D 524 .J7 Copy 1 HE EUROPEAN WAR FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT WILLIS F. JORDAN Pastor of the First Baptist Church w^ IM The European War From a Bible Standpoint By WILLIS F. JORDAN Pastor of the First Baptist Church 0^^>j^ JMfeh. Mn PRICE, 20 CENTS New York CHARLES C. COOK 150 Nassau Street .-.^ ^lA fii^ iransfer Tho HOiite House. Having read the manuscript of the articles by Rev. Willis F. Jordan, entitled ''The European War from the Bible Standpoint," it gives me pleasure to commend same as a work of great merit, showing a large amount of study and familiarity with the Scriptures, which have been used to good advantage in giving accurate information as to the marvelous parallelism between present-day happenings and the prophetic word. In printed form these addresses should have a wide circu- lation and reading, and it is my earnest hope that this will be accorded them. Chari^es C. Cook. Preface The subject matter in the following pages was pre- pared and delivered in the form of five lectures. The public eagerly listened, and many have suggested that they be put in pamphlet form. That suggestion is now complied with, and it is hoped that the wider distribution of the matter contained in the pamphlet will open many eyes to the truth, as God has placed it in His Word. Yours in the hope of the gospel, WiivUS F. Jordan. Urich, Missouri, March, IQ15. Lecture One THE ORIGIN AND LENGTH OF ALL GENTILE WORLD GOVERNMENT. We will first read Daniel 2: 31-45 and 7: 1-27, and as a text for each of the five lectures we will use 1 Chron. 5 : 22 : ''For there fell down many slain, be- cause the war was of God." The conflict now raging in Europe has nothing like it in history. In seven respects, at least, it is different from any war in the history of this world : 1. It is estimated that 15,000,000 men are at the various battle fronts, or in the training camps. And men over there declare that the war has not yet (March, 1915,) begun, but will begin about May first. 2. The battles last for days, weeks, and even months. 3. In the eight months' conflict so far no decisive result has been gained for either side. Its only result so far apparent is seen in the appalling number of lives sacrificed, the prodigious amount of money squan- dered, the untold misery and suffering for men, and especially the women and children, with the imminent possibility of great famine and pestilence in the spring and coming hot summer months. 4. Never before did human ingenuity and science contribute so much to the service of suffering and death. Verily the pale-faced rider on the black horse is abroad in the land, on the sea, in the air, and death and hades follow after him. 7 8 THE EUROPEAN WAR 5. The awful conflict is among the so-called Chris- tian nations. Is Christendom, Christ's supposed king- dom on earth, going to be shot to pieces ? 6. It is being waged not only on earth, but on the sea, under the sea, and in the air. 7. Heretofore it was Jews against Gentiles, Moham- medans against so-called Christians, Catholics against Protestants, English against French, Russian against Turks, but now they bite, tear, and devour one another, thus fulfilling the Bible intimation of the beast-like disposition of all men and governments without God and without Christ in the world. Consider this question. Are those governments and nations so hypocritical, in pretending to be Christian, when they are not; so pharisaical in their loud, self- righteous boastings; so wicked in their methods of oppressing weaker peoples; in reality so Christless that we may consider this great war to be the result of God's permissive will, in that He is now bringing them into judgment? Here is a quotation from the Springfield, Missouri, Republican, of Sept., 1914: ''The world is now stupefied. People are asking questions. Writers who can tell what this fearful por- tent means, who can throw light on the great funda- mental problems of the race, and can give some hint as to its destiny, will have an attentive and even anxious hearing. "Men [and the preachers] said the world was grow- ing better and better, the arming of the nations in- sured peace ; and now some foolish ones are beginning to say that perpetual peace will follow the present FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 9 European war. But the Bible says the world will grow worse and worse; that there shall be 'wars and rumors of wars' right up to the end ; that Armageddon will be fought by all the nations o£ the earth at the same time just before the Lord comes back. ''The masses are losing confidence in their former leaders of thought. They have found their opinions to be unreliable. People will now give a glad hearing to writers who can throw light on present-day condi- tions. They want the truth now ; they wish to know now." Verily, the Springfield, Missouri, Republican must own a Bible, and has certainly read it. In my judgment, the Bible alone can throw light on present-day problems. It clearly foretells the great European war, how disastrous it will be, and just what it will accomplish; that it will result in the organiza- tion of a great confederacy of the nations, and that then the whole world, with a deluded Church, will settle down in the false behef that, at last, we have ob- tained universal, and perpetual, peace. The Bible further declares that the supposed peace will be of short duration, that it will be suddenly taken from the earth; for the confederated nations will blaze up against each other and fight the great conflict all over again ; that three of them will be annihilated in the second great conflict, and that the rest will be pre- pared for, and come up to, Armageddon, the last great war this earth will ever see; for they will all be destroyed at the hands of Jesus Christ at His coming. Consider an introductory word on the two Scrip- tures cited at the beginning of this lecture : The first 10 THE EUROPEAN WAR relates and interprets the great dream image vision of Nebuchadnezzar, the great Babylonian monarch. The latter relates and interprets the great wild beast image vision of Daniel the prophet. These passages do not present two different things, but the one event seen from two different viewpoints. First, Nebuchadnezzar sees the times of the Gentiles in great outward splen- dor and glory, and, second, Daniel, as God's prophet and man, sees all Gentile power and governments from their inward character and disposition, and unfalter- ingly pronounces them beast like. This great double scripture has its own key in Dan. 2 : 28, "But there is a God in heaven that revealeth se- crets and maketh known unto the king what shall be in the last days" — the time for the final fulfillment of this beast image vision of the times of the Gentiles. It seems that the commentators and preachers have never seen this key verse. We propose to use it in these lectures. Our subject will be discussed under various subheads, the first of which is The Origin and Length o£ All Gentile Govern- ments. This thought is embraced in that meaningful New Testament phrase, *'The times of the Gentiles." The term Gentiles implies the term Jews or Israelites. The Bible gives the idea of permanency to Israel, but of transitoriness to the Gentiles. It sets forth a fore- ordained and eternal purpose of God through Israel, and the Gentiles as only tributary to the accomplish- ment of that purpose. This will be clearly seen as we FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 11 proceed with these lectures. It may be noted under the following particulars : 1. Israel only is the divinely chosen and intended nation. Deut. 32 : 8 is a scripture of far-reaching im- port : **When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam [at the confusion of tongues at the tower of Babel — Gen. 11 : 1-9], he set the bounds of the people [nationally] according to the number of the children of Israel." And yet at that time Israel was not in existence, except in the divine mind and purpose. So every Gentile nation exists in its time and turn, be- cause of its relation to Israel, and ministers to the ac- compHshment of Jehovah's purpose through them. 2. All Gentile nations to end, but Israel to have a perpetual existence. Jer. 30: 11, ''Though I make a full end of all the nations whither I have scattered thee, yet I will never make a full end of thee." Other scriptures declare the same thing. 3. Israel is, therefore, the chosen and called nation and placed in the land of Palestine, there hedged in by the law of Moses ; there to remain, if obedient, but, if not, to be plucked out of the land, yet not to perish, though in a long, world-wide dispersion. Notwith- standing their sin to be put back in their land in the last days, there to undergo the great tribulation, which will prepare the remnant among them to accept Christ at His coming. Mat. 23:39." Their restoration will involve the overthrow of all Gentile world govern- ment, thus putting an end to the times of the Gen- tiles. Under this head consider Amos 9:8-11, ''Behold, the eyes of Jehovah God 12 THE EUROPEAN WAR are upon the sinful kingdom [of Israel], and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth ; save that I will not utterly destroy the house of Israel, saith Je- hovah God ; for I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations like as wheat is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least [real] grain fall upon the earth. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say the evil shall not overtake us. In that day [when Israel's worldwide dispersion is about to end] I will raise up the tab- ernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof ; and I will raise up his ruins, and build it as in the days of old." Compare Acts 15: 13-18, where it is distinctly declared that David's tab- ernacle, the Israelitish kingdom, is to be re-established when God gets through visiting the Gentiles, as He is doing during this entire Church dispensation, not to convert the world, or to save all the Gentiles, but "to take out of them a people" for the name of His Son. The Church will not be completed — all taken out from among the Gentiles, until the return of the Lord Jesus ; hence the rebuilding of the Israelitish nation again is intimately connected with the Lord's return. Hosea 3:4, 5, "For the children of Israel shall abide many days [years it has proven to be] without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacri- fice, and without an ephod, and without a teraphim. Afterwards shall the children of Israel return, and seek Jehovah their God and David their king, and shall fear Jehovah and his goodness in the last days." Here it is positively declared that they are to do three distinctly separate things in the last days: FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 13 Return to Palestine, Seek Jehovah their God and David their king, Fear Jehovah and His Goodness. Hence here is their restoration, their conversion, and their service — all in the last days. And these great movements will shake all nations to their very founda- tions : 1. The long-drawn-out and world-wide dispersion of Israel is to end in their restoration to Palestine, and their conversion to Christ when back in the land. 2. Thus David's tabernacle, the Israelitish kingdom, is to be re-estabHshed among the nations once more; and, 3. The great dream beast image vision of Nebuchad- nezzar and Daniel, as outlined in Dan. 2 and 7, is to be fulfilled — all in the last days, Dan. 2 : 28. Ezek. 21:24-27 is another pivotal passage: "Thus saith Jehovah God, Because you [Zedekiah, king when Nebuchadnezzar took Judah captive for the seventy years,] have made your iniquity to be remembered in that your transgressions are discovered, so that in all your doings your sins do appear; because you are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken by the hand [of Nebuchadnezzar's arm.y]. And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel [Zedekiah their last king], whose day is come, when your iniquity shall have an end. Thus saith Jehovah God: Remove the diadem, and take off the crown ; this shall no longer be the same; exalt him that is low, abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn it [the Israelitish kingdom] ; and it shall be no more, until he come v^^hose right it is, and I will give it to him." Note 14 THE EUROPEAN WAR the threefold repetition of the word ''overturn," thus indicating that the IsraeHtish nation would not go all at once. Now there were just three overturnings of that kingdom. First, in the captivity of "the ten lost tribes," the Northern kingdom, sometimes called Ephraim in the prophetic word. Second, the captivity of the Jews the seventy years in Babylonia and Medo- Persia. Third, the present world-wide dispersion by the Romans in A. D. 70. The one who comes and is to receive it — He whose right it is — is the Lord Jesus Christ at His second coming. In its overturn by the Romans, in A. D. 70, was ful- filled the Saviour's word as recorded in Luke 21 : 20- 24, "And when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flee into the mountains; and let them which are. in the midst of it depart out, and let not them which are in the coun- tries enter thereunto; for these be the days of ven- geance, that all things that are written may be ful- filled. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give nurse in those days ! for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations, and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times o£ the Gentiles be fulfilled." Paul, in Romans 11:25, declared "that blindness in part is happened unto Israel until the" full number from among th'e Gentiles, foreknown and foreor- dained of God, has been brought into the Church. This will be at the end of this dispensation when the FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 15 Church complete in the divinely intended number of members, will be taken up to meet the Lord in the air. Then the blindness, now upon Israel in part, will lift, and, the times of the Gentiles being ended, they will no longer be trodden down of the nations, but shall have their own ''place and nation" once more. The passages so far noted show the origin of Gen- tile times to have begun in B. C. 586 under Nebuchad- nezzar, re-emphasized in A. D. 70, under the Romans, to consist of an over lordship of Palestine, Jerusalem, and all Israel, and to end with the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the restoration and conver- sion of Israel. The character and course o£ all Gentile world government will now be considered. The Word of God unfalteringly declares them to be beastly, tyran- nical, despotic, persecuting. It is very remarkable that the insignia of every Gentile government is some animal, serpent, beast, eagle, or dragon. Israel's in- signia was always a vine or a branch. The rise, progress, character and end of all Gentile world government is clearly outlined in God's book, the Bible. Let us give attention to The Dream Beast Image Vision of Daniel 2 and 7. Dan. 7:2, 3, reads, "Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds strove upon the great sea, and four beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another." The sea in prophecy represents the mass of mankind in com- motion and war. See Mat. 13:47; Rev. 13:1; 17: 15. Four is the world's number. Out of commotion and war the "sea" would produce four great beasts in succession, each one diverse from its predecessor. 16 THE EUROPEAN WAR Verse 17 defines the beasts as four kings and king- doms which shall arise out of the earth, while verse 23 defines the fourth beast as ''the fourth kingdom upon earth." Then the three preceding beasts must have been the three preceding kingdoms. The Four Beasts Discovered and Located. Dan. 7 : 4 declares the first beast to be Babylonia under Nebuchadnezzar. "The first beast was like a lion, and had eagle's wings. I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given unto it." Compare Dan. 2: Z7 , 38, where Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dream image : ''Thou, O king, art a king of kings ; for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art the head of gold." The first beast was, therefore. Babylonia, the first great world-wide monarchy, and the one which began the times of the Gentiles in 586 B. C. Then the re- maining three beasts must likewise be universal mon- archies, and each would continue the despoiling and trampling down of Israel. See Zech. 1 : 18, 19, where "four horns," or four universal kingdoms, are de- clared to be the ones which have "scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem." Dan. 7 : 5 declares the second beast to be the Medo- Persian empire, which overthrew Babylonia under Belshazzar, as described in the fifth chapter. The ' FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 17 verse reads: "And, behold, another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it, between the teeth of it. And they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh." Compare Dan. 2 : 39. One paw of this bear being lifted up means that the Persians were stronger than the Medes, as Austria is stronger than Hungary. The three ribs between its teeth represents the three conquered dominions, Susiana, Lydia, and Asia Minor. The eighth chapter of Daniel represents the Medo- Persian empire by the ram with two great horns. Dan. 7 : 6, with 2 : 39 and 8 : 19-26, describes the third beast as the world empire of Macedonia, or Grecia, under Alexander and his four generals. Dan. 7 : 6, reads, ''After this I beheld, and lo, another beast like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl. The beast also had four heads ; and dominion was given unto it." Dan. 8 : 20-22 explains : "The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia ; and the great horn between his eyes is the first king. Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his [Alexander's] power." The four wings denote the marvelous rapidity of Grecian conquests under Alexander. His kingdom, following his death, was divided by his four generals into Syria, Egypt, Macedonia, and Asia Minor. The notable horn between the goat's eyes was Alexander the Great. The little horn was Antiochus Epiphanes. Notice the moral character of the times of the Gen- tiles as so far seen: It is always beastly. "The lion 18 THE EUROPEAN WAR devours, the bear crushes, the leopard springs upon its prey." Do not forget that England is now the lion, and Russia is the bear. The Horrible Fourth Beast which is to continue in some form right up to the sec- ond coming of Jesus Christ. Dan. 7:7 introduces it. Remember that Daniel was given a special vision of this beast. He says, "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful, and ter- rible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth : it devoured and brake in pieces and stamped the remainder [what was left of the preceding em- pires] with its feet. And it was diverse from all the beasts which were before it." This has announced the beast in general. Now the prophet goes more into de- tail, and proceeds to speak of its development and characteristics as they will appear in the last days. He continues the description : "And it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them a little horn, before whom there were three of the ten horns plucked up by the roots ; and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speak- ing great things." Verse 19: "Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the remainder with its feet. And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before which three fell; even of FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 19 that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fel- lows." Verse 23 : ''Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and brake it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise; and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first ten, and he shall subdue three of the ten kings. And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws, and they shall be given into his hands for a time [one year], and times [two years], and the di- viding of time" [one-half a year]. Dan. 2 : 40 — "And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron : forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all : and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas, thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potter's clay and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided ; but there shall be in it of the strength of iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle [or weak]. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men [the union of Church and state], but they shall not cleave the one to the other, even as iron is not mixed with clay." 20 THE EUROPEAN WAR These scriptures clearly teach 1. That the fourth beast kingdom would be very strong, and yet very weak — iron and clay. History tells only of one empire as *'The Iron Kingdom" with ''The Iron Legions." Every school boy ought to know this to be The Roman Empire. In that empire we have the iron — the imperial, and the clay — the popu- lar, wills. They would govern, yet clash, and, finally, seek to destroy each other. 2. That ''they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to the other." In that empire only there was a supreme effort made to establish and perpetuate the union of Church and state, 'but the Reformation broke it up. When the pagan government of the Caesars was overthrown in A. D. 476, the papal system of Catholicism ascended that same throne and ruled that same "Holy Roman Empire" for 1,260 years. Even to-day she controls mil- lions within the territory of that ancient fourth king- dom. 3. This fourth beast kingdom was to exist in some form right up to the Lord's return. Look at Dan. 7: 9-14, where Christ is declared to come in the clouds of heaven, a phrase never used except in relation to the second Advent, and where it is declared that He receives the everlasting kingdom at that time, when this fourth beast is destroyed and given to the burn- ing flame. Though this empire was to exist to the second coming of Christ it was to be in diversified forms. (1.) It was to rise, progress, and unify itself, sub- FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 21 duing the whole earth, tread it down and break it in pieces. It did. (2.) It was to divide into the legs of Nebuchad- nezzar's dream image. It did. There was the West- ern Roman Empire with the City of Rome as its capi- tal. This empire fell in A. D. 476. There was also the Eastern Roman Empire, with Constantinople as its capital, which fell in 1453 A. D. to the Saracens, the progenitors of the Turkish Empire. (3.) Then some time after 476 and 1453 A. D. it was to again divide into a ten toe, or ten nation confederacy, or condition. The feet condition was to follow 1453 A. D., and the ten toe confederacy was to be the last form of the Roman Empire when it should be suddenly smitten by the Lord Jesus Christ in His second Advent as the stone falling suddenly out of heaven. 4. This ten nation confederacy could not precede the leg condition ; hence the God of heaven did not set up His kingdom at the first Advent. Compare Dan. 7:9-14 with Luke 19:12-15 and Rev. 17:12, where John, who wrote the Revelation in A. D. 96, posi- tively declares that "the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom yet, but receive power as kings one hour [a short time] with the beast," or at the same time as the beast, the ruler over the ten nation confederacy. "These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength to uphold the beast." Here then is the startling revela- tion of God's Word. The beast, as both the empire and its last ruler, is to come back again. The Roman Empire is to be reborn under a confederacy of ten 22 THE EUROPEAN WAR nations within the territory of that ancient fourth kingdom. And this is not all which we may now begin to see. The ten nation confederacy will fall out among those nations, and another gigantic struggle will take place, and the great European war will be all fought over again ; Daniel's Eleventh and Little Horn "whose look was more stout than his fellows" plucks up three of the ten horns *'by the roots." The ten nation confederacy gives place to a seven nation con- federacy. This is to be the condition of the Holy Roman Empire when Jesus is revealed from heaven for its destruction, and to set up His own kingdom for the thousand years. Compare 2 Thess. 2:1-12 with Luke 19:12-15. 5. We have said the ten nation form could not ma- terialize before A. D. 476 and 1453 ; for the two legs of the beast empire were in the way. The confeder- acy has not materialized since 1453 because the Turk- ish Empire has been in the way, and 6. It now appears that Turkey is about to be re- moved out of the way, and 7. The great European war will, probably, so im- poverish the nations now engaged in it, and those who are yet within the territory of the old Roman Empire, that, when the great war is over, the empire will be revived in the ten nation form. This will of necessity involve the total destruction of the Turkish Empire, the ascendancy of the Jewish question, their restoration to Palestine, and the recognition of the pope in his then regained temporal power — the beast over the Reborn Holy Roman Empire. Lecture Two THE BEAST OF REVELATION 13:1.10, AND THE TIME OF HIS DESPOTISM. In his book, *'The Prophet Daniel," A. C. Gaebelein says, on page 27, regarding Nebuchadnezzar's great image: ''The great image, the form of a man, is the prophetic image of the times of the Gentiles. That an image of a man was chosen, an image of great dimen- sions, is significant. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul speaks of 'man's day,' 1 Cor. 4:3, see margin. Man's day describes the times of the Gen- tiles, and it is still Man's Day, and Man's Day will continue until the Lord's Day begins." Again, on page 29, he writes of the fourth beast kingdom as follows : "The fourth monarchy during the times of the Gentiles is represented by iron ; it is the iron kingdom, Rome. This monarchy is de- scribed in one point of superiority : it is to be strong. For as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things, so this kingdom shall break in pieces. This is a per- fect description of that strong empire of Rome. Equally clear is it that that kingdom was divided into two parts, represented in the two legs of Nebuchad- nezzar's image. It was divided into the East Roman, and West Roman Empires. The legs were the longest parts of the image, and by it the fact is represented that this Roman empire was to have a longer existence than any of the preceding ones. Iron and clay com- pose the feet. The last form of Gentile world power 23 24 THE EUROPEAN WAR is represented by the toes, ten kingdoms in the Roman empire, and they are of iron and clay, which do not mix. ''Notice the important truth brought out in the com- position of this dream image. It tells of deterioration. From the most precious metal, gold, it goes down to silver, brass, iron, and iron and clay. This surely does not tell of progress and improvement in the affairs of the times of the Gentiles. The second is inferior to the first. The word 'inferior' means earthly. The third, t;oo, is inferior to the second, and the fourth is only superior by its brute force and power to crush. According to the modern day conceptions of the times of the Gentiles this image should have been con- structed in this wise: First a head, composed of the meanest, good-for-nothing stuff, earth mixed with par- ticles of iron. Gradually the clay gives way and be- comes iron, the inferior parts are expelled. Then the refining process continues, and iron is changed to brass, and brass to silver; then coming to the nine- teenth century, and the great twentieth century, with its civilization, we reach the fine gold. Well, this is a dream, too, but not of God, but the dream which the father of lies has inspired. Nebuchadnezzar's dream is of God, and gives the deterioration going on in the times of the Gentiles. "The ten toes of iron and clay represent the final form of the times of the Gentiles. They are typical of ten kings. Thus Daniel interprets the ten toes, for he said in 2:44, 'In the days of these kings.' In chapter seven we find an additional vision concerning the future of the last monarchy, the Roman empire. FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 25 The fourth beast has ten horns, and the ten horns are ten kings. Finally, if we turn to our New Testa- ment book of prophecy. Rev. 17: 12, we find the ten horns and the kings they represent there. 'And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom yet [A. D. 96], but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.' But has this di- vision of the fourth monarchy been reached? Have we anything in history which corresponds to the ten toes in the dream image, and the catastrophe which is connected with it? The Roman Empire, as such, does not exist at all. Europe, the greater part of which with Egypt, Asia Minor, Syria, and North Africa, composed the Roman Empire is in a divided condition. The iron and the clay are there. "The iron represents the monarchial form of gov- ernment. We have 'the great powers,' kings and em- perors ruling within the territory of the Roman world. But what does the clay represent? Clay is of the earth. It stands for that which does not be- long to the great statue at all, a foreign ingredient brought in. The metals represent monarchies, but the clay stands for democratic rule, the rule of the people. This is exactly what we behold in our day. There is a strong current towards democracy, the rule by the people, the exaltation of the people. Socialism and its kin. Anarchism, are looming up on all sides. The Roman Empire will soon be revived once more, and in it there will be ten kingdoms in which the clay will be prominently present. We see indications of this ; for the people are more and more dictating to their rulers ; the kings are ruled over by the popular ele- 26 THE EUROPEAN WAR ments. The ten toe kingdoms of the empire have never existed. It must first be revived and then we will see the ten nation confederacy. How this is to be brought about, we do not know, but we see indica- tions on all sides that such a condition will soon be reached." Mr. Gaebelein wrote the above about five years ago. Then he could not see how the ten nation confederacy within the bounds of the old Roman Empire was to be brought about. In all probability the present great European war, now raging within the territory of that empire, will produce the great confederacy — the Re- vived Roman Empire. The Bible shows the fourth beast empire to have its revival shortly before Jesus returns to earth, and to be utterly broken down by Him at that time. In Rev. 12 Satan is cast out of the heaven of the air into which Christ catches up His true Church, as dis- tinctly taught in Luke 14:14; 20:34-36; 21:34-36; John 14:3; 1 Cor. 15:51-53; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 2 Thess. 2:1; Rev. 3: 10, and other passages. If you wish to understand how Satan can have access to God, until Jesus comes back and casts him down, read Job 1 and 2 with Zech. 3. Being cast out of the aerial heaven, as in Rev. 12, he comes down to earth, ''hav- ing great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time" left until Jesus, as the Strong Man (Mat. 12:29), will bind him with the great chain. Rev. 20: 1-3. Full of "great wrath" Satan, and not John as the Authorized Version translates in Rev. 13:1, stands upon the seething war-torn Gentile sea and calls up his last great Masterpiece, the Revived Roman Empire FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 27 with the pope's temporal power duly recognized and upheld by the ten confederated nations. This is em- phatically the beast of the book of Revelation and the closing years of the times of the Gentiles. Now let us read about that revival as foretold. The Beast of Revelation 13:1-10. "And he [Satan cast out of heaven as in chapter 12] stood upon the sand of the sea [the war-tossed Gen- tile world], and caused a beast [the old Roman Em- pire] to rise up out of the sea [possibly at the close of the present great European war], having ten horns [the now desired coming great confederacy of ten na- tions], and seven heads [see Rev. 17:9-13], and on his horns ten diadems [the ten nations will all have crowned kings], and upon his heads names of blas- phemy. And the beast was like unto a leopard [the former Macedonian or Grecian Empire], and his feet like those of a bear [the Medo-Persian kingdom], and his mouth as the mouth of a lion [the Babylon- ian monarchy]. And the dragon [the old serpent, which is the devil and satan. Rev. 20:2] gave him his power, and his throne, and great author- ity. And one of its heads was as it had been smitten unto death, and his death-stroke was healed : and the whole earth wondered after the [revived] beast; and they worshiped the dragon, because he gave his authority unto the beast; and they wor- shiped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast, and who is able to war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemies ; and there was given to him authority to 28 THE EUROPEAN WAR continue forty-two months. And he opened his mouth for blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, even them that dwell in the heavens [the true church which was taken up into the air when Satan was expelled from it as in chapter 12]. And it was given unto him to make war with the [great tribu- lation] saints, and to overcome them ; and there was given to him authority over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation, and all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, everyone whose name hath not been written from the foundation of the earth in the book of life of the Lamb that hath been slain. If any man hath an ear, let him hear. If any man is for captivity, into captivity he goeth ; if any man shall kill with the sword, with the sword must he be killed. Here is the faith and patience of the saints." From this great scripture, compared with others, we learn : 1. The beast is the Revived Roman Empire under, first, a ten nation confederacy, and then, three of the ten being "plucked up by the roots," a seven nation federation. The beast here is also the last ruler of the ten, and the seven nation confederacy. 2. The beast has seven heads, and ten horns. Rev. 17 describes the beast again, and tells, us in verses 9 and 10 that the heads are both mountains and kings, i. e., forms of government, that five of them "had fallen" by A. D. 96 when John was writing, and that "one is," but it passed away under the deathstroke in 476 and 1453 A. D. ; and that the final beast-king over the ten, and seven, nation confederacies would be the seventh head. FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 29 3. Rev. 17: 8 declares that the beast — as the Roman Empire in all its diversified career^^was, and is not, and yet is," i. e., the empire was, but passed out of existence in A. D. 476 and 1453, but comes back again; and that its origin is from the bottomless pit and perdition its eternal destiny. 4. When the beast as both empire and ruler "yet is," has been revived, it will continue "a short space," or only for a short time — "forty-two months." We will fully consider this time feature later on. 5. Rev. 17 : 12 positively states that, when John wrote in A. D. 96, the ten kings had "received no kingdom yet," but will receive their power at the same time the revived beast receives his, and that their com- bined reign will only be for "one hour," a short time, the forty-two months. 6. The composite character of the revived beast. It is like a leopard, a bear, and a lion. On verse 2, the Sco- field Reference Bible, in a footnote, says, "The three animals, leopard, bear, and lion are found in Dan. 7 :4- 6 as symbols of the empires which preceded Rome, and whose characteristics all entered into the qualities of the Roman Empire: Macedonian swiftness of con- quest, Persian, tenacity of purpose, and Babylonish voracity." 7. Verse three says that the Roman beast once re- ceived a deathstroke. Everybody said it was dead, but not so; it was healed; it lived again. Five of the seven heads had fallen by A. D. 96, the imperial head then was, but received its deathstroke in 476 and 1453 A. D., and passed out of existence. The deathstroke to the imperial head is to be healed — there is to be an 30 THE EUROPEAN WAR emperor again, and I will show before these lectures are all delivered that he is to be the papal beast, with his temporal power regained, and upheld by the ten na- tions of his great confederacy. 8. "And all the world wondered after the beast" — after his deathstroke is healed, after he is revived. And the papal beast, the last ruler over the ten, and then the seven, nation confederacy — the Revived Ro- man Empire — is to have authority over the whole earth for forty-two months, Jews, Gentiles, every na- tion, people, and tongue, being given into his hands together with "times and laws" which he shall think to change. Instead of the whole world being con- verted to Christ, and universal peace, just before He returns, all remaining on earth when the true Church is "caught up to meet the Lord in the air," will wor- ship the beast whose deathstroke was healed, and will wonder after the beast, saying "Who is able to war with the beast?" 9. His great mouth for blasphemies against God, His name, His word, and His tabernacle, the true Church which has been taken to heaven as the time of the beast begins, if not before. Thank God for 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 2 Thess. 2:1; Rev. 3:10, and the other passages containing this great promise to His people. Some Other Names by Which This Papal Beast, the Last Ruler Over the Revived Empire, Is Called in the Bible. 1. "The Enemy and the Avenger." Psalm 8 : 2. 2. "The Man of the Earth." Psalm 10: 18. FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 31 3. "King of Babylon." Isa. 14:4-17. 4. "The Little Horn" Among the Ten. Dan. 7 : 8, 19-26. 5. "A King of Fierce Countenance." Dan. 8: 23-25. 6. "The Wilfull King." Dan. 11:36-45. 7. "The Abomination of Desolation," or the Abomi- nation that is to desolate the Holy Land. Dan. 12 : 11 and Mat. 24: 15 with Mk. 13: 14. This desolator coming on the wing of abominations is referred to in Dan. 9:26, 27. 8. 2 Thess. 2: 1-12 names him "The Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition," and tells of his terrible work in that part of the professing Church left when the true Church was taken to meet the Lord in the air. Com- pare Luke 17:22-37. 9. 1 John 2 : 18 names him "The Antichrist." 10. Rev. 11:7; 13:1-10; 14:9-12; 15:2; 16:2, 10-14; all of 17; 19:17-21, and 20:4 calls him ''The Beast." Lecture Three THE PRINCE THAT SHALL COME. The Bible gives the last ruler over the confederated empire one other name, in addition to the list at the close of the last lecture. Beyond a doubt it locates his nationality, what he will do, and how long his reign will be. We invite you to Daniel 9:24-27. "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to restrain transgression, and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in the righteousness of the ages, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the holy of holies. "Know, therefore, and understand: From the going forth of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusa- lem unto Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks. The street and the wall shall be built again, even in troublous times. "And after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut ofif, and shall have nothing, and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood ; and even unto the end shall be war ; desolations are determined. "And he [the prince that shall come] shall make a firm covenant [or treaty of alliance] with the many for one week : and in the midst of the week he [the 32 FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 33 prince that shall come J shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease ; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one [the prince that shall come] that maketh desolate; and even unto the full end shall wrath be poured out upon the desolator." Compare Dan. 11:36-45, where "the wilful king," this same "prince that shall come" reaches his end with none to help him. It behooves us to correctly interpret this great scrip- ture of the seventy weeks introducing The Prince That Shall Come. 1. What are the seventy weeks? Why say weeks? The Bible is a book of sevens. In one issue of "The Trestle Board," the following pertinent remarks were found : "The number seven is frequently found in the Bible. On the seventh day God ended His work, the seventh month Noah's ark touched the ground, and in seven days a dove was sent out. "Abraham pleaded seven times for Sodom. Jacob worked seven years for Rachel, mourned seven days for Joseph, and was pursued seven days by Laban. "A plenty of seven years and a famine of seven years were foretold in Pharaoh's dream, by seven fat and seven lean cows, and seven ears full and seven ears of blasted corn. "On the seventh day of the seventh month the chil- dren of Israel began a fast of seven days, and re- mained seven days in tents. Every seven years the land rested ; every seventh year all bondsmen were free, and the law was read to the people. 34 THE EUROPEAN WAR "In the destruction of Jericho, seven priests bore seven trumpets seven days. On the seventh day they surrounded the walls seven times, and at the end of the seventh round the walls fell. "Solomon was seven years building the temple and feasted seven days at its dedication. In the tabernacle were seven lamps and the golden candlesticks had seven branches. "Naaman washed seven times in Jordan. Job's friends sat with hirn seven days and seven nights, and offered seven bullocks and seven rams as an atone- ment." The book of Revelation is full of this sacred num- ber. There we read of seven angels, seven churches, the seven spirits of God, the seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven personages, the seven thunders, the seven vials of wrath, the seven dooms, the ten horned and seven headed beast, and the seven new things. The Bible sometimes uses a week to represent seven years. It is so in this great scripture from Daniel. Gen. 29 : 27, 28 will illustrate the case. Jacob agreed to serve seven years for Rachel. He did so, and her father worked off Leah, the sore-eyed maiden lady, upon him. He took his father-in-law to task about the deal overnight, and he said to Jacob, "Fulfill her week, and we will give her to thee also for the seven years thou shalt yet serve with me." So seventy weeks of seven years each were determined upon Daniel's people and city from the time the decree to restore and build Jerusalem should be issued, which would be 490 full years. FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 35 2. Division of the weeks into seven, sixty-two, and one. (1.) The seven equal forty-nine years for the re- building of Jerusalem and her wall, even in times of trouble. The books of Nehemiah and Ezra tell of those troublous times. (2.) The sixty-two weeks of 434 years more, from the time city and wall should be finished, to Messiah the prince, who should be cut off and have nothing. (3.) Then the one week more of seven years from the crucifixion of Messiah. Here is the crux of this great prophecy. We will return to its consideration presently. 3. When did the seventy weeks begin? Answer, "From the going forth of the word to restore and re- build Jerusalem." Let us make no mistake here. Can that date be discovered? The first chapter of Ezra tells how Jehovah stirred up Cyrus, king of Medo- Persia, to issue a decree to rebuild the temple: "The lord of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judea." This is not the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem and its walls. It cannot begin the seventy weeks. The seventh chapter of the book of Ezra tells how Artaxerxes Longimanus also issued a decree, but it was not to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, so neither can it begin the seventy years. We next come to the second chapter of Nehemiah, which tells of the beginning of the seventy weeks. In the twentieth year of Artaxerxes Longimanus he gave commandment to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls. 36 THE EUROPEAN WAR This was 445 B. C, which may be located in history also. Nehemiah does not only mention the year, but says it was the middle of Nison, our March. We have now come to solid ground. The year 445 B. C, middle of March, begins the seventy years. Now it took the seven weeks of 49 years to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. 445 — 49=396, as the year when the sixty-two weeks begin, which were to ter- minate with Messiah the prince, but not at His birth, or baptism, but when He should be "cut off, and have nothing" — His crucifixion. Let us now work it out : (1.) Seven weeks of 49 years began in the middle of Nisan, our March, 445 B. C, and ended in 396. (2.) Then sixty-two weeks of 434 years more from 396 B. C. These years expired to the very day with the so-called Triumphant Entry. In that same week Messiah was cut off and had nothing. Luke 19 gives the account of the Triumphant Entry. Verse 42 properly rendered will read: "If thou hadst known even on this day" — the very day that ended the 62 weeks of 434 years — "the things which belong to thy peace, but now they are hid from thine eyes." How remarkable the fulfillment ! In computing this time, remember that these Jewish years in prophecy were 360 days each. 4. The one remaining week of seven years. Let us again read verses 26, 27. "And after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off and shall have nothing ; and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end war; desolations are determined. And he shall confirm a FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 1,7 covenant with the many for one week; and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and on the wing of abominations there shall be a desolator, even until the consumma- tion, and that determined shall wrath be poured out upon the desolator." From these verses we may see (1.) That Messiah is not cut off during, but "after three score and two weeks." The crucifixion is the first event after the 62 weeks. It was in that same week of the so-called Triumphant Entry. (2.) Next in order is the coming of "the people of the prince that shall come," and the destruction of "the city and the sanctuary" by them. Note the sharp dis- tinction in the passage : It does not say that the prince was to come at that time, but "the people of the prince that shall come." "The people" who came and burned Jerusalem and the temple were Romans. Their "prince" did not come at that time, but will yet come; hence in those pregnant words: "The people of the prince that shall come," we have the "little horn" of Dan. 7 and "the beast" of the book of Rev- elation, the last ruler over the Revived Roman Em- pire of the fourth beast. He will certainly be a Ro- man; for his "people" came and destroyed the city and the sanctuary in A. D. 70. As before stated, this was the second event to occur after the 62 weeks. Messiah's cutting off was the first. Between these two events there were at least Z7 years. Do you not see that Daniel's last week of seven years has been broken off from the great prophecy; for how could the crucifixion and the destruction of the city and the sanctuary occur in the one week of seven 38 THE EUROPEAN WAR years when Z7 of them He between the two events? Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the last week of seven years has been suspended from the rest of the seventy weeks, and yet awaits fulfillment. (3.) A great war, desolating all Judea, was to be in full swing when ''the people of the prince that shall come" would destroy the city and the sanctuary. His- tory describes that war which ended the then Jewish nation. But they are to be restored before the broken ofif last week of seven years can be fulfilled. It is plain to be seen that verse 26 is an indeter- minate period, even this entire dispensation in which God is visiting the Gentiles to take out of them a Church for His Son. With the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the overthrow of the Jewish state the stream of prophecy quit flowing. As this parenthetical Church age nears its end, and the foreordained num- ber of the Church is complete, prophecy and God's dealings with His people Israel will be resumed. Prophecy demands that they shall be back in the land, the Bible declares their restoration, and the Zionist Congress has been slowly returning them for the last fifteen or twenty years. If the great European war shall destroy the Turkish Empire, as no doubt it will, then what to do with Palestine — it is a province of that empire now — and the Jews will be a momentous ques- tion. If the great war should result in forming the ten nation confederacy of the Revived Roman Empire, then the stage set for Daniel's last week of seven years will require Israel again in the land of Palestine. Think of it! All things shaping themselves, as when Jesus was here the first time. That world — Rome, FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 39 Judea, Samaria, Galilee — which cut Him off so that He had nothing, to come back again, and to be judged and destroyed by Him. (4.) Now look once more at verse 27. *'And he shall confirm a covenant [or treaty of alliance] with the many [of Daniel's peoDle] for one week." How can he unless they are back in the land ? ' He confirms the treaty ''with the many," not with all. There will be the protesting remnant, and he will seek to destroy them. See Zech. 13:8, 9. The Zionist Congress and its purpose to restore the Jews is somewhat known, but it is largely in unbe- lief, as the Bible said it would be. Zephaniah 2: 1-2, "Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desiring God. Before the decree [or treaty with the beast, the prince that shall come] bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of Jehovah come upon you." They are now returning in unbelief ; hence the treaty with the beast and his ten nation confederacy. Not only are they going back under the Zionistic movement, but Isaiah 18 says, that, as a result of great commotion among the nations, they are to be taken back by a great sea power in vessels of bulrushes or warships. This great chapter, the 18th of Isaiah has scarcely been noticed, even by a few. The first word of it is not "woe" as in the A. V., but "Ho," a word demanding attention, as our word, behold. We now read the chapter with explanatory remarks thrown in : "Ho to the land shadowed with wings [probably Eng- land], which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia [pos- sibly a reference to Britain's Indian, or more espe- 40 THE EUROPEAN WAR cially, her Egyptian possession], that sendeth ambas- sadors by the sea in vessels of bulrushes [or warships] upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning, a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers [nations] have spoiled. In that time shall the present [the end-time remnant] be brought unto Jehovah of hosts of a people scattered and peeled, a people terrible from their beginning, to the place of the name of Jehovah of hosts, the mount Zion." Only one people has been "scattered and peeled," whose land the other nations have spoiled — the Jews. They are to be gathered up, when the great war is over, by the ambassadors of some nation be- yond the rivers of Ethiopia, and carried back in war- ships, etc. Now consider this news dispatch : It was found in the Kansas City Times of Dec. 8, 1914. It was entitled, ''Palestine for Centuries the Shuttlecock of Nations." "Because England wants a buffer state east of the Suez Canal, and Russia finds it must do something for the Jews, the allied powers propose, if successful in the great war, the creation of an independent Palestine. Thus will the scheme of the New Zionists find an unexpected fulfillment. Should this scheme become a reality it will accomplish even more than has been hoped for by the Zionists, as the Jews who are planning a return to Palestine are known. They advocate the return of enough Jews to Palestine to give them the balance of political power there. FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 41 "Palestine has been the shuttlecock of more power- ful nations ever since its advent into history. Nothing could be more fitting now, than that it should be re- habilitated in the boundaries of Solomon, to live at the will of its creators" — Britain, France, and Russia. Jesus says they are to be in the land when He re- turns, and are to receive Him there with the national shout [Mat. 23:39], "Blessed is he that now cometh in the name of the Lord." In Rom. 1 1 : 25-28, Paul says they are to be in the land when Jesus returns to them as the "Deliverer who shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." So they are to be restored, and they are to be there when the papal prince, the beast, makes his treaty with "the many" of them to run for the seven years. But he cannot do so until the seventieth week of Daniel arrives for fulfillment. That treaty is to re- store their national government, and to protect them in their land for the seven years. What a far-reaching subject we have, therefore, under consideration, as students of God's Word and well-informed persons. May we give the more earnest heed to the things which we are now learning, lest at any time we should let them slip. 5. One more thing in Dan. 9 : 27 — the time when the beast, the prince that shall come, breaks his treaty with the restored Israelites. We read again: "And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease," and shall place "the abomination that maketh desolate" in their temple at Jerusalem. What is that desolating abomination, that "wing of abominations"? Mat. 24:15; Dan. 12:11; Rev. 13: 42 THE EUROPEAN WAR 14, 15, and 2 Thess. 2:4 will tell you. It isn't any- thing but his own image, which his false prophet (Rev. 13:11-17) will have caused to be made, and which he will marvelously endow. This idol (Zech. 11:16, 17) will be set in the temple at Jerusalem. The decree, that all bow the knee and worship it, and the beast through it, on pain of being beheaded (Rev. 20: 4), will be proclaimed in Jerusalem and all Judea, and throughout the Gentile world also. Then the great tribulation of Rev. 3 : 10 and Rev. 7 will begin. Why should it be thought a thing incredible that this last ruler in the time of the Gentiles, this papal beast, this prince that shall come, this great man of sin, should set up his own image for all mankind to worship, when his people have always worshiped pictures, images, crucifixes, idols, saints, angels, apostles, John the Baptist, and the Mother of Jesus? When the treaty is broken by him "in the midst of the week," and his image is set up for all mankind to worship, then shall begin "the day of Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:4-11) : "The time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, even to that same time" (Dan. 12 : 1) ; "great tribulation such as hath not been from the beginning of the world" (Mat. 24: 15-31) ; "great tribulation such as there hath not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created" (Mk. 13: 14-27) ; "the hour of tribulation, the great one, which is to come upon the whole world" (Rev. 3 : 10) ; and "the great tribulation" of Rev. 7. Again, we thank God for the promise that the true Church is to be kept from this awful period, by being taken to meet the Lord in the air. Rev. 3 : 10, and 1 Thess. 4:13-18. ; FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 43 Some of the above passages speak of the days of the great tribulation being shortened. How so? The days of the whole seven years are the ones shortened. Instead of the full seven years being like the last half of the week, there is a difference ; for it is exactly in the middle of the week that the treaty is broken, and the beast's idol, or image, set up. The great tribula- tion is to be exactly three and one-half years, the last half of the week. Beginning at Jerusalem, it will overspread the whole earth; for "as a snare it shall come upon all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth" (Luke 21:34-36). And authority over every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation is to be given to the beast, this awful prince that shall come (Rev. 13:7). Note the proof that the great tribulation is to be three and a half years, no more, no less. The Proof Submitted. 1. Dan. 9:27. "But in the midst of the week he" breaks his treaty and sets up his image. (Rev. 13 : 14, 15; Mat. 24:15; Dan. 12:11.) 2. Dan. 7 : 25. "Times and laws are given into the little horn's hands for a time [one year], and times [two years], and dividing of time [an half a year]." You ask, "Where is the proof that time is one year, times two years, and dividing of time an half a year?" A legitimate question. Dan. 4 : 16, 23, 25, 32, contains the answer. History says that those "seven times" which passed over Nebuchadnezzar were exactly seven years. It is most significant to me, at least, that Nebu- chadnezzar, the first ruler in the times of the Gentiles, Jiadi this experience of just seven years, when he im- 44 THE EUROPEAN WAR agined himself an ox, ate grass and crawled on his all fours like a beast. At the end of the seven years his reason returned, and he knew that "the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomso- ever he will." The little horn beast, the prince that shall come, the man of sin, a devil possessed insane man, the last ruler in the times of the Gentiles, is to likewise have a seven year's experience, in the which he will "deny both the Father and the Son" ( 1 John 2 : 22), ruling the world with insane fury for seven years, and doing as he pleases for the three and an half years. By the time of his end he will learn the same lesson Nebuchadnezzar had to know. 3. Dan. 12: 7. "How long shall it be to the end of these wonders" to occur during the great time of trouble? And the angel of the waters swears by the Everliving One that it shall be "for a time, times, and an half ; and when he [the beast] shall accomplish to scatter the power of the holy people, all shall be fin- ished." Here is the same dread three and an half years. 4. Rev. 11:1, 2. During the last half of the seven years' reign of the beast the Zionist rebuilt temple at Jerusalem (verse 8), in which the image of the beast is to be set up, and the city itself is to be turned over to the Gentiles, "and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months." Forty-two months at thirty days to the month is just three and one-half years. 5. Rev. 11:3. Two witnesses are to prophesy, or preach in Jerusalem (verse 8) and all Judea for 1,260 days, the 42 months, the three and an half years, the FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 45 beast and his image are desolating Palestine and the whole earth with the abominations. 6. Rev. 12 : 14 mentions "Time, times and half a time," the three and one-half years. The woman of this chapter is Israel which produces the man child: Christ and His true Church. Verse 5 reads, "And she brought forth a man child which was to rule all nations with a rod of iron, and her child was caught up unto God and to his throne." Jesus as the Head was caught up there in His ascension at the beginning of this Church age, and the Church, as His body, is to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air at its close. The rule of the iron rod is the joint government of Christ and the Church in the next age, that of the kingdom. Now verse 14 : "And to the woman [Israel in the great tribulation] were given two wings of a great eagle [possibly the United States, as her national emblem is the eagle], that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, times and half a time, from the face of the serpent." This flight fol- lows the expulsion of the serpent from the heaven of the air (verse 12), which expulsion marks the calling up of the Revived Roman Empire as in Rev. 13: 1, and then the breaking of the treaty with Israel by the beast "in the midst of the week" of seven years ; hence the "time, times, and half a time," the rest of the week, the full measure of the great tribulation, the same dread three years and an half. 7. Rev. 12 again refers to the last half of the seven- tieth week. Following the catching up of the man child, the Church to meet the I^ord in the air, "the woman 46 THE EUROPEAN WAR fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place pre- pared of God, that they [who are they? Those who own "the great eagle"] should feed her there twelve hundred and sixty days" — the three and an half years. 8. Rev. 13 : 5. The beast has authority — God's per- missive will — to continue forty and two months un- checked in his blaspheming, murderous, persecuting, great tribulation career. What Do We Now See? That all these dates are one and the same dread event, the great tribulation. It is begun by the beast openly breaking his treaty with the restored nation of Israel exactly in the midst of Daniel's seventieth week. This conclusion cannot be overestimated. It is ex- ceedingly important to grasp this fact. That week is the last seven years of the times of the Gentiles. It has been suspended from the rest of the great prophecy of the ninth chapter of Daniel. It cannot appear for fulfillment until the present great European war shall — possibly — bring about the Re- vived Roman Empire under the ten, and seven, na- tion confederacy which we have already described. The revival of that empire demands the restoration of the Jews to Palestine as a province of that ancient kingdom. Their restoration and its revival seems at hand, and that means that the departure of the Church to meet the Lord in the air, as indicated in 1 Thess. 4 : 13-18; 2 Thess. 2:1; Rev. 3: 10 and 12, is very im- minent. Therefore, it behooves each to inquire whether he is prepared to go in as in Mat. 25 : 10. Lecture Four PRESENT DAY INDICATIONS, OR THE REVIVAL OF ROMANISM. There are certain present-day indications that the seventieth week is near. We consider a few of them in this lecture. The Present Great War is one. This we have already considered in previous pages. Nothing more direct need be said now, except that it is being fought out within the bounds of the old Roman Empire, the kingdom of the fourth beast. The Revival of Romanism is one of the most portentous indications of the times. It may be clearly seen in the widespread apostasy in all Protestant denominations, and a general drifting toward Rome; the publicly announced constructive policy of the new pope, the subservient attitude of many of the governments of the present hour, all mak- ing advances toward the papal system, and that sys- tem in a receptive attitude. Our own President attends, with members of his cabinet, the annual Pan-American Thanksgiving mass in a Catholic church in Washington, D. C, thus per- mitting Catholic dignitaries to publish abroad that this government is, therefore, already Roman Catholic. I am told that Mr. Roosevelt began this custom, that Mr. Taft kept it up, and Mr. Wilson feels that it ought 47 48 THE EUROPEAN WAR to be kept up. Why do not Mr. Wilson and Mr. Bryan attend Thanksgiving service in their own Pres- byterian church where they worship at other times? Why does Mr. Wilson persist in keeping, as private secretary, a Jesuit Catholic whose sworn duty is to report to his master at Rome all that he sees and hears ? Consider this news dispatch in the Kansas City Star of Dec. 12: 'Xondon, Dec. 12, 1914.— Official an- nouncement is made of the appointment of Sir Henry Howard as British minister to the Vatican. Sir Henry is Great Britain's first permanent diplomatic represen- tative at the Vatican" in four hundred years. What has become of the Reformation in England and Europe? Where is that stalwart Protestantism that used to characterize the British Isles? It is even gone from these United States. Verily the pope is coming back into his own in all of so-called Christen- dom. How much longer will it be until he sits en- throned over the Revived Roman Empire, with the great ten nation confederacy at his feet, upholding him with their guns and bayonets, and withal signing a firm covenant with the Zionist Jews, to first place them in their own land, and then to protect them there, and then deliberately breaking it to finally seek to utterly annihilate them from ofif the face of the earth. For the present we leave the Revival of Romanism, and take up The Present Unrest and dissatisfaction of the people everywhere manifest, tending more and more to Socialism, revolution, and FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 49 war. The people are dictating more and more to their rulers in Church and state, the iron and clay arrang- ing for that struggle which will shake the world to its foundations. Perhaps you do not know it, but God's Word says that — not the end of the world, but the end of this age or dispensation shall appear in the destruction of all the governments of the earth by the sword, and in the Bible the sword always means revolution, anarchy, universal war. Consider some of the scriptures which show that the times of the Gentiles shall end in such universal catastrophe as we are indicating: 1. Isa. 65:12. ''Therefore, will I number you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down to the slaugh- ter ; because when I called, ye did not answer ; when I spake, ye did not hear ; but did evil before my face, and did choose that wherein I delighted not." 2. Isa. 66: 15, 16. "For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebukes with flames of fire ; for by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh, and the slain of the Lord shall be many." 3. Haggai 2 : 22. ''And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the Gentiles : and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses, and their riders shall come down everyone by the sword of his brother." 4. Jer. 25 is a specimen concerning total destruc- tion by the sword. The prophet says : "For thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel unto me. Take this winecup 50 THE EUROPEAN WAR of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it. And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword which I will send among them. All the kings of the north, far and near, one with another, and all the kingdoms o£ the world which are upon the face of the earth. Therefore, thou shalt say unto them. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel : Drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you. For, lo, I begin to bring evil upon the city which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished, saith Jehovah ; for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth. Therefore, prophesy against them all these words, and say unto them, Jehovah shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation ; he shall give a shout, as those who tread the grapes, against all the inhabit- ants of the earth. A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth ; for Jehovah hath a controversy with all the nations. He will plead with all flesh ; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith Jehovah. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation [as this great war has spread], and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth, and the slain of Je- hovah shall be at that day from one end of the earth, even to the other end of the earth; they shall not be lamented, nor gathered, nor buried, but shall be refuse upon the ground." Such destructive revolution, and war, leaving the FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 51 dead unburied, will breed famine [as now in Europe], pestilence, and wild beasts. Now read Ezek. 14:21, which names God's four sore judgments: "The sword, the famine,, the pestilence, and the noisome beast to cut off man from the earth." And Jesus said, "Wars, famines, pestilences, earth- quakes in divers places (Mat. 24:6, 7), and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, men's hearts failing them for fear [universal heart failure], and from looking after those things which are [then] com- ing on the earth" (Luke 21 : 25, 26). Paul said (1 Thess. 5:1-5) that when everybody, except a few "old pessimists" (?), would be saying, "Peace and safety," then sudden destruction and no escape ; while Jesus has told us that "as a snare shall that day overtake all them that dwell upon the face of the whole earth" (Luke 21 : 34-36). "And there shall be affliction such as was not since the beginning of the creation which God created" — affliction so terrific and so universal that eternity will never produce another such time (Mk. 13: 19). "And there shall be great tribulation such as was not from the beginning of the world," so severe that if Je- hovah did not shorten the time of the seven years no flesh could be saved (Mat. 24: 21, 22). While Dan. 12 : 1 says that "there shall be a time of trouble such as has never been since there was a nation," while Rev. 3 : 10 and the seventh chapter calls it "the tribulation, the great one." I have said that federation, or confederacy, is in the air and destined to become an accomplished fact in both state and Church, I have proven that the old Ro- 52 THE EUROPEAN WAR man Empire is to be revived in, first, a ten, and shortly afterwards, a seven nation confederacy, and that the pope is to be its ruler, its final emperor. I have fur- ther intimated that the time for these things is at hand, and that, from the time of the organization of the ten nation confederacy, there v^ould be just seven more years until Jesus would descend to earth, in ter- rific power, to destroy the man of sin, the papal beast and his great seven nation confederacy. Now consider well these news dispatches which show the beginnings of the confederacy, the Revival of Romanism and the ascendancy of the pope: 1. An extract from an editorial on *' International Special Privileges," found in the Kansas City Star of February 15, 1915: "Trade restrictions have been one of the chief causes of the great war. Austria felt the need of controlling the trade routes to the ^gean and Adriatic Seas. Russia has regarded it as intolerable that Tur- key at any moment might cut off her great wheat trade with the world that passes through the Dardanelles. Germany has long complained of its short sea coast. Mr. Jacob Schiff, of New York, stated the case when he said, 'War can only be made to cease entirely i£ all the nations o£ Europe could be organized into a United States of Europe, and if free trade were es- tablished throughout the world. In the first instance the extreme nationalism which has become so ram- pant during the past fifty years, and which has been more or less at the bottom of every war, would then cease to exist and prevail, and in the second event, namely, if free trade became established throughout FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 53 the world, the necessity for territorial expansion and aggression would no longer be needed; for with the entire world open on equal terms to the commerce and industry of every nation, territorial possession would not be much of a consideration to any people.' " And who is this gentleman who argues for world-wide free trade, and a confederated United States of Europe, as the annihilator of war? Mr. Jacob Schiff, a Jew — paving the way for the treaty of alliance with Rome. 2. A statement from Cardinal Gibbons, of the Ro- man Catholic Church, one of the pope's advisers. It was found in the Kansas City Times of Feb. 18, 1915 : ''Baltimore, Md., Feb. 18.— That the scriptural prophecy of the conditions that shall prevail near the end of the world (it should have been age — world is never to end) seems to be in process of fulfillment, was the statement made by Cardinal James Gibbons, when commenting on the war news from Europe." Hundreds and thousands of men are beginning to conclude as Cardinal Gibbons has. 3. Here is the most significant news dispatch yet. It was found in the Kansas City Star of Feb. 9, 1915, and reads as follows: "Rome, Feb. 9th. — Pope Benedict, in the few short months since he was chosen to the Holy See, has made remarkable progress in carrying out the long- cherished ambitions of Pope Leo XIII. His plans to establish diplomatic relations between the Vatican and practically all the great powers of the world seems certain of success. The influence he will thus possess when the papal claims to temporal power and sov- ereignty are submitted to the peace conference at the close of the great war will be admittedly great. 54 THE EUROPEAN WAR "While Italy has offered these guarantees, the Vati- can never has accepted for the reason that Italy might at any time rescind them, whereas, with the guaran- tees made an international matter, there is little pos- sibility that any one nation might violate them. "The war, unquestionably, has aided the Vatican in obtaining these results. The war makes certain the establishment in the near future of diplomatic rela- tions between the Vatican and Turkey. The prom- ised resumption of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and France is regarded as a personal victory for the new pope. "The Vatican, in the past, had maintained a diplo- matic representative at Constantinople. He was not accredited to the Turkish government, but to the Catholic subjects of the Ottoman Empire. He com- municated with the government only through the French ambassador. With Turkey's entrance into the war against the Allies the French protectorate over Catholics in Turkey ceased. As neither Turkey nor the Vatican had any objections to direct negotiations the sultan at once received Monsignor Dolci in private .audience. At subsequent audiences arrangements were made with the Vatican for the elevation of the post at Constantinople from that of apostolic dele- gate to that of papal nuncio, or ambassador, and the sending by Turkey to the Vatican of an ambassador of its own. "The eventual resumption of diplomatic relations between France and the Vatican is now conceded to be a certainty. The negotiations have now progressed to a point where they are to be carried on openly. As a result of conversations carried on both at Bordeaux FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 55 and Paris between Cardinal Ametti and the French ministry, it has been estabHshed that an unofficial rep- resentative of the French government is now to be sent to Rome until a basis can be established on which re- lations can be officially resumed. ''Pope Benedict has already established friendly re- lations with Russia, and England has sent an am- bassador o£ its own accord [not waiting to be asked to]. No secret is made of the influence this will have in the carrying out of the pontiff's plan for a settle- ment of the papal claims at the coming conference of the nations, the release of the pope from his nomi- nal imprisonment and the resumption of open friendly relations with the Italian government." Not only are the governments of Europe, especially those called the Allies engaged in the great war, mak- ing overtures to the Vatican, as we have seen, but there are certain "signs of the times" which show how- things are going in this country — all tending toward Rome. We have spoken of how the present adminis- tration at Washington attends the annual Pan-Ameri- can mass in a Catholic church in the capital ; how the President persists in keeping a Jesuit Catholic as pri- vate secretary. There are many other indications of where things are drifting also, perhaps, the most sig- nificant of which is the effort now being engineered through to Throttle the Freedom of the Press. From the Protestant Magazine, February, 1915, I take the following: "A free press has justly been called 'the palladium of our liberties.' 56 THE EUROPEAN WAR "An attack has been made upon the freedom of the press in two bills now pending in congress. One bill was introduced, Jan. 7, 1915, by Mr. Fitzgerald, of New York. The other was introduced Jan. 11, 1915, by Mr. Gallivan, of Massachusetts, and reads like one of the regulations for censorship in the Middle Ages. It runs thus : "A Bill to amend the postal laws. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, That whenever it shall be established to the satisfaction of the postmaster general that any person is engaged in the business of publishing any scandalous, scurri- lous, indecent, or immoral books, pamphlets, pictures, prints, engravings, lithographs, photographs, or other publications which are, or are represented to be, a re- flection on any form of religious worship practiced, or held sacred by any citizens of the United States, it is hereby declared that the postmaster general shall make the necessary rules and regulations to ex- clude such matter from the mails. "Both of these bills estabhsh a censorship of the press, and place in the hands of one man, who is himself not elected by the people, but appointed by an executive officer, the absolute power to exclude from the mails any publication which in his opinion had violated certain provisions, without any oppor- tunity to try the case before a properly constituted court. "Such control of the press is arbitrary and tyran- nical, is most far-reaching in its effects, and would bring disaster upon the country. FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 57 "This attack upon the freedom of the press is made by Roman CathoHcs, and purely in the interest of Roman CathoHcs. They have put forward a move- ment during the last five years to secure such legisla- tion as this. The following conclusions may legiti- mately be drawn : "1. The demand for a change in the postal laws making the postmaster general the censor of the press has originated with Roman Catholics. ''2. The agitation to secure this change in the postal laws has been carried forward continuously for five years by Roman Catholics. "3. The end sought by this change in the postal laws is the exclusion from the United States mails of such publications as are offensive to Roman Catholics. "4. The bills now pending in congress were intro- duced by Roman Catholics in response to the repeated demands of Roman Catholics. "5. This is a demand for special legislation by a special class, and for the benefit of a special class." What think ye, reader. Is it not time the American people were seeing these things ? You may now begin to comprehend the meaning of those fearful words from Rev. 13: "And there was given unto him au- thority over every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and kindred, and people" — for the last seven years, Daniel's seventieth week. These facts show which way the wind is now blow- ing, and what the near future has in store for this poor old world. Thanks be unto God for His oft-reiterated promise that the true Church of Christ is to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air about the time "the 58 THE EUROPEAN WAR prince that shall come," the papal beast is again ele- vated over his great confederacy of nations and churches. Thus the true Church is to be kept from the great tribulation and the hand of the persecuting papal beast, while the Jews, and this Christless Gentile world are to accept him as their last king and god, and are to be given into his hands utterly and absolutely for the three full years and an half. The other day a tract on, "The War of the Nations and Its Place in Prophecy," came to my desk. I wish to quote from it as follows : ''Never, since man was upon the earth, has there been internecine strife on so gigantic and destructive a scale, nor of so portentous a character, as the pres- ent war in Christendom. It marks the beginning of the 'time of the end/ as indicated in Dan. 8: 17 and 12 : 9. But it is not yet Armageddon. ''So little has dispensational truth been taught in the churches that a majority of those who profess and call themselves Christians, are densely ignorant as to God's revealed purposes, and do not understand 'the signs of the time' (Mat. 16: 3). "So far from the world growing better and better, through the spread of Christian ( ?) civilization and culture in thfe present dispensation, we are expressly told that 'evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived' (2 Tim. 3: 13), and that 'in the last days perilous times shall come ; for men shall be lovers of their own selves, boasters, blasphemers, false accusers, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors' (2 Tim. 3:1), and that 'in the last times some shall depart from the faith (instead of FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 59 all the world coming to it), giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons' (1 Tim. 4:1). "From the books of Daniel and the Revelation we learn that, 'in the time of the end,' instead of a world set right by education and Christian ( ?) legislation, and a universal brotherhood of righteousness and peace, there will be an open revolt against the throne of God and the Lamb. The man of sin will head up this apostasy and finally gather his armies around Je- rusalem for the purpose of destroying the Jewish race at one dread stroke. And Jesus himself has positively declared that conditions on earth at His coming will be exactly as they were in the days of Noah and of Lot. "So clear and plain is the teaching of God's Word on these things, that the marvel is so few Christians understand. One explanation is that they seldom read the Bible, except in little selected portions which ap- peal to the emotions only ; nor must we forget that for nearly seventy years now there has been a growing conspiracy of unbelief in all the churches to discredit the Divine authority of the Bible. What are we to expect when theological professors, at training col- leges for ministers, teach their students, openly, to dis- card the Atonement, the Inspiration of the Bible, the Fall in Eden, the Personality of the Holy Spirit and also the Devil, that the Book of Revelation never was intended to be understood, and that there is no Judg- ment and no Hell. "It is not surprising, therefore, that, at a crisis in human affairs, which has no parallel in history, the hearts of many are 'failing them with fear, and from 60 THE EUROPEAN WAR looking after those things which are coming on the earth' (Luke 21 : 26). And it is well that there should be this fear, rather than a stoutness of heart, which is to characterize the wilfully wicked, who, up to the last, will do wickedly, and will not understand (Dan. 12: 10). Happy are those whose fears will drive them to seek and find refuge from the wrath of the Lamb." Lecture Five A SOLEMN WARNING AND THE CHRISTIAN'S ATTITUDE. We have before shown that Daniel 2 and 7 gives a prophetic outhne of the entire period of Gentile rule beginning with Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B. C. and ending with the second coming of Christ as the stone cut out of the mountains without hands. Jesus called this period of time "the times of the Gentiles," during which Israel is under Gentile domination. Daniel 2 and 7 is history written in advance, as all prophecy is. From a comparison of these two great chapters, with Rev. 13 and 17, we have seen that the last phase of the fourth beast kingdom, i. e., the Roman Empire, is that of a ten, and then of a seven, nation federation, each having its own crowned king, yet all subject to the overlordship of one powerful head, the revived papal beast, the man of sin, the prince that shall then have come, the New Testament Antichrist. He makes a covenant, by treaty of alliance, with the Jews in Palestine. He says the treaty is for seven years, Daniel's seventieth week. But in the midst of the week he ruthlessly breaks the treaty, and for the re- maining three and an half years he becomes Israel's bitterest foe, stops their daily sacrifice, and claims di- vine honors in their temple at Jerusalem. Compare 2 Thess. 2 : 1-12. Their refusal to bow the knee to his idol brings upon them the time of Jacob's trouble, and then upon them and the whole world, the great tribula- 61 62 THE EUROPEAN WAR tion, the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time. Compare Jer. 30: 7; Dan. 12: 1 ; Mat. 24: 21, and their references. Before, however, this ten, and then the seven, nation confederacy, the Revived Roman Empire, could come into existence, it was foreseen, by painstaking Bible students, that "a gigantic international struggle must needs take place, and be succeeded by a great democratic social, political, and religious up- heaval." That great struggle is now on. The next step will be a conference of the nations, with representatives of the pope, and of the Jews present, the formation of the confederacy within the bounds of the old Roman Em- pire, and, lo, the Revived Roman Empire again in ex- istence for the judgment strokes of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we now read what the observing men of the world are beginning to think and say about this great war, we see, before our very faces, the fulfillment of that word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. Now hear what some are saying, and know that I am not the only one who sees things as I am showing in these lectures: 1. Here is a quotation from a letter written April 3, 1914: "I anticipate tremendous events in this or next year which will startle a sleeping Church and a dead world. It is the centennial of Wellington's victory over Napoleon at Waterloo, and I expect that Eng- land will again come into some great danger and trouble." 2. Pastor Guers, of Geneva, Switzerland, wrote FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 63 over fifty years ago : ''What political revolutions, what overturnings, v^hat complete remodeling of the map of Europe, w^hat calamities of all kinds does the one single prophetic fact of the approaching restoration of the Roman Empire presuppose under the new form with which it is to be invested — a confederacy of the nations. And we, even we in Switzerland, are on Roman earth. We are in the very crater of the volcano. It does not yet vomit forth its torrents of lava, but already the soil trembles under our feet from one end of the Roman earth to the other." What would he write were he alive to-day? The lava is now flowing in torrents. The papal beast will soon rise out of the great war-torn, tempest-tossed Gentile sea. 3. Another rises to remark, somewhat gleefully: "This war is not going to end in diplomacy, it is going to end diplomacy. It is quite a different sort of war from any that has ever gone before it. At the end there will be no conference of Europe on the old lines at all, but a conference o£ the world, and then all nations will federate." 4. And still another says: "We are rolling up the map of Europe. We are blotting out its lines in seas of blood. Let the new Europe that is to rise out of these red seas of blood, be the Europe of the people, and not merely a chess board for the old players. Let us say that never again shall this horror come upon us, that no nation shall be permitted to arm itself to the menace of the peace of the world, that Europe shall be policed by one force, and that force shall be in the hands of one executive, representing all the 64 THE EUROPEAN WAR powers." Hence the one world-king, and who so fit for that exalted position as the pope of Rome, with his temporal power restored under the international guar- antees? This is certainly what we are coming to. Rejecting God's Word and plan, and the blood of His Son (2 Cor. 11: 13-15), the world will soon set up its last king, and God, in these, the last days (Rev. 13 and 17). But the stone which such builders reject will be made the headstone of the corner, and, falling suddenly out of heaven. He with His millennial king- dom will grind the beast and the kings of the earth to powder. Read the second Psalm, which will then be literally fufilled, though it had a partial fulfillment at the crucifixion. "Even so, come. Lord Jesus." Thank God for the revelation of His Word, that we being forewarned, might be ready. "And Jehovah said. Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I [propose] to do?" (Gen. 18: 17). Abra- ham knew, though Sodom did not. Sodom could have known, but would not. "Surely Jehovah God will do nothing, but he reveal- eth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 2:7) "There is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known what shall be in the last days" (Dan. 2:28). God is not to blame if a man will not read the Bible and find out what is to be in the last days. "But ye, brethren, are not* in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief ; for when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction shall come upon them, and they shall not escape" (1 Thess. FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 65 5:1-5). Here are two classes in the last days: The "brethren" who are not in darkness and are not sur- prised at the time, or manner, of the thief's coming, and the rest who will then be saying, "Peace and safety." "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunken- ness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares ; for as a snare shall it come upon all them that dwell upon the face of the whole earth. Watch ye, therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21 : 34-36). "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your deliver- ance draweth nigh" (Luke 21 : 28). The most imminent thing now, the very next event on the prophetic chart, is the first resurrection and the departure of the true Church to meet the Lord in the air. 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 2 Thess. 2:1; Rev. 3:10 with Mat. 25 : 10. Here is one more indication of how the lines are al- ready forming for the closing of the great war : — During January of this year a remarkable meeting was held in New York City. Most people passed it up without a moment's thought, but not so the real Bible students. It was attended by leading Jews and Gentiles, and its object was to begin a movement whereby the Jews w^ould have representatives in the peace confer- ence at the end of the w^ar, to insist on Jewish emancipation throughout the world, and the erec- tion of the Jewish state again in Palestine under 66 THE EUROPEAN WAR international guarantees, such as the CathoUcs are demanding for the pope. In the March, 1915, number of Our Hope, a maga- zine coming to my table monthly, on pages 520-521, I found This Startling Proposal: "Reginald J. Campbell, pastor of the London City Temple, and leader of the New Theology in England, a system which denies the doctrine of Christ, has now come forward with a suggestion that a great and uni- versal church council be held in the near future. The object is that the churches may all unite and talk over a way how the peace in Europe may be restored. "The Christian Commonwealth, of London, Eng- land, contains the information in the former para- graph. Mr. Campbell's words were as follows : 'Only one person in the world can summon such a con- ference with any hope of success : the Roman pontiff. The Archbishop of Canterbury could not do it; for Rome v^^ould not listen. The Metropolitan of the eastern churches could not do it. Rome holds the key to the situation. Let her try, and Protestantism will think better of her than has been the case for nearly four hundred years.' "This bold suggestion has brought responses from the so-called 'evangelical churches.' F. B. Meyer en- dorses the plan, and writes, 'I would be proud to stand with men like Cardinal Mercier in such an attempt.' "J. Scott Lidgett, secretary of the Free Church Council, also suggests union with Rome. He says, 'In my judgment we ought frankly to co-operate with FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 67 the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and all other forms of Christianity for this object. If the pope is prepared to lead the way, no ecclesias- tical or theological differences, however important, should be allowed to prevent Protestants from joining with him.' "A prominent Wesleyan minister writes: 'If the pope can do it, by all means let him do it, and God bless him.' " In many of the smaller towns the Federated Church is becoming more and more a reality, the number of them are slowly, but surely, increasing, a sure har- binger of the soon to be great universal political and ecclesiastical confederacy of the nations. Consider this News Dispatch: "Hays, Kan., March 13, 1915.— Dr. Frank Strong, chancellor of the University of Kansas, speaking to the editors and teachers of the Golden Belt District, who are in session here, told them to-day that the European war means the temporary collapse of civili- zation, and is due entirely to the fact that Christianity has failed to exert the political influence it should (what a mistake for him to understand that to be the mission of Christianity). The war has shown that culture cannot be depended upon as the sole basis of civilization. We believed that intellectual development made men good. The smoking ruins of many cities and the terrible carnage of the Marne and the Aisne show how false is this assumption. Purely formal religion cannot be the basis of a great civilization. "Christianity must end its divisions so it may speak 68 THE EUROPEAN WAR with unity and authority. It must become a govern- ing force in our economic and political system (the very argument of the Catholics). Christianity must control political forms so that through political agencies it may adequately express itself (must speak politically, dominate politics and governments, and thus govern the world, as if that is its mission, instead of saving men). A united Christianity can end war. If Christianity had remained without division, and there was one universal head (Catholics declare there is), then the head of the Church could have prevented the war." Is Chancellor Strong a Catholic ? He puts forth the very appeal of the Roman Catholic Church. That church says, "If our pope had only been recognized as a temporal ruler, he would 'have prevented the war.' Recognize him now, and he will end it. Protect him under the international guarantees, and he will for- ever make war an impossibility." How foolish our sup- posedly educated men are in playing into the hands of the papacy. In concluding these lectures I will give you A Summary of What They Contain: 1. An account of the origin, character, and length of the times of the Gentiles. This is that prophetic period outlined in Daniel 2 and 7 compared with Rev. 13 and 17. It began with Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, in 586 B. C, and will end with the second coming of Christ. In it the Gentiles are in the ascend- ancy and Israel is trodden under foot, together with their land, Palestine, and their city, Jerusalem. FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 69 2. Israel only is the divinely chosen and intended nation (Deut. 32:8), and, though God will make an end of all the Gentile nations. He never will make a full end of Israel. He has a foreordained and eternal purpose to work out through Israel, and He causes all Gentile nations to rise, run their course, and pass away, all in relation to Israel. 3. Dan. 2 and 7 declare that four great beast mon- archies were to constitute the governing force during the times of the Gentiles. Three are named as Baby- lonia, Medo-Persia, and Greece, or Macedonia. The fourth has a minute description, and history unites with the Bible in declaring it to be the Roman Empire, which was to have a long and multiform career. (1.) It was to rise, progress, and unify itself, sub- duing the whole earth. It did. (2.) It was to divide into the legs of Nebuchad- nezzar's dream image. It did. There was the West- ern Roman Empire, which fell in A. D. 476, and there was the Eastern Roman Empire, which fell in A. D. 1453. (3.) After the legs were the feet and the ten toes, which are called "ten horns," which are declared to be ten kingdoms into which the fourth beast was to be divided after 476 and 1453 A. D. These ten kingdoms would federate. (4.) The Roman Empire, as such, has passed away, received a deathstroke, but is to be revived under the ten toe condition, a great confederacy of ten nations within the territory of the old Roman Empire. This confederacy has not yet materialized, but is in the air, preparing to form at the close of the present great European war. 70 THE EUROPEAN WAR 4. From the organization of the great confederacy there are to be seven more years, Daniel's seventieth week, until Christ is revealed from heaven to destroy the beast — the last imperial ruler over the restored empire — and the kings of the earth — the rulers over the confederated nations. 5. The Bible and the present Revival of Romanism declare that all things are shaping to make the pope the ruler over the confederated nations, the last ruler in the Revived Roman Empire. 6. When the pope thus regains his temporal power under the international guarantees, which he is going to demand at the coming peace conference at the close of the great war, he will make a treaty with the Jew in Palestine, to place, and protect, his people in their re- stored kingdom. This treaty will be for seven years, but in the midst of that last week of seven years, he will deliberately and openly break it by setting up his idol in their temple at Jerusalem. The nation will re- fuse to worship the idol, and this will precipitate the great tribulation which is to overspread the whole earth. 7. Sometime after the commencement of the seven years, and before he breaks his treaty with Israel "in the midst of the week," the ten confederated nations within the Revived Roman Empire will fall out among themselves and fight the European war all over again. As a result three of the ten will be "plucked up by the roots," Dan. 7:8, 20, 24, 25. Suppose, for instance, that the Allies win in this war. Britain will seek to dominate all the rest, and the world for that mattei. Do you not see the same struggle again between the FROM A BIBLE STANDPOINT 71 Briton and the Muscovite. Britain is not able to handle the Teuton alone. Would she be able to con- quer the Muscovite? Seven nations out of the ten are left, and the pope. They constitute "the beast and the kings of the earth" of Rev. 19 : 19. The Solemn Warning to have nothing to do with the confederacy, either in state or church, political or religious, see Isa. 8:9-13. Consider God's Clear Statement of what He will declare the commingling of Roman and Greek Catholicism, with the various sects of Prot- estantism, in the pope's great confederacy, to be, see Rev. 17: 1-5, especially verse 5. "Mystery, Babylon, the great, the mother o£ harlots and abominations of the earth" does not yet appear. This is God's name for the religious federation when the Roman Empire has been revived. Behold, what your "fed- erated church" will eventually lead to. Have nothing to do with it, God will destroy you with it. Finally. Toward the latter part of the last three and an half years of Daniel's seventieth week the beast and his confederated kings have a change of heart (1 John 2: 22), and turn on apostate Christianity, the federated Church systems, and utterly destroy it, and them, from off the face of the earth (Rev. 17: 15-18). 72 THE EUROPEAN WAR The Christian's Attitude remains to be noticed. See it in four particulars : 1. Know God's Book. In it alone is to be found God's secret concerning what shall be in the last days, as well as the many other features of the Divine reve- lation. 2. Locate himself in the present dispensation, and the stream of prophecy. He should know what comes next, and how, and why the Lord returns. 3. He is to watch (Mk. 13:32-37), and wait (1 Thess. 1: 10), and pray for "his Son from heaven" (Rev. 22:20). 4. Let him Hve absolutely separated (2 Cor. 6: 14- 18), and be always ready (Mat. 25: 10). Remember 1. That Satan is coming. Rev. 12: 12. 2. That Antichrist shall be revealed in his time. 2 Thess. 2: 1-12 and Rev. 13 : 1-10. 3. That God will send His Son back into this world. 2 Thess. 1 : 7-10 and Mat. 24: 30. "Even so, come Lord Jesus." The book CREDO— I BELIEVE was written hy the author of this pamphlet in 1912. It has 14 chapters of 350 pages. It contains an outUne of what the author believes to be the plan of salvation, or the outworking of God's eternal purpose as indi- cated in Eph. 3:11, The chapter titles will give an idea of the merit of the book. There is One Living and True God. Concerning Jesus o£ Nazareth. Jesus and His Sacrifice. Jesus and the Scriptures. Rightly Dividing the Word. Jesus and the Church. Miscellany. Salvation: What It Is. Baptism ?ind Church Membership, Mysteries of the Kingdom. Jehovah's Eternal Purpose. The Great Seven-Fold Judgment. The Great Tribulation. That Blessed Hope The production of this booK cost the author a lucra- tive pastorate, his membership and his ministry in ,-: great rehgious denomination. The book retails at 50 cents the copy, 5 cents addi- tional for postage. Address the author WILLIS F. JORDAN, rich. Mo, LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS m a CI 021 547 613 3 • HALDEMA^f!51■| (International) 9 Sunday School Lesson Quarterly Second Year The Rev, I. M. HALDEMAN, D.D. (Pastor First Baptist Church, New Yolk City) Gives in his Expositions of the Sunday School Les- sons an entirely new and unique treatment. The thousands who delight in true Bible Study will joyously welcome these Lesson Notes, because of their marvelous unfoldings of the Word, and their clear presentation of hidden treasures. They are accurate, scholarly, spiritual, and dispensa- tional. These helps give real pleasure and profit in Bible study and teaching. Price, per annual subscription ..... $1.00 Price, per quarterly issue postpaid .... 25c, Per dozen copies to one address pos^aid, $2.40 (No sample pages — remit 25 cents for a sample copy.) CHARLES C COOK 150 Nassau Street New York