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It is but the plain truth that no man was so well equipped for the task which Mr. Johnson set for himself with such unflagging zeal, both in his own knowledge of Newtown's past and in his painstaking search into local records, as well as those of the Colony, State and Nation. Connecticut Colony, formed by the union of Hartford and New Haven in 1665, appointed a committee at the May session at Hartford in 1711, to lay out such divisions of land within the said Newtown as shall be agreed upon by the proprietors thereof. At the October Session at New Haven in October of 1711, this commit- tee reported to the General Assembly that, "having lately had a general meeting of the said proprietors and their agreement or order for laying out a certain division, or sundry lots of lands within the said town of Newtown, the said committe have thereupon preceded and laid out the same." William Junos, Justice Bush and Samuel Hawley had bought this Newtown land, a tract six by eight miles of the Indians, July 25, 1705. Junos sold half of a third interest in this land to John Glover, making him a large landholder in the early settlement, which he served as town clerk. Glover's purchase from Junos took place Dec. 6, 1708 and the deed of sale was copied by Glover from the records of Stratford, to which town Newtown then belonged. Dec. 19, 1710, two years after Glover's purchase, Samuel Hawley, who had a third interest in this six-by-eight-mile Newtown tract, united with his father, Joseph Curtis, Rev. Charles Chauncey (the Stratford minister) and 38 others, with "Richard Bryan's heires," to buy Junos' remaining sixth interest and Bush's third for £22,10s, "currant silver money of the Colony of Connecticut." This deed was copied into Newtown records from those of Stratford by Joseph Curtis, one of those buy- ing out Junos and Bush. There were 48 rights in this land so bought, Richard Hubbell Sr. having three rights, John Glover, John Reed, Benjamin Fayer- 4 FOREWORD weather two each and the rest one apiece. This land was not all parcelled out at once, nor all held at the same value. The swamps, open glades made by annual Mohawk fires that swept all this country in the Housatonic valley, in which meadows the early settlers cut coarse native grass for winter fodder, were most valued and were cut into four-acre strips. In 1717 the Great Bogs, as swamp land near the Horatio Northrop place was called, and the Little Bogs a half mile below on the stream running out of Great Bogs were parceled out. The hills were mainly timbered and were cut into larger pieces ; 20, 30 and 40-acre divisions are frequently spoken of. An allotment of 30 acres to each of 48 rights was voted in 1721 ; in 1717, the record speaks of a 100-acre division and the common or undivided land continued to be parceled out until the Revolution. Land was rated then, as lists show, as pasture land, or plow-land or meadow land, and different kinds of lands were returned distinct and separately. The custom was to divide the land into the given number of acres and then draw lots for each man's "pitch" as they called it. A committee was appointed to see that each one got his rights, but some were so slow in drawing lots that the proprietors passed votes to spur the delinquents up to the mark. This volume further illuminates the history of this Newtown land, so honestly gotten from the red man, as well as of the men who bought and settled here, mostly from Stratford. The preparation of this volume has been a labor of love, as was the material from which it was prepared, and thanks are due all who have encouraged and aided the enterprise whether by sugges- tion, advice or purchase of this tribute to the effort of an unselfish, high-minded, patriotic American. Additional material seeks to make it a more complete Newtown history, to which have been added names of descendants of Newtown's early settlers, an account of Mr. Johnson's death and burial, with some of the many tributes paid his memory. Reuben Hazen Smith. MR. JOHNSON'S OWN FOREWORD. How time does fly! Here we are well agone in March and the third month of the new year will soon be gone. Before we realize it, turtles will be peeping, frogs will be croaking, woodchucks will be waking from their long winter nap and crawling from their holes will, with blinking eyes, be on the lookout for some sneaking, hungry dog. Soon bluebirds and robins will be looking for nesting places and the phoebe bird will build its nest of moss and mud and hair, perhaps over your front door and mine, where it was built last year and when she has lined it carefully with feathers, depos- ited her eggs, will sit the allotted time for the young life to appear, all unconcerned of danger, for she will remember the warm wel- come that was hers from us all through her brooding season of one year ago. With the coming of the birds will also come the earliest of our wild flowers, the arbutus, the anemone, the trillium, the hepatica, the wind flower, the adder tongue, dutchman's breeches, NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 5 columbine, cowslip, spring beauty and a wealth of others. Only a few short, swiftly going weeks and the nooks and crannies, now so silent under their winter garb, will echo and re-echo with the sound of voices of our younger people, who are the van- guard, soon to fill the breach made by the passing on of their elders. Well, so goes the time and old fellows like myself may as well real- ize that Time's clock for us is almost run down, and the striking of the last hour must be very near at hand. But there is no use sitting down to wait for its coming, better far to keep busy and though we cannot care for so large a piece of fallow ground as once we could, it will be far better to keep on sowing, even though some other one shall do the reaping. In these days of restlessness, how small the percentage in our rural communities of those who are the descendants of first settlers of their native town, and Newtown is no exception. True it is, that there are a few exceptions where can be found those of the fifth, sixth and seventh generation of those who had a hand in the first purchase of the land from the Indians and there are a few instances of those still living in the house built and on the farm purchased by their ancestors over one hundred years ago. And when those be- longing to the class above mentioned, who have lived all their life in one community, get to talking about the early days as they re- member them and as they have heard about them from their elders, there is bound to be something said that makes us sorry ofttimes that we did not take note more carefully of the stories handed down to us, for the sake of future generations. What a large per- centage of the traditions of any community remain unwritten, ignored or carelesly forgotten ; they now lie buried on the page of unwritten history. Not criminally careless, though culpably negli- gent. The new people care but little about the old days, though it will not be long before those who are now in middle life will care, and there will be no one to tell them. Put forty years upon the lives of men and women in middle life, and those of them still living will be past their four-score years. To whom can they go outside of their circle to get their memories refreshed as to happenings at the time of early childhood ? Put sixty years additional upon the ages of boys and girls of to-day, who are in the Newtown High School, and who can they consult as to the ancestry, work and helpfulness, in- dividually and collectively, of those who are to-day a part of the web and woof in the making of our town history. Too apt are we to think as we look about us, if we don't speak it, "It is by my might and by my power have I gotten to myself this great wealth," instead of calling to mind that "others have labored and we have entered into their labors." These papers lay no claim to literary merit, but are plain state- ments of incidents and happenings, by a plain man in a plain way, in the hope that our youg people, with those of maturer years, may find at least momentary pleasure in the retrospect. Friends prophesied for the writer that in his announcement he "had bitten off more than he could chew," and the writer has had occasion many times to recall a little experience he had the first winter he taught school and boarded 'round 60 years ago. Compar- 6 MR. JOHNSON'S OWN FOREWORD ing notes one evening with a brother teacher, of our experiences in boarding 'round,- he said he was at the supper table, one night and was waited upon to a plate of meat, as he supposed, but the more he chewed upon it, the bigger it grew, and he mustered cour- age to ask the hostess what kind of meat it was. The answer came, "We butchered our old cow, yesterday, and so we cooked the udder for to-night's supper." And so with my historical work attempted, the more I chewed upon it, the bigger it has seemed to grow, until instead of reaching a finish, it really seems but just begun. On the farm where I was born and where is still my home, there is a spring whose waters flow out from underneath a granite rock. In my early boyhood, it was made my duty in harvest time to go there with the water jug for cool, fresh water for the harvesters at luncheon hour. Ever and anon some fisherman, huntsman, farmer boy or nut gatherer would stop there to get a drink, the squirrel to wet its tongue and the little bird panting under the burning summer sun stop for a bath before soaring skyward to pour forth its sweetest notes, but to the great outside world it was all unknown. In Summer heat and Winter cold, its flow is uniform and perpetual. It is a little spring. A six-quart bowl inverted would cover it from sight, and yet, in the great economy of Nature, it has its part to perform and performs it well. But a short distance from its source its waters lose their identity as they mingle with the water of the northwest branch of Pootatuck brook. On they flow, into Housatonic River and from thence into Long Island Sound, and so on into the broad ocean on whose bosom float the navies of the world. I go there in these later years and as I sit on the moss-covered rock from underneath which the waters flow, and in the shadow of the old birch tree that has marked off more than a century of growth, I muse over the bygone days. And musing there it some- times comes to me that that spring is in a way typical of one phase of Newtown's life. Typical in this, that from our town, for more than 100 years, a steady, never ceasing flow of young life has been going out from us into the great ocean of human endeavor and still the stream flows on until there is hardly a country on the globe in which there is not some one Newtown born, or a descendant, help- ing to Christianize communities and mould public opinion along lines of virtue and good living. And who dare question the truth of the statement that the New England stock of this country is the backbone of the nation? On land and sea, wherever our flag floats, nine-tenths of them, including the gentler sex as well, have made, and are still making, good their ancestral training in the old New England homes. We are glad when our young people marry and settle in the an- cestral homes, or take the homes of those whose family name has died out, and, with the co-operation of mother, wives or sisters and in the home life, help to build and strengthen the nation, for in the homes of its people rests the prosperity and perpetuity of the nation. NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 7 REUBEN HAZEN SMITH'S TRIBUTE. Who for their fellows live and die, They the immortals are. O, sigh Not for their loss, but, rather, praise The God who gave them to our days. Richard Watson Gilder. In the going home of Mr. Johnson, Newtown loses, not only its most widely known citizen, but its best beloved and most esteemed. I feel sure that no citizen of his generation will be laid at rest in Newtown more widely and sincerely mourned. "Hebrews of the Hebrews," Mr. Johnson was, in ancestry, linked by blood to many of Newtown's early families, and it was a happy Providence that turned his patient industry, his unrequited toil, his faithful research to the early, musty records of his native town. Who is left that carries in memory so much of Newtown's history, and who knows the intimate family details of Newtowners scatter- ed far and near in our modern widening world? Who has the ardent zeal to carry on his valuable labors with a zest and persever- ance that invested even his columns of names, and quotations from documents painfully and carefully searched out, with an aroma and halo all their own? He was Newtown's first and most devoted historian, and a prophet too little honored by those for whom he toiled so unselfishly. No pent-up Utica shut in Mr. Johnson's searching gaze and so he knew not only his native town, but his native State, and native land as well. He was Newtown's most informing traveler and what he saw, the columns of The Bee circulated to eager and admiring readers far and near. Many of The Bee's readers learned geo- graphy anew and with an unwonted interest, when Mr. Johnson traveled and wrote. Even a broken hip, with a stiff leg and a cane, could not check his excursions or his overflow. How many a New- town man or women in distant spot had memory thrilled and infor- mation furnished, as Mr. Johnson and his loyal wife stopped in with words of cheer and good will ! Mr. Johnson never forgot that he was from Newtown, and that earliest affections and impressions are gladly recalled and give fresh life and motive power. Mr. Johnson seemed to have drunk from the fountain of perennial youth, so active his mind, so general his interest in to-day and the fresh innocence of childhood. His fellow citizens recognized this unfail- ing bouyancy of mind and honored themselves by keeping him on the School Board, in spite of four-score years, and the Church of his adoption was glad to honor him in an official way. Large and commanding in person, his qualities of mind and heart matched his frame. This made him a most excellent correspondent, for there was that upward look, that warmth of friendship, that half-con- cealed wit that made his letters so welcome. "I'm on 'tother side of 80," he wrote in May, "and on a steep down-hill grade. I do not forget that life, in its length, has been most lavishly dealt out to me, and the five senses are still in running order, although the axletrees are becoming worn and wobbly and all the while demand- 8 REUBEN HAZEN SMITH'S TRIBUTE ing more and more axle grease. I cannot be thankful enough that I still have my eyesight and reason, and wife and children still spared to me." In another cherished letter his unrequited spirit expressed itself: "How Time does fly! Eighty years have gone with me, and still there is a silver lining to each cloud, should one happen to be covering the sun when the evening shades are gathering." It often occurs to me that the world lost a brilliant writer when Newtown gained an indifferent farmer. But Mr. Johnson's hold upon us was not so much of the brain as of the heart. Faithful he was. It was "Once a friend, always a friend" with him. Others might misunderstand and cast you off, but he — never. To meet him was to come into the sunshine. Others might repel and distress you. He understood and com- forted you with that rare psychology more divine than human, because patient, unselfish, inspiring. I recall, riding with him as a big boy and meeting a man who had been under Mr Johnson's instruction, in the days when Cupid was playing pranks with him and his assistant, Miss Camp. How the man beamed as Mr. John- son recalled those school days. Mr. Johnson, and his good w^ife as well, has been an uplift, a compelling force, in more lives than the world knows of. I may quote his own words of another, as appli- cable in his own case : "I am sure that he has the blessing of God upon his work, for he is so warmly welcomed in everybody's home, regardless of nationality, sect or social standing. He may, and does, make mistakes, but they are those of the head, not of the heart." Is it any wonder that such a man gave such a successful selectman to his town and a bishop to his Church? The mind is cold, critical, the heart warm, bounding, and so Mr. Johnson's generosity overflowed to so many and in so many ways that he was like a fountain in the desert, a well-spring in the wild- erness. Heaven alone will reveal what he and his have been to me and mine. I am not competent to speak here, but I know that I am not alone in sharing his royal bounty. How kindly and unos- tentatiously, how unselfishly he gave, whether it was a glad word and a welcome smile to a child that he had met, perhaps, in visiting the Newtown schools, or some relief in distress, gem set in memory like a diamond in its kingly crown! I remember once saying how poorly I felt myself able to repay some helpful act and his reply, "Pass it on to someone else." If earth is richer, sweeter, for such spirits in this harsh, relentless world, surely his Master must be glad to say, "Well done," to these cups of cold water in His name. The generous nature is tolerant and so was he. Holding his own opinion with firm reliance in his own integrity of purpose, he granted a like honesty of intent in others. He was easily New- town's most loving servant, ready for his own part in the home, in the schools, in The Bee, in whatever helped to advance the town at present and to preserve the best in its past. Hence we not only esteem this memory but love it, and join in the general acclamation to the wealth and uprightness of his character. THE BRIDGEPORT FARMER Ezra Levan Johnson, who died at 82, is best known to the younger NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 9 generation as the bard, historian and educator of Newtown, where he served upon the School Board for many years. But his contri- butions to the commonwealth were unusual, and to the older men he is known as one of the fathers of free education in this State, as a pioneer in the movement to secure instruction by trained teachers, as one of the foremost laymen of the Episcopal Church. He was a rugged, honest, intellectual man of the Lincoln type, advanced in his views, fearless in expression of his opinions and determined in any public effort that he undertook. His loss is to the town in which he lived and labored. He passed on in the peace of a certain and comfortable faith. THE NEWTOWN BEE'S TRIBUTE. Ezra Levan Johnson, Newtown's historian, and its most widely known and best beloved citizen, entered into rest, Sunday, Dec. 27, 1914, about 1.30 p. m. For some days previous, it was seen that the end was not far distant, but he passed peacefully away, as one lying down to sleep. Throughout the early Fall, he had been active as usual and, in September, made his customary visits on the Dodgingtown, Hopewell, Pootatuck and Half Way River schools and the primary department of the Sandy Hook school, over which Mr. Johnson had immediate supervision. He was also able to attend church and enjoyed meeting friends. He took a deep interest in the Bi-Cen- tennial services of the Congregational church, and was present at almost every session. In November, he began to fail and his decline from that time was rapid. Ezra Levan Johnson was born Nov. 11, 1832, son of Charles and Julia Merritt Johnson. Mr. Johnson's ancestors, so far as Newtown records show, were as follows : Ichabod Johnson, great- great grandfather; John Johnson, great-grandfather; Ezra H. Johnson, grandfather; Charles Johnson, father. Ezra H. Johnson died in 1857 and Charles Johnson in May, 1871. Ezra Levan Johnson received his early education in Newtown schools. He took a course at the State Normal school in New Britain and at Medina Academy, Medina, N. Y. He began teaching in Stony Hill district in Bethel at the age of 17. He also taught for a year at Clinton, Middlesex county. With these exceptions, Mr, Johnson gave his services to Newtown, teaching in South Center and Sandy Hook districts. So thoroughly were his services appre- ciated that older boys and girls from other districts in town came to have the benefit of his instruction. In 1856, he was elected to the Board of School Visitors and served continuously from that date to his death, a period of 58 years, a record unparalleled in this State of Connecticut. Up to the last his interest and sympathy in the work of the public schools continued unabated. His attitude toward all the teachers was helpful, rather than critical. And from his own experience, he was able to point the way out of diffi- culties and to give the word of encouragement, when needed and deserved. In his young manhood, Mr. Johnson was an active member of the 10 THE NEWTOWN BEE'S TRIBUTE Congregational Church, and superintendent of its Sunday school. He was also superintendent of a district Sunday school maintained for years in Huntingtown district. Later in life, he became a com- municant of Trinity Church and at the time of his death was its honored senior warden. Mr. Johnson's work as a local historian stands forth pre-emi- nently. At the Bi-Centennial of the town in 1905, Mr. Johnson was chairman of the executive committee having the celebration in charge, and was historian of the day. The citizens of the town are indebted to Mr. Johnson for painstaking work in local historical writing, which appeared from time to time in the columns of The Bee. To the editor and business manager of The Bee, he has al- ways been a sympathetic and helpful friend, and it is with sorrow we are compelled to note the "passing on" of Mr. Johnson. To a large degree, it may be truthfully said, his outlook on life was un- selfish, and in this lies the great secret of his success. Shortly after its organization, Mr. Johnson became a member of the Men's Club and served a term as president. October 10, 1858, Mr. Johnson married Jane Eliza, daughter of Beach and Catherine Foote Camp, who survives him, with four sons : William Camp Johnson and Charles Beach Johnson of Newtown, Levan Merritt Johnson of Painesville, O., and Bishop Frederick Foote Johnson of St. Louis, Mo. To an unusual degree Mr Johnson has been blessed in his family relations and this first great break in the domestic chain must cause the deepest grief. The funeral took place on Wednesday Dec. 30, at 2 p. m., from. Trinity Church, and was one of the most largely attended in recent years. Rev. James Hardin George, rector of Trinity Church, offic- iated. With the rector in the chancel were Rev. George Thomas Linsley, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Hartford, who read the lesson; Rev. George H. Buck of Derby, who read the creed and prayer, and Rev. Charles J. Sniffen of South Lee, Mass. The two hymns sung were : "Jesus, lover of my soul," and, "O God, our help in ages past." For a recessional, this hymn was used : "Abide with me, fast falls the eventide." Members of the vestry of Trinity Church, and of the Board of School Visitors, occupied seats together in the center of the church. The pallbearers were the four sons. At the service at the grave, the rector was assisted by Rev. Mr. Sniffen. At the service at the house, before the start for the Church, Mr. George was assisted in the prayers by the Rev. F. W. Barnett. There was a profusion of beautiful floral tributes from loving friends, including wreath from the vestry of Trinity Church, wreath from the Board of School Vistors, wreath from the Men's Club, floral piece from the teacher and pupils of Pootatuck school, flowers from the girls of Walnut Tree Hill, floral piece from Messrs Smith of the Bee and many others. Among those present at the funeral from out of town were : Percy L. Johnson of Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Keeler of Seymour, Mrs. George Welch of Meriden, Miss Jennie Clark of Bethel, Frederick Maguire of Litchfield, A. C. Innis of New Milford, ;<^v=:?'«:e"i'c.i>,^ve/4:>('ii^>4'^>.i«5?i^r^^ N > o Q, z O IT- c C/0 NEWtOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 11 Mr. and Mrs. George Russell, of Southbury, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Beers of Brookfield. Resolutions Adopted by the Vestry of Trinity Church on the Death of Ezra Levan Johnson. The Vestry of Trinity church, speaking in behalf of all, old and young, in the parish, feels that in the death of Ezra Levan Johnson, our Senior Warden, we have sustained a great loss. By birth and training not a member of our communion, Mr. Johnson came into it in the ripeness of his middle life, and was confirmed under the rectorship of Dr. Marble, by Bishop Williams, August 11, 1871. He at once took an active part in the parish work, and business and was chosen a Vestryman, April 14 1873. The record shows him constant at the meet- ings and faithful in the duties laid upon him. For more than 40 years he served the parish in this capacity. He was chosen Junior Warden at Easter, 1904, and Senior Warden at the annual parish meeting in 1913. Because of his knowledge of town history, he was chosen the historian of the parish at the celebration in Sept., 1907, of the 175th anniversary of the beginning of Rev John Beach's ministry. It was his knowledge of tradition which located the spot where Mr. Beach's first service was held, the place now marked by the memorial boulder. Mr. Johnson had a deep interest in the work of the Church at large, and for many years represented the parish in the diocesan convention, and became well known to leading churchmen throughout the State. In church worship he had an unfailing joy. He was constant in his attendance, and the prayers and praises of divine service became a part of his life as their words were ever fresh in his memory. His presence at the Church's services and his regular family devotions, brought him a growing love of the Prayer Book and the Church's ways. Loyal in his devotion to the Church, he yet had a broad sympathy for all Christians and an especially kind and loving feeling towards the com- munion in which he was born and reared; and he had the respect and good will of its members. By his upright life before the world and his faithfulness to his religious duties he commemded to all men the Church which he loved. We shall greatly miss his familiar form at the Church's services, and his wise council in our business deliberations. His example of a sober, righteous and godly life will have its lasting influence upon the parish and community, and his memory is blessed. To his bereaved family we extend our sincere sympathy, and commend them to the God of all comfort and consolation. 12 HIS EPITAPH. HIS EPITAPH. "The children loved him!" That was what they said When a kind man lay dead ! Ah, j^es ! and when he slept serene and still, From every glade and hill The children brought bright flowers, pink and white, For his last day and night. They loved him through their young untroubled years. They loved his smiles; his tears. His sorrows and his loss they knew not of — They onlj^ knew his love, For he was kind and he was gentle; best And surely happiest When little children left their games and play To follow his glad way. "The children loved him!" for he made them laugh. O ! splendid epitaph ! Selected by Julia and Cynthia Merritt. COPY OF DEED Newtown's Purchase from the Indians. Know all men by these presents, yt we Mauquash, Massumpas, Nunna- wauk all belonging to Pootatuck in ye Colony of Connecticut for and in consideration of four guns, four broad cloth coats, four blankets, four rufifelly coats, four collars, ten shirts, ten pair of stockings, forty pounds of lead, ten of — ten pounds of powder and forty knives, to us promised to be paid as by these bills underhand and one may more fully approve, we say we have Given, Granted, Bargained and sold, alienated. Conveyed and Con- firmed and b}^ these presents do freely, fully and absolutely Give, Grant, Bargain, sell alienate, convey and confirm unto William .lunos, Justus Bush and Samuel Hawley all now resident in Stratford in ye Colony aforesaid, a Certain Tract of land situate, lying and being in the Colony of Connecticut Butted and Bounded as followeth, viz. Bounded South upon pine swamp and land of Mr. Sherman and Mr. Rositer, South West upon Fairfield bounds. North West upon the bounds of Danbury, North East by land pur- chased by Milford men at or near ovanhonock and South East on land of Numaway an Indian, the line running two miles from the river right against pootatuck the sd tract of land Containing in length eight miles and in breadth five miles but more or less with all appurtenances, privileges and conditions thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to them, the said William Junos, Justus Bush and Samuel Hawley their heirs and assigns to have and to hold forever to their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, and, we the said Mauquash, Massumpas and Nunnawauk for us our heirs and administrators do covenant promise and grant to and with the said William Junos, Justus Bush and Samuel Hawley their heirs and assigns yt before ye ensealing thereof, we are the true, sole and lawful owners of the above bargained premises and possessed of ye same in our own Right as a good, perfect and absolute estate of inheri- tance in fee simple, and have in ourselves good Right, full power, and authority to grant, bargain, sell, convey, alien and confirm the same and all the priviledges and particulars before mentioned in manner as above said, yt ye said Wm. Junos, Justus Bush and Samuel Hawley their heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter by virtue of these presents lawfully, peaceably and quietly. Have, hold up, oc- cupy, possess and enjoy the said bargained premises with ye appurten- ances free and alone and freely and dlearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged of, and from all and all manner of former and other Gifts, Grant, Sales, losses. Mortgages, Wills, Intails, Joyntures, Dowries, Judg- ments, Enventory, Incumbrances, or other incumbrances whatsoever. Furthermore, we ye sd Mauquash, Massumpas and Nunnawauk, for our- selves, heirs, executors and administrators do covenant and engage the above described premises to them, the said William Junos, Justus Bush and Samuel Hawley, their heirs and assigns against the lawful claims or demands of any person or persons whatsoever forever hereafter, to war- rant and defend. Moreover, we, Washunawanian, Wasuabye, Moctowek, Awashkoeum, Annuminobe, Mallocksqua, Jennohumpisho, Wompocowash] Munnaposh, Punuanta, Wannonio, Mosunksio, Tacoosh, Morammoo] Slickanungus, Susoouso, we and every one of us doth for ourselves and each of us by ourselves, do freely give grant and of our own voluntary mind resign to the said William Junos, Justus Bush and Samuel Hawley, all our right title and interest by possession, heirship or by any other way or means whatsoever. Witness our hands and seals July ye 25 in the fourth year of her Majesties Reign, Anno Domino, 1705. Signed Sealed 14 NEWTOWN'S PURCHASE FROM THE INDIANS and delivered in presence of Jacob Walker, Daniel Denton, Edward Hinman, Indian witnesses Obimosk, Nunako, Maquash and Musumeas. Personally appeared at Potutuck and acknowledged ye above written instrument to be thare free and voluntary act and deed before me this 12th September 1705. Jon Minor Justice. Witness, Ebenezer Johnson. The above written is a true copy of the original on file. Test, Eleazor Kimberly, exactly entered and compared Jan. 22, 1710 per me. Joseph Curtis, one of the committee for Newtown. QUIOMPH'S PURCHASE— 1723 Several years passed after the Indians had sold the English, land eight miles in length and five miles or more in breadth, which in due time was to become the township of Newtown, "bounded east- erly on Stratford and part of Fairfield, westerly upon Danbury and a line running from the southeast corner of Danbury parallel to the east line of said town to Fairfield bounds, northerly upon New Milford purchase, and the Great River, shall be one entire town known by the name of Newtown." In March, 1710, 22 proprietors took their pitch in the first allotment of land and other allotments were made from time to time as the years went by, with nothing appearing to disturb the even tenor of the settlers' way until about 1720, when there appeared upon the scene an Indian, Quiomph by name, who made claim to being sole owner of all land not sold to the English, claimed to be a strip of mountain land lying along the line of the Pootatuck brook at the base of Pisgah. The town rec- ords show the adjustment made between the land proprietors and Quiomph, as regards the land to which he laid claim. Interesting it should be, showing the friendly feeling between the whites who were getting possession by honest purchase. At a lawful town meeting of the inhabitants and landed proprietors of Newtown, Sept 1723, to consider what method to take for purchasing land lying southerly and westerly of Pootatuck river offered upon sale by Quiomph, Indian : First, voted at above said meeting that all the land lying southerly and westerly of the Great or Pootatuck River, to be purchased of Quiomph shall be equally divided by heads of families, to each their equal propor- tion of purchase money, namely, each proprietor as above said. Secondly, voted at said meeting that Mr. Thomas Bennitt and Johathan Booth shall be a committee in behalf of the proprietors aforesaid to pur- chase the said tract of land of Quiomph. Thirdly, voted that the purchasers shall pay by next Wednesday, the 7th day of this instant, one shilling apiece; upon the neglect of payment of one shilling they are to lose their right of purchase. Fourthly, voted that the whole purchase money that the above said com- mittee shall agree upon shall be paid by the first week ensuing, which will be the fourteenth day of October, 1723. Upon the neglect of such payment to be made they shall lose their right in said tract. Fifthly, no former grant or division shall be taken up within the bound- ary of the above said tract of land, purchased of said Quiomph. Recorded bv Joseph Peck, town clerk. The deed in folio form reads: "The proprietors of Newtown deed from Quiomph, Recorded January ye 21st, 1726, in ye 3d Book of Newtown Records, folio 74." Per Joseph Peck, town clerk. The leaves that contained the record are lost from the record book; the original deed is carefully preserved in the town clerk's office : NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 15 "Know all men by this instrument, bearing date this seventh day of August, in ye tenth year of his Majesties' reign, Anno Domine One thous- and seven hundred and twenty-three, that I, Quiomph, an Indian of Pootatuck, do declare myself ye sole heir of all land that is not purchased by ye English before this date in ye boundaries of Newtown, in ye County of Fairfield within his Majesties colony of Connecticut, in New England. Now, in ye performance of ye convenant of ye one part, bargain and quit claim made between me ye sd Quiomph of ye one part and John Glover and Abraham Kimberly, purchasers for ye proprietors of Newtown, being their committee, and Thomas Bennitt being assisting with them of ye other part,witnesseth, that I Quiomph aforesaid, for, and in consideration of sixteen pounds in hand paid or promised to be paid where in I do acknowledge myself fully satisfied, have given, granted bargained, sold, allienated, made over and forever quit claim and confirmed and by these presents, do give, grant, bargain, sell, make over and forever quit claim unto John Glover and Abraham Kimberley, ye above said purchasers for the proprietors of Newtown in ye county of Fairfield and colony of Connecticut, all lands in ye boundaries of Newtown not purchased by ye English before ye date of these presents, except a corner of intervale land lying by ye river where Cock shures fence is bounded easterly by ye river and ye other side by a brook called Hucko by ye Indians, from ye river until ye brook comes down between ye hills, and from ye said brook where it comes down between ye hills a straight line direct to ye River, and ye reversion and reversions, ye remainder and re- mainders and rights, titles, interests, claims and demands whatsoever of me, ye sd Quomph, of, in, and to ye same to have and to hold all ye said grant, all which land claimed said Indian in ye boundaries of Newtown aforesaid except yt intervale land above expressed and all and singular ye premises with their and every of their appurtnances before to be mention- ed to be granted to ye said John Glover and Abraham Kimberly, committee for ye proprietors of Newtown according to ye grant of ye General court to them as on record and to their heirs to ye use of said proprietors their heirs and assigns forever. And I, ye said Quiomph, of Pootatuck in Con- necticut, have granted for me and my heirs that we will grant, warrant and defend unto ye sd John Glover and Abraham Kimberly, committee for ye proprietors of Newtown above sd their heirs executors, adminstrators, assigns, the above said land except ye intervale land and promises with and for their attorney against all people laying any lawful claim to ye same forevermore, by these presents. In witness of ye sd promises ye aforesaid Quiomph hath hereunto sett his hand and put to his seal, the day and year above written. Quiomph his (x) mark. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Robert Seeley, Euniss Bennitt, Indian witnesses : Mauchoro, Wahuncop, Machocomp, Mausumpus. Quiomph, the above subscriber to this instrument personally appeared in Newtown the day and date above said and acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Before me,Thomas Bennitt, Justice of the Peace." Although the land was purchased, the deed made out and the money paid in 1732, before any measurements were taken or the land laid out, it evidently was shared in by the then proprietors of the town, who at that time numbered 51 and so there were 51 equal proprietors in what became known as the Quiomph purchase. After the purchase, this wild mountain land lay undivided and un- measured until 1742. In the meantime, Peter Hubbell, a land pro- prietor, had bought at different times 49 rights of the fifty-one, and a proprietors' committee was appointed to lay out the Quiomph purchase, January 25, 1748. "Then laid out to Peter Hubbell, Esq., his heirs and assigns, or to his or their assigns according to ye several parcels of land which they hold by deeds from him, or his heirs or assigns according to ye several propor- tions expressed by sd deeds of ye lands known by ye name of Quiomph's 16 QUIOMPH'S PURCHASE— 1723 last purchase ye sd Hubbell having formerly bought at several different times ye rights of 49 out of 51 equal proprietors in sd Quiomph purchase and ye same as not being laid out or divided according to ye vote of ye proprietors of Newtown, therefore we ye subscribers at ye desire of ye sd Peter Hubbell have laid out ye greater part of ye 49 rights in ye following manner : Beginning at a black oak tree marked and stones put to it, which is commonly known to be ye bounds for ye southwest corner of ye afore- said Quiomph purchase, and then running north 5 degrees west in ye west line of sd purchase 426 rods to a heap of stones laid to a small spier then east five degrees north 75 rods to a heap of stones, then north 5 degrees west 11 rods to a heap of stones laid betwist a bunch of largealderbushes.then east to 5 degrees north one hundred rods to black oak spier marked and stoned, then north five degrees west sixty rods to a large black oak tree standing on ye bank of ye Great Pootatuck River, then easterly and south- easterly and southerly by sd Great River in all 295 rods to a white oak spier marked and in or near ye dividing line of ye Indians land, and ye land of Mr. Read of Boston, 71 rods at ye brook near to ye sd Hubbell's dwelling house and then due west 33 rods to ye southeast corner of Samuel Towner's land, then westerly by sd Towner's land 60 rods to a black oak spier marked, then south 6 degrees east 30 rods to a pine at ye top of ledge of rocks known by ye name of second Pisgah towards the easterly part thereof, then went 15 degrees south 72 rods to ye southeast corner of Mallery land, then southwesterly by ye top of sd Pisgah to Sanford's mill land and then westerly by said mill land to ye northwest corner thereof, and from thence in a straight line to ye black oak began at with- in which limits and boundaries is contained one hundred and ninety-one acres and a half, twenty acres of which is allowed for ye highways that is already laid out through j'e said tract, above said, land which we look upon as necessary yet to be laid out in ye same. Completed ye daj' and date above said by us. John Glover, Junr. Joseph Botsford, Peter Hubbell, Proprietors Committee. And to ratify and confirm ye doings as above set forth we, John Glover and Daniel Foot who were chosen a committee to lay out ye above sd purchase, have hereunto set our hands. Daniel Foot, John Glover. Recorded ye day and date above by me Job Sherman, Proprietors' clerk. January 26, 1748. The original deed was placed on file with the Town Clerk and was by him recorded as "The Proprietors of Newtown deed from Quiomph. Recorded January ye 21st, 1726, in ye third Book of Newtown Records, folio 74. Per Joseph Peck Town Clerk. The first three record books of those early days, dating- back of 1730, became coverless many, many years ago, although the first volume remained well intact, but the greater part of the leaves of the second and third volumes were lost, and among the leaves were those which contained the record of Quiomph's deed. Between 1873 and 1880, Charles Henry Peck was Newtown's town clerk, and being extremely interested in the town history and a persistent student of it, he was so troubled in mind, when he saw the dilapi- dated condition of the three coverless volumes of records of those early days, that he gathered the remains of the three volumes and had them rebound within one cover. It has been from his thought- fulness as to their preservation that so much can be gathered of the doings of those earliest days. Not content with having the rem- nants of the these first volumes bound into one, he also had the original deed from Quiomph bound between covers for preserva- NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 17 tion, to be handed down to coming generations. It is a wonder that the deed could have been preserved in folio form, among other loose papers, for 100 years or more. Of the two deeds that passed between the Indians and the English, the original of the first trans- action has been lost, but the recorded deed can be found, com- mencing on Page 48, Volume 1, and of the second deed, the original is well preserved in the Town Clerk's office, but the recorded deed was lost when the third volume fell to pieces. "BEARING EACH OTHER'S BURDENS" In the early part of my study of town history, before I had be- come much interested therein, my attention was arrested by a line sentence close to the very edge of the top of a page in Vol 1, Newtown records, which made no particular impression upon my mind at the time. It read, "A Court of election at Hartford, May 9, 1678." Following out the clue, it proved the key to open an interest- ing bit of history closely related to individual and family life. The transaction referred to dates back to May, 1678 and reads : "A court of Election at Hartford, May 9, 1678. This court grants John Hubbell in consideration of his loss of one of his fingers and one ear, etc., one hundred acres of land provided he takes it upon where it may not prejudice any former grant to a plantation or particular person. Ex- tracted out of the Court Record. Per John Allyn Secretary. Transferred as in ye copy. December ye 25th, 1712. Per me John Glover, Recorder. Reading carefully, we see that the grant of land referred to was given no definite location, nor was there any stated time within which it must be taken up. The grantor could take it up in any part of Connecticut colony he might choose. Not until 32 years had passed do we hear anything more about it, when it appears that John Hubbell's two sons, acting in their father's stead, took up the 100-acre grant in Newtown and sold it to John Glover, who was fast becoming an extensive land owner. The following record of the sale forms interesting reading and we wish we could also trans- fer the "annexed figure" as the pen picture looks upon the old rec- ord, giving the lines and angles with their geometrical dispropor- tions. "Newtown, March ye 7th, 1710. The Court was pleased to grant to Mr. John Hubbell in consideration of his loss of his finger and ear, etc., one hundred acres of land. Mr. John Glover hath bought sd grant of Mr. John Hubbell's sons as may appear from these bonds and seals on ye back side of ye copy of Court Grant and I being at Mr. John Glover's house ye day above in Newtown he desired me to assist him to lay out sd hundred acres near his own land where he had about 60 acres formerly laid out by persons appointed and there being a slip of land between Mr. Glover's land and a mountain, (NE) also sd Glover has a great part of this 100 acres yt taken up within fence and for pasturage land. The manner and form as it lies and distance is showed in ye annexed figure or plott which quantity is not above one hundred acres. As per me, William Thompson, Surveyor. Recorded December 25, 1712, per me John Glover, Recorder." Following the record of the sale of the land to John Glover, we have the declaration of John Hubbell's sons that they have sold for 18 BEARING EACH OTHER'S BURDENS a valuable consideration this land. "We, Richard Hubbell and Josiah Hubbell, the sons of John Hubbell, within mentioned in ye grant of ye election court in May ye 9th, 1678, we say we do for a valuable consideration by us in hand received sell and make over all our right, title and interest in ye said grant of ye aforesaid Court unto Mr. John Glover of Newtown, his heirs and assigns forever. Witness our hands and seals, October 10, 1710. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Joshua Judson and Caleb Galpin. October ye 2nd, 1710, Richard and Josiah Hubbell personally appeared before me and acknowledge this instrument to be their free act and deed. James Judson, Justice. Recorded on ye backside of ye copy of sd Court Grant, December 25, 1712, per me, John Glover, recorder." In this brief space is collected all that can be gathered as to that land transaction so long ago. To the writer it has a deep interest not devoid of pathos. It is one of many instances that crop out from the silent pages of Newtown's unwritten history. The grant of land was given for the loss of a finger, an ear, etc. We would like to know what the "and so forth" included. We would like to know how the misfortune came. Was it from skir- mishing with a hostile foe? Whatever the cause, a sympathy corresponding to the misfor- tune showed itself by a substantial acknowledgement from the colony, verifying the Scriptural adage, that "when one member suffers, all the members suffer with it." QUANNEAPAGUE, The Home of The Pootatucks. The oldest people in Newtown, Newtown born, are of the sixth generation in direct line of descent from the first settlers, so that information they can give of the town's earliest history must be from reminiscenses or as gathered from the earliest of the town records. When Jeremiah Turner and Samuel Sanford were each in turn given liberty to set a grist mill in the west part of town on "Quanneapague Brook," and were to have two parcels of land, one of which was a sixteen-acre tract "lying in ye crotch of Quannea- pague pond," we have the evidence that our beautiful inland lake, nestled down between the hills for aught we know "since the morn- ing stars first sang together," was known by that name when the white man looked upon it for the first time. If it was handed down to the first and second generation of our ancestors, it long since became obsolete, but when the land now comprised in the town of Newtown was purchased it was known by the Indian name, Quanneapague. To prove this, we copy from the first volume of town records five separate transactions of sale of petition rights, each independent of the others in 1710 and 1711. The question may arise, "What is meant by 'petition rights?'" In 1708, the General Court of the colony of Connecticut granted to certain petitioners "that all that tract of land lying on the west side of Stratford and part of Fair- field, westerly by Danbury and a line running from the southeast corner of Danbury to Fairfield bounds, northerly by New Milford Purchase, shall be one entire town, called by name of Newtown." OUANNEAPAGUE TAUNTON POND From the South End See Page 18 gU ANN EAP AGUE TAUNTON POND North End See Page 18 SOUTH MAIN STREET Looking North SCUUDER— SMITH RESIDENCE South End Newtown Street NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 19 Among the Privileges Granted , Among the privileges granted those who might become inhab- itants was that of free liberty to purchase by petition a parcel or I tract that might be claimed by any Indian or others, and a right and I privilege at all times in all lands that should be common in the town. An individual wishing to purchase a piece of land independently of ] "pitch" or general division would petition the General Court of the colony, which held two sessions yearly, in May and October, for the privilege, and, if the Court consented to the request, the petition was granted and he was given what was called in law a "petition right" by which he could take land where he chose that was com- mon land, subject only to the requirements of the General Court. To illustrate : Upon the request of Captain Ebenezer Johnson, this Court grants him liberty to purchase of the Indians about one acre and half of the land that was set out to them by the town of Milford, it being unsuitable for the Indians and very advantageous to said Johnson to set his fence upon it, also having some meadow in it. This Court grants said Captain Johnson's request. Colonial Records, Vol. 4, of Connecticut. That land was bought by a "petition right" and a person having from the Court a petition right could sell the right to any person, if he did not care to use it himself. These several recorded sales of "petition rights," taken from Vol. 1 of Newtown's Records, each say : "In that tract of land called by ye name of Quanneapague and now known by ye name of Newtown." DEED 1. — Be it known unto all men by these presents yt I, ye sd John Minor of Woodbury in ye county of Fairfield in Her Majesty's Colony of Connecticut have by these presents, given, granted, alienated, sold and confirmed to yt sd John Burrowsh, his heirs and assigns forever, my right in ye sd Newtown or Quanneapague in virtue of our petition to ye late General Court at Hartford, the which petition right for several reasons and particular for two (undecipherable) in hand received, or good security for ye same, peaceably to have, hold and occupy and improve ye sd prem- ises, with all ye privileages and conveniences therof from ye date hereof for ever and for ye confirmation thereof, to all intents and purposes I here- to subscribe this 16th day of January, 1710, John Minor. Witnessed by us: Daniel Beardsiy, Thomas Sherwood. The above named John Minor ye same day of ye date of ye above written deed and acknowledged it to be his free act and deed. John Minor, Justice. Exactly entered from ye original deed and compared. September '7, 1710. Joseph Curtis, assistant clerk. DEEDS 2 and 3 — These may signify to whom it may concern that we whose names are underwritten have sold unto Richard Hubbell of Stratfield one petition right (by grant from ye General Court) at Newtown, (alias) Quanneapague, dated in Stratfield, April 1st, 1709. Witness our hands, Samuel Hubbell, Jr. David Whitlock, Jr. Exactly recorded from ye original and compared March 6, 1710. per me, Joseph Curtis, one of ye Committee for Newtown. — Vol. 1, Page 44, Town Records. Know all men by these presents yt I, John Burross of Stratfield in ye County of Fairfield, have by these presents given, granted, bargained and sold from me and my heirs, executors and administrators and assigns, for- ever, all my right, titles and interest in and unto a petition right I purchased of Captain Minor of Woodbury of land granted by ye General Assem- bly to sd Minor lying in ye bounds of Quanneapague or Newtown I say I have sold unto Richard Nichols of Stratford in ye County of Fair- field to him, his heirs and assigns forever for a valuable consideration to pay 10 pounds in money at eight shillings ye ounce troy weight ye which 20 QUANNEAPAGUE I acknowledge ye receipt of to my full satisfaction and for ye confirmation of ve above sd, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, at Stratfield, April 27, '1710. John Burross. Deed 4 — To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Know ye, that whereas I, Benjamin Nichols, inhabitant in the town of Stratford, in ye county of P^airfield, Colony of Connecticut in New England, being one of ye petitioners to ye General Assembly of this prov- ince for a right in ye tract of land commonly called by the name of Quan- neapogue, and now by the name of Newtown, sd petition being granted, I, having a certain right therein, I, ye sd Benjamin Nicolls have sold, and do by these presents alienate, set over, and sell to Joseph Fairchild of ye above town, county and colony, ye whole of my above sd right with all of ye appertenances and privileges thereto belonging both as to ye present and future ye are or may be here to belonging for him ye sd Joseph Fairchild, his heirs, executors or assigns for ever to hold, occupy, possess and enjoy and yt without any let, molestation, hindrance or disturbance from me, my heirs or assigns forever, hereby acknowledging to have already received in full satisfaction therefore. In testimony of ye above written I have here- unto set to mj' hand and seal in Stratford, June 14, 1710. Benjamin Nicholls. Benjamin Nicolls, ye subscriber to ye above instrument personally ap- peared in Stratford on ye 21st day of December, 1710, and acknowledge ye above instrument to which he had signed and sealed to be his own free act and deed. Joseph Curtis, assistant clerk. Deed 5 INDENTURE— This indenture made this fifth day of November, in ye tenth year of her Majesty's reign. Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and eleven, between Joseph Botsford of Milford, planter, in ye county of New Haven, within Her Majesty's Colony of Connecticut in New England of ye one party, and Joseph Peck of Milford aforesaid ye other party, witnesseth that Joseph Botsford of aforesaid, for and in consider- ation of a certain parcel or division of land situate in Milford aforesaid being ye fifty-second lot in ye second shoot, containing twelve acres, more or less lying on ye race bounded with Timothy Baldwin's land northward, and a high-way, and east and westward, and John Merwin's land southward to him, ye sd Botsford made over by a bill of exchange under ye hand and seal of ye sd Peck being equal date and indentured with these presents which to }^e full satisfaction of ye sd Botsford hath granted, bargained and exchanged and by these presents doth freely, firmly and absolutely grant, bargain, exchange, alienate and make over unto Joseph Peck aforesaid, and to his heirs and assigns forever, one moity or half a right, sometimes called a "petition right" in that tract of land called by ye name of "Quanneapogue" and now known by ye name of Newtown in ye County of Fairfield and Colony aforesaid, ye whole right being a forty-ninth part of ye whole tract of land, ye other moity of ye sd right being for a valuable consideration already sold by ye sd Botsford to sd Peck and his heirs forever, is hereby ratified and con- firmed however hereafter it may be butted and bounded when it shall be divided and a petition made of ye whole or any part of ye aforesaid tract of land, together with all ye present and future privileges and to have and to hold both ye moities or whole of ye aforesaid right or forty-ninth part of ye aforesaid tract of land to him ye sd Joseph Peck, his heirs and assigns as a free, absolute and indefeazable estate of inheritance to his and their proper use, behoofe and benefit forever, and further, ye sd Joseph Botsford doth for himself and his heirs covenant and promise to and with ye sd Joseph Peck and his heirs and assignees that he and they shall quietly and peaceably have, hold, use and enjoy ye aforsaid right or forty-ninth part of ye aforesaid tract of land called Newtown with ye privileges and appur- tenances therein to belonging from person or persons whatsover, that shall lay any legal claim thereunto or any part thereon forever. In witness of ye above premises ye aforesaid Joseph Botsford has here- unto set his hand and put to his seal ye day and year first above written. Joseph Botsford, seal Milford, November 5 1711. Joseph Botsford of Milford, subscriber to ye above written instrument personally appeared and acknowledged ye above writen instrument to be NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 21 his act and deed before me. Jonathan Law, Justice of the peace. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Richard Baldwin, Thom- as Baldwin. Exactly entered from ye original sigment, November 28. 1711, by me, Peter Hubbell, recorder. FIRST GRIST MILL About six years after the land had been purchased from the Indians, although they had been busy all the time, a wilderness still surrounded them, and they were practically cut off from the outside world. Sickness was soon to come, and sorrow and death might follow. What more natural than that they should feel lonely with no well regulated method of "assembling of themselves to- gether," for the one common purpose of religious sympathy and helpfulness ? Next to the settling of a minister and the building of a meeting house, the getting of a grist mill that would grind the town's grain was matter for serious consideration, being an absolute necessity. The records show no action to give any one liberty to take water for power until 1711. No artificial ponds had been made, but there was the "Great Pond," as spoken of, the Indian name of which was "Quanneapague." With no mill for grinding grain, the pioneers had from the first been obliged to use a mortar and pestle as the Indians did, or go to Stratford on horseback (for they had no wag- ons) for the nearest mill. At a town meeting at the house of Daniel Foot, 1711, it was " voted that Benjamin Sherman, Ebenezer Prindle and Samuel Sanford should view ye pond and see if it would contain a grist mill." "Voted that Jermiah Turner should have liberty to build a grist mill, and ye inhabitants do promise to give ye sd Turner 40 square acres adjoining to ye mill." At a town meeting Dec. 24, 1711, at the house of Daniel Foot it was "voted for Poodertook brook to get a grist mill on Poodertook brook." In the meantime, negotiations had got so far along with Jeremiah Turner that the inhabitants chose Abraham Kimberly and Turner chose John Piatt to pick out the 40 acres he was to have for build- ing the mill on Pond Brook, but Turner for some unexplained reason did not build the mill. At another town meeting Feb. 12, 1712, it was "voted that Samuel Sanford shall have the liberty to get a grist mill upon ye Pond Brook that Jeremiah Turner had." "Voted that Abraham Kimberly, Ebenezer Prindle and John Grififin be instructed to draw articles of agreement with sd Sanford as fast as may be." The articles of agreement : "To all people to whom these presents shall come, we agents for ye Town of Newtown, in ye county of Fairfield and Colony of Connecticut in New England, authorized by ye sd Town by a vote of ye sd Town at a meeting of ye sd town on ye eleventh day of January last past, as by ye record doth appear, do sign, seal and deliver an instrument of ye sd Town's behalf for ye conveying and passing over unto Samuel Sanford and his heirs and assigns forever, two parcells of land hereafter described upon this condition. That ye aforesaid Sanford of Newtown, aforesaid, and his heirs and assigns do erect and maintain a grist mill on Quanapague brook in Newtown aforesaid or such other place as sd Town shall assign and convey for such an improvement and so attend ye same as that sufficient stores may be thereby ground for 50 families of Newtown, allowing reasonable time for repairing and rebuilding as occas- ion shall require, and grinding. Know ye that whereas by instrument bearing date of ye 15th of March, 1712, the sd Town did convenant to con- 22 FIRST GRIST MILL vey and confirm unto ye sd Sanford and his heirs and assigns on ye condi- tions therein mentioned and ye sd Sanford being now in a fair way to accomplish ye erecting of a grist mill, for ye further encouragement we ye aforesaid agents for ye town of Newtown, do on ye sd Town's behalf, by virtue of ye above sd authority above recited by these presents firmly and absolutely grant, make over, and confirm on ye conditions above de- scribed, unto ye sd Samuel Sanford and his heirs and assigns forever two parcells of land situated in Newtown afore sd, one of which parcells con- taining 16 acres lying in ye notch of Quannapague Pond aforesaid bounded with an highway on ye northwest, ye other parcel containing 24 acres lying on ye northwest side of ye aforesaid highway and bounded on all other sides with common land, together with all the privileges and appurtenain- ces unto them belonging, to have and to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever, on ye conditions above exprest as free land upon all accounts whatsoever excepting only non-performance of ye conditions above sd indefeazable estate of inheritance to his and their own use and benefit forever. Reserving only to ye sd Town, liberty upon ye failure of sd Sanford and his heirs or assigns in any part of ye conditions aforesaid to enter and take ye above granted lands and premises. And further, we the aforesaid agents on ye behalf of ye sd Town and their successors, do, to, and with ye sd Sanford, his heirs and assigns covenant and promise ye sd Sanford, his heirs and assigns in ye quiet and peaceable possession of ye above granted land appurtenances during ye whole time and term of his and their performances of sd conditions according to ye true intent and meaning thereof against all and every person or persons whatsoever that shall lay and legal claim unto ye premises or any part thereof to warrant and defend forever. Witness whereof we have hereunto sett our hands and seal. Samuel Sanford (Seal) Abraham Kimberly (Seal) Ebenezar Prindle (Seal) John (X) Grifin (Seal) Witness, mark Jno. Leavenworth, John Foote, September 12, 1713. John Peck, Recorder. A year or more passed and as neither Turner nor Sanford entered into agreement with the town to build a mill on Pond or Quanna- pague brook another town meeting was called to take further action in regard to getting a grist mill. At a lawful town meeting, December 14, 1714, of ye settled and aproved enhabitants of Newtown being duly notified met and assembled together made choice of Thomas Bennitt, Abraham Kimberly and Daniel Foot a comity in behalf of ye town to agree with Samuel Sanford about ye land and stream laying under Mount Pizza and to draw articles of agreement with him for ye building and erecting a grist mill there for ye youse of ye Town and what land sd Samuel Sanford takes up about sd stream he is to lay off as much from his 40 acres of land at ye Pond." Recorded per me Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. In accordance with the vote of the town, the committee conferred with Samuel Sanford; these articles of agreement were drawn up between the town of Newtown and Sanford, to which Samuel Sanford agreed: "To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come. We agents for ye town of Newtown in ye County of Fairfield and Colony of Connecti- cut in New England authorized by ye sd Town by vote on December 14, 1714, to sign, seal and deliver an instrument on ye sd Town's behalf unto Samuel Sanford and his heirs and assigns forever, that is to say a certain parcell of land lying under a mountain known by ye name of Pisga, that is to say, NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 23 all ye land lying under sd mountain to ye bend of ye brook commonly called Pohtertuck Brook, so called, with all ye land belonging to us south- ward of ye sd mountain to ye farms called Old Farms all sd land thus granted bounding eastwardly on ye eastward bank of ye aforesaid brook to him ye sd Sanfor, his heirs and assigns forever, provided ye sd Sanford throw up with sizer in quantity out of his forty acres of mill land ye sd Sanford hath Liberty to take up ye same for part of his 60 acres pitch, provided that ye sd Sanford erecteth and buildeth a good grist mill suffic- ient for ye supply of ye Town of Newtown at or before ye 20th of August next, upon Pohtotuck Brook, provided that ye sd Sanford maketh a good mill seasonably, allways allowing suitable time for repairing or rebuilding, we ye above sd agents, in ye Town's behalf, engage yt no other grist mill shall be erected to ye damage of sd Sanford so long as he sd Sanford doth supply ye sd Town with good mills and for ye full performance of ye above sd premises we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors or administrators or assigns forever. In witness hereof we have set our hands and seals in Newtown, this 14th day of December, 1714, in ye first year of our sovereign Lord George. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us. Joseph Gray (Seal) Peter Hubbell (Seal) Samuel Sanford (Seal) Thomas Bennitt (Seal) Abraham Kimberly (Seal) Daniel Foot (Seal) September 21, 1715. Joseph Peck, Recorder. The articles of agreement were duly signed and witnessed, work on the foundation was immediately commenced and in due time the mill, with a limited assortment of machinery, was announced as ready for use. What a real treasure a good picture of the first mill would be to the antiquarian of today ! No need that it be large, for the town called for one only large enough to furnish 50 families and it could be enlarged as necessity required. The records give no account of public celebration over its completion, but we can have no doubt that in the homes of those godly families prayers of thanksgiving were offered to the Giver of all good that, in addition to the blessings in their personal and family life by having a min- ister settled among them, they were also to have the means where- with the grain they raised could be the more easily and effectually transformed into the "staff of life." It may be a surprise to some that the first grist mill was located where the building long known as the Niantic mill stands. It served its purpose well during Samuel Sanford's life and for many years after his death, the town took entire charge of running the mill. Samuel Sanford was about 30 years of age when he came to Newtown from Milford, Conn. In 1711, the year Newtown was in- corporated a town, he was one of three chosen as selectmen at the first annual town meeting, Dec. 4, 1711. William Atwater Sanford, sixth generation in direct line of descent, who has compiled a book of the Sanford family, has this to say of him : "He was the father of ten children, seven of them born in Milford and three in Newtown." Of John, second grandson of John Sanford, the writer says: "He was one of the largest landholders in Sandy Hook. He was called 'Squire John." Leaving considerable property to his heirs, his son Elijah received the major part, which included the cotton mill erect- ed on the site of the grist mill built by Samuel Sanford, that still 24 FIRST GRIST MILL Stands on the banks of the stream flowing through the village ; also a grist mill several hundred feet below, which is still used for the purpose for which it was originally built. When Elijah Sanford died, the mill property passed into the hands of his son, David Sanford, and from him to his son, William, grand- son of Elijah. A long stretch of years it stood in the Sanford name and is owned now by Patrick Campbell. Oft repaired and somewhat dull from age, it serves the public, though not exactly as of old, when all the work was custom work, as the farmers raised the grain they used and the miller got his living from the toll he took for grinding, and laid by some cash for a rainy day. Now most of the grain for grinding, coming from the West, the farmer goes to mill with an empty wagon and money in his pocket, to return with his wagon full but pockets empty and, perchance, an increase of the debit side of the account. The motive power of the old mill has not yet been superseded by steam or electricity, as the power still comes from the sparkling waters of the Pootatuck, the same old stream, with the same old Indian name, which, though differently spelled than of old, is a name musical in our ears, whose waters, ever beautiful to look upon as they ripple along in sunshine or in shade, until lost in the quiet restfulness of the pond below, are again let loose to move the great machinery of the rubber works and from thence pursue checkered, fascinating wanderings through wooded glen and quiet meadows, to find outlet in the waters of our beautifvil river, the Housatonic. THE FIRST SAWMILL Almost as imperative as the necessity for a Grist Mill, was the necessity for a Sawmill. March 17, 1712, the town voted, that Mr. Benjamin Sherman and Capt. John Holley and John Sely shall have Liberty to get a Saw mill on ye deep Brook South of ye Town Reserved and ordered four Rods on ye west Side of ye Sawmill for A gangway and ordered that iff any man draws any Log or Logs into sd Gangway ys sd Log or Logs to be forfitt to ye Town, Except sd Logs are drawn or put into sd Gangway to be sawed forthwith before any other Logs at sd mill. Dec. 24 1713. Voted and agreed upon yt ye proprietors of ye town do freely give and grant liberty to Ebenezer Smith, James Hard, Jerimiah Turner, John Seely and Joseph Gray of Newtown, to build and erect a sawmill on ye Half Way River, so called. North west of Darby road down near Stratford, or on Pohtatook River, and as much land as shall be need- ful for ye use of sd saw mill so long as sd persons shall erect a mill there, provided they will saw for ye town to ye halves all such timber and logs as yc inhabitants shall bring to this mill and for two shillings six pence per hundred in pay for Whitewood and Chesnut, it is also granted yt they shall have liberty of a convenient passage to ye Great River yt ye owners of sd mill and ye inhabitants of ye town may have ye advantage of ye transportation of their timber, plank, boards and slit work where they shall see cause to make sail of ye timber — and sd partners are to build ye saw- mill in two years time or else expect to lose ye sd stream. Also voted Joseph Gray and Jeremiah Turner are chosen a Committee to lay out con- cerning ye land for sd Mill and a Highway to ye Great River called Strat- ford River. Voted and agreed and ordered four rods on ye west side of ye sawmill for a gangway and ordered yt if any man draws any log or logs into sd NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 25 gangway yt sd log or logs to be forfitt to ye town except sd log or logs are drawn or put into sd gangway to be sawed forthwith before any other logs at sd mill. John Glover Town Clerk. December 24, 1713 John Glover enters caution upon yt land he hath taken up on ye north side of ye Half Way River so called at ye mouth of sd River where it emptieth into ye Great River, that it be not taken from him for no use or pretense whatsoever. Test John Glover Town Clerk. The same year as above, the town Voted that Thomas Bennitt, John Burr and Peter Hubbell shall have liberty to set a sawmill on Potatuck Brook any where near ye Great River, within 60 Rods of ye Great River Provided they ye above sd persons build ye sd mill in ye space of three years. Test John Glover town Clerk. In 1712 it was voted and agreed That Joseph Dudley shall have liberty to get a fulling-mill on the Deep Brook above the saw-mill and the use of half an acre about his mill so long as he maintain a sufficient fulling-mill thereon the Deep Brook provided he do not damnify the saw mill. Deep brook is the stream that crosses the highway in South Center district. GRANTING TOWN RIGHTS Power to choose Town Officers. Compulsory Attendance at Town Meeting Settling Bounds With Indians. First Pitches of Land. Town rights were granted Newtown by the General Court of Connecticut colony in May, 1708. At a general assembly holden at New Haven, Oct. 11, 1711: Whereas ye general assembly of this colony holden at Hartford in May last, upon ye petition of ye inhabitants of Newtown did appoint Capt. John Hawley and Mr. Benjamin Sherman of Stratford and Mr. John Piatt of sd Newtown to be a committee to lay out such divisions of land within ye sd Newtown with ye advice of Mr James Beebie and Mr Thomas Taylor of Danbury as should be agreed upon by ye proprietors thereof, and to make a return of the findings therein to this assembly at this time, and ye sd committee in persuance of ye sd act or order, having lately had a general meeting of ye sd proprietors and their agreement in order for laying out a certain division on sundry lots of land within ye sd town of Newtown, have thereupon proceeded and laid out ye same and have now made their return thereof to this Assembly which sd return having been now con- sidered ye same is allowed and approved by this assembly and ordered to be kept on file. And whereas ye above sd committee by ye desire and on ye behalf of ye proprietors and inhabitants of sd Newtown have now petition- ed to this assembly to have all such town liberties and privileges granted to them as all other towns in this colony generally have and enjoy, and a figure for a brand mark for their horses to be appointed for them, upon consideration whereof this assembly do give and grant unto sd proprietors and inhabitants of ye sd town of Newtown all such liberties, privileges and powers in all respects whatsoever as all other towns in this colony gener- ally have and do enjoy, and do order and appoint ye figure 7 to be ye town "Brand Mark" for their horses, and it is ordered and enacted by this as- sembly that the present committee of sd Newtown shall give seasonable notice and warning to all ye proprietors and inhabitants thereof to convene together in a general town meeting within ye sd town some time in ye month of December next upon a day and at a place by him appointed for ye choosing of all town officers as ye law directs. A true copy of ye record. Caleb Stanley, Clerk of Court. Entered by me, December ye 23, 1711. Stanley Glover, Recorder. 26 GRANTING TOWN RIGHTS Oct. 2, 1911, Newtown held its 200th annual town meeting. Of more than 800 electors enrolled in the town, 649 ballots were cast, showing that the wheels of town government set in motion 200 years ago have continued to revolve under varying conditions. The year 1911 marked 200 years from the time when the town was given power by the General Court of the Colony to elect minor officers, and a town clerk, constable, surveyor of highways, field driver and fence viewer were chosen, each of whom had to journey to Danbury to take the oath of office, after which such business as would not conflict with the laws of the General Court could be legally transacted in anticipation of the time when full privileges would be granted. The election of these officials was in May 1711. The first allotment of land was made in March, 1710. The second allotment of land was made easterly and adjoining the first in the summer of 1711, and on this second plot the village of Newtown was laid out. It was in 1711, too, that by vote of the proprietors, one acre and a half of land was set apart in which to bury their dead. Newtown's first business meeting was held at the house of Peter Hubbell. The attendance could not have been large, because in 1716, Newtown had 30 families ; allowing one voter to a family, the show of hands must of necessity have been few. The meeting was held on the 24th day of September, 1711, when it voted that Peter Hubbell should be Newtown's first town clerk, which office he held until 1714. "Voted, yt Abraham Kimberly should be constable for ye year ensuing." "Voted, yt Ebenezer Prindle and Thomas Sharp should be surveyors of highways for ye year ensuing." "Voted, yt Johathan Booth shall be field driver or hayward for ye year ensuing." "Voted, yt Joseph Gray and Daniel Foot shall be fence viewers." "Voted, yt Thomas Lake shall slip his 20 acre division and take it on the west side of ye rhoad against ye heither part of New Haven plain westerly of sd plain to be laid out by ye committee upon ye sd Lake's charge." "Voted, yt each proprietor containing ye number of 48 shall forthwith as soon as can conveniently be done have four acres of meadow apiece laid out by ye committee, ye sd committee to lay out ye same in ye great meadow at ye south end of ye town lying on ye Deep Brook, and ye mead- ow at ye north end of ye town where it may be as convenient either under Mount Tom or elsewhere, as also four acres of meadow for ye ministry as ye rest are laid out, and it is to be understood and it is voted, yt swamp land that is suitable is accepted as meadow and so to be laid out, ye sd committee to size ye whole meadov; and swamp land and ye proprietors to draw for ye lots as hath been usual, unless they order otherwise. Peter Hubbell, clerk. The first annual town meeting, held at the house of Daniel Foot. "Voted, yt Ebenezer Pringle should be selectman or townsman ye year ensuing, and again voted, yt Samuel Sanford and John Piatt should also be townsmen for ye year ensuing." "Voted, that Peter Hubbell should be town clerk." "Voted, that John Griffin and Benjamin Dunning should be surveyors of highways. "Voted, yt Daniel Foote and Joseph Gray should be fence viewers for ye year and Jonathan Booth should be hayward." "Voted, yt Ebenezer Prindle and John Piatt and Samuel Sanford should be listers and collectors for ye year and Abraham Kimberly should be brander of horses." "Voted, yt Peter Hubbell, Ebenezer Prindle, Benjamin Sherman, Abraham Kimberly and Joseph Gray shall be a committee to lay out divisions of land and highways for ye year ensuing." NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 27 "Voted, that Benjamin Sherman, Ebenezer Prindle and John Griffin should view ye pond and see if it would contain a grist mill." "Voted, yt Jeremiah Turner should have liberty to build a grist mill and ye inhabitants do promise to give ye sd Turner 40 acres of land adjoining ye sd mill. The proprietors do also ask for Mr. Phineas Fisk to come and give them another visit. John Glover protests against it." "Voted and it is enacted ordered and declared by authority of ye same, that all and every person or persons truly and legally notified to give their attendance at ye several and respective town meetings yt hereafter shall be and shall refuse or neglect to attend on ye sd town meetings at time and place, shall pay ye sum of three shillings to ye treasury of ye town except ye fine be remitted and released by ye town." "It is further enacted and ordered by this Assembly aforesaid, that it is and shall be, for ye time being and from time to time, true and legal notice for all town meetings to any person or persons, to be notified by ye select- man or ye constable or by any other meet or fit person constituted or empowered by them, or yt ye town shall impower, which notice shall be given with ye time and place to ye person or persons, given or left at ye place or ye usual abode and a sertificate or declaration from ye person so notifying as above expressed is and shall be a sufficient warrant for ye Recorder to record ye meeting lawful and lawfully convened." Peter Hubbell, town clerk. Later on it was voted and agreed upon "that ye warning for town meet- ings for ye future shall be given by setting up notifications by ye selectmen at three certain places ten days before ye sd meeting, namely at or near ye oak tree near Sargeant Joseph Botsford, one at ye pound, and one at ye oak tree near Jonathan Booth's house, which shall be sufficient warning to ye inhabitants of Newtown." At the same meeting it was further agreed that ye inhabitants aforesaid should make choice of John Glover, James Hard, Jeremiah Turner and John Piatt, a committee to measure ye land and settle ye bounds with ye Indians of that purchase which William Junos purchased of ye Indians with his associates in ye boundary of Newtown and to request Col. Johnson and Captain Minor's assistance to declare to ye Indians what land they sold by ye deed. "Also to procure four gallons of rum to treat ye Indians and to refresh themselves and charge ye town for ye same and all other charges and trouble necessary in completing ye same." It was further "voted to lay out 60 acres of land for every right or rights of ye sd inhabitants of ye town two miles distant from ye center of ye town and as far further as any man shall please to lay by way of pitches according to ye following lay or draft : Daniel Foot ye first pitch, Edward Fairchild ye second. Job Sherman ye third, John Lake ye fourth. Widow Sharp ye fifth, John Dunning ye sixth, Ebenezer Prindle ye seventh, Peter Hubbell ye eighth, John Glover ye ninth, John Burr ye tenth, John Seely ye eleventh, Freegrace Adams ye twelfth, Matthew Sherman ye thirteenth, Benjamin Dunning ye fourteenth, Samuel Ferris ye fifteenth, Jeremiah Turner ye sixteenth, Jonathan Booth ye seventeenth, Abraham Kimberly ye eighteenth, John Piatt ye nineteenth. Samuel Sanford ye twentieth, and the balance of those who drew the 60 acre pitches, in the order their names are writen up, to the number of 42, viz : Josiah Burritt, John Griffin, Joseph Gray, Stephen Parmalee, Daniel Jackson, James Glover, John Blackman, Thomas Bradley, Joseph Miles, Jonathan Hubbell, Stephen Par-/ malee, Capt. John Holly, Ebenezer Smith, Nathan Baldwin, Josiah Curtis,i John Bardslee, Samuel Beers, Alice Brions heirs, Thomas Bennitt, Mr Rood, Ebenezer Booth." It should be remembered that these 60 acre "pitches" were made two miles or more from the center of the town and, Jan. 29, 1712, it was voted in town meeting to lay out ten acres of land, which was done. Because of unfair means used, another town meeting was held on February ye second, 1712, which was held at the house of Daniel Foot, when it was voted to revoke and disallow of ye lot that was drawn, January 29, 1712, for ye ten acre division within ye two 28 GRANTING TOWN RIGHTS miles because of some unfair dealings by some persons in drawing ye same and ye town for ye reasons aforesaid judged ye lot aforesaid to be unlaw- ful and came to a new draft. Peter Hubbell protests against it, yet not- withstanding his protests, he, ye aforesaid Hubbell, voted as usual when it was put to a vote to know whether ye first lot should stand, and ye town at ye above sd town meeting above written came to a new draft for pitching for ye ten acre division, which is to be laid out within ye two miles, which is as followeth in the order in which the pitches were drawn, viz : John Glover, John Burr, Ebenezer Smith, Widow Sharp, Samuel Sanford, Stephen Parmalee, John Glover, Thomas Braase, Jonathan Mills, James Brisco, James Hard, Peter Hubbell, Jeremiah Turner, Abraham Kimberly, Daniel Foot, Samuel Ferris, John Blackman, Edward Fairchild, Jonathan Booth, John Lake, Joseph Osborne, Josiah Burritt, Samual Beers, Mrs Alice Bryan's heirs, Eben Booth, Joseph Peck, John Piatt, Joseph Dudley, Abram Storo, Joseph Miles, Ebenezer Prindle, Freegrace Adams, John Seeley, Benjamin Dunning, Mrs Rood, Josiah Curtis, Matthew Sherman, Job Sherman, John Morris, Daniel Jackson, John Dunen, Capt. Halley, Jonathan Hubbell, John Griffin, Nathan Baldwin, Joseph Gray, Thornas Bennitt, John Bardslee. The town voted to allow to ye ten acres for dist- ance from ye center of Newtown, two acres a man for two miles, one acre and a half for one mile and a half, and one acre for one mile. These early pioneers, coming to Newtown from Milford, Strat- ford, Guilford, New Haven, Derby and elsewhere, pitched for land not only to make themselves homes, but also to become tillers of the soil and nation builders as well. As announcements were made of drawings for "pitches" of land on certain dates the freeholders were expected to be present. At the "pitch" made Dec, 1712, 42 pitches were taken. These were 60- acre pitches, two miles and over outside the center of the town, only one man drawing two pitches, determining the number present to have been 41. In Jan. 1713, a second pitch was announced, this time to be a ten- acre pitch within two miles of the center, at which 49 pitches were taken, one man taking three pitches, showing there were 47 free- holders present, qualified to meet the requirements necessary to have the right to draw a number for a "pitch." How long "pitch- ing" for land continued is not certain, but there came a time when the town sold tracts of common and undivided land, which contin- ued until the township at large became individual property. To raise money to meet town expenses, a town meeting held, Aug. 18, 1713, "voted, determined and agreed and settled to levy all their town charges and rates both town and minister's rates upon each petition rate proportionably. Voted to make choice of Mr. Thomas Bennitt to cite all those that hold tracts of farm land within ye boundaries of Newtown to appear before ye next General Court to be held ye next October at New Haven to give ye reason why they ought not to pay rates in Newtown to ye ministers and school, except they will agree to pay, and will pay without their being cited." John Glover, Town Clerk. Another town meeting, two weeks later, Sept. 1, 1713, "voted and agreed to give ten shillings per head for those wolves that were killed by ye inhabitants before this date, and for further encouragement after ye date of those presents, if any inhabitant shall kill or destroy any grown wolf or wolves within ye bounds of Newtown he shall have 15 shillings per head and half as much for a wolf's whelp yt suck." It was also voted and agreed that every right or allotment shall bear an equal proportion of ye charge ye proprietors have been at from ye time when sd proprietors had town privileges granted by ye General Court, to January, 1714. Also voted that every right or allotment for defraying ye charge ye NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 29 proprietors have been at to ye above mentioned date of January, 1714, shall pay ye sum of 17 shillings as money. PITCHING FOR LAND. Proposition of John Glover. Proprietors' Meetings. Settling disputed Boundary Line Between Stratford and Newtown. For the first 75 years of Newtown's life, town meetings were frequent. The laws of the General Court made it obligatory to hold the annual town meeting in December, at which time town officers were chosen and provisions made for the management of town afTairs. Politics cut no figure in any department of the town's business life. There were also proprietary rights considered at what were call- ed proprietors' meetings, that were held when, by petition, they were called for. The care, the use and the disposal of common land was a frequent theme for discussion and plans were devised by which proprietors' meetings would act in harmony with town offic- ials. The first business was to settle a long disputed claim in regard to the line between Stratford and Newtown,which was run by the county surveyor after the land had been purchased from the Indians. Up to this time their chief concern had been to pitch for land, and settle disputes and dififerences that might arise. My grandfather, born in 1772, used to tell me in my younger days, and others of his time told me the same, that land holders as far down as 1800 looked upon swamp land as being more valuable than upland, as they depended so much upon swamps for their hay for winter use, while they turned upland to corn, wheat, flax, buck- wheat, potatoes and oats ; that too rocky to plow was sheep pas- ture. Swamp land was called meadow land. At a proprietors' meeting, Sept. 24, 1711, it was voted that Thomas Lake shall slip his 20 acre division and take it on ye west side of the road against ye neither part of New Haven Plain westerly of sd plain to be laid out by ye sd committee at sd Lake's charge and that each proprietor containing ye number of 48 shall forthwith as soon as can conveniently be done, have four acres of meadow apiece laid out by ye committee, j^e sd committee to lay out same in ye great meadow at ye south end of ye town lying on ye Deep Brook and ye meadow lying on ye north end of ye town where it may be as convenient, either under Mount Tom or elsewhere, and also four acres of meadow for ye ministry as ye rest are laid out, and it is under- stood and it is voted that swamp land that is suitable is accepted as meadow and so to be laid out. The sd committee to size ye wliole meadow and swamp land and ye proprietors to draw for ye lots as hath been usual, unless they order otherwise. Peter Hubbell, Town Clerk." March 4, 1712, it was also "voted for ye committee to begin on ye north side of Mr. Sherman's mile square, (Queen street divides it now, 1910) for ye four-acre division so far as it will hold out, and as near elsewhere as it may be found to make up ye number of 49 lots." It was also voted, March 10, 1712, that ye land on ye north side of Mr Sherman's mile square shall be laid out in a general field and for every petitioner to have an equal share in ye "general field," be it more or less, and that after lots are laid out timber and stone shall be free for any man till improvement be made by ye owners of such lots. The improvement is to be understood fencing and ye committee shall have three pence per acre for laying small divisions. April 2, 1712, it was "voted for to take ye four-acre divisions that is to be laid out in "pitches" and that ye proprietors shall go eight in a company 30 PITCHING FOR LAND and draw by figures, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and so on until the whole number of 49 lots be drawn, and laid out. Also voted that John Glover shall have his "pitch" at ye rear of his home lot, to ye east and north of ye highway, so far as it will hold out, and ye sd Glover will pay to ye town treasurer twelve shillings for his "pitch." Voted that if any of ye proprietors don't agree when ye time comes for to "pitch" they shall lose their pitch and ye next shall take it successively, and ye seventh day of April shall be ye day for ye first company to pitch, and successively till they have done, excepting foul weather hinders. Peter Hubbell, Recorder." In February, 1712, a ten-acre pitch for 49 pitches meant 490 acres addi- tional ownership. The act was carried out under a vote passed "to lay out ten acre of land to each petition right any where within two miles from ye center of ye town by way of pitches except ye land lying on ye north side of ye Deep Brook from Abraham Kimberly's point to where ye brook runs into Mr. Sherman's farm to ye south end of ye town. Also at ye northwest end of ye town from ye north corner of John Glover's 20 acre lot to Mr Rood's 12 acre lot, ye line to be south of Bear swamp from thence to ye north corner of Josiah Burritt's 20 acre lot, according to ye following draft, except any man fail when it comes to his pitch, then the next man to fall in and take his pitch by possession. Ye sd ten acres of land is to begin to be pitched for, and laid out ye February second 1712, and to be sized by ye committee. Ye pitches, Josiah Curtis ye 1, Job Sherman ye 2; Peter Hubbell, ye 3; Joseph Gray, ye 4; John Dunning, ye 5; Joseph Miles, ye 6; Abraham Kimberly, ye 7; Ebenezer Booth, ye 8; Jeremiah Turner, ye 9; Nathan Baldwin, ye 10; Samuel Ferris, ye 11; John Glover, ye 12; minister, ye 13; Daniel Foot, ye 14; Freegrace Adams, ye 15; James Hard, ye 16; John Glover, ye 17; John Piatt, ye 18; Mathew Sherman, ye 19; Mr. Rood, ye 20, 22, 26; Benjamin Dunning, ye 24; John Burns, ye 25; Capt. Halley, ye 27; Widow Sharp, ye 28; Ebenezer Prindle, ye 29; John Beardsley, ye 30; Thomas, ye 31; Jonathan Booth, ye 32; Daniel Jackson, ye 33; Samuel Sanford, ye 34; Joseph Osborn, ye 35; Ebenezer Smith, ye 36; Jonathan Hubbell, ye 37; Joseph Peck, ye 38; John Morris, ye 39; John Griffin, ye 40; James Bisco, ye 41; Stephen Parmalee, ye 42; Joseph Dudley, ye 43; Jonathan Mills, ye 44; John Seely, ye 45; John Blackman, ye 46; Edward Fairchild, ye 47; Samuel Beers, ye 48; Thomas Bennitt, ye 49. This offer from John Glover was laid before the proprietors' meeting; I, John Glover, of Newtown, County of Fairfield in Connecticut, do declare yt I do give liberty for 48 families with myself to take up and settle all that tract of land I bought of William Junos as ye deed on record will show what land I, ye sd Glover, have, which land sd Glover gives liberty to be settled at will forever, or to loan with reference what ye town shall give for ye fee simple of sd land, except what sd Glover has taken up according to court grant, and my petition rights, ye fee simple thereof reserved to myself. John Glover." The proprietors made choice of Capt. John Halley of Stratford and Peter Hubbell of Newtown and empowered them to act, and to represent ye town and also to choose a man to arbitrate and make up all contriv- ences between ye town and John Glover aforesaid, and John Glover to choose another man, which arbitrators are to determine what ye town shall pay to sd Glover for his native rights in Newtown as offered, and the town at a town meeting agreed to and with John Glover to bind them- selves and heirs in a bond of ten thousand pounds to John Glover and his heirs, to stand by ye award of ye arbitration of ye two arbitrators which are to be indifferently chosen. Entered John Glover, Town Clerk." Call of the proprietors of Newtown to elect a proprietors clerk : "At a meeting of the proprietors of Newtown warned by authority as the law directs for such cases, holden May ye 4, 1724, the bisness to be at- tended att sd proprietors' meeting is to make choice of a proprietors' clerk to consult about a pattent for the Township of Newtown, to pitch upon a time when to begin to lay out ye 30 acre division, and to do some- thing about ye land yt Mr John Reed has laid out in ye neck so-called NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 31 above ye Pond Brook. Peter Hubbell by ye vote of the proprietors chosen proprietors' clerk and sworn by Thomas Bennitt, justice. This meeting adjourned to ye 13th day of instant May at 5 of ye clock afternoon. At an adjourned meeting agreed and voted held May 13, 1724, to warn ye propri- etors' meeting in Newtown by notifications set up in writing to be set up in three several places in Newtown, one at ye north end of ye town near Capt Thomas Bennitt's and on, at or near Abraham Kimberly's shop and ye other near Joseph Botsford's house which notifications are to be set up by ye proprietors' clerk as the law directs six days before ye meeting and ye proprietors are to be assembled or to convene together at ye beat of ye drum at time and place appointed, which methods are to stand good till ye proprietors see cause to alter ye same. Peter Hubbell, Clerk." "Newtown, April ye 3, 1725, att a proprietors' meeting legally called and warned by ye proprietors' clerk to make choice of some persons to meet Stratford committy at the head boundary between Stratford and Fairfield on ye fifth day of instant April att tenn of ye forenoon. Then made choice and elected Reverend Thomas Tousey, Mr. John Glover, Mr. John Leaven- worth, Mr. Joseph Peck and Mr. Ephriam Peck a committy to settle ye I head line between Stratford and Newtown and to use any leagale measures I for ye accomplishing the same, and in case there shall arise any dispute between Stratford agents and above said committee yt we do empower the , committee above named or any three of them agreeing to leave ye ! desition of that matter to three uninterested gentlemen that shall be mutually chosen by both partys, and upon their award to sett down for- ever satisfied as they in their wisdom shall think fitt. To be understood that the work of choosing three uninterested gentlemen to determine as I above exprest, is refered to ye above sd committy for ye proprietors of Newtown as far as it concerns ye part of Newtown. This meeting ad- journed to ye ninth day of April at five of ye clock afternoon. Peter Hubbell, Clerk." "Agreement as to the lines between Stratford and Newtown. This , writing witnesseth that Mr. Thomas Tousey, Mr. John Glover, Mr. Joseph I Peck and Mr. Ephriam Peck, proprietors and committee and agents for I Newtown and Mr Joseph Curtiss, Capt. James Lewis, Mr. John Wilcokson, ! Mr Joseph Judson, Selectmen of Stratford and committee for sd town to 1 settle the line between Stratford and Newtown for final issue and deter- mination of all differences between said towns have mutuallj' agreed respecting sd bounds of Stratford and Newtown as followeth. Begining at the northwest corner bounds betwixt Stratford and Fairfield a due cross I line as already run by Ensigne Edmund Lewis, County surveyor, which line i runs upon a due cross line from sd northwest corner on the south or southerly side of ye swamp called Monkantick swamp and so upon a strait line to ye brook or river called ye Half Way River and there the said river until it emptieth itself into the Grate River, which river and straight line frorn the northwest come aforesaid to be the north bounds of Stratford and ye fixed bounds between Stratford and Newtown, according to means and bounderies now erected by said Edmund Lewis, county surveyor. A straight due cross line as bounds are set by sd surveyor from the northwest corner bounds aforesaid to the half way brook and from thence the sd brook to be the bounds between the sd town as aforesaid. In witness whereof and for confirmation of ye above boundaries betwixt the sd town of Stratford and Newtown is confirmed by the committee of each town subscribing as agents for sd towns, this 19th day of April, 1725. On this 29th day of April, 1725, I declare by my subscription hereunto my concurrence in and with above sd agreement. Committee for Stratford. Joseph Curtis, James Lewis, John Wilcokson Jr., Joseph Judson. Committee for Newtown. John Glover, Thomas Tousey, Joseph Peck. Entered this 28th day of December, 1725, per me, Peter Hubbell, Clerk. 32 PITCHING FOR MEADOW LAND PITCHING FOR MEADOW LAND, In ye Great Boggs and ye Little Boggs and Elsewhere. Pitching for land means drawing by lot. At the town meeting in September, 1711, it was voted to take two pitches for meadow land, the one to be under Mount Tom, and the other to be below Deep brook. Mount Tom is the name given more than 200 years ago to the highest point in the range of hills running northerly from Walnut Tree hill to Hanover, Through the intervale at the base of the hill's western slope flows the stream that feeds what is known as Foundry Pond (the town's skating rink every mid-winter) flowing on in serpentine course until it enters the Pootatuck near the village of Sandy Hook still remembered by its old name, Tom brook. The other drawing by lot arranged for at this meeting was to be south of Deep brook. That swamp land lay and still lies as swamp, part of which is still mown, and the balance is a maple swamp. It lies on the west side of the railroad, as you round the rock curve about a mile south of Newtown station. Forty eight proprietors (and that was all the town numbered in 1711) were to draw lots, and the lots were to contain four acres each. At a town meeting, Sept. 24, 1711, it was voted that each proprietor to the number of 48 shall forthwith as soon as can conveniently be done have four acres of meadow apiece laid out by ye committe, the said committee to lay out ye same in ye great meadow at ye south end of ye town lying on ye Deep Brook and ye meadow at ye north end of ye town where it may be convenient either under Mount Tom or elsewhere. Also four acres of meadow for ye ministry as ye rest are laid out, and it is understood and it is voted that swamp land that is suitable is accepted as meadow and so to be laid out, ye sd committee to size ye whole meadow and swamp land and ye proprietors to draw for ye lots as hath been usual unless they order otherwise. Voted that for to take ye four acre division that is to be laid out by "pitches." Voted, that the proprietors shall go eight in a company and draw by figures as 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, till ye whole number of 48 lots be laid out. Voted yt Abraham Kimberly shall draw for all of ye proprietors of ye town. Voted that if any of ye proprietors of ye town don't agree when ye time comes for to pitch they shall lose their pitch and ye next shall take it successively. Voted yt ye 7th day of April, shall be ye day for ye first company to pitch and successively till they have done, excepting foul weather hinders. In 1716 the town voted another drawing of meadow lots at ye Great Boggs and ye Little Boggs. As we drive from Newtown street to Bethel, by what is known as the lower road, when we have driven a half mile or so we drop into a valley of swamp land on either side of the road, passing through maple swamp and open swamp, some of which is still mown, while on either side is as fertile upland meadow and pasture as one need rest their eyes upon. We drive on a little further and enter another strip of low land thickly wooded, until we come to what is still known as Morgan's four corners. We enter this long strip of swampy land at what is known on the records as the Head of the Meadow from which the school district, first called on the records Scoschia, then Sugar Street. The records tell us that the drawing for meadow land was made at the head of the meadow in the Great Boggs and the Little Boggs. NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 33 At a town meeting, Jan. 12, 1716, "It was voted to lay out ye Great Boggs lying at ye head of ye northwest sprain of Pootatuck brook sou'west from ye town, in ye bounds of sd town, and ye little meadow also lying about half a mile easterly on ye stream that comes out of ye great bogs. Also voted that ye above sd two pieces of meadow land above mentioned shall be equally divided to each proprietor by a Sizer, what is wanting in quality to be made up in quantity. Voted also at sd meeting that James Hard, Jeremiah Turner, Daniel Foot, and Peter Hubbell be a committee and are empowered to lay out ye above granted division of meadow land by Sizure according to their best judgment. Joseph Peck, Recorder." Feb. 5, 1716, "It was voted that John Lake and John Bristol shall be and are empowered to lay out ye above granted divisions of meadow land with ye committee above named. Joseph Peck, Clerk." February 8, 1716, "Agreed and voted to draw ye meadow lotts laid out in ye great Boggs and Little Boggs. This division of land was granted Jan- uary 12, 1716, February 11,1717. We ye subscribers hereof a committee for laying out ye Great Boggs and ye Little Boggs near adjoining according to ye trust reposed in us have been upon and accomplished sd work in man- ner following: The lot on ye north side of ye brook in ye Great Boggs, ye most eastward lot of ye tier of lots lies on ye side of ye Brook bounding eastwardly on land of John Griffin, north on ye upland, south on ye brook and after ye manner ye rest on ye tier. The division ye first column of figures showing ye number of ye lots, ye second ye width at ye upland or swamp, ye third ye width at ye brook. The number in all being SO according to ye number of rights. The lots on ye south side of ye Brook begining on John Gfifiin's land, there being allowance for private highways through all ye lots on ye south brook till it comes to a highway between ye 28th and 29th lots and where any lots do not join to ye upland there is allowance in ye next lots to get along from ye cross highway to ye upland. Att ye north easterly corner of ye Great Boggs laid out two lots against ye northerly end of ye 29th, 30th, 31st lots, ye 34th joining upon them and ye 35th join- ing upon ye 34th so yt between them there is liberty for a private highway." Then follow the names of those who draw lots, in the order in which they drew, up to the number of 50, the whole number of pro- prietors. Joseph Blackman, 1; Samuel Prindle, 2; John Glover, 3; Mr Glover, 4; John Read, 5; Edward Fairchild, 6; John Read, 7; Jehew Burr, 8; Ephriam Peck, 9; Daniel Jackson, 10; Samuel Samp and John Golot, 11 ; Daniel Fott, 12; Daniel Baldwin, 13; Samuel Beers. 14; Ebenezer Prindle, 15; John Grffin and John Treadwell, 16; Mathew Sherman, 17; John Read, 18; John Seely, 19; Joseph Peck, 20; Hullhens and James Hard, 21; Job Shermanj 22; Thomas Bracy and Jeremiah Northrupp, 23; Peter Hubbell, 24; Jonathan Hubbell, 25; Thomas Bennitt, 26; Jonathan Booth, 27; Benjamin Dunning, 28; Ephraim Osborn, 29; Freegrace Adams, 30; Moses Johnson, 31; Abraham Kimberly, 32; Samuel Ferris, 33; Ebenezer Johnson, 34; Samuel Sanford, 35; John Read, 36; Josiah Bennitt, 37; Thomas Toucey, 38; John Lake, 39; Jeremiah Turner, 40; Mr Tousey, 41; Thomas Sharp's heirs, 42; Joseph Gray, 43; Capt. Halley, 44; Capt. Curtis, 45; Ebenezer Booth, 46; John Piatt, 47; Eleazer Morris, 48; Joseph Bristol, 49; Stephen Parmalee, 50. Peter Hubbell, Daniel Fott, Joseph Bristol, Committee. Recorded March 25, 1717. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." Aug. 1, 1717, following the lay out of meadow land, a town meeting was called and the following resolutions adopted : "Whereas there was a division of meadow land granted to each Right or Proprietor of Newtown, January 12, 1717 (viz) to each Petition Right, their equal proportion of land by sizure, the two tracts of meadow land 34 PITCHING FOR MEADOW LAND lying at ye head of ye nor'west sprain of ye Pohtatuck brook sou'west from ye town in ye bounds of sd Newtown, which is called ye Great Boggs and ye Little Boggs. lying about half a mile down ye same stream, also a committee appointed to lay out ye same and ye committee have finished their work and made return of their doings, and each proprietor's lot is recorded, as now fully appears on reccord. Whereas, Mr. Daniel Burr, Senr. of Fairfield, and Mr. Samuel Burr, ye son of Major John Burr, deceased, do lay claim to ye aforesaid Boggs, therefore at a lawful meeting of ye proprietors of Newtown this August 1, 1717, then agreed and voted that if any of ye aforesaid Burrs, or any person or persons representing sd gentlemen, shall molest any particular proprietor or proprietors in ye improvement of their meadow lots and prosecute any proprietor in a court of law that each proprietor having in either of ye above sd tracts of meadow a lott shall pay his or their equal proportion of all ye charges yt shall arise in going through ye law to try title of land with ye Burrs in defending of ye aforesaid tract of meadow land. Entered August ye 1st, 1717, per Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." As no law-suit followed the drawing of the meadow lots, the owners held them in peaceable possession free to dispose of them by sale or otherwise. NEWTOWN'S FIRST MEETING HOUSE A Brief History of its Building, Furnishing and Moving, with Sketch of the Present Church Edifice. Could we dissociate the past from the present and see Newtown Street as it was when the meeting house was built and when the Town House was built, I am sure we could the more readily enter in- to the spirit of those times and realize more fully how things were, but that is difficult especially for those in middle life or younger. Children are thinking of the present, young people of the near future, while those in middle life, busy with the cares increasing about them, are ever looking forward to the time when they may hope to lay down life's greater burdens and engage in retrospection. It is left to the aged to find their greatest pleasure in dwelling upon the past, and recalling forms and faces of those who started on life,s journey with them, and of happenings of childhood, of early life, and of later years, if, perchance, their lives have been lived in or near the ancestral home. The first action taken about building a meeting house was at a town meeting Nov. 23, 1713. when it was "Voted, that John Glover, James Hard and Ebenezer Smith be a committee to hire workmen on ye town's account to build a meeting house to serve God in, 40 foot long and 32 foot between Joynts." We find nothing further referring to the matter until Dec. 26, 1717, and on the day following. No written agreement was entered into and for some unknown reason it fell through. Naught appears again on record about a meeting house until Nov. 18, 1718. In the spring of 1718, the Colonial Court, convened at Hartford, came to the aid of the proprietors in their attempt to build a meet- ing house, by laying a tax of one penny an acre yearly for four years. The vote : "The proprietors of farm to paj^ at that rate for so many acres as they have by grant, and every proprietor of a right to pay for 400 acres pro- portionately for any part of a right, and all that have purchased any quantity of land in sd town to pay according to ye number of acres express- ed in their deeds, all ye money to be raised by this tax to be improved for building a meeting house." May 15, 1719, the town "voted that ye committee for ye care of erecting a meeting house shall have power to defer ye time for ye completion of ye sd house according to agreement until June in ye year of 1720." In the meantime Thomas Scidmore, inhabitant and landed pro- prietor in Newtown, came forward with an ofifer to build a meeting house on certain conditions which led to the calling of a town meeting on Nov. 18, 1718, to act upon the proposition of Thomas Scidmore, the result being as follows : 'Voted, that whereas Thomas Scidmore hath made offer to this town for ye sum of 45 pounds to get and hew ail ye timber for a meeting house of dimensions as followeth and to frame it workmanlike, viz.. In length, 30 foot, in breadth 36 foot and between joynts 20 foot, and also to cover it, the sides with clabbord and the ruff with short shingles, the town finding nails and boards to shingle on, and to do all ye carting, and whereas the Town doth comply with his motion, it is by this meeting voted Mr John Glover, Mr Thomas Bennitt and Mr Joseph Peck shall be a committe and 36 NEWTOWN'S FIRST MEETING HOUSE shall have full power to concert all matters necessary with sd Scidmore relating to sd work in behalf of ye town. Draw writing with sd person consarning aforementioned work, thereby to bring him under due obliga- tions and to render him secure with respect to ye payment of ye aforesaid 45 pounds, upon his answering of ye engagement, also that sd committee shall have full power to oversee sd work and to do and get done what- soever shall be necessary to the carrying on or perfecting of it until sd Scidmore shall have answered the proposals above mentioned." Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. With the contract let for building the meeting house, the next matter was its location. At a town meeting Jan. 8, 1719, it was "voted and agreed that the Cross Lane or that by John Piatt's or rather where the lane that runs easterly and westerly intersects the maine town street or the street that runs northerly and southerly shall be ye place to set or erect the meeting house or house for carrying on ye public worship of God that is already agreed upon to be built." Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. January 27, 1720, another town meeting was called when it was "agreed, concluded and voted that an addition of 20 feet should be made to ye meeting house, which was agreed upon now, to be 50 feet in length. Further voted that Thomas Bennitt, James Peck and Jeremiah Turner should be and are appointed by this vote in behalfe of this town to cove- nant and agree with Thomas Scidmore to frame and cover ye above 20 feet added to ye meeting house, also to take ye whole care and oversee of getting ye shingles, clabboards and other stufif." One can readily see that for 45 ])ounds. which in our money would be less than $225, the building, finished according to.contract, inust have been not much more than a barn, and even 20 feet added to its length, making its entire length 50 feet, would not add to its comfort, while it would add much to the aggregate expense. We will show from the records that making the interior comfortable and convenient was the slow work of years. The records show that, though unfinished, it was ready to occupy before Rev. Thomas Toucey resigned in 1724, because one pew was built for ye use of ye Rev. Mr. Toucey's family. When Mr Toucey's successor. Rev. Elisha Kent, came, a pew was built for ye Rev. Mr Kent's family. With these exceptions there were nothing but wide benches for seats and no other furnish- ings save an open fire place where they could roll on logs for bodily comfort. Things remained in this way until 1735, when at a town meeting April 22, 1735, it was "voted and agreed that ye Presbyterian society shall as soon as may be, erect and set up in ye Presbyterian meeting house on ye north side six fationable pews, three on either side of the pulpit, and ye tax to defray ye charge of building ye same if there be money enough, to be paid by ye town but if not, then ye sd society to defray ye charge of ye above sd pews." Also "voted that there is liberty to build two pews more, one on ye west side of Mr Kent's pew and ye other on ye east side of Mr Tousee's pew, so as not to damnify ye gallery stairs, which pews are to be built at ye cost of ye particular persons that ye committy shall allow, they bearing their proportion of ye charges of finishing ye meeting house notwithstanding." t^^^^u d i t- /^i i " Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. Nothing more was done towards making the interior of the meet- ing house more comfortable or attractive until after the installa- tion of the Rev. David Judson in 1743. December 9, 1745, the society "voted to proceed so far in ye finishing of our publick meeting house as to lay ye gallery floor and erect a fore seet and also ye gallery stairs. A rate of three pence on the pound was laid and Heth Peck, Donald Grant and Deacon Bennitt were appointed NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 7^ to look after the work, to whom Abel Booth, Alexander Bryan and Caleb Baldwin were added later. Within two months i230 was raised which decided the society, January 30, 1746, to lay it out, "in rectifying ye underpinning, in rectifying ye gable ends and in puting on good fine boards and if subscription shall be more than sufficient for doing ' all ye aforesaid outside work, with glass and nails, that what remains shall be laid out on ye inside of ye house so far as it is consistent with ye prudent and advantageous management, and whatever more was necessary to ye outside of ye house to make it fationable." In the spring of 1746, it was voted to build a "bellfree." The ; galleries were still without seats and April 24, 1749, "a rate of 12 j pence on the pound was laid for finishing ye meeting house as to ye i galeries and plastering over head or any other work in sd house which shall be seen needful. Jeremiah Northrop, Abram Bennitt, John Botsford and Caleb Baldwin were in charge of the work. In 1762 Captain Amos Botsford, Lieutenant Nathaniel Brisco, Gideon Botsford, Ebenezer Ford, and Caleb Baldwin 3rd were I appointed a committee "to build a steeple at ye east end of ye ' meeting house if there shall be money enough signed to build ye same." At a society's meeting, Sept. 6, 1762, Captain Amos Botsford and Lieutenant Nathaniel Brisco promised " that at their own cost and charge they would procure a good bell of about 500 pounds weight fit to hang in ye steeple and that it shall be for ye use of sd society as long as there shall be a Presbiterian society to meet in ye above sd meeting house, that is to say, if ye above sd society will go on to complete ye steeple, fix ye outside of ye meeting house and culler it and culler ye pulpit and ye society voted to go on and finish ye steeple and culler ye house and culler j'e pulpit according to ye proposal." January 4, 1763, "Voted that ye work of fixing ye meeting house should be completed by November 1, 1763, at which vote passed, Captain Amos Botsford and Lieutenant Nathaniel Brisco made open declaration that they freely and frankly gave ye bell, which they had procured for ye use of ye society so long as there should be a Presbiterian society to meet in sd house." Up to this time Stephen Parmalee had been hired to beat the drum for religious meetings, town meetings and public gatherings but the spirit of progress was developing and at a meeting Jan. 9, 1764, it was "voted that Abel Botsford should be bell ringer for ye year ensuing and shall ring ye bell on ye Sabbath and on all other public times and at 9 o'clock at night and shall have for his services for ringing ye bell and sweeping ye meeting house 40 shillings a year." The bell was used until May, 1787, when it was "voted to get a new bell in sd meeting house" and the meeting was adjourned to ye first Monday after ye new bell should arrive in Newtown. It is on record "that on ye first day of July, 1767, ye committee for ye bell took ye old bell to Fairfield, got it recast, brought it back and it was hung on the 3rd day of July, 1767," and the society's records further gratefully adds, "it is always to be under- stood that ye inhabitants of ye church of England society in Newtown signed of ye above money of £27-4s-7d and provitions, ye sum of five pounds 12s-9d, nearly a fifth of the whole cost." January 9, 1769: "Voted that ye time of intermission between meetings on ye Sabbath shall be one hour and one quarter to the tenth of March next." "Voted, that ye meeting house bell shall be rung at all seasons needful, at deaths and funerals, and other occasions of lectures and religious meet- ings of a religious nature." "Voted, that Abiel Botsford is chosen to ring ye bell at all times and seasons as above and that he is to have for his services three pounds per year to be paid out of ye town treasury." 38 NEWTOWN'S FIRST MEETING HOUSE It makes a long story even to give an outline of the history of the building of "the first meeting house." At this time, New- town contained three hundred and fifty families. Our fathers, where are they? And do the children live forever? But the old bell that has done continuous service for 143 years still hangs in the belfry sending forth its peal over the hills and adown our val- leys, calling new forms and new faces "not to forget the assem- bling of themselves together as the manner of some is," but to join in the service of devotion, adoration and praise, and though the old bell is cracked, its tones are still sweet music to him who has been hearing them for nearly four score years. This inscription is cast on the bell, "The Gift of Capt. Amos Botsford and Lieutenant Brisco, 1768." During the Revolutionary war the society fell into sore straits, a wide divergence of opinion prevailed, many of its members were Tories, although their minister espoused the cause of the colonies. The time had passed when the society was depending on the town to pay the minister's rate and funds ran low. Those who would not take the oath of fidelity to the cause of the colonies absented themselves from public worship on the Lord's day, and to win them back the society called a meeting for Oct. 9, 1781, under the follow- ing warning : "Notice is hereby given to the first society in Newtown, that a society's meeting will be held on Tuesdaj- ye 9th at 2 o'clock p. m. at the meeting house in said district to transact ye business (viz) of ascertaining ye number and strength of sd society, of making sale of ye parsonage lott, belonging to sd society, of disposmg of ye floor of sd meeting house, so much as is sufficient for 12 pews, of repairing said meeting house and new painting of ye outside of ye same, of removing some dificultys in sd so- ciety heretofore existing, of appointing a committee to supply ye desk for six months, next coming, of hiring a master of Music to instruct sd society in singing psalms, hims and spiritual songs, and to do any other business necessary and proper to be done at sd meeting and it is desired that ye society will punctually attend by order of committee. Abel Botsford, Society's Clerk. Newtown, Oct. 1, 1781. October 9, the meeting met according to notification, chose Mr. George Terrill moderator and voted as follows : "That it is the opinion of this meeting that all those that belong to this society notwithstanding they have nott taken ye oath of fidelity as required by law in political matters, in society matters have the same privileges with those who have sworn and that the excuses of many for not attending legal meetings on that account are groundless." Also "voted that the three pennjf rate laid on the society in April last past for ye support of preaching the gospel, shall be collected and applied to the use of paying the debts or arrearages of the society and if there be any overplus, it shall be for the use of hiring a minister." Also "voted that the meeting house shall be repaired and that Mr Jabez Botsford, Amos Tirrill and Joseph Wheeler be a committee to see what repairs are necessary for said house and report at an adjourned meeting and Jabez Botsford and Abram Bennett were appointed a committee to procure flax seed to exchange for oil to paint the meeting house." In 1786 there seems to have been an awakening of things temporal and at a society's meeting, April 3, 1786, it was "voted to procure by donation shingles sufficient to cover the back roof of the meeting house and to take care that the same be laid on as a free donation and John Sherman, Nathanial Northrop, Capt. Silas Fairchild, Capt Joseph Wheeler, Asa Cogswell and Hezekiah Booth be committee." In May of the same year it was "voted that this society will sell and convey to the purchasers an exclusive right to that part of the lower floor of the meeting house where the body seats now are, except the front seats [ NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 39 J on each side of the main alley." The floor space for pews on the broad alley nearest the pulpit was appraised at 9 pounds English money each, the next two at 7 pounds, the next two at 6 pounds. The front pews on the i side alleys at 5 pounds, 10 shillings each, the next two at 5 pounds, the [next two at 3 pounds. The pews when built were to be constructed accord- j ing to specifications, fixed by vote of the society. May 1786, at a meeting of the first societ}' in Newtown, "voted that this society will sell and convey to the purchasers an exclusive right to that • part of the meeting house on the lower floor where the body seats now ■ are, except the front seats on each side of the main alle3\ Voted, that on j each side of the broad alley there may by the purchasers be built six pews ; of equal bigness provided they be built all on one construction. (Viz) to i be raised not exceeding four inches from the present floor, that they be built of equal height, panel work thus, one panel of proper length per- pendicular, over which one panel of proper width horizontal, a handsome rail on the top, the door equivclent and painted a proper color for the inside of such a building. Voted, that said pews shall be built within nine months of this time or the purchaser shall forfeit his right which shall be sold again for the benefit of said society. Voted, that the purchasers immediately on bidding off said floor for the purpose aforesaid shall give their obligation with surety to the society's clerk payable the first of March next. Voted, that said ground floors for pews be set up in the following manner: The two front pews nearest the pulpit on the broad alley be set up at 9 pounds each, the next two at 7 pounds each, the next two at 6 pounds each, the front pews on the other alleys at 5 pounds, 10 shillings each, the next two at 5 pounds each, the next 2 at 3 pounds each. That the persons that bid these several prices unless some person or persons bid higher shall be entitled to said ground to build on as aforesaid, at his own expense, but in case any person or persons jointly bid higher for any or every ground floor for a pew, the highest bidder to be entitled as aforesaid." "Voted that the society's clerk make record of those who purchase or bid ofi said pews and what number beginning at the front pew on the women's side, No. 1, the opposite No. 2, the next on the women's side No. 3, the opposite No. 4, and so on according to the dignitj' or rank, and said clerk being thereunto requested, is hereby directed to give a copy of these votes to the proprietors or purchasers which shall be to them a sufficient title to all intents and purposes, they having first complied with and fullfiUed the several articles and directions contained in these votes, so be it the whole of the ground is sold. Voted, that John Chandler be appointed and he is herebj' appointed to make sale of said ground floor for the purposes aforesaid and that he begin on Tuesday of next week at 3 of the clock at this place and use his descre- tion until he hath bid off" the whole provided he finish with a reasonable time and that he have good right to bid for himself." So it came about that a considerable amount of floor space was sold for pews, a goodly number of pews were built, money flowed into a depleted treasury, for ministers' salary and building im- provements. Nothing more appears on the society minutes about the meeting house, either for its adornment or repairs, until 1792, when the Church of England people having the consent of the town to build a church for public worship on the ground where the town house was standing, provided they would remove the Town house to some other site, without expense to the town. The meet- ing house standing near to. and in front of, the Town house made an objection to putting the Church of England house there without removing the meeting house also, and it was proposed to them that their house be removed to the opposite side of the north and sotith road, which led the Presbyterians to call a society's meeting under the following warning, to act upon the proposition : 40 NEWTOWN'S FIRST MEETING HOUSE NOTIFICATION. "Warning is hereby given to ye first society in Newtown that there is a meeting of sd societ}' to be holden at the meeting house of sd society on Monday, ye 7th day of May, 1792 at five of ye clock afternoon to determine the matter respecting ye moving of ye meeting house and to do all other business necessary to be done at sd meeting. All persons who belong to sd society are desired to attend. Notified by order of ye committee. Newtown, May 1, 1792. Abel Botsford, Society's Clerk. The meeting met as warned and adjourned to May 10. At the adjourned meeting. May 10, 1792, it was "voted that to render it more convenient for ye Episcopal society in Newtown to erect a church or house of public worship on the ground where the town house now stands we are willing that said Episcopal society or any individual of them remove our meeting house to the west side of the street so that the east end of the steeple fall in a line drawn from the north east corner of Gen. John Chandler's dwelling in said Newtown and the southeast corner of Josiah Curtis' store, provided the same can be done without any risk, damage, or expense to this society, and that said meeting house, when removed, be put in a good repair in every respect as the same now is." Voted, "that said meeting house in its present state be estimated and valued at 700 pounds, lawful money and that sufficient surety be taken by this society's committee for the payment of the same in case of damage. Voted that Jabez Botsford, Esq., Mr Abel Booth, Roger Terrill, Capt. Moses Sheapard and Capt. Elijah Botsford be a committee to transact all business relative to the foregoing vote. Test Abel Botsford, Society's Clerk." At the rooms of the Connecticut Historical Society, at Hartford, can be seen a bound volume of the Connectictit Journal of the year 1792, a weekly newspaper then printed in New Haven, in which under date of June 6, 1792, is the following: "On Wednesday, the 13th of June inst., at one o'clock p. m., if the weather be fair, and if the weather is not good at the same time of day on on the first fair day following, an attempt will be made to remove the meeting house, together with the steeple entire, belonging to the Ecclesi- astical society in Newtown, about eight rods west of its present site. As this will be the greatest movement ever attempted in this part of the state, the subscribers by whom the business is to be performed have been re- quested to give this public notice to their friends. Solomon Glover, Andrew Beers, Daniel Tomlinson. Fortiniately for us we are not left in the dark as to the result of such a "great movement," for in the same paper under the date of June 27, 1782, we are given the result : "On the 13th instant the meeting house in Newtown was removed about eight rods; the removal was effected in one hour and a half, after previous preparations had been made. The house is between 70 and 80 feet long, and about 50 feet wide, with a steeple at one end, the whole of which was removed without the least injury to any part. ^ i r-i Solomon Glover, Andrew Beers, David Tomlinson We have only to measure a distance of eight rods directly east from where the Congregational church now stands to get the exact location of the first meeting house in Newtown, and the buildings it was in line with. Gen, John Chandler's house stood where the Grand Central Hotel is, and the store of Josiah Curtis stood where R. H. Beers & Co.'s. store now stands. NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 41 The old building must have grown rapidly into disfavor, for only- eleven years passed before, at a society meeting at the meeting house, October 3, 1803, at 3 o'clock afternoon it was — "Voted that we prefer a memorial to the General Assembly to be holden at New Haven on the second Thursday in October, 1803, in behalf of said society, praying for a grant of a lottery to raise the sum of $4000 to enable the society to build a meeting house for said society where the meeting house now stands, or for such other sum as the Assembly may think it expedient to grant." Hon. William Edmond was appointed a committee to prefer a petition to the General Assembly for the grant. The assembly granted the petitioners the sum of $3,000. March 2, 1808, "Voted that the society go forward the present season to build a meeting house with all convenient speed where the old meeting house now stands, 60 feet in length, and 40 feet in breadth, with posts of a proportionable length, to have a belfry and cupola or dome thereon, in lieu of a steeple upon the east end; that the avails of the lottery granted by the General Assembly and the materials of the old meeting house be appropriated for the purpose aforesaid." Isaac Scudder did the work of building by contract for $1138.48 and the completed building left the society in debt. In Feb., 1810, a tax of 17 cents on the dollar on list of 1808 was laid to apply on the debt. Arnold Foot was collector. With no money left with which to finish the interior, funds for building slips and pews were raised by carrying out a society vote passed Feb. 1, 1812. "To dispose of the pew grounds adjoining the wall on the north and south sides of the meeting house to the highest bidder belonging to said society. The purchaser of the pew to be at the expense of building the same. The money for which the pew ground shall be sold to be paid down or secured by note payable to the society's treasurer within six months and appro- priated to pay the expense of building the slips or pews on the ground not disposed of; and every purchaser shall hold the pew ground so purchased to himself and heirs forever and shall have right at any time to sell and assign the same to any other person or persons, a member or members of said society, and not otherwise." Michael Parks auctioned ofif the pew grounds, No. 1, on the north side to Silas Fairchild and Philo Fairchild, $15; No. 1 on the south side to David Peck and Chauncey Botsford, $20; No. 2, north side, Lamson Birch and Ebenezer Turner, Esq., $9; No. 3, south side, William Edmond, $26; No. 2, south side, Samuel C. Blackman, Esq., $14; No. 3. north side. Moss K. Botsford and James Terrill, $20; No. 4, south side, Timothy Shepard, Esq., $22; No. 4, north side, Caleb Bennitt, $21 ; No.5 south side, Ezra H. Johnson, $20.50; No. 5, north side, Ziba Blakslee $12; No. 6. south side, Arnold Foot, $15; No. 6 north side, Thomas B. Botsford, $10.50; No. 7, south side, Daniel Morehouse. $5: No. 7, north side, Rev. Jehu Clark, $2; No. 8, south side, Levi Jackson. $1 ; No. 8, north side, Timothy Shepard, Esq., $1 ; $215 was raised from the sale of pew ground. The pews once sold, became the family possessions and were sold as such, as far down as 1839. A deed that Horace M. Shepard gave to 'Squire John Dibble for one dollar (as I have it) describes the pew as situated in the "Presbyterian meeting house on the south side of the house, being the fourth pew from the west end, formerly owned by and occupied by my father, Timothy Shepherd, deceased April 7, 1825." Witnessed by Samuel C. Blackman. Charles Johnson (father of the writer) held a deed for a pew he bought of Czar Keeler in the year 1839, for which he paid $5. The deed described it as being bounded on the north by the south alley, 42 NEWTOWN'S FIRST MEETING HOUSE east by pew of Ezra H. Johnson, south by the wall and west by pew owned by Hon. William Edmond. That box pew was usually my vSunday home during the hours of "meeting" and by resting my chin on the top cap piece I could see all about. In those days ministers wrote long sermons and I soon learned that there was time for a good long nap before he would reach "eighthly," "ninthly" and "finally." 1 would stretch on the long seat and go to sleep, to be awakened by the singing of the last hymn, in time to hear the benediction pronounced. The committee appointed to build the pews were Lamson Birch, Timothy Shepard and Ziba Blakeslee, and they were to lay out the residue of pew ground money partly finishing the galleries. May 10, 1813. another petition was sent to the General Assembly for the grant of $4000 to defray the expenses of the society in building their meeting house and in support of public worship in the society. The petition was not granted. During the Rev. Jason Atwater's min- istry, between 1845 and 1852, the exterior of the building was very much improved, the belfry was closed in, a new steeple was built, the building newly covered and painted. Twelve hundred dollars were s])ent in renovating the exterior and in 1852 the basement was fitted up, the main floor raised to its present level, new seats and a pul])it were provided for the audience room, at an expense of $500. Down to the present time the people have kept pace with the needs of the times and this building com- pares well in its furnishing, conveniences and adornment with those of any country edifice in the Fairfield County Consociation. The writer regrets exceedingly that he finds nothing on record of the history of the "weather vane." That it was on the steeple at the time of the Revolutionary war is well known, for it bears the marks of bullets fired by French soldiers, as, by order of Gen. Washington, they passed through Newtown on their way from Hartford to the Hudson River in 1781. When the old building was torn away to make room for the present structure, the weather vane was transferred to it. When a little boy, my father took the rooster to Bridgeport to have it re-gilded and I had the honor of riding to the city with it. It was nearly as high as I and its long spurs, its high comb, and the dent? the bullets had made on its body were all part of a history lesson which I have never forgotten. It was a catch story of those early days told to us children that whenever the old rooster on the Presbyterian meeting house steeple heard Judge Blackman (who lived on the corner close by) call his hens to feed them he always flew down and ate with them. Judge Samuel C. Blackman lived in a house on the ground where the Grand Central Hotel stands. He was a lawyer and proverbially known as a truthful man. Even little children knew it, and the mother had to solve the puzzle tell- ing the reason, "The rooster could not hear the call." NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 43 NEWTOWN'S TOWN HOUSES In two hundred and more years of our town history, the town has built but two town houses. Not until 1717 do we find in New- town town records allusion to the building of a town house. The business meetings of the town were held at dwelling houses, for which rentals were paid. At a town meeting, October 9, 1717, it was "Voted by ye inhabitants of the town that a schoolhouse or town house shall be forthwith or with all possible speed erected of ye following dimen- sions : 25 foot square and eight foot between joists, and whereas Joseph Gray and Peter Hubbell have undertaken to build ye sd house (viz) to get, draw ye timber, make ye frame, get all ye shingles and clabbords and lay them, ye town finding nails. It is agreed and voted to give sd workmen for sd work, 10 pounds money, to be paid upon their accomplishing or compleating sd work, workmanlike." Entered, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. On Jan. 8, 1718, another town meeting was held, to fix the loca- tion for the town house that the town had voted to have built. It was "voted, that the place for building ye school or town house or house for holding town meetings in, and for teaching school in, shall be on ye main street or town street near unto Abraham Kimberley's betwixt sd Kimber- ley's and John Lake's house." (Abraham Kimberley's house stood on the corner opposite Trinity.) In 1733, the population had increased so that as new conditions arose, a larger town house was needed. By vote' of the town, the town house was removed to become the schoolhouse for Middle district, the neighborhood moving it at their own expense. The second town house was not built until 1766. In the meantime, business meetings of the town were held, sometimes in the north and sometimes in the south schoolhouse, and at other times in the meeting house. Thirty-three 3'ears passed and then a tow^n meet- ing was called for Dec. 8, 1766, at which meeting it was "voted, that there shall be a town house built for ye use of ye town and that Johnathan Booth, Ebenezer Ford and Nathanial Nichols shall be a com- mittee to examine into what place is most convenient to set the house and what ye house will cost, and make report at an adjourned meeting." The second town house was located on what was the site of the first one and at a town meeting held Dec. 22, 1766, it was "voted, that the town house shall be built 32 feet long, 24 feet wide and nine feet between joists and that Oliver Tousey shall build it at ye price of 66 pounds and that he shall give bonds to ye committee for ye building of sd house and that there shall be a rate of three farthings half farthings on ye pound raised to build sd house and also voted that Jonathan Booth and Caleb Baldwin shall be a committee to obligate sd Tousey and take his obligations for ye completing sd house and shall make and collect a rate." Also "voted, that sd Tousey shall cause to be made in sd town house good seats as are gen- erally made, in form as in ye State House at Hartford. Sd house to be finished by ye first day of December, 1767." Also "voted, that ye sd Tousey shall light ye house with 30 windows, 15 squares of glass in a window size of ye glass 7 x 9." The house was finished as per contract and the first meeting was held in it, Dec. 7, 1767. Nothing further is said of the building until, at a town meeting in 1789, it was "voted that the selectmen should, as soon as convenient, repair ye town house in a manner as shall seem to them most prudent and best for ye advantage of ye town." When the third Episcopal church was to l)e built, the ground on which the town house stood was needed as part of the site of the Church building, and the town gave the Episcopalians liberty to remove the building. Capt Solomon Glover bought the old Episcopal church building (the second one) in 1799, and the town voted to 44 NEWTOWN'S TOWN HOUSES give him five pounds in money, yearly rental, provided he would purchase for it a plot of ground on which to set the building, which was then standing on the west side of the north and south high- way and a little south of where now stands Newtown Inn. The old Church building was removed to the westward ofif the highway, fitted up for the use of the town for a town house, and was rented by Solomon Glover for a long term of years to the town at an an- nual rental of $20. In the early part of the last century the build- ing now used as a tin shop, stood where the store of R. H. Beers & Co. is and was used for a general merchandise store by the firm of Baldwin & Beers, which, with the two-story building joined on the north end, covered the ground now occupied by the present building. The second floor of the main building was rented for many years by the town, and, when Norman B. Glover put up a buihJmg for a store on the ground near the house now owned by Mrs. S. F. Schermerhorn, somewhere in the "70s," the town rented the upper floor, until it burned down, for a town house, owning no building for town use, until it bought the present town house, which was originally built by the Universalists for religious pur- poses, and afterward became the property of St. Rose's parish, and so remained until the building of this present edifice, when, in 1883, it was sold to the town of Newtown and is now a large and commodious building, that is likely to continue (except in case of fire) Newtown's town house for at least a century to come. SABBATH DAY HOUSES The Sabbath Day house was a place in which to take refresh- ments between the two Church services and for social and religious worship as the occupant might be inclined. It was built in two divisions, one for males and the other for females. They were located on the highway, permission being given by vote of the free holders in Town meeting. They were necessary because the meeting houses were not warmed. Dec. 9, 1740, "voted and agreed that Jeremiah Northrop shall have liberty to set a small .Sabbath Day house in ye lane by or against Capt. Baldwin's orchard." Dec. 3. 1750, "voted that Jonathan Sanford shall have liberty to build a small Sabbath Day house at ye westerly end of John Piatt's Sabbath Day house." Dec. 30, 1754, "voted that Captain Amos Botsford shall have Liberty to Build a small house for Sabbath Days not Doing Damage to ye Highway nor any other person." Dec. 23, 1751, "voted that Benjamin Northrop shall have liberty to build- ing a Sabbath Day house for his use in ye Lane of Captain Baldwin's fence of his home lott below or something west of Caleb Baldwin's Sab- bath Day house." DISPUTES OVER TOWN LINES Reference has been made to the dispute between Stratford and Newtown regarding lines between the two towns, a dispute that arose in 1725 and was not amicably adjusted and confirmed by the General Court until 1761. About the same time, disputes arose between Newtown and Danbury and Newtown and New Milford NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 45 from the same cause, creating uneasiness, friction, and contention, from which, in the case between New Milford and Newtown, liti- gation arose. NEW MILFORD— NEWTOWN TOWN LINE "At a town meeting held March 28, 1727, at sd Newtown, Mr. Thomas Tousey and Capt. Thomas Bennett bj-^ vote were appointed a committee to meet ye gentlemen from New Milford upon Thursday, ye 13th instant of March, at westerly end of ye supposed line between New Milford and Newtown to declare to sd gentlemen the dissatisfaction of sd Newtown with respect to sd line and to propose to them with respect to sd line, and to propose to them whether some method of accommodation and what might be pitched upon for ye removing of ye difficulty, and that speedy and effectual care be taken in that matter, yt those who are not only neighbors, but christian neighbors, may dwell as such. Entered Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." "April 6, 1731, John Leavenworth is chosen and empowered in behalf and in room of Newtown to appear at ye county court to be holden in New Haven on ye seventh day of April to implead ye town of Newtown at New Milford in an action or plea of debt as it is by New Milford termed, commenced against Newtown as they say, for neglecting to perambulate according to law between ye two towns of Newtown and New Milford and that ye sd Leavenworth shall have full power in ye affair to employ any attorney and to review or appeal as ye case may require, making firm and good what ye Leavenworth shall do in ye premises. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." At a lawful town meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown, held, August 17th, 1735, "voted by ye inhabitants of Newtown that Capt. Thomas Tou- sey should be moderator to carry on ye business of sd meeting. Voted that Capt. Thomas Tousey should be agent in ye behalf of ye town of Newtown to appear at ye Superior Court to be holden at New Haven on ye first Tuesday in September, 1730, and is fully impowered to emplead ye town of New Milford in an action or plea of debt commenced against Newtown, as they say, at ye County Court held at New Haven, April 7, 1730, for neglect to perambulate according to law, etc. The town ratifying and confirming what ye sd Capt. Tousey shall do in ye premises. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." "At a lawful meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown held April 9, 1731, appointed to consult what method to take to get or have j-e dividing line atwixt New Milford and Newtown settled, first voted that Capt. Thomas Tousey should be moderator to carry on ye business of sd meeting. Secondly, agreed and voted to send a prayer or petition to ye General Assembly to be holden at Hartford in May next, to intreat ye favor of ye honorable assembly for a committee of their appointment to settle ye above sd line that further trouble may be prevented. Thirdly, agreed and voted that Capt. Thomas Tousey be Committee or agent in ye behalf of ye town to prepare and present to ye General Assembly to be held in Hartford in May next, a memorial, and to take ye whole care of ye business aforesaid. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." "At a lawful town meeting held in Newtown, September 17, 1731. Whereas ye General Assembly have appointed a committee with ye as- sistance of ye surveyor of ye county of Hartford to run and ascertain of ye dividing line between New Milford and Newtown, it was voted that Capt. Thomas Tousey and Lieut. John Northrop were chosen and appointed a committee in behalf of ye town of Newtown when sd committee, shall come upon sd work, to appear to do and act whatsoever shall be proper in order to bring said affair to a good conclusion and to take thorough care that ye return of sd committtee shall be presented to ye General Assembly in order to the ratification and confirmation thereof. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." 46 NEW MILFORD— NEWTOWN TOWN LINE At a town meeting held March 23, 1732, it was voted that Captain Thomas Tousey, John Leavenworth and Jeremiah Northrop shall be a comrnittee to discourse and conclude with ye committee chosen by New Milford upon terms of accomodations between the two towns respecting ye charges yt have arose upon Newtown by virtue of New Milford having commenced an action against Newtown for not perambulating and what sd committee shall do in ye premises shall be held as valid and that ye sd committee shall have power this spring to perambulate ye line between New Milford and Newtown, late established by ye General Assembly. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." New Milford, Dec. 10, 1734. "To ye inhabitants or to ye moderator of your meeting which is to be held on ye 12th day of this instant in Newtown, greeting. "Gentlemen, these are to propose conditions of people with you in con- sideration you will let all former contentions in ye law be laid aside from this time, which hath been about ye line, between New Milford and New- town, about perambulating with you on ye new line or boundary line. Be pleased to return by the bearer how or what you will do refering to this matter. Wishing you peace and prosperity, James Prime, Theophilus Baldwin, Selectmen. Recorded December 12, 1734, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." The above seems to have been an "olive branch of peace" sent from New Milford to Newtown. Nothing further appears upon the records in regard to the matter. DANBURY— NEWTOWN TOWN LINE In 1758, the boundary line between Newtown and Danbury hav- ing become so obscure, the town took action in regard to making the establishment of the line the better understood and appointed a committee to act with a committee appointed by the town of Danbury to report at a future meeting. The result of that action was embodied in a report made at a town meeting held on the 17th day of April, 1758, which reads as follows : "These may certify whom it may concern, that we, ye subscribers here- unto being chosen appomted by and impowered by ye selectmen of New- town a committee appointed to meet ye selectmen or a committee of Dan- bury to perambulate, renew and erect ye boundaries or monuments in ye line between ye township of sd Danbury and Newtown if any of them were unknown on this 17th day of April, 1758, proceeded and performed in manner and for following: Viz. First, we reported to and made our appearance at ye N. W. corner bounds of sd Newtown and there joined with Danbury committee, who were Capt. John Benedict, Capt. Ebenezer Hecock and Phineas Judd. We agreed to renew sd boundaries or monuments by putting stones to it which was and is a small ditch, and a heap of stones about one foot on ye east side of ye sd ditch. Then we went S. by E. to ye next monument, added stones to it which is red or black oak tree with stones to it, then moving southeasterly about 80 rods where we erected a new boundary or monument which is a black oak tree with stones to it, then on ye same course about 89 rods to a heap of stones, adding to it more stones, from thence to a rock near Lyon's orchard, from thence to a rock with stones boundary, which is a large rock with a heap of stones on it, and from thence to Garshum Botswick's shop, a little south, where we erected a new on it at the corner of Mr. Northrop's lot, and then running ye same line 80 or 90 rods, where we erected a new boundary or monument, which is a heap of stones where ye southard side of sd Northrop's lot or land, then to a large rock with stones on it gainst Ebenezer Blackman's land adding stones to it. NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 47 Performed per us on ye 17th day of April, 1758. Caleb Baldwin, James Hard, Jr., H. Peck. Committee. This return of ye committee received for record May ye 8th, 1758. Re- corded per John Northrop, Town Clerk. STRATFORD— NEWTOWN TOWN LINE Until 1761, there were frequent disputes between the towns of Stratford and Newtown in regard to the line established by the duly appointed committees as the records plainly show, causing suits at law, expense and general uneasiness. At a proprietors' meet- ing held on the 15th of Sept., 1761, Messrs. Esquire Caleb Baldwin, Capt. John Glover, Capt. Henry Glover, Mr. Benjamin Curtis and Theodore Leavenworth were chosen a committee in behalf of ye pro- prietors in ye affair or case about ye dividing line betwixt Stratford and Newtown, and empowered "to prefer a petition to the General Assembly in ye name of ye proprietors of common and undivided land in such man- ner and form as said committee shall judge best, praying said assembly to establish ye antient agreement made between ye townships of Stratford and Newtown, or in some other way relieve ye sd proprietors from the force of ye judgment of ye Superior Court held at Fairfield in August last." "At a town meeting of the inhabitants of Newtown held January 30, 1761, it was voted and agreed that at the charge of ye proprietors of New- town with ye assistance of a proper County surveyor of ye county of Fairfield that the east or easterly line of ye township of Stratford ac- cording to their patent shall be procured with all proper speed. To be run and at ye extent of 12 miles from ye sea a fair monument be there erected and from sd monument a straight or due cross line be run to ye northeast corner of ye township of Fairfield and that Thomas Tousey, Esq., Capt. John Glover and Mr. Benjamin Curtis shall be a committee in all respects to take care that ye above said work be thoroughlj^ aflFected. John Glover, Town Clerk." At a town meeting, May 11, 1761. "It was voted that Capt. John Glover and Mr. Daniel Booth shall be agents in behalf of the inhabitants of New- town to prefer or persue the petition at the General Assembly to be held at Hartford on the second Thursday of Alay, praying sd Assembly to appoint a committee to ascertain the dividing line between the town- ship of Stratford and sd Newtown and that sd agents are hereby either of them fully empowered to act in ye premises. Another town meeting held on October 8, 1761. It was voted that Richard Fairman and Capt. Henry Glover be agents and they are hereby impowered to act in the name and behalf of the town at the next General Assembly at their pres- ent session to prosecute and persue their petition now depending at sd Assembly. Voted also that Capt. John Glover shall have the like power as above mentioned. John Northrop, Town Clerk." The committee appointed in Oct. 1761, acted in conjunction with that appointed in Sept. 1761, and the General Court accepted and confirmed the action of inhabitants of Newtown and established the line and monument and declared the same to be the dividing line between the towns of Stratford and Newtown. This line is now the dividing line between Monroe and Trumbull on the south and Newtown on the north, those two towns having been set off from Stratford in the early part of the last century. "At a general assembly of the governor and company of the Colony of Connecticut holden at New Haven on the second Thursday of October, 1761, upon the petition of Daniel Booth, Caleb Baldwin and Benjamin \ 48 STRATFORD— NEWTOWN TOWN LINE Curtiss, all inhabitants of Newtown and proprietors of the common and undivided land in sd Newtown and ye rest of ye inhabitants of sd New- town and ye rest of ye proprietors of ye sd common and undivided land in sd Newtown, representing to this assembly that ye dividing line between yt town towards Stratford was for a long time unsettled and uncertain, which occasioned teadius and unhappy disputes and controversies be- tween sd towns, the same lasting and continuing until ye year 1725, when ye sd towns and ye proprietors of ye common and undivided lands in sd towns by their respective committees, in order to prevent any further dis- putes and contentions respecting such dividing line and to settle and make ye same known, did honestly and in an amicable manner did agree to settle and establish a dividing line between said towns, that the sd agree- ment was put into writing and duly executed and that the same was ac- cepted and approved of by ye inhabitants of said towns and at last by the proprietors of ye common and undivided lands in sd Stratford. But such acceptance, etc., not being entered upon record, rendered such agree- ment week and not a lawfull evidence of such dividing lines. But said agreement being so honestly made as aforesaid said line therein contained ought to be deemed and accounted ye dividing line between sd towns as to jurisdiction and propriety. Praying that sd agreement may be con- firmed and established and that sd line may be the dividing line between said towns both as to jurisdiction and propriety, etc., as on file." "Resolved by this assembly that the sd agreement mentioned in sd petition be confirmed and established and that the sd line and monument mentioned and contained therein shall be and the same is hereby de- clared to the dividing line between said towns both as to jurisdiction and propriety, etc., as petition on file." Recorded per John Northrop, proprietors' clerk a coppie of ye bill in form at Hartford past at New Haven, October, 1761. A true cope of record examined by George Willeys, secretary of state. BROOKFIELD'S ORIGIN Less than 20 years after Newtown was incorporated, some living in the north end of town, more particularly at the "West farm," the local name of which was "Whiskenere," wanted to be set off with part of Danbury and part of New Milford as an ecclesiastical society. "At a town meeting called in Oct. 1751, it was voted to appoint agents in behalf of ye town in ye case of ye people of ye west farm belonging to Newtown making application to ye honorable Assembly to be held at New Haven, Oct 9, 1751, in order to be set ofif with ye other parts of ye neighboring towns as an Ecclesiastical society." And it was also "voted that ye professors of ye Church of England in Newtown shall be freed from any charge in that aflfair above mentioned." That meeting being declared illegal another was held as soon as the law would allow, at which "Messrs. Joseph Smith, Daniel Booth and Joseph Botsford were appointed agents in behalf of the town to oppose in ye case of ye west farm belonging to sd Newtown and others, making application to ye Honorable Assembly to be held at New Haven, October 9, 1751, in order to be set off with some parts of ye neighboring towns as an Ecclesiastical Society, therefore voted that whereas a committee May last was by ye Honorable Assembly authorized to view ye circumstances of part of ye town of Danbury, Newtown and New Milford, all adjoining, in order to ye forming of an Ecclesiastical Society and to make report to ye Assem- bly in this month of October with instructions to notify ye several parties concerned of ye time and place of their meeting upon that affair that they might have opportunity of making their pleas that ye Honorable General Assembly to be held this month be made acquainted that ye town of New- town by sd committee or any form or under them, were never notified with relation to ye premises whereby they are debarred of their first privilege and exposed to suffer great wrong and many are aggrieved. Voted in ye affirmative. John Northrop, Town Clerk." BROOKFIELD'S ORIGIN 49 Though thus far disappointed, the people of the north end of Newtown were not discouraged. Released by vote in town meet- ing from their tax toward the support of the Newtown minister, provided they would support one in the "north end," they hired Rev. Thomas Brooks in 1757, the parish of Newbury having been incorporated in 1754. Warning concerning Newbury being opposed by Newtown at the General Court for a town, in 1772: "Whereas the town of Newtown is called to answer to Newbury parish at ye General Assembly to be holden at Hartford Instant May, concern- ing said Parish being granted town privileges and ye selectmen, not hav- ing power invested in them to oppose or not oppose unless by agreement with sd Newbury to ye maintainance of their proportionable part of ye poor, which they refuse to comply with. Therefore at ye desire of ye selectmen warning is hereby given to ye inhabitants of Newtown in Fair- field County that there is to be a town meeting holden at ye Town house in sd town on Monday, ye 18th day of May, 1772, at 5 of ye clock, after- noon, to consider and determine ye matter above mentioned. Caleb Beldwin, Town Clerk." At a town meeting held in accordance with this notification "it was voted that the town shall oppose ye parish of Newbury at ye General Court now sitting at Hartford in regard to sd parish being set ofT for a township." Voted that Mr. Oliver Tousey shall be agent in behalf of ye town of Newtown to oppose sd Newbury at ye General Assembly. Caleb Baldwin, Town Clerk. We are not able to find that further action was taken by New- town in regard to the matter until 1779. The seven years between the action taken by vote of the town in 1772 "to oppose the parish of Newbury from being set off as a town" and that taken by Newtown at the annual town meeting in 1779 showed a decided reaction in feeling in relation to the matter, and again at the annual town meting in December, 1781. Still matters were held in abey- ance for some reason until 1785, when it was voted in town meet- ing that "all objection and opposition on the part of Newtown should be withdrawn," as will be seen by these votes : At Newtown's annual town meeting in Dec. 1779, "it was voted that ye inhabitants of ye parish of Newbury that belong to the limits of New- town shall have liberty to apply to ye General Assembly next coming to be set oflf as a district town without any opposition made by this tov/n." Again at the annual town meeting held in Dec. 1781, the town voted "that this town will not oppose the inhabitants of the parish of Newbury at the General Assembly in May next for town privileges." Again at a special town meeting in Newtown, March 29, 1785, to deter- mine the matter concerning town privileges for the parish of Newbury it was voted "that this town, considering ye difficulties ye parish of New- bury labors under in lying in three towns and two counties, have no ob- jection nor shall we oppose them at ye General Assembly in their me- morial for town privilege, they ye sd parish of Newbury bearing their proportion of ye town debts already contracted or that shall be contracted as a town at any time before ye confirmation of sd parish in town privileges." As to the line to be established between Newtown and Newbury, the town voted at the same meeting, "that the line between the Township of Newtown and the proposed Township of Newbury shall begin in the line between the Township of Danbury and Newtown 80 rods southerly of the known monument called the "bound hollow" which was the ancient parochial bounds of the said parish of Newtown. Thence a straight line to a monument 30 rods southerly of a white oak tree at the southeasterly corner of Capt Richard Smith's garden, sd tree being an old boundary 50 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN line between the sd parish of Newbury and Newtown, thence a straight line to the Great River at the riding place about 120 rods northerly from the mouth of Pond Brook. Although Newtown did not oppose the people of the "north end" having parish privileges to the finish, yet their opposition long de- layed the time of its incorporation as a town. Time, the mollifier of long continued disputes, at last brought about the wished for result and, in 1788, Newbury was incorporated as a town. From 1757 to 1788 Rev. Thomas Brooks had had the pastoral care of all Newbury, and it was known far and wide as "Brooksfield," and what more natural than the name Newbury being dropped to make way for the proposed new name of "Brookfield," a name to be retained, we hope, until it shall be proclaimed that "Time shall be no more." In deference to the towns from which Newbury was formed, its name was taken from the first part of the name of Newtown and New Milford and for the last part of Danbury, from which came Newbury. The parish of Newbury was incorporated in 1754. In 1759 the General Court, upon petition, annexed the section of the parish taken from New Milford town to Fairfield county, and in March, 1788, it petitioned for its incorporation with town priv- ileges and it was granted 34 years intervening. In June, 1788. the town of Brookfield held its first town meeting, at which the follow- ing vote was passed. "Thanks to the gentlemen spectators from neighboring towns for the respect shown to the town of Brookfield in attending their first town meeting and in particular to Col. Samuel Canfield, Esq., appointed first moderator for said town of Brookfield by the General Assembly for his care and service in said office." LAY OUT OF COUNTRY ROADS IN YE OLDEN TIMES Fifty years ago or so, a little boy of eight or ten years of age was trudging along on his way home from the school in Taunton, when he was overtaken by an elderly man, a stranger, who, instead of asking "Where does this road lead to?" accosted him with the query, "Say, bub, where does this road go to?" The boy, with a quick wit replied, "Don't go nowheres, zi knows on, it's been here ever since I've been here." The questioner, together with a lis- tener, who related the epsiode to me, died long time since, but the lad of the years long gone is still living and a grandfather. That same question is one of to-day with some, who, upon pleasure bent, drive along the lanes, the by-ways and the highways of our extensive township, forming as they do a complete net work of mysterious complications, which, at the same time, are a delight to the artist, the naturalist and the botanist, though a burden to the tax payers and a perplexity to the town fathers. A conservative estimate of those best informed, as to the mileage of Newtown's roads to be kept in repair at town expense, is not less than 400 miles. While it is true that none of our roads "go" anywhere, it is equally true that in their circuitous courses and serpentine windings they have a continual series of surprises for tourists, to whom it is the height of pleasure to drive along our country roads. HOUSE BUILT BY EZRA H. JOHNSON E. L. Johnson's grandfather, in 1795 BIRTHPLACE OF EZRA L. JOHNSON Built in 1830, reconstructed in 1876. LAY OUT OF COUNTRY ROADS 51 The most reasonable opinion that the student of history can arrive at in regard to their extreme crookedness is that in the early days the pitching for land and the building of homes, "shacks," if we please to call them, took precedence of the laying out of high- ways, a long time intervening before the coming of wheeled ve- hicles, so that footpaths for man or horse were all needed for the first few years of pioneer life. There seems not a doubt that the highway leading from the center of Newtown to Bridgeport fol- lows the trail of the Scatakooks and Pohtatucks who wandered all over the Housatonic valley from the Massachusetts line down through Kent, New Milford, Newtown and Stratford to the shore of the great salt sea. My grandfather, born in 1772, died in 1854 and lived his life alongside this road. My father, born in 1799, lived alongside the same road all his life, dying in 1871. The writer, born in 1832, has lived all his life on the ancestral farm, and has seen the summer migrations of the Indians along this road on their way to "salt water." Year after year they dwindled in numbers, a natural re- sult of the coming of the "pale face," so that the last of their mi- gratory trips ended about 1860. Newtown's bi-centennial celebration fixed permanently in our minds the fact that the township of land was purchased from the Indians in 1705. In course of time, settlers began to come in. It was decided, after careful investigation, where the center of the town should be fixed and a certain routine line of business affairs moved along, controlled by regulations laid down by the General Court, which held semi-annual sessions in May and Oct. alternately at Hartford and New Haven. The layout of highways in the early years of Newtown life was in striking contrast to the scientific methods along the same lines at the present day. We are having a daily object lesson of the laying out and also of the building of highways, not only as regards survey and easy grades by cutting down the hills and filling the valleys, but also by widening the road bed and the elimination or the lessening of heavy and dangerous curves. The first recorded lay-out of a highway the writer has been able to find in his researches of the tow-n's records is dated Nov. 14, 1715. It is called "Ye lay-out of ye country road toward Stratford." We will need to keep in mind that the present boundary line separating Newtown from Monroe and Trumbull is the same line that separated Newtown from Stratford in 1715, Monroe and Trumbull having been set ofT from the north part of Stratford long time afterward, so that it was only six miles from the center of our town to the boundary line between Stratford and Newtown. That the earliest lay-out of roads followed the foot paths or trails that led from one central point to another is especially true of the lay-out toward Stratford, toward Woodbury and toward New Mil- ford and Danbury. "Jonathan Hubbell hath pitched for his ten acre pitch at ye swamp at ye north corner of Mr. Rood's lot now in ye improvement of Stephen 52 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Parmalee and on ye southeast side of ye path which goes from Nototuck to Danbury. Entered this fourth day of Nov. 1714. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." Of the lay-out of highways in Newtown, first in order is the road leading southerly to the town line, the whole distance now a State road that will become a section of a "trunk line" extending from New York City to Berkshire Hills in Massachusetts. We, the committee that are to lay out highways whose names are un- derwritten have ye 14th day of November, 1715, laid out ye country road towards Stratford as far as Pototuck brook and measured it from Joseph Peck's house two miles. Sd road is eight rods wide from Ebenezer John- son's and crooks as ye path to ye Deep Brook does and there we crost ye east corner of Ebenezer Booth's land, which he had of Samuel Beers, which quantity he takes and joyns to his other land. We clypt ye north- east corner of Jeremiah Northrop's twelve acre lott from his eastward corner which is a white oak tree, and by ye side of ye next brook we marked a black oak tree. Ye highway down stream eight rods from sd tree. Ye first mile goes 16 to 18 rods southard to a crooked white oak, marked. We clypt ye east corner of Joseph's Peck's 20 acre lott as marked by a black oak standing on his part. He then consented to it. Betwixt this and ye next swamp we began to lay out ye highway 10 rods wide. Eastward of ye cart parth it goes to Joseph Peck's 60 acre lot as marked trees will discern, the eight rods until over sd Pohtatuck brook ye two miles. Here is a white oak tree marked against sd Peck's land. When we laid out ye highway eight rods wide over Pohtatuck brook across ye southern end of John Glover's 60 acre lot, and up a valley between New Haven Plain and Long Swamp, eight rods wide, and so crossing ye old road at a little brook as ye marked trees will show, and rocks with stones and homeward to ye place where we began to make ye road 10 rods wide sd highway comes in. Thomas Bennitt, John Glover, Ebenezer Booth, Committee. Recorded per Joseph Peck, Town Clerk, November 25, 1715. A lay-out, a few days later, from the center to what became Sandy Hook and on toward Woodbury : "We that are ye committee for to lay out highways whose names are underwritten have this 18th day of November, 1715, laid out a highway or country road two miles from ye middle of ye town down by ye north side of ye old farm over Pohtatuck Brook and so toward ye Single Pine to a bunch of stones upon a rock which was two miles. The highway is 20 rods wide according as ye common or undevided land will allow. We removed Daniel Foot's southwest corner of his four acre lott northwest six rods and we gave him seven rods at his east corner. Sd Foot was preas- ant and consented to ye same. We lay out a road for to go to Wood- bury. We began it at ye First Meadow in ye above sd road eastward of ye Pohtatuck Brook turning of it more North till we come to some pines. We lay it 20 rods wide. We laid out Darbee road from ye going over sd brook by ye side of it upon ye east side of ye Old Farms till we come to a path that leads to Fregrace Adamses 60 acre pitch. Also that path we laid 20 rods wide except when there is a meadow. Thomas Bennitt, John Glover, Ebenezer Booth, Recorded November 28. 1715, Joseph Peck, Clerk. Committee. The Great Boggs, in Head of Meadow district : "We whose names are under written have, this 23rd day of November, 1715, laid out a road southward of ye town towards ye Great Boggs two miles, ten rods wide, joining upon ye west side of Ebenezer Smith's home lott, and Ebenezer Johnson's four acres, and Samuel Ferris' 20 acre lot, in ye east side of ye home meadow until we get to Stephen Parmalee's 20 acre lot, it turns more eastern to a marked black oak tree and then to a white oak tree which stands by ye west side of a swamp against Samuel Beers, 20 acre and other trees we have marked till we come to ye top of LAY OUT OF COUNTRY ROADS 53 ye hill which is on ye east side of ye highway and so to ye place where ye paths part to ye Little and Grate Boggs, as ye path goes, 10 , rods wide." Layout in South Center district, Nov. 23, 1715: "Also we have laid out a road this same day round ye east corner of ; Mr. Peck's nine acres over Deep Brook and so on ye northwest side of Ebenezer Smith's 20 acre lott or 14 acres, and on ye west end of Joseph Peck's 20 acre lot, and Samuel Prindle's land on ye eastern part of Bushy Hill as ye trees will decifer, being marked on each hand till we come to a small swamp which goes down to Prindle's land or 20 acre lott, so up a valle till we come near to a swamp, near to Joseph Botsford's 30 acre lott, ye north corner of it, then turns more eastward as ye marked trees will show till we come to a swamp and cross it, which is near to Joseph Botsford's east corner and then round it upon ye eastward side down to a little brook, yt enters itself into ye west sprain of Pohtatuck brook, as markd trees will show. We have also laid out ye road eight rods wide cross ye Deep Brook at ye north corner of Ebenezer Smith's lot, which corner we have clypt for ye straightening of ye rode, and so to ye center at ye northwest corner of Mrs. Widow Toucey's lot. We have laid out a highway to Ebenezer Booth's 60 acre lott 10 rods wide as his part goes, only he crosses ye brook 10 rods hier to get akross a swamp until he comes to his path again. Thomas Bennitt, Ebenezer Booth, Committee. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. As the reader, enjoying the comforts that come from a well- ordered, well-cared-for home, ponders over the crude ways of those early days, let him give a tender thought to those to whom we are so much indebted under the providence of God, who, in perilous times, crossed the ocean to make for themselves homes in a new world, and later to join in laying foundations for a "Govern- ment of the people, by the people and for the people," the like of which exists nowhere else upon the earth. Let us not only think of these things, but may it be our daily desire and our daily endeavor to make principle, honesty of purpose and virtue our guiding stars, so that our form of government shall not perish from the earth. NEWTOWN'S FIRST CALL FOR A MINISTER MR. PHINEAS FISK— 1711. For many years the ministers of the several towns in the colony were hired at the annual town meeting and the salary was paid by a tax levied on the taxable property of the freeholders and was considered a part of the town expenses, and there was no getting away from payment of the tax when once levied. Although the settlement of Newtown commenced in 1705, it was not until six years after that the first move, town-wise, was made toward calling a minister, who was to be a non-conformist,and settled upon the Presbyterian foundation. The first town meeting for that purpose was on September 24, 1711, at the house of Peter Hubbell. It was then voted that Peter Hubbell be town clerk for the year ensuing, and it was at this meeting that the calling of a minister was first taken up. "Voted, that Mr. Phineas Fisk be invited to come to this place to preach a sermon amongst us, and that we may discuss him about settling amongst us as a minister of the gospel for half a year or some other space of time as may be agreed upon for a trial. And Lieutenant William Adams be 54 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN the person to wait upon him here as soon as can be conveniently attended upon." December 24, 1711, it was "Voted, that if Mr. Phineas Fisk will come and settle in Newtown and preach ye ministry to us he shall have a petition right." February 12, 1712, Ebenezcr Prindle, Samuel Sanford, John Piatt, Abraham Kimberley and John Griffin were made a committee "to discourse a minister in order for settling him in Newtown." May 30, 1712, it was voted "to give the minister that settles as a minister that right of land that was laid out to the ministry. "Voted by the major part for Mr. Phineas Fisk to be minister for Newtown." "Voted to give the minister that comes and settles amongst us, as a minister of the Gospel to preach the Gospel amongst us, that he shall have a petition right in full with said petitioners of Newtown." August 12, 1712, it was voted in town meeting "that if Mr. Phineas Fisk carry on ye work of ye ministry amongst us we will for his encouragement, besides ye petition right, before granted him build him and finish a sufficient dwelling house of 40 feet in length, and 20 feet in breadth, two stories high, 16 feet between joists, frame and cover a lean-to, 12 feet wide ye whole length of ye house and provide him at our cost a comfortable house until we have built as above sd, and give him his wood yearly and to be at ye charge of ye removal of his family and goods, fence, clear and sow his home lot with wheat, ye first year, and in like manner fence, clear, and sow four acres of his land a year for three years following, give him for a salary 30 pounds for ye first year, 40 pounds a year the three follow- ing years, fifty pounds ye fifth year, 60 pounds ye sixth year in money or wheat at a shilling a bushel, and Indian corn at 20 pence a bushel and so much upon ye yearly after ye sixth year as 60 pounds shall amount to upon ye pound on ye list of rateable estate sd year." Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. After the town had held six town meetings in regard to calling Mr. Phineas Fisk and all of no avail at a town meeting Oct. 1, 1712, it was "voted: "That Mr. John Glover request ye Rev. Mr. Charles Chauncey and ye Rev. Mr. Joseph Weed and some other ministers of ye county, if they think needful, that one or two, or as they see meet, come and assist and carry on and advise us at Newtown and keep a day of humiliation with us, that God in His mercy would direct us and prosper us with a man to preach the Gospel to us, and that God would continue the Gospel to us." It might seem to a thoughtful person that disrespect was shown by the Town Clerk in not entering the name of the one called with his title, but at the time the call came, Mr. Fisk was still tutor at Yale College at Saybrook, and had not been ordained minister of the Gospel. From 1706 to 1713 he was tutor at Yale. As the correspondence was all on one side, nothing came of it. It was learned many years later that he settled in Haddam. NEWTOWN'S FIRST SETTLED MINISTER REV. THOMAS TOUSEY— 1714-1724. At a lawful meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown, April 29,1713, voted and agreed for Ebenezer Smith to go to Wethersfield to treat with Mr. Tousey of Wethersfield and request him to come and give us a visit and preach a Sabbath or two with us that we may have opportunity to discourse him in order to carry on ye work of ye ministry amongst us. John Glover, Recorder. May ye 21, 1713, "voted and made choice of John Glover, Mr. Ebenezer Smith and Mr. Benjamin Sherman, a committee to discourse and treat with Mr. Tousey of Wethersfield in order to settle amongst us to carry on ye work of ye ministry in this place. This meeting is adjourned until to- morrow night, sun half an hour high, from ye date above." John Glover, Recorder. May ye 22d, 1713. "At ye said adjourned meeting the inhabitants voted and agreed to give Mr. Thomas Tousee thirty pounds in money and also to sow all ye minister's home Lott with Wheat that is suitable, Mr. Tousee NEWTOWN'S FIRST SETTLED MINISTER 55 to have ye crop provided ye sd Mr. Tousee preach ye Gospel Amongst us a year. The Inhabitants Aforesaid voted and agreed and made choice of Mr Thomas Tousee to preach ye Gospel Amongst us for ye space of a year, upon Probation in order to settlement." John Glover, recorder. November 16, 1713. The town "voted and agreed and made choice of Abraham Kimberly, John Glover, Ebenezer Prindle and John Griffin a committee to discourse Mr. Tousey in order to settlement, to know whether he is willing to carry on ye work of ye ministry in this place as long as God shall grant him life and health on ye salary yt ye town and he shall yearly agree for." Voted, "to give Josiah Burritt 20 shillings in pay or two-thirds money for meeting in his house on ye Lord's Day from this date until next May ensuing." John Glover recorder. December 14, 1713. "Voted ye inhabitants of Newtown on ye Date above written. Have made and in our place and stead, Put and Empowered our trusty and loving friends Abraham Kimberly, John Glover, Ebenezer Smith Ebenezer Prindle and John Griffin our true and lawful attorneys, agents or trustees for us and in our name to indorse and agree with ye Reverend Mr. Tousee respecting his settlement and maintainance so long as he shall continue to carry on ye work of ye ministry in this place or town Afore- said. Ratifying, Allowing and Confirming and holding firm and effectual all, and whatsoever our sd Attorneys or Trustees shall Lawfully do in and About ye Premises as we ourselves had Personally indented and Agreed. Entered verbatim as voted. Attest John Glover, Town Clerk." At a town meeting called and held three days later, Dec. 16, the follow- ing vote was passed. "The householders and Inhabitants of Newtown by their vote Accepted ye agreement of Town's committee, Attorneys or Trustees made with ye Reverend Mr Thomas Tousee as to his settlement and sallary and ordered yt sd agreement to be recorded. John Glover, Town Clerk. May 6, 1714: "At a lawful town meeting of ye householders and Inhab- itants of Newtown by their vote accepted the agreement ye town's com- mittee, attorneys or trustees made with ye Rev. Mr. Thomas Tousey as to his settlement and sallary and orders ye sd agreement to be recorded." John Glover, Town Clerk. At a town meeting held February 24, 1718, the question of salary came up when the following vote was passed: "Voted, Whereas it is concluded Between Mr. Tousey and ye selectmen of ye town of Newtown that for ye greater convenience of paying ye sd Mr. Tousee his sallary that the year shall begin with Him as to his ministerial! work on ye 8th day of March next, and so shall continue year by year. It is concluded yt all j't is behind or remaining due of sd Air. Tousey's salary from ye iirst of his ministry to ye 8th of March, next is 43 pounds, 16 shillings, three pence, shall be Payed by sd Day or with all convenient speed and that ever after ye 8th of March Shall be ye time on or by which ye sd Mr. Tousee shall be cleared or that shall be promised therefor." Thomas Bennitt, Thomas Toucey, Joseph Peck, Selectmen. Attest, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. March 7, 1718: "At ye above sd town meeting the Inhabitants aforesaid did consent to, and by their vote confirm ye agreement between ye Rever- end Mr. Tousee and ye selectmen of ye town of Newtown, February 24, 1718, and ordered sd agreement to be recorded," — Attest Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. "Whereas, in the articles of agreement between the town of Newtown and myself, particular prices are specified of grain and provisions, I do hereby declare that as to the grain and provisions that I shall receive of the town for the use of my family or for my own necessity or occasion to be improved in this place, that I will receive it at the common and current price that it shall go at in this place of Newtown from man to man and as to what I shall receive over and above what is above mentioned, that I will receive it at the price that it will fetch at the market at the seaside where I shall cause it to be transported. The price of transportation being to be subtracted. That is, that I will give as much here as it shall fetch me at any of the near seaboard towns where I shall carry it, except the charges 56 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN and expense that I shall be at in conveying of it down and the loss that I may sustain by shrinkage of grain before such sale or rather at the recep- tion of such grain or provision I will allow how as it will fetch at the same time at the next seaport town or towns excepting the common and usual price of transportation from here thither. In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand this 18th day of November A. D. 1718. — Thomas Toucey." Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. "At a lawful town meeting of the inhabitants of Newtown held on Feb- ruary 9th 1714, it was agreed and voted that the inhabitants aforesaid shall pay four pence per pound of the List to the Rev. Mr. Toucey's salary for the year 1718 to the 8th of March, next, and then the years begin again according to agreement as appears on record." Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. At a lawful meeting of the Inhabitants of Newtown held December 26, 1720, "It was unanimously agreed upon and voted to pay Mr. Toucey Iiis salary and all the provisions he shall name of the above inhabitants as is specified in the instrument to be seen on Page 79." Three years of apparent prosperity pass, and for the greater en- couragement of the minister the town "voted and agreed by ye Inhabitants aforesaid to get Mr. Tousee his fire wood the year 1721 by a rate leavied out of ye list of ye estate of ye inhabitants afore sd at one penny per pound; ye price of a load of wood, walnut wood is to be 2 shill- ings, 6 pence; a load of oak or other good wood is 2 shillings a load; ye aforesaid wood is to be carted or sledded by ye last of January or ye first of February next, and if any man shall neglect to give in his account of his wood into ye Collector of ye Wood Rate, Shall by virtue of this vote be as Liable to be strainde upon for his wood rate, as he yt has got no wood for ye aforesaid Mr. Tousee." "Voted that Daniel Foot shall be and is appointed collector for to take care of and collect ye above sd wood rate according to vote or as the law directs for ye gathering of other town rates." Attest, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. Two years pass and the conditions between the town and the minister are again discussed at a town meeting March 12, 1823. It was voted : "that Capt. Thomas Bennett, Sergt. Peter Hubbell, Samuel Beers and Ephraim Peck be a committee in ye behalf of ye town to discourse with ye Reverend Mr. Tousee by reason of uneasiness of ye major part of ye in- habitants of sd town, they being willing to pay himself for ye time he has continued in ye work of ye ministry till this Instant and no further, provid- ed he will lay down ye work of ye ministry among us." — Recorded, Joseph Peck, Clerk. In the fall of 1723, Mr. Tousey prefers a memorial to the General Court complaining that his salary is not forthcoming. The General Court, upon complaint of Mr. Tousey issues an order that the "Inhabitants of the town of Newtown in compliance with the agreement with Mr. Tousey shall pay to the sd Mr Tousey 60 pounds of money beside a reasonable consideration for his fire wood for ye year 1723, which ended ye 8th of March last, and it is further enacted that a rate of five pence on ye pound on all ye polls and rateable estate within ye sd Town and collect and gather the same and pay it to ye sd Mr. Tousey on or before ye third Tuesday of July next year, and still further, should this fail, ye secretary of ye colony is ordered to issue a warrant or distraint to ye sheriff of Fairfield County, who is to be allowed 15 shillings fee; and is to send forthwith a copy of this act to Mr. Thomas Bennitt, Justice of ye peace, who is hereby required to see it properly served." — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. July 10, 1723, "It was put to vote whether or no ye inhabitants of ye town would abide contented and sitt still under Mr. Tousey's ministry and pay him a salary of 60 pounds ye year and find him fire wood for ye time to come. Voted in ye negative." — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. March 12, 1724, "it was voted whether ye inhabitants of ye town would pay Mr Tousee a sallary of 60 pounds and find him his fire wood under ye consideration of ye sircumstances of ye place and as Mr. Tousee hath and now doth carry on ye work of ye ministry. Voted in the negative." At ye NEWTOWN'S FIRST SETTLED MINISTER 57 above sd meeting ye persons underwritten Entered their protest against paying Mr. Tousee any Money by way of rate, declaring themselves to be of another persuasion, namely: Mr. John Glover, Sergt. John Seely, Robert Seely, Daniel Jackson, Samuel Henry and John Foot, because they could not sit easy under him. — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." At a town meeting, March 19, 1724, it was "Voted for to discuss with Mr. Toucey about laying down the work of the ministry among us, hoping to have some answer from him about the same thing, but we had none. Then we put to vote whether or no Capt. Bennitt, Peter Hubbell, Samuel Beers, and Ephraim Peck should be a committee to act and write in behalf of the town to the Reverend Mr Toucey, and to the rest of the elders and it was a clear vote that they should." Samuel Beers, Ebenezer Booth, Nathan Baldwin, Selectmen. Recorded March 27, 1724, per Joseph Peck. "At a lawful town meeting of the Inhabitants of Newtown held May 14, 1724, tried by vote separating one from another, whether the inhabitants would send an agent or an attorney to the General Court to be holden at Hartford on May 14, 1724, to show reasons why a petition to be preferred to the General Assembly aforesaid by Mr Tousey should not be granted as set forth in the writ, and it was voted in the affirmative and at the above said meeting the inhabitants by their votes authorized the selectmen in the town's behalf to assist in the matter depending between Mr. Toucey and the town relating to a petition to be preferred to the General Assem- bly to be holden at Hartford, May 14, 1724, according to that decision either by an attorney, agent or by writing." Recorded, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. December 28, 1724, "it was voted by the inhabitants of the town in town meeting that the selectmen should discourse with Mr. Toucey concerning an account of salary and rearages and see what his demands are and make report to the town." From the State records at the October Assembly of 1725 : "Upon the memorial of the town of Newtown showing to this Assembly that sd town is at present under pressing circumstances occassioned by ye removeal of ye former minister (Mr. Toucey) and the settling of another (Mr John Beach) being weakened by ye dissension in opinion which hath been and is still among them, and remarkably cut short in their crops this present year by ye frost by ye which they are much straightened and incapacita- ted to pay a rate to ye publick, this Assembly therefore for ye special reasons aforesaid, do see cause to free and do hereby exempt and free the Inhabitants of sd town from paying any county rate for ye next year en- suing, provided ye town of Newtown draws no money for ye schools nor sends representatives to this Assembly during ye exemption." "Whereas, In the Engagement of the town of Newtown by their com- mittee to myself for my encouragement and for them In the work of the ministry bearing date July the 27th, 1714, there is in it an article as this expressed in these words: 'And also if by the Providence of God the Rev- erend Mr Tousey should be disinabled from his work in the ministry through sickness, iniirmity, or age, he is notwithstanding to have his salary of sixty pounds a year yearly during life.' This article being to some dis- trustful, be it known to all men to whom this present shall come. That I do that is, I the said Tousey do accept said agreement of the Tovvn as though the above said article had never been mentioned, always reminded that there be never any but confidence on this act of mine as though I did, in such losses as above said cut myself from the common privileges of ministers of the Gospel, or from reasonable subsidence being adminstered. In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of October, Anno Domini 1715." Thomas Tousey. In presence of us Abraham Kimberley, Samuel Beers. 58 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN At a lawful town meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown, held by adjourn- ment on ye 8th day of February, 1725, then agreed and voted by ye inhab- itants "aforesd at sd meeting to pay a rate of two pence half penny upon ye pound of ye inhabitants of Newtown per year to recompense MrToucey for ye time he served in ye work of ye ministry in ye year 1724. Differences were at last amicably adjusted, all arrearages paid and soon after Mr Toucey went to England, accepted a commission of Captain in the King's Army and on his return to America came back to Newtown, retired from the ministry, but retained his resi- dence in Newtown through life, always taking an active part in religious, social, civic and business matters and holding many high ol^ces of public trust. Soon after Rev. Mr. Toucey was hired, the town began to take necessary steps towards building a house for the minister, which was speedily carried to completion. It stood on ground opposite Newtown Inn. A meeting house was also built during his ministry. The matter began to be agitated soon after Mr. Tousey was settled, but the town moved slowly in the matter and it was not until after 1720, that the work had progressed so far as to encourage them to hold meetings in it, and it was used in an unfinished state for many years. The location of the meeting house was fixed beyond dispute by vote of the town "to be where the lane that runs easterly and westerly intersects the main street, or the street that runs northerly and southerly." There it was placed and so remained until 1792, when it was moved 80 feet directly west, where it is recognized as the Congregational church of to-day, remodeled without and within, and the home church of a goodly congrgation. "The groves were God's first temples," and although the town by vote in town meeting paid a rental to such families as would open the doors of their crude log houses for Sunday worship, we can easily believe that, when the warm mid-summer days came, they held their meetings out of doors, oft-times in the shade of native trees that were then abund- ant all through what is now our beautiful village street. Rev. Thomas Toucey was born in Wethersfield, Conn., in 1688, graduated from Yale College in the class of 1707, and was hired to become the minister for Newtown in December, 1713, and was or- dained as a minister of the Gospel and commenced his work as such in the early part of the year 1714. He was married to Hannah Clark of Milford, November 12, 1717. They had a family of 11 children: Hannah, born September 25, 1718; Arminal, born Apr. 15, 1720; Elizabeth, born November 26, 1721; Oliver, born April 26, 1726; Mehitable, born March 16, 1728; Sarah, born October 16, 1730; John, born June 15, 1731; Ann, born May 4, 1733; Thomas, born December 5, 1736; Zalmon, born February 20, 1738; Amaryllis, born September 11, 1739. Rev. Mr. Toucey died in Newtown, March 14, 1761, in the 74th year of his age. A blue slate stone slab marks his grave in the old part of Newtown cemetery, with this epitaph : "Down to an impartial Graves' devouring shade. Sink human honors and the Hoary Head Protract your years, acquire what mortals can Here see with deep concern ye end of man." NEWTOWN'S SECOND SETTLED MINISTER 59 NEWTOWN'S SECOND SETTLED MINISTER REV. JOHN BEACH— 1724-1732. At a town meeting July 27, 1724, it was "voted, that Capt. Thomas Bennitt should be moderator to put to vote what was then in consideration to be acted for ye hireing a young minister to preach ye gospel to ye town of Newtown. At ye above meeting Mr John Beach of Stratford was made choice of by vote of ye inhabitants of ye above sd town to come and preach ye gospel to sd town for ye space of two or three months, and it was further agreed and voted also yt if Mr Beach cannot be obtained by ye messenger or messengers that shall be empowered in behalf of ye town, then ye messengers are to apply themselves to Mr Andrews of Milford, Mr Gould of Stratford and Mr Cook of Stratfield for counsel and advice when they had best applied themselves for a man." "Voted also at ye above meeting that Capt. Thomas Bennitt and Mr Freegrace Adams shall also be messengers in ye towns behalf to act in ye business above written according to act of ye town. Robert Seely, being of another persuasion, entered his protest against ye vote passed concerning a minister." "Voted, that Mr Beach should be paid for his salary, sixty pounds a year for the first two years, and so rise ten pounds a year, yearly, until it should make one hundred pounds per annum and that to be Mr Beach's salary, all which payments are to be truly paid to him in money or provisions as they shall pass from man to man. Besides his standard salary he is to be paid in pork, beef, rye, wheat, flax, and Indian corn, also to give him fire wood when he is settled, also erect and build for him a two story house, Mr Beach to furnish ye glass and nails, ye house to be 40 feet long and 21 feet wide, and in height as generally two story houses are built, and erect a chimney in ye midst of ye house, of three funnels, two fire places below and one in ye chambers, Mr Beach finding glass and iron; also agree to give him ye improvement of a four acre home lot, during life, and also make to him 123 acres of land besides." "At a lawful town meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown, held October 8, 1724, ordered and appointed for ye making choice of a gospel minister in order to settlement, the voters were ordered to bring in their votes for ye man's name whom they desired should be their settled minister with ye man's name fairly written on a piece of paper with their own names to it also, and Mr John Beach of Stratford was made choice of for ye Gospel minister in Newtown. Those whose names are underwritten declaring themselves to be of another persuasion, dissented or entered their protest against their doing anything for ye settling of any dissenting minister, namely John Glover, Robert Seely, Daniel Jackson, Samuel Henrix, James Hard, Senr, Moses Lyon. Received for record ye date above." — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. At a lawful meeting of ye proprietors of Newtown, Nov. 9, 1724, voted: "Whether Mr John Beach shall have the improvement of four acres of paster land lying south on ye land of Thomas Sharpe's home lott, westerly on Samuel Ferris, southerly on common land or highway, duering ye sd Mr Beach his natural life, viz. if he, ye sd Beach shall settle in ye work of ye ministry, in this place of Newtown. Voted in ye affirmative." "Voted, that those proprietors which have or shall give by subscription to Mr. John Beach for his encouragement, to settle in ye work of ye ministry in New- town, according to ye conditions of this Government, that is to say, ye persons so subscribing shall have liberty to lay what they have subscribed out of their thirty acre divisions, in one or two entire tracts — that is to say, part on Brushy Hill, near ye south end of ye town, on ye westerly side the other part or tract without ye sequesterment. Voted in ye affirm- ative. Entered per me, Peter Hubbell, Town Clerk." November 9, 1724: We, ye subscribers do freely give for ye encourage- ment of Mr. John Beach's settlement in ye ministry in Newtown, that is to say, out of ye thirty acre divisions already agreed upon to be laid out, money sufficient to pay for ye number of acres subscribed to our respec- tive names the same to be combined in two or more larger tracts : Subscribers: Capt. Thomas Bennitt, 5; Samuel Beers, 5; Ebenezer Booth, 6; Joseph Peck, 5; Ebenezer Prindle, 2>^ ; Stephen Parmelee, 5; Samuel Sanford, 5; Ephraim Peck, 5; Mathew Sherman, 5; John Northrop, 2; 60 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Josiah Burritt, 4; Jeremiah Northrop, 2; Joseph Botchford, 2; Nathan Baldwin, 4; Benjamin Dunning, 3; Jonothan Hubbell, 2; Lemuel Camp, 3; Hugh Stillson, 5; Adonijah Morriss, 2; Peter Hubbell, 5; Joseph Gray, 5; Jonathan Booth, 4; Joseph Bristol, 2; John Gillett, 7^; John Plat. 5; Andrew Wheller, 1; Thomas Sharp, 1; Benjamin Northrop, 1; John Griffin, 4; Moses Stillson. 4; Samuel Bryan, 6; Thomas Skidmore, 4; John Lake, 2. In addition to these acres, at a town meeting April 6, 1725, "It was voted that Mr. John Beach shall have liberty to take up 30 acres of land that was given to him out of ye 30 acres as it appears on the records, viz. at ye end of one mile from ye meeting house to be taken in two or three places at his election, provided it be taken so that it damnify no highway." Peter Hubbell, Clerk. One of the first propositions made Mr Beach, in case he would become Newtown's minister, assured him that he was, at the outset, to be ranked among the town's largest landed proprietors. That settled there was to follow the matter of salary and the perquisites. "The agreement entered into between Rev. John Beach of Stratford, in ye County of Fairfield, and Colony of Connecticut in New England, on ye one part, and Peter Hubbell, Samuel Beers and John Leavenworth of Newtown, in ye County and Colony aforesaid, on ye other part, witnesseth as followeth — The above sd Mr Beach doth covenant with ye above sd Peter Hubbell, Samuel Beers and John Leavenworth, as they are a committe in ye behalf of ye town of Newtown abovesaid to settle in ye ministry of Newtown aforesaid, as soon as may be with conveniency comformable to Providence only excepted and allowed to continue during my life if ye Providence of God shall allow ye same, and furthermore I, ye sd Mr Beach, do promise to find all ye iron work, nails and glass for ye building me a house in Newtown, this house after exprest. Peter Hubbell, Samuel Beers and John Leavenworth as a committee in ye behalf of ye town of Newtown above sd do covenant with ye above sd Mr. John Beach that upon his settling in ye work of a ministry in New- town aforesaid, therefore ye sd Mr. John Beach shall have paid him for his salary ye sum hereafter mentioned, sixty pounds per year for ye tvvo first years, after ye first day of this instant January, and allow to rise ten pounds per year yearly, until make one hundred pounds per annum, and then to be Mr Beach his standing salary, all which payments are to be truly paid to Mr Beach in provisions as they shall pass from man to man here in Newtown on ye first day of January, also to erect and finish a two story house for Mr Beach, he finding glass and nails as above exprest, and to find Mr Beach in his fire wood yearly and also to give Mr Beach ye improvement of four acres of pasture land lying near Shay's home lots as appears by record during his life, also we, Peter Hubbell, Samuel Beers and John Leavenworth as a committee for ye town of Newtown do make over unto Mr John Beach sundry parcels of land containing one house and 23 acres, and also four acres home lot, in Newtown above sd as may appear by deed executed under my hands and seal, bearing date with this instru- ment in confirmation of every one of above articles ye above mentioned parties have enterchangeably sett to their hands and seals in Newtown, ye date above mentioned." John Beach (Seal) Note: That ye above house is to be finished on or before the first day of November next ensuing the date above mentioned. Peter Hubbell (Seal) Samuel Beers (Seal) John Leavenworth (Seal) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Bennitt, Joseph Peck. This instrument received for record January ye 25th, 1725. Recorded per me, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. "At a lawful meeting held May 14, 1725, it was agreed and voted by ye inhabitants at sd meeting that Peter Hubbell, John Leavenworth, and Nathan Baldwin shall be, and are appointed a committee in ye behalf of NEWTOWN'S SECOND SETTLED MINISTER 61 ye town to take efficient care yt ye sd town answer those obligations to and for Air. John Beach and ye sd town as appears in ye article of agree- ment between Mr. Beach and ye sd town and by votes of sd town as appears on record, or by subscription under hand by particular persons; also take special care ye work be done, ye town ratifying and confirming what ye aforesaid committee shall do in ye premises." — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. "At a town meeting held, June 8, 1725, it was voted to recompense Rev. Mr. Beach for ye time he preached in Newtown before ye town agreed with Mr. Beach for settlement. Further voted that if ye selectman of ye town cannot gather money enough to pay ye purchase of ye house lot bought of Daniel Foot for Mr. Beach, then ye selectmen are to make or levy a rate upon ye list for ye payment of what money is wanting of ye sum of 40 pounds. "At a lawful meeting held December 30, 1726: Voted to pay a rate of four pence on ye pound upon ye list of ye inhabitants to pay Mr Beach his salary for ye year 1726. Also agreed to vote to pay one-half penny on ye pound to get Mr Beach his fire wood. Voted that ye price of walnut wood is four shillings six pence a load, and of oak wood is three shillings and six pence a load : also voted to give the two collectors of the town and minister's rates, fifteen shillings apiece for one year." — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. April 6, 1727: The town voted and agreed that they should pay a tax of 10 pence on ye pound for to defray ye charges of erecting and furnishing a house for ye Rev. Mr. John Beach. — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. December 18, 1727: "Voted that Capt. Thomas Bennitt, Dea John Botsford, Lieut. John Northrop, Joseph Peck and Peter Hubbell shall be a committee in behalf of ye town to audit the accounts with Nathan Baldwin and John Leavenworth, committee for ye erecting and building a house for Mr Beach and make returns to ye town. Further voted and agreed that the committee appointed to erect and build the house for Mr Beach shall have 40 shillings apiece for their labor and trouble in sd service, which is six pounds." January 8, 1728, the town "voted to pay a rate of three pence half penny half farthing upon ye pound of ye list to pay Mr Beach his salary for ye year 1727, and further agreed and voted to pay a rate of one-half penny upon ye pound to defray ye charges of Mr Beach's fire wood for ye year 1728 and voted to give ye collectors fifteen shillings apiece for collecting ye minister's and ye town rates (viz.) thirty shillings." — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. Decernber 10, 1730, the town "voted that Samuel Henry and his son, Nathaniel Henry, be freed from paying any church minister's rate ye year ensuing, provided that ye sd Samuel and Nathanial Henry pay their pro- portion according to their list to a preaching Presbyterian minister at Redding at ye place known by ye name of Redding Ridge." Mr. Beach was dearly beloved by the people, but he was so strongly fortified in his conscience in regard to the invalidity of ordination, and the necessity of being consecrated to the minis- terial office by a duly chosen Bishop that after a few short years had passed he made known his views and that because of his strong convictions he felt it to be his duty to resign the pastoral office. In no way can the proceedings that culminated in the severing of the ties by which he and his people were so closely knitted together be so clearly portrayed than from compilations from the records of the more important town meetings that were held in relation to the matter. A town meeting was called for January 12, 1732, "to consult what was proper to be done with ye Rev John Beach under ye present difficulties of ye town by sd Mr Beach, who hath declared himself to be in communion with ye church of England. Ye meeting is adjourned until ye 19th day of January at 3 o'clock in ye afternoon." At ye aforesaid adjourned meeting "voted by ye inhabitants above sd to keep a day of 62 XFWTOWX'S HISTORY AXD HISTORIAN solemn fasting and prayer under ye present difficult circumstances. Also to call in ye Ecclesiastical Council of ye County of Fairtield to direct and do what they shall think proper under yc present difficult sircunistances of ye sd town respecting >e Rev John Beach and ye inhabitants of ye town of Xewtown. Also ye first Wednesday of February next is ye day appoint- ed for ye fast. Also voted by ye inhabitants aforesaid that Captain Thomas Toucey. Mr Peter Hubbell and Mr John Leavenworth be a committee in ye behalf of ye town to write to ye Reverend Elders of ye County as above said, for their assistance." The following protest was entered at the same meeting against its action : "Protest — Whereas there being a town meeting held in Xewtown on ye instant January 1^, \7S2. it is voted in sd meeting to keep a fast and to send out for ye Council of Elders to consult what methods to take in ye present difficulty of ye town above sd. We whose names are hereunto subscribed do enter our protest against sd vote: James Hard. Benjamin Glover. James Hard. Jr.. John Glover. Samuel Sherman, Robert Seely. Henry Glover. John Fabrique." — Joseph Peck. Town Clerk. January 31, 1732. it was voted in town meeting that Capt Thomas Bennitt Capt. Thomas Toucey and Deacon John Botsford be a committee to lay before ye Ecclestiastical council this work expected here, the present diffi- culties of ye town for that ye Rev. John Beach declareth himself to be partly reconciled to ye Church of England, that he questions the validity of the Presbyterian ordination, that he cannot, in faith, admin- ister the Sacrament and refuseth to administer them, and declares that though there is a possibility, yet, not ye least probability that he shall return to us again upon his former principles, and to begg that ye said venerable Council would conclude and determine for this place with respect to ye premises as they shall think most regular." A protest was made by those whose names are entered below, "declaring themselves to be of another persuasion and protesting against the meeting doing any- thing for ye settlement of any dissenting minister : John Glover. Robert Daly. Daniel Jackson. Samuel Hawley. James Hard and Moses Lyon." — Joseph Peck. Town Clerk. The town voted February JSth. 17oJ. "that Capt. Thomas Bennitt. Deacon John Botsford. Lieut. John Xorthrop and Mr John Leavenworth be a com- mittee in behalf of ye town to discourse with John Beach with respect to ye estate made by settlement here and to know of him his terms (.if any) that he will be upon with respect to the signification of ye whole or a part of what as above he hath received and to make report to ye town at an adjourned meeting." Reply of Rev. John Beach to the above request : "Whereas a committee appointed by the inhabitants of the town of X'ewtown have made this proposal, viz : That if I will quit claim all ye land which I do now possess by virtue of a deed from ye proprietors of sd town and any of their acts, then I shall hold ye house and home lot, as my own estate and have ye use of that under Mount Tom. and ye use of that lot near X^athaniel Par- malee's until Xovember next, and be paid by sd town for ye fences about ye above lots. To ye above sd proposal I consent, as witness by hand this Sth day of March. 17o2." John Beach. In presence of us : Thomas Bennitt. John X'orthrop. John Leavenworth, John Botsford. Committee. "At a lawful meeting held by adjournment, this 13th day of March. 1732, upon condition that Sir Beach shall amply quit claim unto all ye lands referred to by ye town committee in their proposal to ye sd Mr Beach as on ye other side bearing date March S. 1732. that is to say, shall quit claim ye same to ye Presbyterian part of ye town of X'ewtown considered as in distinction from that of the Episcopal persuasion, the town of Xewtown by their vote concur with sd proposal made by their committee accepted." "Voted, that the town committee shall take a quit claim of Mr Beach of ye land according to ve proposals above expressed." — Joseph Peck. Town Clerk. "In ye stead, behalf and name of ye town of X'ewtown and their succes- sors forever, unto ye aforesaid Mr John Beach, his heirs and assigns for- ever, devise, release, relinquish and quit claim with ye house and home- stead on which sd house is now erected, containing four acres, east on ye NEWTOWN'S SECOND SETTLED MINISTER 63 main street, north on ye home lot of Daniel Foot, south and west by ye heirs of Hugh Stillson, deceased. Recorded April 8, 1732, by Joseph Peck, and signed by John Gregory, Justice of ye Peace." In the first settlement of New England the preachers introduced the practice of having their congregation rise as they entered the meeting house. The males and females being separate, the one on the left and the other on the right, the moment the minister enter- ed the broad aisle, the whole congregation rose. The minister, with a slow and solemn pace proceeding up the aisle, inclined his head first to the ladies, and then to the gentlemen. After entering his pulpit, all standing, he first bowed to the ladies, who returned the compliment by a decent courtesy, then he turned to the gentlemen and bowed to them, they also returning the compliment. Rev. Mr. Beach, finding the practice had been introduced in the congre- gation, requested them not to rise and bow to him, but worship God. saying that kneeling meant prostration- and that we were told by the Apostle that at the name of Jesus "every knee shall bow." Rev. John Beach, successor to Rev. Thomas Toucey, was the second settled minister in Newtown. He was born in Stratford, Conn., Oct. 6, 1700, and was a graduate of Yale College of the class of 1724. He was married in Stratford in 1726 and became the fath- er of eight children, all of whom were born in Xewtown. He died in Xewtown in 1782. When he resigned as minister of the first Ecclesiastical society in Xewtown in 1732, it was from his conscien- tious convictions of duty and he publicly informed his people of a change in his views and declared his readiness to receive orders in the Church of England. His resignation came in March, 1732. He soon sailed to England for Holy Orders, returning in September of the same year. He was appointed by the Society for the propaga- tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts missionary over the towns of X'ewtown and Redding, which work he carried on until his death in 1782. He was much loved by his congregation and, though the sundering of the ties that bound them caused many a heart ache, it did not weaken friendship, nor cause a bitterness of feeling that was long continued. TTie Ministry of Rev. EUisha Kent. An Association of ye County of Fairfield met in Newtown, Feh2, 1732: "It is agreed that it is advisable, and accordinly advise ye good peolpe in Newtown to be speedy in their application to some meet person for steady information in order to a settlement in ye ministry among them and rec- omend to them for that purpose Mr Samuel Sherman of New Haven or Mr Hinsdall of Deerfield. Ye above advice offered to ye town at ye above sd meeting and accepted by vote of 3'e inhabitants, James Hard Junr., entered his protest against ye advice above sd at sd meeting. The meeting is adjourned until Tues- day at sun an hour high in ye afternoon ye 8th day in Februray inst." The meeting convened according to ye adjournment Feb. 8th. Then was ye judgment of ye venerable Council concerning Mr. Beach published in ye sd town meeting." — Joseph Peck. Town Clerk. At a meeting held Feb. 8, 1732. "it was voted by ye inhabitants yt Capt. Thomas Toucey, Deacon John Botsford. Lieut. John Northrop. Mr. Joseph Peck and Mr. John Leavenworth shall be yt committee in j-e behalf of ye advice of ye Rev. Association Late Given to ye town of Newtown with re- spect to ye obtaining if it may be, either Sir. Samuel Sherman of New 64 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Haven or Mr. Hinsdale of Deerfield to come and carry on preaching in this place in order to a settlement in ye gospel ministry here in case there be a good liking and agreement to that end between those calling and him called, and in case that neither of those gentlemen can be obtained that ye sd committe shall have power with good advice to apply themselves to any other suitable persons for ye end aforesaid." — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. "At a lawful meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown held May H, 1732, appointed to consider and conclude upon proper measures to be pushed under our present circumstances, to ye end that we may have ye greater reason to hope for ye blessing of God in and upon our proceedings and endeavors for ye obtaining a Gospel Minister of ye Presbyterian persua- sion to be settled among us in Newtown. Captain Bennett appointed mod- erator. Agreed by vote at above meeting: That ye next Thursday, ye 18th of this instant, be in this place religiously observed as a day of fasting and prayer. To seek of God a right way for us and ye smiles of his contenance upon us and to make application to two or three neighboring elders for assistance in carrying on ye work of sd day." "Agreed and voted that at or towards ye close of ye fast, that ye town be brought to vote respecting ye choice of ye men whom they would have to be ye minister as above said. The meeting is adjourned to this day ye 18th instant May, until ye exercises of ye fast be concluded. Capt. Toucey voted moderator for ye present meeting." At a lawful town meeting of ye inhabitants of ye town of Newtown held June 30, 1732, appointed to vote for a minister. Lieut. John Northrope appointed moderator, for ye business of ye meeting. "Voted, that ye voters should bring in their votes with their names written to their votes, which was done and brought in and Mr. Elisha Kent was by a fair and clear vote of ye inhabitants of ye town of Newtown made choice of for their minister, upon ye Presbyterian foundation." Voted also, by ye inhab- itants of Newtown at above sd meeting that if Mr Elisha Kent shall if he see cause to settle in ye ministry in Newtown upon ye Presbyterian foundation, (by Presbyterian foundation is to be understood that in oppo- sition to ye Episcopal persuasion,) that Mr. Kent so settling and contin- uing, that for his encouragement he shall have all of ye land quit claimed by Mr Beach unto those of ye Presbyterian foundation in Newtown, and one iiundred and ten pounds per year during his continuing in ye ministry, provided that Mr Kent shall give good security that if he shall see cause to alter his principles from his foundation on which he shall be settled to pay unto ye above Presbyterian party ye sum of four hundred pounds lawful money. It is to be understood by Mr Kent, his salary is to be paid in provisions or other such as we raise at ye prices as they pass among ye neighborhood in Newtown. Voted That Capt. Thomas Bennitte, Mr Peter Hubbelle and Ensign Thomas Skidmor should be added to ye committee that were appointed to seek out for a minister in behalf of ye town of Newtown above as appears upon record (namely) Captain Thomas Toucey, Deacon John Botsford, Lieut. John Northrop, Joseph Peck, and John Leavenworth, and are empowered by fhis vote in behalf of ye town, to represent ye towns affairs to Mr. Kent, respecting to his settlement and salary in Newtown and make report to ye town. This committee was adjourned until the 6th day of July, 1732, at sun and hour high in ye after- noon." Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. "At a lawful town meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown holden June 30, 1732, appointed to vote for a minister, etc., ye names of those that voted for Mr. Elisha Kent to be their minister at sd meeting are as followeth : John Leavenworth, Moses Johnson, Ephraim Hawley, Johoial Hawley, Henry Botsford, Henry Botsford Jr., Daniel Foot, Jedediah Prindle. Eben- ezer Johnson, Joseph Peck Jr., Joseph Peck, James Brisco, Nathaniel Brisco, Jeremiah Johnson, Thomas Pearce. John Piatt, Ebenezer, Piatt, Stephen Parmelee, Joseph Benedick, Joseph Benedick Jr, Gideon Benedict, Samuel Pearce, Samuel Griffin, John Lake, Daniel Booth, Capt. Thomas Bennitt, John Golot, Abraham Bennitt, John Griffin, Joseph Botsford, Noah Parmelee, Joseph Murray, Samuel Parmelee, Thomas Northrop, Johnathan Hubbell, James Baldwin, Benjamin Northrop, Mathew Sherman, MINISTRY OF REV. ELISHA KENT 65 Deacon John Botsford, Nathan Baldwin, Caleb Baldwin, Caleb Baldwin, Jr., Capt. Thomas Toucey, Samuel Summers, Benjamin Dunning, Stephen Burritt, Jehosaphat Prindle, Edward Fairchild, Stephen Hawley, Ephraim Prindle, Joseph Prindle, John Blackman, Thomas Skidmore, Jeremiah Northrop, Lieut. John Northrop, Joseph Bristol, Moses Botsford, Ebenezer Prindle, Benjamin Dunning, Jr., Samuel Sanford, Lemuel Camp, Mr. Peter Hubbell, John Hull, Job Sherman, Abel Booth." "At a lawful meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown, held July 21, 1732, Lieut. John Northrop, moderator, it was agreed and voted to give Mr. Elisha Kent for his encouragement and settlement in ye work of a gospel minister in Newtown one hundred pounds money to be paid (viz.) one- third part of ye one hundred pounds sometime in November next ensuing, ye second part of sd one hundred pounds in November in ye year 1733, and ye last third part sometime in November, 1734. — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." "Understood thus by ye town that Mr Elisha Kent is to pay Mr John Beach for ye fence that Mr Beach hath erected on some of ye lands which Mr. Kent is to have if he see cause to settle in Newtown in ye ministry. The meeting is adjourned until Thursday ye 25th of July. Ye meeting con- vened ye 25th of July and by reason of having no direct answer of Mr. Kent's acceptance of ye town's proposals as above exprest, ye meeting is adjourned until Tuesday ye first day of August at sun an hour high in ye afternoon." "Ye meeting convened August ye 1st, 1732: Voted by ye inhabitants of Newtown at sd lawful town meeting that Mr. John Leavenworth should be moderator of sd meeting. Agreed and voted at said adjourned meeting that Mr Peter Hubbell, and Ensign Thomas Skidmore shall be, and are by this vote, appointed committee and are empowered with ye committee that took a quit claim of Mr. Beach in ye behalf of ye Presbyterian part of ye town so distinguished in opposition to Episcopal, namely, Captain Thomas Toucey, Deacon John Botsford, Lieut. John Northrop and John Leaven- worth, which appears of record, as to ye lands, quit claimed by Mr. Beach and before named committee power to act in ye behalf of ye town as above sd. The above named committee are by this vote empowered to make ample conveyance of sd land unto Mr Elisha Kent, according to agreement and vote of ye town." Entered per Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. "At a lawful town meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown, held by agree- ment August 1st, 1732, Agreed and voted at sd meeting that Captain Thomas Toucey, Captain Thomas Bennitt, Deacon John Botsford, Lieut. John Northrop, Mr John Leavenworth, Mr Peter Hubbell and Ensign Thomas Skidmore, shall be, and are appointed a committee and are em- powered by this vote in ye behalf of ye town to give sufficient security, to Joseph Murray for ye sum of one hundred pounds in current bills of credit which hundred pounds is to be understood the hundred pounds which is voted to Mr. Elisha Kent in order to his settlement in the ministry. The town holding firm and good whatever the above sd committee shall law- fully do in ye premises. Further voted at above sd meeting that there shall be a rate, a tax levied upon ye list made in ye year 1731, that amounts to ye sum of thirty-three pounds, seven shillings. Voted also at sd meet- ing that Joseph Bristol and Abraham Bennitt shall be collectors to gather sd tax of thirty-three pounds, seven shillings and deliver it to ye above named committee. Meeting adjourned till ye 24th day of August, 1732 — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." "At a lawful town meeting held by adjournment August 24th, 1732. Then by vote of ye inhabitants Captain Thomas Toucey was chosen and appoint- ed committee or agent in ye behalf of ye town to take ye bond of Mr Elisha Kent of sum of four hundred pounds money, which sd Mr Kent is to pay to ye Presbyterian part of ye town so distinguished from ye Epis- copal, in case sd Mr. Elisha Kent falls from ye principles he shall be settled upon in ye work of a gospel minister in Newtown. Also voted at sd meeting that ye ordination of Mr Kent should be attended on ye last Monday of September next, which will be ye 27th day of ye month. — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." 66 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN "December 19, 1733, voted by ye inhabitants yt there shall be a rate of four pence farthing half farthing levied on ye list of aforesaid inhabitants to pay ye ministers their salary (viz.) to ye Rev. Mr. Kent his salary, and those of ye Episcopal persuasion to ye Rev. Mr. Beach his salary on w^hat is levied upon their list." "December 24, 1733: Voted, that there shall be a rate levied upon ye Presbyterian party, so-called, to defray ye extraordinary charges of ye council and Rev. Mr. Kent's ordination, to be under stood thus, that ye Presbyterians shall pay three pence on ye pound upon their list, and ye church of England, so distinguished, shall pay tw^o pence halfpenny upon ye pound levied upon their list." "December 24, 1734: Whereas, ye worshipful Mr. Thomas Toucey and ye Rev. Mr Elisha Kent have petitioned for liberty t*o build upon their owrn charge each of them a pew in ye meeting house in Newtown for ye use of themselves and families as they shall have occasion ye one on ye one side of ye great or south door, and ye other on ye other side thereof, at ye above sd meeting, voted in ye affirmative that their petition be granted and is hereby granted. — Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." "December 19, 1737: Agreed and voted that ye Rev Mr Kent shall have one hundred and eighty pounds for his salary for ye year past in ye work of ye ministry." "December 11, 1738: Agreed and voted that a rate or tax shall be levied upon ye list of ye rateable estates of ye Presbyterian society, that shall amount to ye sum of two hundred pounds, to pay ye Reverend Mr. Kent his salary for ye year 1738." Rev Mr Kent gave time among the Indians still living in the town during his ministry, for in 1742 the Colonial Court of Connecticut voted 13 pounds lawful money to be delivered out of the treasury of the Colony to Rev. Elisha Kent, who shall improve it for the instruction and Christianizing of the Indians at a place called Pohtatuck. December ye 2d, 1742: "Voted that two of ye Reverend Council shall be called into our assistance. Voted and aggreed they being brought in, that ye committee chosen and appointed by ye Society in Newtown shall be empowered and are hereby empowered to lay all such reasons as they shall think proper why Rev Mr Kent should be removed from ye ministry in this place, before ye Venerable Consociation now sitting in Newtown as a Judicial Council for their judgment and determination and to manage sd act in that affair in behalf of this society according to their best prudence and judgment and discretion. The above mentioned vote clearly passed. Caleb Baldwin, Clerk." "At ye desire of ye subscribers hereof these are to give notice to ye Pres- byterian society in Newtown in ye County of Fairfield to meet at ye North School house in Newtown on Monday, ye 20th instant at nine of ye clock in ye morning for ye following reasons. That is to say to know ye minds of ye society relating to ye Reverend Mr Kent and also to make a rate for ye defraying of charges that hath or may necessarily occur or for any other business that may be thought proper. Job Sherman, Obadiah Wheeler, Heth Peck, John Shepherd, Joseph Peck, Dated December 6, 1742. Per me, Caleb Baldwin, Clerk." "The above said meeting opened and convened on ye 20th of December, 1742, Deacon Job Sherman chosen moderator and Caleb Baldwin clerk, and it was fairly tryed by poles whether sd society would further proceed to have ye Council proceed in ye case in which they have been heretofore en- gaged in referring to ye differences between ye Reverend Mr. Kent and ye above society and it is voted in ye affirmative. Voted also that ye above Council shall convene on ye first Tuesday of January next ensuing. Voted also that ye Rev. Mr Kent should sign a note to ye moderator of sd meet- ing if he is pleased with the committee appointed. Meeting adjourned to first Wednesday of January at one of clock, afternoon, at ye same hour. Caleb Baldwin, Clerk." The adjourned meeting convened on ye fifth day of January, 1743 and "Voted yt whereas ye Reverend Council sat in Newtown on ye third day of December, 1742, their final determination was considering ye circumstances of this church and society ye Council concluded it not proper to determine MINISTRY OF REV. ELISHA KENT 67 suddenly yt ye union between ye Reverend Mr Kent and this people should be disturbed, or to say he shall still continue their minister, without ye concurring advice of ye neighboring consociation which said council de- clared they were willing to attend when called upon. Wherefore, we of Ecclestiastical society, in Newtown, do by this vote desire the speedy attendance of sd Council to determine ye diflference between ye Reverend Mr. Kent and ye people whose affections are very much alienated from him as hath already or shall be made to appear before sd council when con- vened and yt ye Reverend Moderator would be pleased to signify to this society or any one of their committee when he shall think proper, for ye calling sd Council, and this society desires ye moderator be as expeditious as in His wisdom shall think fit. The above mentioned vote clearly passed. — Test, Caleb Baldwin, Clerk." January 14, 1743: Unaminously voted yt ye moderator of this District be forthwith sent to, to call in ye Council of this district to gather with ye neighboring consociations in this County to appear in Newtown on ye fourth Tuesday of February next at one of ye clock in ye afternoon at ye meeting house in Newtown, then and there to hear and determine ye matters of difference between ye Reverend Mr. Kent and ye Society under his present care and finally to determine ye same according to ye rules of justice and equity. — Caleb Baldwin, Clerk. "At ye desire of ye subscribers hereof they are to give notice and warn ye Ecclesiastical Society in Newtown, in ye County of Fairfield, to meet at ye North schoolhouse in Newtown on Thursday, ye tenth day of Jan- uary, 1745, at two of ye clock, afternoon, for ye following reasons: To consult in and to agree upon some proper measures whereby we may be able to answer ye Reverend Mr. Kent, our former minister, in his further demands upon sd Society for his service in times past, among us. Job Sherman, Nathan Baldwin, Joseph Smith, Abraham Bennitt, John Botsford, members of committee. Caleb Baldwin, Clerk." January 10, 1745: "Voted at meeting of ye Society yt we will give ye Reverend Mr Kent for his two last months services in ye ministry in sd society after ye rate of one hundred and ten pounds per year, old tenure money or provisions according to former agreement with ye lawful inter- est for ye year which is to be levied on ye list of rateable estates in ye year 1744. Voted : Deacon Job Sherman, Lieut John Northrop, Captain Ephraim Peck and Capt. Wheeler shall be a committee to make ye above rate and to discors and agree with ye Rev. Mr. Kent as there shall be further occasion. — Caleb Baldwin, Clerk." "A vote passed by ye proprietors of the Common and undivided land in Newtown in ye County of Fairfield at their meeting legally warned and held by adjournment on ye 19th day of March, A. D. 1744. Forasmuch as divers persons of ye Presbyterian persuasion did formerly sign or subscribe to give to ye Rev. Mr John Beach divers peaces of land out of ye thirty acre division and other divisions them to themselves grant- ed to be laid out in ye bounds of sd Newtown as appears on Record, on consideration of said Mr Beach settling in ye work of ye ministry in sd town and sd lands so signed to be given was laid out to Mr. Beach and afterward sd Mr. Beach declare himself to be of ye church of England pursuasion in matter of Religion and thereupon did resign up to ye town of Newtown all his right, title and interest in the lands to him laid out as aforesaid and thereupon sd town did by its committee excute a deed in due form of law dated August ye first 1732 of one hundred and four acres and half of land to Mr. Elisha Kent in consideration of his settling in ye work of ye ministry according to ye Presbyterian persuasion and sd signers not having conveyed ye sec. of sd lands by any legal deed or deeds did after- wards lay out their full right in sd division to themselves and to their heirs, and therefore sd lands laid out to Mr Beach as aforesaid and suppos- ed to be conveyed to Mr Kent by sd deed and then by right belong to ye proprietors of ye common and undivided land in sd Newtown, several of which sd proprietors was and did then profess themselves to be of ye church of England persuasion and not willing to contribute towards a settlement of a Presbyterian minister and whereas part of sd lands was 68 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN laid out nearer than ye limits of ye 30 acre division therefore to secure to sd churchmen ye proportionable right in ye common and undivided lands for ye use of a church of England ministry equal both in quantity and quality to those of ye Presbyterian persuasion whose rights are devoted to Mr Kent, his heirs and assigns forever. It is voted and agreed in sd meeting that those proprietors of said com- mon and undivided land that were and did profes themselves to be of ye church of England persuasion have two acres and forty three rods of land, and so in proportion for half rights, etc., three eighth parts to be laid out within one mile from ye meeting house, ye remainder to be laid in ye limits assigned for ye thirty acre division to be laid out for a parsonage for a church of England clergy for ye use of ye Rev. Mr John Beach and his lawful successors forever. Always provided that nothing in this vote shall be conserved to brake ye sequesterment. Recorded ye day and date above per me. Job Sherman, Clerk. Voted in ye afifirmative." "Copy of a writ put into the hands of the collector of the minister's rate for the Town of Newtown in the County of Fairfield for the year 1747." "Whereas by the Selectmen of the town of Newtown aforesd a certain rate or tax leavied according to law upon the inhabitants of the town of Newtown for defraying the publick charges of the ministry for the year 1747 which hath been for collection committed unto you. In his Majesties name you are hereby required of the several persons named in the sd Rate to Collect the Respective sum or sums to their names annexed in sd rate and upon any or all such person or persons refusing or neglecting to make payment of the respective sum or sums at which they are in sd rate asesed you are to leavie by Distress of the Goods or Chatels of sd persons if to be found by you for ye answering ye respective sum or sums as above with your own fees and two shillings more for the writ, and the same dispose of as the law directs for the satisfying the above said sum or sums and fees and ye overplus, if any, be returned to ye proper owners thereof, and for want of such goods or chattels by you to be found, you are to take the body of him, them any or all of them so refusing or neglecting as a- bove, and him, them any or all of them to receive and safely keep until he or they shall have satisfied the above sd sum or sums his, the sd Gaoler's fees, all charges and be by due order of law discharged hereof fail not and make Due return of this writ with your doing thereon as the law directs. Dated in Newtown, this sixth day of April, A. D. 1748. Job Sherman, Justice of ye peace." December 27, 1757, whether this society will do anything as a society in order to reward ye Rev. Mr. Kent for his past services in sd society. Voted in ye affirmative. Voted in sd meeting whether the society will give ye Reverend Mr Kent fifteen pounds money, New York currency for his past services in ye society. Voted in ye affirmative Mr. Obadiah Wheeler chosen to gather ye 15 pounds and pay it in to some certain place as Mr. Kent shall appoint, which is Abiel Botsford's house. Voted that Abiel Botsford shall deliver ye same IS pounds when collected to ye Reverend Mr. Kent and take of him a final discharge from ye society. Caleb Baldwin, Clerk. Mr Kent was 25 years of age when he took up ministerial work in Newtown. No record can be found as to his family, but he must have had one for the town gave him liberty to build upon his own charge a pew in the meeting house for "ye use of himself and fam- ily as they shall have occasion for themselves on one side of ye great south door." There was some delay in the final settlement between the society and the minister, but at last all was amicably- adjusted, as the following receipt will show. February 22, A. D., 1763, there received of Mr. Obediah Wheeler, collector MINISTRY OF REV. ELISHA KENT 69 ye full of ye 15 pounds rate granted by ye society in Newtown in ye year 1757 which I very freely acknowledge is ye full of my demands upon sd society on ye account of my ministerial labors amongst them, and assure this people I retain a gratified remembrance of ye many favors received from them as witness by hand, — Elisha Kent. Mrs Emily H. Denslow of Marbledale, Conn., a descendant of the Rev. Elisha Kent, writes of the Kent family: "The first of the Kent name in this country was Thomas Kent, who, with his wife cme from England to Gloucester, Mass., prior to 1643, and was one of Gloucester's original proprietors. He died April 1, 1658. His widow died at Gloucester, Mass., Oct. 16, 1671. Their children, Thomas, Samuel and Josiah, were probably born in England. Samuel was married Jan. 17, 1654, to Frances Woodal. They had nine children, of whom the youngest son Elisha, was born in Suffield, Conn., July 9, 1704. He was graduated at Yale college in 1729 and was married, April 3, 1732, to Abigail Moss, daughter of Rev. Joseph Moss, of Derby, Conn., granddaughter of Rev. M. Russell, a graduate of Yale, 1702. He left his charge in Newtown, conscientiously opposed to the existing religion there, and in 1743 was installed first pastor of Fairfield East Association, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Southeast Carmel, East and West Phillippi were under his charge, but in 1750 he confined his labors to East Phillippi, where he had in 1743 purchased a farm of 500 acres. He became one of the most influential men of his section. His wife died in 1751 and his own death occurred at Phillippi, N. Y., July 17, 1776. They are buried in the old Southeast cemetery. His children had settled near by, the daughters and their families within a few miles of East Phillippi parsonage. The sons-in-law were royalists, and the fortunes of war scattered the family, whose members became prominent in civil, religious and scientific circles. The children of Elisha and Abigail Kent : Moss Kent, born March 25, 1733. Elisha Kent, born July 6, 1736. Abigail Kent, born July 6, 1736. Sybil Kent, born July 9, 1738. Lucy Kent, no date. Mary Kent, born Dec. 10, 1744. The oldest son. Moss Kent, married Hannah Rogers and was father of James Kent, Chancellor of New York. Abiel Botsford married the oldest daughter, Abigail Kent, and they have several descendants in this vicinity, among whom are Mrs James A. Sperry and Dr. M. H. Denslow. Mrs. M. H. Denslow (nee Kent) is descendant from Rev. Elisha Kent through his sec- ond son, Elisha. The Arctic explorer, Elisha Kent Kane, was also descend- ant of Rev. Elisha Kent of Newtown. The Calling and Settlement of the Rev. David Judson as Minister of the "Presbyterian Foundation." 1743—1776. With the going of Rev. Elisha Kent and the incoming of Rev. David Judson, there came a change in the business methods of the calling and settlement of a minister. Whether the change came by mutual consent of the taxpayers or by an enactment of the General Court of the Colony, the writer does not know, but we find no further allusion in the town records to the hiring of ministers after the discharge of Rev. Elisha Kent, although the meeting did fix a tax for the minister's rate, as far along as 1752. For information as to calling and settling Rev. Mr Judson, it is fortunate that the first book of records of the First Ecclesiastical Society takes up the history where the town records leave off, and from that we gather the business relations between the society and minister during the 33 years of his ministry. Upon the retirement of Rev. Elisha Kent in 1743, the society was again in dire straits for a minister. On March 8, 1743, the society convened at the North schoolhouse in Newtown at 2 of the clock in the afternoon by order of Job Sherman, John Northrop, Moses Stillson, Joseph Bristol and Nathaniel Brisco, members of the society: 70 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN "So to make choice of a committee in our desolate state to take all proper measures in order for procuring some suitable person upon probation to supply ye pulpit in this place for a season. In order for ye settlement, if to ye good choice of sd society, sd committee so to proceed from time to time as there shall be occasion until sd society shall be satisfactorily sup- plied even to settlement. Also to take all proper measures at sd meeting for ye levying and gathering such sum or sums of money or other species as shall be thought needful for ye defraying or answering ye past or com- ing charges of ye society and any other affairs yt shall be thought need- ful to ye real advantage of sd society as though they were herein par- ticularized. Caleb Baldwin Society's clerk." At the above sd meeting it was "voted that Lieutenant John Northrop, Seargent Joseph Botsford, Capt. Obadiah Wheeler and Heth Peck shall be a committee to proceed in calling in some suitable person on probation for settlement in ye ministry and so to proceed from time to time if there be occasion until there is a settled minister in sd society." May 3, 1743: "Upon ye desire of ye persons hereafter subscribing that there is to be a meeting of ye Presbyterian society in Newtown on ye ninth day of May at four of ye clock, afternoon, at the north schoolhouse, then and there to take some proper measure with ye worthy Mr. David Judson, for his con- tinuance among us in ye Gospel ministry, in order for settlement and such other business as may be thought proper at sd meeting to be done." — John Botsford, Johnathan Booth, Nathan Baldwin, Job Sherman, Free Grace Adams, members of Society. May 9, 1743, it was voted, "whether so far as they had made trial of ye Worthy Mr. David Judson in his work as by ye committee he was invited to this place in order to probation for ye Gospel ministry here he was to their good satisfaction voted very fully in ye affirmative." — Caleb Baldwin clerk. "Voted at ye above meeting whether this society will call ye Worthy Mr David Judson to ye Gospel ministry in this place, and it was voted fully in ye affirmative. Also voted whether this society will give ye Mr. David Judson four hundred pounds settlement old tenure to be paid three years from this date and it was voted fully in ye affirmative." Voted at a meet- ing held on the 23rd day of May, 1743, "to give to ye worthy Mr. David Judson if he shall see cause to settle in ye Gospel ministry as above — the sum of three hundred pounds old tenure towards or for his ye sd Mr. Judson's settlement in manner and form as followeth : One hundred pounds at or before ye first day of December next, and one hundred pounds per year to be paid annually by ye first day of December annually, until ye three hundred pounds above sd be paid. All ye above unanimously voted. There is also promised by signature to ye worthy Mr. David Judson if he shall settle in ye ministry in this society one hundred pounds old tenure to be paid at or before ye 23rd day of December, A. D. 1743." At a society's meeting held by adjournment at ye Presbyterian meeting house, August 15, 1743, it was voted "that whereas ye vote by this society of fifty pounds lawful money per annum for Mr David Judson, his support upon his settlement in ye ministry in sd society is considered dissatisfac- tory to many and fearing it mayn't be for ye health of sd society, and, understanding from ye committee of sd society upon conference with ye sd Mr. Judson that ye sd Mr. Judson for ye peace of sd society was willing to forgo sd vote provided his support might by sd society be voted in manner and form as hereunto immediately annexed: Voted, that upon ye worthy Mr Judson's settlement in ye Gospel ministry in this Presbyterian society upon ye Presbyterian foundation and so long as he shall faithfully continue their minister upon sd foundation yt for his annual support they will give him year by year ye sum of fifty pounds lawful money or two hundred pounds according to bills of credit of ye old tenure of Connecticut, ye which is now equivalent to what it now is if there shall be any falling of ye cur- rency of ye above mentioned two hundred pounds of bills of credit ac- cording to old tenure in Connecticut the above sum to be answered in bills of credit of New England, or provisions as they shall currently pass at ye market price in Newtown. — Caleb Baldwin Clerk." "I, David Judson, referred to in ye above sd vote declare in case of my settlement in ye Gospel ministry in Newtown, I will never take ye advan- THE REV. DAVID JUDSON 71 tage of ye vote of ye society in fifty pounds per annum lawful money pro- posed May ye 23, 1743, for my support, there being later provision made by sd society and it is my desire yt this with ye former go upon ye public record of sd society, as witness my hand in Newtown above sd, in this 15th day of August, A. D. 1743. — David Judson." "Voted at this same meeting that ye standing committee so-called for this society for ye calling in a probationer for ye Gospel ministry and pro- ceeding from time to time in ye affair till there shall be a minister settled here to be seen as of record, that they are hereby authorized in ye behalf of this society in conjunction with ye committee of ye Presbyterian church in this place to send forth letters of request to ye neighboring churches to cause their help that their reverend pastors with a messenger from each church would be pleased on ye third Wednesday of September next with ye leave of Providence attend ye solemn affair of ye ordination of ye Worthy Mr. David Judson to ye pastoral office in and over this society and church yt sd committee in behalf of sd society are authorized to take care yt ye sd gentlemen of yt affair are provided for, and that a day of fasting and prayer be solemnly attended by this society on ye first Wed- nesday of September next, to implore ye Divine blessing in that great affair and yt ye help of }^e Rev. Mr Graham and Mr Judd be sought on yt occasion." — Caleb Baldwin, Clerk. From the first book of records of the First Ecclesiastical Society of Newtown Jan. 30, 1746, we find the first allusion to the first repairs on the meeting house as follows : At a legal meeting of ye Pres- byterian Society in Newtown, held on ye 30th day of January, 1746, Thomas Toucey, Esq., moderator of sd meeting, Caleb Baldwin, Clerk. Voted at above sd meeting that ye several sums above subscribed or that shall be subscribed to a certain instrument dated Newtown, December 30, 1745, already ammounting to two hundred and thirty pounds old tenure for repairing and completing ye Presbyterian meeting house which shall be laid out in new shingling sd meeting house, in putting in new window frames and windows of sash glass, in well siding sd house, in well securing and rectifying ye underpinning, in rectifying ye gable ends, and in putting on good floor boards, and if sd subscription shall be more than sufficient for doing all ye above sd outside work with glass and nails, that what remains shall be laid out upon ye inside house. All to be under ye direc- tion of sd committee yt shall be chosen for sd business, always to be understood yt ye committee shall as far as is consistant with ye prudent and advantageous management of above sd affairs improve several sub- scriptions in said business as they ye committee shall think best and ye above sd committee is to cause to be done to ye outside of ye sd house what further they shall see to be needful to make it fationable. Voted: That Heth Peck, Donald Grant, Deacon Bennitt, Abel Booth, Alexander Bryan, and Caleb Baldwin are appointed committee to take ye oversight of, and carry on ye work according to ye above described vote. Voted: That ye above sd committee shall have ye care of all ye old shingles and clapboards and lead window frames and all ye other furniture of sd house and dispose of it all to ye best advantage of sd society. — Caleb Baldwin, Society's Clerk. "At ye desire of ye subscribers hereof these are to notify and warn ye Presbyterian Society of Newtown, in ye County of Fairfield, to meet at ye north school house in sd Newtown on Thursday ye 13th day of March, at three of ye clock afternoon, for ye following reasons: That we may know ye minds of sd society respecting our erecting or building a conven- ient belfry on ye public meeting house of sd society in order for a bell when sd society is able to purchase one. Ye subscribers are Job Sherman, Nathan Baldwin, Abraham Bennett, Donald Grant, John Botsford, members of society. — Caleb Baldwin Clerk, March 7, 1746. Voted at sd meeting: Yt there shall be a convenient belfry built upon ye meeting house of sd society. We ye subscribers being members of j^e Presbyterian society in Newtown, being sensible of ye neglect of ye house of God in this society for want of being furthur finished as to seats in ye galleries and all other work necessary to be done in sd house for necessary convenience at public meetings, notice is hereby given to ye society to meet at ye North school 72 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN house on Monday, ye 24th day of April, at three of ye clock, afternoon, for reasons above mentioned. Dated April 17, A. D. 1749. Thomas Toucey, Ephraim Peck, Nathan Baldwin, Joseph Botsford, Nathaniel Peck, mem- bers of Society." "Voted at above meeting: That a rate of 12 pence on ye pound old tenure on ye list of rateable estates of ye Presbyterians which is to be improved for ye further finishing of ye meeting house as to ye galleries and plastering overhead or any other work in sd house that shall be thought needful. — Caleb Baldwin, Clerk." At a meeting Jan. 6, 1762, it was "Voted that there shall be a steeple built on ye east end of ye meeting house if there shall be money enough signed to build the same, and that Captain Amos Botsford, Lieutenant Nathaniel Brisco, Mr Gideon Botsford, Mr Ebenezer Ford, and Mr Caleb Baldwin shall be the committee to receive the money so signed and to lay out ye same in building sd steeple to ye best of their judgment." "At a legal meeting of ye Presbyterian society in Newtown, Fairfield County Conn., holden on ye 6th day of September, A. D., 1762, Richard Fairman chosen moderator, proposed at sd meeting by Captain Amos Botsford and Mr. Nathaniel Brisco, that they will on their own cost and charge procure a good bell of 500 pounds weight, fit for to hang in ye steeple of aforesaid society and that it shall be for ye use of sd society so long as there shall be a Presbyterian society to meet in ye above sd meet- ing house, that is to say, if ye above sd society will go on to complete ye sd steeple, fix ye outside of ye meeting house, culler it and culler ye pulpit proposed for to vote whether ye sd society will concur with ye sd Botsford and Brisco in their proposals will go on to finish sd steeple and house according to sd proposals. Voted in ye affirmative. It was voted that there should be a rate laid out in finishing ye steeple and cullering ye meeting house and pulpit." "At a meeting held in January, 1763, Captain Botsford and Nathaniel Brisco made open declaration that they freely and frankly gave ye bell which they had procured for ye use of ye society so long as there should be a Presbyterian society to meet in sd house, and ye society gave them hearty thanks." For some reason not given in the record, the first bell did not meet expectations, and at a society meeting, May 28, 1767, it was "Voted whether they would do anything in order to get a new bell, and it was voted in ye affirmative and sometime in ye month of June was made out by way of signation ye sum of twenty-seven pounds, four shillings and seven pence, lawful money or provisions, and ye same being gathered on or about ye first day of July, ye committee for ye bell took ye old bell and conveyed it down to Fairfield, got it recast and brought up ye new bell and delivered it up and it was hung on ye third day of July, A. D. 1767. Alvvays to be understood that ye inhabitants of ye Church of England society in Newtown signed of ye abovesaid moneys and provisions ye sum of five pounds twelve shillings and nine pence." "Voted, yt Gideon Peck shall sweep ye meeting house twelve times in ensuing year and shall have twelve shillings for his services. Voted, yt time of intermission between meetings on ye Sabbath Day shall be one hour and one quarter from ye time of this meeting to ye first of next March. — Caleb Baldwin, Society Clerk." In 1773, the agitation over w^hat was known as the Saybrook platform came up, which neither Mr. Judson nor his congregation favored. A meeting of the church was held October 6, 1773, when it was proposed whether it be the minds of this church to stand in the consociated connection according to the Saybrook platform, and it was voted in the negative. It was then put to vote "whether this society will choose a committee to send for a council of the churches or not," and it was voted in the negative. January 12, 1774, a meeting of the ecclesias- tical society was called, when it was put to vote "whether this society will agree to what the first church in Newtown does respecting their renouncing their connection with Consociated churches or not and it was voted in the affirmative." THE REV. DAVID JUDSON 73 In January, 1775, it was voted to raise Rev. Mr. Judson's salary for the year by subscription, provided £50 could be subscribed, which was done. The subscribers : John Botsford, £2; Richard Fairman, £2; Amos Botsford, £2; Abel Bots- ford, £1 10s; Abraham Bennett, £1 10s; Josiah Beardsle, £2; John Sherwood, £1 10s; Caleb Baldwin, £1 10s; Jonathan Northrop, £1 5s; Benjamin Curtis, 18s; Joseph Botsford, 15s; Moses Piatt, 10s; Ichabod Fairman, £1; Abel Baldwin, £2; Nathan Burritt, £1; Joseph Wheeler, £1 10s; Joel Bassett, 10s; Asa Cogshall, 12s; Nathaniel Northrop, 10s; Joseph Peck Jr., 10s; Nathan Sherman, 15s; Jonathan Baisley, 10s; Ezra Peck, 8s; Abraham Bennett Jr., 18s; Henry Fairman, 158; Gideon Botsford, £1 10s; Gideon Botsford Jr., 13s; Silas Fairchild, 10s; Andrew Wheeler, 6s; James Fairchild, £1; Timothy Shepherd, £1 10s; Abel Botsford Jr., £1 5s; J.ared Botsford, £1; Jerusha Baldwin, 6s; John Sterling, £1 15s; Widow Anna Baldwin, 15s; Joseph Piatt, 12s; John Chandler, £1; Amos Terrill, £1 2s 6d ; Abraham Botsford, 12s; Jabez Botsford, 18s; Moses Piatt, Jr., 1£; Abraham Shepherd, Is; John Bassett, 6s; Moses Botsford, 15s; Jonathan Booth's wife, 6s; Thomas Ben- nitt, 10s; Deacon Northrop, 6s; Ebenezer Beers, 5s; Henry Wood, 6s; Samuel Beardsley Jr., 5s; Roger Terrill, 15s; Mathew Curtis, 15s; Moses Gillett, 6s; John Gillett, 6s. Voted that the above subscription be paid by the first of next April, 1776. Richard Fairman, Clerk of society. When Rev. David Judson was called to become minister in Newtown on the Presbyterian foimdation, it was at a salary of three hundred pounds, old tenure, which at that time would be equal to about 50 pounds, English money. Bills of credit were in a fluctuating condition. Not later than December, 1753, it was voted in the Presbyterian society's meeting that for that year Mr Judson's salary should be six hundred pounds, old tenure, or in provisions at the market price as they currently pass in Newtown. They became tired of a flunctuating salary and in 1755 a vote was passed that the society would pay ye Rev. Mr Judson for his services ye year past, ye full sum of fifty pounds lawful money and that if any of sd society shall pay him in grain it shall be at ye several prices hereafter named: Wheat at three shillings six-pence per bushel; rye at two shillings four- pence per bushel; Indian corn at one shilling nine-pence per bushel; flax at five-pence per pound; and if any shall work it shall be at one shilling nine-pence per day. Later the salary was raised to sixty pounds, then again to seventy pounds, and at the time of Mr Judson's death in 1776 it was fifty pounds. When Rev. Mr Judson became minister, the rateable assessment of the Presbyterians was 7693 pounds and six pence. During the whole of Rev. Mr Judson's ministry of 33 years, he kept a continuous record of his ministrations, which is still intact and carefully preserved by the Newtown Congregational church. There were 30 families in Newtown in 1716. In 1738, there were 60 families, and, by a census taken in 1752, the town's population was found to be 1230 and in 1770 the number of families had in- creased to 350. Mr Judson says that about one-half of them were of the Church of England, and that his own congregation numbered 150 families and over 200 church members. From his manuscript record of ofificial acts, we find that he solemnized 226 marriages, ofificiated at 887 baptisms, of which only eight persons were adults, 13 were children of slaves and only one Indian; 378 deaths where his ministrations were given. Mr Judson was married by Rev. Mr Gould of Stratford, Conn., October 20, 1743, to Mary Judson, daughter of Joshua Judson, also 74 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN of Stratford, and took his bride to Newtown when he entered upon his work. Their children were Mary, born July 4, 1744 ; Phoebe, born August 16, 1746; David, born May 17, 1748; Hannah, born June 10, 1750; Mary, the second, born June 7, 1752; David, the second, born August 25, 1757; Betty, born February 22, 1762. His death came Sept. 24, 1776, from dysentery, contracted while visiting soldiers in camp less than four months after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. A red sandstone slab marks his grave on the west side of the old part of the Newtown cemetery, alongside the graves of the two children, David and Mary, who died in early childhood. The Church of England as a corporate body was acknowledged by the General Court, sitting in Hartford, in May, 1752, which then gave the Church of England parish privileges. Until then the people of the town were obliged to pay taxes to support the Pres- byterian minister. From that time on. for many years, the Presby- terian part of the people were taxed for support of their ow^n minister and the Church of England people were taxed to aid in the support of the missionary placed in charge over Newtown and Redding Church of England people, then under the supervisions of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with its headquarters in England and Rev. John Beach minister in charge. During the Rev. Mr Judson's ministry, the records show that the best of relations existed between the Church of England people and the Presbyterians. MIDWAY CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF THE FIRST ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY OF NEWTOWN, CONN. The First Ecclesiastical Society of Newtown has made extensive improvements in the interior of their house of worship, enlarging their conference room, adding to their conveniences for social en- joyment, installing an up-to-date plant with modern fixtures, and other improvements that follow lines conforming to the demands of the times in which we live. Three score years ago, the perplex- ing question with the little band of the faithful few was whether to disband their organization, struggle along as they were, or take up a site and start anew in Sandy Hook. A study of our town and the society records show that the growth in numbers increased continuously until after the death of Rev. David Judson in 1776. Mr Judson left on record that in 1770 Newtown numbered 350 families. His own congregation numbered 150 families and over 200 church members. For ten years after his death they were without a settled pastor and they were as sheep without a shepherd. The society no longer kept up its numbers. From 1786 to 1798, Rev. Zephaniah Smith was minister on a salary of 75 pounds lawful money and 30 loads of wood. Rev Jehu Clark was Rev. Z. Smith's successor from 1799 to 1816, resigning in August of that year. When he was installed pastor, in so dilapidated a condition was the meeting house that the installa- tion services were by invitation held in the Episcopal Church. FIRST ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY 75 What stronger evidence is needed to show the friendly feeling between the two Christian bodies. He was settled at a salary of $400 a year and, when he left, the society was in debt to him $1,232.78. A tax of six cents on the dollar was laid on the grand list of 1815 to make up arrearages, but the sum fell short and a subscription was circulated to raise a balance of $240. From an old manuscript in my possession the names of subscribers are copied, which probably represent the families interested in the Presbyterian society at that time : William Edmond, $10.00; Moss R. Botsford, $8.00; Samuel C. Blackman, $6.00; Timothy Shepherd, $6.25; Daniel Botsford, $3.00; Abel Botsford and son, $8.00; Gould St. John, $400; William H. Fairchild, $8.00; James Sears, $2.00; Arnold Fott. $2.00; Lamson Burch, $5.00; Caleb Bennitt, $4.00; Michael Parks, $2.50; Charles Burroughs, $4.00; John Clark, $7.00; John Skidmore, $1.00; Rebecca Glover, $3.00; Abiel Booth, $8.00; Thomas Botsford, $2.00; Philo Botsford, $3.00; Philo Beardslee, $3.50; David Sterling, $10.00; Amos B. Fairman, $7.50; Abraham Bennitt, $3.00; Luther Harris, $3.00; Joseph and Joseph B. Wheeler, $8.00; Miles Johnson, $3.00; Daniel Colburn, $1.00; David Peck, $5.50; Israel C. Botsford, $6.00; James Terrill, $3.50; Daniel Peck, $2.00; Benjamin Fairman, $2.00; Jacob Johnson, $1.50; Abraham Botsford, $1.50; Mehitabel Botsford. $2.00; Molly Curtis, $2.00; James Thomas, $1.00; Silas Fairchild, $6.00; Samuel Beardslee, $6.00; James Fairchild, $3.25; John Johnson, $2.00; Asabel Booth Jr., $3.00; Samuel Northrop, $2.00; Philo Johnson, $1.00; Abel Botsford, $0.50; Clement Fairchild, $2.00;Job S. Terrill, $1.00; Moses Shepherd, $3.00; Jabez Fairman, $2.00;Reuben Terrill, $3.00; Amos Terrill, $2.00; Philo Fairchild, $6.00; John Rogers, $3.00: John Blackman, Jr., $3.50; Roger Terrill, $2.00; Moses Beardslee, $5.00; Billy Hall, $2.00; Ziba Blakeslee, $2.00; Philo Baldwin, $1.00; Riverius Prindle, $0.50: Abel Johnson, $2.00; Obadiah Wheeler, $1.00; Adoniram Fairchild, $1.00; Ezra H. Johnson, payable in tailor work, $4.50; Truman Fairchild, $1.00; Zalmon Beers, $1.00; Joseph Fairchild, $2.00; Elijah Jennings, $1.50. From 1816 to 1825, the people were without a settled minister. Those were times when candidating was in vogue and services were irregularly held. What were called "deacon's meetings" were occasionally held, when the good deacons would take the de- votional part and some lay reader would read an acceptable sermon. January 14, 1825, Rev. William Mitchell was installed pastor, and continued in that relation until his resignation was accepted. May 31, 1831. He died of yellow fever in Corpus Christi, Texas, Aug 1, 1865. The two maple trees still standing at the rear of the Congre- gational Church were placed there by his own hands. "Woodman, spare those trees !" December 5. 1833, Rev. N. M. Urmston was installed pastor and remained until 1838 when the Consociation of Fairfield East met in Bethel and by request of all parties concerned the relation was dissolved and the following resolution adopted by the Consociation : "To the church and society again destitute of a pastor we would extend our sympathies and hope they will not be discouraged, though feeble, but make every proper effort to sustain the interest of religion among them and as soon as practicable seek another pastor, relying as in times past, upon such aid as is extended to feeble branches of our Zion. Bethel, April 17, 1838. From 1839 to 1842, Rev. Alexander Leadbetter was in charge and so difficult was it to pay his salary, the church at that time having a membership of onl}' 45, that a special subscription paper was circu- lated outside of the society, to which members of the other Chris- le NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN tian bodies, as well as non-communicants, contributed. At this time there were four houses of worship in the village : The house of the ecclesiastical society, then called the Presbyterian meeting house, the Episcopal church standing its width north of the present Trin- ity, the Universalist meeting house, now the town hall, and the Methodist, that stood on the open lot just north of Mrs Marcus Hawley's residence, the building later used as a blacksmith and wagon shop near the Newtown railroad station. In order to show the kindly feeling on the part of the towns- people, other than those who were members of the society, I include a copy of a subscription paper that shows the contributions raised to keep the society from becoming defunct. The original subscrip- tion came into my possession more than 50 years ago, and reads : "We, the subscribers, do hereby promise to pay Elizur W. Keeler, treasurer of the First Ecclesiastical Society of Newtown or his successor in office, the sums annexed to our names respectively, for the purpose of employing Rev. Alexander Leadbetter to officiate as pastor of the first Congregational church and society of Newtown for one year from the 1st day of May, 1841, payable on the 1st day of November next. Newtown, March 27, 1841. Eben Beach, $6.00; Samuel C. Blackman, $5.00; Lyman Beers, $5.00; Henry Fairchild, $5.00; Joseph D. Wheeler, $4.00; E. W. Keeler, $4.00; Rufus Somers, $4.00; George B. Peck, $2.00; George Scott, $2.00; Lucas Barnes, $3.00;William Beard, $8.00; Russell Wheeler, $3.00; Reuben B. Burrows, $4.00; Hiram Parmelee, $10.00; Philo Northrop, $2.00; Reuben Beach, $1.50; William Fairchild, $2.50; Edwin A. Lum, $2.00; Charles W. Coe, $1.00; Rufus L. Parmelee, $3.00;Jesse Hoyt, $3.00; John Johnson, $5.00; Charles Johnson, $5.00; Legrand Bennett, $2.00; Esther Ferris, $4.00; Grandison Parmelee, $0.50; Theodocia Peck, $2.00; Emily A. Sanford, $10.00; Ambrose Stillson, $1.00;Meeker Hoyt, $2.00; Ladies Society, $50.00; Wooster Peck, $4.00; Mary Tomlinson, $1.00; Almon Miller, $1.00; Alva B. Beecher, $2.00; Zalmon Griswold, $1.00; Sidney Middlebrook, $1.00; John Glover, $1.00; George Curtis, $1.00; Royal O. Gurley, $0.50; William Sherman, $0.50; George C. Peck, $2.00; A. Judson, $1.00; Daniel S. Hawley, $1.00; H. W. Tucker, $2.00; Widow Sanford, $0.50; Mary E. Parsons, $1.00; Grahum Hurd, $2.00; Charles Dick $1.00;Doctor Dutton, $2.00; J. S. Tomlinson, $1.00; Dr, Erastus Erwin, $1.00 Norman Hoyt, $0.50; Dr. George Judson, $0.50; Ammon Shepherd, $1.00 Hannah Shepherd, $1.00; David W. Jones. $1.00; Isaac M. Sturges. $1.00 Abel Botsford, $6.00; Abigail Marshall, $2.00; S. B. Fairchild, $2.50; William H. Fairchild, $1.50. Encouraged by the response of people in contributing funds. Rev. Mr. Leadbetter was content with what could be raised by subscrip- tion, but that method had its day and when the stipend became too small to live upon, he resigned. From a secular standpoint it looked as if the end of organized action was close at hand, so feeble numerically and financially had they become. The small fund they had depended upon had nearly been swept away by the failure of the Eagle Bank of New Haven, and but for the aid received from the Connecticut Home Mission- ary Society, which began in 1817, the organization might have ceased to exist. In addition to all other drawbacks, the meeting house itself had become so dilapidated that it seemed almost beyond repair. A meeting was called, June 3, 1844, adjourned to June 15, when it was voted "that the committee of this society take such measures as they may deem proper for the purpose of building a meeting house in Sandy Hook." Two days later it appears by the record the following notice was sent out : "Notice is hereby given to the citizens of the village of Sandy Hook that the Congregational society of Newtown have instructed their committee to FIRST ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY 77 take such measures as they may deem proper to build a house for public worship in Sandy Hook. The committee hereby call upon all the friends of the enterprise to meet with them in the Temperance hall, June 29, 1844, at 4 o'clock p. m., to take the subject into consideration and to devise ways and means for the accomplishment for said object." „ i r- ni i ^ Samuel C. Blackman, Eben Beach, Joseph D. Wheeler, Hiram Parmelee, Society's Committee. The meeting was held as appointed, the matter was discussed, it did not appeal very strongly to Sandy Hook people, people in the west part of the town did not fall in with it. The meeting was adjourned for six weeks and the matter dropped indefinitely. Those were dark days for the few, at the head of whom were the worthy deacons, Eben Beach and Rufus Somers, while the vener- able Samuel C. Blackman, Hiram Parmelee, Wooster Peck, Elizur W. Keeler, Charles Johnson,Henry Fairchild, Joseph D. Wheeler, William Fairchild, with their wives and a few others, helped where- ever duty seemed to call them. Then it was that came the most perplexing question, "What must be done?" and one question that gained prominence again was : "Shall we change the site and go to Sandy Hook?" Up to this time no house of worship had been built in Sandy Hook. The only one in town, outside the center, was the Baptist meeting house in Zoar on the corner near what is now known as Snake Rock farm. At this juncture, a spirit of local pride seized upon the town's people, for they did not want the society to become defunct and the meeting house obliterated. Subscription papers were circulated until $1200 was raised and laid out in repairs. One of the subscription papers fell into my hands more than 40 years ago. Some will find the names of their ancestors here. We, the subscribers, hereby severally agree and promise to pay to Eben Beach, treasurer of the First Ecclesiastical Society in Newtown, the sums annexed to our names, respectively for the purpose of repairing the Pres- byterian meeting house in Newtown, provided the sum subscribed shall amount to the sum of $1,000. This subscription to be paid Dec. 1, 1845. Newtown, August 2, 1845. Abel Botsford, $50.00; George Botsford, $25.00; Abigail Marshall. $10.00; Oliver Peck, $5.00; Elliot M. Peck, $5.00; Wooster Peck, $10.00; Hezekiah B. Fairchild, $3.00; John B. Wheeler, $5.00; Ezra H. Johnson, $15.00; Charles Johnson, $20.00; Henry Fairchild, $15.00; William Fairchild, $15.00; Hiram Parmalee, $20.00; Samuel C. Blackman, $10.00; Rufus Somers, $10.00; Eben Beach, $10.00; Lewis S. Brisco. $7.00; Robert N. Hawlev, $5.00; Philo J. Marsh, $5.00; Sinclair Tousey, $5.00; Abner Beers, $5.00; Isaac Hawley, $3.00; Charles H. Beers, $3.00; Sallu P. Barnum, $10.00; Lemuel Beers, $5.00; Alexander Hall, $2.00; Isaac Nichols, $2.00; Reuben Beach, $5.00; Baldwin and Beers, $20.00; D. N. Belden, $10.00; Theophilus Nichols, $400; Charlotte Glover. $2.00; Henry B. Glover, $10.00; Henry Baldwin, $5.00;Abigail Walker, $5.00; George Scott, $2.00; Ambrose Stillson, $2.00 ;J. B. Nichols, $2.00; Isaac Marshal, $10.00; Joseph Wheeler, $2.00; Abel T. Peck, $1.00; Levi Peck, $2.00; Phoebe Booth, $3.00; Naomi Booth, $5.00; William Blakeslee, $5.00; Amos S. Treat, $3.00; Amos G. Peck, $5.00; James P. Geeler. $3.00; Walter and Isbell. $4.00; George A. Townsend, $20.00; Lyman Beers, $5.00; Charles Fairman, $3.00; Hepsa Foote. $2.00; Lucus M. Hard, $2.00; Jabez B. Peck, $3.00; Joseph Blackman, $2.00; Simeon B. Peck, $2.00 ;Eli Bennett, $3.00; Daniel Skidmore, $1.00; Isaac Foot, $1.00; Mary Tomlinson, $5.00; Ann R. Peck, $5.00. To help determine the feasability and propriety of changing the site to Sandy Hook it was decided to have Sunday services alter- 78 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN nate between Newtown Street and Sandy Hook. The upper room of a three story building near the bridge was rented, where, for a few months, services were held every other Sunday. The writer, a boy of 10 years, was a regular attendant with his father and mother and the remembrance of those experiences comes vividly to mind in these later days. This experiment caused a reactionary move- ment from the other end of the line. Voluntary offers were made of money to help put the meeting house in repair, which, with other reasons, led to the abandonment of the proposed project. Coming of Rev. Jason Atwater. In 1846, Rev. Jason Atwater offered his services gratuitously for five Sabbaths, an offer gladly accepted. In three years ; $1200 was raised, the meeting house put in repair and re-dedicated in January, 1847. Rev. Mr Atwater resigned the pastorate in 1856. His salary was $500 a year. The following well deserved testimonial is in- scribed on the society's record: "Like the Good Samaritan he came to us in the time of our greatest necessity, when days were dark and friends were few and hopes were faint and he has thereby exhibited the spirit of his Master, the Great Shepherd himself, who gathered the lambs in His arms and carried them in His bosom." As we look backward from the standpoint of 1845 and then for- ward to the standpoint of to-day, it would seem that the year 1845, marked the point of the Great Divide with this church and society, as the past 60 years seem to have been years of most uninterrupted prosperity. Here our chapter will close, but not so this society's history. From 1856 to 1914, 58 years of additional history has been making and awaiting the pen of some ready writer. There are but three persons besides himself, who were connected with the society and congregation between 1840 and 1850, and those are Mrs Lucy Beers, Mrs Elizabeth Fairchild and Mrs Adeline J. Fairchild, each of whom is now well past 80 years of age. (1914) Note: Since the above was written in 1914, Mrs. Elizabeth Fairchild died June 7, 1915, aged 89 years and Mrs Adaline Fairchild died Aug. 4, 1916 aged 88 years. At this writing Aug. 1917, Mrs Lucy Beers is more than 94 years old. Rev. Wm. H. Moore succeded to the pastorate the same year. He was a godly man and an earnest and efficient pastor. Mrs. Moore an invalid for many years died in 1861. In 1862 he resigned to become State Missionary of the Missionary Society of Connecticut but retained his residence in Newtown for some time. In 1863 he married Miss Jeanie Sanford and removed to Berlin, Conn. Rev. Wm. M. Arms- became pastor in 1863, but remained only a year and a half. Rev. Daniel W. Fox was his successor. He was installed in 1865. In that year the church celebrated its 150 anni- versary, and the parsonage was bought that same year. He resigned in February 1867. In June the same year the Rev. Henry Bagg Smith was installed, Mr. Smith was a faithful pastor, visiting his people scattered about the town, holding Sunday afternoon or evening services in school-houses at stated intervals. He was especially noted for efficient work in the Sunday School. In May 1873 he resigned to accept a call to Greenfield Hills. Miss Scudder REV. WM. H. MOORE See Page 78 REV. HENRY liAGG SAnTH See Page 78 RE\'. JA.MKS P. llO\ r See Page 79 RE\'. OTIS W. BARKER See F'age 79 REV. EDWARD O. GR I SB ROOK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH COMING OF REV. JASON ATWATER 79 pays a beautiful tribute to the family who made so large a place in the life of the church, "the pastor's good wife, a woman possessing rare gifts of heart and mind and a tender sympathy so that all those in trouble turned to her for consolation and counsel, the charming daughters who gave in unstinted measure of their time and gifts to their father's work in the church. Five of the seven sons have at various times returned to the town and to the church to do valued services as deacons, superintendents in the Sunday School and various activities in the church. In May, 1874, Rev. James P. Hoyt accepted a call on condition that the pews be free. His pastorate was one of the longest in the church coveiing a period of sixteen years. Many improvements were made in his time the greatest being in the lecture room. One hundred and fifty new members were received during his pastorate, the benevolences tripled and the fund increased from $2,200 to $5000, $2000 being a legacy from Miss Sarrah Blackman, a daughter of Judge Samuel C. Blackman. Mr Hoyt resigned in 1890 accepting a call to Cheshire Conn. In August 1890, Rev. Samuel W. Delzell became pastor. He was a faithful pastor and an earnest preacher and it was with sincere regret that the church parted with him after a three years pastor- ate. He left to affiliate himself with the Baptist denomination. Rev. Otis W. Barker was ordained Oct. 24, 1893, and installed, October 1894. Many improvements were made ; a new chandelier costing $90, also the vocalion organ. Monthly missionary concerts were held and many notable workers from various fields all over the world came to tell us of their work. A Christian Endeavor Society was organized in 1899. It was with a feeling akin to dismay that we learned in 1905, that our beloved leader must lay down the work so dear to him and to us. In October 1905 Rev. Ralph Danforth accepted a call from the church. He remained only until September 1907, when he left to study at a western university. Rev. Alexander Steele came from the Methodists, with the understanding that he should pursue his theological studies at Yale University. He organized and led the Boy Scouts. He left in August 1912 to return to his own denom- ination. Rev. T. J. Lee took up the work of the church and the parish, February 1913. Miss Susan Scudder, from whose historical address, the largest part of the record from the days of Rev. Mr. Atwater down, have been taken, says. "He is known and loved by all as he goes out and in amongst us, rejoicing with those who rejoice, comforting those who sorrow, and breaking to us the Bread of Life on the Lord's Day" October 18th, 19th and 20th 1914, were given up to celebrating the two hundredth Anniversary of the Congregational Church. 80 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN THE EPISCOPAL CHURCHES IN NEWTOWN STREET. Nothing can be found in Newtown records regarding the location of the place of worship built in 1732, after the adherents of the church of England had withdrawn from the "standing order," which in the colony was Presbyterian, and for the support of which taxes were levied on all freeholders of the town. Their first public service was held in the open under a large button-ball or sycamore tree at the foot of the hill to the south of the village. In 1907 a boulder suitably inscribed was placed to mark the nearby spot and in that vicinity it is supposed was their first building in which to meet for worship. We know nothing further about it, but how- ever small, crude or unpretentious it may have been, it served their purpose until 1746, when they asked for a grant of land on the hill to the northward. A town meeting was held at the north school- house, March 27, 1746, "to take action for ye setting up a public meeting house for ye church of England so-called in Newtown," when it was "voted that whereas those of ye church of England people in this place are now upon building a new meeting house for ye public worship of God, that sd people of ye Episcopal Communion shall have liberty to erect sd house on ye west side of ye town street southward of ye Presbyterian meeting house 28 rods, ye south end of ye termination of ye church of England meeting house to be ye termination of 28 rods, said house to set northward and southward fronting to ye street, and ye back or westward side of sd house to be 10 feet distant from ye front of ye house lot on which it stands against, and that they and their successors shall never be molested by this town from this time forward and forever in ye enjoyment of sd place for ye use aforesaid. Attest John Northrop, Town Clerk." After the building was erected and covered the Presbyterians, troubled lest the vote of the town had not been complied with in locating the building, called out Edmond Lewis, county surveyor, who "being assisted by chain bearers as the law directs," found that the Church of England meeting house had not been located quite as ye town directs, as ye 28 rods south of ye Presbyterian meeting house terminated 19 feet southward of ye south sill of ye Church of England meeting house as they are now laid." The same day John Glover, Jr., Thomas Skidmore and James Hard, committee of the Episcopal church, apologized for the mistake : We ye subscribers, members of ye church of England in Newtown, being sensible that we have not fully complied with ye vote of sd town in respect to building ye Church, in that we did not lay ye foundation of sd Church as far southward as it ought to have been by sd vote, by about 20 feet and in so doing have so far done contrary to good order and ye agreement of ye town by sd vote and hereby desire that those who are aggrieved to forgive us that rong. — John Glover, Thomas Skidmore, John Glover, the Com- mitte. "Ye subscribers hereunto received ye above acknowledgment and accept- ed it to put on record, April 12, 1746. John Northrope, Town Clerk." X X c 5 c t^ NEWTOWN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCHES 81 As the building was erected at the expense of the Church of England people, and not at the expense of the town, nothing ap- pears on the town records as to the expense of the work or as to its dimensions or the time of its completion. All we know about the building is what we are told by Dr E. Edwards Beardsley in his history of the Church in Connecticut : "It was a strong, neat building 46 feet long and 35 feet wide and 25 feet to the roof." To make clear to the reader its exact location with reference to the meeting house of the Presbyterians, we need to bear in mind that the meeting house was on the east side of the street exactly opposite where the Congregational church now stands, and this location of the Church of England house of worship was by vote of the town exactly 28 rods to the south of that, but on the opposite side of the road. The building was used by the Episcopalians until 1793, when it was sold to Solomon Glover, who moved it off the highway and rented it to the town for a term of years for a town house. In 1752, the Church of England people in Newtown began to show signs of uneasiness at being made to pay taxes to help pay the Presbyterian minister's salary and petitioned the authorities to call a town meeting to answer this Church of England people pre- I amble : Whereas )'e professors of ye Church of England, Newtown, in ye county 1 of Fairfield have cited ye inhabitants of sd town to appear at ye General Court to be held at Hartford on ye second Thursday of Instant, may it please to show reasons, if any they have, why said court should not grant sd professors parish privilege, etc. The town meeting was held. May, 1752 at 6 in the afternoon, at the north schoolhouse in the town street to do what shall be thought proper f in sd affair. I Capt. John Glover was appointed moderator and put to vote whether I they would make choice of any meet person to be an agent to appear 1 at Hartford on ye second Thursday of May of ye General Court sitting I to oppose or give reasons why ye professors of ye Church of England i in Newtown should not have their prayer granted unto them and it was j voted in ye negative. Also voted that we have no reasons to oflFer against ye motion of the i Church of England in Newtown prayer to ye Assembly. I Voted in ye affirmative. I John Northrop, Town Clerk. I Up to this time the Church of England people had had no parish ' privileges independently of the town authorities. At the annual I town meeting, a man was chosen to collect the minister's rates ( which were paid by tax. Two collectors, one to collect rates for the [Presbyterian minister, who was at that time Rev. David Judson. and lone to collect for the Church of England minister, who was Rev. j John Beach. The population of Newtown in 1752 was 1250, 23 of jwhom were slaves. ! REV. JOHN BEACH I The Rev. John Beach after his ordination in England officiated ] alternately at Newtown and Redding. During the Revolutionary War he was forbidden to pray for the King, but like Daniel of old (he persisted in doing what he considered his duty. 82 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Attached to a memorial tablet near the pulpit in Christ Church, Redding, is a bullet, which had it reached its mark would have end- ed the career of this brave pioneer of the Church. The inscription reads : "This bullet was fired at the Rev. John Beach while officiating in the Ante-Revolutionary Church of this parish, and was found lodged in the sounding board when that church was taken down and the present edi- fice erected. Pausing for a moment the venerable pastor repeated these words to the alarmed congregation : 'Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear Him who is able to de- stroy both soul and body in Hell.' The bullet is preserved here as a relic of his loyalty to the Church." To the Blessed Memory of Rev. John Beach, A. M., Founder of this Parish. Born at Stratford, Conn., A.D. MDCC, graduated Yale College A. D. MDCCXXI. At great sacrifice upon thorough investigation and deej) conviction conforming to the Church of England he was admitted to Holy Orders in England, A. D. MDCCXXXII and ap- pointed missionary at Newtown and Redding of the Venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. He was a scholar thor- ough — a reasoner cogent — a controversialist able — a preacher per- suasive — a pastor untiring — a Christian hero undaunted. He was of all most effective in laying deep and broad the foundations of the Church in the Colony of Connecticut. From the begining of his ministry assailed by bitter intolerance and pursued by malicious plottings he patiently endured in the added perils of a cruel war reinaining with his flock he continued his ministrations at the con- stant risk of threatened violence and death. Full of years and labors he entered into rest, March XIX, A. D., MDCCLXXXH. In 1790 the Church of England people made known to the town they desired to secure a new location on which to build. A town meeting was held Dec. 23, 1790, and the town voted "that the people of the Episcopal Church and society in this town have liber- ty to erect a house for public worship on the place where the Town house now stands, placing the west part of the steeple in a line with the building on the east side of Town street, they being to the expense of moving the Town house to some proper place that shall be agreed upon by the town." The only objection the Episcopalians had to that site was the nearness of the meeting house which was on the east side of the main street and near the town house. The Episcopalians made a proposition to move the meeting house to the west side of the main street at their own risk. This proposition was acted upon at a Presbyterian Society's meeting, Jan. 9, 1792, when it was voted "that the Presbyterian society give their free and full consent that their meeting house for public worship may be removed westward and placed in such position as shall be further directed, provided it shall be done with- out subjecting the society to any e.xpense and that the society shall be indemnified for all damages the said house shall sustain in consequense of such removal as shall be hereafter estimated and agreed to by said society and that a committee be appointed to confer with the Episcopal society's committee to hear and report their terms at the next society's meeting or adjournment of the present meeting. Voted Mr William Edmond. Jabez Botsford and Roger Terrill be a committee for the above business " Caleb Baldwin,' Clerk." REV. JOHN BEACH 83 Atter the death of Rev. John Beach in 1782, we have no record of a settled rector until 1787, when Rev. Philo Perry was called. During his rectorship the third church house was built. The first record is dated Nov. 2, 1790. At a parish meeting that day "it was voted that we build a new Church house." On the 25th day of the same month another meeting was held, at which it was moved "to rescind the vote of the pre vious meeting." The motion did not prevail, and a committee was appointed "to inspect and search where it is most convenient to set the new church and to make inquiry how the several plots of ground that have been pro- posed can be purchased." December 30, 1790, at another parish meeting it was voted "that if we do build a new church it shall be erected where the town house now stands." It was also voted "that a committee be appointed to prefer a petition to the General Assembly now sitting in New Haven for permission to raise by a lottery the sum of one thousand pounds lawful money by a deduction of 12 per cent for the purpose of building a new church, or as much short of the sum mentioned as the committee after further consid- eration shall think proper; and that the committee shall have descretion- ary power to form a scheme of said lottery and to make report of their proceedings at the next meeting." Capt. David Baldwin, Messrs. Andrew Beers and Solomon Glover were appointed lottery committee. As the records show no report from the lottery committee we infer the scheme was abandoned and at a meeting in Oct., 1791, it was — Voted "that we will build the Church by subscription provided we can get one thousand pounds subscribed by the second Tuesday in Nov. Messrs David Beers, Samuel Ferris, Abraham Booth, Ebenezer Beers and Josiah Fairchild were appointed a committee to obtain subscriptions and David Fabrique, Abijah Curtiss and Jonathan Sherman committee to examine and propose the bigness of the church." At a meeting, Nov. 8, 1791, "it was voted that the bigness of the church shall be 68 by 48 feet and that Daniel Booth, David Beers, Solomon Glover and Jonathan Sherman be a commit- tee to contrive carry out and complete the building of the Church." March 5, 1792, it was "voted that the price for common timber for build- ing the Church should be 4 pence the square foot, brought to the place of building and well dressed." April 23, 1792, it was "voted that Andrew Beers, Josiah Tomlinson, Solomon Glover, Josiah Fairchild, Capt. John Glover, Zalmon Toucey and Ezra Booth be a committee to inspect and make further search for the most convenient place to set the new Church house and make a report at our next meeting." A week later a meeting was held when it was "voted whether we will do anything in regard to moving the Church from the plot of ground where it was formerly voted." It was decided in the negative by a large majority and the meeting decided to adhere to the selection first made. In April, 1793, Henry Glover, Cyrenius Hard and Joseph Ferris were appointed a committee to dispose of the old Church and it was also voted to give the reading desk and the pulpit to the Episcopal Church in Brookfield. At a parish meeting June 17, 1793, it was "voted that the new Church be called Trinity." In September, 1793, the Church was consecrated by Bishop Seabury, first Bishop of the Episcopal Church in America. The annual convention of the Diocese of Con- necticut met in this Church three times, 1801, 1806 and 1826. May 18, 1795, it was "voted that the thanks of the parish be returned to Messrs. Richard Nichols and Philo Norton for the donation of a bell for the society's use." The bell was cast in Lon- don in 1793. Mr Perry died in 1798. A tablet bearing this inscription is insert- ed in the wall of the stone church : "In Memory of the Rev. Philo Perry. Born in Woodbury, Conn., A, D. 1752. Graduated at Yale 84 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN College in 1777. Admitted to Holy Orders by Bishop Seabury, June 3, 1787. from which time until he was called to the rest of Paradise, A. D. 1798, he was the devoted and efficient Rector of this Parish and a Clergyman of eminence in the Councils of the Church." Rev. Daniel Burhans, D. D., became rector in 1799 and remained in charge of the parish until 1830, when he resigned and became rector of St. James Church. At that time he reported belonging to the parish 214 families and 300 communicants. "In my 30 years ministry, I have admitted by baptism 1350, for confirmation 400, admitted to Holy Communion 203." He remained in Zoar two years and accepted a call to Plymouth. During his later years, it was his custom to visit his dear old parish each year and preach a farewell sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Beach Camp were the last couple married while rector at Newtown in 1830. Their daughter, Mrs. E. L. Johnson, born in 1837, heard him preach several farewell sermons and attend- ed his funeral at Trinity Church. He died Dec. 30, 1853. The tablet in the wall of the stone church bears this inscription: "To perpetuate the blessed memory of the Rev. Daniel Burhans, D. D., for thirty-one years the zealous and efficient Rector of this Parish, adorning his life with the fruits of the Spirit and his min- istry with faithful diligence. He was the last survivor of those ordained by the first Bishop of Connecticut, having for more than half a century contended for the faith once delivered to the Saints as this church hath received the same. He was born at Sherman, Conn., July 7, 1762. Entered into rest Dec. 30, 1853, in the ninety- second year of his age and the sixtieth of his ministry." Immediately succeeding Rev. Burhans was Rev. Samuel C. Stratton, a godly man and much beloved. Some appreciative friends placed a beautiful window to his memory in the new stone Church. He was rector from Oct. 1, 1831, to Oct. 1. 1839, being succeeded, Sept. 11, 1841, by Rev. S. S. Stocking, who remained untli Sept. 24, 1848. A good man and loved by his peaple. Rev Horace Hills became rector, Jan. 7, 1849, resigned Nov. 11, 1849. Rev. Dr. Wm. M. Carmichael became rector, Nov. 6, 1850, re signed Nov. 6, 1852. The death of his wife by small pox and other events made his rectorship a period of sorrow and unrest. The parish was greatly blessed during the ministry of Rev. Benj. W. Stone, D. D., from Nov. 20, 1852, to Nov. 17, 1856, when to the regret of his people he answered a higher call. At the suggestion of Jonathan E. Goodhue, a student for the ministry while Principal of Newtown Academy, the parish, with the Bishop's permission, called Rev. Dr. Newton E. Marble, of Concord, N. H., who became rector, April 1, 1857. In June, he brought his bride, Miss Mary Gillis, great-grand-daughter of Maj. Gen. John Stark of Revolutionary fame, to be the mother of the motherless Frances, the gracious mistress of the new rectory built the same summer, and the always loyal and efficient help-meet in a singularly useful and blessed ministry of more than twenty-one years. Their two children: Mary Gillis, born 1858, died 1874; Frederick REV. DANIEL BURHANS, D. D. See Page 84 REV. NEWTON E. MARBLE D. D. Sec Page 85 wnru— .^M^iij T" '~"^ — *• TRINITY p. E. CHURCH See Page 85 SILAS i\. BEERS See Page 85 SHOWING RELATIVE POSITION OF THE TWO CHURCHES 1793 and 1870 NEWTOWN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCHES 85 Parker, born 1859, is an eminent lawyer of Lowell, Mass. In 1866, the parish bought the homestead of Isaac Beers, just south of the old church and separated from it by a branch road con- necting at the rear of the Church with the road leading to Sandy Hook The town relinquished its right to this road. The strip of road, together with the homestead bought of Isaac Beers, made ample room for the site and building of the new Church, without disturbing the old Church building. After the completion of the stone Church, the old building w^as sold at auction for $100 and torn down. The building committee were, Mr. Henry Sanford, Simeon B. Peck, David H. Johnson, Henry B. Glover, Aaron Sanford. Dec. 28, 1867, Walter Clarke, Daniel N. Morgan, Silas N. Beers, Le- grand Fairchild and Frederick Chambers were added to the build- ing committee. The architect w^as Mr. Silas Norman Beers, one of Newtow^n's gifted sons. He, with Mr. Henry Sanford and others of the com- mittee, gave time and strength in unstinted measure to the work, and it was a proud day in February, 1870, that saw the completion of the fourth Church edifice since the first Rector, Rev. John Beach, preached his first sermon in 1732 under the button-ball tree at the four corners below the Street. The last service was held in the old Church, Jan. 30, 1870. The text of the last sermon, "It is the last time," struck a note of sad- ness in the heart of many in the well-filled Church. After a service of thirteen years in the old Church, and eight in the new, whose building he had watched from corner-stone to turret. Dr. Marble was obliged, because of physical infirmities, to offer his resignation. May 1, 1878, to take efifect, Sept. 1, 1878, that date being his 70th birthday and the 36th of his entering the ministry. He had been unable for several weeks to walk or stand and strong men of the parish took him in a wheel-chair across the Street, up the steps and to the chancel for his last service in the parish he had served so faithfully for more than twenty-one years. With heavy hearts, we heard him say, *T have finished my course." The precious body never entered the portals of the Church again, until after tw^o years of patient suffering it was released, and strong men again bore it to the chancel where he had been wont to proclaim Jesus' words : "I am the Resurrection and the Life," for the comfort of sorrowing ones, then bore it to its last earthly resting-place in "God's acre." In 1882 during the rectorship of Rev. Gouverneur Morris Wil- kins, a beautiful and costly tablet was placed in the south wall of the Church, bearing this inscription: Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Newton E. Marble, D. D., for twenty- one years the faithful and beloved Rector of this Parish. This Church, eretced during his rectorship, stands as his monument; but a nobler and more enduring one will be found in the souls he won to Christ. Born, Sept. 1, 1808, slept in Jesus, Sept. 28, 1881, having lived on earth seventy- three years. Rev. Thomas W. Haskins was made rector, Sept. 30, 1878, and resigned in October, 1880, being succeeded by Rev. Gouverneur 86 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Morris Wilkins at Easter, 1881. He found the parish in sore straits ; but young blood, earnestness of purpose and persistence in accomplishing a purpose wrought wonderful results. A debt of $8,000 rested upon the parish. A committee appointed to canvass for subscriptions was suc- cessful, not only in raising sufficient to wipe out the debt, but for re-decoration and re-furnishing. The four tablets, to the memory of Rev. John Beach, Rev. Philo Perry, Rev. Dr. Burhans and Rev. Dr. Marble, are said to be the finest in the country. June 8, 1882, the long-wished-for event was accomplished. Trin- ity Church was consecrated by Rt. Rev. John Williams, Connec- ticut's beloved Bishop. A record from which we quote says : "In conneceion with the building and construction of the Church will stand side by side the names of Rev. Dr. Marble and Rev. G. M. Wilkins. Dr. Marble's part was to see the beautiful structure rise from foundation to turret during his ministry and to enjoy the pleasure of ministering to his people in it eight years. Rev. Mr. Wilkins' satisfaction will be to see the parish free from debt through his efficiency in less than one year after coming among us" That fact assured, Mr. Wilkins took a much desired vacation of a year in Europe, during which time the parish was most accept- ably served by Rev. J. Addison Crockett. REV. GEORGE THOMAS LINSLEY Rev. George Thomas Linsley succeeded Rev. Mr. Wilkins in Feb., 1890. During his rectorship the organ, built by Andrews in 1853, was rebuilt by Geo. Jardine and Son in 1896, and moved from the gallery at the west end of the Church to the north-east corner. Under the direction of Prof. Charles S. Piatt, one of Newtown's sons, as organist, and the instruction of his talented wife, the musical talent of the young people of the parish was discovered and developed, and a good choir was formed, adding very materially to the beauty and the dignity of the Church service. Those who were young people at that time remember the happy social events in connection with Trinity Guild, organized under the guidance of the rector and his capable sister. Miss Martha Linsley. In January, 1895, Miss Mary Chauncey became the bride of the rector and the rectory continued to be the center of much literary and social activity. The Women's Auxiliary did valient service and the twelve years were peaceful and prosperous. In March, 1902, the higher call to the Church of the Good Shepherd, Hartford, proved too strong to be resisted, and reluctantly the connection was severed. REV. JAMES HARDIN GEORGE Rev. Jame.> Hardin George, who had been several years rector of St. John's Church, Salisbury, was called in May, 1902. The large family of children just blossoming into manhood and womanhood formed an interesting accession to the life of the parish. The sick and sorrowing soon learned to look for visits of the REV. GEORGE T. LINSLEY See Page 86 KE\'. JAMES li. GEORGE See Page 87 REV. WILLIAM C. CRAVNER Elected Rector June 1918 BEACH CAMP Elected Vestryman 1836 Junior Warden 1843 Senior Warden 1853 Died July 8th 18S5 DANIEL G. HEERS See Page 262 Elected Clerk of Trinity Parish 1876 Vestryman 1877 Junior Warden 188.5 Senior Warden 1889 Died Feb. IJth 1913 NEWTOWN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCHES 87 rector, and Mrs. George won all hearts. A notable event occurred Nov. 2, 1905, when Rev. Frederick Foote Johnson, who had left Redlands, California, to be General Missionary in Western Mass., had been elected to become assistant Bishop to Bishop Hare of South Dakota, was consecrated to that office in Trinity Church. The Bishops present were, the Presiding Bishop, Rt. Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, Bishops Whitaker of Penn., Vinton of Mass., Brewster of Conn., Lines of Newark, Jagger of Boston, Courtney of N. Y. More than 100 clergy were in the procession, besides Divinity School students and crowds from adjacent towns. Rev. Mr. George receiv- ed great praise for having so successfully engineered the interesting but difficult situation. Another notable event was the celebration, Sept., 1907, of the 175th anniversary of the founding of the parish, and the unveiling of a boulder in which was imbedded a bronze tablet, which stated that under a sycamore tree which stood near that place, the Rev. John Beach preached, in 1732, his first sermon as rector of the Church, A few years after their coming, an accident occurred which it was thought produced only a slight injury to Mrs. George, but proved to have very serious results. Her hitherto active life was for a long time restricted to the movements of a wheel-chair, yet she was still a power in the home and in the parish. She had the joy of witnessing the ordination to the diaconate of James Hardin, Jr., the son who remembered no other mother. He was ordained by Bishop Johnson, Ascension Day, May 28, 1908. The choir were vested for the first time Easter Day 1909. Slowly and insidiously the disease progressed, until in May 1911, the release came. Miss Theodora, occupying a good position in N. Y. and Miss Bertha having become the wife of William R. Curtis, Miss Caroline was the solace and comfort of the rector and the young sister Marilla, until in July, 1914, he took to wife, Miss Jane Fitch Beers, eldest daughter of Daniel G. and Arabella Fitch Beers. The new wife at once entered into all the activities of the parish and endeared herself to every family, being in truth a help meet, not simply to the rector, but to the whole parish. In the Autumn of 1916, the large basement room was divided, making a much smaller and more attractive room, suitable for parish activities; many kitchen improvements were also added. Trinity Guild being responsible for the improvements. It was first used before Christ- mas for a Guild sale. Soon after Christmas the rector seemed to be very weary, but performed his customary parish duties, until prostrated by pneu- monia early in January. He entered into rest, Jan. 18, 1917. The large congregation that filled Trinity Church at the last sad service testified to the affection of the people for their rector, and their sympathy for the bereaved family. 88 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Resolutions Adopted by the Vestry of Trinity Church on the Death of Charles S. Piatt, who died Oct., 1908. "Whereas God in His wise providence has seen fit to take our beloved friend and fellow worker, Chas. S. Piatt from the scene of his early life to the rest of Paradise, therefore, Resolved, that we place on the record of this vestry our sincere appreciation of his true worth as an earnest communicant of our Church, a consistent member of our Parish and an efficient organist and leader of our choir. For 25 years he has presided at our organ with skill and ability, thereby adding much to the beauty and dignity of the worship of the Church. Untiring in his faithful and devoted attendance, with not only an un- flagging interest in the musical part of the service, but a true reverence for all parts of the Church's worship. Though his hands no longer touch the keys to sound forth a hymn of praise, a wedding chime, or a funeral dirge, the memory of his faithful- ness and his devotion will live always in the hearts of those who associate him with the organ and with the Church, where we feel so keenly a sense of great loss." RECTOR'S ASSISTANTS. Rev. Wm. Ackley, the first of Trinity's assistants to Rev. Dr. Marble, also officiated at St. John's Church from Aug. 1870, to December, 1873. Rev Thomas Mallaby was assistant from April 6, 1874, to June 10. 1875. These two long since "entered into rest." Rev. Francis W. Barnett, who commenced his ministerial labors in June, 1876, as assistant to Rev. Dr. Marble and minister at St. John's, Sandy Hook, resigned in April, 1879, and became rector of St. Matthew's Church, Wilton, Conn. His next charge was Christ Church, Canaan, Conn., from which place he went to St. Luke's, South Glastonbury, Conn. His whole ministry, until ill-health made it necessary to relinquish charge of a parish, was singularly useful and fruitful. Each parish grieved when he left them. He married Miss Mary F. Blackman, one of Newtown's daugh- ters and when he must retire from active duty, they made a home for themselves in the home town. Having regained sufficient health for occasional service, he was chosen after the death of Rev. Mr. George as minister in charge of the parish, until a rector should be secured. Of Mr. Harnett's three sons, to whom by great self-sacrifice he gave a college education, the eldest. Rev. F. B. Barnett served acceptably a few years at St. Mary's, Mitchell, South Dakota, then removed to Ridley Park, Pa., from which place, on the enter- ing of the United States into the world war, he enlisted to go as Chaplain to France. Rev. Joseph is curate at St. George's Church, New York, and Edward is at Plattsburg awaiting orders. Miss Mary, the daughter, is the stay and comfort of the parents. Since this writing. Rev. Joseph Barnett has enlisted in the Army and is now Lieut. Barnett in U. S. service. Lieut Edward is in France and has been decorated for heroic service. RE\'. FRANCIS W See Page 8 BARXETT > O \^ in H O Q > W NEWTOWN BORN MINISTERS 89 THOSE NEWTOWN BORN WHO BECAME MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL. REV. DAVID BOTSFORD. Rev. David Botsford, son of Gideon and Pulcrea Fairman Bots- ford born at Newtown, March 5, 1797, graduated from Yale, 1818, was ordained by Bishop Brownell, 1821. He preached at WalHng- ford, Conn., for a while but because of ill-health he was obliged to return to his father's home at Newtown, where he died 1823, respected and beloved by all who knew him. REV. ABEL NICHOLS Rev. Abel Nichols, fifth son of Lucy Beach and Capt. James Nichols, a direct descendant of Rev. John Beach, was born at New- town, May 23, 1807, died Dec. 16, 1859. He was going to the Bermudas to take charge of a Divinity School. He sailed on the "Silas Marner." A most fearful storm arose and the vessel sprung a leak. The life-boats were lowered and the passengers and crew taken off. Mr. Nichols stood by the Captain and assisted him to maintain order. At the last moment it was found that there was room for only one more, and he insisted that the Captain's life was of more value than his own, besides his being responsible to the agent for his passengers ; and so the fact remains that the Rev. Abel Nichols was then and there translated to the reward of heroic self-sacrifice. The Beach-Sanford Book. REV. GEORGE L. FOOTE. Rev. George Lewis Foote, was born in Newtown, Conn., March 3, 1812. When only fifteen years old, his father died. For a few years he worked as apprentice to a shoemaker, but deciding to study for the ministry, he obtained a situation at Elizabeth, N. J., with Rev. Birdsey G. Noble, as assistant teacher, still studying and preparing for college. He was graduated from Washington (now Trinity) College in 1837, and founded Newtown Academy the same year. April 28, 1839, he married Minerva Tuttle. During the latter part of his teaching in Newtown Academy he was lay-reader at Christ Church, Roxbury, Conn. After his ordination as deacon in 1840, and as priest in 1841 by Bishop Brownell, he became rector and remained in charge ten years. He was also principal of Roxbury Academy. In 1850 he resigned and became rector of Zion Church, McLean, N. Y.. where he remained six years. He also had charge of missions in Homer, Courtlandt, and Truxton, N. Y. In 1856, he removed to Sherburne, but at the end of two years, realizing the need of better education for his growing family, he became rector with Rev. Richard Whittingham, of St. Andrew's Church, New Berlin, N. Y. and principal of St. Andrew's School. At the end of three years, find- ing the burden of the school too great, he resigned and in 1860 became rector of Zion Church, Morris, N. Y. For two years he devoted himself with untiring patience and fidelity but with im- paired health to his parish work. May 13, 1862, he was prostrated 90 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN by Paralysis and after lingering in partial helplessness for eighteen months he passed away in the 52nd, year of his age. Of the nine children born to them two died in infancy. Of the seven who reached maturity, two of the sons became clergymen, Rev. G. W. Foote and Rev. Henry L. Foote, and two of the daught- ers married clergymen. One who died in 1899 became the wife of Rt. Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, now, in 1918, Bishop of Missouri and Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, at 81 years of age. Another went with her husband, Rev. G. D. B. Miller, as missionary to Japan. They returned and since the death of her husband she has been for many years private secretary to Bishop Tuttle. Another. Mrs. S. K. White, was many years principal of the Diocesan School for girls at Tacoma, Washington, but is now engaged in missionary work in St. Louis, Missouri. REV. SYLVESTER CLARK, D. D. Rev. Sylvester Clarke, D. D., was born in Newtown, Sept. 26, 1833, son of Betsy Ann Fairchild and Charles Clarke. His early education was received at the district school and at the private school of Harry Peck. While preparing for the ministry he did duty with several banking instiutions, entering Berkeley School in 1855. He was ordained to the diaconate in 1858, and to the priest- hood in 1859, by Bishop Williams, who gave him charge of St. Peter's, Oxferd and Christ Church, Quaker Farms. In 1861, he resigned charge of those parishes and became assistant to Rev. Dr. Gurdon Coit, rector of St. John's Church, Bridgeport. In the summer of 1863 he became rector of the new Trinity Church, Bridgeport. In 1870, he founded the Coit Memorial Chapel, now St. Luke's, East End, Bridgeport. He was elected Professor of Church History at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., to the same professorship at Seabury Divinity School, Fairibault, Minn. At the Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., he was Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, and of Christian Evidences. As a member of the Com- mittee on Constitution and Canons and for several years its presi- dent, the greater part of the present Canon Law of the diocese was formulated by him. He was for many years one of the examining Chaplains of this diocese. Of a singularly modest and retiring disposition, Dr. Clarke was not wont to push himself into prominence ; but the clearness and balance of his judgment and the purity of his character made his influence positive and weighty. Men accepted him and supported him in offices that called for the higher qualities of intellect and character. Unfaltering in his loyalty to his own Church, his friend- ship could not be bound by denominational lines. He displayed a tender fraternal spirit, toward all who like himself were set for the preaching of the Gospel, to whatever denomination they belonged. The same fraternal spirit seeking ample outlet led him to mem- bership in the Masonic order, of which he was a Master Mason. He was past grand of Pequonnock Lodge, I. O. O. F., and one of its Trustees. He served many years as a member of the Board of School Visitors. liis influence in the Church life will be felt REV. SYLVESTER CLARK D. D. See Page 90 RT. REV. FREDERICK F. JOHNSON D. D. See Page 91 NEWTOWN BORN MINISTERS 91 through coming years by many who will not know its source ; the example he set and the words he spoke as a Christian man and pastor will continue to enrich many lives. The truth of the state- ment that though "he rests from his labors, his works still follow" is exempHfied in the fact that in 1917, thirteen years since he enter- ed into rest, $50,000 are being raised for a new St. Luke's Church and "The Sylvester Clarke Parish House Memorial," to take the place of the outgrown chapel he founded in 1870, ARTHUR THOMAS PARSONS. Arthur Thomas Parsons, born in Sandy Hook, Dec. 2, 1847, at- tended public schools, was fitted for college in St. Paul's School, Brookfield. Conn., entered Trinity College in 1867, was graduated in 1871, a member of the Delta Upsilon and the Phi Beta Kappa fraternities, entered Berkeley Divinity School in 1871, was grad- uted in 1874, the ordination to the Diaconate by Bishop Williams taking place on May 27. The class of 1874 was the first to be or- dained in the new Church (Holy Trinity) in Middletown, and, as Mr. Parsons was senior candidate, he has the honor of being the first man ordained in that building. Mr. Parsons was advanced to the Priesthood in St. Andrew's Church, Meriden, by Bishop John Williams, Feb. 21, 1875. Rectorships : St. Alban's Church. Danielson, Conn., May 27, 1847, to March 1, 1880; St. George's Church, Central Falls, R. I., March 1, 1880, to Jan. 1, 1885; St. Stephen's Church, East Haddam, Conn, Jan. 1, 1885 to Jan. 1, 1890; Trinity Church, Thomaston, Conn., Jan. 1, 1890, to June 1, 1909; Christ Memorial Church, North Brookfield, Mass., June 1, 1909, to April 1, 1912; Christ Church, Shefifield, Mass., April 1, 1912, to October 1, 1914. Retired from active service, Oct. 1, 1914. Has since lived in Northampton, Mass. In 1878 married Sarah E. Peck, of Brooklyn, N. Y., daughter of Richard W. and Sarah (Mather) Peck. One child, Jessie A. Par- sons, is secretary to the Librarian of Smith College, Northampton, Mass. REV. EDWARD J. EGAN. Born in Newtown, Dec. 12, 1861, graduated from Newtown Academy, 1879. Graduated from St. Charles College, Ellicott, Md., 1883; entered St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, N. Y., the same year, and was ordained, Dec. 19, 1885. Son of Edward and Eliza Gordan Egan. Pastor of St. Philip and James Church, Phillipsburg, N. J. RT. REV, FREDERICK FOOTE JOHNSON, D..D. Rt. Rev. Frederick Foote Johnson, D. D., born at Newtown, Conn., .A.pril 23, 1866, son of Ezra L. and Jane E. Camp Johnson ; educated at public school, Newtown Academy, St. Stephen's Col- lege, Annandale, N. Y., Cheshire Episcopal School and Trinity Col- lege. Hartford, Conn., from which he was graduated with degree of B. A. in 1894, M. A. in 1897. Theological course at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn.; ordained deacon at Newtown, 92 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Conn., Nov. 11, 1896, by Bishop White of Indiana, ordained priest, 1897, bv Bishop Spalding at Denver, Colorado. Was minister at Glenwood Springs, Colorado, 1897 ; curate at St. Stephen's Church, Colorado Springs, 1897-98; rector Boulder, Colorado, 1898; rector Trinity Church, Redlands, California, 1899-1904; Diocesan Mission- ary, Western Mass., 1904-05 ; elected assistant to Bishop Hare, South Dakota, 1905 ; consecrated Bishop at Newtown, Conn., Nov. 2, 1905. Given D. D. degree by Trinity College, 1906; D. D. by Berkeley, 1909. After the death of Bishop Hare, Oct. 23, 1909, he was elected Bishop of South Dakota, Oct. 11, 1910; elected Bishop Coadjutor of Missouri in May, 1911. Feb. 4, 1899, he married at Redlands, California, Susan Lynn Beers, daughter of Silas Nor- man and Sarah Nichols Beers, of Newtown. She died, June 23, 1901, at Redlands, California. June 26, 1915, married Elizabeth L. Beers, daughter of Daniel G. and Arabella Fitch Beers, of Newtown. Son by first marriage, born at Redlands, California, July 17, 1900, Frederick Foote Johnson, Jr. REV. JAMES HARDIN GEORGE, JR. Though born Nov. 21, 1884, in Salisbury, Conn., Rev. James Hardin George has a right to be called a Newtown boy by virtue of his descent in a direct line from Rev. John Beach, through his mother, Harriet Emma Sanford, deceased wife of Rev. James H. George, for fifteen years rector of Trinity Church, Newtown. His early schooling was at Salisbury, followed by a course at the Hotchkiss School, a large preparatory school for Yale. He entered Trinity College in 1902, and evidently made good use of his time, for he was graduated in 1905, one year ahead of time. Perhaps it was due to his having acquired "a thirst for strange tongues" through his close companionship during his college course with Dr. W. A. Martin, Professor of Oriental languages, that the same year he was sent to Shanghai, China, to teach history in St. John's University there. He spent a vacation in Japan, then because of ill-health it seemed best to return home. Having decided to study for the ministry he entered Philadelphia Divinity School. While pur- suing his studies he was a member of the Philadelphia City mission. Ascension Day, 1908, he was ordained deacon at Trinity Church Newtown, by Bishop Johnson, and went that summer to do mission work in South Dakota, returning to Philadelphia in the fall to com- plete his seminary work, and was made second assistant to the work in the parish of St. Simeon. As soon as he was free from that duty, he returned to his former field in the extreme northwest section of South Dakota, in the new territory about Lemmon, which was a new town still having the "smack of the wild West." A new Chapel was built while he was in charge. During his stay in China he became devoted to Miss. Carrie Mason Palmer, then a laborer in the mission field. He reported coming east in time to prevent the return of Miss Palmer to China, and they were married, Sept. 28, 1910. He accepted a call then to St. Alban's, Danielson, where he remained until October, 1916, when he became rector of Calvary Church, Columbia, Missouri. While at WM. B. PRINDLE Elected Chorister of Trinity Church, from 1835 to 1875. Elected Junior Warden 1880 Senior Warden 1883 Died May 23rd 1903 |i NEWTOWN BORN MINISTERS 93 Danielson he founded St. Paul's Mission, Plainfield, and by the aid of the diocese a beautiful Church was built. A son, James Hardin George, 3rd, was born Feb. 2, 1914. Now Mr. George, 1918, is a Chaplain in France. ST. JAMES' CHURCH. No record yet found gives the exact date of the building of St. James' Church, Zoar, which stood on the hill opposite the present jGray's Plain school house. As nearly as can be ascertained, it was about 1830, with Rev. Dr. Daniel Burhans, who had resigned jthe rectorship of Trinity parish, as first rector. In 1832, he re- signed and went to Plymouth, Conn. No record is found of reg- 'ular services for many years, but Rev. Mr. Stratton and Rev. Mr. Stocking, rectors of Trinity, gave occasional services. St. James is the little Church whose services, people and surroundings are so graphically and truthfully depicted in "Shiloh" by W. M. L. Jay. [She was grand-daughter to Alfred Devine and Sarah Hard Curtis. Her husband. Rev. Curtis Woodruff, for many years City mis- isionary at New York City, often officiated there. i Rev. H. V. Gardner had charge for several years in connection I with St. Paul's. Huntington. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Davis , (Rev. Mr. Taylor in "Shiloh") then by Rev. Collis I. Potter, resid- ling in Huntington. Losses by death and removal so depleted the attendance that after the building of St. John's, Sandy Hook, the building was sold and removed. I ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. I St. John's Church, Sandy Hook, is the offspring of Trinity, New- ' town. In the spring of 1864, Mrs. Susan Nichols Glover, direct j descendant of Rev. John Beach, wife of William B. Glover, seeing j the need of more personal local Sunday School work in the village, I gathered the children in her home and taught them. The inter- est increased and after awhile the school was removed to the upper room of the old store building, which later became the \ Masonic hall (burned in 1905,) where services were held occasion- j ally by Rev. George Davis who lived in Zoar and by Rev. Dr. Mar- ble, until the present Church edifice was erected. I The first regular mission work by the Episcopal Church in this j part of town was conducted by Rev. Wm. N. Ackley, assistant min- ( ister of Trinity parish and was continued by Rev Francis W. Bar- nett and other assistants of the mother Church. The first organization of this movement in Sandy Hook was the Diocesan Missionary Association of St. John's Church, in the I parish of Trinity Church, Newtown, Dec. 2, 1879. This organiza- I tion was discontinued, on account of withdrawal of canonical con- sent of the rector of Trinity parish. Rev. T. W. Haskins, and St. John's parish was organized, June 1, 1880, the formal consent of Bishop Williams and the Standing Committee having been given, May 25, 1880. The original members were Minott Augur, James H. Warner, Smith P. Glover, Frederick Chambers, Ralph N. Betts, William E. Ackley, Isaac Percy Blackman, John L. Sanford, Charles M. Parsons, William B. Sniffen, Augustus W. Orgelman, Benjamin G. Curtis, Wm. G. Hard, James M. Blackman, Eli J. Morris, Martin 94 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN W. Lee, Wm. A. Sherman, James Turner, Charles H. Payne, Am- mon Taylor, E. W. Wilson, M. B. Terrill, Chester Hard, Charles E. Minor, Alonzo Taylor, Wm. A. Bradley. St. John's Guild was organized, June 1, 1880, at the house of S. P. Glover. This Guild had its beginning in the sewing society of the ladies of St. John's Church, organized, Sept. 30, 1876, under the administration of Rev. Thomas Mallaby, assistant to Rev. Dr. Marble of Trinity Church and has always been an important factor in the support and progress of the Church. The present Church building was commenced in 1868, in accord- ance with the conditions of a bequest of $5,000 by the will of Wm. B. Glover, which was generously increased by his son. Smith P. Glover, who also purchased the land on which the Church stands for $1500 and gave it to the parish. The building was done by authority of Trinity parish, under the direction of a committee composed of Charles Morehouse, Smith P. Glover, James H. War- ner, Fred'k Chambers and Eli J. Morris. The corner stone was laid, Aug. 27, 1868. It was consecrated Oct. 12, 1869, by Bishop Williams. The first rector was Rev. H. L. Myrick, x^ugust, 1880. Until then it was a chapel of Trinity and served by assistants of Trinity. Mr. Myrick resigned in May, 1886, at which time Rev. A. P. Chapman took charge until April, 1891. Mr. Chapman was a faithful pastor and did good work in the place, conducting a private school in the parish hall. Rev. Otis Olney Wright became rector in May, 1891. It was with keen regret that his people accepted his resignation to take effect in October, 1912. It was so true that "Mr. Wright's ministry extends beyond his parish and to the whole community. His efforts in establishing the Sandy Hook library and his interest and labors for the public schools cannot be forgotten, and through his articles in The Bee, a gratuitous, kindly service, he has had an audience of from 12,000 to 20,000 weekly." He removed to Swansea, Mass, where he is leading a peaceful but busy life among a people whom he had served before going to Sandy Hook. His successor is Rev. Charles Tibbals, who became rector in February, 1913. THE METHODIST CHURCH. The first class meeting held by the Methodists was in 1800. The first preaching service was held in the house of Mrs. Phebe Peck, just above the village, with others afterward in the old town house. In 1805, a class was formed as a nucleus to forming a Church or- ganization. Later a class was formed at Flat Swamp in 1828. Circuit preaching was had once in about four weeks, at school houses or at private dwellings. The first meeting house, dedicated in 1831, stood just north of Mrs. Marcus Hawley's residence. In 1850, that building was sold, and a more commodious one built at Sandy Hook at a cost of $3,300. The old building was removed near Newtown railroad station, and became the carriage-shop of C. H. Gay, and, later, was burned while the property of C. H. Bassett. A Universalist Society, organized early in the nineteenth century, built REV. OTIS OLXEY WRIGHT See Page 94 u Cm O U en I — I H cyi Q O X H W ST. ROSE R. C CHURCH Sic Page 95 KEY. JAMES McCAKTAX See Page 95 NEWTOWN CHURCHES 95 a commodious house of worship in the center of the village, but sold it to the Roman Catholics, who later sold it to the town and it is now the Newtown Town Hall. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Baptist Church of which there is knowledge stood on the rocks by the Ezekiel Beers place, now owned by President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale College. It was a barn-like structure, not at all churchly in appearance. About 1850, there was a revival among the Baptists, who built a neat little Church at the corner of Berkshire Cemetery. Death and removal of the members so weakened the Baptist society that no stated services were held for several years. The building was used for funerals and services were held occasionally by other Christian bodies. In 1913, the cemetery wishing to enlarge the grounds, the build- ing was sold and removed. ST. ROSE CHURCH. The first resident pastor of the Roman Catholic Church of New- town was Rev. Francis Lenihan, who organized the parish, Aug. 1, 1859. Previous to his appointment, Newtown was served by a priest from Danbury. Father Lenihan purchased the first ceme- tery, but it was not blessed until the pastorate of Rev. James Daly, who came here in March, 1862, leaving in July, 1868. Rev. John Rogers became pastor, July 22, 1868, remaining until July, 1873. His successor was Rev. James McCartan, who came in August, 1873 and died, January, 1889. The present Church was erected during his pastorate, in 1882, and his grave is in the Church- yard. i The old Church, purchased by Rev. John Sinith about 1858, had j been a Universalist meeting house. It is now Newtown's Town i Hall. Rev. Patrick Donahue succeeded Rev. James McCartan, re- I maining until 1891. Rev. Patrick Fox succeeded Rev. Patrick I Donahue. Rev. George T. Sinnott succeeded Rev. Patrick Fox July 30, 1910. The new cemetery was bought. May 16, 1891. Ground was broken for the Church in 1881. Mass was first said I in the completed Church, the first Sunday in August, 1883. It I cost about $25,000, the old bell and organ being taken from the old Church. The body of the Church will seat 800, the galleries 300. j SANDEMANIAN CHURCH. * A Sandemanian society was organized in 1740. The building I in which they held services stood midway between Mrs. Marcus I Hawley's and the middle district school house. The Sandeinaniana disbanded in the early years of the last century 96 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 1717 NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS In the persistent elTorts of the pioneers to provide school privi- leges for their children, the town was divided into school districts as the needs of different sections arose, but the districts were not recognized in law until about 1766 and had no corporate existence until 1794. NORTH CENTER Committees were chosen for the several districts at the annual town meeting and a tax laid on the rateable estates of the town to meet the expenses of the several schools, the length of the school year depending upon the amount of money raised for that purpose. All were under town management until the system of each district paying its own school expenses was adopted. The first volume of Newtown Records shows when and how North Center and Middle districts came into existence, and tells of locating and building a school house for each district. The land that comprises the town of Newtown was bought from the Indians in 1705. Twelve years thereafter, Oct. 2, 1717, it was "voted by ye Inhabitants of ye town that a schoolhouse or town house shall forth- with or with all possible speed be erected of ye following dimensions: 25 foot square and 8 foot between joynts and whereas Joseph Grey and Peter Hubbell have undertaken to build ye said house (viz) to get, draw the timber, make ye frame, get all ye shingles and clapboards and lay them, ye town finding nails, it is agreed and voted to give ye workmen for said work 10 pounds money to be paid upon their accomplishing or compleating their work workmanlike. Entered, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." Three months later, Jan. 8, 1718, a town meeting was held to fix the location of the town house when it was "voted, that the place for building ye schoolhouse or town house or house for holding town meetings in, and for teaching school in, shall be on ye main street or town street, near unto Abraham Kimberly's and John Lake's house, which is ye northeast corner of ye cross road yt leads to Pohtatuck brook." The building served the two purposes until 1733, 18 years, when a larger town house was needed, and the town voted to give up the building to the town's children, the neighborhood moving it at their own expense. The location of the building was where the school- house for what was the Middle district now stands, and is now used for the primary department of the consolidated district. The agitation to build a second school-house was begun in 1727, when a town meeting of the inhabitants, Sept. 13, "voted, yt there shall be erected a school-house between ye date above sd and December next ensuing ye sd date, and ye charges arising in building sd school- house shall be defrayed by ye town rate of ye inhabitants of sd town. Test, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." One month later, Oct. 19, 1727, it was voted that "Hugh Stillson, Ephraim Hawley and Jeremiah Northrop should be a committee in ye behalf of ye town to erect a school-house at ye place to be appointed, of 25 foot long and 18 foot wide, to be erected with all possible space and ye whole care of ye compleating ye sd house fit for service is. left with ye above sd committee, the town ratifying and confirming what ye above sd committee shall do about ye premises above said. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 97 The building was finished in the early fall of 1728 and, at the annual town meeting in December of that year, the town "voted, that ye selectmen shall take care of ye school and are hereby authorized and empowered to hire a schoolmaster so long as ye overplus money in ye town rate will support it." For three years, the records show that no definite time was set for the continuance of the school, but only as the money should hold out. At the annual meeting, Dec. 16, 1731 it was "voted, that a school for ye public service of ye town that may well answer ye end for promoting of common learning shall be kept this year for ye space of six months. To begin as soon as a sufficient school- master may be obtained and to be a constant and continued school for six months and that it shall be supported and maintained, ye one half by ye sd town and ye other half by ye 'schoolers' in proportion to ye time which they attend ye school, and that John Golot, Moses Stillson and Ephraim Hawley are chosen and appointed to take ye whole care of ye school as above voted, the town ratifying and confirming what ye sd committee shall do in ye premises. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." Three years pass, and Dec. 19, 1734, the annual town meeting "voted, that Lieut Thomas Skidmore, Stephen Burwell and John Lake be a committee in ye behalf of ye sd town to take care of ye school, to lay out ye said 14 pounds as far as it shall go for ye maintaining of ye school to ye best advantage for ye support of ye school." Although permission was given to build a school-house in 1733, no definite action was taken until Dec, 1737. There had been disagreement as to location that delayed action, and, Jan. 2, 1738, a new committee reported. "We whose names are underwritten, being appointed a committee to fix ye spot or place for erecting a school-house at ye north end of ye town above sd, is westerly of ye spot where they, the sd north end, had dug for erecting sd school-house is as near ye common road as conveniency will allow, where we ye sd committee affixed stakes. John Northrop, Moses Stillson, Joseph Botsford, Benjamin Hawley, Ephraim Prindle, committee." In Dec. 1741, the town "voted, that Ensign John Glover and Abel Booth were chosen a committee for ye north school and to provide a sufficient school-master for sd work, and lay out half of ye money voted for ye school at j'e south end. March 1, 1769, voted, "that ye subscribers to a certain instrument for a school to be kept at ye Town house shall have liberty to use ye Town house for schooling ye six months coming, viz: Jonathan Booth, Doct. Lemuel Thomas, Abiel Botsford, and all their associates of sd school." This was the first private school held in Newtown. Voted, "Doctor Lemuel Thomas and Doctor Nathan Worshburn shall be committee for ye south school, Ebenezer Ford and Jonathan Booth for ye north school, Robert Summers, Amos Hard and Benjamin Curtis for ye Zoar school, Gamaliel French and Benjamin Burr for Huntingtown, Moses Wright, Ensign Joseph Prindle and Peter Nichols committee for Tinkerfield school, Jonah Sanford and Amos Merchant for Pohtatuck school, ye year en- suing." Report of the committee appointed at the annual town meeting of Dec. 10, 1770, to look into the situation of the two schools in Newtown street : j "To ye adjourned town meeting of Newtown inhabitants to meet on ye I 17th day, instant. Whereas we ye subscribers being appointed a com- ' mittee to take into consideration ye situation and circumstances of ye two schools in sd Newtown called ye north and j'^e south schools, in ye old I society, we find yt ye list of ye north school is 3683 pounds, including ye list of Capt. Joseph Wheeler, and yt ye scholars are too numerous for 1 one school, and yt ye northern parts, or Currituck so-called, should be i set off for a district and begin north of ye house of Ensign James Black- man, then running westerly to New Milford road, leaving ye house of Thomas Chambers on ye north and keeping sd road until it strikes ye 98 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Slut's Hill district then extending northward until it strikes ye Obtuse road to ye Lands End brook, and all other parts on districts al- ready set off. The school called ye north school to extend northward to ye line already given, and to extend so far south as to include ye houses of Ebenezer Bristol and Widow Lake, and to be so understood yt ye two schools called ye north and ye south schools to enjoy all former privi- leges of subscriptions, donations, etc., as usual. The above district of Currituck voted exclusive of Thomas Chambers and Gideon Shepherd which are to remain to their former school." Jonathan Booth, Samuel Beers, Oliver Tousey, Ephraim Sherman, Joseph Wheeler, Committee. Attest, Caleb Baldwin, town clerk." In Dec, 1771, the town voted "that ye proprietors of ye north school shall have liberty to set up a school-house for their district at ye west end of ye meeting house about eight rods distance of ye meeting house." What friction caused that action we know not. Nothing further appears on record as to the matter, showing that the vote never materialized. "Whereas, at a special Town meeting of the Town of Newtown held Saturday, January 5, 1878, at one o'clock p. m., it was voted that the school district lines be defined by the selectmen, and the Town clerk make copy of the same in a book kept for that purpose. Now, therefore, we the se- lectmen of the Town of Newtown for the time being have performed said duty with the assistance of Beach Nichols as surveyor and do hereby de- fine and fix the lines of the following named districts in the words and figures here-in-after set down. Flat Swamp, Gray's Plain, Gregory's Or- chard, Half Way River, Hanover, Head of the Meadow, Hopewell, Hunting- town, Lake George, Land's End, Middle, Middle Gate, North Center, Pal- estine, Potatuck, Sandy Hook, South Center, Taunton, Toddy Hill, Wal- nut Tree Hill, Walker's Farms, Wapping and Zoar. Said named dis- tricts twenty three in number being all of the districts into which said Town of Newtown is at present divided. Newtown, April 1, 1878. William N. Northrop, W. J. Sanford, William H. Hoy, selectmen. Beach Nichols, surveyor. Recorded by Charles Henry Peck, Town Clerk." Survey of 1878 Beginning at a point on the highway on East Side of Taunton pond, 74 rods north of the east and west turnpike, thence southwesterly to the south east corner of Taunton pond, thence northwesterly along the east shore of sd pond to the north east corner, thence north six degrees west to the south line of Robert N. Hawley's Barnabas Hill land (so-called). Thence easterly in the south line of sd Hawley's land to the south east cor- ner. Thence south easterly one and one half rods to the north west corner of Albert Turner's land. Thence easterly on the line between sd Turner and Edwin Camp to highway. Thence north 24 degrees 15 minutes, east 39.74 chains to west side of Bridgeport and Newtown turnpike. Thence same course 23.50 chains to danger signal post, at crossing of railroad and highway to Lake George, sd signal post being at the corner of Land's End, Lake George, Hanover and North Center districts. Thence south easterly along the Housatonic railroad to the crossing of highway and railroad near the old Brick Yard. Thence southeasterly a straight line to the intersection of the Green road with the road across Walnut Tree Hill. Thence Southerly on line of sd Highway to the Northeast Corner of James Turner's land (formerly Caleb Baldwin's) thence westerly on north line of sd Turner's land to the N. west corner near the Foundry pond. Thence s. 63 1-4 degrees west to the northwest corner of George C. Peck's homestead on West side of Island road, thence southerly on sd road to the southeast corner, thence westerly on line to southwest corner, thence northerly on west line to a point 2 3-4 rods south of sd Peck's northwest corner, thence south 63 1-4 degrees west to the southeast corner of Mrs. David H. Johnson's homestead on west side of Carcass lane, thence west- erly on south line of sd Johnson's land to Newtown street, thence across NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 99 J sd street to the north-east corner of David B. Beers' homestead, thence westerly in north line of sd Beers land to land of L. B. Booth (formerly , David H. Johnson), thence same course across sd Booth's land to high- way at southwest corner, thence north 2 degrees west, 41 rods in line of , Elmer W. Fairchild on the west and sd Booth and Norman B. Glover on the east to the N. W. corner of Norman B. Glover's land, thence on line , of stone wall through land of sd Fairchild S. 71 degrees west Zl rods, ^ thence on sd wall west 52 rods, thence on wall S. 16 degrees E. 5 rods, I thence on wall north 88 degrees W. to place of beginning." J MIDDLE [] First Town House. Built in 1718. Served Also for a School-house Until the year 1733, at which time the two districts, North Cen- ter and Middle district were formed, and the town voted that the people of the north end of the town might build a school-house near the house of Abraham Bennitt, provided it be built at their own expense, and also voted at the saine meeting that the ] south end of the town should have liberty to remove the town I house (to make way for a new and larger town house) at their I own expense to be their school-house, at such place as shall be 1 thought most convenient for the neighborhood. It was done and ' the location of the building was where the school-house for the Middle District now stands. The school-house for North Center I was long time in coming and during the interim all the children ' were being cared for at the school in Middle district. Survey of 1878 1 "Beginning on the highway east of Taunton Pond seventy-four (74) rods I North of the east and west turnpike, thence Southwesterly to the high- I way at the southwest corner of sd Pond, Thence Southerly by highway I to East and West Turnpike, Thence Southerly by old abandoned road to ' angle in highway about 50 rods northeast of Mrs. Carroll's house, thence I by highway easterly to the Norwalk turnpike, thence northeasterly by ( highway to the road leading to Palestine, thence southerly on sd Pales- tine road to Deep Brook, thence easterly by sd Deep Brook to the bridge on highway running past the cemetery, thence northeasterly by sd high- I way to the intersection of the road leading to Abel Stillson's house, { thence north 75 degrees east to the southwest corner of Hermon H. Peck's home lot on East side of the Bridgeport and Newtown turnpike, thence on south line of sd home lot N. 66 degrees east to Deep Brook, thence down sd Brook to the South west corner of Roswell Turney's land about 15 rods upstream from the bridge on Turney's land, thence easterly on I the south line of sd Turney's land, thence easterly on the south line of the sd Turney's land to the intersection of a straight line from Mile Hill Bridge to Mount Tom Brook bridge on Newtown and Sandy Hook road, thence northwesterly on sd line to Mt. Tom Brook bridge, thence easterly on sd Newtown and Sandy Hook road 24 rods, thence north 54 1-2 degrees east between the house and barn of James Turner (formerly William Glover) to highway leading to Walnut Tree Hill, thence by sd highway to the northeast corner of sd Turner's land (formerly Caleb Baldwin), thence westerly on the north line to the north- west corner near Foundry pond, thence south 63 1-4 degrees west to the northeast corner of George C. Peck's land on Island road, thence south- erly on sd road to the southeast corner, thence westerly to southwest corner, thence northerly on line of stone fence to a point 2 3-4 rods south of sd Peck's northwest corner, thence south 63 1-4 west to southeast cor- ner of Mrs. D. H. Johnson's homestead, on west side of Carcass lane, Ihence westerly along south line of sd Johnson's land to Newtown street, thence across sd street to the north line of D. B. Beers homestead, thence westerly on north line of sd Beers' homestead to land of L. B. Booth 100 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN (formerly D. H. Johnson), thence same course across sd Booth's land to Highway at Southwest corner, thence north 2 degrees west 41 rods in line of Elmer W. Fairchild on the west and sd Booth and Norman B. Glover on the east to the northwest corner of Norman B. Glover's land, thence on line of stone wall through land of sd Fairchild south 71 degrees west Zl rods, thence on said wall west 52 rods, thence on wall south 16 degrees east 5 rods, thence on wall north 88 degrees west to place of beginning." 1738 TAUNTON After town action on the several dates concerning the North Center and Middle districts, the first record of an out-lying district was for Taunton. "December 3, 1738, voted and agreed that ye west farm called Taunton shall have liberty to build a school-house upon their own charge and to have their proportions of money voted for ye school from time to time according to their list of rateable estate provided they lay out ye money for ye school within ye year." District lines established in 1878: "Taunton school district, beginning on the town line between Bethel and Newtown on the highest point of Jolley Hill at stone bounds near a high rock, thence S 85 degrees E to a stone bounds on highway leading southerly from Henry and George Fairchild's residence 4 1-2 rods south of William and Henry Fairchild's line, thence in a straight line Easterly to highway running northerly from Norman Northrop's residence at the line between said Northrop's and William Fairchild's, thence a straight line Easterly stone bounds near the sharp angle of old abandoned high- way leading Southerly from Taunton Pond, thence Northerly by said old road and road west of said Pond to the South west corner of said Pond, thence Easterly a straight line to the South East corner, thence Northerly along the East shore to the North East corner, thence North 6 degrees West to Robert N. Hawley's Barnabas Hill land, thence Westerly in the south line of said Hawley's land to the South West corner, thence Westerly a straight line to Pond Brook Bridge near Shepaug Railroad crossing, thence down Pond Brook to Pokono Brook, thence up Pokono Brook North Branch to a rock in fence situated in a marsh the head of Pokono Brook, thence north ZZ degrees West to the North West corner of the Town of Newtown, thence southerly along town line between Newtown and Bethel to place of beginning." 1745 ZOAR January 20, 1745, the town voted that the eastward farms called Zoar shall have the same liberty to set up and carry on schooling among themselves as the farmers elsewhere have and to build their school-houses without any charge to the town and that Ben- jamin Curtis shall be a committee to provide a school master for Zoar. The limits of Zoar Easternmost school was established by vote in town meeting Dec. 5, 1768. "The limits of Zoar Easternmost school shall extend from Zachariah Ferris's shop to the Great River at Peter Foot's, including Josiah Piatt, and down the road to the Stratford line at Walker's Farm." Zoar district originally took in the districts of Zoar, Grey's Plain, Half Way River and that portion of Newtown now included in the joint district with Sotithbury known as Wapping. Gray's Plain was set of? in 1784 and Half Way River and Wapping in 1786. Zoar, as given by survey of 1878: "Beginning at the mouth of Pole bridge brook on the Housatonic river, thence up said brook to a point directly in line with the southeasterly corner of Lawrence Mitchell's land on Housatonic river and the south NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 101 east corner of Cornelia Curtis' land, thence southerly along said line of Cornelia Curtis' corner which is on highway leading from Berkshire to Bennett's bridge 24 1-2 rods northerly from a small stream crossing said road, thence in a straight line westerly to Mile Hill bridge on Pohtatuck brook, thence southerly by Pohtatuck Brook to its junction with Saw Mill Brook, thence southerly by sd Saw Mill brook west branch to the north abuttment of bridge over Saw Mill brook on highway leading from the north mouth of the old Lebbon road to the Toddy Hill road, near Cap- tain Walter Bradley's residence, thence easterly a straight line to a pile of stones on the old Lebbon road near the south east corner of John Kane Jr's land, thence in a straight line N. Th degrees E. to the bridge over a small stream crossing highway about 40 rods westerly of the High Rock road at Lockwood Shepherd house, thence easterly by highway to the mouth of the High Rock road, thence northerly to a point on highway 50 rods west of Frederick Chambers' dwelling house at corner of highway, thence easterly by said highway to Gelding Hill Brook between the dwell- ing houses of Thomas O. Chambers and Charles Johnson, thence northerly by said brook to the Housatonic river, thence northerly by said Housa- tonic river to Pole bridge brook, the place of beginning." 1745 LAND'S END Wiskenear At Newtown's town meeting Dec. 9, 1745, it was voted "that all ye north- ern inhabitants dwelling within ye township of Newtown, that is to say northward of ye Pond Brook and westward of a south line beginning at ye New Milford line so as to run 40 rods east of ye Dunnings and to be extended to ye above sd Pond Brook, shall have liberty to set up and carry on a school among themselves for ye well educating their children in reading and writing as ye law aims at, they not putting ye town to any charge to build their school-house and that they shall have power ac- cording to their list, to draw out their proportion for use aforesaid of ye money which this town hath this year voted for ye use of schooling, or shall be voted from years to years, so also their proportion of 40 shillings upon ye thousand in ye country, ordered by law for promoting of school- ing whensoever ye country tax shall be levied on this town and collected. These bounds to include Jeremiah Turner as their most southern part and Lieutenant Smith was appointed to provide a teacher for Whiskenear and Jabez Hurd, collector of ye money." On the twenty-second day of Dec, 1779, the town in town meeting voted "that ye inhabitants of ye town living on ye main road leading from Newtown to Newbury, from Land's End brook to Newbury's south line, extending so far west as to include ye Widow Abigail Turner, shall be a district for a school." known by ye name of Land's End school, and so it is that the present district name dates back to the year 1779, a period of 134 years, in Dec. of this year, with the present district lines as established in 1878, which are as follows : Beginning at a stone monument marked B. and N. on north east side of highway leading from Hawleyville Depot, to Danbury. Thence along the town line S. 41 degrees W. 34 rods six links to pile of stones on top of hill, 11 feet south of a big rock. Thence same coarse 54 rods to pile of stones a few feet west of a rock on the line of an old wall, running in a north and south direction, said pile of stones being on the corner of New- town and Brookfield in the east line of Bethel. Thence S. ZZ degrees, 51 minutes, E. 6.10 chains to a large rock in fence in a marsh, the head of Pokono Brook (North branch). Thence south easterly along said Pokono brook to bridge on Highway running south from James Green's residence. Thence down Pokono brook to Pond brook. Thence up Pond brook to bridge on highway near Shepaug railroad crossing. Thence easterly in a straight line to the south west corner of Robert N. Hawley's Barnabas Hill land (so-called). Thence in the southerly line to the south east cor- ner. Thence south easterly one and one half rods to North West corner 102 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN of Albert Turner's land. Thence easterly on line to the northeast cor- ner on highway leading to Hawleyville from Newtown. Thence north 24 degrees, 15 minutes east 39.74 chains to west side of Newtown and Bridge- port turnpike. Thence same course 23.50 chains to danger signal at rail- road crossing at Lake George, said signal being at the corner of Land's End, Hanover, Lake George and North Center districts. Thence N. 45 degrees west 238 rods to point on highway running easterly from R. N. Hawley's residence about 60 rods west of James Lake's house. Thence north 58 degrees, west 204 rods to Pond brook. Thence north 65 degrees west 20 rods Land's End mill on highway. Thence westerly by said high- way to the intersection of road at Benjamin Hawley's old house. Thence northerly by highway to town line of Brookfield. Thence along said line south 41 degrees west to place of beginning." 1748 PALESTINE At the annual town meeting Dec. 3, 1748, it was "voted that ye limits of ye farm called Palestine shall be northward of Mr. John Glover's house, so from there running easterly to include Noah Parmelee's house, and Ephraim Prindle's and Benjamin Stillson's house, and so on to Abraham Beers' house. It was also voted "that all parents or masters who send children to school shall find fire wood in proportion to ye scholars they shall send, and if any person fail of doing so it shall be in ye power of ye school committee to recover their proportion in money by an action of debt upon complaint made to j'e Justice of ye Peace, who, upon recovery shall forthwith lay out sd money for procuring of wood for ye school or answering for ye wood procured before, by reason of ye aforesaid neglect." Voted "there shall be two pence upon ye pound of ye list of rateable es- tate of ye inhabitants for supporting of ye schools of ye several farms and shall stand good for ye year provided they shall keep a good school four months of ye year and render an account to ye selectmen that they have kept a good school as aforesaid." John Beers was appointed to be collector for ye Palestine school. Ye money arising out of ye town shall be expended according to their lists, two-thirds in Michalmas and winter season and the other third in spring and summer and ye parents, masters and mistresses of ye scholars shall add and pay one-third part so much money in cash of ye above mentioned seasons to ye support of ye res- pective schools in ye limits in which they dwell, that is to say one- third part of ye expenses shall be paid by ye scholars, and John Beers shall be collector for ye Palestine school. Survey of 1878 Beginning on the Norwalk and Newtown Turnpike at the head of the Cireat Bogs, thence by the northeast side of the Great Bogs to the South- east corner of W. D. B. Ferris' land, thence northerly in the east line of said Ferris' land to highway 32 rods south of the intersection of a road running northwesterly to W. D. B. Ferris' residence, thence northerly by highway to a point due west from the mouth of a road leading southerly from Mrs. Heman Northrop's house on Palestine road to Point of Rocks road, thence due west on said line to mouth of said road, thence south- easterly in a straight line to the north branch of Pohtatuck Brook or river at crossing of Orchard Hill road, to the Piatt's Hill, thence westerly by said Piatt's Hill road to its junction with the Hog Swamp road, thence southerly by the Hog Swamp road to the southeast corner of Mrs. Her- mon Beers homestead, thence west and south in the line of said Beers land to brook, thence southerly by said brook to the road leading from Jerome H. Botsford's residence to Huntingtown, thence northwesterly by said highway to its junction with highway leading from J. H. Botsford's to Turney French's saw mill, thence northwesterly by highway to corner of highway at the residence of J. H. Botsford's, thence southwesterly by highway to the road leading from Hattertown to Dodgingtown, thence NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 103 northerly by said highway to road leading easterly to heirs of Dr. Bron- son's residence, thence westerly to old shut highway to an old cellar, once the house of Bill Wells and now owned by Jerome H. Botsford, thence northerly to a point on road leading from Dodgingtown to Hattertown about six rods south of Wanzer Piatt's dwelling, thence northerly along said highway to the S. E. corner of Irving B. Goodsell's homestead (for- merly F.zra Morgan's) thence northerly in the east line of said homestead to the Palestine road, thence easterly by said road to the southeast corner of said Goodsell's land, thence northerly to the southwest corner of the Great Bogs, thence northerly by the Great Bogs to Norwalk and New- town turnpike at the foot of a hill, thence northeasterly by said turnpike to the place of beginning." 1755 HANOVER Dec. 8, 1755, the town voted "that ye inhabitants of ye farms lying northerly of ye two mile brook, so-called in Newtown, shall have ye money that arises on their several lists for ye maintaining schooling and others that shall join with them providing sd money be laid out among them, and Ephraim Botsford was chosen committee-man to take ye care of ye schools. — John Northrop, town clerk." The several schools did not always depend upon the amount apportioned them from the tax levied upon taxable property of the town, they at times added to their taxes by voluntary subscrip- tion, lengthening the school year. I have in my possession an original subscription paper drawn up in 1785, showing the spirit the handful of families in Hanover in those early days had which I have no doubt is a fair sample of the spirit existing throughout the whole community in their anxiety that their children be taught in at least the "three R's." "We, the subscribers whose names are under-written promise to pay the several sums annexed to our names for the purpose of hiring a schoolmaster for the time of five months. Dated at Hanover, this 10th day of October, 1785. ft s James Glover 1 11 Amos Terrill 11 Hezekiah Booth 16 Daniel Glover 16 Abraham Booth 6 Roger Terrill 4 Elijah Foote 6 Jonathan Sanford 1 Solomon Sanford 14 Oliver Pulford 11 Jonas Sanford 17 Alexander Sperry 12 John Glover 12 Thomas Wheeler 4 Sum total 9 Jonathan Sanford was E. L. Johnson's maternal great-grand- father. Survey of 1878 "Beginning at the danger signal at crossing of railroad and highway leading to Lake George, the corner of Hanover, Lake George, Land's End and North Center districts, thence north easterly to Simeon B. Peck's corner at Butterfield (so-called) on the Highway leading past Anthony McMahon's house, southerly to tunnel, thence N. easterly along the line 104 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN of said Peck's land, to corner near Highway called the Butty Hill road, near the crossing of a small stream running northerly. Thence down small stream to Pond Brook. Thence up Pond Brook to the South west corner of Thomas Costello's land (formerly A. B. Terrill's). Thence northerly in the west line of said Costello's land to the northwest cor- ner adjoining the Peter Lake Meadow (so-called) now owned by Mich- ael Lillis. Thence in a straight line N. 14 degrees east 255 rods to the stone monument in the old saw mill road at the town line between Brook- field and Newtown. Thence on said Town line N. 41 degrees east to the Housatonic river. Thence down said river to the mouth of the first small stream north of the fording place. Thence up said stream a short dis- tance to the old Union Bridge, now closed. Thence a straight line to the southeast corner of Thomas Cavanaugh's home lot. Thence S. 38 degrees west to an elbow in the road leading from Hanover across Walnut Tree Hill. Thence southerly by said road to the junction with the Walnut Tree Hill road. Thence north westerly by said road to the mouth of the Green road. Thence a straight line to the crossing of the railroad and highway near the old Brick yard. Thence northerly in line of railroad to danger signal, the place of beginning." 1761 SOUTH CENTER KETTLETOWN Jan. 30, 1761, Newtown voted in town meeting "that ye subscribers hereafter named, belonging to ye south end of j'e town or south of Deep Brook according to their desire shall have ye liberty of setting up a school among themselves, and upon their keeping a school so long as may be found beneficial for learning their children to reade or wright, etc., that then they shall draw their part of ye money appropriated for ye use of schools in Newtown. The subscribers are Peter Nichols, John Peck, Ephraim Peck, George Terrill, Daniel Baldwin, Henry Peck, Gideon Peck, Aaron Peck, Thomas Stillson. Peter Nichols and George Terrill are to provide a suitable person to teach and instruct the children in learning and Ephraim Peck shall be the committee-man. — Attest, John Northrop, town clerk." DEEP BROOK Dec, 1767, the town voted "that all included in ye circle hereafter men- tioned shall be a district for schooling known as Deep Brook school, viz: From Lieutenant Samuel Griffin to Eliphalet Hull, Noah Parmelee's, Jr., Benjamin Stillson, Gideon Northrop and Abraham Kimberly. Voted, William Birtch shall be exempted from ye above school. Voted, Ensign John Shoperd shall be committee." The school-house for Deep Brook district stood on the triangu- lar piece of ground, between three roads, now owned by A. P. Smith, editor of the Bee, and near his dwelling. It was called the Federal school-house. _ My authority was Abel B. Prindle and Town Clerk Charles Henry Peck. At the anntial town meeting Dec, 1791, Amos Sherman, Gen. John Chandler and John Beach were appointed committee to look into uniting the school at the south end of town with the school at Tinkerfield. The year following, this above committee reported as follows: "Whereas the town at their last meeting appointed a committee to examine into the circumstances of the South Center school district and Tinkerfield district and make report at this meeting which report is as follows: It is the opinion of the committee that the southerly center school and that of Tinkerfield district shall be united in one district and known as the South Center school district." The report was accepted and it was voted in town meeting December, 1792, "that the above two schools shall be united and known by the name of the South Center school district." At the first called Kettletown, a few years later changed to NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 105 Tinkcrfield, and in 1792 Deep Brook district, also known as South Center, was joined with Tinkertield district and given the new name of South Center, which name it has since retained. Survey of 1878 "Beginning at the Cold Spring culvert and running northeasterly by the Pootatuck brook to the Mile Hill bridge, thence northerly in a direct line with the Alount Tom brook bridge to the south line of Roswell Turney's land (formerly James Nichols'), thence westerly on said line to the southwest corner about IS rods up stream from the bridge across Deep Brook on said Turney's land, thence up said Deep Brook to a point in line with the south line of Hermon Peck's home lot, thence S. 66 degrees W. crossing highway to s:iid Peck's southeast corner of home lot on Bridgeport and Newtown turnpike, thence north 75 degrees west to the junction of the road leading to Abel Stillson's with the road leading past the cemetery, thence southwesterlj' along side of the road to Deep Brook, thence Southerly and Easterly by highway past William Stillson's to the mouth of the Point of Rocks road, thence southeasterly along said Point of Rocks road to its junction with a road leading southerh^ from Pales- tine road near heirs of Heman Northrop's dwelling, thence southeasterly in a straight line to the north branch of the Pootatuck Brook on Orchard Hill road, thence southeasterly along said brook to its junction with South branch, thence easterly along Pootatuck brook to Cold Spring cul- vert, the place of beginning." SLUT'S HILL In 1768 the town voted "that all included in ye circle hereafter men- tioned shall be a district for schooling known by ye name of Slut's Hill school, viz: James Baldwin, Lemuel Sherman, Benjamin Hawley, Jere- miah Turner, Junr, and all ye rest within sd limits." The circle included the territory now known as Mount Pleasant as far west as Taun- ton pond (Quanneapague Lake) and toward Hawley ville on what is still known as the "Barnabas road." This district was discontinued later. 17S8 LAKE GEORGE In Jan. 1768, the town voted "that all whose names are hereafter men- tioned shall be a district by ye name of Lake George school, viz: From Capt Joseph Wheeler to Newbury line, including all whose narnes are here annexed: Nehemiah Skidmore, Thomas Lake, Elnathan Skidmore, George Smith, Nathan Lake, Joseph Wheeler, Ezra Bryan. Voted, "that Nehemiah Skidmore shall be committee." In my younger days I heard the district took its name from the combination of the names of two men who were foremost in bring- ing the matter about. The Christian name of one man was George and the surname of the other was Lake. The combination formed, "Lake George." At the annual town meeting held in the following year, 1769, it was voted "that there shall be a tax of one farthing on ye pound for ye use of ye schools for ye year ensuing — and that ye rate may be paid in pro- visions." It was also voted "that wheat shall be rated at four shillings per bushel, rye at two shillings eight pence per bushel, flax six pence per pound, Indian corn two shillings six pence per bushel, and oats one shill- ing per bushel, for ye school rate of ye year ensuing, and also voted, "Ebenezer Bristol shall have thirty shillings as town treasurer for his services ye year ensuing." Survey of 1878 Lake George District bounds : "Beginning at the danger signal at cross 106 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN ing of railroad and highway leading to Lake George (the corner of Han- over, Lake George, Land's End and North Center districts), thence north- easterly to the northwest corner of Simeon B. Peck's land on highway leading past Anthony McMahan's southerly to Tunnel, thence northeast- erly along the line of sd Peck's land to the corner near highway called Butty Hill road near the crossing of a small stream running northerly, thence down sd stream to Pond Brook, thence up Pond Brook to the southwest corner of Thomas Costello's land, thence northerly in the west line of said Costello's land to the northwest corner adjoining the Peter Lake meadow (so-called) now owned by Michael Lillis, thence in a straight line north 14 degrees east 255 rods to the stone monument on the old saw mill road at the town line between Brookfield and Newtown, thence on sd town line S. 41, W. to monument on highway running north- erly from Benjamin Hawley's old house, thence southerly on highway to its junction with road running easterly, thence easterly along sd road to the Land's End Mill, thence S. 65 degrees E. 20 rods to Pond Brook, thence S. 58 degrees E. 204 rods to a point about 60 rods west of James Lake's house on road leading easterly from Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike near Robert N. Hawley's residence, thence S. 45 degrees, E. 238 rods to the danger signal above described and the place of beginning." 1769 FLAT SWAMP At the annual town meeting in Dec, 176Q, it was voted, "that from Timothy Shepherd's to Agur Fairchild's and to Daniel Crowfoot's and Timothy Piatt and Thomas Roberts and all within ye sd limits shall be a district for a school known by ye name of Flat Swamp school and that Daniel Crowfoot shall be school committee for ye year." In 1878, these boundary lines were run : "Beginning on the Town line between Bethel and Newtown on the highest point of Jolly Hill so-called, at stone bounds near a high rock, thence southerly along the said Town line to the northeast corner bounds of Redding, thence due east to Shut Road south of Andrew Barnum's dwelling house, thence northerly by said highway to the Jangling Plain road to the old Fairfield County turn- pike, thence due east to a point 6 rods south of Wanzer Piatt's house on the Monroe turnpike, thence northerly by said turnpike to the southeast corner of Irving Goodsell's homestead (formerly Ezra Morgan's), thence northerly in the east line of said homestead to the Palestine road, thence by said road to the southeast corner of said Goodsell's homestead, thence in the east of said homestead to the southeast corner of the Great Bogs, thence Northerly' by the Great Bogs to the Norwalk and Newtown turnipke at the foot of a hill, thence by said turnpike to Key Hole Rock, thence north- erly to a point 60 rods east of bounds near the line between William and Henry Fairchild's on highway leading south from Henry and George Fair- child's residence and in line with aforesaid bounds and the corners of William Fairchild and Norman Northrop on highway east of said highway, thence westerly 60 rods along said line to aforesaid bounds 4 1-2 rods south along said line between William Fairchild, thence north 85 degrees west to place of beginning." 1779 SANDY HOOK POHTATUCK BROOK At the annual town meeting Dec. 22, 1779, it was voted, "that the in- habitants living or residing in the following limits, viz: Beginning at Josiah Curtis' and to extend easterly on the road to Woodbury to the Great River and northerly so far as to include Hezekiah Sanford, shall be a district fur schooling and be known by the name of Pohtatuck Brook school." That lay-out took in all the country from Totn brook on the west to the Great river on the east, and along the Great river north- ward to the southerly line of Hanover district, extending northwest- NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 107 erly to the line of beginning, Tom Ijrook. The school-house for that large area was on the road to Woodbury, less than half a mile east of where Sandy Hook school-house stands, but on the op])osite side of the highway. The writer's mother, born in Sandy Hook in 1804, attended school there until she was 15. The school-house was on what is now known as Gas street, not far in a southerly direction from the road that leads over the hill to St. Rose ceme- tery. There came a time, too, when, for residents on the plain land along the west bank of the Great river, after the Abijah Curtiss house (now James Cavanaugh's) was built, (a few others living in that vicinity and along toward Hanover), a small school- house was built near the edge of the highway that led to Hanover, near a house then know as the Dillazon Peck place. This school was kept ojjen until 1854, when the children became so few in num- ber, that it was given up and the children were received into Sandy Hook school. Patrons of the school had been paying teacher's salaries ranging from $1.50 a week in summer to from $10 to $12 a month with board for a man teacher in the winter. "Pootatuck Brook School District," as established by vote of the town, in the year 1779, the greater part of which is now included in the Sandy Hook school district according to the survey of 1878 and the remainder of the same is now a portion of the two dis- tricts, Pootatuck and Walnut Tree Hill. The boundary lines of Sandy Hook district are as follows : "Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Lawrence Mitchell's land (formerly .A.bijah B. Curtis') on the banks of the Housatonic river about 10 rods north of a ledge of rocks in river near the western bank, thence westerly in a straight line to a point on the west bank of the Pootatuck brook or river directly in the line with the said Mitchell's corner and the junction of the Union bridge and Pootatuck roads a little north of the upper rubber factory in Sandy Hook, thence up said Pootatuck to a small stream emptying into said Pootatuck near said upper rubber factory, thence westerly in a straight line to the northwest corner of Charles Parsons' land on Walnut Tree Hill road near house of Morris Leavey, thence southerly along said road to a point six rods north of the Sandy Hook and Newtown road, thence south 54 1-2 degrees west between the house and barn of James Turney (formerly William Glover) to Sandy Hook and Newtown road, thence westerly along said road to Mount Tom Brook, thence in a straight line southeasterly to the Mile Hill Bridge over the Pootatuck brook or river, thence easterly to the southeast corner of Cornelia Curtis' land (formerly Philo Curtis') 24 1-2 rods north of a small stream crossing the road from Berkshire to Ben- nett's Bridge, thence in a straight line northeasterly to Mitchell's corner, the place of beginning." 1779 POHTATUCK The original school-house for Pohtatuck was close by the road in the brush, near a little stream near what was then known as the Dillazon Peck place, now the home of Mrs. Lester. In 1854, there were but seven children of school age, and they were allowed to attend school in Sandy Hook. There was no further school in Pohtatuck until the district area was increased and lines run as they now exist. At Ragged Corner, now Half Way River, the first school-house occupied ground on the highway nearer the 108 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Housatonic river than now. When the main part of the present school-house in Sandy Hook was built in 1840, the site was changed from Gas Street, one-quarter of a mile beyond its present location. The name Pohtatuck Brook had been previously changed to Sandy Hook. When lines were run for the present district of Pohtatuck in 1878, it took in that part of Pohtatuck Brook district along the west bank of the Great river, and also the Pohtatuck brook valley as far up the stream as the upper rubber factory. The present lay- out : "Corner of Lawrence Alitchell's land (formerly Abijah B. Curtis) on the banks of the Housatonic river, about 10 rods north of a ledge of rocks in said river near the western bank. Thence westerly in a straight line to a point on the west bank of Pootatuck brook or river, directly in line with the aforesaid Mitchell's corner and the junction of the Union Bridge and Pootatuck roads, a little north of the Upper Rubber factory in Sandy Hook. Thence down said Pootatuck to Lawrence Mitchell's dam. Thence following said Mitchell's saw mill dam thence following said Mitchell's watering ditch to highway near said ^Mitchell's residence. Thence north- erly and westerly in line of said higlnvay to fording place on Housatonic river. Thence down said river to place of beginning." 1783 BEAR HILLS Voted, 1783, "that ye limits hereinafter expressed shall be a district for schooling by themselves and known by ye name of Bear Hills district, viz: Beginning at a monument south of John Merritt at a place called Pine Swamp hill, thence running northwesterly betwixt Timothy Tread- well's and John Johnson's to Daniel Baldwin's east line of Piatt's hill, thence running northerly a straight line to Little Boggs brook." UNITING BEAR HILLS AND HUNTINGTOWN DISTRICTS. At the annual town meeting in Dec, 1794, Capt. Moses Shepherd and Capt. Solomon Glover were appointed committee to examine into the circumstances and limits of the two school districts of Huntingtown and Bear Hills and make report at the next annual meeting. At the annual meeting in Dec, 1795, this committee re- ported as follows: "That the two above sd districts unite in one school for the term of three years, to be kept near the house of John Brisco on condition that the children of Justus Sherwood and William Nickerson Ta3'lor shall not be taxed for fire wood and boarding the schoolmaster during that time. The report was accepted and voted in the affirmative. Caleb Baldwin, town clerk." MIDDLE GATE The experiment was carried out. but was not repeated. Before leaving these districts, we call attention to the spelling of the name l^^ear Hills, the writer believes it indicated, not the bare- ness of the hills, but a favorite home and haunt of bears. The original name given Middle Gate district was Bear Hills, changed soon after the Newtown and Bridgeport turnpike was opened for traffic. There were three toll gates on the turnpike, one in Newtown near the Brookfield line and one on the line between Newtown and Monroe, which being midway between the upper and lower gate was called Middle Gate which changed the name of the school district from Bear Hills: In time there came to be families living in a corner of Monroe NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 109 SO near to jMiddle Gate school, as to wish to be set off to that dis- trict. Selectmen of Newtown, acting with those of Monroe, changed the southwesterly line between Monroe and Newtown on the Guinea road to run eastwardlj- to bounds on Newtown turnpike opposite a chestnut tree called the "Five Mile tree," south of the Ambrose Beach place, thence in the same direction to the railroad crossing at the Pepper Street road near the old Burr place, thence in a northerly direction to the place of starting. The change was made under the administra- tion of Aaron Sanford and Timothy Costello, selectinen of New- town, and Eli B. Seeley, Elbert S. Olmstead and William R. Ferris, selectmen of Monroe, April 28, 1886. "Beginning on the Town line between Monroe and Newtown at the crossing of highway leading from Monroe to Newtown, thence north- westerly along said Highway to its junction with the old Lebbon road. Thence northwesterly a straight line to the junction of Toddy Hill road with the Monroe road, thence northwesterly by said Monroe and New- town road to Housatonic railroad, thence northerly by sd railroad to the Pootatuck Brook or river, thence by said brook southwesterly to Coger's mill, thence in a straight line to the northeast corner of Nathan Burr's dwelling house (formerly Peter Shepherd's), thence southerly in a straight line to the mouth of the Pine Swamp Hill road, thence south- [ westerly bj' said road to the Monroe and Newtown line, thence easterly on said line to highway, the place of beginning." i 1784 I GRAY'S PLAIN Special town meeting, Feb. 7, 1784, voted, "that the people living at I Gray's Plain, that is to say, from Benjamin Lattin's to the Widow Mal- I lery's old house, thence to Stratford line by Ebenezer Lewises and all the people within said limits shall be a district for schooling and known by the name of Gray's Plain district and that Daniel Morris, Junr., shall be committee for the district." In 1878. these lines were run : "Beginning at a point on highway 50 . rods west of Frederick Chambers' dwelling house, thence easterly by said highway to Gelding Hill Brook between the dwellings of Thomas Cham- ; hers and Charles Johnson, thence northerly by Gelding Hill Brook to Housatonic river, thence southerly by said river to the road leading from j the river at Wallace & Son's to Patrick Hartnett's residence, thence west- erly by said road to highway leading from Half Way River to Berkshire at said Hartnett's, thence south 15 degrees east in the west line of Patrick Lynch's land to the southwest corner, thence due south crossing high- way at bounds to a pile of stones at foot of Rock Oak in the east line of I Alosia Porter's woodland about 30 feet west of a ledge of rocks, said ; bounds being the corner of Grey's Plain and Walker's Farms on the line I of Half Way River district, thence north 66 degrees west to the top of Sandy Hill a point 40 rods north of Sandy Hill Brook on High Rock road, ' thence \Vesterly to a rock 3-4 of a mile northerly from the road leading I to Monroe on the Old Lebbon Road, thence northerly by said Old Lebbon I Road to a pile of stones on west side near John Kane, Jr., land, thence I north IZ degrees east to the bridge over a small stream crossing high- way about 40 rods west of the mouth of High Rock road, thence easterly by highway to mouth of High Rock road, thence northerly to a point on j highway 50 rods west of Frederick Chambers' dwelling to the place of beginning." i 1784 HEAD OF MEADOW Dec, 1784, voted, "that ye boundaries and limits hereinafter described I shall be a district for schooling by themselves known by name of Head of I Meadow district, viz: Beginning at a place called the causeway, thence running south so far as the top of the Mine hill, from thence eastward ( to the parting of the paths near Mr. William Northrop's house from no NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN thence northeast to the Crooked brook and from thence north to the place begun at. Petitioners for the above described district are Samuel Gillett, Gideon Northrop, David Shepherd, John Gillett, Nehemiah Birtch, George Shepard, Amos Shepard, Moses Gillett, George Northrop, Abra- ham Gillett." Survey of 1878 "Beginning at Key Hole Rock, thence southerly by the Norwalk and Newtown turnpike to the head of the Great Bogs. Thence by the north east side of the Great Bogs to the south east corner of W. D. B. Ferris' land. Thence northerly in the east line of said Ferris' land to highway 32 rods south of the intersection of a road running north westerly to W. D. B. Ferris' residence. Thence northerly by highway to a point due west from the mouth of a road leading southerly from heirs of Heman Northrop's house on Palestine road to Point of Rock's road. Thence due east on said line to mouth of said road. Thence south easterly along said road to Point of Rock's road. Thence north easterly along said Point of Rock's road to mouth. Thence east and north past William Stillson's dwelling to Deep Brook Bridge, south of cemetery. Thence up Deep Brook to the Palestine road. Thence northerly on said road to Norwalk and Newtown turnpike. Thence westerly along said turnpike to a road leading to and past Arthur Peck's house. Thence by said road westerly to elbow in road about 50 rods N. E. of Mrs Carroll's house, the junction of an old abandoned road running northerly. Thence northerly by said old abandoned road to stone bounds on said old road near the sharp angle of said road. Thence westerly a straight line to the highway at the line between William Fairchild and Norman Northrop. Thence to a point directly in line and 60 rods east of stone bounds on west side of highway 4 1-2 rods south of Henry and William Fairchild's corners on road lead- ing to Dodgingtown, from Henry and George Fairchild's residence. Thence southerly in a direct line to Key Hole Rock, the place of beginning." 1786 WAPPING Dec, 1786, voted, "that the following petition be granted to the sub- scribers, that the limits herein mentioned be a district for schooling by themselves, viz : We the subscribers do petition to be set off a district by themselves for a school bounded as follows : Beginning at pole bridge and running from thence to Carlton bridge, so-called, and from thence to take in Nehemiah Knapps, from thence to cross to said bounds begun at. Abel Bennitt, Thomas Bennitt, James Bennitt, Richard Bennitt, David Rugg, Nehemiah Knapp, petitioners." Survey of 1878. "Beginning at the mouth of the Pole bridge brook on the Housatonic river, thence northerly by said river to the south easterly corner of Law- rence Mitchell's land (formerly Abijah B. Curtis) on the bank of the Housatonic river about ten (10) rods north of a ledge of rocks near the western shore. Thence southerly in a straight line with the aforesaid Mitchell's corner and the south east corner of Cornelia Curtis land (for- merly Philo Curtis) to the Pole bridge brook. Thence down said brook to its mouth, the place beginning." This gives only that part of Wapping district on the Newtown side of Housatonic river, and when Newtown children attend the school in Wapping, Newtown has to pay Southbury its share of school expenses. The town of Southbury was incorporated in May, 1787. How long after its incorporation Wapping of Southbury and Wapping of Newtown became a joint district, Newtown records do not tell. NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 111 1788 GREGORY'S ORCHARD 1788, "We, the subscribers, inhabitants of part of Newtown included in the following bounds do desire to be set off as a district for keeping and maintaining a school. The bounds to be as follows : Beginning at a point on the line between Newtown and Redding which shall be due west from where the brook crosses the road north of Mr. Jarvis Piatt's dwelling- house, thence running east to the south side of where the sd brook crosses the road, from thence running easterly to where the Brook called Castle Meadow brook crosses the road above Gregories Orchard, so-called, thence southeast to the line between Newtown and Weston, thence westerly on the line between Newtown and Weston to Redding line, thence northerly on the line between Newtown and Redding to the place of beginning. Lazarus Beach, John Raymond, Jabez Rowland, Seth Gilbert, Jarvis Piatt, petitioners. The above limits voted to be a district for schooling by themselves by the name of Gregories Orchard district.— Caleb Baldwin, town clerk." In 1878, these lines were established: "Beginning at the Monroe and Newtown turnpike at shut highway near Heirs of Dr. Bronson's spring. Thence westerly in said shut highway to old cellar formerly called Bill Wells', now owned by J. H. Botsford. Thence southerly in the lines of George R. Parmalee and Charles Short, Andrew Northrop, Ralph Benedict to David Somer's land. Thence southerly in said Somer's line to Gregory's Orchard and Reading Road, said line being nearly straight. Thence southeasterly by highway about 40 rods to the north west corner of Albert Edwards Meadow south east of the burying ground. Thence southerly in the west line of said meadow to the town line between Easton and Newtown. Thence easterly in the Town line between Monroe and Newtown to highway leading from Andrew Leaven- worth's to Turney French's saw-mill. Thence northerly by said highway to the corner of highway at Jerome H. Botsford residence (leaving the homesteads of all persons on west side of the said road from Turney French's saw mill, south to Town line to be included in Huntingtown district). Thence south easterly by highway to Monroe and Newtown turnpike. Thence northerly by said turnpike to place of beginning." 1789 WALKER'S FARMS The original Walker's Farms school district was made up of I territory now lying in the town of Monroe. Monroe was set off from Himtington, and held its first town meeting in June, 1823, The town of Huntington was incorporated in 1789. In 1878, a survey was made of that part of Walker's Farms I school district in the town of Newtown, which reads as follows : j "Walker's Farms District. Beginning on the old Lebbon Road at a rock 3-4 of a mile northerly from the junction of said road with the road ( leading from Monroe Centre to Botsford Depot. Thence easterly in a ( straight line to the top of Sandy Hill at bounds on the Road 40 rods I Northerly from Sandy Hill Brook, Thence south 66 degrees east to stone I bounds on west side of Highway east of the High Rock Road, Thence ; same course to the south west corner of Mrs. Alosia Porter's Woodland at the sharp angle of the road leading from Granville Latin's to Monroe Center, Thence same course to a pile of stones at the foot of a Rock Oak I in the east line of Alosia Porter's woodland about 30 feet west of a ledge I of rocks, said bounds being the corner of Gray's Plain and Walkers Farms on the line of Half Way River Districts, Thence due south to Half Way ( River, said course being directly in line with the church steeple at Mon- ( roe Centre, Thence westerly on said River (the town line between Men- 112 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN roe and Newtown) to highway leading from Monroe Center to Botsford's Depot. Thence north westerlj' along said Highway to junction of old Lebbon road, thence northerly along said road to rock the place of begin- ning." "On the 23rd of March, 1886, the selectmen of Newtown and Monroe were called upon to change a southerly line that should put a few fam- ilies into the Half Way River District. The line agreed upon was, that at the end of the Lebbon road the line should run in a straight line to the Railroad crossing on the Pepper street road near the old Burr place. Thence to a pile of stone on the north side of Highway on the first hill east of Lynson Beardsley's. Thence in a north easterly direction to a pile of stone on a rock on the west side of the old road leading north from Thompson Judson's house. Thence to a large rock on the south side of the road 42 rods west of Turkey Roost Bridge. Thence to a pile of stone on a rock on the east side of Paul's pond road, about 31 Rods north of Michael Curnance house to intersect the Eastern District line. Thence northerly following said Road to the first Bridge on the Josie Ring road. From thence to a pile of stone between land of George Ferris and the heirs of Stephen C. Whitlock on the bank of Half Way River. Aaron Sanford Timothy Costello Samuel F. Tillson Selectmen of Newtown. Eli B. Seeley Elbert Olmstead William R. Ferris Selectmen of Monroe. Dated at Monroe, Conn., March 23, 1886. Received for Record, April 28, 1886 and recorded by C. H. Peck, Town Clerk." 1789 TODDY HILL Dec, 1789, voted "that the limits hereafter named, viz: Bounding west- erly on Potatuck brook, northerly on Milcses brook, easterly on that branch of Mileses brook which runs through John Sherman's saw mill, southerly on the bare Hills towards Starlings, shall be a district for school- ing and known as Toddy Hill district." When Toddy Hill school disctrict was formed, it was made up of territory between the district of Zoar on the one side and that of Bear Hills on the other. The layout as made in 1878: "Beginning at the junction of the old L.ebbon road with the road leading from Monroe Center to Newtown, thence Northerly along the said Lebbon road to a pile of stones on the west side of road near the South East corner of John Keane, Jr's land, thence Westerly to the North abutment of the Bridge over the West Branch of Saw Mill Brook to its junction with the Pohtatuck Brook, thence Southwesterly by Pohtatuck Brook to the Housatonic Railroad, thence Southerly by said Railroad to the Monroe road leading to New- town, thence South Easterly by said highway to Toddy Hill Road at its junction with the Monroe road, thence South Easterly a straight line to the old Lebbon Road as described above to the place of beginning." 1794 HUNTINGTOWN The year in which the town gave Huntingtown people the priv- ilege to put tip a school house at their own expense does not appear on record, but the records do show that the annual town meet- ing held in Dec, 1794, Captain Moses Shepherd and Captain Solo- NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 113 mon Glover were appointed a committee to examine into the cir- cumstances and limits of the two school districts of Himtingtown and Bear Hills and make report at the annual meeting in Dec, 1795. At that meeting the committee reports as follows: "That the two above said districts unite in one school for the space of three years, to be kept near the house of John Brisco, on condition that the children of Justus Sherwood and William Nickerson Taylor shall not be taxed for fire wood and boarding the schoolmaster during that time. The report was accepted and voted in the affirmative. ' Caleb Baldwin, Town Clerk." The experiment was carried out though not repeated. The lay out in 1878 was as follows: "Beginning at the junction of the North and South branches of Pootatuck brook or river and running north westerly by the said North branch to the highway called Orchard Hill road. Thence south westerly by said road to the Piatt's Hill road. Thence westerly by said Piatt's Hill road to its junction with the Hog Swamp road to the south east corner of Mrs Harmon Beers' homestead. Thence west and south in the line of said Beers land to Brook. Thence south- erly by said brook to the road leading from J. H. Botsford's to Hunting- town. Thence north westerly by said Highway to its junction with the Huntingtown road at John Frank's. Thence southerly by last mentioned highway to Monroe and Newtown line including the homesteads of the inhabitants living on said road. Thence easterly by Monroe and New- town line to the crossing of the Pine Hill road. Thence northerly on said road to its junction with road running east and west. Thence northerly in a straight line to the northeast corner of Nathan Burr's dwelling house. Thence in a straight line northerly to Coger's mill on south branch of Potatuck brook. Thence north easterly by said brook to its junction with its north branch the place of its beginning." 1866 WALNUT TREE HILL The layout of Walnut Tree Hill school district was at a later date than that of any other and within the recollection of New- town people who have not yet passed the meridian of life. It came about from the congestion of the schools in Sandy Hook and Poh- tatuck, owing to an increased population. The district's history dates back to 1866. Dennis C. Gately, at that time superintendent of the New York Belting and Packing Co., located in Pohtatuck district, was the leading spirit in the movement of a new school district. He headed a petition calling the selectmen of the town to action and they, with other interested parties, looked over the ground and called a special town meeting to act upon the report the selectmen were to make. The warning read as follows : "The white male inhabitants of the town of Newtown, qualified to vote in town meeting are hereby warned to meet at the Town hall in Newtown on Monday, March 19, 1866, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day for the purpose of forming and establishing a new school district out of Sandy Hook, Hanover and Pohtatuck districts. Zerah Fairman, David Sanford, William L. Terrill, David Somers, Selectmen." The report of the selectmen : "Upon the application of Dennis C. Gately, George Botsford and others, residents of the town of Newtown, praying for the formation of a new school district to be composed mostlj- from Pohtatuck district and partly from the district of Sandy Hook and Han- over, the subscribers, after giving notice according to law to the several 114 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN districts interested in said petition and having enquired into the facts set forth by the petitioners, do find that said petition should be granted and have therefore laid out a new school district to be called Walnut Tree Hill district." By unanimous vote, the meeting accepted the report and also the layout as made by the selectmen, assisted by others. The accepted layout of the district reads as follows: "Beginning on the Walnut Tree Hill road at the north west corner of Charles Parsons' land near the house of Morris Leavey, thence easterly in a straight line to the mouth of a small stream emptying into the Poota- tuck river opposite the upper rubber factory, thence down said Pootatuck river to Lawrence Mitchell's saw mill dam. thence following said Mit- chell's watering ditch to highway near said Mitchell's house, thence north- erly and easterly in line of said highway to fording place on Housatonic river, thence up said river to the first small stream emptying into said river the corner of Hanover district, thence up said stream a short distance to the old Union bridge road, now closed, thence a straight line to the south- east corner of Thomas Cavanaugh's house lot, thence S 38 degrees W to an elbow in the road leading from Hanover across Walnut Tree Hill, thence southerly and easterly by said highway to place of beginning." In 1865, the year before the new district was laid out, the num- ber of tax payers in Pohtatuck district was 48, not including the New York Belting and Packing Co., the valuation of whose prop- erty in the grand levy was $250,420 and the amount invested in business was $200,000. Walnut Tree Hill district first appears in the grand levy in 1866 with 699 acres of land, 21 houses, 30 resi- dent tax payers and a taxable valuation of $29,783. HOPEWELL The names of the districts Hopewell, Half Way River and Poh- tatuck of the early days do not appear in the list for the reason that no record shows when they were given special school priv- ileges. Their situation reminds one familiar with the story "Uncle Tom's Cabin." where Miss Feely asks Topsy when she was born. Topsy replies, "Never was born — I 'spect I growd!" So we think the above three districts weren't born, only just growd! Survey of 1878 "Beginning at an old cellar formerly called Bill Well's, now owned by Jerome H. Botsford. Thence southerly in the lines of George R. Parma- lee and George Short, Andrew Northrop's and Ralph Benedict to David Somers' land. Thence in said Somer's line to Gregory's Orchard and Redding road, said line being nearly straight. Thence south easterly by highway about 40 rods to the north west corner of Albert Edward's Meadow south east of burying ground. Thence southerly in the west line of said meadow to the Town line between Easton and Newtown. Thence westerly to the south west corner of the Town of Newtown. Thence northerly along Town line to the north east corner of the Town of Redding. Thence due east to old shut road running past Andrew Bar- num's residence. Thence northerly along said road to the Jangling Plain road. Thence easterly along said Jangling Plain road to the old Fair- field county turnpike. Thence due east to a point on Monroe turnpike 6 rods south of Wanzer Piatt's dwelling house. Thence southerly to point of beginning." NEWTOWN'S SCHOOL DISTRICTS 115 1884 HALF WAY RIVER Change of South Eastern Boundary in 1884 "Whereas the District of Half W^ay River having applied to the Select- men of Newtown and Monroe to settle and define the south eastern boundary line of said district, do therefore by virtue of the powers vested in us, describe and establish the southeastern boundary line of said dis- trict as follows (viz.) : Commencing at the mouth of Half Way River where it empties into the Housatonic following the said river to the north Point of Rocks at the great eddy, then running westerly to the north west corner of the great eddy where the second brook crosses the road leading to Polodore Stevens, then westerly to the stone bridge at the junction of road leading past Henry E. Plumb's and the old Monroe and Zoar bridge turnpike, then following the said road southerly to a [place with a heap of stones at the Bassett's land on said turnpike, then westerly following the line of fence between Birdsey McEwen and Albert McEwen and that of land formerly owned by Orville McEwen and Walter Bradley to a point on Half Way River to meet the district line in Newtown. Eli B. Seeley, Selectman of Monroe. William L. Terrill, Selectman of Newtown. Dated at Newtown, January 4, 1884. Received for record December 15, 1885. C. H. Peck, Town Clerk." "The above is a true copy of the original as recorded in Monroe Rec- ords, Vol. 8, page 767, as certified to by David A. Nichols, Town Clerk of Monroe. C. H. Peck, Town Clerk of Newtown." The names of the districts Hopewell, Half Way River and Poh- tatuck do not appear in the list for the reason that no record 'shows when they were given special school privileges, though we rind on record that the first district name of Half Way River was 'Ragged Corner." Survey of 1878 I ] "Beginning at an Oak tree opposite the Botsford bounds directly op- oosite Patrick Hartnett's residence on highway leading from Half Way (River to Berkshire. Thence south 15 degrees east in the west line of (Patrick Lynch's and to the S. W. corner. Thence due south to a pile of (;tones at the foot of a Rock oak in the east line of Alosia Porter's wood- ' and about 30 feet west of a ledge of rocks, said bounds being the corner pf Grey's Plain and Walker's Farms on the line of Half Way River dis- ':rict. Thence same course to Half Way River, said course being in a |iirect line with the church steeple at Monroe Center. Thence easterly by laid river to the Housatonic river. Thence northerly by said Housatonic :o highway leading from said Housatonic to highway at Patrick Hart- lett's. Thence westerly along said highway to bounds at Hartnett's, the ,>lace of beginning." 116 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN THE SOUTHERLY HIGHWAY "The Southerly Highway" was among the first highways laid out in the town after the lay-out of the four highways that radiated from the center of town, the easterly toward Woodbury, the westerly toward Danbury, the northerly toward New Milford and the southerly toward the Stratford line. A long time inter- vened in each case before the several lay-outs were passable ex- cept on foot or horseback, the only locomotion in these early days of the town's development, and for years thereafter. The Southerly Highway is the road that intersects what has been known for the last 100 years as the Newtown turnpike, now a State road. About two and one-half miles south of the flag-staff in New- town Center, at a point just below the farm of H. N. Greenman, still remembered as the Jerome Northrop farm, the road running southwesterly through Huntingtown and on toward the Monroe line near Blanket Meadow is the Southerly highway. Any one familiar with the valley through which it runs cannot help rec- ognizing the streams alluded to, but the names of settlers through whose land the lay-out ran vanished from the memory of man long years gone by. The only original names now known there are Gilbert and French. Lay-out of the Southerly highway from its intersection with the original lay-ovit of the road known as the road to the Stratford line to Castle Meadow brook. Whereas, we are well sensible that through long delays, the publick, as well as particular persons have been greatly incommoded and dam- nified with respect to ye laying out of lands whereby necessary roads or highways are prevented being provided, we, moved with such con- sideration, with an aim, not only of ye good and necessity of particular persons, but of ye general and public good of ye town of Newtown afore- said, have undertaken to lay-out, and have actually laid out, a highway within ye township of Newtown aforesaid, in manner following, (viz.) Beginning at ye northwesterly corner of ye three acre pitch belonging to ye heirs of John Treadwell at ye place it turns out of ye public road yt runs from Newtown to Stratford, thence running southardly down a narrow valley to ye northerly branch of ye Pootatuck brook and over it, thence running up ye hill southerly from ye brook in a narrow valley, thence southerly as marked trees direct until we come to Mr. Tousey's three score acre division on ye southard branch of Pototuck brook, thence running for a small space on ye northward side of yt three score acre division until we come to a small brook running eastward, thence run- ning a few rods on ye northward side of sd brook eight or ten rods, more or less, where sd road enters John Golet's fifty acre division with his approbation. This road as above described is six rods in width, save all Pototuck brook and in j'e low land adjacent to ye brook where it is ten rods in width from ye place aforesaid where it enters sd John Golet's land, running a few rods westerly, then southerly and within two rods eastward of a bunch of rocks and thence running southardly until it comes to a piece of springy land, running southwesterly through a leading valley until we come to ye northward side of John Griffin's fifty acre division, thence southardly to ye Elbo of a great brook where there is a great rock in sd Elbo on ye southwestward side of ye sd highway, thence southardly to Castle Meadow brook so-called, to ye place from above sd Mr. Toucey's sixty acres. This road is to be followed according to ye direction of ye marked trees and from sd Golet's to Castle Meadow brook sd road is eight rods wide. At ye brook we finished our work, the road still to be extended. Memorandum — that by agreement with aforesaid John Golet, in con- THE SOUTHERLY HIGHWAY 117 sideration of ye four rods in width that we have taken through sd Golet's fifty acres we agree to give to ye sd person three acres of land, two acres on ye west side of his fifty acres and so as to extend from above sd road to ye northwest corner of above fifty acres, and one acre on ye north end or side of sd division of land joining to sd end on ye piece of land on ye westward side of ye highway. Ye above work done on ye highway laid out this twentieth day of January, 1720, per us. Thomas Bennitt, Joseph Peck, John Golet, Selectmen. I Recorded February 3, 1720, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. I The lay-out of the Southerly highway as given was accepted by the jtown according to this recorded vote: "At a lawful town meeting of [the inhabitants of Newtown, holden January 25, 1720, ye southerly high- way laid out by ye selectmen as appears of record Folio 1, page 86, from ye common road to Castle Meadow brook accepted of and established by ye vote of ye town and ordered to be recorded. Test, Joseph Peck, Town Clerk. I Castle Meadow brook, mentioned as the line for the southern end of the lay-out for the Southerly highway, is a stream that has lits source in the southwestern corner of Palestine district near what is still often spoken of as the "Doctor Bronson" place. Its course is southerly through Cranberry swamp and on down the val- :ley imtil, in its winding course, it crosses the highway just below 'the school-house in Gregory's Orchard district, turning southeast- erly. It starts as a very small stream but, with east and west tributaries swelling its volume as it flows down the valley, it be- comes a large stream, spreading out into a broad sheet of water, known as Morgan's pond, whose surface is covered with the white 'blossoms of the pond lily in their season and whose waters breed 'and fatten myriads of fish of the carp and bullhead species. With ; nothing to impede the water's flow, it meanders on until, crossing {the highway about a half mile below Huntingtown school-house I near the home of John Frank, Sr., its waters empty into Pohta- tuck brook. I We know not what the local colony numbered when they called jfor a highway, but it proved itself as prosperous as those in other parts of the town, shown by a petition to the town authorities "that ;they may build a school-house." The writer is glad to note among ithe names of the petitioners the name, not only of his great-grand- { father, John Johnson, but also the name of his great-great-grand- i father, Ichabod Johnson, whose homes were in that locality. The jpetition : I I "We, the subscribers being destitute of a convenient school-house, (have agreed to build a schoolhouse and our desire is to be set off by ye town as a party for schooling. The subscribers are as followeth : Joseph .Griffin, John Tousey, Ichabod Johnson, Garshom Sumers, John Starling, John Johnson, Thomas Sharp, Junr., Samuel Griffin, John Bristol, Joseph I Bristol, ye 3rd, Richard Nichols, Gamaliel French, Jr., Timothy Treadwell. The number of scholars that can attend upon the school is 32. At ye I town meeting held December 24, 1764, the above written put to vote and (allowed at said meeting. John Northrop, Clerk." 118 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN From 1720 to 1916 we count 196 years, nineteen decades of time have passed and what, for many, many years after the lay-out, was only a trail to be followed on foot or by horseback, became at last a highway, over which wagons, as they came into use, spring- less and fashionless though they were, served their purpose for convenience and usefulness until superseded by improved methods of transportation. A cosmopolitan people on work or pleasure bent are enjoying the fruits of those who did the foundation work there in their respective spheres in years long gone by. THOSE WHO TOOK FREEMAN'S OATH 1742 TO 1796 The fourth volume of Newtown records gives the names of all who took the "Freeman's oath" from the 1742 to 1796, a period of 54 years. This volume being complete, there is every reason to believe that 1742 marks the time when the town's people became interested enough to want a representative in the affairs of the colony at the Cjeneral Court that met alternately at New Haven and Hartford, semi-annually, in the months of May and October. Nothing shows that Newtown had a representative at the General Court until 1747, when the town was represented by Capt. Thomas Toucey and Mr. John Northrop. Up to the first town election for representation at the General Court, there had been two calls for making electors, the first in 1742, when 96 took the Freeman's oath ; five years later, in 1747, 36 took the oath, making in all 132 up to 1747. In that year the population of Newtown was 1100 and the list of polls and rateable estates returned to the General Court amounted to $56,700 in our currency. It was the first return made by the town to the General Court, and, in so doing, Newtown was entitled to representation. Names of Freemen of this cor- poration of Newtown, .A.pril, 1742 — Mr. Elisha Kent, Job Sherman, Esq., Deacon John Botsford, Mr. Peter Hubbell, John Gillett, Henry Glover, Jeremiah Northrop, Sergeant John Glover, Captain Nathan Baldwin, Nathaniel Nickols, Lieut Thomas Skidmore, John Blackman, Benjamin Glover, John Sanford, Lieut. Obadiah Wheeler, John Shepard, Joseph Botsford, John Northrop, John Leavenworth, Captain Ebenezer Hubbell, Joseph Bristol, Abel Beers, Caleb Baldwin, Donald Grant, Moses Botsford, Peter Hubbell, Jr., Thomas Leavenworth, Freegrace Adams, John Hull, Joseph Bristol, Jr., Jeremiah Turner, Samuel Gillet, John Beers, Job Northrop, Moses Botsford, Gideon Botsford, Thomas Northrop, Enos Bristol, John Peck, Thomas Toucey, Esq., Moses Stilson, Alexander Briant, Samuel Beers, George Terrill, Abraham Bennitt, Daniel Booth, Thomas Bennitt, Abel Booth, Ephraim Bennitt, Daniel Beers, James Still- son. James Gifford, James Heard, Jr., Samuel Turner. Benoni Sherman, Jeremiah Burch, Heth Peck, Henry Botsford, Jr., Lemuel Camp, William Sharp, Nathaniel Peck, Benjamin Curtis, James Heard, Lieut. Josephv Smith, Benjamin Hawley, Captain Ephraim Peck, John Lake, Peter Ferris, Joseph Prindle, Joseph Heard, John Bristol, Nathaniel Brisco, Matthew Sherman, Edward Fairchild, Ensign Samuel Summers, Moses Stillson, Jr., Thomas Sharp, Ebenezer Bristol, Thomas Tousey, Esq., Doctor James Brisco. Nathan Foot, John Sherman, Jonathan Booth, Jr., Lieut Samuel Griflin, Stephen Burritt, Caleb Baldwin, Sr., Matthew Curtis, Abel Judson, James Brisco, Daniel Foot, Noah Parmalee, David Dunning, Joseph Bots- ford, Jr., Joseph Stilson. 1747 at the second meeting to make electors, 39 took the Free- man's oath. From that time to 1796 Freemen's meetings were held yearly and the names of all made electors are to be found re- corded. Electors made in 1747 — Abner Heard, Nehemiah Skidmore, John Adams, Ebenezer Sanford, Moses Piatt, Amos Marchant, James Baldwin, Benjamin Northrop, Abraham Johnson, Ichabod Johnson, Jonathan Fair- 120 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN child, James Heard, ye third, Benjamin Stillson, Moses Peck, Jonathan Northrop, John Foot, James Fairchild, John Foot, Jr., Benjamin Dunning, Abel Botsford, Benjamin Burritt, Abel Dunning, Abraham Beers, Theophil- us Nettleton, Josiah Daton, Moses Sanford, John Moger, John Blackman, Jr., Abraham Ferris, John Dunnings, Nathan Sherman, Thomas Chambers, Abraham Adams, Enos Beardslee, Nathan Hubbell, Jedediah Hubbell, Jeremiah Johnson, Ephraim Peck, Gideon Booth. For 1747, we no doubt have the names of those who reached their majority after 1742 with perhaps a few hold overs when the first list was made in 1742. Meetings held in x\pril of each year. 1748 — Benjamin Mallory Ebenezer Booth, Richard Hubbell, Hezekiah Lyon, Abraham Kimberly, Andrew Wheeler, Ichabod Hubbell, Joseph Gunn ; 1749 — Joseph Peck Joshua Northrop; 1750 — Richard Fairman, Dr. Timothy Shepherd, Agur Fairchild, Stephen Parmalee, John Lake, Jr., Ephraim Sherman ; 1751 — Nathan Lake, Nathan Burritt, George Terrill, John Skidmore, Abraham Bristol, William Burch, Samuel Summers, David Sherman, Ephraim Lake, Ephraim Blackman, Henry Peck; 1752 — John Camp, Joseph Bristol, 3d, John Griffin, Daniel Winton, Nathan Baldwin, Abraham Hard, Joseph Wheeler, Benoni Hendrixson, Ephraim Adams, Nehemiah Curtis, Joel Sherman; 1753 — Gideon Baldwin; 1754 — Ebenezer Fairchild, Amos Northrop, Daniel Foot ; 1755 — Samuel Sanford, John Plat, Peter Nichols, Michael Dunning; 1756^Amos Heard, Obadiah Wheeler, Jr., James Blackman, Jonathan Terrill, John Febreque, Joseph Prindle, Cornelius Bristol, Aaron Peck, John Glover, Jr., 1757 — Ebenezer Ford; 1758 — none; 1759 — Dr. Samuel Thomas, Caleb Baldwin, 3d, Jabez Baldwin, Stephen Pierson ; 1760 — none; 1761 — Lieut Abel Prindle, Daniel Baldwin, Henry Glover, Jr.; 1762 — Benjamin Curtis, Jr., Elijah Botsford, John Beach, Ezra Northrop, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Lake, Richard Smith, Samuel Burwell, William Hawley, Zadock Sherman, Abel Hurd, Jonathan Sher- man, Amos Smith, Samuel Camp, Mr. John Beach, Obadiah Wheeler, Abijah Curtis, Joseph Blackman, Miel Peck, Jonathan Prjndle, Joseph Smith, Arnold Glover, Lemuel Sherman, Jabez Botsford, Jehoshaphat Prindle, Thomas Ford, Jr., James Glover, Abraham Booth, Thomas Skidmur, Ger- shom Summers, Ezra Bryan, Thomas Tousey, Heth Peck, Jr., Abraham Bennett, Stillman Hubbell, Joel Camp, Zalmon Tousey, Benjamin Nichols, Oliver Tousey. 1763 — Abel Botsford, Richard Nichols, Roger Terrill, Isaac Botsford, Joel Botsford, Elijah Stillson, Zadock Hard, Ruben Booth, Henry Peck. 1764 — Joseph Griffin, Samuel Ferris, Theophilus Hard, Elijah Nichols, Abel Curtis, William Burwell, Ebenezer Peck, Abraham Kimberly, Job BristoU, Seth Fairchild, Samuel French. 1765 — Amos Botsford, Benjamin Stillson, Jr., Zachariah Clark, Abner Griffiin, Gamaliel French, Eliphalet Hull, Joel Prindle, Daniel Foot, Thomas Sanford. 1766 — Nathan Woshburn, William Wright, Bailey Stillson, Ezra Peck, Nathan Peck, Jr., Robert Thompson, Neiram Hard, Abel Booth, Jr., Daniel Glover, Lemuel Wheeler. 1767 — John Judson, Ebenezer Booth, Samuel Prindle, Peter Dunning, Nathaniel Northrop, Daniel Booth. Jr., Daniel Jackson, Joel Bassitt, An- drew Duning, John Shepherd, Jr., Neirum Curtiss, Daniel Peck, Benjamin Northrop, Jr. 1768 — Ichabod Fairman, Abel Baldwin, Andrew Stilson, Josiah Lacey, Samuel Peck, Henry Peck, Esq., Eleazer Burritt, Jeptha Hubbell, Matthew Curtis, Eli Dunning, Richard Fairman, Matthew Curtis, Jr., Abraham Botsford, Jabez Botsford, Esq., Caleb Baldwin, Esq., Lieut. Amos Terrill, Joshua Hatch, Jared Dunning, Silas Hubbell, Asa Cogswell, Fitch Kim- berly, Henry Wood, Oliver Fairchild, Captain Joseph Smith, Nathan Sher- man. 1769 — Samuel Sanford, Henry Fairman, Abel Bennitt, John Peck, Mat- thew Curtis, Jr., William Hall, Joseph Ferris, Jared Botsford, Nathaniel Towner. 1770 — Asa Chambers, Abel Judson, Jr., Joseph Hatch, Abial Booth, Enos Northrop, Nathan Norton, Amos Burritt, Amos Peck, Elnathan Skidmur, THOSE WHO TOOK THE OATH OF FIDELITY 121 Peter Hatch, Isaiah Northrop, Cyrenus Hard, Zachariah Brown, Jonathan Bardslee, Theophilus Nichols, James Sanford. 1771— Moses Plat. Jr., John Hard, Asher Peck, David Peck. 1772 — Zachariah Ferriss, Jabez Peck, Gershum Jackson, Ebenezer John- son, Moses Botsford, Jr., Nathan Ferris, Nathan Prindle, John Beers, Jr., Noah Parmalee, Thomas Stilson. From 1772 to 1777, there is no record of any having been made electors. The years between those dates marked the exciting period that culminated in the war of the Revolution. THOSE WHO TOOK THE FREEMAN'S OATH IN 1776, ALSO THOSE WHO TOOK THE "OATH OF FIDELITY" FROM 1777 TO 1791. "Freemen admitted and taking the Freeman's oath in the town of Newtown in the Independent State of Connecticut on Septem- ber the 16th, 1777," the number was 48: Deacon A. Bennett Elijah Botsford, Asa Cogswell Lieutenant N. Brisco Lieut. H. Fairman Fitch Kimberly Captain J. Northrop Henry Peck, Esq. Enos Northrop Lieutenant J. Botsford Eleazer Burritt Silas Fairchild George Terrill Jeptha Hubbell James Fairchild, Jr. Joshua Northrop Mr. Matthew Curtis Jonathan Beardslee Gideon Botsford Eli Dunning Henry Wood Abraham Bennett, Jr. Richard Fairman Oliver Fairchild Ezra Peck Matthew Curtis, Jr. ^ Capt. Joseph Smith Abel Baldwin Abraham Botsford Nathan Sherman Captain J. Wheeler Jabez Botsford, Jr. Josiah Beardslee James Fairchild Caleb Baldwin Ebenezer Fairchild Samuel Brown Lieut. Amos Terrill Doctor James Sanford Matthew Baldwin Joshua Hatch Ebenezer Smith Lieut. B. Summers Jared Dunning Moses Piatt Capt. B. Dunning Silas Hubbell Josiah Piatt The same year, 1777, 73 Freemen came before a justice of the peace and took the oath of fidelity showing to the world, and pos- terity, that they were willing to sacrifice, in defence of principles set forth by the Declaration of Independence. November 11, 1913. Mr. E. L. Johnson : Dear Sir : Your articles on Newtown in the War of the Revolution in- terest me very much. I know that Newtown was a Tory town and that many if not the most of my ancestors were either pronounced Tories or luke-warm patriots. I would like to know whether any of those who bore the names of were sufficiently patriotic to come for- ward and take the oath of allegiance between 1776 and 1783. I thought it barely possible that my great-grand-father might have done so, as he had two .'>ons in the Continental army, supposed to have lost their lives dur- ing the Ridgefield-Danbury troubles, as nothing was ever afterwards heard from them. I know that my great-grandfather, father of my mother's mother, was a noted or notorious Tory and for disloyal speech was obliged to sneak out of the State for one year to avoid arrest. It is possible there was some overt act of his in connection with others in striving to avoid assessment of taxes for war purposes, that his speech in an unguarded moment disclosed. I presume naturally many of the Tories in Newtown were members of the Church of England, hence their loyalty to the King. The writer is glad that the name of his paternal great-grandfather appears in the list of those who were first to take the oath in 1777. His son, Ezra, then a boy five years old, became in time grandfather of the writer. The great-grandfather's name was John Johnson. The oath of fidelity to which freemen were obliged to subscribe before they could exercise the rights that accrued to them when they had taken the freeman's oath : 122 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN "You do swear by the ever-living God that you will truly and faithfully adhere to and maintain the government established in this state under the authority of the people, agreeable to the laws in force within the same, and that you believe in your conscience that the King of Great Britain hath not, nor of right ought to have any authority or dominion in or over this state, and that you do not hold yourself bound to yield any allegiance or obedience to him within the same, and that you will, to the unmost of your power, maintain and defend the freedom, inde- pendance and privileges of this state against all open enemies or traitor- ous conspiracies whatsoever, so help you God. And no person shall have authority to execute any of the offices aforesaid after the first day of January next, until he hath taken said oath, and all persons who hereafter shall be appointed to any of said offices shall take said oath before they enter upon the execution of their offices. And no freemen within this state shall be allowed to vote in the election of any of the officers of government until he hath taken the aforesaid oath in the open freemans' meeting in the town where he dwells." "Names of those persons that have appeared to take the oath of fidehty prescribed by the General Assembly of this state at a Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Connecticut holden at Hartford in said state on the second Thursday of May, A. D., 1777." Newtown, Aug. 25, 1777, personally appeared and took the oath of fidelity: Caleb Baldwin, Jr. Thomas Sharp John Smith Jabez Botsford, Esq. David Jackson 1779 George Terrill Joseph Gunn Thomas Wheeler Lieut. B. Summers John Keeler Birdsey Glover Richard Fairman Abel Smith William Edmond James Fairchild, Jr. David Peck Theophilus Nichols Fitch Kimberly Abraham Lewis Liverius Peck Moses Shepherd Abel Gunn John Beach Elijah Botsford Isaac Hawley Josiah Beardslee, Jr. Lieut. N. Brisco Rev. Thomas Brooks Zalmon Peck John Botsford Nathan Burritt John Hard Lieut. H. Fairman Amos Northrop Andrew Stilson Nathaniel Barnum Capt. Abel Botsford Joshua Peck Eleazer Burritt Gamaliel French David Hinman Nathan Curtis Thomas Ford Matthew Hall Joshua Northrop John Skidmore 1780 Josiah Beardslee Nathan Washburn Nehemiah Strong Abel Baldwin James Glover Lewis F. Sherman Capt. J. Northrop Eleazer Lacy John Hard Amos Burritt David Curtis George Foot, Jr. Elijah Foot Daniel Sherman 1781 Eli Dunning ', Nathaniel Bunnill Jotham Sherman Henry Wood Daniel Morris James Shepherd David Baldwin Roger Hendrix Joel Prindle Gideon Botsford Col. John Chandler Abiel Booth Silas Hubbell Reuben Dunning 1782 Oliver Fairchild Reuben Taylor Amos Bennett Abraham Baldwin Silas Hepburn Abel Foot Capt. Richard Smith John Johnson Reuben Terrill Nirum Summers Abel Johnson Hezekiah Dayton Levy Bostwick Joseph Botsford John Summers Ephraim Jackson Abel F"oot John Blackman, Jr. John Bunnill 1778 Josiah Fairchild Gershum Jackson Daniel Glover Abel Skidmore Samuel Hawley Capt. Joseph Prindle Amos Sherman David Jackson, Jr. Lazarus Prindle Nehemiah Curtiss Ezra Birch David Meeker Abijah Curtiss James Prindle Cyrus Prindle Stephen Crofoot Ezra Dunning Jabez Baldwin 1783 Abraham Kimberly Abraham Baldwin John Fabrique Clement Botsford William Allen Jehosephat Prindle THOSE WHO TOOK THE OATH OF FIDELITY 123 Ezra Sherman George Sample Hezekiah Booth Capt. Peter Nichols Capt. John Glover Daniel Glover Francis Pierce Zalmon Booth Cyrus Beers Cyrennius Hard Amos Hard Nirum Hard Reuben Booth Solomon Glover Ichabod Fairman Joseph Foot Henry Glover, Jr. Elisha Wooster Zalmon Tousey, Jr. Salmon Curtiss Stephen Burwell, Jr. James Thomas Ammon Hard Levi Peck John Crawf:>rd John Beach, Jr. Truman Blackman Caleb Bennitt Theophilus Botsford Salmon Glover Roger Terrill Nathaniel Peck Daniel Terrill Elijah Peck Alpheus Fairchild Curtis Hard Andrew Griffin Abel Win ton Abraham Wheeler Truman Sherman Reuben Curtiss James Foot Elias Beardslee Philo Parmalee Timothy Treadwell Eli Peck Nirom Curtis Abraham Booth Nathaniel Judson Amos Griffin Isaac Tousey Samuel Beers Nathaniel Northrop Daniel C. Sanford Daniel Humphrey Capt. E. Kimberly William Hall Josiah Blackman Jonathan Booth Capt. John Blackman Capt. Henry Glover James Bennett Three hundred and Zachariah Clark Isaac Trowbridge Abel Ferris Seth Griffin Jonah Summers Clark Baldwin Ammon H ird Daniel Baldwin Zachariah Ferry Lemuel Thomas Abner Hard Oliver Beers Dr. Bennett Perry Asher Peck Enoch Peck Joseph Bristol, Jr. Moses Peck Isaac Peck Joseph Blackman Gideon Peck David Bristol Reuben Adams John Judson Jacob Stilson Abel Judson Luke Lattin Matthew Peck Isaac Blackman John Fairchild Stephen Shepard Truman Beers 1784 Samuel French Amiel Peck Samuel Peck Benjamin Cook Abel Booth Peter Lake Ephraim Lake Joseph Bristol Seth Fairchild Philo Tousey William Burwell Philo Fairchild Abraham Beers Abel Prindle Asa Chambers Abel Tousey John Walker Jabez Peck Philo Curtiss Samuel Sanford 1785 Theophilus Hurd John Beers. Jr. Benjamin Stillson, Jr. Elijah Nichols Thomas Stilson Philo Norton George Peck Enos Johnson Obadiah Wheeler Elias Beers nine in all with good Joseph B. Wheeler Moses Botsford Curtis Wainwright Nathaniel Brisco, Jr. Peter Clark Hull John Bostwick Andrew Northrop David Judson Nathan Camp David Botsford Capt. Joseph Hepburn Samuel Beardslee, Jr. Elijah Hard John Bassitt Amos Shepherd Dr. Preserve Wood Ahijah Hard George Northrop Eli Wheeler Gideon Bostford, Jr. Elijah Stillson Joseph Hard Birdsey Glover Andrew Beers Joseph Stillson Gideon Dunning George Shepherd George Northrop Josiah Haves 1786 Elias Glover William Northrop Ebenezer Booth Luther Harris Wait Northrop Drake Northrop Benjamin Hawley Noadiah Warner 1787 Daniel Baldwin Robert Summers Gold Curtiss Zenas Washburn Daniel Botsford Vine Botsford William Birch, Jr. Eldad Tenney James Hendrix Jabez Beers Samuel Trowbridge 1788 Donald Tousey David Tousev 1789 Zadock Fairchild Jonathan Fairchild David Booth 1790 John W Chandler Moses Kent Botsford Clement Fairchild Ezekiel Fairchild old Anglo-Saxon names. 124 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN THOSE WHO TOOK THE FREEMAN'S OATH 1778 Capt. Richard Smith Lieut. Amos Northrop Amos Smith Abel Gunn David Peck Ezra Birch Mr. Joseph Gunn Col. John Chandler Reuben Taylor David Curtis Job Bunnill Moses Shepherd 1779 Amos Burritt Isaac Hawley Joseph Botsford James Glover David Judson Nathan Camp John Johnson Abel Johnson Gershom Jackson 1780 John Botswick Capt. Joseph Hepburn Abraham Kimberly Benjamin Burr Dr. Preserve Wood 1781 David Baldwin 1782 Ephraim Sherman Ephraim Jackson Jabez Gerould Gideon Dunning George Shepherd George Northrop Josiah Hayes Gideon Botsford, Jr. Clement Botsford 1783 David Meeker Hezekiah Booth John Hard Daniel Glover Capt. Peter Nichols Josiah Fairchild Theophilus Nichols Abraham Baldwin George Foot, Jr. John Summers Abiel Booth Mr. Nehemiah Strong Mr. William Edmond Capt. Abel Botsford Thomas Ford Capt. John Glover, Jr. Amos Hard Henry Glover, Jr. Hezekiah Dayton Zachariah Clark John Hard Zedekiah Morgan Curtis Hard Cyrenius Hard Andrew Beers John Beach Josiah Beardslee Thomas Bennitt Solomon Glover Abel Skidmore Nirom Hard Abijah Curtiss Zalmon Peck Ebenezer Beers Capt. John Blackman William Hall John Peck Abram Booth Amos Skidmur Zalmon Booth John Blackman, Jr. Jonathan Booth Capt. Henry Glover James Bennitt 1784 Zachariah Ferris Liverius Peck Amos Hard Daniel Baldwin Abel Booth Nehemiah Curtis Lewis Sherman Samuel Peck Clark Baldwin David Beers Auriel Peck Ebenezer Sherman James Foot Capt. Joseph Prindle Benjamin Curtis Peter Lake Dr. Bennitt Perry John Smith John Sanford, Jr. Samuel Ferris Seth Fairchild Ephraim Lake Joseph Bristol John Fairchild John Beach, Jr. Abel Bennitt Lemuel Nichols Moses Peck Cyrus Beers Solomon Sanford Salmon Glover Salmon Curtis Isaac Peck Philo Tousey Reuben Booth Eli Wheeler Philo Fairchild Amos Sherman Oliver Beers Stephen Crofut Truman Beers William Burwell Abraham Beers 1785 Elijah Nichols David Hinman Philo Norton Thomas Stilson Jotham Sherman Amos Bennitt George Peck Reuben Curtis Isaac Tousey Lemuel Thomas Cyrus Prindle Theophilus Hard Abel Tousey Enos Peck Isaac Trobridge Enos Johnson Joseph Foot John Judson Abel Judson Elijah Hull Nathaniel Northrop Benjamin Stillson Ezra Sherman Asher Peck Joseph B. Wheeler Reuben Terill 1786 John Skidmur Nathaniel Judson Ezra Northrop Richard Bennitt Asa Chambers Niron Curtis John Beers, Junr. Jonathan Prindle Abel Hurd Theophilus Hurd Peter Fairchild Zalmon Tousey, Junr. Julius Camp Josiah Blackman Michael Parks Isaac Baldwin Ephraim Peck, Junr. Ebenezer Sanford 1787 Noadiah Warner Josiah Curtis Moses Botsford Rev. Zephaniah Smith Asa Northrop Wait Northrop William Northrop Niron Botsford Luther Harris Ebenezer Booth Elias Glover Drake Northrop THOSE WHO TOOK THE FREEMAN'S OATH 125 Ebenezer Mallery Benjamin Hawley Robert Summers Abel Ferris Daniel Croof Gold Curtis 1788 Jacob Stilson Donald Tousey David Tousey Daniel Baldwin Lazarus Prindle 1789 Doctor Philo Perry Captain Abijah Hard Zadock P'airchild Jonathan Fairchild David Booth 1790 Mr Ephraim Sherman John Winthrop Moss Kent Botsford Clement Fairchild Ezekiel Fairchild Joal Camp Oliver Clark Hurd Philo Curtis Levi Peck Sueton Baldwin Josiah Tomlinson Stephen Gilbert Elias Glover Lockwood Winton 1791 David Fabrique Ezra Perry Dr. Benjamin Curtis Joal Booth Beeman Peet Warner Isaac Sanford John Lott Ziba Blakesly 1792 John Wooster Camp John Curtis Amon Skidmur Caleb Bennitt Abijah Birdsey Curtis Lazarus Hard Zachariah Clark, Junr. Moses Beardslee Stephen Taylor Oliver Bancroft Elias Beardslee Joseph Blackman, Jr. Daniel Blackman Capt. Vine Botsford 1793 Simeon Glover Daniel Clark Sanford David Nichols Ransford Baldwin Daniel Prindle Joseph Ferris Hugh Murphe Lewis Hubbell Agur Beardslee Andrew Wheeler John Hubbell Abel Curtis James Clark Truman Fairchild 1794 Peter Northrop Alpheus Fairchild Birdsey Glover Job Nickerson Austin Beers Israel Botsford Elnathan Skidmur Philo Booth Eli Beers Ebenezer Ford Bennitt Jotham Hawley Lemuel Hawley Roger Terrill Silas Burton Judson Patten Murry Jacob Raymond David Starling John Mallery Joseph Nichols Isaac Wells John Starling Beers Leir Fairchild Joseph Fairchild Daniel Booth Stephen Burv/ell Cyrenius Peck Andrew Hare David Peck, Junr. 1795 Reuben Hull Booth Ebenezer Turner Lampson Birch John Walker David Curtis Deforest Daniel Sherwood Elias Beers Joseph Wheeler, Junr. David Curtis 1796 Elijah Judson Gideon Baldwin Enoch Peck Daniel Sheperd Caleb Baldwin, Junr. Samuel Beers, Junr. Amos Shepard Philo Beardslee Benony Hendrj'x Red Wheeler Henry Botsford Richard Botsford Daniel Perry Gideon Peck Mr Samuel Beers Simeon Beers Simeon Shepard, Junr. Hermon Warner Joel Prindle Reuben Griffin Collins Chapman Benjamin Curtis, 3rd Isaac Bennitc Stephen Sanford Peter Finch Oliver Tousey, Junr. William Nickerson Abel Nichols Webb Tomlinson, Esq. Stephen Crofut, Junr. 1797 Amos Hard, Junr. Gideon Lattin Cyrus Hard Cyrenius Hard, Junr. Asa Chapman Amon Beers Philo Baldwin Isaac Crofutt Bailey Foot Michael Baldwin, Esq. 1798 Jonathan Booth Samuel C. Blackman Charles Burroughs Samuel Booth Thomas B. Botsford Isaac Wheeler Jared Brace Rufus Peck Josiah Burroughs David Lake 1799 Daniel Beers, Junr. Beach Tomlinson Daniel Botsford Timothy Shepard David Edmund John Clark William H. Fairchild Lazarus Stilson Richard Judson David Summers Wheeler Fairchild Ezekiel Bennitt Cyrenius Beers Adonirum Fairchild Ezra Curtis Joseph Stevens Adams Nathaniel F. King Samuel Lane Judson Samuel Northrop Daniel Morris Peter Stilson Eli Crofut Capt. Amos Morris Dan Chapman Nathanial Dikeman Ezra Lake John Turner Zenas Stilson Mark F. Hatch Joseph Perry 126 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 1800 Edward Foot Jacob Johnson Alanson Northrop Ezra H. Johnson John Shepard Lemuel Peck Martin Botsford James Peck Andrew Peck, Junr. Eden Birchard Josirh Glover James B. Stilson Riverius Prindle John Northrop, Junr. Ebenezer Peck, Junr. Nathan Peck, Junr. Daniel Ferris Dan Peck Daniel Booth, Junr. Daniel Nichols David Booth, Junr. Elihu Crofoot Zalmon Taylor Lemuel Foot John Baldwin Abel Prindle Pattern M. Blackman Eli Peck Jarvis Piatt Seth Gilbert Abel Beers, 3rd John Turner Eliakim Sharp Micajah Nash Benjamin Hard Dennis Nash Linus Sherman Daniel Comstock Daniel Hawley John Skidmur John Gillett Philo Foot Joseph Hawley John Brisco Andrew Griffin Daniel Peck 1801 James Glover, Junr. Amos N. Sanford David Pulford Ezia Glover Joseph Sherman Mathew Sherman Ezra Sherman Zardis Sherman Lemuel Camp Elnathan Peck James Masters Fldad Prindle John Botsford Elias Glover, Junr. David Wheeler David Edwards Henry Glover Elijah Jennings Abner Judson Jotham B. Sherman Amos Peclc 1S02 Turney Peck Justus Raymond Gould St John 1803 John Hall, Junr. Nathan Shepard David Parmelee Elisha Gilbert George M. Shepard Elijah Gilbert Truman Peck Jonathan Peck Andrew Shepard, Junr. Zalmon Beers Samuel Trowbridge Amos Smith Hezekiah Northrop John Botsford, Junr, Richard D. Shepard Aaron Beardslee Abram B. Ferris Billy Hall Joshua Chapin Abijah Merritt Eli Hall Isaac Tomlinson Isaac Piatt Peter Foot, Junr. Thomas Roberts Amos Parmelee Joseph Tousey Jacob Beers David S. Blackman Ammon Shepard Eliphalet B. Bradley Isaac Skidmore David Lyon Jabez Hawley John Raymond Justus Piatt Ebenezer Crofut Miles Johnson Jabez Rowland .A.aron Wheeler Ephraim Piatt Isaac Briscoe John Crofut Zalmon Roberts Squire Knapp Zalmon Lake Samuel Peck, Junr. 1804 Moses Beardslee, Junr. Abner Anson Nettleton Hezekiah Rowland Nathaniel Parmelee Isaac Scudder Joseph Wilkinson Elias B. Crofut Abram Botsford Peter C. Hull Marcus B. Parmelee John Griffin Ebenezer Griffin Joseph Rowland John Northrop Thomas Botsford Samuel Staples Daniel Hard Joseph Griffin John Lake Andrew Clark Ichabod Johnson Samuel Hubbell Asahel Booth, Junr. Timothy Jordan John Peck, Junr. Jonathan Goodsell Lemuel Landers Amos Terrill Jeremiah Beers Judson Peck David Beers Sherman Botsford Philo Botsford Abiiah Bradley Asa Dikeman Albert Edwards John Johnson, Junr. John Underbill James Terrili Thomas Welch David Piatt Joseph B. Barlow Tared Bradley Elihu Crofut. Junr. Samuel Watkins Lemuel Sheperd Philo Sherman Zalmon Sanford 1805 Nathan Turner Thomas W. Peck Jacob Camp Nathan Piatt Zalmon Hall Ethiel Starr Samuel Blackman Truman Blackman Charles Prince Agur Lewis Samuel Camp Ichabod Gilbert .A.bel Beardsley Cyrus Sherman Jabez Sherman Elijah Sherman John Beardsley Benjamin C. Glover Edward Booth Cyrus Fairchild Nathan Lattin Daniel Morris, Junr. Andrew Crofut Josiah Piatt THOSE WHO TOOK THE FREEMAN'S OATH 127 James Morris Thomas Beers 181S Truman Sherman William Botsford Abiel K. Botsford John Bristoll Daniel Wells Zar Winton Isaiah Northrop Holbrook Curtis Abraham Peck Lyman Edwards Ebenezer Beers, Junr. Philo Beers, Junr. Joseph Booth John Glover Josiah Wetmore -Thomas Sanford Joseph Dick Henry Beers Moses Gillet David Jennings Peter Perry Isaac Peck, Junr. 1810 Joseph Crofut Kiah B. Fairchild David C. Peck Jonah Sanford, Junr, Silas N. Glover Nehemiah Skidmore William Hubbell Hawley Stilson Marcus Botsford Zachariah Prindle Peter Shepard Ezra Gilbert Abner Beers Alfred D. Curtis Clark Sherman Ambrose Baldwin Nichols Curtis Eleazer Hawley James B. Fairchild David Judson Heber Foot 1816 I Silas Camp David V. B. Baldwin Ziba Glover Anson Judson jgU Zerah Judson Philo Gilbert Philo Baldwin Beera P. Summers Job S. Terrill Abel S Hawley Solomon Timanus Philo Beardslee Ebenetus Curtis Woosler Peck Jonathan S. Fairchild David Clark Prosper A. Foot Ezra H. Jennings Joseph Bennitt John Hendricks Lemuel Fairchild Stephen Nichols Villeroy Glover Roswell L. Sherwood p^^^j. NJchols Kli Piatt Ephraim Hubbell James Wheeler Benjamin F. Shelton j allies Mc Ray 2iba Fairchild David Underbill Zalmon Northrop g^^^ Fairchiild Nathan B. Sherman ^ ^ . .^^^ Edmond B. Peck Oliver Peck Job Lattin, Junr. Amos G. Peck , Zechariah Tomlinson Thomas Blackman J^^n Curtis. Junr. Joseph Burritt r^,T. ' ri' .f^.n Lue L. Sherman John B. Wheeler mnll A^ireh^use Robert Middlebrook Nathaniel Brisco. Jr. Daniel Morehouse EU^ha Mills Moss K. Botsford. Jr. Amason Washburn John Hawlev Abner Beardslee 1813 jgl'y David Peck Thaddeus Staples Phjio Curtis, Junr. 'James Thomas Samuel lousey EHsha Curtis Andrew Sherman Amos Parker Hurlburt Cone Nathaniel B. Nichols Amos Wells Clarke Fairchild ' James F. Beardslee Philo Sherman, Junr. Gideon B. Ferris * Obadiah N. Wheeler Ezekial Peck Philo Northrop I Simeon S. Blackman Levi Jackson David French ' Gershom Summers Abram Prindle James Northrop i 1807 Lemuel Hawley David Stilson Richard Peck Cyrus B. Glover Abraham Bennitt I Ebenezer H. Fairchild Jabez B. Botsford Samuel P Glover I Eli Winton 1814 Levi E. Jordan Charles Hotchkiss Smith Wheeler Cyrenus Northrop Arnold Foote Andrew Northrop Grandison Clark , Sueton Shepard Orman Sherman Hiram Shepard I Agur Blackman Reuben Shepard Ziba Perry ' 1808 Martin Judson Eliel Crofut I Amos H. Wheeler Philo ^L Jordan Lucius Clark I Theophiliis Botsford Daniel Botsford, Junr. Abel Bennitt ,Junr. ' Ii't^" ^- "^^"'^y Silas Fairchild, Junr. Thomas Seely Warren Wallace Oliver Northrop Lawrenus Shepard I Simeon Underbill Ezra Jennings Calvin Hvde i Rhesa Foot Walter Northrop William Piatt Eh Bennitt Gould Curtis, Junr. Samuel Staples, Junr. I Jpsiah Sanford Henry Shepard Abner Blackman Thomas Dibble Squire Dibble Peter Lewis I Zachariah Dunkum Ira Fairchild Wheeler Bennitt tri-- L o ^^P'^ James Staples Henry Nichols ( Elijah Sanford James Boyer Philip A. Cannon 128 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Bailey Beardslee Amariah Beers John Beers David B. Botsford Elijah Botsford David Taylor Squire V. Smith Charles Shepard Austin Booth Tyrus Hawley Israel Peck Abner Peck Russell Tousey Philo Whitney John Skidmore Abraham Beardslee James Bennitt, Junr. Norman Northrop Moses Beardslee, 3rd. John Judson Daniel Skidmore Glover Skidmore Zar Keeler 1818 Harry Glover Winthrop Fairchild Samuel N. Sanford Eli Hard Josiah Wheeler Charles Botsford Harry T Hill Wheeler Cable Jabez Taylor William B. Warner Hezekiah Curtis Ariellus Hamlin Ephraim P. Wetmore Josiah Fairchild, Junr. Joseph Shepard Philo Tousey, Junr. Nathan J. Wilcoxon Botsford Terrill Hiram Curtis Rufus L. Parmalee Thomas S. Ferris Cyrus Hyde Henry Deane David Sherman Charles Sherman Abijah Rowell John Curtis, 3d. Isaac Drew Thomas O. Chambers Nirom Shepard Joseph Smith, 3d. Philo Parmelee Philo Sanford John Sherman, Junr. David A. Gilbert Donald Baldwin Andrew B. Glover Theophilus Nichols Philo Bennitt 1819 Abijah Beach Curtis Simeon Nichols Joel Bassett Harry Sherman Ezekiel Beers Eli Hawley Jeremiah Trowbridge Walter Fairchild Joseph D. Wheeler John L. Hubbell Eleazer Dibble David M. Birch Elam Crofut Levi Parmelee Levi Taylor Beeman Fairchild John Hawley Isaac Underbill Rufus Shepard Everitt Clark Philo U. Piatt .Samuel Fairchild Stephen L. Crofut Nathaniel Mallory Philo Lake 1820 Abiel B. Glover David Curtis Henry Peck George Bradley Abijah Bradley, Junr. Lyman Lake George Shepard, Junr. Gideon S. Beers Harry Piatt Hezekiah Piatt 1821 Cyrenius H. Booth Henry S. Hill John Sanford, Junr. David Nash Anson Hubbell Simeon Shepard Jotham B. Hawley Silas Jennings Seth Prindle Josiah Botsford 1822 Alexander Hall Charles Chapman Rufus Summers Charles Glover Austin N. Botsford Marcus B. Summers Levi Fairchild Hiram Parmelee Burtis Fairchild Henry R. Lott Philo Fairchild, Junr. Daniel Curtis Truman Sherman 1823 Seth Rogers James E. Glover Charles B. Booth MacPherson Sherman Gideon B. Botsford Simeon N. Beers Sylvester N. Beers Sylvester Beers Alben Hall Nelson Tongue Sylvanus Piatt Hart Shepard Isaac Blackman Hiram Fairchild Cyrus D. Fairchild Davis S. Sweet 1824 John Wetmore William Hayes Samuel B. Peck Isaac Nichols Daniel Baldwin John Nash Theodore B. Botsford Norman Tuttle Ezra Gray Daniel Brisco Joel T. Camp Edwin Botsford Levi Drew George Benedict Boyle Fairchild John Wallace Abel Whitney Marcus Fairchild Amos Curtis Sanford Lemuel Beers Edward Wheeler John Lake, Junr. Cyrus Camp 1825 Horace M. Shepard Henry Dutton William P. Edmonds Charles Johnson Walter Clark Nathan Johnson Lucius Peck William Blakely John B. Beers Dibble Camp Levi Peck Solomon W. Stevens Agur Perry Beers Fairchild Charles Clark Ziba Blackman Norman Beers Hiram Baily Hermon Fairchild Russell D. Smith Abel Dibble William B. Taylor Erastus Hull Charles Peck Ezra Piatt Asa B. Beardslee Lewis S. Brisco THOSE WHO TOOK THE FREEMANS OATH 129 Amos J. Hard Jesse Beardslee Thomas B. Barnum Abel B. Terrill Nichols B. Lake John C Wilkinson Orrin Tongue Lauriston Sherman Jared Botsford, Junr. Burton E. Clark Ebenezer Dikeman Charles T. Chafeen Luther Camp Charles Curtis William M. Shepard Walter Johnson David W. Griffin Rufus Skidmore 1826 Ives Glover Joseph B. Curtis I Eli S. Lattin Taylor Judd Samuel B. Benedict Hermon Parmelee Daniel Shepard Abram Winton Luzon Crofut JGeorge Botsford Glover Hawley Oliver Summers Reuben Northrop 1827 Harson Twitchell 'Wilton Beardslee iCharles Blakeslee Elnathan Stillson jHermon Hill I Stephen M, Downs [Joseph M. Hubbell 1 'Kbel Tousey f|Turney French William Baldwin IRobert Edmond Moss Fairchild iDavid J. Glover ,Hermon Beers I Wooster Taylor 'Samuel Blakeslee iGeorge Blackman jjCharles Northrop ijStephen Merwin 1828 IBeach Camp I Thomas D. Shepard 5eth Gilbert Fotham Sherman ioseph Perry vVilliam G. Smith Preston Durant Ifabez B. Peck Fohn B. Nichols 1829 David B. Beers Isaac Stilson Orrin Raymond Joseph Nettleton Joseph Sherman, Junr. Aledad Bradley Roswell Lake Abel B. Skidmore William Stebbins Albert Edwards, Jr. Charles T. Hard Joshua H. Taylor Drusus Nichols Starr Shepard Auraunah Fairchild Joseph Ferris, Junr. Alfred Blackman Daniel B. Hawley David T Taylor Alark E. Leavenworth William Beard 1830 Israel A. Beardslee Philander Sharp Thomas Ward John C. Booth Daniel S. Bulkley Sherman J. Sharp Delauzan Peck Thomas Ward Herman Peck John L. Fairchild Ezra Morgan Isaac Blackman Wheeler Shepard Levan W. Merritt 1831 Isaiah S. Tomlinson Herman S. Thorpe Isaac Beers Elias Johnson Sidney Middlebrook Orrin Shepard We.lter Glover Granville S. Glover John Glover Russell Wheeler Roswell Glover Roswell Wheeler Norman B. Glover James A. Burritt Hiram Camp Joseph Blackman, Jr. Warren Fairchild James Foot Charles C. Warner Charles L. Stillson Norman Tongue Jacob Mayhew John Beers Anthony Mygatt Ezra Patch Alonzo German James G. Blackman Harry W. Tucker Charles Brisco Jotham Stilson Walter Blackman .A.bijah Hard Carlos Shepard David Taylor, Junr. Charles Fairman George C. Peck Isaac B. Scudder Samuel B. Blackman Benjamin Hawley John R. Skidmore Samuel B. Hawley Samuel P. Botsford Charles C. Beers William H. Peck Abel F. Gillett Jerome Middlebrook Abram Jarvis Amos Hard Horace B. Dibble Jacob Mayhew, Junr. 1832 Justus Thompson Samuel M. Turney Hanford Hull Thomas B. Taylor Alonzo Taylor Lucius Middlebrook Alva B. Beecher Isaac F. Holtstander Walter Lake William B. Glover Thaddeus H. Nichols Sheldon Blackman Ammon Smith Albert Prindle Elizur Northrop Alonzo Johnson Abel Stilson Bronson Bulkley Bennitt Piatt George Gilbert Marcus H. Parmelee lohn Johnson, Junr. Tudson Piatt Elizur W. Keeler Lj-man Smith William B. Jennings Reuben B. Burroughs Hezckiah Peck Eli Higgins Zadock Sherman Amos Foote Simeon B. Peck James Blackman Charles Dikeman Reuben N. Griffin Isaac Lake David Northrop George M. Benedict Charles Skidmore Gershom Dimon 130 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Sheldon Northrop 1833 Eli W. Blackman Joel Thorp Andrew Knapp William Scudder Charles Johnson, Junr. Tnimrin Perry Isaac Hawley Ammon Williams Agur Clark Joseph G. Ferris Joseph B. Fairchild Philo T. I^latr I\-.vid Sanford Oliver Evens Elijah B. Terrill Gideon B. Fairchild Thomas H. Green James A. Cargill NEWTOWN DURING THE REVOLUTION We find no allusion in the town journal to the troubles brewing between Great Britain and her New England colonies until 1775, when, at an adjourned town meeting, March 6, 1775, at the meeting house, Mr. Daniel Botsford was chosen moderator and a memorial to the General Assembly of the Connecticut colony then in session at New Haven was laid before the meeting for consideration and action. No living soul of our beautiful town to-day can realize in the smallest degree with what dignity and solemnity that body of electors who represented the people of the town, that then had a population, according to the census of 1774, of 2,229 souls, met to express themselves upon the crisis they were soon to be called to meet. As yet no shot had been fired, no blood shed, though British troops were not so far away but that, on the 19th day of April following, the battle of Lexington was fought, when the shot was fired which was heard around the world. Paul Revere, a Boston patriot on the watch, placed two signal lanterns in the belfry of the old Boston North church steeple, and he himself (as the story goes) galloped through the country giving the alarm. Memorial sent to the General Court at its session in New Haven, March 2, 1775, which shows a strong desire to settle the diflferences between the colonies and the mother country without war. "To the Honorable, the General Assembly of ye Colony of Connecticut in New England to be holden at New Haven on the second day of March, 1775, the memorial of us ye inhabitants of Newtown in Fairfield County humbly showeth that your honor memorialists being verj^ sensible and deeply afifected with ye distrest estate of ye Colonies in general and this Colony in particular respecting ye unhappy differences that now subsists between ye parent state and her colonies and also being very apprehensive that ye late measures come into by ye late General Congress will not have ye desired effect of working an effectual union or reconciliation between said state and her colonies, your inemorialists humbly pray your honors to take ye distrest estate of this Colony into your wise consideration and to adopt such measures as you shall think proper, and to prefer a petition to King and Parliament in ye name of ye Assembly who only are known to be 3'e representatives of ye people. We further remind your Honors that as General Congress or General Councils have always been extremely ex- pensive so they have not always answered ye expectations of their con- stituents and further we have to observe to your Honors yt as our assemblies are ye only legal representatives of ye people they cannot sub- stitute any persons to act in their stead and that if another Congress should take place and report yt we bind ourselves and our constituents it would be ye act and report, not of a committee but of Law makers, and again we are filled with amazement at ye dreadful consequences yt must take place if ye resolution of ye Congress carried into execution, two large towns or more besides ye many thousands, perhaps near one-half of this colony who are liege subjects of our Lord and King who have violated no law of ye realm, who are deeply affected with ye distrest state of ye Colonies, grieved with these acts of Parliament which affect ye interests of ye Colonies willing to take all reasonable or Constitutional measures NEWTOWN DURING THE REVOLUTION 131 to obtain redress of ye same, but diflFering from ye late Congress in mode of proceeding, only that we should be deprived of those privileges which ye law of God, of nature and of compact have give us, we are filled with amazement, your Honor petitioners beg leave once more to remind your Honors yt eleventh article of the Continental Congress come into and com- plied with, doth exclude ye Representatives of those towns from a seat in ye house of Representatives for as by ye best authority we can have ye town of New Haven on ye 27th day of February last, voted that they, nor inhabitants of Newtown or Ridgefield should have entertainment or sub- sistence within a town which doth as effectually exclude ye Representa- tives of those towns a seat there, as if ye General Assembly had passed it into a law of ye Colony, and again as ye Resolutions of General Congress in many of their resolves are repugnant to ye charter of this Colony, so ye late agreement of ye County Congress at Fairfield is directly in ye face of , Magna Charter itself, where it stands enacted no freeman shall be taken I or imprisoned or disseased of his freehold or liberties, or exiled, or any I otherwise destroyed, and we will not pass sentence upon him, nor condemn him but by lawful judgment of his peers or by ye law of ye land. We will sell to no man, we will not denj^ or defer to any man either justice or right. We beg once more, leave to enquire where 3'e great difference lies between ye Honorable upper House and your Honor's petitioners. Your Honors have not proceeded to act in ye affair, and your Honors petitioners have jonly said they would not act at all. In ye course of our enquiries we further find yt ye very existence or being of Congress in matters of legis- lation is directly repugnant to English constitution, not only by ye concessions of ye Congress themselves, but by their own resolves, as in Page 8: 'Resolved, yt it is indisputably necessary to good government and rendered essential by ye English Constitution, yt ye constituent branches of ye Legislative, be independent of each other, yt therefore the exercise of legislative power in several Colonies by a council appointed during 'pleasure by ye Crown is unconstitutional dangerous and destructive to ye freedom of American legislation,' to which it may be answered, yt ye council or congress referred to is a council appointed by ye Crown and not by a neighboring Colony, which would be a position or construction so absurd, that no worshipper of a Congress but would blush to have it mentioned, and must then your petitioners with ye many thousands be- sides, who have long enjoyed peace and tranquility under auspicious reign of our Sovereign and under ye protection of this Assembly must we be compelled to quit our native country this once fair and pleasant Land iwith all our possessions, our friends, and all yt is near and dear to us and Iseek refuge in some gloomy corner of the earth darker than the grave, or [must we adopt the doings of ye Congress or is it all a jest? Voted, at said meeting, that the above memorial be presented to the 'Assembly now sitting at New Haven. 'Newtown, March 6, 1775. j Jotham Sherman I Zadock Sherman i Thomas Skidmore Jabez Baldwin Test, Caleb Baldwin, Town Clerk. Selectmen. In the following year, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed. The public records of the colony of Connecticut, in its list Df names of representatives from the several towns, has the name bf Newtown with a blank. Whether the town did not elect, or, if elected, they refused to take the oath of office, history does not :ell. The General Court met at New Haven in October, 1776, and ;he first resolution passed by the Assembly was : I "We approve of the Declaration of Independance published by said [Congress, and that this Colony is and of right ought to be, a free and Independent state, and the inhabitants thereof are absolved from all illegiance to the British Crown, and all political connections between hem and the King of Great Britian is, and ought to totally dissolved." 132 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN At the session of the General Court at New Haven in May, 1775, was enacted what was known as the Tory Act, to guard the colony against Toryism. At the annual town meeting of Newtown, Dec. 5, 1775, the town voted "that a copy of the Tory Act shall be h-.Iden and continually kept in the Town Clerk's office and that the other Tory Act shall be kept at William Burwell's." At the session of the General Court at New Haven in October, 1776, an act was passed prescribing and enjoining an oath of fidelity to the State, which reads: "Whereas, the King of Great^Britain hath abdicated the government of this and the other United States of America, by putting them out of his protection, and unjustly levying war against them, and the said United States by their representatives in General Congress assembled by a Declaration bearing date the fourth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, for the reasons therein men- tioned solemnly declared that the united Colonies of North America are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states and that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved, which Declaration is approved by this Assembly, Therefore, it is expedient for the security of this state, that an oath of fidelity be taken by the freemen and officers thereof." This preamble and resolve was followed by a copy of the oath of fidelity, that every freeman was obliged to take, before he could be received as an elector. The oath : "Be it enacted by the Gov- ernor, Council and Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that all the members of the general Assembly, and other officers civil and military, and freemen within the state of Con- necticut, shall take the following oath : 'You do swear by the ever-living God, that you will truly and faithfully adhere to, and maintain the government established in this state under the authority of the people, agreeable to the laws in force within the same, and that you believe in your conscience that the King of Great Britain hath not, nor of right ought to have, any authority or dominion in or over this state, and that you do not hold yourself bound to yield any allegiance or obedience to him within the same, and that you will, to the utmost of your power, maintain and defend the freedom, independence and privileges of this state against all open enemies of traitorous conspiracies whatsoever, so help you God.' And no person shall have authority to execute any of the offices aforesaid after the first day of January next until he hath taken said oath before they enter upon the execution of their offices. No freeman within this state shall be allowed to vote in the election of any officers of government until he hath taken the aforesaid oath in the open freeman's meeting in the town where he dwells, and the names of all the freemen who take said oath shall be enrolled by the town clerk in the records of the town, which oath shall be administered by a magistrate or justice of the peace." This went into effect Jan. 1, 1777. That year, the General Court opened its sessions on the second Thursday of Alay and August 25, and between that year (1777) and 1782, 128 names are recorded as having taken the oath of fidelity. At a special meeting, Jan. 6, 1777, to consider assent to the articles of Confederation drawn up and sent by Congress to the several States, agreeable to a requisition of His Excellency, the Governor, it was voted, "that in consequence of the above notification and having particularly considered every Article by itself, unanimously approve of every article of Confederation as sent by Congress to the several States. Resolved, that the Representatives of this town transmit the votes of this meeting to the General Assembly of this state, approving of every article of Confederation of the United States in Congress as the sense of this town that the Delegates of this state be empowered by the Assembly to Ratify and confirm the same in Congress." The freemen of Newtown were slow in conforming to the law. NEWTOWN DURING THE REVOLUTION 133 and at the May session of the Legislature, Newtown was not rep- resented in the General Court. From the time of the signing the Declaration of Independence to the close of the war, town meetings were held frequently, and information regarding the town's doings in helping carry on the war must be gathered from the town rec- ords At a special town meeting, April 7, 1777, it was "voted that Oliver Tousey, William Burwell and Jonathan Booth be appointed a committee to take care of the Excise money. Put to vote whether there shall be a committee appointed by this town to take care of such money as shall be remitted from time to time by any soldier in the Continental Army agreeble to the Governor and Council of Safety bearing date March 18, 1777, voted in the negative. Put to vote whether we will adhere to the Act of this State respecting regulating Trade, voted in the negative. Put to vote that the Town shall use their influence to prevent the spreading of small-pox by inoculation or some other way in this town, voted in the affirmative. At a special town meeting, Oct. 6, 1777, Alessrs Eli Dunning, Jabez Botsford, Esq., Mathew Curtis, Jr., and George Terrill, shall be committee to provide according to the Proclamation of the Governor and Council of Safety, September 12, 1777. Voted, that the Town Treasurer shall pur- chase wheat and deliver the same to those families belonging in the Continental Army, at the prices stated by law." "Voted, that Capt. Jabez Botsford and Richard Fairman shall be a com- i mittee to take care of and provide necessaries of life for the families of those soldiers now in the Continental Army." "Voted, that the salt belonging to this town purchased by the state shall , be transported from Bedford in Boston state to this place at the expense I of the town, and that in a manner that the selectmen shall think most ' expedient and safe either by land or water." "Voted, that the selectmen shall take care of the pig iron allowed to this town by the state and that it be forwarded in the best manner to the most convenient forge." August 25, 26 and 27, these freemen went before Jabez Botsford, justice I of the peace and complied with the law: Jabez Botsford, Esq., George ; Terrill, Lieut. Benjamin Summers, Richard Fairman, James Fairchild, Jr., Fitch Kimberley, Moses Shepherd, Elijah Botsford, Lieut. Henry Fairman, I Nathaniel Brisco, John Botsford, Nathaniel Barnum.— Caleb Baldwin, Jr., I Town Clerk. I A noble example of 12 of Newtown's foremost men, who dared to become leaders and, with uplifted hand, swear before the ever- ' living God to uphold and defend, if need be with their lives, the j cause espoused in the Declaration of Independence. From August 25, 1777, to 1791, 337 freemen took the oath of fidelity, when, with I the war ended and peace restored, the observance of that law was \ no longer required. ] At the annual town meeting, Dec. 7, 1777, the demands made j upon the town by strenuous efforts in prosecution of the war, I made an increase of the board of selectmen absolutely necessary j and Caleb Baldwin, Jr., Col. John Chandler, Jabez Botsford, Esq., , Mr. Nathan Bennett, Mr. Matthew Curtiss, Mr. Joshua Northrop, I and Mr. Eli Dunning were chosen for selectmen. |l "Voted, Mr. Job Burwell, Abel Baldwin, Josiah Beardslee, Capt, Jonathan Northrop, Jared Dunning, George Terrill, Jabez Botsford, Esq., James I Glover and Mr. Matthew Curtis, shall be a committee of clothing for the soldiers for the year ensuing." I "Voted, Mr Isaac Hawley, Ebenezer Smith, Amos Terrill, Gideon Botsford, Jabez Botsford, Esq., and James Fairchild, be a committee to \ take the care of the families of the soldiers belonging to this town in the I Continental Army." 134 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN In the year 1778, a loan office was established in the several colonies to receive such monies as might be offered for loan, and commissioners were appointed in each colony to receive loans, for which they were to deliver over to the lenders loan certificates bearing 4 per cent interest and payable in three years. Caleb Baldwin, Esq., was appointed commissioner for Newtown, and the loan money was to be used to help furnish the soldiers with things most needful. The loans made were 12: Aaron Gregory $70, Thomas Brooks £38 lOs, Josiah Beardslee £100, Mary Judson $57 and two- thirds, Mary Judson and Thomas Brooks $300, Jonathan Fairchild $600, Sarah Baldwin $100, Caleb Baldwin $70, Thomas Brooks, Jr., and Mary Judson £38 10s, Caleb Baldwin, Jr., one Continental Loan Office certificate $300 also $33 and one-third, Elizabeth Robson $120, Capt. Abel Botsford $120. That insubordination existed in Newtown in 1778 is shown by this Act passed by the General Assembly in that year : Upon a representation made to this Assembly, that the three alarm companies formed within the limits of the first society of Newtown in the 16th Regiment having some time since made choice of persons inimical to this and the other United States of America, who for that reason were refused commissions, or wholly neglect and refuse to execute their offices whereby all the said companies are destitute of officers and by that means not in a condition to be called upon to perform military duty for the defence of the country. Resolved, by this Assembly, that the colonel or chief officer of said Regiment be directed and he is hereby ordered and directed to cause legal warning to be given said companies as soon as may be, to meet for the purpose of choosing commission officer and lead or order them to be led to such choice for their respective companies, and in case they neglect or refuse to elect such persons as are qualified accord- ing to the laws of this state, to e.xecute such offices that then, the civil authority in, and selectmen of Newtown, with the advice of said Colonel or chief officer are hereby empowered and directed forthwith to nominate such officers as may be necessary, which choice or nomination shall, by said Colonel or chief officer be returned to this Assembly, or in the recess thereof, to his Excelency the Governor, who is desired to commissionate them accordingly, which officers shall immediately proceed to detach their quota of men for the Continental Army as soon as the field officers of said Regiment have proportioned them to the respective companies, which they are hereby directed to do." The records show 1778 to have been more free from special town meetings than usual. There was routine work of looking after the needs of soldiers' families on the part of the committees having that duty to perform. Not until July of the following year, was there this call for a special town meeting: "Advertisement— Notice is hereby given to Newtown inhabitants that there is to be a town meeting at the Town House in said town on Monday next at five o'clock in the afternoon, to adopt some measures to raise moneys to supply the family's of the officers and soldiers belonging to said town now in Continental service agreeable to a late resolve of the General Assembly and to do any other business necessary. Jabez Botsford Joshua Northrop John Chandler Eli Dunning Selectmen." Newtown, July 10, 1779. Meeting met according to the warning. Henry Peck, Esq., appointed moderator: "Voted that the committee supplying the officers and soldiers' families now in Continental service agreeable to Resolve of the General Assembly, May 1779, make and adjast each man's proper proportion (oblig- ed by law to pay rates in Newtown^ of the sum of £108 reckoning the NEWTOWN DURING THE REVOLUTION 135 addition of 75 per cent on the prices of grain of the several kinds, and that they call on the inhabitants of said Town to return to them immediately or at a convenient season said dividend for the use of said families and that they make returns of the sum allowed by the Committee of the Pay-table once in six months to the Authority and selectmen that a settlement may be had agreeable to the minds of this or some future meeting." A special town meeting was called for Monday, July 20, 1779, for the purpose of "raising a bounty for those who shall enlist into the Continental service agreeable to an act of the General Assembly calling for the same. Meeting was opened in accordance with the notification. Capt. George Terrill was chosen moderator and the meeting was adjourned with out an action being taken." At a special town meeting, August 31, 1779, it was voted, "that there shall be one shilling on the pound on the list of 1775 paid into the town treasury to supplj' the committee for the supplying the families of the officers and soldiers belonging to this town in the Continental army. The meeting taking into consideration the circumstances of Nathan Turner and Calvin Turner, now returned from the enemy: Resolved, that the said Turner be not admitted to stay in this town." "Voted, that this meeting make known to the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut either by memorial or some other manner, the circumstances and true situation of this town in regard to those unfriendly persons in said town together with the reasons of the Friends to the Liberties of America in this town entering their protest against the Town Clerk's entering those unfriendly persons in the list of those that have taken oath of fidelity. Voted, that Jabez Botsford, Esq., Job Burrill and David Curtis shall be a committee of cloathing for the soldiers of the Continental army." Voted, "that the com- mittee of clothing shall draw orders on the town treasury for such clothing as they shall procure for the soldiers and make return to the committee of the Pay-table and return such order as they shall obtain, into the town treasury." A meeting of the Governor and Council of Safety at Hartford in October, 1779: Resolved, that the selectmen of Newtown receive from Joseph Hopkin, Esq., of Waterbury, ten fire-arms belonging to this state, also 150 pounds of gun-powder from the keeper of powder belonging to this state at Ripton, and also 300 flints of Captain George Smith of Hartford, they passing their receipts therefor, said selectmen to be responsible. Per order of Major Caleb Baldwin, also upon the memorial of Samuel Hazard, a refuge from the city of New York, now resident of the town of Newtown, showing that when he left New York, he left with some of his friends on Long Island considerable effects belonging to himself and family, and praying to have liberty to go onto said Island and bring off said effects. Resolved, that the said Samuel Hazard have liberty and liberty is hereby granted to him to go onto Long Island for the purpose of bringing away such effects, he conforming himself to the directions of Thaddeus Betts, Esq., of Norwalk, under whose care and inspection he is to conduct in the affair." Voted, "that Capt. Jabez Botsford shall be collector of the provision tax." Voted, "that this meeting reconsider their former vote appointing Mr Ephraim Sherman, and appoint Capt. Jabez Botsford to collect and put up the whole both flour and meat, except that in the parish of Newberry." Voted, "that Mr Eli Dunning be collector of that part of the provision tax in the parish of Newbury." By order of Newtown's selectmen, Richard Smith, Elijah Bots- ford. Eli Dtmning, Abel Botsford, a special town meeting was held March 8, 1780, in compliance with a resolve of the General Assembly of the State, to appoint a board of Inspectors for better care in the inspection of food stipplies furnished for Continental soldiers at the front. The meeting was held at the Center schoolhouse. Cap- tain Henry Peck was chairman. "Voted that Lieutenant Amos Terrill, Mr. Josiah Beardslee, Joshua Hatch, Richard Fairman, Abel Baldwin, Captain George Ferris, Captain Elijah Botsford, Mr. Job Bunnill, Matthew Curtiss, Junr., Benjamin Burr, Asa Cogswell, Amos Northrop, Eli 136 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Dunning, Captain Richard Smith, Moses Shepard, Joshua Northrop, Silas Fairchild, Captain Benjamin Summers, Mr. Nathan Sherman, shall be a committee of Inspectors of Provisions the year ensuing, agreeable to a Resolve of the General Assembly passed in January, 1780. Voted, that Mr. Abraham Bennitt shall be committee to supply the family of Lieutenant Ephraim Kimberley the year ensuing as a soldier in the Continental service." Also voted, "Lieutenant Amos Terrill shall be a committee to supply the family of Mr. Elijah Foot, a soldier in the Continental Army." Also voted, "in order to raise the eight men required for the years service to defend the Post at Horseneck, we proceed in the same manner as is directed for the Continental soldiers." Another special town meeting, July 10, 1780, to raise a bounty for those who enlisted in the Continental service agreeable to the Act of the General Assembly. The meeting was regularly held at 6 p. m., July 10, 1780. Captain George Terrill was chosen moder- ator, and the meeting was dissolved without taking action. A special town meeting, Nov. 13, 1780, to raise the quota of pro- visions of said town, agreeable to an act of the General Assembly in October, 1780, voted "that Mr. Ephraim Sherman and Mr. Eli Dunning be a committee for the purpose of putting up fiour in this town for Continental use." Voted, "that Capt. Jabez Botsford and Mr Eli Dunning be a committee for the purpose of providing barrells and putting up beef and pork required by law for Continental Stores." Voted, "that this meeting has no objection to the wives and families of Ephraim Betts and Elias Skidmore repairing to Long Island there to tarry with their husbands, going under the direction of the authority and selectmen." At the annual town meeting in December, 1780, it was voted "that the selectmen be a committee to ascertain the number of soldiers now in Continental service accounted for this town and make returns of their doings at the next meeting." At the adjourned meeting Dec. 25, 1780, it was voted "that Mr. Henry Wood, David Judson and Eli Dunning be a committee of clothing for the soldiers belonging to Newtown, and that Captain Abel Botsford and Ensign Clement Botsford be a committee to supply the soldiers' families with provisions for the year ensuing." Voted, "that this town will enable commanding officers of the several military companies, and the selectmen, to procure, by hireing at the town's cost if possible, the men now requested by peremptory detachment and all other peremptory detachments from the militia the year ensuing." Voted, "that Captain Elijah Botsford, Captain Jabez Botsford, Captain Abel Botsford, Captain Benjamin Somers, Captain George Terrill, Captain Richard Smith, Mr. Richard Fairman, Caleb Baldwin, Junr., and Joshua Northrop be a committee to class the inhabitants of the town for the puropse of filling the Continental army." At a special town meeting, Jan. 22, 1781, it was voted that Jabez Botsford, Esq., shall be collector and receiver of Flour and Grain required of Newtown for the Continental Army, and that David Botsford be committee of Clothing for the army for the year. On February 14, 1781, another special meeting was held to receive returns of the several classes in the town, for recruits for the army, and it was voted that Major Caleb Baldwin, Colonel John Chandler, Mr. Richard Fairman and Mr. Amos Northrop be a committee to receive the returns of the several classes for recruits of Continental soldiers in Newtown by the 16th inst., and on failure of any class having hired, etc. Voted, that the committee be and they are hereby empowered forthwith on such report being made, or failure of said report by said day, to pray out a warrant against each and every such neglecting, lay for such sum or sums as shall be double the sum necessary to hire a man according to the statute and hire said man or see one be hired as soon as may be, provided nevertheless that said committee shall have it in their power to settle with any such neglecting class, so be it they save the town harmless as they shall think fit. Voted, that where any members of a class in this town already classed shall neglect to pay his or their pro- portion where a class shall hire a man, the committee above mentioned NEWTOWN DURING THE REVOLUTION 137 shall proceed immediately with such individual according to the statute in such case accordingly. Voted, this town will indemnify according to the above vote, and that they the said committee make report of their pro- ceedings at the next town meeting. Voted, that said committee make returns of the said Recruits to His Excellency the Governor, at the next session of the General Assembly. Voted, that said committee double the classes already made in order to raise the eight men required for the year service to defend the Post at Horse Neck and proceed in the same manner to procure said men as is above directed for the Continental soldiers. Special town meeting, April 9, 1781 : Voted, that the selectmen forthwith call upon the eight classes made out of the sixteen classes, to raise their men for the state guards within six days and that the head of each deficent class make report to the said selectmen of the delinquents and that the selectmen proceed with them according to the statute respecting raising said men and hire, furnish and forward said men with the money they so collect so far as it be sufficient. In July, 1781, another special town meeting was held to agree upon some measures to raise 4 pence on the pound in beef cattle agreeable to an act of the General Assembly of this state and it was voted, that there be a rate of two pence on the pound on the list of 1780 in hard money or beef cattle by the first day of September next. Voted that Mr. Richard Fairman and Mr. Eli Dunning be purchasers of said beef and that the collector pay over the money he shall collect on said rates, to the purchaser of said beef. Voted that the town of Newtown stand in the classes they now stand in for supplying the guards at Horse Neck. Voted, that the committee appointed to class the town for the Continental Recruits the present year adjust the classes for the state service the presennt year according to law. Feb. 25, 1782, it was voted that the town stand in the classes as they now stand for supplying the guards at Horse Neck. December, 1783, it was voted that a committee be appointed to examine into the matter of the last classing of the town to fill up the Continental Army and the state guards and make report at the next town meeting, and that Gen. John Chandler and Mr. Nehemiah Strong be the committee for that purpose. In March, 1782, the town voted that the committee appointed to clas.s the town for the Continental Recruits the present year shall adjust the classes for the state service according to law. The last classing of the town to fill up the Continental Army and the State Guards was in the Spring of 1783, when General John Chandler and Mr. Nehemiah Strong were appointed committee for that purpose. With the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his army after the battle of Yorktown in 1781, the war was practically ended, and no further doings of the town are to be found in the town journals concerning town care of its soldiers and their families. This old pass was found among the papers of the late Mrs Sylvia E. Burr of Southbury, whose grandfather. Eliakim Sharp, was administrator on the estate of his brother, Thomas Sharp: 'To whom concerned permit the bearer Thomas Sharp of Newtown to pass unmolested to Stamford or Horse Neck and there joyn the Company Detached from Colol Bordleys Regt pr Jabez Botsford J of Peace Newtown, January ye 9 1781. The name Bradley was often spelled Bordley as above. Col Bradley's regiment, the Fifth of the "Connecticut Line," Second Brigade, served from 1777 to 1781, was at White Plains, Valley Forge, Redding, Morristown and Horseneck. Letter from Editor of Seymour Record — Seymour, Conn., November 14, 1913. Mr Ezra L. Johnson, Dear Sir: I have been much interested in the articles which you are furnishing The Bee regarding "Newtown's Place and Doings during the 138 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Revolutionary War" and thinking you may be publishing later a list of those who went from Newtown to serve in the Revolutionary War, I enclose a copy of a pass given to my grandfather to return to his regiment at Horseneck in 1781. It was the late State Librarian, Mr. Hoadley, who told me that the name Bradley was frequently spelled Bordley in the old times, and Jabez Botsford 'J of Peace" who signed the pass is doubtless the same as is mentioned as Captain Jabez Botsford in your article in the Bee." Arthur T. Nettleton loaned me, after the article in the Bee came out, a valuable relic of the past, though the hand that penned it had mingled with dust more than 100 years ago ; the paper itself was as welcome to me as must have been the first olive branch that Noah's dove brought to the window of the Ark. This paper has a list of names of men in the army of the Revolution who enlisted from Newtown, for the preservation of which we are indebted to the painstaking care of Charles Henry Peck, who, not many years ago, was Newtown's town clerk, ever on the outlook to add to a grow- ing cabinet of relics, whatever he could gather of things supersed- ed by improved machinery or improved methods, old manuscripts and papers with names and doings of those efficient workers and helpers in our beautiful town, 100 and 200 years ago. Ainong the names is that of Peter Fairchild, ancestor of the wife of Charles Henry Peck, whose maiden name was Hannah Fairchild. We have living in town other descendants of Peter Fairchild, who bear the family name, Arthur Fairchild and his two sons, Arthur and Robert, also a daughter, Mary Hazen. All three of the children are grad- uates of the Newtown High School, still looking onward and upward. The sons are now with the Allies. 1778 — 1782 — List of Continental soldiers now in service in the Continental Army, that answer for Newtown : Captain Abel Botsford's company — Serg'nt Abel Baldwin, Isaac Baldwin, Samuel Farwether, Nathan Hubbill, Bristol Ceaser, Levy Dcolph, Baiily Burritt, Thomas James, Jacob Parsons. Captain Richard Smith's company — Samuel Brooks, Thomas Brooks, Jacob Pason. Captain Elijah Botsford's company — ZalnvDn Prindle, Weight Lewis, Lemuel Hubbell, Josiah Terrill, Smith Tuttle, Eliphalet Allen, Eleazer Sherman, Nathan Ferriss, Abraham Gillette. Captain George Terrill's company — Nathaniel Osborn, Samuel Anderson, Benjamin Gregory, Abijah Prindle, Samuel Atwood. Newberry Company — James Sanford, Samuel Lumnus. Alarm Company — Peter Fairchild, Jack Botsford, negro, John Kimberly, Mathew Marvin. During the war, Newtown was free from all raids of the enemy. Many of its people were in sympathy with the Crown, and loath to take arms against it. The Probate records of Newtown of the early days show that in some instances property was confiscated and reverted to the colony. One man was hung in Newtown as a spy in June, 1777, by order of Brigadier-Gen. Samuel H. Parsons, who made his returns "that the execution had been duly performed." The census, previous to 1800, was taken once in eight years, and the figures show the population of Newtown in 1774 2229, in 1782 2404, and 1790, 2764. In 1776, we had no representation in the Gen- eral Assembly and none in town took the Freeman's oath. That was the year when the Declaration of Independence was signed. PASSING OF FRENCH SOLDIERS THROUGH NEWTOWN 139 PASSING OF FRENCH SOLDIERS THROUGH NEWTOWN . Correspondence between the Commander-in-Chief of the Contin- ental army, Gen. George Washington, and Count de Rochambeau, commander of the French forces who marched across country from Providence, R. I., to Bedford, N. Y., to join Gen. Washington's forces in his operations against Lord Cornwallis. When the army reached Hartford, Newtown was on the direct inland course from Hartford to Peekskill on the Hudson river. Reaching Hartford, June 22, 1781, the Count wrote to the Com- mander-in-chief, June 23, 1781 : "I arrived here (Hartford) yester- day with the first regiment, which has been followed this day by the second and will be so to-morrow by the third, and the day after by the fourth. I shall stay here this day and to-morrow to give time for our broken artillery carriages to be mended and our young artillery horses and oxen to refresh themselves. I shall set off the day after to-morrow with the first regiment for Newtown, the army to march in four divisions as before, and I shall probably arrive there on the 28th and stay the 29th and 30th to assemble the brigade and march in two divissions to the North River. The corps of Lauzun will march as far advanced as my first division through Middletown, Wallingford, North Haven, Ripton and North Strat- ford, in which last place it will be on the 28th. I have the honor, etc. The Count de Rochambeau." His Excellency, George Washington. General Washington replied: Camps near Peekskill, 27th of June, 1781. Sir: I have the honor of receiving your Excellency's favor of the 23d instant from Hartford. It would have given me the greatest pleasure could I have made it convenient to meet you at Newtown, but independently of many arrangements which are necessary at the first taking of the field, I am detained by the hourly expectation of the Chevalier de la Lauzun. I am pleased to find that your idea of the position which will be proper for the troops under your command coincides with my own and I shall be happy in giving your quartermaster-general every assistance in recon- noitering and making out your camp. Lieutenant-Colonel Cobb one of my aids-de-camp will have the honor of delivering this letter and will return to me with any dispatch or message your Excellency may wish to com- municate, or should you rather incline to come forward from Newtown before the army Col. Cobb will be proud to attend you. I shall be much obliged if your Excellency will present to Count de Barras by the next occassion my sincere thanks for the readiness with which he was pleased to accept the proposition I had the honor to make him, through his Excellency. I am, etc., George Washington. The Count de Rochambeau. (Hartford.) Headquarters, Peekskill, June 30, 1781. Dear Sir: The enclosed letter to Count de Rochambeau is of very great importance and requires the utmost secrecy in its communication. This idea you will convey to the Count before its delivery, to affect which, you will first converse with the chevalier, Chastelleux, on the mode of its communication. Its object is to inform the Count that I have in contem- plation a very sudden surprise of some part of the army which will be of great importance in our operations and which we have flattering expec- tations of obtaining, to cover and support which, if obtained we shall want 140 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN the aid of the French army, in which case it will be necessary for the Count to push on his troops with greater haste than he at present intends, and by a different route from that now in view. The Duke de Lauzun's legion is to advance. The movements which I would wish to be made by the French army are particularized in my letter to the Count, which you will see. It will be for you to impress the gentlemen with the importance of their motions to support our operations, as it will be to little purpose for us to obtain advantages which we may not be able to maintain. As the Count with his troops is now in a very disaffected part of the country and the Tories will be desirous to give any information in their power, the most profound secrecy and dispatch must prove the soul of success to the enterprise. This idea you must impress with energy your best discretion in the mode. I am, etc., George Washington. Lieut-col. David Cobb. (Hartford.) Reply. Newtown, June 30, 1781. Sir: I was at Count-de-Rochambeau's, this evening, when I recevied your E.xcellency's dispatches. General Chastellux was immediately sent for and the heads of departments consulted on the new intended route of the army. The Count inquired whether your Excellency was acquainted with the removal of the Yagers and some other troops from Long Island to New York. I assured his Excellency was perfectly acquainted with it and all the other movements of the enemy at New York and that your Excellency would never undertake a matter of this kind but upon certain intelligence and the surest ground of success. The Count was perfectly satisfied with the plan proposed and assured me that duty as well as in- clination prompted him to comply with your Excellency's wishes. Orders are accordingly given for the march of the first brigade in the morning, and the Duke's legion which is now at New Stratford, will undoubtedly march at the same time. It will be at the place of destination at the time proposed, 12 o'clock. The rest of the army will follow when the other division arrives, which comes up to-morrow. The Count in his letter wishes an answer from your Excellency by to-morrow night. It would be more agreeable if it came sooner. I am, etc., David Cobb. His Excellency George Washington. In the "History of the Catholic Church in the New England States" that fell into the writer's hands in Newtown's Bi-Centennial year, 1905, was the following statement: "In the campaign of 1781, Count Rochambeau marched his army from Providence, R. I., to Bedford, N. Y., in the month of June. He was on his way to join Gen. Washington in his operations against Lord Cornwallis. They encamped at Woodbury on the night of June 27, and reached Newtown on the 28th, and remained until Sunday, July 1, when they broke camp and, proceeding through Ridgebury, reached Bedford, N. Y., Monday. July 2, ready to join the army at Phillipsburg. They marched in regiments until reaching Newtown, following one another at intervals of a day's march, or at a distance of about 15 miles. There was no rest except what was imperatively necessary. The officers wore coats of white broadcloth trimmed with green, white underdress and hats with two corners instead of three like the cocked hats worn by the American officers, paid all their expenses in hard money, committed no depredations and treated the inhabitants with great civility and propriety." The magazine of American History says that the army numbered 600 artillery, 600 cavalry, and 3600 infantry, 4800 men in all, and that when in Newtown five men deserted from the ranks. Their encampment was on the plain that stretches westward from the State road south of the Middle district school and along the side hill that slopes to the eastward from what is known as Ronald MRS. MARY ANN BIRCH 100 Years of Age She lived to be 102 years See Page 141 PASSING OF FRENCH SOLDIERS THROUGH NEWTOWN 141 Castle. Lamson Birch, who was born and always lived on that plain on the site of the house now owned by Michael Scanlon, was son of William and Catherine (Hubbell) Birch. They were married in September, 1750, and had a family of seven children. Lamson, the youngest, was born in September, 1771, and died in October, 1859, age 88 years. In 1781, when the French army encamped on the plains in front of and all about the home plot, Lamson was a boy of 10 years and so vividly was everything impressed upon his memory that in after years he was considered authority on matters that had been familiar to him at the time, to which reference is now made. His father was a Tory, and his family was regarded as a Tory family. The son used to tell in his later years how the father was compelled to keep his gun hidden in the brush or under his barn in order that the "suspicious and exasperated Whigs" might not find it, and steal it from him. He also held a Captain's com- mission in the British army. His son used to tell that he had seen it with the great red seal of King George the Third attached and, after the battle of Saratoga, he told his wife that the Whigs were going to be victorious, and the best thing for him to do would be to burn his commission at once, which he did, evidently, believing it would be policy for him to be quit of any of the belongings of royalty. The writer, 27 years of age at the time of Lamson Birch's death in 1859, and 24 years when his own grandfather died in 1856 (who was born in 1772, nine years previous to the French encampment in Newtown) often heard the "back-log stories" told before the open fire place, in those days of long ago, and they come in these later years with vividness, in striking contrast to recollections of other stories, once listened to in wonderment and with much boyish delight. The French army broke camp in Newtown, July 1 and proceeded westward to join Gen. Washington's army on July 6, at Phillipsburg, Westchester county, N. Y. There they met the American forces resting in two lines along the Hudson river. From there, the allied troops marched to King's Ferry and reconnoitered to learn the position of the British works about New York. The arrival of the French troops was a great help to the American commander, who was not slow in commending in the highest terms their rapid march from Providence across Connecticut to give him aid, in doing which, Newtown had so large a share. Another person, born in Newtown in the period of the Revolution, lived to an extreme old age (102 years,) "Aunt Mary Ann" Birch, who was daughter of Solomon Glover. She married James Glover and lived in the district of Hanover, where they reared 12 children, all of whom became of age and nine lived to celebrate the mother's 90th birthday. Her husband died in 1836. She lived a widow for 16 years, then married Lamson Birch, to whom we have referred. Her father, too, was a Tory. He, with others of Tory proclivites, w^ould hide in the woods, where they were accustomed to retreat when they expected to be molested, by their more patriotic neigh- bors. At one call of the Whigs at Mr Glover's house, they found 142 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN him in bed and amused themselves by pricking him with bayonets. They also amused themselves by making free with a batch of pumpkin pies Mrs. Glover had just taken from the old brick oven. They threw a piece to the house dog, at which she told them to quit, as the pies were good enough for them, but not good enough for the dog. Mrs Mary Ann Birch's experience as a girl and her recollection of Revolutionary days were extremely interesting. When Lord Cornwallis surrendered in 1781, she was five years old, and distinctly remembered when the French army, returning from the war, marching to the coast to return to France, again passed through Newtown. Their encampment on the plain extended from the foot of Church hill eastward to where the railroad station is, and northward and southward for a half mile. She remembered the breaking up of the camp and the departure of the troops, their commander being no other than Gen. Lafayette. At that time, Gen Lafayette spent a night in Newtown with Col John Chandler, a Newtown lawyer, who then lived in a house on the site of the Grand Central hotel. He enlisted at the opening of the war and soon became Colonel of the 8th Regiment of Connecticut Continental troops In my boyhood, old people disputed whether Gen Wash- ington once stayed in Newtown over night. That he passed though on his way from Rhode Island to the Hudson River, there can be but little doubt, but it must have been in advance of the French forces, as in his communication to the French commander previously quoted, he writes: "It would have given me the greatest pleasure could I have made it convenient to meet you in Newtown, but I am detained by the hourly expectation of the Chevalier de la Lauzun." Correspondence that passed between officials in the service, when the writer's maternal grandfather, Jonathan Sanford, Jr., was drafted in 1779. His home was in Hanover school district, where he was born, Jan. 5, 1739, and at the time referred to was father of five children. A farmer by occupation, but not of robust health, he was rejected from the service, as the following physician's certificate shows : "This may certify that Jonathan Sanford, Jr., of Newtown has been infirm for about nine or ten years past by reason of pleurisy, after which he fell into an ulcery state of his lungs which left him weak, which weak- ness he has never recovered from, nor never like to, so as to endure hardship and I really believe he is in a law sense freed from all military duty." Dated this 30th day of September, 1779. Test, Andrew Graham, physician. Letter from Jabez Botsford, Newtown's First Selectman to Captain Yeats, stationed at Ripton : Newtown, July ye 3rd, 1779. Sir: I have injected into the state service in the room of Jonathan Sanford, Junr., a man that I have draughted in Newtown, the bearer William Woolcutt. I desire you will direct him in the matter and re-inlist him if you think proper. From your Humble Servant. To Captain Yeats at Ripton. Jabez Botsford. Captain Yeats' reply: This may certify that I am willing to take the said Woolcutt into my company if he should fail to me. John Yeats. In meetinng demands sure to come upon its people during the Revolutionary war in money, in clothing, in provision and in men Newtown contributed all that was demanded of her people. THE ROADSIDE TAVERN 143 THE ROADSIDE TAVERN. Not until the close of the Revolution did public travel so increase as to make it practicable to keep a house of entertainment for the traveling public. With lines of travel by stage in different direct- ions and for what then were considered long distances, it seemed expedient to establish the wayside inn. Previous to the stage- coach, there was no means of reaching salt water save by pedes- trianism, or private conveyance. Even mail was carried on horse- back and delivered as best it could, and not until 1800 did the United States government appoint a postmaster for Newtown. The first postmaster was Caleb Baldwin, Jr., whose home was in Newtown Street where Charles F. Beardsley and family live. Stratford was our nearest sea-port on the southeast and Norwalk nearest on the southwest, the parish of Stratfield in the town of Stratford, to become in due time the town and later the city of Bridgeport, lying midway between ; with Danbury nine miles to the westward, Woodbury nearly twice that distance eastward, Hartford 50 miles away, and all of Litchfield county northward. Newtown might well have been considered the central point for cross-country travel and, in 1790 or thereabouts, it came to pass that two men, in pleasant rivalry it may have been, decided to start a wayside inn. Caleb Baldwin was one and Czar Keeler the other. The infection spreading, it was not long after, that "Tom" Seely opened an inn on the premises now occupied by George Northrop near the North Center schoolhouse. "Uncle Tom" was a shoemaker by trade, a jolly good fellow, but, a better shoemaker than landlord, his inn was not of long duration. Czar Keeler and Caleb Baldwin were in the prime of life in the early days of the stagecoach, and both lived long enough, so that the writer remembers them as they were in their old age. They were "Uncle Czar" and "Uncle Kale" to all of us school children, and you can put it down as a sure thing when you hear children and "grown-ups" calling an old man or old woman "uncle" or "aunt," that everybody has a certain kind of love for them. The writer well remembers "Uncle Czar," for he lived to be past 90, as a jolly, genial man, and there was an honest heart- iness about his laugh that made it positively catching. Keeler's Inn stood upon the open lot north of the W. J. Beecher residence, it was two stories in front, with a long sloping back roof, that came almost to the ground, with monstrous fireplaces in which blazing fires were always kept in winter and around the spacious hearth gathered friend and foe. It was the rendezvous on a winter even- ing for politicians and male gossips of the village. So cheerful was the room and so loath were the people to leave that it would some- times be long after the ringing of the 9 o'clock bell of the old Episcopal church, which was the recognized signal for closing stores and for general retirement of all within hearing. Keeler's was called the "stage house" for all stage-coaches stopped there. 144 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN and on that account it enjoyed a larger custom than either com- petitor. A large and suitable room for balls was on the second floor, and my mother was one of those who danced there in early days. From her lips I heard of the place and of those there who tripped "the light fantastic toe." May 29, 1820, Czar Keeler was appointed postmaster for Newtown and held the position until 1839. The appointment came to him while he was yet landlord of the Inn, and his public room contained the postoffice, a small upright fixture with a few pigeon-holes for letters and newspapers. Caleb Baldwin's Inn had the reputation of being the pattern of neatness, homelike in all surroundings and it was also claimed that there could be had the best broiled chicken or sirloin steak to be found in Fairfield county. The motherly reputation of the hostess made it a much sought place for restfulness. The public duties of the host so often took him away from home that it became a divid- ed service that he gave the inn. Appointed postmaster in 1800, he held it continuously until 1818. His father was town clerk from 1800 to 1843, and the son from 1843 to 1846. The Bridgeport and Newtown turnpike, incorporated in 1801, so increased travel along the line from New Milford to Bridgeport, that the need of another inn within Newtown limits on the south led Robert Middlebrook of Trumbull to buy a 50 acre farm on which a large house had just been erected, that seemed just the building and the location for a wayside inn. A spacious front yard, well filled with young maple trees, added to its attractivenesss, and it was not long before the Middlebrook inn became as popular as any hostelry in Fairfield county. Within 17 miles of Bridgeport., belated travelers from either direction found it a matter of conven- ience to stop over. Uncle Robert was a good story teller, "Aunt Mary" was a splendid cook, the food was always of the best and the home-made cider brandy carried a bead that testified to its purity. The great open fireplace, with its blazing logs, never lacked for patronage and the treat was always on the one who was behind in the race of storytelling. Nothing pleased the guests more than to get a joke on the hostess, who was the best of cooks, and painfully neat and particular. One time she had a big mince pie on the table and going from the room for a moment, one of her guests raised the top crust, slipped a horse shoe in the pie and laid back the crust, just in the nick of time. Taking her knife to cut the pie and strik- ing some hard substance, she uttered an exclamation of surprise and chagrin, but when the cause was ascertained and the guilty party known, the treat for the crowd was on the culprit. It was still an open house in my early days and I well recall that when six years old, I was sent there to get cigars, and, little-boy-like, I had the silver piece with which I was to pay, in my mouth, when a dog bouncing out, frightened me to "boo-hooing," and I swallowed the the silver piece. I was frightened. Aunt Mary comforted me as best she could and I ran home to my mother with the pitiful tale. The house is still standing and in all respects the same in architec- ture as when built, but the maple trees of more than a centviry's growth begin to show decay. The blacksmith shop that stood WILLIAM A. LEONARD Proprietor for many years of Newtown Inn Formerly Dick's Hotel See Page 146 THE ROADSIDE TAVERN 145 opposite is gone and new forms and new faces pass along the streets. Another inn of those early days was that opened by Dr Gideon Shepard during the later years of his life, when he had practically turned over his medical practice to Dr. Bennett Perry. Dr. Shepard's hostelry was on the grounds occupied by George Beers' house on the road to Sandy Hook, near Newtown Center. The house has still the old frame work, though remodelled, reconstruct- ed and modernized. Jolly, bright, quick at repartee and a good story-teller, the latch string always out until the wee small hours, it was the resort for sleighing parties and balls in the winter season. Generous to a fault, he belonged to the class of whom it is said, "too honest to get rich." It was said of him that he once caught a poor man in his cellar stealing from the pork barrel and, as punish- ment, he made the man take home half there was left in the pork barrel. In vain the man pleaded to be let off, for the doctor told him that if he didn't take the pork home, he would prosecute him for theft. He took the pork and became a better man. The quaint w^ords on the signboard that hung from the arm of a pole read on one side : "A plain tavern for plain folks, kept by a plain man." On the reverse, "Inn: Call and see. If not suited, the road opens both ways." The location of Dr Shepard's Inn, though a little off from the main street, was good, as it was on the main stage line from Hartford to New York. We give a copy of an advertisement taken from the Hartford Courant of about 100 years ago. "Hartford and New York; new line express stage. Fare only $6 through. Way passengers, six cents a mile. On the turnpike road through Farming- ton, Bristol, Watertown, Woodbury, Newtown, Danbury, Mt. Pleasant, down the North River to New York. Leaves Hartford every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 o'clock a. m., without fail, and arrives at Mt. Pleasant same evening at 8 o'clock; lodge at Mt Pleasant; leave there every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 o'clock a. m., and arrive at New York to dine the same day. Returning, leave New York every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 o'clock a. m., and arrive at Hartford next day at 8 p. m. This line of stages connects at Mt. Pleasant, 36 miles from New York, with a packet expressly fitted up for the convenience and comfort of passengers and no steamboat on the river performs her trip with such punctuality. Passengers therefore will meet with no delay, but will find the best of horses, good carriages and careful drivers and punct- uality in the arrival and departure of this stage not to be found in any line running at this time. Persons traveling through Hartford to New York will find this line the cheapest, most pleasant and expeditious, with- out the inconvenience of riding nights, of any out of this place." Just think of it, you who take the 7 a. m., train out from Newtown, to have all of the day's business hours at your disposal in New York and home again inside of 12 hours ; in striking con- trast to 32 hours from Hartford to New York, including a sleep from 9 p. m. to 2.30 a. m., with a fresh relay of four horses at each of two points midway between the two places. Dr Bennett Perry's residence was started as a hotel in 1819, changed ownership to Sallu Pell Barnum, then later became Dick's Hotel, still remembered by many. That hotel was burned at mid day in Sept. 1897 making way for the large and attractive Newtown Inn, which, to the present time, has been used more particularly as 146 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN a summer resort. The Grand Central hotel is awaiting its golden opportunity to reopen as an all-the-year-round hotel. In the early 40s' the house where Miss Ann Blackman lives was built by Ziba Blackman for a hotel, but it was short-lived, owing in a measure to the opening of the Housatonic railroad about 1842. CARE OF NEWTOWN'S DEPENDENTS 147 CARE AND KEEP OF NEWTOWN'S DEPENDENTS. In an annual report of the selectmen, we read: "Those receiving aid from the town we seem to have with us always, and it seems hard to turn these unfortunates down and there will always be some entitled to sympathy." A statement as true now as it was years ago, that needs no argument to verify Nothing appears in the earliest town journal to show that there was organized effort to place the vmfortunates under the care and supervision of a system, other than that they were personally look- ed after and provided for, being placed in families where the town was willing to pay a nominal sum for board and when death came give a decent burial. That was the order of things in the town until 1809. when the matter was brought up at the annual meeting, resulting in a vote to farm them out at such place and in such way as directed by vote of the town. At the annual meeting, Dec. 10, 1810, it was voted that "the selectmen be authorized to contract for the keeping of the poor of this town with the overseer of the poor house belonging to the town of Weston and to transport the poor of Newtown whose expense is 75c a week or upwards, to the poor house at Weston. For some unknown reason that plan was not adopted, and at the annual meeting Dec. 1842, it was "voted that Col. Timothy Shepherd, Capt. Daniel Meeker and Samuel Beers, Jr., be a committee to confer with a committee from the town of Danbury on the subject of a poor house." At an adjourned meeting, Dec. 28, 1812, it was "voted that the sum of six hundred dollars be appropriated to defray the expense of building a house for the accommodation of the poor of this town in connection with the town of Danbury and that the Newtown selectmen be a committee to carry the same into effect." The house was located in the west part of town in Flat Swamp district and stood on the town line between Newtown and Danbury. Rules and by-laws were drawn and adopted by the selectmen of Newtown and Danbury, regulating the inmates. Rules and by-laws regulating the Danbury and Newtown poor house : 1. That there be appointed by the selectmen of Danbury and Newtown three or more disinterested men as a visiting committee of the poor house, whose duty it shall be to see that the regulations relative to said poor house be carried into effect. 2. That it be the duty of the respective towns to see that there be some proper and discreet person employed as an overseer with necessary attendants to superintend the domestic affairs of said poor house, which overseer and attendants shall always be liable to be removed by said selectmen for just cause. 3. That it be the duty of the overseer to see that the victuals be well and seasonably dressed, that the rooms be washed once in each week in sum- mer and as often in winter as occasion requires, bed linen changed and clean once in each fortnight, tables, table linen, dishes and other household untensils to be daily cleaned, beds and bedsteads to be often examined and kept free from vermin, that the poor be kept clean in their person and apparel, to have a change of linen weekly, that each person if practicable 148 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN be washed every morning, and if unable, to see that proper means be . furnished for that purpose, that it be the duty of the overseer to see that no indelicate behavior be committed either by word or action, and that good and decent behavior be preserved among all, and that it be the duty of said oversseer for a breach by any of the poor, of this article, to punish the offender by a confinement in the dark room, to be kept on bread and water during a space not exceeding 24 hours, unless a further time be thought necessary by the visiting committee. 4. That it be the duty of the overseer personally to see all fires and lights extinguished, excepting what be absolutely required and those . under proper and prudent care and also to see that not more than four ' persons lodge in one room, that distinct and separate rooms be appropriat- | ed for the lodging of males and females respectively, except in the case of i husband and wife, unless absolute necessity require a different arrange- ! ment on particular occasions. Also that all persons removing any lilthiness i shall obey the directions of the overseer therein, whose duty it sh.ill he to see the same so removed as not to offend or endanger the health cf any person. Any person disobeying this order last mentioned shall be liable to the same penalty provided in the third article. 5. That the overseer do not permit any of the paupers or any other per- son confined, to beg money or any other thing of persons who may visit the j poor house and should any person gratuitously give any thing for the use of the paupers or any one in particular the same shall be placed in the ■ hands of the overseer to be reasonably applied to answer fhe purpose ' intended, except to those that commit a breach of this ru]e. ^ ! 6. That no person be permitted the use of tobacco in anyway while In i bed, or spit on the wall or partition, and after being furnished with spitting ; boxes, not to spit on the floor. Any person committing a breach of this article, he or she, shall be deprived of the use of tobacco for the space ; of one week, or until such person will better conform. 7. That it be the duty of the overseer to furnish at least two spitting '. boxes to each room, and keep in each a constant supply of sand. ; 8. That no person resident in the house shall go without the enclosure j around the same, without liberty from the overseer, in which case he or i she shall return decently and soberly at the time appointed on penalty of i being denied going out for one week for the first offence, and one month ^ for every succeeding offence. j 9. That no article of household furniture or clothing belonging to the ' family of the overseer shall be used by the poor, unless with his approba- tion. 1 10. All those who are able to meet at meal times, shall come together ■ at the time fixed, or when called on, where all shall observe regularity and decent behavior, during meal times, always giving sufficient opportunity for 1 the religious exercises that may be performed on such occasions; and all ■' those who are unable to attend, to be seasonably furnished in the most ■■ convenient manner practicable. ^ 11. All persons resident in the house who labor under sickness shall ' occupy a room or rooms specially appropriated for that purpose. $ 12. That no person who is infected with a contagious disease of any kind, jj shall be permitted to reside as a pauper in the poor house, and if after | being admitted, it shall be discovered that any one is infected with such i disease, the overseer shall immediatly give notice to the selectmen of the |i town bringing such disordered person who shall remove him or her from i' the poor house, and otherwise provide for the same. 13. Upon notice given, such as are able to work shall repair to the several places appointed for that purpose, and then keep themselves diligently emploj'ed during the time and at such labor as shall be assigned by the overseer. For every breach of this article the same penalty is to be inflict- ed as is provided in the third article. 14. That any kind of wearing apparel, when worn out, or unfit for the use intended, the same shall be at the disposal of the overseer, for the benefit of the poor in such manner as he shall think proper. 15. That if any person shall attempt or commit actual violence on the overseer, his family or any resident paupers such person shall be restrained CARE OF NEWTOWN'S DEPENDENTS 149 of his liberty by being confined in the dark room and kept on bread and water during the space of 48 hours, and as much longer as the visiting committee shall deem necessary and in case of a second similar offence by those who are stubborn and perverse, such other reasonable chastisement under the direction of the visiting committee as in their opinion shall be judged expedient. 16. That a copy of the foregoing bylaws be handed to the selectmen of Danbury and Newtown respectively and also to the overseer of the poor house, whose duty it shall be to cause the same to be read to all the residents in said house at least once in three months, and also at the time of the entrance of each pauper into said house, the overseer shall cause him or her, to be made acquainted with said by-laws. We the subscribers being appointed agents to make and enact such rules and regulations as are necessary for the well ordering of the poor house for Danbury and Newtown, have agreeable to our appointment on this 16th day of December, 1813, passed for the foregoing rules and by-laws to be observed by all concerned, and we do hereby order them to be complied with accordingly. Samuel Phillips, Daniel Comstock, Selectmen Phineas Taylor, of Eliakim Benedict, Danbury. Eli Taylor. David Meeker, Selectmen Lamson Burch, of Zachariah Clark Newtown. At the annual meeting, Nov. 4, 1816, "voted, that a committee of tv^ro persons be appointed (Ebenezer Turner and Timothy Shepard, Esq.,) in behalf of the town to visit the poor house and take such measures as they judge proper to correct any abuse that may occur in said poor house." Two years later, 1818, Abijah Merritt and Caleb Baldwin con- ferred with a committee from Danbury on the subject of the poor house, and Amos Shepard was appointed agent to take oversight of all the poor taken from Newtown to the poor house for the current year. The town also voted to take counsel on the charge of abuse of the contractors in supplying the poor of Newtown in the poor house and to institute a suit at law against them. The town made it optional with the selectmen, whether all who applied to the town for aid should be obliged to go to the copartnership house, or be farmed out with families. In some cases, it was the latter. The writer's maternal grandfather, Abijah Merritt, was one of New- town's selectmen for 12 years at intervals, between the year 1819 and 1839 and to him in particular was given the oversight of the town poor. After his death in 1845, a large bundle of bills against the town for services rendered as selectman, accepted and paid during his administration, was found among his effects, that furnish material for occasional use in recalling events of the early days. From that source, we are able to give the joint expense of the poor for the two towns of Danbury and Newtown in 1819 and, with it, a copy of the expenses of two, among others, farmed out in families. Joint expenses of the poor of the two towns for 1819: Whole expenses of the poor house for the year 1819, $966.45 Deduct hide and tallaw, 62.77 $903.68 150 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Net expenses weeks board : Danbury 626 Newtown 411 State paupers 189 Expenses for town paupers $764.36 For State paupers $139.32 $903.68 Received of the state $283.50 And it leaves for the towns $620.18 | Which is 59c and 8 mills a person per week. i Allowing the same number for the last year as this, is a saving of $266.04, I and two mills for both towns : I Amount for last year $999.19 ■ Amount for this year $733.14.8 ' In 1819, William Jones became a town charge and was cared for ; by Philo N. Piatt of Hopewell, until his death in December, 1839. \ Under date of Dec. 9, 1819, this itemized bill was sent in : ■ Town of Newtown, to Philo N. Piatt, Dr. To going to Redding after a physician, five miles, .ii. Paid Philo Gilbert 20c for the use of his horse for the same, .25. Going to Redding after bark for tea for him, .16. Going i same, .35. Going after watchers, going after medicine, going to Umpawaug ] after shirts for him, seven miles; paid Philo Gilbert 28c for his horse for ' the same, .50. A pint of rum for medicine for him and going to Redding, ; two miles and a half for the same, .25. By going to Taunton to notify the \ selectmen of his sickness, 4 miles, paid Eli Piatt 16c for his horse to ride ■ for the same, .25. Going to Redding after bark for tea for him, .46. Going i to Taunton to notify selectmen of his death, paid 16c for use of horse for j same, .25. { Funeral charges : j To one quart rum for attendants at his burial and going after the same .ZZ. I To a white handkerchief, .iZ, Paid one dollar to Mrs. Olmstead for clean- i ing his bed, washing shirts and other clothes for him, 1.00. A winding j sheet 2.25. Preparation for burial .25. For my trouble in watching and i continual attendance from the iirst day of his sickness to his death, $15.00. \ Physician's bill : ( Six visits, advice, attendance and medicine, $5.80. Philo Gilbert's bill for \ watching one night and assisting at the burial, .75. Ichabod Gilbert's bill for making coffin and assisting at the burial, $3.00. Philo N. Piatt's bill . $21.25 physician's bill, $5.80. Philo Gilbert's bill, .75. Total $30.80. To dig- \ ging grave $1.50. \ March 15, 1820: Thirty dollars allowed on the above bill by us. j Abijah Merritt, | Clement Fairchild I Selectmen. | Town of Newtown, to Thaddeus Bennett, Dr. • To boarding Nancy Bennett, a child of Gideon Bennett, from the 10th of ? April, 1820, to the 6th of November, 1820, 30 weeks at 34c a week; 10 dollars ? and 20 cents. Thadeus Bennett, t Abijah Merritt, I Clement Fairchild, Selectmen. ' Here is another bill against the town for the care of Adam Clark's ' wife, who was farmed out to Jotham B. Sherman for the short term \-. of three days : Town of Newtown, Dr. J, For clothing Adam Clark's wife: ^ For one Petty coat, .75; For one skirt, .50; For one westcoat, .25; For one i pair of stockings .50; For one handkerchief, .17; For three days board, .75; " For cleaning Mrs. Clark from lice which was a great task, indeed $3.00. '| Account against town of Newtown. $5.92. ij Paid Abijah Merritt. jl CARE OF NEWTOWN'S DEPENDENTS 151 / We follow this with an appeal from New Fairfield to the town of Newtown to care for a Newtown charge who is sick in an adjoining town : Selectmen of Newtown, i Gentlemen : Although it is painfull for me to wright, it may be so for you to read. It is disagreeable for us to hear of the misfortunes of our friends and sitisans, especially when they are so far from us that we can- not administer to their needs, but I must go on with my melloncholy story. Phidima Ann Elwood is taken sick and continues to be sick, so that she cannot perhaps safely be removed. We are informed she is an inhabitant of New Town and that she has property in the hands of the selectmen of sd town. She is at her brothers in New Fairfield and is poor and needs assistance and application has been made to the selectmen of the town of New Fairfield for her support. This is to notify you to pay the expence allready made and take your own way for her support for the future. Yours, etc., Samuel T. Barnum, Nathan A. Hayes, Selectmen. Dated at New Fairfield, the 21st of December. 1820. From 1818 until 1825, Newtown had its agents appointed from year to year to have the oversight of town poor in the co-partner- ship with Danbury. In 1826, a committee was appointed to meet a Danbury committtee to make rules in regard to the settlement of poor house accounts. In 1827, the town voted to contract with any person for keeping the poor of the town for any number of years not exceeding five, at a price not exceeding $800 a year, and also voted to make sale of that part of the poor house and the land attached to it belonging to the town of Newtown. In December, 1828 the town voted to sell either at public auction or private sale that part of the poor house belonging to the town, together with the land belonging to it, if they think proper. At a special town meeting, May 1, 1837, it was voted that the town ap- prove the establishing of a county poor house, and that the selectmen for the time being be a committee to confer with the other towns in the county on the subject, and also a work house for the punishment of petty crimes in this county. Many town meetings were called to consider the expediency of providing a permanent home for the town poor, but no definite action was ever taken. After the dissolution of the joint contract between Danbury and Newtown, which came about in 1850, the care of Newtown's poor was let to some responsible man for terms of five years. Daniel Botsford, a large land holder on Toddy Hill, was poor master for many years and he was succeeded by Eli J. Morris in Zoar. They two were the longest in the service and during their administration very few were farmed out in families. Joseph Moore in Huntingtown and Mrs. Lynch on Botsford Hill are best remembered by the generations of to-day as care-takers of the town's dependents. The consensus of opinion has long. favored caring for them in private families, except such as for good cause should be cared for in State institutions. It is unneces- sary to give statistics, for the town report for the year ending in September, 1912, gave a full and itemized report that was carefully distributed to the taxpayers of the town previous to the annual town meeting, always holden on the first Monday of October in each year. 152 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN BRIDGEPORT AND NEWTOWN TURNPIKE CO. The Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike Co., had a corporate existence of about 90 years, coming to a close in 1888. When the early settlers of Newtown had prospered so that they were able to have farm produce to spare in exchange for the things they needed to help make home life more comfortable and thrifty, the nearest market on the south was Stratford on Long Island Sound southeasterly and Norwalk on the Sound southwesterly and nearer to New York. Between these two places lay the Housatonic valley, stretching northward through Fairfield and Litchfield coun- ties on into Massachusetts. On the shore lay the little seaport town of Bridgeport, beginning to send schooners and other smaller craft to open a trade with New York. Country roads were poorly developed and the idea w^as conceived of forming an incorporated company to build a turnpike that should connect the seaboard at Bridgeport with New Milford and eventually extend to the northerly boundary of Connecticut. The towns most directly interested at the start were Bridgeport, Huntington, Trumbull, Newtown, Brookfield and New Milford. In 1798 petitions were circulated through each of these towns which met with hearty response, excepting in Newtown, where the oppo- sition to it was so strong at the outset that a petition was circulated for calling a town meeting to remonstrate against the General Assembly, that was soon to assemble in New Haven, granting a charter for the incorporation of a turnpike company. The remonstrance April 7, 1800: "Whereas the petition of Amos Hubbell, John S. Cannon and others was brought before the Honorable General Assembly at their session at New Haven in October, 1799, praying for a grant to enable the sd petitioners to repair the great road leading from Newfield through the towns of Trum- bull, Huntington, Newtown and Brookfield to NewMilford with the privilege of a turnpike or turnpikes on said roads as per petition on file. Now we, the inhabitants of said Newtown, beg leave to represent to your honors that the said road passes through Newtown in its length about nine miles and that we are sensible of the necessity of thorough repairs on said road, that much the greater part of said road, within the limits of said Newtown can be made good and put into a state of complete repair without any great inconvenience and expense, and without the aid of turnpikes or tolls, and taking into our consideration the advantages of a free public road and from motives of pure public spiritedness and genuine liberality, we the inhabitants of said Newtown are determined, unless prevented by a grant in favor of said petition or the interference of the Honorable Assembly, to put said road in good, ample and every way sufficient repair at our own charge and expense, and the same keep and maintain in such repair free and clear from any tax toll or duty to be exacted or received from travel- ers on said road, and to effectuate this our laudable purpose we have in legal town meeting voted and granted the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars to be laid out and expended on the said road in repairs the present season at the rate or price of 75c for each day's labor for a man and a propor- tionate price for team, and also we have made a further provision of sixty days labor by voluntary subscriptions to be expended and done on said road, all of which we confidently assure ourselves will, if judiciously laid out, and expended, put the said road within the limits of our town in the most ample, complete and satisfactory repair. We, the said inhab- tants therefore humbly remonstrate before your honors against the prayer of the petition aforesaid and pray your honors, that the same may not be granted and that our said road may not be obstructed by turnpikes and BRIDGEPORT AND NEWTOWN TURNPIKE CO. 153 gates, and that we may enjoy the privilege of repairing and maintaining said road within the limits of said Newtown at our own expense and charge, free from toll or tax and we, with submission, as in duty bound will ever remonstrate and pray." — Dated at Newtown, April the 7th, A. D. 1800. At a meeting of the inhabitants of Newtown legally warned and held in said Newtown on the 7th day of April, 1800: "Voted, that the foregoing remonstrance be offered and improved before the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut to be holden at Hartford in May, 1801, in behalf of this town, against the petition of Amos Hubbell, John S. Cannon and others, now pending before said Assembly." — Caleb Baldwin, Jr., chairman pro. temporary. The matter did not come up at the May session in Hartford, 1801, but was carried over until the Oct. session of the same year, when it met in New Haven. In the meantime better counsels had prevailed in Newtown. A special town meeting was held Oct. 19, 1801, to consult the interests of the town in regard to a turnpike road from Bridgeport to the New Milford line, when it was voted "that we will not remonstrate against the petition now pending before the General Assembly for the grant of a turnpike road between Bridgeport and New Milford." On the second Thursday of Oct., 1801 the General Assembly met in New Haven and at that session it was voted "that said John Cannon and his associates and such persons as they shall associate with them, their heirs, assigns and successors, be, and thej^ are hereby constituted a corporation by the name of the Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike Company by which to sue and be sued in all courts of record, to appoint such officers, to ordain and establish such by-laws, ordinances and regulations as shall be necessary for the government of said Company and the raising such sum or sums of money as may be necessary and expedient to carry into effect the object of its institution, not contrary to law, subject however to be repealed by the Superior Court of this state. The Company is authorized to erect three turnpike gates on said road so established at such places as said County Court shall order. Provided always that the southmost gate shall not be erected south of the north side of the Old Post Road, socalled, Stratford to Fairfield, and further be it enacted that at each of said gates said Company shall be and they are hereby authorized to collect the following tolls, viz : Every traveling four-wheeled pleasure carriage, driver and passenger, shall pay .25; Every two-wheeled pleasure carriage, passenger and driver, 0.12.5; Every loaded cart, team and the driver, 0.12.5; Every loaded wagon with two horses and driver, 0.08; Every man and horse, 0.04; Every stage including driver and passengers, 0.25; Every loaded sled, team and the driver, 0.10; Every sleigh with two horses and driver, 0.08; Every pleasure sleigh with one horse and driver, 0.06.3; Every other one horse sleigh and driver, 0.04; Every empty cart, wagon, sled sleigh and driver, 0.04; Every horse, cart and driver, 0.04; Horses, mules and neat cattle each, 0.01. Provided, nevertheless, that persons traveling to attend public worship, funerals or society, town or freeman's meeting and persons obliged to do military duty traveling to attend trainings, persons going to or from grist mills and persons passing though said gates to attend or return from their ordinary farming business shall not be liable to the payment of said tolls. Said Company shall set up and maintain on the post of each gate or turnpike and in open view of the passengers an account written in capitals of all the fares allowed by this resolve and payable at such gate in the same manner as in by-law directed at the ferries within this state." No change was made in toll rates until 1839 when pleasure wagons with springs began to come in use, and the corporation voted at their annual meeting, Dec. 3, "That the Directors direct the gate- keepers to take 10 cents toll for all one-horse wagons hung on springs of iron, steel or leather, and generally used as pleasure wagons." It was ordered, too, by the General Assembly that "the first meeting of 154 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN said Company shall be held at the house of Caleb Baldwin in said Newtown, on the third Tuesday in November next, and that the members of said J company shall have as many votes as they hold shares in said company, y provided always that said Company shall not be apportioned into a greater i number than Ave hundred shares, nor into less number than two hundred \ and fifty shares, nor shall any member of said company whatever may be t his number of shares be entitled to more than fifty votes." | The lay-out of the road was commenced in April, 1802, and finish- ^ ed in the early Fall of that year. It was laid ovit four and six rods i in width, with roadbed 20 feet in width, extending from the south I line of New Milford to the mouth of the Golden Hill road in the * north line of the borough of Bridgeport. Oct. 2, 1802, it was re- il ported that 500 shares had been subscribed. These shares were to be paid for in four equal instalments at such times as should be fixed by the directors, to be divided among 88 shareholders. The j sum assessed in damages to individuals in consequence of laying j, out the turnpike from New Milford was $3,975.05. $857.70 being jj paid to land owners in Newtown. ' Those remunerated and to what extent: Nathaniel Dikemen, $25.00; Daniel Hawley, $8.97; Jotham Hawley, $40.00; Joshua Hatch, $100.00; , Jotham Hawley, $17.17; Joseph Hawley, $25.00; Jabez Hawley, $0.01 ; Gideon i Botsford, $56.64; Clement Botsford, $4.00; Joseph Blackman, $0.50; Josiah • Blackman, $40.88; Isaac Lewis, wife, $0.50; John Baldwin, $90.00; Moses Botsford, $58.50; Daniel Booth, $2.00; William Edmond, Esq., $11.25; Jabez Botsford's widow, $21.66; Samuel Peck, 63.67; Amos Peck's heirs, $13.00; Josiah Glover, $13.87; Amnion Hard, $3.00; Moses Peck, $40.00; Oliver Tousey, $9.00; Ashur Peck, $3.44; David Meeker, $32.44; David Sterling, $57.72; Phineas Taylor, $6.50; Phebe Summers, $12.80; Simeon Beers, $9.75; ' Zalmon Tousey $65.62; Lemuel Nichols, $0.75; Moses Peck, $11.87; Ebenezer ' Sherwood, $2.00; Stephen Taylor, $8.50. March, 1804, it was voted "that the Directors make such contracts as " they shall see fit with people living on the roads which meet the turnpike near Horse Tavern and also that the Directors be authorized to make one sleigh path by the side of the Turnpike road where they shall judge it necessary from Bridgeport to Nathaniel J. Burton's." It was also voted "that any persons living near any of the gates, the directors have liberty to contract with them to pass the gate to which they are contiguous, by the quarter of a year, or any toll less than the toll affixed by law, at their discretion." Also voted, "the Directors be authorized to open the Turnpike gate or any of them, when in their opinion the road is so bad as not to authorize the company to collect toll. In 1813, it was voted that all persons passing directly from Bennett's Bridge to the Middle Gate and returning directly to said Bennett's Bridge, and all persons living on the road leading from the Middle Gate to said Bennett's Bridge and eastward of said road within the limits of said town of Newtown, and those who enter on said road at the north end of Toddy Hill, shall pass and re-pass said Middle Gate for half the customary toll. We do not know when the company began the taking of toll, but the first intimation comes from an order from the directors of the company Dec. 6, 1809, ordering Marctis Botsford, Esq., treasurer of the Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike Co., to pay the stockholders a dividend of 50c a share out of the toll money for the 20th of Nov. 1809, David Baldwin, Elijah Nichols, directors. It was decreed by the General Assembly that the turnpike should j have three toll gates. When the road was opened for travel, the directors fixed the points where they should be located. The first gate was placed near the south line of the town of Trumbull about ! four miles north of Bridgeport city liinits. The middle gate was located at the south line of Newtown, which was then the boundary BRIDGEPORT AND NEWTOWN TURNPIKE CO. 155 line between Newtown and New Stratford, then part of the town of Huntington, but incorporated as a town in 1823 and named Monroe. The north gate was placed at the north part of Newtown, about one mile south of the Brookfield line. The road was built in five mile sections. The contractors met in Newtown at the inn of Michael Parks, April 4, 1803, At the annual meeting of the company, Dec. 4, 1804, Gen. David Baldwin, Samuel C. Blackman and Eliakim Walker were appointed a committee to see if the road had been built according to contract, and report defects, if any. At the annual meeting of Dec. 3, 1806, it was voted "to farm out and let either by auction or otherwise the Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike road, including bridges and sluices except Still River bridge near William Meeker's store, from the first of Feb., 1806, to the 10th of Oct. 1811, to keep and maintain the same in good repair during that period and that the undertakers shall be paid in equal half yearly instalments." It was also voted "to require of the toll gatherers that they be under some suitable oath for a faithful discharge of their duties." Voted "that the people living at Tashua and Chestnut Hill and those living the east side of the road in that quarter to pass the southern gate at half toll or less than full toll." It was also voted "that anything over four bushels weight of grain or salt be considered as a load for a cart or wagon." It would be almost impossible to follow in detail the information from the records of the Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike Co. pertaining to the construction of the turnpike and its operating expenses. Its written history from 1800 to 1888 would be replete with information concerning road building and maintaing roads. With the Bridgeport and Newtown turnpike completed, New York city by way of Bridgeport and Long Island Sound seemed brought very near and though the harbor at Bridgeport had been little developed, the sloops, schooners and smaller craft could ply in and out of the harbor, opening traffic with the great metropolis. With the northern terminus of the turnpike at New Milford, an outlet was made for an extent of country east, west and north of New Milford by which either with their own teams, or by shipping through others, produce could be delivered at greater advantage than up to that time had been found possible, opening larger oppor- tunities for increasing comfort, pleasure and profit. People from New Milford and adjoining territory would make Newtown the half-way resting place for a midday or a mid-night feed and rest, and the traffic all along the line made things lively. It was a good three-days' work for those living in New Milford' and towns adjacent to collect their freight, deliver it in Bridgeport and make their return. It was quite fortunate when teamsters could secure a load for both ways. A great deal of the merchants' trade was in barter, taking in farm produce, paying in trade and then turning it into money, as best they could. Much of the trans- portation was with oxen. My grandfather lived where I now live, so that I learned many facts from him as to how he did in the earlier years of his life. His motive power was an ox-team. He would aim to get his load together so that he could start in the middle of the day for Bridgeport, content if he reached Horse Tavern, as it was called, early enough to get his oxen fed and himself into bed by 11 o'clock. Horse Tavern stood on the beauti- 156 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN ful spot where St. Vincent's hospital now stands. The north city line of Bridgeport was where Golden Hill street still is, near enough the city so that they could get in, in the early morning, dispose of their load, get together their return load, reaching Newtown on their return trip in the early morning of the second day out. The first report of the receipts for toll at the gates begins under date of October, 1815, which, from that date until Nov. 5, 1816, was $2,192.67, from Nov., 1816 to Nov. 22, 1817, it was $2,408.75; from Nov. 22, 1817, to Dec. 1, 1818, $2,693.48; for 1819, $2,457.11. The writer does not feel warranted in fixing the date of the open- ing of the road when toll began to be taken, but the record of the doings of the coinpany indicate that the work, to what might be called its completion, extended over a period of at least six years. The books of the company further show that, from Nov. 20, 1819, when the first dividend was declared, to January, 1841, it paid the stockholders a quarterly dividend of 95c on a $50 share, skipping but four dividends during that time. From 1841 to 1864, the dividends were paid semi-annually in May and November. The approximate yearly average of toll receipts from 1830 to 1840 was $2,540.82. Out of that invist be paid the cost of repairs on roads and salaries of gatekeepers, before a dividend was declared. The average yearly receipts for toll as nearly as can be ascertained from the year 1818 to the year 1840, was about $2,550 a year. With the completion of the Housatonic railroad in 1842, business along the turnpike began to drop ofif and in 1848 what was called the North gate, located near Brookfield line, was thrown open and no further toll collected at that point. Although the North gate was abandoned in 1848, there was no lessening of the expenses to keep up the turnpike. A few still live who can recall that there were a goodly number of teams / going over the road between New Milford and Newtown, destined for the Bridgeport market, and much that was forwarded from there to New York by water. Of course, with diminishing receipts, and running expenses of the company soinewhat on the increase, the dividends began to show a decided decline from what they were previous to 1860, but the company kept on its uniform course until 1880. Dec. 2, 1873, at the annual meeting of the stockholders at the Central House in Newtown it was "voted that the stockholders meet one year from this day at this place and that the proprietor of the Central House furnish them with a good supper. — Attest, Henry Sanford, clerk." Aproximate receipts for toll from 1860 to 1880 inclusive 1860 $ 960.57 1867 $1172.03 1874 $1252.03 1861 1055.67 1868 1290.86 1875 1064.11 1862 1084.95 1869 993.98 1876 957.41 1863 1077.94 1870 1111.43 1877 1072.32 1864 929.61 1871 1145.03 1878 1212.11 1865 1349.92 1872 1015.10 1879 1175.00 1866 1173.43 1873 1166.02 1880 1227.40 In the year 1882, it was voted to pay a dividend of 55c on each share of stock for the preceding year, and in 1883 to pay a dividend of 40c. At the annual meeting of the turnpike company at William J. Dick's hotel in Newtown, Dec. 2, 1884, it was voted that the company pay a dividend of 20c on a share of $50. At a special OLD DAYS OF THE STAGE COACH 157 meeting- at the same place, Jan. 19, 1886, it was voted to instruct the directors for the turnpike, to manage the affairs pertaining to its discontinuance to the best of their ability before the session of the General Assembly at Hartford for 1886, Dec. 21, 1886, voted that the directors of the company appear before the committee appointed by the Superior Court for hearing- said discontinuance. At a meeting at Leonard's hotel, formerly Dick's, Oct. 18, 1887, to hear and act upon the report of the doings of the directors and agents of the turnpike company in the proceed- ings to make its turnpike road a free public highway, to ratify the sale and disposition of the property of the company and divide the assets among the stockholders, after payment of its debt. Jan. 16, 1888, it was reported that the treasurer of the company had $99.60 in his hands for distribution and Charles Henry Peck, then treasur- er of the company, was instructed to pay 20-100 dollars per share as the final dividend which was made on the 23d day of Jan. 1888, on which date the Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike Co. became a thing of the past. The toll received in 1841 was $1,009.30 from 1842 to 1843 it was $993,54, and in 1881 it was reported to be $17.07. Charles Henry Peck was its clerk when the books were closed and on the inside of the cover of the Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike Co. records is written in a plain, bold hand this injunction : "I hope this book will be kept by some one, many years to come, as a souvenir.' — Charles Henry Peck, Ex-Clerk of sd Ex-Company. Thus it is that, though being dead, he yet speaketh. OLD DAYS OF THE STAGE COACH. BEFORE THE COMING OF THE RAILROAD. Facilities afforded in early days for carrying of passengers and speedy delivery of mails. In the Danbury Recorder, June 24, 1829, a one-sheet weekly then in the fourth year of its existence, and printed every Wednesday, several ads are found relating to the running of stages for 1829, intended more particularly for more important towns in Fairfield, New Haven and Litchfield counties : "Summer arrangement for the Norwalk, Bridgeport, New Haven, Wood- burj', Danbury and Litchfield stages : New Haven and Norwalk stage : This stage will leave the General Stage office. New Haven, at 7o'clock in the morning (Sundays excepted) and arrive at Norwalk in season for the passengers to take the steamboat for New York. Fare through, $3.00. Returning will leave Norwalk daily on the arrival of the steamboat. Woodbury and Norwalk stage: This stage will leave J. P. Marshall's stage house, Woodbury, on Alondays, Wednesday and Friday at 4 o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Norwalk by the way of Newtown and Bridgeport, in season for passengers to take the steamboat for New York. Fare through $3.50. Returning will leave Norwalk on Tuesday. Thursdays and Saturdays on the arrival of the steamboat. A stage from NewMilford regularly intersects this line at Newtown each way. Litchfield, Newtown, Danbury and Norwalk accommodation and mail stage : This stage leaves Danbury daily at 7 o'clock in the morning. Leaves Litchfield on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the arrival of the mail stage from Hartford, lodges at New Milford, leaves New Milford on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock in the morning, changes horses at Newtown and arrives at Norwalk in season for passengers to take the steamboat for New York. Fare $4.00. Returning leaves Norwalk for Danbury daily, for Newtown, New Milford 158 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN and Litchfield Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturdays on the arrival of the steamboat from New York." S. Alott, E. Hayes, C. Patrick & Co., H. Barnes, proprietors. May, 1829. Danbury and Sing-Sing accomodation stage; Union Line: This line of stages commenced running from Danbury to Sing-Sing on Wednesday the 8th of April as follows : Leaving G. Nichols' hotel, Danbury every Monday, W^ednesday and Friday at 7 o'clock a. m., arriving at Sing-Sing at 12 o'clock the same day, by the way of Mill-Plain, Sodom Corner and Summerstown. Returning leaves Sing-Sing immediately after the arrival of the steamboat Gen. Jackson, and arriving in Danbury at 6 o'clock p. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Baggage over 30 lbs, extra charge, and all baggage at the risk of the owner. Fare from Danbury to Summers- town, 75c; to Sing-Sing $1.50; to New York $2.00. This line of stages will intersect with Hartford, Litchfield, Newtown and New Haven stages, and is the quickest and shortest route from Danbury to New York, that can be traveled. N. B. The proprietors of this line of stages will assure the public that they have the first rate horses and carriages, and they think honest and capable drivers, who will spare no pains in making the passage safe, agreeable and expeditious. Gentlemen and ladies of this and neighboring town please to patronize us with a fair trial on this route to New York, and if you should think it not for your interest and convenience to go this way, we will excuse you from a further trial and be your very humble obedient servants." G. Nichols, Danbury, April 14, 1829. Danbury and Poughkeepsie mail stage : The public are hereby informed that a stage for the accommodation of passengers will commence running on the 21st. of April, between the village of Danbury and Poughkeepsie, twice a week. Leaving Danbury every Tuesday and Friday mornings at 6 o'clock a.m., passing Southeast, Patterson, Stormville, Hopewell and Hackensack, arrives in Poughkeepsie in time for the steamboat, either for New York or Albany, on the same day. Returning, leaves Poughkeepsie every Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 7 o'clock a. m., and arrives in Dan- bury where it meets all the eastern and southern stages. This is the easiest and most direct route from Long Island Sound to the Hudson river and persons traveling to the West or North, will by this stage, reach Albany one day sooner than by any other conveyance and at much less expense. For seats apply to A. Seely's and G. Nichols' hotel (Danbury and at Jarvis' hotel and the steamboat house, Poughkeepsie. Fare $2.00. All baggage at the risk of the owner. Joel Stone, Danbury, April 6, 1829. Those were times when the stage coach was in the height of its glory regarded as a rapid means of conveyance for carrying both passengers and mails. In the early 30s a line of stages was estab- lished between New Milford and Bridgeport, making daily trips and meeting at Czar Keeler's tavern, which stood just north of the Beecher residence. Arriving at noon-time, dinner was promptly served and fresh horses provided for the rest of the journey. The writer, too young to remember the stirring events of those early days, vividly recalls stories told by his elders on long winter evenings before the blaz- ing fires of the open fire-place. A cheering sight it must have been for the street folk when these stage-coaches, drawn by two pair of horses, went rattling through the streets, loaded down, as they sometimes were, outside and in, with passengers, with trunks and luggage piled on the top overhead, or tucked under the great leather boot covering in the rear. What an aniiuated and busy life it must have given the village street thoroughfare for vehicles of all kinds plying between the upper towns and Bridgeport, while an occasion- al blast from the drivers horn apprized the whole town of the HIGHWAY RECONSTRUCTION 159 arrival and departure of the daily stage coach. With the comple- tion of the Housatonic railroad in 1842, a quietus was given not only to the stage line but to the turnpike company itself. Newtown's "Traveler's Directory" and the time of arrival and departure of mails from the Newtown postoffice, as advertised in July, 1853. Housatonic Railroad, Newtown Station. Car go North South Freight at 7.25 a. m., 12.42 p. m. Mail&pas'ger 11.10 a.m., 12.42 p. m. Special at 6.45 p. m., 9.00 a. m. Stages leave the Railroad Depot for Woodbury and Southbury daily at 12 m. For Southville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 p. m. Hawley- ville Station, Danbury and Bethel stages arrive at 11 a. m., and 2.30 p. m. ; leave at 11.40 a. m., and 3 p. m. Newtown Postoffice mails arrive from the south, via railroad at 12.30 p. m. From the North via Railroad 12.30 p. m. From Woodbury and Southbury, via stage, daily at 12.30 p. m. From Southville by stage on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 11.00 a. m. Mails close for the North, via railroad at 10.45 a. m. For the South, via railroad, at 10.45 a .m For Woodbury, Southbury, via stage daily at 10.45 a. m. For Southville by stage on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 10 45 a. m. Post office open from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays from 12m. to 1 p. m. Jerome Judson, P. M. HIGHWAY RECONSTRUCTION— NEWTOWN STREET TO SANDY HOOK.— 1834-1912. The first reference we find to laying out a highway from New- town village to Sandy Hook is under date of Nov. 18, 1715 : "We, that are the committee for to lay out highways, whose names are under written have this 18th day of November, 1715, laid out a highway or country road two miles from ye middle of ye town down by ye north side of ye old farm over Pohtatuck Brook and so toward ye single pine to a bunch of stones upon a rock which is two miles. The highway is 20 rods wide, according as common or undivided land will allow. We removed Daniel Foote's southwest corner of his four acre lot northwest six rods and we gave him seven rods at his east corner. Sd. Foot was present and consented to same. We lay out a road to go to Wodbury. We began it at ye first meadow in ye above sd road eastward of ye Pohtatuck Brook, turning of it more north till we come to some pines. We lay it 20 rods wide. Thomas Bennitt, John Glover Ebenezer Booth, Committee. Recorded, November 28, 1715. Joseph Peck, Clerk. As there could have been naught but natural obstructions in the lay-out of the highway, we cannot account for its serpentine course unless, in the lay out, the Indian trail as it led from the Pohtatuck on the banks of the Housatonic river over the hills westward to Quanneapague lake and on to Danbury and the Hudson, river, was followed. A century passed and the primitive way of working country roads continued. Men worked out their road tax with teams and shovels as best they could, content to share each with the others the privations and discomforts that fell to their lot. As water power was more and more developed, travel and 160 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN business interests increased between the two villages and better roads were called for, but we learn nothing more until 1834, when, upon complaint to the County Court of Fairfield county, from tax payers living in the easterly and southeasterly part of the town in regard to the condition of the highway leading from the Newtown Church to Zoar Bridge, the following complaint was made : Complaint for Ragged Corner Road. To the selectmen of Newtown, Gentlemen : Complaint has been made to me that the road leading from the Newtown church to Zoar Bridge is in bad repair so much that it is unsafe to pass over it in carriages or wagons. This therefore is to request you to put said read in good and safe repair without delay and spare me the disagreeable necessity of bringing thi subject before the County Court. The complaint is signed by 20 persons who represent the road to have been much neglected for a long time past. They are desirous that I should go immediately upon the road and view it. I have thought however that it would be reasonable that you should first be notified, that no unnecessary expense should be made to the town. I hope you will have the goodness to attend to this road soon and that no further proceeding on my part will be necessary. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, April 1834. ^- ^- Baldwin, Sheriff. Early in Dec. 1834, a town meeting considered the question of a highway from Sandy Hook to connect with the Bridgeport and Newtown turnpike, at some point in South Center school district, near the house of Widow Lavina Burritt, to near the house of Elijah Sanford in Sandy Hook, and by vote of the tax payers it was left to the selectmen to look over the ground and report at an adjourned town meeting, Dec. 22, 1834. At that meeting, it was voted, "To accept the report of the selectmen so far as relates to the road from Sandy Hook to intersect the Bridgeport and Newtown turnpike near Widow Lavina Burritt's as reported by Silas Glover and others." It was also voted "that the selectmen be directed to lay out a highway beginning at or near the house of Widow Lavina Burritt to near the house of Elijah Sanford in Sandy Hook." As the writer is perfectly familiar with the lay-out of that pro- posed highway, though never built, using it week in and week out, when in 1854-55 and '56 he was teaching the Sandy Hook school and boarding at his childhood home, we give the course it was decided it should take. Elijah Sanford's house is what is now known as the Gibson place. The road was to start in at the west of the house near the present gateway and taking a southwesterly course, follow along the easterly side of the ridge still covered by the beautiful line of white oaks, crossing Tom brook (that runs through the intervale down the open, to empty into the Pohtatuck not far from the pond near Sandy Hook bridge,) then up the slope and across the level where the railroad now runs, following on southwesterly along the north side of Deep brook, and on between the houses of Jerry Carey on the north and Miss Joanna Keating on the south, to connect with the road that passed by the houf^.e of Mrs. Ruth Prindle, now the home of Julia Prindle, then to turn to the bend and follow the highway as it led to the house of Widow Lavina Burritt, which is still standing. There the new highway was to connect with the turnpike. Does the reader wonder why Sandy Hook and Bennett's Bridge territorv should clamor for such road, that would turn so much HIGHWAY RECONSTRUCTION 161 Hravel from Newtown Street? The turnpike was an assured thing and in successful operation. The new lay-out would be an easy ■grade the whole distance, not much different in measurement than ^the road from Sandy Hook to Newtown Street and that all the way up hill. Although the lay-out of the road was accepted, yet, for some reason, not on record, the project was abandoned. It did not do • away with further effort to connect Sandy Hook with the Bridge- Iport turnpike at some point below the village of Newtown. For in U837, another special town meeting was called for the express pur- ipose of considering the same matter. I Warning is hereby given to the inhabitants of the Town of Newtown qualified to vote in town meeting that a town meeting will be held at the Town hall in said Newtown on Saturday, the 17th inst., June, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety ,of repairing the middle turnpike road or such parts of the same, as said ^meeting may think advisable, or to survey and lay out a new road from ithe Episcopal church to the village of Sandy Hook in the most feasible place and also the necessity of laying an additional highway tax and to do other business if necessary. Abijah Merritt J James B. Fairman Israel A. Beardsley, Newtown, June 10, 1837. Selectmen. j For some reason the meeting called for June 10, 1837, went by 'default and an indignant contingent of tax payers quietly bided their time until Nov., 1838, when this petition was circulated. This peti- tion was signed by 20 tax payers and reads : To James B. Fairman, Abijah Merritt and Isreal A. Beardsley, the honor- able selectmen of the Town of Newtown, We, the petitioners resident 'electors of the Town of Newtown represent to your body that whereas the jroad known as the road running from the bridge situated at Sandy Hook ito the Episcopal church, situated in Newtown Center is entirely out of I repair, dangerous to travel and ridiculously inconvenient to a very large ! proportion of the inhabitants of said town. We therefore, petition your body to call a meeting to take into consideration the necessity and expedi- ency of repairing said road, or laying out a new road on or near the line of said road, and we further petition that said meeting be called within I two weeks from date of this petition or as soon as legal. I Newtown, November 5, 1838. jjohn Dick, Charles Blakeslee, A. B. Beecher, William Clark, Stiles H. iJudson, George Curtis, Samuel B. Peck, David J. Glover, J. S. Tomlinson, , H. W. Tucker, Abijah B. Curtiss, Charles L. Dick, S. N. Beers, Warren I Sherman, David Sanford, Royal O. Gurley, Moses Parsons, Ezra Patch, (Josiah Sanford, Joseph Dick. I In response to this petition, the selectmen called a special town meeting, I Nov. 28, 1838 : I Warning: Whereas a petition of a number of inhabitants of said town for a special town meeting to be warned forthwith for the purpose of I taking the subject into consideration of the expediency of repairing the I old road leading from the Episcopal church in said Newtown to Sandy i' Hook bridge or the laying out of a new road from the Episcopal church to I said Sandy Hook bridge. j James B. Fairman. Abijah Mirritt, Isreal A. Beardsley, I Newtown, November 16, 1838. Selectmen. I At this town meeting, Nov. 28, the selectmen were ordered to 1 repair the road from the Episcopal church to Sandy Hook bridge I and no new lay-out for a road was tolerated. 162 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN At the town meeting, Nov. 28, 1838, the opposition to building a new highway from Newtown Street to Sandy Hook was so strong that no further effort was made along that line. In 1838, the Hovisatonic railroad was commenced, survey for which had been completed. The location for the railroad station had been decided and so decided as to satisfy the people of the two villages of Newtown and Sandy Hook. All the more care was given to the upkeep of the highway between the two villages, although the idea of Sandy Hook having an outlet to the Newtown and Bridgeport turnpike at some point in a southwesterly direction, a mile or two below Newtown village, had not all that time been given up and was held in abeyance until 1872. In the early part of January of that year, a petition having the requisite number of sign- ers was placed in the hands of Newtown's selectmen, asking for a special town meeting, held Jan. 27, 1872: Warning is hereby given that a special town meeting will be held for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety and necessity of survey- ing and laying out a new highway commencing near the watering trough and residence of Mrs Samuel B. Peck, running southwesterly and terminat- ing on the old highway near the dwelling house of John McNamara (the house where Thomas Carey lives.) The meeting voted that the selectmen be instructed to survey and estimate the cost of said road and report at an adjourned meeting. At the adjourned meeting, the selectmen's report was read and a resolution passed instructing the selectmen to lay out and construct a new highway over the route proposed. The vote was by ballot and carried by a majority of three. Yes 129, no 126. Exciteinent ran high. Another special meeting was held to rescind the vote. Feb. 17, 1872. A motion by Dr. Erastus Erwin to rescind passed at the special meeting, Jan. 17, voted upon by ballot. A large number of those who favored it lived in the south part of town and worked in the rubber factory, in Sandy Hook. There were 381 ballots, yes 186, no 195, and the motion was lost. Another special meeting, Saturday, May 25, 1872, to lay out a highway over practically the same route, to run under the Housatonic railroad near the dwelling of Martin Keating, and terminating on the old highway a few rods south of the dwelling of John McNamara. A vote passed without discussion that the meeting adjourn without date, and attention was again directed to the improvetnent of the Middle turnpike, as it was called, from Newtown to Sandy Hook. A special town meeting called for May 10, 1872, voted that the road from Sandy Hook bridge to Newtown Street be graded and gravelled and a committee of three appointed to contract and superintend the same provided that the amount expended do not exceed $3,000. The committee were instructed to contract for the grading and gravelling and to borrow the money in the name of the town, if there were not sufficient funds in the treasury to defray the expense. An ainendinent was carried that, in the place of $3,000, $2900 should be substituted; carried by accla- mation. William J. Dick, Jabez Botsford and Henry L. Wheeler were appointed committee to contract and superintend the work of grading and gravelling the road from Sandy Hook bridge to New- town street and to pay for the same. A special meeting, Aug. 23, HIGHWAY RECONSTRUCTION 163 1873, voted an additional tax of one mill to defray in part the gravelling of Sandy Hook and Newtown road. Between 1850 and 1870 public sentiment seems to have settled to its normal condition. Then came another wave of dissatisfaction in regard to the road from Newtown Street to Sandy Hook. Special town meetings were called galore, many of which have been referred to, but further consideration of another effort to get a highway to connect Sandy Hook and points adjacent with the Bridgeport turnpike southwesterly was agitated, until it resulted in a call for a town meeting in November, 1874. ' The meeting, Nov. 28, 1874, voted that the lay-out of a highway |to Martin Keating's house be indefinitely postponed. A special town meeting Dec. 26, 1874, to act upon the petition of Martin Keating and others for a road and two bridges from the house of Martin Keating, meeting and connecting with the public road near the dwelling of Widow Keating (now Mrs James Corbett's) refer- ring to his old right of way, the same right of way to continue thereafter a road fit for public travel. The special meeting Dec. 26, 1874, voted: That the selectmen lay out and construct a highway from jMartin Keating's first house to the highway on the west side of said road, provided that Martin Keating and Widow Keating will deed all their right 1 of way to the town for public use. j The road was built and is now in use. In 1885 a sidewalk from Newtown to the Sandy Hook bridge was agitated and at a special town meeting, March 13, 1886, the select- men were instructed to lay a plank or tar walk on the north side of the road from Newtown Street to Sandy Hook, near the Niantic , mills, should a tar walk be laid, plank might be substituted where ;tar was impracticable. The petition had more than 20 names. A i resolution offered by William C. Wile that the selectmen be in- .structed to lay a tar walk on the north side of the highway four feet, six inches wide, not to cost over $2,000 was passed. At a special town meeting, March 20, 1883, by petition to consider 'ithe vote passed at the special meeting of March 13, 1883, the j selectmen were instructed by resolution to commence work as soon |as practicable. As the walk was never built, we consider that the iselectmen never found a time when they thought it practicable. j Upon petition, a town meeting was warned for the 15th of March, '1890, to macadamize or gravel the highway leading from Newtown Street to Sandy Hook bridge and to provide means for the work. Voted that la committee of five be authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $4,000 in jmacadamizing the road from Samuel C. Glover's house in Newtown Street 'to the Newtown depot of the Housatonic railroad, said road not to be less jthan 12 feet wide, and to expend a sum not to exceed $500 in gravelling or '■macadamizing the road from the depot to Sandy Hook bridge, and that the f selectmen be three of that committee and L. B. Booth and D. G. Beers the other two. The committee were empowered to borrow not to exceed |M500. Another special meeting, March 29, 1890, voted to confirm and (ratify the doings of the last town meeting. ' At a special meeting Feb. 28, 1891, it was voted that the whole matter of (building a sidewalk from Newtown to Sandy Hook be indefinitely post- poned. { 164 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN At a special town meeting, Aug. 13, 1892, to take action regarding the macadamized road from the head of Newtown Street to the Housatonic railroad, and the construction of a road without side ditches from the South Center schoolhouse to the intersection of the macadamized road in Newtown, it was voted that the selectmen make such repairs as they thought necessary on the macadamized road from Newtown Street to the Housatonic railroad. A special meeting. April 24, 1893, considered buying a stone crusher and engine plant complete for said town and to make a proper side walk between Newtown Street and Sandy Hook. A resolution to purchase a stone crusher and engine complete the cost not to exceed $1800, was lost 99 to 58. Two htindred years have passed since the lay-out of the road was made and the long steep grade of Church hill had not varied much in all that time. With the completion of the State road from New^town Street to the Monroe line and with the road to Sandy Hook included in the State w^ork, drastic measures have been taken to eliminate the grade of Church hill to a great degree, and with the improvements along the line to the railroad station ,it w^ould seem that the permanency of the work is assured for many years to come. When further improvements on the same line from the station to Sandy Hook eliminated the abrupt curve of the road by Tom Brook and widened the bridge that spans that stream, no stretch of road will be found in the state that will be better. The work is a credit to Highway Commissioner McDonald, as well as to C. M. Crosby, foreman, in charge of the work ; to the contractors, the B. D. Pierce Co. of Bridgeport and Newtown's First Selectman William C. John- son, inspector for the state. The most drastic part of the work was cutting down and grading Church hill. From the summit of the hill and for about half of its length a cut was made averaging in depth from four to hve feet, with the deepest cut about seven feet. From the point where the cut runs out to the watering trough, a heavy fill was made, the deepest part of which may measure from five to seven feet. The road bed the length of the hill was laid out 26 feet in width. The hill is extremely wet and springy and a rubble stone drain three feet wide and three feet deep was dug in the center of the roadbed from the top of the hill for 300 feet, to carry the water that would accuinulate by seepage to an open ditch at the bottom of the hill. For surface drainage, cobble gutters on either side of the road extended half the length of the hill, carrying the water into catch basins, that empty into 12-inch drain tile that carry the water to the outlets at the foot of the hill. In front of all drive- ways 12-inch tile have been laid. The entire road has been crowned with gravel to the depth of 10 inches and has been thoroughly rolled by a heavy steam roller. On top of the gravel, several hundred tons of crushed rock have been carted upon the road and that, too, has been rolled down with the steam roller. In front of the High School property, the plank bridge has been replaced with 24-inch tile which extends along the whole front of the school grounds, w^hich will insure an unbroken front of lawn almost to the wheel track. At the junction of the Queen street road with the State highway, a double 15-inch tiling takes the place of the plank bridge. BUILDING, EQUIPMENT, RUNNING EXPENSES AND NET PROCEEDS IN THE EARLIEST DAYS OF THE HOUS ATONIC RAILROAD 1835-1843. I have a report of the directors of the Housatonic Railroad Co. made to the stockholders at the annual meeting, Nov. 22, 1842, and report of the investigating committee made at the same time. At the beginning of the work of building the road I was a babe in the cradle and but 10 years when the trains began running on schedule time. My father was one of those interested in the pro- ject of building the road. When the report for 1842 came out, he with others received a copy. This report was handed down from father to son, and has been carefully kept for more than 50 years. As early as 1835, the question of connecting the seaboard at Bridgeport with Albany by railroad began to be agitated along the Housatonic valley, which, in due time, resulted in a stock company; stock was subscribed to the amount of $869,500. So sanguine were the projectors of the ultimate success of the scheme, they did not wait until the whole amount of stock required for building this entire line was guaranteed before breaking ground at Bridgeport, with New Milford as the first objective point. When the prelim- inary work of survey, purchasing right of way, etc., had been completed, construction was soon under way. Commencing at Bridgeport and working slowly up the valley, it was watched with much curious interest and statements were freely made that it would never be completed and would be the cause of bankrupting every one who put money into it. The work progressed but slowly, for it was all done with hand shovels, hand picks, hand blasting tools, wheelbarrows and one-horse dump carts. The steam shovel had not taken the place of the wheelbarrow, the steam drill had not taken the place of sledge hammers, swung by sturdy arms of men who working in triplets, by alternate blows upon a drill held and manipulated by a third person slowly bored the way into solid rock nor had the lightning been harnessed to take the place of the boy depended on to carry "hurry messages" from one stand point to another. As the work pushed on though Stepney, Botsford, New- town, and Hawleyville, reaching the latter place through a tunnel, whose construction was the wonder of all the people far and near, continuing its tortuous winding way along the valley to New Milford, people became less incredulous and an impetus was given to the sale of stock. The completion of the roadbed to New IMil- ford had more than kept pace with the selling of stock, and it was decided to call a halt in work on the road-bed further on, for the time being, and complete track-laying from tide-water to New Milford, so that they could begin running trains. In laying the track, first was laid what were called mud-sills : timbers hewed from large white oak and chestnut trees 8 inches thick and from 12 to 16 feet in length, imbedded in the earth, laid parallel with the road-bed, on which were laid cross-ties flattened on one side to lie firmly on the mud-sills. The ties had niches cut at either end, eight inches wide and six inches deep, to receive the Southern pine 166 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN timbers on which were spiked the long strips of iron on which the wheels of the engines and cars were run. These strips were three inches wide and an inch thick, fastened on the wooden rails by iron spikes, the heads of which were countersunk into the strip. It was soon found that the oscillations of the engine and cars caused the ends of the straps to spring up, making what came to be called "snake heads," which would at times be caught up by the wheels of the car and thrust through the floor, endangering the lives of passengers. In course of time, that track gave way to the all-iron rail, to be discarded at a later period for the heavy steel rails in use to-day, with which all are familiar. The first through passenger train on the Housatonic railroad from New Milford to Bridgeport was on St. Valentine's day, 1840. That does not mean that no train was seen anywhere on the line until that date, for, as track-laying extended north of Bridgeport, a work train would naturally follow with rails and other supplies as the work advanced, so that there was daily expectancy of seeing the locomotive. It was in the early winter of 1839-1840, when the writer, having just passed his seventh birthday, was sitting on the little bench at the schoolhouse, close to the box-stove, looking at the big boys and girls on the outside benches craning their necks in great expectancy. Some one shouted, "The locomotive is coming," whereupon all the children, without a permit from the teacher, went helter-skelter out the door and on to the stone walls where all stood in mute amazement to see the first of these work trains as it passed. Domestic animals were more excited than were human beings. My grandfather had a five-year-old colt in his barnyard never broken to harness, that scaled an eight-board fence, and, from all reports, did not stop until it reached ZoarBridge, where it was found a few days later. Ever after the horse went by the name of Gabriel. The Housatonic was the first railroad built in Connecticut. It was looked upon with great interest, not only as a business proposition, but also as likely to revolutionize modes and speed of travel. The first engines were small affairs, wood burners, with no protection from the weather, either for engineer or fireman. The coaches were on four wheeled trucks ; also the freight cars, which for the most part were openly exposed to all kinds of weather. By the report of the directors to the stockholders at the annual meet- ing in Oct. 1838, it appears that a contract had been made for the construction of the entire road from Bridgeport to the Massachu- setts State line for $936,000. The report further says : "Under that contract the road was made from Bridgeport to New Milford, and the cars of the company commenced running upon it, between those places, in 1840." Running of the first train from New Milford to Bridgeport told me in my younger days : On the 14th day of Feb. 1840, an excursion train was run to celebrate the completion of the road as far as New Milford. The train reached Newtown from New Milford about noon, where it was greeted by an outpour- CO I. X — Oh BUILDING OF HOUSATONIC RAILROAD 167 ing of people from all parts of town, a few of whom boarded the train for the eventful trip, among whom were Legrand Fairchild, (Botsford Fairchild's father) and Zalmon S. Peck, Newtown's long known and well-remembered postmaster of later years. The run was made to Bridgeport without accident. The end of the road was at the foot of Beaver Street, now Fairfield avenue, with a short branch over which to shunt cars to the steamboat dock, where freight destined for New York was transferred to the boat. On the dock was a big pile of wood. The cars were cut off to allow them to run down to the landing. Hand brakes at first were only stout planks thrust through openings in the floor of the car and held against the wheels by the brakemen. The momentum of the train was too great for the power applied and the cars smashed into the pile of wood at the end of the track. Among those badly injured was Zalmon S. Peck of Newtown, whose right thigh was caught by the platform of the car and badly broken. He was taken to a hotel, corner of Wall and Water streets, where he remained until some- time in April, when he had so far recovered as to be taken home. There were four others injured at the same time, and in the settle- ment with the railroad, the company paid Mr. Peck $614.11. He was a sufferer from that accident the rest of his life. In Dec, 1840, a settlement was made with the contractors by the directors. The sum of $459,153.13, was allowed for the work done, and the contract was abandoned, the company reserving to itself all claims which it might have upon the contractors for defect of plan, construction or materials of the bridges over the Housatonic and Still river, subject to future adjustment. In the autumn of 1840 a new contract was made with Alfred Bishop, of Bridgeport for the construction of the northern division of the road from New Milford to the Massachusetts line for $500,000. This division of the road was completed and opened to North Canaan, about a mile and a quarter from the Massachusetts line, on the 27th of December, 1841, For work done under this contract, Air. Bishop was paid in March, 1842. $492,405.05 and was released from his contract and the untin- inshed part was completed at the expense of the company. With the Massachusetts State line once reached, the directors made the Berkshire railroad a perpetual lease to keep it in repair and pay for its use a rent of 7 per cent per annum upon its cost, not exceed- ing $250,000. Its track, of the same width as that of the Housatonic and of the same material, could be used in connection with the Housatonic as one entire road, forming a connecting link with what was called the western railroad, leading from Boston to z\lbany and the West, which then meant as far as Syracuse, where passengers could change to the "Canal Packet-boat, for Buffalo." The annual report goes on to say : "The Board of Directors have at last the pleasure to announce the final completion of an unbroken communication from Bridgeport to Albany. That consummation of our efforts during fivfe years of constant struggling with embarrassments and difficulties of no ordinary character, is at length accomplished, and we are now to learn whether our anticipations of the value of the improvement to the community, and its productiveness, as an investment to the stockholders, are to be realized or disappointed. In conclusion we would offer to the stockholders our congratulations upon 168 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN the completion of the great project undertaken by them, and express the opinion, that, provided some measure shall be adopted during the coming winter to provide for the payment of a portion of the indebtedness of the company, we may see it relieved from its embarrassments and hereafter doing a successful business and conferring upon the community important benefits " From the report of the directors of the Housatonic Railroad Co. made to the stockholders at the annual meeting in Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 23, 1842, statistics concerning cost of "right of way," equipment, earnings of the road, expenses of the road, expenses of transportation department, etc: Right of way $ 56,659.15 Freights $61,719.14 Grading and superstructure 968,542.48 Passengers 42,541.91 Turn-rounds 1,182.89 Transporting mails 1,612.94 Depots and engine houses 13,632.45 Engineering 24,407.23 $105,873.99 From April 16 to October 1, 1842: Total cost of Road $1,064,424.20 Freights $21,556.51 Cost of Rolling Stock : Passengers 15,065.22 5 Engines $32,500.00 Transporting mails 1,375.73 10 Cars for passengers 15,200.00 ~ 69 Freight cars 19,900.00 $37,997.46 9 hand cars 660.00 — — Amount of earnings $143,870.72 $68,260.00 Expenses 76,899.55 Earnings, from opening of the Road Net proceeds $66,971.17 to 16th of April, 1842 : Add wood on hand 1,500.00 $68,471.17 Salaries of employees of the roads, depot agents, engineers, conductors, track men, and day laborers : Depot agents, Bridgeport: R. B. Lacey, per month, $50.00, C. A. Kirkland $41.65, A. W. Fox, $30.00, E. F. Sherwood, $28.00, four laborers, rate of $26.00, Stepney— A. Northrop, $12.50, Botsford— E. Botsford, $6.00, Newtown- Henry May, $10.42, Hawleyville— D. B. Hawley, $25.00, Brookfield— $10.42, New Milford— D. Marsh, $33.34, Gaylords' Bridge— J. J. Graves, $25.00, Kent, R. H. Piatt, $20.00, Cornwall— $10.42, Cornwall Bridge— F. W. Pease, $25.00, West Cornwall— C. Pratt, $20.00, Falls Village— D. H. Hunt, $25.00, North Canaan— J. R. Fuller, $33.34. Shefifield— E. F. Ensign, $25.00, Great Barring- ton— C. W. Hopkins, $33.34, West Stockbridge, W. Jones, $41.66. Engineers: E. F. Moore, $83.33, R. Benjamin, $45.00, P. Tait, $50.00, H. Kimball, $50.00, J. B. Hawley, $50.00, W. Sterling, $40.00. Nine others are employed in engine department with pay from $22 to $30 per month. Conductors: T. P. Prentice, $41.66, A. D. Smith, $60.00, H. Edwards, $35.00, J. Bostwick, $35.00. Five others are employed on the cars, with pay from $24 to $26 per month. Expenses paid at the transportation department from the opening of the road until Oct. 1, 1842: Bridgeport, $7,319.41, Botsford, $123.25, Stepney, $571.83, Newtown, $789.31, Hawleyville, $881.04, Brookfield, $387.25, New Milford, $2,867, Gaylord's Bridge, $377.92, Kent, $423.58, Cornwall Bridge, $283.87, West Cornwall $212.95, Falls Village, $251.83, North Canaan, $1,076.60. In the smith shop: B. Hotchkiss $39.50, S. Hull $32.50, H. Zabonlinski $26.00, G. B. Smith, carpenter, $30.00, E. Hogan, Watchman $24.00. 21 men, including track walkers and spike men, are employed in repair- ing the road; pay from $20 to $37.75 per month. Nine laborers at the several depots, employed in sawing wood, etc. pay, from $20 to $26 per month. The company employs 90 persons besides its ofificers. In the foregoing BUILDING OF HOUSATONIC RAILROAD 169 list of engineers, conductors, mechanics and day laborers, we have what may be called the working force of the Housatonic, 90 persons in all, be- sides its officers, as given in the annual report of the company for 1842. Up to the 18th of April, 1842, the business done upon the road had been much less than anticipated, amounting only to $9,723.64, one reason given for which was that navigation of the Hudson river, by reason of the unusual mildness of the weather, continued most of the winter unobstruct- ed, diverting traffic from the railroad to the river boats. Earnings and expenses of the road from the first of December, 1841, to April 16, 1842, a net income of $882.41, per day, for 118 days: Earnings,— Freight $18,667.24 Passengers 10,579.56 Mail 875.00 Gross earnings $30,121.80 Equal to $225.26 per day. 118 running days. Expenses 20,398.16 Net proceeds 9,723.64 Equal to $82.41 per day Expenses, including depot expenses and all expenses of transportation department, salaries of officers, repairs of road, etc., $20,398.16. Equal to $172.86 per day. With 1843, R. B. Mason, superintendent of the Housatonic, issued an order that on and after Jan. 16, there should be one passenger and one freight train each way, daily excepting Sunday, between Bridgeport and West Stock- bridge, and that passengers should be at the depots 15 minutes before time for the cars to leave. The train for the north should leave Newtown at 1 :25 p. m. and, going south, should leave Newtown at 4.50 p. m. schedule time between Newtown and Bridgeport, one hour and 15 minutes. Leave Passenger Freight Bridgeport 12.15 a.m. 6.30 a.m. Newtown 1.25 p. m. 8.25 a. m. Hawleyville 1.45 p. m. 9.00 a. m. New Milford 2.30 p. m. 10.15 a. m. Kent 3.30 p.m. 11.15 a.m. West Corwall 4.20 p. m. 12.10 p. m. North Canaan 5.15 p.m. 1.05 p.m. Great Barrington 6.00 p. m. 2.15 p. m. West Stockbridge 6.45 p. m. 3.15 p. m. Passenger and freight trains going south : Leave Passenger Freight West Stockbridge 11.30 a.m. 5.00 a.m. Great Barrington 12.15 p. m 6.00 a. m. North Canaan 1.05 p. m. 7.00 a. m. West Corwall 1.45 p. m. 8.00 a. m. Kent 2.35 p. m. 9.00 a. m. New Milford 3.35 p. m. 10.15 a. m. Hawleyville 4.30 p.m. 11.15 a.m. Newtown 4.50 p.m. 11.50 p.m. Bridgeport 6.00 p.m. 1.50 p.m. The Postmaster at Bridgeport also gave this notice. Post Office Bridgeport Jan. 24, 1843 A mail agent has been appointed by the Postmaster General on the line from Bridgeport to West Stockbridge to accommodate and to take charge of the mails from the postoffice in Bridgeport to the postoffice at West Stockbridge and from the postoffice at West Stockbridge to the post- office at Bridgeport. He is also directed to act as mail messenger and in that capacity to receive letters written after the mail is closed, and way letters and other mailable matter, to note on them where received, if on the route, if not into the office at the end of the route at which they should be mailed, and also to the person addressed when desired and 170 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN practicable. He is instructed to receive postage on prepaid letters, and collect it on letters not prepaid when delivered him. The above arrange- ment will commence this day, January, 24, 1843. J. Sherman, Jr., P. M. For the accommodation of the towns of Danbury, Bethel and the south part of Brookfield, it was decided that the third station in Newtown was to be near the extreine northerly part of town, and, one inducement to have it located at Hawleyville, Glover Hawley, then a resident, gave land for depot buildings, and also gave the right of way of over a quarter of a mile through his farm. His home was the brick house at Hawleyville and, when a post- ofifice was established there. Glover Hawley was first postmaster. In return, the station was named Hawleyville for him and the nutnerous Hawleys in that vicinity. NEWTOWN'S POSTOFFICES AND POSTMASTERS 1800—1912. Names of postmasters, date of appointment and time of service of each official from the first incumbent down to 1912. The writer obtained the information from the postoffice depart- ment at Washington, through the First Assistant Postmaster General. Down to 1843, there was but one postoffice in town, which was, as a matter of course, located in the village. The first appointinent was dated, Oct. 1, 1800, Caleb Baldwin, postinaster, and the office became permanently established, Jan. 1, 1801. Caleb Baldwin was one of the town's leading business men : town clerk, from 1800 to 1840; the records remain as a lasting monument to his memory. Newtown's second postmaster was Czar Keeler, appoint- ed. May 29, 1820, holding office 17 years. March 8, 1837, Thomas Blackman was appointed and held office for four years. May 28, 1841, D V. B. Baldwin's appointment was announced, and he held the office about two years. This brings us down to 1843, when trains began running on the Housatonic railroad, one mail each week-day, being carried each way. Henry May the company's agent at Newtown, obtained the appointment of postmaster, and tried the experiment of having the postoffice removed to the depot, to make it more convenient for people living east of the railroad, more especially for the convenience of people living in Sandy Hook. The change did not work and the department at Washington order- ed its removal back to Newtown street. Henry May served as postmaster, for a little more than three years. Charles B. Curtis was appointed, serving less than two years, when David H. Johnson, merchant, trading in a store just north of Trinity Rectory, was appointed. His was a short term, his successor, Nathan W. Keeler, being appointed. Keeler was son of Czar Keeler, Newtown's second postmaster. He was a merchant tailor, and ran the office in connection with his trade for three years, when his successor, A. S. Treat, was appointed. Treat was a young lawyer, not of Newtown birth, and received the appointment of postmaster under Millard Fillmore, who had succeeded to the presidency by the death of Zachary Taylor. His tenure of office was brief, for in March, 1843, Franklin Pierce was inaugurated President, and as "to the victor belong the W 1LS(_)X M. REYXOLUS NEWTOWN'S POSTOFFICES AND POSTMASTERS 171 spoils," Jerome Judson, a born Democrat was appointed postmaster which office he held for a little more than eight years. In 1861, Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated President, and Zalmon S. Peck was appointed Newtown's postmaster, April 27, 1861. From that time to the present, the names we are to deal with are those well known to those who have reached or passed middle life. In April, 1867, an assassin's bullet killed the President and Andrew Johnson became his successor. He made radical changes in office, some for and others without cause, and, March 27, 1867, Charles Henry Peck was appointed postmaster, holding office until April, 1869, when, under Grant's administration, Zalmon S. Peck was re- appointed, holding office until the incoming of Cleveland, in 1885. Postmaster Z. S. Peck's record is for a longer period than that of any back to the beginning, covering approximately 24 years, less two intervening, when Charles Henry Peck was in the office under Andrew Johnson. When Grover Cleveland assumed the presidential office, he appointed L. B. Booth postmaster, one of Newtown's later mer- chants, Nov. 17, 1883. Three of the next four are Newtown born, while the last named has, with his family, been ours by adoption many, many years. John B. Wheeler received appointment, April 20, 1889, serving a four-year term. John J. Northrop's appointment came June 22, 1893, one term under Cleveland's second administra- tion. George F. Duncombe's appointment came May 21, 1897, covering a little more than eight consecutive years. Wilson M. Reynolds, received appointment Oct. 13, 1905, under the Roosevelt administration. Newtown's postmasters, as given by the First Assistant Post- master General, Oct. 19, 1912: Caleb Baldwin, Jan. 1. 1801; Czar Keeler, May 29, 1820; Thomas Blackman, March 8, 1837; D. V. B. Baldwin, May 28, 1841; Henry May, August 15, 1843; Charles B. Curtis, October 23, 1846; David H. Johnson, Jan. 14, 1848; Nathan W. Keeler, Feb. 28, 1850; Amos S. Treat, Jan. 10, 1853; Jerome Judson, June 2, 1853; Zalmon S. Peck, April 27, 1861; Charles H. Peck, March 27, 1867; Zalmon S. Peck. April 26 ; 1869 ; Levi B. Booth, Nov. 17, 1885 ; John B. Wheeler, April 20, 1889; John J. Northrop, June 22, 1893 ; George F.,Duncombe, May 21, 1897; Wilson M. Reynolds, Oct. 13, 1905; Robert Bradley, June 1, 1914. When the Housatonic railroad was finished so that trains began to run on schedule time, it was plain that new conditions called for two more postoffices in Newtown, one at Cold Spring, the other at Hawleyville. The stage coach must give way to steam. The post- office department was appealed to and Nov. 10, 1843, one was established at Cold Spring. Edwin Botsford was first postmaster, and held office for six years. His son, Oliver S. Botsford, was his successor in 1849, and held office until the fall of 1883, Austin B. Blakeman being appointed Sept. 28, of that year and holding the office until his successor, Lawrence Taylor, was appointed Nov. 3, 1910. The name Cold Spring was changed to Botsford in the spring of 1883. In 69 years up to Nov. 10, 1912, the office at Bots- ford had four postmasters : Edwin Botsford. November 10, 1843; Oliver S. Botsford, January 19, 1849; A. B. Blakeman, September 28, 1883; Lawrence Taylor, November 3, 1910. 172 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN The postoffice at Hawleyville was established, March 27, 1844, with Glover Hawley as postmaster, for two years. Levi C. Morris, running a store for dry goods, groceries, etc., was appointed, April 6, 1846, the office was kept open until July 16, 1846, about 100 days, then discontinued and re-established, July 3, 1847, when Josiah B. Fairchild held the office until succeeded by Asa N. Hawley, appoint- ed August 16, 1848, holding office for six years. Daniel Booth Hawley was appointed March 31, 1854, and held office until January, 1880, 26 consecutive years. Robert Millions, appointed Dec. 9, held office until succeeded by F. C. Sanford, appointed Jan. 5, 1883, he was succeeded by Samuel C. Blackman, Sept. 28, 1885, and he by Mary E. Lancaster, appointed July 10, 1889, continuing in office until April 21, 1890. F. C. Sanford was re-appointed, April 21, 1890, to be replaced by Andrew B. Fancher. May 13, 1890, he was suc- ceeded bv Edmond C. Piatt, Sept. 27, 1901, who still holds the office, 1917. The last of Newtown postoffices in order of establishment was that for Sandy Hook, April 8, 1862. William Hall was first post- master, Henry L. Wheeler second appointee, June 14, 1865. He held office until April 16, 1867, when John Judson was appointed, holding office for two years, Ezra Patch, appointed April 29, 1869. His was a four-year term, succeeded by William B. Snififen, Sept. 3, 1883, but only for two years, supplanted by George Winton, Nov. 23, 1885, under the administration of President Grover Cleveland. He served a four-year term, succeeded by W. B. Sniffen, who was re-appointed April 3, 1889. Thomas J. Bradley succeeded him, June 27, 1893. He was succeeded by the appoint- ment for the third time of W. B. Sniffen, April 6, 1897, who held the office until his death in 1907. Edgar C. Page was appointed postmaster, Feb. 25, 1907, to fill the vacancy caused by death. Sandy Hook postmasters : William Hall, April 8, 1862; Henry L. Wheeler, June 14, 1865; John Judson, April 16, 1867; Ezra Patch, April 29, 1869; William B. Sniffen, September 3, 1883; George Winton, November 23, 1885; William B. Sniffen, April 3, 1889; Thomas J. Bradley, June 27, 1893; William B. Sniffen, April 6, 1897; Edgar C. Page, February 25, 1907; Frederick Reiner January, 1916. Postal Laws and SsJaries, 1800 — 1912. It is a far-off cry from the stage driver and mail coach, to the mail train and postman of to-day. With a daily mail delivery to every city, town and village in Connecticut and a house-to-house distribution daily (Sundays excepted) to every family in town, where, 100 years ago people counted themselves lucky to have the mail delivered once a week, it is hardly possible to realize the difference between then and now. We need to go back only 100 years to find that Hartford, Norwich, Middletown, New Haven, Litchfield, Danbury and Bridgeport were central points radiating to different points of surrounding country. From musty files of papers of a century or more ago, there came by patient research information that can be gained in no other way. From a Hartford Courant of a century or so ago, we can show how a net work of mail routes were laid out, so that, before the coming of mail roads, the people throughout the State of Connecticut could POSTAL LAWS AND SALARIES 173 feel quite sure of a weekly mail, and a mail once a week was con- sidered reasonable. Sixty-nine hours were allowed for carrying mails between Hartford and New York, 48 hours from Hartford to New London, and in like proportion between other points within the state, no traveling being allowed on Sunday. Gideon Granger, a Connecticut statesman, graduate of Yale in the class of 1787, was appointed by President Jefferson, Postmaster General in 1801, and re-appointed by President Madison in 1809. He made these stip- ulations for carrying mails for 1809 and 1810: The Postmaster General may expedite the mails and alter the times of arrival and departure at any time during the continuance of the contracts, he stipulating what he considers to be an adequate compensation for any extra expense that may be occasioned thereby. Fifteen minutes shall be allowed for opening and closing the mails at all offices where no particular time is specified. For every thirty minutes delay, unavoidable accidents excepted, in arriv- ing after the time prescribed in any contract, the contractor shall forfeit one dollar and if the delay continues until the departure of any depending mail whereby the mails destined for such depending mail lose a trip, an additional forfeiture of five dollars shall be incurred. And whenever a lost trip ensues from whatever circumstances, the amount to be paid to the contractor for a regular trip is to be deducted from his pay. Newspapers, as well as letters, are to be sent in the mail and if any person making proposals desires to carry newspapers other than those conveyed in the mail for his own emolument, he must state in his proposals for what sum he will carry with the emolument and for what sum without that emolument. Should any person making proposals desire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure above specified, he must state in his proposals the alteration desired and the difference they will make in the terms of the contract. Persons making proposals are desired to state their prices by the year. Those who contract will receive their pay quarterly in the months of August, November, February and May, in one month after the expiration of each quarter. No other than a free white person shall be employed to carry the mail. Where the proposer intends to carry the mail in the body of a stage or carriage, he is desired to state it in his proposals. The Postmaster General reserves to himself the right of declaring any contract at an end whenever one failure happens which amounts to the loss of a trip. The contract for the above routes are to be in operation on the first day of April next, and are to continue in force for two years. — [Gideon Granger, Postmaster General]. General Postoffice, Washington City, October 31, 1808. Some of the principal mail routes and schedules in Connecticut in 1809: From Hartford by Farmington, Harwinton, Litchfield, Washington, New Milford, Danbury, Ridgefield, Salem and Bedford to New York once a week. Leave Hartford every Tuesday at 2 p. m., arrive at Litchfield on Wednesday by 9 a.m. and at New York on Friday by 11 a.m. Returning leave New York every Friday at 6 p. m., arrive at Danbury on Saturday at 8 p. m., at New Milford on Monday by 9 a.m., at Litchfield by 6 p.m., and at Hartford by 10 a. m. on Tuesday. From Litchfield by Cornwall and Sharon to Poughkeepsie once a week. Leave Litchfield every Wednesday at 2 p. m., arrive at Sharon by 7 p. m., and at Poughkeepsie on Thursday by 2 p. m. Leave Poughkeepsie on Thursday at 5 p. m. and arrive at Litchfield on Saturday by noon. From Middletown by Middle Haddam, East Haddam and Haddam to Saybrook, once a week. Leave Middletown every Friday at 4 a. m. and arrive at Saybrook by 5 p. m. Leave Saybrook every Saturday at 4 a. m., and arrive at Middletown by 6 p. m. From New Haven by Woodbridge, Waterbury and Watertown to Litch- field once a week. Leave Litchfield every Friday at 6 a. m. and arrive at 174 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN New Haven by 3 p. m. Leave New Haven every Friday at 5 p. m. and arrive at Litchfield on Saturday by 3 p. m. From Danbury by South East, Franklin, Pawling, Dover, Kent, Sharon, Salisbury, Sheffield, Great Barrington, Stockbrige, Lenox, Pittsfield, Lanes- boro, Williamstown and Pownal to Bennington once a week. Leave Danbury every Saturday at 9 p. m. and arrive at Pittsfield on Monday at 7 p. m. and arrive at Bennington the next Tuesday by 7 p. m. Leave Bennington on Monday at 5 a. m and arrive at Pittsfield by 8 p.m. Leave Pittsfield on Tuesday at 5 a. m and arrive at Danbury the next Wednesday by 7 p. m. From Bridgeport by Trumbull, Huntington, Newtown, Brookfield to New Milford once a week. Leave Bridgeport every Tuesday at 2 p.m. and arrive at New Milford every Wednesday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Bridgeport on Thursday by 10 a. m. Enough has been given to show the carrying out of mail dehvery among the cities and towns of a State, a method that remained intact until the coming of the railroads and transportation of mail by steain. Mrs Johnson's maternal grandfather, Rhesa Foote, born in New- town in 1781, had as one of his boy companions, Lewis Peck. In school and out of school, they were boon companions and as they grew to man's estate they were to each other as Damon and Pyth- ias, almost inseparable. In seeking their life work, they became separated, one going to North Carolina, the other remaining in Newtown. A long correspondence was kept up and we have many letters that passed between them, bearing dates of 1801, 1802, 1803, letters written on fool's-cap paper, bearing with the address, in large figures of red chalk, the numbers, "25 cts." "50 cts.," as the size of the package might be, one sheet 25c, two sheets, 50c postage. Postage paid by the receiver of the letter. We will give the rates of postage established by Congress in 1806. There were two rates, one for letters and newspapers carried by land and the other for the same rate of postage when carried by packet boat," property of the United States and two cents extra when carried by private vessels. For letters conveyed by land, single, double and triple, not exceeding 40 miles, 8c; over 40 miles and not exceeding 90, 10c; over 90 and not exceed- ing 150, 12 l-2c; over 150 and not exceeding 300, 17c; over 300 and not exceeding 500, 20c; over 500 miles, 25c. Double letters are double, and triple letters triple, these rates. A packet of the weight of one ounce, at the rate of four single letters and in like proportion for one of greater weight. No allowance being made for intermediate mails. Single letters passing by sea in packet boats, the property of the United States, 8c each; double letters 16c and triple letters, 24c. All letters or packets by private vessels at two cents each with the addition of postage, if destined to any other place than where the vessel may arrive. No vessel can be permitted to ■ report, make entry or break bulk, until the master has delivered to the postmater all- the letters brought in his vessel, except those for the owner or consignee. Postage on Newspapers : Each paper carried not over 100 miles, one cent, and over 100 miles, one and one-half cent; but if carried to any postoffice in the state in which it is printed, whatever be the distance, the postage is only one cent. Magazines and pamphlets are rated by the sheet; any distance not exceeding 50 miles, one cent; over 50 and not ex- ceeding 100 miles, two cents." No trouble in making change for the half-cent, for half-cents were coined in those days. Some will be interested in being told the source from which the writer found the rates of postage in force when the postoffice was established, which has its proper POSTAL LAWS AND SALARIES 175 place in this article. The writer has in his possession a file of Almanacs, in their completeness from the year 1762 to the year 1884. From the year 1800 to the year 1884, every change made in in the postal laws is sure to be found in the almanacs in use under date of the year in which a change came, and so it is that the copy issued in the year 1806 contains the postage laws as they were first issued. The writer gives information from a group of pamphlets that had the beginning of growth with his maternal ancestors, 150 year ago. Rates of postage established by Acts of Congress passed March 3, 1825: "For a single letter, composed of one piece of paper for any distance not exceeding 30 miles, 6c; over 30 miles and not exceeding 80 miles, 10c; over 80 and not exceeding 150 miles 12 l-2c; over ISO and not exceeding 400 miles 18 3-4 cents; over 400 miles 25c. Double letters, double rates; triple letters, triple those rates. Letters composed of four pieces of paper, quadruple those rates. The net amount of postage from the postoffices in Connecticut for the year ending March 31, 1827, under the above rates as reported in the state register for the year 1829 vi^as $30,160.13. — [Gideon Granger, Post- master-General. Washington.] Net amount of postage received from the Newtown postoffice for the year ending March 31, 1827, was $60.80. By act of Congress in 1852, rates of postage were changed, on letters not exceeding a half ounce to 5 cents for 500 miles and to 10 cents on letters over half and not exceeding an ounce. In 1858, rates of postage on single letters weighing not over half an ounce for not exceeding 3000 miles, 3 cents, prepaid by stamps. Over 3000 miles 6c. Double weight, double postage. Postmasters' compen- sation by law of 1854, on any sum not exceeding $100, 60 per cent, and, in offices where the mails arrive regularly between 9 o'clock at night and 5 in the morning, 70 per cent on the first $100. On any sum over $100 and not exceeding $400, 50 per cent ; over $400 and not exceeding $2,400, 40 per cent; and on all sums over $2,400, 15 per cent. In 1864 the rate of postage on letters of a half ounce was changed to three cents any distance w^ithin the United States pre- paid with stamps, to take efifect, July 1, 1865. In 1884 postage on one-half ounce letters was made two cents and still remains so.* j When salary was based on percentage of receipts, salaries paid at i different offices in Newtown, gathered by the writer from a person- I al study of public documents in the Connecticut State Library at I Hartford. I Salaries of postmasters in Newtown Street : , 1816 $35.01, 1822 $53.52, 1824, $61.57, 1828 $65.17. 1830 62.71, 1832 $78.75. 1835 1 $132.73, 1838 $160.90, 1841 $169.77, 1845 $190.84, 1849 $279.69, 1851 $419.96, 1855 ' $448.26, 1859 $437.89, 1863 $444.90, 1865 $447.65, 1879 $580.87, 1881 $609.40, 1883 I 625.71, 1887 $756.17, 1889 $892.92, 1893 $979.69, 1895 $959.82, 1897 $922.43, 1899 I $934.86, 1901 $1000.00, 1903 $979.69, 1905 $1000.00. j Business at the postoffice in Newtown Street so increased that j the postmaster's salary is $1300 and the salary of each of the two I rural carriers $990. ; The postoffice in Sandy Hook is a salaried office of $1000 and sends out two rural delivery clerks, $990 each. j Hawleyville postoffice has increased its business, so that, from a I salary of $16.95 per year in 1845, its receipts at the present time warrant a salary of about $800, and it sends out a rural delivery clerk on a salary of $1100. ] 'NOTE: Since the Government has increased letter postage to three cents. 176 NEWTOWN' S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN RESTRICTIONS TO DOMESTIC ANIMALS RUNNING UPON COMMON LANDS AND MANNER OF DISPOSAL WHEN UNCLAIMED. The first 100 years of the town life, horses, cattle, sheep and swine were allowed to run at large on the common or undivided land, owners being held for all damage where they broke into en- closures properly fenced. Each owner must have an ear mark for cattle, sheep and swine, by which he could know his own when found in a mixed herd. To mark horses in that way would be dis- figurement of beauty, so a branding iron was used and some letter or mark branded on the shoulder or body of the horse. A few recorded ear marks from the first volume of Newtown's records, date of 1715. It was necessary that they should be record- ed, for so disputes as to ownership could be easily adjusted. Daniel F"oote's ear mark for his creatures is a half penny on ye near side of ye upper side of ye near ear and a nick in ye same between ye half penny and ye top of ye ear. Joseph Peck's ear mark for his cattle and other creatures is a half penny on ye under side of ye near ear. Caleb Dayton's ear mark for his creatures is two half pennies upon ye for side of each ear. Joseph Peck's ear mark for his cattle is two half pennies cut out under ye near ear. Ebenezer Booth's mark for his creatures is one half penny cut out of ye fore side of right ear. John Burn's ear mark for his creatures is two slits down ye loop of ye left ear. Jeremiah Northrop's ear mark for his creatures is a crop off ye right ear and a half penny the fore side of ye same. Ebenezer Johnson's ear mark for his chattils and other creatures is a crop off ye ear and two slits in ye crop. Stephen Parmaley's ear mark for his creatures is three nicks cut in ye under side of ye off ear. John Seeley's ear mark for his creatures is a short slit in ye fore ear, a slit ye under side of ye near ear and a half penny on ye fore side ye same. James Hard's ear mark for his creatures is two slits in ye near ear and a hole in ye far ear. Abraham Kimberly was chosen brander of horses and it was voted, that the brander's shop or yard, in which to brand or mark the animals of "horse kind of any sort" should be on his premises. Kimberly's lot was the sixth lot south of the cross highway, on the easterly side of the street. As those lots were laid out 16 rods wide, lot No. 6 was 96 rods south of the road leading toward Sandy Hook, and that highway was laid out to be ten rods wide, each lot being laid out 40 rods in length and 16 rods wide. Swine running at large were most troublesome of all domestic animals and fre- quent resolutions were passed at town meetings. Resolution passed at the annual meeting in Dec, 1715: RESTRICTIONS TO DOMESTIC ANIMALS 177 "At ye aforesaid meeting agreed upon and voted by ye inhabitants that swine shall be at large on ye commons ye years ensuing, that is without yoaking and ringing and if any damage is done by such swine threw ye insufficientness of fence that shall not be judged according to law by ye fence viewers, the owners of such fence are to bare ye damage, but if any swine are taken damage feazent when ye fence is sufficient then ye owners of all such unruly swine shall pay ye pondage and damage according to the law. — Recorded Dec. 21, 1715. Joseph Peck, Clerk." Dec. 8, 1736, upon ye petition of ye farmers belonging to ye farmers belonging to ye farm called Zoar that they might have liberty to build a pound to impound creatures belonging to other towns that should do them damage in their inclosures. It was voted to grant ye farmers liberty to build themselves a pound upon their own charges for ye end above sd provided ye aforesd farmers impound none of ye creatures belonging to ye inhabitants of Newtown, in their pound. At a meeting, Dec. 19, 1737, voted ye swine belonging to inhabitants of Newtown shall be free commoners so long as they do no damage and ye owners of ye swine to pay damage where ye fence is good and according to law, and where fence is not good ye owners of such fence are not to recover any damage or poundage, and if such swine be not sufficiently yoked after ye first time they do damage then ye owners to pay all damages after ye first time they do damage. By sufficiently yoking to be understood nine inches above ye neck, four inches below ye neck, six inches long on each side of ye neck is a grown swine, and proportionally for lesser swine. Swine so yoked not to be deemed damage feazant. This act to continue for two years. At a town meeting at the south schoolhouse, April 16, 1756: "Voted — Whereas ye law cuts off swine from running at large as free commoners unless ye town shall agree otherwise and finding that ye swine do dig up commons so that it is great demage to ye flock of sheep feeding on sd commons, which to prevent it is further enacted and voted at ye sd meet- ing that all ye swine belonging to ye inhabitants of Newtown from 10 weeks old and upwards shall be singed of running at large on ye commons by ye tenth day of May next or shall be liable to be pounded according to the law, nothing in this vote or act to be construed otherwise than, that if swine do damage in any man's inclosure ye owner thereof shall be liable to pay all damages. John Northrop, Town Clerk." When stray cattle, sheep, swine or horses, were impounded (there were no local newspapers in those days), the town crier went the round to cry or announce the fact. After a space of six months and no one appearing to claim the animal or animals, they were appraised and sold at public auction ; if they sold for more than expense incurred, the over-plus went into the treasury of the town. Newtown, Feb. 23, 1755. On account of ye charges arising upon a mare yt was sold at public vandue at ye sign post. Sold for 20 pounds old tener, ye above sd mare was posted at several neighl)oring towns as ye law directs and sold per me. Joseph Bristol, constable of Newtown at ye sum above sd. For crying sd mare, f5;for keeping sd mare, £2 2s 6d ; for damage £1; for prizing damage, 15s; for pounding, 6s 8d : for recording, 3s 4d ; for silling, 10s; one quart of rum, 12s; clerk's fee for entry, 6s. Newtown, Nov. 2, 1756, then taken up damages feasant and impounded by Lieutenant Nathaniel Brisco, a brown bayish mare, with a star in her fore- head, branded with this figure, (9) on ye right and left shoulder, her right hind foot white, j-e above described mare was posted at ye several neigh- boring towns as ye law directs and sold at public vandue at one pound and six pence per me, William Birtch, constable, ye charge as follows : Damage, Is 2d; my fee for travel and vandure, 14s 7d ; keeping of mare, 3s; to drummer and poundage. Is 2d; prizing damage, 4d ; clerk's fee, 6d. Total i\ 9d. Newtown, June 7th, 1757, then taken up by James Hard, a gray mare and 178 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN impounded in Newtown pound, branded on ye right shoulder with a figure 7. No ear mark to be found. The above sd mare was posted at ye several towns as ye law directs and sold at a public vandue at £3, 7s, lawful money per me, William Bristol, Newtown constable. My fee for travel and posting and selling, 8s; charge for vendue, 2s Id; poundage and pasture, 5s lid; drummer's fee for beating ye drum, 9d ; ye clerk's fee, 6d ; apprisal, £3, 7d ; expenses, 17s 3d; overplus, £2, 9s Id; Ye mare was sold at ye post, June 27, 1757. Newtown, July ye 12th, 1757, then taken up by Jeremiah Turner, one grey mare about two or three years old and impunded in Newtown pound. No brand mark to be found on her. A small streak of white in ye forehead and a few gray hairs down ye nose. The above sd mare was posted in ye several towns as ye law directs and sold at a public vandue at 3 pounds, 19 shillings lawful money. Sold ye first day of August, 1757, by me William Birtsch, Newtown constable. My fee for travel, posting and selling sd mare, 9s 5d 2far. ; charge of vandue, 2s 4d ; poundage and damage, 4s 2d; keeping mare, prizers and administering oath, 2s 8d ; to ye drummer for fee for beating ye drum, 9 far. clerk's fee for recording sd mare, £6, 19s, lOd, 2 far. Newtown, August 17, 1762. Then taken damage feasant by Arnold Glover of Newtown, one grayish mare and impounded in ye Newtown pound, about two or three year old, with a white streak down its face, branded with these letters, II, on ye left shoulder. Ye above said mare was posted in ye several towns as ye law directs and sold at apublic vandue to George Lemon of Stratford, for £2, 6s, 6d, lawful money per me, William Birtch, Newtown constable. £ s d The constable's fee for posting and selling 10 6 Damage 15 Poundage and keeping sd mare 4 8 For viewing the fence and prizing the damage. 5 Ye justice's fee for administ- ering oath to prizers 8 Ye drummers fee and charge of vandue, 3 3 Ye Town clerk's fee for re- cording, 9 1 19 8 Ye above sd mare was sold on ye 6th of September, 1762. Mare sold for 2 6 6 Expense, 1 19 8 Overplus, 6 10 Found in ye woods near Gray's Plain in Newtown a two year old steer, reddish, pied on ye back, marked with a swallow fork on ye ofif ear and one happenny on ye foreside of ye near ear. Sd steer died and was skinned by Ebenezer Peck and recorded, June ye 19th, A. D. 1769, per me, Caleb Baldwin, 3rd, Town Clerk, on ye 20th day of December, 1769. I appointed Jonathan Prindle and Ebenezjsr Johnson to apprize sd skins and they were sworn by me, Henry Glover, Justice of ye Peace, and they apprized sd skins at 14 shillings lawful money, and ye sd Ebenezer Peck is allowed for his trouble and cost about sd steer ye sum of seven shillings per me, Henry Glover, Justice of ye Peace. Ebenezer Peck Justice fees Appraisers fees, Clerk's Fees, 11 £ s d 7 1 1 6 1 6 RESTRICTIONS TO DOMESTIC ANIMALS 179 Value of sd hide, 14 Cost, 11 Overplus 3 Recorded per me, Caleb Baldwin, ye srd Town Clerk. Newtown, May ye 21st, 1756. Taken up by Lieut. Joseph Smith of ye parish of Newberry in ye county road from Newtown to New Milford, a leather pouch with thirty shillings of silver and six coppers in sd leather pouch. Entered by me, John Northrop, Town clerk. May ye 28th, 1756. The owners appeared February 4th, 1757, for ye above sd money and received ye same at ye hand of Lieut. Joseph Smith before me, John Northrop, town clerk. Received by Ebenezer Mills and John Mills, sons of law to ye man that lost sd money." "Newtown, June 19th, 1754, fund in ye highway by Dina Nichols, daughter to Nathaniel Nichols a gold ring without seal to it, with a posey to it, etc. Ye owner appeared for sd ring." Newtown, May ye 14th, 1767, then found by a child near ye house of Aaron Peck, a Spanish mill dollar. The owner may have ye same by laying claim to it as may be thought reasonable. Aaron Peck. Received for record, July 10, 1767. Caleb Baldwin, Town Clerk. Taken upon ye road that leads from Sanford's mill to Zoar near Hard's meadow lot, a square silver shoe buckle with iron fluke and tongue. Sd buckle somewhat worn. Taken up by Lieut. Samuel Griffin, and is in his custody, recorded July 4, 1768, per me, Caleb Baldwin, 3rd Town Clerk. On ye 13th day of January, 1769, I appointed William Burwell and Jabez Baldwin to appraise sd buckle and they were sworn according to law. Sd Burwell and Baldwin appraised sd buckle and set ye value of sd buckle at £0, s3, dl. Sd Griffin is allowed for his trouble 8d. Cost Griffin for his trouble, Justice's fees, Appraiser's fees, Clerk's fees. Total cost, 2 10 Taken up as lost goods by Zadock Hard on ye 26th day of April, 1769, a small side of leather about three or four soles cutout of ye but of it, sd leather supposed to be tanned with black oak bark. Recorded, May ye 8th, 1769, per me Caleb Baldwin, Register. On ye 8th of November, 1769, I appointed William Burwell and Ephriam Sherman to appraise sd side of leather. Sd Sherman and Burwell were put under oath as ye law directs per me, Caleb Baldwin, Justice of ye Pece and they caled sd leather s5, d, lawful money. The sd Hard is allowed for his trouble about sd leather one shilling. Justice's fee. Two appraisers' fees. Clerk's fee, £ s d 8 6 8 1 Value of leather. Cost, Overplus 2 10 £ s d 1 4 1 3 2 7 5 5 2 7 180 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN NEWTOWN'S SHEEP INDUSTRY. An abstract of the work of the assessors in making up the town's grand levy for the year ending Oct. 1, 1911, stated "that in the returns made of taxable property, no sheep were returned as being owned in town." Although the writer has been conscious of a gradual decline in that source of the farmer's income, he had not thought to live to see the time when there would be no ownership of sheep in Newtown. On the other hand, the report of our town treasurer for the year ending .Sept. 1, 1911, showed that for that year, 407 dogs were registered, by which the income of the town was increased by $478. When we have a State law compelling owners of dogs to keep them confined or chained from sundown to sunrise, their havoc among sheep will be less than now. For with dogs, as with lawless bipeds, the great part of their villainous and deadly work is done under cover of darkness. Whether sheep came into town along with horses and cows, we have no way of knowing. It is natural to suppose that at the start all the upland in its virgin loveliness was covered with timl:)er and underbrush, and swamp land would be no ground for sheep. The inference is that, previous to 1800, sheep were kept as one common flock, tended by a shepherd" chosen by the town, each owner to pay towards the expense of tending through the season, according to the number owned. The season lasted from early in May, to late in October. The records are silent in regard to sheep until 1800. Nothing is found on the records showing that they were taxed with live stock, nor were they allowed to go on the commons except under the care of a duly appointed shepherd. At a town meeting held in April, 1732, it was voted "That the Commons should be cleared for the benefit of the flock of sheep where it shall be thought to be most needful by those who are appointed by law to take care of that work." Swine were by vote of the town free commoners when they were "ringed or yoked," and "the selectmen of ye town shall decide whether sd swine are sufficiently yoked or not well yoked." Swine were the most troublesome of all pests to the well-doing of sheep, were much in evidence at the annual town meeting. In 1752. "Voted: Whereas the law cuts of¥ swine from running at large free commons unless the town shall agree otherwise and finding that the swine do dig up the commons so that it is a great damage to the flock of sheep feeding on sd commons destroying much of the grass growing there- on, which to prevent it is further enacted and voted that all the swine belonging to the inhabitants of the town of Newtown, from ten weeks old and upward shall be ringed if running at large on the commons by the tenth of May next, or shall be liable to be pounded according to 'aw." — John Northrop, clerk. The year following the town appointed Vincent Stillson, Abiel Botsford, Josiah Bardslee, and Silas Camp, they or either of them to impound all swine above two months old that they find on the commons after the 28th day of March, except they be well ringed, giving notice to the owner of the swine, within twelve hours of their being impounded, said vote being for better protection of the sheep. In spite of all precautions, sheep would occasionally stray from the flock and some time might elapse before they would be restored to the owner. The laws of the colony provided for such a contingency and, when stray sheep were brought in, they were NEWTOWN'S SHEEP INDUSTRY 181 'duly advertised and held for a specified time. After having been duly appraised, if no owner appeared, they were sold at the sign post, and what the sheep brought, less expenses of keeping, adver- tising and officers' fees went into the town treasury. If expenses exceeded receipts, the town was so much out. The process of appraisal, of procedure and disposal : Notice — Taken damage feasant by Thomas Skidmore, Junr., of Newtown, on ye 25th of Dec, 1758, and impounded in Newtown pound, four sheep. One black sheep, marked with a crop on ye near ear and a hole in ye off , ear. Two white sheep with a crop on ye off ear and a half-penny under ye I seide of ye same ear. One white sheep with a slanting crop on ye near ear I and a hole in ye off ear, and I cried ye same in ye several towns as ye law directs and sold them one ye second day of January, 1759, at four of ye clock, afternoon, at ye sign post in Newtown, for four shillings each, six- [ teen shillings for all four by me, William Birch, constable of Newtown. Constables fee for crying and selling and all his trouble is 10 shillings; poundage and damage, 4 shillings; the prizer's fee and oath, 1 shilling and 10 pence ; charges for keeping sheep, 4 shillings ; paid the drummer, 9 pence ; cost of vandue, 2 shillings; clerk's fee for recording, 6 pence. Total expense, £\, 3 shillings, 1 pence. Amount from sale of sheep, 16 shillings. Expenses exceeded the amount for which the sheep sold by seven shill- ings and one penny. We do not know how many sheep were numbered in the town in any year previous to 1800. From 1800 to the present time, sheep appear upon the levy with other domestic animals liable to taxation, so that we find for 1803 the number of sheep listed in Newtown was 4010. The industry continued to be as remunerative as any that farmers could turn their hand to for at least 30 years. In 90 preceding years, the com- mon land had been much improved, highways had been cleaned to some extent and the practice introdTiced at the outset, of having a common flock tenti^^'d l)y a shepherd hired by the season, was kept up as far down as 1830, so that farmers, in addition to sheep kept on their farms, would avail themselves of turning some sheep into the common flock, the number any one man could put in being limited to 30. Shearing time came the latter part of May and at that time the early lambs could be turned oflF, so that the starting of the common flock came early in June, and the season lasted until the latter part of September, when there came the breaking up of the flock and the return of the sheep to individual owners. We have no dates to follow previous to 1823. At the opening of each season, a sheep master was appointed, who was expected to hire a shepherd for the season, see to collecting the sheep from the various school districts into one flock, make choice of the most desirable of the common lands for feeding grounds, and make arrangements for yarding the sheep over night where they could have an enclosed field for their night's rest ; wherever they stopped. Saturday nights, there they remained over Sunday. Farmers paid for the privilege of keeping the flock over nights and over Sunday, the privilege going to the highest bidder, which was expected to pay the expenses of tending the flock, including the hiring of a shepherd and a boy as a helper. Farmers thought the droppings from the sheep well worth the price paid in securing them to keep, as the droppings made excellent fertilizer for grain crops and 182 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN especially for rye and wheat. Stopping places were arranged close- ly enough together to be easily reached in a 10-hour feeding drift. The late Charles H. Peck, at one time Newtown's town clerk gave much spare time to making a careful study of Newtown's early history. Among the treasures of the early days was an old book called the Sheep Company's record book, which contained the re- corded doings of the company's work for 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826 and 1827. Entries have been made from the sheep book, kindly loaned to the writer by its present owner, Arthur T. Nettleton. A sheep company was organized in June 1823, and continued effective for five succeeding years. The call of the first meeting: "Warning is hereby given that a meeting of the owners of sheep in the town of Newtown will be held at Mr. Caleb Baldwin's house in said Newtown on Monday, the 9th day of June, 1823, at 6 o'clock in the after- noon, for the purpose of raising a public flock for the ensuing year, appointing officers for said meeting and of doing any business proper to be done at said meeting. Dated at Newtown, June 2, 1823. Moss K. Botsford, sheep-master." The meeting was duly held and it was voted "That Mr. Benjamin Hard, Esq., should be moderator, Judge Samuel C. Blackman clerk, and that a public flock should be raised for the benefit of owners of sheep, and that Moss K. Botsford should be sheep-master, and that the shepherd should begin to collect the flock on Monday, June 17." It was also voted "that the articles and by laws which were adopted by the proprietors of the flock the last year be adopted as the rules and regulations for the ensuing year." going to show that the existence of the common flock dates back of 1823. They were also to pursue the same route in collecting the flock as the shepherd did the last year, and no person should turn into the flock more than 20 sheep. There were 83 sheep owners who furn- ished sheep and the flock numbered in its completeness 938. The route laid out for collecting the flock was from Chestnut Tree Hill through Zoar to Ebenezer Beers, thence through Toddy Hill to Caesar's (the old darky) thence through Taunton, Palestine, Land's End and Hanover to Wapping, and thence through Sandy Hook to Newtown Street, which point it was expected could be reached inside of eight days. Of course the flock must feed along the route, as they were drifting toward their round-up, must also lie by for rest over Sunday, besides being delayed more or less by those who not living on the direct line of the drift, did not reach a station on time. The flock once formed, the shepherd, under the supervision of the sheepmaster, was ready to start out on the season's tour. A boy accompanied the shepherd and they had their keep over night and Sundays wherever the flock was yarded. In figuring expenses of the flock, it was expected that farmers would pay enough for the privilege of having the flock yarded on some plot on which they wanted to raise rye or wheat, the following season, that the amoimt received would not only pay all flock expenses, but return a small dividend for the owners. The records give the names of sheep owners, the expenses of tending the flock during the season, the money paid by farmers for the privilege of keeping the sheep nights and over Sunday, and the net returns, if any, to owners of the sheep. Also a tabulated account of the nightly and over- Sunday receipts, with the names of those who were highest bidders for the chance of securing the sheep when out on the drift. NEWTOWN'S SHEEP INDUSTRY 183 Number of sheep put into the flock by each individual, June 1823 : Caleb Baldwin 9, Philo Baldwin 10 Samuel C. Blackman 20, Alfred Blackman 1, Thomas B. Botsford 10, Moss K. Botsford 19, Henry Botsford 7, Clement Botsford 10, Jabez B. Botsford 13, Moses Botsford 20, Daniel Botsford, Jr., 20, Israel C. Botsford 20, Theophilus Botsford 20, William Botsford 3, Ebenezer Beers Jr. 9, Abel Beers 20, Ester Beers 4, Joseph Booth 6, James G. Blackman 5, Joseph Blackman 20, Daniel Blackman 9, Daniel Baldwin 7, Thaddeous Bennitt 5, James Bennitt 14, Harry Glover 2, David and Henry Glover 27, Benjamin Hard 16, Cyrus Hard 10, Abijah Hard 5, Abner Judson Jr. 6, Peter Lewis 18, James Nichols & Co. 29, Abner A. Nettleton 12, Oliver Northrop 14, Andrew Northrop 9, David C. Peck 20, Isaac Peck 10, Dan Peck 10, Enos and Wooster Peck 12, Samuel Peck 9, Ephraim Piatt, 15, Marcus H. Parmalee 6, Abel Stilson 9, Richard D. Shepherd 8, Ammon Shepherd 5, David Shipman 17, Wooster Sherman 5, Truman Sherman 8, Brace Smith 6, Joseph Tousey 9, Abel Bennitt 7, James W. Bennitt 7, Simon M. Beers 15, Abijah B. Curtis 20, Elihue S. Curtis 20, Epinetus Curtis 20, Gould Curtis ll.Zachariah Clark Jr. 20, James Clark 14, Stephen Crofut 10, Squire Dibble 13, Eleazer Dibble 6, Kiah B. Fairchild 9, Hawley Fairchild 6, Ezra Fairchild 9, Levi Fairchild 7, Philo Fairchild 7, Clement Fairchild 11, Adoniram Fairchild 13, Josiah Fairchild 9, Joseph Fairchiild 7, Josiah Glover 17, Abiel B. Glover 17, Andrew Wheeler 6, Herman Warner 12, Amos Wells 3, Ephraim P. Wetmore 4, Jerod Botsford 12, Ezra Sherman 8, James Nichols 10. Whole number of sheep in the flock, 1823, 938. The privilege of keeping the flock over night and over Sunday was sold at auction by the sheepmaster to the highest bidder. Names of those in the bidding; the demand for the sheep's keep was so popular that, in some instances, the same farmer secured several chances : To whom keep of sheep was sold. Abel Stillson. Daniel Botsford, Jr. Abel Stillson. Adoniram Fairchild. it , T^ , , ^ Ye Youth, awaken. Catch the the son of Donald Grant .u^^^-i;,,^^ A^.r r ^1 • L r ^-^ i-u 1 • 4-u„ shortliveu day of the parish of Duthel m the _. ■'. ^ , County of Inverness in Scotland Improve your Time and Talents and of Arminal his wife. while ye may." INSCRIPTIONS AND EPITAPHS 193 Here lies the body of Elizabeth Grant, daughter of Mr. Donald Grant of the Parish of Duthel, in ye County of Inverness in Scotland, and Mrs Arminal, his wife, died May ye 5, 1762, Aged 16 years and 12 days. Here lies the body of Mr. Donald Grant of the Parish of Duthel in ye Countj^ of Inverness, in Scotland Died January 10, 1763, in ye 55th year of his age Beneath, the Dust of Donald Grant, who Died October 18, 1767, aged 20 years, 1 month and 3 days, son of Donald Grant of the Parish of Duthel, in the County of Inverness, Scotland, and Arminal, his wife. Here lies buried the body of Caleb Baldwin, Esq., who departed this life March 9, A. D. 1771, in ye 70th year of his age. In memory of Mrs Alehitable, wife of Caleb Baldwin, Esq. She died Sept. ye 28, A. D. 1758, aged 61 years. Mrs. Betty Baldwin late widow of Col. Caleb Baldwin departed this life June 8, 1787 aged 56 years. This monument is erected in remembrance of an affectionate mother, by her youngest son. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Lemuel Thomas for man}'^ years a skilled and useful practioner of surgery and physics who departed this Life September 30, A. D. • 1775. AE 48. In memory of Rev'd Mr. David Judson, pastor of the First Church of Christ in Newtown, who departed this life Sept. ye 24, A. D. 1776, in ye 61 year of his life. Here lies ye body of Mary Judson Daughter of the Rev. David Judson and his wife Mary who died July the 23, 17— Aged 7 years and 20 days David, son of Rev. Mr. David Judson and Mary Judson Died Dec. 11, 1749, Aged 1 year 6 Months and 20 days. Here lyeth interred the earthly remains of the Rev'd John Beach, A.M., late missionary from the venerable society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, who exchanged this life for mortality on the 19th day of March, 1782, in the 52nd year of his ministry. "The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust." Reader let this tablet abide. In memory of Rev. Philo Perry, Pastor of the Episcopal Society in Newtown, Who died Oct. 26, 1798, in the 46th year of his age, and the thirteenth of his ministry. "I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write From henceforth blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Here lies interred the Body of Thomas Tousey Esq. who Died March 14, 1761 in the 74th Year of his age. Down to an impartial Grave's devouring shade Sink Human Honors and the Hoary Head Protract your years acquire what mortals can Here see with deep Concern the End of Man. 194 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Here Lyes ye Body of Here lies hurried ye body of Ezra Mrs. Johannah Wheeler son of Obadiah Wheeler who wife to Capt. Obadiah Wheeler departed this life Maye ye 10th Who Died Febu'ry ye 15 A. D. 1768 in ye 12 Year of his age. A. D. 1758 in ye 62 ^ , Year of her Age. To the memory of Alice Camp, TT 1- u • J widow of Here lies buried Lemuel Camp, l^u f°J^ ?JrS^?- Who died Dec. 5, 1796 .xru^^^"^""^. ^ .f T -f in the 87th year Who departed this Life r i.^ February ye 24, A. D. 1770 °* ^^^ ''^^■ in ye 76 year of 'The sweet remembrance of the his age. just Shall flourish when they sleep in The once well respected "Why do we mourn departing Mr. David Booth friends Here rested from the hurry Qr shake at Death's alarms? of life the 8th of April A. D. 1777, .jjg but the voice that Jesus sends aged LXXllI, j^ call them to his arms." "Could a virtuous, honest and in memory of amiable character, could bless- Miss Currence Camp ings of the poor echoing from who departed this life his gate, with Christian fortitude Could ye sympathetick April 30, 1799, Grief of an aged partner or the A. E. 22. Soft'ning tears of a numerous off- "As I am so you must be spring Lean on Christ and follow me." Disarm the King of Terrors, He had not died. What is Life? Here lies ye Body of Mrs. to answer Life's great aim, Ann Peck, wife of Mr. From Earth's low prison from this Henry Peck who died vale of tears April ye— 1741, in ye— with age incumbered and oppres- Year of her age. sed with fears ^u ■ . u a Here lies buried Death set him free, his Christ had ^j^^ g^^ ^j ^^^^ j^^^^^y T ""^^^c t'^/^^K^ 1 . • . Peck, wife of Mr. Henry Peck Let grief be dumb; let pious sor- ^^^ ^.^^ ^ -^ ^^ 17^1^ rows cease. 175^^ j^^ y^ 27th year of her age. To the memory of j^ memory of Mr. Lemuel Camp, -^ Henrv Peck Who, on the 30th Day of Jan'ry, who deoar^ed thh life ''T.r T T'r''' ^° d'^rh^risHan " " MarTh 1o?h''l796 ' With Meekness and Christian 77^j^ Year Fortitude resigned his Life to the ^ ^.^^ Almighty Giver, ^ and quietly fell asleep. Here lies interred, the This monument is inscribed. body of Mrs. Jane, the "The marble monument may yield dear wife of Richard To time; Time to Eternity, Fairman, Esq., who dw But the remembrance of the just git together in the mar shall flourish ried state 30 ye When Time shall cease _ ars, wanting 23 days. And Death is swallowed up with And was in his opinion a Victory." woman of the best sense and judgement that he was e Here Lyes ye body of ver acquainted with, a Mrs Betty Ferris wife to Mr. nd he believes truly pious, Abraham Ferris, who died who dep'r'd this hie in the August ye 28th, 1759, in ye 36 58th yr of her age. May 16, Year of her age 1775. INSCRIPTIONS AND EPITAPHS 195 In memory of Richard Fairman, Esq., who departed this life Sept. the 22, A. D. 1775, in the 64th year of his age Here lies the remains of Mrs Rebekah Nichols The amiable and virtuous consort of Captain Peter Nichols who departed this life October 12, 1793. In ye 61st yr. of her age. In memory of Mr. Abraham Ferris who died April ye 4th A. D. 1789 in ye 68th year of his age "No Gift of Nature, Art or Grace Exempted from ye Burying Place. All must obey death's solemn call Before that tyrant all must fall." Lies intome'd the Remains of Mrs. Zilpha wife to Zalmon Peck who departed this life Dec. the 31st A. D. and we de- posited on New Year's day 1797 in the 40th year of her age "Faiewell, my loving sons, my friends. Bear well in mind death is your ends For God has called you when he pleased. Happy are they whose hopes rely On Israel's God who built thesky In memory of Mr. Epphriam Bennitt who died of a cancer in his breast October 7, 1779 In the 65 year of his life. "Many are the afflictions Alloted in this life And few have endured trial More severe." In memory of Mr. Vincent Stillson Who died Jany 2, 1797 In ye 73rd Year of his age also of Mrs. Sarah Stillson Who died Jan. 3, 1797 In ye 35th year of her age They are both inter'd in one Grave. To the memory of Mr. David Curtis, the agreeable companion & the generous friend who was suddenly arrested by remorseless Death, July 29th, A. D. 1783 in the 42nd year of his age, this monument is inscribed : "Of this man may it with propriety be said His friends were many, his en- emies few. The partial friend may virtues magnify. The flattering marble may record a lye, But God, who judgeth righteously and just Will raise his children from the sleeping dust Proclaim their worth in Earth, in air and heaven Their pardon seal'd and write their sins forgiven." Safely inter'd here lies the remains of Mrs. Mary, the amiable consort of Mr. Jabs. Baldwine, who made her exit Jan- uary ye 1770, in the 36th year of her age leav- ing behind her, 5 children. "When a fond mother's care has nursed her Babes to manly size, she Must with us'ry pay the grave." In memory of Mrs Sally Cooke 2nd wife of Daniel B. Cook who departed this Life December 12 A. D. 1794 Aged 20 Years this stone is erected. "Could the Piety which adorns or Benevolence which endears human nature Could tenderest friendship or the Purest Love Disarme the King of terrors She had not died." In Memory of Reuben H. Booth who was drowned Nov. 24, 1814 aged 43 years. "How in an instant he was called Eternity to view Not time to regulate his house Nor bid ye world adieu." 196 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN In memory of Mr> Jo nathan Booth. He died February ye 8, A. D. 1755, aged TZ years. Here Lies ye Body of Lieut. John Griffin who departed this Life May 5 A. D. 1777 in ye 51 Year of his age "Who has Gone to Rest For Immortality." In memory of Mrs Jerusha ye Amiable Consort of Zalmon Tousey who departed this life February 11, 1785 In memory of Oliver Tousey, Esq'r who departed this life Jan. 27, 1799. in ye 73rd year of his Age "Stop, reader, shed a mournful tear Upon the dust that slumbers here And while you read the fate of me Think on the glass that runs for thee." To the memory of Mrs Deborah Tousey late Consort of Oliver Tousey Esq'r who departed this life March 15 1801 in the 70th year of her age In memory of Gideon Botsford who died Sept. 22, 1791, Aged 70 years 4 months. In memory of Isaac Tousey who departed this life Dec. 5th, 1794 aged 39 years 11 mos. and 10 days In memory of Mrs Meriam, widow and relict to Mr. Gide on Botsford, Dic'st. She died Nev. 16, 1795 Aged 66 years. the grave." In Memory of Mr. James Bald win Junr., who departed this Life Tune the 9th A. D. 1773 in the 56th Year of his age. In memory of Zalmon Tousey who died June 26, 1810 In ye 7 — year of his age. In memory of Gideon Bennitt son Gideon and Pulchrea Botsford Who Died December the 18 A. D. 1774 Aged 4 months 12 days. Here Lies ye Body of Mrs Thankful Baldwin wife to Mr Nathan Baldwin Died October ye 25 1741 In ye 79 year of her age. In memory of Mr. Abraham Botsford, who de- parted this life March ye 25th, A. D. 1791, in ye 64th year of his age. Here lyes ye body of Mr John Glover He died in ye faith and communion of ye church of England June ye 2, A. D. 1752 and in ye 78th year of his age. in the 40th year of Her Age. "Man is dom'd to die A sentence of ye Judge on high No ransom can give but in ye ransom paid, he yet shall live." In memory of Mrs Nancy Botsford relict of Abraham Botsford. who died Oct. 24, 1795 in ye 64th year of her age. David Son of Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Pheobe Booth. Died Sept. ye 22nd, 1753, aged 4 years, and 11 days. INSCRIPTIONS AND EPITAPHS 197 Joseph, son of Mr. Jonathan and Mrs Pheobe Booth. Died August ye 11, 1751, Aged 3 years & 1 month. This monument is Erected in Memory of Capt'n Peter Nichols Who exchanged this Life for Immortality June 15, 1799 in ye 67 Year of his Age. Here lies the body of Sarah Booth. dau. of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Pheobe Booth. Died Febry 15, 1759, in the 15th year of her age. Here lies ye body of Hester, wife of Jonathan Booth. In Memory of Moses Wheeler son to Mr Abiel and Mary Booth. He died Feby 15 A. D. 1770 in ye 7 Year of his age. In memory of Andrew Booth son of Mr. Abel and Mary Booth Who died Jan. 17, 1775, Aged 14 years. In memory of Moses Wheeler Booth second son of Mr Abiel and Mary Booth Who died Jan. 21, 1795 Here lies ye Body of Mr. Samuel Starling son of Mr. John Starling who departed this Life June ye 6th 1764 in ye 27 Year of His age To the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Jennings Edmond, eldest daughter of the late Hon John Chandler and Mrs Mary Chandler, who departed this life February 17, 1795, aged 29 years 8 months and 17 days this monument is erected by her sorrowing husband William Edmond. Here lies ye body of Mr John Starling son of Mr John Starling and Mrs Sarah Starling Who Departed this Life August ye 6th 1767 in ye 25th Year of his Age Here lies buried the Body of Mr John Sterling who departed this Life July ye 19th 1780 in ye 72nd Year of his age. In Memory of Mr. Jacob Starling who departed this Life October 9, 1796 in ye 57th Year of His Life. In memory of Mrs. Sarah Starling Relict of Mr. John Starling who departed this Life Dec. 13th 1797 In ye 87th year of her Age Here Lyes buried ye Body of Mrs Bethiah Botsford, wife to Mr. Gideon Botsford, who died November ye 26, 1754, about 38 years of her age. NEWTOWN'S LAWYERS Judge William Edmond was born Sept. 28, 1755, in Woodbury, Conn. He was graduated from Yale College in 1777; took part in an engagement with the British in Ridgefield, was severely wound- ed in the leg, April 27, 1777, and lay on the field over night. He never recovered from the effects of that wound. In May, 1782, he established himself in the practice of law in Newtown and there resided until his death, Aug. 1, 1858, aged 83. In 1797, he was elected a member of Congress, serving 4 years. He was appointed judge of the Superior Court in 1805, which ofifice he held until 1819. He was a remarkable man, plain and unassuming in manners, mild and amiable in deportment, just and honest in dealing, honorable and magnanimous in feeling. It is told that a man went to engage him in a suit against a neigh- bor who had borrowed a wash-tub and had allowed it, through neglect, to fall to pieces. After hearing the story, the Judge asked how much the tub was worth. Being told "about a dollar," the Judge gave the man a dollar and told him to go home and live in peace with his neighbor. He married, Nov. 30, 1784, Elizabeth J., daughter of Col. John and Mary Chandler. She died Feb. 17, 1795, and he married, Feb. 14, 1796, Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Payne of Hartford. His children: Mary E., born 1785; Elizabeth P., 1798; Sarah, June 24, 1800, (married Dr. Cyrenius Booth in 1820) ; William P., 1802; Ann, 1804 ; Robert 1805. Samuel Curtis Blackman, born in Monroe, Conn., March 22, 1768, graduated from Yale in 1793, continued in practice more than 50 years. When the Probate district was established, he was chosen Judge and held the office for 17 years, until, at 70 years, the law rendered him inelligible. He was for many years a school-visitor. His late home was the first house south of the Congregational Church, now the Grand Central, where he died, Nov. 17, 1858, in his 91st year. He married Sarah Toucey of Newtown, born, April 23, 1777, who died, Dec. 6, 1835. Their children : Caroline, Sarah, George, Alfred, William and Samuel. Asa Chapman, born at Saybrook, Sept. 2, 1770, graduated at Yale in 1792 ; admitted to the bar in 1795 ; settled in practice in Newtown, "was repeatedly elected the representative of that town to the General Assembly of the State and, in 1817, was elected member of the Governor's Council, comprising at that time 12 members;" elected Judge of Superior Court and Court of Errors in 1818, hold- ing this office until his death in New Haven, Sept. 25, 1825. He married at Newtown, Mary daughter of Bennett Perry, M. D. Had five children, the eldest Charles. Holbrook Curtis, born in Newtown, July 14, 1787, studied with Dr. Burhans and with Judge Asa Chapman ; graduated from Yale 1807; admitted to Fairfield County bar in 1809, was in Newtown the next 4 years. Later moved to Watertown, Conn., elected Judge of Probate in Watertown and was judge of the County Court for Litchfield County. GOVERXOR ISAAC TOUCEY See Page 199 NEWTOWN'S LAWYERS 199 In 1821, was sent to the General Assembly and returned in 1822, '33, '17, '39, '43, and '45. He married a daughter of Hon. William Edmond of Newtown. Died, Feb. 21, 1858. Reuben Booth, born in Newtown, Nov. 26, 1794, graduated at Yale. 1816; entered the law-office of David S. Boardman at New Milford, for about a year, then moved to Danbury and continued his studies with Moses Hatch ; was instructor in Danbury Academy ; admitted to the bar in 1818. In 1822, he represented Danbury in the General Assembly and, the same year, was Judge of Probate for Danbury ; held probate office till 1835. Elected State Senator in 1830; was Lieutenant-Governor of this State in 1844 — 5. Died in Danbury, Aug. 14, 1848. Henry Dutton, born Feb. 12, 1796, grduated at Yale with honor in 1818; tutor in the college from 1821 to 1823 ; attorney and coun- selor-at law in Newtown, Bridgeport and New Haven ; author of Dutton's Conn. Digest ; commissioner for the revision of the State Statutes and of Swifts Digest; Professor of law in Yale; member, clerk and Speaker of Connecticut House of Representatives ; State Senator ; Governor of Connecticut in 1854 and Judge of the Super- ior Court of Errors, 1861. In 1847, he became Kent professor of law in Yale Law School. For a year he acted as Judge of the New Haven Countv Court. Was married to Eliza Elliott Joy of Fairfield County. He died April 26, 1869. Hon. Isaac Toucey, born in Newtown, Nov. 5, 1796,, studied law with Hon. Asa Chapman of Newtown ; Admitted to the bar in 1818, settled in practice at Hartford ; was State's Attorney for Hartford county from 1822 to 1835. when he was elected representative in Congress and continued there four years ; elected Governor of State, 1846. During latter part of President Polk's term ,Governor Toucey was Attorney general of the United States. In 1850, he was in the Connecticut Senate ; elected to the United States Senate in 1851, for the term of six years; was in President Buchanan's Cabinet as Secretary of the Navy. He was offered a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court, but declined it. He was a devout member of the Episcopal Church and, in his will left Trinity College, Hartford, a sum whose interest is to pay for the education of a candidate for the ministry in the Episcopal Church. He married Catharine Burrill, but left no children. His last years were spent in retirement at his pleasant home in Hartford where he died, July 30, 1869. David Hull Belden, born in 1798, was son of Rev. David Belden of Wilton. Conn. He early located in Newtown, and most of his life was spent there. At his death. May 7, 1872, was the eldest member of the Fairfield County Bar, having been associated with it for more than 50 years. He was a successful lawyer and served as State's Attorney. In 1829, he represented the town in the Legisla- ture and was one of the founders of Newtown Academy. Oct. 20, 1824 he married Cornelia, eldest daughter of John and Clarissa Peck Johnson, who died in 1828. He later married her sister. Susan Jane, who died in 1835, leaving Cornelia, Clarissa, David and 200 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN John. His third wife was Miss Ann Clarke, who died in 1862, leaving four children: Mary, who died in 1862; Fred, who died a few years later ; Howard and Reuben. There were no children by the fourth wife, Miss Sarah J. Peck. Charles Chapman, born in Newtown, June 21, 1799 son of Asa Chapman judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut. He com- menced his law studies with his father, later studied at Litchfield Law School and completed them with the late Chief Justice Williams in Hartford. He was admitted to the bar in 1820, began practice in New Haven and in 1832 removed to Hartford, where he spent the rest of his life. Six times he represented Hartford in the State Legislature; was elected to Congress in 1851 by the Whigs; was also U. S. Attorney for the district of Connecticut, from the Spring of 1841 to the close of 1844. Had a very large practice, especially in criminal cases. He died in Hartford in 1870. David B. Beers, born in Newtown, Feb. 18, 1805, studied law at Litchfield Law School ; practiced law to some extent ; resided in Newtown most of his life, dying July 28, 1885 in the same house in which he was born. April 12, 1835, he married Margaret Pray Of their four children, Emma E. died young; George in 1859, aged 17; Emma S. several years later; John Samuel, born April, 1836, was for many years a successful business man in Bridgeport, stud- ied for the ministry, was ordained in 1871 and became a very useful clergyman in the Episcopal Church. Died at Natick, Mass., Nov. 20, 1886. A grandson, George Emerson Beers, graduate of Yale, also of Yale Law School, is professor of Law, also Compensation Commis- sioner at Yale University. Isaac M. Sturges, born at Wilton, July 6, 1807, admitted to the bar in January 8, 1837 and at once commenced practice in Newtown removing to Bridgeport in 1848. Elected Representative from Wilton in 1837, from Newtown in 1844, and again in Wilton in 1876. Was Judge of Probate for Newtown in 1844 and judge of Bridge- port City Court in 1860-1. He died at Wilton, Oct. 30, 1877. Alfred Blackman, son of Judge Samual Curtis Blackman, born at Newtown, Dec. 28, 1807, graduated at Yale in 1828; admitted to the bar in 1830; practiced law in Seymour until 1842, when he moved to Waterbury and, a year later, to New Haven, where he spent the rest of his life. In 1842, elected to the State Senate from the 5th Senatorial district. In 1855, represented New Haven in the General Assembly. Was Judge of Probate, Judge of the County Court, Mayor of the city and Clerk of the U. S. District Court from 1853 to 1868. He died in New Haven, April 20, 1880. Hon. Amos Sherman Treat, born Feb. 5, 1816, in Bridgewater, Conn, prepared for college at Hudson, Ohio, and entered Yale in the in the class of 1838 remaining only two years; was admitted to Litchfield County bar in 1843 ; practiced in Newtown for 10 years, where he was postmaster and member of the Board of Education; also judge of Probate. In July, 1854, he removed to Bridgeport; was Clerk of Fairfield County Court from 1854 to 1859, member of the Peace Congress in 1862, and one of the managers of the Sani- '0^ 'i'ld. ^=^^UX^:Z.C~-H^ ^6 ^ lAytcn^-y^ NEWTOWN'S LAWYERS 201 tary Commission during the Rebellion; was member of the Conn, legislature from Bridgeport in 1858, '62, '69, and '79, and from Woodbridge from 1871 to 1873; was Speaker of the House in 1872; was connected with various business enterprises relating to the growth of the city. Lineal descendant of Robert Treat, former Governor of the State. He died, April 24, 1886. Judge Daniel Blackman, son of Col. Reuben Blackman, was born in Newtown, Dec. 31, 1822, where his elementary education was received. Taught in Newtown Academy, then went to Southbury, where he studied law under Joel Hinman and taught school. Was admitted to the bar in Fairfield when quite young and located in Danbury, where he remained seven years. From there, he went to Cassopolis, Mich., where he edited the Cassopolis Democrat for two years. He was elected Circuit Judge, later went to Chicago and practiced law until his death, Jan. 11, 1896. Julius B. Curtis, born at Newtown, Dec. 10, 1825, son of Nichols and Sarah A. Curtis, descendant of Capt. Wm. Curtis, one of the early settlers of Stratford. He was educated in the public schools and in Newtown Academy ; read law with Hon. Edward Hinman of Southbury, with Isaac N. Sturges, and Amos S. Treat, of Newtown and further studied at the State and National Law School at Balls- ton Springs, N. Y. ; was admitted to the bar at Fairfield, Dec, 27. 1850; member of State Senate from 12th district in 1858 and 1860; judge of Court of Probate for Stamford in 1867, '68, '69, and Judge of City Court of Stamford from 1889 to 1893. Commenced law practice at Greenwich in 1851 and removed to Stamford in Novem- ber, 1864. Luzon B. Morris, son of Eli Gould and Lydia Bennett Morris, was born at Newtown, April 16, 1827. Attended Conn. Literary Institute at Suffield ; was graduated at Yale College, 1854; studied law at Yale Law School, also in private office work ; admitted to bar in 1856. Began practice in Seymour, but afterward moved to New Haven. Represented town of Seymour in General Assembly two sessions, 1855-6. Judge of Probate for New Haven District for six successive terms, 1857-'63. In 1870, '76, '80 and '81, represented New Haven in General Assembly, and, in 1874, was member of State Senate. Was member of committee formed in 1880 to settle controversy over boundary line between New York and Connec- ticut. In 1884, was chairman of committee to revise Probate laws of Conn. Candidate for Governor in 1888, elected Governor in 1892; took office January, 1893. In 1856, married Miss Eugenia Tuttle of Seymour. Their children: Charles G. Morris and Mrs Arthur Hadley of New Haven, Dr. Robert T. Morris and Roy Morris of New York, Mrs. Charles Pratt of Brooklyn, New York. Richard Botsford, son of Austin N. and Volucia Glover Botsford, born in Newtown, Oct. 28, 1830, attended district school and private school of Harry Peck in Taunton ; studied at Hobart Academy, Hobart, N. Y. for three years ; studied at State Normal School, ' New Britian; taught school at St. Charles. Ill, also in Wisconsin I and Missouri. While teaching he read law, and in 1856 entered a 202 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN law office at Rlack Rock Falls. Wisconsin, was admitted to the bar in 1857 and began practicing his profession at Elgin, 111., was Attor- ney for Illinois Central R. R. more than 25 years to the time of his death, April 5, 1908, at Elgin, 111. He was Judge of King County Court, four years. He had two children. James Nichols, born in Newtown, Dec. 25, 1830, admitted to bar of Hartford County, 1854; settled in practice in Hartford, was at one time Assistant Clerk of Superior Court. In 1861, was elected Judge of Probate for Hartford. In 1867, he abandoned law and, later, became president of the National Fire Insurance Co. Died in Hartford in 1916. IMarried Miss Isabella Starkweather. Hon. Charles H. Brisco, son of Charles and Mary Brisco, was born in Newtown, Dec. 20, 1831 ; studied law with Amos S. Treat; admitted to the bar in 1854; began practice in Enfield in 1854. In 1868, he moved his office to Hartford, practiced alone until 1877, when he associated with J. M. Maltbie until about October, 1881. Represented Enfield in the General Assembly in 1857, '64 and '78, the latter year Speaker of the House. Member of State Senate, 1861, serving as chairman of Committee on Military Afifairs. Was first judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Hartford County serving from 1869 to 1875. Was married in 1855 to Anna J. Travers of Newark, N. J., who died in 1875. Second marriage to Alice E. Bradley of Newtown, 1878. Children by first marriage, Willis A., AnnieT. and Alice A. Judge David Belden, son of David H. and Susan Johnson Belden, was born in Newtown, Aug. 14, 1832. As a boy, worked with Hiram Parmalee of Hattertown to learn carpenter's trade. In 1853, went to California and studied law. Began practice at Nevada City in 1855; elected County Judge of Nevada County in 1858; sent to State Senate in 1864; was Judge of 20th judicial district of Californ- ia from 1871 to 1880 and of Superior Court of Santa Clara County from 1880 to his death, May 14, 1888, at San Jose, California. Married Miss. Elizabeth Farrell in 1861. "Newtown was honored to have been the birthplace of such a man." Austin N. Botsford, son of Austin N. and Volucia Glover Botsford born at Newtown, April 21, 1842; attended district school and Newtown Academy ; graduated from Yale Law School and went to Fort Dodge, Iowa, whrere he still resides ; has retired from active law practice, but still has a few retainers. He has three children. Johnson Tuttle Piatt, son of Philo Toucey and Jeanette Tuttle Piatt, born at Newtown, Jan. 12, 1844; graduated from Harvard Law School, 1865 ; admitted to bar in Boston same year ; commen- ced pratice at Pittsfield, Mass. but soon removed to New Haven, became instructor in Yale Law School in 1869; full professor in 1872; member of Court of Common Council many years, and, in 1874, was made Corporation Council. For a number of years was Master of Chancery for State of Connecticut, and, at time of death, Jan. 23, 1890, was serving as United States Commossioner. "During nearly a quarter of a century at the bar and 20 years at Yale Law School, he had been honorably known as a learned law- yer, an independent thinker, a public-spirited citizen, and a kind- WILLIAM J. BEEl'Ul'.R See Page 203 FREDERICK P. MARBLE See Page 203 NEWTOWN'S LAWYERS 203 hearted and high-minded man." Juhus C. Cable, born at Newtown, Oct. 11. 1849, son of Nathaniel J. and Phebe Cable ; studied in Newtown and at Cornell University; graduated from Yale Law School in 1873; admitted to bar at New Haven, June, 1873 ; member of Common Council of New Kaven, Clerk of City Court and, from 1883 to 1887, City Attorney of New Haven. In 1893 appointed Judge of City Courts. William J. Beecher was born in Bridgeport, Conn., March 5, 1859. His parents removed to Easton, where he was educated at the district school and Staples Academy ; graduated fr<»m Yale Law School in 1880. In July of that year was admitted tc bar at New Haven to practice in all the Courts of the State and, in August of that year, opened an office in Bridgeport, removing to Newtown in 1881. In November, 1886, was elected Judge of Probate for the District of Newtown and served four years. In 1894, he again opened an office in Bridgeport with Frank M. Canfield as partner, retaining his office at Newtown. In 1901, he was chosen director of Newtown Savings bank ; was also attorney for the Bank, the last two years serving on loaning committee ; was again elected Judge of Probate in 1906, which office he retained until his death, Dec. 3, 1915. Two daughters, the Misses Florence Glover and Marguerite Katharine Beecher, survive him. Charles N. Northrop, son of William and Julia Lamberton North- rop, born, Nov. 21, 1859. Attended Newtown Academy and entered Yale, but did not graduate owing to ill-health ; later studied law and was graduated from Yale Law School, 1880; commenced practice in Lincoln, Neb., returning soon to Newtown. In 1882 was Secre- tary of Board of School Visitors ; in 1885 was again elected, but declined when re-nominated in 1888. In 1887 was chosen Town Clerk and about that time was elected secretary of Newtown Savings Bank; in 1891, was elected Town Treasurer, which office he held until his death in May, 1908. In 1887, he married Mary Grace Hammond. Their children are Eleanor Louise and Nelson W^illiam Northrop. Frederick Parker Marble, lawyer. Born Newtown Conn., July 14, 1859, son of Rev. Newton E. Marble, D. D. and Mary Gillis Marble. Great, great grandson of Gen. John Stark, Educated at Newtown Academy and Trinity College, Hartford. Left college at the end of sophomore year and tutored for year in the Bermuda Islands. Studied law with the Hon. George Stevens, Ex-District Attorney, at Lowell, Mass., and was admitted to the Massachu- setts Bar in 1882, and to practice in the U. S. Courts in 1888. Married Fannie Isabelle Talbot of Lowell, Mass., April 17, 1894. Practice has been largely concerned with banking and trust estates. Director and Counsel for Union National Bank of Lowell, Presi- dent of the Lyon Carpet Company of Lowell, formerly director of the Talbot Mills, North Billerica, Mass., and of the First National Bank of Lowell, President of the Lowell Humane Society, member of the American and Massachusetts Bar Associations, member of the Sons of the Revolution, member of Kilwining Lodge, F. & A. M. of Lowell, Republican, Vestryman of St. Anne's Church, Lowell, 204 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN President of the Vesper-Country Club, Tyngsborough, Mass., mem- ber of the Yorick Club, Lowell and of the Engineers' Club, Boston. Home, 15 Fairview Street, Lowell. Office, Sun Building, Lowell, Mass. Nichols Curtis Downs, son of Monroe D. and Charlotte N. Downs born in Newtown, Dec. 12, 1861 ; educated in public schools and Newtown Academy; studied law with Julius B. Curtis of Stamford, admitted to the bar in Fairfield County, Alay 15, 1884; was deputy judge of Borough Court of Stamford 1887-93, judge of City Court of Stamford from 1893. Borough Attorney 1887-91 and in 1895 was Corporation Counsel for City of Stamford. James M. Betts, son of Dr. Ralph N. and Mary Hough Betts was born at Sandy Hook, April 9, 1878. Attended private school of Mrs. Emily Bennett, Sandy Hook, school at St. Johnsbury, Vt. Bridge- port High School, and the last year of the class of 1902 at Newtown Academy. Took a course at Yale, graduating in 1906; took three years course in two years at Yale Law School, for Connecticut courts, passing six months later for practice in New York Courts. Is associated with Armitage and Douglas in Woolworth Building, New York. NEWTOWN'S DOCTORS OF THE OLD SCHOOL All who have given thought to the matter, will agree with the writer that there are no two classes of professional men who come into so close touch with individual and family life as clergymen and physicians — the one who comes when there may be greatest suffer- ing of mind, the other when the body is racked with pain or burn- ing with fever. Then, too, if they are men actuated by pure motives and by high Christian principle they can be a great power for good in any community. The first disciple of Esculapius Newtown ever had, who com- menced practice in Newtown in 1756, was Dr. Lemuel Thomas. From whence he came and where he received his education, we know not. Newtown records show that he was born in 1727 and was married by Rev. David Judson, the Presbyterian minister in New- town, to Mary Foote, Sept. 15, 1756. Three children were born to them, Lucy, born July 17, 1757; James, born Jan. 29, 1759; Lemuel, born Jan. 5, 1767. The records also show that his announcement to settle in Newtown for practice was well received by landed pro- prietors, for, at a town meeting held at the north schoolhouse six months after his marriage, it was "voted that Dr. Lemuel Thomas may have liberty to take up two acres and a half of land in ye town street for a horse pasture between ye school house at ye south end of ye town and Mr. Fabrique's house leaving an eight rod highway on ye east side thereof and sd Dr. Thomas shall possess sd two acres and a half of land and improve ye same so long as he shall continue in this town and practice doctering among us and if he should lay aside doctering as aforesaid or remove out of ye town ye sd land to return to ye town again, he taking away ye fence." Dr. Thomas practiced "doctering" in Newtown until his death. At the extreme south end of Newtown cemetery (old part) is a slab of red sandstone that marks the grave where his remains were buried and on it this inscription: "Sacred to the memory of Mr. Lemuel Thomas, for many years a skillful practitioner of surgery and physic who departed this life, September 30, A. D. 1775, aged 45 years. He is said to have been a self educated physician and possessed of considerable ability." Dr. Gideon Shepherd, who was born in Newtown and had studied medicine with Dr. Thomas, his professional predecessor, became, at Dr. Thomas' death, his immediate successor, and was practising physician in Newtown for over 40 years. It seems no more than just and right to lay before this genera- tion the estimate of one who knew Dr. Shepherd's worth as a physician and citizen. The occasional finding of choice bit of biog- raphy seems to him who delves in lonely surroundings as a vo'ce from the almost forgotten past. Dr. Rufus Blakeman, who was born in Monroe in 1795 and prac- ticed medicine in Greenfield Hill from 1822 to his death in 1870, says of Dr. Shepherd in an address delivered before the State Medical Society in 1853, that: "His professional coevals in neighboring towns generally conceded to him a precedence as a consulting physician and that he was one of the most prominent of the originators and supporters of the Fairfield County Medical Society and the records show him to have been one of the most 206 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN active and frequent members." Of Dr. Shepherd's personal character Dr. Blakeman further says: "He was eccentric, but social, instructive and agreeable in his intercourse with society. He ever sustained a reputation of great moral purity and while he was highly esteemed by his friends, his enemies or traducers were rarely found. What few physicians can boast he was the father of 17 children, thereby refuting the charge that while enjoying the profits of a special branch of his profession as a prompt accessory in the accumlation of responsiblites on his friends, he was cautious in the assumption of similar burdens on himself. In his religious sentiments he was a zealous Sandemanian." Right here we will pick a few plums from Dr. Shepherd's genealogical tree. Dr. Gideon Shephard, married Sarah Watkins, March 20, 1776. Their first Mary, born Feb. 25, 1777; Abijah, born Nov. 28, 1778: Lucy, born Oct. 2Z, 1780 Betsy, born Feb. 11, 1782: Silas Munson, born Oct. 27. 1783; Sarah Ann, born Sept". 3, 1786; Eunice, born Jan.. 1790; Maria, born March 10, 1794. The above named Eunice, my 7th child, departed this life, Oct. 16, 1793. The above said Sarah, my wife, departed this life, March 10, 1794, at birth of 8th child Dr. Gideon Shephard and Lucinda Peck joined in marriage covenant, November 6, 1794. Fanny Shephard, born Feb. 19, 1797; Maria Shepard, Aug. 23, 1798; William Peck, Feb. 16, 1800; Sally, April 6, 1802; Thomas Darwin Shepard. April 30, 1804; Charles Sydenham and Harriett Shepard, twins, born March 2, 1806; Lewis Parsons Shepard, Dec. 14, 1807; Harriet Shephard, born Oct. 20, 1809; Martin Hebrinden Shepard, born Jan. 17, 1814. The following vote from the records of Fairfield Medical Society sufficiently evinces the estimation in which he was held by his brethern : "Voted, that Dr. Gideon Shepherd receive the patronage of this society in consumption and chronic cases of disease and that it be the duty of all members of this society to recommend him when counsel is deemed ex- pedient, etc., and that it be his duty to report all cases of that description to which he may be called to attend, with their particular symptoms, the particular medicines and the constitution of the several patients together with the predisposition of their ancestry." Then Dr. Blakeman goes on to say: "Although the existing generation of physicians may smile at such blending of professional opinion with popular belief, regarding excellence of the skill of individuals in special classes of disease, yet the fact is un- doubted that such were professional concessions as late as the close of the last and commencement of the present century. His mode of treat- ment of consumption, as I learn from his statement of cases left on the records of the society was not peculiar, being in general mildly antiphlog- istic and similar to the present treament of phthisis. To meet occurring symptoms, local bleeding counterirritants with anodyne and demulcent expectorants were his general prescriptions. His devotion to the science of medicine and its observant application to the diseases which he treated was strongly developed. My early impressions of the doctor are that he devoted greater attention to the occurring impro v'ements m medical science than most of his contemi>orary brethren Although not endowed with extraordinary intellectual powers, his talents were respectable and of a character calculated for usefulness rather than display or striking originality. If he did not attain eminence as a profes- sional scholar he was diligent in his efforts to acquire such portions of existing medical literature as were more immediately adapted to the emergencies of practice ordinarily presented to the notice of physicians. To the juniors in the profession his counsels were parental and he took the preference as a consulting physician." Though a disinterested reader may tire of this long sketch given one long since dead, is it any more than is due to the memory of him who was Newtown's family physician for more than 40 years, when testimony of one who spoke of what he knew can be found, to be reiterated after a lapse of more than 50 years, to remind the DOCTORS OF THE OLD SCHOOL 207 children's children what he was to those who were ever glad to w^elcome him to their homes in hours of joy or sorrow. 1 have heard said by those who were intimately aquainted with Dr. Shepherd that when asked to sit at the table when calling at meal time his reply would often come, "Xo nt*, 1 never eat poor folkses victuals." He was full to overflowing with quaint retorts, and beaming with stories and jokes. In Taunton in his day the name Fairchild predominated and at times when meeting some man on the road his salutation would be, "Good morning. Mister Nirum Fairchild, sah ! if 'taint you it must be your brother, sah ! and if it aint your brother sah I ask your pardon, sah !" When he became incapacitated by age for practice, he removed to Hunter, N.Y., wdiere he resided with one of his daughters until he died at the advanced age of 89. Two bills copied from originals in my possession that Dr. Shep- herd sent in against the town of Newtown for attendance upon persons who were town charges show the customary charges for medical services in the earliest years of the tow^n life. Newtown to Dr. Gideon Shepherd attending Henry Murry: May 11, 1818, to one visit and tincture of digitilis and vial May 12, one visit and blister salve. May 14, one visit and cream tartar. May 15, three visits and spirits niter. May, 16, juniper senica root, vial and visit May 19, three visits. May 22, one visit, elixier vitnol, one vial, May 23, to two visits. May 26, part of a visit, spirits nitre, May, 21 , part of a visit and medicine. May 28, part of a visit and pills, May 29, part of a visit, £2 8 In dollars $6.78. Thirteen visits and four half visits 1820, Newtown, to Dr. Gideon Shepherd Dr. Feb. 2, To one visit, 5 medicines, 10, for Daniel Prindle. March 20, To 1 visit, medicines for Daniel Prindle, April 5, To visit, 2.6, bittres for Hannah Parmalee, May 24, one visit to the poor house. May 25, one visit in part, for negro girl named Mary, June 12, delivering a black girl at Dick's called Sook, On the 20th of May, 1 visit to see Polly Ann Foot, Dr. Gideon Shepherd stood by when the writer's father and mother first saw light and looked after them in their younger days here. So beloved was he by everyone that his name was a house- hold word for long years after his death. He was one of those men looked up to as father. He was w^as of an extremely charitable disposition and indulgent in his pecuniary claims upon poorer patients. This with the necessary demands for the support of his numerous family, kept him poor, though not indigent as to respect- able living. Bennett Perry was a contemporary of Dr. Gideon Shepherd, practicing with him and thus a relief but no hindrance to him who was beginning to bend and totter under the weight of years. 3 4 2 3 3 6 3 3 4 7 3 2 11 5 2 8 2 11 2 1 9 10 4 7 4 18 3 208 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Dr. Perry was son of Dr. Nathaniel Perry of Woodbury. He studied medicine with his father and located in Newtown, where he practiced medicine until his death, in 1821, at the age of 66. His home was what in later years was known as Dick's hotel, where Newtown Inn now stands. His reputation was that of a physician of superior talents, well developed by education. His medical practice covered a period of over 40 years. Dr. Perry belonged to Hiram lodge, A. F. and A. M., previous to the year 1797; the lodge room was in his own dwelling, from 1797 to 1818. Unfortunately, we can find no record as to his history and his ability as a physician. The young people of his day were the town's maturer people of the writer's early manhood and he well remembers that the name of Dr. Perry, too, was a household word in every family life. What were his political affiliations, the writer knows not, but he served on the board of Newtown's selectmen in 1793. That he had some of the medical practice townwise, the fol- lowing bill, copied from the original in the writer's possession, goes to show : Town of Newtown to Dr. Bennett Perry, Dr. February, 1819, For Molly Brisco to 2 visits, medicine and directions. 6 March 7, 4 visits and medicine, for a child of Sherwood Peck 15 April, To 23 visits, medicine and directions for Air. Daniel Baldwin 4 5 6 May, To a visit, medicine and directions in consultation to Mr. Downs at Ragged Corner, so-called, 15 September, To 4 visits and part of a visit, medicine and directions Seth Hill's child, 2 5 To medicine for Pihlo Parmalee's wife and directions, 16 November, To a visit, medicine and directions, 9 £8 17 The Town of Newtown to Bennett Perry, Dr. Jan., 1820, to visit and medicine and directions for Ebenezer $1.50 Sherwood at the Poor House, To advice, medicine and dirtceions for Parmalee's wife, 0.34 To advice and medicine for Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Bradley, 0.50 To advice for Sherwood Peck's wife, 0.50 $2.84 November, 1820, to visits ad medicines for Ammon Prindle, $9.00 Polly Ann Prindle, daughter of Ammon, to 24 visits and directions, 6.00 Morgan Banks, a visit and directions, 1.00 $16.00 2.84 Newtown, November 23, 1829. Same allowed, $18.84 My mother, born in 1804, was fifteen at the time of the incident I am about to relate, and used to tell me the story, which made a lasting impression on my memory. Dr. Perry had a daughter who married Elisha Mills, a lawyer who practiced in the town of Hunt- ington. In the Spring of 1819, he decided to remove with his family to Illinois which only the year before, had been admitted into the Union. The journey was to be made by horses with a large covered wagon, loaded down with luggage and household efifects generally, and particularly such necessities for domestic use as could not possibly be procured en route. There were eight persons in all, Mr. Mills, his young wife, two little boys, the youngest not six DOCTORS OF THE OLD SCHOOL 209 years, a nephew, two helpers and a hired girl. The young wife and mother bravely yielded to the husband's judgment without a mur- mur. Kind-hearted friends and neighbors from far and near gathered at Dr. Perry's to see them start on their long journey and watched them as the heavy vehicle made its slow descent of the hill to the plain below, when it turned to the westward and disap- peared in the distance. After a journey of 55 days, they reached a place called Shawneetown, near where Cairo stands. The noble wife, whose powers of endurance had been severely overtaxed, attacked with malarial fever, soon breathed her last and was buried in a land of strangers, leaving the bereaved husband and two motherless children to continue their journey to the new home, now to be made desolate without her. In this illustration is em- bodied trials and privations to which the early ancestors were subjected, when they left their comfortable Connecticut homes to build for themselves homes in the new and wild West. Doctor Oliver Bancroft, was a physician in Newtown with Dr. Perry The house in which he lived stood on ground just north of what is still known as the Belden house. When the house now owned by William Homer Hubbell was built, the Bancroft lot was bought, the house torn away and the lot became part of the enlarg- ed grounds of David H. Johnson's building lot. Bill of Dr. Oliver Bancroft against the State of Connecticut, as copied from the original : The State of Connecticut to Oliver Bancroft, Dr., for William Maerabe, 1819. February 19, to visit and medicine, $1.25 February 19, to laudanum, .17 1.42 For Elizabeth Manse : October 22, to calling and medicine, $0.34 October 23, To visit and medicines, .67 October 25, To visit and medicine, 0.60 October 26, To visit and medicine, .62 October 28, To visit and medicine, .75 November 3, to laudanum, 25 Nov. 12, to one ounce laudanum, .25 3.48 For Bettsy Brennan : October 25, to directions and medicine, 0.50 December 23, To directions and medicine, .25 0.75 Amount, $5.65 Dr. Rufus Skidmore, son of Dr. James and Polly Sherman Skidmore was born in Newtown, 1793, was graduated from medical department of University of V^ermont in 1817. and soon after went west, settling in Kentucky. Here he formed the acquaintance of Henry Clay in the early period of his brilliant political career and a warm friendship grew up between them. When Dr. Skidmore decided to go to Havana, Cuba, w^ith the desire to make a study of yellow fever, Clay tried to dissuade him from going, but failing in that, presented him with a gold ring as a parting remembrance. This ring came into the possession of the oldest daughter, Mrs, 210 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Jane A. Burr, who presented it to the Bridgeport Historical Society in whose possession it now remains. Dr. Skidmore contracted the disease he went to study and com- bat, but recovered and returned to Newtown, married Jerusha Ferris, grand-daughter of Joseph Ferris of Palestine district, and practiced his profession until his death in 1828. The widow with the three daughters, lived on the Ferris-Skidmore homestead in Palestine until after the marriage of the daughters, Jane A. to Barak Burr, of Easton, Marietta to Alanson Lyon of Redding and Martha Elizabeth to James Johnson of Bridgeport. The old house was burned while the property of Oliver Turney Northrop. Dr. John Judson was born in Newtown, Feb. 11, 1789. He studied medicine at Yale college, receiving a diploma and was licensed to practice medicine in October, 1812, at the age of 23. In 1814, he located in Newtown and became famous as the leading physician of his section. The advantage he had of being in touch with the mature minds of Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Bennett Perry, must have been of great assistance to him in his extensive practice. He died in July, 1839. He was one of a family of 15 children. Dr. Cyrenius H. Booth was born in Newtown, May, 25, 1797. He studied medicine under Dr. Bennett Perry, and attended a long course of medical lectures delivered by Dr. Hosack of New York, who then stood at the head of his profession. About 1820, he com- menced practice in his native town, which he followed until his death in September, 1871. His wife, Sarah Edmond, was daughter of Hon. Judge William Edmond. For a half a century practically, the doctor was a familiar figure, driving over the hills and along the valleys in answer to the beck and call of his town's people, his saddle bags filled with pills and nostrums for ills to which flesh is heir. The writer remembers him as a man of infinite mirth, a famous story teller and a great favorite with children and young people. Copy of an original bill of Dr. Booth, showing rate of charges by him : Newtown, November 27, 1820. Amon Prindle to Cyrenus H. Booth, Dr. To 18 visits, attendance and medicine and directions, $14. Paid. To 18 visits, attendance and medicine and directons, $14. Paid. Polly Ann Polly Ann Prindle to C. H. Booth, Dr., November 27, 1820, To attendance, medicine and directions and 23 visits, $10, Paid. Dr. Booth had one son, William Edmond Booth, born April., 1821. A graduate of Yale, who at a very early age began the practice of medicine in Danbury, where he continued until his death in Feb., 1859, aged ?i7 years and 10 months. In the interim between 1830 and 1848, while Drs. George Judson, Cyrenius H. Booth, Erastus Erwin and Monroe Judson were the medical practitioners of Newtown, Dr. Thomas Dutton came in from the outside world. He was well received and lived in the house remodeled, by H. N. Tiemann. He was a stranger to the people, his coming into Newtown to practice being due to the fact that he was a younger brother of Henry Dutton, attorney at law, who commenced the practice of law in Newtown and later went from Newtown and became Governor of Connecticut. Dr. Dutton built up a good practice, but, with four well established practioners DR. MONROE JUDSON See I'age 211 DOCTORS OF THE OLD SCHOOL 211 in the home field, with the fact that a great grief came into the home life, he withdrew to a new field. In the extreme northeast corner of the old part of Newtown village cemetery, now so deeply shaded by evergreens that no ray of sunshine can penetrate, stands a headstone that marks the grave where the fond mother's hopes were buried long years ago. The inscription reads : Sacred to the Memorj'- of Eliza Maria, Daughter of Thomas and Lucinda Dutton Who died September 28, 1846, Aged 15 years and 10 months My faith looks up to Thee Thou Lamb of Calvary Saviour Divine. Dr. Russell B. Botsford was born at Newtown, May 7, 1794, and commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Gideon Shepherd during two years of his medical course. In New Haven, he was in Dr. Gilberts office. He received his diploma, Sept., 1816. In the Spring of 1817, he commenced the pratice of medicine in Danbury. In 1820 he was married. Being of a very depressed temperament and dys- peptic habit, from too intense application to study, and a very laborious practice, in 1832, he was afBicted with a rush of blood to the head, which resulted in attacks of an epileptic character, which continued with more or less frequency and severity until Dec. 20, 1855, they terminated his life at the age of sixty-two. Dr. George Judson was son of Dr. John Judson and was born in Newtown in 1814. He commenced the study of medicine with his father, attended a course of lectures at Bellevue Medical College in New York, graduating in 1837, and was a successful physician in his native town until his death in 1853. Dr. Monroe Judson, broth- er of Doctor George Judson was born in Newtown in January, 1820, and he, too, commenced his studies w^ith his father, after whose death, continuing his studies with his brother, he entered Yale Medical College in 1841, graduated in 1843, and followed the prac- tice of medicine until 1888. His death occurred ten years later, in 1898. Erastus Erwin, M. D., was born in Roxbury, Conn., in 1805. He was graduated from Yale college in the class with Dr. Jewett and Knight of New Haven. For a short time, he practiced in New Jersey, but finally settled in Sandy Hook, Newtown. He moved from Sandy Hook to Newtown Street in 1841, where for 35 years he had a large practice in Newtown and towns adjoining. He was a contemporary with Dr. Cyrenius H. Booth, outliving him two years dying in Oct., 1873. A man of strong and positive convictions, he made bitter enemies, but he also made hosts of warm and true friends. 212 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Dr. Moses Botsford Beers, son of Ebenezer and Phebe Botsford Beers, was born Jan. 7, 1819 in Newtown. He left Newtown in early life studied for his profession in some western town, probably in Michigan, as he lived in Portland, Mich, later removing to Hersey, Mich, where he died July 9, 1877. He married Loraine Curtis and had one daughter who married J. Selwyn Newland. She died in 1870, leaving a son Albert Newland. Dr. Henry Hawley Foote son of Rhesa and Polly Hawley Foote, was born in Newtown, Jan. 6, 1823 ; was educated in the public schools and Newtown Academy. Studied medicine at Durham, Greene Co. N. Y., graduated from Yale Medical College. Practiced medicine at Bradford, N. Y. and at Roxbury, Conn; died Dec. 24, 1859, at the house of his sister, Mrs. Beach Camp, Newtown, Conn. William Camp son of Beach and Catharine Foote Camp was born at Newtown, May 23, 1832; received his education at public school, Newtown Academy, school of Rev. Geo. L. Foote at Roxbury, Conn, and of F. W. Foote, Elizabeth N. J. Was assistant to J. Homer French at Newtown x^cademy, 1853. While teaching, studied med- icine with Dr. Erastus Erwin, completing his medical studies at Yale. Was assistant resident physician at Hartford Insane Retreat, in 1855, practiced at Kent, Conn., from 1857 to 1863 when he went to Minnesota in search of health, coming the same year to his childhood home where he died, March 20, 1864. He married Ophelia, daughter of Legrand and Delia Beers Randall. Their only son William H. was many years druggist at Canaan, Conn. Dr. James W. Gordon, son of John and Margaret Colgan Gordon, was born in St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 22, 1862. His mother brought him to Newtown when very young. He attended the public school until 16 years of age. He entered St. Charles College, Ellicot City, Md. 1877. After a three years course he enterd St. John's College, Fordham, N. Y. He studied medicine in the office of Dr. Robert Hubbard, Bridgeport, Conn., and in medical department of Univer- sity of New York, where he attended lectures three winters, spend- ing his vacations in study with Dr. Hubbard. Graduated in 1888. Became first assistant on staff of physicians attached to Asylums of N. Y. City. Later opened an office in Bridgeport. July 15, 1895, he came to Sandy Hook, where he built up a large practice. He was member of the Board of Education, member of Bridgeport Medical Society, Fairfield County Medical Society and State Medical Soci- ety. In 1890 he married Miss. Louise Telgman of Kingston, Ontario. One daughter, Margaret Doretta Leonardi blessed the union. He died Jan. 26, 1904. Ralph N. Betts Jr. son of Ralph N. and Anna Plowman Betts was born in Woodbury Sept. 25, 1841 ; received his education in the public schools and the Academy, studied for the practice of dentis- try with his uncle at Mount Kisco, N. Y. At the completion of his studies he located in Sandy Hook, where he practiced his profession for thirty years. His death Oct. 19th, 1906, brought keen sorrow to the members of St. John's Church Sandy Hook of which he had been for many years an honored member. DR. CHARLES H. PECK See Page 213 See Genealogical Section Page 118 DOCTORS OF THE OLD SCHOOL 213 Dr. Andrew Egan son of Andrew and Mary Clark Egan, born in Newtown, June 7 , 1856, was educated in public schools, Newtown Academy and by private tutors. Taught in Sandy Hook school three years, and one term in Middle district. Attended one term at Yale, then entered University of New York, and graduated from Medical department, 1879. Just before graduation, by competitive examination was appointed Assistant physician in Hospital for Insane on Ward's Island N. Y. remaining four years ; the last year occupying position of Assistant Medical Superintendant. Early in 1883, was promoted to be Medical Superintendent of the Hart's Island Hospital and Work House Hospital on Hart's Island, N. Y. Occupied that position ten years, when he resigned to accept posi- tion in Health Department of N. Y. City and to engage in private practice. For the last twenty years practiced as a specialist. Dr. Charles H. Peck son of Captain Albert and Louisa Booth Peck was born in Newtown, Conn. June 18, 1870. He received his preliminary education at the Newtown Academy, and entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, The Medical Dept. of Colum- bia University, in 1889, graduating in 1892, at the head of his class, being awarded the first Harsen Prize of $500. He was appointed on the House Staff of the New York Hospital in July 1892, serving through both the medical and surgical services, two complete periods of 18 months each, a term of three years in all. On leaving the Hospital, he commenced private practice, July 1895 and has continued in New York City to the present time. He was appoint- ed Assistant Surgeon to the Hudson Hospital, Out Patient Dep't., in July 1895 and served in this capacity for three years. Pie was appointed Surgeon to the French Hospital in Jan. 1897, serving until Dec. 1909, a period of 12 years ; during the latter 8 years of this time he was President of the Medical Board. Since his resignation, he has been consulting surgeon to the French Hospital, and in addition has held the position of consulting Surgeon to many other hospitals, viz; The General Memorial Hospital, N. Y. City; Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled, N. Y. City; Stamford Hospital, Stamford, Conn.; United Hospital of Portchester and Rye, N. Y. ; White Plains Hospital, White Plains, N. Y. ; The Hackensack Hospital, Hackensack, N. J.; The Green- wich Hospital, Greenwich, Conn. ; Vassar Brothers Hospital, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and the Nyack Hospital, Nyack, N. Y., all of which positions he holds at the present time. In Jan., 1904 he was appointed Assistant Surgeon to the Roose- velt Hospital, advanced to the position of Junior Surgeon two years later, and Senior Surgeon in 1909, continuing as Senior Surgeon to the present time ; this latter position is one of the most important in New York City. He has held teaching positions in the Medical Dep't. of Columbia University, first as an assistant instructor of Operative Surgery from 1900 to 1904; as Instructor in Surgery from 1904 to 1909; as Professor of Clinical Surgery from 1909 to the present time. He was decorated by the French Government in 1909, with the Order of Officer of Public Instruction. 214 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN He has made many important contributions to Medical Litera- ture, and is a member of many Medical Societies. The N. Y. Academy of Medicine, of which he has been Secretary and Chair- man of the Surgical Section ; of the N. Y. Surgical Society, having held the positions of Secretary and Vice President, and of which he is at present the President being elected in 1917. He has been 2nd Vice President and at present First Vice President to the N. Y. County Medical Society. A member of the American Medical Association since 1903, and Chairman of its Surgical Section in 1915, at the San Francisco meeting at the time of the Exposition. He was elected a member of the Society of Clinical Surgery in 1909; a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons in 1913; a member of the American Surgical Association, and is now Treasurer ; Elected member of Southern Surgical Association in of 1917. A member of the Medical Advisory Board of Council of National Defense, being appointed by Secretary of War on April 3, 1917. Chairman of Auxiliary Committee of National Defense of N. Y. City, appointed by the Council of National Defense in Feb. 1917. *He was appointed Director of Base Hospital No. 15 (The Mackay Unit) of the Roosevelt Hospital on March 16, 1917, by the Surgeon General of the U. S. Army and received his commission as Major on May 9, 1917. The Hospital Unit was ordered for active duty to be sent to France early in June, 1917. Accompanied by his oldest son, Charles Howard Jr. a medical student, and his youngest brother Albert W. Jr. Dr. Earle Peck, son of Elliot M. and Annie Curtis Peck was born at Newtown Aug. 22, 1891. He attended public school at home, graduated from Newtown High School in class of 1910, graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1914; was six months in Munici- pal Hospital and fifteen months at Germantown Hospital. Was appointed first assistant Resident Physician at Municipal Hospital July, 1916. During the Infantile Paralysis epidemic he devoted himself with indefatigable zeal to those committed to his care, contracted the disease and died Sept. 5, 1916. NEWTOWN'S GRAND LEVY FOR 1739. Listers, John Beers, Alexander Bryan, John Peck. Taxpayers in the town as far back as 1739, 28 years only since the incorporation of the town in 1711. On the desk before me lies a homemade book, 12 inches long and five inches wide, made from eight sheets of foolscap paper, imported from England. It is the grand levy of Newtown for 1739, dating farther back than any levy yet found. One hundred and seventy years have passed. It shows the impress of time, but the ink is not faded, the penmanship is clear, though the orthography dififers somewhat from that of to- day. At that early day, in the valuation the house went in, with three acres of land, at £3 invariably, no discrimination being made in houses. Horses, cattle and swine were included, but no sheep. Land was designated as meadow, boggy meadow, pasture land, brush pasture, plow land, good pasture, improved land. Man or women owning real estate was assessed for one poll, £18,. A valua- tion was also placed upon a man's trade. •Since the foregoing was written Dr. Peck has returned from France commissioned as Lieut. Col. with headquarters at Washington, D. C. The body of the son who gave his life for his country, now rests on the soil of France. GRAND LEVY FOR 1739 215 30 acres of brush pasture 3 4 acres of boggy meadow 10 Trade 12 4 We copy five individual assessments as they stand recorded, and for the balance we give the names of the property holders and the total of his assessments : Lemuel Camp, his list : i s d 2 heads — 2 horse kind 42 12 j'ear old. 5 cows 17 3 three year old 4 oxen 25 1 two year old-3 one year old 5 3 swine — 3 acres hum lot 8 3 acres plow land 1 10 8 acres of meadow 5 04 44 acres of pasture land 5 12 30 acres of brush pasture 3 His mill and trade 23 138 6 Thomas Northrop, his list: £ s d Head 18 Trade 18 36 Widdo Mary Bennitt, her list £ s 1 Head 18 3 acres hum lot 3 2 horses, 3 oxen, 6 cows 36 2 one year old, 7swine 9 6 acres and half of meadow2 12 1 horse more 10 acres and a half of pasture 16 acres of plow land Jeremiah Northrop John Botsford, Sen., Eleazer Hubbell Andrew Wheeler George Terrill Mathew Sherman Benjamin Hawley Benjamin Dunning John Glover Job Sherman Thomas Skidmore Abraham Bennett Amos Botsford Stephen Burrill Benjamin Glover Robert Seeley Robert Seeley, Jr. Capt. Nathan Baldwin Henry Botsford, Jr. Jeremiah Johnson Samuel Moger James Baldwin Josiah Burritt Henry Botsford Moses Botsford Caleb Baldwin Edward Fairchild 3 4 4 8 d i 109 101 79 55 95 60 86 64 143 130 104 94 54 116 86 27 29 132 45 39 25 119 12> 107 52 87 109 100 Samuel Sherman, his 1 ist : £ s d One head 18 Three acres hum lot 3 10 acres good pature 4 6 acres brushy pasture 12 2 acres meddo 16 2 oxen, 2 cows, 1 horse 17 1 sow 1 Trade for selling brooms 30 74 8 Widdo Sarah Beers, her list : £ s d 3 acres house lot 3 13 acres good pasture 5 14 10 acres improved land 5 4 acres boggy medow 1 7 acres good meddo 2 25 8 acres brush pasture 16 4 oxen, 5 cows 31 4 two year olds 8 3 one year olds 3 4 horses, 6 swine 18 For her trade 10 Moses Lyon Samuel Sherman Benjamin Burritt John Foote, Jr., David Fairchild Mary Bennitt John Blackman Peter Hubbell Joseph Stilson John Fabrique David Dunning Peter Hubbell, Jr., Ezra Hubell Stephen Burral Benjamin Northrop Lemuel Camp John Botsford, Jr., Daniel Foot Josiah Daton Samuel Turner Alexander Bryan Donald Grant Jeremiah Seeley Thommus Northrop Samuel Bailey Samuel Stillson Benjamin Stillson 142 16 £ 77 91 57 30 21 100 126 159 48 49 35 43 21 32 59 138 64 93 58 Z7 64 52 31 30 24 32 46 216 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN £ John Piatt, Jr., 43 Benjamin Curtis 82 Joseph Hard 25 Joseph Prindle 48 Moses Stillson 94 James Stillson 35 John Foot 70 Wilmont Turner ZZ John Shepard 89 John Bristol 44 Stephen Parmaly 42 Samuel Griffin 74 William Sharp ZZ Moses Stillson 91 Jonathan Stillson 43 Noah Parmaly 89 Joseph Botsford 132 Peter Ferris 44 John Lake 96 Francis Harrison 30 David Henrixson 22 Samuel Henrixson, 30 Benoni Henrixson, 27 Buckland Williams 38 Jehoshaphat Prindle 51 Ephriam Peck 145 Samuel Sherman 74 John Gillette 72 John Beers 49 Sarah Beers, widow, 142 Joseph Bristol 86 Timothy Shepherd 19 Jedediah Parmelee 25 John Ferris 21 Nathaniel Parmelee 27 Samuel Parmelee 30 Lieut Johnson Lieut. John Northrop 111 Moses Johnson 32) Samuel Sanford 51 Abiel Beers 64 Samuel Brown 10 Abraham Kimberley 66 164 John Hull Nathaniel Brisco Joseph Bristoll, Jr., Abner Booth Widow Mary Booth Ebenezer Johnson Jeremiah Turner Samuel Ferris Stephen Hawley Jonathan Booth John Adams Elizabeth Dunning Mr. Jonathan Booth Daniel Booth Ebenezer Sanford John Piatt Job Northrop Henry Glover James Brisco Abel Booth Nathaniel Nickols Jonathan Hubbell Ebenezer Piatt James Fordes Job Sanford Thomas Leavenworth Thomas Bennitt William Lyon Thomas Sharp John Leavenworth Rubin Adams James Hard Obadiah Wheeler Deacon Joseph Peck Joseph Peck Capt. Thomas Tousey Ephraim Prindle irf^ant Eherman Daniel Sherman iiuel Johnson John Reed Nathaniel Lyons James Brisco Peter Hubbell i 65 57 31 44 41 77 40 108 128 43 42 Z7 85 150 46 132 46 64 18 84 127 61 69 73 60 57 64 30 44 58 29 107 163 168 78 142 32 47 25 21 5 4 60 159 Freegrace Adams The last person on the list is Peter Hubbell, Newtown's first town clerk, and on the second page of the first volume of Newtown records we find that he appropriated space for his family record, which, for precise diction and complete detail, we copy. With the increase of worldly possessions, he and his good wife were duly mindful of the Bible injunction to increase and multiply upon the earth. In addittion to Peter Hubbell's official duties, he was a tiller of the soil and, with the good wife and mother, became possessed of a small farm, so that in 1739, we find that their worldly goods liable to taxation had a valuation of ^159 and distributed as follows : d £ 3 heads, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 82 3 one year olds, 5 horses kind 18 23 swine 23 3 acres of home lot 3 61 acres of plow land 4 acres of pasture land 3 acres of meadow Sum total i s d 30 10 1 12 1 04 159 06 GRAND LEVY FOR 1739 217 Peter Hubbell was marryed to Katherine Wheeler his wife, by the Rev. Mr. Charles Chauncey, minister in Stratfield, both of Stratfield, on January ye 19th, 1709. Ephraim Hubbell, his eldest son, was born in Newtown on December ye ye 21, 1711. Peter Hubbell, son of Peter Hubbell by Katherine his wife, born April ye 5th, 1715. Ezra Hubbell, son of Peter Hubbell, by Katherine his wife, was born February ye 28th, Anno Domini 1717. Sarah Hubbell, daughter of Peter Hubbell by Katherine his wife, was born in Newtown, February 27, 1719, being ye fifth year of ye reign of our most Greatious Sovereign Lord King George which began August ye first, 1714. Jedediah Hubbell, son of Peter Hubbell by Katherine his wife, was born in Newtown, August ye 22, 1720. Matthew Hubbell, son of Peter Hubbell by Katherine his wife, was born in Newtown, September ye 5th, A. D. 1723. Gideon Hubbell, son of Peter Hubbell by Catherine his wife, was born in Newtown, April ye 28, 1726. Newtown, November ye 10th, 1729, about 2 of ye clock afternoon, Comfort Hubbell, son of Peter Hubbell was born of Katherine his wife. Enock Hubbell, son to Peter Hubbell, born of Katherine his wife, in Newtown, August ye 10th, 1735, about five of ye clock in the afternoon. The number of property holders in the town in 1739, was 152 and the amount of taxable property laid down by the listers or assessors was £9,289 sterling. At the annual town meeting in December, 1739, it was voted that the town rate for defraying the town charges the year past should be two pence half penny on the pound, to be levied on the list of polls and rateable estate of the inhabitants, and that one penny on the pound should be levied for the schools and be laid out in the winter season and be gathered with the town rate and be taken out of the town treasury for the schools, known as the North and South schools, and that John Lake and Nathaniel Nickols shall be school committee for the south school and Ensign John Glover and Abel Booth Committee for the north school. Back in 1739, our schools were under town manage- ment. GRAND LEVY OF 1767 In any staid old agricultural town, the number of taxpayers would correspond nearly to the number of families, upon whom devolved the duty of meeting the current town expenses, and also their share of the expenses of the Common wealth. The grand levy of 1739, showed the names of 147 tax-payers for that year. The grand levy for 1767, shows the number of tax-payers to have in- creased to 341. It is interesting to note the great increase in those of the same family name, and to see how great an increase had been made in 28 years. There were 457 tax-payers in 1786. There is one word "Faculty" between some names that, to some, needs explanation. The word is used as representing some trade or profession, which was included with other property at an esti- mated valuation and upon which a tax was laid. Some assessments ran as high as £30, and from that down to £3. If the writer has been correctly informed, the three of the surname of "Nichols," Nathaniel, assessed £30 for "faculty," Peter assessed £10, Richard £16, 10s, each follow wool carding in the southerly part of town. 218 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN A list of the Polls and Rateable Estate of the inhabitants of New- town for the year 1767, as possessed for the 20th of August : Adams, John 109 18 Bristol, Ebenezer 51 17 6 Adams, Ephraim 28 14 6 Faculty 10 8 Adams, Samuel 48 2 Bryan, Ezra 36 Baldwin, Caleb, Esq, 138 7 6 Faculty 12 Faculty 10 Beardslee, Josiah 187 5 Baldwin, Caleb, Capt. 10 Beardslee, Isreal 80 15 Baldwin, Caleb, Sec 94 16 Faculty 8 Baldwin, Nathan, Capt. 33 14 3 Beardslee, lames 21 Baldwin, Nathan, Jr, 64 15 Brisco, Nathaniel, Lieut. 154 5 Baldwin, Daniel 126 14 6 Brisco, James 25 Baldwin, Tames 107 08 Beach, John 78 2 6 Baldwin, Gideon 90 10 Burwell, Stephen 47 17 Baldwin, Jabez 91 15 6 Burwell, William 24 2 Booth, Daniel 424 1 Faculty 18 Faculty 15 Burwell, Rebecca, Widow 7 Booth, Abel 176 9 Burritt, Benjamin 69 3 Booth, Jonathan 189 Burritt, Eleazer 60 2 6 Faculty 25 Burritt, Nathan 68 6 6 Booth, Abraham 91 Bulkly Jabez 26 Booth, Hezekiah 76 14 6 Barnum, Francis 3 Booth. Reuben 54 14 Barnum, Nathaniel 18 Booth, Ebenezer 78 12 6 Brinsmade, Zechariah 26 Faculty 18 Burr, James 3 8 Bassit, Thomas 30 Camp, Joel 71 Bassit, John 30 2 9 Camp, Lemuel 145 Bassit, Joel 49 18 6 Camp, Samuel 62 14 Bennitt, Abraham 126 13 Camp, Silas 82 5 6 Bennitt Ephraim 75 15 Cadey, Nathaniel 24 Beers, Daniel 100 5 6 Coggswell, Asa 52 18 1 Beers, lohn 146 15 Clark, Zerchariah, Jr 59 18 Beers, Samuel 134 5 6 Clark, James 1 8 109 18 28 14 6 48 2 138 7 6 10 10 94 16 33 14 3 64 15 126 14 6 107 08 90 10 91 15 6 424 1 15 176 9 189 25 91 76 14 6 54 14 78 12 6 18 30 30 2 9 49 18 6 126 13 75 15 100 5 6 146 15 134 5 6 29 1 4 67 17 6 9 20 50 72 12 58 10 10 67 10 141 5 37 18 87 1 10 95 10 24 5 6 60 5 24 16 23 10 34 18 36 15 6 142 10 67 82 11 6 84 15 30 11 6 58 13 3 39 10 2 11 12 Birtch, Jeremiah 29 1 4 Curtiss, Benjamin 106 13 6 Birtch, Wiliam 67 17 6 Curtiss, Matthew 94 8 6 Faculty 9 Curtis, Benjamin, Jr. 90 2 6 Botsford, Amos, Jr., 20 Curtiss, Nehemiah 84 4 Faculty 50 Curtiss, Abijah 74 7 Botsford, Abel 72 12 Curtis, Nirom 27 4 Botsford, Abel Jr., 58 10 Chambers, Thomas 41 Faculty 10 Chambers, Asa 21 Botsford, Abraham 67 10 Crowfoot, Daniel 77 5 Botsford, Gideon 141 5 Dunning, Benjamin Capt. 79 6 Botsford. Jabez 37 18 Dunning, Peter 1 Botsford. John 87 1 Dunning. Dayid 86 6 Faculty 10 Dunning, Dayid, Jr. 45 6 Botsford, Moses 95 10 Dunning, Eli 68 16 Botsford, Joseph 24 5 6 Faculty 10 Botsford, Elijah 60 5 Dunning, Ezra 40 14 Botsford, Henry 24 16 Dunning, Abijah 26 4 Botsford, Isaac 23 10 Dunning. Andrew 21 Botsford, Ezra 34 Dnnnirg. Tared 50 6 6 Botsford. Jared 18 Dibble. Tohn 1 5 Birtch. George 36 15 Dibble. Eleazer 1 Faculty 6 Fairman. Richard, Esq., 126 10 Blackman, John, Capt. 142 10 Faculty 25 Blackman, James 67 Fairchild. Agur 76 3 6 Blackman, Joseph 82 11 6 Fairchild. Jonathan 120 15 Blackman, Ebenezer 84 15 Fairchild, Ebenezer 43 18 V/z Blackman, Nathaniel 30 11 6 Fairchild, James 129 17 6 Bristol, Joseph, 2nd 58 13 Faculty 8 Bristol. Joseph 3 Fairchild, Seth 57 16 Bristol. Job 39 10 2 Fairchild, Dayid 34 3 6 Bristoll, Enos 11 12 Fairchild, John 24 GRAND LEVY FOR 1767 219 Fairchild, Oliver 57 13 6 Ford, Ebenezer 131 6 6 Ford, Thomas 60 5 Fabrique, John 19 5 Fabrique, John, Jr., 29 Ferris, Abraham 95 2 6 Ferris, Peter 76 5 Ferris, Samuel, Jr. 56 5 6 Foot, Daniel! 21 10 Foot, Daniel (Taunton) 28 6 Foot, George 28 12 Foot, Peter 24 5 French, Gamaliel 53 14 French, Samuel 28 10 Glover, John, Capt. 127 5 Glover, Henry, Capt. 154 11 Glover, Henry, Jr. 65 14 6 Glover, John, Jr. 127 14 6 Glover, James 100 10 6 Glover, Daniel 54 4 6 Glover, Arnold 44 8 6 Grant, Arminel 45 9 9 Faculty 30 Griffin, Samuel, Lieut. Zl 14 Griffin, John Lieut. 45 10 Griffin, Joseph 61 6 6 Griffin, Samuel, Jr. 58 16 6 Griffin, Abner 36 6 Gray, James 24 10 Gillett, Samuel 108 12 Gunn, Joseph 52 Gunn, Joseph, Jr. 107 13 Hall, William 43 Faculty Hall, Asa Harris, Jabez Hard, Abner Hard, Amos Hard, Ammon Hard, Joseph 4 39 34 13 6 139 15 141 14 2 18 21 Hard, Hannah, Widow 7 15 6 Hard, Nirom 54 15 6 Hard, Zadok 75 6 6 Hawley, Abel 60 16 6 Faculty 6 Hawley, William 89 5 6 Hawley, Benjamin 77 8 Hawley, Benjamin, Esq. 71 Hatch, Toshua 40 3 Hatch, Peter 46 4 Hendricks, Roger 22 Hendricks, Zadock 18 Hull, John 45 15 Hull, Eliphalet 57 5 Hull, Elijah 64 9 6 Hubbell, Peter 54 Hubbell, Enoch 38 2 6 Hubbell, Jeptha 36 10 Hvde, Joseph 34 Hurd, Abel IZ 12 Hurd, Theophilus 39 5 Faculty 15 Faculty 3 Jackson, David 69 Jackson, David, Jr Jackson, Daniel Jackson, Ephraim Jackson, Gershom Johnson, Ichabod Johnson, John Johnson, Ebenezer 18 43 1 24 23 69 1 6 52 10 18 Judson, Abel, Lieut. 144 10 Judson, John 40 5 6 Kimberley, Abraham 61 12 Kimberley, Abraham, Jr., 51 14 Kimberley, Fitch 21 Lake, John 27 8 6 Lake, John, Jr., 35 10 Lake, Nathan 58 14 Lake, Ephraim 52 9 Lake, Thomas 69 6 Lattin, Benjamin 18 Lattin, Job 27 Lattin. Jacob 18 Lane, James 52 Merchant, Amos 53 15 Faculty 15 Mallory, Nathaniel 20 8 More, John 27 Morehouse, Abel 15 Morehouse, Stephen 2 10 Morehouse, Daniel 8 14 Nichols, Nathaniel 210 5 Faculty 30 Nichols, Peter 112 1 6 Faculty 10 Nichols, Richmond 87 19 Faculty 16 8 Northrop, Amos 95 18 Northrop, Joshua 79 3 Northrop, Jeremiah, Jr 18 Northrop, Ezra 42 10 Northrop, John 140 Nichols, Caleb 52 Northrop, William 18 4 Northrop, William, Jr 57 19 Northrop, Wait 81 3 Northrop, Nehemiah 39 16 Faculty 9 Northrop, Abel 14 7 6 Northrop, Isiah 4 17 Northrop, Benjamin 82 16 Northrop, Benjamin, Jr., 44 19 6 Northrop, Enos 69 7 Northrop, Jonathan, C'p. 118 19 Northiop, Gideon 35 11 Nettleton, Theophilus 72 10 Ogden, Ebenezer 45 11 3 Faculty 20 Parmelee, Jedediah 47 10 Parmalee, Noah 56 4 6 Parmalee, Noah, Jr., 33 6 Peck, Henry 73 Peck, Henry, Jr., 84 15 6 Peck, Heth 111 6 Peck, Heth, Jr., 60 12 6 Peck, Benajah 18 Peck, Ameiel 56 17 220 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Faculty Peck, Daniel Peck, John, Peck, Jabez Peck, Nathaniel Peck, Nathaniel, Jr., Peck, Ebenezer Peck, Ezra Peck, Joseph Peck, Ephraim Peck, Samuel Peck, Aaron Peck, Gideon Peck, Moss Peck, Enoch Peck, Elihu Peck, John, Jr., Prindle, Joseph Prindle, Joseph, Jr., Faculty Prindle, Jonathan Faculty Prindle, Abel, Lieut. Prindle, Jehoshaphat Prindle, William Prindle, Abijah Prindle, James Prindle, Eliadah Prindle, Joel Prindle, Ephraim Piatt, Moses Piatt, Josiah Pearce, Francis Rugg, Oliver Roberts, Joel Roberts, Thomas Sanford, Jonathan Sanford, Jonas Sanford, John Faculty Sanford, Hezekiah Sanford, James Sanford, Thomas Sanford, Thomas Sanford, Hannah, Wi Sanford, Samuel Faculty Sanford, Nathaniel Sanford, Ebenezer Faculty Sherman, Zadock Sherman, Nathan Sherman, David, Sherman, Lemuel Sherman, Jotham Faculty Sherman John Sherman, Ephraim Sharp, Thomas Stilson, Andrew Stilson, Vincent 5 68 7 6 148 9 51 16 51 18 6 Zl 11 83 8 41 1 75 8 6 104 8 24 29 4 11 5 113 7 31 12 19 15 28 8 5 91 12 15 69 7 6 5 28 7 6 26 12 34 15 18 36 23 29 4 6 34 13 6 152 12 6 53 12 6 18 18 20 25 16 169 10 57 5 41 9 10 50 6 32 7 6 62 14 62 14 ddo 17 59 15 8 19 13 63 18 6 5 74 6 6 41 1 9 81 19 87 15 81 7 6 10 79 4 62 14 18 90 11 6 58 6 Stilson, Benjamin, Jr., Stilson, Israel Stilson, Elijah Stilson, Jonathan Stilson, Jacob Stilson, Daniel Stilson, Bailey Stilson, Thomas Skidmore, Thomas Skidmore, John Skidmore, Nehemiah Smith, Amos Smith, George Smith, Joseph, Dea Smith, Joseph, Lieut. Smith, Richard Faculty Starling, John Summers, Gershom Summers, Samuel Summers, Robert Summers, Benjamin Summers, Ebenezer Shepherd, John Jr. Shepherd, John Faculty Shepherd, Abraham Shepherd, Timothy Shepherd, Simeon Seeley, Nehemiah Seeley, Robert Seeley, Ottmiel Sherwood, John Sherv^'ood, John Parrick Taylor, Abner Taylor, Ebenezer Thomas, Lemuel, Dr. Faculty Turrell, George Faculty Turrell, Roger Turrell, Amos, Lieut. Turrell, Jared Turner, Jeremiah Tousey, John Turner, Jeremiah, Jr Tousey, Oliver Tousey, Zalmon Thompson, Robert Treadwell, Timothy Turner, Miller Wheeler, Joseph, Capt. Wheeler, Obadiah, Jr. Wheeler, Andrew Wheeler, Josiah Wheeler, Lemuel Wheeler, Thomas Winton, Daniel Wright, William Washburn, Nathan, Dr. Wheeler, Obadiah, Capt 48 5 9 37 47 13 6 n 18 30 4 49 12 67 13 6 63 18 6 100 17 80 7 83 6 52 13 6 75 4 102 15 10 156 5 57 10 74 10 49 11 6 2>2 12 28 8 6 48 11 63 3 3 27 13 6 161 3 61 11 6 46 27 3 40 4 56 6 58 6 6 11 19 3 63 18 6 40 6 10 50 9 6 3 66 2 80 4 6 31 14 145 5 148 10 59 12 6 110 10 84 9 18 23 46 18 6 82 2 74 13 6 57 12 6 70 2 6 54 16 6 90 6 68 4 45 12 24 29 2 6 GRAND LEVY FOR 1767 221 To the Honorable General Assembly the foregoing is a true list of the polls and rateable estates of the inhabitants of Newtown as possessed the 20th day of August, A. D. 1767. Certified by us, Abel Booth, Amos Northrop, Bailey Stillson, John Fabrique, Henry Glover, Jr. Zadock Sherman, Jonathan Prindle Listers. The above persons were sworn to a faithful discharge of their office as listers before me, Caleb Baldwin, Town Clerk. RATABLE ESTATES FOR 1809. The statute laws of the State of Connecticut make it obHgatory upon its citizens to prepare a list of taxable property, that shall be handed into the Board of Assessors on or before the first of Novem- ber of each year, the law leaving it to the Assessors to fix the valuation subject to the approval of the Board of Relief. An act was passed by the Connecticut Legislature at its annual session in 1808, by which printed forms were sent out showing what kinds of property were liable to taxation and also placing a sum at which the property should be valued, and on which the tax should be levied. It was my good fortune to have come into my possession from my grandfather, 60 years ago or more, a printed copy of a list of ratable estates, showing what property must be listed for that year and what valuation must be placed upon it. Copy of the perfected list for 1809, compiled in compliance with the act passed by the Assembly at its session in 1808: Poll, from 21-70 years of age $60.00 Acres of uninclosed land, 2d. Poll, from 18-21 years of age 30.00 rate 0.17 Oxen and bulls, 4 years old Acres of uninclosed land, 3d and upward 10.00 rate 0.09 Cows, steers and heifers, with Coach 168 00 bulls of 3 years old 7.00 Chariot 13400 Heifers, steers or bulls, of 2 Phaeton 100 00 years old 3.34 Coachee 75 00 Stallion or seed horse, more Carricole 68 00 than 3 years old 67.00 Chaise, riding chair or sulky 00.00 Horse kmd 3 years old, and Other four-wheel carriage. Horse kmd, of 2 years o d 7.00 Lumber box wagon and no Horse kind, of 1 years old 3.34 sprmgs 00.00 Mules of 3 years old and Gold Watch 3400 upward 10.00 ^-^^^^ ^^ ^^1^^^. ^^.^^^j^ j^qq Mules of 2 years old 7.00 Cf^^i ^ u u i j i i AT.,i^o ^f 1 .^^^ ^1^ 1-iA Steel or brass-wheeled c ock Mules ot 1 year old O.J4 (.;^^^;„.,„ nr, nn Acres of rough land 1.67 „, ^J timepiece 20.00 Acres of upland, meadow and Wooden-wheeled clock or clear pasture 134 time-piece 7.00 Acres of boggy meadow, ' ?""^^' °^ ?'^^^'" P'^^^ ^-^ mowed 0.84 Money at interest 0.00 Acres of Boggy meadow, not House fire-places, whether mowed 0.34 used or not 5.00 Acres of other meadow 1.25 House fire-places, depreciated Acres of bush pasture 0.34 one-quarter, used or not 3.75 Acres of uninclosed land, 1st House fire-places, depreciated rate 0.34 one-half, used or not 2.50 222 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN House fire-places, depreciated or not, two stories 20.00 three quarters, used or not 1.25 Store or warehouse, whether Store or ware-house, whether part of a dwelling house part of a dwelling house or not, three stories 30.00 or not, one story 10.00 Bank stock 00.00 Store or warehouse, whether Sheep one year old 00.00 part of a dwelling house The listers desire to have the above list filled up. Each person is requir- ed to insert the name of the religious society to which he belongs, and return the list, completed, on or before the 10th day of September, next. August 20, 1808 Particular attention is called to the segregation by which land was entered, and also to the varying prices per acre, according to quality, also the varying prices of stock according to age, of fire- places according to usage, and of vehicles according to style. During all the years preceding and down to this time, no dwelling house had appeared on a levy. NEWTOWN BOROUGH. Proceedings of the General Assembly of our State, by which, at its May session, 1824, the Borough of Newtown was incorporated. The borough, still intact, numbers yet a few of the second, third and fourth generation of families of those days. With the domain very much enlarged, with its scenic beauty much improved; with its wide main street, its beautiful, well-kept lawns ; its commodious sanitary public buildings, its abundant spring water supply from a lake not more than a half mile away, a Beach Memorial Library of volumes in the thousands ; a trunk line of State highway from Newtown to Bridgeport, in the near future to run from Newtown to the Berkshire Hills; the Berkshire division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad with three stations in Newtown, the main station within 10 minutes walk of Newtown Village, with the Federal express to and from Boston and Washington, D. C, daily; a township 48 square miles in extent, with 400 miles of high- ways and by-ways that one can travel enough to cause pleasure seekers to increase in numbers as time goes on. It will not do to close without including Sandy Hook, a village by itself in Newtown, and the scenic beauty of Mt. Pisgah, with its base washed by the sparkling waters of the Pootatuck as it leaps and dashes along through the Glen, one of the Switzerlands of America, for their rightful share of admiration. To know all that there is to know about the scenic beauty of Newtown, one needs to come and dwell among us. An act incorporating the Borough of Newtown, passed by the General Assembly of Connecticut, at its May session, 1824: Section 1. Resolved by this Assembly, that all the electors of this state, inhabitants of the town of Newtown, in the County of Fairfield, being within the following bounds, to wit, beginning at the foot of Newtown Street at the road leading to Redding and running easterly to Queen Street so called, thence northerly through the center of said Queen Street to the east and west turnpike, thence westerly on said turnpike to Carcass Lane, so-called, thence northerly the whole length of said lane to the road lead- ing to Walnut Tree Hill so-called, thence northerly in a direct line from said lane to the junction of Hall Lane so-called, and the road leading to Hawley's Bridge, thence westerly through the center of said Hall Lane to the Bridgeport and Newtown turnpike, thence westerly in a direct line NEWTOWN BOROUGH 223 from said lane SO rods from the west side of ssid turnpike, thence souther- ly m a hne parallel with said turnpike and the aforesaid Newtown street to the center of the aforesaid road leading to Redding near Daniel Beers' dwelling house, thence easterly to the place began at, be, and the same are hereby ordained, constituted and declared to be, from time to time and forever hereafter, one body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, bv the name of "The Warden, Burgesses, and Freemen of the Borough of Newtown," and by that name they and their successors, forever, shall have perpetual succession, and shall be persons in law, capable of sueing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all suits of what nature soever, and also to purchase, hold and convey any estate real or personal, and may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure, and shall be freemen of said Borough. Section 2. And for the better government of said Borough, be it further resolved that there shall be a meeting of said Bourough, holden annually m the month of May, at such time and place as by the by-laws of said Borough shall be directed, for the purpose of choosing all the officers of said Borough, and the officers chosen at such meeting shall continue in office for and during the term of one year from said annual meeting unless others shall be sooner chosen and qualified in their stead. Section 3. And said borough of Newtown shall have all the powers and privileges conferred on other inland Boroughs with this State, and be subject to the same restrictions and liabilities to which said other inland Boroughs are by law subjected. And all the officers of said Borough shall be qualified in the same manner, and have the same powers, as the officers of other inland boroughs so far as the local situation thereof will permit Section 4. The first meeting of said Borough shall be holden at the house of Czar Keeler in said Borough, on the second Monday of June, A. D. 1824, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for the choice of a warden burgesses, clerk, treasurer and bailiflf, and to transact such other business as shall be necessary, which may be, from time to time adjourned, and a copy of this paragraph of this resolve, certified under the hand of the Secretary of this State, and posted upon the public sign-post in said Borough at least three days before said second Monday of June, shall be legal warning to the freemen of said borough to attend said first meeting and tne officers chosen at such meeting shall continue in office until the expiration of the annual meeting in the month of May, A. D. 1825, unless others are sooner chosen and qualified in their stead, and that said Borough shall at such meetings first choose a clerk of said Borough, who shall immediately be sworn, and shall forthwith make a record of his being chosen and sworn, and the record thus by him made, in such case, shall be good and eflfectual in law. Such records may be made by clerks there- after, and shall be valid, anything in this resolve notwithstanding. And said Borough shall thereupon proceed to choose a warden and other officers of said Borough mentioned in this paragraph of this resolve, and that Benjamin F. Shelton shall have as to the first election of the warden burgesses, clerk, treasurer and bailifif of said Borough, the same powers' and proceed in the same manner, as the warden, burgesses and bailiff of said Borough are by this resolve to have and proceed in at the future elections in said Borough, and shall be moderator of said meeting, till a warden be chosen and qualified according to this resolve. Said Borough shall at first said meeting, appoint a time and place for holding said meeting of said warden and burgesses, which meeting shall have power to adjourn from time to time, always provided that anything in this resolve notwithstanding, the inhabitants living within the limits of said Borough, shall to all intents and purposes, be and remain a part of the town of Newtown, entitled to all its privileges and subject to all its burdens, as if this resolve had not been passed. Provided, nevertheless, that if this resolve, or any provision therein contained, shall be found in- convenient, or in any way inadequate, the same may be repealed altered or revoked, by the General Assembly. Section 5. All charges and expenses that shall have been and may be incurred in consequence of this act of incorporation shall be borne and defrayed by said Borough, by taxes on the polls and rateable estate of said Borough within said limits. 224 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN NEWTOWN'S FIRE COMPANIES, 1803—1913. Dodgingtown is the name of a hamlet in Flat Swamp school dis- trict about mid-way between the village of Newtown and that of Bethel, made up for the most part of families living on their own farms, and a few mechanics busied with their several trades. A little community within itself, with many social qualities and interests in common. Among other things, they have a well-organized fire department of about 40 inembers and, although they have no fire engine as yet, so well equipped otherwise and so systematic in drill that, wdien they take part in an out-of-town drill, the lookers- on sit up and take notice. They took part in a firemen's parade in West Haven, where, in competition with 64 other companies, they were awarded a silver cup, as best in drill of any company on the grounds. The village of Newtown also has a fire company of about 45 members that has been an organized company for 25 years. They, too, have no fire engine, but in other respects and appliances are well up to date and have done valient work in many cases of fire in the past in Newtown, in Sandy Hook and near-by vicinities. Both companies are voluntary, independent companies, never hav- ing been aided by town appropriations. The building that furnishes accommodation for appliances neces- sary for the demand of a hook and ladder company is a neatly con structed, commodious structure on town property, near the town hall, which, with the town hall, adds much to the attractiveness of the borough, as well as to that of the beautiful village street, with its well-kept lawns, beautiful shade trees and residential buildings. The town hall and fire company building, under the care and super- vision of the janitor, Patrick Gannon, speak well for the janitor and the town officials responsible for its care. Turning now to the town records we find that, in the matter of town protection from fire, in 1803, a special town meeting was called by petition to determine what the town should do to guard against the ravages of an outbreak of fire. At a lawful town meeting Dec. 19, 1803, the first movement was made to provide the town with protection from fire, when a vote was passed"that the town treasurer be directed to pay to William Edmond, Esq., one hundred dollars toward purchasing a fire engine for the use of the town," On the 6th day of Feb., following, a special meeting, called by petition to reconsider the vote appropriating $100, for a fire engine, the vote of the previous meeting was rescinded, and Elijah Nichols was ap- pointed chimney viewer instead. No future doings, townwise, in regard to fire engines until 1807. In the meantime, while the matter had been held in abeyance, a subscription paper had been circulated and $450 subscribed toward the expense of a fire engine, and a house in which to store it. Another petition, drawn by Hon. William Edmond, a citizen of Newtown, a lawyer of high repute and member of Congress at a time when the office sought the man and not the man the office, was circulated, Nov. 21, 1807, and on the 23d, of Nov. they were able to report $450 subscribed. At the annual town meeting, on the 7th day of December, 1807, the petition was read in open town meeting: "To the inhabitants of Newtown in legal Town meeting convened: The inhabitants of sd town street and its vicinity beg leave to represent that FIRE COMPANIES 1803—1913 225 seriously alarmed at a recent event which threatened for a time to lay their dwellings in ashes, to unhouse their families, to sweep away their public buildings and produce a scene of destruction and distress awful to contemplate and too painful to describe, they met at the house of Caleb Baldwin on the 21st of Nov., 1807, to take into consideration their exposed and dangerous situation, and to devise the best practicable means of guarding themselves in future against destruction by fire. At this meeting the opinion was unanimous that it was the duty of the house-holders to see that their chimneys were swept or cleaned by burning without loss of time and to provide themselves with ladders as expeditiously as possible. It was also thought advisable to procure a fire engine if possible as the best instrument properly served with which to contend against so unruly and dangerous an element and indeed as the only one in which any just confidence of success might be placed in the hour of danger. To effect this so desirable an object a subscription was immediately opened and a com- mittee appointed to wait upon the inhabitants in the street (not then present) and the meeting was adjourned to the 23d of Nov. to receive the report of the committee that the sum of $450 had been subscribed for the purpose with a liberality evincive of a strong sense of danger and of the expediency and necessitj^ of the measure. Having proceeded thus far and accomplished so much by their individual exertions, it was thought advisable by the meeting to state their proceedings to the town at their annual meeting and to solicit that aid without which all their efforts to accomplish so important an object must prove inefifectual, especially as it appeared from the best information to be procured that the probable expense of a good and effectual engine delivered at Newtown with the cost of a house to shelter it would amount to about $700, that about $200 would be needed in addition to the subscription to carry the object of it into effect and without which their utmost exertion must prove fruitless. Thus circumstanced they came before the Town to solicit their approbation and encouragement confiding in their wisdom, their justice and their generosity and trusting that their enlightened and liberal fellow citizens on a subject interesting to all will be ready to discard a narrow policy, to sacrifice the pride of opinion, and the spirit of party to the general good and viewing the subject in the same light with the petitioners will cheer- fully grant from the Town a sum equal to the deficiency of the subscription or in such way as their wisdom shall desire to enable the petitioners to accomplish the proposed object, and the petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray. William Edmond for and in behalf of the petitioners." After the reading of the petition, the meeting voted that the petition of the inhabitants of Newtown Street and vicinity for a grant of money from the town towards purchasing a fire engine be recorded. Caleb Baldwin, Town clerk. At the conclusion of the reading of the petition, the town voted : That the selectmen of Newtown be, and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to draw orders in favor of Joseph Nichols, upon the Town treasurer of Newtown for the sum of $200 to be applied to the purchase of a fire engine and a house to shelter the same, provided that nothing in this vote shall be construed to subject the town hereafter to the payment of any other or further sum than is herein before granted either for said fire engine, a house to shelter it, or for cisterns, ladders, fire hooks, ropes, buckets, working the engine, or any expense whatever, respecting the same, but said town shall be exempted therefrom in the same manner as though this vote had not been passed." "Voted that the petition of the inhabitants of the town street and its vicinity for a grant of money from the town towards purchasing fire engine be recorded. Attest, Caleb Baldwin, town clerk. No further records are to be found in regard to subsequent action on the part of the town, though for years, among offices provided for at the annual town meeting, was that of chimney viewer, given EHjah Nichols, for which no pay was given. 226 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN NEWTOWN ACADEMY. The following letter was written by Mr. George L. Foote. eldest son of Rhesa and Polly Foote, a short time before his graduation from Washington (now Trinity) College, Hartford, Conn. Washington College, Hartford, Conn. Jan. 24, 1837. To Messrs. Henry Beers, Samuel C. Blackman, Henry Dutton, D. H. Belden and David V. B. Baldwin. Sirs : The subject upon which I am about to address you at this time may be one in which j'ou feel no concern and about which you would not like to be troubled. If so, pardon the trouble this may give you. But should you feel any interest in the subject, I ask of you a careful examination of my plans and a frank communication of your opinion. The subject of public educa- tion has for a long time occupied my attention and, in examining the various means presented for usefulness, this stands among the most prom- inent in my estimation. I have accordingly concluded to direct my attention to the subject and use my exertions for the promotion of this object for two or three years after I shall finish my studies, and. thinking of my native town, I have concluded to propose to you a plan that I have formed and ask your advice and co-operation. I wish to establish somewhere an Academy in which boys and girls may pursue their studies after leaving the primary schools and be fitted either for business, for teachers or for college. I wish such a school to be select — that is, to have certain quali- fications requisite for admission ; to have not "all branches" taught in it, but such as shall be most useful, and to have such taught on a thorough plan ; and to have the school established on the principles of the Bible, believing that the best class-book for every institution, though I would not have any sectarian principles inculcated, nor would I hesitate to declare my preference for the church of my affections and the nursery of my childhood and youth. I would have it emphatically a Christian school, such a school as every well-wisher of his country would desire to see established in every town. In examining the various situations for the location of such a school, my preference has been given to Newtown for various reasons : It is my native town and there are attachments that bind me there, which I find nowhere else. It is a quiet place and very free from evil influence calculated to draw oflf boys who might be boarding from home. There is no school of this kind established there, though I have felt the need of such a one for many years. There are many boys and girls who, I think, would attend such a school, living in the town. My mother lives there, with whom I could board and receive boarders and be at home, and I could then be in a situation to assist the younger members of the family. And lastly, I should have some pride, whether censurable or not, to see such a school started in my native town, and started bj^ my exertions. These are some of the reasons that have led me to select that as the place of location, and of the weight of ihese reasons you can each judge. Now, gentlemen, do you think such a school would succeed in Newtown? Are there moneyed men who would feel interested in such a plan, enough to put a building in some eligible situation and, after fitting it to my mind, rent at a reasonable per cent so that I could make it an object worthy of my employment? Do you think pupils enough could be obtained, and would you give me your influence in obtaining pupils? Knowing, as you do, the circumstances in which I am placed; the character of the inhabitants of Newtown; the proverb that "a prophet hath no honor in his own country," your own feeling on the subject and the situation of Miss Sarah Black- man's school, would you advise me to persevere in this plan or to relinquish it altogether? My object in writing at this time is, that having obtained your opinion, I may make some calculation on the subject the coming Spring, and have everything ready to bdgin in the fall when I shall have finished my studies in this place. It is, gentlemen, with some experimental knowledge of your character and good feelings that I make this communication, and I earnest- NEWTOWN ACADEMY 227 ly hope that you will do me the favor of answering me immediately, if you think the subject worthy of an answer. I am, gentlemen, with great esteem for you, Your friend and humble servant, George L. Foote. This communication evidently met with the hearty approval of the gentlemen to whom it was addressed, who immediately went to work to create a public interest in its favor, which resulted in call- ing an informal meeting at Mr. Caleb Baldwin's, Feb. 8, 1837, "to form an association for the purpose of purchasing a location, and build- ing a suitable house in the borough of Newtown to be occupied as an Academy for the education of the young in the various branches of science, and to raise a sum of money sufficient for said purpose." The subscription was to be binding, provided the sum of $1000, should be raised ; $1475 was pledged at once. The original list of subscribers may be interesting to their child- ren and grand children : Harry Beers $100 Joseph Dick $25 Jabez B. Peck $25 David H. Belden 100 Charles C. Warner 25 Lemuel Beers 25 Rev. Samuel C. Strat- Abel B. Skidmore 25 Charles Blakeslee 25 ton IOC Boyle Fairchild 25 Botsford Tcrrill 25 Josiah Glover 50 Josiah B. Fairchild 25 Samuel Fairchild 25 John Judson 25 Amariah Beers 25 James Nichols 25 Ebenezer Turner 25 Wooster Peck 25 fohn Johnson 25 Thomas Blackman 25 Caleb Baldwin 50 Charles B. Booth 25 Wm. Blakeslee 25 Charles Brisco 25 Simeon N. Beers 25 Charles Fairman 25 Charles Noble 25 Gould Curtis 25 Henry Dutton 25 Daniel Skidmore 25 Robert S. Peck 25 Moses Parsons 25 David V. B. Baldwin 50 George M. Benedict 25 David Curtis 25 Amos G. Peck 25 Charles Johnson 25 Charles Clark 25 Jabez B. Botsford 25 Philo Clarke 25 Samuel A. Peck 25 Abel Botsford 25 Beach Camp 25 Josiah Sanford 25 Thomas O. Chambers 25 A sufficient amount being subscribed, a constitution and articles of association were adopted, March 2, 1837. The officers appointed : Rev. Samuel C. Stratton, David V. B. Baldwin, David H. Belden, Josiah Sanford, Samuel Beers, trustees; Charles Clark, secretary; David V. B. Baldwin, Charles Brisco, Samuel Fairchild, building committee. The building committee were instructed to erect a building not to exceed 36 x 26 feet. It was completed during the summer, and in the fall of 1837 the school was opened in charge of Mr. George L. Foote, who, fresh from college with his heart full of love for the work, entered upon his duties with all the enthusi- asm, energy and self-devotion with which he was possessed, and which he exhibited to such a remarkable degree through his min- isterial life. He was ably assisted in both male and female depart- ments, two of his assistants being his sisters. Misses Mary and Harriet Foote. At the May session of the Legislature, 1838, the Association petitioned for an act of incorporation and a resolution granting it passed the General Assembly. The year 1839 was a prosperous one for the institution. The number of pupils ranged from 100 to 150. Mr. Foote continued principal of the Academy until the Spring of 1840. He resigned, much to the regret of a host of patrons, to enter upon the work of the ministry in Roxbury, Conn., where he remained ten years. 228 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN rcniovinp: to the diocese of New York where he died at JMorris, Otsego Co., Oct., 1863. In the Spring of 1840, Rev. Levi Corson succeeded as principal. He also supplied the i)ulpit of Trinity Church. Miss Mary Foote was teacher of the female department. He was principal only one year, being succeeded by Rev. Thomas T. Guion. He also, though an excellent and devoted teacher, was in charge only one year, being succeeded, the spring of 1842, by Mr. Charles W. Wooster, who was in charge only a year. Amos S. Treat was a good teacher, but his preference was for the law, and he left teaching to devote himself to tiie practice of his profession. Jilr. Elizur Kceler was next in charge. He was Newtown born and had experience in some of the public schools of the town. He taught several years, maintaining a well-deserved popularity, both as boarding and day school, and was much beloved by his pupils. When he left Newtown for a position with a Waterbury firm. Newtown lost a good teacher, a valued citizen, and the Con- gregational Church a consistent member. In 1852, after a lapse of two years, during which the building was closed, the trustees secured Mr. J. Homer French, who came from Clyde, N. Y. He was an excellent disciplinarian, a superior teacher, and excelled, as a mathematician. He was associate author of Adam's series of arithmetics, and, later, author of French's Arith- metic, which was used in the Academy in later years. Before the close of the first year, the building was repaired, the old time benches giving way to revolving chairs and modern desks. An able corps of assistants helped make the school popular, a large number of pupils coming from other towns. In Jan., 1853, the Academician, a monthly paper printed in Bridgeport and conducted by the pupils, was started. It was popular, but a failure financially and did not finish the second year. Mr. French resigned during the summer of 1855. Names of teachers and pupils, who made up the coterie at New- town Academy, 60 years ago, helping make things lively on the village street and looking forward to the time when, in maturer life, they might become a part of the great army of home and nation builders, to take up and carr}^ on the work as their ancestors should lay it down. The names that follow were copied from the pupils' paper, the Academician : Instructors : J. Homer French, principal ; Rev. William L. Bostwick, teacher of classics ; Miss Cornelia L. Hubbard, precept- ress ; Miss Fanny Easton, assistant; Mrs Mary E. French, teacher of French; Mrs. Mary E. Sanford, teacher of music. Female Department: Delia Fairchild, Newtown Jane Banks, Newtown Sarah Grace Blakeslee, Newtown Sarah E. Beecher, Sandy Hook Alosia S. Botsford, Newtown Ann S. Beers, Newtown Emma J. Boroughs, Newtown Charlotte B. Beers, Newtown Elizabeth Clarke, Newtown Harriet B. Blackman, Newtown Lydia Jane Camp, Newtown Julia Esther Blackman, Newtown Jane Eliza Camp, Newtown Mary J. Blakeslee, Newtown Juliette Curtis, Newtown Catherine E. Fairchilri Newtown Alartha Dikeman, Newtown NEWTOWN ACADEMY 229 Harriet F. Fairchild, Bethel Lucy A. Fairchild, Newtown Susan A Fairchild, Newtown Mary Jane Foote, Hobart, N. Y. Betsey Glover, Newtown Esther A. Hawley, Newtown Harriette M. Lake, Sandy Hook Wihlelmina B. Norman, Bridgeport Sarah M. Prindle, Newtown Augusta Sanford, Newtown Mary Jane Sherman Newtown Mary Caroline Skidmore, Newtown Male Department : David Banks, Newtown Booth G. Beers, Newtown Daniel G. Beers, Newtown George Beers, Newtown Isaac Beach Beers, Newtown John Hobart Beers, Newtown Julius A. Beers, Newtown Silas N. Beers, Newtown Benjamin C. Benedict, Newtown George B. Blakeslee, Newtown William Blakeslee, Newtown Daniel Theodore Booth, Newtown Milford George A. Bradley. Newtown John Huntington Brewster, Newtown George Bulkley, Edward Burroughs, George B. Camp, Hobart B. Camp, Frederick Chambers, Lemuel B. Clark, George Clark, David Curtis, Frederick L. Curtis, F. Mortimer Fairchild, Newtown Daniel B. Fairman, Newtown Martin V. B. Glover, Newtown William Henry Glover, Newtown Andrew W. Grey, Jr., Newtown Edson N. Hawley, Newtown Nathan Harrison, North Branford William G. Hard, Elmer B. Hawley, William G. Hawley, William B. Hurd, D. Jackson Lake, Walter Baldwin Lake, Newtown Newtown Newtown Jersey City Newtown Newtown Frederick H. Lyon, Redding Ridge Charles S. Midldebrook, Bridgeport Franklin Middlebrook, Sandy Hook George Arthur Mott, Bridgeport Joseph G. Ivlunson, Sandy Hook Henry Nichols, Albert W. Peck, Edward B. Peck, George B. Peck, Henry S. Peck, Nelson J. Peck, Newtown Newtown Newtown Sandy Hook Newtown Newtown William Arthur Porter, Bridgeport Elias F. Sanford, Edward M. Sherman, Edwin M. Sherman, Norris Sherman, Philo B. Sherman, Eugene R. Silliman, Robert R. Skidmore, Charles E. Smith, Frederick B. Terrill, Franklin W. Tucker, Augustus Warner, lames Wheeler, John B. Wheeler. Sandy Hook Newtown Newtown Sandy Hook Newtown Bridgeport Newtown Newtown Newtown Sandy Hook Newtown Newtown Newtown John Henry Woolsey, Bridgeport Newtown Trumbull Newtown Newtown Newtown Danbury Newtown Newtown Bridgeport More than three-score years have passed since that happy band of pupils gathered as a school and, at the morning- roll call, answer- ed "Here !" As we call the roll to-day. the silent ones are in the majority. Here and there is one remaining, but each beyond the allotted time of life, three score and ten. and. as those who have gone before have done, will soon answer the roll call for the last time. September, 1855, Mr. J. E. Goodhue, native of New Hampshire and a Yale graduate, succeeded Mr. French. Though the attend- ance was less than during Mr. French's administration, the time was one of marked prosperity for the school, and Mr. Goodhue won the good-will of his pupils and the lasting regard of his patrons. When, at the end of three years, he resigned to enter Berkeley Divinity School, in preparation for the ministry in the Episcopal Church, it was with real regret that his resignation was accepted. From 1858 to 1874, the changes were frequent. Miss Susan Walker, who had been Mr. Goodhue's assistant, continued in charge, with Miss Mary J- Sherman as associate principal. When Miss Walker retired to work among the freedmen at Washington. D. C, Miss Martha J. Morris, sister of ex-Gov. Luzon B. Morris, a talented 230 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN teacher and congenial friend of Miss Sherman, took her place. The school prospered under their guidance, until Miss Morris accepted a position at Westville, Conn., and Miss Sherman became the wife of Franklin Fairman of Chicago, one of Newtown's sons. Henry K. Lever, Sidney B. Frost, J. R. Fairman and John Betts each had short terms. Beach Hill, a superior teacher, opened a private school in Bridgeport, of which he remained principal until his death. Henry Beard became a Congregational minister and removed to Minnesota. His popular assistant was Miss Arabella Fitch, who became the wife of Daniel G. Beers. Miss Frances Marble was a successful teacher, but found greater scope for her abilities in Bridgeport High School, and, later, as founder of the Courtland School, of which she was the beloved principal until her death. Miss Alice Bradley, became the wife of Hon. Charles Brisco, of Enfield, Conn. In the Autumn of 1874, Rev, J. P. Hoyt, pastor of the Congrega- tional Church, took charge. As a teacher of the classics he excelled and so thorough was his teaching, that his pupils became his assis- tants in dififercnt branches. John M. Otis, George Judd, J. Frank Gillette, among the young men, and Misses Adella Botsford, Esther Camp, Carrie Lake, Nellie Judson and Effie Glover, acted as assist- ants. At the close of the Spring term of 1880, Mr. Hoyt tendered his resignation, at which time he made the statement that "the school commenced with 12 pupils ; the number increased to 63 ; 200 pupils have been connected with the Academy from 9 different towns ; 100 have finished a course of study ; 11 have entered college or are nearly prepared, and 40 have become teachers." The trustees prevailed upon him to re-consider his resignation, and he remained another year, having as associate, Mr. George H. Cummings, who continued in charge the following year. In Alarch, 1882, Mr. D. B. Plummer became principal. He was succeeded by Miss Effie Glover, who remained in charge until the old building was sold to L. B. Booth and moved to its present position and became the Post Office. Prof. Francis M. Wilson became principal, Oct. 1, 1885, teaching in the old ball-room in Miss Ann Blackman's house, until the new building on Sunset Hill was completed, the summer of 1886. He remained in charge until the close of the school-year, 1886-87, assisted by Miss Florence Keep. Prof. Schultz was principal in 1888 and until the coming of Prof. E. Pennington Cliff in 1891. In 1892, the building was moved from Sunset Hill nearly a mile and a quarter across the fields to its present position. Prof. Cliff, opened school in September, in St. Patrick's Hall, pending the moving and repairing of the building, with Miss Sarah IBeers in charge of inter- mediate department, Mrs. M. C. Rogers, the primary, Mrs. Charles S. Piatt teacher of music and Miss Mary Bacon of drawing and painting. Prof. Cliff remained in charge until the close of 1894-5 having as assistants at different periods Miss Lillian French, Miss Grace Goodsell, Miss Jessie Sanford. and Miss Sample. Prof. W. H. Hoyt, became principal in 1895, Miss Mabel Cummings assist- ant, remaining until 1898, when it was announced that the sixty- AilSS SUSAX i. SCL'DDKR First Woman to I>e F.leclcil School Hoard MRS. EDITH G. MITCHELL Second Woman to be Elected on School Board NEWTOWN ACADEMY 231 second year of Newtown Academy would be opened by Prof. H. B. Mac Farland, with Mrs. Mac Farland, assistant. Miss Jennie Briscoe assisted one term with Prof. Mac Farland in 1898, contin- uing during his term of service until 1901, when he was succeeded by Prof. Gardner, with Miss Briscoe as assistant. Prof. Gardner remained until the town made it a Free High School. Miss Briscoe in upper room as a private school in 1902. Prof. Tibbetts first High School Principal. In closing this record of Newtown Academy, it should be stated that owing to the difficulty in obtaining correct information some names may have been unintentionally omitted. Newtown Academy with its principal, five assistants and 88 pupils with a reputation that drew from cities, as well as from adjoining towns, was well patronized, although the whole expense of keeping it up came upon those who patronized it, each pupil obliged to furn- ish books and stationery for individual use. Now, with expenses paid by a tax levied on the taxable property of the town, every incentive is placed before our children to make the best improve- ment of present-day advantages. In numbers enrolled, the school of 60 years ago compares favorably with the number enrolled in our High School. The High School building, originally the Newtown Academy, built on Sunset Hill in 1886, was moved in 1892, to its present position. In 1902 it was sold to the town for a free High School. Its Principals Miss Bessie Mitchell 1909-11 Prof. A. M. Tibbetts, 1902-03 Miss Sue Short 1910-13 Ross Jewell 1903-07 Miss Dorothy Curtis 1911-12 Curtis Cook 1907-10 Miss Bessie Olson 1912-13 W. L. Carpenter 1910-12 Miss Ethel Salmon 1913-14 " Leonard Johnson 1912-16 Miss Irene Warren 1914-16 " Leo Hickson 1916 to date Miss Helen Houlihan 1913- Assistant Teachers Miss Doris Downs 1916- Miss Elizabeth Goodwin 1903-05 Sub Freshmen Teachers Miss Daisy Kemble 1905-06 Private School Miss Blanche Welch 1905-07 Miss Jennie Briscoe 1902-03 Miss Edith Ganong 1906-07 Mrs. Ross Jewell 1903-06 Miss Marguerite Lawton 1907-08 Mrs. Charles H. Northrop 1907-08 Miss Ruth Snow 1907-08 Miss Mary Lester 1909-10 Miss Lula Roberts 1908-10 Miss Lillian Troy 1910-to date HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES High School opened, 1902. First class graduated, 1905. F. Loretta Houlihan Augusta Campbell Mary Hoyt Francis J. Carmody Eleanore L. Northrop Eleanor S. Cavanaugh Pearl F. Parsons j^jay J. Egan Ethel M^ Peck Helen F. Hawley Harley T. Peck j^^^j^, ^ ^^^^^ Class of 1906 John G. Houlihan Anna May Betts Margaret L. Keating Edward J. Egan /^ja J. Lake Katherme Honan jVJary M. Lester Anna V. Keane May F. McNamara Margaret L. Keane Catherine Murphy Jennie M. Ruffles Carlton S. Smith Elizabeth Egan Lillian M. Troy Class of 1907 Alma L. Williams Harold E. Botsford Randolph B. Williams 232 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Class of 1908 Lottie M. Behn Helen M. Blakeman Nonie A. Brennan Marguerite Cavanaugh Elsie C. Ferris Annie Murphy Crossley Wallace Vivian R. Wetmore Class of 1909 Florence G. Beecher Helen F. Houlihan M. May Houlihan Thomas F. Lynch Earle Taber Benj. D. Smith Anna H. Ruffles Lena Blake Gertrude Bradley Anna L. Keane Mary T. Kelly C. Agnes Lynch Marv Lynch Class of 1910 Nora C. Blake Ruth E. Ruffles Clarice E. Botsford Mary Hazen Fairchild Mary W. Lynch Catherine V. Lynch Percy C. Piatt Earle Peck Rychie E. Veness Jennie L. Lynch Catherine F. Farrell Anna M. Houlihan Catherine A. James Class of 1911 Lillian M. Beers Mayla A. Botsford Anna L. Carlson William E. Driscoll Arthur W. Fairchild Herbert C. Ferris Lucie F. Wright Marv A. Northrop Class of 1912 Jesse M. Bailey Marguerite K. Beecher Michael J. Blake George M. Ferris Helen M. Keane Catherine A. Lester Joseph D. Keane L. Phillips Morris Annie G. Murphy Edith N. Northrop James A. Peck S. Bessie Ruffles Horace A. Smith Class of 1913 Elizabeth H. Blake Charles W. Botsford Annie C. Brenner George G. Canfield Robert D. Fairchild Gordon J. Gale C. Frances Griffin Frank L. Johnson Helen A. Kilbride Mary C. Kilbride Viola P. Kutscher Class of 1914 H. Sanford Beers Sarah A. Beers Mildred Christopher G. Herbert Beers Jessie M. Beers Arthur J. Ferris Florence N. Gaffney Israel Goldstein Thomas F. Keane Catherine C. Mayers Evelyn B. Read Alice C. Smith E. Marion Summers F. Leonard Wright Charlesina E. Driscoll Jennie R. Honan Class of 1915 Amy M. Bantle Esther M. Beck Marion N. Curtis Walter L. Glover Marv V. Houlihan Wilbur E. Olmstead Francis H. Piatt Grace E. Ruffles George M. Stuart Russell H. Wheeler Class of 1916 Bertha Summers Alaude Summers Hazel Hopkins Herman Oppe Earle Wentsch Anna Corbett j\Iary Keane Catherine Scanlon Dorothy Harris Mollie Goldstein Mae Jordan Frank Corbett Charles Ferris John Kelly Charles Piatt Paul Cavanaugh Philo Botsford Class of 1917 Daniel Christopher Charles Olmstead Harold Raj^ Anna Lang Mary Murphy Blanche Gilbert Ruth Tilson Mildred Stevens Clarence Skiff Mae Fairchild Dora Strisik Agnes Leavy Aileen Houlihan JOHN BEACH MEMORIAL LIBRARY 233 THE JOHN BEACH MEMORIAL LIBRARY. About 1874, it was made known thit a contribution of 100 volumes would be made by some one to form the foundation of a town library, provided other books should be purchased and a library association organized with- in a year from the date of the gift. The donor proved to be Mrs Caleb Baldwin, whose home was the house now owned by Charles F. Beardsley. Sufficient money was obtained to purchase a suitable book-case and the fevv? other things necessary, and the Newtown Library Association was organized, Dec. 11, 1875, in the post office building, north of the store of R. H. Beers & Co. Its history up to July 23, 1900, was given by Mrs Charles S. Piatt, at the laying of the corner stone of the John Beach Memorial Library: "It was organized b}^ a little band of men who must have felt and known what good reading means to a place like this. These men, Ezra L. Johnson, Abel Stilson, Douglas Fairchild. Edwin Clarke, Zalmon S. Peck, Edgar F. Hawlej', Charles Fairman and Elmer Fairchild. The charter was received and recorded by Charles H. Peck, town clerk, Jan. 15, 1877; also recorded in the secretary's office at Hartford, Jan. 16, 1877. It was soon removed to the residence of Theophilus Nichols. It started with 100 books and Miss Charlotte Nichols librarian. The Dramatic Club gave the proceeds of one of their entertainments and books were added from time to time in small numbers. In 1885, the Association was in a critical condition. A few, realizing this, called a meeting and elected new officers. Prof. Charles S. Piatt was made presi- dent, a room was hired in the Brick building and the books removed. Prof. Piatt and wife commenced a series of entertainments, their efforts were abetted by a few faithful workers, the public responded and, at the end of his term of office, $1360.00 had been raised by entertainments alone, and the books numbered over 3000. Again the life of the Association seemed threatened. The few who had labored so hard to supply the funds of the institution were discouraged. The town demanded rent for the small room in which it existed. What could a library do without a home in which to exist? It was then put into the heart of Rebecca D. Beach to furnish the beautiful home for which we are now assembled to laj^ the corner-stone, which will commemorate the good her ancestors labored so nobly to impart in our midst, and aid in carrying on this institution of which we may justly be proud." The following have at this time, 1900, been officially connected with the Association : Presidents — Ezra L. Johnson, Daniel G. Beers, Marcus C. Hawley, Rev. J. A. Crockett, Charles S. Piatt, Arthur S. Hawley, Samuel J. Botsford, Rev. George T. Linsley. Vice-presidents — Charles M. Beresford, Rev. G. M. Wilkins, Edgar F. Hawlej', Reuben H. Smith, William A. Leonard, Rev. George T. Linsley, Rev. O. W. Barker Secretaries — Mary F. Peck, J. F. Gillette, Mary E. Beers, Eflfie M. Glover, Emma F. Terrill, Ella E. Piatt. Librarians — Charlotte E. Nichols, Mrs. John Gay, Miss Abbie L. Peck. Treasurers — Miss. Mary C. Morgan, C. H. Northrop, Arthur T. Nettleton. Trustees — Abel Stilson, Marcus C. Hawley, E. F. Hawley, D. G. Beers, A. F. Clark, Charles M. Beresford, Charles H. Gay, George P. Sanford, C. F. Beardsley, Prof. Shultz, Rev. O. W. Barker. The corner-stone was laid by John Francis Beach, seventh in descent from Rev. John Beach, assisted by John Kimberly Beach, sixth in descent. The box deposited in the corner-stone contained Newtown Bee, July 13, 1900; eight clippings from copies of the Bee relating to the library; the Newtown Courier published by R. H. Beers & Co; the New York Times, July 23. 1900; Pathfinder, June 10, 1850; cata- logue of Newtown Library; historical sketch of library by Mrs. C. S. Piatt; list of present officers; autographs of present officers; list of present subscribers and honorary members; autograph of Miss Rebecca D. Beach, John Francis Beach and John Kimberly Beach; Columbian half-dollar from Rev. George T. Linsley; minor coins of years 1899 and 1900 from Arthur T. 234 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Nettleton; paper stating that box was sealed by Daniel Camp, July 23 1900; paper stating that corner-stone was laid by John Francis Beach, assisted by John Kimberly Beach; copy of Ulster County Gazette, Jan. 4, 1800; Newtown Academician, April, 1874. The corner-stone was formally laid by John Francis Beach, who said: "I lay the corner-stone of this Library to the memory of John Beach.'" He was assisted by his uncle, John Kimberly Beach. The building was completed and formall}' opened, Dec. 11, 1900, at which time it was presented to the Library Association by Miss Rebecca Beach. Ladies assisting at the reception : Mrs G. T. Linsley, I\Irs G. P. Sanford, Mrs L. C. Morris, Mrs. W. J. Beecher, Mrs. 6. \V. Barker, Mrs. Grace Glover. In 1903, the Association failed in its attempt to have the town make it a free library. In 1907, the library was catalogued by High School pupils under the direction of Prof. Ross Jewell. The Dewey Decimal Classification and Cutter's Order mark was used, and index was made upon a typewriter. Officers since the opening of the new library: President, Rev. George T. Linsley, 1899-1901; Vice-president, Rev. Otis W. Barker._President, 1902-05; Rev. James H. George (A'ice-president). President 1905 until his decease, January 1, 1917: Dr. F. J. Gale, (Vice-president,) now acting President. Treasurer, Air. A. T. Nettleton, 1900-1908. Mr. A. J. Smith, 1909-1917. Secretaries — Mrs. Chas. S. Piatt. Mrs. William S. Hawley, Mrs. Austin B. Blakeman. Trustees — A. P. Smith, C. F. Beardslev. Librarian — Miss Abbie Peck. MEMORIALS GIVEN SINCE 1900: Alemorial shelf in memorv of Herbert Skidmore, by Mrs. Estella Skid- more Beard. 1900. Memorial shelf in memory of Henry Botsford Dikeman, bv Mrs. Oscar Dikeman, 1901. Memorial shelf in memorv of Mrs. Helen M. Laflin, by Mrs. Grace Allen, 1903. Memorial shelf in memorv of Henrv Glover Beecher, bj' W. J. Beecher and family, 1904. Memorial shelf in memory of Marv Carter Booth, by Rev. Robert C. Booth, 1904. Memorial shelf in mem.ory of Mrs. Elizabeth D. Gardner, by Mrs. Wm. Gardner, 1907. Alemorialshelf in memory of Prof. Charles S Piatt, by Mrs Ella E. Piatt, 1909. Alemorial shelf in memorv of Abel French Clarke, by Airs. Abel F. Clarke, 1914. S300 from Air. and Airs Austin B. Blakeman for the Helen Alac Gregor Blakeman fund for books for girls, 1910. , $500 from estate of Abel French Clarke, 1914. Airs. Julia Chase who died at Sharon, Conn., Sept. 13, 1904, presented to Newtown Library through her executor Dr. Wm. W. Knight, a cup and saucer belonging to a set used in the family of her great, great grand- father. Rev. John Beach; also one of his sermons and a Alasonic apron of her grandfather's, Isaac Beach, son of Lazarus Beach, born Alay 19, 1773, died July 20, 1822, aged 49 years and 2 months, 1 day. PROF. CHARLES L. PLATT See Pages 88 and 232 MAIN STREET EOOKING SOUTH Residence Mrs. S. G. Glover Opposite Beach Meiiioria! Library See Page 232 BEACH MEMORIAL LIBRARY See Page 233 JOHN BEACH MEMORIAL LIBRARY 235 A sword presented to Capt. Julius Sanford in October 1862, by Newtown friends, taken from him when prisoner in 1863, was returned to his daugh- ters, Mrs. Sherwood Thompson and Mrs. Gertrude Bolmer of New Haven, in 1910, and by the mpresented to Newtown Library. The sword presented by Newtown friends bears this inscription: "Capt. Julius Sanford, Co. C, 23rd Regt. C. V. Presented Oct. 1862, by many friends of Newtown, Conn., as a token of respect." Capt. Sanford was a prisoner at Camp Ford. Tyler, Texas, for 14 months and died November 1, 1879, as a'result of this imprison- ment, leaving a widow and two daughters, Mrs. Sherwood S. Thompson and Mrs. Clarence B. Bolmar. Through the postmasters of New^town, Conn., and Leadbetter, Texas, Mrs. Thompson was placed in communication with Dan Hensley of Leadbetter, Texas, who had the sword in his possession. In his letter he says, "My brother, Mount Hensley, was a Confederate soldier in Co. 2, Texas Cavalry, Queen's Brigade, and was stationed in Louisiana in 1863. My brother while scouting took some Federal soldiers prisoners, among them, Capt. Sanford. Shortly after he came home on fur- lough, and brought the sword with him. My brother was killed in March, 1864. The sword has been hanging in our house nearly 47 years, and is a bad specimen of its former beauty." The sword is placed in a handsome case and hangs in the New- town Library. The sword was taken from Capt. Sanford when he was taken prisoner in Bayou Beouz La., June 24, 1863. SANDY HOOK FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The Sandy Hook Free Public Library Association was incorpor- ated June 25, 1906, on application of Otis Olney Wright, Smith P. Glover, George F. Taylor, Daniel J. Keane, Albert W. Bassett, and H. Birdsey Sniffen. It is located in the Glover Block in a room generously donated by S. P. Glover. Rev. O. O. Wright was the first chairman of the board of directors and served continuously until his removal from Sandy Hook in 1912. The organization of the library and its maintainence during those years was in large measure due to his efforts. The library was incorporated as a free library and it has always been so maintained. It is open to all inhabitants of the town, free of charge, and money for its support is raised entirely by voluntary subscription and public entertain- ments. The present number of books in circulation is 2458 and the number of takers of books 149. Miss May McNamara, now the librarian, receives no salary, and those who have served in this capacity are Mrs. Arthur Kennedy, Mrs. W. H. Stevens and Mrs. H. Birdsey Sniffen. Contributed by Mrs. Edith W. Mitchell, Secretary. 236 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN NEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK. The Newtown Savings Bank was incorporated in June, 1855, by the Legislature of Connecticut. The incorporators were Henry Beers, Henry Beers Glover, Edward Starr, Theophilus Nichols, Henry Sanford, Samuel Curtis, S. P. Barnum, Henry Baldwin, D. B. Beers, Jerome Tudson, Monroe Judson, Moses Parsons, James B. Blakeslee. Charles F. Blakeslee. Alva B. Beecher, Samuel B. Peck, William Beard, Zerah Fairman, David H. Johnson and Walter Clarke. None of these corporators are now living,the last one Charles F. Blakeslee, died in Franklin, Pa. July 8, 1913. In a pass-book issued by the bank in September, 1855, the depos- itor was informed that the bank had "been established for the purpose of affording a secure investment to persons who have not the facilities of safely putting their income otherwise to use." That this principle has been maintained is borne out by the steady growth and financial strength of this excellent institution. Sixty-four years ago, the favored spot in which we now dwell was the same as it is to-day, in this one respect ; it possessed men who believed in uprightness and moral integrity, and they also believed that it was a good thing to plant in this neighborhood an institu- tion that should stand for these principles, and, at the same time, afford to men and women of humble means an opportunity to lay by little by little, such sums as they could spare from their neces- sary expenses, as might , in the future, be of help to them in pro- curing a home or enabling them to provide for themselves, or those depending upon them, some substantial support, which stress of circumstances that might overtake them should demand. The early incorporators of the Newtown Savings Bank were men of sterling worth and, whether they builded better than they knew or not, they builded well, and the principles they laid down in the original by-laws, and in the first books they issued to depositors, show wisdom and foresightedness. Pursuant to notice given by Henr}^ Beers Glover, committee appointed by the Legislature, the first meeting to organize the Newtown Savings Bank was held at the office of David B. Beers in Newtown, July 14, 1855. After hearing the charter read, the meeting adjourned to August 25, 1855, to meet at the same place. At this meeting, the by-laws proposed by Mr. Glover were adopted and officers elected as follows : President, Henry Beers. Vice-presidents, David H. Johnson, Edward Starr and Samuel B. Peck. Secretary and Treasurer Henry Beers Glover. Trustees, Walter Clarke, Henry Beers Glover, David B. Beers, Theophilus Nichols, Jerome Judson, Henry Baldwin, Alva B. Beecher, Henry Sanford, Moses Parsons, Zerah Fairman, Samuel Curtis, James B. Blakeslee, Sallu P. Barnum, Monroe Judson, Charles F. Blakeslee and William Beard. The bank commenced business, September 15, 1855, in the office of Henry Beers Glover. The first depositors that day were Mr. Glover, Charles Henry Peck and his wife, Hannah D. F. Peck. SIMEON B. PECK See Page 2.37 NEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK 237 November 15, 1858, Theophilus Nichols was elected president for the ensuing year. November 5, 1859, Charles Warner was elected secretary and treasurer. October 20, 1860, Henry Beers was again elected president and Henry Beers Glover, secretary and treasurer. On this day, it was voted "that the president, vice-president and secretary be a committee to procure a safe for this bank at not exceeding $100." At this time the bank had $6,825.06 loaned on real-estate in other States, $3,500 of this amount being loaned in Milwaukee at 10 per cent. March 18, 1865, David H. Johnson was unanimously elected president in place of Henry Beers, deceased. In this year, more than one-half of the bank's deposits were invest- ed in United States bonds. At a special meeting, March 30, 1870, Henry T. Nichols was elected secretary and treasurer, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Henry Beers Glover. In this year, the bank was moved from the residence of Mr. Glover to the home of Mr. Nichols, now the annex to Newtown Inn. November 5, 1870, Ezra Morgan was elected president. October 31, 1871, Simeon B. Peck was elected president. October 23, 1883, he having declined a re-election, Philo Clarke was elected president. At a special meeting, Aug. 6, 1887, Charles H. Northrop was elec- ted secretary and treasurer, to succeed Henry T. Nichols, deceased. August 31, 1887, the bank was moved from the residence of the late Mr. Nichols to an office in the Henry Sanford building. October 23, 1897, John B. Peck was elected president in place of Philo Clarke, deceased. October 25, 1898, he was succeeded by Aaron Sanford and Arthur T. Nettleton was elected secretary and treasurer. Feb- ruary 25, 1902, David C. Peck was elected president, filling the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Sanford. December 8, 1906, the old Academy lot, so called, between the Congregational parsonage and the residence formerly owned by David B. Beers, was purchased by the bank from Mrs. Emma S. Beers, of Natick, Mass. It has a frontage of 60 feet and a depth of 120 feet. At a meeting of the trustees, December 15, 1906, it was voted that Arthur T. Nettleton, David C. Peck and Cornelius B. Taylor be a building committee to have plans and specifications prepared for the erection of a bank building on said lot. March 8, 1907, after hearing the report of said building committee, it was voted to pro- ceed with the erection of a new bank building on the lot recently purchased for the purpose. It was further voted that said building committee be authorized and empowered to make such contracts as they deemed proper and sufficient for the erection of said building and to have the supervision and direction of the work specified in contracts. The bids were opened in the spring of 1907, but were high and unsatisfactory and it was decided to defer building for a time. The matter was taken up again the latter part of 1908; con- tracts were let in March, 1909 and ground was first broken March 15, 1909, by the treasurer, Arthur T. Nettleton. Joseph McArthur Vance of Pittsfield, Mass was the architect of the building and E. H. Shaw of Great Barrington, Mass, the con- tractor. The Barrington Building Co. had the sub-contract from 238 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Mr. Shaw for the interior work. M. G. Keane of Bridgeport, Conn., furnished the granite and lime stone and E. J. Hall of Sandy Hook, Conn , the contract for the heating and plumbing. The vaults of the bank were built by the York Safe and Lock Co. of York, Pa., and are of massive construction. The building is of the modified French Renaissance type of architecture, 30 by 50 feet, and is constructed of Pompeian brick, trimmed with Indiana lime- stone and terra-cotta. May 5, 1910, the bank formally opened its doors for business in its new home. The first annual report of the bank, Oct. 1, 1855, showed deposits of $17,165.43. Oct. 1, 1918, the deposits were $1,391,942.79 and the surplus and undivided earnings on book and par value of securities were $121,639-50. The present officers and trustees of the bank are: President, David C. Peck; Vice-Presidents, Cornelius B. Taylor, John B. Wheeler and Theron E. Piatt. Secretary and Treasurer, Arthur T. Nettle- ton. Trustees, David C. Peck, John B. Wheeler, Theron E. Piatt, Cornelius B. Taylor, Henry G. Curtis, Hobart, H. Curtis, Frank Wright, Arthur T. Nettlcton, Edward S. Lovell, Robert C. Mitchell, Eli B. Beers, William B. Glover, William T. Cole, H. Carlton Hubbell, Arthur J. Smith and Thomas M. Holian. David C. Peck was first elected trustee, Oct. 23, 1883, and presi- dent, Feb., 25, 1902. Cornelius B. Tavlor was elected trustee, Oct. 23, 1897, and vice-president, Oct. 25, '1902. John B. Wheeler, Oct. 20, 1888, and a vice-president, Oct. 25, 1913 ;Theron E. Piatt, Oct. 18, 1890, and a vice-president, Oct. 25, 1913. In this brief history of the Newtown Savings Bank, space does not permit biographies of the officers and trustees from 1855 to 1919. Within this long period of time 59 have passed away. From this large number who have departed in the last few years are Wm. Homer Hubbell, trustee from Feb. 25, 1902, to Sept. 16, 1912 ; Daniel Glover Beers, trustee from Oct. 26, 1878, to Feb. 12, 1913 ; and a vice-president from Oct. 26, 1895, to Feb. 12, 1913; Austin B. Blake- man, trustee from Oct. 25, 1913, to Oct. 19, 1915; Judge William J. Beecher, attorney for the bank and trustee from Oct. 26, 1901, to Dec. 3, 1915, and William A. Leonard, trustee from Oct .25, 1902, to April 13, 1918. The following is a list of the Presidents, Treasurers and Trustees, with their terms of service, from incorporation of the bank to January 1, 1919. PRESIDENTS. Henry Beers, from August 25th, 1855, to November IS, 1858. Theophilus Nichols, Nov. 15, 1858, to October 20, 1860. Henry Beers, October, 20, 1860, to November 19, 1864. David H. Johnson, March 18, 1865, to November 5, 1870. Ezra Morgan, Nov. 5, 1870. to October 31st, 1871. Simeon B. Peck, October 31, 1871, to October 23. 1883. Philo Clarke, October 23. 1883, to March 3, 1897. John B. Peck, October 23, 1897. to October 25, 1898. Aaron Sanford. October 25. 1898, to February 10, 1902 David C. Peck, February 25, 1902, to date (Jan. 1, 1919.) PHILO CLARKE See Page 238 DAVID C. PECK See Page 238 NEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK 239 TREASURERS. Henry Beers Glover, August 25, 1855, to November 5, 1859. Charles C. Warner, November 5, 1859, to October 20, 1860. Henry Beers Glover, October 20, 1860 to March 26, 1870. Henry T. Nichols, March 30, 1870, to August 1, 1887. Charles H. Northrop, August 6, 1887, to October 25, 1898. Arthur Treat Nettleton, October 25, 1898, to date (Jan. 1, 1919.) TRUSTEES. Baldwin, Henry Aug. 25, 1855, to Oct. 28, 1865. Oct. 31, 1866, to Oct. 29, 1870. Barnum, S. P. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 14, 1857. Nov. 5, 1859, to 1861. Blakeslee.Chas. F. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 15, 1858. Blakeslee, James B. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 5, 1859. Oct. 26, 1861, to Oct. 26, 1863. Blackman, Bennet Oct. 31, 1866, to Oct. 19, 1870. Blackman, Joseph Oct. 31, 1866, to 1877. Blakeman,Austin B. Oct. 25, 1913, to Oct. 19, 1915. Beecher, Alva B. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 5, 1859. (Vice-President, 1860.) Oct. 26, 1861, to Oct. 25, 1867. Beecher.WilliamJ. Oct. 26, 1901, to Dec. 3, 1915. Beers, Henry Nov. 14, 1857, to November 19, 1864. Beers, Daniel G. Oct. 26, 1878, to Feb. 12, 1913. Also one of the Vice- Presidents from Oct. 26, 1895, to Feb. 12, 1913. Beers, Eli B. Oct. 24, 1903, to date (Jan. 1, 1919). Beers, David B. August 25, 1855 to Oct. 27, 1866. Beard William. Aug. 25, 1855, to July 29th, 1857. Booth, Lewis. Nov. 14, 1857, to Oct. 20, 1860. Oct. 21, 1861, to 1867. Booth, C. H. Oct. 20, 1860, to Oct. 21, 1861. Oct. 22, 1864 to 1866. Botsford, William Oct. 22, 1879, to Nov. 2nd 1898. Clarke, Walter. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 14, 1857. Clarke,Philo. Oct. 20, 1860, to March 3, 1897. Clarke, Edwin. Oct. 30, 1875, to Oct. 26, 1878. Curtis, Samuel. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 5, 1859. Oct. 31, 1863, to Oct. 27, 1866. Oct. 31, 1871, to Oct. 31, 1872. Curtis, Henry G. Oct. 25, 1882, to Oct. 23, 1883. Oct. 23, 1897, to date. Curtis, Hobart H. Oct. 25, 1898, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Cole, William T. Oct. 24, 1914, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Erwin, Erastus. Oct. 28, 1865, to Oct. 29, 1870. Fairman, Zerah Aug. 25, 1855, to Oct. 20, 1860. Oct. 26, 1881, to Mar. 21, 1875. Fairchild, Herman Oct. 29, 1870, to May 29, 1874. Glover, Henry Beers Aug. 25, 1855, to March 26, 1870. Glover, Smith P. Oct. 30, 1875, to Oct. 26, 1878. Glover,WalterH. Oct. 28, 1899, to Jan. 16, 1901. Glover, William B. Oct. 26, 1912, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Hawley, Asa N. Oct. 26, 1887, to 1889. Hawley, Robert S. Oct. 28, 1885, to Oct. 27, 1887. Hubbell,Wm.HomerFeb. 25, 1902, to Sept. 16, 1912. Hubbell, H.Carlton Oct. 30, 1917, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Holian, Thomas M. Oct. 28, 1918, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Judson, Monroe. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 15. 1858. Oct. 20, 1860, to Oct. 26, 1861. Oct. 27, 1866, to Oct. 29, 1870. Oct. 21, 1873. to March 28, 1898. Judson, Jerome Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 15, 1858. Oct. 21, 1881, to May 15, 1891. Judson, John. Oct. 21, 1873, to Feb. 27, 1881. 240 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Tohnson, David H. Oct. 20, 1860, to Oct. 26, 1861. (one of the Vice-Presi- dents, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864.) Re-elected Trustee Oct. 27, 1862. Continued to Oct. 28, 1865. when he was elected President. Trustee Oct. 25, 1867, to Oct. 29,1870. Lovell, Edward S. Oct. 28, 1899, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Leonard,WilliamA. Oct. 25, 1902, to April 13, 1918. Mitchell, Robert C. Oct. 20, 1900, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Nichols, TheophilusAug. 25, 1855, to Oct. 27, 1862. Nichols, Henry T. March 30, 1870, to Oct. 26, 1878. Nichols, Philo. Oct. 23, 1883, to Oct. 24. 1914. Nortrop, Wm. N. Oct. 31, 1874, to Oct. 28, 1899. Northrop, Hosea B. Oct. 26. 1878, to Oct. 25, 1902. Northrop, Charles H.Oct. 28, 1885, to Oct. 28, 1899. Northrop, John J. Oct. 21. 1891. to Oct. 25, 1898. Nettleton,ArthurT. Nov. 17, 1898, to date. (Jan. 1. 1919.) Parsons, Moses. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 14, 1857. (Elected one of the Vice-Presidents, Nov. 14, 1857. Served one year. Vice- President from 1860 to 1868.) Trustee from Nov. 15, 1858 to Oct. 31, 1874. Peck, Simeon B. Nov. 15, 1858, to June 6 ,1885. Peck, Hezekiah. Oct. 30. 1862, to Oct. 31, 1866. Oct. 30, 1869, to 1881. Peck, Amos G. Oct. 28, 1865, to Oct. 31, 1871. Peck, Charles Henry Oct. 29, 1870, to Oct. 26, 1878. Peck, Elliott M. Oct. 26. 1878. to Dec. 1, 1886. Peck, David C. Oct. 23, 1883, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Peck, John B. Oct. 27, 1887. to Dec. 2, 1899. Prindle, Abel B. Oct. 31, 1872, to Oct. 21. 1873. Oct. 27, 1887, to Oct. 20, Piatt, Theron E. Oct. 18, 1890, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Sanford, Henry. Aug. 25, 1855, to Nov. 19, 1882. Sanford, Frederick. Nov. 14, 1857, to Nov. 15, 1858. Nov. 5, 1859, to Oct. 26, 1861. Sanford, Aaron. Oct. 31, 1871, to Feb. 10, 1902. Starr, Edward. Nov. 15, 1858, to Nov. 5, 1859. Oct. 27, 1862, to Oct. 22, 1864. Skidmore, Philo H. Oct. 29, 1870, to Oct. 26, 1878. Stilson, Abel. Oct. 31. 1874. to 1886. Sherman, Cyrus B. Oct. 26, 1878, to Sept. 16, 1903. Smith, Arthur J. Oct. 30, 1917, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Terrill, Botsford. Nov. 14, 1857. to Oct. 26, 1861. Terrill, A. B. Nov. 15, 1858, to Nov. 5, 1859. Oct. 26, 1861 to Oct. 30, 1875. Terrill, Wm. L. Oct. 28, 1865, to June 11. 1897. Taylor, Cornelius B.Oct. 23, 1897, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) Warner, Charles C. Oct. 20, 1860, to Oct. 27, 1862. Oct. 29, 1870, to 1884. Warner. James H. Oct. 26, 1878. to Oct. 22. 1879. Wheeler, John B. Oct. 20, 1888, to date (Tan. 1, 1919). Wright, Frank Oct. 25, 1898, to date. (Jan. 1, 1919.) FREE MASONRY IN NEWTOWN. The history of Hiram Lodge, No. 18. A. F. and A. M., is divided into two parts : The first period of its records begins with the order for the in- stitution of the lodge, dated at New Haven, Jan. 6th, 1791, and extends to April 15th, 1848. Its charter was revoked in 1851 and restored in 1866; accordingly, the second period of its active exist- ence dates from its revival in 1866 and continues until this present ARTHUR T. NETTLETON See Page 240 CORNELIUS B. TAYLOR See Page 241 FREE MASONRY IN NEWTOWN 241 time. There are 57 years of ancient records and 51 years of modern, with a dormant space of 25 years between; the charter is, therefore, 126 years old, 1917. The order for the consecration of Hiram Lodge, No. 18: "New Town A. D. 1791, 5791, January 17th, Monday. Hiram's Lodge Consecrated and the Worshipful Master Installed in due form by Right Worshipful Master Nathan Preston by virtue of a warrant from The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Connecticut, in the following words, i. e. — To the Right Worshipful Nathan Preston, Master of King Solomon's Lodge in Woodbury : Pierpont Edwards, Grand Master of the State of Connecticut, sendeth Greetings : Whereas the Grand Lodge of sd (State) have constituted a lodge in New- town (by the) name of Hiram Lodge and have (appointed) Brother Peter Nichols of said Newtown (to be Master) of said Hiram Lodge and said (brethren) have requested that the (said) Lodge should be (consecrated.) [Words in parenthesis ( ) doubtful.] I do therefore request and authorize to repair to said New Town on the third Monday inst. January and at such time and place in sd Newtown as said brother Nichols shall appoint to Install him in the presence of the said Lodge, first Master thereof, giving him the charges accustomed on such occasions and in particular that he regard the ancient land marks and great principles of the noble and blessed institution of Masonry — Given under my hand in New Haven the sixth day of January A. L. 5791 — Pierpont Edwards, Gd. Master." The original charter of this lodge, under which we are now work- ing, bears the date of January 19th, 1791, and reads as follows: — "To all and every one. Right Worshipful and loving brethren. Free and Accepted Masons, now residing, or that may hereafter reside in New Town in the county of Fairfield, and state of Connecticut. The right Worshipful Pierpont Edwards Esquire Grand Master of the Ancient and honorable society of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of Connecticut. Sendeth Greeting. Whereas, Application hath been made unto us by Peter Nichols, sundry other brethren, of the ancient and honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons now residing in New Town aforesaid, that we would be pleased to constitute them into a regular Lodge and appoint their worthy brother Peter Nichols their first Master, and that also we would appoint Bennett Perry their first Senior Warden and Jonathan Prindle their first Junior Warden, with full power granted to them and their Successors, to rule govern and regulate the same that Masonry may increase & flourish in these parts. Now Know Ye, That we trusting and relying on the fidelity, resolution and good conduct, and putting in them as special trust, have nominated, ordained, constituted and appointed Mr. Peter Nichols our right Worship- ful & well beloved brother, to be the first Master of Hiram Lodge in Newtown aforesaid, and that our beloved brother Mr. Bennett Perry to the first Senior Warden, & our beloved brother Mr. Jonathan Prindle the first Junior Warden of said Lodge and we do hereby impower him the said Master to congregate the brethren together, and form them into a regular Lodge, he taking Especial care in choosing the necessary officers for the due regulation thereof for one year, at the end thereof the Lodge shall have full power to choose and appoint their Master, & other officers and so annually: The Master and Wardens for the time being taking especial care that all and every Member admitted into sd Lodge from time to time have been or shall be made Regular Masons, and they the said 242 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Master, Wardens and brethren of said Lodge and their successors forever, are hereby required strictly to observe and obey such ordinances, and reg- ulations as shall from time to time be communicated to them from this Grand Lodge, agreeable to the Constitution thereof, and that they do an- nually send an account in writing to the Grand Lodge of the names of the Members that shall be made, passed, raised, or admitted in said Lodge, and their places of abode, & the day and place of making, with any other that they think proper to communicate for the benefit of their Lodge, and lastly that they do regularly communicate with the Grand Lodge by at- tending with their Master & Wardens or by sending to the half yearly Communications such Charities as their Lodge shall think fit, (for the) for the relief of poor brethren. Given under our hands and seal at New Haven this 19th day of Jan- uary Anno Lucis five thousand seven hundred ninety one. Elias Shipman, Grand Scc'ry. Pierpont Edwards." Dated Newtown May 10th A. L. 5791—" In this connection, and before proceeding with the direct history of Hiram Lodge, No. 18, I will insert here a copy of what appears to be an ofl[iciaI communication from the Master of the original Hiram }>Iark Lodge to the first Master of this Lodge. It is interesting and valuable as showing to what extent the spirit of Freemasonry was abroad in this part of the country, and as marking the beginning of Royal Arch Masonry in Connect- icut, in the institution of Hiram Chapter, No. 1 : "Bro. Nichols, you are requested to Inform the Grand Lodge that Holland Mark Lodge in New York have granted a Dispensation & Installed Officers for a Hiram Mark Lodge in New Town — and all so that the Holland Chapter of Roj^al Arch Masons in New York have granted their dispen- sation & Charter to certain Royal Arch Alasons in Newtown & Installed them in the several offices of the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Newtown — & that the sd Mark Lodge & Roj-al Arch Chapter are at present unable to open their Chapter in so decent a manner as may be necessary & therefore we hope the Grand Lodge will not exact the accust- omed dues from Hiram Lodge — but assist the sd Mark Lodge & Chapter of Royal Arch with part of the dues from Hiram Lodge — David Baldwin, Master." The earliest records of this Lodge, and of Hiram Chapter are of great interest and value, and they should be preserved with care, and without delay. In the nature of the case they supplement and illustrate the history of each other, the Lodge and the Chapter, and may serve to throw light upon many subjects of personal and famil}^ life. The members of the Chapter Avere largely from the roll of Hiram Lodge ; and the places of meeting have probably been the same, without exception. At first, as we have seen, the communications were held in Bro. Bennett Perry's house, at Newtown — in Newtown street, as we would say, or as we should say, perhaps, now the Borough ; where it continued to meet until October 5, 1821, when it began to assemble at Bro. Czar Keeler's Lodge rooin, and appar- ently was located there, in a private house which stood just north of Mrs. W. J. Beecher's residence, until Nov. 5, 1823, when it was removed to \Vm. Blakesley's Lodge room, which was probably the ball room in the Blakesley house at the head of the street. It may be said in authority, I think, that Bennett Perry's house was that later known as Dick's Hotel, the site of which is now occupied by the Newtown Inn. And so in the records of Hiram Chapter, No. 1, we find it meeting AIASOXIC TEMPLE See Page 242 FREE MASONRY IN NEWTOWN 243 in "Bennett Perry's Lodge Room," 1797-1818, and later it is called "Bennett Perry's Chapter Room." The Chapter also met in Czar Keeler's Room, and Dec. 12, 1823, "At the Chapter Room at Wm. Blakesley's." It is worthy of note at this i)oint, that Mrs. Sarah Grace Glover, daughter of William Blakesley, found in the attic of the Blakesley house what is probably the original altar of lliram Lodge, and a few years ago presented it to us, and it is here, in this hall. The oil painting of the Trestle Board hanging in the East, was also discovered some years ago stowed away in a barn, and fortun- ately brought to light, retouched and saved to us as a relic, and a token of the zeal and enthusiasm of our ancient brethren of Newtown. October 14, 1824, there was a movement made to build a Masonic Hall. "Voted, that the Master Lodge agree to build a Masonic Hall provided that the Chapter will defray one-half of the expense." Later it was "Voted that Brothers Theophilus Nichols, Henry Button & Alexander Hall be a committee to act with the committee appointed to contract and build the Masonic Hall the above Com- mittee, to meet and confer with the committee appointed by the Chapter for the above purpose." And June 1, 1825, "Voted that this Lodge be adjourned to the Saturday previous to St. John's at 3 o'clock P. M.; and Voted that Brothers Tousey, John Nash & Macpherson Sherman be a committee to move the furniture of the Lodge to the new hall." I have seen no mention of any dedication, but it is interesting to think that about this time 82 years ago, this Lodge was making itself a new home very much as it is this day. The Lodge was incorporated by special act of the General Assem- bly the first Wednesday in May, 1825; and June 7, 1826, it was voted to get the Hall insured for $500. This Hall was sold by vote of the Lodge, April 15, 1848, to D. H. Belden, Esq., for one hundred dollars, and all the personal property was disposed of. Our town historian, Mr. E. L. Johnson, holds the opinion that this building became what is now the dwelling house belonging to the Misses Julia and Lillian Dikeman. The men who founded this Lodge were real enthusiastic Masons. They were trying to be men. There was an earnestness and dignity in their proceeding which indicate a deep sense of obligation to each other, and a genuine reverence for the science of morality; they made some effort to be of use to one another. "Brotherly love, relief and truth" were not mere high sounding words to them. To use their oft repeated form of speech : Masonry was an "Antient, Noble and Royal Art." And they expected and required true masonic conduct and character in the brethren. They aimed at real self improvement by having lectures, orations, and other addresses. They met to listen to sermons on the anni- versary of St. John Baptist, and on St. John Evangelist's Day, November 23, 1791, it was "Voted that we invite the Lodges of Danbury, Woodbury, Huntington, Stratford & Newfield to attend with this Lodge at the celebration of St. John on the 27th of Decem- 244 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN ber next." And a committee was appointed "to confer with the Rev. Philo Perry to preach a sermon on sd day." The Rev. Philo Perry was the rector of Trinity Parish, and a member of Hiram Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M. It should be noted that some of the most prominent citizens of Newtown were members of this ancient Lodge. Of the founders we know very httle. Peter Nichols, the first blaster, was born in 1732. died in 1799. and was the great-grandfather of Philo Nichols, formerly an active member. His name appears in the History of the Grand Lodge as a delegate from the Stratford Lodge to a con- ference of Lodges, April, 1783, to consider the organization of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. Bennett Perry was a doctor of" medicine, and Jonathan Prindle, the grandfather of the late Abel Prindle, was a tailor by trade. Nichols and Prindle and Sanford and Glover and Blackman are names that have come down through the century of our history, and are with us to-day. The first Junior Warden Avas Prindle, and the present Junior Warden is Prindle, 'though not of the same family. David Baldwin, who spent his whole life in Newtown. 1758-1811, and was very active in Masonic circles, is described in the Fairfield County Record as "A merchant ; a prominent and leading man ; a militia general and popularly known as 'General.' " Judge Samuel C. Blackman was a notable man in his day ; attor- ney David H. Belden was another. The Rev. Daniel Burhans, 31 years rector of Trinity church, was an active Mason. Asa Chapman, a Newtown man. was Master of this Lodge in 1800. and attended the session of the Grand Lodge. He was the head of the Chapman Law school, and judge of the Supreme Court of this State ; and his son, Charles Chapman, a distinguished lawyer, was a member of Congress and district attorney ; and Henry Dutton. Master of this Lodge in 1827, was judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut, and the governor of the State. As to the causes of the revival of this ancient Lodge I can do no more, nor better, than to quote from the preface of the second book of Records : "It was a long time before Masonry revived in New- town — not until the j'ears 1860-6, when a decided reaction took place. Perhaps one of the great incentives to this was the war, which was about to be and was fought during those years. "Two new Lodges had been organized, one at Bethel and one at Monroe, to which members were added from Newtown." It was through Eureka, No. 83, that the Charter was restored. Quoting from the Historical sketch of that Lodge — which has ever been a good brother to us : "April 3, 1866, a motion was passed to recommend the brethren of Newtown to the Grand Lodge, for granting them a dispensation, charter or warrant, em- powering them to work as a regular Lodge." "This petition was granted by the Grand Lodge at its annual communication, May, 1866, at New Haven." CAPT. JULIUS SAXFORD First Master Hiram Chapter See Page 245 LOUIS T. BRISCOE Past Master of Hiram Lodge No. 18 High Priest of Hiram Cliapter No. 1 FREE MASONRY IN NEWTOWN 245 Bro. Julius Sanford was first Master, Bro. Wm. L. Horr the first S. W., Bro. George Woffenden, first J. W. The first place of meeting was fitted up by Bro. Julius Sanford, in his building by the roadside, near the Foundry pond, in which the first installation of ofiicers was held June 25, 1866. In 1873 the Lodge was removed to the Hall owned by Bro. Smith P. Glover, where it continued until the building was des- troyed by fire May 31, 1905, when it found temporary accommoda- tions in Minott Augur's Hall, over the Sandy Hook Market. June 21, 1906, it was voted to build a new Masonic Hall, pro- vided the money could be raised. The money was raised, and Brothers A. M. Brisco, L. C. Morris, C. P. Northrop, S. A. Blackman and G. A. Northrop served as the building committee. The amount of the contract was $2,949.50. The Hall being completed, or nearly so, the Lodge moved into it Nov. 21, 1906. It is paid for and has been dedicated as the perman- ent home of Hiram Lodge, No. 18, Hiram Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M. and Jephtha Chapter, No. 51, Order of the Eastern Star. In the "Guide to the Royal Arch Chapter," by John Sheville, P. G. H.P. of New Jersey, and James L. Gould, P. G. H. P. of Connecticut, it is stated that, 'At what time or by whom Royal Arch Masonry as a separate rite was introduced into the United States has never yet been settled.' 'Prior to the organization of any Grand Chapters there existed in the City of New York two Chapters, one known as the Old Chapter and the other called Washington Chapter, the origin or early history of which has never been published. The latter body, Washington Chapter, issued charters to a number of subordinate Chapters, in which charters it styled itself 'The Mother Chapter.' From this body originated the first Chapters of Rhode Island and Connecticut. The first Chapter in Connecticut was called Hiram Chapter, No. 1, and located at Newtown in Fairfield County. "Five other Chapters were instituted in Connecticut under the authority of this Washington Chapter : Franklin Chapter, No. 2, New Haven; Washington, No. 3, Middletown; Franklin, No. 4, Norwich ; Solomon, No. 5, Derby, and Vanden Broeck, No. 5, at Colchester. "The first convention of Chapters in Connecticut was held on the first Wednesday of July, 1796, at Hartford, in which all the Chap- ters above named were represented by delegates, except Franklin Chapter, at New Haven. A regular organization was perfected and articles of agreement were entered into for the government of the several Chapters in this State. Another convention was held October 20, 1796. at New Haven, of which David Baldwin (of Newtown) was chairman." The same writer says : "So far as I can learn, this was the first governing body in Royal Arch Masonry organized in the United States." THE CHARTER OF HIRAM MARK LODGE. "At a meeting of Holland Mark Lodge held in Holland Lodge Room in the city of New York on Thursday the twenty-eighth day 246 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN of April A, L. 5791. Present, the Worshipful Master and other officers of the Lodge. Whereas, our Brother Andrew Beers, in behalf of himself and sundry other brethern, did. on the 11th day of February last, present a Memorial to this Lodge praying to with- draw themselves as members thereof with an intention to hold a Lodge of Master Mark Masons at Newtown, in the County of Fairfield, and state of Connecticut, and the prayer of the said mem- orial having been granted. "Now Be It Known, that by virtue of the power regularly com- mitted to us, we have in ample form constituted these our well beloved brethren into a regular Lodge of Master Mark Masons by the name and stile of Hiram Mark Lodge and installed the several officers into their respective stations in the manner we have receiv- ed it, to wit : "The Worshipful Brother Andrew Beers, Master ; Brother David Baldwin, Sen. Warden, and by proxy. Brother Nathan Douglass, Junior Warden of the said Lodge. "In witness whereof, we the three presiding officers of Holland Mark Lodge have hereunto set our hands, and caused the seal of Holland Lodge to be hereunto affixed. "John Pintard, Master, "John Abrams, Senr., Warden, "Attest, I. Tivorback, Secretary." "Samuel Low, Junr., Warden. — Hiram Mark Lodge. — The first presiding officers were appointed by Holland Mark Lodge, viz : Andrew Beers, W. M. David Baldwin, S. W. Nathan Douglass, J. W. CHARTER Copy of the Original Charter of Hiram Chapter, No. 1, Royal Arch Masons, Newtown, Connecticut. At a Washington Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, held in Holland Lodge Room in the City of N. York, on Friday, the twenty-ninth day of April, A. L. 5791. Whereas our Brother Andrew Beers, in behalf of himself and sundry other brethren, residing in the State of Connecticut, did on the nineteenth day of March last, present a Memorial to this Chapter, praying to with- draw themselves as Members thereof, with an intention to hold a chapter of the Royal Arch in Newtown, in the County of Fairfield, in the State of Connecticut, aforesaid; and the prayer of the said Memorial having been granted : Now be it known that by virtue of the power regularly committed to us, we have in ample form, constituted these our well-beloved Brethren into a regular Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and installed the several Officers into their respective stations, in the manner we have received it, to wit: The Most Worshipful Brother Andrew Beers, H. P., the Right Worshipful Brother David Baldwin, K. g., and the Right Worshipful Brother Oliver Peck S In witness whereof we the three Presiding Officers of Washington FREE MASONRY IN NEWTOWN 247 Chapter have hereunto set our hands and caused the Seal of the said Chapter to be affixed. Jos. Ogden Hofifman, H.P.W.C.R.A.M. George Anthon, K. W. C. R. A. M. Attest: Asher (?) Collins, Sec'y- Martin Hofifman, S. W. C. R. A. M. Andrew Beers, whose name appears in the Charter of Hiram Mark Lodge, and in the Charter of Hiram Chapter, No. 1, was made in New York. He was the first Master of Hiram Mark Lodge and continued as such until after June 31, 1793. He was the first H. P. of this Chapter, by appointment, but his name does not appear on the records, such as we have, after the signing of the By-Laws, March 3d, 1792. David Baldwin, 1758-1811, who was made in New York and be- longed to Holland Mark Lodge, and was a member of Washington Chapter, and was one of the petitioners for a Mark Lodge, and Royal Arch Chapter in Newtown, was the first S. W. of Hiram Mark Lodge and the first King of Hiram Chapter, No. 1 — was H. P. "for a series of years successively," to use his own language, until the election of officers Sept. 6, 1810. He was many years W. M. of Hiram Mark Lodge, and of Hiram Lodge, No. 18. And as has already been stated, represented this Chapter at the organization of the Grand Chapter of Connecticut, of which he was Grand Scribe, 1807 ; Grand King, 1808 ; and Deputy Grand High Priest in 1809. Samuel C. Blackman, who was Master of Hiram Lodge, No. 18, 1803-1808, was several times Master of Hiram Mark Lodge; many times High Priest of this Chapter; Grand Secretary 1806, 1807 and 1808; Grand Scribe 1809, 1810 and 1811; and Deputy Grand High Priest, 1812 and 1813. "Hiram Chapter, No. 1, continued prosperously until the year 1835, which is the date of the last record, when the officers were duly elected, and for several years after was represented at the annual convocations of the Grand Chapter, but eventually was obliged to give up its charter. At the May Session in 1870 this Chapter was revived, and a new charter issued, under the name of Hiram Chapter, No. 1, the old Charter having been lost, since which time it has continued comparatively prosperous." It should be said here that the Original Charter which was lost, was found, and is now in the safe-keeping of the Chapter; and that photographic copies of the same have been made. Contributed by Rev. O. O. Wright. Order of the Eastern Star. Jephthah Chapter, No. 51, Order of the Eastern Star, was insti- tuted on the evening of Oct. 5, 1899, and constituted, Dec. 7, 1899, at Sandy Hook, in the rooms occupied by Hiram Lodge, No. 18, A. F. and A. M. Monthly meetings were held there until the morning of May 31, 1905, when a fire destroyed the entire building. Temporary accom- modations were found in the old G. A. R. Hall, until Dec. 14, 1906, when the Chapter held regular meetings in a new building erected by Hiram Lodge, No. 18, until April 9, 1910, when the Chapter surrendered its charter to the Grand Chapter of Connecticut, owing to the loss of many members by death and removal. Contributed by Miss Jennie Briscoe. 248 ^-E^VTO^^'x•s history and historl\n THE RUBBER INDUSTRY. The beginning of this industry in Sandy Hook, was in a building now in the rear of Corbett and Crowe's store, where Nelson Good- vear and Henry Alden made rubber coats in 1S41-42. Later, they moved into Dick and Sanford's satinet factory by the bridge. Josiah Tomlinson. whose wife was sister of Charles Goodyear, owner of the rubber patents of that day, then commenced work in the Glen. Charles Goodyear was born in New Haven, but spent much time in Sandy Hook, experimenting, in connection with his discover^- in 1839 of the vulcanization of rubber. Tomlinson failed and \Vm. B. Glover, who underwrote him, lost heavily, but paid dollar for dollar. He was succeeded by Frame and Grecian, then in 1846 by the N. Y. Belting and Packing Co. Its history is inseparable from that of the rubber industry-. The company was founded at a time when little was known of vulcanized rubber beyond the crude result of the experiments of Charles Goodyear and the development of the industn.-. as it pertains to goods for mechanical purposes almost from its inception to its present enormous proportions, has devolv- ed largely upon this company. The accidental discover}.- of vulcanization by Charles Goodyear, and his subsequent experiments, gave a wonderful impetus to its developm.ent. Rubber at once became an essential in the sciences, in manufacturing and in domestic life, and now forms one of the ^eat industries of modem times. Dr. Werner Esch. said in 1912. in a "Hand Book of India Rubber." ''The discover}- of the process of vulcanization by Charles Goodyear in 1839 was not. as is often said, a matter of chance, but the outcome of years of investigation. Goodyear, like many other inventors, kept on dabbling with rubber, in spite of numerous failures, and tried mixing all sorts of substances v.-ith rubber. It always was his intention to make an invention and, as a result of the experience gained by experiments, he knew, when observing the ettect of heat on a mixture of rubber and sulphur, that the heating was the essential factor in the process. It is a matter for admiration to see how this man, overwhelmed w-ith ideas and hard-pressed, pursued working out his invention. The way in which he worked it out is clearly demonstrated by his first publi- cation on his method for the metallisation of rubber, in which he gave sufiicient instructions for the technical preparation of perfect rubber goods. And these instructions for the manufacture of soft rubber have, even up to the present time, lost no essential part of their technical importance in any of those methods of vulcanization devised by Goodyear's inventions." By the discovery, Charles Goodyear enriched the world, but he himself lived and died poor. In 1856, the factory* was destroyed by fire, but was immediately re-built. The same year, Mr. Dennis C. Gately was made superin- tendent. He had had an experience of several years with the Boston Belting Co. and had been associated with Mr. Cheever, 2: !-: '^ x — z DENNTS C. GATELY See Page 248 WILLIAM T. COLE See Page 248 THE RUBBER INDUSTRY 249 treasurer of the N. Y. Belting and Packing Co. Under his super- vision, the business increased rapidly to large proportions. A year in his younger days with a noted chemist had given him sufficient knowledge of chemistry to aid his inventive genius, and he made valuable inventions. The products manufactured included, besides the largest belts in the world for machinery, the smallest sizes for use ; hose for fire-engines, gardening and various other uses ; wagon and car springs ; solid vulcanite emery-wheels ; corrugated matting and mats ; etc., a full list of which would make a formidable cata- logue. Too much emphasis cannot be placed upon the influence of Mr. Gately and that of his family for good upon the community. The enlarging of the business meant the influx of a large number of families, who were helped to obtain homes in the vicinity. Walnut Tree Hill became populated to such an extent that school privileges were necessary. Pohtatuck school-house, though enlarged, was not sufficient. Through the influence of Mr. Gately, the town voted to form a new district, and for many years a flourishing school was kept in the new Walnut Tree Hill district. Many young men and women have filled places of responsibility in dififerent communities whose start in life beyond the home was in Walnut Tree Hill school. There were many sad hearts when, in 1884, Mr. Gately left the beautiful home in the Glen for the new home at Mamaroneck, N. Y. Universal sorrow was expressed when, in 1900, it was announced that N. Y. Belting and Packing Co. was to move its business to Passaic, N. J. Many families went with them, while some, who had made for themselves pleasant homes, remained, hoping that some other industry would take the plant. Mr. I. Percy Blackman, a Newtown boy who commenced work with them in 1876, went with them and is now their superintendent, with a force of 1200 hands. In 1916, they turned out over 12,000,000 pounds of rubber goods. Thanks are due to Mr. I. Percy Blackman for some of this informa- tion, also to Mr. Anthony Patch, oldest resident of Sandy Hook. By the courtesy of Mr. W. T. Cole, president of the Fabric Fire Hose Co., the following information is given as a sequel to the removal of the N. Y. Belting Co. to Passaic N. J. "The Fabric Fire Hose Co., formerly of Warwick, N. Y. by virtue of its affiliations with the United States Rubber Co., of which parent organization the New York Belting and Packing Co., was also a subsidiary, acquired the Sandy Hook property, formerly occupied by the New York Belting and Packing Co., and the entire plant of machinery operated by the Fabric Fire Hose Co., of Warwick since 1880 was transferred to the so-called lower mill at Sandy Hook in the spring of 1901. The company also brought with its plant a number of its old employees." The upper mill, or "Dutch Shop," was operated for several years as a rubber reclaiming plant, which was discontinued in 1915 and succeeded by the Premier Mfg. Co., Charles S.Cole and George A. Gauthier, Proprietors ; manufacturers of high class machine tools ; and for the first time in history the Dutch Shop parted from its identity with rubber. 250 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN THE NEWTOWN BEE. The Bee owes its origin to John T. Pearse of Bethel, Conn. Started as an experiment, it quickly gained a hold upon the New- town public and was enlarged, though always known to printers as a "patent outside" — which means that two of its four pages were printed by a New York firm that supplied the same reading matter to local publishers in different places. Mr. Pearse had a "nose for news," as Samuel Bowles of the Springfield Republican used to say, but was not fitted for a publisher, as he was non-resident, living at Bethel; was eccentric, now suspending the Bee's issue, then transferring the paper to another and again taking it to his own hands. The Newtown Chronicle was meanwhile started by James E. Madigan, and the Winter of 1880-81 found the Bee apparently driven from the field for good, as its 300 or more subscribers looked in vain for the paper, and its effects in the room over Daniel Camp's plunil)ing shop were heavily mortgaged to Henry Sanford, the vil- lage merchant. Reuben Hazen .Smith, formerly editor of the Water- bury American, was then exchange editor on the Springfield Re- publican, to which duty had been added that of telegraph editor on the Sunday edition, just begun. Chafing under enforced violation of the 4th commandment, he was looking about for a loophole of escape. His brother, Henry called attention to the Bee, which- ended in its purchase and the removal of the Smith family to the Fairchild place in South Center. It was no easy task mastering the old Washington hand press and the second-hand type white with lye, and the first revived issue in April of 1881 was hardly legible, but was kindly wrapped for the mail in the hospitable dining room of E. Levan Johnson. How much the Bee owes the generous hand, active brain and fertile pen of that prince among men only Heaven can reveal. Grit and spunk, aided by Charles B. Johnson, Frank Wright, Rob- ert D. Smith (the Bee Man's loyal brother), Robert C. Mallette, two other brothers, Allison P. Smith and Arthur J. Smith, finally won out. Rev. Charles H. Smith came for a little in the early .struggle and proved what personal canvass could do to add funds and make subscribers friends, and that able financier, Arthur J. Smith, later laid the bed-rock of paying advertising. At one time, the Bee Man knew every subscriber, excepting those on the distant mail list, personally, and he closed one year with all but three or four subscriptions paid in advance and those three or four assured. This personal work, involving miles of walk and early and late hours, was what turned the Bee from a loss into a valuable asset, finally capitalized at $500 in the incorporated Bee Publishing Co. Another financial spur was the early purchase of the Chronicle for $300, giving the Bee an advertising grip that it has never lost, though the rates were raised when subscriptions topped 1000 and REUBEN H. SMITH See Page 250 ALLISUX V. SMITH See Page 250 ARTHUR J. SMITH See Page 251 NEWTOWN BEE See Page 250 THE NEWTOWN BEE 251 again when they passed the 2000 mark. The poHcy of the Bee Man was sim])ly that of l>urns— "A man's a man for a' tliat," with its ir- resistible resultant that whatever concerned him and his, no matter how trivial, was of interest to that circle anrl ueit^litxirhood. So the Bee, without flourish or literary effort, banned gossip, grudges, hate and scandal as far as possible and spread from district to dis- trict, from town to town, George F. Buncombe being finally called in to aid in the canvass. The Bee Man claimed absolute and fearless action personally and so temporarily angered Republican friends by being an independent Republican in Cleveland's day and dared to be the only man to vote no license in his precinct. At the flood- tide of success, the failure of the health and heart of Mrs. Smith, whose loyal support made success a double joy, led the Bee Man to drop it all in October of 1892 and flee to California with his family. Newtown gained two things with the Bee Man's help, its Grange and eventually, the wiping out of its house of ill-fame on Taunton Lake. The latter, assaulted by Rev. J. P. Hoyt, could only be ban- ished, it seemed, by buying the property and turning it into a home, C. B. Taylor, Levi C. Morris, Charles Nichols and other friends of righteousness and pure living endorsing the note on which the New- town bank advanced the funds. The Bee shared its owner's pros- perity, a new Campbell press and new type making the paper easier to issue and more readable when issued, when it moved to the quar- ters over the post-office, then owned by Town Clerk and Merchant L. B. Booth. A gasoline engine also took the place of the hard labor of John Griggs, beloved sexton of the Congregational Church and of Frederick Andrews. The controlling interest in the Bee Publishing Co. property and business was sold by Reuben H. Smith to his brothers, Allison P. Smith and Arthur J. Smith, in October, 1892. A. P. Smith became president and editor, and A. J. Smith, treasurer and general man- ager. Six years later, Henry M. Smith of Hartford, another bro- ther, entered the employ of the Bee Publishing Co., as general agent. A year later he was sold an interest in the business, and was made vice-president and general agent. As a result of the united efifort of the three brothers, the circulation of the Bee was increased from about 2200 to something over 4000. In October, 1903, the present building occupied by The Bee Publishing Co. was erected. Some years later a new press and linotype machines were installed. Owing to ill health, Henry M. Smith was forced to re- tire from the business about four years ago, to the sincere regret of his associates. It will be observed from the above that the Messrs. A. P. and A. J. Smith have about completed 25 years of service on the Bee. During that period they have seen almost every newspaper prop- erty in Western and Southern Connecticut change hands from one to six times. Contributed by Reuben Hazen Smith and Allison P. Smith. 252 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN POHTATUCK GRANGE. Pohtatuck Grange, No. 129, P. of H., was organized, March 9, 1892, by State Deputy J. H. Blakeman of Housatonic Grange, Stratford. There were 19 charter members: Mr. and Mrs. Zalmon S. Peck, Mr. and Airs. S. T. Botsford, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Smith, Lemuel Glover, W. H. Glover, J. J. Schermerhorn, H. C. Beers, A. O. Bierce, C. B. Johnson, L. M. Johnson, Fred Chambers, E. S. Lovell and two others not mentioned in the record. The following officers were chosen : Master, Z. S. Peck; Overseer, S. J. Botsford; Lecturer, R.H.Smith; Stew- ard, H. C. Beers; Asst. Steward, A. O. Bierce; Chaplain, W. C. Johnson; Treasurer, W. H. Glover; Secretarj-, J. J. Schermerhorn; Gate Keeper, E. S. Lovell; Ceres, Mrs. Z. S. Peck; Pomona, Mrs. S. J. Botsford; Flora, Mrs. R. H. Smith; L. A. Steward, Mrs. W. C. Johnson. The meeting for organization was held in Fireman's Hall, which was over the Savings Bank in the Sanford Building. As this room was not suited to the needs of the Grange, a committee was appoint- ed to look up a hall. The officers elected at this meeting were installed by Deputy Blakeman, assisted by S. C. Lewis, Asst. Steward of the Conn. State Grange. The Grange was held at houses of different members until a room over L. C. Morris's store was leased and was occupied for over 20 years, being twice enlarged to meet the needs of the rapidly grow- ing Grange. The first class initiated: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Beers, Geo. A. Northrop, E. F. Northrop, Homer W. Baldwin, Mrs. J. J. Schermerhorn, C. M. Parsons, Mrs. Walter Glover, Letty J. Stoddard and Mrs. E. L. Johnson joined later. It evidently made some attempt at co-operative buying, for we find that for some time a purchasing agent was elected annually. The order was also on very fraternal relations with the neighboring granges, for frequent mention is made of visits paid to and received from Harmony Grange, No. 92, of Monroe; Housatonic Grange, No. 99, Stratford, and others. Fairfield Co. Pomona Grange was first entertained by Pohtatuck Grange, Oct. 28, 1896. Nor has it been selfish in its activities, but has done much for its home com- munity, and we believe Newtown is the better because this Grange has existed in its midst for 25 years. In 1894, a Fourth of July celebration was held under its auspices. Oct. 10, of the same year, a Grange Fair was held in the Town Hall. There were exhibits of farm products, a ladies' industrial depart- ment, exhibits by merchants and manufacturers, also of cattle and horses. This Fair was such a success that one was held annually until it became merged into the Newtown Agricultural Fair, at which the Grange offered pretniums. The Farmers Institute was an annual event. Many plays and entertainments have been held under its auspices, which have been a benefit to the community as well as of financial aid to the Grange. At one time the order numbered about 80 members, but in later years the membership was depleted by death, by removal from ZALMOX S. I'l'XK First Master of Pohtatuck Grange See Pages 171 and 252 POHTATUCK GRANGE 253 town and other causes. In 1914, the hall, with all its contents, was destroyed by fire, and it was with some difficulty that a new home was found and the lost property replaced. At present it meets in Firemen's Hall where it was at first organized. The mem- bers now number about fifty, many of whom are young people deeply interested in its work. THE LIST OF PAST MASTERS Z. S. Peck, S. J. Botsford. W. H. Glover, C. B. Johnson. Edgar Northrop, K. L. Coleman, C. M. Beresford, Mrs. F. W. Mitchell. J. J. Northrop. A. P. Smith. W. B. Glover, Austin Botsford, W. N. Mitchell and Mrs W. N. Mitchell. Contributed by Mrs. W. N. Mitchell. THE DOMESTIC ECONOMY OF OUR MOTHERS This article was written about twenty years ago, by Mrs. E. L. Johnson, by request of the Lecturer of Pomona Grange, and read by her at a meet- ing of the Grange in Stratford, Conn. Discrepancy in dates is due to par- tial revision by the writer, who will be, April 6, 1919, 82 years old. I am asked to give a reminiscence of our inothers' housekeeping arrangements, and of the conditions under which they worked; how they preserved and what they preserved ; how their dealings with the butcher, the baker and the candle as well as the candle- stick maker differed from ours ; how their kitchen conveniences compared with ours, etc. Nothing more fascinating to me could have been assigned as subject of a paper, and yet, I undertake it with the feeling that it must necessarily be so closely connected with my own home experiences during childhood, as to seem to many, perhaps intensely egotistical. The house which comes most vividly to my mind's eye, and with whose household arrangements I was most intimately acquainted, because it was for many years my home, was of a type common then, though seldom seen now. The roof on one side reached to within five or six feet of the ground. A space under this low roof half the length of the house, and five or six feet in width, was an open porch or "shed" as it was then called, where were kept the wash-bench, a table or bench for the family wash-basin, in summer, and in summer also, the cheese press and various house- hold farming utensils. There when it was not too severely cold, the washing was done. The remaining room under this low roof was used sometimes as a bedroom, sometimes as a store-room. The chimney was of stone to the top, and occupied space suffi- cient for a room of moderate dimensions, and had fire-places on three of its sides. The narrow kitchen extended the entire length of the house, and the fire-place in that was immense, large enough for a fire of huge logs. It contained the brick oven, the always present dye-pot, and sufficient space besides for seats for the little ones. The fire-place in the large square room adjoining the long, narrow kitchen was also very large, while that on a third side of the chimney, in the bed-room, was much smaller. There were also fire-places in two bed-rooms on the second floor, and the stairs 254 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN to the garret were built of stone into the chimney on a third ;,ide. The only other room on the ground floor was the milk-room. On the second floor, besides the two rooms containing fire-places, was the space over the kitchen under the rafters. It was approach- ed by the stairway at one end of the kitchen and contained at one end, bins for rye, oats and buckwheat, while at the other was always a bed for the wayfarer, or for some of the children, if crowded from their rooms by extra guests. There was never hired help for the house and only occasional days for the farm from some one in the neighborhood. The long kitchen was dining-room as well during the warm weather, except when there was company ; then the square room, always the family sitting-room, did duty as dining-room. In the winter, however, the cooking-stove was moved into the sitting- room and all ordinary work was done there ; the washing, work connected with the butchering, and all extraordinary work being done in the kitchen, with a big fire on the hearth. The expression, "Have you come for fire?" is still used occasion- ally, but in these days when friction matches are in every home and in some pocket of almost every man, it is likely that many have no idea of the origin of the question. Every woman expected to keep coals enough buried in some fire-place to start fire when needed. It was a sorry time when they and the tinder-box failed. My grand- mother once went nearly a half mile for coals when she lost fire. Although my recollection extends over considerably more than three quarters of a century, i can never remember when it was the custom to cook exclusively by the fire on the hearth. Stoves were found in most houses seventy-five years ago, but few of them had ovens that could be used for general baking ; consequently every house-wife heated her brick-oven twice or three times each week in summer and once or twice in winter. The furnishing of the oven- wood was a subject of really vital importance for, if too light or flashy, or if it was green, the heat would not hold long enough to bake the food. The wood must burn freely, yet not too rapidly, and must be of a kind, a part of it at least, to leave coals that could remain after the blaze was gone. Mr. A. and Mr. B., who lived not far from my home, were dis- cussing the question of oven-wood, each trying to convince the other that his wife was the more particular, when Mr. B., who had listened to the description of the kind Mr. A. had to furnish, stuttered, "W-w-well, my w-w-wife has to have hers t-t-turned and b-b-brass f-f-ferrules put on it." The house-wife must have needed to have her wits about her, to have bread, cake and pies ready to go into the oven at the same time and when the heat was just right, the bread light enough, yet not too light ; the cake mixed so that it need not stand too long, and the pies "set up" all in good time. Apple, berry or mince pies could be baked with bread and cake, but not many custard or pumpkin pies, because the steam arising from them would cause the bread and cake to be heavy. It was considered as much of a disgrace to be without pie, if a guest dropped in for dinner or supper, as without bread ; and ECONOMY OF OUR MOTHERS 255 it was a common practice to bake, after the weather became cool enough so that they would keep two or three days, ten or twelve pumpkin pies at one baking. In that case, the crusts were set up and the pumpkin mixed, while the first food was baking; then some lighter wood than was used at the first heating, was burned for a shorter time, and the pies baked by themselves. Our mothers certainly needed the same kind of "faculty," on baking days, with which Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, invests Mrs. Katy Scudder in "The Minister's Wooing." The stove most used in our neighborhood, during my childhood, was the Rotary. It revolved upon a track by means of a crank which turned a wheel, the cogs of which fitted into corresponding cogs on the outer edge of the circular top. There were five lids of graduated sizes for different sized cooking utensils. If it could have had a good oven, I am sure none could be better and I often wish, when I must lift a heavy kettle from one part of the stove to the other, that I had my mother's old rotary. Rye flour was the staple for bread ; few families used wheat, except for cakes, pie-crust and company biscuit. Some even made pie-crust of rye. Corn was used much more than now. Hasty- pudding was almost a daily food in some form at some seasons of the year, and it was expected that every miller know the best way to crack corn for samp. In many families, the kettle of samp must be boiled every Saturday during the Spring and Summer to be eaten with milk for the Sunday evening meal. In cooking it, there was need of close watching and frequent stirring to prevent scorching. Boiled Indian pudding was a common dish, almost never seen now. Every house-wife had the pudding-bag, made of stout linen tightly woven. When used, it was wet, turned wrong side out, and dusted with flour, to prevent the batter from leaking, turned again and the batter poured in, leaving space, when tied, for its swelling ; then it was immersed in the liquor in the huge pot containing the beef, pork, potatoes, turnips and any other vegetables for the dinner. They called the meat and vegetables "pot luck." In those days, the pudding was always served first, no doubt because, if it was left until the last, it would become sodden. Almost as soon as the buckwheat was harvested and threshed, griddle cakes made their appearance upon the breakfast table, and regularly appeared until Spring. In my own home Sunday morn- ing was the exception, because fresh bread was baked on Saturday and because nothing was to be done on Sunday to add to the work. I may add incidentally, that the steel knives and forks, always scoured twice, and often three times each week-day, were never scoured on Sunday. The custom of having baked beans always Saturday night and Sunday morning did not prevail as extensively in our vicinity as in Massachusetts ; yet the pan of beans was apt to be ready for the oven on Saturday, when other things came out, and often made the late Sunday dinner in hot weather, when a fire was uncomfortable. At any season, whatever was to be eaten Sunday was prepared on Saturday, as far as possible. 256 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN During the Summer, the Hst from which our mothers chose meats to place upon the table, consisted of salt pork, salt beef, ham and dried beef, with now and then a fowl from the barn-yard. Salt pork was cooked with almost everything. Of fish, there was codfish, salted mackerel, Housatonic River shad (of which most farmers laid in a supply in the Spring), with now and then a mess of pan fish from the brooks. Almost all farmers kept a few or a great many sheep, and it is quite within my recollection that the only fresh meat, apart from one's flock of fowls, was by some farmer killing a lamb or calf and lending to his neighbors what he did not himself need. When it became possible to get regularly, once each week in Summer, a piece of meat from a butcher's cart, it was considered a wonderful thing. The only refrigerator our mothers had was the well, and happy was the woman whose well was deep and cold and never- failing. Two or three or more pails or baskets were almost always hung in it. She depended on it to cool her cream for churning, and to keep the butter solid for the table, as well as to preserve a little longer any fresh bit she was fortunate enough to have. That woman was to be congratulated in that she did not have to wait for the ice-man. In winter the conditions were more favorable for fresh meat. Farmers took turns in butchering their pork and beef, and loaned to each other. It was desirable, however, to choose a very cold time for butchering, else the task of chopping the sausage meat was very great. If quite cold and the meat could be frozen by spreading in a cold room by an open window, the task of chopping was much easier. Our mothers knew nothing of creameries, or separators or cheese factories ; but every woman made butter and cheese from her own dairy, often milking the cows also. Once a week in summer, a market wagon went the rounds of the neighborhood, collecting butter, cheese, eggs and chickens. The chickens were carried in a coop swung from the rear axle. The produce was taken to Bridgeport or New Haven, the returns for one week being made the next, and the house-wife whose butter cleared a York shilling thought herself well off. If more than that was realized, the price was considered extra good. In many homes it was considered economy to spin and weave linen for some uses, even after cotton cloth became comparatively cheap. The spinning and weaving were to be done in the Spring before soap-making, and house-cleaning, so that the lye not needed for soap could be used for whitening the cloth and the thread. A section of the ash-crib, as it was called, in which the ashes were leached, was like a V, the bottom of the V resting in a grooved plank slightly inclined, to form a trough. As the ashes were filled into the crib, they were wetted enough to dampen them, but not enough to cause the lye to run until the day for the soap-making, when they were thoroughly soaked. A certain quantity of lye that would float an egg must be poured into a certain quantity of heated grease. Some of our mothers understood enough of chemistry, although they did not call it that, ECONOMY OF OUR MOTHERS 257 to know what conditions were necessary to "bring" the soap, and were almost always successful ; others boiled and boiled and spent a great deal of time, and strength, and patience, with very indiffer- ent results. Seventy years ago, neither you nor I had seen a kerosene lamp. Lard oil and sperm oil were used by some, but were considered not greatly superior to the tallow dip, the only light many of our mothers had ever known. Candles must be made every Spring and Autumn, and the evening before the dipping the whole familv was set to work helping put the wicks upon the candle-rods. These rods were of hickory, a little larger than an ordinary lead pencil, made very smooth, and about two feet long. The wicking was wound around a book or a board whose length would make a wick, when cut and doubled, the desired length for the candle. Every separate thread of the wicking must be drawn out because a loosely twisted wick would burn better than one tightly twisted. Seven or eight of these wicks, each composed of seven or eight threads, were put double upon the rods, and twisted just enough to keep them in place. Early in the morn- ing, the big brass kettle was hung upon the crane in the fire-place, and sufficient tallow for the candles to be made put into it to melt. A little alum was usually pounded and added, to harden the tallow, and, if bees-wax was abundant, the addition of a certain proportion made the candles much nicer. Water was also added to prevent the tallow from scorching. While this was melting, the ends of two long poles or ribs were put upon two "horses" or chairs, and the candle-rods with their wicks, put upon them a little distance apart. As soon as the tallow was melted and somewhat heated, the kettle was placed near the candle-rods, then filled with water to within an inch or less of the top, and the process of dipping commenced. At first the wicks on three or four rods could be dipped at once, but after a few dippings they became heavy. A kettle of water must be kept constantly hot, and a little added occasionally, both to keep the tallow warm and to raise it in the kettle as it was dipped off. Great care must be taken that it be made not too hot, or what had cooled on the wicks would be melted off, rather than added to. My mother used to say that she never dipped candles that she did not have unexpected company, for it was work she could not put aside and must be done in a cold room. The introduction of molds was considered a wonderful improvement. It is a little less than forty years since we commenced using glass jars and canning our fruit. Our mothers, before that invention, must keep their fruit in crocks and jars, and it must be made very rich, that it spoil not by fermentation. They had no porcelain or granite ware, and their preserving kettles were usually of brass, which must be made as bright as gold, cleaned first with salt and vinegar, then with rotten stone or brick dust, then with soap and water. The currant worm was not, years ago, the pest that it now is and the crop was usually abundant, so that currants were preserved in as large quantities as the ability to furnish sugar would allow. Raisins to the amount of about a quarter of their weight were 258 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN used by many ; sugar was used pound for pound and the preserve cooked until it was a rich, clear mass. An incident will show that sugar was sometimes and in some places scarce in those days. About eighty years ago, my mother went with one of her babies to spend the day with an acquaintance. She took with her milk for her baby, but did not think it necessary to take sugar. When she wanted to feed the baby, she asked for sugar. The woman went to a chest and, reaching to the bottom, brought out a box with the remark, "John bought a couple of pounds about a year ago, and I guess it isn't all gone yet." Gooseberries were much more abundant than now and no collec- tion of preserves was complete without them, both in preserve and in jam. Jellies were not made as much as now. Sometimes jam was made of blackberries, but they were oftener dried for pies, either in the sun without sugar, or scalded with a little sugar, spread upon plates and put into the brick oven, when the food was drawn out. Pies made from berries dried in that way were delicious, and often the oven was slightly heated for the purpose of saving the berries by drying. Plums of several sorts were then, as now, considered the best of fruits for preserving. Peaches were abundant, and every house- wife expected to have a good supply. They were pared, the stones taken out and the sugar added to them at night. In the morning, a syrup had formed, and in that the peaches were cooked until clear, then skimmed out, and the syrup boiled until somewhat thick, the peaches added again, and scalded in the syrup for a few minutes, then placed in crocks for the winter. If cooked sufficient- ly, there was rarely any trouble about keeping them. Grapes were preserved then as I suppose most of us do them now, except that we do not make them so rich. Quinces must be boiled first to make them tender, but even then the quince preserve of years ago was apt to be hard, unless one was very skillful in the making. One of the duties of every housekeeper was to examine very often her stock of preserves, and she who did not now and then have to check incipient fermentation by scalding was indeed very fortunate. As soon as apples began to drop, when in any degree near maturity, our thrifty mothers commenced drying them, spreading them on cloths laid on roofs, or on platforms made for the purpose. Perhaps an earlier way was to string the quarters and hang them around the kitchen or in the sun out of doors. The old time garden contained no tomatoes, consequently our mothers knew nothing of chili sauce, green tomato pickle, or chow- chow. Cucumber pickles, usually put in brine, were the stand-by, the cucumbers being taken from the brine and soaked from time to time as needed. I must not forget to speak of another accompaniment to almost every meal during the winter in many families — cider apple sauce. Something like it is now called apple butter. The cider was taken sweet from the press, and boiled until nearly as thick as molasses. Some of this was always saved to use with mince pies in the winter. ECONOMY OF OUR MOTHERS 259 Half sweet and half sour apples were used, and sometimes a few quinces. There was always a busy company preparing the apples the evening before the apple sauce was to be made. The big brass kettle was scoured in the same way and just as bright as the small preserving kettle, and in the morning early it was hung upon the crane with the boiled cider in it, and the apples added only as fast as those before got to cooking. The mass needed constant care through almost the whole day. The making of it was considered of so much consequence that, when the teacher who boarded around the district, sent to see if he could go to some place, the reply sometimes came, "Mother can't have you next week, she hain't made apple sass." Our mothers had no sewing machines, and I well re- member when my mother brought home, from a visit to the American Institute at New York, a sample that she said she saw sewed on a sewing machine, and every one was amazed that it was possible. As they could not sit down at the machine and sew, they took their sewing or their knitting and went, uninvited, to visit neighbors. Sometimes the result was rather embarrassing to the one visited, as was the case with old Mrs. Blank, when several of her neighbors went to spend the afternoon with her. She and her husband, "Uncle Thoph" to every one, lived alone. When it was time to get tea, she announced to her visitors, "La ! me ! I thought I had enough for Thoph and me a week, but I hain't got enough for tea." As has been stated, most farmers kept a flock of sheep which were sheared in June, the wool taken to some factory where it was "scoured" and carded into rolls about three quarters of an inch in diameter and two feet long. The rolls were spun at home for household use. The yarn needed for stockings for the men and boys was usually cleaned at home, dyed indigo blue in the dye-pot before mentioned, mixed with white wool and carded into grey rolls. Homespun dresses of wool were worn in winter. The yarn for these was spun white and dyed at home. My mother dyed indigo blue in different shades. Cochineal red, and used butternut bark for shades of brown. From these colors in warp and woof a pretty plaid was planned, the cloth woven in some home loom, then taken to the factory to be pressed. Many houses had looms for weaving the wool and linen for household use and rag carpets. It was one of my chief delights to wind for the weaver on a "quill-wheel," the little paper tubes or "quills" that were slipped on a wire in the shuttle when weaving woolen or linen goods. I would like once more to hear the musical whizzing of the old wool wheel, as it sounded when I was a child, and my mother kept time to its music in the long narrow kitchen of the old house at home, but I am thankful that the women of to-day need not tread in all the foot-steps of our mothers. 260 NEWTOWN' HISTORY AND HISTORIAN BERKSHIRE For the past one hundred years the history of Berkshire has been largely bound up in the history of the Curtis family The first of the family to come from Stratford was Matthew Curtis, who settled on Mile Hill and his son, Gold Curtis, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Gold, also lived there. Gould, the eldest son of Gold, married Joanna Peck and made his home in Berkshire. Being a captain in the militia, he was called "Captain Gould." He built the white homestead at the end of the village towards Bennett's bridge. This was probably about 100 years old. He was a farmer, owning about 200 acres of land lying on the hill back of the house along the "Pole bridge road and in the Zoar district." He had five children : Mary, who married Cyrenius Beers, a native of Newtown, but a pioneer of Chicago ; Samuel ; Elizabeth, sectjnd wife of Robert S. Peck, also second wife of Simeon B. Peck ; a child who died in infancy ; and Sarah, who married Dr. Monroe Judson. Samuel, born in 1818, developed into a rather remarkable business man for his day and generation. He first went into the comb and button business with his uncle David Curtis, in the factory near the bridge at Sandy Hook, (later the Beecher and Tucker satinet fac- tory, then the Niantic Mills, now, 1917, the Harris Wire Mills.) They dissolved partnership a year or so later, and David Curtis moved "Out West," so called, to Painted Post, about 300 miles out into New York state. Samuel Curtis returned to Berkshire, married Mary, daughter of Henry and Sarah Blackman Nichols, and of this union two children were born : Henry Gould, who married Annie, daughter of George and Sarah Peck Beers, and Julia, who married Plenry S. Hawley. In 1845 "The Berkshire Co." was formed. The partners were Samuel Curtis, Amos Hard, Julius and John Curtis. They built the first factory (which was destroyed by fire 1852) and established the water power. The factory was re-built the same year. The business was the making of combs and buttons. When that partnership was dissolved a year or so later, John Warner, a cousin of Mr. Curtis became his partner. This partner- ship under the name of Curtis and W^arner lasted about ten years, when Mr. Warner moved to New Haven, and for a short time Matthew Fairchild was Mr. Curtis' partner. About 1870 Mr. Curtis owned the whole business. When his son Henry Gould attained his majority, the firm became S. Curtis & Son. The firm name is still the same. Until 1901, the business was exclusively the manu- facture of combs and buttons. Since then the business carried on in the same factory built in 1852, is the manufacture of paper boxes, and is under the ownership, and management of William R. Curtis, younger son of Henry G. Curtis. The older son, Harry Beers o BERKSHIRE 261 Curtis, is a member of the Bridgeport Hardware Manufacturing Corporation. Mr. Samuel Curtis owned nearly all of Berkshire in 1870 and in his day it was called the "White Village." all houses being white with green blinds and all fences white. From 1874 he employed a carpenter for seven years. Mr. Henry Curtis' house was built in 1875, the year of his marriage. Mrs. Julia Hawley has two children, Curtis, who is unmarried, and Mary, the wife of Hobart G. Warner, of the firm of Taylor, Curtis & Co. of Sandy Hook. Her home, an attractive residence adjoining her brother's on the west, is also the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warner and their three sturdy boys, Hobart, Austin and Henry Hawley. Just beyond his father's on the site of the grandfather's home, William R. Curtis has a fine modern residence, built in 1906. His wife is Bertha Niles George, second daughter of Rev. James H. George, deceased rector of Trinity Church. Two wide awake boys, Gould and Nelson bid fair to help keep Berkshire for some time to come a home of the Curtis family as it has been "for the last hundred years." There were two or three other small concerns in Berkshire in the fifties. One was a hat factory where wool hats were manufac- tured. This was owned by Rufus Somers, who lived where Mr. Charles Minor's house stands, the factory being quite near it. Another business concern was a tannery located across the way from the house of Mr. Samuel Curtis. The little brook was dammed for water power for grinding the bark. Mr. John Curtis owned the tannery which was given up in the early sixties and the factory converted into a dwelling house which was removed a few years ago. A Baptist Church stood at the top of the hill near the cemetery overlooking the village. Mr. Henry Curtis remembers that when he Avas a boy there were large congregations every Sunday, and Berkshire pond was used for the baptism. Losses by death and removal so depleted the numbers of the members that regular services were given up, and in 1913 the building was sold and torn down and the ground it occupied added to the cemetery. THE MEN'S CLUB. The Men's Literary and Social Club of Newtown Street, usually spoken of as The Men's Club, was organized in 1894 according to the following extract from the Minutes: — At a meeting held at the study of Rev. G. T. Linsley it was voted to organize a men's literary club. The following ofificers were elected: President, Rev. G. T. Linsley; Vice- president, Dr. E. AI. Smith; Secretary-Treasurer, Allison P. Smith. It was voted that these officers constitute an executive committee. It was voted that the first meeting should be held on Tuesday evening, May 1st, at the residence of A. P. Smith. Prof. P. E. Cliff was appointed essayist. 262 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN The President, Rev. O. W. Barker and Frank Wright, were appointed a committee on Constitution and By-laws. May meeting. (First meeting.) The May meeting of The Men's Literary & Social Club was held on Tuesday, May 1st. at the residence of A. P. Smith. Prof. P. E. Cliff was the essayist, his subject being, "Evolution and the Faith." The following gentlemen were present and were constituted members of the club: Charles H. Northrop, John J. Northrop, Robert H. Beers, E. F. Hawley. Frank Wright, P. E. Cliff, Rev. G. T. Linsley, Rev. Otis W. Barker, Dr. E. M. Smith, M. J. Houlihan, C. M. Penny, G. F. Duncombe, Arthur S. Hawley, A. J. Smith and A. P. Smith. At this meeting the Committee on Constitution and By-laws presented a Constitution and By-laws were adopted and in force until March 2nd. 1909, when a new one drawn up by a committee consisting of Rev. James H. George, Hermann N. Tiemann, Sr., Rev. Alexander Steele, Frank J. Gale, M. D., was presented and adopted. From the above it will be seen that The Men's Club has existed for more than twenty-three years and has been of the greatest benefit to the town, as well as to its members. It has virtually formed the Board of Trade, Civic Federation and Village Improve- ment Society of the town and has been instrumental in advocating and establishing a large number of reforms and improvements. Its membership is limited to twenty active members and they are representative men drawn from the different sections of the town. Besides helping the town as above mentioned, the literary papers have formed a prominent feature of its meetings, which have tended in no small measure to broaden and educate its members. The past membership has included such representative men as Daniel G. Beers, E. Levan Johnson and Prof. C. S. Piatt. The present membership is as follows : President, L. M. Johnson; Vice-president, Alfred Walker; Secretary and Treasurer, H. N. Tiemann. Sr. Chas. F. Beardsley, Robt. H. Beers, Chas. S. Cole, Wm. R. Curtis, Frank J. Gale, M. D., Chas. B. Johnson, Wm. C. Johnson, Walter H. Kiernan, M. D., Rev. T. J. Lee, Patrick H. McCarthy, Dr. W. J. McLoughlin, John J. Northrop, Chas. G. Peck, David C. Peck, Rev. George T. Sinnott, Allison P. Smith. Honorary members: Rev. F. W. Barnett, Carlos D. Stillson. Contributed by Hermann N. Tiemann Sr. Former Presidents : Rev. George T. Linsley. 1894-1895; 1895-1896; 1896-1897; Dr. Edwards M. Smith, 1897-1898; Rev. Otis W. Barker, 1898-1899; Daniel G. Beers, 1899-1900; Allison Parrish Smith, 1900-1901; Robert H. Beers, 1901-1902; Ezra L. Johnson, 1902-1903; David C. Peck, 1903-1904; Rev. James H. George, 1904- 1905; John J. Northrop, 1905-1906; Prof. C. S. Piatt, 1906-1907; P. H. Mc Carthy, 1907-1908; Charles F. Beardsley, 1908-1909; Carlos D. Stillson, 1909- 1910; Frank J. Gale, M. D., 1910-1911; William C. Johnson, 1911-1912; Rev. Alexander Steele, 1912; Austin B. Blakeman, 1912-1913; Charles B. Johnson 1913-1914; Rev. F. W. Barnett, 1914-1915; Rev. G. T. Sinnott, 1915-1916; Rev. T. J. Lee, 1916-1917. c c w u Q 00 /• o NEWTOWN WATER COMPANY 263 THE NEWTOWN WATER CO. This company, which supplies the borough of Newtown and adjacent territory with water, is a joint stock company organized in May, 1906, bv special charter, with a capital of $50,000. Stock isued, $25,000. 'Officers, 1906-07: C. B. Taylor, President; D. C. Peck, Vice-President; W. A. Leonard, Secretary; L. C. Morris, Treasurer; W. B. Glover, Superintendent. Directors: C. B. Taylor, D. C. Peck, L. C. Morris, A. J. Smith, W. A. Leonard, W. J. Beecher, and VV. H. Hubbell. The reservoir is situated on Reservoir Hill, the highest point on Mt. Pleasant, 750 feet above tide-water, 180 feet higher than the flag-pole, 240 feet at the residence of L. C. Morris, and about 300 feet at Newtown R. R. Station. Upon the highest point of this hill, the company has constructed a reservoir of concrete, 32x52 feet, 14 feet deep. Its source of supply is beautiful Taunton Lake, 2200 feet distant, at an elevation of 235 feet, with capacity of about 175,000 gallons, with 25 H. P. gasoline engines directly connected to 834 xlO inch, Triplex Pump, which has a capacity of 300 gallons per minute. There are two of these outfits. The water runs from the reservoir to different branches, supplying water to an estimated population of 600 people, with 38 public hydrants for the fire protec- tion. The system has about 53^2 miles of 8, 6, 4, and 2-inch pipe, serving Mt. Pleasant as far north as J. Albert Blackman's, south to the Country Club, east to the R. R. station, west to Alfred Walker's. The company has acquired land sufficient to build a reservoir of more than double the present size and with view to further expan- sion ; a pipe and gate through the south wall has been provided for, the present south wall to form one side of the new reservoir, when built. The pipe lines are of a size to provide for a large future growth. Officers for 1917: C. B. Taylor, President; D. C. Peck, Vice-Presi- dent; W. A. Leonard , Secretary ; L. C. Morris, Treasurer; W. B. Glover, Superintendent. Directors: C. B. Taylor, D. C. Peck, L. C. Morris, A. J. Smith, VV. A. Leonard, Wm. B. Glover, F. J. Gale. THE COUNTRY CLUB. The Newtown Country Club, Inc., was started in Dec, 1915. The first officers were W. T. Cole, President ; Dr. Charles II. Peck, Vice- President ; Wm. A. Leonard, Treasurer; and H. C. Hubbell, Secre- tary. The property of D. C. Bacon, one mile south of the village, was purchased for Club purposes, and during the year 1916, this, with adjoining land was laid out in a 9-hole golf course, tennis courts, etc. At the present time, 1917, the Club has a membership of about one hundred. The Officers are the same as in 1915, except that Rodney P. Shepard has taken the place of W. A. Leonard, as Treasurer. 264 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN A 40 YEAR LEASE OF MOUNTAIN LAND IN SANDY HOOK. Soon alter Newtown was purchased from the Indians, prospec- tors began to turn their attention to the Sandy Hook mountain, whose Indian name, whatever it might have been, had been trans- formed to that of Pisgah. The southerly i^art of the range in particular, and more especially that part lying back of the grist mill, extending along the stream unto what is now known as the Black bridge, seemed to the crude prospectors the most likely part in which to begin search for minerals, in which, they felt sure, the range abounded. In 1764, John Staley Elackwell of the "Province and City of New- York" leased for a term of 40 years a certain tract of mountain land in which to carry on mining. Of how much prominence Blackwell might have been in the "Province and City of New York," we can- not ascertain. We would hardly think him a timid adventurer for a few pages further on in the same "Book of Land Records" we find it recorded at a later date that Jeremiah Northrop of Newtown, in the Colony of Connecticut, leased to the said Blackwell "a tract of land lying in the northerly part of Newtown, in the Parish of New- bury, on the east side of the road that leads from New^town to New Milford." The lease was a "40 year" interest in ore mines, minerals, fossils of all sorts and kinds discovered or to be discovered throughout the full term of 40 years, "and. if need be, to dig to the center of the earth." Aside from Blackwell's making such ventures for mining purposes, the results of his ventures are as a sealed book to us of the present day, and there is nothing to be found on the mountain side that goes to show that the work of excavation was even once begun. Death may have intervened and removed the lessee. Know all men by these presents that we, Nathan Curtiss, Hannah Sanford, Widow Thomas Sanford, Hezekiah Sanford, Samuel Sanford, Josiah Plat, Sarah Plat, wife of said Plat, and Louis Sanford, all of New- town in the County of Fairfield, and Colony of Connecticut, and Amos Sanford of Sharon in the County of Litchfield and Colony aforesaid — for and on account of the consideration, hereafter in this instrument to be set forth, — for ourselves and heirs, executors and administrators, for the full term of forty years from the date hereof, do let and lease out unto John Staley Blackwell of the city and province of New York, his heirs and assigns for the above term, all our rights, title and interest in ore mines and minerals of every sort and kind, now discovered or to be found or discovered throughout the full term of forty years, in a certain tract of land within the township of Newtown and bounded as follows : Beginning at two Black oak spiers marked in the south line of the land of Asa Cogswell, which was formerly Benjamin Mallory's land and on the easterly side of the highway that goes to Mr. Hubbell's ferry, then run- ning south five degrees east bounding part on highway, and part on land of Peter Hubbell 80 rods to a heap of stones, then east 30 degrees, south about 20 rods in the line of the land of Nathaniel Cady Blackman to a spruce tree marked, and stones to it on a ledge of rocks on the westerly side of Pototuck brook, then bounding on said ledge of rocks, as they run to said corner of the above said land that was formerly the above said Mallory's, then west five degrees, south 98 rods to the first mentioned bounds began at. And for further confirmation this very land was con- veyed by Peter Hubbell to his son, Jedediah, as will more fully appear by the Public Records of Newtown, Book 5, folio 357. e MOUNTAIN LAND IN SANDY HOOK 265 Now it is to be understood that the right of the above named Hannah Sanford, Thomas Sanford, Hezekiah Sanford, Samuel Sanford, Louis San- ford, Josiah Piatt and his wife, is only in 13 acres of the above lands and lies in the southerly part of said land and bounded north upon the land of Ebenezcr Ford, which he bought of Amos Sanford, and for further con- firmation of the above, 13 acres may be seen by the records of the Probate Court for the district of Danbury. Now we, the above granters, do give to the above grantee, his heirs and assigns full power and authority to break ground, dig and use all proper means and measures, in (juest of mines and minerals, and also to fell and cut wood or timber of all sorts except chest- nut, and also to build houses for said business in and through said tract of land and if need be to dig to the center of the earth with free liberty to pass and repass andof transportation of all necessaries that may be need- ful for the carrying on of said work or mineral business without let, hind- rance or molestation whatsoever, all to the best advantage of him, the said grantee. The consideration of the above said lease or grant is as follows: That the above named John Staley Blackwell, the said grantee, or his heirs and assigns, in and throughout said term, shall, once every month render, or cause to be rendered, to the above said grantors, one thirteenth part of all the ore according to quantity and quality that shall be gotten upon the said tract of land above described, well ordered and fit for market, and that above ground at the mouth of the pits or shafts where the same is dug or gotten and according to their respective rights, which rights are as fol- lows: (viz.) the above said Matthew Curtiss one fourth, and the above said Hannah Sanford, the other three fourths during the term of her natural life, and after her death or decease, to her heirs (viz.) to Thomas Sanford, Hezekiah Sanford, Samuel Sanford, Amos Sanford, Sarah Piatt, Louis Sanford, it is to be equally divided. And whereas it may so happen that the above said grantee or his heirs, assigns or administrators may neglect to pursue the business or search of the said ore or mine and by that means the grantors may be disappointed of the true meaning and intent of the above lease, by his, the said grantee or his heirs, or executor or adminis- trator shall neglect to dig or search after said mine, ore or minerals and the grantors by that means be debarred of having any trial made which to prevent it is to be understood that if the above named grantee or his heirs or executors shall neglect to dig or search or make trial for said mine within the term of one year, then, and in this case it shall be taken and deemed his, the grantee's neglect and sufficient to make the foregoing in- strument void and of none effect. But, in case it so happens that the grantee or his assigns shall be obliged to desist or stop from the business or laboring by reason of water or other impediments that shall or may obstruct the way of his or their working for want of proper implements or engines, then and in this case, it shall not be taken as his or their neglect until that after a proper time has been allowed for him, the said grantee, to furnish himself with necessary engines that be absolutely necessary for carrying on the work or mineral business to effect whirh, shall not exceed three years time. Then and in this case, that is to say after a sufficient time, or not exceeding three years as aforesaid. He, the said grantee, or his heirs or assigns, do not furnish him or themselves with proper engines, then in this case, the foregoing to be null and void. But on the other hand, if the said grantee or his assigns shall use his or their best endeavors and all proper means in quest of said ore or mines, then the above instrument shall be good and valid in law to all intents and purposes, and in witness, the grantors as conveying and the grantee as concurring, have set to their hand and seals this eight day of September, Anno Domini, 1764, and in the fourth year of the reign of our Most Sover- eign Lord, George the Third of Great Britain, etc.. King. Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of John Camp and Caleb Baldwin, witnesses. Hannah Sanford (Seal) Matthew Curtiss (Seal) Samuel Sanford (SeaH Josiah Plat (Seal) Louis Sanford (Seal) Hezekirih Sanford (Seal) John Staley Blackwell (Seal) 266 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Signers and sealers of the above written instrument personally appeared in Newtown on ye day and date mentioned and acknowledged ye same to be their own free act and deed. Before me, Caleb Baldwin, Justice of ye Peace. On ye 21st day of September, A. D., 1764, personally appeared Capt John Staley Blackwell. signer and sealer of ye above written instrument, in Newtown and acknowledged ye same to be his own free act and deed before me, Caleb Baldwin, Justice of ye Peace. The above and foregoing instrument recorded September 26th, A. D. 1764, per me, John Northrop, Town Clerk. In the execution of the lease, one of the interested jjarties, Thomas Sanlord, refused to sign his name, necessitating further negotia- tions and Matthew Curtiss, one of the lessees, goes bonds in the sum of 5000 pounds to protect the said leasor, John Staley Blackwell, from all hindrance in the execution of said lease. A copy of the indenture, copy or deed, immediately follows the copy of the lease and may be found on Page 206, of Volume 8, Newtown Land Records, and reads as follows, viz : This indenture witnesseth that Matthew Curtiss of Newtown in the County of Fairfield, Colony of Connecticut of the one part and John Staley Blackwell of the Province and City of New York of the other part, viz: Whereas, I the said Matthew Curtiss together with Hannah Sanford, Heze- kiah Sanford, Samuel Sanford, Josiah Plat. Sarah Plat, the wife of said Plat, and Louis Sanford, all of said Newtown, did execute one certain lease dated September the eight. Anno Domini, 1764, all our right, title and interest in ore, mines, minerals and fossil bodies of every sort or kind now discovered or to be discovered in a certain tract of land as described by said lease. Now, said lease having been executed by the above grantors to the said jjrantee pnd there being Thomas Sanford of said town heir to the said Hannah Sanford, which the said Thomas has not set his hand nor executed his part of the lease and especially as said Thomas Sanford does as yet refuse to set to his hand to said lease so that if possibly to hinder or obstruct the other above named proprietors of settling or leasing their respective right or of having any proper trial made to effect in quest of said mine or mineral according to the will and intention of the majority of the other proprietors, therefore. I the said Matthew Curtiss, do hereby bind myself and heirs, administrators, firmly by this indenture in the penal sum of five thousand pounds good and lawful money, to secure and defend the above said John Staley Blackwell, his heirs, administrators and assigns against all let or hindrance or molestation, by or from him, them or either of them, the said Thomas Sanford, his heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, shall comply with the afore said grantors of the above named lease, and set to his or they, their hands unto the above mentioned lease, to ratify and confirm the same, then the above named penal sum to be null and void and of none effect. But in case it so happens that the above said Thomas, his heirs, or assigns do not set his, or they their hands, but at any time within the aforesaid term of 40 years, shall pay according to his right, his equal part of all the cost or charge that the said John Staley Blackwell, his heirs or assigns shall have been at in quest of, and laboring for said ore or mine, which share or rigl\t is, by the afore said lease, referred to the records of the court of Probate for the district of Danbury, then, and in case the above said penal sum against the aforcsnid Curtiss, his heirs, etc., to be null and void, and of none effect, otherwise to stand in full force and virtue in law. Now on the part of the above named John Stnley Blackwell, is this: Whereas, in the above named lease in that part of it giving liberty of rutting wood and timber is not meant in the whole tract of land described in said lease, but only in the 13 acres which is described to the said Hannah Sanford and her heirs as in the consideration in the above said lease is to render one 13th part of all the ore or mines that is THE CONSERVATION OF TIMBER 267 gotten on said tract of land and that according to their respective rights, of which the said Curtiss is one fourth part. Now on the account of him the said Curtiss giving this instrument, I bind myself and heirs, executors and administrators, notwithstanding the consideration in the above said lease, to render him, his heirs, etc., one tenth instead of one-thirteenth of all the ore or mines that shall be gotten upon the whole described lands men- tioned in said lease and that according to quantity and quality according to his right which is one-fourth part of said mine or else forfeit the said right and it shall return to the said Curtiss, his heirs, etc., and in confirma- tion of the above, the parties have interchangeably set their hands and seals, this 21st day of September, Anno Domini, 1764, and in the fourth year of His Majesties' reign. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Caleb Baldwin, John Camp, Matthew Curtiss, John Staley Blackwell. Matthew Curtiss and John Staley Blackwell indenture recorded Septem- ber Z], A. D. 1764. On the day and date of the written instrument personally appeared Mr. Matthew Curtiss and Captain John Staley Blackwell in Newtown and acknowledged the instrument which they had signed and sealed to be their own free act and deed. Before me Caleb Baldwin, Justice of ye Peace. Per John Northrop, Town Clerk. THE CONSERVATION OF TIMBER. It may be a surprise to some that the conservation of timber was a matter that the settlers felt of vital importance and was frequent- ly discussed and as frequently acted upon at proprietors' meetings. Stringent measures were devised to meet emergencies as they arose. In April, 1738, it was "voted that no person shall cut or fall any oak or walnut tree under 12 inches over at ye stub, nor any chesnut tree under 18 inches over at ye stub within ye sequesterment for ye space of three years from ye date above. This act to hold three years and no longer. Voted, Job Sherman, Seargant James Botsford, Lemuel Camp, Henry Glover, Searg'nt Benjamin Dunning were chosen and appointed agents in ye behalf of ye town to prosecute those that shall cut any oaks or walnuts or chesnuts contrary to ye above sd acts. Voted also at sd meeting. Thomas Skidmore, Joseph Bristol, John Blackman, Nathan Baldwin, Sr., agents in ye town's behalf to prosecute those that shall or have done harm in ye destruction of ye young timber in ye sequesterment. Joseph Peck, Town Clerk." Copy of petition for calling a proprietors' meeting, Dec. 29, 1748: "We the subscribers, desire that ye clerk of ye proprietors of ye common and undivided land in Newtown in 3'e county of Fairfield that he give notis that there is to be a proprietors meeting in Newtown for several reasons. First place, to make choice of a committee to inspect any persons that have inclosed of incroached ye said proprietors common and undivided lands and such committee be empowered to prosecute. Secondly to take some measures to order such way as may be most for ye advantage of ye proprietors to secure and preserve ye timber yt is grone or groing on ye common land, formerly supposed to be sequestered so that ye said timber might not be destroyed. Third, to consider and see if it is not reasonable to vote that ye proprietors shall have the overplush money and over and above what is necessary to maintain sd flock. Fourthly, that the pro- prietors might take a thought whether there may not be some of ye common land afore mentioned of sd proprietors taken up and not damnify the flock. Fifthly, to think what a distinction there was made in sd sequesterment by cutting and destroying ye young timber in times past. 268 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN whether it be not reasonable that some satisfaction should be made to some proprietors bv destroying ye young tiinber in the dog hunt. Sixthly, for ye town to have ye liberty or privileges of ye proprietors of laying ye land accruing to Job Sanford's right within ye sequesterment. Benoni Henry desires to take up a small peace of land where his home stands. , , ,• T^ u c 17 Also to take sum speedv care to settel ye Ime from Danbury S. h,. corner to ye head of Fairfield bounds and to prevent ye incroachment Danbury people are m.iking overbounds and also to pay ye proprietors clerk for his past service. Recorded by Job Sherman, proprietors' clerk. NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 269 NEWTOWN'S Military Record 1777-1919 List of Newtown Men in the Continental Army, 1777-1782 Allen, Eliphalet Anderson, Samuel Atwood, Samuel Baldwin, Serg't. Abel Baldwin, Major Caleb Baldwin, Capt. Isaac, Bennett, Ezekiel Botsford, Capt. Abel Botsford, Capt. Elijah Botsford, Jack (negro) Brooks, Samuel Brooks, Thomas Bristol, Caesar Burritt Bailey Chandler, Col. John Deolph, Levy Dunning, Jared Edmond, William Fairchild, Peter Fairweather, Corp. Samuel Ferris, Nathan Gillette, Abraham Gregory, Benjamin Hubbell, Lemuel Hubbell, Nathan James, Thomas Kimberly, Lieut. Abraham Kimberly, Capt. Ephraim Kimberly, Fitch Kimberly, John Lewis, Dwight Lumnus, Samuel Marvin, Matthew Meeker, Richard Northrop, Joshua Osborne, Nathaniel Parsons, Jacob Pason, Jacob Prindle, Abigail Prindle, Peter Prindle, Samuel Prindle. Zalmon Sanford, James Seeley, James Shaw, Thomas Sherman, Eleazer Smith, Capt. Joseph Smith, Capt. Richard Terrill, Capt. George Terrill, Josiah Tuttle, Smith Whiteley, William The following were of Newtown's quota to see service at New Prindle, Joseph Stillson, Abel, Jr. Winton, Czar London in the War of 1812. Camp, Samuel Glover, Ebenezer Booth Glover, Corp. Villeroy Glover, Ziba Nichols, Henry 270 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN WRITTEN FOR MEMORIAL DAY. By Ezra L. Johnson, May, 1913. "Glory guards with solemn round the resting places of our nation's dead," and Memorial Day should lose none of its interest or meaning as the years go by. A custom established by act of Congress many years ago will probably be observed by the people of our great nation so long as our government shall hold its name among the nations of the earth. By individuals, by families, by the children of our common schools, by organized societies, by great corporations of business and in every possible way by which it can be brought about, this day will be socially and religiously observed while the earth itself lavishly contributes of its abundance in flowers and evergreen to deck the graves of the nations dead. Memorial Day stirs anew in the hearts of all in whose bosom the love of country dwells, tender and loving thoughts of those who were once of us, but no longer with us. Not new thoughts, but thoughts long since born in us, that may have lain dormant during the time that has intervened between the year that had gone and the coming of the last. Memory recalls names and dates that are seldom spoken in the common round of everyday life and we are led to recall as best we can, when and where and how, did our brave ones do and dare and die, in order that our nation might live, or if spared to return to their homes still to live among us, we regard them with more than an indifferent consideration. The bombardment of Fort Sumter, which was the Bunker Hill of the Civil War, commenced at 4.30 a. m., April 12, 1861. On Mon- day, April 15, 1861, President Lincoln issued a call for three month's service of 75,000 volunteers. The first response to that call, from Newtown, came on April 24, 1861, when three men, David O'Brien, Thomas O'Brien and Edward Carley, enlisted and were mustered into the government service May 11, 1861, serving three months, and were mustered out August 11,1861. David O'Brien re-enlisted was mustered into the Ninth Regiment, Sept. 27, 1861, and served until Nov. 27, 1862, when he was discharged for disability. Thomas O'Brien re-enlisted in the Ninth Connecticut Regiment, was mus- tered in Sept. 26, 1861, and died in service, Nov. 16, 1862. Edward Carley re-enlisted in the Twelfth Connecticut Regiment, was mus- tered in Nov. 20, 1861, promoted to sergeant Jan. 23, 1863, and was killed May 27, 1863, at Port Hudson, La. NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 271 Catalogue of Newtown volunteers in the War of the Rebellion: 3rd Conn. Vols. Enlisted Corp. David O'Brien, April 24, 1861 Sergt. Edward Carlcy April 24, 180l Killed at Fort Hudson, La. May 27, 1863. Thomas O'Brien April 24, 1861 Died Nov. 16, 1862. 1st Conn. Cavalry Sergt. Louis L. Stuart Oct. 16, 1861 George Bulklev Dec. 4, 1861 Henry W. Fairchild Oct. 18, 1861 Charles J. Merritt, Nov. 14, 1861 James Kelly, Jan. 5, 1864 Died Sept. 3, 1864, Andersonville, Ga. George Rankins Jan. 5, 1864 2nd Conn. Light Battery Martin Lillis Feb. 19, 1864 James Nichols, Feb. 16, 1864 1st Regt. Heavy Artillery Thomas Wade, Aug. 27, 1864 Edward A. Dunning, Charles H. Burritt, Daniel Davis, James P. Hall, John P. Hubbell, Charles S. Shepard, Sergt. Henry Nichols, Mar. 5, 1862 George S. Coley, Jan. 20, 1862 2nd Regt. Heavy Artillery Edward A. Banks, Dec. 29, 1863 Charles T. Conger, Dec. 26, 1863 Sergt. James Sheridan, Jan. 4, 1864 Tan. 1, 1864 May 2Z, 1861 Mav 23. 1861 May 23, 1861 May 23. 1861 May 23, 1861 Jan. 4, 1864 Tan. 4, 1864 Dec. 31, 1863 Dec. 31. 1863 Jan. 4. 1864 Jan. 2. 1864 ^ 1864 William Connell, Peter Flood, Patrick Lynch, Martin Blake, William W. Foster, Hawley Reed, Andrew H. Sanford, Jan. 5, Patrick Kaine, Jan. 2, 1864 Killed June 1, 1864 at Cold Harbor. Edward Reicker, Dec. 31, 1863 Nathan H. Root, Aug. 11, 1862 Barney Casey, Jan. 28, 1864 2nd Lieut. Senaca Edgett, Feb. 5, '64 Robert Clark, Jan. 5. 1864 Michael Farrel. Feb. 10. 1864 Corp. Starr L. Booth. Sept. 5. 1864 Andrew Flanagan, Feb. 10. 1864 Charles E. Gilbert. Feb. 13. 1864 5th Regt. Conn. Vols. Sergt. Major John H. Brewster. June 21. 1861 Patrick Quinn. Aug. 27. 1864 Corp. Henry J. Glover, June 21, 1861 Enlisted William Conley. June 21, 1861 George D. Squires, June 21. 1861 John H. P'aulkner, June 21. 1861 George Briscoe, June 26, 1861 6th Regt. Conn. Vols. Hall Shepard, Aug. 29, 1863 Frederick Elvvood, Aug. 29. 1863 Benj. W. Matthews, Aug. 29. 1863 Corp. James Sullivan. Jan. 5. 1865 7th Retg. Conn. Vols. Israel C. Botsford, Sept. 7, 1861 Charles Butcher, Aug. 24. 1861 Jeremiah Brown, Sept. 7. 1861 Levi H. Edwards, Sept. 7. 1861 8th Regt. Conn. Vols. Jan. 5. 1864 Nov. 18. 1864 Feb. 15. 1864 Oct. 14. 1864 Dec. 17. 1863 Dec. 17. 1863 Nov. 18, 1864 Feb. 11. 1864 Theodore Smith, Thomas Bradley. Charles E. Hawley, David B. Hawley, Allen B. Clark, William Davis, William Gleason, Charles M. Parsons, Charles R. Sherwood, Dec. 17. 1863 Frederick E. Smith. Dec. 17. 1863 Frederick Wenzel. John Cunningham, Charles H. Pavne. Killed at Cold Harbor. Va Capt. Henry C. Hall, Sept. 14. 1861 Sergt. John D. Seeley. Sept. 14. 1861 Sergt. Joseph B. Weed. Sept. 21, '61 George W. Brown. Sept. 21. 1861 George A. Evarts. Horace Gilbert, George Hawley, James Riley. Robert Tappan. Hanford Tongue. Feb. 11. 1864 July 27. 1864 Dec. 17. 1863 Sept. 21. 1861 Sept. 30. 1861 Sept. 27. 1861 Sept. 27. 1861 Sept. 21, 1861 Sept. 21. 1861 9th Regt. Conn. Vols. James Hawley, Sept. 14. 1861 Tohn G. Foote. Sept. 20, 1861 Michael Ney, Jan. 27, 1865 10th Regt. Conn. Vols. George W. Ramsey. Sept. 15. 1861 Charles Mav. Sept. 9. 1861 William L. McArthur. Sept. 26. 1861 Tames D. Hull. Oct. 9. 1861 George Tavlor. Oct. 29. 1861 Thomas Johnson. Jan. 10. 1865 11th Regt. Conn. Vols. Sergt. David Andress. Spt. 18. 1861 Henrv Bissell. Feb. 25. 1864 Sergt'. Geo. S. Hubbell, Oct. 18. 1861 Fritz Mever. Tan. 27. 1865 Sergt. G. W. Williams. Oct. 26. 1861 272 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN Enlisted Levi E. Stuart, Oct. 2b, 1861 Corp. Wm. A. Smith, Oct. 18. 1861 Jerome L. Stanley. Nov. 16. 1864 Wagoner J.W. Greene, Oct. 18. 1861 Uavid S. Payne. Nov. 1. 1861 Lewis Fairchild, Nov. 3, 1861 George McLean, Nov. 28, 1861 Elijah B. Nichols, Nov. 1, 1861 Lewis Fairchild, Mar. 29, 1864 Harmos L. Nichols, Mar. 1, 1864 Elijah S. Pete. ^o^-J- J^^ Joseph White, Nov. 29, 1864 12th Regt. Conn. Vols. 1st Sgt. Smith Downs, Oct. 23, 1861 Edward Carley. Oct. 5, 1861 Munroe D. Downs, Jan. 2, 1861 Arthur Fairman, Oct. 8, 1861 Gideon Bolsford, Oct. 9, 1861 Charles Jones, Oct. 18, 1861 Cyrus W. Wheeler, Feb. 25, 1861 Corp. John Tappan, Oct. 9, 1861 Joseph Curtis, Sept. 27, 1861 Patrick Flannery, Jan. 20, 1865 Jacob Johnson, Jan. 13, 1865 Carl Peterson, Jan. 6, 1865 13th Regt. Conn. Vols. Sergt. John Kane, Jan. 1, 1862 Sergt. F. S. Twitchell, Nov. 18,1861 Corp. Roswell Taylor, Dec. 14, 1861 William Ellwood, Feb. 11, 1862 Corp. R. A. Fairchild, Dec. 27, 1861 John W. Farrell, Dec. 2, 1861 Ezra M. Hull, Oct. 23. 1861 George Dimelow, Nov. 21. 1861 Charles Monson, Nov. 14, 1861 Stephen Tyrrell. Dec. 2. 1861 Charles L. Briscoe, Feb. 5. 1862 Chester D. Peck, Jan. 27, 1861 14th Regt. Conn. Vols. Gottlieb Spitzer, Sept. 30, 1863 Corp .Chas. Spring, Sept. 28, 1863 15th Regt. Conn. Vols Paul Groever. Aug. 23. 1864 Christian Wieble, Sept. 15. 1864 Arlan Peterson, Aug. 23, 1864 17th Regt. Conn. Vols. Hos. Steward. George H. Spencer, Aug. 14, 1862 Corp. Chas. G. Curtis, July 11, 1862 William Curtis, Aug. 9, 1862 William A. Gordon. Aug. 12. 1862 Alpheus B. Fairchild. July 12. 1862 Ira Sherman. July 22, 1862 Andrew C. Hull. Jan. 27. 1865 Charles Wooster, July 22. 1862 Milton C. Taylor, Aug. 12, 1862 Henry J. Jackson Dec. 31, 1863 Corp. Dennis Hayes, Aug. 13, 1862 Martin V. B. Glover, Aug. 14, 1862 Enlisted James Gordon, Aug. 11. 1862 Killed July 1, 1863, at Gettys- burg. James Kane, Sept. 10, 1862 Charles C. Chapman, Aug. 11, 1862 Henrv B. Bigelow, Aug. 11, 1862 Thomas Bradley, Aug. 11, 1862 Corp. Al. Northrop, Aug. 12. 1862 Matthew Colgan, Aug. 14, 1862 Oliver Downs, Aug. 9, 1862 John Hickey, Aug. 9, 1862 Michael T. Holloran, July 11, 1862 James Eagan, Aug. 5, 1862 Alichael T. Halloran, July 11, 1862 Henry A. S. Peet, Aug. 14, 1862 Michael Ryan. Aug. 9. 1862 Andrew Schriver. Aug. 13. 1862 Lawrence Shaughness. Aug. 13.1862 Pearl Smith. Aug. 13. 1862 John Walsh, Aug. 12, 1862 20th. Regt. Conn. Vols. Sergt. H. T. Manley, July 28. 1863 Sergt. Chas. Shepherd, Aug. 14. 1863 Sergt. I. C. Tomlinson, Aug. 5. 1863 Corp. Fred. G. Alldis. July 28. 1863 Corp. H. W. Benedict. Aug. 12, 1863 Corp. Charles L. Dick,Aug. 10, 1863 Corp. David W. Jones, Aug. 11, 1863 Killed May 3. 1863, at Chan- cellorsville, Va. Corp. C. H. Roberts, Aug. 12, 1863 Wounded Inly 3, 1863, at Get- tysburg; died, July 23, 1863 Corp. Geo. H. Sherman. Aug. 3.1863 Wag. Chas. W. Dayton. Aug. 4, 1863 Lemuel Botsford, Aug. 11. 1863 John S. Knapp, July 28, 1863 John A. Lattin, Aug. 5, 1863 George H. Lewis, Aug. 11, 1863 23rcl Regt. Conn. Vols. Julius Sanford. Captain of Company C. Sept. 10, 1862 1st. Lieut. John Peck, Aug. 24, 1862 Sergt. Cyr. N. Squires. Aug. 25, 1862 Corp. R. A. Fairchild, Sept. 12, 1862 Corp. John Griffin, Sept. 10, 1862 Corp. Bench Nichols, Sept. 11. 1863 Corp. Austin L. Peck. Aug. 24. 1862 Corp. Nelson I. Peck. Aug. 24, 1862 Mus. Geo. P. Rlakeslee. Aug. 24.1862 Charles Booth, Jr., Aug. 29, 1862 Corp. Starr L. Booth, Aug. 24. 1862 Corp. Edwin Benedict. Sept. 7, 1862 George B. Camp, Aug. 24, 1862 Henry B. Coger, Aug. 23, 1862 Truman Guernsey, Aug. 25, 1862 Wag. Flam M. Tongue, Sep.lO, 1862 James M. Beers, Sept. 11, 1862 Gustavus Briscoe, Sept. 11, 1862 Charles Briscoe, Sent. 11, 1862 Newell Clark, Sept. 11, 1862 Michael Corbett, Sept. 8, 1862 NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 273 Arthur Dimoii, Theodore B. Fairch David R. Prench, David A. Gillette, Henry Johnson, Michael Keenan, John Lillis, Patrick McDaniels, David M. Peck, Benajah Peet, Ammon Taylor, Daniel B. Weed, Hawley Beers, Henry A. Gilbert, Peter D. Olmstead, Peter M. Oakley, Martin Lillis, George R. Gage, John McGrath, Smith B. Wood, Enlisted Sept. 8, 1862 ild, Sept. 23.1862 Sept. 10. 1862 Sept. 10, 1862 Sept 14. 1862 Sept. 8, 1862 Sept. 13 ,1862 Sept. 11, 1862 Sept. 10, 1862 Sept. 5, 1862 Sept .10. 1862 Sept .10. 1862 Sept 2, 1862 Sept. 2, 1862 Sept. 2, 1862 Oct. 27, 1862 Nov. 5, 1862 Nov. 12, 1862 Nov. 10, 1862 Nov. 11. 1862 24th Regt. Conn. Vol*. Enlisted Sergt. Hugh Dunn, Aug. 13, 1862 John H. Bumford, Sept. 20, 1862 Bernard Kelly, Sept. 10. 1862 29th (Colored) Regt. John Jones, Sergt. James Evans, Sergt. James Parker, Matthew Rigby, Corp. Allen Banks, James Adams, Jerome Brown, Hiram Cornell, Conn. Vols. Dec. 1, 1863 Dec. 21, 1863 Jan. 5, 1864 Jan. 5. 1864 Jan. 5, 1864 Jan. 4, 1864 Jan. 4, 1864 Jan. 4, 1864 31st (Colored) Regt. Conn. Vols. Asa Franklin, Dec. 22. 1863 An incomplete list of the names of soldiers buried in Newtown In St. Rose's Cemetery: G. P. Lillis Dennis Hayes, Andrew Eagan, Bernard Casey, Martin Lillis, Colgan, Bernard Kelly. In Sandy Hook Cemetery: Freder- ick Wentzel, Charles Roberts, Benedict, Charles Sher- man, 1812, Curtis, John E. Glover, Lyman B. Somers. In Newtown Cemetery: George Blakeslee, Capt. Julius Sanford, Nelson Peck. Capt. Leonard J. Wright, Marion Wheeler. Daniel Camp, Herson Hawley, Peter Keeler, David Shepherd, Ben- jamin Matthews, Gustavus Bris- coe, Charles Briscoe. In Land's End Cemetery: William G. Hawley, Lemuel Wilkinson. David Peck. Andrew C. Hull. Henry Hoyt, Ely Seeley; in the Spanish-American War, Willis Hawley. In Taunton Cemetery: Edwin Ben- edict, Charles Butcher, Daniel Gregory, William Maynard, George B. Camp. Edward Taylor, George Taylor, Gustavus Briscoe. In Huntington Cemetery: William Fischer, Horace Gilbert, Ziba Glover in War of 1812, Arthur Dimon, Lemuel Botsford. In Cold Spring Cemetery: Elijah Nichols. George A. Bradley, Caleb Davis. In Zoar Cemetery: Charles Dayton and Martin Hook. The following "Newtown Boys" enlisted from some other place than their home town: 3rd Heavy Artillery Edwin A. Banks, Norwalk, Jan. 2, 1864. George Clinton, Jan. 5, 1864 3rd Light Battery Michael Carmody, Oxford, Sept. 15, 1864. Jasper L. Curtis, Seymour, Sept. 13, 1864. William E. Curtis, Seymour, Sept. IS. 1864. Edward Troy, Naugatuck, Sept. 9, 1864. 5th Infantry Ephraim D. Briscoe, Hartford, Feb. 27, 1864. 12th Infantry Wagoner, Orlando N. Piatt, Oxford, Aug. 9, 1862. 274 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN 15th Infantry Sergeant Daniel Camp, Naugaluck, Aug. 9, 1862. 17th Infantry George Lake, Roxbury, Dec. 30, 1863. 1st Lieutenant, Albert W. Peck, Bridgeport, July, 23, 1862. 23rd Infantry Sergeant Robert B. Fairchild, Bridgeport, Sept. 30, 1862. Brooklyn Zonaves Adelbert Nash. CUSTER POST, No. 46, G. A. R., Was mustered in at Sanford's Hall, Aug. 15, 1878. The records show that the ceremonies were performed by Senior Vice and Act- ing Department Commander Charles E. Fowler of New Haven, as- sisted by Comrades from Bridgeport, Danbury, New Haven and Hartford. The following named comrades were duly initiated and instructed in the secret work of the order : William C. Wile, Chas. Rinisland, A. W. Peck, G. P. Lillis, Edward Troy, Chas. W. Dayton, Daniel Camp, James Taylor, L. W. Williams, William Sniffen, Patrick McMahon, Chas. Hawley, Frederick Wentzel, George W. Graham. Chas. Riebold, Alpheus Northrop, Matthew Colligan, Chas. F. Hub- bell, John Ferris, Henry Orgleman, Benjamin Horton, Levi M. Williams, George Blakeslee, Andrew Hamlin, James Sinith, L. J. Wright, Bernard Casey, Henry Johnson, and Michael McMahon. At the conclusion of the muster-in ceremonies, the Post formed in line and escorted the visiting officers and comrades to Sandy Hook where a public installation was held on the grounds of Hobart Warner, (the E. T. H. Gibson place,) Commander Fowler acting as mustering officer. The following were the officers installed ; — Commander, Wm. C. Wile ; S. V. Commander, Chas. Rinisland, J. V. Commander, A. W. Peck; Adjutant, Griffin P. Lillis; Quarter- master, Edward Troy ; Officer of the Day, Chas. W. Dayton ; Chap- lain, James Taylor ; Surgeon, L. W. William ; O. Guard, Daniel Camp; Sergt. Major, Wm. SnifYen ; O. M. Sergt. P. McMahon; Sentinel, Chas. Hawley ; Sentinel. Fred Wentzel ; Of those mentioned in connection with the mustering-in of the Post, all except Edward Troy and Chas. E. Hawley have answered the final roll call. The present members of the Post, Nov. 1918, are, Commander Edward Troy ; Sen. Vice Commander, Henry B. Coger; Jun. Vice Commander Chas. G. Blakeman; Adjutant, Ephraim D. Briscoe; Quarter Master, Chas. E. Flawley; Chaplain, Ammon Taylor ; Officer of the Day, Patrick Lynch. These with Beach Nichols, now at a Soldier's Home, Dayton, Ohio and Charles M. Parsons of New Haven, are the remaining members of the roll of Custer Post. Only nine left of the seventy-seven. "On Fame's eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread And Nature guards with solemn round The bivouac of the dead" Note : Charles E. Hawley passed away Jan. 5, 1919. Patrick Lynch passed away April 2, 1919. DR. WILLIAM C. WILL First Commander of Custer Post See Page 274 EDWARD ll^OY Last Comniaiulcr of Custer Post See Page 274 NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 275 The following is the Roll of Members of Custer Post, No. 46, G. A. R. as appears from the records : Albertin, E. T. Ashmead, George Ball, Chas. H. Benedict, Ephraim Blakeman, Chas. G. Blakeslee, George B. Bradley, George A. Briscoe, Chas L. Briscoe, Ephraim D. Butcher, Chas. Camp, Daniel Camp, George B. Casey, Barney Clark, Lemuel B. Coger, Henry B. Colgan, Matthew Conger, Chas. T. Costello, Michael Crofut, Horace S. Curtis, Charles G. Dayton, Chas. W. Ferris, John Gilbert, Chas. E. Gilbert, Horace Jr. Graham, George W. Gray George B. Hamblin, Andrew E. Hawlej', Chas. E. Hooper, Wm. L. Horton, Benjamin Hotchkiss, Hubbard A. Hotchkiss, Levi H. Johnson, Henry Jorey, Peter Keating, Patrick LUlis, Griffin P. Lillis, Martin Lockwood, Eli Lynch, Patrick Mason, Louis S. McGuire, Chas. A. McMahon, Michael McMahon, P. Morey, Lewis Murphy, Thomas O. Nash, Adelbert Nichols, Beach Northrop, Alpheus Orgelman, H. Parsons, Chas. M. Peck, Albert W. Reibold, Chas. Rinisland, Chas. Roswell. E. J. Smalley, Garret E. Smith, Chas. L. Smith, James Sniffen. Wm. B. Squires, John C. Stowe, Wm. D. Taft, Frederick B. Taylor, James Taylor, Milton C. Tongue Elam Troy, Edward Wayland, John B. Weed, Daniel Wentz, George Wentzel, Frederick Wile. Wm. C. Williams, George Williams, Levi Williams, Lewis W. Wilson, James A. Wright, Leonard Only two from Newtown were in the Spanish-American war. Willis Hawley, who died in Hospital at Philadelphia. Pa., of typhoid fever. Charles G. Morris, enlisted in the Navy June 15th, 1898: was rated coxswain, acting first class boatswain's mate. Discharged Aug. 22, 1898. CONNECTICUT HOME GUARD. Following the declaration by Congress of a "State of war" be- tween this country and Germany, the State Legislature in March, 1917 passed a law, approved March 9, 1917, authorizing the Govern- or to appoint a board composed of three members to be known as The Military Emergency Board to "take proper action to perfect and maintain a body of armed troops for constabulary duty within the state of Connecticut to be known as the Home Guard." Following the appointment of this Board, recruiting officers were 276 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN appointed in the various cities, towns and villages of the state and our town was so fortunate as to have as recruiting officer, Captain Seaman M. Mead, an officer of experience and a long time member of the Coast Artillery Corps, C. N. G., then on the retired list. Captain Mead at once issued a call for a meeting to be held in the Brick Building, Newtown, on Monday evening, March 26th, for the purpose of organizing a Home Guard company for this town. The meeting was largely attended, in fact the crowd was so large that the room was too small and an adjournment was made to the dining-room of The Newtown Inn, which was kindly placed at his disposal. Captain Mead briefly stated the purpose and scope of the organi- zation and called for enlistments. The response was so enthusiastic that Capt. Mead asked Messrs. Harry M. Greenman, Jesse B. Woodhull and Hermann N. Tieniann, Sr., to assist in making out the papers. At that meeting the following men enlisted: — Edward B. Allen, Robert H. Beers, J. Robert Beecher, Frank E. Banks, Louis T. Briscoe, John C. Beers, Adolph Carlson, Henry G. Carlson, Willis E. Carter, Harry M. Greenman, Walter L. Glover, Frank C. Goodsell, Villeroy G. Hard Jr., John Hendriksen, William E. Honan, Charks L. Jackson, William A. Leonard, Edward S. Lovell, L. Phillips Morris, Levi C. Morris, Patrick H. McCarthy, Arthur A. McDonald, George A. Northrop, Charles G. Peck, Oscar G. Pitz- schler, Edward S. Pitzschler, Robert W. Tiemann, Hermann N. Tiemann Sr., George M. Stuart, Rodney P. Shepard, Allison P. Smith, Jesse B. Woodhull and Hervey W. Wheeler. Another meeting was held in Sandy Hook the following Saturday, March 31st., and the following enlisted: — Harold I. Bishop, George L. Clark, Martin L. Conger, Thomas J. Corbett, William H. Planlon, Carl A. Johnson, Charles B. Johnson, Michael Kilbride, James E. Lynch, Charles G. Meeker, W. John Murphy, George V. Pearsall, Matthew Rhomoser, Patrick M. Shea, Anson B. Trimble and Edward W. Troy. A number of the above were rejected on their physical examina- tion, but recruits kept coming in until sixty-one had enlisted and a company was formed with Seaman M. Mead as Captain. He immediately started drills, the drills being held alternately in the Town Hall, Newtown and St. Rose's Hall, Sandy Hook, and he had Hermann N. Tiemann Sr., and Harry M. Greenman appointed First and Second Lieutenants respectively. At the start great difficulty was experienced in getting uniforms and equipment, owing to the tremendous demand for such things to equip the Regulars, the National Guard and the large number of military organizations which were being formed; and before we were uniformed, Captain Mead was ordered to the Reserve Officers Training Camp at Madison Barracks, N. Y. The company then held a meeting and elected Hermann N. NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RPXORD 277 Tiemann Sr. Captain, Harry M. Greentnan 1st. Lieutenant and Henry G. Carlson 2nd. Lieutenant. It also elected the following civil officers : Pres. H. W. Wheeler. Vice-Pres. R. P. Shepard. Sec'y P. H. McCarthy. Treas. E. C. Piatt. The subject of drills then came up and it was found almost impossible to agree as to when they should be held, as open air drills were needed, the Town Hall and St. Rose's Hall being too small to use, except for squad drills. However that matter was finally settled, and the drills went on. Meanwhile the Co. was still trying to get uniforms and equip- ment. Finally, after much correspondence and a trip to Hartford to see the Chief Quartermaster, it was told it could have its rifles if it would send for them. Mr. Edmund C. Piatt of Hawleyville kindly offered his motor truck for that purpose and on May 30th Corporal R. W. Tiemann with a detail went to Hartford and got the rifles. Pvt. Charles L. Jackson drove. All this time the various National Guard units were preparing to be mustered into the Federal service and all kinds of rumors were rife as to disposition of the Home Guard, from being sent to the Texan border to being sent to France, but the drills went steadily forward and the men began to show considerable proficiency when a General Order was received from Home Guard Headquarters by which the Newtown company was reduced to one Active, or First Line, platoon, the second platoon being held as a Reserve. Capt. Tiemann, whose commission as captain had not been issued altho he had been officially addressed by that title from Headquarters, was told to take command of the Active platoon with the rank of 1st Lieutenant, Lieutenants Greenman and Carlson were returned to the ranks and the number of non-coms was materially reduced. However, the drills kept up and the platoon \vas invited to par- ticipate, with the other units of the District, in the Fourth of July parade in Bridgeport. On receiving this invitation the Chief Quartermaster was gotten in touch with and asked about uniforms. He said he could furnish them if they were sent for and on Sunday July 1st Sergt. John Hendriksen and Corpl. Frank C. Goodsell volunteered to go to Hartford with their autos and get the uniforms which enabled the platoon to take part in the parade. Courtesy of Lieut. Hermann N. Tiemann, Sr. 278 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN NEWTOWN'S HONOR ROLL Names of men from Newtown in U. S. Service 1917 — 1919: — Anderson, Fred, 1917— Co. E. 102nd Inf. A. E. F. Bailey, Jesse M., D. C. M. 1917— San. Detachment 103 M. G. Bat. A. E. F. Bailey, John F., 1918 — Motor Co. Camp Greenleaf, Georgia. Barnett, Lieut. William Edward, 1917— Co. B. 104th Inf. A. E. F. Was with U. S. Cavalry on the Mexican border in 1916. Barnett, Capt. Rev. Francis B., 1917— A. E. F. Rector Christ Church, Ridley Park, Phila., Pa. Barnett, Rev. Joseph N., 1917— Co. A. 303rd M. G. Bat. A. E. F. Was Curate at St. George's Church, New York. Bale, Thomas, 1918— 26th Reg. 3rd Amb. Corp. A. E. F. *Beehler, Lieut. Charles H., 1917— Aviation. Killed in action Nov. 1918 A.E.F. Beehler, Robert M., 1917— Navy Beers, Wagoner George Herbert, 1917 — Cited for bravery 102nd Amb. Co. 26th Div. A. E. F. Beers, H. Sanford, 1918 — Naval Training Station, Boston Harbor. Behn, W. L., 1918— Co. C. 301st Engineers A.E.F. Blake, Lieut. James E., 1917— 26th Eng. Co. C, A. E. F. Blake, Michael J., 1918—321 Aero Service Squad, A. E. F. Carey H. F.. 1918— U. S. A. A S. with French Army, France. Carey, T. P. 1918 — Fort Storv, Virginia. Carmody, Lieut. Richard, 1917— C. C. A. 1st Bat. 56th. Reg. San. Dept. A. E. F. Carr, William E. 1917 — Quartermasters Corps. Finance Branch A. E. F Cavanaugh, Corp. Paul V., 1918 — S. A. T. C. Columbia University, N. Y. Coholon, Lieut. Philip, 1918 — Discharged Cole, Charles H., 1917 — Mobile Veterinary, A. E. F. Conger, Martin L., 1918. Conger, William R. 1917—168 Aerial Squadron, A. E. F. Crick, Corp. James W., 1918 — Motor Truck Co. 465 Motor Supply Train, A. E. F. Davidson, George I., 1917— 103rd Co. F. Artillery, A. E. F. Donlon, Michael J., 1918— 3rd Div. B. N. Co. I. Camp Upton, L. I. Driscoll, William E., 1917— 102nd San. Train, Field Hos. 27th Div., A. E. F. Dubret, Albert, 1917—504 Engineers Bat. Co. D., A. E. F. Dutcher, Richard H., 1918— U. S. Naval Training Station, Pelham Bay. N. Y. Edwards, Charles L., 1917 — Co. F. 328th Inf. Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga Elko, Andrew Jr., 1918— Co. K. 5th Inf. U. S. Army, Panama. Fairchild, Sergt. Arthur W., 1917— 103rd Machine Gun Bat. San Detach. Fairchild, Robert D., 1917— Mobile Veterinary, Sec. 2— 2nd Div., A. E. F. Ferris, Capt. George M., 1917 — Washington D. C. Was Candidate for Holy Orders, Trinity Ch., Newtown, Conn. Gale, Gordon J., 1918 — S. A. T. C. Wesleyan University, Conn. Galyas, John, 1918. George, Lieut. James Hardin, 1918 — Y. M. C. A., B. E. F., France. Rev. James Hardin George, Rector of Calvary Ch., Columbia, Missouri. Glover, Walter H., 1918— Fire Island, N. Y. Goldstein, Corp. Israel, 1917— Bat. F. 103rd Reg. F. A., A. E .F. Goodsell. Sergt. Frank C, 1917— Co. L. 56th Inft., A E. F. Gracco, Nicholas, 1918. Hanlon, Edgar, — Annile Transport Dept., A. E. F. Hanlon, Richard— 21 Co. 20th Eng. A. P. O. 738, A. E. F. Hawlev, Maj. James N., 1917. Hawley, Robert. 1918. *Hawley. Philo, 1918— Died in the service. Hicock, Ely P., 1918— Motor Amb. Co. 44. A. E. F. NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 279 Hicock, Sergt. Henry 1918— Co. C. 504th Engineering Brigade, A. E. F. Hillhouse, Henry, 1917 — Portsmouth, Virginia. Hillhouse Julian, 1917 — Discharged. Honan, Miss. Kathryn A., 1918— Nurse, U. S. Hospital No. 9, Lakewood. N. J. Honan, Michael J., 1918— 16th Co. 4th Reg. Motor Mechanic D. M. A., A. E. F. Hurd, Charles, l9l8 — Camp Devens, Mass. James, Herbert T., 1918— U. S. N. Air Station, Kiliingholme, N. Y. James, Jesse Loderick, 1917 — 3rd Amb. Corps., 101st San. Div. A. E. F. Keane, John J., 1918— Co. F., 316th U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Keane, Joseph D., 1917 — U. S. S. Leviathan. Kelly. Francis D., 1917— 3rd Balloon Squad. Aviation Sec. Signal Corp.A.EF Kelly, John R., 1918— S. A. T. C, Columbia University, N. Y. Kiniry, Frank J., 1918— Co. F. 316th Regular Inf.. A. E. F. Klingler, Arnold, 1918 Klinger, Werner, 1918 — 2nd Bat. Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland Kraeplin, Edward, 1918 — 3rd Co. U. S. Naval Training Sta. Gulfport, Miss. Lang, Alonzo, 1918 — 10th Co. Fort Story, Virginia. Larner, Patrick, 1918— Co. B. 7th Bat. U. S. N. G., Conn. Liefield, Clemence A., 1918 — Co. C. Evac. Hos. Camp Greenleaf, Chickamauga Park, Ga. Lillis, John, 1918— 152nd Depot Brigade Camp Upton, N. Y. Lovejoy, Leroy J., 1918. Lynch, James E., Cook, 1917— Bat. A. 319th Heavv Artillery, A. E. F. Lynch, John G., 1918— Co. 57, Med. Replacement Unit. A. E. F. Lynch, Thomas F., 191^— 114th Inf. M. G. Co.. A. E. F. Maynard, Benjamin S., 1918 — U. S. Naval Aviation Forces in France, A. E. F. McMahon, Alfred, 1918— Battery B. 12th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Mead, 1st Lieut. Seaman M., 1918 — Selfridge Field, Aviation. Mount Clemens, Michigan. Lieut. Mead enlisted for the Spanish American War with a Stamford Co. Meeker, Clarence G., 1917— Co. A. 102nd Reg. U. S. Inf. A. E. F. Morris, Sergt. Levi Phillips. 1917 — Central Records Office, A. G. O. Dept., A. E. F. Nichols, George E., 1918 — U. S. S. Agamemnon. O'Dea, Earl T., 1917 — Engineering Co., A. E. F. Peck, Lieut. Albert W., 1917— Base Hospital No. 15, Qu'tmaster Medical Co. A. E F. Peck, Lieut Col. Charles H.. 1917 — Asst. Director of General Surgery. A.E.F. Returned to U. S. for service. ♦Peek. Segt. C. Howard, Jr., 1917— Base Hospital No. 15. Died March 7th, 1918. A. E. F. Perkins. Corp. Frank E., 1918 — Adm. Labor Co. 50, A. E. F. Peterson. Otto, 1917 — Co. H. 1st Conn. Inf. Camp Yale, New Haven. Conn. Peterson. Walter. 1918 — Camp Wheeler. Georgia. Pippines, Nicholas. 1918. Pitzchler, Corp. Edward S., 1917. 10th Co. 3rd Bat. Depot Brigade. Camp Devens, Fitchburg, Mass. Piatt. Charles. 1918— S. A. T. C. Columbia University. N. Y. Piatt, Percival C, 1917— H'dq't's Surgical Directors, A. E. F. Rasmussen, John L.. 1917— Co. F. 56th Eng.. A. E. F. Ray. Rvder. 1918— Co. E. 367th Reg., A. E. F. Read. Fred, W. B.. 1918. H'dq't's. No. 1. Hos. Group Camp Greenleaf. Chickamauga. Ga. Reynolds. Sergt. Lester J.. 1918 — Camp Polk. North Carolina. Roemer. Sergt. Otto, 1917— 34th Co. 9th Bat. 151st Depot Brig.. Camp Devens Fitchburg, Mass. RuflFels,Clarence, 1917. Scanlon. John J.. 1917— Base Hospital. No. 18. A. E. F. 280 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORIAN ♦Slater, Carl H., 1918— 316th Infantry Supply. Died in service, A. E. F. St. John, Earl G., 1918. Terrill. Herbert W., 1918— Co. D., 113th Inf., A. E. F. Tiemann, Corp. Robert W., 1918— Co. D., 316th Inf., A. E. F. Tilson, Frank S., 1918— Prov. Unit C, Q. M. C. Register Service. A. E. F. Tilson, Josiah, 1918 — Co. 16Tr. Bu. Replacement group. Camp Greenleaf, Chickamauga, Ga. Tobias, David C, 1917— Ordnance Dept. 110th Am. Train, A. E. F. Troy, Francis J., 1918 — Fitting-out Sec. Naval Dis. Base, New London, Conn. Troy, John Joseph, 1918 — Co. F. 74th Inf. Camp Devens, Mass. Troy, Corp. John P., 1918— Adm. Labor, Co. 14, A. E. F. Valenti, Peter J., 1917— U. S. Armed Guard, Camp Sims, Phila. Naval Yard. Valentine, George J., 1917—111 Machine Gun Co. U. S. Inf., A. E. F. Wetmore, Corp. Fred, 1917 — Co. C. 33rd Inf. Gatun Canal Zone. Wetmore, Corp. Jesse, 1917 — Co. C. 33rd Inf. Gatun Canal Zone. Wheeler. Russell. 1918— Naval Training Station, Pelham Bay, N. Y. Wirtes, Stephen, 1917 — Remount Depot. Camp Devens, Mass. Woodhull, Jesse B., 1917— O. E. C. Nat. Army Chief Ordnance, A. E. F. WulfT. Theodore L.. 1917— Bat. C. 3rd Field Art.. A. E. F. Yawman, James W., 1918— Base Vet. Hos. No. 1., A. E. F. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WAR LOANS. During the war with Germany, our Government issued four war loans, or Liberty Loans, as they are called, two in 1917 and two in 1918. The people of Newtown subscribed over $500,000 for these bonds and the entire amount was paid the Government to help carry on and win the war.The Newtown Savings Bank received the subscrip- tions, collected the money and forwarded it to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In the Third Liberty Loan campaign. Honor Flags were presented to towns and communities attaining their quota. The quota as- signed to Newtown was quickly oversubscribed and Newtown was the first town in the State to be awarded an Honor Flag ; the first town in the State to receive and fly the flag and win the first Gold star on the Honor Roll Board at the State Capitol. Hartford. For having trebled its quota two blue stars were also awarded this town and were sewed on the flag. W. G. McAdoo. Secretary of the United States Treasury, telegraphed his congratulations to the people of Newtown for the renewed evidence of their loyalty and patriotism. In the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign there was another Honor Flag contest. The campaign started Saturday, Sept. 28, 1918. Newtown's quota was $92,300 and before 9 o'clock Monday morning over $121,000 had been subscribed. The Honor Flag was awarded that day and at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, October 1, 1918, it was flying from the Newtown Savings Bank building. Newtown had again won high honors. There was no other town in the State ahead of it for "first honors" and it was undoubtedly the only town in the State at that time having two Honor Flags in its possession. The total subscriptions to the Fourth Loan were over $192,000, two blue stars being won, as in the Third contest. THE RED CROSS WORK 281 The people of Newtown have helped to keep alight the torch of Liberty and uphold justice and democracy throughout the world. In a letter received from Governor Marcus II. llolcomb, dated October 14, 1918, he congratulated the town and said, "the record which Newtown has made is one of which it may well be proud and one which will be a source of pride to its citizens in the future." NOTE — The credit of the prompt raising of these Liberty Loans, is due largely to the indefatigable effort of the Treasurer of Newtown Savings Bank, Arthur T. Nettleton. THE RED CROSS WORK Newtown's Military Record will be incomplete unless it includes some account of the Red Cross work. Although much interest was manifested in the work and through the leadership of Mrs. James W. Gordon, entertainments were given, money raised and deposited in the Savings Bank for the purpose of purchasing a Ford Ambulance to be sent to France as Newtowm's gift to the soldiers, no organization was effected until March 11th. 1917, w^hen twenty ladies met in the Guild room of Trinity Church and elected officers ; but because of an epidemic in mild form of small pox, work was not started until May 15th, 1917. The organization is an Auxiliarv of Bridgeport. Its officers, from May 15th. 1917, to Oct., 1918 were; Chairman, Mrs. E. B. Allen; Treasurer, Mrs. F. H. Mitchell ; Secretary, Miss Charlotte C. Minor ; Chairman of Surgical Dressings, Mrs. A. J. Smith; Knitting, Mrs. H. N. Tiemann ; Garments and Hospital Supplies, Miss C. C. Minor. The meetings were held in the Guild room of Trinity Church until the Autumn of 1917, since which time they have been held in the parlor of the Congregational Church, Tuesdays from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. coffee being served at noon, each lady taking her own lunch. Miss Dorothy Allen one of the prime movers in the organization, did good work soliciting funds and with her car brought material for all branches and returned the finished work to Bridgeport headquarters. Milton C. Hull of Danbury a returned soldier, capt- ured her in August 1918. The officers elected Oct., 1918, for the year were. Chairman. Mrs. F. H. Mitchell ; Treasurer, Mrs. L. C. Morris ; Secretary, Mrs. A. B. Blakeman ; Chairman of Surgical Dressings, Mrs. A. J. Smith; Knitting, Miss 15. Frances Honan ; Garments and Hospital Supplies, Miss Charlotte C. Minor. The branches of the Newtown Auxiliary are, Sandy Hook, meeting Tuesdays with Mrs. T. F. Brew. Chair- man; Botsford, meeting Wednesdays, at the home of some member. Mrs. Herbert T. Coger, Chairman; Dodgingtown, meeting Thurs- days at the home of some member, Mrs. R. D. Smith, Chairman. Christmas, 1917, 55 Christmas boxes were shipped to the boys in France and U. S. Camps. Easter 1918, 20 boxes were shipped to France. As no Christmas boxes could be shipped to France in 1918, to each boy was sent a special Christmas Card, which was a poem by Mrs. A. B. Blakeman, printed by Mr. Frank Wright of the Newtown 282 NEWTOWN'S HISTORY AND HISTORY Bee. Christmas l^uxes were sent to all boys in Camps in this country. About 60 boys were completely outfitted with sweater, two pairs socks, helmet, wristlets and comfort kit. The town's people gave, in Feb., 1918, a War Supper, to raise money to buy clothing for refugee children. Sufficient money was raised for material for 419 garments, which were sent to Col. Chas. H. Peck, who distributed them in a home for refugee children in Liefra-Aube, France, in the Somme section. In April another War Supper was given ; the money to be added to the Ambulance fund, but finding that no more Ford ambulances would be accepted by the Government, a "Kitchen-trailer" was ])urchased and sent to the 102nd Ambulance Co. In July, 1918, Mrs. C. O. Kraeplin gave the use of "Sophie's Tea Room" and grounds to the ladies of the Botsford branch for a Red Cross sale of fancy articles, food, etc. The net receipts were more than $300, for the Red Cross treasury. A quilt made by Mrs. Alfred Osborn, containing 2,288 pieces given for the sale, sold by ticket for more than $50.00 and a beautiful doily of embroiderv and crochet made by Mrs. Levi C. Gilbert, sold by ticket for about $40.00. From May 1917 to Dec. 31st, 1917, 3004 hospital garments and bandages were completed; from Dec. 31st, 1917 to Dec. 31st, 1918. 8526 hospital garments and 676 refugee garments were completed, making a total of 9202 garments. Of knitted garments, including sweaters, socks, helmets and mufflers, 2064 were completed. The making of Surgical Dressings was commenced in July, 1918 and continued until Dec, during which time 13710 were folded. Great credit is due the officers of all the branches and their faith- ful workers for punctual attendance at the meetings and interest manifested in doing the required work, not only during the war but since the signing of the armistice, in the making of hospital and refugee garments. It is worthy of note that a group of Hawleyville Red Cross workers have almost invariably been met at the R. R. Station by Mr. Cornelius B. Taylor, been taken to the Red Cross rooms, and taken to the Station for their return. Donations from him of fresh fruit during the summer were frequently enjoyed during the lunch hour. In addition to the work reported by the different branches, a Junior Auxiliary composed of 68 pupils of the High School, under the supervision of Miss Houlihan, contributed the making of 150 Property bags by the girls and 100 splints by the boys. Over $123.00 has been handed in as the pledge made by students at High School, to personally earn and donate to the United War Work Campaign. Pupils from some of the public schools and the parochial school have met each Saturday P. M. with Mrs. T. F. Brew and under her instructions have knitted six blankets for Belgian babies. More blankets have been knitted by the children in other districts under the instruction of their teachers. THE RED CROSS WORK 283 In the expectation of the home-coming of the Soldiers and Sailors, a beautiful "Welcome Home" flag has been designed and made by Mrs. Levi C. Morris, and donated to the town by the Red Cross. It is hung between the Congregational Church and the store of R. H. Beers. The Red Cross also furnished one for the R. R. Station and one for Sandy Hook. As the last pages of this Record go to press a movement is on foot to erect by the town, as a Soldiers' and Sailors' Testimonial, a new High School building. By the courtesy of State Librarisui, Geo. S. Godard the following list has been received NEWTOWN MEN IN THE WAR OF 1812 Record of Conn. Militia in the War of 1812 CampSamuel place of service not shown. Curtis, A b i j a h, capt. service at New London, under Lieut.- col. T. Shepard, Aug. 3, 1813 to Sept. 16, 1813. " Abijah B. capt. service at New Haven under Col. Elihu Sanford, Sept. 8, 1814 to Oct. 20, 1814. Fairchild, Kiah B. serg't. place of service not shown, under com- mand of Arnold Foot, Oct. 24, 1814 to Nov. 15, 1814. Glover, Ebeneizer B., priv. place of service not shown, under com- mand of Ransom C. Canfield, Aug. 3, 1813 to Sept. 16, 1813. " V i 1 1 e r o y, corp. place of service, New London, under command of Abijah B. Curtis, Aug. 3, 1813 to Sept. 16, 1813. " " " place of service not shown under com- mand of Abijah B. Curtis, Sept. 8, 1814 to Oct. 20, 1814. " Ziba place of service not shown. Nichols, Henry, priv. place of service New London, under com- mand of Abijah B. Curtis, Aug. 3, 1813 to Sept. 16, 1813 also " " " place of service not shown, under com- mand of Abijah B. Curtis, Sept. 8, 1814 to Oct. 20, 1814. Prindle, Joseph, " place of service not shown, under com- mand of Seth Comstock, Sept. 16, 1813 to Nov. 1, 1813. 284 THE RED CROSS WORK Sherman, Charles. niaj. place of service not shown, commander not shown, June 11 1813 to Junel3, 1813. " " " place of service New Haven, under com- mand of Col. Elihu Sanford. Sept. 8, 1814 to Oct. 21, 1814. •* " priv. place of service, New^ London, under command of Charles French, June 1, 1813 to June 16, 1814. " " " place of service not shown, under com- mand of Charles French, Aug. 9. 1814 to Aug. 16, 1814. " " muse, place of service, Ne wLondon, under command of Abijah B. Curtis, Aug. 3, 1814 to Sept. 16, 1813. " " " place of service not shown, under com- mand of Abijah B. Curtis, Sept 8, 1814 to Oct. 20, 1814. Stilson, Abel, jr. priv. place of service not shown, under com- mand of Arnold Foot, Oct. 24, 1814 to Nov. 15, 1814. W'inton, Czar, priv. place of service not shown, under com- mand of Arnold Foot, Oct. 24, 1814 to Nov. 15, 1814. Abijah B. Curtis was commissioned Major at the close of the war. His sw^ord, presented by his grand-daughter, Mrs. H. C. Miles of Milford, Conn., to the Connecticut Society of Daughters of 1812, is placed in the State Library at Hartford in a beautiful case which has been presented to the Society. Enlisting orders for the military corps to be formed for the defence of the state. Roll of enlistments in 2d Co. 1st reg't infantry, Newtown, Feb. 10, 1813. Elihu S. Curtis Zachariah Prindle Ithamar Merwin Chancy Tibbell, for 45 days Philer H. Dibble for the present tower of duty Leveret (Heath?) for the present tower of duty Harry Blakeley for the present tower of duty Lyman Beecher for the present tower of duty Asahel Harington, 18th Sept. 1814 for the present tower of duty Charles Wheeler, 18th Sept. 1814 for the present tower of duty Samuel Addison, 18th Sept. 1814 for 14 days Bennitt Prindle for 1 month from the 18th of Sept. 1814 Eathiel Whitney for this tower of duty Ira Keeler, Oct. 8th to the end of this tower of service Abijah B. Curtis INDUSTRIES OF NEWTOWN IN 1852—1853 1 For the matter that makes up the greater i)art of this we are indebted to the Newtown Academician, a monthly paper issued by the pupils of Newtown Academy in 1852 and 1853. The pupils of the school builded better than they knew, when they scurried about town and got together so many "ads", showing the great variety of business enterprises successfully carried on in our town, not by any means confined in location to the business centers of the town. From no other source can any one form the faintest idea of con- ditions as then existing, so far as relates to industries, other than that of farming. An interesting bit of history this that comes down from a former generation and we do well to give due credit to the source from w^hich our information comes. Though the Academi- cian was short lived, it w^as useful in its day and generation. Business cards of professional men and ads of various Newtown industries copied from the Newtown Acadamician of 1852 and 1853: NEWTOWN STREET DAVID H. BELDEN— Attorney and Counsellor ai Law; office at his resi- dence, second door north of Trinity church. DAVID B. BEERS — Attorney and Counsellor at law; office first door south of Academy. AMOS S. TREAT — Attorney and Counsellor at Law; office first door south of Postoffice. C. H. BOOTH, M. D. — Physician and Surgeon; office at his residence, third door south of the Hotel. ERASTUS ERWIN — Physician and Surgeon; office opposite the Hotel. GEORGE JUDSON — Physician and Surgeon ; office at his residence, north end of the street. MONROE JUDSON, M. D. — Physician and Surgeon; office at his residence nearly opposite Charles Fairman's shoe store. MISS MARIA FAIRMAN— Milliner; head of the Main Street, keeps con- stantly on hand an assortment of millinery goods, bonnets, ribbons, silks, flowers, etc. HENRY SANFORD — Dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, produce, drugs and medicines, etc. EDWARD STARR — Dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, produce, boots and shoes, ready made clothing, drugs, medicines, etc. DAVID H. JOHNSON — Dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, produce, drugs, and medicines, etc. WILLIAM BLAKESLEE— Gold and Silversmith; watches, clocks and jewelry repaired to order; shop at head of the street. GLOVER & ALLEN — Joiners and House Builders ; shop west of Congre- gational church. CHARLES FAIRMAN — Boot and Shoemaker; store above D. H. Johnson's store. PIKE & BROTHER— Boot and Shoemakers; opposite the Hotel. GEORGE PECK — Custom Boot and Shoemaker; shop near the foot of Church Hill. BURR H.A.WLEY— Tailor ; shop next door above D. H. Johnson's store. NEWTOWN HOTEL— S. P. Barnum. Proprietor. ISAAC BRISCOE'S MEAT MARKET— Near the head of the Street. THEOPHILUS NICHOLS— Agent for the best Fire, Life and Health Insurance Company. ISAAC BEERS— Manufacturer of every variety of Horn Combs; factory in rear of Trinity church. GEORGE LAWRENCE— Manufacturer of Horn Combs: factory first door south of the Hotel. CHAS. FAIRI^IAN'S LIVERY STABLE— In the rear of his Shoe Store. 2 INDUSTRIES OF NEWTOWN IN 1852—1853 SANDY HOOK WILLIAM B. GLOVER— Dealer in Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Farm- ing Implements, Produce, Drugs, Medicines, etc. Near the Bridge. LEVI MORRIS — Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Farming Implements, Produce, Drugs, Medicines, etc. West of the Bridge. CHARLES TWITCHELL— Blacksmith and Carriage Ironer ; Custom work done to order. Shop east of tlie Bridge, north of W. B. Glover's Store. MISS M. E. KINDERGON— Milliner and Dress Maker; over Morris' Store. MISS H. S. A. STILLSON— Dressmaker; shop two doors north of L. Morris' store. NATHAN R. COUCH, TAILOR— Cutting done to order at short notice and warranted to fit if properly made up. Shop next store of Samuel B. Peck. NATHAN SHEPARD — Custom Boot and Shoemaker. Repairing done witli neatness and dispatch. DAVID GLOVER — Carriage Maker; shop at the saw mill. Custom work done to order. SANDY HOOK HOTEL— B. Gregory, Proprietor. DUDLEY SQUIRE'S OYSTER AND DINING SALOON— Oysters served up in every style. Next door north of Glover's Store. J. B. & C. F. BLAKESLEE — Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. A. B. BEECHER — Manufacturer of Satinets. Factory west side of Bridge. HENRY L. WHEELER— Tinsmith and Dealer in Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron Wares, Stoves, etc. SANDY HOOK FLOURING AND CUSTOM MILL— Saw Mill and Plaster Mill. David Sanford, Proprietor. JOHN DICK & CO. — Manufacturers of American Rivets, Factory on the Pohtatuck below the Flouring Mill. DANIEL H.A.LL — Manufacturer of every variety of Horn Buttons. In Dick's Machine Shop. MOSES PARSONS & SONS— Manufacturers ; Corner of Main and Moun- tain Road. AMMON SHEPARD— Wool Hat Maker; factory between Sandy Hook and Housatonic Railroad Depot. H. H. TAYLOR — Physician and Surgeon; Sandy Hook. TOWN WARNER & CURTIS— Manufacturers of every variety of Horn Combs. Factory in Berkshire, one and a half miles east and south of Sandy Hook. RUFUS SOMERS— Manufacturer of Wool Hats; Berkshire. ISAAC J. WELLS — Custom Boot and Shoe Maker .Berkshire. ROYAL O. CLARK'S MEAT MARKET— Two and a half miles east of Sandy Hook. Customers supplied at their houses. DAVID JONES— Manufacturer of Horn Combs. Shop at Dick's Rivet Factorv; half a mile below Sandv Hook. BURTON E. CL.\RK— Tanner and Currier. One and a half miles South of the street on the turnpike. Cash paid for hides. LEVI PECK — Tanner and Currier. Two miles South of the Street on the Turnpike. Cash paid for hides and bark. DAVID CURTIS— Tanner and Currier. Calculate to manufacture leather to the best advantage. Bark and mill driven by water power. Factory in Berkshire. WILLIAM J. DICK & CO. — Manufacturers of American Rivets. Factory a few rods below Sandy Hook. GEORGE WHEELER— Wool Hat Manufacturer. One and a half miles north of the Street on the Turnpike. MRS. GEORGE ANDREWS— Milliner and Dressmaker. Third door east of the Railroad Depot. EZRA MORGAN — Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Produce, etc. at Morgan's Four Corners in the south west part of town. WILLIAM PLATT, JR.— Manufacturers of Horn Combs near Ezra Morgan's store. INDUSTRIES OF NEWTOWN IN 1852—1853 3 MARTIN REED— Manufacturer of every variety of Horn Combs. Factory at the old Cotton Factory, half a mile below Sandy Hook. GRECIAN & CO.— Manufacturers. Factory near the Housatonic R. R. Depot. L. L. PLATT & CO. — Manufacturers of every variety of Horn Buttons. Factory at the Housatonic R. R. Depot. BLACKMAN & SKIDMORE— Horn Comb manufacturers. Four miles north of the Street on the Brookfield road. LEROY TAYLOR— Manufacturer of every variety of Horn Combs. Two miles west of the Street at the outlet of Taunton Pond. WILLIAM PLATT— Horn Button Manufacturer. One mile west of Botsford Station. ALFRED N. SH.^RP— Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc. Four miles west of the Street. GEORGE MOREHOUSE— Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc., in the southwest part of the town — Gregory's Orchard. WILLIAM B. PRINDLE — Manufacturer of chairs, cabinet ware and coffins. One mile south of Newtown Street near the Turnpike. He has a good Grist Mill connected with said establishment. All work done to order IVES GLOVER, BLACKSMITH— One and a half miles south of Newtown Street, near the Turnpike. All work in his line done to order and at short notice. CH.A.RLES BEERS — Manufacturer of Horn Combs. One mile below Newtown Street; near the cemetery. PECK & CLARK — Manufacturers of Horn Combs on the Turnpike one mile south of Newtown village. EBEN BEACH — General Blacksmithing; on the Turnpike in South Center District. DAVID D. LOPER — House and Decorative Painter, Newtown. PETER M. NASH — House and Decorative Painter, Newtown. CHARLES B. NICHOLS— Manufacturer of Woolen Stocking Yarn. Four miles south of Newtown Street on the Turnpike. Wool carded to order. Take wool for paj'. JOHN WARNER — Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, etc. Store a few rods south of St. James Church in Zoar district. ALONZO SHERMAN— Blacksmith, one half mile west of St. James Church. Custom work done to order. JULIUS ROBERTS— Carriage and Sleigh Maker. Next door to Alonzo Sherman's Blacksmith Shop. WILLIAM A. BRADLEY — Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc. Bradleyville, Zoar. ABIT.'KH BRADLEY — Manufacturer of cabinet ware and churns. MATTHEW F.MRCHILD— Manufacturer of Horn Combs. Factory a few rods east of the Street. S. T. ALLING — Physician and Surgeon. A few rods south of the Bridge in Snndy Hook. DENNIS W. NASH — Carpenter and Joiner, one mile southwest of the Street in Head of Meadow District. HORACE GILBERT — Dealer in Groceries and Yankee notions. Hunting- town. BRADLEY & SHERMAN— Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. Shop west of Congregational Church. SIMEON NICHOLS — Satinet manufactory; three miles south of Newtown on Newtown and Bridgeport Turnpike. JOHN GRIFFIN'S STEAM PLASTER MILL— At Botsford Depot. GLOVER HAWLEY — Hawleyville; dealer in Spruce and Hemlock Lumber, and timber for building purposes. BRONSON BULKLEY — An expert workman in wood craft, builds ox-carts, cart tongues, ox-sleds, stone boats, wagon axles, etc. Work done with nf'atness and dispatch. Shop at upper end of Newtown Street UNCLE BILL PECK — An expert hog butcher, pork packer and smoker of hams and shoulders. Season lasts from first of November to the first of April. Office one door north of the blacksmith's shop, head of Newtown Street on road to Danbury. BILL JOHNSON— ("Colored.) Day laborer, at all seasons of the year 4 INDUSTRIES OF NEWTOWN IN 1852—1853 regardless of weather. Call at old red house west of the meeting house. Can be found there when at home. TO COMB MAKERS— 20,000 Buenos Ayres horns, low for cash or short approval credit; also exchange for tips at a fair price. Elam Shepard, Newtown, Aug. 30, 1825. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE— William G. Smith informs his customers and the public in general that he keeps on hand an elegant assortment of furniture, not inferior to any in this country. The articles which he manufactures are Sofas, Secretaries, Book Cases, Lockers, Bureaus, Pillar and Claw Tables, Mahogany and Cherry Tea Tables, Common Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs, etc., of every description; together with Venetian Window Blinds made to order as cheap as can be bought in New York. All kinds of lumber taken in exchange for the above articles. Mahogany and pine lumber kept constantly on hand and for Sale. Newtown, June 14, 1829. NOTE — The cabinet shop stood on the ground north of Charles F. Beardsley's house, where Arthur T. Nettleton's house now is. REVISED LIST, 1918 David H. Belden D. B. Beers Amos S. Treat C. H. Booth, M. D. Erastus Erwin M. D. George Judson, M. D. Monroe Judson, M. D. Miss Maria Fairman Henry Sanford Edward Starr David M. Johnson William Blakeslee Charles Fairman Residence of P. E. Abbott. Summer Residence of Miss Louise Bigelow. In block now R. H. Beers' store. Residence of Mrs. Marcus Hawley. Summer home of Dwight C. Wheeler. Residence of George A. Northrop. Residence of Mrs. A. B. Blackman. Residence of Michael Crowe. Store of R. H. Beers. Was between Trinity Church Rec. and Miss Louise Bigelow. Morris & Shepard. Residence of Mrs. Lucy Cavanaugh. Next above present Town Hall. Norman Glover bought the place and Chas. Fairman moved to house now owned and occupied by Patrick McCarthy. Pike & Brother George Peck Burr Hawley Newtown Hotel Isaac Briscoe Theophilus Nichols Isaac Beers George Lawrence Little Shop where brick building stands. Home of Miss Abbie Peck and Sister. Where Post Office now stands. Newtown Inn. In rear of home of Michael Crowe. Former home of M. C. Skidmore, deceased. Trinity Church sheds near that location. Location not known. Charles Fairman, s Livery Stable. In rear of Mrs. S. F. Schermerhorn's house. Wm. B. Glover Levi Morris Charles Twichell Nathan R. Couch Nathan Shepard David Glover Sandy Hook Hotel Dudley Squires J. B. & C. F. Blakeslee Where Sandy Hook Post Office now stands Corbett & Crowe, Drugs and Groceries. H. C. Bassett. Patrick Campbell's Saloon. Home of Arthur Baird. Shop adjoining Flour Mill. Edward Troy's Hotel. ♦ Brick store on same location. Between Gibson Place & Mrs. Minott Augur. Charles Blakesley, who lived in the house where Mrs. Minott Augur now lives built a brass foundry on the lot back of the house, where he cast brass door keys. These were finished in what is now the Harris Wire Mill. REVISED LIST, 1918 5 A. 3. Beecher Harris Wire Mill. Henry L. Wheeler John Ilaugh, Hardware Store. Sandy Hook Flouring Mill Patrick Campbell Jolin Dick & Co. Shop destroyed. Josiah Sanford and Joseph Dick erected a .satinet factory north of the flouring mill, and very near the Dayton Street bridge. Later, William J, Dick and Charles Dick went into business with their father, Joseph Dick and engaged in the manufacture of rivets and wooden screws. The first gimlet pointed screws were also made in tliis factory, under a patent taken out by Lorenzo Bidwell. The manufacture of horn combs and buttons was also carried on here by Ambrose Stillson. Daniel Hall Shop destroyed. Moses Parsons & Sons House rebuilt by Wm. S. Stevens, cor. Dayton Street. .\mmon Shepard Opposite Richard's Store Warner &. Curtis S. Curtis & Son, Berkshire. Rufus Somers Home of C. E. Miner, Berkshire. Isaac J. Wells Shop demolished, Berkshire. Royal O. Clarke Home of Arthur Page, Berkshire. Burton E. Clarke Home of George A. Benwell on State Road. Levi Peck On estate of E. L. Johnson, House and shop burned. David Curtis Opposite H. G. Curtis Factorv, removed. Wm. J. Dick & Co. See John Dick & Co. George Wheeler Next to John B. Wheeler, on Brookfield turnpike. George Wheeler's hat factory was located right back of house formerly owned by Michael I])ugan, north of residence of John B. Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler remembers very distinctly, of running in there as a boy, to watcli the process of hat making. Mrs. George Andrews Residence of Miss Margaret Carmody and Mrs. John Houlihan. Ezra Morgan Home of Irving Goodseli. Martin Reed The old Cotton factory stood where the New Primier Mfg. Co., Dutcli Rubber was. The cotton factory was built by David Sanford for the pur- pose of manufacturing wool filling and cotton warp for satinet. Grecian & Co. Location not known. L. L. Piatt & Co. Factory removed. William Piatt The Crowe Keane Button Co. •Mfred N. Sharp Home of Eleazer A. E. Bevans, Dodging town. George Morehouse Location unknown. William B. Prindle Wetmore's Mill. Ives Glover Home of David Glover. Charles Beers Moved to Ohio, House burned. Peck & Clark Home of Hermon H. Peck. Eben Beach Home of William H. Prindle. David Loper Old house on Reservoir Hill, (destroyed). Peter N. Nash Built house the home of Miss Anna McCartan. Charles B. Nichols Residence of O. Howard Hall. John Warner Near Gray's Plain School house. Matthew Fairchild Home of George B. Beers. It was Dr. Gideon Shepard's Inn; later owned by Matthew Fairchild, then by Botsford Terrill, then by William Terrill. Dennis W. Nash Home of Arthur L. Peck. Horace Gilbert Owned by Schimelman Bros. Simeon Nichols Owned by Bridgeport Hydraulic Co. John Griffin Estate of Nathan C. Herz, deceased. Home of Marcus Busker. 6 REVISED LIST, 1918 Glover Hawley Hawleyville, property R. R. Co. Home of Wm. Sturges. Bronson Buckley Home of Mrs. Cora Pierce. Josiah Tomlinson and Charles Goodyear had a shop on Dayton Street near the Methodist Church where they cast pewter spoons. They con- ceived the idea of re-inforcing the spoons by means of a steel wire run- ning the length of the handle. The wire being laid in the mold, and the moulten metal then poured in. The spoons were buffed and finished at what is now the Harris Wire Mill. Augurs old meat market building was used as a machine shop, and a man by the name of Gurley together with young Charles Blakesley car- ried on brass business. A shop was built by Daniel Conly on Dayton Street just north of the Methodist Church, for the manufacturing of hats, the hats being taken to Dicks machine or rivet shop, for finishing. Conly married a daughter of Squire Clark, who was father of Mr. Philo Clark. THE CROWE-KEANE BUTTON COMPANY. The button industry is an old established business in this town, their manufacture having been first begun in 1844, in a small fac- tory near the Housatonic R. R. Station under the management of Grffin, Piatt and Summers. Later this Company dissolved each going into business for himself. Part of the present factory of The Crowe-Keane Button Co. was moved from Botsford R. R. Station where an old factory was located by William Piatt. The machinery was brought here from Waterbury by Lorin Piatt, a brother of William Piatt. He (Wm. Piatt), continued in the business until 1870 when it was sold to Patrick Keane & Son, who enlarged and improved the business. When Mr. Keane died in 1896, P. F. Crowe succeeded him in the management of the bus- iness until June 8th, 1909, when the present stock company was formed. This industry is the only manufacturing in the lower part of the town, and employs from 20 to 25 girls and 10 to 15 men. Horn and hoof buttons are made in all sizes. An interesting bit of Newtown history in connection with the work now being done by the "Connecticut Light and Power Co." Reader! Did you ever hear it said that nearly one hundred years ago the question was being agitated of building a canal along side of the Hous- atonic river, from tidewater to tlic northern boundary of the state of Coniu'clicut, expecting by so doing to furnish transportation facilities for getting farm produce from the up-country towns in Fairfield and Litchfield counties to the seaboard and thus find a more ready market? The matter was to be brought up for action at the General Assembly that would con- vene in May, 1822, and the town appointed a committee to represent it on that matter. We give the recorded doings of the meeting as they are to be found in the Town Journal. Vol. 5, page 175, which go to show the town in favor of the proposed project. The measure did not meet with general REVISED LIST, 1918 7 approval, although it helped to make an interesting chapter to be added to Newtown history and reads as follows : "At a special town meeting of the inhabitants of Newtown, legally warned and held at the old church on the 9th day of April, 1822, at 4 o'clock, for the purpose of taking into consid- eration the subject of the proposed canal along the Housatonic river, it was voted that Smith Booth be made moderator." "Voted that whereas it has been represented to the meeting that a petition will be brought to the next General Assembly to incorporate a company for the purpose of establishing a navigation by the Housatonic river by means of a canal near its bank or by improving the bed of the river as far as the state line, and whereas said operations arc in part to be done within the limits of this town, therefore voted that this town approve the object of said petition and hereby consent that said canal may be laid through the town and the contemplated operations in the river be made and this town waive all objections the said petition on the ground that said petition shall not be regularly served upon this town and the Represen- tatives from this town are hereby instructed l)y all proper means to forward the object of said petition, provided that nothing herein contained is to be construed to subject this town to expense of purchasing the land over which said canal may pass." Voted to adjourn without delay. Caleb Baldwin, Town Clerk VERSES COMPOSED ON THE DEATH OF ONE, BENJAMIN GLOVER. Composed by Benjamin Glover's Wife on the death of her husband. Hail, all ye dead men, I am come to lodge along with you. Edge close and give me room to rot, I claim it as my due. I bring no bags of cash to let, nor interest to be cast. For I was rid of all these things before I breathed my last. I four score years and seven have lived in trouble and distress, And seventeen years of it was blind as was poor Bartimeus. I naked came into this world and naked go I out. And not one farthing do I leave behind for heoirs to snarl about. When I was young I did design with riches to be crowned. But soon I found out my mistake, for want did me surround. Loss followed loss till in short time of all I was bereft, I made my will and thus disposed of all that I had left. I will my soul to God on high who gave it to me first. I will my body to the grave to moulder with the dust. To his brother: When you paid natures debt your sires did quietly submit. Because you left great store of wealth they had their share in it. It was other motives that moved mine to yeild that I should die. Because a great deliverance then they should receive thereby. And what's the odds between us now, you are dead and so am I ; Now I sleep as much as you, as quietly I lie. Here rich and poor together meet, the Lord hath made them all, Then Let us all in quiet sleep till Christ for us doth call. Extract from a letter written by Franklin Fairman of Chicago, 111., in 1913. Ichabod Fairman, son of one of the old settlers of Newtown, married Rebecca Glover, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Burwell Glover. She must have been a daughter of the lady who wrote the verses quoted. Mrs. Glover seems to have been a rather striking character. One of her sayings was, "The more you oppose 'em the more they'll 'tarnally marry", showing that opposition to the marriage of children was a burning question. On looking up the records I find that Ichabod Fairman was of the mature age of 20, and that two of his brothers and one sister were married at about the same age. I find that Mrs. Mary Glover was my gt. gt. grandmother. I therefore am thankful for resurrecting this specimen of her composition. Franklin Fairman INDEX Abrams, John, 246 Ackley. Rev. Wm. N., 88, 93. Wm. E., 93. Adams, Abraham, 120 Ephraim, 120, 218 Frecgrace, 27, 30, 33, 52, 59, 70, 119, 216, 218 John, 119, 190, 216, 218 " Joseph S., 125 " Reuben, 123 Samuel, 190, 218 William, 53 Alden, Henry, 248 Allen, Mrs. Grace, 234 William, 122 Allyn, John, 1 Andrews, Frederick, 251 Anthon, George, 247 Arms, Rev. Wm. M., 78 Atwater, Rev. Jason, 42, 78 Augur, Minott, 93, 245 B Bacon, Mary, 230 Bailey, Hiram, 128 Jesse M., 232 " Samuel, 215 Baisley, Jonathan, 73 Baldwin, Abel, 73, 120, 133, 135, 160 A. D., 160 Betty, 193 Caleb. 37. 43, 44, 47, 49.65,70,71,73, 111, 113, 119, 120, 133, 136, 143, 145, 149, 170, 171, 215, 218 Maj. Caleb Jr., 65, 82, 98, 99, 108, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 143, 145, 149, 190, 193, 218, 265, 266. 267 Caleb. 3rd, 120, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 218, 221, 225, 227 Mrs. Caleb, 233. Daniel, 33, 104, 108, 120, 183. 208, 218. Capt. David, 83. 155, 242, 245. 246, 247. David V. B., 170, 171, 226, 227. Gideon, 120, 218. Henry, 77. 236, 239. Homer W., 252. Jabez, 120, 131, 179, 195. James. 64, 105, 119, 215. 218. " Jerusha, 73. Tohn, 1.54. 5VIarv, 195. Mehitable, 193. " Capt. Nathan, 27, 28, .57, 60, 61. 65. 67, 70, 71. 72. 119,, 120, 215, 218. 267. Philo, 75, 183. Richard. 21. Sarah. 134. Theophilus, 46. Thomas, 21. Timothy, 20. Widow Anna, 73. Bancroft, Oliver, 128, 209. Banks, David, 229. Jane, 228. Bantle, Amy M., 232. Bardslee, John, 27, 28. Barker, Rev. Otis W., 79, 233, 234, 262. Barlow, Joseph B., 126. Barnes, H., 158. " Lucas, 76. Barnett, Rev. Francis W,, 10, 88, 93, 262. Rev. Francis B., 88. " Lieut Rev. Joseph N. 88 Mary P., 88. " Lieut Wm. Edward, 88. Barnum, Andrew, 106, 114. " F'rancis, 218. Sallu Pell, 77, 145, 236, 239. " Samuel T., 151. Thomas B., 129. Bassett, Albert, 235. Charles H., 94. Joel, 75, 120, 128, 218. John, 123, 218. Thomas, 218. Beach, Ambrose, 109. Eben, 76, 77. " Isaac, 234. Rev. John, 11, 57, 63, 65, 82, 85, 190, 193, 218, 233, 234. John Francis, 233, 234. " John Kimberly, 233, 234. " Lazarus, 111, 234. Rebecca D., 233, 234. Reuben, 76, 77. Beard, Henry, 230. Mrs. Estella, 234. William, 76, 236, 239. Beardsley, Aaron, 126. Abner, 127. " Abraham, 128. Agur, 125. Bailey, 128. Charles F., 143, 187, 233, 234, 262. Elias, 123. Enos, 120. Israel A., 161, 218. James F., 127, 218. " Jesse. 129. Josiah, 73, 122, 124, 133, 134, 135, 180, 190, 218 Josiah Jr., 122. " Lyman, 111. Moses, 75, 125. " Moses Jr., 126. " Moses 3rd, 128. Philo, 75, 125, 127. Rev. E. Edwards, 81. " Samuel, 75. Wilton, 129. Beck, Esther M., 232 Beebe, James, 25 Beecher, Alva B., 76, 161, 187, 236, 239. " Florence Glover, 303, " Henry Glover, 234. " Marguerite Katherine 203, 232. Sarah, 228. William J. 203, 234, 238. 239. 242, 263. Beers, Abel, 119. Abel S.. 126, 183. Abiel, 216. Beers, Abner, 77, 127. Abraham, 102, 120, 124 Amariah, 128. 184. 227. Andrew, 83. 124, 246. Anna, 260. " Anna S., 228. Arabella Fitch. 81, 92. " Austin, 125. Booth G., 229. Charles C, 129. Charles E., 252. Mrs. Charles E.. 252. Charles H., 77. Charlotte, 228. Cyrcnius, 125, 260. Cyrus, 123, 124. Daniel, 119, 218, 223. Daniel G., 87, 92, 163, 229, 230, 233, 234, 238. 239, 262. David B., 83, 99, 129, 200, 236, 239. David, 126. Ebenezer, 83, 124, 212. Ebenezer Jr.. 127, 182, 183, 185. " Eleazer, 73. Eli, 125. Eli B., 238, 239. Elias, 123, 125. Elizabeth L., 92. Emma S., 200, 237. Ester, 183, 185. Ezekiel, 95, 128. " Florence, 11. " Frederick H., 11. George, 145, 200, 229, 260. " George B. " George Emerson, 200. Gideon, 128. Harry, 226, 227, 236, 237, 239. " Harry Croswell, 252. Henry, 127, 185. G. Herbert. 232. " Hermon, 129. H. Sanford, 232. " Isaac, 85. Isaac Beach, 229. Jabez, 123. Jacob, 126, 185. " James Jane Fitch, 87. " Jeremiah, 126. " Tessie M., 232. John, 102. 119, 128, 129. 184. 214, 218. John B., 128. " John Hobart. 229. Julius A., 229. Lemuel, 128, 227. Lillian, 232. " Mrs. Lucv, 78. " Lyman. 76. 77. Marv E., 233. 234. Dr. Moses B., 212. " Norman, 128. Oliver. 124. Phebe B., 212. Philo Jr., 127, 185. Robert H., 40, 44, 233. 262. Samuel. 123. 125, 21R. Sarah A., 232. Sarah M., 230. Sarah Nichols. 92. Sarah Peck. 260. " Silas Norman. 85. "J 229. Simeon. 125. 1.54. INDEX Beerb. Simeon N., liS, 161. 18J, 227. Susan Lyniic, V.. Sylvester, 128. Thomas, 127. Truman, 123. " Widow Sarah, 216. Zaimon, 75. Benedict, Benjamin C, 229. Eliakim, 149. George, 128. George M.. 129, 227. '• Gideon, 64. " Capt. John, 46. " Joseph, 64. Joseph Jr., 64. Ralph, 111. Samuel B., 129. Benjamin, R. 168. Bennett Bennitt, Abel, 110, 120, 124, 183. Abel Jr., 129. Abram, 37, 64, 71, 75 " Abram Jr., 73. Abraham, 119, 120. 127, 136, 215, 218. Amos, 122, 124. Caleb, 41, 75, 123, 125 " Deacon, 36. " Kbenezer F., 125. Eli, 27, 177. " Emily. 204. Ephraim, 119, 195, 218 Ezekiel, 125. Gideon, ISO. " Isaac, 125. James, 110, 123, 124. 184. James Jr., 128, 183, 184. Jol), 133. 135. " Joseph, 127. " Legrand, 76. " Nancy, 150. Nathan, 133, ISO. Richard. 110, 124. Thaddeus, 150, , 183. " Thomas, (Justice ol Peace). 14. IS, 22. 27. 28, 30. 35. 45, 52, 53. 55. 56. 59. 61. 73, 110. 117, 119, 159, 216. Wheeler. 127. " Widow Mary, 215. Beresford, Charles M., 233, 252. Betts, Anna May, 231. " Anna Plowman, 204. " Ephraim. 136. " James M.. 204. John, 230. " Thaddeus, 135. Marv Hough, 204. Dr. Ralph N. Jr., 212. Dr. Ralph N., 93, 204. Ralph N. Jr., 212. Bierce, A. O., 252. Birch, David M., 128. Ezra, 122, 124. George, 218. " Teremiah, 119, 218. Lamson, 41, 75, 125. 141. 149. Mary Ann. 141. 142. " Nehemiah. 110. Willi-nm. 104, 120, 177. 178, 181. 218. William Jr.. 123. Birchard. Eden, 126. Bishop, Alfred, 167. 198, 200. Blackman, Abner, 127. or Blakeman. Ada M., 234. Agur, 127. Alfred. 18^ " Ann, 146, 230. Blakeman, Austin B. l7l, 234. 238, 239, 262. Bennett, 239. " Caroline, 198. Daniel, 125, 183, 184. 185, 186. David S., 126. " Kbenezer, 46, 218. Eli W., 130. " Ephraim, 120. George, 129, 198. Harriet B., 228. Helen M., 232, 234. Isaac Percy, 93, 249. " Isaac, 123. James, 97, 120, 218. James G., 129, 183, 184. James H., 252. " James M., 93. J. Albert, 263. Capt. John, 28, 65, 75, 119, 123, 215, 218, 267. John Jr., 120, 122. Joseph, 38, 77. 120, 123. 154, 183, 218, 239. Josiah, 103, 154. Julia K., 228. Mary P., 88. Nathaniel, 218. " Pattern M., 126. " Reuben, 127. Dr. Rufus, 205, 206. Samuel, 126, 198. Samuel A., 172, 245. Samuel B., 129. Samuel C, 41, 76, 77, 79, 125, 155, 182. 183, 198, 226, 247. Miss Sarah, 79, 198. Sheldon, 129. " Simeon S., 127. Thomas, 127, 170, 171. 227. " Truman, 126. Zerah. 186. Ziba, 128. 145. Blake. Elizabeth. 232. Lena, 232. Michael J., 232. Nora C, 2i2. Blackwell, John Staley. 264. 265. 266. 267. Blakeslee. Charle.s, 129, 161. 227, 236, 239. George B.. 229. Mary J.. 228. fames B.. 236. 239. "Sarah Grace, 228. William. 77, 128, 227. 242. 243. William Z., 229. Ziba. 41, 75, 125. Roardman. David S., 199. Bolmer. Mrs. Gertrude, 234. 235, Booth. Abel. 37. 40. 65, 71. 97, 119, 123, 197, 216. 218, 221. Abel Jr., 120. Abiel. 75, 120. " Abner, 216. Abraham, 83, 85, 103. 120, 218. " Andrew, 197. Asahel Jr., 75, 126. Austin. 128. Charles B,. 128. 227. Dr. Cyrenius 11., 198. 210, 211, 239. Daniel. 47. 48. 64, 83. 119, 125, 194, 216. 218. " D.iniel Jr., 120, 126. Daniel T.. 229. David, 123, 1.54, 196. David Jr., 126. Eben, 28. " Ehenezer, 27, 33, .'^J 53, 57, 59, 120, 123, 124. 159, 176, 218. Booth, Edward, 126. Ezra, 83. Gideon, 120. Hesler, 197. Hezekiah, 103, 123. 124, 218. Joel. 125. John C. 129. " Jonathan, 26, 27, 28, 33. 43. 60. 70, 73, 9/. 123, 124, 133, 196. Jonathan Jr., 119, 216, 218. Joseph, 27, 183, 184, 196, 197. Levi B., 99, 163, 171, 230, 251. Mary, 197. " Mary Carter, 234. Moses W., 197. " Naomi, 77. Pheobe, 77, 196. Reuben H., 120, 123, 124, 125, 195, 199, 218 Rev. Robert C, 234, " Samuel, 125, Sarah, 197, 226. " Dr, Wm, Edmond. 210, Widow Mary, 216. Bostwick, Gershom, 46. Jolin, 123. 124, 168. Levy, 122. Rev. William L.. 22S. Botsford, Capt. Abel, 37, 40, 73, 75, 76, 77, 120. 122, 124, 135, 136, 190. 218, 227. Abel Jr., 64, 73, 218. Abiel, 97, 180. Abraham, 73, 75, 120. 196, 218. Abram, 126. Adella, 230, Alosia, 228. Capt. Amos. 37, 38, 44, 72, 73, 120, 215, 218. Austin, 201, 202. " Austin Nichols, 253. Mrs. Bethia, 197. Chas. 128. Chas W., 232. " Chauncev, 41. Clarice E., 232. Ensign Clement, 122, 124, 136, 154, 183. Daniel, 75, 123, 125, 151. Daniel Jr., 127, 183, 184, 185, 186. David, 136. 186. Edwin. 168, 171. Capt. Elijah, 40, 120, 121, 122, 133, 135, 136, 218. Ephraim, 103. Ezra, 218. " George, 113. 121, 122, 124, 133, 154 Gideon, 37. 72. 73, 89. 121. 122, 124, 133, 154, 196, 218. Gideon Jr., Ji. 123, 124, 196. Harold E., 231. Capt. Henry, 64, 125. 183, 191, 215. 218. Isaac. 120. 218. Israel, 125, 183, 184. Capt. Jabez, 38, 40, 73, 120, 122, 127, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 154, 162, 218. Sergt. James, 267. Tared, 73, 120, 183, 218. INDEX BotsJord, Jerome. 102, ,111. 113 114. Tocl. 120. " Dea. Joiin, 61, 62, 67, 73, 119. 122, 12t>, 133, 21S, 218. John Jr.. 126. 133. 215. Josepu, liy. 122. 216, 218. Lieut, J.. 121. Marcus, 127, 154. lyi. Mayla, 232. " Martin, 126. " Mrs. Meriam. 196. Moses. 65. 73. 119, 121, 123, 154, 183, 215. 218. " Moses Jr., 121. Moss K., 127. " Mrs. Nancy. 196. Niram, 124. Oliver, 171. Philo, 75, 126, 232. Pulcrea F.. 89. Richard. 125. 201. Dr. Russell B.. 211. Samuel J.. 23i, 234. 252, 253. " Sherman, 126. Theophilus, 123, 183. 184, 185. 186. Thomas, 126, 183. Capt. Vine, 123, 125. Volucia C. 201. 202. VVilham, 127, 183, 239. Bowles, Samuel, 250. Braase, Thomas, 28, 33. Bradley, Abijah, 126. Abijah Jr., 128. Alice K., 202, 230. Eliphalet. 126. George, 128. 229. " Gertrude, 232. Jared, 126. Medad, 129. Robert, 171. Thomas J., 172. Capt. Walter. 101. 115. William A.. 94. Brennan, Nonie A., 232. Brenner, Annie C., 232. Brewster. John Huntington, 229. " Rt. Rev. Chauncev B., 87. Brinsmade. Zachariah, 218. Briscoe. Alfred M.. 245. Alice A., 202. Anna T., 202. Charles. 129. 202. 227. Hon. Chas. H., 202. 230, 231. Daniel, 128. " Isaac, 126. James, 28, frl, 119. 216, 218. Jennie, 231, 247. John. 108, 113. 126. Lewis S.. 128. Marv, 202. Molly, 208. " Lieut. Nathaniel. 37. 38. 64. 69. 72, 119. 122. 1.^3, 177, 216, 218. " Nathaniel Jr.. 127. Willis A.. 202. Bristol, Abraham, 120. Caesar, 182, 185. " Cornelius, 120. David, 123. Ebenezer. 98. IDS, 119. 218 Enos, 119. 218. Job, 120. 218. John. 33. 117, 119. 127, 216. Joseph, .^3, 60. 65. 6' 123. 177, 190. 216. 367. Bristol, Joseph Jr., 117, 119. 123, 124. 216. 218. Joseph. 3rd., 120. VVilham, 178. Bronson, Dr. William, 103. Ill, 117, Brooks, Rev. Thomas, 4''. 50, 134. Bicwn. Samuel, 121, 216. Brownell, Rt. Rev. Thomas, 89. Bryan, Alexander. 71, 119. 214. Alice. 27. 28. Ezra. 105, 120, 213. " Richard. 3. " Samuel. 50. Buck, Rev. George H.. 10. Bulklcy. Bronson, 129. Daniel, 129. Jahez. 218. Bunnill. Job, 124. 135. John, 122. " Nathaniel, 123. Burhans. Rev. Daniel. 84, 86. 93, 244. Burns, John, 176. Burr, Barak, 210. " Benjamin, 124, 135. James, 218. Jane A., 210. John, 25, 27, 33, 34. Nathan, 109, 113. Sylvia E., 137. Burrill, Catharine, 199. Stephen, 215. Burritt, Amos, 120, 122. 124. " Benjamin, 120. 21.;. 218 " Eleazer. 120, 121. 122. 218. " James S.. 129. " Joseph, 127. Josiah. 27, 28, 33. 5.-. 60, 215. Nathan. 73, 120. 122. 218. " Widow Lavina. 160. Burross. John, 19. Burroughs. Cliarles. 75. Edward, 229. " Eniana J., 228. Burrows, Reuben. 76. Burton, Nathaniel, 154. Burrill. Catharine, 199. Burwell. Job, 133, 135. " Samuel, 120. Stephen, 97, 125, 215. 218 Steplici: Jr., 123. William. 12i. 124. 132, 133. 179, 218. William Jr.. 120. Widow Rebecca, 218. Bush. Justus, 13. Cable, Julius C, 203. Nathaniel J., 203. Phebe, 203. Wheeler. 128. Cadey, Nathaniel. 248. Cain, Mary, 191. Camp, Alice. 194. Beach. 10. 84. 129. 212. 227. " Catharine Kootc, VI 2' 2. " Currence, 194. Cvrus. 128. D-in.-!, 234. 2.50, Dibble. 128. " Edwin. 98. Esther. 230. Hiram, 129. Camp, George B.. 229. llobart B.. 229. Jacob, 126. Jane Eliza, 10, 228. Joel, 12U, 125. 213. Joel T., 128. John W.. 125. J65. 267. Julius, 124. Lemuel, 60, 65, lly, 126, 190, 194, 215, 218. 267. Lydia J.. 228. Samuel. 120. 126. 218. Silas. 127. 180, 218. William, 212. William H., 212. Campbell, Augusta, 231. Patrick. 24. Canficld^ George C, 232. " Col. Samuel, 50. Cannon, John S., 152, 153. Philip A., 127. Carey, ^crry, 160. " Thomas, 162. Cargill, James A., 130. Carlson, Anna, 232. Carpenter, W. L., 231. Carmichacl, Rev. Wm. N . 84. Carmody, Francis J., 231. Carroll, Mrs., 99, 110. Cavanaugli, Eleanor S., 231. James, 107. Marguerite, 232. Paul. 232. Thomas. 104. IM, Chambers. Asa. 120, 123. 124. 218 Frederick, 85, 93. 9A. 101, 109, 229. 2.52. Thomas O.. 97, 101. 109, 128. 218. 227. Chandler. Elizabeth J., 198. Col. John, 133, 134, 136, 137, 142. 189. 197, 198. Mrs. Mary, 197, 198. Chapman. Asa, 198, 200, 244 Charles, 200, 244. Chase, Mrs. Julia, 234. Chastelleaux. Chevalier, 139. Chauncey, Rev. Thomas, 54. Cheever, 248. Christopher, David, 232. Mildred, 232. Clarke, Abel F., 234. Mrs. Abel F., 234. Adam, l.SO. Agur, 130. " Andrew, 126. Charles, 128, 227 David, 127. Edwin, 233, 239. Elizabeth. 229. Everett, 128. " George. 229. " Grandison, 127. " Hannah, 58. Tames. 125, 184, 218 Rev. Jehu, 41. 75. " Jennie, 10. Tohn. 73. 125 " Lemuel B . 229. Lucius. 127. Philo, 227. 237, 23.1 219. Rev. Svlvester. Vi Walter.' 128. 236. William, 161. Zechariah, 120, 123. 124. 149. 184. 190. 2\i^ Clay, Henrv. 209. Cleveland, Pres. Grover. 71. 172. Cliff. E. Pennington. 23'). 262 Cobb. Lieut David. 140 INDEX Coc. Charles W.. 76. Coger, Kli, 109. Cogswell. Asa, 38, 73, lAi, 135, 218, 264. Colburn, Daniel, 73. Cole, Charles S.. 262. William T., 238, 2i'J. 249, 262, 263. Coleman. K. Lester, 252. Corastock, Daniel, 126. David, 149. Cone, Hurlburt, 127. Cooke, Benjamin, 123. Curtis, 231.-. David B., 195. 3 Mrs. Sally, 195. Corbett, Anna, 232 " James, 163. Frank, 232. " & Crowe, 248. Cornwallis, Lord, 137, 139, 140. 141. Corson, Rev. Levi, 228. Costello. Thomas, 104, 106. Timothy, 109, 112. Courtney, Bishop, 87. Cravner, Rev. Wm. C, 262. Crawford, John, 123. Crockett, Rev. J. Addison, 86, 234. Crofut or Crofoot. Andrew, 126. Daniel, 106, 218. " Ehenezer, 126. " Elam, 128. Eli, 125. Elias, 126. Eliel, 127. Elihu, 126. Elihu Jr., 126. Isaac, 125. John, 126. " Joseph, 127. " T-uzon. 129. Stephen, 122, 124, 183. Stephen Jr., 125. Stephen L., 128. Croof, Daniel, 125. Crosby, C. M., 164. George H., 230. Cummings, Mabel, 230. Currence, Michael, 112. Curtis, Abel, 125. Abijah, 83, 122, 124, 190, 218. Maj. Abijah B., 107, 108. 110, 120, 125, 161, 183, 191. " Abijah Beach, 128. Alfred Devine, 93, 127. Alfred, 127. Benjamin, 47, 73, 119, 120, 190. 194, 216, 218. " Dr. Benjamin, 124, 125, 190, 218. " Benjamin 3rd, 125. " Benjamin G.. 93, 97. " Burton E., 129. Charles B., 170, 171. Cornelia. 101, 107, 110. Daniel, 128. David, 125, 128, 135, 227, 260. David 2nd, 229. " Dorothy, 231. Elisha, 127, 183. Elizabeth, 260. Epenitus. 127, 183. Ezra, 127. Frederick L., 229. " George. 161. Capt. Gold, 33, 123 125. 260. GobM Jr., 127, 183, 227, 260. Gould 3rd, 261. Curtis, Harry Beers, 261. Henry G., 238, 239, 2o0, 261. Hezekiah, 128. Huam, 128. Hobart IL, 238, 239. Holbrook, 127, 198. John, 125, 260. John Jr., 127. John 3rd, 128. " Joseph, 31, 73. Josiah, 27, 28, 40, 106, 124, 125. Julia N., 260. Julius B., 201, 204, 260. Marion N., 232. Mary, 260. Matthew, 73, 119, 218, 260. Matthew Jr., 120, 133, 135, 265, 2&, 267. Molly, 73. Nathan, 122, 264. Nehemiah, 120, 122, 124, 190, 218. " Nelson George, 261. Nichols, 127, 201. Niram, 120, 123, 1^, 218 Ph'ilo, 107, 110, 123, 125, Reuben, 123, 124. " Salmon, 123, 124. Samuel, 236, 239, 260, 261. Sarah, 260. Sarah A., 201. William R., 87, 260, 261, 262. " Capt. William, 201. D Daly, Rev. James, 95. Robert, 62. Danforth, Rev. Ralph, 79. Davis, Rev. George, 93. Davton, Caleb, 176. " Hezekiah. 191. " Josiah, 120. 215. Deane, Henry. 128. Delzell, Rev. Samuel, 79. Denslow, Mrs. Emily H., 64. Dibble, Eleazer, 128, 183, 218 " Horace B., 129. Squire John, 41, 127, 183, 218. " Thomas, 127. Dick, Charles, 76, 161. " John, 161. Joseph. 127. 161. 227. William J., 156, 162. & Sanford, 248. Dikeman, Asa, 126. " Kl)enezer, 129. Henry R., 234. Julia, 243. t.illian, 243. Martha. 228. " Natlianiel, 125, 154. Mrs. Oscar, 234. Donahue, Rev. Patrick, 95. Douglas, Nathan, 246. Downs, Charlotte N., 204. Doris, 231. Monroe, 204. Nichols C. 204. " Stephen. 129. Drew, Isaac, 128. Levi, 128. Driscoll, Cliarlesina, 232. William, 2.^2. Dudley, Joseph, 25, 28. Duncomb, George F., 171, 251, 262. Dunen, John, 28. Dunkum, Zechariah, 127. Dunning, Abel, 120. Abijah, 218. Andrew, 120. 218. " Capt. Benjamin, 26, 27, 28, 33, 60, 65, 120, 121, 215, 218, 267. David. 119, 120, 215. 218. Eli. 121. 122. 133. 135, U6, 137, 218. Elizabeth, 216. Ezra, 122. 218. Gideon, 123, 124. Jared, 121, 133, 218 John, 120. Michael, 120. Peter, 120, 218. Dutton, Eliza Maria, 211. " Gov. Henry, 128, 199, 210, 227, 243, 244. " Lucinda, 211. Dr. Thomas, 76, 210. Durant, Preston, 129. Easton, Fanny, 228. Edmond, Ann, 198. David, 125. Elizabeth J.. 197. 196. Mary E., 198. Robert. 129. Sarah, 198, 210. Wm. P.. 122. 128, 1.54, 198. Hon. Wm., 41, 75. 124, 154, 197, 198, 210, 224. Edwards, ' Albert, 114, 111. 126. H., 168. David, 126. " Pierpont, 241, 242. Egan. Andrew, 213. " Dr. Andrew, 213. Edward, 91. Rev. Edward, 91. " Edward J., 231. " Eliza Gordon, 91. Elizabeth, 231. Mary Clark, 213. May J., 231. Elwood, Phidema Ann, 151. Ensign, E. F.. 168. Erwin, Dr. Erastus. 76. 162. 211. 212. 239. Esch. Dr. Werner, 248. Evans, Oliver, 130. Fabrique. David. 83. 205. " John. 62, 120, 21S, 219. 221. John Jr., 219. Fairchild. Adelia, 228. " Adeline J., 78. " Adoniram, 75, 125. Agur, 120. Alphcus. 123, 125. Arthur W.. 138, 232 " Araunah, 129. " Beeman, 128. " Beers, 128. Botsford. 167. " Bovle. 128. 227. Burtis. 128. " Catharine. 228. Clarke. 127. Clement, 75. 123. 150. " Cyrus. 126. Cvrns Dibble. 128. David, 215, 218. INDEX rairchild, Ebenezer H., 121, 127, 218. " Edward, 27, 28, 33, 65, 119, 215. Elizabeth, 78. Elmer, 99, 100, 233. Ezekiel, 123, 125. Ezra, 127. George, 100, 106, 110. Gideon B., 130. Hannah, 138. Harriet, 229. Henry, 77, 100, 106, 110. Hermon, 128, 239. Hezekiah B., 77. Hiram, 128. Ira, 127. James, 121, 218. James Jr., 121, 122, 133. 136. James B., 127. John. 123, 124, 218. John L.. 129. Jonathan S., 123, 125, 127. 134, 21^. Joseph, 75, 125. Joseph B., 130. Josiah, 122, 124, 172, 227. " Josiah Jr., 128. Kiah B., 127, 183. Le Grand, 85. 167. Lemuel. 127. Levi, 128. Lucy A., 229. " Marcus, 128. " Mary Hazen, 138, 232. Matthew. 260. " Mortimer, 229. Moss. 129. Oliver, 121. 122. 219. Peter, 124. 138. Philo. 41, 75, 123. 12}. Philo Jr.. 128. Robert D.. 138, 232. Samuel. 128. 227. Seth. 123. 124, 218. Capt. Silas. 38, 41, 73. 75. 121, 136. Silas B., 76. Silas Jr., 127. 136. Susan A.. 229. " Truman. 75. 125. Walter. 128. " Warren. 12. Orrin, 129. Toucey, Abel, 123, 124. or Tousey, "Brother , 243. " David, 125. Deborah, 196. Donald, 123. Hon. Isaac, 123, 124, 199. *' Mrs. Jerusha 196. " John, 220. Joseph, 126, 184. Oliver, 43, 49. Oliver Jr., 125, 133, 154, 196, 220. Philo, 123, 191. Philo Jr., 128. Russell, 128. Sarah, 198._ " Sinclair, 77. " Rev. Tiiomas, 33, 33, 36, 45, 46, 54, 55, 57. 58, 63, 65, 72, 120, 189, 193, 216. " Cii. of Rev. Thomas, 58. Zalmon, 154, 196, 220. Towner, Natlianiel, 120. Travers, Anna J., 202. Treadwell, John, 33. Timothy, 123, 220. Treat, Amos, S. 77, 170, 171, 200, 202, 228. Robert, 201. Troy, Lillian, 231. Trowbridge, Isaac, 123, 124. " Jeremiah T., 128. " Samuel, 123, 126. Tucker, Franklin W., 229. Harry W. 129, 161. Turner, Abigail, 101. Albert. 98, 102. Ebenezer, 41, 125, 149. James, 94, 98. Jeremiah, 21, 24, 27. 33, 36, 101, 178, 216, 220. " John, 12S. Nathan, 126_. " Samuel, 215. Wilmont, 216. Tuttle Eugenia, 201. Twitciiell, Harrison, 129. Isaac, 128. u Urmston, Rev. N. M., 75. Vance, Joseph McArthur, 237. Veness, Rychie E., 232. Vinton, Rt. Rev. Ale.xander 87. w Wainwright, Curtis, 123. Walker, Abigail, 77. Alfred, 262, 263. " Eliakim, 155. John, 123. Susan, 229. Wallace, Crossley, 232. John, 123. Ward, Thomas, 129. Warner, Augustus, 229. " Austin, 262. Beeman P. 125. Charles C, 129, 227, 237, 239, 240. " Henry Hawley, 262. " Hermon, 125, 183. Hobart G.. 261. Hobart G. Jr., 261. James H. 93, 94, 240. John, 260. Noadiah, 124. William B., 128. Warren, Irene, 231. Washburn, Amason, 127. Dr. Nathan 87, 120, 122, 220. " Zenas 123. Washington, Gen. George, 139, 140. 141. Watkins, Samuel, 126. Weed, Rev. Joseph, 54. Welch, Blanche, 232. " Thomas, 126. Wells, David, 127. " Isaac 125. " Josiah, 183. Wetmore, Ephraim P., 128, 183. John 128. Josiah, 127. " Vivian, 232. Wheeler, Aaron, 127. " Abraham, 123. " Amos H., 127. Andrew, 60, 73, 125, 183, 215, 220. David, 126. Edward, 128. Eli, 123, 124. Ezra, 194. " George, 108. Henry L. 162, 172. " Isaac, 125. James, 127 229. " Tohannah, 194. John B., 77. 127, 171, 172, 229, 238 240. Capt. Joseph, 38, 73, 75. 76, 77, 97, 105, 124, 220. " Joseph Jr., 125. Wheeler, Joseph, 128, 220. Lemuel, 120, 220. " Lieut. Obadiali, 66, 67, 68, 70, 75, 119,"l20. 194, 215, 220. Obadiah Jr., 120, 123, 220. Russell, 76. Roswell, 129. Thomas, 220. Whitaker, Rt. Rev. Ozias, 87 White, Rt. Rev. John H.. 92. Mrs. Sarah K., 90. Whitlock, David Jr., 19. Stephen C, 112. Whitney, Abel, 128. Philo 128 . Whittingliam, Rev. Richard, 89. Wilcoxen, John, 31. Nathan J., 128. Wile, Dr. Wm. C, 163. Wilkins, Rev. G. Morns, 86. 234. Williams, Rt. Rev. John, 86, 90, 94. Alma, 231. " Ammon, 130. Buckland, 216. " Chief Justice, 231. Randolph, 231. Wilson, E. W. 99. Prof. Francis M., 230. Winton, Abel, 123. Abram, 129. Czar, 127. Daniel, 220. " George, 172. " Lockwood, 125. Woffenden, George 245. Wolcott, William, 142. Wood, Henry, 73, 120, 121, 122, 136. Woodruff, Rev. Curtis, 93. Woolsey, John H. 229. Wooster, Charles W. 228. Wright. Frank, 238, 240, 250, 262. Leonard F., 232. " Lucie, 232. Moses 97. Rev. Otis Olney, 94, 235, 262. William, 120, 220. Veats, Captain, 142. Zabonlinski H. 168. INDEX TO NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 1776—1918 1 Adams, James 273 Albertin, E. T. 275 Alldis, Frederick 272 Allen, Dorothy 281 Allen, Dorothy 281 Allen Edward B. 276 Allen, Mrs. Edw. B. 281 Allen, Eliphalet 269 Anderson, Fred 278 Anderson, Samuel 269 Andrews, David 271 Ashmead, George 275 Atwood, Sartiuel 269 B Bailey, Jesse M. 278 Bailey, John F. 278 Baldwin, Abel 269 Baldwin, Caleb 269 Baldwin, Isaac 269 Bale, Thomas 278 Ball, Chas. H. 275 Banks, Allen 273 Banks, Edward 271 Banks, Edwin 273 Barnett, Rev. Francis B. 278 Barnett, Rev. Joseph N. 278 Barnett, Wm. Edw. 278 Beehler, Chas. H. 278 Beehler. Robert M. 278 Beers, Geo. Herbert 278 Beers, Hawley 273 Beers, H. Sanford 278 Beers, James M. 272 Behn, W. L. 278 Benedict, Edwin 272 Benedict, Ephraim 275 Benedict, Henry W. 272 Bennett, Ezekiel 269 Bigelow, Henry B. 272 Bissel, Henry 271 Blake, James E. 278 Blake, Martin 271 Blake, Michael 278 Blakeman, Chas. G. 275 Blakeman, Mrs Austin B 281 Booth, Charles, Jr. 272 Booth, Starr 272 Botsford, Abel 269 Botsford, Elijah 269 Botsford Gideon B. 272 Botsford, Israel 271 Botsford, Jack 269 Botsford, Lemuel 272 Bradley, George A. 275 Bradley, Thomas 272 Brew, Mrs. Thomas F. 281 Brewster, John H. 271 Briscoe, Charles L. 272 Briscoe, Ephraim D. 275 Briscoe George 271 Briscoe Gustavus 272 Bristol, Caesar 269 Brooks, Samuel 269 Brooks, Thomas 269 Brown, George W. 271 Brown, Jeremiah 271 Brown, Jerome 273 Bulkley, George 271 Bumford, John H. 273 Burritt, Chas. H. 271 Burritt, Bailey 269 Butcher, Charles 275 Camp, Daniel 275 Camp, George B. 275 Camp, Samuel 269 Carey, H. F. 278 Carey, T. P. 278 Carley, Edward 271 Carley, Michael 275 Carmody, Richard 278 Carr, Wm. E. 278 Casey, Bernard 275 Cavenaugh, Paul 278 Chandler, John 269 Chapman, Chas. 272 Chipman, Chas. C. 272 Clark, Allen B. 271 Clark, Lemuel B. 275 Clark, Newell 272 Clark, Robert 271 Clinton, George 273 Coger, Henry B. 275 Coger, Mrs. Herbert T. 281 Coholan, Philip 278 Cole, Chas. 278 Coley, George S. 271 Colgan, Matthew 275 Conger, Chas. T. 275 Conger, Martin L. 278 Conger, Wm. R. 278 Conley, William 271 Connell, Wm. 271 Corbett, Michael 272 Cornell, Hiram 273 Costello, Michael 275 Crick, James W. 278 Crofutt, Horace S. 275 Cunningham, John 271 Curtis, Abijah B. 269 Curtis, Chas. G. 275 Curtis, Jasper L. 273 Curtis Joseph 272 Curtis, "Wm. E. 272 Davidson, George T. 278 Davis, Caleb 273 Davis, Daniel 271 Davis, William 271 Dayton, Chas. W. 275 Deolph, Levy 269 Dick, Chas. L. 272 Dimclow, George 272 Dimon, Arthur 273 Donlon, Michael J. 278 Downs, Monroe D. 272 Downs, Oliver 272 Downs, Smith 272 DriscoU, Wm. E. 278 Dubret, Albert 278 Dunn, Hugh 273 Dunning, Edward A. 271 Dunning, Jared 269 Dutcher, Richard H. 278 Eagen, Andrew 273 Eagen, James 272 Edgett, Seneca 271 Edmond, William 269 Edwards, Chas. L. 278 Edwards, Levi, H. 271 Elko, Andrew, Jr. 278 Elwood, Frederick 271 Elwood, William 272 Evans, James 273 Evarts, George A. 271 Fairchild, Alpheus B. 272 Fairchild, Arthur W. 278 Fairchild, Henry W. 271 Fairchild, Kiah B. 269 Fairchild, Lewis H. 272 Fairchild, Peter W. 269 Fairchild, Reuben A. 272 Fairchild, Robert B. 274 Fairchild, Robert D. 278 Fairchild, Theodore Fairman, Arthur 272 Fairweather, Sam'l 269 Farrell, John W. 272 Farrell, Michael 271 Faulkner, John H. 271 Ferris, George 278 Ferris, John 275 Ferris, Nathan 269 Fischer. William 273 Flannagan, Andrew 271 Flannerv. Patrick 272 Flood, Peter 271 Foote, John G. 271 Foster, Wm. W. 271 Franklin. Asa 273 French, David R. 273 Freedman, Benjamin INDEX TO NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 1776-1918 Gage, George R. 273 Gale, Gordon J. 278 Galyas, John 278 George, J. Hardin 278 Gilbert, Chas. E. 271 Gilbert, Henry A. 273 Gilbert, Horace 271 Gilbert, Horace, Jr. 275 Gilbert, Mrs. Levi C. 281 Gillette, Abraham 269 Gillette, David, A. 273 Gleason, William 271 Glover, Ebenezer B. 269 Glover, Henry J. 271 Glover, John E. 273 Glover, Martin V. B. 272 Glover, Villeroy 269 Glover, Walter H. 278 Glover, Ziba 269 Goldstein, Israel 278 Goodsell, Frank C. 278 Gordon, James 272 Gordon, Mrs. James 281 Gordon, William 272 Gracco, Nicholas 278 Graham, George W. 275 Gray, George B. 275 Greene, John W. 272 Gregory, Benj. 269 Griffin, John 272 Groever, Paul 272 Guernsey, Truman 272 H Hall, Henry C. 271 Hall, James P. 275 Hamblin, Andrew S. 271 Hanlon, Edgar 278 Hanlon, Richard 278 Hawley, Chas E. 275 Hawley, David B. 271 Hawley, George 271 Hawley Harrison 273 Hawley, Maj. James Nichols 278 Hawley, Philo 278 Hawley, Robert 278 Hawley, Willis 273 Hawlev, William G. 273 Hayes, Dennis 273 Hicock, Ely 278 Hicock, Henry 279 Hickey, John 272 Hillhouse, Henry 279 Hillhouse, Julian 279 Holcomb, Gov. Marcus 281 Honan, Kathrvn 279 Honan, Michael J. 279 Honan, Miss B. Frances 281 Hook, Martin 273 Hooper, Wm. L. 275 Horton, Benjamin 275 Hotchkiss, Hubbard A. 275 Hotchkiss Levi H. 275 Houlihan, Miss Helen 281 Hoyt, Henry 273 Hubbell, George S. 271 Hubbell, John P. 271 Hubbell, Lemuel 269 Hubbell, Matthew 269 Hull, Andrew C. 272 Hull, Ezra M. 272 Hull, James D. 271 Hull, Milton 281 Hurd, Charles 279 Jackson, Henry J. 272 James, Herbert T. 279 James Jesse Loderick 279 James, Thomas 269 Johnson, Henry 275 Johnson, Jacob 272 Johnson, Thomas 271 Jones, Chas. 272 Jones, David W. 272 Jorey, Peter 275 K Kaine, Patrick 271 Kane, James 272 Kane, John 272 Keane, John J. 279 Keane, Joseph D. 279 Keating, Patrick 275 Keeler, Peter 273 Keenan, Michael 273 Kelly, Bernard 273 Kelly, Francis D. 279 Kellv, fames 271 Kelly, John R. 279 Kimberly, Abrahain 269 Kimberly, Ephraim 269 Kimberly, Fitch 269 Kimberly, John 269 Kiniry, Frank J. 279 Klingler, Arnold 279 Klingler, Werner 279 Knapp, John S. 272 Kraeplin, Edward 27'^ Kraeplin, Mrs. C. O. 281 Lake, George 274 Lang, Alonzo 279 Earner, Patrick 279 Lattin, John A. 272 Lewis, Dwight 269 Lewis, George H. 272 Liefield, Clemence A. 279 Lillis, Griffin B. 275 Lillis, John 279 Lillis, Martin 275 Lockwood, Eli 275 Lovejoy, Leroy J. 279 Lumnus, Samuel 269 Lynch, James E. 279 Lynch, John G. 279 Lynch, Patrick 275 Lynch, Thomas 279 M Manley, Henry A. 272 Marvin Matthew 269 Alason, Louis S. 275 Matthews, Benj. W. 271 May, Chas. 271 Maynard, Benjamin 279 Alavnard, William 273 Mead, Seaman M. 279 Meeker, Clarence G 27^ Meeker, Richard 269 Merritt, Chas. J. 271 Meyer, Fritz 271 McAdoo, Wm. G. 280 MacArthur, Wm. 271 McDaniels, Patrick 273 McGrath, John 273 McGuire, Chas. A. 275 McLean, George 272 McMahon, Alfred 279 McMahon, Michael 275 McMahon, P. 275 Minor, Miss Charlotte C. 281 Monson, Chas. 272 Morey, Lewis 275 Morris, L. Phillips 279 Morris, Mrs. Levi C. 281 Murphy, Thomas O. 275 N Nash, Adelbert 275 Nettleton, Arthur T. 281 Ney, Michael 271 Nichols, Beach 275 Nichols, Elijah B. 272 Nichols, George E. 27^ Nichols. Harmos 272 Nichols, Henry E. 271 INDEX TO NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 1776—1918 Nichols, James 271 Northrop, Alpheus 275 Northrop, Joshua 269 Oakley, Peter M. 273 O'Brien, David 271 O'Brien, Thomas 271 O'Day, Earl T. 279 O'Halloran Michael T. 272 Olmstead, Peter D. 273 Osborne, Mrs. Alfred 281 Osborne Nathaniel 269 Orgelman, Harry 275 Parker, James 273 Parsons, Chas. M. 275 Parsons, Jacob 269 Pason, Jacob 269 Payne, Chas. H. 271 Payne David S. 272 Peck, Capt. Albert W. 275 Peck, Lieut. Albert W. Jr. 279 Peck, Austin, L. 272 Peck, Col. Charles H. 279-281 Peck, Sergt. C. Howard Jr. 279 Peck, Chester D. 272 Peck. David M. 273 Peck, John F. 272 Peck, Nelson J. 272 Peet, Benajah 273 Peet, Elijah B. 272 Peet, Henry A. S. 272 Perkins, Frank E. 279 Peterson, Arlan 272 Peterson, Carl 272 Peterson, Otto 279 Peterson, Walter 279 Pippines, Nicholas 279 Pitzchler, Edward S. 279 Piatt, Chas. 279 Piatt, Orlando 273 Piatt, Percival C. 279 Prindle, Abijah 269 Prindle Joseph 269 Prindle, Peter 269 Prindle, Samuel 269 Prindle Zalmon 269 Quinn, Patrick 271 R Ramsay, George W. 271 Rankins, George 271 Rasmussen,John L. 279 Ray, Ryder 279 Read, Fred W. B. 279 Reed, Hawley 271 Reibold, Chas. 275 Reicker, Edward 271 Reynolds, Lester J. 279 Rigby, Matthew 273 Riley, James 271 Rinisland, Chas. 275 Roberts, Chas. 273 Roemer, Otto 279 Root, Nathan H. 271 Roswell, E. J. 275 Ruffels, Clarence 279 Ryan, IMichael 272 Sanford, Andrew H. 271 Sanford, James 269 Sanford, Capt. Julius 272 Scanlon, John J. 279 Schriner, Andrew 272 Seeley, Eli 273 Seelev, James 269 Seeley, John D. 271 Shaughness, Lawrence 272 Shaw, Thomas 269 Shepard, Chas. S. 271 Shepard, Hall 271 Sherman, Chas. 272 Sherman, Eleazer 269 Sherman, George 272 Sherman, Ira 272 Sherwood, Chas R. 271 Slater, Carl H. 280 Smalley, Garrett E. 275 Smith, Mrs. Arthur J. 281 Smith, Chas. L. 275 Smith, Frederick E. 271 Smith, James 275 Smith, loseph 269 Smith Pearl, 272 Smith, Richard 269 Smith, Mrs. Robert D. 281 Smith, Theodore 271 Smith, Wm. A. 272 Sniffen, Wm. B. 275 Soencer, George H. 272 Sjjitzer, Gottlieb 272 Spring, Chas. 272 Squires, Cyrenius N. 272 Squires, George D. 271 Squires, John C. 275 Stanley, Jerome L. 272 Stilson, Abel Jr. 269 Stowe, Wm. D. 275 Stuart, Levi E. 272 Stuart, Louis D. 271 St. John, Earl G. 280 Sullivan, James 271 Taft, Frederick B. 275 Tappan, John 272 Tappan, Robert 271 Taylor, Ammon 273 Taylor, Cornelius B. 281 Taylor, George 271 Taylor, James 21':^ Taylor, Roswell 272 Terrill, Capt. George 269 Terrill, Herbert W. 280 Terrill, Josiah 269 Tiemann, Mrs. Hermann N. 281 Tiemann, Robert N. 280 Tilson, Frank S. 280 Tilson, Josiah 280 Tobias, David C. 280 Tomlinson, Isaac C. 272 Tongue, Elam 275 Tongue. Hanford 271 Troy, Edward 275 Troy, Francis 280 Troy, John Joseph 280 Troy. John P. 280 Tuttle, Smith 269 Twitchell, Franklin S. 272 Tyrell. Stephen 272 Valenti, Peter J. 280 Valentine, George J. 280 w Wade, Thomas 271 Walsh. John 272 Wayland. John B. 275 Weed, Daniel 275 Weed, Joseph 271 Wentz. George 275 Wentzel. Frederick 271 Wetmore. Fred 280 Wetmore. Jesse 280 Wheeler, Cyrus W. 272 Wheeler, ^Iarion ZIZ 4 INDEX TO NEWTOWN'S MILITARY RECORD 177(^1918 Wheeler, Russell 280 White. Joseph 272 W'hiteley, Wm. 269 Wcible, Christian 272 Wile, Wm. C. 275 Wilkinson, Lemuel 273 Williams, George W. 275 Williams, Levi 275 W^illiams, Lewis 275 Wilson, James A. 275 Winton, Czar 269 Wirtes, Stephen 280 Wood, Smith B. 273 Woodhull, Jesse B. 280 Wooster, Chas. 272 Wright, Frank 281 Wright, Leonard W. 275 Wulff. Theodore L. 280 Yavvrman, James W. 280 Preface to Genealogical Section When in 1916 a card was issued for the purpose of deciding whether or not it would be best to place in permanent form the papers dug from the early records by Ezra L. Johnson, the intention was to use only those papers. After commencing the work in the winter of 1916-17 my busy brain during the sleepless hours of many nights conceived the idea that a genealogical section that should contain the names of many of the descendants of the early settlers could give added interest to the volume. It has proved far more puzzling than it was expected it would be ; has involved an immense amount of correspondence often with fruitless results. The names of many men prominent in the records of the early years do not appear because there was no interest in turnishing information, yet in spite of many omissions the work has grown to immense proportions as can easily be seen. It does not pretend to be a complete genealogy even of New- town's earliest citizens. It has been impossible to prepare an Index except of the orig- inal family names without more delay and expense than was warranted. Trusting that the effort may prove of interest to some of the descendants of the early settlers of old Newtown and with thanks to the very many friends who have assisted in giving information, I drop my pen with a heart full of thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father who has given health and strength to complete the work. Jane E. Johnson INDEX Family Names of the Early Settlers. Adams Baldwin Beach Beardsley Beers Birch Blackman or Blakeman Blakeslee Booth Botsford Briscoe Camp Clarke Coburn Curtis Dikeman Edmond Fairchild Fairman Ferris Foote Glover Hall Hard Hawley Hubbell Johnson Page 1 Kimberly 1-2 "liake 2-8 Merritt 8-9 Morgan 9-17 Morris 17-18 Nichols Northrop Parmelee 18-25 Peck 25-26 Perry 27-32 Piatt 32-39 Prindle 40-41 Sanford 41-44 Scudder 44-47 Shepard 47 or 48-52 Shepherd 55 Sherman 55 Skidmore 56-65 Stilson 66-67 Summers 67-69 Taylor 69-72 Terrill 72-78 Toucey 78-80 Tyrrill 80-81 Warner 81-84 Wetmore 84-86 Wheeler 86-95 Whitney Page 95-96 96-100 100-101 101-102 102-103 103-108 108-111 111-113 113-120 120-121 121-123 124-126 126-128 128-129 129-130 130-134 134-138 138-140 140-141 141-142 142 143-145 145 145-146 147 147-149 149 DESCENDANTS OF SOME OF NEWTOWN'S EARLIEST SETTLEF^S ADAMS 1 Freegracc Adams ni. Mary Galpin in 1700 Settled in Newtown in 1711. 2 *Abraham " " Hannah Warner 3 *Eli " " Anna Baldwin 4 *Truman " " Minerva Porter Anna Baldwin, mother of Truman Adams was noted alike for her pro- found knowledge of the Bible and for her dainty handiwork. Minerva Porter, wife of Truman Adams, died where she had lived the last twenty-five years with her daughter. Xancy Adams Clarke, near the home of her grandson, Robert Adams Clarke in Hawleyville, Conn. She died Aug. 28, 1883, aged 96 years, 10 months. Nancy Adams Newtown, Conn. 6 *Robert Adams Clarke ch. & William Clarke 7 Ellen Lucy " 7 Julia E. " *Emeline Blackman Hawleyville, Conn. 7 'William Blackman" ch. & 7 Herbert " Robert A. Clarke 8 Edna Clarke Terrill 8 Helen Julia 8 Mortimer Clarke Ellen Lucy Clarke Ansonia 8 Grace Fairchild " ch. & 8 Herbert William " Mortimer Terrill In U. S. service 8 Robert Leslie 9 Seelye Clarke Vial . Uo.v^rd Vial 9 Doris Jeannette " • j^^,^^ j ^^^^-^^ Montpelier. Vt. 8 Mortimer C. Terrill m. Ellen Mommers, South Manchester, Conn. Julia E. Clarke, Danbury. Conn. 8 Elise Sherman Brush ch. & Chester H. Brush Graduated from Vassar 1908, A. B. degree. m. David Ale.xander Bliss, South Norwalk, Ct. Grace Judson, Brooklyn, N. Y. 8 Robert Judson Clarke, ch. & Herbert Clarke BALDWIN 1 Caleb Baldwin first of the name in Newtown, was baptized in Milford in 1702. m. Mehitabel— 1st. Jerusha Daton, 2nd. wife. Mehitabel Newtown, Conn. 2 Lieut. Caleb Baldwin ch. & Caleb Baldwin He was prominent in town affairs serving as Town Clerk from 1765 to 1799 2 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 3 Gen. David Baldwin, ch Naomi Hurd, 1st wife, Newtown, Conn. & Lieut. Caleb Baldwin 2nd. 3 Caleb Betsey Betts 2nd wife ch. & Lieut. Caleb Baldwin 2nd. 4 David Van Brooks ch. Hannah Brooks & Gen. David Baldwin, Brookfield, Conn. Newtown, Conn. m. Nanc}' 1st wife. Betsey Piatt Curtis 2nd wife, widow of Joseph Curtis. 3 Caleb Baldwin was Town Clerk from 1799 to 1843. His name appears in other offices of public trust in the early records, also as a popular Inn keeper. His second wife Sarah Prindle Baldwin was the donor of the books that formed the nucleus of the Newtown Library. 4 Henry Baldwin 4 Elizabeth 5 Anna M. Booth 6 Harry Booth Brownson 6 Marie Louise " 6 *Edythe Elizabeth " 6 Anna Gertrude " 7 Sheldon Thomas " 6 Marie Louise " Caleb Baldwin 3rd. ch. & Betsey Beers 1st wife Newtown, Conn. Elizabeth Baldwin, New Milford, Conn, ch. & Lewis Booth Huntington, Conn. Anna M. Booth ch. & Henry Israel Brownson Gertrude Buckingham, Huntington, Conn, ch. & Harry B. Brownson m. William W. Watson, ch. died in infancy 7 Edythe Brownson Bowles 7 Ralph Henry " Endicott, N. Y. Anna G. Brownson, Huntington, Conn ch. & Harry L. Bowles. BEACH 1 Rev. John Beach, First Rector Trinity Church m. Sarah Beach 1st wife. m. Abigail Holbrook 2nd Ch. bj^ 1st. marriage 2 Phoebe Beach 2 John " Jr. 2 Lazarus " 2 Lucy " m. Capt. Daniel Hill Redding Ridge, Conn. " Phebe Curtis Newtown, Conn " Lydia Sanford Redding, Conn. " Rev. Epenetus Townsend Salem N. Y. ch. John Beach Jr. and Phebe Curtis, Newtown, Conn. 3 Tohn B. 3 "Phebe 3 Hannah 3 Sarah 3 Mary m. Mabel Beers " Zalmon Glover " John Curtis " Joel Booth " Abel Beers GENEALOGICAL SECTION 3 Ch. John Beach 3rd, and Mabel Beers Newtown, Conn. 4 Lucy " m. Capt. James Nichols, " " (See Nichols) 4 Matthew " b. 1763, d. 1766 4 Ann " m. Dr. Elisha Sheldon Litchfield 4 Boyle " " Elizabeth Staats New Baltimore, N. Y. 4 Phoebe '' " Barent Houghtaling " " " " 4 John " " Marcia Curtis Newtown, Conn. 4 Charlotte " " Epenetus Wead no desc. Kirkwood, Mo. 4 Ann Beach, 3rd dau. of Mabel Beers, and 3 John Beach, m. Elisha Sheldon. 5 Elizabeth Sheldon . ^Ann Beach Newtown, Conn. 5 Marv " '^"- ^ ^ Dr. Elisha Sheldon Sheldon. Vt. 6 Mary Helena Peck Elizabeth Sheldon New Haven, Conn. 6 Phehe Warren " ch. & m. Birdsey C. Lake Henry Edward Peck " " " 5 John Staats Beach New Baltimore N. Y. 5 Isaac " Elizabeth Staats " " " 5 Matthew " ch. & 5 Anne S. " Boyle Beach " " " 5 Jane Elizabeth " 6 *Alexander Hamilton Beach *Angeline Dickenson Cleveland N. Y. 6 Mary Elizabeth " ch. & 6 Charlotte Ann " John Staats Beach " " 7 John Arthur " " 7 Mabel Beers " Elizabeth Tufts 7 Mary Elizabeth " ch & 7 Ella May " Alexander H. Beach 7 Rev. John Arthur Charlotte A. Beach Waterloo, N. Y. 7 Muriel " ch. & 7 Alfred Huntington" Rev. John Arthur D. D. Glen Ellyn, 111 Muriel Arthur Cedar Rapids, Iowa 8 Martha Trewin ch. & Harold R. Trewin " " " 6 Reginald Heber Lear 6 *W!lliam Frederick " Anne Sheldon Beach 6 *Ellen Elizabeth " ch. & 6 *Clara Ellen " Charles Briggs Lear Naples, 111. 7 Ethel Adeline " Kirkwood, Mo. 7 Mary Baldwin " 7 Reginald Heber Jr. " Carrie May Baldwin 7 Olive Beach " ch. & 7 Irene Axtell " Reginald Heber Lear "^ 7 Eugene Sawyer " 3 Phoebe Beach, eldest daughter of John Beach Jr. m. Zalmon Glover. (See Glover.) 4 Lucy Ann Glover, eldest daughter of Phebe Beach and Zalmon Glover. m. Abner Anson Nettleton Lucy Ann Glover Newtown, Conn. 5 *Joseph Nettleton ch. & Abner Anson Nettleton " " 6 *Edgar Anson Nettleton Phoebe Curtis 6 *Charles Pulaski " ch. & ^^ ^^ 6 *Joseph Foster " Joseph Nettleton 4 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 *Joseph Hinman Nettleton Brooklyn, N. Y. 7 Flora Curtis " Ann Eliza Atwood Branford, Conn. 7 Phcbe Beach " ch. & 7 Frederick H. " Edgar A. Nettleton 7 .Mabel Branford " West Haven, Conn. 8 Alexander Edgar Nettleton 8 Joseph Foster " Harriet Lcvine 8 Flora Roberta " ch. & 8 Clara Levine " Joseph H. Nettleton Brooklyn, N. Y. 8 *Harriet Prances " m. Walter Kraft Flora Curtis Nettleton 8 Bertha Jane Libby ch. & Locke Austin Libby n T T\r 1 i.i, WT II Bertha Jane Libby 9 Jane Wolcott Welles ^j^ ^ -^ 9 Judith Beach " ' Qeyton Wolcott Wells Wethersfield. Ct. 8 Marjorie Nettleton Thompson 8 Curtis Keith " Mabel Branford Nettleton, W'est Haven, " 8 Eleanor Lois " ch. & 8 Katherine " Andrew Keith Thompson 7 Charles Sumner Nettleton m. Emily Estelle Brotherton Shelton, Conn. 7 Albert Israel " Montpelier. Iowa 7 Ernest Clifton " Frances Ann Halleck Shelton, Conn. 7 -^Rebecca H. " ch. & 7 *Rose A. " Charles P. Nettleton 7 Francis Irving. M.D. " 7 *Ruth E. Anna Margaret Johnson, 1st wife 8 Howard Albee " ch. & 8 Clyde Harrison " Albert I. Nettleton Montpelier, Iowa Clara Marguerite Hartman, 2nd. wife. Gilbert Iowa 9 Clarence Wavne " Nellie Genes Wunder 9 Elsie Mav " " ch. & 9 Roy P. " Howard A. Nettleton Mohall, N. Dakota Ellen Edith Franklin 9 Evelyn Idel " ch. & Clyde H. Nettleton Montpelier, Iowa Amzetta Barker Redlands, Calif. 7 Lucy Beach " ch. & *Joseph F. Nettleton Jean Mairs Mitchell Shelton, Conn. 8 Francis Irving, Jr. " ch. & Dr. Francis I. Nettleton 4 John Beach, third son 3John Beach and Mabel Beers Newtown, Conn. 5 *John Sheldon Beach Marcia Curtis New Haven, Conn. 5 *Daniel Beers " ch. & 5 *Ann Eliza " John Beach 4th " " Rebecca Donaldson Beach was the donor of the John Beach Memorial Library. 6 *Rebecca Donaldson " 6 Rodman Vernon " 6 John Kimberly " Rebecca Gibbons New Haven, Conn. 6 Donaldson " ch. & 6 *Francis Gibbons " John Sheldon Beach LL.D. " " GENEALOGICAL SECTION 5 7 John Francis Beach Elizabeth Charnley Wells, New Haven, Ct. 7 John Francis " ch. & Francis Gibbons Beach 5 Mary Beach Sth dau. John Beach Jr. m. Abel Beers Newtown, Conn. See Beers. 2 Lazarus Beach, m. Lydia Sanford. 3 Sarah Beach, 2nd dau. Lazarus, m. James Sanford 4 Lemuel Sanford, m. Charlotte Piatt. 5 Betsey Sanford 4th dau. Lemuel Sanford. m. George Barnum. 6 *Charlotte Augusta Barnum 6 *Hannah Sanford " 6 Sarah E. " Betsey Sanford, Redding, Conn. 6 George W. " ch. & 6 Henry Taylor " George Barnum Bethel " 6 Charles Lemuel " 7 *Cora Barnum Osborne , Charlotte A. Barnum Danbury. Conn. ch. & 7 Bessie Louise David Osborne, Jr. 7 *Alida E. Benedict ^^ Hannah^S. Barnum. Bethel Conn. 7 Jeannette B. " ^ • ^ewis B. Benedict 7 George Whitfield Norvell Was Rhodes Scholar and went to Oxford, England, now Supt. School in Colo. 7 Grace Edith " Sarah E. Barnum Centerville, S. Dakota 7 Philip David " ch. & 7 Julia Sanford " Rev. Joseph E. Norvell " " Member Dakota M. E. Conference 7 Addie Belle Barnum Nora B. Koons Centerville, S. Dakota 7 Sarah Elizabeth '" ch. & 7 Bertrand Andrew " George W. Barnum 7 Luella Maud " 7 George Koons " Nora Koons Barnum 7 Royal Charles " ch. & 7 Fred Cliflford " Henry Taylor Barnum " " 7 Kenneth Henry " Helen Sitgreave Delaware, S. Dakota 7 Sheldon Charles " ch. & Charles L. Barnum Lead City Jeannette B. Benedict Bethel, Conn. 8 Ethel Celeste Morgan ch. & Clifford B. Morgan D • T • c u .4. Bessie L. Osborne Danbury 8 Bessie Louise Schmidt , o 8 Robert T. Jr. " ^ '• Robert T. Schmidt 1 Rev. John Beach, 2Lazarus, 3Sarah. m. James Sanford, 4Lemuel m. Charlotte Piatt, 5Rev. David Piatt Sanford. £ *r- u J c c J Caroline Hamlin, 1st wife *Grace Hyde Sanford , « ^ ^''" Rev. David P. Sanford 6 Caroline Hamlin " Deaconess Sanford 6 ^Harriett Emma " 6 Rev. David Lewis " Emma Bartow Lewis, 2nd wife 6 Rev. Edgar Lewis " ch. & 6 Amelia " Rev. David P. Sanford 6 Frederick Harriman " 6 GENEALOGICAL SECTION • 7 Theodora George 7 David Sanford " *Harriett E. Sanford 7 Bertha Niles " ch. & 7 Caroline Anna " Rev. James H. George d. at Newtown, Conn., Jan., 1917. 7 Rev. James Hardin Jr. U. S. Service in France. o TT r- ij r- *• Bertha Niles George, Newtown, Conn. 8 Henry Gould Curtis , o ^ ' 8 Nelson George " " ^^1,;^^ r Curtis Carrie Mason Palmer, Columbia, Mo. 8 James Hardin George 2nd ch. & Rev. James H. George Jr. 7 Helen Traver Sanford 7 *Alice Amelia " 7 Charles Briscoe Anna Traver Briscoe 7 Edgar Lewis " ch. & 7 John Beach " Rev. David L .Sanford, Morrisville, Pa. 7 Arthur Hall 7 David Piatt Helen Traver Sanford 8 Wm. Richard Brown, Jr. ch. & Wm. Richard Brown, M.D. Phil. Pa. Katherine Uri Thompsonville, Conn. 8 Charles Briscoe Sanford, Jr. ch. & Charles B. Sanford 8 Anna Winslow Truax , *Alice Amelia Sanford 8 Albert Winslow " "^^^ ... ,% u .t a r Albert iruax Hartford, Conn. 7 Vera Sanford Eugenia Munson 7 Eva Matthews " ch. & 7 Anna Munson " Rev. Edgar L. Sanford HoneyBrook, Pa. Eva Starr Bates, 1st wife 7 Joseph Bates " ch. & Frederick H. Sanford Brooklyn, N. Y. Natalie Drake 2nd wife 7 Edith Harmonic " ch. & Frederick H. Sanford 2 Lazarus Beach, 4th son, Rev. John Beach, m. Lydia Sanford 3 Lazarus " Jr. m. Polly Thompson Hall 4 Fanny " dau, Polly Hall and Lazarus Beach Jr. Redding, Conn. 5 William Whitehead Ladd 5 Caroline Medora " Fanny Beach Brooklyn, N. Y. 5 Ellen Louise " ch. & 5 Catherine " James Ladd Throggs Neck, N. Y. 6 William Whitehead Jr. " 6 Walter G. " Sarah Hannan Phillips 6 Rev. Henry M. " ch. & 6 James B. " William W. Ladd, Throgg's Neck, N. Y. Elizabeth Adelaide Rowe 7 Elizabeth Ladd ch. & Wm. Whitehead Ladd Jr. New York, N. Y. b Walter G. " m. Kate Everit Macy, New York, N. Y. 7 Coit " Martha Williams Coit 7 Henry M. Jr. " ch. & 7 William W. 2nd. " Rev. Henry M. Ladd Rutherford, N. J. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 7 Frances Serrill Ladd Rebecca Serrill 7 Frances Serrill " ch. & James B. Ladd Baltimore, Md. 6 Fanny Gilfillan . ^Caroline Medora Ladd 1st. 6 Wm. Whitehead Gilfillan ^"- ^-.^ ,,?, r-^cu n i i x- >.' *Dr. Wm. Gilfillan Brooklyn, N. i. m. Catherine Ladd 2nd. wife " " 7*KatherineLaddVanWyck Fanny Gilfillan 7 Samuel Beach " ^^u . {7 ^xr i Albert Van Wyck 6 Henry Wallace M.D. Ellen Louise Ladd " " 6 William Wallace, Jr. ^^- ^j„j^^^ ^^„^^^ ^ ^ Carrie Louise Bostwick " " 7 Ellen Louise " ch. & Henry Wallace M. D. o T^ *ui IT 1- ^ r t ..A Elizabeth Ladd 8 Kathleen Evelina von Gontard , o ^ ^^^^ " " Alexander C. F. von Gontard 7 Frances Serrill Ladd m. Merrill Kercher Baltimore, Md. 3 Sarah Beach, 2nd dau. 2Lazarus Beach. Sarah Beach m. James Sanford 4 James Sanford Jr. m. Eliza French 5 Turney Sanford 5 James 3rd. " 5 Sarah " Eliza French Redding, Conn. 5 Stephen " ch. & 5 Betsey " James Sanford, Jr. 5 Charles " Mary Roe 6 George Turney " ch. & Turney Sanford Florence Hill Redding, Conn. 7 Beulah " ch. & George T. Sanford Sarah Meeker 6 William C. " ch. & James Sanford 3rd Edith Cole 7 James Harold " ch. & ^^ ^^ Wm. Clinton Sanford 6 David S. Duncomb Sarah Fairchild 1st wife 6 George F. " ch. & ^^ ^^ Wm. Edgar Duncomb 6 Emma Eliza " Sarah Sanford 2nd wife m. ch. & George B. Beers Wm. E. Duncomb Easton. Conn. 7 William M. Duncomb New York. N. Y. 7 Frederick How Duncomb Lydia Lane Lockwood 7 Raynor Sanford " ch. & 7 David Sanford " David S. Duncomb Mount Vernon, N. \. o 17 . ■ , T^ 1 » Mabel Taylor Newtown. Conn. 8 rrederick Taylor , o 8 Raynor Lockwood " ' Frederick H. Duncomb GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 Julia Beers Duncomb 6 Emory Perkins Sanford 6 Stephen Ernest 7 Jesse 7 Stephen 7 *Margery Beers 7 Marvin 6 James Arthur Sherwood ch. 7 Hazel Elaine " ch. ch. m. Rev. Walter Aiken Marv Sophia Banks di. & Stcpiien Sanford Olivia Sanford ch. & Emory Perkins Sanford Alice Beers ch. & S. Ernest Sanford Betsey Sanford & George B. Sherwood Eva Whitehead & lames Arthur Sherwood Torrington, Conn. Redding, Conn 6 Elsie Sanford 6 Lucy 7 Ravmond Piatt ch. Hannah Sherwood & Charles Sanford Elsie Sanford & Philo T. Piatt Bridgeport, Conn. Easton, Conn. Redding, Conn. Newtown, Conn. BEARDSLEY All records agree that the Newtown Beardsleys, some of whom settled in Nev/town early in 1700. were descended from William, called 'Goodman Beardsley." "It is claimed on very good authority that William Beardsley gave Stratford its name in 1643." 4Israel, 3Thomas, 2Joseph, IWilliam. Israel, m. Elizabeth Blazze. m. Grace Perry Newtown, Conn. Esther Toucey " " Flora Toucey Ch. Israel Abner and Esther Toucev 5 Jared Beardsley 6 Israel Abner " 6 Asa Blazze " 7 *Philo Shelton " 7 *Flora Jane " 8 Mary Elizabeth Sanford 8 William Henry " m. Harriet Beach m. Aaron Sanford Flora Jane Beardsley ch. & Aaron Sanford m. Harlev T. Proctor Emily Pearson Bodstein Wilhelm Hoeninghaus Beatrice Stirling cardsley and Flora Toucey 9 Mary E. Sanford Tli.-ir Ch. 10 William Proctor 10 Lillian Sanford 10 Rodney Ch. .Asa Blazze B 7 Emily Esther 7 Mary Elizabeth 7 Philo Toucey 7 Julius Theodore 7 John Mark 7 Frances Josephine 7 Henriette " 4 Jesse,3William, 2Daniel, IWilliam 5 William Beardsley, b. 1777 m. Molly Sanford 1st wife " 2nd Mrs. Esther M. Taylor Cincinnati, Ohio New York City Newtown, Conn. unm. William J. Dick (d. Jan. 1918, age 88 yrs.^ unm. Newtown, Conn, unm. " " unm. " " unm. " " unm. GENEALOGICAL SECTION Their ch. <> Loi,; Beardsle^' m. Eliel Crofut Newtown, Conn. 6 Lydia " " Jeremiah Turner " 6 Jesse " unm. 6 Polly Ann " " Benjamin Beers " " 6 Ruth " " Ziba Morse " 6 William Sanford" " Nancy J. Nichols Bridgeport. Conn. 6 Aaron Thomas " " 1st Mary Curtis, 2nd Frances Hamlin 6 Caroline " " Albert Booth Newtown, Conn. 6 Anna " " Hawley Nichols " 6 Sally Maria " " 1st Henry Lewis, 2nd Abraham Lyon 6 Emily and 6Eliza by 2nd wife unm. 5 Jonathan, 4Josiah, 3Josiah, 2Joseph, IWilliam 6 Abel Beardsley m. Eunice Rowell Newtown, Conn. 7 Abel Ferris " " Hannah Gray " " Their ch. 8 Henry S. " d. young 8 John B. " unm. 8 Emma L. " unm. 8 Charles F. " m. Mary Josephine Lake 8 Lester W. " unm. 8 Martha A. " " Harry Blake Waltham, Mass. 8 Edward " unm. 8 Ida M. " unm. 8 Nellie B. " " George Crosby Worcester, Mass. 8 Frederick " unm. 9 Clarence Lake ^ ^j^ ^^^'^ Josephine Lake Newtown, Conn. ^ ^^'-^^ J- " ' Charles F. Beardsley New York City 9 Clarence L. " m. Viola May Gamsby New Haven, Conn. BEERS 1 Samuel Beers only son of "John of Stratford" born 1679. Married Sarah Sherman in 1706, and settled in Newtown. Their rons from whom the various Beers families are descended were, 2 John, Samuel, Daniel, Abraham, Nathan. John born 1710; married Mary Seeley, Newtown, Conn. Their Ch. 3 Cynthia Beers m. 1st. Thomas Skidmore " m. 2nd Jothani Sherman, 3rd wife" 3 Anna " m. John Fabrique m. 2nd. Caleb Baldwin 3 Amy " " Jothani Sherman 2nd wife 3 Phebe " " 1st Samuel Ferris " 2nd Benjamin Curtis 3 Naomi " " John Jackson 3 John " " Sarah Sterling 3 Sarah " " Eliada Prindle 3 Andrew " " Sarah Gunn 3 Oliver " " Catherine Hiibbell 3 Mary " " Phineas Taylor 3 John Beers b. 1745 m. Sarah Sterling Their Ch. 4 *Jeremiah " " Polly Peck 1st. wife 4 *Jacob " " Laura Toucey no ch. 4 *Hannah " " Isaac Bennett 10 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ch. of Jeremiah Beers and Polly Peck 1st wife. 5 *Marcia Beers m. Levi Peck Newtown, Conn. 5 *Delia " " Le Grand Randall Roxbury, " 5 *Aiina " " Araunah Fairchild no ch. Newtown, Conn. 5 *julia " " Elias Beers, Jr. (see Elias) " " 5 ♦Polly " " John Purdy (no desc. located) Flora Sherwood 2nd wife & 5 *John •' ^^ 5 *Julius " .. T • I r- ■' Jeremiah beers Marcia Beers 6 *Cornelia Peck ch. & Levi Peck 7 Anna Cornelia Judson . Cornelia Peck. m.*Henry Tucker *^"- , . ,^ ^ John Judson Ch. Delia and LeGrand Randall Roxbury, Conn. 6 *Charles Randall m. Maria Ferry New Milford, Conn. 6 *Helen " " Philip Wells no ch. Roxbury " 6 *Henry " " Sarah E. Prindle " " 6 *Ophelia " " Dr. Wm. Camp, (See Camp) Newtown, Ct. 6 Celia " " Leverctt Castle no ch. Roxbury " 7 Le Grand " Salt Lake City, Utah 7 *Le Rov " Maria Ferry Bethel Conn. 7 fcharkTtte^ "' '^ Charles Randall New Milford, 7 *Sarah *Alice Couch 1st. wife Norwalk, Conn- 8 Alice Couch " ch. & m. George Allen *Le Roy Randall New Milford 8 Mary Ethel Randall Mary Potter 2nd wife 8 Lee " ch. & 8 Mary Ethel " Le Roy Randall m. Russell Noble 4 Hannah Beers 5 *Jacob Beers Bennett ch. & 6 Alice Bennett ch. Lsaac Bennett Medina, N. Y. ♦Jane Turner New York, N. Y. ♦Jacob Beers Bennett 2 Samuel Beers, born 1712, married Abigail Blackman. Their Ch. 3 Abel " Died unmarried Newtown, Conn. I 3 Simeon " m. Phedima Nichols " ' 3 Abigail " " Ezra Booth Ch. Simeon " and Phedima Nichols " " 4 Abel " m. Mary Beach 4 Samuel " " Rissa Hard " ' 4 Esther " ■mm. 4 Rebecca " " David C. Peck " 4 Abner " nnm. ** * GENEALOGICAL SECTION 11 Ch. 4 Abel Beers "Maj. Abe" m. Mary Beach 5 Sylvia " m. Sinclair Toucey (see Toucey)B'klyn, N. Y. 5 John Beach "^ " Eliza Uiinn Council Bluffs, Iowa 5 Isaac " " 1st. Maria Nichols Glover, Newtown, Conn. 2nd Eliza Bostwick Monroe, " 5 *Charles Curtis" " Harriet Peck Newtown, Conn. 5 *Mary " unm. 5 *Esther " " David H. Johnson 1st. wife 5 *Phebe " unm. 5 ♦Rebecca " " David H. Johnson 2nd wife (no desc.) " Eliza Dunn Council Bluffs, Iowa 6 Sarah Beach Beers ch. & John B. Beers " " " 7 *John Beach Beers Rohrer Sarah B. Beers " " " 7 Isaac Beers " ch. & 7 Carrie Test " Millard Fillmore Rohrer " " " 6 ♦Sarah Esther Beers . Harriet Peck Newtown, Conn. 6 ♦John Beach " ^^- r-u i r^ t, Charles C. Beers " " 2 Daniel Beers, born 1714, married Mabel Booth. Their Ch. 3 Cyrus, Jerusha, Amos, Daniel, Ann, Mabel, Esther and Austin. 3 Mabel Beers married John Beach 3rd. (See Beach record.) 2 Abraham Beers born 1716; married Sarah ? Newtown, Conn. Their Ch. 3 James, Philo, Truman, Abraham, Jr., (Eli and Elias) twins. 3 Desc. through Eli. Ch. Eli Beers and Rebecca Toucey 1st. wife. 4 Daniel 4 Alonzo " m. Flora Glover Brookfield, Conn. Ch. Eli " & Phedima Peck 2nd wife. 4 Sylvester " m. Sally Morris Newtown, Conn. 4 Lemuel " m. Eliza Shepard " " 4 Hermon " m. Phebe Sherman " " 4 Dimah Ann " m. Walter Clarke (See Clarke) 4 Alonzo Beers married Flora Glover Brookfield, " Their Ch. 5 Daniel G. Beers m. Harriet Starr " " 5 Rebecca " " Benjamin Tones " " 5 Sarah Minerva " " Philo Clarke (See Clarke record) 5 Eli Starr " unm. 5 Joseph Toucey " " Wealthy Ward 5 Harriet Sophia " " Edwin Smith Hoyt Waterburv, Conn. 5 George Alonzo " " Jennie Burge Brookfield, Sally Morris Newtown, Conn. 5 ♦Daniel Morris " ch. & m *Caroline Terrill Sylvester Beers " " Desc. of Eli through Lemuel Ch. Eliza Shepard and Lemuel Beers " " 5 ♦George Beers m. Sarah Peck Newtown, Conn. 5 ♦Caroline " " Cyrus Beers Sherman, (no ch.) " " 5 ♦Susan J. " " James Blakeslec (See Blakeslee record) 5 ♦Ann E. " unm. " " 5 Fannie S. " unm. 5 ♦Marietta " " ♦John C. Beers 5 Henry L. " " ♦Julia Glover 1st wife , Florence K. Frill 2nd wife 5 Eli B. " " ♦Sophronia Sherman Warner, Newtown, Ct. 12 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ch. George Beers and Sarah E. Peck. 6 Anna " m. Henry G. Curtis, (See Curtis) 6 George B. " " Grace Blakeman Newtown, Conn. 6 Robert H. " " Sarah Sanford Ch. George B. Beers and Grace Blakeman 7 Lillian Beers ni. Herman Ticmann, Jr. Bridgeport, Conn. 7 George Herbert " In U. S. service in France " " 7 Jessie Martha " m. Kurtz P. Wilson. Jr. Baltimore, Md. 7 Sarah Alice " m. Henry Cook Mitchell Hartford, Conn. 8 Herman Newell Tiemann 3 Lillian Beers 8 Grace Louise " ch. & 8 George Herbert " Herman N. Tiemann, Jr. Bridgeport, Conn. 7 Henry Sanford Beers . ^arah Saiiford Newtown. Conn. 7 Robert Edmond " "" ' ^^^^^^ ^ g^^^^ 6 James L. " *Marietta Beers Brooklyn, N. Y. 6 Carrie F. " ch. & 6 Ella L. " *John C. Beers Carrie F. Beers Bridgeport, Conn. 7 Mildred Otis ch. & John M. Otis 8 Robert Lewis Jr. Mildred Otis 8 Elizabeth " (twins) ch. & 8 Marshall " Robert Lewis Julia F. Glover 1st. wife 6 Nellie Gilbert Beers ch. & 6 Harry Sherman 6 Florence Susan Henrj' L. Beers Florence K. Frill 2nd. wife ch. & Henry L. Beers 6 Fannie May " 6 Alice Sherman " Sophronia Sherman Warner Newtown, Ct. 6 Eli Burton " ch. & 6 John Cyrus " Eli B. Beers " " Alice Sherman Beers " " 7 *Margery Beers Sanford ch. & 7 Marvin " " Ernest Sanford Bridgeport, Conn. 6 Fannie May Beers m. Louis Edwards " " Desc. of Eli through Hermon Newtown, Conn. 5 Harriet Beers m. *Rev. Charles Husband 5 *John Hobart " " Keturah Sharp Chicago, 111. 5 Flora Jane " " *James Hobart Warner (See Warner) 5 Sarah M. " unni. Newtown, Conn. 5 *Wm. Hermon " " Caroline R. Gately " " Harriet Beers 6 *Charles Howard Husband ch. & Rev. Chas. Husband 6 *Anna Sharp Beers j^ Keturah Sharp Chicago, 111. 6 Keturah Sherman " ^ ' ^^^^^^ ^ g^^^^ Keturah S. Beers 7 Juiianna Holmes ch. & Woodward Holmes GENEALOGICAL SECTION 13 I William Hermon Beers Capt. in U. S. service ch. I Eloise Gately ;' Alice Barrett Farley Caroline Johnson " ■ Katherine Cheney " ch. Frank Cheney " Desc. throngh Elias Beers Caroline R. Gately & William Hermon Beers • Zenas r Smith [ Norman \ Elias Jr. J George 5 Mary 5 William H. ) John ; Alfred H. 5 Ella 5 Samuel Wells 5 Ellen A. Beers 5 Florence E. 7 Douglas McGowan 6 Mildred Beers 6 Lottie 7 Robert Mason Jr. 7 Evelyn Klune 7 Mildred 6 Eugene F. Beers 6 Bessie " 7 Ruth Beers 7 Marjorie " 6 Bessie 5 Julia Elizabeth Beers 5 Sylvia Maria " 5 Charles Elias " ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. 7 John H. Crawford Jr. ch. Eloise Gately Beers & Frank Cheney Farley Mamaroneck, N. Y. New York, X. V ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. MaryAbiah Peck 1st wife Newtown, Conn & Elias Beers Betty Botsford 2nd wife & Elias Beers Julia Brown 1st wife & Zenas Beers Amelia Hendrickson, 2nd wife & Zenas Beers Harriet Ayton & George Beers Ella Beers & John H. Crawford Mary Beers & William Wells ♦Susan A. Smith & William H. Beers Ellen A. Beers & Arthur J. McGowan Lavinia Cronk & John Beers Mildred Beers & Robert Mason Lottie Beers & William Klune Ozemma Smith & Alfred H. Beers Constance Lewis ch. & Eugene F. Beers m. Edward Carman Betsev Dikeman ch. & Norman Beers Orange, N. J. Rutherford, N. J. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York City Buffalo, N. Y Huntington, N. Y'. Newtown, Conn. 14 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Grace Elizabeth Lake Florence Amelia 5 Charles E. Beers Sylvia M. Beers, 2nd wife Passaic, N. J. ch. & Lamson B. Lake " " m. Florence Burritt (no ch.) Newtown, Conn. Julia Beers Newtown, Conn, ch. & Elias Beers Jr. ♦Mary Frances Beers *Edgar " ♦Cornelia " Nathan son of Samuel born 1718 married Lydia Hawley Nathan Jr., Ebenezer, Ezekiel their sons. Ebenezer Beers Their sons m. Phebe Botsford 1st wife ♦John ♦James B. ♦Charles H. ♦David H. ♦Dr. Moses B. ♦Horace Ch. of John Beers and Roxy Ann Glover m Roxy Ann Glover Huldah Clarke Mary E. Glover Lucy Fairchild Loraine Curtis Emily Terrill Newtown, Conn. ♦Mary Jane Beers ♦Sarah Maria " Angeline Eliza " twins ♦Caroline Eliza " twins ♦James Morris " ♦Austin B. Blakeman ♦Julia E. " unm. ♦Ida A. " unm. Charlotte E. " Charles E. Blakeman " Lamson B. Lake " William H. Beers " Robert Wilberforce Burritt " Emily Beach, 1st wife Cornelia Twitchell, 2nd. Mary J. Beers ch. & Charles E. Blakeman ♦Marjorie ♦Helen Mac Gregor 8 8 Maud E. Ives Ada Mac Gregor ch. & Austin B. Blakeman Charlotte E. Blakeman ch. & Frank H. Ives m. Tracy Peck Ch. Sarah M. Beers, 1st wife, and Lamson Lake 7 Carrie Louise Lake 7 *Frederick Beers " 7 Katherine Augusta " 7 Sarah E. Beers 7 Robert W. 7 John M. 8 ♦Ruth Botsford 8 Ada 7 Minnie E. Burritt 7 Ina L. 7 ♦Wilson J. 7 Robert W. 7 Ida May 8 Darthia m. Frank A. Mallett (no ch.) Monroe " died in young manhood " m. William C. Johnson (no ch.) Newtown, Ct. Angeline E. Beers ch. & William H. Beers ch. ch. ch. Sarah E. Beers & Morris Botsford Caroline E. Beers & Robert Wilberforce Burritt Esther Smith 1st wife & Robert W. Burritt ♦Janet Paton 2nd. wife Bridgeport " Bridgeport, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 15 7 *Emily F. Beers Emily Beach 1st wife New Haven, Conn. 7 *Ernest Beach " ch. & James M. Beers Cornelia Twitchell 2nd wife 8 Virginia Beers Georgiana Isbell, " " 8 Allyn " ch. & In U. S. Service. Ernest. B. Beers " " 5 Ch. James B. Beers and Huldah Clarke Brooklyn, N. Y. 6 *John C. Beers See Lemuel Beers record " " 6 *Albert Unm. Huldah Clarke 6 Frederick W. " ch. & 6 *Ann Eliza " Unm. James B. Beers Ch. of Frederick W. Beers and Angeline Hawley " " 7 Rev. Clarence H. Beers m. Ada M. Winterburne Bethlehem, Conn 7 *Charles A. 7 ^Harriet E. " m. Ralph W. Murdock 7 Howard F. " Brooklyn, N. Y. ' 7 Robert A. " m. Mabel Baker Bridgeport, Conn. 7 *William L. 7 *Herbert N. 7 Helen M. " ; 8 John Frederick " I 8 Amy Marie " Ada M. Winterburn Bethlehem, Conn 8 Emily Huldah " ch. & , 8 Anna " Rev. Clarence Beers " " ch. Charles H. Beers and Mary E. Glover 6 *Silas Norman Beers m. Sarah Nichols Newtown, Conn. ' 6 *Daniel Glover " " Arabella Fitch " " ! 6 *Mary Elizabeth " m. Frederick Beehler " " Sarah Nichols 7 *Susan Lynne " ch. & Silas N. Beers " " Susan Lynne Beers Redlands. Calif. 8 Frederick F. Johnson Jr. ch. & Rt. Rev. Frederick F. Johnson, St. Louis Mo. Ch. of Daniel G. Beers and Arabella Fitch : 7 Jane Fitch Beers m. Rev. James H. George Newtown, Conn 7 *Helen " d. unm. " 7 Harry Croswell " m. Mabel Grace Smith 7 Elizabeth Louise " m. 2nd wife Bishop F. F. Johnson, St. Louis Mo. 8 Sherman Johnson " , Mabel Grace Smith New Haven. Conn. 8 Jeannette Elizabeth" • Harry C. Beers Lanesboro, Mass.. Ch. Mary E. Beers and Frederick Beehler 7 Ella Beehler m. Walter Bounty Stamford. Conn. 7 *Alice " d. in childhood 7 Gertrude " m. Clarence Wm. Vail 7 *Charles " In Aviation Corps, killed Dec. 19. 1918 7 Robert Morris " In Naval Reserve 7 Arthur Leslie " d. in infancy. 7 *Leonard Frederick" d. in infancy Gertrude Beehler 8 Dorothy Elizabeth Vail ch. & Clarence Wm. Vail 16 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 9 Ch. of David H. Beers 6 Emelinc Beers David H. Beers Ne\vtov/:i, Conn. 6 *William H. " ch. & 6 Lucy Ann " Lucy Fairchild Beers, 95 vears old " July 16, 1918 •7 T-j ■ inTu 1 Emeline Beers Bethel, Conn. 7 Edwin Wheeler j^ ^ 7 Clarence " ' Charles Wheeler Lucy A. Beers Newtown, Conn 7 Julia Beers Duncomb ch. & Geo. F. Duncombe 7 Julia B. Duncomb m. Rev. Walter Aiken Ch. of Dr. SMoses Botsford Beers Loraine Curtis Hersey, Mich. 6 Phebe Beers ch. & Dr. M. Botsford Beers " " Phebe Beers " " 7 Albert Nevvland ch. & J. Selwyn Newland Ch. of SHorace Beers and Emily Terrill 6 Sophia Emily Beers m. William Kellogg Brookfield, Conn. 6 *Herbert Booth " Drowned in Housatonic River Aug. 9, 1878. 6 *Edward Terrill " Drowned in Housatonic River Aug. 9, 1878. 6 Frederick Horace " m. Florence Mapes - T-1 1- ir ,, Sophia B. Beers Brookfield, Conn. 7 Florence E. Kellogg h & William J. Kellogg " " 7 Herbert Beers Florence E. Kellogg Brookfield, Conn. 8 Lina Mansfield ch. & Arthur Mansfield " " •7 HT ■ 1 \XT T> Florence A. Mapes " " 7 Muriel W. Beers ^. n ^ 7 TT 1 .1 ch. & ' -"^^^^ Frederick H. Beers I Samuel, 2Nathan, 3Nathan Jr., 3Ebenezer, 3Ezekiel. Newtown, Conn. Ch. of 3Ezekiel and Polly Candee 1st wife 4 Lucy Beers m. Edward Fairchild New Milford, Conn. 4 Annette " m. 1st David Botsford " " 2nd William Botsford " " 5 *Charles B. Botsford 5 David B. 6 *William Allen 6 Lena Annette " Annette Beers New Milford, Conn, ch. & David Botsford Minnie C. Allen " " ch. & Charles B. Botsford Ch. of Ezekiel Beers and Nancy Johnson_ 2nd wife, Newtown, Conn. 4 *Amos " m. Jeannette Pierpoint 1st " " 4 *Theodore " unm. " Susan Frances Peck 2nd Ch. of Ezekiel Beers and Mrs. Sally Morris Beers, 3rd wife " 4 *Sylvester " d. unm. 4 *Nancy " m. Edwin Clarke (See Clarke) 4 *Julius Augustus " twins m. Sarah E. Warner Monroe, Conn. 4 *Julia Augusta " m. Rev. Wm. C. Saxton Vineland, N. J. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 17 Ch. Julius A. Beers and Sarah Warner Monroe, Conn 5 Carrie Fenn " 5 Morris Daniel " 6 Lois Adelaide Sutliffe 7 Edwin Warner 6 Preston Morris Beers 6 Irving Curtis " m. Edwin Sutliffe m. Ada Sophia Curtis Carrie Fenn Beers ch. & Edwin Sutliffe Lois Adelaide Sutliffe ch. & Stanley Harold Warner Ada Sophia Curtis , ch. & Morris D. Beers Newtown, Conn. 3Samuel Beers son of 2Nathan married Anna Peck Newtown, Conn. 4 Henry Beers m. 1st Betsey Glover, 2nd Julia Beers " 4 Amariah " " Betsey Curtis " " 4 Charles " " Henry called Harry, 1st President Newtown Savings Bank. 5 *Julia E. Beers 5 *Booth G. 5 Charlotte Julia Beers ch. & Harry Beers Charlotte Beers married 1st. A. R. T. Nichols 2nd Edward Gebhard 3 Samuel Their Ch. Jr. 4 Sally Maria Beers 4 Julia " 4 David B. 4 Charlotte 4 Harriet " 5 *Rev. John Samuel " 5 *Emma E. d. young 5 *George d. 16 yrs. 5 *Emma S. " 6 Charlotte Louise " 6 George Emerson " 6 John Howard " 6 Susan Wakeman " 6 Henry Sherman " 6 Eleanor Margaret " 7 Henry Sherman " 7 Margaret Lowry " m. Charlotte Booth unm. m. Harry Beers " Margaret Pray " unmarried. " George B. Beers Greenfield Hill, Conn. Schoharie, N. Y. Ithaca. N. Y. Was Gen Missionary of W. Mass. Margaret Pray Brookfield, Conn, ch. & David B. Beers Newtown, Conn. M. Josephine Wakeman Greenfield Hill Ct. ch. & Rev. John S. Beers d. Natick, Mass. Margaret Lowry ch. & George Emerson Beers BIRCH 1 William Birch m. Catherine Hubbell daughter of Peter Hubbell 1750 Their Ch. 2 Ezra. Nehemiah, Sarah, Delight, Catherine, William, Lamson. 3 *David Meeker Birch 3 *William Nichols " 3 *Polly Ann 3 Sally Maria Polly Nichols 1st wife Newtown, Conn, ch. & Lamson Birch 18 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Birch Betty Perry 2nd wife, Newtown, Conn. Hannah Thompson Lake Widow of Ezra Lake 3rd wife Joanna Glover Botsford " " Widow of Henry Botsford 4th wife " Mary Ann (Glover) Glover Widow of James Glover 5th wife " Mary Ann Glover, 5th wife of Lamson Birch lived to the age of 102 years. . i^ 11" i- Sally M. Birch " " 4*Corneha Curtis^ ^^ ^ "^ J^"« Philo Curtis Ch. 3Polly Ann Birch and Philo Lake Newtown, Conn. 4 *Catherine Lake m. Amos Hard " " 4 ♦Hannah Ann " " John S. Hubbard Meriden, Conn. 4- *Ezra Birch " '" Melissa Saxton 4 *Lamson Birch " " Sarah M. Beers 1st Newtown, Conn. Sylvia M. Beers 2nd Catherine Lake 5 Chester Hard ch. & Amos Hard John S. Hubbard 5 *John Beers Hubbard ch & Hannah A. Lake e TvT Tj T 1 „ Melissa Saxton East Randolph, N. Y. 5 Nora B. Lake r^ -^ ^u s r */-v ,( 1 wins ch. & ^ ^^^ Ezra B. Lake Cherry Creek, N. Y. Ch. Lamson B. Lake and Sarah M. Beers 1st wife Newtown, Conn. 5 Carrie Louise Lake m. Frank A. Mallet (no ch.) Monroe " 5 *Frederick Beers " d. in young manhood 5 Katherine Augusta" m. William C. Johnson (no ch.) Newtown, " c /- ■c^■ u .^u <• Sylvia M. Beers 2nd wife Passaic, N. J. 5 Grace Elizabeth '-h & 5 Florence Amelia " ^ ' Lamson B. Lake Ch. Chester Hard and Ida Harkness Painesville, Ohio 5 Elmo Amos Hard n. Eva Kenne}'- " " 5 Cora " d. young. " " 5 Florence Esther " " Elmer B. Kimmel " " 6 Harkness Gould " In U. S. Service. Corp Harkness G. Hard C. G. 23rd. Engineers in France. BLACKMAN or BLAKEMAN The Commemorative Biographical Record states : 1 "John Blackman b. 1685 grandson of Rev. Adam Blakeman of Stratford, was one of a company of fifty-two who purchased the township of Newtown of the Colonial Government and removed there in 1713. He m. Abigail Beers. Their Children : 2 Martha Blackman b. 1714 m. Abel Botsford Newtown, Conn " 1716 " Samuel Beers (see Beers) " " " 1720 " Margery Glover " " " 1723 " Mary Smith Brookfield, Conn. " 1726 " Elizabeth Glover Newtown, Conn. " 1730 " Huldah Griffin 2 Abigail 2 Capt. John 2 Ebcnezer 2 Joseph 2 James 3 John son of Capt. 2John m. Diamah Seeley GENEALOGICAL SECTION 19 4 Simeon Seeley son of 3John m. Lucy Northrop, Their Ch. Newtown, Conn. 5 *Eliza Blackman 5 *Harriet " 5 *Sarah " 5 *Sophia 5 *Emeline " m. Charles Sherman (no ch.) Danbury, " Robert N. Hawley (See Hawley) Newtown Bethel, Conn. " Andrew Sherman " Dr. Ransom Lyon " Robert Adams Clarke (See Freegrace Adams) m. Leonard Smith (no ch.) Sarah Blackman ch & Andrew Sherman m. Lillian Stearley Sophia Blackman ch. & Dr. Ransom Lyon 2 Ch. Ebenezer Blackman and Mary Smith 6 Mary Helen Sherman 6 Frederick " 6 *Edward Lyon 3 Marv Blackman 3 Philo 3 Lois 3 Anna " 3 Niram " 3 Ebenezer " 4 Ebenezer " 4 Ammon Booth " 5 Mary " 5 Nirom " 5 Hiram " 5 William 6 Philo Booth 4 Benjamin Hawley 5 Henry B. 6 Frederick Roe 6 Sarah A. 6 Alva D. 6 William B. 6 Mary B. 7 Irving Roe Vail 7 Grace Elizabeth " 1 John Blackman 2 Ebenezer " 3 Nirom " Their Ch. 4 Irena Blackman 4 Esther 4 Maria 4 Clark 4 Seabury " m. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. m. ch, ch. m. m. Turner Eunice Peck Liverius Hawley Phebe Sanford Abagail Goodrich Eunice Peck & 3Philo Blackman .Abigail Goodrich & Ebenezer Blackman Bethel, Conn. Bethel, Conn. Brookfield, Conn. Trumbull " unm. Newtown, Conn. He amassed a fortune at his trade as Stone Mason, und often proudly made the statement that he never spent a cent for a book or a newspaper. Poor man ! 32 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ch. Orville Booth and Annis Blackman Newtown, Conn. 3 Susan Booth m. Stiles Belfield 3 John W. " " Mary Northrop 3 Homer " 3 Sophia " unm. BOTSFORD 1 Henry Botsford came from Leicestershire England to New England and settled in Milford, Conn, in 1639. He was the Progenitor of Newtown's Botsford Families. 2 Elnathan, 3Sergeant John, 1st Newtown settler in 1680. 4 Gideon, son Sergt. John and Hepsibah Camp Bethia 1st wife 5 Amos, SGideon, SClement ch. & 4Gideon son of 3John Miriam 2nd wife 5 SVine, Bethia, SAnnis ch. & 4Gideon Botsford 5 Gideon, m. Pulchrea Fairman. Their Ch. 6 Richard Botsford m. Annis Peck 6 Gideon Bennett " " Elizabeth Farmer Woodbury, Conn. 6 Jane " " 6 Dr. Amos " " Betsey Clarke Greenville, N. Y. 6 Marcus " " Betty Perry 1st wife Huldah Lake 2nd wife 6 Damaris " " Cyrus Fairchiild (see Fairchild record) 6 William " " Delia Curtis 6 Ursula " " Ethel Dibble Danbury, Conn. 6 Polly Ann " " Cyrus Camp (see Camp record) 6 Rev. David " unm. (see ministers) Newtown, Conn. Ch. 6Richard Botsford and Annis Peck Newtown, Conn. 7 Gideon Burtis " m. Sophia Hard " " 7 Sarah, Ann " " Frederick Dibble " " Sophia Hard " " 8 Sophia " ch. & Gideon B. Botsford n TT ■ 4. T> f ^„ Sophia Botsford " " 9 Harriet B. Camp „i, *^ o 9 G'deon B. ^^^^^^^ g ^^^^ Ch. Sarah Ann Botsford and Frederick Dibble Newtown. Conn, 8 Margaret Dibble m. Isaac Lake " " 8 Mary Curtis " " Fred Dunham " " 8 Annis " " Lyman Stone, no ch. " " 8 Burtis " d. at 15 yrs. 8 Samuel E. " m. Elizabeth Davis New Haven, Conn 8 Fred B. " " Sarah Clinton 1st. wife " Emily Dibble 2nd. wife. Ch. Margaret Dibble and Isaac Lake. Newtown, Conn 9 Frederick Lake m. Ella Oliver, no ch. " " 9 *Anabelle " " Howard Banks Bethel, Conn 9 *Robert " " Julia Warner, no ch. " " 9 *Richard " " d. in infancy. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 33 Ch. Annabelle Lake and Howard Banks m 10 Clara Banks 10 Willard 10 Paul Frederick 10 Leola Banks 10 Lloyd in May la 11 Eleanor Banks II Allen Heady 9 Carrie Dunham 9 Samuel 9 Eva Dibble 9 Burton " Wallace Banks d. young, d. young, m. Spencer Heady Clara Banks ch. & Wallace Banks Leola Banks ch. & Spencer Heady . Mary Curtis Dibble ch. & Fred Dunham Sarah Clinton 1st. wife ch. & Fred B. Dibble ch. & Emily Dibble, 2nd wife. Bethel, Conn Ch. Samuel E. Dibble and Elizabeth Davis New Haven, Conn 9 C Elmer Dibble 9 Ethel G 9 Eleanor E. " 9 Samuel Edward" 2nd 9 Lewis A. Dibble 9 Albert B. " 9 Marguirite " 9 Ruth Botsford" 9 Donald 9 J. Mansfield" 9 Benjamin " 9 Elizabeth " in Dorothy Eggleston 10 Eleanor E. 10 Mary Seattle, Wash, unm. E. Haven, Conn. Rol)ert Eggleston Up. Montclair, N. T. Nora Sage Pittsburgj Pa. Lillian Kneranger Naugatuck, Conn. Mabel Homan New Haven, Conn. Elihu Wing Lieut., M. D. in Navy Morton Alderagc Worcester, Mass. Roberta Preston Waterbury, Conn, unm. In U. S. Infantry , France unm. In U. S. Infantry, France unm. East Haven. Conn. ch. 10 Davis Sage 10 Samuel E. 10 Doris Dibble 10 Jane Dibble 3rd. ch. ch. 10 Dorothy Homan Dibble ch. 10 Barbara Sherwood Dibble ch. 10 Ruth Bailey Alderagc ch. Eleanor E. Dibble & Robert Eggleston Nora Sage & Samuel E. Dibble, 2nd. Lillian Kneranger & Lewis A. Dibble Mabel Homan & Albert Dibble Roberta Preston & Donald Dibble Ruth Dibble & Morton Alderagc Montclair, N. J. Pittsburg, Pa. Naugatuck, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Waterbury, Conn. Worcester, Mass. 34 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 3John, 4Gideon, SClement, m. Mary Baldwin. 6 *Lucinda Botsford m. Ichabod Noble New Milford, Conn. 6 ♦Sally " unm. 6 *Mary Ann " " Isaac Birch Newtown, Conn. 6 *Hersey " " John Dibble Bethel, Conn. 6 *Jabez Baldwin " Anner Smith 6 *Dr. Russell B. " " Eliza Whittlesey, (See Doctors) Ch. 6Jabez Baldwin Botsford and Anner Smith Clement Botsford, M. D., born August 25th, 1814, was the son of Jabez Baldwin and Anner (Smith) Botsford, of Newtown, Conn. He graduated from Yale College in 1838, and soon after was married to Caroline Montgomery, of Bloomingburg, N. Y., where he went to engage in his work. No better words can express the appreciation in which he was held than an extract from the "Sullivan County Whig" of February 11th, 1848. "He was universally esteemed as a man and a physician, and his loss has deeply affected the entire community. For ten years he has been arduously engaged in the duties of his profession and has worn out his own in trying to save the lives of others. Among the poorer classes especially, his loss will be deeply felt, as he was attentive to their afflic- tions and charitable to their wants. In all the relations of life the con- duct of the deceased was marked by the strictest integrity and the highest sense of moral bearing. He possessed correct business habits and was a careful and successful practitioner. We believe that he lived a true and manly life, and died the death of the Christian." (Rec'd to late for inser- tion with "Doctors"). 7 *Clement Botsford M. D. m. Caroline Montgomery 7 *John Smith " " Harriet Nichols (no ch.) Huntington, Ct. 7 *George R. " " Sophia Botsford (noch.) Newtown, Conn. 7 *Mary E. " " Charles Nichols (noch.) " 7 *Charlotte " " Henry Russell Weed o ,.,. . 1,, ,,r J Charlotte Botsford New Haven, Conn 8 Minnie M. Weed ^^ ^ 8 Clara L. " • Henry R. Weed Eliza Whittlesey Danbury, Conn. 7 *Carolina Eliza Botsford ch. & Dr. Russell B. Botsford 8 Sarah W. Bacon Caroline E. Botsford " " 8 Eliza W. " ch. & 8 John R. " John W. Bacon n /"«- • .• r> D ji Eliza Bacon " " 9 Christine R. Rundle ^j^ ^ 9 Marguerite B. " " ^ Mortimer Rundle 9 Christine R. " m. McLean " " Ch. 6Gideon Bennett Botsford and Mary Elizabeth Farmer, Woodbury, Ct. 7 Jane Botsford m. 1st Charles Blakeslee (no ch.) Newtown, " " 2nd Mr. Sprague Petersburg, Va. 7 Harriet " " Albert Seeley Blackman 7 Lucius " " Adaline Hubbell 7 Edgar " unm. 7 William " " Annette Beers Botsford (See Beers) 7 Charles " 7 Frederick " " Betsey Canfield New Haven, Conn. 7 David " " Annette Beers (See Beers) New Milford " Ch. Harriet Botsford and Albert Seeley Blackman 8 *Theodore Blackman m. Evaline Wygant 1st wife 8 ♦Charles " " Esther Grace Mann 2nd wife 8 ♦Edwin " unm. 8 Benjamin Knower " " Elizabeth Collier Schenectady, N. Y. 8 *Mary Elizabeth " " *Henry Martin Bishop New Haven, Conn. 8 Albert Seeley " " Annie Jones GENEALOGICAL SECTION 35 Ch. Theodore Blackman and Evaline Wygant New Milford, Conn. 9 Willis Wygant 9 Evaline Jane m. Delia Townsend " Victor Morell 8 Ch. Benjamin K. Blackman and Elizabeth Collier, Schenectady, N. Y. Chicago, 111. Hope Mountain, N. J. 9 Edwin Carlton 9 Harold Ross m. Lora Crego Ada Tomlinson Ch. Mary E. Blackman and Henry Bishop 9 Mary Harriet Bishop 9 George Herbert " 9 Edith Elizabeth " 9 *Frederick Henry " 9 Charles Albert 6 William Botsford Their Ch. 7 Elizabeth 7 Mary 8 Emma Watson 8 *Elizabeth " 9 Eugene Burlingame 9 Elizabeth 9 Frances " 9 Westcott 8 *John Beach Betts 8 Edw. Herbert " 8 Mary 7 Lucius Botsford 8 Phoebe Jane " 9 *Phillip Van Bergen 9 *Lucius Botsford " 10 Bessie " 10 Nellie Coles 10 Henry Custo 10 Nellie Coles 11 Robert Ebert 8 Dr. Charles P. McCabe 9 Dorothy Kerr McCabe 9 Phillip unm. Annie Neary m. Ruth Scallon (no ch.) m. Delia Curtis m. Rufus Watson " Rev. John Betts Elizabeth Botsford ch. 8c Rufus Watson Emma Watson ch. & Burlingame Mary Botsford ch. & Rev. John Betts New Haven, Conn. Worcester, Mass. Catskill, N. Y. Glastonbury, Conn. Albany, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. Coxsackie, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. m. Adaline Hubbell m. Henry Custo Van Bergen Phoebe Jane Botsford ch. & Henry Custo Van Bergen Julia Van Ness ch. & Phillip Van Bergen m Vanderheyden Margaret Barhyte ch. & Lucius Botsford Van Bergen m. George Frank Ackerman Albany, N. Y Margaret Briner Ebert ch. & Henry Custo Van Bergen ♦Mary Botsford ch. & Dr. McCabe Miss Elliott ch. & Dr. C. P. McCabe New York, City Greenville, N. Y. 36 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Moses Botsford b. 1750 m. Huldah Winton. 2 Theophilus Botsford m. Luc\' Ann Peck Newtown, Conn. 2 Daniel " " Lucinda Candee " Their ch. 2 Phoebe " " Ebenezer Beers (See Beers) " 2 Sally " " Harry Downs " 2 Aurelia " " Isaac Peck (see Peck) " " 3 ♦[ulia " Theophilus Botsford *' 3 *"Mary " ch. & 3 *William " Lucy Ann Peck " 4 *William Skidmore [ulia Botsford " 4 *Kobert " ch. & 4 *Alary Caroline " d. 1918 John Russell Skidmore 4 *Julia Esther Blackman Mary Botsford " 4 Joseph Albert " ch. & 4 Ann Elizabeth " Joseph Blackman " 4 Mary Frances " See Blackman record 4 Henry Booth Botsford .,^ ^^^'^ Sophia Terrill 4 Frank Terrill " ^ ' ^villiam Botsford c T- 1 T " Elizabeth Saunders 1st wife Los Angles Cal 5 hrank Lerov , p i< C 11 . Ol 5 Lulu Kate Henrv B. Botsford 4 *Frank T. " m. Adelaide Tanner (no ch.) San Diego, Cal d. Arizona 2 Daniel " m. Lucinda Candee Newtown, Conn. Their ch. 3 *Huldah " " Albert Turney 3 Sophia " " Wheeler Blakeman " " 3 *Emily (twins)" " Walter Northrop (see Northrop) " 3 *Emeline (twins)" " James Corwin 3 *Moses " " Alary Beers 3 *Jabez " " Elizabeth Clark Ch. of Sophia and Wheeler Blakeman " " 4 Eugene Blakeman m. Alaggie Bond 1st California, Mo. " Jennie Beach, 2nd 4 Lucena " " Ephraim Brisco Newtown, Conn. 4 Arthur " " Anna Hurley California, Mo. 4 Edson " unm. 4 Carrie " 4 Daniel Botsford 4 Nelson " Mary Beers 4 Lena " ch. & 4 Inez " Moses Botsford 4 Nellie 4 Willis " *Elizabeth Clark Staten Island 4 Laura " ch. & 4 Elizabeth " 3 *Jabez Botsford " 4 Jabez " Ch. Ephraim Brisco and Lucena Blakeman Newtown, Conn 5 *Eugene Brisco d. in boyhood 5 Charles " unm. Shelton, Conn. 8 George " unm. Newtown, Conn 5 Jessie " unm. 5 Inez " m. George Quinn Shelton, Conn 5 *Carrie " " Elmer Spencer 5 Eva " unm. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 37 6 Catherine Quinn 6 Myrtle Inez Brisco ch. & George Quinn Shclton, Conn. 6 Eugene Spencer 6 Hazel Carrie Brisco ch. & Elmer Spencer 1 Jared Botsford b. 1745 Ann his wife. Their Ch. 2 Henry Botsford 2 Philo 3 Capt. Edwin Their Ch. 4 *01iver 4 *Henry 5 George 5 *Nellie 5 Morris ni. Joanna Birch " Hannah Nichols " Julia Summers " *Elizabeth Bray " *Rebecca Johnson 1st. (no ch.) " Julia Hook 2nd Elizabeth Bray ch. & Oliver Botsford 2 Desc. of Lieut. 2Philo Botsford and Hannah Nichols 3 Austin son of Philo m. Volucia B. Glover Their Ch. 4 *Caroline 4 *Philo G. 4 *Richard 4 *Jerome 4 Eugene 4 *James 4 Austin N. 4 Alosia 4 *Amelia 5 Ella Parsons 5 Jennie " 5 Caroline " Botsford 5 Carl 5 *Alosia Botsford m. Edward Parsons " Charlotte Hinman " Ellen Bundy " Emily Northrop " Jane Blakeman d. unm. " Mollie Scott " Reuben Johnson " Sidney Frost *4Caroline Botsford ch. & Edward Parsons Ellen Bundy ch. & Richard Botsford New Haven, Conn. Elgin. 111. Newtown, Conn. Fort Dodge, Iowa. New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Elgin, 111. Ch. Jerome Botsford and Emily Northrop 5 *Henry 5 Samuel 5 *Homer 5 Adella 5 Charlotte 5 Emily Botsford Newtown, Conn. New Haven, 6 Leonard Austin ch. K. Lester Coleman Ella Couch & Henry Botsford Ch. Samuel Botsford and Ella Couch Botsford m. Emerson Setchel m. Florence Morgan 6 Gertrude Elizabeth' 6 Herbert Clayton " 6 Robert Couch 6 Emily Frances 7 Alice Evelyn 7 Richard Austin Ella Couch Ella Couch Botsford d. in boyhood _ In Goy't. employ in Washmgton, U. L. unm. ,, ,, f~ New Haven, Conn. Bridgeport. Conn. New Haven. Conn. Whitestone. L. I Monroe. Conn. New Haven. Conn. Teacher'inMt. Holyoke College. Mass. Lottie Dickenson Bridgeport. Conn ch. ^ „ . . Leonard A. Botsford Ella B. CoUard 38 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 Clarence Emerson Setchel 7 Ruth Elizabeth 7 Gertrude Mary " Ch. Emily Botsford and K. 6 Willis Coleman 6 Margery 6 Clayton 6 Jerome 6 Walter 6 Louise 7 Lester Coleman 7 Barbara " Gertrude E. Botsford ch. & Emerson Setchel Lester Coleman m. Alice Bronson In U. S. Service In U. S. Naval Reserve Alice Bronson ch. & Willis Coleman New Haven, Conn. Roxbury, Conn. New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Ch. 4Eugene Botsford and Jane Blakeman. 5 Ida J. Botsford 5 N. Alosia 5 *Charles B. " 5 Eugene R. " 5 Cora A. 5 *Bertha M. " 5 Elsie P. 5 Austin N. 6 Clara Elsie Sanford 6 Harold E. Botsford 6 Mayla " 6 Charles W. 6 Philo G. 6 Richard L. " 7 Edna " 7 Jean 7 Carl Botsford Rasmussen 7 Shirley " 6 Earl Botsford Warner 6 George T. " 6 Russell G. " 6 Marion " 7 Arthur Page Warner 7 Margaret W. " 7 George T. 7 Russell G. 6 Bertha G. Ferry 6 Hazel " 6 Pear] 6 Bertha G. Ferry 7 Pearl Green 5 Reuben Johnson, Jr. 6 Reuben Johnson 3rd 6 Richard " m. Stephen Mallette Sanford Easton, Conn. " Banks Goodsell unm. " *Ida Lamphear " Austin Ferry " Arthur G. Warner unm. " Elizabeth Goodwin Ida J. Botsford ch. & Stephen M. Sanford Ida Lamphear ch. & Eugene R. Botsford Ludwina Mager ch. & Harold E. Botsford Mayla Botsford ch. & George Rasmussen Bertha G. Botsford ch. & Arthur G. Warner Marion Page ch. & Earl Botsford Warner m. Emma O. De Bann " Vera Chandler Cora A. Botsford ch. & Austin Ferry m. George Lattin Hazel Ferry ch. & Carl Green Alosia Botsford ch. & Reuben Johnson Harriet Setchel ch. & Reuben Johnson, Jr. Newtown, Conn. Nichols, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Minneapolis, Bridgeport, Conn. New Haven, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 39 5 Geis Botsford Mollie Scott Fort Dodge low.i 5 *Scott " ch. & 5 *Richard " Austin N. Botsford 1 Chauncey Botsford was an early settler in Newtown and a large land owner. He m. Mary Peck. Their Ch. 2 David Botsford Newtown, Conn. 2 George " m. Harriet Jennings " " 2 Narcissa " " Philo Beers Ch. George Botsford and Harriet Jennings " " 3 *Mariette " m. John R. Tomlinson " " 3 *Israel twins " Served in Civil War 3 *Lemnel twins" Served in Civil War 3 *Charles " 3 Susan " m. Edward Taylor " " 3 Anna E. " " Edson Wilson 3 *Stanley " " Julia Tomlinson " " 3 Hattie " " Noyes Thompson " " 3 Edward twins " " Emma G. Feet " " 3 Frederick " " Ella Barnes 3 *Phebe " d. in infancy. " " Ch. 3Mariette Botsford and John R. Tomlinson 4 Carrie Tomlinson m. Alfred Briscoe (see Briscoe) " " 4 Robert Sherman " " 1st Hattie Croffutt " 2nd Christine Kleine SuflField, Conn. 4 John Lewis " " Lila Piatt Claremont, Calif. Ch. Robert S. Tomlinson and Christine Klein Suflfield, Conn. 5 *Ruth Lillian 5 Charlotte Agnes " m. Dr. Russell Barber Street in U. S. Service in France 6 Russell Barber Street Jr. Their Ch. Ch. John L. Tomlinson and Lila Piatt Claremont. Calif. 5 Alberta " m. Benjamin Wilson Ch. 3Susan Botsford and Edward Taylor 4 4 George Francis Taylor m. Lorena Glover Sandy Hook. Conn. Ch. 3Stanley Botsford and Julia Tomlinson, Wallingford, Conn. 4 Rowland Stanley " Ch. 3Edward Botsford and Emma G. Peet Stepney, Conn. 4 *Lina " „ „ 4 *Liila " m. Emma Martha Mattegat ^ ^ 4 St an lev " ,[ 4 Effie Ch. Stanley Botsford and Emma M. Mattegat 4< « 5 Alice Isabelle " twins „ „ 5 *Ida Emma " twins „ „ 5 Laura May " Ch. 3Frederick Botsford and Ella Barnes Newtown. 4 Ruby " I « 4 Paul 40 GENEALOGICAL SECTION BRISCOE 2 Nathaniel Briscoe b. 1629 was an early settler in Milford. His descen- dants probably came to Newtown as the names James and Nathaniel are found in the list of pioneers of 1712. 3 Nathaniel m. Mary Camp in 1672. 4 James son of 3Nathaniel b. 1673. 5 Lieut. Nathaniel son of 4James b. 1708, Newtown, Conn. He owned a large amount of real estate; the homestead he occupied is now a part of the Newtown cemetery. He served as Selectman for 10 years between 1743 and 1777. In 1768 he and Capt. Amos Botsford gave the bell to the Cong. Church which is now in use. 5 Lieut. Nathanial Briscoe Their Ch. m. Eunice Hurd Johnson Newtown, Conn. 6 Eunice 6 Isaac 6 Nathaniel Briscoe Thompson Booth Anna Sherman Hannah Leach 2nd Sally Raymond Bridgewater, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Ch. Nathaniel Briscoe and Hannah Leach 7 Susan " m. Alfred Wixon 7 Mary " " Joseph G. Ferris Ch. Nathaniel Briscoe and Sally D. Raymond 7 Bradley D. 7 Miranda m. Mary C. Glover " Duranzel Hall Ch. Bradley D. Briscoe and Mary C. Glover " m 8 Alfred 8 Ella 8 Esther Carrie Tomlinson Walter B. VVelton " " Ormel Morgan (See Morgan) Ch. Alfred Briscoe and Carrie Tomlinson " m Bethel, Conn. (See Foote record) 9 Florence ' 9 Howard ' 10 Howard E. Wood 10 Helen Ruth Briscoe 10 Harold Russell " Ch. Isaac " 7 Amy 7 Lewis " 7 Charles 7 Harriet " 7 Polly 7 Sally 7 Caroline " F. S. Wood " Emma E. Sherman Florence Briscoe ch. & F. S. Wood Emma E. Sherman ch. & Howard Briscoe & Anna Sherman m. William Tomlinson " Jane E. Pettis " Mary Davison " Horace Dibble Fairfield, Conn. Bethel, " Fairfield, " Bethel, Conn. Newtown, Conn. New Haven, Conn. David Glover (See Glover) Newtown, Ct. Curtis Frost Bridgewater Conn. Peter Warren Fairchild (See Fairchild) Ch. Lewis Briscoe and Jane E. Pettis 8 *Isaac 8 *Cornelia 8 *Gustavus 8 *Louisa S. 8 *Charles L. m. *Cornelia Fairchild " *Edward Crofut " Susan Taylor " *Leroy Taylor " Jennette Taylor GENEALOGICAL SECTION 41 9 Alfred Briscoe 9 *Jennie " 10 Jennie 10 Louis 9 Wilbur 9 Frances 9 *Sherman Crofut Cornelia Fairchild ch. & Isaac Briscoe Agnes Tomlinson ch. & Alfred Briscoe Jennette Taylor ch. & Charles L. Briscoe Cornelia Brisco ch. & Edward Crofut (See Fairchild) Ch. 7Charles Briscoe and Mary Davison " " 8 Harriet " Henry Mygatt California 8 Mary " unm. 8 Charles H. " " 1st Anna J. Traver See Newtown's lawyers " 2nd Alice Bradley Thompsonville, Conn. 8 Willis " d. in Panama Ch. Judge Chas. H. Briscoe and Anna J. Traver 1st wife 9 Willis Briscoe m. Jessie Bradley Drew 9 Anna T. " " Rev. David Lewis Sanford 9 Alice M. " " Rev. J. Francis George Ch. Rev. David L. Sanford and Anna T. Briscoe 10 Helen Traver Sanford m. Dr. Wm. Richard Brown Essex, N. Y. Phila.. Pa. Hartford. Conn. Thompsonville 10*Alice Amelia " " Albert Truax 10 Charles Briscoe " " Katherine Uri 10 Edgar Lewis " unm. 10 John Beach " unm. 10 Arthur Hall " unm. 10 David Piatt " unm. Helen Traver Sanford 11 William Richard Brown ch. & Dr. Wm. Richard Brown. Phila., Pa. Katherine Uri 11 Charles Briscoe Sanford Jr. ch. & Chas. Briscoe Sanford, Thompsonville, Ct. 11 Anna Winslow Truax 11 Albert Winslow " Albert Truax ch. & Alice A. Sanford Ch. Rev. J. Francis George and Alice M. Briscoe. 10 Willis George twins 10*Nelson " Drowned in 1916. Essex, N. Y. First Camp settled in 1707. 1 Lieut. Samuel Camp 2 Lemuel " Some of their Ch. 3 Joel Camp ."^ Samuel 3 Phtbe 3 Hoppie 3 Alice 3 Clarissa CAMP Rebecca Caafield Alice Leavenworth Ellen Jackson Killed in French War. Cyrenius Hard Amiel Peck Sims Josiah Blackman Newtown, Conn. 42 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ch. Joel Camp Deborah " Lemuel " John " Susan " Phebe Silas Samuel in war of 1812. & Ellen Jackson m. Matthew Sherman " Sarah Dibble " Wife not known " Joseph Wheeler unm. Newtown, Conn. Bethel, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Ch. Lemuel Camp and Sarah Dibble 5 Joel Trowbridge Camp 5 Cyrus " 5 Polly 5 Adah 5 Maria 5 Beach 5 Dibble 5 Hiram " 5 Sarah Ann " 5 Mary Ann " Ch. Joel T. 6 Lemuel F. " 6 *Edwin " 6 *Lucia " 6 Samuel B. " & & Polly Fairchild Polly Ann Botsford Samuel Fairchild (no ch.) Beers Fairchild 2nd wife John Smith 2nd wife Catherine H. Foote Esther Blackman Eliza Barnum Zachariah Clarke (see Clark) unm. Polly Fairchild Sarah J. Lake Hannah Hawley (no ch.) John R. Smith (no ch.) Caroline C. Lake Newtown, Conn. Ch. Lemual ♦Carrie A. Alma M. Mary Alice Amos T. Sarah A. Ch. Mary Alice " 8 Percival Camp Piatt in Ch. Amos T. Camp and 8 *Lyman Fairchild Camp Ch. Samuel B. " 7 Edwin Beers " 7* Frank Bennett " Ch. Cyrus " 6 *Marcus " 6 *Sarah M. " 6 *Gideon B. " 7 *Harriet B. 7 *Gideon B. Ch. Dibble 6 Hobart 6 Emily 6 Daniel " Ch. Hobart 7 *Anna L. " 7 *Susan A. " 7 Robert N. & Sarah J. Lake d. young m. Charles B. Johnson (See Johnson record) " Edmund Piatt " Cornelia Sherwood " Asa Hawley (See Hawley record) & Edmund C. Piatt France in U. S. Hospital service. Cornelia Sherwood, d. in infancy & Caroline C. Lake (Samuel Camp in 1918 is in his 91st year) d. young & Polly Ann Botsford m. Sophia Botsford unm. unm. Newtown, Conn. Sophia Botsford " ch. & Marcus Camp m. Esther Blackman m. Juliette Hawley . Henry Dikeman (See Dikeman)" " Augusta Nichols .S: Juliette Hawley " d. in childhood d. unm. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 43 Ch. Daniel Camp 7 Esther L. 7 Grace " 8 Donald Anderson 8 Elizabeth 8 Duncan " Ch. Beach Camp 6 *Dr. William 6 *Julia Ann " 6 Jane Eliza " 6 *Katherine F. " Ch. Dr. Wm. 7 *William H. 7 Marion Barlow Tuttle 7 *Henry Ogden " 7 *William Beach " 7 Lauren Steele " In U. S. Service Ch. Hiram Camp 6 Lydia Jane " 6 Sarah Esther " 6 *George Beach " 6 *Henry Barnum " Desc. of Silas Camp son 5 Emma Camp 5 Marietta " 5 Edson Ch. Emma " 6 *Edwin Barnum 6 *VVilliam 6 *Jerome " 6 Emma " Their Ch. 7 Minnie Grumman 7 Anna " 7 William 7 Clifford 8 Cleon Wildman 8 Leroy " 8 Lester 8 Grace " 8 Nellie 8 Alice 8 Richard Lynn 8 Bertha 8 Lawrence " 8 Bernard 8 Raymond Grumman 8 Leland 8 Frances " 8 Louise " 8 Florence " 8 Helen 6 William G. Hard & Augusta Nichols unm. A successful teacher in Albany m. Dr. Clyde Anderson N. Y. Pittsburg. Pa. ch. & m. & m. Grace Camp " & Dr. Clyde Anderson " Catherine H. Foote Newtown, *0phelia Randall Roxbury, *Ogden Tuttle Minneapolis, ♦Ezra L. Johnson (See Johnson) unm. *Ophelia Randall Jane Adam Kent, Canaan, Conn. Conn. Minn. Conn. Conn. ♦Julia Ann Camp Minneapolis, Minn, ch. & ♦Ogden Tuttle & Eliza Barnum Newtown, d. when 17 years old " m. Wm. G. Hard (no ch.) " unm. Served in Civil War " unm. of Joel m. Isaac Barnum Bethel, " Amos Hard Newtown, unm. " & Isaac Barnum Bethel, d. in prison during Civil War " .m Charles Grumman " m. William Wildman m. J. B. Lynn " Agnes Tomlinson " Edna Haines Conn. Conn. Conn. Conn. Minnie Grumman ch. & William Wildman Annie Grumman ch. & J. B. Lynn Agnes Tomlinson ch. & William Grumman Edna Haines ch. & Clifford Grumman Marietta Camp ch. & Amos Hard (See Hard) 44 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 1 Thomas Chambers settled of wife unkown. 2 Mary Chambers 2 Asa " 2Jesse " 2 Nathan " 2 James " 2 Jemima " 3 Thomas Osborn Chambers Their Ch. 4 Henry R. Chambers 4 Dr. Cornelius " 4 Jane Elizabeth " 4 Frederick " 5 Susie Sturges " 5 Jennie Morris " 5 *Sarah Burritt " 5 Elizabeth Burritt " CHAMBERS in Newtown, 1736. He had 12 children. Name m. Dr. William Warner " 1st Adams " 2nd Mrs. Elizabeth Osborn Clifford d. in British Army d. in American Service m. Dr. Benjamin Warner Elizabeth Osborn Clifford ch. & Asa Chambers m. Sarah Curtis Emeline Munson d. unm. Newbern, N. C. Eli J. Morris Betsey Morris Burritt Betsey M. Burritt ch. & Frederick Chambers CLARKE 1 James Clarke was one of the signers of the Fundamental Articles of Agreement when New Haven was settled in 1639. 2 James Jr., earliest Clarke settler in Fairfield County. m. Deborah Peacock, 1662. 3 James, b. 1664, 4 Zachariah(l) b. 1702 5 Zachariah (2) b. 1739 6 James, b. 1769 6 Zachariah, b. 1771 Jane Griffen Eunice Staples Mary Bacon Polly Sherman Hannah Toucey Newtown, Conn. Ch. James Clark and Polly Sherman 7 Grandison " 7 Everett 7 Eliza " 7 Polly 7 John 7 Williarn 7 Zachariah " 7 Anna Maria " 7 Hulda'rt Ch. Grandison " 8 George " 8 Mary & m. Hannah Hard Ann Barnum Bethel, Conn. Levi Edwards Trumbull, Conn. Abijah Hard Newtown, Conn. Mary Curtis 1st wife Sally French 2nd wife Monroe, Conn. Nancy Adams Newtown, Conn. Sarah Ann Camp " " Charles C. Warner (See Warner) James B. Beers (see Beers) B'klyn, N. Y. Hannah Hard Jane Warner Charles Webster (no ch.) Newtown, Conn. 9 Homer G. 10*Mabel 10 George Jane Warner ch. & George Clarke ♦Elizabeth Wheeler, 1st wife ch. & Homer G. Clarke Sarah W. Hall, 2nd wife GENEALOGICAL SECTION 45 Bethel, Conn. Ann Barnum 8 *Rev. James Starr Clarke ch. & Everett Clarke " " For many years the successful Principal of a school for boys at Tivoli on the Hudson, N. Y. 8 *Abel French Clarke ch. 8 *Abel French Clarke m. 8 Robert A. Clarke ch. 8 Leniuel Beach Clarke ch. 8 *Sherman Beers " 9 Jennie 9 Frederick Sally French Newtown, Conn. it John Clarke Florence Glover 1st wife Newtown, Conn. Adella Van Name 2nd wife, New \'ork Nancy Adams Newtown, Conn. & William Clarke See Freegrace Adams' record *Sarah Ann Camp, 1st. wife, Newtown, Ct. & Zachariah Clarke Danbury, Conn. Sarah Ann Gregory 2nd wife Mary Osborn " " & Lenuicl B. Clarke " " 10 Bertha Mary 10 Frederick Beers 11 Ruth Daisy Plue 11 Lois Vivian " 6 Zachariah Clarke b. 1771 Their Ch. 7 Sally Clarke 7 Oliver " 7 Maria " See Skidmore record 7 Walter Clarke 7 Charles " 7 Emma " 7 William 7 Philo 8 *Eli B. 8 *Edwin 8 *Emma J. " 9 E. Beers 9 Julia L. 9 *Mattie Eugenie " 9 *Edwin Parker " lOSnmncl E. B. Clark 9 *Samuel Clarke Peck 9 Walter Tnucey " 9 Elizabeth Fayerweather 9 Susan Emma " ch. & Frederick Clarke Bertha M. Clarke ch. & Silas Raymond Plue m. Hannah Toucey m. Daniel Connelly Newtown, Conn. unm. Died of small pox in New York m. Harry Hawley 1st. m. Ridgefield, Conn. Rufus Skidmore 2nd m. Brookfield, " Dimah Ann Beers " Betsey Ann Fairchild " William Hill " Elizabeth Lewis " Sarah Minerva Beers Dimah Ann Beers :h. & Walter Clarke Newtown, Conn. Redding. " Monroe " Newtown, Conn. ch. ch. ch. m. ch. Nancy Beers 1st wife & Edwin Clarke Mattie A. Parker 2nd wife Edwin Clarke Elizabeth Bowers & E. Beers Clarke Alcetta Gilbert Emma T. Clarke George B. Peck Minneapolis. Minn. Newtown. Conn. Brooklyn. N. Y. 46 GENEALOGICAL SECTION lOPriscilla Burdick 10 Ruth Mac Bride lUAlerrili Clarke 10 Elisabeth Chester Peck 10 Samuel Clarke Susan Emma Peck :h. & Willard Merrill Burdick S. Orange, N. J. Elisabeth Chester Backus ch. & Walter T. Peck Ch. 7Charles Clarke and Betsey Ann Fairchild 8 *Robert Toucey Clarke 8 *Emily 8 Rev. Sylvester " 8 *Elizabeth 8 *Charles W. 8 nVilliam H. Ch. Robert T. 9 *Henry Peck " 9 Mary Toucey " 9 Charles Robert " 10 Nancy Barnum " 10 Julia H. 10 Harry F. lONancey Barnum " 10 Alton Clarke Haight 10 Marian Toucey " 10 Philip Griffen Clarke 10 Elizabeth 10 Charles R., Jr. " 9 Annie Fairchild Clarke 9 Grace Dalrymple " 9 Robert Toucey Harriette Eliza Peck unm. Annie Dalrymple Unvid Beecher d. young d. young Jessie Beecher twins ch. ch. m. ch. ch. ch. ch. 9 *Bessie 8 *Rev. William Toucey Hill ch. 9 Emma Elizabeth Hill 9 William Burr 9 *Cyrus Foss " ch. 9 Ellen Toucey " 9 William Burr jr., " ch. 10 Cyrus Giles " In 1917 an aviator in France ch. Ch. Philo Clarke & 8 *Hannah Sophia Clarke m. 8 *Emma Francis " 8 *Flora M. " m. Schenectady, N. Y. Brookfield, Conn. Newark, N. J. Shelton, Conn. Newtown, Conn. & Harriette Eliza Peck Brookfield, Conn. m. Julia C. Hurd, 1st. " Mary J. Mactie 2nd " William C. Haight " Martha E. Griffen Bridgeport, Conn. Brookfield, *Julia C. Hurd 1st wife " & Henry Peck Clarke Brevard, N. Carolina *Mary J. Macfie 2nd wife & Henry Peck Clarke Henry N. Carrier Brevard N. Carolina 7Mary Toucey Clarke & William C. Haight Martha E. Griffen & Charles R. Clarke Anna Dalrymple Bridgeport, Conn. « « Brookfield, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Newark, N. J. Rev. Sylvester Clarke Bridgeport, Conn. See Ministers *Elizabeth Clarke & David Beecher 7Emma Clarke & William H. Hill Jane C. Burr & Rev. Wm. T. Hill Illie C. Clapp & William Burr Hill Newtown, Conn. Shelton, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Redding, Conn. Middletown, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Chicago, 111. Kate S. Giles & Cyrus Foss Hill Sarah Minerva Beers Levi Burtis Booth d. in young womanhood Newtown, Conn Alfred Walker Ossining. N. Y Brookfield, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 47 Hanah Sophia Clarke Newtown, Conn. 9 Philo Clarke Booth ch. & Levi Burtis Booth " " Flora Clarke 9 Clarke Skidmore Walker ch. & Alfred Walker Newtown, Conn. COBURN 1 Daniel Coburn and Sarah Johnson Newtown, Conn. Sarah Johnson " " 2 Charles Coburn ch. & Daniel Coburn " " 3 Emma " Nabby Johnson " " 3 *William " ch. & 3 *Charles " Charles Coburn Emma Coburn Easton, Penii. 4 Mary Hilliard ch. & *Edward Hilliard Mary Hilliard 5 Edward Hart Greene Jr. ch. & Edward Hart Greene Frances Wooster SanFrancisco, Cal. 4 Clarence Wooster Coburn ch. & William Coburn 4 Henry Coburn 4 Mary " *Helen Messinger 4 Erwin " ch. & 4 Edwin Rogers " Charles Coburn Jennie Greathouse San Francisco, Cal. 5 Clarence W'ooster Coburn Jr.ch. & Clarence W. Coburn ? P/'"''^' *^°^.l'''" ch. Henry Coburn Easton. Penn. 5 Minnie 5 Julia Merrill 4*Mary Coburn Rochester. N. Y. 5 Rev. Richard Nye " ch. & 5 Rev. Charles Coburn " Rev. Phillip S. Merrill New Castle. Penn. 5 Philip S. " Jr. Philadelphia. Penn. . T>> .1- c ..■ Julia Merrill Rochester, N. Y. 6 Dorothy Sweeting ch & 6 Margaret " • ^^^^^ Sweeting ^ „. , J XT nr -11 T Agnes Estey Miami, Florida 6 Richard Nye Merrill, Jr. ch & 6 John Estey " • j^^^ Richard Nye Merrill. I- T- -1 nr-jj L z- u Elizabeth Middaugh Newark. N. J. 5 Emilv Aliddaugh Coburn ch & 5 Margaret " • ^^^-^ Coburn 4 Edwin Rogers Coburn m. Julia Hackman Easton. Penn. 48 GENEALOG ICAI. SECTION CURTIS 1 Elizabeth, "Widow Curtis," of Stratford 2 William her son b. 1618 in England m. 1st Mar}-. 2nd Sarah Morris Goodrich. 3 Josiah, 1662 b. Stratford m. Abigail Judson, 2nd Mary Beach 4 Benjamin m. Elizabeth Birdsey 4 Matthew m. 1st Phebe Judson, 2nd Abigail Thompson They were first Curtis settlers in Newtown, 1716 Ch. Matthew Curtis 5 Phebe 5 Nirani " 5 Matthew 2nd. " 5 Stiles 5 Josiah " Son of Matthew " 5 Gold Their Ch. 6 Abigail " 5 Betsey " 6 Deborah " 6 Gould " 6 Marilla " 6 John G. " 6 Phebe 6 Hezekiah " 6 David " 6 Daniel " & Phebe Judson m. John Beach Jr. " Mabel " Hannah Ford " Hannah Bishop " Ann Ford & Abigail Thompson m. Elizabeth Gold Newtown, Conn. Fairfield, Conn. Cyrus Hard (See Hard) Newtown, Conn, unm. Hermon Warner (See W^arner) " " Joanna Peck " unm. Lucy Blackman " " unm. Marcia Glover " " Jeannette Shelton Monroe, " Elizabeth Beach Trumbull " Ch. Gould " & 7 *Mary " m. 7 *Samuel " " 7 *Elizabeth 7 *Sarah ' ' Ch. Mary " 8 Alary Curtis Beers 8 Charles Gould " 8 Rissa Ch. Mary Curtis Beers 9 George B. Foster 9 Orrington " 9 Marv Susan " & Joanna Peck Newtown, Conn. Cyrenius Beers Chicago, 111. Mary Nichols 1st Newtown, Conn. Betsey Curtis Hinman 2nd Southbury " Mary Curtis Wheeler 3rd. New Haven " Robert C. Peck 1st Newtown, " Simeon B. Peck 2nd " " Dr. Monroe Judson 2nd wife " Cyrenius Beers m. Orrington C. Foster " Louisa Wilson " Augustus Warner & Orrington C. Foster m. Margarite Johnson " Mary Ehlin " Dr. John Marrurre 10 Marguerite " ch. 10 Elizabeth " ch. 10 John Marrurre lOkatherine " ch. 10 Mary 9 Catherine E. Beers ch. Marguerite Johnson t & George B. Foster Mary Ehlin & Orrington Foster Mary Susan Foster & Dr. John Marrurre Louisa Wilson & Charles Gould Beers Chicago, 111. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 49 9 Charles Curtis Warner Rissa Beers Chicatro III 9 Raymond " ch. & 9 Catherine " Augustas Warner Ch. Samuel Curtis & Mary Nichols Newtown, Conn. 8 Henry Gould Curtis m. Anna Beers " " 8 Julia " " Henry S. Hawley " " Ch. 8Henry G. Curtis & .A.nna Beers 9 Harry Beers " m. Laura Trulock 9 William R. " " Bertha Niles George 10 Henry Gould " . ^^''^^^ Niles George 10 Nelson George " ^ ■ -.Trir t. r- .• " William R. Curtis " " 9 Curtis Hawley . -""^'^ Curtis 9 Alarv Nichols ch. & Henry S. Hawley lOHobart Warner Mary Nichols Hawley " " 10 Austin " ch. & 10 Henry Hawley " Hobart Glover Warner Dec. 6John Curtis and Lucy Blackman 7 Daniel Curtis m. Mary A. Brown Erie. Pa. 7 Simeon " unm. 7 John Gould " " Mary Chambers Erie, Pa. 7 Robert " d. in infancy 7 David " " 1st Harriet Blackman New Haven, Conn. " 2nd Sarah E. Blackman " " Ch. Daniel " & Mary Brown Erie, Pa. 8 *Jennie " d. in infancy 8 John Simeon " m. Grace Bemis Erie, Pa. 8 George H. " " Annie Hitchcock (no ch.) 8 Uri Balcom " " Martha A. Doiers (no ch.) 8 Mary A. " " Rev. Karl Klass Seattle, Wash. Ch. John S. " & Grace Bemis Campbell, N. Y. 9 Daniel B. 8 John Simeon " 9 Daniel G. Jane Eldred 9 Harriet Eldred " ch. & Daniel G. Curtis 9 Mary Klass Mary A. Curtis Seattle, Washington 9 Karl " ch. & 9 Georgianna " Rev. Karl Klass " ♦Harriet Blackman 1st New Haven, Conn. 8 *Charlotta Augusta Curtis ch. & David Curtis Sarah E. Blackman 2nd wife " 8 *Hattie Louise Curtis ch. & David Curtis Desc. through 6Hezekiah Curtis and Marcia Glover 7 Henry Curtis m. Fannie Parker Seattle, Washington 7 Benjamin " " Laura Lewis Newtown, Conn. 7 Betsey " " 1st Daniel Hinman (no ch.) " " " 2nd Samuel Curtis (no ch.) 7 Mary " " 1st James Wheeler (no ch.) New Haven 2nd Samuel Curtis 50 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ch. Henry Curtis 8 *Charles 8 Florence 8 Hobart H. " 8 Jennie 8 Frederick " 8 Newton M. " 9 Marion & Fannie Parker m. Pearl Hunt (no ch.) " Mr. Cone (no ch) Laura Lewis ch. & Benjamin Curtis Ruth Amelia Nichols ch. & Hobart H. Curtis m. Clayton Hawley 6 Desc. through David Curtis and Jennet Shelton Dubuqe, Iowa Newtown, Conn. Passaic, N. J. Newtown, Conn. Monroe, Conn. Painted Post, N. Y. 7 ♦Jane Marilla Curtis 7 *Infant Son 7 *Antoinette " 7 Phebe Minerva " 7 Josiah " Their Ch. 8 Carrie Jennet " 8 Minnie Antoinette " 8 Bertha Jane " 8 *Jose Richmond " Ch. Carrie Jennet " 9 Curtis Patterson " 9 Janet Curtis Patterson 10 Allan Curtis Taylor 10 Curtis Sheldon " & m. ch. d. Newtown, sixteen yrs. of age. d. in infancy Charles H. Erwin( no ch.) " Charles G. Thompson Campbell Caroline Sophia Smith 1st Louis Patterson New York, N. Y. 2nd Alfred Lublin Frank E. Smedley (no ch.) Addison, " unm. d. young Louis Patterson Carla Owen Lynn Taylor Janet Curtis Patterson & Lynn Taylor 4 Matthew and 4Benjamin first in Newtown, 1716. Ch. 4Benjamin Curtis 5 Nehemiah " 5 Phebe 5 Eunice " 5 Elizabeth S Benjamin " & m. 5 Abijah 5 Sarah Ch. SBenjamin 6 Philo Ch. Benjamin 6 Artemisia 6 Alfred Devine 6 Epenitus Ch. Philo 7 Philo 7 Polly 7 Betsey 7 Huldah & m. & m. (I & m. Elizabeth Birdsey Martha Clark Daniel Morehouse Amos Hard Capt. John Glover 1st Phedima Nichols 2nd Mary Devine 3rd. Phebe Toucey Sarah Birdsey Nirom Hard Phedima Nichols Huldah Hubbell Mary Devine Linus Sherman (see Sherman) Sarah Hard Salina Hard " Huldah Hubbell Sally Maria Birch John Glover (see Glover) ' Amariah Beers (see Beers) ' Chauncey Hatch * Addison, N. J. Newtown, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 51 Ch. Alfred Uevine Curtis & Sarah Hard Newtown, Conn. 7 *Sophia " 7 *Nirora " 7 *Phebe « 7 *Cyrenius " 7 *Alfred " 7 *Edwin A. " Ch. Nirom <> 8 *Julia M. L. " She was "W. M. L. Jay, Ch. 6Epenitus Curtis 7 Susan « 7 Charles " 7 Henry Francis i< Ch. Henry F. « 8 *Jasper " 8 Susan " 8 Henry William " 8 Charles " 8 Salina " 8 *Lany Elizabeth « 8 *Sarah « 8 *Frances « unm. " " Matilda Rogers 1st m. " " Joseph Nettleton (See Beach) " Christa Ann Beardsley Monroe, Conn. Matilda Rogers Curtis 2nd m. Newtown, Matilda Rogers Curtis 3rd m. 9 Lucy McDaniel 9 Henry William 9 Henry Barnum " 9 Anna 9 Richard Curtis Randall 9 Elizabeth 9 Keith Meade 9 Miriam Flint " 9 Richard Curtis 8 Cornelia Curtis 8 Jane Ch. 7Cyrenius Curtis 8 Joseph 8 Sarah Matilda 8 Phebe Ann 8 Bertha Celia Ch. Phebe Ann " 9 Lynn W. Wilson 9 Clyde Curtiss 9 Justin A. " 9 Leigh H. 9 Enid Lynnette " 10 Curtis A. Wilson 10 Alan W. & Matilda Rogers m. Rev. Curtis Woodruff authoress of "Shiloh" and n & Salina Hard m. Anson Smith unm. " Lany McDaniel & Lany McDaniel d. in Civil War unm. m. Ida Whitlow " Rachel Barnum " Richard Randall unm. unm. unm. Ida Whitlow ch. & Henry Wm. Curtis Rachel Barnum ch. & Charles Curtis ch. m. ch. & m. & m. Salina Curtis & Richard Randall Florence Valentine Sally Maria Birch & Philo Curtis New York, N. Y. umerous poems. Brookfield, Conn. Marysville, Tenn. New Orleans, La. Marysville, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn. Danbury, Conn. Shelton " Los .'\ngeles, Cal. Knoxville, Tenn. New Fairfield, Conn. Shelton, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Christa Ann Beardsley Monroe, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Jane Eliza Tyler Frederick W. Curtis James A. Wilson unm. ch. James A. Wilson 1st Maude Blakmey 2nd Alice Peckham Booth d. young Lucy MacDonald (no ch.) 1st Edith Henna 2nd Florence Voder (no ch.) Bradford Tilden Seney Maude Blarney & Lvnn W. Wilson 52 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 10 Wilson Tilden Seney 10 Clyde Curtis Ch SAbijah Curtis 6 John 6 Benjamin " 6 Maj. Abijah Birdsey " Their Ch. 7 Marcia " 7 Horatio Nelson " 7 Charlotte 7 Anna " 7 Joseph B. " 7 Birdsey G. " 7 Caroline " 7 Ira L. 8 *Julianna " 8 *Sarah Frances " Ch. Ira L. 8 ♦Elizabeth 8 ♦Juliette Ch. Elizabeth " 9 Cora Parker 9 Alfred Curtis" 10 Mabel 10 Harriet Enid Lvnnelle Wilson Bridgeport, Conn. ch. & Bradford Tilden Seney " " & Sarah Birdsey m. Hannah Beach " Mehitable (no desc.) " Anna Glover Newtown, Conn. John Beach (See Beach) Marcia Nefus Rochester, N. Y. Nichols Booth Lake (See Lake) Simeon Nichols (See Nichols) Betsey Piatt Newtown, Conn Louisa Ketcham Beloit, Wis. Simeon B. Peck (see Peck) Marietta Glover Newtown, Conn. ch. Betsey Piatt & Joseph B. Curtis « « U 11 & Marietta Glover l< u m. Daniel W. Parker Winthrop Foote (no ch.) Bedford, Ind & Daniel Parker m. T. J. Leonard (no ch.) Gertrude Bowden Springville, Ind Bedford ch. Gertrude Bowder & Alfred Curtis Parker Nathaniel Dikeman Their Ch. 2 Mary Ann " 2 Polly 2 Ira 2 Maria 2 Ebenezer " 2 Sylvia " 2 Betsey " 2 Charles " 2 Harriet " Ch. Mary Ann Dikeman 3 ♦Maria Judd 3 *Catherine " 3 ♦Arsina " 3 Juliette 3 ♦William 3 ♦Mary 3 ♦Louisa " Ch. Polly Dikeman 3 ♦Eliza Starr 3 Dr. Alfred '' 3 ♦Ira DIKEMAN m. Experience Hawley 1791, Newtown, Conn. Taylor Judd Samuel Starr Bethel " Betsey Hurd Cheshire " Ebenezer Beers (no ch.) Newtown, Conn. Julia Fairchild " Abram K. Fairchild (see Fairchild) " Niornipn Beers (see Beers) Newtown, Conn. Mary Matilda Benedict " " Walter Parmelee " " & Taylor Judd Bethel, " m. Daniel Gregory " " m. William Dikeman " " Benjamin Gregory " " Stiles Smith Elizabeth Seeley John Stone Ira Manley m. Samuel Starr Adolph H. Upson Bethel, " Mary Alice Nichols (no ch.) New York, " Jane Hutton Ch. 2 Ira Dikeman 3 *Homer " 3 Mary " 3 Sylvia 3 Hattie 3 *Theodore " Ch. Ebenezer " 3 *Henry " 3 Sophia " Ch. Ebenezer " 3 *Martha " 3 Oscar " 3 Emma " 4 *Arthur Dikeman 4 Julia 4 Lillian " 4 Dwight Tyrill 4 *Gertrude " 5 Raymond Tyrill 5 Dorothy " 5 Phyllis 5 Reginald Reid 5 Marion " 4 *Russell Dikeman 4 Mildred " 5 Henry Dikeman Stoddard 5 Russell Buddington " 5 William 5 Marcia " 2 Ch. *Charles Dikeman 3 Jane Dikeman 3 Sarah " Ch. Harriet Dikeman 3 Edwin Somers Parmelee 3 Bruce Leavenworth " GENEALOGICAL SECTION m. Betsey Hurd 53 |] Lydia Ann Northrop (no cii.) New Haven. Doolittle «" i?^" Bishop Cheshire, Conn. ^^ Elbert Sprang 1st New Haven, Conn. Howard 2nd Chicago, 111. unm. Julia Fairchild 1st wife Newtown, Conn. Emily Camp " " George E. Porter New Haven, & Betsey Maria Dikeman, 2nd wife Alfred Tvrill Lillian Russell unm. Emily Camp ch. & Henry Dikeman Martha Dikeman ch. & Alfred Tyrill ch. & Dwight Tyrill *Gertrude Tyrill ch. & William Reid Lillian Russell ch. & Oscar Dikeman Mildred Dikeman, ch. & Clifford Ives Stoddard New Haven, " Newtown, Conn. New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Woodbridge, Conn. & Mary Matilda Benedict Danbury, Conn. m. Theodore Sanford " " " John Hodge " " m. Walter Parmelee Wallingford " m. Mary A. Treat " " Martha Treat Ch. Edwin S. Parmelee " 4 Jennie Maria " " 4 *Harriet Elizabeth " " 4 Mary Rebecca " " 4 Eva Treat " 4 Sarah Edwina " " Ch. Jennie Maria " & 5 *Edwin Seymour Baldwin 5 Mary Eliza " m. S Walter Parmelee " " 5 Elizabeth Gilbert Mary A. Treat Seymour Gilbert Baldwin Robert Culm Canby Phila. Pa. James Mcintosh Jones Petersburg, Va. unm. Wallingford, Conn. Daniel Hervey Havens Meriden Seymour G. Baldwin d. at 3 mos. Rufus Town Stephenson Springfield, O. Marguerite Doyle East Haven, Conn. unm. Mary Eliza Baldwin 6 Seymour Towne Stephenson ch. & Rufus Towne Stephenson 54 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 6 John Doyle Baldwin 5 Daniel Parmelee Havens 5 Mary Edwina " 5 William Edwin " 3 Bruce Leavenworth Parmel 4 Fannie Augusta Parmelee Their Ch. 5 Evelina Augusta Markham 5 Esther Jane " 5 Fred 6 Ruth Ives Marguerite Doyle ch. & Walter Parmelee Baldwin Sarah Edwina Parmelee Meriden, Conn, ch. & Daniel Mervey Havens " " eem. Martha Jane Treat Wallingford, Conn, m. Fred Markham " " Willett Ives unm. unm. Evelina Augusta Markham ch. & Willett Ives Ch. 3 Maria Judd & William Dikeman 4 George Dikeman m. Kittie Jones 4 Orson " « 4 Hannah Maria " unm. 4 Mary Ann " Henry Griffin Catherine Judd 4 Anna Gregory ch. & Daniel Gregory ii « m. Ferris Mead (no ch.) Bethel, Conn. 4 Juliette " 4 Harriet R. " 4 *Martha A. " 4 *Arthur R. " 4 *Henry R. " 5 Grace Louise Hubbell 5 Charles Gregory " 6 Leland Hubbell Lyon 6 Roger Adams " 6 Fred Gregory " 6 Marion Louise " 6 Harriet Grace " 6 Luman George Hubbell 6 Catherine Annette " 7 Leland Hahn Lyon 4 Ch. Martha A. Gregory 5 Emma J. Bloomer 5 Hattie A. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. & m. Arsina Judd & Benjamin Gregory Sandy Hook, Conn. 6 Joseph Blomer Bateman ch. 4 Henry Smith 4 *William 4 Cortez " 4 *Jane Ann " 4 Cortez " ch. m. Harriet R. Gregory & Luman Leroy Hubbell Grace Louise Hubbell & G. Fred Lyon Mary Louise Modeman & Charles G. Hubbell Alice Hahn & Leland Hubbell Lyon Joseph B. Bloomer Arthur A. Mead Elmo Bateman Hattie A. Bloomer & Elmo Bateman Juliette Judd & Stiles Smith Cora B. Ferry Danbury, Conn. Bethel, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 55 4 Cli. Henry Smith 5 Grace " 5 Florence " 5 Georgia " 5 Frederick " 3 Ch. William Judd 4 *John 4 Elizabeth " 4 Alice 4 Lloyd Taylor " 4 Estella 4 *Ida 5 Virginia Ray 5 Alice " 5 George " 3 Ch. Louise Judd 4 Henry Manley 4 Eveline " 4 Howard See Newtown's Lawyers. 1 Tudge William Edmond m. 2 Mary E. 1 Judge William " m. Their Ch. 2 Elizabeth P. 2 Sarah " " 2 William P. 2 Ann 2 Robert 3 Willliam Edmond Curtis ch. 3 William Edmond " m. Their Ch. 4 William Edmond Curtis, Jr. 4 Henry Holbrook " m. 4 Frederick Kingsbury " " Ch. Sarah Edmond & 3 *Mary Booth m. Sarah " " ♦Dr. William " & Minnie Bruin m. John Killingbeck Gerald Hall " Burton Orton unm. m. Elizabeth Sceley d. unm. m. Runyon unm. m. m. unm. Charles Ray ch. Ida Judd & Charles Ray m. Ira Manley « unknown Fred H. Richmond Mary Reynolds EDMOND Bethel, Conn. Ch. Mary 4 Annie Sanford 4 Sarah .S Henry Sanford Beers 5 Robert Edmond " 4 *William B. Hawley 4 Marv " 4 *William 2nd " ♦Harry C. 1st Elizabeth Chandler Newtown, Conn. Their Ch. 2nd Elizabeth Payne " " Holbrook Curtis Dr. Cyreniuh Booth unm. unm. Elizabeth P. Edmond & Holbrook Curtis Mary Ann Scoville Josephine Allen Marion Scott Hare Dr. Cyrenius Booth Henry Sanford Marcus C. Hawley unm. (See Doctors) Waterbury Newtown, Waterbury Watertown, Brooklyn, N. Y. N. Y. Citv, N. Y. Newtown. Conn. & Henry Sanford unm. m. Robert C. Beers Sarah Sanford ch. & Robert C. Beers Sarah Booth ch. & Marcus C. Hawley 56 GENEALOGICAL SECTION FAIRCHILD 1 Thomas Fairchild came from England in 1638-9 and sealed in Straiford in 1639 d. in 1670 . The name was originally Fairbairn. 2 Edward, 2 Samuel, 2 Thomas, sons of 1 Thomas. 3 Edward first Fairchild settler in Newtown in 1705. 4 Ebenezer, 4 Jonathan, 4 James, sons of 3 Edward. 5 Peter, SClement, 5Truman, sons of 4Ebenezer. 5 Josiah, 5 Zadoe, sons of 4 Jonathan. 5 Peter Fairchild, son of 4 Ebenezer ni. Eunice Bulkley. She was a desc. of Gen. Warren of Revolutionary fame. Peter was a soldier in the war of the Revolution having served seven years. He was at Putnam Park during one winter with Gen. Putnam. He was a Corporal and it is said he served for a time on the staff of Gen. Washington. Ch. of 5 Peter Fairchild & 6 Marcus " m. 6 Fanny 6 Rufus 6 William B. 6 Nabby 6 Walter 6 Hermon 6 Peter Warren Ch. 6 Marcus 7 *Fayette 7 *Horatio 8 *Isabella 8 Oscar 8 ♦Lillian " ch. 8 *Bernice 9 Iza May " ch. Eunice Bulkley Susan Underbill Foote Hawley Fairchild son of 5 Zadoe Mary Windom Picken Sarah Hoffman James B. Fairchild Abigail Jennings (no desc.) Clara Dibble Caroline Briscoe Susan Underbill Foote Mary Jane Spring Accidentalllv shot. Mary Jane Spring & Fayette Fairchild Mabel Atwood 1st wife & Oscar Fairchild Naugatuck, Conn. Alice J. Beardsley 2nd wife 9 Pearl " ch. & Oscar Fairchild 6 Fanny Fairchild dau. of Peter m. 6Hawley Fairchild 7 Harriet 8 *Edwin Benedict 8 Emily " 8 *Delia 9 ♦Hattie 9 Lena " 9 *George Lewis " 10 George Hull 10 Ruth 10 Emily 5 Silas son of 4James 6 Joseph son of 5 Silas 6 Fanny Fairchild ch. & 6 Hawley Fairchild Harriet Fairchild ch. & George Benedict Cornelia Morse ch. & Edwin Benedict " Delia Benedict ch. & Lewis Beers Fairchild Lena Fairchild ch. & Matthew Hull m. Sarah Godfrey " Electa Fairchild 1st wife Newtown, Conn. Bethel Newtown, Newtown, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 57 Their Ch. 7 Polly Ann Fairchild 7 Philo Ch. 6 Joseph " 7 Aurinda " 7 Electa 7 Sarah 7 Mary 7 Laura Ann " 7 James " 7 Dr. S. Bradley 6 Joseph 7 Amarillis Gale 7 Angeline " 8 Florence Sherman, M. D' 8 William 6 *Rufus Fairchild m. Beman Fairchild & m. New Milford, Conn. Bethel, Amarillis Dibble 2nd wife Mizenus Hard .\ul;u>iiiic l haycT John Gale Charles Stevens Barlow Stevens Bridgeport Evelyn Wallace Newtown, Sarah McKinney Woodbury Patience Judson Wheeler 3rd wife ch. ch. Sarah Fairchild & John Gale Angeline Fairchild Gale & William Sherman Bethel m. '\l-dTy W. Pickens New York, N. V. 7 They had a daughter who m. a Zogbaum 8 Rufus Fairchild Zogbaum became an eminent artist. His specialty was battle scenes during the Civil War. 6 *Nabby Fairchild m. SJames Fairchild son of 4 James Their Ch. 7 *Mary E. 7 *Sarah 7 *Susan " 7 *Smith 8 Frederick Andrews 8 Rufus 8 William 8 Elizabeth Capt. Wason Bridgeport, Conn. William Mayuard (no ch.) Newtown, " David Andrews " " d. in Civil War ch. Susan Fairchild " & David Andrews Killed in Civil War 9 Susan " 9 Fannie 6 Ch. Hermon Fairchild 7 *Hannah Dibble " 7 *Edwin " ♦Lewis Henry Peck Adopted Arthur Treat Nettleton ch. Jennie Butcher & Frederick Andrews Newtown, Conn. & Clara Dibble m. Charles Henry Peck d. in young manhood Hannah D. Fairchild ch. & Charles Henry Peck m. *Jennie Morris Ch. 6 Peter Warren Fairchild & Caroline Briscoe 7 *Emily Fairchild 6 Juliette " 7 Robert 7 *Margaret " 7 Jerome " 7 *Albert Warren " 8 .Arthur Fairchild 8 Adelaide " Charles Gray (no ch.) Hosea B. Northrop (see Northrop) rec.) Frances Smith Starnford |' Benjamin Lewis <\. in Civil War Mary Greene 1st Newtown, Conn. Mrs. Victoria Burritt 2nd Stepney ch. Mary Green 1st wife Albert W. Fairchild Newtown, Conn. 58 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 9 Arthur Warren Fairchild Emily Hazen Smith Newtown, Conn. 9 Robert Dunning " ch. & 9 Mary Hazen " Arthur Fairchild " " Sergt. Arthur W. Fairchild in France, Oct. 1917. In Med. Dept. Robert D. in France May 1918. 9 Edith Fairchild Wilson ^^ Adelaide^Fairchild 9 Edna Louise " ' j-^^^^^ ^jj^^^ 5 Clement Fairchild son of 4 Ebenezer m. Sarah Piatt Their Ch. 6 Lucinda Fairchild 6 Beman " 6 Hiram m. John Williams " Polly Ann Fairchild " 1st Sarah Northrop 2nd Betsey Gelston " Asel Beebe Newtown, Conn. Brookfield " Bethel, 6 Lucia " No desc. located. 5 Truman Fairchild son of 4 Ebenezer m. Sarah Sherman Newtown, Conn. Their Ch. 6 Araunah Fairchild 6 Abraham K. Fairchild Their Ch. 7 *Harriet Catherine " 7 *George S. " 7 *Nathaniel Perry " 7 *Sarah 7 Henry Hobart Ch. Henry H. Fairchild 8 George S. " 8 William H. 8 Alice P. 8 *Hobart C. 8 Sarah L. " 8 Edwin C. 8 Perry E. 9 George S. Jr. " 9 Julia 9 •Louise 9 Ivan O. 9 Ruth H. 9 Arthur W. 9 Arthur E. Sherman 9 May L. Fairchild 9 Grace L. Sirine 9 *Arthur E. 9 Fairchild J. 9 Geraldine Fairchild 9 Elliott R. m. 1st Esther Bryant 2nd Anna Beers (no ch.) m. Sylvia Dikeman m. John Nichols (see Nichols) unm. " Abby Bartram unm. " Lydia Piatt & Lydia Piatt Florence Sirine Nettie Ward Ernest Sherman Mary L. Botsford Arthur L. Sirine Grace McDowell Belle Smith Florence Sirine ch. & George S. Fairchild Nettie Ward ch. & William H. Fairchild Alice P. Fairchild ch. & Ernest S. Sherman Stepney, Newtown, Bethel, Stepney, Mary L. Botsford ch. & *Hobart C. Fairchild m. Louis Bedat Sarah L. Fairchild ch. & Arthur L. Sirine Belle Smith ch. & Perry E. Fairchild Newtown Bethel GENEALOGICAL SECTION 59 10 George S. Curtis 3rd. 10 May L. 10 Pearl H. Cable 10 George H. " 10 Florence Thompson 10 Harold H. Fairchild lODorthea 10 Beatrica " Ch. of 5 Josiah Fairchild 6 Adoniram Fairchild 6 Wheeler " 6 Jonathan Sturges " 6 Ira 6 Betsey Ann " 6 Cyrus " Ch. 6 Adoniram " 7 *Dibble 7 Josiah 7 Horace 7 Florilla 7 Polly Ann Ch. 7 Dibble Fairchild 8 *Elizabeth 8 *Lilly Delia 8 *Jane Ann 8 *Theodore 9 Jane 9 William 9 Carrie 8 Mariette " 8 Josiah Booth 8 Mariette Fairchild 7 Ch. of 7 Horace Fairchild 8 Harriet 8 Martha " 8 Adoniram " 8 Reuben " George S. Fairchild Jr. ch. & Jessie M. Stucklan Ruth H. Fairchild ch. & Harvey Cable Julia Fairchild ch. & David Thompson Mary Hawley ch. & Ivan O. Fairchild & Betsey Wheeler m. Polly Dibble " Betsey Botsford " Lucy Wheeler " Jerusha Hall " Levi Weed " Damaris Botsford & Polly Dibble m. Polly Blackman " Phebe Booth " Laura Taylor " 1st Daniel Leavenworth " William Hinman & Polly Blackman d. at twenty one years d. sixteen years m. William Kellogg (no ch.) " Maria Bryant Bethel, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Bethel Monroe, ch. ch. m. m. Maria Bryant & Theodore Fairchild Phebe Booth & 7 Josiah Fairchild Glover Hawley (See Hawley) " Laura Taylor Canada Newtown, Conn. m. Phebe Summers. A diver. Lost his life diving. Ch. Adomiram and Phebe Summers 9 Benjamin 9 Anna 9 *Ada 9 Edith 9 David 10*Benjamin H. 10 Edith 10*Walter 10 Anna Fairchild m. Marion Siditer unm. m. Dr. Charles Penny unm. unm. Marion Siditer ch. & Benjamin Fairchild Brooklyn, N. Y. Stepney, Conn Brooklyn, N. Y. 60 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ch. 7PollyAnn Fairchild & John S. Hinman tn. Kate L. Emma J. " Arthur W. " *Anna " Florence Lake Rev. Clarence " ch 9 Lydia Lane Hinman Benedict c Ch. Levi Weed & 7 Eliza Ann " m. 7 Edwin " 7 Josiah Austin " 7 Granville " 7 Harrison " 7 Henry Russell " 8 Maria Sherman 9 Carrie Twiss m. H. F. Burgess 8 Emma Weed m. J. W. Drum 8 Charles T. Weed 8 Jennie " 8 Smith G. Weed 8 I. De Witt " 8 H. Harrison " 8 Elizabeth " 8 Minnie M. " 8 Clara L. 5 Zadoc son of 4 Jonathan Ch. SZadoc Fairchild 6 Hawley " 6 Ezra " 6 Ziba 6 Clark 6 Lewi.s 6 Levi 6 Samuel " 6 Burtis 6 Beers " 6 Moss 6 Polly 6 Eunice " ch. ch. ch. ch. m. ch. ch. m. ch. m. & m. William Hinman Mary Turney Jackson Lake unm. Lydia O. Lane Bruce Griffen Kate L. Hinman & Jackson Lake Lydia O. Lane h. & Arthur Wm. Hinman Betsey Ann Fairchild Charles Sherman Susan Tripp Jeannette Treat Phebe Dann Elizabeth Piatt Charlotte Botsford Eliza Ann Weed & Charles Sherman Maria Sherman & Gustavus Twiss Susan Tripp & Edwin Weed Jeannette Treat & J. Austin Weed H. C. McKnight Phebe Dann & Granville Weed Elizabeth Piatt & H. Harrison Weed A. J. Ward Charlotte Botsford & Henry Russell Weed 1st Mary Griffen 2nd Abiah Wheeler ^lonroe, Conn. Monroe Shelton, Monroe Bethel, Brookfield, New Haven Mary Griffen Fanny Fairchild Anna Shepard Sally Morehouse Charlotte Beecher Betsey Botsford Fairchild Anna Shepard Polly Camp (no ch.) Hannah Wakelee (no ch.) 1st Esther Toucey (no ch.) 2nd Adah Camp Eliza Fairchild Trowbridge Camp (see Camp) Taylor Judd Newtown, Conn. Bethel GENEALOGICAL SECTION 61 ch. ch. m. Ch. Ezra Fairchild 7 Sophia 7 Lucretia 7 Ehza 7 Catherine " 7 Charles " 8 Julius Henry Allen 9 Howard Sanford " 9 Arthur Stephen " 6 Ziba Fairchild Their Ch. 7 Edmund 7 David Wheeler " 7 Le Grand " 7 Samuel " 8 *Lucy A. " . 8 *JuIia A. " *^"- 8 *Julia A. 2nd " ch. 9 Edgar Northrop 9 George " ch. 9 Lucy 9 Homer Baldwin ch. lOAurelia Wetmore Northrop lOEdgar Whitney " ch. 10 Mary Northrop 10 Georgia " ch. 10 Helen lOLucv A. Baldwin 10 Ruth " ch. 10 Carlton 10 Allan Mc Gregor ch. 9 Lois Bulkley ^.j^ 9 Edmond " 7 Ch 7David Wheeler Sz 8 Marv Tane Fairchild m. 8 Aupustine 8 Sarah M. 8 Henry W. 8 Arthur 8 Julia Anna Shepard Newtown, Conn. Stephen Allen Woodbury George Redstone Newtown, unni. Charles B. Glover (see Glover record) Jerusha Edmonds Newtown, Conn. Sophia Fairchild Woodbury, & Stephen Allen Lillian Amelia Sanford " " & Julius H. Allen Sally Morehouse Newtown, Conn. Harriet W'hitney 1st wife " Lois Peck 2nd wife Emeline Wetmore " Emily Whitney " no desc. located Harriet Whitney 1st wife " & Edmond Fairchild Lois Peck 2nd wife & Edmund Fairchild Lucy A. Fairchild & Edgar Northrop Lucy Fairchild Northrop & Baldwin Florence Wetmore 2nd wife & Edgar Northrop Cora St. John 1st wife Annie Warren & George Northrop Annie Hawlev Stratford & Homer Baldwin Lucy Northrop Albert Mc Gregor Juiia A. Fairchild & Eugene Bulkley Emeline Wetmore William L-^wrence E. A. Goodemote Myron Colby unknown d. young d. young Newtown. Bethel Newtown, 62 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ch. 7 Le Grand Fairchild son of Ziba and Emily Whitney, Newtown, Conn. " m. Emma Jane Jennings " " 8 *J. Botsford 8 *Julius Burr 8 *Emily Aurelia 9 Mary Ella 9 Jennie Louise 9 *Emma Irene 10 Willis Arndt 6 Ch. Levi Fairchild son 7 Elizabeth " 7 Delia 7 Levi Beers " 6 Moss son of Zadoc 7 Cornelia Fairchild 7 Mariette " 7 Clarinda " 7 Lewis Beers " unm. " 1st Jacob Mayhew Bethel 2nd John Gay Newtown, Emma J. Jennings " ch. & J. Botsford Fairchild " Jennie L. Fairchild " ch. & Richard Arndt " of Zadoc and Anna Shepard m. Carlos Booth (see Booth) " " Henry Terrill (see Terrill record) " Louisa Sanford Bethel, m. Eliza Fairchild " " Isaac Briscoe (see Briscoe) " " William Babbitt Bridgewater " Ammon Taylor Newtown, " Delia Benedict " See desc. Fanny Fairchild Ch. 6Wheeler son of SJosiah m. Betsey Botsford 7 Boyle Fairchild 7 Josiah Beach " 7 Lucy Ann " 7 Laura " 7 Betsey Ann " 7 Jane " Julia A. Hatch Eliza Dibble " John Hawley (see Hawley) Brookfield Sallu P. Barnum Newtown, Charles Clarke (see Clarke) " Betts Woodbury Ch. 7 Boyle Fairchild 8 David W. 8 George Hatch 2nd " 8 Dr. Josiah Beach " 8 Elijah Boyle D.D.S. " 8 Catherine " Ch. 8 David 9 *Alfred Boyle 9 Julia Gertrude " 9 Mary Kate 9 Charles Gregory " Ch. Charles Cristadora & Julia Gertrude Fairchild 10 Agnes Gertrude " 10 Bertha Corinne " 10 Charles Clarence " 10 Harold Ch. Harris Richardson & Mary Kate Fairchild 10 Gertrude " 10 Walter & Julia A. Hatch Newtown, m. Mary Gregory Danbury, m. Jane D. Parrot " 1st Jane McLean Wade " Mary E. Waterbury " Emroy Alma Blinn William Hart Davis Monroe, & Mary Gregory Danbury, unm. m. Charles Cristadora " Harris Richardson " Ada Vandewater 11 Harris Angell 11 Benjamin " 11 Russell Richardson 11 Harris 2nd " m. Austin Angell " Theresa Bates Walley Gertrude Richardson ch. & Austin Angell ch. Theresa Bates Walley Walter Richardson Ch. George Hatch Fairchild & 9 *Mary Hatch Fairchild 9 George William " 9 Jane Francis " 9 Julia Alice " 9 George Hatch " 9 Julia Anna " 9 Sherman " 9 Fannie Parrot " 9 David Allen 10 Herman Kissam Beach 10 Nelson Miles Jr. " GENEALOGICAL SECTION Jane D. Parrot « m. Nelson Miles Beach m. Robert T. Patterson Frederick R. Drake Jane F. Fairchild Nelson Miles Beach 10 Allen Fairchild Drake 11 Herman Beach 11 William Fannie P. Fairchild ch. & Frederick R. Drake Bertha Rigmar Lynge ch. & Herman Kissam Beach Ch. 8 Dr. Josiah B. Fairchild and Jane McLean Wade 9 William Wade Fairchild 9 Kate 10 Bertha Clara ch. & William Wade Fairchild 11 Twin daughter 11 Twin son Bertha Fairchild ch. & Arthur L. Roberts 7 Josiah Beach son of 6Wheeler m. Eliza Dibble Their Ch. 8 *Catherine Fairchild m. Robert Van Keuren 8 Susan A. " iinm. 8 Mortimer " m. Elizabeth Agnes Kelly 9 *Robert Mortimer Fairchild m. Lillian May Wilson 9 Mortimer Van Keuren m. Katie Schaaf 9 Robert Fairchild " 10 Katherine Louise " 10 Robert Mortimer " 8 Mary Catherine Barnum 8 David 8 Sarah Frances " 9 Mary Barnum ch. ch. ch. m. Maude Felt Katie Schaaf & Mortimer Van Keuren Laura Fairchild Sallu Pell Barnum Newtown, Conn East Aurora, N. Y. Bridgeport, Conn. East Aurora, N. V Newtown, Conn. Marv Louise Seymour & David Barnum Arthur Frederick MacArthur Ch. 6 Jonathan Sturgis Fairchild and Lucy Wheeler 7 *Topeph Bennett Fairchild m. Phebe Shepard 7 *"Mary " " Charles Skidmore (no ch.) Newtown Conn. 7 *Henry " " Caroline Booth 1st " Elizabeth Peck 2nd 7 *Emeline " " Edwin Terrill (see TerrilH Brookfield '^ 7 *William " " Adaline Johnson Newtown, 7 Lucv " David Beers (se Beers) 64 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 Ch. Joseph Bennett Eairchild and Phtbe Shepard 8 Sarah M. " i.i. William E. Duncomb Redding, Conn. 8 George " " Mary Clark (no ch.) Southbury 8 Jonathan Sturgis " " Nellie Morse 8 Ambrose S. " unni. 8 Elmer W. " unni. 8 Esther B. " " Charles J. Merritt Medina, N. Y. 8 Henry W. " " Anna Green 8 Ch. Sarah Fairchild and Wm. E. Duncomb Redding, Conn. 9 David S. Duncombe m. Lydia Lane Lockwood Knoxville, Tenn. 9 Gaorge F. " m. Lucy Beers Newtown, Conn. 10 Wm. Millington Duncombe New York, N. Y. 10 Frederick Howe " Lydia Lane Lockwood Newtown, Conn. 10 Raynor Sanford " ch. & Mount Vernon, N. Y. 10 David Sanford " David S. Duncomb Albany, N. Y. 11 Frederick Taylor " . Mabel Taylor Newtown. Conn. 11 Raynor Lockwood " *" t j • i u i-i u Frederick H. Duncombe Lucv Beers 10 Julia Beers " ,.«h. " & George F. Duncombe " " " m. Rev. Waller Aiken Torrington, Conn. 9 ♦Ida Merritt 9 *Charles H. " Esther Fairchild ch. & Charles J. Merritt Chicago, 111. ,n y,, „ Annie Crawford Margery ^_ ^^^ ^ 10 Crawford Charles H. Merritt Ch. 7Henry Fairchild and Caroline Booth Newtown, Conn. 8 Jane Elizabeth " m. Col. Julius W. Knowlton Bridgeport " 8 Anna Frances " " Andrew C. Moore Newtown, Conn. n *ixrti- T^ 14. Jane E. Fairchild 9 *Willie Knowlton , ■' ^ 9 *Waldo " • ^^■^ J ^ Knowlton Bridgeport, Conn. 9 Henry Fairchild Moore Anna F. Fairchild Newtown, Conn. 9 Arthur Hill " ch. & 9 Elsie May " Andrew C. Moore 9 Henry F. " m. Lillian Bonner " " 10 Evelyn Frances " 10 Mildred Jane " Ethel Holroyed 10 Arthur Holroyd " ch. & 10 Ralph Fairchild " Arthur H. Moore Bridgeport, Conn. Ch. 7 William Fairchild t^ .Adaline Johnson Newtown. Conn. 8 *Charles Johnson " unm. 8 Julia Merrit " m. George C. Stahl Toledo, Ohio 8 *William Henry " " Nellie A. Hartshorn Newtown, Conn. ♦Tulia M. Fairchild Tulsa, Okla 9 William F. Stahl ch. " & George C. Stahl Elizabeth Thornton " lOWinifred Elizabeth Stahl ch. 8z Wm. F. Stahl GENEALOGICAL SECTION 65 Ch. Wni. H. Fairchild & Nellie A. Hartshornc 9 Dean Drummond Fairchild m. Ada May Allen Cold Spring Harbor \ Y I v^T,"'°h'^ . u ".. Kl^'^ Harrison Depcw." N.' Y.' 9 .\ollie Hartshorne *Samuol E. Speed Mbany " Speed " 2nd, Horatio T. Allen VVaterbury. Conn. 10 Burgess Johnson Speed . ^^"'^ H Fairchild Milford, Conn. 10 Nellie Hartshorne " ^l}- ^^ & ^ QT IT- U-1J r-TT *Sanuiel h. Speed Milford, Conn. 8 James bairchild son of /James was in Colonial Army Newtown. Conn. Ch. James Fairchild and Mary Beers " 9 Kiah B. was a teacher in Newtown. He enlisted in U. S. Army in 1809 was Sergt. in war of 1812; later raised to rank of Capt. y e'apt. Kiah Fairchild m. Polly Hubbell Newtown, Conn. Their Ch. 10 Matthew Fairchild m. Mary Booth " " 10 Burton " " Amy Wayland " " 10 Maria " " 1st Newton Benedict " " 10 Mary " 2nd Wheeler Drew lOLuciiida " " Ch. Matthew Fairchild and Mary Booth " " II Julia 11 Jane 11 Ellen " m. W. W. Courier Bridgeport, " 11 George " " Jane Marilla Warner 11 Emma " 11 William 11 Clarence " Lives in San Francisco Ch. Burton Fairchild and Amy Wayland Newtown, Conn. 11 George Newton " m. Mary J. Sherman Bethel, 11 Col. Robert Bruce " unm. Bridgeport " 11 Frank Harrison " " " Ch. George N. Fairchild and Mary J. Sherman 12 George Burton " ni. Martha B. Farnuni Bethel, 12 Anna M. " m. Stuart Kyle Col. Robert B. Fairchild, a Newtown boy, was left an orphan when eleven years of age by the death of his mother; the father having been killed while blasting rocks several years earlier. He lived with Rufus Couch of Bethel a few years, then went to Bridgeport, where he became a salesman with Birdsey & Co. At the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in 23rd Conn. Vols.; was taken prisoner in Louisiana when Capt. Julius Sanford and his company were captured. At the time of his death he was Colonel of 4th Reg. C. N. G. and was in a fair way to be promoted to the highest military position in the State. He was for seventeen years Supt. of S. School of Washington Park M. E. Church, Bridgeport and exerted untold influence for good. 66 GENEALOGICAL SECTION FAIRMAN 1 Richard Fairman b. 1708 m. Jane Botsford Their Ch. 2 Ichabod Fairman m. Rebecca Glover Newtown, Conn. Their Ch. 3 Henry 3 Patience 3 James Beach " m. 1st Polly Peck " 2nd Nancy Betsey Peck 3 Pulchrea " " Gideon Botsford (See Botsford record) 3 Jane 3 Dorcas Ch. James B. Fairman and Polly Peck Newtown, Conn. 4 Chloe " ni- Ziba Blakeslee (see Blakeslee record) Ch. James B. Fairman & Nancy Betsey Peck Newtown, Conn. 4 Polly " unm- " " 4 Charles " rn. Eliza Morehouse " " 4 Maria " unm. " " 4 William " m. Sarah Dunn Adams New York, City 4 James " " Mary Louise Doolittle New Haven, Conn. 4 Zerah " " Sarah Bennett Ch. Charles " & Eliza Morehouse " " 5 Franklin " m. Mary Jane Sherman Chicago, 111. 5 Matilda Eliza " d. in infancy Newtown, Conn. 5 Daniel Beach " d. in infancy " " 5 Daniel 2nd " m. Lucinda L. Southwick Chicago, 111 5*Matilda 2nd " " James J. Noble " " 5*James " twins unm. 5*Jane " twins unm. 5*Arthur " m. Sohpia B. Seibert Manhattan, Kan. 5*Elizabeth " m. Rev. Geo. W. Patten Chicago, 111. 5*Anna " unm. 5 Eva 2nd wife " m. James J. Noble " " 5*Drusus " d. in boyhood Newtown, Conn. Ch. Franklin Fairman and Mary Jane Sherman Chicago, 111. 6 Matilda Louise" 6 Frank S. " d. in young manhood " " 6 Marion " Ch. Daniel B. Fairman and Lucinda L. Southwick Chicago, 111. 6 Charles Chauncey " m. Sarah Overman " " 6 Clarence " " Margaret Miller " " Ch. Charles C. Fairman and Sarah Overman Detroit, Mich. 7 Ruth " m. Allen Ray Johnston Chicago, 111. 7 Helen 7 Hazel " " Ralph Doyle 7 Charles Chauncey " " Ch. Ruth Fairman and Allen Ray Johnston " " 8 Kenneth Allen Johnston 8 Richard Lloyd 8 Robert Fairman " Hazel Fairman " " 8 Dorothy Doyle ch. & Ralph Doyle 7 Daniel Beach Fairman . Margaret Miller 7 Margaret " ^"' r-i r' • « « Clarence Fairman *^ 4 r ^ i ^^te' k k FRAXKLIX FAIRMAN Franklin Fairman was born at Newtown, Conn. June 22nd. 18.i3. He attended the imiilic schools and the academy, but wdien only sixteen years old, he entered the employ of his uncle, James Fairman of New Haven. Later he was employed in the printing office of the N. Y. Independent, but in 1855 sought larger oiiportunities in Chicago. He at once entered the service of the 111. C. R. R. and from 1874 until 190U was Chief Freight Clerk and Auditor of Freight Accounts. In 1900 he was made Auditor and held that position until 1903, when he was retired by age limitation. For years he was one of the forceful figures of railroad circles centering in Chicago. In the early 80's he became much interested in Fraternal Life Insurance, joining the National Union in which he was a very efficient worker and Iield the highest and most responsible positions until the time of his death. In 1888 while President of the Lincoln Council, he inaugurated the public annual com- memoration of Lincoln's birth-day and from this beginning the day has become a legal holiday in Ills, and the I". S. In early life he was a member of the Congregational Church, but became much in- terested in the Reformed Episcopal Church in Chicago, and later in St. Paul's Episcopal Kenwood. The Kenwood Club of which he was an early member, gave him social diver- sion. He was much interested in the Art Institute and was very fond of music. In politics he was a staunch Republican. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 67 Matilda Fairman Chicago, III. 6 Mary Eliza Noble ch. & James J. Noble Ch. 4Arthur Fairman and Sophie Seibert Manhattan. Kansas 6 Charles Edward Fairman m. Mary Marshall 6 Anna " Joplin, Missouri 6 Margarita " 6 Arthur " 6 Jennie 6 Hobart twins " Manhattan. Kansas 6 Seibert twins " 7 Laura Virginia " Mary Marshall " " 7 Marjorie Jane " ch. & 7 Mary " Charles E. Fairman Eva Fairman Chicago, 111. 6 Alden Charles Noble ch. & James J. Noble Helen Parker Harlan New York, N. Y. 7 Althea Noble ch. & Alden C. Noble Ch. 4William Fairman and Sarah Dunn Adams New York, N. Y. 6 *William James " m. Blanche Helfenstein Ch. 3James Fairman and Mary Louise Doolittle New Haven, Conn. 5 Caroline Elizabeth " m. Leslie Moulthrop Short Beach, Conn. 5 *James Yale " " Suzie Chaffee New Haven, " Ch. Caroline E. Fairman and Leslie Moulthrop 6 Caroline Louise Moulthrop m. Walter Peck Stanley Atlanta, Georgia 6 Berkeley 6 Alice Fairman " m. Alfred Russell Burr New Haven, Conn. Ch. James Yale Fairman and Suzie Chaffee 6 Ruth Lillian " m. Graham Fellows Thompson " " 6 Hortense Victoria " " James Franklin Cowan Wellsley Hills, Mass. Ruth Lillian Fairman 7 Graham F. Thompson Jr. ch. & Graham Fellows Thompson, New Haven, Ct. Hortense Fairman, Wellsley Hills, Mass. 7 James Franklin Cowan, Jr. ch. & James F. Cowan In Y. M. C. A. in U. S. Service. Has charge of work in different camps. Sarah Bennett, Newtown, Conn. 5 Sarah Elizabeth Fairman ch. & Zerah Fairman, Bridgeport, " FERRIS Jeffrey Ferris, ancestor of the many Ferris families in New England, was made a freeman in Boston in 1635. He m. Susannah Lockwood Their ch. James, Peter, Joseph, Mary, John. 1 Peter, desc. of Jeffrey, bought a farm in Newtown in 1711. He m. Martha Northrop 68 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 2 Joseph Ferris m. Abigail Sherman Being a conscientious adherent of the Church of England, he went to Nova Scotia during the war of the Revolution. His wife saved the farm from confiscation. Their ch. 3 Daniel Ferris m. Jerusha Glover Newtown, Conn. 3 Martha "' m. Abel Hurd Brookfield, " 3 Ruth " desc. not located ..Ch. Daniel Ferris and Jerusha Glover 4 Jerusha " m. Dr. Rufus Skidmore, Newtown, Conn. 4 Glover " m. Mary Briscoe Ch. Jerusha Ferris and Dr. Rufus Skidmore (See Doctors) 5 Jane A. Skidmore m. Barak Burr (no ch.) Fairfield, Conn. She placed in Trinity Church a beautiful window in memory of Joseph Ferris, her gr. grandfather. 5 Marietta Skidmore b. 1825 m. Alanson Lyon, living, 1918 Redding, Conn. 5 Martha E. " m. James Johnson, Bridgeport, Conn. See Skidmore record for other desc. of Dr. Rufus. 4 Peter Hurd Martha Ferris, Brookfield, Conn. ^ ^^^^^ " ' Abel Hurd, Ch. Jabez Hurd and Lucy H. Blackman 5 George S. Hurd m. Mary Taylor, Danbury, Conn. 5 Bernice " m. Zerah Skidmore Bethlehem 5 Philo " m. Melinda Tomlinson, Bridgeport, " 5 Hester " m. Abel Sherman Hawley Newtown, " (See Hawley) 5 Samuel Ferris Hurd m. Julia Tomlinson Bridgeport, " 5 Rhoda Ferris m. Abraham Shepard Brookfield, ' 1 Squire Zachariah Ferris 2 Abel " m. Abiah Newtown, Conn. 3 Gideon Baldwin " m. Charlotte Northrop, " " Their ch. 4 Harriet " m. Starr Skidmore, Brookfield, Conn. 4 Wm. David BaldwinFerris m. Maria E. Blackman Newtown, Conn. Their ch. 5 George B. Ferris m. Bertha Clark Newtown, Conn. 5 Charles D. " m. 1st Mary Sherwood " " m. 2nd Ophelia Thornhill, Brookfield, Conn. 5 Hattie Louise " m. Dr. Thomas Wallace Warren, Pa. 6 Elsie Clark Ferris 6 Herbert Curtis " r? .v ^i i id i c u /- 6 Capt. George Mallett" Bertha Clark Brookfield, Conn. In U. S. Service ch. & 6 Arthur Judson " ^^""'^^ ^- ^^''^s 6 Charles Blackman " 7 Herbert Curtis Jr. Ferris , ^ucy Wright Bridgeport, Conn. 7 Dorothy Wilson ch. & Herbert C. Ferris 6 Charles Ferris Newtown, Conn. 6 William 6 Florence Ferris 6 Donald " 6 Louise " 6 Sarah 6 George Wight " 6 Romaine Wallace Nathan Ferris Their Ch. Thomas S. Ferris Abraham Booth " Betsey " GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ophelia Thornhill ch. & Charles D. Ferris Hattie L. Ferris ch. & Dr.Thomas Wallace m. Abiah Skidmore 69 Newtown, Conn. Warren, Penn. Newtown, Conn. m. Phoebe Ferris " Louis Beer.s Priiidle (see Priiidle) " FOOTE Nathaniel, first Foote settler in Wethersfield, Conn. 1593. 1 Daniel first Foote settler in Newtown in 1716. 2 James m. Adah Stilson 3 Rhesa Foote m. Polly Hawley Their Ch. 4 *Tulia Maria Foote 4 *Catherine Hawley 4 *George Lewis 4 *Frederick William 4 *Mary 4 *Harriet 4 *Robert 4 *Dr. Henry Hawley 4 *Tane Elizabeth For desc. of Catherine see Camp and Johnson Ch. Rev. George L. Foote and Minerva Tuttle Charles Stilson (no ch.) Beach Camp (See Camp) Minerva Tuttle Vashti Butler Thompson Elizabeth, N. J Rev. Henry V. Gardner d. E. Aurora, N. Y. Rev. William Atwill d. on ninth birthday unm. Walter B. Welton Bridgewater, Conn. 5 *George 5 *Harriet Minerva 5 *Rev. George Wm. 5 *Rev. Henrv Lewis S Mary Tuttle 5 *Frederick Rhesa 5 Sarah Katherine 5 *Charles Edgar d. in infancv Rt. Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle Sarah Ellen Pidsley 1st Christine Carr 2nd Ellen Wiggin hd Harriet Rislev Rev. G. D. B. Miller unm. Abel White unm. Roxbury, Conn. St. Louis, Mo. San lose, Cal. Salt Lake City, Utah Holyoke. Mass. Marblehead Mass. St. Louis, Mo. Salt Lake City. Utah Ch. Harriet M. Foote and Rt. Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle St. Louis, Mo. 6 Dr. George Marvine Tuttle m. Grace Dean Wallace Salt Lake City, Utah 6 *Herbert Edward 6 Arthur Lemuel 6 Christine 7 Daniel Sylvester 2nd 7 Wallace 7 Mary Elizabeth " 7 Arthur Lemuel Jr., " Willie Lea Mary Eliza Hackley Stanley Matthews Ramsey Cincinnati, O. ch. Grace Dean Wallace & Dr. George M. Tuttle St. Louis. Mo. Willie Lea ch. & Herbert E. Tuttle Mary Eliza Hackley ch. & Arthur L. Tuttle 70 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 William AlcCreery Ramsey Christine Tuttle Cincinnatti, Ohio 7 Harriet Tuttle " ch. & 7 Christine Frances " Stanley M. Ramsey " " 7 Virginia Foote " Sarah Ellen Pidsley San Jose, Calif. 6*Christine Foote ch. & Rev. George W. Foote Ch. 4Frederick Wm. Foote and Vashti Butler Thompson, Elizabeth, N. J. 5*Julia Magie Foote unm. 5 Frances Meeker " m. *William Boyce Eakin, " " 5*Frederick Wm. Jr. " m. Sara Fitz Randolph DePuy, New York 5*Louis Thompson " unm. Elizabeth, N. J. 5*George Rhesa " d. in infancy " " 5 Anna Butler " unm. " " 5 Harriet " m. Wm. Pennington Toler " " 5 Mary Roberts ' m. John Burnside Value 5*Henry Hawley " m. Ada Henderson Elizabeth, N. J. Ch. Frances M. Foote and *Wm. Boyce Eakin Elizabeth, N. J. 6 Elizabeth Buttler Eakin " " 6 William Boyce " m. Mary Winchester " " 6 Corp. Frederick Foote " 6 Constant Mattheiu " 6 Corp. Fred'k. F. Eakin, wounded at Chateau Thierry, has recovered and is with 2nd Engineers — regulars in Army of Occupation in Germany. Ch. William Boyce Eakin and Mary Winchester Elizabeth, N. J. 7 Arthur Rutherford " " " 7 William Boyce, Jr. " " " 7 Patricia Ch. Frederick Wm. Foote and Sara FitzRandolph DePuy, New York 6 Nathaniel Niles " m. Katherine Andrews " " 6 Isabel DePuy " m. Holmes Agnew " " 6 Sara Randolph " m. Robert Sayle Hill " " 6 Florence Butler " " " Katharine Andrews 7 Frederick Wm. " ch. & Nathaniel Niles Foote " " Sara Randolph Foote " " 7 Robert Sayle Hill, Jr. ch. & Robert Sayle Hill ^ n -J T5 \T 1 ^ Mary Roberts Foote 6 Burnside Rene Value . & 6 Mary Foote " " j^j^^ Burnside Value 7 Alfred Pearce Dennis Jr. ^^ ^^^'^ ^«°^^ ^^'"^ 7 John Value " " ^,f^^j p^^^^^ p^^j^i^ Ada Henderson Elizabeth. N. J. 6 Maud Bryan Foote ch. & Henry H. Foote Ch. Mary Foote and Rev. Henry V. Gardner, Newtown, Conn., b. Hartford, 5 Ella Jane Gardner m. Dr. Charles R. Hart, Bethel, Conn. 5*Rev. Charles H. " m. 1st Annie Parker Utica, N. Y. m. 2nd Margaret Jackson Omaha, Neb. 5 Marietta " twins unm. 5 *Henrietta " twins d. in infancy 5 Harriet Foote " m. Edward Burroughs Long. Hill, Conn. 5 Mary Watson " " Thomas H. Dobson Brockport, N. Y. 5 *Rev. George E. " " Jessie Lewis Lowville FREDERICK \V. FOOTE Born at Newtown Oct. 23. 1816, for many years conducted a boys' f,';^.°°' ' "div'^to 'iny N. T. Many prominent business men in the c.ty saul tluy '^•-'<> "*-;^-'^,, ''^:' J' .^^^^c rcl.n'^ other schooll.efore goin^ to College or busmcss. ^^?L."'^^ ^^^''J^ Tour aP which ma quished that work and became owner and editor of The Ne« J'i'^J^cj Journal - "'^''- ''"',. ^ short time became "The Elizabeth Daily Journal-, of which he was owner and editor at «leath, March 18th. 1879. REV. CHARLES H. GARDNER Son of Rev. Henry V. and Mary Foote Gardner. At his death Aug 8th 1896 Dean of Trinity Cathedral, Omaha, Neh. His mother, born in Newtown, sister of Rev. Geo. L. foote, was associated with him in the founding of Newtown Academy ni 1837 and was assistant to other principals after Mr. Foote left to become rector of Clirist Ch. Koxbury, Lonn. Five of the six sons of Dean Gardner were in the war with the Allies. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 71 5 *Frederick Gardner ni. Nellie Roberts E. Aurora, X. V. Ch. Ella Jane Gardner and Dr. Charles R. Hart Bethel. Conn. 6 Martha Hart m. George Dimonrl 6 Bertha " " Eugene Stone 6 ♦Charles Gardner " " Grace Roosevelt Fowler Durham 6 Ella Gertrude " unm. 6 Ruth Helen " unm. In Hospital Service. Ch. of Martha Hart and George Dimond 7 Charles Henry Dimond m. Minnabelle Burlingham Niagara Falls N. V. 7 George Gardner " 7 Leonard Alfred " " Florence Schultz Minnabelle Burlingham " " 8 Marjorie Jane Dimond ch. & Charles H. Dimond " " 7 *Herman Stone Bertha Hart Bethel, Conn. 7 *Mary " ch. & 7 *Philip " Eugene Stone 7 Constance Worthington Hart Grace Roosevelt Fowler Durham, Conn. 7 Gertrude Van Ness " ch. & Chas Gardner Hart Mrs. Hart is great grand daughter of Noah Webster Ch. *Rev. Charles H. Gardner and Annie Parker 1st wife Utica, X. Y. 6 Irvine Parker Gardner m. Harriet Evelyn Jackson 6 William Thaw " " Emma Melissa Jenkins 6 Charles Henry " Ch. *Rev. Chas. H. Gardner and Margaret Jackson, 2nd wife.Washington, D. C. Dean of Cathedral at Omaha, Nebraska. 6 Arthur Gardner (Yale 1910 SheflF.) In U. S. Service 2nd Lieut, in Tank Corps, 1917. 6 Anson Blake " Yale 1913, B. A. Harvard Graduate Engin- eer School and Boston Tech. 1915. 1st Lieut. Ordnance Engineer. Machine Gun and Small Arms division, 1917. 6 Edward " Training for Aviation ground section Machine Gun division, 1917. Harriet Evelyn Jackson 7 Marjorie Evelyn ch. & Irvine Parker Gardner Emma M. Jenkins 7 Wilhelmina Thaw ch. & William T. Gardner 6 ♦Robert Burroughs Harriet Foote Gardner Trumbull, Conn 6 Lucius " ch. & 6 Marv Svlvia " m. Edward Burrouglis Trumbull. Conn. 7 Dorothy Grace " Annie Falls Bridgeport, Conn. 7 George Norman " ch. & 7 Earl " Lucius Burroughs Ch. Mary Watson Gardner and Thomas H. Dobson Brockport. N. Y. 6 Harold Gardner Dobson m. Helen Wadsworth 6 Eleanor Mary " Training for U. S. Service as Nurse San Francisco. Csl 6 George Gardner " In Aviation Section of Signal Corps m. Bertha McNaugton. 6 Rodney Hiram " In U. S. Submarine Chaser, 24 n GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 Harold Wadsworth Dobson 7 Helen Barbara " 6 Ray Frederick Gardner 6 Mildred 6 Henrietta " Helen Wadsworth ch. & Harold G. Dobson Nellie Roberts ch. & Frederick Gardner Ch. 4Harriet Foote and Rev. William Atwill. Atwill 5 Joseph 5*William 5 *George Edgar " 5 *George Nelson Welton 5 Walter Beach 5 *Henry Hobart 5 *Jane " ch. 6 Leonard Briscoe Welton ch. not located d. young d young Jane E. Foote & Walter B. Welton Ella J. Briscoe & Walter B. Welton Brockport, N. Y. E. Aurora, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. Bridgewater, Conn. White Plains, N. Y. GLOVER Henry Glover came to Boston in 1636, d. at New Haven, 1689. 1 John son of Henry, b. 1648 m. Joanna Daniels 2 John, first Glover settler in Newtown, b. 1674 d. 1752. m. 1700, 1st Marjorie Hubbard. 2nd 1707, Bathia Beach Bickley. As early as 1710, John Glover is spoken of as "fast becoming an extensive land owner" and his signature is affixed to town records as Town Clerk in 1712-13. Ch. 2John Glover and Marporie Hubbard 3 John Glover m. Elizabeth Bennett 3 Henry " " Prudence Stoddard Ch. John Glover and Bathia Beach Bickley 3 Benjamin Glover m. Mollie Bunnell 3 John served in Revolutionary War Ch. Elizabeth Bennett and John Glover Newtown, Conn. 4 Marjory Glover 4 Elizabeth " 4 Bathiah " 4 John " 4 James " m. David Blackman " Joseph Blackman " John Camp " Elizabeth Curtis " Eunice Booth Ch. 3Henry Glover and Prudence Stoddard m 4 Henry Glover 4 Simeon " 4 Esther " 4 Prudence " 4 Silas " 4 Anadine " 4 Elias " 4 Rev. Solomon " 5 Esther 5 Esther 1st Julia Bassett. 2nd Anna Sanford Newtown, Conn, d. young " " d. young " " d. young " " Bradf^eld 1st Nancy Beers. 2nd Joanna Northrop. Mary Northrop ch. Julia Bassett & Henry Glover m. Abel Toucey Newtown, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 73 3 Benjamin Glover Their Ch. 4 Huldah Glover 4 Mary " 4 Bathia 4 Rebecca " 4 Benjamin " m. Mollie Bunnell Newtown, Conn. Joseph Prindle " William Hawley " Joseph Tomlinson Ichabod Fairman (see Fairman) Phoebe Sanford 4 Rev. Solomon Glover son of 3Henry, m. Mary Northrop, b. 1750, d. 1842, age 92 years. Their ch. 5 Joanna Glover 5 Mary Ann " 5 Silas Norman " 5 Ziba " 5 Maria " 5 Silas Norman, Their ch. 6 Roxy A. Glover 6 Eunice Maria " 6 MaryE. " 6 Betsey A. " 6 Silas N. 6 Daniel B. 6 Nancy Anadine " 7 Annie Eliza Henderson 7 Julia Frances " 7 Annie E. Henderson 8 Wallace Works m. Henry Botsford (See Botsford) Newtown, Conn. " James Glover " Nancy Morris " " " Marinda Griswold " Ambrose Beach " " m. Nancy Morris. " " m. John Beers (See Beers) " Charles Blackman " Charles Beers (See Beers) " Abel Prindle (See Prindle) died young m. James Henderson Nancy A. Glover ch. & James Henderson m. Ist Dr. William Burhans, Bridgeport, Conn. " 2nd Dr. Edwin Eames Julia F. Henderson ch. & In Aviation Corps U. S. Service William Wallace Works Milford, 4 John Glover Their ch. 5 James 5 Zalmon 5 Josiah 5 Benjamin Curtis 5 Betsey 5 Phoebe m. Elizabeth Curtis Glover m. 5Mary Ann Glover " m. Phoebe Beach " " Rebecca Booth " " Clara Peck " " Sylvanus Noble " " Samuel Wheeler Ch. Zalmon Glover and Phoebe Beach 6 Lucy Ann Glover 6 John 6 Villeroy " 5 *Wm. Beach Glover 5 *Tulietta 5 *Marrietta Anson Abner Nettleton (See Nettlcton in Beach record.) Lucv Beers 1st wife Polly Curtis 2nd " Susan Hard ch Lucy Beers 1st. wife & John Glover Pollv Curtis 2nd wife ch. & John Glover Sandv Hook, Conn. 74 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 6 Esther Sophia Glover Harriet Ann Peck, 1st wife Sandy Hook, Ct. 6 Smith Peck " ch. & 6 *John E. " Wm. B. Glover SSusan Nichols 2nd wife " " " Ch. Smith P. Glover and Marie Antoinnette Tomlinson " " " 7 *William Tomlinson Glover 7 Lorena Tomlinson " m. George Francis Taylor (no ch.) 7 Harriet Peck " " Charles Lawrence Warner Harriet Peck Glover Vicksburg, Miss. 8 Lawrence Glover Warner ch. & Charles Lawrence Warner " " A *iri- K^4.u n *• Marietta Glover Newtown, Conn. 6 'Elizabeth Curtis , p ' ,. ch. & 6 *luliette Ira Lawrence Curtis 7 Cora Parker Elizabeth Curtis Bedford, Ind. 7 Alfred Curtis " ch. & Daniel W. Parker 44 Gertrude Bowden o Tj -4. " ch. & ^ "^'■'■'^t Alfred C. Parker 8 Mabel 7 Cora " m. Thomas J. Leonard (no ch.) Springoille " 6 *Juliette Curtis m. Winthrop Foote (no ch.) Bedford, " e- -^r T u- Tj 1 lulietta Glover, Danbury. Conn. Mary Josephme Hawley \ ^ 6 Helen Sophia " '^ ' Isaac H. Hawley 7 Herson Clark Osborne Mary Josephine Hawley Oxford, Conn. 7 Arthur Ray " ch. & 7 Thomas Elmer " Thomas Smith Osborne " Calista Johnson Crane 8 Florence Josephine " ch. & Herson C. Osborne Helen S. Hawley, North Haven, Conn. 7 Ruth Juliette Warner, ch. & Orin Delos Warner " Phebe Beach Newtown, Conn. 4 VJlleroy Glover ch. & Zalmon Glover Susan Hard 5 Sarah Esther " ch. & Villeroy Glover 6 *Frank B. Nichols Sarah E. Glover 6 *Grace " ch. & 8 Ruth Amelia " *Philo Nichols Ruth A. Nichols 7 Marion Nichols Curtis ch. & Hobart H. Curtis " " " m. Clayton B. Hawley 5 *Josiah Glover, son of 4John, m. Rebecca Booth. Their ch. 6 *Betsey Glover m. Henry Beers 6 Abel Booth " m. Maria Nichols GENEALOGICAL SECTION 75 7 *Eliza Maria Glover 7 *Henry Beers " 8 *William Booth Glover 8 *Florence Stanley 8 *Mary Blakeslee 8 *Maria Nichols 8 *Florence Stanley 9 Flornece Beecher 9 Marguerite " 9 *Glover Maria Nichols ch. & Abiel Booth Glover Eliza Maria Blakeslee ch. & Henry Beers Glover m. Abel French Clarke. Mary Blakeslee Glover ch. & William J. Beecher 5 *Benjamin Curtis Glover, son of 4John, m. Clara Peck Their Ch. 6 *Samuel Glover 6 *Marcia " 6 *Walter 6 *Benjamin N. " 7 *Samuel Curtis Glover 7 *John Birdsey " 7*Henry Botsford 7 *Sophia 7 *Betsey 8 Samuel Curtis Glover unm. m. Hezekiah Curtis (See Curtis) " Marcia Botsford " Harriet A. Lake 7 *Birdsey C. Glover 7 *Walter Henry " 7*Lemuel P. 8 Bessie Glover 8 *Emma 8 Florence " 9 David Glover Taylor 9 Florence " ch. 9 Birdsey " 8 William B. Glover 8 Norman Marcia Botsford ch. & Walter Glover Sarah Grace Blakeslee ch. & Samuel C. Glover Harriet Lake ch. & Benjamin N. Glover Newtown, Conn. Sarah E. Northrop ch. & Birdsey C. Glover Bessie Glover & David Taylor Sarah M. Northrop ch. & Walter H. Glover m. Emily Jones (no ch.) il M it 14 Bethel. " Newtown, " Walter LeRoy Glover Agnes Northrop " Wm. DeForest " Lydia Ann Benedict ch. & William B. Glover Ch. SMary Ann Glover and SJames Glover 6 Flora Glover m. 6 Granville Stoddard Glover " 6 Charlotte " " 6 Sophia (1st wife) " " 6 Julia (2nd wife) 6 Norman Booth " " 6 Volusia " " 6 Mary Ann " " 6 Emma " " 6 James Nelson " " 6 George Heman " " Alonzo Beers (See Beers) Brookfield. Ct. Mary Hawley Newtown, Conn. Squire Van Smith Brookfield, Conn. Botsford Terrill (Se TerriinNewtown. Ct. Botsford Terrill (See Terrill) ^_ " Esther Hawley. 1st Amelia Gilbert 2nd Austin Botsford (See Botsford) unm. George Foote Sally Wetmore Elmira Page Id GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 Ann Elizabeth Glover 7 Charlotte 7 Jabez Hawley " 8 Mary Charlotte Gilbert ch. 9 Carrie Louise Stone 9 IMary Grace 10 Eleanor Grace Chase 10 Florence Gilbert Chase 10 Mildred Kellogg 10 Grace Mary " 10 Russell Stone " 10 Pauline Harriet 8 *Carrie Glover 8 Mary Effie 9 Harold Glover Betts 9 Helen May " 9 *Arthur Berhila " 10 John Doremus Betts Mary Hawley ch. & Granville S. Glover Ann Elizabeth Glover & Henry D. Gilbert Mary Charlotte Gilbert ch. & Wm. K. Stone Carrie L. Stone ch. & Edwin M. Chase Mary Grace Stone ch. & Alva R. Chase Newtown, Conn. Kent, Co low. L. Kimball. Jr. Mary E. Peck ch. & Jabez H. Glover Mary Effie Glover ch. & James A. Betts Mabel Doremus ch. & Harold G. Betts Helen May Betts ch. & Atty. W. L. Kimball Newtown, Conn. 6 Henry Glover, son of SHenry m. Zeziah Johnson Their ch. 7 David Glover 7 Lossie " 7 Emeline " 7 Grandison " m. Polly Briscoe m. Austin Hurd m. Benjamin Hawley (See Hawley) Ch. David Glover and Polly Briscoe 8 *Charles B. Glover 8 *Mary C. 8 *Delia 8 *Jane Ann 8 Ann Eliza 8 Lewis Henry 8 George G. 8 Harriet Dibble 9 Annie Glover 9 Martha 9 Jennie Glover 10 Lulu Canfield 10 George " 10 Pearl m. Catherine Fairchild, 1st wife m. Bradley Briscoe (See Briscoe m. William Hoy, 2nd wife m. Isaac Harris m. Thomas Judson m. George Clark Catherine Fairchild, 1st wife ch. & Charles B. Glover Frances Botsford, nd wife Sarah Davis, 3rd wife ch. & Charles B. Glover Jennie Glover ch. & William Canfield GENEALOGICAL SECTION 11 6 Roswell Glover, son SJames and SMary Ann Glover - ^ „ r. , ^, , ^°''^' ^"" Ferris Newtown, Conn. 7 Roswell Booth Glover ch. & Roswell Glover " " 8 Harriet Jane Glover Polly Ann Robertson Danbury Conn 8 *Ida Ann " ch. & 8 *Lemuel Francis " Roswell B. Glover " " 9 *Mabel Louise Hoyt 9 *Julia Banks " Harriet Jane Glover " " 9 *.'\.nnie Isabelle " ch. & 9 Leon Glover " George Banks Hoyt " 10 Barbara Elizabeth Martin 10 Julia Isabelle " Alabel Louise Hoyt lOHarry Hoyt " ch. & 10 Frederic Arthur " Frederic Arthur Martin Julia Banks Hoyt 10 Christine Ella Lacey ch. & Dwight Aaron Lacey 10 Frederic Couse Bennetto Annie Isabella Hoyt lOJosephine Harriet " ' x^ a • n t, Frederic Couse Bennetto 7 Booth F. Glover New Orleans, La. 7 E. Leroy " Esther M. Hawley 1st wife 7 Mary S. " ch. & 7 William H. " 6Norman B. Golver Newtown, Conn. Amelia Gilbert 2nd wife 7 Julia F. " ch. & Norman B. Glover 7 Julia F. " m. Henry Beers (See Beers) u u « Elizabeth G. Bartram New Britain, Conn. 8 Charles B. " . ^h. ^.jj.^^&^ ^^^^^^ Mary E. Bishop 9 William H. Jr. " ch. & Charles B. Glover 4 Simeon Glover son of 3Henry m. 1st Olive Booth Olive Booth 5 Ebenezer Booth Glover ch. & Simeon Glover d. in U. S. Service at New London in 1815. 5 Harry Glover Rachel 2nd wife 5 Charles " ch. & 5 Olive " Simeon Glover 5 Ives " 5 Melora " Mary Gregory 3rd wife 5 Henry " ch. & Simeon Glover Julia Hull 6 Julia Maria Glover ch. & Ives Glover 6 *Sarah " 6 *Mary see Lake " 6 *Martin V. B. " d. in hospital during Civil War. 78 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 6 Henry Glover 6 David " 7 Edith Smith 7 Herbert " Sarah Glover 7 Leonard " ch. & 7 Ida " Charles Smith 7 John H. Glover 7 lames C. 7 Thomas L. " Ella Clark 7 Elmer C. " ch. & 7 Frederirk " Henry Glover. Served in Civil War. 7 Benjamin " 7 Harlod " Now, Pel). 1918 in Soldier's Home, Norton, Ct. 7 Ethel HALL 1 Alexander Hall m. Rebecca Colburn Their Ch. 2 Daniel Hall m. Sarah Judson 2 Mary " " John Cocoran 2 Charlotte " " John Parmelee 2 Rebecca " " John A. Sayre 2 Alexander, Jr. " " Sarah Bradley 2 *James " 2 *Polly Jane " " 1st Jerome T. Judson " 2nd George Miles Grant 2 *Anna Eliza " " Amos Shepard 2 *Henry Clay " " Emily J. Andrews 2 *James Peck " " Margaret Carr 3 *Ann M. " c i t j t^ u r- 3 Charles H. " . Sarah Judson Derby, Conn. 3 William F. " ^^- ,^ • ,'\r ii ^^T . -it r- 3 Daniel A " Daniel Hall Waterville, Conn. 3 Charlotte Ellen Corcoran Mary Hall 3 *Charles " ch. & 3 *Frederick " John Corcoran 3 John Sidnev Parmelee New Haven, Conn. 3 Ella Douglas " " « 3 *Anna Rebecca " Charlotte Hall 3 *Charlotte Rachel " ch. & 3 *Mary Jane " John Parmelee 4 Raymond Hall Lewis Southington, Conn. 4 Howard Bishop " Urbana, 111. 4 *Ruth Parmelee " Charlotte R. Parmelee 4 Charlotte Mansfield " ch. & 4 Esther Douglas " Fred A. Lewis Southington, Conn. Mildred Eaton 5 Charlotte Barber Lewis ch. & Howard B. Lewis Urbana, 111. 4 nVilliam Thorpe Babcock , ^lla D. Parmelee 4 *Alexander Hall " '^'^- r- r d k i George J. Babcock 5 *Douglas Armstrong" Bertha Woods Denver, Col. 5 Theodore Wood " ch. & 5 George Parmelee " Alexander H. Babcock " '* GENEALOGICAL SECTION 79 n K 1 u '^^^^' ^- P^^'*^y ^'i-'w London. Conn. 5 William Thorpe Babcock ch. & William T. Babcock 3 *Frederick Augustus Sayre Rebecca Hall 2nd 3 *Charles Albarnus " ch. & 3 *Helena Anna " John A. Sayre 3 *Alice Rebecca " m. Frederick J. Brenner ,,,... ^^ ^ Rebecca Hall 2nd Sacramento. Cal. 4 Virginia Uee Sayre gr. ch. & 4 Clarence Charles " 4 Evelyn Bernice Sayre John A. Sayre San Francisco. Cal. , ^„ ^ ,,. „ , Alice Rebecca Sayre Charles City, Iowa 4 'Ruth Alice Brenner ch. & Fred J. Bremic 4 Clarence Charles Sayre m. Eva Cuneo Their Ch. Rebecca Hall ?r. gr. ch. & 5 *Ruth Louise Dasch Hull John A. Savre 5 Eleanor Virginia " Ruth Alice Brenner Charles City. Iowa 5 Richard Brenner " ch. & Dwight C. Hull 3 Ale.xander Morris Hall ^ '''^''^h Bradley Boston. Mass. 3 Charles Bradley " ' *, j tt n t c • /- 11 »r ■' Alexander Hall, Jr. Springfield, Mass. Martha E. Davis Patterson, N. Y. 4 Sarah Elizabeth Hall ch. & Alexander M. Hall Sarah E. Hall Patterson, N. V. 5 Anna Louise Austin ch. & J. Clayton Austin 3 Charlotte Emma Judson Polly Jane Hall New Haven, Conn. m ch. & Austin Mansfield Jerome T. Judson 1st George Miles Grant, 2nd. 3 William Henry Shepard .^,^,,^ Eliza Hall ^^''"'""' "'' 3 *jane Mary ^^ ^j^ ^ i fi"l^''V\"^u^ " Amos Shepard Chicago. III. 3 Robert John ^ « * « 3 Anna Louise " <• h Emilj- Day Charles City, Iowa 4 Amos Birdsey Shepard ch. & William H. Shepard 4 Maryette Shepard Wallace Jane Mary Shepard DeKalb, III. m. ch. & Spickerman Wm. B. Wallace Margaret Cotton Chicago. 111. 4 Marjorie Shepard ch. & Albert Amos Shepard 4 Robert Shepard Hale Anna Louise Shepard " " 4 Herbert Francis " ch. & 4 Albert William " Charles H. Hale 80 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 3 *Ed\vard Henry Hall 3 Arthur Burnside " 4 Arthur Hall 3 Birdsey James Hall m. Hattie Hart 4 Foster Hall m. Irene Ahrons Emily J. Andrews ch. & Henry Clay Hall ch. Arthur Burnside Hall Alargaret Carr ch. & James Peck Hall Birdsey fames Hall ch. & Hattie Hart Aurora, Missouri New Haven, Conn. HARD The old records show that IJames Hard served as Selectman of Ne in 1713. 2 James Hard b. 1695 m. Hannah Kimberly 3 Abner Hard son of 2James m. Hannah Beers Their Ch. 4 Niram Hard 4 Cyrenius 4 John 4 Abigail 4 Currence 4 Ann 4 Zilpha 4 Abner 4 Mary Ch. Niram Hard and Sarah Curtis m. wtown Newtown, Conn. m. Sarah Curtis u " " Phoebe Camp " " " Mary Nettleton " " " Josiah Beardsley " " " David Botswick M onroe, Conn " Ebenezer Beers Newtown, Conn " Zalmon Peck (see Peck) " " " Lucena Nichols " " " 2nd Ebenezer Beers " " 5 Sarah 5 Benjamin 5 Cyrus 6 Charles T. 6 Susan 6 Sarah 7 Benjaminlst ' 7 Benjamin2nd 7 Josephine M. 7 James 7 Susan G. 7 Villeroy G. 8 Benjamin Francis Hard 9 Anna Hard 9 Ella 9 Elmer Francis " 8 Villeroy Glover Hard, Jr. 8 Elmer 8 Svlvester " 8 *Jesse " 8 *AIabel " 9 Emily Althea Hard ch. Alfred Divine Curtis Mabel Tomlinson Abigail Curtis Mabel Tomlinson & Benjamin Hard Eliza Ann Greaton ch. & Charles T. Hard Annie Crane ch. & Benjamin Hard ch. & Benjamin F. Hard m. Harriet Watts Catherine E. Ming ch. & Villeroy Hard Margaret Williams ch. & Sylvester Hard GENEALOGICAL SECTION 81 7 Sarah Esther Glover Frank B. Nichols ♦Grace " Ruth Amelia " ♦William Hard ♦Amos " ♦Sophia " 7 Sophia H. Botsford ♦Harriet Botsford Camp ♦Gideon Burtis " ♦Elizabeth William Gould Hard 7 Chester Hard Katie Nichols Hard Charlotte ♦William ch. ch. 8 9 Marion Nichols Curtis ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. 9 Stanley Hard Bedient ch. Susan Hard & Villeroy Glover Sarah Esther Glover & ♦Philo Nichols Ruth A. Nichols & Hobart H. Curtis Abigail Curtis SCyrus Hard Sophia Hard & Gideon Burtis Botsford Sophia Hard Botsford & Marcus Camp Mariette Camp 1st wife & Amos Hard Catherine Lake 2nd wife & Amos Hard ♦Sarah Erwin 1st wife & William G. Hard Sarah Esther Camp 2iid wife Charlotte Hard & James Bedient Newtown, Conn. Ch. 7Chester Hard and Ida Harkness Hard m. Eva Kenney Nor walk, Conn, Painesville, Ohio Elmo Amos ♦Cora Florence Esther Harkness Gould d. young m. Elmer B. Kimmel " Corp. in U. S. Service, Co. G. 23rd Engineers HAWLEY 1 Joseph Hawley b. 1603, at Derbyshire, England, came to America, 1629. later came to Stratford, d. 1690. 2 Samuel, son of Joseph, b. 1652. 3 Samuel, Jr., son of Samuel, b. 1674. 4 Benjamin, son of Samuel, Jr., b. 1694, came to a place he called "Lands' end" which has ever since retained that name. Newtown, Conn. 5 Benjamin, Jr., SAbel. SWilliam, sons 4Benjamin Newtown, Conn. 6 Jabez, son of Benjamin, Jr., m. Parthena Booth " " Ch. Parthena Booth and Jabez Hawley. 7 Sally Hawley m. Philo Beers Michigan 7 Anna " unm. Newtown, Conn. 7 Mary " m. Granville Glover (see Glover) " " 7 Benjamin " " Emeline Glover " " 7 Daniel Booth Hawley " Olive Hawley 7 Isaac Nichols " " Avis Shepard Brookficld, Conn. 82 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 Robert Nichols Hawley 8 Mary Beers <> « 9 Robert Ingcrsoll Inventor of Ingersoll watch 7 Benjamin Hawley m. Emeline Glover Their ch. 8 *Mary Hawley m. Harriet Blackman Sally Hawley ch. & Philo Beers m. Ingersoll ch. & Mary Beers Newtown, Conn. 8 *Frederick 8 *Susan 8 Juliette 8 nVilliam 8 Annie 8 Margaret 8 Sarah unm. Newtown, Conn, m. Ella Burritt " John R. Smith (See Lake record) " Hobart Camp (See Camp record) " Mary Francis Terrill Brookfield, Conn. " Duane Stone New Milford, Conn. " Homer White (no ch.) Huntington, Conn. " Homer Lake Brookfield, Conn. Ch. Mary F. Terrill and William Hawley 9 Edward " 9 William Hawley 9 Annie " 9 *Ernest " 9 William 2nd " 9 *Carlton 9 Harry 9 Helen Newtown, Conn. Killed by cars d. in infancy " " Homer Baldwin " " Cornelia Young " " ♦Fanny V. Daniels (no ch.) " died j'oung accidentally killed unm. 10 Lucy A. Baldwin 10 Ruth 10 Carlton 10 Ernest Hawley 9 Florence Stone 9 Eugene Lake 9 Herbert " Annie Hawley ch. & Homer Baldwin Cornelia Young ch. & Ernest Hawley Annie Hawley ch. & Duane Stone Sarah Hawley ch. & Homer Lake Stratford, Conn. Newtown, Conn. New Milford, Conn. Brookfield, Conn. Ch. Daniel Booth Hawley and Olive Hawley 8 *Esther A. Hawley m. 8 Elmer B. 8 *Henry S. 9 Mary Helen Goodhue uni 9 ♦Willis Elbridge " 9 Marion Louise " ch. 10 Stephen F. Sherman, 3rd 10 Jonathan Elbridge " ch. 9 S. Curtis Hawley 9 Mary Nichols Hawley ch. ♦Rev. Jonathan Elbridge Goodhue, Rector St. Mark's Ch. Newark. N. J. Cornelia Belle Estey Chicago, 111. Julia Curtis Newtown, Conn. 1. Courtland, N. Y. Esther A. Hawley & Rev. Jonathan E. Goodhue Marion L. Goodhue Bridgeport, Conn. & Rev. Stephen F. Sherman, Jr., Rector St. John's Ch. Bridgeport " Julia Curtis & Henry S. Hawley Newtown, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 83 10 Hobart G. Warner, Jr. Mary N. Hawley Newtown. Conn. 10 Austin ch. & 10 Henry Hawley " Hobart G. Warner •• " 7 *Isaac Nichols Hawley m. ♦Avis Shepard Their ch. 8 *Edson N. Hawley m. Margaret Nichols 8 Homer A. " " Grace Nichols 8 *Edgar F. " " Sarah McMahon 8 *Arthur " d. young Ch. Edson N Hawley and Margaret Nichols Brookfield, Conn. 9 Clara Bertha Hawley d. in infancy 9 Arthur Shepard " m. Marie Isabel McDonald Syracuse, N. Y. 9 Julia Nichols " Nurse in Pittsburg, Pa. 9 Clarence Beach " m. Mary Esther Wilson " " 9 John Beach " " Maud Addis Matheson. Col. Ch. Homer A. Hawley and Grace Nichols Pittsfield, Mass. 9 Willis Nichols Hawley d. in U. S. service in Spanish War 9 Sarah Louise " 9 Maj. James Shepard " in U. S. service in France Ch. Edgar F. Hawley and Sarah McMahon 9 Jessie McMahon Hawleym. Ray Leach New Milford, Conn. 9 George Shepard " " Jessina White Bridgeport, Conn. 9 Florence Avis " Ch. Arthur S. Hawley and Marie Isabel McDonald Syracuse, N. Y. 10 Margaret Elizabeth Hawley 10 Isabel Louise " Ch. Clarence B. Hawley and Mary Esther Wilson " *' 10*Helen Hawley 10 Alys May " . • 10 Florence Isabel " *^'"^ 10 Ruth Nichols Ch. John B. Hawley and ^laud Addis Matheson, Col. 10 John Beach Jr., Hawley 10 Clara Jean " 7 *Robert Nichols Hawley m. *Harriet Blackman Newtown, Conn. Their ch. 8 Angeline E. " m. Frederick Beers (See Beers record) 8 *Robert S. " " Ida E. Stoddard Newtown, Conn. 8 Harriet S. " " William F. Hurd Bridgeport. Conn. 9 *Asa H. Hawley Ida E. Stoddard Newtown, Conn. 9 Tulia M. " ch. & 9 Robert N. " Robert S. Hawley 9 Collis S. 10 Mildred C. Hawley Sarah Anna Camp Newtown. Conn. 10 Mabel S. " ch. & Asa H. Hawley Harriet S. Hawley Bridgeport, Conn. 9 William Hurd ch. & William Hurd 6 Jotham, SAbel. 4Benjamin, 3Samuel. Jr., 2Samuel, IJoseph 7 Abel Sherman Hawley Olive Terrill Newtown. Conn. 7 Tyrus " ch. & Jotham Hawley Ch. Abel Sherman Hawley and Hester Hurd 8 *Isaac Herson Hawley m. Juliette Glover * " 8 *01ive « " Daniel Booth Hawley " " 84 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 8 Mariette Hawley ni. Judson Marsh Danbury, Conn. 8 *Ferris Hurd " unm. Newtown, Conn. 8 Jotham Burr Hawley Hartford, Conn. 8 *Royal DcForest " Sally Lewis " " 8 Mary Caroline " ch. & 8 Marshall " Tyrus Hawley " Danbury, Conn. 6 Joseph, SWilliam, 4Benjamin, 3Samuel, Jr., 2Samuel, IJoseph 7 William Hawley early went to Carthage, 111. 7 Hon. John N. " m. 1st Harriet Norton Brookfield, Conn. 7 Glover " " Mariette Fairchild Newtown, Conn. Glover Hawley made the first cast iron plough in Newtown. He and his brother, William invented the principle of the corn-sheller still in use. He went to California in 1849 for gold, returning in 1851. 8 Asa Norton Hawley ch. Harriet Norton and John N. Hawley Newtown. Ct. 8 John N. Hawley, Jr. ch. Lucy Fairchild and John N. Hawley, Brookfield, Ct. 8 Asa N. Hawley m. Julia Stoddard Brookfield, Conn. 9 Charles B. Hawley Clarissa Keeler New York. N. Y. 9 Rev. Franklin K. Hawley ch. & 9 Clara F. " John N. Hawley Brookfield, Conn. 10 John T. Hawley Julia Alice Terrill 10 Ruth F. " ch. & Rev. Franklin K. Hawley " " 10 David H. Keeler Clara F. Hawley 10 Ray D. " ch. & C. W. Keeler Ch. Mariette Fairchild and Glover Hawley. 8 *William E. Hawley d. in Army during Civil War 8 Martha E. " m. Minot Blakeman Bridgeport, Conn. 9 Mariette H. " " Martin Lum Redlands, Calif. 9 William D. Lum Mariette Hawley 9 Mabel A. " ch. & 9 Mariette H. " Martin Lum 7 Charles, 6Daniel, SWilliam, 4Benjamin, 3Samuel, Jr., 2Samuel, IJoseph 8 Charles Seeley Hawley , ^""^ Merwin Brookfield. Conn. 8 Sidney E. " ^'^- rt i u i v> a . n ■' Charles Hawley Bridgeport, Conn. Sidney E. Hawley, Fairfield Co. sherifif several terms. Sidney E. Hawley m. 1st Sarah A. Roe, 2nd Amelia Northrop. HUBBELL Peter Hubbell having been given a large tract of land in Newtown by his father Lieut. Richard Hubbell and his wife Rebecca Morehouse, settled there in 1709, kept the first hotel and was granted the first Ferry. Newtown's first business meeting was held at his house Sept., 1711 when it was voted that Peter Hubbell should be Newtown's first Town Clerk. Peter Hubbell m. Katherine Wheeler Newtown, Cona Their Ch. 2 Ephraim Hubbell m. Johanna Gaylord " " 2 Peter " " Hepzibah 2 Capt. Ezra " " 2 Sarah " " Alexander Bryan " « GENEALOGICAL SECTION 85 2 Jebediah Hubbell m. 1st Abigail Northrop Newtown. Conn. 2nd Susanna Hickok " ' ** 3rd Mary Hurlbcrt " " 4th Eunice Johnson " " 5th Mrs. Chloe Bcmcn m. his 5th wife when 87 years and lived with her 12 years " " 2 Matthew Hubbell m. Abiah Wolcott 2 Ciideon " 2 Comfort " " Susanna Baxter " " 2 Katharine " " William Birch (sec Birch) 2 t-noch " " Sarah 2 Silas " " Elizabeth Edmond Ch. Matthew Hubbell and .Vbiah Wolcott 3 Ann " b. in Newtown 3 Annah " b. in Newtown 3 i^ilas " killed in Revolutionary War 3 Wolcott Hubbell was one of the Minute Men of Berkshire Co.. Mass. and fouglit in the battle of Bennington. Was State Senator of Berkshire Co. and many years Judge of the Courts of Berkshire Co. Ch. Wolcott Hubbell and Alary Curtis Lanesboro, Mass. 4 Silas " m. Sarah Henderson 4 Wolcott, 2nd " " Mary Elizabeth Woolsey " " 4 Julius Caesar " " Anna Moore .. 4 Algernon Sidney" " Julia Ann Jackson Their ch. 5 George Wolcott Hubbell m. Cornelia Churchill 5 Julia Jackson " " Rev. Chas. R. Treat Ch. George Wolcott Hubbell and Cornelia Churchill 6 Grace C. Hubbell m. Dr. Henry C. Rowland 6 George Wolcott Hubbell, Jr. is of the 5th generation to occupy the Hub- bell homestead built by his great, great grandfather, Matthew Hubbell in 1768 in Lanesboro, Mass. Ch. 4Wolcott 2nd, Hubbell and Mary E. Woolsey 5 George H. Hubbell m. Mary A. Smith Their ch. 6 William Wolcott Hubbell m. Sarah Austin Their ch. 7 Alida Taylor Hubbell 7 Annie Austin " 7 Arthur Rutkom 7 Austin Eberly " 7 Laura Livingston " 7 Nellie Grant " 7 Melancthon Woolsey " Ch. 2Comfort Hubbell and Susanna Baxter [3 John Hubbell m. Parillas Foote Newtown. Conn. i Their ch. ^^ ^ |4 Philena Hubbell m. Dr. John Judson Their ch. ^^ ^ 15 Dr. George Judson m. Jane Bidwell (no ch.) ^* ^ 15 Dr. Monroe " " 1st Sarah Blackman " ^ : 2nd Sarah Cortis (no ch.) ,5 Jerome " unm. ^^ ^ i5 John " " 1st Cornelia Peck I Their ch. ,, ^ 16 Anna Cornelia " " Henry Tucker ^^ ^ Ch. John Judson and Julia Colt, 2nd wife " ..v. 6 Grace " m. Herbert Clarke Brooklyn. N. Y. 6 Jerome " Ch. Dr. Monroe Judson and Sarah Blackman Newtown Conn |6 Martha " m. E. P. Taylor Oakland. Calif. ; Their ch. ^ „ '7 Mary Judson Taylor m.John Adolph Breitling ^ ^ 7 Harriet Benedict " " Julius Young 86 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 Florence Barker Taylor m. James Scott Ireland Oakland, Calif. Ch. Mary Judson Taylor and John Adolph Breitling " " 8 John Judson Breitling " '* Ch. Harriet Benedict Taylor and Julius Young " " 7 Edward Taylor Young " " Ch. Florence Barker Taylor and James Scott Ireland " " 8 Martha Ireland " " 8 Anita 8 Jane James Scott Ireland is a descendant of Sir Walter Scott. . „ JOHNSON 1 Robert Johnson came from Yorkshire England, no date given. 2 Thomas drowned in New Haven, Harbor in 1640 3 Thomas and Jeremiah sons of 2Thomas, Jeremiah m. Sarah Hotchkiss. 4 Ebenezer son of 3Jeremiah, b. 1679 at Derby d. at Newtown 1768. He was one of the witnesses of the deed given by the Indians in 1705. Of all the Johnson names that figure in the Conn. Colonial Records, no name is so prominent as that of Ebenezer Johnson, who settled in the town of Derby; admitted as an Elector there in 1678; was first appointed to the General Court as the deputy from Derby, in May, 1685; the same year was confirmed as Lieut, of the Derby Trained Band. He had already done service in the field, for the same year the General Court granted him four pounds English money for services done in the Pequot war. In 1689 was chosen Captain of volunteers to go forth against the Indian enemy, with liberty to drum for volunteers under him in every plantation in Fairfield and New Haven counties. In 1697 he was made captain of a second expedi- tion. In May, 1698 the Court granted him six pounds cash for money he expended at Albany out of his own estate to satisfy for damage done by soldiers under his command. In 1702 was appointed one of a committee to settle the line between the colonies of Rhode Island and Connecticut. In 1704 appointed as Sergt. Major and commissioned as such for New Haven county. In 1709 "upon consideration of the age and long service of Major Ebenezer Johnson, the General Court does excuse and release him from any furthur labor in that post;" although in 1710 he was appointed Lieut. Colonel of forces upon the expedition to Port Royal and Nova Scotia. 1 Ebenezer m. Hannah Tomlinson and had two sons, Abraham b. 1715 and Ichabod, b. 1719. 2 Ichabod Johnson m. Elizabeth Their Ch. 3 John, Hannah, Jerusha, Ebenezer, Abel, Mary, Mabel, Hulda, Enos. Of these we have located only descendants of oldest. m. 1st Dorothy Hurd " 2nd Sarah Northrop d. young m. Hinman (no dec.) " Jerusha Northrop Newtown, Conn. " Rebecca Northrop " " 1st Samuel Northrop " " 2nd Banks " Huldah Judson Easton " " Hcpsa Shelton " Clarissa Peck Newtown, Conn. " Levi Drew (no ch.) " " Lamira Wheeler Brookfield, " " Hepsa Judson Newtown, Conn. " Sarah Briscoe " " Ell Briscoe 3 John Johnson Their Ch. 4 Abram Johnson 4 Isaac " 4 Jacob M 4 Ezra " 4 Clarissa ** 4 Joseph « 4 Ebenezer (i 4 John i( 4 Lucy « 4 Daniel « 4 Elias « 4 Abraham M 4 Dolly M GENEALOGICAL SECTION 87 4 Sally Johnson m. John Fayerweather Danbury, Conn. 4 Eli " " 1st Sally Watkins " 2nd Betsey Baldwin Lyons, N. Y. 4 Benjamin " " Dorcas Morse " 2nd Jane Thompson Desc. of 4 Isaac not located. He went to Ballston, Spa, N. Y. 4 Jacob Johnson m. Jerusha Northrop Their Ch. 5 Walter Johnson m. Emma Bennett Newtown. Conn. 5 Isaac " " Marietta Hinman Southbury, Conn. 5 Nancy " " Thomas Stillman Bridgeport, " 5 Clarissa " unm. deaf and dumb " " Ch. Walter Johnson and Emma Bennett Newtown, Conn. 6 Juliette W. " m. 1st Jerome Somers " " 2nd Stephen S. Hanford 6 Mary Jerusha " " Joseph W. Birdscy Bridgeport, " 6 Elizabeth " " Isaac Turney Easton, " 6 Orville " " Jane Durant Newtown, " Ch. Juliette Johnson and Jerome Somers " " 7 Lucy Amanda Somers m. Leon Woodford Bridgeport, Their Ch. 8 Leona Woodford m. Elmer Osborne " " Their Ch. 9 Marjorie Osborne 9 Hazel Ch. Juliette Johnson Somers and Stephen S. Hanford, Bridgeport. 7 Emma L. Hanford m. Chas. S. Thompson " " 7 Nellie J. " m. Henry R. Kimberley Ch. Emma L. Hanford and Chas. S. Thompson 8 Grace W. Thompson " 8 Mabel L. Ch. Nellie J. Hanford and Henry R. Kimberley 8 Helen Kimberley m. Robert D. Goddard " Their Ch. 9 Katharine K. Goddard ,^ ^ 9 Dorothy J. 9 Robert D. Jr. " Ch. 6Mary Jerusha Johnson and Joseph W. Birdsey 7 Helen L. Birdsey m. Franklyn Burton Ansonia, Their Ch. 8 Ruth Burton 8 Franklin, Jr. " m. Anna Peck Their Ch. 9 Elizabeth Burton 9 Helen 5 Ch. Isaac Johnson and Marictte Hinman Southbury, Conn. 6 Marietta " m. Isaac Jay Allen Their Ch. 7 Ella Allen m. George W. Smith (no ch.) Milford. '| 7 Minnie " " George B. Russell Southbury. ^ 7 Horatio Treat " " 1st *Marv B. White (no ch.) Waterbury. 2nd. Nellie Fairchild Speed Ch. Minnie Allen and George B. Russell Southbury. " 88 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 8 *Lulu Russell d. in girlhood 8 Allen B. " " Marian Ambler Southbury, Conn. Ch. SNancy Johnson and Thomas Stillman Bridgeport, " 6 Mary E. Stillman m. 1st E. W. Pond " « " 2nd E. Smith Hubbell " * 6 Amelia " unm. 6 *Franklin P. " m. Emma M. Wilson Their Ch. 7 Rav W. Stillman " Elizabeth Meleady 7 *William T. " " Helena RadcliflFe Shelton, Conn. In U. S. Service Wm. T. Stillman was one of seven who lost their lives Aug. 13th, 1918 when the oil tanker Richard R. Kellogg was blown up off Barnegat. Ch. Mary E. Stillman and E. W. Pond 7 Lillian S. Pond m. Dr. G. F. Williams Their Ch. 8 Frances S. Williams 4 Ezra Hurd Johnson m. Rebecca Northrop Newtown, " Their Ch. 5 *Charles Johnson " Julia Merritt " " 5 *John " " Mary Dibble Ch. Charles Johnson and Julia Merritt 6 Adaline " m. Wm. Fairchild (see Fairchild) " " 6 *Ezra Levan " " Jane Eliza Camp " " Their Ch. 7 William Camp " " Katherine A. Lake (no ch.) " " 7 Charles Beach " twins " Alma M. Camp " " 7 *Levan Merritt " " Nellie A. Hartshorne " " 7 Rt. Rev. Fred. F. " " 1st Susan Lynn Beers " " " 2nd Elizabeth Louise Beers " " 7 Dora Northrop " " John C. Keeler Bethel, " Adopted dau. Ch. Charles B.Johnson and Alma M. Camp Newtown, " 8 Ruth Rebecca " m. Sereno F. King Milford, " 8 Elsie Merritt " Newtown. " 8 Frank R. Lemuel " Trinity College Hartford, 1917 Master St. Paul's School Concord, New Hampshire. Ch. Ruth R. Johnson and Sereno F. King Milford, Conn. 9 *Sarah King 9 Irene Alma " " " 9 Howard Randall Ch.* Levan M. Johnson and Nellie Hartshorne Painesville, Ohio L. M. Johnson fatally injured by an enraged bull, d. May 14, 1917. " " 8 Earl Levan " Supt. Stock Farm " " 8 Merritt Camp " In U. S. Service Camp Decatur, Great Lakes, 111. 8 Ralph Emerson " d. in childhod Ch. Rt. Rev. Frederick F. Johnson and Susan Lynn Beers, St. Louis, Mo. 8 Frederick Foote Johnson Jr. Ch. Dora N. Johnson and John C. Keeler Seymour, Conn, 8 Katherine Johnson Keeler " " 8 Irene Elizabeth " twins " " Ch. John Johnson and Mary Dibble 6 *Betsey Rebecca Johnson d. unm. 6 *Edward Dibble " d. in young manhood 6 *Emily " d. in infancy GENEALOGICAL SECTION 89 Ch. 4Clarissa Johnson Their Ch. 5 Rebecca Northrop 5 Isaac " m. 1st Samuel Northrop Newtown, Conn. m. Walter Northrop Went to Wilmington, N. C. m. Huldah Judson Anna Sherwood Mary Louise Wheeler Marcus McEwen 4 Joseph Johnson Their Ch. 5 Zenas Johnson 5 Albert 5 Sophia " Ch. Zenas Johnson and Anna Sherwood 6 Elizabeth Johnson m. Rev. Hawley Sanford 6 Mary Sophia " " Thomas Burr Fanton 6 David " " Jane Clark 6 Joseph " " Martha Nickerson Desc. of 6Elizabeth Johnson and Rev. Hawley Sanford Mary Louisa Sanford m. *John T. Burrell Alsimore Meade Wilbur Young Harriet Anna John S. Nellie E. Martha Jane Charles H. Amanda Gilbert Nancy Beckley Charles Webster Callie Moore Easton, Conn. Monroe, " Redding, " Danbury, " Redding, " Bridgeport, " Jesup, Iowa It « Milwaukee, Wis. Waterloo, Iowa Memphis, Tenn. Charles A. Paul Huntington, Beach, Cal ♦William H. Gilbert Luella Velvin Ch. Mary Louisa Sanford and John T. Burrell 8 Clarence J. Burrell 8 Frank T. 8 *Mary Louise 8 Myrta Elizabeth 8 Tay S. 8 Blanche Ch. Clarence J. 9 Paul D. 9 Gates U. 9 Philip 1st Linda Underwood 2nd Laura Keller Ethel McClain A. Clinton Sayles George Arnold Cora Sabin unm. Rock Island. 111. Atlanta, Ga. Overland, Cal. Jesup, Iowa West Branch, " Jesup, " Birch Island, Minn. Jesup, Iowa Burrell and Linda Underwood 1st. " In U. S. Artillery Serivce, Overland, Cal. ch. Laura Keller 2nd wife Ch. *Mary L. Burrell and A. Clinton Sayles 9 Margaret Sayles 9 Burrell C. Ch. Jay S. Burrell and Cora Sabin 9 Robert Sabin " Amanda Gilbert m. Margaret Seager m. Alice Tynan Ch. Alsimore M. Sanford and 8 Harold 8 Arthur H. " m. Their Ch. 9 Raymond 9 Hawley Their Ch. lOWilber O. 10 Earl H. Ch. 7Wilbur Young Sanford and Nancy Beckley 8 Rollin E. " m. Nina Akin 8 Tay G. " " Ora Edwards 8 Hawley ** 8 Edna M. Ch. Rollin E. Sanford and Nina Akin 9 Bernita West Branch, Iowa Birch Island, Minn. Milwaukee, Wis. Rochester, Minn. St. Paul, Sioux City. Iowa Waterloo, " Sioux City, " Waterloo, 90 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 9 Marguerite Sanford Waterloo, Iowa 9 Quinten 9 Lloyd Ch. Jay G. Sanford and Ora Edwards Sioux City, " 9 Dwight Story " Ch. Harriet A. Sanford and Charles Webster Waterloo, " 8 Alorris S. Webster Ch. Nellie E. Sanford and Charles A. Paul Huntington, Beach, Call. 8 Harold S. Paul 8 Wesley Lee In U. S. Navy Ch. Martha J. Sanford and Wm. H. Gilbert Rock Island. 111. 8 Georgie Louise Gilbert m. *Francis Gordon " " 8 Elizabeth " " James Hobkirk 8 Robert Scott " U. S. Art. " Vera Seybert 8 *Ruth 8 Ralph W. " In U. S. Aviation Service Ch. Georgia L. Gilbert and Francis Gordon " " 9 Gilbert Francis Gordon Ch. Elizabeth Gilbert and James Hobkirk " " 9 James Wm. Hobkirk Ch. Robert Scott Gilbert and Vera Seybert " " 9 Robert Seybert Ch. 7Chas. H. Sanford and Luella Velvin Atlanta, Ga. 8 Cassie Luella " 6 Mary Sophia Johnson m. Thomas Burr Fanton Their Ch. 7 Minnie Elizabeth Fanton m. Simon Stebbins Edmond (no ch.) Danbury, Conn. 7 Charlotte Louise " " Willim Cullen Bryant " " 7 Rev. William Morrison " " Carrie Shann Syracuse, N. Y. Ch. Charlotte L. Fanton and William C. Bryant 8 William C. Bryant, Jr. m. Ellie Grant Blaisdell Bangor, Maine 8 Howard Leon " U.S.A. " Eleanor Carlock 8 Carleton Fanton" U.S.N on Battleship Wyoming 8 Donald Reid " U.S.A. Am. Ex. Forces. Ch. Wm. C. Bryant Jr. and Ellie Blaisdell Bangor, Maine 9 George Blaisdell Bryant Ch. Howard L. Bryant and Eleanor Carlock 9 Howard Leon Jr. Bryant 9 Katharine Louise " Ch. Rev. Wm. M. Fanton and Carrie Shann Syracuse, N. Y. 8 Lloyd Fanton 8 Gladys Louise " " " 6 David Johnson son of Zenas m. Jane Clark Redding, Conn. Their Ch. 7 Frank C. Johnson m. Cornelia Haugh 7 Harriet " " Henry A. Haugh Derby Ch. Frank Johnson and Cornelia Haugh 8 David Chester " m. Elizabeth Bishop in U. S. Navy 8 Kenneth Clark " m. Miss Burr Ch. Harriet Johnson and Henry A. Haugh Derby, Conn. 8 Willard P. Haugh m. Anna Roberta Taylor Philadelphia, Pa. 8 Henry A. " Jr. •« GENEALOGICAL SECTION 9> 6 Ch. Joseph Johnson and Martha Nickerson Bridgeport, Conn. 7 *Anna Carrie Johnson d. in infancy 7 *Lorenzo Nickerson " m. Nellie Spalding Boulder Colo 7 Percy Lincoln " ''^ 1st Katherine Judson Bridgeport.' Conn. 2nd Edna Thompson 7 Ella Augusta " Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Ch. Lorenzo N. Johnson and Nellie Spalding 8 Mildred Johnson Ch. Percy L. Johnson and Katherine Judson 8 Wilbur Judson Johnson In U. S. Service in France 5 Albert Johnson m. Louise Wheeler Their Ch. 6 James Clark " m. Marietta Beardsley Monroe, Conn. 6 Mary Jane " " Orville Hull " 6 Huldah Frances " " Henry Edwards Bridgeport, Conn. Ch. James C. Johnson and Marietta Beardsley Monroe " 7 Miles Beardsley " m. Jennie Hanscome St. Peters, Minn. 7 Mary Eloise " " Prof. Herbert Drake Providence, R. I. 7 Seymour James " " Mary Alice Payne New Milford, Conn. 7 Merwin Wheeler " " Martha Hurd Monroe, Conn. Ch. Miles B. Johnson and Jennie Hanscome St. Peters, Minn. 8 Marie Catharine " Bucyrus, Ohio 8 Arthur Hanscome " U. S. N. 8 Floyd Beardsley " U. S. A. 8 Mabel Eloise " m. Percy Olsen, U. S. A. 8 Elliott Miles " St. Peters. Minn. Ch. Seymour J. Johnson and Mary Alice Payne New Milford, Conn. 8 Homer Miles " 8 Walter Seymour " U. S. A. m. Helen Zimmerman 8 Clara Marrietta " Ch. Merwin W. Johnson aud Martha Hurd Monroe, Conn. 8 Herbert Hurd " "^ 8 Marion Frances " Ch. 6Mary Jane Johnson aud Orville Hull 7 Elbert Orville Hull m. Minnie Ward ]| ^ 7 *Cora Louise " " Wilbur French 7 *Mary Lillian " " Charles Nichols 7 Arthur Johnson " " Ellen Bridle Ch. Mary Lillian Hull and Charles Nichols 8 Elbert Perkins Nichols U. S. A. in France 8 Irma Electa Ch. 6Huldah Frances Johnson and Henry Edwards Bridgeport. Conn, 7 Minnie Frances Edwardsm. John Sherwood Monroe. || 7 George Henry " " Helen Seelye ,, 7 Alfred Shelton " " Alice Botsford 7 Rev. Harold Johnson " unm. Ch. John Sherwood and Minnie F. Edwards 8 Elinor Frances Sherwood Monroe. Conn, 5 *Sophia Johnson, dau. of Joseph, m. Marcus McEwen 6 ^Marietta McEwen m. Edwin Stevens 7 Albert Stevens " Ida Dykeman Their Ch. 8 Zaida Stevens " George Burr Monroe, Conn. 8 Dorothy 92 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Harry C. Beers Mabel E. Greenwood Gertrude Tooke Ebenezer Johnson son of 3John m. Hepsa Shelton Their Ch. Edwin Clark Johnson m. Sarah Grace Hubbell Lucy " " William Shelton Ch. Edwin C. Johnson and Sarah Grace Hubbell Mary Jeannette Johnsonm. Herbert P. Smith Their Ch. Mabel Grace Smith m. Ellsworth Johnson " " Herbert William " " Martha Jeannette " Ch. Mabel Grace Smith and Harry C. Beers Sherman Johnson Beers Jeannette Elizabeth " Ch. Herbert W. Smith and Gertrude Tooke Mary Parker Smith Herbert Wm., Jr. " Ch. 5Lucy Johnson and William Shelton Charlotte Shelton m. Charles Hubbell Charles " " Cornelia Hubbell Ch. Charlotte Shelton and Charles Hubbell Derby, Conn. North Haven, Conn. Amanda Hubbell Theresa " Warren C. " Their Ch. Elsie M. Hubbell Sterling B. Their Ch. Elinor S. Hubbell Virginia " Ch. Amanda Hubbell Charles H. Bidwell Their Ch. Bedford Bidwell George P. Bidwell William H. Jones Annie Shelton m. Elma Buckingham and George P. Bidwell m. May Bidwell Ch. William H. Jones and Theresa Hubbell 8 Helen C. Jones 8 Philip H. " m. Joan Newell Their Ch. 9 Newell Jones Ch. 6Charles Shelton and Cornelia Hubbell 7 William Shelton 7 Edwin C. " m. Alice French Their Ch. 8 Lester M. Shelton 4 John Johnson son of 3John m. Clarissa Peck Their Ch. 5 Cornelia Johnson 5 Susan Jane " David H. Lanesboro, Mass. White Hills, Conn. Newtown, Conn. 6 Susan Jane Belden " David H. Belden, 1st wife " David H. Belden, 2nd wife " 1st Esther Beers (no ch.) " " " 2nd Rebecca Beers (no ch.) " " m. Rev. Dr. Berry Litchfield, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 93 6 Susan Jane Belden SCornelia Johnson ch. & David H. Belden Ch. SSusan J. Johnson and David H. Belden 6 Cornelia Belden m. Dr. Maddox 6 Clarissa " unm. 6 David " m. Elizabeth Farrell An eminent lawyer, See Lawyers, Newtown, Conn. 6 John Belden desc. not located Susan J. Belden 7 John Johnson Berry, M. D.ch. & Rev. Dr. Berry He with Mrs. Belden published a memorial volumne of David Belden of San Jose, Calif. 4 Daniel Johnson m. Lamira Wheeler Their Ch. 5 Emeline Johnson m. Barzillai Kellogg Brookfield, Conn. 5 Elizabeth " " Washburn (no ch.) Brooklyn, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. San Jose, Calif. Portsmouth, N. H. Sophia E. Beers Charles S. Hawes Annie S. Terrill unm. unm. unm. Tillie M. Beach Dr. Howard P. Mansfield Charles R. Clarke Janet Hodge Ch. Emeline Johnson and Barzillai Kellogg 6 *Angeline Lamira Kellogg m. Benjamin Griffin 6 *WilIiam Johnson " " 6 *Florence Ann " " 6 *Charles Daniel H. " " 6 *Emeline " 6 Sarah E. " 6 *Elizabeth Washburn " Ch. Angeline L. Kellogg and Benjamin Griffin 7 Edward Griffinm. Ida Rogers 7 Ernest Barzillai twins " 7 *Edith Emeline 7 Martha Elizabeth " 7 Henry Washburn " 7 Florence Sophia " Ch. Ernest B. Griffin and Tillie M. Beach 8 Helen Edith Griffin Ch. Edith E. Griffin and Dr. Howard Mansfield 8 Ernest Griffin Mansfield Ch. Martha Griffin and Charles R. Clarke 8 Philip Griffin Clarke 8 Elizabeth 8 Charles Robert, Jr. " Ch. Henry W. Griffin and Janet Hodge 8 Marjorie Angeline Griffin Ch. Wm. J. Kellogg and Sophia Beers 7 Florence Emily Kellogg m. Arthur S. Mansfield 7 Herbert Beers " " Mary Amelia Bateman Their Ch. 8 Genevieve Kellogg 8 Eloise ** 8 Ruth Ch. Florence E. Kellogg and Arthur Mansfield 8 Lina Beers Mansfield Ch. Florence A. Kellogg and Charles E. Hawea Brookfield Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Brookfield, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Brookfield, Conn. Pittsfield, Mass. « M « M M M Brookfield, Conn. 94 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Bridgeport, Conn. 7 Grace Florence Hawes Brooklyn, N. Y. Ch. Chas. D. H. Kellogg and Annie S. Terrill Bridgeport, Conn. 7 Hanford Barzillai Kelloggm. Emma Roy " " 7 Stanley Terrill " " Nellie G. Clarke 7 Louise Fairchild " " Willard M. Taylor " 7 Charles D. H. Jr. 7 Mary Skidmore " " Arthur J. Millington " " Ch. Hanford B. Kellogg and Emma Roy 8 Hanford B. Jr. Ch. Stanley T. Kellogg and Nellie G. Clarke 8 Clarke Terrill Ch. Louise F. Kellogg and Willard M. Taylor 8 Dorothy Taylor twin 8 Doris 8 Mary Elizabeth " 4Elias Johnson son of 3John m. Hepsa Judson Their Ch. 5 *Cornelia Johnson m. John Knowles 5 *Henry M. " " Lois Jones (no ch.) 5 *Stiles Wheeler " " Henrietta Hanly (no ch.) Ch. Cornelia Johnson and John Knowles 6 Cornelia Knowles m. Francis E. Fitch Their Ch. 7 Mallory Knowles Fitch d. 1904 aged 26 yrs. " " 7 John Knowles " m. Lillian Whitehead " " 7 *Marion " d. 1916 aged 33 yrs. Ch. John Knowles Fitch and Lillian Whitehead 8 John Knowles Jr. Fitch 8 Marjorie " " " 8 Muriel 4 Sally Johnson dau. 3John m. John Fayerweather Their Ch. 5 *Walter B. Fayerweatherm. Abby Post Austin Danbury, Conn. 5 *John " ■ Abigail Oakley 5 *William " unm. 5 Julia ** m. Samuel B. Peck Newtown, Conn. Ch. Walter B. Fayerweather and Abby Post Austin Danbury, Conn. 1. Daniel Barnes Bridgeport, Conn. Passaic, N. J. 6 Ellen G. Fayerweather 6 S. Isabelle 7 Margaret Barnes ch. 7 Margaret Barnes m. 8 Walter Wilson ch. 8 Charles G. Clifford ch. 9 Clifford Barnes ch. Capt. Chas. Colcord Ella G. Fayerweather & Daniel Barnes 1st Geo. Wilson 2nd Walter CHfiford Margaret Barnes & George Wilson Margaret Barnes & Walter Clifford Elsie Wilkins & Walter Wilson Barnes GENEALOGICAL SECTION 96 Ch. John Fayerweather and Abigail Oakley 6 *Julia Fayerweather m. Seelye 6 *Oakley " " Lavinia Cook Their Ch. 7 *John Fayerweather 7 Blanche " 7 Frederick " 7 Charles Ch. SJulia Fayerweather and Samuel B. Peck Sandy Hook, Conn. 6 *Tulia Peck unm. " " 6 *"George " m. Emma J. Clarke Newtown, Conn. 6 Edward S. " " Lilla Lockitt Patchogue L. I. Ch. George Peck and Emma J. Clarke Brooklyn, N. Y. 7 *Samuel Clarke Peck d. in young manhood 7 Elizabeth Fayerweather " unm. Schenectady, N. Y. 7 Walter Toucey " m. Elizabeth Chester Backus " ' " 7 Susan " " Willard Merrill Burdick Their Ch. 8 Priscilla Burdick " •* 8 Ruth MacBride " " " 8 Merrill Clarke " " « Ch. Walter T. Peck and Elizabeth Chester Backus " ** 8 Elizabeth Chester Peck " * 8 Samuel Clarke " " " Ch. Edward S. Peck and Lilla Lockitt Patchogue L. I. 7 Edward Stanley Peck " ** 7 *Grace " 4 Eli Johnson son of 3John m. Sally Watkins Ballsten Spa, N. Y. Their Ch. 5 Louisa Johnson m. Rev. M. Williams * * Their Ch. 6 Emma Williams m. Chas T. Dunwell * * 6 Allan S. 7 Elsie Dunwell Emma W^illiams 7 James " ch. & 7 Ruth " Chas T. Dunwell 4 Benjamin Johnson son of 3John m. Dorcas Morse Their Ch. 5 Lucy Johnson m. Kline 5 Benjamin " 6 William Kline ch. Lucy Johnson Kline 6 Benjamin Johnson ch. SBenjamin (no desc. located) KIMBERLY The name Kimberly appearing so often in Newtown's early records has disappeared from the names of the present generation, but the descen- dants in Newtown of Abraham 2nd, 3rd and 4th are very numerous. 1 Thomas Kimberly came from London and was one of the founders of the New Haven Colony. 96 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 2 Eleazer Kimbcrly is said to have been the first white male child born in New Haven. 2 Abraham Kimberly 1st m. Hannah 3 Abraham " 2nd " Abigail Fitch Newtown, Conn, Their Ch. 4 Hannah Kimberly " James Hard (See Hard) " " 4 Abigail " " John Lake (see Lake) " " 4 Gideon " " Mary Osborne " " 4 Abraham 3rd " " Abigail Adams " " 4 Sarah " " 3Joseph Prindle (see PrindleJ " Ch. Abraham 3rd Kimberly and Abigail Adams 5 Anah Kimberly ni. John Duniiinp: 5 Sarah " " Ebenezer Fairchild (see Fairchild) 5 Abiah " " Michael Dunning 5 Fitch Kimberly m. .\bigail Woodruff 5 Abraham 4th " " Tamar Burritt Newtown, Conn 5 Sabra " " Joel Prindle Ch. Abraham Kimberly 4th and Tamar Burritt " " 6 Mary Kimberly m. George Northrop 6 Abel Burritt " " Currence Prindle " " 6 Polly " " Ephraim Piatt (see Piatt) 7 Betsy Ann " " Abram Prindle Fitch Kimberly and his brother Abraham 4th served in the French War in 1756; also Abraham 4th was appointed by the Assembly Jan. 7th, 1777, "Lieut, of the Western Alarm List Company in the town of Newtown in the Iftlh Regt. of this state. Fitch Kimberly served as private in Revolutionary War. LAKE Desc. of IThomas Lake and Sarah Peat 2 John Lake, b. 1688 m. Abigal Kimberly dau. of Abigail Fitch and .Abraham Kimberly, settled in Newtown early in 1700. Their Ch. 3 Sarah Lake m. Ebenezar Bristol 3 Charity " " Nehemiah Skidmore 3 Nathaniel " 3 Ephraim " " Mary Bristol 3 Thomas " " Betty Jackson 3 Abigail " " Thomas Lattin Ch. Thomas Lake and Betty Jackson 4 Ezra Lake m. Hannah Thompson 4 John " " Susanna Hubbell 4 Peter " " Temperance Thompson 4 David " " 4 Isaac " " no desc. Ch. Ezra Lake and Hannah Thompson 5 Philo Lake m. Polly Ann Birch Their Ch. 6 *Hannah Ann Lake m. John S. Hubbard Meriden, Conn. 6 *Catharine " " Amos Hard (see Hard) 6 *Ezra Birch " " Melissa Saxton 6 *Lamson Birch GENEALOGICAL SECTION Lake 1st Sarah M. Beers 2nd Sylvia M. Beers Ch. Hannah A. Lake and John S. Hubbard 7 John B. Hubbard d. in young manhood Ch. Ezra Birch Lake and Melissa Saxton 97 Mi-ridcn. Conn. 7 Nora Belle Lake twins 7 *Ora E. " twins . . Cherry Creek. N. Y. d. in infancy Ch. Lamson B. Lake and Sarah M. Beers 1st wife 7 Carrie Louise Lake m. Frank Mallett no ch. 7 Frederick Beers " d. in younp manhood 7 Katherine Augusta " m. Wm. C. Johnson no ch. Ch. Lamson B. Lake and Sylvia M. Beers Lake unm. " unm. 4 ch. John Lake and Susanna Hubbell 7 Grace Elizabeth 7 Florence Amelia Newtown. Conn. Monroe, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Passaic, N. I. 5 Legrand Seabury Lake 5 Walter 5 John 5 Clara 5 Susan " Newtown. Conn. Deborah McLean Newtown, Conn. Polly Ferris " " Maria Skidmore Oman Sherman (see Sherman) Danbury, Conn John R. Smith Newtown, Conn. Ch. Walter Lake and Polly Ferris 6 Isaac Lake 6 D. Jackson " 6 Ferris " 6 Harriet " m. Alargaret Dibble " Katharine Hiiinnn desc. not located m. Aloulthrop Ch. Isaac Lake and Margaret Dibble Lake 7 Frederick 7 *Robert 7 *Annabelle m. Ella Oliver no ch. " Julia Warner no ch. " Howard Banks Ch. D. Jackson Lake and Katharine Hinman 7 Rev. Clarence Lake 7 Florence " 5 Ch. Susan Lake and John R. Smith 6 John Russell Smith 6 Eliza 6 Susan " Newtown, Conn. Bethel, Conn. Monroe, Conn. Colusa, Calif. Newtown, Conn. m. 1st Lucia Camp " 2nd Susan Hawley " Marcus Camp, ch. d. in infancy " Henry Weed no ch Ch. John R. Smith and Susan Hawley 7 Mary Eliza Smith m. H. Wilbur Bristol 8 Laura Bristol, their ch. \{ Ch. 4Peter Lake and Temperance Thompson 5 Nichols Booth Lake ."^ Thompson " 5 Amos " Newtown. Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Newtown Conn. 5 Abbie Ch. Nichols B. Lake and Charlotte Curtis m. Charlotte Curtis desc. not located m. 1st Catharine Blackman Bethlehem. " 2nd Marv Ann Bennett " " Abraham Ferris Shepard Brookfield, GENEALOGICAL SECTION 6 Joseph Thompson Lake 6 Birdsey Curtis " 6 Mary A. 6 Daniel B. Hannah R. Smith .. Newtown, Conn. Jane Sherman 1st Phebe Warren Peck 2nd New Haven , Robert S. Peck (see Peck) Newtown, desc not located Ch. Joseph T. Lake and Hannah R. Smith m 7 Mary Josephine Lake 7 Nettie Chas. F. Beardsley d. in childhood Ch. Mary Josephine Lake and Charles F. Beardsley 8 Clarence Lake Beardsley 8 Paul Joseph " m. Viola May Gamsby u n m. Ch. Birdsey C. Lake and Jane Sherman 7 Ives Levi Lake 7 Birdsey Curtis Jr. " Ch. Amos Lake and Catharine Blackman 1st wife New Haven, Bethlehem, 6 Norman Lake 6 Julia Louisa Beach Joseph Hawley Ch. Amos Lake and Mary Ann Bennet 2nd wife Lake Lake 6 Walter B. 6 Benjamin 6 Peter 6 Mary 6 Sarah Jane " 6 Horation Nelson" 6 Caroline Cynthia" Ch. Norman Lake and Loui 7 Elizabeth Lake 7 Ellen 7 Norton B. 7 Herbert W. 7 Arthur B. 7 George Tuttle Alma Nettleton Hannah Bradley " Susan Pierce Thomas Bennett no ch. Nunda, N. Y. Lemuel Camp (see Camp) Newtown, Conn. unm. Samuel B. Camp (see Camp) " " Beach m. Tennie Belden Ch. 6Walter B. Lake and Alma Nettleton 7 Amos Caleb 7 Royal Bennett Lake Amanda Bloss Josephine Bacon Ch. Benjamin Lake and Hannah Bradley 7 *Annie Bradley Lake d. unm. Ch. 6Peter Lake and Susan Pierce 7 Franklin Rudolph Lake m. Jennie Beach 7 Origen Toucey " Ch. Herbert W. Lake and Jennie Belden 8 G. Irving Lake 8 Arthur 8 Frederick " 8 Gordon Ch. 7Amos Caleb Lake and Amanda Bloss 8 *Elsie Lake 8 Ina 8 Walter Bethlehem, " Waterbury, " Bethlehem, Conn. « i< Torrington, " Bethlehem, " Northfield Waterbury, " Bethlehem, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 99 Ch. 7Royal Lake and Josephine Bacon 8 Edna Lake 8 Robert 8 Edith Ch.7Frank R. Lake and Jennie Beach 8 Grace Lake 8 Clara Ch. 6Julia Lake and Joseph Hawley 7 Catherine Sophia Hawley 7 Hannah Adelaide 7 Philo 7 Sarah Elizabeth 7 Amos Lake 7 Hobart Melville 7 Franklin Joseph Ch. Amos L. Hawley and Alary Bills 8 Ernest Hawley in. Cornelia Morehouse SLyman Lake son 4David m. Abba Foote 1st. " Sophia Hawley 2nd. Ch. Lyman Lake and Abba Foote 6 3Charles " m. 6 Julia A. " " Henry W. Oliver 6 *Lamira " " Mason Thorpe 6 *Nelson " " Mary A. Glover Ch. Lyman Lake and Sophia Hawley 6 *Abba Lake unm. 6 *Elizabeth m. Edwin Camp no ch. Mary Bills Flora Trumbull Torrington, Conn. Thomaston, Newtown, Conn. Bridgewater " Hawleyville, " Newtown, Danbury " Brooklyn, N. Y, Danbury, Conn. Newtown, " Newtown, Conn. Ch. Charles Lake and wife 7 Ella " m. Frost 7 Frank Ch. 6Julia A. Lake and Henry W. Oliver 7 *Wallace L. Oliver m. Amelia Brown 7 *Eugene H. " 7 *Addie J. 7 Charles A. 7 Ella J. 7 Carrie E m. Reuben Starr Blackman (See Blackman) Danbury, Conn. *Ida Crawford d. in infancy Jennie Stephenson Frederick Lake unm. Mrs. Julia A. Oliver 92 years, Oct. 1918. Ch. Lamira Lake and Mason Thorpe *John Walling Orlando Starr 7 Emma D. Thorpe 7 Julia E. Ch. Nelson Lake and Mary A. Glover 7 Edward G. " 7 *Wilbur 7 Martin N. " 7 Robert A. 7 *Ada " m. 7 Anna " 7 *Julia " Ch. Edward G. Lake and wife 8 Ada " m. 8 Anna " " 8 *Mary Belle Newtown, M Danbury, Newtown, Lucius G. Norton U. S. Booth Albert Cole Charles Buell 2nd wife Charles Bacbath 1st wife Charles McBath 100 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Ch. Martin H Lake and wife 8 Rose " m. Devine 8 Nelson " In U. S. Service in Army 8 Robert " In U. S. Service in Army 8 Harry Ch. Robert A. Lake and wife 8 Arthur L. " In U. S. Service in Army 8 Doris A. 8 Alary A. Ch. *Julia Lake and Albert Cole 8 Tulia Cole 8 "Edith 8 Albert 8 Richard Ch. Anna Lake and U. S. Booth 8 Jessie Booth m. Hummiston 8 Rachel " 8 Harold " 8 Herbert " 8 Arthur " 8 Clarence" In U. S. Serivce MERRITT 1 John Merritt came from the north of Ireland to Stratford date unknown. He was frozen to death on Stratford Beach. His son John settled in Newtown on what is still known as Merritt Hill. 2 John Merritt m. Deborah Wheeler. The town records show that their son 3Abijah Merritt filled many offices of public trust. He m. Hannah Sanford. Their Ch. 4 Julia Merritt m. Charles Johnson (See Johnson) 4 Levan Wheeler " " Cynthia Patience Loomis Medina, N. Y. Their Ch. 5 *Charles Johnson Merritt m. 1st Esther Fairchild Newtown, Conn. 2nd Julia Chase Medina, N. Y. 5 Julia " d. unm. Washington, D. C. 5 *Henry " d. in childhood Medina, N. Y. 5 Cynthia A. " unm. Washington, D. C. 5 *Elsie Henrietta " d. unm. Medina, N. Y. 5 *Henry Sanford " m. 1st Urilla Swingley Phelps Elkader, Iowa 2nd Ella Havens " " 5 *Lee Wheeler " d. in young manhood Medina, N. Y. Ch. Charles J. Merritt and Esther Fairchild Chicago, 111. 6 *Ida " d. in childhood 6 *Charles Henry " m. Annie Crawford " " Tlieir Ch. 7 Marjorie Merritt Urbana, Ohio 7 Crawford Ch. Henry S. Merritt and Urilla S. Phelps Elkader, Iowa 6 Frank Henry " m. Bertha Emory 6 James Levan " " Irene Seattle, W^ash. Ch. Frank H. Merritt and Bertha Emory Milford, Iowa 7 Ruth HON. UAxXlEL X. xMORGAxX See Page 101 (Genealogical Section) GENEALOGICAL SECTION 101 7 Bernadine Merritt Milford, Iowa Ch. Henry S. Merritt and Ella Havens Elkader " 6 Isaac Havens " m. Mary Ethel Carpenter Denver, Colo. Their Ch. 7 Helen Merritt " " 7 Robert Homer " « " MORGAN IZedekiah Morgan was in the Revolutionary War and a field in Hopewell district in Newtown where he kept cavalry horses, is still called "Cavalry field." So says Hon. D. N. Morgan. 2 Hezekiah Morgan, son of IZedekiah Morgan Newtown, Conn. 6 m. Elizabeth Sanford 6th in descent from Rev. John Beach 7 Ezra Morgan Elizabeth Sanford Newtown, Conn. 7 Fanny " ch. & 7 Zera ' Hezekiah Morgan " " 7 *Ezra Morgan m. Hannah Nash Westport, Conn. Their ch. 8 Elizabeth S Morgan m. Rufus D. Cable 8 *Mary Tamp " d. unm. Newtown, Conn. 8 Daniel Nash " m.Medora Huganen Judson Huntington, Conn. 8 *Harriet Louise " d. unm. Newtown, Conn. 8 *Cornelia Jane " d. unm. " " 8 *Hannah Sophia " d. young " " 8 *Frederick Ezra " d. in boyhood " " 8 *Edward Kemper " m. Charlotte Adelaide Judson Bridgeport, " Ch. Elizabeth S. Morgan and Rufus D. Cable 9 Mary Eilzabeth Cable m. Marcus B. Butler Westport, Conn. 9 Hannah Louise " m. Edward F. Buchner Baltimore Md. 9 Antoinette Cornelia " m. Rev. George A. Robson E. Lansing Mich. 10 Dorothy Morgan Butler Mary E. Cable Bridgeport, Conn. 10 Virginia Lacey " ch. & 10 Marcus Bayard.Jr. " Marcus B. Butler " " U. S. N. 10 Edward F. Buchner, Jr. Baltimore, Md. 10 Morgan Mallory " Hannah Louise Cable " " 10 Elizabeth Sanford " ch. & 10 Margaret Louise " Edward F. Buchner " " 10 Janet Elizabeth Robson Antoinete C. Cable East Lansing, Mich. 10 Edward John " ch. & 10 Faith " Rev. George A. Robson " " Ch. Medora Judson and D. N. Morgan. Bridgeport, Conn. 9 Mary Huntington Morgan m. Daniel Edwards Brinsmade Shelton, Conn. 9 *FIorence Newton " d. in infancy Bridgeport, Conn. 9 William Judson " m. Helen Jeanette Brinsmade " * Helen Jeannete Brinsmade " " 10 Marjorie Brinsmade ch. & William Judson Morgan " ** HON. DANIEL NASH MORGAN Besides those Newtown born who became lawyers, doctors or clergymen, some attained prominence in other and equally large fields. Hon. Daniel Nash Morgan, son of Hannah Nash and Ezra Morgan, was born Aug. 18, 1844; received his education at the public school, Newtown Academy, and Bethel Institute. He was assistant in his father's country store until attaining his 102 GENEALOGICAL SECTION majority, when he assumed control for one year. Like most country stores in those days it was the custom to sell by the dram, pint, quart or gallon, spirituous liquors to customers. Upon assuming control of the business, he caused to be emptied into the ditch all containers of the liquor; and when later he became a partner in the old stand of David H. Johnson, of the firm of Morgan and Booth he made it one of the conditions that no liquor should be sold. Upon removing to Bridgeport he was elected Mayor, 1880-1884; for thirteen years was Parish Clerk of Trinity Parish, Bridgeport, then Junior and later Senior Warden. He was President of Bridgeport Hospital. Presi- dent of City National Bank, 1887-1893, President of Mechanics and Farmers Bank, State Senator from 14th disrict 1885-86, and again in 1892, and was United States Treasurer from June 1, 1893 to July 1, 1897. He is a Mason and connected with many offices of trust in the city of Bridgeport. Charlote Adelaide Judson ch. & Bridgeport, Conn. Edward Kemper Morgan " Sally Underbill Newtown, Conn, ch. & Zera Morgan Boston, Mass. Morgan Polly Peck Newtown, Conn, ch. & " Charles Morgan " " 9 Daniel Judson Morgan 9 Frederick Edward " 8 Charles Morgan 8 Rev. Henry " 9 Henry P. 9 Ormel 9 Merwin D 9 Edith L. 10 Arthur Briscoe Morgan -u 10 Grace Edith 9 Agnes Banks 9 Elizabeth ** bh. 9 Alma L. 10 Eva Banks Whitehead ch. 11 Hazel Elaine Sherwood ch. 10 Charles Henry Lee 10 Julian 10 Coley Fanton " 10 Elsie May Cook 10 Flora Edith 10 William M. 10 Edward R. ch. ch. Esther P. Briscoe & Ormel E. Morgan Sophia Bradley & Charles Morgan Banks Agnes Banks & Henry Whitehead Eva Whitehead & James Arthur Sherwood Alma Louise Banks & Francis Coley Lee Edith Louise Morgan & William James Cook Redding, Conn. « « Redding, Conn. Easton, Conn. Redding, Conn. MORRIS First Morris settler in Newtown. IDaniel b. 1750 m. Mary Salter Burritt. Their ch. 2 Sally Morris Eli Gould Polly Nancy Eunice 1st Sylvester Beers (See Beers) 2nd Ezekial Beers Newtown, Conn m. Lydia Bennett " " m. John Blackman " " m. Silas Norman Glover " " (See Glover) m. John Blackman 2nd " " Ch. Eli Gould Morris and Lydia Bennett GENEALOGICAL SECTION 103 3 *EIi James 3 Luzon Burritt 3 *Martha Jane Morris m, Jane Chambers Newtown, Conn. " m. Eugenia Tuttle New Haven, Conn. " A successful teacher, unm. Newtown, Conn. Luzon B. Morris elected Governor of Conn. 1892. Took office Jan. 1893 Ch. Luzon B. Morris and Eugenia Tuttle (see Lawyers.) 4 Dr. Robert Tuttle Morris m. Aimee Reynaud 4 Mary Seymour 4 Helen Harrison 4 Emily Eugenia 4 Charles Gould 4 Ray 5 Eugenia R. Morris m. Charles Millard Pratt m. Arthur T. Hadley unm. m. Elisabeth Woodbridge m. Katherine Grinnell Aimee Reynaud ch. & Dr. Robert T. Morris Ch. Chas. Millard Pratt and Mary Seymour Morris 5 Morris Pratt New York Brooklyn, N. Y. New Haven, Conn. New Haven New York, N. Y. New York Brooklyn, N. Y. 5 Lieut. Theodore 5 Margaret R. 5 Katherine E. m. Laura Merrick (no ch.) New Orleans, La. 5 Lieut. Richardson " 6 Morris Pratt Frost m. Frank J. Frost " Burton P. Twitchell Infantry in France Margaret R. Pratt ch. & Frank J. Frost Ch. Arthur T. Hadley and Helen Harrison Morris 6 Maj. Morris Hadley St. Louis, Mo. Nordhoff, Calif. St. Louis, Mo. 6 Capt. Hamilton 6 Laura Beaumont Arthur T. 5 Laura Wylie Morris 5 Woodbridge Edward " 5 Martha Cartwright " 5 Daniel Luzon " 5 Charles Lester " 5 Elisabeth Woodbridge" youngest Maj. in the Army Art. in France Aviation in France President Yale University New Haven and Newtown Elizabeth Woodbridge ch. & Charles G. Morris 5 Virginia Morris 5 Grinnell " 5 Stephen Burritt " Katharine Grinnell ch. & Ray Morris New Haven and Newtown New York NICHOLS Richard Nichols m. Comfort Sherman First Nichols settler in Newtown 1 Nathaniel Nichols Of their ten children 2 Esther Nichols 2 Peter 2 Phedima " 2 Richard 2 Theophilus m. Ann Booth m. John Holbrook, Jr. m. Rebecca Camp m. Benjamin Curtis m. Abigail Gold m. Sarah Meeker Ch. Esther Nichols and John Holbrook, Jr. 3 Abel Holbrook m. Hannah Clark Newtown, Conn. Derby, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Derby, Conn. Oxford « 104 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 4 Abel Holbrook Jr. 5 Esther Their Ch. 6 Frank Mitchell 6 Nellie 6 Jessie Pauline " 6 Vivan m. Olive Pierce Southbury, Conn. Chas. Lawrence Mitchell Emma Judson Charles Parsons J. Percy Blackman Alice Babcock Ch. Frank Mitchell and Emma Judson 7 Laura 7 Wallace Mitchell m. George Camp " Edith Ganung Ch. Laura Mitchell and George Camp 8 Merwin Camp 8 Nelson Ch. Nellie Mitchell and Charles Parsons 7 Herbert 7 Birdsey 7 Ethel Parsons m. Florence Watson Newtown, Conn. Waterbury Newtown, Conn. Albany, N. Y. Vivian Wetmore (see Wetmore) 1st Chas. Finch 2nd Lindsay Polly Wm. Stevens 7 Pearl Ch. Herbert Parsons and Florence Watson 8 Ruth Nichols Parsons Ch. Ethel Parsons and Charles Finch 8 Esther Finch Ch. Pearl Parsons and Wm. Stevens 8 William Stevens 8 Heman Ch. Jessie Pauline Mitchell and J. Percy Blackman Albany, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. 7 Pauline Frances Blackman 7 Olive Mitchell (b. Newtown) (b. Newtown) Newtown, Conn. Passaic, N. J. Passaic, N. J. Ch. 2Peter Nichols and Rebecca Camp 3 Phedima Nichols 3 Nathaniel 3 Sarah 3 Polly m. Simeon Beers m. Grace Sherman m. Reuben Hull Booth Danbury, Conn, m. Lamson Birch (See Birch)Newtown, Conn. Ch. 3Nathaniel Nichols and Grace Sherman 4 Henry Nichols Their Ch. 5 *David M. Nichols 5 *Mary 5 *Philo Their ch. 6 Frank B. 6 Grace 6 Ruth Amelia Ch. David M. 6 John Henry Nichols m. Sarah Blackman m. 1st Caroline Crane New York, N. Y. 2nd Phebe Crane Tompkins " " m. Samuel Curtis (See Curtis)Newtown, Ct. m. Sarah Esther Glover " " d. in infancy " " d. in infancy " " m. Hobart H. Curtis (See Curtis) " and Caroline Crane New York, N, Y. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 105 Ch. David M. Nichols and Phebe Crane Tompkins New York, N. Y. 6 David Arthur " " " 2 Ch. Theophilus Nichols and Sarah Meeker Newtown, Conn. 3 Capt. James Nichols m. Lucy Beach " *• Their Ch. 4 Theophilus B. 4 Isaac 4 William 4 Drusus 4 Rev. Abel 4 Thaddeus H. 4 James A. F. 4 John 4 Philo 4 Susan Nichols Lost at sea no ch. " m. 1st Betsey Piatt " " " " 2nd Louisa Bartlett « " " Rebecca B. Graves English Prairie, Ind. " " Elizabeth Saunders no ch., Lost at sea no ch. " Killed at Fort Wayne, Ind. " m. Julia Ann Sheldon " " Melinda Carr La Grange, Ind. " " Wm. B. Glover no ch. Sandy Hook, Conn. Ch. 4Isaac Nichols and Betsey Piatt 1st wife Nichols 5 Henry 5 James 5 William 5 Mary Betsey Newtown, Orland, Ind. m. Elizabeth Sharp " Isabella Starkweather Hartford, Conn. Drowned in Taunton Pond d. in young womanhood Ch. Isaac Nichols and Louisa Bartlett, 2nd wife Newtown, Conn. Nichols m. Daniel Camp (see Camp) " " 5 Augusta 5 Sarah 5 Margaret 5 Beach 5 Louisa 5 William 5 Arthur 5 Grace Silas N. Beers (see Beers) " " Edson Hawley (see Hawley)Brookfield" Adelia Fairchild Newtown, " d. unm. " " d. in boyhood " " d. in infancy " " Homer Hawley (see Hawley) " " Ch. SHenry Nichols and Elizabeth Sharp 6 Arthur Nichols m. Belle Cause 6 Emma 6 Fred 6 *Alice 6 *Fanny 6 Lizzie 6 Susan 6 *Tames 6 *"Willie 6 *Anna 6 *Margie Charles M. Clark Elizabeth Jellay Benjamin Barber Rev. Alvin Weaver James A. Turner Huestis Beers Charles Dirrim Ch. Arthur Nichols and Belle Canse Orland, Ind. « << Friend, Nebr. La Grange, Ind. Jonesboro, " Fenton, Mich. Orland, Ind. m. Earl Faulk Herbert Faulk 7 Clara Their Ch. 7 Ray Nichols 7 Mabel 7 Ralph 7 Julia 7 Martha Alice 7 Mary 7 Ch. Fred Nichols and Elizabeth Jellay 7 Walter Nichols 7 Margie " 7 Harry La Grange, Ind. Orland, Ind. 106 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Jonesboro, Ind. Ch. Lizzie Nichols and Rev. Alvin Weaver 7 *Charles C. Weaver 7 Martha Ch. Susan Nichols and James A. Turner Fenton, Mich. 7 Fanny Nichols Turner " " 7 Stanley Raymond 7 James Donald 7 Anna Louise Ch. Anna Nichols and Huestis Beers 7 Bruce Beers 7 Henry 7 Homer Ch. Margie Nichols and Charles Dirrim " " 7 William Dirrim Ch. SJames Nichols and Isabelle Starkweather Hartford, Conn. accidentally shot in boyhood 1. Harry A. Smith " La Grange, Ind. 6 James Loomis Nichols 6 Helen C. Their Ch. 7 James Nichols 7 Harriet Helen 5 Beach Nichols Their Ch. 6 Harriet 6 James Beach Their Ch. 7 Helen Rachel 7 Bessie Louise Smith Nichols Nichols m. Adelia Fairchild Newtown, Conn. Dr. Henry Nichols New Haven, Conn. Bessie Louise Dickinson Roxbury, " Ch. 4Drusus Nichols and Rebecca B. Graves 5 *Charles Graves Nichols m. Ella Burnell Their Ch. Nichols " Newtown, Conn. << <( Sherman, Conn. English Prairie, Ind. 6 *Drusus Burnell 6 Mary 6 Charles Stuart 6 Samuel Burnell 6 *Frank Morse 6 *Gunther C. Jane Louise Shipman " m. Mary A. Samson " " Rachel May Kenyon " " Grace Pauline Tryall Ch. Drusus B. Nichols and Jane Louise Shipman 7 James Howe Nicholsm. Edith French 7 Drusus Holbrook " " Irene Anna Whiting 7 Marion Williams " " Chas. H. Evenson Ch. Frank Morse Nichols and Rachel May Kenyon 7 Charles Kenyon " 7 Frank Morse, Jr., " Ch. Gunther C. Nichols and Grace Pauline Tryall 7 Margaret Ellen " Ch. Marion W. Nichols and Chas. H. Evenson Homer, N. Y. Lima, Ind. La Grange, Ind. Chicago, 111. Baker, Oregon Duluth, Minn. Baker, Oregon Lima, Ind. La Grange, Ind. « George Beers (See Beers)Xewtown. Conn. 6 Harriet 6 Robert C. 6 Sarah E. Ch. 6Jabez Botsford Peck and Henrietta Jarvis 7 *Charles A. Peck m. Mary E. Oliver Brooklyn. N. V. 7 *Elizabeth J. " " Samuel J. Pinckney 7 ♦'Mbert W. " " Louise Booth Newtown. Conn. 7 *Nelson J " d- J" service of his country in Civil War. 118 8 Charles B. Peck 8 *William J. " 8 Mary E. 8 *Henry W. Pinckney 8 Jennie E. " 8 *Elizabeth T. " 8 Robert N. Peck 8 Dr. Charles H. Peck 8 Grace L. 8 Albert W. Jr. " GENEALOGICAL SECTION Mary E. Oliver ch. & Charles A. Peck Elizabeth J. Peck ch. & Samuel J. Pinckney Brooklyn. N. Y. Bridgeport. Conn. ' Newtown, Conn. Louisa W. Booth ch. & Capt. Albert W. Peck With Mackay Unit of Roosevelt Hospital in France. Capt. Peck enlisted as private in Co. D, 17th Conn. V. I., July 1862. Was soon made Sergeant; was next made 2nd Lieut, and after the battle of Chancellorsville was promoted to be 1st Lieut. His next promotion was June 29, 1865 when he became Captain. He is now, March 1918, proud of the fact that two of his sons and one grandson are doing great things in France for their country and the Allies against Germany. He died at Port Chester, N. Y. April, 1918. 9 Eugene Curtis Peck 9 Louise " 9 Margaret " Helen Curtis ch. & Robert N. Peck New Britain, Conn. 9 ♦Charles Howard Peck.Jr. Betsey Chaffee 9 Nelson Chaffee " ch. & 9 Dexter " Dr. Charles H. Peck Dr. Charles H. Peck, as Director of the Mackay Unit of the Roosevelt Hospital of New York City, comprising a large company of Surgeons, Phy- sicians and Nurses, sailed July 2, 1917 for France to establish a Base Hos- pital close to the American Headquarters in France. His oldest son, Charles Howard Peck, Jr. and his younger brother, Albert W. Peck, Jr., Capt. Albert Peck's youngest son, accompanied him. Since his arrival in France, Dr. Charles H. Peck has been appointed Asst. General Director of Surgery of the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Newtown feels honored by the honor so worthily bestowed upon him. Charles Howard Jr. d. in hospital in France, March, 1918. Dr. Peck was commissioned Lieut. Col. while in France. Since returning to U. S. he received, August 24th 1918, his commission as Colonel. 9 *Eugenia Minor 9 Ralph 9 Marion " Ch. SIsaac, son 4Eph. 6 *Polly Ann Peck 6 *Fanny " 6 *Lucy 6 *Levi " 7 ♦Cornelia Peck 8 Anna Cornelia Judson 8 Anna Cornelia Judson Ch. SLevirus, son 4Eph. 6 Thomas W. Peck 6 Polly 6 Richard Grace L. Peck ch. & James Minor m. Ebenezer Griffen m. David Blackman m. Gershom Dimon m. Marcia Beers Marcia Beers ch. & Levi Peck Cornelia Peck ch. & John Judson m. Henry Tucker m. Sarah Ann Toucey m. Jeremiah Beers (See Beers) unm. Port Chester, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. Newtown. Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 119 Ch. 6Thomas Wheeler Peck and Sarah Ann Toucey, 1st wife. Theodosia Coe, 2nd wife 7 *Fanny 7 *Alosia 7 ♦Richard W 7 *Abel T. 7 *John B. Peck m. Noah Smith m. Harley Sanford m. Sarah Cadwelder m. Huldah Hawley m. Charlotte Colt Bridgewater, Conn. Hillsville, Pa. Newtown, Conn. Ch. John B. Peck and Charlotte Colt 8 Fanny C. Peck 8 John R. m. m. Levi C. Morris Fanny Taylor Ch. Fanny C. Peck and Levi C. Morris m. Mabel Denton m. Howell Wright 9 Curtis Peck Morris 9 Mabel 9 Levi Phillips " m. Maylah Hawley Hallock Bridgeport.Conn. With American army in France. Bridgeport, Conn. Cleveland, Ohio 10 Curtis Denton Morris ch. 10 Edwin Kingsbury Wright 10 Francis Howell " ch. 10 Morris Mabel Denton & Curtis P. Morris Mabel Morris & Howell Wright Cleveland, Ohio Ch. John R. Peck and Fanny Taylor 9 Harley Taylor Peck 9 Ethel 9 *Richard 9 James " 9 Wesley " m. 10 Harley Taylor Peck, Jr. 10 John Murray " ch. 10 Katherine Campbell Peck Ch. SJohn, son of 4Joseph 6 Comfort Peck m. 6 Lavinia " " 6 Clara " " Ch. SDavid, son of 4Joseph 6 David Peck m. 6 Hannah " " 6 Daniel Ch. SEnos, son of 4Moses 6 Wooster Peck m. 6 Esther " " m. Augusta Campbell m. Jesse Woodhill With American Army in France d. in infancy With American Army in France m. Louise Mary Dubret Newtown, Conn. Augusta Campbell & Harley T. Peck Oliver Toucey (See Toucey) Joseph Burritt John Johnson (See Johnson) Newtown, Conn. Prudence Glover " " Chauncey Botsford (See Botsford) Sally Ann Sherwood Newtown, Conn. Elizabeth Marshall Rufus Somers Ch. 6Wooster Peck, and Elizabeth Marshall 7 Elizabeth Peck 7 Elliott M. 7 Henrietta M. " Frederick Lathrop Ch. Elliott M. Peck and Jane Gray 8 Fanny Peck rv.. Charles Sherman 8 Henry " " Margaret Reynolds Henry Fairchild (no ch.. Newtown. Conn. Jane Gray 8 Elliott 1st Cora Booth 2nd Flora Curtis Roxbury, Monroe Newtown, 120 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 8 William Peck 8 John Somers " 8 Dr. George " 9 Elliott Marshal Peck 9 Marion " 9 Dorothy " 9 John 9 Jennie Peck Ch 1st Jane Colgan 2nd Dorothy Vincent Minnie B. Hubbell Brookfield. Conn. New Rochelle, N. Y. Margaret Reynolds ch. & Henry Peck Jane Colgan ch. & William Peck Newtown, Elliot Peck and Cora Booth 1st wife m. 9 Eugene Marshall Peck 9 Tracy Booth " 9 Cora May 9 Madge Peck ch. 9 Dr. Earl " 10 Benjamin Russell 10 Anna May " ch. 10 Sterling 10 Elliott Peck Brown ch. Florence Clarke (no. ch) Maude Estelle Ives (no ch.) Clifford Russell Flora Curtis 2nd wife & Elliot Peck(See Doctors) Cora May Peck & Clifford Russell Madge Peck & Homer Brown Ch. 7Henrietta Peck and Frederick Lathrop b. 8 Tames Marshall Lathrop m. *Kate A. Lawrence 8 "Emma Frances " " - - - _ 8 Annette Augusta " 8 *Frederick Amasa " 8 Herbert Wooster " 9 *Marie Henrietta Jones 9 Gwendolin M. " 10 David Allen Giddings 10 Edwin Lathrop " 10 Frances Keep " 10 Mary Marshall " 9 Jessie Florence Young 9 Chas. W. Russell " 9 Mary Marshall 9 Walter Fred. Lear " 9 Annette V. H. Rev. David Evan Jones " Walter H. Young d. in 15th year " 1st Laura Young 2nd Sarah Beck Emma F. Lathrop ch. & Rev. David E. Jones Gwendolin M. Jones ch. & David Allen Giddings Annette A. Lathrop ch. & Walter H. Young Newtown, Conn. Roxbury, Conn. Ellington, " Hebron, Va. Ellington.Conn. Hartford, Hebron, Va. PERRY Desc. of IDr. Bennett Perry. (See Doctors) 2 Sally Perry m. Hon. Curtis Hinman Their Ch. 3 Caroline P. Hinman m. Barnabas Root 3 *Robert Curtis 3 *Catherine E. Newtown, Conn. Southbury, Conn. Thomaston, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 121 Ch. Caroline P. Hinman and Barnabas Root m. Amelia Renfree Thomaston, Conn. 4 *Charles W. Root 4 Edward Curtis " 4 *Howard Perry " Ch. Edward Curtis Root and Amelia Renfree Rev. Louis I. Belden Dr. John M. Robinson Edward Hotchkiss 5 *Walter Edward Root 5 Lena Caroline 5 Fannie Maria 5 Grace Mary 5 *Ethel 5 *Theodore Edward Ch. Lena Caroline Root and Rev. Louis I. Belden, 6*Beulah Belden 6 Edward Root " 6 Richard Louis " 6 Francis Root " 6 Elizabeth Ch. Grace Mary Root and Edward Hotchkiss 6 Gardner Hinman Hotchkiss 6 Hayden Renfree " 6 Dorothy Grace " 6 Stanley Root 6 Frances Amelia " Hartford, Conn. Duluth, Minn. Thomaston, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Thomaston, Conn. PLATT Richard Piatt came to this country from England in 1638 and settled in Milford. Among the capstones of the Memorial Bridge in Milford is one with this inscription : "Deacon Richard Piatt Obit, 1684. Mary His Wife." It is stated that it was placed there "by the liberality and thoughtfulness of two of his descendants. Prof. Johnson T. Piatt of New Haven, and Theron E. Piatt of Newtown. 2 Isaac son of IRichard m. 3 Jonas Piatt m. 4 Obadiah 5 Obadiah " 6 Jarvis " 7 David 8 Philo Toucey " 9 Johnson T. " 9 Theron E. " Their son 10 Philo T. 11 Raymond Piatt ch. Elizabeth Wood Sarah Scudder 1st Mary Smith 2nd Thankful Scudder Ann Nichols Lucretia Toucey Jeanette Tuttle Mary Jay Pettee (See Newtown Lawyers) Mary E. Russell Newtown, Conn. Elsie Sanford Elsie Sanford & Philo T. Piatt 122 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 1 "Richard Piatt and Mary his wife were among the original proprietors of Newtown." 2 Josiah 3 Josiah 4 Nathan 5 Levi Smith Piatt Sarah Canfield Sarah Sanford Ruby Smith Patty Hawley Bethel, Conn. Ch. Levi Smith and Patty Hawley 6 Emmon 6 Mary Ann 6 William 6 Lorin 6 Elizabeth Piatt unm. unm. m. Fanny Sherman " Sarah Sherman " Harrison Weed (See Fairchild record) Newtown, Conn. Ch. William Piatt and Fanny Sherman m. Annie Northrop Newtown, Conn. 7 *Francis William Piatt 7 *Emily Jane " 7 Charles Smith 7 *Fannie E. " 7 ♦Roger Sherman " 8 Charles Roy Piatt 8 Arthur Ingraham " 8 Agnes Electra " 8 Arthur Ingraham 1 Ephraim Their Ch. 2 Harry 2 Bennett 2 Charlotte 2 Laura Piatt ch. m. m. Ella Eoline Ingraham North Adams, Mass d. young d. at 18 years. Newtown. Conn. Ella E. Ingraham & Prof. Charles S. Piatt Many years organist of Trinity Church. Elizabeth Walker Rylands, Bridgeport Ct. Polly Kimberley 1st Tryphena Crofut 2nd Hannah Barnum 3rd Julia Perkins Augusta Shepard Capt. Hart Shepard William Scudder Newtown, Conn. Ch. Harry Piatt and Tryphena Crofut Piatt m 3 Jerome 3 Jerome 3 Charles 3 Elizabeth 1st Martha Joyce 2nd Ida McLaughlin Bassett " " Bennett Blackman Ch. Jerome Piatt and Martha Joyce Kalamazoo, Mich. Newtown, Conn. New York, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. 4 Caroline Piatt 4 Alice 4 Lillian " 4 Henry " 4 Edmund " 5 Jerome Bennett 5 Percival Camp Piatt ch. ch. 1st Ambrose Taylor 2nd George Soper Dr. W. Downs Frank Bennett Alice Camp Lillian Piatt & Frank Bennett Alice Camp & Edmund Piatt Bridgeport New York, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Newtown, Conn, Percival Camp Piatt in U. S. Hospital Service under Dr. Charles H. Peck. Assistant Director of Surgery of American Expeditionary Forces in France. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 123 1 Eli Piatt Their Ch. m. Betsey Underbill Newtown, Conn. Wanzer Piatt Louisa " " Donald Blackman (see Blackman) Horace " " Mabel Hill Newtown, Conn, Horace Piatt and Mabel Hill Piatt m. Mary Sherwood (no ch.) " " Redding, Conn. Ch. Gershom Moses Hill Francis Wm. " Frances Crane Mary Sweezey Frances Crane ch. & Moses Hill Piatt Newtown, Conn. Redding, Conn. Mary Sweezey ch. & Francis Wm. Piatt Newtown, Conn. 4 Howard Crane Piatt 4 Arthur " 4 Clarence " 4 Francis Horace " 4 Charles Wilbur " 4 Elliott Hill 4 May Adella " 4 Russell Lawrence " John Piatt was an early settler in Newtown. The records show that he conveyed land in the town to his sons, Ebenezer, John and Moses in 1741. Probably the Moses whose family record was dicovered some time ago in Nora, III. "December 6th 1770, Moses Platt and Hannah Judson joined in marriage^ I in the 24th year of my age, she in her 18th." Mehitable Platt b. Jan. 10th, 1772 Anna " b. Oct. 28th, 1775 Agur " b. Oct. 31st, 1775 Pollv " b. Sept. 13th, 1777 Betsey " b. Aug. 24th, 1779 David " b. Sept. 6th, 1781 Sallv " b. March 2nd. 1783 Mos"es " b. Jan. 29th, 1785 Prarnel " b. Nov. 8th, 1786 Mercy " b. March 31st, 1788 m. Lieut. Thomas Toucey Ely " b. Aug. 24th, 1789 died Jan. 12th, 1790 Ely 2nd " b. Sept. 13th, 1790 died Jan. 2nd, 1791 Judson " b. Nov. 8th, 1791 m. Laura Mallory b. Feb. 5th, 1793 b. Dec. 22nd, 1795 died Oct. 25th, 1796, aged 17 yrs. b. Nov. 28th, 1798 m. Isaac Nichols (see Nichols) died Jan. 26th, 1799 died Sept. 11th, 1816 and 11 days, the mother of seventeen children. died Sept. 18th, 1819 son of Moses & Hannah Platt m. Laura Mallory Zerah Livy Betsey " Betsey &Nanie " Betsey " Nanie Hannah aged 63 yrs. 11 mo, Moses Platt aged 72) yrs. Judson Platt Their Ch. Emily Platt Their Ch. Levi C. Morris *Jennie " Emily Platt Morris George Couch, their ch. m. 1st Eli Morris Fannie C. Peck (See Peck) Arthur Treat Nettleton 2nd George Couch 124 GENEALOGICAL SECTION PRINDLE 1 William Prindle m. Mary Desborough 2 Ebenezer Prindle was born at New Haven, Conn, in 1661, m. Elizabeth Hubby. They first removed to Milford, Conn, in 1703. Then removed to Newtown, in 1709-10. He was one of the original proprietors of Newtown in 1710. The minutes of town meetings contain many references to Ebenezer Prindle as a prominent citizen as well as to his children. 2 Joseph, b. 1663, in New Haven is believed to have been with Rev. Samuel Johnson one of the founders of the Episcopal Church in West Haven. He m. Mary Brown. 3 Samuel, m. Mary Smith. His father deeded him land in Newtown in 1715. 3 Joseph jr.. son of 2Joseph, m. Elizabeth Thomas Newtown, Conn. 3 Joseph Prindle son of ZEbenezer m. 1st Mary Adams " " 2nd Sarah Kimberly 4 Ann ch. 3Joseph and Mary Adams m. Thomas Sharpe " " ch. 3Joseph and Sarah Kimberly " " 4 Mary Prindle in. John Skidmore(See Skidmore)" " 4 Sarah " m. Benjamin Northrop (See Northrop) 4 Capt. Joseph " m. Huldah Glover Newtown, Conn. 4 Lieut. Abel " m. Amaryllis Toucey 4 Joel " m. Sabra Kimberly 4 Jonathan " m. Damaris Peck Newtown, Conn. 4 Experience " m. Jeptha Hubbell " " 4 Ebenezer " 4 Eliada " m. Sarah Beers " " 4 Nathan " m. Ann Bristol " " 4 Joanna " m. 1st Zachariah Brinsmade 2nd Richard Peet 4 Ch. Capt. Joseph Prindle and Huldah Glover Newtown, Conn. 5 Zada Prindle m. David Hinman " " 5 Phedemia 5 Cyrus 5 Lazarus 5 Philemon 5 Huldah m. Clark Baldwin m. Polly Beers " " m. Joanna Glover " " m. Nannie Ferris " ** m. Joel Sanford New Milford, Conn. Ch. Cyrus Prindle and Polly Beers Newtown, Conn. 6 *Lewis Beers Prindle m. Betty Ferris " " 6 *Maria " unm. 6 *Polly Ann " unm. Ch. Lewis B. Prindle and Betty Ferris Newtown, Conn. 7 *Albert Lewis Prindle m. Polly Ann Thorpe " " 7 *Maria " m. Daniel Picket Bethel, Conn. 7 *William Beers " m. Maria Shepard Newtown, Conn. 7 *Angeline " m. 1st Czar Plumb; 2nd Homer Hayes; 3rd Harson Twitchell ; 4th C. C. Warner. 7 *Mary " m. Samuel W. Trowbridge Newtown, Conn. Polly Ann Thorpe 8 Sarah Maria " ch. & Albert L. Prindle " " m. Asaph Hodges Waterbury, Conn Their Ch. 9 Miriam Hodges d. in infancy " 9 Albert E. " m. Nellie Hughes GENEALOGICAL SECTION 125 9 William M. Hodges m. 9 George Frederick " twins 9 Mary Faustina " twins 9 Charles Howard " 9 Samuel Lewis " 8 Mary A. Pickett 9 Myron Clark 9 Charles " 9 Clarence " 9 Mary 8 William Hurd William Hurd 8 *Charles Trowbridge 8 *Julia Frances " 8 Frank W. 9 Frederick J. Trowbridge 9 William 9 Florence " 9 Amy ch. ch. ch. Miriam H. Miller unm. unm. unm. unm. Maria Prindlc & Daniel Pickett Mary Ann Pickett & Levi S. Clark Maria Shepard & 7William Beers Prindle Waterbury, Conn. Bethel, Conn. Cleveland, Ohio Newtown, Conn. m. Elizabeth Ford Mary Prindle ch. & Samuel Wm. Trowbridge Katherine Jarvis ch. & Frank W. Trowbridge Waterbury, Conn. 4 Lieut. Abel Prindle, son of 3Joseph, m. Amaryllis Toucey, dau, Rev. Thomas Toucey. Was killed at the battle of Bennington, 1777. Their Ch. m. 5 Armenal Prindlc 5 Phebe 5 Currence " 5 Josiah Asa Stoddard unm. Nathan Preston unm. Newtown, Conn. Ch. Jonathan Prindle and Damaris Peck 5 Abel Prindle 5 Keziah " 5 Jerusha " 5 Sarah " 6 *Mary Ann Prindle 6 *Abel Booth 7 Julia M. Prindle 7 *Robert Morris " m. Ruth GriflFen m. Capt. Enos Johnson m. Abel Stilson m. Daniel Terrill ch. Ruth Griffen & Abel Prindle Betsey A. Glover ch. & Abel B. Prindle 6 Ichabod Johnson 5 Huldah Prindle Their Ch. 6 Harriet Sanford 6 Judge David Curtis 6 Julia Maria Sanford 6 Charles Grandison Sanford SKeziah Prindle ch. & Capt. Enos Johnson m. Joel Sanford New Milford, Conn. m. Oliver Mead m. 1st Caroline Merwin no ch. m. 2nd Amelia Selima Seym.^i:!- m. 3rd Emily Bull m. Albert Gaylord unm. 126 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 7 Henry Seymour Sanford ch. 7 Sarah Northrop Sanford 7 Caroline Selina " 7 Sarah Northrop " 7 Henry Seymour " Their Ch. 8 Jennie Daniels " 8 David Curtis " 8 Henry Seymour " 9 David Curtisjr. " ch. m. m. m. m. m. ch. Amelia Selima Seymour, New Milford, Ct. & David C. Sanford Emily Bull & Judge David C. Sanford William D. Black, no ch. New York, N. Y. Sophie Claflin Daniels New Milford, Conn. William Black Pell Goldie A. McMahon Alice Bostwick Buck Goldie A. McMahon & David C. Sanford Newtown, Conn. 6Zenas, SZalmon, 4Joel, 3Jo5eph, 2Ebenezer, IWilliam 4 Joel Prindle m. Sabra Kimberly 5 Zalmon " m. Mary Williams 6 Zenas " m. Hannah Cogswell 7 Hawley " m.Olive Andrew 8 Franklin Cogswell Prindle, Rear Admiral, Retired Civil Engineer, U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C. m. IstGertrude Alida Stickle " " m. 2nd Sarah Amelia Cranston m. 3rd Mrs. Fidelia E. Mead Ch. Gertrude Alida Stickles and Franklin Cogswell Prindle. New York, N. Y. 9 Roscoe Stickles Prindle 9 *01ive twin " 9 Minnie twin " 9 *Frank C 9 Harry Augustus " 9 Gertrude Elizabeth " 9 Allan 111. m. d. at Philadelphia, Pa. d. at Philadelphia, Pa. d. at Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederica Patterson Francis Gilbert d. E. Arlington, Vt. SElijah, Jr., 4Elijah, .^Joseph, Jr., 2Joseph, IWilliam Newtown, Conn. New Haven, Conn. 2 Joseph Prindle m. 3 Joseph, Jr. " m. 4 Elijah " m. 5 Elijah, Jr " m. 6 Harriet " m. 7 *George H. Tuttle m. 8 Roger Walker Tuttle m. 8 Marjorie Allison Tuttle 7 George H. Tuttle of Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, New Haven, Conn., was instantly killed by a trolley car May, 1918. Mary Brown Elizabeth Thomas Elizabeth Benham Sally Ward George Tuttle Bessie Stanwood Collins Lillian May Hopton SANFORD 1 Thomas Sanford came from England to Boston, Mass., in 1631, to Dor- chester, Mass., in 1634, to Milford, Conn., in 1639. Ch. Thomas Sanford and Sarah his wife GENEALOGICAL SECTION 127 Samuel Sanford Ephraim " Hannah Bronson Mary Powell Ch. Samuel Sanford and Hannah Bronson Samuel first settler in Newtown in 1711, m. Esther Baldwin Their Ch. Samuel3 John John Jr. Their Ch. David Elijah Charlotte Sanford Hannah Gilbert 1st Rebecca Northrop 2nd Abiah Deming Amy Northrop Newtown, Conn. unm. Abigail E. Townsend " " Rev. Birdsey G. Noble Bridgeport, Conn. Ch. Elijah Sanford and Abigail Townsend 7 Juliet Sanford m. George A. Townsend New Haven, Conn 7 David " " Emily A. Townsend " " 7 Elizabeth C. " " Edmund T. H. Gibson Ch. David Sanford and Emily A. Townsend Brooklyn, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. 8 John Townsend Sanford m. 8 *William Isaac 8 *Jane Elizabeth 8 *George Morton 8 *Grace Stanfield 8 Paul James Ch. Elizabeth C. Sanford and Edmund T. H. Gibson Brooklyn, N. Y. Hattie Mills Annie Manning Rev. Wm. H. Moore d. in boyhood d. unm. Edmund T. H. Gibson, Jr.m. Charles Dana John Cotton Emily C. Elizabeth C. Wm. Hamilton Frances P. Burbank Mamie Tugwell d. unm. d. unm. d. unm. Emma L. Blanchard He was a celebrated Naturalist and Artist Juliet Gibson Henry Stockwell " Hubert Temple " m. Clarence Meigs Noble " Augusta Louise Foust 5 Ch. Samuel Sanford and Abiah Dunning, 1st wife 6 Washington, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Isaac Sanford Their Ch. Elias B. Sanford m. Anna Bristol 1st Sally Lockwood Lucretia Fayerweather Their Ch. Rev. Isaac Lockwood Joseph B. Edson ♦.'Vnn Luman Elias Sanford In Civil War Rev. James Taylor In Civil War In Civil War 8 8 5 ch. 4Samuel Sanford and Charity Foote Bristol 2nd wife Newtown, Conn. Middlefield. Conn. New Haven, " Preston, Penna. Meriden, Conn. Newtown, " Gibson, Penn. Salisbury, Conn. 128 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 6 Josiah Sanford Their Ch. 7 *Edwin Sanford 7 *Capt. Julius, In Civil War 7 *Henry " 7 *Frederick " 7 *Charlotte 7 Margaret " 7 *Josiah " 7 *Augusta " m. Polly Johnson Newtown, Conn. d. in young manhood " Mary Parsons, " Mary Booth " unm. " Georg^e B. Wheeler (see Wheeler) Dyersville, Albert Northrop Pittsburg, unm. Newtown, unm. " Iowa Penn. Conn. Ch. Capt. Julius Sanford and Mary Parsons 8 *Ellen Louise Sanford m. Sherwood Thompson New Haven, 8 Gertrude " " Clarence Bolmer Ch. Henry Sanford and Mary Booth 8 Annie Sanford unm. 8 Sarah " m. Robert Beers (see Beers) 2 ch. Ephraim Sanford and Mary Powell Conn. Newtown, Conn. 3 Samuel Sanford Their Ch. 4 Jonathon Sanford Their Ch. 5 Jonathan Jr., Sanford Their Ch. m. Esther Baldwin 1st Phebe Piatt 2nd Hannah Piatt Newtown, Conn. m. Rebecca 6 *Lavina 6 *Lucrelia 6 *Hannah 6 *Zalmon 6 *Abha 6 *Huldah 6 *Polly 6 *Lucinda Sanford m. Daniel Scott no ch. Winsted, twins " Abijah Merritt (see Merritt twins " Hannah Curtis Newtown, Foote no ch. m. Oliver Peck no ch. " Seabury Booth (see Booth) Conn. Conn. Ch. Zalmon Sanford and Hannah Curtis 7 *Tohn Albert Sanford 7 *}ulia unm. m. Bethel Booth no ch. SCUDDER The "Commemorative Biographic Record" states that Capt. Isaac Scudder was born in Newtown, April, 11th, 1776. "He was the leading carpenter and builder of the country in his day. The first Methodist Church dedicat- ed in 1831 was constructed by him. 1 Capt Isaac Scudder Their Ch. 2 *Isaac B. Scudder 2 *William 2 *Samuel 3 *Lucinda m. Sarah Banks m. 1st Lucinda Hickock " Laura Piatt m. Mary Miller Lucinda Hickock ch. & Isaac Scudder Newtown, Conn. Bethel, Conn. Cedar Rapids GENEALOGICAL SECTION 129 Ch. 2Isaac Scudder and Betsey Skidmore 2nd wife 3 *Sarah Scudder 3 *Saniuel Starr " 3 *Lucy Rochester, N. Y. m. Charles Lamoureaux " Jennie Wright " 1st Henry Lake Brookfield, Conn. 2nd William Smith Lamoureaux 4 Lillian Lamoureaux Their ch. Ch. Sarah Scudder and Charles Lamoureaux 4 *Lucy Lamoureaux 4 *Julia " 4 Susan " 4 Hattie 5 *Rev. Charles Fairman unm. unm. m. Harry Fairman " George Atkinson Susan Lamoureaux ch. & Harry Fairman Ch. Hattie Lamoureaux and George Atkinson 5 May Atkinson 5 Herbert " 5 Ward 4 Susan Jane Scudder 4 Mary Elizabeth " 4 Frances Carolyn " 5 Paul Scudder Smith 5 Earl Wright 5 *Robert Stedman " 4 nVilliam Lake 4 Lillian M. Lamoureaux 3 Theodore Scudder 3 *Emma " 4 Addie 4 Fanny Scudder 4 Flora Milham m. Delos Rose " Martha Bowlby ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. Jennie Wright & Samuel S. Scudder Frances Carolyn Scudder & Arthur J. Smith Newtown, Conn. Lucy Scudder 1st m. & Henry Lake Lucy Scudder Lake2nd m. & William Lamoureaux Laura Piatt & William Scudder Sarah Robinson & Theodore Scudder Emma Scudder & William Milham Brookfield, Conn. SHEPARD 1 John Shepard m. Mary Parsons and moved to Newtown, 1737. 2 Abraham Shepard m. Rhoda Ferris Their Ch. 3 Betty 3 Truman " 3 Lazarus " 3 Nathan " 3 Samuel ** 130 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 5 Sueton Shepard 3 Abraham Ferris " 3 Rufus m. Dymah Ann Hurd " Abba Lake " Lucy Ann Peck Ch. Sueton Shepard and Dymah Ann Hurd 4 Harriet Shepard d. young 4 Mary 4 Elizabeth Jane 4 Delia 4 Lazarus Clarke 4 Juliaette 4 Maria 4 Samuel Ferris 4 Grant Brookfield, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Nunda, N. Y. Lyman Smith Damman Blackman Benjamin White Emily Strong unm. Wm. B. Prindle (see Prindle) Newtown, Ct. Sarah Maria Weed d. young 3 Ch. Abraham F. Shepard and Abba Lake 4 Avis 4 Edson 4 Rev. Peter Lake m. Isaac N. Hawley (See Hawley) " Jane Terrill Brookfield, Conn. " Mary Anne Burr unm. unm. m. Cornelius C. Corson (no ch.) New York Ch. Rufus Shepard and Lucy Ann Peck 4 *Frances Sophia Shepard 4 Anne Elizabeth " 4 **Caroline W. " 4 *George W. Ch. Edson Shepard and Jane Terrill Brookfield, Conn. 5 *Carrie " m. Daniel G. Beers 1st wife Newtown, Conn. 5 Eugene " " m. Adelaide Street Ch. Rev Peter Lake Shepard and Mary Anne Burr 5 Horace B. Shepard 5 Mary Hard 5 Anne Campbell ** 5 Margaret McLeod " 5 Louis Jennings " 5 Finley Johnson " d. in young manhood m. Helen Gould Saybrook, Conn. New York, N. Y. Rev. Peter L. Shepard was for many years Principal of a Church School for boys at Saybrook, Conn. 4 Lewis 4 Samuel 4 Rufus 4 Sabra m. Sarah Glover " Betty Hawley " Amy Booth " Stephen BiirwoU Newtown, Conn. SHERMAN 1 Daniel Sherman, b. 1668, m. Rebecca Wheeler and settled in Newtown at an early date. Was selectman in Newtown, in 1738. Of their six ch. 2 Samuel m. Elizabeth Of their eight ch. 3 Jotham m. 1st Grace Peck 2nd Amy Beers " 3rd Cynthia Beers " 4th Rhoda Ch. 3Jolham Sherman and (irace Peck GENEALOGICAL SECTION 131 Ch. 3Jotham Sherman and Amy Beers 4 Grace " m. Nathaniel Nichols 4 Jotham Beers " " Hephsibah Sherman 4 Cyrus Beers " " Huldah M. Booth Ch. Lewis Sherman and Sarah Glover Newtown, Conn. 5 Esther 5 Sabra 5 Anna 5 Justin 5 Marcia 5 Oman Eben Tyrrill (See Tyrrill) Daniel Booth (See Booth) Isaac Briscoe (See Briscoe) Senea Sherman N. S. Beers Clara Lake Wakeman, Ohio Bridgewater, Conn. Danbury, " Ch. Justin Sherman and Senea Sherman 6 Lewis J. " 6 Nathan G. " m. Elizabeth Otis Their Ch. 7 Mary Nancy " m. B. A. Hayes Their Ch. 8 *Rutherford B. Hayes 8 Sherman Otis " 8 Webb Cook 8 Walter J. Ch. Marcia Sherman and N. S. Beers m Wakeman, Ohio Toledo, Ohio Bridgewater, Conn. 6 Sylvia Beers 6 Philo S. Lewis Frost Susan Tomlinson Their Ch. 7 Estelle J. 7 Carrie A. " 5 Marcia Sherman Beers d. Dec.l890,nearly 102 years old. Ch. SOrnan Sherman and Clara Lake Danbury, Newtown, 6 Charles L. " m Eliza Blackman (no ch.) 6 Fanny " " William Piatt unm. " Lorin L. Piatt Waterbury, " " Alfred L. Piatt " Winters Day Somers Leominster, Mass. " William Hoy (no ch.) Newtown, Conn. " 1st Caroline A. Benedict Danbury, " " 2nd Sarah E. Wildman " 3rd Jane A. Lockwood Three others d. in infancy Ch. Fanny Sherman and William Piatt Newtown, Conn. 7 Frank Piatt m. Annie Northrop (no ch.) Waterbury, " 6 Harriet , 6 Jane 6 Sarah 6 Phebe 6 Clara 6 Samuel Justin 7 Charles S. 7 Emily 7 Roger Ella E. Ingraham no desc. d. in boyhood Newtown, Ch. Charles S. Piatt and Ella E. Ingraham New York 8 Roy 8 Arthur Ingraham 8 Agnes Electra m. Elizabeth Walker Rylands Bridgeport, Ct. New York, N. Y. Ch. Phebe Sherman and Winters Day Somers Leominster, Mass. 7 Tulia Frances Somers 7 Clara Medora m Alexander Sinclair Paton 132 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Their Ch. 8 Phebe Sherman Paton 8 Somers Sinclair " 8 Agnes Frances " 8 Pauline Parmelee " 8 Clara Lake " Leominster, Mass. m. Ferderick Langlcy Perry Redding, Conn. " Harry Fulton Sturges " " Ch. Phebe S. Paton and Frederick L. Perry 9 Frances Irene Perry 9 Alender Paton " Ch. 4Samuel Sherman and Betty Hawley m Brookfield, Conn. 5 Lucy 5 Betsey 5 Lemuel 5 Vashti 5 Amy 5 Abel 5 Sally Minerva Eli Baldwin Eleazer Hawley Brittania McManus no ch. unm. Lemuel Peck no ch. Sarah Bradley Rev. Benj. Benham Ch. SAbel Sherman and Sarah Bradley " " 6 Hon. Samuel " m. Mercedes Montejo, Puerto Principe, Cuba Ch. Sally M. Sherman and Rev. Benj. Benham Brookfield, Conn. 6 Candace Vashti Brittania McManus Benham " m. Dr. Augustus Boream '* " Their Ch. 7 Anna Boream " " 7 Benjamin " " " 7 Florence " " Ch. 4Rufus Sherman and Amy Booth " " 5 Olive " m. Eldrad Ruggles " Their Ch. 6 Sherman Booth Ruggles " Sarah Oakley " Their Ch. 7 Elizabeth Ruggles 7 *Henry B. 7 *Almon B. 7 *01ive J. Charles Randall Emma E. Cole Susan Shelton d. in girlhood. Bridgewater, Conn. Kent Southbury, " Ch. Elizabeth Ruggles and Charles Randall 8 Dr. William Randall 8 Grace Elizabeth " m. Hattie L. Beers " Alfred Charles Sperry Shelton Ch. Dr. William Randall and Hattie L. Beers " m 9 Harold Beers 9 Helen Starr Helen Davis Charles R. Williams Ch. Harold B. Randall and Helen Davis 10 Harriet Elizabeth " 10 Jean Ch. Henry B. Ruggles and Emma E. Cole 8 Henrietta Ruggles Ch. Almon Ruggles and Susan Shelton 8 Annie " m. Albert Welton Kent, Shelton, Redlands, Cal. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 133 8 Henry Ruggles unm. Redlands, Calif 8 Elizabeth 8 Nellie 8 Frederick 8 Charles 8 Susan unm. unm. " " m. Mary Barton " " Amelia Smith San Francisco, Cal. " Claude Rhoades Redlands Ch. Annie Ruggles and Albert Welton 9 Harold Welton m. Isabel Elliott " " 9 Frances " Harold Welton 10 Margaret Isbell" ^h' j^.bel Elliott Ch. Charles Ruggles and Amelia Smith San Francisco, Cal. 9 Gertrude " « « 9 Priscilla 9 Louise " u u 9 Elizabeth Ch. Frederick Ruggles and Mary Barton Redlands, Cal. 9 Almon Barton " Ch. 4Jotham B. Sherman and Hepsibah Sherman 5 Major Charles " m. Sally Foot desc. not located Newtown, Ct. 5 Harry " " Flora Sherman " " Their Ch. 5 George Hubbell " " Eliza Stilson Noroton, Conn. Was in Civil War d at Soldier's Home. 5 Nancy Sherman m. George Andrews Bethel, Conn. Their Ch. 6 George Edward Andrews 6 Caroline Frances " 6 Nancy Amelia " 6 Henry Ashton " 6 Elgin Sherman " 6 Martha Eliza " 6 Lillie Eudora " 6 Jennie Thomas " 6 Fred Thomas " 6 Gertie C 6 Clifford Stowe Ch. 4 Cyrus Sherman and Huldah Matilda Booth Newtown, Conn. 5 Jotham " m. Mary Ann Bostwick 5 Cyrus Beers " " Caroline Beers (no ch.) 5 Mary " " E. Benedict Price Norwalk Ch. Jotham Sherman and Mary Ann Bostwick Newtown. Conn. 6 Mary Jane " m. Franklin Fairman (see Fairman) Chicago, 6 Cyrus Lynson " d. in young manhood Newtown, Conn. 6 Frances Augusta " d. in childhood Ch. Mary Sherman and E. B. Price Norwalk 6 Dr. Sherman Price m. Ellen Beardsley Clark " Their Ch. 7 Jannet Alden Price 134 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 1 Benjamin, 2Job, 3John, 4Daniel, SLinus Newtown, Conn. 5 Linus Sherman m. Artemisia Curtis Their Ch. 6 Daniel Sherman Has three ch. living in the West 6 Hannah " m. Nathan Prince 6 Aurelia '; " William S. Whiting Urbana, Ohio " ^nebe Hermon Beers, See Beers, Newtown, Conn. Ch. Hannah Sherman and Nathan Prince ' ■ • 7 *Nathan Prince 7 Hannah Sherman " m. Charles Robertson 7 *Mary Louisa " Ch. Aurelia Sherman and Wm. S. Whiting 7 *Stephen Betts Whiting m. Kate Draper 7 *Sarah Maria " m. John Church 7 *William Samuel " 7 *Edward Sherman " 7 *Charles Wilcox " Ch. Sarah M. Whiting and John Church 8 Lewis Whiting Church 8 Stephen Betts " Seymour. Conn. SKIDMORE Lieut. 4Thomas Skidmore son of John 3rd was born at Stratford in 1693 and with his wite Martha settled in Newtown as early as 1715 He was ensign of the military "train-band" of Newtown in 1723. Ch. of Thomas Skidmore and wife Martha 5 Nehemiah Skidmore m. Charity Kimberly Lake 5 Jedidah " m. Ensign Richard Hubbell (see Hubbell) 5 Thomas Jr. " Cynthia Beers 5 John " " Mary Prindle I Mary " " Heth Peck Jr. (See Peck) c f^°"^ u ""^ 1 " L'^"t ^"^05 Terrill (See Terrill) 5 Martha " " Unknown 5 Rebecca " " Unknown Ch. SNehemiah Skidmore and Charity Kimberly Lake 6 Elnathan Skidmore m. Eunice Wakeley 6 Sarah " " Samuel Peck (See Peck) 6 Joanna " unm. 6 Lemuel " " Annie Burtis 6 Amos " " Esther H. Blackman Ch. SLieut. Thomas Jr. and Cynthia Beers 6 Dr. James Skidmore m. Polly Sherman 6 Daniel " " Currance Baldwin 6 John " " Polly Baldwin 6 Abiah |' " Nathan Ferris 6 Amy " " Ebenezer Sherman 6 Anne " " James Bristol 6 Zada " " Mr. Nash 6 Mary " " Sueton Baldwin Ch. 6Amos Skidmore and Esther Hitchcock Blackman 7 Wheeler " m. 1, Miss Lake, 2, Lucy Lake Brookfield, Ct. / James Blackman " d. unm. 7 Hannah A. " " PhUo Baldwin GENEALOGICAL SECTION 135 7 Rufus Skidmore m. 1st Esther Terrill 2nd Maria Clark Hawley Ch. Wheeler Skidmore and 1st Miss Lake Brookfield, Conn. 8 Burtis Skidmore, m. Hannah Bradley (no chJNewtown, Conn. Ch. Wheeler Skidmore and Lucy Lake Brookfield, Conn. 8 Betsey 8 Starr m. m. Isaac B. Scudder (See Scudder) Harriet Ferris (no ch.) Brookfield, Conn. Ch. Rufus Skidmore and Esther Terrill 8 Eliza Their Ch. 9 Abigail E. Walker 9 Emmon Terrill " 9 James Nelson " 9 William Rufus " 9 Lizzie ' 9 Alfred Jr. 10 Jennie Ogden Walker ch. 10 Clarke Skidmore Walker ch. m. Alfred Walker Ossining, N. Y. d. young m. Mary Halliday Elmira, N. Y. m. Jennie Ogden Sing Sing .N. Y unm. Elmira, N. Y. twins m. William I. Townsend Ossining, N. Y twins m. Flora Clarke Newtown, Conn Jennie Ogden & James N. Walker Hon. Charles H. Knipp Flora Clarke & Alfred Walker, Jr. m. 2nd Maria C. Hawley 7 Rufus Skidmore Their Ch. 8 Esther Maria Skidmore 8 *William Henry Ch. Esther M. Skidmore and Henry B. Hawley 9 Emily Carrie Hawley 9 William Henry " m. 9 Dr. George Rufus " m. Elmira, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. Ossining, N. Y. Brookfield, Conn. m. Henry B. Hawley m. Julia G. Williams .Author of "Skidmore Genealogy" Victoria Barnum Adams 9 Benjamin 9 Grace Skidmore 9 Henry Benjamin 9 Lucius Skidmore twms twins Alice B. Beebe d. in infancy d. in infancy unm . unm. Brooklyn. N. Y. Danbury. Conn. Brookfield. Conn. Ch. Julia G. Williams and William H. Skidmore 9 *William Rufus Skidmore d. in infancy " " 9 Julia Wilhelmine " unm. engaged in teaching " " 9 Anna Theodora " unm. engaged in teaching Newark, N. J. Ch. 6Dr. James Skidmore son Lieut. Thomas, Jr. and Polly Sherman 7 Dr. Rufus Skidmore m. Jerusha Ferris (See doctors) Newtown.Ct. Their Ch. 8 Jane Ann Skidmore m. Barak Burr (no ch.) Fairfield, Conn. 8 Marietta " m. Alanson Lyon Redding, Conn. 8 Elizabeth " m. James Johnson (no ch.) Bridgeport, Conn. Ch. Marietta Skidmore and Alanson Lyon She is living (1918) aged 93 years. 9 Mary Ella Lyon m. Hobart Brinsmade St. Louis, Mo. 9 Rufus Alanson " unm. Redding ,Conn. 9 *Elizabeth F. " d. young 9 Jennie L. " m. John C. Read 136 GENEALOGICAL SECTION ch. ch. ch. ch. Mary Ella Lyon & Hobart Brinsmade St. Louis, Mo. Helen Christine Steenboch Pueblo, Mex. & Robert Bruce Brinsmade " " 10 Robert Bruce Brinsmade 10 Louis Lyon " 11 Virginia Skidmore " 11 Robert Turgott 11 Harold Steenbock " 11 Akbar Lyon " 11 Eleanor Louise " 11 Hobart Louis " 10 Herbert Read 10 Elizabeth Skidmore " 10 Ferris Lyon " Ch. Elnathan Skidmore and Eunice Wakeley 7 Lois Skidmore m. Daniel Blackman (See Blackman) 6 Abel Skidmore son of SJohn Skidmore and Mary Prindle Newtown, Conn. Ch. Abel Skidmore and Bethia Glover ** Claribel Green & Louis Brinsmade Jennie L. Lyon & John C. Read St. Louis, Mo. Redding, Conn. Newtown, Conn. 7 Daniel 7 Zerah 7 Glover 7 Bennett 7 Annis 7 Eunice Ann 7 Mary Ann 7 Maria 7 Abel Booth 7 John 7 Charles Bethlehem, Conn. Newtown, Conn. m. Marjory Blackman m. Bernice Hurd m. Sarah Blackman m. Eliza Berry m. Henry Jackson '" " m. Samuel Blackman (see Blackman)" " m. Glover Botsford Newtown, Conn m. John Lake m. Lucy Berry " " m. Molly Wheeler m. Mary Fairchild no ch. " " 8 *Lauren Skidmore son of Daniel and 1st wife Marjory Blackman " d. unm. 8 Lauren B. Skidmore 2nd 8 *Sarah Ann 8 Lauren Sarah Ann Dibble, 2nd wife ch. & Daniel Skidmore m. Ella Northrop (no ch.) Ch. 7Zerah Skidmore and Bernice Hurd 8 Homer 8 Julia 8 Wealthy 8 Philo Hurd m. Annis N. Raymond m. Roswell Morse m. Lucius Shelton m. Abigail Ives Ch. Philo Hurd Skidmore and Abigail Ives 9 *Stella Amelia Skidmore m. 9 Julius Wordsworth " m. 9 Abigail Louise " m. 9 *Philo Hurd Jr. " m. 9 *William A. 9 *Edward Ives 9 *Herbert Monroe Edward L. Beard Marion E. Lewis Bethlehem, Conn. Cheshire, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Cambridge, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn. Henry Nichols (See Nichols) Newtown, Ct. Irene Brown Bridgeport, Conn. d. young d. young d. at twenty-two years Newtown, " Ch. Stella A. Skidmore and Edward L. Beard Cambridge, Mass. 10 Bessie Woodbury Beard 10 Florence " 10 Mabel Montgomery " m. 10 Amy Wentworth " m. 10 Edward Leonard Jr. " unm. unm. Francis Mitchell Smith Providence, R.I. George S. Chappell Pelham Manor, N. Y, Cambridge, Mass, GENEALOGICAL SECTION 137 11 Caroline Rhodes Smith 11 Francis Mitchell " Jr. ll*Barbara Chappell 11 George Shepard " Jr. 10 Lewis P. Skidmore 10 Maud Bernice " 10 Nellie Skidmore 10 Laurie " 10*Amy 10*PhiIoHurd3rd" 10 Preston 7 Glover Skidmore Their Ch. 8 John Russell Skidmore 8 Caroline " ch. ch. ch. ch. Mabel M Beard & Francis M. Smith Providence, R. L Amy Wentworth Beard & George S. Chappell, Pelham Manor, N. Y. Marion Lewis & Julius Skidmore Bridgeport, Conn. Irene Brown & Philo Hurd Skidmore, Jr m. Sarah Blackman m. m. Julia Botsford Ammon B. Blackman Newtown, Conn. Brookfield, Conn. Ch. John R. Skidmore and Julia Botsford 9 *William Botsford " 9 *William Russell " 9 *Robert Edwin 9 *Mary Caroline " d. young unm. m. Grace Walker, no desc. d. 1918 unm. 9 Philo Booth Blackman ch. 10 William H. Blackman 7 John Skidmore 8 Elizabeth M. " Their Ch. 9 *Emma E. Thornhill 9 John 9 Amelia B. 9 Fannie O. ch. Caroline Skidmore & Ammon B. Blackman Antoinette Carpenter & Philo B. Blackman m.Molly Wheeler m. Samuel Thornhill m. *Charles E. Beers m. Anna Tibbals m. George W. Stuart Newtown, vJonn. Brookfield, Conn. m. Charles D. Ferris (see Ferris) Newtown, Conn. Ch. Charles E. Beers and Emma Thornhill lOHattie E. Beers 10 Edgar H. 10 Susie O. 10 Clara L 10 Clinton T. 11 Emma M. Fennell llHenrv B. 11 Joseph B. 11 *Charles E. Beers 11 Dorothy " 11 Ruth 11 Morris 11 Helen m. Peter H. Fennell m. Georgia M. Ferry m. John A. Carlson m. Leonard A. Taylor m. Grace E. Stapleberg ch. ch. 11 Emily Elizabeth Carlson ch. Hattie E. Beers & Peter H. Fennell Georgia M. Ferry & Edgar E. Beers Susie O. Beers & John Carlson Brookfield, " Newtown, " Detroit, Mich. Brookfield, Conn. Newtown, 138 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 11 Harold B. Taylor ll*Lina M. 11 Harold G. Beers 10 George F. Stuart Clara I. Beers ch. & Leonard A. Taylor Grace E. Stapleberg ch. & Clinton T. Beers Amelia B. Thornhill ch. & George W. Stuart Detroit, Mich. Newtown, Conn. STILSON IVincent Stilson of Scotch-English descent originally settled in Milford ZVincent Stilson, Jr. came to Newtown early in the settlement of the town. He m. Abigail Peck, Newtown, Conn. Their Ch. 3Abel, Elnathan, Jean, Parthenia, John, Sarah Ann Newtown, Conn. The original house, added to in 1812 by 3Abel, is still standing (1918), the oldest house in town; owned and occupied by James Egan. 3 Abel Stilson Their Ch. m. Jerusha Prindle Newtown, Conn. 4 Dothy J. 4 David 4 Abel, Jr 4 Elnathan 4 Anan 4 Jonathan 4 Sarah A. 4 Isaac 4 Asa Stilson d. young m. Betsey St. John m. Sarah Wetmore m. Polly Wetmore d. young m. Ellen Wells unm. unm. unm. Easton, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Ch. 4David Stilson and Betsey St. John 5 Mary Ann Stilson 5 Phoebe Ann " 5 Jerusha " 5 Abby 5 John " 5 Betsey 5 Horace " 5 Sidney " 5 Alfred David Hawley Easton, Conn. Trumbull, Conn. m. m. Philo B. Sherwood, 1st wife 3rd wife of Philo B. Sherwood, Redding, Conn m. Perkins French Mary E. Sherman Henry Wakeman unm. unm. unm. m. m. Easton, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Easton, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Ch. 4Abel Stilson, Jr. and Sarah Wetmore 5 *Dr. Joseph Stilson 5 *Polly Ann 5 *Abel 3rd 5 *Mary A. " 5 *Anan 6 Gertrude Stilson 7 Marion Lawrence 7 Stilson " ch. Residence unknown unm. unm. unm. 1st Georgiana Merchant 2nd Sarah Stoddard & Anan Stilson Gertrude Stilson & Wilder F. Lawrence GENEALOGICAL SECTION 139 4 Elnathan Stilson Their Ch. 5 William Stilson 5 Phebe Ann " 5 Antoinnette " 6 David Henderson 6 *AbeI Stilson 6 George " 6 John " 6 Frank Ch. SMary Ann Stilson 6 Frances Hawley 6 Mary " 6 Emmeline " 6 Josephine " 6 Joseph " 6 Julia " 5 Phebe Ann Stilson Their Ch. 6 Phebe Ann Sherwood Sjerusha Stilson, 3rd wife Their Ch. 6 *Eugene "" 6 Juliet Sherwood 6 Hannah " 6 Lavinia " 6 Ella 6 Mary " 6 Milfred 6 John 7 Elsie Sanford 7 Lucy m. Polly Wetmore Newtown, Conn. m. Martha Ward " 4< unm. " « m. James Henderson " " Antoinnette Stilson Milford, Conn ch. & James Henderson Newtown, Conn, Martha Ward « u ch. & William Stilson « « No descendants m. David Hawley Trumbull, Conn m. John Hunt (no ch.) m. Edward Borroughs (no ch.) m. Harlan Phillips m. Birdsey Thompson m. Lenora Toucey (no ch.) unm m. Philo B. Sherwood m. William Patchin Philo B. Sherwood Easton, Conn. Redding ,Conn. d. in infancy m. Hobart Mallet (no ch.) Trumbull, m. Charles Sanford Redding, m. William Ward (no ch.) " m. George Gillette " 2nd wife Wm. Ward (no ch.) m. Charles Ferris m. Minnie Odgen 8 Raymond Piatt 8 Earl George Sanford 7 Willard Gillette 8 George Sterling 7 Minnie Sherwood Hannah Sherwood ch. & Charles Sanford Philo Piatt ch. & Elsie Sanford Lucy Sanford ch. & George Sanford Ella Sherwood ch. & George Gillette Dorothy Mallette ch. & Willard Gillette Minnie Odgen ch. & John Sherwood Easton, Redding, Newtown, Redding, Conn. Conn. Conn. Conn. Conn. Connr 140 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 8 John Sherwood Edwards ch. 7 Mary Sherwood Ferris Ch. SAbby Stilson 6 Harriet French 6 Electa 6 Emma " 6 John 6 Charles " 6 Antoinette " 6 *George " 6 Ch. 6Electa French and 7 Charles Nichols 7 Flora 7 Elsie 7 Mildred 7 Jerome " 8 Perkins French Nichols 8 Irma French " 7 Sylvia Marion Peck 7 Inez French 7 Harry " 7 John 7 Sidney 6 Carlos D. Stilson m. m. Minnie Sherwood & Erwin Edwards Arthur Wheeler Perkins French unm. m. Jerome Nichols m. Hermon H. Peck unm. m. Emily Nichols m. Wilbur Tomlinson d. in infancy Jerome Nichols m. Lillian Hull m. Horace Lyon (no ch.) unm. m. George Sturges (no ch.) d. in infancy Lillian Hull ch. & In U. S. S. Charles Nichols " Easton, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Monroe, Conn. Danbury, Conn. Monroe, Conn. Carl^ D. Stilson Emma French ch. & Hermon H. Peck Emily Nichols ch. & Charles French Mary Sherman ch. & JohnStilson m. Bertha Peck (no ch. in France it Newtown, Conn. Monroe, Conn. Newtown, Conn. 1 Abijah Summers Their Ch. 2 Daniel Summers Their Ch, 3 David Summers Their Ch. 4 Phebe A. Summers 4 Harriet « 4 Mary « 4 Julia « 4 John H. « 4 *Charles " 4 Ella « 4 Ada " 4 Lizzie « 4 Andrew J. " 4 *George It SUMMERS m. Phebe Pixlee, 1776 " Sally Gilbert " Jane Avery Adoniram Fairchild (see Fairchild) W. Waterhouse served in Navy Civil War Irving Goodsell (see Hubbell) Smith Lewis Ella Mellen Newtown, Conn. d. young Thomas Perkins " George Parmelee (no ch.) Chauncy Wakeman Martha Towell Newtown, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 141 Ch. Harriet Summers and Wm. Waterhouse Newtown, Conn. 5 *Laura Wat erh ouse 5 Ernest " 5 Fannie « m. Reginald Smith 5 Alice « unm. 5 Irving (( m. Blanche Boucher 6 Lucile Blanche Boucher ch. & Irving Waterhouse Ch. Julia Summers and Smith Lewis 5 *Irene Lewis Ch. John H. Summers and Ella Mellen 5 George Summers Ch. Ella Summers and Thomas Perkins 5 Harry Perkins 5 Adoniram " 5 Raymond " Ch. Lizzie Summers and Chauncy Wakeman 5 Arthur Wakeman 5 Angeline " Ch. Andrew J. Summers and Martha Towell Summers 5 E. Marion 5 Bertha E. 5 Maude N. m. George Hartley Newtown, Conn. New Rochelle, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. Ch. Bertha Summers and George Hartley 6 Marian Elizabeth Hartley George Hartley took part in the Revolution in Hayti in 1914, and re- ceived a medal. Also was in the Mexican trouble in service during the war. Was subordinate officer on S. S. George Washington which conveyed Pres- ident Wilson to Peace Conference. 1 Stephen Taylor Their Ch, 2 David Taylor 2 Jabez 2 Alonzo 2 Sherman 2 Thomas B. 2 Hannah 2 Aurilla 2 Philo 2 Sally 2 Polly 2 Rebecca TAYLOR m. Betsey Hull, 1786 m. Louisa Peck m. Elizen Hayes " E. Granniss " William Taylor " Wait Plumb Ch. Alonzo Taylor and Louisa Peck 3 Lucy 3 Francis Taylor m. Birdsey McEwen " Nellie R. Perry 142 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 3 Edward Taylor m. Susan S. Botsford 3 Marcia " d. unm. Ch. Edward Taylor and Susan S. Botsford 4 George Francis Taylor m. Lorena Glover Alonzo Taylor was a successful teacher; one of the best of the local teachers of the time. Edward Taylor for many years the popular proprietor of the Sandy Hook Hotel and held many offices in the town. George F. Taylor for many years of the firm of Taylor, Curtis & Co. has retired from active mecantile business. TERRILL 1 Roger Terrill m. Patience Foote Newtown, Conn. 2 James " " Esther Booth " " 3 Abel Booth " " Sophia Botsford Their Ch. 4 Mary Sophia Terrill " Wm. Botsford (see Botsford) " " 4 Emily " " Horace Beers see Beers Brookfield Conn. 4 Caroline " " Daniel Morris Beers no ch. Vineland N. Y. 4 Hannah M. " " Wm. Terrill Newtown, Conn. 4 James " unm. 2 Reuben " m. 3 Botsford " " 1st Sophia Glover Their Ch. 4 *Edwin Terrill m. Emeline Fairchild Brookfield, Conn. 4 *Jane " " Edson Shepard (see Shepard) " " 4 *Henry " " Delia Fairchild Newtown, Conn. Ch. 3Botsford Terrill and Julia Glover 2nd wife 4 *William Terrill m. Hannah Terrill 4 *Frederick " " Elizabeth Wilcox (no ch.) 4 *Beach " Desc. not located. Ch. Edwin Terrill and Emeline Fairchild Brookfield, Conn. 5 Mary Frances Terrill m. Wm. Hawley (see Hawley) Newtown " 5 Alice " " Rev. Frank Hawley (see Hawley) 5 Annie " m. Chas. D. H. Kellogg (see Johnson) Ch. Henry Terrill and Delia Fairchild Newtown, Conn. 5 *Robert Terrill d. young 5 Mortimer " m. Ella J. Clarke (see Adams) Ansonia, Conn. Ch. William Terrill and Hannah Terrill Newtown, Conn. 5 *Ella J. Terrill unm. 5 William B. 5 *Emily F. 5 Frederick A. 5 Reuben B. 5 Henry B. Los Angeles, Cal. unm. " " Bridgeport, Conn. Ch. Frederick A. Terrill, Los Angeles, Cal. 6 Josephine A. Terrill ^ Carolin F. " GENEALOGICAL SECTION 143 TOUCEY Richard Toucey came from England to Saybrook, date not certainly known. Thomas Toucey, his son, came to America in 1679. Thomas Toucey, Jr. b. 1688 jomed in 1709 the little colony of settlers in Newtown See Newtown's first settled minister, 1713. 1 Rev. Thomas Toucey Their Ch. 2 Hannah 2 Arminal 2 Elizabeth 2 Oliver 2 Mehitable 2 Sarah 2 John 2 Ann 2 Lieut. Thomas 2 Zalmon 2 Amaryllis Toucey m. Hannah Clark m. josiah Hooker (no ch.) m. Donald Grant m. John Cooke ni. Deborah Wilcox m. Agur Judson m. Ebenezer Ford m. Rebecca Booth m. Daniel Baldwin m. Mercy Piatt m. Jerusha Booth " m. Lieut .Abel Prindic (Sec Prindic") Lieut. Abel Prindle was killed at the battle of Bennington, 1777. Newtown. Conn. Huntington. Conn, Newtown, Conn. Ch. Arminal Toucey and Donald Grant 3 Sueton Grant, b. 1744. d. 1760 3 Elizabeth " b. 1746. d. 1762 3 Donald " b. 1747. d. 1767 3 Thomas " b. 1751, d. in infancy 3 Thomas. 2nd " b. 1753 d. in infancy See "Inscriptions and Epitaphs" Buried Newtown Cemetery m. Stephen Mix Mitchell New Haven. Conn. Stephen Chester Sophia Coit Daniel Buck 3 Hannah Grant Their Ch. 4 Elizabeth Mitchell m. 4 Capt. Donald Grant Mitchell 4 Stephen Mix, Jr. Mitchell m. 4 Judge Walter " 4 Julia " m. 4 Harriet 4 Rev. Alfred " m. Lucretia Woodbridge Rev. Alfred Mitchell was the father of 5 Donald Grant Mitchell, "Ike Marvel" Author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." Ch. 301iver Toucey and Deborah Wilcox 4 Philo Toucey m. Esther Shelton New Haven, Conn. Westviile, Conn. Newtown, Conn. 4 Isaac 4 Zalmon 4 Oliver, Jr. 4 Hannah m. Sarah Burwell m. Phebe Booth m. Comfort Peck m. Zechariah Clarke (See Clarke) 5 Lucretia Toucey 5 Esther 5 Flora Ch. Philo Toucey and Esther Shelton m David Piatt (See Piatt) Newtown. Conn. m. Israel Beardslcy (See Beardsley) m. Asa B. Beardsley Ch. 401iver. Jr. Toucey and Comfort Peck Newtown, Conn 5 Hon. Isaac Toucey m. Catherine Burrci! (no ch.) d. Hartford, Ct See "Lawyers, Newtown born" Ch. 2John Toucey and Rebecca Booth Newtown, Conn. 144 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 3 Abel Toucey m. Esther Glover Newtown, Conn. 3 Donald " m. Betty Ferris " " 3 Rebecca " m. Eli Beers (See Beers) " " 3 Huldah " m. Joseph Blackman (See Blackman) Ch. 3Abel Toucey and Esther Glover 4 Sarah Ann Toucey m. Thomas W. Peck (See Peck) 4 Marcia " m. Jeremiah Hubbell (See Hubbell) Their Ch. 5 Ruamy Hubbell m. Benjamin Burr 5 William " m. Jane E. Winton Their ch. (See Hubbell) Ch. Donald Toucey and Betty Ferris Newtown, Conn. 4 Laura Toucey m. Jacob Beers (no ch.) " " 4 Samuel " m. Harriet Birch " " 4 Sinclair " m. Sylvia Beers Their Ch. New York. N. Y. 5 *Henry Sinclair Tou cey d. unm 5 *Edward " d. unm. 5 *Mary Beers ** d. unm. Ch. 2Zalmon Toucey and Jerusha Booth 3 Lazarus Toucey m. Lucretia Wood 3 Donald Grant m. Lucretia Beers 3 Phebe m. Ebenezer Turner 3 Jerusha " m. Peter Finch 3 Sarah m. Samuel C. Blackman 3 Joseph m. Hannah Curtis 3 Mary m. Dr. Nathan Thompson Ithaca, N. Y. Newtown, Conn. Galway, N. Y. Ch. 3Donald Grant Toucey and Lucretia Beers 4 Ann Eliza Toucey m. Richard Mansfield White Their Ch. 5 Richard Grant White New York, N. Y. Ch. 3Phebe Toucey and Ebenezer Turner Ithaca, N. Y. 4 Mary Blackman Turner m. Edward Starr (no ch.) Newtown, Conn. 4 David Booth " m. Susan Enders Ithaca,, N. Y. 4 Ebenezer, Jr. " m. Mary E. Williams " " 4 Phebe Jane " rn. 1st. Samuel Bates (no ch.) " " m. 2nd John McGraw (no ch.) " " Ch. David Booth Turner and Susan Enders Ithaca, N. Y. 5 Florine Enders Turner m. Richard Starr Dana " " Their Ch. 6 Richard Turner Dana 6 David T. Dana Ch. Ebenezer Turner and Mary E. Williams Ithaca, N. Y. 5 Samuel Bates Turner d. in infancy 5 John Williams " d. in infancy 5 "Mary Elizabeth " d. in infancy 5 Ebenezer Toucey Turner m. Martha Thompson Mairs Galway, N. Y. Ch. 3Sarah Toucey and Samuel C Blackman Newtown, Conn. GENEALOGICAL SECTION 145 4 Caroline Black 4 Sarah 4 George 4 Samuel G. 4 Alfred ni. Eliza \V. Richmoiul m. Miss I'ield m. Abby Beers Newtown, Conn. •• 44 Watcrbury, Conn. Ch. 3Polly (Mary) Toucey and Dr. Nathan Thompson Galway. N. Y. 4 Emma Thompson m. Thomas Mairs ** " Their Ch. 5 Nathan Thompson Mairs " «* 5 Margaret Montgomery " " •• 5 Julia Montgomery " 5 Martha Thompson " m. 5 Charles Frederick " Ebenezcr Toucey Turner TYRRILL Ch. SEsther Sherman and Eben Tyrrill 6 Sally Tyrrill 6 Abby 6 Isaac " Newtown, Conn. m. Andrew Shelton (no ch.) " Burton Clark Harriet S. Blake Ch. Abba Tyrrill and Burton Clarke 7 Edward Clarke m. 1st Sylvia Peck " " " " " 2nd Susan Burritt Hyde 7 Juliette Clarke " George Northrop Roxbury " Ch. Edward Clarke and Sylvia Peck Newtown. Conn. 8 Frank Clarke d. in childhood " " Ch. Juliette Clarke and George Northrop " " 8 Grace Northrop d. in childhood. 8 Mary " m. Frank Allen Their Ch. 9 Marjorie Allen Ch. 6Isaac Tvrrill and Harrriet S. Blake 7 Elmer Tvrrill 7 Alfred ' " Their Ch. 8 *Gertrude Tyrrill 8 Dwight 9 Reginald Reid 9 Marion " m. Letitia Clingan " Martha Dikeman ch. \Vm. Reid Anna Gertrude Tyrrill & William Reid Ch. Dwight Tyrrill and Anna. 9 Raymond Tyrrill 9 Dorothy 9 Phyllis Bridgeport, Conn. Newtown, Conn. New Haven " WARNER 5 Dr. William. 4Dr. Eph., Jr., 3Dr. Ephraim, 2John Jr., IJohn of Hartford. 5 Dr William Warner m. Mary Chambers of Newtown 146 GENEALOGICAL SECTION 9 William Warner 9 Mabel Their Ch. 6 Austin Warner 6 Loretta " 6 Hermon " ch. William Warner and wife no desc. located no desc. located m. Rebecca Camp, 1st Deborah Curtis, 2nd Newtown, Conn. 7 Charles Camp Warner, son of Hermon Warner and Rebecca Camp, served as Probate Judge 17 years; selectman six terms; was Town Clerk from 1863 to 1870; representative in State Legislature several terms; also a Justice of the Peace. He m. 1st Ann Maria Clarke. 2nd Angeline Prindle Twitchell Ch. by 1st m. 8 *James Hobart Warner 8 *Austin W. 8 *Augustus " m. Flora Jane Beers m. Belle T. Lawrence m. Rissa J. Beers Ch. J. Hobart Warner and Flora Jane Beers unm. d. in young manhood Anna Teresa Driggs a successful teacher Mary Hawley d. in infancy Anna Teresa Driggs & Paul B. Warner Mary Hawley & Hobart G. Warner 9 Mary S. Warner 9 *Howard C. 9 Paul B. m 9 Florence A. 9 Hobart Glover m 9 nVilliam A. 10 Sherman Driggs Warner , 10 Flora Teresa " 10 Hobart G. Jr., Warner 10 Austin " 10 Henry Hawley " ch. Ch. Austin W. Warner and Belle T. Lawrence Newtown, Conn. Vicksburg, Miss. Chicago, 111. Newtown, Conn. New Britain, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Newtown, Conn. Vicksburg, Miss. 9 C. Lawrence Warner 9 Jessie C. " 9 Austin " 9 Howard S. m. Harriet P. Glover " " unm. m. Milly Elizabeth Carter Port Gibson, Miss. Capt. in U. S. Service at San Antonio, Texas 10 Glover Lawrence Warner ch. 9 Charles C. Warner 9 Raymond " ch. 9 Catherine " 6 Ch. Hermon Warner and Deborah Curtis, 2nd wife Harriet P. Glover & C. Lawrence Warner Rissa Beers & Augustus Warner 7 John Warner 9 David C. 8 Tane Marilla Warner 8 William 9 *Laura Fairchild 9 Elgin Squires m. Jane Lord Vicksburg, Miss, Chicago, 111. Newtown, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Jane Lord ch. & John Warner Jane Alarilla Warner ch. & George Fairchild Jane M. Warner Fairchild ch. & Squires GENEALOGICAL SECTION 147 WETMORE 1 James Wetmore Wetmore m. Sophia Griffen Newtown, Conn. " " Abel Stilson (see Stilson) " " " Elnathan Stilson (see Stilson) " 2 Ephraim P 2 Sarah 2 Polly Ch. Ephraim Wetmore and Sophia Griffen Wetmore m 3 Mary Jane 3 Emeline 3 Sarah 3 Cyrus 3 Lemuel P. 3 Henrietta 3 Harriet 3 Roxy Wheeler Wilcoxen Stratford, Conn. Wheeler Fairchild (see Fairchild) unm. Newtown, Conn. Sylvia Glover Brookfield, Conn. Sarah Anna Reed " " Walter Simpson Parmelee 1st Frederick Henderson Newtown, Conn. 2nd Chas. Middlebrook Trumbull, Conn. William Simpson 3 Cornelia " Ch. Cyrus Wetmore and Sylvia Glover 4 Frank E. Wetmore m. 1st Isabella W^ickham Newtown, Conn. " 2nd Mattie Holden 4 Julia A. " " George McLean 4 Charles P. " " Augusta Warner 4 Albert A. " Ch Frank E Wetmore and Isabelle Wickham " " 5 Florence E. Wetmore m. Edgar F. Northrop 5 Edward " " Rosa Blendenbacher 5 Vivian " " Birdsey Parsons Ch. Lemuel P. Wetmore and Sarah Anna Reed 5 Helen Wetmore m. John Bateman 5 *Mary 5 John C. 5 Vornon C. Ch. Florence Wetmore and Edgar F. Northrop 6 *Aurelia W. Northrop 6 Edgar W. Ch. Vivian Wetmore and Birdsey Parsons 6 Isabella W. Parsons 6 Sylvia G. " 6 Ellen 6 Frances " 6 Bradford Mitchell Ch. Frank E. Wetmore and Mattie Holden 5 James Russell Wetmore 5 Julia Elender " Brookfield, Conn. Newtown, Conn. WHEELER 2 Obadiah Wheeler son of IThomas Wheeler of Milford, came to Newtown, before 1739. In that year he was commissioned by the Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, 1st Lieut, of the 2nd Company of "Trainband" of Newtown. He m. \4S GENEALOGICAL SECTION 3 Joscpli Wheelor son of Obadiah, was commissioned Capt. of 2nd Com- pany of "Trainband" in Newtown, by William Pitkin. Captain General and Commander in 1766. He married Keziah Botsford. Ch. Joseph Wheeler and Keziah Botsford 4 John Wheeler 4 Joseph B. 4 Ely m. Anna Botsford " Ann Terrill Newtown, Conn. Ch. Joseph B. Wheeler and Anna Botsford 5 Lucy W'heeler m. Sturges Fairchild(see Fairchild) 5 John Botsford " " Polly Blackman 5 Anne Maria " " William Hoyt 5 Molly " " John Skidmore Ch. John B. Wheeler and Polly Blackman 6 Russell Wheeler m. Lydia Ann Botsford 6 Sally " " Elizur Keeler Their Ch. 7 Homer Keeler " Martha Drake Ch. Russell Wheeler and Lydia Ann Botsford 7 John B. 7 Ellen Wheeler m. Mary Wilcox " d. in childhood Newtown, Conn. « u tl ii Waterbury, Conn. Newtown, ** Ch. John B. Wheeler and Mary Wilcox 8 Hervey W. 9 Russell 9 Ruth m. Nellie Hubbell, 1st wife ch. & Hervey W. Wheeler Mary Hubbell, 2nd wife ch. & Hervey W. Wheeler 4 Ely Wheeler, son of 3Joseph m. Anna Terrill Their Ch. 5 Joseph Davis Wheeler m. 1st Miss Bradley Their Ch. Bradley " 6 Joseph B. " Ch. SJoseph D. Wheeler 6 George B. " Their Ch. 7 Emily Alice " 7 Hattie m. Sabra " Clarissa Dick, no ch. and Delia Bradley, 2nd wife m. Charlottte Sanfora m. m. Their Ch. McKee 8 *Estelle 8 *Hattie 8 Walter Howard " m. 8 Gertrude " m. 8 Ernest W. " "i 8 Charlotte Elizabeth McKee m. George M. McKee Dyersville, Iowa Walter McKee (no ch.) Minneapolis, Minn. 1st. Grace Hall 2nd Grace Lee Otis Harn Adaline Consuela Vetter Elgar C. Martin Ch. Gertrude McKee and Otis Harn JO^lFiPH T^^COTT Efq; Ggvernpiir and Commander in Chief of His Majeity's Colony o£ciMm||tut To V.V^illE'^Uv'^K^v , Gent, <5fa*ng. j »» U being by the GeneralWcrabqf o( this Colony, aAli ted to %: /'\iU^'^- of the ,/y>»r^ Compar • or Tt^^^^'^ in the 1 tivo of^-»>'.--- R^j- pofing fpccial Ttuft and ( )ntidencc in your Lofairi Cour.gc iiid gocxl ortdu(», I do, by Virtue of the L ttcis Patents Irom theCt^'n ol En^Mil to th^s florpos^n, Me thereunto Enablirv .Appoint and ImpowLt *u to t^ke the faiJ ^ T\.„..„.y into your Care and'Cha Jc, as Their .^^^-^'—^'/^ C:i to difcli^rge that Truft, ExcrciCng ' jur Infeiiour Officers andti of thcir;Arms, according to the Dif( plinc of War -, keeping the Government, and Commirdmg Th m to Ob^y Ynu as Their MajeftJ^ Service. And Yoii arc to ^bfetvc all fuch Orders an^^ In the /Z'^'— . Y.arVi theReifjn ol Our'Sovercign Lord GEORGE Bii T a N, &c, annomie BoqjUif J i 7 3 I. fully -i:d Diligently ''' ^t>r-> ill the u(e H in gord Older and •.f^.„.,j. (or His _ L'tc6ions, :s iforn rOlTie ■■' my thcr Seco id, KING of Gut/, r- m triLLIAM P I T IC T N, ^s7 'D.iy akd/il^ In ■': y^ — > Year of the Reign of Our .Soverei-'n Loid iihORGE the Thiid, Ki. c Giciit-Eritain, &c Ann'xiiie Domini, i 7 66' ■■ ,1 !.,._- GENEALOGICAL SECTION 149 9 Richard Eugene Ham Ch. Ernest Wheeler McKec and Adaline Consuela Vetter 9 Doris Olive McKee 8 Lieut. Com. Ernest McKee was graduated from Naval Academy, Annapolis, in 1908. Was Commander of the Governor's private ship when the U. S. took over the Danish Islands(now Virgin Islands). Is now, 1918, Lieut. Commander on the battleship Utah. 1 Obadiah Wheeler b, 1784 m. Patience Judson 1804 Their Ch. 2 Norman Wheeler b. 1806 2 Russell " b. 1810 2 John J. " b. 1812 2 Betsey " b. 1819 m. Nathan Couch Their Ch. 3. Ella M. Couch m. 1st Henry Botsford. m. 2nd Samuel J. Botsford (see Botsford) 3 George Couch m. Emily Piatt Morris. Their Ch. 4 George Couch WHITNEY 1 James Whitney born in Stratford came to Newtown in 1771. He m. Eunice Johnson. Of their twelve children only Philo lived in Newtown. He was a blacksmith, his shop being at the head of Newtown street at (the foot of Mt. Pleasant). Ives Glover the well known blacksmith of South Center learned his trade of him. 2 Philo Whitney m. 1st Jerusha Wheeler 2nd Aurelia Wheeler. Ch. of Philo Whitney and Jerusha Wheeler m. Edmund Fairchild (See Fairchild) 3 *Harriet 3 *Joseph Botsford 3 *James Wheeler 3 *Emily 3 Aurelia 3 Ruth Ann m. Anna Maria Lewis " Legrand Fairchild (See Fairchild) " Oliver Warner Moore (no ch.) " 1st Truman Hubbell Bethel, Conn. " 2nd Mark Leavenworth Hubbell 3 Abraham Johnson " " Marietta Parmalee Bethel, Conn. Ch. James W. Whitney and Anna Maria Lewis 4 Anna Maria " Staten Island 4 Joseph Botsford " Brooklyn, N. Y. 4 *Isabella Lewis " d. young Ch. *Ruth A. Whitney and Mark L. Hubbell Bethel, Conn. 4 Truman Johnson Hubbell " " 4 Mary Estella " " " 4 Philo Whitney Ch. *Abram Johnson Whitney and Marietta Parmalee " " 4 Harriet Aurelia Whitney 4 James Wheeler " Ohio 4 Frederick Moore " Rochester, N. \. 4 Bertha Belle " Bethel. Conn. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Ezra L. Johnson 7i yrs. of age Frontispiece Jane Eliza Johnson, 82 yrs. of age. Page Jane Eliza Camp, facing page.. 10 Ezra Levan Johnson " " 10 Ezra L. Johnson, facing page.. 11 Jane E. Johnson, " " 11 Quanneapague (2 views) 18 South Main Street 19 Smith-Scudder Residence 19 Johnson House 51 Rev. Wm. H. Moore 78 Rev. Henry B. Smith 78 Rev. James P. Hoyt 79 Rev. Otis W. Barker 79 Rev. Edward O. Grisbrook 79 Congregational Church 79 Old Newtown, facing 80 Memorial Boulder, facing 81 Rev. Daniel Burhans D. D 84 Rev. Newton E. Marble D. D... 84 Trinity Episcopal Church 85 Silas N. Beers 85 The Two Churches 1793 & 1870 85 Rev. George T. Linsley 86 Rev. James H. George 87 Rev. William C. Cravner 87 Beach Camp 87 Daniel G. Beers 87 Rev. Francis W. Barnett 88 The three sons of Rev. F. W. Barnett 88 Rev. David Botsford 89 Rev. George L. Foote 89 Rev. Sylvester Clark 90 Rt. Rev. Frederick F. Johnson.. 91 William B. Prindle 92 St. John's Church 93 Methodist Church 93 Rev. Otis Olney Wright 94 St. Rose Church 95 Rev. James Mc Cartan 95 Mrs. Mary Ann Birch 141 Caleb Baldwin Inn 144 William A. Leonard 145 Page Willson M. Reynolds 171 Governor Isaac Toucey 199 Governor Luzon B. Morris 201 William J. Beecher 203 Frederick P. Marble 203 Dr. Monroe Judson 211 Dr. Charles H. Peck 213 Miss Susan J. Scudder 230 Mrs. Edith G. Mitchell 231 Prof. Charles S. Piatt 234 Main St. Looking South 235 Beach Memorial Library 235 Newtown Savings Bank 236 Simeon B. Peck 237 Philo Clarke 238 David C. Peck 238 Arthur T. Nettleton 240 Cornelius B. Taylor 241 Masonic Temple 242 Capt. Julius Sanford 245 Louis T. Briscoe 246 Fabric Fire Hose Co 248 Dennis C. Gately 248 Wm. T. Cole 249 Office of Newtown Bee 250 Reuben H. Smith 250 Allison P. Smith 251 Arthur J. Smith 251 Zalmon S. Peck 252 Factory of S. Curtis and Son... 260 Residence of Wm. T. Cole.... 262 The Country Club 263 MILITARY RECORD SECTION Dr. Wm. C. Wile 274 Edward Troy 275 GENEALOGICAL SECTION Franklin Fairman 66 Frederick W. Foote 70 Rev. Charles H. Gardner 71 Daniel N. Morgan 100 Wheeler Commissions 148 CONTRIBUTORS' LIST Mrs. Franklin Fairman Chicago Dr. Charles H. Peck New York and Newtown Alfred Walker Newtown The Misses Beecher Newtown Arthur Reynolds Newtown Willson M. Reynolds Newtown Congregational Church Society Newtown Frederick I. Marble Lowell, Mass. Mrs. S. N. Beers Pittsfield, Mass. Trinity Parish Newtown Mrs. George F. Taylor Sandy Hook Mrs. Frank H. Mitchell Newtown Mrs. Julia Hawley Sandy Hook Rev. George T. Linsley Hartford, Conn. Miss Grace Clark Bridgeport, Conn. Miss Anna McCartan Newtown Mrs. William K. Stone Kent, Conn. William Camp and Charles Beach Johnson Newtown Levan Merritt Johnson Painesville, Ohio Earle Levan and Merritt Camp Johnson Painesville, Ohio Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Foote Johnson St. Louis, Missouri Mrs. Harriet Foote Toles Elizabeth, New Jersey Clarence L. Beardsley New Haven, Conn. Mrs William A. Leonard Newtown Theron E. Piatt Newtown Charles G. Morris New Haven, Conn. Mrs. Stanley M. Ramsey Cincinnati, Ohio Miss Susan J. Scudder Newtown Mrs. Edith G. Mitchell Newtown William T. Cole Newtown Mrs. Charles S. Piatt New York Newtown Savings Bank Newtown David C. Peck Newtown Arthur T. Nettleton Newtown Cornelius B. Taylor Newtown Hiram Chapter and Lodge Sandy Hook Mrs. Clarence Bolmer New Haven, Conn. William R. Curtis Newtown Mrs. Dennis C. Gateley Mamaroneck, N. Y. Mrs. William Samuel Johnson Mamaroneck, N. Y. Newtown Bee Newtown Mrs. Mary F. P. Cheves Macon, Georgia Miss Mary E. Hawley Newtown Miss Alice Wile Danbury, Conn. Mr. Edward Troy Sandy Hook Hon. Daniel N. Morgan Bridgeport, Conn. John B. Wheeler Newtown Mrs. Charles H. Gardner Washington, D. C. Frederick P. Sherman Monroe, Conn. Mrs. E. P. Taylor Oakland, Cal. David Curtis New Haven, Conn. In dear and loving memory of our daughter, Hattie L. Curtis. CONTENTS Page Foreword 3 Mr. Johnson's Own Foreword 4 I Reuben Hazen Smitli's Tribute 7 I The Bridgeport Farmer's Tribute 9 The Newtown Bee's Tribute 9 Resolutions by Vestry of Trinity Church 11 I His Epitaph 12 Copy of Deed 13 Quiomph's Purchase 14 Bearing Each Others Burdens \7 Quanneapague 18 First Grist Mill 21 First Sawmill 24 Granting Town Rights 25 Pitching for Land 29 ) Pitching for Meadow Land 32 Newtown's First Meeting House 35 j Newtown's Town Houses 43 Sabbath Day Houses 44 I Disputes Over Town Lines 45 Brookfield's Origin 48 Layout of Country Roads 50 Newtown's First Call for a Minister 53 Mr. Phineas Fisk 53 I Newtown's First Settled Minister 54 Mr. Thomas Tousey 54 Newtown's Second Settled Minister 59 Rev. John Beach 59 Rev. Elisha Kent 63 Rev. David Judsun 69 Rev. Zephaniah Smith 74 Rev. John Clark 74 Rev. Wm. Mitchell 75 Rev. N. M. Urmston 75 Rev. Alexander Leadbetter 76 Rev. Jason Atwater 78 Rev. Wm. H. Moore 78 Rev. Wm. M. Arms 78 Rev. Daniel W. Fox 78 Rev. Henry Bagg Smith 78 Rev. James P. Hoyt 79 Rev. Samuel Delzell 79 Rev. Otis W. Barker 79 Rev. Ralph Danforth 79 Rev. Alexander Steele 79 Rev. T. J. Lee 79 Episcopal Churches 80 Rev. John Beach 81 Rev. Philo Perry 83 Rev. Daniel Burhans 84 Rev. Samuel C. Stratton 84 Rev. S. S. Stocking 84 Rev. Horace Hills 84 Rev. Dr. Wm. M. CarmichacI 84 Rev. Benj. W. Stone 84 Rev. Dr. Newton E. Marble 84 Building of Fourth Church Edifice 85 Rev. Thomas W. Haskins 85 Page Rev. Governcur Morris Wilkins 86 Rev. George Thomas Linsley 86 Rev. James Hardin George 87 Resolutions Adopted by Vestry of Trinity Church on Death of Chas. S. Piatt 88 Rector's Assistants 88 Rev. Wm. Ackley 88 Rev. Thomas Mallaby 88 Kev. Francis W. Barnett 88 Those Newtown Born Who Entered the Ministry 89 Rev. David Botsford 89 Rev. Abel Nichols 89 Rev. George L. Foote 89 Rev. Sylvester Clarke D. D. 90 Rev. Arthur Thomas Parsons 91 Rev. Edward Egan 91 Rt. Rev. Frederick Foote Johnson 91 Rev. James Hardin George Jr. 92 St. Jame's Church 93 St. John's Church 93 The Methodist Church 94 The Baptist Church 95 St. Rose's Church 95 Sandemanian Church 95 SCHOOL DISTRICTS North Center 96 iMiddle 99 Taunton and Zoar 100 Land's End 101 Palestine 102 Hanover 103 South Center, Kettletown, Deep Brook 104 Lake George 105 Flat Swamp and Sandy Hook 106 Pohatuck 107 Bear Hills and Middle Gate 108 Gray's Plain and Head of Meadow 109 Wapping 110 Gregory's Orchard and Walker's Farms 111 Toddy Hill and Huntington 112 Walnut Tree Hill 113 Hopewell 114 Half Way River 115 The Southerly Highway 116 Those Who Took Freeman's Oath, 1742 to 17% 119 to 121 Those Who Took Freeman's Oath, Also Those Who Took "Oath of Fidelity", 177-1791 121 to 124 Those Who Took Freeman's Oath, 1778-1833 124-130 Newtown During The Revolution 130-138 Passing of French Soldiers Through Newtown 139 The Roadside Tavern 143 2 CONTENTS Page Page Care and Keep of Newtown's Dr. John Judson 210 Dependents 147 Dr. Cyrenius H. Booth 210 Bridgeport and Uewtown Dr. William Edmond Booth 210 Turnpike Co. 152 Dr. Thomas Dutton 210 Old Days of the Stage Coach 157 Dr. Russell B. Botsford 211 Highway Reconstruction 159 Dr. George Judson 211 Building, Equipment, Running Dr. Monroe Judson 211 Expenses etc. of the Dr. Erastus Plrwin 211 Housatonic Railroad Dr. Moses Botsford Beers 212 1835-1843 165-170 Dr. Henry Hawley Foote 212 Newtown's Post Offices and Dr. William Camp 212 Post Masters 1800-1912 170 Dr. James W. Gordon 212 Restrictions to Domestic Dr. Ralph N. Betts 212 Animals 176 Dr. Andrew Egan 213 Newtown's Sheep Industry 180 Dr. Charles Howard Peck 213 God's Acre 189 Dr. Earle Peck 214 Epitaphs and Inscriptions 192 Dr. Clement Botsford Newtown's Lawyers 198 34 of Genealogical Section Judge William Edmond 198 Grand Levy for 1739 214 Samuel Curtis Blackman 198 Grand Levy for 1769 217 Asa Chapman 198 Ratable Estates for 1809 221 Holbrook Curtis 198 Newtown Borough 222 Reuben Booth 199 Newtown's Fire Companies, Henry Dutton 199 1803-1913 224 Hon. Isaac Toucey 199 Newtown Academy, 1837-1902 226 David Hull Belden 199 Newtown High School, Charles Chapman 200 1902-1917 231 David B. Beers 200 The John Beach Memorial Isaac M. Sturges 200 Library Alfred Blackman 200 Sandy Hook Free Library Hon. Amos S. Treat 200 Newtown Savings Bank Judge Daniel Blackman 201 Free Masonry in Newtown Julius B. Curtis 201 The Rubber Industry Luzon B. Morris 201 The Newtown Bee Richard Botsford 201 Pohtatuck Grange Judge James Nichols 202 The Domestic Economy of Hon. Charles H. Briscoe 202 our Mothers Judge David Belden 202 Berkshire Austin N. Botsford 202 The Men's Club Johnson Tuttle Piatt 202 The Water Company Julius C. Cable 203 The Country Club William J. Beecher 203 A 40 Year Lease of Mountain Charles H. Northrop 203 Land in Sandy Hook Frederick Parker Marble 203 The Conservation of Timber Nichols Curtis Downs 204 Newtown's Military Record James M. Betts 204 The Red Cross Work Doctors of the Old School and ^ 1*0 a t c \a- of Later Years 205 ^""J^^W.^ ^^'°'"'^ °^ Soldiers Dr. Lemuel Thomas 205 of 1812 Dr. Gideon Shepherd 205 ^ Index to Newtown's Military Dr. Bennett Perry 207 Record 285 Dr. Oliver Bwicmpft <-v ^ ^209 Preface and Index to Dr. Rufus aIli(Uiof& O Q ^209 Genealogical Section 149 pages In the Index to the Main Book the following Errata occurs on page 194, it should read Mr. Daniel Booth instead of David. V> c • • ^ f^^ O" V^ '. " • * '* (^ 'y'^ ■^^ '^O. ?.°-^^ - „^^ J^ ° " " -» ^ v-s' - . . > ,0 ^ ♦• r?> I ?i - :- it I: 'f: %.^ o " -^ ^-^^ ■ay ^ • ^^" * 'v '\^ "^ A^ >^ *■ 32084 Aj^-' O j-O- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS W/k 014 076 > 'V 147 3