Class. Book ADVEKTFSEMENTS. LHKE PEHRIj. One of the most beaiitirul inlaiul summer resorts in New liuglaiidj situated about midway between IJoston and Providence on the new branch of the Old Colony Railroad. Spacious grove, charming lake, exquisite scenery, natural amphitheatre, hall, restaurant, bicycle track, good stable, steam launch, ample accomodations. OPEN DAILY TH€ YGHR ROUND. ^-LIBERAL TERMS MADE TO SOCIETIES. -#- Lake Pearl Bakery, ( Permanently Situated on the Grounds, ) turns out First-Class Goods at the very Lowest Prices. K>0:r)cy ^peecd, fe^ai^e rakeps c. c-sfpj, THE TEAM RUNS TO THE SURROUNDING TOWNS AND VILLAGES. Baked Beans and Brown Bread. W M. L. ENE G REN, JR., - PROPR IETOR. Jja.S. J%.. C3rXJIlL.i>7 -DEALER, IlSr- CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS, COFREES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. BOOTS, SHOES MD RUBBERS. All Goods kept iu a First-Class Country Store. Orders taken and (iootls Promptly Delivered. - E. B. Guild, Salesman. * In AVrentham TImrsday and F'riday of each week. oiT-Y" INFILLS, - - :m:j^ss. ADVERTISEMENTS. ERNEST C. MORSE, periodicals, stationery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco, TeiLiKin QseDS. sejsits' PURfiigHiNSS. All kiiiicis of Temperance Drinks. Correspondent and Agent for the Wrentham Sentinel. J. G. BARDEN. E. M. BLAKE. J T. JOYCE Iardem, Ilake 4 io., M-VNITACTI REKS OF Fine Gold (sIewelbi^y. IMITATION OF DIAMOND GOODS A SPECIALTY. FIRST-CLASS DINING ROOMS, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON. VVH- E; I3E5.A.nvrE!,iV NO. 23 ELM STREET, NORTH ATTLEBORO, - - MASS. HISTORY AND DIRECTORY -Oi^ ffRENTHAM and NOKFOLK, MASS. ■FOR- ISQO, Containing a Complete Resident, Street and Business Directory, Town Officers, Schools, Societies Churches, Post Offices, Etc., Etc. HISTORY er The TevNS. FROM THE FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIME, BY SAMUEL. WARNER. Compiled and Published by A. E. FOSS 6- CO., Needham. BOSTON PRESS OF BROWN BROS., 43, LINCOLN STREET. I S90. ADVERTISEMENTS. H. E. THOMPSON -DEALER IN- GROCERIES, FLOUR, GRAIN, ' BALE HAY, STRAW, &c. Drv Goods, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Patent Medi- cine, Hardware, Farming Toois, Cutlery, Stationery, Small Wares, (SiC, (Stc, Patronage Solicited. ■ Satisfaction Guaranteed. PROMPT DELIVERY. SOUTH STREET, - PLAINVILLE MASS. ^cTm. VVHEELER7 DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Beef, Pork, Lafd, Hams, Butter, Eggs, FRUITS, VEGETABLI^S' AND PROVISIONS, CANNED GOODS A SPECIALTY. Orders Promptly A-tteiided. to. COWELL'S BLOCK, SOUTH ST., WRENTHAM, MASS. > CONTENTS. ^ Wrentliam. Abbreviations used, - _ _ _ 103 Business Directory, - - - - 123 Churches, ---___ 95 History, - - -. _ . _ 9 Index to Advertisers, - - - - 143 Library, - Post Office, - - - - _ _ 93 Resident Directory, - _ _ _ 103 Schools and Teachers, - - - - 95 Societies, Fraternal and Social,. _ _ 98 Street Directory, - - - _ 91 Town Officers, - - _ _ _ 94 Wrentham Book Clul), - - - 93 Norfolk. 136 144 133 ^ 130 134 135 136 133 134 132 135 ""^JyC I JOHN LEFFLER, ,* Bouquets, Rustic Baskets, Yases, Floral Designs arid Ferrieries tastefully., arrarlged. Flo-wers supplied for Weddings, Parties -and Funerals, IMP^RT^ER HND DEHLEI^ IN BabBeaS. R@@iFS ' • HND PMNTS ©P EVERY DESC1^IPTI@N. * SOUTH STREET, . - PLAINVILLE. MASS. ADVERTISEMENTS. G-EO. B. nyHETCA-LB", -DEALER IN- FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Ocean Lake ami River Fish, Oysters, Lobsters and Clams in their season. Will average as large a variety and as good stock as ever carried through the town Demand will regnhite supply. Tuesday cart runs on South Street, Wednesday on Franklin, East Dedham, Emerald, Winter and Norfolk Streets. Thursday on South and Taunton Streets. Friday on East, Dedham, Winter, Emerald and Franklin Streets. MARKET, FRANKLIN ST., C. M. ALDRICH, HARNESSMAKER & CARRIAGE TRIMMER. Having soouied the services of a good workman, is prepared to lill all orders Avitli neatness and de.spatch. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. South. Street, "Wrentliaxn, Mass. F. P. REDDING, GROCERIES and' PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND GRAIN, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CANNED GOODS, ETC. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. Men's Furnishing Good.*. Harnesses, JJobes, Blankets, Whips and other Horse Fittings, Farming Tools and Hardware of all kinds. South Street - - - - Wrentham, Mass. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF WRENTHAM. , BY SAMUEL WARNER.* At a General Court holden at Newe Towne, Sept. 2, 1635. it was ordered " that there shall be a plantation settled about two miles above the Falls of Charles River on the northeast side thereof, to have ground lying to it on both sides of the river, both upland and meadow to be laid out hereafter as the Court shall appoint." On the 8th of September, 1636, the General Court ordered that the planta- tion to be settled above the Falls of Charles River shall have three years immunity from public charges, as Concord had, to be accounted from the first of May next, and the name of said plantation to be Deddham ; to enjoy all that land on the southerly and easterly side of Charles River not formerly granted to any town or particular persons, and also to have five miles square on the other side of the river. This was the original grant, as appears in the first volume of the Records of Massachussetts, of that tract of land which includes the present townships of Dedham, Medfield, Wrentham, Needham, Belling- ham, a part of Sherborne, a part of Natick, Franklin, Medway (which was attached to Medfield until 1781), Walpole, a part of Foxborough, Norfolk and Norwood. In about the year 1647 the Records of Dedham say that John Dwight and Francis Chickering gave notice of hopes of a mine near certain ponds, thirteen miles from town. It is supposed that the ponds here meant were at Wollomonuppoag, the Indian name of the plantation afterwards made a town by the name of Wrentham. It is probable that at the date of this grant of the General Court the inhabitants of Dedham had little knowledge of this part of their township. But it must have been somewhat explored * Note. — This account is taken from the history of Norfolk County published by J. W. Lewis & Co., Philadelphia, 1884, with the consent of the writer. lO HlsroRV OF WRENTHAM. before the year 1649, as we learn that in that year on account of the scarcity of grass in Dedham the inhabitants went to Wollomonuppoag to cut grass from the meadows there. But the earliest movement regarding the occupation of Wollomonuppoag of which any record is found was made in the year 1660. It is as follows : " Dedham 22, 4. 1660, at a meeting of the Selectmen there Lieut. Fisher, Serg't. Fuller, Richard Wheeler, Ensign Fisher are deputed to view the lands, both upland and meadow, near about the ponds by George Indians wigwam, and make report of what they find to the Selectmen in the first opportunity they can take." This was in obedience to the desire of the inhabitants expressed " formerly in a lecture day." The Selectmen reported on the 31st of loth month (DecV.), 1660, that they had deputed men to search and view the place, whose returns en- couraged them " to depute two men to endeavor to compound with such Indians as have a true right there," and they approved of the establishing a plantation there in this careful language, viz. : "to us it seems that it might be helpful to conduce to public and particular good that the place might be planted with meet inhabitants in due time." They also sug- gested that the present care thereof be left to a committee to explore the place further, and to consider what measures are proper in the premises, and " propose them to the town in some public meeting to be considered and resolved as the case may require." At a town meeting in the following month a committee was chosen " in respect of Wollomonuppoag." On the 27, I, 1661 (March), at a general town meeting, the question being put whether there should be a plantation erected or set up at the place called Wollomonuppoag, it was answered by a vote in the aflSrma- tive. The question being further put, whether the town would lay down six hundred acres of land at the place before named for the encouragement of the plantation, it was answered by a vote in the afiirmative. This vote, however, was not unanimous. Thirteen voters dissented, and their names were entered upon the record. A committee was appointed also at this meeting " to settle and deter- mine such things as shall be mentioned needful for the plantation before named. First, they shall determine when men present themselves for en- tertainment there who are meet to be accepted. Second, they shall propor- tion to each man his part in the six hundred acres. Third, they shall order the settling of the plantation in reference to situation, highways, convenient place for a meeting-house, a lot or lots for church officers, with such other things necessary as may hereafter be proposed." In case the committee should reject ai)p]icants the right of appeal to the town was reserved to them. It will be noticed that in this legislation in the Dedham town meeting it was especially provided that the Indian title to the lands at the place intended for the new plantation should be extinguished by purchase. As early as 1629 the Governor of the New England Company advised the Governor and Council for London's Plantation in the Massachusetts Bay that " if any of the savages pretend rights of inheritance to all or any part HISTORY OK WRF.NTHAM. of the lands granted in our patent, we pray you endeavor to purchase their title that we may avoid the least scruple of intrusion." And in a second communication similar advice was repeated. In the year 1652 the General Court solemnly resolved that what lands any of the Indians within this jurisdiction have by possession or improvement by subduing of the same they have just right thereunto according to that in Genesis i and 28, and chapt. 9, I, and Psalms 115 : 16." In 1662 Timothy D wight and Richard PLllis made a report of their doings in extinguishing the Indian title to the Wollomonuppoag lands. The substance of this report was that by the assistance of Capt. Willitt they had obtained under the hand and seal of the Sagamore a release from the Indians of their tit'e to six miles square of land, the Captain making the payment of the consideration on behalf of Dedham. Upon reading of this report the town voted a letter of thanks to the Captain for his kindly services, and that he be requested to procure a deed signed by the Saga- more that may be sufficient according to our laws. It was also voted that a rate be made upon cow commons to pay the Captain ^{^24. ids. for the purchase of the lands. In 1661 the boundaries of the plantation were established at a general meeting of the town (Dedham) as follows: "It is ordered that the bounds of the plantations at Wollomonuppoag shall be upon Stop River towards the east beginning at Medfield bounds, and so all along, as the river lies up stream, until it comes about half a mile above the falls in that river, near about where the path to that place at present lies, and from thence southward to Dorchester line ; and the west bounds shall be at or about the end of five miles from one of the ponds in Wollomonuppoag, to be a line running parallel with the line at the east end of the planta- tion, always provided that it extend not to any lands but such as are at present our own ; and the south bounds shall be Dorchester line, and the north bounds shall be Medfield bounds in part and Charles River in part." Dorchester at this time extended from its northern line at Boston nearly to Rhode Island ; and Rehoboth included Attleborough and Cumberland now in Rhode Island. It is said that the above-named south line ran from the southwest corner -of the present township of Walpole southwesterly, south of the Major Mann house (now S. W. Grant's), and northerly of Turner's Mill (now Wilkinson's), crossing Thurston street north of Mr. Hodges' house, and Madison street a little south of Mrs. Gages' house, and then continuing in the same course over line hill to the end of Dorchester line as above. This was the line until 1753, when a gore of land on the southeast line was annexed to Wrentham. In this .same year, 1661-2, the proprietors voted to sell their rights to lands in Wollomonuppoag for £\^o, to persons fit to carry on the work in church and state, provided the plantation be entered on within two and a half years. Wollomonuppoag seemed now in a fair way of being planted. Two years had nowelapsed since the good people of Dedham began to agitate the ques- HISTORY OF \VRi:NrHA.M. tion. The place had been viewed, as they expressed it; favorable report had been made, and the fathers of the town had given it their cautious apjaroval. Some few persons had already broken ground and made im- provements, and these were recognized in after divisions of the land. It seemed, therefore, that the settlement had really begun to exist. But difficulties were started, and those who had intended to go from Dedham to live at Wollomonuppoag asked for a meeting of the proprie- tors, " that then and there such questions may be answered as shall be proposed.'' Accordingly, a meeting is called for the 12th of nth mo., 1662 (Jan'y), " to attend the propositions of such brethren and neighbors as have in- tended to go to Wollomonuppoag." The proprietors " presented a paper of some considerations." A conference ensued between the proprietors and the proposed colonists. The committee of the latter were : Anthony Fisher, Robert Ware, Richard Ellice (Ellis), Isaa. BuUard. Their state- ment was that ten men had been accepted by them to go to Wollomon- uppoag, and had agreed with the proprietors about their rights there ; but that this number is not sufficient for encouragement to goe on with the plantation, liut further, if they have sufficient encouragement to go on, they will pay the money rate of any of the proprietors who remain in Dedham with whom they have agreed or can agree, and that they " are not in a capacitie to settle rights of those who have not subscribed." And " all things considered as they are now circumstanced they cannot go on to make a plantation as the town intended ; " " that although they are not free," yet they are not desirous to leave the world altogether, "but are willing to proceed if the town will enable us to proceed in a safe way ;" that they have been at charges in making improvements there, and are uot able to bear burthens here (Dedham) also, and desire the town would relieve them. The proprietors in answer propose to lay out to each pro- prietor in town his part proportionably in that 600 acres for a plantation as first intended, by which means they say possibly they, the colonists may be .supplied, each man being left to "bargain for himself." And secondly, that payment should be made for their improvements if their improved parcels should fall to others in the drawing of lots or com- pounded some other equal way, or they be allowed to retain those parcels with the lots they might draw. Thereupon others who had intended " to go to Wollomonuppoag " did disown what the four men (committee) had subscribed unto and accounted them.selves not at all engaged thereby, " but agreed to sit down by the advice of the major part of the proprie- tors." These were: Nath. Whiting, John Kent, Nath. Bullard, Jam. Thorpe, John Evered, Rob't. Freeman, Nath. Stearns, Dan. iMakiah, Sam'l Fisher, Jolj. Littlefield, Job Perry, Sam'l Parker, Coonel Fisher- It thus appears that the whole number of men who proposed to settle at Wollomonuppoag was twenty-three. But they conceived they had poor encouragement from the parent town. Their isolated condition in this wilderness was intensely real to them, and they gave utterance to their feelings in the declaration that they " did not wish to leave the world iltogether." Moreover, Capt. Willett's bill had not been paid, although HISIORV OK WRENTHAM. 1 3 the Selectmen, being also a committee having charge of the Wollomonup- poag affairs, on the 27th of February, 1662, "doe judge it meet that the case should speedily come to an issue, and resolution, that so the engage- ment to Capt. Willett may be performed, and our future power be settled and continued." On the 2d of March, 1663, the proprietors resolved by unanimous vote that they " could not advise these parties to proceed to make it a plantation, all things considered, as they are now circum- stanced/' But they voted " that the charges of those persons who had been accepted by the committee which they had necessarily expended upon breaking up of lands at Wollmonuppoag, should be reasonably and equally satisfied." Thus it seems the first attempt at settlement had failed. At this same meeting, however, March 2, 1663, the proprietors took a decisive step (one consideration being Capt. Willett's bill yet unpaid, for the payment of which a tax had been ordered as before stated, some of the proprietors refusing to pay on the ground that those who were to have the lands should pay for them), viz. : they voted that " there shall be 600 acres of lands layed out at Wollomonuppoag for a general divident, that so every proprietor may have his proportion therein according to the general rule of divisions of lands, and the 600 acres to be layed out with as much convenience as may be with reference to a plantation, if the providence of God shall make way thereunto, viz. : that the 600 acres shall be such lands as to be so layed out for house lots and all highways, officers' lots, burial-place and training grounds. And all other lands necessary to be reserved and used for all public uses within the trat (tract) of the town shall be over and above the 600 acres before mentioned, and also all manner of rough lands, the circumference of the 600 acres to be taken before the last of this month." On the 23d of the same month the proprietors met to draw their lots in the Wollomonuppoag plantation, which it seems had been surveyed and platted. It was agreed "on behalf of them that have improvements there that they might take their lots they had already subdued and improved and not draw lots with the rest of the proprietors. The persons who were thus allowed to choose were: Anthony Fisher, Jr.; Serg't Rich. Ellis, Robert Ware, Jam. Thorpe, Isa. BuUard, Sam'l Fisher, Sam'l Parker, Josh. Kent, and Job Farrington. These persons, with Ralph Freeman, Serg't Stearns an^ perhaps Daniel Makiah, were the first persons to break up and improve lands at Wollomonuppoag. The proprietors then proceeded to draw their lots, the same being numbered from one to thirty-four, inclusive. The first lot was " to be where the Indians have broken up land, not far from the place intended to build a mill at." This was undoubtedly in the neighborhood of the mill site now occupied by the Eagle Factory. This appears from the depositions of aged persons taken in 1824, who were then old enough to remember the early occupation of these house lots, and who say " that they were east or easterly of the mill pond, and that the first was James Drapers', the second Nathaniel Whiting's, who improved them several years, and many other lots there were improved by their owners.'' The first settlers beyond question located their improvements (so called) 14 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. upon the easterly and southeasterly side of Whiting's pond or the Great pond (previously known as the mill pond), but their houses were at some distance from the pond, probably on what is now Franklin street and on South street. An ancient map (1738) showing the position of these first house lots confirms this supposition, showing also some lots occupied on what is now called East street. " The whole number of proprietors was 73. The number of lots drawn was 34. and the order and numbers given, but the boundaries were not determined. The shares were unequal, the divisions being made "according to the rule for dividing lands in Dedham." In this year, 1663, the first highway was confirmed by the Selectmen of Dedham,at the request of those who had drawn lots at Wollomonuppoag, " at the east end of their lots." This was the first authoritative recogni- tion of a highway in this plantation, and was probably a part of a way now known as South street. After this the affairs of the plantation were very quiet uniil the year 1666-7, when the proprietors voted that the meadows " appertayning to that place " be all measured, and appointed a committee for that purpose, Lieut. Joshua Fisher being named as measurer; and he was directed to " lay out all the lots that are granted and drawn in succession together." For the preservation of wood and timber a penalty of 2s. 6d. was imposed upon the transgressor for each tree by him felled without the consent of Lieut. Fisher and Serg't Ellis. And in 1667 a committee was appointed to define the east boundary of the plantation upon the suggestion that there was some mistake about it. At a general meeting of the town on the 4, II, 1668, the proprietors, upon the request of Indian Sarah of Wollomonuppoag, '• grant her one parcel of upland near a pond about two miles westward from the situation of Wollomonuppoag in exchange for that land the said Sarah, her son, or George, her brother, possessed or claimed there, to be set out to her by Robert Ware and Samuel Fisher, estimated at ten acres, and she to have liberty to take fencing stuff, and is enjoined to keep it sufficiently fenced." The Indian Sarah and George, her brother, and John, her son, being all present, do all declare them- selves to accept of this grant upon these conditions as above expressed. The pond to which Sarah went is supposed to be the small one which we call Uncas pond, now in Franklin. The men of Dedham thus determined to recompense this Indian woman for the loss of her claim, although they had purchased the land of her sovereign. In 1668, upon complaint made by Sam'l Sheeres, a committee was appointed " to repayre to Wollomon- uppoag" to settle the lines between his lot and those of John Alders (Aldis) and Job Farrington. Sheeres was at this time an inhabitant of Wollomonuppoag, having come here to live, according to Rev. Mr. Man's record, about the year 1666. He says, under date of Aug. 12, 1709, "Old Goodman Sheeres died; a man 80 years and somewhat more — the first English inhabitant in this town, and who had lived here about 43 years." The first birth recorded at Wollomonuppoag was that of " Mehitabel Shears, the daughter of Sam'l Shears, and Mary, his wife," who was born the first day HISTORY Ol- WRENTHA.M. 1 5 ot February, 1668. Some have supposed that Shears lived on the place now occupied by Mr. Isaac F. Bennett on South street, and that in 1668 John Ware also built on the Bean place, and Sam'l Fisher on the Luther Fisher place (Mr. Barnes') ; John Littlefield also is .supposed to have built about this time. About this time some of the proprietors sold their interests in the lands to such persons as wished to go there and remain as inhabitants or engage in the settlement of the plantation. Sheeres does not appear to have been named as one of those who joined in the first attempt at settlement ; but he now became a purchaser. He lived in Dedham, but was not a pro- prietor. John Thurston, of Medfield, also purchased rights in lands at Wollomonuppoag, as it is said, and became active in promoting the settle- ment. As the proprietors at Dedham conveyed their rights to others these purchasers of course became independent of them. The proprie- tors of Dedham and the proprietors of Wollomonuppoag were no longer the same. In order to understand the nature of the land titles here, and the mean- ing of the words (often met) "according to the rule for the division of lands," some further explanation may be necessary. Mr. Worthington, in his history of Dedham, gives a history and an explanation of this matter substantially as follows: The second grant of the General Court in 1636 for a plantation was made to nineteen persons. These grantees were sole owners until they admitted new associates.* At first these were admitted without asking any compensation, lots of land being freely granted them ; and after the home lots of the inhabitants were cleared of wood, leave was asked to cut it from the common lands. In 1642 two hundred acres were made a common tillage field, in which each proprietor's share should be assigned to him by seven men chosen for that purpose. These men pro- ceeded, not upon any arbitrary rule, but upon the various considerations of personal merit, usefulness, ability to improve, or the amount of taxes paid. Thus the minister had 23 acres set off to him, while the deacons had 14 acres each, and Maj. Lusher modestly received 13; other inhabi- tants taking from eight to one acre each. In 1645 they divided 375 acres of woodland on the same plan. But in 1656 they ceased to make free grants to strangers of the common lands. This led to the adoption of some rule for division of those lands among the proprietors and their heirs. No one pretended that all should have an equal share. They agreed on this principle, that each man's share should be proportioned to the valuation of his property. They then found that the number of acres in the herd walks or cow commons was 532, and the number of cattle fed thereon somewhat less ; and that by allowing one cow common for every eight pounds (£8) valuation of estate the whole number of cow common rights or shares would be four hundred and seventy-seven (477). And this would make the number of cow commons the nearest to their number of cattle. Five sheep commons were equal to one cow common, and were used as ♦These 19, with their associates, formed a body called the Proprietors of Dedham. 1 6 HISrORY OF WRENTHAM. fractions of a whole right. This rule bearing hardly on several poor per- sons, the proprietors so far departed from it as to give them twenty-five more cow common rights, which added to the former number made five hundred and two common rights or shares. This arrangement as thus far made became permanent. But the proprietors went further, and voted that non-resident owners of land should not have any right to put cattle into the cow commons, although they should have dividends in the lands. Henry Phillips and some other non-resident owners made complaints. The General Court ap- pointed referees to settle this dispute, the contending parties agreeing. These gentlemen made an award which they support by quotations of Scripture, giving to Phillips and other aggrieved persons 12 more cow common rights, and to the church 8 more, making the whole number 522. The parties acquiesced in this decision, and the Selectmen assigned to the 80 proprietors their due shares. The commissioners further decided that the majority in interest should hereafter govern. After this decision there were two distinct bodies — the proprietors and inhabitants, including non-proprietors. But for many years the distinc- tion existed only in theory, for there were not for many years people in town who were inhabitants and at the same time non-proprietors. In process of time the two separate bodies had meetings on the same day, and their doings were recorded in the same book. The number of shares determined the number of cattle each could pasture on the common lands, but this privilege was limited to those who belonged to this body of pro- prietors, which was a sort of a corporation ; other persons might be inhab- itants of Dedham without having any interest in the common lands. They could acquire an interest in those lands by purchasing of some proprietor. The proprietors had the ownership and power to convey and manage the undivided lands, while the inhabitants took the management of their town affairs upon themselves. These rules regarding the division of lands were of course applied throughout the whole township of Dedham, and of course included the lands at Wollomonuppoag. It will be remembered that Dedham had through Capt. Willett paid the Sagamore Philip in the year 1662 for his right and title to the lands at Wollomonuppoag ^24. los. But Philip now, in i66g, set up a claim to a tract said to be within the limits of his former grant. He addressed the following letter to two of the principal men of Dedham : " Philip Sachem to Major Lusher and Lieutenant Fisher. " (ientlemen : Sirs, thes are to desire you to send me a holland shirt by this Indian the which at present I much wantand in consideration whereof I shall and will assuredly .satisfie you to content between this and the next Michelmas for then I intend to meet with you at Wollammanuppogue that we may treat about a tract of land of four or five miles square which I hereby promise and engage that you shall have ye refusall of and I make no doubt but that we shall agree about said tract of land which I shall sell you for ye use of your town of Dedham. I pray fail not to send me a good holland shirt by the bearer hereof for I intend next week to be at plimoth H1ST{)K\- OV WRENTHAM. I 7 Court and I want a good shirt to goe in. I shall not further trouble you at present but subscribe myself your friend, " Philip Sachem's \^ mark." Mount hop, Ye 25 May, 1669. We are not informed whether the liberality or the fears of the good men of Dedham provided Philip with the holland shirt in which he wished to appear before the wise men of Plymouth ; but we find that on " the 8th of the 9th mo., 1669, upon notice from Philip Sagamore yt he is now at Wollomonuppoag, and offers a treaty about sale of his rights in ye lands yr within the town bounds not yet purchased, a committee was ap- pointed, viz. : Timothy Dwight, Anthony Fisher. Robert Ware, Richard Ellice, and John Thurston, to repayre to Wollomonuppoag on the morrow and treat with the said Philip, in order to a contract with him to clear all his remaining rights within the town bounds, provided he make his right appear, and to secure our town from all other claims of all other Indians in the land conti^acted for," It seems that a contract was made, for on the 15th of the same month (November, 1669) a rate was made for the payment to Philip "for his right lately purchased." The sum thus assessed was £17. os. 8d., to be paid in money. " Tradition informs us that Philip in the second treaty showed the northern boundaries of his kingdom, being the southern boundary of the Sachemdom of Chickotabot, in Walpole ; and that the shape of the land was somewhat like that of a new moon, enclosing a part of the first grant within its horns." (Worthington's History.) Seventy- nine persons were assessed to pay this rate. Ensign Chickering's tax was the largest, being iis. lod. Rev. John Allen's was next in amount, being 8s. 9d. This tax was assessed upon the cow commons of the pro- prietors. Adding this, £17- us. 8d., to the sum previously paid through Capt. Willett, we find the whole amount paid to Philip for his title to Wollomonuppoag was ^41. los. 8d. SECOND ATTEMPT AT SETTLEMENT. Although, as we have seen, the first attempt to settle a colony at Wol- lomonuppoag had failed in 1663, yet the idea was not absolutely aban- doned. Proof of this is seen in the transactions had in the interim between that date and that which we have now reached, 1669. We instance the drawing of lots, the laying out of a highway, surveying of the meadows, the grant to Indian Sarah, the settling of lines of lots, the purchasing of proprietors' rights, and the second treaty with King Philip. Although previously to 1669 no white man perhaps, except Sam'l Sheeres, had come here to dwell, nevertheless those who had made improvements by breaking up ground, etc., kept their lots or transferred them to others, who retained the title. And now, in December, 1669, the proprietors of Wollomonup- poag (now independent of the proprietors of Dedham) met at the public house of Joshua Fisher in Dedham. This was their first meeting as a body distinct from the proprietors of Dedham. The purpose of the meet- ing was " to adopt some rules as to the ordering and due management of the said place for the furthering and settling a plantation there." They 1 8 HISTORY OK VVRENIHAM. voted, 1st, that "all rates, etc., for defraying public charges hereunder written shall be and remain in full force to all ends, intents and purposes to all proprietors there until the intended plantation become a town." 2d. " Every proprietor shall annually pay toward the maintenance of a minister there is. 6d. for each cow common right, beside what shall be assessed upon improved land." 3d. " That the libertie to call or invite a minister to exercise to the people there is left to the inhabitants there and such of the principal pro- prietors as may be advised without difficultie, provided it be by the allow- ance and consent of the Rev. Mr. Allen, of Dedham, and the ruling elder of the church there, and Elea Lusher." 4th. " That a convenient meeting-house shall be built, to which end 2s. per cow common shall be paid, whereof Mr. Thom. Deaoe, Capt. Wm. Hudson, and Mr. Job Viale to pay accordingly in money, which is accepted. John Thurston, Robt. Ware, and Serg't Fuller are appointed a committee for the ordering the building and finishing that meeting-house in convenient time." The meeting-house was not finished until about the year 1682. But on the 27th of December, 1669, the Rev. Samuel Man was invited to become the minister at the Wollomonuppoag. The letter of invitation was as follows : " Esteemed Sir— We, the subscribers, being by the providence of God proprietors, and some few of us inhabitants, in that place called Wollomonuppoag, in Dedham, and according to our best observation and understanding concerning that place capable of aflfording competent sub- sistence according as the employments of husbandry use to produce to so many families as might be a small town if it be duly improved by an industrious people according to the rule of the Word of God and in his name and fear, and that the kingdom of the Lord Jesus may be enlarged and several families at present streightened might be relieved and some benefit might arise to the public which are the ends we propose to our- selves ; these things being considerered by us we thinke it our duty to indeavor the settling a plantation there so far as lyes in our power, and in order thereto we would in the first place with the greatest care provide that the ordenances of the Lord Jesus may be there dispensed and duly attended that his blessing may be upon us and presence with us, remem. ' bering that he have promised that where his name is recorded there he will come and there he will bless his people. And whereas we have already enjoyed encouraging tast of that measure of fitness that God hath bestowed upon yourself to dispense his mind to us in the public ministry of his word we therefore do jointly declare with one consent we desire you to accept of these few line as a solemn and unanimous desire and invitation to that work of the ministry of the Gospel to us and among us at that place, hoping though our beginning be small yet our latter end shall much increase and that knowing that until the house and ordenances of the Lord Jesus be carefully provided for, few if any serious godly people they that we desire to encourage will be willing to settle themselves there with us, we so much the more earnestly desire that you would not refuse our re- quest and wish and doubt not but that the Lord of his goodness will make HISl'ORV OF VVRKNIHAM. 19 US in some measure able and willing to attend the rule of Christ for your due encouragement in all outward supplies, and if you please to accept of this our invitation and earnest desire we do engage ourselves to be careful not to neglect our duties therein and such of us as are Inhabitants shall also attend the same according to our proportion in our estates there at such time as we shall reside and dwell there ; but wheresoever we the late proprietors dwell we shall be ready and willing to bear charge thereunto according to our late (vote?)" This letter is dated 27th 10 mo , 1669, and was subscribed by thirtj- nine names. It was endorsed as follows : We whose names are hereunto written declare our approbation of the within invitation and desire that a blessing from the Father of Merceys may be upon it and the work intended. Elea. Lusher. John Allin, John Hunting. Eleazer Lusher, whose name is frequently mentioned in connection with town and proprietary affairs, was a prominent man in the Colony of Mas- sachusetts Bay. In Dedham he was concerned in all important matters, which, of course, included Wollomonuppoag. Hence the invitation to Mr. Man must have his approval. It is said he came to Dedham with Mr. Allin, and was more learned than any other man in town excepting Mr. Allin. He kept the records, and it is to his care that we are indebted for the facts that have been preserved regarding the settlement here. He was frequently a Deputy to the General Court, of which body he was a useful and influential member. He participated in all the momentous affairs of the Colony whenever there was occasion for the counsel and services of the wisest and most patriotic. In April, 1670, the proprietors appointed John Thurston and Sam'l Sheers to be fence viewers at Wollomonuppoag ; attended to complaints against some land-takers outside of the 600 acres, and voted a dividend of lowlands lit to be improved for English grass, " half an acre to each cow common, if so much may be found, otherwise less." At a general meeting of the proprietors held on the first of second month, i67i,"the question being put, who are the persons that will engage (God willing) that themselves and their families shall be settled at the place called Wollomonuppoag before the end of the fourth month, called June, Anno 1671. Persons answering were: John Thurston, Tho. Thurston, Robt. Ware, John Ware, Joseph Cheeney. It was thereupon voted that the proprietors desire that these men and John Alders should settle themselves and their families." They also confirmed the bounds of the plantation as established in 1661, and ordered a book " for the enter- ing such acts as concern Wollomonuppoag, and such transcripts as may be made from Dedham Town Book, and contributed 3s. 6d. for the pur- chase ; and appointed Eleazer Lusher to make the entries and transcripts, and paid him 3s. 8d. in part satisfaction. It will be noticed that June is called the fourth month. At that time the year commenced on the twenty-fifth day of March throughout His Majesty's dominions. In the twenty-fourth year of the reign of George II. (1751) Parliament enacted HISIORY OK WRKNIHAM. that the year should begin (after Dec. 31, 1751) on the first day of Jan- uary next following. Ifseems then that si.x persons with their families were to be settled at Wollomonuppoag before the end of June, 1671. These, with Sam'l Sheers' family, would make seven families that were probably dwelling here in the wilderness before the close of 1671. In January, 1672, a grant for a corn mill was made. The mill was to be built " upon that stream that comes out of the ponde and runs into Charles River in the neerest convenient place to the lower ende of the ponde in Wollomonuppoag, and made fitte for work and doe grinde corn as such a mill ought to doe before the first day of Maye, which shall be Anno 1671, and be so kept and attended that the Inhabitants there be supplyed with good meale from time to time of the corne they shall bring to mille." To the builder the whole power of the stream was granted, and he was also to have a house lot out of any unappropriated land not exceeding ten or twelve acres. This action was some ten years after the first steps taken by Dedham about the plantation, and tends strongly to show that the first comers were only temporary dwellers looking after their improvements and returning home when their tasks were done. This time the settlement began in earnest. The Thurston's, Wares, and others agreed to go up and settle at Wollomonuppoag with their families ; the building of a corn-mill was provided for, the establishment also of a blacksmith — hardly less important — and an able and faithful minister was invited. A committee of which Major Lusher was a member, entered into a con- tract with Robert Grossman to build a mill upon the conditions above stated. Robert engaged for himself and his heirs to build and equip the mill, "God permitting," according to the propositions of the proprietors, whereunto he did subscribe by making his mark. This was the last ser- vice rendered the settlement by Major Lusher. His death occurred this year, and in January following a committee was appointed to " recon with Mrs. Lusher for the writing written in the booke by the Hon'd Major Lusher. ^ The mill it seems made slow progress, for in 1^74 Grossman requesting that the land he was to have might be laid out to him, was answered that when he should finish the mill according to his engagement he should have it laid out by Sergt. Thomas Thurston and others. And in 1680 it was voted that " if Robert Grossman do not speedily put his mill in good repair the inhabitants will see out for the procuring another mill." There is a tradition that a son of Grossman's was killed below the mill by an Indian, by which the father was so alarmed and discouraged that he abandoned the mill and let it go out of repair. " Nathaniel Grossman, the son of Robert Grossman, and Sarah his wife, was killed by the Enymy Indians March ye 8, 1675-6." Anticipating a few years it appears that in 1685 the grants formerly made to Grossman were conferred upon John Whiting upon similar terms. He was the son of Nathaniel, who had a corn-mill on Mother Brook in Dedham, and who drew lot No. 2 in the six hundred acres dividend not lIlsroRV ()!•• WRKNTIIAM. far fiom the place intended to build a mill at. He did not Qome to Wil- lomonuppoag,but he must have been theowner of Grossman's rights in the mill as his widow Hannah Whiting conveyed them by her deed to this son John with other property, describing it as coming to her from her deceased husband, Nathaniel. This deed was dated Nov. 9, 1688, in the 4th year of King James the II. John married Dec. 24, 1688, and lived upon the land granted to Grossman near the outlet of the Great or Mill Pond. In the year 182 1 the town of Wrentham investigated the question whether the successors of John Whiting viz. : The Eagle Manufacturing Company, were not bound to grind corn, etc., for the inhabitants accord- ing to the conditions of the ancient grant to Grossman. It appeared in the course of this investigation, from the depositions of Gapt. Lewis Whit- ing, Joseph Whiting and Jemma Fisher, grandchildren of John Whiting. " that their grandfather built the mill on the present dam on the grant made to Grossman to grind particularly for the inhabitants of Wrentham." And it further appeared that the dwelling-house built and owned by their grandfather, John Whiting, now [182 1] owned by Eliphalet Whiting, stands on the two-acre lot granted by the proprietors to their grandfather, John — two acres were granted John when he succeeded to Grossman in 1685. It further appeared that the original site of the corn-mill was some eighty rods above the present dam, one of the deponents saying he had dug out mortised timber there, and seen the remains of a dam, and that such re- mains were believed to be visible even then [1821]. The deponents had been told and always understood that their grandfather, John, was the son of Nathaniel, of Dedham, and that before he was married, when about eighteen years old he came up from Dedham and " tended the mill," and that his mother came with him and purchased all the lands, buildings and rights of Grossman. These deponents were more than eighty years of age, and must have known their grandfather, John, who died in 1755. That house, the dwelling-house of that John Whiting, some portions of which were erected nearly two hundred years ago and which was standing in 1821 is still standing, probably the oldest building within the original bounds of the plantation, and until recently was still in the possession of descendants of John Whiting. It is doubted if a parallel case can be found in the ancient Wollomonopoag. As to the obligation of the factory owners to grind for the inhabitants such eminent counsellors as Wm. Prescott and Solicitor General Davis united in the opinion that the owners were under that obligation, and that suits might be maintained against them. But here the matter was drop- ped. Besides the grain mill there were formerly a fulling mill and a saw mill were the dam now stands. The precise time when the first minister, the Rev. Samuel Man, came to abide at WoUomonuppoag is not known. The people had as appears from their letter heard him preach, probably at Dedham and probably be- tween the date of that letter, 1669 and 1672, he preached to the little group of settlers in this wilderness occassionally if not regularly. Ashe HISTORY OK WRF.NTHAM. died in 17 19, and this was the 49th year of his ministry as Mr. Bean was informed, he must have commenced about the year 1671. However this may have been, in 1672 the proprietors voted that '"a rate should be made of is. 6s. per cow common towards the maintenance of the present minister at Wollomonopoag.'" And the " inhabitants moved there mifjht be a committee chosen to treat with Mr. Samuel Man in reference to his settling and carrying on the worke of the ministrie ther." After this preliminary step in the most important matter of settling a minister, they began to care for the highways and to procure a blacksmith next to the miller a man of the greatest importance in the infant settle- ment. They, the proprietors, voted to give two acres of upland for the encouragement "of such a man as may be approved of the calling of a blacksmyth." This was in 1672. But they did noi tJiett succeed, for in 1674 they voted "for further incoragement of a blacksmith in case there appere a man that is suffichant workeman and otherwayse Incorageabell and do supply the towne with Good and suffichant ware, too acres of meaddow, and 2 or 3 acres of low swampy land on condition that he in- habitt in the towne 7 years, but if he remove from the town within 10 years the too acres of meadow to returne to the towne again.'' And in 1675 ^ small parcel of meadow containing two acres lying below " Slate Rock " was left for a smith. This was granted to James Mosman upon the condition of the vote of 1674. The inference is that Mosman was the first blacksmith in the place. But he did not remain here long ; and in 1685 it was voted that "considering the want of a blacksmith Sergt. Fisher is requested to treat with Samuel Bearing respecting the same and make report to the town. Two \ears later the town invited Samuel Bear- ing " to settle with us to folow the calling of a blacksmith." In 1687 the town for his encouragement to settle granted him "liberty of wood for firing and for coal for his worke and feeding and timber for his use upon the comon land so long as he continue in the calling of a blacksmith in the town ; this and what was proposed to him att our meeting last year." On the 23d of June, 1688, the inhabitants being at work in the highway, Samuel Bearing also being present agreed to accept the land as- signed for a blacksmith upon the terms stated at the meeting in 1672, and the inhabitants agreed " to confirm said land and also ye parcel of meadow and swampy land which was a.ssigned for the encouragement of a smith, to the said Samuel Bearing ; and do all also appoint a committee to lay out the house lot of ten acres near the Meeting House." The com- mittee " did forthwith lay out said ten acres abutting upon the highway in part southwest and near to the land for the burying-place northeast and common land on all other parts.'" Other grants and promises of land were also made to him. He decided to locate here. In i"j^o8 he was mar- ried to Mary Man, the daughter and oldest child of the Rev. Samuel Man. Mr. Bearing was one of the selectmen' in 1706. He died in 1753 at the good old age of ninety-six. The grant of ten acres made to him includes the land where the present congregational and Episcopal houses of wor- ship stand. HlsrORV OK WRKNTHAM. Rev. Samuel Man. In 1672 a committee, previously appointed, reported to the proprietors as follows substantially: "Imprimis to grant Mr. Man a convenient house lot out of the public lands so much as shall arise upon ten cow com- mons, and all rights and privileges thereto belonging ; as also libertie to choose half his proportion of the meadow, the rest to take as other men.'' Further the proprietors tender ^50 towards building him a house and the inhabitants engage to pay as they have intimated. This on condition that he settle at Wollomonopoag ; but if he is called to move then he shall choose two or three men who shall judge and determine what shall be pre- .sented to them, and if they agree that his call his clear to remove through default of the people, then Mr. Man shall enjoy the house and all the lands formerly mentioned ; but if they do not so judge and yet Mr. Man remove then the former grants to return to the proprietors." To these terms Mr. Man agreed as follows : "I do accept of these propositions in case they be performed within the space of one year and a half." Samuel Man. A committee was at the same time chosen to collect the money and build the house. Such was Mr. Man's settlement. The prospect was not cheerful. His call had been pending some three years. He knew, for he had preached among them, that this small company of farmers could barely maintain themselves and their families. He came into almost a wilderness, where there was not only no meeting house to receive him, but even no dwelling- house for a shelter and home ; and, as Mr. Bean says in his century sermon, only sixteen families. He was the only son of William Man, who came from Kent County, England, where he was born about the year 1607. He married Mary Jarrard and settled in Cambridge, Mass. His son, Samuel, was born there July 6, 1647. He was graduated at Harvard University in 1665 ; married Esther Ware of Dedham, in 1673 ; was employed as a teacher at Dedham, Mass.; ordained at Wrentham. April 13, 1692, and died there May 22, 1719, in the 72d year of his age, and 49th of his ministry. His children were eleven in number — seven sons and four daughters — and while his descendants must be very numerous, not one is known to bear the name at present in the town. INCORPORATION OF WRENTHAM. In October, 1673, the inhabitants addressed the following petition to the General Court : " The petition of the inhabitants of Wollomonuppoag humbly showeth that whereas it hath pleased God by his especial providence to set the place of the habitation of divers of us in a place within the bounds of Ded- ham where some of us have lived several years conflicting with the difficulties of a wilderness state, and being a long time without any to dis- pense the word of God to us, although it hath pleased God to send the gospel among us dispensed by that faithful servant of his Mr. Samuel Man, but not having power to assess or gather what have been engaged by reason divers live not within the limits of the town, and the constables 24 HISI(1RV OF WRENTHAM. of Dedham are not willing to gather what has been engaged, neyther is that engaged by town power, so the pay is not attained but that work is like to fail and we perish for lack of knowledge unless it please God to move your hearts who are the fathers of the country to take care for us, and not for us only, but for the interest of God here, now being hepless and hopeless doe yet venture to spread our complaint before your honors desiring you would put forth your power to promote the ordinances of God here. That which we desire and humbly present to your pious consider- ation is that there may be a committee empowered by this honorable court to settle some way for the maintenance of the ministrie, which we doubt not but most of the proprietors in Dedham and elsewhere will readily grant, yet some there are that have rights here seem only to be willing that we should labor under the straights of a new plantation so as to bring their land to a great price, which no other can regulate [that we understand] but yourselves. Therefore we fly to your wisdom and justice for help which no other under God can do. The proprietors also having engaged but for so long as we remain under the town power of Dedham, and Dedham now advising us to indevour to be of ourselves, declaring that they cannot act for us as is necessary in divers cases they living so remote. And if it shall pleased God so far to move you to help us in this distressed state, we humbly further crave to be excused from paying any county rates for 7 or 8 years we being few and poor and far into the country, and not considerable to the county which will oblige us to serve your honors. We have herewith sent the copies of what the proprietors did engage [which have caused us, your petitioners, to venture upon these defficulties expecting more would have come to us] which we desire may be ratified till they send inhabitants suitable or what other way God may direct your wisdom to determine which shall ever oblige your poor supplyants to pray, etc." The selectmen of Dedham assented, and upon the 17th day of October, 1673, O- S., the inhabitants were made a town by the nameof Wrentham.- The selectmen desire, " if the Court see need to grant them town power that it may be called Wrentham." Mr. Bean alludes to the tradition ex- tant in 1773 that some of the first settlers here came from old Wrentham in England. It is suppo.sed that the Rev. Mr. Philip or Phillips, who left his pulpit in old Wrentham by reason of the persecutions of 1636-8, came to Dedham, and that he received an invitation to the ministry in Dedham in 1638, but did not accept it. After being in Dedham and perhaps other places about a year, he returned to his native land and resumed his pastor- al duties in his former parish. It is .said that upon his voyage hither he was attended by " a goodly company," others also from old Wrentham, England, having preceded him. The names of Thurston and Paine are particularly mentioned. These brought " an account of the state of affairs in Wrentham on which the Christian people of Dedham in that country invited him by letter to that plantation beforehand so that when he arrived his friends there did expect and much endeavor to obtain his guidance in the first beginning of their ecclesiastical relationship." In the petition of the inhabitants their leading thought seems to have HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 25 been the maintenance of the minister. They asked for town power that rates might be made and collected for this purpose. "Spiritual affairs were ever first in the minds of the Puritans." " It being as unnatural for a right New England man to live without an able ministry as for a smith to work his iron without a fire." And the General Court "judgeth it meet to give the petitioners all due encouragement conduceable to their settlement with the present munister according to their desires." The minister was the principal person in town — the real head of the people. His advice was sought in matters temporal as well as spiritual. Usually he was the only learned man in these primitive settlements. As the freemen must be church members, it may be conceded that his in- fluence must have been without limit. The early comers to Massachusetts established a church after their own choice, and the civil polity was in subordination to the ecclesiastical. In the resolve of Oct. 17, 1673, the General Court granted '' all the liberties and privileges of a township " with the boundaries heretofore agreed upon between the inhabitants and Dedham. Wrentham thus became independent of Dedham. But yet the inhabit- ants were not considered competent to manage their town affairs, and the Court placed them under the guardianship of a committee " for the better carrying in end of their prudential affairs, etc., and appointeH Captain Hopestill Foster, Mr. Wm. Park and Ensign Daniel Fisher to be the committee. They were to be joined with any two of the inhabitants that might be chosen, and the acts of said committee or the major part of them were "to be valid the power to continue till the Court take further order" and Wrentham was exempted from country rates for four years. John and Thomas Thurston were chosen by the inhabitants " to joyne with the committee appointed by the Court." ORGANIZATION OF THE TOWN. We now leave our Indian cognomen of Wollomonopoag. Hereafter the name given by the General Court is to be our designation. On the 4th day of Dec. 1673, the committee ["for ordering the affairs of the the town called Wrentham, near unto Dedham,] met and ordered as fol- loweth :" 1 . Thomas Thurston to have the town book and make record of such orders as have passed respecting said plantation, etc. 2. Property holders there shall pay is. 6d. for every cow common for support of the minister according to a previous vote. 3. £$0 to be assessed upon the proprietors towards building him a house, according to an act past by them ye 31 June, 1672. 4. All former committees to continue the work committed to them here- tofore as to laying out highways, etc. 5. That the order in Dedham Town Book, referring to the admitting of inhabitants, made June i, 1666, be transcribed in this town book to be an order for the town of Wrentham as to all intents and purposes therein 26 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. contained. Subscribed. Per order of General Court, Hopestill Foster, William Park, Daniel Fisher, John Thurston. ORDER CONCERNING THE ADMISSION OF INHABITANTS. The important order referred to by the committee was in substance as follows: " Whereas towns have suflfered from the entertainment of per- sons privately, and as this town is liable to like inconvenience, therefore for the prevention thereof it is ordered that no inhabitant of this town or tenant of any house, land, etc., ' shall after due publication hereof, grant, sell, alienate, lease, assign, sett, or to farme, lett any house, houses, lands or parcels of land whatsoever within said town, etc., to any persons not formerly dwelling within our town,' nor shall hire any out-of-town person for a servant by the yeare or any apprentice for more than two months without the leave of the committee or the selectmen, without such ' se- curitie ' for the town's ' indemnitie' as said committee or selectmen shall accept. Notice shall be given of all such contracts made or intended to some one of the committee or selectmen, and if not forbidden within one month, then the party may proceed therein. But if being forbidden he shall notwithstanding proceed to contract or entertain contrary to this order or shall fail to give notice as above provided, he shall for every month so continuing forfeit to the use of towne twenty shillings to be levied upon his goods by the constable by warrant from the committee or selectmen, or be recoverable by action at law." ' Such an order sounds very strangely in these days. But two hundred years ago such regulations conformed to the sentiment prevalent in the colony of Massachusetts Bay. And in 1692 a law of the province gave settlement to persons who sojourned in any town three months without having been warned by the constable to depart. And in 1736 it was en- acted that the inhabitants who took in strangers should in twenty days notify the selectmen thereof. Prior to these enactment it seems that the towns adopted orders upon the whole .subject of the admission of inhabit- ants, servants and apprentices. At this time notifications and warnings were not very frequent ; Wrentham being "far into the country" few strangers probably found their way hither. Later in its history arrivals were more numerous and more frequent. One is here copied. Wrentham, January the 20, 1758. We the subscribers would In Form the Selecttmen In Behalf our Honer- ed Father Pelatiah man that He Has brought into This Townn from Ded- ham gillyard Morse and Taffey Morse, children of the late widow morse. Daniel Man, Melatiah Man, Having progressed thus far, the inhabitants had a general meeting in Feb. 1773-4 and passed votes as to the mode of assessing estates for the support of the minister, requesting of the church in Dedham the use of their lands here for Mr. Man ; for preventing the waste of timber, for re- HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 27 pair of highways, and for fencing the lots of settlers. John Thurston was chosen surveyor of highways ; Samuel Sheers and Joseph Kingsbury fence viewers. Measures also were taken for herding cattle ; for keeping out-of-town cattle off the common lands, for the ringing of swine, and for building a pound. In 1674 an Indian, named Matchinamook, asked that he might have some place to live in and " full liberty was granted him to go to a place called Harry's Plantation or at the head of ten-mile river, near to the Patten line, there to improve three or four acres of land during his life time." All the votes were subject to the approval of the court's commit- tee. In this year some further negotiations were had with Grossman re- garding the corn-mill as previously related; and in 1674 and 1675 the votes for the encouragement of a blacksmith were passed. This latter year was undoubtedly one of anxiety to the little town of Wrentham. " Early in the spring of 1675," says Drake, Sassamon's body was found in Assawoomset pond in Middleborough." He was an Indian preacher, a professed convert of Christianity, who had learned something of the English tongue. Having learned from his countrymen that they intended to make war upon the English he communicated that knowledge to the Governor of Plimouth, and b> Indian laws thus forfeited his life. Three Indians were executed for the murder on the 8th day of June, 1675, according to the same authority the act having been committed January 29th, 1675, N. S. Until this execution the natives had not engaged in any acts of open hostility, but soon afterwards Swanzey was attacked and nine of her inhabitants killed, and on the 24th of June the abandoned houses were burnt. Soon afterwards a part of Taunton, Middleborough and Dartmouth were destroyed. Mendon was also attacked and it is said four or five persons killed. In 1675-6 the General Court in consideration that many Indians were " skulking about our plantation doing much mischiefe and damage " offer- ed a bounty of three pounds per head for the Indian so taken to every per- son who should surprise, slay or bring in prisoner any such Indian." It was probably about this time and not long before its withdrawal that the valorous little colony covered itself with glory in the famous at- tack at Indian Rock. The story is as follows : " A man by the name of Rocket being in search of a strayed horse in the woods about three miles northeast from Wrentham village discovered a trail of Indians, forty-two in number, towards the close of the day directing their course westward. Rocket undiscovered followed the trail until about the setting of the sun when they halted, evidently with a de- sign to lodge for the night. The spot chosen was well situated to secure them from a discovery. Rocket watched their movements until they laid themselves down to rest, when with speed he returned to the settlement and notified the inhabitants. They being collected, a consultation was held, whereupon [the women, the infirm and the children being secured in the fortified houses] it was agreed to attack the Indians early the next morning. The little army consisted of thirteen ; at its head was a Captain Ware. Rocket was its guide. They arrived upon the ground 2 8 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. before daylight and were posted within a short musket shot of the encamped Indians with orders to reserve their fire until the Indians should arise. Between day and sunrise the Indians rose, nearly all at the same time ; when upon the signal given a full discharge was made which with the sudden and unexpected attack and slaughter put the Indians into the greatest consternation so that in the confusion, attempting to effect their escape in a direction opposite to that from which the attack was made, several were so maimed by leaping down a precipice from ten to twenty feet among the rocks that they became an easy sacrifice. Some of the fugitives were overtaken and slain. And it is related that two of them be- ing closely pursued, in order to elude their followers, buried their bodies all except their heads in the waters of Millbrook, about one mile from the first scene of action, where they were killed. It is probable that these were likewise injured by their precipitation from the rock. One Wood- cock discharged his long musket called a buccaneer at a single fugitive Indian at the distance of eighty rods and broke his thigh bone and after- wards dispatched him. After the battle there were numbered of the Indians killed upon the field of battle or by the fall from the rock, twenty ; some say twenty-four. Not one of the inhabitants was killed. Dr. James Mann to whom we aie indebted for this account of the fight at Indian Rock says, "There is an intelligent man, eighty-seven years of age [Dea. Thomas Man,] who in his youth was acquainted with Rocket, and perfectly well remembers that on account of the above adventurous deed, he received during his life an annual pension from the General Court. A grand-daughter of Captain Ware, of the name of Clapp, was also living, aged ninety-four years, who well recollected to have heard the story related when quite young, as a transaction in which her grandfather bore a conspicuous part. He adds there are men now living, at the date Okf his communication, who well recollected to have seen bones in abun- dance of the unburied Indians left upon the spot where the action happened. In March, 1676 the inhabitants left their homes so lately established here and with so much difficulty, on account of the alarming attitude of the natives. Up to this date eighteen births had been recorded, and the small number of families who were without any means of defence against the savages prudently withdrew. The war against the English was now fairly initiated by Philip. Having stirred up the native Indians from Mt. Hope to Hadley he led them against the settlements of the whites and pro- longed the contest for nearly a year. The settlements were brought to the verge of destruction. Twelve or thirteen towns were entirely ruined ; six hundred houses burned and six hundred men fell in battle. The neigh- boring town of Medfield was attacked, and some twenty whites killed, and more than half the houses were burned or otherwise destroyed. Wrentham lay in the track from Mt. Hope to Medfield and was in dan- ger. The withdraiual of the inhabitants was in season " no lives were cut off by the heathen." But the Indians came after the inhabitants were gone and burnt all their dwellings but two which were saved because ac- cording to tradition the party attacking believed they had been infected with the small pox. HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 29 We get some knowledge of the condition of our town and of the manner of administering its affairs more than two hundred years ago from the re- cord of a town meeting held before the inhabitants abandoned the place, viz. : in 1745. At this meeting " Samuel Fisher was " appointed to take down in writing what shall be agreed on this day." It was ordered that a list of voters should be made, and absentees from town meetings were to be fined ; grants of land were to be recorded ; fences three feet high and sufficient to turn lawful cattle should be built ; cattle should be herded and a herdsman appointed ; the minister's salary provided for and addi- tions made to it as inhabitants and improvements " should increase ; that the meadows should be layed out ; that births, marriages and deaths should be registered ; appointed surveyors of highways and fence viewers, and men to burn the woods. They also voted that Mr. Man should have his ten cow commons heretofore promised, and that four days work should be done upon the highway. These votes were approved by the committee of which it will be remembered two of the inhabitants were members, whose importance in the little community was thus recognized and acknowledged. One of these was Samuel Fisher, who was appointed also to keep a register of births, marriages and deaths. Even thus early a list of voters was to be made; and under the laws of the colony, but little difficulty could arise in determining who were voters. The General Court ordered " to the end that the body of commons may be preserved of hon- est and good men, that noe man shall be admitted to the fredome of this body polliticke, but such as are members of some of the churches within the lymitts of the same." And in 1635 " that none but freemen shall have any vote in any towne in any action of authority or necessity, etc.," and " for the yearly choosing of assistants the freemen shall use Indian corn and beans, the corn to manifest election, the beans contrary." Quakers and others who refused to attend public worship were made '• uncapable of voting in all civil as- semblise during theii obstinate persisting in such wicked ways and courses and until certificate be given of their reformation." It was voted upon Mr. Man's request in 1675, that the common rights and lands heretofore granted to him for improvement would become his absolutely if he remained in Wrentham seven years. Cornelius and Samuel Fisher bargained for his 10 cow commons, agree- ing to pay therefore five pounds and five shillings, — ^i. los. in wheat, 5s. in money and ^^3. los. in merchantable Indian corn. The last meeting of the inhabitants prior to abandonment of the place was holden on the 19th January, 1675, '^^'^ o" March 30th, they left on account of the Indian war.* And on the second of February, 1675-6, the pmdential committee met, and appointed the first Tuesday in March following, to be a meeting of the proprietors at Dedham in reference to their replanting there again. On the 6th of March, 1677, at the proprietor's meeting in Dedham the question being put whether " they would go on with Wrentham plantation again if there were peaceable times?" The answer was by all present that *The book-keeper made this entry " March ye 30, 1876, ye inhabitants ware drawn of by rason of ye Endian worre." HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. they would bear charges there as formerly, and divers of them expressed themselves willing to return it Mr. Man would return with them and a con- siderable number would ingage in that worke." Upon further debate it was decided that a committee be chosen to present the case of Wrentham to the Hon. General Court for their advice and concurence in order to the rebuilding the towne againe." They also made a division of their mea- dow lands. In this division only forty-five persons drew lots. In 1660, the number of proprietors was eighty. Sixteen years had made changes in the ownership of lands. From this time until January, 1677, no important public transactions concerning Wrentham took place. At that time the "proprietors and those that were formerly inhabitants of Wrentham " met, and the in- habitants were asked whether " they would go on to rebuild and inhabit Wrentham." Their answer was as follows : "We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, having formerly had our residence in Wrentham, but by those sad and sollame dispensations of God's providence were removed yet desire that a worke for the honour of God and the good and comfort of ourselves and ours might be again ingaged in and promotted att that place. Therefore our purpose is to returne thither God willing. But knowing our own inability for so great and waytie a worke, both in respectt of our insufiiciency for the caring on of new planta- tion worke, and the dainger that may yet be renewed upon us by the heathens breaking out on us thinke it not saffe for us to returne alone ex- cept other of the proprietors joyne to go up along with us or send inhabit- ants to ingage in that worke with us." Subscribed by Elizear Metcalf, Daniel Haws, Daniell Wight, Samuel Fisher, Willim Macknah, Elizear Gay, Samuell Man, Cornelius Fisher, Joseph Kingsbury, Robert Ware, John Aldis, John Payne, Benjn Rocket, Nath Ware, John Ware, Michell Wilson, Samuel Sheers." This faithful record informs us who the first inhabitants were. And al- though driven from their homes by the " heathens" and obliged to take quarters with their Dedham friends, they, nevertheless, preserved their organization, choosing John Ware and Samuel Fisher to join with the Court's Committee, Elizear Gay, constable, and the faithful Samuel Fisher, to keep the town book. The proprietors responded favorably to the appeal of the inhabitants and a committee was appointed to treat with Mr. Man. He very wisely re- quired that a goodly number of competent persons should go back as a principal condition ot his own return ; and also that a suitable dwelling- house should be prepared for him ; that there should be no delay as here- tofore in the payment of his salary. This of the proprietors. Another condition of great importance he annexed, to wit : that they should sell their interest to settlers in good faith. Other conditions were made to the proposed inhabitants such as the im- provement of his land ; providing 50 loads of wood, care ot his cattle, and a chosen manager of his out-door business, and if they failed to perform these he was to be at liberty. As to the first proposition it was stated that the former inhabitants have determined to return to Wrentham and HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 3 1 that Others propose to join them, and that this is all the " incouragement that can at present be expected." The other terms were substantially ac- cepted by both proprietors and inhabitants. A rate was made probably in 1679 for the building of Mr. Man's house at 2s. per common. Forty-five were taxed for this pursose, including the church at Dedham. The amount assessed was/52. 15s. yd., of which 4d. per common was to be paid in money, the rest to be one-third part in wheat and rye, the other two-thirds in Indian corn. Mr. Man himself was taxed ^i. John Thurston, a non-resident, it seems was the largest tax-payer, the amount assessed him being ^3. i6s. In 1680 a house lot and ten cow commons, with the privileges thereto belonging, were granted to Mr. Man, to be "absolutely his." Constables were made to account for the rates collected by them. And it was determined that highways should be made through the six hundred acres. Rules also for supplying Mr. Man's wood were adopted. Votes for the preservation of grass upon the common lands ; for the encouragement of a saw-mill ; for a clerk of the rietts (writs) ; and a brand-mark for their cattell. The book-keeper was ordered to procure a "copy of the purchase of Wrentham, Indian title, when and of whom it was purched " (purchased). Mr. Man was to have the benefit of the church lot. Constables, Fence Viewers, Book- keeper, etc., were reappointed. A herd of milch cows was to be kept ♦' in the towne." On account of the scarcity of timber no one could cut off the common land, upon penalty of five shillings per tree. Lands were to be fenced in general fields, each man bearing his proportion of the ex- pense according to the number of his acres. Bounds between town and individuals were to be renewed once in three years. A part of the former inhabitants had returned in March, 1689,35 ap- pears from the following entry of the book-keeper: "The inhabitants such as were then come to Wrentham being meat (met) to agree of raising an addition for the finishing Mr. Man's house and chimnies according as they had formerly engaged, they agreed that a rate should be made for that end and that it should be leavied upon the commons, for that several of them that had ingaged whose names are upon record were not yett come to dwell here and thereby theire rateabell estate is not in towne." The First Meeting-House. In March, 1681, the committee having met at Dedham, and being in- formed that the inhabitants of Wrentham were suffering "great incon- venience for want of a suitable place to attend the worship of God, it is ordered that a convenient house be forthwith erected." The cost was to be borne in part by the proprietors and in part by the inhabitants. In March, 1682, they concluded that " the bigness of the house shall be as followeth, viz. : 36 foote in lenghth and 26 foot wide, with 16 foot stude suffichantly brasted (braced) and all other suffichant timber suitabel for such an house ; to stand the north side of Mr. Man's house." And they granted to John Woodcock a parcel of land " as nere the place where the meeting-house shall stand as may be conveniently had that he might sett 32 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. a small house up for theire refreshment on the Sabbath day when they come to attend upon the worship of God." This was the first vote regarding the building of the meeting-house, which they thought might be inclosed by the 15th of Sept. next following and finished by March i, 1684. But a dozen years had passed before its completion." In 1684, " to prevent unnecssary discourse," a committee wasappointed to ascertain what debts were due to and from the town before the war and to do as God shall direct them." They also ordered three dividends of land, viz. : timber and woodland, plowland and meadow or swamp land ; and having chosen their Book-keeper, Prudential Committee, Con- stable and agent for the minister's business, they chose also a committee to assess a tax for the payment of his salary, the only object for which a tax was at this time assessed, there being no school at this early period, and the highways being made and repaired by the personal labor of the inhabitants. A committee was appointed to looke to the boys upon the Sabbath in time of exercise to keep ym from playing and also to sweep the meeting-house." Liberty was given to certain persons to build a gallery in the meeting-house. It thus appears that this first meeting-house was erected and occupied in 1684, although far from being finished. In 1685 there was a general meeting of the proprietors and inhabitants " att Wrentham Meeting hous," when it was determined that the common land between the two great ponds "shall lie common for the Proprietors." Secondly, " that they would sett out four or six acres of their now common land near the metting hous, with twenty or twenty-five acres of other up- land and swamp or swampy land, for the encouragement of a school, which was not to be diverted to any other use or purpose whatsoever." These lands and the proceeds of their sale, let it be said to the honor of the good people of this town, never have been diverted by them from the use to which they were thus applied, but now make a part of the fund whose in- come is appropriated to the support of schools. It was ordered that the meeting-house should be used for a watch-house. They provided also for a stock of ammunition ; voted to establish the Stocks for the punishment of offenders; to pay for " billiting " soldiers at time of the Indian war, and to pay bounties for " wolves that have been killed." Eleven wolves were killed. John Ware was allowed ;^i. 4s. gd. for his disbursements or services in building Mr. Man's first house, from which it would seem that Mr. Man had been a householder here before Philips' war, his first house having being burnt by the Indians. In the same year the inhabitants presented a petition to the General Court praying that they might be authorized to choose Selectmen as in other places, representing that the committee appointed to have the care over them, although very useful in " yt capacity, yet they are crazy and infirme in body and cannot be got together so often as we stand in need of, etc." The General Court in answer granted " that they may have liberty to chous men as in other places." In 1686 Selectmen were chosen for the first time. They were : Sani'l- HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 33 Fisher, John Blake, John Fairbanks, John Guild, and John Ware. And now the town began its real independent existence, being deemed at last capable of acting without guardians. They appointed a committee " to goe the bounds between Dorchester and Wrentham and renewe themarkes as the law directs." They voted bounties for killing blackbirds ; adopted orders concerning cedar timber, and fined certain persons for neglecting work upon the highways and for cutting grass upon common land and for other trespasses. The town had at this time forty-two pounds of powder and one hundred of lead. A committee was appointed to go to Rehoboth (since Attleborough) and examine the title to lands in the west part of the town. There was but little money in the plantation, and the salary of the good minister was so much in arrear that the town " doe nominate their friend and neighbor Sarg't Samu'l Fisher and do desire and impour him to demand and upon refusal to address himself to ye Governor and Council for advice and make his report to the Town." On the first day of March, 1687, there was'a meeting of the inhabitants " to consider the matter of clearing the ' Enden (Indian) title to their lands.'" Sam'l Fisher and John Ware were chosen a committee "to take care in the town's behalf and manage the clearing and confirmation of the Town's title to ye lands in ye town bounds according to ye agree- ment with Dedham at the first settling of Wrentham." Report of Co)n?ntttee. Forasmuch as Thomas Awasamogue a Natick Indian in the last year being 1687 made claim to some of our lands which was bought of Philip Sagamor and payd for according as the law then provided for ye Endians, the town being called together to consult yr own interest, ther was a com- mittee chosen to inquir into that matter, which Comittie (after some inquiring and also treating with said Thomas Awasamogue) presented to the town divers Evydances (evidences) and wrightings both of English and Endains for ye making the thing mor clear which Evydences are insarted as folio weth. 1. Philip Sachem to Major Lusher and Lieutenant Fisher. This is the letter previously inserted on page 16, in which Philip wished his white friends to send him a holland shirt to wear to Plimouth Court and offering to sell his land at Wollomonuppoag. There is also an entry under date of 8th of 9th mo., 1669, that Philip's notice was received, and a committee appointed to treat with him at Wollomonuppoag, and the report of the committee and the ordering of a rate to pay Philip. 2. The following order. Wollomonuppoag, 10. 9. 69. To the Selectmen of Dedham — these are to request you to pay to this barer for ye use of King Philip five pounds, five shillings mony and five in Trucking cloath att mony price with a third Pt advanced. John Thurston, Sr., and others. 3. Receaved of this bill ye 16 of November 1669 in referance to the pay of King Philip of mount hope ye full and just sum of five ponds and five shillings in mony and twelve yards in trucking cloath, three pounds 34 HISTORY OF WRENIHAM. of powder and as much lead as to make it up to— which is in full satisfac- tion with ten pounds that he is to receive of Nathaniel Pan (Paine) of Seconck for all the rights of land claimed by Indian title from the town or within yr limits belonging to the town of Dedham which is due by any claim to King Philip or heirs or assigns in witness hereof I have here sett to my hand this i6: Novemb 69. In presents of us ) Peter Indian Joshua Fisher and others ^ his C mark Then follow sundry Depositions. 1. ''Nathaniel Colburn aged 70 yeare and upward (Dedham March 1687) testifie that I being at Wollomonuppoag when King Philip did make sale of thos lands which ware in the bounds of Dedham to thos men which Dedham Selectmen had sent up to trade with King Philip re- specting ye same and I did see King Philip seal the deed in ye presents of divars Endens (Indians) who he said ware of his council." 2. " The Indian called Joseph aged 46 years or more (Wrentham March 1687) who testifie that when I was a young man I did live at Wol- lomonuppoag and was one of Philip's men. And I know that Philip our Sachem his hunting land was from Mashapogue pond and so along to a hill called by ye English Noon hill and so to ye great River called by ye English Charles River and so up yt River to a River att Sichsopogue and up to Sanetcheconet and ye land belonging to Wollomonuppoag all ys lands I know was Philip's and that he sold it to Dedham men I was yr at Wollomonuppoag when Dedham men bargained for it and farther when I was a boy my grandfather lived at Pabeluttock and payed tribute to Philip." 3. Sampson an Indian aged 55 years and Deask aged 40 years (Bristol March 1687) testifie and saith that we having had som knowledge of the bounds of the lands which sometime did belong to Philip Sagamor and it was always accounted that in the north or northwest part his bounds went from Mashapogue pond and so to Wawwatabstcutt and yn (then) Pabanut- tuck and to Bappatocket and yn (then) to Nihoquiag and from thens straight away to Pontucket River and that these places was Philips pro- priate being his outmost bounds that way and further saith that ye Indians yt dwelt ther did pay tribut to Philip. When they killed a bare they brought it to Philip. Robin a Taunton Endian and his Squay testifie the same. John Daggett testifie that Nihaquiag was in Philips' bounds. 4. The testimony of an Indian called Labcock Aged 86 years (Decem 24 1686) who saith he knew all the lands here described to be aforetime Wassomeakins (Massasoit) and after, Philip his sons'. The bounds Eastward was at Mashapogue pond and so from the middle of that pond Northward over a high hill into Medfieldward a hill called by the English Noon hill and from that hill straight along to ye great River called by ye English Charles River and up yt River to a pond and a little hill which was by the Indians called Pabaluttock wher was of old a hill field? and further his land was to Scanchapogue River and so bake- again southward to Senecheconet and all yt land called Wallammanapogue I say I know all HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 35 this land was after Wassamakins' death, Philip's land and that all Indians that lived there when Philip was alive called him Sachem and payd tribut to him, and further I hard Philip say that he had sold thos lands to Massachusetts men and had no more to doe ther and I did see Philip's men when they brought the pay to Philip. 5. John Daggett of Rehoboth aged 64 years (Wrentham March 1687) testifie that in former times as I had frequent convers with the Indians upon Ocation I was att a great meeting of ye Indians or an Indian dance where yr (there) was present Ausemakin Sagamore of mount hope and Philip his son who was afterwards Sagamore and a great number of Indians and I did then understand that there was a bussell or controversie amongst ym and many large words about ye Right of land and after long debate the conclusion was that from Pontucquet River and so northward by a small river near Sanchapogue at least eight or ten miles and yn (then) about Eastward and so to Mashapogue pond was and should be Ausemakin's land. Ys (this) meeting was as nere as I can remember upwards of 30 or nere 40 years since and was on the land in controversie. Land Titles. In 1688 all grants of land were to be in fee simple. This year the salary of Mr. Man was to be ^^40, one-fourth in money, one-fourth in English grain, and the other halt in country payment. Ten persons agreed to pay certain sums towards this salary ; twenty-six re- quested to be taxed their proportional parts. It would seem, therefore, that there were thirty-six tax-payers living here at this time. Of these Ensign Blake was the wealthiest. Public officers made moderate charges for their services in 1688. Lieut. Fisher, for going to Mendon two days and to Dedham and Boston five days, charged twelve shillings. John Ware, for going to Swanze, Brestol and Tanton five days, to Dedham and Boston four days, eighteen shillings. In the assessment in December, 1688, for paying the expense of clearing the Indian title, which was to be borne by proprietors as well as inhabi- tants, but few names except those of inhabitants appear. Mr. Man's policy that nou-resident proprietors should sell out their interest in the lands here had prevailed. The tax also was for a black staff, for wine and ale measures, scales and beam, and for some finishing of the meeting- house and other things for which the town is indebted. The black staff was for the constable, whose duty it was " to carry his black staff in the execution of his office so that none may plead ignorance." Burial Grounds. When the proprietors in 1689 laid out to Sam'l Dearing, the blacksmith, the ten acres promised him, " sufficient land for to bury in one acre and a half at least and a leading way to it," was reserved. This was pursuant to the reservation made at the original planting at Wollomonuppoag. No more specific statement of the quantity of land reserved for this use has been found. The southeast corner of Dearing's house lot " touched on the burying-ground." It was no doubt near the site now occupied by Mr. 36 HISTORY OF WRENIHAM. Harlow. Although the proprietors appointed a committee to lay out the burying-ground, yet in 1795 no report of such committee could be found ; but the yard was found to be included in the lands of Cyms Guild, and an agreement was then made with Guild as to boundaries, leaving three acres and four rods for burial purposes. The old cemetery has recently been enlarged by the annexation of more of the land originally owned by Cyrus Guild. The ancient yard is filled with the dust of generations that have lived and died since Samuel Sheers came to WoUomonuppoag. But " The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep" not altogether in quiet ; modern improvement is reported to have driven its ploughshare over their ashes. In the westerly part of the town (now Franklin) one acre was laid out for a burying place "bounded on the way leading from Capt. Robert Pond's, along by Eleaser Metcalfs ; north on the land of Baruck Pond ; eastward by common land on all parts." Laid out March 28, 1735. In 1689 the town made provision for the first person requiring help as a pauper. The constable was ordered to " convey out of town a woman of late come from Boston to Mr. Blakes, unless she forthwith gave bond with sufficient sureties for the securitee of the town." Richard Puffer agreed to take the above-mentioned pauper for one year and was to have " three pounds and ten shillings in country pay, and in case she should lam to spin and card yn (then) yr (there) shall be con- sideration on yt account often shillings as may be meet." The meeting- house was still unfinished in 1690. It was then voted that " it should be shingled on or before the 20th of June, 1690, the walls lathed, plastered and white limed, two galeries finished and the windows gleased (glazed.)" Watchmen were to walk two together " of a night " from the meeting- house, eastward and westward " not exceeding half a mile." The law of 1636 required them to examine all nightwalkers after ten o'clock at night, unless they be known peaceable inhabitants, to inquire whither they are going and what their business is, and if their answers are unsatisfactory they were to be held securely until the next morning and carried before a magistrate to answer, etc. ; and to secure any one after ten o'clock at night behaving " debauchedly " or being " in drunk." In short like Dog- berry's posse these worthy officers were " to comprehend all vagrom men." And further they were to see all noises stilled and lights put out, except upon necessary occasions, for the prevention of fire as much as may be." An event illustrative of the spirit of the time happened in the case of Benjamin Force in 1 691. Cornelius Fisher having informed the select- men that he intended to let Force into his house as a tenant was ordered to make no contract with him until the selectmen should be satisfied or that his stay in town should be limited at least. This order was, however, in strict conformity to the rule adopted by the town as set forth upon a previous page. A tax was assessed of £;i6 for Mr. Man's salary, he being entitled to £40, "■ having reseved order from ye Revt. Mr. Man to make it no more respecting the waight of publique charges." HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 37 The next year we find the inhabitants engaged in their ordinary affairs, including the perambulation of town lines between Wrentham and Dor- chester, and Medfield and Wrentham, Dedham and Wrentham. The young settlement had now become able to contribute to public charges, and was assessed ^135 i6s. 4d. as its part of a county tax. This tax list contained forty-two names. John Blake's having the largest sum set against it, viz. : £(^ lis. T. Fisher's tax was £6 2s. gd. In some discussion concerning a way to Mischo meadow it was said it would be of great use to other meadows that way, one of which was the meadow at the mine. We get from this statement an idea as to the loca- tion of the mine, and infer that it was in the westerly part of the town ; but as to its character, whether it was a gold, silver, copper, lead or coal mine we are not informed.* One Doctor, James Stuerd, (Stewart), with his family having taken up his residence at the house of Eleazer Gay, an admonition went swiftly from the selectmen to Eleazer that he must be responsible for this bold physician and his family according to the town's order. It is probable that the forty-two householders, an obstinately healthy people gave poor encouragement to a medical man. So that the worthy selectmen of that day most prudently prevented Doctor Stuerd from becoming an inhabit- ant unless the required security should be given. In 1692 some new regu- lations were made concerning the admission of inhabitants. New comers were required to present themselves to the selectmen and bring with them certificates of their good behavior and honest vocation, and especially their ability to get a " livelihood." And if strangers failed thus to satisfy the selectmen or to give sureties they were to be warned out of town, and in case of their neglect or delay they were to be " sent out of said town bounds by ye constable." Thomas Young having desired to be admitted an inhabitant, the select- men answer him that as they do not desire to be rash in any proceeding they will postpone the consideration of his case three weeks and if he shall then satisfie them by certificate or otherwise then to be admitted. At the annual town meetings the list of voters was to be read by xo o'clock A. M., and absentees to be fined. A town meeting was called on the 28, of April, 1692, "by sun half an hour high in the morning to consider the subject of seating the people in the meeting house." The town compensated Dea. Samuel Fisher and Cornelius Fisher for their services as representatives to the General Court by the payment of seven pounds and fifteen shillings ; and allowed Samuel Fisher for his disbursements for " diat, etc., 15 shilliugs for something more than two weeks, his housekeeping included, and Cornelius Fisher for "diat," drink and other nessarys ^ I 15s. 4d. for about four weeks including his housekeeping. In 1693 the towns of Rehoboth (Attleborough) and Wrentham renewed their bound marks, being occupied three days in the matter and beginning * The Dedham Record, vol. 3, page 206, speak of hopes of discovering a copper mine within the bounds of Wollomonuppoag at Harris' ground, on the west side of a brook that runs out of Mischo. ^8 HISIORV OF WRKXIHAM. at Pawtucket River. Afterwards the selectmen were directed "to let out the common meadow on the south side of Dimon Hill, nere Rehobah line till the town otherwais dispose of it,'" showing that a part of what is now Cumberland, R. I., was within the limits of Wrentham. It was now 1693 ; voted that the annual town meetings should hereafter be holden on the first Monday of March, and this continued to be the day of those meetings for about one hundred and eighty-five years. A new corn-mill was established at Jack's pasture, now the site of the City Mills. A similar grant of stream, land and privileges was made to any one who would erect " a good and suffiitiant corn-mill at Stony Brook." It was not until the year 1695 that any steps were taken towards the building of a school-house. At this time the voters determined to build a watch-house which should serve the purpose of a school-house also. It was " to be so bigg as yt yr (that there) may be a room of sixteen foot squar besides convenient room for a chimney. Galleries were to be finish- ed in the meeting-house and the people to be placed therein, and Eleaser Fisher was to sweep, to take care of the cushion and provide a lock for the door. People were occasionally warned to leave town, six having been so warn- ed from 1696 to 1699. Two dividends of land made in 1698 are instructive. The first was of timber land, consisting of only one and one-half acre to each cow com- mon. Seeming to prove a scarcity of timber land. And we may also add that the proprietors at different times made regulations concerning the use of timber and for preventing trespasses and waste thereof. The second dividend was called the great dividend, being seven acres to each cow common right. A corrected list of the commons was prepared in order to this dividend in Oct. I697, and it was found that the whole number of cow commons was five hundred and two (502), and of the sheep com- mons thirty-one and one-half (31 1-2) ; and that the number of proprietors was sixty-three (63). In this " dividend " fifty-eight lots were drawn, one being the church lot. All but fifteen of the remainder were drawn by inhabitants and by John Thurston who drew twenty. The non-resident proprietors had at this date become reduced to a small number, and the little community was really becoming independent. Upon consultation with Mr. Man the selectmen decided that there should be " a contribution on the Lord's day after the evening exercise towards defraying his salary." The people had been very negligent about paying him. The constables were often behind iji their collections and many " reckonings" were had with them on this account. The towns in New England were often delinquent in this respect. An anecdote of the Rev. Jona French is told by Pres. Quincy substantially as follows: " The parish was bound to find him in wood, the winter was ccming on, they had neglected to furnish it. Experience had taught him that a direct com- plaint would be useless. He waited therefore until the proclamation for Thank.sgiving came, and after reading it to the congregation, he said, with great apparent simplicity, " My brethren, you perceive that his Excellency HisTdRV OF \vrp:ntham. 39 has appointed next Thursday as a day of Thanksgiving and according to custom it is my purpose to prepare two discourses for the occasion, pro- vided I can write them wttJiout a fire. The hint took effect and before twelve o'clock on the succeeding Monday his whole winter's stock of wood was in his door-yard. A committee was appointed " to take care of the common meadow about Diamon Hill for the town's use. Jurisdiction was taken by Wren- tham over this part of Rehoboth, now Cumberland, R. I. The names of people born on territory now included within the limits of Cumberland were entered upon the books of the record of births, etc., in Wrentham, especially was this the case with the name of Ballou. In the same year, 1698, the selectmen acting for the first time in the name of overseers of the poor, contracted with Ben Rocket to keep Han- nah Kingsbury a "distracted or idiotic person for one year for three pounds, ten shilling in money. In 1701 the number of tax-payers was fifty-four. SCHOOLS— DIVISIONS AND SCHOOL MONEY. A town meeting was called December 19th, 1701, to act upon the sub- ject of establishing a school " as the law direct." The requisite nnmber of householders, fifty, now being settled here the town was compelled to have a school kept within its limits. For about forty years the place had been known and more or less inhabited, but noth- ing had been done in the way of a public school in all that time. But now the obligation could no longer be shunned, and the town voted to procure a schoolmaster. But it seems that the good fathers were not successful for we find the record made that they had approached Mr. Cob- bitt with an invitation, but found him engaged for the winter ; and al- though they had heard of other masters yet "considering the scarceness of money, etc.," it is proposed for this winter time that ye selectmen and such others as will join in ye worke with them, doe by themselves or some others in their behalf take their turns by ye week to keep a school to teach children and youth to read English and wright and cypher (Grate) and in hope that some of our neighbors will joyn with us in yt worke we Intend (God willing) to begin the next Monday." In 1702 so much progress was made that it was resolved to build a school house " twenty foot long and sixteen foot broad," "to be built and finished by next Mickelmus or thereabouts." In the rate made for paying the cost of this school house the selectmen included the names of fifty-eight persons who were assessed. Of these Daniel Hawes was taxed thirteen shillings, and Robt. Ware twelve shill- ings and tenpence, Lieut. Ware eleven shillings and twopence, Michael Wilson ten shillings, eightpence, and Eben Gay ten shillings, who are named as showing who paid the largest tax and what amounts they were assessed. The assessment for the school house probably amounted to about fourteen pounds. This first school was located near the present site of the Bank Building, at least one stood there in 1738. On the 24th day of December, 1703, the selectmen " did bargain and agree with Theodor 40 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. Man in behalf of the town to keep scoole, beginning January the 3d next, insuing until the next March for the sum of three pounds, eight shillings in silver." He was a son of Rev. Samuel Man. In 1704 John Swineburn was employed for thirty shillings and his diet. In 1705 Theodore Man was offered forty shillings per month, and in 1707 the treasurer was direct- ed to pay him four pounds for keeping school two months. John Fale, Jonathan Ware and Wm. Man were also employed to teach, and they with others kept the one school in town for some years. " The town voted from time to time small sums for repairing this solitary school house." In 1717 a three-months school was established to be kept alternately at the east end of the town one month, the next month at the school house, the third month at Ebenezer Wares, and fn 17 19 four schools were voted at four difterent quarters of the town. Jabez Wight of Dedham was em" ployed to teach a grammar school for one quarter of a year for ten pounds. In 1723 a school was provided at Poppoluttock and the next year it was voted that the school be kept one-half the time in some convenient place near the meeting house and in that part of the town formerly belonging to Dorchester and the other half in those places that will accommodate those inhabitants who live at a distance from town. In 1734 Mr. Joseph Bacon was employed to preach four months in the west part of the town (Now Franklin), and also to keep school three months for the sum of forty- two pounds. The schools were not permanently located in those days, it seems, as the matter of placing or stating them was frequently consider- ance in town meetings. To show what wages were then paid we append a few examples. In 1730 Nathaniel Newell was allowed £1"] for keeping school three-quarters of a year, and he procured his board for five shillings per week. "The selectmen agreed with Mr. David Cowell to keep a grammar school in this town for one month for the sum of five pounds, and with Hezekiah Man for two months after the expiration of that time and they were to provide for themselves." In 1739 *^^ grammar school teacher was paid £\\ and his diet and lodging. Notwithstanding the division of the town into precincts in 1737, precinct schools were not es- tablished although the law of the province allowed it. The selectmen con- tinued as formerly to contract with teachers. The town continuing to dis- cuss and settle the question of number and location of schools and amount of money to be expended. In 1762 Eliphalet Whiting was directed " to makeanswer to a complaint laid before the Grand Jury for not keeping a grammar school." All towns of one hundred families were under obligations by statute to maintain a grammar school. Whatever might be the notions of the selectmen of those days about a grammar school, and it seems that to instruct their children to read, write and cypher was all they required of their teachers, the lawgivers of 1647 defined it by requiring that the master thereof should be able to fit youth for the university, and it is probable that our predeces- sors made attempts to provide such teachers, agents being sent to Cam- bridge, Dedham, Roxbury, etc., to procure them. And Jacob Bacon, Hezekiah Man, David Cowell, Amariah Frost, James Messinger and Benj. Guild who were employed as teachers were university graduates. In 1764 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 4 1 the grammar school was continued and the school money remaining after paying for that was divided according to the number of children between four and sixteen years of age. This was the practice for many years. In 1767 the town voted to expend eighty pounds for the support of schools, and that the school should be kept in the circular form, that is moving about into different parts of the town according to their respective towns until the eighty pounds be expended. The divisions of the town for school purposes were designated variously, as the Long Walk Division, Capt. Day's Division, the South End Division, the school near Esquire Whiting's. Dea. Man's Division, etc., etc. In 1780 three thousands pounds were voted for the use of the school in this town, so depreciated had the currency become ; and in 1786 it was voted to keep a grammar school at the cheapest rate in order to clear the town of a fine ; also that young men intending to go to college should be exempt from poll tax so long as the town is exempted from keeping a grammar school master. The legislature in 1789 authorized a division of towns into districts with bounds defined for school purposes. And in 1790 Dea. Man's division, so-called, was changed into a school district and the bounds thereof established. In 1802 districts one, two and three were in like manner defined and event- ually viz. : in 1846, there were nineteen. A hundred years ago the school money was expended as follows, viz. : For the Benj. Shepard Division ^3 13s. for the year 1777 ; the River End Division ^3 i8s. ; the Samuel Leth- bridge Division ^3 os. 8d. ; Long Walk Division ^4 is. 2d. ; Capt. Fair- bank's Division £s 8s. 4d. ; North End Division ^3 9s. 4d. ; the Reuben Pond Division ^^3 9s. 4d. ; Joshua Grant Division ;^4 i8s. 8d. ; the South End Division £6 los. ; Capt. Day's Division £s I2S. 8d. ; the Samuel Hawes Division ^4 8s. i8d. ; Col. Metcalfs Division £4. lis. od. ; Ellis's Division £2 3s. 4d. ; Plain Division £3 os. 8d. ; East Division £6 7s. lod. In the year 1880 five hundred dollars was granted for the support of schools. From 1802 to 1806 six hundred dollars, from 1806 to 1810 eight hundred dollars, from 1810 to 1827 one thousand dollars, from 1827 to 1842 fifteen hundred dollars. In 1846 it was two thousand dollars. From that time it has not been below two thousand dollars and has been five thousand. After the loss of that part of our town which went into the new town of Norfolk the sum was reduced to four thousand dollars. SCHOOL FUND. It will be remembered that in 1662-3, as previously related the proprie- tors of the lands here held a meeting at Dedham, and among other things voted to reserve land " for highways, officers' lots, burial place, trayning ground and all other lands necessary to be reserved for all public uses." As early as 1685 they voted to " set out four or six acres of their new com- mon land in the most convenient place near the meeting house for " ye accomadating and incouragement of a school with twenty or twenty-five acres of other land, upland and swamp or swampy land." This was to be for the use and benefit of the school and not to be alienated to any other use or purpose whatsoever. The boundaries of these six acres first above 42 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. named were not established until 1741. In 1734 the proprietors passed a vote *' that there be and hereby is given, granted and confirmed to the inhabitants of this town forever for the use and benefit of a school in this town, the income or use thereof to be imployed for the maintaining and keeping a school in this town and to no other end or uses whatsoever, a piece or parcel of land commonly called the School Land being upland and meadow land containing by estimation twenty-five acres, more or less, butted and bounded, etc." These two tracts of land went by the name of the School Land, and the meadow, at least, was leased to individuals for many years ; until the people thought that their value in money would produce more income for the school, and therefore in 1753 procured leave of the General Court to sell them, it being ordered that the principal sum should aways be kept good and the interest only applied towards the sup- port of the school in said town, and that neither the principal nor interest be applied to any other use. Under this authority the lands were sold and the income of the money arising from the sale applied to the use of the schools. Other lands granted to the town at other times were sold and the proceeds in 1759 ^'^o applied to the use of the school, and made a part of the school fund. In 1827 Mr. Benjamin R. Cheever of Philadelphia, by his will gave the sum of one thousand dollars to Wrentham, his native town, in aid of its school fund. This fund has never been diverted by our people from the purpose to which it was devoted by its founders. In all the years since its creation, through all the exigencies of the inhabitants, even in the straits of the Revolutionary war, to their honor be it said, this fund remained intact. DAY'S ACADEMY. Besides the common schools the people here had for many years a suc- cessful private school known as Day's Academy. For the establishment of this institution they were in a great measure indebted to the Rev. Elisha Fisk, who was the minister of the church and society. His efforts and the efforts of some others to raise funds for this purpose having been success- ful, a charter for an academy was obtained from the legislature in 1806. It was named Day's Academy in honor of Benjamin Day who contributed more largely to the funds than any other subscriber. The State granted a half township of land in Maine for the encouragement of the school. The amount subscribed in money was twenty-three hundred dollars. The General Court enacted " that there be and hereby is established in said Wrentham an academy by the name of Day's Academy for the promotion of learning and religion, and that the present pastor and the present dea- con of the First Congregational Church in said Wrentham, and their suc- cessors in office, together with Beriah Brastow, George Hawes, James Ware, John Whiting, Lewis Whiting, Abijah Pond, Timothy Whiting Daniel Ware, Amos Archer, David Fisher, Jr., Jos. Whiting, Jr., Eliphalet White, Luther White, Elijah Craig, Eliphalet Whiting, John Hall, Jr., William Brown, William Messenger and such others as may hereafter associate with them, be and hereby are incorporated into a body politic by the name of the Trustees of Day's Academy, etc." This HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 43 act is quoted for the purpose of showing who were the men that interested themselves in the establishment of an institution, whose influence was so important upon the community. The academy building, erected in 1808, was opened for the reception of students by a prayer by Rev. Nathaniel Emmons, and an address by Bradford Sumner, Esq., the first teacher. It became a flourishing institution and so remained until other academies were established in its neighborhood. Mr. Fisk .said of it, " Many re- sorted to it for acquiring learning. In it a large number of students have been fitted for higher usefulness in the common business of life and for entrance into the colleges." THE BAPTIST CHURCH. A Baptist church was organized in the westerly part of the town in 1769- Its first settled minister was the Rev. Wm. Williams, who graduated at Brown University the same year. In March, 1775, the church invited him to become their pastor. He accepted the invitation, but his ordina- tion did not take place until July, 1776. About the time of his settlement he opened an academy which attained to high distinction among the literary institutions of the day. He is supposed to have had under his care nearly two hundred youths, about eighty of whom he fitted for col- lege, not a few of whom became distinguished in literary and professional life. He also conducted the theological studies of several young men with a view to their entering upon the ministry. He continued to teach and preach till about the close of his life. He was a fellow of Brown Univer- sity from 1789 to 1818. In 1777, when the college building was occupied as a barrack for soldiers, and afterwards as a hospital for French troops the library was removed to the countrj and placed in the keeping of Mr. Williams. Rev. Dr. Fisher of West Boylston, in 1859. says of Mr. Williams, -'He is especially worthy of notice as having been one of the first graduates of Brown University, and as having contributed not a little to the intellectual improvement of the Baptist denomination in New Eng- land. His manners were easy and agreeable, and his powers of conversa- tion such as to render him quite attractive. His talents and acquirements were highly respectable. His services as a teacher commanded great res- pect not only in but out of his denomination. Among his pupils were the late Hon. David R. Williams, Gov. of South Carolina, Hon. Toistam Bur- gess of R. I., Hon. Horace Mann, President Jonathan Maxcy. Not a man to attract and impress the mulitude, yet by a steady course of en- lightened and Christian activity he accomplished an amount of good for his denomination, which fairly entitles him to a place among its more dis- tinguished benefactors. He diffused a spirit of improvement and a love ot intellectual culture throughout the circle in which he moved." (Sprague's Am Pulpit.)* * Mr. Williams was the son of John and Ann [White] Williams and was born in Hillstown, Buck's Co., Penn., in 1752. His father came from Wales to this country and settled in Buck's Co., where he accumulated a handsome property and spent the remainder of his days. His son, William, was fitted for college at Hopewell, N. J., at a celebrated school taught by Rev. Isaac Eaton. He entered the institution, which is now Brown University, then located in Warren, R. I., one year in advance, and graduated in 1769. In the autumn following he married Patience, the daughter of Col. Nathan Miller of Warren, R. I. Sept. 27, I77i,he was baptised by Rev. Chas. Thompson of the same pface, and admitted to the church under his pastoral care. On the i8th of April he was licensed by the Warren Church as a preacher of the sospel.—Spr ague's Am. Pulpit. 44 HISIOKV OF WRKNTHAM. Samuel Sheers, the first white inhabitant, was by vote of his fellow- townsmen exempted from the payment of all taxes in the future. Robert Ware and Deacon Metcalf both refused to serve as representatives to the General Court ; and Samuel Fisher, Jr., who had been chosen in 1702, was allowed " to make use of nine or ten shillings of the town's money in his hand if he stand in need." The selectmen were directed " to take care that the seats in the meeting house be furnished. Theodor Man was engaged to teach school from January 3d to March i, for ^3 8s. in silver." In January, 1704, the people seemed to feel some compunctions at the condition of their meeting house and resolved " forasmuch as the place of the worship of God want finishing to make it sutable, etc., it is thought waleries may be made over the galeries that be, and the walls fitted and white limed, and then persons placed as ought to be, that there may be decency and order in the House of God." The number of tax-payers sixty- eight. In 1708-9 the town was threatened with presentment at the next quarter sessions-, unless Mr. Man's salary in arrear should be paid. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR SOLDIERS. It seems from some votes passed in this latter year that men were im- pressed in Wrentham to serve against the P>ench and Indians in the Can- adas. We also learn that Ensign Blake was in the Queen's service. An attack of the combined northern colonies against Montreal and Quebec was meditated at this time under the expectation that a British fleet and army would be sent to co-operate with them. But the British ministry did not keep their promise, and after waiting a long time for the appearance of the fleet the forces were disbanded without attempting anything. It does not appear whether any Wrentham men were in the expedition against Canada undertaken by the Tory ministry of Queen Anne in 171 1, which terminated so disgracefully for the assailants. And after the peace which Walpole had maintained so long, was at last broken and the French and English in America were again in hostility, and Louisburg had been taken from the French by an army chiefly from Massachusetts, and again a pro- ject was formed to capture Quebec, and again the English fleet and army failed to appear, and the war was ended and Louisburg ceded back to the French. It is not certain that our town furnished soldiers for this or lor subsequent campaigns until 1756. In that year the names of Benj. Hubbard and Thomas Cook, both of Wrentham, are found upon the muster roll of the company in his majesty's service, under command of Captain John Jones of Bellingham. And in the company of Capt. Eliphalet Fales of Dedham ; in 1756, were enrolled Michael Mulsey, Zachariah Worthee, Jona Forster and Simeon Forster all of Wrentham. Also Stephen Cook of Marlboro, born in Wrentham, and Isaac Fisher and Eben. Streeter of Wrentham, were in Captain Nathan Tyler's company. Captain Nathaniel Blake of Milton, also enrolled in his company Abner Turner, Ephraim Randall, Jeremiah Blake, Michael HISTORY OF WRF.NTHAM. 45 Ware, Joseph Turner, Thomas Boyden, who were all of Wrentham. And in Maj, Stephen Miller's company in Col. Bagley's regiment, Fort Wm. Henry, aug. 9th, 1756, the following-named Wrentham men were en- rolled, viz. : From Captain Days' Company, Ebeneezer Cox, John Cox, Edward Boyden, Benjamin Cox, Morris Fling, Joshua Fisher, Benjamin Ware, Michael Ware; from Captain Man's Company, Abijah Hall, Thomas Boyden, John Conole, Pitt Pumham, of Stoughton ; hired at Wrentham ; from Captain Goldsbury's Company, Michael Wilson ; Richard Newton, of Wrentham, 1757. An Alarm Company was enrolled in Colonel Miller's Regiment at Wrentham April 22, 1757, of which Sam'I Day was captain; Benjamin Shepard, lieutenant ; Ebeneezer Cowell, ensign ; Lemuel Kollock, clerk ; John Hancock, Daniel Man, Pelatiah Metcalf, Gamaliel Gerould were sergeants, and Sam'I Fisher and Elisha Harrington were drummers ; and there were sixty-four privates. Besides this there was an alarm list of men between the ages of sixteen and sixty years, fifty-two in number, headed by the Rev. Joseph Bean, in which were also the names of Captain Timo- thy Metcalf, Captain Nathaniel Ware, Captain Jon. Whitney, Lieut. Jos. Fairbanks, Lieut. Ebeneezer Cox, Dr. John Druce, Dr. Obediah Blake, and others, some of whom had probably seen service in former conflicts with the enemies of the English. In 1759 Captain Jon. Adam's company in Colonel Ridley's Regiment, under Jeffrey Amherst, General and Commander-in-chief of His Majesty's forces in North America for the invasion of Canada, included three men from Wrentham — Benjamin Moore, Josiah Blake and Ebeneezer Blake. In the same year Wrentham men were " inlisted or impressed for His Majesty's service " in Colonel Miller's Regiment, " to be put under the command of his excellency, Jeffrey Amherst, Esq., General and Com- mander-in-chief of His Majesty's forces in North America for the inva- sion of Canada, 1759." These men had been in an expedition against Lake George in 1758, and one of the number in 1757. Their names were as follows : Thomas Bristo, Thos. Pitty, Joseph White, Andrew Everet, Dan,'! ^ond, Melatiah Ware, Levi Morse, Dan'l Guild, David Force, John Conole, Oliver Pond, David Shepard, Hezekiah Ware, Reubin Thorp, Sam'I Metcalf, John Lawrence, Isaiah Bacon, Solomon Blake, Wm. Holden, Thos Fuller, Naphtah Bishop, Samuel Ellis, Moses Wheelock, 1757- Capt. Abijah Hall, of Wrentham, commanded a company in the service, and the Wrentham men mustered into it were: Daniel Hawes, Thos. Boyden, Nathan Hall, Jacob Bacon, Henry Grossman, Elisha Farrington, Jon. Newton, Amos Man. In Capt. Sam'I Slocomb's company were : Robert Cooke, John Boyd, Eliazer Blake, John Blake, Stephen Cook, Thomas Cook ; they were enlisted April 2, 1759, ^'^d mustered out December, 1759. ^6 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. In September of this year, Quebec having surrendered to the English, the war in North America was virtually at an end. But the English colonies had for many years been exposed to the hostile incursions of war- like French and Indians, and had suffered the loss of many lives and of much treasure. The New England towns contributed soldiers ; and the preceding record shows that VVrentham was not behind in furnishing men for various campaigns. Resuming our narrative, and returning to the year 1709, we find the people peacefully pursuing their usual avocations and administering their prudential affairs with great economy, " fastening the loose glass in the meeting-house," for example, and "stopping the windows with board where glass was wanting." A few years later John Ware and Ebenezer Fisher reported that they were appointed a committee to run the ancient patent line between the counties of Suffolk, Bristol and Plymouth, and had met Capt. Jacob Thompson, a surveyor, "but being shamed in the thing had done nothing.'' This line was the boundary of the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts, and a prominent bound called Angle tree in Wrentham line was established by commissioners of the respective colonies in 1664. But it seems that for a number of years, although sur- veys had been ordered, the line was in doubt. At length the Provincial Legislature enacted " that for the future a line beginning at a certain heap of stones on the west side of Accord pond in Hingham and Abington and running from said Monument West 20 1-2 deg. South leaving the towns of Weymouth, Braintree, Stoughton and Wrentham adjoining on the North Abington, Bridgewater, Mansfield and Attleborough on the South to a certain old white oak tree anciently marked now standing and being a boundary between the towns of Wrentham and Attleborough by some called Station tree and by others Angle tree, shall forever hereafter be the bounds between the county of Suffolk and the connties of Plymouth and Bristol so far as said line extends, etc." Wrentham was at this time within the county of Suffolk. About this time, 1713, the town was indicted for not maintaining a school. In 1716 a committee was appointed to seat people in the meeting-liouse according to their age, usefulness and estate, including those of the inhab- itants of Dorchester who attended church here. A suit was brought against Attleborough for refusing to renew the bound marks. It seems that the indictment of the town for not maintaining a school had its effect, for it was now voted to establish a school in four parts of the town. In 1719 a committee was chosen to procure a minister for one-quarter of a year, and was continued in authority after the death of Mr. Man, which took place on the 22d day of May, A. D., 1719. Rev. Sam'l Man — His Life and Services. Fifty years had passed away since he was first called to preach to th^ handful of people who were attempting a settlement in this wilderness. The people, in addition to the hardships incident to their pioneer life, had been liable to conflicts with savages and Frenchmen. He came to them HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 47 while in their weakness and poverty, returning with them after Philip's war, although he had opportunity to settle elsewhere, and notwithstanding he had had bitter experience of their inability to provide for him suitably. Some five hundred and thirty-three persons had been born in that time within the bounds of the township ; seventy-one couples married, and seventy-three persons had died. It has previously been related that the former inhabitants made it a special condition of their return at the termination of Philip's war, that Mr. Man should return with them. He was indispensable to them. In fact, the minister in those days was really the head of tne people. He was their guide not only in spiritual affairs, but in worldly affairs also. He was undoubtedly the only man in the community who had had the opportunity of acquiring learning beyond the elements, and his influence was accordingly felt in all public affairs as well as in his pulpit on the Sabbath. Moreover, the circumstances which forced the early inhabitants of Plymouth and Massachusetts colonies from their transatlantic homes to these shores compelled them to consider them- selves a peculiar people. The chief men in the colony, who had been leaders of the emigration, governed according to their notions of what religion and the word of God required, and were strongly seconded by the ministers of the churches. Hence, in answer to the petition of the inhab- itants of Wrentham for town power, the colonial record is " the Court judgeth it meet to give the petitioners all due encouragement with their present minister according to their desires." To that excellent man is due in a great measure undoubtedly the con- tinuance of the settlement whose early planting here has been described in previous pages. Mr. Bean, in his sermon preached at the conclusion of the first century of the town's existence, viz., in 1773, in speaking of the first settlers here, says : " They were careful to have the word of God regularly preached to them, and procured Mr. Sam'l Man, a yoiing candidate, for that purpose." And after Philip's war, " when the settlers had concluded to return, so great was their veneration for Mr. Man, and so acceptable had been his labors among them, that it was their earnest desire he should return with them." It seems that while away from Wrentham he had been preaching at Milton, and was about to receive a call there; but, says Mr. Bean, so great was his affection for the people of Wrentham, and so desirous was he of the plantation's going on, that he complied with their request. In 1692 a church was gathered here consisting of ten members, including Mr. Man ; the others were : Benjamin Rockett, John Ware, Eliezer Metcalf, John Fairbank, Thomas Thurston, John Guild, Ephraim Pond, John Vails, Sam'l Fisher. " Mr. Man was ordained over the church and congregation the same day, preaching his own ordination sermon." He had preached about eighteen years previously. " He died in the seventy- second year of his age and the forty-ninth of his faithful ministry." By what I have heard of him, continues Mr. Bean, he was a man of good eru- dition and an accomplished preacher — pious and faithful. He lived greatly beloved by his people, and died greatly lamented by them. He was born at Cambridge, and was graduated at Harvard University in 48 ' HISTORY OF WRENTHAM, 1665. He adds, that one of the first men in this province said of Mr. Man that he was not only a very good, but a very great and learned man.* At a general meeting of the inhabitants in September, 17 19, the church» in presence of the inhabitants, did agree that the inhabitants should join them in choosing a minister out of the three that were nominated, viz. : Rev. Sam'l Andrew, Rev. Jonathan Parepont and Rev. Henry Messinger, Rev. Henry Messinger. The record says the Rev, Henry Messinger, by a very unanimous and major vote, was chosen and elected, by both church and the town jointly concurring, to be the minister of this town to carry on the work of the ministry. He accepted their call by a letter dated at Cambridge, Oct. 2, 1719. He married Ester Cheever, of Cambridge, January, 1720, and was described in the records of that town as the Rev. Henry Messinger, of Wrentham. It would therefore appear that he had already commenced his ministerial duties at that date as the name of Messinger is not found upon the town records previously. His children were twelve in number. One of his sons, John, died in 1814 in his eighty-third year. He served in the office of Town Clerk twenty-one years in succession, when he de- clined further service, remarking that he ought to be free at the age of twenty-one. In 1787 he was again elected, and served seven years suc- cessively, making in the whole twenty-eight years. A printed sermon of the Rev. Mr. Man is in existence, and also two or more of Rev. Mr. Bean, but it is not known to the writer .that there is any manuscript or published discourse of Mr. Messinger. It has, there- fore seemed proper to copy here his letter of acceptance, that the readers of these annals may be enabled to form an idea of the man.f " To the church and town of Wrentham, grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from our Ldrd Jesus Christ. Sirs — I cannot but with o^reat fear take notice of the overruling providence of God in inclining your hearts so unanimously to make choice of myself, the most unworthy and unfit, to settle with you and to carry on the work of the ministry among you. And since your invitation to me I hope I have seriously and solemnly considered how awful great and difficult the work is to which I am called. And when this great work has been set so solemnly before me by others, and I have well thought of my own youthfulness and the little progress I have made in my studies to fit and qualifie me for so great a work, I have been ready to plead and say, how shall I speak that am but a child, and how shall I watch over souls so as to save my own and the souls of others? — and have been almost discouraged. In the multitude of thoughts within me I have asked counsel of heaven and left my case • The name of Man appears among the early clergymen and professors m England. John Man, A. M., was Warden in 1562 of Merton College, Oxford. In 1565 he was Dean of Gloucester, and in August, 1557, Ambassador to Spain, whence he was recalled for speaking irreverently of the fope; and clied in 156s. Daniel Man was Professor of Astronomy in College Oxford, 1601. — Hist, and Gen, Reg. t Since this was written the writer has learned that an account of a revival in 1741, at which time many were added to the church in Wrentham, was prepared by Mr. Messinger and pub- lished in the boolt entitled the " Great Awakening " ; and also that he wrote a commentary on a part of the Old Testament. HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 49 there, begging of God that he would direct me in the weighty business before me so as should be most for his honor and glory, your spiritual good and advantage and my own future joy and comfort ; and 1 hope I have not sought in vain. I have likewise consulted many learned, wise and godly men, who with one consent agree that my call is clear and that therefore it is my indispensable duty to comply with the same, as I would not deny the call of Christ. Wherefore, in the fear of God, and with a humble reliance on his gracious promise to his faithful ministers, I accept your call to carry on the work of the ministry so long as Providence shall provide for my comfortable sustenance among you, trusting that God that has called me to engage in so awful a work, who sees my unfitness for it and inability to perform the same, will exercise a fatherly piety towards me with respect thereto ; will daily more and more qualify me therefor and encourage me therein, and accept my sincere desires and endeavors to advance his glory and the eternal happiness of others. And that it may be so I humbly ask your earnest prayers for me at the throne of Grace that God would forgive my many and great sins whereby I am ren- dered so unfit to engage in so sacred a work, and for which I desire deeply to be abashed and humbled before God. Cry to God mightily on my behalf that he in whom is all fulness would in a plentiful manner be- stow upon me the outpouring of his spirit, and adorn me with every Chris- tian grace and virtue, that I may come to you in the fulness of the blessing of the Gbspel of Peace. And if God in his due time shall settle me among you, doe what you can to make my work, which I engage in with fear and trembling, easy to me ; and let nothing be done to discourage me. To this end let brotherly love be and abound among you ; let every one for- give his brother his trespasses as he hopes for forgiveness of God. Live in peace ; study the things which tend thereto, and the God of Peace will be with you and bless you. And God of his infinite grace grant that we may with united hearts strive to advance his kingdom and glory ; may be mutual blessings to, may enjoy much comfort in each other, and per- form the respective duties incumbent on us, as that when our glorious Jesus shall make his second and illustrious appearance to judge both quick and dead, we may meet each other with joy and comfort, and give up our accounts with joy and not with grief. " I am your sincere tho unworthy servant for Jesus' sake, " Henry Messinger." Cambridge, Oct. 2, 1719. Mr. Messinger was ordained Dec. 5, 1719. In 1721 a second house for public worship was built, and was used as such by all the people in the town until Aug. 29, 1737, when the west parish (afterwards Franklin) was organized. A new church was formed there composed of members dis- missed from the old church here, under the ministry of Rev. Elias Haven, who was ordained over them on the eighth day of November of the same year. The immediate successor of Mr. Messinger says: " He continued in this first parish, greatly laboring in word and doctrine, till it pleased the Sovereign Lord of life and death to put a period to his life and work 50 HISIORY OF WRENTHAM. nearly together. His death occurred on the thirtieth day of March, 1750, in the fifty-fifth year of his age and the thirty-second of his faithful min- istry. He was a gentleman of unblemished reputation, and highly es- teemed for his piety and virtue. He had the character of a plain, faithful, atfectionate and profitable preacher. And though he was but of a slender, feeble constitution, yet he was abundant in labors among the people of his charge, and spared no pains for promoting the interest of the Redeemer and the good of souls. It is no wonder then that when all the congregation saw he was dead they mourned for him as Israel did for Aaron." It is a somewhat remarkable fact that there is no one now residing within the limits of the town who is a descendant and bears the name at the same time of either of the first five ministers settled, although iMr. Man left six sons and Mr. Messinger five, and Mr. Bean and his succes- sors also left sons. The descendants of the first two must nevertheless be very numerous amongst us, notwithstanding the fact that large numbers of them have from time to time gone to dwell elsewhere. The Rev. Mr. Messinger's daughters were sought in marriage by neigh- borin<^ clergymen. Mary married the Rev. Elias Haven, of West Wrentham, now Franklin; Esther the Rev. Amariah Frost, of Mendon, Mass. ; Sarah, first, Dr. Cornelius Kollock, of Wrentham, and secondly, the Rev. Benjamin Caryl, of Dover, Mass. ; Elizabeth the Rev. Joseph Bean, her father's successor in the ministry at Wrentham, and' his son James was the first minister of Ashford, Conn. Certain Dorchester People Agree to Contribute to Mr Mes- singer's Salary Ratably. Those inhabitants of Dorchester living, as they say, convenient to come to the public worship of God in Wrentham agreed to be taxed ratably for the payment of Mr. Messinger's salary so long as the town of Dorchester would exempt them from paying there. Their names were : Samuel Man, Hannah George, Samuel Lane, Jeremiah Ruggles, Mary Shepard, John Martin, James Humphrey, Samuel Richardson, Mark Force, Solomon Howes. Location of New Meeting-House. In October of this year, having voted that the new meeting-house should stand on or near the spot occupied by the old one, the inhabi- tants determined that it should be " forty feet in length and thirty-eight in breadth, and of such height as may be most convenient and proper for two tiers of galleries, one above the other." Stocks. Another institution, indicating the progress of the settlement in another direction, was established, as appears by the following recited vote: " Agreed with Ensign Eliezer Ware to make a pair of stocks at the town's cost and charge." This useful reformer probably adorned the common in front of the new meeting-house, where its beneficent workings were visible to all the good people of the village as often as the night watch, HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 5^ whose duty it was to patrol the streets east and west one-half mile from the meeting-house, made their seizures and bore the trophies of their vigilance to this place of confinement, where the morning sun found them bound hand and foot. Dr. Ware. We find that Benjamin Ware was living in Wrentham in 1721 as a practising physician. He was the first physician who settled here, Dr. Stewart, as previously related, not finding sufficient encouragement in the earlier days to remain. At this time the inhabitants living in the westerly part of the town (now Franklin) desired some relief from ministerial charges because, as they say, they " live remote from the public worship and cannot attend on the same without difficulties and hardships." It was accordingly determined that whatever they might now pay toward building the new meeting-house should, whenever they should be set oflf into a precinct, district or parish by themselves, be restored to them for their use in the defraying the charge of building a meeting-house amongst themselves." Bills of Credit. The Provincial Government having emitted bills of credit to the amount of fifty thousand pounds this town took two hundred and seventy-two pounds and ten shillings, for which trustees were appointed to loan to the inhabitants at five per cent, interest. The entire tax for this year 1722 was two hundred and ninety-two pounds, seventeen shillings and eight pence. Seating the People. A committee appointed to seat people in the meeting-house were directed to reserve a pew for the minister and his family, and also one for the widow of Rev. Mr. Man ; and then to place the men on one side of the house and the women on the other. Schools were established in other parts of the town between the years 1723 and 1728, and in 1725, having opposed the settling of the westerly part of the town into a new precinct, the inhabitants in 1727 prosecuted Bellingham for refusing to renew the bound marks; and in 1728 took three hundred and fifty-one pounds and five shillings in bills of credit of the Province. In 1729 the number of inhabitants over sixteen years of age liable to road work was one hundred and ninety-three. Bounties were occasionally paid for kill- ing wild animals. Jonathan Nutting had one pound for killing a wild cat. Controversy Respecting Fixed Salaries. The patriotism of the inhabitants was so much excited at this time that they with preamble and good set phrase ordered the Selectmen to draw out of the treasury the sum of twenty-five pounds and forward the same to the Hon. John Quincy, Speaker of the House. The controversy between the officers of the Crown and the people had been waged for many years with regard to fixed salaries. The King's Government, fearing the effect of the payment of their salaries to the Royal Governors by the people, in- structed each viceroy to demand of the Provincial Assemblies a fixed salary, believing that he would thus be less likely to incline to the popular 52 HISTORY OF WRKNTHAM. interests against the Crown. The demand made by Dudley in 1702, and resisted by the Assembly, was renewed by Shute in 1706 with like result, and, being insisted on, caused violent disputes, the people in the course of the quarrel repeatedly asserting the principle on which they finally appealed to arms against the mother country. Glancing at the facts of Shute's going to England in 1722 and preferring complaints against Mas- sachusetts, of the House of Representatives choosing their Speaker in 1723 and placing him in the chair without presenting him to the Governor for confirmation, and in a variety of ways asserting its rights, especially in voting the allegations of Shute without foundation and ordering ^100 Sterling to be remitted to their agent in Europe to employ counsel, in which, however, the Board of Assistants refused to join ; the preparing an address fo the King, in which the council refused to join ; the ordering the Speaker to sign and send the paper to England ; the preparing a separate address by the council, which was forwarded to Shute, and the employment of Dummer and Cooke to appear for the Province — we find that it was not until 1726 that a decision was made before the Lords in trade and the King in council upon the complaints preferred by Shute. The decision, as is well known, was adverse to Massachusetts, and re- sulted in adding two clauses to her charter, viz. : one affirming the right of the Governor to negative the choice of Speaker, the other denying the House of Representatives the right of adjourning itself for any period longer than two days. And Governor Burnett, the successor of Shute, renewing in 1728 the demand that a fixed salary be paid him, saying this was the command of the King; the House refused, but granted him £1,700 towards his support and the expenses of his journey. He refused it, but took /300 granted for his journey. Hence arose a violent quarrel, the Governor remonstrating and threatening and the deputies persisting in their refusal. A statement of the controversy and its causes being made to the towns, great excitement ensued, Boston in a particular man- ner declaring in opposition to the command of the King, in consequence of which the Governor adjourned the General Court to Salem, the House denouncing the step and requesting the Governor to summon them to Boston, which being refused, the court remained at Salem supported by the towns. Here the House resolved to apply to the King; and Belcher and Wilkes were employed as its agents. Grants were made by the House to defray their expenses, but the Council rejected them ; whereupon a sufficient sum was subscribed by the people of Boston and placed at the disposal of the House. The grant of twenty-five pounds made by Wrentham in 1729 was intended for this fund. Support of the Minister. The bills of public credit continuing to depreciate, the town proposed to take into consideration the present difficult circumstances of the Rev. Mr. Messinger, and make some further provision for the support of him and his family. Wherefore it was voted that a contribution be taken up once a quarter upon the Lord's Day for this purpose for one year next en- suing, and " that the deacons take care to deliver the money so gathered HISTORY OK WRENTHAM. 53 to the Rev. Mr. Messinger." His salary was nominally one hundred pounds, but as he was paid in the depreciated bills of credit of the province the real sum received by him must have been much less. The cost of the late war to the colonies estimated at sixteen millions of dollars, of which only five millions was repaid by the British ministry, bore hardly upon the province. Besides, Massachusetts had contributed her share of the 30,000 lives computed to have been sacrificed in the protracted contest. To defray her expenses she made such large emissions of paper money that gold and silver were not at all in circulation. It seems that a small party favored the calling in the paper money, " relying on the industry of the people to replace it with a circulating medium of greater stability." "Another party favored a private bank, the bills not to be redeemed in specie, but landed security to be given." Another party were for a public bank, the faith of the government to be pledged for the value of the notes, and the profits accruing from the bank to be applied for its support. This party was successful, and ;,^50,ooo in bills of credit were issued ; and afterwards 100,000 pounds. This currency was so much depreciated that at one time 50,000 pounds were voted to defray town charges and 6,700 pounds for the minister's salary. The town in 1734, having refused to build a meeting-house for the westerly inhabitants, voted to supply them with preaching, and chose a committee " to clear the town of certain scandalous charges made by Bel- lingham in a petition to the General Court." It was also voted in 1735 that some people with their estates be annexed to Medway, and that a number of families formerly of the westerly end of Dorchester, but now intermixed with the westerly end of Stoughton, who were joined to this town in 1724, may be returned to the town of Stoughton. " One reason assigned for this movement was that the town of Wrentham is now under very mean, low and poor circumstances, their town charges being very great. Adding the charge of the town to maintain the poor would amount, as we suppose, to more than all the polls and estates of familes upon the said land would pay, and also many highways must be made through said tract." West Precinct Established. The town continued to oppose the application of the inhabitants of West Wrentham to be set off into a separate township, but at the sugges- tion of the committee to the General Court voted in 1737 that they might be set off as a distinct parish. Those who were dismissed from the church here formed a new church there in 1738, and Rev. Elias Haven was ordained their minister in November of the same year. Town Meetings, Training Grounds and Use of the Creek. The warrants for town meetings began in 1740, to summon the voters to meet at the public meeting-house in the East Precinct, and in 1742 the town discontinued the practice of warning town meetings from house to house. In 1746 two parcels of land were laid out for training grounds, one of which included all the common land about the meeting-house ; and 54 HISTORY f)F WRENTHAM. a grant was made to Eliphalet Whiting of the use of the creek between the two ponds with the privilege of erecting a dam, with the right of the town to resume it on certain conditions. Death of Mr. Messinger — Ordination of Mr. Bean. The church records say " the Rev. Mr. Messinger gave up the ghost on the 30th day of March, 1750, and was buried on the Tuesday following; that the church and first precinct unanimously invited the Rev. Mr. Joseph Bean to carry on the work of the ministry among them." Mr. Bean accepted, and was ordained Dec. 5, 1750. Joseph Grant, Robert Ware, Obediah Allen, Ebenezer Guild, Eph. Knowlton, Samuel Ray and John Hill, Jr., declaring themselves Anabap- tists in 1752, were exempted from paying ministerial taxes. A part of Stoughton was annexed to Wrentham in 1753, and the next year the inhabitants of the West Precinct, praying the General Court to organize them into a separate district, a committee was chosen to oppose the petition ; and at the same time the town voted that " it was not in favor of the excise bill printed by the General Court." Stamp Act. Nothing extraordinary seems to have occurred in the affairs of the town from this date until the year 1765. when the voters placed themselves on record in regard to the Stamp Act, so called, in the following decided language : " At a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town held by adjournment Nov. i, 1765, it was unanimously voted that the following sentiments be recorded on the town book that the children here- after to be born may see the desire their ancestors had to hand down to them their rights and privileges as they received them from their ances- tors, and that a copy thereof be sent to the Hon. the House of Represen- tatives in General Court assembled. " Gentlemen, as a free and full enjoyment of the inherent rights and privileges of natural free born subjects of Great Britain, long since pre- cisely known and ascertained by uninterrupted practice and usage from the first settling of this country down to this day is of the utmost value, and ought to be contended for as the best frame of government in the world, (though with decency, yet with the utmost firmness; having the strongest affection and loyalty to the King and the highest veneration for that august assembly the Parliament, and sincere regard for all our fellow subjects in Great Britain) any attempt to deprive us of our rights and privi- leges as colonists must be very alarming. And as such we cannot forbear mentioning some of the proceedings of the late ministry, and especially of the late Parliament, commonly called the Stamp Act, which we apprehend is unconstitutional and oppressive, as it wholly cancels the very conditions on which our ancestors settled this country and enlarged his majesty's dominion in America at their sole expense with vast treasure and blood ; that it totally deprives us of the happiest frame of civil gov- ernment expressed in our charter, for by the charter of this province the General Assembly has the power of making laws for its internal gov- HISTORY OK WRKNTHAIM. 55 ernment and taxation, and that no freeman shall be taxed but by his own consent either in person or by proxy. And by this act a single judge of the Admiralty has power to try and determine our properties in contro- versies arising from internal concern without a jury, which in our opinion is contrary to the very expressions of Magna Charta, that no free man shall be amerced but by the oath of good and lawful men of the vicinage, and by this act it is certain that it puts it in the power of Mr. Informer or Prosecutor to carry the subject more than a thousand miles distance for trial. Who, then, would not pay a fine rather than to be thus harassed guilty or not? What can be worse? If his majesty's subjects in America are not to be governed according to the known stated rules of the consti- tution, as those in Great Britain are, what then will be wanting to render us miserable and forlorn slaves? But supposing that these difficulties were imaginary only, yet we have reason to except against that act as we apprehend, considering the almost insupportable load of debt the province is now under and the scarcity of money. We have reason to think that the execution of that act for a short space would drain the country of its cash and strip multitudes of their property and reduce them to absolute beggary. What then would be the consequence resulting from so sudden and convulsive a change in the whole course of our business we tremble to consider. Gentlemen, as these are our sentiments of the act, we, the freeholders and other inhabitants of this town legally assembled for that purpose, claim a share to join with all the friends of liberty on so important a point ; but when we consider the answer (this day read before the town) of this Hon. House to his excellency's speech at the opening of the present session, so minutely pointing out the inherent rights of the colonies, and the spirit that runs through the whole form, it gives us the utmost satisfaction and strongest confidence under God to rely on the wisdom and integrity of the respectable body of the House, under whose paternal care and protection we have ever been a happy people. And we remain with the utmost assurance that no measures will be wanting by this Hon. House in joining with all the other colonies in such remonstrances and petitions as are consistent with our loyalty to the King and relation to Great Britain for the repeal of said act, which we hope, by the blessing of God, will have its desired effect." This report was signed by Capt. John Goldsbury, Dea. Jabez Fisher and Ensign Lemuel Kollock. This act, so odious to our patriotic sires, signed March 8, 1765, by a commission on account of the King's insanity, rendered invalid every written instrument which was not drawn upon stamped paper, to be pur- chased of the agents of the British Government at exorbitant prices, and punished every violation with severe penalties, suits for which were to be brought in any Admiralty or King's Marine Court throughout the colonies. The excitement extended throughout the province. The foregoing report was read to the town on the very day the act was to go into operation. Boston had assumed an attitude of defiance ; its people had determined that stamped paper should not be used ; had hung Oliver, the distributor, in effigy upon the old Libetry tree, and made him swear that he had not 56 HISTORV (IF WRKNTHAM. and would not distribute the odious stamps ; shouted liberty, property and no stamps; demolished the stamp office, and, making a bon-fire of its materials on Fort Hill, had consigned the images of Oliver, Bute and Grenville to the flames, calling themselves Sons of Liberty and rending the air with hurrahs for Pitt and liberty, even going so far as to ransack the house of Hutchinson, the Chief Justice, spoiling his furniture and throwing his books and manuscripts into the street. At a meeting in Faneuil Hall these riotous proceedings were denounced, but Boston's re- sistance to the Stamp Act was sustained by numerous towns in the province, among which Wrentham's voice was heard in the emphatic yet temperate words of the manifesto above written. Jabez Fisher, the representative to the General Court, was instructed the following year to vote against charging the province for any of the damages caused by the riotous proceedings above mentioned, and also against extravagant grants for superfluities ; but to join in measures de" signed for the detection and punishment of the riotors. At this same time he was instructed to vote for a statue in honor of the most patriotic Pitt, without any limitation annexed as to its cost. But in November following a committee reported to the town that ' ' con- sidering his majesty's gracious recommendation and the application of the sufferers, the vote passed in August last be reconsidered, and the follow- ing instructions be given to our representative " : To Mr. Jabez Fisher, Sir, we, your constituents, his majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, in town meeting assembled, considering the gracious desire of his majesty that a veil be cast over the late times of tumult and disorder, and considering it as a point of prudence and true policy, instruct you that you give your vote to the purport of the bill which is prepared bythe Hon. House of Representatives at their last session intitled, "An act for granting com- pensation to the sufferers and of free and general pardon, indemnity and oblivion to the offenders in the late times, and that you use your influence accordingly." This report being read twice before the town, after consid- eration and some debate was unanimously voted and accepted. The town chose a delagate to a convention to be holden in Faneuil Hall on the 22d day of September, 1768, to consult and advise such measures as his maj- esty's service and the peace and safety of his subjects in the province may require. In 1771 Jabez Fisher was chosen representative to attend a General Court, to be held at Harvard College. The House was convened at Salem and Cambridge to avoid the influence of the people of Boston upon that assembly. The quarrels with the governor at every session of tlie Court tended to make clearer and clearer the fact, that the British government intended to coerce the colonies. The House protested against being ad- journed from Boston ; and learning that the government oflScials were re- ceiving salaries from the crown, it passed a tax bill including these officers in the list of persons to be taxed, which the governor rejected om the ground that he was expressly forbidden from given his consent to such an act upon any pretence whatsoever, which so roused the ire of the members of the House that they declared they knew of no commissioners of his HISTORY OF WKENTHAM. 57 majesty's customs, nor of any revenue his majesty had a right to estabiish in North America. The governor also rejected the grants made to the agents of the Province in Europe. Vessels of war, twelve in number, ar- rived and anchored in the harbor, and Sam Adams declared " that America must under God work out finally her own salvation." The clergymen of Boston refused, with one exception, to read the governor's proclamation for Thanksgiving, but " implored Almighty God for the restoration of lost liberties. In April, 1772, the governor convened the assembly at Boston, and here the quarrel was renewed. A resolve having been passed denounc- ing the payment of salary to the governor of Great Britain, he was inform- ed by the secretary for the colonies that the king had made provision for the support of his servant in the Massachusetts' Bay. A town meeting was called, — the Court not being in session. John Hancock was moder- ator. The governor was asked by this meeting " if stipends had been fixed to the offices of judges. He refused to answer. A message con- demning the measure as contrary to the charter and the common laws was sent to him and requesting that the subject might be referred to the Gene- ral Court. This request was also refused, and the General Court was not permitted to meet in December, the time to which it had been prorogued. The governor in his reply denied the right of the town to debate .such matters. Upon which it was voted that the inhabitants of Boston have ever had and ought to have the right to petition the king for the redress of such grievances as they feel, or for preventing of such as they have rea- son to apprehend, and to communicate their setitiments to other towns. And Samuel Adams then proposed that step which it has been said " in- cluded the whole Revolution," viz. : a committee of correspondence to consist of twenty-one persons to state the rights of the colonies and of this province in particular as men and Christians and as subjects, and to communicate and publish the same to the several towns, and to the world as the sense of this town, with the infringements or violations thereof that have been or from time to time may be made." This was the origin of the famous committee of correspondence, and it is in answer to their letter that the inhabitants of Wrentham, on the nth day of January, 1773, re- turned the following spirited and patriotic reply : First, Resolved that the British constitution is grounded on the eternal law of nature, a constitution whose foundation and centre is liberty, which sends liberty to every subject that is or may happen to be within any part of its ample circumference ; that every part of the British dominions hath a right freely to enjoy all the benefits and privileges of this happy con- stitution and that no power of legislation or government upon earth can justly abridge nor deprive any part of the British dominions of those liberties without doing violence to this happy constitution and its true principles ; that every part of the British dominions in which acts of the British parliament are exercised contrary to the true principles of the constitution have and always ought to have a right of petitioning and re- monstrating to the king, lords and commons of Great Britain, that all such acts of parliament may speedily be removed, abrogated and repealed ; that the province of the Massachussetts Bay have a right, not only by nature HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. and the laws of England, but by social compact to enjoy all the rights, liberties and immunities of natural and freeborn subjects of Great Britian, to all intents and purposes whatsoever ; and that acts of the British parlia- ment imposing rates and duties on the inhabitants of this province while they are unrepresented in parliament are violations of those rights and ought to be contended for with firmness. Resolved, that is the opinion of this town that the act of the British parliament in assuming the power for the legislation of the colonies in all cases whatsoever, and in consequence of that act have carried into execu- tion that assumed power in laying duties and divers articles in the colonies for the express purpose of raising a revenue without their consent, either by themselves or their representative, whereby the right which every man has to his own property is wholly tak^n away and destroyed ; and what is still more alarming is to see the amazing inroads which have been made, and still are making, on our charter rights and privileges by placing a Board of Commissioners among us and so large a commission with a train of dependents to sap the foundation of our industry ; our coasts surround- ed with fleets ; standing armies placed in free cities in time of peace with- out the consent of the inhabitants whereby the streets of the metropolis of this province have been stained with the blood of its innocent inhabitants ; the governor of the province made independent of the grants of the Gene- ral Assembly ; large salaries affixed to the Lieut. Governor, the judges of the Admiralty, etc. ; the amazing stretch of the power of the courts of vice-admiralty in a great measure depriving the people in the colonies of the right of trial by jury and such like innovations which are intolerable grievances, tending wholly to deprive us of our charter rights and privileges, pull down the constitution and reduce us to a state of abject slavery. An- other resolve against fixed salaries for the judges of the Courts of Com- mon law follows, and another showing the tendency of these measures thus denounced to produce absolute government. The last one acknow- ledges the care and vigilance of Boston and assures them " that as this town hopes never to be wanting in their duty and loyalty to their king so they are ever ready to do everything in their power in a constitutional way to assist in carrying into execution such measures as may be adopted to remove those difficulties we feel and to prevent those we have reason to fear. In the name of the Committee, David Man. These resolves were unanimously adopted by the town. The following year a committee of correspondence was chosen, viz. ; Samuel Lethbridge, Jabez Fisher, Doctor Ebenezer Daggett, Mr. Lemuel Kollok, Captain John Smith, Joseph Woodward and David Mann. A committee was also chosen to attend a convention of the county at the house of Mr. Wood- ward, innholder in Dedham, "to deliberate and determine on such mat- ters as the distressed circumstances of the province requires." And on Sept. 30th, 1774, the town voted that a provincial congress was necessary ; it also voted to purchase two pieces of cannon. Jabez Fisher was chosen delegate to a convention at Concord, Oct. 2, 1774. Previous to this, viz. on Sept. 15, 1774, Mr. Fisher had been chosen to represent the town in a HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 59 General Court at Salem. But in the meantime Governor Gage becoming alarmed at the tone of the resolves and votes passed in town meetings and county conventions, issued his proclamation on the 28th day of Sept. dispensing with the attendance of members and putting off the session until some more distant day. The instructions giv^n to Mr. Fisher, the delegate to the Provincial Congress at Concord, were drafted by Ebenezer Daggett and Lemuel Kollok. They allude to the fact that he is chosen at a time when the pro- vince is in consternation and confusion, briefly advert to the causes there- of and instruct him to make the charter of the province the rule of his conduct, refusing to acknowledge any mutilations or alterations of the charter as valid ; and that he should acknowledge those counsellors who were elected by the General Court, as the only coRstitutional council of this province, and if the congress should consequently be dissolved, then to join with members from this and other towns in a general provincial congress. Capt. Peres Gushing and Mr. Joseph Spear were appointed chief gun- ners of the two field pieces, and directed to see that each piece is fixed and kept with a carriage and utensils fit for action as soon as may be. It was voted also to increase the town's stock of ammunition. The constables were ordered to pay all province taxes in their hands or to be collected by them to Henry Gardner of Stow, instead of Harrison Gray, the royal treasurer, and it was voted that the town would indemnify them against any consequences of such payment. This was decidedly a revolutionary step. The attitude of the town was unmistakable. No wonder they got their guns ready for immediate use and laid in more powder and ball. If King George had prevailed in the war against the colonies our patriotic predecessors might have been hung for treason. In September, 1776, tliese guns were at Boston. In January, 1775, the town proceeded to create a military establishment providing for the enlistment of minute men, and pro[:osed to send beef, pork, grain and other provisions for the poor of Boston. MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. The committee of correspondence, chosen March 4, 1776, were Samuel Fisher, Doct Ebenezer Daggett, Dea Theo. Man, Mr. Jos. Fairbanks, Mr. John Craig, Mr. Daniel Holbrook, Mr. Hezekiah Fisher, Mr. Joseph Hawes, Capt. Asa Fairbanks, Capt. Peres Gushing and Mr. Joseph Whit- ing, Jr. ALARM, APRIL 19, i775- At the first alarm Wrentham was ready to send men to the battle field. Her patriotism was not confined to words. Witness the muster rolls which proclaim this fact. " A muster roll of the Minute Company in the Colony service, which marched from Wrentham in the alarm on the 19th of April, under the command of Capt. Oliver Pond." 6o HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. NAMES. BANK. Oliver Pond. Captain. Wiggleworth Messinger, l8t Lieut. Hezekiah Ware, 2d Lieut. Noah Pratt, Sergeant. Klias Bat-on, " I>avid Kay, <* Nathan Bhike, " Nathan Hancock, CorporaL Beriah Braitton, (. Aguilla liitbbins, '< Hezekiah Hall, Drummer. Christopher Burlingame, Fifer. .loseph Adams, Private. John Blake, " Wni. Welherbee, '< James Blake, " Isaac Clewly, '< Benj. Day, " Jolin Druce, " Asa Day, " Jonathan F^verett, " Jonathan Felt, " Jo.seph Field, " Samuel Frost, '< John Fisher, " NAME.S. RANK. Timothy Hancock, David Everett, Private. .Jeremiah Hartshorn, Theodore Kingsbury, Ehenezer Kollock, George Mann, Benj. McLane, James Newhall, John Port»?r, Abijah Pond, Oliver Rouse, Jr., Benj. Rockwood, Jacob Mann, Peter Robeshaw, •Joseph Raysey, Benj. Ray, Deodat F'isdale, Daniel Ware, Ware, Alarm 19 April, 1775. In council Feb. 23, 1776, read and allovfed and ordered that a warrant be drawn on the treas- urer for £33 3s. 8d. 1 in full of the within Roll. Pekez Morton, Secret ai-y. Also a muster roll of the company in the Colony which marched from Wrentham, on the alarm on the 19th of April, 1775, under the command of Captain Benjamin Hawes in Col. John Smith's regiment. NAMES. Benjamin Hawes, Timothy Guild, John Everett, Abijah Blake, Daniel Guild, Elijah Farrington, Joson Blake, Daniel Cobb, Stephen Blake, Benj. Pond, Jacob Blake, John Needham, Oliver Ware, Moses (^raig, William Green, Jason Richardson, Ephiain Knowlton, I>avid Man, Jacob Daggett, Oliver Harris, Samuel Wood, Ehenezer Field, QUALITY. NAMES. QUALITY. Captain. John Kingsbury, Soldier. 2d Lieut. Samuel Brastow, " Sergeant. Daniel Holbrook, " " James Holbrook, Jr., " " Jeremiah Cobb. " Corporal. Henrj' Holbrook, " Drummer. Jacob Holbrook, " Fifer. Samuel Richardson, Jr., " Soldier. David Holbrook, " " Samuel Baker, " " Turil Gilniore, " " Nathan Kingsbury. " " John Hawes, " " Samuel pettee, " " Stephen Pettee, " " Suffolk. s8. : Wrentham, December " ye 8th, 1775. Captain Benjamin Hawes " came before me and made solemn oath " to the truth of the above written muster " roll according to his best skill, know- " ledge and judgement. Sworn before me, " Ehenezer Fisher, Justice of Peace. A true copy, compared and examined by Ephm. Starkweather, j Edward Rawson, S Committee. Jas. Turner. ) In council, Feb. ye 16th, 1776, road and'allowed and thereupon ordered that a warrant be drawn on the treasurer for £29 4s. 6d. in full discharge of the within roll. Perez Morton. D. Secretary. Note. Daniel Hawes, who was an early comer to Wrentham, had a son, Benjamin, born March Hth, 1695. He married Abigail Fisher, Dec. flth, 1724. One of their sons was Benjamin, who was born June II, 1731, and was therefore about forty-four years of age when he commanded the company whose names are enrolled above. He was con- spicious in the controversy with the Kev. David Avery hereinafter related. Until within a few years a portion of the land originally laid out to the ancestor by the proprietors of lands In Wrentham was in the possession of his decendants. Capt. Lemuel Kollok, who also commanded a company of minute men In Ai)ril, 1775, was a conspicious and intluentlal citizen, and his name often appears in connection with the patriotic measures discussed in the town meetings. His death was occasioned by a fall from his horse on the Hth day of July, 1795, in the 67th year of his age. Capt. Samuel Cowell, the son of Joseph was born in 1737. He commanded a company of minute men at the time of the alarm in April, 1775, and probably at other times was commanding officer of men who were destined for the Contenental army, as was Captain Samuel Fisher. Captain David Holbrook of the northerly part of the town had command of a company at the time of the alarm in April, 1775. HISTORY OK WRENJHAM. 6i Also a muster roll of the company in the Colony service which marched from Wrentham on the alarm on the 19th of April. 1775, under the com- mand of Captain Lemuel Kollock in Co!. John Smith's regiment. NAMES. QUALITY. NAMK.S. QUALITY. Lemuel Kolloik, Captain. Benjamin Sliepard, Private. Joseph Everett, 1st Lieut. Joseph Cook, Jr., " Swift Pay sou, 2d Lieut. John Bates, •' John Whiting, Sergeant. Nicholas Barton, " William Puffer, •• John Dale, " Jesse Everett, " Kalph Freeman, " OMmothy Poud. " Samuel Bolkom, •' Joseph Ware, Private. Epbraini Hunt, " Ebenezer Gilbert, •' James Blake. " Jeremiah Day, " Jeremiah Poiid, " Ichabod Turner, '• Jonathan Shepard, «' Daniel Mumin, •• Benjamin Guild, 2d, " Stephen Harding, " Ebenezer Fisher, Jr., " Aaron Hall, " Joseph Hancock, " Daniel Messinger, " Elisha Turner, " Lni Messinger, " David Ware, " Isaac Richardson, '< Ebenezer Allen, " Isaac Fisher, " Nathan Moss, " Daniel Gould, t< Jesse Ballou, « Obediah Man, " Sworn to and examin ed and compared Ebenezer Blake, " with original and £24 7s. lis. allowed Joseph Hawes, Jr. " for pay in full. There were also companies commanded by Captain John Boyd, Asa Fairbanks and Elijah Pond respectively that marched from Wrentham on the 19th day of April, 1775, in the Colony service. Captain Thomas Bacon commanded a company that marched from Wrentham, April 30th, 1775. Captain Samuel Cowell also had command of a company about the same time. It also appears from the military rolls at the State House, that a number of men of the company called the north company in the west precinct enlisted into the Continental Army in 1778. Also a com- pany under the command of Captain Samuel Fisher, composed largely of Wrentham men, enlisted for three years or during the war. Captain Oliver Pond of Wrentham, enlisted in the eight month's ser- vice in the Continental Army in Col. Joseph Read's regiment, April 27th, 1775. He was first captain of this the Sixth Mass. ; the regiment was afterwards called the 13th Mass. Regt. Upon the expiration of the time, eight months, he again enlisted for one year. He went with the army from the neighborhood of Boston to New York and thence to the "Jerseys," and participated in the battles of Trenton and Princeton and other contests of the campaign. In 1777, in consequence, it is understood of some acts or of some pur- posed acts of the Continental Congress in regard to the army and its officers which were displeasing to him, he resigned his office of captain and left the army. But when Shay's rebellion broke out he took command of the military company which marched from Wrentham and vicinity to Springfield, where the rebels refusing to lay down their arms, and having been fired upon fell into confusion and soon dispersed. The roll of that company was almost the only paper of Captain Pond's that escaped the fire when the house in which he was residing was burnt. NoTB. Ephraim Pond, the ancestor of Captain Oliver was one of the members of the first church in 1692. He married Deborah Hawes in 1685. His son, Ephraim, born in 1686, had a son, Ephraim, who married in 1736, Michal Man, the daughter of William Man, and a grand- daughter of the Rev. Samuel Man. Their second son bom July 29, 1737, was Oliver Pond. HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. He was often honored by his fellow-townsmen by appointment to places of trust and responsibility. A soldier of the Revolution who had known him well summed up his opinion of the hero in these two lines of his epitaph : " None more wise, more fit for duty "None more faithful to his trust." INDEPENDENCE OF GREAT BRITAIN. Upon the sth day of June, 1776, among other instructions given to their representatives in General Court, the inhabitants in open town meeting adopted the following : " We your constituents therefore think that to be subject or dependant on the crown of Great Britain would not only be im- practiable but unsafe to the State. The inhabitants of this town there- fore, in full town meeting, unanimously instruct and direct you to give your vote that if the Honorable American Congress, in whom we place the highest confidence under God, should think it necessary for the safety of the United Colonies to declare them independent on Great Britian, that we, your constituents, with otir lives and fortunes will most cheerfiilly sjipport them in the tneasure y We should look in vain in any history of the war of the Revolution for a more decided manifestation of spirit. It was indeed the spirit of the times. Every man who voted for these in- structions was a traitor to his king, — a rebel against the government to which he owed allegiance. But alarming as was the prospect, fearful as might be the consequences our patriotic fathers did not hesitate to assume this attitude. We know not the history of the struggle until we examine recorded acts and opinions of the little revolutionary towns whose spirits sustained the courage of assemblies and congress. This vote it will be observed was passed one month before Congress declared independence of Great Britian. His majesty's name was omitted for the first time in the warrants in 1775 ; and the freeholders were summoned in the name of the Government and People of the Massachusetts Bay for the first time May 6th, 1776. PROVISIONS FOR SOLDIERS. The town voted that the soldiers who enlisted for three years should re- ceive forty shillings per month from the town, and in obedience to an act of the Genaral Court the .selectmen fixed a list of prices for articles com- monly sold. REPRESENTATIVE TO VOTE FOR STATE CONSTITUTION. In May, 1777, the instructions to Benjamin Guild, the representative, contains the following : " New scenes of horror and devastation present themselves, while the fleets and armies of the tyrant of Great Britain are on our coasts and around our dwellings we are disturbed by internal enemies," and they direct him to give his vote for a Constitution and Frame of Government. And a committee was chosen to inform the government against loyalists ; and another to hire men to complete this HISTORY Of wrentham. 63 town's quota. It was also voted that the families of those who have gone to the war be provided for. In 1778 the town voted to accept the articles of confideration. NUMBER OF SOLDIERS ENLISTED. A report of the committee to hire soldiers for the war stated that a seventh part of the male inhabitants were enlisted in the war as soldiers, and the sum of ^^1800 was voted to defray the expenses of raising the town's quota of the Continental Army. On the 20th of May, of the same year, the inhabitants gave their votes in favor of the first Constitution and Frame of popular Government in Massachusetts. But the people of the colony rejected it. At the same time provision was again made for the families of non-commissioned officers and soldiers who had gone to the war. VOTES FOR CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION AND FOR SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES, FOR HIRING AND PAYING SOLDIERS AND FURNISHING CLOTHING. In 1779 a committee against monopoly and forestalling was chosen; and ninety-two votes were cast for a constitutional convention, none against it. The town notwithstanding the straits to which it was reduced did not forget the men who had gone to the battle fields as appears by the frequent votes passed in aid of their families. An instance occurred this year in a vote of twenty pounds to the heirs of John Druce " as a bounty for his enlisting into the Continental Army." They also still resolved to maintain the war by hiring and paying men to enlist into the service and exempted them from taxation. In September, 1780, a committee was chosen to procure beef for the army, and in January of the following year the sum of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds was granted to hire the men called for to serve in the Continental Army for three years and to pay for beef for the army. The General Court having required Wrentham to furnish a certain number of shirts, hose and blankets the selectmen inform the assessors that the sum of ^416 in silver is necessary for this purpose, and as there is no money in the treasury they are requested to assess that sum upon the in- habitants in silver money. This was about the time, when notwithstanding successes at the south, the country seemed to be on the brink of ruin. Although aid seemed at hand upon the arrival of Rochambeau and DeGrasse, and although some temporary releif had been obtained yet no sufficient and reliable means of supplying the wants of the army had been provided. The enemy was in possession of a large part of the country ; the Americans whose campaigns were to be extensive had scarcely an army and were wholly without money. Their bills of credit were worthless, not being a legal tender or taken even for taxes. Borrowning of France, Spain and Holland was attempted. Franklin obtained a gift of six millions of livres from Louis XVI, who also guaranteed a loan of ten millions made by Holland to the United States. 64 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. This success added to the labors of Robert Morris, the new treasurer,- who brought not only zeal and great ability but his own private fortune to the rescue, brought confidence to the public, and economy took the place of waste. Upon the conclusion of the war the town instructed the representative " to use his influence to persuade the General Court to call on Congress to redeem the outstanding bills of credit now in the hands of treasurers and individuals in this State ; and that the delegates in Congress be di- rected to obtain, without delay, a liquidation of all Continental accounts that this State may speedily know their due proportion of the public ex- pense so that a just average may be made through the United States as soon as may be of the public debt." SMALL POX. The town in 1776 being threatened with a visitation of the small pox, Josiah Blake's house was ordered to be used for a hospital. And the next year Doctor Daggett was authorized " to carry on inoculation of the small pox at that house on certain conditions. FRANKLIN INCORPORATED. The town at last agreed in 1778 that the inhabitants of the West Pre- cinct might be set off into a separate township according to certain metes and bounds. The General Court passed an act in accordance with the desire of the petitioners incorporating the inhabitants of the West Pre- cinct into a township by the name of Franklin, with boundaries which differed but little, if any, from the bounds of the precinct. This was on the 2d day of March, 1778. Foxborough having been incorporated June loth, 1778, from parts of Wrentham, Walpole, Stoughton and Sharon, a report was made of the amounts due to several persons within the limits of the new township, be- ing the sums which they had paid towards building the meeting-house. The whole sum was ^^26 os. lod. 3f. DEPRECIATION OF THE CURRENCY. In 1779 the salary voted the Rev. Mr. Bean was one thousands pounds. The year previous his salary was ^130. This shows how rapidly and alarmingly the currency had depreciated. To illustrate this I will add that the assessors were directed in assessing the thousand pounds for Mr. Bean to make a separate column of what each person's proportion would be in a tax of ;^66 13s. 4d., and that any person might pay his proportion of said sum as follows, viz. : Indian corn at three shillings per bushel, good ground malt at five shillings per bushel, rye at four shillings, clear salt pork at fivepence per pound, good mutton at twopence twofarthings per pound, tried tallow at sixpence per pound, good wool at one shilling, fourpence per pound, good flax at eightpence per pound and other neces- sary articles as they were commonly sold before the year 1775. The in- HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 65 ference is that the /'looo in the currency of that clay was equal to only ;^66 13s. 4d.* It was in the same year, 1779, voted " that Mr. Bean use Doct Watts' hymns as well as psalms in singing in public assembly in this town." Having in May, 1780, voted against the new constitution the inhabit- ants granted 50,000 pounds to defray town charges, and upon the 4th of Sept. cast their first votes for a Governor and other State officers. Fifty- seven votes were given, all for John Hancock. The representative was in- structed to vote for the repeal of the excise act, " because it obliges every individual who consumes rum and other spiritous liquors to pay duties on the same ; the most wealthy who purchase large quantities are not subject to pay any duties on the same as the act now stands." The voters expressed their disapprobation of the act of the Continental Congress called the commutation act, granting half pay for life to all officers who should serve until the end of the war ; they also disapproved of the society of the Cincinnati. NEW COUNTY. For some years the subject of a new county had been agitated and Wrentham was quite urgent upon the subject, sending delegates to con- ventions holden to consider that subject and instructing the representa- tives in General Court to endeavor to accomplished it. Boston was the shire town and all county and court business must be done there at very great inconvenience. But the new county was not established by the General Court until 1793. Rev. Joseph Bean. On the 2d day of August, 1784, the town voted to join with the church in giving Mr. Adoniram Judson a call to settle in the ministerial office as a colleague with the Rev. Joseph Bean. There were 105 votes in his favor and 84 against him. Mr. Judson declined the call and a committee was chosen for the purpose of hiring preaching. Mr. Bean died Dec. 12, 1784. The kind offers of several clergymen, who had tendered each a day's preaching for the late Mr. Bean's family were accepted. Mr. Bean's publications were a century sermon, preached Oct. 26, 1773, one hundred years after the town was incorporated, and printed by request in 1774, and a sermon preached before the congregation of the First Church and parish of Wrentham on a day of Public Humilia- tion, Fasting and Prayer, A. D. 1755, published in 1837. Of Mr. Bean's ancestry but little is known. It seems that he was estab- lished in business in Cambridge, Mass., and was converted under the preaching of Whitfied and Tennant. He left his business and entered college, and was graduated at the age of thirty years in 1748. He was ordained Dec. 5, 1750, and married Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Henry Messinger, his predecessor in the ministry at Wrentham. The epitaph on his gravestone is as follows : " Near half an age with every good man's praise, Among his flock ye shepherd passed his days, * A committee reported that the payments made to Mr. Bean since the commencement of the war would not be equal to seventy pounds in silver. 66 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. The friend, the comfort of ye sick and poor. Want never knocked unheeded at his door ; Oft when his duty call'd, disease and pain Strove to confine him, but they strove in vain. All mourn his death ; his virtures long they tri'd. They knew not how they lov'd him till he dy'd." SETTLEMENT OF REV. DAVID AVERY. In Oct. 1785, the town voted to join the church in the call and settle- ment of the Rev. David Avery to the work of ministry in this place by 151 votes to one against it. A committee having been chosen " to fix his settlement " reported that two hundred pounds be given to Mr. Avery, and one hundred pounds per annum as his salary. This report was adopted by the town. Mr. Avery's reply to the invitation of the church and town was as fol- lows : " To the Congregational Church and society of the town of Wrent- ham. Brethren and Gentlemen, as you were pleased on the tenth of Oct. last to unite in inviting me to settle in the gospel ministry, I have taken your proposals into serious and mature consideration and do now in the sincerity and cheerfulness of my heart declare my acceptance of your call. And I do also engage, without reserve, in the strength of Christ, carefully and faithfully to exercise my office amongst you for your spiritual advan- tage and highest interest as long as divine wisdom shall see fit to continue me with you. And may God Almighty grant that we may be mutual com- forts and blessings to each other, that we may rejoice together in each other at the appearing of Jesus Christ to whom be glory in the churches throughout all ages world without end, and amen." David Avery. Three years afterwards his salary was increased to one hundred and thirty pounds, so well and smoothly had pastor and people moved together. So auspicious a settlement would seem to augur well for church and people. Note. — The Rev. David Avery was born April 5, 1746, in Franklin, Conn. His father's name was John. He was converted by the preaching of Whitefield; fitted for college at D. Wheelock's school. Conn.; entered Vale college and was graduated in 1769. He engaged in teaching Indian schools. He studied theology with Rev. Dr. E. Wheelock of Dartmouth college ; preached on Long Island, and in 1771 was ordained as missionary to the Oneida Indians. Leaving the field he returned to New England and was installed at Gageboro, now Windsor, Vt., March 25, 1773. and dismissed April 14, 1777, to go as chaplain in the army. On his return he was settled at Benning- ton, Vt., May J, 1780, and dismissed June 17, 1783, and settled at Wrentham, May 25, 1786, and dismissed 'April 21, 1794. He preached afterwards to a' congregation at North Wrentham, where a church was organized in 1795, until sometime in 1797, when he removed to Mansfield, Ct.. He engaged in missionary labor under the Massachusetts Domestic Missionary Society, going into New York and Maine. He afterwards, from 1798 to 1 801, preached in Chaplin, Ct., having gathered a new church and society there called the Union Church. In 1817 he visited his daughter, Mrs. Hdwett, in Shepardstown, Va. He received a cordial and unanimous call to settle in Middletown, in the vicinity of Shepardstown, but was taken ill and died there and was buried on the week of intended installation, the clergy of the invited council officiating as his bearers. His voice was so clear and sonorous and his aticulation so distinct, that it was a common saying in the army that every soldier in a brigade could hear all that he said. When the news of the battle of Lexington reached Gageboro, Mr. Avery's parishioners assembled in arms, formed themselves into a company, elected him for their captain and marched for Cambridge on the 22d April. Mr. A. preached at Northampton the next day from Neh. 4, 14. They arrived at Cambridge Saturday 29th and were honorably received and congratulated by the troops assembled. Mr. A. preached on Sun- day afternoon to the troops from a temporary stage erected in the college area from Neh. 4, 14, and on Menday he began a regular course of morning and evening prayer with the regimentjto which he belonged. On Tuesday he commenced visiting and praying with the sick and wounded regulars in the hospitals. May nth. Fast day, he preached on Cambridge Comnion. May 29th, he volunteered with an expedition to Noddles Island, where there was a brisk skirmish, standing guard two hours. July 20th, having preached to the troops again, it being a Fast day ordered by the Continental Congress ; he on the 29th, read to the troops the declaration of war against Gene- ral Gage. The people of Gageboro consented that he might engage in the next campaign, the neighboring ministers agreeing to supply his pulpit two-thirds of the time while he was absent. Mr. Avery often acted as physician and assistant surgeon. He was at the taking of Burgoyne, the capture of the Hessians at Trenton, and in the battle of Princeton. When settled at Bennington, at the reqnest of the governor and council he took the field with General Allen, and was in the battle of Bennington and assisted in dressing the wounds of the soldiers.— Hittory Mend. Ass. HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 67 The vote was nearly unanimows. It seemed to be hearty. Yet the dawn was soon overcast and a violent ministerial quarrel commenced destined to end only with the disruption of the pastoral and ministerial relation. In 1791 the warrant for town meeting among things contained an article " to see if the inhabitants * ♦ * * are satisfied with the Rev. David Avery as a gospel minister," and "provided the major part of the town are satisfied with the Rev. David Avery to see if the town will consent that any persons that are dissatisfied may go to any other society to do duty and receive privilege," and " to see if it be the mind of the town to recom- mend the Rev. David Avery to call a church meeting agreeable to the request of Dea. David Holbrook and others presented to him October 15, 1790." Although no action was taken at this meeting, yet the fact that such a one was called was equivalent to a declaration that war had begun. It is true that in the scanty memorial of that controversy we find no record of its severity or bitterness in hostile speeches and partisan manifestos preserved, yet tradition says it was marked by unusual asperity that not only the community but families were divided into Averians and anti- Averians. A few years since people were living whose memory went back to that time, who in their young days had their ears stunned with the din of the conflict, and whose eyes saw the veteran combatants go. to the field with as much zeal as the cursaders of former days went against the infidel. Meeting after meeting was held, council upon council convened, war- worn veterans were appointed to guard the door of the church to keep out that minister whom they had so unanimously called. The division was so wide and so deadly that reconcilation became impracticable. In the progress of the controversy Mr. Avery and his adherents withdrew or were forced from the meeting house, and the pulpit was supplied by a committee. Eventually as a result of this unfortunate division the church at North Wrentham was organized largely from those who had adhered to Mr. Avery. On the 14th Dec. 1795, Dea. Man was dismissed from his ofiice as treasurer. Afterwards in August, 1796, it was voted to hear and confer upon any proposals that one, any or all of the church, lately adhering to the Rev. David Avery have to make respecting a reunion with the church. June, 1797, the deacons were instructed to supply the pulpit if the town's committee do not ; and a committee was chosen to help the deacons settle their accounts relative to law suits. It appears by an account of the dea- cons presented to the church in 1797, that a suit was commenced by Thomas Man against Aaron Hawes. It was tried in 1795. The trial took up a good deal of time. Mr. Avery was the mover and prosecutor in the action which was brought to try the validity of the vote dismissing Dea. Man, as if that was valid the vote dissolving his pastoral relations was valid also, and the town having concurred his salary was gone from the time of the dismission. So that Mr. Avery was on trial. The judges were of opinion that Mr. A.'s principles of church government were arbitrary Note.— The details of the Averian quarrel may be found in the historical sketch of the town contributed bv the writer to the History of Norfolk County, published by J. W. Lewis & Co Phila., 1884. 68 HISTORY OF WREN'IHAM. and erroneous ; that the vote for dissolving his pastoral relation was regu- lar and valid ; that the vote of the church given by a majority dismissing the plaintiff" from the office of deacon was regular and effectual and that he could not maintain the action. Settlement of Rev. Elisha Fisk. In July, 1798, the church (recognized) voted unanimously to desire the Rev. Elisha Fish " to preach in this place longer than the time for which he is now engaged," and in November he received a call to settle in the ministry at VVrentham. This call was renewed on the sixth day of March, 1799, unanimously, and on the twenty-fifth day of April, 1799, he gave an affirmative answer as follows : "To the original Congregational Church of Christ in Wrentham — Having received from you brethren an invitation to take the pastoral care and charge of you as a church, and to settle with you in the work of the gospel ministry, I do by this declare my acceptance of it. " Elisha Fisk.'' The town had in November of the year 1798 concurred with the church in the settlement of Mr. Fisk on condition that he be supported by the Congregational Society then projected. This society was incorporated in February, 1799. A number of the inhabitants of Wrentham petitioned the General Court to incorporate them into a religious society by the name of the Congregational Society in Wrentham. They set forth that they have raised by subscription three thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars as a fund, the interest of which is to be appropriated to the support of a Congregational minister, and pray to be incorporated for the purpose of holding and managing said fund. The General Court passed an act in response to this petition, and made the society capable of receiving and holding grants or devices of lands or tenements, bequests, donations, etc. By this act of incorporation, and the proceedings of the society under its provisions in connection with the church, the relations between minister and town, which had so long subsisted, were terminated. Mr. Fisk thus entered upon a pastorate which reached to more than fifty years. At the date of his ordination, June. 1799, the church is said to have been reduced to ten members. Such was the force and bitterness of the Averian controversy. In his semi-centennial discourse he says he was the forty-ninth candidate, only one other of the forty-nine having received a call. He has been thus described (it is said by Dr. R. S. Storrs) with reference to that period: "Of an observing mind, careful and conciliating in his conversation and manners, interesting and popular in his pulpit performances, he succeeded, as few other men would, in uniting and holding together very discordant materials, not only at the commencement of his ministry, but through the vicissitudes of more than fifty years. He gained and kept the enviable reputation of peace maker.* " * Mr. Fisk was a descendant of William, brother of John Fisk, minister of Chelmsford, where he died Jan. 14, 1676. William arrired 1637; admitted Freeman 1642; member of the church Salem July 2, 1641; removed to Wsnham, where he was Town Clerk and representative from 1647 to 1650, and died 1654. His widow married a Rix, of Salem. His grandson, Daniel, re- moved from Wenham to Upton in 174S, and died about 1761. He had eight children. Samuel, one of the sons, removed to Shelburne, and was ancestor of Rev. Pliny Fisk. Daniel, the oldest son born about 1723, married Telpah Tyler, and had live children. Of them Robert, born Feb. 24, '174'i. married Mary Hall, and had five children. The eldest was Elisha fisk.— fftst. MtndoM A ssociation. HISTORY OK WRKNTHAM. 69 The account given in the History of Norfolk County of the Arvenian controversy was taken by the writer, so far as the action of the church is concerned, from the church records more than twenty years ago; and it has been repeated there at length precisely as it was on the occasion for which it was originally prepared, because it probably exists nowhere else but in the writer's possession — the church records having since that time been lost. At the time referred to those church records were in good con- dition, including even one small volume in the hand-writing of Rev. Sam'I Man.* The congregational church in Foxborough, in Franklin (once West Wrentham), and in the north parish of Wrentham, now Norfolk, have been formed by those who were formerly members of the original church here, organized in 1692. Since the incorporation of the society for the support of the minister no tax has been assessed for that purpose. At the time of Mr. Fisk's settlement the house of worship had neither bell, clock nor organ. A bell and clock, however, were added probably some time before 1806, as we find the parish assuming at that date the expense of taking care of them. An organ was purchased by ladies of the town by the manufacture and sale of straw and chip bonnets. This instrument was formerly dedicated, the Rev. Mr. Fisk preaching from the text, " Praise him with stringed instruments." In his sermon Mr. Fisk de- fended the use of musical instruments in public worship. That modest organ has be^n succeeded by others, until by the munificence chiefly of one of our citizens the fine and large one now used was placed in its present position. After the final settlement of the religious and society disturbances which had existed so long, and which were so happily extinguished in the fortunate choice of Mr. Fisk, the people here were peaceable and , prosperous. * The population of the town was by the census of 1800 two thousand and sixty-one (2,061), and was chiefly agricultural. Manufacturing Industries. But in 1812 the General Court incorporated Nathan Comstock and others by the name of " The Wrentham Manufacturing Company" for the purpose of manufacturing cotton and wool at Wrentham, in the county of Norfolk. In 1813 the Franklin Manufacturing Company was incorporated for the purpose of manufacturing cotton and woolen cloth and yarn in the town of Franklin upon the same stream, and in 1814 the "Walomopogge Manufacturing Company for the purpose of manufactur- ing cotton and woolen cloth and yarn in the town of Wrentham." The former company's mill was commonly called the Bush Factory, the last- named the Eagle Factory, while the lowest on the stream was called the City Mills. These mills were all erected upon Mill brook, so-called, the last named near the outlet of the Great Pond, where Grossman and Whiting had the first corn mill, as related in earlier pages, and the second * Note. There is a tradition that Mr. Man's house was destroyed by fire in 1699, which may account for the absence of the earliest volume. yO HISTORY OF WREMHAM. one on the site of Adams'' corn mill at Jack's pasture. This south- westerly branch of Charles River afforded nearly all the water power within our present limits. After the introduction of the power loom in the manufacture of cotton and woolen fabrics a rush seems to have been made into the business of manufacturing, and a very large number of companies were chartered in Massachusetts to carry on this branch of industry. The Stony Brook Manufacturing Company was also incorporated in 1814, and is to be added to the list of our manufacturies. The business which these companies were organized to carry on was conducted by various owners, agents and lessees, and with various success. . At first they were employed in the manufacture of cloth, and the noise of the looms could be heard proclaim- ing the power of the stream, if not the profit of the manufacturers. Eli Richardson, Esq. ; Allen Tillinghast, Esq., and Maj. Thos. S. Mann are remembered as energetic and intelligent manufacturers, who for many years were engaged in business on this old mill brook. It is appre- hended that the business was not over successful, and that none of the numerous mill owners became wealthy in the prosecution of their calling. The factory which was first built on or near the site of the present one in South Wrentham, or Shepardville, so-called, is supposed to have been the first mill in this vicinity in which water power was applied to the spin- ning of cotton or wool. And by .some this mill is supposed, to have been one of the earliest in the county in which such application was made, it being said to have been the third. It seems that as early as 1795 Mrs. Susannah Shepard was manufacturing goods at that mill. In confirma- tion of this statement reference is made to an organized agreement between herself and Stephen Olney, of Providence, R, I., dated Nov. 13, 1795, as follows, viz : " Agreed with Mrs. Susannah Shepard, of Wrentham, to make her a chaise by the first of March next for ^^55, she finding the harness, the wheels, leather for top and lining, remainder to be had in goods at whole- sale c^sh price of her manufacture. Signed, Stephen Olney." Providence, Nov. 13, i;^5. Received of Mrs. Shepard on account of a chaise : 5 1-4 yds thick set, at — £0. 4s. 8d. 2 3-4 yds Satin bever, at 4s. 8d., i. 4s. 8d. 2 1-2 of Velveret, at 4s. 8d., o. lis. 8d. I yd & on Nail of Carpeting, at 3s., o. 3s. 4 i-2d. 13 yds Carpeting, i. i8s. 7 i-2d. 2 handkerchiefs, o. 7s. od. ^4. i8s. 2d. Manufacture of Straw Goods. Some years ago the late Judge Staples, of Rhode Island, read before the Rhode Island Historical Society in Providence a paper upon the rise and progress of the straw braid business, embracing many facts. He said the straw business began very early in Tuscany and in some of the HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 7 I States of Italy. Bonnets and hats of this material were imported ready made into England. Subsequently they were made an article of export to the American Colonies, and were kept for sale in Providence. In the latter part of the last century Mrs. Naomi Whipple, wife of Col. John Whipple, who kept a store at the foot of Constitution Hill, North Main street, was celebrated for the taste she displayed in trimming hats and bonnets. The braiding of straw in this country was begun in 1798 by Mrs. Betsey Baker, daughter of Joel Metcalf, then with Mrs. Whipple (now, at the date of the paper, of Dedham, Mass). From her several acquired a knowledge of the process of braiding. Another account informs us that Mrs. Whipple kept a small millinery shop in her husband's store, and that her bonnets came through New York from Europe. She and Hannah (probably Betsy) Metcalf unbraided a piece of the braid and thus learned how it was constructed. Procuring some straw they success- fully imitated the braid, and soon after made and sent a box of her own bonnets to her New York importer. In the summer of 1799 several Providence girls came to a boarding school in Massachusetts wearing their home-made bonnets, which created no little excitement. One of these, Sally Richmond, came to Wrentham Academy (if this means Days' Academy it is a mistake as to time, that institution not having beeen com- menced until some years afterwards; it may be that Mr. Williams' Academy at West Wrentham was the one intentended). She taught the ladies where she boarded. And in this way straw braiding was introduced into this State through Wrentham. The first bonnets were made of oat straw flattened, and contained from sixteen to eighteen yards. So popular were these bonnets that no lady was thought to be in style without one, and the demand for them gave a vigorous impulse to the trade, and the sale extended throughout the coun- try. This demand added much to the business of small trading stores, by exchange of their goods for straw braid. The braid thus collected was converted into bonnets, and this led to special manufactories of straw goods. Messrs. Fisher, Day & Co. entered into this business about the year 1804, and continued until 1816. In the neighboring town of Franklin the Messrs. Thayer carried on the business from about 1810 to 1816, and sub- sequently Major Davis Thayer continued in the business many years, and it is still carried on in the factory of Davis Thayer, Jr., on or near the old site, and by Mr. Snow at his factory, with greatly enlarged facilities and success. This latter account of the rise and progress of the straw braid industry may be found in substance in Dr. Blake's history. The principal manufacturer of straw bonnets in Wrentham was Amariah Hall, familiarly known as " bonnett Hall." He began the business about 1802, at the house known as the White house, that being the name of its former occupant. This house stood on the site now occupied by our almshouse. One room in this house was appropriated to this pur- pose — so small was the business then. There were braiders in almost 'every family. Mr. Hall continued in the business for some years at this place. 72 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. Afterwards, about 1812, or a little later, Mr. Hall built the house now owned by Daniel Brown and used as a boarding-house for the employees of Mr. Brown. This was built for a hotel by Mr. Hall, and occupied by him as such. An addition to the main building was used by him for the man- ufacture of straw goods, which he continued to carry on. A few years after this Mr. Hall failed in business, and returned to Raynham, which was his native place. Mr. James Ware took this building and kept a store therein, dealing also in straw goods. He had also in company with Asa Day dealt in straw goods at their store, afterwards known as the " Green store,"' on the Norfolk and Bristol turnpike in Wrentham. Others engaged at later dates in this business, notably Robert Blake, Esq., who acquired a handsome competency for those days and retired. He was one of the unfortunate passengers of the ill-fated steamer " Lex- ington," which was destroyed by fire on Long Island Sound in 1840, and was among the lost. Howard Mann, Esq., also made straw goods in Wrentham, occupying after his business became large the same buildings that Mr. Hall, his predecessor, had done. The business done by Mr. Mann and by the co-partners, Mann, Swift & Co., was probably larger than had been done by any one individual or firm before in this place in the same line of business. It is not recollected that any of the manu- facurers of straw goods had previously organized factories or shops with machinery used and shop hands regularly employed. The old custom of trading straw braid at the stores in exchange for goods was abandoned. People who worked in it in a moderate way either sold their braid to the manufacturers or made it up into hats or bonnets, and then sold to them in its new shape. We have now no means of knowing the number or value of the goods made at the time when Fisher, Day & Co. and Amariah Hall were in the business. They probably made a few thousand hats and bonnets annually. After Mann, Swift & Co. left the business there was a manufactory of straw goods in the westerly part of the town at Sheldonville, of which Alonzo FoUelt was the proprietor and manager. This was actively con- tinued until the building was destroyed by fire. Mr. B. H. Guild also and F. N. Sheldon & Co. subsequently at differ- ent times engaged in the manufacture of straw goods at Sheldonville. After a long interval the business was again revived in the Central village NOTK.-The facts stated in this note are furnished by J. W. D. Hall, of 'I'aunton, Mass. "Amariah Hall was 6th in descent from George Hall, one of the first setllers in Taunton. He was born in Raynham, and after fiiving up business in Wrentham, returned thither." He was exceedingly fond of music, and composed several of the old tunes which are remembered and sung to this day. This was 70 or 80 years ago; they were as follows : " Morning Glory," " Summer," "Canaan," " Kalniouth," "Massachusetts," "Raynham," "Restoration," "All Saints New,"^ "Cruci- fixion," " Solitude," " Contemplation," " China," " Civil Amusement," " Harmony," " Devo- tion," " Hosanna," "Lion," and others, When he visited Raynham, during his residence at Wrentham, " the choir would get together and sing his tunes in honor of the composer, and old vocalists say that many of his old-fashioned tunes ofrcal harmony were much appreciated." Another composer and teacher also lived in Wrentham, Samuel Hillings. He resided in the house formerly occupied bv Dea. Elijah and Dea. Smith Pond in Pondville, where, as my in- formant, Mrs. J. M. Pond', says, 'he wrote his beautiful music." He would compose a tune, perhaps an anthem, and perhaps finish if late at night; and theti awaken his wife, get her to dress at midnight and sing it over and over with him. He taught singing schools five evenings in a week for three months at a time. The late General Preston Pond, a well-known teacher and singer, said he found no music so sweet as Billings'. His musical talents were highly appreci- ated, and for a long time he was a very popular teacher. Dea. Handel Pond, also a native of Wrentham, where he spent most of his years, was an eminent teacher and composer. HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 73 by Messrs. John C. and Lyman A. George, and afterwards was carried on for some years by William E. George, under whose energetic administra- tion, supplemented by the increased use of machinery and other facilities, a much greater amount was done than ever before. Mr. George was succeeded by Messrs. Brown &Cowell, who began their work in the factory buildings which had been erected by Mr. George. They had hardly commenced when the buildings were destroyed by fire. Mr. Brown erected another building near the site of the former one a few years since, and by the introduction of the sewing machine large quanti- ties of goods are manufactured in the shop, which before its use in making this kind of goods were made by people at their own firesides in this town and vicinity. It should have been stated that the Messrs. Ide succeeded Messrs. Mann, Swift & Company, continuing the business for a few years. A straw manufactory was for a short time in operation in that part of Wrentham which is now Norfolk, under the management of Mr. Allen and afterwards of Mr. Perry. The market value of the goods denominated straw goods now made in this town is estimated at $250,000 for the year. From the census report of 1880 we learn that the number of establish- ments in the straw business in Massachusetts was 33, having a capital of two millions, three hundred and sixty-one thousand, nine hundred and sixty dollars (2,361,960). The average number of hands employed was, of males above 16 years, 2,531 ; of females above 15 years, 5,185 ; children and youth, 93. The total amount paid in wages in the year was $1,968,-. 232; value of materials, $4,117,162; value of products, $6,898,628. Jewelry. Another industry having small beginnings in this town has grown to be the controlling business. This is the manufacture of those kinds of goods which come under the general name of jewelry. Beginning early in the century in the neighboring town of Attleborough it was certainly to be expected that it would spread into adjoining territory. In that part of Wrentham now known as Plainville, but at the early date above men- tioned called Slackville, in honor of people named Slack who lived there, an old stone mill is remembered, which was sometimes called Slack's mill. It was a small mill, but to the passer on the highway it was a con- spicuous object, because it was almost the only object, save here and there a dwelling-house, to be seen between the wharf, so-called, in Wrentham and the old Hatch tavern in Attleborough. This mill it was said had a chequered history and its owners a fluctuating if not a money-making business. It seems that whatever in its earlier days may have been the business to which it was devoted, it was used for a grain mill by the Slacks prior to its being occupied by Geo. W. Shepardson, who seems to have been the first to introduce the manufacture of jewelry into Wrentham. He was at work there prior to the year 1843. His line of goods was chiefly buttons for vests and pantaloons, although we have placed him for convenience in the list of jewelers. He is said to have employed some fifteen to twenty hands making some eight or ten thousand dollars worth 74 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. of goods per annum. He was there about two years. He was succeeded by H. M. Richards, Esq., of Attleborough, in March, 1843, who engaged in the business of making fine gilt jewelry amounting to about $20,000 per year, as nearly as can now be ascertained. He employed from twen- ty-five to thirty hands. Mr. Richards occupied the mill for about a year, when Mr. Shepardson again resumed it. But he did not occupy it long, and eventually removed to Providence, R. I. It is not known that any other person engaged in the business at Plainville either while Messrs. Shepardson and Richards were there or subsequently, until Joseph T. Bacon, Esq., purchased the property and demolished the old mill and built the large shop now (with important addi- tions) occupied by Lincoln, Bacon & Company. The firm of Bacon, Hodges & Mason followed next after Messrs. Shep- ardson and Richards in 1844. They continued together in the business for three or four years, when Mason retired. Then Messrs. Bacon and Hodges were the partners until 1850. At that date Mr. Hodges left and Josiah Draper and John Tifft united with Joseph T. Bacon in the firm name of Draper, Tifft &. Bacon and conducted the business under this style until Mr. Tifft died in 1851, when another change took place, and Frank 8. Draper, son of Josiah, and Frank L. Tifft, son of John, and Joseph T. Bacon and James D. Lincoln formed a copartnership under the style of Draper Tifft & Company, which continued until July, i860, when Frank S. Draper retired and the firm took the name of Lincoln, Tifft «S: Bacon. In 1863 or 1864 the manufacturing business at Plainville was carried on in the name of J. T. Bacon •'t Co., and the wholesale business in New York in the name of Lincoln, Tifft &Co., the same gentlemen constituting both firms. In July, 1882, Messrs. Harland G. Bacon, son of the senior member, and Daniel O. Schofield, of New York City, became copartners, the style of the firm being Lincoln, Bacon & Company both in New York and in Wrentham. Another large factory building was erected some years since by Mr. J. T. Bacon and his partners, which is occupied by the Plainville Stock Co. and by Me.ssrs. Wade, Davis & Co. and others. A large number of hands are employed by the companies engaged in the manufacture of jewelry and goods in that line, the ten or fifteen hands of Mr. .Shepardson in 1843 having increased to hundreds. And in place of his eight thou- sand or ten thousand dollars worth of products the amount now manu- factured in that village alone, by the opinion of a competent judge, cannot be less than five hundred thousand dollars' worth annually. In 1880 the number of establishments in this line in Massachuseets was 105 ; the amount of capital, $1,936,800; number of males employed above 16 years, 2,485; number of females above 15 years, 743; children and youth, ;i7 ; total amount paid in wages during the year, $1,464,993; ma- terials, $1,681,034; products, $4,265,525. Instead of a few scattering buildings that might have been seen some years ago at Plainville there are now more than two hundred. A fine, large school-house has recently been built and finished, so as to serve not only for the schools in that village, but with a hall convenient HISTORY OK WREXTHAM. 75 for public meetings and other purposes. The G. A. R. have also a com- modious building for the purposes of their organization. The spacious workshops can employ five hundred hands. The number actually employed varies as the business varies, " ranging probably irom three hundred and seventy-five (375) in dull times to five hundred when business is good." Very marked progress has been made in this village in recent years, and the indications point to future prosperity. It may be remarked here that before i860 the manufactnre of jewelry was commenced by Messrs. J. H. Sturdy & Co. at Sheldonville, and after- wards by the same firm at Wrentham village, where it was continued some few years, employing a large number of hands and doing a large business. Quite recently the firm of Cowell & Hall have established the business again in this village. Boat Building. About sixty years ago Col. Rhodes Sheldon came from Cumberland, R. I., to the westerly part of Wrentham and commenced the business of building boats and transporting them to Boston for sale. This business he carried on for many years, and was succeeded in it by his sons George and Orrin, the last named of whom still carries it on at the old place. In Col. Sheldon's time the usual amount done may have been about four thousand or five thousand dollars worth per year. In the year 1845, or about that time, it went up to ten thousand dollars, and in the year 1883 it was about seven thousand dollars, and probably has not much exceeded or fallen short of that amount since. This industry has been steadily con- tinued until the present time. Under the administration of the elder Sheldon quite an impulse was given to that part of the town, manifested in an increased number of dwellings, in the erection of one church edifice and in various other ways. Other parties have at different times engaged to some extent in boat building, but they have long since abandoned it. Boot-Making. The business of manufacturing boots was carried on here at various times, a considerable amount being done in that line, giving employment to a good number of men. The firms of Pond, Cook & Co., and Aldrich, Cook & Proctor were conspicuous in this line of business. It has now ceased altogether for some years, not being able to make headway against the sharp competition which other towns put forth. Other Manufactures. While the jewelry business and the straw business are larger than all others here, yet we must not forget the jnanufacturers of fine wool shod- dies, extracts and yarns and other manufacturers who are doing something, each in his own line, to employ himself and give employment to others. In the first-named business it being estimated by one conversant with the subject that the amount of its annual products is about sixty thousand dollars, it would not be perhaps unsafe to say that the others make the amount up to one hundred thousand dollars. ■J 6 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. The manufacture of cotton and woolen fabrics, of straw goods, of jewelry and of other things by water power or by steam power, began long after the occurrence of the facts narrated in the early portion of this compilation. The usual mechanic arts have of course been prosecuted always ; and in former days a considerable amount of business was done in the line of carriage building. Printing. In an old house not now inhabited, but yet standing near the station of the N. Y. & N. E. Rail-Road Company at West Wrentham known for- merly as the Heaton place, Nathaniel Heaton many years ago set up a printing press. Occasionally an old book had been seen purporting to have been printed theie by him. His brother, Benjamin, who graduated at Brown University in 1790 published a spelling book and a preceptor which are supposed to have been printed by Nathaniel. Silas Metcalf Esq., one of our oldest citizens, and who has always lived in the westerly part of the town, well remembers the fact that printing was done in the Heaton house, and that he used to go there, when a boy, for books. Nathaniel removed (at what date is not now known) to Smithfield, R. I., and thus terminated the printing business in Wrentham. Post Offices. Prior to 18 15 all mail matter from Wrentham Centre and also for Franklin was brought from the Druce tavern, so called, upon the Turnpike, Norfolk and Bristol. About that year a post office was established in the village of Wrentham and David Fisher, E.sq., the landlord of the " Roe Buck " tavern appointed postmaster. It has not been ascertained that there was any mail carrier employed by the government to supply Wren- tham and Franklin from this solitary office at the turnpike. People went to that distant tavern for their mail matter. Capt. Chas. W. Farrington, now one of our oldest citizens, was often sent there when a boy for letters and newspapers as he informed the writer. And he further says that the good people who came this way from the neighborhood of the office would bring along such letters and newspapers as belonged here ; and on Sundays Major Druce, the postmaster, would do likewise when he came over to attend meeting. War of 1812. The part which Wrentham took in the so-called French and Indian War has been related, and also more at length the patriotism the people dis- played and the hardships they bore, during the long conflict of the colonies with the mother country. In the later war of 181 2 we fail to find that many of the inhabitants engaged. It is known that some went to the forts in the harbor and to other places perhaps considered most exposed. These were probably drafted or ordered out for short terms of service. As all the muster rolls of the officers and men who served in the second war with Great Britain are retained at Washington, it cannot be shown that service was performed unless with great labor and expense. But one eminent man we know went from this town as a surgeon and HISTORY OK WKKNTHAM. 77 served as such throughout the war, — Doctor James Mann.* He was born in Wrenlliam and was a son of the David Mann, who was a son of Pelatiah, who was a son of the Rev. Samuel Mann. He was born in 1758, graduated at Harvard University in 1776 and received the degree of M. D. at his Ahiia Mater and also at Brown University and at Yale College. He was a practising physician in his native town at the breaking out of the war. He enlisted as a surgeon in the Army of the United States, and it is understood was on the Niagara frontier in 1814 and in the performance of his duty as a surgeon at the battles of Chippawa and Lundy's Lane, and continued in the service until the end of the war and for many years after- wards. He died in 1832. The Civil War. In regard to this conflict we are not left so much in the dark. Evidence of its having existed and traces of its eflfects encounter us on every side. Moreover no contest on this side of the Atlantic ever was honored with so many histories, or ever had such full and careful records. Indeed it is a matter of some difficulty to know what to select out of the great mass for a history like this. It would be impossible for the writer to describe the spirit which was aroused by the first attack of the seceders upon a national fort. The story has often been told. What was true of other towns in Massachusetts was undoubtedly true of Wrentham. It is not the place here to give a history of the several regiments and companies in which our townsmen served — that has been done elsewhere. But it falls within the plan of this sketch to relate the action of the town, regarding the war of 1861. Sumpter was fired upon on the 13th of April, 1861. Soon afterwards viz. on May 6th 1861 a town meeting was held at the old vestry of the centre-meeting house, so called, which was very fully attended. At this meeting after warm and patriotic utterances, a preamble and resolutions were passed. The first resolution was as follows, viz : Resolved, By the legal voters of the town of Wrentham, in town meeting assembled, that the sum of ten thousand dollars be and the same is hereby granted for the support, encouragement and relief of those of cur fellow townsmen who have gone, and of those who may hereafter go, into the service of the United States as soldiers and of their families. Second. That the money thus appropriated be expended by the Select- men to be assisted by a Committee of three, if necessary, of whom the Treasurer shall be one. Third. That each volunteer shall receive from the town while in active service an amount sufficient, with the government pay, to make his monthly pay twenty-five dollars ; and the further sum of one dollar a week be paid to the wife and for each child under fifteen years of age, and one dollar a *In Drakes Dictionary of American Biography it is stated that Dr. Mann was three years a Surgeon in the Revolutionary Armv. In 1812 he was Hospital Surgeon of the United States Army, and head of the Medical Staff on the Northern frontier. In 1818 he was post surgeon; in 182 1 Asst. Surgeon. He obtained the Boylston prize medal for the year :So6for a dissertation on dysentery and subsequently another prize for a medical dissertation. He also pubUshed in 1816, Medical Sketches of the Campaigns of 1812, 1813, 1814, with observations on Military Hospitals ; and Flying Hospitals attached to a moving Army. ^8 HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. day for each day spent in drilling previous to being mustered into the United States Service. " Fourth. To provide suitable uniforms and all necessary equipments and clothing not furnished by the government to each citizen of Wrentham who shall enlist in the Military Service. Fifth. That the Treasurer be authorized to borrow on the credit of the town such sums of money as shall be ordered by the Selectmen, not ex- ceeding ten thousand dollars. After this meeting the citizens held a number of impromptu meetings in different parts of the town, which were enlivened by music and patriotic songs and by occasional speeches, volunteers began to come forward and soon a Company was under drill upon the Common. This Company was joined with others and organized as the i8th Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteers, and soon were away in the vicinity of Washington. Some Wrentham men had previously enlisted in the three months' regiments. In March. 1862, the military committee made a report, and in July, 1862, the town voted that " the selectmen be authorized to pa_\ a bounty of one hundred dollars to each volunteer who should enlist for three years and be credited to the quota of the town ; also that the treasurer be authorized to borrow money to pay said bounties, and the clergymen, selectmen and all other good citizens are earnestly solicited to encourage and stimulate by public meetings and otherwise the prompt enlistment of the requisite number of volunteers from the town, that our fellow citizens already in the service may be cheered and sustained by accession of numbers and strength, the rebellion crushed and peace and prosperity soon smile upon our common country." August 28, 1862, the selectmen having paid the sum of one hundred dollars to each volunteer in addition to the bounty voted by the town in July, the town at this meeting ratified that proceeding, and voted to pay a bounty of two hundred dollars to each volunteer who shall enlist for nine months, and be credited to the quota of the town on or before the second day of September next. The treasurer was authorized to borrow money. On December 8th, the vote restricting the time for enlistment was re- considered and the doings of the selectmen and treasurer were approved. In 1863 there were no votes passed by the people in town meeting in re- lation to the war. At the March meeting in 1864, the town voted that payment of State aid should be continued. In April it voted to raise by direct taxation eight thousand dollars for recruiting purposes and to refund to citizens money which they had contributed for the encouragement of recruiting. In August the bounty to each volunteer for three years' service who should thereafter enlist and be credited to the quota of the town was one hundred and twenty-five dollars. The treasurer was authorized to borrow money to pay the same. In January, 1865, the same bounty was voted, and it was also voted to pay the recruiting officers of the town two dollars a day and ten cents a HISTORY OF VVRENTHAM. 79 mile for travel while they have been or shall be ergaged in procuring volunteers for the town. August 14th, the town voted to reimburse to the citizens such sums as they have paid for the purpose of filling the quotas of the town during the past year. Wrentham furnished three hundred and thirty-six men for this war, which '• was a surplus " as appears by a report of the adjutant general " of seventeen over and above all demands." Ten were commissioned officers. The whole amount of money, exclusive of State aid, expended by the town on account of the war was $31,531.23. INCORPORATION OF NORFOLK. In 1870 Wrentham again lost a part of its territory and a large number of its inhabitants. A new town was incorporated by the name of Norfolk, taking from Wrentham 7100 acres, 850 people and 140 voters and pro- perty valued at $357,475- This was done with the assent of the old town. POPULATION. By a Colonial census made in 1776, the population of Wrentham was two thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine (2879). In 1790 after the setting oflf of Franklin and also of a part of the town of Foxborough the population was 1767. By the census of 1800 it was 2061. By the State census of i860 it was 3406. iSio " 2478. " " 1865 " 3072. " " 1820 " 2801. " " 1870 " J292. " " 1830 " 2698. " " 1875 " 2395. " •' 1840 " 2915. " " 1880 " 2481. " " 1850 '* 3037- " " '885 " 2710. By the State 1855 " 3242. In 1790 the number of houses was two hundred and forty-three, the number of families was two hundred and seventy-eight, the number of free white males sixteen years of age and upwards was four hundred and seventy-one, the number of free white females was nine hundred and seven, the number of free white males under i6 years was 387, the number of all other persons was two. In 1800 Wrentham was the third town in the county in population, being exceeded by Roxbury and Dorchester only ; and in 1810 and in 1820 it held the same relative mark. In 1832 a bank was incorporated with a capital of one hundred thous- and dollars, and in 1836 this was increased to one hundred and fifty thous- and dollars. Philo Sanford, Robert Blake, John Tiflft, Calvin Fisher, Jr., Daniel A. Cook, Otis Carry and Samuel Warner have been its presidents. Calvin Fisher, Jr., and Francis N. Plimpton have been its only cashiers. Its capital has been twice reduced and is now $52,500. HOUSES OF WORSHIP AND OTHER BUILDINGS. The fourth meeting house erected near th'e spot occupied by its pre- decessors was dedicated in September, 1834. The old church building at West Wrentham gave way some time afterwards to a convenient house for religous purposes erected by the Baptist denomination at Sheldon- ville. A for religous services was built by the Universalist society 8o HISIOKV OK WRKN'IHAM. upon the site of the old Baptist meeting house at West Wrentham. There is a chapel for the use of the Congregational society connected with their main building. This commodious and useful building was the gift of Braman Hawes, Esq., a native of Wrentham, and is denominated *' The Hawes Chapel." The Roman Catholics have also a chapel for their religi- ous uses, and there is also a chapel at Plainville under the charge it is understood of Independents. The Kpiscopalians a few years since estab- lished a church and erected a fine church building. Some years since the town erected a large and convenient building in Wrentham village for the accommodation of the High School, a Grammar and a Primary School. It was also provided with a spacious and convient hall for the transaction of its public business ; and the town bade adieu to the vestry of the meeting house in which, and in its predecessors, it had held its town meetings for more than one hundred and fifty years. School houses have also been built at Sheldonville and Plainville and at West Wrentham within recent periods and the accommodations are ample throughout the town for children and youth who go to them for instruction. The first school house of the fathers which was to be " sixteen foot " with allowance of a " chimney " and was also to be for a " watch hous" would be regarded as a myth did not the sober record fully attest it. Twice since the incorporation of the town have the events above related been commemorated, once in 1773 by the century sermon, so-called, of the Rev. Mr. Bean, and again in 1873 by the historical address of the late Judge Wilkinson. The sermon was delivered Oct. 26, 1773, and "printed af the earnest desire of the hearers for the preservation of ancient things to future posterity." This was not on the Sabbath day, and it may be presumed was honored by a large attendance. In the second case, notwithstanding the day was very stormy, a large audience gathered in the meeting house which succeeded that in which Mr. Bean preached his commemorative discourse one hundred years before. The interesting event had induced a good number of people from other towns and places to brave the violence of the storm, one of these Professor George P. Fisher of Yale College, a native of Wrentham, participated in the exercises. The address was delivered from short notes and was not published. The fiftieth anniversary of the ordination of the Rev. Elisha Fisk was celebrated on the 12th day of June, 1849. ^" ^he sermon preached by Mr. Fisk on that occasion he reviewed the events of his ministry of fifty years, incidentally speaking of events in the history of the town. The sermon was published together with an appendix, prepared by Mr. Fisk's colleague, the Rev. Horace James, giving an account of the celebration. One pas- sage is quoted " The Day of Jubilee Arrived." The weather was delightful. The church was filled to its utmost capacity. A multitude of the sons of Wrentham and many connected with them by marriage or other agreeable associations were gathered in their childhood home to do honor to him who from their earliest recollection had ministered at the altar of God. The subjoined list contains the names of persons who were mustered jnto the Military Service of the United States in the Civil War of 1861, for HISTORY OK WREN 1 HAM. 8l Wrentham. It includes the names of both citizens and others who en- listed as a part of the town's quota. Allen, Joseph H. Alley, John Alvine, Wm. Anderson, George Andress, Charles Auty, George Babbitt* James B. Ballou, Darius A. Ballou, Wm. C. Barnes, Geo. F. Barnes, Henry W. Barnicoat, John W. Baron, Patrick Barwm, Wm. D. Barron, Albert Bathe, Anthony Bauman, Antoine Benn, Henry Bennett, Aaron A. Bennett, Alonzo F. Bennett, David S. Blackinton, Jacob A. Blackinton, James E. Blackinton, Lyman D. Blake, Adin P. Blake, Alfred Blake, Ezra N. Blake, Jeremiah D. Blake, Wm. L. Block, Abel R. Bonney, Frank K. Boutelle, James. H. Brine, John Brittan, James H. Brittan, Richard Brown, Charles Brown, Geo. L. Brown. Orlando, Burroughs, Edward Burton, Albert W. Bugbee, Sam'l H. Cain, John Caldwell, Robert Carroll, Timothy Cheever, Horace C. Cliflford, Charles Cobb, Alfred O. Cobb, Henry G. Cody, George Cole, Joseph E. Conley, Cornelius Connors, Daniel Cook, Herbert E. Crosby, Edmund B. Crossley, Benjamin Crotty, Edward Crotty, Daniel Crotty, James P. Cunningham, Arthur Cunningham, Chas.T. Daggett, Marcus L. Daly, Michael Darling, Wilson Dart, Allen E. Dart, Gustavus F. Dermount, Joseph Diamond, Richard H. Dow, Charles S. Downs, Matthew Drake, Geo. R. Draper, Ebenezer Dunbar, John A. Dupee, Geo. S. Elliott, Sumner Emerson, James Engley, George Fales, David Fales, Henry A. Fales, Silas E. Farnsworth, James P. Farnum, Albert N. Farrington, Watson H. Farry, Michael Farry, Samuel Finn, Bernard Fletcher, Nath'l F. Fletcher, Stephen R. Fisher, Daniel W. Fisher, Harrison Fisher, Lewis B. Fisher, Oliver A. Fisher, Wm. H. Frederic, D. Forrest Foster, John Foster, Peter Freeman, Dexter B. French, John Fuhrman, Michael Gage, Sam'l C. Gage, Wm. L. Galvin, Maurice J. Ganey, Robert Giles, Wm. H. Gordak, Wm. N. Gragg, Michael Green, Ebenezer Green, Nelson S. Greer, Frederic E. Grover, Jeremiah O. Harney, Michael Harris, Wm. A. Harris. Warren Hawes, Albert E. Hawes, Edward Hawes, Elijah F. Hawes, Wm. H. Hawkins, Albert Hay, Henry E. Hemmenway, Frank W. Hemmenway, Wm. W. Henry, John Henry, Thomas Herrick, Joseph F. Hogan, David Hogan, Patrick Hollis, Alonzo Hunt, Bernard Ide, Nathaniel Inman. Wm. L. Jordan, Hartley D. Jordan, Henry A. Jordan, Horatio A. Jordan, Lowell A. Keenan, James Kendall, Chas. P. Keyes, Geo. R. Kingsbury, Forrest R. Kingsley, Sam'l C. Lake, Edgar B. Lake, Peter Lewis, Robert Little, Henry Lord, Frost Maintien, Geo. H. Mann, Thomas H. Marcoe, John Mason, Edwin A. Matthews, John Maynard, Stephen Mayshaw, Henry McCarthy, Daniel McCarty, John McCausland, Wm. McCormick, McGaw, Alexander McNulty, Bernard Messinger, Chas. W. Metcalf, Edgar H. Metcalf, Silas H. Miles, Bradley S. Morrison, Chas. E. Morrison, John Munroe, Chas. D. Munroe, Chas. E. Murphy, Martin V. Murphy, Matthew Newman. John Nickerson, Albert A. HISTORY OF WRENIHAM. Nickerson, Silas E. O'Connor, Patrick Odey, Henry Odey, VVm. B. Olmore, Winslow Parnett, Pias Partridge, Edmund F. Pettee, VVm. H. Pond, Elijah Pond, Elbridge S. Pryor, Thomas Rand, Geo. S. Ray, Geo. A. Raymond, John Regan, Michael Rice, Henry J - Richardson, Alfred A. Richardson, James O. Richardson, Warren A. Roberts, James H. Rockwood, Benj'm H. Ruggles, Geo. E. Salisbury, Norton Sanborn, Geo. G. Sears, Albert A. Sears, Theophilus M. Shaw, Louis Shiney, Alexander Short, Dennis Simons, Geo. W. Skinner, Zenas Smith, Francis Smith, Marcus M. Smith, Richard Smith, VVm. L. .Smith, VVm. T. 'Stewart, David C. Stone, Geo. T. Sturdy, Albert W. Sullivan, James Sullivan, Jeremiah Swett, C. W. Susor, John Tarr, Albert Thain, Gilbert M. Thayer, Emery D. Thayer, Lyman L. Thomas, VVm. H. Thompson, Jason S. Vaughan, Daniel S. Vose, Cyrus W. Ware, Henry A. Whitcomb, Geo. W. White, Rufus Whiting, JohnH. Whiting, Lewis R. Wiggins, James F. Willard, Ashbel Willard, Daniel C. Willard, Eber Willard, Le Baron B. Williams, Rounsville Witherell, NaamanW. Wood, Josiah A. G. Wood, Wm. E. Young, Austin Young, Francis Williams, Edward B. It is hardly to be expected that the foregoing list is strictly accurate, notwithstanding much time and labor have been expended in trying to make it so. Some of our townsmen served in the Military Companies of other States and that service is not recorded in Massachusetts. I append the names of those known to me, undoubtedly there were others. John E. Austin, Norman K. Barnes, Edwin H. Barnes, Warren Batman, Frank P. Ray served in Rhode Island Regiments. Names of those who served in the Navy : John Baxter John F. Hawes Thomas E. Chapin George A. Hawes Gardner A. Churchill John A. Haselton James E. Hawes Wm. A. Messinger Representatives to General Court. Elected. 1691 Samuel Fisher " Cornelius Fisher 1697 John Ware 1707 John Guild 17 10 John Whiting 17 1 7 Ebenezer Fisher 17 19 Thomas Bacon 1 72 1 Robert Ware 1723 Edward Gay 1726 Jonathan Ware 1727 Robert Pond 1728 Robert Blake 1733 William Man • 1737 Timothy Metcalf 1740 James Blake 1746 John Goldsbury 1756 Eliphalet Whiting 1766 Jabez Fisher Elected. 1828 Geo. Hawes 1829 Allen Tillinghast 1831 Oliver Felt " Lucus Pond 1834 John Fuller " Shem Amsby 1837 Preston Pond " Silas Metcalf 1839 John A. Craig " Otis G. Cheever 1842 Samuel Warner Jr. 1843 Preston Day 1846 Reuben G. Metcalf 1847 Sam'l Warner Jr. 1849 Elisha Fisk 1854 Benj'm Hawes 1855 Chas. W. Farrington 1856 Preston Pond HISTORY OF WRENTHAM. 8^ Elected. Elected. 1775 Lemuel Kollock 1858 Edward C. Craig 1776 Joseph Hawes 1859 Chauncy G. F'uller " Ebenezer Daggett i86i Harvey B. Coleman " Benjamin Guild 1862 Caleb W. Sayles 1782 Joseph Fairbanks 1864 Handel Pond 1784 Oliver Pond 1865 Philander P. Cook 1787 John Whiting 1867 James T. Ford 1789 Nathan Comstock 1868 Chauncy G. Fuller 1804 Cornelius Kollock 1870 Lowell R. Blake 1805 Samuel Day 1871 Geo. Sheldon 1807 Benjamin Shepard 1873 Abraham W. Harris 1809 Jaims Ware 1874 Geo. M. Warren " Jacob Mann 1876 Wm. R. Tompkins 1812 James Mann 1879 Wm. R. Tompkins " Sam'l Druce 1881 Sam'l Warner 1 81 3 Wm. Blackinton 1884 Wm. H. Wade 1 82 1 Josiah J. Fiske 1888 James D. Lincoln 1824 David Shepard 1889 James D. Lincoln 1826 Ebenezer Blake Delegates to Constitutional Conventions. 1779 Thomas Man 1820 Sam'l Day " Lemuel Kollock " Allen Tillinghast 1853 Samuel Warner Jr. " Samuel Bugbee State Senators. Samuel Day Lucus Pond Josiah J. Fiske Melatiah Everett Allen Tillinghast Oliver Felt Ebenezer Blake Samuel Warner Jr. George Hawes Calvin Fisher Jr. Members of Revolutionary Conventions. 1768 Jabez Fisher Ebenezer Daggett 1774 Jabez Fisher Lemuel Kollock Samuel Lethbridge. Hon. Jabez Fisher was born in Wrentham, Nov. 19, 1717. He received only a common school education, but was distinguished for ready and strong common sense, and for intuitive perceptions of the proper adapta- tion of means to the ends proposed. He was sound and practical, at the same time able to detect sophistry, and baffle cunning. He was remark- able for an inflexible adherence to principle. He was courteous in manner and strongly desirous of being useful. He represented the town of Wrentham for a number of sessions in the Provincial Assembly. In 1774, in October, he was a member of the house of Delegates, which met at Salem and formed themselves into a provincial Congress, also of the second Congress which met at Cambridge, and also of the third of which Dr. Warren was President. This last Congress remained in session until July 19, 1775 when the representatives who had been elected under the provisions of the Province charter assembled. Mr. Fisher was also a member of this body, and was one of the renowned twenty-eight who were then elected Councillors to act as a distinct branch of the Legislature, and to exercise the executive powers of the Government. John Adams, Sam'l Adams, Thomas Gushing, Robert Treat Paine and John Hancock were 84 HISTORY' OK WRKNTHAM. among those elected. Mr. Hildreth from whose biographical sketch of Mr. Fisher the foregoing is condensed continues : No member of that honorable board was in labors " more abundant than" he. " No one's judgement was more highly estimated, no one's firmness less distrusted. He was regarded as the special watchman of the country part of Suffolk (then including Norfolk) and relied upon to bring into action all the force moral and physical of that section. He never disappointed expectation, nor failed in any purpose which he deliberately formed. No man knew better what was practicable, and no man deliberated more thoroughly. He was a delegate to the Convention of Massachusetts for the adoption of the Consritution of the United States, in 1788 for which he labored and voted. He died in 1806 aged 89 years. CONCLUSION. In concluding the "Annals of Wrentham " the writer would say he has followed the course adopted by him in the preparation of some " Histori- cal sketches published in a newspaper in 1873, namely, he has let the re- cords from which the early history is mainly derived tell their own story, with only such change of form as to make them narrative, and such com- ments as seemed needed for explanation. Judge Wilkinson in his address pursued a similar course, taking his facts chiefly from the same sources so fai as he proceeded, but covering much less ground than the present nara- tive embraces. His manuscript (which I have kindly been permitted to inspect) is unfinished, consisting of notes and memoranda, which he prob- ably intended at some time to put into form. The Rev. Dr. Blake in his " Historical address at Franklin, June 12th., 1878 also has given from the same sources so much of the ancient history of Wrentham as was needed to introduce the history of Franklin, whose centennial was celebrated on that day. Let it be hoped that this attempt" to preserve (in the language of Mr. Bean) " these ancient things," may not be altogether unsuccessful. PLAINVILLE HOUSE, ®RS. JtARY I. #Cjl/lHOM, PROPRIETRESS, This House is now open for the accommodation of Permanent and Transient Guests. Electric Cars pass the door every half hour, to and from Attleboro. Good Stable Connected. South St., - Plainville, NIass. ADVERTISEMENTS. 85 SAT. r'ISHESR, Livery, Sale and Boardins,^ Stable. New and Second-hand Carriages for Sale or Erchange, ALSO Harnesses, Robes, Blankets, Whips, &c. Off South St., Wrentham, Mass. JOSEPH LOVELL. OPRACTICATL,- Plumber and Piper, Elm Street Opposite Wamsutta Hotel, NORTH ^ AXTLEBOROUOH -^ MASS. All Jobbing entrusted to me will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to at reasonable prices. david r. hatch. Wheelwright and Carriage Maker. Repairing in all its branches done promptly and in a satisfactory manner. All Orders by Mail will receive prompt attention. SOUTH STREET, - PLAINVILLE, MASS. 86 ADVERTISEMENTS. •OO as a? -esu C0 era CO {^ !=0 •-o EAST STREET, WRENTHAM, MASS. W. A. McGAW, PURE POND ICE ICE DELIVERED IN ANY PART OF THE TOWN, Special Rates to Daily Customers. TAUNTON ST., - WRENTHAM, MASS. ADVERTISEMENTS. 8/ W. A. COVELUS ^VARIETY STORE, ^ W. L DOUGLAS' MEN'S LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionary, Periodicals, Stationary, &c. P. O. BUILDING, SOUTH ST., PLATNVILLE, MASS. PLAINVILLE STOCK CO, PINS, DROPS AND SETS A SPECILaTY. NEW YORK OFFICE, 176 BROADWAY. D. H. COREY, SUP'T. W. S. METCALF, TREAS. PLAINVILLE, MASS. T. A. GEORGE, DEALER IN and Trimmings in great Variety. LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Dress Goods, Laces, Hosiery and Novelties. . HOLIDAY GOODS & SMALL WARES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PAPER HANGINGS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. SOUTH STREET. - WRENTHAM, MASS. 88 ADVERTISEMENTS. N, B, Webber, Proprietop. OPEN FOR PERMANENl &, TRANSIENT GUESTS. BOARD BY THE DAY OR WEEK. GOOD LIVERY STABLE CONNECTED WITH THE HOUSE. First-CIass Teams to let to responsible parties. Dedham St., - Wrentham, Mass. 8ta.10 A. M. connooting with Electric Cars for North and East Attleboro. Returning leave Plainville at 6 P. M. ^\^ebber's Stage leaves Wrentham for Sheldonville on and after Sept- 1st at 7.20 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Returning leave Sheldonville for Wrentham, 8.15 A. M. and 4.50 P. M. mmi mmm m fmiii miiii goiice lie. Coach leaves Wrentham for Franklin Daily at 8.10 A. M. and 3.40 P. M. Returning, leave Franklin for Wrentham at 9.25 A. M. and 4.50 P. M. ALL LOCAL EXPRESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. OFFICE AT WEBBER'S LIVERY, SALE AND BOARDING STABLE, DEDHAM ST., - WRENTHAM, MASS. ADVERTISEMKNTS. 89 J. F. BEEE]V[, PKOPIMETOR OF PLAINVILLE MARKET. A FULL LINE OF Choice Meats, Vegetables, Fruit, Canned Goods, &c. BEST QUALITY ALWAYS. SOUTH STREET. PLAINVILLE^ MASS. TWELVE YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIRING FINE WATCHES, FRENCH CLOCKS AND MUSIC BOXES. ALL WORK WARRANTED. WALTHAM, ELGIN AND HAMPDEN WATCHES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. GENT'S GOLD FILLED WATCHES FROM Sll AND UPWARDS. LADIES' GOLD FILLED WATCH P:S, $13.00. WARRANTED FOR 20 YEARS. FINE LETTERING A SPECIALTY. Room No. 8, .A-na-w^an Block, NORTH ATTLEBORO, MASS. ROBERT THAYER WILDE, -BREEDER OF FINE! POULTRY. Ducks, Hens, &g., For Sale at Reasonable Prices. FRESH EGGS CONSTAlTTLy OIT HAND. Mt Pleasant, Wampum Street. p. 0. BOX, 14, PLRINVILLe, MASS, 90 ADVr.KTISEMKNTS. JC SbwLER,-^ .^ •^^^^ — ♦■ — City Mills, Mass. •■• — -•-■-♦- Real Estate, Business and Money BROKER. Money to Loan on Real Estate and Personal Property. I want Real Estate of all kinds to sell. Farms sold at short notice. Farms hired out, Rents Collected, Legal Papers drawn and executed. Cottages cared for, houses closed up and opened in the Spring. General attention given to all kinds of Real Estate. If you have any thing to sell or exchange please call. I have bargains on hand all tlie time and still they keep coming, and I can make for you a good sale or exchange. No charges unless a sale is made. . Cash paid for sprout land and wood lots in any locality. House lots for sale or exchange for any kind of property. J D. LINCOLN. H. G. BACON, D. O. SCOFIELD' §M(2(5£fl, E(3iQ6n I" (20., /r|a9ufa(:(:ijr<^r5 of j^ BEDDING PLANTS A SPECIALTY, ; o ^PLANTS TO RENT.; o : FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, HARDY SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ALL STOCK WAKKANTKI> KIKST-CLASS IN KVKKY RKSPECT. SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS. High School, E. J. Whitaker, Principul. Centre Gnimmar, Miss E. A. Gerould, Toucher. Centre Prinmry, Miss C. J. Randall, Teacher. Plainville High, W. A. Woodward, Principal. Plainville Grammar, Miss B. M. Fuller, Teacher. Plainville Intermediate, Miss A. H. Ware, Teacher. Plainville 1st Primary, Miss S. S. Collins, Teacher. Plainville 2nd Primary, Miss M. J. Scofield, Teacher. Sheldenville Grammar, A. L. Crosby, Teacher. Sheldenville Primary, Miss M. P. Chase, Teacher. Shepardville " Miss S. A. Pettee, Teacher. South Street " Miss M. A. Gerould, Teacher. Willard's " Miss L. P. Townsend, Teacher. Blake's Hill " Miss E. L. Reed, Teacher. W. Wrentham " Miss N. J. Sonderegger, Teacher. Mrs. J. H. Lyon, LEHDIM MILIIISE II lOETE UniEEOEO. Here you will always find a large stock, consist- ing of all the novelties of the season. Work Executed in the Best Manner. Latest Styles in Trifflinmgs Received as soon as out. MOURNING A SPECIALTY. No. 198 Washington St., - North Attleboro Mass. CHURCHES. W. Wrentham Universalist Church. SuppVied by Rev. Mr. Selleck. Services in sviminer months every Sunday at 4 v. m. Catholic Church. Taunton street. Pastor, Rev. P. H. Callanan. Sunday services, alternate Sundays. Mass 9 a. m. Trinity Church (Episcopal). East street. Organized (See liistory). Rector, ,]olin McKenney. Wardens, Wm. A. McGaw, David Thrasher. Clerk, C. J. Randall. Treasurer, David T. Stone. Sunday Service 3 p. m. Sumlay-school 2 v. m. Congregational Church. Corner South and DedliMin streets. Organized April 13, IGOti. Pastor, Rev. W. R. Tonijikins. Deacons, W. E. Pond, W. M. Proctor, E. W. George, L. F Mendell. Clerk, VV. M. Proctor. Treasurer, W. M. Proctor. Sunday Skkvices. 10:80 A. M. and 7:30 v. m. Young Peojjle's Society of Chi'istian Endeavor, 7 v. m. Sundav-school, 12 INI. Supt. S. S., W. E. I'ond. Librarian, D. S. Farrington. Union Congregational Church (Piainville). Organized, 1«84. First pastor. Rev. Franklin Keyes. Pastor Deacon, T. Shepardson. Clerk and Treasurer, A. E. Burton. Preaching service alternate Sundays. WRENTHAM DIRECTORY. 97 Baptist. West street (Sheldenville). Organized (See history). Pastor, Rev. J. L. Crane. Deacons, D. M. Hancock, A. F. Hawkins. Clerk and Treasurer, J. L. Grant. Sunday Services. Sunday-school, 11 : 30 a. m. Preaching, 1 p. m. Public, 7 p. M. Prayer-meeting, Wednesday evening. Ladies' Foreign Mission Circle meets once a month. Ladies' Benevolent Society meets once a month. W. J. McGAW, DEALER IN 8T0VEUINJ000EN ANOGLASS^VARE, CROCKERy, SIALL WARES, EIC. CASH PAID FOR COTTON /^Nl) woolen rags, Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Zinc, RublDers, Paper Stock, Etc. ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. TAUNTON STREET. - WRENTHAM, MASS. M. F. EDWARDS, iARRIAGE, lOUSG, IlGN AND ®RNA(DENTAL ifllNTER. All Orders Promptly Attended to. SOUTH Street. - - - P. 0. Box. 132. SOCIETIES. G. A.R. Geo. H. Maintion Post, No. 133. Organi/.eil May 22, 1882. Meets every Monday evening in G. A. R. Hall, Plainville. Commander, H. Eugene Coombs, S. V. C, Chas. N. Moore, J. V. C, Granville Morse, Adjutant, H. C. Cheever, Q. M., Albert W. Burton, Surgeon, .loel Barden, Chajtlain, C. A. Coombs, O. D., J. B. Johnson, O. G., Daniel Crotty, S. M., C. O. Jackson, Q. M. S., Francis Young. ORDER OF ROYAL ARK. Plainville. Organized May 20, 1890. Meets 1st and 3d Friday evening of each month in G. A. R. Hall. P. P., II. F, Keeney, President, John T. Goff, V. P., E. W. Parker, Secretary, H. M. Wilson, Treasurer, \V. F. Barden, Marshal, II. E. Coombs, Chai.lain, W. M. Fuller, Warden, Geo. D. Graham, Sentinel, Geo. W. Wood, Trustees, L. B. Warren, W. A. Covell, E. P. Bennett. THE PLAINVILLE SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Offi(?er8 of the association : President, James D. Lincoln, Vice-President, W. E. iiarden, Secretary and Treasurer, Arthur T. Parker, Treasurer's Oftice at Bank Building, North Attleborough, Mass. VVRENTHAM DIRECTORY. 99 I. 0. 0. F. Wiimpuni Lodge, No. 195. Instituted Nov. 14, 1887. Meet every Tuesday evening at lodge rooms in Bank Building. N. G., T. S. Brigliam, V. G., J. F. Jenckes, R. S., E. J. Whitaker, P. S., H. V. Hall, Treasurer, H. A. Cowell, W., F. P. Smith, C, D. K. Daniels, R. S. N. G., A. Willard, L. S. N. G., G. AForse, R. S. V. G., F. Brown, R. S. S., C. M. Wheeler, L. S. S., W. A. McGaw, I. G., L. W. Fisher, O. G., F. P. Redding, Chap. A. M. Rogers, P. G., J. E. Carpenter, Organist, B. C. Hardman. A.O. U. W. Bennett Lodge, No. 57, Plainville. Organized Jan. 30, 1886. Meets 1st and 3d Wednesday evening of each month in G. A. R. Hall. P. M. W., J. T. Goff, M. W., H. F. Keeney, Overseer, Geo. H. Maintien, Foreman, Geo. H. Adams, Guide, M. F. Edwards, Financier, W. W. Fuller, Recorder, C. H. AVood, Receiver, L. H. Pherson, I. W., Chas. Kiehn, Jr., O. W., W. H. Nash, Trustees, H. G. Bacon, Geo. B. Caldwell, W. H. Wade. ORDER OF AEGIS. Alpha Lodge, No. 20, Plainville. Organized Oct. 4, 1889. Meets 2d and -Ith Wednesday evening in G. A. R. Hall. Past-President, H. A. Hall, President, J. H. Swift, Vice-President, J. F. Leary, Secretary, W. F. Maintien, Treasurer, H. M. Wilson, Chaplain, H. R. Wheeler, Marshall. Chauncey Lewis, - Guard. Geo. R. Donnell, Sentinel, H. A. Holt, Trustees, H. G. Bacon, J. R. Mathewson, J. B. Maintien. lOO WRENTHAM DIKECTOKY. W. R. C. Geo. H. Miiintieii Corps, No. 74, I'lainville. Organ ized Oct. 1886. Meets every Tuesday evening, in G. A. R. Hall. President, Mrs. Carrie Coombs, S. V. P., Mrs. Julia Thom))Son, J. V. P., Mrs. Katie Cheever, Secretary, Annie Morlock, Treasurer, Mrs. Annie Mathewson, Chaplain, Mrs. Sallie Johnson, Conductor, Mrs. Sadie Keany, Assist. Conduct, Mrs. Annie Moore, Guard, Mrs. Etta Parker, Assist. Guard, Teresa Rogers, CRESCENT FIFE AND DRUM CORPS. Manager, H. F. Keeney, Leader, Wni. F. Bates, Secretray, John Hempel, Treasurer, L. B Hancock. w. K M/iiN'i^iKR -DEALEK IX- TOBACCO, &c. [S. All the Leading Odors in Lundberg's, Eastman's and Lazaell's Perfumes. SOUTH ST., - - PLAINVILLE, MASS. A D V !•: R T I S K M K NTS. lOI C. E. WEATHERHEAD, -DEALKR IN Sheet lusic IVIuSical Goods, Stationery 8BAGC0. NORTH ATTLEBORO, MASS. HUGH McMAHON, HOUSE PAINTER AND GRAINER PLAINVIIvLE, NlASS. Particular Attention Paid to Inside and Outside Painting. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED AND PRICES REASONABLE. Can Refer to any of Tr\y Ctastonnera. ELKANAH RICE, Boot and Shoe Maker, Repairing done Promptly and in A Satisfactory Manner. SOUTH STREET, PLAINVILLE, MASS. 102 ADVERTISEMENTS. W, K, GILMORE, -DEALEK IX Flour, Grain, Hay, Feed & Coal FERTILIZERS. GRASS SEEDS, &c. Poultry Supplies, Including Bone Meal, Oyster Shells, Imperial Egg Food, Buckwheat, Barley, Wheat, Beef and Fish Scraps, Etc. All Orders Promptly Attended to. Mill and Elevator at Norfolk. Stores at Walpole and Wrentham, Mass. ID- :e3:. :B-^zeTiL,^:Ta:, DEALER IN CHOICE GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, DRUGS, &MEDI- CINES, YANKEE NOTIONS, STATIONARY &c. FRANKLIN STREET, WRENTHAM WRENTHAM RESIDENT DIRECTORY. Abbreaviations Used : Ag.. ii<;ricultur;il; ngt., agent; asst.. assistant; av. or ave., avenue; b., boards; bldg., building; blk., block; com., connnission ; c. or cor., corner; elk., clerk; com. trav.. commercial traveller; enip., emploj^ee; li., house; ins., insurance; J. P.. Justice of the Peace ; lab., laborer; p., place; P. O., Post OtHce; prof., professor ; prop., proprietor; rd.,road; After the name of a street the word •• street '' is ommited; W. F., West Foxboro; S. 8heldeuville; N. F., North Foxboro; F. Foxboro ; P. Plaiiiville; W. VV., West Wreutham ; N; A., North Attleboro. Adams Geoige H, jeweler, h Cottage (P) Ains worth Arthur, farmer, h Hancock (S) Aldrich Artemas, h South ALDRICH CHAS M, harness maker, h South Allen Joseph, h Spring (W W) Silas S, wheelwright, h South Arnold James, carpenter, h Arnold (S) Atkinson Mrs Geo, h Messinger (N A) Austin Geo, jeweler, h West (S) Aver ill Geo F, expressman Boston, h West (S) William C, farmer, h West (S) [h South (P) BACON HOW LAND G, jewelry mfr, Lincoln, Bacon & Co, Ball James Arnold, farmer, h High (P) Bamberry Robert, blacksmith, h Dedham [South (N A) Barden Walter E, clothier North Attleboro, Barden Bros, h Barnard Chas A, emp straw shop, h Taunton Mrs Sarah, h Dedham Barnes Amory, tool maker, h South George F, jeweler, h Franklin Barney Mrs Cyril, h South (P) Phenuel J, jeweler, h South (P) Wm E, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Barrington Mrs Wm AV, h Mirimichi Barrows Harry H, jeweler, h South (P) I04 WRENTHAM g DIRICTORY BARTLETT DAVID H, groceries, clothing &c, h Franklin James A, jeweler, h School (P) Bassett Edwaid, jeweler, h Levi King's (P) Bate William, jeweler, h Warren (P) Battershy James, jeweler, h Madison elosepli D, farmer, h Madison Baxter Frank, h Fletcher (P) Bearse Owen, lumber Boston, h West (S) Bennett Alonzo A, jeweler, h South Bradford A, tool maker, h South Chester, jeweler, b Mrs Wm H Giles' David S, cabinet maker Boston, h South Edward P, jeweler, h South Edward K, farmer, h South P^ugene F, provisions, h South (P) Herbert F, wood and coal, h South (F) Isaac F, farmer, h South Mrs Wm S, h South Bertin Paul, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Bilson Charles, emp woolen mill, h Shejjard (N A) Bisbee Albert, jewelry mfr, Bisbee, Swift & Co, h South (P) Bishop Chas, emp straw shop, h Dcdham Blackington Warren, h East [South (P) Blackwell John W, jewelry mfr, BlackwcU & Biown, h off Blake Chas, jeweler, h Taunton (P) Chas W, teamster, h Franklin (F) Edstir I, blacksmith, h Williams (W W) BLAKE EDMUND M, jewelry mfr, Barden, Blake & Co, h Frank W, blacksmith, h East [Hancock (P) Geo E, emp straw shop, h East Geo E Jr, farmer, h East Horace J, farmer, h West Jerry, farmer, h Emerald (F) Lowell E, lali, h Madison Lowell K, farmer, h Madison Roxie A, h Winter (W) ^Villiam, jeweler, h South (P) Blanchard Geo G, farmer, h Rhodes (P) John A, mason, h Walnut (P) John E, jeweler, h South (P) Blatchford Geo W, farmer, h South Bliss Albert, jeweler, b ]\Irs Wm H Giles' Boerger Henry H, jeweler, h Spring (P) I WRENTHAM Q DIRECTORY. 105 Bolton Joshua E, jeweler, h Mailisoii Sidney V, retinei-, h Madison Bonstdl Henry A, teamster, h Franklin Booth Henry E, tool maker, h VVashinofton Borden Nelson C, farmer, h Hancock (S) Boyles Mrs Augustus li, h West (S) Bragg Chas VV, jeweler, h Grove (P) Walter D, jeweler, h South (P) Brastow Frank, farmer, h East Martin, vet surgeon, h East BKEEN JOSEPH F, provisions, h Spring (P) Thomas, lab, h Bacon Square (P) Briggs Alden C, jeweler, h Dedhani Britton Richard, farmer, h Dedham Brown Mrs Alexander, h West Daniel, straw gocxls mfr, h Connnon Everett, jewelry mfr, Blackwell & Brown, I) J W Franklin, farmer, h West (S)' [Bhickwell's (P) Geo W, farmer, h Taunton (N A) Mrs John, h West (S) Miss Margaret, boarding house, h cor Clay and Mill, Rev Wm L, clergyman, h Beach (City Mills) Brunner Adam, h off South (P) Chas A, engraver, h off South (P) Peter, jeweler, h off" South (P) Burbank James, carpenter, b Mrs Wm H Giles' Burton Albert E, jeweler, h School (P) Albert W, jeweler, h School (P) Butman Chas W, farmer, h Williams ( W W) Ellis, stone cutter, h West (W W) Frank E, h Spring (W W) Geo, farmer, h West (W W) John, h West (WW) Louis, stone cutter, h West (WW) Walter J, farmer, h Williams (W W) Warren, farmer, h Williams (W W) Cain James, h West Caldwell Geo B, traveling salesman for Plainville Stock Co, Cargill Willard, farmer, h High (P) [h South (P) Carpenter James E, book-keeper, h South William, farmer, h High (P) Carr Chas, jeweler, h Washington (N A) Ceilzh John P, jeweler, h Washington (N A) If you want honest goods at honest prices go to BUTTERWORTH'S, Forbopo. I06 WRENTHAM Q DIRECTORY. P ROVIDENCE WASHINGTON FIRE INS. CO OiganJzedl799. Oil! Reliable. LiNis E. (AUrKNTEU, Foxboro, Agent. Orders by mail \vill he promptly attended to. Chapman Duvid, station agent NY&NERR, h West (S) Chase Chas R, jeweler, h Bnghee (P) Chas W, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Cheever Albert L, jeweler, h Warren (P) Mrs Benj, h South Fred L, farmer, h South (P) Geo A, jeweler, h South (P) Geo F, jeweler, h South (P) Geo W, farmer, h Bacon (P) Horace C, farmer, h South (P) Clark Mrs Joshua S, h West (S) Coan Abraham, basket maker, h Shepard (P) Cobb Mrs Elijah, h Franklin James M, farmer, h Madison Jeremiah M, farmer, h Madison Lewis 1), farmer, h Frankin Lyman A, jeweler, h Bugbee (P) Martin D, farmer, h Washington (P) Samuel A, farmer, h Madison Walter W, jeweler,. h Spring (P) Coffey Warren, lab, h West Coggshall Arthur, jeweler, h Allen (N A) John, jeweler, h Bacon Square (P) Josej)h, farmer, h Allen (N A) Collicott John A, electrician Boston, h Spring (W W) Collier August, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Coleman Albert W^, assessor, h East Harvey B, blacksmith, h East Mrs John F, h East Comey Willard, b J K Grant's Conant Hiram U, farmer Iliirhlaud Farm, h High (N A) Robert H, farmer, h High (N A) Congdon Mrs Francis C, h South Cook Alonzo, carpenter, h East Everett R, farmer, h West (W W) Frank O, farmer, h West (Woonsocket) George, farmer, h West (W W) Geo M, boat builder, h West (W W) Horace L, farmer, h West (W W) Mrs Oliver B, h South Bu-tter worth. 's is tine place to buy Hats and Caps. WRENTHAM J) DIRECTORY. " 107 In the HOLYOKE MUTUAL the Safest and Best Iiisur- aiK-e Co. I.iNUS K. Caupentkr, Foxboio, Agent. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. Cook Mrs Peter, h Taunton Coombs Chas A, jeweler, h South (P) Cooney Henry, jeweler, h Mrs M E McMulvou's Jjimes R, h Fletcher (F) Cooper Isaae C, mason contractor Boston, h Taunton Corbin Wm H, jeweler, h South (P) COREY DANIEL H, jewelry mfr, Plainville Stock Co, h Cottle Samuel, lab, h Williams (VV W) [South (P) COVELL WM A, variety store, h Bacon (P) Cowell Geo, b Margaret Brown's (City Mills) Geo O, jeweh-y mfr, Cowell & Hall Mfr Co, h George Henry C, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Hiram A, selectman, h East Joseph, h East Leonidas, farmer, h South Samuel, clergyman, h South [West (S) Crane Rev. John L, pastor Baptist Church, Sheklenville, h Crook Alburn W, mfr woolen yarns Crook Bros, h Taunton (NA) Severns W, mfr woolen yarns Crook Bros, h Taunton Crossman Sanger, h Spring (W W) (N A) Crowley Chas, farmer, h Washington (N A) Daniel, jewelry mfr, h Washington (N A) John H, jeweler, h W^ashington (N A) Cud worth Gardner B, jeweler, h Rhodes (P) Geo W, jeweler, h Warren (P) Cummings Moses, farmer, h Warren (N A) Doggett Mrs Levi, h South (P) Daly Edward, lab, h Washington (N A) Michael, h Washington (N A) Mrs Patrick, h Washington (N A) Daniels David I, blacksmith, h Thurston Darling MrWilson, h West (S) Dart Allen E, emp straw shop, h Franklin Edgar A, emp straw shop, h Franklin DART GUSTAVUS F, harness maker, h East Herbert W, emp straw shop, h Taunton DAVIS EDWARD P, jewelry mfr. Wade, Davis & Co, h Irvin A, designer, h Pleasant (P) [Bacon (P) Sylvester, h Bacon Square (P) TRY THOSE $1.25 Boy's School Sloes " Txizr^- I08 WRENTHAM E"F DIRECTORY. c ONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York, is oue of the promptest. LIXUS E. I AKFEN'JER, Foxboro. Agent. Oid.©rs "bjr ^^a,ll -^T^ill 'b© P'rora.ptljr«ia.cL©d. to. Day Mrs Waireii, h Fniiiklin Dean Mis Louisa C, h Eiist Defly Bridget, h Dedhani Demaiest Geo, jeweler, h Bacon (N A) Geo M, jeweler, h Bacon (N A) Dennis Adolphus, hostler, h South (P) Anson M, mason, h Cross (P) Diniond Richard H, emp straw shop, h South Draper Geo A, florist, h East Duffy John, stoue cutter, h Washington Dunbar Augustas A, jeweler, h South (P) Mrs John A, h South (P) Dunn Dennis, farmer, h Hawkins (Arnold Mills) Dunnell Frank A, jeweler, ii Washington (N A) Eccles Thomas, emp woolen mill, h Shepard (N A ) EDWARDS MICHAEL F, painter, h Walnut (P) Egleston James V, painter, b Mrs W H Giles' Eiden John J, jeweler, h High (P) Eldridge Chas L, emp box factory, h Taunton Ellis Joseph, farmer, h Hancock (S) Ely Mrs Nathan, ii South Emerson Alexander, provisions, ii Bacon E.NEGREN WM L, Jr, prop Lake Pearl, baker, h Creek Entwistle Edward, jeweler, h Taunton (N A) Evans Joseph, farmer, h Hawkins (N A) Everett iSIrs John M, h Easi Oliver, farmer, h South William F, jeweler, h Grove (P) Faas Chas A, jewelry mfr, h South (P) Edwin C, jeweler, h South (P) Geo N, jeweler, h South (P) Fairbanks James, carpenter, h Mrs M E McMahon's (P) Geo R, provisions, h South Fales Fred N, box mfr, F N Fales & Co, h Taunton Walter R, box mfr, F N Fales & Co, h Taunton Farnham All)ert N, farmer, h Arnold (S) Farnswortli Kphriam, farmer, ii West (S) Farrar Sarah D, ii Pond cor Dedham and Winter Farrell Alfred J, jeweler, h Spring (P) Chas F, jeweler, h Broad (P) lmM\ \im onlf 20 Cents it Iiittsrwsrtli's, Mm WRENTHAM p DIRECTORY. IO9 Painter's and Mason's warranted Over- alls 50 cts. at Butterworth's, Foxboro. Farrington Almira, li South Anna N, h South Chas, h South Chas W, livery stable, h South Daniel, h South Euima F, asst Post Mistress, h South Lewis M, farmer, h East Nelson A, h South Feid Jacob, farmer, h Hancock (S) John N, jeweler, h High (P) Martin, jeweler, h Hancock (P) Felt Edmund J, h Creek (W) Oliver, carpenter, h Creek Ferguson Joseph, merchant, h East Patrick, farmer, h East Finn Bernard, h Dedham Fisher Edwin G, jeweler, h South (P) Miss Elizabeth C, h Dedham Fred P, book keeper, h South Geo E, jeweler, h cor Pleasant and Bacon (P) Geo H, farmer, h Taunton Henry R„ mining, h South Louis, h450uth (P) FISHER LOUIS W, livery & boarding stable, h South Nelson M, farmer, h Chestnut (F) R Albert, jeweler, h Chestnut (F) Fisler Henry, jeweler, h South (P) Follett Albert, farmer, h Ray (W W) Alonzo, h West (S) Mrs Benjamin, h Cumberland (W W) ■ Benjamin M, jeweler, h AA'est (S) Mrs Chas, h West (S) Chas J, farmer, h West (S) Chas W, carpenter, h South Elman G, carpenter, h South Henry H, farmer, h West (S) Mrs James M, h North (W) Levi A, soap peddler, h Swamp (S) Luman, h Swamp (S) Luther, farmer, h Cumberland (W W) m BEST HDD iMLA ^^" '' ^"""^ ^* Butterworth's, Foxboro. no WRENTHAM Q DIRECTORY. [[ are the BEST try them. Butter- wortli the Reliable Clothier of Forb'oro. lollett Nelson, h Warren (P) Folsom Ward W, h West (W W) [Darling's Forbes Gustaviis Jr, croceries, dry goods &c, b Mrs Wilson Foy Thomas, mason, h cor Thurston and Washington Franklin Walter, lab, h Walnut (P) Frazier Ernest, engraver, h South (P) Frey Frank, jeweler, h Bacon (P) John, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Fuller Arthur E, jeweler, h South (P) Arthur M, h Taunton (N A) Chauucy, farmer, h South (P) Mrs George, h South James A, jeweler, h cor Bacon and Warren (P) John M, farmer, h South (P) William H, lab, h Laundry off Dcdhara Willis M, jeweler, h Cottage (P) Gage Nelson, fnrmer, h Madison Gallagher Frank, stone mason, h off West (S) Gardner Albert H, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Frank W, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Fred W, jeweler, h Broad (P) George A, jeweler, h Grove (P) Garrity Frank, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Patrick, farmer, h Bacon (P) Gay Frank B, farmer, h Chestnut (F) James, stone mason, h Wampum Gennon Thomas, lab, h off Bacon (P) George Edson W, blacksmith, h South Frank, emp W K Gilmore's grain store Walpole, h Henry A, jeweler, h High (P) [Franklin Hiram, carriage maker, h South GEORGE THOxMAS A, dry and fancy goods, h South Gerould Susan M, h South Gettro Joseph, farmer, h Franklin Giff'ord Stephen T, farmer, h West (S) Gile Mrs Chas L, h Bacon (P) Maria, h Pleasant (P) Giles James H, lab, h Laundry off Dedham William, lab, h Laundry off Dedham Mrs William H, boarding house, h Franklin PEOPLE'S FIRE INS. CO., Linus E. Carpenter, Fozboro, Agent, Orders by Mail will be Promptly Attended to. WRENTIIAM H DIRECTORY. Ill fl IT ]\T FIRE INS. CO., of London, the oldest in tlie World. LiNDS Nil ^^" <'A.RPENTKR, Foxboro, Aj^cnt. Orders by Mail will be promptly attended to. Gilmoie Fnmk, emp W K Gilmore's grnin store Walpole, h Fninklin Frank A, farmer, h Cherry (S) George II, lab, h West (S i George W, emp W K Gilmore's grain store h Franklin Joseph, farmer, h Spear (W) GIL.MORE WARREN K, flour &grain, h Franklin Goff John T, jeweler, h School (P) Goodwin Mrs Alexander, h Haneock (S) Ella F, emp straw sliop, hDedham Gormly Mrs John, h Mirimichi Gove George AV, farmer, h West (W W) Graham George D, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Grant Calvin, h East Chas A, farmer, h off West ( Woonsocket) Fred W, farmer, h cor E;ist and Vine (N) Jacie K, cabinet makei-, h South ( W) John E, farmer, h West (S) Joshua L, farmer, h West (S) Robert M, car inspector N Y & N E R R, h cor East and Vine Mrs Samuel, h off Cumberland (W W) Stilman W, farmer, h cor East and Vine (N) Walter L, farmer, h Spring (W W) Graven Henry, jeweler, h Bugbee (P) John H, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Green Ebonezer, farmer, h West Ebenezer P, farmer, h West Grennell George, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Greve August, silver-smith, h South (P) Guild Benj H, farmer, h West (S) Daniel B, farn)er, h Bennett Frank H, provisions, h West (S) Henry F, carpenter, h South (P) Sherman T, h Berry (P) Thomas N, f.irmer, h Berry (P) Willis P, jeweler, h South (P) Wilson A, carpenter & builder, h South (P) Hall David C, h Thurston Edric A, jewelry mfr Cowell & Hall mfr Co, h South Don't buy Shoddy Clothing when you can buy Reliable Goods at Butterworth's for less money. 112 WRENTHAM H DIRECTORY Hull Harrison V, jeweler, h Franklin Milton L P, stationary engineer, h Franklin Walter, carpenter, ii Sonth Hamilton Mrs Chas, li Detlhani Hancock Charlotte, h Hancock (S) Daniel W, night Watchman, h Pleasant (P) George L, farmer, h Geoige (N A) George S, farmer, h Hancock (S) Lyman, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Hanson John B, stone contractor, b N B Webber's Hardman Bertram, emp straw shop, h Dedham Charles, farmer, h Dedham Harris Mrs Alexander, h Rhodes (P) Frank D, farmer, h Rhodes (P) George D, farmer, h oft' West (S) Hartley Chas, farmer, h Taunton (N A) Hartman Casper, jeweler, h off High (P) Christian, jeweler, h off High (P) Hartshorn Geoige, mason, h Dedham Henry A, provisions, h South Jerry H, h Berry (P) HATCH DAVID R, wheelwright, h South ( P) Hawes El)enezer, farmer, h Hawes Geo (), farmer, h Hawes »Iemima, h South Joseph W, farmer, h Hawes Marcellus D, h Spring (W W) Maria, h South (P) Nathaniel W, D M D, h East Nelson, farmer, h West (W W) Hawkins Amos F, jeweler, h South ( P) Chas O, jeweler, h George (P) Eugene A, jeweler, h South (P) Fred W, jeweler, h George (P) John O, farnusr, h George (P) Lewis, farmer, h West (W W) Heaton Halcey W, poultry breeder, h Chestnut (F) lleckmann Chas F, die sinker, h Bacon (P) Heili)()rn C, jeweler, h South (P) Francis, designer, h South Hcmenway Ezra D, farmer, h South Hempel Charles, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Ernest, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) 4 ply Linen Collars only lo cts. at But- terworth's, Foxboro. Others ask 15 cts. WRENTIIAM I-J DIRKCTOkY. I I Hempel John F, jeweler, li M:i[)le Ave (P) Heniich Fritz, jeweler, h Bacon Square (P) Herring Frank E. farmer, li Warren (P) James F, jeweler, h Warren (P) John, provisions, h \\'arren (P) Oscar, jeweler, h Walnut (P) William, jeweler, h Warren (P) Hewing Henry, jeweler, h Washington (N A) Hill Frank E, fruit store Mansfield, h Washington Seth R, farmer, h Washington Hittinge Geo J, farmer, h Arnold (S) Hochherg William, painter, h Walnut (P) Hodge William h Havves Hodges Harrison G, farmer, h Thurston Hoffman Casper, jeweler, h Maple Ave (P) Holden Albert, jeweler, h South Edwin, jeweler, h South James, jeweler, h South Holm Henrietta V, dressmaker, h East Holman Melvin T, h Arnold (S) Holmes Mrs Robert P, h South Robert W-, farmer, h Spring (W W) Rufns, sexton cemetery, h Taunton Holt Mrs Alonzo. h South Harry A, jeweler, b George A Cheever's (P) Hoomann Casper E, emp John Leifler's h South (P) Hopkins Th9mas, lab, h Dedham Hopkinson John H, jeweler, h Dedham Humes Ezra, farmer, h Spring (W W) Hunt Edmond, stone business, h Laundry off Dedham Hunting George C, boat builder, h West (S) Hutchinson Horace H, fruit and confectionery b N T Shepards (P) Ide Wm H, farmer, h South (P) Wm S, farmer, h South (P; Jackson Chas O, jeweler, h Bacon (P) George W, h South Jencks James A, section foreman N Y & N E R R, h Spring Dr Joseph F, M D, h South [W VV Jenness Edward F, h South Edwia C, carpenter, h Winter (W) Johnson James B, jf)bber, h South (P) Jolly Ralph, farmer. Wampum (P) RFITTPRWHRTH '" ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^' ^" Children-s DL I irJllllUllin Suits the largest stock & lowest prices 114 WRKNTIIAM K-LM DIRECTORY. Jones Jolin, e.irpenter, h Emerald Jordan Arthur, jeweler, b Mrs M E McMahon's (P) Josselyn John, hostler, I) N B Webber's Jiirrojaa.ptl3r .A.tteis.oL«d. to. Il6 WRENTHAM N'O-P DIRECTORY. If you want to save money visit Butterworth's before you buy Men's or Boy's Suits. Morrison John, f;irmor, h Mcssinirtn- (N A) Nicholas, fjinner, h Hancock (S) Morse Elmer L, stajre line, hSouth MORSE ERNEST C, variety store, h South Granville, stage line h South Mullin Thomas F, jeweler, h Dedham Munroe ]\Irs Emily, h East Afurphy John, I) Chas L Eld ridge Nash All)ert E, farmer, h Park Alfred, boat builder, h AVest (S) Alfred, farmer, h Park Frederick, boat builder, h West (S; Harry, enip shoddy mill, h Park Wm H, jeweler, h Spring (P) Newell Mrs Allen H, h West (S) Chas E, farmer, h West (S) Emor A, farmer, h West (S) William, lab, h Dedham Wilber O, U S Mail carrier, h West (S) Nickerson Isaac S, boat builder, h Hancock (S) Norteman Ernest F, jeweler, h Taunton Northup Fred VV, jeweler, h South (P) Samuel 0, jeweler, h South (P) O'Brien Patrick, engineer, straw shop, h Dedham Odey Thomas, farmer, h Creek (W) Oliver D Benj, emp W L Enegren's, h West (P) Mrs Josie H, h West (S) Olney Stephen W, mfr gold, silver & coi)per plate, h Bacon Oney Chas, jeweler, h Grove (P) (P) Outhouse Edmund, farmer, h Arnold (S) Frank B, farmer, h Otis (S) Page Osgood A, emp stiaw shop, h East Palmer Reginald H, farmer, h William (W W) Parker Chas H, jeweler, h South Mrs Ebenezer B, h South Edward W, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Parmenter Mrs Lyman, h West (S) Patt All)ert, lal), h Bacon Square (P) Patten Joseph, boat builder, h West (S) Peck Ellis J, jeweler, h Bacon (P) l\m M lose 20 h at Suttsrwortii's, Mm. WRENTHAM Q-R DIRECTORY. 1 1 7 n |T mj FIRE INS. CO.. of Louduii, the oldest in the World. Linus Nil ^' Cakpknter, Foxbovo, Agent. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. Perry Lewis F, lab, h East Pettee Win C, blacksmith, b Taunton Pfroninier Fritz, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Pherson Louis 11, tool maker, h Bacon Square (P) Phillips Mrs A J, h East Harry M, student, h East Pierce D J, jeweler, b Mrs Wm H Gile's Eugene VV, jeweler, h Bugbee Wm H, emp Wheeler's market, h Franklin Plimpton Francis N, cashier National Bank Wrentham, h South Pond Chas H, carpenter, h cor East and Thurston Chas W, emp sti-aw shop, h Franklin Mrs Horace A, h West (S) Prentice H, farmer, h South Walter C, milkman, h George (P) William, farmer, h George (P) Wm E, farmer & Auctioneer, h Taunton William G, h George Pool Maria L, h West (S) Porter Geo W, farmer, h Chestnut Ave Powers Mrs James H, h Bacon (P) Mrs James R, h High (P) John, shoemaker, h Dedham John Jr, jeweler, h Dedham Pray Chas L, Book-keeper, h Franklin Proctor Daniel W, emp saw-mill, h Chestnut Ave William, M, farmer, h South Quirk Joseph P, painter, h Myrtle Racliffe John, jeweler, h George (N A) Rand Samuel G, carpenter, h Bacon (P) Randall Chas J, lawyer, h South Frederick D, jeweler, h South Rathburn Henry A, mason, h South Ray Allen R, boat builder, h Hancock (S) John H, peddler, h Hancock (S) Mrs John, h West REDDING FRANK P, general store, h South Reed Davis D, jeweler, h South (P) 75 Cent Unlaundered Shirts for 60 Cents at Butter worth's, Foxboro. Il8 WRENTHAM g DIRECTORY. If you want Rubber Boots or Shoes go to Butterworth's, Foxboro. Reynolds Jason B, farmer, h Franklin (F) Rhodes A D, jeweler, h Bow (N A) Edwin T, farmer, h Bow (N A) George H, farmer, h Hancock (S) William E, jeweler, h Bow (N A) Riplev Mrs Benjamin W, ii West (WW) Roach William, I) Mrs Chas L Eldridge's Rogers Alfred M, emp Brown's straw shop, h Common Mrs Alfred M, boarding honse, h Common Mrs Alonzo, h South Nathaniel W, farmer, h Bennett (S) Rose Daniel R, farmer, h Rhodes (P) Moses M, jeweler, h Washington (N A) Richard, jeweler, h Washington (N A) Sylvester S, jeweler, h Rhodes (P) Thomas, jeweler, h AVashington (N A) Rnggles Calvin D, emp straw shop, h Franklin Chas H, jeweler, h Franklin Chas S, jeweler, h Franklin Mrs Oliver, h South Rulcrans Carl, lab, h Vine near Everett (W F) Sanders Miss E C, h East Sargent Hulley, horse trainer, h South (P) Wright, horse trainer, h South (P) Schilling August, jeweler, h Grove (P) Schofield Mrs Alfred, h Bacon Square (P) Mrs Sherman P, h Messinger (N A) Silas, jeweler, h Cottage (P) Scholz Robert, jeweler, h South (P) Schrcjeder John, jeweler, h South (P) Schubert August, jeweler, h South (P) William, jeweler, h South (P) Scott Edwin J, emp Scott's brush factory, h West (S) Thomas E, brush mfr, h West (S) Shannessey Mrs James, h Dedham Shannon James, surveyor, h South (P) Sheldon Burton E, emp F N Sheldon, h W^est (S) Francis N, provisions, h West (S) George, h West (S) Geo S, h West (S) is always the Cheapest at Butter- worth's, Foxboro, WRENTHAM g DIRECTORY. II9 PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON FIRE INS. CO. Oigaiiized 1799. Old Reliable. Linus E. Caui'knteu, Foxboro, Agent. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. Sheldon Oriii, boat builder, h West (S) Shepard Benjamin N, farmer, h Taunton (N A) Frank N, farmer, h Allen (Abbotts Run) Nelson T, farmer, h High (P) Shepardson Thaddeus H, carpenter, h South (P) Sherman Elijah, farmer, h Franklin Simpson Chas E, jeweler, h ofi' Bacon (P) Mrs William, h Grove (P) Smith Benj H, farmer, h Hancock (P) Edward H, shoddy & wool scouring, b Margaret Brown's (City Mills) SMITH FOSTER P, painter, h East Mrs William, h High (P) William D, farmer, h Shears William L, emp straw shop Foxboro, h Dedham William T, jeweler, h Washington (N A) Snell Chas W, h off South (P) Henry F, farmer, h Walnut (P) Snow Frank E, farmer, h North (W) Soderberg Ereck M, farmer, h Vine near Everett (W F) Sonderegger Henry, jeweler, h South (P) Henry F, jeweler, h South (P) Spooner Mrs Thomas C, h South Stalker Duncan, farmer, h Taunton Sanford D, jeweler, h Taunton Staples Chas, h George (N A) Mrs William, h Grove (P) Stark August P, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Starkey Mrs Gardner H, h South Orville B, h East [Taunton STONE CURTIS, grocer, Curtis Stone & Sou, h East and STONE DAVID T, general store, Curtis Stone & Son, h East Mrs Thomas, h East Sturtervaut Augustus, farmer, h East Sumner Joseph, peddler, h East (W F) Sweet Lyman H. foreman straw shop, h East Washington, farmer, h East Swift Joseph, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Nathan, jewelry mfr Bisbee, Swift & Co, h Bacon (P) VOTT ^^^ S^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Overalls and Jumpers at 1 vy U Butterworth's, Foxboro. I20 WRENTHAM T'TJ-V-W DIRECTORY. inUEE ill the HOLYOKE MUTl'AL, the Safest jind Best Iiisiu- auceCo. LiNis E. ("akpentkk. Foxboro, Agent. Orders by mail will be promptly attended tu. Talbot Rev Chus R, clergyman, h East Tate John, farmer, h West Robert R, emp straw shop, h West , Taylor Benjamin, farmer, h Vine near Everett (N F) B^'ron eT, mill hand, h Vine near Everett (N F) Manning B, farmer, h South Thomas Simeon, ship calker Boston, h West (S) Thomasen Neals, farmer, h Messingcr (N A) Thompson Eliah, h South Frederick, clerk, h South (P) THOMPSON HERBERT E, general merchandise, h South John, jeweler, h Bacon Square- (P) (P) Tierney Thomas, h Bacon (P) Tiffany William J, expressman, h South Tills John T, moulder h Washington (N A) Tillson Al)I)ie M, h Dedham Benjamin F, farmer, h Dedham Tingley Mrs Columbia, h Allen (N A) George H, h Berry (?) Tolliver Edward, emp straw shop, h Emerald Frank, fainier, h Emerald Frank L, emp straw shop, h Emerald \\'illiam C, cook, Boston, h Eujerald Tompkins Edmund C, house painter, h High (P) William M, jeweler, h High (P) [Farrington's Rev. Wm R, pastor Congregational Church, b C W Travers Frank L, emp straw shop Westboro, h East Trullson Chas, b Chas Eldridge Turner Samuel D, farmer, h Chestnut (F) Unsworth Richard J, lab, h Chestnut Ave Vaughn Daniel S, farmer, h South (P) Vose Weston, l)oot & shoe maker, h Franklin WADE WILLIAM H, jewelry mfr >Vade Davis & Co, h South (P) Wm L, farmer, h Dedham Wains James B, jeweler, h Spring (P) Wait John J, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Walden Mrs James, h Bacon Square (P) Oscar L, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Wales Bradford N, farmer, h West (S) BUTTERWORTH'S, Foxboro, you can find the Latest Styles in Hats. AT B WRENTHAM "W DIRECTORY. 12 1 E sure and see Butterworth's stock of Men's, Boy's and Children's Overcoats before you buy. Ward Frank, enfrinocr, 1) Mrs M E McMuhon's (P) A\'ARE GEO BENTLEY, prop Plainvilh^ steam mill, h Cross Hiram, farmer, h cor East and AViiiter (P) Mrs James, h lliirh (P) Julia M, h Bacon Square (P) Thomas, h South (P) AVAKNEK HON SA^NIUEL, lawyer, h East Warren Arthur L, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Gardner, jeweler, h cor Bacon and Eletcher (P) Herbert J, jeweler, h South (1^) James F, jeweler, h Bacon (P) John, farmer, h South (P) Laburton, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Watson Chas L, h Soulh fP) WEBBER NATHANIEL B, hotel, livery stable & stage line, h Dedham Wel)er Dadid, courrier Boston, h Dedhan Henry, h Dedham Jacol), farmer, h Dedham ( W) 'John, farmer, h Dedham AVilliam, h Dedham Weeden Sanniel J, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Weiler Henry G, jeweler, h Pleasant (?) Wellman Geo E, farmer, h West (S) Whaylancl John, quarryman, b N B Webber WHEELER CYRH. M, provisions, h South Geo R, jeweler, h South (P) . Harry, h South ( P) AVhite Frank E, emp straw shop, h Winter James W, wood & coal, h Broad (P) John W, h Broad (Pj Rufus F, farmer, h Winter Willard M, basket mfr, h Myrtle Whitford John, farmer, h William (W W) Whitinw Alton E, jeweler, h Bacon (P) Mrs Elkauah, h off Walnut (P) Euirene S, jeweler, h South (P) Flavions B, farmer, h West (S) Frederick C, jeweler, h AYashington (P) James C, farmer, h High (P) ^ ONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York, is one of the promptest. I /.vers E. CARPENTER, Foxboro, Agent. Ord-srs \i-y :^ -will "be ^'rsna.ptly .A.tterL5.35. t=. c 122 WRENTllAM Y I>I KKCTOKV. UniVi'T ^^ deceived; go to Butterworth's if you liUlV 1 want reliable goods at reasonable prices. Whitinir John H, farmer, h Liuiiulry off Dcdhain M'arrcn jeweler, h Grove (P) Willard, jeweler, h Hancock (S) AVilliam F, jeweler, h Cherry' (8) Whitney Frederick, h South (P) WiiTirin Sarah J, h Taunton Wilcox I\Irs Lewis B, h Pleasant (P) Wilde Joseph W. farmer, h Berr}' (P) WILDE ROBERT M, poultry breeder, li Wampum (P) Wilhelm Chas, jeweler, h of^'Hiffh (P) Wilkinson Chas E, farmer, h off East Harvey, farmer, h East Willard, h Pleasant (P) Willard Artemas, carpenter, h Winter Ashbel, emp straw shop, h Franklin Daniel, farmer, h ^A'intel• (W) Daniel G, farmer, h ^^^inter Elijah, farmer, h Winter Willey Jonas M, farmer, h West (S) "\>^illiams Putman, boss carder. Smith's mill, h Clay (City Rounseville, h West (S) Willis John H, farmer, h Chestnut Ave Wilmot Chas H, h South Wilson Mrs All)ert, h Bacon (P) Henry U, tool maker, h School (P) Holiis B, supt Town Farm, h ICast Wing Sanuiel, mason, h Franklin Samuel A, emp straw shoj), h Franklin AVitherell Edwin S, jeweler, h off South fP) ]\lelvin A, jeweler, h off' South (P) Wolf Reenhohl, jeweler, h South (P) Wolford Mrs William, h Emerald (F) Wood Chas H, jeweler, h South (P) Geoi'iTG, painter, h ('umberland ( W" W) George, h Madison George W, jeweler, h Spring (P) Samuel, stone mason, b R Jolley's (P) Worts Henry N, Naval Ofiicer, h Warren (P) Young Asa, jeweler, h Pleasant (P) Francis, jeweler, h South (P) Mills) WRENTHAM BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS. MENDELL, L F, Grove. See front cover Pond VVni E, Taunton BAKER. P:NEGREN WM L, Jr, Creek. See page 3 RANK. National Bank of Wrentham, South BASKET MANUFACTURER. White, W M, Myrtle BILLIARD HALL. Keefe, John, South (P) BLACKSMITHS. Blake, Edgar I, Williams ( W W) Geoi-ge, Edsoii W, Franklin Kendall C P, South (P) BOARDING HOUSES. Brown, Maro-aret, cor Clav and INIill (Citv Mills) Giles, Mrs W H, Franklin' Rogers, Mrs Alfred M, Common BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. RICE, ELKANAH, South (P). See page 101 BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. BARTLETT, D H, Franklin. See page 103 COVELL, W A, South (P) See pane" 87 REDDING, F P, South. See page 8 THOMPSON, H E, South (P) . See page 6 BOX MANUFACTURERS. Fales, F N & Co. Taunton. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Guild, W A, South (P) CIDER MANUFACTURER. WARE. GEO. BENTLEY. Cross (P). See page 2 124 WKENTHAM DIKECTOKV. CLOTHING. &c. BARTLETT, D H, Franklin. See page 103 COAL, &c. Bennett, 11 F, South (P) White, J W, Broad (P) DRESSMAKER. Holm, Mrs H V, East DRY GOODS. Forbes, Gnstavns, Jr, cor West and Rav GEORGE, THOMAS A, South. See page 87 Landau, Moris, South (P) THOMPSON H E, South (P). See page 6 EN AM ALE R. MAINTIEN, J B, South (P). See page !)3 ENGRAVER. Kimball, C W, South (P) FANCY GOODS. GEORCJE, T A, South. See page 87 Landau. Moris, South (P) MAINTIEN, W F, South (P). See page lOU FISH AND OYSTERS. METCALF, GEO B, Franklin. See page 8 FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Hutchinson, H II, High (P) MAINTIEN, W F, South (P). See page 100 FLORISTS. Draper, Geo A, East LEFFLER, JOHN, South. See page 7 FLOUR AND GRAIN. GILMORE WARREN K, Franklin. See page 102 GENERAL STORES. BARTLETT D H, Franklin. See page 10:1 CIRTIS, STONE & SON, South. See i-age 120 Forbes, Gustavus, Jr, cor West and Ray GEORGE, THOMAS A, South. See page 87 REDOING, F P, South. See page 8 THOMPSON, H E, South (P). See page 6 c ONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York, is one of the promptest, LlXCrS E. CARPENTER, Foxboro. Agent. OriLers "b^- ajTai!.! -wrill "bo ^romptl^r .A.ttess.5.ea. t=. WRENTH^AM DIRKCTOKY. 12$ gp:nts furnishing goods. BARTLETT, D II, Franklin. See pnge lO;^ GEORGE, T A, Soutli. See page 87 MORSE, E C, Soutli. See page 4 REDDING, F P, South See page 8 GOLD, SILVER AND COPPER PLATE M'F'R. Olney, S W, Bacon (P) GROCERS. BARTLETT, D H, Franklin. See i)age 103 CURTIS, STONE & Son, South. See page 129 Forbes, Gustavus, Jr, cor West and Ray REDDING, F P, South. See i)age 8 THOMPSON, H p; South (P). See i)age G GROVE. LAKE PEARL, W L Enegren, Jr, prop. Creek. See page 3 HAIRDRESSERS. Keefe, John, South (P) Mayhew, Henry, South HARNESSES, CARRIAGES, &c. FISHER, L W, off South. See page 85 HARNESSMAKERS. ALDRICH, C M, South. Seepages DART, GUSTAVUS F, Franklin^ See back cover HOTELS. PLAINVILLE HOUSE, Mrs M E McMahon, prop. South (P). See page 84 WRENTHAM HOUSE, N B Webber, prop, Dedham. See page 88 ICE. McGAW, AV A, Taunton. See page 8G INSURANCE. MENDELL, L F, Grove. See front cover JEWELRY MANUFACTURERS. BARDEN, BLAKE & Co, cor Soutli and Bacon (P) See page 4 Bisbee, Swift & Co, cor South and Bacon (P) Blackwell & Brown, South (P) Cowell & Hall Mfr Co, East Faas Chas A, South (P) LINCOLN, BACON & Co, South (P) . See page 91 PLAINATLLP: stock Co, cor Soutli and Bacon. See page 87 WADE, DAVIS & Co, cor South and Bacon. See page 2 CLOTHING, Hats, Shoes and Gents' Furnishings always the Lowest at Butterworth's, Foxboro. 126 WRENTHAM DIRECTORY. LAWYERS. RaiKlall, C'lins J, Soutli WAliNEK, Hon. SAMUEL, cor East aiul Taunton. LIVERY STABLES. Farrincton, C ^V, South FlSlIElv, 1j W, off Main. See page 85 Moore, ('has N, South (P) AVE15BEH, N B, Dedham. See page 88 MASON. Hartshorn, George, Dedham MILLINERY. GEORGE, T A, South. See page 87 NEWSDEALERS. COVELL, W A, South (P). See page 87 MORSP:, E C, South. See page 4 NEWSPAPERS. WRENTHAM SENTINEL, (E C Morse, agent) South. See page 4 N0TARIP:S PUBLIC. MENDALL, L F, Grove (P). See front cover WARNER, Hon. SAMUP^L, cor. East and Taunton. PAINTERS. P:DWARDS, M F, South (P). See page 97 M;. Patent iSIediciiies, Druo;s, etc. i\Ien"s lJubl)er I'oots and Shoes, Leather (Jloves and Mirtens. High grades oi' Tea and CoHee a specialty. Home ]Made IJread Fresli ever}^ 3[orning. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. WKENTHAM CENTKE. R H. GOULD, PePULAR PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. Paints, Oils, Vaniislies, Dye-Stiiffs, Hair ^ and Tootli Briisks. A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OP SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Uses. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS. 160 WASHINGTON ST, NORTH flTTLeOORO, MHS?. Historical Sketch of Norfolk. Taken from Norfolk County History. The greater portion of the present town of Norfolk was originafty the North Parish of Wrentham, and the early history of the town, Revolution- ary, etc., will be found in that of the mother-town, of which it formed a part until 1870. Settlements were made here at an early day, and among the prominent names here in 1795 were David Holbrook, Josiah Ware, Moses Mann, Samuel Richardson, James Holbrook, Asa Ware, Elisha Rockwood, Jason Thompson, Darius Blake, Nathan Ware, George Blin, Jacob Tond, Daniel Ware, Elisha Ware, James Perrigs, Asa Blake, George Fairbanks, David Holbrook, Robert Day, Isaiah Turner, Jared Wilson, David Pond, E. Tucker, Jeremiah Tucker, Samuel Ware, Pallu Pond, Samuel Holbrook, Daniel Holbrook Jr., Henry Holbrook, Paul Holbrook, Oliver Ware, Joel Ware, Moses Vince, Amariah Ware, Consider Studly, Jason Richardson, Seth Fisher, and Ebenezer Blake. On the 29th of September, 1795, a meeting of the inhabitants of the North Parish was held "for the purpose of knowing the minds of said inhabitants for building a meeting-house for public and social worship at said north end." It was finally agreed to build a meeting-house, and a subscription-paper was started bearing the following heading : •' As the Happiness of Society and good order and preservation of our- selves, as well as a rising Generation, greatly depend on a close adherance to morality, fiety, and Religion, and these Cannot be Difussed in our Local situation but by the Institution of Public Worship of God, and the Institution of morality, piety, and Religion, therefore to promote the happiness of ourselves as well as the rising (feneration, we, the subscribers, do jointly agree to the sub.sequent articles.'" Here follows a number of articles, and the paper was subsequently signed by thirty-eight of the inhabitants, pledging twelve hundred and forty-four dollars. INCOKI'OKATION OF TowN.— The North Parish remained a portion of Wrentham until Feb. 23, 1870 when it was incorporated as a separate town, bearing the nartie of Norfolk. Portions of Franklin, Medway, and Walpole ware also embraced in the new town. HISTORY OK NORTOLK. I3I The First Town Meeting. — The first town-meeting, was held March 7, 1870, with Albert G. Hills as moderator. The meeting was called to order by Saul B. Scott, Esq., and Rev. Daniel Round checked the list during the voting for moderator. The following officers were elected: Selectmen, Saul B. Scott, Levi Mann, and Erastus Dupee ; Town Clerk, Silas E. Fales; Assessors, Elisha Rockwood, George E. Holbrook, and James H. Haines; Treasurer, William E. Codding; Constables, George P. Cody and Albert E. Dupee; School Committee, J. K. Bragg, Daniel J. Holbrook, and Lothrop C. Keith ; Fence-viewers, Charles Jordan and Darius Ware ; Surveyors of Lumber, Levi Mann and Oren C. Ware. The first town-meeting was closed by tendering a vote of thanks to the moderator, and also to Silas E. Fales and William A. Jepson for the gift of a ballot-box. Town Clerk. — The first town clerk was Mr. Silas E. Fales, who has been annually re-elected to the present time. Town House. — The present town house was formerly the church build- ing belonging to the North Parish, and was erected in 1796. It was entirely remodeled in 1879, and is now a convenient, neat and attractive building, surmounted by a tower, in which is a clock, the gift of Mr. Josiah Ware. The building is beautifully located, and the tower affords an extensive view of the surrounding country. At the first gubernatorial election held in the town William Claflin received eighty-eight votes, John Lewis Adams twenty-seven, and Wendell Phillips six. Industrial Pursuits. — There is some manufacturing in the town, but the chief occupation is agriculture. The City Mills are owned by the Rays, of Franklin. Rays' shoddy-mill is located on Stony Brook. There is also a paper-mill located at Highland Lake. There is also a small paper-mill in the west part of the town, in the building formerly owned by the Eliott Felting Company. There is a grist-mill at Norfolk Centre, owned by W. K. Gilmore. Highland Lake is a pleasure-ground belonging to the New York and New England Railroad. It is a beautiful spot, and is much frequented during the summer season. There are two churchs located in the town, both at Norfolk Centre, — Orthodox Congregational (Rev. E. J. Moore pastor) and the Baptist Church (Rev. Daniel Round pastor.) The .schools af the town are in good condition. STREETS, AVENUES, ETC. Avery st., from No. JMaiii St. to Seekoiik st. Campbell St., iVoin Seekoiik st. to W:il|tole line. Clark St., from Main st. to Walpole line. Clevelantl st., from Seekonk st. to Ilailioad st. Deane St., from River End to Millis line. Dedham St., from Walpole line to Wrentliam line. Diamond St., from Union st. to North st. Everett st., from Walpole line to Wrentham line. Fruit St., from Seekonk st. to Medlield line. Gore St., from Union st. to North St.. Grove St., from North 8l. to Union st. Hill St., from Pond st. to Everett st. Holhrook st., from Cleveland st. to Deane st. King St., off Union st. Lake st., from No. Main st. to Medway st. Lawrence st., from Park st. to F'ranklin line. Line st., from Dedham st. to Honey Pot. Main st., from North st. to Walpole line. Maple St., from Park st. to King st. Medway St., from No. Main st. to lliver End. Needham St., from Clark st. to North st. North St., from North Main St., to Wrenthain line. North Main St., frojn Nortli st. to Franklin line. Park St., from No. Main'st. to Wrentham line. Pine St., from Everett st. to Fox])oro line. Pond St., from Everett st.«to Nortli st. Railroad st., from Holbrook st. to Avery st. River End, from No. Main st. to Millis line. Scliool St., from No. Main st. to Franklin line. Seekonk st., from Needham st. to Medtield line. Shears st., from North st. to Wrentham line. Turner St., off Clevelaiul st. Union St., from Pond st. to Wrentham line. Valley st., from Dedham st. to Hill st. CHURCHES. Union Congregational Church. Piistor, Rev. E. J. Moore. Deacons, p:. W. Mann, N. H. Rockwood. Clerk, N. H. Rockwood. Treasurer, W. E. Mann. Su!)eiinten(lent of Sunday School, S. T. Rockwood. Hours of Sunday Service, 10.45 A. M. Sunday School, 12.00 M. Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7.00 P. M. Christian Endeavor Meeting, Sunday, 7.00 P. M. Norfolk Baptist Church. Pastor, Rev. Daniel Round. Clerk and Treasurer, Addison P. Morse. Deacons, Addison P. Morse, William King. Sunday Service, 11.00 A. M. Sunday School, 12.00 M. Woman's Missionary Circle. President, Mrs. D. Round. SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS. Center, Higher Grade, Miss A. E. Hitchcock. " Intermediate, ' Miss Ella B. Daniels. North, Lizzie Turkington. Felting Mills, M. V. Scott. River End, INIary A. Dupee. Pondville, Rose Whiting. Stonev Brook, S. L. Senter. SOCIETIliS. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. X(.>HioLK Grangk No. l;'.5. Master, N. II. Rockwood. Overseer, G, li. Sims. Lecturer, N. II. Fales. Secretary, R. II. Whiting. Steward, W. A. Day. Gate Keeper, W. H. Si nib. Treasurer, C. M. Howe. Chaplain, E. F. Thompson. Ass't Steward, J. AV. Hinckley. Seaes, N. F. Rockwood. Pomona, S. B. Holbrook, Flora, L. E. Foster. Ladv Ass't Secretary, J. M. Fales. CITY DRUM CORPS. L. Morse, Leader. - - City Mills, Mass. NORFOLK PUBLIC LIBRARY r)00 Volumes. Walter L. Svkes, Lil)rarian. TOWN OFFICERS. Town Clerk and Treasnrer — Silns E. Tales. Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor — Henry Perkins, C. J. Murphy, E. B. Guile. Asssessors — C. J. Murphy, L. J. Metcalf. School Committee — Sylvester F. Bucklin, Term expires 1891. Nathan H, Fales, Term expires 1892. Edward AV. Mann, Term expires 189;3. Constables — Georoe B. Sims, John L. Morse, John F. Wall, S. F. Bucklin, A. J. Whiting, Geo. E. Holbrook. Trustees of Public Library — Silas E. Fales, Term expires 1891 E. B. Guild, Term expires 1892. Rev. Daniel Round, Teim expires 1893. Road Commissioners — C. J. Murphy, A. J. Whiting, S. F. Bucklin. Collector of Taxes — Geo. E. Holbrook. Fence Viewers — Nathan H. Fales, W. B. Carpenter. Surveyors of Lumber, and Measurers of Wood ami Bark — Wm. E. Mann, Chas. O. Green, C. J. Murphy, A. J. Whiting. Sealer of Weights and Measures — Silas E. Fales. Field Drivers— Wm. Welch, John W. Hinckley, S. B. Ware, Smith O'Brien. Auditors — S. T. Rockwood, J. 1). Morse, W. B. Carpenter. POST OFFICES. Norfolk P. 0. Mails close 8.45 A. M. " arrive 9.15 A.M. " close 4.00 P. M. " arrive 4.20 P. M. " close 5.00 P. M. Edward W. Mann, P. M. CiTT Mills P. O. Mails leave and arrive 9.09 A. M. " " " " 9.17 A. M. " " " " 4.20 P. M. Ma'ls leave for Boston 5.80 P. M. John F. torrv, P. M. NORFOLK RESIDENT DIRECTORY. Abbreaviations Used : Ag.. a;.?riciiltural ; airt., agent; asst.. a.«si^tajit; av. or avc. aviMiuo b., hoards; bldg.. })uil. place; P. ()., Post Oilice; pi'of., j)rolt;ssor ; prop., proprietor ; rd.. road After the name of a street the word •" street " is ouuiiited. Adams Chas H, cnip Ray's mill, h North CHm.s W, cmp Ray's mill, h North Anderson, John, cmp City MilU Co, h Park (City Mills;) Anirns Mrs Catherine J, h North James IL emp Ray'« mill, h North Anthony John B, h River End (City iNIills) Barker Jacob, jnnk dealer, h Park (City Mills) Barrow John, emp City j\Iills Co, h North Main (('ily Mills) Bean, Fred R, farmer, h North Bird Joseph II, farmer, h River End (City Mills) Blake As;i 11, f.irmer, h Railioad James 11, farmer, h North Mrs Levi, h Main Bonney Chas E, provisions, h Railroad Bondeat Clovis, cm)) City Mills Co.h North Main (City Mills) Bonline Joseph, h Xortli Main (City Mills) Brown, William 11, farmer, h River End (('ity Mills) Pinckley Jtimcs, boss carder, h North Main (City Mills) James, farmer, h Railroad Mrs James, h Railroad P.ncklin Sylvester F, farmer, h olf River End (Rockvillc) Bnllard Amos E, farmer, h Kino.sbin-y (City xMills) Burgess Albert, emp City Mills Co. h No. Main (City Mills) Campl)ell Mrs George, h Campbell Geo A, snpt paper mill, h Campbell George S, jiaper maker, h Campbell Cannon \Vm C, printer, Boston, h Main Wm M, h Main- NORFOLK D-F DIRECTORY. 1 37 Oirpenter Walter B, provisions, h Hanover (City Mills) Cawley, John, laborer, h Shears Chamherlin Antone, emp City Mills Co, h North xMain (City Clancy Peter, emp N Y & N"E R R, h Railroad (Mills Clark'Oliver J, engineer City Mills, h No Main (City Mills) CoddiniT Engene, watchmaker, h North \Vm E, watch maker, h Noith Cole Frederick A, farmer, h Orchard Henry, laborer, h North Coles James A, farmer, h Seekonk Robert, farmer, h Seekonk Comey Wm M, bonnet wire mfr, Jnstice of Peace, Notary Public, h School (City Mills) Conn Joseph, junk peddler, h Park (City Mills) Cook Francis, farmer, h Medway Crawford Ezra F, carpenter, h North Dalhgren Albert, emp City Mills Co, h Park (City Mills) Dauphinee Caleb G, carpenter and contractor, h Lawrence (City Mills) Davis Edgar C, staticm agent, N Y c& N E R R, b Mrs Geo Day Erastus, farmer, h Fruit [Campbell's Wm A, farmer, h Fruit Drayton James S, station agent N Y & N E R R, h North Main Dunham William, carpenter, h Valley (S Walpole) Dunning James, paper maker, h Avery Dupee Mrs Alvarine G, h North Erastus, farmer, h Shear Herbert, iron moulder, h North Mrs Nelson H, dry goods and groceries, h Railroad Fales Nathan H, farmer, h Dedham (W) Silas E, town clerk and treasurer, h Avery Farrington Geo E, musician, h Union Herman, farmer, h Union Mrs Watson, h Cleveland Faulkner John, teamster. City Mills Co, h North Main (City Fay James P, farmer, h Cleveland (Mills Patrick, farmer, h Cleveland Ferguson John, farmer, h off Holbrook Fish Frederick W, emp Ray's mill, h North Fisher John L, farmer, h North Main (City Mills) William, farmer, h Honey Pot (Walpole) Foster Henry B, farmer, h Railroad Moses H, h Railroad PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON FIRE INS. CO Organized 1799. Old Reliable. T.iM s E. (AKrENTF.R, Foxboro, Agent. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. o 8 NORFOLK Gr-H-J-K DIRECTORY. FOWLER JAMES II, ie:il estate & business broker, h River End (City Mills) Frnncour Alexander, emp City Mills Co, h North Main (City Mills) Freeman Geo H, emp Elliott's paper mill, h Lawrence (City Gallagher William, emp paper mill, h Campbell (Mills Gearney William, emp City Mills Co, h No Main (City Mills) Giles Elbrid«:e VV\ farmer, h Needham Glass Riifns P, h Main Gove Joseph F, farmer, h North Wm W, farmer, h North Green Charles O, farmer, h River End (City Mills) Guild Bradford, clerk Guild's store, h Park (City Mills) Edwin, laborer, h Park (City Mills) GUILD JAMES A, groceries and provisions, h North Main Guthrie David, farmer, h North JNIain (City Mills) Haigh John, emp City Mills Co, h North Main (City Mills) Hawkes Win C, farmer, h Holbrook Harris E Joseph, farmer, h Kingsbury (City Mills) Elisha R, h Kingsbury (City Mills) Harrison Alfred, h Lawrence (City ]Mills) Heath All)ert,*emp Ray's shoddy mill, h North Hinkley John W, h North Main Ilolbrook Geo E, farmer, h Fruit Wm C, supt Ray's shoddy mill, h North Holmes James H, station agent N Y & N E R R, h Railroad Hope Clyde, emp Elliott's paper mill,.b G C Daphney's (City Mills) Howe Cha^3 xM, foreman J B Anthony's, h River End (City Mrs Chas W, h Railroad (Mills Jennis Edward, emp City Mills Co, h No Main (City :\Iills) Henry, emp City Mills Co, h No Main (City Mills) Jcmes Andrew R, farmer, h II()ll)rook Jordan John, emp Ray's mill, b Chas W Adam's Jose Fred(!rick, emp City Mills Co, h No Main (City Mills) Joslyn Lyman A, clerk City Mills store, b Mrs John liairo "((^ity Mills) Kolley William I, emp car shop N Y & N E R R, h Seekonk Keough John, emp City Mills Co, h Hanover (City Mills) Kingsbuiy Ebenezer L, h River End (City Mills) Frank A, h N«nth Henry D, farmer, h North John H, farmer, h Kingsbury ^Rockville) T at Butterworth's, Foxboro, where at, all goods arc warranted to be just as represented. Bin NORFOLK L-M niKKCTOKY. 1 39 Kingsbury Natluiniel D, f.'iinior, h Luke (Mills KvmI B.-irtholomow, ninrhle worker, l>().sl()ii, h iMiH)lc' (City L;uiKir Euriu'st, ciii}) Elli(jtL's paper mill, I) (i C Dapliney's Laiiigan .James J, ]M'()visions, Boston, h Shear (City Mills) Lavender Thomas ll,emp City Mills Co,h IIanover(City Mills) Ledi)iiry Henry, emp City Mills Co, h Park (City Mills) Lee Jordan N, earpenter, h Cleveland Love John, farmei', h Seekonk Lundl>om John, emp Ray's mill, h North Maahan lluirh J, emp N Y c& N E K R, h Seekonk Malley Luke, traek foreman N Y & N E R R, h North Main Mann Mrs Alexander R, h North Main (City Mills) MANN EDWARD W, dry goods, groceries nQ;G 128 DRY GOODS. City Mills Company, (City Mills) Dupee, Mrs N H, Railroad MANN, E W, cor North and No Main See back cover FELT GOODS MANUFACTURERS. Citv Mills Company, (City Mills) FLORIST. ROCKWOOD, EDWIN O, Union See page 94 FLOUR, GRAIN &c. GILMORE, W K, (Wrentham) See paiie 102 GENERAL STORES. City Mills Company, (City Mills) Dupee, Mrs N II, Railroad GUILD, J A, (City Mills) See page .", MANN, P2 W, cor North and No Main See back cover GROCERS. City Mills Company, (City Mills) Dupee, Mrs N H, Railroad GUILD, J A, (City Mills) See page 3 MANN, E W, cor North and No Main See hack cover GROVE. Highland Lake, Campbell INSURANCE. Pheljis, Henry J, Railroad JUSTICE OF THE PEACE & NOTARY PUBLIC. Comey, AVm M, School (City Mills) LUMBER. Murphv, C J, Railroad MUSIC TEACHER. AVhite II K Jr, Lawrence PAPER ]VI ANU F ACTURERS . Campbell, G A, Wall, John C, Lawrence (City ]\Iills) PROVISIONS. Bonney, C p], Railroad GUILD, J A, (City Mills) See i)age 3 rp:al estate. FOWLER, JAMES II, River End (City Mills) See page 90 STONE MASON. Mann, John D, No Main AVATCHMAKER. Codding, Eugene, North Codding, Wm E, North WOOD &c. Miirpliv, C ,1, R iilro;id