r, THE REGISTER BOOK OF THE Lands and Houses in the "NewTowne' AND The Town of Cambridge THE RECORDS OF THE PROPRIETORS OF THE COMMON LANDS BEING THE RECORDS GENERALLY CALLED "%\)i proprietors' llccortJS" PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY CLERK 1665 : Granted by the Towne thefe Severall lotts as followeth, and alfo agreed that the interest of each perfon in the Cow comons fhall be in proportton with the number herein inferted, and that no more proprie- tors fhall be allowed without a unannimous confent. Alfo that the Cow cofnon fhall never be divided into propriety vnlefs there be a unanimous confent of the proprieto rs . alfo that no dry cattle fhall be put thereon except fuch as are for labo' Alfo that no perfon fhall allow any to put on the colon vpon their interest, any cattell w'soever. vnlefs they y' put y m on be Inhabitants of the Towne. Alfo that the Select men for the time being fhall haue the ordering & dispofeing of fuch comons as are not made vfe of by the owners thereof, and that the owners thereof fhall not haue above foure pence p ann for a Cow comon. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. *45 Alfo before the drawing of the lotts tis by all the proprietors agreed & conditsoned, That whereas a two rod High way is to be left between each division, the goodnes where of is inc'teine It fhall be lawfull for the Towne after the meafureing of the severall lotts to determine the High wayes as fhall be found moft convenient, and to passe with it crofs any mans lott as mall then be found moft meet, and such as (hall thereby haue any land taken from them, fhall haue recompence in ye land at ye end of ye lotts, that is left for ye highway. The order of the lotts, and the number of acres, together with the interest of each person in the Cow comon is as followeth. Lott. i. John 2. Robert 3. Widow 4. John 5. Richard 6. Reighnold 7. Cap! Dan : 8. Samuel 9. Daniel 10. Abraham 1 1 . Roger 12. Abram 13. Peter 14. Thomas 1 5 John [143] 16. Daniel 17. Willm 18. John 19. m r John 20. James 21. Thomas 22 Matliew 23. Philip 24. James 25. Andrew 26. John 27. John Taylor Stedman Scill . Cooper Eccles Bum . Gookin Greene Cheavers Holman Bucke Errington Towne Cheny Swan . Andrew . Dixon Greene . Stedman . Cutler fen' Chefholme Bridge . Cooke Hubbard Belcher . IJowtell . Goave fiften . Twenty Ten . Thirty Thirty Ten . Twenty Twenty Twenty Ten Ten . Thirty fiften . Ten Twenty Ten . Twenty Twenty Eighty five Sixty . Thirty Thirty five fiften . fiften . Thirty ace's, ace's, ace's, ace's, ace's, ace's, ace's, ace's, ace's, ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's & Two cow comons & Three cow comons & Two cow comons & foure cow comons & Three cow comons 11 11 & Three cow comons & Two cow comons & Two cow comons & Two cow comons & Two cow comons & Three cow comons & Two comons — 1 1 — 11 — 11 — & Two comon ,6th. ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's ace's •i one cow comon. & Two comons & Two comons & Six comons II. 1 1 . & five comons. & Three comons & Three comons & one comon 11. 11. 11. & Two comons & Three comons i 4 6 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. : Edm. ffroft . . Twenty . . ; . -.-.' _" : :i:: til . . fifty . . . 3:. William Hesdy . . Ten . . . 31. Herbert : . fifty . . . 32. Widow 1; .-i- . Ten . . . 33. C Thirty . . 34. Willm Barrett . . Twenty . fath. - ;ke . Ten . . . 36. Samuel Hastings . Twenty . . -ath Bowers . . Ten . . . "rph . Twelve . . 39. Willm :..'.- . five . . . r . Twenty five . L 1 :. _ trr.e . Thirty . . 42. Walter Hafdngs . . Thirty . . 43. Willm Pattin . fiften . . . __t. .";". tn h : . t . . . five . . . _: :--. Crackbone . Twenty . . 46. Robert Browne . . fiften . . . . ; Browne - . . Ten . . . 4S. Gregory Stone . . . Thirty five - L - [hip . . . fifty ' . . . .im Bun . . . Ten . . . 5 : . .' . - " Gibfon . . Twenty . . 52. Widow Rufsell . . . 53. Jeremiah H - . five . . . :_ ffnn: = Moore - . twelve & . ; -•: . . five . • - 56. John Shepard . . Twenty . . 5-. Thomas Danforth . fifty ■ • - .-.id Stone . - . Ten . . . 59. m' Charles Chau- . fifty - . - 60. Robert Parker . . Twenty . . •' • 7'- --? s childr en Ten iw. aid . . Twenty five . 63. Joftin . Ten . . . 64. John bo - . Twenty . 65. Daniel . fiften . . - 66. Thomas Ross . . . five . - • - 7 fox . . . . Twenty five . 6S. Samuel Andre . Twenty five . 69 John PanHrey . . fiften . . . acc-'s & Two comons . fbore comons ace's 11. 11. 11. acc-"s & five comons acc-'s & two comons ■ acc-'s & two cothons acc-'s & one cofr.on i two comons - one comon ace's ..a halfe acC. ace's 11. 11. 11. acc-'s & three comons 1: . r ._•--.. . :.= ace's & two comons . one comon. - three comons ace "s i: two comons. acc-'s 11. 11. 11. i t'oure comons acc-'s St five comons. , one coinon. - . two comons. acc-'s 11. 11. 11. i . one comon. ace's 11. 11. 11. ] - two comons. t'oure comons. ;:. : :. 11. ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. 7wo comons Two comons. t wo comons. :ne cornon. o comons. and a halfe -wo comons. ::. 11. 11. 11. ace's & three cofnons ace's & two comons ace's it two comons Thomas PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 147 [144] 70 Thomas 71 Thomas 72 William 73 J onas 74 Widow 75 John 76 Daniel 77 m' Elijah 7S Willm 79 John 80 ffrancis Si Richard 82 Cap 1 . Daniel 83 Beniam 84 Jofeph 85 Jonath. 86 Ifacke 87 Nath. 88 m ir » Eliz : 89 Samuel 90 Richard 91 Samuel 92 Samuel 93 J ohn 94 Richard 95 Edward 96 Herbert 97 Richard 98 Edward 99 Steeven 100 Humph. 101 Richard 102 John 103 nv Joseph 104 m r Richard 105 m' Nathaniel 106 Andrew 107 Willm 108 David Danforth . . forty . . . ace's Danforth . . Sixty . . . ace's & Six comons Towne fiftene ace's & two cofnons Clarke . . . Twenty . ace's & one comon & 1 halfe Beale . . . Twenty . ace's & two cofnons Holmes . . forty . . . ace's & foure cofnons ffarrabas . . five . . . ace's n. 11. 11. 11. Corlet . . . Thirty . . ace's & three comons Bordman . . Twenty . ace's & two coiiions fisenden . Thirty . . ace's & three comons Moore Jun r . Twelve & halfe ace's & one cofnon & halfe Jackson . . Thirty . . ace's & three cofnons Gookins . Twenty . ace's & two comons Crackbone . five . . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. Scill . . . Ten . . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 1 1. Remington . Twelve & halfe ace's & two comons Sternes five . . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 1 1. Greene . . fiften . . . ace's & two comons Dunfter . . Twenty . ace's & two cofnons Reyner . . Five . . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. Cutter . . . Twenty . ace's & two comons. Stone . Twelve & halfe ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. Goffe . . . Forty . . . ace's & foure cofnons Bridge . . Thirty five . ace's & foure comons Woodes . . Five . ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. Oakes . . . Twenty five . ace's 11. 11. it. 11. Pelham Efq'. Sixty . . . ace's & Six cofnons Robbins . Thirty . . ace's 11. 11. ii. 1 1. Hall . . . fiften . . . ace's & two comons Day . . . fiften . . . ace's 11. 11. ii- 1 1. Bredfha . . five . . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 1 1. Hassull fiften . . ace's 11. 11. ii- 11. Jackson . . Twenty . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 1 1. Cooke . . Thirty . . ace's & foure cofnons Champnye Forty . . . ace's & two cofnons Sparhauke Forty . . ace's 11. 11. n. 11. Steevenson . Twenty . ace's & two coffions Manning . . Twenty five . ace's & two cofnons ffiske . . . Twelve & halfe ace's & 11. 11. 11. 11. Samuel PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [145] 109 Samuel ffroft . . . five . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. 1 10 Richard Dana . . Ten . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 1 1. III Robert Wilson five . ace's & one Cofhon. 112 m r Edmund Angier . Eighty . ace's & foure coifions. i'3 Zachary Hickes . Twenty . ace's & Two cofhons 114 m r Edward Jackson . Thirty . ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. 115 Robert Broadifh . Twenty . ace's & Two Comons 116 John Macoone . five . ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. "7 Thomas Hall . . fiften . . ace's & Two comons. 118 James Prentice . nine . . ace's 11. 11. 11. 11. 119 Thomas Swoetman . fiften . . ace's & Two comons 120 mirs ffrofts hou fe . Ten . . ace's & Two comons 121 Henry Prentice Ten . ace's & Two cofhons. 122 Joseph Russell . five . ace's & one conion 123 Edward Mitchelfon . Forty . ace's & foure cofhons 124 Willm Clemance enT Ten . ace's & 1 1. 11. 11. 11. 125 ffrancis Whitmore . Twelve . . ace's \ & one comon & halfe 126 Widow. Cane . . . fiften . . ace's & Two comons 127 Thomas Andrews . Twenty ace's & Two comons. 128 Juftinian Holder Ten . ace's 11. 11. 11. 1 1. 129 Mathew Bridge . Twelve . . ace's & halfe 1 1. 11. 130 Richard ffrancis . fiften . . ace's & Two cofhons. 131 John Marritt . fiften . . . ace's Two comons. 132 George Willowes . fiften . . ace's & two comons 133 John Addams . . Twelve . . ace's ^ & one comon & halfe 18: 134 Mem Thomas Prentice . . nine . . . ace's . this last lott of Thoi nas Prentices jeing omitted in the entry. mufl ight n, in its pper place, & the following 1 otts advanced. 11. cow comons in all 204 Thefe entryes above, were examined by the Select men, the 20".' of novemb. 1665. cow commons in all 238^ [146] In the yeere 1662 theare was feuerall lots layed out to the Inhabitancy of the towne on the fouth fide of Charles Riuer) but vpon a wronge Information of the line of m r Androwes farme, theare was fome of the land belonging to fay d farme layed out in fome of thofe lots the propriators of theafe lots are thofe heare exvrefed John Holmes 4 akers Edwarde fheapard 4 akers m r Edmond Angier 4 akers : — Daniell PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 49 Cheauer 2 akers and a halfe : — Robert browne aboute an aker and halfe : — Granted to theafe perfons for fattiffaction as followeth — in the yeere 1669 — granted to m r Edmond Angier three akers of fwampe beyonde meno- time towards millis ware adjoining to his owne land he had theare before) on the eaft) wood lots north) the brooke fouth) and A high way Runing atwhart It of twoo rods broade to mr danforths Hand — granted to Rober browne one Aker and A halfe of fwampe m r Angier on the weft wood lots North brooke fouth — Granted to Edward Sheaperd fiue akers allmoft three akers layed out to him of fwampe and vpland of and by the greate fwampe neere watter towne line — and fomthinge more then twoo akers of fwampe in the oxpaftur the lots in the great fwampe fouth the highway into the frefhpond meddow north — Granted to John Holmes fiue akers Layed out to him almoft three akers of fwampe and vpland Joining to Edward fheard neere water towne line and A high way left betwene them and the lots in the great fwampe — and fomething more then twoo akers of the great fwampe in the oxpaftur) the highway into the frefh pond medow fouth Common fwamp north — Layed out to danicll Cheauer twoo akers and A halfe of fwampe in the oxpaftur the highway into the frefhpond medow fouth the brooke weft Common fwampe north and Eaft — at a metting of the felect men 12 (8) 1668 m r Richard Champnis appeering before the felect men and theare refigned vp all the Intreft in the houfe right that appertained to william wadfworth vnto his fonne Inlaw John Haftins and theare being noe fwampe formerly granted to the fayd right John Haftins pleading for the fame before the felect men th 16 (10) 1670 It was granted to him an aker and halfe of the fwamp on the north fide of the path into the frefhpond medow next to Daniell Cheauers land runing from the vpland vnto the Riuer this grant is made voyde that is to John Haftins [ ] 1682 15° PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. John {147] In the yeere 1677 John Marrit appearing before the Marrit felect men to treate with them about the highway that runs by his land in watertowne bounds that leade to the frefhpond the way being fume part of It in wet and fwampe ground the felect men did agree with him that hee providing A fufifhent way through his land for horfe and Cart hee mould haue the vfe of the other high way againft his land to be at his difpofe Nicholas Alfoe John fifhington made an Agreement with the felect men to allow A fufifhent way through his land leading to the frefhpond for which hee was to haue the highway againft his land and was alfoe to maintaine the gate by watertowne line which agreement was afterward againe Renewed by Nicholas fifhington with the felect men to performe the fame — An order made and publifhed by the felect men About the for tifica- tion timber 15 (8) 1677 whearas theare was an Agreement and publicke vote of the towne that the timber brought for the fortification be Improved for the filling up A part of the brigd and that the felect men doe forthwith take Care for the Efecting of the fame they thearfore prohibit all perfons from taking away any part thear of wheather fet vp or lying upon the ground and If any fhall without order from the felect men take any of It away they fhall forfit for euery peice thearof fixpence the one halfe to the Informer and the other halfe to the towne publifhed th iS (8) 1677 by the order of the felect men In the yeere 1678 in the firft month the felect men went to fettell fume highwayes on the fouth fide of the riuer firft they ftaked out the Country highway fower Rod wide of the fouth fide of goodman man's lot alis John Jackfons and marked out th highway of two Rod wide at the Eaft End of the fayde lot of good- man mans up to the Country Rode that leade to watertowne mill from Rockfbery PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 151 Alfoe theyfet out the high way of two Rod wide on the fouth fide of Nathanill fparhaukes land and the hundreth Akers belonging to Elder Champne vnto the Common land next to M r danforths farme Alfoe they layed out the way that rune betwene Nathanill fparhaukes land and goodman Cheauis land vp to Rockf bery highway At a publicke Meeting of the Inhabitance of the towne of Cambrigd propriators in the Common March I7 lh 1678 ~79 the Requeft of Nathanill Hancoke and william barrit being moued to the Inhabitance of the towne to fell them the peice of fwampe lieng betwene theare land and the Coledge land It was put to Vote and granted to them by A publicke vote of the towne) alfoe It was Commited to the felectmen to make fale of It to the fayde Nathanill Hancoke and william barrit the acte of the felectmen About the fayde Land vpon fume further Confideration of the felect men and the motion of fume other perfons for a part in the fayde land Namely famuell Gibfon the felect men did Request m r Oakes and m r Maning to Confider what might bee Necifary for his accomodation of his trade and to flake out the fame turne ouer [148] the Returne of m r Oakes and m r Maning May th firft 1679. we being Appointed by the felect men upon the fale of the fwampe betwene Nathanill Hancok and william barrit to meafure the whole and to ftake out what part of It famuell gibfon fhould haue hee allowing by the Rod according as they giue for It) wee finde the whole to bee About fixteene Rods of ground which at forty fhillings the whole amounteth to two fhillings fix pence pr Rod wee haue accordingly ftaked out two Rods to famuell Gibfon in the Corner next to his pits for his trade upon Condition that famuell gibfon doe forthwith pay flue fhillings in money and make up his part of the fence betwene him and william barrit or in Cafe the fayde famuell Gibfon doe faile and not performe the Conditions 152 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. then Nathanill Hancoke and William barrit are to haue the whole fix- teene Rods more or lefe which is fignified by vs William Maning Edward Oakes Memorand that francis More and thomas Androwes haue made a Change of nine Rods and fower feete of fence that fence which was francis Mores) but upon the Change is now thomas Androwes) \y upon Jonfis hill adjoining to m r ftedmans fence at the north end of It and famuell ftones fence It Joine to the fouth end of It) and that which francis more pofes In lue of It being nine Rod in the oxe paftur that Joine to his owne fence at one end and danill Cheauer at the other end the faide fence on Jonfis hill did formerly belong to A lot that was formerly Jofeph Ifacks) and the faide fence in the oxpaftur did belong to a lot formerly guy banbricks and Now thomas Androwes Memord that Jacob Amfdell agreed with the felect men to Repayer the glas of our meeting houfe for ten millings) and to keepe It In Repayer forfeauen yeere following for fifteene millings A yeere his pay to be in Calh or Corne at money price and the feauen yeere to begin at the firft of May in the yeere 1681 th mo Cambridge y e 10: 12: 1672 The proprietor of the pine Swamp feild, appearing before the Select men, declared that they had agreed that a hye way of two rods wide, formerly lyeing between Edward Hall & William Mans houfe, is now layd out between Edward Hall & Robert Parkers, & is lyeing on the North fide of the ffence of the said Halls land, begining at the Comon and Continueing vntill it come to the Eafterly fide of the Said Parkers & Halls land, and Continue as formerly layd out; The pro- prieto rs that agreed to alter this High way as is above exprefsed are af ffolloweth : Thomas Danforth Efq^ Robert Parker Edward Hall Walter Halting PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 153 [149] the fettelment of the fence againft the Necke of land made and agreed upon by the order of the f elect men in the yere 1645 the Commity for the fame Edvvarde Gofe m r Collins and thomas Marrit the fence deuidid for about three akers for one pole of fence Imprimis to m r Houghs farme foe far as the extent of his ovvne land to charlftowne owners of the field adiafient It is agreed by mutiall Con- fent that theare part of the faide fence fhall bee together adioneing to m r Houghs farme that is to fay the one halfe of the partion line betvvene the faide fields Next to Charles towne fence was layed out the remainder in order as followeth — — Imprimis 1 to land belonging to m r thomas Danforth, thirty nine Rod and fower foote 2 thomas parith eight Rod wanting one foote 3 herbert pelham Efq thirty fiue Rod 4 John ftedman nine Rod and fifteene foote 5 Robert ftedman three Rod fower foote and A halfe 6 heazekiah Vufher Eleuen foote 7 thomas Marrit Eleauen foote 8 John bregd fiue Rod and fiue foote 9 Edmond Angier one Rod and thirteene foote 10 herbert pelham Efq twenty eight Rod 1 1 Cap' Gorge Cooke fixteene Rod wanting one foote 1 2 m r Jofeph Cooke thirty and two Rod 13 widdow Cutter one Rod fixe foote and three qarters £ 14 Robert fanders fiue Rod and fiue foote 15 m' fparhauke fix Rod twelue foote 16 Robert holmes Eight Rod 17 Elder Champne Eight Rod 18 Robert bradifh eleuen Rod and fifteene foote 19 william Man one Rod fiue foote 20 william Cutter fower Rod ten foote 2 1 william Wilcoke two Rod and eight foote 22 Ann Crofby three Rod wanting one foote 23 Richard parkes three Rod wanting eight foote I 5 4 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 24 thomas Chefholme one Rod and twelue foote 25 Edward winfhip fower Rod 26 m r famuell (heapard fourteene Rod 27 m r Edward Collins fixteene Rod and two thirds § 28 thomas beale fix Rod 29 m r thomas danforth ten Rod 30 Goldin More fix Rod ouer plus three Rod and Eight foote Edward Gofe declaring that hee had forgot his owne fhare of fence (his land In the Neck being 210 akers) hee defired to mainetaine the Necke gate by 'his houfe and all the fence anent the highway this accout of the fence was giuen in by m r thomas danforth to the felect men in the year 1681 7 th of the 6 th mo: 1648 [150] theafe prefents witnes that thomas brigham of Cambrigd hauing A percell of land about three akers more or les adioning to the weft field in Cambrigd bounds being bounded watertowne high way to the frefh pond fouthweft great fwamp north Robert parker Eaft: hee doth freely Refigne up all his right and Intreft in the fame into the hands of the townfmen from him and his for euer upon Condition that they foe difpofe of It as that Care be made to maintaine the fence that is layed upon that land to beare and fecure the faide thomas brigham from all future damagis theareby In the prefence of Roger bancroft his T marke Jonathan bower thomas brigham thomas danforth this land the towns men doe Afigne to thomas Marrit upon Condi- tion hee make the fence 11 th io ,h mo 1648 thomas Marrit Refigncd up this land againe into the towns hand, the note of theafe acts put upon the file PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 55 27 (12) 1681 At A publicke meeting of the Inhabitance of the towne Voted on the firmatiue that the land that ly Common Nere Noah wifwals If Commited to the felect men to make fale of It and difpofe of the pay for the townes vfe • — granted to widdow Rolfe to make A dam about the old mill pond to keepe water in for to acomadate the mill with water granted to deacon waiter haftins a peice of land of the Common fouthward from the place wheare his houfe flood 14 (12) 1681 the Returne of famuell Champne and waiter haftins Concerning the highway they ftaked out on the fouth fide of the Riuer wee whofe names are vnder written being appointed by the felect men to ftake out the highway betwene m r pelams farme and the fmall lots on the fouth fide the Riuer in the marfh we began at the Riuer and ftaked out fower Rods wide betwene m r pelam and danill Cheauers marfh the bredth of danill Cheauers lot againft the highway which was ten Rods, (and John ftedman Jun r his lot was fifteene Rods wide) and Nicolas filhingtons lot was feauen Rods wide, and lewtenant greens lot was feuen Rods wide and petter townes lot was thirty eight Rods wide and when wee weare paft theafe lots we Came to A Creeke and then againft Richard Robins lot we ftaked out the highway fix Rods wide and foe Continued along by m r Angiers marfh untill wee Came to m r pelams Corner then the line turned fouthward and from that Corner wee meaf- ured fix Rods and foe Continued the way fix Rods wide to m r Angiers orchyard and along betwene m r danforths farme and m r Angiers or- chyard to the open way waiter hafting famuell Champne this highway aboue mentioned is let for the yeere 1682 to thoie here after named 156 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to danill Cheauer againft his lot for 00 — 00 — 09 to Zacariah hickes that is John ftedmans for . . 00 — 01 — 00 and to lewtenant green for 00 — 00 — 06 and to Nicolas fifhington for 00 — 00 — 06 and to petter towne for 00 — 02 — 00 and the Remainder of the highway let to ) Androw bordman and famuell gibfon for J . . 00 — 10 — 00 [151] a coppy of the Returne made by famuell ftone and dauid fifke and Mathevv bregd Concerning the bounds of A part of the farme that formerly was Roger fhawes wee whofe names are heere vnder written being appointed by the felect men as A Commity in the townes behalfe to lay out to the pro- priators that meddow formerly granted to Roger fhaw according to his grant It hauing neuer beene heretofore done by any Commity in the townes be halfe wee haue according to the grant laide to them that meddow being one Intire medow Containing by Eftimation fower fcore akers more or les which is A medow not far from Concord bounds and Joineth to the North End of A great fwamp which is hed of part of fhawfhin Riuer and this is by us marked Rounde that medow wheare it is next the Common with this marke M with A markin oyrn on that fide of many of the trees next the medow) the propriators being with us and Consenting to what wee haue done and this If our Returne to the towne famuell ftone fen r Aprill 14 th 1682 dauid fifke fen r Mathew bregd fen r 14 (2) 1682 At A publicke meetting of the propriators of the towne granted to waiter haftins on the Common againft his yarde that was before his houfe three Rods and hue foote fouthward and Eaft and Weft in length fiue Rode that was fet out by the felect men the tweluth of May 1682 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 157 9 (8) 1682 At A meeting of the felect men John Hastins hauing granted the priuiligd that did belong to Elder Champnes houfe that did fumtimes ftand neere the fcholehoufe as appeere by the towne Records and theare being A fwampe lot belong- ing to the faide priuiligd the felect men doe allow him two akers and A halfe for an Aker and halfe by Reafon that the land ly unfenced and the wood taken of wheare as theare was A former grant by the felect men in the yeere 1670 upon 16 th 10 month of an Aker and halfe of fwampe with out the fence) to John haftins but the felect men upon fur- ther Confideration fee Refon to allow the faide John haftins two akers and A halfe the Reafons aboue mentioned and thearfore the former grant is made Voide by the felect men 22 (8) 1682 the deputy gouerner went ouer the Riuer with the felect men th 22 (8) 1682 to lay out A highway upon the land that ly in Common be- twene the line of the deputic gouerners farme and Nathanill fparhaukes line and m ris Micthells land and Marked the fouthfide of It and the bredth of It to Extend fix Rods wide from the faide marked trees northerly this begining at the highway betwene the hundreth akers belonging unto the Champnis and Nathanill fparhaukes land and the faide highway to Continue the fame bredth untill It Clofe with the high- way along by the deputy gouerners farme that is fix Rods wide alfoe [152] At a publick meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambrid the 27 th of Apprill 16S3 It was then voted whether John Watfon fhould haue about tenn foott square of y e Common land Adjoyning to the front of his barne, giucing the Town of Cambridge fatiffaction for the same, & ffrancis More Peter Town and John Goue are made Choyce of as a Comitte for the Town to vewand Confider the same, whether it may ftand with the Towns Interift to grant it to him vpon the termes then spocken too, which was after the rate of tenn pouds p r ache r , who vpon Confideration are to make rcturne to the town vnder ther hands, the aboue vote was voted on the afirmitiue : I5 8 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. th mo 14 9 : 83 — The returne of the Comitty aboue mentioned francis More Petter Town & John Goue haue Confidered the Conferne and Intreft of the town In the Cafe of John watfon aboue mentioned and fe Reafon to Grant him tenn foott square off the Comon land to the front of his Barne vpon the termes aboue mentioned At a meeting of the Select men the 1 I th day of ffebwary 1683 It was then euidenced by Ephraim ffroft of this town that he brought out of our Comon Swamp on this fide of Menotomie riuer one loed of fwamp wood for Andrew Boedman to M r . Eliiah Corlitts, this winter attefted by Ephreaim frost Teftifyed by Samuell Cooper that he brought a Jagg of wood with two Cattle for Andrew Boedman out of our Comon fwape on this fid menotomy Riuer this winter Samuel Cooper At ameeting the Select men the i8 ,h of ffebruary 1683 Nathaniell Pattin & Israeli Mead & Samuell Cook wood reaues ded then apeare before us and gaue in this teftemony that Some time in January laft we went into our Comon fwampe on thif fide Menotomie riuer where we found Cutt feuerall heapes of green fwamp wood, and vpon an Island in this fwamp about two loed of yong oake Cutt the whole of the wood we found Cutt in that swamp we Judge not to be lefs then fifteen loed and the aforesaid Nathanill Pattin & Ifraell mead, found Andrew boadman and his servant and one of Marfhall Greens fones Cutting of this wood attefted by Nathanill Patten Ifreall meed Samuell Cooke The Select men haue ffined Andrewe Boadman for breach of a Town order in Cutting wood in our Comon fwampe on this fid menotomie Riuer as is aboue euedenced, thirtie (hillings. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. J 59 At a publike meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town the 17" 1 of the 5 Ih month 1682 to Confider of the maintenance to be allowed to M r Gookin for his labours amongft us Six fcore pounds a yeare was voted by the Inhabitants to be paid in y e fame maner and kind as was to our former paftors [153] At a meeting of the proprietor of this Town of Cambridge Leagally warned and mett together this iO* : h of September 1683 It was then put to vote to them whether they would Sell to M r Thomas Oakes phifition, a psell of land lyeing vpon Jonfes hill to the quantity of about six ache** of land at a valueable prifs, as it lhould be prifsed by a Coffiittee Choffen by the proprietor, who lhould lay out and make Sale of the land to the abouesaid M r Thomas Oakes vpon Condition he doth Settle himfelf an Inhabitant amongft us, and it was voted on the affirmitiue; and there was choffen by the proprietors to Joyne with the select men as a Coffiittee for that service Maio r Daniell Gookin - Elder Jonas Clarke M r Joseph Cook & Samuell Goffe Thefe are to certify to the Town of Cambridge th • I Richard Eccles doe agree to settle the windmill [ ] and a high way of two rode broad therevnto, [ ] that it fhall be settled, and staked out by [ Honored Majeftrats, and the select men of [ ] Town, and when it is foe done to enter it i A [ ] records, with my hand therevnto; witt- nefs my [ ] this 28 th day of March 1684: Richard Eccles This is a true Coppy of a writting vnder Richard Eccles hand p Sam 1 . 1 Andrewe Cla r : We the above mentioned perfons the Honoured Mageftrates and Select men of Cambridge according to an agreement with Richard Eccles of the fame Town as appeares by a writeing under his hand (the true Coppy whereof is above written in our Town Book of Records) have with the beft of our Care, Staked out, and Settled, this Towns propriety, being known by the ancient name of the Wind mill hill, being anciently so called in our Town Book and there recorded in the year 1633: with an high way theireunto of two Rodds wide, The boundaryes i6o PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. of the aforefaid hill is staked out as followeth, the Eafterly Side thereof is bounded with the abovesaid Richard Eccles, and containing Six Rodd and Seven foot, the Southerly Side bounded upon Charles River and containing ten Rodd, the westerly Side bounded upon the aforefaid Richard /Eccles Marfh, and containing Seven Rodd and a halfe, and the Northerly fide bounded alfo upon Richard /Eccles aforesaid and con- taineth ten Rodd and four foot. [154] The order of the Diuifhon of the lotts beyond the eight mile Line betwixt that and Concord line with the Number of acce rs and Cowe Comons belonging to each pson surveied by enfighn Dauid ffifk 1683 there being a high way layd betwixt euery Squadrant. Firft Squadrant. nob' of acce" Cowe Comons I Richard Robbins . . . Ten acce rs 2 Henry Prentice . . fiue acce rs 3 Edward Hall . . . Twenty acce re Two Comons 4 Peter Town . . . Twenty acce rs Two Comons 5 Samuell Bucke . . ffifteen acce re one CoiTion & a half 6 Phillip Ruflell . . fiue acce rs 7 Thomas ffox . . Twenty acce" Three Comons 8 Thomas Swealman fifteen acce" Two Comons 9 Hancok & Port . fifteen acce rs Two Comons 10 Thomas Andrews . Twenty acce rs Two Coitions 11 Maio' Daniell Gookin fifty acce" fiue Comons 12 Israeli Mead . . fife acce re 13 John Ruflell . . . six acce re 14 Widdow Rolf . . Twelue acce rs iS Mathew Bridge . . Twenty fiue acce re 16 James Hubert . . Tenn acce rs one Coiiion 17 John rfroft . . . Tenn acce rs one Comon 18 William Boedman . Twenty acce rs Two Cofnons 19 Thomas Hall . . Twenty acce re Two Comons 20 Robert Parker . . fiuteene acce rs Two Comons 21 Richard Dany . . fifteene acce rs part of this lott lj res in the second squadrant which conteyns the j lotts as ffolloweth PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 161 22 Nathaniell Robbins fiue acce" 23 Rich : Jackfons heires Thirtie acce rs Three Comons 24 Phillip Jones . . . fiue acce re 2 5 Daniell Ston . . fiue acce rs 26 John Taylor . . fifteen acce" Two Comons 2 7 John Tidd . . . Seauen acce" 28 Jeremiah Holman . fifteen acce" Two Comons [] John Watfon . . Thirtie acce rs Two Comons & half [] William Manning . Twenty acce rs Two Comons [] , ddow Wieth . . Twenty acce" Three Comons [] [ ] Pelham . Sixty-Six acce re Eleauen Comons [] ] heirs of Robt Miriam ] concord in 2 pts . forty fiue acce" Six Comons [] Ruffells Heires . . . ^. is gaue to to William ' Twenty acce rs Two Comons & Jafson RulTell ) In the third Sq uadrant as ffolloweth 35 Nathaniell Green . . . fifteen acce" Two Comons 36 Samuell Ouldum . Tenn acce' s 37 Andrew Stimfon . . . Twenty acce" Two Comons 38 le sixe acce re mington fifteen acce" 39 Andrew Belcher for Lewt Two Comons 40 Nathaniell Hancoke . . Twenty acce rs Two Comons 41 Elder John Ston . . . fourty acce rs foure Comons 42 Cap' Joseph Sill . . . Twelue acce rs Two Comons 43 Benonie Eaton .... fifteen acce™ one Coirion 44 William Bull Tenn acce rs one Comon 45 widdow Cooke .... Twenty acce rs Three Comons 46 Twenty acce rs Two Comons 47 John Marritt .... Thirty acce" foure Comons 48 Richard ffrances . . . Tenn acce re 49 Thomas Oliuer .... fifteen acce rs 5° ffrancis mores heirs . . Eight acce" one Comon 5 1 Leut Edward win (hip . . fifty acce re fiue Comons 5 2 Juftinion Houlden . . fifteen acce rs a fmale pt in the 4 d Sq 1.1 drant l62 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 53 Robert Brown . 54 Ephraim Cutter 55 John Holmes . 56 Jacob Dany . . 57 Samuel Chamne 58 Andrew Boedman 59 Roger Buck . . 60 James Cutler Jun r [155 6x 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 7S 79 80 81 82 83 In the fourth Sq uadrant as ffolloweth Twenty acce rs Twenty acce rs Twenty four acce ri fiue acce rs thirtie acce rs Twenty acce rs fifteen acce rs Seauen acce" Daniell Chamne Tho : Chenny . . Deacon John Cooper Edward Oakes . . Sam": Ston senio r . Michall Knight . . Henry Smith . . Solomon Prentice . James Cutler senio r John Adams . . Arron Boedman . The f Squad Chriftopher Reed Nicholas ffesenden Thomas Cutler . Robert Wilfon . Abra : Erringtons heirs Georg Willows . John Smith . . Samuell Cooper Reubin Luxford Isacc sternes heirs ffrancis Whitmore William Dikfon . Thirtie acce" fiue acce rs fourtie acce rs Twenty acce rs Thirtie acce rs Three acce re fiue acce' s Twenty acce rs Eight acce rs Twenty fiue acce r: Twenty acce rs rant as ffolloweth Ten acce" Thirtie acce rs Six acce rb Tenn acce rs Twenty acce rs fifteen acce rs seauen acce rs seauen acce' s Tenn acce rs fiue acce" Twelue acce rs Thirtie acce' s Two Cofnons Two Cofnons foure Cofnons Two Comons Two Comons 4 Comons Two Comons one Comon & a half Two Comons Three Comons one Cofnon Three Cofnons Two Cofnons Two Comons PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 163 84 35 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 i°3 104 Thomas Longhorne John Haftin . . ffrancis Boeman Rich : Eccles . Ephraim Winfhip William Barritt . Edmond Angier Joshua ffuller Deacon Walter Haflin Abraham Hill . . , for Gibert Cragbons heirs 2 parts one in the Sixt Squa In the Six' Zechariah Hickes . Jonathan Cane . . . Rob : Steadmans heirs Nathan iell Sparahauk William Munroe . . Joseph Bradifh . . . M' Eliiah Corlitt . . Tho : Danforth Efq r on Samuell Gone . . . John Palfry .... hu In the Seauen IO S M r Dunfters heires 106 Dauid ffifke senio' . 107 John Mairitt . . . 108 Leu' Sam u Green . 109 Elder Jonas Clark . 1 10 Cap' Prentice . . I II John Ouldum . . I 12 M r Josep Cooke . 113 Joseph Simons . . 114 Jonath : Remington us John Mackoon . . Thirty acce rs Twenty acce rs Twenty acce rs Thirtie acce" Tenn acce rs Twenty acce" fiftie acce" fiue acce" Thirtie acce" fifteen acce rs Twenty acce rs drant Squadrant as ffollow Twenty acce rs Twenty acce rs Twenty acce rs Thirtie acce" Tenn acce rs fiue acce" Twenty fiue acce rs ndred thirty fiue acce fourtie acce rs Twenty acce" th Squadrant as ffollo fifteen acce rs Twenty acce rs Twenty acce rs Twenty acce" Thirtie acce rs Twenty acce rs Tenn acce" fourtie acce" fiue acce" Twenty acce" Six acce" Thre Comons Two Comons Three Comons Two Comons foure Comons Three Comons Three Comons eth Two Cofnons Two Comons Three Comons Three Comons " Twelue Comons foure Cofnons Two CoiTions weth Two Comon Two Comons Two Comons one Comon & a halfe foure Comons Two Comons 164 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 116 117 118 [156] 119 120 121 122 123 124 I2 5 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 ^33 i34 i3S 136 i37 138 139 140 141 142 i43 M5 John Wilington . Sam!' Gibfon . Widdow Miriam fiue acce rs Twelue acce ri fifteen acce rs in two pts one in th e 8' Squadrant The 8' Squadrant Thomas White . . John Squire . . . Georg Addams Ju r M' 8 Michells Heires Tho : Brown Juno' Ephraim ffroft: . . Golden More . . John Collice . . . Sam" Haftin . . John Cooper Jun r . Joseph Ruffells . . Dauid ffifke Juno' . John Winter . . . Sam 1 ' Cook . . . Edvv Michelfons heirs Owin Warland . . Sam 1 ' Andrewe . . John Swan . # . . Sam'! Gookin . . Daniell Cheeuers . in 2 pts one pt in the one Comon 9 th Sq fiue acce' 5 eight acce" fiue acce" fourtie acce rs fifteen acce' s Twenty acce" fiue acce" fiue acce" Twenty acce" Tenn acce" fifteen acce" Sixe acce" seauen acce" fiue acce" Twenty fiue acce' fifteen acce" Twenty fiue acce' Twenty acce" Tenn acce" Twenty acce" uadrant In the 9"' Squad rant as ffolloweth Sam'! Robbins . Widdow Bowtell M r Nath : Gookin Rich: Cutter . William Town . this lott is in two pts. 144 Abra : Holman .... this lott is in two pts fiue acce" fifteen acce" fourtie acce" Twenty acce" fifteen acce" not drawn Thirty fiue acce" foure Comons Two Comons Two Comons one CoiTion one Comon foure Comons Two CoiTions Two Comons & halfe Two Comons Two Comons Two Comons Two Comons Two Comons foure Comons PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 165 146 Seri' ffrancis More . Twenty fiue acce rs Two Comons & halfe this lot is in two pts 147 Harvard Colledge . . . Twenty acce rs three Comons 148 John Green Marlhall Twentie acce 15 Two Comons 149 John Gibfons heirs Twenty acce rs Three Comons !5° Nath : Pattin . . Twentie acce re Two Comons >5I Piam Blores . . . Thirtie acce rs Three Comons 152 John Goue . . . Thirtie acce rs Three Comons 153 John Steadman . . William Carly . . four acce rs neer hi s houfe Know all men that I Jeremiah Holman fen r of Cambridge (In Con- fideration of y? Sume of the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge) do oblige my Selfe and my Heirs forever to make and maintaine all that fence which (untill the figneing hereof) does belong unto Solomon Prentis fen r : which parcel of fence lies betwixt the Coffion and my land adjoining to my houfe. Wittnefs my hand this 15. ffebn': 1709 Signed in presence of Jer rh And r Bordman holman September 1686 [157] By order of the select men Chofsen as a Comitte by the Inhabitants ther was layd out in the Ox pafter Swampe adioyning to John Haftins a lott Conteyning fiue ackeres & a halfe to Nicholas ffesenden in Lue of fiue acce re of Land the Town tooke from him that was pt of the land he bought of the brighames: Layd out by Samuell Andrew Senf Alinations of remott lotts beyond y e 8' mile line M r william Manning sould a lott of 20 acceres to John watfon being the 30 th lott in 2 d Squad- rant witnefs his hand this 4 of April! : 1687: M r Manning being fully Satiffyed for y e same William Manning 1 66 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. This 9 th of Janaary 1687 Memorandum That John Swan Sen r a proprieto' in Cambridge rights or Cow Comons hath Giuen to his Son Girsham Swan now of Charles Town one right or Cowe Comon in Cambridge as appeares by a deed of Sale vnder his hand this 21 : January 169] Memorandum that Solomon Prentice sold to Joseph Cragbone four rode of fence belonging to the Weft feild lyeing betwixt the said Joseph Cragbon againft his land and Deacon Haftins orchard Adjoyning to it: & adioyning next vnto Cambridge Common : which the aforesaid foure rode of fenfe the aforesaid Joseph Cragbone doe acknowledg him Self to be oblidged to fence and maintaine the same for euer for the futor from the date aboue written as wittnefs his hand Wittnefs Joseph Crackbon Sam" Andrew Cla r Cambridge Novemb r 29'?' 1689 [161] The propriet rs of the Cow Comon & other parcels of Comon land lying among the small farmes now proposed to be divided being legally Called & Afsembled thefe severall things were propofed & agreed upon by them — 1 That as to y e Division every mans houfe right be laid out to him in two Divisions, that So as much as may be any Damage arising by any ones lot falling where wood is Considerably cleared off maybe in meafure remedied — 2 As to the Forme of Division : That as neare as may be according to the Surveyo' 5 best skill each Squadron be so proportioned as that lots may not exceed four score Rods in length, more or lefs unlefs in such places where it Cannot well be avoided — 3 That the Beginning of the Division be made at the Stone wall upon VVatertowne line, the lots to run from the Road to Watcrto up Westward into the Rocks & So to Continue in that forme untill they PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 167 Come within fourscore Rods or thereabout of Concord Road & then the lotts to be turned to Run from y' Road Southward — That the Severall Inhabitants hereafter named who have had no rights given them & have Built & settled among us whofe necef- sity in like measure may Call for some accomodations as to fire wood w th our Selves we are willing that they also have a share amounting to twelve acres more or lefs apiece in thofe quantities of Comon lands lying among the small Farmes — Provided always that if any Proprief shall desire or be willing to take a part or the whole of their proportion in said lands they shall have two acres for one in the Cow Comon, & what shall so remaine of any ones part in Said land shall then be Divided to thefe Inhabitants here mentioned at the rate of six acres in the Cow Cofnons for twelve in the other place or plac A forementioned — The Names of the Inhabitants who are not proprietors who have granted to them as aforesaid are thefe that follow In the Towne at Menotomy Zechariah & Joseph Hicks Abraham Watson John Sawtle John Dickson Thomas Stacie Sam" Cooke Aaron Bordman Philip Cooke Reuben Luxford Joseph Adams Sam 1 . 1 Cooper Gershom Cutter Edward Goffe William Cutter Jonath" Dunster That upon Consideration of the Difficulty of Convenient pafsage to & from the respective lotts in each Division w ch in many places may & will happen, We being willing & desirous to en- deavo r each others accomodation therein, in the best way & manner we Can, To the end therefore that all future trouble respecting that matter, may as neare as can, be now preve A ted ; It is agreed that the respective pafsages or Cart wayes to & from each mans lot in the Severall Divisions be & lye in the most Convenient place, where each mans occafion of pafsing or Carting shall or may happen at 1 68 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the discretion of him that pafseth to Chufe the Same, without any opposition let or hindrance from any man whatsoever through whofe lot such pafsages may or shall happen to be : This mutuall liberty we See Caufe to Grant, thereby Intending y e preventio A of high ways stated in any particular place as ufually in platts of land is stated ; The Inconvenience thereof being now not pofsible to be forefeen — Provided neverthelefs that if any one or more of y e Proprie trs in said lands shall see caufe to Cleare off their wood, & reduce their said lands to particular Improvem': by fencing or buildings verte [162] That then every such proprieto r shall before any fuch en- closure of his or their land, make their Addrefs to the select men of this towne for the time being & acquaint them w'. h their Intentions therein, who are hereby Impowered to appoint some meet person or persons in behalfe of fuch who may have accafion to pafs over such lands (the party likewife Improving having the like liberty to Chufe for himselfe the like number of persons for the Issuing of that matter) & then and there to state, set out & determine the respective paf- sages the same being no where lefs then two Rods wide, & if any Comon Nusance hindrance let or difficulty lye in the way so stated the same & every of them shall be removed & taken away and such pafsage to be made, kept & maintained at the proper Coft of him or them that shall so particularly make Improvement during the whole time thereof, and all this on the penalty of being liable to have such their fences pulled downe by any that shall have occa- sion so to pafs, w'£ out being accounted any trespafser for the Same — A Record of the lotts Granted to the Propriet rs of the Comons in the towne of Cambridge & to other Inhabitants as are afore mentioned the said Granted lotts lying in that part of the land that was formerly Comon called by the Name of Cambridge Rocks (The first Division) Thomas Danforth Esq^ making a Motion to the propriet" that if he might have his proportion of the land to be divided laid out PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 169 together & adjoining to his farme that Jonath 1 ? Sanders doth occupy, he would abate Considerably as to the quantity of his said I : proportion & take Sixty Acres for Ninety six which was his full proportion, w ch was Granted by the proprietor : his sixty acres was the firft lot laid out by Lieu' David Fiske Surveyo r who alfo laid out all the rest: w cb said lot was Bounded by the stone wall stand- ing in y e line between Cambridge & Watertowne being southwest- erly; by the highway leading from Watertowne to Menotomy South Easterly ; by Abraham Watsons lott North Easterly ; & by Richard Eccles Nicolas Fefsinden, Widow Cooke, Widow Rufsell, John Frost, & John Palfrey North Westerly — The second Lott was laid out to Abrah™ Watson being three 2: Acres Bounded w th Thomas Danforth Esq r : Southwesterly; by the aforesaid high way South Easterly; w th Edward Goffe North Easterly & w ,h John Palfrey North westerly — The third Lott was layd out to Edward Goffe being three Acres 3: Bounded w th Abraham Watson southwesterly; w th the highway aforesaid South Easterly; w ,h William Cutter North Eafterly & w th John Palfrey Northwesterly — The fourth Lott was laid out to William Cutter being three 4: Acres — Bounded w ,h Edward Goffe southwesterly; w ,h the fore- said highway South Easterly ; w ,h Ephraim Cutter North Easterly & w h John Palfrey Northwesterly — The fifth Lott was laid out to Ephraim Cutter Containing eight 5: Acres Bounded w th William Cutter Southwesterly; w ,h the afore- said highway South Easterly; w th John Hasting North Easterly & w th his own land & John Palfrey Northwesterly — The sixth Lott was laid out to John Hasting Containing eight 6: Acres Bounded w th Ephraim Cutter Southwesterly; w lh y e afore- said highway South Easterly ; w ,h Gershom Cutter North Easterly & w lh John Cooper & John Marrett North Westerly — 170 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. (The first Division) [163] The Seventh Lott was laid out to Gershom Cutter 7: being three Acres Bounded w th John Hasting Southweft w th y e aforesaid highway South East; w th Walter Hasting North Easterly & w th John Marrett North westerly — The eighth Lott was laid out to Deacon Walter Hasting being 8 : twelve Acres Bounded w'! 1 Gershom Cutter Southwesterly w'! 1 the highway afore Said South Easterly ; w th Widow Moore North Easterly &w ;h John Marrett & Joseph Crackbone Northwesterly — The ninth Lott was laid out to Widow Moore being Acres 9: Bounded w* Deacon Walter Hasting Southwesterly w ,h y e high- way aforementioned South Easterly ; w th John Dickson North- easterly &w th Joseph Crackbone & Sam" Gookin Northwesterly — The tenth Lott was laid out to John Dickson being three 10: Acres Bounded w lh Widow Moore Southwesterly ; w th y e afore said high way South Easterly ; w lh Widow Mitchelson North Easterly & w th Sam 1 ! Gookin & W? Bull North Easterly — The Eleventh Lott was laid out to Widow Mitchelson being n: Sixteen Acres, Bounded w th John Dickson Southwesterly; w ,h y e aforesaid highway South Easterly ; w lh Nicolas Fessinden North Easterly; & w th W m Bull Ephraim Frost, & Zechariah & Joseph Hicks, Northwesterly — The twelfth Lott was laid out to Nicolas Fessinden being 12: twelve Acres, Bounded w' 1 ? Widow Mitchelson South west; w th the aforesaid highway South Easterly ; w' h Aaron Bordman North Easterly & w ,h George Willis, & Joseph Cooke Northwesterly — The thirteenth Lott was laid out to Aaron Bordman Contain- 13: ing three Acres, Bounded w ,h Nicolas Fefsinden Southwest, w' : h the aforesaid high way South Easterly; w ,h the land of Thomas Fox North Easterly & w' h Joseph Cooke Northwesterly PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 171 The fourteenth Lott was laid out to Thomas Fox being twelve 14: acres Bounded w th Aaron Bordman Southwest w lh the aforesaid highway Southeasterly w th y e land of Harvard Colledge North Easterly & w th the land of Joseph Cooke North westerly — The fifteenth lott was laid out to Harvard Colledge being 15 : twelve Acres Bounded w th Thomas Fox Southwest; w th the afore said high way South East ; w 1 !* Samuel Cooke North easte/Jy & w ,h Joseph Cooke & Nathanl 1 Hancock Northwest — The sixteenth Lott was laid out to Sam" Cooke being three 16: Acres Bounded w' : h Harvard Colledge lott Southweft w th the afore menconed highway South Easterly w th Abraham Holman North Easterly & Michael Spencer & Nath" Hancock Northwesterly — ■ The Seventeeth Lott was laid out to Abrah m Holman being 17: eight Acres, Bounded w th Sam": Cooke Southwest; w th y e afore- said highway South Easterly; w th Benoni Eaton North Easterly & w' : h Michael Spencer Northwesterly — The eighteenth Lott was laid out to Benoni Eaton being eight 18: Acres Bounded Abrahm Holman Southwesterly; w' h y e aforesaid highway Southeasterly; w ,h Joseph Cooke Northeasterly & w th Michael spencer & Joseph Rufsell Northwesterly — The nineteenth Lott was laid out to Joseph Cooke being six- 19: teene Acres, Bounded w th Benoni Eaton southwest: w ,h y e afore said highway South East; w ,h Philip Cooke North Easterly & w* Pyam Blowers North westerly — (The first Division) [164] The twentieth Lott was laid out to Phillip Cooke being 20: three Acres Bounded w* Joseph Cooke Southwest; w ,h y e afore- said highway South East, \v th Andrew Stevenson North East & w th M r Belcher Northwest — 172 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. The twenty first Lott was laid out Andrew Stevenson being 21 : eight Acres, Bounded w'. h Philip Cooke Southwest w th y e aforesaid highway South Easterly ; w ,h Zechariah Hicks sen r : North East- erly & w'f 1 M r Belcher Northwesterly — The Twenty second Lot was laid out to Zechariah Hicks Sen r : 22 : being eight Acres, Bounded w l . h Andrew Stevenson Southwesterly w th the aforesaid highway South Easterly; w* Jonath" Remington Northeasterly ; & w th M r Belcher Northwesterly — The twenty third Lott was laid out to Jonath" Remington being 23: eight Acres, Bounded w th Zechariah Hicks Sen r South westerly ; w th ye aforesaid highway Southeasterly w th M r Edward Pelham North Easterly ; & w th Northwesterly — The twenty fourth Lott was laid out to M r Edward Pelham 24: being twenty Acres Bounded wl h Jonath? Remington Southwest- erly: w th the aforesaid highway from Watertown to Menotomy South Easterly : w* the high way leading from Cambridge to Concord North Easterly & w th Sam? Cooper Northwesterly — The twenty fifth Lott was laid out to Sam 1 . 1 Cooper being three 25 : Acres Bounded w th M r Edward Pelham & Comon land southeast- erly; w'! 1 Pyam Blowers southwesterly: w ,h M r Sam 1 ] Andrew North westerly; & Concord Road North Easterly — The twenty Sixth Lott was laid out to M r Sam" Andrew being 26: eight Acres, Bounded South Easterly w'. h Sam 1 . 1 Cooper; w th Pyam Blowers & Benoni Eaton southwesterly; w th James Hubberd Northwest & w th Concord Road North Easterly — The twenty seventh Lott was laid out to James Hubberd 27: being four Acres Bounded w*! 1 Sam 11 Andrew South East; w ,h Thomas Stacy & Thomas Hall Southwest; W th John Stedman Jun! North west & w'! 1 Concord Road North Easterly — PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. I 73 The twenty Eighth Lott was laid out to John Stedman Jun[ 28: being twelve Acres Bounded w l . James Hubberd South Easterly; with Thomas Hall, Gershom Cutter & John Hasting Southwest- erly; with Joseph Adams Northwesterly; & w' : h Concord Road North Easterly — The twenty ninth Lott was laid out to Joseph Adams being 29: three Acres Bounded w' : h John Stedman Jun r South Easterly — w'! 1 John Hasting & John Sawtle South westerly ; w th John Frost Northwesterly & w'! 1 Concord Road North Easterly — The thirtieth Lott was laid out to John Frost being four Acres 30: Bounded South Easterly w th Joseph Adams; w ,h John Sawtle & Tho Fox, Southwesterly; w ,h John Marrett Northwesterly & with Concord Road North Easterly — The thirty first Lott was laid out to John Marrett being 31: Acres Bounded w th John Frost Southeasterly; w th Thomas Fox Southwesterly; w th Widow Holman North westerly & w'! 1 Concord Road North Easterly — ■ The thirty second Lott was laid out to Widow Holmans heirs 32: being four Acres Bounded w' : h John Marrett South East, \v ,h Thomas Fox south west ; w th Isaac Day Northwesterly & w* Con- cord Road North Easterly — (The first Division) [165] The thirty third Lott was laid out to Isaac Day being 33 : twenty Acres Bounded w th Widow Holmans heirs South Easterly ; w\ h Cap'. Sam" : Green, Deacon Hasting in Robert Parkers right & John Gibson Southwesterly ; w th John Cooper Northwesterly & w th Concord Road Northeasterly — The thirty fourth Lott laid out to John Cooper Jun' being four 34 : Acres Bounded w' : h Isaac Day South Easterly ; w? John Gibson 174 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Southwesterly; with Joseph Rufsell Northwesterly & Concord Road North Easterly — The thirty fifth Lott laid out to Joseph Rufsell being four 35 : Acres, Bounded w th John Cooper South Easterly; w th John Gibson & Widow Longhorne South westerly; w'? Jonath? Dunster Northwesterly & w th Concord Road Northeasterly The thirty sixth Lott laid out to Jonath 11 Dunster being in his 36: mothers right containing eight Acres, Bounded w th Joseph Rufsell South Easterly; w th widow Longhorne South westerly; with Michael Spencer Northwesterly & w tb Concord Road North East- erly — The thirty seventh Lott laid out to Michael Spencer being 27: eight Acres, Bounded w th M" Dunster South Easterly; w*? Widow Longhorne & Richard Cutter South westerly; w l ? Peter Towne Northwesterly & w th Concord Road North Easterly. The thirty eighth Lott was laid out to Peter Town being eight 38: Acres, Bounded w th Michael Spencer South Easterly; w th Rich- ard Cutter & John Swan Southwesterly ; w th John Adams North- westerly & w th Concord Road North Easterly — The thirty ninth Lott laid out to John Adams being Six Acres 39: Bounded w*? Peter Towne South Easterly; w*? John Swan & Widow Bowtell Southwesterly: w th Joseph Sill Northwesterly & w th Concord Road North Easterly — The fortieth Lott laid out to Joseph Sill being eight Acres, 40: Bounded w'? John Adams South Easterly; with Widow Bowtell & Edward Winship Southwesterly ; w"' Robert Wilsons heirs Northwesterly & w th Concord Road North Easterly — The forty first Lott laid out to Robert Wilsons heirs being four 41 : Acres Bounded w 1 ? Joseph Sill South Easterly; w'? Edward Win- PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 75 ship Southwesterly; \v th William Barrett North westerly & with Concord Road North Easterly — The forty Second Lott laid out to W™ Barrett being eight 42: Acres, Bounded w lh Robert Wilsons heirs South Easterly \\ th Edward Winship & Thomas Stacy Southwesterly; w 4 ? M r Nathan' 1 Gookin Northwesterly & w 4 ? Concord Road North Easterly — The forty third Lott laid out to M r Nathan? Gookin being 43: twelve Acres Bounded w th Wf Barrett South Easterly; with Nathan" Pattin & John Green Southwesterly; w 4 ? Sam" Buck Northwesterly & w th Concord Road South Easterly — The forty fourth Lott was laid out to Sam" Buck being Six 44: Acres Bounded w 4 ? M r Nathan? Gookin South Easterly; w 4 ? John Green & Reuben Luxford Southwesterly, w th M r John Stedman Sen r Northwesterly & w"? Concord Road North easterly — The forty fifth Lott laid out to John Stedman Sen r being 45 : twenty four Acres Bounded w 4 ? Sam" Buck South Easterly w 4 ? Reuben Luxford, Zechariah & Joseph Hicks, Thomas Andrew, M r Jonas Clarke, John Jackson & Thomas Hall Southwesterly & w 4 ? the lott for the Ministry & Concord Road Northwesterly & Northerly (The first Division) [166] The forty sixth Lott laid out to Aaron Bordman being 46: four Acres Bounded Southwest w 4 ? Concord Road; w th M r Dun- sters farme North westerly ; w th Northerly ; & w th John Palfrey South Easterly — The forty seventh Lott laid out to John Palfreys heirs being 47 : eight Acres, Bounded w th Concord Road Southwesterly ; w ,h Aaron Bordman Northwesterly; w'! 1 Northerly; w th : Widow Errington south Easterly 176 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. The forty eighth Lott was laid out to Widow Errington being 48 : twelve Acres Bounded w th Concord Road South ; w th John Pal- freys heirs Northwesterly; w th Roger Buck North ; & w th Jonath" Cane Easterly The forty ninth Lott laid out to Jonath" Cane being eight 49 : Acres Bounded w th Concord Road south ; w th Widow Errington Weft ; & w'j 1 William Wyeth Northerly & Easterly — The fiftieth Lott was laid out to Roger Buck being eight Acres 50: Bounded w th the Rufsells farme Northwesterly; w 1 * John Holmes North Easterly ; w th Widow Wyeth South Easterly & w th John Palfreys heirs & Widow Errington southerly — The fifty first Lott laid out to Widow Wyeth being twelve 51: Acres Bounded w* Jonath" Cane Westerly; w 4 ? Roger Buck Northwesterly; w 4 ? John Holmes & Sam 1 ! Hasting Northeasterly & w th Edward Halls heirs South Easterly The fifty second Lott was laid out to Edward Halls heirs, 52: being eight Acres Bounded w'j 1 Concord Road Southwesterly; wf Widow Wyeth Northwesterly; w ttl M7 Mitchell North East- erly ; & w*? Widow Taylo r South Easterly The fifty third Lott laid out to widow Tayl™ heirs being eight 53 : Acres, Bounded w th Concord Road southwesterly : w th Edward Halls heirs Northwesterly ; w*? M ra Mitchell & M r Edw : Pelham North easterly & w th John Watson South Easterly The fifty fourth Lott was laid out to John Watson being ten 54: Acres Bounded \v ,h Concord Road Southwesterly w*? Widow Taylo ra heires Northwesterly ; w th M r Edward Pelham North Easterly & w*? Richard Eccles South Easterly The fifty fifth Lot laid out to Richard Eccles being twelve 55: Acres Bounded w 4 ? Concord Road Southwesterly; w th John PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 77 Watson North westerly w*? M r Edward Pelham North Easterly & w th William Dickson South Easterly The fifty sixth Lott was laid out to W™ Dickson being eight 56: Acres Bounded w th : Concord Road Southwesterly; w th Richard Eccles Northwesterly ; w th Nathan' 1 Hancock & Ephraim Frost North Easterly & W°? Bulls heirs South Easterly The Fifty seventh Lott laid out to W? Bulls heirs being four 57: Acres Bounded Concord Road Southwesterly; w'? W™ Dickson Northwesterly; w th Ephraim Frost North Easterly & with Henry Prentis his heirs South Easterly The fifty Eighth Lott was laid out to Henry Prentis heirs 58: being eight Acres Bounded w 4 ? Concord Road southwesterly; w th w o» yym B u u s heirs Northwesterly; w'? Ephraim Frost & Joseph Crackbone Northeasterly; & w th John Gove South East- erly The fifty ninth Lott was laid out to John Gove being twelve 59: Acres Bounded w th Concord Road southwesterly, w th y e heirs of Henry Prentis Northwesterly; w th Joseph Crackbone, Jonath? Dunster & Sam 1 . 1 Gookin North Easterly & w th M r Edm: Angier South Easterly The Sixtieth Lot laid out to M r Edm : Angier being sixteen 60: Acres Bounded w'! 1 Concord Road Southwesterly; w th John Gove Northwesterly w'j 1 SamV Gookin & Widow Bordman North East- erly, & Peter Towne North Easterly (The first Division) [167] The sixty first Lott was laid out to Peter Towne being 61 : eight Acres Bounded w tb Concord Road southwesterly w th Edmond Angier Northwesterly w th Sam 1 ? Goffe North Easterly, & w th Andrew Belcher South Easterly 178 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. The sixty second Lott laid out to Andrew Belcher being eight 62: Acres Bounded w l f Concord Road southwesterly; w l : h Peter Towne Northwesterly ; w'! 1 Sam" Goffe & Deacon John Cooper North Easterly & w'! 1 John Sawtle South Easterly The Sixty third Lott was laid out to John Sawtle being three 63: Acres Bounded w'." Concord Road Southwesterly; w th : Andrew Belcher Northwesterly; w th Deacon John Cooper North Easterly & w* Widow Rufsell alias Hall South Easterly The Sixty fourth Lott laid out to Widow Rufsel alias Hall 64: being eight Acres Bounded w* Concord Road southwesterly; w'! 1 John Sawtle Northwesterly ; wf Deacon John Cooper North Easterly, & w 1 ! 1 Nathan" Hancock South Easterly The Sixty fifth Lott laid out to Nathan 11 Hancock being eight 65: Acres Bounded w 1 ! 1 Concord Road Southwesterly; w th widow Rufsell alias Hall Northwesterly ; w th Deacon Cooper & Robert Brown North Easterly & w th Owen Worland South Easterly The Sixty sixth Lott was laid out to Owen Worland being 66 : eight Acres Bounded w th Concord Road Southwesterly ; w*! 1 Nathan 1 ! Hancock Northwesterly; w'f Widow Cooke Northeast- erly & w th William Manning South Easterly The Sixty seventh Lott, laid out to William Manning being 6j: eight Acres Bounded w th Concord Road southwest; w th Owen Worland North west; w th M" Corlett & Widow Cooke North Easterly as also w* that Called the Mill Brooke: & w th Jacob Hill & land occupied by Wf Cutter south Easterly The Sixty eighth Lott was laid out to Jacob Hill being eight 68: Acres Bounded w* Concord Road Southwesterly; w*? William Manning Northwesterly; w th the Mill Pond & Mill Brooke North- erly & with a high way to the Mill formerly Called by y e Name of Cap^ Cookes Mill Easterly PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 179 There being a motion made to the Comittee for the laying out these lotts by Sam 1 ' Bull that a small piece of this land might be laid to him adjoining to his houfe lott; he alledging what great damage he should sustain if the high way to the Mill should be laid by his land, by reason of the great fall of water in Winter time w cU would hinder all pafsage to & from his houfe, it was by said Comittee ordered y l if there should happen any small rem- nant of land to be left, he should be accomodated, he abateing of his proportion when his lot came to be laid out; as much as was added to his houfe lott : Accordingly the surveyo' laid out to the said Sam 1 . 1 Bull & to the heirs of Robert Wilson whofe houfe lot was adjoining to said Bull the quantity of one Acre lying next to them being five pole in Breadth Butting on Concord Road & three pole at the other end next the Mill: & forty pole in length; Ninety Pole whereof belonging to said Bull & seventy pole to said Wilsons heirs : the high way to the Mill being then laid between this land and Jacob Hills & is in breadth Seven pole The Sixty ninth Lott was laid out to M re Corlett being twelve 69: Acres, Bounded by William Manning & land occupyed by William Cutter South westerly & w th land of said Cutters South Easterly with Charlestowne Line North Easterly & w 1 ! 1 Widow Cooke Northwesterly The seventieth Lott was laid out to Widow Cooke being twelve 70: Acres Bounded w'? 1 William Manning & Owen Worland South- westerly ; w tb M" Corlett Southeasterly ; wf Charles towne line and Thomas Hall North Easterly & vv th Robert Browne North- westerly. (The first Division) [168] The Seventy first Lott was laid out to Robert Brown 71 : being eight Acres Bounded w'! 1 Nathan 11 Hancock southwesterly ; W 4 ? Widow Cooke South Easterly ; w th Thomas Hall Northeasterly & w'. h Deacon Cooper Northwesterly — 180 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. The seventy second Lott was laid out to Deacon John Cooper 72 : being sixteen Acres Bounded w th Nathan" Hancock Widow Rufsell alias Hall, John Sawtle & M r Belcher southwesterly wf Thomas Hall North Easterly ; Robert Browne south easterly & wf Sam" Goffe Northwesterly — The seventy third Lott was laid out to Sam 11 Goffe being six- 73 : teen Acres Bounded w' h M r Belcher, Peter Towne & M r Angier Southwesterly; wf Deacon Cooper South Easterly; w' h Thomas Hall Northeasterly & w th Widow Bordman Northwesterly — The seventy fourth Lott was laid out to Widow Bordman 74 : being eight Acres Bounded w th M r Angier Southwesterly ; w'f 1 Sam' 1 Goffe South Easterly; w th Thomas Hall Northeasterly & w'f Sam" Gookin Northwesterly — The seventy fifth Lott was laid out to Sam" Gookin being eight 75 : Acres Bounded w'f 1 Edmond Angier & John Gove Southwesterly; w' h Widow Bordman South Easterly ; w th Nath 1 ? Green North Easterly & w'f 1 Jonath 11 Dunster Northwesterly — The Seventy Sixth Lott was laid out to Jonath 11 Dunster being j6: three Acres Bounded w'f 1 John Gove southwesterly; w' h Sam 1 .' Gookin South Easterly ; w'f 1 Nath 1 . 1 Green North Easterly & w th Joseph Crackbone Northwesterly — The Seventy Seventh Lott was laid out unto Joseph Crackbone 7J : being twelve Acres Bounded w'f 1 John Gove & Henry Prentis Heirs southwesterly; w'f 1 Jonath" Dunster South Easterly w'f 1 Nathan" Green North Easterly; & w tb Ephraim Frost North westerly — The seventy eight Lott was laid out to Ephraim Frost being 78 : eight Acres Bounded w'f 1 Henry Prentis heirs, Wf Bulls heirs & Wf Dickson Southwesterly; w' h Joseph Crackbone South Easterly; w th Joseph Winship North Easterly & wf Nathan 1 / Hancock Northwesterly — PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. l8l The Seventy ninth Lott was laid out to Nathan 1 . 1 Hancock 79: being eight Acres Bounded w* W™ Dickson Southwesterly; with Ephraim Frost South Easterly; w th Joseph Winship Northeast- erly ; & w th : Edward Pelham Northwesterly — The Eightieth Lott was laid out to M r Edw : Pelham being 80 : twenty four Acres Bounded w tb Richard Eccles John Watson & Widow Taylo™ heirs southwesterly; w th Nathan" Hancock South Easterly w th Joseph Winship, George Willows & Daniel Chevers Northeasterly; & M™ Mitchell Northwesterly — The Eighty first Lot was laid out to M re Mitchell being sixteen 81 : Acres Bounded wf Widow Taylo™ heirs & Edward Halls heirs southwesterly; w tb M r Pelham South Easterly ; w tb Daniel Chever & Pyam Blowers Northeasterly ; & w*? Sam? Hasting Northwest- erly — The Eighty second Lott was laid out to Sam 11 Hasting being 82 : eight Acres Bounded w th : Widow Wyeth Southwesterly ; w? M ra Mitchell South Easterly ; w ,h Pyam Blowers North Easterly & w th John Holmes Northwesterly — The eighty third Lott was laid out to John Holmes being six- 83 : teen Acres ; four whereof being in the next Range, & twelve acres only this Range Bounded w th Widow Wyeth & Roger Buck south- westerly; wf Sam 11 Hasting South Easterly; Wf Pyam Blowers & his own land of the next range being part of this sixteen acres North easterly & w th the farmes North westerly; the other four Acres part of this lot being of the next range as above mentioned is bounded w th , or Joins to the other twelve Acres Southwesterly ; w tb Pyam Blowers south easterly; w tb Charlestown line North- easterly & w th the farmes Northwesterly — (The first Division) [169] The eighty fourth Lott was laid out to Pyam Blowers 84: being twelve Acres Bounded w th John Holmes, Sam 11 Hasting & 1 82 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. M ra Mitchell Southwesterly w'? John Holmes Northwesterly, w*? Charlstowne line North Easterly; & w l ? Daniel Chever South Easterly — The Eighty fifth Lottwas laid out to Daniel Chever being eight 85 : Acres Bounded w'f M r Pelham & M re Mitchell southwesterly w*? Pyam Blowers North westerly; w'? Charlestown line North- easterly ; & w* George Willows South Easterly — The Eighty sixth lott was laid out to George Willows being 86 : eight Acres Bounded w*? M r Pelham Southwesterly ; w*? Dan 1 ! Chever Northwesterly ; w*? Charlestown line Northeasterly ; & w th Joseph Winship South Easterly — The Eighty seventh Lott was laid out to Joseph Winship being 87: eight Acres Bounded w*? Ephraim Frost Nathan" Hancock & M r Pelham Southwesterly ; w th George Willows North westerly ; w th Charlestowne line North Easterly &with Nathan 1 ! Green South Easterly — The Eighty eighth Lott was laid out to Nathan 11 Green being 88: eight Acres Bounded w* Sam! 1 Gookin Jonath" Dunster& Joseph Crackbone Southwesterly ; w th Jofeph Winfhip Northwesterly ; w th Charlstowne line North Easterly & w*? Thomas Hall South Easterly — The eighty ninth Lott was laid out to Thomas Hall being eight Acres, four of which was laid out to him in this range being all that was left on the Northerly fide of Concord Road & is 89: bounded w*? Widow Cooke Robert Browne, Deacon Cooper, Sam! 1 Goffe & Widow Bordman South westerly; w th Nathan! 1 Green Northwesterly; & w*? Charlestowne line North easterly it Coming to a point South Easterly: the other four Acres part of this lot was laid on the Southerly Side of Concord Road & is Bounded w*? the lott for the Ministry North westerly ; w*? M r John Stedman North Easterly; w*? John Jackson South Easterly; & w'! 1 Deacon John Cooper Southwesterly — PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 83 The ninetieth Lott was laid out to John Jackson being twelve 90: Acres Bounded w th Thomas Hall Northwesterly; w th M' Sted- man North Easterly; w th M r Jonas Clarke southeasterly & w th Deacon Cooper Southwesterly — The ninety first lott was laid out to M r Jonas Clark being Six 91: Acres Bounded w 4 ? John Jackson Northwesterly; w th w th M r Stedman North Easterly; w tb Thomas Andrew South Easterly; & w* Deacon Cooper Southwesterly — The ninety second Lott was laid out to Thomas Andrew being 92 : eight Acres Bounded w tb M r Clarke Northwesterly w th M r Sted- man North Easterly ; w th Joseph Hicks south Easterly ; & w th Deacon Cooper Southwesterly — The ninety third lott was laid out to Joseph & Zechariah 93 : Hicks being three Acres Bounded w th Thomas Andrew North westerly ; w" 1 M r Stedman North Easterly ; w th Reuben Luxford South Easterly ; & w th Deacon Cooper Southwesterly — The ninety fourth Lott was laid out to Reuben Luxford being 94 : three Acres Bounded w th Joseph & Zechariah Hicks North west- erly; w th M r Stedman & Sam? Buck Northeasterly; w th John Greene Southeasterly ; & w th Deacon Cooper Southwesterly — The ninety fifth Lott was laid out to John Green being eight 95 : Acres Bounded w th Reuben Luxford Northwesterly ; w th Sam 1 . 1 Buck & M r Nathan 1 ! Gookin Northeasterly; w th Nathan? Pattin South Easterly ; & w th Deacon Cooper Southwesterly — (The first Division) [170] The ninety sixth Lott was laid out to Nathan 1 ! Pattin 96: being eight Acres Bounded w th John Green Northwesterly w ,h M r Nathan 1 ! Gookin North Easterly; w th Thomas Stacy South- easterly & w th Deacon Cooper Southwesterly — 1 84 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. The ninety Seventh Lott was laid out to Thomas Stacy being 97 : three Acres Bounded w th Nathan" Pattin Northwesterly ; w'? Wf Barrett North Easterly ; w th Edward Winship Southeasterly ; & w th Deacon Cooper Southwesterly — The ninety eighth Lott laid out to Edward Winship being 98: twelve Acres Bounded w'? Thomas Stacy Northwesterly; w 4 ? Joseph Sill, Robert Wilson, & W"? Barrett Northeasterly ; w*? Widow Bowtell South Easterly & with Deacon Cooper South- westerly — The ninety ninth Lott was laid out to Widow Bowtell being 99: eight Acres Bounded w th Edward Winship Northwesterly; w'? Joseph Sill & John Adams North easterly; w' h John Swan south- easterly & w th Deacon Cooper & John Jackson Southwesterly — The Hundredth Lott was laid out to John Swan being eight IOO: Acres Bounded w th Widow Bowtell Northwesterly w l ? Peter Towne & John Adams North Easterly ; w 1 ! 1 Richard Cutter South Easterly ; & w th John Jackson Southwesterly — The hundred & first Lott was laid out to Richard Cutter being IOI : eight Acres Bounded w th John Swan Northwesterly; w th Peter Towne & Michael Spencer North Easterly; w th Widow Long- home South Easterly & w th John Jackson Southwesterly — The hundred & second Lott was laid out to Widow Long- 102 : home being twelve Acres Bounded w* Richard Cutter North- westerly w th Michael Spencer & M ra Dunster North Easterly; w'! 1 John Gibson South Easterly & w th John Jackson South- westerly — The hundred & third Lott was laid out to John Gibson being 103: twelve Acres Bounded w tb Widow Longhorne Northwesterly w th Joseph Rufsell, John Cooper & Isaac Day Northeasterly w'? 1 Deacon Walter Hasting south easterly ; & w th John Jackson Southwesterly — PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 85 The hundred & fourth Lott laid out to Walter Hasting being 104: eight Acres in Robert Parkers right Bounded w 4 ? John Gibson Northwesterly ; w*? Isaac Day North Easterly ; w 1 ? Cap^ Green South Easterly & w*? John Jackson Southwesterly — The hundred & sixth Lott was laid out to Cap^ Sam 11 Green being eight Acres Bounded w* Deacon Hasting Northwesterly; Isaac Day North easterly ; Abraham Watson Southeasterly & with John Jackson Southwesterly — The End of y e first Division Next follows the Second Division of the Rocks, to every one, in order as it was laid out the first mans lott of this second Division beginning where the first Division Ended — (The Second Division) [171] To Abraham Watson three Acres Bounded w ,h Cap' 1 : Greene Northwesterly ; w ,h Isaac Day Northeasterly w th Thomas Fox South Easterly & John Jackson Southwesterly — To Thomas Fox twelve Acres Bounded w th Abrah? Watson 2 : Northwesterly w th Widow Holmans heirs John Marrett & John Frost North Easterly ; w th John Sawtle South Easterly ; & w m John Stedman Jun' Southwesterly — To John Sawtle three Acres Bounded w th Thomas Fox North- 3 : westerly ; w th John Frost & Joseph Adams North Easterly ; w th John Hasting South Easterly & w* John Stedman Southwesterly - To John Hasting eight Acres Bounded w th John Sawtle North- 4: westerly; w ,h Joseph Adams & John Stedman Northeasterly; w*? Gershom Cutter South Easterly & wf Joseph Rufsell South- westerly — 1 86 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. To Gershom Cutter three Acres Bounded w th John Hasting 5 : Northwesterly ; w tb John Stedman Northeasterly ; w th Thomas Hall South Easterly & w th Joseph Rufsell Southwesterly — To Thomas Hall Eight Acres Bounded w tb Gershom Cutter 6: Northwesterly; w th John Stedman & James Hubberd North East- erly; w th Thomas Stacy South Easterly & w th Joseph Rufsell Southwesterly — To Thomas Stacy three Acres Bounded w tb Thomas Hall 7: Northwesterly; w th James Hubberd North Easterly; Benoni Eaton South Easterly & Joseph Rufsell Southwesterly — To Benoni Eaton eight Acres Bounded wf Thomas Stacy 8 : Northwesterly ; w th M r Andrew North Easterly ; w th M r : Belcher South Easterly & w th : Joseph Rufsell Southwesterly — To M r Andrew Belcher Eight Acres Bounded with Benoni 9: Eaton North westerly; w th M r Andrew, Samuel Cooper & some Cofnon land North Easterly ; w th Zechariah Hicks Sen r , Andrew Stevenson, Philip Cooke, Joseph Cooke & Benoni Eaton South Easterly & Joseph Rufsell Southwesterly — To Joseph Rufsell four Acres Bounded w tb M r Belcher Benoni 10: Eaton, Thomas Stacy, Thomas Hall, Gershom Cutter, & John Hasting Northeasterly ; w th : Benoni Eaton South Easterly ; w tb Michael Spencer Southwesterly & w th John Stedman North- westerly — To Michael Spencer eight Acres Bounded w th Joseph Rufsell 11: North Easterly; w th : Benoni Eaton Abraham Holman, & Sam! 1 Cooke South Easterly ; w th Nathan 1 . 1 Hancock Southwesterly ; & John Stedman Northwesterly — To Nathan 11 Hancock eight Acres Bounded w tb Michael Spen- 12: cer North Easterly; w th Sam 11 Cooke & the Colledge lott South PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 87 Easterly ; w th Joseph Cooke Southwesterly ; & w tb Widow Bowtell Northwesterly — (The Second Division) [171] To Joseph Cooke Sixteen Acres Bounded w th Nathan" 13: Hancock North Easterly; w th the Colledge lott, Thomas Fox, Aaron Bordman & Nicolas Fefsinden South Easterly w th George Willows Southwesterly & w tb : M r Sam 1 . 1 Andrew & Deacon Hasting Northwesterly — To George Willows eight Acres Bounded w th Joseph Cooke 14: Northeasterly ; w' h Nicolas Fefsinden South Easterly ; th Zecha- riah & Joseph Hicks Southwesterly; & w th Abrah: m Holman Northwesterly — To Zechariah & Joseph Hicks three Acres Bounded with 15 : George Willows North Easterly; w tb Widow Mitchelson & Nicolas Fessinden Southeasterly ; w th Ephraim Frost Southwesterly, & w th ^[r Angier Northwesterly — To Ephraim Frost eight Acres Bounded w' : h Zechariah & 16: Joseph Hicks North Easterly ; w th Widow Mitchelson South East- erly; w th Wf Bulls heirs Southwesterly & w tb M r Angier North- westerly — To W™ Bulls heirs four Acres Bounded w th Ephraim Frost 17: North Easterly; w th Widow Mitchelson & John Dickson South Easterly; w th Sam 1 ? Gookin southwesterly & w th M r Nathan 1 ? Gookin & M r Angier Northwesterly — To M r Sam 11 Gookin eight Acres Bounded w th W™ Bulls heirs 1 8 : North Easterly ; w th Widow Moore & John Dickson South East- erly: w th Joseph Crackbone Southwesterly & v/ 1 * M r Nathan" Gookin Northwesterly — To Joseph Crackbone twelve Acres Bounded w th Sam" Gookin 19: North Easterly; w th Deacon Hasting & Widow Moore South- 1 88 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. easterly; w th John Marrett Southwesterly; & w th Edward Goffe, Deacon Hasting & M r Nathan 1 ? Gookin Northwesterly — To John Marrett Sixteen Acres Bounded w th Jofeph Crack- 20: bone North Easterly; w th Deacon Hasting, Gershom Cutter & John Hasting South Easterly & w tu John Cooper Southwesterly & w tb the Colledge Lott, Jonath" Remington & Zechariah Hicks Sen r Northwesterly — To John Cooper Jun r four Acres Bounded w th John Marrett 21 : North Easterly; w th John Hasting South Easterly ; with Ephraim Cutter Southwesterly & w th y e Colledge lott Northwesterly — To Ephraim Cutter eight Acres Bounded w th John Cooper 22: Jun* North Easterly; w th his own land South Easterly; w th John Palfrey Southwesterly ; & w th Peter Towne & the Colledge lott Northwesterly — To John Palfrey eight Acres Bounded w* Ephr™ Cutter North- 23: easterly; w th Abrah™ Watson, Edward Goffe, W m Cutter, & Ephr™ Cutter South Easterly; w th Widow Errington & Peter Town Northwesterly & w th John Frost & M r Danforth Southwesterly — To John Frost four Acres Bounded w tb John Palfrey North 24: Easterly; w th M r Danforth South Easterly w th widow Rufsell alias Hall South Westerly ; & w tb Nathan! 1 Hancock & Widow Errington Northwesterly — (The Second Division) [172] To Widow Rufsell alias Hall Eight Acres Bounded 25: w' h John Frost North Easterly; w th M r Danforth Southeasterly; w th Widow Cooke southwesterly & w th William Barrett & Nathan 1 ! Hancock Northwesterly — To Widow Cooke twelve Acres Bounded w th Widow Rufsell 26: alias Hall North Easterly; w th M r Danforth Southeasterly w tb PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 189 Nicolas Fefsinden Southwesterly & w'? John Watson & Joseph Sill Northwesterly — To Nicolas Fefsinden twelve Acres Bounded w tb Widow Cooke 27: North Easterly; w th M r Danforth South Easterly; w ,h Richard Eccles South westerly & w th John Swan & John Watson North westerly — To Richard Eccles twelve Acres Bounded w th Nicolas Fefsin- 28: den & John Swan Northeasterly \v th M r Danforth South Easterly; w th the stone wall in y e line betweene Cambridge & Watertowne South westerly & w th John Swan & Cap* Green Northwesterly — To John Swan eight Acres Bounded w*? Richard Eccles South- 29: westerly; w th the Said Eccles & Nicolas Fessinden south Easterly ; w' h John Watson North Easterly & with Cap 1 : Green & M r Clarke Northwesterly — To John Watson ten Acres Bounded w*? John Swan South- 30: westerly; w th Nicolas Fefsinden & widow Cooke Southeasterly; w th Joseph Sill North easterly & w*? W? Dickson & Thomas Andrew Northwesterly — To Joseph Sill eight Acres Bounded w th John Watson South- 31 : westerly ; w ,h Widow Cooke South Easterly ; w* W? Barrett North Easterly ; & w*? Thomas Andrew & John Gibson Northwesterly - To William Barrett eight Acres Bounded w ft Jofeph Sill South- 32 : westerly ; w tb Widow Cooke & Widow Rufsell alias Hall South Easterly ; w th Nathanl Hancock Northeasterly; & w th John Gibson Northwesterly — To Nathan". Hancock eight Acres Bounded w th Wf Barrett 33: Southwesterly; w th Widow Rufsell alias Hall South Easterly; w th Widow Errington North Easterly & w ,h Joseph Winship & M r Stedman Northwesterly — 1 90 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. To Widow Errington twelve Acres Bounded with Nathan" 34: Hancock Southwesterly; w tb John Frost & John Palfrey South Easterly ; w th Peter Town North Easterly ; & w th M' Stedman Northwesterly — To Peter Towne eight Acres Bounded w th Widow Errington 35: Southwesterly; w th John Palfrey & Ephraim Cutter South East- erly ; w th Colledge lott North Easterly & w th M r Stedman North- westerly — To the Colledge twelve Acres Bounded w th Peter Towne 36 : Southwesterly ; w* Ephraim Cutter John Cooper & John Marrett Southeasterly; w th Jonath? Remington North Easterly; & w th Nathan 11 Pattin & Edward Winship Northwesterly — To Jonath" Remington eight Acres Bounded w th y e Colledge 37 : lott Southwesterly ; w m John Marrett South Easterly w th Zechariah Hicks Sen r North Easterly ; & w tb Edwf Winship North westerly - (The Second Division) [173] To Zechariah Hicks sen r eight Acres Bounded w*? 1 38 : Jonathan Remington South westerly w th John Marrett South East- erly; w th Edward Goffe Northeasterly & w th Reuben Luxford, Sam". Cooper & Jonath" Dunster Northwesterly — To Edward Goffe three Acres Bounded w* Zechariah Hicks 39: Sen r Southwesterly ; w*? Jofeph Cracbone south easterly ; Deacon Hastings North Easterly & John Holmes Northwesterly — To Deacon Walter Hasting eight Acres Bounded w'! 1 Edward 40: Goffe Southwesterly; w th Joseph Cracbone South Easterly; w" 1 M r Nathan" Gookin Northeasterly & w th John Holmes North- westerly — To M r Nathan 11 Gookin twelve Acres Bounded with Walter 41 : Hasting Southwesterly; w ,h Joseph Crackbone & Sam" Gookin PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. I 9 I South Easterly ; M r Angier Northeasterly ; & w th John Holmes & Widow Mitchelson Northwesterly — To M r Edm : Angier Sixteen Acres Bounded w* M r Nathan 1 ! 42 : Gookin South westerly; w th W™ Bulls heirs Ephrf Frost & Zech: & Joseph Hicks South Easterly; w th Abrah™ Holman North Easterly; & w th Widow Longhorne & Widow Mitchelson North- westerly — To Abraham Holman eight Acres Bounded w th M r Edm : 43 : Angier Southwesterly ; w th George Willows Southeasterly w th M r Andrew North Easterly ; & w th M ra Mitchell & Widow Longhorn Northwesterly — To M r Sam 1 ? Andrew eight Acres Bounded w th Abrahf Hol- 44: man Southwesterly; wf George Willows & Jofeph Cooke South- easterly; w th Deacon Hasting Northeasterly & w th M ra Mitchell Northwesterly — To Deacon Walter Hasting twelve Acres Bounded w th M r 45 : Andrew Southwesterly ; w th M r Cooke South Easterly w th Widow Bowtell North Easterly, & w th Samuel Hasting & Widow Taylor Northwesterly — To Widow Bowtell eight Acres Bounded with Deacon Hasting 46 : South westerly Nathan 1 ! Hancock South Easterly, w tl! John Sted- man Jun r North Easterly; & w? Sam 11 Hasting & Jacob Hill Northwesterly — To John Stedman Juny twelve Acres Bounded w'f Widow 47: Bowtell Southwesterly; w th Michael Spencer & Jofeph Rufsell South Easterly w l ? John Sawtle Thomas Fox Abraham Watson & John Jackson North Easterly & w th John Jackson & Aaron Bordman Northwesterly — To John Jackson twelve Acres Bounded w*? Cap' Green, 48 : Deacon Hasting, John Gibson, Widow Longhorn, Richard Cutter, 1 92 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. John Swan, & Widow Bowtell North Easterly; with John Stedman South Easterly; w th Aaron Bordman & Said Stedman South west- erly ; & w th John Adams & Deacon Cooper Northwesterly — To Aaron Bordman three Acres Bounded w th John Jackson 49: North Easterly ; w th John Stedman South Easterly; with Jacob Hill Southwesterly & w th John Adams Northwesterly — To Jacob Hill eight Acres Bounded w m Aaron Bordman North 50: easterly; w" John Stedman & Widow Bowtell Southeasterly; w th Sam u Hasting Southwesterly & w th W? Maning Northwesterly To Sam 11 Hasting eight Acres Bounded w" 1 Jacob Hill North 51: Easterly w th Widow Bowtell & Deacon Hasting South Easterly; w th Widow Taylor Southwesterly ; & w th M r Blowers & Philip Cooke Northwesterly — (The Second Division) [174] To Widow Taylo r eight Acres Bounded w th Sam 11 52: Hasting North Easterly; w tb Deacon Hasting South Easterly; w th M « Mitchell Southwesterly ; & w th M re Dunster & Pyam Blowers Northwesterly — To M re Margarett Mitchell Sixteen Acres Bounded w tb Widow 53 : Taylo r North Easterly; w th Abrah™ Holman & M r Andrew South Easterly; w th Widow Longhorne Southwesterly & w tb Robert Wilson, Widow Bordman & M rs Dunster Northwesterly — To Widow Longhorne twelve Acres Bounded w th M ra Mitchell 54: North Easterly; w th Abraham Holman & M r Angier South Easterly ; w th Widow Mitchelson South westerly & w th Nathan" Green, Owen Worland and Robert Wilson Northwesterly — To Widow Mitchelson Sixteen Acres Bounded with Widow 55 : Longhorne North Easterly ; w th M r Nathan 11 Gookin & M r Angier PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 193 South Easterly ; vv th John Holmes Southwesterly & w th M re Cor- lett, Aaron Bordman & Nathan" Green Northwesterly — To John Holmes Sixteen Acres Bounded w th Widow Mitchel- 56: son North Easterly; w th Edward Goffe, Deacon Hasting & M r Nathan" Gookin South Easterly w th Jonath" Dunster Southwest- erly & w th Edward Halls heirs, Robert Brown & M re Corlet North- westerly — To Jonath" Dunster three Acres Bounded \v th John Holmes 57: North Easterly; w th Zechariah Hicks Sen! 1 South Easterly; w th Sam" Cooper Southwesterly & w* Edw : Hall Northwesterly — To Samuel Cooper three Acres Bounded w th Jonath" Dunster 58 : North Easterly w th Zechariah Hicks sen r South Easterly w th Reuben Luxford Southwesterly & w th Henry Prentis heirs Northwesterly — To Reuben Luxford three Acres Bounded w th Sam" Cooper 59: North Easterly; w th Zechariah Hicks Sen' Southeasterly w'J 1 Edward Winship Southwesterly & w th Henry Prentis heirs North- westerly — To Edward Winship twelve Acres Bounded w th Reuben Lux- 60: ford North Easterly; w th Jonath" Remington & the Colledge lott South Easterly; w*? Nathan" Pattin south westerly & w" 1 Richard Cutter & Henry Prentis North westerly — To Nathan" Pattin eight Acres Bounded w' h Edw : Winship 61 : Northeasterly ; w*? y e Colledge land South Easterly ; w*? M r John Stedman southwesterly; & w'" John Green & Richard Cutter Northwesterly — To M r John Stedman Sen^ twenty four Acres Bounded w** 62: Nathan" Pattin North Easterly; w th Widow Errington & Peter Towne South Easterly; w th Jofeph Winship Southwesterly; & w th John Gove, Widow Moore & John Green Northwesterly — l 9 4 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. To Jofeph Winship eight Acres Bounded w th M r Stedman 63: Northeasterly; w th Nathan 1 . 1 Hancock Southeasterly; w th John Gibson Southwesterly ; & w th Sam" Goffe Northwesterly — To John Gibson twelve Acres Bounded w th Joseph Winship 64 : North Easterly ; w th Joseph Sill & Wf Barrett South Easterly w th Thomas Andrew Southwesterly & w*° Jeremiah Holman & Sam" Goffe Northwesterly — (The Second Division) [175] To Thomas Andrew eight Acres Bounded w tb John 65 : Gibson North Easterly ; w th Joseph Sill & John Watson South Easterly ; w 01 Wf Dickson Southwesterly & w th James Hubberd & Jeremiah Holman Northwesterly — To Wf Dickson eight Acres Bounded w l . h Thomas Andrew 66: North Easterly; w th John Watson & John Swan South Easterly w th M r Jonas Clark Southwesterly ; & w th Roger Buck North- westerly — To M r Jonas Clark six Acres Bounded w th W m Dickson North 67 : Easterly ; w th John Swan south Easterly ; w th Cap* : Green South- westerly ; & w th Roger Buck Northwesterly — To Cap* Sam 1 ? Green eight Acres Bounded w*° M r Clark North 68 : Easterly ; w th Richard Eccles & John Swan South Easterly ; wf y e stone wall standing in the line between Cambridge and Water- towne, & Philip Jones southwesterly & w th the said Jones & Roger Buck west & Northwest — To Roger Buck eight Acres Bounded With Phillip Jones 69 : Westerly w th Cap* Green, 1VP Clark & Wf Dickson South East- erly ; w'" James Hubberd North Easterly — PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 195 To James Hubberd four Acres Bounded w th Roger Buck 70: South westerly; w th Thomas Andrew South Easterly; w th Jere- miah Holman North Easterly ; & w 4 ? Philip Jones Westerly — To Jeremiah Holman eight Acres Bounded w th James Hubberd 71 : Southwesterly; w'! 1 Thomas Andrew & Jn° Gibson south Easterly wf Sam! 1 Goffe North Easterly; & w th Dan! 1 Chever North- westerly — To Sam" Goffe Sixteen Acres Bounded w th Jeremiah Holman 72 : Southwesterly w th John Gibson & Joseph Winship Southeasterly w tb John Gove North Easterly & w'i 1 Dan" Chever & Isaac Day Northwesterly — To John Gove twelve Acres Bounded w th Sam 11 Goffe south 73 : westerly ; w th M r Stedman Southeasterly ; w ,h Widow Moore North Easterly & w th Isaac Day Northwesterly — To Widow Moore ten Acres Bounded w'! 1 John Gove South 74: westerly; w th M r Stedman South Easterly; w' : h John Green North easterly & w th Isaac Day Northwesterly — To John Green eight Acres Bounded w th Widow Moore South 75 : westerly ; w th M r Stedman & Nath 1 / Pattin Southeasterly w th Richard Cutter North Easterly; & w th Wf Cutter & John Dickson Northwesterly — To Richard Cutter eight Acres Bounded w th John Green south 76: westerly; w*? Edward Winship South Easterly; w th Henry Pren- tis heirs North Easterly & w th Jn° Dickson Joseph Adams & Samuel Buck Northwesterly — To Henry Prentis Heirs eight Acres Bounded w'? Richard 77 : Cutter South Westerly; w th Edward Winship & Reuben Luxford Southeasterly w th Edward Hall Northeasterly; & w ,h Sam 1 : 1 Buck & W? Wyeth Northwesterly — 196 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. To Edward Halls heirs eight Acres Bounded w' h Henry Pren- 78 : tis heirs Southwesterly ; w th Sam 1 . 1 Cooper Jonath" Dunster & Jn° Holmes South Easterly ; w th Robert Browne North Easterly & w tu W m Wyeth Northwesterly — To Robert Brown eight Acres Bounded w th Edw : Halls heirs 79: South westerly; w th John Holmes South Easterly; w th M ra Corlett North Easterly ; & wf W m Wyeth, Sam 1 ? Cooke & M r Pelham Northwesterly — To M ra Corlett twelve Acres Bounded w th Robert Brown 80: South westerly; w th Jn° Holmes & Widow Mitchelson south Easterly ; w th Aaron Bordman North easterly & w th M r Pelham Northwesterly — To Aaron Bordman four Acres Bounded w th M rs Corlett south- 81 : westerly w th Widow Mitchelson southeasterly; vv th Nathan! 1 Green North easterly ; & w th M r Pelham Northwesterly — (The Second Division) [176] To Nathan" Green eight Acres Bounded w*? Aaron 82: Bordman Southwesterly; w th Widow Mitchelson & Widow Long- horn South Easterly ; w th Owen Worland North Easterly & M r Pelham Northwesterly — To Owen Worland eight Acres Bounded w'! 1 Nathan" Green 83 : Southwesterly ; w th Widow Longhorne South Easterly w*? Robert Wilsons heirs North Easterly & w th M r Pelham Northwesterly — To Robert Wilsons heirs four Acres Bounded w 1 ? Owen Wor- 84: land Southwesterly ; w ,h Widow Longhorne & M re Mitchell South- easterly ; w th Widow Bordman Northeasterly & w th M r Pelham Northwesterly — To Widow Bordman eight Acres Bounded w th Robert Wilsons 85 : heirs Southwesterly ; w tb M ra Mitchell Southeasterly ; w th M rs Dunster North easterly & w tb M r Pelham Northwesterly — PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 97 To M re Dunster eight Aces Bounded w* Widow Bordman 86 South westerly; w th M ra Mitchell Southeasterly ; w th M r Blowers North Easterly & w th M r Pelham & Jonath" Cane Northeasterly — To Pyam Blowers twelve Acres Bounded w th M re Dunster S7 : Southwesterly; w 4 ? Widow Taylo r & Sam" Hasting Southeasterly ; w th Philip Cooke North Easterly & w'j 1 Jonath" Cane & Andrew Stevenson Northwesterly — To Philip Cooke three Acres Bounded w th Pyam Blowers South 88: westerly; w th Sam" : Hasting South Easterly; w th M r Manning Northeasterly & w'^ Andrew Stevenson Northwesterly — To W m Manning eight Acres Bounded w th Philip Cooke 89: South westerly ; w'! 1 Jacob Hill South Easterly; w th John Adams North Easterly & w th Peter Towne Northwesterly — To John Adams six Acres Bounded w' h M r Manning South- 90 : westerly : w th Aaron Bordman and John Jackson South Easterly; w th Deacon Cooper North Easterly & w' h y e said Deacon Cooper Northwesterly — To Deacon John Cooper sixteen Acres Bounded Jn° Adams 91 : & Peter Towne Southwesterly ; w th said Jn° Adams & Jn° Jackson South Easterly ; w th Widow Bowtell, Edw : Winship, Thomas Stacy, Nath 1 ! Pattin, John Green, Reuben Luxford, Zechariah & Joseph Hicks, Thomas Andrew, M r Jonas Clark, Jn° Jackson & Thomas Hall North Easterly; & w th the Ministers Lott North westerly — To Peter Town Eight Acres Bounded w th Deacon Cooper 92 : North Easterly ; w th M r Mailing South Easterly ; w th Andrew Stevenson South westerly & w th the Ministers lott Northwesterly - To Andrew Stevenson eight Acres Bounded w tb Peter Towne 93 : North easterly ; w th Philip Cook & Pyam Blowers South Easterly ; I 9 8 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. w th Jonathan Cane Southwesterly & w th the Ministers lott North- westerly — To Jonath" Cane eight Acres Bounded w 4 ? Andrew Stevenson 94: Northeasterly ; w th Pyam Blowers & M ra Dunster South Easterly; vv" 1 M r Pelham Southwesterly & w th To M r Edward Pelham twenty Acres Bounded w th Jonath" 95 : Cane North Easterly ; w th M re Dunster, Widow Bordman, Robert Wilson, & Owen Worland South Easterly ; w th his own land Southwesterly & w th To said Pelham twenty four Acres Bounded w th his own North 96: Easterly; w th Owen Worland, Nathan 1 ! Green, Aaron Bordman, M ra Corlett & Robert Browne South Easterly w tb Sam 1 ! Cooke Southwesterly & w th Comon land & Dan 11 Chever Northwesterly - To Samuel Cooke three Acres Bounded w th M r Pelham 97 : North easterly ; w th Robert Browne South Easterly ; w th Wf Wyeth Southwesterly & w th Dan 11 Chever Northwesterly — (The Second Division) [177] To Will? Wyeth twelve Acres Bounded w th Sam 11 98 : Cooke North Easterly; w th Robert Browne Edward Halls heirs & Henry Prentis heirs South Easterly ; w th Sam 11 Buck South westerly & w th Dan 1 ? Chever & Philip Jones Northwesterly — To Sam 11 Buck six Acres Bounded w th W m Wyeth North 99: Easterly; w th Henry Prentis heirs & Richard Cutter South Easterly ; w th Joseph Adams Southwesterly & w th Philip Jones Northwesterly — To Joseph Adams three Acres Bounded w* Sam" Buck IOO: North Easterly; w th Richard Cutter South Easterly; w th John Dickson Southwesterly & w th Philip Jones Northwesterly — PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 199 To John Dickson three Acres Bounded w th Joseph Adams 101 Northeasterly ; w" 1 Richard Cutter & John Green Southeasterly; w th yv™ Cutter Southwesterly & w th Philip Jones Northwesterly — To Wf Cutter three Acres Bounded w th Jn° Dickson North 102: Easterly; w to John Green South Easterly; w th Isaac Day south westerly & w th Philip Jones Northwesterly — To Isaac Day twenty Acres Bounded w th W m Cutter North 103: Easterly; w th Widow Moore John Gove & Sam" Goffe South Easterly ; w th Daniel Chever & Philip Jones Southwesterly & w th said Philip Jones Northwesterly — To Daniel Chever eight Acres two of which was Bounded 104 : with Isaac Day North Easterly w th Sam 11 Goffe & Jeremia Holman South Easterly & w th Philip Jones Westerly the other six Acres remaining of the eight aforesaid, was laid out on the Nor- west end of M r Pelhams lott Butting on said Pelham, Sam 1 ? Cooke & Wf Wyeth North Easterly & on Westerly. There being some Remnants of the aforementioned land left ; there was Granted at a Meeting of the propriet ra a lott of forty Acres for the Ministry w cb was laid out accordingly being Bounded w th Concord Road North Easterly w th the Small farmes Northwesterly w th Common land yet undivided Southwesterly & w th the last range of the lotts above said South Easterly — All the above mentioned lotts of both Divisions (except the lott for the Ministry) were entered according to a Piatt given in to the Select men by the Surveyor the Bounds as near as Could be of each lott agree- ing W th said Piatt — According to what was propofed & Concluded by the propriety in the fourth Article before mentioned referring to the Division of this land, Sundry persons tooke, some of them part of their share & some their whole shares in the Cofnon lands lying among the small farmes 200 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. having two Acres for one on the Cow Comon or Rocks — the persons are these that follow — Jacob Hill had laid out to him thirty two Acres among said small farmes for Sixteen that would have been his proportion on y e Rocks ; — Abraham Holman also had thirty two Acres amongst said farmes — Likewise John Marrett & John wyeth had each of them thirty two Acres apiece laid out in maiier aforesaid [178] Jason Rufsell having Bought M r Pelhams Lott of twenty Acres in the first Division of the Rocks, hath fenced the same for his particular Improvement & before he so did, addrefsed himselfe unto the Select men according to what is exprefsed in the fifth proposition agreed on & voted by the propriety before y e Division of said lotts, all things thereto appertaining, being attended as is enjoined in said Proposition — William Rufsell having Bought a lott laid out to Nathan 11 Hancock, also a lott laid out to Owen Worland, w tb a lott laid out to his Mother y e Widow Hall, he desiring to make particular Improvem' of said land, applyed himselfe to y c Select Men according to y c Injunction in y e said fifth proposition, attending all things therein required — Also the said William Rufsell pofsefsing a Lott layd out to John Sawtle in the firft divifion having applyed himfelfe to the Select men the 7 th of January i6o,| was by them Ordered that he attending the order in the 5 1 ! 1 Article as others do he hath the Liberty as others have in that regard, and that being done as was then ordered by thos appointed for the fame, we now give him Liberty to enclose the Same this 10V 1 day of January 169I : William Munroe haveing bought of the Comon Land Ordered by the proprioters to be Sold to pay some Town debts hath bought three Accres and an halfe butted and bounded as followeth North Westerly PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 201 the Land belonging to the said William Munroe, the high way North- erly, and /East and South the Land of Phillip Russel Also another percell of Land of two Accre and halfe bought by the Said William Munroe abutted as follows Northernly the high way that leadeth to Phillip Rufsell and /Easterly the Land of Phillip Russel, Southerly, to the plott Line, westernly on the meddow of the said william Munroe, North west on the Land of Phillip Russell: and for which percels of Land he the Said William Munroe is to pay for it three pounds and twelve Shillings in money, all which percels of Land he the Said William Munroe hath payd unto M r John Hancock by order of the' Select men three pounds and eighteen Shillings for being Schoolmafte A also in the Town Phillip Rufsell also haveing bought of the Same percell of Land by his Own is alfo as followeth : westernly the land of said phillip Russel, formerly North westernly on the Land of william Munroe and /East- ernly upon the Land of Said William Munroe North west the Land of William Munroe /Easternly the high way Southernly the Land of sd William Munroe which Land containeth about Seven Accres more or less. Also an other percell of Land bought by the Said Phillip Russel of the Same Land above mentioned being about four Accres and three quarters, being abutted, Southernly on his own meddow, Westernly on the Land of William Munroe, North /Eaft the high way, yEasternly upon William and Jaafon Russell their meddow Also an other percell of Land bought by the said Phillip Russel, the Land is encompassed with the Land bought before, being more or less, by the Said Phillip Russell, and adjoyning to the Land bought now: and att the Corner bounded by the land of William and Jaason Russel to a marked tree, on the Eaft of a place called the great Slow and so running along the high way; all which percells of Land which by eftimation is thirteen accres for wch he the Said phillip Russel is to pay Seven pounds and nine Shillings Money 202 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [179] Also an other small percell of Land bought by the two former persons William Munroe and Phillip Russel being a small neck of Land, bounded South and y£aft on the Land of William Munroe, and weft and North on the Land of Said Phillip Russel : which Land is equally to be divided between them the Said Munroe and Russel, as they shall agree among themselves : for the which percel of Land they are between them to pay the Sume of twelve Shillings money Also an other percell of Land Sold unto the Said Phillip Russel, which by eftimation is two accres and three quarters more or less, abutted and bounded by the high way leading from the farme line to John Dixsons barrs or ditch, North Weft Phillip Rufsels meddow yEaft- ernly: M r Dunfters meddow South yEaft, John Dixons Dith Southweft: for which Land he the Said Phillip Rufsel is to pay Sixteen Shillings money ffor all these percells of Land Sold to the Said phillip Rufsel, he hath now payd unto M r John Haftings as Sometime Schoolmafter for the town, the Sume of eight pounds and eleven Shillings, by Order of the Select men Also Samuel Bull addressing himfelfe to the Select men and Comittie about a Small percel of Land added to his houfe Lott, it was agreed upon by them and Order given him to Sett his fence by his Land, and that it was So ordered by them before he Sett up any of his fence there Sold unto John Rufsel five accres and an halfe of Comon Land lying neer his dwelling house, bounded with his own land North, Nathaniel Hancocks meddow Southerly : John Dixon his meddow /Eaft M r Jona : Dunfter and William Russel South, and William and Jaafon Russel North : And it is covenanted that the sale to this S d Russel for ever hereafter shall allow convenient passage to the respective persons whose meddows do butt upon the Said Land, to cart away their hay, which high ways are included within the fore mentioned bounds and allowance made for the Same, and to pay for said percel of Land, one pound and nineteen Shillings in money, which is already payd to M r PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 203 John Haftings as before on the Same account and by the Same order of the Select men Sold unto William and Jaafon Russel by the said Select men and comittee three accres of Land more or less, being bounded by M r Shepards meddovv Weft, the farme land North, and an high way leading to John Dixons meddow Southeaft wich percell of Land is Scittuate and Lying being neer unto South weft of Phillip Russels house Also to the Said William and Jaason Sold two accres accres more or less : Scittuate and being neer the Meddows that formerly belonged to Thomas Oakes and is butted and bounded with the Said meddow South Phillip Russell /Eaft, the high way leading to Cap' Cooks farm, Northeaft ; on Phillip Russel North and joyneth to the high way, and to that percel that the said Phillip Rufel bought of the town for eight Shillings ; for which Land the above perfons William and Jaafon Russel is to allow one pound and fourteen Shillings in money and is already payd unto M r John Haftings by Order of the Select men June the 1 I th : 1694: [180] Sold unto ffrancis Bowman him and his Heirs forever two percells of Land by order of the consent of the proprietors of Some Remnant of Land not layd out unto -particulars, the one percell is twenty accres More or less abutting againft the Road that goeth from Concord Road to M r Bridges Gate Southerly, ^Eafterly the Land belonging to John Addams Northerly the Land of Said ffrancis Bow- man and the Land belonging to M r Bridge; The other percell of Land which is five accres more or less abutting on the Land belonging to the house of S d ffrancis Bowman Southerly, North /East on the Land of Samuel Winfhip and the Land of the widdow of William Gleson, North west on the meddow of John Willington for the Same lands he was to pay eleven pounds and four Shillings in Money, of the which he hath payd this eleventh day of June 1694 the Sume of Seven pounds in money, the reft that is four pounds and four Shillings he the Said Bow- man is to pay within the time of 204 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. This firft of ffebruary in the year 1695? by the order of the Select- men, payd to M r John Haftings Schoolmafter, three pounds, three shillings four pence, the reft that is one pound and eight pence payd Town Memorandum, that whereas there [ ] spoken in the first divi- sion the 25 th Lott that was Layd out to Samuel Cooper there is men- tion made of that Lott abutting upon comon Land South JEaftemly; it is found upon perusall that there is no comon Land there, but the Land that is there, belonged to the ffollowing Lotts, or to the five fol- lowing Lotts to make up their proportion Acording to the Order of the Select men January the 7 th 1694, referring to the Address of Joseph Winfhip, William Russel and Jaafon Russel, signifying their intentions to fence in some of their Lotts, lately layd out on our Rocks, agreeable to the 5 th proposition agreed upon by the proprietors for divifion of the Same ; We Whose Names are underwritten or subscribed as being appointed, did on the 10 th day of the said month attend the said Service on the behalfe of the Town, and return as followeth : William Russel pofsessing a Lott layd out to John Sawtle in the firft divifion ; Wee Judge may intirely be fenced and inclofed, without Incumbrance of any high way or passage forever to any Lands layd out on our Rocks Jaafon Russel Intends the fencing of Lotts layd out to Sam" Andrew, Sam" Cooper and James Hubberd in the firft division and to Jofeph Addams part of a Lott bought of him ; We alfo Judge and determine, that he shall leave an high way or passage on the South weft two Rods wide, So far as Jonathan Remingtons Lott, in the firft division, so doing hath Liberty to inclose the reft Jofeph Winfhip alfo propounded to inclose and fence a Lott Layd out to the Widdow Mitchelfon, which he hath bought, We alfo Judge that he may So do Leaving a passage of two Rods on his South weft Line, So far as the brow of the Hill (which is about thirty or fourty Rods from his North weft Line) and from thence he may take into his fence his whole PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 205 Lott, the bredth of it, all these were performed by the Said persons that was appointed by the Select men upon the 10 th day of the Said month the s d year, the Names as follow John Jackson Nathaniel Patten Edward Winfhip [181] There being an act of the proprieto" in the town Cofnons bearing date May I2'. h 1693 wherein the select Men & others Joined w' h them as in said act may appeare were nominated a Committee to make Sale of some remnants of Comon lands for paym' of debts due from the Town to the school Masters, they made sale of a par- cell of land lying among the farmes being all the Comon land lying between a lott of John Marrett & Phillip Cookes Farme being the whole of Comon land in y e place being Bounded w ,h said Maretts land Northweft w 1 ? oburn line North Eaft; w th said Philip Cookes Farme South East & w th that Called the Churches Farme South Weft w ch land was Sold unlo Amos Marrett on Consideration of his paying five pounds six shillings in Money for the Same w ch was accordingly paid to satisfaction : September the 24: 1695 Att a publick meeting of the proprietors of this Town of Cambridge orderly warned It was defired there Should be Some perfons Chofen to Lay claime unto any prcells of Land that did, as they apprehend belong to the Town, and is thought to be encroached by Some Severall perfons, and there was then chofen John Jackfon, Joseph Winfhip and Jacob jEms- den or any two of them to Lay claime, to said prcells of Land that doe belong to the proprietors of this towne on behalfe the Town and to profecut the Same to Effect: and also voted that the proprietors of the Comon Land of said Town of Cambridge, do bear the charges that the Said John Jackfon, Joseph Winfhip, Jacob ^Emfden, the Cofnittee then Chosen, shall be att in their Claiming, Recovering, the proprietors Rights aforefaid : 206 PROPRIETORS* RECORDS. September the 24 th : 1695 The Select men then viewing the highway on the South Side of the River and finding that Gerfhom Davis had taken in a small pcell of Land by M r Angiers farme did acknowledg it to be the Towns Land, and did pay one Shilling for the benifitt he had by it this year Novembr the 19 th : 1695 Att a Town Meeting of the proprietors: was then put to vote that the Land that is possesed by Samuel Bull Ordered him by the CorTiit- tee appointed by the Generll proprietors about the Ordering of the Laying out of the wood Lotts ; the Said Land was voted by the pro- prietors now to be confirmed to Said Bull Also there was then voted about 70 pole that was alfo ordered by the afore comittee unto the Heires of Robert Willfon, was alfo then confirmed by vote to them To both these votes John Jackfon being unfatisfied concerning these Votes, did defire his Diffent thereto might be entered in the Town Book Also M r Samuel Goffe Sen r : defired the Same liberty to enter his Deffent also : to the same votes. [182] Alfo November the 19 th : 1695 Then voted that Alfo the Same day as above John Gove did att the Same meeting difclaime the Land that was then Spoken of being about 7 acares as a wood Lott, as his own Alfo the Same day the proprietors did vote that all Such persons as poffess wood Lotts on the other Side Menotomie river, the Lands of said Lotts being to lye Comon for the Towns vse, shall take off all such wood upon said Land before the 4 1 ! 1 day of ffebruary next, enfuing, and Such prfons, So poffessed of wood therein and neglect to take of Such PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 207 wood within foresaid limitted time ; it shall from thence forward be accounted Comon, and difpofed of by the Major part of the proprie- tors Also the Same day and Meeting it was Voted that what Charge John Jackson, Jofeph Winfhip and Jacob ^Lmsden had born in Claim- ing the Severall prcells of Land for the proprietors, Incroached upon by the Sundry prfons in the Town, and to defray what charge they Should be att in the prosecution of the said Land, it was voted on the affirmet- tive by the Said proprietors ; And alfo that the Select men Shall pro- portion the Same as equally as they can, upon each proprietor, and deliver the Same to the Conftable of Said Town to Collect the Same and deliver the Same to Deacon waiter Haftings to pay the Said perfons their juft dues ; Alfo it was voted on the affirmative that John Watson, John Jackfon, Jeremiah Holeman and Samuel Gibfon all of said Town were then chofen to run the Line between M r Danforths Land and that that is the Towns September the 30 th : 1695 The Bounds of the two Accres of Land belonging to the Town of Cambridge on the South Side of Charles River, by an Execution ob- tained against Renold Bufhes widdow of the aforesaid Town ; Are as followeth, bounded with Cap' : William Bond North, John Stone Eafterly, Abraham Jackson Southerly and westernly, the Land being now in the hands of Abraham Jackfon aforefaid, and the said Abraham Jackfon acknowledged that he did not poffess the said Land as his own right, and gave an ear of Indian corn as an acknowl- edgement to Nathaniel Hancock Sen r in the prefence of Nathaniel Hancock Jun r and John Oldham Same day: 2 oS PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 6 January 31 : 1695 [183] Att a meeting of the proprieto rs , of Cambridge Town Com- mons, Orderly warned and Conveined. was then Voted on the Affirma- tive, as ffolloweth The said proprietors in the CoiTion and undivided Lands Do Chufe and conftitute M r John Leveritt, John Jackfon, Jacob Amfden, and Joseph Winfhip to be their Agents, or Atturneys, and do and Shall Rattifie and confirme all that the said M r John Leveritt, John Jackfon Jacob Amfden and Jofeph Winfhip Shall Lawfully do or act in their Names, referring to all and every the Lands and percells of Land. Claimed by them in the Name of the Said proprietors either by submif- sion Lawfully made to the Judgement of Indifferent persons Chofen and Submitted to by them their said Agents and Atturneys ; or by Sueing and Comencing and profecuting Such Suits and actions as are proper and necceffary to recover Such Lands and percells of Lands as they have as a comittee Layd their Claimes unto in the Name of the proprie- tors aforesaid, the Said proprietors ffully Impowering their Said Attur- neys to do all things relating to the premifes, according to their own best Judgement and discretion Alfo, that a Copy of what is above written Attefled by the Clerke of the Town Shall be given to the Said Agents or Atturneys, and the Said Proprietors will Deem themfelves to be concluded by it as effectually as if a Warrant of Atturney were in fform drawn and executed by them These Articles were read to the proprietors, att their meeting Orderly held the day and year firft above mentioned, and being put to vote, were voted on the Affirmative and Ordered to be Entered in the Town Book of Records — 6 ffebruary the io' h 1695 The Select men then payd unto Joseph Bartlett of Newton for a p. reel of Land formerly Sold unto him, that he never was poffessed of and he had formerly payd for, the Sume of four pounds and ten Shil- lings in money to his Satisfaction, and for which he gave a Receipt, this Same day, as may appeare by his Receipt : under his hand PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 209 At a meeting of y e Select men July 27 : 1696 Then lee to Captain Green a peace of Marifh on y c fouth fide of the Great Bridg the high way marifh from the Riuer to the Crick which is the South bounds 6 March the 9 th : 1695 [184] Atta publick Town meeting, Orderly warned and Affembled for the choise of Town officers, after choise, the voted as ffolloweth : I st : That if any perfon in this Town, do Lett, or Tenant his houfe or Land, within this Town to any perfon that is not an inhabitant in this Town, without firft applying themfelves to the Select men then in being for their approbation, and give in Bond to the Select men Sufficient to keep the Town from charge ; if they do refufe or Neglect So to doe as above, they (hall then pay a fine of fifteen Shillings p month to the use of the Town for their neglect, so long as they Shall entertaine fuch Inhabitants or Inmates in their houfes voted on the Affirmative 2 ly : That all our high wayes hereafter, (except the great Bridge) be made paffable and Maintained by the Inhabitants Labour, and the Sur- veiour of the high wayes to keep a Juft account of each mans Labour, and proportion it : and not to putt it into the Town Rate voted on the Affirmative 3 ly : That there Shall be a Town Rate made and collected of the Inhabitants of fifty pounds in money for the year ensuing, to pay the neceffary charges of the Town : voted on the Affirmative 4 ,y : That the Ordering of the Town flock of Sheep Shall be left att the difpose of the Select men now in being for the year enfuing: voted on the Affirmative 2IO PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Alfo Liberty granted to Thomas Andrews to hang a gate on the high way to the windmill hill : for paffage to the River voted on the Affirmative Alfo, there being a Small p. reel of Land that is in Comon, border- ing upon Cap': Thomas Prentice his farme to be Sold, to whom Shall defire it, it is left to the Select men in being, together with some others added to them as a comittee for that Service, to view the Land and make price of it, the perfons are John Gove John Squire Sen r Srg' Samuel Cooper voted on the Affirmative May the 13 th : 1696 Att a Generall Town Meeting Orderly warned and conveined it was voted on the Affirmative, that the great Bridge should be repaired, and that the Select men Should make a rate or Affesment of fifteen pounds to repaire it, and Leut : Jonathan Remington and Nathaniel Patten was chofen Overseers of the Bridge Alfo it was voted that what money was needfull for the repairations of the Minifters houfe Should be added to the fifteen pounds, that is for the repairing of the Bridge Alfo the Same day, the proprieto 18 did vote that there Should go no Rams upon the Comon, between the five mile Swamp, and the meeting houfe, after the twentyeth day of July till the middle of November, and if any be found within the abovesaid Limitted time, Shall be taken up by the Shepheard, and in Six dayes after impounding, or other publick notice given ; shall be forfeit : voted on the Affirmative October the 12 th : 1696: [185] At a Town meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge orderly warned and Convened this day PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 21 1 Whether the Inhabitants, who are Assessed to pay the Minifters Salary, and put the Same into the contribution Box. Shall either put their money in papers with their Names Refpectively written in the Said papers, or Shall Mark their Money, and signifie their Said Mark to the Deacon, that so he may give them creditt for the Same ; and whatsoever money Shall be put into the Box unmarkt, Shall be accounted as money given by Schollars and Strangers, and So belong unto the overplus Voted on the Affirmative on the Same Day : voted Whether the money Contributed by Schollars and other free will Offerers on the Lords day respectively, Should be given to M r Brattle as an overplus to his Salary, during his continuance in the work of the miniftry among us Voted on the Affirmative March the 15 : 1696: 7 At a meeting of the Select men Chofen for the year ensuing for 1697: It was then agreed upon by them that Nicolas ffeffenden, and John Dickfon and Jaafon Ruffel Should take the care of Ordering of the flock of Sheep this year following, to provide a Shepheard and to provide rams and order their going with the flock, and what is n A needfull to be done in thofe refpects : Cambridge, may the 14^ 1697 At a Town meeting Orderly warned and Affembled It was then proposed to the Inhabitants then convened whether they would grant the Select men their liberty to Affess them, or Levy a Rate of thirty Six pounds in money, upon them to defray the charges of the Town, or for neceffary expenses for the year enfuing : Voted on the Affirmative 212 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 10 ffeb*. 1700. 1 [186] For the preventing of trouble Refering to Henry Smith Con- cerning yf High way under written, Daniel Dana appearing before yf Select Men ; Declared that he paid Henry Smith Seven Shillings In full Satisfaction for damage done him by Said High way. Mf ]n° Oldham & 1VH Jn° Bunker prefent when SI Dana paid yf Money above mentioned. Entred 14 ffebf 1700 p' y e . Town Cler. 1 p Order of yf Select Men. May if* 1699 Complaint being made unto the Select Men by John Oldham with severall others that they were hindered & obstructed in their pafsage to their lands by Henry Smith, & earnestly desiring the select Men to Come over & to Settle the high ways to their lands : Accordingly the Select Men on y e 17'? day of May 1699 went over & having there the Surveyo™ Piatt who laid out thofe lands & finding no highways Stated by the Surveyof but an allowance of Two Rod broad between the Divisions, finding likewife the impofsibility of pafsage between thofe Divisions by reason of Hills & Rocks, they saw a necefsity of Stating of High ways where it was more convenient for pafsage, & least detriment to particular perfons Therefore on the Considerations aforesaid on y e day abovcsaid they have Determined & stated the highways as followeth The High way to begin at Daniel Dana's Lott from thence to run easterly through John 01dham A Land to the Southwest Corner of the land Enclofed by Henry Smith, between Two stakes pitcht down with- out said Smiths ffence & running throug A said smiths land, to the land of Joshua Gardner running from thence through said Gardiners land coming out at the North Eaft Corner of said land into the lane or high way that runs Northerly to Elder Champneys hundred Acres: Also another Highway was then Determined of & stated to run from Ham- monds Line Northerly partly through John Winchesters land & partly through Holbrooks land till it Come into Gardiners & Smiths land & so into the high way before described Entered May iS 1 ? 1699 p y e Town Cler PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 213 June 24. 1700 [187] According to a vote of y e : proprietors yf n March 1700 We have sold to William Pattin halfe an Acre of Land adjoyning to his houfe, begining one Rod from y? East end of his houfe a line of 8 Rods from the fence Southward and 20 Rods from y? North point of yf Eight Rod line & 20 Rods from yf South point to make a tryangle. Sold for thirty Shillings Edmund Goffe Jn° Jackson Jason Russel June. 24. 1700 Then Reef of Nat? Pattin, Sen'; on yf behalfe of William Pattin y? full & Juft Sum of thirtie Shillings in full for £ an Acre of Land voted by y e : proprietors to be sold to sf Wf Pattin & is on yf behalfe of s? propri" Reed : by us. Edmund Goffe Jn° Jackson )■ A Comittee app 1 ' Jason Russel J by yf Proprietors 30: Octo r 1 701 Then Received of Andf Bordman Town Treafu^ thirty Shillings mony In full Satisfaction for a High ways: being layed through my land by Deacon Sam 1 ' Stone Fraf Bowman & Matthew Bridge Jun r : as ap7 by their Return bearing Date the 1 1 1 ? of Decern 1 1699 I say Reed : by me. her Lidia O Teed Mark. 16 Aug'! 1 1703. Received of MJ Sam" Sparhawke late Cons': of Cambridge the Sum of One Pound Three Shillings & Nine pence in full of what Remains Due 214 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to me fro: S d Town, for about thirteen Rods of Stone wall, betwixt y°. Ministrey Land & my Land I Say Reed : p mee Edm d Goffe [188] At a Meeting of yf Select Men 8 June. 1702. Whereas Edward VVinshipp, W™ Rufsel & Jason Rufsel have In- formed yf Select Men of their Intentions to Inclose a tract of Land lying in Cam' Rocks; Edw d Winshipf Land being part of it Lay d : out to himselfce & yf Remaining part of it being purchased of Thof Stacey ; Wf & Jason Rufsels being a Lott purchased of Mary Bowtel Deces d ; the Select Men have appointed Jn° Cooper & Joseph Cooke; to Joine w'! 1 persons that they may appoint to View s d Land and (If need be) to State out & determine pafsages thru : S d Land no pafsage being lefs then two Rods wide, they are to make return of their doings in this affair. vide Return Page 195 At a Meeting of yf Select Men. 11 Jan 77 : 1702 3 Whereas Thomas Whittemore hath Informed S d Select Men of his Intention to fence in a Tract of Land belonging to mf Jn° Whiting on Camf Rocks : S d Select Men have appointed Nichf ffifsenden & Jason Rufsel to Joine w'. h persons wf b S d Whittemore may app' to Sett, State out & Determine pafsages thru : S d Land (if need be) the Same being no where lefs then two Rods wide their Return. Mf Thof Whittemore Did on yf n* Day of Janf 1703 make known to yf Select Men of Camb! his intention to fence a tract of Land belong- ing to M r Jn? Whiting lying in Camf Rocks ; and yf S d Select Men made choice of Nichf ffisenden & Jason Rufsel to Joine w'? yf persons y' the said Whittemore Should appoint, & sf Whittemore hath appointed & made choice of Wf Rufsel & Abrah : Watson to Join w* them as a committe to State pafsages thru : Said Land PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 215 We whose Names are above written did meet on yf 13* day of Jan 17 : above s d & did then order & determine y* yf pafsages thru : s d : tract of Land Shall be as followeth viz' At the South end of s? tract ten Rods, on the West Side of yf Brook comonly called Hafsel's Brook by Stakes Sett up Two Rods Distant. & So through s? Tract where yf way is now most improved untill it comes to y c : top of y e : hill, & from thence toy? South end of W m & Jason Rufsels Wood lott, & likwise fro: yf top of sf" hill to y. c South East end of Nich? ffifsenden's Wood lott Near yf Stone walle : In Wittnefs whereof we above named have Sett too of hands yf day & year first above written. W™ Rufsel ; Nichf ffifsenden Abra : Watson, Jason Rufsel [189] At a Meeting of yf Select Men 8? ffeb 17 ; 1702 Whereas Fraf Bowman, George Addams Tho": Smith, Benja : Wil- lington & Joseph Smith have applyed themselves to s d ; Select Men for a convenient High way from their Respective Habitations to yf Countrey Road Comonly called Concord Road — Said Select Men have appointed William Rufsel, Abraham Watson & Sam" Sparhawke to Settle y': affair, who are hereby impowered to State out & Determine a high way for sf persons to sf Countrey Road, And to value yf Damage done to any perticular person by going thru : his land for yf accomodation of sf High Way, And to make Return of their Doings therein to yf Select Men at their Next Meeting Camb r : ffebf 26, 170! We whose Names are under written being a Comitte apf by yf Select men of sf* Town to State out & Determine a High Way for several persons of sf Town Namely Thof Smith Joseph Smith, George Addams, Benjf Willington & ffrancis Bowman; fro: their Respective habitations down to y e Countrey Road Comonly called Con- cord Road : Accordingly we yf sf Comitte have Stated & layd out s d High way as followeth, Viz : Begining at yf abovesf Smith's Land Two Rods in width in yf now trodden way thru : Thof Underwood's Land, till it comes to the abovesf Addams's Land, & So continued in yf trod- 2l6 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. den way by Mark'' : trees till it comes agt : s d Addams's house, & then thru y? east end of s d Addams's field by Stakes & other marks Southerly till it comes to two Black Oakes Marked, & fro : thence Southeast to a great white Oak Marked on y". South west Side of s d High Way, & thence into y! trodden path, & then continu'd in y'. trod- den path, untill it comes to Benj* Willington's Land, & So thru : said Wellington's Land by marked Trees, untill it comes to y* Stump of a great Black Oak on y? east corner of S d Willington's Barn & fro : thence Streight to y. trodden path, & So Continued in y e . now trodden path thru s d . Willington's Land & thru : y? aboves d Bowman's Land & y* Land belonging to Lieu': Winship's Heirs by trees Marked on both Sides of s d Way till it comes to touch upon s d Bowman's Land again Near y" : path y': comes fro: s d Bowman's house, & then Continued in y* trodden path y\ leadeth fro: Watertownto Concord, till it comes to y e : Land of Isaiah Whittney & y™ thru s d Whittney's Land, in y c : Ancient trodden way on y? Northerly Side of y e s d Whittney's house, & y° thru : Sam 1 .' Whittmore's Land & So thru m r : Jacksons Land & Joseph Beamofse's land into y e . ancient way on y e Westerly Side of s d Beamofse's house till it comes to Lands belonging to Sam'j & Phillip Cook & y? s d High way is continued thru: s d Cook's land, (by agreement, as by an obli- gacon und r : y] Hands and Seals bearing Date ffeb 17 : 26. 170I may more fully appear,) untill it comes to ye: Comon & undivided land & so thru s d land till it comes to y e : land layd out to y* ministrey and thence thru a corner of s d : s d : Land untill it comes to a great white oak tree marked w th : y c ; letter T & fro : thence upon y e : South Side of s d Lott untill it comes to y e : Countrey Road Comonly called Concord Road. Wf Rufsel Sam" : Sparhawke, Ab r : Watson. [190] At a Meeting of y? Select Men. y". io'! 1 May 1703 Whereas Sam" Kidder hath Informed the Select Men of his Inten- tion to fence in a tract of Land in Cam r : Rocks, S d : Select Men have appointed mf John Stedman to Join w' h a person y' S d Kidder may PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 217 appoint to View S d . Land and (If need be) to State out & determine pafsages thru S d : Land, no pafsage being lefs then two Rods wide, they are to make Return of their doings in this Affair. At a Meeting of y e . Select Men 17? May 1703. Whereas Ioseph Winship hath Informed y° Selectmen of his inten- tion to fence in a Tract of Land in Cam, Rocks S d : Select Men have appointed m r : Sam u : Gookin& m r : Nich* ffefsenden to Join wf two Per- sens y' : s d : Winship may appoint to View s d : land & (if need be) to State out & Determine Pafsages thru: y e : Same No Pafsage being lefs then Two Rods wide, & to make Return of their Doings in this affair to s d : Select Men. [191] At a Meeting of y? Proprieto™ of y e . Comon & undivided land in Cam 1 ; the 20 Ap" 1703. Voted That y* : agreement of the Comitte, apt? by y e : Proprieto 18 of Sf Comon lands, for the laying out & Dividing the lower lands (according to y? Piatt y' : at y. last propriet" meeting was Exhibited to y! S d pro- prietors) w c ; h appears under their hands Shall be their Rule for Direc- tion in all y e : articles of it. Also Voted that Black Island be Sold for y e Defraying of Charges arising upon S d propriet? Also Voted that no Propretor in drawing of Lotts for s d lower lands Shall draw more then four CowComons at once except Such as app r ; by y! town Book in y c : year 1665 to have more s d Book to be for y e . Direction for Such. Also Voted y* : Sam" Kidder have his Lott in this Division of Land Next unto his own land y l : is to Say betwixt y? heads of y^ Lotts in y". first Division & his s d Land. Also Granted to John Leverett Esq 1 ; all y^ Remnant of Land w c : h Shall be found over & above y*. Colledge Lott w c f lyes Near the Bridge Over Chads River by y"! lower falls to have & to hold to him y? S d In? Leverett Esq r : his Heirs & Afsigns forever. Also Voted that m r : Sam u : Gookin, Cap 4 : Iosiah Parker, L*: Amos Marrett m r : W m : Rufsel & Mofses Bordman Shall be a Comitte for y e : 218 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Improving Regulating & Ordering of yf Remaining Comon & undivided lands belonging to Sf Proprieto™. M&* 1 Also Voted y*: Edw"j Winship, W m : Rufsel Iason Rufsel, W": Cutter, Ioseph Winship Sam" Kidder, Nat" Pattin & Jn? Dickson have liberty for yf Erecting a Conveniency (against yf Colledge fence Northard of ef meeting house) for y e : Standing of their Horses on Saboth Dayes. [192] Whereas we yf Subscribers were appointed to State & Settle Countrey Roads & otf high ways thru a Parcel of Land platted by En- signe ffiske as appears on Record bearing Date 13'." Ap r " 1683. Pursuant thereunto we did before yf Laying out of any of S? Land State and Settle yf High ways both publick & private: And Particularly as to yf Countrey Roads we Stated them in Some places Eight Rods, in Some places four & in Some places Six Rods wide, according as we found good or bad Land, & as to yf private ways to yf ffarmes (before Lay? out) we proceeded according to yf aforesf Order & Particularly we Stated a way fro: yf Countrey Road fro: m r : Pelhamf five Hundred Acres thru Shaws ffarme and so to yf land now called y c Churches ffarme, yf Same being Two Rods wide, Camf 1 Nov r : 1703 T , ~ Tn° Leverett ) T -n - David ffiske, Sen' Jur 1 : Coram j onas Bond j J Pac j n o : W atson And Whereas there is Some Difference with m! Ben]'* Muzzey Refer- ing to Some of s* Roads & Particularly Refering to yf Countrey Road from mr Pelham's S*j five Hundred Acres toward Concord we Do De- clare y^ (Pursuant to yf afores 1 ! order) at yf Same time we layd : out s a . Countrey Road to Concord line & a Considerable way of it about Eight Rods wide fro s°" five Hundred Acres toward Concord, & Marked Sun- drey trees on both Sides Viz : two White Oak's on yf Southerly Side of s d Road yf One Now Standing in Jnf Munroe's fence & yf other Standing ab'. four or five foot within si fence ; & Two Trees on yf Northerly Side of s*Road Viz': One Black Oak Now Standing afr One Rod within SI Muzzey's fence, the other a White Oak Standing on s A . Northerly Side of said Road ; It is here to be under Stood y' sf Trees Stand Round or on both Sides of yf Meeting house in Cambridge ffarmes ; Also y* : the land Platted by Ensigne ffiske afores? Contained PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 219 the Land betwixt Woborn Concord & mf Pelham's five Hundred Acres afores d that being then called of head line Cam r : 1 Nov r : 1703 — David ffifke Sen r : Ju" Coram John Leverett j Sam" Stone Sen 1 : Jonas Bond | Just; Peace [193] At a Meeting of yf Select Men 14 ffebf 170I Whereas m* Sam 1 . 1 Sparhavvke hath moved to yf Select Men y' he may have a high Way lay d : out to his Meadow known by the Name of Dunback Meadow, S? Select Men have app'f mf ffraf Bowman, m r : Matth: Bridge & mf Benjl Willington to Consider of y' matter & if they see meet, to lay out a high way to s? Meadow from yf end of a high Way lay? out toward S? Meadow as ap 1 ? on Record bearing Date. yf 26 ffeb ry : last past & to make Return of their doings therein to said Select men on yf Second Monday in March Next We whose Names are undf written were Ord r ? a Comitte to lay out a High way of two Rods wide for m! Sam 1 . 1 Sparhawke fro : y e : end of a high way formerly lay? out as Appears on Record, leading toward a Meadow called Dunback; Accordingly on yf io' 11 March 170I we did attend yf work & lay? out a high way on yf North West Side of yf Mea- dow to yf upper end of S? Meadow begining att Thof Smith* Land mark? as followeth a fence on y! lower Side the way & So continuing till we came to a fence on yf upper Side of yf High way, & So along till we came to two Black Oakes Mark"? on yf lower Side of yf Way, again a white Oak & a black Oak or a heap of Stones on yf lower Side of yf way & a Walnutt on yf upper Side, & So along till we pitch 1 ? down two Stakes on yf upper Side y e . way, & two landing places for hay on y? lower Side, & So continuing till we came to two Bla: Oake? on y? lower Side y". way & One on yl upper Side all Mark d again we Mark? a Bla: Oak on either Side yf way, & So came on to y e . Comon Land att a landing place for hay & Mark d three Bla : Oakes : One on yf upper Side & two on y* lower Side, then we came to two landing places for hay, y* Sta- tions were a White Oak & a Black Oak on yf Lower Side, & a White Oak on yf upper side yf way Mark d : & So pafsing a long Still we Mark? 2 20 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. a poplar on y* lower Side y e . way, & a Burtch on y". uper Side, again we pafs d by a Landing place for hay & Mark"! a Walnutt & three Black Oak? on y° lower Side yf way, & a White Oak on y e . uper Side & So we came to a Landing place att y! uper end of y". Meadow & Mark* a White Oak on each Side of y e . Way. Matthew Bridge ffrancis Bowman Benj* Willington Cam! 28 ffeb? 170I [194] Whereas y* Select Men at their Meeting the 19V Ap r j' 1703, appointed Deacon Stone m T ffra 8 : Bowman & m r : Matthew Bridge a Comitte to State out & determine a high way for Sundrey of y* Neigh- bours North ward of the Meeting house at Camf ffarmes : And Whereas according to S d Comitte's Determination in that matter, S d way is not in yl place (thru m r : Benj? Muzzey's land) where it was formerly lay d : by persons appointed, as appears on Record bearing Date y e . 13: Ap^ 1683 Therefore it is mutually agreed between y? Select Men and s d Muzzey, y': he y? Said Muzzey Shall have the ancient High Way lay d : thru his land toward Shaws farme, together w lh : twenty Shillings Mony in full Satisfaction for y! Land taken from him byy e : Comitte appointed y e : 19 : Ap" 1703 as afores* Reed : on y*; Day aboue s d . twenty Shillings mony in full Satisfaction for y c . land taken away by y e : High Way above Said. p me. Benj a Muzzy Whereas there hath been a Controversy between Phillip Rufsel of Cambridge ffarmes & W™ Rufsel & Jason Rufsel both of Menotomy belonging to Camb r about y* Bounds of Land w / 1 they Bought of y* Town of Camby Lying between Meadow formerly belonging to Thomas Oakes of S d Cam! Deceas d & yf highway Leading to Cap': Cooke's farme both parties met on the place on Jan 17 : 6 th : i6g|- And Agreed that the Bounds between y™ Shall Run from the Butt of a tree blown up by y". Roots by said high way to y e . Stump of a young white oak PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 221 w cl ? was then by them Marked & So from thence to two great white oaks being formerly the dividing line of their meadows : w c ? agree- ment both parties desire to be Recorded in y e Town Book as a finall Ifsue of S d Controversie, anything Recorded formerly about S d Bounds to y e . controversie notwith Standing, it is to be understood also y': y® Land on the Westerly Side of the Mentioned Bounds is Phillip Rufsels & y e . Land on y®: Easterly Side W™ Rufsel & Jason Rufsel's, in Confirma- tion of all y® above Said the parties have hereunto Sett their hands, y! day of y® date abovesaid. Phillip Rufsel Wf Rufsel Jason Rufsel [195] At a Meeting of y® Propriety of y® Coition Lands in Cam- bridge, y® 27 th March 1704 There was then Voted y\ y® Comitte apointed by S d Proprieto™ y® 20 l : h Aprill 1703 (Viz'; m T . Sam 1 ! Gookin, Cap' Josiah Parker, L': Amos Marrett, m r . W 1 ? Rufsel & Moses Bordman) Should be hereby impow- ered to Receive y®. Complaints of any of y. Proprieto' 3 y': have not had their pportion in any former Divisions of Lands, & (if they See meet) to make y"? Satisfacon for any wrong done to them in y\ Regaurd Also Voted yj S d : Comitte make further inquiery into any parcels of Land w cb : is thought to be belonging to S a propriety (& Claimed by perticular persons) & to do what may be proper for y e : Securing y! Same. Also Voted y' y® Said Comitte are hereby Impowered to make Sale of any parcels of Land belonging to S d Proprieto"? & Returned by S d Comitte as Proper to be Sold ; and y e mony procured by any Such Sale to be improved for y e Defraying S d proprieto , Debts. May 20 1706. In Observance to y c Select men's Order to us as a Comitte We have been & taken a full View of the Lotts w°? was form- erly three Acres Belonging to Tho s : Stacey, Edward Winship twelve Acres, Widow Bowtle Eight Acres, all in y e : first division, w ch : are Now in y e hands of Edward Winship, W™ Rufsel & Jason Rufsel we have 222 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. taken a View of these Lotts & we do find no incumbrance upon them neither do we find any Nefscescity of Leaving any Way through any part of these Lotts above Mentioned. Joseph Cooke Vide Ord. Page 188 John Cooper [196] Att a Meeting of y! Select Men yl 8'? Jan^: 1704 Whereas John Rufsel hath made his applycation to sf Select Men y' : a High Way may be Stated from his Land To Concord Road thru: a Tract of Land in y® Pofsefsion of Edw d Emerson Esq r : Said Select Men have appointed ffra? Bowman John Munroe and John Mason a Comitte to take a veiw of S d Lands & (if they Judge it Nefs- cefscary) to State a high Way to Concord Road as afores? & to make Return of their doings in this affair to y* Said Select Men [197] Whereas y? Proprieto 1 ? of Cambridge att their Meeting on y? 27* day of March, 1704. Did impower us the Subscribers to make Sale of Sundrey parcels of Land (appertaining to S d Proprieto?) as ap- pears on Record in y? Town Book: page 195 Pursuant thereunto we have Sold y? Several parcels of Land here- after Mentioned. Viz! 5 1 ! 1 May 1 704 Sold unto Benjamin Goddard of s d Town, an Island commonly known by y° Name of BJack Island Bounded Northerly w*? Meadow appertaining to m r : Jn° Whiting Westerly, Southerly & part Easterly by Meadow belonging to y! Holdings, wV all y e . privilidges in highways or in any other Respect y*. to the s d Island belongeth for Eight pounds. Sold to George Munroe a Small Skirt of Land Joyning to his father's Meadow, Bounded by m\ Dunster's Meadow Westerly, By his father's Ditch, to a Black Oake, Easterly by land Sold by Said Comitte to Phillip Rufsel and upon that line there is 3 Black Oak's & one White Oake Mark d Containing about two Acres, for fourteen Shillings & 6 d PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 223 Sold to William Munroe &John Rufsel One Skirt, about one Acre for Six Shillings Bounded by a high Way leading fro: Bridges farme to Concord Rhoad. Sold to Jn° : Dickson & Jonathan Butterfield a Skirt of Land Joyning to their Meadow, Bounded Northerly by an old ditch, & on all other Sides by there own Meadow for ten Shillings. Sold to W m Munroe, one Small Skirt of Land by Estimacon about one Acre Joyning to yf Meadow he formerly Bought of Richard Jackson, Bounded Northerly by y" churche's farme, Easterly by y". Topp of a Ridge Near S d Meadow : for Eight Shillings. Sold to Phillip Rufsel about two Acres of Upland Bounded by his own land Round Except Westerly by a Skirt of Land Sold to George Munroe, for Eleven Shillings & 6? Sold to s d Phillip Rufsel about two Acres of Swamp and upland Bound Northerly by s d Geo: Munroe, Easterly by his own land leading to Alwife's Meadow Piatt, South rly : by s d Alwife's Meadow Piatt & Cane's Meadow Westerly by Jon* Dunster: for Twenty Shillings. Sold toy* abovesf Geo : Munroe about two Acres of Swamp Bounded North Westerly by Jon* Dunster's Meadow Nor: East rly : by s d Munroe's land, South Westerly by y* aboves. piece of Swamp & upland Sold to Phillip Rufsel, And East Southerly by his father Munroes Meadow for Twenty Shillings [198] 30 th May 1704. Sold to Jn°: Jennery of Watertown, One Acre of Land more or lefs. Bounded Southerly by Watertown line and on all other points by his own Meadow. Also a Skirt of upland on y? easterly Side of his own Meadow Containing about a Quarter of an Acre, Bounded Westerly by his own Meadow, Southerly by Watertown Line, Easterly & North- erly by Jn° Dix. for twelve Shillings. 224 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Sold to Jn° : Dix Jun^ One Acre of Land more or lefs Bounded West- erly by Jn? Jennery & Jos: Wellington, North rly : by Sf Wellington, Easterly by Jn. Hasting & Jn? Dix & Southerly by Watertown Line, for twelve Shillings. 20 Octoy 1704 Sold to Mofes Bordman, a Small Island in y*. Middle of Spye pond Containing about three quarters of an Acre, for twenty Nine Shillings. Sold to Joseph Beemus about three Acres of upland Bounded West- erly By Phillip Jones's farme, Southerly by Jason Rufsel, Easterly By flax Meadow and Northerly by Cooke's farme. for Three pounds. Sold to W™ Rufsel about two Acres of Land More or Lefs, Bounded Northerly by John Rufsel, Easterly by his own Meadow, Southerly by Jonathan Cane & Jason Rufsel, & Westerly by Jonathan Dunster & Jn° Addams. for Twelve Shillings. Sold to Jason Rufsel one Acre of Land More or lefs Bounded North- erly by Cane & Dunster, Easterly by Alwife Meadow platt, Southerly & Westerly by his own Meadow, for Ten Shillings. Sold to Sam" Livermore & Dan" Livermore of Watertown, about three Acres of Land upon y? Rocks Bounded West Northerly by Rock Brook, North Easterly by Lieu' Jackson, East Southerly by y! land of Enoch Sawtle Westerly by y*. high Way leaning to m r : Bowman's farme on Condicon, y*: they Nor either of them nor their heirs Shall have any privilidge or Claime any Right to herbage any more then there proportion, to the s"? three Acres, for three pounds. 19 June 1705 Sold unto Joseph Winshipp one Certaine piece or Remnant of upland Containing by Estimation, four Acres More or lefs, Joyning to his Meadow being part of that Meadow cofnonly called Ahvifes Medow, said piece of land is Bounded as followeth Viz': North Westerly by y° Churche's farme in v/ c * line is a Marked burtch tree turn over PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 225 [199] East Northerly by a high Way leading to W? Munroe's in W* line Stands a Stooping Black Oake, Southerly part by s 1 ! Winshipp's Meadow formerly Granted to m™ Eliz- a Sherborne & part by Edvv* Win- shipp's Land, West Southerly part by a Remnant latly Sold p Said Comitte to WS Munroe & part by Alewifes Meadow Piatt w' : h all appur- tenances & privilidges there unto belonging, for thirty Shillings. Upon inquiery into y e . Bounds of a piece of Meadow formerly Granted (to Edward Winshipp late of Camb r : Deceasd) for two Acres being Now in y e : pofsefsion and improvem': of Eben r : Swan, of Camb r : Wee finding S* Meadow to Exceed y". Quantity Granted, by Esti- macon about one Acre, upon y*. Receipt of Ten Shillings for y? use of said proprietor we have Confirmed his former Bounds (Viz') North Westerly by Cooke's farme, East Sout rly : by Jn°: ffrancis his Meadow in a piece of Meadow comonly called Reedy Meadow, Southerly by Mount Gilboa to an old White Oake Marked, Westerly by a piece of Meadow Improved by Phillip Cook: Also a little Island of upland within said Meadow, Sold to s A . Eben^ Swan 20 Octo' 1704 Sold to ff ra : ffoxcroft Esq r : about two Acres of Land lying in Mills's Ware Corner, Bounded Easterly by y*: highway leading to Hold- ings Bridge, Southerly by yl Brook & West Northerly by Peter Town's lott for five pounds & five Shillings. 19 Novem r : 1705 Sold to Percivel Hall one Acre & half of Land Bounded North & Westerly by S? Hall, Southerly w lh : m r : ffefsenden, Easterly w th m r : Dunster. for twenty & four Shillings. Sold to VJf Munroe Sen r : W5 Munroe Jun r : and David Rufsel on parcel of Land lying & being in y" : Township of Camb : Bounded Northerly by y*. Medow Land of S d : David Rufsel, Easterly By yf land of Elisha Cook Esq r : Southerly by y e : Land of John Willington West- erly by y* Platted Land in hunting Swamp, for four pounds & ten Shil- lings. •5 226 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 9 June 1704. Sold to L': Jackson One Acre of Land Bounded North & East 17 : by his own Land & Southerly & Westerly by Sam— Livermore for Twenty Shillings. Sam 1 ! Gookin ] Josiah Parker Amos Marrett V Comitte William Ruffel I Mofes Bordman J [200] Att a Meeting of y? proprieto r : of y? Comon Lands in Camb r Orderly Convened y! 18 Nov' 1706. There was then Chosen m' Sam" Gookin Moderat': Alfo Voted y* the said proprietor Meet on Monday y! Second day of Dec' Next att one of y? Clock on s d day. Att a Meeting of y! Propriety of y! Comon Lands in Camb' Orderly Convened y* 2 nd Decemb' 1706 — Whereas Jonathan Gove has Motioned to s? Propriety y*: he may have a piece of Land to Build a house and Barn on Near Jones's Hill, Voted y\ the Comitte appointed 20 Ap r : 1703. for y e . making Sale of Sundrey parcels of Land appertaining to s d Propriety take a View of said Land and State out a piece there of for y? Use aforesaid, he y e : sf Gove to pay for y? Same a Valuable price. Also Voted y l : said Comitte State out to Dea Hancock one Rod of Land in Width att y". East end of his home Lott y*. width of s d Lott Pro- vided y* Neither he Nor his heirs nor Succefso' 3 Stop y? out lett of y\ Pond, & pay for s d Land as s d Comitte Shall determine. Also Voted y s d Comitte make Sale to Zee 17 : Hickes y e . Land his Barn Stands on, Viz about thirty or forty foot Square s? Hickes to pay for y". Same as y". s' Comitte Shall determine Also Voted y' sf Comitte make Sale to Joseph Winship about ten foot of Land att y". end of his Barn to Sett a Lean too on he paying for y e : Same as Said Comitte & he Shall agree Also Voted y l : Said Propriety Meet att o[ New Meeting house on Monday y e . 16 Decern' Instant, att one of y! Clock on Said day. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 227 Decemb' 9* 1706 We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed being appointed & im- powered by y! Proprietor of Cambridge for to Sell Sundry Small par- cels of Land as will by y! Records of s* Proprietor more perticularly appear (Referance thereunto being had) And att y e . Motion of Jonathan Gove of Said Town, and for his Incouragement he haveing a Consider- able parcel of Land in Charlestown Bounds Adjoyning to Cambridge, But being desirous to Continue to be an Inhabitant in Said Town of Cambridge, and haveing made known his Request att a Proprietor Meeting and obtaining a vote for halfe an Acre of Land to be by us Sett out to him upon or Near Jones's Hill Near the Clay pitts on y e . Rhoad to Menotomy, having accordingly viewed y e Same; & have Measured & Sett out, to said Gove Said halfe Acre of Land : Bounded Southerly by Said Clay pitts, Westerly by Stephen Prentice formerly ffox his pasture, Northerly & Easterly by Common Land: for thirty Shillings mony which he payd ; the Condicon of Said disposition being according turn over [201] to his y*. Said Gove's Request (viz 1 ) that the said piece of Land be & Shall be from time to time improved by him or any under him for a house Lott or home Stead to Build upon, and for no other use. Sam" Gookin Josiah Parker Amos Marrett W? Rufsel Mofes Bordman. Decern! 16. 1706 Sold to Sam 1 , 1 Cook & Phillip Cook one Small piece of Meadow & upland Bounded Westerly & Southerly upon Mount Gilboa Piatt. North? upon his own Land Easterly by EbenT Swan being about one Acre & halfe for 27 Sh : Sam? Gookin Josiah Parker Amos Marrett W5 Rufsel Mofes Bordman 228 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Cambridge June 21 1710 By vertue of Power & Authority to us granted by y e ProprieP of y e Town of Cam r : (as appears of Record) We do Sell to Joshua Warren of Watertown to his heirs & Afsigns forever: for the Sum of Ten Shillings already Received One piece of land lying Near y e place called y e Bridges in y? afores d Town of Cambridge, Bounded Northerly w a Joseph Willington & Sam 1 ? Randal, Easterly, Southerly & Westerly w*? y e said Joshua Warren's Land w ch S d piece of land Sold Contains by Estimacon half an Acre more or lefs. Sam" Gookin \ Josiah Parker > Comitte Moses Bordman ) [203] At a Meeting of y! Select Men 7*? June 1704 Whereas mf EdnV? Goffe hath made his applycacon to S d Select Men that a Convenient High Way may be Stated thru : a tract of Land belonging to L'. Amos Marrett & a Tract of Land belonging to m 1 ? Mary Bordman to his yf S d Goffe's Land Called yf Oysterbank field : S d Select Men have appointed Solomon Prentice Senf Nichf ffefsenden Sen^ & John Oldham a Comitte to take a View of S d Land & (if they Judge it nefscefscary) to State a High Way to s d Goffe's s d Land, & to make Return of their doings therein to S d Select Men with as much Speed as May be. We yf Subscribers being appointed a Comitte by yf Select Men to take a Veivv of mf EdnV? Goffe's land called yf Oysterbank feild, & to State a high way to S d Goffe's Land if we Judge it Nefscefscary. Pursuant to yf above mention'd appointment we have taken a View of y e above s d m r : Edmd : Goffe's Land y l : is called y e : Oysterbank feild, & do find it nefscefscary y^ there be a High way thru : a tract of Land in y": Pofsefsion of L* Amos Marrett & thru : a tract of Land in yf pofsefsion of m™ Mary Bordman from y° : High way y*. leads from yf Town to m r : Pelham's Island, to yf above s d mf Edm d Goffe's Land called by yf Name of yf Oysterbank feild : we likwise find an ancient Cart way through yf above Said L^ Amos Marrett's Land & mf 3 Mary PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 229 Bordman's land w c ? is extended from m\ Edm d Goffe's Land called y c : oysterbank feild to a high way y* : leads from y e . Town, to m? Pelham's Island w 1 * is Reported by ancient men of their own knowledge to have been improved & pofsefsed for & as a high way by y e . Inhabitants of Cambridge above fifty years Quietly without any Molestation, which we Judge needs no Stating w"f Cart way we Judge Convenient to be con- tinued & likwise to be y". Town's by Right & Pofsefsion Cam' y e 12 June 1704 Solomon Prentice Sen' Nicholas ffefsenden John Oldham [204] We whose Names are under written being appointed a Comitte by y e . Select Men of Cam r : To Lay out a high Way for Sun- drey of o r . Neighbours North 1 ? of of Precinct as apf by an order bearing Date ApV yl 19 th 1703 Accordingly on y e . 21 of May we did attend y? work begining att Jn° Lawrence's house Stating out and Determining s d High Way Two Rods Wide all along as follovveth, on y? westerly end of Jn° : Law- rence's house Staked out to y! Brook & So continuing along by Eben- ezer Nuttings fence that now is untill we come to a bending white oak upon m* Goffe's line mark"! with D & So along Still upon s d Nutting's land untill we come to a high Stump in s d Goffe's line, & So leading on to m' Goffe's lott mark? w 1 ? Stones & Stakes, & So,continuing upon y*. edge of Goffe's Lott to W? Kerly's land & So through y\ fenc'd on both sides, & then through Capf Read's & Joseph Teed's Land where it was formerly agreed upon untill we came to a lane between Benja- min Bates & Jos: Teed afores d Mark d or fenced on both Sides, & Con- tinuing Still Crofs the Countrey Road y* leads from Concord to Woborn. & So through Joseph Symonds his Land, & So along upon Lidia Teed's Land, & from thence to Benj* Bates's mark a ; out or fenced on both Sides & through s d Bates's Land fenced on both Sides & So a long to m : Jn° Hancock's Land & through it fenced or mark d on both Sides, & So a long upon Benj" Muzzey's Land upon y* Westerly Side of Said Muz- zey's fence y? Now is untill we came to the Countrey Road by yj meet- 230 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ing house; And thus we have according to order Determined that this High way Shall go where we have now appointed it Sam" Stone ffra s : Bowman Matthew Bridge Camf ffarmes 1703 [205] We whose names are under written were ord r ? a Comitte to lay out a high Way fro: yf easterly part of Matthew Bridge's farme into Concord Road ; accordingly on May yf Twenty first 1703 we did attend it, as followeth. Begining att Said farme we lay"? out a high Way two Rods wide Bounding of it first w 1 ! 1 yf land of ffrancis Bowman Northerly ; & yf Meadow of William Munroe Southerly, untill we were ouer a Stone Run of Water & y e Next hill, then turning Southerly marking the way on both Sides till we come Near to John Munroe's Barrs, y? is to be understood those Barrs y\ lead into yf sf Meadow on yf easterly Side where it is Caswayed w'? 1 Gravel & timber on to an Island or two, & then turning Northerly where the way is now trodden untill we came to ffrancis Bowman's land marking of it on both Sides, & from thence to John Addams's farme, Bounding of it wf ffrancis Bowman's land North- erly, and yf Comon land Southerly marking of it on both Sides, & thus far we have Stated & determined a high way thru the Comon land w 1 . 11 trees mark? on both Sides, &from thence through Jnf Addams's land untill we came into Countrey Road y\ leads from Cambridge to Concord with trees mark 1 ? on both Sides. Sam" Stone ffrancis Bowman Matthew Bridge Cambf ffarmes May y e 19. 1703 [206] We whose Names are under written were ordered a Comitte to lay out two parcels of Clay ground within of precinct, begining att Lf fhske's Meadow, where we lay* out one hundred Rods of ground in a Square piece within Deacon John Cooper's lott w c . h was allowed by the Town as did then appear upon yf platt, Bounded by two tree's Marked PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 23 1 on yt North West Side of yt Land, & Suffitiantly Stated att y? Corners by Stakes & Stones. Again we layd out two Acres of Clay ground within Ebenezer Nuttings land Removing of it fro : y*. place where it was platted out upon y? platt upon a deliberate agreement w 4 ? Ebenf Nutting unto yt place where it was formerly Diged, because of Some inconveniency y' did appear to Said Nutting, & yt hazzard y' did appear of but a little Clay in that Ground ; we have lay? it out twenty Rods on two Sides, that is to Say on y? North west Side & the South East Side, & Sixteen Rods on the other two Sides, taking in all yt land that was formerly Diged, Suffitiantly mark 1 : att yt Corners & Sides And we also lay? out a high way from this above s d : Clay ground two Rods wide, that is from yt Southerly corner of it into yt Town Road mark' : on yt easterly Side by a tree and a heap of Stones. Sam 1 . 1 Stone ffrancis Bowman Matthew Bridge [207] Att a meeting of yt Select Men 25 March 1706 Whereas YVf Rufsel hath informed yt Select Men of his intention to inclose a tract of Land on Camb^ Rocks s d Select Men have appointed Solom"? Prentice Sent & Sam 1 ! Bull to Joyn w 4 ? Edw*j Winshipp being appointed by s d W™ Rufsel to view s d Tract of Land & to State & deter- mine Pafsages thru : s d Land if they Judg it Nefscefscary No pafsage being lefs then two Rods Wide. No Return. Att a Meeting of y e Select Men 18 May 1730 On the motion of W? Rufsel y l a Comitte may be appointed (pur- suant to a Vote of yt Pro 1 " 20 Nov 7 : 1689) to view y e 61 st Lot of Land in y e first division on Cam Rocks Laid out to Peter Town. Said Select men have Nominated & app ,d Walter Cooper & Jn? ffillebrown to Joyn w'? Jonathan Butterfield Sen r & Henry Dunster (whom s d Rufsel has Nominated) to view S d Lott of Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same ; no pafsage to be lefs y" two Rods wide, & to make return of y r doings in this affair to s d Select Men 232 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Cam.' May y e 29^ 1730 We the Subscribers being a Comitte chosen by y e Select Men of Cambridge one party & mF W? Rufsel the other party, have viewed y e 61 8 ' Lott in y e first division on Cam' Rocks Laid out to Peter Town And we Judge y e Remaining part may be fenced fro y e way w c . h comes through Jam 8 : Cuttler's pasture Said Rufsel Leaving a way of two Rods wide up to the Northeast Range Line, Said Rufsel making Said way a good pafsable way ; Also provided Said Rufsel allow a good conven- ient way acrofs the North east end of ye 59 th Lott Laid out to John Sawtle. John ffillebrown Henry Dunster Walter Cooper Jona Butterfield [208] Att a Meeting of y! Select Men 8 July 1706 Whereas Jason Rufsel hath Informed y*! Select Men of his Intention to fence in a Tract of Land on Cam' Rocks S? Land being formerly lay a : out to Gershom Swan, S"j Select Men have appointed L^ Joseph Cook & Jn° Cooper to Joyn w'.f two persons y': s? Rufsel may appoint if he sees meet, to View Sf Land & if Need be to State pafsages thru : y e . Same no Pafsage being Lefs then two Rods wide. [209] Att a Meeting of yf Select Men. 13 th Jan 17 : 1706 Whereas Joseph Winship has informed the Select Men of his inten- tion to inclose a tract of Land on Cam' Rocks w c ? he formerly pur- chased of Nich s : ffefsenden, S 1 ? Select Men have appointed Sam 1 . 1 Kidder & Jona 1 ? Hasting (to Joyn w* Jason Rufsel & Jona'? Butterfield w^ said Winship has appointed) to View said Land & if Need be to State pafsages thru : y! Same no pafsage being lefs then two Rods wide & to make Return of their doings in this affair to s d : Select Men PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 233 Pursuant to yof Order Dated Jan' 3 ': y e . 13*? 170! we have been upon y e . Land w c . h Joseph Winship purchased of Nicho- las ffefsenden on Cam r : Rocks we viewed y". place & find an old improved High way on y* Northerly Side partly in y l : lott, & partly out of it Viz' att y! going over Black Brook Next Ephraim ffrosts Land, att y* North- erly Corner fourteen Rods downward, that he leave out two Rods on y° Northerly Side of y". fence Now Standing & being from y! upper Corner fourteen Rods downward, & on y! South Easterly Corner next y e Countrey Road leading to Watertown y* : he leave out two Rods on y e . North Side of y* Stone Wall Now Standing & being Viz' : fro : s? Countrey Road twenty & two Rods upward, that the Remainder of y* s'j Lott he may fence & inclose without any Incumbrance of any high Way this first day of ffeb 75 ': 170^. p Jona : Hastings Sam" : Kidder Jason Rufsel Jonath" Butterfield ioffeb" 7 : 1706 Ephraim ffrost declared to y* Select men y?y e : land called Ep h : ffrost's Land in s A , Return was formerly his land but y? he had Sold it to John Hasting. [210] Att a Meeting of y e . Select Men 10 ffeb^: 1706 Whereas Jn°: Perry has informed y*t Select Men of his intention to inclose a tract of Land on Camf Rocks w c . h formerly appertained to y". Widow Cook S'? Select Men have appointed L'. Jn° Jackson, & Abra: Hill to Joyn w'. h Tho s : Whittemore &Jo s : Winship w™ S"? Perry has Chosen, to View S'j Land & if need be to State pafsages thru : y*. Same, No pafsage being lefs then two Rods Wide & to make Return of their doings in y* affair to s* Select Men Cambridge. June y e 13 th 1709 We whose names are under written being chosen a Committe by y a inhabitants of Cambridge to Joyn w ,h a Committe chosen by y e Select 234 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Men of Billericah to Settle a Road in Cambridge ffarmes to Billericah, And being Notified by y e Select Men of Cambridge to attend y e work afores d ; we accordingly did, & have Stated a Road as followeth : And we began at a white Oak tree upon Billericah Line, near to Will™ Grimes's on y e Southerly Side of y e most Easterly of f Most Easterly Road from s d Grimes's leading to Cambridge, thru a farm called y e Churches farm and we Mark 4 s d tree w th H, and So continued Marking trees w ch we thought Necefscary on y e Same Side of Said way as follow- eth; Next unto Said white Oak we Marked a Small black oak, next a pine upon y e Next hill, then a Small black oak, then an other black oak, then a Red oak, Next a white Oak & y n a white Oak at y e foot of y e hill, then a grey oak, then a Red Oak, then a grey Oak by a brook, then a Red oak on y e other Side of y e brook, then a grey oak on the North Side of y e path, then a Stake in aheap of Bushes within Claffland's field, then to a Stone within ten foot of y e Northerly Corner of Clafflands barn then to a black oak Stump in a heap of bushes about five Rods off s d Clafflands dwelling house, then to a Stake Set by a Small Rock on y e Easterly corner of s d Clafflands field, then to a white Oak fallen into y° fence on y e Northerly Side of a Medow called Shaw's Medow and So along that Side of Said Medow to a Red Oak on y e Easterly Corner of s d Medow, then to a black oak by y e brook at y e Same end of Said Medow, & then turning Southerly along s d Medow to a white Oak Stump w th three branches growing upon it on y e Southerly Side of y e path then to a white Oak Stadle on y e Same Side of y- e path, and then crofs Said path to a black oak w th a bunch on it near y e ground, then to a white Oak and from thence to a white oak Stump w th a Stake on it, then to a white Oak Stump where Said way meets w th y e way leading from Concord to Woburn which way we have Stated four Rod all along on y e Northerly Side of Said bounds before mentioned Amos Marret William Rufsel ffrancis Bowman [211] Whereas there has been a Differance between Solom" Pren- tice Sen' & Sam 1 . 1 Sparhawke both of Camb r : about a high Way thru : a Tract of Land in y° West field in Cam r : afores d formerly Called Han- PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 235 cocks Lott now in y e Pofsefsion of y* s"? Solom" Prentice and Sam" : Sparhavvke : And as a finall Ifsue of Sf Difference we y e Subscribers being y e . partys above mentioned have Mutually agreed y\ the s"? high Way for y". future Shall lye on yl North East Side of y e . S 1 ? Sam" Spar- hawk's fence now Standing Viz': that fence next y° Said Solom" Pren- tice's Land : Wittnefs o^ hands the 14^ day of March 170*-. In Presence of Solom" Prentis. Jn° Oldham Sam" Sparhawke Sam" Cooper Cambridge March y". 14. 170^ Att a Meeting of y! Proprieto 1 ? of y e : West field Legally Warned : Solom" Prentice sen 1 ! & Sam" Sparhawke Did informe y e . Meeting y' : Whereas they have been doubtfull about y". highway that Run's between their Land known by y* Name of Hancock's Lott, are now agreed y* the said Way Shall for y e . time to come Run on y e : outside of Sam" Sparhawke's fence now Standing that is to Say on y* Northeast Side ; they also desired y' : the Meeting would Shew their Satisfaction by a Vote att which time this was put to Vote and it pafsed on the affirmative A True Copy Atteft Benj a : Goddard Cler : to y e . Propriet" : of s d : West field [212] Att a Meeting of y° Select Men io' ; h March 1706 Whereas Joseph ffafsett has made his applycation to y° Select Men y\ he may have a Convenient high Way Crofs y e . Range of Lotts be- tween Jno" Lawrence's house & S? ffafsetts house, Said Select Men have appointed L' : Amos Marrett, Solomon Prentice Senf and Matthew Bridge to View s* Land & likewise to View y". high Way Crofs s* Range & (If they Judge it Nefscescary) to State a way Crofs said Range, Pro- vided it be Neither Injuryous to any of yl Propriety of y° Land there- about Nor Chargable to y*. Town, & to make Return of their Doings in this affair to y e . Select Men. 236 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Camb' 16 ffebY 170^ We the Subscribers being appointed a Cofnitte by y e Select Men of s d Town March y e 10 th 1706/7. to State a high way for y e accomodacon of Joseph ffaisel to Meeting & Market; Pursuant to y e s d Appointm? We stated a way Two Rods in Width in Jn° Lawrences Land from y" Range way Near said Lawrences house to y e Range way where s d ffafset dwells, y c Said way lying on y e Westerly Side of y e fence of s d Law- rences field: We also Judge it Convenient y l there be a high way of two Rods Wide Crofs s d Lawrences Land fro m a heap of Stones above s d Lawrences house, in y e Way Stated for y e accomodacon of s d ffafsel to a pine marked on y e North Side, said way to be on y e Northerly side of s d Pine, fro thence to a flat Rock a few Rods further, fro thence s d Lawrences fence to be y e bounds of y e s d way to y e Churches farme, Which said Two high Ways will be Suffitiant, & most convenient for y e Accofnodacon of y c Neigh" & their Lands in y' part of our Town, In Consideracon of w ch S d Two high ways taken fro s d Lawrence, we agree y l Said Lawrence have y e Range way from his house betwixt his Land & y e Churches ffarme Viz' to y e Easterly Side of a Lott formerly be- longing to Sam 1 . 1 Cook, also y' yf s d Lawrence have y e high Way Crofs y e : Range of Lotts betwixt David ffiske's & Joseph Rufsels Lott. Amos Marrett Solomon Prentice Matthew Bridge. [213] At a Meeting of y* Proprietof of yl Cofnon Lands in Camb r Orderly Convened. y° 12* May 1707 There was then Chosen mf Edm d Goffe Moderator Also Voted an allowance of y* account offered by the Cofnitte appointed for the Late divisions of Lands & y? y* Cler: Record s d Divisions of Lands Also voted y? m^ Edm d Goffe, Dea : Sam 1 . 1 Cooper & And7 Bordman Receive y* accounts of y* persons y* are accountable to y e . proprieto 18 : for mony Collected & Received by them And y l : y* Cofnitte ap- pointed for y*. Sale ol Lands make Sale of a piece of Land to Wf Pattin (adjoyning to his house Lott, not Exceeding half an Acre PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 237 A Record of Lotts of Land Lay d out to the Proprieto" of y c Comon Lands in Cambridge, and voted to be Recorded, at their publick Meeting y* I2'. 11 May 1707. Viz 1 : In y e Lower Division The first Squadron In the Ox pasture 1 The first Lott was lay d out to Sam" Kideer Containing four Acres & half & thirty Rods Bounded Easterly w ,h his own Land, West- erly w th Moses Bordman & Andrew Wilson, Northerly & Southerly w th high Ways. 2 The Second to Andrew Wilson One Acre three Quarter's & twenty Rods, Bounded Easterly w th Sam" Kidder, Southerly with Mofes Bordman, Westerly & Northerly w th High Ways. 3 The third to Moses Bordman fourteen Acres & twenty five Rods Bounded Easterly w th Sam" Kidder, Northerly w th AndY Wilson Westerly & Southerly w": h High Ways. 2 nd Squadron 4 The fourth to Mofes Bordman four Acres & half & fifteen Rods Bounded Westerly w th David Deming, Easterly, Southerly & North- erly w tb high Ways. 5 The fifth to David Deming five Acres and halfe & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w th Mofes Bordman, Westerly w* Amos Marrett Northerly & Southerly w' ; h high Ways. 6 The Sixth Lott to Amos Marrett Nine Acres a Quarter & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w 1 ? David Deming, Westerly w' : 1 ' Saml 1 Angier Northerly & Southerly w*? high Ways. 7 [214] The Seventh Lott to m r Sam" Angier Seven Acres and half Bounded Easterly w'." Amos Marrett, Westerly w 1 ? Jeremiah Holman, Northerly & Southerly w th high Ways 238 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 8 The Eighth Lott to Jeremiah Holman three Acres & a Quarter Bounded Easterly w'j 1 Sam" Angier. Westerly & Northerly w'! 1 high Ways. the 3 rd Squadron. 8 The Eighth Lott to Jer: Holman half an Acre Bounded North- erly w th Nich s : ffefsenden, Southerly w th high way Westerly w th John Addams & Easterly w th y e Comon 9 The Ninth Lott to John Addams two Acres three Quarters & Ten Rods Bounded Easterly \v th Jer Holman Westerly \v' h Joseph Rufsel, Northerly w lh Nicholas ffefsenden & Southerly w'f high Way. 10 The tenth Lott to Joseph Rufsel one Acre three Quarters & twenty Rods Bounded Westerly with Joseph Cook, Easterly w th John Addams, Northerly w*? Owen Warland & Southerly wV high Way 1 1 The Eleventh Lott to Joseph Cook three Acres and three quarters Bounded Easterly w th Joseph Rufsel Westerly w th m re Remington Northerly w th Jn° Wyeth & Owen Warland & Southerly w th high Way. 12 The twelfth Lott to m r8 Remington three Acres & three Quar- • ters Bounded Easterly w th Joseph Cook Westerly w th Edward Win- ship, Northerly w th Jn° Wyeth & Edw d Pclham & Southerly w lh high Way. 13 The thirteenth Lott to Edw d Winship five Acres & half & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly with m ra Remington Westerly w ,h Elisha Bull Northerly w th Edw d Pelham & Joseph Cooledge & Southerly w th high Way. 14 The fourteenth Lott to Elisha Bull One Acre three Quarters & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w th Edw d Winship, Westerly w tb PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 239 Mofses Bordman Northerly w th Joseph Cooledge & Southerly w tb high Way 15 The fifteenth Lott to Mofses Bordman Seven Acres & halfe Bounded Easterly \v th Elisha Bull, Westerly w tb Dan" Cheever, Northerly \v th Joseph Cooledge and Sam" Cooper & Southerly w tb : high Way 16 The Sixteenth Lott to Dan? cheever three Acres & three quar- ters Bounded Easterly \v th Mofses Bordman Westerly w th Joseph Crackbone Northerly with Sam u Cooper & And 1 : Bordman, and Southerly with high Way. 17 [215] The Seventeenth Lott to Joseph Crackbone five Acres & an half & Twenty Rods, Bounded Easterly w tb Daniel Cheever, Westerly w tb John Cooper, Northerly w tb m r ffoxcroft, Joseph Winship and Andrew Bordman & Southerly w th high Way 18 The Eighteenth Lott to John Cooper One Acre three Quarters & Twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w tb Joseph Crackbone West- erly w ,b Nichf ffefsenden Northerly w th m r ffoxcroft & South West- erly w th high Way. 19 The Nineteenth Lott to Nicholas ffefsenden two Acres & a Quarter Bounded Easterly w tb Jn° Cooper Northerly w ffi : m r ffox- croft, Westerly & South Westerly with high Way. 19 The Ninteenth Lott to Nicholafs ffefsenden three Acres a Quar- ter & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w th : the Coffion, Westerly w ,b Owen Warland. Southerly w tb Jer: Holman & John Addams and Northerly w'f High Way. 20 The twentyeth Lott to Owen Warland three Acres & three Quarters Bounded Easterly with Nicholafs ffefsenden, Westerly w tb John Wyeth Southerly w tb Joseph Rufsel & Joseph Cook and Northerly with high Way. 240 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 21 The twenty first Lott to John Wyeth three Acres & three Quarters Bounded Easterly w 1 ? 1 Owen Warland Westerly w th Edward Pelham, Southerly w th m ra Remington & Joseph Cook & Northerly w th high Way. 22 The twenty Second Lott to Edward Pelham four acres & an halfe & thirty Rods. Bounded Easterly w th John Wyeth Westerly wf Joseph Cooledge, Southerly m ra Remington & Edward Winship & Northerly w th High Way. 23 The twenty third Lott to Joseph Cooledge Seven Acres & an halfe Bounded Easterly w'. b Edward Pelham, Westerly w*? Sam" Cooper; Southerly w' h Edward Winship, Samuel Bull & Mofses Bordman & Northerly w* high Way. 24 The twenty fourth Lott to Sam 1 . 1 Cooper Seven Acres & an halfe Bounded Easterly w th Jos : Cooledge Westerly w 4 ? And' Bordman Southerly with Mofes Bordman and Daniel Cheever and North- erly w' : h high way. 25 [216] The twenty fifth Lott to Andrew Bordman One Acre three Quarters & twenty Rods, Bounded Easterly w th : Sam" Cooper, Westerly w th : Joseph Winship, Southerly w th Dan' 1 Cheever & Joseph Crackbone & Northerly w th : high Way. 26 The twenty Sixth Lott to Joseph Winship three Acres & three Quarters Bounded Easterly w th Andr: Bordman Westerly w*? m r ffoxcroft Southerly w th : Joseph Crackbone & Northerly w th high Way: 27 The twenty Seventh Lott to m r ffoxcroft — three Acres & three Quarters Bounded Easterly w th Joseph Winship North Westerly w' h Southerly with Joseph Crackbone, John Cooper & Nicholafs ffefsenden & Northerly w th high Way. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 241 27 The twenty Seventh Lott to m r fifoxcroft three Acres and three Quarters Bounded North Easterly w 1 ." the Comon Westerly vv th m r Procter & Southerly w*f high way. 28 The twenty Eighth Lott to m r Procter Nine Acres a Quarter & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w 4 ? 1 m r ffoxcroft Westerly w th Samuel Gibson, North Easterly w th : y e Comon & Southerly w tu : high Way. 29 The twenty Ninth Lott to Sam" Gibson five Acres and an half & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w th m r Procter Westerly w'* Zech Hickes, North Easterly w' : h y e Comon & Southerly w'. h High Way. 30 The thirtieth Lott to Zech 17 : Hickes three Acres and three Quarters Bounded Easterly w th : Sam" Gibson Westerly w th John Green Northerly w 1 ? y e Comon and Menotomy River & Southerly w? high Way. 31 The thirty first Lott to John Green three Acres and three Quar- ters Bounded Easterly wf Zech 17 : Hickes Westerly w*? William Manning Northerly with Menotomy River & Southerly w th high Way. 32 The thirty Second Lott to William Manning three Acres & three Quarters Bounded Easterly w th : John Green Westerly w th Ephraim ffrost, Northerly with Menotomy River & Southerly w'." high Way. 33 The thirty third Lott to Ephf ffrost three Acres & three Quar- ters Bounded Easterly w th : W? Mailing Westerly w* m r ffoxcroft, Northerly with Menotomy River & Southerly with high Way. 34 The thirty* fourth Lott to m r fifoxcroft Seven Acres & an half Bounded Easterly w th : Eph™ ffrost, Westerly wf Benjam Goddard, Northerly w th : Menotomy River & Southerly w th : high Way. 242 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 35 [217] The thirty fifth Lott to Benjamin Goddard One Acre & a Quarter & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w' h m r ffoxcroft Westerly w th Northerly w' h Menotomy River & Southerly w th high way. In the Ware field. 35 The thirty fifth Lott to Benj a Goddard two Acres a Quarter & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w th Westerly w th : Amos Marrett Northerly w' b : an halfe Acre of Land Reserved for y e Ware & Southerly w th : John Dickson. 36 Part of y e Thirty Sixth Lott to Amos Marrett half an acre & four Rods Bounded Southerly w th : Jn° Dickson Easterly w th : Benj* Goddard, Northerly w' b : half an acre of Land Reserved for y e Ware & Westerly w th y e high way from y c Comon to y e s d Ware. 36 the other part of y e thirty Sixth Lott to y e said Amos Marrett Eight Acres three Quarters & Sixteen Rods Bounded Easterly w' b y e highway leading from y e Comon to y e Ware, Westerly w' h Jonas Clark Northerly w'" : Menotomy River & Southerly w th : y e Comon 37 Part of y e thirty Seventh lott to mf Corlett three Quarters of an Acre Bounded Easterly w* h : Jonas Clark, Westerly w'. h High Way & Northerly w th Menotomy River. On the North Side of Menotomy River & at Mills's Ware. 38 The thirty Eighth Lott to m™ Corlett four Acres and three Quar- ters & twenty Rods Bounded Westerly w th Cap' Parker, Easterly Northerly & Southerly w th high Ways. 39 ■ The thirty Ninth Lott to Cap* Parker three Acres and three Quarters Bounded Easterly w' h mf Corlett Westerly w th Moses Bordman Northerly & Southerly w' h high Ways 40 The fortieth Lott to Moses Bordman, three Acres and three Quarters Bounded Easterly w th : Cap': Parker Westerly w th : W™ Pattin Northerly & Southerly \v th : high ways. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 243 41 The forty first Lott to William Pattin. three Acres and three Quarters Bounded Easterly w* Moses Bordman Westerly w tb Jason Rufsel Northerly & Southerly w tb high Ways. 42 The forty Second Lott to Jason Rufsel Eight Acres a Quar- ter & thirty Rods' Bounded Easterly w'. h William Pattin West- erly w tb John Hasting Northerly & Southerly w tb high Ways. 43 The forty third Lott to John Hasting three Acres & three Quarters Bounded Easterly w tb Jason Rufsel Westerly Northerly & Southerly w tu high Ways 44 [218] the forty fourth Lott to John Gove five Acres and an half & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w th high Way Westerly w th Gershom Cutter Northerly & Southerly w tb : high Ways 45 part of The forty fifth Lott to Gershom Cutter 2 acres & 30 Rods Bounded Easterly w tb John Gove Westerly w th Cap' Belcher Norther with high way & Southerly w tb 45 Part of y e forty fifth Lott to Gershom Cutter One Acre and half & ten Rods Bounded Easterly w tb Westerly w tb Nath" Hancock Northerly w th Great Spie Pond & Southerly w th high way. 46 The forty Sixth Lott to Nath" Hancock Seven Acres and half Bounded Easterly w th Gershom Cutter, Westerly w tb Thomas ffox, Northerly w ,h Great Spie pond and Southerly w tb high Way. 47 The forty Seventh Lott to Thos : ffox five Acres & half and twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w' b Nat' 1 Hancock Westerly w tb John Leverett Esq r Northerly w th w tb Great Spie pond & Southerly with high way. 48 The forty Eighth Lott to John Leverett Esq^ Seven Acres & half Bounded Easterly w tb Tho 1 ! ffox, Westerly w tb Cap' An- drew Belcher, Northerly w tb Great Spie pond & Southerly w tb high 244 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 49 The forty Ninth Lott to Cap' Andrew Belcher Seven Acres & half Bounded Easterly w'. h John Leverett Esq r Westerly w th John Jackson, Northerly w th Great Spie pond and Southerly w th high way. 50 The fiftieth Lott to John Jackson One Acre three Quarters & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w th Cap' Andr. Belcher, Westerly w th John Dickson Northerly with Great Spie pond & Southerly w th high Way. 51 The fifty first Lott to John Dickson three Acres & three Quar- ter's Bounded Easterly w tb John Jackson Westerly w th m TS . Oliver Northerly w th Great Spie pond & Southerly w th high Way. 52 The fifty Second lott to m 1 ? Oliver five Acres & half & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly w 1 ! 1 John Dickson, Westerly w th m r John Stedman, Northerly w th Great Spie pond & Southerly w th high Way 53 The fifty third Lott to m r John Stedman Six Acres and an halfe Bounded Easterly w th m re Oliver Westerly and Northerly w th Great Spie pond and Southerly w tb high Way 53 Part of y e fifty third Lott to m r John Stedman four acres & three Quarters Bounded North Easterly w th y e Comon, South West- erly w th Samuel Bull ; South Easterly w 1 ' 1 Great Spie pond & North Westerly w th y e high Way leading to Watertown. 54 [219] The fifty fourth Lott to Sam" Bull One Acre & three Quarters & twenty Rods Bounded North Easterly w ,h m r John Stedman, South Westerly w th Dea Hasting South Easterly w th : Great Spie pond & North Westerly w th : high Way Leading to Watertown. 55 The fifty fifth Lott to Deacon Hasting Seven Acres & halfe Bounded North Easterly with Saml 1 Bull, South Westerly w th m? PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 245 Green, South Easterly w th Great Spie pond & North Westerly w ,h y e high Way Leading to Watertown. 56 The fifty Sixth Lott to m™ Green three Acres & three Quarters Bounded North Easterly with Deacon Hasting, South Westerly w th high way & Nath" Hancock & North Westerly w'l 1 the high Way Leading to Watertown 57 The fifty Seventh Lott to Natli? Hancock five Acres & half & twenty Rods Bounded North Easterly w'f m" Green, South West- erly w' ; h Pyam Blower North Westerly & South Easterly w lh high ways & a high Way Crofs the Said Lott. 58 The fifty Eighth Lott to Piam Blower five Acres & an half & twenty Rods Bounded North Easterly w th Nath u Hancock South Westerly w ,h Deacon Hasting North Westerly & South Easterly w ,h high ways & a high way crofs y e Northerly corner of s d Lott 59 The fifty Ninth Lott to Deacon Hasting One Acre three Quar- ters & twenty Rods Bounded North Easterly w th Piam Blower, South Westerly w th Rich"? Cutter North Westerly & South Easterly w'! 1 high ways. 60 The Sixtyeth Lott to Rich"? Cutter three Acres & three Quar- ters Bounded North Easterly with Deacon Hasting, South Westerly w'! 1 Solomon Prentice North Westerly & South Easterly with high Ways. 61 The Sixty first Lott to Solom" Prentice Seven Acres & halfe Bounded North Easterly w th Rich 111 Cutter South Westerly w ,h : Wil- liam Wyeth North Westerly & South Easterly w*? High Ways. 62 The Sixty Second Lott to William Wyeth five Acres & half & twenty Rods Bounded North Easterly w lh Solom n Prentice South Westerly w'! 1 Tho° Andrew, North Westerly w th high Way & South Easterly with the Clay pitts. 246 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 63 [220] The Sixty third Lott to Thof Andrew three Acres and three Quarter's Bounded North Easterly w th W ra Wyeth South West- erly w* Jonathan Dunster, North Westerly w ,h high VVay& South Easterly w 4 ? the Clay pitts 64 The Sixty fourth Lott to Jonathan Dunster three Acres & three Quarters Bounded North Easterly w th Tho^ Andrew South West- erly w'. h Sam 11 Cooper & m r Jn° Whiting, North Westerly w th high Way & South Easterly wV the Clay pitts 65 The Sixty fifth Lott to Sam 11 Cooper three Acres and three Quarter's Bounded North Easterly w'! 1 Jonathan Dunster South Westerly w th Harvard Colledge, North Westerly w th High Way & Southerly w'? 1 m r Jn° Whiting 66 The Sixty Sixth Lott to Harvard Colledge Seven Acres and an half Bounded North Easterly w th Sam u Cooper, South Westerly w lh Sam" Andrew North Westerly w th high Way & Southerly w ,h m r Jn° Whiting 67 The Sixty Seventh Lott to Sam" Andrew Bounded North East- erly w'? Harvard Colledge, South Westerly with William Barrett, North Westerly w ,h high Way and South Easterly w th a Brook 3| 68 The Sixty Eighth Lott to William Barrett three Acres & three Quarter's Bounded North Easterly w th Samuel Andrew, South West- erly w th Andrew Stevenson, North Westerly w th high Way & South Easterly w th a Brook. 69 The Sixty Ninth Lott to Andrew Stevenson three Acres & three Quarters Bounded North Easterly w th Wf Barrett South Westerly w tb NatW Green, North Westerly with high Way & South Easterly w* a Brook. 70 The Seventyeth Lott to Nath" Green three Acres and three Quarters Bounded North Easterly w'f Andrew Stevenson, South PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 247 Westerly w'? Cap' AncH Belcher North Westerly w th High Way & South Easterly with a Brook 71 The Seventy first Lott to Cap' Andrew Belcher four Acres & half & twenty Rods Bounded North Easterly with Nath 1 . 1 Green, North Westerly w th high Way South Westerly & Southerly w 1 ? a brook 71 Part of y e Seventy first to Cap' Andrew Belcher One Acre Bounded Easterly w'! 1 Gershom Cutter Westerly w' h Cap' Bon- ner, Northerly w th high Way and Southerly with. 72 The Seventy Second Lott to Cap' Bonner three Acres & three Quarters Bounded Easterly w' : h Cap' Belcher Westerly w lh Phillip Cook, Northerly w th High Way & Southerly w' h Little Spie pond. 73 [221] The Seventy third Lott to Phillip Cook five Acres & an half & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly with Cap' Bonner, Westerly with Sam 1 , 1 Buck, Northerly w th high Way & Southerly w th Little Spie Pond. 74 The Seventy fourth Lott to Sam 11 Buck two Acres three Quar- ter's & ten Rods Bounded Easterly with Phillip Cook, Westerly w' : h John Holmes, Northerly w th high Way & Southerly w' h Little Spie Pond. 75 The Seventy fifth Lott to John Holmes Seven Acres & half Bounded Easterly w ,h Sam n Buck Westerly w" 1 Sam" Hasting, Har- vard Colledge and John Swan, Northerly w* high Way, and South- erly w th Little Spie Pond. 76 The Seventy Sixth Lott to Saml Hasting three Acres & three Quarters Bounded Easterly with John Holmes, Southerly w' 1 ' Har- vard Colledge. Westerly, Northerly & North Westerly w'i 1 High Way JJ The Seventy Seventh Lott to Harvard Colledge One Acre three Quarters & twenty Rods, Bounded Northwesterly w th Sam'. Hasting, 24S PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. South Easterly with John Swan, North Easterly w'j 1 John Holmes and South Westerly with a High Way. The Seventy Eighth Lott to John Swan three Acres & three Quarters Bounded North Westerly w th Harvard Colledge South Easterly w'. h John Watson North Easterly w th John Holmes & Lit- tle Spie pond South Westerly w th high Way 79 The Seventy Ninth Lott to John Watson four Acres & half & thirty Rods Bounded North Westerly w th John Swan, South East- erly w th Jacob Hill, South Westerly w th high Way, Northerly & North Easterly w m Little Spie pond & 80 The Eightyeth Lott to Jacob Hill Seven Acres and an half Bounded North Westerly w" 1 John Watson South Easterly w th Widow Cane, South Westerly w th high Way & North Easterly w th 81 The Eighty first Lott to Widow Cane three Acres & three Quarter's Bounded North Westerly w 1 ? Jacob Hill, South Easterly w th Col : fifoxcroft, South Westerly w*? high way & North Easterly 82 The Eighty Second Lott to Col ffoxcroft Seven Acres and half Bounded North Westerly with Widow Cane South Westerly w th high Way, Easterly and South Easterly with The Clay pitts containing half an Acre Bounded Easterly w th Sol : Prentice, Westerly w*? m r Whiting, Northerly with Jonath Dunster, Tho* Andrew & W™ Wyeth & Southerly w tb : Col ffox- croft & high way. 82 [222] Part of the Eighty Second Lott to Col : ffoxcroft three Acres & three Quarter's Bounded Northerly w th y e Clay pitts, Southerly w th m r Sam! 1 Gookin Easterly w th high Way & Westerly w th m r Whiting 83 The Eightythird Lott to m r Sam" Gookin Seven Acres & an half Bounded Northerly w th Col ffoxcroft Southerly w tb John Pal- PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 249 fray, Easterly w th high Way Westerly \v th a Brook & North Westerly w*? m r Whiting 84 The Eighty fourth Lott to John Palfray three Acres & three Quarter's Bounded Northerly w' h : m r Samuel Gookin Southerly w 1 ' 1 William Rufsel North Easterly with high Way, Southerly & West- erly with a Brook 85 The Eighty fifth Lott to William Rufsel five Acres and an half & twenty Rods Bounded Northerly with with John Palfray South- erly w' h Solom" Prentice North Easterly w th high way, & Westerly & Southerly w th a Brook 86 The Eighty Sixth Lott to Solomon Prentice Seven Acres & an halfe Bounded Northerly w' : h W"? Rufsel Southerly w' : h Peter Town, North Easterly \v tb . high way & South Westerly w lh a Brook. 87 The Eighty Seventh Lott to Peter Town Seven Acres & an half Bounded Northerly w*? Solomon Prentice, Southerly w th Comon Land, Easterly w th high Way & Westerly w* a Brook. In the Upper Division the first Squadron in a Neck of Land, on y e South of Dun- back Near Willington's. 1 The first Lott to Sam 11 Kidder three Acres and three Quarters Bounded Northerly w'! 1 Sam 1 . 1 Mahing South Easterly w th high Way Southerly and South Westerly w lh 2 The Second Lott to Sam 1 } Mailing three Acres Bounded South- erly w th Sam 1 ! Kidder, Northerly w' : h W? Rufsel, Easterly & South Easterly with high Way, Westerly w th 3 The third Lott to W? Rufsel four Acres and an half Bounded Northerly w° John Cooper Southerly w th Sam" Manning, Easterly w th high Way Westerly & South Westerly w th 250 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 4 The fourth Lott to Jn? Cooper one Acre and halfe Bounded Southerly w th : W2 Rufsel, Northerly with David Deming North Easterly w th high Way and South Westerly w th : 5 [223] The fifth Lott to David Deming four Acres and an halfe Bounded Southerly w tb John Cooper Northerly w tb John Bonner, North Easterly with high Way, & South Westerly w tb 6 The Sixth Lott to John Bonner Three Acres Bounded South- erly w th David Deming, Northerly w tb Sam" Cooper, North Easterly w tb high way & South Westerly w tb : 7 The Seventh Lott to Sam" Cooper Seven Acres w ch is but part of his Lott, Bounded Southerly w th : John Bonner, Eastererly & North Easterly w tb high way, Northerly & North Westerly w tb there being a high Way on y e Easterly side of y e platt of y 8 Squadron The Second Squadron on the East Side of the Bridges. 1 The first Lott, to Sam 1 ! Cooper two Acres being the Remainder of his Lott Bounded, South Easterly & South Westerly w tb Northerly w th William Dickson. 2 The Second Lott William Dickson three Acres Bounded South- erly w tb Sam! 1 Cooper, Northerly w th : Col : ffoxcroft, Westerly & South Westerly w tb : & Easterly & South Easterly w th 3 The third Lott to Col ffoxcroft Esq r twenty One Acres Bounded Southerly w tb : William Dickson Northerly w th James Clark, Easterly w tb & Westerly w tb 4 The fourth Lott to James Clark two Acres and a Quarter, Bounded Southerly w th Col ffoxcroft Northerly w tb m r Sam 11 Angier, Easterly w tb & Westerly w tb PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 25 I 5 The fifth Lott to m r Sam? Angier Six Acres Bounded South- erly w th James Clark, Northerly w*? Sam' 1 Hasting, South Easterly w th & North Westerly with 6 The Sixth Lott to Sam" Hasting three Acres Bounded South- erly w th m r Sam' 1 Angier Northerly w th : Jeremiah Holman, South Easterly with and North Westerly with 7 The Seventh Lott to Jeremiah Holman three Acres Bounded Southerly w tb : Samuel Hasting Northerly w th : Widow Corlet Easterly w th & North Westerly with 8 [224] The Eighth Lott to Widow Corlett four Acres & halfe Bounded Southerly w tb Jer: Holman, Northerly w th John Swan, Easterly w tb & Westerly with 9 The Ninth Lott to John Swan three Acres Bounded Southerly w th Widow Corlett, Northerly w*? Andrew Bordman, Easterly w th and Westerly with 10 The tenth Lott to Andrew Bordman One Acre and halfe Bounded Southerly w th John Swan, Northerly w th John Holmes Easterly w th and Westerly with 11 The Eleventh Lott to John Holmes Six Acres Bounded South- erly w th And r Bordman, Northerly with y e Colledge Lott & with Easterly w th & Westerly w th 1 2 The twelfth Lott to Harvard Colledge Seven Acres and an halfe Bounded Southerly with John Holmes Northerly w th Easterly w ,b & Westerly w' b w' h high Way in y 3 platt. thru : p' of Col ffoxcroft's Lott & so to y e Norther- most part of this Squadron. The third Squadron toward Bridges Gate 252 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 1 The first Lott to John Leverett Esqf Six Acres Bounded Southerly w th Northerly w th John Palfray, Easterly w th & North Westerly w th high Way. 2 The Second Lott to John Palfray three Acres Bounded South- erly w th John Leverett Esq r Northerly wf Andrew Wilson, North Westerly w th high way & Easterly with 3 The third Lott to Andrew Wilson One Acre and an half Bounded Southerly w th John Palfray, Northerly w th Solomon Pren- tice, Easterly w th and North Westerly w th high Way. 4 The fourth Lott to Solomon Prentice twelve Acres Bounded Southerly w th Andrew Wilson, Northerly w th m r Pelham Easterly w th and North Westerly & South Westerly w th highway. 5 The fifth Lott to m r Pelham three Acres and three Quarters Bounded Southerly w'. b Solomon Prentice, Northerly wf Joseph Cooledge Easterly w th and Westerly w th high Way 6 [225] The Sixth Lott to Joseph Cooledge five Acres and a Quarter Bounded Southerly w th m r Pelham, Northerly & Westerly w tb high way, & Easterly vv th being part of his Lott a high Way on y e Westerly & Northerly Sides of y e platt of y 8 Squadron The fourth Squadron called 1 1 Acres or the Bellows. 1 The first Lott Joseph Cooledge three Quarters of an Acre be- ing three Quarters of an Acre Bounded Southerly w th Westerly with and Northerly with Walter Hasting 2 The Second Lott to Walter Hasting Bounded Southerly w" 1 Joseph Cooledge & w th Westerly w th Easterly & South Easterly with and Northerly with John Watson. PROPRIETORS* RECORDS. 253 3 The third Lott to John Watson two Acres and a Quarter, Bounded Southerly w th Walter Hasting North Westerly w th and South Westerly vv ,h : being part of his Lott. The fifth Squadron lyes between Alwife Meadows. 1 The first Lott to Jn° Watson One Acre & half Bouned South- erly w* Westerly w lh and Northerly w th Jacob Hill, a high way Crofs y e Lott, the Remainder of s d Watson's Lott. 2 The Second Lott to Jacob Hill Six Acres Bounded Southerly with John Watson & w th : Northerly w th John Addams, Easterly \v th & Westerly w th : w" 1 high ways in y e Lott 3 The third Lott to John Addam's two Acres and Quarter Bounded Southerly w th Jacob Hill, Northerly with Cap' Reming- ton, Easterly w'? & Westerly w th w 1 ? high ways in y e Lott 4 The fourth Lott to Cap': Remington three Acres Bounded Southerly w th John Addams, Northerly w'! 1 Joseph Crackbone & w th Easterly with & Westerly w\ h with high Ways in y e Lott. 5 [226] The fifth Lott to Joseph Crackbone four Acres and an halfe Bounded Southerly w [h Cap' Remington Northerly w ,h An- drew Stevenson, North Easterly w th & Westerly with with high ways in the Lott. 6 The Sixth Lott to Andrew Stevenson three Acres Bounded Southerly w' h Joseph Crackbone, Northerly w ,h Sam 1 . 1 Buck Easterly with & Westerly with w th : a high way in y e Lott 7 The Seventh Lott to Sam" Buck two Acres and a Quarter Bounded Southerly with Andrew Stevenson Northerly \v' h m r 254 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Procter & w th Easterly & North Easterly w th Westerly & North Westerly with w th a high way crofs the Lott 8 The Eighth Lott to m r Procter Seven Acres and half Bounded Northerly w" Nath u Pattin, Southerly with Samuel Buck, Easterly with & North Westerly, South Westerly & Westerly w' h : with high ways in the Lott 9 The Ninth Lott to Nath? Pattin three Acres Bounded Southerly w th m r Procter, Northerly w l ? John Wyeth North Easterly with & Westerly with wf High Ways in y e Lott io The tenth Lott to John Wyeth three Acres Bounded Southerly w* Nath" Pattin, Northerly w th : Daniel Cheever, Easterly with and Westerly w th w th high ways in y e Lott. 1 1 The Eleventh Lott to Dan' 1 Cheever three Acres Bounded South- erly w ,h John Wyeth & w 1 ? Ephraim ffrost Northerly, Easterly with and Westerly w th w th : high Ways in the Lott 12 The twelfthLottto Ephraim ffrost three Acres bounded Southerly w th Dan" Cheever, Northerly w'f 1 John Gove North Westerly and South Westerly w ,h : & North Easterly w 1 ! 1 w th : high ways in y e Lott 13 The thirteenth Lott to John Gove five Acres and half being part of his Lott, Bounded Southerly with Ephraim ffrost, North- erly & North Easterly with & North Westerly w th with high Ways in y e Lott. there being Sundreyhigh Ways on y e platt and one at y e South- erly end of this Squadron, as y e platt shows them. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 255 [227] The Sixth Squadron on Mount Gilboa. 1 The first Lott in y e Sixth Squadrant was lay d out to John Gove three Acres & an half (being the Remainder of his Lott) Bounded Southerly and South Westerly w'! 1 high way South Easterly w th North Easterly w'." & Northerly w th m r Goffe : w th a high way through the Lott 2 The Second Lott to m r Goffe One Acre & halfe Bounded Southerly w 1 ? John Gove, Northerly with m r Andrewe, North East- erly w'? & South Westerly w* high way, & a high way through y e Lott 3 The third Lott to m r Andrewe, three Acres Bounded Southerly w*? m r Goffe Northerly with m r Dunster North Easterly with & South Westerly w* high way & a high way in y e Lott 4 The fourth Lott to m r Dunster three Acres Bounded Southerly w 1 * mf Andrewe. Northerly \v th Walter Rufsel, North Easterly w th & South Westerly w th : high Way. 5 The fifth Lott to Walter Rufsel One Acre & halfe Bounded Northerly w*? m r Stedman's heirs Southerly w'? m r Dunster, North Easterly w'." & South Westerly w tb : high way. 6 The Sixth Lott to m r Stedman's heirs Nine Acres. Bounded Southerly w th : Walter Rufsel Northerly w th Zech 17 : Hickes senf North Easterly w th & South Westerly w th : high way. 7 The Seventh Lott to Zech 17 : Hickes Sen 1 , three Acres Bounded Southerly w th : m r Stedman's heirs, Northerly w*" Widow Cane North Easterly w th & Westerly w? high Way. 8 The Eighth Lott to Widow Cane three Acres Bounded South- erly w*? Zech' 7 : Hickes Northerly \v th : William Barrett North Easterly w th : & Westerly w 1 * : high way. 256 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 9 The Ninth Lott to William Barrett three Acres Bounded South- erly with Widow Cane, Northerly w l . h Aaron Bordman's heirs North Easterly w th & South Westerly w th : high Way. 10 [228] The tenth Lott to Aaron Bordman heirs twenty Eight Acres & half Bounded Southerly with W- Barrett, Northerly w*? Thomas Andrew Easterly w th : & Westerly w th : high Way. 11 The Eleventh Lott to Tho 8 : Andrew three Acres Bounded Southerly w th : Aaron Bordman's heirs Northerly w th Benj* God- dard & Westerly w*? high Way. 12 The twelfth Lott to Benjamin Goddard three acres Bounded Southerly w th : Tho 8 : Andrewe, Northerly w th : Cap': Josiah Parker & w th : Easterly w th & Westerly w th w th : a high way in y e Lott 13 The thirteenth Lott to Cap* : Josiah Parker three Acres Bounded Southerly w th : Benj a : Goddard Northerly w th Sam" Gibson, North Easterly w th : & South Westerly with, & a high Way in y e Lott. 14 The fourteenth Lott to Sam 1 ? Gibson four Acres and an halfe Bounded Southerly w th : Cap 1 : Parker Northerly w? Elisha Bull, North Easterly w? & South Westerly with, w'! 1 high Ways in y e Lott. 15 The fifteenth Lott to Elisha Bull One Acre and halfe Bounded Southerly w th : Sam 1 ! Gibson, Northerly w th Edward Winship, North Easterly w* & Westerly with high Way. 16 The Sixteenth Lott to Edward Winship four Acres & an halfe Bounded Southerly with Elisha Bull Northerly w ,h Nicholafs fsended Easterly w th : & Westerly w'! 1 high way, & a high way in the Lott PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 257 17 The Seventeenth Lott to Nich® ffefsenden four Acres & a halfe Bounded Southerly w th : Edw* Winship. Northerly vv th : Owen Warland, Easterly with & Westerly w th : high Way, & a high Way in the Lott. 18 The Eighteenth Lott to Owen Warland One Acre and Quarter (being part of his Lott) Bounded Southerly w th Nichf ffefsenden, Northerly w th : Land Not Layd out, Easterly w' h : & Westerly v/ 1 } high Way. [229] The Seventh Squadron is a tract of Land Sold to Benj* Goddard, Called Black Island. The Eighth Squadron is a tract of Land on y e North West of y e Bridges near White's 1 The first Lott to Owen Warland One Acre & three Quarter's (being y e Remainder of his Lott Bounded Southerly w th Easterly w th & Northerly with m r Samuel Gookin. 2 The Second Lott to m r Sam" Gookin Six Acres Bounded Southerly w th Owen Warland & Easterly w th North Westerly w th & Northerly w*? m r ffox. 3 The third Lott to m r ffox four Acres & halfe Bounded Southerly \v th m r Sam 1 ' Gookin, Easterly w'? & North Westerly The Ninth Squadron is a tract of Land called hunting Swamp The first Lott to John Hasting three Acres Bounded, Southerly w*? Westerly w th -^ Seven Mile line, & Northerly w l ? Nat? Hancock The Second Lott to Nat? Hancock Six Acres Bounded Southerly w* John Hasting, Westerly w'j 1 y"= Seven Mile line. North Easterly w th & Northerly w'? Sam? Green 17 258 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 3 The third Lott to Sam! 1 Green three Acres Bounded Southerly w*? Nath" Hancock, Westerly w'? y e Seven Mile Line. North Easterly w' h & Northerly w*? Joseph Winship. 4 The fourth Lott to Joseph Winship. three Acres Bounded Southerly w' h : Sam 11 : Green, Westerly w'? y e Seven Mile Line North Easterly w ,h & Northerly w th Cap' : Belcher. 5 The fifth Lott to Cap": Belcher Nine Acres & half. Bounded Southerly w'! 1 Joseph Winship Westerly w'? y e Seven Mile line South Easterly w th & Northerly w'? Sam 1 ! Bull 6 [230] The Sixth Lott to Sam 11 Bull One Acre & halfe Bounded Southerly w'? Cap' : Belcher, Westerly w'! 1 y e Seven Mile line North Easterly w* & Northerly with Cap' : Green 7 The Seventh Lott to Cap' : Green three Acres Bounded Southerly w*? Sam" Bull, Westerly w" 1 y e Seven Mile Line North Easterly w th & Northerly with Richard Cutter's heirs. 8 The Eighth Lott to Rich 1 ? Cutter's heirs three Acres Bounded Southerly w'f Cap! Green, Westerly w' h : y e Seven Mile Line North Easterly w' h & Northerly with Doctf Oliver. 9 The Ninth Lott to DoctT Oliver four Acres and an halfe, Bounded Southerly vv th Ri: Cutter's heirs Westerly w'? y e Seven Mile Line North Easterly with & Northerly w'! 1 Joseph Cook 10 The tenth Lott to Joseph Cook three Acres Bounded South- erly w' h : Docf Oliver, Westerly w ,h y e 7 Mile Line North East- erly w th & Northerly w'! 1 Gershom Cutter. 11 The Eleventh lott to Gershom Cutter three Acres Bounded Southerly w ,h Joseph Cook Westerly w* y e Seven Mile Line. North Easterly w' h & Northerly w' : h Nat 1 ! Hancock PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 259 12 The twelfth Lott to Nath 1 ! Hancock four Acres & a half Bounded Southerly w' : b Gershom Cutter Westerly w*? y e Seven Mile Line. North Easterly w th & Northerly \v ,h m r Blower. 13 The thirteenth Lott to mf Blower four Acres & a half, Bounded Southerly w* Nath 1 . 1 Hancock Westerly w' : h y e Seven Mile Line. North Easterly w th & Northerly w* Samuel Cook. 14 The fourteenth Lott to Samuel Cook four Acres & a half Bounded Southerly w* mf Blower Westerly w'f y e Seven Mile Line. & Northerly w'. h Mem d !" the 37 th Lott in y e Lower division was omitted in its proper place which is as follows. 37 The thirty Seventh Lott to Jonas Clark, two Acres three quar- ters & ten Rods Bounded Easterly \v th Amos Marrit, Westerly \\ th m ra Corlet, Northerly \v th Menotomy River & Southerly w th y e Coffion [231] The tenth Squadron is a tract of Land Called Jackson's Corner. 1 The first Lott to Jason Rufsel Six Acres & three Quarter's Bounded Southerly \v ,b Westerly w th South Easterly w tt Northerly w th & North East- erly w th Amos Marrett. 2 The Second Lott to Amos Marrett fifteen Acres & Jacob Amsden three Acres, Bounded South Westerly w th Jason Rufsel. South Easterly w th North Westerly w th & North Easterly wf Coffion Land. Mem"? the highways Mentioned in Several of y e foregoing Squadrons were Ordered to be inserted by y e Propriety Clerk as may be Seen by 260 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. their Vote of y e 22 nd May 1733. to prevent after disputes refering to sd High ways. See y e vote over leafe. Also y e blanks of boundaris in y c Several Lotts aforesd. are y e boundaris on y e outsides of Sd. platts of Land. Cambridge May 13? 1707 We whose names w c . h are hereunto Subscribed being appointed and impowered by y e Propriet 18 : of s d : Town among other things to make Sale of Sundry parcels of Land belonging to s d Propriet" : & by a more perticular order of s d Proprief 3 , being Regularly Afsembled upon y e 12 th : Instant When & Where it was Voted y*: Wf Pattin of s d Town Should be accomodated w th : a Small piece of Land adjoyning to his barn not exceeding half an Acre nor incommoding any ancient high- way, as appears by y e Records of s d Proprief 8 Referance thereunto being had. Now Know therefore that we having Viewed y e premifses have Set out & Sold unto y" Said Wf Pattin to him & his heirs forever one Slipp of Land Bounded South Easterly by Land of S d Pattin & there measur- ing Rods, West Northerly by y e Comon Land & there Measur- ing 32 Rod, & East Northerly by s d Comon, the whole Slipp or piece of Land Containing halfe & acre Said Pattin pd two pounds. Josiah Parker Amos Marrett W™ Rufsel ^Comitte Moses Bordman Sam" Gookin [232] Att a Meeting of y e Propriety of Cambridge Orderly Con- vened 1 2* Jan 17 : 170^ There was then Voted y* S d Proprief? meet on Monday y e 26 th day of January instant at one of y e Clock at o r : New Meeting house. Att a Meeting of y e Propriety of Cambridge Orderly Convened y e 26 Day of January 170^ PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 26 1 there was then Voted y? the Acct offered by Cap' Parker in behalf of y e Comitte Joyned w'." him be allowed also Voted y*: the Land where m' Jn° Bunker's Shop now Stands \v th : So much more as will be Suffitiant to Erect y e Court house upon (to be built in this town) upon be granted for that end, in case a Comitte appointed by y e Propriet" : do agree w'. h Andrew Bordman and John Bunker for building a Lower Story under the Said house ; Dea Nath'/ Hancock, Jason Rufsel and L': Amos Marrett were Chosen a Comitte to agree w'. h s a Bunker & Bordman about building under the Said house. also Voted y': Cap': Parker pay out of y e Propriet' 8 : mony in his hands ; to L' : Amos Marrett for y e use of the heirs of Jacob Amsdcn deceas? £01-10-00 & to Jason Rufsel £01-00-00 also Whereas Zech7 Hickes in behalf of his kinsman Sam 1 . 1 Green. & Nat" Hill (for his own use) have Requested s d Propriety to Sell them a piece of Land adjoyning to y e s d Hill & Green's Land, Said Land to be taken off from y e Comon on a Strait Line from the South Easterly Corner of Jon* Hasting's Garden to the South Westerly Corner of s d Green's Land Near the bac-side of mf ffoxe's house, Voted y': y" Comitte afores d : Viz': Del Nat" Hancock, Jason Rufsel & L': Amos Marrett take a View of s d Land & on behalf of y e Propriety make Sale of y e Same to y e S d Nath 1 . 1 Hill : for his own use, & to Zech 17 : Hickes for y e Use of Sam" Green as afores d . Cam r : 30: Jan' 7 : 170J We y e Subscribers pursuant to a Vote of y e Propriety of y e Comon Lands in Camf at their publick Meeting on y 26 day of January aforesaid have Sold to Nath? Hill about twenty Rods of Land lying in y e front of y e Land w c : h s d Hill Laetly purchased of m r ffox of woborn. Said Land is bounded Westerly w* land appertaining to Jonathan Hasting Easterly & Southerly w ,h y e Comon Land, y e Easterly Bounds of s d Land to Run from y e Southerly Corner betwixt s d Hill & Sam 1 . 1 Green to a hole w c : h we made in y e ground w"* is y e South Easterly corner of y e Land Sold to Nath Hill as a foresaid: Sold forfourty Shillings. Nath 1 ? Hancock Jason Rufsel Amos Marrett 262 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [233] Cambridge y e 9 ,h ffeb 17 : 1 7o| Whereas the Proprief 3 of Cambridge afores d at there Publick Meeting on y e 26 Day of January 170^ Did appoint Nath" Hancock, Jason Rufsel & Amos Marrett a Coffiitte to agree w l : h John Bunker & Andrew Bordman about Building under the Court house to be Erected in y° place where s d Bunker's Shop now Stands, S d Court house to be for y e use of y e County & Town ; Pursuant to y e afores d appointment, we y c Subscribers above men- tioned, have agreed w th & granted Liberty unto y e S d John Bun- ker & Andrew Bordman to make a Lower Room under y e s d house (w ch we apprehend will be about thirty foot in Length & twenty four foot in Width,) y S d Lower Room to be about Seven or Eight foot Studd betwixt Joynts w' h a Cellar under y e whole of y c Said house, y e afores d Lower Room & Cellar to be for y e use of y e s d John Bunker & Andrew Bordman there heirs & Aisigns forever, Excepting an Entrey through y c Middle of y e S d Lower Room of about Six foot wide & a Stairway for pafsage in to y e s d Court house or Chamb r : as y e Comitte for Building y e Same Shall See meet the Remainder of y e s d lower Room & y e whole of y e said Cellar to be for y e use & benefit of y e s d Jn° Bunker & An- drew Bordman, their heirs & Afsigns forever as a foresaid : It is the true intent & meaning of this agreement that y e Said John Bunker & Andrew Bordman Shall at there own Cost, & Charge build y e Cellar & Lower Room aforesaid & finish y e Same up to y Girts, & keep So much of y e Said Building as appertains to them the Said Bunker & Bordman Viz' up to y e Girts aforesaid in good Repair at all times on penalty of paying threbble damage y' : the upper Room may Sustaine by Reason of y e Said Bunker & Bordman's Neglect in causing their part of s d Building to be kept in good Repair: It is further Mutually agreed between y e partys aforementioned y* : if it happen's y' : the afores d building be demollifhed, that yet not withstanding y e Said John Bunker & Andrew Bordman there heirs & Afsigns have Right & lib- erty to build over their Cellar aforesaid, Said Building to be for there own use & benefitt, untill Such time as there Shall be occasion for y e benefitt of y e Town or County to build over there Lower Room, then they to Rasign up the Entry and Stairway for pafsage into y e Chamber PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 263 as afores d , the Remainder of y e s d Lower Room & y e Cellar to be for y e use & benefitt of y e s d John Bunker & Andrew Bordman, there heirs & Afsigns as afores d In Consideration of Peaceably injoying of y e Lower Room & Cellar as aforesaid, y e s d Jn°: Bunker & Andf Bordman have Entred into obli- gation to pay y e Sum of twenty pounds (to y e afores d : Comitte for y e use of y e Propriet 1 * : aforcs d ) in Province Bills of Credit or Sil- ver mony after y e Rate of Eight Shillings p ounce, on or before the first day of August, Next Ensuing y e date hereof: Wittnefs our hands y r Ninth day of ffeb 17 : 170$ Nathanel Hancock^ Coffiitte appointed Jason Russell > by the p ropriet » : Amos Marrett ■> [234] Att a Meeting of y e Select Men II th : Aprill 1709 Whereas Jn°: Herrington has informed y e Select Men of his inten- tion to fence in a Tract of Land on Camb r : Rocks Said Land being Lotts Layd out to y e R vd mf Sam" Angier, Jn°: Gove & Peter Town S d Select Men have appointed Dea : Hancock L': Amos Marrett & Jn°: Dickson to Joyn w th : Sam 1 ? Gibson, Jonath" Butterfield & Nat) 1 Pattin Sen r : whome y e S d : Herrington has appointed to View Said Land and (if need be to State pafsages thru y e Same, No pafsage bein Lefs then two Rods wide & to make Return of their doings in this Affair to y c Select Men. Att a Meeting of y° Propriet" of y c Cofnon Lands in Cambridge Orderly Convened 22° d May 1733. Cap' Moses Bordman Chosen Mod- erator. Voted that y e high ways Laid out & described by back lines in y c Several platts of y° Upper division of Lands in Cambridge be Recorded by y e Proprietors Clerk, they having been Stated & Laid out before the Laying out of Said Lands by a Comitte appointed for that purpose. 264 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. To Lieu' David ffiske S r Please to Send us a few Lines und r y r hand whether you allowed a high way of Two Rods wide Round y e farme Comonly Called Shaw's farme when you Lay'd out y e Churches farme & y e Lotts beyond y° Eight Mile Line. Camf 13 ffeb 17 . 1 70-/0 By Ord r of y e Select Men And r Bordman Town Cler To y e Select Men of Cam r : In Ans r : to yo r Request. This is to informe you y l in Laying out y e Church farme & Shaw's farme I did allow two Rods in ord' r to high ways & also betwixt y e Lotts & y e farme every where. Attefted by me David ffiske ffeb' 3 '. 15. 1710 Cambridge 3 rd Aug st 1704 [235] Whereas y e Inhabitants of Watertown at their publick Meet- ing on y e 5 th day of May Last past, Appointed & fully impowered, Nath u Bright, Nath 11 Barsham Sam 1 ; 1 Thatcher Caleb Church & Abra- ham Brown ; to Joyn w th a Comitte y' y e Inhabitants of Cam 1 : might appoint to Settle y e difference w th Respect to y e Line betwixt s d Towns of Watertown & Cam r a fore s : d And Whereas y e Inhabitants of Camf at their publick Meeting on y e 15 th day of May aforesd : Appointed & fully impowered John Leverett Esq' Sam' 1 Stone Walter Hasting, ffrancis Bowman, W- Rufsel Sam 11 Sparhawke & Sam 1 . 1 Cooper to Joyn w th a Comitte y t y e Inhabitants of Watertown, had or might appoint to Set- tle y e Line betwixt s d Towns as a foresd : as appears on Record in s d Watertown & Cam' Referance thereunto being had. Pursuant thereunto we y° Subscribers attended s d Service on y e 19. 23 rd 26 & 27 days of June last past & on y e 17 th of July last past & Joyntly agreed to Renue & make y e Marks or Monuments hereafter Mentioned being y e Bounds betwixt s d Towns of Watertown & Cam' as a foresd. Impr We fixed a Stake on y e North Side of Charls River (near s d River in L' Amos Marretts Marsh, about 3 Rod East ward of a Creek,) PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 265 Marked w th VV & tl fro thence proceeded to a Stake in s d Marrett's upland (about 7 foot Westward of a Bryar bush) Mark d as aforesd. fro thence to y e Westerly gate post in to West field Mark" as aforesd, Said Line being Strait fro s d Gate post to y e River, fro thence to Melted brick buryed in y° ground, a Stake at s d place from thence to Melted brick & Stones Layd Near a hazle bush & Near y e fence against Jacob Hill's Meadow, from thence to Stones & Melted brick Layd Near an apple tree Shrub & Near Sam" Gibsons fence against his Meadow, from thence to a Red Oak Marked, from thence to ditch Dug Angleways filled w'f Stones being about 2 Rod North West fro said Oak, from thence to a heap of Stones about North East from said ditch, from thence to a Swamp White Oak marked Near y e South West Corner of m r Man's Lott, from thence to a heap of Stones Near y e South End of m r Stcd man's lott to a heap of Stones ab l 2 Rod fro y e South East Corner of m r ffefsenden's Lott ; to a heap of Stones against m r ffefsenden's Barrs ; fro thence to an old Stump near Jn° Gove's fence ; fro thence to a [236] to a heap of Stones & Bla Oak Mark'd, a Little in Watertown ; fro thence to 2 White Oak's Marked about a Rod distance fro Each other; fro thence to a Bla Oak & Walnutt w th Stones about y? on y e East Side of fresh Pond ; Near s d Pond, from thence to a Red Oak Mark'd at Pickrill point, from thence to a heap of Stones & Stake betwixt Jn° Holding and — Cooledge ; to a Stone & Stake betwixt — Cooledge & Sam" Livermore & y e Holdings farme & Mark'd a Rail in y c fence, fro thence to a Post Mark'd between Sam u : Livermore & Isaac Holding, to a White Oake in y e fence between Ws Shattuck & Isaac Holding; to a Stone at y e Corner betwixt Stephen Cooledge & Isaac Holding in Cam r : & We Shattuck in Watertown to an old ash in y e fence betwixt WS Shattuck & Stephen Cooledge Mark'd, to a Small Swamp Oake in y" fence Mark'd (the fence as it now Stands from y e aforesd Stone & Stake betwixt betwixt Sam? Livermore & Steph: Cooledge to y e Swamp Oake Last Mentioned being on s d line) from thence to a Small Swamp Oake a little Northw rd of s d fence Mark'd, from thence to a small Crotched Swamp Oake Near y e Brook & Near y c Corner betwixt m r Whiting, Stephen Cooledge, Henry God- ding & Thomas Phillpotts Land Mark'd, to a Crooked White Oake Marked in y e fence betwixt s d Godding & Cooledge & m r Whiting, to a Stake Mark'd at y e Westerly Corner of s d Cooledge's lott betwixt him 266 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. and John Willington, the fence y e Bounds fro y e afores d Crotched Oake to s d Stake, in s d line, from thence to y e Gateway by Jn° Willington's in y c Stone Wall betwixt Watertown & Cam r : to a Walnutt Standing in s d wall Mark'd, to a Bla Oak Mark'd on Watertown Side, to a Bla Oake Stump w*? Stones w 1 ! 1 Stones upon it, to a White Oake Marked on Watertown Side and 2 tl Ranging ; to a Bla Oake mark'd on Cam r Side, to a Walnutt Mark'd on Watertown Side, to a Walnutt Mark'd on Cam r Side, to Several Burches Mark'd Ranging in s d Wall in Phillip Shattuck's Land, to a Stake mark'd at y e end of s d Wall betwixt Rock Meadow & y e upland, the aforesd Wall fro John Wellington's to s d Stake being on said Line, from thence to a heap of Stones on a Ridge of up- land betwixt Rock Meadow & West Meadow (here Notey' it is Mutually agreed y l y e Watertown Proprietors in s d Rock Medow, being anciently bounded w tb a ditch about 3 Rod Northward of s d Line, Shal injoy their Lands as hereto fore without any disturbance fro Cambridge, as to there title to s d Land. [237] from y e last Mark to a heap of Stones on a Rock at a place anciently known to be called Beacher's Mark fro thence to a Walnutt Marked, to a heap of Stones to a heap of Stones, to an heap of Stones, on y e North Side of an Oake Mark'd, to a Maple in a Swamp, to a Bla Oake Markd in Jos: Smith's Land to an old Stump w th Stones in it, on y e Northerly Side of a wall Betwixt Jn° Smith Sen r & Jn° Smith Jun r a Small ash Near s d Stump markd Ranging, to a heap of Stones about a Stump on a hill, to a heap of Stones near y e way leading to y e Bridges, to a double Red Oake on ye Side of a Swamp Mark'd, to a White Oake Mark'd on y e Easterly Side of Slender gutt Meadow to a Walnutt mark d on y e North Side of a great Rock to a heap of Stones & Stake on y e East Side of y e Bridges medow to a great pine on y e West Side of y e Bridges Medow to a heap of Stones on y e West Side of great Meadow to a Black Oake Marked, to a great Bla Oake Mark d Ranging, to a Bla Oake Mark d, to a burch w th a heap of Stones about it on y e East Side of 1 1 Acre Meadow, to a great White Oake on y e West Side of 1 1 Acre Meadow Markd, to a heap of Stones on y e top of a hill, to a heap of Stones on a Stump, to a heap of Stones on y e Easterly Side of Saw mill Brook to a heap of Stones Round an old Stump Near Jn° Cuttler's Corner, to a heap of Stones on y e top of Mount tabor, to a heap of Stones on y e West Side of s d Mount Near a PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 267 Small pine, to a Small black Oake vv th Stones about it, to a Bla Oake Markd Ranging & Stones about it, to a White Oake Markd w th Stones at it, to a White Oake Markd Ranging, to a Small walnutt w th Stones at it on y e Side of a hill, to a Walnutt mark'd, to a heap of Stones on a knowl, to a Black Oake Marked vv th Stones at it, to a Small Walnutt Marked Ranging, to a Stake w th Stones about it to a Black Oake Mark'd, to a heap of Stones ab l a Stake, to a heap of Stones ab' a Stake, to a heap of Stones about a Small White Oake on y e East Side of a Swamp, to a Red Oake Markd on y e North Side & Ranging, to a heap of Stones on y e Brow of a hill, to Black pine anciently So called with Stones about it, to a White Oake on an Island markd, to a grey Oake markd w th C on y e South Side of it [238] and finally to Concord Line ; Note y' y 6 trees before mentioned are most of them Markd w th VV & tl Except Such as are Mentioned to be markd only Ranging, Also it is Mutually agreed & determined y* y e s d Line Shall be Strait fro Mark to Mark Except in such places where it is Settled by fence now Standing on s d line, & perticularly fro y e heap of Stones on y e top of Mount Tabor to Black Pine & So to Concord Line it is a Strait line, In testi- mony of our Unanimous Determination in Settling y e Line betwixt S d Town's of Watertown & Cambridge as aforesaid, we have hereunto Sett o r hands this Seventh day of August 1704 & in y e 3 rd year of her Ma- jes y Reign; Sam" Stone Walter Hasting Nath 1 ! Bright ffra 3 Bowman Nath' 1 Barsham Ws Rufsel Sam 1 ! Thatcher Sam" Sparhawke Caleb Church Sam u : Cooper Cambridge 20 th Aprill 1725. Pursuant to a Vote of y e Propriet™ of y e Common Lands in Cam' aforesd at their Meeting on y e 15 th day of May 1724. We the Sub- scribers have made Sale (to Phillip Rufsel of Lexington in y e County of Midd*) of a piece of Common Land lying at a place called Mount Gilboa in Cam r aforesd, Containing by estimacon about Two Acres & 268 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. an half be it more or lefs, Bounded Westerly by a high Way, Easterly by Said Phillip Rufsel's Land, Southerly by a lott laid out to Owen Warland, & Northerly by Land of William Munroe, or however other- wise bounded or Reputed to be bounded, to him the Said Phillip Ruf- sel his heirs & Afsigns for ever ; In Consideration whereof we the Sub- scribers aforesd have Reed of the Said Phillip Rufsel for y e use of y° Propriet re aforesd the Sum of five pounds Ten Shillings: Wittneis o r hands the day & year first above written. Amos Marrit ~n t r> r i I PropneP Comitte Jason Kuisel > r „ Moses Bordman J in Cambridge. [239] Cambridge At a Meeting of y e Select Men of s d Town May y e i4 tb 171 1 Upon hearing ye Request of y e ffarmers and Inhabitants of y e farmes within y e Precincts & bounds of y e Town afores" ; Praying y l accord- ing to former applycacons by y m Several years Since made to said select Men y* they would be pleased to Lay out and State a high way from s d farmes to Watertown, for y e advantage of traveling from Town to Town said Select Men, taking y e affair into Consideracon Notified y e Proprietors of ye Land where s d Way was likely to go ; to meet them upon sd Land the next day following; and accordingly attending after a full hearing & Consideracon of what was offered by both parties; Upon y e 18 th of June in y e year aforesaid y e s d Select Men Proceeded to Lay out & State a high way for y e end aforesaid, and finding land allowed for a way from y e Gate which is in the line between Water- town & Cambridge near Docf Shattucks to a place called Rock brook, they began on y e Westerly Side of s d Brook & made Monuments w th Stones & markd trees for bothe bounds on the Westerly Side of s d way till they came to a Lane fenced ; w th apple trees on both Sides near y e house lately Lieut Jn° Jackson's now Deces d s d fence to be y° bounds on both sides s d way; from thence the fence to be y e bounds on y e Westerly Side of said way till it comes to a corner of y e farme for- merly ffrancis Bowman now Dec Pd a Monument of Stones at y e Corner of s d farme w ch is a boundary of s d Way on y c Easterly Side fro thence to a heap of Stones on y c Westerly Side of s d Way in Ens Jos : Bow- PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 269 mans fence from thence to a Stake at y e Corner of Isaiah Whittneys Land, & is a Boundary of s d Bowman's farme, to be y e bounds of s d way on y e Westerly Side, and y e Line between s d Bowman's farme & s d Whittneys Land to Continue to be y e bounds of s d Way on the Westerly Side till it comes to ye going down the hill ; thence to y e Way where it is now trod by two black oak's Marked on y e Westerly Side of s' 1 Way, and so to continue in s d troden way till it comes to a Town Way Layd out by a former Comitte, & So to Continue in said Town Way till it comes on y e Westerly Side of a hill near fifrancis Bowmans Land, thence through Joseph Brown's land w th trees Marked on y e Westerly Side of Said Way till it come [240] to Isaac Hunts Land, and so through s d Hunt's Land Bounding s d Way on y e Westerly Side w ,h Marked trees till it came to Edward Winships Land and So through s d Winships Land bounding sd way on y e Easterly Side w th y e fence which is y° Line between s d Winships Land & s d Hunt's corn feild & monuments of Stones till it comes to Nicholafs ffefsenden's Land, and so through s d ffefsendens Land to y e Countrey Road that leads from Cam- bridge to Concord Bounding s d Way w th a Marked black Oak & a Monument of Stones on y° Easterly Side, & w th two monuments of Stones on y e Westerly Side ; and thus s d Select Men have Layd out a high way w ch Leads from s d farmes to Watertown, marking it no where Lefs then two Rods Wide Excepting only in y Lane on y e Southerly Side of s d Jackson's house, where apple trees are planted on both Sides, where y e fence is y e bounds on both Sides of s d way, the Quantity of Land taken from perticular proprieters for y e accomodacon of s d way is as follows viz' m r Joseph Brown twenty Eight Rods in Length, Isa Hunt Eighty four Rods m r Edw d Winship sixty four Rods & m r Nicholafs ffefsenden twenty Rods w ch we have valued after y c Rate of thirty Shillings p acre. Jn° Oldham \ Jn° Dickson ! t d r 1 > Select Men. Jason Rulsel fifrancis Bowman J Mem"? 11 th fifeb". 171 1. 12 Whereas y e High Way above Mentioned is Exprefsed to be lefs then two Rods in Width, in y e Lane fenced, with Appletrees on both Sides, 270 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Near the house late L' Jacksons Deceas d , It is to be understood that our Consent thereunto was on Condicon, that m r Joseph Bowman de- mand no other Satisfacon for s d Ways going Crofs y e Corner of his farme, otherwise to be opened in s d lane to two Rods Wide. John Oldham A John Dickson ! t„,-„ v r 1 ^Select Men Jason Rulsel ffrancis Bowman J [241] At a Meeting of y e Select Men. 10 Dec r 171 1. Whereas Tho 3 : ffillebrown has made his applycacon to y e Select Men y' a Comitte may be appointed in order to his inclosing a tract of Land on Camb r Rocks said Land being a Lott Layd out to W m Barret & a Lott Layd out to R' Wilsons heirs, s d Select Men have appointed Joseph Cooledge & Jonathan Butterfield to Joyn w*? W m Rufsel & Henry Dunster whome s d ffillebrown has appointed to be a Comitte to view s d Land & (if they See meet) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage being lefs then two Rods wide, & to make return of there doings thereon to y* Select Men. [242] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 9 th March 1712/13 Walter Rufsel haveing made his applycation to y e Select Men y* a Comitte may be appointed in order to his being allowed to inclose a Tract of Land on Camb r Rocks said Land being a Lott Laid out to Joseph Rufsel, a Lot Laid out to m r Dunster & a Lot Laid out to Micael Spencer Said Select Men have appointed John Cooper & John Dickson to Joyn w th Jonath Butterfield whom s' 1 Rufsel has appointed to View Said Land & (if Need be) to State pafsages through y c Same No pafsage to be lefs then two Rods Wide s d Comitte to make Return of there doings in this Affair to y e Select Men ; Cambridge March y e 23. 1 712/13 We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed being a Comitte chosen to view a Tract of Land on the Rocks for Walter Rufsel, we have viewed y c Lot Laid out to Joseph Rufsel & y e Lot Laid out to m r Dunster & y e Lot Laid out to Micael Spencer & we find y l he may inclose the Lots PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 27 I Except Eleven Rods Long & two Rods Wide, begining at Concord Road on y e North West Side of Spencers Lot. John Dickson John Cooper Jonathan Butterfield. [243] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 20 March 171 2/1 3 John Cooper having made his applycation to y e Select Men, y' a Comitte may be appointed in order to his being allowed to inclose a Tract of Land on Camb r Rocks, s d land being a four Acre Lott in y e first Division Layd out to himself, Said Select Men have appointed Jason Rufsel & Samuel Kidder, to Joyn \v th Edw d Winship and Walter Rufsel (whom s d Jn° Cooper has Appointed) to View Said land & (if need be) to State pafsages through y e Same, no pafsage to be lefs then two Rods Wide, Said Comitte to make Return of there doings in this Affair to y e Select Men. Cambridge March y e 27 th 17 13. We whose names are under written have been upon the lot men- tioned in this paper, dilligently viewed the Same & are agreed y' it may be fenced without y e incumbrance of high Ways to any part of our Rocks. Edward Winship Jason Rufsel Sam" Kidder Walter Rufsel Lexington July y e I2': h 17 14. [244] At a publick meeting of y e freeholders & other Inhabitants of y e Town Qualified to vote in publick Meetings ; Then was full power granted to Lieu' ffra s Bowman ; Ensigne Joseph Bowman & m r Benj? Muzzey to Joyn w th Cap' Josiah Parker ; L' Amos Marret & m r William Rufsel a Comitte chosen at Cambridge to Renue & Settle y e Bounds betwixt Cambridge & Lexington. A True Copy off the Town Book Matthew Bridge Town Clerk. August 17. 1714. We, the Subscribers being chose Comitte by the Towns of Cam- ! 72 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. bridge & Lexington to Settle & fix y e line betwixt the Said Towns; have Settled the Said line as followeth, Viz*. Begining y e Northeasty 17 course at a Rock about 24 foot Easterly from y e Run of Water or Bridge which is on y e Southerly Side of Sam 1 . 1 Whittmore's house, w ch was ffra? Whittmore's house mentioned in y c General Courts Ordf Dated March 20. 17 12 which Rock is in y e high Way about 5 foot on y e North East Side of y e path going to Concord, thence to a double White Oak in Edward Winships land Marked C. L. & from thence keeping an North Easterly course as y c Needle of y e Cumpafs hangs without any allowance for its variation to two pine trees on y e Westerly Side of Mount Gilbo the line Runs between them One Marked w l . h C & the other w F, thence to a black Oak on y e North- erly Side of s d Gilbo Mark* w th C. L. And from thence crofs Reedy Meadow to a Black Oak on y e top of a hill w th a broken top Markd C. L. thence about Ten Rod to a Small Black Oak Markd C. L. & from thence to an old Black Oak about Two Rods Short of Woburn Line Markd C F. And So to Woburn Line; And from the Rock first Men- tioned to a Rock about 5 Roods Southerly from y e Said Ridge w th a heap of Stones on it & a Small Walnutt tree on y e North Side of s 1 Rock & So to an old Red Oak in Del Coopers Land Markd C. F. and thence to a Small Black Oak Markd C. L. on a South Westerly course as y e Needle of y e Cumpafs hangs without any allowance for its Varia- tion, and thence to an other [245] Small Oak Marked C. L. on y e Same course, and So to a Small Black Oak in Sam 1 . 1 Whittmore's land Near y e Widow Whittneys field Markd. C. L. & thence to a Stake w th a heap of Stones about it in Said Widows Pasture Marked C. L. & from thence to a heap of Stones on y e Northerly Side of a Small Walnutt tree in Ensigne Joseph Bowman's Land, & thence to a broad flat Rock w th a heap of Stones on it, at or Near Watertown line in Lt Nath 11 Bow- man's field : In testimony whereof y e persons of y e Several Comitte's have hereunto Set our hands the day & year above Written. Josiah Parker \ Amos Marret > Comitte William Rufsel ) ffra? Bowman BenjiJ Muzzey Joseph Bowman PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 273 At a Meeting of y e Select Men 12 th aprill 1714. Jonathan Butterfield having made his Applycation to s d Select Men y' a Comitte may be Appointed to view Sundrey Lotts Laid out on Cam* Rocks. Viz 1 a Lot Laid out to Jn° Watson, to Rich rd Ecles & to \V m Dickson in order to his fensing s d Lotts, Said Select Men have appointed W™ Cutter, Jason Rufsel & Solomon Prentice Jun. r to Joyn with Edward Winship, Gershom Cutter & Walter Rufsel (w cb Said But- terfield has Appointed) to View s d Lotts & (if need be) to State paf- sages thru ye Same No pafsage to be Lefs then two Rods Wide, & to Make Return of their doings in this Affair to Said Select Men. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 14 ffeb. 1714/5 Sam" Bull having made his Applycation to s d Select Men y l a Com- itte may be appointed to View a Lot belonging to s d Bull on Cam r Rocks, Next adjoying to Jonath n Butterfields. Land above Mentioned: The Comitte above Mentioned viz' W? Cutter, Jason Rufsel & Sol Prentice Jun r . Edw d Winship, Gershom Cutter & Walter Rufsel are appointed to View S d Bulls Said Lot, & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same no pafsage to be lefs then two Rods Wide & to make Return of their doings in this affair to Said Select Men. m r Leverett, Dea Hancock, Joseph Winship and Ephraim ffrost to have Seasonable Notice when Said Comitte attend Said Service. [246] At a Meeting of y e Propriet 18 of y e Comon Lands in Cambridge Orderly Convened. 6 th Decern' 17 14. Andrew Bordman was then Chosen Clerk of s d Propriety m r Jason Rufsel L' Amos Marret & Ens. Mofes Bordman were chosen a Comitte by s d Propriety & impowered to call a Meeting of s d Propriet 13 when they See occasion therefor, pursuant to y c direction of y Law. At a Meeting of y e Propriet^ of ye Comon lands in Cam' Orderly Convened. 28 March 1715. And? Bordman was Chosen ModeratF Also. Voted y l a Comitte be Chosen to Joyn w th y e Select Men to take effectual care y* y e agreem' formerly made w th Phillip Jones Re- fering to y e Stone Wall & Gates on Watertown line be fullfilled : Lieu' 274 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Amos Marret, Jason Rufsel & Ens. Mofes Bordman were chosen a Com- itte to Joyn w th y e Select Men in that affair, Also voted y l Said Comitte Viz' L' Amos Marret, Jason Rufsel & Mofes Bordman be a Comitte in behalf of y e Said Propriet rs to prevent any incroachments on Said Coiti- ons & high ways ; Also to Let y e Wares or any other Comon Lands (that is to Say tobaco or turnip yards &c) that may be Judged proper to be Let, Said Comitte to give an Acct to s d Proprief 3 who they Let to, & for what they Let Said Wares or Lands. Also to make Sale of Such Comon Lands or dead and decaying trees Standing thereupon as s d Propriet rs Shall Judge proper to be dispofed of. Also to Regulate the flock of Sheep going on s d Comons. Col Edm d Goffe being Joyned w ttL Said Comitte in Regulating S d flock Jonathan Gove Moving to s d Propriet™ y* yy would Sell him a piece of land at y e Northerly or North Westerly end of his barn not exceeding half an Acre, Voted y* y e Com te a fores 1 ! Viz'. Lieu' Amos Marret, Jason Rufsel & Ens Mofes Bordman in behalf of Said Proprief 8 make Sale of s d piece of Land to s d Gove (at such a price as s a Comitte & s d Gove may agree upon) not to incommode y e high way or Road. Also Voted y' Said Comitte make Sale to Zech y Hickes a piece of Land where his barn Stands about twenty four or thirty foot Square at a price y' may be agreed upon betwixt Said Comitte & S d Hickes. Also Voted y' L! Amos Marret have two limbs of a tree or trees on y e Comon for timber for his vefsel. [247] Cambridge 25 Aprill 171 5 Whereas y e Proprieters of y e Comon Lands in Camb' at their publick Meeting on y e 28 th of March Last past impowered us y e Sub- scribers to make Sale of a piece of Comon Land to Jonathan Gove at y e Northerly or North Westerly end of his barn : also to Zech 3 ! Hickes a piece of Comon Land where his barn Stands, near y e Cafsway to y e Great Bridge as p Said Votes of Said Votes of Said Propriet 18 more fully appears, Referance thereunto being. Pursuant thereunto, We have Sold to y e Said Jona Gove about half an Acre of Land at y e Northerly or North Westerly end of his barn Bounded as follows, Viz 4 : South Easterly y e Width of his Land formerly purchased of Said Propriet? PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 275 Easterly or North Easterly on y e high Way or Comon where s a Land measures twelve Rods, Northerly or North Westerly vv lh y e Comon Measuring Eight Rods fro Stephen Prentices line, & South Westerly w th Steph Prentice Measuring twelve Rods; Said Gove having paid for y e use of Said Propriet rs fifty Shillings money being in full for Said Land. Amos Marret Jason Rufsel Moses Bordman Also Sold to Zeck y Hickes a piece of Land where his barn Stands thirty foot Square Leaving y e high Way Leading to y e Great Bridge two Rods Wide fro Joseph Hickes's fence at y e Lower corner of s d thirty foot against s d high Way, Said thirty foot being bounded Easterly w th Said high Way Leading to s d Bridge Westerly & Southerly with Comon Land & Northerly w'! 1 John Bradish, Said Z. Hickes having paid for ye use of s d Propriet rs y e Sum of fourty Shillings mony. Amos Marret Jason Rufsel Mofes Bordman [248] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 11 th Ap 1 ! 171 5. Thomas Clark having made his applycation to sd Select Men y l a Comitte may be appointed to view a lott Laid out on Cam r Rocks to Andrew Stimson, and also Land Laid out on sd Rocks to m r Edw d Pelham, in order to his fencing Said Land : Said Select Men have appointed W? Cutter, John Dickson & Joseph Addams to Joyn w Ul Nath Pattin Sen r , Ger Cutter Sen r & Sam" Bull w ch Said Clark has appointed to view s d Lotts of land & if need be to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs then two Rods Wide, and to make Return of their doings in this Affair to Said Select Men. John Dickson having made his applycation to Said Select Men y e a Comitte may be appointed to View a Lott of Land Laid out to himself on Camb r Rocks, in order to his fencing y e Same, Said Select Men have appointed mF Sam" Gookin, Eph ffrost & Sol. Prentice Sen r to Joyn w" 1 Sam 1 . 1 Kidder, Eph m ffrost Jun r & Jn° Cooper w ch Said Dickson has 276 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. app'f to View Said Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru the Same, no pafsage to be Lefs then two Rods Wide, & to make return of their doines in this Affair to Said Select Men. Return of y e Comitte appointed y e 11 th Ap 1 ? 1715. at the Motion of Tho*: Clark as above said. In observance of y e within Written We the Said Comitte on y e 26 of Ap u 1715 Viewed the with in s d Lot laid out to And™ Stimson & twenty Acres being part of a parcel of Land Laid out to m r Pelham, & We have Ordered that Thomas Clark in fencing leave a two Rod Way on y e East corner of y Lot formerly Laid out to m r Stimson Extending ten Rods in Length & lying close to y e Squadron line. Also viewed Land formerly Laid out to m r Pelham & Laid out a way fro Said Squadron Line Extending fifteen Rods in Length till it comes out at the Southerly Side line of Said Clarks Land about five Rod from y e South East corner. William Cutter NathV Pattin John Dickson Gershom Cutter Joseph Addams. Sam 11 Bull [249] Return of y e Comitte appointed 11 th Ap! 1 1715 at y e Motion of Jn° Dickson. Aprill 22 n " 1 71 5. In observance of the within mentioned appointment We the Sub- scribers have viewed y e Said Lot of m r Dicksons & are of opinion that it is Neither Needfull nor convenient for to have a pafsage Way thru Said Dickson's Lot. Sam 1 . 1 Gookin Eph m ffrost Sol. Prentice Jn° Cooper Sam" Kidder Eph™ ffrost Junr. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 277 At a Meeting of y e Select Men of Cam r . 11 th July 1715. Lieu' Amos Marret, m r W s Cutter & m r Joseph Cooledge are appointed a Comitte to State the Road from Concord Road to Lexington line toward the Roc's, Said Comitte to State s d Road against Mount Gilboa plat in the Way allowed on the Side of Said plat, and to make Return of there doings in this affair to Said Select Men [250] Cam'. 8 th Augs' 17 15 Whereas George Abbet desires to purchase of the Propriet rs of y° Comon Lands of S d Town about half an Acre of Land on y e Northerly or North Westerly Side of y e Road near Addams's Gate to build upon, And Whereas Said Abbet has applyed himself to us the Subscribers in order to his purchasing y e Same Thefe are therefore to give Notice to y e s a Propriet ra of y e Comon Lands a fores d , that they appear at our usual place of publick Meeting on y e 23 rd day of August Currant at five of y e Clock afternoon on Said day, then & there to impower a Comitte to make Sale of half an Acre of Land to y e Said Abbet for y e use above mentioned if yy See Meet Posted up at y e Town house 9Aug s .'i7i5. Amos Marret ■ Jason Rufsel Mofes Bordman At a Meeting of y c Propriet re of y e Comon Lands in Cam r . Pursuant to y e foregoing Notificacon 23 Aug!' 171 5. Voted to Sell George Abbet half an Acre of Land on y e Westerly or North Westerly Side of y e Road near Addams's gate, on condicon y' he build & Settle him Self upon it, and in case he Sees meet to dis- pose of y e Same to give y e Refusal of it to y° Select Men of Cam r for y e time being: the Comitte Chosen to Warn ProprieP Meetings Viz' L' Amos Marret Jason Rufsel & Mofes Bordman to Stake out, Set a price & make Sale of said half Acre of Land to Said Abbet. Cam r 25 Nov r 171 5 Pursuant to y e afores d Vote of Said Propriet™ (And y c Condicons therein Mentioned) We y e Subscribers have made Sale & Staked out to 278 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. y" S d Abbet half an Acre of Land lying near Addams's Gate in Cam r afores d , Said Land being bounded as follows, Viz 1 North Easterly & South Westerly on y Comons Said lines Measuring Ten Rods ; And South Easterly & North Westerly on s d Comons Measuring Eight Rods ; Said Abbet having paid for Said Land for y e use of Said Propriety the Sum of fourty Shillings. Amos Marret Jason Rufsel Mofes Bordman [251] At a Meeting of y e Comitte Appointed by the Propriety 8 of y e Coition Lands in Said Town to Let out y e Wares &c y c 8 th Aprill 1717. Said Comitte have Let y e benefit of y e Wares to Catch fish the high way & Comon Land thereto beLonging for this present year to m r Henry Dunster & m 1 ' Samuel Bowman for twelve Shillings, they to deliv 1 : y e fish toy 6 Inhabitants of Said town at Eight pence p thousand. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 22 Ap r 1717 On the Motion of Jonathan Remington Esq r that a Comitte may be appointed to view a Lott of Land belonging to himself lying in Wig- wam Swamp on Cam r Rocks in ord r to his inclosing Said Land, Said Select Men have appointed Jn° Dickson & Nath" Pattin Jun r to Joyn w th Dea Cooper & Jason Rufsel Whom S d m r Remington has Nominated to view S d Land and (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs then two Rods Wide and to make return of their doings in s d Affair to Said Select Men. [252] At a Meeting of y c Select Men 12 Aug 5 ! 1717. On the motion of Cap' Moses Bordman that a Comitte may be appointed to view an Eight Acre Lott of Land in y e Second Division on Cam r Rocks, Laid out to Dea Walter Hastings, in ord r to his inclos- ing Said Lott; Said Select Men have appointed Jacob Hill & Nat 11 Pat- tin Jun r to Joyn w th Dea Cooper & Jn° Dickson Whom Said Bordman has nominated to view Said land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 279 y e Same no pafsage to be lefs then two Rods wide, & to make Return of their doings in Said Affair to Said Select Men. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 8' : h ffeb. 1724/5. Whereas on y e 12* Aug st . 1717. At y e Motion of Cap* Bordman a Comitte was appointed to view an eight Acre Lot of Land on Cam r Rocks &c. Said Select men y° Appointed Jacob Hill & NatH Pattin Jun r to Joyn w' h Del Cooper & Jn? Dickson whom S d Bordman app"? to transact in that affair: And one of s d Comitte Viz': Dea Cooper dying before any Return was made, It is therefore Ordered y' Dea Bowman Joyn w th y e Surviving persons app' d on s d Comitte in viewing s d Lott of Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru : ye Same ; no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods wide & to make Return of y r doings in y s affair to Said Select Men. [253] At a Meeting of y e Select Men. 12 Aug. 1717 On the motion of Joseph Addams y' a Comitte may be appointed to view a tract of Land in y e first Division on Cam e Rocks It being an eight Acre Lott Laid out to Zech Hickes Sen r and a three Acre Lott Laid out to Gershom Swan in order to his fencing Said Land ; s d Select Men have appointed Cap' Bordman & Sam eU Scott to Joyn w' h Jn° Dickson & W? Cutter, whom Said Addams has Nominated to view Said Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same no pafsage to be lefs then two Rods Wide, & to make Return of their doings in Said affair to Said Select Men, / no Return made by reason of one of y e Comitte being dead & anot hr moved out of Town At a Meeting of y e Select Men 16 Novem? 1724. On the motion of Joseph Addams y' a Comitte may be appointed to view two Lotts of Land in y e first division in Cam r Rocks One being an Eight Acre Lott Laid out to Zach Hicks & y e other a three acre Lott Laid out to or purchased of Gershom Swan, in order to his inclosing Said Land ; Said Select Men have Nominated & appointed Cap' Moses Bordman & Jn° Cooper to Joyn w' h John Dickson & Joseph Winship whom s d Addams has appointed to view Said Lotts of Land & if need 2 So PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. be to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods wide, & to mak return of y r doings in this Affair to Said Select Men. Cambridge. Novf 20. 1724. Pursuant to y e within written we y e Subscribers being appointed a Committe to view two Lotts of Land on Cam r Rocks, Laid out to Zach Hicks & Gershom Swan & now in y e pofsefsion of Joseph Addams (in y e first division) we have bin & viewed Said Lotts & are of opinion y 4 there be a way left out at y e Southerly corner of s d Zach Hicks's Lott begining at a Rock near y e Road w ch goes fro Cutter's Mill to watertown, and from Said Rock to a heap of Stones Westerly on the brow of the hill near two Rods distance from Said Rock in y c wall ; which Rock is about five Rods distance from John Swan's Stone Wall & in y e most beaten Cart way, and that the Said way be not Lefs than Two Rods wide, We are of opinion that Said Addams may inclose the Rest of Said Lotts. Moses Bordman John Dickson Joseph Winshipp. John Cooper. [254] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 9 th ffeb, 1718/9. Whereas Edward Thwing has made his motion that a high Way may be Stated crofs y e fourth Division of Lotts on y e South Side of Chads River, to a tract of Land called m r Pelham's hundred Acres, And Whereas it appears on Record that there is allowance for a high Way crofs Said Division, in Such place as maybe most convenient; Voted and Ord rd that s d high Way be Stated two Rods Wide in y e most beaten path crofs Said fourth Division of Lotts. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 13'? Jan 17 . 1723/4 On the Motion of Jonathan Butterfield JunT that a Cofnitte may be appointed to View the Eleventh & Twelfth Lotts of Land in y e Second Division on Cam' Rocks in order to his inclosing Said Land : Said Select Men have Nominated & appointed John Stedman and Solomon Prentice to Joyn w tb Jn° ffillebrown & John Swan (whom Said Butterfield PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 281 has appointed to view Said Lotts of Land, and (if need be) to State pafsages thru the Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than Two Rods wide and to make Return of their doings in this affair to Said Select Men. Also on the Motion of Jona Hastings that a Comitte may be ap- pointed to view a Lot of Land in y e Second division on Cam r Rocks, laid out to his fath r Hastings in order to his inclosing Said Land; Said Select Men have nominated & appointed Sam" Bowman and Isaac Watson to Joyn w th Jacob Hill & Sam" Cooper whom Said Hastings has appointed to View Said Land and if need be to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than Two Rods wide, and to make Return of their doings in this affair to Said Select Men. [255] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 9 th Sep' 1723. On the motion of John ffillebrown that a Comitte may be appointed to view the Thirteenth Lott of Land in the Second division on Cam- bridge Rocks in order to his inclosing s d Land ; Said Select Men have Nominated & appointed Zach. Hickes & Jonathan Hastings, to Joyn w th John Dickson & Henry Dunster in viewing Said Lott of Land and (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods wide & to make return of their doings in this affair to Said Select Men. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 18 th January 1724 5 Whereas a Committe was appointed on y e 9 th Sep 4 . 1723 at the Motion of Jn° Fillebrown to view y e Thirteenth lot in y e Second division on Cam r Rocks in order to his inclosing Said Land; & Said Comitte having this day made y e Return y* they cannot agree; And the Said Jn° Fillebrown making a Second Motion that an other Committe may be appointed to view Said Thirteenth Lott of Land in order to his incloseing ye Same; Said Select Men have nominated & appointed Dea Coolidge & Solomon Prentice to Joyn w th Jason Rufsel & Eph™ Frost, whom s d Fillebrown has appointed to View Said Land, & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs y n two Rods wide & to make Return of y r doings in Said Affair to Said Select Men. Return as follows. 282 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Camb r . 23 rd March 1724/5. In observance of y e within written we have Viewed y e Said Lott of Land & have agreed & determined y l y e Said John ffillebrown leaving a high Way Two Rods wide in y e Ancient beaten cart way begining at y e lower end of Said Lott at or near Black brook and ending at the upper end Joyning to Jonathan Butterfield Jun re Lot; Also leaving a high Way Two Rods wide from m r Andrews's lot Runing upon y e Line betwixt Said ffillebrown & Edml ffrost fifteen Rods in Length, he may inclose the Remainder of Said Lott. further we are of opinion that provided Said ffillebrown make a better or as good a way nearer Said ffrost's fence against the elbow of y e hill toward the lower end of Said Lot he may (without damage) inclose the beaten Cart way at y e elbow of Said hill. Joseph Coolidge Solomon Prentice Jason Rufsel. Eph 1 ? ffrost [256] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 27 th Ap 1 . 1 17 19. ffrancis Lock having made his Motion y' a Comitte may be ap- pointed to View a Tract of Land on Cam r Rocks in y e first division laid out to Jonath Cane & Errington's heirs in order to his fenceing s d Land, Said Select Men have Nominated & appointed m r Jn° Dickson & Cap' Bordman to Joyn w th L' Amos Maret & Jn° Cutter whom Said Lock has Nominated to view Said Land & if need be to State pafsages thru y e Same no pafsage to be Lefs then two Rods wide. Also James Cuttler desires y* Said Comitte may be appointed to view a tract of Land in Said Division Laid out to m r Sam 11 Angier & Jn° Gove Said Select Men have agreed y' y e Comitte afores d View Said Land and (if need be State pafsages thru the Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods Wide Said Comitte to make Return of their doings in thefs affairs to Said Select Men Cambridge May the nth 1719. We the Subscribers being a Com- itte to view the within written Errington's & Cane's Lott according to PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 283 y e within written directions we have viewed Said Lotts & have Stated a pafsage two Rods wide thru the Same. begining at y e Westerly Side of Said Errington's Lott about Two Rod from y e Mill pond & So to run in the most Convenient place till it come to y e Corner of y e Mill pond, & from thence bearing South Easterly thru Canes Lott till it comes to Concord Road, then coming over y e Mill brook Northerly we begun near y e Mill house at y e Westerly Line of Cane's Lott we fixt a heap of Stones; &from thence we ran Easterly about fourteen Rods to an other heap of Stones on y e Brow of y c hill ; from thence to a heap of Stones in y e valley about four Rods from Wyeths Corner & from thence to a Stump w th Stones in it from thence to a heap of Stones on a little Knowl Northerly from a little bridge, & So to an other heap of Stones South Westerly of S d Bridge, and from thence Leaving two rods in width till it come to y e South East corner of Said Cane's Lott. And also we have Stated a pafsage through the within mentioned Goves & Angier's Lotts begining at y e West Side of S d Goves Lott ab' twelve Rod from the Mill brook where y c old way was formerly made use of & So to continue in y e Same old Way thru Angiers Lott; also till it come to Town's Lott Said pafsage to be Two Rods Wide Jn° Dickson Amos Marrit Moses Bordman Jn° Cutter. [257] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 1 ith May 1719 Tho s ffrost having made his motion that y c high Way lying crofs his Land on y e Southerly Side of his dwelling house may be exchanged & Laid on y e Northerly Side of his Said house it being (as he Sais) more convenient for y e accomodation of Said high Way ; Said Select Men hereby Nominate and appoint Lieu' Amos Marrit, m r Jason Rufsel & Cap' Mofes Bordman to view Said Way and (if they Judge it proper) to Exchange y e Same from y e Southerly to y c Northerly Side of s d house and to make return of y r doings in this affair to Said Select Men. 284 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [258] At a Meeting of y e Proprie re of y e Comon Lands 26th June 1719; And' Bordman Chosen Modera tr Voted that the privilidge & benefit of y e Wares for Catching of fish be resigned to y e Inhabitants of Said Town ; Provided Said Inhabitants at all times hereafter take effectual care that Said privilidge be not incroached upon by perticular persons, And that Said fish be as equally distributed among Said Inhabitants as may be; at a Reasonable price not exceeding Nine pence p Thousand. Also that Said Inhabitants defray the Charge y' Said Proprie™ Comitte have bin at in profsecuting persons y' have obstructed y e peaceeable injoym' of Said privilige of catching of fish. Provided also Said Inhabitants Accept y e afores d at y r next publick meeting. At a Meeting of y e Inhabitants of Cambridge Orderly Convened 26th June 1719. put to Vote whether Said Inhabitants would Chuse a Modera tr & it pafs d in y e Negative. At a Meeting of y e Select Men. 7th March 171C/20. William & Gershom Cutter having made a Motion that a Comitte may be appointed to view two Lotts of land in y e first division on Cam r Rocks, in order to their fenceing Said Land one Lot being Laid out to Jn° Taylor & y e other to Edw d Hall ; Said Select Men have Nominated and appointed Cap' Moses Bordman to Joyn w tb m r Jn° Dickson whom Said Cutter's have appointed to view S d Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than Two Rods wide and to make Return of y' Doings, in this Affair to S d Select Men. April 15. 1726. Then Lett to Col Edmund Goffe & Lieu' Amos Marrit The whole privilidge of Catching of fish at Mills's Ware in Cam- bridge for this present year, by us y e Comitte of Propriet" (for a Valu- able consideracon William Rufsel Jason Rufsel Amos Marrit Moses Bordman PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 285 [259] At a Meeting of y e Propriet ra of y e Comon Lands in Cam- brige Orderly Convened 25 March 1720 Andrew Bordman was chosen Moderat r . Voted that the privilidge of y e wares for catching of fish w th the Lands thereto appertaining belongs to Said Proprietors. Also Voted that One Acre of y° flatts of Great Spy pond on y c North Side y e Bridge over Mills's Ware be laid out for y e better Securing Said Propriet™ privilidge of Catching of fish in Said Town m r Jn° Dickson manifested his difsent fro s d Vote. Also Voted that L< Amos Marrit, Jason Rufsel & Cap* Moses Bordman, W m Rufsel & Jos. Winship be a Comitte to Lay out Said Acre of flatts for the use a foresd, Also Voted y! S d Comitte let out Said Wares for Catching of fish & profsecute Such persons as may incroach upon Said Propriet" privilidge of Catching of fish as a foresd. Also Voted that W™ Rufsel, Nath Pattin sen r Cap' Parker Dea Kidder & Solomon Prentice be a Comitte to Consider of y e Affair Refer- ing to Laying out y e Comons & take a platt of y e Same & Lay before S d proprief 8 Said platt, and give their opinion w th respect to Laying out Said Com 3 , to S d ProprieP at their next publick Meeting. Also Voted y' Said Comitte Lay out about half a Q r of an Acre of Land on S d Comon Adjoyning to Cap Parkers or Towns field, betwixt y e Road Leading to Watertown & y e Burying Yard ; for John Prentice to erect a house upon, and make Report of their doings therein at y e Next Propriet* 3 Meeting, to be by y m given. Sold or lettto Said Prentice as yy may then See Meet. Also Voted y' y e Comitte appointed to Warn ProprieP Meetings viz 1 Amos Marrit, Jason Rufsel & Moses Bordman, Warn a Propriet" Meet- ing to be on y c Second Monday in May Next to Receive y c Report of y e Comitte aforementioned, Also to Receive an Acct of what money they y e Said Amos Marrit, Jason Rufsel & Moses Bordman have Re- ceived for Sales or Rents be Longing to S d Propriet rs . At a Meeting of y e Propriet' 8 of y c Comon Lands in Cambrige Orderly Convened 9 th May 1720. Andrew Bordman Chosen Moderaf After a long debate Refering to Receiving the Report of y e Comitte appointed to take a platt & give y r opinion as to Laying out y e Comons — 286 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Voted that this Proprief 8 Meeting be Adjourned to y e 19 th of May Cur 1 at Two of y e Clock on s d day to receive y e report of s d Comitte & to do what they may Judge proper to be done upon y" affairs y 4 were to be transacted at this present Meeting. [260] At a Meeting of y e Propriet rs of y e Comon Lands in Cam r 19 h May 1720, by Adjournm 1 from the 9 th May Cur'. After Receiving the opinion of y e Comitte appointed to Consider of y° Affair Refering to Laying out the Comons ; It was put to Vote whether Said Comons Shud be divided down to a Strait line from the South West corner of Cap' Bordman's field to the North Side of Widow Prentice's barn, and it pafs d in the Negative. Also Voted that Twenty Rods of Land Laid out to John Prentice Adjoyning to Widow Town's field be given to Said John Prentice & his Wife that is to Say the improvm 1 of it during theire Natural lives, they being prohibited y e allowing any other person to make improvm 1 of Said Land. At a Meeting of y e Select Men of Cam 1 : 10th Oct! 1720. Walter Rufsel & W? Winship having made their application that a Comitte may be appointed to view Three Lotts of Land on Cam r Rocks Joyning to Concord Road one Laid out to Cap 1 Belcher an other to Peter Town & y e other to Jn° Addams all in the first division Said Select Men do hereby Nominate & appoint Jn° Cooper & Nath" Pattin Jun r to Joyn w th Jn° ffillebrown & Jos Addams whom Said Rufsel & Winship have appointed to view Said & if need be to State pafsages thru the Same no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods wide & to make Report of y r doings therein to Said Select Men. [261] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 22 May 1721. John Cutter having made his Motion that a Comitte may be ap- pointed to View a Lot of Land in y e first division in Cam r Rocks Lay d out to R' Brown, in ord r to his fenceing Said Lott, Said Select Men have app" 1 Sam" Cooper to Joyn w th Jam 3 Cuttler whom S d Cutter has appointed to view Said Land & if need be to State pafsages thru PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 287 the Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods wide, and to make Return of y r doings in this Affair to Said Select Men. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 8th Ap". 1723. Jam 8 Cuttler having made, his Application that a Comitte may be appointed to View an Eight Acre Lott of Land in y e first division on Cam r Rocks (Laid out to Henry Prentice's heirs) in order to his fence- ing Said Land. Ord" 1 that John Dickson & John Cutter Joyn with Jonathan Butter- field & Isaac Watson in viewing Said Land and (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods wide, & to make return of their doings in this Affair to Said Select Men We the Subscribers being a Comitte appointed to View the within mentioned Lott in order to State pafsages thru the Same, have Ordered and appointed that Said Cuttler Shall Leave out a way two Rods wide thru the Said Lot on the Northerly Side of y e Brook near y e edge of the Rocks where the old path is & also at ye Southerly end of y e Said Lott next Concord Road, & to leave out a pafsage two Rods wide at y e Westerly corner next Kendals Land & So Runing Northerly three Rods John Dickson Cambrige Ap u y e 15 th 1723. Jonath Butterfield Isa Watson. Jn° Cutter. [262] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 9 th Nov^ 1724. On y e Motion of Jason Rufsel y' a Comitte may be app M to view y„ 82 & 83 rd Lotts of Land in y e first division in Cam r Rocks, in Ord r to his inclosing s d Lotts ; Said Select Men have Nominated & appointed Jn°: Cooper & Jn°: Bradish to Joyn w'f Ger : Cutter & Jn° ffillebrown, whom s d Rufsel has appointed to View s d Lotts of Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru : y e Same no pafsage to be Lefs y? two Rods wide. Also on y e motion of s d Rufsel y l a Comitte may be app td : to View y e 23 rd Lot of Land in y e first division on Cam r Rocks Laid out to Jona Remington, Said Select Men have Nominated & app td : Jn° : Cooper & 288 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Jacob Hill to Joyn w th John ffillebrown & Jn° Bradish in viewing s a Lott & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same no pafsage to be lefs than two Rods wide, Said Comitte's to make return of y r doings in s d Affair to S d Select Men. On y e Motion of Jn° Cutter y* a Comitte may be app td to view y" S3' a Lot in y e first division on Cam 1 Rocks Laid out to Wid : Taylor's heirs in order to his inclosing s d Lott Said Select Men have Nominated Jn°: Cooper & Jn° Bradish to Joyn w th Jn° Cooper & Jn° ffillebrown in view- ing Said Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y" Same, no paf- sage to be lefs than two Rods wide, & to make Return of y r doings in y* affair to s d Select Men. CamF Novf2i 1724. Pursuant to y e within written Order. We y e Subscribers being a Comitte appointed to view y e within men- tioned 82 & 83 rd Lotts of Land now in y e pofsefsion of Jason Rufsel in order to his fenceing y e Same, Accordingly we have Stated y e pafsage way crofs y e South east corner of y e s d 82 nd Lott in y e ancient cart path where it is now improved. Also have viewed y c within mentioned Si," 1 Lott of Land & have Stated y e way through y e Same two Rods wide where y e Ancient cart path is now improved till it come to y e Land formerly called Brigham's farm. Also at y" Westerly corner of s d 83 rd Lot we State y e way where it is now improved leading to Reedy Medow. Gershom Cutter Jn° Cooper. Jn° ffillebrown Jn°: Bradish. Cam r Nov. y e 2i 8t : 1724. Pursuant to y e within written order. We y e Subscribers being appointed to view y e within Mention' 3 53 rd Lott of Land now in y e pofsefsion of Jn°: Cutter in ord r : to his fencing. Accordingly we have Stated a pafsage way through y e Same two Rods wide, begining at a Walnutt tree near y e Corner of Widow Winshipps pasture, from thence to a Rising Rock w 4 ? a heap of Stones on it, & from thence to a Stake w th : Stones about it PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 289 in or near y e Westerly Line of s d Lott. Said way Lying on y c most Northerly Side of y e above mentioned boundarys. Ger : Cutter Jno : Cooper Jn°: mllebrown Jn°: Bradish. Ap" 8 th day 1725. We y e above s d Comitte then viewed y e Lott above Said & finding Need of a pafsage way, have Stated a pafsage way on y e South west Side of s d Lott being two Rods wide and that the Remainder of Said Lott may be fenced. John Cooper Jn°: ffillebrown John Bradish Jacob Hill Mem"™ this Return is on y" 23 rd Lott. in y e first division on Cam r Rocks. [263] Cambridge 18 th Jan 17 . 17234. Thefe are to give Notice to y e Propriet™ of y e Cofnon and undivided Lands in Said Town that they app r at our usual place of publick Meeting on y e third day of ffebruary next at Ten of y e Clock on s d day then & there to make out how many Rights or Cow Cofnons they respectively have in s d Com n Land also to consid r & do what what they may Judge proper Refering to a tract of Land & a high Way to it on y e South Side of Charles River called the thirteen Acres Lately improved by y e Squires. Also a tract of Land on y e Rocks at a place called Jackson's corner Supposed to be incroached upon by RiclV! d Clark. Also to Consider of y e affair of Laying out y e Com? &do what they may Judge proper there upon. also to Consid r & do what they may Judge proper to be done Re- fering to y e half Acre of Land laid out for y e benefit of y e wares & y° high Way leading unto it thru Ware field. Amos Marrit Jason Rufsel Moses Bordman This Notificacon was posted up at y e Town h 9 Same day >9 i go PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. At a Meeting of y e Propriet" of y e Comon Lands in Cambridge 3 r . d Feb. 1723/4. Cap' Moses Bordman was chosen Moderaf After Some inquiery into each proprieP Right in the Comon Lands, Said Meeting was Adjourn" for half an hour to m r Edm d Angier's cham- ber And after opening Said Meeting at s d Chamber Voted y* a Comitte be Chosen to inquire into y e Circumstances of y e tract of Land on y e South Side of Charles River called y e thirteen Acres Lately improved by y e Squires & y e high way Leading to it And y e four Acres of Comon land at bear hill or Jackson's corner Joyning to Rich 3 Clark and make report of y e circumstances of s d Lands to Said Propriet™ at their next Meeting. Cap' Josiah Parker, Jn° Stedman & Sam 11 Bowman were chosen a Comitte for y e Service aforesaid. Also Voted y' William Rufsel & And r Bordman be Joyned to y e aforesd Comitte to consider of y e affair of dividing y e Comons, and to make Report of their opinion concerning y' affair at their Next Meet- ing as a fores* [264] Also Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to Tuesday 1 I th Instant at Ten a Clock on Said day at y e Town house to Receive y e Reports of Said Committe's & to do w' they may Judge proper upon them, Also to do w' they may Judge proper Referingtoy e half Acre of Land at y e Wares in Ware field & y e high way Leading to it. At a Meeting of y e Propriet" of y e Comon Lands in Cambridge^ 1 i tu Feb 1723/4 by Adjournment from y e 3 rd of ffeb Curr'. After reading y e Report of y e Comitte appointed y e 3 rd Curr' to inquire into y e circumstances of y e Comon Land on y e South Side of Charles River & at Bearhill Voted y' Said Comitte be desired further to treat w th the persons y' improve or incroach upon Said Comon Lands & make report of what they think proper to be done in Said affairs to Said Propriet 13 at their next meeting. And then Said Meeting was adjourned for half an hour. After opening Said Meeting on y e ad- journm'. It was put to Vote whither Said Propriet™ wo d Accept y e Report of the Comitte appointed to Consider of y° Affair of Dividing y e Comons, with Respect to y e line of division on y e Southerly Side of Parker's pond & it pafs'd in y e Negative. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 291 Also put to vote whither the line of division of Said Comons (on Supposition yy be divided) Extend crofs y e Comon on a Strait line from the corner betwixt L' Marrit's Orchard and Nath" Prentice's Land tow d a great tree in y e Low ground in Cap' Bordman's fence against his field, and it pais*, in the Negative. Also put to Vote whither Said line for dividing y e Com 8 Extend Crofs y e Comon fro ye Northerly Elm tree (Save one) ag' Henry Prentice' 8 house on a Strait line tow d ye South Westerly corner of W"? Morse's Barn & it pafs'd in y c Affirmative. Also Voted that Said Cofnon Lands Shall be divided down to Said line Last mentioned. And then Said Meeting by their vote Adjourned to to-morrow Morning Nine a Clock. [265] At a Meeting of y e Propriet 15 of y e Comon Lands in Cam r 12 th ffeb. I723'4. by Adjournm 1 fro y e 11 th Instant Voted that this Meeting be adjourned for half an hour. And after opening Said Meeting on Said adjournm 1 , and Reading the first Arti- cle in the Report of y c Cofnitte appointed to Consider of y e affair of dividing y e Comons. Voted that the Countrey Road against y e Land to be divided be Six Rods wide, and that Said Road fro Jn° Cooper's to y e North Easterly corner of Jonathan Gove's fence below his barn be Stated Six Rods wide as aforesd agreeable to y e Report of Said Cofnitte, to be laid out at y e direction of a Committe hereafter chosen. And from s d Corner of Gove's fence to-Run on y e Westerly Side of Watson's pond & So over y e plain agreeable to y e Report of y e Cofnitte aforesd. Also after Reading the other Articles in S d Report Voted a Concur- rence w th Said Report in all the Articles of it Excepting y e last wf Referrs to y e line for dividing y e Com. w ch was Yesterday debated upon & Rejected & determined to extend crofs y e Comon fro y e Northerly tree (Save one) ag* Henry Prentices house on a Strait line toward y e South Westerly corner of W™ Morse's barn. Also Voted y 4 And r Bordman, Sam" Bowman & William Rufsel be a Committe ( w th y e Afsistance of a Survey 1 ) to take a plan of y p Comon Lands to be divided, & State out y e Respective high ways &c And Lay 292 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Said Comon Lands into Sutable Squadrons for division of y e Same, and Lay y e Same before Said ProprieP at their next Meeting for their approbation, in Order to y r drawing of Lotts. Also after Reading y e Request of Jason Rufsel & others that a way may be Stated fro Thomas mllebrown's to Spie pond & So to y e way Leading to Mills's ware. It was put to vote whither s d Request Shud be granted & it pafsd in y e Negative. Also Voted y* y e pond near Jona Wyeth's w th a way to it be reserved for a watering place for Cattle Also after Reading y e request of Jona Butterfield & John ffillebrown y' y e hollow below s d Butterfields house & a way to it may be reserved for Watering [266] Cattle. It was put to Vote whither Said Request Shud be granted & it pafs'd in y e Negative. Also Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to y e 2 nd day of March Next at Ten a Clock in the Morning, to Receive y e Report of y e Comitte appointed to inquire into y e Circumstances of y° Comon Land on y c South Side of Charles River and at Bear hill. Also to Receive y e Re- port of y e Comitte to take a plan of y e Com s &c. in Order to drawing of Lotts. Also to Consider of y e Affair of the half Acre &c at the Wares & to do what they may Judge proper in Said Affairs at Said Meeting. At a Meeting of y c Propriet™ of y° Comon lands in Camb r 2 nd March 1723/4. by Adjourntrr? fro y e I2 tb ffeb. Last Upon the Representation of Cap' Parker one of y e Comitte app td to inquire into y e circumstances of y e Comon Land on the South Side of Charles River & at bear hill, That by reason of Sickness & y e unseason- ablenefs of y e weather they have not finish d Said affair So as to make any Report thereupon Voted that Said Comitte be desired & further impowered to treat w th the persons y l improve or incroach upon Said Common lands & make Report of what they think proper to be done in Said Affair to Said Proprief 9 at y r Next Meeting Also Voted that a pafsage of Two Rods wide be granted to Isa Watson from y e way to his house to y e Northerly or Northwesterly corner of his Barn. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 293 Also Voted that y c pond for Watering near Jacob Hill's with y c way or pafsage to it be four Rods in width & fifteen Rods in depth. Also Voted y' the Report of y e Comittc Refering to y" Laying the lower Cofnon into four Squadron's & y e Small pieces & Strips of Land ag l y e Clay pitts, Steph Prentices, Sam u Bowman's & Jona Gove's be accepted & y e Land Laid out accordingly. Also Voted y l y e Lotts y' happen to ly in y e way of Dreining Parker's Pond Shall have a Rod of Land more than their proportion of measure y e whole length that there may be occasion for diging thru each of Said Lotts for dreining y e pond; And that the ProprieP in s d Pond Shall have free liberty of Diging thru each of Said Lotts for dreining Said Pond. W i Also Voted that a Triangle p 8 of Land of about a Quarter of Pound 01 ^ ~ lot an Acre on y e Northerly Side of Parkers Pond Joyning to y e Countrey Road be Laid out & Reserved for diging of Gravel Watson's Also Voted y* y e Land Joyning to Watson's Pond & Charls- pond town line being ab ( Eight Rods in Width ag l Charlstovvn line w th a pafsage to it on y e Northerly Side of Said pond be Laid out & Re- served for diging of Gravel & y l y e Acre & halfe & Sixteen Rods on y e Southerly Side of Watsons pond against Charlstown line be Laid out [267] Also Voted that y e Plain called Watson's Plain be Laid out according to y° Report of the Comitte Also Voted that the Land on y e Northerly Side of Menotomy Bridge be Laid out according to y e Report of y° Comitte to y e Southerly Side of y e way to Geo Abbits house, & from thence the Lotts to front to y e Road leading to Watertown untill the division of Said Land be ended. Also Voted that the Road leading to Watertown, be Removed fro y e Northerly to y e Southerly Side of y e Land Reserved for a Burying place, m r Jason Rufsel and the Neighbourhood thereabouts Manifesting their desires that it might be So. Also Voted that no Propriet™ draw more than four Rights at one draught in this Division of Land excepting Such as app r to have had a greater Number in y e year 1665. w ch Shall be their Rule for drawing, & that the highest Number Shall be drawn first by Such as are obliged to draw more than once for y r Rights. Also Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to to morrow morning Ten a Clock 294 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. At a Meeting of y e Propriet 18 of y e Comon lands in Cam r 3 rd March 1723/4. by Adjournm 1 fro y e 2 nd March Curt. Voted that this Meeting be adjourned for half an hour and after opening Said Meeting after y e Adjournment The Moderat 1 informed the Propriet 115 that by reason of present bodyly indisposition he was not capable of attending & performing y e Service of Moderator Then Voted that And r Bordman be Moderaf in his Stead also Voted that Andrew Bordman, VV m Rufsel & Solomon Prentice be a Comitte to direct and afsist y e Survey r in Laying out the Lands to be divided pursuant to y e Votes of Said Propriet" & that any two of Said Comitte afsift y e Survey r : as Chain men in Laying out y e lotts. Said Chain men to be under Oath to y e faithfull performance of Said Service, to be p d 3 sh p r day each Also Voted y l m r Sam 11 Danforth be y e Survey! and that he be paid Ten Shill' p r day for each days Service a broad he Returning a fair plat on parchment of the Division of Said Lands to Said Propriet 1 ? Also Voted that Andrew Bordman have his Rights Laid out to him on y e Northerly Side of y e Third Squadron on y e Lower Comon in Con- sideration of his Service as Cler of Said Propriet rs for y e time past & for his present Service as Cler of Said Propriet 1 ? Also Voted that y e Lotts that happen to ly in y e way of dreining at Menotomy near Geo Abbits have a Rod's Allowance as at Parkers pond. Also Voted that no Propriet" draw twice before others have drawn Once & So to proceed till all the Lotts are drawn. After drawing the Lotts, Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to the Second Monday in Aprill next at Ten a Clock [268] At a Meeting of y e Propriet" of y e Comon Lands in Cam- brige 13 111 Ap 1 . 1 1724. By Adjournment fro y e 3 rd of March Laft. Cap' Mofes Bordman the Moderaf of this Meeting being out of Town. And r Bordman was desired to officiate as Moderator in his Stead Upon Report of y e Comitte appointed to inquire into the Circum- PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 295 stances of y e Cofnon Land on the South Side of Charles River & at Bear Hill, Voted that Richard Clark Shall have y e piece of Land at Bear Hill betwixt the Ministrey Lott & Jackson's Corner, Containing containing about four acres, Excepting the High way that Runs thru Said Land \v ch goes up towards the Bowman's, to him the Said Richard Clark his heirs & Assigns forever he paying to Said Proprief 8 y e Sum of fifteen pounds in good Bills of Credit on Said Province: Also Voted that Said Comitte be hereby desired to propose & offer to y e Champney's or any other person the Sale of the Thirteen Acres on y e South Side of Charles River — & y e way to it at Thirty pounds & make Report of y r doings in that affair at y e Next Meeting. After a Motion made on behalf of m r Sam 11 Danforth for a piese of Land at y 8 Corner near y e Pound to Build upon : And a Motion made by Sam 1 . 1 Whittemore y' y e Couhtrey Road ag' his Lott at Jones's hill may be Removed more Eastward, that his Lott may be laid more together for y e convenience of fenceing. And a Motion made by Nath 1 . 1 Hancock for Liberty of inclosing the Land Reserved for Clay pitts, Joyning to his Lott near D r Oakes's Orchard : All w ch Motions are under considera till the next meeting of Said Propriet 1 ? Then Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to fryday the 17 th of Apl' Cur' at Three a Clock after noon Att a Meeting of y e Propriet 13 of y e Cofnon lands in Cam r 17 Ap n 1724. by Adjournm' fro y e 13 th Cur'. On the Motion of Cap' Moses Bordman Modera tr of this Meeting, That he may be excused fro being Moderat r for that he was absent at the lafb Adjournm" &c Put to Vote whither they w d excuse him & choose an other Moderaf in his Stead, & it pafs d in the Negative Also Voted that the Bounds of y e Land Sold to Rich" 1 Clark against y e Ministrey Lott at Bear hill extend on a Strait line from a heap of Stones at Jn° Cooper's Lott on y e Rocks to a great white Oak Mark d in y e Stone wall near Beemus's house w ch was formerly ffrancis's and that Said Clark pay y° money for y e purchase of Said Land to y e Propriet™ Clark for y e use of Said Proprietors. 296 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Also put to Vote whither y e high way leading to y e thirteen Acres on y e South Side of Charles River Shall be Sold for £20 to y e Champ- neys and it pafs d in y e Negative Also Voted y' L l Amos Marrit m r W m Rufsel & m r Samuel Bowman be a Comitte to make Sale, improve or lay open the land on y e South Side of Charles River called y e thirteen Acres and the way to it as they Shall think most proper; and make Report of their doings in [269] in that affair to Said Propriet™ at their Next Meeting Also Voted that the Report of y e Comitte appointed to direct & Afsist m r Sam u Danforth Survey r : in Laying out the Cofnons & the Piatt of Said Division presented by Said Survey 1 be accepted ; And that the Lotts be Recorded accordingly, Excepting Sam 11 Whittemore's Lot at or near Jones's hill. Also Voted that Joseph Addams, Nath 11 Pattin Jun r and Jonathan Gove be a Comitte to Consid r of y e motion of Sam 1 ! Whittemore Refer- ing to Removing y e Countrey Road against his Lott near Jones's hill (ag l Sam" Bowman's fence & Charlstown Line) more Eastward for con- venience of fenceing his Lott together, & to make Report of their opinion in that affair at the next Meeting. The Motion Made by m r Danforth, & y e motion made by Nath Hancock to be continued under considera till the next Meeting, And that m r Danforth be paid what is due to him for Service of y e Propriet" (as p r y e Accts offer 11 ) out of the first money Shall be Rec d Also Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to y e 24 Instant at Three a Clock afternoon. Att a Meeting of y e Propriet™ of y c Coraon Lands in Carnb 7 24 Aprill 1724. By Adjournment fro y e 17 th Cur' Upon Report of y e Comitte impowered to make Sale improve or Lay open the land on y e South Side of Charles River called y e 13 Acres & y e Way to it. Voted y' s a Comitte be hereby further desired & impowered to man- age Said Affair as they were impowered at y e Last Meeting & make Report of y r doings therein to Said Propriet re at their next meeting. Upon Report of y e Comitte appointed to Consider of the motion of Sam" Whittemore for Removing y e Countrey Road more Eastward &c. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 297 Voted that y c Report of s d Comitte be accepted : And that Said Comitte Remove s d Way or Road more Eastward accordingly, having due regaurd to the accomodating of Steph Prentice in his pafsage to his house, and make Return of y r doings in this affair to S d Propriet™ at their next Meeting. Also Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to y c 15 th of May next at Nine a Clock in y e Morning. At a Meeting of y e Propriet™ of y e Comon Lands in Camb r 15 th May 1724. By Adjournm' from y e 24 th Ap u Laft. Report of y e Comitte ap- pointed and impowered to make Sale improve or lay open the Comon Land on y e South of Charls River called the 13 Acres & y e way to it which is as follows Viz'. Camb r May 15 th 1724. In observance of y e within written we the Subscribers have offerd to Sale y e 13 Acres & y e way to it within men- tioned, and have treated w th m r Dan u Champne A about the purchase thereof, who refuses to purchase the thirteen Acres but offers to buy y" Six Rod high way, which extends on y e Northerly Side of m r Danforth's farm (so call a ) from y e Countrey Road Leading to Boston to a great Rock at y e North Westerly corner of Said farm. Said Champney offers to pay to Said Propriet 13 .£25 for s d way provided they warrant & defend y e Same fro all lawfull claims. Amos Marrit \Y m Rufsel Sam 1 . 1 Bowman [270] which Report was read & after Some debate upon it Voted that Said Report be accepted, And that y e s d Dan 11 Champn N paying the Sum of £2$ ib in good Bills of Credit to Said Propri trs Clark by y first day of June next, Shall enjoy Said way as expressed in Said Report, And y* Said Propriet" Shall & Will Warrant & defend the Same ag' all lawfull claims Whatsoev r : Also Voted y' y e Comitte afores d acquaint Dan 11 Champney w" 1 this Vote & make Report of his Answer thereon to Said Propriet™ at their next meeting. 298 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Also Voted that m r John Dickson have y e improvement of y e half Acre of Land at y e Wares & y e high way leading to it thru Ware field this present year for Six Shillings. Also Voted y' y e Cofnitte appointed to call Propriet ra Meetings be desired to offer y e Same to m r Dickson, & if he Refuse it then Said Cofnitte are desired to Let Said Land to any oth r person or to Lay open Said Land as they may See meet. Also Voted that Cap' Bordman have liberty to inclose the gravil pit on y e North Side of Parkers pond, he making a Convenient p r of Barrs for pafsage into Said gravil pit as there may be occasion therefor. Also Voted that Sam u Whittemore's Lott at or near Jones's hill be Recorded as it was drawn. Also Voted that Nath" Hancock have y e improvem* of y e Land Reserved for Clay pitts Joyning to D r Oakes s Orchard & y e way to it at Such a Rent as y e Propriet™ Comitte app M : to call Propriet™ Meetings & he can agree; Provided he hang a Sutable Gate for pafsage into Said Land as there may be occasion there for. Provided also that he y e Said Hancock Procure a convenient Watering place for the accomoda- tion of Cattle to y e Acceptance of Mefs™ Jn° Cooper & Sam u Bowman. Also Voted y' y e Accts of y e Comitte y' afsifted m r Robie in y e Sur- vey of y e Cotnon be paid. Also Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to y e first Tuesday in June next at five a Clock after noon At a Meeting of y e Propriet™ of y e Comon Lands in Camb'the 2 nd June 1724. By Adjournm*: fro 15 th May Laft. Voted y' y e Comitte appointed to Afsist y e Survey 7 as Chain men in laying out y e Lotts in y e Late Division be each of y m allowed Three Shillings p r day each day they attended Said Survey' in Said Service Also Voted that Nath Hancock, Zach. Hickes & John Bradish be a Comitte to Receive & Examine y e Accts of Such persons as Said Propriet™ are indebted unto, And allow Said Accts as far as they Judge them Reasonably charged: Also Voted y* Said Comitte com- pute what Said Propriet™ are indebted, & make a Tax for payment thereof, together w* what must be paid for Collecting Said Tax ; Said PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 299 Tax to be proportioned on s d Propriet re according to y r Respective in- trefts ; Said Comitte being hereby desired to agree w th Some Sutable person to Collect Said Tax for y e use aforesaid Whereas y e Select Men of our Town have made a Motion (at the desire of Several of our Inhabitants Residing on [271] the South of Charles River) that y e Six Rod high way lying ag' m r Danforths farm Runing to a great Rock at y e North Westerly corner of Said farm, and also Two Two Rod high ways leading into y e Countrey Road fro Watertown Mill to Boston, may not be disposed of, for that as Said inhabitants Say they belong to the Town and are wanted for y e Town's use. Voted that the Comitte appointed to acquaint Dan" Champney w th a Vote of s d Proprief 8 at y r Last Meeting Viz' L' Marrit, Wf Rufsel & Sam" Bowman be hereby desired to discourse w th Some or all y e In- habitants y l made y r motion to Said Select Men Refering to y e ways afores d , & be informed by them where Said high ways ly and what want there is of y m for y e Town's use, And after their discourse w tb Said inha- bitants, & being informed by them Refering to Said Ways, they are to Advise w 01 y e Comitte appointed to call Proprieto" Meetings and either proceed to make Sale to Dan" Champney as formerly Voted or to any other person or to desist making Sale of any of Said Lands, as Said Comitte Shall Judge most proper. Also Voted y l y e Comitte appointed to call Propriet™ Meetings be hereby desired & impowered to make Sale (for the use of Said Pro- priet ra a piece of Coffion Land at Mount Gilboa, and a p 8 on y e Rocks in y e first Division lying between m r Stedman's & Cap' Parkers Lot if any there be. A Record of a Division of Lands in Camb r Platted in March 1724. & Voted that the Lotts be Recorded accordingly 17 Ap". 1724. which are as follow Viz? In the Lower Coffion. The first Squadron. Rights & Numb r 3 1 To Jonathan Belcher EsqF Three Acres & an half & One Rod, Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly \v th Andrew 300 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Bordman, Northerly w th W™ Manning s heirs. Jos : Addams, Abra Hill Mason, Col ffoxcroft, Sam 1 . 1 Bull, AndT Stimpson's heirs & Cap' Josiah Parker, and Southerly w ,h Cap' M. Bordman 2 To Cap' Moses Bordman four Acres an half & Twenty Eight Rods Bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, Westerly w tb And r Bordman, Northerly w th Jonathan Belcher Esq r & Southerly w tb M r Nich s ffefsenden Jun ra heirs, there being a triangle p s for gravil Lying in Said Lott. 3 To m r Nicholas ffefsenden Jun re heirs Three Acres & an half & a Rod Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road [272] West- No erly w th And w Bordman Jona Wyeth & Henry Prentice, North- erly w tb Cap' Moses Bordman and Southerly w th Solomon Pren- tice 2 nd Squadron 4 To Solomon Prentice four Acres & an half & Twenty eight Rods Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th Henry Prentice & Eph. ffrost's heirs, Northerly w tb M r Nich s ffefsenden Jun ra Heirs & Southerly w tb y e Comon 5 To Ephraim ffrost's heirs Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w' h Sol Prentice, Westerly w tb Harv d Col- ledge, Northerly w' h Henry Prentice & Southerly w' h y e Comon 6 To Harvard College One Acre & Twenty Seven Rods bounded Easterly w th Eph ffrost's heirs, Westerly w tb Henry Prentice Northerly w tb Henry Prentice & Southerly w' b y e Comon. 7 To Henry Prentice Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w tb Harv d Colledge & Sol. Prentice Westerly w tb a high Way, Northerly w tb Jona Wyeth & Southerly w' h y e Comon Harv d Colledge, Eph ffrosts heirs & Solomon Prentice 3 rd Squadron. 8 To Jonathan Wyeth, (part of his Lott) Two Acres three Quar- ters & Thirty two Rods Bounded Easterly with m r Nich 9 ffefsend PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 301 Jun ra Heirs, Westerly w tb a high way Northerly w th And r Bord- man & Southerly w' b Hen Prentice Andrew Bordman five Acres three Quarters & fifteen Rods. Bounded Easterly w tb Jona Belcher Esq r Cap' Moses Bordman & m r N. ffefsenden Jun ra heirs, Westerly w th a high way & Watering place, Northerly w th s d Watering place Lieu 1 Amos Marrit Cap' Moses Bordman and Cap' Josiah Parker, & Southerly w' b Jona Wyeth Vide y e Vote of y e Propriet™ Refering to y s lott. 3 r ? March I723/4- 4 th Squadron. 8 To Jonathan Wyeth (the other part of his Lott) One Acre an halfe & Thirty Six Rods Bounded Easterly w tb Sam 11 Gookin Esq* Westerly & Northerly w' h high ways & Southerly w' h y e Watering place 9 To Sam 11 Gookin Esqr Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w th Lieut Amos Marrit, Westerly w' h Jonathan Wyeth Northerly w th a high way & Southerly w th the Watering place. 10 To Lieu' Amos Marrit four Acres an half & Twenty eight Rods, Bounded Easterly w tb Cap? Moses Bordman, Westerly w' h Sam u Gookin Esq| Northerly w' b a high Way and Southerly w' b y e Watering place & Andrew Bordman No 1 1 [273] To Cap' Moses Bordman four Acres & an half & Twenty Eight Rods. Bounded Easterly w" 1 Cap' Josiah Parker, Westerly w' b L' Amos Marrit, Northerly w' b a high way & Southerly with And r Bordman 12 To Cap' Josiah Parker Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w tb And r Stimpson's heirs, Westerly w' b Cap' 302 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. M. Bordman, Northerly w th a high Way & Southerly w th And r Bordman & Jonath" Belcher Esq r 13 To Andrew Stimpson's heirs Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w th Sam" Bull, Westerly w th Cap' Josiah Parker, Northerly w th a high way & Southerly w th Jonath. Belcher Esq r 14 To Samuel Bull One Acre & Twenty Seven Rods bounded East- erly w th Col ffoxcroft, westerly w th And r Stimpson's heirs, North- erly w th a high Way & Southerly w th Jonathan Belcher Esq r 15 To Col ffoxcroft four Acres & an halfe & Twenty eight Rods Bounded Easterly w ,h Abr. Hill, Westerly w th Sam". Bull, North- erly w th a high way & Southerly w ,h Jonathan Belcher Esqf 16 To Abraham Hill Mason, Three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly \v tb Jos. Addams, Westerly w th Col ffoxcroft Northerly w th a high way & Southerly w th Jona Belcher Esq r 17 To Joseph Addams One Acre Three Quarters & half a Rod Bounded Easterly w th W? Mannings heirs, Westerly w th Abra Hill, Northerly w th a high Way & Southerly w th J. Belcher EsqF 18 To W ra Mannings heirs Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods, Bounded Easterly w ,b Nath Hancock, Westerly w th Jos. Addams, Northerly w th a high Way & Southerly w"' Jona: Belcher Esq r & Easterly w th y e Countrey Road 19 To Nath 11 Hancock Two Acres a Quarter & thirty Six Rods (being p l of his Lott) Bounded Easterly & Northerly w th high ways & Westerly w th W ra Mannings heirs Also to Nath 11 Hancock Two Acres & twenty Three Rods Bounded Easterly & Southerly w th high ways, Westerly w ,h . . Cooper, Northerly & North Westerly w th Land Reserv for Clay pitts & y e way leading to it PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 303 Also to Nath. Hancock Nine Rods being y e Remainder of his Lott Bounded Easterly & Southerly w th high ways. Westerly w th D r Oakes Orchard & Northerly w th Sam 11 Whittemore 20 To Sam" Whittemore One Acre a Quarter & Six Rods (being part of his Lott) Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, West- erly to D r Oakes's Orchard, Northerly \v lh a way to St Prentice's house & Southerly w th Nath Hancock . Also two Acres & an half & thirty Eight Rods Bounded No [274] Easterly w th y e Countrey Road Westerly w th St Prentice Northerly w th a way to Jona Goves house & St Prentice & South- erly w tb y e way to St Prentices house Also half an Acre & twenty Rods Bounded Easterly & North Easterly. w th Dea Bowman & Charlstown Line Westerly w th ye Countrey Road. Also four Rods being y e Remainder of his Lott Bounded North Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th Jona Gove Northerly w th L' Marrit & Southerly w th y c way to Goves house 21 To Lieu' Amos Marrit One Acre & an half & Sixteen Rods Bounded Easterly w th Charlstown line, Westerly & South West- erly w th y e Countrey Road, Northerly w th a Gravil pitt: & Wat- son's pond ; it being p' of his Lott. Also to Lieu 1 Amos Marrit twenty two Rods & an halfe Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th Jonath Gove & Southerly w th y e way to S d Gove's house Also a Quarter of an Acre & ten Rods Bounded North East- erly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w' h Steph Prentice & South- erly w th Jonathan Gove Also to Lieu' Amos Marrit, two Acres & an half, and Ninteen Rods & an half Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, South- westerly w th y e Way Leading to Dea Kidders. & Northerly w th m r Nich s ffefsenden's heirs. It being y e Remainder of his Lott & Lying at y 6 Southerly end of Watson's plain 304 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 22 To m r Nich s ffefsenden's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly w' h y e Countrey Road, South westerly w th a high way, Northerly w th Cap' Bordman & Southerly with Lieu* Marrit 23 To Cap' Bordman Seven Acres & Two Rods Bounded Easterly w th ye C oun trey Road South Westerly w th a high way Northerly w' h Sam u Gibson's heirs & Southerly w' h m r N. ffefsenden's heirs. 24 To SamH Gibson's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly w' h y e Countrey Road, Southwesterly & North Westerly w th high ways, Northerly w* Jacob Hill & Southerly w th Cap 1 Bordman 25 To Jacob Hill four Acres & an half & twenty eight Rods Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, North Westerly w th a high way, Northerly w th Jn° Dickson & Southerly with Sam 1 . 1 Gib- son's heirs 26 To John Dickson, Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w ,h y e Countrey Road, North Westerly w' h w th high way, Northerly w'! 1 Peter Town's heirs, & Southerly with Jacob Hill. N? 27 not drawn. 28 To Peter Town's heirs four Acres & an half & twenty Eight Rods Bounded Easterly w ,h y c Countrey Road, North West ly w th high way, Northerly w th Edm 1 ? Angier & Southerly w th John Dickson. Rights No 29 [275] To Edm d Angier One Acre a Quarter & twenty five Rods (being p' of his Lott) Bounded Easterly w' h y e Countrey Road, North Westerly with high way & Southerly w ,h Peter Town's heirs Also three Acres a Quarter & three Rods, (being the Remain- PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 305 der of his Lott) Bounded Easterly w th Chads town line, Westerly w th y e Countrey Road, Northerly \v th D. Hastings heirs & South- erly w th a gravil pitt & y e way to it 30 To Dea Hastings's heirs One Acre & twenty Seven Rods Bounded Easterly w th Charlstown line, Westerly w th the Coun- trey Road, Northerly w th Jos. Crackbon & Southerly w th Edm d Angier 3 1 To Joseph Crackbon three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly w th Charlstown line, Westerly w"' y e Countrey Road, Northerly w th Jona Nutting & Southerly w th Dea Hastings heirs 32 To Jonathan Nutting Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods, Bounded Easterly w'. h Charlstown line, Westerly w th y e Countrey Road, Northerly w th m r President Leverett& Southerly w th Joseph Crackbon. 33 To m r President Leverett four Acres & an half & Twenty eight Rods Bounded Easterly w th Charlstown line Westerly \v ,h y c Countrey Road, Northerly w th J. Belcher Esq r & South- erly w th Jona Nutting, a high way to Isa Watsons house & Barn being included within s d Boundaries 34 To Jonathan Belcher Esq r four Acres & an half and Twenty eight Rods bounded Easterly & North Easterly \v th Charlstown line & Sam" Cook, Westerly w th y e Countrey Road, Northerly w* Jonathan Gove & Southerly with m r President Leverett. 35 To Jonathan Gove Three Acres & an half & One Rod Bounded North Easterly w th Sam 1 . 1 Cook, Westerly w th the Countrey Road, Northerly w 1 ! 1 W. Pattin's heirs & Southerly Jonathan Belcher Esq r l6 To W. Pattin's heirs two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded North Easterly w tb Sam 11 Cook, Westerly w th y e Countrey 306 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Road, Northerly w tb Widow Cooper & Southerly w th Jona: Gove, a high to Sam" Cook's house included in y s lott. 37 To Widow Cooper Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w tb Sam 11 Cook, Westerly w th y e Countrey Road, Northerly w tb Edm d Angier & Southerly w th W Pattins heirs 38 To Edm d Angier two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w tb Sam" Cook, Westerly w tb y e Countrey Road, Northerly w tb High way & Jason Rufsel & Southerly w th Wid : Cooper, a high way to y e Wares Runing thru this Lott. No 39. [276] To Jason Rufsel a Quarter of an Acre & two Rods, bounded Easterly & Westerly w tb high way, Northerly w tb Jn° Dickson & Southerly w th Edm d Angier. it being p' of his Lott Also to Jason Rufsel four Acres a Quarter & twenty Six Rods (lying on y e Northerly Side of Menotomy Bridge; It being the Remainder of his Lott) Bounded Easterly w th the Countrey Road. Southwesterly w tb a high way & Northerly w th James Clark 40 To James Clark One Acre three Quarters & half, a Rod. Bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, South westerly w tb a high way Northerly w tb Col ffoxcroft, & Southerly w tb Jason Rufsel 41 To Col ffoxcroft Seven Acres & two Rods Bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, South Westerly w tb a high way, Northerly w tb Joiia Remington Esq r & Southerly Jam! Clark 42 To Jonathan Remington Esq r . two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, South Westerly w tb a high way, Northerly w tb N. Prentice's heirs & Southerly w ,b Col ffoxcroft. 43 To Nath 11 Prentices heirs four Acres & an half & twenty eight Rods Bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, South Westerly PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 307 \v th a high way, Northerly w th Dea Hancock's heirs & Southerly \v ,h Joha Remington Esq r 44 To Dea Hancock's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, S. Westerly w th a high- way, Northerly w* W m Warland & Southerly \v th Nath u Prentice's heirs. 45. To William Warland One Acre & twenty Seven Rods bound? Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, S. Westerly w th a high way North- erly w th Gershom Cutter & Southerly w th D Hancock's heirs. 46. To Gershom Cutter Two Acres One Qu" r & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, S. Westerly w' h a high way, Northerly w th Steph Prentice & Southerly w ,h W? Warland 47. To Stephen Prentice Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road S. Westerly w th a high way Northerly w' h WF Barrit & Southerly w'. h Ger : Cutter 48 To W? Barrit Two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th a high way, North- erly wf Jn° Hastings & Southerly w th Steph. Prentice 49 To John Hastings two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w ,h y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th a high way Northerly w th m r Ed. Pelham & Southerly w th W m Barrit 50 To m r Edw? Pelham two Acres, three Quarters twenty Seven Rods & an half Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th a high way, Northerly w 4 ? Sam u Cooper & Southerly w th John Hastings No 5 1 [277] To Sam" Cooper One Acre & Twenty Seven Rods bounded Easterly w ,h y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th a high way Northerly w ,h Jn° Swan & Southerly w ,h m r Ed. Pelham 308 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 52 To John Swan One Acre& Twenty Seven Rods bounded East- erly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th a high way Northerly w th Jos. Winship & Southerly w th Sam" Cooper. 53 To Joseph Winship two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th a high way Northerly w' h m r Procter's heirs & Southerly w' h Jn° Swan. the high way to Mills's Ware touching y e North East corner of Said Lott 54 To m r Procter's heirs two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, Westerly w lh a high way Northerly w' h Jos Crackbon Jun r & Southerly w th Jos : Winship high way to Mills's Ware Runing crofs s d Lott 55 To Jos: Crackbon Jun' two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w th y c Countrey Road Westerly w th a high way, Northerly w th Zach Hickes & Southerly w th m r Proct™ heirs. Mills' Ware high Runing crofs s d Lott 56 To Zach Hickes Two acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th a high way, Northerly w th Cap 1 Bordman & Southerly wf Jos: Crackbon Mills's Ware high way runing crofs Said Lott 57 To Cap' Bordman two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly & S. Westerly w th a high way, Northerly w*" H. College & Southerly w 1 " Z. Hickes Mills's Ware high way Runing crofs s d Lott 58 To Harvard Colledge four Acres & an half & twenty eight Rods Bounded Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, S Westerly w th a high way, Northerly w th Dea Coolidge & Southerly w th Cap' Bordman Mills's Ware H way Run's crofs s d Lott 59 To Del Coolidge four Acres & an half & twenty eight Rods, Bounded Easterly w' h y e Countrey Road. N Westerly w' h a high PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 309 way, Northerly \v th Jn° Cooper & Southerly with H. Colledge, Mills's Ware H way run's crofs s 4 Lott 60 To John Cooper three Acres & an half & one Rod, Bounded Easterly vv th y c Countrey Road, N. Westerly w th w th Ger: Cutter Northerly w th Jona Dunster & Southerly w th Dea Coolidge Mills's Ware high way touches y c South West corner of s d Lott. 61 to Jonathan Dunster two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, N. Westerly w th Gerfh Cutter Northerly w th Dea Hastings heirs & Southerly w th Jn° Cooper 62 To Dea Hastings heirs four Acres & an half & twenty Eight Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road N. Westerly w th Gerfh Cutter Northerly w th Elisha Bull & Southerly w th Jona Dunster. No 6} [278] To Elisha Bull One Acre & Twenty Seven Rods Bounded Easterly w th y c Countrey Road North Westerly w'. h Ger Cutter, Northerly w th m r Corlet's Heirs & Southerly w th Dea Hast- ings heirs 64 To m r Corlet's heirs three Acres & an half & One Rod bounded Easterly wf y e Countrey Road N. Westerly w th Ger: Cutter, Norths w th W 1 ? Wyeth's heirs & Southerly w th Elisha Bull 65 To W 1 ? Wyeth's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod bounded Easterly w th y c Countrey Road North Westerly w th Ger Cutter, Northerly w th W? Cutter's heirs & & Southerly w ,h m r Corlet's heirs 66 To W m Cutter's heirs One Acre & twenty Seven Rods Bounded Easterly w' h y e Countrey Road N. Westerly w tb North- erly Tho s . ffox's heirs & Southerly w th W m Wyeth's heirs 310 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 67 To Tho s : fifox's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road N. Westerly w th Northerly w tb John Watson's heirs & Southerly w th W m Cutters heirs. 68 To John Watson's heirs two Acres three Quarters, twenty Seven Rods & an half Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road N Westerly w*" Northerly w th Jn° Hick's and Southerly Tho 8 . ffox's heirs 69 To John Hickes two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, North westerly w th Northerly w th Rich d Cutter's heirs & Southerly w th Jn° Watson's heirs 70 To Rich 3 Cutter's heirs two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, N. Easterly w tb y e way to Spie pond by y c School house, N Westerly w th Northerly w th Andr Wilson's heirs & Southerly w th Jn° Hickes 71 To Andr Wilson's heirs One Acre & twenty Seven Rods bounded N. Easterly w th y e way to Spy pond by y e School house N Westerly w tb Spy pond Northerly w th Sam" Bucks heirs & Southerly w tb Richard Cutter's heirs 72 To Sam u Bucks heirs One Acre three Quarters & half a Rod Bounded North Easterly w tb y e way to Spie pond, N Westerly w th Spie pond & Southerly w th And r Wilson's heirs, it being part of his Lot. the other p* of Said Lott Bounded South Westerly w ,b y e way to Spie pond by y e School house, South Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road & Northerly w th W? Rufsel. 73 To W m Rufsel three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded S. Easterly w tb y c Countrey Road, Westerly w tb Northerly w tb Dea Cooper's heirs & Southerly w tb Sam u Bucks br ? 74 To Dea Cooper's heirs four Acres & an half & twenty eight Rods Bounded S. Easterly w tb y e Countrey Road, Westerly w tb PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 311 Northerly w th Ed : Marrit & Southerly vv th W m Rufsel Winshipp's Medow & a Way to Spie pond lying within thefe boundaries No 75 [279] To Edward Marrit two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly & S. Westerly w th Spie pond, Northerly w tb Tho? Andrew's heirs & Southerly vv th Dea Cooper's heirs 76 To Tho s : Andrew's heirs two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, S Westerly w th Spie pond, Westerly w th Dea Kidder, Northerly w th m r Stedmans heirs & Southerly Edw? Marrit "]"] To m r John Stedman's heirs Seven Acres & two Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th Del Kidder, North" 1 * wf Jos. Robins's heirs & Southerly w th Tho 8 Andrew's heirs. 78 To Joseph Robbins's heirs two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods Bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th D. Kidder northerly w th m r Morris & Southerly m r Stedman's heirs 79 To m r Judah Morris two Acres a Quarter & fourteen Rods bounded Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w tb D. Kidder Northerly w th Mad™ Oliver's heirs & Southerly w th J. Robbins's h? 80 To Madam Oliver's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly & N Easterly w th y e Countrey Road, Westerly w th D. Kidder, Northerly w th D. Kidder, Sam" Robinsons heirs Georg Abbot & highway leading to Watertown & Southerly w th m Morris, Geo. Abbit's Land & a way to it lying within thefe boundaries 81 To Sam" Robinson's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly w ,h Mad 1 ? Oliver's heirs & Abbots Land West- 3 I2 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. erly w th Dea Kidder, Northerly w th a high way & Southerly w* Mad 1 ? Oliver's heirs & Abbots Land. 82 To Dea Kidder two Acres three Quarters & twenty Seven Rods & an half Bounded Easterly w tb Sam 1 . 1 Robinson's heirs Westerly w th Joseph Rufsel's heirs, Northerly w tb a high way Southerly w th Spie pond, & Easterly w'? Thof Andrew's heirs, m r Jn° Stedman's heirs, Jos Robbins's heirs, m r Morris & Mad m Oliver's heirs 83 To Joseph Rufsel's heirs One Acre & twenty Seven Rods Bounded Easterly w th Dea Kidder, Westerly w th Phil Cook's heirs Northerly w th a high way & S Westerly w th Spie pond 84 To Phillip Cook's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly w th Jos: Rufsel's heirs, Westerly w* Col ffox- croft, Northerly w th a high way & S. Westerly w th Spie pond 85 To Col ffoxcroft four Acres & an half & Twenty eight Rods Bounded Easterly w th Phil Cook's heirs, Westerly w'f Jason Rufsel, Northerly w th a high way & Southerly w th Spie pond No 86 [280] To Jason Rufsel half & Acre & thirteen Rods & an half Bounded Easterly w th Col ffoxcroft, Westerly w l ? Ed Winship 8 heirs, Northerly w th High way & Southerly w th Spie pond. 87 To Edwf Winshipp's heirs three Acres & an half & one Rod Bounded Easterly w th : Jason Rufsel, Westerly wf Sam 11 Whittemore, Northerly w th a high way & Southerly w th Spie pond 88 To Sam u Whittemore three Acres & an half and one Rod, Bounded Easterly w th : Ed : Winship's heirs, Westerly w* Comon land, Northerly & N Westerly w th a high way & Southerly w th Spie pond. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 313 At a Meeting of y e Select Men iS'l January 1724 5. On y e Motion of Jona Hastings y' a Comitte may be appointed to view y e 45 & 46 th Lotts of Land in y e Second division on Cam' Rocks, One Laid out to his fath r D: Hastings & y e other to Widow Bowtel, in order to his inclosing Said Lotts ; Said Select Men have Nominated Deacon Coollidge & Solomon Prentice to Joyn w'? Dea Bowman & Jacob Hill whom s? Hastings has appointed to view Said Land, & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same no pafsage to be lefs than two Rods wide; & to make Return of y r : doings in this affair to sd Select Men [281] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 8'. h ffeb : 1724/5 On y e Motion of Andrew Bordman y* a Comitte may be appointed to view y e 6 & 7', h Lotts of Land in y e first Division on Cam r Rocks in order to his inclosing Said land, Said Select Men have nominated & app td m r John Dickson to Joyn w th Dea Sam" Bowman whom s d Bord- man has app td to view s d Land, & (if need be) to State pafsages thru the Same, no pafsage to be lefs y° two Rods wide and to make return of y r doings in y s Affair to Said Select Men April 12"? 1725. In observance of y e within written We y e Subscrib- ers have viewed y e Sixth & Seventh lotts of Land in y e first division on Cam r Rocks & have Stated pafsages thru y e Same as followeth Viz 4 : a pafsage way through y e North Easterly corner of Said Lotts where y e beaten path now is, leaving about a Quarter of an Acre of s d Lotts on y e North Easterly Side of s d way. Also a pafsage way thru y e South westerly corner of y e Sixth lott, Said way begining at y e Countrey Road leading from Cooks Mill to Watertown, Seven Rods from s d Corner & Leading Westerly into a beaten path y' now is, & be con- tinued in s d path through s d Lott. leaving about thirty Rods of Land on y e South Westerly Side of s d way. Said ways not to be lefs than two Rods wide. John Dickson Sam" Bowman 3'4 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 12* Aprill. 1725 On y e Motion of Ephraim ffrost, y* a Comitte may be appointed to view a twelve Acre lott of Land in y e Second division on Cam r Rocks Laid out to Joseph Crackbon in order to his inclosing Said Lott. Said Selectmen do hereby Nominate & appoint Joseph Winship & Dea Bowman to Joyn w th Jn° mllebrown & Jonathan Hastings whom Said ffrost has appointed to view Said Lott of Land, and (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods wide, & to make return of y r doings in s d Affair to s d Select Men. At a Meeting of y e Select Men & l * Nov r : 1725 Ord 1 ? y l Isaac Watson be Joyned in y e Comitte appt d y e i2* h Ap u Last (instead of Joseph Winshipp De cd ) to view a lott of Land on Cam r Rocks at y e Motion of Eph m : ffrost In observance of y e within written we y e Subscribers have Viewed a twelve Acre lot of Land in y e Second division on Cam r : Rocks laid out to Jos : Crackbon, & have Stated a pafsage way as follows Viz' Begin- ing at y e North West Corner of s d Lott, including y e two path's till they meet at y e Bottom of y e first Hill, & So to continue to a great Rock on y e Southwest of s d Way, & then two R ds wide as y e path now goes untill is comes through s d Lott no part of s d Way to be lefs than two Rods wide John ffillebrown Jonath Hastings Sam' 1 Bowman Isaac Watson [282] At a Meeting of y e Select Men 12'? Ap.1 1725. Ordered y' Solomon Prentice, Sam 1 ? Holdin & William ffefsenden be a Comitte to Settle y e North Easterly and North Westerly line of y° high Way leading fro m r Appletons Lot Lately purchased of W? ffef- senden, near fresh pond to Holdin's Bridge & make Return of their doings in Said affair to Said Select Men. Pursuant to y e within written Ord r : we have Settled y e Line from m r Appletons corner, between Doc r Hooper & the Comon or propriet™ land to a Stake near a Stump, & fro thence to a Swamp white Oak tree PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 315 markd, & then to a post on y e North East Side of y c high way near a gate & So on the North East Side of y e s d way to a Stake near a ditch leading into y e Pond & then to a Stake against an Elbo in s d & then to a Stake near John ffefsenden's Land, & then to a Stake at y e Brook on y e North Westerly Side of s d Way Sam 1 ? Holdin, Solomon Prentice William ffefsenden, At a Meeting of y e Select Men 14 th : June 1725 On y e Motion of Jonathan Hastings y l a Cofnitte may be appointed to view a twelve Acre lot of Land in y e first Division on Cam r Rocks Laid out to his fath r D. Walter Hastings, in order to his inclosing Said Lott. Said Select Men do hereby Nominate & appoint Joseph Winshipp & Dea Bowman to Joyn w tb John ffillebrown & Eph™ ffrost whom s d Hastings has appointed to view s d Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be lefs than two Rods wide & to make Return of their doings in s d affair to s d Select Men. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 13 th Dec' : 1725 Ord"? y' Isaac Watson be Joyn'd in y e Comitte App td y e 14* June Last (instead of Jos : Winshipp Dec 3d ) to view a Lott of Land on Cam 1 : Rocks at the Motion of Jonath Hastings. [283] At a Meeting of y e Propriet7 of y e Comon Lands in Cam- bridge 15 th : Aprill 1726. Andf Bordman Chosen Modera r Voted y* this Meeting be Adjourned to thursday y e 21 st Cur* at One a Clock on s d day. At a Meeting of y e Propriet 1 ? of y e Comon Lands in Cam r 21 st Ap 1 . 1 1726. by Adjournment fro y e 15 th Ap" Currant Voted y e : Nath 1 ? Hancock, Zach : Hickes &Jn°: Bradish (a Com- itte appointed by s d Propriet ra y e 2 nd June 1724 to Receive & Examine y e Accts of Such persons as s d Propriet re are indebted unto & Allow Said Accts as far as they Judge y m Reasonably charged &c) be hereby 316 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. desired to proceed forthw*: to Examine & allow ,s d Accts as afores d , & make a tax for paym' : of s d ProprieP debts as afores d ; Unlefs y r Shud money otherwise procured for paym 1 of s d debts Also Voted y* y e Comitte appf to call Propriet™ Meetings Viz* Lieut: Amos Marrit, Cap'. Moses Bordman & m r Jason Rufsel be hereby desired to treat w th Such persons as are disposed to purchase any pieces of Comon land belonging to s d Propriet" & make report what they Judge proper to be done Refering to y e Sale of any of s d Lands. Also Voted y' Col Goffe, Lieut Marrit & Cap' Bordman or any two of y™ acquaint Some or all y e pofsefsors of y e Land formerly Granted to Phillip Jones on Condition of his making & Maintaining a Stone Wall &c on Watertown Line ; That they forthwith fullfill Said Condicon otherwise they may expect to be prosecuted in y e Law for their neg- lect. Also Voted y* Said Comitte discourse w ,h Steph Prentice about y e Six Acres of Land in his pofsefsion at Jones's Hill Conditionally granted to D r : Oakes, & make Report w* yy Judge proper to be done in y e affair of the Stone Wall & in this Affair Also Voted, y' this Meeting be Adjourned to y c 12"? May Next at One a Clock At a Meeting of y e Prop 1 ; 3 of y e Comon Lands in Cambridge 12 th : May 1726. by Adjournment fro 2 I st Aprill Last. Voted y" a Comitte be app' d to make Sale of Lotts of Land Joyn- ing on y e Creek Runing fro : m r Manings Wharfe (so called) to charles River ; Said Comitte Reserving in their Sales a high Way two Rods wide fro Col ffoxcroft's fence. Also Voted y' Lieut Amos Marritt, m r Jason Rufsel and Cap': Moses Bordman be y e Comitte to Make Sale of Said lotts of Land as a fores d After Reading y e Report of y e Comitte app ,d 17 A pi 1 1724 Refering to y e Sale of Comon Lands on y e South Side of Charles Riv^ called y c thirteen Acres &c : & a considerable debate thereupon : Voted y' S d Report be accepted, and y* s d Comitte make Sale of s d Lands to Col Goffe accordingly PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 317 Also Voted y' this meeting be Adjourned to fryday the 20 t l 1 day of May Cur 1 : at four a Clock after noon At a Meeting of y e Propriet re of y e Comon Lands in Cam r 20"? May 1726 by Adjournment fro y e 12"? May Cur': Voted y' this Meeting be Adjourned to Tuesday y c 31 st of May Cur? at four a Clock after noon [284] Cambridge i6'f May 1726. Pursuant to a Vote of y e Propriet" of y e Comon Lands in Said Town y e 12 th May Currant We the Subscribers have made Sale to Col Edmd : Goffe of Camb' afores' 1 : Gen' : a Tract or parcel of Land on the South Side of Charles River in Cam r : a fores 4 : Called the thirteen Acres, Joyning to y e Champ- neys Land :, Also the Comon Land Leading to it (from y e Countrey Road going from Cambridge to Boston) on y e Northerly Side of y c farm comonly called m^ Danforth's farm: We hereby Reserving & y e s d Col Goffe his heirs & Afsigns being hereby obliged to allow & Lay open a Convenient high Way two Rods Wide thru Said land to y e two high ways which our Inhabitants Say Run thru & open into y c Countrey Road Leading from Watertown Mill to Boston. That is to Say So Soon as Said two ways are wanted and Layd open for y e Towns use. We have Sold s d Land Reserving as afores d to y e s d Col Goffe for y e Sum of twenty five pounds, And have taken bond of him for y e payment of s d Money (for y e use of s d Propriet re ) on or before y e twenty Ninth day of Sep' Next. Witnefs our hands Amos Marrett William Rufsel Sam" Bowman. Cam r : 17 th ffeb 17 . 1 726 '7. In observance of a Vote of y e Proprief 3 : of y e Comon lands in s d Town y e 1 2 th of May Last past : We the Subscribers have made Sale to y e Several persons hereafter named & to their heirs & Afsigns for ever, the Several lotts of Land hereafter mentioned, Joyning on the Easterly Side of y e Creek Runing 318 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. fro m r Mannings Wharfe So Called into Charles River, Reserving two Rods of Land for a way betwixt Col ffoxcroft's fence & s d lotts of Land. Viz' Imp. To Andrew Bordman Eleven feet & an half fronting on s d Creek, & Nine feet & an half Butting on y e two Rod high way aforesd. he having pd ten Shill 8 for y c use of y e Propriety a fores d . Item to John Hickes fourty three feet fronting on s d Creek, and fourty three feet butting on s d two Rod way. he having paid fourty Shill 8 for y e use of s d Proprief? It. To Sam" Whittemore Curryer fourty two feet fronting on s d Creek, & fourty two feet butting on s d two Rod high way. he having paid fourty Shill 8 for y e use of s d Propriet r9 It. to John Bradish fourty two feet fronting on s d Creek, & fourty two feet butting on s d two Rod way, he having pd fourty Shill 8 for y e use of s d Proprief 3 . It To Jason Rufsel thirty three feet & an half fronting on s d Creek & thirty three feet & an half butting on s d two rod way, he having paid thirty two Shill : for y e use of sd ProprieP It to Abra Watson ten feet & an half fronting on s d Creek & ten feet & an half butting on sd two Rod way; he having pd ten Shill 6 : for y e use of s d Proprief. 8 the persons aboves d , besides their paym* of y e Several [285] Sums aforesd, are to make a good pafsable Cafsway against their Respective Lotts a Rod in width, when they See meet to inclose their Several Lotts, & thereby prevent persons from pafsing on y° old cafsway. Amos Marrett Jason Rufsel Mofes Bordman. At a Meeting of y c Propriet 18 of y e Cofnon Lands in Cambridge 23 rd Oct? 1727. Col Edm d : Goffe was chosen Moderate Upon Report of y e Comitte appointed y e 2i 9t Ap 1 ! 1726 to treat w"? Such persons as were disposed to purchase any pieces of Comon Land belonging to Said Pro- prietors. And on a Motion made by m T . William Brattle y' he might purchase a piece of Land or pafsage way lying betwixt his y e s d Brattle's & m r Jam 8 Read's Land in order to his having a convenience for building. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 3 r 9 It was then put to Vote whither Said Proprietors w d dispose of y e Land or pafsage aforesd to m r William Brattle & it pafs'd in y e affirma- tive Also put to Vote whither Said Proprietors w d give s d Land to m' Brattle & it pafs'd in y e Affirmative Also on a Motion made on behalf of W™ Morse that he might have liberty to purchase a Small Strip or piece of Land Adjoyning to his front against the Common. Voted that y e Comitte appointed to call Proprietors Meetings Viz'. L' : Amos Marrett m r Jason Rufsel & Cap' Moses Bordman be hereby impowered to treat with s d W™ Morse about s d piece of Land & to dispose of & Convey y e Same to him y e s d Morse on Such terms as he & y e s d Comitte may agree At a Meeting of y e Proprietors of y e Comon Lands in Cambridge Orderly Convened 17 th March 1728 9. Maj 1 ! William Brattle was chosen Moderator. In Answer to y e motion of John Bradish Refering to his purchase of a piece of Comon Land on the Westerly Side of his barn. Voted y' a Comitte be appointed to View s d Land & to treat w' : h mF Bradish about it, & if they See Meet, make Sale thereof unto him. Lieuf Amos Marrett, m r Jason Rufsel & Cap' Moses Bordman were chosen a Committe for y e Service aforesd Also Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to fry day next at four a Clock after noon, to hear y e Report ofs d Comitte Refering to y e Sale of s d Land to m r Bradish aforesd. At a Meeting of y e ProprieP of y e Comon Lands in Cambridge Orderly Convened 14 Ap 1 ! 1729 . Maj! W2 Brattle was chosen Moderator. Voted that m T . John Bradish be hereby granted a piece of Land on y c Westerly Side of a grant of Said Propriet ra (6 DecF 1714) to Zach : Hickes where s d Bradish's Barn Stands, Measuring y e depth of s d Hickes's grant that is to Say thirty feet; and fifty feet to y e Westward of s d Grant. Provided it dos not incroach on any [286] former Grant or high way; he the Said Bradish paying for y e Same y e Sum of three pounds ; s d Mony to be paid to s d Proprietors Clerk 320 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 12 th : January 1729/30 On the Motion of y e Rev rd mf Nathj 1 Appleton y* a Comitte may be appointed to view y e 8i 8t Lot of Land in y e first division on Cam r Rocks in order to s d Lotts being inclosed, Said Lott being Laid out to mf Mitchell. Said Select Men have Nominated & appointed m r Jona: Butterfield & m! Joseph Winshipp to Joyn \v th Dea Sam! 1 Bowman & m r Joseph Addams in Viewing s d Lott of Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs than two Rods wide & to make Return of their doings in this affair to Said Select Men. At a Meeting of y e Select Men 12^ Octo r : 1730. On y e Motion of Jam 8 : Cuttlery' a Comitte may be Appt d : (Pursuant to a Vote of y c Propriet™ 20 Nov r : 1689) to view the 77 th lot of Land in y e first division on Cam r Rocks laid out to Joseph Crackbon ; Said Select Men have Nominated & appointed Jona Butterfield & Edm d : ffrost to Joyn w' h John Swan & ffra s Lock whom sd Cuttler has Nomin- ated to view said Lott of Land & (if need be) to State pafsages thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs y n two Rods wide, & to make Return of their doings in this affair to Said Select Men. [287] At a meeting of y e Select Men 2 nd Novf 1730. On y e Motion of Jona: Wyeth & Gershom Cutter 3 tlu . 8 that a Com- itte may be appointed (pursuant to a Vote of y e Propriet 1 ? 2o'. h Nov^ 1689) to view y e 51 & 52 nd lotts of Land in y c first division on Camf Rocks laid out to Wid : Wyeth & Edw d Hall's heirs; S d Select Men have Nominated & appointed Cap' Moses Bordman & m r Steph. Pren- tice to Joyn w th m r Jn°: Cutter & m r Jacob Hill whom s d Wyeth & Cut- ter have appointed to to View s d Lotts of Land & (if need be) to State pafsag 8 thru y e Same, no pafsage to be Lefs y n two Rods wide and to make Return of y r doings in y 8 : Affair to Said Select Men [288] At a meeting of the Selectmen 21 st March 1737/8 Whereas Nath" Hill has made his application to the Selectmen that a Com"' 1 may be appointed in order to his inclosing a Tract of land on Camb^ Rocks which he latly purchas'd of Jon? Wyeth said Selectmen have appointed M^ John Cutter to joyn with M' Gershom Cutter 3 U . S who PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 32 I said Hill has appointed to be a Com" 6 to View said land and (if need be) to state pafsages through the same no pafsage being lefs then two Rods wide and to make Return of their doings thereon to the Selectmen. Camb 1 ; April the 10 th 1738. We the subscribers being appointed aCommitte by the Selectmen of the Town of Camb r : afores d on the one party and Nath" Hill on the other party To View a Certain lot of land which he the said Hill pur- chas'd of Jon* Wyeth lying on Camb r . Rocks, and to state pafsages through the same if need be ; Have accordingly attended said service the day above mentiond, and do make Report as followeth : Viz' That there be a pafsage way on said Lot beginning at the Road or way leading to the Roes in Lexington said pafsage being Bounded : I"' with a fast rock and a heap of stones upon it near the said Road 2 ndly with a heap of stones two Rods from the south east corner of said Hill's Dwelling house 3 ly with a white oke stump and stones about it 4 ly with a smal stump and a heap of stones 5 ly : with a heap of stones two Rods from Jason Rufsels stone wall, 6 ly with a heap of stones two Rods from said Jason Rufsels wall, fl with a heap of of stones about three rods from the Corner of Gershom Cutter's stone wall ; and thence strait to the said corner of Gershom Cutter's wall. The said pafsage lying on the north westerly side of the first above mentiond Boundarys til it comes to said Jason Rufsel's wall and then on the northerly and Northeasterly side of the Boundarys til it comes to said Cutters Corner; and the pafsage to be in no place lefs then two Rods wide. John Cutter ) ,-, , tr >- ^ • Com . Gersh™ Cutter jun r 1 [289] At a meeting of the Selectmen of Camb^ 10 th Aug" 1741 On the Motion of M r : Amos Marret that a Corn*" may be ap- pointed (pursuant to a Vote of the proprietors 29 th Nov^ 1689) To View the 20 th lott of land in the second Division on Camb r Rocks said Selectmen and said Marrett have nominated and appointed Mefs"? Jon a Hastings jun r and Zech r Hill to View said lot of land and, if need be, 322 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to State pafsages through the same no pafsage to be lefs then two Rods wide, and to make Return of their Doings in this affair to sf Selectmen Pursuant to the above written we have Viewed the 20 th lot of Land in the second Division on Camb 1 : Rocks and have stated two pafsages through the same one beginning at the southeast end of said lot at a heap of stones and run's Westward til you get four or five rods beyond the Brook to a heap of stones, then turning Northwest til you get out of said lot to a heap of stones ; the other beginning at the Corner of Cap 1 ; Eph™ Frost's pasture wall Running to a wallnut Tree Marked from said Tree to a heap of stones on the brow of the hill which brings it to the other pafsage ; each to be Two Rods wide and according to the heaps of stones Camb: Dec' 4 th 1741 Jon a Hastings junf ) Zech^ Hill Com" 6 . [292] At a meeting of the Selectmen of Cambridge the g tb day of June 1760. On the motion of Mefs r ! Ephraim Frost Jun r & Samuel Frost that a Committe be apponted (Pursuant to a Vote of the Proprietors 20 th Nov 1 : 1689. To View a Lott of Land lying on Cambridge Rocks it being a Lott they lately purchased of Col! Jacob Wendal ; Said Selectmen have Nominated & Appointed Mefs™ Joseph Adams jun* & Jason Rufsel, to joyn with Mefsf Gershom Cutter & Ebenezer Elliott whom said Frost's have nominated to View Said Lott of Land and (if need be ) to State pafsages through the same, no pafsage to be lefs than two Rods wide & to make Return of their doings in the affair to the said Selectmen of said Town. Cambridge Decemb r : 3? 1760. We the Subscribers by the Appointment of the Selectmen of Said Town, with the Desire of Ephraim Frost jun' & Samuel Frost have PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 323 been upon said Lott within mentioned & find no Occasion for any pafse way through the same. Joseph Adams jun r Jason Rufsel Gershom Cutter Eben 1 ; Elliot. At a meeting of the Selectmen of Cambridge the f/! 1 of June 1760. On a motion of Jason Rufsel that a Committe be Appointed (Pur- suant to a Vote of the Proprietors 20 th of Novemb' 1689. To View a Lott of Land lying on Cambridge Rocks, it being a Lott he latly pur- chased of Francis Locks wife; said Selectmen have nominated & Appointed Mefs*? Zachariah Hill & Ebenezer Prentice, to joyn with Mefs"? Samuel Frost & Joseph Frost, whom said Rufsel has nominated to View said Lott of Land and (if need be) to State pafsages through the same, no pafsage to be lefs than two Rods wide, & make Return of their doings in the affair to the Selectmen of said Town. Cambridge Decemb* 2*? 1760. We by the Appointmen of the Selectmen of said Town with the desire of M r Jason Rufsel have been upon the said Lott mentioned within & find no occasion for any pafs way through it. Zach'; Hill, Eben r Prentice, Sam" Frost Joseph Frost. [293] At a meeting of the Selectmen of the town of Cambridge November 8. 1784. On a motion of Cap? William Adams and Mf Gershom Cutter, that a Committee may be appointed (pursuant to a Vote of the proprietors Nov r 20. 1689) to view two lots of land belonging to said Adams & two lots belonging to said Cutter all lying on Cambridge Rocks at a place corn- only called long Swamp ; Said Selectmen have nominated & appointed Mefs. Ammi Cutter and Benjamin Lock to join with Mefs. Ebenf Swan 3 2\ PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. & Thomas Cutter appointed by said William Adams & Gershom Cutter to view said lots of land & (if need be) to state pafsages thro' the same ; no pafsage to be lefs than two rods wide ; and they are to make a Return of their doings thereon to said Selectmen, afsoon as conven- iently may be [294] Cambridge August 19*? 1767. At a meeting of the Selectmen of said Town upon application made to thim by the Rev? M r Daniel Rogers of Littleton giving said Select- men to understand that he Consents to fence out a way in his farm Scituate lying & being on the Rocks in said Cambridge formerly be- longing to the Rev? M r John Whiting of Concord for the accomoda- tion of M r James Perry & others in Consequence of their desire & pur- suant to an Antient Vote of the Proprietors in said Town, where no way hath been laid out. The s d Selectmen upon mature Consideration had made Choice of the Hon w : e William Brattle Esq 1 : & Cap' : Ebenezer Stedman ; the Rev? Mf Dan| Rogers made Choice of Cap* : Ephraim Frost jun r & Mf William Dana both Selectmen of said Cambridge to joyn with the first named Selectmen; the said William ; Ebenezer, Ephraim & William to be ,the Committe to lay out said way for the purpose aforesaid ; The Selectmen & Committe are very Sensible that on the 10 th of January 1705 there was a Similar Application to this made by M r Thomas Whittemore a Tenant on said Whitings Farm, now said Rogers's, But not by the said Whiting that we could learn Either by the Proprietors Records or any otherwise, nor doth it appear that Application was then made to the Selectmen by any other person living, but by the said Whittemore ; who Considered as a Tenant had no Right to apply or the Selectmen to Grant his Request & pofsible the whole was done without the said Whitings knowledge; yet so it was a way was then laid out in Conse- quence of said Application through s d : Whitings farm, now said Rogers's on the Rocks aforesaid, But the way was never fenced out or Trod to this day that any one living can tell, for where said way was then laid out (Viz. 1 ) from the Road leading from Menotomy to Watertown to Nicholas Fefsendens Corner cannot pofsibly be afsertained in the whole, But by that part of said way which is known it manifestly appears that it PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 325 cant now nor Could it ever accomodate any persons land that way, which pofsibly might be the Reason why it never was used or fenced of; Wherefore upon the whole the same Cannot in law or Equity be looked upon as a way according to the True Intent & meaning of the Vote of the Proprietors aforesaid any more then if it had never been layed out, therefore in lieu thereof, & that the said James Perry & others might be accomodated with [295] a way through s d Rogers s land on the Rocks afores d formerly s d Whitings agreable to the True Intent & meaning of s d Proprietors Vote as afores d We whose names are under written a Committe aforesaid for the purpose aforesaid Do this 19 th of August 1767. hereby order & Deter- mine that the pafsage way through said Rogers's farm on the Rocks aforesaid formerly said Whitings land for the accomodation of the said James Perry & others in lieu of the way aforesaid be as follows, (Viz') To begin at the Stone wall near to the Gate where there are two horse Blocks one Standing on the Kings way leading from Menotomy Meet- ing house to Watertown ; the other Standing in M r Rogers's Pasture leading to the s d Perrys house to begin from the said Rogers's Stone wall near to said Gate & on the Right hand thereof leading to said Perrys house measuring Two Rods from said Wall towards the opposite Wall thereto & so Runing Exactly as said first mentioned Wall Runs to the Corner thereof, & from thence near Strait to a Stake & heap of Stones, from thence Strait to an other Stake & heap of Stones, thence upon a Range to an other Stake & heap of Stones near a Bryer Bush ; thence to another Stake & heap of Stones Two Rods from M re Mercy Perrys wall & near to her Mansion house, two Rods S Westerly from said mark or Bondaries, till comes to the last mentioned Boundary, which is to Run to said Wall till meets with the said James's Wall, & so it is to Run two Rods distant & from his wall till it comes to Nicholas Fefsenden's Corner formerly so Called, now Zachariah Hill's Corner or dividing line between him &the s d James; & from said Corner it is to Run two Rods upon & from said Hills land & no further, when the Road or pafsage way through said Rogers's Pasture or land is hereby to Terminate agreable to the several Stakes & heaps of Stones Set up by us the Subscribers which are to be Two Rods & no more to said Mercy Perry, James Perry & Zachariah Hills Walls aforesaid. 326 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. To all which said Rogers & Perry both personally present were well Satisfied & agreed William Brattle Ebenezer Stedman Ephraim Frost jun r William Dana. [296] At a meeting of the Selectmen of the Town of Cambridge November 8. 1784. On a motion of Cap' William Adams, that a Committee be ap- pointed (pursuant to a Vote of the Proprietors Nov' 20. 1689) to view a lot of Land belonging to John Adams which he purchased of Andrew Boardman lying on Cambridge Rocks ; said Selectmen have nominated & appointed Mefs Ammi Cutter & Benjamin Lock to join with Mefs Ebenezer Swan & Thomas Cutter appointed by said William Adams to view said Lot of Land & (if need be) to state pafsages through the same ; no pafsage to be lefs than two Rods wide ; And they are to make Return of their Doings thereon to said Selectmen as soon as Con- veniently may be. [297] At a Meeting of the Selectmen of the Town of Cambridge May. 7. 1787, on a motion of Cap' Ephra™ Froft that a Committee may be Appointed (pursuant to a Vote of the Proprietors Nov? 20. 1689) to View a Lot of Land belonging to said Frost lying on Cambridge Rocks, said Selectmen have Nominated & Appointed M r . Tho* Cutter & Cap' Benj? Lock to Join with Mefs Nehemiah Cutter & Sam 1 Rufsell Appointed by said Froft to view said Lot of Land, & if need be to state pafsages through the same, no pafsage to be lefs than two Rods wide& they are to make a return of their doings thereon to said Selectmen, as foon as conveniently may be drawn [298] At a Meeting of the Selectmen of the town of Cambridge May 23 d 1791. Voted that Captain Jeduthan Wellington Ammi Cutter, John Adams & George Prentifs, at the request of Mr John Frost and Captain Ephraim Frost, be a Committee (pursuant to a Vote of the Proprietors, Novem- PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 327 ber 20 th 16S9) to view a lot of Land, lying on Cambridge Rocks, in the fecond Division, known at this day by the name of the Tufts lot: and if need be, to stake pafsages thro' the same : no pafsage to be lefs than two rods wide; and they are to make return of their doings thereon to the Selectmen as soon as conveniently may be. Attest T. L. Jennison Town Clerk We the Subscribers being a Committee appointed at the request of Captain Ephraim Frost & John Frost, to view and lay out a Road through a lott of land in the fecond Division on Cambridge Rocks, so called, and known by the name of Tufts lot, and by desire of them & the Selectmen, have attended that fervice, & after hearing the parties concerned, have laid out a Proprietors way of two Rods -wide, at the Easterly part of said lot, on land of Samuel Rufsell, & flaked out the same, with stakes and Stones, being about Twenty four Rods in length, beginning at the upper end of Cutter's lane, so called, and ending on Land now belonging to Jonathan Robbins. all which is Submitted. J. Wellington Cambridge May 30 th 1791 Ammi Cutter George Prentifs f Committee John Adams J [299] At a meeting of the Selectmen of Cambridge June 14. 1797. Voted, That Maj. J. Wellington & W ra Locke be a Committee to join with MT George Prentice & Samuel Butterfield, at the request of Mf Noah Rufsell (pursuant to a Vote of the Proprietors Nov. 20. 1689) to view two lots of land now owned by said Rufsell in the second divi- sion on Cambridge rocks so called & (if need be) to stake pafsages thro' the same ; no pafsage to be lefs than two rods wide ; and the said Com- mittee are to make return of their doings thereon to the Selectmen as soon as may be — The same Committee were also appointed to view a lot of land belonging to Jonathan Robbins, at his request adjoining to Noah Rufsells'. Extract from the Selectmen's Records Timothy L. Jennison Town Clerk 328 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Cambridge June 27. 1797. Agreeable to the annexed Instructions, we the Subscribers have been & viewed one lot of land belonging to Noah Rufsell on the second division which lot was according to the best information now to be obtained was laid out to one Blowers & we find that said Blowers' lot laiys at the head of a lot laid out to Lieut. Remington in the first division from the road that was formerly laid out from Watertown line to Cooks Mills. We also find, that about the year 1726. that a Committee was on said Remington's lot & did lay out a road through the same in order to accomodate said Blower's lot, & from a change of property we find that it is not necefsary to continue said road any further, nor to have a pafsage laid out through said Blowers or Ruf- sell lot. July 3. 1797. We also proceeded to view Two lots on said second division one belonging to Jon a Robbins the other to said Noah Rufsell, which two lots, we beleive, was formerly laid out to Richard Cutter & one Swan, & are of opinion, that a pafsage way thro said lots is necefsary to be laid out & have staked out the same as follows, Viz. Beginning at the head of a lot in the first division, belonging to Samuel Rufsell, being the Northerly of said pafsage and continuing the same course at the head of Ephraim Cook's lot as the Wall now stands, until] it comes within Two rods at the westerly side of said Noah Rufsell's lot to a stake & stones ; then turning Southerly at the side of said Rufsell's lot about four rods to another stake & stones, said pafsage not A be lefs than two rods wide, and are also of opinion, that the said Robbins & Rufsell may inclose the rest of their lots. — ]. Wellington, George Prentice ) W m Locke, Sam! Butterfield \ Committee [3001 At a meeting of the Selectmen of Cambridge on July 6. 1 S07. On the motion of Mr Nehemiah Cutter, that a Committee may be appointed (pursuant to a vote of the Proprietors Nov. 20. 1689) to view a certain lot of land lying on Cambridge rocks, & is the Eightieth lot, & was originally laid out to Edward Pelham and contains twenty-four PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 329 Acres ; a part of which lot now belongs to said Cutter. The Select- men have appointed Cap' Nath 1 P. Watson to join with William Win- throp Esq. appointed by said Cutter to view the land aforesaid, and (if need be) to state pafsages through the same ; no pafsage to be lefs than two rods wide ; and the said Committee are to make return of their doings herein, to the Clerk of the Proprietors of the Common lands, with all convenient speed. By the Selectmen, (Signed) Tim Fuller, Clk In pursuance of the within appointment, we the persons therein named, have been on, & carefully viewed the land belonging to Nehemiah Cut- ter, it being a part of the Eightieth lot in the first division, laid out to Edward Pelham, & having maturely considered the necefsity of laying out, or stating a pafsage through the same, are clearly of opinion, that in our judgment, there is no necefsity of any pafsage being stated thro the land belonging to said Cutter, which is abovementioned (Signed) Wf Winthrop N. P. Watson Cambridge April 8. 1808. Entered & Exam? By Wf Winthrop Prop 8 Clerk 330 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. y e IS Julye 1639 Itt is ordered att our meetinge this day Abouenamed y' Edward Gofe mr Jofeph Coocke Brother marrett shall order the Deuifione of the Common fence in the necke of Land betwene charles tovvne and vs and thatt fence whiche shall then be found belonginge to our towne both againfte y e necke of Land & the oxepafture to be equallye deuided Amongft thofe y* haue proprieties there to eache A an there seuerall portione & the same fences to be sumtientlye made vp with all fpeede for the secureinge the corne there and they shall haue sufhtiente power to putt euerye man A or y 6 prefente makinge of the fences y' shall be found belonge A to A hem and if Anye shall neglecte prefentely to doe itt Itt [ ] be in y e power of the parties Abouefayd to sett men on A orke to doe itt & the sayd parties shall prefentelye pay the mony A r ells itt shall be in the power of the sayd men Apointed for to A iftraine for the monye : this bufines is to be done within A fortenighte att furtheft Allfoe itt is ordered for y e fences Aboute y e weft end feildes [ ] all y l are defective & nott prefentely made vp shall be fined Accordinge to y e order And further wee Apointe twoo men to A isite thofe fences once A weeke euerye weeke till our nexte towne meetinge & to bring in a note of all they finde A fective giuinge y e parties notice to Amend itt suffi- tientely with A [ ] days or ells to expecte our takinge the fynes of 5" A Rod a. out Anye fauor in thatt cafe. Aprill .4 . 1636. It is ordered that whofoeuer findes eyther horfe Cow, ox, goate, or Any other beaft, in Any of the planting feildes, after the 2 day of the next weeke, fhall haue fix pence a peice for bringing them out. * [The entries printed on this page are on the last page of the " Registere Booke," after which the book is turned upside down, and the paging reads ffolio I to 32.] PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 331 ffolio: 1: Lootts Giuen out By the towne one the South fide of Charles Riuer : in two Seuer A Diuiflions; To seuerall men as ffolloweth 1 Loott : 2 Loott : 3 Loott : 4 Loott : 5 Loott 6 Loott : 7 Loott : 8 Loott 9 Loott : 10 Loott : 1 1 Loott 1 2 Loott : 13 Loott: 14 Loott 15 Loott 1 6 Loott : 1 7 Loott 18 Loott 1 9 Loott 20 Loott 2 1 Loott 22 Loott 23 Loott : 24 Loott. 25 Loott : 26 Loott 2 7 Loott 28 Loott 29 Loott 30 Loott 3 1 Loott 32 Loott The Lower The 1 Vpper Diuiflion : Diuiflion John Stedman : . . . . Acars : 6 . Acars 6 59 Perfiuall Greene : . Aca; 6 . Acars 6 5 S Edmund Anger : . . . . Acars 8 . Acars 8 57 John Champnies : . Ac. 7 • Acars 7 5 6 Robert Homes : . . . Aca 6 . Acars 6 55 Thomas Bloged : . . . . Aca : 8 . Acars 8 54 William ffrench . . . Aca 8 . Acars 8 53 John ffisenden . . . . Ac. 4 • Acars 4 52 Jofheph Ifaake . . . . Aca 8 . Acars 8 51 Gilbert Crakborne. . Ac: 5 • Acars 5 5° Robert Bradifh . . . Aca: 7 • Acars 7 49 Robert Danniell . . . Aca 8 . Acars S 48 Edward Winchepp : . . A: 10 . Acars 10 47 Edward Collins . . . Aca : 10 . Acars 10 46 m rs Sherbone : . . . . Acar : 6 . Acars 6 45 ra' maifters .... . Acars : 6 . Acars 6 44 William Cutter . . . Aca 6 . Acars 6 43 William Holeman . . . Ac 6 . Acars 6 42 Widdowe Younge . . . Aca 5 • Acars 5 4i Robert Stedman . . . Aca 4 • Acars 4 40 William Bucke : . . . Acars. 4 • Acars 4 39 Thomas Chefleholme. . Aca 5 • Acars 5 38 William Willcocke : . . . Aca 4 • Acars 4 37 Richard Parker . . . Aca 6 . Acars 6 36 John Beets .... . Acars : 7 • Acars 7 35 Chriftopher Caine . . . Aca 4 • Acars 4 34 Steuen Daye . . . . Acars 6 . Acars 6 33 ffrancis more : . . . . Acar 4 • Acars 4 32 John More .... . Aca 6 . Acars 6 31 Samuell Greene . . 4 • Acars 4 30 Guye : Benbrike . . 3 • Acars 3 2 9 Nathaniell Handcocke : . . A: 5 • Acars 5 28 332 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 33 Loott 34 Loott 35 Loott 36 Loott 37 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5° 5i- 5 2 - 53 54 55 : 56 57 58 59- Thomas Parrifh : .... Ac m' Beniamine Aca : John Meane Aca Widdowe Wilkinfon : . . George Willis ..... Aca John Gibbs : Acars : John Ruffell Acars George Hutchins : . . . Aca M rs Greene Aca Richard Jackfone .... Aca William Pattin Aca Thomas Marrett : . . . . Aca Abram Morrell : . . . . Aca Barnabe Lampfone . . . Ac. widdowe ffaning : ... Aca Edward Michafon : . . . Ac : Robert Parker : .... Ac John Seell Aca Roger Shaw : Aca John ffrench Aca Thomas Bridgham : . . . Aca. Hezekiah Vsher .... Aca Robert Saunders : ... Aca : William Man Aca: Thomas Beale : . . . . Aca Thomas Sweateman. . . . William Towne Aca : Acars 6 27 Acars 8 26 Acars 4 2 S Acars 7 24 Acars 4 2 3 Acars 6 22 Acars 7 21 Acars 5 20 Acars 5 19 Acars 8 18 Acars 6 17 Acars 8 16 Acars 4 iS Acars 6 14 Acars 6 13 Acars 6 12 Acars 5 n Acars S 10 Acars 9 9 Acars 5 8 Acars 4 7 Acars 6 6 Acars 8 5 Acars 4 4 Acars 4 3 Acars 4 2 Acars 5 1 [2] A note of y e 56 Acres giuen in the new feild towards monotomye. [18] A note of y e owners who bought proprieties in the Rocke meadow. There are no folios between 2 and iS. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 333 [20] A record of the names of the men who were purchafers & haue proprieties in the frefhe pond meadow and their quan- titie of Acers : with an Agreemente made by ionte confente att thoie Lotts Drawinge. Acers & Acers Imp r William Hollman .... 2 I It Roberte Bradifhe IO O Gie Banbrooke . 7 I Chriftopher Kane 5 o Edw Gofe . . . 7 I Thomas Bloggitt 2 I William man . 2 I Jofeph Ifaacke 2 I John mafters . 7 I Tho Parilhe . . 2 I Elder ffroste . . 2 I Grigorye Stone . s o Elder champnye . IO o John Gibfone . . 5 o John more . . . 5 o Edward Winchope IO o Sam Greene . . 2 I nathaneell Sparhacke 5 o William ffrenche . 5 o Itt was Agreede vppon y e lotts Drawinge y l all thofe y' haue proprie- ties in this meadow, shall come in common charge to maintaine the highway, & Allfoe, if itt be thought meete to be att charge to Draw the river drie eache man to beare his share in y e charge or to take A competente price for his land, who shall foe refufe to doe. Allfoe itts Agreede y' there shall rune A High way twoo rod wide, to the riuer, and bridge, where now itt lies ouer the riuer, and then A High way 2 rod wide by the riuer side to y e end of the meadow, and euerye man to make A suffitient diche att there lotts end; on the carte way side y l lies from the riuer by the lotts ends : And further, if itt shall be thought meete to make A Highway through the Grcate Swamp att * Folio 19 is a blank page. 334 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. y e further end of y e meadow, on to the greate plaine leadinge to monoto- mye thatt then eache man shall beare there share in y e charge : allfoe itts Agreede y' A highway be layd out att the Pond head to rune vp to mr Sparhackes land beinond the meadow. And further the i lott to begine att y e way side, as sonne as wee are ouer the riuer thus itt was Agreede att y l time when y e meadow came to be deuided by y e surveyor itt was Agree a by y e mofte to allter y e other, and lay the Highway Againfte mr Spar- hackes land, att y e vpper end of the lotts. & foe itt runes to y e Hand . & then Another way croffe downe y e further end of y e meadow to y e riuer, where now A bridge is made ouer itt to y e new oxepafture foe since called as the plett of the meadow will show : and my brother Sparhacke had all his meadow in A nooke Adioyninge to his owne land [22] The proprieto 18 of the necke of land the pofsefsed with it : 1648: 22. ffeb: [23] 28 (2) 1652. at a meeting of y e owners of the weft feild. it was agreed & confented y' Bro. ffox fhould make fifty rod of fence agft the weft feild anent the land he bought of m r Shepards executoures and it was then agreed that theis men fhould be remoued, and make the fame pportion of fence at the end of the fence next the great fwampe. In manner following. Goodman Man 10 pole OO foot the fence that apperteined to m re Sherbole .... 24 6 foot To Thomas Marret now Bro : Withes 16 00 and alfo it was agreed that m r Dunfter and Goodfn Parker fhould make up their pportion of comon fence to be continued into fwamp, the fame number of rods in pportion with the feild, and was alfo confented unto by m* Dunfter & Robert Parkr to maintain y e fame untill they did fence in theire land in pticular with a Sufficient fence. * Folio 21 is a blank page. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 335 To begin this new addition in this manner to begin : next unto y' which belonged to m r Russells land. feet 1: Nicholas withe for the land that was Br: Marrets . . 16 pis — 00 2. the fence y' appteined to m™ Sherbole, vz l to Bro. Michelfon 15 — 00 3 Bro. Homes, nine pole 09 — 00 4 Goodman Man 10 pole IO — 00 5. m r Dunfter. ffor 11. acres 33 ■ — 00 6. Robert Parker 6 acres 18 — 00 ffurther it is agreed by theis pties that all of them fhall Joine this prfent in making fo much of this as is needfull for y e fccurity of the feild, and then eu r ie one to fee to y e maintenaince of it in manner aboue. the 1 i'. h of may they agree to go to gether to make this fence. [24] 23 th 12*" mo. 1648. Vppon an apSytment, of a generall meeting of the proprietors of the Lands with in the weft feild, we then found according to a deuifion made of the fence appertayneing to the fame, formerly : euery mans pportion as here ffolloweth in order, begining at the firft foure Railes next the greate Swamp adjoyneing to the ox pafture, and ending at water Towne Line next W m Hamletts. The fence is deuided in the generall ?> c 0. for one acre of Land, 3 pole of fence. 01 " R. Parifh 1 . Ri : Homes 2 ) formerly John Rufsell. 06 18 00 \V m Bucke 3. ac r . ) John Sill. 04I- 13 H Edward Hall. °4 12 00 Tho Chefholme. 00 °3 00 Bro : withe : Robert Parker. Sam : Greene. 04 14 00 Ri : Ecles. 4 : John Boutell. 2} Guy Banbridge 09 -7 00 Jofepth Ifacke. 03 09 00 M rs Sherbole. °3 00 00 Br : withe : Thomas Marret. 10 04 33 6 PROPRIETORS* RECORDS. fwamp Br : withe. Br : withe. Br : withe. Br : withe : Br. withe. Br : Homes. 3. Bro : michelfon 4 and ffranc. whitmore, 6 ac r . to mak in fwamp Br : withe. W m Bucke 1. W Wilkerfon 3. ffrench 2 Samuell Greene Thomas Chefholme W 1 ? Cutter Thomas Beale. Samuell Greene. W m Man W ra Towne Rich Parke Gilbert Cracbone Thomas Beale W m Cutter W m Manning Hellen Greene. W" Man. m rs Sherbole W m Bucke Thomas Marret W m Towne Rich Parke W m Wilcocke W ra Patten W m and John ffrench Edward Michelfon Abra m Morrill Jofepth Ifacke W m Towne Ifbell Wilkerfon Edward Winfhip John Moore Richard Champnis John Moore John Betts Gilbert Cracbo and gate adjoyneing Dauid ffifke John Moore W m Holman Abra Eringtone the gate and fence to y e Corner. 03 05 03 06 03 06 °3 06 °S 07 07 1 1 00 °3 00 °3 °3 09 06 iS 10 3° 06 16 02 °3 09 °7 06 04 12 06 20 18 07 07 06 18 08 17 06 18 00 °5 10 30 06 09 00 06 03 09 09 06 18 00 00 04 les. 6 les. 4 04 06 84 06 04 o8 A 08 A 00 '-'5 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 337 Henry prentice Simon Crofby Grigory Stone Thomas Parifh Gilbert Cracbone M re Sherbole Robt Daniell. 06 18 22 l 9 06 06 °5 oj oi£ 8A [25] Bro : Goffe to make the one half of the fence betwen Br. Beale and himself and next to that his pt of fence for his owne Land in the necke Jn". Russell . Jn°. Glover . Jn°. Cooper . W ra Wilcocke W m Man . . Robt : ftedman Jn°. Stedman Ed. Angier . Br. Beal . . m r Tho : Shepard m rs Tompson Robt. Parks , Tho : ffox f 07 00 06 07 OS 08 07 04 03: 07 09 ii next to m' Cooke lie th foot Herbert Pelham . 16 1 Si Tho : Danforth . 04 14 Robert Broadifh . 02 07 W m Holman . . 00 I* Tho : Brigham . 12 Richard Jacson . 12 m rs Benjamen i3i Edw. Micherfon . 02 00 Jno. Betts . . . 02 °7 Thos Parifh . . 01 i3i m' Parks Land . 1 1 1 Robt. Holmes 1 1 1 Tho : Mark . . 02 § m r Sanders . . 1 °3i Golden Moore . 00 i3i Jno. Thrumble . 00 025 Eld', ffroft . . . 00 05 s Jn". Bridge . . 00 IS m r Dunfter . . 00 12 Ri . Cutter . . 00 07 Tho : Chefholme 00 02i Cap': Gookine 21 8i and to the gate. 338 [26] PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ffences of the weft ffeild. w a. formerly 8 John ffifhenden . . 03 09 00 John Meene . 02^ 04i 00 Elder ffroft and ) John Gipfon i IO 30 00 John Meene . . . OO 03 00 Goulden Moore . . ioi 3i 00 Thomas Parifli . . 12 00 Robt Parker . . . 18 00 Elizabeth Greene . 04 12 00 Wid : Bloget . . . 03 09 John Bridge . . . 12 36 00 Abra. Morrill . . 13 06 Widow Bloget . . 08 07 finis At a generall meeting of the pprietors of the necke of land by the confent of the major pt of the pprietors there was an adition of fence added to eache pprietor for the preferueing of it from Itroy : The fence that was added began at the ftile beneath m r Cookes orchard and ended at the bottom of Thomas Beals fquare peece that was Captine Patricks. It was then agreed and Confented unto by Bro. Beale. Captin Goo- kin & m r Cooke each of them to beare half the fence adjoyne A to there owne lands, and the necke to beare the reft. The fence was thus deuided, in order following Impt To m r Cooke half that which lay agft his land rod foot Inch and his ption for his land in the necke ... 512 To m r Herbert Pelhatn 16 15& To Tho : Danforth 04 14 Rob 1 : Broadifh 02 07 W m Hofnan 00 01 4 Tho: Brid^ham 00 12 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 339 Ri: Jacson 00 12 m r . s Benjamin OO 12 Edw. Michelfon 02 John Russell 00 07 Capt Gookin John Betts haueing noe fence before 2i£ for his land 02 07 Tho. Parifh OI 13^ m r Parks land 01 11 Robt. Homes 01 11 John Glouer 08 00 John Coop 00 06 Tho : Marrit 00 02 8 in m r Sanders 01 03! Golden Moore 00 13-4 John Bridge OO 15 VV m Wilcocke 00 07 Goodm Man : 00 05 Robt. Stedman 00 08 John Stedman 02 07 - 9 m r Dunfter 00 12- Ed Angier(4) foote.Bro : Beal.2 foot. 8. 02 12 Tho. Chefholm 00 02 4 Ri. Cutter 00 07 - rod foot Inch [27] John Thrumble 2-8 Elder froft 5 "8 Tho : Shepards land .... I - I m" Tomfon 2-00 Robt. Parker 3-°i£ Tho : ffox (7) foote 7 - °° The 7 th of the (l) mo 1652 or 1653. The proprietors of the necke of Land being met together to deter- mine a difference about ffencing the fame, The Question being made 340 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS, by fome whether the marfh was of right to make any part of the comon ffence annent the upland, at wch time all being confidered that was propounded on eyther Side, the major part not only of the proprietors in the whole necke but alfo the major part of the proprietors and pro- priety of the marfh did conclude and agree that of right and according to juftice and equity the Marfh being in it Self as profitable, and re- ceiueing as much benefit by the out fence as the upland ought to make an equall fhare of all the comon out fence as the upland, and did there- fore conclude that eu r ie proprietor whether of marfh or upland fhould make up his or their proportion of fence according to the form r and laft deuission thereof. [28] The fence belonging to pine Swamp feild beginning at the gate, by william Mans house. pole 3. ac r . To Robert Parker the gate at 04 Edwd. Hall 02 2. ac r . Ed Hall, for his 2 .ac r in y e feild 12 2. ac r . Sister Wilkerson o8£ and 3$ annent Goode Bittleftone, Robert Parker o8f ffrances Moore 06 ox pafture feild 67 Robert Parker 05 }{ Robert Parker 36 CA m r Angier ....... 18 ) 2. ac r . William Towne 08 Goodm. Perce his portion ffrom y e Corner tree upwards William Towne 04 M r Sanders icji- Goodm Bakers Land his pt. 4. ac r . William Manning from y e Corner 24 13. ac r . M r Sanders 32 3. ac r . Bro Haftings i6£ M r Sanders 19+ John Taylor 2 T l e PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 341 M r Sanders 07 Tho: Danforth 13^ 4. ac r . Bro : ffox ffrom his flake to y e end for his own 4. acres and y' with out that he had of m r Sparhauks. Bro: Haftings to do all agft his Homeftall . The fence is devided about 6 : pole to an acre. The Homeftalls take of 17. i m r Pelhams feild takes of ji ^g it is that .$ next B r . Taylors Land. [29] 1645 The fettlement of the Necke fence made and Agreed upon by the Order of the f elect me in the yeere 1645 the Comtnity Edward Gofe m r Edward Collins thomas Marrit. Imprimis to m r Houghs farme foe far as the Extent of his owne land the fence deuided about three akers for one pole of fence [30] An adition offence made by thefelect men in the yeere 1682 to Common field at menotime as followeth : the fence being in three places viz againft widdow Rolfes land and the highway and againft menotimeddow [31] 14 th of the 2 d month 1684. At ameeting of the proprieto re of the weft feild and the Great Swamp, Called together by the Select men to Confider about the fence belonging to the weft feild & Said swamp, and after some debate of that matter It was agreed vpon and voted that the matter should be referd to the Select men for the ordering and fettling of the Sayd fence both for the feild and said Swamp ; which haue binn attended by the Select men the 17 th of the 2™ 1684 and each proprieto" pt of the fence meafured out, the proprieto re of the weft feild, that haue fence in the oxpafture againft the wood lotts, we layd there parts of fence for ther fwamp lotts together, and to each fwamp lott being ane aceo r & half we layd one rod & halfe; The Divifhons are as ffolloweth, begining vpon y e line of ffrancis Mores land, 342 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. againft the ox pafter & foe runn to the Swamp, and then goe along between the wood Lotts and the Swamp lotts rods half 2 John Steadman Jun r . 03 — O 1 Rob 1 Brown . . . OI ~i 1 Aaron Boedman OI -i 1 M" Michell . . OI — i 2 John Gibfon 03 — 1 M r Angier . OI 1 — 2" 1 M r Steadman OI -i 1 M r Cooke . OI 1 — ? 1 The Colledge OI -i 1 M r Pelham . OI 1 — ? 2 Sam" Goffe 03 — 2 M r Danforth efq r 03 — 2 ffrancis More 03 — These aboue ritten are againft ffrancis Mors land These ffollowing are between the wood lotts & the fwamp lotts begining at y e Corner; 1 — ffrancis More 1 — ? widdow wieth for weft feild fence . 33 — O 3 William Barritt 04 — § 5 John Goue 07 — £ John Marritt Sen r weft feild fence . 19 — O 2 & 2 lotts is 03 — o Roger Bucke weft feild fence . . 09 — o 1 & one Lott is . . 01 — J 1 Nathaniell Green 01 — $ Zechariah Hicks weft feild fence . 13 — £ Sam" Haftin 06 — o Solomon Prentice weft feild fence . 02 — O John Holms weft feild fence . . 09 — 3 — Abra: Holman 04 — £ 5 — Tho : Andrew 07 — $ PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 343 & weft feild fence 03 — o I — Richard Eccles 01 — 3 1 — Nath: Hancock 01 — £ John Watfon weft feild ffence . . 12 — o 1 — Thomas Brown 01 — £ Deacon Cooper 01 — £ Zechariah Hicks 01 — £ vviddow Bowtell for weft feild . . 05 — O Lotts Richard Robins for weft feild fence 06 — o 3 — John Palfry 04 — A Daniell Cheeuers for weft feild fence 09 — O 1 — & one lott 01 — i 1 — widdow Stwetman 01 — & 1 — John Holmes 01 — £ 2 — Tho : Longhorne 03 — o 1 — Peter Town 01 — $ 1 — John Green 01 — % 1 — Widdow Michelson 01 — $ Nicholas ffesenden for meddow & weft feild 16 — O 2 — Jer. Holman 03 — o Jacob Hill 01 — \ 7 — Deacon Haftin 10 — \ 2 — widdow Steauenfon 03 — o 1 — Georg Willice 01 — i The psell of fence that runn in y e Swamp to y' frefh pond riuer for weft feild fence ; Abra: Holman 18 — o Deacon Cooper 06 — o M r Danforth Efq r 06 — Deacon Ston 06 — o John Watson 06 — O Abra: Holman 01 — $ This laft pt of fence Joyns to y e frefh pond riuer 344 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Thefe Psells of fence aboue mentioned were Meafured out by Deacon Cooper Deacon Haftin ffrancis More the I7' : h 2°™ 1684: being apoynted foe to doe by the reft of the Select men, which is there returne ac- cord 1 " 8 to the truft Comitted to y e Select men by y e Sayd vott of the proprieto™ aboue written : Seuerall of which proprietors being eye witt- nefses to this diviflion of fence aboue mentioned [32] Cambridge May the ^ 1697 Agreed upon with Solomon Prentice Sen' to take off and maintaine and Secure John Gove from damage that may come by four Rods of fence, Lyeing att the head of Samuel Haftings Swamp-meadow, againft the Oxpafture; the Sume of money being payd and received by me this day and yeare above written, as witnes my hand from hence- forth & for ever Solomon Prentes N? tea* The leves in this ware cut out before I begun to Record for the propritors being a book I had by me which I had Don with [1] To the Hon 1 ! 1 Sam 1 . Danforth Efq r one of his Maig 8 : Juflefes of the peace for the county of Middlesex We the fubfcribers being propriators of the common and undivided Lands in the Town of Cambridge Do Humbly Requieft of youre Honnour to call a meeting of y e propriators of the Town aforef d to enable P propriators to Chuse a Committee and other needfull offefor and alfo to transact any other mater and things that Shall be thought needfull at f d meeting for the benifet of Said propriators April 10 : 1751 Sam! Whittemore Henry prentice Eb r Wyeth W m Fefsenden Solom" prentice Sam! Gookin Jacob Hill [2] Ay. : :\l\ Middlefex Ss. I' ''.•■■' ■;;./.) To Dea" Sam! Whittemore of Cambridge in Said County V^V>^ Greeting In compljance with the Requeft of y e propriators within named you are hereby Required to notifye the propriators of the common and undivided Lands within the Said Town of Cambridge that they meet and conveane together at the House of Lev* Eb^ Stedman of S d Town Inholder, on Tuefday the Seventh Day of may next, at four of the Clock after noon in order to Choofe a propriators Clerk, and a Com- mittee for calling propriators meetings for the futer also to Confider of, and pafs Such order upon a motion or petetion of m r Ed- Marrett Jn r of the fame Town, Relating to purchafing fum Common Land — near * This note is written at the becinninc; of Book number 2. 348 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Charles River whereon to Erect a wharf e (i) as the propriators may Judge proper which Notefkation you are to giv in writing, and to poll; up the Same in Sum publick place or placefes with in Said Town, at leaft fourteen Dayes before the Day herein before apointed for S J meet- ing, given under my hand and feal this fiftenth Day of April A. D 175 I and in the twenty fourth year of his majeftys Reign. Sam! Danforth J. pad Cambridge may y e fevententh 175 1 acording to the above writen warrent to me Directed I have Notified the propriators of y e Town of Cambridge by feting up Notifycations to meet at time and place above mentioned Sam! Whittemore [3] Middlefex fs At ameeting of the propriators of the common or Divided Lands in Cambridge in s d County, Conven d and and held at the Dwelling House of Lieu' Eben er Stedman in Said Town on the Sevententh Day of may. A. D. 1751 Sam! Danforth Esq r was chofen moderator. Deacon Sam! Whittemore chofen proprietors Clerk S d Whittemore & mefse 13 William Fefsenden & mofes Bordman, Chofen a Committee for Calling propriators meetings for the futer Voted, that when any meeting of the propriators Shall be called, the Said Committee Shall notife the the Same in ttime and maner as the Law for Calling propriators meetings Doth Direct on the motion or Requeft of m r Ed- marrett Jun r for a grant of fume marfh by the creek on the north fide of Charles River — where on to Erect a whorff Voted Sam 1 Danforth Ed- Trowbridge Efq ra Deacon Sam! Whittemore & m r mofes Bordman be a committee to Confider of Said motion, and to Report to the propriators at the ajornment of this meeting what they Judge proper to be Done thereon, then faid meeting was ajorned to the 20 th Day of the fame month may the 20* 175 1 the faid propriators met acording to adjornment, and heareing the Report of the laft mentioned Committee in favour of m r marrctts Request PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 349 Voted that the fame committee be Defired to Sett out by meets and bounds so much of the Said marfh as they may Judge needfull for the purpose mentioned and mak Report to the propriators at there next meeting by adjornment, then the meeting was adjorned to the 27 th Day of the Same month [4] May 27 th . 175 1 the propriators being met, the Said Committee Reported that they had meeted out a pece of said marfh convenant for Erecting awhorff, extending on the wefterly Side of the Creek'78 Feet, on the Southerly End of s d Creek 37 Feet, and at the Northerly End s d creek 43 Feet — and there upon it was Voted by s d propriators that there be granted to the s d Ed- marrett Jun r the piece of marfh afore- faid, contained within the limits aforesaid, by him to be held and enjoyed as in Fee Simple conditional, He to cause a Sufficient whorfif to be there erected within the Space of Two years from this time, & to Keep the same in good Repair, and allso to maintain a Sufficient way to the lower Lotts, and in case Said whorfif Shall at any time be out of Repair for more then Six month together, then, the Said marfh and appurtenances to Revert to the said propriators also Voted that said Whittemore Fefsenden & Bordman be Defired to fearch the Records, in order therebye (or by other Enquiry) to find upon what terms — former grants of marfh ware made, and what pro- vition was made for Conveniency of pafsing there alfo to inquier in m r Foxcrofts title to said Land bordering on the primefes, and to make Report thereon — then S d meeting was adjorn d to the Second monday in July next at Five of the Clock after noone [5] At ameeting of the propriators of the Town of Cambridge Legualy afembled on monday y e 9 th of march 1752 W- Bratle Efq r was Chofen Moderator Voted that no Sheep Kind for the future shall feed upon the com- mon and undivided Lands betwen the great Bridge and menotomy Bridge in this Town and that W= Bratle Efq r Deacon Henry Prentice Deacon Sam 1 : Whittemore Len 1 John Dixson mifs" Jacob Watfon mofes Bordman & Isaac watson be a committe fullly impowred to put this vote in Execution and that they or the major part of them in the 350 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. name and behalf of s d propriators profecute in the Law, Such parfons be they the owners or Keepers of said fheep who Shall permit thier Sheep to Feed on the Commons aforsaid contrary to this vote or order — Voted that Deacon Whittemore mefs 13 W- Fefsenden and mofes Bordman be a committee to fearch the the Records and git what light they can into the Second article in the warant and make Report at the Next meeting Voted that Deacon prentice Deacon Whittemore Capt Stedman m r mofes Bordman & w- Bratle Efq J be acommittee to make Diligant inquirey in to any incroachments made upon the propriators Lands in Said Town and that when they are Ready to Report they to aquaint the Standing Committee thereof that fo a propriators meeting might be called wherby Said propriators may act upon the Report there made as to them Shall seem Best [6] At a meeting of the propriators of the Common or Undivided Lands in Cambridge Legally afsembled in Said Town on the 27 th Day of Augus'. A. D. 1753 — Sam! Danforth Efq r was Chofen Moderator — Whereas at a meeting of s d propriators by adjournment on y e 27- of may 1751 a grant was made made to m r Edward Marret ]u r . of s d Town a piece of Marfh bordering on Charles River (bounded as in Said Vote or grant or Grant is Defcribed) or Conditions — to be per- formed within a certain time therein limitted which time is expired and the Said Conditions not as yet fulfilled : — and whereas the Said m r Marrett has requested that Said grant may be Renewed — he perform- ing the Same Conditions — in Sume time as the propriators Shall Judge Reasonable Therefore Voted that the Same Peice of Marfh formerly granted as afore Said — be granted to him the Said Edward Marrett Ju r (acording to the Tenor of the former Grant he fullfelling the Con- ditions therein Required within Twelve Month from this time or in Such further time as Shall be Judg d Reafonable to allow him by the Committee herein after mentioned — to be Chofen for that purpofe and whereas m r William Fletcher now refedent in Cambridge has Signifyed to the propriators his willingnefs to be at Charge in Erecting a Wharff on fume of the Common Lands bordering on Said River as PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 351 are not as yet appopriat 4 or granted to partecular parfon or parfons — provided he may obtain a grant of the Same of like tenor with thofe before mentioned, therefore Voted that there be — and there is hereby acordingly Granted to him the Said William Fletcher — by him to be held and Enjoyed as in Fee Simple Conditional that piece of Marfh (bor- dering on the Creeck Riming from Said River — and on the Eafterly fide thereof [7] and extending from the Land of Abraham watson to the Land of Deacon Whittemore — and from Said Creek to Extend Eafterly as far as the Said Whittemors Land Doth Extend : provided that he the Said william Fletcher fhall within the Same teiarm of time as herein before is alovved to M r Marrett (or by the Committee hereafter mentioned Shall be Judged Reafonable to alow) Shall performe on the Land Granted him as aforefaid — what M r Marrett on his part is obliged to performe as well with Relation to the Erecting a Convenant Wharoff — as to keeping the way thereto adjoyning in Sufficant Repaire and in Cafe there be any Unappropriated Land — bordering on Said Creek — betwext M r Bordmans ware houfe and m r Foxcrofts Land the Same is Likewife hereby granted to him the Said Fletcher upon the Like Terms and Conditions as above mentioned Also Voted that Sam! Danforth and Edmund Trowbridge Esqrs and Deacon Sam? Whittemore be a committee for the purpofes before men- tioned — Alfo Voted that said Committee be impowered (if they Judg itneedfull — to State and afcertain the bounds of the aforesaid grants — that so all Doubts and Disputs touching the Same may be prevented — attest Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk [8] Att ameeting of y e propriators of y e Common and undivided Land in the Towne of Cambridge on y e 22 Day of Octf 1754 Leguialy afembled, Edmund Trowbridge Efq r Chofen Modrator Voted that And^ Bordman Efq r was Chofen a Committee man in the Roome of m r Mofes Bordman late decafed a Committee man for y e propriators in Said Town — put to Vote whether the propriators would Defpofe of any of the propriators Land on the north Eaft End of John Morfes Barbars Shop and it past in y e negitive Attest Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk 552 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Att ameeting of ye proprators of y e Common and undivided Land in the Town of Cambridge on y e 14 th of march 1755 Leguialy afsembled, W a Bratle Efq r Chofen mdrator and to act and Do what y e propriators Should Judge moft proper with Refpect to the Regulation of the alewive Fifhery in the Towns of Cam- bridge Charlestown and Medford this year and Voted that And- Bord- man Efq r Dea" Sam! Whittemore and m r VV m Fefsenden be a Committee of f d proprietee fully authorifed and Impowred to appeare for f d pro- prietee and in their behalf to act and Do any matter or thing that they Shall Judge best with Refpect to the alewive Fifhery this year in the Towne of Cambridge Charlestown and Medford and the Regulation of the Same. Atteft Sam 1 . Whittemore propritors Clerk [9] Att ameeting of the proppriators of the Common and undi- vided Land in Cambridge y e 22 of Nov- 1756. Legualy warnar*, the Hon bI Sam 1 . Danforth Efq r Chofen modrattor, Voted that this meeting be adjorned to munday the 29/- Day of this Inftant Nov 1 at Five of y c Clock after noone Nov 1 y e 29^ 1756 the Said propriators being mett acording to ad- jornment, Voted that they Do, grant a convenient Spott of Said Com- mon Lands, (not exceeding one Quarter of an acer where on to Erect a new Court House, and that Sam! Danforth Efq r m r Stephen prentice & Dea D prentice be a Committee fully impowred to Lay out the Same — where it Shall by them and the Committee of the Court of Sefsions and of the Town (appointed for that purpose) be Judged most Suitable and Commdious for the Ufe mentioned, and by Sume proper Inftrument to convay or enfure the Same to the County and Town for the acomo- dation of fuch Houfe — So Long as it Shall be put to that Use, by the county, and no Longer. also Voted that Dea- Henry prentice be of the Committee of the propriators for calling propriators meetings for the Future in the room of m r W m Fefsenden Deceafj, and then the Said meeting was Diffolved Attest Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 353 [10] Midd* fs At ameeting of y e propriators of y e Common or undivided Lands in Cambridge Legualy called, & held at the Dvveling houfe of Cap- Ebenr Stedman in Said Town, on the Twenty Seventh Day of December 1756 Sam? Danforth Efq r Chofen moderator Upon Reading the Report of a Committee apointed by Said pro- priators, in march 1752, To Enquire what Encroachments have been made on the propriators Lands — It was Refolved and Voted that the propriators will go into Such meafures For the Removing Such En- croachments, and for the Securing and Recovering their Rights in Such Lands, as Shall be thought Necefsary for that End, by a Com- mittee to be appointed to effect the Same. Also Voted, that Sam' Danforth Efqf Deacon Sam! Whittemore, Deacon Henry prentice Cap! Ebenf Stedman & m r Edward marrett be a committee for the purpofees aforefaid, and fully impowered on behalf of the Said proprietors, to Commence and purfue any action or actions in the Law that may be Judg? proper for the Recovery of any Lands that have been unlawfully invaded or encroached upon: and where they Shall judge it to be moft for the Intereft of y e proprietors, to make Sale of any parcel or parfels thereof, Giving the preferr ice (in fuch Sale) to the perfon or perfons bordering on Such Lands, if ihey think fit to purchase them : as alfo to give and execute any proper Instru- ment or Inftruments, for conveying the proprietors Intereft in the Same. Also, Voted that Deacon Sam! Whittemore be Treafurrer or Re- ceiver for Said proprietors and that what monies Shall arife by the Sale of Lands that have been encroached upon as aforefaid, be put into his Hands for the Ufe of faid proprietors Also Voted thatm r Edward marrett be Quieted in the pofsefsion and Improvement of the Lands within Fence near the Creeck or marfh : any Right which the proprietors might be Suppofed to have notwith- ftanding. Attest Sam. Whittemore proprietors Clerk [11] Att ameeting of the propriators of y e common and unde- vided lands in Cambridge may y e 5 th 1760 Leguialy afembled Dea s Henry prentice Chofes modderator 23 354 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Voted that this meeting be adjorned to Fryday the c/- h of this Inftance may att 5 of y e Clock in y e after noone Att ameeting of y e propriators of y e Common and undevided Lands in Cambridge on y e 9th Day of may 1760 by an adjorment from y e 5 Day of may Inftant to this Day att 5 of y e Clock in the after noone put to Vote whether the propriators would Grant the Lands petioned for by Henry Vafsall Ralph Inman Efq r . 3 and m r Eaft Apthorp from the buring place corner upon a Straight Line to m r Henery prentices Corner and it parts in y e negitive. put to Vote Whether y e propriators would Grant to Coll Vafsall and others petioners a Hundred feet frunt as they have Staked it out and Continue it back the Same Wedeth to m r Bordmans Land and it paft in the afermitive. Also Voted that a Committee be apointed [12] To Setle a price with Said petioners for Said Lands Granted Also Voted that m r Jonathan Haftings m r Stephen prentice and Dea n Sam! Whittemore be Said Committee attest Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk Att ameeting of the propriators of y e Common and Undivided lands in Cambridge Legualy afsembled June y e 16- 1760 Ed s Trowbredge Efq r Chofen Moddrator I Voted to Chufe a committee to Confider of the petifion aforesaid view and mark out y e Land propofed to be granted and make report at the Adjornment. 2 1 ? Voted that Edm"? Trowbridge Efq! Cap* Sam : Whittemore and Dea? Sam! Whittemore be the Committee — that This meeting be adjorned to Friday Next at Six a Clock in the after noon at the House of Capt Ebenezer Stedman in Cambridge At a meeting of the propriators aforefaid at the House of Ebenezer Stedman in Cambridge on Friday The 20^ Day of June 1760 by adjorn- ment from the 16- of June Currant upon the Committee appointed To Cofider the petion of Henry Vafsall Efq : and others and to Mark out PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 355 the Land which they Defire To have in Exchange for that Granted them againft and- Bordman Efq^ Land Reporting that they had Marked out an Hundred Feet Sqvare [13] of the propriators Land againft the Hundred Feet Square of Land which the Said Vafsall and Others have agreed with m r James Read for and that in the opinion of the Com- mittee the Granting the Same to the Said Vafsall Efqr and Others in Exchaing for that before granted Than will be of No prcjudcee to the propriators but will be of Searvice to the firft parish in Cambridge if the propriators and the Said Read will on Reafonable Terms Suffer the Said parifh To Extend thier burying place up Sqvare with The Land So marked out by the committee and that which the Said Varfsall Efq r and others heretoo have of the Said Read the propriators pafsed the Follow- ing Votes I That the Said Hundred Feet Square of Land marked out by the aforsaid Committee againft y e Said Reads Land be and hereby is granted to Henry Vafsall Ralf Inman Jofeph Lee David phips Thof olliver and John Vafsall Efq- and Eaft Apthorp Clerk and Their heirs in Exchange for the hundred Feet Squre afore granted them aganft the Said Bordmans Land provided the Said Read Suffer the Said parifh on Termes agread on betwen him and Them to Extend their bureing place up to the Land he convays to the Said Henry Vafsall Efq r and Others and that they pay the propriators £13 : 6 : 8 Law- full money being the price Set upon the Land Firft Granted them by the Committee [14] appointed for that purpofe and alfo defray- ing the Charge the Town are at in Removeing the pound to an other place 2 ,r That an Hundred Feet Long and fourty Feet wide of Land adjoining the Remainder of the Frount of the Said Read Land and to the Land now granted to the Said Varfall and others be and hereby is Granted to the Said James Read and his heirs he paying the pro- priators Therefor in the Like proportion as the Said Varfall Efq r and others Do for the Land now Granted them and that he alfo acomodale the parifh as is afore proposed 3 ly That the Said parifh may Extend their burying place up to the Land now Granted the Said Vafsall and others and the Tryangler line of Land betwen that of the Said burying place is hereby Granted to 356 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the Said parifh acordingly they paying Said propriators therefore in the Like proportion as the Said Read is to Do 4 ly that Ed s Trowbridge EfqF Deacon Sam! Whittemore and Cap' Sam! Whittemore or any Two of them be a Committee to fee the fev- erall matters aforfaid Effected and Confirmed Attest Sam! Whittemore prop 9 Clerk [15] Att ameeting of the propriators of the Common and undi- vided Lands in Cambridge Jan7 the f} 1763 Legualy afsembled — The Hon^ Sam! Danford Efq r Chofen Modrator also Voted to chouse a committee to tak a vew of the Commo Lands on the front of And- Bordman Efq £ Land and the Land on the front of Henry prentice Coopers Land and also Take avew of the com- mon Land on the north Side of m r Eben 1 Bradifhes Barne — and alfo to Confider Such meafuers as Shall be thought best for the Recovery of the money Due to the priators for Lands heretofore Sold by them Sam! Danforth — Edmund Trowbridge & Jon ? Haftings Efq 18 be S d Committee Atest Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk [16] at ameeting of the proprators of the Common or undivided Lands in the Town of Cambridge Holden in Said Town on the third Day of may A. D. 1763. Sam! Danford Efq T Chofen Moderator. voted that the Common Land formerly Granted by the propriators To John prentice late of Said Town Decef- for his Ufe During Life, viz fuch part thierof. as lyeth within the limits hereafter mentioned, viz. Extending towards the fouth Eaft fo as to Include the well (by his Houfe,) over againft the Land of and- Bordman Efq 1 and Extending north wefterly about Two Rods to the Northweft of Said houfe as far as was formily Granted him and in width agreable to the fame Grant, be — and the Same is hereby Granted to the Heirs at Law of the Said prentice and to thier Hiers and Affigns for Ever voted that a Strip of land bordering on the north fide of the land of Ebenezer Bradifh Tho 5 Haftings and William Gammage be Granted to PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 357 them (their Hier and affigns for ever) viz to Each of them So much of Said Strip as borders on his Land — as the Same Shall be Set out and bounded by Sam) Danforth Edmund Trowbridge and Jon- Haftings Efqrs (who are hereby authorized thierunto) and for fuch price as they Shall agree. — voted that a pice of common mrfhland, belonging to the propiators lying near cap- Angiers and now improved by Deacon Whittemore Shall Remain in his Improvement untell the propriators Shall order otherwise voted that the committee formerly appointed to prevent the Com- mons being Incroched upon, be Defired to make Report to the pro- priators as Soone as conveantly May be Attes' Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk [17] At ameeting of the propriators of the Common or undivided Lands in the Town of Cambridge Legally notified ^nd convened, at the Dwelling House of Cap' Ebenezer Stedman in Said Town, on the Twentyeth day of Aprel A. D. 1767 Sam! Danforth Efq- Chofen Moderator — Voted, that Sam! Daforth Efq- Deacon Sam! Whittemore Deacon Henry prentice, Cap' Ebenezer Stedman, & Cap' Edward Marrett — be a committee fully authorized and impowered on behaff of Said pro- priators to Demand and (if need be) by due procefs in the Law to Recover all Such Sum and Sumens of money as already have or may become due to said propriators from any parfon or parfons whomefo- ever, for any Lands Sold or that may be Sold or granted by Said pro- priators or any their Committee or Committees authorized or that my be authorized theirunto, and to receve Such Dues, and the Same to be put into the Hands of the Treafurer of Said propriators for their Ufe or Difpofal as they Shall Judge proper Allso, voted, that Andrew Bordman Esq' Deacon Sam! Whittemore and Deacon Henry prentice be a Committee fully impowred to call propriators meetings as ocafion may Requer Atteft Sam! Whittemore proprit" Cerk at a meeting of y c propriators of y e Common and undivided Lands in y° Town of Cambridge Leguialy afembled at the Houfe of Cap' 358 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Ebenezer Stedman on monday the 1 8 th of may 1767 — y e Honb- Sam] Danforth Efq r Chofen Modderaf Voted that this meeting be ajorned to y c 16 th of June next at foure of y e clock in y e after noone at y e Houfe of Cap' Ebenezer Stedman to trance act y e afaiers of s d meetting Attef Sam! Whittemore propritors Clerk. [18] Middlefex ss. at a meeting of the propriators of the common or undivided Lands in the Town of Cambridge in Said county Legally Warned and held at the Dwelling Houfe of cap? Ebenf Stedman in Said Towne on the i6'. h Day June A. D. 1767 by adjoerment from the i8'. h Day of May A. D. 1767 — Sam! Danforth Efq r being Chofen Moderator of Said meeting 1 : Voted, that a fmall Triangular piece of Common Land on the Eaft Side of the Land beloning to the Church or Chappel — be granted to the firft precint in faid Towen, for enlarging the Burying place 2, Voted — that thire be granted to m r James Read of Said Town, a piece of Common Land, on the weftern Side of Said Chappel adja- cent to and fronting his lott on the North Side Thierof, to extend toward the Common or Training Field untill it comes to a line runing ftrait from the north Eaft Corner of the Burying place to prentices corner Near the widow Hills Dwelling Houfe, provided he quit to Said parifh for the Ufe of faid Burying place So much of his Land as is now inclofed in the Same 3, voted, that the Strip of Common land Remaining undifpofed of, betwext the land herein before granted to m r Read and prentices cornor on the Southweft fide of Said ftrait Line be Difpofed of for the benefit of the proprietors preference in the Sale thereof to be given to the oweners of the adjacent lotts ■ — 4, voted that the peace of common Land in the Northweft pre- cient in Said Town where the meeting for publick worfhip, and the Burying place now are be Granted to the Said northweft precient for a burying place and for the accommodation of Said meeting Houfe — PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 359 [19] 5, Voted, that the Commitee apointed on the Seventh Day of Dec r A. D. 1756 to Remove Incroachments, &c. be fully authorized to Dispofe of the proprietors Interft in the ftrips of land aforefaid, and of a fmall ftrip of Land adjoying to Docter Kneelands Homeftead, and to Execute (on behalfe of faid proprietors) any proper Inftrument or Inftruments for convaying of the premifcs Attest Samj Whittemore propriators Clerk at ameetting of the propriators of the comon and Undivid Lands in Cambridge Legualy afsembled Aug- the 9- 1769 — Edmund Throw- bridge Efq r Chofen Mddrator — voted that cap- Edward Marratt be a committee Man in the Roome of And- Boardman Decefed also voted that this meeting be Ajorn 1 ? to Monday next at four of the Clock after noone which will be the 14 th of Aug- Inftance at ameeting of the propriators of the comon and Undivided lands in Cambridge on the 14'? Day of Aug s .' 1769 by ajornement from the 9'-^ of this Inftant Aug- to this Day — put to Vote Whether the pro- priators would act on the propfals in the Notification for calling appro- priators Meeting Dated the 26 th Day of July A. D. 1769 and it paft- in the Negitive Attest Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk [20] At ameeting of the propriators of the comon and undivided Lands in Cambridge Legualy afembled on the Firft Day of September 1769 Samj Danforth Efqf Chofen Moddrator Voted that this meeting be Ajdorned to Monday the Fourth Day of this Inftance September at Five of the Clock after noone at ameeting of the propriators of the comon lands in Cambridge held by Adjornment on the fourth Day of September 1769 — Voted that the Hon. Edmund Trowbridge Efq r M r John Foxcroft and Deacon Sam! Whittemore, be a Commetee to view the Three feveral places on the Town Common Whereon it has been propofed by one or another of the Inhabitants, that the School Howfe Shou 1 ? be fet and to mark or 360 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. point oute in Each of these places the moft conveneent Spot of Ground whereon to fet the Said Houfe — and to make Report to the propriators at their Adjornment alfo, Voted, that m r John Foxcroft cap- Edward Marratt and m r And- Bordman be a committee to make Enquiry: Reliative to the Land where the old Schoole Houfe stood — in order to find out — to whome the Same belongs, whether to the propriators of the common Lands in Cambridge or to others parfon or perfons, and to make Report at the Adjorment of this meetting Voted that this meeting Adjorned to Thursday Next at five of the clock after noone Which will be the fevnth of this Instance September at ameeting of the propriators of the comon and undivided Lands in Cambridge held on the Seventh of September 1769 by Adjormement from the fourth of the same month Edmu Trowbridge Efq r moddrator in m r Danforth absence the propriators having heard and Confidred the Report of the Committee appointed by them view the three feverrl places propofed for Erecting a School Houfe upon and to Mark or point the Same: [21] It was put to Vote, that the said ppriators Do Grant to the Town of Cambridge for Erecting a School House upon one of the three peices of Land mentioned and Described by the Said committee in thier Report this Day made at the Election of the S? Town and it pafsed in the affirmative Voted that this meeting be Adjorned to the Twenty first of this Instant September at Five a Clock after noone Attest Sam^ Whittemore propriators Clerk at ameetting of the propriators of the Common Lands in Cam- bridge held by Adjornment, on the 21 th day of September 1769 — Sam? Danforth Efq r Moderator — Voted — that the Select men of Said Town when they Shall effue their warrants for calling the next Town Meeting: be Defired to infert a cloufe in thofe warrants — whereby the Town may be Enabled (if PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 36 1 they Think fit) to transfer to the Said proprietors — any right or claim they may be Suppofed to have to the piece of common Land adjoyning to M r Danforths Garden or to any part thereof, on account of their having in time paft improved that Spott on which the School Hovvfe Stood for the accommodation of the School Voted, that the Confidration of the petition from the ReviV? m r Ap- pleton be referred to the adjorment of this Meeting also voted that this meeting be adjorn 1 ? to Thusday the fecond Day of november next — at five of the Clock in the after noone to meet at the Dwelling House of Cap- Ebenf Stedman in Said Towne atteft Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk [22] Att ameeting of the propriator 8 of the common and undi- vided Lands in Cambridge on Thusday the fecond Day of Nov r 1769 by adjorment from the Twenty First Day of Septembe 1769 Sam! Danforth EfqT moddrator Voted that this meeting be adjorned to munday the Twentieth of this Inftance novf at Five of the clock in the afternoone at the Houfe of cap' Ebenf Stedman att ameeting of y e propriators of the common or undivided land in Cambridge holden by adjornment on the twentieth Day of Nov 1 A. D. 1769 — whereas the piece of common Land in Said Town (on part whereas the late School Houfe Stood) lying Eaftward of and bordering on m r Danforths Garden or Homeftead, belongs to the Said propriators and whereas SamL Danforth Efq r hath Reprefented the Defficulty of paffing and Repaffing from his Barn with Hay and that Such Diffi- culty might in a great meafure be obviated in cafe he had a pafsage for a Team from his Barn thro Said piece of common Land to the Road leading from m r Trowbridges Houfe into the neck Wherefore — in confideration of the Services by him the Said Dan- forth done for the Said propriators formerly and more lately in Survey- ing, writing of Deeds &c. Voted, that the priviledge — of passing and Repassing with a Team (or other wife) through Said piece of common land from Said Homftead to 362 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the Road leading from m r Trowbridges Dvveling Houfe in to the neck, Such pafsage to Extand in width one Rod north Eaftward of a Stratt Line from the northeaft Corner of m r Danforth Barn to the northeaft Corner of Said Trowbridges Garden, as also the liberty of Clearing the Drain Runing from his the Said Danforth, Land through the piece of common Land aforefaid be and, and the fame are hereby Granted to him the Said Danforth, his heirs and Afseyns for Ever acordingly Voted that the committee apointed to Recover the monies Due to the propriators proceed as soon as conveniently may be in a Legal way — to inforce the payment of what is Due to Said prepriators for the Land where the Church or Chapel now Stands [23] also voted that altho it be the opinion of the propriators that they ought in Justice to Receive, befide the principal fum Due, a con- fideration for Delay of payment, yet that it be left to the Difcretion of the Committee, to infist on fuch confideration being made or not, as (upon advifement) they (hall judge moft Expedient. Voted, that a propofal be made to fuch of the propriators as live within the northweft precint that upon their Exprefsing their willing- nefs to quit all claim to any of the common Lands in the South Eaft precient and to the produce of the Sale of Such of them as have been Sold that thire be a grant made to them of the common Lands (undis- pofed of) lying within that precient, to be imprved or Dispofed of for Such purpofes as they may think proper and for their only Benefit exclufive of all claim from the propriators within the other precient: and that the propriators Clerk Serve them with a copy of this vote for their confideration ; Voted, that all the common Lands belonging to the propriators Frunting the Colledge (commonly called the Town Commons) not heretofore granted or allotted to any particular parson or parsons or for any Special or particular Ufe, be and the same is herby granted to the Town of Cambridge to be ufed as a Traineing Field to lye undi- vided, and to Remain for that ufe for Ever provided never the lefs — that if the Said Town fhould Dispofe of grant, or appropriate the Same or any part there of, at any Time hereafter, to or for any other ufe than that a fore mentioned that then and in fuch Cafe the whole of the PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 363 primifes hereby granted to Said Town Shall Revert to the propriators Granting the Same and the prefent grant fhall thereupon be deatned null and void to all Intents and purpofes as if the Same had neve been made. [24] alfo voted that the Strip of common Land (called the Water- ing place adjoyning to the Lands of William Bratle and John Hunt Efqi rs be granted to the Ufe of the Town of Cambridge for a watering place for cattle &c with the Same provifo as befor mentioned. alfo Voted that this meetting be adjorned to Tuesday the Twelfth of December next at 5 of the clock afternoon in order to Receve the anfwr of the propriators in the norweft precient and to procead there on as Shall then appear moll; Expedient atteft Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk At a meeting of the propriators of the common Lands in Cambridg" holden (by adjournment) on the twelth Day of December A. D. 1769. In anfwer to the petition of our Rev- paftar m r Nathanil Appleten, voted, that in confideration of the Said m r Appletons paying to the propriators Treafurer (for the ufe of the propriators) the Sum of eight pounds Lawfull money, there be and hereby is Granted, Sold and con- firmed unto him the Said m r Nathaniel Appleton our Revl paftar, that piece of common Land in the firft parifh in Said Town where the late School Howfe Stood, Extending eaftwardly from m r Danforths Garden Fence to the High way, and Southwardly Extending from m r Andrew Bordmans Land towards the more eaftwardly part of nv Trowbridges Garden as far as to a way or pafsage lately granted by the Said propri- ators to the Said Danforth for the priviledge or Benefit of pafsing and Repafsing to and from his Land to the Said High way: To have and to Hold the above granted premifes to him the Said m r Appleton and to his Heirs and Afsigns for Ever: Refcrveing to the Said Danforth, Heirs and Afsigns free liberty (as ocafion may require) Entring into and making ufe of the herein before granted Premifes for the purpofe of opening and clearing the Drain Running Through the Same, for Draining his own Land agreable to a vote of the proprietors at thier Laft meeting and there upon the meeting was Defsolved. atteft Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk. 364 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [25] April y* 8 th 1 769 Rec? of And w Bordman Efq r for y e ufe of y e propriators L + M £2$ 114:8 pr Sam! Whittemore May y e 6 th Red of Doctf W= Kneeland . . i:i6:oL + m 1770 Jan? y> 6 th Rec? of Majr John Vafsall for the ufe of y e propriators £13:6:8 1771 July 25 Rec d of M r Appleton £S prencepl Interest 13 s 7 d being in full for y e Scool House Lott 8 : 13 : 7 memorandum. The above 8 — 13 — 7 is the full that was due without any Deduction of the Shares which were given him by fundry of the Propriators whofe Proportions (when known) are to be refunded to him out of the common Stock of monies in the Hands of the Treafurer. 1771 oct E y 6 25 th Rec? of W s Gamage by y 6 hand of Dea 9 Henry prentice for y e propriators . . . Dec' y e 5 th Rec? of Sam! Whittemore Jun r 1772 Aug 25 y e I s * Rec? of Ebne r Bradish .... NovF y 6 c/? 1772 Rec? of Ed- Dickson . . July 1773 Rec? of coopr prentice & fon . 1773 Sept 1 y e 27* Rec? Tho! Haftings in part . . 1773 octf y e Rec? Gidon Froft Rent for y e giles land for the propriatos being one years to June past. 18/ £3 8: 11 4 : 6 O : 6 O : 4 O : S : 4 [26] At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common or undevided Lands, in the town of Cambridge Legally notified & warned, Holden on the feventeenth Day of October A. D. 1771. Samvel Danforth EsqF was Chofen Moderater The Demand, of the Proprietors Committe for their time and trouble in felling Land &C. being Laid before the proprietors was by them allowed. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 365 To Deacon Sam 1 ! Whittemore as one of the Said Com- mitte and as treafurer .£3.0.0 To Deacon Prentice 1 . 10 . O To Cap' Stedman v 24/ to Cap' marrett v 24/ . . . 2.8.0 allfo Cap' Ebenezer Stedmans acco' of fundry 8 pro- } vided at various times for the Refrefsment of the > 1 . 10. o proprietors (when they met) J allfo as thiere Committe alloweed Cap' Stedman for") future trouble and Expences of the proprietors > o. 12 .0 at his houfe J £9. 0.0 Voted that the moneys Rcied for Land Sold now in the hands of the proprietors treafurer with what he Expects foon to Recive of Mef s . Bradish haftings Gammage & Dixfon, amounting £59.18.9 in the whole, (the charges afforf? being First Deducted) to be Distributed and paid oute by SI treafurer to the Several proprietors named in the plan of the Last Divifion of the Commons or to fuch as Leglly Reprefent them, in propor- tion to the Number of Rights beloning to them Refpectively at five Shillings for Each Right. [27] Continuation of fi meeting of octo r y e 17. 1771 Allso, that every perfon to whom any payment Shall be made as aforf, by the treafurer, Shall not only giue him a Recipt therefor, but become Oblygated to indemnifie him from all Demands what fo ever, that may here after be made on him the S? Treafurer his Heairs or Suc- cefsors in S"! office for the whole or any part of the money 8 , by them fo Recev d And where as the Peace of Land in S? Town wereon the Late Schoolhoufe Stood & adjacent thereto, Containing abo' 3^ Square Rods, Surrounded by and Contigous To the Land of m r an w . Bordman on the North, the Land of Sam 1 ! Danforth Esq' on the west, the Land of Edm? 366 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Trobridge Esq r on the South, and the Highway on the East, was by the Proprietors Latly Granted (as to the greater part of it) to the Rev"? mf Nat" Appelton, and the Privilige of away or Pafsage from S? Dan- forth Land to the Highway aforefaid was Granted to him the S"! Danforth and were as within the bounds aboue menth? there is a fmall Nook of Land, of about three Square Rods not Dispofed of, lying ajoyning to S? trobridge Garding Fence and the P? Danforth hauing purchifed of the f* appelton his intrist in the Peace of Land First aboue Discribed, is Defireous of having the properity of the Remainder of faid Peace of Land, which Peace Excepting only abo' 252/2 Square feet lying with out the fence [28] and ajoining to S? High way is now in Clofed where- fore in Confideration of his the S d Danforth Trouble, travell and time Expended, as well formerly as more Latly in the Service of the S? Pro- prietors, and in Full Satisfaction there for Voted that the S* proprietors Remaining Right and Propperty in any a"nd every part of i A . peace of Land bounded as first before mentioned and as Difcribed and bounded by the black Lines in the Plan thereof here unto annexed, be and hereby is Granted and Confermed to him the Said Sam 1 ! Danforth To haue and to hold to him his Heairs & Afsigns for Ever Voted that the Note of hand given to the treafurer by Jofier morfe, be not put in Suit, untie the Further order of the proprietors Voted that unlefs Sam 1 ! Whittemore Jim* & henry prentice (Cooper) Shall pay or giue Security to pay on Demand, to the treafurer of the proprietors the Sums of money Sett and afsigned by the proprietors Committe for them to pay for the Lands beloning to the proprietors Ajoining to there Dwelling houfses Some time before the adjurment of this meeting in November next, they then and in Such Cafe the Com- mitte of the proprietors Last Chofen, Do proceed to make Sail of Said Lands at Publick Auction and Cap* Edwl Marrett is Defired to aquei A them with this Vote [29] Continuation Voted that this meeting be adjurned to munday the Eliventh day PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 367 of November Nixt To be held at this Place at hue of the Clock Afternoon and Said meeting was Ajurned Accordingly attest Sam" Whittemore propritors Clerk Att ameeting of the propprators of y e common and Undivided Lands in Cambridge on y e Eliventh day of November 1 771 by adjurn- ment from the Sevententh Day of October 1771 Voted that this meeting be Defolved attest Sam! Whittemore propriators Clerk The Subfcribers (a Standing Committee of y e proprietors of the common Lands in Cambridge) do hereby prohibet all perfons (with out Special Licence obtain 11 from the propriators) from didging Clay in any other part of the piece of Land in Said Town where the gallows flood Save at the Northwest corner of Said Land — and that in pafsing and Repafsing thero Said Land they keep to one path only, as near to the North of said piece of Land as may be : and M r Gideon Froft is desir? to make this our Refalutian Known from time to time as there may be occafian OctFy 6 I2 1 ! 1 1773 S: Danfourth "\ Sam! Whittemore Henry Prentice } Comittee Eben' Stedman Edward Marrett [30] A'^ e °f sa 'd Brook between Land of a small Distance Eaft of the Spot Ay Sewall & Griggs 1 Stone Marked C P /\ods Eaft of Cambridge Road on the North /\wenn land of Solomon Hill, & Tho* Griggs a Stone Marked C.B. /^ut 3 Rods weft of [ ] /\eadow on the north Griggs Land /\om up the hill 368 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 5 th a Stone marked C Caleb Dana Esq' s heirs 6 th a Stake and heap o/\ N East of a young walI/\ Stones in a heap Oy\ A town at the Corne/\ Dana's /\ r of the wall one marked B Cor Cap* Coreys pasture mark Sone marked [36] 1 77 1 Oct' paid by y e Treafur for y c propriator The Several Sums of money alowed y c Comittee and Cap 1 Stedman for thire Serves — and Cap* Stedman for Entertainment viz i8 tb of oct r to cap 4 Edward Marrett L X m . .£1:4:0 19 to Cap? Ebnf Stedman 3:6:0 25 to Dea a Henry prentice 1:10:0 * Pages 31 to 35 are blank. Records of the Proprietors of the Comon Lands from 1784 to 1801. [1] At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the common and undivided lands in the Town of Cambridge, at the Anchor Tavern, kept by Ebenezer Bradish, on the sixth day of June Anno Dom. 1784, held in pursuance of a Warrant ifsued agreeably to Law, by Thaddeus Mason Esq. Just, peace, dated May 12. 1784. Cap. Ebenezer Stedman chosen Moderator. John Foxcroft Esq. Clerk — Cap! Ebenezer Stedman, William Winthrop Esq ; Deacons Joseph Adams & Aaron Hill; & Cap? Ephraim Frost were chosen a standing Committee for calling future meetings, & for taking care of the Pro- prietors interests & concerns. William Winthrop Esq. chosen Treasurer. Cap! Ebenezer Stedman, William Winthrop & John Foxcroft Esq- were chosen a Committee to ask for & receive of the Administrator of the Estate of the late Deac. Samuel Whittemore deceased, (who was Clerk & Treasurer) the Books, papers & other property belonging to the Proprietors, & having received the same, to deliuer to the Clerk & Treasurer now elected, such of them as belong to their respective Offices. Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to the fourteenth day [2] of June next, then to meet at this place at three o'Clock, P. M. & was accordingly adjourned. Attest, John Foxcroft Clerk At a meeting of the Proprietors June 14. 1784, pursuant to the aboue adjournment. 37 2 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Cap. 1 Ebenr Stedman being absent, Deac. Joseph Adams was chosen to officiate as Moderator for this present meeting — Whereas it has been represented to the Proprietors, that application has been made to the Town of Cambridge, by a Committee of the Court of Sefsions for the County of Middlesex, desiring them to grant to said County, a peice of Land of forty six feet square, including & surrounding the land on which the Old Court House stood (which was Thirty feet by Twenty four feet) for the purpose of erecting a building to keep the County records & hold the Probate Courts in; And the Pro- prietors being desirous to promote and afsist such an Undertaking, Do [3] Vote, To give & grant to the Town of Cambridge forever, so much land adjoining to the land on which the Old Court house stood, (which was nearly opposite to where the present Court house stands) as shall be sufficient to make up a peice forty six feet square bounded & meas- uring as follows, Viz. Beginning at the North west corner & running South forty six feet along the Street in a line parrellel with the West side of the land on which the old Court house stood, at the distance of three feet from said side; then turning & running east on a line parallel with the South end of the land on which said Old Court house stood at the distance of Six feet, & measuring forty six feet in length ; then turning & running North in a line parrallel to the Easterly side of the land on which said Old Court house stood, at the distance of Nineteen feet & measuring forty six feet in length ; then turning & running Westerly on a line parrallel with the North end of the land on which said Court house stood at the distance of Ten feet, & measuring forty six feet in length to the corner bounds first mentioned ; or however otherwise the said lines may front, tho not exactly [4] conforming to the points of Compafs as above exprefsed — and further, Voted That Capf Ebenezer Stedman, William Winthrop Esq. & Deacon Joseph Adams, be a Committee in the name & behalf of the Proprietors to execute a sufficient Instrument to quitclaim the Pro- prietors right, to the Town of Cambridge, of the above granted land forever. Upon the application of Robert Twadwell to the Proprietors to grant him a peice of land for erecting a building near the cause- way — - PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 373 Voted That Deac. Aaron Hill & William Winthrop Esq. be a Com- mittee to consider the matter & report at the next meeting Voted. That Deacons Aaron Hill & Joseph Adams with John Fox- croft Esq. be a Committee to view the Gallows lot (so called) & report what rent Deacon Gideon Frost shall pay annually therefor for eleven years back, and whether it will be expedient to sell it, & if so for what sum. Voted. That the Treasurer be directed to pay the expences of the house at this meeting Voted That Deac. Aaron Hill, Samuel Whittemore junf [5] Deac. Gideon Frost, Deac. Joseph Adams & Cap' Benj* Lock be a Com- mittee to enquire what lands belong to the Proprietors & what en- croachments have been made, & who are the Tenants Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to the firft Monday in Sep- tember next, & it was accordingly adjourned Attest. John Foxcroft Clerk At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common Land, on the first Monday in September, A.D. 1784 pursuant to adjournment from June 14. last, Cap' Ebenezer Stedman, Moderator. The Committee appointed to report what Deac. Gideon Frost should pay for the annual rent of the Gallows Lot; now reported, That he ought to pay the sum of Twenty shillings f annum, for eleven years past, to be computed from I st June 1773, & the Treasurer is ordered to settle with said Frost at that rate — & they further reported, that it is inexpedient to sell said Gallows lot, at present; which report was accepted. Voted. That William Winthrop Esq. Cap. Eben' Stedman & John Foxcroft Esq. be a Committee to confer with Deacon [6] Gid. Frost or others, what rent may be had for said gallows lot, & to let it for the most they can obtain. Voted. To accept the Report of the Committee on the application of Robert Twadell made at last meeting; which report is, "That it would by no means be expedient to grant his request" 374 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Upon the application of William Colson to purchase a small peice of land near the School house on the Common ; it was Voted That Francis Dana & William Winthrop Esq ra with Deac. Aaron Hill be a Committee to view the same & report at next meeting Upon the motion of Francis Dana Esq respecting an ateration in the running the line between Judge Trowbridge's house lot, & the late Deac. Samuel VVhittemore's Barn lot, — It was Voted. That Cap. Eben! Stedman, William Winthrop Esq. & Deac. Aaron Hill, be a Committee to consider said Dana's proposal, & report at next meeting. Voted That this meeting be adjourned to the 20. of October next, at 3 °. Clock P.M. & it was accordingly adjourned. Attest, John Foxcroft Clerk [7] At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common lands on Monday the 20. October 1784, by adjournment from if Monday in September last — Capt' Eben' Stedman, Moderator, — The Committee appointed to consider of the proposal respecting an Alteration in the way by Judge Trowbridge's house lot, and the late Deac. Samuel Whittemore's lot, report, That it will not be expedient to make any alteration in said line at present — Voted, That the report be accepted — Voted, That the Treasurer be directed to pay the Tavern expences for this meeting — Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to the last Monday in No- vember next, (being the 29. day) at 3 °. Clock P. M. & it was accord- ingly adjourned. — Att? John Foxcroft Clerk At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common lands on Monday the 29. of November A. D. 1784. by adjourment from the 20. of October last Voted, That Cap' Ephraim Frost be one of the Committee, in the room of Cap' Benjamin Lock, Voted, PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 375 [8] Voted, That this Meeting be adjourned to the first Tuesday in April next, at 3 ". Clock P. M. & it was accordingly adjourned. Att' John Foxcroft Clerk At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common land, on the first Tuesday in April A. D. 1785 ; by adjournment from 29. November 1784. John Foxcroft Esq. Moderator. Voted. That William Winthrop Esq. Dead? Aaron Hill & Joseph Adams, be a Committee to confer with the Selectmen, upon the subject of any incroachment upon the Common or Training field; and if the Selectmen cannot convince the Committee, that the Town has not for- feited their right to said Common, agreeably to the meaning of a Vote of the Proprietors granting said Common, that then the said Commit- tee be authorized to let or lease such part of said Common, as they with the Committee of the General Court, shall judge necefsary for the accomodation of the Publick Store houses now standing on said Common. Voted. [9] Voted. That William Winthrop Esq. Deac 5 : Aaron Hill & Joseph Adams, be a Committee to lease the Gallows lot, or any other lands belonging to the Proprietors, upon the best terms they can. Voted, That the Treasurer be desired to pay the Tavern Expences of this meeting Attest, John Foxcroft Clerk [10] At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Common & Undivided lands in the Town of Cambridge, held at the Anchor Tavern, kept by Israel Porter, on Tuesday the 27. day of January A. D. 1801. by virtue of a Warrant ifsued by Abraham Biglow Esq. a Just, of the peace for the County of Middlesex, in consequence of the petition of a number of said Proprietors. N. B. The original petition & Warrant are on file with the Clerk, & a printed copy thereof is pasted on the inside of the cover of this Book. [Said printed paper is as follows] 376 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. To Abraham Biglow, of Cambridge, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. one of the Juftices of the Peace, within and for said county, Respectfully Shew — The fubfcribers, Proprietors of the Common and Undivided Lands in Cambridge aforefaid, that in their opinion it has become neceffary that a Meeting of faid proprietors fhould be called and held for the following purpofes, viz. ift. To choofe a Moderator, a Clerk, a Treafurer, and other proper officers. 2d. To choofe a Standing Committee to take care of the Interefts of faid Proprietors, and in general to fuperintend and manage the affairs of the Propriety. 3d. To determine what meafures may be expedient to be taken for the prevention or removal of any incroachments upon the lands of the Propriety ; or touching any trefpaffes committed thereon. 4th. To fee if the Proprietors will enclofe and leafe out, or otherwife difpofe of any of their common lands. 5th. To order and agree in what manner Meetings of the Proprietors fhall be called in future. Wherefore the fubfcribers pray a Warrant may be iffued agreeably to law, to call a Meeting of faid Proprietors, to be held at the Dwelling houfe of Ifrael Porter, innholder, in Cambridge aforefaid, on the Twenty feventh day of January, A. D. 1801, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Francis Dana, John Foxcroft, William Winthrop, Eben'r. Stedman, Thomas Warland, Jofeph S. Read. Middlesex, ff. To John Foxcroft, of Cambridge, in faid county, Efq. Clerk of the Proprietors of the Common and Undivided Lands, in faid Cambridge, and one of the Proprietors thereof. In purfuance to the foregoing application to me the fubfcriber, one of the Juftices of the Peace, within and for said county of Middlefex, and of the laws in fuch cafes made and provided — You are hereby authorifed and required to warn and notify the Proprietors aforenamed, PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 377 to meet at the time and place, and for the purpofes expreffed in the faid application : In doing which, you are to caufe copies thereof, and of this Warrant, and alfo of your Notification of fuch propofed Meeting of the faid Proprietors, to be publifhed in fuch public newfpapcr or newfpapers, and alfo to be pofted up in fuch town or places as the law directs. Given under my hand and feal, at Cambridge aforefaid, this 6 th day of January, Anno Domini, 1801. Abraham Biglow, Jus. Pac. To the Proprietors of the Common and Undivided Lands, in Cam- bridge, in the county of Middlefcx — In purfuance of the application aforementioned, and of the Warrant thereon to me directed — You are hereby notified to meet at the time and place, and for the purpofes therein expreffed John Foxcroft, Pro's Clerk. Cambridge, Jan : 6, 1 801. William Winthrop Esq. chosen Moderator. William Winthrop Esq. chosen Clerk & Treasurer — William Winthrop Esq. Aaron Hill Esq. & Deac. John Adams, were chosen the standing Committee, to take care of the interests of the Pro- prietors, & to Superintend & manage their affairs — Voted. That the 3I Article be referred to the Standing Committee to report thereon, as soon as may be — Voted. That the 4'? Article be referred to the same Cofnittee, to report what lands belong to the proprietors, & where they are situate, & what they will probably rent for ; to report as soon as may be. [11] Voted. That the standing Committee herein before appointed, be authorized & empowered to call future meetings of the Proprietors when they shall think it necefsary that a meeting should be holden. And the said Committee shall be obliged to call a meeting, when requested to do it, by five or more of the Proprietors, signified in writing. 378 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Which meeting is to be called by a notification signed by Said Com- mittee, or a major part of them, & posted on the Meeting house in each parish, four days (at least) before the time appointed for holding said meeting — Voted. That the Treasurer be desired to pay Samuel Bartlett Esq. his Ace' for writing three copies of the petition & warrant for calling this meeting Voted. That the Treasurer discharge the Tavern expences for this meeting Voted. That this meeting, when adjourned, be adjourned to the 5'. h day of March next, then to meet at this place. Voted. That this Meeting be now adjourned, & it was adjourned accordingly Attest, W? Winthrop Clerk [12] At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common lands, on March 5. A. D. 1801. held by adjournment from January 27. last William Winthrop Esq. Moderator There being but a small number of the Proprietors present, & the Committees appointed at the last meeting, not being ready to report; it was Voted. That this meeting be further adjourned to the 13. inst, to 4 PClock P. M. at it was accordingly. Attest W? Winthrop Clerk At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common Lands, on March 13. A. D. 1801. by adjournment from March 5. last William Winthrop Esq. Moderator. The weather being unfavorable for travelling, but few of the Pro- prietors attended ; therefore Voted. That this meeting be further adjourned to the 2 A . Monday in April next, then to meet at this place, at 5. o'Clock P. M. & it was accordingly adjourned. Attest, W? Winthrop Clerk PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 379 [13] At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common lands on Monday the 13. of April, by adjournment from March 13. 1801. William Winthrop Esq. Moderator The Committees appointed at a former meeting not being prepared to make their report; it was Voted. That this meeting be further adjourned to Monday the 8. day of June next, then to meet at this place at 5 ° Clock P. M. & that the Treasurer be directed to pay the Expence of the house at this meet- ing ; being 5/3 & it was accordingly adjourned Attest W? Winthrop Clerk At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common Lands on June 8. A. D. 1801. by adjournment from March 13. last. William Winthrop Esq. Moderator. Voted. That the Treasurer be directed to pay the expences of this meeting being 1/6. Voted. That this meeting be adjourned to the 15'? inst. at 6 "Clock P. M„ then to meet at this place & it was accordingly adjourned. — Attest, W 1 ! 1 Winthrop Clerk [14] At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common lands on Monday the 15'!" day of June A. D. 1801. by adjournment from June 8. — William Winthrop Esq. Moderator. Voted. That the Treasurer pay the expence of this meeting, being 1/6 Voted, That this meeting be further adjourned to the last Monday of this Month of June (being the 27. day) to 6 PClock, P. M. then to meet at this place, & is accordingly adjourned Attest, W? Winthrop Clerk At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common lands on Monday the 27. day of June A. D. 1801. by adjournment from June 15. A. D 1 801 380 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Voted, That this meeting be further adjourned to the last Monday in August next, (being the 31. day) then to meet at 6 PClock, P. M. & it was accordingly adjourned Attest, W? Winthrop Clerk [15] On Monday the 31. day of August 1801. the Clerk (who is the same person as the Moderator) attended at the place & time adjourned to, but no other Proprietor appeared ; After waiting a con- siderable time alone he went off, considering the Meeting difsolved * Attest, W? Winthrop Clerk. The standing Committee of the Proprietors of the Common lands in Cambridge, chosen January 27. 1801. at a legal meeting held at the Anchor Tavern on that day, namely William Winthrop & Aaron Hill Esquires & Deac. John Adams ; have & do hereby lease to Caleb Gannet & others, a Committee of the Proprietors of the Market House in said town ; a certain peice of Common land situate between the Meeting house, & Court & town house, & is the same land on which the Old Court House formerly stood ; to hold the same for the term of Five Years from the first day of April, Anno Pom . 18 13. to the said Pro- prietors of the Market house, they complying with the terms and con- [16] conditions exprefsed in the lease of said land, which is dated on said April 1. 18 13. & is duly executed by the majority of said Standing Committee, namely William Winthrop & Aaron Hill, & is placed on the files of the Proprietors of said Common lands This Entry was made by W? Winthrop Prop. Clerk At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Proprietors of the Common lands in Cambridge (chosen January 27. 1801) present, William Winthrop Esq. & Deac. John Adams, this 19"" day of Septem- ber A. D. 1816, Said Corntee executed a lease of the land under the Market House dated the Ninth instant, for the term of Seventeen years to be computed from the first day of April last past; which lease runs to Samuel Bartlett & 4 others, a Committee of the PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 38 1 Pro prietors of the Market house ; & was granted to them in con- sequence of their application in behalf of said proprietors reques- -ting [17] ting that the time of their former Lease, which was for 5 years from April 1. 1813, may be extended or prolonged, with a view to dig & stone a Cellar under said Market House. The Committee of the Common Lands having on April 27. last considered said application, & being satisfied, that a Celler under the building will make it more extensively usefull, agreed to the proposal of prolonging the time & extended it for 17 years upon certain condi- tions Exprefsed in said lease, which is filed with the proprietors papers. Said lease will expire on the last day of March A. D. 1833 This entry was made by W? Winthrop Prop? Clerk [18] At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common and undivided lands in Cambridge held at Porters Tavern March 15 th 1825 in pursuance of legal authority under a warrant from William J. Whipple Esq Eliab W. Metcalf Esq was chosen Moderator Timothy L. Jennison was chosen Clerk Pro Tempore and duly sworn by Aaron Hill Esq A Committee of three were appointed Viz E. W. Metcalf Levi Far- well & Dea James Munroe to ask for and receive from the legal Repre- sentatives of William Winthrop Esq deceased the late clerk & treasurer all the books & Papers belonging to this Propriety Voted to postpone the election of the Other Officers of this Pro- priety to the Adjournment of [19] of this meeting Voted to Adjourn this meeting to the 2 d tuesday of June next to this same place at 4 O clock P. M. and that the Clerk be directed to cause written notice of said Adjournment to be seasonably given to the proprietors Atteft Tim L. Jennison Clerk Pro tempore At the Adjournment of the Abovementioned meeting June 14 th 1825 at the Anchor Tavern Deacon Levi Farwell was chosen as Clerk of 382 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the Proprietors by ballot and was duly sworn by the Moderator Col Metcalf Atteft Tim L. Jennison Clerk P T Proceeded to the Choice of Treasurer by ballot and Levi Farwell was duly Chosen Voted that the further choice of Officers be postponed to the adjournment of this meeting Voted that Hon Aaron Hill Levi Farwell & [20] Torrey Han- cock be a committee for the purpose of effecting a settlement with the Executors of the late Treasurer and transfering the Books Papers & other effects to the present Treasurer Voted That Jacob VVyeth Dr. T L Jennison and Torrey Hancock be a Committee for the purpose of ascertaining what lands there are now belonging to the Propriety with instructions to endeavour to ascer- tain who Proprietors now living in Cambridge. Voted that this meeting be adjourned to Wednsday the 29 th instant at 7 Oclock P M at this place Adjourned Atteft Levi Farwell Prop clerk [21] Cambridge June 29 th 1825 The Proprietors met according to Adjournment and Voted that this meeting be further Adjourned to Wednesday the seventh day of Sept next at 7 Oclock P. M. Adjourned Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk Cambridge Sept 7 th 1825. Proprietors met Agreeable to adjourn- ments at the Anchor Tavern Voted that the Report of the Committee this day made relating to the situation of Common lands be Accepted and placed on the files of the Propriety Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to Wednesday October 5 th 1825 at 7 Oclock P. M. and the meeting was Adjourned Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 383 [22] Cambridge October 5 th 1825 The Proprietors met agreeable to adjournment from Sept 7 — at the Anchor Tavern Voted That Levi Farwell & Doct Tim? L Jennison be a Committee to apply to council learned in the law for a written Opinion of the steps necessary to be taken by the proprietors in making sale of any or every part of their Lands yet undisposed of — preparatory to winding up the concerns of said proprietors Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to the second day of November next at J^ passed six Oclock P M to meet at this place and the meeting was Accordingly Adjourned. Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk [23] Cambridge Nov 2 d 1825 The Proprietors met agreeable to Adjournment from Oct 5. 1825 Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to December 7 th at Six Oclock P M at the Anchor Tavern Accordingly Adjourned Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk Cambridge Dec 7 th 1825 The Proprietors Met acccording to Adjournment Voted that we now proceed to fill the vacancies that have Occured in the Standing Committee by the Decease of Hon Ws Winthrop and Dea John Adams, and Doct Timothy L. Jennison & John Cook were chosen Voted that the Standing Committee be authorised and empow- ered and they are hereby authorised and empowered to sell either at public or private sale, all or any part of the Common lands now [24] now belonging to this propriety within the present limits of the town of Cambridge and to execute conveyances of the same paying the proceeds of all such sales into the treasury Voted that the standing committee be authorised to cause a Survey to be taken and plans made and returned to the Clerk of this propriety as soon as conveniently may be of all the above mentioned lands Voted to Grant to the inhabitants of West-Cambridge all the land within that town which belonged to the proprietors of Cambridge 384 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. before the separations of the two towns provided that before the first day of April next they shall authorise their town Treasurer to guaranty this propriety against the Claims of the legal representatives of the proprietors who originally lived or now [25] live within the limits of West Cambridge or Lexington for any Lands or money the proceeds of Land in the present limits of Cambridge which may hereafter be sold by said propriety or for any Other estate to them belonging Voted that the Town Clerk of VVestCambridge be furnished with an Authentic copy of the names of all the original proprietors of Cambridge Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first Wednesday of April next to meet at this place at seven Oclock P. M. Accordingly Adjourned Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk [26] Cambridge April 5 th 1826 The Proprietors met agreeable to adjournment and no particular business coming before them it was Voted that the meeting be further adjourned to Wednesday the tenth day of May next at seven o clock at the anchor Tavern Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk Cambridge May 10 th 1826 The Proprietors met according to adjournment Levi Farwell the Clerk being Absent Doct Timl L Jennison was chosen Clerk Pro Tem- pore and the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday June 14 th 1S26 at 7 o clock P. M at this place Atteft T L Jennison Clk Pro tern Recorded by Levi Farwell Prop Clk [27] Cambridge June 14 th 1826 The Proprietors met agreeable to adjournment The moderator Col E W Metcalf being absent Docte Timothy L Jennison was chosen Moderator Pro Tempore and no par- ticular business being brought before the meeting it was Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to Tuesday July 18 th at 7 Oclock P M at the anchor tavern Accordingly Adjourned Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 385 Cambridge July 18 th 1826 The Proprietors met according to adjournment the Moderator being Absent Doct. T L Jennison was chosen Moderator Pro Tempore and the meeting was further adjourned to Tuesday August 15 th 1826 at the Anchor Tavern Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk [28] At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the common and undi- vided lands in Cambridge at Porters tavern by adjournment from July 18 to this 15 day of august 1826 Levi Farwell Esq the Clerk being absent Timothy L Jennison was chosen Clerk Pro tempore It was then voted that this meeting be further adjourned to Saturday next, following the first monday of September next to this same place at 7 o clock afternoon Atteft Tim? L Jennison Clerk P. T. Recorded by Levi Farwell Prop Clk Cambridge Sept 9 th 1826 The Proprietors met at the Anchor Tavern the Meeting being thin it was adjourned to Tuesday evening 26 th instant, at 7 Oclock to meet at this place Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk [29] Cambridge Sept 26 th 1826 The Proprietors met agreeable to adjournment and it was Voted that when this meeting be adjourned it be to meet at this place to wit at the Anchor Tavern on the first Wednesday in Jan y A D. 1827 at Six Oclock P. M. Voted that the following Notice be published in the Columbian Centinel a Newspaper printed in Boston once a week for three Months the the last publication to previous to the Adjournment of this meetting Viz Notice The Proprietors of the Common and undivided lands in the town of Cambridge having recently disposed of the few remaining pieces of their lands the proceeds of which will be 386 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [30] soon converted into money all persons claiming any share thereof as heirs grantees or representatives of any Original Proprietor are requested to produce to the subscriber a written statement of their respective claims with satisfactory evidence thereof on or before the first day of Jan y A D. 1827 in order that a final division of said fund may be made Cambridge Sept 26 th 1826 Levi Farwell Treasurer of Said Proprietors Voted that Dr T L Jennison be a Committee to exemine the Regis- try of deeds with view to assertain who of the original Proprietors have conveyed their right to Others Voted that this meeting be adjourned and it was accordingly Ad- journed Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk [31] Cambridge Jan y 3 d 1827 The Proprietors met at the Anchor Tavern agreeable to adjournment and no business being brought before the meeting it was Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the second monday in June next at 7 Oclock P M. to meet at this place and the meeting was accordingly adjourned Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk Cambridge June 11 th 1827 The Proprietors met agreeable to adjournment and it was Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to Tuesday the 19 th instant at 7 Oclock at the Anchor Tavern Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk [32] Cambridge June 19 th 1827 Proprietors of Common & undivided Lands in Cambridge holen at the Anchor Tavern June 19 th 1827 Allowed Dr Jennisons Bill for Services — $25.83 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 387 Voted that Dr Timothy L. Jennison and Mr Torrey Hancock be a Committee for the purpose of ascertaining from the records of the Pro- prietors who were proprietors at the latest date at which they can be ascertained and to declare a devident on the shares of the money now in the Treasury To examine and determine on the Claims that have been presented and to report to the Proprietors at a future meeting Adjourned to Tuesday August 2i 8t 1827 at 7 Oclock P M — Attest Levi Farwell Prop Clk [33] Proprietors Meeting August 21 — 1827 The Clerk of the Proprietors being absent Timothy L Jennison was Chosen Pro Tempore Voted that the Treasurer be requested and directed to take effectual measures to Collect any ballance due from W? Froft and Others to the Proprietors Voted to Adjourn this meeting to Tuesday the 18 th of Sept next to met at this place at seven Oclock Atteft T L Jenison Clk P. T. recorded by Levi Farwell Prop Clk Cambridge Sept 18 th 1827 The Proprietors met according to adjournment when the Committee appointed June 19 th 1827 made the following Report Vis The Committee of the Proprietors of the Common and undivided lands in this town appointed June 19 th 1827 for the purpose of ascertaining [34] Ascertaining from their Records who were proprietors at the latest date at which they can be ascertained have attended to that service and report as follows Vis that at a regular meeting of said Proprietors April 17 th 1724 by adjournment from the third of March preceeding there was a division of the Common lands made among them agree- ably to the rights of the Proprietors at their division A. D. 1665 and the following is a true list of them taken from said records with the number of Cow Commons or rights affixed to each name as originally recorded and also the names of such as by decent or purchase subsequently became Owners. 3 88 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [35] Proprietors Belcher Jona Barrett WW, Boardman Aaron " Moses " Andrew Cook Joseph Colledge Harvard Danforth Frost Eph heirs Fessenden Nichi Foxcroft Francis Gove Jon* [36] Amt Brot forw d Hancock Nath 1 Kidder Sam' — Marrett Edward ) " Amos I Prentice Nath 1 ) " Stephen ) " Solomon Parker Josiah Stedman John Stimsons heirs Wyeth Jon? " John Watson John Warland Owen Rights Rights 1724 1827 7 7 i A 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 2 2 3 3 4 3 2jr 44 44 3 Claimants whose rights have been al- lowed at a Proprietors Meeting 1827 Doct T L Jennison heirs of Tho" Barrett Prop of Markett House & L Farwell Doct T L Jannison Estate of W m Winthrop John Cook Harvard Colledge Doct Danforth Boston heirs of Gideon Frost Elisabeth Hicks & M^ Flagg £ to Proprietors of Market house in Cambridge & £ to the heirs of Francis Foxcroft deceased under the will of John Foxcroft Tho 5 & Nath 1 Goddard Mary Hancock Market house Proprietors Rev Sam 1 Sewall M~ Lydia Fillebrown Tho 8 Goddard Tho 8 Warland & Nancy Moore Col E W Metcalf heirs of Ja 8 Frost Tho" Goddard by his wife Joseph Miller belongs to the heirs of Abraham Isaac & Jacob Watson Nancy Moore PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 389 [37] Voted that the foregoing report be Accepted Voted that this meeting be adjourned to Tuesday Oct 2 d 1827 to be holden at this place Atteft Levi Fanvell Clk. It appears by the records of the Proprietors that the whole number of Proprietors was One Hundred and thirty one. The number who drew shares in 1724 amounted to Seventy two In making up the fore- going result the Proprietors have had particular reference to the pro- ceedings of the proprietors at a meeting held AD. 1771 Oct 17, when they Voted to divide £59- 18 . 9 among themselves at five Shillings for each Share [38] Cambridge Oct 2 d 1827 The Proprietors met agreeable to adjournment The following bills were presented and allowed and the Treasurer directed to pay them Viz Col E W Metcalf . . . . $10 — Doct T L Jennison Levi Farwell . Israel Porter . . . Torrey Hancock 10 — 25 1 91 6 $52 91 Voted that this meeting be adjourned to meet at the Counting room of the Clerk Levi Farwell on Tuesday the 16 th inst at 7 Oclock P M. Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk [39] Cambridge Oct 16 th 1827 The Proprietors met agreeable to adjournment at the counting room of the Clerk Voted that the Treasurer be and he hereby is authorised and directed to pay the sum of five dollars & fifty cents upon each right as allowed and recorded at a meeting holden Sept. 18 th 1827 Voted that this meeting be adjourned to meet at this place on Tues- day Dec 25 — 1827 at 7 Oclock P M — Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk 39 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Cambridge Dec 25 th 1827 At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common & undivided lands in Cambridge holden Dec 25 1827 at Levi Farwell's counting room the Clerk being Absent Dr Timothy L Jennison was Chosen Clerk Pro Tern [40] Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first Tuesday in April next at 8 Oclock P. M. at this place Signd Tim 9 L Jennison Clk Pro tempore — Recorded by Levi Farvvell Prop Clk Cambridge April I st 1828 Proprietors met according to adjourn- ment and no particular business coming before the meeting it was adjourned to thursday July 17 th 1828 at 8 oclock P. M. at the Clerks Counting room Atteft Levi Farwell Clk [41] Cambridge July 17 th 1828 The Proprietos of Common Lands met agreeable to adjournment and no particular business being brought before the Meeting it was further adjourned to Thursday the second day of October next at 8 Oclock P M. to meet at the counting room of the Clerk Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk Cambridge October 2 d 1828 The Proprietors met according to adjournment and the meeting was further adjourned to Thursday the eighth day of Jan 7 next at 7 Oclock P M at this place — Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk [42] Cambridge, Jan 7 8 th 1829 The meeting of the Proprietors of Common lands which was adjourned to this evening is further Adjourned to Thursday 22 d instant at 7 Oclock P. M. at the counting room of the Treasurer Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 391 Cambridge Jan 7 22 d 1829 The Meeting of the Proprietors of Common Lands which was Adjourned to this evening was further adjourned to Thursday Feb y 19 — 1829 at the counting room of the Clerk at 7 oclock P. M. Atteft — Levi Farwell Prop Clerk [43] Cambridge Feb 7 19 th 1829 Proprietors met agreeable to adjournment and the meeting was further adjourned to Thursday- March 26. 1829 at 7 Oclock P M at the Counting Room of the Clerk Atteft Levi Farwell Clk No meeting was holden in pursuance of the Above Adjournment Atteft Levi Farwell Prop Clk Index of Names. Index of Names. Abbet, George, 277. Abbot, Daniel, 60. Abott, Daniel, 27. Adams, Deacon John, 377, 3S0, 383. , Deacon Joseph, 371, 372, 373, 375. , Jeremy, 26. . John, 140, 143, 162, 164, 174, 197, 326, 327. , Joseph, 167, 173, 198. , Joseph, Jr., 323. , William, 44, 323, 324, 326. Addams, George, 215. , Henry, 125. , John, 124, 148, 238, 253, 286. , Joseph, 275, 276, 279, 296, 302. , Thomas, 51. Allen, Mathew, 25. vEmsden, Jacob, 205, 207. Amsdell, Jacob, 152. Amsden, Jacob, 208. Andrew, Daniel, 145. , Mr., 141. , Mr. Samuel, 172, 191. , Samuel, 246. , Samuel, Sr., 165. , Thomas, 183, 194, 246, 256, 342. Andrewe, Mr,, 255. . Samuel, 164, 166. Andrewes, Mr. Will, 41. , Samuel, 146. , Thomas, 148, 160, 210. , Thomas, Heirs of, 311. Androwes, Mr., 148. , Thomas, 152. Anger, Edmondor Edmund, 40, 50, 70, 87, '23. 331- Angier, Edmond or Edmund, 130, 14 149, 153, 163, 3°4» 3°6. . Ed.„ 337, 339. , Mr., 340, 342. , Mr. Edm., 143, 177, 191. , Samuel, 237, 251. Appelton, Mr. Nathaniel, 363, 364. Appleton, Mr., 363, 364. , Mr. Nathaniel, 363. , Rev. Mr. Nathaniel, 363. Apthorp, Mr. East, 354, 355. Arnould, John, 28. Arrington, Abigaile, 129. Austen, Jonas, 59. Baker, Goodman, 340. Bambrig, Guy, 33- Banbricke, Guy, 128. , Justin, 146. .Widow, 140. Banbridge, Guy, 55, 335. Banbrige, Guy or Guye, 96, 107. Banbrooke, Gie, 333. Bancroft, Roger, 104, 128, 131, 137, 154. Bandbrike, Guy, 70. Bankcrafte, Roger, 70. Barnard, John, 34, 55. Barratt, William, 143. Barrett, Thomas, heirs, 388. , William, 146, 175, 189, 246, 256, 38? Barrit, William, 151, 307. Barritt, William, 163, 342. Bartlett, Joseph, 208. Ceal, Brother, 337, 339. , Thomas, 33S. 396 INDEX OF NAMES. Beale, Brother, 337, 338. , Thomas, 16, 50, 63, 102, 127, 154, 33°, 332. , Widow, 142, 147. Beemus, Joseph, 224. Beetlestone, William, 63. Beets, John, 70, 331. Belcher, Andrew, 144, 145, 161, 178, 186, 244. , Capt., 258. , Capt. Andrew, 247. , Jonathan, Esq., 299, 305, 388. Benbrike, George, 331. Beniamin, John, 10, 35, 36, 51, 114. Benjamen, Mrs., 337. Benjamin, Mrs., 339. Besbidge, Thomas, 54. Betts, John, 1 08, 1 26, 1 32, 136, 336, 33 7, 339. Biglow, Abraham, 375, 376, 377. Bittleston, Elisabeth, 100. Bittlestone, Elisabeth, 127. Bloged, Thomas, 331. Bloget, Susan, 100. • , Widow, 338. Blogett, Susan, 130. Blogget, Thomas, 48, 59, 61. Bloggitt, Thomas, 333. Blomfield, William, 59. Blores, Piam, 165. Blower, Mr., 259. , Piam, 245. Blowers, Pyam, 1S1, 197. Boadman, Andrewe, 15S. Boedman, Andrew, 162. , Aron, 342. , Arron, 162. , William, 160. Boeman, Francis, 163. Bond, Jonas, 218, 219. Bonner, Capt., 247. , John, 250. Bordman, Aaron, 167, 170, 175, 192, 196, 240, 388. , Andrew or Androw, 156, 213, 236, 240, 251, 261, 264, 290, 291, 294, 301, 313. 3i8, 359- 388. Bordman, Andrew, Esq., 351, 352, 357, 364- , Capt., 279, 282, 304, 308, 316. , Mr. Andrew, 360. , Moses or Mosses, 217, 221, 224, 226, 227, 22S, 237, 239, 242, 260, 26S, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280, 283, 284, 285, 289, 300, 301, 304, 318, 348, 349, 350, 351, 388. , Capt. Moses, 279, 301,316,319, 320. , Widow, 180, 196. , William, 142, 147. Boseworth, Jonathan, 30. Boutell, John, 132, 335. Bower, Jonathan, 154. Bowers, Jerath, 141, 146. Bowman, Deacon, 279, 314, 315. , Francis, 203, 215, 219, 220, 222, 230, 231, 234, 264, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272. , Joseph, 271, 272. , Samuel, 278, 281, 290, 291,296, 297, 299. 317, 320. , Deacon Samuel, 313, 320. Bowtell, John, 143, 145. , Widow, 164, 184, 191, 343. Bradish, Ebenezer, 356, 364, 365, 371. , John, 287, 2S8, 289, 298,315,318, 319. , Joseph, 163. , Robert, 15, 153, 331. Bradishe, Robert, 333. Bradstret, Symon, 29. Bratle, William, Esq., 349, 350, 352. Brattle, William, 326. , Hon. William, Esq., 324. Bredsha, Humph., 142, 147. Bregd, John, 153. , Mathew, 156. Breskoe, John, 115. Bridg, John, 10. Bridge, Deacon, 144. , John, 15, 41, 55, 60, 65, 85, 116, 117, 118, 131, 134, 147, 337,338.339- , Mathew or Matthew, 142, 145, 148, 160, 219, 220, 230, 231, 235, 236. Bridgham, Thomas, 332, 338. Brigham, Sabastean, 59. INDEX OF NAMES. 397 Brigham, Thomas, 64, roo, 127, 134, 138, 154,337- Brighame, Sebastiane, 65. Broadish, Widow, 141. Brodisli, Robert, 91, 145, 337, 338. Brown, Robert, 162, 179, 196, 342. ■ , Thomas, 343. , Thomas, Jr., 164. Browne. John, 141. , Richard, 119. , Robert, 141, 146, 149. , Thomas, 146. Bruer, John, 127. Buck, Roger, 162, 176, 194. , Samuel, 175, 19S, 247, 253 ; heirs of, 310- , William, 122. Bucke, Roger, 142, 145, 342. , Samuel, 160. , William, 62, 112,120, 128, 331,335, 336. Bull, Elisha, 238, 256, 309. ~, Samuel, 179, 202, 206,244, 2 5S, 2 73- 275, 276, 302. , William, 142, 146, 161 ; heirs of, 177, 1S7. Bunker, John, 212, 261. . John, Jr., 280. Bush, Goodman, 144. , Randolph, 115. , Reignold, 145. , Renould, 136. Butterfield, Jonathan, 223, 232, 233, 263, 270, 271, 273, 287, 320. , Jonathan, Jr., 280. ■ , Samuel, 327, 328. Buttler, Richard. 11. , William, 1 1. Caine, Christopher. 69, 331. Cane, Christopher, 51, 61, 109, 129. , Jonathan, 163, 176, 198. , Widow, 141, 148, 248, 255. Carly, William, 165. Cayne, Christopher, 69. Chamne, Daniel, 162, 297. , Samuel, 162. Champne, Elder, 153. , Samuel, 155. Champnes, Richard, 57, 59. - — , Mr. Richard. 66. Champney, Daniel, 297. , Elder, 143. , Richard, 47. Champnies, John, 57, 331. , Richard, 47, 57, 65. Champnis, Richard, 41, 336. , Mr. Richard, 149. Champny, Richard, 11S. Champnye, Elder, 333. , Mr. Richard, 147. Champnyes, Richard, 7S, 117. Chauncey, Mr. Charles, [46. Chauncy, Mr. Charles, 144. Cheauer, Daniel, 149, 156. Cheavers, Daniel, 141. 145. Cheeuers, Daniel, 164, 343. Cheever, Daniel, 239, 254. Chenny, Thomas, 162. Cheny, Thomas, 145. Chesholm, Thomas, 339. Chesholme, Thomas, 43, 60. 98, 117. 11S, ■34. '35. 13 s ' '42, '45- «54- 335- 336, 337- Chesseholme, Thomas, 331. Chessham, Thomas, 66. Chester, Mrs.. 35. Chever, Daniel, 182, 199. Child, Ephraim, 1 19. Chumnes, Mr. Richard, 41. Clarke, James, 250, 306. — — , Jonas, 259. , Elder Jonas, 163. , Mr. Jonas, 183, 194. , Richard, 295. , Thomas, 275. Clarke. John, 17, 56. , Jonas, 143, 147. , Elder Jonas, 159. . Nicholas, 56. Clemance, William, Sr.. 136, 14S. 398 INDEX OF NAMES. Clements, William, 114, 134. Coleby, Antonie, 67. Colledge, 143, 146, 190, 342. , Harvard, 165, 171, 246, 247, 251, 30S, 38S. College, Harvard, 300. Collice, John, 164. Collines, Edward, 71. Collins, Edward, 72, 8S, 331. , Mr., 153- , Mr. Edward. 154. Colson, William, 374. Coocke, Captaine, 71. , Mr. Joseph, 330. Cook, George, 41. , Samuel, 158, 164. Cooke, George, 76. , Capt. George, 153. , Mr. George, 62, 67, 72, 131, 132. , John, 383, 384. , Joseph, 42, 43, 74, 171, 187, 214, 222, 238, 258, 388. , Lieut. Joseph, 232. ■ Mr., 337, 338, 342. , Mr. Joseph, 124, 138, 147, 153, 159, 163. , Philip, 131, 141, 145, 167, 171, 197, 227, 247 ; heirs of, 312. , Widow, 161, 179, 188. Cooledge, Deacon, 281. , Joseph, 240, 252, 270, 277, 282. Coolidge, Deacon, 308. Coollidge, Deacon, 313. Coop, John, 136, 139. Cooper, Deacon, 278, 279; heirs of, 310, 343. 344- , Deacon John, 162, 180, 197. , John, 57, 96, 137, 143, 145, 214, 222, 239, 240, 250, 270, 271, 275, 276, 279, 280, 286, 287, 288, 2S9, 309, 337. , John, Jr., 164, r 73, iSS. , Samuel, 158, 162, 167, 171, 193, 204, 235, 240, 246, 250, 264, 267, 281, 286, 3°7- , Deacon Samuel, 236. , Serg't Samuel, 210. Cooper, Walter, 232. , Widow, 306. Corbet, Mr. Elijah, 141. Corlet, Mr. Elijah, 147 ; heirs of, 309. Corlett, Mrs., 179, 196, 242. , Widow, 251. Corlitt, Mr. Eliiah, 163. Corlitts, Mr. Eliah, 158. Couldby, Anthony, 32. Cracbo, Gilbert, 236. Cracbone, Gilbert, 336, 337. Crackbon, Joseph, 166, 305. , Joseph, Jr., 308. Crackbone, Beniam, 147. , Gilbert, 54, 62, 97, 119, 128, 131, 142, 146. , Joseph, 1S0, 187, 239, 253. Crackebone, Gilbert, 51, 125. Cragbons, Gibert, heirs, 163. Crakborne, Gilbert, 331. Crakeborne, Gilbert, 68. Crosbey, Mrs., 139. Crosby, Ann, 90, 153. , Simon, 67, 337. , Symon, 58. , Thomas, 119, 131. Crosbye, Anne, 122. , Thomas, 131, 137. Cutler, James, Jr., 162. , James, Sr., 145, 162. , Thomas, 162. Cuttler, James, 2S2, 286, 2S7, 320. Cutter, Ammi, 323, 326, 327. , Elisabeth (widow), 10S. , Ephraim, 162, 169, 188. , Gershom, 167, 170, 186, 243, 258, 273, 276, 288, 2S9, 307, 323, 324. , Gershom, Sr., 275. , Gershom, Jr., 321. , Gershom, tertius, 320. , John, 282, 283, 286, 287, 288, 320, 321. , Nehemiah, 326, 328. , Richard, 127, 143, 147, 153, 164, 184, '95. 2 45, 337. 339 ; neirs of, 258, 310. INDEX OF NAMES. 399 Cutter, Thomas, 324, 326. , Widow, 153. , William, 53, 63, ioj, 137, 153, 167, 169, 199, 218, 273, 275, 276, 277, 279, 331, 336; heirs of, 309. Dampforth, Nickolas, 71. Dana, Daniel, 212. , Francis, 372. , Francis, Esq., 372. , Richard, 148. , William, 326. , Mr. William, 324. Danford, Nicholas, 65. , Hon. Samuel, Esq., 356. Danforth, , 388. , Doctor, 388. , Mr., 3S3, 360, 361. , Mr., Esq., 342, 343. , Nicholas, 36, 37, 38, 39, 124. , Samuel, 294, 348, 366. , Samuel, Esq., 348, 350, 351, 352, 353- 356, 357, 358. 359- 36o, 361, 364. , Hon. Samuel, Esq., 347, 352. , Thomas, in, 117, 118, 133, 134, 135. 137, 142. 143. H6, 147. 337, 338- 341- , Thomas, Esq., 152, 163, 168. . Mr. Thomas, 153, 154. Danfourth, S., 365. Daniel, Mrs. Reana, 142. Daniel!, Robert, 61, 102, 119, 337. Danniell, Robert, 331. Dany, Jacob, 162. — — , Richard, 160. Dauis, Dollard, 10. Davis, Gershom, 206. Day, Isaac, 173, 199. , Mathew, 129, 137. , Robert, 34. , Stephen, 122, 143, 147. Daye, Seuen, 69. , Steephen, 88. , Steuen, 331. Deming, David, 237, 250. Denison, , iS. Dickson, Edward, 362. , John, 167, 170, 199, 211, 218, 223, 244, 263, 269, 270, 271, 275, 276, 278, 279, 2S0, 281, 283, 287, 29S, 304, 313. , Mr. John, 282, 284. , William, 177, 194, 250. Dikson, William, 162. Dix, John, Jr., 224. Dixon, William, 114, 126, 143, 145. Dixson, , 365. , Lieut. John, 349. Dogget, John, 116. Druse, Vincent, 139. Drusse, Vincent, 139. Dudley, Samuel, 31. Dudly, Thomas, Esq., 2. Dunster, Mrs., 141, 197. , Mrs. Eliz : 147. , Henry, 232, 270, 281. , Mr., 255, 334, 335, 337, 339; heirs of, 163. , Mr. Henry, 73, 120, 127, 131, 133, 137, 278. , Jonathan, 167, 174, 180, 193, 246. Eason, Joseph, 33, 48. Eaton, Benoni, 161, 171, 186. , Nathaniel, 54. Eccles, Richard, 129, 142, 145, 159, 163, 176, 1 89, 343. Eckles, Richard, 125, 126. Ecles, Ri : 335. Elliot, Ebenezer, 323. Elly, Nathaniel, 12. Elmer, Edward, 30, 62. Emerson, Edward, Esq., 222. Ensigne, James, 27, 56. Eringtone, Abra, 336. Errington, Abraham, 143, 145; heirs. 162. , Widow, 176, 190. Faning, Widow, 332. Farrabas, Daniel, 147. 400 INDEX OF NAMES. Farwell, Levi, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387,388,389,390, 391. , Deacon Levi, 377. Fassett, Joseph, 235. Fesenden, John, 331. , Nicholas, 162, 165, 343. Fessenden, Nicholas, 211, 217, 229, 239, 257. 3°°' 3°4, 388. , William, 314, 315, 347. , Mr. William, 348, 349, 350, 352. Fessinden, Nicolas, 170, 1S9. Fillebrown, John, 232, 280, 281, 286, 288, 289, 314. 3'5- , Mrs. Lydia, 388. Fisenden, John, 46, 147. Fishenden, John, 58, 68, 338. Fisher, Thomas, 32, 42, 270. Fishington, John, 150. , Nicholas, 150, 156. Fisiden, John, 142. Fiske, Dauid, 336. , David, 147, 264. , Lieut. David, 169, 264. , David, Sr., 156, 163, 218, 219. , David, Jr., 164. Fissenden, John, 46, 103. , Nicholas, 214, 215. Fissington, John, 139. Flagg, Mrs., 384. Fletcher, Mr. William, 350, 351. Fownell, John, 133. Fox, Brother, 334. , Mr., 257. , Thomas, 143, 146, 160, 171, 185, 243- 310- 337, 339- Foxcroft, Col., 248, 302, 306, 312. , Col., Esq., 250. , Francis, 225, 3S8 ; heirs, 388. , Mr., 240, 241. .John, 371,373,374, 375,376,377,388. , Mr. John, 359, 360. Frances, Richard, 161. Francis, Richard, 125, 126, 143, 148. French, John, 109, 127, 332, 336. , William, 57, 66, 100, 129, 130, 132, 331- 336. Frenche, William, 333. Frost, Edmond or Edmund, 48, 58, 79, 125, 146, 320. , Mr. Edmond, 136. , Elder, 66, 142, 333, 337, 338, 339. , Ephraim, 158, 164, 180, 187, 233, 241, 254, 273, 275, 276; heirs, 300,388. , Ephraim, Jr., 275, 276,322,324,326. , Capt. Ephraim, 322, 326, 327, 371, 374- , Gideon, 364; heirs, 388. , Deacon Gideon, 373. , James, heirs of, 388. , John, 146, 160, 173, 188, 327. , Mr. John, 326. , Joseph, 323. , Mrs., 148. , Samuel, 148, 322, 323. Fuller, Joshua, 163. , Timothy, 329. Gamage, 365. , William, 364. Gammage, William, 356. Gannet, Caleb, 380. Gearner, Edmund, 28. Gibbs, John, 332. Gibson, John, 35, 55, 62, 95, 124, 135, 138 141, 146, 184, 194, 338,342; heirs, 165. , Samuel, 151, 156, 164, 207, 241, 256, 263 ; heirs, 304. Gibsone, John, 333. Girling, Richard, 15. Glouer, John, 136, 339. , Mrs., 49, 64. Goave, John, 141, 145, 165. Goddard, Benjamin, 222, 235, 242,256, 257. , Nathaniel, 388. , Thomas, 388. Goodman, Richard, 24. Goodwin, William, 12. Gookin, Capt., 339. , Daniel, Esq., 140. , Capt. Daniel, 144, 145. , Major Daniel, 159, 160. INDEX OF NAMES. 401 Gookin, Mr., 159. , Mr. Nathaniel, 164, 175, 190. , Samuel, 164, 1S0, 226, 227, 22S, 260, 275. 276,301. , Mr. Samuel, 1S7, 217, 221,248,257. Gookine, Capt., 339. Gookins, Capt. Daniel, 147. Goue, John, 157, 15S, 342. Gove, Jerath, 388. , John, 177, 195, 206, 210, 243, 254, 255. , Jonathan, 226, 227, 274, 296, 305. Green, John, 183, 195, 241, 343. , Lieut., 156. , Nathaniel, 147, 161, 182, 196, 246, 342. , Samuel, 123, 126. , Widow of Mr. Bartholomew, 55. Greene, Bartholomew, 27. , Capt., 185, 25S. , Elisabeth (widow), 105, 129,338. ■ , Ellen or Hellen, 96, 336. , John, 141, 145. , Mrs., 245, 332. , Persiuall, 53, 333. , Samuel, 35, 55, 70, 97, 129, 132, 141, 145, 258, 331, 333, 334, 336. , Capt. Samuel, 185, 194. ■ , Lieut. Samuel, 163. , Widow, 142. Greenhill. Samuel, 17. Grissoll, Francis, 112, 128, 132. Hadden, Katherin, 88. Haddon, Garrad, 25. 48. , Katherine. 66. Hall, Edward, 63, 101. 107. 127, 141, 147, 152, 160, 335, 340; heirs, 176, 196. , Percival, 225. , Thomas, 126, 142, 148. 160, 182,186. , Widow, 143, 178, 18S. Hamblett, William, 118. Hamlett, William, 134. Hammond. Thomas, 139. Hancock, Deacon, 226, 273 ; heirs, 307. Hancock, Mary, 388. , Nathaniel, 30, 178, 181, 186, 189, 243, 245, 257, 259, 261, 263, 29S, 302, 3°3- 3i5. 343. 388. , Nathaniel, Jr., 207. , Nathaniel, Sr., 207. , Torrey, 3S2, 3S6, 389. . Widow, 141. Hancocke, Nathaniel, 60, 114, 129, 146. Hancok, and Post, 160. Hancoke, Nathaniel, 151, 161. Handcocke, Nathaniel, 331. Harlackenden, Mr. Roger, 57. , Mr. Roger, Esq., 59. Harlackinden, Roger, 43. , Mr. Roger, Gent: 41. Harlackingden, Roger, 40, 57, 59. Harlackington, Mr., 40. Hartt, Steven, 18. Hassull, Richard, 143, 147. Hastin, Deacon, 343. , John, 163. , Samuel, 164, 342. Hasting, Deacon, 244, 245. ' , John, 169, 185, 243, 257. , Jonathan, 232. , Samuel, 181, 192, 247, 251. , Walter, 152, 155, 1S5, 252, 264, 267. Hastings, Brother, 340, 341. , Deacon, heirs of, 305, 309. , John, 307. , Mr. John, 204. , Jonathan, 233, 281, 313, 314, 315. , Jonathan, Esq., 356, 357. , Jonathan, Jr., 321, 322. , Mr. Jonathan, 354. , Samuel, 146, 1 Si, 192, 247, 251, 342, 344- Thomas, 356, 364, 365. . Walter, 143. 146. . Deacon Walter, 315. , Widow, 141. Hastins, John, 149, 157. , Walter, 1 56. , Deacon Walter, 163, 170, 190, 191. Haynes, John, Esq., 3. 26 40; INDEX OF NAMES. Haynes, Mr. John, Esq., 49. Healy, William, 146. Hearte, Stephen, 42. Heat, Thomas, 52. Heate, Thomas, 16. Herlakington, Mr., 69. Heringe, James, 71. Herring, James, 61. Herrington, John, 263. Hicks, Elisabeth, 388. , Joseph, 167, 183, 187. , Zachariah or Zechariah, 167, 172, 180, 183, 342, 343. Hickes, John, 310, 318. , Zechariah, 142, 148, 156, 163, 241, 261, 274, 275, 281, 298, 308, 315. , Zechariah, Sr., 255. Hill, Abraham, 163, 233, 302. , Aaron, 371. ■ , Aaron, Esq., 377, 380, 381. , Deacon Aaron, 373, 374, 375. , Hon. Aaron, 382. , Jacob, 178, 192, 200, 248, 253, 278, 279, 28 1, 289, 304, 313, 320. , Nathaniel, 261, 320. , Zechariah, 321, 322, 323. Hitte, Thomas, 52. Hodchen, George, 106. Holden, Justinian, 148. Holdin, Samuel, 315. Holeman, Jeremiah, 207. , William, 331. Holley, Samuel, 69. Hollman, William, 333. Holly, John, 1 19. , Samuel, 115. Holman, Abraham or Abram, 143, 145, 164, 171, 191, 200, 342, 343. .Jeremiah, 146, 161, 165, 195, 238, 251, 343- , Widow, 142, 146; heirs of, 173. 1 William, 48, 107, 129, 336, 337. Holme, Robert, 62, 125, 134. Holmes, John, 147, 148, 149, 162, 181, 193, 247, 251, 343. ■ , Robert, 92, 128, 140, 153, 337. Holmested, Nicholas, 43. Holms, John, 342. Homan, William, 338. Homes, Brother, 335, 336. ■ , Robert, 331, 339. . R> : 335- Hooker, Thomas, 3. 38. Hopkins, John, 26, 40. Hosmer, James, 56. , Thomas, 31, 52, 103. Hough, Atterton, 30. Hought, Atherton, 115. Houlden, Justinion, 161. Hubbard, James, 142, 145. Hubberd, James, 172, 195. Hubert, James, 160. Huchen, Georg, 63. Huddsone, Mr., 64. Hudson, Mr., 58. Hunt, Edward, 52. Hunte, Edmond or Edmund, 23, 40. Hutchins, George, 332. Hyde, Jonathan, 133. , Samuel, 133. Inman, Ralph, Esq., 354, 355. Irlakington, Mr., 66. Isaac, Abraham, heirs of, 388. Isaacke, Elisabeth, 109, 123. , Joseph, 46, 333. Isaake, Josheph, 331. Isack, Joseph, 52. Isacke, Joseph, 40, 62, 335, 336. I sake, Josheph, 68. Jackson, Abraham, 207. , Edward, r 1 9, 120. , Mr. Edward, 141, 148. , John, 115, 133, 134, 135, 143, 147, 150, 183, 191, 205, 206, 207, 208, 213, 244. , Lieut. John, 233. , Lieut., 226. , Richard, 35, 64, 86, 116, 139, 140, 147 ; heirs of, 161. INDEX OF NAMES. 403 Jackesone, John. 68. Jacksone, Richard, 332. Jacksonne, Edward, 128. Jacson, Mr. Edward, 136. , John, 136, 137. , Richard, 337, 339. Jannison, Doct. T. L., 388. Jennery. John, 223. Jennison, Doctor, 3S6. , T. L., 384. , Doct. T. L., 386, 3S8, 389. , Timothy L., 381, 382, 385, 3S7, 390. , Doct. Timothy L., 383, 3S4, 386. Jones, Philip, 161. , William, 56. Judd, Thomas, 34, 50, 55. Kane, Christopher, 333. Kelsie, William, 24. Kelsey, William, 42. Kempster, Daniel, 96, 117, 122, 126, 143, 146. Kendall, John & Elisabeth, 120. Kerley. Kidder, Deacon, 2S5, 312. , Samuel, 216, 217, 218, 232, 233, 249, 271, 275, 276, 388. , Thomas, 120. Kideer, Samuel, 237. Kneeland. Dr. William, 364. Knight, John, 44, 49. , Michael, 162. Lampsone, Barnabe, 332. Lamson, Barnaby. 51, 57, 123. Lathrum, Care, 65. Lathum, Cary. 113, 119, 131. Lee. Joseph, Esq., 355. Leverett, John, 218, 219. , John, Esq., 217, 243, 252, 264. , Mr. John, 208. , Mr., 273. , Mr. President, 305. Lewis, William, 14. Livermore, Daniel, 224. , Samuel, 224. Lock, Benjamin, 323, 326. , Capt. Benjamin, 373, 374. , Francis, 2S2, 320. Locke, William, 327, 328. Lockwood, Robert, 53. Longhorne, Thomas, 141, 14C, 163. 343. , Widow, 1S4, 192. Lord, Richard, 21. Lues, Miles, 6S. Luxeford, James, 49, 64. Luxford, Reuben, 162, 167, 183, 193. Mackoon, John, 163. Macoone, John, 148. Mairitt, John, 163. Maisters, Mr., 331. Man. Goodman, 150, 332, 333, 334, 335, 33°, 337. 339- , William, 64, 101, 122, 128, 141, 153. Maning, William, 152. Manning, Samuel, 249. , William, 54, 142, 147, 161, 178, 197, 241, 340; heirs of, 302. , William, Jr., 125. , William, Sr., 125, 127. , Mr. William, 165. Manninge, William, 103, 119. , William, Jr., 125. Mariot, Thomas, 50. Marit, Thomas. 337. Marratt; Capt. Edward, 359, 360. Marret, Amos. 234, 272, 275, 277, 27S. . Lieut. Amos, 271, 273, 274, 282. , Mr. Amos, 321. , Brother, 335. , Thomas, 86, 334. 335. 336. Marrett, Amos, 226, 227, 236, 237, 242, 259, 260, 261, 263, 317, 318, 388. , Lieut. Amos, 217, 221. 235, 319. , Brother. 330. , Capt., 365. , Edward. 3S8. , Edward, Jr., 347. 404 INDEX OF NAMES. Marrett, Capt. Edward, 357, 366, 36S. , Mr. Edward, 353. , Mr. Edward, Jr., 347, 348. , John, 173, iSS, 200. , Thomas, 332. Marriot, Thomas, 52. Marrit, Edward, 311. -, John, 150. , Thomas, 153, 154, 339, 341 Marritt, John, 142, 148, 161. , John, Sr., 342. , Thomas, 143. Marshall, John Green, 165. Mason, John, 222. , Thaddeus, Esq., 371. Masters, John, 29, 53, 323. Maynard, John, 35. Mead, Israel, 158, 160. Meane, John, 60, 101, 128, 332. Meed, Isreall, 158. Meene, John, 338. Metcalf, Eliab W., 3S1. , Col. E. W., 3S2, 384, 388, 389- Michason, Edward, 66, 332. Michell, Mrs., 181, 342; heirs of, 164. Michelson, Brother, 335, 336. , Edward, 138, 142, 336, 339; heirs of, 164. , Widow, 343. , William, 146. Micherson, Edward, 99. Miller, Joseph, 3S8. Ministry, 199. Miriam, Robert, heirs of, 161. , Widow, 164. Mirriam, Joseph, 146. Mitchell, Mr. Jonathan, 144, 146. , Rev. Jonathan, 139. , Mrs. Margaret, 192. Mitchelson, Edward, 148. , Widow, 170, 192. Monis, Mr. Judah, 311. Moore, Frances, 340. , Francis, 109, 121, 128, 152, 157, 158; heirs of, 161. , Francis, Jr., 142, 147. Moore, Francis, Sr., 143. , Sergt. Francis, 165. , Golden or Goulden, 92,93, 139, 337, 338. 339- , John, 61, 64, 69, 102, 336. , Nancy, 388. , Widow, 170, 195. More, Francis, 331, 342, 344. , Golden, 154, 164. , John, 70, 331, 333. Morill, Abraham, 48. Morrell, Abram, 332. Morrill, Abraham, 20, 113, 118, 336, 338. Morse, William, 319. Munroe, Deacon James, 381. , George, 222, 223. , John, 222. , William, 163, 200, 201, 202, 223, 225. , William, Jr., 225. , William, Sr., 225. Musse, Hester, 20. Must, Hester, 36. Muzzey, Benj., 272. , Mr. Benj., 218, 220, 271. Mygatt, Joseph, 7. Nichols, Thomas, 51. Norcrost, Jeremiah, 121. , John, 115. Nutting, Jonathan, 305. Oakes, Edward, 147, 152, 162. , Thomas, 141 ; children of. 146. , Mr. Thomas, 159. Oldham, John, 207, 212, 229, 235, 269, 270. Oliuer, Thomas, 161. Oliver, Doctor, 258. , Madam, heirs of, 311. , Mrs., 244. Olmesteade, James, 8. Olmstead, Nicholas, 9. Ouldum, John, 163. , Samuel, 161. INDEX OF NAMES. 405 Padlefoote, Jonathan, 141. Palfray, John, 249, 252. Palfrey, John, iSS ; heirs of, 175. Palfry, John, 163, 343. Parish, R: 335. , Thomas, 153, 337, 338, 339. Parishe, Thomas, 62, 333. Parrish, Thomas, 95, 107, 123, 124, 132. Parke, Richard, 53, 103, 136, 137,331,336. Parker, Capt., 242, 285. , Goodman, 334. , John, 139. . Josiah, 226, 227, 228, 260, 272, 385. , Capt. Josiah, 217, 221, 256, 271, 290, 301. , Robert, 43, 49, 58, 104, 116, 129, 142, 146, 152, 160, 332, 334, 335. 33S, 339, 34o Parkes, Edward, 138. , Richard, 153. Parks, Mr., 339. , Robert, 337. Patrick, Daniel, 28, 42. Patricke, Captain, 63. Patten, Nathaniel, 15s, 205, 210. William, 55, 126, 336. Pattin, Nathaniel, 165, 183, 193, 218, 254. Nathaniel, Jr., 278, 279, 286, 296. Nathaniel, Sr., 263, 275, 285. William, 97, 143, 146, 213, 243, 260, 276, 332 ; heirs of, 305. Paullrey, John, 146. Pavne. Moses. 113, 125. Perce, Goodman, 340. Pelham, , 161. , Mr. , 252, 342. , Edward, 240. , Mr. Edward, 172, 181, 198, 307. , Herbert, 337. , Herbert, Esq., 72, 118, 125, 144, 146, 147, 153. , Mr. Herbert, 144, 338. Perker, Robert. 43. Perry, John, 233. Peyntree, William, 16. Philips, Samuel, 135. Phillips, Samuel, 134. Phips, David, Esq., 355. Pierce, Mark, 1 14. Place, Thomas, 65. Poast, Stephen, 30. Porter, Israel, 376, 389. Post & Hancock, 160. Pratt, John, 6, 52. Prentes, Solomon, 344. Prentice, Capt., 163. , Cooper & Son, 364. , Deacon, 350, 365. , Ebenezer, 323. , George, 328. , Mr. George, 327. , Henry, 148, 160, 300, 337, 347, 349, 356, 366, 367. , Deacon Henry, 352, 357, 364, 36S. , James, 148. , John, 2S6. , Nathaniel, 3S8 ; heirs of, 306. , Solomon, 162, 166, 236, 245, 249, 252, 276, 280, 281, 282, 285, 294, 300, 313,314, 315, 342, 367, 388. , Solomon, Jr., 273. , Solomon, Sr., 229, 235, 275, 344. , Stephen, 307, 388. , Mr. Stephen, 320, 352, 354. , Thomas, 148. , Widow, 141. Prentis, Henry, heirs of, 177, 195. , Solomon, 235. Prentise, Henry, 129. Prentiss, George, 326, 327. Prince, John, 20. Procter, Mr., 241, 254; heirs of, 308. Read, Mr. James, 358. , Joseph S., 376. Redding, Goodman, 58. , Joseph, 32. Redsen, William, 115. Redsyn, William, 120. Reed, Christopher, 162. Remington, Capt., 253. 406 INDEX OF NAMES. Remington, Lieut., 161. , Mrs., 238. , Jonathan, 147, 163, 172, 190. , Jonathan, Esq., 278, 306. , Lieut. Jonathan, 210. Reyner, Samuel, 147. Richards, Nathaniel, 27, 60. Robbins, Jonathan, 327, 328. , Joseph, heirs of, 311. , Nathaniel, 161. , Nicholas, 58. , Richard, 147, 160. , Samuel, 164. Robins, Richard, 343. Robinson, Samuel, heirs of, 31 1. Rogers, Rev. Mr. Daniel, 324. Rolf, Widow, 160. Rolfe, Widow, 155. Rusken, William, 36. Russel, David, 225. , Jason, 213, 214, 215, 218, 220, 224, 232, 233, 243, 259, 261, 262, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 277, 281, 2S2, 284, 285, 287, 312, 318, 3 , Mr. Jason, 283, 319. , John, 222, 223. , Joseph, 238, 270 ; heirs of, 312 , Philip, 220, 221, 223, 267. , Walter, 255, 270, 271, 273, 286. , William, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220, 221, 224, 226, 227, 232, 234, 260, 264, 267, 284, 2S5, 290, 291, 297, 299. , Mr. William, 271, 296. Russell, , Heirs of, 161. , Jason, 161, 200, 203, 204, 211, 2 , John, 60, 69, 90, 120, 160, 202, 335. 337, 339- , Joseph, 148, 164, 174, 186. , Noah, 328. ■ , Mr. Noah, 327. , Philip, 160, 201, 202. , Samuel, 326,327. , Widow, 143, 146. , Widow, alias Hall, 17S, 188. , William, 128, 131, 161, 200. 203. 221, 268, 278, 23- 218, 249, 294, 204. Sackett, , 33. Sancley, Mr., 53. Sandars, Robert, 70. Sanders, Mr., 337, 339, 340, 341. , Robert, 100, 153. Saunders, Robert, 69, 332. Sawtle, John, 167, 178, 185. Scill, John, 96. , Joseph, 147. , Widow, 143, 145. Scott, Samuel, 279. , Thomas, 17, 61. Sewall, Rev. Samuel, 38S. Shaw, Roger, 332. Shawe, Roger, 49, 89, 118. Sheapard, Edward, 148. , Mr. Samuel, 154. Sheaperd, Edward, 149. Sheeperd, Mr. Samuel, 41. Shep., Edward, 71. Shepard, Edward, 106, 140, 146. , John, 141, 146. , Mr. Samuel, 77, 124, 133. , Thomas, 339. , Mr. Thomas, 337. Sheppard, Mr. Samuel, 69. Sherbole, Mrs., 334, 335. 33^ 337- Sherbone, Elisabeth, 67, 98. , Mrs., 331. Sill, John, 57, 128, 335. , Joseph, 174, 1S9. , Capt. Joseph. 16 1. Simons, Joseph, 163. Skidmer, Thomas, 108. Skidmore, Thomas, 120. Skinner, Edward, 107. Smith, Henry, 162, 212. , John, 162. , Joseph, 215. , Thomas, 215. Sparahauk. Nathaniel, 163. Sparhacke, Nathaniel, 333. Sparhauke, Mr., 153. , Mr. Nathaniel, 147. Sparhawke, Nathaniel, 40, 51. , Samuel, 215, 216, 234, 235, 266, 267. INDEX OF NAMES. 407 Sparhawke, Mr. Samuel, 213, 219. Sparowhauke, Nathaniel, 70. Sparrowhauke, Nathaniel, So, 81, 82, 83, 117, 120, 123,125. Spencer, Michael, 30, 174, 186. , Thomas, 50. ■ , William, 5, 37, 5S. Spencere, Garad, 18. Spencser, William, 67. Spenser, Thomas, 7. Squire, John, 164. , John, Sr., 210. Stacie, Thomas, 167. Stacy, Thomas, 184, 186. Standly, Timothy, 34, 5S. Steadman, John, 165. , John, Jr., 342. , Mr., 342. , Robert, heirs of, 163. Steauenson, Widow, 343. Stebbin, Edward. 52. Stebbine, Edward, 39. Stebbinge, Edward, 39. Stebbings, Edward, 38. Stebine, Edward, 41. Stebing, Edward, 39. Stebinge, Edward, 21, 38, 39. Stedman, Capt., 350, 365. , Mr., heirs of, 255. , Ebenezer, 326, 367, 376. , Capt. Ebenezer, 324, 353, 357, 358, 361, 365, 368, 371, 372, 373, 374. , John, no, 137, 153, 280, 290. , John, Jr., 191. , John, Sr., 175. , Mr. John, 141, 145, 216, 244; heirs of, 311. , Mr. John, Sr., 193. , Robert, 130, 141, 145, 153. Steel, John, 332. Steele, George, 22. . John, 13, 15. Steevenson, Andrew, 126, T3o, 147. Sternes, Isaac, 147; heirs of, 162. Stevenson, Andrew, 134, 137, 142, 172, 197, 246, 253. Stimpson, Andrew, heirs of, 302. Stimson, Andrew, 161. Stimson's heirs, 388. Stockine, George, 34. Stocking, George, 54, 56. Ston, Daniel, 161. , David, 161. , Deacon, 343. , Elder John, 161. Stone, Daniel, 127. , David, 146. , Deacon, 141, 220. , Gregory, 53, 57, 64, 83, 122, 123, 124, 146,333. 337- , Samuel, 4, 147. 230, 231, 264, 267. , Samuel, Sr., 156, 162, 219. Swan, Ebenezer, 326. , Gershom, 165. , John, 141, 145, 164, 165, 184, 189, 248, 251, 280, 308, 320. Sweateman, Thomas, 332. Sweatman, Thomas, 160. Swetman, Thomas, 130. , Widow, 143. Swoetman, Thomas, 141, 148. Symkins, Nicolas, 44. Taylcott, John, 23. 36. Taylor, John, 141, 145, 161, 340. , Widow, heirs of, 176, 192. Teed, Lidia, 213. Thorp, Henry. 123. Throwbridge, Edmund, Esq., 359. Thrumble, John, 337, 339. Thwing, Edward, 2S0. Tidd, John, 161. Tnmlins, Tymothy, 5. Tompson, Mrs., 337. Tomson, Mrs., 339. Town, Peter, 157, 160, 174, 197, 249,343; heirs of, 304. , William, 164. Towne, Peter, 143, 145, 156, 177, 190. , William, 51, 113, 122, 127, 141, 147, 322, 336, 340. 4o8 INDEX OF NAMES. Trobridge, Edmund, Esq., 366. Trowbredge, Edmund, Esq., 354. Trowbridge, Edmund, Esq., 348, 351, 356, 357, 360. , Hon. Edmund, Esq., 359. , Judge, 374. Trumble, John, 62, 106. Turges, Mr., 10S. Usher, Hezechiah, 93, 121. Varsall, 355. Vassall. , 353. . Col., 354. ■ ■, Henry, 354, 355. , Henry, Esq., 354, 355. , John, Esq., 355. , Major John, 362. Vincent, Humphry, 27, 2S, 61. Vsher, Hezechiah, 93, 121, 332. Vusher, Hezekiah, 153. Wackman, Samuel, 29. Wadseworth, William, 52. Wadsworth, William, 19, 47. Warland, Owen, 164, 239, 257, 3S8. — — , Thomas, 372, 388. , William, 307. Warner, Andrew, II, 41. Warren, Joshua, 228. Watson, Abraham, 167, 169, 185, 214, 215, 216, 318. , Isaac, 281, 287, 314, 315, 349. , Jacob, 349. , John, 388. , heirs of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, 388. , Capt. Nathaniel P., 329. Webb, Richard, 14. Webbe, Richard, 52. Wellington, J., 327, 328. , Capt. Jeduthan, 326. , Major J., 327. Westwood, William, 11. Wetherell, William, 35. Whipple, William J., Esq., 381. White, John, 36, 121. , Thomas, 60, 65, 146, 164. Whiting, Mr. John, 214. Whitmore, Francis, 141, 148, 162, 336. Whitte, John, 4. Whittemore, Deacon, 350, 357. , Samuel, 303, 312, 318, 347, 348, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 359. 36°, 361, 363, 364, 367. , Samuel, Jr., 364, 366, 373. , Capt. Samuel, 352, 354. , Deacon Samuel, 347, 348, 349,351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 359, 365, 371- , Thomas, 214, 233. Wieth, John, 161. , Widow, 161, 342. Wilcocke, William, 104, 132, 134, 331. 336, 337, 339- Wilcoke, William, 153. Wilington, John, 164. Wilkerson, Isabell, 94, 336. , Sister. 340. Wilkinson, Izbell, 56, 62. , Widow, 332. Willard, Symon, 10, 15, 66. Willcoate, Mr., 67. Willice, George, 343. Willington, Benjamin, 215, 220. , Mr. Benjamin, 219. Willis, George, 332. Willois, George, 65. Willowes, George, 103, 119, 126, 142, 148. Willows, George, 162, 1S2, 187. Willsonne, Richard, 127. Wilson, Andrew, 237; heirs of, 310. , Robert, 148, 162; heirs of, 174, 179, 196. 206. Winchep, Edward, 56. Winchepp, Edward, 65, 331. Winchope, Edward, 333. YVinckall, Thomas, 53. Winshape, Edward, 35. Winship, Edward, 94, 107, 116. 128, 132, 138, 141, 154, 184, 193, 205, 214, 218, 238, 256, 271, 273, 336; heirs of, 312. s INDEX OF NAMES. 409 Winship, Lieut. Edward, 146, 161. , Ephraim, 163. ■ , Joseph, 182, 194, 204, 207, 217, 218, 226, 232, 233, 240, 258, 273, 279, 2S5, 308, 314; heirs of, 312. , William, 2S6. Winshipe, Edward, 70. Winshipp, Joseph, 224, 280, 315, 320. Winshope, Edward, 47. Winter, John, 164. Winthrop, William, 329, 370, 372, 374, 375* 376, 377- , William, Esq., 329, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375. 377. 380,381,388. Withe, Brother, 334, 335, 336. , Nicholas, 135, 138, 146, 335. Witherell, Mr., 62. Woods, Richard, 147. Worland, Owen, 17S, 196. Wyeth, Ebenezer, 347. , Jacob, 382. , John, 200, 240, 254, 388. , Jonathan, 300, 301, 320, 388. , Widow, 196, 320. , William, 198, 245; heirs of, 309. Wythe, Nicholas, 119. Younge, Widow, 331. Index of Subjects. Index of Subjects. Accounts exhibited, 364, 365, 36s, 389. Alewife Fishery, 352. Bounds, Cambridge and Lexington, 271, 272; of land, 220, 221, 225. Bridge, the Great, 150, 210. Burying-place, 293, 355, 35S ; at West Cambridge, 358. Church, Episcopal, 354, 355, 362. Clay pits, 230, 248, 298, 367. Clergyman, salaries of, 159, 211. Common lands, 20S, 221, 226, 237-259. 290, 291, 299-312. Court House, 261, 262, 263, 352. Cow Commons, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 289. Distribution of funds, 365, 388, 389. Ear of Indian corn, 207. Fences, division of, 153, 154, 165, 166, 33°- 334-344- Fortification timber, 150. Fresh Pond Meadow, 333, 334. Gallows Lot, 373, 375. Gravel-pit, 293, 298. Highways, 145, 151, 152, 155,157,209, 212, 215, 216, 219, 220, 228, 229, 230, 233. 2 34> 235, 236, 259, 268, 299. Inhabitants not Proprietors, 167. Lands laid out on south side Charles River, 136, 140, 141, 142, 143, 292,297. Lots granted, Cambridge Rocks, 168-199, 277. 278, 280, 286, 287, 288 ; West side Menotomye River, 125-130; beyond eight-mile line, 160-165. Market House, 380, 381. Meadow, 156. Meeting-house, glass in, 152; at West Cambridge, 358. Note of sale and alienation of lands, 116, 117, 11S. Orders of Court, 1,2. Parsonage, 210. Passages, 167, 214, 215, 217, 232, 233, 313.314, 321,322, 324. 325- Russell's Agreement, 220. Salary of ministers, 211. Schoolhouse, 359, 360, 365. Shawshine, 139. Sheds, 22S. Sheep, 209, 211, 274, 347. Stone wall (Watertown), 273, 316. Strangers, concerning, 167, 209. Surveyors, 45, 64. Taxes authorized, 209, 211. 29S, 316. Town land, 1 16. Town lines marked, 264, 265, 266, 267, 272. Training-field, 362, 363, 375. Transcript of houses and lands, 72-1 16. Trespasses, 158, 205, 206, 207, 221, 274, 289, 348, 353, 375. Watering-places, 292. 298, 363. Watertown line. 264, 265, 266, 267. Weirs, etc., 274, 284, 285. Whnrf, 348. 350, 351, 353. Windmill Hill, 159, 160. Wood in common swamp, 158. Wood-lots, 206. 014 013 399 1 % Bfli ^^H H PQV1H m I HH