PS 2263 .PI 1886a Copy 1 [/ Numt>€rT March 17, 1886 jiTiiF . iui.;iira- ■rar*^'i«j EVANGELINE BY H. W. LONGFELLOW WITH NOTES AND A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY Boston : 4 Park Street New York: 11 East 17TH Street Chicago: 28 Lakeside Building 8Cf)f JSibcrgitie tiJrcss, CamftriUfit \ Entered at the Post Office . Boston, Mass., as second-class mattef Single Numbers FIFTEEN CENTS } ^Valf 'V^^^^'^^rrL'S" Double Numbers THIRTY CENTS \ (13 Numbers). 41.60 2Dl)e Htoersiitie ^literature ^eriesi EVANGELINE HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW V/ITH NOTES A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY Boiton : 4 Park Street ; New York : 11 East Seventeenth StrMt Chicago: 28 Lakeside Building ,v Houghton, Mifflin & Co. are the only authorized publishers of the works of Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, Holmes, Emeb- BON, Thoreau, a7id Hawthorne. All editions which luc/c the imprint or authorization of Houghton, Mifflin