and acting ordnance Officer in 1st Ala. D. S. Vol. Inf. and 1st Brigade. 1st Division, 7th Arm; Corps, from May 1 tn October 81, Isps. WILLIAM DkWOLF DIMOCK. Ensign I s. N. from April ."n to September 9, 1898 Served during the Spanish-American War on I'. S. Ships "Yankee" "Wilmington." "Delaware." Engagements: Bombardment of Santiago. Guan- tanamo and Caulder Harbor. JOHN F. AUSTIN. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain Co. A, 16th Pa. Vol. Inf., 1st Brigade. 1st Division. 1st Army Corps in Porto Rico and in the battle of Coaino. WILLIAM WALLIS GALBUAITH. Captain D. S. A. Served throughout Spanish-Anieri- can War in 2d Army Corps, at Camps Alger and Meade, Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Graham, Corps Commander. GEORGE WASHINGTON GIBBS. First Lieutenant and A. O. O. Light Battery A. Utah Artillery, U. S. V., during Spanish-American War. Engagements: Malate, Santa Mesa, Santa Anna, Mariquina, Caloocan, San Luis, San Fer- nando. .Major 1'. War U. S. ROGERS BIKN'IE. Sorved throughout Spanish American as Lieut. -Col. and Chief Ordnance Officer Vols, and Chief Ordnance Officer 7th Army Corps; also Chief ordnance Officer, Division of "6 LORENZO D. GASSER. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain Co. E, 2d Ohio Vol. Inf., from April 25, 1808 to Feb- ruary 10, 1800. CAPTAIN WILLIAM GADSBY. During Spanish-American War, Commanded Co. G, 2d Oregon Vol., 8th Army Corps. Participated la capture of Manila. REAH FRA7.ER. Paymaster U. S. N. During Spanish-American War served on U. S. Battleships. "Indiana" and "Texas." North Atlantic Squadron. Participated in bom- bardment of San Juan, the destruction of the Spanish fleet under Admiral Cervera. attack on the fortifications at Santiago, the bombardment of Santiago and witnessed the hauling down of the Spanish flag on the Morro at entrance of harbor. OLIVER D. STEELE. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain 1st Inf. Ill Vols. Commanding Co. F. in Camps at Springfield, Chickamau.ua and Tampa. Landed at Siboney, Cuba, with regiment to trendies near Santiago de Cuba, and became part of the 5th Army Corps, under command of General Shatter. Served al Santiago before and after surrender. 77 GEORGE Lieutenant-Colonel V. S. S. GRIMES. A. Served throughout Ihe Spanish-American War. AARON S. OBERLY. Medical inspector I", s. N FRED. D. STANDISH. Served aa Ensign ('. S. v. "n r. s S. "Yosemite" during Spanish-American War. Engagements: Havana, Santiago, San Juan and Porto Rico blockades, :int is and Funston JAMES WILLIAM McANDREW. Captain of Infantry, Paymaster, U. S. A. During Spanish-American War served in Santiago cam- paign as 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster Sd Inf In battle of El Caney, in siege and surren- der of Santiago. Acting Commissary of Bates Independent Brigade. 79 PIERCE M. B. TRAVIS. Captain 11th N. Y. Inf. Served under command of General Schwan during Porto Rico campaign, and participated with the 11th Inf. in the en- gagement of Ilnrmegneros and Las Marias, in Western Porto Rico. PAUL ST. CLAIR MURPHY. Major U. S. M. C. Fleet Officer of Marines on flag- ship "Brooklyn." Flying Squadron, under Rear- Admiral Schley, during Spanish-American War. WENDELL L. SIMPSON. Captain 6th v. s. inf. a. S. A. Served during Spanish-American War as let Lieutenant and Adjutant, '.uli I . S. Inf. and as Acting Adjutant- General, 3d Brigade, 1st Division. Engagements: Cuban campaign and battle ol San Juan Hill. WILLIAM G. SIRRINE. Captain Co. B. 2d S, C. Vol. Inf. Served during Spanish-American War with General Lees an Army Corps a1 Jacksonville, Savannah. oa„ and Havana, Cuba, from June 15, 1898, to April 19, 1899 So H. O. FEEDERLE. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain Co. B, 8th Ohio Vols. Participated in Santiago cam- paign. OTTO L. HEIN. Major 3d Cav. U. S. A. CAPTAIN CHARLES M. AUGUR, U. S. V. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain and Assistant Quartermaster ; Chief Quartermaster 2d and 3d Division, 4th Army Corps at Quarter- master Depot, Huntsville, Ala., also Depot Quar- termaster. Santiago, Cuba, Acting Chief Quarter- master and Acting Chief Commissary. LEWIS REEVES DAWSON. Served as Major and Surgeon 1st Wash. Inf. U. S. V. Accompanied General Lawton's first expedition to Santa Cruz as Surgeon with 1st Idaho Bat- talion, and as acting Brigade Surgeon wittt General Wheaton's Flying Brigade during Span- ish-American War. Si EDWARD B. UOSELEY. Lieutenant-Colonel ; Surgeon D. S, A. Chief Surgeon. Department of Southern Luzon. Served through- out Spanish-American War. ALFRED A. MITCHELL. Served during Spanish-American War as Captain sih N. Y. Vols., and 1st Lieutenant 12th N. Y. Vols. Three months in Cuha. JOHN CORTIS GILMORE, JR. Captain Artillery Corps. U. S. A. Served throughout Spanish American War as Captain and Assistant Adjutant-fleneral, 5th Army Corps. Engage- ments: Santiago campaign, battles of El Caney. San .loan, and the surrender <•!' Santiago. scut 1 l . I . I : C. KELLY. Lieutenant-Colonel :id Mo. Inf. Served during Span- ish American War as Captain I '<». <;. 3d Mo. Inf., In the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, '.'d Army Corps, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo,; Camp Alger. Va., and Camp Meade, Pa. S2 C. M. P. HERRING. Served iu Battery A, Pa. Vols., during Spanish- American War. LOUIS A. FROTHIXUIIAM. Served as I'd Lieutenant U. S. M. C. in command of U. S. S. "Yankee" during Spanish-American War. JULIUS F. BLUM. Served as Captain Co. M, 159th Ind. Vol. Inf. at Camps Mount. Alger. Meade and Thoroughfare during Spanish-American War. 83 JACOB R. WHISNER. Served as 2d Lieutenant and as 1st Lieutenant Co. B. 20th Kan. Inf. Participated in Battles of Manila. February 4 and •"■. and in various skirmishes during ^pauish-American War. B. C. RUDE. Served as Lieutenant Co. G. 6th Ohio Vol. Inf. at Camp Poland. Knoxville, Tenn. FRANK R. LANG. First Lieutenant 9th Inf. D. S. A. Served In 1st Me. Vol Inf. In Spanish-American War, War in Philippines and War in China. FREDERICK .1. SCHMIDT. Served as Lieutenant-Colonel 3:id Mich. Vol. Inf. Participated in Santiago campaign and com- manded 1st Battalion in engagement at Aqua- dores. WILLIAM D. BEACH. Captain U. S. A. Served during Spanish American War as Acting Inspector-General 4ih Army Corps and of lit Division. 2d Army Corps, and Assistant to Inspector-Genera! 2d Armj Corps. 84 COLONEL RUSSELL B. HARRISON. Served throughout the Spanish-American War. JULIUS ADAM KAISER Assistant Engineer U. S. N. JAMES GRAY. Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. and as Navigator U. S. S. "Yorktown." Engaged In action with mountain shore batteries in the south coast of Cuba, and in shelling Spanish gun boats near Trinidad. Was attached to North Atlantic fleet and engaged in general blockading duty during Spanish-American War. CHARLES GAMBORG ANDRESEN. Captain U. S. M. C. Served on board U. S. S. "Indiana" as First Sergeant and participated in blockade of Havana, battle of San Juan, and the destruction of Admiral Cervera's fleet, and aa Second Lieutenant, Naval Station, Havana, dur- ing Spanish-American War. 85 WENDELL PHILLIPS BOWMAN. Served as Colonel 1st Pa. Vol. Inf. during Spanish- American War. WILLIAM McKAV. Served as Lieutenant U. S. N., commanding U. S S. •|nca'' during Spanish-American War. MAJOR ROBERT 11 NOBLE, I. S. A. JOHN BRADLEY CARTER. Served throughout the Spanish American War as Served as 2d Lieutenant Co. II. Iili Ky. Vols.. U. S. Assistant Adjutant-General V. s V and Captain Inf. In 3d and 4th Army Corps during Spanlsh- 3d C. S. Inf . " American War. 86 DWIGHT F. MALLORY. Served as Ensign U. S. N. on U. S. S. 'Apache" and U S Monitor "Aiax" during Spanish-American War. CHARLES B. CRAWFORD. Served as Chaplain and Captain 2d Ohio Vol. during Spanish-American War. Inf Served Division. 2d Army . master on staff of Genera] Young in 1st Division. 2d Army Corps, during Spanish American War. ARTHUR HART BRONSnN Served as 1st Lieutenant, Quartermaster and Regi- mental Adjutant of 1st Conn Vol .Int. a .Fort Knox and Camp Alger and as Actmg Brigade Quartermaster, in 2.1 Division, 2d Army during Spanish-American War. 87 ALFRED L. HOUGH. Colonel U. 8. A. ALEXANDER W. RDSSELL. Pay Director U. S. N. DANIEL W. BENHAM. Colonel D. S. A. J. K REYNOLDS LANDIS. Captain 1st Cav. D. S. A. S8 JAMES M. FORSYTH. Rear Admiral U. S. N. Served throughout the Span- ish-American War. REV. J. WILSON BRAINARD. Served as Chaplain 3d N. Y. Regiment under Colonel Hoffman. BRIGADIER-GENERAL FRED C. AINSWORTH, D. S. A. COMMANDER CONWAY HILLYER ARNOLD, U. S. N. 89 GEORGE H. CAMERON. Captain 4th <'av. tT. S. A. JAMES S. PETTIT. Major, luspector-General U. S. A. FRANK CARTER GRDGAN. Major 6th U. S. Artillery l. s. A. Chief of Artillery. Manila, P. I., during Spanish American War DANIEL JAMES MURPHY. i ved :i- Captain 22<3 r. s. \'. 1 1 1 r . daring Spanish^ American War. 90 Itlt'IlAKD D. O'BRIEN. Served as 2d Lieutenant 14th Spanish-Ameru an Minn. Vols. War. during ROBERTS POINSETTE IZLAR Served as Major and Surgeon 1st Kla. Vol. Inf. dur- ing Spanish-American War. CHARLES A. COOLIDGE Colonel 7th Inf. O. S. A. Served throughout the Spanish American War. Kngagr nis: Kl Caney. Santiago. Served in Philippine Islands and in Cuba. PARKER COOK. Served as Passed Assistant Paymaster with rank of Lieutenant 1 s. N. on V. S. s. "Dixie Par- ticipated in capture of Ponce, during spanisn- Aiim rican wa r 9' GEORGE B. DAVIS Brigadier-General r s a JOHN BIDDLE POETER. Major D. S A WILLIAM LANGFITT. Captain Corps of Engineers 0. s. A. Served as Major 3d Battalion, 3d I S Vol. Engineers, and In command of r. S. forces, Hawaiian Islands, during Spanish-American War DAVID SHERIDAN STANLEY. Captain and Quartermaster D. S. A. Served as Alde- de-Camp to Major General J. J. Coppinger U. S. V.. al Mobil.- and 1 1 iimsrllle, Ala., and Tampa. I'la . during Spanish American War. 92 JuIIN E. GKEER. Major U. S. A. A. S. CONKLIN. Captain U. S. A. ALEXANDER BROWN. Served as Assistant Paymaster TJ. S. N. on D. S. S. "Gloucester." Participated in battle of Santiago and capture of Guanica and Amoy, during Span- lsb-American War. LOUIS IS. CRAIG. Served as Assistant Engineer U. S. X. on U. S. S. "Wilmington," North Atlantic Fleet. Partici- pated in battle of Manzanillo during Spanish- American War. 9> CHRISTOPHEB II. R. \\'i xiliWAKI > Served a i 1st Lieutenant <'". D, 69th N ilurlng Spanish-American War. JAMES STEEDMAN HOLLAND Served as 1st Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon 1st Mo. Vol, Inf. during Spanish-American War. CHARLES SEYMOUR BULLOCK. Served as Chaplain 1st 111. Vol. Cav. during Spi American War IIEXKY T. LS. HARRIS. l'ay Inspector U. S. N. Served throughout the Span- ish American War. "t BANCROFT GHERAKDI. Rear Admiral U. S. N. ALBERT BARNITZ. Colonel V. S. A. ANDREW SHERIDAN BUKT. Brigadier General U. S. A. 95 JACOB KLINE. Colonel 21st Inf. TJ. S. A. OLIVER O. HOWARD. Major-General U. S. A. DOUGLAS M. SCOTT. Major U. S. A. THOMAS NELSON. Commander U. S. N. CHARLES F. TOWELL. Major U. S. A. 96 G. NORMAN LIEBER. Brigadier-General U. S. A. JOHN R. BROOKE. Major General U. S. A PETER C. HAINS. Colonel U. S. A. HENRY W. FITCH. Chief Engineer U. S. N. 97 HENRY E. RHOADES. Assistant Engineer U. S. N. ABSALOM KIKBV. Chief Engineer U. S. N. JOHN FAIRFIELD MERRY. Captain U. S. N. 98 EDWARD N. WHITEHOUSE Paymaster U. S. N. THOMAS FRANCIS BAKR. Brigadier-General U. S. A. ALFRED A. WOODHOLL. Colonel U. S. A W. P. RANDALL. Lieutenant-Commander TT. R. N. L. c rc. SAMUEL BRECK. Brigadier-General U. S. A. 99 JOHN C. TIDBALL. Brigadier-General U. S. A. EDWARD SHIPrEX. Medical Director TJ. S. N. EDMUND ItlCE. Colonel 19th Inf. U. S. A. JOHN J. BRICE. Commander U. S. N. JOHN W. BARLOW. Brigadier-General U. S. A. A. P. BERRY. Captain U. S. A. FRANCIS J. HIGGINSON. Rear Admiral U. S. N. Commanded TJ. S. S. "Massa- chusetts" and was also Chairman Lighthouse Board during Spanish-American War. WILDER S. METCALF. Served during Spanish-American War as Major and Colonel 20th Kan. Inf. U. S. V. Brevet Briga- dier-General U. S. V. Participated In engage- ments In Philippine Islands. ALANSON D. BARTHOLOMEW. Serve.l as 2d Lieutenant <". I. N. Y. Vol. Inf. durlne Spanlsn-American w ar. GEORGE M. MOCLTON. Served as Colonel 2d III. Vol. Int. during Spanish American War. THOMAS IIK5 WARD GIGNJ I. MAT Served as Lieutenant, Junior Grade, r. S. N. on r s. s. "Fern." "Cincinnati" and "Prairie. I'artlclpated ■ i ■ Cuban Blockade and Porto Rlcan expedition during Spanish-American War. FRAN! is w MANSFIELD. Lieutenant-Colonel 19th Inf. i S. A. Served through- out Spanish American War and participated In Porto Rico campaign, and In engagement at Hournlqueos, and in charge of Civil and Military affairs nt Aq llller J. W. MILLER. Served as Lieutenant-Commander U. S. X. during Spanish-American War. LOUIS DICKES. Served as Captain Co. K, Fuller's Provisional Regt. 111. Vol. Inf. durinp Spanish-American War. EDWARD T. MILLER. Served as 1st Lieutenant 0. S. Vol. Signal Corps, and as Alde-de-Camp r«. Major-General J. W. Kiefer. 1st Division. Tth Arinv Corps during Spanish-Amerii an War. GUSTAV SCHAAF. Served as Captain <<• A. 10th Pa. Vol. Inf. Engage- ments: Battle of Malate, Storming of Manila, .Advance on Maloles, during Spanish American War l°3 DANIEL MORGAN TAYLOR. Major Ordnance Department V. S. A. THOMAS DILLARD GRIFFIN. Lieutenant-Commander U. S. N. Served on U. S. S. "Brooklyn" during Spanish-American War. D. B. LUCE! Served as 1st Lieutenant Co. H, 203d N. Y. Vol. Inf. during Spanish American War. RICHARD v.. KI'KS. Served as Assistant Surgeon II. S. N. during Spanish- Atnerican War. 104 COLONICS KDWIN M. COATES, U. S. A. W. W. GILBERT. Major U. S. A. ALEXANDER C. -M. PENNINGTON. Brigadier-General U. S. A. 105 FRANK WHEATON. Major General U. S A JAMES IT WILSON. Brigadier-General D. S. A. ABSALOM BAIBD. Major-General U. S. A. WILLIAM M. FOLGEB. Captain U. S. N. GEORGE F. WINSLOW. Medical Director D. S. N. 1 06 WILLIAM L. HASKIN. Colonel Artillery Corps, U. S. A. KDGAK R. KELLOGG. Brigadier General C. S. A. JOHN II. CALEF. Lieutenant. Colonel L". S. A. DAVID PHILLIPS JONES. Chief Engineer D. S. N. 107 william Mckinley. Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy during Spanish-American War. ASA B. CAKKY. lirlgadier-General U. S. A. u I Sl.l ■> MERRITT. Major-General r. s. A. BERNARD .1. 1'. IRWIN. Colonel D. s. A. 108 WARNER II NOSTRAND. Served as Lieutenant D. S. N. during Spanish-Ameri- can War. JOSEPH B. PARKEK Medical Director U. S. N. THOMAS COURTNEY WATTS. Captain. Colonel and Aide-de-camp Governor's staff. Served as 2d Lieutenant Co. F, 3d Battalion, 1st Fla. Vols., at Tampa, Fla., and Fernandina, Fla., and Huntsville, Ala FRED E. WINDSOB Served as Lientenant-Colonel 16th Pa. Vol. Inf. Par- ticipated in uattle of Coamo, and brevetted for gallantry in action during Spanish-American War 109 JAMES R. Ill \SKKi:i: Served i- 1-1 Lieutenant Co. F. 6th Pa. Vol tnl during Spanish-American War ROBERT A. BEUNNEE. Served as 2d Lieutenant N. .1- r s Vol Spanish-American War. Inf. during ABRAM L. HAINES Major. Surg S \ Served :i- Surgeon and l-i Lieutenant 203d Regiment in Camps Black and " Itherlll :ii ved as Surgeon and Captain .:i-i l;. •Kiin. tii in I'hiltpplne Islands and as Hajoi In Philippine Islands JOHN B. i.l II MM Major loth r s im Served during the Spanish Am. tii an War. n^ Captain 13th t. s inf. com- manding a battalion ot this regi nt in t he attack "ii San Juan llill during Spanish-American W :i i CHARLES A. HEDEKIN. Captain U. S. A. FREDERICK STEINMAN FOLTZ. Captain 2d Cavalry U. S. A. MARTIN H. GERRY. Served as Assistant Engineer U. S. N. on T". S S. "Philadelphia" and D. S S. "Pensaeola," Pa.iilc Station, during Spanish-American War. CAPTAIN OTTO BECKER. Paymaster U. S. A. Served as Major and Additional ' Paymaster U. S. V., during Spanish-American War. EDWAKD B. [VKS. Captain Signal Corps I S. A. Served throughout i be Spanisb A ricaD War. M. C. JACKSON. Served as Captain Co. K. 4th Va Inf. 0. S. Vols., in Cuba, during Spanish-American War. PETBB 1. LEA. Served as Master Mate D. S. N., ii mapd i of i g g "A ac," wiili headquarters at Key West', and Havana, Cuba, dnring Spanish-Ameri- can war. LEWIS W. BAETLET'J Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. on 0. S. S. Passaic." Auxiliary Navj ; also Berved as Executive < "Hirer, and for one month as the I'omumnding Officer during Spanish-American War. EUGENE HAWKINS. Served as Captain and Assistant Surgeon 159th Ind. Vols, during Spanish. American War. ARTHUR BURDETTE CONNOR. Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. commanding U. S. "Iris" during Spanish-American War. FINGAL C. BLACK. Served as 1st Lieutenant 3d U. S. V. Engineers, in command of Co. 11. Served in and around Cien- fuegos, Cuba : also made a complete survey of the fortifications in and around the city for the use of the Government during Spanish American War JAMES HALL COLWELL. Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. on U. S S Terror" and served with tile Blockade Squadron off Havana ; a Is., with the squadron accompanying the land forces under General Miles, in the Porto Rico campaign, during Spanish-American War. NEVIL M. GARRETT. Captain. 0. S. Served : Vol. inr s Assistanl Surgeon 3d Kentucky during Spanish-American War. FRANK \V. RUSSELL. Served as Major 1st New Hampshire Vol. I"f- 'luring Spanish-American War. DAN1 II. W. SHEA. Servci us Lieutenant r S \. commanding 6th Die t r i « ■ t ("oast Signal Service, comprising Key West. Egmnunt, Sanlbal Island, during Spanish-Ameri- can War. HIRAM M CHITTENDEN. Captnln Corps of Engineers D. S. A. s.T\.'d for elghl months as Chief Engineer, 4th Army Corps, wiih rank of Lieutenant Colonel, during Spanish Am. rlcan War. 114 JAMES II. GILLIS. Commodore U. S. N. HEMiY C. ECKSTEIN. Surgeon U. S. X. CHARLES II. BRIGHAM. Served as Lieutenant. Junior Grade. D. S. X. on I". S. S. •■Prairie." as Senior Watch and Division officer, on blockade of Cuba and Porto Rico. Participated in the destruction of the Spanish S. S. ■•Alphonso XII.. during Spanish-American War. DAVID L. BRAINARD. Major U. S. A. Served as Cnl.oi.-i. chief Commissary I' S V.. Is., in Chief Commissary Department of the Pacific, with 8th Army Corps, on staffs of Generals Men-it t and Otis, during Spanish- American War. "5 Major 12th r s i Inf. :rbert s. fosteb D. S. A S.tv.-i] ms Captain 20th Inf. during Spanish-American War. REV. ALBERT DOD MINOR. Served as Chaplain 203d N V. Vol. Inf. during Span- ish American War. HENRX S. KIP. Srrv.ci :; i n.l I 1 . '.mi [ut v v \ ole . pari o( I ime at Camp Thomas, Chickamauga, during Spanish-American War. JAMES M BOWER Served as Ensign U. S. V on i s. s "Vulcan" and "Osceola," with Admiral Sampson's fleet, l'ar- ticipated in battle at Man/ami la. during Span- ish-American War. 116 GEORGE II. COOKE. Medical Director D. S. N. OSCAR J. CHARLES. Captain -itu Inf. U. S. A. ROBERT I. BULLARD. Major. Commissarjr D. s. A. Served as Major Ala v., I Bat. : Colonel -'I Ala. Vol. Inf. and as Colonel 39th Inf. r. s. Vols., during Spanish- American War. Engagements: San Cristobal, Cabuyao. Santa Rosa, Bifiang, Calamba, Puente de Viga, Maquiling, Santo Xomas, Lipa, Rosario, San Francisco, Franca, Suloc, all in IV I GRANVILLE KIMBALL. Served as Lieutenant ami Chief Engineer U. S. N. on I S. S 'I nidus" attached in North Atlantic Squadron under command of Rear Admiral W. T. Sampson : served on same ship attached to the Eastern Squadron, under command of Commo- dore J. C. Watson during Spanish-American War. EDWIN M. SHEPABD. Rear Admiral l". s. N. Served as Lighthouse In- spector, 3d District, during Spanish-American War. CHARLES B. HINToN. Major r. S. A. Served i- Captain 18tb Inf. I.'. S. A during Spanish-American War. GEORGE w GOODE captain lsi Car. I. s A Served during San campaign in command <>f troop I. 1st t'av En gagements : Las Gueslmae and Santiago during Spanish-American War PEKR1 D BLACKDEN. Served as Passed Assistant Engineer (Lieutenant, Junior Grade, 0. S. N), on Auxiliary Naval force under Captain Bartlett, during Spanish- American War. 118 GEORGE W. I! AND. Served as Senior Major 201st N. Y. Vol. Spanish-American War. Inf. during GEORGE W. TAYLOR. Served as Colonel 4th Va. Vol. Inf. during Spanish- American War. BEDLEY A. HALL. Captain. Served as Chaplain 1st Inf. 111. Vols, in the Division of Major-General Bates, in trenches before Santiago de Cuba. Acted, also, as Post- master for the division until division started for Cuba, during Spanish-American War. EVERARD E. NEWCOMB. Served as Major 1st Battalion. 1st Maine Heavy Art., U. S. Vols, and joined 7th Army Corps at Camp Onward. Savannah, Ga., and later at Havana during Spanish-American War. 119 .Iiilix G. BOTLEB. Lieutenant Colonel I . s. A.. Served throughout Span Ish-Amerlcan War. Commanded Kennebec Ar- senal, Maine, 1898 1899 Etl IBERT .1 C. IRVINE. Major '.iih inf. 0. s. A. Was on duty at Headquar- ters of the Army, at Porto Rico, with 11th Inf., during Spanish-American War. ALEXANDEB BROWN. Served »> Assistant Paymaster i ' s \ on S. S. i " Engagements: Battle of Santiago, Blege of Guanica and Ami in. mus during Spanish American War, CHARLES SPAM, I, i k Served as Captain Co D, 4th Pa. Vol. Inf. In L'd ide, lsi Army Corps, i ogagement: In line <■> nan 1m near Guayama, Porto Rico, during Spanish-American War JOHN B. BABCOCK. Colonel U. S. A. HENRY C. HASBRO OCK. Colonel Artillery Corps U. S. A. EBEN SWIFT. Captain 5th Cav. V. S. A. JOHN W. DILLENBACK. Major U. S. A. 121 THOMAS SNOBE. Captain U. S. A. Served throughout Spuuish-Amerl- <-.-• ii War. CHAELE8 T. KIEFFKR. Captain U. S. A. ALEXANDER MOD Ul ' ! Ua |or ' leneral 0. EL A JOHN M. WILSON Hi igndier-General D. S. A JAMES E. SHELLENBEBGER. Major. Surgeon 3d Ohio Vol. Inf. during Spanish American War. i VIIIS B. niMSTOCK. Rrigadier-General T T . S. A. JOSEPH R. SMITH Colonel U. S. A. ROYAL T. FRANK liiigadier General D. s A I2 3 L'EROIVAL CLARENCE POl'E C Del D. s. M C. J. l.'IUTTKXUK.N WATSON. Rear Admiral D. S. N. iii:m;v I'. BREWERTON. Major U. S. A. 124 ADOLPHDS W. GREELY. Brigadier-General V. S. A. JOHN H. MACOMBER Chaplain U. S. A. ERIC BERGLAND. Major U. S. A. LOUIS W. ROBINSON. Rear Admiral U. S. N. FREDERICK H. E. EBSTEIN. Major U. S. A. 125 WALTER K. SCOFIELD. Medical Director D. 8. N. ining Board, League American War. President Medical Exam- Island, during Spanish- GEORGE D. RL'GGLES. I'.iigadier-General D. S. A. ROBERT PLATT. Lieutenant U. S. N. HENRI REMSEN TILTON. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A. 126 JOSEPH W. PLUME. Brigadier-General. Commanded 1st Brigade. 1st Di- vision, 2d Army Corps, during Spanish-American War. FRANK H. MARTIN. M. D. Served as Hospital Steward, and as 1st Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon 22d Kansas Vol. lnf during Spanish-American War. EDWARD A. WELLS. Served as Lieutenant-Colonel of Joseph P. Provisional Regiment of 111. during American War. Robarts' Spanish- WILLIAM N. LITTLE. Lieutenant-Commander U. S. N. Served as Head of Department of Steam Engineering at Key West from beginning of Spanish-American War until destruction of Spanish fleet under Admiral Cer- vera. 127 JUHN LuL'IS PUKCKLL. Lieutenant U S. N. Commanded U. S. S. "Osceola" and U. S. S. "Zafiro" during Spanish-American War. JESSE J. ADEL. Served as 1st Lieutenant Co. M, 8th Cal. Vols., during Spanish-American War. BEETRAND It. T COLLINS. Serred as Ensign U. S. N. and as Watch Officer on D S. S ••Scorpion." on Santiago Blockade and south coast of Cuba. Participated In the two engagements at Manzanlllo. Cuba (on July 1 and 18), during Spanish-American War. AI.FHED C. SHARPE. Major TJ. S. A. Adjutant-General 1st Division, 5th Army Corps. Engagements: In front and at siege of Santiago de Cuba, from July 1 to July 10, especially at San Juan Hill, during Spanish- American War. 128 UAKKY li. MAHAN. Served as 1st Lieutenant lr.stu Ind. Vol. Inf. during Spanish-American War. JOHN H. M1TTENDORFF. Served as Chief Engineer on U. S. Collier 'Casslus," and also passed Asst. Engineer on Battleship "Massachusetts" during Spanish-American War. JOHN STEWART KULP. Captain, Medical Department D. S. A. Served dur- ing Spanish-American War as Surgecm iTJd U. S. Inf. and in Ambulance company. 1st Division. 3d Corps. Took part in General Wheaton's expedi- tion along the l'asig. General MacArthur's ad- vance "ii Malolor, General Lawton's northern expedition, and various other skirmishes. EDGAR S. DUDLEY. Lieutenant-Colonel and Judge Advocate U. S. A. Served as Lieutenant-Colonel and Judge Advo- cate U. S. Vols, in 2d Army Corps, also Judge Advocate. Department of Cuba, on staff of Mili- tary Governor of Cuba, in charge of legal and civil work, during Spanish-American War. 129 WALTER M'lH BON Mi CLDEG. Medical Enspector V. s. \. served on r. S. 9. •Rich- mond,'' ami m- Spanish-American War, Commodore r. s. N was employed i Miring Spanish-American War electing vessels for the Aux iliary Naval Force ai Charleston, S. C, Savan nab, Ga., Baltimore, Md., and Sew York, and lu fitting "in vessels al Boston, Mass '38 HENRY HARRIS BARROLL. Commander I". S. N. Served throughout the Spanish- American War. participating in the bombard- ments of Santiago and raimam-ia WILLIAM WIRT KIMBALL. Commander U. S. N. Commanded I". S. S. "Csesar," "Supply" and "Vixen.'' North Atlantic Station, during Spanish-American War. GEORGE PECK. Medical Director U. S. N. JOHN HENRY UPSHUR. Bear Admiral U. S. N. 139 FRANK II. BAILEY. Lieutenant-Commander I', s. N. Served as Chief Engineer of the U. s. s. "Raleigh" a< battle of Manila, and als<> served "ii I . S. s. "Baltimore" during Spanish-American War. LEWIS W. LANGHOBN. Served as 2d Lieutenant Co ll. - S. •Monocacy" In China, during Spanish- \!:.. t i< an W a i LEE LONG. Served as 1st Lieutenant <'". A. 52d Iowa Vol. Inf. Assigned to 3d Brigade. 2d Division, 3d Army Corps during Spanish-American War. VLBERT 'I. si. ham:. ■ I :i~ 1st Lieutenant Co. I'.. Ttli Ohio Vol. Inf. clmiiiK Spanish American War I II.WKI.IN .1. DRAKE. Commander i s \ Commanded 0. s. s. "Penaa- ...i.i and served as Inspector •>! Ordnance, Mare Island Navy i'ard, during Spanish A rlcan War, 144 P. I). LOCKEIDGE. Captain 13th Cavalry. U. S. A. ALBERT De L'NGER. Lieutenant-Commander X. R. X. J- Served as Lieu- tenant V. S. X. .in V. X. S. "Montauk" liming Spanish-American War. EDWARD T. IRVINE. Served as Lieutenant U. S. X. on cruiser "Yale" dur- ing Spanish-American War. EUGENE WINSLOW WATSON. Rear Admiral U. S. X. Served throughout the Span- ish-American War. 145 FRANCIS VINTON GREENE. s. i\. -.1 ;is Major-General I. s. V. during Spanish American War. al Camp Black and ;• t Lakeland, i la Commanded second expedition to the Philip- pines, being In c mand of troops engaged against the Spaniards outside <>t" Manila, and of the leading brigade In the attack on Manila. Coi anded 2d Division, Ttli Arin.v <''■■ '''I Ga. Vol. Inf., stationed at Griffin, Ga., near "i ,-i << >i- City, Fla.; Tampa. Fla.; Huntsville. Ala.; Atlanta, Ga., and while stationed at Yebor City, Fla., «as ordered out by General <; V. Henry, to quell a riot and was thanked by General Henry for the manner In which order was restored. Id SSELL E BURDICK, ed ms Captain 1st Ohio Vol. <'a\ . commanding Troop A, during Spanlsh-A rican War. I LLICOTX McCONNELL. Served as Chief Engineer U. S. N. "" 0. 9 S. "Peoria." Participated In bombardment "f I. as Tunas !'•' Tago during Spanish-American War. 146 HENRY C. MERRIAM. Brigadier- General U. S. A. Commanded entire Pa- cific Coast, including the Hawaiian Islands, and involving the organization, outfitting and for- warding" of the troops operating in the Philip- pines, with rank of Major-General I. S. Vols., during Spanish-American War. CORNELIUS GARDENER. Major 13tb Inf. I". S. A. Served as Colonel 31st Mich. Vol Inf. in the Philippine Islands In General Schwan's Southern expedition. Partici- pated in battle of San Diego and numerous other skirmishes during Spanish-American War. LIEUTENANT JAMES MARSHALL. PETER M. BOEHM. Captain U. S. A. 147 PAUL i: HEXNIXGER. Served as Captain I2tb Minn. Vol. Inf. al Camps Hamilton. K.v : Mueller, Minn., and in Chicka -.1. Ga This regiment was the Brsl volun teer reel ni of infantry sworn Into the service of tin- r. s. Vol. Army during the Spanish-Ameri- can War. SAMUEL E. CLAPP. Served during Spanish-American War as Major 19th Iowa Vol. 1 in', in l'iI and 3d Brigades, 2d Division, Ttli Army Corps. Participated in entrance into Havana, which followed the lowering of the Spanish Bag and the raising of the American flag. JAMES WADE ' "\ Served as Colonel 2d Ala. Vols, during Spanlsb-Amerl (.ni War I 4 8 WILLIAM II BECK. Major i;tli Cavalry r. s. A. Served a- Captain 10th Cav. during Spanish- American War, GUSTAV W. REICHMANN. Served as L'd Lieutenant Co. K. 4 : 1 1 1 1 towa Inf. U. S. Vols, and in command of <'.,. B, 49th Regt. Was assigned to temporary ilury with t lie 10th V. S. Inf. Served with regiment at Havana and Car- denas, Cuba, during Spanish-American War. FREDERICK LEIGH MUNSON. Captain _4th Inf. r. s A. Served throughout Span- ish-American War. Participated in Santiago campaign, on staff de Cuba during Spanlsh- FIELDEB M M BEALL. Captain 3d inf. I", s. .\, Served with 1st invislon, Mh Army Corps, under Gen. li w. Lawton, operating north of Manila. Luzon. KZLKILI. .1 WILLIAMS Firsl Li nam 5th Inf. U. S. A DORSEY. (tllln Firsi Lieutenant ::• l Cavalry 1'. s. A. 152 PETER CHARLES HARRIS. Captain 9th Inf. U. S. A. Served during Spanish- American War as 1st Lieutenant I3tb U. s. Inf. Participated in the assault and capture of San Juan Iiill and in the siege of Santiago. .1. B. NATTIXGER. Served as 1st Lieutenant Co. L, 4!>t h Iowa Vol. Inf. Thirteen months' service in Cuba during Spanish- American War. Served as Mili to Major-l of the I surrender San Juan surrender. LEONARD WILSON. tary Secretary and Vol. General Joseph Whe s. Commission which of Santiago. Participated in battle of and in all engagements up i" time of during Spanish-American War. Aide de Camp also Secretary arranged the GEORGE P. SCRIVEN. Major Signal Corps 1 S. A Served during Spanish- American War as Signal Officer Department of the Gulf, with the 4tli Manila Expedition; as Signal Officer Department of Havana, and as Signal Officer, China Relief Expedition, attached to staff of Major-General Chaffee in the advance from Tien Sien to Pekln, also served on duty in the Philippine islands. 153 RICHARD S. COLLOM. Major V. S. M. C. E. V. BOOKMILLER. Captain D. S. A. WILLIAM STETSON II Llentenanl Commander i s N - I euten- am on 0. S. S "M antonomi n blockade off Havana during Spanlsh-A rlcan War. LESTER S. HILL. g ...,, :i . Major and Surgeon 7th Rhode Island Vol. Inf. with 3d Brigade. 2d Division, 2d Army Corps daring Spanish-American War. ■54 W. C. BORDEN. Major D. S. A. AARON KONKLE HUGHES. Rear Admiral U. S. X. JOHN E. MAYESKIE. Served as 1st Lieutenant 2d III Vol. Inf., attached to 7th Arm; Corps, under Major-General F. Lee. in Camps Cuba Libre. Jacksonville, (inward and Columbia, during Spanish-American War. PHILIP PENDLETON POWELL. Captain 9th Cav. D. S. A. Served throughout the Spanish-American War. and present at the sur- render of Santiago, and was engaged with the Spanish troops before Santiago. 155 EDWARD J LAMB. Served a* 2d Lieutenant 47ih N. v. Vol. Inf.. stationed at Carolina, P. I . during Spanish-American War. GILBERT M L. MACCART1 i 'iii. -I Engh r r. S. N. CHARLES A 1 RDMAX. Served as 2d Lieutenant Co K. : nni as l-i Lieutenant Co American VS a r 203d S V. Vol! Inf. I during Spanish- CAPTAIN WALTER E CONEY. Served during Spanish American War as Adjutant Isl Qa inf., State Troops, and as 2d Lieuten- ant Co K, i-i Ga. Inf. I s \ ■56 EGBERT I'.AKMM SAVAGE. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A. Served In 8th U. s. Inf., Ludlow's Brigade, (leneral I.awtun's In vision, under Major-General Shatter. Partici- pated in battle of El Cane; during Spanish American War. VIRGIL V. IK. Served as Colonel 2d Ark. Inf. U. S. Vols .-• d u- fcitiiiuaiicl fur ten days of all the 1 1 |>s s,a. at Anniston, Ala., being the Senior Offic duty, during the Spanish-American War s in , ted GROTE HUTCHESON. Captain 6th Cavalry. I". S. A. MAMS McCLOSKEY. Captain U. s. A. "57 RUTEB W. SPRINGER. U. S. A Served as Chap- Chaplain Artillery Corps U. S A. Served as I pap lain IT1I1 I'. S. Inf. during Spanish-American LEMUEL POPE, .Tit. Served as Captain 1st New Hampshire Vols, during the S] ish American War. HUGH L. SCOTT. Captain Till Cavalry. D. S. A. EUGENE I' LADD Captain U. S A 158 CHARLES JENKINS MacCONNELL. Chief Engineer U. S. N. Served on U. S. Flagship "New York" as Fleet Ku^tnecr of tlie North Atlantic Station. Was i'i tli ' blockade of Ha- vana and participated in the bombardments of Porto Rico, Matanzas and the Mum of SaDtiago and in the final battle with the Spanish fleet. Was promoted two numbers in the list of Chief Engineers by the President for conspicuous con- duct and bravery in battle during the Spanish- American War. SAMUEL THOMPSON. Served as Chief Engineer "ii U. S. S. "Abarenda," at- tached t.. N.uili Atlantic Squadron under com- mand of Admiral Sampson. Participated in bombardment of Santiago; operation in i.uanta- namo Bay: commanded a boat expedition to Guantanamo Bay and attached to special service squadron during Spanish-American war. FRANCIS J. KOESTER. Captain 1 -~> 1 1 1 Cavalry. 0. S. A. HENRY P. KINGSBURY Major 3d Cavalry V S. A. 159 WM. T. 1. 1 NIEDMAN. Major. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. Served as com- mander <',»rps Reserve Hospital and chief Sur- ^♦■t.ii Lsl Division, 2d Army Corps, during Span- ish American War. iii:m;v ADAMS. Served as Captain Co. K. 9th Pa. Vol. Inf., in 3d Brigade, 3d Division, is' Army Corps, in Camps at Chickamauga, Ga., ami Lexington, Kv . .luring Spanish-American War. ARGAL1 s .. HEXXISEE Lieutenant Colonel I s. a ALFRED s FROST Ui ■ I s. A. 160 WILLIAM HENRY WILLIAMS JAMES. Lieutenant-Colonel 23d Inf. U. S. A. Served as Major 23d r. S. Inf. Took command of a Battalion of IMth I". S. Inf. on San Juan Hill, in front of Santiago, Cuba, during the investment of that city, ami oilier engagements during the Spanish- American War. ALEXANDER R. LAWTON. Served as Colonel 1st Ga. Vol. Inf. during Spanis American War. WILLIAM S. McCASKEY. Colonel 20th Inf. !'. S, A, JAMES L. I.ISK. Major U. S. A. 161 TAIL MAYER I. A BAC3. Served as i£nsign D. S. N. mi 1. s. S. "Frolic." •■In. us." "Catskill," U. s. F. s. "Lancaster" during Spanish American War. ARTHUR POILLON. Second Lieutenant 3d Cavalry V. s. A. Served dur- ing Spanish-American War, and i itloned for bravery in Pinauran engagement. WILLIAM R. LIVERMORE. Lieutenant < lolonel r. S. A 162 FITZHTJGB LEE. Brigadier General r. s HENRY T. ALLEN. A. Served throughout the Captain 6th Cav. U. S Spanish-American u ar EDWARD N. BOWEN. Served as Assistant Surgeon 47th New York Vol Inf. K. \V. LEONARD. Colonel 12th N. Y. Vols. WILLIAM A KOBBE. Brigadier-General CJ. S. A. »63 FRED ROLAND BRAINARD. Lieutenant-Commander U. S. \. Served as Lieuten- ant, commanding r S. s. Tinas.'' blockade and despatch duty on north coasl of Cuba during Spanish-American War. CHARLES A. ELWELL Served ae Ei tive Officer of the "Osceola" during Spanish-American War. WILLIAM W. M< CAMMI IN Mi ''.Hi Inf. r. s A EDWARD U. HAYES. Colonel 13th Cavalry, T'. s. A. 164 JAMES E. BANLEY. Served as Acting Chief Engineer U. S. N. of Frigate "Lancaster" during the Spanish-American War. LOUIS EPPLE. Served as Assistant Paymaster U. S. N. on U "Lehigh" during Spanish-American War. S. s. .Tul IN J. SNYIlKl:. Served as Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. during Spanish- American War. CHARLES II- HOLMES Served as First Lieutenant Co. E, 8th Cal. Vol. Inf., ;n Camp Barrett and Presidio, Cal 165 ALVAR L. BOURINQUE. Served as Captain and Adjutant 1st III. Vol. Cav. during Spanish American War CHARLES A. TAUSSIG. s.-rved as Second Lieutenant l\ s. M. c. during Spanish-American War AMASA TROWBRIDGE. Served as Passed Assistant Engl r U. s. .\. during Spanish American War. 1 66 WALTER R. CLARK. Served as Assistant Engineer 1" s. N. during Spanish- American War. MARSHALL W. HALL. Served as Ensign U. S. N. during Spanish American War. WILLIAM C. WHITE. Served as Ensign V. S. N. during Spanish-American War. CHAELES McCLURE. Major 14th Inf. U. S. A. EDWIN FITHIAN. Chief Engineer U. S. N. 167 EDWARD T. STRONG. Rear Admiral !'. s. N. Served at Navj Yard, League Island, fitting monitors tor sea at commencement • ii Spanish At 'ican VVar, and i imanded "Mon- tauk," Navy i'ard. Portsmouth, N. II . during Spanish American War. DABNEY m SCALES Served as Lieutenant I". s. N. on r S. S. "Fish Hawk." and as Assistant Executive Officer, Kht West Naval Base tlniiiii: Spanish-American War. HENRY .1 GOLDMAK • ptaln ".Hi " 'avalrj , U. S. A .!> -II N R \1 TAYLOR. iln I tih Inf.. U. S, A. 168 FERDINAND HEINDSMAN. Served as Captain 71st Inf. N. Y. Vols. Lngagement, Battle of Smii Juan, engagements at Las Guasi- mo*. expedition of ( lie invasion of Cuba, and in skirmishes from trenches during Spanish-Ameri- can War. ('AUl. A. WAGNER. Served as Captain Co. L 33d Mich. Vol. Inf. En- gagements, Santiago campaign unci in action at Aquadores during Spanish-American War. EDWIN F. i Major 5th Inf., LENN. U. S. A. 169 PHILIP II. COOPER. Rear Admiral U. S. N. WILLIAM ii. ri i:m:i; Commander D. S. N. Served as Executive Offici - s "Newark," flagship of Admiral Watson, and commanded the '■Scorpion," flying the flag ,,i Admiral Sampson, a< Havana, during Spanish- American War. GEORGE -V watsiin i as Captain Co. L, 20th Kansas Vol. Inf.. par ticipatlng in Battle of Manila and various engage ots and skirmishes during Spanish American War. WAT T. CLDVERI1 s Lieutenant, Junior Grade, I R( IBERT I'. COONTZ Lieutenant 0. S. N 170 TASKEIt II. BLISS. Major U. 8 A. Served as Chief Commissary 6th Army Corps under command of Gen. J. II. Wilson, and as Chief of Staff to Gen. .1. II. Wilson com- manding 1st Division 1st Army Corps at Camp G. II Thomas, at Charleston, and in Porto Rico. Served in Porto Rico campaign, and in action at capture of Coamo and Spanish garrison, and at AiDonitO ; appointed chief of Cuban Customs Ser- vice, and Collector of Customs for port of Havana during Spanish-American War. WILLIAM ( ARPENTER s. Served as Ensign U. S. X. on C U. S. 8. "Aileen." and at U. Station, ami as Navigator on during Spanish-American War P.LISS, s. "Constellal ion," s. Naval Training U. S. S. "Peoria" DENNIS W. MULLAN. Commander U. S. X. MARION I'. MADS. Lieutenant < lolonel U. S. 171 CHARLES BYRNE Major 30tb inf. Q, s A. Served a- Captain Co I . 6tb I . s Inf. in lsi Brigade, 1 si Division, 5th Aran Corps, in Santiago campaign, and partici- pated in bombardment and surrender of Santiago during Spanish-American War. ROBERT LIVINGSTON. Served during Spanish American War as Second Lieu- tenant Co. H, 12tb N. V. v.iis.. and as Aide de- Camp !•■ Gen. J. P. Sangi'i riiminnmlini; -d l'i- vision, isi Ami) Corps, al Camp Hamilton. WILLIAM .1 ROBERTS Served as i . .in enani r. S. x. American War. during Spanlsh- PATRICK .1 McMAHO.N Served as Passed Asslstanl Bngl r is N. during Spanish American War. »7* GILBERT WILKES. Served as Lieutenant V. s. X. and engaged i>u U. S. s "Yosemite" off San Juan. I'orte Rico during Spanish-American War. JOHN M. BOWYER. Lieutenant-Commander U. s. \. Served as Executive Officer ..ii r s. s. "Princeton," also served on the O. s. s. "Yorktown" during Spanish Ameri- can ^ ar. CHARLES 15. RAVENS. Served as S nd Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant l-tli -\. \. Vol. Inf. in United States and Cuba during Spanish-American War. IRVING HALE. Served as Brigadier-General r. s. Vols during Span- ish-American War. 173 ANDREW DDNLAP. Commander V. S. N. Commanded ambulance and hospital ship "Solace." and commanded the "Solace" later as a Nm\:i1 Transport to the West [ndiea :ni<] Hie Philippines during Spanish-Ameri- can War. .InllN PHILP. Served ;is Chief Engineer I S, \ on (J. S. S. "Tale," ;m! as First Lieutenant Co A ::j Ii m ch. Vol. Inf. during Spanish American War. WILLIAM ll. I l.si I Served as Assistant Surg i L. s. v during Spanish- American War. EDWARD \l BLACKWELL Served anl Surg I S. v during Spanish- American War. FRANCIS i: WALL Served as Lieutenant i s \, during .:in War. Spanish Amerl- 176 ROCHESTER CUMING. Served :is ICnsign V. S. N during Spanish-American War PRANK IS ANDERSON Served as Lieutenant I s N during Spanish-Ameri- can War BERT C. BALL. RALPH ASTOX. Served as Passed Assistanl Engineer I S. N. dur- Rear Admiral I s. V Served throughoat Spanish- inir Spanish-American War. American War. 177 PI RO 1. KEEL. Served as Assistant Engineer 0. S. N. "ii O. S. S. "Raleigh" during Spanish-American War. LEONARD I.. RAND. Served as Ensign r. s. N. on U. S. S. "1 ildas" dur- ing Spanish-American War. JOHN B. BERNADOU. CHARLES CARPENTER CORNWELL. enant-Commandei I S N Served throughout Commander V. s. \ Served throughout Spanish- Spanish American War. American War. 178 ADELBERT S WARD. Served as Second Lieutenant 14th N. Y. Inf. at Camp Black, I.. I.. Camp Thomas, Chickamauga, Camp YV. E. Shipp, Annistion daring Spanish A rican War. ARTHUR D. OSTRAXDER. Served as Passed Assistant Engineer V. S. X. on S. "Mohap," "Iowa." and "Indiana." and as Eng neer Officer on U. S. S. "Sylph" daring Spanisl American War. ALFRED C. MERILLAT. Captain 15th Cavalry. 1". S. A. a. a. McAllister. Chaplain U. S. N. Served on U. S. 1' S. "Philadel pliia." Pacific Station, daring the Spanish Am.] can War. '79 PRANK C. HALL. Served a>- Ensign U. S. \. on V. S. S. "Cassius" during Spanish-Amer.can War. GEORGE UIDDLETON. Served as Ensign U. S. x. on r. S. S. "Alliance" during Spanish-American War. Tin i\l \s G H. HI SGA\ Served a* Ensign is \ during Spanish-American War .InllN RANDOLPH HARRELL. Srrved as Kiisi^n I'. S. V dnriiii; Spanish American War. IN, w. 30COLA. AXGELO Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. and as Senior Watch Officer "ii I s Monitor "Passaic" liunng bpan- ish-American War. HARRISON GRAY OTIS. Brigadier-General with 1st Regiment, 2d Division, 8th Army Corps, during Spanish American War. WILLIAM O. COHN. Served as Ensign U. S. N. during Spanish-American War. GEORGE CABOT LODGE. Served as Ensign D. S. X. during the Spanish American War. 1S1 JOHN m, urn:. Served as Assistant Engineer I', s. N. on O. S S "Massacbu etts" during Spanish-American War, FRENCH E. CHADWICK. Captain U. s. \. Served as Chief of si:ifr to Ad miral Sampson during Spanish-American War. MICHAEL \ I si \ \ J. A. IIALIUN. Served as Passed Assistant Eng r i S. N. during Served us Second Lieutenant < '<> D. 1st X. C. Vol. Int. the Spanish American War. during Spanish-American War. 182 WILLIAM II. MACKAY. Served as Assistant EngU r T". s. X. during Spanisb- AmericaD War. CHARLES II STOCKTON. Captain U. S. N. BUGH LEE MILLER. Served as Ensign I*, s. X. during Spanish-American War. CiEORGE A, CONVERSE Captain I s. X. Served throughout Spanish-Ameri- can War. 183 CHARLES N. ATWATEE. Lieutenant-Commander I'. S. N Served through' Spanish Amer.can War. FEED .1 SIMMOXDS. Served as Assistant Engineer U. s. \. during Spanish- American War. .H HI N II. BROWN. Served as Ensign 0. S. N during Spanish-American War. LAYTON T. SMITH Served ;i« Lieutenant, Junior Grade, I. s N during Spnnisli Alnt'in mii \V:ll\ IS4 TIIALES L. AMES, First Lieutenant U. S. A. CONWAY II. ARNOLD, .In. Captain U. s. A. NATHAN K. AVEHILL, Captain U. S. A. i3S LOUIS II. I'.asii. Captain I.', s. A MORTIMER 0. BIGELOW, Captain 0. S. A. ALBERT S. BROOKES, Captain U. s A JENS BUGGE . aptain r. s. A. HARRY BURGESS, First Me nant I s N 186 OSCAR J. CHARLES, Captain I*. S. A. CASl'ER II. COXRAD, Jr., Captain U. s A. THOMAS \V. DARRA1T, Captain r. s. a. GLENN II DAVIS, Captain I". S. A. IS 7 HENRY B. DIXOX. Captain U. S. A. THOMAS 1'. D^ BR, Captain 0. S. A. ADRIAN S 1 i.i:m i n< ;. Captain D. S. A. CLYDE E. HAWKINS. Captain U. S. A. 1S8 JOSEPH S. HERRON, Captain U. S. A. CHARLES l: UOWLAXD Captain U. S. A. FRANKLIN S. HUTTON, Captain U. S. A. JOSEPH I,. KNOWLTON. Captain U. S. A. WALTER S. McBRCVH N, Captain U. S. A. MILTON L. McGREW, Captain 0. S. A. l'KKKV I.. MILES, Captain D. S. A. AUGUST C. NISSI-'.N. Captain U. S. A. 190 LOUIS M. NUTTMAN, Captain O. S. A. CHARLES II. PAINE, Captain U. S. A. JAMES S. PARKER, Captain 0. S. A. THOMAS A. PEARCE, Captain U. S. A. 191 GEORGE i: PRITCHARD, Jr. Captain D. S. A LORRAIN T. RICHARDSON, Captain U. S. A. VII. 1. 1AM G. BILLS, Captain r. S. A. BENJAMIN T. SIMMONS. Captain U. S. A. 192 HARRY E. SMITH Captain U. S. A. DAVID S. STANLEY, Captain U. S. A. GIRARD STURTEVANT, Captain D. S. A. FRANK B. WATSON, Captain U. S. A. 193 JOSEPH WHEELER, IB., Captain O. S. A. HERBERT A. WHITE, Captain V. S. A. OLA W. BELL, First Lieutenant 0. S. A. ALGA P. BERRY, Captain r. S. A. 194 FRANK C. BOLLES, Captain V. S. A. CHARLES T. BOYD, First Lieutenant U. S. A. WILLIAM A. BUKNSIDE, Captain D. S. A. REYNOLDS J. BURT, Captain U. S. A. 195 ROBERT E. (ALLAN. Captain U. S. A. WILLIAM D. CIUTTY. First Lieutenanl U. S. A JOHN B. CHRISTIAN, Captain U. S. A. SAMUEL T. DALLAM. First Lieutenant U. S. A. 196 CHARLES B. DRAKE, First Lieutenant 0, S. A. LE ROY ELTINGE, Captain D. S. A. LLOYD ENGLAND, Captain D. S. A. HOUSTON V. EVANS, Captain I". S. A. 197 FRANK K. FEKG1 Si IX, i ,-ipi ain l S. A. GEORGE S GOODALE. l':i|i!;lin I'. S. A. WILLIAM s GUIGNARD, il .1 i ii I . S A. JOHNSON [IAGOOD, Captain V. S. A. i'F.I.WYX B. HAMPTON, Captain U. S. A. ELVIN R. HEIBEKG, First Lieutenant D. S. A. JAMES W. IIIXKI.KY. JR., Captain U. S. A. GEORGE M. HOFFMAN, First Lieutenant U. 8. A. 199 1. 1 ens R. HOLBB ! First Lieutenant U. S. A. THOMAS I'. HOWARD, First Lieutenant U. S. A. HARRY T. JACKSON, Captain D. S. A. El GENE P. JERVEY, Captain 0. S. A. WILLIAM KELLY. First Lieutenant U. S. A. ALFRED E. KENNINGTON, First Lieutenant U. S. A. PERCY M. KESSLER, Captain V. S. A. EDWARD L. KING. First Lieutenant U. S A. STEPHEN M. KOCHEESPERGEB, First Lieutenant U. S. A. EDWIN LANDON, Captain U. S. A. El SSELLC. I.ANGDON, Captain U. S. A. FREDERICK W. LEWIS, Captain U. S. A. AKRAHAM G. LOTT, First Lieutenant U. S. A. SAMUEL V. McCLUEB, First Lieutenant U. S. A. CLARENCE H. McNEIL, Captain U. S. A. ALEXANDER M. MILLER, First Lieutenant U. S. A. 203 GEORGE W. MOSES, Captain U. S. A. DENNIS B. NOLAN, Captain U. S. A. EDWAED P. ORTON, First Lieutenant U. S. A. LANNING PARSONS, First Lieutenant U. S. A. 204 GEORGE T. PATTERSON, Captain U. S. A. JAMES X. PICKERING, Captain U. S. A. ROBERT B. POWERS, First Lieutenant U. s. A. CLARENCE X. PURDY, Captain U. S. A. 205 CHARLES E. RUSSELL, Captain U. S. A. CHARLES McK. SALTZMAN, Captain D. S. A. GEORGE H. SHELTON, Captain U. S. A. MERCH B. STEWART, Captain O. S. A. 206 CHARLES E. STODTER, First Lieutenant U. S. A. EDWIN R. STUART. First Lieutenant D. S. A. GEORGE T. Sl'MMKRLIN, First Lieutenant U. S. A. HARRY il TEBBETXS* Captain O. S. A. 207 JOSEPH P TRACY, Captain U. S. A. WILLIAM II- TSCHAPPAT, Tirst Lieutenant I"- S A. HERSCHEL TUPES, ■ sptain 0. S. A. JOHN 1'. WADE, First Lieutenant I S i 2o£ THOMAS A. WANSBORO, Second Lieutenant U. S. A. HENRY C WHITEHEAD, First Lieutenant LI. S. A. FRANK II. WHITMAN, CaptaiD U. s A HARRY 0. WILLIARD, First Lieuteuanl r. s A. 209 KOISKKT S. AHICUXKTUY, Captain U. S. A. FEEDEHICK W. ALSTAETTER, Flrsl Lieutenant U. S. A. Ill i;il l. A P. APPLEWHITE, Captain D. s. A. FREDERICK T. ARNOLD, First Lieutenant r. s. A. 2IO THOMAS Q. ASHBURN, Captain U. S. A. GEORGE P. BALTZELL, First Lieutenant U. S. A. WARREN S. BARLOW, First Lieutenant U. S. A. HARRY G. BISHOP, Captain U. S. A. SAM F. BOTTOMS. Captain D. S. A. ALBERT .1. BOWLEY, Captain U. S, A. JAMES I'. BE S.D1 I :i|iiain D. S. A. CHARLES II. BRIDGES, First Lieutenant I'. S. A. MERVYN C. BUCKEY, Captain U. S. A. RODERICK L. CARMICHAEL. Captain U. S. A. SHERWOOD A. CHENEY, First Lieutenant U. S. A. SEABORN G. CHILES, Captain U. S. A. 213 IIAKOLD E. CLOKE, Captain l*. S. A. EDGAR T. COLLINS. Captain O. S. A. ARTHUR s CONKLIN, Captain U. S. A. BDGAR T. CONLEY, First Lieutenant U. S. A. 214 WILLIAM D. CONNOR. First Lieutenant U. S. A. CLARENCE R. DAY, First Lieutenant U. S. A. HENRY M. DICHMANN, First Lieutenant U. S. A. HALSTEAD DOREY, First Lieutenant U. S. A. !I5 WILLIAM M. FASSETT, First Lieutenant O. s. A BARLEY B. FERGUSON, First Lieutenant U. S A 55=1^ M- HAROLD B iiski: Captain D. s. A. THOMAS T. FRISSELL, i 'aptain D S. A. 216 •* s V BERTRAM C GILBERT, i 'a p1 ;iin U. S. A. CHALMERS G. BALL, First Lieutenant I"- s. A. MATTHEW E. IIANNA. First Lieutenant U. S. A 217 ROY I!. HARPER, first Lieutenant U. S. A JOHN II. HUGHES SEORGE w. helms. Captain O. S. A. Captain O. S. A. FREDERICK E. JOHNSTON Captain D. S. a. Kill s r. LONGAN. Captain D. S. A. 218 FRANK R. M.COY. First Lieutenant U. S. A WILLIARD B. McCORMACK, First Lieutenant T'. S A. CLAUDE II. MILLER. Captain D. S. A. LAWREXCE S. MILLER, Captain U. S. A. 219 GEORGE E. MITCHELL, Firsi Lieutenant U. S. A. JOllN K. MOORE, Captain V. S. A. ANDREW MOSES, Captain 0. S. A. JAMES N. Ml'NKi i. Firsi Lieutenant r S. A. PIBKCB A. MURPHY, First Lieutenant U. S. A. WILLARD I>. NEWBILL, Captain U. S. A. JOHN C. OAKES, First Lieutenant U. S. A. WIN FIELD S. OVERTON, Captain U. S. \. BliOOK PAINE, Captain U. S. A. EARLE D'A. PEARCE, Captain D. S. A. nitlMAS A. PEARCE, Captain O. S. A. FRANCIS II. POrE, First Lieutenant U. S. A. JOHN C. RAYMOND, First Lieutenant U. S. A. CHARLES D. ROBERTS, Captain V. S. A. THOMAS A. ROBERTS, First Lieutenant U. S. A. EDWARD A. ROCHE. First Lieutenant D. S. A. 223 FRANK M SAVAGE, Captain D. S. A. EDWIN 0. SARRATT, i laptain 0. S. A. EDGAR A. SIRMYBR, First Lieutenant U. S. A. WILLIAM S. VALENTIN! First Lieutenant D. S. A. 224 LYMAN M. WELSH, First Lieutenant U. s A JOHN G. WORKIZER, first Lieutenant U S. A WILLIAM H. THOMSON, Jr. Served as Assistant Engineer U. S. N. during Span- ish-American War. CHARLES W. TUTTLE. Served as Ensign U. S. X during Spanish-American War. 225 II. M. M. RICHARDS. Served as Lieutenant I". S. X. and was Executive Officer of the I'. S. S. "Supply," Auxiliary Cruiser, attached t" the North Atlantic Fleet in all its blockading operations '>n both sides of Cuba and Porto Rico during Spanish American War. EMB1 in. P. CLARK Served as Colonel 2d Mass. Vols, in 1st Urigade. 2d Division, 5th Army Corps. Participated in siege of Santiago and engagement at El Cane; during Spanish- America u War. CHARLES II. ROCKWELL. Captain D. S X. THOMAS II S I i:\ IAS i 'ommander D. S. X. 226 CHARLES E. LITTLEFIELD. Served as Lieutenant D. S. N. and as Executive Officer V. S. S. "Siren" and Navigator D. S. S. "Lebanon" during Spanish-American War. WILLIAM G. MAYER. Served as Lieutenant U. S. X. Navigator of the U. S. S. "Siren" in Blockading Squadron, north coast of Culia. during Spanish-American War. W. NEPHEW KlXii Served as Lieutenant D. S. N. during Spanish-Ameri- can War. EDWARD McCLURE PETERS. Served as Lieutenant D. S. X. during Spanish Ameri- can Wa r. 227 SAMUEL M. YOUNG. Major General U. S. A. Commanded 2d Brigade of General Wheeler's Division, and participated in the Battle of Guasimas duriiij; spanish-Amrri- can War. CHARLES II PARKER. Served as Lieutenant, Junior Grade, r s. N.. on l.\ s. S. "Catskill" and "Marcellua" durin.tr Span- ish-American War. \ J£ .1' 'UN GIBSON. Lieutenant Commander S NT. JOHN M GIBBONS Lieutenant U. s N 22S WILLIAM ('. JONES. Served as Assistant Paymaster T\ S. X. during Span* ish-American War. GEEENVILLE I). MONTGOMERY. Served as First Lieutenant ::4Hi Vol. Inf. in the Philippines during Spanish-American War. JAMES II. IiII.I.AWAY, Ju Served as Lieutenant. Junior Grade, U. S. Spanish-AmerlcanWar. \. during Commander U. SAMOEL P. COMLY. S. N. Served throughout Spanish- American War. 229 Udl. AMi 1 CI K'l IN Lieutenant V S. \. Served on U. s, s. "Wasp" in Rear Admiral Sampson's fleet, during Spanish- American War ALEXANDER R. MERRILL. Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. and as Superintendent 5th I >isi i-ii-t r s <" Signal Service, at Jackson- ville, l-'la . during Spanish-American War. LYMAN B. PERKINS. Served as Passed Assistant Engineer D. s N. during Spanish -American War. GEORGE RE5 MOLDS LAI RIAT. * Served as Ensign r. s. \ . on U. S. S. "Constellation" during Spanish American War. 230 FRANK SIDNEY FIELDER. Served as Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. at O. S. Naval Hospital. Washington. D. ('.. and as Junior Medi- na I Officer "ii V s s "Cincinnati" during Span- Ish-American War JOHN THOMPSON MANIER. Served as Ensign U. s. N. and as Assistant Superin- tendent 5th D'strict D. S. C Signal Service during Spanish-American War JAMES W. CARLIN. Commander V. s. N. LOIIS M. MAIS. Lieutenant-Colonel ('. S. A. 23' I : I > M I Nh B. LGLEHART. Served :is Assistanl Paymaster CJ. s N. during Span- ish-American War. P. THOMPSON COYLE Served as Ensign U. S. N. "ii U. S S Spanish American War. \\':isii" during CHARLES s Til I KSTl i\ Served as Lieutenant O. S. \. during Spanish Ameri- can War. ROBERT S. TALBOT. Served as Passed Assistanl Engineer 0. S. N. during Spanish Am Tican War. 23 2 HILARY A. HERBERT, Je. Second Lieutenant U. S. M. C. Served as Naval Cadet on U. S. S. "St. Louis" and U. S. S. "Brooklyn." Participated in bombardment of Guantanamo, and In carrying of Spanish prisoners from Santiago to Portsmouth. N. H.. during Spanish-American War. T. CHESTER McCORD. Served as Major and Surgeon 4th 111. Vol Inf. : alao Surgeon 2d Rrigade. 3d Division. 7th Armv Corps, at Jacksonville. Fla. : Savannah, Ga. : Havana, Cuba and Augusta. Ga.. during Spanish-Ameri- can War. THEODORE F. KANE. Captain U. S. N. JAMES M. INGALLS. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A. ^33 JAMES P. PARKER Served as Lieutenant. Junior Grade. I". S. X.. com- manding 1st IiisMiii Coast Signal Service; also Navigator U. S. S. "Marcellus" during Spanish- Am. >rican War. T. P.KNTI.KV MOTT. Captain Artillery Corps. U. S. A. Served as Aide-de- Camp to General Merrltt; and as Adjutant-Gen- eral to General Greene, in Havana, during Spanish-American War. .1 K DANIELIi. Served as Assistant Engineer I', s. N. during Spanish- American War. JAMES S. BEOWN. Served as Lieutenant, Junior < ; m <].-. during Spanish American War. 234 WILLIAM E. I il( 'KEY. Served as Assistant Engineer D. S. X. ish-Ameriean War, EMLEN P. ETTING. during Span- Served as Assistant Paymaster O. S. N. during Span- ish-American War. WILLIAM D. EDWARDS. Served as Assistant Engineer U. S. N. on I'. S. S. "Newark" during Spanish-American War. WINSLOW ALLERDICE Served as Lieutenant r. s N. during Spanisb- American War. 235 HOWARD E. HINSLEY. Served as 1'assed Assistant Paymaster during Spanish-American War. JOHN S. WATTEES. U. S. N. Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. during Spanish-Ameri- can War. J. i st THERLAND. Served as Lieutenant I.'. S. N. during Spanish Ameri- can Wa r. Served as B. M. LAMBARD. Lieutenant U. S. N. American War. during Spanish- 236 I ; IK US COFFIN. Served as Assistant Paymaster U. S. N. on U. S. S, "Hawk" and "Hesolute" during Spanish-American War. JOHN A GORGAS. Served as Lieutenant. Junior tirade, U. S. N., on U. S. S. "Resolute" during Spanish-American War. MICHAEL .1. HEWSON. Served as Ensign U. S. N. during Spanish American War. I'UICE COLLIEU. Served as Ensign U. S. X. during Spanish-American War. 237 .1. \V. BOSTICK. Served :i^ Lieutenant V. S, N. commanding 1 s s "Passaic" during Spanish-American War RICHARD (i. McCONNELL. Served as Ensign U. S. N. on D. S. S. during Spanish-American War. 'Leouidas" GEORGE A. I Captain U. ICKNELL S. N 23S CONSTANT WILLIAMS. Colonel 26th Inf., U. S. A. W. R. ADDICKS. Served as Lieutenant U. "Aileen." and U. S. ish-American War. S. N., commanding U. S. S. 8. "Huntress" during Span- GEORGE C. STOUT. Served as Lieutenant 0. S. N. '>n U. S. S. "Arctic" during Spanish- American War. FREDERICK E. SWANSTROM. Served as Lieutenant D. S. N. during Spanish-Ameri- can War. JOSEPH SAILER. Served as Pa I Assistant Surgi-nn t" S \. during Spanish -American War. 2 39 FHA.SK P. CROCKETT. Served as Lieutenant V. S. N. during Spanish-Ameri- can War. RICHARD B. CREECY. Served as Naval Cadet D. S. N. during Spanish- American War. THOMAS C. II. HOWARD Served as Lieutenant. Junior Grade, D. S. N . during Spanish American \\ ar THOMAS ' 11.11:1: III I si IN. Served as Assistant Surgeon V. S. N. during Spanish- American War. 240 JOSHUA BISHOP. Commander U. S. N. During Spanish-American War was on duty at Norfolk Navy Yard, as Ordnance Officer, as Captain of the Yard, and as Comman- dant of Naval Station during the absence of Commodore N. H. Farquahar. SAMUEL M. BLOUNT. Served as Lieutenant D. S. X. on U. S. S. "Dixie" in blockade of Southern Cuba, thence to Key West in command of two prizes, and as Executive Officer of "Hester' and "Marcellus" during Span- ish-American War. GEORGE W. H. STOUCH. Major U. S. A. EDWIN J. STIVERS. Captain U. S. A. 241 JOSEI'U B. COGHLAN. Rear Admiral U. S. N. Commanded expedition for capture and destruction of batteries at entrance to Manila Hay; took part in battle of Manila Hay and cuiinnainl.'d rxp.-dit i d N \uls. during Spanish-American War. GEORGE IZARD MIDDI.ETON. Served as Ensign D. S. N. on U. S. S. "Alliance" ing Spanish-American War. A. D. LOTHROP, Jr. dur- Served as Lieutenant. Junior Grade, V. S. N., during Spanish-American War. 245 IIi:.\i:V CLAY COCHRANE. Colonel U. S. M. C. Commanded the First Marine Battalion that left New York in the transport "Panther," also commanded mixed ramp ol 330 Marines and Cuban insurgents at I'laya del F.ste, Cuba, and present at the bombardment of Man- zanillo during Spanish-American War. WALTER A. WOOD. Served as Major 13th Pa. Vol. Inf. in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, at Camp Mackenzie, Augusta, Ga., during Spanish-American War. JOHN .1. WEISENBTJRGER Served as Major 1st Wash. Vol. Inf. ELWELL S. OTIS. Major-General V. S. A 246 ANDREW M. MOORE. Surgeon (Lieutenant-Commander) U s N Was on duty at Xaval Recruiting Rendezvous, Chi- cago. III., during Spanish-American War RUSH R. WALLACE, Jk First Lieutenant U. S. M. C. Served as Xaval Cadet U. S. N. during Spanish-American War. CAPTAIN AI. VENTS WARD FENTON. SELDEN ALLEN DAT. Colonel Artillery Corps, D. S. A. Served in Cuba and Porto Rico during the Spanish American \> ar. 247 CHARLES J. ROGERS. Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. during Spanish-Ameri- can War. ROBERT WILLIAM STEELE. Naval Constructor U. S. N. JOHN BURNS. Served as Ensign U. S. N. during Spanish-American War. JOHN J. TIIELPS. Served as Ensign U. S. N. during Spanish-American War. 248 LEONARD WOOD. Spanish-American War ; Colonel 1st U .S. Vol. Cav- alry (Rough Riders), May. 1898; Brigadier-Gen- eral U. S. Vols., July 8. 1898: Military Governor, Santiago City, July 19. 1898 : Major-General U. S. Vols., December 11'. 1898; mustered out as Major-General. and appointed Brigadier-General U. S. Vols., April 13. 1899 ; Major-General U. S. Vols.. December 5. 1899; Military Governor of Cuba, December 1L>. 1899 ; appointed Brigadier- General, Regular Army. February 5. 1899. Span- ish-American War actions; Las Guasamos, June 24, 189S; San Juan Hill. July 1, 1898; Mili- tary Governor, Santiago Trovince, October 11, 1898 : LI,. r>.. Harvard University, for services In restoration of Cuba. June 28. 1899. JOHN PETERSON. Served as Mate on the U. S. S. 'Mangrove" under command of Commander Everett, in capture of Spanish cruiser "Panama," and served under Commander Stuart in the engagement with the Spanish gunboat "Hernon Cortes" during Span- ish-American War. R. M. G. BROWN. Lieutenant-Commander U. S. N. ALEXANDER T. IIKNSKY. 249 WILLIAM R. WADE. Fnsicn V S N. Served on I'. S. Monitor "Wyan- d"n'." ai watch an* division office* .luring Span- ish-American War. CHARLES 1- MARTIN. Served a« Major 20th Kansas Infantry, r.irtlci- lated in Battle ol Manila and various dther en- caacments during Spanish-American W ar. RICIIMiiNIi I\ Ilnl'.SHN Naval ('..nsiru.t.ir 1!. S. N. .'ATTAIN T. K. PATTERSON. 25° HAMILTON FOLEY. First Lieutenant 5th Cavalry t First Lieutenant 1.03d X. Y. ish-American War. S. A. Served as Vols, during Span- Served as WYLIE .TUNES. Colonel -<1 South Carolina Vol. Infantry during Spanish-American War. IIA/.I'.X S. PINGKEE. Governor o£ State of Michigan during the Snanish- American \\ ar. LIE1TKNANT LAWTON, U. S. A. 251 ERNEST CARTER. Served as Assistant Paymaster U. s. N. during Span- ish Arnt-r run \Y:i r WASHINGTON L. GOLDSBOROUGH. Served as Captain 4.';d D. S. Vols, during . panlsh- Amerlcan War. WILLIAM I. BEERS Served as Lieutenant S. N. daring Spanish Ameri- can War. SAMUEL M. WHITSIDE. Brigadier-General D. S. v..ls. Colonel loth U. S. < 'avalry. 252 ciiarles Mccormick reeve Brigadier-General U. S. Vols. CHARLES BIRD. Brigadier-General U. S. A. DAVID S. STANLEY. Brigadier-General U. S. A. ADNA R. CHAFFEE. Malor-General U. S. A. Served throughout the Spanish- American War. 253 GARRISON McCASKEY. First Lieutenant 25th D. S. Inf. Served in Cuban Campaign. El Cane; and Santiago, with -Otn U S Inf. and in Philippine Islands with 25th Inf.: comanded gunboats "Charleston" and "Xa- pidan," during the Spanish-American War. DOUGLAS McCASKEY. First Lieutenant 4ih D. S. Cav. Served in Cuban Campaign and Santiago, and was sj iallj men- tioned for gallantry at San Juan, during the Spanish-American War. CHARLES NORTON BARNEY. First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon V. S. A. Served throughout the Spanish-American War. RANDOLPH II MINER. Served as Lieutenant D. S. N\. during Spanish Ameri- can War. 254 EDWARD V Served as Lieutenant r. ( Monitor "Manhattan" War. RAYNOLDS. . N. and commanded U. S. during Spanish- American W. II. SWEENEY, Jn. Served as First Lieutenant and Adjutant 1st Colo. Inf., U. S. V. Participated in capture of Manila during Spanish-American War. WILLIAM II. CORBUSIER. Major 0. S. A. Served throughout Spanish-American War. EDWARD R. CASSIDY. Served as Ensign U S. N. during Spanisb-Auierieao War. 255 IN DKX S. A S. Abernethy, Robert S., Captain D. S. A... Adams, Francis Josepii, Surgeon U. S. V.... Adams, Henry, Captain U. S. V Adams, Henry II., Lieutenant-Colonel U. S, Adams, Thomas R., Major F. S. A Addicks, W. R., Lieutenant U. S. N Adel, Jesse J., Lieutenant 0. S. V Ahern, George P., Captain I'. S. A Ainsworth, Fred C., Brigadier-General U. S. A. Alden, Charles II., Colonel F. S. A Aldrieh, William Sleeper. Assistant Engin U. S. N Allen, Henry T.. Captain U. S. A Allerdi.-e, \\ ilislow, Lieutenant L'. S. N Alstaetter, Frederick \Y., Lieutenant U. Ames, Thales L., Lieutenant D. S. A Anderson, Frank B-, Lieutenant U. S. N... Anderson, Robert IL. Captain Anderson, Thomas M., Brigadier-General U Anderson, William T.. Chaplain I. .S. V Andresen, Charles Gamborg, < aptain I", s. M. Andruss, Eli.is Van Arsdale, Colonel U. S. A.. Anshutz, Lewis A., Major U. S. V Applewhite, Hugh Lai-'., Captain F. S. A.... Arines, George A., Major I". S. A Arnold, Frederick T.. Lieutenant U. S. A.... Arnold, Conway Hiilyer, Commander U. S. N Arnold, Conway 11., Jr.. Captain U. S. A.... Ashburn, Thomas Q.. Captain U. S. A Ashford, Bailey K., Lieutenant U. S. A Aston. Ralph, Rear Admiral U. s. N Atwater, Charles X., Lieutenant-Commander S. N Augur. Charles M.. Captain D. S. V Auman, William. Major F. S. A Austin. John !'., Captain U. S. V Averill, Nathan K.. Captain I', s. A Bilbe.iek. J..IIII B . Col -1 F. S. A Bailey, Clarence M., Col 1 1". s. A Bailey, Frank II. . Lieutenant-Commander, s. N Baird, Absalom, Major-General U. S. A Baker, Charles T., Captain U. S. A Baldwin. J. din A.. Major D. S. A Baltzell. George F., Lieutenant D. S. A Ball. Bert c Passed Assistant Engineer D. S. Ballance. John Green. Major 0. s. A Ballon. Charles C., Captain U. S. A Banister, William B., Major U. s. A Barber, Thomas II . Brigadier-Genera! U. S. V Barger, William S.. Assistant Engineer U. 8. X Barker, Albert S., Rear Admiral D. S. N.... Barlow, John w.. Brigadier-General r. S. A.. Barlow, Warren S.. Lieutenant D. S. A Barnard. John A.. Lieutenant I". S. X Barnett, John T.. Colonel C. S. A Barney, Charles Norton, Lieutenant U. S. A.. Barnitz, Albeit. Colonel !'. s. A Barnum. Malvern-Hill. Captain D. S. A Bartholomew. Alanson D., Lieutenant T". S. V Bartlett, Lewis W\, Lieutenant F. S. X Barr, Thomas Francis, Brigadier-General 1". S Barroll, Henry Harris, Commander I'. S. X.. Barry, Edward Buttevant, Commander r. s. X Barry. Thomas II. . Lieutenant-Colonel D. S. A Bash. Louis 11. . Captain U. S. A Bateman, C. C. Chaplain U. S. A Bates. Alfred E.. Brigadier-Gener.il 1'. S. A.. Batson, Matthew A. Captain I T . s. A.... Beach, William !>.. Captain D. S. A p.. 'all. Fichloi \1 \l Captain I S. \ Beaman. George William. Rear Admiral U. S. Beardslee. Lester A.. Rear Admiral I". S. N. . Beck. William II. . Major F. S. A Becker, tut... Captain U. S. A Beehler. William Henry, Commander U. S. N. Beers, William L., Lieutenant F. S. N Belknap, George E., Rear Admiral U. S. N. . . 'A CA..I . 210 . 79 . 100 . 49 . 44 . 239 . 128 . 130 . 89 . 48 I N. 79 163 235 210 185 177 46 70 64 s:, 22 18 210 47 210 89 185 211 47 177 184 81 45 76 185 121 48 140 100 48 48 211 177 136 25 50 24 13 141 101 211 134 6S 254 95 50 102 112 no 139 38 45 185 L'S 45 40 84 152 33 131 148 111 141 252 52 FAGB Bell, James Franklin, Brigadier-General U. S. A. 49 Bell, James M., Brigadier-General I. s. A 44 Bell, Ula W., Lieutenant I. S. A 104 Bellinger, John B., Captain U. S. A 20 Bellows. Edward, Pay Director U. S. X 142 Beuhani. Daniel W.. Col 1 I . S. A 88 Beuham, Henry II. , Captain U. S. A 45 Beutley. Edwin. Major F. S. A 01 Bennett. Louie Estelle, Major U. S. V 14 Berglaud, Eric, Major 0. .S. A 125 Bemauuu, John B., Lieutenant Commander U. S. N 178 Berry, Alga I'., Captain F. S. A I'M Berryman, Otway Calvert, Lieutenant Colonel U. S. M. C 137 Beusse. Jesse II. . Captain I'. S. V 146 Beyer, Henry G., Surgeon F. s. X 78 Bicknell, George A.. Captain F. S, X 238 Bigelow, Mortimer. Captain F. S. A 186 Bird, Charles, Brigadier-General F. s. A 253 Birmingham, Henry P., Major U. S. A 64 Birnie, Rogers, .Major U. S. A 76 rsiscoe. Harry E., Paymaster F. S. X 21 Bishop, Harry G.. Captain U. S. A 211 Bishop, Joshua. Commander U. s. X 241 Black. Fingal ('.. Lieutenant U. S. V 113 Black, John W.. Lieutenant U. S. V 150 Blackden, Ferry D., Lieutenant U. S. N 118 Blaekwell, Edward M., Assistant Surgeon U. S. N 176 Bliss, Tasker II. . Major D. S. A 171 Bliss, William Carpenter. Ensign F. S. N 171 Blocklinger, Benjamin Franklin. Major U. S. V. 18 Blount. Samuel M., Lieutenant F. S. X 241 Blue. Victor. Lieutenant F. S. X 244 Blum, Julius F.. Captain F. S. V 83 Boehni. Peter M.. Captain F. S. A 147 Bolles, Frank C. Captain F. S. A 195 Rnokmillor. E. V.. Captain F. S. A 1.-.4 Borden, W. ('., Major F. S. A 155 Bostick, J. W., Lieutenant F. S. X 238 Bottoms, Sam I'.. Captain F. S. A 212 Bought. m. Daniel Hall. Captain F. S. A 35 Bourinque, Alvar L., Captain r s. V 166 Bowen, Edward X.. Assistant Surgeon F. S. V... 163 P...w.r. .lanes M., Ensign C. S. X 116 Bowley, Albert J.. Captain F. S. A 212 Bowman, Wendell Phillips. Colonel F. S. V 86 Bowver. John M.. Lieutenant-Colonel I'. S. X... 173 Boyd, Charles T., Lieutenant F. s. A 195 Bradford, Royal I'.. Rear Admiral F. S. X 46 Braddock, Charles s.. Jr.. Lieutenant F. s. X... 40 Brainard, David I... .Major F. s. A 11.". Brainard, Fred Roland, Lieutenant Commander F S X ]0> Brainard, J. Wilson, Rev., Chaplain I . s. V so Brady. James I.. Captain D. S. A 212 Brock, Samuel. Brigadier-General F. s. A 99 Breckenridge, Joseph C. Brigadier General TJ. S A lei Breckinridge, E. L. D., Lieutenant F. S. A 27 Brewerton. Henry F.. Major I'. S. A 124 Brice, John .1.. Commander F. s. X 180 Bridges. Charles H. Lieutenant F. S. A 212 Brigham, Charles 11.. Lieutenant F. S. X 115 Brinkerhoff. Henry R., Colonel D. S. A 61 Bronson. Arthur Hart, Lieutenant F. S. V 87 Brooke, John R. Major-General D. S. A '.17 Brookes, Albert S.. Captain F. S. A Is.; Brown. Alexander, Assistant Paymaster F. S. X. 1 L'. 1 Brown. James s. I ieutenant, Junior Grade 234 Brown. John IL. Ensign F. S. X ]s ( Brown, R. M. G.. Lieutenant Commander U. S. X 240 Browne. Richard I'.. Assistant 1 . S. X. 244 Bruiner. Robert A.. Lieutenant F. S. V 110 Brusn. Frank. Major and Surgeon 242 Bryan, Frederick C, Major F. s. V 41 Buckev. Mervvn C, Captain F. S. A 213 257 PAGE Baehler, William G.. tlear Admiral 0. S. N 5U Bul'ord, Marcus Balnbrldge, Lieutenant-Com- mander 0. S. N 11 Bnifington, Adelbert K.. Brigadier-General U. S. A 30 Bugge, Jens, Captain D. s. a iso liullnrd, Robert L., Major I. S. A 117 Bullock, diaries Seymour, Chaplain I . s. v 94 Burdick, Russell E., Captain 0. s. v ho ess, Harry, Lieutenant L'. S. A ISO Burke, John Edward, Lieutenant U. S. V US Burns, John, Ensign U. S. N 248 Burnside, William A. Captain i . s. A 195 Burt, Andrew .Sheridan, Brigadier-General I. s. a 9S linn Reynolds .1.. Captain I . s. A 195 Uurtis, Arthur, Pay Director I . 8. N 52 Butler, Edward C-, Captain I. s. \ 37 er, John G.. Lieutenant Colonel I . S. A 120 Butler, W. 1'.. Major I. S. v 36 Byrne, Charles, -Major U. 8. A 172 Byrne, Charles B., Lieutenant-Colonel r. s. A... 151 Calder, Howard L.. Captain 0. s. \' USE I . [dwell, John B., Lieutenant D. S. V 21 Calef, John IL. Lieutenant-Colonel I. s. A 107 1 in. Robert E„ Captain 1. s. a 196 1 n. Frank, M. D., Assistant Surgeon 0. S. v. ou Cameron, George IL. Captain D. S. A 90 uapron, AUyn, Captain u. S. a 132 Carey, Asa B.. Brigadier-General U. s. A 108 Carlin, James W., Commander L. S. N 2:11 Carlin, William I'., Major-General O. S. A U7 Carmichael, Roderick L., Captain U. S. A 213 Carter, Ernest, Assistant Paymaster V. S. N..., 252 I 1, John Bradley, Lieutenant C. 8. V 86 Gary, l:. M.. Major D. S. V 10 Cassi.lv. Edward R., Ensign, U. s. N 255 ( badwick, French 1:.. Captain U. S. N 182 Chaff.,-, Adna 1; , Major-General 0. S. A 253 Charles, Oscar J„ Captain U. s. A 187 Cheney, Frank L., Lieutenant r. s. v 31 Cheney, Sherv, 1 a.. Lieutenant O. s. A 213 Chiles, Seaborn G., Captain r. s. .v 213 Chittenden, Hiram .\L, Captain r. S. a 114 Chittv. William !>.. Lieutenant 1'. S. A 196 Christian, John B., Captain [7. s. A 196 Chyuou.lli, Edward, Captain I'. S. A 23 Clagett, John Rosier, .Major r. s. A 47 Clague, John .1.. Colonel V. s. a 137 ciark. Emburg P., Colonel D. s. V 220 Clark, Thomas F., Captain O. s. V 3fl Clark, Walter R., A-sisc-int Engineer D. S. N... 100 Clap].. Samuel E., -Major V. S. V lis Clem, John I... Lieutenant c, , loner 1'. S. A 44 Cloke, Harold E., Captain v. s. a 214 Cloud. Marshal) Morgan, Lieutenant 1'. S. A 31 Clover, Richardson, Commander I", s. X 63 Cluvorius. Wat 'P., Lieutenant. Junior Grade. L. S. N 17H ' i« ties, Ld» in ,\L. Colonel D. S. A 105 no. Henry Clay. Colonel U. S. M. C 246 Coffin, Bufus. Assistant Paymaster U. S. N 237 Coghlan, Joseph B., Bear Admiral D. S. N 242 Clin. William n.. Ensign L. S. X l.sl Colquboun, w 1 1: Captain D. s. A 1:1 Colvocoresses, George Partridge, Commander ('. S. N 138 ill, .lames Hall, 1 ieuteuant 0. s. N 1 13 collier. Price, Ensign 1 ■ s. x 237 Collin-.. Bertrand R. T., Ensign U. s. N 128 Collins. Edgar t. Captain c. s. A 214 ennui. Richard B., Major r. s. m. c ir,i Comi.v. Samuel p.. Commander U. S. N 229 Comsioei;. Cyrus b.. Brigadier-General U. S. A... 12:: Walter E., Captain 156 coni, liu. Arthur S., Captain r. S. A 214 1 dgar 'I'.. Lieutenant L. s. A 214 rad, Casper IL. Jr., Captain C. s. A 187 Converse, G ge A.. Captain V. S. X 183 Connor, Arthur Burdette, Lieutenant c. s. x... 11." Connor. William le. Lieutenant i" s. a 211 Cook, Francis A.. Captain c. s. A 62 Cook. Parkei P. -\- Paymaster I'. S. X :il Cook, Virgil Y.. ci 1 D. S. V 167 c 10I H., Mi dii nl Director c. S. N 117 Coolidge, Charles A.. Co) J U. S. A W Coontz, Robert E., Lieutenant V. S. N 170 Cooper, PWlip IL. Bear Admiral D. S. N dim Corbnsier. William II. . Major f. s. A •-•:,.", (0,1, in. 1 i.nrv c, Uajor-General 1'. s A 1 Cornman. Daniel, Lieutenant Colonel I', s. a... 31; Cornwell, Charles Carpenter, Commander TJ. s. N 17s Cotton, Charles Stanhope. Bear Admiral u. s. Cosby, Frank C, Bay Director X V a, Robert ll . Lieutenant 1 on 1, . 1 1 gg, 1 aplain I . S. X Cos, .lames Wade, Colonel D. s. V 1 ox, William, Lieutenant. Junior Gradi C I liompson. Ensign O. S. X Craig, Louis B., Assistant Engineer V. s. X Grawfocd, Charles b... Chaplain L. s. V :■ r. Noble II. , Lieutenant Colonel U. s. Creecy, Richard B., Naval Cadet 0. s. x.. Crockett, Frank l'.. Lieutenant 0. s. X.... Cullen, Dorsey, Lieutenant 0. S. A Cuming, Rochester, Ensign I', s. x * in. Daniel A., Lieutenant Oelenel 1 Curry, Frank '/■■. Lieutenant l'. S. v.. Curlin. Roland L. Lieutenant L. S. X Cuthhertsou. Harry C.. Major I". S. V. . u. s. s. \ .. FACE I. 112 . 51 . 28 . 39 148 29 2:12 93 87 74 2111 240 152 177 or. 49 23" 43 Daggett, cm, 1, s. Brigadier-General D. s. \... 57 Dallam, Samuel T.. Lieutenant L. s. A Bui Danlell, .1. 1:.. Assistant Engineer 1. s. x 234 Iiarrah. Thomas W.. Captain L. S. A 187 Davis, .\. .1. Captain I S. \ 20 Davis, Charles I... Colonel I", s. A 21:; I)a\is. George B. Brigadier-General I. s. A 92 Davis, Glenn IL. Captain U. s. A 187 DaWSOn, Lewis Beeves. SuiL'eoll |'. S. \' 81 Day. Arthur Herbert, Lieutenant U. s. X 133 Day, Clarence R., Lieutenant I". s. A 215 Day, Seid, -u Alien. Colonel 0. S. A 247 Demeritt, Join, Major c. s. V L60 de Nie.lman. Win. T., Major t". S. V 160 Derby, G 'ge McC, Major I', s. a or, De Russey, Isaac D„ Brigadier-General O. S. A. 130 He Dnger, Albert, Lieutenant O. s. X 145 Dewey, George, Admiral U. s. X in Hiehmann. I Liny M.. Lieutenant D. S. A 21.". Dick, Charles. Lieutenant-Col 1 U. s. V 30 Dii kee, I is. Captain D. S. \' lii3 Dickey, William i:.. Assistant Engineer I", s. \. 286 Dillnuay. ,1a s IL. Jr., Lieutenant. Junior Grade, L. s, X J2'.l liillenl.aek. John W\. Major D. s. A 121 lHniliii.k. I'iilj. no H . Lieutenant Colonel T'. S. A. 5S Dlmock. William He Wolf. Enslu'ii. I". S. X 75 Dixon, Henry B, Captain I", s. A 188 Horn, van. Joseph I... Captain I'. S. A 188 Dorey. Halstead, Lieutenant I" S. A 215 Drake, Charles B.. Lieutenant L. s. A 1H7 Drake, Franklin .1.. C mander r. S. X 144 Inidley. Edgar s. Lieutenant Colonel I'. S. A... 129 Dunbar, G 'ge II. . Lieutenant L. s. X 130 Duncan. Louis c. m. d., Assistant Surgeon D. s. V 72 Dunlap, Andrew. Commander 1'. S. X 174 Iiuulap. 'I'liaddeus C. Assistant Engil r D. S. X. 175 Dunn, Williamson. Ensign I'. S. X 114 Dnrbln. Wintiehl s. Colonel L. s. V 13 Dyer, Thomas !•'.. Captain D. S. A lss Ebstein. Frederick II L . Major D. S -\. Eckstein, Henry C, Surgeon I'. S. X LL-- RiChsrd i: . A-sjstant Sin-™n v. s. Edson, John Tracey, Ensign L. s. X Edwnrds, William I).. Assistant I'n: L. S, X I I in-o Le Roy, Cat. tain D. S. A Elwell, Charles A., Lieutenant L. S. X ElllCOtt, John Morris. Lieutenant L. S. X... Kmersoii. isaae Edward, Lieutenant r S \' Km t. William Le Roy, Lieutenant 1'. S. X. England, Lloyd, Captain D. S. A Epple. Louis, Assistant Paymaster D. S. X. LttiiiLt. Emlen P., Assistant Paymaster 0, S Evans. Charles B . Major XJ. 8. V Evans. Houston V . Captain C S A Evans, Bol.l.y D., Bear Admiral I'. S. X... X. . . Iieer 125 IL. Ml 55 235 197 1G4 ,:i 149 82 IS? le..-, 235 2H 197 40 rarenholt. (is.ar Walter. Bear Admiral D. S. X. 5.1 I rley. .1 V.. Colonel V. S. A 02 Las-, it. William M. Lieutenant D. S. A 210 Feederle, n. 0., Captain l. s. v 81 I'enton. Ah onus Ward. Captain 217 FergUSOn, Frank K.. Captain L. S A 108 Ferguson. Ha rley B., Lieutenant L. s. A 210 Fetter, .lames. Lieutenant 1'. S. V 188 Fielder, Frank Sidnev, Assistant Surgeon IT. S. X 2»1 Fife. W. .1.. C..1 1 L. S. V 23 Flske, Bradley a.. Lieutenant Commander U. S. X 2.^1 Fiske. Harold's.! Captain V. -s'.'A.'. '.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'. 216 25« i-A',i: Fitch, Gilbert L., Major U. S. V 70 Fitch. Henry \\\. Chief Engineer U. S. N 97 Fithian, Edwin. Chief Engineer D. S. N I'm Fitzsimons, Paul, Medical Director 0. S. N 24 Fleming. Adrian S.. Captain D. S. A 188 Foley. Hamilton, Lieutenant O. S. A 251 Folger, Marcus Herbert, Lieutenant 0. S. V 74 Folger, William M.. Captain 0. S. N 106 Foltz, Frederick Steinman, Captain I'. S. A Ill Ford, John D., Commander I. S. X 73 Forney, James, Colonel 1. s. M. C 55 Forsyth, James M., Rear Admiral 0. S. N 89 Fortescue, G. Roland, Lieutenant 0. s. A 21 Foster, Herbert S.. Major 0. S. A 116 Frank. Royal T., Brigadier-General 0. S. A 123 Frazer, lleah. Paymaster U. S. X 77 Freed, James A.. Captain 0. s. \' 16 Frissell, Thomas T., Captain U. S, A 216 [frost, Alfred S., Major U. s. A 160 Frothingham, Louis A., Lieutenant 1'. S. M. I '. . . 83 Fry, Alfred Broooks, Lieutenant 1*. S. X 2 1 Furey, John V.. Colonel U. S. A 35 Furlong. Walter A., Assistant Engineer I'. S. X. 175 Gadsby, William. Captain O. S. V 77 Gaines. Richard J., Lieutenant D. S. V 72 Galbralth, William Wallis. Captain D. S. A 76 Garber, GuHford Schell, Lieutenant U. S. V 72 Gardener. Cornelius. Major 1 T . S. A 147 Garrett, Xcvil M.. Captain I", s. v 114 Gasser, Lorenzo I)., Captain 1'. S. V 77 Cast. .u, Joseph Alfred, Captain I". S. A 71 Gearv, Edward C. Jr., Captain 1". S. V 151 Gerry, Martin II.. Assistant Engineer U. S. N... Ill Glieen, Edward Mickman, Commander CT. s. X. 35 Ghernrdi. Bancroft, Rear Admiral O. S. X 95 Gibson. John. Lieutenant-Couimauder T\ s X... 23 Oil. son, William ('.. Rear Admiral U. S. X 138 Gibbons, John IL. Lieutenant C. S. X 228 Gibbs. George Washington. Lieutenant IT. s. V... 76 Gignilliat, Thomas Heyward. Lieutenant O. S. X ln2 Gilbert, Albert, Captain U. S. V 87 Gilbert, Bertram C, Captain I', s. A 217 Gilbert. W. W.. Major r s. A 105 Gillls, James II.. Commodore D. S. X 115 Gilmore, John Curtis. Jr.. Captain I'. S. A 82 Glassford, William A.. Major D. S. A 243 Glenn, Edwin F., Major U. S. A 169 Goldlngay, Thomas. Ensign 0. S. X 180 Goldman. Henry J., Captain I'. 5. A 168 Ooldsbornugh. Washington I... Captain U. S. \ 252 Goodale, George S., captain I', s. A 198 Goodale, Greenleaf Austin. Colonel U. S. A :'.4 G le, George w . captain r. s. A lis Goodloe. Green clay. Colonel D. s. M. C 38 Goodrich, Caspar !•'.. Captain U. S. N 55 Gorgas, John A., Lieutenant. Junior Grade, D. S. X 237 Gray. James, Lieutenant I*. s. X 85 Greely. Adolphus W.. Brigadier-General U. S. A. 124 Green. James G. Rear Admiral I'. S. X 54 Greene, Francis Vinton, Major-Genera] I T . S. V. 146 Groenough, George G.. Lieutenant Colonel It. S. A 65 Greer, Janus A.. Rear Admiral U. S. X 57 Greer, J. dm E . Major C. s A 93 Griffin. Thomas Dillard, Lieutenant-Commander n. s, x io4 Grimes, George S.. Lieutenant-Colonel I*. S. A . F8 Groves, Leslie R., Chaplain T T . S. A 32 Grugan. Frank Carter, Major T'. *. A 00 Guignard. William S. Captain D. S. A 1!)S Guthrie. John V... Major TT. S. A 110 Hackett, Edward F.. Jr., Lieutenant I". s. V... 14 Ha good. Johnson. Captain II. S. A 198 Haines. At. taut L.. Surgeon I T . S. V 110 Hains, Peter C, Colonel U. S. A 97 Halilin. J. A.. Lieutenant IT. S. V 1S2 Halo. Irving. Brigadier-General D. S. V 173 Hall. Chalmers <:.. Lieutenant I*. S. A 217 Hall. Frank ('.. Ensign 1'. S. X ISO Hail. Hedley A.. Chaplain 0. s. V 110 Hall. Marshall W.. Ensign T\ S X 167 Hampton. Celwvn E., Captain I'. S. A 199 Hnnlev, James E., Chief Engineer U. S. X 165 Hanna. Matthew E., Lieutenant I'. S. A 217 Hail. or. Giles B., Commander I'. S N T 46 Hardee. William Joseph, Captain T T . S. V M Harper. Roy R.. Lieutenant D. S. A 217 Hart. P. J.. Chaplain IT. S. A 75 Hartley, Rowland Hdl 29 Hartoll, John Randolph. Ensign I*. S. X ISO Harris, Henry T. B., Pay Inspector I*. S. N... 01 PAGE Harris, Peter Charles, captain r. s. A 153 Harrison. Henry F., Lieutenant U. S. X 245 Harrison, Russell II.. Colonel 85 Hasbrouck, Henry c.. Colonel r. S. A 121 Hasbrouck, Raymond be Lam. .v. Lieutenant U. S. N 69 Haskin. William L., Colonel 0. S. A 107 Havard, Valery, Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A 243 Hawkins, Clyde E.. Ca,ptain U. S. A 188 Hawkins, Eugene, Captain 0. S. V 113 Hayden, Reynolds, Naval Cadet !'. S. X 175 Hayes, Edward M., Colonel U. S. A Hit Heavey, John William. Captain U. s. A 22 Hedekin, Charles A., Captain U. S. A Ill Heiberg, Elvin R.. Lieutenant U. S. A 109 Heln. Otto L.. Major I .'. s. A si Hciudsmau. Ferdinand. Captain 1. S. \' 164 Helms. George W., Captain C. S. A 218 Hensey, Alexander T.. Captain 210 Henninger, Paul E.. Captain 0. s. V its Hennisee, Argalus el.. Lieutenant-Colonel D. s. A 160 Herbert, Hilary A., Jr., Lieutenant D. S. M. C. Herring, c. M.. p 83 Ilnroii. Joseph S.. Captain 0. S. A 189 Il.wsou. Michael J., Ensign 0. S. X 237 Heywooa, Charles, Brigadier-General, Comman- dant U. S. M. C 52 Higher, John IL. Lieutenant-Colonel 1'. S. M. C. 51 Higginson, Francis J.. Rear Admiral U. s. X 101 Hill. L.ster S.. Majoi I S \ 151 1 1 in.-. Edwin \V.. Colonel I". S. V 66 Hinklcy. James W.. Jr.. Captain I'. s. A 199 Kinsley, Howard ]•:.. Passed Assistant Paymaster U. S. X 236 Hite, John M . Assistant Engineer U. S. X 182 Ilinton. Charles B., Major 0. S. A 118 Hot. son. Richmond I'.. Naval Constructor I S. X 250 Hobbs, Ichabod Goodwin. Pay Inspector 1 s. X. 88 Hodges, Henry C Jr.. captain D. S. A 171 Hoffman, G ge M.. Lieutenant U. 8. A 199 Hogg, William st.-ts. .a, Lieutenant-Commander r. s. x i5t Ilolal.iid. Samuel B., Brigadier-General I', s. A. 62 Holbrook, Lucius R.. Lieutenant U. S. A 2011 Holland, James Steedman, Lieutenant C. s. \'... 94 Holloway, E. Owens, Ensign I". S. X 70 Holmes. Charles IL, Lieutenant U. S. V 165 Hough, Alfred I... Colonel D. S. A 88 Howard. Oliver i).. Major-General I'. S. A 96 Howard. Thomas 1'.. Lieutenant I. S. A 200 Howard. Thomas C. B., Lieutenant. Junior Grade, r. s. x 24o Howe, Walt.r. Major O. S. A 26 Howison, Henry Lyeurgus, Rear Admiral I". s. \ Howland. Charles R .. Captain U. S. A Ts'.l llowlaml. Harry S., Lieutenant I". s. A 30 Hoyt, Ralph Wilson. Major U. S. A 28 Hughes. Aaron Konkle. Rear Admiral D. S. X... 155 Hughes. Edward M.. Commander I'. S. X 63 Ill-lies. John II . Captain C S. A 21S Hughes. William Will. Captain 0. S. A 24 Hull. Waldo W,. Lieutenant D. S. V 17 Humphreys. Henry Hollingsworth, Lieutenant- Colonel U. S. A 19 Hunsicker, James R.. Lieutenant I'. S. \' 110 Hutcheson, Grote, Captain D. s. A 157 Hutchins, Charles Thomas, Captain I". s. X... ,'.' lluis.,11, Thomas Ogier, Assistant Surgeon IT. S. X 240 Button, Franklin S., Captain I". S. A ISO Id.-. Ariel Harris, Lieutenant U. S. V OS [glehart, Edmund B., Assistant Paymaster D. S. X . . .' [goe. James J., Lieutenant I T . S. X 211 Ingalls. James M.. Lieutenant-Colonel 0. S \ -•::: Irons. James A.. Major 0. S. A 27 Irvine. Edward 4'.. Lieutenant I*. S. X 115 Irvine. Robert J. C, Major I'. S. A 120 Irwin, Bernard J. D., Colonel 0. s. A 10S Isaaes. Walter Gilbert, chaplain D s. X 16 Ives. Edward 1'.. Captain 0. S. A 112 Izlar. Roberts Poinsette, Major 0. s. V 91 Jackson, Albert R.. Assistant Engineer r. S. X 133 Jackson, Harrv 4'.. captain r. s. a 200 Jackson. M C. Captain 0. S. V 112 Jacobi, B. E . Jr.. Ensign IT. S. X 244 James William Henry Williams. Lieutenant. Colonel 0. S A I'l Jervey, Eugene P., Captain 0. S. A 2m Johnson. Chris. Etnil. Lieutenant I'. S. V 32 259 PAGE Johnston, Frederick E., Captain r. s. a 218 Jones, David Phillips, Chlel Engineer 0. S. N... In? Jones, Frank Beall, Major D. 8. A 30 Jones, William U., Assistant Paymaster I". S. N. 22'J Jones, Wylle, Col< I I . S. V 251 Kaiser, Julius Adam, Assistant Engineer 0. S. N. 85 Kane, Theodore I.. Captain 0. s. N 2:>:i Keck, Frank, Major I. s. V 7.1 Keenan, Frank li.. Lieutenant 0. s. V it; Kellogg, Edgar Komeyn, Brigadier-General I'. S. A 82 Kellogg, Frank W., Lieutenant U. S. N 87 Kelly, Schuyler C, Lieutenant-Colonel D. S. V... B2 Kelly, William, Lieutenant 0. S. a 201 Kendrick, Frederick M. H., Major U. s. A 74 Kennington, Alfred E., Lieutenant F. s. A 201 Kenny, Albert B., Rear Admiral r. s. N 54 Kerr, Robert M., Lieutenant 1". s. V 7" Kessler, Percy M.. Captain 0. S. a 201 Kessler, Walter, Assistant Engineer 15 Kleffer, Charles T., Cat\jain U. s. A 122 Kimball, Granville, Lieutenant 0. s. N 117 Kimball, William Wirt, Commander r. s. N 139 King, Charles, Brigadier-General F. s. \' ::.", Kins;. Edward L., Lieutenant 0. s. A 201 King, Hugh i:.. Ensign D. S. N 32 Kinj;. W. Nephew, Lieutenant O. s. N 227 Kingsbury, Henry P., Major U. S. A 159 Kinsey, Thomas, Paymaster r. s. N 66 Kip. Henry S., Lieutenant 0. s. V 116 Kirby, Absalom, Chlel Engineer I", s. X 98 Kline, Jacob, Colonel 0. S. A 95 Knowlton, Joseph I... Captain D. s. A 189 Knox. Thomas T„ Lieutenant-Colonel O. s. A... 69 Kobbe, William A., Brigadier-General 1'. s. A... 163 Kochsperger, Stephen M.. Lieutenant U. S. A... 202 Koeblcr. Fred I'.. Captain 0. S. V 29 Koester, Francis J., Captain I". S. A 159 Kulp, John Stewart, Captain D. S. A 129 La Bach, Paul Mayer, Ensign D. S. X 1G2 Ladd. Eugene I'.. Captain U. S. A 158 Laird, John Alfred, Captain D. S. V 50 Lamb, Edward J., Lieutenant D. S. V 156 I. an. lis. .1. r. Kevnolds, Captain I". S. A 88 Lantlon. Edwin, Captain 0. S. A 202 Lang, Frank It.. Lieutenant 0. s. A 84 Lanjtdon. Russell C, Captain 0. S. A 202 Langfltt, William ('.. Captain 1". S. A 92 Langhorn, Lewis \V . Lieutenant I'. S. V Hi Law. Heme,. Lycurgus, Surgeon U. s. X 64 Lawton, Alexander R., Colonel D. S. V 161 Law ton. Henry \\\. Major-General I'. S. V 132 Lawton. Lieutenant D. S. A 251 Lauriat, George Reynolds, Ensign I", s. X 230 Lanriat, Philip Wales. Lieutenant D. S. V 242 Lea, I'eter I... Male c. s. X 112 I Fitzbugh, Brigadier-General 0. s. A lti'J Leitner, John D., Major c. s. V 13 I.etiike. August T., Captain D. S. V 42 Leonard, R. W., Colonel r. s. V 103 Leaner, George A.. Lieutenant 14 Lewis Charles B.. Lieutenant D. 8. V 143 Lewis. Frederick \\\. Captain I", s. a 202 Lleber, Pitman. John, Major U. S, &■■■■■ }%* Piatt. Robert. Lieutenant V. S N . ... . ; ■■••••• ■ i- h Plume, Joseph W., Brigadier-General L. s. v.. l-< Poillon. Arthur. Lieutenant F. S. A... Jw Pope. Francis II.. Lieutenant I S A .. . . . . ■ --- Pope James Worden, Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A. is Pope. Lemuel. Jr.. Captain U. S V.. .......... . 1|» Pope. Percival Clarence. Colonel I. S. M. «... 1-4 Porter. John Biddle. Major U. S. A 92 Powell. Charles P.. Major I. S. A...... •_"_' Powell Philip Pendleton. Captain U. S. A IDa Powers, Robert R. Lieutenant F. S. A. .. -bo Pritchard. Gorge B„ Jr.. Captain TJ S. A L - Purcell John Louis. Lieutenant I. S. .\ 1 _ Purdv. Clarence N. Captain I. S. A -"., Purinton. n. O.. Major U. S. \ 4.1 Rand. George W., Major IT S V. 110 Rand. Leonard I,.. Ensign I S. N. .. . . .. ■ .. . •• *'■ Randall. W. P.. Lieutenant-Commander I S. N. ■*■> Ravens. Charles E.. Lieutenant 1" S. ^ 1<« Raymond. Henry I., Major U. S. A.. »* Raymond. John C. Lieutenant U. S. A.. --■} Ravnolds. Edward v.. Lieutenant I . S. N 2o.> Reed. F. Ellis. Lieutenant F. S. v.. .......... ■ «< Rees Corwln Pottinger. Commander I. S. .\... on i-a.;m Reeve. Charles McCormick, Brigadier-General I s V 2.j3 Beichmann, Gustav W., Lieutenant F. S. V 149 Relyea, Isaac 10., Ensign F. S. N 133 Reynolds, Alfred. Major S. A 137 Rhoades, Henry E.. Assistant Engineer I . S. N. 98 Rice, Edmund. Colonel IT. S. A 100 Rice, Frank S.. Lieutenant F. S. A 136 Richards, II. M. M., Lieutenant 1. S. N 22tl Richardson. Lorrain T., Captain LT, S. A .... PJ2 Ritteuhouse. Ilawley Olmstead, Commander U. S. N 138 Rixey, Presley Marion, Rear Admiral U. S. N... 132 Robie. Edward Dunham. Commodore I S. N... 138 Robinson. Louis W., Rear Admiral C. S. N 125 Robert. Henry M., Brigadier-General U. S. A... 29 Roberts, Benjamin Kearney, Major LI. S. A... 150 Roberts, Charles D., Captain U. S. A 223 Roberts. Thomas A.. Lieutenant 1. S. A 223 Roberts, William J.. Lieutenant F. S. N 172 Roche, Edward A., Lieutenant LI, S. A 22:: Rockwell, Charles EL, Captain I". S. N 226 Rodgers, John I. Colonel U. S. A 19 ltodne\ Itnberi 1 ;n ii . .ii Paymaster I S N 59 Roff, John W., Lieutenant F. S. V 36 Rogers. Charles J.. Lieutenant i . 2^* Roosevelt. Th lore. Colonel F. S. V. Cav 9 Ross, Albert, Commander TJ. 8. N 140 Ross, Henry S.. Captain LT. S. N 143 Ross. John Walton. Surgeon F. S. N' 37 Rude. B. C. Lieutenant F. S. V 84 Ruggles, George D., Brigadier-General U. S. A ... 126 Russell, Alexander \V„ Pay Director D. S. N... 88 Russell. Averley Claude Holmes. Lieutenant-Corn- mander U. S. N '' ', Russell. Charles E.. Captain I S. A -00 Russell. Frank W.. Major F. S. V 114 Rust, John II.. Captain U. S. V 14 Sackett. J. W:. Major U, S. V ,Vi\i„l| Sailer. Joseph. Passed Assistant Surgeon L. S. N 239 Saltzman. Charles McK.. Captain F. S. A 2UH Sanno, James M. J.. Colonel U. S. A 2a Sargent. Frederie II.. Captain I S A ID Sartoris, Algernon. Captain O. S \ bb Sarratt. Edwin <)., Captain I. S. A £-+ Sarrett, Arthur B., Captain U. S. \ ... -4o Savage. Egbert Barnum. Lieutenant-Colonel ¥J g j^ 1 •>' Savage. Frank M.. Captain ISA 224 Sawyer. Claude E„ Captain U. S. V . . 37 Scales. Dabney M.. Lieutenant U. S. N lb» Schaaf. Gustav, Captain D. S. >.-••■•• x "f Schenck. Caspar, Pay Director 1 . s. N... gi Schley. Winfield s.. Bear-Admiral I . s. >■•■■••• %\ Schmidt. Frederiek J.. Lieutenant < olonel U. h.v. »4 Schwarz, I n, Lieutenant U. S. V.. ...... ..... jo ScoQeld Walter K.. Medical Director D. S. N... 1-b Scott. Douglas M. Major F. S. A »J Scott. Hugh I... Captain F. S. A. . .. I', Seott. William Slierley, Captain t. S. A 1' Scriven, G -ge P.. Major 1" S. A loo Selfridge. Thomas Oliver. Jr.. Hear Admiral IT S N SerenbetV. George P... Lieutenant LT. S. V 72 Shafer. Burt S.. Captain ... ............ |j? Shaffer. William R.. Major-General U. S. A... lb Sharpe. Alfred C. Major OS. A... 1-J Shea. Daniel W.. Lieutenani I s. >..... "* Shellenberger, .lames E., Surgeon TJ. S. \ i^ Shepard. Edwin M., Rear Admiral I S. ,N 118 Shelton. George 11.. Captain TJ. S. A ......... • 2Ub Shippen, Edward, Medical Director TJ. S. N 1«» Shoenthal. Isaac Captain TJ. s\ ' Sickles. Daniel E.. M r-General U. S. A oi Sills. William G., Captain U. S. A. fr-'a'ii 104 Simn.onds. Fred. J.. Assistant Engineer I S N. 184 Simmons. Benjamin T.. Captain U. S. A 1J^ Simpson. Wendell L.. Captain I. S. A ou Sirniver. Edear A. Lieutenant TJ. S A --* Sirrine. William G., Captain TJ. S \ Blavens, Th as H Captain S A |' Sloane Mbert II. Lieutenant 1 S \ ; • ■•■ • "* Smedberg. William B., Li.-i.e.,:.... ■> "bmel ^ Smith.' Alfn-'l T.V Colonel J S A 26 Smith. Harry E.. Captain TJ. s A ^ : Smith. Joseph R.. Colonel 1. s A;....... ..••■ '-•? iSith Layton T.. Lieutenant Jr Gr U S N... 184 Smith. Owen P.. Assistant Surgeon S. N lg« Snyder, John J.. Assistant Surgeon 1 S. N.... loo Socola. Angelo W.. Lieutenarit 1 S. N l|J Spangler, Charles, Captain I s. \ 261 PAGE Springer, Ruter W., Chaplain r. s. a 158 dish, Fred D., Ensign F. S. N 78 Stanley. David Sheridan, Captain 0. S. A 92 Stanley, David S., Brigadier-General I. S A... 253 i 11 . Captain D. s. v 86 8 eeie, i Hlver 1 1 . i laptaln 0. s. v 77 Steele, Sober! William. Naval i „ O. S. M 248 Stephenson, Franklin Bache, Medical Insp i S X . . 17 I II.. Commander i s \ 22(1 1 1. Meri ]. l: .. i laptain 1 . s. a 206 Stirling, Sates, Captain 0. s \ 51 rs, Edwin .1.. Captain r. s. a 241 Stockton, Charles if. Captain 0. S. N 183 Stoddard, Charles 11.. Captain ;:1 Stodter, Charles E., Lieutenant U. s. A 207 Stonch, G _ W. II. Major D. s. A 241 Stout, George .. Lieutenant I. s. N -j:;'.i Strong, Edward T., Rear Admiral F. s. .\ 168 Daniel Delehanty Vincent, Commander V. S. N 17.". Stuart, Edwin i: . Lieutenant I', s. A 207 si urtevant, i llrard, Captain 0. S. A Suartwout, Wad.- I. Lientenani i s \ 31 Bummerlin, George T., Lieutenant D. s. a.... 207 Sutherland. .1. c. l.ieutenanl D. S. N 238 Swanstrom. Frederick E., Lieutenant 1 s. v.. 239 SueeneV. W. II.. Jr., I J ell t H1{1 It t I S. \" 255 Swift, Eben, Captain D. S. A 121 Swobe, Tin .mas. Captain D. S. A 123 Falbot, Robert s. Passed Assistant Engineer 0. S N 282 : . I . i 8 I . . I .mi ma lid. T U. S. N ."'.i i : 3Sig, Charles A.. Lieutenant D. s. M. C 166 i ■..■.■ W„ Major 0. S A 152 Taylor, Daniel Morgan Major 0. s. A ln4 Taylor, George W Colonel U. s. V 1 10 Taylor, John it. M., Captain 0. s. A 168 Taylor, Kaiser w. Lieutenant l s V 40 or, l; I'. Engineer D. S. N 67 I. I. Letts. Harry II.. Captain U. S. A ."7 Thompson, J. dm Means. Lieutenant U. S. V 47 Thompson, Richard !■:.. Lieutenant-Colonel r. s. v . ... 26 Thompson. Samuel. Chief Engineer U. S. X 159 Thomson. William II . Jr., Assistant Engl r 0, s. n 22S Thurston. Charles S., Lieutenant 0. s. N _:;'-' Tidl.all. John i '.. Brigadier-General D. S. A mo Tilton, Henry Remsen, Lieutenant-Colonel 0. s. a. 120 Tonrtillott, A. t. Captain U. s. V 28 Tower, George E., Chief Engineer D. S. X 141 Trarv. Joseph P., Captain F. s. A 208 Travis. Pierce M. B., Captain U. S. V 80 Trowbridge. Amasa, Passed Assistant Engineer f. S x 166 Tryon, James Rufus, Rear Admiral D. S. N 56 Tschappat, William II.. Lieutenant I". S. A 208 Tapes. Herschel. Captain 0. S. A 208 Turner. William II.. Commander T\ S. X 170 Turner. William J., Major r. s A 66 Tattle. Charles w. Ensign I'. S. X 225 Tttttle. Wlnthrop M. Lieutenant r. s. V 43 Dish, William II. Assistant Surgeon s X 176 Dpshnr, John Henry, Rear Admiral D. s. X 139 Drtiman, Charles \.. Lieutenant 1". s. V 156 Dslna. Michael N. Passed Assistant Engh r IT. S. X 182 Valentine. William S. Lieutenant 0. S \ \'eiiai.le. w. P. Lieutenant r. s. \" 224 '.'. "63 t.i. a: \iele. Charles I>.. Colonel 0. s a i ■_• r. Wilbur, Captain O. s. v n Wad.-. John P., Lientenani r. s. a 208 Wad.-, William It Ensign 0. S \ lt.o Wagner, Arthur 1... Colonel 1 s. A 32 Wagner, Car] A.. Captain 1 . S. \' IBfl Wainwright, Richard, Commander I s \ .... 22 Wainwright, Robert Powell Page, Major r. S. A. 71 Walker, John G., Hear Admiral r s X :::: Wall, Francis It.. Lieutenant I'. S. X 17U Wallace, Allan Bradford, Lientenani Colonel 1 s v 19 Wallace, Rush it . Jr.. Lieutenant I", s M. c... 247 Wansboro, Thomas A., Lientenani F. S. A 2o'.> Ward. Adelbert s.. Lieutenant U. S. V iT'.t Ward, Henry Clay, Lieutenant Col 1 I S. A... 59 Watson, Eugene Winslow, Rear Admiral 0. S. .v 11.". Watson, Frank B., Captain 1 s A 11)3 Watson, George x. Captain D. S. V 170 Watson, .1 Crittenden, Rear Admiral 0. s. x... 124 Walters. John s. Lieutenant 0. s. x 236 Watts. Thomas Courtney, Captain D. s. V... Webster, Irving E., Lieutenant 1 s \ 41 Welsenburger, John J., Major 1 s v Welsh. Lyman .\L. Lieutenant 0. s. A 226 w.-ils. Edward A.. Lieutenant-Colonel 127 w.sr. William Thomas. Lieutenant 0. S V 33 W.-teiihall. Carl A.. Lieutenant 1'. S. V 73 Wheaton, Charles, Captain 0. S. A 58 Wheaton, Frank, Major-Genera! 0. -S. A lo5 Wheeler, Joseph, Jr.. t'atJtatti 1'. S. A 104 wheeloek. De Forest a. Captain 0. S. V 143 Whisner, Jacob It. Lieutenant 0. s. v 83 While. Edwin, Hear Admiral I'. S. X 34 White, Herbert A., 0. s. A 104 White John Baker, Captain 0. s V 27 White. William t'.. Ensign 0. S. N 161 Whitehead. Henrj C. Lieutenant 0. s A 209 Whltehonse, Edward X.. Pavmaster V. s, X 9S Whitman Frank II.. Captain 1'. S. A I Whitside. Samuel M. I ; n -adler-General s. A. 252 Whittle. John II. Major S V 41 Wilkes. Gilbert, Lientenani 0. S. X 173 Will. ox. Orlando B., Major-General 0. S. A 243 Wllliard, Harry 0., Lieutenant 0. S. A 209 Williams. Constant, Colonel 0. s. A 238 Williams. Ezekiel J., Lieutenant I' s. A 152 Williams. William W., Pay Director 0. s X 53 Wilson, .lames II.. Brigadier-General S. A... 106 Wilson. John ciark. Commander 0. s x 64 Wilson. John M. Brigadier-General H. s. A 122 Wilson, I nard 1^3 Windsor Fred E.. Lieutenant-Colonel D S V .. 109 Win;.'. C. M. Major I" S V 131 Winslow, George !'.. Medical Director 0. s. N... lort Wise. Hugh Douglas. Captain 0. S. A 150 Wise. William Clinton. Captain 0. S. X 34 Witherell. Charles Trildor. .Major F. S. A fil w I. Leonard, Brigadier-General F S A 240 W I, Robert Modisette. Lieutenant F. S V.. 71 W 1. Thomas C. Lieutenant F. S. X 135 w,.od Walter A.. Major S V 24R W limll. Alfred A. Colonel F S A 09 w Iward, Christopher II. IF. Lieutenant F. s V 04 Wootten. Bradley Jewel i. Lieutenant 151 Worklzer. John G.. Lieutenant F S A 225 Wyeth, M. c. Mai..,- 0. s A 42 Yosi. Philip. Captain F. S. V 1< Vonnir. James Carleton 240 Younjr. Luclen, Commander 0. S X 140 Ynuncr. Ito-hai-d W Major F S V 132 Young. Samuel B. M. Major-Genera] S. A... 228 262 PRICE TEN DOLLAR? ^3n The United States NAVY LIST From 1772 to 1900 Table of Contents i. SECRETARIES OF THE NAVY from i 798 to 1897. I ASSISTANT SECRETARIES. a. SOLICITORS AND JUDGE ADVOCATES-BOARD OF NAVY COMMISSIONERS— SECRETARIES OF NAVY BOARD-JUDGE ADVOCATES GENERAL. 4. DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 5. CHIEFS OF BUREAUS from 1842 to 1901. 6. SKETCH OF THE NAVY from 1775 to 1798. 7. CHANGES IN TITLES OF OFFICERS. 8. GENERAL NAVY REGISTER, containing the names of all Officers of the Navy (Regular and Volunteer), from 17^8 to January, 1901, alphabetically arranged. 9. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACAD- 1 M Y — Superintendents since its foundation. Midshipmen and and Naval Cadets. Cadet Engineers. II . MARINE CORPS -Complete List of Officers of, from 1798 to January, 1001. n. LIS~T OF VESSELS OF WAR IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY from 179710 1901. 12. RECOGNITION BY CONGRESS OF GALL ANT sl-R VICES ol Officers and others of the Navy and Marine Corps. 13. THE NAVY OF THE UNITED ST A 1 ES, JANUARY, uoi. Personnel. List and Classification of Vessels. Marine Corps. Edited by E. W. CALLAHAN Registrar Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department New York: L. R. HAMERSLY CO., 49 Wall St. 1901 The Real Estate Trust Company OF PHILADELPHIA SOUTHEAST COR. CHESTNUT and BROAD STREETS Full-Paid Capital $1,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - 1,100,000 Receives deposits of money payable by check, and allows Interest thereon. Collects Interest, Dividends, and Income of all kinds whatsoever. Receives for safe keeping Securities and other valuables, and Rents Safe Deposit Boxes in Burglar-Proof Vaults. Buys, sells, and leases Real Estate in Philadelphia and its vicinity. Assumes general charge and management of Personal Estates. Executes Trusts of every description under the appointment of Courts, Corporations, and Individuals. Acts as Registrar or Transfer Agent for Corporations and as Trustee under Corporation Mortgages. Receives Wills for safe keeping without charge FRANK K. HIPPLE. President GEORGE PHILLER, Vice-President WILLIAM F. NORTH. Treasurer WILLIAM R. PHILLER, Secretary THOMAS B. PROSSER, Real Estate Officer ROBERT D. GHRISKEY, Cashier M. S. COLLINGWOOD, Asst. Treasurer ROLAND L. TAYLOR. Asst. Secretary DIRECTORS FRANK K. HIPPLE WILLIAM W. PORTER CHARLES W. HENRY JOHN H. CONVERSE JOHN F. BETZ R. DALE BENSON EDWARD P. BORDEN WILLIAM A. PATTON GEORGE PHILLER S. WEIR MITCHELL. M/D. IOSEPH I)K P. [UNKIN SAMUEL F. HOUSTON If You Are Prudent WHY NOT BE INSURED AND SAVE MONEY AT THE SAME TIME? OUR NEW POLICY on the ENDOWMENT PLAN IS THE BEST INSURANCE CONTRACT ISSUED, AND IS MEETING WITH GREAT FAVOR. OUR BOOKLET u HOW AND WHY,' 1 SENT FREE ON REQUEST, YOU WILL FIND INTEREST- ING AND INSTRUCTIVE : : : Penn mutual Life Insurance Go. 921-923-925 Chestnut Street - - - PHILADELPHIA PRICE, TEN DOLLARS The United States ARMY LIST From 1779 to 1900 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE A General Krister of the Officers of the American Army. 1779 1 A. General List of the Officers in the American Army, 1780 . . 29 List of General Officers in Continental Service Jan. 1, 1782 . . 30 General Oilier- resigned, dismissed, etc 30 List of the Officers of the Army from Jan. 1, 17X1 to Jan. 1, 1785. 31 Register of ihr Ann\ as recognized l>v the lirsl Comrress, 1789, 35 List of the Officers of the Army, 1797 88 Organization of the Army, June 1, 1802 -10 List of Officers of Artillery, Jan. |, 1805 • ■ . . 42 List of Officers of Infantry, Jan. 1, 1805 42 Rank of the Captains and Subalterns of Artillery, 1806 . ... 43 Rank of the Captains and Subalterns of 1st Infantry. 1806 . . 44 Rank of the Captains and Subalterns of 2d Infantry, 1806 . . 44 The Army of the U. S., April, 1809 4i Casualties 1' s. Array. 1809-1810 49 List of Officers of the Army, 1812-1813 51 Officers of the Army, 1813 65 Officers of the Army. 1814 102 Organizaion of the Army, 1814 105 Brevets conferred from 1776 to 1812 140 Brevets conferred during war with Great Britain, 1812-1815 . 147 Army List. 1815-1900 151 Commanders-in-Chief of the Army 69n List of Volunteer Officers, 1900 696 General-Officers of the Revolutionary War 763 Genera] < ifficers of the Line of the Permanent Establishment . 7t'>5 Genera] Officers of the Staff of the Permanent Establishment . 767 Officers of Volunteers commissioned by Hie President, 1861-1865, 769 Edited by Colonel WM. H. POWELL, U. S. Army New York : L. R. HAMERSLY CO., 49 Wall St. IO0I ^5 ^?^?^^^^^^^^v^^^?^^^^=a: H 99 78 v