•a. <*V Zt ,<*> •I 1 J , V T I' MU i ■» Ml * Utt'l I \ 1 1 W M v; 1 ' } { ,/ i II i. All l ft t \i \':\v lii.U FAIRHAVEN IMPROVEMENT u ASSOCIATION HISTORICAL SKETCH 1882 — 1903 BY-LAWS & OFFICERS FAIRHAVEN, MASS. 1903 ■ "i ft. PlUNIED AT THE Stah Office HISTORICAL SKETCH The Fairhaven Improvement Association was formed in the fall of 1882, and is therefore approaching its majority. It is incorporated under the laws of the state : and holds real and personal property to the amount of several thousand dollars. The first work of the association was the setting of shade trees: of which two thousand and over, including those planted by Mr. Rogers, have been set out along the several streets of the town. This work was followed by securing the control of Fort Phoenix, putting it in repair and adding to its natural attractions, much to the satisfaction of all frequenters of this beautiful spot. The old Burial Hill cemetery of Oxford, where John Cooke the first white man to settle in Fairhaven and the last male survivor from the passengers of the Mayflower lies buried, was next purchased: to mark the grave of this, one of the most distin- guished citizens of the town, the Association is now erecting a monument as simple and rugged as the pioneer himself. Woodside cemetery, also in Oxford, has been cared for, and the abandoned village cemetery at the end of William street graded, surrounded with an ornamental stone wall, and popularly named Willow park. Advertise- ments and signs have been removed from fences, trees, and poles, rubbish carted away and numer- ous open lots improved. Drinking fountains have been established and maintained at convenient points at a cost of over twelve hundred dollars. Bathing houses to the number of one hundred have been built : controlled by the association, with only a nominal fee for their use, they have proved a great success and a blessing to thousands of bathers. And during the years it has taken to accomplish these and other improvements, over eighty lectures and entertainments under the auspices of the Association have given the town pleasure and enjoyment. About fifteen thousand dollars, raised by excursions, entertainments, mem- bership fees, bath house fees, donations and legacies has been spent in the work. This hasty sketch of the Association's work would be incomplete without reference to the greater work of Mr. H. H. Rogers. The erection in this village of splendid buildings of great beauty and cost, in some of the world's most beautiful styles of architecture — French Gothic, Italian Renaissance, English Gothic, Georgian, and Grecian — , is certainly without a parallel in this country. The beauty of our roadways and curbs, the fine accommodations for school children and teachers, water and sewer systems, a unique library, stately town hall, and a magnificent group of church buildings, have placed the town heavilv in the debt of its thoughtful friend who has long been a prominent member and worker of this asso- ciation. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Name • The name of the Corporation shall be "Fair- haven Improvement Association." ARTICLE II Object The objects of association of the members of the corporation shall be the improvement and the ornamenting of the streets and public squares of the town of Fairhaven, by planting and cultivating ornamental trees, and generally to promote the beauty and welfare of the town. ARTICLE III Officers The officers of the corporation shall consist of a President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and an Executive Committee to be composed of thirty members, at least live of whom shall be ladies; all of the officers shall be elected by bal- lot at the annual meeting, and they shall severally hold their offices from the date of their election until the next annual meeting or until their respec- tive successors are chosen. Any vacancy may be tilled for the remainder of the term by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting of the Executive Committee, or by ballot at any special meeting of the corpora- tion called for that purpose. ARTICLE IV Duties The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall perform the usual duties per- taining to their respective offices, and shall each be a member ex-officio of the Executive Commit- tee ; provided, however, that no bill shall be paid by the Treasurer of the corporation until the same has been approved by a majority vote of the mem- bers present at a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee. ARTICLE V Executive Committee It shall be the duty of the Executive Commit- tee to carry out the objects of the association practically as set forth in Article 2nd : and to that end shall by its duly authorized committees make all contracts, employ all laborers, superintend all improvements and have charge of the expenditure of all its money. ARTICLE VI Meetings The annual meeting of the corporation for the election of officers and for hearing reports of its transactions shall be held within seven days pre- vious to or seven days after Arbor Day, in each year, seven days' notice of said meeting having been given. Special meetings of the corporation may be called at the discretion of the Executive Commit- tee. At all meetings seven members shall consti- tute a quorum. ARTICLE VII Meetings of the Executive Committee A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 'held monthly and oftener if deemed expedient, and at these meetings five members shall consti- tute a quorum. ARTICLE VIII Membership Any person proposed by a member of the corporation may become a member of the same by a majority vote of the members, or of the members of its Executive Committee, upon payment of one dollar to the treasurer. Membership shall termi- nate in this corporation upon a failure to make payment of the annual due of one dollar to the Treasurer of the same at the annual meeting, or within three months after due notice thereof by the Treasurer. ARTICLE IX Life Membership The payment of ten dollars annually for three years or of twenty-five dollars in one sum shall constitute a life membership in this corporation. ARTICLE X Liabilities No debt shall be contracted by the Executive Committee beyond the amount of available means within their control, and no member of the corpora- tion shall be liable for any debt of the corporation. ARTICLE XI Amendments This constitution may be amended at any meeting of the corporation by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting. Due notice of the proposed amendment having been given in the call for said meeting. OFFICERS, J902-1903 President — Thomas A. Tripp •Vice President — Edward (i. Spooner Secretary — Job C. Tripp Treasurer — Lewis T. Shurtleff EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Term expires 1908— Marcellus P. Whitfield, Joseph B. Peck, Lewis T. Shurtleff, George W. Stevens, Lyman C. Bauldry, Joseph K. Nye, Mrs. David N. Kelley, Mrs. John S. Brand, Mrs George W. Stevens, Miss R. L. H. Taber. Term expires 11)04 — Joseph Pettee, Jr., H. V. Bisbee, James Ede, F. A. Keith, H. D. Waldron, Mrs. B. F. Beetle, Mrs. Frank E. Brown, Mrs. J. L. Gillingham, Mrs. C. D. Hunt, Mrs. E. Man- chester. Term expires 1905 — Edward B. Gray, John I. Bryant, William W. Crossman, Anderson W. Kel- ley, Charles E. Lumbard, Miss Sara B. Clarke, Mrs. Mattie Stoddard, Mrs. Frank H. Church, Mrs. Levi M. Lawton. Sub-Committees Bathing Houses — James Ede, C. E. Lumbard, Joseph Pettee, Jr., George W. Stevens, Anderson W. Kelley, Mrs. J. S. Brand. Cook Memorial— M. P. Whitfield, Mrs. F. H. Church. Entertainment Committee — Lyman C. Bauldry, Miss Sara B. Clark, Mrs. J. S. Brand, Mrs. Mattie Stoddard, Mrs. C D. Hunt, Mrs. D. N. Kelley, .Mrs. G. W. Stevens, Mrs. B. F. Beetle, Mrs. J. L. Gillingham, Mrs E. Manchester, Anderson W. Kelley, Edward B. Gray, Marcellus P. Whitfield, Harry Y . Bisbee. William W. Crossman. Fort Phoenix—}. C. Tripp, M. P. Whitfield. Fountains — Harry V. Bisbee, William W. Cross- man. Membership — Mrs. F. E. Brown, Anderson W Kelley, Job C. Tripp. Mill Pond — Joseph K. Nye, Edward G. Spooner, Edward B. Cray. Observation — Henry D. Waldron, Joseph B. Peck. Tableware — Mrs. L. M. Lawton. Trees— John I. Bryant, L. T. Shurtleff. Willow Park— Fred'k. A. Keith, Miss K. L. H. Taber. Woodside Cemetery — E. B. Cray, Mrs. F. H. Church, Mrs. Mattie Stoddard. H 73 7ft XL k *1 O ,^ **«^ Vc* 7-^. o To* ,^ o. *■ o O > .J •' «.° V A * v *v s\ r% a. FSB 78 N. MANCHESTER INDIANA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS