■M4 r ih. *r ^Copyright, 1916 A. T. DeLaMare Ptg. and Pub. Co. Ltd. New York MAY 18 1916 ©CI.A433044 5"B445 •y '"^ <7Ke /. Wedding Flowers N' 'OWHERE in tke realm of Floral Art ( is tKere anjJtKing tKat calls for more skill, ! more experience and resourcefulness man "niiie Wedding." Oliere is an irresistible cKarm, a \ fascination about it, in x\)KicK the flowers plaj? a leading role. Mere sentiment does not enter ; into tke cKoosing of v^edding flowers. Brie)l>) 1 speaking, tKey must be correct. Hliis booklet forecasts tke mode in wedding decorations, and ' all flowers carried or worn b}? tke bridal party. Our decorative department is adequately equipped for large or small decorations. Tlie style in decorating no longer calls for keavj) banked effects, but ratker tkat wkick keigktens 1 and enkances an already) beautiful interior. Our bridal bouquets are in tkemsel\)es Wonderful creations. Our style is distinctiA?e and eack bunck is designed especially for tke one wko carries it. Tl\e bride's skower V bouquet kas many variations. In all of tkem (' ^ tke lines are equally good. In general effect, ^_y.^v.v!*>V, f>, /**S Z"^*^ !* l:'^: yj the}? are ligKt and graceful. Tl\ey conform and never detract. Tliey Kave tKe cKarnn of personality. TKe bridesmaids, maid of Konor and flower girls furnisK tKe color sympKony. Tl\ey are tKe setting, of wKicK tKe bride is tKe jewel. 5 It is well to consult us early regarding tKe color scKeme. It is all important. A small sample of tKe dress goods will aid us in suggesting ,^ tKe proper flowers available. It is never advisable to leave tKe ordering of ; wedding flowers until tKe "eleventK Kour." J Let us Kelp you in early planning. Of course we are prepared for any emergency, but time and foretKougKt always bring out tKe finest detail. Our prices, wKile not competitive, are tKe lowest consistent witK tKe best work. Please note tKat some flowers used in our I • floral designs and decorations are at certain periods fki\ of tKe year out of season; Kowever, similar effects in form and color can alv?ays be obtained tKrougK tKe use of otKer flovCers. We deliver nearby orders by our own special service. Out-of-town orders by express or messenger. You will be deligKted witK our care and attention to eOery detail of tKis important service. ^ fS?-*%. ,^s>'*.^r m -j This beautiful creation is tke masterpiece in Bride's Bouquets. The superb style !. is a classic. / ^i Sweet Pea5 lend themselves so well that we suggest their use for the entire bridal part>). ^^M^;:^^ This arrangement is of tKe loose, or open style, and is very dainty and A graceful arrangement of Carnations is most pleasing. In a similar touquet for tKe . y Bridesmaid, tKe Lilies of tKe Valley are omitted. /^, ?v'Kite of the Gardenias, tKis cKarming sKo>wer buncK is rich and showy >without being overdone. For tKose wKo wish to carry Roses tKis style is modest in effect and price. TKere are wonderful possibilities in tKe single petaled Daisy. This bouquet is effective for June ^^Ceddings. A daint}?, small basket filled witK Kalf open, pink Roses, vJith a cluster of Mignon Roses on the handle, is carried bj) the Flower Girl. TKe Bridal Corsage is correct for tke informal >wecicling. Narrow ribtons, witK suggestions of tKe sKower, can te added if desired. .^^..-i^-^^i-^--;;^"^''^^'^ Orchids and Valley Lilies are always in good form for tKe Corsage. jSij wi Bride's Bouquet of Lily of tKe Valle>' vJitK a small cluster of OrcKids, often made of Valley alone and very cKarming at that. TKe Bridal Mujf is dainty and fascinating. Note tKe graceful lines of tKe shower. t-^ TKe quaint "Old FasKioned" is e-^er popular for both tke bride and Ker attendants. We must not forget tKe Boutonnieres for the gentlemen. Correctness demands tKat nothing be omitted. "3^ • ^ /a .^*?\^ i^hU r m ■i J X