I '' HISTORY &%ly, /S. /f3.J~~ IPSWICH, ESSEX, AND HAMILTON. By JOSEPH 15. FELT Magno usui est memoria rerum gestarum. Sallust. C A M B R I I) G E: PRINTS!) ItY CHARLES FOLSOM, "F74. M > *t Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1834, by Joseph B. Felt, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. /f'Scf- PREFACE. Though the history of ancient Towns, whose popu- lation, wealth, and notoriety are less than those of a metropolis, is not of great comparative importam e, yet, when faithfully written, it is a miniature liken< ss, in many proportions and parts, ol such Towns' own County and State. A history of this kind, at least, ex tends a helping hand, to draw back from the cur- rent of time not a few facts, which, without being so preserved, would be speedily borne down to oblivion. When candidly examined, it may not fail to exhibit views, which are suited to interest the curiosity, to enlarge the surveys of the mind, and improve the affections of the heart. With these prefatory remarks, it may not be amiss to relate here what was known of Agawam, previously to its becoming a permanent settlement. 1614. Capt. John Smith, in his Description of North Virginia, as New-England was then called, says of Augoan or Agawam, — " Here are many ris- ing hills, and on their tops and descents are many corne fields and delightfull groues. On the east is an Isle of two or three leagues in length ; the one halfe plaine marish ground, lit for pasture, or salt ponds, with many faire high groues of mulberry trees. There are also okes, pines, walnuts, and other wood, to make this place an excellent habitation." * 1620, Dec. Before the Company, who occupied ' Mourl a tie] il IV PREFACE. Plymouth, had finally concluded to dwell there, some of them " urged greatly the going to Auguan or Augoun, a place twenty leagues off to the northward, which they heard to be an excellent harbour for ships, better ground and better fishing." As to the ex- cellence of the harbour, they had been wrongly in- formed. * 1630, Sept. 7th. "A warrant shall be presently sent to Agawam for those planted there, to come away." f 1633, Jan. 17th. "The Court of Assistants order, that a plantation be commenced at Agawam (being the best place in the land for til- lage and cattle), lest an enemy finding it, should pos- sess and take it from us." Governor Winthrop's son, John, is to undertake this settlement and to have no more "out of the Bay, than twelve men ; the rest to be supplied at the coming of the next ships." The word Bay, as here used, did not formerly in- clude towns to the north of Winisimet, now Chel- sea. J The following appears to have been writ- ten a short time before Winthrop and his company came to Ipswich : " Agawamme is nine miles to the north of Salem, which is one of the most spacious places for a plantation, being near the sea. It aboundeth with fish and flesh of fowls and beasts, great meads and marshes, and plain plowing grounds." Thus introduced to us, before civil au- thority allowed it to be retained by unauthorized settlers, Ipswich, in the value of its soil and produc- tions generally, has not fallen below its original re- commendations. » Col. R. i Winthrop. X Wood. CONTENTS Name . .. 1 Situation and Extent . 1 Indian Inhabitants . . . 2 Remains of the Agawams . G Shells. — Tomahawks. — Gouges. — Pestles and Mortars. — - Heads of Arrows . 6,7 Deed . . 8 Place first occupied as a Town . . 9 First Settlers . 9 Grants of Land . 14 Grants made by the General Court . 15 Common Lands . . 10 Freemen . 18 Freemen's Oath . . 19 Residents . . 20 Residents' Oath . . 20 Manner of Writing . . 21 Chronology . . 21 Royal Style . . 22 Titles . . . 23 Middle Names . . 23 Duelling-Houses . . 23 Fuel . . 25 Light . 20 Drinks . . 27 Ardent Spirit. — Wine. — Beer. — - Cider. — Coffee. — Tea. — Chocolate 27-29 VI CONTENTS. PAGE 29 30 31 32 33 34 Sweetening ...... Food ...... Travelling ...... Entailment ..... Reputation of our Ancient Inhabitants Face of the Country . . . . s Hills. — Plain. — Meadows. — Swamps. — Marshes. — Creeks. — - Coves. — Points. — Necks. Banks. Particular Places. Springs. — Brooks. — Ponds. — Rivers. — Islands. — Inland Islands. — Harbour . 34-36 Soil ....... 36 Manure ...... 37 Cultivation . . . . . .37 Vegetable Productions . . . . 38 Grain. — Hay. — Fruits. — Esculent Vege- tables. Tobacco. — Hemp. — Shrubs. — Trees . . . . .38-41 Wild Quadrupeds . . . . .42 Wol ves. — Bears. — Deer. — Foxes. — Wood- chucks . . . . .42-44 Domesticated Quadrupeds . . . .44 Cowherds. — Shepherds . . . 44,45 Prices of Grain and other Articles for Taxes, as ordered 46 uy mo ucgisiaiuic . • Agricultural Implements 47 Fencing .... . 47 Fish 47 Serpents Fowl ..... . 48 48 Minerals .... . 49 Public Ways .... 49 Ferry .... .52 Bridges . . 53 Canals and Cuts . 54 Municipal Concerns 55 Town Officers. — Regulations. — Matters of Morality . 55-57 < 1 1 X T I NTS. PAGE Fire Department . . . . . .58 Engines ..... 59 Lightning-Rods . . . . . .59 Market ...... CO Hay-Scales . . . . . .60 Town Seal ...... CO Goods found . . . . . .CO Province Loans ..... CI Donations . . . . . . .CI Benefactions ...... CI Bunker Hill Association. — Religious Charities 62 Division of Essex County G3 Town House ...... 63 Probate Office Building 03 Post-Office ...... C4 Unity Lodge ...... 64 Temperance Society . . . . C5 Bank ....... 05 Precautions as to Strangers . . . .65 Ornamental Trees ..... 6G Neutral French . . . . .CO Paupers ...... C7 Aims-Houses . . . . . .07 Settlements and Towns set off . . G9 Emigrants from Ipswich . . . . .71 Dismissions from Chebacco Church ... 81 Dismissions from the Hamlet Church . .82 Emigrants to Ipswich .... 82 Education ....... 83 Grammar School. — English Free Schools. — Rules. — Report of Schools. — Progress of Common Education. — Burley Fund. — Acad- emy. — Sabbath Schools. — Lyceum. — Town Libraries. — Newspaper . . .83-92 Harvard College . . . . . .92 Graduates of Ipswich ... 93 Manufactures . . . . .94 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE Trade 102 Excise ...... 103 Interest Money ...... 103 Wages 103 Currency ...... 104 Paper Money . . . • 105 Land Bank 106 Monopolies ...... 106 Valuation ...... 106 Taxes 106 Fishery ....... 108 Wears. — Cod and other Fishery. — Clams 108, 109 Commerce . . . . . . 110 Wharves. — Other Commercial Concerns. — Light-House. — Landmarks . . 110,111 Taverns . . . . . . .Ill Prison. — House of Correction . . . 112 Courts . . . . . . .113 Immoralities and Crimes . . . . 114 Letters of Ipswich Court . . . .115 Trials and Executions for Murder . . . 116 Other Modes of Punishment . . . .118 Stocks. — Pillory. — Wearing a Halter. — Cage. — Cleft Stick. — Ducking and Gag- ging ..... 118, 119 Slaves . . . . . . .119 Population ..'.... 120 Political Affairs . . . . . .121 Resignation of the Charter. — Taxation Re- sisted. — Revolution. — Mason's Claim. — Other Political Concerns . . . 123 - 137 Cockades ...... 138 Pay of Representatives and Magistrates, &c. . 138 Votes for Magistrates ..... 139 Military Concerns ..... 140 Fortifications and Watch-house. — Soldiers, Training, Officers. — Artillery Company. — CONTENTS. IX Wards, Watches, Guards, and Alarms. — Ammunition, Arms, and Accoutrements. — Colors — Powder-House. — Exercise-House. — Expeditions, < ' iptives, Wounded, Killed, C - 140 pensation, and Supplies British Prisoners .... Pensioners ..... Love Affairs ..... Marriages ..... Publishments . Births and Baptisms .... Obituary and Biographical Notices . Burying-Places ..... Sexton's Fees . . . • Diseases ...... Pest-House ..... Bath ...... Exhumation of the Dead Funerals ...... Remarkable Events .... A Woman, blind, deaf, and dumb. — Canker- worms. — Droughts. — Storms. — Winters. — Lightning. — Fires. — Losses. — Dark Day. — Individuals Drowned and Killed. — Earth- quakes. — Witchcraft. — Large Child. — Spec- tre Account. — Deliverances . . 199-211 Ecclesiastical and Parochial Concerns . . .211 Worship. — Form of Worship. — ■ Lectures. — 152 152 152 152 153 155 156 L56 194 I «.».-, 195 197 197 198 198 199 Singing. — IIour-Glass. — - Contribution 213 First Church . 214 Church Discipline. — Church Officers . 214, 215 Ministers : — Thomas Parker . 216 Nathaniel Ward . . 216 Thomas Bracey 218 Nathaniel Rogers . . 219 John Norton 221 B CONTENTS. PAGE Thomas Cobbet . . .225 William Hubbard ... 228 John Rogers .... 232 John Dennison . . . 233 John Rogers . . . . 234 Jabez Fitch . . . 236 Nathaniel Rogers . . . 237 Timothy Symmes . . . 239 Levi Frisbie .... 239 David Tenney Kimball . . 241 Fasts for Ministers. — Ordination Expenses. — Salary and Settlement. — Parsonage. — Meeting-Houses. — Seating and other Regula- tions of Meeting-Houses. — Bell. — Church Concerns. — Quarterly Fast . . 242-246 The Minister of New Meadows William Knight .... 246 South Parish ...... 247 South Church ..... 247 Ministers : — John Walley . . . 247 Joseph Dana, D. D. . . 248 Daniel Fitz ... 251 Salaries and Settlements. — Meeting-House. — Parsonage ..... 251 Line Brook Parish and Church . . . 252 Meeting-House. — Parsonage . . . 252 Ministers : — George Lesslie .... 253 Gilbert Tennant Williams . . 253 David Tullar . . . .254 Moses Welsh ... 255 Salary and Settlement .... 255 Baptist Society ..... 255 Methodist Society ..... 256 Unitarian Society ..... 256 Restrictions and Fines on Account of Religion . 256 CONTENTS. Chebacco Parish ..... Meeting-House. — Bell. — Parsonage. — Church Ministers : — Jeremiah Shepherd . John Wise .... Theophilus Pickering Nehemiah Porter Salaries ..... Fourth Church ...... Sixth Parish ...... Meeting-House ..... Minister : — John Cleaveland Quarterly Fast. Salary. — Union of the PAGE 257 257 258 258 2G0 262 2G2 262 263 263 263 Second and Fourth Churches 266 Chebacco Parish — Second Church . 266 Ministers : — Josiah Webster . . 267 Thomas Holt 267 Robert Crowell . 267 Meeting-House — Salary. — Settlement . 267-268 Christian Society .... . 268 Universalist Society .... 268 ESSEX. Incorporation ..... . 268 Boundaries. — Extent 268 Soil. — Productions .... . 269 Manufactures 269 Road. — Bridge ..... 270 Wharves. — Tonnage 270 Fishery. — Bait ..... . 270 Population ..... 270 Valuation ..... . 272 Town Expenses .... 272 Xll CONTENTS. PAGE Buildings ..... . 272 Hay-Scale ...... 272 Engine, &c. ..... . 272 Post-Office ...... 272 Military. — Pensioners .... . 272 Political ...... 273 Temperance Societies .... . 273 Education ...... 273 Graduates since the Incorporation of Essex . 273 Sabbath Schools ..... 273 Company Libraries .... . 274 Aims-House ...... 274 Charities ...... . 274 Publishments, Marriages, and Deaths 275 Persons who died aged 90 Years and over . 275 Casualties ...... 275 Obituary Notices .... . 275 Essex Church ..... 276 THE HAMLET, NOW HAMILTON. Hamlet Parish, called the Third . 276 Character of The Hamlet 277 Meeting-House ..... . 277 Clock and Bell .... 277 Parsonage ..... . 278 Salaries and Settlements 278 Third Church . .... . 278 Minister : — Samuel Wigglesworth . . 279 Incorporation of The Hamlet as a Town 283 Situation. — Extent .... . 2S3 Soil 283 Productions ..... . 383 Buildings. — Roads. — Bridge 284 CONTENTS. Xlll PACrF. Population ..... . 284 Employments ..... 965 Building Vessels ..... . 286 Lace ....... 286 Fishery ...... . 286 Post-Office ...... 286 Education ..... . 286 Graduates since the Incorporation 287 Sabbath School ..... . •>; Libraries . • • 287 Town Expenses. — Paupers . 287 Valuation ...... 288 Politic.il ...... . 288 Military ...... 288 Pensioners ..... . 288 Benefactions ...... 288 Marriages. — Births .... . 289 Deaths. — Longevity .... 289 Deaths of persons aged 90 Years and over . 289 Burying-Ground. — Hearse .... 290 Casualties ..... . 290 Emigrants ...... 290 Obituary Notices .... 291 Deacon Nathaniel Whipple 291 Barnabas Dodge . 291 John Safford .... 291 Col. Robert Dodge . 292 Jonathan Lamson .... 292 Deacon Benjamin Appleton . 292 Dr. Enoch Faulkner 292 Francis Quarles . 292 Capt. John Whipple 293 Extraordinary Bleeders .... . 293 Universalist Society ..... 293 Hamilton Church .... . 294 Manasseh Cutler .... 294 Conclusion ..... . 300 TO THE READER. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS WORK. R. — Records. Reg. R. — Registry Records. Prob. R. — Probate Records. Qt. Ct. R. — Quarterly Court Re- cords. (These three sorts of records are of Essex County.) T. R. — Town of Ipswich Records, not full and regular till 1661. 1st Ch. R. — First Church Records, lost till 1702. 1st P. R. — First Parish Records, lost till 1702. S. Ch. R. — South Church Records, mostly deficient. S. P. R. — South Parish Records. 2d Ch. R. — Second Church Re- cords. 2d P. R. — Second Parish Records. 4th Ch. R. — Fourth Church Re- cords. 4th P. R. — Fourth Parish Re- cords. (These four last pertain to Che- bacco Parish, and part of them are mostly wanting.) 3d Ch. R.— Third Church Records. 3d P. R. — Third Parish Records. (These two belong to The Ham- let Parish.) L. B. Ch. R. — Line Brook Church Records. L. B. P. R. — Line Brook Parish Records. (These belong to the Parish, comprising a division of Ips- wich and Rowley.) Col. R. — Colony Records. Col. P. — Colony Papers. Prov. R. — Province Records. Prov. P. — Province Papers. (These are of Massac h use tts.) Winthrop — Governor John Win- throp's History of New-England. Lechford Plain Dealing, by Thomas Lechford. Wood — New-England's Prospect, by William Wood. Hazard — Historical Collections, by Ebenezer Hazard. Morton — New-English Canaan, by Thomas Morton. Williams — On the Language of New-England Natives, by Roger Williams. Dunton — Journal, by John Dunton. Purchas — Purchas's Pilgrims. Josselyn — Voyages to New-Eng- land, by John Josselyn. Smith — History of Virginia, by John Smith. Johnson — The Wonder- Working Providence, by Edward Johnson. Higginson — New England's Plan- tation, by the Rev. John Higgin- son. Hubbard — History of New-Eng- land ; Indian Wars ; by the Rev. William Hubbard. Gookin — History of Indians, by Daniel Gookin. Moreton's Mem. — New-England's Memorial, by Nathaniel More- ton. Mass. Hist. Coll. — Massachusetts Historical Society's Collections. Some transactions of the General Court are put after dates, which, from the manner wherein they are originally placed, may not be altogether correct. TO THE READER. XV When names of persons are mentioned, they are of Ipswich, unless otherwise expressed or implied. Many interesting tacts, having only a genera] bearing on tins Town, have hern chiefly omitted. Modern concerns, necessarily adduced, to accord with our plan, are, though of little attraction to US, as likely to interest our successors, as ancient ones are to interest us. The mistakes which occur on a part of the following pages, are not owing to the want of endeavour to avoid them. To the numerous individuals, who have punctually and kindly as- sisted in supplying materials for this work, the writer of it returns his unfeigned thanks. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page. Line. 2, 11, for Wessacumcon read Wes- sacunicou 4, 9, after allowed insert powder 5, 41, for Col. R. read Ct. R. 8, 25, " Caytimore " Coytimore 9,21, " 1666 " 1(560 11, 43, transfer Gillman, Edward to the year 1648 13, 34, for Lianon read Simon 14, 33, " freeman, — owners read freemen. Owners 17, 40, for have read had 21, 9, dele those of 25, 34, for six read six to eight 26, 12, " slim " thin 27, 36, " householders read house- holds 34, 32, for Long Brush read Long — Brush " 38, Sagamore hill, and the others which follow it in the para- graph, are all in Hamilton. 35, 22, after Castle insert Crope's 36, 39, " gravelly " marshy 53, 10, for David read Daniel 61, 11, " £50,000 " £60,000 73, 39, " Gillam " Gillman 76, 32, " 1677 " 1674 79, 34, " Howsen " Hovey 80, 6, " bad " had 81, 36, Mary, wife of John Howard, was dismissed to Windsor, Conn. 82, 6, Elizabeth, wife of David Goodridge, was dismissed to Lunenburg. 83, 1,/or Col ton read Cotton " 3fi, " Jonathan " John 86, 25, " 1259 « 1759 88, 28, " seemed " served 93, 39, under the year 1707, insert Henry Rust 94, 7, dele 1799. Rufus Choate, law- yer, placed with the proper date under Essex, page 273, 96, 40, for Fullers read Pullers 98, 29, " Hawlett " Howlett 104, 8, " they " workmen 114, 20, " May 2d, Tuesday read May, 2d Tuesday 117, 22, for Thursday read Friday 120, 27, dele six. " 34, for 2,550 read 2,553 122,20, " of " from " 35, " year " month 124, 17, « free " freeborn Page. Line. 126, 36, " complainers read corn- plainer 133, 23-27, transfer the five lines be- ginning with April and t rid- ing with chosen, to the year 1775. 134, 26, for Two read Three 143. 19, " 1644 " 1642 14), 17, " How " Low 151, 19, " masters " master " 29, " 1786 " 1787 159,14, " 1674. His" 1674, his 162,23, " Spurwick,Caso rearf Spur- wink, Casco 167, 33, for Gow read Grow " 35, " upwright ' ; upright 168, 5, after Crosby, put a semicolon. 169, 14, for 1667 read 1677 173, 7, " eighty-seventh " seventy- eighth 174, 15, insert, Samuel Ingalls d.l. ; — left a wife ; and children, Mary Butler, Anna Gid- dinge, Joseph, Nathaniel, wife of Samuel Chapman. He was Representative 1690. 175, 22, insert, John Dennison was Lieutenant-Colonel of a regi- ment, Representative 1716, 1717, 1718, and a High Sheriff of Essex County. " 23,/or 1724 read 1725 " 41, " 28th " 18th 176, 36, after Matthew, put Appleton, 178, 10, John Appleton was not of the Council durino- 1704,-5,-6. 180, 33, after 1743, insert 1744, 181, 19. for Baker read Barker 182, 42, " Antis " Anstice 190, 33, « his « this 200, 33, " off thrown " thrown off 203, 2, before He insert He was b. Sept. 25th, 166S. 206, 15, for 1775 read 1755 219, 34, " Coggershall read Cogges- hall 241, 12, for Zeruiah read Zerviah 247, 30, after and was insert born 253,38, " Windham, " N. H. 254, 5, 6, 31, for Fullar read Tullar 255, 2, after Hampshire insert in 1784, and was son of Col. Joseph Welsh. 285, 31, for large read larger 288, 29, " $215 " $215-90 292, 16, " Covention " Convention HISTORY OF IPSWICH. NAME. The name given to Ipswich by Indians, was Agawam, sometimes spelt differently.* With this name, no doubt, many successive generations of the natives associated thoughts of childhood and of riper age, of sports and toils, of ease and adventures, of safety and perils, of peace and war, of joys and sorrows. It was a word applied by the Aborigines to sev- eral portions of Massachusetts. It seems to have denoted places, where fish of passage resorted. Captain Smith informs us, that after he had made out a draught of this country in 1614, with the names which had been given to its different divisions, Prince Charles had Agawam exchanged for South- hampton. This name is on the Captain's map, prefixed to his account of New England. f 1634, Aug. 4th. Agawam is called Ipswich, being a town in England, by the Court of Assistants, " in acknowl- edgment of the great honor and kindness done to our peo- ple, who took shipping there." Thus altered from an appel- lation, long familiar to the ears, and long dear to the hearts of the Agawames, it received another more familiar and dearer to Englishmen. SITUATION AND EXTENT. Before Europeans came to this country, Agawam reached from Merrimack River on the north, to Naumkeag River, now See Preface. » Col. R. I y INDIAN INHABITANTS. of Salem, on the south ; from Cochichawick, afterwards named Andover, on the west, and to the sea-side on the east. When it was settled by Mr. Winthrop and others, its boundaries on the north and west remained the same ; but those on the east, were its own bay and that of Squam, and the town of Glou- cester ; and on the south were Manchester, Wenham, and Dan vers, all four of which latter places were then villages belonging to Salem. Johnson remarks on this territory, " The Sagamoreship or Earldom of Agawam, now by our English nation called Essex." * 16;56. Wessacumcon, or Newbury, being settled, the court order, that Ipswich shall run six miles into the country. As population flowed in and spread over its surface, as correspond- ing necessities arose and reasons for separation successively prevailed, this town became reduced to its present size. The latitude of Ipswich, as taken at the Court-house, is 42° 41' north, and longitude, at the same place, 70° 50' west. This place, now having Rowley on the north, Boxford and Topsfield on the west, Hamilton and Essex on the south, and the ocean on the east, has an area of 25,478 acres. Of this 3,579 acres are water, 1,509 sand on Castle Neck and Plumb Island. There are 72 miles of roads. Before we fully attend to the various concerns of the En- glish, it may not be out of place to give a parting notice to the Indians, who owned and occupied the land, on which their more intelligent and powerful successors entered. INDIAN INHABITANTS. When we look back on the Aborigines, as the sole proprie- tors of our soil, on the places which once knew them, but are now to know them no more for ever, feelings of sympathy ana sadness come over our souls. Such reflection, though not presenting us with monuments of the civilized arts, nor with the productions of literature, nor with the improvements of science, to secure lasting fame, still sets before us, in the light of history, a tribe of men immortal as ourselves, who have irrevocably disappeared from the scenes and concerns of earth. f 1611. Capt. Edward Hardie and Nicholas Hobson sailed * Col. R. t Smith. INDIAN 1NHARITANTS. ,i for North Virginia. They touch at Agawam, where the natives treal them more kindly than others had done. •These people must have been far more numerous at this visit, than thej were subsequently, because a plague swept oil' most of the New England Indians about 1(517. t 1 629. They inform Governor Endicott, that they are fearful of an invasion from the Tarrentines or Eastern In- dian-. He immediately despatches a boat with Hugh Brown and others, to defend them. Such aid was afforded them several times. J June 13th. " Lord's day, in the morning, the Sagamore of Agawam and one of his men came on board our ship and stayed with us all day." This chief was called Masconnomo, but more commonly Masconnomet, and some- times John. <> It is evident from the account given by Mas- connomet's grand-children, when they received of different towns compensation for land, which he had owned, that his jurisdiction was as extensive, as already described. About 1630, he was at Saugus, and with other Indians witnessed the sale of Nahant and other land by black William, to William Witter for two pestle-stones. || 1631, July 5th. "The Sagamore of Agawam is banished from every Englishman's house for the space of one year, on the penalty often heaver skins." H Aug. 8th. "The Tar- rentines, to the number of 100, came in three canoes, and in the night assaulted the wigwam of the Sagamore of Agawam, slew seven men, and wounded John Sagamore, and James, and some others, (whereof some died after,) and rifled a wigwam of Mr. Craddock's men, kept to catch sturgeon, took away their nets and biscuit." ** The wife of James and others were carried away captives by their enemies. According to report, Masconnomet had slain some, belonging to the people of these invaders. John and James, previously mentioned, were sachems, the former of a tribe on the west of Saugus, and the latter of a tribe in that town. It is very likely, that they had come, as allies, to Masconnomet, because he often dreaded an attack from his eastern foes, tf Sept. 17th. Abraham Shurd of Pemaquid, sends to Agawam James's wife, who had been recently captured. He writes that wampum and beaver-skins are demanded for her ransom. * Higginson. t William Dixey's deposition. $ Winthrop. § Keg. R. || Col. R. 1T Winthrop. ** Hubbard. tt Winthrop. 4 INDIAN INHABITANTS. * 1638, March 13th. Masconnomet sells his fee in the soil of Ipswich to John Winthrop Jr., in behalf of its inhabitants, for £20. f 1639. In the southwest part of Ipswich, now apper- taining to Micldletown, there was an Indian plantation. This contained a hill, called, 1661, Will Hill, from old William, an Indian, who, 1660, seems to have owned considerable land. X March 5th. Masconnomet is to have his gun mended, which the Governor's servant broke. He is also allowed to kill fowl and deer. He acknowledges himself satisfied with what Mr. Winthrop paid him for his right to the territory of this town. 1642, Sept. The Agawames and other tribes are to have their arms restored, having been taken from them because it was suspected that they intended to rise against the English. 1644, March 8th. Besides four other Sagamores, Mascon- nomet puts himself, his subjects, and possessions under the protection and government of Massachusetts, and agrees to be instructed in the Christian religion. The following questions are submitted to these chiefs, who give the accompanying replies. 1st. Will you worship the only true God, who made heaven and earth, and not blaspheme ? Ans. " We do desire to reverence the God of the English and to speak well of Him, because we see He doth better to the English, than other gods do to others." 2d. Will you cease from swearing falsely ? Ans. " We know not what swearing is." 3d. Will you refrain from working on the Sabbath, especially within the bounds of Christian towns ? Ans. " It is easy to us, — we have not much to do any day, and we can well rest on that day." 4th. Will you honor your parents and all your superi- ors ? Ans. " It is our custom to do so, — for inferiors to honor superiors." 5th. Will you refrain from killing any man with- out just cause and just authority ? Ans. " This is good, and we desire so to do." 6th. Will you deny yourselves fornica- tion, adultery, incest, rape, sodomy, buggery, or bestiality ? Ans. " Though some of our people do these things occasion- ally, yet we count them naught and do not allow them." 7th. Will you deny yourselves stealing ? Ans. " We say the same to this as to the 6th question." 8th. Will you * Col. R. t Annals of Salem. % Col. R. INDIAN INHABITANTS. O allow your children to Irani to read the word of God, so tliat they may know God aright and worship him in his own u;u J Ans. " We will allow this as opportunity will permit] and. as the English live among us, we desire so to do." 9th. Will you refrain from idleness? Ans. "We will." After Mas- connomet and the other chiefs had thus answered, they pre- sent the Court with twenty-six fathoms of wampum. The Court, in return, order them five coats, two yards each, of red cloth, and a pot full of wine. # 165,!, April 17th. Peckanaminet, alias Ned, an Indian, and sometimes called Acoeket, of Ipswich, had recently mort- gaged for £.)<) his land, ahout eight miles square, on the further side of Merrimack, lying eight or ten miles from An- dover. This Indian was aged 63 in 1676. He had a brother, Humphrey. Both of them, like most of their red brethren, possessing land and surrounded by whites and tempted by rum, were continually distressed through their improvident debts. f 1655, Feb. 21st. "Left to the seven men to grant to the Sagamore six acres of planting land, where they shall appoint, for to plant, but not propriety to any but himself." 1658, June 18th. " Granted the Sagamore's widow to enjoy that parcel of land, which her husband had fenced in, during the time of her widowhood." Thus we have notice of Masconnomet's decease. He had lived to behold his peo- ple almost extinct, and to perceive his power dwindled to the very emblem of weakness. As the last of the Chiefs, who ruled over the Agawames, his feeble and broken sceptre descended with him to the grave. He was buried on Saga- more Hill, now within the bounds of Hamilton. His gun and other valued implements were interred with his body. J March 6th. Idle curiosity, wanton, sacrilegious sport, prompted an individual to dig up the remains of this chief and carry his skull on a pole through Ipswich streets. Such an act of barbarity was severely frowned on, and speedily visited with the retributions of civil justice. $ 1671, Feb. 2 1 st. " Granted Ned two or three acres to plant, during his life, in some convenient place, if he fence it sufficiently with stone wall." 1678, Dec. 23d. Several Indians, living in a wigwam, are furnished with some provisions by the town. • Reg. R. t T. R. t Col. R. § T. R. REMAINS OF THE AGAWAMES. 1683, Feb. 27th. Surveyors are empowered to lay out a small quantity of land for Ned and his family and the old Sagamore's daughter and her children, to improve for them, during the town's pleasure. # 1686. John Dunton was accompanied from Wenham to Ipswich by an Indian, who gives him the common saluta- tion of his tribe, — netop, friend. Mr. Dunton describes a funeral, which took place near Ipswich, and which shows the custom of the Agawames, in so solemn a service. When the mourners came to the grave, they laid the body near by, then sat down and lamented. He observed successive tears on the cheeks of old and young. After the body was laid in the grave, they made a second lamentation ; then spread the mat, on which the deceased had died, over the grave ; put the dish there, in which he had eaten, and hung a coat of skin on an adjacent tree. This coat none touched, but allowed it to con- sume with the dead. The relatives of the person, thus buried, had their faces blacked, as a sign of mourning. f 1690, Feb. 18th. Ned is still assisted by the town and is aged about 82. — Dec. 30th. Robert, an Indian, is similarly helped. 1726. There were three families, each having a wigwam back of Wigwam Hill at the Hamlet. It is probable, that, not long after this year, Indians disappeared from among the inhab- itants of Ipswich. Had letters nourished among the Agawames, many of their transactions, fitted to excite pity and admiration, to draw forth censure and approval, would have heen recorded on the pages of history. But such a privilege, with which a kind Providence has favored us, was not theirs. Hence no register exists to tell us where the red men, who once held undisputed sway over our soil, had their homes and corn-fields, their places of fishing and hunting, of feasting and amusement, their battle grounds, and their consecrated spots for council and for worship. REMAINS OF THE AGAWAMES. Shells. In many places, and particularly on high land, abundance of clam shells have been ploughed up. These * Dunton. t T. R. REMAINS OF THE AGAWAMES. i shells were undoubtedly carried thither with their contents, as food, by the natives. Tomahawks. These are stones of various species, aver- aging the length of a common-sized man's hand, with a place towards one end, where bandies were fastened, and with the other end brought down to an edge. They continue to he frequently discovered in different spots. The) were used by Indians before the) obtained iron from Europeans, whom they called Chauquaquock, or " knife-men." Though rude, such weapons must have proved deadly to opposing foes. Gol'ges. These, of hard stones, are about half a foot long, and have one end sharpened. The process of manu- facturing articles with them would be most tedious to the mechanic of our day, who is favored with the great improve- ments of art. Pestles and Mortars. These, composed of granite, have been occasionally disinterred. They were for such purposes as the pounding of dried berries and corn. There are relics, whose use is not certain. Some of them are stones nearly round and encircled with a groove for strings or withes. They were probably used in battle. Others are formed much like a small pear, with the slender end fitted for a string. They may have been worn as ear-drops by the natives, who were strangers to the factitious charms of gold and diamonds. Meads of Arrows. These are met with in great num- bers. They are of a flinty substance and of several colors and sizes. They have been generally discovered on swells of land facing each other. This is an indication that some great battles were fought there. When such events were, who the parties i ogaged, what the cause of their conflict, the great- ness of the slaughter, the number of captives, the results <>l the combat, are particulars once known to the tribes concerned, once related by fathers to their listening children ; but now beyond the reach of our perception, though fresh in the re- membrance of Him, •• who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness." DEED. DEED. *"I Masconnomet, Sagamore of Agawam, do by these presents acknowledge to have received of Mr. John Winthrop the sum of £20, in full satisfaction of all the right, prop- erty, and claim I have, or ought to have, unto all the land, lying and being in the Bay of Agawam, alias Ipswich, being so called now by the English, as well as such land, as 1 form- erly reserved unto my own use at Chebacco, as also all other land, belonging to rne in these parts, Mr. Dummer's farm excepted only ; and I hereby relinquish all the right and in- terest I have unto all the havens, rivers, creeks, islands, hunt- ings, and fishings, with all the woods, swamps, timber, and whatever else is, or may be, in or upon the said ground to me belonging : and I do hereby acknowledge to have received full satisfaction from the said John Winthrop for all former agree- ments, touching the premises and parts of them ; and I do hereby bind myself to make good the aforesaid bargain and sale unto the said John Winthrop, his heirs and assigns for ever, and to secure him against the title and claim of all other Indians and natives whatsoever. Witness my hand. Z8th of June, 163S. Witness hereunto, Masconnomet, John Joyliffe, James Downing, Thomas Caytimore, his ^ y mark.' Robekt Harding. ^ f 1639, Nov. 5th. Ipswich is required to pay John Win- throp Jr. the £20 which he paid the Sagamore for his right to their land. X 1705, Feb. 22d. " Voted, that Samuel Appleton, Esq., and our two Representatives treat with the Hon. Wait Win- throp, about Masconnomo's deed of Agawam, made to his father deceased, Governor of Connecticut." * Topsfield, T. R. t Col. R. X T. R. PLACE FIRST OCCUPIED AS THE TOWN. PLACE FIRST OCCUPIED AS THE TOWN. From the phraseology, used when grants of land were first made to people of Ipswich, it is evident that the Town, so denominated by way of distinction, was located on the Neck. This was immediately hounded on the east by what is now known as Jeffrey's Neck. It appears, that originally the whole neck, the western part of which was selected for the town, was called after the same person. It seems that William Jeffrey had given name to this neck, and also to the creek, afterwards Manchester, hefore Agawam was settled in 1633. To this point the following is adduced. * 1623. Jeffrey and Burslem are assessed £2 towards the expenses of the expedition against Morton at Merry Mount. There can be but little doubt, that Jeffrey was, this year, a resident in the original bounds of Agawam, because no wri- ter or document has shown, that he lived elsewhere, and two places within such territory very early received their names from his. 163 1. Winthrop, speaking of Jeffrey's handing him a let- ter from Morton, calls him, " an old planter." f 16(56. William Jeffrey claims the Neck, of his name, in the limits of Ipswich. He is granted five hundred acres of land on the south side " of our patent, to be a final issue of all claims by virtue of any grant, heretofore made by any In- dians whatsoever." FIRST SETTLERS. For a considerable period from the permanent occupation of Agawam, no persons were considered as its inhabitants, without the consent of its freemen. This was a regulation throughout the colony, which preserved each community from the intrusion of the idle, contentious, and immoral. Were such a regulation now acted on by all our towns, not merely to guard against anticipated expenses of pauperism, but also to keep off the contagion of vice, so many of them would not be under one of the worst of tyrannies, even amid the praises of ■ Gov. Bradford. t Col. R. 2 10 FIRST SETTLERS. their freedom, a tyranny of being ruled by the votes of the unprincipled, who are ever ready to hinder the best good of society and to bring down upon it the curse of their iniquities. * f 1633, March. John Winthrop Jr. and twelve others commence a settlement here. J April 1st. The Court of Assistants forbid any to reside in this place, without their leave, except those already come. Then follows a list of them; viz. — Mr. John Winthrop, Jr., Mr. William Clerk, Robert Coles, Thomas Howlet, John Biggs, John Gage, Thomas Hardy, William Perkins, Mr. John Thorndike, and William Serjeant. Three are wanting to make up the first number. June 11th. Thomas Sellan has permission to be- come an inhabitant. § 1634, May. Before the people of Newton emigrated to Connecticut, " they sent men to Agawam and Merrimack, and gave out they would move." || Rev. Thomas Parker and company out of Wiltshire, being about one hundred, and other new settlers, take up their abode here. Besides the preceding individuals, are those on the following list, having the years, up to 1652, when they are first met with, as belonging to Ipswich. The spelling of their names is put down as they were found written. Bixbey, Nath'l. Browning 1 , Tho's. Boreman, Tho's. 1635. Andrews, Robert 1637. Appleton, Samuel Avery, Wm. Archer, Henry 1639. Andrews, John 1642. Annable, John Adams, Wm. 1643. Andrews, Richard 1648. Averil, Wm. Appleton, John. Ayres, John 1635. Bracey, Thomas, Mr. Bradstreet, Dudley Bradstreet, Humphrey Bradstreet, Simon, Mr. Bartholomew, Wm. 1636. Bishop, Thomas 1637. Bishop, Nathaniel 1638. Brown, Edward Burnam, John Baker, John 1639. Button, Mntthias Bird, Thos. Belcher, Jeremy Bellingham, Rich'd., Mr. Bosworth, Nath'l. Bird, Jathnell Boreman, Sam'l. 1640. Bachellor, Mr. 1642. Brown, John Beacham, Robert Bitgood, Rich'd. Bachellor, Henry Brewer, Tho's. * Winthrop. t The late excellent map of Ipswich mistakes in making its settlement in 1632. | Col. R. § Winthrop. || Hubbard. FIRST SETTLERS. 11 L64a Buckley, Wm. 164 I. Bridges, Edmund If 17. Burnnm, Thomas 1648 Bo9worth, Haniel Bragg, Edward Bi tts, Richard Birdley, Gj les Bishop, Job L649. Bixbey, Joseph L633. Carr, George 1634. Currin, Mathias 1635. Cross, John Cogswell, John, Mr. Covengton, John If,:',.;. Clark, Daniel 1637. Clark. Thomas Cross, Robert Challis, Phillip Colebeye, Arthur Comcsonc, Svniond 1638. Cooley, John Cartwright, Michael Cachame, Henry Crane, Robert Comings, Isaac 1639. Cachame, Edward Chute, Lionel Castell, Robert 1642. Cowley, John Hill. Chelson, Robert Chapman, Edward 1648. Chute, James Catchame, John Clark, Malachi Choate, John Cogswell, Wm. Colborne, Robert. 1634. Dillingham, John L635. Dudley, Thomas, Mr. Dudley, Samuel, .Mr. Dennison. Daniel, Mr. 1636. Dorman, Thomas 1638. Dix, U'i« low- Dane, John 1639. Davis, John L642. Dane, John, Jr. Duglas, Wm. Di\ is, Richard Dane, Francis Day, Robert li 117. Dennison, John 1648. Dutch, Robert Dix, Ralph L634. Elliot, Easton, Nicholas, Mr. 1638. Emerson, Thomas English, Wm. Eppes, Dan'l., Mr. Emerson, Joseph Emerson, John 1634. Franklin, Wm. Fuller, John Fawne, John, Mr. 1635. Fuller, Wm. Fowler, Philip Foster, Win. Firman, Tho's., Mr. French, Tho's., Mr. 1637. French, Edward 1638. French, Tho's., Jr. 1639. Filbrick, Robert Firman, Giles, Doct. Farnum, Ralph 1642. Fellows, Wm.- 1648. Foster, Abraham French, John 1635. Goodhue, Wm. Gardner, Edmund Giddinge, George 1638. Graves, Robert Gibson, Thomas Greenfield, Samuel 1639. Gilven, Thomas lii 12. Green, Henry 1648. Gutterson, Wm. Granger, Lancelot Gilbert, Humphrey Greene, Thomas 1651. Griffen, Humphrey Gillman, Edward 1635. Hubbard, Wm., Mr. Hassell, John Hatfield, Rich'd. 1636. Hall, Samuel Hart, Nathaniel Harris, Thomas 1637. Heldred, Wm. Hayes, Robert 12 FIRST SETTLERS. Hovey, Daniel Layton, John 1638. Hauchet, John 1651. Leigh, Joseph 1639. Huttley, Richard 1634. Manning, John Hadley, George 1635. Moody, Wm. Hodges, Andrew Metcalf, Joseph 1641. Hart, Thomas Mussey, John Hoyt, John Mussey, Robert 1642. Howe, James 1636. Merriall, John 1647. Hunter, Robert 1637. Mosse, Joseph Heard, Luke 1638. Morse, John 1648. Heiphar, Wm. Medcalf, Tho's. Harris, Anthony Miller, Wm. Harris, Thomas 1639. Mohey, Robert 1651. Harindin, Edward 1633 and before. Jeffrey, Wm. 1635. Jackson, John Johnson, John Jordan, Francis Jacob, Richard 1636. Jennings, Richard 1637. Jordan, Stephen 1635. Knight, Alexander Kent, Richard Kinsman, Robert 1637. Kemball, Richard 1638. Kingsbury, Henry Knight, Wm., Mr. Kemball, Henry 1639. Knowlton, John 1642. Knowlton, Wm. Knowlton, Tho's. Knight, Aleph 1648. Kemball, Rich'd., Jr. 1635. Lancton, Roger 1636. Lord, Robert 1637. Lamson, Wm. Ladd, Daniel Lord, Katherine, widow 1638. Lumkin, Richard. 1640. Lee, John 1642. Lee, Tho's. Lumas, Edward Lumas, Richard 1643. Low, Tho's. 1647. Lovell, Tho's. 1648. Long, Sarn'l. Lancton, Joseph Long, Phillip 1634. Newman, John 1636. Norton, John, Mr. Norton, Wm., Mr. 1637. Northe, John 1638. Newmarch, John Nichols, Richard 1639. Newman, Tho's. 1635. Osgood, Christopher. 1634. Perkins, John Perkins, John, Jr. Parker, Thomas, Mr. 1635. Procter, John Perley, Allen 1636. Pebody, Francis 1637. Pike, , Mr. Purrier, Wm. Perkins, Isaac 1638. Paine, Wm. 1639. Pitney, James Preston, Roger 1640. Paine, Robert 1642. Perry, Thomas Pettis, John. Pingrey, Moses Pinder, Henry Podd, Daniel 1648. Perkins, Jacob Pinder, John Pingrey, Aaron Podd, Samuel Pearpoynt, Robert Pendleton, Bryan, Mr. 1649. Prichard, Wm. Palmer, George Potter, Anthony FIRST SETTLEHS. 13 1G37. Quiltcr, Mark 1634. Robinson, John 1636. Rogers, Nath'l., Mr. 1637. Reading, Joseph Rawlinaone, Tlio's. 1638. Robinson, John 1642. Keddin, John 1644. Roberts, Robert 1048. Ringe, Daniel Rawlinsone, Tho's., Jr. Roffe, Ezra Roffe, Daniel 1633 Shatswell, John 163-1. Symonds, Mark Spencer, John Sewall, Henry, Mr. 1635. Saltonstall, Rich'd., Mr. Short, Anthony Short, Henry Symonds, Wm. Sayward, Edmund Saunders, John Sherrat, Hugh Scott, Thomas 1636. Sherman, Samuel Seaverns, John. Sawyer, Edmund 1637. Symonds, Samuel, Mr. 1638. Silver, Thomas Sherman, Tho's. Scott, Robert Stacy, Lianon Swinder, Wm. 1639. Smith, Tho's. Story, Andrew 1641. Safford, Tho's. 1642. Scofield, Rich'd. Setchell, Theophilus Smith, Richard 1647. Silsbee, Henry 1648. Smith, George Story, Wm. Stacy, Tho's. Stone, Nath'l. Scott, Tho's., Jr. Satchwell, Richard Smith, Robert Salter, Theophilus 1635. Tuttle, John Treadwell, , Mr. 1637. Treadwell, Edward Turner, , Cap. Thornton, John 1638. Treadwell, John Treadwell, Tho's. Taylor, Sam'l. 1639. Thomson, Simon Tingley Palmer. 1635. Varnum, George 1637. Vincent, Humphrey, Mr. 1634 Ward, Nath'l., Mr. 1635. Williamson, Paul Wyatte, John Wainwright, Francis Wells, Thomas Webster, John ■»«. White, Wm. Whityear, John Wade, Jona., Mr. Woodmansee, , Mr. Wythe, Humphrey, Mr, 1636. Wilson, Theophilus, Mr. 1637. Wedgwood, John Whitred, Wm. Williamson, Michael Warren, Wm. Wattles, Richard Whittingham, John, Mr. 1638. Whipple, Matthew Whipple, John, Mr. Wilkinson, Henry Whitman, Robert 1639. Wallis, Robert 1642. Warner, Daniel 1613. Windall, Tho's, L644. Wood, Daniel, Cap. 1645. Whittingham, Tho's., Mr. 1648. Woodman, John Warren, Abraham Walderne, Abraham Ward, John, Doct. Whipple, John, Jr. Whitred, Thomas Walderne, Edward West, John Wooddam, John Warner, John. 1649. Wood, Obadiah 1651. Walker, Henry 1635. Younglove, Samuel. 14 GRANTS OF LAND. Among the changes of two centuries, is this, that many of the preceding names have disappeared from those, whereby the present inhabitants are designated. To the mind which is pleased with nothing, but the glowing descriptions of fancy, and finds no entertainment except at the board of fiction, such an array of proper names, without any connecting chain of remark, to tell of them whom they indicate, may be exceed- ingly repulsive. But not so is it with the persons, who have been accustomed to look for gold even amid sands ; who can find objects worthy of search even in the desert, which sur- rounds a luxuriant Oasis ; who wish to know the primitive settlers of an ancient community, and from them trace the de- scent of multitudes, scattered in almost every direction over our country. Such lists are among the attractions of history to the reflecter on " olden times " ; for by them he connects the present with the past, and has associations of thought awakened and put in motion, which afford him both pleasure and improvement. GRANTS OF LAND. * 1629, May 21st. The Assistants of the Company, who settled Massachusetts, meet in London and order that two hundred acres be allowed to each adventurer for £50 in the common stock, and so after this rate. They agree that such adventurers shall have fifty acres for each person whom they send over. They appoint that every man, who has no share in the general stock, and who transports himself and family at his own expense, shall have at least fifty acres. These were the rules, observed by all the ancient towns, in dividing their territory among their population. No individual was per- mitted for many years, to have any concern in assigning lots, unless he was a freeman. When business of this kind was to be transacted, the meeting for it was headed, Grants made "by the company of freemen," — owners of farms had house- lots in the town. This accorded with the following regulation. f 1635, May. " No dwelling-house shall be built above a half-mile from the meeting-house in any new plantation, * Col. R. t Ibid. GRANTS HADE HY THE GENERAL COURT. 15 without leave from the Court, except mills and farm-houses of such as have their dwellings in town." It was intended to give here a particular account of each grant, but our want of room forbids. The highest number of acres, assigned) at one time, u> any person, was somewhat above three hundred. The freemen voted \< t\ few lots of land to persons, who came to reside anion-- them, after 1650. The soil, being variously apportioned oul up to this period, has passed from one hand to another, so that a large division of it i^ held by those of a name, dillerent from that of its original proprietors. Such a transfer has been especially promoted, since the right of en- tailment was negatived by the spirit and influence of our free institutions. The busy, stirring scene, to which our fathers were accustomed, when their first assignments of land were made, has long ago passed away in its living features. Our ancestors too have long since bodily mingled with the dust, though a few mementos are spared by the resistless march of time, to tell us, that they were, though now they are not. Truly wise were those among them, who, while careful to secure earthly possessions, were far more so to inherit heav- enly portions. GRANTS MADE BY THE GENERAL COURT. It was often the case that this Court appropriated lands to individuals and towns. Such appropriations were made to some individuals belonging to Ipswich ; and they will be stated under particular notices of those individuals. Only the follow- in -_' will be placed here. * 1649, Oct. 17th. Ipswich is allowed two-fifths of Plumb I -land. Each town, at its first settlement, did generally agree, that a part, twenty acres, lying between the salt marsh and the low water mark, be for the use of the whole town, to be improved for thatching houses. This agreement, having been rendered void by a former General Court, is now con- firmed by the present one. I (it; I. May 24 th. George Smith is granted two hundred acres for £25, adventured by John Smith, 1628. ■ Col. R. 16 COMMON LANDS. COMMON LANDS. * 1645, Feb. 25th. "Whereas a plott of the cow-com- mon on the north side of the river, containing by estimation three thousand two hundred and forty-four acres more or less, was presented unto the freemen of the town the day and year above written ; the freemen do give and grant unto the inhabitants of the town with themselves, their heirs, and suc- cessors for ever, (viz. all such as have right to commonage,) all the aforesaid common to be improved as aforesaid." 1660, March 15th. " For as much as it is found by expe- rience, that the common lands of this town are overburdened by the multiplying of dwelling-houses, contrary to the interest and meaning of the first inhabitants in their granting of house- lots and other lands to such as came among them : to the end such inconveniences may be prevented for the future, it is ordered that no house, henceforth erected, shall have any right to the common lands of this town, nor any person, inhab- iting such house, make use of any pasture, timber, or wood, growing upon any of said common lands, on pretext of any right or title belonging to any such house hereafter built, without express leave of the town. It is further ordered, that the Seven men, in behalf of the town, petition the next General Court for the confirmation of this order, f The Court passed a law, May 30th, 1660, in accordance with this petition, that no cottage or dwelling shall have commonage, except those now built, or may be by consent of commoners or towns. % 1663, April 16th. "Ordered that no man shall cut any grass on Plumb Island before the 10th of July, nor any family use above two scythes at a time." 1664, March 15th. The town vote to grant no more land. 1665, Feb. 14th. " Voted that Plumb Island (the part belonging to Ipswich), Hog Island, and Castle Neck be divided to such, as have the right to commonage, in the proportion of 4, 6, 8 ; that all who do not exceed 6s. 8d., in their person and estates, in a single country rate, to be of 4 ; those not ex- ceeding 16s., in such a rate to be of six; those above 16s., together with magistrates, elders, Messrs. John Rogers and * T. R. t Col. R. X T - R - COMMON LANDS. 17 Thomas Andrews, to be of 8." — April 10th, of two hundred and three commoners, twenty-eight have a double share; sev- enty, one share and a half; one hundred and fur, one share; each share being three acre-. There were eight hundred acres of common lands on the three islands, previously men- tioned, •• besides beaches and galled hills." 1668, March lUth. Five men are admitted to be com- moner-. 1682, April 13th. Question before the town, " Whether any commoner or inhabitant may take up and inclose land upon the common or high way-, as he or they shall see good, for Tobacco yards and other uses," is decided in the negative. 1702, .March 30th. As persons had built cottages on the common lands, it is voted, that they shall pay rent ; and that no others shall build thereon without proper leave. 1709, Jan. 11th. Voted, that all the common lands be divided into " eighth part-." except what i- hereafter to accom- modate ancient and new commoners. Voted, that wood-land at Chebacco Ponds, that thatch banks and land above Ba- ker's Pond and Samuel Perley's, Jeffrey's Neck, and Paine's Hill be divided into three-fifths and two-fifths shares. Voted, that any commoner, who has one or more rights and has built one or more new houses in the place of old ones, shall have only the right, for a new house, which belonged to the old one. — 25th, about one hundred and forty commoners are admitted. " 1757, April 22d. Voted, that Captain Jonathan Fellows, of Cape Ann, have the use of all the sand banks lying in Ipswich, for one year, at £2 13s. 4d. It was a custom thus to lease these bank-, while sanded floors remained fashionable. 1733, June 9th. It was decided by a majority of the com- moners present, that an absolute grant of all their interest, real and personal, as commoners, be made to the town of Ipswich for the purpose of paying its debts. These debts were contracted to meet the frequent and heavy demands of government, for aiding to carry on the revolutionary war. The vole to help to clear them off was as honorable to the commoners, as it was acceptable to the town. — Oct. 6th. This vote was confirmed as follow- ; yeas 35; rights, nays 26. Such a grant was worth about £600. Thus was a bodj of proprietors dissolved, similar to other-, which have existed in * Commoners' R. 3 18 FREEMEN. all our towns. They appear to have had their origin in the freemen, who, for years, had the sole disposal of lands, which had not been appropriated, and which belonged to them, as a company. They had annually chosen their officers, admitted members, and managed their concerns, as a business corpora- tion. The commoners of Ipswich had been far from a selfish policy. They frequently gave portions of their income to min- isters, schools, and poor of the town, and to those who suf- fered losses. When exclusive privileges, though continually viewed with an eye of jealousy, are used to promote the public good, the feelings of envy and the voice of reproach against them are greatly diminished. Such privileges, as were pos- sessed by the commoners, had no doubt become uncongenial with the popular views of liberty, as fostered by indepen- dence of monarchical government. Having become extinct, such a class of society, as to their former existence and pur- pose, will remain only on the pages of the past, an evidence, that associations and customs disappear, as the circumstances of the community alter. FREEMEN. To become a freeman, each person was legally required to be a respectable member of some congregational church. Persons were made freemen by the General Court of the col- ony, and also by quarterly courts of the counties. None but freemen could hold offices or vote for rulers. This regulation was so far modified by Royal order, in 1664, as to allow indi- viduals to be made freemen, who could obtain certificates of their being correct in doctrine and conduct from clergymen acquainted with them. * 1634, May 14th. A law is passed that the whole body of freemen meet, from all the towns, at the General Court of Election, and choose the Magistrates, including Governor and Lieut. Governor. 1636, March 3d. Ipswich and five other towns are allowed to keep a sufficient guard of freemen at home from such a Court and to forward their proxies. 1663, Oct. 26th. The practice of freemen's meeting in * Col. R. frekmf.n's oath. J9 Boston to elect magistrates is repealed. This repeal, how- ever, was so unpopular, that the same practice was renewed next year; bul il seems i<» have gone down soon after. At first, danger from Indians was pleaded, why border and distant towns should retain part of their freemen from General lOlec- tion. At last, the greatness of the number, when assembled from the whole colony to choose the magistrates, and the con- current inconveniences of tin- custom, appear to have been the cause of producing an alteration, which substantially accords with present usage. FREEMEN'S OATH. 1631, May 14th. The General Court order this oath to be so far altered, as to accord with the following form. " I, A. B., being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman within the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, do freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do here swear by the great and dreadful name of the everlasting God, that I will be true and faithful to the same, and will accordingly yield assistance and support thereunto, with my person and estate, as in equity 1 am bound ; and I will also truly endeavour to maintain and preserve all the liberties and privileges thereof, submitting myself to the whole- some laws and orders, made and established by the same. And further, that I will not plot nor practise any evil against it, nor consent to any, that shall so do, but will truly discover and reveal the same to lawful authority now here established, for the speedy preventing thereof. Moreover, I do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God, that when I shall be called to give my voice, touching any such matter of this state, wherein freemen are to deal, I will give my vote and suffrage, as I shall jud^e in mine own conscience may best conduce and tend to the public weal of the body, without respect of persons or favor of any man ; so help me God in the Lord Je-ns Christ." This was essentially the same, as the previous oath. 20 RESIDENTS. RESIDENTS' OATH. RESIDENTS. These were persons, who were either not allowed, or de- clined, to become freemen. They were not entitled to full civil privileges. * 1635, March 4th. All of them, above sixteen years, are to take an oath of fidelity. 1638, Sept. 6th. Persons, neither freemen nor church members, who have excused themselves from voluntary con- tributions, are required to pay their proportion. 1647, May 26th. They, who are twenty-four years old and who have taken the oath of fidelity, are allowed to be chosen on juries by freemen and to vote for selectmen. The disa- bilities, under which residents labored, ceased in 1664, when the conditions of freemanship became less restricted. RESIDENTS' OATH. 1634, April 1st. Every man of or above twenty, who is or shall be a resident six months and not enfranchised, shall take the subsequent oath before the Governor or Deputy Gov- ernor, or the two next Assistants. " I do here swear and call God to witness, that being now an inhabitant within the limits of this jurisdiction of Mas- sachusetts, 1 do acknowledge myself lawfully subject to the authority and government here established ; and do accord- ingly submit my person, family, and estate to be protected, ordered, and governed by the laws and constitutions thereof; and do faithfully promise to be from time to time obedient and conformable thereunto, and to the authority of the Gov- ernor and all other magistrates and their successors, and to all such laws, orders, sentences, and decrees, as now are or hereafter shall be lawfully made, decreed, and published by them or their successors. And I will always endeavour (as in duty I am bound) to advance the peace and welfare of this body politic, and 1 will to my best power and means seek to divert and prevent whatsoever may tend to the ruin or damage thereof, or of the Governor, Deputy Governor, * Col. R. MANNER OF WRITING. CHRONOLOGY. 52 1 or Assistants, or any of their successors. And I will give ed) notice to them or some of them of any seditions, violent treachery, or other hurl or evil, which 1 shall know, hear, or vehemently suspect to be plotted or intended against them or any of them, or againsl the said Commonwealth, or government established. So help me God." This oath was the same for substance, as one before used. MANNER OF WRITING. The Records of Ipswich, like those of all others of equal age, were so composed for over a half-century, as to require considerable study before they can be readily and correctly rendered. Their spelling and a part of their letters varied from ours. Some of their syllables and words were contract- ed. They had, in accordance with the custom of the age, the possessive pronoun succeeding a noun in the possessive case, till after 1639 ; as " Sir Edmund Andros his rule." This is the occasion of one among the precepts of modern grammar, which cautions us against improper expression. Such differences have continually taken place between the cbirography of successive centuries, since letters have been extant, as well as in printing, since the more recent invention of types. Two centuries from this, our books, both in manu- script and print, will probably appear as antiquated to others, as those of our ancestors do to u>. CHRONOLOGY. * The people of New England " call the dayes of the weeke beginning Sabbath," first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh, which is Saturday. They begin their month-; in March by the names of first, second, third, fourth, and so to the twelfth, which is February. The primitive records of this town agree with the preceding account. Such a practice lasted many years through the whole country. It was generally exchanged for ours of the * Lechford. 22 CHRONOLOGY. ROYAL STYLE. present day. It was retained by the Friends. By act of Parliament, the year, which had begun on the 25th of March, was ordered to commence January 1st, 1752, and to have eleven days added to it, so as to make Sept. 3d the 14th. Such an addition was made, that the Equinoxes and Solstices might be calculated to fall on their proper dates. It seems that the first emigrants to Massachusetts altered the mode of naming the months for the following reasons. Through the partiality of Charles the First and Bishop Laud, some forms of the Catholic Church had been imposed on the English Church. Besides, Pope Gregory had long endeavoured to have his improvement of the Julian style of reckoning time adopted by Protestant nations. Such a style allowed the months to be called by their proper names, as invented by Romulus and amended by Numa. In order then not to de- note the months, as the Catholics did, whose ecclesiastical corruptions had become more than commonly offensive to Puritans, because an increased occasion of their being op- pressed by the crown, it is believed that our fathers marked the months by figures and not by Romish words. On this point Lechford observes, they did so " because they would avoid all memory of heathenish and idols names." When reference is now made to dates before 1752, they are said to be Old Style ; when made to those after, they are called New Style. Alterations of this kind, though undoubtedly for the better, have been no small tax on the patience of correct annalists, and have led to many anachronisms. ROYAL STYLE. In Massachusetts the regal mode of heading public papers ■was abolished June 1st, 1776. This year May 15th, warrants for town-meeting in Ipswich were headed thus, " You are hereby warned in the name of the government and people of Massachusetts Bay." Before, the caption of such warrants was, " In his Majesty's name," which was continued as late as March 1st. This rooting out of old forms, which had be- come familiar to children in the play of impressment, was required as pertinent under a new order of legislation, and as a means of cutting off the people from every trammel of royalty and urging them forward in the pursuit of freedom. TITLES. MIDDLE NAMES. DWELLING-HOUSES. 23 TITLES. The title of Mr. was applied to captains and sometimes to mates of vessels ; to military captains ; to eminent merchants ; to schoolmasters, doctors, magistrates, and clergymen ; to per- sons who had received a second degree al college, and who had been made freemen. The wives and daughters oi such individuals were called Mrs. To be deprived of this address was deemed a serious degradation. 1631, Sept. 27th. Josiah Plaistow of Boston, for a mis- demeanor, i- sentenced by the Court of Assistants, "hereafter to be called by the name of Josias and not Mr., as former!) used to be." The usual appellation of adults, who were not Mr. and Mrs., were goodman and goodwifi before their re- spective surnames. Taking these terms in their radical mean- ing, it is not strange that they were sometimes, if not often, misapplied. Distinctions of this sort generally continued, till the colony was merged in an extensive province, under Joseph Dudley, 1686, when the custom of making and recording freemen seems to have ceased. Hence these distinctions gradually fell into disuse. " When merit pleads, titles no deference claim." {Broome.) MIDDLE NAMES. Scarcely any persons had these names before 1731, when they began to increase slowly. By 1783 they had become considerably fashionable, though nothing near so abundant as at present. Were many of the individuals, who have from one to four of such names, to travel in Asiatic Turkey and he particularly asked the reason and definition of them, as is customary there, they would he hardly able to give an intelli- gible and satisfactory answer. DWELLING-HOUSES. Johnson remarks of Ipswich dwellings about 1646, "Their houses are many of them very faire built with pleasant gar- 24 DWELLING-HOUSES. dens." From the appearance of houses, erected here one hundred and fifty years since, the better sort of them were two stories high, with the upper story jutting out a foot or so over the lower. The roofs of them, being generally hipped or gambrel, were high and steep. Some of the grander ones among them had one or two peaks on each side of the roof, so as to form small chambers. The frames of these buildings were of white-oak and much larger than we use in our day, having the beams of each finished room considerably in sight. They show that so valuable wood was very plenty, and that there was little fear of its becoming scarce, as it now is. The windows of such houses were from two and a half to three feet long, one and a half to two wide, with squares, like the figure of a diamond, set in leadlines, and from three to four inches long. These windows were sometimes entire, and some- times in halves, and opened outwardly on hinges. They were fashionable till after 1734. Those with four by six suc- ceeded, then five by seven, then six by eight, then seven by nine, set in wooden frames, which began to be used here eighty years ago. Such sized glass as was put into these frames appeared, at its different periods of increase, as much larger than the diamond-formed, as the great squares of our day, which began to be in use here thirty-five years since, seemed in comparison with those that immediately preceded them. The doors of the best houses, ninety years past, had diagrams marked out on them, as large as the squares of glass, set in lead lines, and had brass nails driven in at the points of the angles. As lime-stone was little known and less manufactured for over a century, the walls of houses were daubed with clay, mixed with straw, or plastered with a sort of lime made in great part from clam-shells. Paper not being put on walls till a century ago, and very little until 1783, whitewash was used in its stead. Each side of a dwelling had bricks laid against the inner par- tition, being then covered with clay, and then with clapboards. These boards, being so immediately put on the clay, were long called clayboards instead of clapboards. It was thus our fathers sought to make their abodes comfortable in cold weath- er, as well as durable. While the better kind of buildings were shingled on the top, others, such as cottages of one story, had thatched roofs till after 1691. This was no doubt FUEL. 25 an imitation of a custom in England, where it still exists in country villages ; and made our thatch-banks in greater de- mand than they are now. \ n\ few if any houses had more than one chimney pre- viously to 1~0(). This was in the middle, was of large di- mensions, and, besides other fireplaces, had a mammoth-like one for the kitchen, where a whole family could sit conven- iently on the two forms or benches, placed in the corners. Even now most of the houses standing, have but one chimney. Instead of free-stone, soap-stone, and marble, as sometimes now used on the tops and sides of fireplaces, there were occasion- ally, as early as 1728, Dutch china tiles with scriptural repre- sentations. Houses had little or no paint on them, inside or out, before 1731. Even half a century since, it was not common for the best room, and much less for the whole building, to be thus ornamented. Very few houses were painted outside as late as I -')(). Since then the number of them, thus ornamented, has gradually increased. 1831. Besides two hundred and ninety-eight barns, there were in Ipswich three hundred and thirty-two dwelling-houses. Of these only eight are three stories high. FUEL. The first settlers thought no more of burning twenty or thirty cords of wood annually, than we do of burning five. * " All Europe is not able to make so great fires as at New England. Here is good living for those who love good fires." As the Indians resided on a spot, till they had consumed the trees around them, and then sought another place, where were enough more, they thought that one reason, why our ancestors emigrated to this country, was, that they had burnt out their fuel in England and came to America for a fresh supply. The price of hard wood in Ipswich forty years ago was two dollars a cord ; now it is six dollars. Peat began to be used in some families about fifty years since. It is now burnt considerably by farmers, who have it in their grounds, and whose wood has become scarce. It was made into coal * Higginson. 26 LIGHT. sixty years past and used on the forges of blacksmiths. Fre- quently individuals hire pieces of bog and pay two dollars a rod, for peat two feet and a half deep. Anthracite coal began to be used by some a year or two since. LIGHT. " Although New England has no tallow to make candles of, yet by the abundance of the fish thereof, it can afford oil for lamps. Yea, our pine trees, that are most plentiful of all wood, do allow us plenty of candles, which are useful in a house. And they are such candles as the Indians commonly use, having no other ; and they are nothing else but the wood of the pine tree cloven in two little slices, something slim, which are so full of the moisture of turpentine and pitch, that they burn as clear as a torch." Though this account was given by Mr. Higginson as to Naumkeag, in 1629, yet there is no reason to forbid its applica- tion to Agawam in 1633 and afterwards. We are credibly told, that such rude lights are burnt even now in the back parts of Alabama. * The oil consumed by our ancestors was mostly obtained from fish livers. It continued to be generally used among their descendants till within forty years. The lamp, which contained this oil, was large, made of tin, had a great wick, and was commonly hung on one side of the fireplace, f As whale and sea-horse oil was among the staple commodities of the colony in 1642, it is likely, that the wealthier people of Ipswich burnt it occasionally, if not frequently. Tallow candles were very little used till within a half century. Governor Winthrop desired his son John, in 1630, to send him over some ordinary suet or tallow, which was prob- ably for the manufacture of such lights. Neither our ancestors nor we have employed spirits to light our houses, as some have recently in our country, a use far less objectionable than consuming human vitals by them ; or gas, as ingeniously and conveniently used by many in our metropolis for several years. * Morton. t Mass. Hist. Coll. DRINKS. 27 DRINKS. Ardent Spirit. There is mournful proof, that this found its serpentine way among the first inhabitants of [pswicb, ;i> well as among those of other communities. Still, such " lire- water," as rightly it was called by Indians, was very far from being so common, as it has been in our age. A gentleman, over ninety, informs us, that much less of it was consumed here in 1 TOO. lor the same number of people, than there is now, even since the temperance reformation. Then, a pint was made to go as far among workmen, as a gallon in latter years. Other poisons have slain their thousands, but this its tens of thou- sands. Happy the people, who shall cast it from among them, and consign it to the care of judicious apothecaries. Wine. This was drunk sparingly by a small proportion of the primitive emigrants. It was taken, as well as spirits, for many years, from a cup. Like every thing of the kind, which produces excitement, though it endangers and debases, it grew upon the appetite of the people, even faster than their growth. In 1639, the legislature forbid healths to be drunk, undoubtedly with wine; and, in 167-2, they require it not to be given to workmen. Such enactments, however, neither caged nor bound the abuse of this liquid. Multitudes, now living, can remem- ber when tyrant fashion would obtrude it upon their taste, by night and by day, whenever making a call upon others either for business or pleasure. There is indeed matter for un- feigned thankfulness to our Maker, that He has caused the threatening tide of this custom to be turned back. It is vain for us to expect, that ever total abstinence from spirits will hold its own, and make great advances, until the use of wine, for those in health, is banished from society. Beer. For the first half century, families in general had their beer apparatus, with which they brewed their common beverage. As orchards increased and came to maturity, this drink of their " father-land " was in less and less demand. Cider. This, as the successor of beer, long continued to be a standing liquid for most of our householders. Its abuse has hastened not a few to the precipice of intemperance, from which they have fallen no more to rise. Such have been the ravages made by canker worms, within several years, upon our apple-trees, that cider has become less plenty than it was. 28 DRINKS. Should a loss of this kind weaken appetite for stronger liquids, it will prove a gain indeed. How much less bound down to oppressive and expensive habits would men have been, had they realized, that there was a far better drink than all these, divinely provided for them ! God, when making bare the arm of his might and mercy, when performing miracles to relieve those perishing with thirst, never sent them spirit, wine, beer, or cider, but simple, unadulterated water. He has thus given us a striking lesson, as to what is best to revive the drooping and refresh the languid. His teaching is infallible. As we learn of Him, so shall we be blessed. Coffee. This article was not used by any of our original inhabitants, whether rich or poor. It does not meet our eye on their inventories of stores. It was introduced into Mar- tinico, 1717, Surrinam, 1718, and Jamaica, 1732. A consid- erable number of years must have elapsed after the last of these periods, before coffee could have become an article of much importation into this colony. Of so recent an origin in our part of the world, there is no wonder, that coffee was little used, and this only by wealthier families in Ipswich, as tradition relates, till 1770 ; and then not a tenth part so much as it was soon after the peace of 1783. In our contest for independence, as well as in our last war with Britain, most people, on account of the great price and scarcity of coffee, substituted for it burnt rye, beets, peas, and potatoes. Tea. The beverage made from this herb was unknown to the primitive social circles of Ipswich. It had no Lettsoms or Cullens to descant upon its poisonous or salutary effects. The first mention of it in English statutes was in 1660. From this fact, it is not strange, that tea was very seldom drunk by our ancestors for over a century after they settled Agawam. The first instance of meeting, on accounts of Ipswich estates, with tea equipage, was 1739. From about 1718 tea slowly made its way into the favor and usage of the richer part of this community. Other people scarcely ever had it, except on particular occasions of having company. Not a few anec- dotes are related by aged individuals, which show how awk- ward their mothers were in " making tea," even down to 1760 ; which tell of various experiments they tried, before they ascer- tained the proper quantity, and acquired the desired taste. It is evident from these trials, that people have no natural SWEETENING. ^9 relish for such a plant ; and that they were desirous to adopt it, as an item of domestic living, more for the sake of imitating the example of the rich, than for any good it did them. It has always been the case, that things "dear bought and far fetch- ed" have an imaginary worth affixed to them, and thus have gained a great preference over others, equally good, but nigh at hand and of no computed value. Our difficulties with Par* liament increasing, and the compacts entered into by numerous towns not to import tea, because of the tax on it, prevented this article from getting into general use, till some years after the close of the Revolutionary war. During this struggle, Liberty tea was adopted by some, as a substitute for that of India. It was made of four-leaved loosestrife. This plant was pulled up like flax ; its stocks, stripped of their leaves, were boiled ; and the leaves were put into an iron kettle and basted with the liquor of the stocks. After this process the leaves were removed into plat- ters and placed in an oven to dry. A pound of this tea would go as far as one of Souchong. It sold quickly in barter for about 6d. a pound. Chocolate. This article, being made by Spaniards, not long after their settlement in South America, was used earlier than coffee and tea, both in Europe and in the English Colo- nies. It was drunk occasionally by the original settlers of Ips- wich, who were in good circumstances. Once a week, when an unusual treat was hankered after, a kettle would be hung over the fire with the necessary ingredients of water, milk, and cho- colate. This has never been generally used here, probably be- cause of its producing a heaviness of feeling. Neither our an- cestors nor we have resembled the Spaniard, who would look on himself as sunk in the most abject poverty, if he could not procure a daily portion of such beverage. SWEETENING. Sugar was long imported from the East into Europe, as a great rarity. It was employed more as a medicine than oth- erwise. In 1641, sugar-cane begins to be planted in the West Indies. Of course, not a few years must have elapsed, before it could have become a common article of food among the peo- ple of this town. So early, however, as 1630, Governor Winthrop requested his son to send him some of it from Lon- 30 FOOD. don ; and, in 1637, the General Court laid a heavy duty on it, which was soon repealed. These instances are consistent with the position already expressed. The more wealthy had sugar in their families for special occasions, and in proportion as they used chocolate, tea, and coffee. But others, not having these last three articles, for a long period, did without sugar till they came to have them as a part of their domestic meals. In an account of an Ipswich estate, in 1674, molasses is named, which shows that it had been used here in some de- gree. This kind of sweetening was more common than that of sugar. Both sugar and molasses were consumed much more by people in general after the peace of Independence, than before. It may be a fair question, however nutritious sweet- ening is in itself, whether it has not promoted the thousand delicacies and luxuries, which were almost unknown to our ancestors, and have thus impaired the health of their descen- dants by new diseases. FOOD. Dinners, though not the same in every respect formerly as now, have never essentially varied. Such meals, in England, were commonly taken at 11 o'clock before noon, in the 16th century. The regular hour in Ipswich has been, for the most part, at twelve o'clock, when the bell rings. There was a time, a few years since, when the bell rang at half past twelve. The suppers and breakfasts of our former inhabitants have been very much altered. For more than a century and a half, the most of them had pea and bean porridge, or broth, made of the liquor of boiled salt meat and pork, and mixed with meal, and sometimes hasty pudding and milk, — both morning and evening. This is indeed different from our fare. Were an original proprietor of our soil to revisit us, and look in upon our tables at the beginning and close of day, and judge where he was by the appearance of them, he would think him- self in a strange land. Among the several articles of diet already mentioned, broth was more common than the rest. A lady of eighty relates, that she had become so attached to it, that after having been in several families, about 1790, and partaken of their Thanksgiving dainties, she was heartily glad to return home and get a meal of her favorite broth. This TRAVELLING. 31 was truly as sweet to her, as the black broth of the Spartans was to them. AN "it li regard to bread-stufls, rye and Indian corn were long the only ones used. In 1720, flour was baked and eaten in a few rich families, as a rare treat. Within thirty years the consumption of it has increased. The sage remark long ago made, that we should eat to live, and not live to eat, is worth our constant observance and practice. An account of the fashions of household furniture and of dress was prepared for this place, but the extent of other con- cerns requires it to be omitted. TRAVELLING. At the first settlement of Ipswich, as horses were scarce, walking on foot was common with all classes. When such animals became plenty, two persons would ride one of them, fitted out with a saddle and a pillion. Females, also, rode singly on side-saddles much more commonly than in modern times. These customs continued till the introduction of small wagons and chaises. About 1770 it began to be the practice to trot horses. Previously these animals had paced. It had been common to pay individuals for learning them to go in this manner. The way, in which a horse was learned to pace, was by fastening his two right and two left feet with leather straps, so that the two former might step together, and then the two latter. The first chair, being a sort of chaise body without a top, known to have been owned in Ipswich, was one of Richard Rogers, Esq., in I7.'3(). One of the first chaises was that of the Rev. Samuel Wigglesworth, about 175-3. There were a few sleighs in 1740, and the number slowly increased. * For the accommodation of the people here and elsewhere, John Stavers, of Portsmouth, commenced, 1762, the running of a curricle, drawn by two horses, from that town to Boston. This carriage left on Monday morning and came to Ipswich, and reached Charlestown ferry next day. It went and returned by Friday night. The fare through the whole route one way, was 1 3a. 6il. sterling. | 1774, a stage with four horses from Newbury- port to Boston rode through Ipswich twice a week in going * Annals of Portsmouth. t Essex Journal. 32 ENTAILMENT. and the same in returning. This was an accommodation ex- ceeding any of preceding years. But it was far less than now exists. Such facilities for travelling are twenty times greater than they were then. About thirty-five years ago, horse-wagons began to be employed. Gradually increasing, they have almost altogether superseded riding on horse-back among our farmers. They are used to carry articles to market, which were formerly borne to town in wallets and panniers, thrown across a horse. They have prevented the method of going in a cart, as often practised before they were invented, by social parties, when wishing to make a visit of several miles. Should the improvements in journeying be as great for two cen- turies to come, as they have been in the two already elapsed, posterity will as much wonder that we are contented with the present degree of such improvements, as we do, that our an- cestors were satisfied with their mode of travelling. ENTAILMENT. It was the general custom of our fathers to bequeath their real estate, so that it could not be sold by their heirs. This custom continued as legal, till the peace of our Independence. Even after this period some property was held by claim of entailment. In one case, where a large amount was likely to fall into other hands, than were intended by its former possessor, the immedi- ate owner had the entailment of it removed by act of the Gen- eral Court about 1792, so that he might dispose of such estate as he wished. Thus an ancient law, whereby estates were long kept in one name, and the eldest sons had the most of what their fathers left, was broken down. Still the habit, acquired under the influence of this practice, has not altogether ceased ; not a few of our aged farmers leave their houses and lands to their eldest sons, on condition of paying small legacies to other heirs. They have an aversion to the prospect, that what they either inherited or earned, should be divided among several, and thus become insufficient for the support of one family, who stand related to them and bear their name. Formerly, if there was no great amount of real estate, the parent, instead of entailing it, would give his eldest son a double portion. This custom lasted till after the Revolution. It was one of the practices which were brought to this colony from Eu- REPUTATION OF OUR ANCIENT INHABITANTS. 33 rope ; one of the ties by which our ancestors were bound to the mother country. REPUTATION OF OUR ANCIENT INHABITANTS. A large proportion of these inhabitants possessed intelligent minds, virtuous hearts, useful influence, and respectable char- acter. They well understood how the elements of society should be for the promotion of its welfare, and how such ele- ments should be formed, and kept pure from ignorance and irreligion. They were careful of their own example, and thereby gave force to their precepts. They provided and supported schools. They selected able and pious men for their spiritual guides. They attended to these and other con- cerns of society, as persons, who felt bound to consult the benefit of posterity as well as their own immediate good. Cotton Mather, while speaking of Mr. Rogers's ordination in 1633, says, " Here [Ipswich] was a renowned church, con- sisting; mostly of such illuminated Christians, that their pastors, in the exercise of their ministry, might, in the language of Jerome, perceive that they had not disciples so much as judges." Johnson remarks, 1646, — " The peopling; of this towne is by men of good ranke and quality, many of them hav- ing the yearly revenue of large lands in England before they came to this wildernesse ; but their estates being imployed for Christ, and left in banke, they are well content till Christ shall be pleased to restore it againe to them or theirs, which in all reason should be out of the Prelates' lands in England." The term, ' ; Prelates," refers to those ecclesiastical persons, who so persecuted the first settlers of Ipswich, as to force them to seek a refuse here. The same writer informs us, that some of these Pilgrims were merchants. One reason why the original inhabitant^ of this town sustained a reputation, better than commonly falls to the lot of newly settled commu- nities, was, that several of their clergymen brought with them some of their most estimable parishioners from England. Re- flection upon worthy ancestors affords satisfaction, and should lead to a constant imitation of their excellences. Were the lustre of such reflection altogether free from spots, it would be more than has ever been realized from a corporation of human 34 FACE OF THE COUNTRY. beings. There were two betrayers of the public weal, even among the first twelve, who accompanied the younger Win- throp to the wilds of Agawam. In these betrayers we have a specimen two centuries old, of the more than brutal degradation, of the enormous iniquity, and of the most painful consequences, to which intoxication has always led some of its votaries, and to which it especially and constantly exposes the whole of them. It would be far better for the temporal and eternal welfare of men to be Rechabites, Nazarenes indeed, — to have their lips never moistened, except with the pure drink, which God in his wisdom has made and has caused to gush from the fountains of earth, than to partake of the choicest wines and spirits, which the perverted genius of science has invented, and thus to con- tinually enlarge the multitudes, who sacrifice themselves on the crowded altars of Intemperance. FACE OF THE COUNTRY. The landscape, as contained within the former boundaries of Ipswich, affords an agreeable variety. Hills. These, as well as other features of the soil, will be put down, partly preceded by the year, when first found upon record, though most of them must have been previously designated. The reason of the hills being called as they are, is, for the most part, suggested by their names. Those not mentioned as belonging elsewhere, are within the present limits of Ipswich, and their situation may be seen on the map of this place. 1634, Castle. 1635, Great bare — Heart-Break. 1637, Rabbit — Hurtleberry — Captain Turner's — Little Turner's — Turkey. 1647, Rocky. 1655, Bartholomew. 1662, Wil- derness. 1665, Red-Root. 1673, AveruTs. 1676, Wig- wam. 1678, Wind-Mill. 1689, Paine's. 1691, Bragg's. 1702, Long Brush — Tobacco-Pipe — Scott's — Pigeon — Pine — Timber — Steep. Some of the hills contained on the map of Ipswich may be partly among those on the preceding list, but with changed names ; as North Ridge — Town — Jewett — Prospect — Boar — Eagle — Plover — Burnham — White's — Perkins's, and Eveleth's now in Essex. 1638, Sagamore. 1678, Lamson's. 1702, Whipple or Job's — VACE OF THE COUNTRY. 35 Vineyard — Dean's — Wigwam — Brown's and Independent, now in Hamilton. The two last are modern names. Plain. This was denominated Wolf-Pen, a place for catching wolves. Meadows. 1634, Rocky. 1635, Far. 1037, West. 1617, New, between TopsBeld and Hamilton — Nealand and Conant's, on Top-field hounds — Perley's, in Essex. Swamps. 1 (».'J.">. Great Pine. 1678, Cedar — Bear, in Hamilton — Long, in Essex. Marshes. L635, Reed — 'Rocky. Creeks. 1634, Labor-in-vain. 1635, Chebacco, in Essex. 1630, Robinson — Walker. 1667, Green. 1672, Whitred. 1678, Muscle. Other creeks, Sluice — Dane — Fox — Boardman — Paine. On the map are the following : Rodgers — Lord — Treadwell — Neck — Six-Geese — Metcalf — Broad — Law — Wallis — Stacy — Kimball — Hart — Baker — West — Grape — Pine. Coves. 1638, Great. 1716, Muscle — Neck — Lord's. Points. 1635, .Moore. 1667, Green — Cedar — Brewer — Safford — Hog Island — Deacon Sam — Cross Bank — Holland — Sawyer — Bar Island. Necks. 1635, Little — Great — Jeffrey. 1655, Castle. Banks. Thatch — Cross — Nub — Hart — Beach — Neck, or Patch. Particular Places. Turkey Sbore — Diamond's Stage. 1635, Great Crook. 1639, Aspine Rock. 1643, Poor Man's Field. 1650, Far Chebacco, towards Gloucester — The Hun- dreds. 1662, Argilla. 1678, Great Pasture, near Gloucester line — Cow-Keeper Rock — The Eighths — Town Landing — Sheep Walks, several places where shepherds kept flocks of sheep. 1707, Blind Hole. Springs. Indian. 1678, Lummus, on Wenham line — Bath — Bear Swamp, in Hamilton. Brooks. 1635, Mile, running from Wenham pond to Ipswich river. 1637, Gravel. 1649, Pye. 1660, Saunders. 1681, Black, in Hamilton — Howlet, on Topsfield bounds — Choate, in Essex — Bull — Potter — Norton. Ponds. 1662, Pleasant, on Wenham line. 1671, Baker, on Topsfield limits — Prichard — Duck — Perley, in Essex — Chebacco, partly in Essex and partly in Hamilton — Beck — Round and Gravel, in Hamilton. Rivers. Ipswich. Speaking of this, Johnson says, 1646, 36 soil. " A faire and delightful river, whose first rise or spring begins about twenty-five miles farther up the country, issuing forth a very pleasant pond. But soon after, it betakes its course through a most hideous swamp of large extent, even for many miles, being a great harbour for bears. After its coming forth this place, it groweth larger by the income of many small rivers, and issues forth in the sea, due east against the Island of Sholes, a great place of fishing for our English nation." 1634, Chebacco, having falls and running from Chebacco pond, in Essex. 1635, North, or Egypt, flowing into Rowley river. 1637, Muddy, emptying into the same — Rodgers Island. 1707, Mill, running out of long swamp into the great pond, beyond Chebacco river. Islands. Plumb. In the grant of King James, 1621, to Cap- tain John Mason, of land between Naumkeag and Merrimack rivers, there is the subsequent clause ; " The great Isle, hence- forth to be called, Isle of Mason, lying near or before the bay, harbour, or river of Agawam." This must have been Plumb Island, part of which was set off to Ipswich by the General Court, 1639. 1637, Hog, in Essex. 1662, Diamon. 1668, Perkins — Boreman. 1673, Bagwell — Birch — Rogers — Treadwell — Tilton — Bull — Horse — Manning — Grape — Millstone — Holy — Eagle — Mighill's Garden — Groce — Bar, — Story — Round — Corn — Cross ; the four last in Essex. Inland Islands. 1707, Gregory, in Chebacco Pond — Hemlock, on Wenham line. Harbour. Smith says of Agawam, — "This place might content a right curious iudgment ; but there are many sands at the entrance of the harbour, and the worst is, it is imbayed too farre from the deepe sea." His opinion, though differing from that of the first settlers at Plymouth, was correct. Had the harbour of Ipswich been deep and capacious, it would probably have been a metropolis. The natural advantages or disadvantages of a place, make it either great or small, in the process of ages. SOIL. This has its various portions of the clayey, loamy, sandy, gravelly, peaty or mossy, and vegetable-earthy. Speaking of the people here, 1646, Johnson remarks ; " They have very MANURE. CULTIVATION. 37 good land for husbandry, where rocks hinder not the course of the plough." The land, in general, does not abound with rocks. These are primitive and the common granite, exhib- iting their constituent parts in different proportions. 1831, the land contained the following divisions : 778 acres of tillage, 2000 of English upland and mowing, 469 of fresh meadow, 3367 of salt marsh, 7 123 of pasturage, 403 of wood- land, 1090 of unimproved, besides 1690 of unimprovable, 3579 covered with water, in addition to 468 of roads. MANURE. Moreton observed, 1637, that shad and alewives were used to feed the ground ; that one thousand of them were put into an acre, which would yield three times more corn, than without them. This custom was derived from the Indians, and continued till the English so increased as to diminish the fish. * 1639, the General Court order, that after June 20th, no bass nor cod shall be taken for manure, except their heads and offals. The following order, relative to this subject, was passed by the town, + 1644, May 11. " It is ordered that all doggs, for the space of three weeks after the publishinge hereof, shall have one leggtyed up. If such a dogg should break loose and be found in any come field, doing any harme, the owner of the dogg shall pay the damages. If a man refuse to tye up his dogg's legg, and hee bee found scraping up fish in the come field, the owner shall pay 12s., besides whatever damage the dogg doth. But if any fish their house lotts, and receive damage by doggs, the owners of those house lotts shall beare the damage themselves." Since fish became scarce, the land has been manured chiefly with the contents of barn- yards, and, among the sea-board residents, with rock-weed and other vegetable substances in addition. CULTIVATION. This is equal to what it generally is in the county of Essex. In this town, however, as in many parts of our country, suitable care is not taken to keep the land in •Col. R. tT. R 38 VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. prime order. The increase of the earth is reaped, but suffi- cient nourishment is not returned to supply the exhaustion. The impression is entertained by no small number of our yeo- manry, that by cultivating their ground as long as it will bear with a moderate supply of manure, they realize more profit than by different management. But others neither think nor act so. Experiment evidently decides in favor of the latter class. Some persons have made considerable exertion to improve their swamps and meadows. Their enterprise has not been in vain. Lots, once of little or no profit, now yield plentiful crops of hay. No doubt the influence of the Agri- cultural Society of our county has tended to improve our farming interest ; and would have done more, had a larger number of our inhabitants united with it, attended its meetings, and acted according to its instructions. Husbandry is an essential, honorable employment. Without it potentates could neither reign nor live ; all the gold and rubies of the globe would be worth no more than the dust of the streets. To redeem such a calling from the unmerited disrespect, which has been cast upon it, our farmers have only to increase their stock of useful knowledge, and to advance in the good degree of morality, which many of them may justly claim. VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. These are such as are generally raised in New England. The crops of grain, fodder, fruit, and vegetables, are about equal to those of the adjacent region. There will not be room to give a botanical arrangement of such produc- tions. We shall only speak of some among them, in com- mon parlance. , Grain. * Before Agawam was peopled by the English, it had fields of corn planted by the Indians. This has always been raised, more or less, on our farms, as a staple commodity. When, for several years before the last, it was about sixty cents a bushel, because of the abundance from the South and West, very little of it, comparatively, was cultivated. But now it brings nearly the old price of one dollar, we see that it has more and larger fields for its growth. No doubt but that the primitive settlers of Ipswich either brought other sorts * Smith. VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. 39 of grain with them, or obtained some to plant from their neigh- bours. * As early as 1629, the officers of the Massachusetts Company wrote. to John Endicott ; — "We have sent grayne for seed, wheat, barley, and rye in the chaff." These with oats have been continually cultivated in larger or smaller quantities, according to the demand and seasons for them. Such main has fallen and risen in price as corn has. It has been observed, that, when rye was mildewed, barley was not; and when tin; latter was so blasted, the former escaped. Eng- lish grain is found to he better when sown in the fall than in the spring. It was long ago discovered, that grain of this kind would suffer a bliidit when growing near barberry bushes in flower. Before the Revolution, when beer was more com- monly used than afterwards, barley was raised here in consid- erable quantities and made into malt for brewing. The fact that the several kinds of grain, except corn, were exotics, and brought from England, has given them the name of English for about two centuries. 1831, there were raised 60 bushels of wheat, 330 of rye, 698 of oats, 12,1>28 of corn, 467 of barley. Hay. This was always abundant within the former bounds of [pswich. There are various kinds of grasses, natural to the soil. But that which is called English, probably because its seed was imported from England, finds the most ready sale and the highest price in Salem and Boston. Little of it was carried to the latter place twenty years ago. From that time such bay has been transported thither increasingly. Within ten years many tons of it have been sold weekly in that city, when the weather and way have permitted. Formerly twenty or thirty hundred were considered a great load. .Now most loads average seventy, and a few weigh ninety-five hundred. Till the latter part of 1833, for several years, such hay had fallen so as to fetch only from fifty to sixty cents a neat hun- dred. Since, the common price has been from ninety cents to one dollar and eiijht cents a hundred. Large quantities of salt hay are obtained from the marshes. It is healthy for cat- tle, and makes much saving of other fodder. The labor of obtaining it is the hardest and most perilous, which our farm- ers have to do. It is noticeable, that old records in speakin^ of marshes, sometimes call them meadows. Fresh or meadow hay is cut in abundance. It serves cattle as a substitute for the English, which is sent to market. 1831, there were cut ' Hazard. 40 VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. 1075 tons of English hay, 224 of meadow, and 1880 of salt marsh. Fkuits. Such of these as grow spontaneously in our woods and other wild lands, are natural to the soil, and often served to regale Indians long before the English came among them. Of this kind, which once abounded, but are now scarce, were mulberries, strawberries, black and red currants. We are told that the plumbs, which are found on Plumb Island, were plenty, many years since, in various parts of the town. Fruits from Europe, such as apples and pears, began to be cultivated immediately after the arrival of our ancestors hither. In 1649 their records speak of orchards among them. Other exotic fruits are raised here in about the same proportion as in the vicinity. Esculent Vegetables. Of these, which our fathers found cultivated by Indians, are pumpions, water-melons, beans, and peas. To them were added others from European seed, which are generally found in our gardens. Potatoes, though of American origin, were not cultivated in this town till 1733, and then but seldom. They were kept as a rarity, to eat with roast meat. They were at first planted in beds, as beets and carrots. Three bushels of them were considered a large crop for one farmer's family. Now a hundred bushels of them are not thought so much of, as one was then. Before potatoes came into use, turnips were raised abundantly and supplied the place, which the former now do. * Sweet potatoes were imported from Bermuda into Boston as early as 1636, and were sold at 2d. a pound. It seems that no efforts were made here to cultivate this spe- cies of potatoes, as there have been, to a small extent, within a few years. Tobacco. This, being so called from Tobaco or Tobago, one of the Caribbean Islands, where it grew as well as in oth- er parts of America, was used by the natives before they were visited by Europeans. The species, however, which the Indians consumed, had a small, round leaf, and was com- monly called poke. Another, having a broad, long leaf, pointed at the end, was raised by our ancestors. Tobacco was consid- ered hurtful by the legislature, and was forbidden by their acts. f 1634. No person shall take tobacco publicly, on fine of * Winthrop. ♦ Col. R. VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. 41 2s. 6d., or privately in his own or another's house, before acquaintances or strangers. 1635. li is enacted thai no one shall buy or sell this com- modity on penalty of LOa. after September. These restrictions did not avail. What Josselyn said, L 663, as to the consump- tion of tobacco in England, was applicable to our people; " It is generally made the compliment of our entertainments and hath made more slaves thao Mahomet." The records of Ipswich -peak, L682, of tobacco yards, as having been common. Such places were continued to 1783. Up to this year scarcely any other tobacco was used in Ips- wich, than what was raised here. .Many families would have their spots of land for cultivating it, and their mode of twisting it, and curing, it with molasses and rum so as to render it more palatable. Segars were very little used till after the peace of Independence. Pipes and a large box of tobacco for smoking were in daily and extensive use. They were considered, till within thirty years, as essential for the enter- tainment of company, as the chibouque and its apparatus are in Turkey. It is matter of consolation, that tobacco, though consumed much more than either cleanliness, comfort, health, or temperance justifies, has begun to loose its hold on the vitiated appetite of thousands, and that there is some prospect of its going down to the deep degradation of intoxicating liquors. Had the liquid, which the affrighted servant of Ra- leigh threw upon him, so effectually quenched his zeal for rendering tobacco fashionable, as it fully drenched his smoking head, and thus no imitators of this noble lord been found, a vast amount of evil would have been prevented in the civil- ized world. Hemp. This was known to the Aborigines before they ever saw Europeans. They made it into lines and nets. Our fathers long cultivated it principally for clothing. It has not been used for many years, being exchanged for more conven- ient articles. Shrubs. None of these, which were indigenous, have disappeared. Among them is Sumach, which was formerly used and exported as a dye-stuff. Its root, suitably pre- pared, imparts a reddish color. Its berries, pounded and mixt with honey, used to be administered for the hemorrhoids. Trees. Of these, which are natural to the soil and which have become scarce among us, are the Mulberry. Bass, Ches- 6 42 WILD QUADRUPEDS. nut or Chees-nut, and Sassafras. The last was, many years ago, an article of commerce, and was applied to medical purposes. WILD QUADRUPEDS. These, of course, were far more abundant, when our ances- tors came hither, than they were subsequently. Not a few of them, whose habits were uncongenial with nearness to popu- lous regions, have entirely deserted our territory. Such are the Beaver, Wild-cat, Wolf, Bear, Deer, and Moose. Wolves. Many and long were the efforts of our fathers to extirpate wolves, which often preyed on their flocks. For this purpose, Ipswich receives, in 1635, twenty-five wolf-hooks, as their proportion of those sent over by Mr. Wilson. * 1642. " Whosoever kills a wolf is to have and the skin, if he nail the head up at the meeting-house and give notice to the constables. Also, for the better destroying or fraying away wolves from the town, it is ordered, that by the 1st day of 7th mo., every householder, whose estate is rated £500 and upward, shall keep a sufficient mastive dog ; or £100 to £500, shall provide a sufficient hound or beagle, to the intent that they be in readiness to hunt and be employed for the ends aforesaid." The fine for not complying with this order, was Is. each month, till it was obeyed. 1644. " Whoever shall kill a wolfe with hounds, or the greater part of the dogs being hounds, shall have payed him by the constable 10s. ; if with a trapp or otherwayes, hee shall have 5s., provided they bring the heads to the meeting-house and there nayle them up, and give notice thereof to the consta- ble, whom we appoint to write in his booke a due remembrance thereof." f 1648. The heads of wolves, in order to receive the premiums, must be brought to the constable and buried. The selectmen of each town are empowered " to purchase as many hounds as they think meet, and to impose the keeping of them on such as they think fittest, so that all means may be improved for the destruction of wolves." Josselyn informs us, 1663, how such animals were taken. " Four mackerel hooks across are bound with a brown thread and then some * T. R. t Col. R. WILD QUADRUPEDS. 43 wool is wrapped round them and they are dipped into melted tallow, till they he as big and round as an egg. This thing, thus prepared, is laid by some dead carcase, which toles the wolves. It is swallowed by them, and is the means of their being taken." ' I tiii-. Any person catching or killing a wolf within two miles and a half of the meeting-house, shall have 10.*. over what is alreadj allowed by the colony, which makes £4. IT!."). The town vote 30s. over what the law allows, for killing a mown wolf, and 5*. for a whelp wolf, if destroyed within their limits. Notwithstanding the constant warfare car- ried on against them, wolves continued their devastations there till 1757. Down to this year, it was a common thing to hear them commence their howl soon after sun-set, when it was very dangerous to go near the woods. Tradition is full of accounts about their destroying large numbers of sheep. They would occasionally attack, wound, and kill cattle. 1723. Wolves were so abundant and so near the meeting- house, that parents would not suffer their children to go and come from worship without some grown person. Bears. The most noted resort for these was in a swamp, which received its name from theirs, on Ipswich River, and at the west part of the Hamlet. One was shot there in 1747. Another was killed ten years after, east of Mile Brook, in the same parish. From this time, they began to disappear, and soon deserted the town. Deer. These were abundant at the first coming of our ancestors. As they were valuable, they were often hunted. t 1739. The law for preserving deer was read before the town, and they chose two persons to see it executed. 1770. It was voted, that the deer-reeves of Ipswich join with those of other towns, to prevent these animals in Chebacco Woods from beinsi; extirpated. A few of them were seen here as late as 1790. Soon after this, they disappeared. Foxes. Some of these arc now occasionally discovered. They are still mischievous in devouring poultry. For a long period, a price was set upon their heads. 167."?. The town paid £3 10s. for killing seventy of them in the course of a year. * T. R. t Ibid. 44 DOMESTICATED QUADRUPEDS. Woodchucks. These, also, had their turn of becoming obnoxious to the public. 1734. A premium of Is. was voted for destroying a dozen of them. They are yet considerably numerous. DOMESTICATED QUADRUPEDS. Such of these, as were formerly in common use, but not in modern years, are the goat and the ass. Ipswich, having good grazing land, soon abounded with cattle. Johnson said of them, 1646 ; " The Lord hath been pleased to increase them in cattle of late, insomuch, that they have many hundred quarters to spare yearly, and feed, at the latter end of summer, the towne of Boston with good beefe." As long as wolves and other beasts of prey infested the woods, the inhabitants had certain persons to take a constant care of their cattle and sheep, while out at pasture. Cowherds. * 1661. Haniel Bosworth is to keep the herd of cows on the north side of the river, from the 1st of May to the 20th of October. He is to go out with them half an hour after sun-rise and to bring them home a little before sun-set, at 13s. a week, " a peck of corn a head at their going out, one pound of butter or half peck of xvheat in June, and the rest of his pay at the end of his time, whereof half to be paid in wheat or malt ; the pay to be brought to his house within six days after demanded, or else to forfeit 6d. a head more." " Agreed with Henry Osborn to join Bosworth to keep the cows on the same terms. One of them to take the cows in Scott's Lane and to blow a horn at the meeting- house green in the morning." 1667. "Agreed with Haniel Bosworth to keepe the cow- herd on the north side of the river from the 22d of April to the last of October, to have for his wages 14s. a week, I2d. a head for the first paye, one pound of butter in June, and the rest at the end of the tyme, and for helpe in the spring and on the Lord's day, as in other years ; and, if any that are warned to helpe him then, fail, they shall forfeit 2s. 6d. a daye, if warned the night before." T. R. DOMESTICATED QUADRUPEDS. 45 1670. Every cow of the herd is to have a bell. Shepherds. * 1661. The town hire Robert Roberts to keep a Hock of sheep on Jeffrey's IS'eck from April 8th to end of October, and to have one person follow them con- stantly. He is to have £13. Robert Whitman is to keep another flock on the north side of the river, the same pe- riod, at 10s. a week in " half English and half Indian " grain. 166*2. " Whereas there are three shepherds hired to keep the sheep, and on the south side of the river the common being overburdened, and the north side having too few, it is ordered, that about one hundred of those men's sheep, who came last (they being full before) shall be brought to the flock on the north side, it being intended that the flocks be equal and the pay equally proportioned on the sheep." 1668. Some persons complain, that their shepherd had so placed their sheep, as to have them exposed to be destroyed by wolves. 1702. The shepherds are to have cottages adjoining the sheep-walks so as to be near their flocks. It was a custom for each shepherd to put his flock in a pen every Friday afternoon, so that the owners might take what they wanted for family use or for market. While cowherds and shepherds were thus employed, the appearance of their respective routes and places of grazing must have been quite pastoral, and suggested those placid associations, which we experience, when reading of such scenes. It was enacted by the General Court, 1642, that if a dog kill a sheep, double damages shall be paid by bis owner and the dog be hung immediately. This has some resemblance to the banging of dogs for witchcraft, as was done in this vi- cinity 16*)'$. 1831. There were the following animals in Ipswich ; 187 horses, 404 oxen, 700 cows, 285 steers and heifers, 458 sheep, and 284 swine. •T. R. 46 PRICKS OF GRAIN, &£C PRICES OF GRAIN AND OTHER ARTICLES FOR TAXES, AS ORDERED BY THE LEGISLATURE. 1634. Corn 4s. 6d. 1635. No Indian corn, except for seed, is to be sold above 6s. till after harvest. 1640. Corn 5s. ; Summer Wheat 7s. ; Rye 6s. 8d. It appears that the two latter sorts of grain had not been previously raised in sufficient quantity to be paid for colonial expenses. It may be here proper- ly stated, that for over a half century, it was common to use the phrase, " all sorts of corn," meaning the several kinds of grain. 1646. Wheat, 4s. ; Barley, 4s 6d. ; Rye, 3s. 6d. ; Peas, 3s. 6d. ; Corn, 2s. 8d. ; Cows, four years old and upwards, £5 each ; Heifers and Steers, £4 ; and the same of two and three years, 50s. ; of one and two years, 30s. ; Goats above one year, 8s. ; Swine, 20s. ; Asses £2, and other property in proportion. 1653. Every mare, horse, or gelding of four years old and upwards, £16 ; of three years, £10; of two years, £7 ; of one year, £3 10s. Poll tax, 20c?. 1660. Wheat, 5s.; Barley and Barley Malt, 4s. 6d. ; Peas and Rye, 4s. ; Corn, 3s. 1668. Shingles 19s. a thousand. 1673. Sheep, £5 a score. They had been estimated higher. Wheat, 5s. ; Barley and Barley Malt and Rye, 4s. ; Peas and Corn, 3s. 1675. One quarter of the amount paid in produce, is to be subtracted for money. 1678. All corn or grain is to be brought to the deposit of the treasurer, at the charge of the town whence it is sent. 1685. Wheat, 5s. 6d. ; Barley and Barley Malt, 4s. 6d. ; Rye and Peas 4s. ; Corn, 3s. ; Oats, 2s. 1689. One third discounted for cash. 1690. As a loan to the country, Pork 7 farthings and Beef 3d. a pound ; Pork £3 and Beef 36s. a barrel. 1698. Wheat, 5s. ; Peas, 4s. ; Barley and Barley Malt, Corn, and Rye, 3s. ; Oats, Is. 6d. 1702. Flax and sheep's wool Is. a pound. 1705. Beans, 5s. 1715. Rates to be paid, one-third in money and two-thirds in grain. Wheat, 5s. ; Rye, Barley, and Malt, 4s. ; Corn, 3s. 6d. ; Oats, 2s. 1751. Rye, 3s.; Corn, 2s. 6d. ; Barley, 2s. 3d.; Flax, Sd. a pound. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. FENCING. FISH. 47 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. These are nearly the same in number as they were formerly, though much improved. 1637. Ploughing was a distinct employment, and particu- lar men made it their chief business in its season. * Then, there were only thirty-seven ploughs in all Massachusetts. Now, every farmer has one or more. For a century and a half, the tumbril, a sort of cart, fitted to carry large loads, was named in the inventories of deceased farmers 3 estates. Dur- ing all this period, our fathers never used the wagon. This began to be employed in Ipswich about forty-five years ago. Such a fact shows the reason why much greater burdens are drawn now than in former times. Previously to the intro- duction of wagons, and while carts only were used, the backs of cattle were subject to more injuries than at present. Then, loads would often bear down behind or before, and strain and occasionally kill such animals. FENCING. f 1635. Paling, or narrow boards or poles, sharpened on the top, were often used to enclose ground. 1 <).->:}. As the General Court has ordered the selectmen of every town to regulate their fences, it is ordered that all persons, concerned and living in Ipswich, shall, before April 20th, have their fences in a good state, (except farms of one hundred acres,) made of pales well nailed or pinned, or of five rails well fitted, or of stone wall three and a half feet high at least, or with a ditch three or four feet wide, with a substantial bank, having two rails or a hedge, or some equivalent, on penalty of 5s. a rod and 2s. a week for each rod while ne- glected. FISH. Animals of this sort were very abundant when Agawam was settled. Of their number, salmon and bass have nearly, and * Graham. t T. R. 48 SERPENTS. FOWL. sturgeon have entirely, disappeared from our waters. There were companies, of Matthew Craddock and others, who caught large quantities of sturgeon for the European market, in Ips- wich, while it was owned by Indians. The sounds of these fish were made into isinglass. Smith remarked of Mas- sachusetts ; " No river where there is not plenty of sturgeon or salmon or both, which are to be had in abundance, observ- ing but their seasons. But if a man will goe at Christmas to gather cherries in Kent, though there be plenty in summer, he may be deceived ; so here these plenties have each their season." SERPENTS. These, of various colors and kinds, have thinned off as population has spread and manifested its perpetual hatred to them. Among them the Rattle-snake is most dreaded be- cause of its most deadly bite. This creature continues to be seen, though not so frequently as in years past, in Essex and Hamilton woods, formerly a part of Ipswich. FOWL. Animals of this sort have become far less numerous than they were two centuries past. Some of them, as the Eagle, Crane, and Partridge, have grown scarce. Others, as the Swan and Wild Turkey, have disappeared from this vicinity. In the summer and autumn, Plovers, Curlews, Yellow-legs, Snipes and Sand-pipers, and in winter, Wild Ducks abound. It was anciently the practice for persons in several parts of the colony, to obtain grants of water privileges, and to furnish themselves with suitable gear, for the purpose of taking fowl. In accordance with this is the following. * 1663. Granted Mr. Jonathan Wade, nine acres of water in Chebacco pond, by the mouth of the river running out of it, T. R. MINERALS. PHBLIC WAYS. 49 and two rods of ground about the water by the side of this pond. lti(>6. He relinquishes this grant. The subsequent premiums show, that the owners of grain fields and certain of the feathered tribe differed about having all things in ('011111101). • 17.34. Voted that I2d. a dozen he paid for the heads of such blackbirds and blue jays, as shall be killed within the town, •• upon producing them to the treasurer," who is to destroy them, so as to prevent their being paid for twice. I 827. Voted that ten cents be paid for every crow killed within the limits of this place. MINERALS. None of these have been discovered here, except bog-ore. This has been dug in several parts of Ipswich. 1658. The town grant " liberty to the inhabitants,, with such others as shall join with them, to set up a blomary for to make iron at Chehacco River." PUBLIC WAYS. These are put down as found on the Town Records. 1635. One to be laid out through J. Spencer's and N. Easton's land, on south of the river. " Pathway which leads to Merrimack." This proba- bly went up Brook Lane, where the old road to Newbury used to run. Instead of a pathway, it has long been the great thoroughfare to Maine. High Street. Ways to the Mill, to Great Neck, to Chebacco, and to Jeffrey's Neck. A road of four rods wide is reserved through John Tuttle's one hundred and fifty acres, east of Mile River to the Common. 1636. Ways to Labor-in-vain Meadows, and to Muddy River. 1637. Lanes from Mill Street to High Street, to Salton- stall's farm, and Bridge Lane. 1638. It is voted, that a general fence be made from the ■ T. R. 50 PUBLIC WAYS. end of the town to Egypt River, and from the east end in the way to Jeffrey's Neck, to be done at the charge of those who own the land within said compass. Liberty is granted them to fell trees to make the fence, from lands ungranted. A highway is to be laid out beyond Mr. Appleton's. West End Street. 1639. Way from High Street to Bridge Street is to be drained by means of ditches. Brook Street. 1641. Way to be through the farm of Matthew and John Whipple. This is the eastern stage route in Hamilton. It was long called the Bay Road, because leading to Boston, which was then strictly considered in Massachusetts Bay to the exclusion of towns to the north of Chelsea. 1651. Country road through Mr. Appleton's farm. A way between Mr. Tuttle's swamp and ends of the lots ; another to Norton and Paine's Neck and the Marshes ; and another through Robert Kinsman's land ; one, a rod and a half wide, to Robinson's Neck. 1655. A way through Goodman Procter's land to Good- man Foster's marsh. 1656. A road and foot-bridge are to be made, leading to Castle Neck. 1657. A road is to be laid out from the further side of Chebacco Ferry to Robert Cross's and also to Goodwife Haffield's bridge, through Mr. Rogers' ox pasture. A way through Thomas Burnam's ground across the swamp. 165S. A road is to run through Mr. Saltonstall's forty acres and part of John Andrews' farm, one rod and a half wide. 1660. A foot-way is to be laid out from the road at Heart- break Hill, and run to the farms and common lands, where it hath been used. 1661. Daniel Warner has a way allowed through his six acres by Saunders' Brook. " Lots laid out at Jeffrey's Neck, to have their high-way at the head of them." Scott's Lane. 1662. A road is to run to Samuel Symonds' land, near Pleasant Pond. 1665. A way through Wm. Whitred's farm. 1666. One through Samuel Parley's land. 1667. Way to Green's Point. 1669. One through Mr. Eppes' marsh. 1677. One from Mr. Baker and Robert Lord's marsh to PUBLIC WAYS. 7j\ the road from the town to Reedy Marsh. Another from Mr. Norton's farm is to be two rods wide. 1678. A road from the Windmill to Haffield's Bridge. 1681. One, a rod and a hall" wide, to Robinson's Creek. 1096. A way is laid out to Thomas Treadwell senior's house. 1697. One through John Cogswell senior's farm. An- other is ordered to Perkins's Island. 1699. The town resolve, that all their country roads shall be four rods wide, except where they lead through an individ- ual's land, and then they shall he two rods in width, if he make tin* way passable ; if not, they are to be four. A road is to be made from Gloucester line to John Cogswell's upland. 1702. A way of two rods wide, is to pass through Geo. Gidding's farm. 1703. One to John Emerson's farm. 17<)0. Another through Thomas Hammond's farm, by Rowley line. 1730. A road from Lamson's Bridge to Gravelly Brook. 1741. One from the house of Daniel Warner to the coun- try road. 1745. Another to lead to the Town Landing. 175-3. A way from North Common Field gate to Col. Berry's farm is accepted. I~")7. One from Solomon Gidding's gate to Jacob Proc- ter's causeway is accepted. I ")-. Another from Solomon Smith's to Wenham Ford is allowed. 1760 A way is to be from North gate by John Baker's, through P. Kinsman's land to Chebacco road. 1761. One is to pass through land of Isaac Smith and Paul Dodge. 1764. Voted to have a road through the westerly part of North Common Fields through Wm. Dodge's farm, to the Sluice Creek. 1774. A road from Thomas Adams's barn to the Hamlet meeting-house, and another through Saltonstall's farm from Swamp Bridge to the country road, are reported. 1787. A road is to pass through Jonathan Lamson's land, beginning at Nathaniel Raymon's house, and coming to the road by Thomas Millet's house. 1789. It is reported that the way from the foot of Maxey's 52 PUBLIC WAYS. FERRY. hill to Gidding's corner, which had been closed up, belonged to the town, for they had formerly maintained it. This road was soon re-opened and continues. A way with gates is granted, leading from the road by Mo- ses Conant's to Boxford. 1803. One in Chebacco, over Procter's Point from Glou- cester, is accepted. 1805. Another from Green's Point to Town Landing, is laid out. 1806. A private way overland of Samuel Hardy, running partly to Hog Island road, is reported. 1807. A way, two rods wide, is to run from Pingrey's Plain to Muddy River bridge. 1810. One is laid out through Oliver Cogswell's land. The old way through his land is to be discontinued. 1814. Voted to accept a way through lands of John D. Andrews, Asa Andrews, and John Heard, who give the land and fencing. Another is to run to Nathan Brown's marsh, at his own expense. 1817. A way is accepted from the gate of the Newbury- port turnpike, over David Hobbs's land to Topsfield line. A road from Chebacco to Manchester. One from Topsfield way to Wm. Warner's house, is accepted. 1823. A road which was granted in 1753, to the town's farm, is allowed. 1824. Another is to run from Fowler's lane to Northfield common. Had it been fixed law and practice from the beginning of Ipswich and other ancient towns, to have their roads sufficient- ly broad and straight, there would have been far less conten- tion and expense, than have occurred of late years. To begin a thing well, is much better than to begin it ill and leave it to be rectified by others. We should do for posterity what we think our ancestors should have done for us. FERRY. This was kept over Chebacco river before 1657, when the ferriage was %d. a passenger. 1697. The same is to be paid for one person, and Ad. for each horse. This ferry ceased about 1700, when a bridge was built. BUIDGKS. 53 BRIDGES. 1635. One for foot passengers ; 1641, it bad been renew- ed and widened; was repaired 1663, and in 1700, when it was called the Great Bridge. It appears to have passed over the Town River. 16 11. Reedy Marsh. 1655. One at the creek near Castle Neck. L656. Ilafiield's. 1 665. .Mile Brook. One between Ipswich and Rowley; another by David Warner's. L666. Horse-bridge over Chebacco River by Gloucester. It was broken down by a storm in 1672, and repaired. 166S. One to be erected over the river, near the mills. 1673. Perkins's — Labor-in-vain — Egypt River. 1681. Saltonstall's — Black Brook. 1696. Boatman's. 1700. Bridge built over Chebacco Ferry. One to be made at Burnam's creek. 1730. Cart bridge, built over the river by Jonathan Lam- son and others. 1757. One of rock is to be at " Bridge Craft." 1762. Appleton's to be rebuilt with stone. 1764. Voted to rebuild the town and county bridge six or eight feet wider. Hon. John Choate was on the committee for this business, after whom the new bridge was named. It cost the town £500. The county paid as much more. It is strong and neat, having two arches with one sojid pier in the bed of the river. 1770. One at Muddy River to be rebuilt with stone. 1811. Voted $1500 to rebuild the great bridge at Che- bacco and repair its causeway in conjunction with the county. Voted afterwards $1000 more to finish them. 1832. After a long contention and several litigations, a bridge is finished over the river, near Smith's mills, which cost $2500. 54 CANALS AND CUTS. CANALS AND CUTS. * 1652. "Granted Thomas Clark and Reginal Foster, that when they shall have cut through a passage from this river into Chebacco River, of ten feet wide and soe deepe as a lighter may pass through laden, and to make a ford and foote- bridge over, that then the town have given unto them £10 towards said passage." 1682. " Granted to any of the inhabitants to perfect cut- ting the cut, that comes up to Mr. Eppes' bridge, if they will submit to the selectmen, yearly, the setting of the toll for those who pass through and who do not help cut it." 1694. "Granted that such persons of Ipswich, as will, may have liberty to cut the cut through on the hither side of Castle Neck ; and if any pass through, who do not help do it, they shall pay for a passage as the selectmen set the price." " Whoever will cut the cut through the marsh by Mr. Eppes' sufficient for boats to pass through laden, shall have liberty. Such as pay about 5s. towards doing it, shall pass free. Such as pay nothing, shall be charged 3d. in money for a cord of wood, or load of hay, or ton of other loading." 1820. A company became incorporated for having a canal from Ipswich to Essex. It was made navigable early in 1821. Its length is about half a mile. It commences at Fox Creek and runs to Chebacco River. It cost near $1100. This stock is divided into twenty-seven shares of forty dollars each, and pays nearly six per cent, on the original amount. As an inlet to Essex from Merrimack River for ship timber, it has kept this article down lower than it would be, had dependence been placed solely on what the vicinity would supply. Prices of freight through this canal. — Oak timber seventeen cents, and pine fourteen cents a ton. Oak sawn stuff of an inch thick, forty cents M., and of other thicknesses in proportion. Pine sawn stuff of one inch thick, thirty cents M. ; hard wood thirty cents, and pine twenty cents a cord. Hogshead staves seventy-five cents, and barrel staves forty cents M. Hogshead hoop-poles one dollar, and barrel hoop- poles seventy-five cents M. Clapboards, forty cents, and shingles ten cents M. Each light gondola five cents, and every ton of loading fifteen cents. *T. R. Ill NICIPAL CONCERNS. 55 MUNICIPAL CONCERNS. As the age and population of Ipswich increased, so did its relations, necessities, and offices. No man should ever take upon himself a public trust with any other motive, than to promote the best good of the community. In order to avoid the common and too much deserved charge, " Corporations have no souls," the inhabitants of each town should be willing that their officers should transact their pecuniary business on princi- ples of justice. It is often the case, that, for the sake of avoiding the undeserved reproach of a -March meeting, such officers are tempted to haggle and shuffle, to do for their constituents what they would he ashamed of as individuals. * 1636. The General Court allow, that the freemen of every plantation, shall not only have power to grant lots of land, hut also to make orders for their own regulation not opposed to colonial laws ; to assess and collect fines for breach of their rules, not above 20s., and choose their several officers. Town Offickrs. Some of these will be preceded by the year, when first seen on the records, though most of them were elected before. 1637. " The Seven Men." 163S. " The Eleven Men." As to the origin of these, the following is offered. | When a church was gathered at New Haven in 1639, the Rev. J. Davenport directed the brethren " to select eleven of their most godly men, as a nomination for church pillars, that there might be no blemish in church work.'' These were to choose seven among themselves, because it is read in Proverbs, " Wisdom hath hewn out her seven pillars." Here we very probably have the reason for the number of eleven and seven men, as contained not merely on the records of Ipswich, but on those of other ancient towns. So closely connected were the civil and ecclesiastical concerns of our ancestors, so fixed were they in having no person hold any social trust, unless a professor of religion, that they would not hesitate to apply the same distinctive names to their chief men, as officers of the com- munity, which they bore in relation to the church. There can be little doubt, that the selecting of such individuals originally, gave rise to the term select, as applied to the superintendents of • Col. R. \ Mass. Hist. Coll. 56 MUNICIPAL CONCERNS. town affairs. Not a few expressions, which we often use with- out tracing them to their source, were once associated in other minds with important occasions. At first the Selectmen were elected only for three months. They continued to be seven till 1723, when they were five. The next year and after- wards to 1741, they were restored to the old number. Town Clerk. 1636, Daniel Dennison. He is to have 6cl. for every entrance of land. Sarveyors and Constables. Each constable was required in 1646, to have, as a sign of his office, a staff, five feet or five feet and a half long, tipped on the upper end with five or six inches of brass. 16S7. The constable at Chebacco is to have one black staff, there being two others in town. 1641. Giles Firman is appointed by the General Court for Ipswich, to grant summons and attachment in civil actions, the same as a clerk of writs. Treasurer. 1642, Robert Paine. Such an officer, in 1695, had Id. on £1, of all he received and paid. 1646. Commissioner of Taxes begins and continues many years. His duty was to act with the Selectmen in making out the tax lists. 1661. Hog-Reeves. There was a pound for swine, which damaged cornfields, in 1635. In 1641, each inhabitant is allowed to let out from one to four hogs, according to his property. 1677. Sealer of Weights and Measures. Tythingmen. Twenty-five of these are chosen. Were such guardians of the public morals as vigilent and active now, as they were formerly, many who are bold and unre- strained in their vices, would be brought to justice. 1678. Packer, Pounders, and Town Crier. Each town is required, in 1642, to have a crier, who is to have 2d. for every article he proclaims. 1681. Clerk of the Market and Leather-Sealer. — 1686. Culler of Boards and Staves. — Corder of Wood. — 1691. Ganger. — 1693. Fence- Viewers. — 1694. Hay-Wards. — 1698. Overseers of the Poor, who were generally the Select- men. — 1715. Culler of Fish. — 1739. Deer- Reeves. — 1760. Surveyors of Boards and Timber. — 1761. Six Wardens, three for the town parishes, one for Chebacco and another for the Hamlet. Their duty was to see the Sabbath kept orderly. They were elected till after 1778. — Clerk of the Hay-market. MUNICIPAL CONCERNS. 57 1 Q 01. Besides the preceding town officers, arc the Fish Committee, Measurers of Chrain and Sub, Cullers of Bricks. This year, The town Clerk had ten dollars, the Treasurer seventeen, and Selectmen, serving as Overseers and Assessors, had each twenty-five dollars annually for their services. 1805. Fire-Wards. Regulations. L635. No timber or " clayboards " are to be carried out of the town without consent of the freemen, nor any timber sawn or unsawn, riven or unriven, on pain of for- feiting the same. This town, with the rest, is required to have a peck and a bushel measure and weights sealed by the marshal of Boston. 1641. It is ordered that every sale or exchange of house and land shall be recorded on the town book. 1642. Whoever leaves carrion twenty-four hours, so as to draw wolves? in or annoy people, shall pay 5s. An order is to be put on the meeting-house against selling powder and guns to Indians. 1646. Mechanics are required to assist farmers, when there is danger of losing part of a crop. 1649. As some were d ssatisfied, that tradesmen only were allowed to fell white oaks for their business, it is ordered that none shall use such liberty as to any kind of trees without leave from the Seven men. 1696. Rails, posts, wood, boards, staves, shingles, and hoop-poles are forbidden to be sold from the town's common. 1704. ]\o person is to speak in town meeting without leave of the moderator, on penalty of 6//. 1320. Inhabitants are allowed to sit in such meetings with their hats on. M \tters of morality. 1642. The Seven men are to see that children, neglected by their parents, are employed, learned to read and "understand the principles of religion and the capital laws of this country," and, if necessary, be bound out to service. 1653. The law against Sabbath-breaking is posted up on the meeting-house. 1661. As an inhabitant of Ipswich, living at a distance, absented himself with his wife from public worship, the Gen- eral Court empower the Seven men to sell his farm so that they may live nearer the sanctuary and be able more con- 8 53 FIRE DEPARTMENT. veniently to attend on its religious services. Individuals are appointed to keep order in the meeting-house. 1670. Constables are instructed to prevent young persons from being out late in the evening, especially Sabbath, lecture, and training-day evenings. 1672. Laborers are forbidden to have intoxicating liquors. 1678. All persons in town are required to have some visi- ble employment. 1631. Single persons, who are under no government, are ordered to put themselves under the care of some head of a family. Daniel Weldron is required to return to his wife according to law. An inhabitant is complained of by a tythingman, because he had had a servant many years and had not taught him to read. 1738. The act for reformation of manners is read at the annual town meeting, and so continues to be till after 1771. 1777. It is voted that the ministers take turns in opening town meetings with prayer. This custom is still observed. As we reflect on the moral transactions of this and other ancient towns, we are compelled to notice one fact, however ominous of evil, however discouraging to our hope. This fact is, that, as such communities have increased in numbers, wealth, and years, so have they departed from the justifiable strictness of their ancestors. We look in vain for that meas- ure of vigilance, promptness, and activity, which the officers of each corporation anciently manifested against the workers of iniquity. We look in vain for the ready obedience, which the vicious were constrained to yield to the commands of their social authorities. Our disease is open before us. Wise and happy shall we be, if we apply the needed remedies. FIRE DEPARTMENT. * 1642. " As much hurt hath been done by fire, through neglect of having ladders in readiness at men's houses, and also by the insufficiency of chimneys and due cleaning of them, every householder shall have a ladder in constant readiness, T. R. l.IGHTNING-RODS. 59 twenty feet long, at his bouse." As wooden chimneys plas- tered with clay, and thatched roof-, were common then, such an order was highly necessarj . 1649. "Whereas complaint has been made of the great danger, that may accrue to the inhabitants b) reason of some men's setting stacks of baj near the dwelling-houses, if fire should happen, — ordered that whosoever bath any hay or English corn in straw by their houses, or have set an) bay- stacks within three rods of their houses, shall remove it within six day- after notice, on fine of 20s." 1804. A- smoking in the streets had become prevalent, and thus endangered buildings, it is forbidden by the town in the penalty of one dollar for each offence. Engine. 1804, dan. 3d. The South parish vote to unite with the first, and build a house for the engine bought by subscription. L808. Voted to have four fire-ladders and four hooks with chains, two of each to be kept in the body of the town, one of each at Chehacco and Line Brook. Another Engine. 18-21, March 13th. The Selectmen are to purchase an engine and have a house made for it. The cost of this engine was four hundred and fifty dollars. It made two for Ipswich. Well fitted and sufficient fire de- partments are good economy for all towns. The fact, that not a few of our small towns have no preparation for fires, be- tokens neither public spirit nor prudence. LIGHTNING-RODS. These, being invented by Dr. Franklin about 1747, have been but little used in any part of Ipswich. There has been none in Essex or in Hamilton. The only one recollected eighty years since, was on the old jail. There are now seven in Ipswich. A probable reason for their not being formerly more introduced here, was the prejudice, very prev- alent through the Colonies, that the erection of them upon buildings was a resistance to Providence, because attracting the electric fluid from its direct course. It is well that such Mahommedan fatality has not the influence it once had, in preventing the improvements of science. 60 MARKET. HAY-SCALES. TOWN SEAL. GOODS FOUND. MARKET. * 1637. Venison is forbidden to be bought without leave of each town. No cakes or buns are to be sold, except for burials or marriages. 1672. As some Indians stole hogs from the English to sell, the latter are required to mark one ear of such animals as belong to them, and the former to have no mark for theirs ; and, when bringing pork for sale to the English, " to bring with them the swine's ears." The market here is not fully supplied, excepting with the article of wood. HAY-SCALES. 1761. Doctor John Calef is granted a spot of land to build these on, at the south corner of Back Lane. 1792. Joseph Lord has leave to set up hay-scales. 1832. Instead of the high framed ones, two of the patent platform scales are made. This alteration is much for con- venience and neatness. TOWN SEAL. 168 L. A seal and stamp is bought with these letters .lyp. GOODS FOUND. 1712. Articles, picked up, are prized and entered on the town book, so that the loser may recover them. This was long a standing custom till after 1735. It was not so easy for the fraudulent finder to indulge his disposition then, as it is now. * Col. R. PROVINCE LOANS. DONATIONS. BENEFACTIONS. 61 PROVINCE LOANS. 1721 , May 11th. The town vote to draw their proportion of the £50,000 in bills of credit out of the province treasury, as emitted by the General Court. This proportion was £1429. Oct. 5th. Three trustees are appointed to loan this money. Oct. 19th. They are allowed to have it, except £ LOO on mortgage at four per cent., and to let it to individuals in town at six. 1728. April 1st. Five persons are appointed trustees of £1560 5s., the proportion which Ipswich was designated to have of £50.000 in province bills. They are to let it at six per cent. No town-man is to have more than £50 nor less than £5. The trustees are allowed two per cent, for their trouble. The General Court had made two other emissions of bills, one in 1690 and the other 1702. They entered upon such an experiment from necessity, having greatly involved the countrj by an expedition to Canada, and possessing no other apparent means to extricate it from debt. The prece- dent, however, was an evil one. It led to other similar exped- ients, until confidence was lost in government paper, and deep distress brought upon the whole province. DONATIONS. * 1644. £5 or a cow is to be paid to Ipswich by order of Mr. Richard Andrews, haberdasher, of London, who had made similar gifts to other plantations. 1659. The General Court grant each town copies of Mr. Norton's work, in the press, against the Quakers, in proportion to its rates. BENEFACTIONS. -f-1663. As the Selectmen arc instructed by the General Court to receive gifts here for freight of masts for His Majesty, next lecture-day is appointed to ascertain what sum can be * Col. R. t T. R. 62 BENEFACTIONS* advanced. These masts and other articles were sent over to Charles the Second, by contributions from the several towns, as a sort of palliation for our fathers' having favored the anti- royalists. 1682. Mr. Samuel Hall, some time a resident in Massa- chusetts, had died at Langford near Maiden, Essex county, England. He bequeathed £100 to those, who lost by the great fire in Boston and by Indian wars in this colony. Mr. John Hall of Islington, near London, was his executor, who sent an order to his mother, Mrs. Rebeccah Symonds of Ipswich, to dispose of the bequest. She gave to individuals who had suffered by Indians, as follows : — £8 to Martha Graves; £10 to Moses of Newichiwanack, son of the Rev. "William Worcester ; £5 to Frances Graves of Ipswich ; £3 to Martha Coy,. fled to Boston, widow of John Coy of Brook- field, slain ; 33s. to Susannah, widow of Thomas Ayres, also slain. 1774, Aug. 29th. Ipswich voted £100 to relieve the distressed inhabitants of Boston, " who are suffering in the cause of the country." Such noble charity was bestowed by all parts of our country, though adversity frowned and fears were high in every quarter. 1803. For sufferers by fire at Portsmouth 100 dollars, and for such in the same town, in 1814, 250 dollars. 1811. For sufferers by fire at Newburyport 1000 dollars. 1823. 220 dollars to sufferers by fire at Wiscasset and Alna. 1828. Collections were made for the Greeks. 1830. Some aid was granted to sufferers by fire at Glou- cester. 1832. 150 dollars were contributed for the Cape de Verd Islands. Bunker Hill Association. 1825, April 19th. 148 dollars 20 cents are paid over to the treasurer of this associ- ation, for erecting a monument. About 56 dollars more were given by ladies for the same object. Religious Charities. In Mr. Kimball's Society, for the last seven years, they have averaged 300 dollars annually ; and, for the same period, there has been, in Mr. Fitz's, an average of 215 dollars each year. " To shed beneficence, Celestial ofiice ! " DIVISION OF ESSEX. TOWN HOUSE. PROBATE OFFICE. G3 DIVISION OK ESSL'X COUNTY. * 1693, March 17ih. [pswich instructs its representatives to petition with others, that the county may be divided. This was granted by the House, but negatived by the Governor and Council. 1736, March 4th. The town instruct their representa- tives to oppose a division of the county. This subject has been several times agitated. Such a division will probably take place ; but when, time will tell. TOWN HOUSE. 1704, May 1 1th. Voted, that such a building bo forthwith erected on Meeting-house Hill, with a school-house under it, if the county pay half of the expense. Dec. 28th. A com- mittee are chosen to contract for such a house, 23 feet wide, 32 feet long, 18 or 19 feet stud, with chimneys. 1167, Aug. 2d. It is voted to pay £29 7s. Qd. for making a steeple on the Town-house. 1794, May 1st. Agreed that the committee, who are to confer with the county committee about a new Court-house be empowered to sell the old one. The new house was finished early in 1795. It cost 7000 dollars, Ipswich paying one half and the county the other. PROBATE OFFICE BUILDING. This, made of brick and lire-proof, is 23 feet wide, 40 feet long, and one story high. It cost the county 3700 dol- lars. It was finished and occupied December J 5th, 1817. The Probate Office was kept from 1722 to 1815 in the Court-house. From this time, till 1817, it was kept in the house of Nathaniel Lord, I'wp, the present Register. It is well, that after the elapse of many years, the public good was so far prudently consulted, as to provide a safe depository for a large portion of the county's most valuable records. " T. K 64 POST-OFFICE. UNITY LODGE. POST-OFFICE. # 1775, May 4th. Ipswich chooses a committee to confer with those of other towns, from Newburyport to Danvers, who are met here respecting the establishment of a regular post from the former place to Cambridge. f May 24th. The Provincial Congress lately appointed a Post-office for Ipswich, and James Foster to be its keeper. The mail had been carried through Ipswich, up to this time, from before 1756, on horseback. It was six days on its route from Bos- ton to Portsmouth and back again. Since Deacon Foster, there have been seven Post-masters. UNITY LODGE. This body received their charter March 9th, 1779. It was the ninth chartered by the Grand Lodge. The Masons of Ipswich have held no meeting since 1829. As to this cessation they are not chargeable with imprudence. Though aware that there have been gross misrepresentations of Ma- sonic obligations and transactions, yet they have not thought it well to convene, lest it should fan the flame of party ani- mosity, which already preys upon the vitals of the body poli- tic. They do not undertake to assert, that no lodges in our country have become so corrupt, as to engage, that, if expe- diency or necessity require, they will violate laws both human and divine. But they can truly declare, that neither they nor any lodge of New England, with which they have an ac- quaintance, have ever understandingly covenanted to counte- nance, much less to practise immoralities. They feel them- selves bound to condemn the murderers of Morgan, if such there be, and the attempts to prevent the infliction of justice upon them, as upon other members of the community. It would, however, be infatuation to pretend, that Masonry is free from every fault. Like all institutions of human origin, it has imperfections. Among these imperfections is a part of the figurative expressions and forms, used on the admission of * T. R. t N. E. Chronicle. TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. — BANK, he. its members. Such things, if they were not formerly defects, have become so, wherever the benevolent spirit and enlight- ened views of Christianity prevail. The object of legitimate Masonry can now be accomplished without them. With regard to the proposal before our Legislature, it is a question deserving serious and general consideration, whether they should not only forbid Masonic, Phi Beta Kappa, and other literarj societies' oaths of secrecy, but also oaths of every description. The true man will tell the truth without an oath. The false man will declare falsely will) an oath. Indeed, who is not shocked to witness the frequent perjury, which takes place in our courts of justice? In cases of this ^uii. the perjurer implicitly calls upon his Maker to destroy his soul, if he do not speak truly. There is nothing really so awful as this in the obligations of Masonry. While the axe is laid to one root, let it be laid to the whole. Let a law be passed, prohibiting oaths of every kind, and requiring, when necessary, the solemn affirmation of the Friends. Let this be done, and then the public welfare will not have cause to complain, that while one part of its claims are listened to by a numerous legislative assembly, the other is neglected. TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. An association of this kind, with strict rules and a consis- tent compliance with them, is one of the greatest blessings to any community. As existing in Ipswich, it was formed 1 629, and embraces five hundred members. BANK. This was incorporated March 25th, 183-5. Its capital is 100,000 dollars. It began to issue bills Aug. 10th. PRECAUTIONS AS TO STRANGERS. * 1673. Any who let houses or lands to those, whom the town disapprove of, shall be fined, or any who entertain stran- ■T. R. 66 ORNAMENTAL TREES. NEUTRAL FRENCH. gers, shall pay 20s. a week, unless security be given for their honesty and ability . 1700, May 27th. John Wainwright, having leased a farm to Samuel Cass of Hampton, New Hampshire, gives a bond of £200, to indemnify the town if any of the Cass family should come upon them. 1789. Persons, recently moved hither, are warned away, without any respect to their character, profession, or condi- tion. This custom, as a legal one, continued years afterwards. ORNAMENTAL TREES. 1793. Lombardy Poplars begin to be set out in various parts of the town. One thing, which soon brought them into disrepute, was, that they were infested with poisonous asps, and another, that they injured the soil near them. They be- came unfashionable in ten years. They were preceded by Weeping Willows, which have recently renewed their appear- ance, and by Pine and Spruce trees. One hundred and sixty years ago, the Elm and Mulberry were favorite ornaments, and have continued in a greater or less degree. Horse-chesnut and Mountain Ash followed the Poplar. The Catalpa has been lately introduced. To the lover of nature, trees, clad with verdure and placed around dwellings and by the way- side, always afford a welcome prospect. NEUTRAL FRENCH. f 1757, Nov. 21st. Voted £20 for their assistance. 1758. The Selectmen are instructed to supply them. 1762. A plan is to be devised for supporting them at less expense. The number of them was about twenty. There was a priest among them, who used to bring along wooden ladles for sale. They were industrious. Both sexes of them wore shoes of wood. They left Ipswich in 1766. They were part of the Catholic inhabitants, who were compelled to leave Nova Scotia, after it was conquered by the English. T. R. PAUPERS. ALMS-HOUSES. 61 PAUPERS. ]()(>(). Aii individual supported by the town, is to be let out. L678. A Deacon of tin- Church is empowered to supply a poor person at the town's expense. I "(in. Voted to be at the charge of sending Good wife Dent to Scotland, her native place. She did nol go. 1~ -27. Two men, having been blown oil* from Canso and having put in al St. Peter's of Newfoundland, where thej paid money for the passage of an old man, Richard Cole, who had lived at [pswich and who was with them, to bis borne in England, desire to be reimbursed. L738. This place jiays £100 a year for its poor. L741. The Overseers are to give public notice when the time is for letting out the paupers, as cheap as they can be. This is still a practice in our small towns, where there are no alms-houses. It is open to the serious objection of having the disorderly among the poor often thrown into bands un- filled in hold a proper restraint upon them. * 1742. Voted that Mr. Pickering have a contribution for the poor in Chebacco. t 1759. Materials are to be provided, so that the paupers committed to the bouse of correction may be employed. 1700. £66 13.5. Ad. are voted to buy a bouse for two men, reduced to poverty. 1760. Paupers are increasing here. L778, Dec. 31st. Voted that application be made to the Selectmen for cutting down decayed wood, which belongs to persons in Great Britain, " for use of the poor and the soldiers' families in this distressing time for want of wood." I 7 86. Charges for poor £300. 1792. They are above £500. ALMS-HOUSES. 1701. Voted that some convenient bouse be built on the common to accommodate the poor. L702. Voted that a cottage be made for this purpose. 171". It is agreed to have an alms-bouse, composed of logs, 40 feet Ions;, 10 wide, and (5 high. " Chebacco P. R. t T. R. 68 ALMS-HOUSES. 1735. All the poor are to live in one house, provided by the Selectmen, except such as are exempted. 1770. The alms-house at the south-east end of the county-house, is decayed. 1784. The Selectmen are to sell the alms-house for the most it will fetch. 1785. A committee are instructed to finish the alms-house. 1795, May 6th. Voted to buy John Harris's house, other buildings, and land, for the poor, at £250. This was done. 1818, Jan. 1st. Voted that the Town Treasurer hire 10,500 dollars to purchase a farm for the paupers. April 6th. Voted to sell the place previously improved as an alms-house establishment, and with the proceeds of it to enlarge the buildings on the farm recently bought. This farm formerly belonged to the noted Doctor Thomas Berry. It is in the north part of the town nigh Rowley River. 1820. The whole number in the alms-house, when visited, was forty-seven. Of these, twenty-three were brought to poverty, directly or indirectly, by intemperance. 1832. The report of this year is as follows. — The main building was an old farm-house, 34 by 48 feet, two stories high. Other buildings are, one 20 by 50, and another 20 by 26, both of one story. The farm contains 340 acres, 50 of which are marsh. The land is excellent for hay and grain, yielding 150 tons of the former and 600 bushels of the latter in a year. One fifth of the paupers here entirely earn their living. The State poor are not inclined to remain, because required to work. All the clothing of those in the alms-house is manufactured and made up here. Sal- ary of the superintendent is 225 dollars, and of a hired man 215 dollars. Dr. Whole expenditures for the establishment last year $1,300-77 Whole expenditures for poor out of the house 158-73 Interest on cost of the farm 570-00 $ 2,029-50 Cr. For produce sold from the farm $1,069-15 For State paupers • . . 116-75 1,185-90 1,185-90 $ 2,029-50 1,185-90 Balance against the town $ 843-60. SETTLEMENTS AND TOWNS SET OFF. 69 1833. There were thirty-six in the alms-house. Of these was one insane and another nan compos. It is calculated that they have maintained themselves this year, and earned 150 dollars towards paying the interest. The average ages of the thirty-six were seventy-one years, and of twelve among them eighty-five years and a half, making one thousand and twenty-seven years. The purchasing and continuing of this establishment is sound economy for the town and mercy for the poor. These, having stated employment, and wholesome and lar food as well as clothing, are more happy in mind and more healthy in body. Such of them as are slaves to vicious indulgences have something else to occupy their attention, at least for a part of the time, besides the gratification of their evil propensities. While much is thus well done for their bodies, should not the inquiry he made, whether enough has been done for their souls ? The poor, however they become so, whether by adversity or crime, are the Providential care of the public, who are bound to provide for their spiritual as well as temporal necessities. SETTLEMENTS AND TOWNS SET OFF. * 163">. May 6th. The General Court order the bounds of Ipswich and Quascacunquen to be laid out. " Some of the chief of Ipswich desired Leave to remove to Quascacunquen, or Newbury, to begin a plantation there, which was granted them." 1638, Sept. 6th. Among the proprietors of Winnecunett, about to be settled and next year called Hampton, are several of Ipswich. f 163!). March. The settlers of Rowley, under the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers, pay Ipswich and Newbury £d00 for farms within the limits set out for Rowley. X 1640, May 13th. The desire of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward and others for a settlement at Pentucket or Cochichawick is granted, if they decide in three weeks from the 21st, and build at one of these places before next court. It appears that the situation chosen was Pentuoket, or Haverhill, and that this settlement was laid out before October. " Col. R. t Winthrop. t Col. R. 70 SETTLEMENTS AND TOWNS SET OFF. 1641, Oct. 8th. "Divers families in Linne and Ipswich" having purposed to inhabit Long Island, their leaders are called before the General Court and dissuaded from proceed- ing any farther, because it would strengthen the Dutch, whom Wintbrop called " our doubtful neighbour." 1643, Oct. " As, Sept. 4th, J 639, land, lying near Ips- wich River was granted for a village to some inhabitants of Salem and Ipswich, and the order mentioned only Salem peo- ple, and forasmuch as the said inhabitants of Ipswich have for near two years procured and maintained one to dispense the word of God unto them, which they intend to continue," it is allowed that gentlemen of these two towns be considered as the settlers of this village. 1644, Oct. 31st. On petition of Zaccheus Gould, it is thought well, that there should be a village about his farm, and that Ipswich should assist therein. This farm was within Topsfield bounds. 1645, Oct. 4th. As the Court had permitted a village "at or near New Meadows ; as the inhabitants of Ipswich, who have farms near thereunto, desire that a minister may be settled there, they are to be free from ministerial and other taxes at Ipswich, or else Ipswich is to help them maintain a minister or other charges incident to the place." The village here mentioned is the same as is spoken of under 1643, and was incorporated in 1650, by the name of Topsfield. 1660, May 31st. Some persons of Ipswich are granted a plantation of six miles square, near Quabog Ponds, if twenty families and an approved minister be there in three years. This settlement was afterwards called Brookfield. 1667, May 15th. As only six or seven families had gone to Quabog, Ipswich is allowed a year from next midsummer, to comply with the conditions of their grant. A reason for such delay was probably the very unsettled state, in which the political affairs of the colony then were. 1675, May 12th. Jeremiah Belcher and others of this place are granted a plantation six miles square, if they reserve a farm of three hundred acres for the colony, and have twenty families and a minister settled there in six years. * 1696, June 26th. Rev. Wm. Hubbard writes to Gov- ernor Archdale of Carolina, that a considerable number in * Archdale's Carolina. EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. 71 Epswich intend to emigrate thither. This emigration took place. It appcuis to have been about Oct. Nth. when eral were dismissed from Salem- village church, who were bound to the same part of our country. * 1729, Dec. 17th. Granted to inhabitants of Ipswich and Newbury, a township equal to six miles square, at Miller's River oi Paquoiag, if not interfering with the grant oi a township to Joseph Andrews and others of Salem. L735, June LOth. A Township of six miles square is granted to Lieut. Abraham Tilton and others of Ipswich. The preference of shares in such territory is assured to the descendants of soldiers, who served in the expedition of L690 against the Trench, f There were sixty-three equa] shares; din t'or the first minister ; another for support of the ministry ; a third for the use of a school, and the rest for sixty proprie- tors. All these, except eight, belonged to Ipswich. Tlje place was originally called [pswich-Canada, hut, in 17(51, it was incorporated by the name of Wineheiidon. The condi- tions of the grant were, to have sixty small houses, with a convenient meeting-house, and to settle a learned and orthodox minister in five years. The provision, thus made for school- ing and for the ministry, was common in such grants. ;! L78 '. May 5th. David Hammond, Moses, Hannah, and Nathaniel Bradstreet, and Timothy Harris, are set off to Rowley. The next year, Oct. 5th, for the completion of this allowance, they pay £(>•"> for town claims upon them. I"!»;j. June 21st. The Hamlet becomes incorporated by the name of Hamilton. 1819, Feb. 15th. Chebacco is incorporated and is called Essex. Thus reduced in territory, and thus having sent her children far and near, and thousands more, of whom we have no account, Ipswich yet remains possessed of no small por- tion of land, and yet helps to enrich many places with her surplus of steady, enterprising population. EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. Only a small part of these are known. Lest these, compara- tively few, he less and less remembered, we give them a place here. ■ Prov. R. t Whitney's Worcester Co. t T. It. 72 EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. 1634. William Perkins removes to Roxbury, where he married Elizabeth Wootton, Aug. 30th, 1636, — was of Wey- mouth 1643, of Gloucester 1651, where he preached, and of Topsfield 1655. He was son of Win. and Catharine Perkins of London, born Aug. 25, 1607, and died May 21st, 1632. 1635. May. Rev. Thomas Parker, Mr. Nicholas Noyes, Mr. Henry Sewall, Wm. White, Wm. Moody, and Richard Kent, to Newbury. 1636. Henry Short, John Spencer, and Nicholas Easton, to the same town. The last followed Mrs. Hutchinson to New- port. He became President and Governor of Rhode Island colony. 1638. Samuel, son of Gov. Thomas Dudley, helps settle Salisbury, was a deputy there, became minister of Exeter. — May 2d. Wm. Jeffrey with N. Easton had gone to Winnecu- nett. The magistrates of Ipswich have power to remove them. Sept. 6th. Wm. Foster, for his religious opinions, is ordered to leave the jurisdiction by next March. 1639. About this year, Gov. Thomas Dudley moved to Roxbury. Richard Jennings, born in Ipswich, England, and who came over with Rev. N. Rogers, returns home. 1640. Edward French and Robert Mussey to Salisbury. Matthias Currin to Southold, Long Island. 1641. Rev. John Ward, Mr. John Fawn, and Hugh Sherratt, to Haverhill. The last died Sept. 5th, 1678, aged one hundred years. 1644. John, son of Christopher Osgood, to Andover. 1645. James Ward, who graduated this year at Harvard College, returns to England with his father. Richard Bel- lingham, Governor, to Boston. Nathaniel Bishop had moved to Boston ; Simon Bradstreet, Governor, to Andover. 1646. Matthias Button, a Dutchman, and Theophilus Shatswell, to Haverhill. William Fuller to Hampton. John Winthrop, jr. 1633. He comes to settle Agawam. He arrives in Massachusetts with his wife, Nov. 2d, 1631 ; became freeman 1632. She died 1634 ; was Martha, daugh- ter of Rev. Henry Painter, of Exeter, England ; was buried in Ipswich. There is no memento to tell where the dust of this excellent woman lies. 1634, May 14th. Mr. Winthrop is chosen Assistant and so continues till his removal from the colony, 1649. He visited England 1634, and was at his uncle Emanuel Downing's of London. 1635, Oct. 6th. EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. 73 He came home with a commission from Lords Say, Brook, and others, to commence a plantation at Connecticut. He was appointed Governor of this settlement the preceding July lSth. Nov. 3d. Hi' sends a bark of thirty tons and twenty men, with provisions, to take possession of the mouth of Con- necticut River and to erect a building there. 17th. He was Lieutenant Colonel of Essex regimenl under John Endicott. L636, June 23d. His father addresses him by letter as Governor of Connecticut, and he seems to have been there superintending its concerns. 1638, Jan. 22d. His father writes to him at Ipswich. June '25th. He has leave to set up salt-works at Ryal-side, then a part of Salem, now of Bev- erly, and to have wood enough for carrying on the works, and pasture for two cows. It appears from this that Mr. Win- throp, jr., had given up his care of Connecticut Plantation. 1639, Feb. 11th. He is granted Castle Hill and all the meadow and marsh within the Creek, if he lives in Ipswich. 1640, Oct. 7th, The General Court grant him Fisher's Island at the mouth of Pequod River, so far as it is in their power, reserving the right of Connecticut and Saybrook. 1641, Aug. 3d. He sails for England. 1644, June 28th. He is granted a plantation at or near Pequod for Iron Works. Nov. 13th. He is granted the hill at Tantousq, about sixty miles to the westward, where black lead is. 1645, Jan. 1st. He conveys his farm, called Castle Hill, to his brother-in-law, Samuel Symonds. 1616, May. He and others had recently begun a plantation in the Pequod country, belonging to .Massachusetts. Thomas Peters, intending to join him in this enterprise, is appointed by the General Court to help him govern the people there. Thus it was that Mr. Winthrop, who was continually striving to benefit his adopted country by the invention and experience of his science, leaves Ipswich, the place which he chiefly aided to settle. Such were his example, influence, and exertion for the public good, that his departure must have produced regret in many a heart. His course, subsequent to this removal, was so illustrious, that we need give no further account of him here. 1648. Rev. Francis Dane to Andover. Sept. 18th. Ed- ward Gillam, jr., sells his place to his father, Edward, which was given to the former by his father-in-law, Richard Smith, 1647. This Edward, jr., was of Exeter, N. H., in 1652. Stephen Jordan soon removes to Newbury. 10 74 EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. 1650. John Hoyt, brickmaker, to Haverhill. 1653. Bryan Pendleton to Portsmouth, where he becomes noted. 1654. Doct. Giles Firman, was son of Giles, who had been an apothecary at Sudbury in England, and who died Deacon of Boston Church, 1634. He was born 1614- 15, educated at Cambridge, England. He spelt his name Gyles Fyrmin. He had a grant of land at Ipswich, 163S - 9, on condition of living here three years; became freeman 1639; married a daughter of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward. *1639, Dec. 29th. He writes to Governor Winthrop, that he was strongly set upon studying divinity, and that his profession of physic was of little profit to him. f 1641, Oct. 8th. He is ap- pointed to grant summons and attachments in civil actions at Ipswich. 1 1642, Nov. 3d. He is an Elder of the church here. He continued in Ipswich and practised as a physician till about 1654, when he returned to England. Here he be- came eminent as a divine, as well as in his other profession. He died in April, 1697, in his eighty-third year. Joseph Rowlandson begins to preach at Lancaster. — He supplies here till Sept. 1660, when he becomes ordain- ed. During his senior year at Harvard College, he wrote what was termed by the Quarterly Court " a scandalous libel," and posted it up on Ipswich meeting-house. He was tried here and sentenced, Sept. 20th, 1651, to be whipped or pay £5, and charges, 30s. , for thus writing prose and verse against the government and a few individuals of this town. In describing one of these individuals, he said, " When he lived in our coun- try, a wet eele's tayle and his word were something worth y e taking hold of." He made an apology, and the rest of his fine was remitted by the Court, March 25th, 1656. He was the husband of Mrs. Rowlandson, a relation of whose suffer- ings, as a captive among the Indians, forms a noted book. 1655. Thomas, father of the preceding, moves with his wife, Bridget, and family to Lancaster. Among his children was Thomas, killed there by Indians, in 1676. 1656. Wm. Paine was of Ipswich 1638 ; became freeman, 1640. He was on the chief committees of the town, and was feoffee of the Grammar School. To this he bequeathed Little Neck, and £20 to Harvard College. He removed to Boston * Hutchinson's Coll. t Col. R. I T. R. EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. (5 about 1656; died Oct. 10th, 1660. He left a widow, Hannah, a daughter, wife of Samuel Appleton, and a son, John. 1(557. William, son of Deputy-Governor Symonds, had settled at Preston, afterwards Wells, in Yorkshire, Maine, was Deputy from that place, 1676; died May 22d, 1679. Left a widow, Mary, daughter of Jonathan Wade of Ipswich, and children. Cornelius Waldo to Chelmsford, where he was deacon. 1659. Mr. Richard Dummer soon to Newbury. 1660. John Warner, horn 1616, and Win. Prichard, to Quabog. Daniel Warner had gone to Hadley. Nov. Ezekiel Cheever, who came hither Dec. 30th, 1650, to teach the Grammar School, removes to Charlestown, and thence to Boston. 1661, May 22d. Edmund Marshall, formerly of Salem, now of Ipswich, weaver, sells an estate to Abraham Warren, planter, of the former town, and appears to be about moving away. 1662. William Hubbard came to New England by 1630, was of Ipswich 1635, freeman 1638. He held chief offices of the town, was feoffee of the Grammar School, Deputy to the General Court 163S, 1639, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, and Justice of the Quarterly Court. 1638. The General Court grant him three hundred acres of land. 1651. He was empowered to marry people. 1656. For land granted him in 1652, and for £50 paid by him in England for the coun- try, he has a grant of one thousand acres. 1657. He is on a committee to examine complaints, that the families of ministers suffer for want of support. He removed to Boston about 1662, when he gave his son Richard a large farm at the Hamlet. He died between June 8th and Aug. 19th, 1670, leaving sons, Rev. William, Richard, and Nathaniel. What Johnson said of him, was no exaggeration, " A learned man, being well read in State matters, of a very affable and humble behaviour, who hath expended much of his estate to helpe on this worke. Altho he be slow in speech, yet is hee downright for the businesse." 1663, Oct. 6th. John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Emerson, is ordained over Gloucester Church. 1664, April 24th. Thomas Kemble of Boston, merchant, sells Haclakendine Symonds five hundred acres of land on the west side of " Damary Cotty River," which he bought of 76 EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. an Indian Sagamore " Witta Noies." Mr. Symonds removed to the eastward about this date. June 12th, 1638. He sells Coxhall, in the county of York, being six miles long and four broad, lying at the head of Wells and Arundel, to Roger Haskins and thirty-five others. He was brother of the preceding William Symonds, and was living in 1695, aged sixty. 1665. Nathaniel Saltonstall had removed to Haverhill. He was son of Richard, and became an eminent character. Not long after this year, Daniel Davison goes to Newbury, where he was a Sheriff. Richard Kimball settled at Bradford, where he was killed by Indians in 1676, and his family taken captive. 1666. Wm. Bartholomew came hither from London, 1635, and was made freeman the same year. He deposed at the trial of Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, that she was a passenger in the same ship with him, and had expressed herself as being favored with revelations from Heaven. He sustained the prin- cipal trusts in town. He was feoffee of the Grammar School, Deputy to the General Court, 1635, 1637, 1638, 1641, 1647, 1650. He was chosen County Treasurer, 1654. 1666, May 23d. He had taken up his residence in Boston, where he was on a committee to relieve Englishmen, who became prisoners of the French at the capture of St. Christopher's, and who had come to Boston. He appears to have resided at Marblehead, 1674, and died at Charlestown, Jan. 18th, 1681. Henry Bartholomew, of Salem, was his brother. 1670. Daniel Epes takes the Grammar School at Salem. Among his various offices, he was chaplain in the expedition against Port Royal, 1707. 1612. Capt. John Ayres, late of Ipswich, now of Quabog, sells property. He was killed at " Squakehege," by Indians, 1675. 1677. Nathaniel and Jonathan, sons of Mr. Jonathan Wade, had settled at Mystic. 1675. George Norton had removed to Springfield. 1676, April 20th. Thomas Stacy, miller, wife, and nine chil- dren, from Ipswich, are received by the First Church of Salem. 1677. Samuel, son of Ezekiel Cheever, becomes preacher at Marblehead. 1678, Nov. 27th. John, son of Wm. Norton, is ordained at Hingham. 1680. John, son of the Rev. Wm. Hubbard, had become an inhabitant of Boston. His wife's name was Ann. Lawrence EMIGRANTS FllOM IPSWICH. 77 Davis, having come from Portland, on account of the Indian Wat, 1675, and resided here, now returns. Iti-I. Roger Derby and his wife Lucretia to Salem. 10-2. Rev. John Rogers becomes President of Harvard College. 1680. Samuel, son of Mr. Samuel Appleton, was of Lynn. Richard, son of Sir Richard Saltonstall, came to Water- town, 1630, and was freeruao next year. Having accompa- nied his father to England, he returns and settles at Ipswich, lt>!."), when he sets up the first Corn-Mill in this town. 1636. He is Deputy to the General Court till May, 1631, when he is chosen Assistant, and so continues to 1649 ; reelected, 1664, 16S0, 1681, 166-2. 1641. He is chosen Serjeant Major of Col. John Endicotl's regiment. 1642, May 18th. The General Court clear him from blame in having written a book against the propriety of the Standing Council. Oct. 18th. The Elders, assembled at Ipswich, concur in the same justification. Rev. Mr. INorris, of Salem, had taken ground opposite to that of Mr. Saltonstall. The Council, about which so great a controversy existed, was composed of three members, who were to hold their office for life or good behaviour, and to exercise whatever authority the General Court conferred on them, during its recess. It became unpopular, as too aristocratical for charter privileges, and ceased, after three years, in 1639. * 1643, July 14th. Mr. Saltonstall, with others, writes against assisting La Tour, lest it should be con- strued as an indicationof War with D'Aulnay. Governor Win- throp replies to his objections. | 1644, May 29th. Mr. Saltonstall is elected Reserve Commissioner of the United Colonies. 1645, May 4th. He is on a committee to exam- ine witnesses about " the French business," and report next session. Aug. 16th. A protest, of his composition, and signed by himself and Wm. Hathorne of Salem, in opposition to the hostilities commenced by some of our colonists against D'Aul- nay in behalf of La Tour, is handed to the Commissioners of the United Colonies. Oct. 4th. Mr. Saltonstall is one of several, who petition to become a company for the carrying on of an extensive peltry trade. At his solicitation, two persons are bound to answer for enslaving some natives of Guinea. 1658. Oct. He had gone to England and returned, in * Hazard. t Col. R. 78 EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. 1664. Previous to his making this visit, his wife was ad- vised by her physicians to take a voyage across the Atlantic for her health. Her husband, of course, wished to accompany her. But, after the Revolution in the mother country, as many of the principal colonists wavered about continuing here, he made a vow, that he would not forsake Massachusetts while its religious privileges were preserved uncorrupted. Thus he was in a sore dilemma. He applied to Mr. Cotton for advice. This gentleman convinced him that his marriage promise was of more force, than his patriotic vow. So, very willingly absolved, he took a voyage for the benefit of his wife. 1671. He had revisited England and returned. He was an efficient friend to Harvard University. Secretary Raw- son wrote of him, "One of the College's most considerable benefactors, and above many naturally caring for the good and prosperity thereof." 1672. Mr. Saltonstall gave £50 to Walley and GofTe, the exiled judges of Charles I. 1680. He had been again to England and now comes back, and sub- sequently lived part of his time at Marshfield and the rest at Ipswich. 1683. He went back to England and had return- ed, 1686, when he visited Ipswich about supplying its inhab- itants with another Grist-Mill and a Fulling-Mill, according to his long agreement with them. As he and they did not think alike of the terms mutually proposed, they came to no decisive conclusion. He soon left this country and died at Hulme, April 29th, 1694, aged eighty-four, leaving an estate in Yorkshire. He had three daughters married in England, and a son, Na- thaniel, settled at Haverhill. Mr. Saltonstall was indeed a promoter of the best good of Ipswich and of the colony. He was endowed with respectable talents, had a large share of intelligence, was a succourer of the distressed, a defender of the wronged, and the benefactor of his fellow men. His natural benevolence and enterprise were graced and rendered more efficient by his piety, which led him to purpose and act, as answerable at the bar of his Maker. 1685. Mr. John, son of Rev. Thomas Cobbet, had settled at Newbury. 1689. Simon, son of Mr. Francis Wainwright, had gone to Haverhill, where he was killed by Indians, 1708. John Pinchon, who married Margaret, daughter of Rev. Wm. Hubbard, lived at Ipswich. He afterwards returned to Springfield. EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. 79 1692. Mr. Samuel, son of Rev. T. Cobbet, was of Bristol, in New Plymouth colony. He joined Ipswich church, 1674. His wife was Sarah. John and Elizabeth of "Muddy River within the hounds of Boston," children of John Fairfield late of Ipswich. John Procter, who bad removed from this town to Salem Village, is executed for witchcraft. 1693. Rev. William Hubbard certifies to the good charac- ter of Sarah, wife of Wm. Buckley, who formerly lived here. This certificate was given on her trial for witchcraft, when she was cleared. 1696. Joseph, son of John Leigh, deceased, had settled at Concord, and had married Mary Woodhouse. 1699. Nathaniel, son of John Rogers, President of Harvard College, is ordained at Portsmouth. 1697, Sept. 14th. He received a call from Salem Village Church, where he preached from 1st of Feb. to 1st of Oct. 1700. John, son of Col. Thomas and Elizabeth Wade, born Feb. loth, 1676, graduated at Harvard College 1693, preaches at Berwick, Me., ordained there Nov., 1702, and died in a year after, much esteemed for his talents, piety, and usefulness. 1707. Jeremiah, son of Rev. John Wise, is ordained at Berwick, Me. 1713. Benjamin, son of John Choate, begins to preach at Kingston, N. H., and left there before 1725 ; graduated at Harvard College 1703. 1717. Nathaniel Appleton is ordained at Cambridge, where he was an eminent divine. 1713. Israel How r becomes physician of Andover, and resid- ed in the South Parish. 1727. Josiah Dennis is ordained at Yarmouth, East Pre- cinct. When this part of that town was incorporated, 1793, the people, out of respect for him, had it called Dennis. Thomas, son of Daniel Howsen, had gone to Hadley. 1728. Joseph Whipple, of the Hamlet, is ordained at Hampton Falls, N. H. 1 7:5-2. Daniel, son of Daniel Rogers, graduated at Harvard College 1725, is ordained at Littleton. L733. Thomas, and other children of John French, had removed to Deerfield. 1742. Moses Stevens, blacksmith, settles at Canterbury, Conn. At his decease he was aged ninety-four. 80 EMIGRANTS FROM IPSWICH. 1748. Samuel Langdon, who joined Chebacco church, 1741, and who taught school in town, is dismissed to Ports- mouth church, over which he becomes ordained. The " An- nals of Portsmouth " say he was born in Boston, 1722. Daniel, son of Rev. John Rogers, is installed over the new church at Exeter. He bad been, for a considerable time, tutor and fellow of Harvard College and preached for the First Parish of Ipswich, occasionally, over six years. 1750. Andrew Oliver, formerly admitted to the First Church here in full communion, is dismissed to the South Church in Boston. 1753. Daniel Warner is dismissed to the church at Pom- fret, Conn. ; and Sarah, wife of Jacob Foster, to Billerica church. 1754. John, son of John and Lydia Dennis, is recom- mended by the First Church, to the church about to be gath- ered at Charlestown, N. H., where he was settled as minister, and left, 1761. He had been often employed to preach in the several parishes of Ipswich, was teacher of the Grammar School here, was chaplain at Fort St. George, 1740, and at Fort Frederic, 1744-5. He was born Nov. 3d, 1708, and died at Ipswich, Sept. 2d, 1773. 1755. Joseph Ayres and wife are dismissed to the church at Mansfield, under Rev. Mr. Salter. 1756. Daniel Wood from South Church to Dracut church. 1758. Stephen Emerson from First Church, to church at Newmarket, N. H., and Richard Harris to Harvard church. 1762. Edmund Heard and his wife, Priscilla, to the church at Holden. 1763. John Treadwell is ordained at Lynn, returned to Ips- wich 1782, taught the Grammar School here ; was Represen- tative to the General Court, 1785-6; removed to Salem, where he became a Senator and Judge of the Common Pleas Court. He died Jan. 5th, 1811, aged seventy-three. His wife, Mehitable, who was a Dexter, died July 1st, 1786. 1765. Samuel Perley, of West Ipswich, is ordained over the Presbyterian church at Hampton Falls. He fitted for college and studied divinity with Rev. George Leslie. He married Hepsibah Fowler, of his native parish. # He was in- stalled at Moultonborough, N. H., 1778, at Groton,N. H., 1779, * Mr. John Farmer. DISMISSIONS FROM CHURCHES, StC. 81 where he remained about five years ; at Gray, Me., 1784, and continued there in office till 1791, and died Nov. 28th, 1831, aged eighty-nine. 17"o. Isaac Choate to Leicester. L778. Joseph Cummings is settled as minister of Moul- tOnborough, N. II. : died 1790. l"i-o. About this time, Doctor Joshua Fisher, who came hither from Dedham, and bad been on the Committee of Cor- respondence during the Revolution, removes to Beverly. 1785. John, son of Rev. John Cleaveland, is ordained at Stoneham : afterwards installed at Wrentham. 1791. Nathaniel Howe, of West Ipswich, is ordained at Hopkinton. 17<»2. Oliver Dodge, of the llandet, is ordained at Pom- fret. Conn. I ■"•'!. Nathan Bradstreet, whose father's farm was set oil' to Rowley in 1785, is ordained colleague with Ebenezer Flagg, uf Chester, N. II. He resigned, I H S. bought a farm in Westford, Mass., and removed thither, 1820, where he died suddenly about 1827, aged over fifty. 1794. Daniel Dana is ordained at Newbury port. 1790. Joseph, son ofWm. McKean, had taught the Gram- mar School here two years, and studied divinity with Dr. Dana, and now takes an academy at Berwick ; became minister of Mil- ton in 17!»7, and afterwards Professor at Harvard College. 1797. John Crocker, jr., removes to Londonderry, N. H. 1801. Samuel Dana is ordained at Marblchead. 1802. Mark Newman is dismissed from the First Church to the church in Andover, under Jonathan French. 1805. Levi Frisbie accepts the office of Latin tutor, and afterwards became Professor, at Harvard College. DISMISSIONS FROM CIIEBACCO CHURCH TO CHURCHES IN Tl I K FOLLOWING TOWNS. \~'-'>-2. Jonathan Andrews and wife Sarah to Scarborough. 17:}4. Ebenezer Burnam and wife Dorothy to Windsor, Conn. Mary, wife of John Howard. 17;}6. Hannah, wife of John Butler, to Lyme. Stephen Story and wife Mary to Norwich. Margaret, wife of James Perkins, to Lyme. 17.J7. Elizabeth (Fraile), wife of Henry Walker, to Hopkinton. 1 I 82 DISMISSIONS FROM CHURCHES, &LC. 1738. Wm. Bennet and wife Sarah to Windsor, Conn. George Stimson to Hopkinton. 1739. John Martin, jr., and wife Elizabeth, to Lunenburg. Thomas Butler, jr., and wife Abigail, to Windsor, Conn. Joseph Foster and wife Abigail to Kingston, N. H. 1740. Martha, wife of Thomas Brown, to Lunenburg. 1741. Elizabeth (Martin), wife of David Goodridge. 1742. Dorcas (Andrews), wife of James Ely, to Lyme, Conn. 1743. Martha (Butler), wife of Wintbrop Marston, to Hampton, N. H. James Colman and wife Rachel to Lunenburg. 1744. Nathaniel Foster, jr., to Newbury. 1745. Thomas Butler and wife Martha to Hopkinton. 1746. Jeremiah Burnam, jr., and wife Abigail, to Hopkinton. Mary (Bennet), wife of Eliphalet Wood, to Norwich, Conn. 1747. John Burnam, 3d, and wifeBetbiah, to Norwich, Conn. Mary, wife of Wm. Goodhue, jr., to Holliston. Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Pecker, jr., to Boston. 1760. Hannah, wife of John Ingalls, to Dunstable. 1763. Sarab, wife of Jonathan Low, to Lunenburg. 1769. Jeremiah Andrews to Concord. Abigail, wife of Joseph Low, to Fitchburg. 1783. Jacob Perkins to Cockermont, N. H. 1786. Mary, widow of John Marshall, now wife of Mr. Alvard, to South Hadley. 1788. Martha, wife of Jeremiah Kinsman, to Fitchburg. 1790. Rachel, wife of Jonathan Herrick, to Hopkinton, N. H. Thomas Story to Hopkinton, N. H. 1792. Jeremiah Story to Hopkinton, N. H. 1793. William Story to Goffstown, N. H. Elizabeth, wife of Captain Joseph Leach, to Dunbarton, N. H. 1796. Captain Daniel Giddings to Clermont, N. H. Simon Wells and wife Martha, now of New Gloucester. 1798. Major John Bur- nam to the church to be formed at Londonderry, N. H. DISMISSIONS FROM THE HAMLET CHURCH. 1773. Samuel Dike to Bridgewater. 1774. Captain Joseph Cummings to Topsfield. 1784. Abraham Cum- mings to Medford. A FEW OF THE EMIGRANTS TO IPSWICH, NOT OTHERWHERE MENTIONED AS SUCH. 1703. Mr. Nathaniel Shepard, from Lynn ; married Elizabeth Wade. 1706. Mr. Thomas Hammon. 1708. EDUCATION. 33 Mr. Theophilus Colton ; married Elizabeth, widow of Andrew Diamon, who was an Eliol of Boston. 1723. Doct. John Perkins from Boston. 1731. Leonard Cotton taught school at Chebacco ; had sons baptized at the Hamlet, 173-2-4. 17 17. E. A. Holyoke begins to study medicine under Doct. Thomas Berry. He It'll for Salem in 1749. 1748. Doct. John Calef. 1771. Mr. .John Rogers and wife Abigail from Reading. 1775. Mr. Win, McKean from Boston, whither he returns, 1783. 1739. Doct. Parker Clark from Newburyport : married Elizabeth Wainwright. Doct. Samuel Adams from killiinjy, Conn. He married Abigail, daughter of Win. Dodge ; removed to Bath, Me., 179d. EDUCATION. ]\o doubt but that the primitive settlers of Ipswich had their children taught as soon as they had taken possession of its soil. They were deeply impressed with the importance of having the young well educated, as a main support of the political and religious liberty, for which they had exchanged the joys of their native home, for the perils, uncertainties, and toils of a wilderness. They judged, and correctly so, that of the two, a portion in virtuous knowledge and in wealth, the for- mer was of much greater value. Grammar School. On the records of this school there is the following note, though it has the appearance of having been copied. 1636. u A Grammar School is set up, but does not succeed." * 1651 , Jan. 11th. The town give all the " Neck beyond Chebacco River and the rest of the ground up to Glou- cester line," to the Grammar School. They choose five Trustees of this donation. lGth. This land is leased to John Cogswell, jr., and his heirs and assigns for ever, for £14 a year; i. e. £l in butter and cheese, £5 in pork and beef, £5 in corn, at the current price. | 165-2, Jan. 26th. " For the better aiding of the schoole and the affaires thereof, Mr. Samuel Symonds, Mr. Na- thaniel Rogers. Mr. Jonathan Norton, Major Daniel Den- ■ Grammar School K. IT. K. 84 EDUCATION. nison, Mr. Robert Paine, Mr. William Paine, Mr. Wm. Hub- bard, Dea. John Whipple, and Mr. Wm. Bartholomew, weare chosen a committee to receive all such sums of money, as have and shall be given toward the building or maintaining of a Grammar schoole and schoole master, and to disburse and dispose such sums as are given to provide a schoole house and schoole master's house, either in buildings, or purchasing the same house with all convenient speed, and such sums of money, parcels of land, rentes or annuities, as are or shall be given towards the maintenance of a schoole master, they shall receive and dispose of to the schoole master, that they shall call or choose to that office from time to time, towards his mainte- nance, which they shall have power to enlarge by appointing from yeare to yeare what each scholler shall yearly or quar- terly pay or proportionably, who shall allso have full power to regulate all matters concerning the schoole master and schol- lers, as in their wisdome they thinke meet from time to time, who shall allso consider the best way to make provission for teaching to write and cast accounts." Mr. Wm. Hubbard gives an acre of land to the school. 1653. Robert Paine gives the use of a dwelling-house and two acres of land to the master. He had built a school-house and given it to the feoffees. 1660. Wm. Paine left by will Little Neck for the same object. 1661. The barn erected by Ezekiel Cheever, and the orchard planted by him, were, after his removal to Charles- town, bought by the feoffees and presented for the use of the master or otherwise. 1662. The town vote to have the persons for ordering the school increased to nine. 1665. The school-house having been repaired, was plas- tered or " daubed with clay." 1683, Oct. 4th. Robert Paine and his wife Elizabeth give the house and land for the school, to the town. 1696, March 24th. The town grant the school ten acres of marsh at Castle Neck for the house belonging to the school, " seeing it was declared, at a general town-meeting formerly upon division of Plumb and Hog islands, every house should have a lot." 1705. About this year, the school begins to be taught in the town-house, and so continues till 1794. KUUCATION. -."> 17 M, April Sth. Committees of the town and the feoffees . that the town add £-2~> to the income of the Grammar School and have it a free school, where scholars may he taughl iii English Studies, as well as lined for colli L718, Mas 8th. Voted that each scholar shall pay 20s. and what this falls short of JC60, the town will make up for one J ear. 1720, .March Sth. The town, having become dissatisfied with the small rent, which was paid by the heirs of John Cogswell for the school farm, are about commencing a suit against them. The Rev. Messrs. John Rogers and Jabez Fitch excuse themselves, as feoffees, from having any thing to do with this suit, because they deem it unjust. 1723. The town offer the tenants of the farm, that if they will support the school-master, nothing further shall be done. 1726. The town appear to have ceased from the prose- cution and agree to take £14 a year, as previously. 1734. They petition the General Court for a grant of some unappropriated lands, for the use of the school. It was not allowed. 1756, Jan. 22d. The town propose to petition the legis- lature with the four feoffees, who had the right to appoint their successors, that there be no more than four feoffees, who shall belong to Ipswich and resign if moving away, and that the town choose three of their eldest selectmen, not of the feoffees; to act with them in regulating the school rents. This appears to have been granted. 1761. March 26th. According to a petition of the feoffees, the General Court aive them leave to sell about twenty-four acres of land at Brush and Bartholomew hills, Burch Island and Chebacco woods, for the benefit of the school. L794. About this time, the present school-house was erected by proprietors. 1828, Sept. 19th. On application of the South District, the feoffees voted, that if they will finish the unfinished part of the Grammar School-house, so as to accommodate both schools, and be at half the expense of repairs, and have it in a proper condition, they shall have a lease of the lower room for twentv-one years. These conditions were complied with. Owing to the increased salary of teachers, the Grammar School has not been kept since 1818, so steadily, and of course has not been so useful of late years, as it was formerly. It would 86 EDUCATION. be matter of high satisfaction, if a school so ancient, which received the prayers, charities, and exertions of some, who were among the best of our fathers, could, in some proper way, be kept open constantly, and thereby add to the number of our publicly educated men. Income of the Grammar School. 1797. $139-66,3. 1815. $205-78,4. 1826. $165-23^. 1831. $163-61. Teachers of the Grammar School. 1650, Dec. 30th. Ezekiel Cheever, to Nov. 1660. 1662, Aug. 1st. Thomas Andrews ; died 1683. 1683. Noadiah Russel ; left February 18th, 1687, to preach at Middleton, Connecticut, where he was ordained. 1702. Daniel Rogers, probably began after Mr. Russel left, and seems to have continued till 1716. 1716, Feb. 16th. Ebenezer Gay, salary £56. 1717, June 4th. Benjamin Crocker, £80 O. T., to 1726. Recommenced 1746, £120 O. T., to 1753, and again 1759 to 1761. 1726, May 29th. Henry Wise, to June 20th, 1728, £55. 1729, June 20th. Thomas Norton, jr., to 1740. 1740. Daniel Staniford, to March 1746. 1753. John Dennis, left 1754 to preach at Charlestown New Hampshire. 1755, May 6th. Samuel Wigglesworth, jr., of the Hamlet, to May 2d, 1259. 1761, April 20th. Joseph How. Salary £33 6s. 8d. 1762, May 17th. Daniel Noyes, £46 13s. 4d. } to 1774, and May 24th, 1780, to 1781. 1774, April 15th. Thomas Burnam 4th, £50, to 1779. 1785, Nov. 28th, to 1792 and part of 1793. 1806, April 11th, to 1818. 1779, April 5th. Nathaniel Dodge, to 17S0, and a short time in 1785. 1781, Oct. 18th. Jacob Kimball, to 1783. 1783. Rev. John Treadwell, to 1785. 1792, April. Daniel Dana, to 1793, £65. 1793, Aug. 8th. Joseph Dana, to 1794. 1794, July 24th. Joseph McKean, to 1796, £80. 1796, May 3d. Samuel Dana, to 1800. 1800, March 25th. Amos Choate, to 1806. English Free Schools. These have long been one of the highest hopes of our land. Without them the breath of EDUCATION. 87 liberty would cease. They have been nurseries, where the children of poverty have learned their mental power, and prepared to enjoy the high stations of their free government. Such schools deserve the fostering care of State Legislatures. They should never be lefl to the cruel mercies of town or district free contributions. Even with all, that is now done to diffuse knowledge through our country, not a few towns could be pointed out, where larger boys have scarcely three months' schooling in a scar. This, however, is owing in part to the subdivisions of the money so as to have a school for each principal neighbourhood. In this respect, convenience is too often and too extensively indulged, at the expense of general improvement and the public welfare. 1642, .Nov. The town vote that there shall be a free school. L650. .John Cross gives an annuity of 10s. forever, out of his farm, and conditionally £100, for use of this school. L664, March 15th. Voted to invite Mr. Andrews to come and instruct. 1696, June 15th. As Nathaniel Rust, jr., taught at Che- bacco last summer, and they wish him to settle as their mas- ter, be is granted a quarter of an acre of land to set his house on, and they are granted six acres for the use of their school. 1702, July 9th. Chebacco is allowed to set a school-house on the common. 171:}, Oct. 13th. William Giddings is chosen schoolmaster by Chebacco Parish. 1714, April 8th. The town vote to have a children's school in the watch-house. 111!). The same place is occupied to teach reading, writing, and cyphering. IT 30, March 10th. The Hamlet vote to build a school- house in their centre. March 30th. The town vote £100 to pay three schoolmasters, who are to teach reading and writing in the First, South, Chebacco, and Hamlet parishes. Oct. 30th. Joseph Secomb is chosen to instruct at the Hamlet. 1724, March 3d. William Stone, an aged man, who had taught some, is allowed to have a room in the alms-house to instruct youth in reading and writing. 1~:{1, March. Leonard Cotton keeps school at Chebacco. 88 EDUCATION. 1732, March 14th. Henry Spillar is allowed a room in the alms-house for teaching youth to read, write, and cypher. This was done because a vote had been passed, that no school should be kept in the town-house. 1734. Henry Spillar, having served the town by keeping school, being past bodily labor, and having a helpless son over thirty, desires aid, and is granted £15. 1740, March 4th. Voted £150, including school rents, for the use of a grammar, reading, and writing school, and that Che- bacco and Hamlet Parishes draw their part. This connecting of the school for the languages with one for English studies had been done previously. For a long period, the phrase, Grammar School, meant only a place to prepare youth in Latin and Greek for College. 1741, March 11th. Mr. Samuel Langdon had recently kept school at the Hamlet. 1742, Voted that £18 O. T. of school rents be allowed to Chebacco, the same to the Hamlet, and £28 to parts of the First Parish, which have no benefit from the Grammar School. 18th. Each scholar is to pay 3d. a week in new-emission money. 1756, March 11th. Voted that the reading and writing schoolmaster be employed three months and a half at Che- bacco, the same at the Hamlet, two in the West Parish, and three in the two town parishes. 1757. The Hamlet vote that scholars find the wood and the master's board. This became a custom among them. It seemed to prolong the instruction of their children. It was public spirit worthy to be imitated. It lasted about twenty years. 1761. Land is given to Chebacco for a school-house near Lime Kiln. £250 are raised for the schools. 1768. The centre, west, and east parts of the Hamlet, draw their school money separately, so that they begin to have three schools instead of the one near the meeting-house. 1769. £100 are voted for reading and writing schools. 1771, Feb. 1 1th. Voted that Mr. John Dennis be the read- ing and writing master on the north of the river, at ten dollars a month. 1773. £140 for reading and writing schools. 1774, Feb. 8th. The commoners vote that all their income EDUCATION. 89 of lands, clam-flats, and interest money, after charges are paid, be applied for the use of the schools in the different parishes, according to their Province tax. Such beneficence was con- tinued. 1783. £140 for reading and writing schools. 1784. The town grant lands for a school bouse, beginning at the cor- ner of'Josepli Fowler's lane. 17-."). For reading and writing schools, seven years from this, the cost was C i<><) annually. 1794 to L796, £230. 1797 to L801, $766|. 1802, $900. 1810, $1200. 1820, $1000 annually for such schools. I B23, April 7th. As Wm. Burley, Esq., of Beverly, deceased, a native of Ipswich, had left by will, that fifty dol- lars of his estate should be paid annually for ten years, to this town for the instruction of poor children in reading and the principles of the Christian religion, the inhabitants pass a vote expressive of their respect for his memory. L833. $ 1200 are raised for town schools. Besides this, several hundreds are paid each year for private schools. Rules. 1740. The selectmen are to visit the schools quarterly. 17!>-2. Voted, "that in both schools of the town parishes, the Catechism of the Assembly of Divines with Dr. Watts's explanatory notes, and the Catechisms by the same author, be constantly used as much as three or four times a week, according to the different grades of the scholars, until the same are committed to memory." This practice lasted till 1326. Report of Schools. 1811, March 12th. This is given of them all, except those of the North and the N. North districts, as follows. Southeast district, one hundred and six scholars ; at the Falls, one hundred and seven ; North, eighty-three ; (these three belonged to Chebacco ;) Southeast, fifty-eight; Argilla, thirty; Southwest, thirty-five; South, forty-three ; Middle, seventy-three ; Line Brook, forty-six, — 581. The studies were spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, and for a few, grammar. 1833. There are eight hundred scholars from four to four- teen. Besides the preceding studies, Geography and History have been pursued in the schools by the larger pupils. 12 90 EDUCATION. Progress of Common Education. There is a marked difference between the means of learning now and those possessed by the first settlers of Ipswich. Though the greater part of them were noted for intelligence, yet, taken together, they fell far short of the attainments in knowledge, acquired by the same number in our day. Three quarters of a century back, a large part of the wills left by men, some of whom had considerable property, were signed with a cross. This remark was still more applicable to the wills of females, though some of them were wealthy and respectable. Such facts were not peculiar to the people of Ipswich. They existed in all sections of our country. Till about 1769, it was an unheard-of thing for girls to be instruct- ed here by a master. They learned to read and sew of school dames, and this was, for the most part, the height of their ambition. Since our Independence, education has quickened its previously slow progress. Writing, for forty years back, has been a much more general acquisition, than it had been for the same period before. Very seldom can young people now be found among us, who are obliged to make their mark. Arithmetic, though always attended to by some males, has been commonly learned by them within the last forty years. The same branch has been limitedly, though increasingly, studied by females for twenty years past. A quarter of a century back, grammar, and, fifteen years since, geography, began to be learned in some of our town schools. They have annually grown in favor with children and their parents. As our schools improve, so do the teachers employed in them. He, who could once astonish the village with the display of his " little learning," and pass for a Solomon-like instructor, would now be far excelled by many members of our lowest schools. Not only do our teachers advance in knowledge, but some of them follow their business conscientiously and understanding^ ; and, while they cultivate the intellectual powers of their pupils, do not forget that they have souls, that they have moral affections to be improved. Let the guardians of this community exercise vigilance in the selection of well eduacted and well principled instructors ; let them be careful as to the advancement of scholars, and the increase of support for their schools, and Ipswich will still keep pace with her equals, and hold the reputable rank she has long sustained. Burley Fund. 1825, May 25th. It is voted by the town, EDUCATION. 91 that the trustees of the Burley Education Fund, have the care of this and all other sums given for a like purpose. 1826, April 3d. Five trustees of this fund state, that the) have been incorporated, and have received of Mr. Hurley's executors five hundred dollars, and that they have invest- ed this money. Such a donation betokens feelings of attach- ment to the place of one's nativity, which we love to perceive wherever the trace of man is to be seen. It is a nucleus around which we should he glad to see much golden fruit gathering and enlarging. \> lbemv. This building is fifty-six feet long, thirty-five wide, and twenty-two high. It was erected by proprietors. Its cost was four thousand dollars, including land. Immedi- ately after its being finished, Rev. Hervey Wilbur occupied it, as instructor, from April, ls-j(>, for one year. He was assisted by a preceptress. He was succeeded by James W. Ward, who continued from .May, 1827, to March, 1828. Miss Zilpah P. Grant, assisted by Miss Mary Lyon, took the academy to educate young ladies, April 23d, 1828. The average number of scholars, in 1833, w^as one hundred and forty-two. In some terms there have been nearly two hundred. There are eight assistant teachers. The board for each pupil, inclusive of washing, fuel, and lights, is one dollar and seventy- five cents, and the tuition ten dollars for the term of sixteen weeks. Young ladies, whose qualifications are sufficient, receive a diploma at the public exhibition, signed by Miss Grant and the Trustees. The advantages of physical, intellectual, moral, and religious education are enjoyed, in no common degree, at this seminary. The government here, though based on affec- tion, is both energetic and successful. Great pains are taken to have the scholars thorough in whatever studies they pursue. To this end private examinations are frequently held, to the high satisfaction of competent judges. The principal and her assistants have not labored in vain, nor spent their strength for naught. Benevolent and magnanimous in their views, motives, and exertions, they have had the satisfaction of perceiving many who have «;one from under their tuition, moving in an extensive sphere of usefulness. The experiment tried in this Academy, is a fair indication of the advance, which females might make in knowledge, had they some institution, well accommodated with buildings, books, and apparatus. It is mat- ter of surprise, that no such place has been provided by 92 HARVARD COLLEGE. the benevolent, where the talented poor and pious, as well as others, might have greater privileges of learning, than they now possess. While one college after another has been put in operation by charities of the beneficent, for the young men, which is as it should be, proportionable efforts have not been made for young women. Justice to these, as well as compli- ance with the improvements of the age, and with the necessi- ties of the church, require that such deficiency should be soon supplied. Sabbath Schools. Among the means of improving the young, and for rendering them useful in time and happy in eternity, these schools hold a prominent rank. One, of the First Parish, began in 1816, had one hundred scholars in 1827, two hundred in 1832, and three hundred and eighty-four vol- umes in 1833 ; of the South Parish, began in 1S16, had sev- enty scholars in 1827, two hundred in 1832, and volumes four hundred and fifty ; of the Methodist society, began in 1826, had one hundred and thirty scholars in 1833, and three hun- dred and ninety volumes. Lyceum. This commenced in 1830, and lasted two years. Town Libraries. Ipswich Social Library contains three hundred volumes, and the Religious Library three hundred. Newspaper. The Ipswich Journal was commenced July, 1827, by John H. Harris, and continued to Aug. 1828. HARVARD COLLEGE. 1644. The Deputies and Elders of all towns, are desired to use their influence, so that every family allow one peck of corn, or 12c?. for this University. 1652. The General Court request, that for raising up suitable Rulers and Elders, a person in every town solicit subscriptions to aid charity scholars at Cambridge. 1664. The rate of Ipswich for the College is £7 6s. ld. } and the same next year. 1677, May 23d. The General Court send a letter to this town, desiring them to subscribe for the new brick building at the College, begun two years ago, but not finished during the war for want of money ; the old edifice being partly fallen down. 1679. Subscriptions for this object are to be collected here. HAUVAKI) I 0LLEG1 . 93 1681, A committee arc to gather up what was behind for the College. C l!» 15*. in grain is put on board John Dutch's sloop, namely, seventy-eigb.1 bushels and a half of corn, and thirty-one and tlncc quarters of malt, for Cambridge. Graduates <>k ifswich raoit HARVARD COLLEGE. 1642. Doct Samuel Bellingham. Rev. Win. Hubbard. 16 15. Doct James Ward. 1649. John Rogers, I'rcs. ofll. C. lt;.Y2. Rev. Joseph Row landson. ]i ;.">.'}. Ricliard Hubbard, Esq. 1656. Robert Paine, preacher. Rev. Jolin Emerson. 1659. Hon. Nathaniel Saltonstall. Ezekiel Rogers. Rei . Samuel Cheever. Rev. Samuel Belches. 1660. Win. W hittingham. 1663. Samuel Cobbet. Samuel Symonds. 1665. Samuel Bishop. 1G69. Samuel Eppes. Hon. Daniel Eppes. 1671. John Norton. I' - 1. Rev. John Rogers. 1685. Rev. John Uennison. John White. 1686. Francis Wainwright, Esq. Daniel Rogers, Esq. 1687. Rev. Nathaniel Rogers. 1689. Wm. Paine. 1693. Rev. John Wade. 1695; Doct. John Perkins. 1699. Rev. Francis Goodhue. 1700. Rev. Jeremiah Wise. 170-2. Rev. Wm. Burnham. 1703. Rev. Benjamin Choate. I7(i7. Francis Wainwright, mer- chant. 1709. Col. John Wainwright. Daniel Rinjje, merchant. 1710. John Dennison. lawyer. 1711. Rev. John Rogers. 1712. Rev. Nathaniel Appleton, D. D. 1713. Benj. Crocker, preacher. 1717. Henry Wise, merchant. 1718. Fran. Cogswell, merchant. 1720. Rev. Joseph Whipple. 1721. 1723. 1725. 172.-. 1730. 1735. 17H7. 1738. 1742. 1744. 1745. 1749. 1751. 1752. 1758. 1761. 1703. 1766. 1768. 1772. 1774, 1777. 1778. 17.-2. 17-1. 1786. 1787, 1788. Rev. Nathaniel Rogers. Rev. Josiab I tennis. Doct. Joseph .Manning. Tho's. Diamond] merchant. Rev. Daniel Rogers. Rev. Daniel Rogers. Doct. Samuel Rogers. Josiah Smith. Thomas Norton, lawyer. Doct. Joseph Wise. Rev. John Dennis. Rev. Aaron £mith. Rev. Edward Cheever. Edward Evcleth. Daniel Stamford, teacher. John Wainwright, preach- er. Col. John Dennison. Andrew Burley, Esq. John Annable, teacher. Rev. Nehemiah Porter. Rev. Ezekiel Dodge. Doct. Samuel Eppes. Doct. Sam. Wigglesworth. Joseph How, teacher. Rev. John Treadwell. Col. Edward Wiggles- worth. Adam Porter. Rev. Samuel Perley. Ebenezer Potter, teacher. Rev. Joseph Cummings. Dan. Staniford, preacher. Doct. Samuel Smith. Thomas Burnam, teacher. Doct. Josiah Smith. Nathaniel Dodge. Nathan Dane, LL. D. Nathaniel Rogers, teacher. George Stacey. Dudley Hubbard, lawyer. Porter Lununus, lawyer. Rev. Nathaniel Howe. Ephraim Kendall. Rev. Oliver Do> Doct. John D. Treadwell. 94 MANUFACTURES. 1790. Rev. David Smith. Daniel Staniford, teacher. 1794. Rev. Joseph McKean. Joseph Perkins, lawyer. 1795. Amos Choate, Register of Deeds. John Heard, lawyer. 1796. Rev. Samuel Dana. 1798. Jona. Ingersoll, teacher. Nathaniel Lord, Reg. of Probate. 1802. Levi Frisbie, Professor. 1806. Jo. G. Cogswell, Professor. 1810. John Dudley Andrews, lawyer. Rev. Edward Andrews. Joseph Swasey Farley. 1812. Geo. W. Heard, merchant. 1818. Doct. Geo. Choate. 1825. Nathaniel J. Lord, lawyer. 1828. Joseph Hale. FROM DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. 1788. Joseph Dana, Professor. Rev. Daniel Dana, D D. 1791. Rev- Nathan Bradstreet. 1793. Mark Newman, book-sel- ler. 1799. Rufus Choate, lawyer. I*& FROM BROWN UNIVERSITY. 1772. Rev. Joseph Appleton. 1776. Rev. Ebenezer Dutch. 1777. Francis Quarks, preacher. FROM BOWDOIN COLLEGE. 1813. Nathan D. Appleton, law- yer. 1831. John Patch. FROM AMHERST COLLEGE. 1832. Otis P. Lord. There is a considerable number more, who graduated from Harvard College before 1725, and who are supposed to have belonged to Ipswich. But as we have no positive proof of this, they have been omitted. No doubt, as the preceding members of various classes took their first degree, different expectations were indulged as to their course and reputation. Their life, as well as that of scholars in general, has shown, that the anticipations in reference to them, while young, have not been altogether realized. While the promise, whether large or small, given by some in their outset, has been more than redeemed, it has not been so with others. In all such experi- ence, one truth is evident, that no talents will elevate to true greatness without steady and virtuous effort. MANUFACTURES. In proportion as these flourish in any place, so does its pros- perity abound. They are arts essential to the comfort of society and should never be frowned on so long as they are useful. The too prevalent inclination to hold them in low repute is erroneous, and calculated to keep them from the advancement which they should make, and from being so profitable as they might be. We are told of a young Roman, who was made by his MANUFACTURES. 95 enemies to take a seat which they considered a degraded one, and who said, u It is not the seat which honors the man, but the man the scat." So with any honest occupation. It is not the trade which dignifies the mechanic, hut lie, if worthy, who dignifies his trade. It is very probable that some of the fol- lowing trades were practised here before the time of their being seen on record, and that part of them were more extensively carried on than appears from the list. Grist-Mills. L635. K. Saltonstall has leave to set up a mill, with the right, if the town shall need another, to erect it, if he choose. 1636. Toll at mills was one sixteenth of the grain, which still continues to be so. 1687. Nehemiah Jewett is allowed to have a mill on the south side of Egypt River. 1692. Thomas Boreman has leave for one on Labor-in- vain Creek. 1693. John Burnam, jr., has liberty to set a mill on Che- bacco River, at the launching-place. 1695. John and Francis Wainwright are to have one near Joseph Clarke's house. 1696. Edmund and Anthony Potter and Abraham Til- ton, jr., have permission to set a mill on Mile Brook, near the house of John Potter. 1697. John Adams, sen. and jr., and Michael Farley, have leave for one. 1 ~ 1 5. Robert Calef is allowed to have another at the Falls in Ipswich River. 1833. There are three runs of stone in tw r o different buildings, for grist-mills. Saiv-JUHh. 1656. Voted that there be a saw-mill on Chebacco River, and liberty to cut timber, if one-fifteenth of what is sawed there be allowed to the town, and that no lim- ber be cut within three miles and a half of the meeting- house, and the inhabitants be charged no more than four per cent. 1665. Jonathan Wade is to have one on the same river. 1667. Thomas Burnam has a like privilege, near the Falls, so as not to injure Mr. Wade's. 1671. Wm. Story has permission to have a mill on Che- bacco River. 1682. Jonathan Wade is granted a site there at the Falls. 96 MANUFACTURES. 16S7. John, son of Thomas Burnam, has leave to move his mill on Chebacco River, so that it may be near G. Story's. 1833. There are two saw-mills in Ipswich. Fullino--Mills. 1675. John Whipple is to have one at the Smalt Falls. 1677. Richard Shatswell is allowed to have one. But as he did not comply with the conditions of his grant, he is de- sired, 1681, to take away his dam. 1687. Nicholas Wallis has leave for a mill. 1692. Joseph Calef has a similar grant. 1693. He, and Thomas and Andrew Potter, are allowed to place one on Mile Brook. 1697. John Adams, sen. and jr., and Michael Farley, are to have another. 1833. There is one fulling and carding mill in town. — The business of it is much less than formerly. Clothier. 1727. Samuel Stacey, for accommodating him to carry on the clothier's trade, is granted land for a house, fronting Mr. Farley's. Hemp-Mill. 1657. Richard Shatswell has leave to set up a mill at the Falls, for the breaking of hemp. Wind-Mill. 1677. A mill of this kind, is mentioned, as having previously existed. It was on the hill which bears its name. Basket-Maker. 1639. Six acres of land are granted to Thomas Bridan " to plant osiers." Tanneries. 1634. Nicholas Easton, a tanner. 1641. Thomas Clarke has leave to set down two tan-vats by the river. 1734. Thomas Brown had begun a tan-yard at the west end of the town, for one of his sons. 1832. About 10,000 hides are tanned, which bring 25,250 dollars ; sold in Essex county ; employ ten men at one dollar and twenty cents a day each, and consume ninety cords of bark. 1833. There are three tanneries. Curriers. 1638. Nathaniel Bishop. 1665. Henry Keerse has liberty to settle here and work at his trade, as a currier. Leather-Dressers and Wool-Fullers. 1833. Two Estab- lishments. Malt-works. As the making of malt was an extensive MANUFACTURES. 97 business at Ipswich, England, it would be expected, that some of its inhabitants who emigrated hither, would engage in such employ ment. 16 11, Dec. "Mr. Appleton hath liberty to have a malt- house ready by 1st of April next, and to malt such corne as shall be brought to him from the people of this town, at such rates as shall be thought equal for him to have. And no man (except for himself) is to have made any of old wheat for the space of live years." 1(570. Voted that walnut wood may be felled for the malt kilns, so as to dry malt for this year as formerly. 1696. As John Low had done making malt, James Bur- nani is allowed to have a malt-house near the old gravel-pit. In the preceding works oat-meal was prepared in large quantities. As beer became superseded by cider and ardent spirits, such works had less employment, and finally ceased after long ser- vice. Jircwcry. 1663. John Paine is allowed to set up a brew- house and warehouse, by the water side near John Layton's house. The last brewery in this town, which had been in operation several years, ceased in 1800. Saltpetre. 1642. As there is great danger from for- eign foes, each town is to have a house for making saltpetre. Edmund Gardner is appointed to see that this order is com- plied with in Ipswich. 1666. Richard Woody of Boston, and Henry Russel of Ipswich, had been preparing to make saltpetre, for which they are empowered to take materials and to have carts pressed by paying damages. 1667. Four persons are designated to see, that every fam- ily comply with the order of the General Court for making this article. 1776. Line Brook parish vote, that Daniel Chapman, of Box ford, shall have the dirt under their meeting-house, to make saltpetre. This was considerably manufactured at the Hamlet in the first of the Revolution. It was made on the farm of President Holyoke's last wife. When waited on to know if she would con-ent, that her oak wood should be cut down to help make it, she earnestly replied, " It is for liberty, take as much of the wood as you want." Saltpetre then brought 7s. 6d. per lb. at first, but fell to '.is. 13 98 MANUFACTURES. Salt-WorTcs. 1652. "Granted Moses Pengry a parcel of land by the warehouse, below Obadiah Wood's fence, to set up his salt pans and works, and fence in his wood ; also, liberty, to fell wood out of the swamp near the town for his use." 1769. The town vote £8 to assist James Hudson to carry on the salt-works which he has lately erected. 1777. Rev. N. Whitaker, of Salem, was granted, by the proprietors, a piece of marsh on Jeffrey's Neck, for salt-works. He did not set them up. 1830. Such works are begun by a company on Plumb Island. A creek is closed up to supply salt water. Vats are made in the ground without any covering. The water is raised by wind-mills, twenty or thirty feet and let fall through a quantity of brush wood, into the vats. The plan was unsuit- ed to a climate like ours, and totally failed. Much consequent loss was sustained. Rope-Maker. 1648. Simon Thompson. Sail-Maker. 1833. One. Coopers. 1639. Samuel Boreman. 1649. " Ordered that no person shall transport out of town, staves or casks made of white-oak, taken off from the Common." 1672. Shoreborn Wilson. 1833. Three. Gunsmiths. 1635. Wm. Fuller. 1685. Voted " that Thomas Manning, gunsmith, of Salem, may be an inhabitant, and carry on his trade. Carpenters. 1633. Thomas Hawlett. 1658. Walter Roper. 1661. Wm. Wildes and Ezekiel Woodward and others. Ipswich has been noted for its many and skilful carpenters. 1833. Twenty-six. Wheelwrights. 1638. Richard Kimball, jr. 1685. " Granted land on Rock Hill to Thomas Fuller for a shop to make wheels." 1833. Four. Hatters. 1692. Samuel Wood. 1833. Three. Glovers. 1690. Nathaniel Rust. 1778. John Chapman, succeeded by his apprentices, P. Rust and B. Averill. MANUFACTURES. 99 Cordwainers. 1664. Win. Buckley. 1831. 17,000 pair of shoes made annually, — $15,640, — employing one hundred and eighty-one hands. 3, "200 pair of boots, — $9,600, — occupying twelve workmen. 1-33. Fourteen permanent hoot and shoe makers, who hire a considerable number a- journeymen. Glazier. L664. John Brown, jr. 1833. Painters and glaziers, lour. Tailors. 1(3-17. John Annahle. 1678. Thomas ( Hark. 1833. Two men tailors, besides females. Weavers. 1647. John Dennison. 1678. Thomas Lull. Bakers. 1638. Thomas Emerson. 1833. One male baker. Smiths. 1607. "Granted the two smiths liberty to fell wood for coaling, three miles off from the town." 1682. All smiths in town have leave to cut down pine trees at Castle Neck to make coals. 1833. Seven. Tin-Makers. 1833. Two. Soap-Makers. 1678. Granted Nathaniel Brown ten rods of land for a building to make ashes and soap. 1833. One soap and candle maker. Brick-Yards. 1683. Thomas Day had one. 1687. Andrew Burley is granted land for another at Jef- frey's Neck. Masons. 1833. Three. Lime. 1770. This article had long been made in several parts of the town from clam-shells. Cart-loads of these shells were brought from the shores where they were left after the bait was taken out. Then they were put into kilns, at the bottom of which were apertures. Layers of wood and shells were alternately placed in the kiln. When the former was fired and consumed, the latter were left, as a powder, which was run through a sieve. After stone lime came into use, that of shells was dispensed with. Ship-building. 1668, March 19th. " One acre of ground near Mr. Cogswell's farm is granted to inhabitants of [pswich, for a yard to build vessels, for the use of the inhabitants, and to employ workmen for that end." This land was in Chebacco. 100 MANUFACTURES. 1676. Edward Randolph, in writing home to England, mentions this town as a place for ship-building. 1734, March 20th. Thomas Lord is granted land near Win. Hunt's, on the south side of the river for a ship-yard. There is a tradition that the first square-sterned vessel built in Ipswich, was at TreadwelPs Island, one hundred and fifty years since. 1833. There is one ship-yard. Corn-stalk Molasses. 1776. As West India molasses was very scarce on account of the war, several persons erect mills to grind corn-stalks. The juice of these was boiled down till it came to the consistence of molasses. Thus prepared, it had a tartish taste. It was better for puddings, than for any other culinary use. 1778. A load of it is carried from the Hamlet to a Salem dis- tillery, where it yields nearly as much spirit as the same quan- tity of foreign molasses. Such a substitute for sweetening lasted till the close of the war. It was common in various parts of New England, and was an object of satire in one of the English songs. Distillery. This was set up for distilling rum from molasses, about 1750, and ceased operation in 1830. Clothing. 1641. Heads of families are required to employ their children and servants in manufacturing wild hemp, plen- tiful all over the country. 1645. As woollen clothes are scarce, each town is ordered to increase its sheep. 1654. As a similar scarcity existed, no sheep are to be transported, and none killed under two years old. 1656. The Selectmen are to divide their towns into class- es of five, six, and ten, and appoint a class-leader, for the purpose of spinning. They are to assess each family a quarter, half, or whole spinner, according to its other occupation. Each family, which can furnish one spinner, shall spin for thirty weeks in a year, three lbs. of linen, cotton, and woollen, (monthly,) and so proportionably, for a half or quarter spinner, on fine of 12d. a month for each pound short. The Commons are to be cleared for sheep. The seed of hemp and flax is to be saved. 1792, March 13th. The town vote that Doct. John Man- ning have land for building a woollen manufactory. While this was erecting, some workmen designed for it were employ- ed in the old county house. MANUFACTURES. 101 1794. Doct. Manning has an additional grant for the same object. This year the factory went into operation, and ceas- ed in 1800. Coarse clothes and blankets were made here. They afforded but little, if any profit. Cotton Factory. 1827, June L9th. Joseph Farley has leave to fill up the town way, as a watering-place, between the lace factory and hi- saw-mill, because he is about to erect a new dam and a manufactory where his saw-mill is. This manufactory was erected of stone, in 1828 and 1829. It is owned by a company of Ipswich. It commenced operations in 1830. In 1832 it bad 3000 spindles and sixty looms. It spun No. 30 to 32 yarn, used 80,000 lbs. of cotton, made 450,000 yards of cloth annually, worth from nine and a half to ten cents. It employs on an average eighteen males and sixty-three females. Machinists. 1S33. Five, besides those in the cotton factory. Cabinet-ware. 1832. There were eight shops, employ- ing eighteen hands, who made 422 bureaus, — $5,064, — in a year. Besides the time spent in making these articles, one- third more was taken up in custom work, on tables, chairs, and other furniture. Harness-Makers. 1S33. Two. Lace. This, of thread and silk, was made in large quan- tities and for a long period, by girls and women. It was formed on a lap-pillow, which had a piece of parchment round it with the particular figure, represented by pins stuck up straight, around which the work was done and the lace wrought. Black as well as white lace was thus manufactured of various widths, qualities, and prices. The females of almost every family would pass their leisure hours in such employment. 1790. No less than 41,979 yards were made here annually. After the first lace factory commenced, the pillows and bobbins were soon laid aside. What of these survive a century hence, will be viewed as curious emblems of industry, and memen- tos of labor performed in months, which is now done by a fac- tory in one day. Boston and Jpsicich Lace Factory. This was incorporated in 1824, with a capital of $150,000. It became unprofit- able, and closed in 1828. Neiv England Lace Factory. This was incorporated in 1827, with a capital of $50,000. Not yielding sufficient encouragement, it was mostly stopped in 1S33. 102 TRADE. TRADE. In this, as in every calling, honesty is the best policy. They who make haste to be rich by unjust dealing, generally lose their reputation and die poor. It is far better for peace of conscience and durable estimation, to have one penny of honest gain, than one pound of fraudulent profit. 1640. As trade and commerce are embarrassed for want of money, no persons are to be compelled to pay future debts in cash, but in corn, cattle, fish, and other articles. 1641. The town have a committee for furthering trade among them. Ipswich is allowed to have one member of a company to traffic with the Indians for beaver and wampum. 1645. Several inhabitants here and elsewhere, petition to be a " company of adventurers," that whatever trade they may discover, shall be for their sole advantage twenty years ; that they may have letters, with the public seal, to the French and others ; have a caravan advanced up the country as far as they wish ; have no trading-house within twenty miles of theirs, and locate their establishment fifty miles from every English plantation. This petition was granted so far as not to infringe on a previous one. 1648, May 10th. As grain is scarce, no wheat, rye, bar- ley and corn are to be transported to foreign parts before ]2th of 6th month, except corn brought in as merchandise. 1654. No malt is to be imported. 1655. A committee is appointed for Essex county to devise means for obtaining supplies for the inhabitants. 1678. The town choose a committee to promote trade. 1693. Leave is granted to twenty-three inhabitants to build shops on the bank of the river, from the bridge to Samuel Ardway's shop. 1706, Aug. 18th. Trade much decayed. The same was said of it before and during the Revolutionary contest. 1808, Aug. 18th. Trade suffers much from the embargo. 1833. It is flourishing. There are eight shops and thirteen stores. The coasting business began here about 1768. Then a company of sixteen persons had a sloop of seventy tons built and called the Friendship. They sent goods in this vessel to Maine, and received in exchange lumber and wood. — Then the last article cost there from 2s. to 3s. a cord, and EXCISE. INTEREST MONET. WAGES. 103 was sold in Salem and Boston for 8s. or 9s. Previously to the formation of said company, lumber and wood were brought in occasionally from Wells, and also rafts of the former article came hither from Merrimack River. EXCISE. So far as this is laid in the form of a penalty, to prevent immoral indulgences, or otherwise in a proper manner, to meet the expenses of government, it should not be eluded by deceptive arts, but be willingly paid. 1663. Each hogshead of cider, ale, and beer is assessed 2s. 6(L, and each hogshead of mum sold in licensed houses 5s. 1726. Every gallon of distilled liquors and wine, at retail, 8d. 1753. Each family, who use wine or rum and arrack, pay 6rf. a gallon on the first, and Ad. on the two last. 1794. By act of Congress duties are laid on carriages. They ended 1802. The same are enacted 1813, and closed 1817. 1798. Stamp duties on notes of hand and other business papers. They ceased 1803. 1813. The same were revived, and repealed 1817. INTEREST MONEY. As yet, such is the wholesome check of public opinion, that comparatively, few, who are more covetous than careful of their character, more set upon worldly possessions than upon the welfare of their souls, will consent to take greater interest in cases of common risk, than the law permits. 1643. None are allowed to have higher than eight per cent. 1693. Six be- comes the legal rate, and has continued. WAGES. These should be just. They should never be withheld from the poor, so that they shall be forced to run in debt, and 104. CURRENCY. thus pay dearer for their supplies. Whoever takes advantage of their necessities, shows a disposition most unlike that of his Maker, most abhorrent in his sight. 1641. As money is scarce, and cattle, corn, and other things fallen, workmen are to have less wages and to receive pay in produce. 1668. For laying a thousand shingles 7s. 6d. are allowed. 1672. As they demand wine or liquors over their wages, and many refuse to labor without, which " tends much to the rooting of young persons in an evil practice, and by degrees to train them up to a habit of excess," any person who allows men and boys wine or strong liquors, except in cases of necessity, shall pay 20s. 1675. Each individual is to have Is. 6d. a day for helping to get in the corn of those who are in the public service. CURRENCY. For twenty years our fathers obtained their supplies mostly in the way of barter. During this period they had no silver or gold money, except what came from abroad, and long after it they had none of paper. When paper currency began to be popular, it met with strenuous opposition from the Crown. It is yet to be seen whether the introduction of bills, as a sub- stitute, in the great degree they now are, for specie, into our country, will be a greater blessing than a curse. 1635. Musket bullets begin to pass for an equal number of farthings. 1637. Wampum is to be current, six for Id. 1640. It begins to pass, four white for Id., two blue for the same. 1642. Each rial of eight, 4s. 8d. 1650. Wampum, eight white for Id., four black or blue for this sum, " if without break or deforming spots." 1652, May 26th. To prevent deception in money, the General Court order, that, after September, none of it shall be current, except the receiver consent, unless it be 3d., 6d. and 12d. pieces, coined at the mint-house in Boston. The first of these pieces had N. E. on one side, and III, VI, XII, according to their value, on the other. This making of money independ- ently of England and while there was an interregnum, was I I RRENCY. 105 afterwards visited with the Royal displeasure. It was continued till after L667. 1052. Oct. I '.'tli. To prevenl the washing and clipping of coins, each of them is to have a double ring, a central tree, and " Masatvsets " on one side, ami " .New England, Amer- ica." surrounding tin- year 1 of its being made, on the other. 1654. Robert Lord i^ appointed searcher of coin at Ips- wich. This referred to a laic law, forbidding any specie to be exported, except for necessary expenses. I7h>. Oct. I Till. Massachusetts Legislature vote to have a mini for issuing copper, silver, and gold money. They i^ave up the right of coining when the Constitution was adopted, 1789. Their cents, having an Indian with a bow and arrow, are seldom seen. I 793. The present copper coin of the United States, and, 1794, their silver and gold coins, began to he current. Paper Mom. v. 1690, Dec. 10th. The General Court rai^e a committee to issue hills of credit. This was to pay tin- forces engaged in the Canada expedition. L691. Colony hills are limited to £40,000. 170-2. £10,000, from 2s. to £5 are issued to pay soldiers. L702, £133,-1713, £150,-1716, £175, in hills, equal to £ 100 in specie. 1721. £50,000 are emitted. L722. £500 worth of Id., "-id. and Bd. bills are to be struck off, for small change. The Id. to he round, the 2d. square, and %d. angular. 1722, £270,-1723, £340,-1730, £380, equal to £100 in specie. L723, Dec. 15th. Before this there had been £100,000 loan by government. L733. £75,500 are voted to pay public debts. L737. £20,000 of new tenor are emitted to exchange for old hills al the rate of one new for three old. 17 10. The Governor states, that Massachusetts had issued in 1711. 1710. L720,and 1727, £260,000; that £60,000 or £7o.ooo were vet unredeemed. 1750. £3000 worth of Id., 3d., IV.. 6d., 9d. and 18rf. bills are to be emitted. 177 5, July 27th. The Provincial Congress order £100,000 to be issued from l.v. to 40*. 1781. Taper money so depreciated that seventy-five dol- lars of it go for one of silver. II 106 LAND BANK. MONOPOLIES. VALUATION, he. 1782, March 20th. By a resolve of the General Court, the inhabitants of this and every other town, are required to furnish an account of their old emission bills and forward it to the Secretary of State. Oct. 21st. There were % 30,000,000 of such money fallen upon the hands of the Massachusetts people. The General Court ask redress of Congress. 1790, Nov. 8th. The treasurer of Ipswich is empowered to sell the old and new emission bills for the most they will bring, the price thereof to go towards lessening their debt. 1797, March 14th. The Town Records begin to compute money in dollars and cents, instead of the long-standing method of pounds, shillings, and pence. To see this ancient custom thus put out of the way, was not pleasant to aged persons, whose business associations with it had long and strongly been formed. LAND BANK. There were eight stockholders in this bank, belonging to Ipswich, 1763. MONOPOLIES. 1777, April 17th. This town vote to observe a recent law of the General Court, forbidding monopolies, and to prosecute its transgressors. They instruct the Selectmen not to approbate any innholder or retailer, who will not comply with the Price Act. VALUATION. 1831. The property of Ipswich is handed in by its asses- sors to the State, at $505,995 and is doomed $577,142. TAXES. Taxes. These, pertaining to the town, county, and state, are so light, compared with what are paid in most other parts TAXES. 107 of the world, and are so accompanied with great benefits, they should not he. when fairly assessed, railed against, as intolerable burdens. L662. T. £65 3a. Ad. 1678. T.andC. £265 3s. bil. L722. T. £231 7*., — sometimes paid one third, and at other-- half, in money, and the rest in produce, — C. £20 17*. 3d. 1733. T. £3;20 and C. £50. The following are town taxes. 17(57. £.'311 3s. 3d., and for high-ways £350. 17.^0. £21,500, and high-ways £9000, in depreciated bills. 1795. £850, and high-ways £.'>uo. 1820. $3500, and high-ways $1400. 1832. $3000, and I-.;.;. $2000. CoirONi Taxes. These will be placed first and then followed by what Ipswich was assessed. 1G33. 'Of £100, £8. 1634. Of £600, £50. Salem is taxed only £15, which shows, that Ipswich had increased fast in population and property. 1645. Of £616 15s., £61. This is to be paid half in cattle and half in money. 1650. As usual in all towns, the constable goes to Boston ami pays the country tax to the Colony Treasurer. 1675. Of £1547 5s. od., £70. This year, Ipswich paid the fourth highest tax. 1677. The Selectmen of each town are empowered to rate by " will and doom" persons of estate, whose property is out of the reach of the law. Three rates are laid this year, two of them to be discharged by money and one by " country pay," or produce. If this be paid in money, one third is to be discounted. The colony or province rates of Ipswich will now be men- tioned alone. 1682. £209 12s. 6d., one third in money, the rest in pro- duce. 1694. The Colony Treasurer complains, that much of the grain paid for taxes in distant towns, is lost on its way to Charlestown and Boston. He is to receive Is. on £l,"he standing the loss of measure and charge of warehouse room." 1689. C'i-i2 I*. 6d. in pay, one half discounted for cash, and C 1 7~ 5*. lOd. in mom \ . I •')'.» 1. £17 1:5 19*. <»'/., — large because of war expenses. They who pay their rates in produce must be at the expense of its transportation to Boston. 17-27. [pswichis assessed £26 Os. 1//. on every £1000 of Province tax, and stands next to Salem, in Essex county. 108 FISHERY. 1743. £27 12s. 5d. . 1751. £22 9s. 6d. on £1000. 1775, Feb. 27th. The town vote, that all the collectors, having Province money for 1773, shall pay it to Michael Farley, and he pay it to Henry Gardner, Receiver-General. State and County Taxes. The proportion of this town's tax of $75,000 for the State, 1823, is $243-75. County tax for 1830, $705 ; for 1S33, $385-45. FISHERY. This business, requiring but little capital, and bringing in much profit, has long been considered as a source of wealth to New England. Wears. 1635. Richard Kent is allowed to build another wear on Chebacco River and enjoy the profits. John Perkins, jr., had made a wear on the same river, to have the profits of it seven years, beginning 1636, and to sell alewives at 5s. for 1000. He disposes of this place to Mr. Win. Cogswell. 1674. Nathaniel Rust and Samuel Hunt are permitted to set up a wear about the Falls, if it do not hinder the mill nor passage thereto. The form of a wear was as follows. Stone walls were built down the stream, till they came in contact at an agle of forty-five degrees. At this angle a cage was placed, composed of hoops with twigs fastened to them. The walls conducted the fish down to the cage, and thus they were taken in great numbers. Cod and other Fishery. 1641. The town raise a committee to " dispose of the Little Neck for the advancing of the Fishery." The fishermen have leave to enclose this Neck, where a fishing stage is. Every boat that comes there, shall have room to make its fish, and its crew have liberty to plant an acre of ground. * 1648. Among the fishing vessels of Ipswich, four had spent the summer at "Monhiggan." | 1670. Fishermen are allowed to take wood from the common for needed buildings and fuel. Each boat's crew have leave to feed one cow on the common. 1696. Lots are to be laid out at Jeffrey's Neck for flake- room and stages. * Hubbard. t T. R. I [SHIRT. 109 1706, Doc. 10th. John Higginson of Salem writes to Sy- moml Epes, of [pswich. (t 1 hear a rumour of several whales, that are gotten. 1 desire you to send me word how much we are concerned in them, and what prospect of a voyage. When thej have done. I desire vou would take care to secure the boats and utensils belonging to them." no", Sept. 22d. Mr. Higginson writes again about whale- boats and crews at [pswich, and remarks, " We should be in readiness for the noble sport." Hence it appears that the whale-fishery was engaged in here upon a small scale. * 1715. A committee of the proprietors meet at Jeffrey's Neck and confirm to the owners of thirteen fishing boats the use of the room occupied by these boats. f 17-23. Flats are granted to set a house on to accommo- date the fishery. L730. The town vote, that owners of fishing vessels shall an account of the crews, to the Clerk, on penalty of 20*. for every person's name omitted. 17 17. A passage had been made through two mill-dams for alewives. X 1755. The fishery had declined one half in Massachu- setts. Only six fishing schooners now belong to Ipswich. 1782, -Ian. 1st. The town vote that their Representa- tive endeavour to have an application made to Congress, so that they instruct their Commissioners for peace, to have the right of the I oited States to the fishery, an indispensable article of the treaty. 1S04. The fishery of shad and alewives in Mile River is to be regulated. 1 325. The privilege of catching shad and alewives in Ipswich River is let. This privilege is one dollar a barrel. There are 350 barrels of alewives caught annually on an average. They are disposed of for the West India market. Clams. *§. 1763. The commoners forbid any more clams to be dug, than are necessary for the use of people in town, and of fishing vessels. They allow one barrel for each of a crew to the banks, and in proportion for boats in the ha v. 177 1. Owners of vessels are to pay 6d. a barrel. The poor may dig and sell clams out of town for 2s. a barrel. •Jeffrey's Neck It. » T. R. t Douglass. || T. It. § Commoners' K. 110 COMMERCE. 1789. The town vote to have the clam-flats, as well as sand-banks which had been given them by the commoners, let out, the clams at Is. a barrel. There are 1000 barrels of clams dug in Ipswich annually. They are sold in Boston and other places, for bait, from $5 to $6 a barrel. COMMERCE. This has generally thriven and greatly increased the wealth of communities, favored with a good haven. But Ipswich, not being so accommodated has never had much shipping, nor much trade with foreign ports. Its main dependence for the support and occupation of its inhabitants, has been iis soil. Wharves. 1641. Wm. Paine is allowed to build one for a warehouse. 1660. Daniel Hovey another 1662. Thomas Clark and Robert Peirce are to have a wharf. 1668. Francis and John Wainwright one. 16S2. Simon Stacey another. 1685. Samuel Hunt has leave for a wharf. 1686. Andrew Sergeant has the same liberty. 1687. One to be at the upper end of the cove. 1693. Wm. Hay ward and Joseph Fuller are allowed to erect a wharf. 1722. Another is to be at Hunt's Cove, for landing hay. 1726. The request of several persons for a wharf to land such articles as hay and wood, is granted. 1730. Ammi R. Wise is allowed to have one for his vessels. Wm. Urann has a similar grant. 1732. Joseph Manning is allowed to erect a wharf. The tow T n agree to have one at their expense, as a landing-place at 6d. a load. 1750. Daniel and Thomas Staniford are granted land at Crope's Neck for a wharf and warehouse. 1756. Wm. Dodge is allowed to build one. 1764. Nathaniel Farley and others are to have another on Little Neck. 1818. Geo. W. Heard is granted land for a wharf and a convenient way to it. 1831. The superficial feet of wharf are 2400. TAVERNS. Ill Other Comvercial Concerns. * 167*1. Some seamen are to have Brewood free of expense Iron': the commons. f 1683. [pswich is annexed with oilier towns, to Salem, as a port to load and unload. % 1775. Dee. 4th. The town determine to fit out two vessels, for procuring a supply of -rain, at their own risk, and give leave to any persons to adventure with them, on the fol- lowing terms : The freighters shall pay one third of the corn and rye, and niie quarter of the wheat, which may be brought back. 1777. Jan. 2 1st. The town vote to pay for the vessel that was lost at Virginia, 1776. This vessel was undoubtedly one of the two preceding. || Tonnage enrolled and registered at Ipswich Custom-House, is as follows: 1797, thirteen vessels, 450 tons ; 1307, twen- ty-three. 1362 : 1-17. twelve. 17 10; IS27, twenty-live, 3273 : L832, twenty-three, -2(519. Light-House. — Landmarks. 1771, March 12th. The town vote, that a committee petition the General Court for a light-house on some part of Gloucester. <§> 1772, Aug. 20th. The commoners grant £20 to Wm. Dodge and others " to erect suitable landmarks for the ben- efit of vessels bound in and out." TAVERNS. These, when well kept, are the home of the traveller. But when they are resorted to by the idle, intemperate, and licentious of the place where they are situated, and thus become lures to draw the young from virtue and lead them to perdition, they are public nuisances, and no eye of authority should wink at their abominations, but every energy should be put forth for their immediate suppression. 11 1635, Sept. 3d. Robert Andrews is licensed by the General Court, to keep an ordinary. Tradition says, that the first tavern was kept in a one-story bouse, a few rods east of the "old brick house," at Smith's corner. 1636. Mr Andrews is allowed to sell wine by retail, " if he do not wittingly sell to such, as abuse it by drunkenness." * T. R. t Col. R. t T. R. || Custom-House R. § Commoners' R. IT Col. R. 112 PRISON. HOUSE OF CORRECTION. 1637. A law forbids " sack or strong water" to be sold at any ordinary, because it had been abused. 1638, March 12th. Mr. Samuel Symonds is appointed to sell " strong water." 1644. John Backronely sold wine. 1646. The price of a license to retail " strong water," wine, and beer, at Ipswich, is £2. * 1671, June 8th. The town allow John Spark to draw beer at Id. a quart, if he entertain no inhabitants in the night, " nor suffer any person to bring liquors to drink in his house, or wine." 1672. An inhabitant, because of his immorality, is ordered to be complained of, as unfit to sell liquors. Two men are forbidden to spend their time and money, as they had done, in the ordinaries. Orders similar to this were long repeated afterwards. 1681, Feb. 22d. Ipswich is allowed two public houses. Sept. 14th. Leave is granted to Obadiah Wood to sell cake and Id. beer. 1690. Samuel Giddings is permitted to open a public house at Chebacco. 1691. Ipswich is allowed to have another tavern. 1693. The house kept by John Spark is occupied by John Rogers, the saddler, and had the sign of a black horse. 1732. John Thomson is innholder at the Hamlet. 1753. Richard Rogers is the same in town. There are several other names of persons, who kept taverns at Ipswich. 1833. There are three public houses. PRISON. — HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Whoever looks upon these necessary appendages of orderly society, must be reminded, that human nature is far from being perfect. When well fitted and properly conducted, they are likely to promote, in a greater or less degree, the prevention of crime. But if otherwise, they are schools of iniquity, which let out upon the community villains made more villanous, more skilled to deprave the morals and dep- redate on the property of the public. •T. R. COURTS. 113 * 1652, May 22d. As there is but one prison in the whole colony, another i^ ordered to be built at Lpswich. 1656. Theophilus Wilson is keeper of the house of cor- rection. His compensation i-< C-'5 a year, 5*. lor each prisoner, and all prisoners are to pay him lor their hoard and attendance; those not able to meet this charge are to be kept on bread and water. The selectmen are required, by law, to supply the house of correction with flax and hemp lor work. f 1(5.-1. The towns which send juries to Ipswich are to help build a house of correction here; and those which send juries to Salem are to help build one there. |(i!>(!. Thomas Fossey is keeper of Ipswich prison. | 1751. The town vote to petition the General Sessions, " that the late prison be effectually repaired, and established, as heretofore, a prison and house of correction." 1760. A committee report, that there he a petition to the same court, to have a house of correction built here, and to permit the dissolute poor of the town to be put in the jail, till the house of correction shall be erected. 1771. A new jail is built on the place of the old one, which site is now occupied by the Rev. Mr. Kimball's house. 1S10, Feb. 21st. The county had recently erected a stone jail here, which cost nearly 27,000 dollars and was the only competent one in the shire for securing prisoners. This, beinsi to the southeast of the former a considerable number of rods, is kept by Mr. Michael Brown. The prisoners com- mitted here in 1823, were 13, — 1S26, 31, — 1329, 20, — 1833, 18. Nearly the whole of them were intemperate, and one-fourth of them could neither read nor write. 1828. The old house of correction, at Norton's Bridge, is discontinued, and a new one, on the premises of the jail, is occupied, and comes under the care of the keeper of the prison. The following commitments to the house of correc- tion took place: — in L828, I I 1. — I 329, 136,-1830, 74, — 1831, 117, — 1832, 165,— -1833, 98. Nine-tenths of the individuals thus committed were addicted to intoxication. COURTS. In no courts in the world is justice more impartially dis- pensed, than in our own. Thej yel remain for a protection * Col. R. t Qt. Ct. R. t T. R. 15 114 IMMORALITIES AND CRIMES. to the poor as well as rich. Still, as human institutions, they, of course, are liable to err. Such a character, both in its lights and shades, has always belonged to our civil tribunals. * 1636, March 3d. A court is to be held once a quarter in Ipswich, with which Newbury is connected, and which is to be kept by magistrates of or near the place where held. Previously to this, the General Court took cognizance of petty as well as of capital offences. 1637, May 17th. D. Dennison and S. Appleton are to assist in the Ipswich Court. 1638, May 2d. S. Symonds and Win. Hubbard are ap- pointed to hold a similar trust. 1640, Oct. 7th. It is ordered that mortgages, bargains, sales, or grants of land, be put on record, and S. Symonds is chosen recorder for the jurisdiction of Ipswich Court. This business, which belongs to the registry office, was long con- nected with the transactions of the Quarterly Court. 1641, June 2d. Two quarter courts in a year are to be held at' Ipswich. f 1693, May 2d, Tuesday. It appears that the first Su- preme Court, which sat in Ipswich, now convenes here to try persons charged with witchcraft, all of whom are cleared. 1833. For a long period, the Probate, Common Pleas, and Supreme Courts have been held in this town. IMMORALITIES AND CRIMES. Vigilance and retribution for transgressions of wholesome laws, denote a healthful state of morals, and prevent the abounding of iniquity. Woe to the people, who become so familiar with one trespass and another against the Divine dec- alogue, as to tolerate them, and consider it more reproachful to visit them with punishment, than to excuse them because popular. % 1633, Sept. 3d. An inhabitant of Ipswich is sentenced to pay £10 and stand with a white sheet of paper on his back, whereon Drunkard is written in great letters, and to stand therewith so long as the court think meet, for abusing himself shamefully with drink and enticing his neighbour's wife to incontinency and other misdemeanors. This neigh- * Col. R. t Oyer and Terminer Ct. R. X Col. R. LETTERS OF IPSWICH COURT. 1 15 hour is fined 15*. for drunkenness. There, as in numerous other lamentable cases since, intoxication led to the commis- sion of crime. 1<>:*!>, March 5th. A person for lewd attempts, is to be severely whipped in Boston and Ipswich, and to wear the letter \ em the breast of his outer garment. For his apparent reformation, he was allowed to leave off the V in June. * 166:5, .May 5th. A female of IVewbury is sentenced by the [pswich Court, for perjury, to stand at the meeting-house door of the former town next lecture-day, from the ringing of the first bell till the minister be ready to begin prayer, with a paper on her head, having on it, written in large capital let- ters, '•' For taking a false oath." f 1665, May 3d. A woman of Ipswich is tried for burn- ing General Dennison's bouse; not found guilty; fined as a thief, and to lie whipped for King. t 1667. March 26th. A man of this place, is prosecuted for digging up the bones of the Sagamore, and for carrying his scull upon a pole. 1677, March -i7th. Several persons are tried here and sentenced to be branded and fined, for robbing Wm. Lattimore on the high-way. 1634, April 15th. An individual of Salem, twice before con- victed of theft, is sentenced at Ipswich for burglary, to be brand- ed with I), to pay treble damages, and to be whipped fifteen lashes at the former town next lecture-day. He was branded here, and sent to Salem to have the rest of his punishment. 1-17. July 1-th. On Friday night, the house of Colonel Jonathan Cogswell was entered, his desk was broken open, and one hundred dollars were taken. The perpetrator of this was not discovered. It is indeed true, that the way of transgres- sors is hard. Even if not detected by man, they carry in their bosom the smothered, but tormenting fires of guilt. LETTERS OF IPSWICH COURT. 1663, April 4th. This Court send a letter to Lynn Church, clearing two of their brethren from the charge of perjury, in a recent land case. May 5th. In answer to a reply of the Rev. Samuel Whiting, the Court apprehend that their purpose • Qt. Ct. R. t Col. R. X Qt- Ct. R. 116 TRIALS AND EXECUTIONS FOR MURDER. in writing was misunderstood ; that they did not mean any " Erastianisme," or denial of the church's power to censure or decree. This word Erastianisme is from Doctor Thomas Erastus, who contended in England about 1647, that the church had no power either to censure or decree. TRIALS AND EXECUTIONS FOR MURDER. It is well known that such punishment was more necessary, to render the property and lives of the community safe, be- fore the erection of state-prisons, than subsequently. Even now, in cases of extreme atrocity, this punishment, as required by law, seems just and requisite. The criminal, who has for- feited his life and has a reasonable time to prepare for eternity, is more likely to repent and have this preparation, when as- sured that he must soon stand before his omniscient Judge, than if he was permitted to live out all his days within the walls of a penitentiary. It is a fearful fact, that capital crimes increase in our country, in a greater ratio, than its population does. Our chief hope for turning back so dark and porten- tous a flood, is the increase of pure religion in our nation. * 1637, Sept. 28th. John Williams is hanged in Boston. " He was a ship-carpenter, who, being lately come into the country and put in prison for theft, brake out with one John Hoddy, whom, near the great pond, in the way to Ipswich, he murdered, and took away his clothes and what else he had, and went in them to Ipswich, where he had been sent to prison, and was there again apprehended ; and though his clothes were all bloody, yet he would confess nothing, till about a week after the body of Hoddy was found." At the same time, Wm. Schooler is hanged in Boston for the mur- der of Mary Sholy, on the way from Newbury to Piscataquay. He was examined for this crime by the magistrates of Ips- wich, over a year before he was proved guilty. | 1701, July 17th. Esther Rogers of Newbury, for kill- ing a child Nov. 12th, 1700, is hung and placed on a gibbet at Pingrey's Plain in Ipswich. Tradition informs us, that she confessed this to be her second illegitimate child, and that the first was secreted, she not knowing whether it was dead or alive. She appeared very sorrowful for her iniquities, and * Winthrop. t Col. P. TRIALS AND EXECUTIONS KOK HUBDEB. 117 acknowledged licr sentence to be righteous. She continued in deep distress for her sins, after she sel out for the gallows ; but, when passing a hill, she was divinely enabled to e;ist her soul upon Christ and to enjoy the consolations of a hope in him. This bill from that time, has been called " Comfort Hill," because she there was comforted by the promises of religion to the penitent. About 1 r,'.">. Elizabeth Atwood, single woman, of Ipswich, was hung for murdering her child. She gave no signs of being properly affected by her crime, or by the realities of eternity. She put on, as many others in a similar condition have done, a mock courage, which set at defiance the retributions of both God and man. As an evidence of her callousness, tradition tells us that, as it was customary for the executioner to have the clothes of those whom be executed, she fitted herself out in the verv worst of her apparel, and on her way to the gal- lows she laughed, so that a woman who attended her saw it, and exclaimed, " How can you be so thoughtless on such an occasion ? "' and that she immediately replied, " 1 am laughing to think what a sorry suit the hangman will get from me." * 1772, May 5th. Sarah Goldthwaite, single woman, of Lynn, was committed to jail last Thursday, charged with the murder of her male child, found with stones round its neck in a pond. June 23d. She was tried last week at Ipswich and cleared. In connexion with this case, more than one murder was strongly suspected. A young woman much out of health, who was supposed to have knowledge about the death of the child, which would make her a dangerous witness, appears to have been taken from her room and carried to a secret place in the woods, where she was found dead. They who are concerned in committing one iniquity, put themselves in the way of committing another. f 1778, July 2d. Ezra Ross, a single man, and belong- ing to the west part of Ipswich, is hung at Worcester, for being concerned in the murder of Mr. Spooner, at the instiga- tion of his abandoned wife. The day of bis execution was kept as a season of fasting and prayer for his untimely end, in hi- native parish. 1795, Aug. 6th. Pomp, a negro, was hung at Ipswich, for killing his master, Captain Charles Furhush, of Andover. * Essex Gazett<'. t Line Brook Ch. R. 118 OTHER MODES OF PUNISHMENT. Before his execution, he was carried into the meeting-house at 11 o'clock. Mr. Frisbie prayed and Mr. Dana preached from the words, " He that sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." Mr. Bradford of Rowley prayed at the gallows. Pomp remained unaffected through the whole of so awful a scene. He was directed to call on God for mercy, and he formally complied. His mind had been so little instruct- ed and his heart so left to moral darkness, that he appeared to have no realizing perception of his guilt or of his danger in being suddenly sent into eternity. The little while he was under the care of the Ipswich ministers, they faithfully did what they could to correct the gross errors of his long neglected education. 1802, Nov. Cato Haskell is sentenced for manslaughter, to be branded on the forehead with M, and imprisoned a year. He belonged to this town, and had killed Charles Lewis, from Virginia, Oct. 12th, with a scythe. They were both colored men. Cato broke jail and was not recovered. OTHER MODES OF PUNISHMENT. Stocks. These were common in towns where courts were held, as early as 1638. They were employed in Ipswich, as a terror to the disorderly, down to 1794. They stood behind the First Parish meeting-house, with the whipping-post, and, generally, with the gallows, when erected. Pillory. This was sometimes seen on the meeting-house hill, when persons were punished for making haste to be rich by fraudulent practices. Having stood upon it as the sentence required, a gazing-stock to the multitude, they would, for the most part, have one or both ears cropped, to mark their offence wherever they should go. Wearing a halter. When individuals had done some- thing which bordered on a capital crime, they would be seated on a gallows, with a rope round their neck at one end, and tied to the gallows with the other. This was usually accompanied with whipping. In the early settlement of our country, persons were made to wear a halter, open to public view, for months and years. Cage. This was about ten feet wide and sixteen long, and partly covered. It contained sabbath-breakers and other transgressors on lecture-days, so that they might be exposed SLAVES. 119 to ilit- sight of the whole congregation, passing and repassing. It was used in several towns till after 17 is. As Ipswich was one oi the places where courts were held and where criminals in the northern part of Massachusetts were tried and punished, it is not likely that this town was destitute of a cage " for unclean birds. Cleft Stick. This was used in the early settlement of the colony, to confine tongues convicted of slander. Dm kin. ; and Gagging. 1672, .May loth. The General Court say, that as there is no express punishment for "exorbit- ancy of the tongue in railing and scolding," it is ordered " that railers and scolds be gagged, or set in a ducking-stool, and dipped over head and ears three times." The same reason for assigning a cage to this town, is applicable, as to the above mode and apparatus of administering summary justice. That we may form some idea of a ducking instrument, the following is quoted from the history of Ipswich in England, for which this place was named. " In an apartment of the custom-house at Ipswich, is an original ducking-stool. It is in the form of a strong-backed chair, with a wrought iron rod, about an inch in diameter, fastened to each arm in front, meeting in a segment of a circle above. There is, also, another iron rod affixed to the back, which curves over the head of the person seated in the chair, and is connected with the others at the top, to the centre of which is fastened an iron ring, for the purpose of slinging the machine into the river. In the chamberlain's book are various notices of money to porters for taking down the duck- in_ -tool. In 1597 three unfortunate females underwent this op- probrious ceremony. The fee for inflicting the punishment was Is. 6d." Of the various sorts of public punishment, none of them, except hanging, has been administered since convicts were sent to the State Prison. Blessed must be the day when such a renovation of human nature shall have taken place, that no one can be found to transgress, no prison have an inmate, no punishment have a subject. SLAVMS. These were owned for a considerable period, though in no great number, by inhabitants of Ipswich. They were Indians 120 POPULATION. as well as Africans. Besides these, in the early age of the colony, criminals were sold into servitude for a term of years, according to their offences. * 1755. The slaves in this town above sixteen, are sixty- two. 1774. Conscience and consistency, as to the claims of freedom, so prevail in Massachusetts, that slaves of twenty- one, who sue for emancipation, have a verdict of juries in their favor. This greatly loosens the bonds of slavery in Ipswich and other places. 17S0. The State Constitution declares, that " all men are born free and equal." This clause is inserted as an abolition of human bondage. It gives liberty to the slaves here and else- where. Thus fell one of the greatest abominations ever charge- able upon the home of the Puritans. Well, unspeakably well, would it have been for no small portion of our Republic, could it have been influenced by the same enlightened views, and by the same righteous motives. But we are aware that it is not so. The cries of oppressed multitudes still throng Heav- en's tribunal for awful retribution upon our land. Millions, holding their fellow-beings in servitude, are bequeathing to their children a heritage of peril, iniquity, blood, and carnage. POPULATION. As the tide of emigration has long flowed from Ipswich, with little comparative reflux, the people of this place have not become numerous. f 1646. There are one hundred and forty-six families. — These would make, if reckoning, as is commonly done, five and two-thirds to a family, about 793 inhabitants. % 1677, Dec. 20th. Twenty-five Tythingmen are appoint- ed, each of whom, by act of the General Court, is to have the charge of ten families. This would give 1,417. According to the census of 1800, there were 3,305, — 1810, 3,569, — 1820, 2,550. The diminution of this from the pre- ceding census, was because Chebacco parish had become incor- porated. 1830, 2,951 inhabitants. The greater part of the men are farmers. From the appearance of business and the * Mass. Hist. Coll. f Johnson. t Col. R. POLITICAL kVFAIHS. 121 erection of new buildings, in 1833, there is a prospect, that this ancient town may retain more than usual of its young peo- ple, and advance in numbers as well as in property. POLITICAL AFFAIRS. These were well understood by many of our ancestors, who continually strove to have them far removed from the spirit and dominion of monarchy. 1 I < > - 5 -~> , .March 1th. Nicholas Easton and Henry Short, having been illegally chosen, are not allowed to hold their seats as Deputies. John Spencer is reported as regularly elected. May 6th. J. Spencer is on a committee to con- sider the act of Mr. Endicott in defacing the colors at Salem, and to report how far he is censurable. f 16-13, July. Three of the magistrates and the elders of [pswich and Rowley, had written to the Governor and As- sistants against affording aid to La Tour, as implying war upon D'Aulnay. 1647, Jan. 6th. The petition of Dr. Child and others, for having men, not church members, eligible to offices of civil government, and for Episcopalians to enjoy equal privileges with C oniric Rationalists, and for laws to be the same here as in England, is circulated in Ipswich, and is much liked by the young people. On this occasion, S. Symonds wrote to Governor Winthrop, " This town has very few malignants," meaning the supporters of Dr. Child, who were then consid- ered generally as great disorganizes. t 1 li.") 1. June -20th. S. Bradstreet, S. Symonds, and D. Den- nison meet here "about a narrative in the way of remonstrance of all matters respecting that which is charged on the General Court, concerning the breach of the Confederacy, for the vin- dication of this Court's actings in such respects." The Con- federacy here mentioned was the Union, which existed among New England Colonies except Rhode Island. The narrative was to be forwarded to Oliver Cromwell. 1661. May 24th. As Charles II. was urging our fathers to a retraction of their anti-royal policy, John Eliot, missionary to the Indians, is required by the General Court to confess, * Col. R. t Hutchinson's Coll. J Col. R. 16 122 POLITICAL AFFAIRS. that he had gone too far in expressing himself against kingly- government in his book, called " Christian Commonwealth," published nine or ten years before in England. Mr. Eliot's confession is ordered to be posted up in several towns, among which was Ipswich. June 7th. Mr. Cobbet, D. Dennison and S. Symonds, are appointed by the Legislature, to report on the relations which the colony hold to the King. They do this, the 10th, according to charter rights, and their report is accepted. June 10th. The Court having read and considered several petitions, presented and subscribed by freemen and others of Ipswich, Newbury and Sudbury, about submission to the de- mands of His Majesty, reply, that they shall " not be wanting in the prosecution of such means as may be most conducible to our peace." 1665, May. Messrs. Carr, Cartwright, and Maverick, the King's commissioners, send to the non-freemen of Ipswich and other towns, desiring them to be present at the next Court of Elections, to witness what they would try to do for their relief of civil disabilities. 1666, Sept. 11th. As a petition had been presented by people of Boston, Salem, Ipswich, and Newbury, to the Gen- eral Court, desiring that the King's order might be obeyed, for sending over to England certain persons, whom he charged with disloyalty, and that other means might be taken to con- ciliate him, the Court notify the chief of such petitioners to appear before them next October. There were seventy-three . of Ipswich, who thus applied, and John Appleton was sum- moned to answer in their behalf. * 1667, June 25th. Wm. Stevens is charged with speak- ing against " His Majesty, our Sovereign Lord and King, Charles II." On trial he confesses the truth of the accusation, is disfranchised from being a freeman, and from holding any of- fice during the Court's pleasure, and to pay £20 fine and costs of the trial, and to be imprisoned one year. There were several cases of this kind tried about the same time. 1678, Oct. 2d. All persons who had neglected it are required take the oath of allegiance to Charles II. There were one hundred and twenty-one of Ipswich, who had not com- plied with this custom. * Qt. Ct. R. POLITICAL AFFAIRS. L23 Resignation of the Charter. # 1685, Feb. 11th. e: The deputies desiring to know the town's mind with respect to the papers, that Mr. Randolph left, whether the) were wil- ling to make a free resignation, as in the declaration : there was not one person, that voted, when tried, that he was wil- ling. It was also vroted, that all those, that were desirous to retain the privileges granted in the charter, and conferred by his Royal Majesty now reigning, should manifest the same by holding up their hands, which vote was unanimous in the affirmative," A decision against the Charter had been recently and conditionally made in England. The General Court declined to allow this decision. Randolph, aware that he could not succeed with them, encouraged the people to vote for the surrender of the Charter. In this he was disap- pointed. While he was thus busy, and while our fathers were dreading the despotic stretch of kingly power, news arrives that Charles II. was dead. This event revived the hopes of Massachusetts, and led them to expect better treatment from James II., successor to the British Crown. Taxation resisted, f 1687, Aug. 23d. Sir Edmund Andros having caused a tax of Id. on £l to be levied, Ips- wich pass a vote, that, as it was against the rights of English- men to have rates laid upon them, without their consent in an Assembly or Parliament, they would petition the King before they complied with the Treasurer's order. The Gov- ernor was much displeased at such a stand. He had the prin- cipal men here apprehended. September. These persons are so grievously prosecuted by Andros, they ask him and his council to overlook their neg- lect of the Treasurer's instructions and their words, which had been construed as disloyal. % 1639, Dec. 24th. Ipswich votes, "That the Rev. John Wi-e and the Selectmen draw up the town's abuses with respect to the rates taken and the calumnies cast upon the town and persons, who have suffered by the late Government in Sir Edmund Andros' rule, and present them to the town next Lecture-day after lecture." § " We, John Wise, John Andrews, sen., Robert Kinsman, Win, Goodhue, jr., all of Ipswich, about 22d of Aug., 16S7, * T. R. t Narrative of the Miseries of New England. t T. R. § The Revolution in -New England Justified. 124 POLITICAL AFFAIRS. were, with several principal inhabitants of Ipswich, met at Mr. John Appleton's, and there discoursed and concluded, that it was not the town's duty any way to assist that ill method of raising money without a General Assembly, which was appar- ently intended by abovesaid Sir Edmund and his Council, as witness a late act issued out by them for such a purpose. The next day in a general town-meeting of the inhabitants of Ips- wich, we, the abovenamed J. Wise, J. Andrews, R. Kinsman, W. Goodhue, with the rest of the town, there met, (none con- tradicting,) and gave our assent to the vote then made. The ground of our trouble, our crime, was the copy, transmitted to the Council, viz. ' At a legal town-meeting, Aug. 23, assembled by virtue of an order from John Usher, Esq., for choosing a com- missioner to join with the Selectmen to assess the inhabitants according to an act of His Excellency the Governor and Council, for laying of rates. The town then considering, that this act doth infringe their liberty, as free English subjects of His Majesty, by interfering with the Statute Laws of the land, by which it was enacted, that no taxes should be levied upon the subjects without the consent of an Assembly, chosen by the Freeholders for assessing of the same, they do therefore vote, that they are not willing to choose a commissioner for such an end without said privilege, and, moreover, consent not, that the Selectmen do proceed to lay any such rate until it be appointed by a General Assembly, concurring with Governor and Council.' We, the complainants, with Mr. John Apple- ton and Thomas French, all of Ipswich, were brought to answer for the said vote out of our own county, thirty or forty miles into Suffolk and in Boston, kept in jail for contempt and high misdemeanor, as our mittimus specifies, and, upon de- mand, denied the privilege of Habeas Corpus, and from prison overruled to answer at a Court of Oyer and Terminer in Bos- ton. Our judges were Joseph Dudley of Roxbury, Stoughton of Dorchester, John Usher of Boston, and Edward Randolph. He that officiates as Clerk and Attorney in the case, is George Farwell. The jurors only twelve, and most of them (as is said) non-freeholders of any land in the colony, some of them strangers and foreigners, gathered up (as we suppose) to serve the present turn. In our defence was pleaded the repeal of the Law of Assessment upon the place; also the Magna Charta of England, and the Statute Laws, that secure the subjects' properties and estates, &tc. To which was replied by one of POLITICAL AFFAIRS. 125 the judges, the rest by silence assenting, that we must not think the laws of England follow us to the ends of the earth, or whither we went. And the same person (.1. Wise abovesaid testifies) declared in open council, upon examination of said Wise, ' Mr. Wise, you have no more privileges left you, than not to he sold as slaves, 3 and no man in Council contradicted. By such laws our trial and trouble began and ended. Mr. Dudley, aforesaid Chief Judge, to close up the debate and trial, trims Upa speech that pleased himself (as we suppose) more than the people. Among many other remarkable passages to this purpose, be bespeaks the jury's obedience, who (we suppose) were very well pre-inclinecl, viz. ' I am glad/ says he, ' there be so many worthy gentlemen of the jury so capable to do the King's service, and we expect a good verdict from you, seeing the matter hath been so sufficiently proved against the crim- inals.' Vote. The evidence in the case, as to the substance of it. was, that we too boldly endeavoured to persuade ourselves we were Englishmen and under privileges, and that we were, all six of us aforesaid, at the town-meeting of Ipswich aforesaid, and. as the witness supposed, we assented to the aforesaid vote, and, also, that John Wise made a speech at the same time, and said we had a good God and a good King, and should do well to stand to our privileges. The jury return us all six guilty, beins; all involved in the same information. We were remand- ed from verdict to prison, and there kept one and twenty days for judgment. There, with Mr. Dudley's approbation, as Jud Feb. The General Court petition the King to protect the people of Ipswich and Cape Ann against Mason's claim. In a peti- * Col. R. t Ibid. t T. R. § Col. R. POLITICAL AFFAIRS. 127 don of these towns to Hi-; Majesty, they say, " We have Bubdued the wilderness with great pains and cost ; our lands have passed through several hands; we were confirmed in our rights by law of I <>•">' tin- settling inheritances, which was not designed against Robert Mason, of whom and of whose claim we were then wholly ignorant. So we continued till sur- prised by order of the General Court, according to your letter of Sept. 30th, loVo. requiring us to furnish agents and evi- dence-, as to our land-;. We implore your .Majesty to confirm us in our rights, or order Mr. Mason to try his claim in courts of justice here.'' .Messrs. Jonathan Wade and Daniel Epes w< re instructed by the General Court to obtain signers to this petition. * Nov. 27th. As Thomas Lovel, a selectman, has been to Mr. Mason about a compliance, and advised others, that it would be best to comply, — voted, that he be excluded from ln> office. j- 1683, Feb. 15th. The Legislature appoint justices to keep a court in Essex for the trying of the case. May 16th. The General Court allow John Wallace and Content Mason, relict of John Tufton Mason, to give deeds as her husband had done. This shows that Mr. Mason had his claim con- finned here without going to England. Some paid a quit-rent of 2s. a year for every house built on the land of his grant, which was in their possession. There is no doubt but that the Mason grant from Naumkeag River to the Merrimack, was made by the Council of Plymouth before the settlement of Massachusetts. The grant however, subsequently made to the Massachusetts Company, included his. Thence arose misunderstanding and difficulty when Mason's heir pressed for ten townships in the same colony, which he considered to be his leL r al right. It is not to be wondered at, that Ipswich and the rest of these townships felt anxious while they were claimed by Robert T. Mason, whose wish it was to have them called Mariana and held by him and his heirs "in free and common soccage." When the case was decided, that such places should pay quit-rents, they were relieved from the fear lest it should be much worse. Knowing the evil attendant on this subject, they composed their minds to meet it, however otherwise than they wished. Other Political Concerns. J 1731, Sept. 7th. " The *T. R. f Col. R. XT. R. 128 POLITICAL AFFAIRS. representatives read a communication from the House, and considerable debate ensued. On motion made and seconded, the question was put whether the town would choose a com- mittee to prepare instructions for our representatives on the weighty affair of supplying the Province treasury, and report their opinion thereon." It passed in the negative, as it did in other towns. There was a general objection to supplying the treasury, as here proposed, because it was for the payment of Governor Belcher's salary, which had been due, and which was ordered by the King to be £1000. This royal inter- ference in our Province affairs was considered by most of our people, as contrary to their charter rights. * 1740, June 19th. On the question whether John Col- man of Boston and Company be forbidden to issue bills of credit, as the Governor wanted such persons to be, Richard Rogers was with a majority of the House, that they should not be forbidden. f 1754, July 19th. An extract from the bill relative to the excise on liquors, being read and debated, the question was put whether the town be in favor of it, and they voted in the negative. 1755, Jan. 28th. The plan, for a general union of the Colonies, before the Legislature, is read to the town, and they vote against it, and instruct Colonel John Choat, the repre- sentative, to use his influence to prevent its passage, because it materially affected charter privileges. Oct. 21st. Instructions are given by Ipswich to Dr. John Calef, their representative to the General Court. These instructions mention the distressing and ruinous measures, taken by Parliament against America ; request him to maintain charter rights ; and state, that for this country to be justly under the particular laws of England, which militate with the charter, three things were necessary ; one, that our fathers should have emigrated hither, as a national act, second, at national expense, and, third, should have been sent to settle some territory owned by the nation ; — but our fathers came of their own accord, at their own expense, and had to buy or fight for their land. The instructions further say to the Doctor, " You are to do all you can to repeal the acts passed or may be passed." * Prov. It. t T. R. POLITICAL AFFAIRS. 129 1766, Nov. 25th. The question being put, Whether the town would give instructions to their representative, as to the compensation and act of indemnity and the bill pending, as to the Whale Fishery, it passed in the negative. The compen- sation, here mentioned, referred to damages done in Boston, on account of the Stamp Act. L768, Am:. 11th. ''Voted, that the town of Ipswich highly approve the conduct of those gentlemen of the late House ol" Representatives, who were for maintaining the rights and liberties of their constituents and were against rescinding the resolves of a former House. Voted, that the thanks of this town be given to the worthy and much esteemed ninety- two gentlemen of the late House of Representatives, for their firmness and steadiness in standing up for and adhering to the just rights and liberties of the subject, when it was required of them, at the peril of their political existence, to rescind the resolves of the then former House of Representatives." The Representatives, here mentioned, were highly applauded through the colonies. " The glorious Ninety-two,'' was a popular toast out of Massachusetts. As to the matter of rescinding, on June 21st, the Governor lays before the House a letter from the Earl of Hillsborough of April 22d, which expresses his Majesty's displeasure for their resolve for " writing to other colonies on the subject of their intended representations against some late acts of Parliament, and that it was the King's pleasure, that the House rescind the vote, which gave birth to the circular letter of Feb. 11th, 1768, from the Speaker." A clause in the Earl's letter required the Governor to dissolve the General Court, if the said vote was not rescinded. June ^JOth. The House resolve not to rescind this vote, 92 to 17. Dr. John Calef of Ipswich was among the minority, for which he subsequently apolo- gized. He, with other worthy men, was loth to pursue a course, which they feared would bring upon their country the displeasure of England without adequate benefit. It is not strange, in a' view of human fallibility, that some were found rather to cleave to the mother government, than run the hazard of a revolution, which, if not successful, would render the condition of our people more unhappy. Still, it was well for us, that the majority thought and acted differently. Sept. 19th. As proposed by Boston, Ipswich choose Michael Farley to represent them in Convention " to devise 17 130 POLITICAL AFFAIRS. such measures, as the peace and safety of his Majesty's good subjects in the Province, may require." This convention met Sept. 23d, and petitioned the Governor to call a consti- tutional Assembly. He refused and forbade them proceed in business. They answered him, that they claimed the right to meet and discuss public concerns. 1770, March 19th. The town " voted, that we are de- termined to retrench all extravagances, and that we will, to the utmost of our power, encourage our own manufactures, and that we will not, by ourselves or any for or under us, directly or indirectly purchase any goods of the persons who have im- ported or continue to import, or of any person or trader, who shall purchase any goods of said importers contrary to the agreement of the merchants in Boston and the other trading towns in this government and the neighbouring colonies, until they make a public retraction, or a general importation takes place. And, further, taking under consideration the excessive use of tea, which has been such a bane to this country, voted, that we will abstain therefrom ourselves, and recommend the disuse of it in our families, until all the revenue acts are re- pealed." In the warrant for the meeting, at which these votes were passed, tea is called " that pernicious weed." 1772, Dec. 28th. A committee report, according to a letter from Boston, accompanied with the " State of the Rights of the Colonies and Infringements on them," for substance, 1. That infringements on our colonial rights are as stated by our brethren in Boston. It is of the utmost importance for this Province and others to stand firmly for their rights. — 2. All people of the American Colonies have a right, accord- ing to the British constitution, to dispose of their property as they see fit. — 3. Parliament, by assuming the right to legislate for the Colonies and to raise a revenue from them, acts con- trary to the wishes of the people and the opinion of eminent men in Parliament. — 4. As a great grievance, the Governor is made independent of the Province for his support, and so the Judges of the Superior Court, the King's Attorney, and Solicitor-General are all to be thus independent. — 5. It is matter of alarm, that commissioners have been appointed by late acts of Parliament (for preserving his Majesty's dock- yards, magazines, ships, ammunition, and stores,) to inquire out persons who burnt the schooner Gaspee at Providence, because there is a remedy for such offences without commis- POLITICAL AFFAIRS. \.i\ sioners. — 6. Every part of the British dominions have a right to petition the King and Parliament, and to continue to do it till their grievances are redressed. This town are ag- grieved, that petition- of this Province have been so little re- garded. — 7. We instrucl our representative to maintain in the General Court, at it- next session, the rights of the Province, to make exertion that the Governor and Judges he paid by the Legislature, ami nol l>_\ the Crown ; that the Karl of Dart- mouth he informed, that the dissatisfied of this Province are not a small faction, hut most of the people, who are dissatisfied because the Governor and Judges, and Hoard of Commissioners of the Customs, are independent of the Legislature here, and also, because of enormous powers vested in the Court of Ad- miralty, of posting regular troops in the Province, raising a revenue in America, and appropriating this revenue without the consent of the people in person or by their representatives ; and " that his Lordship be assured, that the good people of this Province are and always have been firmly attached to his present Majesty and his royal family, and are desirous, to the utmost of their ability, to support government and promote quietness and good order." The representative of Ipswich is instructed to use his influence, that an agent of the House, separate from the Governor and Council, represent the con- dition of the Province to the King or his ministers, and, if the Governor refuse to allow grants of the House for such an agent, the representative is to try for the House to recommend to the several towns to pay the agent. — 8. We thank Bos- ton for proceeding as they have, in their printed pamphlet, for informing the public of alarming encroachments on our Province rights, and for seasonably endeavouring to obtain the sense of the country. — 9. We will choose a committee to correspond with the committee of Boston and other towns on affairs of the Province. This report, so fervently and fully breathing the spirit of liberty, which bore our country over the troubled waters of civil commotion to the attainment of freedom, is accepted. A committee of correspondence is chosen. ]',',. i, Dec. 20th. Resolves of Ipswich. 1st. " That the inhabitants of this town have received real pleasure and satisfaction from the noble and spirited exertions of their brethren of Boston and other towns to prevent the landing of the detested tea, lately arrived there from the Easl India Company, subject to a duty," which goes to support persons 132 POLITICAL AFFAIRS. not friendly to the interests of this Province. 2d. That they highly disapprove of the consignees of the East India Compa- ny, because of their equivocal answers to a respectable commit- tee of Boston, and refusal to comply with the wish of their countrymen. 3d. That every person, who shall import tea while the act for duty on it continues, shall be held as an enemy. 4th. That no tea be sold in town while this act is in force ; that if any one sell it here, he shall be deemed an enemy. — Voted, that these resolves be sent to the committee of correspondence of Boston. 1774, Aug. 29th. By [request of Marblehead, Ipswich chooses a committee to unite with others, who intend to meet here September 6th, to concert measures in these distressed times. September 21st. Voted, that the representatives join with those from other towns and form a Provincial Con- gress. September 26th. Instructions to the representatives of Ipswich, who were to meet with the Legislature, October 5th, at Salem, by order of the Governor. As it is a day of much darkness, this Province in particular suffering under ministe- rial vengeance, it requires wisdom and firmness so to act as, by the blessing of God, to convince our enemies, that we shall stand for our rights. We instruct you not to countenance " that unconstitutional Council appointed by the King, in sub- mitting to act with them in one particular, and that, if the Governor will not allow the Council chosen by the people to sit, as the second branch of the Legislature, that you do not proceed to do one single act, unless it be to pass such resolves as may be judged necessary to testify your abhorrence of slavery and all attempts that but serve to have a tendency that way. We agree with the advice given by a Congress of this country, that a Provincial Congress be formed and meet together, to consult on what is to be done by this people as a body ; and we would have you unite with such a Con- gress. We think it would be better to have each town send more persons to this Congress, than the law allows representa- tives to the General Court, and we would have you exert yourselves for this. # October 3d. Dr. John Calef, having been waited on by a committee of Ipswich, so that his views of late acts of Parliament might be known, gives them leave to have it published in the " Essex Gazette " of Salem, that he regretted voting, June 30th, 1768, in favor of the royalists ; * Essex Gazette. POLITICAL AFFAIRS. 133 that his purpose is to maintain the charter rights against the late acts of Britain. Such public acknowledgments from indi- viduals in many towns were very common. November 21st. The town vote, unanimously, to approve the proposals and resolves of the Continental Congress. 1775, .Jan. 3d. Voted, that Michael Farley be a delegate to the Provincial Congress to be held at Cambridge on the 1st of February. Jan. 19th. Instructions to him. 1st. To use his influence so that Congre>s appoint an early Fast, because of degeneracy from the good ways of our fathers, and of in- creasing wickedness and infidelity in Great Britain. 2d. To inquire if any towns have neglected the resolves of the Pro- vincial Congress, and, if so, to publish them ; and if any persons have not complied with the Association agreement, to have their names advertised. 3d. While enemies among our- selves say, that we are seeking after independence, when we are not, endeavour that the Congress alter the government so as to agree with our last charter. 4th. We approve of the wise recommendations of the late Provincial Congress, as to our manufactures. We should like some particular method pointed out for promoting them. 1776, March 1 1th. A committee of correspondence is chosen. April 24th. A committee is elected " to meet with other seaport committees of the county at the tavern near Beverly meeting-house this day, and to consult on measures to be taken for our safety in this difficult time." May 4th. A committee of intelligence is chosen. June 10th. " Voted, that the representatives be instructed, if the Continental Con- gress should, for the safety of the Colonies, declare them in- dependent of Great Britain, the inhabitants here will solemnly pledge their lives and fortunes to support them in the measure." After the 17th of July, printed copies of the Declaration of Independence are read on Sabbath afternoon, at the close of public worship, in all the parishes, and this Declaration is re- corded on the Town book, according to the order of the State Council. October 7th. Voted, that the representatives unite with the House in framing a state constitution, which shall be laid before the people previously to its being enacted. De- cember 18th. A committee of inspection and correspondence is chosen. 1777, June 9th. Instructions to the representatives. " You are to oppose the repeal of the Price Act. We do not think 134 POLITICAL AFFAIRS. it a source of animosity between Boston and the country, nor a shackle to trade. You are to act against the General Court's forming a new plan of government ; to try for the removal of this Court to some convenient country town ; for having all the State's money redeemed with continental cur- rency, so that there be but one kind of currency in the United States ; for giving encouragement to the raising of flax and wool." 1778, Jan. 12th. Voted to take under consideration " The Articles of the Confederation and Perpetual Union be- tween the United States of America, as proposed to the Legis- lature of this State." January 19th. Voted to instruct the representatives to vote, that the delegates from Massachusetts favor the Articles of Confederation. April 6th. Voted, that a committee meet with others here, at Tread well's, on the 15th instant, to consider the constitution and form of government proposed. June 4th. There are one hundred and ninety-one votes here against the proposed constitution, and only one in its favor. 1779, August 9th. Ipswich accepts the resolves of the Convention, lately at Concord, as to the high price of several articles of consumption. A committee is raised to regulate the prices of those articles not fixed by the Convention. Five persons are chosen to represent the town in the Conven- tion to be held at Cambridge for framing a new constitution. August 16th. Two persons are chosen to meet in Convention at Concord, October 12th, to regulate the prices of goods. Nov. 5th. Voted to accept the result of the Convention at Concord on the 12th of October. 1780, June 15th. Voted not to accept the Constitution, unless the proposed amendments are allowed. The Constitu- tion was adopted by the people this year. 1787, Dec. 3d. Michael Farley, John Choate, Daniel Noyes, and John Cogswell are chosen to meet in Boston on the second Wednesday of January, to consider the Constitution of the United States, as proposed by the National Convention. This Constitution was adopted in 1788 by all the States, except Rhode Island and North Carolina, both of which after- wards adopted it. 1793, Sept. 16th. Ipswich approves the President's procla- mation for neutrality, while the European war lasts. 1798, April 2d. The town meet on the subject of pe- POLITICAL AFFAIRS. 136 titioning Congress, lliat merchant vessels may be armed, and that the Stamp Aft may be repealed. 1808, August L8th. A majority of the people here vote to send the following petition to Thomas Jefferson, President of the United Suites. It " humbly shows, that the inhabitants of this town have at all times, from its earliest settlement] manifested a respectful regard to the laws of the country, and practised and inculcated obedience to the constituted authori- ties : that, under the greatest pressure of calamities which the public good has been thought to require, they have remained peaceful ami submissive, and that no regulation of government, however burdensome, has ever on this account been violated or evaded by any inhabitants of this town ; that the laws of the United States, laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the country, have operated in a very urievous manner on all classes of our citizens; that fanners, mechanics, fishermen, and manufacturers have, in their turns, experienced and still experience their ill effects ; and we cannot contemplate their further continuance without most disquieting apprehensions ; nor will we believe, that the regular expression of the wishes of a free people can be offensive to enlightened and patriotic rulers. Therefore, your petitioners beg leave to suggest, whether the great events which bave lately taken place in Europe will not afford your Excellency an opportunity for relieving the people of this once prosperous country from their present embarrassed and distressed condition. And your pe- titioners believe, that a renewal of commercial intercourse between the United States and the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal and their colonies, would be productive of great ad- vantage, by affording to us an opportunity of disposing of great quantities of our surplus produce, and more particularly the article of fish now perishing on our bands. Wherefore, your petitioners, agreeably to the right which they enjoy by the constitution, which they, at all times and on all occasions, are ready and determined religiously to support, would respectfully pray, that the evils which they endure, in consequence of the embargo, may be removed, by a suspension, in whole or in part, of the operation of the laws laying the same, by virtue of the power by law vested in the supreme executive ; or tbat the power of convening Congress, given by the constitution to your Excellency, ma\ be immediately exercised for the pur- pose of obtaining an object so important to the dearest interests 136 POLITICAL AFFAIRS. of the people. And as in duty bound will pray, — in behalf of the town," — (Names of the committee.) Sept. 2d. The following answer, of this date, was soon after received. " Your representation and request were re- ceived on the 1st instant, and have been considered with the attention due to every expression of the sentiments and feel- ings of so respectable a body of citizens. No person has seen with more concern than myself, the inconveniences brought on our country in general, by the circumstances of the times in which we happen to live, — times to which the history of nations presents no parallel. For years we have been looking, as spectators, on our brethren of Europe, affected by all those evils which necessarily follow an abandonment of the moral duty, which binds men and nations together, connected with them in friendship and commerce. We have happily, so far, kept aloof from their calamitous conflicts, by a steady ob- servance of justice towards all, by much forbearance and mul- tiplied sacrifices. At length, however, all regard to the rights of others having been thrown aside, the belligerent powers have beset the highway of commercial intercourse with edicts, which, taken together, expose our commerce and mariners, under almost every destination, a prey to their fleets and ar- mies. Each party, indeed, would admit our commerce with themselves, with the view of associating us in their war against the other. But we have wished war with neither. Under these circumstances were passed the laws of which you com- plain, by those delegated to exercise the powers of legislation for you, with every sympathy of a common interest in exer- cising them faithfully. In reviewing these measures, there- fore, we should advert to difficulties, out of which a choice was of necessity to be made. To have submitted our rightful com- merce to prohibitions and tributary exactions from others, would have been to surrender our independence. To resist by arms was war, without consulting the state of things or the choice of the nation. The alternative, preferred by the legislature, of sus- pending a commerce, placed under such unexampled difficul- ties, besides saving to our citizens their property and our mariners to their country, has the peculiar advantage of giving time to the belligerent nations to revise a conduct as contrary to their interests, as it is to our rights. In the event of peace or suspension of hostilities between the belligerent powers of Europe, or such change in their measures respecting neutral POLITICAL AFFAIRS. 137 commerce, as may render that of the United States sufficiently safe in the judgment of the President, he is authorized to suspend the embargo ; but no peace or hostilities, no change of measures affecting neutral commerce is known to have taken place. The orders of England and the decrees of Prance and Spain, existing at the date of these laws, are still unrepealed, as far as we know. In Spain, indeed, a contest for the government appears to have arisen; hut of its course or prospects we have no information, on which prudence would undertake a hasty change in our policy, even were the au- thority of the executive competent to such a decision. You desire, that, in this respect of power, Congress may he spi cially convened. It i^ unnecessary to examine the evi- dence or the character of the facts which are supposed to dictate such a call, because you will be sensible, on attention to dates, that the legal period of their meeting is as early as, in this extensive country, they could be fully convened by a special call. I should, with great willingness, have executed the wishes of the inhabitants of the town of Ipswich, had peace or a repeal of the obnoxious edicts, or other changes, produced the case, in which alone the laws have given me that authori- ty ; and so many motives of justice and interest lead to such changes, that we ought continually to expect them; but while these edicts remain, the legislature alone can prescribe the course to be pursued. Th: Jefferson." Nov. 7th. A majority vote, that the President's answ r er is not satisfactory. LS09, Feb. 6th. Resolves are passed, disapproving the embargo and the course of Congress, in strong terms, and giving a pledge to stand by the General Court. The political parties here stood thus ; 346 against the national administra- tion, and 173 for it. Throughout the country, the animosity between such parties was, and continued for several years, exceedingly and perilously bitter. 1812, June 5th. Voted to petition the General Court to alter the law, passed last session, for districting the Common- wealth to elect Counsellors and Senators, as unconstitutional, unequal, and unjust. June 25th. The town meet to consider " the present critical and alarming state of the public afiairs of our country, now suffering under a grievous embargo and ap- parently with an unjust and unnecessary war." They vote to communicate with 1 Boston on these subjects. July 13th. 18 138 COCKADES. PAY OF REPRESENTATIVES, &C. Four delegates are elected to sit in Convention, according to a proposal from Salem, with reference to the condition of the country. It is voted to approve the address of the House >of Representatives, and to support the government of Massachu- setts in all its constitutional measures for restoring peace. — Voted to approve the address of a minority in Congress to their constituents, against the war. A committee of correspondence is chosen. 1814, Feb. 9th. A memorial is voted for the Legislature, approving the Governor's communication and the answers of both Houses about the redress of political grievances. 1820, Oct. 16th. The Hon. John Heard and Mr. Nathan- iel Wade are appointed delegates to meet in Convention, in Boston, third Wednesday of November, for revising the State Constitution. COCKADES. These, as a mark of attachment to the national administra- tion, being made of black ribbon with an eagle in the cen- tre, and fastened on the side of the hat, were worn by some in 1797, and generally in 1798. As having the same significa- tion, and also as a sign of mourning for Washington, they were very fashionable soon after his decease, and went down at the close of L800. PAY OF REPRESENTATIVES AND MAGISTRATES. * 1638. Every town is to pay its own deputies and magis- trates. Each deputy is to have 2s. 6d. a day and each magis- trate 3s. 6^/., while in session. 1645. Ipswich and other towns are to pay the board of such persons, while convened, in cattle, wheat, malt, and bar- ley. 1646. It is enacted by the General Court, that no more than a member and his horse shall be maintained. It seems from this, that Representatives may have had, while at Court, * Col. R. VOTES FOR MAGISTRATES, he. 139 some of their families boarded and lodged at the public ex- pense. [684. As much was lost in measure by sending rates in produce from distant towns to Cbarlestown and Boston, the Legislature order, that the ''salary men of the country" shall he paid out of the country rales where they live. 1692. Bach Representative has ~->s. a day. L729. The town allow 6s. a day since the arrival of Gov- ernor Burnet. 1833. The present price, coming out of the State Trea- sury, is two dollars a day. If an alteration were made, so that each town should pay its Representatives, the 1 louse would lose much of its enormous and useless size. VOTES FOR MAGISTRATES, &c. * 1643. Indian beans are to be used in voting. The white, yea ; the black, nay. 1648. They are required to be sealed up and forwarded to Boston. 1680. Indian corn is to be used and sealed up in a paper, containing the name of each candidate, and sent to Boston on election-day, when all freemen, who have not put in their corn, may do it in the Court-House, at eight o'clock in the morning. As well known, paper votes have for a long time been given for all officers. 1780, Sept. 4th. The first meeting in Ipswich to vote for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and Senators, since the Dec- laration of Independence, is held. 1788, Nov. 20th. The first votes given here for Represen- tatives to Congress, and for Electors of President and Vice- President, are recorded. With regard to the qualifications of each voter, perhaps they are as restricted as the spirit of our Constitution allows. But every one knows, who has carefully watched the course of popular elections, that not unfrequently, men, having neither character nor property to lose, under the influence of prejudice and passion, if not of liquor, and led on by some demagogue, cast their votes for officers unfit for any trust, and too often turn the scale against patriotic and worthy •Col. R. 140 MILITARY CONCERNS. candidates. Here is one of the greatest perils to which our freedom is exposed, and on which there is reason to fear it may be wrecked and destroyed. MILITARY CONCERNS. Though man is morally bound to be at peace with his fel- low man, yet wars and bloodshed have accompanied his course all the way from Cain down to the present age. No doubt there have been cases, when individuals and nations had no alternative but either to fight or die. Still, in every warfare, wrong must be laid to one side or the other, if not to both. At the bar of Infinite Justice, it will appear that many con- tests, at the expense of human depravation, misery, and life, which hold their bright descriptions on the pages of history, were commenced in unprincipled ambition, or grovelling cov- etousness, or diabolical revenge, and are drawn in the darkest lines on the books of Omniscient Remembrance. Welcome to surviving philanthropists will be the day, when the instru- ments of death shall be converted into implements of husband- ry, and when the benevolent Religion of the Gospel shall have full sway over the evil passions of mankind, and lead them to promote each other's safety and happiness. Fortifications and Watch-house. * 1633, November. " Ordered, that when all the plantations in the Bay have done two days' work each at the Fort (in Boston), there shall be an order sent to Salem, Agawam, and Saugus, to send in their mon- ey for three days' work towards it for each man, except magis- trates and ministers." 1634, March. The Assistant from Ipswich is to solicit subscriptions for a movable fort, to be in Boston. Sept. Every plantation is to send workmen or money, three days each, towards the Boston fort. 1637, March. Each town is to be supplied with a watch- house before the last of July. f 1639, Feb. J. Winthrop, jr., is granted Castle Hill, with the reservation of what the town " shall need for the building of a fort." * Col. R. t T. R. MILITARY CONCERNS. I 1 I *1640. The meeting-bouse here and in other places, is to be used for a watch-house. 16 K\ Sept. Owing to danger from Indians, each town is to provide a retreat tor their wives am! children. f 167'-2, Feb. Some are paid for helping build a new fort here. I <"'!»<). The town have the fort near the First Parish meeting-house repaired. H>!»!». .ii 26th. It is voted, that the stones out of the fort be used in banking up the new meeting-house. 1703, March 3d. The town vote to repair the watch- house. Soldiers, Training, Officers. J 1634. Every trained soldier, pikeman, and others, must be equipped for service. L635. Each company is to maintain its own officers. 1636. The militia here are attached to one of three regi- ments, which are all in the whole colony. 1(537. Daniel Dennison is appointed Captain of Ipswich by the General Court. Training is to be eight times in a year. || 1644. "The two counties of Essex and Norfolk are joined in one regiment," commanded by D. Dennison. 16 15. Youth from ten to sixteen years are to be exercised with small guns, half-pikes, bows and arrows. Thomas Whit- tingham is confirmed as Lieutenant, and Thomas Howlett as Ensign, of the company here. ^ Dec. 19th. The inhabitants of Ipswich agree to pay D. Dennison £24 Is. annually as their military leader. II 1618. In every company some under-officer shall be appointed by the captain to " exercise such children, as by their parents' or masters' allowance shall resort to the train- ing." 1652. No company is to have less than sixty-four privates, nor less than two drums. Each town is to have its military affairs ordered by a committee of magistrates and the three chief officers. ** 1653. John Appleton is confirmed as Lieutenant of the troop of horse for Esse? Regiment. ft 1664. Thomas French is confirmed as Ensign, Thomas • Col. R. t T. R. t Col. R. || Johnston. § T. R. IT Col. R. •* Qt. Ct. It. ft Col. R. 142 MILITARY CONCERNS. Burnam, Jacob Perkins, and Thomas Wait, as Serjeants, Thomas Hart and Francis Wainwright, as Corporals of the Ipswich company. 1668. John Appleton as Captain, John Whipple as Cor- net, of Ipswich troop, are confirmed. 1675. Thomas Burnam made Ensign. 1676. John Whipple becomes Captain of the troop. 1680. There are to be three companies in this town. 1683. Samuel Appleton is appointed Captain, T. Bur- nam Lieutenant, Simon Stacey Ensign, of one company, — Daniel Eppes Captain, John Appleton Lieutenant, and Thomas Jacobs Ensign, of another, — John Andrews Lieu- tenant, and Wm. Goodhue, jr., Ensign, of a third at Chebacco. Oct. As Captain Whipple had died, Captain J. Appleton resumes command of the troop, Cornet John Whipple becomes Lieutenant, and Thomas Wade Cornet. 1689. July. T. Wade' is elected Captain, J. Whipple Lieutenant, and John Whipple, jr., Quarter-Master of troop. Oct. Simon Stacey is confirmed as Lieutenant, and Nehemiah Jewett as Ensign, of the company on the north of the river, under Major Samuel Appleton. 1690. The companies of Ipswich, Rowley, Gloucester, Wenham, Topsfield, and Boxford are to form one of three regiments in Essex county. 1691. Samuel Ingalls is confirmed as Lieutenant, and Robert Kinsman as Quarter-Master of troop under T. Wade. 1753. Captains, Lieutenants, and Ensigns of the militia, continue to wear gold lace on their hats, with red stockings and breeches of the same color, on parade. The Serjeant continued till the Revolution to go with a drummer, who beat at each corner, and to give notice that the company would meet for training on such a day, if fair, and, if not, the next fair day. *1775, March 13th. Those on the alarm list, in the Hamlet, chose John Whipple, jr., Captain, John Thompson 2d Lieutenant, and Jonathan Lamson Ensign. 1798, Aug. The officers of Ipswich Regiment agree to wear cockades and uniform on Sabbaths and public occa- sions. * Essex Gazette. MILITARY CONCERNS. I Id 1833. Two militia companies, one infantry company, and part ol a troop of horse, compose the presenl military force. A i; i n.i.i ia Company. * L645, Ma\ 14th. On petition ol S. Bradstreet, D. Dennisoc, J. Wbittinghara and others, a com pan) . composed of persons belonging to Ipswich, Newbury, Rowley. Salisbury, and Hampton, - are incorporated to improve in military tactics. This was in imitation of the Ancient and Honorable Artiller) Company. \\ irds, W itches, (m mm'-, wo Alarms, f 1634. Ips- wich, with other towns, is required to seqd its quota of men for award in Boston, while any ships ride there. A watch of two is to be kept in every plantation during night. L637, March 9th. Because of danger from Indians, a watch is to be kept in each town, and a ward on the Sabbath, and no person is allowed to travel alone above one mile from his house, except where houses are near together, without arms. L643. T. Howlett is allowed 5s. for two loads of wood for watches. §1644. " Besides the country alarum there shall be one for each town ; a musket shall be discharged on alarm, to all centinels, who shall answer by going to the houses and crying ' Arm ! arm ! ' " 16 ]■">, May. Every town is to have a guard set a half hour after sunset, to consist of a pikeman and musketeer. Aug. Each town is to prepare for an attack from the Indians, to keep a daily guard on the outskirts and have scouts range the wood-. 1 <)"•"), Oct. The inhabitants are to be disposed of, as need may be, in one or more garrisons, to defend themselves when invaded. Hi'ii, Feb. The soldiers of every town are ordered to scout and ward to prevent the skulking and lurking of the enemy about it, and to give notice of approaching danger. It i also ordered, that the brush in the high-ways and other places be cut up. The watch is not to disperse till sunrise, when the scouts go out. L689. A ward is to be kept in each town and to walk the rounds in time of worship, to guard againsl Indians. U 1775, May 15th. Voted, that the Town Watch, of four ■ Col. R. t Ibid. t Winthrop. || T. 11. § Col. R. IT T. R. 144 MILITARY CONCERNS. persons on guard, be continued ; that the watch on Castle Hill, of two men, give notice if the enemy come by water to seize sheep and cattle. Voted, that a suitable quantity of tar be obtained to be set a-fire on a beacon erected for this purpose, so that the town may be alarmed in the night, and that the flag be hoisted in the daytime to give notice of the enemy. Ammunition, Arms, and Accoutrements. * 1634. D. Dennison and N. Easton have charge of powder at Ipswich. This town is to have its share of muskets, bandoleers, and rests, recently arrived, and to have the use of two sakers and a drake, for which they are to provide carriages. 1 1635. As part of the Colony's military stores, lately received from Mr. Wilson in England, Ipswich has eight swords. J 1639. This town is to have two barrels of powder, and to sell it to those who have muskets at 2s. a pound, and return the money to the Colony Treasurer. 1642. Ipswich is to have twelve saker-bullets. 1643, May. Arms are to be brought to the meeting-house on Lord's day. 1645. Each company is to have two thirds muskets and the rest pikes. The pikemen are to wear corselets and head- pieces. 1648. Each soldier is required to have a stone fitted to the bore of his musket. 1649. The Selectmen of each town are to provide for fifty soldiers, one barrel of powder, one hundred and fifty pounds of musket-bullets, and one quarter of a hundred-weight of match. Match continued for a considerable period to supply the place of flints in New England and Europe. 1666. Every pikeman is to be furnished with corselet, buff or quilted coat. 1681. A magazine is kept in the meeting-house. 1683. Halberds are and have been used here. 1691. The town agree to supply themselves with powder and flints. This is the first instance known of flints being named on the records of Ipswich. 1696. The town vote to purchase three field-pieces. 1697. Troopers use carbines. * Col. R. t Pynchon Papers. t Col. R. MILITARY CONCERNS. 145 1702. The Selectmen arc to have a room on the beams, by the clods of the meeting-house, for powder. I75<;, Nov. The town vote JC50 for powder and other military stores. 1111, Aug. Voted, that the Selectmen buy this town's proportion of fire-arms, gun-locks, flints, and lead. 1814, Sept. 14th. Noted, that the Committee of Safety superintend military affairs and purchase what is needed. 1815, May 8th. Voted, that the remnant of guns burnt in the simp of Michael Brown be given him. We perceive that the ancient equipments dilFcred consider- ably from those of our day. Should we now behold a com- pany fitted out. as they were formerly, they would be a novel and curious sight. Colors. These contained the cross, as in England, with a short interruption, from 1(53.") till the Revolution. 1776, April 11th. The General Court of our State, order, that the colors of their vessels of war shall be white with a green pine tree, and an inscription " Appeal to Heaven." Soon after the Declaration of Independence, the thirteen stripes were introduced, as our national flag. An act of Congress, in 1818, says, that this flag shall be of thirteen stripes alter- nately red and white, with a star in a field of blue for every State in the Union, and a star to be added for every new State. Powder-House. 1792, May 30th. Voted to have a brick powder-house built. This was done before Nov. 2d, and cost £33. K\r.RcisE-HorsE. 1774, Nov. 21st. Voted the use of the land, to the eastwardly end of the Town House, for a building by subscribers, where they may meet for military discipline. Expeditions, Captives, Wounded, Killed, Compen- sation, and Supplies. * 1637, April 10th. Of one hun- dred and sixty men, going against the Pequods, the quota of Ipswich is seventeen. May 17th. Of fifty men for the same service, this town is to raise six. Wm. Fuller is appointed gun- smith in this expedition. fJuly 13th. Francis Wainwright, a young man of this place, pursues some Pequods, expends his ammunition and they turn upon hhn. He breaks his gun over them and brings two of their heads to the camp. J John Wedgwood is wounded in the abdomen and taken by some of • Col. R. t P. Vincent's Relation. J Hubbard. 19 146 MILITARY CONCERNS. the Pequods. Thomas Sherman receives a wound in the neck from them. * 1639. The committee here for the Pequod soldiers, make grants of land from two to ten acres, to the following indi- viduals : Wm. Whitred, Andrew Story, John Burnam, Robert Cross, Palmer Tingley, Wm. Swynder, Francis Wain- wright, Robert Filbrick, John Andrews, and Robert Castell. Edward Lumas was one of such soldiers, and, long after this, had six acres of land allowed him by Ipswich for his service. f 1642, Sept. 1st. By warrant to Ipswich, Rowley, and Newbury, for disarming Pasconaway, who lived at Merrimack, these towns sent forty men next day, being Sabbath. This Sachem was not found, but his son was taken. Such an order was executed, because there was suspicion of a general con- spiracy of the Indians against the English. The following, no doubt, refers to this expedition. % 1643, Dec. 4th. " It is agreed that each soldier, for his service to the Indians, shall be allowed 12d. a day, (allowing for the Lord's day in respect of the extremity of the weather), and the officers double." The number of these soldiers was twenty. They were out three days. || 1653, Aug. General Dennison orders out twenty-seven men from Ipswich and Rowley, as a scouting party, to dis- cover whether the report was true, that thousands of Indians were assembled at Piscataqua. This detachment was gone from Friday morning to Monday night. Each private was allowed Is., the serjeant 2s., and each of two troopers 2s. 6d. a day. § 1668. Edward Thomas, who had been in service against the Indians, is granted six acres of land. 1f 1672, Aug. 19th. General Dennison writes to the Gov- ernor, that the enemy had passed the Merrimack ; that he was sending up fifty men at night under Captain John Appleton to Andover. He spoke of his brother Bradstreet's things, as brought thence because of the enemy, and that great alarm prevailed. 1673, Dec. 10th. Ipswich is to raise its quota of one hun- dred men for Essex county to oppose the Dutch. * T. R. t Winthrop. t T. R. || Col. R. § T. R. IT Col. R. MILITARY CONCERNS. I 1" * 107."). The following persons, who had belonged to Ips- wich, were killed by Indians. Aug. At Squakeheage, Ed- ward Cobum. Sept. 8th. Thomas Scott at the same place. 1 8th. Thomas Manning, Jacob Wainwright, Caleb Kimball, Samuel Whittredge, and others, at Muddy Brook, under Cap- tain Lathrop. 19th. Benjamin Tappan. Oct. 10th. Free- grace Norton, Serjeant, and John Petts or Pettis, at Hatfield. fOct. 7th. Thomas Wilson is allowed £l for what he lost by the enemy at Quabog. J Dec. 19th. The company from Ips- wich has three killed and twenty-two wounded in the great battle with the Indians. Luke Perkins states, that a company, in which he was this year, went out against the enemy, and they were returned unharmed. ^ Kilt). Of six hundred infantry and cavalry, marching to resist the enemy, Ipswich supplies its proportion. Robert Dutch has clothes and arms injured by fire in service against Indians. .May 5th. This town is to raise its part of eighty men, for Essex county, for an expedition of six days. || July 8th. A detachment from Ipswich had recently been up to Salisbury in pursuit of the enemy. 11 Oct. 11th. Of seventy soldiers, as the quota of Essex, for an expedition to the eastward, Ipswich is to have its part. John Cogswell, jr., is a prisoner among the Indians. 1689, July 2d. Of three hundred men to be raised in the colony, this town is to have its proportion. * # This year " One Benedict Pulsifer gave the Mastif (Indian) a blow with the edge of his broad-axe upon the shoulder, upon which they fell to it with a vengeance, and fired their guns on both sides till some of each party were slain." ff Aug. 29th. Ipswich horse are ordered to Haverhill, as one place of rendezvous for forces going to meet the enemy. 1690. May 1 4th. This town is to raise its part of twenty men in Essex Middle, to strengthen Albany and pursue the French and Indians ; and, June 4th, its part of thirty-one more in the same regiment, and of four hundred in the Prov- ince. 19th. Nathaniel Rust is appointed Quarter-Master for the Canada expedition. July 17th, Ipswich is to raise its quota of fifteen, and, 30th, of four hundred and eight recruits from Essex Middle Regiment, which are to be under Major • Col. P. t Salem Ch. R. J Hubbard. § Col. It. || Robert Pike's Diary. H Col. R. ** Ma-malia. tt Col. R. 148 MILITARY CONCERNS. Samuel Appleton. Sept. 30th. Col. B. Church writes, that, about the 19th, one Dicks, of Chebacco, was killed near Casco. 1691, June 2d. This town is to have its proportion of four- teen men from Essex Middle, who are to march for Wells. Nov. 25th. Robert, son of Rev. John Hale, now residing here, writes to his relatives in England, " Ipswich is still pre- served, but, as most other towns in this colony, has lost many of its most warlike men by war and sickness." *1692, July 17th. As, for two days past, several persons of Gloucester declared, that they saw French and Indians skulking about a garrison, Major S. Appleton sends down sixty men to defend them. Rev. John Emerson, of Gloucester, in speaking some time afterwards of this appearance of the ene- my, considered it as supernatural. 1695, March 19th. Lieutenant-Governor Wm. Stoughton sends orders to Symonds Epes for a man of his company to be impressed and sent to York in place of Archelaus Adams, whose time is out. 1697, Feb. 5th. He writes to the same officer to have his regiment ready for marching to any point, which may be attack- ed by the enemy, j- April 3d. William, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Wade, is killed at sea in a battle with the French. J Dec. 17th. Abraham Foster, a soldier, wounded in the public service, is to receive £8 out of the public treasury " for smart money." 1700, March 16th. Ipswich is to furnish its quota of ninety men from Essex regiments, thirty of which are to be posted at Wells, fifteen at York, fifteen at Kittery, ten at Amesbury, and twenty at Haverhill, to guard against surprise from the enemy. 1710. Wm. Cogswell is killed by Indians. 1720. Samuel Clark, crippled by the Indians, is allowed £10 out of the Province Treasury. 1737. John Hobbs, crippled by hard service and sufferings in the late Indian War, and incapable of labor, is allowed by the Province 40s. annually for five years. 1747, April 23d. Joseph Crecey petitions the General Court, that he may be paid for taking care of sick soldiers at Cape Breton. 1755, March 20th, and May 25th. In presence of part of * Maanalia. t T. R. t Prov. R. Mll.ITAKY CONCERNS. 149 the soldiers enlisted at Ipswich to march against the enemy at Nova Scotia and Crown Point, Mr. Wiggleswoith preached two sermons, one on each of the above dates. Among these men of the Hamlet, were Amos Howard, who lost an arm ; Elijah Maxey, who had a hand wounded so that it hecame useless; Antipas Dodge, John Jones, and Joseph Simmonds, all three slain at Lake George. April 21st. Doctor John Calef is engaged to go with the regiment of Colonel Plaisted of Salem, against Crown Point. I ".">-. Before the surrender of Cape Breton, a party of men from Jpsu ieh in a schooner, were attacked there hy French and Indians and were forced to retreat. After they got off, they found several hundred shot in their vessel's quarters. 1759, June 16th. Philemon How, of West Ipswich, dies of a fever, in the army at Louishourg. In the expedition against Canada, Captain Stephen Whipple of the Hamlet is wounded, Nathaniel Burnam, first Lieutenant, and Stephen How, second Lieutenant, both of Chebacco, are slain. Abraham Hobbs, of the Hamlet, was at the taking of Quebec, and heard General Wolfe say to his men, when the French were near them, " Now, my boys, do your best." * 1760, March 13th. The town vote, " that such private soldiers, as are in the war, exclusive of tradesmen and carpen- ters, shall be excused from their poll-tax." 1771, Dec. -26th. A committee contract with minute-men, who may enlist agreeably to proposals of the Provincial Con- gress. f 1775, June 17th. Jesse Story, of Chebacco, is killed in Bunker Hill fight. J Sept. 15th. A detachment from Cam- bridge, on their march to Canada, under Benedict Arnold, pass through Ipswich. ^ 1776. Jan. 4th, Thomas Emmerson Cole; 11th, Jona- than Cogswell 3d ; in the summer, Wm. Jones ; Aug. 8th, Da- vid Goodhue, die in the army : in the fall, Joseph Marshall, jr., was killed by a cannon ball at Lake Champlain : — all of Che- bacco. This year Joseph Lufkin, of the Hamlet, in the west- ern army, was killed by a tree, which fell on him and broke his neck, while the troops were cutting wood, preparatory to their encampment for the night. June 25th. Of 5000 men order- ed out, the quota of Ipswich is ten. ♦ T. R. t Chebacco Ch. R. t Mass. Hist. Coll. § Chebacco Ch. R. 150 MILITARY CONCERNS. * 1777, Jan. 21st. A committee report the service of soldiers belonging to this town, and money paid, from the battle of Lexington till Nov. 28th ; namely, 1775, men for six weeks, eight-months' men at Cambridge, sea-coast men ; 1776, eight-weeks' men, men in the Continental army, men four months at Dorchester, sea-coast men, men to Crown Point, men at New York two months ; — whole amount, £1737 55. January 24th. The town vote £1000 for recruits going to war. February 27th. In view of the resolve of the General Court for one seventh part of the males, from 16 to 60, to join the Continental army for three years or during the war, a committee report, that conditional sums be paid yearly, or unconditional sums for three years ; first year, £6 besides other pay; second, £8; third, £10. The men who engage here on these terms, if killed or dying with sickness while in service, shall have such money go to their heirs ; and £18, absolutely, for three years. April 18th. Voted £18, besides Continental and State pay, to every able-bodied man who will enlist three years or during the war. May 2d. Voted £16 to each man who will serve till January 10th, and, if enlisting for the same time, 40s. more. May. Jeremiah White of Che- bacco dies in the army at Albany. August 18th. Voted, that the committee hire men, who shall be called to serve during the war. Sept. 17th. Voted, that the Selectmen supply the families of soldiers, who are in the Continental service. Sept. 19th. Joseph Burnham of Chebacco dies of a wound in the battle of Stillwater. Nov. 24th. Voted £1200 to pay for the past hire of soldiers. 1778, Jan. 19th. By report of a committee, men had marched hence for Providence in April, and others to rein- force the army in August. March 3d. The Selectmen are to make up this town's quota for the Continental army. April 6th. £200 are voted for families of soldiers. April 20th. Of troops ordered out, Ipswich is to find twenty-three. May 28th. Voted £600 for families of soldiers. This year James Rust, a prisoner at Halifax, Stephen Kent and Jonathan Andrews, soldiers at Albany, Abraham and Isaac Jones, Israel Andrews, Nathaniel Emerson, and Abijah Story, a black man, of the army, all of Chebacco, died. 1779, June 28th. Voted £12,000, O. T., to hire recruits now called out. *T. R. MILITARY CONCERNS. 151 L780, May 4th. Ipswich, as its proportion of supplies for the army, is to fnul one hundred and six shirts, the samt' mim- ber of pairs of shoes and stockings, and thirty-three blankets. June 5th, this town is to raise sixtj men for six months; 22d, and sixty for three months ; 23d, and twelve horses for the public service. July 3d. Voted C I iOO to hire soldiers for the Continental army. Sept. 25th. The proportion of Ips- wich's beef for the army is 31,800 pounds. Dec. 19th. The town accept a report to pay their soldiers in hard money, as resolved by the General Court. Dec. 25th. Voted £1H50 of new emission, or Cl 1,200 of old emission, for army beef. I"- I . .March 20th. Voted £500 for soldiers and remainder of beef. June 22d. Ipswich is to supply the army with 25,204 pounds of beef, one hundred and six pairs of shoes and stock- ing, the same number of shirts, and forty-two men. August 13th. Voted £400 to pay men hired for three months, and £200 for army clothing. August 20th. Voted £220 for sol- diers at Rhode Island, who had been there five months. This year, Matthew Whipple and John Boardman, prize-masters, of the Hamlet, were killed in the privateer Thorn. 17-2, Jan. 1st. Voted £440 to pay men, lately engaged to serve in the army, and other soldiers. March 7th. Ipswich is to raise nineteen men for the Continental army. March 14th. Lieutenant Samuel Burnam dies of a consumption, contracted by hardships in the war. 1783, .March 1st. News that Captain Moses Harris and William Rust had died on board the prison-ship in New York. This year John Wise died in the army. 1786, Jan. Twenty-five men, who enlisted for forty days, but were out sixty, march to aid in quelling Shays's insur- rection. 1794, Sept. 30th. Voted, that the men, detached from the militia, by resolve of Congress, in May last, receive ten dollars a month, and that each of them have four shillings a day for the time they meet, till they go into actual service. 1814. Voted, that the drafted men, who, by themselves or substitutes, have been in actual service, shall have wa^cs made up by the town, with covemment pay, to fifteen dollars a month, as long as they continue in service. From the preceding facts, and not the half has come down to us, it is perceived, that, with no small treasure, suffering, and blood, Ipswich has assisted in the defence of our country's 152 BRITISH PRISONERS. PENSIONERS. LOVE AFFAIRS. rights, from its beginning to our own age. From the scenes of trial and woe, through which she, as well as other commu- nities, must have passed, while compelled to protect her terri- tory, homes, and families, against the invasion of desolating foes, we may justly wish, " Then perish war ! detested war ! Shalt thou make gods? light Caesar's star? What calls man fool so loud as this has done, From Nimrod's down to Bourbon's line ? Why not adore too, as divine, Wide-wasting storms, before the genial sun? " BRITISH PRISONERS. 1813, Oct. 7th. Ten of these are committed, by order of the Marshal, to Ipswich jail, as a retaliation for American prisoners' being similarly treated at Halifax. Soon after, six more were committed for the same reason, and, Nov. 2d, another. Ten of them were released the last of December, because the same number of Americans had been released at Halifax, and the rest were removed in March, 1814. Such imprisonment gave rise to considerable newspaper debate. PENSIONERS. Under the law of 1832, there are twenty revolutionary soldiers on the pension-list. Such provision honors our nation, and goes against the long-standing remark, that Republics are ungrateful. LOVE AFFAIRS. * 1647. The General Court enact, that if any young man attempt to address a young woman, without consent of her parents, or, in case of their absence, of a neighbouring magis- trate of the County Court, he shall be fined £5 for the Col. R. MMtRIAGES. 153 first offence, £10 for the second, anil imprisonment for the third. As might he expected, a regulation of this kind was probably often evaded, but the evasion was occasionally de- tected ; anil then the poor swains were handled by something harder than silken chords. Among several prosecutions was the following, tried at Ipswich Court. 1660, Sept. Daniel Blake is lined £5, and respited for £4, conditionally, " for making love to Edmund Bridge's daughter without her parents' consent." Cases of this sort were soon discontinued. MARRIAGES. 1639. A law requires marriages to be cither cried or put up, in public, as at present. 1692. Ministers begin to be allowed to marry people, as justices had done. Preaching at some marriages was prac- tised in New England till within sixty years. 1651, Oct. The Rev. Samuel Phillips of Rowley to Sarah Appleton. 167-2. Nathaniel Wade to Mercy, daughter of Governor Bradstreet. 1(>75. John Cogswell had married a daughter of Dr. John Gifrbrd of Lynn. 1093, May 1st. Daniel Eppes of Salem contracts to marry widow Hannah Wainwright. 1694, June 20th. Mr. Nathaniel Thomas and Mrs. Mary Appleton. 1696, April 15th. Mr. Benjamin Marston of Salem and Mrs. Margaret Appleton. 109s, \ov. 10th. Mr. Addington Davenport of Boston and Mrs. Elizabeth Wainwright. 1699, Nov. 13th. Mr. Samuel Ward and Mrs. Sarah Tuttle. 1700, Nov. 7th. Mr. Adam Winthrop of Boston and Mrs. Anne Wainwright. 1703, May 5th. Mr. Nathaniel Shepherd of Lynn and Mrs. Elizabeth Wade. June 9th. Rev. John White of Gloucester and Lucy Wise. Sept. 15th. Paul Dudley, Esq., of Boston and Mrs. Lucy Wainwright. 20 154 MARRIAGES. 1704, Aug. 10th. Mr. Nathaniel Downing and Mrs. Mar- garet Pynchon. 1705, Oct. 11th. Mr. William Clark of Boston and Mrs. Hannah Appleton. 1708, June 5th. Mr. Joshua Bill of Boston and Sarah Burn am. 1722. Rev. Robert Ward of Wenham and Mrs. Priscilla Appleton. 1724, Oct. 22d. Rev. Nathaniel Leonard of Plymouth and Mrs. Priscilla Rogers. 1725, August 15th. Rev. Edward Holyoke of Marble- head and Margaret Appleton. 1726, Sept. 10th. Rev. Edward Payson of Rowley and Mrs. Elizabeth Appleton. 1728, Sept. 17th. Rev. Joshua Freeman of Plymouth and Mrs. Patience Rogers. 1729, Jan. 28th. Mr. Thomas Norton, Jr., and Mrs. Mary Perkins. 1731, March 11th. Dr. Francis Holmes and Mary Gibson. 1736. Rev. Ames Cheever of Manchester and Sarah Choate. 1739, Dec. 11th. Rev. Edward Cheever and Martha Wigglesworth. 1742, March 17th. Rev. Edward Holyoke, President of Harvard College, and widow Mary Epes. 1761, June 22d. Dr. Benjamin Foster of Boxford and Sarah Low. 1770, Jan. 8th. Mr. Edward Wigglesworth and Bridget Cogswell. Feb. 6th. Mr. William Wigglesworth and Debo- rah Adams. 1772, Nov. 26th. Rev. Paul Park of Preston, Connecti- cut, and widow Mary Rust. 1779, Feb. 9th. Dr. Josiah Smith and Margaret Stam- ford. 1786, Dec. Mr. William Burley of Boston and Susan Farley. 1787, Oct. 6th. Dr. Nehemiah Cleaveland of Topsfield and Lucy Manning. 1789, June 29th. Dr. Samuel Adams and Abigail Dodge. 1791, Dec. 28th. Dr. John Scolly Osborn of Epsom, N. H., and Abigail Hodgkins. 1793, Oct. 13th. Dr. Joseph Manning, now of South Carolina, and Elizabeth Pickard. PUBLISHMENTS. 155 1799, Sept. 1st. Rev. Joseph McKean of Milton and Amy Swasey. 1802, Feb. 16th. Dr. .lames Goss of Gloucester and Hannah Smith. 1808, June 14th. Rev. Ebenezer Hubbard and Charlotte Swasey. 1809, Feb. 28th. Rev. Joshua Dodge of Haverhill and Mary Shatswell. 1813, Nov. 28th. Dr. Thomas Sewall, now of Washing- ton, D. C, and Mary Choate. May. Rev. Edward Rich- mond of Stoughton and Sarah Manning. 1815, Dec. 28th. Sidney Willard, Professor of Harvard College, and Elizabeth A. Andrews. 1819, Jan. 26th. Sidney Willard, Professor of Harvard College, and Hannah S. Heard. L830, Oct. 28th. Rev. Lyman Matthews of Braintree and Rachel D. How. 1832, Jan. 25th. Rev. Edwin Jennison of Walpole, New Hampshire, and Mary B. Shannon. PUBLISHMENTS. 1702, April 20th. Mr. William Hassey of Rumney Marsh and Mrs. Elizabeth Brown. 1703, March 20th. Rev. Richard Brown of Newbury and Martha Whipple. 1708, April 5th. Rev. Theophilus Cotton and Mrs. Eliza- beth Diamond. 1710, Sept. 16th. Mr. Stephen Minot of Boston and Mrs. Sarah Wainwright. 1713, Sept. 12th. Col. Zacheus Mayhew of Chilmark and Mrs. Susannah Wade. 1715, Feb. 10th. Mr. John Wettson of Plymouth and Sarah Rogers. 1719, Nov. 21st. Mr. Peleg Wiswall of Boston and Eliza- beth Rogers. IT-J^June 9th. Mr. Samuel Waldo of Boston and Mrs. Lucy Wainwright. The marriages in the Hamlet from 1716 to 1742, being twenty-six years, were one hundred and thirty. 156 BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. OBITUARY, &X. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. The average births for ten years, from 1691 to 1700, inclusive, are 39|. It is not certain, that all the births of the town, for this period, are given, though the record pro- fesses to do so. If we take Boston as a standard, whose births, from 1731. to 1752, were to its deaths as 1.13 to l,then 39|, the births in Ipswich, would make its annual deaths nearly 35. It is probable, however, that there was a less proportion of deaths at Ipswich than in Boston. As to baptisms, these were formerly administered to almost, if not quite every child, under the half-way Covenant. Hence, the clerk of Ipswich recorded baptisms instead of births, a part of the time. From 1721 to 1732, being twelve years, there were 1161 baptisms, of which 581 were females and 580 males, and 6 pairs of tvyins. Allowing the common proportion of 4 children for one marriage, there were about 290 marriages in that period. The ratio of double births to single ones, is as 1 to 193±. The excess of females over the males, being one, is unusually small. The births in Che- bacco Parish, from 17S6 to 1802, being seventeen years, were 552, in which there were nine pairs of twins. This would make the double births to single ones as 1 to 61 i. In the same parish, from 1809 to 1815, being seven years, there were 231 births, which consisted of 95 females and 136 males, and two pairs of twins. In this account, the males exceed the females by nearly one-fifth of the whole number, and the double, births are to single ones as 1 to 115. The baptisms in the Hamlet Parish from 1715 to 1725 inclusive, were 222 children ; being 114 males and 108 females. 1771, Sept. 20th. Three children were born at one birth in Chebacco. 1784, July 4th. Three sons, born at one birth, and now living, were baptized in the Hamlet. OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Of these notices a large collection was made. But the limits of our publication allow us to select only a small part of them. No doubt that many, who were in the private OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 157 walks of life, either from choice or from concurring circum- stances, and whose characters of intelligence, usefulness, piety, and worth, have not been preserved for our consideration, might have been placid a< deservedly on the pages of this book, as those who are. However such may be thus omit- ted, however they may have faded from the remembrance of the living, still they have not been forgotten by their .Maker ; they are indelibly engraven on the palms of his hands, on the imperishable tablets of his omniscience, and will be gloriously revealed to an assembled universe. — In the subsequent, notices, 'as we shall have occasion to use the words died, lately, married, and hern, we put d. for the first, /. for the second, m. for the third, and b. for the fourth. 1(1:5^, April 16th. Mr. John Dillingham, merchant, d. I. He became freeman 1630 ; was granted land here 1634. His first wife d. before 1636. He left a widow, Sarah, and children, Edward and Sarah. At the time of his decease, he had an adventure of £604 3s. lid. on board the ship Sea Flower. 1642, Nov. 23d. Richard Luinkin d. 1. He was admitted freeman 163S ; was Deputy to the General Court 1638-39. His widow, Sarah, in 1654, had recently m. Dea. Simon Stone of Watertown. 1645, Nov. 7th. Lionel Chute, schoolmaster, d. 1. He left a son, James. 1647, Sept. 23th. Matthew Whipple d. 1. He left a wife, Rose, whom he had m. Nov. 13th, 1646, and children by a former wife, deceased, John, Matthew, Joseph, Mary, Ann, and Elizabeth, and a brother, John. Land was granted him, 1633, in the Hamlet, where he resided. His house was sold July 10th, 1647, to John Annable, tailor. He held the chief offices in town, and was on some of its most important committees. 1647, Feb. 11th. John Shatswell d. 1. He left a wife, Joanna, and son, Richard. He came to Ipswich 1634, and was Deacon of the First Church. 1648. John Whittingham d. He was son of Baruch, and grandson of Rev. William Whittingham, who m. a daughter of John Calvin, the Reformer. He came to Ipswich with his mother from Lincolnshire, England, by 1637-38, when he had land assigned him. 1638, he is admitted a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. 1645, 158 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. he and others of Ipswich and the adjacent, towns, are formed into a similar company by act of the Legislature. He was, very likely, brother to Thomas Whittingham, Lieutenant of Ipswich company. He m. Martha, daughter of Mr. Wm. Hubbard. He left children, John, Richard, William, Martha, Elizabeth, and Judith, and a brother, Rev. Samuel Haugh, of Reading. He mentioned in his will, that he had trading stock in the company at Ipswich. Johnson calls him " a godly and faithful man." 1654. Samuel Symonds, jr., d. I. He was son of the Deputy-Governor. 1654, Sept. 26th. John Perkins d. 1. M.64. He left a wife, Judith, and children, John, Absalom, Thomas, Elizabeth Sarjeant, Anna Bradley, Lydia Bennet, and Jacob. He was, probably, the one who came over with Roger Williams 1631, and was freeman ] 633. He held town offices, and was Deputy to the General Court 1636. His estate was £250 5s. 1655, July 25th. Humphrey Bradstreet d. 1. As he lived near Rowley line, he ordered his body to be put in the grave- yard there. He left a wife, Bridget, and children, Moses, John, Hannah RofF, Martha Beale, Mary, Sarah, and Rebec- ca. He was freeman 1635, and deputy to the General Court the same year. 1656, John Ward d. 1., being a physician. 1662. Philemon Dalton d., very aged. He became free- man 1636 ; had lived in Dedham and Hampton. In May, his son, Samuel, a deputy to the General Court, asks leave to visit him, as mortally wounded by the fall of a tree. 1664, Dec. 5th. Mr. Humphrey Vincent d. He was of Cambridge 1634, of Salem Jan. 1637, and was granted land at Ipswich the next February. He left no family. 1665, Sept. 26th. Joseph Metcalf d. 1. JS. 60. He left a wife, Elizabeth, son, Thomas, and grandchild, Joseph Met- calf. His estate was £370 13s. He held various offices in the town ; freeman 1635 ; Deputy to the General Court 1635, 1637, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1654, 1655, 1661. 1655, May 23d, he was on a Committee of the House to collect gifts made in England by friends to this colony. Nov. 13th, he was on Essex Committee for Trade. 1666, Oct. 26th. Thomas Wells, sen., d. His wife, Abi- gail, survived him and d. 1671, — and children, John, Sarah Massey of Salem, Abigail Treadwell, Elizabeth, Thomas, OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 159 Hannah, and Lydia. His eldest child, Nathaniel, had previ- ously deceased, and left a wife, Lydia. His estate was large for the time, £1014 3*. 3d. He was probably the person, who was of the Artillery Company 1644. From the hooks, which he bequeathed to a son, he seems to have heen a physician. 1669, June 30th. John Whipple, of the Hamlet, d. He had a large grant of land 1(5:5!); freeman 1640; sustained various offices in town; was feoffee of the Grammar School ; Deputy to the General Court 1640, 1641, 1642, 1646, 1650, 1651, 1652, 1653; was Deacon and Ruling Elder of the First Church. He had had a wife, Sarah, who d. June 14th, 1658, and left a widow, Jennet, and children, Susannah, relict of Lionel Worth of Newbury, Mary Stone, Sarah Goodhue, and Anthony Potter, son-in-law. His son, John, had d. 1674. His widow, Jennet, is executrix and heir of Thomas Dicken- son. Johnson mentions Mr. Whipple, as "one, whose godly sincerity is much approved." 1669, Nov. Samuel Symonds d. 1., son of the Deputy Governor; graduted at Harvard College 1663. It is evident that there were two brothers in this family, named Samuel, while both were alive. In the will of the elder Samuel, he himself is called junior, and the other not. 1669, Nov. 29th. John Cogswell, of Chebacco, d. M. about 58. He had been a merchant in London ; sailed in the Angel Gabriel for New England, 1635 ; was wrecked in a violent gale, Aug. 15th, at Pemaquid, where he lost considerable property. After living ashore some time in a tent, he came passenger in a bark, commanded by Captain Gallup, and took up his abode here. He had an unusually large grant of land, being 300 acres, at Chebacco, the next October, when there were only two other families residing in this parish. He was admitted freeman 1636. His wife, Elizabeth, survived him, and d. June 2d, 1676. His children were, William, John, Edward, Mary wife of an Armitage of Boston, Hannah, m. to Cornelius Waldo, Abigail, to Thomas Clark, and Sarah, to Simon Tuttle. The three last husbands resided in this town. Mr. Cogswell was wealthy and a prom- inent inhabitant of Ipswich. 1670, June. Samuel Appleton d. He was b. at Little Waldingfield, England, 1586 ; came to Ipswich 1635, was admitted freeman 1636, and was Deputy to the General Court 1637. He left children, John, Samuel, Sarah wife of 160 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. the Rev. Samuel Phillips of Rowley, Judith, wife of Samuel, son of the Rev. N. Rogers, and Martha, wife of Richard Jacobs. 1671, Jan. 9th. John, the only son of General Daniel Dennison, d. His wife, Martha, daughter of Deputy-Gov- ernor Symonds, survived him, and appears to have married Richard Martyn, of Portsmouth. He left children, John and Martha. 1671, Feb. 7th. Thomas Bishop, sen., d. He had held various offices in town ; was Deputy to the General Court .1666. His wife, Margaret, survived him, and children, Samuel, John, Thomas, Job, and Nathaniel, and a brother, Paul Bishop, of Kingston. For the period in which he lived, he was very rich. Estate, £5000 Is. Id. 1672, Sept. Mrs. Margaret Lake d. 1. She left children, Hannah Gallup, to whom she bequeathed land in New Lon- don, and Martha Harris. 1673, June 19th. Thomas Boreman, sen., d. 1. He was called very old in 1671. He was a cooper by trade ; was ad- mitted freeman 1635, and was Deputy to the General Court 1636. He left a wife, Margaret, who d. 1680, and children, Thomas, Joanna, Daniel, Mary, Martha, wife of Thomas Low, and sons-in-law, Daniel and Robert Kinsman. His estate £523 6s. 6d. 1674, July 5th. Ezekiel, son of the Rev. N. Rogers, d. His relict was Margaret, sister to the Rev. Wm. Hubbard, who d. Jan. 23d, 1675. His children were Martha, Nathaniel, Ezekiel, Timothy, and Samuel. He graduated at Harvard College, 1659. One reason why his uncle, the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers of Rowley, declined to make him his chief heir, as expected, was, that he would not consent to have his hair cut short. 1676, June 1st. George Giddinge d. ; left widow, Jane, and children, Thomas, John, James and Samuel Giddinge, and Joseph Collins. He was of Ipswich, 1635, where he sustained various trusts ; was Deputy to the General Court 1641, 1654, 1655, 1659, 1660, 1661, 1663, 1664, 1663, 1672, 1675. He was long a Ruling Elder of the First Church. Estate, £1021 12s. 6d. 1677, July L3th. John Paine, merchant, d. at Nantucket. He was son of Elder Robert Paine ; was admitted to the Artillery Company 1666. He m. Elizabeth Cogswell, Sept. 21st, 1657, who survived him. OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 1 6 I 1678. Thomas Ilowlett d. iE. 79. He lost a wife June 26th, 1 <><>•'!! ; held chief ollices of the town ; was Deputy to the General Court L635. As a brave and trusty officer, he was in several expeditions against the Indians. 1678, Oct. Samuel Symonds d., and was buried the 11th. He was descended from an ancient and honorable family in Yield ham, Essex County, where he had a good estate. He Came to this colony and settled at Ipswich 163 ^, and was made freeman 1638. He was Town Clerk from 1639 to L645, and sustained other municipal trusts. He was feoffee of the Grammar School, and Deputy to the General Court from 1638 to L 643, when he was chosen Assistant, and so con- tinued to 1673. This year, he was elected Deputy-Gov- ernor, and held this office till his decease ; and was long Justice of the Quarterly Court. As a part of his particular history we give the following. # 1645, Oct. 4th. He succeeds R. Bellingham on the Essex Committee for drawing up a body of laws. f 1646. He "addresses a letter to Governor Winthrop, in which he insists on what he con- sidered to be the Divine purposes in the settlement of New England. The conversion of the natives to the Christian faith and practice, he mentions as one ; ' which mercy,' he adds, ' if attained in any considerable measure, will make us go sing- ing to our graves. 5 ' In accordance with this suggestion, the General Court instructed the Elders, Nov. 4th, to choose, at the election, two ministers to teach the Indians. Mr. J. Elliot had very recently commenced his labors among the Aborigines. J 1617, Jan. 6th. Mr. Symonds writes to Governor Winthrop, that copies of the petition to the Gen- eral Court by Dr. Robert Child and others were circulated at Ipswich, and that they were very popular among the young. He desired the Governor to send him a copy of the Court's answer to this petition. ^ 1648, May 10th. He is on a committee " to pass the articles of our Confederation with the United Colonies," and to examine the proceedings of the Commissioners. The Legislature grant him five hun- * Col. K. t Morton's Memorial. J Hutchinson's Coll. § Col. R. 21 162 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. dred acres of land in the Pequod country. Sept. 19th. He requests Governor Winthrop, by letter, to forward him a tran- script of the doctrinal confession of the late synod. 1651, Oct. 14th. He is granted three hundred acres of land beyond Merrimack River, " with free liberty for timber," if he set up a saw-mill there within seven years. 1652, Oct. 23d. He is on a committee to visit Piscataqua and settle government there. 1653, May 18th. He, with others and commis- sioners of the United Colonies, is to draw up the case between the Dutch and Indians. June 2d. He is of a committee who report, that these commissioners have no power to declare war for either of the colonies without its consent. Such a report was considered by some as equivalent to nullifying the colo- nial league. It opened a long dispute between Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Haven, in which much wire-drawn argu- ment was used and much excitement produced. The first was loth to have war with the Dutch, on account of their trade, while the two others were ready for immediate hostilities with them. 1654, June 9th. Mr. Symonds was appointed, with others, to write an address to Cromwell. 1658, Oct. 20th. He is one of the commissioners, who are to visit the country eastward, and receive the submission of the people at Black Point, and Blue Point, Spurwick, Caso Bay, and the Islands thereto belonging. This submission to the authority of Massa- chusetts took place July 13th. 1662, May 7th. The Gen- eral Court grant him five hundred acres of land north of the Merrimack. 1665, May 3d. He is on a committee to answer Secretary Morrice's letter, and to consider what further is needful to be done about what has passed between the King's Commissioners and the General Court. 1667, Oct. 9th. He is on a committee to revise and bring in certain laws which had been offensive to the King. Among them was one, which abolished the observance of Christmas, as a relic of Episco- pacy. 1672, May 15th. Mr. Symonds is designated to hold a court in Yorkshire. He frequently performed such duty as this out of the jurisdiction of Ipswich Court. * 1675, June 8th. He is on a committee of the General Court to settle a difficulty between the Rev. Messrs. Higginson and Nich- olet of Salem, who spent three days there on this business. Oct. 23d. Two men are appointed to guard his house here * First Ch. R. of Salem. OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 163 during this war, because it is so remote from neighbours and he is so much on the country's service. Dec His mills are burnt by the enemy at " Lamperee River." Thus called to expe- rience various events, he closed his active career. The Le- gislature, ;)•> a mark of respect for him, voted £20 towards his funeral charges. — His first wife was daughter of Governor Wintbrop, who mentioned her as living, Sept. 30th, 1(518. For his second wife he married Rebecca, widow of Daniel Eppes. She survived him, and d. July 21st, 1695, M. 78. Mr. Symonds left children, — Harlakendine ; Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Eppes ; Martha, wife of John Dennison and after- wards of Richard Martyn of Portsmouth ; Ruth, wife of the Rev. John Emerson of Gloucester; Priscilla, wife of Thomas Raker of Topsfield ; Mary, wife of Peter Duncan of Glouces- ter; Rebeckah, wife of Henry Rylie of Salisbury, England, then of John Hall of England, then of the Rev. Win. Worces- ter of Salisbury, Mass. ; and William ; and a brother, Richard Fitis Symonds. He had other daughters, Dorothy, married to Joseph Jacobs, and Susanna. His estate was £2534 9s. His farm at Argilla has been long noted. Who, that reviews the different and multiplied duties of Mr. Symonds, and the devoted and patriotic spirit, with which he discharged them, can truly deny that he merited the full, repeated, important, and long confidence placed in him by the public authorities ? Nor was he less honored in the more private walks of life. Whatever he undertook, whether business of town, county, colony, or country, he did not leave it, till he had expended upon it all the time, attention, and exertion which he ought. His politics, principles, and practices, were not swayed by corrupt ambition, but were deeply seasoned by the salt of piety, which induced him to seek first for the approbation of God, and then, as a consequence, to act for the best good of those, whose interests were committed to his care. The circle of his be- nevolence, his motives, and conduct, was not merely confined to the civilized, but also extended to the heathen, to whom he was an instrument of sending the Gospel more fully than it had been. His was a mind which looked at earthly concerns in the light of Revelation. His was a soul affected and moved more by eternal realities than by things temporal. His was a life which took hold on judgment, and secured the blessedness of justification through the Redeemer. 1679, May 22d. William, son of Deputy-Governor Sy- 164 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. monds, d., and was buried the 27th. He became freeman 1670, and was Representative from Wells, Maine, to the General Court 1676. He m. Mary, daughter of Mr. Jona- than Wade, and left children. 1679, June 24th. Phillip Fowler, sen., clothmaker, d., M. 88. 1680, June 14th. Nathaniel Rogers having made his verbal will, when going in a troop against the Indians 1676, it is now settled. He gave property to John, the eldest son of his brother, Mr. John Rogers. 1681, July 23d. Sarah, wife of Deacon Joseph Goodhue, and youngest daughter of Elder John Whipple, d. suddenly. She left ten children. On the 14th preceding her decease, she wrote her farewell, "full of spiritual exercises, sage coun- sels, pious instructions, and serious exhortations, directed to her husband and children with other near relatives and friends." This was printed at Cambridge 1681, and reprinted 1770. 1681, May 3d. Mr. R^ard Hubbard of the Hamlet d. His wife Sarah survived him. She is supposed to have been a daughter of Governor Bradstreet, and, for her second hus- band, m. Samuel Ward, of Marblehead, before July 24th, 1684, who lost his life in Canada expedition as Major, 1690. Mr. Hubbard left children ; Sarah, m. to the Rev. John Cotton of Yarmouth, Richard, Nathaniel, John, and Simon. His estate was £1457 5s. He was son of Mr. Wm. Hubbard, and brother of the Rev. Wm. Hubbard. He graduated at Harvard College 1653, held principal offices in the town, and was Deputy to the General Court 1660. 1682, Sept. 20th. Daniel, son of William Dennison of Roxbury, d. of strangury, M. 70, and was buried on the 22d. He was of Cambridge 1633, freeman 1634, had land assigned him at Ipswich 1635. He m. Patience, daughter of Gov- ernor Thomas Dudley, had lost a son, John, and left a daugh- ter Elizabeth, wife of John Rogers, President of Harvard College. To this daughter he bequeathed five hundred acres of land. He sustained several offices in the town and was feoffee of the Grammar School. He was Representative to the Gen- eral Court from 1635 to 1640, 1644, 164S, 1649, 1651, 1652, and Secretary of the Colony 1653, in the absence of Ed- ward Rawson. He was speaker of the House 1649 and 1652, — long a Justice of the Quarterly Court, — Assistant from 1654 to 1682, — Reserve Commissioner of the United Colo- OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. L65 Dies L658, and Commissioner of the same 1654, L655, 1656, 1657, 1659, L660, L661, 1662. He was of the Artillery Company, and chosen by the Legislature Major-General of the Colonj 1653, L656, 1659, L660, 1662, L674, 1675, 1676, 1678, 1679, 1680. He also held this office 1652, in the absence of General Robert Sedgwick. We give the subse- quent particulars of General Denaison's life. *1634, April 1st. The Legislature grant him two hundred acres of land above the Falls, on the eastern side of Charles River. 1643, May 10th. He is on a committee to put the country in a posture of defence. 1646, May. He is of commissioners to treat with D'Aulnay at Penobscot. 1653, .Ma\ I -th. He is connected with Deputy-Governor Symonds at this date, and, June 2d, in proceedings relative to war with the Dutch and to the rights of the colony. 1654, May 3d. He is of a committee to prepare all former laws, both printed and written, with an index, so that they may be printed in one book. June 9th. He is appointed with others to write to Oliver Cromwell. 1655, Nov. 13th. He is on a committee of trade for Essex county. He is among the commissioners of the United Colonies, who thus address the Government of Rhode Island: "We suppose you have understood, that the last year a company of Quakers arrived at Boston, upon no other account than to dispense their per- nicious opinions ; " and they desire them not to encourage the Quakers as they had begun. 1657, Sept. He receives instructions from the commissioners of the United Colonies, to go with two others and require IVinigrett, the Niantick Sachem, to forbear hostility against the people of Uncas. 1658, Oct. 19th. He had revised and corrected the colony laws, which are to be immediately printed. He is granted one quar- ter of Block Island, " for hi- meat pains in transcribing the laws." 1662, July 2d. He had six hundred acres, which were assigned to him, Oct. 1660, beyond Merrimack, laid out, beginning "at the upper end of an Island over against Old Will's wigwam." 1664, May 18th. He is one of the commissioners on a difficulty between Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts about Southertown. 1666, Sept. 19th. As the Les;i>lature did not answer the Kins; according to the petition of Ipswich and other towns, he enters his dissent, because, as he • Col. K. 166 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. thought, their reply did not give due satisfaction to His Ma- jesty nor tend to the preservation of peace and liberty in the colony. 1671, May 31st. He is appointed to keep a Court at Hampton and Salisbury. He was called several times to perform service like this out of Ipswich Court Jurisdiction. 1672, Aug. 19th. He had made preparation, as General, to resist the Indians, who had crossed the Merrimack. 1675, Oct. The Assistants write to him, encouraging his efforts to raise forces for attacking the Indians in their quarters. He is instructed to secure suspected Indians at Wamesick and about Chelmsford. ■ 1 676, Feb. He is required to repair to Marl- borough and order the troops thither. May 3d. He is to su- perintend, the last of this month, the forces there. Aug. 6th. He writes to the Assistants, that great alarm prevailed in this part of Essex, because the enemy had passed the Merrimack. Sept. 26th. Richard Martyn of Portsmouth informs him that the Indians were destroying property and lives at Casco Bay, that a few of the enemy were killed and taken, that the Eng- lish were much in want of bread, and that more soldiers were greatly needed at Wells and York. Oct. 11th. General Den- nison is ordered to Portsmouth to take command of the eastern expedition. 1677, March 29th. He is one of the colony licensers, who give Wm. Hubbard leave to publish his " Present State of New England." May 23d. He is one of three to grant permits for Indians to carry guns. He left a book at his decease, called " Irenicon, or Salve for New England's Sore," printed in 1684. In this work he considered, " 1. What are our present maladies? 2. What might be the occasion thereof; 3. The danger; 4. The blamable cause; 5. The cure." General Dennison possessed a mind which was well balanced, with a clear and strong understanding, and with extensive information on various subjects of a public as well as of a private nature. He was a man, in whom his country could always confide in seasons of peril, and to whom they long committed a large share of their most important trusts. The greater his responsibility, the more he proved himself faithful. Whatever he did, whether for society, the state, or the church, whether in council or in the field, he did well. His more than common natural and acquired abilities, were controlled and ren- dered eminently useful by the influence of religion, which prompts to the doing of good, for its own reward, even the con- sciousness of Divine approbation. He was unswayed by the OBITUARY AMD BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 167 false, pernicious, and perilous notion, which too extensively abounds in our day, thai men of public trusts have no need of piety to keep them within the hounds of their duty. The Rev. Wm. Hubbard preached a sermon at General Dennison's interment, which was primed with his u Irenicon " ; and in which it is justly remarked, " The greater is our sorrow, who are now met together to solemnize the funeral of a person of so great worth, enriched with so many excellencies, which made him live neither undesired nor unlamented, nor go to the grave un- observed." 1683, A.ug. 10th. John, son of Matthew Whipple, d. at the Hamlet. He in. Elizabeth Woodman, May 5th, L659, who survived him. He left children, Susan Lane, Sarah, John, Matthew, and Joseph. His estate was £3,000. He held principal offices of the town, was feoffee of the Grammar School, and Representative to the General Court in 1674, 1679, 1682, 1683. 1676, Feb. 21st. He is appointed by the Legislature, as Captain of a troop, to march for Marlborough against the enemy. 1677, July 8th. He had been lately with a troop to fight Indians at Salisbury. 1683, April 10th. He was County Treasurer. His fair and expanding prospect of usefulness and honor could not delay his exit. 1633, Aug. 2lst. Robert Lord d. in his eightieth year. He appears to have been son of Widow Catharine Lord, who was of Ipswich 1637. He became freeman in 1636, was Deputy to the General Court in 1638. He was appointed searcher of coin for this town in 1654. He was lona; Town Clerk, and also Clerk of the Court till his decease. The latter office included the duties now performed by the Clerk of Probate and Register of Deeds. He m. Mary Wait in 1630, who survived him. He left children, Robert, Sarah Wilson, Nathaniel, Thomas, and Samuel, (these two last living at Charlestown,) Abigail Foster, Susannah Osgood, Hannah Gow, and children of his daughter Chandler. His estate was £615. Mr. Lord was a useful, upwright, and worthy man. 1 ''>-:{, .Nov. 27th. Thomas Andrews, teacher of the Gram- mar School, d. 1. He was a bachelor ; left half of his property to two children of his only brother, John Andrews, and the other half to his two sisters, one of whom was a Hovey and had a son Daniel. 1683, Dec. Jonathan Wade d. 1. He m. Mrs. Dorothy Buckley, Dec. 9th, 1660, who must have been his second 168 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. wife; and his third wife, Susannah, d. Nov. 29th, 1678. He left brothers, Nathaniel and Thomas ; and children, Jonathan, Nathaniel, to both of whom he had given a farm at Mystick, where they lived ; Thomas, to whom he willed lands and mills in Ipswich ; Prudence, wife of Anthony Crosby, wife of Samuel Rogers ; Susannah, wife of Wm. Symonds ; Elizabeth, wife of Elihu Wardwell. In January, 1630, he put £50 into the colony stock, and afterwards £10, for which he petitioned the Gen- eral Court in 1682, that his proportion of land might be allowed. He was accordingly granted 800 acres. His estate was £7,859 5s. 3d. He sustained the chief offices of the town, and was Representative to the Legislature in 1681,1682. He was an enterprising promoter of mechanical employments in the town. He took an early and deep interest in the colony, and sought to advance its welfare both in word and deed. While sharing largely in the blessings of Providence, he was careful to make them a benefit to others. 1684. Robert Paine d. about this year ; b. 1601, and was of Ipswich 1640. His wife Dorcas d. Feb. 23d, 1681. He had two sons, John and Robert. He sustained the principal trusts of the town, was feoffee of the Grammar School, to the funds of which he contributed more than any other individual ever has; was Deputy to the General Court in 1647, 1643, 1649. He was on the committee of trade for Essex in 1655 ; was ap- pointed County Treasurer in 1665, and resigned this office in 1683. He was a Ruling Elder in the First Church. His pro- fession and office were adorned by a life of active, exemplary usefulness. Johnson said of him, that he was " a right godly man, and one whose estate hath holpen on well with the work of this little commonwealth." 1691, March 3d. John Giddinge of Chebacco d. 1. He was Deputy to the General Court in 1653, 1654, 1655. He left a widow, Sarah. 1692, May 19th. Francis Wainwright d. suddenly while on business at Salem. He formerly lived with Alexander Knight, innkeeper at Chelmsford, England, and with him came to Ipswich. He was a soldier in the Pequod expedition in 1637, and for his brave exploits there was greatly applaud- ed. By his diligence and sagacity in business, he became a wealthy, useful, and respectable merchant. His wife, Phillis, d. Oct. 9th, 1669. He appears to have left a wife, Han- nah, who m. Daniel Epes of Salem. Mr. Benjamin Wain- OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 169 wright, buried Sept. 25th, 1686, wasj very probably, his son. He left children, John, Simon (killed bj the Indians at Haver- hill), and Francis. His descendants have long been among the mosl noted families of our country. L692, An... L6th. Samuel, son of Samuel Appleton, d. He was It. at Waldingfield in 1625, and probably came to Ips- wich when his father did. He m. Hannah, daughter of Wil- liam Paine and for his second wife, Mary, daughter of .John Oliver of Newbury, Dec. 2d, 1656, she being b. June 7th, Kilo, and il. June 9th, 1712. He left children, Samuel, John, Judith Wolcott, .Joanna Whipple, and Oliver. He had lost a daughter Downs, whose only child was Isaac. He held several offices in the town, was Representative to the General Court in L669, 1671, Kilo. L675, L676, L667, Ki7!>. 1680. !!<■ was of the Governor's Council in 1681, 1682, 1683, Ki-'l, 1685, 1686, L689, 1690, 1691, L692 ; Justice of the Quarterly and General Sessions Courts, and of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, April lltli, 1692, for the trial of persons charged with witchcraft. He was concerned in the iron-works at Lynn in 1645, though Ipswich became his permanent residence. 1675, Oct. -2-'M. The Assistants write him to keep five hundred men for the defence of the frontier towns at the west against the Indians. In this quarter he was several times successful in repelling the enemy and preventing several places from being consumed. When Hatfield was attacked, Oct. 19th, a bullet passed through his hair, and a Serjeant was mortally wounded bj his side. Dec. 9th. He served as Major in an expedition against the Narragansetts, and had the command of five hundred men in the great battle. His skill, and bravery, and exertions did much towards securing victory. While in this campaign, he had his tenl burnt, and his men lost their clothes and arms. His diversified and complicated duties, as a warrior, legislator, and judge, he ably and faithfully dis- charged. 1693, Jan. 8th. Captain Daniel Eppes d. :E. abom 68. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Deputy-Governor Symonds, d. May 7th, 1685, E. 61. He left children, of whom wen; Symonds and Daniel, the latter of whom removed to Salem. He frequently held offices in the town, was Representative to the Legislature in 1684, L686, 1689, and Justice of the General Sessions Court. Ki^'.t, July -id. He was on a committee of the House to raise men in the Upper Essex Regiment. 22 170 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 1690, Nov. 4th. He was designated with others to revise the laws about public charges. 1693, Dec. Robert, son of Elder Robert Paine, d. M, 59. He m. Elizabeth Reiner, July 11th, 1666. He had a son John, b. Oct. 24th, 1684, and left a daughter Elizabeth, who m. Daniel Smith, and d. 1717. He graduated at Harvard College in 1656, and was a preacher. 1694, June. Thomas Burnam d. M. 71 ; left a wife, Mary, and children, Thomas, John, James, Mary, Johannah, Abi- gail, Ruth, Sarah, and Hester. He was of Ipswich in 1647, Selectman, and on town committees ; freeman in 1671, Deputy to the General Court in 1683, 1684, 16S5. 1694, Nov. 5th. John Burnam d. He was Deacon of Chebacco church, and left a son John. 1695, Nov. 22d. John Whipple, sen., of the Hamlet, d. He was son of Matthew, baptized in Essex, England, Sept. 6th, 1632. He was Lieutenant of a troop, held town offices, was Dep- uty to the General Court in 1674, 1679, 1682, 1683. He m. a daughter (Mary) of Humphrey Reyner of Rowley. She survived him. He left children, John, Matthew, Joseph, Cyprian, Mary, Anna, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Hannah. Es- tate £1639 16s. 1696, Jan. 2d. Moses Pengry d. M. 86. His wife, Lydia, d. Jan. 16th, 1676. He was of Ipswich in 1642, set up salt-works here in 1652, was Selectman and often on town business, was Deputy to the General Court in 1665, and was Deacon of the First Church. He lived long and usefully on earth, as one preparing for a heritage in heaven. 1696, Oct. 4th. Thomas, son of Jonathan Wade, d. M. 46. He m. Elizabeth Cogswell, Feb. 22d, 1670, who d. Dec. 28th, 1726. He had children, Jonathan, Thomas, John, William, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Edward, Samuel, and Susannah. He was often engaged in town business, was long Town Clerk, and Justice of the General Sessions Court. 1691 . He was Captain of a troop. 1692, May 4th. He is appointed by the General Court on a committee to consider the petition of West Newbury, for settling a minister. 1696, April 5th. As Colonel of Middle Essex Regiment, he receives orders from Lieutenant-Governor Stoughton, to call out his men against French and Indians, as occasion may require, and to order military watches, wards, and scouts, as be needful. When he fell, death had " a shining mark." OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 171 1696, Nov. 11th. Robert, son of Robert Lord, d. He m. Hannah Day. who survived him. He had sons, Robert, John, Thomas. James, Joseph, who removed to Cohanzey, N. J., and .Nathaniel, who removed to the Isle of Shoals. He was Selectman, and often chosen for town affairs, and was Mar- shal of the Court ten years. 1697, Sept. 2d. Joseph, son of Deacon Win. Goodhue, d. iE. 56. He became freeman in 1674, was frequently Selectman, and was Deacon of the First Church. He m. Sarah Whipple, July 3d, 1661, whose dying advice was published, as previously related. Hem. widow Rachel Todd, Oct. 15th, L685, and left a wife, Mary, and children, William, Mary Norton, Margery Knowlton, Sarah Kimball, Susannah Kim- ball, Joseph, and Anna Todd, daughter-in-law. 1699, Oct. 27th. Simon Stacey d. He was Selectman, often entrusted with town affairs, Captain of a company, ami Representative to the General Court in 16S5, 1686, 1689. He left a wife, Sarah, who d. Nov. 29th, 1711. Estate £660 8s. Id. 1700. William Goodhue d. 1. M. 85. He became freeman in 1636, sustained the chief trusts of the town, was Representative to the Legislature in 1666, 1667, 1673, 1676, 1677, 1680, 1681, 1683. He was imprisoned and fined under the administration of Andros, for resisting illegal taxation. His first wife was Margery Watson, by whom he had children, Joseph, William, and Mary. He in. Mary Webb, Sept. 7th, 1664. He lived long, but his life was filled with usefulness, and gave honor to his name. 1700, Marcli 27th. John, son of Samuel Appleton, d. 1. ; b. at Little Waldingham in 1622. He in., in 1651, Priscilla, daughter of the Rev. Jesse Glover, who d. on his passage from England to this country in 1639. She survived him with her children, John, Samuel, Jesse ; Elizabeth, wife of Richard Dummer, of Newbury ; Priscilla, wife of the Rev. Joseph Capen, of Topsfield ; Sarah Rogers, and Mary Thomas. He was Representative to the General Court in 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1669, 1670, 167 1 , 1674, 1678 ; was Clerk of the Courts, and County Trea- surer. As Captain of a troop, he went to pursue Indians near Salisbury in 1677. For opposing the Province Treasurer's illegal order to assess taxes here, he was imprisoned, fined, and disfranchised. He left a large estate, and, what is far better, an estimable character. 172 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 1700, Dec. William, son of John Cogswell, d. M. 81, and was buried the 17th. He left a daughter Elizabeth, widow of Col. T. Wade, and had three other daughters m. to Thomas Burnam, Benjamin White, and Wm. Noyes. His wife was living in 1693, when a committee, for assigning places in the meeting-house, appointed her to sit with the minister's wife. Mr. Cogswell was active, against much and protracted opposition, in getting a church and society formed in Che- bacco, where he lived ; was often Selectman of this parish, and one of its most intelligent, useful, and respectable inhabi- tants. 1703. Samuel, son of Nathaniel Bishop, d. 1. ; b. March 7th, 1647. He graduated at Harvard College, 1665. He left a widow, Esther, who m. a Burnam in 1704. 1707, Sept. 15th. Rev. Francis, son of Captain Wm. Goodhue, d. at Rehoboth of a fever, on his way to Ipswich from Jamaica, L. I., where he was a minister. He was b. Oct. 4th, 1678, and graduated at Harvard College 1699. Though commissioned to preach eternal life, he was soon and suddenly called to experience his own mortality. 1707, Dec. 31st. Dr. Joseph Calef d. He left a wife, and children, Robert, Joseph, Samuel, Ebenezer, Peter, and Mary. 1708, July 30th. John, son of Francis Wainwright, d. in his sixtieth year. He m. Elizabeth Norton, March 10th, 1675, who survived him. He left children, Elizabeth, wife of Ad- dington Davenport ; Ann, wife of Adam Winthrop ; both of Boston ; Lucy Dudley, Francis, John, and Samuel. To the male heirs of his sons he entailed his real estate, and gave his eldest son, Francis, a double portion as was then usual. He had given £3000 to his three daughters. His estate was £19,549 6s. He sustained various trusts in the town ; was Representative to the General Court 1696 and 1698; was Colonel of a Regiment, and Justice of the Sessions Court. * 1707, March 13th. He sails from Boston on an expedi- tion against Nova Scotia. As a merchant he was greatly prospered. In peace he benefited his town and country by his counsel and trade ; in war, he defended their rights by his wealth and bravery. 1710, June 5th. Nehemiah, son of George Abbot of * Penhallow. OBITUARY AND HIOGRAPIIICAI. NOTICES. 173 Rowley, d. 1. He was an inhabitant of Ipswich ; became freeman, 1 669. and was chosen Deacon of Topsfield Church, Ma) --'lili. 1686. 1710, July 9th. Jacob Foster d. Me left a wife, Abigail, ami children, Sarah. Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and James. He was Deacon of the First Church. 1711. Fch. \!>.~>, and Justice of Sessions Court. 1722, Sept. 4th. Francis, son of John and Elizabeth Wainw right, d. " at his sister's, Mrs. Ann Winthrop's of Bos- ton, after a long languishnient." He graduated at Harvard College 1707. 1721. Nov. -25th. John, son of the Rev. John Dennison, d. After his mother m. the Rev. Rowland Cotton, and moved to Sandwich, he lived and fitted for College at Ips- wich. He graduated at Harvard College 1710, studied divinity and preached a year or two ; but, his health failing him, he settled here as a Lawyer. He m. Mary, daughter of John Leverett, President of Harvard College. She and one son and one daughter survived him. 1724, Oct. 30th. Samuel, son of Samuel Appleton, d. M. 71. He m. Elizabeth Whittingham of Boston, who out- lived him and m. the Rev. Edward Payson of Rowley. He left children, Samuel, his chief heir, Hannah Clark, Martha Wise, Whittingham, and Elizabeth, the two last being minors. His son was probably the one, of whom was the following notice: "London, Dec. 21st, 1723. On Sunday morning, died, after eight days' illness of small-pox, Mr. Samuel Apple- ton, an eminent New England merchant, of ample fortune and great merit, and in the prime of life." The widow of this son, who resided in Boston, was Anna, who m. the Rev. Joshua Gee, April, 1731. We have been thus particular because the Samuel of Boston has been confounded with his father of Ipswich. The latter person was Justice of the Sessions Court ; Commander of a Regiment, and, as such, was in the expedition against Canada 1690; Representative 1699, 1710, 1711, 1712 ; and of the Governor's Council 1713, 1714. He lived respected, and died lamented. 17 26, Sept. 28th. Nathaniel Knowlton d. He was deacon of the First Church, long Town Treasurer, and Representative 176 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. in 1700, 1702, 1703, 1705, 1708, 1709, 1714, 1715, 1720. Though honored by men, he did not forget to honor his God. 1728, Nov. 12th. Dr. Samuel Wallis d. 1. He m. Sarah Watson, Dec. 30th, 1690, who, with her children, Sarah, Abigail, Elizabeth, and Anna, survived him. Estate £1200. 1730, May 25th. John Staniford, M. 82. He was Deacon of the First Church. He left children, John, Thomas, William, Samuel, Jeremiah, Tryphene Lord, and had lost a daughter Margaret. 1732. Henry, son of the Rev. John Wise, d. 1. He grad- uated at Harvard College in 1717, was a merchant and resided for a time in Boston and removed thence to this town. 1732, Oct. 9th. Deacon Seth Story, of Chebacco, d. M. 86. 1733, July 9th. Deacon John, son of John Choate, of Chebacco, d. M. 73. He m. widow Sarah Perkins, July 20th, 1723, and widow Prudence Marshall, March 12th, 1729, who d. 1732. 1734, Aug. 1st. John Baker, Esq., d. He was b. Jan. 16th, 1690 ; m. Mary Perley, who survived him ; and his children were John, Mary, Samuel, Thomas d. an infant, and Thomas. His estate £3900. 1735, June. Robert Lord d. He was b. Dec. 26th, 1657 ; m. Abigail Ayres, June 7th, 1683; left children Hannah, Ruth, Abigail, Mary, Susannah, Martha, and Samuel. He was Deacon of the First Church, and " was very exemplary in his life." 1736, Deacon Jonathan Fellows, of the First Church, d. He m. Mrs. Deborah Tilton of Hampton, N. H., May 19th, 1733. 1737, Deacon Thomas Norton, of the First Church, d. He held various trusts in the town, and was highly respected. 1739, Jan. 28th. Matthew Whipple, of the Hamlet, d. in his eightieth year. He m. Martha, daughter of John, and grand- daughter of General Dennison. She d. Sept. 12th, 1728, in her sixtieth year. Mr. Whipple left children, Matthew, John, William, who was of Kittery in 1730, where his son William was born, who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and Brigadier-General at the capture of Burgoyne; — Joseph, settled in the ministry at Hampton Falls, and Martha Hartshorne. He had a malt-house and oat-mill, in which he carried on much business. To his mulatto servant he gave OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 177 freedom. He bequeathed his house and lands to Matthew and John. Estate £3500. He held several offices in the town, was Justice of the Sessions Court, Representative in 1718, 1719. 1729. lit- was an energetic, useful, and respected townsman. 1739, March 24th. Captain Daniel Ringed. He gradu- ated at Harvard College in 17<>!>: had a farm at the Hamlet; was Representative in 1712. He left a wife, Hannah. His estate £2462 9s. 9d. The expenses of his funeral were very large. 17:>9, April 9th. Dr. Hugh Egan d. I. In the account of his estate, Elizabeth E^an is mentioned, probably his widow. 17-'}!), Sept. 1st. John, son of John and Elizabeth Wain- wright, merchant, d. He was b. June 19th, 1691, graduated at Harvard College in 1709 or 1711 : m. Christian Newton of Boston, Feb. I 1th, 17*2.'3. She, and, of bis children, John and Francis, survived him. He was long an excellent Clerk, and held other trusts of the town ; became member of the Artillery Company in 1714 ; was Colonel of a regiment ; Representa- tive in 1720, 17-21, 172-2. 172.}, 1721. 1725, 1726, 1727, 1723, 1729, 1730, 17:52. 1734, 1735, 1737, 1733 ; was Clerk of the House in 172 1. 1725,1726,1727, 1723, 1734, 1735,1736; was Justice of the General Sessions Court. 1723, Sept. 7th. He was on Committee of the House to consider the number of forces necessary for defending the inhabitants and garrisons of the county ofYork. 1724, June 19th. He is designated with others to lay out land for one hundred and one persons at Penny Cook. 1725. Dec. 3d. He had been recently on a voyage with John Stoddard of Northampton, to St. George's River, to treat with the Indians. 1726, Jan. 15th. He is anions forty-eight against thirty-five of the House, for receiving the Explanatory Charter. Oct. 27th. He writes to the Lieutenant-Governor, that Philip Durill, of Kcnnebunk, had his family killed or carried off, and his house robbed and burnt, by the Indians, as was suspected. 1735, Jan. He was on a committee to receive claims from officers and soldiers who had been in the fight above Deerfield, (called the Falls Fight,) or their heirs, to a township of land to the northward of Deerfield. While honors were fast clustering upon him, and many friends delighted to mark his course, death took him from the sphere of bis extensive usefulness and removed his active spirit to eter- nal scenes. 2.3 178 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 1739, Sept. 11th. John Appleton d. in his eighty-seventh year. Hem. Elizabeth, daughter of John Rogers, President of Harvard College, Nov. 23d, 1681. She survived him. His chil- dren were, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. Jabez Fitch; Margaret, wife of President Holyoke ; Priscilla, the first wife of the Rev. Robert Ward of Wenham, she having died July 22d, 1724, JE. 28 ; Nathaniel, minister of Cambridge, and Daniel, his principal heir. He was often chosen to discharge town offices ; was Representative in 1697; of the Governor's Council from 1698 to 1723, inclusive; was Colonel of a regiment; Justice of the General Sessions and Common Pleas Courts, and Judge of Probate twenty years. 1700, June 7th. He was on a committee to report measures for breaking up the intrigues of Jesuit Missionaries among the Indians. 1707, March 13th. He sailed from Boston on an expedition against Nova Scotia. The sermon preached on his death, by his brother, John Rogers, had for its subject, " The perfect and upright man characterized." Nathaniel Rogers also preached on the same occasion. Both sermons represent Mr. Appleton as having eminently exhibited, for a long period, the beneficent principles of the Gospel. This is a character which will ever live in the estimation of the estimable, which will ever cleave to its possessors, and ever be to them a revenue of glory and blessedness in " heavenly places." 1741, Aug. 30th. Symonds Eppes d. at the Hamlet in his seventy-ninth year. He m. Mary Whipple in 1715, much younger than himself, who became the third wife of President Holyoke, and d. at Cambridge, March, 1790, in her ninety- second year. He left two children, minors, Samuel and Eliza- beth. He gave a large silver can to the Hamlet Church. He held principal offices in town, was Colonel of a regiment ; Jus- tice of the General Sessions Court, and of the Governor's Coun- cil from 1724 to 1734 inclusive. 1697, Feb. 5th. He receives a letter from Lieutenant-Governor Stoughton to have his troops in readiness for the enemy. 1730, Sept. 22d. He is notified to attend with the Council of the Governor at Cam- bridge, on " matters of great importance." This very probably related to Governor Belcher's charges against the House, to be laid before Parliament, because they refused to obey the King's instructions. Mr. Eppes lived so as to deserve and receive the commendation of the worthy, who knew him. 1742, Jan. Richard, son of the Rev. John Rogers, d. 1. 0B1TUART AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. I 7i> He was b. Dec. 2d, t702j graduated at Harvard College in L785; became a merchant; was Representative in 1730. 1740, 1741, and a Justice. He left a wife, Mary, and estate JC 1 1 "> 1 1*. \i)il. L. M. He was cut off when his worldly prospect was increasingly promising. IT 15, April. Captain Thomas Choatc, of Chcbacco, . Deacon John Burnam, of Chcbacco, d. 1749, Aug. 14th. Major Ammi Ruhami. son of the Rev. John Wise, d. He m. Mrs. Mary Ringe in 1713, who out- lived him. He was a noted merchant, Justice of the Sessions Court, and Representative in 1739, 1740. 1740, June 19th. He voted in favor of John Cohnan of Boston and Company's issuing bills of credit, which was strenuously op- posed by the Governor, as injurious to the public good. 1741, Jan. 2d. He is one of two officers, who desire com- pensation of the Province, for extra expense in raising volun- teer companies for the expedition to the Spanish West Indies. 1750. Deacon John Andrews, of Chebacco, d. with a cancer. 1750, April 20th. George Hibbert d., Ruling Elder of the Line-Brook Church. L752, March 4th. John Staniford, Deacon of the First Church, d. He left children, Samuel, Tryphene, wife of Philip Lord, a daughter m. to Dr. John Calef, John, William, Thomas, Daniel, and Jeremiah. 1756, Aug. 10th. Dr. Thomas Berry d., and was buried the 12th. He was b. in Boston, graduated at Harvard Col- lege in 1712; received his medical education under Dr. Thomas Greaves of Charlcstown. He removed to Ipswich Dec. 23th, 1 (>>'(>, when he m. Mrs. Martha Rogers. For his second wife he m. Elizabeth, daughter of John Turner of Salem, Feb. 17th, 1727 ; she and two of his children, John and Elizabeth, survived him. He gave £50 O. T. to the South Church for plate. He sustained various trusts in the town, was feoffee of the Grammar School, Colonel of a regiment, Representative in 1727, 1728, 1730, Justice of the Sessions and Common Pleas 180 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Courts, Judge of Probate, and of the Governor's Council from 1735 to 1751 inclusive. He was an eminent physician and had extensive practice in the county of Essex. His offices were many, and he attended to them with faithfulness and ability. 1753, Dec. 10th. Andrew Burley d., leaving a son, An- drew. He was Justice of the Sessions Court, and Repre- sentative in 1741, 1742. Estate £2599 14s. lie?. 1759, Dec. 18th. Deacon John Abbot d. His wife, Su- sannah, d. on the 14th. 1760, July. Major Samuel, son of Symonds Eppes, d. at Cambridge, after a lingering consumption, in his twenty-seventh year. He graduated at Harvard College in 1751, was Repre- sentative in 1759. He left £20 to the South Church for plate. 1762, April 18th. John Amiable, of the Hamlet, d. ; was b. Feb. 19th, 1722. He graduated at Harvard College in 1744, taught a school, and fitted for the ministry. 1762, Aug. 17th. Colonel Daniel, son of John and Eliza- beth Appleton, d. 1. He m. Mrs. Elizabeth Berry of Cam- bridge in 1715, who outlived him. He was long Register of Probate, Justice of the Sessions Court, and Representative in 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1749. 1763, Feb. 5th. Samuel Williams, Deacon of the First Church, d. M. 63. 1764, Feb. 17th. Matthew, son of Major Matthew Whip- ple, d. He m. Martha Thing, July 11th, 1697, who d. Aug. 7th, 1774, M. 84. He was Deacon of the Hamlet Church. 1766, March 10th. John, son of Thomas Choate, d. and left a wife, Miriam ; he lost all his children while young, with the throat distemper. He was Colonel of a regiment, Represen- tative in 1731, 1732, 1733, 1735, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1745, 1746, 1747, 174S, 1749, 1754, 1757, 1760 ; of the Governor's Council from 1761 to 1765 inclusive ; Justice of the Sessions and Common Pleas Courts, and Judge of the Probate Court. Out of respect for him, as well as for his long activity in pro- moting the interests of the town, the inhabitants here called the Bridge, over Ipswich river, after his name. He was an emi- nent member of the South Church. Though highly promoted by man, yet he forgot not to honor Christ by the profession and practice of his religion. OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 181 1766. Deacon Benjamin Crocker d. He in. a lady from Connecticut, whose name was Elizabeth, and who survived htm and m. a Cogswell. He left children, Mary Guooisoa and John. He was B member of the South Church ; hut. as the individuals, chosen for its Ruling Ciders, were not ordained, because Mr. Walley did not consider such officers required by the Gospel, he left and united with the First Church. He graduated at Harvard College in 1713, was Representative in 1 7 J< > . 1731. 1736, long a teacher of the Grammar School, and preached considerably. 17t>9, Sept. 25th. Dr. Joshua Burnam d. 1. He left chil- dren, John, Timothy, Joshua, and Susannah. 1770, Feb. 27th. Dea. Mark How, of Line-Brook Church, d. He was the son of Abraham and Sarah How, b. March 2Sth, 1695; left a wife, Elizabeth, and children, Mark, Hepzibah, and Nathaniel. 1771, Jan. 28th. Daniel Heard, Deacon of the First Church, d. 1. He left a wife, Rebecca, and children, Samuel, Mary, wife of Josiah Baker of Exeter, Tamison, wife of Benjamin Waite of Gloucester. 1771, April 22d. Colonel Thomas Dennis, Esq., d. ; left sons, John and Joseph. Estate £1395 125. Sd. 1771, Oct. Daniel Giddings, Elder of the Fourth Church at Chebacco, d. He left a widow, and children, Daniel, Eunice Choate, Mary Story, Hannah Lord, Sarah Rust, Susannah Saward, Lydia Foster, and Ruth. He was Representative I 758. 1772, Dec. 21st. Samuel, son of the Rev. John and Mar- tha Rogers, d. He was b. Aug. 31st, 1709 ; graduated at Har- vard College in 1725. He was long Town Clerk, Colonel of a regiment, Register of Probate, Justice of the Sessions Court, Representative in 1761, 1762, 1763. He was a skilful physician. His heart and life were under the influence of piety, which, however preferring the commendation of the worthy to their reproof, looks for its greatest reward in the approbation of Jehovah. 177 1, Feb. 16th. Zechariah, son of Deacon Seth Story, d. He was Deacon of the Church at Chebacco. He left children, Jeremiah, Nathaniel, Isaac, Jesse, Lucy, Rachel, Deborah, Jerusha, and Luis. 17*5. Daniel Stanilord d. 1. He m. Mary Burnham, who survived him and m. the Rev. Nathaniel Rogers. He left 182 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. children, Daniel, a preacher ; Mary, wife of the Rev. Joseph Dana ; Hannah, wife of Thomas Dodge, Esq. ; Margaret, wife of Dr. Josiah Smith of Newburyport ; Sarah, wife of the Hon. John Heard ; Martha ; and Abigail, wife of Dr. Joshua Fisher. He graduated at Harvard College in 1738; taught the Grammar School, became a merchant, and was Representative in 1755, 1756, 1757. 1775, Oct. 28th. Francis Cogswell, merchant, d., in his seventy-fourth year. He graduated at Harvard College in 1718; m. Elizabeth Rogers, March 14th, 1728; left children, Jonathan and Elizabeth. He was Representative in 1750, 1751, 1752. 1775, Dec. 19th. Dr. Benjamin Foster d., with the asthma, M. about 75. He had been in the practice of his profession more than 50 years. He was a distinguished botanist, a skil- ful and successful physician. 1776, June 2d. Aaron Potter, Deacon of the First Church, d. JE. 77. He was long the Town Treasurer and Overseer of the Poor. 1777, Oct. Francis Choate, Elder of the Second Church at Chebacco, d. in his 77th year. His widow, of exemplary piety, d. Oct. 2d, 1778, in her 70th year. 1781, March 6th. Dr. John Perkins d. 1. He had resided in Boston. He left children, Wm. Lee Perkins ; Isaac ; John, to whom he gave part of a house in Middle Street, Boston ; and Anna Winslow, who had the other part of this house ; and a kinsman, Mr. John Perkins of Lynn. 1781, May 6th. Edward Eveleth d. at the Hamlet, M. 63. He graduated at Harvard College in 1738. 1782, July 3d. Joseph Low, Deacon of the First Church, d. in his 71st year. 1783, Joseph, son of Oliver Appleton, d. M. 78. He was Deacon of South Church and Justice of the General Ses- sions Court. 1784, May 8th. Dr. Joseph, son of Thomas and Mary Man- ning, d. in his 80th year. He graduated at Harvard College in 1725 ; m. Priscilla Boardman in 1727, who d. Jan. 1 1th, 1730 ; and m. Elizabeth Boardman, Nov. 14th, 1732, who d. Jan. 30th, 1779, iE. 71. By his first wife he had one son, and by his second, five sons and four daughters. Those of his chil- dren who survived him were John, Jacob, Sarah McKean, Priscilla Abbot and Antis Cogswell. Among his descendants OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 188 there are five physicians, one of the first generation, three of the second, and one of the fourth. He was an eminent phy- sician. L735, June 25th. Colonel Isaac Dodge d. of cholera morbus ; was born March 9th, 1733. His wife, Elizabeth, d. Sept. 22d, in her 56tb year. He was often Selectman ; and was on tlic Committee of Correspondence and Inspection in the Revolutionary war. " He was a man of great activity and business, and a useful member of society." 1785. Captain John, son of Francis Choate, o\ ; bom 1737. He sustained various trusts in the town: hi: was on the Com- mittee of Correspondence and Inspection in the Revolution, and Justice of the Sessions Court. IT-o. June 9th. John, son of Colonel John and Mary Baker, d. ; horn Fch. 2d, 1721 ; in. Eunice Pope, IN'ov. 4th, IT 15, who d. Jan. Huh. L821, K. 94. He had twelve chil- dren, of whom the following outlived him, viz., John, Allen, \-.i. .Nathaniel. Thomas, Eunice Wade, Lucy Smith, Mary, Elizabeth, Hannah, and Anna. He was long the Town Clerk ; was on the Committee of Correspondence and Inspection in the Revolution; took an active part in the Conventions to pro- mote the cause of Independence ; was Colonel of a regi- ment, feoffee of the Grammar School, and Justice of the Sessions Court. L798, March 1st. Solomon Giddings, Deacon of Che- bacco Church, d. in lii-^ seventy-fourth year. He resided, the latter part of his life, in the South Parish. 1788, Aug. Andrew Burley d. at an advanced age. He graduated at Harvard College in 1742. 1789, June 20th. -Michael, son of Michael and Hannah Farley, d. with the black jaundice, JE. 70. He m. Eliza- beth Choate of Chebacco, Feb. 5th, 1746, who d. July 6th, 1795, K. 69. He had children, John, Elizabeth, Eunice, Jabez, Michael, Ebenczer, Robert with two more who d. in infancy, Robert, Thomas, Susan, and Sarah. He carried on tin- tanning business till his decease. He held the principal offices of the town, was long its Treasurer, was very often on Committees chosen here to advance the cause of Indepen- dence, was feoffee of the Grammar School, Representative from L766 to 177-1 inclusive, to the Provincial Congress 1774, 1775, and to the General Court in 177o. 177(», 1777, 1773, 1779; High Sheriff; and Major General of a brigade. 184 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. General Farley was very active in complying with levies of Government for men, provisions, and clothing. He had three sons in the army. When one of them, about sixteen years old, was going to war, his mother, who had helped put on his equipments, charged him, saying, " Behave like a man." This same lady, when a regiment, expecting to meet the enemy, were to be supplied with ammunition, which was in the garret of her husband's house, rilled every man's powder horn with her own hands. When Lafayette came over to offer his services to our country in the Revolutionary contest, he was at Ipswich. General Farley treated him with generous atten- tion. In taking off his hat to salute the noble Frenchman, he did the same with his wig, an article then fashionable. Writ- ing home, as to the manners of the people here, Lafayette remarked, in view of the Sheriff's civility, that some of them were so polite, they not only bowed with their hats off, but with their wigs off too. When the Nation's guest revisited this town in 1824, he alluded to this circumstance. General Farley was a remarkably hospitable man. He literally kept open doors for his friends, who were very numerous. The Rev. Levi Frisbie truly said of him, that he was a " useful and valuable member of society, employed for many years in various offices of honor and importance, the duties of which he discharged with fidelity and to general satisfaction. He was generous, public-spirited, humane, and impartial ; a great loss to the town and country." 1790, Jan. 13th. Jeremiah Perkins d. JE. 88. He was Deacon of the First Church. He lost a wife, May 25th, 1782, in her seventy-first year, and left a widow, Joanna, and children, Joanna Chapman, Sarah Hodgkins, and Aaron. 1790, May 28th. Eleazar Craft d. with the influenza, in his seventy-ninth year. He was the Ruling Elder of Chebacco Church. His wife, Martha, d. Sept. 28th, 1797 in her eighty- third year. 1791, July. John Choate, Esq., d. of consumption in his fifty-fourth year. His wife, Mary, d. Aug. 8th, 1788, in her fifty-first year. He frequently held town offices, was feoffee of the Grammar School, Representative in 1781, 1783, 1785, 1786, 1788, and Justice of the Sessions Court. " A man highly respected in public and private life, for his abilities and integrity." 1792, Jan. Nathaniel, son of Colonel Isaac Dodge, d. OBITUARY AND MOfiRAriUCAL NOTICES. 185 M.S5. He graduated at Harvard College in 1777 ; taught the Grammar School. 1792. Dec. Dr. Wallia Rust d. He m. Abigail Jones. 1794. May 12th. Dr. Josiah Lord d. suddenly, JE. 43. He m. Mary Manning, and for his second wife, Sarah, of Mar- blebead, where he practised some before he returned to Ips- wich. 1794, Dec. Isaac Appleton d., JE. 9:2. He and two sisters made in their ages "270 years. He was the grandfather of Jesse Appleton, President of Bowdoin College. His wife, Elizabeth, d. April •29th. 1785, .1'. 76, leaving eight sons, two daughters, and fifty grandchildren. She was early pious, and was extensively useful. 1796, March 10th. Mehitable, relict of the Rev. Moses Hale of Newbury Newtown, d., .E. 77. She resided with her daughter at Ipswich. I~!>~. Nov. 5th. Abraham How, Deacon of Line-Brook Church, . 75. His children were, Amy, m. to Professor McKean ; Susan to Jabez Farley, Esq. ; Charlotte, to the Rev. Ebenezer Hubbard ; and Abigail to Joseph Hodg- kins. He kept a public house, now occupied by members of the Academy. He was a meritorious officer in the Revo- lutionary war, was Representative from 1800 to 1807 inclu- sive. He enjoyed in an eminent degree the confidence of his townsmen. 1816, Sept. 23d. Daniel Rogers, Esq., d., M. 81. His widow, Mary, d. Aug. 2d, 1832, iE. 87. 1817, Sept. 12th. John D. Andrews, graduated at Har- vard College in 1810, and attorney at law, d., M. 27. 1819, Feb. 13th. Dr. James, son of Aaron Choate, d., JE.29. 1819, April 19th. Jonathan Cogswell, of Chebacco, d. He was b. July 11th, 1740, m. Elizabeth Wise, Feb. 4th, 1768, who still survives him. His children were, Elizabeth. Mary, Abigail, Jonathan, and Daniel Dennison. He held the chief offices in the town ; was on the Committee of Correspondence and Inspection in the Revolutionary contest ; feoffee of the Grammar School ; Colonel of a regiment ; Representative 1776, 1792, 1793, 1800 to 1813 inclusive, and Justice of the Sessions Court. He was an intelligent, useful, and worthy member of the community. 1819, June 3d. Deacon Nathaniel Kimball, of the South Church, d., M. 86. His widow, Elizabeth, d. Oct. 28th, M. 83. 1823, July 20th. Robert, the sixth son of General Mi- 188 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. chael Farley, d. He was b. in 1760, m. Susan, daughter of Ephraim Kendall. She and nine of their fourteen children still survive him. He was Aid-de-camp to General Lincoln in Shays's insurrection ; became High Sheriff in 1811; was ap- pointed Colonel of the United States' Army in 1813, but declined this office ; was Assessor of Taxes for the Ninth District from 1812 to 1813, and Collector of the same from the last named year to 1816. He had a large number of vessels built in this town, and was considerably engaged in commerce. Though he did not agree with the majority of his respected townsmen, as to the cause and continuance of our last war, yet he was honest in the expression and manifestation of such difference in opin- ion. During this contest with Great Britain, the beginning of which was accompanied with general anxiety and trials, he proved himself a patriotic and faithful officer of the National Administration. 1824, Oct. 19th. Dr. John Manning d., M. 86. He was son of Dr. Joseph Manning; m. Lucy Bowles, Nov. 25th, 1760, who d. Aug. 17th, 1817, M. 75. He had eleven children, six of whom survived him, viz. Dr. John, of Gloucester ; Lucretia D., wife of Asa Smith, Esq. ; Dr. Joseph, of South Carolina ; Dr. Thomas ; Mary, widow of Captain Mi- chael Farley ; and Priscilla ; the two last being twins. Of his children deceased, were Lucy, wife of Dr. Nehemiah Cleave- land, of Topsfield ; Sarah, wife of the Rev. Edward Rich- mond, D. D., and Richard, and Anstice. He began to prac- tise his profession at Newmarket, N. H. ; continued there a year, and returned to Ipswich. 1771, Oct. 10th. He departs for Portsmouth, whence he sailed for London. Here he spent his time in medical improve/nent till May 8th, 1772, when he commenced his voyage homeward. At the battle of Lexington he was near Boston, having gone thither to remove his sister McKean from the latter place. He met with a British officer, severely wounded, and administered needed aid to him. For this magnanimous act of an Ameri- can, the officer granted him a pass to enter Boston and take his sister home with him. He hastened to Ipswich, and, it being night, he waked his family, and employed them with himself in preparing articles which he had seen greatly wanted where the battle was fought. With these he immediately returned to the wounded Americans, and rendered many of them much essential help. During the Revolutionary struggle he served OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 189 as surgeon at Newport, R. I. He was Representative 1781, L782, 1784, 1787, L789, L790, 1791, L792, 1794. He did much to promote manufactures in this town. Such enter- prise cost him considerable properly. For his efforts, in 177", to have the inhabitants here inoculated with the small-pox, he encountered no small degree of opposition. His talents, attainments, and experience, rendered him, for a long period, eminent in his profession. 1825, March 15th. Deacon Mark Haskell, of the First Church, d., iE. 81. His widow, Mary, d. 1832, JE. 86. 1826, Oct. 26th. Nathaniel Wade d., M. 76 years and eight months. He was son of Timothy, a descendant of Jon- athan, who was in Ipswich 16.'35. He m. Mary, daughter of Colonel Joseph Foster of Gloucester, July 17th, 1777. She d. Dec. 25th, 1785, iE. 28. He m. Hannah, daughter of Jacob Treadwell, Oct. 29th, 1788. She d. May 4th, 1814, iE. 51. His children were Nathaniel, William Foster, Mary, and Timothy. He sustained various trusts in the town ; was long County Treasurer, and Representative from 1795 to 1816 inclusive. He distinguished himself as an intelligent, active, patriotic, brave, and faithful officer in the Revolu- tionary war. He took part in the battle of Bunker Hill (as Captain of the Ipswich Minute-men), of Long Island, of Hacr- lem, and White Plains. He was Colonel during the whole campaign in Rhode Island. While on duty there, he sat as President of a Court-Martial in Providence, Dec. 23d, 1777. As the following letter to him was written by the Father of our Country, on an occasion particularly interesting to young and old, perhaps it may be properly inserted here. " Head-Quarters, Robinson's House, 25 Sept., 1780. "Sir, " General Arnold is gone to the enemy. I just now re- ceived a line from him, inclosing one to Mrs. Arnold, dated on board the Vulture. From this circumstance, and Colonel Lamb's being detached on some business, the command of the garrison, for the present, devolves on you. I request you will be as vigilant as possible ; and, as the enemy may have it in contemplation to attempt some enterprise, even to-night, against these posts, I wish you to make, immediately after the receipt of this, the best disposition you can of your force, so as to have a proportion of men in each work on the 190 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. west side of the river. You will see or hear from me further to-morrow. " I am, Sir, your mo. obt. servt. " Geo. Washington." The confidence thus signally placed in him, Colonel Wade merited, and continued to preserve. In 1786, he commanded a regiment against the insurgents under Shays. For many years he was Colonel of a regiment in Middle Essex. When introduced to Lafayette at Ipswich in 1S24, the General immediately recognised him, and grasping his hand, said, " My dear Sir, I am rejoiced to see you, — it is just such a stormy night, as we had when I met you in Rhode Island." While he lived, his benevolent manners and actions secured to him high and extensive esteem. 1829, March 14th. Dr. John F. Gardner, a native of Lynn, graduated at Harvard College 1813, d., iE. 35. 1829, Sept. 25th. Joseph Hodgkins d., M. 86. He had three wives, Joanna Webber, Sarah, daughter of Dea. Aaron Perkins, and Lydia, widow of Elisha Treadwell and daughter of Dea. John Crocker. The last d. June, 1833. He had sixteen children, and only one survived him. He held several town offices, and was Representative from 1810 to 1816 in- clusive. The active part which he took in the Revolutionary struggle, secured to him long and deserved respect. He was Lieutenant in the Ipswich company, at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was also in the battles of Long Island, Haerlem Heights, White Plains, and Princeton. He was at the cap- ture of General Burgoyne's army. He succeeded Colonel Wade in the command of Middle Essex Regiment. Having tried the world in its various appearances and attractions, he found them all insufficient to afford him pure and perman- ent satisfaction. This led him to seek for the good part in the high Captain of our Salvation. He appears to have made his choice, so divinely wise, in the latter part of his life. It was the solace of his declining years, the light of his eternal prospect, and the pledge of his perpetual and abounding blessedness. Thus we have noticed a small part of the individuals, who once gave animation to the social scenes, — once filled various spheres of action, in this community. What we say of them, as to their departure, will soon be said of us. Nor, in view of the dictates uttered by our rational and im- OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 191 mortal nature, should such a fact he merely noticed with the eye, nor merely expressed by the lips; it should reach our hearts, influence our motives and purposes, and lead us to redeem our time, so that it may be wisely and happily con- nected with eternity. A list of some persons, who are found to have died in their 90th year or older : — 1702, May 17th. James How, freeman 1637, of West Ipswich, 104. 171 I, Jan. 11th. Abraham Foster, in his 90th year. 1728, .March 23th. Abraham Tilton, of the Hamlet, in his 90th year. 1735, Aug. 25th. Simon Chapman, over 93, the oldest town-born child, when he died. 1759, May 19th. Widow Ann Burnham, of Line-Brook Parish, 94. L780, Jan. Widow Berry, 94. After this we have a regular account of deaths, occurring in the First Parish, from which the following are selected : — 1786, Jan. 7th. Widow Elizabeth Day, 96 years and ten months ; left seven children and forty-four grandchildren. 178S, Dec. 20th. Widow Haskell, 99 years and eight months. L788. Mr. Thomas Hodgkins, 97. 1788. Widow Saver, 94. 1789, May 1 9th. ' Widow Ruth Urin, 90. I "92, Sept. Benjamin Newman, 90. 1794, Jan. 4th. John Appleton, 90. 1791, Dec. 18th. Isaac Appleton, 91. L796, May 24th. Daniel Safford, 90. 1797, Aug. 12th. Widow Henderson, 95 years and eleven days. 1799, Nov. 29th. Widow Ruth Greely, 96. I 301, Feb. 9th. Widow Wells, 93 years and eleven days. 1801, Feb. 23d. Jeremiah Fitts, 99 vears and one day. I 303, July 3d. Widow Priscilla Treadwell, 99. L804, July 31st. Dinah, a black woman, 102. 1807, Feb. 1st. Joseph Fowler in his 92d year. His wife, Esther, d. Jan. 31st, in her 74th year. They were both buried in one grave. 1812, March 1st. Miss Martha Symonds, 90. 1-17. Oct. 2d. Mrs. White, 92. 192 OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 1819, March 29th. Samuel Lord, 90. 1320, March 4th. Mr. Daniel Choate, 91. 1820, April 6th. Mr. Thomas Day, 90. 1826, Jan. 28th. Widow Mary Lord, in her 94th year ; joined the First Church when 92. 1826, Oct. 10th. Mrs. Jane Williams, 91. 1827, Oct. 1st. Widow Sarah Galloway, 90. 1828, Nov. 3d. Mrs. Sarah Holmes, 96. 1829, Feb. 2d. Mrs. Hannah Lord, 90. 1830, Jan. 13th. Mrs. Mary Peters, 90. 1830, April 3d. Mrs. Mary Perkins, 93. Other deaths found elsewhere : — 1798, Dec. Elisha Brown, 90. 1801, Feb. James Ross, 99. 1803, Sept. John Fowler, 91^ ; left seven children, fifty- eight grandchildren, and eighty-six great grandchildren. Mortality in the First and South Parishes in the following years : — 1806, 39. 1813, 24, nine males, and fifteen females. 1814, 37, eighteen males, and nineteen females. 1816, 38, eighteen males, and twenty females. In 1814, more than 120 persons, about y 1 ^ of the Ipswich population, were aged 70 years and upwards, of whom 25 individually exceeded 80 years. From 1785 to 1812 inclusive, there were, in the First Parish, comprising about 1000 souls, 72 deaths of 80 years and over, i. e. eleven of 80, three of 81, six of 82, eight of 83, seven of 84, seven of 85, four of 86, five of 87, five of 89, five of 90, two of 91, one of 93, one of 95, two of 96, one of 97, three of 99, one of 102. We are informed, that in Sweden, where longevity is greater than in the rest of Europe, 56 of 1000 deaths, are of 80 years and upwards. But the proportion of such aged deaths in Ipswich, from 17S5 to 1812, was as 125 of 80 years and over out of 1000 deaths. This would make the propor- tionate number of individuals, deceased here in advanced life, more than twice what it is in Sweden. Of the preceding 72 deaths, there were thirty-four widows, five spinsters, four whose husbands were alive ; twenty-eight males, and one whose Christian name is not recorded to denote the sex. Of 71, then, forty-three were females, and twenty- eight males, making fifteen more females than males. OBITUARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 193 ( )d the list whence these deaths were taken, there are several instances of aged husbands and wives dvinu; nearl\ together, which confirms a remark frequently math' to tliis effect, when one of an aged couple is taken away. It has been remarked by writers on longevity, that more women than men become old, but that fewer of the former become very old. This remark does not hold in reference to the seventj -two deaths, pre* iouslj mentioned, so far as their - i^o. It is, however, probably correct when it refers to of I l<> and upwards. Dr. Rush observed, that in the course of his inquiries he met with only one person above eighty, who had lived un- married. But of the foregoing seventy-two, there are three exceeding eighty, one of them eighty-five, another eighty- seven, and a third ninety. Mr. Whitehurst has asserted, that Englishmen in general are longer lived than the people of our country. We doubt whether his assertion proves true in reference to the longevity of Ipswich, if it do to that of other parts of New England. The proportion of inhabitant-', dying annually in this town, is as about 1 to 50 ; while at Philadelphia it is as 1 to 45, in Salem, Mass., 1 to 47, and in London, 1 to 24. This view shows that the more dense and numerous the population of a place, the more is life shortened. This fact may be owing, in a considerable degree, to greater dissipation among certain classes, and to the less pure air of large towns and cities. Deaths, in Chebacco Parish, of persons in their ninetieth year and over : — \~~'). .March 26th. Jacob Burn am, 91. 1774, Feb. Kith. Zechariah Story, 90. 1774, May 17th. Miss Peggy Killum, in her 90th year. 1770, Aug. 21st. Widow Hannah Ayres, a noted school- mistress, near 100. 1778, April 27th. Miss Hannah Giddings, in her 93d year. 1780, Oct. 22d. Anne, widow of John Procter, in her 93d year. 1781, Jan. .'30th. Thomas Jones, in his 90th year. 1782, < tat. 2d. Widow Choate, in her 91st year. 1790, Feb. 20th. Martha, widow of Captain Jonathan Burnham, in her 90th year. 25 194 BURYING-PLACES. 1794, Oct. 16th. Elizabeth, widow of David Burnham, in her 92d year. 1796, April 13th. Jonathan Smith, in his 92d year. 1797, Dec. Widow Pearse, in her 90th year. 1799, Aug. 20th. Joseph Marshall, 96. 1800, Sept. 27th. Ned Choate, a negro, member of the Church, 90. 1802, July 29th. Thomas Giddings, 94. He walked nine miles, to Gloucester, within a year before his death. 1809. Widow Martha Andrews, 90 years and 11 months. 1814, Aug. 16th. Widow of Nathan Lufkin, 93. 1816, March 27th. Widow Smith, 97 years and 3 months. In the account whence the preceding list was taken, we have 676 deaths, for a period of 43 years, and 80 of the per- sons aged 80 years and above. Of these 80 persons, 37 are males and 43 females. Of the last, 31 are widows, seven, whose husbands were alive, and five single women. The first 12 years had 214 deaths, and 34 of them over 80 years. The second 12 years had 170 deaths, and only 10 over 80. The third 12 years had 168 deaths, and 21 over 80. The remaining 7 years had 124 deaths, and 15 over 80. The average number of deaths in Chebacco for 43 years was nearly 16 a year. Deaths, in the Hamlet Parish, of 90 years and upwards : — 1778, March 26th. Widow Elizabeth Dodge, 98. 1778, Dec. 18th. Benjamin Ireland, 100. 1779, Sept. 2d. Nathaniel Emerson, 96. 1779, Sept. 9th. Widow Lydia Brown, 90. 1780, Feb. 12th. Widow Marshal, 102. 1781, Feb. 9th. Captain John Whipple, in his 92d year. The deaths in the Hamlet for 21 years down to 1792, are 252, making an annual average of 12. The deaths of 80 years and upwards, for the same period, are 33. Of these are 17 widows, one woman with a husband, and one single female, and 14 men. Among the 252 deaths were five of insane persons. BURYING-PLACES. 1635. A burying-ground is mentioned on the town records, as having been occupied. This seems to have been the one, now used on the north of the river. SEXTON'S FEES. DISEASF.S. I '.)."> 10S1, Feb. 15th. One acre is granted for a grave-yard at ( Jhebacco. I "<>."). The Hamlet is granted, by the town, one acre of common for a grave-yard, which was exchanged, in 170(), for the land now occupied as a burial-place. n. The Hamlet pass a vote of thanks to John Hubbard for giving them a quarter of an acre to enlarge their burial- place. I ";"•>. May - 2lst. The South Parish choose a committee to consult with a committee of the First Parish about purchas- ing land on the south of the river for a burying-ground. The committees appear to have effected this object immediately. The decent appearance of a cemetery, with here and there a yew tree or a weeping willow, as emblems of affectionate mmtow, -ivc- the stranger a favorable impression of the town when' such a depository for the dead is seen. Miserable, and may we not say sacrilegious economy indeed it is, to let out our grave-yards for a paltry sum, to be browsed by beasts, which often beat down and break the stones, that mark the spots where human dust reposes. SEXTON'S FEES. 1809, May 29th. The town vote, that for digging a grave and tolling the bell for an adult from December 1st, four months, $2; and for the other eight months, $1*50, and for a child, $1. DISEASES. These, like all our afflictions, are mercifully and divinely intended for our spiritual benefit. Human experience and revealed truth affirm, that if improved, — " All evils natural are moral goods, All discipline, indulgence on the whole." * hi--,', \pril l.'ith. Mrs. Bishop's family hud been lately sick with the small-pox. 1090, Dec. 31st. The same disease is in the town. We, * T. R. 196 DISEASES. who live in this age of invented remedies, can hardly sympa- thize with the former people of Ipswich and other places, as to their distressing fears, when it was known, that the small-pox was in their vicinity, and especially when it was in the midst of them. * 1734-5. The throat-distemper is very mortal, and almost destroys the infant population of North Essex. f 1752, April 14th. A Committee are to use means for preventing the introduction of small-pox from Boston into Ipswich, and to obtain a house for those, who may be taken with this disease. 1753. Many children die here with the throat-distemper. 1763. In and before this year, consumption was very rare ; and when a person was confined with it, his case excited much sympathy and conversation, and he was visited by many from far and near. There are five times more consumptions now than there were fifty years ago. 1773, Oct. 18th. Persons who have caught the small-pox are to be put in some house, whence the disease will not spread. 1774, Jan. 31st. There are individuals at the pest-house with the small-pox. Feb. 7th. " Voted, that all the dogs in the town be confined, and if any shall go at large, they shall be killed." This was, no doubt, to hinder the spread of the small-pox. 17th. Voted to have a shifting and cleansing house near the pest-house. 1773 and 1774. The putrid nervous fever, now called typhus, prevails both of these years at Chebacco ; and, the former year, the same disease and canker prevailed at the Hamlet. 1775, In the latter parish, fevers are fatal to a considerable number. 1776, The " throat-ail " prevails at Chebacco. 1777, June 30th. A committee report, that there are sixty- one cases of small-pox in the east part of the Hamlet. 1778, Feb. This disease still continues in the Hamlet, and people from other towns come to be inoculated. 1796. Throat-distemper spreads in Chebacco. 1800, June 9th. Voted, that the persons, who, in the opinion of the selectmen, have been exposed to take the small-pox from one, who has had it in the town, repair within * Christian History. t T. R. PEST-HOUSE. RATH. 107 twenty-four hours to Mr. John Lummus's and be inoculated at their own expense. Oct. 16th. Voted, that Dr. Thomas Manning have liberty to inoculate not more than ten people for the small-pox, who have had the kine-pox. 1801, M;i_\ 6th. He is granted a similar liberty with refer- ence to as man] as thirty persons, in order to test the kine- pox. He was the firsl physician, who introduced inoculation for the kine-pox in this vicinity. He received the matter for this purpose from his brother, then in London. The experi- ment, which be tried, with the preceding permission of the town, was completely successful. He found that not one of his patients, who had had the kine-pox, could take the small- pox. 1802, Sept. Scarlet fever prevails here. L810, May 9th. Voted, that a committee superintend the inoculation for the kine-pox, agreeably to a law of the Com- monwealth passed in 1S10. 1823, May 14th. Voted, that the selectmen take the over- sight of inoculating for the kine-pox. PEST-HOUSE. 1764, Nov. 13th. The town agree to build a pest-house on Wolf-pen plain, 24 feet wide, and 30 long, at the cost of £82. 1774, Feb. 7th. The house of Capt. Thomas Dodge, near the Common Fields, is to be occupied as a pest-house. 17~.~). March 7th. The pest-house is to be removed to the northwest part of Scott's Hill. 1804, Dec. 17th. It is ordered that this house be removed up to the poor-house. BATH. * 1721, March 3d. Dr. Thomas Berry petitions, that "as it has been found by experience, that a cold bath is of great service to mankind, and there being a suitable place to erect one at the upper end of the spring in Hog Lane, nigh the house T. R. 198 EXHUMATION OF THE DEAD. FUNERALS. of Thomas Grow," he may have twenty feet of land helow the bank at the foot of the upper spring to erect a bathing- house. This request was granted. EXHUMATION OF THE DEAD. 181S, April 17th. Great excitement prevails in Chebacco parish, because it was discovered, that not less than eight bodies had been taken from their grave-yard. They adopt measures for detecting the person or persons concerned in this act. July 23d. Rev. Mr. Crowell preaches, at the request of his people, an interesting sermon on this occasion from John xx. 13. The individual, who was found to have disinterred these bodies for anatomical purposes, was largely fined. FUNERALS. Speaking of such ceremonies in Massachusetts, Lechford says in 1641, — "At burials nothing is read nor any funeral sermon made, but all the neighbourhood, or a good company of them, come together by tolling of the bell and carry the dead solemnly to his grave, and there stand by him while he is buried. The ministers are most commonly present." The particulars wherein this custom, as it was then, differs from what it is now, are so evident as not to need description. As far down as 1698, it was a practice, when females were buried, for women to walk first, and when males, for men to do the same. Formerly funerals were much more expensive than they have been within the last sixty years. Especially were they so, when persons of large property or of public office were buried. In compliance with a custom of this kind, we have the following, in reference to the Rev. Thomas Cobbet's burial. * 1685, Nov. 6th. Voted, that some persons be appointed to look to the burning of the wine, and heating of the cider against the time appointed for the funeral. The expense of this occasion was £17 19s., exclusive of clothing for the minister's family. Among the article's provided were thirty- two gallons of wine, and a larger quantity of cider, with 104 * T. R. REMARKABLE EVENTS. 109 pounds of sugar, and about four dozen of gloves. When we compare the drinking part of this account with our present practice and views of temperance, it seems incongruous. But we remember, that "the times change and we change with them;' 5 that it" such provision had not been made, it would have been construed as an outrage on propriety, as then defined by public opinion. The funeral charges of a respect- able man interred here in 173i>. exceeded those of Mr. Cob- bet's as previously stated, as much as ten times. Consider- able had been said and done to put down so costly and useless a custom before the following notice was given. • L753, Dec. Nth. "This is to inform the inhabitants of this government, that the King's Attorney-General is deter- mined to prosecute any person, who shall be guilty of the breach of an act now in force, intitlcd, An act to retrench extraordinary expenses at funerals." Such an effort of civil power did not entirely bring the charges of burying noted persons to their present level. Besides other considerable expenses, the Hamlet Parish, when about to inter their min- ister, Mr. Wjgglesworth, in 1763, purchased six gold rings for the bearers, and one for a candidate who was preaching for them, and eighteen pair of men's white leather gloves for attending ministers. When the necessities of the Revolution began to press on the people, they lessened their funeral gifts, as to gloves, rings, and entertainment. I "(i!>. Up to this date, no burial was allowed on the Sab- bath, except leave was granted by a Justice. Such strictness has since continually declined. REMARKABLE EVENTS. A WOMAN, BLIND, DEAF, AND DUMB. f 1637, Aug. 3d. An aged person of this description resided here. " Her son could make her understand any tiling, and know any man's name, by her sense of feeling." Canker-Worms. These abounded in 1665, 1686, and 1769. There were many of them about forty years since. They came again in 1824, since which they have annually increased and spread. The comparative scarcity of birds is one probable reason why such worms have continued so long. * Boston Gazette. » Winthrop. 200 REMARKABLE EVENTS. Droughts. These were remarkable in 1639, 1644, 1662, 1666, 1672, 1685, 1748, 1757, 1762. The last, as an aged man states, cut off most of the hay and corn ; and the former article sold for four times its common price. Storms. There were severe storms Nov. 10th, 1652, and Dec. 1667. 1727, Sept. 16th. A severe gale, which did much damage. 1793, July 6th. Saturday, P. M., a tempest accompanied with hail and rain. Some of the hailstones measured from their extreme jagged parts seven inches in circumference. They averaged nearly the size of a hen's egg. They broke down flax, corn, and other grain, stripped fruit trees, and destroyed about 5000 squares of glass in the main part of the town. The storm extended three miles each way from the midst, where this glass was broken. 1804, Oct. 9th. A great gale with much rain. Many trees were blown down, a large number of fowls, turkeys, geese, sheep, and cattle died by its severity. 1815, Sept. 23d. Violent storm. The spray of the salt water was carried from the sea-shore forty or fifty miles. Apples and other fruit were blown off, corn injured, fences and trees prostrated. Winters. 1686. One so severe, that a considerable num- ber of cattle were frozen to death. * 1748, Feb. 10th. Many and great snow storms. 22d. Snow on a level two feet and a half, and four and a half in woods. 29th, No travelling about, except on rackets. Lightning. When buildings are mentioned here, it will be understood that they were destroyed by this fluid, unless otherwise expressed. f 1668, Aug. A great oak in Scott's Lane was rent to pieces and some logs were broken from it by lightning, and off thrown several rods. A man in the house, next the tree, was struck down by the flash, but recovered. 1670. Edward Allin's barn, with sixty loads of barley. 1671, May 18th. The house of Serjeant Perkins was struck on the Sabbath, while many people were there to re- peat the sermon delivered that day. The fluid made several holes in his waistcoat, and knocked him and others down, but they were revived. The timber work of the building was in- * Dr. E. A. Holyoke's Diary. f Hubbard. i:i MVRKABLE EVENTS. 201 hired. The same year, a sheet of fire descended before the bouse of the Rev. Wm. Hubbard, but only shivered the trunk of an oak near l>v. 17 1 I . April Till. .Mr. Low, of the Hamlet, who had left his house but a shorl time after breakfast, was found in the evening, under a tree, killed In lightning. I 7-1 . .March. Lightning descended the chimneyof Sam- uel Adam-, ai the Hamlet, struck down his wife, who was re- suscitated, killed a dog near the andiron, whence his daughter had just risen, and two sheep at the end ol a barn. 1783. Thomas Burnham's barn at Chebacco. 1791 . June. The same man who is mentioned in 1781, and his two sons, to avoid a shower, lied to an oak for shelter, pre- ceded In a dog. This animal, reaching the tree first, was instantly killed by a flash, which shivered the oak and rendered one of the sons senseless, who was revived. 1792. A barn and store-house, belonging to the widow of Francis Brown. I~l~>. A barn of Captain Oliver Appleton. 1-29, Aug. 8th. A barn of James Sawyer, filled with bay. 1831, Aug. 23d. A barn on the farm of Nathan Brown's heirs. Fires. The notice given at the commencement of the pre- ceding bead, is also applicable to buildings bere, as destroy- ed by fire. 1665, May 3d. General Dennison's house. 17 1-2. March 2-3d. The inhabitants of Chebacco vote, that, as there is some money contributed by them for the relief of the people in Carolina, who bad lost their property by fire, and it has not been sent for, it shall be given to John Belcher, their neighbour, whose house has been burnt. 17 13. A contribution at the Hamlet, to make up Mr. Mar- shal's loss by fire. I 7")'}. A house of James Patch, at the Hamlet. Another of Mr. Foster, near the ship-yard. 1770. A bouse and all its contents. 1783, Dec. 10th. A barn, with a winter's stock of hay, owned by John Piemont, inn holder. About the same year, Isaac Procter's house: 1793, Stephen Story's house ;*%nd, 1802, David Choate's barn ; all of Chebacco. 1811, June 9th. At 2 o'clock in the morning, a house of Captain David Pulsifer, near Mr. Kimball's meeting-house. 26 202 REMARKABLE EVENTS. Most of its contents were lost, and its inhabitants barely es- caped with their lives. 1831. A hatter's shop in High Street. Losses. * 1707, Dec. 25th. Joseph Esty, in consideration of his great loss, has his tax remitted. 1765, Aug. 9th. £10 are granted to Henry Russel, in view " of his late misfortune." 1771, March 18th. The Commoners gave £10 to Anthony Loney and Moses Pindar, because their fulling-mill had been borne away by a freshet. Dark Day. 17S0, May 19th. Darkness came on like that of an eclipse. By 9 o'clock, A. M., persons could not see to weave. Candles were lighted to dine by. As the day began prematurely to put on the appearance of twilight, cattle lowed, and fowls went to roost. The darkness of the succeeding even- ing was almost palpable. Many feared and trembled, lest the end of all things had come. They alone are truly wise, who seek the Lord when the bow of his mercy is over them, as well as when they hear his thunders, and behold his lightnings. Individuals Drowned and Killed, f 1635, Aug. 15th. " An old man, that used to go to sea in a small boat, without any other help save a dog, which he had taught to steer, sail- ing down Ipswich River, was warned of a storm that appear- ed ; " he profanely answered, that he would go out. He did, and neither he nor his boat was ever seen again. 1648, Oct. A shallop, which had been a fishing with others all summer, and was attempting to make a harbour at " Dama- ril's Cove, was overraked by the surf, and all drowned, being four Englishmen, and one Indian, and the goods all perished." Before 1683, Joseph, son of Robert Lord, was killed by the falling of a tree. X 1686, Aug. 2d. Daniel Warner, killed by a horse. 1702, Aug. Nathaniel, son of Colonel Thomas Wade, drowned at sea. <§> 1723, Dec. 1st. Daniel, son of John Rogers, President of Harvard College, perished in a snow storm, on his way home from Salisbury, after missing the Ferry, and wandering in the marshes. He left a widow, Sarah, and children, Daniel, minister of Littleton ; John; a daughter, wife of John Watson ; Margaret, m. to the Rev. Robert Ward of Wenhain ; Patience, * T. R. 1 Hubbard. i T. R. § Qt. Ct. R. RIM \i;k \nr,l_ l'.\ KNTS. HV-l in. to Joshua Freeman; Priscilla, m. to the Rev. Nathaniel Leonard : ami Elizabeth, in. to Peleg Wiswall. He graduated at Harvard College, in L686, long kept the Grammar School, was Representative in 1716, was many years 'Town Clerk, Justice of the Quarterly and General Sessions Courts, and a ph\ sician. ■ L727, Oct. Kiili. •• We are informed, from Ipswich, that on Wednesday oighl last, a young woman of that place, heing more mern than wise, dressed herself in men's apparel, in- tending a frolic at a place some distance oil; hut as she was riding through a river or pond, her horse, in all likelihood, threw her into the water, where she was taken up the next day drowned. - ' 17'5m it is the opinion of the gentleman, who first dis- covered her body, soon after the flames in her room were extinguished, that she caught her bed-clothes on fire with a candle, and thus lost her life. 181(5, Feb. 1st. Moses Smith, of Ipswich, was killed at Top-liold by a fall from a staging. April 15th. William Holmes, of Chebacco, in his twenty- seventh year, died with the lock-jaw. 1818, Dec. Josiah Poland, of the same parish, killed by falling from a ship's mast, in New York. 1820, Dec. 25th. Daniel Rogers, M. 47, supercargo of the ship Rolla, from Newburyport, was wrecked on Cape Cod, and perished with others. L828, June 28th. John W. Gould, M. 9, was killed by a bull, on Plumb bland. Dec. 12th. David Sheriff, of Boston, was killed by a fall from the Ipswich factory. 1829, Sept. 8th. Luther Hallowed, died by having a well cave in upon him. In reference to a considerable number of the preceding casualties, surviving relatives could feelingly adopt these words, " Oft our most sanguine views the event decei\ i And veils in sudden grief the smiling ray." — West. Earthquakes. Besides the memorable earthquakes of 206 REMARKABLE EVENTS. 1638, 1658, and 1663, which were felt here, as in other places, we have the following. 1727, Oct. 29th. One occurred on Sabbath night, forty- minutes past 10 o'clock. It was followed by others. It so affected the minds of people, that it was a means used by the Holy Spirit to produce a very powerful revival of religion in the Ipswich parishes. The same desirable result was expe- rienced throughout New-England. 1744, June 3d. Another took place on Sabbath forenoon, while people were at meeting. In the Hamlet, Mr. Wiggles- worth's hearers were exceedingly alarmed, while he was con- ducting the worship. He endeavoured to calm them, and re- marked, " There can be no better place for us to die in, than the house of God." IjSST 17tf5, Nov. 18th. The following record, under this date, was made by the Rev. George Leslie. " Between the hours of four and five in the morning, there happened a most sur- prising shock of an earthquake, which was succeeded by sev- eral others ; though none equal to the first. In the town of Ipswich much damage was done to many houses ; yet, through the goodness of God, no hurt was done either to the lives or limbs of any persons." He informs us, that the evening before the earthquake was uncommonly clear and calm. Visits from Strangers. 1637, June 15th. Governor Winthrop sets out for Ipswich, which he visited now, and at other times. 1663. John Josselyn spends a little time here. 1686. John Dunton, from London, comes to negotiate with Mr. Hubbard, and others, about books. 1716, Oct. 16th. Governor Samuel Shute, on his way to N. H., is escorted into town, and entertained at Colonel John Appleton's. 1782, Nov. 13th. Marquis De Chastellux, on a travelling tour, stops here for refreshment. 1789, Oct. 30th. George Washington, on his visit to the North, is escorted into town ; receives a short address ; dines at the inn, then kept by Mrs. Homan ; reviews a regiment, mustered to honor him ; is visited by many ; stays three hours, and leaves for Newbury, through lines of a multitude compris- ing both sexes of all ages, who had assembled to give him, with deep emotions of gratitude, a welcome and a parting look. Seldom is respect more heartily and deservedly rendered, than it was on this occasion. REMARKABLE STENTS. 307 1824, An-. 31st. Genera] Lafayette, who had formerly honored this place with a visit, mm doc- it the same favor. He did nol arrive till between seven and eight in the evening, after having been expected most of the day. The weather was rainy, and the travelling muddy. Still, when he entered the meeting-house, which was lighted up, he was received by the silenl hut grateful look- of a crowded assembly. Here he was addressed by .Nathaniel Lord, Esq., and made a short re- ply. He was then conducted to Nathaniel Treadwell's inn, where he was refreshed, and visited by some Revolutionary soldi.i-. He lift with hi- suite at 10 o'clock, for Newbury port, amid the benedictions of many hearts. Witchcraft. * 1652, Sept. 28th. A man is sentenced at [pswich court to pay '20s., or be whipped, for " having fa- miliarity with the i\f\ il." f 1692, June 30th. Elizabeth How, of West Ipswich, is tried for witchcraft. After various witnesses against her are heard, >he is condemned to death. She was executed on Gal- lows Hill, in Salem, July 19th. She left a husband, James; and children, Mary and Abigail; who, in 1712, received £12 for damages, occasioned by the prosecution of their mother, from the Province. Aug. 3d. John Procter, who had removed hence to Salem Village, and been condemned for witchcraft, has a petition sent in for hi^ reprieve, signed by thirty-two of his Ipswich neigh- bours, who spoke highly of his character. Still, this benevo- lent effort was in vain. Deep delusion shut up almost every heart, and threw a thick veil over almost every understanding. Aug. 31st. The wife of Peter Cloyce, who lived at Salem Village, is confined as a witch in Ipswich prison. % Sept. 27th. John Shephard, of Rowley, is bound over for assisting to convey Mary Green, a prisoner, charged with witchcraft, out of this jail. <§> Oct. " Some accusers were sent for to Gloucester, and occasioned four women to be sent to prison; but Salem prison being so full, two were sent to Ipsu ich prison. Nov. They were sent for again by Lieut. Stephens, who was told that a sister of his was bewitched. In their way, passing over Ipswich bridge, they met with an old woman, and instantly fell into fits. " Qt. Ct. R. t Court of Oyer and Terminer P. I Gen. Sess. Ct. R. § Culef. 208 REMARKABLE EVENTS. But bv this time the validity of such accusations being much questioned, they found not the encouragement, that they had done elsewhere, and soon withdrew." Happy for this town, that such a scene occurred at no earlier day ; had it, more than one of the inhabitants would have probably become the vic- tims of popular delusion. * 1693, 2d Tuesday of May. The Supreme Court sit here, try, and clear several persons of Andover, accused of witchcraft. f Dec. 26th. Ipswich is assessed £51 19s. for its part of the expenses, incurred by sessions of the Oyer and Terminer Court, to try those who were charged with this offence. Thus closed one of the darkest, deadliest infatuations, which ever fell upon New England. Its criminations were so indiscrimi- nate ; its excesses carried so far, as to break the spell, which had Ion g given it credibility and victims ; to wrest it, as a dreaded instrument, from the hand of fiendish revenge, and trample it down with the forbidden follies of human, but peni- tent, fallibility. Large Child. J 1793, July 18th. Polly, a child of John Procter, Jr., of Chebacco, twenty-seven months old, weighed from seventy-five to eighty pounds. Its measurement round the body was thirty-one inches and three quarters ; round the shoulders, thirty-four and a half; arm, below the elbow, nine and a half round ; calf of the leg, twelve ; and height, thirty- five inches and a quarter. It weighed only eight pounds when born. Notwithstanding its large dimensions, it enjoyed excel- lent health. It attracted so much notice, that it was exhibited in several towns. This child, having still continued to grow as it had done, died Oct. 24th, 1793, M. 2 years and 7 months lacking 6 days. Spectre Account. We give the subjoined, as a matter of history, without pretending to settle the question about ap- paritions. <§> 1729, Dec. 1st. Last week, one belonging to Ipswich came to Boston and related, that, some time since, he was at Canso, in Nova Scotia ; and that on a certain day there appear- ed to him an apparition in blood and wounds, and told him, that at such a time and place, mentioning both, he was murdered by one, who was at Rhode Island, and desired him to go to * Superior Ct. R. t Gen. Sess. Ct. R. | Essex Gazette. § New England Journal. REMARKABLE EVENTS. 209 the said person, and charge him with the said murder, and prosecute him therefor; naming Beveral circumstances relating to the murder ; and that since his arrival from Canso to Ips- wich, the said apparition had appeared to him again, and urged him immediately to prosecute the said affair. The abovesaid person, having related the matter, was advised and encouraged to go to Rhode Island, and engage therein, and he accordingly- set out far that place on Thursday last." Dei.i\ brances. * 1633, Sept. The Tarrentincs had de- signed to cut off the people of Ipswich, "when they were between 20 and 30 men, old and young, and when most of the men had gone into the bay, about their occasions, not hearing of any intention thereof. It was thus, one Robin, a friendly Indian, came to John Perkins, a young man, living then in a little hut upon his father's island, on this side of Jeffrey's Neck, and told him, that, on such a Thursday morning, early, there would come four Indians to draw him to go down the hill to the water-side, to truck with them ; which if he did, he and all near him would be cut off; for there were forty birch canoes, which would lye out of sight, under the brow of the bill, full of armed Indians for this purpose. Of this, Perkins forthwith acquainted Mr. John Winthrop, who advised him, if such In- dians came, to carry it roughly towards them, and threaten to shoot them, if they would not be gone, and, when their backs were turned, to strike up the drum he bad with him, besides his two muskets, and to discharge them ; so that six or eight young men, who were in the marshes hard by a mowing, having their guns ready charged, might take the alarm, and the Indians would perceive their plot discovered, and haste away to sea again. This was accordingly so acted, and took like effect; for he (Perkins) told me, he presently after discovered forty such canoes sheer off from under the bill, and make as fast as they possibly could to sea ; and no doubt but many godly hearts were lifted up to heaven for deliverance." f 1634, Nov. 18th. An open pinnace of Mr. Henry Sew- all, of Ipswich, going deeply laden from Boston, was cast away OB the rocks, at the head of Cape Ann, in a northeast storm, but the crew were saved. Nov. 24th. One Scott and Eliot were lost in their way * Rev. Thomas Cobbet's Narrative. * Wintbrop. 27 210 REMARKABLE EVENTS. homewards, and wandered about six days, and ate nothing. At length they were found by an Indian, almost senseless. A man was 21 days on Plumb island, and was found in the snow, yet alive and well. * 1675, Sept. 18th. The person of whom this is related was under Capt. Lothrop, when defeated by Indians. " Capt. Mosely came upon the Indians in the morning ; he found them stripping the slain, amongst whom was one Robert Dutch, of Ipswich, who, having been sorely wounded, by a bullet that raised his scull, and then mauled by the Indian hatchets, was left for dead by the savages, and stript by them of all but his skin ; yet, when Capt. Mosely came near, he almost miraculously, as one raised from the dead, came towards the English, to their no small amazement ; by whom being received and clothed, he was carried off to the next garrison, and is living, and in perfect health at this day." f 1676, May 3d. " A note is handed in on the Sabbath, by the pious parents of Goodwife Kimball, that she, and her five children, taken at Bradford by Indians, who killed her husband, might be delivered." These captives were carried forty miles into the wilderness. She was freed without ransom, after being twice condemned to death, and fires made ready to burn her and her infant. She and her children were brought to Ipswich on the 13th of June. J Oct. Thomas, son of the Rev. Thomas Cobbet, after suffering much as a captive among Indians, at the eastward, more than nine weeks, is ransomed for a coat. This was done by the influence of Mug, an Indian chief, who stopped, while on his way to Boston for negotiating a peace, at Ipswich, and then promised Mr. Cobbet, the father of the young man, that he would send him home. <§> 1720, Nov. 30th. Nicholas Woodbury, of the Hamlet, returned from Canada last Saturday, after enduring many hard- ships, as a captive among Indians. He was taken by them in 1712, while in service at Wells. He was obliged to pay £30 for his redemption. The General Court allow him £60. Dec. 3d. They appoint him interpreter of the Indian lan- guage, as the province may need his service in this respect. We here close our chapter of things, which are out of the * Hubbard. t Cobbet's Narrative. J Hubbard. § Prov. E. ECCLESIASTICAL AVD PAROCHIAL CONCERNS. 2 1 1 common course. They are of the class, which are fondly re- lated by tin; old, and attentively heard by the young. " The village matron, round the blazing hearth, Suspends the infant audience with her tales, Breathing astonishment." — Akensidi . .ECCLESIASTICAL AND PAROCHIAL CONCERNS. No concerns, when considered as to the highest good of a community, are so vitally important as these. As they arc either habitually neglected or cherished hy any people, so are such people either dehased or elevated. Wherein the reli- gious privileges, offered by concerns of this kind, demand one sacrifice on our part, they bestow upon us a thousand richer benefits. Who would wish the Deity to banish the cloud from the heavens, which puts the vapors of the earth under a light contribution, so as to pour down refreshing showers upon its surface, adorn it with fruitful fields, and fill the garner with an abundant harvest ? Far less should we entertain or manifest a desire to have him diminish or destroy our Gospel institutions, because they make a small levy on our possessions for their continuance ; institutions, which, like the cloud of His presence, lead us by night and by day, scatter- ing upon us the needed gifts of mercy, and showing us the way to a heavenly Canaan. To enjoy these institutions with purity of conscience and liberty of person, our ancestors sun- dered the tics of relationship, submitted to losses of property, forsook the home of their nativity, braved perils by sea, and endured sufferings by land. Indeed, our ancestors passed through a fiery trial, so that they might secure for themselves and their children a religious as well as political portion, which should be as free from blemish, as the imperfection of human nature would admit, and as durable as the decay and uncer- tainty of earthly things would allow. If we would not show ourselves unworthy to be called by their name, we should cherish views, and be actuated by motives, magnanimous as theirs, in sustaining and bearing forward the ark of the Lord. A fuller and more interesting account of church and parish affairs might be given, if the records of them had not been lost for about sixty years. Such a lamentable chasm of in- formation must be partially supplied from other sources. 212 ECCLESIASTICAL AND PAROCHIAL CONCERNS. Worship. * 1633, Nov. 26th. Rev. John Wilson, by leave of his Church, comes to preach for the people here. 1634, April 3d. Governor Winthrop sets out on foot to prophesy for them on the Sabbath. Form of Worship, j - 1641. The Pastor begins with prayer, and the Teacher reads and expounds a chapter. The practice of reading the Scriptures was dispensed with here about sixty years ago. It was revived in the First Parish 1807, and in the South Parish 1826. When it was dropped, the worship began with singing. Formerly, when a portion of the Bible had been read, one of the Ruling Elders would give out a Psalm. Then a sermon, and sometimes an extem- pore address would follow. This service was often beyond an hour. Then came singing, a prayer, and a blessing. In the afternoon performances, Josselyn says, 1663, that a Psalm was sung before the benediction. This, as the " Ratio Disci- pline" states, 1725, was preceded by the phrase, — "Blessed are all they, that hear the word of God and keep it." Lectures. 1641. These were every week on Thursday, and commenced at 11 o'clock, A. M. They were superseded by monthly lectures 1753. They were attended by the Courts, if in session here, till late years. Evening lectures were first held in Ipswich 1742, because of great attention to religion. Singing. While Ruling Elders were continued, one of them read a single line, and such of the congregation as could sing, arose in different parts of the meeting-house, and sung it; and then another line, till the Psalm was through. In the later societies, where no such officers were chosen, a Deacon performed the same duty. Sternhold &t Hopkins's version of the Psalms appears to have been first used. About 1667, the Bay Psalm-Book took place of the preceding. Before 1757, Tate &; Brady were adopted. Not long after this year, the Bay Psalm-Book, as revised and improved by the Rev. Thomas Prince, was reinstated in some of the parishes. In the Hamlet, Tate & Brady continued till 1772, when Watts was introduced. The latter was adopted by the South Parish 1785, instead of Prince. As to seats for choirs, they were designated by the First Parish 1763, being " two back on each side of the front * Winthrop. t Lechford, ECCLESIASTICAL AND PAROCHIAL CONCERNS. '2\'.l alley." Similar provision was made at the Hamlet 1764, and at Chebacco 1788. The choir of the First Parish begin to sit in the gallery 1781. This alteration was soon imitated in other parishes. 17!»o. Deacon Perkins informed the First Church, that at the request of die singers, he had read a whole \> at once for them in the Psalms. About IT!)-'}, the Psalms and Hymns began to be read wholly at once by the ministers, as at present. Hour-glass. For a long period before watches became so common as in late years, an hour-glass was used to meas- ure the time of religious performances. There is a place still remaining for such a glass, on one side, fronting the Elders' seat, in the house of the First Parish ; and there was another, till within a few years, in the South meeting-house. Hour- glasses were thus employed here till seventy years since. They had been common in Old as well as in New England. In allusion to this fact, a painter, though not in the most deli- cate manner, represented Hugh Peters, as in a pulpit with a large assembly before him, turning an hour-glass, and using these words, — "I know you are good fellows ; stay and take another glass." Contribution. * 1641. This was every Sabbath after- noon ; — " one of the Deacons saying, — ' Brethren, now there is time left for contribution, wherefore, as God hath prospered you, so freely offer.' — On some extraordinary occasions, the ministers presse a liberal contribution. The magistrates and chief gentlemen first, and then Elders, and all the congre- gation come up one after another one way and bring their offerings to the Deacon at his seate, and put it into a box, if it be money or papers ; if it be any other chattel, they set it down before the Deacons, and so passe another way to the seats againe." It was customary in all congregations, till seventy years ago, for persons visiting in town on the Sabbath, to put some money into the box. This was called, " the strangers' money," and was often stipulated as a perquisite of clergymen when settled. The collection on every Sabbath began to be omitted 1763. * Lechford. 214 first church; DISCIPLINE. FIRST CHURCH. * 1646. " The Church of Christ here consists of one hun- dred and sixty souls, being exact in their conversation, and free from epidemicall disease of all Reforming Churches, which, under Christ, is procured by their pious and orthodox min- istry." t 1742, July 25th. Up to this date from April, 1741, one hundred persons were added to the Church. From Jan. 9th, 1743, to Oct. 30th, twenty-three more w T ere admitted. X 1743, July 2d. Rev. John Rogers writes to the Con- vention of Ministers in Boston, — "I have the utmost reason to bless God, who has given me to see a day of such marvel- lous power and grace, particularly in this place, and since the Rev. Messrs. Whitefield and Tennant came among us. Wherein great numbers of our young people and others of more advanced age give clear evidence of a saving change wrought in them, and, by the fruits of the Spirit, show that they are born of the Spirit." 1746, Aug. 21st. There are 304 members. 1793. More than usual additions. 1800, Nov. 30th. Up to this time, from April, 28 are ad- ded. 1827. There were 25 male, and 85 female communicants. 1830, Nov. 21st. To this date, from May 2d, 88 are ad- mitted to full communion, besides several by letter. 1832. There were 55 male, and 158 female members. Church Discipline. <§> 1635. All churches of the Colo- ny are to consult about one uniform order of discipline. 1643, May 3d. Each church is to deal with those of its members, who refuse to become freemen. 1656. The Church pass the following votes. " 1. We look at children of members in full communion, which are about four- teen years old when their father and mother joined the Church, or were born since, to be members in and with their parents. 2. We look at such children under the care and watch of .our Church, and as they grow up to be about fourteen years old, to be liable to our Church censures in case of offence and scandal. 3. We look at it as the duty of Elders and brethren * Johnson. t 1st Ch. R. t Christian History. § Col. R. riBST CHURCH ; OFFICERS. 219 to Endeavour, in their respective places, to instruct them, and to call upon them to know the Lord, ami to carry it according to the rules of the Gospel. 4. We look upon it as the Eldej (lut\ to call upon such children, being adults, and are of un- derstanding, and not scandalous, to take the covenant solemnly before our assembly. .">. We judge that the children of such adult persons, that arc of understanding, and not scandalous, and shall take the covenant, that their children shall be bap- tized, (i. That notwithstanding the baptizing the children of such, vet we judge, thai those adult persons are not to come to the Lord's table, nor to act in Church votes, unless they satisfy the reasonable charity of the Elders or Church, that they have a work of faith and repentance in them." Giles Firman said, in 1653, "In Ipswich, N. E., when those two worthy men, Mr. Nathaniel Rogers, pastor, and Mr. John Norton, teacher, had the managing of this ordinance, they carried on the work with so much prudence and long-suffering (if the cause did permit,) before they came to the execution of it, and with so much majesty and terror when they came to the sentence, that the hearts of all the members (I think) were struck with fear, and many eyes could not but let drop tears." Church Officers. The First Church of Ipswich con- tinued to have a Pastor and Teacher for one hundred and ten years. They had Ruling Elders, also, till after 1727 ; who commonly held their office two at a time. Their seat was di- rectly under the pulpit. For a considerable period, such offi- cers were regarded as set apart from civil trusts, and did not accept them. Their duties, as well as those of Deacons, may be seen particularly specified in the seventh chapter of the "Cam- bridge Platform." * " When a minister preacheth abroad in another congregation, the Ruling Elder of the place, after the Psalm is sung, says publicly ; — 'If this present brother hath any word of exhortation for the people at this time, in the name of God, let him say on.' " There were, also, generally two deacons ; their seat was next to that of the Ruling Elders, somewhat lower than theirs, and in front of the pulpit. For more than a century, they collected the ministerial taxes here, and bestowed on paupers what the town raised for their support. * Lech ford. 216 first church; MINISTERS. Ministers of the First Church. THOMAS PARKER. * 1634, May. Thomas Parker, from Wiltshire, England, be- came a resident at Ipswich, f Mr. Sewall says, that Mr. Parker " was much about this time preaching and proving, at Ipswich, that the passengers came over on good grounds, and that God would multiply them, as he did the children of Israel." Hav- ing labored here in the ministry one year, Mr. Parker removed to Newbury, where a new settlement was formed. For an account of his parentage, labors, character, and death, see Mather's "Magnalia." NATHANIEL WARD. He was son of the Rev. John Ward, of the Episcopal Church ; born at tipswiek-, England, and educated at Cam- bridge. He studied and practised law. After this he travel- led into Holland, Germany, Prussia, and Denmark. At the University of Heidelberg he became acquainted with the learn- ed Pareus, who prevailed on him to become a preacher. On his return home, he was ordained at Standon, about 27 miles from London. J Mr. Ward, having expressed himself against the " Book of Sports," and against bowing at the name of Jesus, added, that " The Church of England was ready to ring changes in religion ; and that the Gospel stood a tip-toe, ready to be gone to America." For this he was suspended, and re- quired to make a public recantation. Sooner than comply, and thus wrong his conscience, he forsook his country, and came to this. He arrived here in June, 1634, and soon took charge of the Ipswich Church. How this "judicious servant of Christ," as Johnson calls him, toiled for building up the walls of Zion, we have no record to give us particular informa- tion. Such were his motives and character, however, that we have reason to believe he was not slack in so important a work. § 1637, Feb. 20th. As his health had become impaired, he resigned his pastoral office to Nathaniel Rogers. He still preached when he was able, till he left the colony. || 1638, March 12th. As great inconvenience had been experienced, for want of written laws, he is appointed on a committee by the General Court, to draw up a code for the consideration of * Winthrop. t New Heaven upon the New Earth. t Neal's History of the Puritans. § Johnson. || Col. R. FIRST CBURCHJ MINISTERS. 217 the Freemen. * 1639, Sept. He hands in the result of his labor, in this respect, to the Governor. 1 1640, May 1 3th. Mr. Ward, with some men of Newbury, is condition- ally allowed to form a settlement either at Haverhill, or at A.n- dover. This privilege was improved, and the former place was chosen before October. His chief object in obtaining such a grant was to prepare a residence for bis son John, who became an estimable minister there. J 1641, Juno 2d. He preaches the Election Sermon. He was chosen to do this by the Freemen, before the General Court sat. The Governor looked on this mode of election as irregular; but he suffered it to pass. Mr. Ward advanced several things in his discourse, which savoured more of liberty, than our magistrates ol that period were disposed to approve. It was very evident, that his itleas of political rights were more popular with the Depu- ties, than with the Assistants. ^ Oct. 7th. The Governor and .Mr. Hathorne arc desired to wait on Mr. Ward, for a copy of the Liberties and Capital Laws, so that they may be tran- scribed, and forwarded to the several towns. Thus, however unable to minister often at the altar, he was not weary in watchfulness and exertion for the welfare of our infant country. 1643, INI ay 10th. He is granted 600 acres of land near Pentuckett, or Haverhill. This was, probably, for his public services. July. He addresses, with others, the Governor and Assistants, on the impolicy of assisting La Tour. 1644, May 29th. The Deputies earnestly propose to the Assistants, that there be Commissioners, in the recess of the General Court, to perform public business. For such a Board, they nominate Mr. Ward, with ten others. This proposal was not allowed. 16-1.3, May 25th. Mr. Ward is chosen on a Committee of Essex, to draw up a body of laws, and lay them before the next Legislature. These laws, in the compo- sition and arrangement of which he had a principal hand, were printed in 1648. Not long after this last appointment of his, he returned to England, and became minister of Shenfield, in Essex. || 1647. He publishes ''The Simple Cobbler of Agawam," a satirical and witty performance. It encour- aged opposers to the King and Parliament; though suited to moderate th< of the two parties then in England. The want of polish in this book was j n keeping with the char- * Winthrop. Col. R. J Winthrop. § Col. R. || Bibliotheca Americana. 28 218 first church; MINISTERS. acter he assumed, and with the style of the time. The se- vere manner of his handling denominations different from his own, was common with every sect. June 30th. He preaches before the House of Commons. He is supposed to have been the author of " A religious Retreat sounded to a religious Army," printed in 1647 ; and " A Word to Mr. Pe- ters, and Two Words to the Parliament and Kingdom " ; and the writer of " Pulpit Incendiary." He also published a small satire against the preachers of London, called " Mercurius Antimecharius, or, The Simple Cobbler's Boy, with his Lap full of Caveats." Mr. Ward died in 1653, M. 83. Of his chil- dren, were John, minister of Haverhill ; James, who returned to England with his father, and became a doctor ; and a daugh- ter, married to Giles Firman. His talents, acquirements, and piety were of a high order. Mather tells us, that he had in- scribed over his mantel-piece, Sobrie, juste, pie, late. Be- cause Mr. Ward did not continue as pastor and preach every Sabbath, and because he was so much concerned in affairs of legislation, and was wittily inclined in his writings, the impres- sion appears to have been cherished, that his heart was set more on the world, than on God. But such a suspicion is not truly founded. He did not constantly labor in the ministry, as previously stated, because a dispensation of Providence rendered him unable. He was frequently engaged in assisting the General Court, at their particular request, as was very common with the most devoted ministers of the colony, when Church and State were closely allied, and to serve the one was to do much for the other. There is no evidence, that the talent of wit, with which he was largely endowed, was ever turned to any account, except to lash and put down follies and vices, and to promote propriety, morality, and religion. From his entrance upon the ministry till the close of his life, he devoted what measure of strength he had, to advance the temporal and spiritual good of his fellow men. He held a rank among the first, who are divinely blessed for strict and untiring compliance with the rules of their stewardship. THOMAS BRACEY. This person was of Ipswich in 1635. Cotton Mather re- marks, " I say nothing, because I know nothing, of Mr. Bre- cy." This clergyman was, probably, an assistant, to Mr. Ward, in the ministry, and returned to England about, or before, the time he did. FIRST CHURCH^ MINISTERS. 219 NATHANIEL ROGERS. * He was ilir second son of John, minister of Dedham, and a descendant of the martyr, and was horn while his father was settled at Haverhill in 1598. He knew the invaluable blessing of having a pious mother, who. in the fust years of his intel- ligence, often directed him, both by her precept and example, to the Saviour of sinners. He gave evidence of piety in his childhood. At about fourteen he entered Emanuel College, where he was eminent hoth as a scholar and a Christian. Me was particular in his attendance on social and secret prayer. Having one morning omitted the last duty, through a press of business, he was going to some place on a horse, which, stumb- ling, threw and bruised him. From the time of this perilous event, he was very careful not to omit any daily service of devotion, for the sake of temporal calls. He began his min- isterial course as chaplain to a person of high rank. He after- wards became curate to Dr. Barkham, at Booking, in Essex, and conformed with the requisitions of the established Church. On this point, he said, in 1627, "lam somewhat troubled sometimes at my subscription ; but I saw sundry men of good gifts, and good hearts, as I thought, that did so. And I could not prove that there was any thing contrary to the Word of God ; though 1 disliked them much, and I knew them unprofit- able burthens of the Church of God." As Dr. Barkham saw that Mr. Rogers did not put on his surplice at the funeral of a noted person, he privately told him to seek some other place of employment. Having served at Bocking four or five years, he was called to Assington, in Suffolk, where he preached five years more. Here his labors were abundantly successful. But seeing that he could not dutifully subscribe "the Articles of Visitation," and that a storm of persecution was about to overtake him, he concluded to (lee to New England. He was encouraged to do this by Mr. Thomas Hooker. He had mar- ried a daughter of Mr. Robert Crane, of Coggershall, a worthy gentleman, who offered to maintain him and his family, if he would stay at home. This kind proposal Mr. Rogers thought it his duty to decline. After a long passage he arrived at Boston, in November, 1636. Speaking of this fact, Johnson said, in reference to him, that he was "an able disputant, whose mouth * Majrnalia. 220 FIRST CHURCH; MINISTERS. the Lord was pleased to fill with many arguments for the defence of the truth." The year following, Mr. Rogers was a member of the Synod, which convened to suppress the animosity exist- ing between the Legalists and Antinomians. He was invited to settle at Dorchester; but as those, who came with him, could not be accommodated there, he chose to come with them to Ipswich. Here he was ordained pastor, Feb. 20th, 1638, when he preached from 2 Cor. ii. 16. The General Court grant him leave, Sept. 6th, to take the oath of freeman, before two magistrates in Ipswich. * 1643, June. Mr. Rogers being earnest in a cause between the town and Mr. Bradstreet, which also concerned his own interest, Mr. Dud- ley used this speech to him, " Do you think to come with your Eldership here to carry matters." Mr. Dudley was somewhat hard at first to be convinced, that such language was indecorous ; but he confessed it was so, at last, and they were reconciled. Treatment of this kind must have wounded the feelings of Mr. Rogers, whose sensibility was often too great for his comfort. Dec. 17th. He writes a letter, printed the next year, to a member of the House of Commons, " dis- covering the cause of God's wrath against the nation, notwith- standing the present endeavours of reformation ; directing to the means of appeasing that wrath, and encouraging to con- stancy in those endeavours. It was composed with much judgment and pious affection." Having been long subject to occasional turns of dejected spirits and of spitting blood, and bestowing great care on whatever of his composition was to come before the public, his physician advised him not to transcribe his sermons, while his health was so precarious. This is a reason why none of his rich performances on the Sabbath have come down to us. He was known to have kept a diary ; but, at his request, two of his friends cast it into the fire, where it was entirely consumed. Pity indeed, that a treasure, which, if preserved, would serve not only to satisfy curiosity, but in- form and edify, should have been thus destroyed ! He left a manuscript, written in Latin, of which he was a complete masler. This production was in favor of congregational church government. Though not gifted with strong lungs, Mr. Rogers spoke eloquently, and was heard with marked at- tention. Having become excessively attached to tobacco, he * Winthrop. FIRST GHUBCB; MINISTERS. 221 resolutely cave it up before his decease ; because lie found that it bad made him a slave to its use. Over Iwo years be- fore lir died, Mr. Norton, bis colleague, was invited to settle in Boston. This was the origin of much uneasiness at Ipswich and of trial to Mr. Rogers, because some suspected that he was not sufficiently active to retain his colleague. Being al- mosl exhausted with infirmities, Mr. Rogers was taken with an influenza, which prevailed through the country. Thus attack- ed, he gradually failed. One of his la^t acts was to bless the three children of his daughter, who was remarkably faithful in discharging her duties to him. As he was about to breathe his last, he was heard to say, " My times are in thy hands." Thus departed a ''man of God," in the afternoon of July 3d, 1655, iE. 57. His estate in Old and New England amounted to £1200. To each of his five sons, John, Nathaniel, Samuel, Timothy, and Ezekiel, he gave £200. He had already paid £200 to his daughter, the wife of the Rev. Win. Hubbard. He left £5 for Harvard College, and £3 for the poor. His wife. Margaret, died Jan. 23d. 1656. He is thus described by his son-in-law, Hubbard ; " He had eminent learning, singular piety, and holy zeal. His auditory were his Epistle, seen and read of all that knew them." This was a merited description. The toils of Mr. Rogers, in the vineyard of Christ here, were crowned with much success. The heaven, to which he guided others, there is reason to believe, became his own perpetual and glorious abode. JOHN NORTON. He was descended from respectable ancestors and was born May 6th, 1606, at Starford, in the county of Hertford. He early discovered uncommon talents, and entered the Univer- sity of Cambridge at fourteen. Here he shone as a scholar, and took his first degree. A zealous Catholic, who regarded him as a youth of much promise, endeavoured to have him embrace the profession of Popery. The attempt was vain. Mr. Norton's father having become embarrassed in his pecu- niary affairs, he left college and engaged as an Usher and Curate in his native place. At this time, however, he felt not the power of religion. But he soon realized the deep necessities of his soul and penitently fled to the Saviour for help and eternal life. He rapidly gained the reputation of an able minister of the New Testament. His uncle offered him 222 first church; — ministers. a considerable benefice ; but he could not subscribe to the conditions, with which it was clogged. For a similar reason he declined a fellowship, as proffered him by Dr. Sibs, master of Catherine Hall in Cambridge. Still he was not idle. He served as Chaplain to Sir Wm. Masham, while waiting to see if a more extensive sphere of usefulness would be opened to him. Perceiving that his expectations in this respect were crossed by the impositions of Church Conformity, he resolved to visit the refuge of the Puritan Pilgrims. In one attempt to effect this purpose, he came near being shipwrecked between Harwich and Yarmouth. The vessel had to return, which dis- appointed him for that season. The next year he was enabled to succeed. When he departed from England, an aged cler- gyman said " he believed that there was not more grace and holiness left in all Essex, than what Mr. Norton had carried with him." Previously to his embarkation, he married a lady of considerable estate and of estimable character, who accompa- nied him. *Mr. Norton arrived at Plymouth, Oct. 1635. Here he was invited to settle, as well as at Ipswich. While considering which of these towns he ought to choose, he resid- ed in Boston. At this time his controversial abilities were called into exercise by the arguments of a French Friar. 1637. He was an influential member of the Synod, which sat to compose the differences between the advocates and opposers of Mrs. Hutchinson. He finally concluded to make Ipswich the field of his labors. He assisted Mr. Ward, and was ordained Teacher when Mr. Rogers was ordained Pastor, f As he was looking for friends from England to join him here, he desired farms to be laid out for them. This was granted. % 1639, Nov. 5th. The General Court vote him two hundred acres of land. 1645, Dec. 22d. He dates his Answer to Questions on Ecclesiastical Government, as proposed by the Rev. Wm. Apollonius, of Middleburg, under direction of the clergymen of New Zealand. Mr. Norton composed this reply at the request of New England Ministers. It is able, and classically written in Latin, and contains a valuable exposition of Church usages among our fathers. It was the first book, composed in that language, that was ever printed in this country. While he was engaged about it, some of his people thought his sermons not so good as usual. They desired Mr. * Morton's Memorial. t T. R. t Col. R. FIRST CHI Kill : MINISTERS. 223 Whiting, of Lynn, to mention the subject to him. Mr. Norton took ilif admonition in good part and gave it suitable heed. Fuller, in his "Church History," says of this production, "Of all authors I have perused concerning those opinions, none to me was mure informative than John Norton's; one oi do less learning than modesty." Mr. Norton sent a Latin letter to John Drurj (who labored in vain to promote paci- fication among the Reformed Churches), which was signed l>y forty-three clergymen. L646, Sept. 2d. As a member of the Synod, convened at Cambridge, he preaches in Boston. His discourse, as it was intended, led the church there to lay aside their scruples about being represented in such an As- sembly. hil7. He had an efficient hand in forming the Cambridge Platform. He proposed to have some rules con- nected with it, as to the watch which churches should have over their baptized children. But he withdrew his motion be- cause of some opposition, though similar rules were adopted four- teen years afterwards. 1651 . May 7th. Mr. Win. Pynchon is to appear before the General Court, Dec. 14th, when Mr. Nor- ton's Answer to his Treatise on Redempton and Justification is to be ready. This reply was presented the next Session and ordered to England to be printed. After the death of the Rev. John Cotton. 1652, who advised his church to obtain Mr. Norton, if they could, he began to preach for them. They supposed that [pswich Church would consent to part with him for the greater cood of the colony. In addition to this, Mr. Norton had wished to return to England, and his peo- ple had agreed, that, if he did not alter his mind, he might go. But when they perceived that he was likely to reside in Boston, the) demurred as to his removing thither. Hence a sharp con- trovers) arose between the two churches. L653, Maj 1-th. The Legislature, lamenting the decease of Mr. Cotton, con- gratulate Mr. .Norton on his acceptance of the call from Boston. This year he has much influence in preventing a war with the Dutch at Minhadoes. After the death of Mr. Rogers, the Ipswich Church renewed their claim on Mr. Norton. The Governor and Magistrates called a council, stating, that, while such counter claims were insisted on, there was danger that Mr. Norton would carry into effect his previous design, of leav- ing the Colony. The agitation of the question, what Mr. Nor- ton ought to do, was so long and so vehement, thai it excited the fears of many, lest it should seriously and extensively injure 224 first church; — ministers. the interests of religion. It was settled, however, with fewer evil consequences than they had apprehended. He was installed in Boston, July 23d, 1656. While others were contending about him, he was so far composed as to contend for the truth. In 1654, he published "The Orthodox Evangelist"; in 1657 and in 1661, " Election Sermons " ; in 1658, the " Life of John Cotton " ; in 1660, " Heart of New England Rent." 1662, Feb. 10th. He sails with Simon Bradstreet, as Colonial Agent, to England, much against his own private wishes. Having done the best that political circumstances allowed, he returned in September. On a review of this mission, he had the consciousness of having faithfully discharged its duties, though some, who considered success as the standard of merit, were dissatisfied that he had accomplished no more. Cotton Mather supposes that the cool treatment, which he received on this occasion, broke down his spirits and shortened his life. But Dr. Eliot thinks that there was no ground for such a suppo- sition. 1664. Still holding the pen of a ready as well as an able writer, Mr. Norton publishes a Catechism. His chief work was a Body of Divinity, never printed. The last three sermons which he preached, were published by his friends after he died. In the forenoon of April 5th, 1663, it was his intention to preach in the afternoon ; but he was taken with a fainting fit and soon expired, M. nearly 57. The report of his decease produced extensive sadness. He left no chil- dren to sit beneath the shadow of his wide spread and well earned fame. When his first wife died is not known. He m. Mary Mason, of Boston, July 23d, 1656, who survived him. He had brothers, William, of Ipswich, and Thomas, of London. Mr. Norton was naturally irascible, but through Divine grace he brought his passions into commendable subjection. — Though greatly flattered by the compliments paid to his litera- ture, talents, and worth, though put forward by his elder brethren in the ministry, and by the first political characters, to express their opinions on the most important subjects of church and state, yet he had sound sense and piety enough to keep his mind steady, and appear with becoming modesty. He shared in the spirit of the times, as to using compulsion, af- ter argument had failed, against opposing denominations. Hence it was, that like the best of his contemporaries, he did much to expel the Quakers by persecution. On this account, they represented to the King and Parliament, that " John Norton, FIRST CHURCH; MINISTERS. 225 chief priest in Boston, by the immediate power of the Lord, was smitten and died." The deliverj and discourses of .Mr. Norton were of the first Order. His devotional performances were uncommonly interesting. One of bis church-members at Ipswich, after his removal to Boston, would commonly walk thither, then about thirty miles distant, so that he might hear him at the weekly lecture, and would remark, "that it was worth a great journey to be a partaker in one of Mr. Norton's prayi This eminent servant of the Lord knew what the frowns of enemies were, as well as the smiles of friends. But his fortitude, based on Christian principles, suffered him not to sink under the apparent and expressed displeasure of his oppo- nents, lie was glad to have it in his power so to act, as to merit and receive the approbation of the worthy, while he pitied those who envied his fame, and prayed for their highest welfare. He was, undoubtedly, one of the greatest divines, who ever graced this or any other country. He was emphat- ically "diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." As the result of this, many souls were given to him as the seals of his ministry. He realized that all his earthly portion of honors and enjoyments would soon pass away, and he pur- posed and acted with a wise reference to an incorruptible heri- tage. When the message of death came, it found him in his blaster's service, and quickly changed his mortal for an immor- tal existence, wherein he might receive, with perfected saints, abounding knowledge, improvement, engagedness, and bliss, in glorifying God for ever and ever. THOMAS COBBET. *He was born in Newbury, England, 1608. He entered the University of Oxford, and continued there some time. When the plague raged, he, with others, became a pupil of the celebrated Dr. Twiss, of his native town. He prepared for the ministry, and was settled in a small place in Lincoln- shire. It was not long before he was called on to comply with Ecclesiastical conditions, which he could not conscien- tiously approve. Consequently, like many other servants of Christ, he was under the necessity of seeking a refuge in the New World. He arrived here June 26th, 1637, and was soon in- vited b) !n- former friend, Samuel Whiting, to he a colleague with * Mather. 29 226 first church; — ministers. him at Lynn. He consented. His parents afterwards follow- ed him hither. In his new field of labor he was no loiterer, but did whatsoever his hands found dutifully to do. He and Mr. Whiting exerted themselves harmoniously, ably, and efficiently, to further the cause of pure religion. Soon after Mr. Rogers's decease, he, not having sufficient support in Lynn, began to preach at Ipswich, and was chosen pastor here. Though he came to a new place, he retained his old desires and industry to do good. * 1657, June 5th. He is one of thir- teen Elders, who meet in Boston, on Ecclesiastical questions, proposed by the Legislature of Connecticut. Divines from other Colonies were to meet with them. The* main subject for their deliberation, w T as the baptism of children. 1661, June 7th. Mr. Cobbet is on a committee to consider " Our patent, laws, and privileges, and duty to His Majesty." Their report was made June 10th, and was a very interesting docu- ment, on account of its relativeness to the critical state of the Colony. 1662, May 7th. The Legislature grant him five hundred acres of land. 1668, April 14th. He is one of six clergymen appointed by the General Court to argue with several Baptists in Boston against their particular tenets. 1671, May 31st. He is among fifteen ministers, who had counselled the Third Church of Boston to form a society by themselves, and who now present an address to the Legis- lature, requesting, that as their committee reported them, last year, to be disorganizes, for having given such counsel, they may have a hearing either before the Court or a convention of churches. The Court considered their address, and owned that their committee had uttered themselves improperly. 1676, Aug. 9th. Mr. Cobbet is of twenty-four Elders, who assemble in Boston by desire of the Assistants, to advise them about the complaint of Gorges and Mason to the King. This year he was severely tried in the capture of his son by the Indians at the Eastward. Public prayers were offered, not only in his own congregation, but also in others of the vicinity, for the deliverance of this captive. They were answered, and the heart of an afflicted parent was comforted. 1677. Mr. Cobbet writes a narrative of striking events to Increase Mather. As to his publications, few if any clergymen of his day had more or better than he. 1643. He takes up his * Col. R. riBST church; — ministers. -2-27 pen in favor of the Assistants' negative vote, then deemed a subject of great importance; — 1 644, preaches an Ejection Sermon. Of his printed productions are the following. 1645. A Defence of Infant Baptism, highly commended by Mr. Cotton, in his preface to Norton's Answer to Apol- lonius. A Treatise on Prayer ; Treatises on the First, Sec- ond, and Fifth Commandments. "Toleration^ and the Duties of the Civil Magistrates." 1653. " A Vindication of the Government of New England against then* Aspersions, who thought themselves persecuted by it." "The Civil Magis- trate's Power in .Matters of Religion mostly debated." I <>■"><). The Duty of Children to Parents, and of Parents to Children. 1666. An Election Discourse. The talents, attainments, piety, and usefulness of Mr. Cobbet were of no ordinary rank. He was justly accounted by his brethren, and by the principal civil characters of the Colony, as among the most prominent divines of New England. He was a skilful writer. He spared not himself in using the pen to defend both church and state in their relative claims. He was a man, who could be depended on by the friends of righteousness, when the storms of adversity beat upon the land. Then he was seen under no other shelter than that founded upon equity. His friends, having approved his prin- ciples once, had no occasion to fear his change of them for unholy reasons. Whether with their eye upon him or not, their hearts trusted safely in him till the last. He suffered not the tares of error and iniquity to spring up and grow under his feet, because of timidity and inaction. He might ever be found with the armour of godliness girded about him, and awake to encounter the foes of Zion. He neither watched nor strove in vain. The divine blessing rested upon his efforts, and many souls were rescued, through his exertions, from remediless ruin. So far as human imperfection permitted, he was a pastor after God's own heart. He rested from his labors Nov£1685, JR. 77. He was not, for the Lord took him. He left a widow, Elizabeth, who d. the next year, and children, Samuel, Thomas, John, and Elizabeth. He had been called to mourn over three other deceased children. His estate was £607 l». <> peruse the same and report, so that the General Conn may judge about having it printed." 1682, June 24th. He delivers a Fas! Sermon, and, in September, a Discourse on the Death of General Dennison. Both of these were superior productions, and were printed. Oct. 1 lth. The Legislature vote him £50 for bis History of New England. 1683, Feb. 17th. They order a half of this sum to he paid him now, if " he procure a fayre coppie to be written, that it be fitted for the presse." Such a copy was obtained, and was amended by his own hand. The Massachusetts Historical Society, aided by a liberal dona- tion from the General Court, had it printed in a volume, dis- tinct from those of their Collections, which contain it, in 1815. This History of Mr. Hubbard was chiefly indebted for its facts to the Journal of Governor Winthrop. Had his parochial labors allowed him to increase the information in his book, much more than they did, so that he could have saved a greater share of credible traditions, and of events passing in his time, the worth of its pages would have been proportionably enhanced. Still, as it is, this work has been of much ser- vice to the most eminent New England historians. There is reason to believe, from the known fairness of his character, that, had not the introductory leaves of his manuscript His- tory been lost, there would be found in them not only a rcl< r- ence to Winthrop and Johnson, but to other authorities, as the sources of his materials, so that no suspicion of pretence to originality, for the greater part of these materials, could be justly charged to him. His History was I0112; under the supervision of an intelligent committee, appointed by the General Court. This committee could judge whether, with the helps, as then existing, for the compilation of such a work, Mr. Hubbard had done it in a commendable manner. They did report to the Legislature, that his exertions in this respect were worthy of praise, and that he oughl to receive, what was then thought a liberal compensation. Their opinion weighed • Col. R. 230 first church; MINISTERS. much in his favor then, and it should not be light with us now. Though his History is much less consulted since the docu- ments for much of it have been published, yet its author should be held in grateful and honorable remembrance for doing far more than any of his contemporaries, for resorting to secret lights, and bringing them out to the view of the public, so that they might more clearly and interestingly look back on the events of their beloved country. The voyager who dares exceed the lines of latitude, within which most others sail, and by such enterprise, though guided by rare charts, brings us the rich productions of a climate, where we will not go ourselves, should share largely in our esteem, however the track he pursued may afterwards become a common one, and the guides he followed become familiar to all. 1684. Eliot says, '■ : Mr. Hubbard presided at Com- mencement. This was after the death of President Rogers." It appears that Mr. Rogers died very suddenly the day after Commencement, that the duties of that occasion hastened his end, and that Mr. Hubbard did not then preside. It is probable, that the statement of Dr. Eliot was derived from the following. * 1688, June 2d. Mr. Hubbard is ap- pointed by Sir Edmund Andros to officiate as President of the College the following Commencement. As there were no degrees conferred this year, it is doubtful whether Mr. Hubbard complied with this honorary appointment. — — 16S6. Mr. Hubbard receives a visit from John Dunton, who gave the subsequent description of him. " The benefit of nature, and the fatigue of study, have equally contributed to his eminence. Neither are we less obliged to both than himself; he freely communicates of his learning to all, who have the happiness to share in his converse. In a word, he is learned without ostentation and vanity, and gives all his productions such a delicate turn and grace (as seen in his printed Ser- mons and History of the Indians), that the features and linea- ments of the child make a clear discovery and distinction of the father ; yet he is a man of singular modesty, of strict morals, and has done as much for the conversion of the In- dians, as most men in New England." This is no flattery. It had the sanction of truth. — Mr. Hubbard receives aid in the ministry from John Dennison. f 1694, March 15th. He * Farmer's Memorials. t Reg. R. FIRST CHURCH J— -MINISTERS. '.Ml contracts to marry Mary, widow of Sanrae] Pearce, who died 1691. This marriage soon took place It was not agreeable to most of his parish. They would allow her to be a worthy woman, bul col of sufficient note to I"' their minister's wife. Mr. Hubbard, however, set more by intellectual, moral, and pious qualifications, as he ought, than by those, which rest on the arbitrary, and oftentimes incorrect, decisions of public partiality. L696, June 26th. An interesting letter of this i date, written from Ipswich to John Archdale, Governor of South Carolina, about emigrants going from this town to that Colony, hears conclusive marks of being Mr. Hubbard's. ■ ]<>!)!>. Mr. Hubbard, with others, protests against the declara- tion of Brattle Street Church in Boston, as too lax in doc- trine, the ordinance of baptism, and admission to communion. L701. He publishes with his friend, Mr. Higginson of Salem, " Dying Testimony to the Order of the Churches." 1702. Mather says, in his Magnalia, " Mr. J. Higginson and Mr. W. Hubbard have assisted me and much obliged me with information for many parts of our History." Aug. 2d, on account of his inability through age, to carry on the minis- try, Mr. Hubbard desires his church to get him more help. 17().'}. May 6th. He gives up all ministerial labor, and his people vote him £60 as a gift. Thus gradually ap- proaching his latter end. with which he had held frequent com- munion, he died Sept, I Ith, 170 1, JE. 83. Oct. 26th, his congregation vote £'32 to pay his funeral charges. His house was about one hundred rods from the late Dr. Dana's meeting-house, near the bank of the river, commonly called Turkey Shore. Hi^ first wife was Margaret, the daughter of the Rev. .Nathaniel Rogers. She was a lady of excellent reputation. He had three children, John, Nathaniel, and Margaret, who m. .John Pynchon of Springfield. His last wife, Mar_\'. was living in 1710. when his people administered to her necessities. Though Mr. Hubbard had a large patri- mony, yet he expended this as well as his salary in the support of his family, and in discharging the duties of hospi- tality and other beneficence. As an intelligent and judicious adviser, he was called on many councils, and had a prominent part in them. He spent his days, he toiled, for knowledge both human and divine : he pul forth tin' energies of his mind, he faithfully complied with his obligations, as a member of society and a minister of the gospel ; he sought the salvation 232 first church; — ministers. of the heathen, as well as of the civilized, not to lay up his chief treasure on earth, but in heaven, — not to gain the ap- plause of men, as his supreme good, but the approbation of God. His object has its unchangeable commendation in the Word of Eternal Truth. Though he lived long, he labored till the last to be found faithful. Nor was his exertion unnoticed nor unrewarded by Him, who rules over all. He was made an instrument for turning back the captivity of many souls. Mr. Hubbard " certainly was for many years the most eminent minister in the County of Essex, equal to any in the Province for learning and candor, and superior to all his contemporaries as a writer." Thus approved by human testimony, there is cause to believe, that he found his " record on high," as a passport to the mansions of blessedness. JOHN ROGERS. He was son of the Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, was probably born at Assington, and came with his father to New England 1636. He graduated at Harvard College 1649, and studied, as was usual in his time, both physic and divinity. 1656, July 4th. He is invited with William Hubbard to preach here. It appears, that previously to this he had not been actively engaged in any employment, probably on account of inheriting the depression of spirits, to which his father was subject, who remarked in his will, that however John was his eldest son, he should not leave him a double portion, because he was not serviceable. But had this parent lived to see the diligence, with which his son applied himself, not only to his studies, as he already had, but also to his public duties, he would have reversed the opinion formed of him, and have rejoiced to say, that he was indeed useful to all around him. True, the parochial services of Mr. Rogers were not so many as they would have been, if not connected with such men as Messrs. Hubbard and Cobbet. Tradition informs us, that he took the principal charge of the Thursday lecture, while they attended to other church and parish concerns. His salary for a considerable part of the time was less than theirs, because they were expected to do more in the ministry than he. A sufficient reason for his not engaging to take more on himself in preaching, was that he had many other calls as the principal physician in the town. Allen's Biographical Dic- tionary says of Mr. Rogers, — " His inclination to the study of FIRST CHURCH ; — MINISTERS. 233 physic withdrew his attention from theology." This is a mistake, as appears from the fact, that his salary was voted here down to 1681. He pursued " the noiseless tenor of his way," in storing his mind with the rich treasures of knowledge both human and divine, in discharging his obligations to his fellow beings and to his God. With high purposes and pure motives, he rose to eminence. < )n the decease of Urian Oakes, President of Harvard College, Mr. Rogers was chosen to succeed him, and was installed A.ug. 12th, L683. Hut his continuance in so responsible and arduous a station, was of short duration. While devising and acting for the welfare of the College, while his varied prospect was brightened with the rays of hopeful promise, he was cut off. The day suc- ceeding Commencement saw the last of his living efforts. He was then suddenly called to resign his spirit into the hands of his Maker. Mr. Rogers in. Elizabeth, daughter of General Dennison. She d. June 13th, 1723, K. 82. He had chil- dren, Elizabeth, Margaret, John, Daniel, Nathaniel, and Pa- tience. The following is a translation of the epitaph, deserv- edly inscribed on his tombstone at Cambridge: — " There is committed to this earth and this tomb, a deposi- tary of kindness, a garner of divine knowledge, a library of polite literature, a system of medicine, a residence of integrity, an abode of faith, an example of Christian sincerity ; a trea- sury of all these excellencies was the earthly part of Rev. John Rogers, son of the very learned Rogers of Ipswich, and grandson of the noted Rogers of Dedham, Old England, the excellent and justly beloved President of Harvard College. Hi- spirit was suddenly taken from us July 20th, A. D. 1684, in the 54th year of his age. Precious is the part that remains with us, even while a corpse." JOHN DENNISON. He was son of John, and grandson of General Daniel Den- nison. His mother was Martha, daughter of Deputy-Governor Symonds. He graduated at Harvard College 1684. He Vpril 5th, 1686, to preach one quarter of the time, as helper to Mr. Hubbard, and, the next year, one third of the time. The affections of his people were strong towards him, and their estimation of his merit uncommonly high. They elected him for their pastor, hut he was not ordained. God, who knows the end from the beginning, who often looks 30 234 FIRST CHURCH. MINISTERS. on the objects of his favor with eyes different from those of short-sighted men, designed him only for a transient residence on earth. Thus controlled by a power, in whose government he reposed an affectionate confidence, he, however strongly drawn to life by the wishes of many hearts, dutifully yielded to the message of his heavenly Father, and fell asleep in Jesus Christ. His decease was Sept. 14th, 1689, in his 24th year. He left a wife, Elizabeth, who was daughter of Nathaniel Saltonstall of Haverhill, and who m. the Rev. Rowland Cotton of Sandwich, and d. in Boston July 9th, 1726, in her 58th year. He also left a son, John. The description given of Mr. Dennison by Cotton Mather, was deserved: — "A gentleman of uncommon accomplishments and expectations, of whom the Church in Ipswich hoped, that under his shadow they should sit many years. He was to them a pastor, of whose fruit they tasted with an uncommon satisfaction." JOHN ROGERS. He was son of John, President of Harvard College ; b. July 7th, 1666, graduated at Harvard College 1684. He is de- sired, March 9th, 1686, with Mr. Dennison, to assist in the ministry here. He appears to have complied till Dec. 24th, 1689, when he is offered land, if he would be settled. 1692, Sept. 1st. A committee prepare for his ordination, which is to be on the 12th of October. A reason why he was not ordained before, was, that he and his parishioners did not have the same understanding about one hundred acres of land, which were promised him, on the condition previously men- tioned. 1702, Aug. 13th. As Mr. Hubbard was unable to preach, Mr. Rogers, at the request of the Church, agrees to carry on the whole work of the ministry, till suitable help can be obtained. Aid of this kind was procured for him the last of this year. * 1705, Dec. 5th. The Legislature order two pamphlets, sent them by John Rogers and John Rogers, Jr., to be burnt by the common hangman, near the whipping-post in Boston. There can be little doubt but that one of these individuals was the Rev. Mr. Rogers of Ipswich, and the other the Rev. Mr. Rogers of Boxford, and after- wards of Leominster. What the pamphlets were, which gave * Prov. R. FIRST CHURCH; MINISTERS. 236 so great offence, is not related, though it is likely, that they were upon the opposition, which the House was making to Her Majesty's instructions to the Governor, about his salary and other topics, which produced much excitement. 1706, May '26th. Mr. Rogers preaches an Election Sermon. It seems that the displeasure of a preceding Legislature did not debar him from being thus honorably noticed. Perhaps the excessive severity, which brought down fire upon his pamphlet, produced a reaction in his favor. 11 -J*!, Oct. 6th. lie writes to his people that he had served them thirty-seven years, had lost by having his salary in depreciated hills, had sold one portion and another of his estate, and mortgaged the remainder to make up the deficiency of main- tenance for his family ; had said nothing to his parish about his condition, and wished to live in love with them and die in peace. This append was not without eil'ect. His Congre- gation immediately vote him £100 to clear his property from incumbrance. He was not alone in having his salary paid in depreciated bills. The clergy of his day were generally and similarly tried. This was the cause of much uneasiness in many parishes. I'-Yh March loth. Mr. Rogers's people grant him £40 to repair his house. 17.'>!>, Sept. He preaches a sermon on the death of John Appleton, which was printed. 1743, July. He writes an interesting ac- count of a revival in his congregation, which was published in " Christian History." Such was the strength of his mind, the amount of his acquisitions in learning and theology, the prominence of his piety, and the persevering labors of his ministry, that he held a high rank in the estimation of his people and of the public. Like his Saviour, he looked upon the salvation of souls, as an object, for which men should spend and be spent more than for any other object upon earth. With merits and views like these, he was indeed a pillar in the temple of God; he had the rich satisfaction of being an instrument of turning many to the altar of mercy, to the feet of Him, who came to seek and save the lost. Thus serving the Lord, he looked on death as a welcome messenger for transferring his soul to a perfect and glorious state of exist- ence. He died Dec. 28th, 1745, in his eightieth year. His parishioners voted £200 O. T. for his funeral expenses. He in. Martha Smith, Jan. 1 2th, 10-7. and Martha, daughter of William Whittingham, Nov. 4th, 1691, who d. March 9th, 236 first church; — ministers. 1759, M. 89. He left children, John, Samuel, William, Nathaniel, and Daniel. He had had other children, Richard, Martha, Mary, Elizabeth, d. when an infant, and Elizabeth, a twin with Daniel. His portrait is among the collections of the Essex Historical Society. According to the custom of his time, it has a white, full-bottomed wig. It presents a fair complexion and an intelligent countenance. Mr. Wiggles- worth of the Hamlet preached a sermon on the occasion of Mr. Rogers's death, Jan. 5th, the Sabbath after his funeral, and gave the following merited character of him : — " He was blessed with a clear apprehension and sound judgment, was of a thoughtful and inquisitive mind. In the diligent improvement of which natural advantages, through the blessing of God, he acquired much knowledge. Christ was pleased to make him a wise steward of the mysteries of the Gospel. What a multitude of most instructive discourses upon the fundamental truths of Christianity hath he delivered from hence ! How edifying, even his private and pleasant conversation to such as visited him ! The doctrines of grace hung much upon his lips. He understood them clearly, and taught them ungainsayingably. We have abundant reason to think, that he was possessed of the treasure of grace as well as gifts. If the tree is to be known and judged by its fruits, we have reason to think him as eminent for his piety as learning ; as great a Christian as a divine. There are many living witnesses of the success of his ministerial labors, as was a multitude, who went before him to glory, both of which shall be his crown, when the great Shepherd shall appear. His old age was not infirm and decrepid, but robust, active, and useful, whereby he was enabled to labor in word and doctrine to the last, and quit the stage of life in action." JABEZ FITCH. He was son of the Rev. James Fitch, of Norwich, Conn. He graduated at Harvard College in 1694 ; was there elected Tutor and Fellow. 1702, Dec. 11th, he consents to be- come colleague with John Rogers ; and is ordained, Oct. 24th, 1703. As he and his people did not agree about a part of what he considered his salary, he became cool in his attach- ment to them, and thought of some other place for his labors. This, as well as other cases, shows, that explicit agreements at first are best for every party concerned in them. After la- FIRST CHURCH; MINISTERS. 231 boring here ably and successfully, he engaged to supply a pulpit at Portsmouth, A.ug. L724. The result was, that he there received an invitation to settle. " Nov. L7th. A coun- cil sit in Boston, about his accepting such a call. He still labored some at Ipswich, up to Dec 1 3th. The nexl summer he was installed at Portsmouth. His chief plea for quitting his charge at [pswicb, was insufficiencj of support. The peo- ple here strove hard to retain him. His claim for their ar- rearages to him \\a-> settled bj referee-, Sept. 22d, !"•-'<;. Ho in. Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel John Appleton, June 10th, 1701. He d. oi' a nervous lever Nov. 2~!d, L746, in his seventy-filth year. He collected facts, relative to New Hampshire, which were of much assistance to Dr. Belknap, in his history of that State. He published a sermon oc- casioned by the earthquake of 1727 ; another at the ordina- tion of John Tuck, at the Isle of Shoals, in 17.'32 ; two on the prevailing throat-distemper, and an account of the same disease in 17^6. His mind was strong and richly stored with learning. His heart was swayed by benevolent affections, and eminently sanctified by the Spirit of grace. His life was long, not only as to years, but also as to usefulness. NATHANIEL ROGERS. He was son of the Rev. John Rogers, b. March 4th, 1702 ; and graduated at Harvard College in 1721. After having as- sisted his father and supplied the place of Mr. Fitch, more than a year, he received a call from the majority of the church here, Aug. 10th, 1726. This call was confirmed by the par- ish Sept. 1.7th, if he would settle on congregational principles, as specified in the platform of church government. His father objected to such a condition, as unprecedented. Still the so- ciety held to it, as indispensable. Their beim, r so particular, seems to have been caused by the increasing desire of young ministers to put down the office of Ruling Elder, which was fully recognised by the Cambridge Platform. 17-27, Oct. 18th. Mr. Rogers is ordained. L739, Sept. 7th. He preaches a sermon, as did his father, on the decease of John Appleton. 17b), July 8th. He is on a Committee^ who report in Boston, a testimony, signed by himself ami man) other ministers : " That there has been a happy and remarka- ble revival of religion in many parts of this land, through an * Dorchester R. 238 first church; — ministers. uncommon divine influence, after a long time of great decay and deadness." In connexion with the testimony, the same Committee give advice against abuses of the revival. 1746. He declines to have John Walley as his colleague, because he was unwilling to exchange with a preacher, who had officiat- ed for a new church in Boston, which had seceded from other orthodox churches. This produced considerable excitement against Mr. Rogers ; still he adhered to his purpose. 1747, Feb. 25th. After much controversy with Mr. Picker- ing, of Chebacco, which began in 1742, concerning the means used for the revival, Mr. Rogers takes part in the ordination of Mr. Cleaveland over the newly formed church there. 1752, Sept. 27th. He proposes to relinquish one third of his salary, towards the support of a colleague. He recom- mends Timothy Symmes, who had assisted him, and who con- tinues several years to labor with him. 1763, March 2d. He preaches at the ordination of John Treadwell, at Lynn ; and, in the same year, delivers a sermon on the death of Dea. Samuel Williams. These discourses were published. 1764, March 30th. He is so sick, as to have help in the ministry. 1765, Nov. 7th. He gives the right hand of fellowship at the ordination of the Rev. Joseph Dana. Grappling with the infirmities of his nature, he sunk under them and died peacefully, May 10th, 1775. Thus, he was taken away at a period, when, with the most of his ministerial brethren, his patriotic feelings were severely tried by the pro- ceedings of the mother country, and when he had deep anxiety as to the results of the revolution, upon which his countrymen had entered. He m. Mary, widow of Colonel John Dennison and daughter of President Leverett, Dec. 25th, 1728; and the widow Mary Staniford, May 4th, 1758, who survived him and d. in 1780. His children were, Margaret, Sarah, Eliza- beth, Martha, Lucy, and Nathaniel. Mr. Rogers was a man of superior intellect, which he industriously cultivated in literary and theological studies. When called upon councils, he was intrusted with a prominent part. It was from a deep sense of duty, that he took on himself and continued to exercise the office of minister. When the path of duty was plainly marked out for him, he resolutely pursued it, whether accompanied by few or many. His great end was to have a clear conscience before the eye of Him, who searches most deeply and most infallibly. To the poor and afflicted, he was a son of conso- FIRST CHURCH: MINISTERS. 239 lation in word and deed. lli-< untiring exertions to build up the cause of Zion, were much blessed !>y the greal Head of the Church. In view of bis motives and conduct, as compared with the teachings of Revelation, he cherished a hope, which was in his soul as an anchor, sure and steadfast. The following lines, illustrating the character of .Mr. Kogers, are upon his tomb-stone. "A mind profoundly [Trent, a heart that felt The iii's of nature, friendship, and humanity, Distinguish'd wisdom, dignity of manners ; Those mark'd th<- man ; — but with superior j:race, The Christian shone in faith and heavenly zeal, Sweet peace, true greatness, and prevailing prayer. Dear man of God ' with what strong agonies Hi' wrestled for his Bock and tor the world ; And. like Apollos, mighty in the Scriptures, Opened ihe mysteries of love divine, And the greal name of Jesus ! Warm from his lips the heavenly doctrine fell, And numbers, rescued from the jaws of hell, Shall hail him hlest in realms of light unknown, And add immortal lustre to his crown." TIMOTHY STMMES. * He was a native of Scituate, Mass., and graduated at Harvard College in 1 "•*}•"}. He was ordained at Millington, in East Haddam, Conn., Dec. 2d, 1736. In the revival of 1742, he did whatsoever his hand found to do. The result of his being so cotnniendahly on the side of religion, was opposition ; which drove him from his society. He came to Ipswich and assisted Mr. Rogers, in 1752 ; and continued here, laboring in season and out of season for the good of souls. In the midst of life, of purposes and endeavours to show himself as a laborer having no need to be ashamed, he was called to number and finish his days. This occurred April 6th, 1756, in his forty-first year. He m. Eunice, daughter of Francis and Hannah Cogswell. She survived him and m. Richard Potter. He left two sons, Ebenezer and William. In 1771, the former of these children was iE. 16, and the latter 15. LEVI FRISBIE. He was born at Bran ford, Conn., about 1748. At the age of sixteen, he gave evidence of piety, and began to fit for Col- lege, under the Rev. Cliezer Whcelock, of Lebanon. He also studied with Dr. Bellamy, of Bethlehem. He enter- ed Yale College in 1767. Here be stayed over three years, * Farmer. 240 first church; MINISTERS. but finished his education at Dartmouth in 1771, in the first class who graduated at this institution. 1772, May 21st. He and David Maccluer are ordained at Dartmouth College, as missionaries to the Indians at Muskingum, " where a re- markable door is opened for the Gospel." 1772, June 19th. He and his fellow-laborer set out on their mission, expecting to be supported by the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge. While on their journey, they heard, that the Indians, to whom they were going, were inclined to a war with the English. Before getting to the immediate vi- cinity of their intended station, Mr. Frisbie was taken danger- ously sick with a fever. He recovered ; and as the condition of the Indians at Muskingum was very unsettled, he and Mr. Maccluer spent about seven months among the white scattered population, making their chief place of residence at Fort Pitt. After this period, they returned to New England. We are informed, that Mr. Frisbie, still desirous to prosecute the duties of a missionary, travelled to the southward and also to Canada. In a letter of his to a friend, he states that he was on a mission in the counties of Lincoln and Kennebec, Me. But this spe- cific manner of preaching the Gospel he was constrained to relinquish, on account of the unsettled state of the whole coun- try, occasioned by the Revolution. 1775, March. As Mr. Rogers was unable to perform his parish duties, Mr. Fris- bie is engaged to assist him. Being approved by the people, they gave him a call, and he was installed Feb. 7th, 1776. With his brethren in the ministry, he was deeply interested in the struggle of our country for Independence. While he chiefly sought the spiritual welfare of his flock, he was not in- active for the temporal prosperity of the nation. When the tidings of peace came, he was selected by the town to deliver an oration. This, being pertinent to the occasion, was pub- lished, as well as the following productions of his. 17S4. A Funeral Address, at the interment of the Rev. Moses Parsons, of Newbury. 1799. Two Fast Sermons. A Right Hand of Fellowship, at the ordination of Josiah Webster. 1800. Thanksgiving Sermon. Eulogy, occasioned by the death of Washington. 1804. A Sermon, before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians. The last days of Mr. Frisbie were considerably embittered by the loss of some parishoners, who left him to aid in the forma- tion of a new society in the town. His sensibility was great, FIRST CHURCH; MINISTERS. J 11 which, added to the infirmities of his at:e, led him to think more of such a defection, than be would have done in earlier life, and to apprehend worse effects from it, than really fol- lowed. It was such returns for long, faithful, and benevolent effort^, that led him to think, with pious submission, " 1 would not live always." The last office, which he performed in the house of God, was to administer the communion, when he in- troduced the present incumbent to his pulpit. This was Sept. 21st, 1805 : and he d. Feb. 25th, L806, and was buried the 28th. His parish voted s KM) to purchase mourning for bis family. The Rev. Asahel Huntingdon, of Topsfield, preached his funeral sermon. Mr. Frisbie in. Zeruiah, the eldest daughter of Captain Samuel Sprague, of Lebanon, Conn. She, being sick only >ix days, d. Aug. 21st, 1778, ZE. 31 years and 5 months. He in. Mehitable, daughter of the Rev. Moses Male, of Xewbury -New Town, June 1st, 17S0 ; who d. April 6th, 1828, A\. 76. He bad children. Mary, Sarah, Levi. Nathaniel, and Mehitable. As to his person, Mr. Frisbie was of light complexion, above the common height, and rather large. As a tribute to his merit, rendered to him by his friend and brother in the ministry here, Dr. Dana, we have the fol- lowing. " His manner was serious, his conception lively, his expression natural and easy. He was interesting and profita- ble. He read, thought, and conversed much. His labors were blessed. In bis catechizing and visits he was affection- ate. He had great tenderness of conscience. The loss to his family and flock is great. The vicinity are greatly bereaved. The Society for Promoting the Gospel have, in him, lost a worthy member. Zion at large will mourn. But to him, it is believed that death is a blessed release." DAVID TENNEY KIMBALL. He is son of Daniel and Elizabeth Kimball, inhabitants of Bradford, b. Nov. 23d, 1782. He graduated at Harvard Col- li-, in I -().}; was an assistant in Phillip's Academy. Andover, one j ear ; studied divinity with the Rev. Jonathan French, and was ordained Oct. 8tb, 1806. We now close our account of the ministers, who have la- bored, and all but one of whom have (dosed their lives, in the First Church of Ipswich. The doctrines, which they, as well 31 242 FIRST CHURCH J FASTS, &C as all the rest of the Congregational ministers of the town, have taught, are those of the Reformation, as adopted by the Assembly at Westminister, in England, and by the churches of Massachusetts in 1680. Fasts for Ministers. These have been appointed by the church, and then con- curred in by the parish, whenever they were about obtaining a new minister. A similar custom has prevailed in the other churches of this place. Ordination Expenses. These, in 1692, were £24 ; and in 1727, £55 10s. 5d. Salary and Settlement. 1652. The salaries of the ministers, having been together £140, are raised to £160. This, in 1656, was paid, " three parts in wheat and barley, and the fourth in Indian." 1665, £210 ; and in 1686, £160, for salaries. These, in 1696, were paid one third in money and " the rest in pay." 1704. £150, current money, are voted to Mr. Fitch for the settlement promised him. 1726. Nathaniel Rogers is to have £130 annually for three years, and then £150. 1776. Levi Frisbie has £100 salary. 1806. David T. Kimball has §600, and parish lands, for salary, and §600 settlement. The various dispositions of a people are often perceived in their conduct about salary engagements. Some appear to think, that they have a right to set very lightly by their con- tract with a minister, and to treat him as a slave, because they grudgingly pay him a tax. Others act in a very different manner. These, if manifesting kindness, justice, and generosity more to one class of men than to another, do it to the consis- tent preachers of the Gospel. Such individuals are the lights of a congregation, who strengthen the hands and encourage the FIRST CHURCH ; PARSONAGE/ &£C 243 heart of their pastor, when dispirited with opposition. They are ready to own and practise the truth, that every people should as punctually and civilly discharge their pecuniary ob- ligations to their ministers, as a good paymaster does his to the merchant, who has fairly sold him merchandise. Parsonage. 1(>.')(). £100 are voted towards building a house for Mr. Cohbet. This vote occasioned much difficulty, and was at last confirmed by the General Court. I '!(>(). Eight acres of land, by Mile Brook, are ordered for the ministry ; to which six more, on the north of the river, are added in 1<><> 1. 1731. A lot on Turkey Hill Eighth, is granted by the commoners, to the ministry, on the north of the river. It was afterwards exchanged For land in Hull Brook pasture. [fever parsonages were needed, and undoubtedly they were, they are in these days of instability for clergymen. Meeting-Houses. There is mention made, in the grants of lands, of a meeting- house as built before 1637. This edifice was probably erected soon after the settlement of the town. Tradition in- forms us, and circumstances confirm it, that the first house of worship stood on the rise of ground, now occupied by the dwelling-house and bam of the Hon. John Heard. In 1646, Johnson says, "Their meeting-house is a very good prospect to a great part of the town, and beautifully built." 1678. A new house has been recently paid for. Dunton remarked, in 1636, that it was handsomely built. 1700. Another is completed this year, 66 feet long, 60 wide, and 26 stud, for £500 in money and £400 " in pay." 1702. A clock and dial are purchased for the meeting- bouse. 1712. A belfn is made. Before this, a turret had been placed on the top of the roof for the bell. 1749, April 19th. Another is raised and still stands, 63 feet long, 47 wide, and 26 stud. 1819. The house is furnished with stoves. 244 first church; — seating, &c. The same site has served for the last three houses. These all had seats, instead of pews, on the right and left of the broad aisle ; one row of them being for adult males, and the other for adult females. Seating and other regulations of Meeting- Houses. 1642. Dogs are forbidden to enter the house on Sabbath and lecture days, on penalty of their owners being fined. This rule was repeated long afterwards. 1663. The Elders and magistrates are to appoint seats for members of the congregation. This custom lasted till 1710, and probably later. It was very difficult, because done accord- ing to office and taxes paid, and because many thought they were not placed among so respectable persons, as they should be. Hence it w T as, that some refused to sit where appointed, and that a fine of 5s. was imposed on any one for sitting a day in any place not designated for him. 1745. Tythingmen prosecuted young and old, who behaved disorderly in time of worship. Bell. 1659. There was one rung at nine o'clock, probably P. M. This, we are told, was given by the Hon. Richard Salstonstall. 1696. It was voted to have another of two hundred pounds from England. This was sold to Marblehead in 1700, and its proceeds went towards the purchasing of one weighing six hundred pounds. 1716. The bell was rung at. five o'clock in the morning, from 6th of March. 1769. It was rung at half past twelve at noon, and at nine in the evening. 1827. It began to be rung at twelve for dinner, and has continued to be so. FIRST CHURCH; CHURCH CONCERNS. 215 Church Concerns. •1653, .M;i\ 18th. The General Court order a letter of thanks to the Church here, for their self-denial in giving up Mr. Norton, so that he might be settled in Boston. But this Church did not so understand the matter. 1655, M;i\ 23d. The Legislature appoint a committee to consider the case of Boston and Ipswich about Mr. Norton. The Committee report, that two years have passed since Bos- ton Church desired Ipswich Church to relinquish Mr. Norton ; that the question was submitted to a council, who decided, Feb. 1653, that the vote of Ipswich Church, of Feb. 21st, 1653, was understood by themselves to be in the negative, but by Boston Church in the affirmative ; that the latter Church sent messengers to the former, to debate the meaning of the vote, and still received for answer, that no permission had been given for him to leave. The Boston Church called a council, and invited messengers from Ipswich. The Council sat Nov. 1653, and advised that Mr. Norton move thither. Hence, the Committee observe, that " troubles are increasing in Ipswich Church, which threaten its dissolution, together with disappointment of Boston Church, and of the country, by losing Mr. Norton, while the two Churches are contending for him." In view of these reasons the General Court order a council of twelve churches to meet here the 2d Tuesday of June. They designate three to represent their desire in the Council that Mr. Norton may continue in Boston. As he was installed next year, the Council appear to have decided as the Legislature wished. This body voted, that the expense of councils, convened for this business both here and at Boston, should be paid out of the Colonial treasury. 1663, Jan. The printed result of the Synod came recom- mended to the Church by the General Court. 1676, March 9th. A proposal is made to the Church here, by ministers of Boston and this vicinity, to renew covenant, so that God may pardon prevailing sins and remove judg- ment';. 1724, Nov. 27th. The Church had chosen a committee to attend a council at Boston, about advising Mr. Fitch as to his leaving Ipswich for Portsmouth. • Col. R. 246 MINISTER OF NEW MEADOWS. 1746, March 23d. They decide that the sending of their pastor and delegates, to ordain Mr. Cleaveland at Chebacco, was regular. 1782, Oct. They agree to articles respecting their duty to persons who have owned the covenant and who have been baptized in infancy, and other duties to be discharged " at the present day of darkness and delusion." 1783, Aug. 24th. A child, dangerously ill, is baptized at the house of its parents. 1790, Oct. 10th. A woman, unable to go out, is received into the Church at her home, in presence of two deacons and other members. Quarterly Fast. 1780, May 30th. The First and South Churches become united with the Chebacco Church in such a fast, which the last Church had observed some years, and which corresponded with the plan, published by a number of ministers in Scotland in 1744. The Church at the Hamlet came into the same union, July 23d, 1780. This fast has been observed to the present time. It was formerly much more fully attended than it has been of late years. THE MINISTER OF NEW MEADOWS. WILLIAM KNIGHT. Refusing to conform to the injunctions of Ecclesiastical Courts in England, he embarked for Massachusetts, and was received as an inhabitant of Salem in 1636-7. He became freeman in 1638 ; was granted two hundred acres of land in Ipswich near the farm of Mr. Hubbard. 1641. He is noticed by Lechford, as a minister residing here. He began to preach at New Meadows and was thus laboring there in 1643. He ap- pears to have been living here in 1673. There is mention of Mr. Knight's farm as late as 1681-2. When he died and who were his family, is not known. He was evidently a conscientious man, and ready to apply his time, talents, and acquirements for the good of his adopted country. south r.vRisii. — south church. 2 17 SOUTH PARISH * 1746, Dec. 2d. Sixty-eighl persons of the First Parish agree, as a means of composing differences, to become incor- porated and ereel a meeting-house on the green, south of the river, and settle Mr. John Walley, if he will, or some other candidate. SOUTH CHURCH. f 1747, July 22d. This body is formed by twenty-two males from the First Church. Aug. 7th. They vote unanimously to call Mr. Walley. Dec. -J 1st. Voted, that persons having owned the baptis- mal covenant may have their children baptized. Though this has not been repealed, it has ceased of late years to be acted on. 1765, May 14th. The Church called Joseph Dana to be- come their pastor, with which the parish concurred the 23d. 1775. The day after Lexington Fight, an agreement was made with the First Church, to observe the following Tues- day, as a season of prayer, "on account of the affecting aspect of the time." .Man) more meetings of this sort were held during the Revolutionary war. and were fully attended. They were followed with good results, and some members were added to the churches. I B28. There were fifteen male and fifty-five female mem- bers. I 333. There were twenty-five male and one hundred and four female members. MINISTERS OF THE SOUTH CHI l:< H. JOHN. WALLEY. He was son of the Hon. John Walley, of Boston, and was 1716. Ho graduated at Harvard College I 7-'5 Land was member of the South Churchin his native place. He was invited to preach * South P. R. t S. C. R. 248 south church; — ministers. for the First Parish Jan. 1747, which he did for eight months, and then received a call from a large majority of the church and congregation. But the Rev. N. Rogers objected, because Mr. Walley declined exchanging with a preacher, who offici- ated for a society of seceders in Boston. Hence it was, that the South Parish came off from Mr. Rogers and invited Mr. Walley to become their minister. 1747, Oct. 19th. Mr. Walley, in answering his call, fears his health will not allow him to preach a lecture once in three weeks, as the people desired, besides catechizing the children. He had shortly before informed the Church, that he did not think, that the Bible authorized Ruling Elders, but that he would acquiesce in the choice of such officers, though he wished to be excused from taking part in their ordination. His opinion, thus express- ed, prevented the Ruling Elders, who were elected, from being ordained. Nov. 4th. Mr. Walley is ordained and preaches a sermon. 1764, Feb. 8th. He had recently requested a dismission, because he had been sick several years and was unable to perform his duties. His request was grant- ed, and he was regularly dismissed the 22d. 1773, May 13th. He was about being installed at Bolton ; whence he took a dismission in 1784, and d. at Roxbury, March 2d. He m. Elizabeth Appleton. In his last will, he says, " I give, as a token of my love, to the South Parish in Ipswich, £13 65. 8cL, the yearly income to be by them given to such persons in the parish, as they shall judge to be the fittest objects of such a charity." Mr. Walley was not above the common height, light complexion, and much pitted with the small-pox. He possessed a good mind, an affectionate and pious heart; was an eloquent writer and speaker. JOSEPH DANA, D. D. He was the son of Joseph and Mary Dana, b. at Pomfret, Conn., Nov. 2d, 1742, graduated at Yale College in 1760. Among the scenes of his boyhood, he related, that, his father being a respectable innkeeper, the wolf killed by General Put- nam was dragged into the entry of their house, and that he with other children ran up stairs, to look with less dread down upon the animal, which had filled the town with alarm. He preached six months with much acceptance to the South Society in Boston. 1765, Nov. 5th. Having officiated at Ipswich several months, he was ordained. The sermon on south ciil'kch; — ministers. Jl'.t this occasion was by Mr. Parsons of Byfield. Dr. Dana entered on the responsible office ol pa-tor, with supreme reli- ance on divine grace for aid and direction, and with an earnest desire to benefit the people ol his charge, as well as others, in their highest interests. In the struggle of our cation for free- dom, lie prayed, preached, and acted, as the Christian patriot. 1801. Deservedly esteemed as worthy of the honor, he was made Doctor of Divinitj at Harvard College. In person he was of about the common height and size, quick and active in his movements, of dark complexion, with marked and intel- ligent features. Though his voice was nut strong, yet it was clear, and, in religious performances, it was accompanied with attractive fervor. In his manners he was kind. ace. ble, and gi ntlemanlj . In morals he was exact, being diligent in business, punctual in engagements, refined and improving in conversation, and upright in bis actions. His intellectual endowments wire of a high order and richlj improved with at- tainments in literature and theology. His style of writing was strong, lucid, and sententious. His piety was the same every- where and at all times, bearing the impress of the Holy Spirit, and appearing as a sacrifice, acceptable in the sight of Deity. Thus constituted and sanctified by his Maker, Dr. Dana plan- ned, purposed, and labored, during a long ministry, as not his own, but bought with a price ; as constantly liable to be summoned before the bar of perfect justice and mercy. It was often his expressed desire, that he might not outlive his useful- ness. His prayer in this respect was signally granted. Very few, of his advanced age, exhibited so much intellectual and physical power to the last. During his ministry many were added to his church, who went before him to another world in the peaceful hope of eternal life. During this protracted period, he, as living in a world of fallen beings, was called to experience consolations and trials peculiar to the pastoral office. The) - , who knew most of Dr. Dana, were most ready to acknowledge him as a man of God. On a special occasion his parish gave the following testimony in reference to him. " We consider it our duty explicitly to bear testimony to the world, of our high opinion of the exemplary pietj and faithfulness, with which our Rev. Pastor has adorned the pr< I a Gospel minis- ter, with us and our fathers, for more than fort) years, and of our belief that, through the whole course of his useful life, the ( Jhris- tian character has appeared.'' Thus approved b\ intelligent 32 250 south church; — ministers. and worthy men, the time came for him to realize the promises of his Redeemer. He was seized with a lung fever, and in four days d. Nov. 16th, 1827. He was buried on the 19th, from his meeting-house, when the Rev. Robert Crovvell preached an appropriate discourse. Dr. Dana in. Mary Stam- ford, the daughter-in-law of the Rev. N. Rogers. She d. May 14th, 1772, in her twenty-eighth year. He m. Mary, daughter of Samuel Turner, of Boston. She d. April 13th, 1803, in her fifty -third year. Professor Tappan preached her funeral sermon. He m. Elizabeth, widow of the Rev. Ebenezer Bradford, of Rowley, Dec, 1803. She d. in 1824, M. about 75. His children were Mary, Joseph, and Daniel, of the first wife ; Elizabeth, Samuel, Sarah, Abigail, and Anna, of the second. He published the following productions by request. 1782. Two discourses, from Proverbs xv. 8, on the sacrifice of the wicked. 1794. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Dana. 1795. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. David Smith. 1795. National Thanksgiving Sermon. 1799. Two Sermons on the National Fast. 1800. Discourse on the Death of Washington. 1801. Sermon before the Convention of Ministers. 1801. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Samuel Dana. 1804. Sermon before the Merrimack Humane Society. 1806. Lecture on Baptism. 1807. Sermon on the Worth and Loss of the Soul. 1807. Integrity Explained and Recommended, before an Association. 1S08. The Question of War with Great Britain. 1808. Sermon at the ordination of the Rev. Joshua Dodge. 1810. Two Sermons on a special occasion. 1S12. Sermon on the Calamity at Richmond. 1812. Sermon before the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1816. Sermon before Essex Auxiliary Education Society. 1818. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Dr. McKean. 1820. Thanksgiving Sermon. 1825. Sermon on the Sixtieth Anniversary of his Ordina- tion. 1827. Discourse on the Fifty-first Anniversary of Ameri- can Independence. SOUTH CHLRCIi; SALARIES, & I . '.'"> I To these may be added : — L803. Charge at the Ordination of the Rev. Joseph Elmer- sen. l-Dl). Right hand of Fellowship at the Ordination of the Rev. I). '1'. Kimball. 1815. Charge at the Ordination of Messrs. Smith and Kingsbury, Missionaries. I --,'<;. Charge at the Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Fit/.. " Also, many communications in periodical publications, anions; which are hymn- and other writings, both in poetry and prose." DANIEL FITZ He is son of Currier and Sarah Fitz, b. at Sandown, N. H., INIay 28th, 175)5, and removed, in earl} infancy, with his parents to Deny. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1818, was an assistant in Derry Academy one quarter, taught an Academy at Salisbury, N. H., two years, and was then invited to take charge o( Marblehead Academy, where he remained a year and a half. He entered Andover Theological Seminary in 1S22, and graduated in 1825. He was ordained Colleague with Dr. Dana, June 28th, 1826. Salaries and Settlements. L747. John Walley has £150 salary, and £1200 O. T. settlement. L765. Joseph Dana has £100 L. M. salary, and £160 settlement. Daniel Fitz has {$650 salary. Meeting-House. 1747, Nov. 4th. This was raised, being forty feet wide, sixty long, and twenty-five stud. It had two stoves in 1819. Parsonage. * 1731 , May 14th. The Commoners vote, thai the super- ( ' moners 1 R 252 LINE BROOK PARISH. numerary lots in South Eighth, be for the use of the ministry on the south side of the river. This has been sold, and the interest of the proceeds aids to meet parish expenses. LINE BROOK PARISH. * 1742, Dec. 2d. A committee report, that the West End do not become a parish, but keep up preaching among them. 1744, April 12th. Voted, that they be set off. f 1746, June 5th. The General Court allow some of West Ipswich and of Rowley to become a distinct parish, who vote, Jan. 27th, 1747, to be called Line Brook Parish. LINE BROOK CHURCH. J 1749, Nov. 15th. Sixteen males sign a covenant and are formed into a Church. This Church had Ruling Elders till after 1757. 1823. There were only two female members. 1833. There were fourteen males and twenty females. Meeting-House. 1744. A house had been erected. A vote is passed in 1747, to have it finished. It was near the burying-ground. The old one is pulled down and another built, on the present spot, in 1828. Parsonage. 1790, Nov. 15th. The town grant Bull Brook towards the support of the ministry, at Line Brook. * First Parish R. t Line Brook P. R. t Church R. LINE BROOK CHUBCH J — MINISTERS. 253 Minis cers oi I . lie preached at the ordination of Samuel Perley, .Ian .'51st, L765. His sermon was primed. 1 7 7 s , July 2d. lie attends Ezra Ross to the gallows, one of his parishioners, execut- ed at Worcester for the murder of Mr. Spooner. 177}), Oct. '2-2d. He asked a dismission, because lie had lost by having his salary in paper money, and had not enough to sup- port his family. Nov. .'30th. He was dismissed by advice of Council, who convened the 4th. 1780, July 12th. He was installed at Washington, New Hampshire. He m. Hepzibah, youngest daughter of Dea. Jonathan Burpee, Oct. -26th, 175(5. His children were, George, David, James, Jonathan, William, Hepzibah, Joseph, and Mehitable. He d. Sept. 11th, 1S00, M. 12. He fitted many pupils for College, and others for the ministry. He had a strong mind. was a noted scholar, and a pious minister. GILBERT TENNANT WILLIAMS. He was son of the Rev. Simon Williams of Windham, IN'ew Hampshire, was b. Oct. 8th, 17(11, at Fold's Manor, IN'ew Jersey, graduated at Dartmouth College 1784, and studied divinity under Mr. Murray of A e\\ bury. 1788, Dec. 2'Sd. He was invited to preach six months at Line Brook, and was ordained the firsl Wednesday of August. His house was in Rowley. 1813, May 6th. As his peo- ple were few and considered themselves unable to alii ml him a competent support, he took a dismission. He preached a Farewell Sermon on this occasion, which was printed. I -I 1, June 1st. He was installed at .Newbury New Town. Having had a shock of the palsy, he left bis people Sept. 1821, "and d. at Framingham, Sept. 24th, 1824. He m. Martha Morrison of Windham, who now resides in Boston. His children were, Simon Tennant, Martha, Samuel Morrison, 254 LINE BROOK CHURCH; MINISTERS. John Adams, and Constant Floyd. He was of about the common height and of a florid complexion. He was a man of integrity, whose motives and exertions were to benefit his fel- low beings. DAVIDTULLAR. He was the son of John and AnnTullar, b. at Shrewsbury, Conn., Sept. 22d, 1748, was brought up in Sheffield, Mass., and graduated at Yale College 1774. Soon after this he kept school at Sheffield six months. When the militia were mustered to invest Boston, he marched thither as a Lieuten- ant. When the militia were disbanded several weeks after, he returned home and began to study divinity. This he did under Drs. Bellamy and West. Being licensed, he preached at Windsor, Vermont, where he was ordained 1779. He was dismissed, on account of ill health, June, 17S4. He was in- stalled at Milford, Connecticut, Nov. 17th of the same year. Leaving this field of labor, he was installed Dec. 7th, 1803, at Rowley. He took leave of his people here 1810 ; preach- ed eight months at Williamstown, where he received a call, but declined it, and thence went to Genessee. Here he preached ten years in many destitute places, as a missionary at his own charges. Finding the duties too oppressive for his health, he came back to Rowley, where he still had faithful friends. Though aged, he employed his time in trying to build up the Society at Line Brook, whose church had be- come very nigh extinct. He entered on this service 1823, and continued in it till 1S30. His endeavours for this period were so divinely blessed, that he was instrumental in gather- ing a scattered flock, and adding strength to its church, and thus preserved them from the dissolution, to which they ap- peared to be fast tending. While Mr. Xullar was in Connecticut, he had students with him to prepare for college, and also for the ministry. His labors in several places were accompanied with revivals of religion. He m. Charity Fel- lows of Sheffield, Massachusetts, Sept. 22d, 1779. He has had no children. Above the common height, and of a majestic appearance, he still discovers traits of the sound mind and of the thorough theological acquisitions which he was justly accounted to possess. BAPTIST SOCIETY. 255 MOSES WELSH. He was born in Plaistow, New Bampshire. He is about forty-seven years of age. He taughl school, and became mem- ber of the lir-i class, wbo went to the Bangor Theological Institution. While here, he had a commission as missionary in Maine, where he preached several years. Thence he came to Amesbury, where he statedly supplied five years, and then two years at Plaistow, his native place, where he was installed, and continued five years more. His health being feeble, he took leave of his people, loth to part with him, and came to Ipswich, in hopes a change of air would help his complaints. He engaged to preach for Line Brook Parish Jan. 1st, 1831. He has continued, with some interruption, to labor success- fully with them. Salary and Settlement. I'll). George Leslie, £100 N. T. and twelve cords of wood salary, and £700 O. T. settlement. 1789. G. T. Williams, £100 L. M. salary and parish land. Moses Welsh has $300. BAPTIST SOCIETY. This was formed Feb. 1806. Their first preacher was H. Pottle. They occupied the building where the Po-t- Ollice now is. Their Church contained sixty-eight communi- cants in 1813. A secession took place from the Church, because discipline was not exercised, .June 4th, 1 - 1 <>. This secession was justified by a Council the 16th of July. The seceders formed themselves into a new Church, Aug. 27th, and met in the building now used by the Bank. William Tay- lor was their first minister. He continued with them till Aug. L818, and took his dismission, because his people were few and unable to support him. When he left the Church, it contained thirty members. Thus destitute of one to guide them, they continued to hold meetings and have the sacra- ment administered occasionally, till Aug. 1820. From this time, they omitted assembling till 1823. In the course of 256 METHODIST SOCIETY, &£C this year, they dissolved. The original Society of Baptists continued, after the secession from them, only one year. METHODIST SOCIETY. 1817. The remainder of the first Baptist Society and some Methodists began to have preaching of the latter denom- ination. They still worshipped in what was formerly a wool- len factory. They gradually enlarged, and were organized March, 1822. As a Society of Methodists, they built their present meeting-house in 1824. Aaron Wait was the first minister with them, 1822-1824; Mr. Josselyn 1S25 ; Mr. Paine 1826, 1827; J. T. Burril 1828-1833; Mr. Bliss 1829 ; Jacob Sanborn 1830 ; Enoch Mudge 1831 ; Mr. Kibby 1832. The church has 150 communicants. UNITARIAN SOCIETY. 1S30, April 28th. Several persons leave the First Parish, having recently formed themselves into a Society. They had preaching a part of the time, on the Sabbath, in the Court- House. Their meeting-house was dedicated Oct. 23d, 1833. RESTRICTIONS AND FINES ON ACCOUNT OF RELIGION. * 1637, Nov. 20th. William Foster and Samuel Sherman, for favoring Mrs. Hutchinson's views, are ordered to give up their arms to William Bartholomew before the 30th. 163S, Sept. William Foster is required to leave the juris- diction of Massachusetts. 1643, Nov. 3d. John Wicks, a Gortonist, brought with others by military force from Providence, is sentenced to confinement and hard labor at Ipswich. 1675, March 30th. Roger and Lucretia Derby are fined for absence from meeting on the Sabbath. 1677, Nov. 6th. They are similarly fined. As they were respectable persons, it is likely that they did not attend Con- gregational worship, on account of some religious scruples. * Col. R. CHEBACCO PARISH. 257 CHEBACCO PARISH. * The people here, having applied to the town for leave to employ a preacher Feb. 1677. who SOOD came among them, and was Jeremiah Sbepard, and having met with considerable opposition from the First Parish in retaining him, are freed by a vote of the town from paying ministerial taxes to that parish, and are allowed to hire preaching on their own account, Dec. loth, io;;». Meeting-House. As the society at Chebacco had worshipped in a private house, and could not get consent from the First Parish to build a meeting-house, some women, without the knowledge of their husbands, a- the Record says, and by the advice of a few men, went to other towns, and obtained help to raise a house of worship. March, 167!). Two men and three women were prosecuted lor this act. .May 28th, The Province Council order these individuals to confess, that such conduct was irregular at the next Quarterly Court in Salem, and thus be excused. — The sanctuary, so erected, may be truly said to have been built " in troublous times." It stood to the north- ward of the present one, on the road leading to Ipswich. 1717, Oct. 11th. Voted to build a new house. It had a turret on the top, and a seat for Ruling Elders. Bell. 1713, Oct. Measures are taken to buy one of 160 lbs. 1740. A turret is to be built on the middle top of the meeting-house for a bell. Parsonage. K')7!>, Dec. 2d. The town grant two acres for the minis- ter's house, and, 1680, Feb. •-'1th, one or two more. 1686, March 23d. They vote, that the ten acres, granted the last year for the ministry, be laid out, and ten more for Mr. W Church. 1631, Aug. 31st. The parish vote to have a church gathered among them. From Oct. 29th, 1727, to Oct. 13th, 1728, there were ninety-four admitted to communion. • 3d P. K. 33 258 CHEBACCO PARISH ; MINISTERS. 1746, May 20th and June 10th. A council, composed of pastors and delegates from nine churches, meet here. The majority of them decide that the secession of certain brethren from Mr. Pickering's ministry, is unjustifiable. The result of this council was long, able, and interesting. 1747, April 7th. The Church write to the First Church, that they intend to deal with them in the third way of disci- pline, for taking part in the ordination of Mr. Cleaveland. Dec. 31st. They approve and empower a committee to have printed " A Letter from the Second Church to their Separatists Brethren, in defence of their deceased Pastor and Themselves." Ministers of Chebacco Parish. JEREMIAH SHEPARD. He was the son of the Rev. Thomas Shepard of Cambridge, b. Aug. 11th, 1648, and graduated at Harvard College 1669. He preached a considerable time at Rowley, where many were strongly desirous to have him ordained. A chief bar to his being ordained there, as well as at Chebacco, was, that he had not united with any Church. 1677. He came to labor among the people here. They were much attached to him and would have had him for their pastor, had they been permitted by the First Church and the General Court. He left by advice of a committee from the Legislature, May 22d, 1680. After this, he became an eminent minister of Lynn, and died there June 2d, 1720, M. 72. JOHN WISE. He was son of Joseph Wise, of Roxbury, baptized Aug. 15th, 1652, and graduated at Harvard College 1673. 1680. As highly recommended by the General Court, he came to preach here, and was ordained Aug. 12th, 1683. 1687, Aug. 23d. He advised the town not to comply with Sir Edmund Andros's order for raising a Province Tax, as being contrary to Charter rights. For this he was tried in Boston, imprisoned, fined heavily, and deposed from his ministry. Having, with other principal men of the town, who acted with him, made a concession for such opposition to the govern- ment, he appears to have been permitted to resume his parochial duties. 1689, May 9th. Mr. Wise was one of two Representatives from Ipswich, to meet in Boston and help re-organize the former Legislature after the administra- CHEBACCO PARISH J MINISTERS. 259 tion of Andros was overthrown. Dec. 24th. He was ap- pointed with the selectmen, by the town, to draw np, accord- ing to the order of the General Conn, a narrative of the late Governor's treatmenl towards himself, and other Ipswich inhabitants. This narrative, like others of the kind, was forwarded to England to substantiate charm's against Andros, formal-administration. About this time, Mr. Wise deem- ed it his duty to prosecute Mr. Dudley, Chief Justice, for refusing him the privileges of the habeas corpus act, while he was imprisoned. * 1(590, July 5th. He is desired by the Legislature to go as Chaplain in the expedition against Can- ada. He went. When, in 1705, it was recommended by the Boston clergymen, as an association, to other similar bodies, to consider the proposal for having each association so connected with its Churches, as to form a Standing Council, to which ecclesiastical difficulties might be referred, Mr. V\ ise was active to prevent such a measure. On this occasion, he wrote "The Church's Quarrel Espoused," printed 1710. About 1717, he published "A Vindication of the Govern- ment of the New England Churches." Both of these pro- ductions are deservedly standard works in ecclesiastical con- cerns. 17*21. He was among the few philanthropists, who came forward to advocate the inoculation for the small-pox, against deep-rooted prejudices and general reproaches. Dur- ing bis ministry, there was a remarkable coincidence between one of his prayers and the result. A boat's crew from his parish were captured by pirates on our coast. When beseech- ing the Lord, on a Sabbath morning, to give them speedy deliverance, he said, " Great God ! if there is no other way, may they rise and butcher their enemies." The next day the men arrived and related, that, the very morning before, they had attacked the pirates and killed them. In per- son, Mr. Wise was of a majestic form, and of great muscular strength and activity. When young and before his ordina- tion, he was accounted a superior wrestler. Such repute was much more respectable in his day than in ours. Some years after his settlement at Chebacco, Capt. John Chandler of Andover, who had found no champion able to throw him, came down on purpose to prevail with Mr. W r ise to try strength with him. After much objection, he consented to ■ Prov. R. 260 CHEBACCO PARISH; MINISTERS. take hold once with the Captain. The result was, that the An- dover gentleman found himself, in a few minutes, on his back, and was compelled to own himself beaten. The intellectual power of Mr. Wise compared well with his physical power. His mind was of the first rank. His classical and theological attainments were eminent. His composition was rich in thought, purity, learning, and piety. His oratory was elo- quent. His services were often desired and given on Church councils. " In the beginning of his last sickness, he ob- served to a brother in the gospel, that he had been a man of contention ; but, as the state of the Church made it neces- sary, he could say upon the most serious review of his con- duct, that he had fought a good fight." He died as he had lived, in the faith of the Son of God. This occurred April 8th, 1725. An exchange of worlds to him, was, so far as human perception can discern, an entrance upon a higher, more active, and blessed state of existence. It was truly inscribed on his tomb-stone, " For talents, piety, and learning, he shone as a star of the first magnitude." He left a wife, Abigail, and children, Jeremiah, Lucy, Joseph, Ammi Ruhami, Mary, Henry, and John. THEOPH1LUS PICKERING. His parents were John and Sarah, of Salem, b. Sept. 28th, 1700. He was graduated at Harvard College 1719. March 29th, 1725, he was invited to assist Mr. Wise, who was sick. Having preached acceptably here, he was ordained Oct. 13th, 1727. The earthquake of this year was immediately followed by a powerful reformation among his people, which called for his abundant labors. A usual degree of harmony prevailed between him and his congregation till 1742. At this time the revival spirit, as promoted by Whitefield, was infused into some individuals of Chebacco. Such persons were for hear- ing other ministers, than those approved by their pastor, and for employing other means of grace than those he thought best to use. The fact was, that he was apprehensive lest the new measures of Whitefield should result in the unnecessary divi- sion of churches and congregations. Hence, like some of his clerical brethren in the vicinity, he set himself against the ex- ertions which part of his parish made to introduce such meas- ures among themselves. This, of course, brought on him their suspicion, that he was unfriendly to revivals. But he cHEBACCO PARISH J — MINISTERS. 2G1 contended that he was heartily favorable to revivals, as conduct- ed by the New England ministers. The persons, whom he SO withstood, ui'iv rounlenanecd In the Rev. N. Rogers and 1 1 i - brother Daniel, of Ipswich. This produced a coldness be- tween .Mr. Pickering and the Messrs. Rogers, which was fol- lowed by several letters between them on the [mints of their disagreement. L742, Aug. 9th, he writes to the Rev. James Davenport, of Long bland, then at Mr. Rogers' of Ips- wich, lie desires Mr. Davenport not to come and preach among his people, because he considered his late conduct as very irregular. 1745, Feb. L2th, he sends a letter to Mr. W hiteiield. stating the reasons why he had declined having him preach for his people, when he was recently at Chebacco. 1* l~. Mr. Pickering publishes " A Bad Omen to the Churches in the Instance of Mr. John Cleaveland's Ordination over a Separation in Chebacco Parish." He was indefatigable to pre- vent this ordination, but without avail. While preparing to answer a publication, called " A Plain Narrative by the New Church," he was taken sick, and died Oct. 7th, 1747. What he thus left unaccomplished, his Church did for him after his decease. He was not married. From the misapprehen- sion which he appears to have cherished, as to the results of the Whitefield measures for promoting religion, the impres- sion has been on many minds, that he was not friendly to orthodox doctrines. But the majority of an Evangelical Council decided differently, the minority being those with whom he bad a controversy for favoring the brethren, who seceded from him. Such a majority, in reference to one charge, brought against him 1746, namely, " Your not clearing up the doc- trines of mace, as you ought," say, "We have not been able to discern any such defects in said Pastor's discourses." Though the latter part of Mr. Pickering's ministry was much embittered by difficulty with the dissatisfied among his people, yet be had warm and valuable friends to comfort him. He was gifted with a mechanical genius, which, by way of exer- cise, lie often indulged. His mental abilities were of no ordi- nary kind. He had a strong taste for learning, which he com- mendably cultivated. As a logician, few were before him. He was well versed in Theology. He held the pen of an able and ready writer. His ministry was uncommonly successful. Nearly two hundred were added to his Church, while be was their pastor. Summoned from his gospel field of labor, he 262 FOURTH CHURCH. departed in the hope of acceptance with Him, who is not slack concerning his promise. NEHEMIAH PORTER. His father and mother were Nehemiah and Hannah, of the Hamlet. He was b. March 20th, 1720, and graduated at Harvard College 1745. He was ordained as successor to Mr. Pick- ering, Jan. 3d, 1750. For a considerable period, he lived in peace with his people. At length, however, difficulty pre- vailed. This occasioned several councils. Referees being chosen by Mr. Porter and his opponents, they met April 29th, 1766, to hear their respective pleas. They decide, May 3d, that it is best for him to have his connection with them dis- solved, if his Parish pay him £340 L. M. One reason why this sum was so large was, that his regular salary had not been paid up. In June, he takes his dismission. He soon went down to Cape Canso, where some emigrants from Ipswich re- sided, and preached there two or three years. After this, he became installed at Ashfield, where he died Feb. 29th, 1820, nearly 100 years old. He m. Rebecca, daughter of the Rev. John Chipman of Beverly. She d. Oct. 28th, 1763, M. 36. His second wife was Elizabeth Nowell, of Boston, who sur- vived him. He had several children. For a more par- ticular account, of him, see the " Boston Recorder," No. 33, Vol. V. Salaries. 1678. Jeremiah Shepard, £60. 1681. John Wise, £60, two thirds of it in produce, and the rest in money, with the strangers' contributions, and 40 cords of wood, 8 loads of marsh hay, and ten acres of land. 1725. Theophilus Pickering, £120, to rise or fall, as the paper money does, — parsonage and contribution of strangers. 1749. Nehemiah Porter £500, in paper currency, and the parsonage. FOURTH CHURCH. 1744, Sept. 22d. The brethren who formed this Church, say, that Mr. Pickering having declined to allow them a Council, " we then tried the third way of communion, got SIXTH PAKISH. \>{Y.) the pastor, Mr. Wigglesworth, of the Third Church, to call on him, and he renewed the visit with two other neigh- bouring pastors; bul Mr. Pickering did Dot agree with their proposals. Mr. Wigglesworth then laid the subject before his Church, and they voted a letter to Mr. Pick- ering." 174."), March 18th. .Mr. Pickering offers the aggrieved brethren a mutual Council, as advised by the Third ( 'lunch. Aug. This Church reprove the Second Church, because they had not proceeded to call a Coun- cil. The Second Church wen: about to comply, but delayed, as Mr. Pickering made proposals for leaving them. 1716, Jan. I -5th. Sixteen members of Mr. Pickering's Church vote to secede and form themselves into another Society, and, except two of them, to have preaching, if he do not leave as they expect. May 30th. The two separate Churches of Boston and Plainfield meet here by their representatives, and advise the brethren to become a Church. The cove- nant is signed on the 22d, by nine brethren, who were some- times called " New Lights." Thirty-two females are united with them. 17 17. Twenty-four were admitted. 17.70, Oct. 23th. Voted, that the pastor and six delegates, according to imitation of the Rev. Jonathan Parsons, of Newbury, go thither and see "on what terms a coalition may be made with the Presbytery." This subject was under consideration several months, but was decided in the negative. 1757. More than usual additions. 1764. Eighty-four become members. SIXTH PARISH. 1746, Jan. 20th. This is formed out of the Second. 17 18, Feb. 8th. They petition the General Court for incor- poration. They were, as a singular fact, connected with the Fourth Church. Meeting-House. 1752. This was erected where the present one stands. Minister of the Sixth Parish. JOHN ( II. WELAND. His father and mother were Josiah and Abigail. He was b. at Canterbury, Conn., April 11th. 1722. I fe entered Yale College 1741, and continued here till a few weeks before the 264 SIXTH PARISH ; — MINISTER. close of his senior year. Then he was required by the Gov- ernment to leave, because he went to hear, in the May vacation, a preacher who was a follower of Whitefield, and who officiat- ed where his parents worshipped. Subsequently convinced, that they had wronged Mr. Cleaveland, the College granted him a degree, and had him recorded among the graduates of his class in 1764. Previously to his settlement here, he preached for a new Society in Boston, who were called Sepa- ratists, which was a common term then ; because they with- drew from Churches there, who protested against the means used by the Rev. James Davenport for promoting religion, while he was" on a visit among them. Mr. Cleaveland was invited by that Society to become their Pastor ; but he de- clined. 1746, Dec. 17th. Having preached "formerly and latterly," for the New Church at Chebacco, he receives a call from them, and is ordained Feb. 25th, 1747. 1747, Sept. 15th. He appears to have written " A Plain Narrative " of this date, which defends his people and' himself against the charge of irregularity, as contained in Mr. Pickering's " Bad Omen." 1748. " Chebacco Narrative Rescued from the Charge of Falsehood and Partiality," bears marks of coming from the same pen. These, as well as the subsequent produc- tions of his, were all printed. 1758. He was Chaplain of a Provincial Regiment at Ticonderoga, and was on the battle-ground when Lord Howe was killed. 1759. He serves in a like capacity, in an expedition against the French, at Louisburg. 1763. He composes an Essay on Im- portant Principles in Christianity, with Animadversions on Dr. Jonathan Mayhew's Thanksgiving Sermon. 1765. He replies to the same clergyman. He writes a Justification of his Church from the strictures of the Rev. S. Wigglesvvorth, of the Hamlet, and the Rev. Richard Jaques of Gloucester. 1767. His Narrative of a Revival of Religion among his peo- ple in 1763 and 1764. 1775. He is chaplain of a regi- ment at Cambridge ; and 1776, a short campaign in New York. 1776. An Attempt to nip in the bud the Unscrip- tural Doctrine of Universal Salvation. 1784. A Disserta- tion in support of Infant Baptism. His Defence of the Result of a late Council, against Dr. Whitaker's Remarks. 1785. A Sermon at the Ordination of his Son at Stoneham. Mr. Cleaveland also wrote many political pieces for newspapers, before and during the revolutionary contest. He m. Mary, SIXTH PARISH; MINISTERS. 265 the only daughter of Parker Dodge of the Hamlet, July 31st, I" 17. She died of a cancer April I Ith, L769, in her 46th year. He in. Mary, widow of Capt. John Foster, of .Man- chester. Sept. 1769. She d. at Topsfield April L9th, 1S10, in her SOih vear. An address was delivered at her inter- ment in Chebacco by the Rev. Asahel Huntingdon. Mr. I iveland's children were, Mary. John, Parker. Ebenezer, Elizabeth, Nehemiab, and Abigail. After a short and painful sickness he d. April 22d, 1799. 'I'll' 1 Rev. Joseph J), ma preached his funeral sermon from 2 Kings, ii. L2. This parish voted $80 for the expenses of his burial. Mr. Cleaveland had him' eyes and a florid complexion, was near six feel tall. \vi\ I . real muscular strength and activity. Only a fortnight before his decease he preac with much animation and walked with great elasticity. In his domestic, social, and parochial relations, he was kind, faithful, and magnanimous. He had a large share of physical and moral courage, tempered with the wisdom, which yields a point, when duty calls. He had a nature capable of combat- ing and overcoming perils and difficulties. Few men have bad more trials, than he had, at the outset of their ministry ; and few have come out of them so commendably as he did, His opposers in high places were constrained to acknowledge his integrity and worth. So steadily and prudently did he pursue his course, that he was instrumental to the union, which took place between the two Societies of Chebacco, which had been long and bitterly at variance. His intellectual abilities were superior and well improved. He was a scribe well in- structed in the things which pertain to the kingdom of God. His style of composition was nervous and logical. He was not much in the habit of writing his sermons. Still he did not come to the sanctuary without beaten oil. He delivered hi- discourses with much previous thought and arrangement, \ ed people, who remember his performances, speak of him as one of the most popular and powerful preachers of the many whom they heard. His voice was heavj and had :;reat compass. His utterance was rapid, yet very distinct. He had a great degree of natural and expressive gesture when speaking. Like other clergymen of his day, he was anxious lest European infidelity should contaminate our Republic, and ho strove hard to pre- vent so pernicious an occurrence. His love of country was such, that he perseveringly and efficiently sought its highest 34 266 CHEBACCO PARISH SECOND CHURCH. welfare, both temporal and spiritual. To his people, he was " an ascension gift" indeed. He was divinely enabled to turn many of them to ways of wisdom and salvation. The ruling motive which most shone out from his soul, amid the various and untiring efforts of a protracted ministry, was to please God and bring honor to his great name. Thus it came to pass, that the promises of Revelation, which he often held up to others, were the staff on which he leaned when summoned to pass through the valley and shadow of death. Dr. Nathaniel Emmons truly said of him, that he " was a pattern of piety and an ornament to the Christian and clerical profession. He stood high among the first of faithful preachers of the gospel, and zealous promoters of the cause of Christ and the good of souls." Quarterly Fast. 1760. The Church agree to spend one day every quarter of a year in Congregational Fasting and Prayer, for the out- pouring of God's Spirit upon them and all nations. Salary. Till the union of the two Societies in Chebacco, Mr. Cleaveland had his salary by subscription, and afterwards he had about £65 and the parsonage. Union of the Second and Fourth Churches. After many years of separation, in a part of which, the in- tercourse of neighbours and friends was embittered by jealousy, disaffection, and difference, which commonly arise between rival societies, such a union was formed to the great gratifica- tion of every well wisher to the peace and welfare of the community. This took place by advice of Council Oct. 26th, 1774, when the two Churches agree to be called the Second Church. The two Parishes accepted this result and assumed the name of the Second Parish. CHEBACCO PARISH — SECOND CHURCH. This Church, united with the Fourth, and assuming its original name, as previously stated, enjoyed a peace within its borders, to which it had long been a stranger. The last of its CHEBACCO PARISH SEC. CHURCH: MINISTERS. \!ti7 Ruling Elders (such officers having been elected soon after .Mr. Cleaveland's ordination) Eleazer Craft, who died 1790. Ministers of Chebacco Parish — Second Church. josiah webster. His parent- were Nathan and Elizabeth Webster. He was b. atChester, N. H., Jan. Kith. 1772; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1798 : ordained at Chebacco, Nov. 13tb, I 799, when the Rev. S. Peabody of Atkinson, N. II.. preached, with whom lie had studied divinity. He took a dismission July 23d, 1806, and was installed at Hampton, l\. II., June 8th, L808, where he has enjoyed a successful ministry. THOMAS HOLT. His father and mother were Daniel and Mary Holt. He was b. at Meriden, Conn., Nov. 9th, nil--* : graduated at Yale Col- lege 1784 : resided there most of 1785, and pursued his studies of divinity under Professor Samuel Wales, and afterwards with Benjamin Trumbull, D. D., of North Haven. He was ordained at Hardwick, June 25th, 1789 ; and closed his con- nexion with the Church there, .March -27th, 1805. He was in- stalled at Chebacco Jan. 25th, L809, and took his dismission April 20th, 1813. He has resided since on a farm in Hardwick. ROBERT CROWELL. His parents were Capt. Samuel and Mrs. Lydia Crowell. He was b. in Salem, Dec. 9th, L787 ; graduated at Dartmouth 1811 ; taught school one year in his native place; studied his profession with Samuel Worcester, D. D. ; after having preached at Chebacco about twelve months, he was ordained Aug. 10th, 1814. Meeting-Hoi be. 1792. Jan. 5th. After many proposals, it is agreed to build a meeting-house, near where the Old South one stood. It was raised in June. A vole wa^ passed to furnish it with stoves, Dec. Kith, 1818. 268 essex: INCORPORATION, boundaries, extent. Salary ; — Settlement. 1799. Josiah Webster, $334 and parsonage for salary; $500 settlement. 1804. He had $100 added to his salary. 1808. Thomas Holt, $500 and parsonage for salary. 1814. Robert Crowell, $600 and eight cords of wood for the same. CHRISTIAN SOCIETY. This was formed April 5th, 1808. Their house was erec- ted 1809. They have not had a constant supply of preachers. At first, Mr. John Rand officiated in the ministry among them about seven years. UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY. This was formed April 28th, 1829. ESSEX INCORPORATION. After several attempts on the part of the people at Chebac- co to be set off from Ipswich, they became incorporated Feb. 5th, 1819, and took the name of Essex. As an indemnity, on account of the poor and other things, this town paid $3000, besides $2270, their share in public property, for this privi- lege to the parent-town. BOUNDARIES. — EXTENT. Essex is bounded on the North by Ipswich, East by Glou- cester, West by Hamilton, and South by Manchester. Its greatest length is five miles and a quarter from North to South, and its mean length four and a half. Its greatest breadth from East to West is four miles, and its mean breadth three and a quarter. ESSEX : SOIL PRODUCTIONS MANUFACTURES. 269 SOIL. — PRODUCTIONS. The soil is chiefly argillaceous, loamy, gravelly, and marshy. In 1831, it was divided into 406 acres of tillage, ■>'' of En- glish and upland mowing, 78 of fresh meadow, LI — 12 of salt marsh, 2554 of pasture inclusive of orchard pasturage, 1095 of woodland exclusive of pasture land enclosed, 295 unim- proved, and 120 of unimprovable. Besides these divisions of land, there were 250 acres for roads and L200 covered with water. Productions, in the same year, were, 25 bushels of rye, ><>l of barley, 5171 of com, 521 tons of English and upland hay, 39 of meadow hay, and 1034 tons of salt hay. In addition to these were potatoes and other vegetables, apples, and other fruits. Live Stock. 1831. There were 73 horses above one year old, 194 oxen of four years and over, 380 cows of three years and more, 39 steers and heifers above one year old, 168 sheep of six months and above, 143 swine of a similar age. MANUFACTURES. Mills ; three saw-mills, two grist-mills, and one carding- mill ; a bark, rolling, and hide mill. Tanners & Curriers, two ; Carpenters, fifteen ; Ropewalks, three, two of them in operation ; Coopers, three ; Wheelwright, one ; Painters, two ; Cabinetmaker, one ; Mason, one ; Brick-makers, two ; Cordwainers, there are eighteen shops where such mechanics work ; Blacksmiths, nine ; Caulkers k (J ravers, five ; Ship- building, — in this employment, thirty-eight master-workmen, now living, have built and are building vessels. A large num- ber of hands are hired for such work, each of whom receives, on an average, twenty dollars per month, besides board. The making of vessels was commenced here as long ago as 1668. In 1828, forty vessels of different dimensions were built. For four years, up to 1831, the average amount of tonnage, annually made, was 2500 tons. Each ton sold, at a medium price, for twenty-five dollars. Previously to fifteen years past, nothing but pink-stern 1h*us were made ; since, square-sterned ones have been increasingly built. The largest of these was 270 ESSEX: ROAD BRIDGE POPULATION, &C. 202 tons. Ship-building, thus followed, has given scope to a commendable spirit of enterprise, cherished a more than usual mechanichal genius, and added much to the prosperity of the town. ROAD. — BRIDGE. 1823. A new road is made at the Falls, which leads to the landing. The same year, a draw to the great bridge is made. WHARVES. — TONNAGE. 1831. There were eight thousand superficial feet of wharves, mostly taken up for ship-building, and for materials in this business. Vessels owned here, from five tons and up- wards, measured 273 tons. FISHERY. — BAIT. Thirty years since, forty sail of boats from this place were engaged in the fishery on the Eastern shore ; a few were em- ployed in the Bank fishery. The fishing business diminished, as ship-building increased and was found more profitable. It was mostly discontinued twelve years ago. Nine hun- dred barrels of clams are dug here annually. The persons, by whom they are obtained, sell them, exclusive of barrels and salt, from $2*50 to $300. Such bait was formerly vend- ed at Marblehead, and now in Boston, for the prices men- tioned with reference to Ipswich. POPULATION. In 1820, there were 1107 inhabitants, and 258 ratable polls ; in 1830, 1333 inhabitants, and 319 ratable polls, twelve not taxed, and six supported by the town. ESSKX I POPULATION. •271 Amono; those of the last census is a dumb and deal boy. The following t;tl>le gives the ages ami numbers of the two sexes, as they were in 1830. Win ii s. MALES. FEMALES Under 5 years, 10-2 72 Of 5 an d under 10, 69 76 " 10 15, 78 72 " 15 20, 81 60 • 20 30, 143 132 " 30 M 40, 77 62 " 40 50, 44 53 " 50 60, 40 41 " 60 70, 24 46 " 70 80, 13 20 " 80 90, 5 6 " 90 100, 3 676 643 Blacks. MALES. 1 1. MALES Under 10 years, 3 Of 10 and under 24, 5 1 "36 " 55, 1 2 " 55 " 100, 2 Recapitulation. MALES, I I.M \I.ES, MALES, 11. MALES, WHITE BLACK 676 643 6 8 1333 272 essex: — valuation — town expenses, he. VALUATION. This, as rendered in by assessors in 1831, was $282,567, and it was doomed by the State, $322,297-99. TOWN EXPENSES. 1822. For poor and other charges, $400 ; for high-ways $600 ; for schools, $400; and towards the debt of Ipswich, $1500. 1833. The expenses this year were $1493. BUILDINGS. 1831. 157 dwelling-houses ; 9 shops in or adjoining such houses ; 63 other shops ; and 127 barns. Among the houses, in 1833, was one tavern. HAY-SCALE. 1833. In the place of the high-framed one, another of the patent kind was put. ENGINE, &c. 1824, Oct. 21st. Voted $600 to purchase an Engine, a house for it, 24 leather buckets, 2 more fire-hooks, and 4 long ladders. POST-OFFICE. 1821. A commission was granted for this office. MILITARY. — PENSIONERS. 1820, May 4th. Voted to have a powder-house on the hill near Ezra Perkins's. This was done. 1833. One uniform company and one militia company. Under the law of 1832, there are six pensioners, who were in public service during the war of Independence. ESSEX : POLITICAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES, &£C POLITICAL. 1820, Oct. 16th. Jonathan Story, Esq., is chosen dele- gate io the convention, which is to meet in Boston the 3d Wednesday of November, for altering the State Constitution. TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. These, called Essex North and South, comprise 500 mem- bers. The influence of them was so beneficial, that, in 1 833, there was no license for selling spirituous liquors in the town. EDUCATION. 1833. There were .'370 scholars in six district schools. The amount of time, for which all the schools are kept in a year, is 22 months. The sum, raised by the town for their public schools, is $600; and, paid for private schools, is $300. The branches taught are, Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, and, to a limited extent, History, Rhetoric, and Philosophy. There is an increasing and commendable spirit in Essex to furnish their youth with intellectual improvement, which so powerfully and speedily adds to a community's respect and welfare. GRADUATES SINCE THE INCORPORATION OF ESSEX. Hon. Rufus Choate, 1819, at Dartmouth College. Dr. John D. Russ, 1823, at Yale College. John C. Perkins, 1S32, at Amherst College. SABBATH SCHOOLS. In 1823, there were 90 scholars in the Congregational Society: and, in [833, there were 132 scholars, and a library of 350 volumes. Besides this school, another has been re- cently formed, containing 40 scholars. 35 274 essex: — company libraries — alms-house, &c. COMPANY LIBRARIES. 1833. The Social Library has 400 volumes. The Religious Library has 200 volumes. ALMS-HOUSE. Until an establishment of this sort was obtained, the poor, as in other places, were let out to the lowest bidder. 1S25. A farm was purchased for them. A report of 1832 gives us the following information. The house measures 50 feet by 30. It has been built proba- bly a century. It has seven lodging-rooms for the poor. The farm contains 100 acres of upland, and 50 of marsh. The cost of the whole was $5000. No ardent spirits are given to its inmates. These work on the land, make their own cloth, and pick oakum. Three men and six women are each able to do a day's work. Few of the State's poor apply here for assistance. Salary of the superintendent, $200, and of a hired man for two months, $30. Dr. Whole expense of the poor last year, . $714 69 Interest on the cost of the farm, . . 300 00 Cr. Balance against the town, . . $306 00 1833. The clear cost of the poor is $276. There are twenty of them, seven-eighths of whom have been impoverished either directly or indirectly by intemper- ance. $1014 69 Labor of paupers, and sale of produce, $667 89 For State's poor, . 40 80 $708 69 CHARITIES. 1830. To sufferers by fire at Gloucester, about $60. 1833. The religious charities of the Congregational So- ciety are $250 annually. ESSEX: PUBLISHMENTS, MARRIAUES, 8(0. -'".'J PUBLISHMENTS, MARRIAd KS. AND DEATHS. The yearly average of publishments for thirteen years has been 13 r 4 s ; of marriages, for the same period, has beeo of deaths, 1 l, 4 .,. Among the births of 183*2, there was a triple one. Persons who died aged 90 Years and oveh. 1821. Widow Westley Burnham, 98. 1822. Widow Lydiu Lufkin, 93. 1823. Widow Anna Andrews, in her 95th. 1824. Jesse Story, 94. 1831. Phillipa Burnham, 93. 1832. Mary Lufkin, 93. CASUALTIES. 1823, Sept. 2d. Ebenezer Burnham's barn is destroyed by lightning. 1824, Nov. 19th. Susan Varney, M. 11, is burnt to death by her clothes taking fire. 1825, Oct. Stephen Story, IE. about 60, is drowned. 1828, March 17th. James Nutter, JE. 20, is drowned. 1831, June 26th. A daughter of Thomas Hardy, iE. 2 years, is drowned. 1833. May 10th. Esther, daughter of Nimrod Burnham, quite young, is scalded to death. OBITUARY NOTICES. 1822, Feb. 27th. Washington, son of David and Miriam Choate, d., M. 19. He was a member of the Junior Class in Dartmouth College. He gave evidence of deep piety, and was a scholar of extraordinary promise. 1826, Feb. 6th. George, son of William and Mary Choate, d., iE. 64. He m. Susannah, daughter of the Hon. Stephen Choate. of Ipswich. His children were William and John, both deceased, George, and Francis. He sustained various offices in the town, was Justice of the Peace. Representative from [pswich, 18M, 1815, LS16, 1-17, and from Essex, 1819. His life was useful and his death lamented. 276 essex: — essex church. — hamlet parish. ESSEX CHURCH. After having been long denominated with relation to her mother Church, and after having passed through more trials than her adjacent sisters, the Church here began to be known by her present name, when the parish of Chebacco was incor- porated. 1828. The members of the Church were six males, and forty-one females. From Feb. 17th, 182S, to April 19th, 1829, eighty-three persons were added. 1833. The members were thirty-seven males, and eighty- four females. These facts furnish us with proof, that this Church, like many others in our country, has received spiritual blessings from the hand of God. Benefits pertaining to time should be sought and valued. But those pertaining to eternity are far better. Accessions of worthy inhabitants to the com- munity, is a blessing. But accessions to a Church of such as shall be saved, strikes a string, which vibrates through the universe, and fills all heaven with joy unspeakable. THE HAMLET. HAMLET PARISH, CALLED THE THIRD. * 1712, May 1st. Sixty-five males of the Hamlet petition the First Parish to be set off. The reasons assigned by them for such a movement, were, that forty families of them attend- ed worship at Wenham, where the meeting-house was not large enough to accommodate them and others, who wor- shipped there ; the distance to Ipswich was great, and it was much trouble to convey their families thither. May 22d. The town allow this petition, if a meeting-house be erected, and an orthodox minister be called here. Subjoined to such a permission, is this noticeable remark : " It will be consider- ed, that we have two ministers to maintain, whose salaries must not be diminished ; and as there have been two ministers here maintained from the foundation of the town, so we hope there will continue to be to the end of the world," — and " if it should ever be otherwise, it will be a shameful degeneracy from the piety of our ancestors." The views which dictated * T. R. THE HAMLET: CHARACTER MEETING-HOUSE, 8tC 277 the la BELL. 1727, March 7th. The town vote to give the Hamlet Parish their old school bell. 1731, Sept. 8th. The Hamlet appropriate £60 in hills of credit, to purchase a bell in England, of 300 lbs. and up- wards. This arrived the next year, and was hung for some 278 the hamlet: PARSONAGE SALARIES, &,c. time on a pine tree to the north-west of the meeting-house, until a belfry was prepared for its reception. 1785. It is voted, that the old bell be sold, and that £40 be added to its price, for the purchase of a new one. 1795. Permission is given by the town for putting up the clock. PARSONAGE. 1714. A vote is passed by the parish to procure a par- sonage for the use of Mr. Wigglesworth. This was done 1720, and seven acres were purchased, adjoining his house-lot. 1731, May 14th. The commoners grant one of the super- numerary lots in the Hamlet Eighth, for the use of the minis- try there for ever. SALARIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 1714. Mr. Wigglesworth's salary was £60 for the first year, payable two-thirds in money and the rest in grain, and 20 cords of wood ; £65 for the second, and £70 for the third year, with the same quantity of wood, and the use of a parsonage when obtained. His settlement was £100 to- wards building his house, which stood where the present minister's does, and one acre and a half of land. 1771. Mr. Cutler's salary was £85 and parsonage, and settlement £133 6s. 8d. In 1788, he had his salary raised to £100; 1796, to $367 ; 1797, to $400; 1807, till 1821, to $450 ; 1821, lessened to $400 ; 1822, to $333| ; 1823, to $150 besides the parsonage, when the parish vote to sup- ply the pulpit. 1824. The successor of Dr. Cutler had $500, and Pond Parsonage, for a salary. THIRD CHURCH. 1714, Oct. 12th. A covenant is privately signed by twen- ty-five brethren, besides Mr. Wigglesworth, and was publicly owned by them the 27th. From the earthquake, Oct. 29th, 1727, to Sept. 8th, 1728, inclusive, ninety-nine were admitted to the Church. Tradition informs us, that many persons united with the Church after the earthquake of 1755. THE HAMLET: SAMUEL WinGLESWORTH. 879 I'll. Sept. This Church undertakes to deal with the Second Church, according to the third way of discipline, takes the first and second steps, and then suspends its pro- cedure, because promised thai the offence should be settled. 1768, Nov,. 28th. The Church vote. M that if any candi- date may he hired on probation, and have it as his principle, that infants of none hut such as are in full communion, ought to be baptized, it shall he no bar to his settling. As their next pa-tor did not object to the baptizing of children under the half-way covenant, this was done for the greater part of his ministry. 1771. There were 27 male, and 11 female members. 1774, .March 27th. Voted to have a portion of the Old Testament read in the forenoon, and another of the New in the afternoon, of the Sabbath. 1780, Jul) 23d. Passed a vote to unite in the Quarterly Fast of the other Ipswich Churches. SAMUEL WIGGLESWORTH. He was son of the Rev. Michael Wigglesworth of Maiden : b. Feb. 4th, 1683 O. S. He graduated at Harvard College 1707, where he pursued his studies for two years after he took his first degree. 1709, June 30th. He commenced the study of physic under Dr. Graves of Charlestown, and con- tinued with him till March 1st, 1710, when he came to Ips- wich Hamlet, and began to practice. Here he continued till Dec. 29th, and then went to his native place and took a school. While thus employed, be studied divinity, and preached bis first sermon Jan. 20th, 1712. He was invited to labor at Dracut, July 15th, and, after being there a year, be received two unanimous calls to settle, which he concluded to decline. 1713, Oct. 17th. He was engaged to supply the pulpit at Groton. Here he stayed till Jan. 27th, 1714, when he returned to the Hamlet, as a spiritual physician. Approved in this capacity, as he had been in his other, by the people, they invited iiim to become their pastor, and he was ordained Oct. 27th, 1714. Thus taking on himself an office, followed by momentous and endless results, be looked to Omnipotence for aid, that he might not be a slothful servant. In this he was heard. His health was not robust. It occasion- ally sunk under his parochial labors. Though called in this 280 the hamlet: SAMUEL wigglesworth. manner to experience physical infirmities, his mind and heart continued to improve. He soon became known as a talented writer and a devoted minister. His printed productions are as follow : 1727. A Sermon in Yarmouth at the Ordination of Josiah Dennis. Oct. Another before a Society of young men, in his parish, who had united, like others of their age, in Old and New England, for religious improvement. This discourse was a fortnight previous to the earthquake. A discourse the Sabbath after this event, which shook the earth, and waked the slumbering consciences of multitudes. 1733, Jan. 10th. Sermon at the Ordination of John War- ren in Wenham. An Election Discourse before the Legis- lature. The subject of it was, — the necessity of general reformation in morals and piety. 1744. A short Account of the Rev. Mr. Hale of Newbury, in the " Christian History." 1746. Sermon on the death of the Rev. John Rogers. Rev. Mr. Chipman's, of Beverly, and his own Contro- versy with the Rev. Mr. Balch of Bradford, about the result of a Council. 1751. A Discourse before the Convention of Congrega- tional Ministers of Massachusetts. 1755, March 20th. Two Sermons to his parishioners, enlisted for an expedition to Nova Scotia. 1760. Dudleian Lecture. 1765. Rev. Mr. Jaques's, of Gloucester, and his own Controversy with the Fourth Church, about admitting per- sons from neighbouring Churches. As a member of the Synod or great Council, which met in Salem to deal with the First Church there, according to the third way of communion, July 16th, 1735, Mr. Wigglesworth withdrew, because a majority would not allow a document of Mr. Fisk to be read. 1743, July 8th. He signs a testimony with many other clergymen convened in Boston, which approves the late revival of religion. He was on the Committee, who reported such a testimony, and also, advice against abuses of the revival. Besides attending to the public and private calls of his office, Mr. Wigglesworth still cultivated his knowledge of medicine, and was frequently useful in prescribing for ills of the body, as well as of the soul. This combining of two pro- THE HAMLET: SAMUEL wigglesworth. \H1 fessions was common in his day. He prevailingly save proof, that he applied his abilities, influence, and opportunities] one, who was to render an impartial account. Supreme self- ishness was a stranger to the motives of his conduct. He lived for others, as well as for himself. As illustrative of this attractive trait in his character, we have the following fact. Towards the close of his life, as be was setting out an apple tree, one of his people came along and remarked, "Sir, you cannot expect to reap any fruit from your lahor." " No," he quickly replied, " I am only paying a debt." Blessed with a church, whose principles and practice were better than usual, be enjoyed among them a good degree of harmony. Occasionally, however, he had hitter experience of the truth, — '• They are not all Israel, who are of Israel." In cases of this kind he did not lie still for the sake of heing applauded by those, who advocated false peace, as a covering for their own faults. No, he entered on the painful duty of discipline, so that a moral gangrene might not spread through the whole Mock. Mr. Wigglesworth was thoroughly versed in eccle- siastical concerns, and was often invited to exercise his knowl- edge and prudence in church difficulties. In his intercourse with others, he was accessible, kind, and improving. Few could be in his company without being able, if they chose, to carry away thoughts worth remembering and being acted on. Though he had much suavity in his feelings and man- ners, yet when the voice of obligation summoned his energies, he stood in its defence like the surf-heaten, but unmoved rock. As a speaker, his voice was not strong ; but still it was clear, and accompanied with earnestness, so as to command close attention. His intellectual powers were above the common standard. His perception was quick, imagination lively, mem- ory tenacious, invention fruitful, and judgment sound. He did not hold these talents, as bound in a napkin. lie dili- gently and successfully cultivated them in the various depart- ments of human and divine knowledge. He was happy in his Scriptural illustrations. The judge, which ended all de- bates with his conscience on points of faith and practice, was the Bible. His style of composition was original, perspicuous, pure, and energetic. Though his sermons contained many sub- divisions, in accordance with the custom of his time, yet they were rich in ideas, and suited to interest and edify. But what is more than all, in the view of Him who never errs, 36 282 the hamlet: SAMUEL wiggle sworth. is, that the natural endowments and acquisitions of Mr. Wig- glesworth were controlled and directed by the principles of religion, deeply engraven upon his heart. At home and abroad, he was the consistent messenger of Christ. His piety was of the sterling kind, which was not taken off and put on, like a garment, to suit occasions. Its texture, hue, and strength, were essentially the same at all seasons, in all places, and under all circumstances. Reviewing the mental, moral, and religious character, as well as the writings of Mr. Wigglesworth, we have reason to say, as Dr. Eliot did, in reference to him, that he "was an eminent divine." Of such desert, the Lord abundantly blessed his exertions to promote the cause of Zion. As he drew near the grave, his infirmities multiplied upon him, and he had to receive assistance in the labors of the pulpit. Exhausted in the difficult, but elevating service of his heavenly Master, he fell asleep in the hope, that an incorruptible crown awaited him. " Sure the last end Of the good man is peace. How calm his exit ! Night-dews fall not more gently to the ground, Nor weary, worn-out winds expire so softly." The decease of Mr. Wigglesworth was Sept. 3d, 1768, in his eightieth year, and the fifty-fourth of his ministry. On his tomb-stone is inscribed the pertinent passage, — "And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not, for the Lord will not forsake his people, for his great name's sake. Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart." Perhaps it may be well to state here, that, as to his person, he was of a light complexion, rather small in stature, well-propor- tioned, sprightly in movement, and of an interesting counte- nance. He m. Mary, daughter of John Brintnal of Winni- semet, now Chelsea, June 30th, 1715. Their children were, Mary, Michael, Martha, and Phebe. His wife d. of a pleu- ritic fever, June 6th, 1723, M. 28. He m. Martha, daugh- ter of the Rev. Mr. Brown of Reading, March 12th, 1730. She survived him, and d. at Newburyport, 1784, M. 89. Their children were, Sarah, Phebe, Samuel, Katherine, Eliza- beth, Edward, John, Abigail, and William. Four sons and four daughters outlived him, but they are now all dead. Thus parents and children pass away, and leave the scenes of earth for their successors, who must soon follow, and in body mingle with dust, and in spirit witness eternal realities. Surely HAMILTON : INCORPORATION, &£C 283 •'■ all flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flow- er of the field." INCORPORATION OF TIN! HAMLET AS A TOWN. Alter several exertions on the pan of the people here, and after long delay, the Hamlet is incorporated by the name of Hamilton, .June -Jlsi. 1793. As an indemnity to Ipswich for paupers and other things, this town paid them £908 3* 3d. SITUATION. — EXTENT. Hamilton has Wenham on the south-west, .Manchester south, Essex east, Ipswich north, and Topsfield west. Its latitude is 1-' 38' north ; longitude from Greenwich 70° 5-2' west. Its greatest length from east to west is five miles and a half, and its mean length, three and three-quarters. Its greatest breadth from north to south is three miles and three-eighths, and its mean breadth three miles. SOIL. There is some clayey, sandy, and boggy soil, but the loamy, gravelly, and peaty predominate. The land, in 1831, was divi- ded into 483 acres of tillage, 724 of English and upland mow- ing, inclusive of orchard mowing, 778 of fresh meadow, 4139 of pasture, including orchard pasturage, 998 of wood-land, exclu- sive of inclosed pasture lots, 470 of unimproved, and 37 of parsonage. Besides these, there were 1 20 acres for roads, and 345 covered with water. PRODUCTIONS. These are such as are common to New England. The crops of grain, fodder, fruit, and vegetables are proportiona- ble in quantity to those of the adjacent towns. In 1831, there were raised 425 bushels of rye, L333 of oats, 5006 of corn, 67 of barley, 354 tons of English and upland hay, 284 HAMILTON : BUILDINGS ROADS, &C. 416 of fresh meadow. The farmers here get considerable salt hay from their lots of marsh in Essex and Ipswich. Previous- ly to the ravages of the canker-worm, this town raised apples enough to supply the market with large quantities, and to make 550 barrels of cider. Live Stock. The livestock, in 1831, were 91 horses of one year old and upward, 168 oxen of four years and above, 399 cows of three years and over, 238 steers of one year and upward, 430 sheep of six months and above, 139 swine of similar ages. BUILDINGS. — ROADS. — BRIDGE. In 1831, there were 116 dwelling houses, 50 shops, and 114 barns. Among the houses in 1833, were two taverns. Since 1811, most of the roads have been widened and straightened. In 1830, the road from Rust's corner to Smith's mills was much improved by being made wider, and having several new pieces. One half of its expense cost the town $1000; the other was paid by the county. In 1814, Moulton's bridge was rebuilt. POPULATION. The number of inhabitants has not advanced, but of late years has been rather retrograde. One cause of this is, that most of the young people settle in some other part of the country. As, according to the mode of agriculture, there is no more land than is sufficient for the present number of far- mers, no well-founded expectation can be cherished, that the people will increase, unless more manufactures should be in- troduced. In 1810, the census gave 780 inhabitants; 1820, 802, and 182 ratable polls; 1830, 748, and 150 polls rated, and thirty others not rated. The following table presents a view of the ages and num- bers of both sexes, as they were in 1830. HAMILTON I EMPLOYMENTS. 2-5 W hi i i -. MM 1 <. 1 1 M \1 l> Under ."> | ears, 30 31 < >!" ."> and under 10, 35 34 " 1(1 15, :{«.) 50 " 15 JO, 32 16 " MO 30, 68 18 " 30 40, 36 48 " -11) 50, 24 50 " 50 60, 33 34 " 60 70, tgj 28 " 70 80, 13 23 " 80 DO, 11 7 " 90 100, o 1 •345 Blacks. 400 MALES. FEMALES Under 5 years, 1 of 20 and under 30, 1 of 24 and under 3U, 1 Recapitulation. ' > white, < >ES, S \ iLES, ) i ' > BLACKS, { MALES, J ' ( MALES FEMALE MAL FEMALES 345 400 o 1 748 EMPLOYMENTS. Most of the common necessary arts are practised here* There are only three shop-keepers. Formerly it was a mat- ter of course for a large number of such traders to sell ardent spirits. Now only one of them doles out this deadly drink. The greater proportion of the men are farmers. There are about thirty-live places where shoes are manufactured. In some of them several hands work together. Mills ; — one saw and one grist mill, one veneering mill to saw mahogany for cabinet-makers. 286 HAMILTON : — BUILDING VESSELS , &CC. Cabinet-makers, two ; Tannery, one ; Blacksmith, one ; Ma- sons, two ; Chairmakers, two ; Wheelwrights, two; Carpenters, eight ; Weaver, one. On the Hamilton side of Ipswich river, a stone Factory has been partly erected. A reason, why its completion was sus- pended, is the check which cloth manufactories experienced. A large stone dwelling-house has been put up, which was in- tended to accommodate those who might work in the Factory. BUILDING VESSELS. This business was carried on considerably in the east part of the town, sixty years since. Fishing-boats from ten to twenty tons were then made, and drawn to the waters of Che- bacco by teams of cattle. Of late years such employment has nearly ceased. Now and then, fishing schooners, of lar- ger dimensions than formerly, are built. LACE. A considerable number of young women were engaged in working dresses for Ipswich lace factories, while these were in operation. FISHERY. Some years, individuals who bought the privilege of fishing, have caught a considerable number of alewives in Mile River, for the West India market. POST-OFFICE. In 1803, this establishment commenced, and has continued. EDUCATION. There are four district schools. They are kept partly by masters and partly by mistresses ; by the former in winter, and by the latter in summer. * HAMILTON: GRADUATES, &C. 281 17!*'$. .C.'5() were voted lor schools. In 1796, $150 : and from IHH to I -Ji, .<••,»()(): and from 1822 to l 833, $300, were raised annually lor this obje< t. 1833. $ I' 1 " tvere assessed, besides $ LOS paid tor private schools. There arc 205 scholars. The winter terms of instruction, added together, make ten months, and the summer terms nine and a half. GRADUATES SINCE THE INCORPORATION. L793. Charles Cutler. Harvard. 1811. Solomon S. Whipple, Dartmouth. 1833. Isaac Brown, Amherst. SABBATH SCHOOL. 1S33. Ninety-one scholars. Library of 250 volumes. LIBRARIES. There have been two of these, called First and Second So- cial Libraries. The former has nearly ceased, and the books of the latter are not numerous. TOWN EXPENSES. —PAUPERS. 1815, $1100,-1822, $1450,-1832, $1500, — and I-::.;. $1800, were voted for town charges. Prom 1832 to 1833, $516 were paid for fifteen paupers ; some of whom were wholly, and others part 1 \ supplied. The most of the debt was brought on this community by intem- perance. The increasing expense for the poor in this town is twice as much as the interest of a valuable farm would be, if it were bought and made an alms-house establishment. Sound econ- omy, and the diminution of pauperism and corruption, call loudly for such a provision. 288 HAMILTON : VALUATION POLITICAL, &IC. VALUATION. This, as handed into the Secretary of State's office, in 1831, was $185,768-50, which was doomed by the State, $211,888-99. POLITICAL. 1796, April 25th. Voted to memorialize Congress, in favor of ratifying the treaty with Great Britain in an honorable way. 1812, July 1st. A letter from Boston, and a copy of the proceedings there, being read, resolves are passed here, expres- sive of an opinion against carrying on the war with England. MILITARY. 1794, Oct. 6th. " Voted to make to the detached men, together with what the Continent shall allow them, four shil- lings a day, for each day that they do duty, by virtue of said detachment, before they are called to march." The same min- ute-men are voted to have £3 a month, with what they shall receive from the State and the United States, from the time they may march, till they return. 1814, Sept. 29th. Voted to pay the detached men $5 per month, when called into actual service. 1833. There is one militia company, and a considerable number, who, with others from the adjacent towns, form a troop. PENSIONERS.. Under the law of 1832, there were seven pensioners here, who bore arms for the cause of our Independence. BENEFACTIONS. 1811. The town -give, by subscription, $215 to sufferers by fire at Newburyport. HAMILTON : — MARRIAGES — BIRTHS — DEATHS, .V. . 989 1828. Collections for the Greeks, $36-50. 1830. Paid to the sufferers b) fire in Gloucester, $37*59. Religious charities, $100 annually. Such benefactions arc exclusive of other considerable sunn giveu by individuals. MARRIAGES.— BIRTHS. From I7!>1 to L833, being thirty-nine years, there wen 236 marriages, which make about six per year. For twenty years, up to 1832, there were 332 births, mak- ing sixteen and three-fifths annually. Of these, 183 were males, and 149 females* among them were two double births. DEATHS. — LONGEVITY. For forty years, ending IS33, 517 deaths occurred, which is an annual average of nearly thirteen. In the first decade of that period there were 1 \'2 ; in the second, 1:20; in the third 145 ; and in the fourth, 140. Deaths of persons aged 90 and m in. 1794. 1798. 1799. 1801. 1804. L805. 1806. L809. 1812. 1813 1815. Jonathan Clinton, !>:; Joseph Poland, 95 Plato, formerly a slave, 1 815, horn in Africa, of a pious and excellent character, IOJ William Brown, 90 Simon Brown, 91 1817. Ephraim Brown, '.»l " Mary Kinsman, widow, 93 1827. Ptebe Brown, do. 92 '• Nathaniel Knowlton, 95 Grace Ellerj , a Mack. '.'<» John Goodhue, 93 His wife, Elizabeth, d. l s l I, when they had been married 68 years, had eleven children, i>M. 37 fifty grand children, and fifty-two great- grand children. Sarah IJrown, widow. '.)'.» Her descendants were 17(1, live of whom he- longed to the fifth generation. Jenny, a hlack, Moll) Moncrief, Luke Dodge, Sarah Annable, \\ idow, 99| She professed re- ligion 1 1 yrs. before. John TutUe, Hephzibah, wife of Nehemiah l'ai< h, .Nehemiah Patch, Ilohert Amiable, 07 90 J 92 90 90 91 290 Hamilton: — burying-ground — hearse, &lc. These deaths, for forty years, are to the whole number of deaths, for the same period, as 1 to 23|. BURYING-GROUND. —HEARSE. Such ground, being exchanged, in 1706, for other land, grant- ed by Ipswich in 1705, enlarged by land given by John Hub- bard, is reenlarged by three-eighths of an acre, bought of Mr. Roberts's family, in 1797. 1814. A hearse, and a house for it, are provided. CASUALTIES. 1793, Dec. Aaron Poland, M. 28, is washed overboard at sea, and drowned. 1795, May 28th. John Trask, M. 27, killed by falling from a frame, which was raising. 1799, May 29th. Perley, son of Col. Robert Dodge, M. 14, died with the lock-jaw. 1800, Dec. 10th. Simon Brown, Jr., M. 25, was drowned by falling through the ice on Chebacco pond. 1808, Aug. 16th. Jonathan Lamson, in his eighty-eighth year, died by being scalded with hot water. 1816, Oct. The corn was cut off by frosts, though there was a great crop of barley. 1820, July 6th. Francis Quarles's barn was burnt up. 1822, Nov. 8th. The house belonging to Isaac Dodge and Margaret Lummus was consumed. Dec. 25th. David Dodge's mills were destroyed by fire ; loss, $4000. 1823, April 25th. George Dodge's three-story house was burnt down. ■ July 6th. Thomas Dodge's barn was con- sumed by lightning. 1827. James Brown, M. 19, was drowned at sea. 1830, Sept. 14th. Malachi Knowlton died in a few hours after being run over by his wagon. EMIGRANTS. Doctor Elisha Whitney, b. at Watertown, graduated at Har- vard College 1766 ; came to the Hamlet 1772 ; m. Eunice Hamilton: — 0BITTTAR1 notices. 291 Farley, of Ipswich ; served as a surgeon in the Revolutionary arm) ; removed to Beverl) I7!»:;. where he died. D tor Nathan Lakeman, b. at Exeter, \. II.. came to Hamilton I" 93 ; m. Elizabeth, youngesl daughter of Peter Frye, Esq., who had lived in Salem, .Ian. 1794. She d. May 17th, 1796, .1". 29. He moved to Gloucester I -<><>: m. M.u\ Hardin, formerly of Charlestown, 1801 ; moved t<» Man- chester, thence to Beverly, where ho deceased. OBITUARY NOTICES. DEACON NATHANIEL WHIPPLE. His parents were John ami Hannah Whipple. Ho was one of tho principal inhabitants of [pswich, before the Hamlel became a town. Alter this, ho was Treasurer, Selectman, ami hold other offices. He was tho last man who wore a full- bottomed wig here. He m. Mary Appleton, and had ten chil- dren : !i\e of whom are still living, whose collective a amount to 400 years. He d. Dec. 19th, 1809, 2E. 89. Ho was an exemplary Christian, and an excellent member of soci- ety. His influence was constantly and efficiently cast into the scale of order and religion, of public and private good. BARNABAS DODGE. He was son of Paul and Faith Dodge ; m. Elizahcth Gid- dmgs, who d. Dec. 23d, 1825, JE. 84. He owned and car- ried on the Mills on the Hamilton side of Ipswich River. He was a surveyor of land, and sustained the principal offices of the town. He had six children, three of whom survived him. He d. of the asthma, Aug. L5th, 1514, in his seventy-fifth year. He was a professor of religion, a talented, useful, and respected inhabitant. JOHN SAFFORD. II parents were Nathaniel and Margaret SafFord. He was b. Oct. l.">th, L750, m. .Martha Whipple. He held the chief trusts in the town, was Representative to the General Court L809, 1810, 1815. He d. of the liver complaint, Oct. 17th, 1820, in his seventy-first year. His wife and three children survived him. 292 HAMILTON : OBITUARY NOTICES. COL. ROBERT DODGE. He was son of Isaac, m. Mary Boardman 1765. He bad ten children, of whom four sons survived liim. His wife d. Feb. 2Sth, 1824, M. 79, and be d. June 15th, 1S23, M. SO. He served as Lieutenant and Captain in several campaigns of the Revolutionary war ; held various trusts in the town ; was Colonel of a regiment ; was, Representative to the Legisla- ture 1S01, 1802~1S03, 1808, 1811, 1812, 1813. JONATHAN LAMSON. His father and mother were Jonathan and Anna. He was b. Aug. 10th, 1747, m. Bethiah Whipple, who d. Aug. 16th, 1806, in her sixty-first year. He d. Sept. 2Sth, 1825, of the dropsy ; had five children, and four of them survived him. He was long Selectman of Ipswich before the Hamlet was incor- porated, and he held the same office and others here after- wards. He was delegate to the Covention for revising the Constitution in 1S20. DEACON BENJAMIN APPLETON. His parents were Nathaniel and Susannah. He m. Molly Tilton, and d. of an inflammatory fever Nov. 10th, 1S25, in his seventy-sixth year. He was Deacon of the Church here over fifteen years. He bad nine children, five of whom and his wife survived him. DR. ENOCH FAULKNER. He was a native of Andover, and his parents were Daniel and Phebe. He was an apothecary in Haverhill and New- buryport, previously to his coming hither, which was in 1S00. From this time he practised physic here till his last sickness. He d. March 16th, 1830, in his sixty-third year. He left a wife who still survives him. FRANCIS QUARLES. He was son of Francis and Frances Quarles. He gradu- ated at Brown University 1777, held several offices in tbe town, and was long a preacher. He m. Polly, daughter of Mr. John Hutchinson, of Charlestown. She d. Aug. 2d, 1801, M. 35. He d. Feb. 15th, 1831, M. 81, and left one daughter. HAMILTON: EXTRAOnniNMlY BLEEDERS, he. CAPT. JOHN w iihti.i: His parents were John and Martha. He m. Martha C well, who (I. March 29th, 1816, E. 75 ; m. widow Susannah Robertson, sister to his first wife, Jan. 15th, 1819, who still survives him. He d. Ma\ 28th, 1832, E. 89, and lefi five children. He sustained town offices, was active to promote the cause of Independence, and was an officer in the cavalry at the capture of Burgoj ne. EXTRAORDINARY BLEEDERS. There are four families in this town, called bleeders. Three of them are immediately, and the other mediately, related. The number of individuals, so denominated, is five. The) are thus named horn an unusual propensity in their art< and veins to bleed profusely, even from slight wounds. A cut or other hurt upon them assumes, at first, the common appearance. I hit after a week or fortnight, the injured part begins and continues, for several days, to send forth almost a stead) stream of blood, until the redness of this disappears, and it becomes nearly as colorless as water. A portion of the coagulated blood forms a cone, large or small according to the wound. The bleeding ceases when the cone, which has a minute aperture, and is ver) fetid, falls off. The persons thus constituted, dare not suhinit to the operation of a lancet. They often bleed abundantly at the nose, and are subject to severe and premature rheumatism. Some of their predecessors have come to their n\i\ by wounds, which are not considered by any means dangerous for people in general. This hemorrhage first appealed in the Appleton family, who brought it with them from England. None bul males are bleeders, whose immediate children are no1 so, and whose daughters, only, have sons thus disposed. As to the precise proportion of these, who may resemble their grand- fathers in bleeding of this kind, past observation furnishes no data; it has been found altogether uncertain. / UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY. This was formed in 1827. 294 Hamilton: — Hamilton church, &c. HAMILTON CHURCH. Having existed from 1714 to 1793, as the Third Church of Ipswich, it assumes the name of Hamilton Church. 1798, Aug. 15th. It is represented in a Council, which sat here, for the ordination of Daniel Story over the newly- formed Church at Marietta, Ohio. During the ministry of Dr. Cutler, from 1771 to his decease in 1823, there were 1031 baptisms, and 140 persons became members of his Church. Of these, thirty -seven made a profession of religion, from Sept. 1st, 1799, to Oct. 26th, 1800. 1823. There were fifteen male, and thirty-eight female members. From June 16th, 1824, to Jan. 1st, 1832, fifty- one were admitted to full communion. Of these, twenty-four were united with the Church, and two more by letter, from Nov. 6th, 1831, to Jan. 11th, 1832. 1832. There were twenty-one male, and sixty-four female members. The successor of Dr. Cutler was installed pastor of this Church, June 16th, 1824, and, having been unable to preach for almost a year, took his dismission Dec. 4th, 1833. MANASSEH CUTLER, LL. D. His father was named Hezekiah, who was a respectable farmer and member of the Church in Killingly, Conn. He was b. 1744, and graduated at Yale College 1765. Soon after he took his first degree, he engaged in business, kept a store, and was concerned in commerce and whaling at Edgar- town, on Martha's Vineyard. While so employed in an active and enterprising manner, he neither lost his taste for study nor threw aside his books. He acquainted himself with law, was admitted to the bar, and pleaded a few cases in the Court of Common Pleas 1767. Still he cherished a preference for the ministry, and was determined to prepare for the discharge of its sacred offices. His diary for Nov. 176S, says, — " Prosecuted my study, — began to make sermons. May God grant me his blessing in so important an undertaking, and make me serviceable to the cause of religion, and the souls of my fellow men. I never engaged in this study with so firm resolution before ; yet I have, for many years, had serious thoughts of entering on the ministry." Thus deter- mined, he settled up his business and removed with his family to Dedham, Nov. 1769, for the purpose of pursuing his HAMILTON : — m\n \ssc.n » iti.kk. theological studies under bis father-in-law, .Mr. Balcb. In order to comply with the clerical costume of thai period, be soon, but reluctantly, suffered bis bair to be Bhorn, and its place to be supplied with a dark-colored wig. Being licensed, be preached for the Hamlet parish six months, and was ordained here Sept. Llth, 1771. This solemn occasion, bow- ever, did not pass over without a trial to his feelings. Three persons objected to bis becoming their pastor. But the Council, alter considering their charges against him, decided that they were insufficient to prevent bis settlement. At tin- time of his being set over this people, the difficulties between our country and Great Britain were assuming a dark and fear- ful aspect. He watched, with emotions of deep interest, the approach of the Revolution. When news came of Lexington battle, he made a short address to the minute company hi re, then mustered to march thither, and. with Mr. Willard of Beverly, afterwards President of Harvard College, he rode on horsehack to Cambridge, and came in s i lc 1 1 1 of the enemy, as they were retreating into Boston. I77(>, Sept. 5th. Desirous to serve his country in deed, as well as word, he receives a commission, as chaplain, in the regiment under Col. Ebenezer Francis. In this capacity, Dr. Cutler served six months; and, for the same time subsequently, in the regi- ment commanded by Col. Titcomb, at Long Island and other stations. Towards the close of the war. as the physician of his people was employed in the army, and they were destitute of his aid, Dr. Cutler applied himself to the study and prac- tice of medicine. At this crisis of public affairs, and of great distress, his salary had nearly ceased, he suffered loss by the depreciation of paper currency, and his family were strait- ened for the comforts of life. For several years he adminis- tered to the bodily, as well as the spiritual ills of his Mock. For bis former services he received little or no compensation. While he sought an increasing acquaintance with the revealed wonders of Deity, be did not fail to be interested in those works, which he had made in the heavens, and upon the earth. The plants of his own neighbourhood and elsewhere early attracted his attention, and be became one ol the pioneers of botanical science in America. He was induced. at first, to pursue this branch of knowledge b) casually meet- ing with an English work on Botany. He ~o.ni became noted for his scientific tu^te and attainments. 1781, Jan. 1st. 296 Hamilton: — manasseh cutler. He was elected a member of the American Academy. He furnished their volumes with the following pieces. On the Transit of Mercury over the Sun, Nov. 12th, 1782. On an Eclipse of the Moon, March 29th, 1782, and of the Sun on the 12th of the next April. Meteorological Observations, 1781, 1782, 1783. An Account of some of the Vegetable Productions, naturally growing in this part of America. Re- marks on a Vegetable and Animal Insect. 17S5, June 1st. He was chosen a member of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety. Owing to the uncertain and difficult state of things in his own and other parishes, at the close of the Revo- lutionary struggle, he had serious thoughts of removing to the West, as the means of providing more effectually for his young and growing family. He still cherished this inclination in 1786, when a number of officers in the late army met to form the Ohio Company, as they had contem- plated in 1783, for the sake of having their bounty lands located together. At the meeting just mentioned, the com- pany agreed to raise one million of dollars, by their certificates for military service and otherwise, and purchase territory northwest of the Ohio River for a permanent settlement. They then invited, by public notice, other persons in various parts of the United States, to engage with them in this enterprise. They anticipated success, and held out a fair prospect to those who would unite with them. Major Win- throp Sargent, one of the most intelligent and efficient of their number, was acquainted with Dr. Cutler, and these two consulted together on the proposed colony. The result was, that the latter became a member of the Company, and was appointed by its directors an agent in connexion with Major Sargent. In this unexpected capacity, Dr. Cutler and the Major visited the seat of Government, and made a con- tract with the proper authorities for one million acres of land, at a dollar an acre. They also obtained a grant of half a million more acres, as an allowance for bad lands and in- cidental charges. The)'" transacted this business, which was to be followed with important consequences as to our West- ern territories, Oct. 27th, 17S7. On his return home, Dr. Cutler made immediate preparations, by order from the Direc- tors of the Company, to fit out an expedition for the intended settlement. He had a large wagon built and covered with HAMILTON: — MANASSEH CUTLER. '297 black canvass, which had on in sides, in white letters, — "Ohio, For .Marietta on the Muskingum." He engaged forty- five men from various town-, among whom was his son,Jervis, to accompany this wagon, and to help settle and defend the new country against the Indian-, for three years. These emigrants and the wagon started from Dr. Cutler's house, Dec. 1787. The] were armed and tired a volley, as a salute, or. their de- parture from his dour. They, having been increased to sixty, commenced the settlement of Marietta April 7tb, 1788, under General Rufus Putnam. The use to which the wagon, already spoken of, was appropriated. — the circumstances under which it left New England, and reached an uncultivated wilderness, where political power i- soon likely to wield the destinies of our republic, — have made this exploring vehicle an object of much interest among some of our literati, who have mentioned it; so that it is beginning to wake in the mind, associations somewhat similar to those produced by the suggestion of the i\l ay-Flower, which landed the Pilgrims on the shore of Plymouth. In the further discharge of his agency, Dr. Cut- ler set out in a sulky, accompanied by a few others, for Ohio, July 21st, 17S8. He reached Marietta, Aug. 19th, by a route of seven hundred and fifty-one miles from his home. The succeeding Sabbath, being the 24th, he preached in the hall of Campus Martius. Considering the object and hopes of himself and his audience, the hardships they endured, their perils from wild beasts, disease, and jealous and plotting savages, the scene of such a sacred occasion must have appeared with lights ami shadows, novel to their perception, romantic to their imagination, attractive to their attention, impressive to their minds, and affecting to their hearts. He continued worship the succeeding Sabbaths while he remained. On the 27th, he performed the burial service for a child of Major Gushing. This was the first funeral, which had occurred among the whites of Marietta. While here. Dr. Culler examined the forts and mounds, which he thought were a thousand years old, and were the works of some nation, more civilized and powerful than any Indians of America now known to exist. Having been much honored, and treated with great kindness, he took his leave of the people in Marietta, Sept. 9th. Soon after his departure he was introduced to Corn-Planter, a noted Indian chief. He returned to his family Oct. 15th, and. from what be saw and experienced while absent, he concluded, that it 38 298 HAMILTON : MANASSEH CUTLER. would be best for them and hirn to remain in happy New England. 1791. He receives a degree of LL. D. from his Alma Mater. Finding that the Ohio settlement, as is generally- incident to such undertakings, had given more blossoms of hope than fruits of participation, he stated, that " in the fall of 1791, the affairs of the Company became so serious and critical, that it was absolutely necessary to bring the business to a close." 1792, March 2d. As one of the three Di- rectors of this Company, he petitioned Congress in their be- half, so that some reduction might be made from the sum, due to the Government for the land bought of them ; because the settlement was under great embarrassments from Indian hostili- ties. This application for relief did not avail. 1792. He is chosen a Member of the Massachusetts Soci- ety for promoting agriculture, and of the Massachusetts His- torical Society. 1793. At his own expense, he made a considerable exer- tion to get the Hamlet incorporated. He continued the com- mendable custom, which had been practised in Ipswich, of opening the annual town-meeting with prayer. Soon after the peace, made by General Wayne with the Western Indians in 1795, President Washington tendered to Dr. Cutler a com- mission, as Judge of the Supreme Court in the Ohio territory, which he concluded it best to decline. 1798, May 16th. A letter of this date, written by Gen- eral Putnam, a principal inhabitant of Marietta, was received by Dr. Cutler, empowering him to act, as agent of the Church and Trustees there, in effecting the Ordination of Daniel Story here, as their pastor. The writer of this letter remarked to Dr. Cutler, " The substance of your letters to me was com- municated to the meeting ; and the people as well as the brethren of the Church, expressed their sensibility of the obli- gation they are under to you, for the interest you take in their welfare." In the spring of 1800, Dr. Cutler was elected by his peo- ple, as their Representative to the General Court. From the fall of this year, to 1804, he served two terms as a Member of the House of Congress. 1803. He obtained the grant for a Post-office in Hamilton. 1809. He became an Honorary Member of the Philadelphia Linnaean Society. 1813. He was elected a Member of the American An- tiquarian Society. ii UflLTON : — MAS kSSEH CUTLER. About 1819, the Trustees of the Ohio University, in Ath- ens, had his portrait taken in Salem, Mass., I>\ Mr. Prothii ham, for the purpose of having it placed in the hall of thai Institution. This was done, as an expression of gratitude to Dr. Cutler, for his judicious and benevolent efforts to obtain two townships of land for the support of such a seminary. \\\< correspondence was extensive with European i i t * ra- ti, lie did much to promote the agricultural interests of his parishioners. He took a principal part in obtaining the act of incorporation for the proprietors of meadows, on Miles' River. He efficiently sought the welfare of schools among his people. Having commenced a private boarding-school at the close of the Revolutionary war, he continued it v\iih extensive useful- ness, for many years. Till near the close of his life, he had scholars to learn Navigation, with Lunar Observations. Of his printed clerical performances are the following: 1796. Charge at the Ordination of Daniel Stor\ . 1 "!!>!). A National Fasl Sermon. I 8 1 '■). A Sermon before the Bible Society of Salem and the vicinity. 1S14. A Century Discourse, giving an account of his Church from its commencement. As to his family, it would afford us satisfaction to speak of them more fully than we do, if our limits allowed. lie in. Mary, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Balch, of Dedham, Sept. 7th, 1766. She d. Nov. 3d, 1S15, JE. 73. His children were, Ephraim, Jervis, Mary, Charles, Lavinia, Temple, Eliza- beth, and Temple. In person, Dr. Cutler was of a light complexion, above the common stature, erect and dignified in his appearance. Hi- manners were gentlemanly ; his conversation easy and inn Hi- gent. As an adviser, he was discerning and discreet. Ill voice, in preaching, was not loud ; hut it was distinct and audi- ble to his Congregation. His style of writing was pUre, per- spicuous, and strong. His mental endowments were high. He industriously and perseveringly employed them in the attainment of scientific and theological knowledge, as all pro- ceeding from the same fountain of Infinite Wisdom, and. when properly applied, as conducive to the declarative -lory of the Creator. For the last twenty-two years of his life, he was afflict- ed with the asthma. But amid his growing infirmities he strove, and was enabled, to perform his parochial duties, till within foul 300 CONCLUSION. years of his decease. Even during this period, he for the most part preached and visited his flock. He knew that his end approached. No longer able to comply with his wish to be publicly useful, he had assistance several months previous- ly to his death. Shortly before this, he relinquished the most of his salary, though it was legally his due. As his dissolution drew nigh, he realized more and more fully his dependence on Divine aid, and on the Redeemer, as his only justifying righteousness. He closed his earthly existence, July 2Sth, 1823, in his eightieth year, having entered on the fifty-third year of his ministry. Thus one, who had enjoyed in an emi- nent degree the confidence and honor of many intelligent and worthy characters, and who had moved in a circle of various and extensive usefulness, was removed from this world, in the hope of receiving the merciful approbation of God, and of being perpetually and blissfully dedicated to his service . CONCLUSION. From the commencement of this volume, we have been kindly carried by the hand of Providence to its completion. While it has been in progress, even some, who expected to peruse its pages, have been called to their great account. This is an emphatic admonition to us, that, while we look back on the past and collect its details for present consideration, we should not forget the uncertainty, which hangs upon the future of all our secular plans, purposes, and anticipations. It calls on us so to use our capacity for becoming acquainted with human concerns, as to have this power chiefly employed in the purer, higher, and better subjects of Divine perfection, government, and truth. It teaches us so to exercise our curi- osity in reference to rare and common facts of small as well as large communities here, that we may be conversant hereafter with the sublime, improving, and glorious themes of heaven's boundless and perpetual empire. May we give heed to such admonition, command, and instruction, that, when our eyes shall be closed on earthly scenes, our spirits may be fitted for the society of perfected saints, and for the fulness of God, which shall pour upon them increasingly and for ever. LIST OF SUBSCRIBER*. When the name is printed without any numeral adjective opposite to it, one is to be understood, as the number subscribed for ; but when such adjectives are mentioned, expressive of more than one, the word copits will be understood, as following them. IPSWICH. Andrews, Francis M. B. Baker, Samuel N. Boardman, Winthrop Brown, Thomas Brown, Joseph, Jr. Brown, Daniel, Jr. Brown, Josiah Brown, Jacob Brown, Michael Burril, Rev. John T. Caldwell, Samuel Caldwell, Mary Chadwick, Doct. George Chapman, Nathaniel Chapman, Hannah Cheever, Mary P. Coburn, Stephen Cogswell, Daniel Cogswell, Aaron, Jr. 39 Conant, Gilbert D. Davis, Olden Day, Samuel Farrington, Samuel Fitz, Rev. Daniel Grant, Z. P. G. II. (two.) Heard, Hon. John Heard, George W., Esq. (six. Hobbs, John Hunt, Eliza Jewett, Sewall P. Jewett, David Jewett, Harriet N. 302 LIST OP SUBSCRIBERS. K. Kendall, Ephraim Kendall, Jonas Kimball, Rev. David T. Kimball, Charles, Esq. Kimball, Benjamin Kimball, John L. Lakeman, Richard Lane, Lucy Locke, Calvin Lord, Nathaniel, Esq. (eight.) Lord, Daniel Lord, Joseph, Jr. Lord, Asa Lord, Benjamin Lord, Lydia Luf kin, William M. Manning, Doct. Thomas Manning, Nathaniel L. Marshall, William Miller, E. F., Esq. Mitchell, Frederick N. Newman, John A. Newman, Susan Nourse, Daniel O. Oakes, William, Esq. (two.) P. Patch, John Patch, John, Jr. Peatfield, James Plaisted, Olive M. Priest, Jonathan R. Ross, Thomas Ross, Sarah R. E-ussell, Andrew S. Shatswell, John Smith, Asa, Esq. Smith, Ammi Souther, Timothy Stone, Dorcas Stratton, Mary A. T. Treadwell, Nathaniel, Jr. Treadwell, Susan W. Wade, William F., Esq. (two.) Wade, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Wade, William Wait, Luther Warner, Stephen Warner, William Willet, Mary ESSEX Andrews, Col. William (two.) Andrews, Samuel Andrews, George B. Boyd, Adam Burnham, Gilman M. Burnham, Robert W. LIST OF BUB8I RIBERS. 303 Burnham, Issachar Burnham, Benjamin, Jr. Burnham, .Nathan Burnham, Nathaniel, Jr. Burnham, John S. Burnham. .Michael Burnliam, George W. Burnham, Joshua C. Choate, John, Esq. Choate. David Cogswell, Caleb Crowell, Rev. Robert D. Dexter, Charles Dodge, Nehemiah Eveleth, Philemon S. F. Foster, William S. Foster, Warren L. Lamson, Doct. Josiah Low, Col. Joshua Low , Winthrop Low, Jeremiah M M ar shall, Charles Wears, Daniel Mears, David N. Norton, Daniel Nutter, James P. Perkins, Fzra Perkins, Thomas Poland, Oliver R. Riggs, Asa Robinson, George Story, Jonathan, 3d, Esq. Story, Epes Story, Norman Story, Col. David Story, Perkins HAMILTON Annable, Anna Amiable, Ephraim Appleton, George Appleton, Doct. John B. Brown, Arza D. Dodge, Antipas Dodge, Benjamin Dodge, Nathan Dodge, William Dodge, Isaac A. Dodge, James B. Dodge, Manasseh 304 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. ~2 UO Faulkner, Mary L. Foster, William G. Giddings, David K. Knowlton, Isaac, Jr. Lamson, Obadiah Lamson, Albert Lovering, Nathaniel Lovering, Joseph Lovering, William , P. Patch, Joseph Patch, Isaac Boston. Farley, Robert Lord, Thomas Boxford. Lamson, OLadiah, Jr. Danvers. Fowler, S. P. Gloucester. Lowe, John W. Lynn. Peck, Nathaniel Manchester. Man, William New-York. Low, Seth Salem. Appleton, Nathaniel Brown, N. Brown, Benjamin F. Cheever, Ira Choate, Doct. George Choate, Francis Goodhue, Samuel <■( W Patch, Levi Patch, Paul Patch, Eppes Perkins, Nehemiah R. Roberts, Isaac W. . Rust, Daniel, Jr. S. Safford, Daniel E. Standley, Zechariah Story, Samuel W. Wallis, Dennison Whipple, William, Jr: Whipple, Oliver Whipple, Elizabeth Witham, William B. Woodbury, John 3 (two.) Hubbard, Doct. Oliver (two.) Kimball, Jonathan C. King, Hon. John Glen Lakeman, Ebenezer K. Lord, Nathaniel J., Esq. Lummus, William Merrill, Benjamin, Esq. Perkins, Jeremiah ,S. Phillips, Hon. Stephen C. Pulsifer, Joseph Salem Mechanics' Library Smith, Jesse, Jr. Story, Joseph Treadwell, Charles Whipple &- Lawrence White, Hon. Daniel A. Topsfield. Cleaveland, Hon. Nehemiah Kellam, Isaac Sawyer, Joseph Towne, Jacob, Jr. Wenham. Sterrett, David (two.) <,