- Class _xT_l £W- Book _j2? Cojyrightfl?.. ^/ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. E)IARY PJfU? a {ii 1 t 1 I L— &m Benjamin F. Palmers Diary The DIARY of BENJAMIN F. PALMER Privateersman Wtyik a prisoner on boaro lEnnUslj mar sljtps at sea, in the prison at fclmllc Sslano ano at lartnt00r Now first printed from the original manuscript THE ACORN CLUB CID IDCCCC XIV -c? Eleventh Publication ONE HUNDRED AND TWO COPIES PRINTED &&. . JlllL Copyright by the Acorn Club 1914 The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor PresB IAN 26 1914 ©CLA361731 •> *i ACORN CLUB Williston Walker, Honorary, William Newnham Chattin Carlton, John Murphy, Albert Carlos Bates, Charles Lewis Nichols Camp George Seymour Godard, Frederic Clarence Bissell, Joline Butler Smith, . William Fowler Hopson, Frank Addison Corbin, Henry Russell Hovey, Frank Butler Gay, . Walter Havens Clark, William John James, Lucius Albert Barbour, Charles Yale Beach, . Addison Van Name, . Henry Roberts, Henry Ferguson, Morgan Bulkeley Brainard, Morris Woodruff Seymour, Lucius Barnes Barbour, Andrew Wheeler Phillips, John Ireland Howe Downes, Andrew Keogh, New Haven Chicago New Haven Hartford New Haven Hartford Hartford New Haven New Haven New Haven Hartford Hartford Hartford Middletown Hartford Pittsfleld New Haven Hartford Hartford Hartford Bridgeport Hartford New Haven New Haven New Haven Deceased Charles Jeremy Hoadley Donald Grant Mitchell Mahlon Newcomb Clark Charles Thomas Wells Martin Leonard Roberts TO Anna $ atowr iraper THIS PUBLICATION IS DEDICATED BY THE Aront (EUtb ILLUSTRATIONS IN HELIOTYPE Benjamin Franklin Palmer Frontispiece From an oil painting. FACING PAGE Facsimile letter of W. Miller 54 Agent for American prisoners at Melville Island. Privateer Grand Turk 70 This represents the tjrpe of private armed ship made famous in the war of 1812. Generally rigged as ships or brigs, with very long and light masts and spars, carrying a great spread of canvas, heavily armed, and manned with a crew of from one hundred to one hundred and fifty sailors — they could both fight and run. Dartmoor Prison and Massacre 179 From a lithograph published at Boston in 1853. Copy of original drawing by B. F. Palmer 186 PREFATORY NOTE No thought has been entertained of editing this Journal — it is sufficient unto itself, nor is it necessary to offer any explanation, other than this, for the many errors in the text, very few of which obscure the writer's meaning, and none of which reflect discredit upon himself. When account is taken of the many difficulties and great annoyances under which the composition must have been performed the wonder is, not that there are broken threads and so many mistakes of writing, but that such a complete record of each day's occurrences was possible at all, and such a continuous narrative from first to last persevered in. The writer's graphic powers of description, his spontaneous expression and direct- ness, and the simplicity and evident truth of his story have not in any way been lessened by revision or attempted elucidation. We are indebted to Mrs. Henry Draper, Miss E. W. Palmer and The New York Public Library for permis- sion to issue this edition of The Journal of Benjamin Franklin Palmer. To Mr. C. L. R. Robinson for the loan of the original drawing of the privateer Grand Turk. To Mr. Donald MacNeill Palmer for the por- trait of young Palmer. To Mrs. Draper for the view of Dartmoor Prison, and to The New York Public Library for the loan of the original manuscript, which is now in its possession, it being a gift to that institution from Mrs. Henry Draper. INTRODUCTION. Dartmoor Prison. There are five books in English, one in French and three magazine articles which form the library to which we refer for all we know of a place which was so important in the War of 1812. In the heart of the Dartmoor country in Southern England is a spot which was a desolate peat bog up to 1805. Then, England and France being at war, more room for French prisoners was needed, and the granite structure destined to unpleasant notoriety as Dartmoor prison was begun. The buildings, which at one time held nearly 10,000 men, were first occupied in 1809. The best known incident of the prison history is the Dartmoor Massacre, April 6, 1815. Now that an American Memorial has been placed in the Church at Prince Town, in Dartmoor, it may be regarded as one of the significant signs that a war between England and The United States is quite an impossible thing to contemplate. The memorial is a large stained glass window, suitably inscribed, given by The National Society United States Daughters of 1812. It was formally presented by the president of the society June 4, 1910. Bibliography of Dartmoor Prison. 1. Andrews, Charles. The Prisoner's Memoirs. New York, 1815. 2. Waterhouse, Benjamin. The Journal of a Young Man, etc. Boston, 1816. [ xvi ] 3. I. H. W. The Dartmoor Massacre (poem). No place, 1815. 4. Cobb, J. A. A Younker's First Cruise. 1841. 5. Hawthorne, Nathaniel (Editor). The Papers of an Old Dart- moor Prisoner, in Democratic Review, Vols. 18-19, 1845. 6. Catel, L. La Prison de Dartmoor. Paris, 1847. 7. Dartmoor Prison. In Frasir's Magazine, Vol. 48, 1853. 8. McNeil, J. G. American Prisoners at Dartmoor, in Harper's Magazine, September, 1904. 9. Thompson, Basil. The Story of Dartmoor Prison. London, 1907. Numbers 7 and 8 are general histories, not specifically devoted to American prisoners. Privateering in 1812-15. It is generally considered that when President Madi- son sent his message to the Senate and House of Representatives in June, 1812, that we were quite unprepared to face the might of Great Britain. In a large measure this was true, as we had less than a dozen regular naval vessels to meet the thousand or more of England's navy; but, we must not overlook the American seaman. Under the operations of the "Orders in Council" of 1806, our merchant marine had been harassed and gradually driven from the sea, and the sailor stranded on shore. There were thousands of these men, perhaps, the finest seamen the world ever knew, anxious to serve at sea, but how? The regular navy could take but a few, and it was left obviously for private enterprise to best find employment for this host of mighty men in two ways: (1) in letters of marque, properly cargo ships, that is vessels whose primary object is commerce, [ xvii and which, therefore, carry cargoes, but have also guns, and a commission from the government to make prizes. Without such authorization, capture is piracy. (2) Privateers owned, controlled and manned by a maritime people debarred from every other form of maritime activity. That there always existed a strong feeling against privateering is true, and very strange it is that such a feeling obtained to some extent amongst our own people. To counteract this prejudice, and to influence public opinion in favor of using privateers and letters of marque, Jefferson wrote under date of July 4-th, 1812, an article, some extracts from which are here inserted: — "What is war? It is simply a contest between nations of trying which can do the other most harm." And, again: "What difference to the sufferer is it that his property is taken by a national or private armed vessel? Did our merchants, who have lost 917 vessels by British capture, feel any gratification that the most of them were taken by His Majesty's men-of- war?" And, again: "One man fights for wages paid him by the government, or a patriotic zeal for the defence of his country, another, duly authorized, and giving the proper pledges for his good conduct, under- takes to pay himself at the expense of the foe, and serve his country as effectively as the former. In the United States every possible encouragement should be given to privateering in time of war with a commercial nation." In conclusion he says: "By licensing private armed vessels, the whole moral force of the nation is truly [ xviii ] brought to bear on the foe, and while the contest lasts, that it may have the speedier termination, let every indi- vidual contribute his mite, in the best way he can to distress and harass the enemy, and compel him to peace." Of course, the object of the privateer was primarily to war on commerce, and the intense feeling of acrimony displayed by England towards captured privateersmen (notably at Dartmoor prison) is an indication of the success of the vessels thus engaged. There were instances, however, where fights occurred between a privateer and a regular vessel of His Majesty's navy, as when the privateer Chasseur, Capt. Boyle, overhauled a schooner, which proved to be the St. Laurence of the royal navy. In reporting the affair to his owners, Capt. Boyle wrote: "I should not willingly, perhaps, have sought a contest with a King's vessel, knowing that is not our object; but my expectations at first were a valuable vessel, and a valuable cargo also. When I found myself deceived, the honor of the Flag, intrusted to my care, was not to be disgraced by flight." The London Statesman, under date of June 10, 1812, warned England of what might be feared from Ameri- can privateers. After reciting the history of our private-armed vessels during the Revolution, the article o-oes on to state: "These are facts which can be traced to a period when America was in her infancy, without ships, without seamen, without money, and at a time when our navy was not much less in strength than at present. The Americans will be found to be a different sort of enemy by sea than the French. They possess nautical knowledge, with equal enterprise to ourselves. [ xix ] They will be found attempting deeds which a French- man would never think of." It is not too much to say that our privateersmen were of the type that accompanied Hawkins, Drake, Fro- bisher and Grenville in their world-renowned voyages, and they displayed the same gallantry that has always marked the Anglo-Saxon in his conquest of the sea. "Heave or sink it, leave or drink it, we were masters of the sea." References. Sea Power in its Relation to the War of 1812. Mahan. History of the American Privateers. Coggeshall. A History of American Privateers. Maclay. Magazine of History. Benjamin Franklin Palmer Born July 10, 1793 Died April 28, 1824 Aged 31 years. The writer of this diary was a descendant of Walter Palmer, one of the founders of Stonington, Conn. The Palmers have always been prominent in the annals of the town, and in the famous siege of August, 1814, many of the relations of our diarist did gallant service. Stonington was the first place to offer serious resistance to the British, who had made a clean sweep in Maine, and compelled Nantucket to become neutral. The news of the victory reached Palmer during his cap- tivity at Dartmoor, and cheered him mightily, causing [ XX ] him to compare unfavorably the defenders of Washing- ton with his own townsmen. Palmer was a good type of the young American of the nineteenth century, when the feeling of patriotism was intense, and all other matters were subordinated to what Burke termed "that salutary prejudice called our country." Here we may say that the brief records of his boy- hood show a certain impetuosity, quite likable in a boy of wholesome instincts. It is related that he was one of a party made up of the younger townsmen of Ston- ington, who found it necessary to tar and feather an undesirable citizen. The self-appointed committee was masked, and in response to a protest from the victim that they did not dare show their faces, young Palmer unmasked and by so doing cost his father fifteen hundred dollars, a considerable sum for that time. He had a liking for books, and the diary bears evi- dence of his familiarity with the Bible, Shakspere, Bunyan, Butler and Sterne. He alludes several times in his journal of wasteful time spent in reading novels. It is to be regretted that he does not give the titles of these light books. He only looks into them when it is quite impossible to pass his time profitably. It is said there are many ways of writing a diary, the best being that in which events are vividly illuminated, and life and action always present. Certainly the writer of this journal meets these requirements. When Palmer engaged to serve on the privateer RoJla, he surely expected stirring adventures, for this boat was already famous, with a record of destroying [ xxi ] many ships, and of capturing cargoes valued at above $2,000,000. He probably expected to see a fine ship, and his disappointment at her lack of accommodation, and her small size was so keen that he was disposed not to venture. Possibly he had a premonition of ill-for- tune, for scarcely had the Rolla ventured out, when she was captured by His Majesty's frigate Loire. Alas! Poor Boy! His brief dream of glory was over, and for more than a year he was in keen distress of mind and body; but his was a heroic soul and rarely does he repine over bodily discomforts, although they were terrible, but his mental anguish is, at times, almost unendurable. He resents improper treatment, and his dignity is outraged when he and his mates are subjected to what he fancies is unusual punishment. In one place, when the accommodations between decks are especially bad, "Do they think," he says, "we are damned Frenchmen?" We seldom hear from the main deck, and this record is unique in its amazing frankness and candor, and brings vividly before us the unpleasant details of a privateersman's lot when captured, and his treatment on board ships, and at prisons. The only other narrative of similar experiences bears evidence of careful editing, whilst this boy's story is hot from the heart. His powers of observation are keen, and he gives us a vivid story of life on the ships at Bermuda, and after of his expe- riences at Melville Island, intensely interesting in the details, covering description of daily muster, washday, the visits of the turnkey every night and morning to see that none are missing, the many ways the prisoners are affected, and through it all very little complaining of the horrors of a captive's life, under the cruel method that England at this time pursued in treating prisoners of war, more particularly privateersmen. Under this stress, the boy becomes a man, and devel- ops the quality of a leader, so that when the time of greatest trouble comes, and he and his mates are sent to Dartmoor, he is well fitted for the appointment which comes to him from 1,500 prisoners, of Judge, and his labor is constant to ameliorate the horrid conditions of life in this distressing place. He qualifies himself to give instruction in writing, navigation and mathematics. One must wish that this aspect of his prison life was more fully told, but his brief allusion to it bears evidence of a becoming modesty. The conflicting reports of the progress at Ghent of the treaty makers, one day's story that the preliminary treaty was signed, causing the utmost joy, followed by depression as the story lacked confirmation; the story of cartels arranged, and to be arranged, day by day, reported and denied, all added to the unavoidable horrors of captivity, developed in the boy a greatness of soul that exacts our profound admiration. Then follows, after it was known that the treaty was signed, and the prisoners only waiting ships to carry them to the homes for which they longed, the horrid, brutal and unnecessary massacre of April 6, 1815. The grief and passionate indignation of young Palmer is so great, that here his narrative becomes incoherent, he searches for flaming words, and realizes how inadequate is the written or spoken word, and only [ xxiii revenge seems to him the right way to redress this most terrible murder. His voyage home is full of interest, and one must wonder if in his brief life, following this terrible expe- rience, whether he found much to excite his interest, but we have no narrative of his life except the brief allusion to his marriage into a distinguished family, he having married Miss Marshall, a niece of Henrv Claw We may truly say, to paraphrase his favorite author, that he "did not return inexperienced to his grave." JOURNAL OF THE TIMES. OR THE PRISONERS JOURNAL. Containing an acurate account of the Authors expe- rience during, his imprisonment which commenced on the 10 th Day of December 1813. and ended on the 27 th Day of April 1815. with some observatory remarks previous and ulterior to his imprisonment, untill his arrival again to the place of Departure. — To which is added a Poem composed on Melville Island an address to the People of U States on the sub- ject of exchange. Regulations of Dartmoore Prison — Several Letters to and from John Mitchell Esq. Ameri- can Agent at Halifax — A Petition to James Munroe Esq r . representing the conduct of H. G. Beasly Esq r . American Agent in England Several Letters in favour of Doc r Magraths conduct with his answers. A peti- tion to Sir J. B. Warren to obtain the Release of an unfortunate Townsman and Several Songs on Differ- ent Subjects — illustrated with maps of the Different Prisons where the Author has been confined byBFP 1813 Decmr 6 Left Stonington at 11 OClock at Night in a Wagon with Cap 1 Fellows and M r . Bayley in Company, started [2 ] from Peters's with A Bottle of N. E. got to Wickitty- wock and to our sad surprise discoverd our Bottle was broke, but not loosing all the liqour Mr. Bayley secured it in the wall, against his return, this being done we set all sail, and without any other accident reached Mr. Gavits. hove too and took some N. E. then set sail again, and at Daylight hove too under lee of Davises Tavern Decmr 7th After taking in a good stock of Provision, we again set sail and about 12 O Clock arrived at Newport Ferry.— drank friends with Mr. Bailey, and left him crossed the ferry in company with Mr Sha and Bur- rows, and arrive in town at 2 O'clock took Dinner at Mr Daws Tavern, and then went on Board the Priva- teer Rolla. not much pleased with her she being small came on shore and staid all night. Decmbr 8th Rainy lowery weather, kept on shore. Decmr 9th Went to the Office and shipped, got prepared for sea. put my things on board expecting to sail— had I not have gone so far I believe I should return home, as I dislike the Privatier verry much— Decmr 10th Commences with light breezes from the N". W. at 10 A. M. got under way and went up the harbour in [ 3 ] company with 2 schooners at 4 P. M. all hands on board got under way fresh Wind from the X. \V. passed the fort about sunset reed 2 shot from the fort but did not stop (wish it had sunk her) passed point Judith about 8 O Clock, about 12 Midnight passed 2 Men of War they gave Chase, we sprung our Main Boom but escaped. — had some talks of going back in to Newbedford. but finally concluded we could fish the Boom in the morning, as we had plenty of stuff, and a good Carpenter. So after some Debate concluded to keep on our cruise, the wind Blowing very heavy shortend sail, and run under easy Sail during the night. Decmr 11th This morning at daylight discoverd a sail to leward. she appeard like a Merchant 11 that we did not appre- hend much danger — not having our Boom fished and it blowing heavy, we feard to haul on a wind, so concluded to run across her bow and for reach her — but we soon found her to be a Frigate so hauld our wind but being with god canister shot, she commenced a heavy canonade upon us which proved very verry destructive to our riging and spars, we still gaind upon her. untill after fireinsr 190 Shot one struck our foremast which soon after came by the board — we then finding we were gone, immediately commenced putting up our cloaths. — we were soon boarded by A Lieut, then it was in to the boats You dam Yankee Rascals and on board the Loire Frigat with You. which orders we were obliged to comply with, they overhauld our bags, and plunderd [ 4 ] them of every thing valuable we were then orderd below Excepting the Capt and Leiutenents. Negroes and Sailors Fiddlers and Taylors 3 deep, in the hole o God what reflections this sad night. Deem 12th Got up this morning and found my Trunk broken open and all the cloathing taken out. Dont like the treatment but cant grumble. It is better than I would treat them — and d-m- them if I ever have it in my power I will treat them: well: Capt Fellows and Brother. Mess with Midshipmen. Borrows and Latham Mess with the officers, but us poor prizemasters are treated with just as much respect as any of the crews, however some of the officers treat us what an English- men calls well — Took a small schooner from — Ran- somed her and sent in 25 Prisoners to Nantucket. Thank God. the old folks will soon hear of the unhappy fate of Poor Frank Decmr 13th Commences with fresh breezes and squally weather, standing in for block Island, at 9 A. M. saw two sails standing for us. soon discoverd them by signales to be the Sandomingo 74. Adm 1 Warren and Orpheus F. A boat came on board and ordered us on board the 74. we all musterd our bags and went something dissatis- fied on board. They put us all down in the lower hole except Capt. F. and Brother and Mr. Latham. Worser & Worse, and more of it. never mind — [ 5 ] Deem 20th Formed ourselves into messes of 6 no utensils fo Cook- ing, and but little Cash to purchase them with. Deem 21st We are all stationed on the Lower Gun Deck. Officers aft and Men Forward — But no Distinction as to fare — Decmr 22nd Sent on shore for Cooking Vessels, Plates, &c &c &c &c Deem 23 Our things came off to day but find the Prices enor- mous Candles 50 cts Pr lb Onions 25 cts Bunch and every other article in proportion. Deem 24th Our fare consists of % lb Bread 1 gill of Pease 6 Oz Meat, but time flies apace playing Cards Chequers, &c. &c. we live something in stile as they have fitted the ship up some Chrismas Eve and nothing to Drink — Deem 25th It being Christmas we are allowed fresh beef, but what kind of Beef— they look like sone of Faros lean Kind— but as bad as they are we are very glad to get them, do very well for a fufu- The ships company last night were all as Drunk as Bachus., they kept up a [ 6 ] Hell of Belue all night Quarreling and Drinking But we had nothing to carry on the Glory. Deem 26th Arrived the crew of the Nonesuch Letter of Marque belonging to Philadelphia — Mr. Bennet of Mistick was Pilot of her — he says that a report was in circula- tion before he left the Plantagenet of 74 guns is cap- tured by two of our Frigates. Likewise that the Rolla had arrived in Bermuda — haveing been blown off from Halifax by Contrary winds — It being Sunday to day we are all muster d to attend prayers, but some in stead of attending are playing Card Gambling &c. morrals are not corrupt enough yet to profane the Sabbath in this manner. — Deem 27th Nothing occurs, our ship is sorrounded by 365 small Islands, resembling the Hummocks off Fishers Island, verry Subject to Rains and Squalls — Deem 28th I neglected to mention that the first night of our arrival one of the prisoners had his trunk stole it was found in possession of one of the Marines, who is put in Irons there to remain untill tryed by a Court marshall — I hope they will hang the Bugger — Deem 29th Nothing has transpired this day I fear materials will be wanting to fill my Journall — [ 7 ] Deem 30th Verry Lazy all day employ about Nothing this after- noon a Sailor belonging to the ship was taken to the gang way and flogd on takeing one Dozen he fainted. All hands employ scrubing Decks. — Deem 31st It is rumor'd about that a Cartel is prepareing for us to be in readiness in a short time I'm fearful] it is only Gulley news. 1814 Jany 1st. New Years. Its an old saying with the old women in Conneticut that if a person is lively and doing well, he may calcu- late to do well the year through, I think our prospect is bad. But Misfortune's unavoidable and few there is but will share some of the miseries attendand on all mankind — and it is not allways those who most deserves it. for there is no exceptions with God. for he says our days are few and full of evil, but hope that sweet balm of life is our only comfort, and its impossible to deprive us of that, although small — yet without it our confinement would be more Irksome; ah! almost insup- portable, sweet a America when will that happy time come when we shall inhail thy pure air. of Jany 1st Continued Liberty and blest with the charming Society of the fair sex. will spend our days, in uninterupted felicity, amid pleasures unknown. But alass I fear far distant will [ 8 ] be that happy Day that we shall hear the pleasing sound of welcome once more to the arms of thy Parrents thou unfortunate Child of Misfortune, and I do think should that happy time arrive before peace takes place I will there remain untill the happy sound of Peace shall once more be heard throughout the happy shores of America — Jany 2nd It being Sunday time pass away slowly away. Gambling is caried to great heights, some even sell their Cloths for that purpose — Jany 3d All hands employed in washing Decks, nothing occurs through the day. Jany 4th A Fresh recruit of Prisoners carrired here to day 22 in number belonging to the U Schoner Vixen lately captured, they bring a number of reports, one is that the Siratoga arrive at Wilmington N. C. loaded with Specie another is that Comodore Decature had escaped from N. London, in a snow storm, we must wait patiently till time unfolds all — Jany 5th The reported capture of the Plantagenit without foundation as she has arrived here — several Inspectors chosen to see that the decks are Keept clean — among the rest Capt Fellows &, My noble self. [ 9 ] Jany 6th Six Masters and Mates arrived here today captured in Different Vessels — at 5 P. M. one of the men fell from the main Yard across the gunale and broke his thigh and arm the poor fellow sufferd excruciating pain, until the surgeon renderd him assistance. Jany 7th Took Cocoa, and then washd our quarters, this is a wise regulation, washing the Decks twice a week it conduces much towards the health and comfort of the Prisoners Jany 8th Gaming on board progresses but haveing no money I have no hand init. even if I had I've not much pro- pensity that way — Our hopes of a Cartel soon fitting out seems to vanish — I believe the Officers some time give us hopes, that we may feel the disappointment more sensebly — We have been some time short of water but are again supplied. Jany 9th Three prisoners arrived this morning Bring an a c that an Embargo is laid through out the U States, likewise that Congress had Declared war against Spain This afternoon 30 prisoners arrived part from R. Island saild 5 days after us. the news of our Capture had not reachd there then. [ io ] Jan 10th Before sunrise two young Sailors for exercise, or want of better employment, fought a battle, they were allowd to flog each other pretty decently and then were parted. Jany 11th Nothing new to day the Capt has been on shore some days attending a Court Marshall. Jany 12th A sloop beating up the harbour the Capt has just returnd. and brings a report that the Presidents frigate is sunk by an English line of Battle Ship. /All Fudge/ — Jany 13th To day musterd some cash and sent on shore to pur- chace the following articles for which we paid. Potatoes 1 Doll P r . B. Candles l/ 2 D lb Codfish 10 cts. and other articles proportionably high with the exception of Sugar and Coffee which comes cheap — Jany 14th Nothing of consequence has occurd — Jany 15th Wash down Decks it being pleasant. By the last report from St. Georges there is no Exchange of Pris- oners bad news for us if true, our Boatswain and several of the crew have petitiond Capt Cuchet for permision [ 11 ] to go on board the Cartel & help fitt her out. Gratis our Surgeon with several others noncombatents have got permision to return home the first oppert unity. Jan 16 At 11 O Clock A. M. 4 Prisoners arrived not yet heard where they are from. The report of the arrival of the Holla here some time since appears to be wit limit foundation. Jany 17th Mess Latham and Burrows are quite Sick. Colds seems to be very prevalent. 18th Five or six prisoners came on board to Day they were captured about a month since in a Sloop from Boston bound to the southward they bring us no news. 19th The prisoners which I mentioned a few days since, have an oppertunity and are permitted to embark for the States. I avail myself of this chance of writeing home, likewise to my dear Brother A. who I am in hopes is doing well — Jany 20th The liberated prisoners went on shore this morning. several more went on parole at Hamilton — weather remarkable Pleasant P. M. 9 Prisoners arrived they bring nothing new. one of the prisoners had a Shocking Bruize by the sudden falling of a Port — [ 12 ] 21st. Prisoners arrive daily, principally whalemen. Capt. Porter has captured nearly all the English Whalemen round Cape Horn — 22nd Mr. Coit. rec d (while darning the Embargo Break- ers) a severe fall from his hamock and Broke his great toe. 23d The heavens seem to wear a gloomy aspect The Star of adversity continualy pervades the Bright Hemi- sphier. nothing but discontent reigns among the pris- oners fearing that we shall have to stay here during the summer, if that should be the case I think a cargo of Coffins would pay a handsome freight, for it is my opinion that the most of us will make our exit and retire behind — the scene of this world and become actors on the Stage of Death. Jany 24th An alterations in the Heavens much Galley news in circulation respecting the Cartel which they say is to Sail in a few days, begin to grow familiar with the hardships of a prison 25th This is what the English term ban yan Day. and well they may only 1 Gill of Pease Cocoa and *4 lb condemd Bread for Breakfast. Y 2 Pint 0I " Pease with [ 13 ] the same quantity of Bread for dinner and for supper !/4 lb Bread and as much water as you can drink — British Humanity is here displayd in its most con- spicuous collours. — let no one hereafter accuse the British of Humanity a name they detest and abhor so much that the}' have erased it from their minds and are now utter strangers to the word 26th Let not this day be forgotten by the Prisoners on board this ship, a day although Prisoners we demand satisfaction from the Capt. for a blow that one of the prisoners reed from a Marine. (A Centry on Deck) the prisoner was getting some watter at the tank, and was orderd below on denying he was struck, when we heard of this every breast was fired with indignation and cried allowd for revenge. — Jany 27th This morning all the prisoners being made acquainted with the affair which happend yesterday, one of the committee went to the Capt and demanded Satisfac- tion for the wrongs of a fellow Prisoner, after stateing the circumstances to him he acknowledged it was wrong and promised redress. Likewise giveing orders to every Marine not to strike nor insult no Prisoner. — this is all the satisfaction we reed, but should another American be struck Farewell Marines — These d-m Englishmen must not think they have got Frenchmen to deal with — No — they have some that remembers the old Jersey, (Prison Ship) Dont talk — [ 14 ] 28th Nothing seems to occur, this morning but may ere night, so 111 leave off for the present, again I resume my pen to make mention of some more prisoners that has arrived 4 in number taking in a Sloop from Marblehead. the Capt is a relation of mine in a nose way— They dont seem to like the prison Ship better than we do. however I hope Brother Jonathan, will send a Cartel here and take us home to Yankee town, for I guess he wants a few Blue Jackets to man those fir built Frigates of ours Jany. 29th NEWS OF EACH DAY Hark says one what noise is that we hear over head //The day just breaking// It is the Officer of the deck watch haveing the Decks holystoned answers a Voice half stifled By the Hammock from which it proceded. soon after all hands begin to muster when a general cry takes place of whose cook day is it. after finding the cook of each mess it is 7 bells and each one repairs to the o-alley to get his Cocoa with this and a pice of a bread we make our Breakfast, this over the Sergent comes down and orders all hands on Deck to muster, that over down we come some writeing some reading we pass the Day. but the Magor part are Gambling— when the bell announces 12 O Clock, the cooks repair to the Galley again and down comes the Dinner, which con- sists of 3 Gills of Pease half Boild % lb Beef half Bone 1 Biscuit half worms we look with scorn on the homely fare and in silence sit down and soon devour our scanty allowance.— then the cards are introduced, and kept up [ 15 ] untill 8 O Clock, then the lights are orderd out. when we turn in and talk about home — sing a few songs and then in the arms of Morphius pas the night. Jany 30th The news of the Cartel seems to die away and I fear with too good grounds. — Alass unhappy Mortals how long must we remain in this Floating Dungeon — acursed prison must 400 tru Born Yankees suffer not only the miseries of a Prison but the pang of disappoint- ment, here. To waste away the time which so justly, and so willingly would be devoted in the service of that happiest of Country's America To day sent a peti- tion to Adm 1 Warren to get one of my townsmen released from the floating Hells of Britian. where he- lias strugled these — 10 Year's many have got clear after devoting 10 or 12 Years' of the prime of their lives on Board those floating hells — and what satisfac- tion do they obtain — why sent to Prison there to remain during the War that they may not seek the revenge which they so earnestly pray for. however the time may yet come when they will take by force that which so justly belongs to them they shall always have my prayers for success, and so shall every one that serve : against that worst of all Nations. Except the Turks, and I think Yoke the two togather they would make very fit companions Jany 31st The w r eather continues verry pleasant, no news, either foreign or Domestic. [ 16 ] Feby 1st We have given all hopes of the long Expected Cartel. & the idea of geting home, (unless our Goverment A Cartel to this Island) is quite past a thought. It appears the cartel we Expected is fitting for the reception of troops. Feby 2nd Numerous reports from the States are in circulation, they state that General Wilkenson & his armey have been surprised and taken to the number of 6000 and that Come Rogers has been captured by the Goliah Rensee Rather Doubtfull I think, after noon Wash Decks 3d Heavy showers of rain which affords us a partial supply of Warter. 4th A fresh Supply of prisoners as usual they bring a Deal of news — among the rest is that Boneypart is reduced to great dificulties and the English army have actualy invaded France — Houp — The Esex has arrived at New York after a long & succesful cruise round Cape Horn — and that the English goverment has offerd 3 months extra pay to any ships company that shall Capture the President with the renownd Com Rogers — [ 17 ] Feby 5th Reports from the States. State that the Constitu- tion & President had formed a junction at Sea — 6th Verry pleasant Weather, no News — 7th A riot took place last night in consequence of some of the Prisoners haveing knocked a Lantern from the hand of the Sergent. one man put in on Irons on Suspicon. — 8th Nothing new. A committee appointed to Inspect the provison — 9th Reports of the Exchange of Prisoners broken off was this day conflrmd by the Capt. to day he states that several hundreds are confined on both sides for retaliation of course our hopes of being released before hot weather commences, are verry faint. 10th A fresh arrival of Prisoners captured in the Bordeaux Packet, the Officers paroled on Shore. 11th Nothing verry particular has Transpired this day it being My turn to wash out. I am busily employed makeing our apartment look tidy. [ 18 ] Feby 12th The storm begins to burst on us and some of our rights we think are infringed upon water being denied us by the Officer on Deck. It raining very hard the water from off the poop is put in the tank for us to ^rink—can not Drink it. too bad. The fowl's being keep on the poop makes it very disagreable. a quantity of filth which proceeds from them being intermixed with the water.— and the Tarpoline from the hog sty is taken to catch the water in— and then it is put in the Tank for us to drink, too bad.— made complaint, to the Capt. He said there was no other on board, passd on untill about 2 O'Clock when, the *Tank came along with water, we turnd too and got it on Board and thus the dispute got settled. I do want to have an oppertunity of show them the difference between Ameri- can Prisons and this, but I dont know if I had charge but I should give them some Ban Yan days To try their Constitutions. — Fevy 13th More Prisoners more Prisoners is the cry through out the ship every man musters on deck to view their unhappy fellows sufferors. and see if any of their acquaintance is among them, after being examined by the Capt. they are turned down among the flock of unfortunates. They proove to be the Officers and Crews of a Baltimore Letter of Marque They report that Minesters have gone from America to Got- *This tank which brings water on Board is A flat Bottom Schooner, that has a Well in her. [ 19 ] tenburg to treat for a Peace — I hope that a Peace will be effect War!— be effected, if honorable to us. If not give us War! 14 th Our rights are getting more & more infringed upon ; think it is time to demand redress. Chose a Committee to petition the Capt. issue our full allowance of pro- vision. That is as stated in the Board of Rules .V Regulations for Prisoners of War. — which says we shall be allowed % lb Beef or Pork 1% lb Bread & one Pound of Potatoes. A man for each day Instead of this we get % lb Bread 6 oz Meat & 1 Gill of pease for each day. The Committee made a formal demand of the Capt. for our propper allowance. He in answer says that he has allready written to the Transport Board for more Provision & had not Yet reed, any answer, but would write again immediatley — for he w r as fully sensible of our forlorn situation — Feby 15th The Heavens gloomy aspect seems to recloud this Hellish Prison and nothing but discontent seems to reign throughout the whole of the Prisoners, nothing new to ocupy our minds and the general cry is when shall we get home — Well all hands turn too playing cards and pass away the forenoon, after Dinner /which does not consist of Roast Turkey/ The cry is more Yankees more Prisoners. Misery loves company: they prove to be the crews of some Nantucket Whale- men, and two Prize crews belonging to the Govn [ 20 ] Tomkins & Yankee altogather 40 in number. I do realy pitty the Johntucketmen that have been 3 or 4 Years from home too hard — But, Alass! Misfortune how few escapes thy snares, but it is useless to murmur or repine since we know it is the common lot of man- kind, we must abide by it. Fortune is a slipery jade. and as poor Richard says there is many a slip between the cup and the lip — too True — but man must learn to bear with the strugles and many vicisitudes of this life without complaint. He canot allways expect to have the smiles of Fortune attend him. we are all placed here to wear away a life of wretchedness. And our best endeavors Should be to make it happy. Feby 16th This day a trial was brought before the Committee. A mess of Blacks informed of some of the Cocoa pounders taking out some of the Cocoa which was robing all hands they tried the Case and found them guilty, the scentance was passed that, the criminals should be cobbd one Doz. each The exicutioner per- formed his duty will cheerfulness and the punishment was severly inflicted — 17th The men that were punished Yesterday passed many threats against the head committee President Merihue /Some old Grudge I believe — / as no body likes him he has but few friends — This afternoon he had been drink grog with some of the Ships company — something intoxicated he went forward to adjust matters with the men he had caused to be punished — They had some [ 21 ] dispute when he threatemed to have them brought before the committee again The word was then passed to hussle him — he was then hussled pretty quick — and got a clip over the eye. I believe it was no more than justice, from his general carector — In consequence of this he applied for a Parol which he with 4 others obtained — The Committee has all Resigned — That we must now appoint a new Committee. I hope a better one — Feby 18th A new committe was appointed this morning for the purpose of adjusting all grivances that may occur dur- ing our stay in this floating Castle. All hands was musterd on deck to know if they had any Objections to the men that were nominated /No Objections/ — Capt. Fellows President. Wm. P. Jones. Judge.- Mr. Lee of Norfolk States attorney. & Mr. Latham Criminals Attorney. 12 Jurymen and 4 — Constables comprised the whole — I hope to see a case before them soon 19th The same old story today. Bad Bread and little of it. 20th A Boat came along side with Provisions from St. Georges, purchased by the American gentlemen there on Parole — Verry good in them return our sinceer thanks in a letter to them, our Generous Country men. /N. B./ Ishabud Sheffield gave 1 Doll— [ 22 ] 21st. All hands employed in divideing the provision, which when divied among so many is quite small 1 Peck of Potatoes 3 lb Sugar 4 Biscuit to each man — Very good. — 22d Was Decks is the word from the Sergent Reports in circulation, that Boneypart and all his armey is destroyed //Hoax// Likewise that Ministers has arrive in America from England Feby 23d It being pleasant orders are given to wash decks, accordingly all hands turn too and soon have our decks clean, at 7 bells the prisoners on Deck are allowed to come below /the Decks being dry,/ and then the cook of each mess belows repairs below to the galley for his dinner. at 2 P. M. a case was brought before the Hone committee the criminal at the bar being accused of robing his mess of the allowance of Beef. N. B. Mr. Latham Prisoners attorney has been on shore this forenoon, on liberty Its natural to suppose this tounge goes glib — The Witnesses being sumond they attended with punctuality, and the Case was brought forward; after the necessary examination, of all the witnesses., the Atorney made a lengthy plea in behalf of the Defendand — the power of Eloquence was here displayed, in its most comspicuous colours, the greatest abilities was shewn on this subject that was ever dis- played in any county court, in the States and I presume [ 23 ] without any vanity to Mr. Latham that he will ever hereafter have his name immortalized as one of the most celebrated Orators in the Universe after this lengthy plead being made the Judge gave the Jury their charge. Which was truly affecting, the Jury retired and brought in a Verdic of Guilty, the sentance passed for the criminal to receive 6 Strokes on the back. Feby 24th A report in circulation this mornin that Comd, Rogers has captured his Magestys Ship Magestic Razee after an action of 45 mis I can not learn how this report originated but pray it may prove true. Feby 25th The convival society meet togather last evening at our Berth and after singing a number of good songs and drinking freely of the waters of the great Spring, adjourned; Feby 26th Rumour with her thousand Tounges has been very busy this day — The report of Rogers captureing the Magestic is reversed, and it now is that the President is Captured. /Hoax/ 27th Several prisoners has arrived to day direct from the Chesepeake one of them who appears to be communi- cative—says that Com d . Rogers is off this Island and has captured 13 Sail of Merchtmen and a Sloop of War. [ 24 ] formely the Warsp — I believe that Rogers strikes more terror to the British than all the French navy — The old report is revived, which has long remained Dormant that is that Comd Decatur e has Escaped from New London, and fired a Broad side in passing the Enemy — I place but little confidence in these reports Feby 28th This morning as usual the sergent came down and orderd us to clear away for a wash the weather being bad and looking likely to rain all hands objected to it. alleging as a Reason that a great part of the prisoners are Obliged to sleep on deck, not haveing any Ham- mocks to sleep on in. and its the occasion of a great many haveing great colds. — the Committee appointed Capt. Macy as an Embassy, he being the most capable man — Capt. Macy then his report to the Lieut, who acquainted the Capt of the same. The Capt. /Cuchet/ came out of his cabin with the pictor of rage dipicted on his former pleasing countanance. and with a voice Terific as thunder says. It is my orders and by God they should be obeyed and the Decks should be washd — -or he would order the fire put out in the galley, we then told him he could do as he pleasd. the Guard, was then calld and the fire extinguishd. one of the prisoners making some resistance was taken Rice and all and Irons was immediately put on him the *Kid was recap- tured, All hands with one voice cries if they will not let us have fire we'll not let them have any and imme- diately extinguished the fire in the Capt. Cambouse — * A vessel sailors eat out of — [ 25 ] Feby 28 Continued. The prison again proceeded to rekindle the fire in our Galley, which the Centry percieving reported the same to the Noble Capt. he then comes out foaming with rage. and utter madness was easely percieved in all his actions. his rage subsideing a little well says he You dam Rascals I'll make you suffer for your obstanacy. Yon shall I" kept on Bread and water untill You submit, and go on to wash the decks when I think propper. We then found it had gone so far sent a Flag of Truce with Dispatches to Know wheather he /the Capt./ Chose war or Peace — Peace says he by all means if it can be procured on Honorable Terms an armistice was accordingly agreed upon untill further dispatches from the Yankees — on the return of our Embasy we found a x z Treaty on the following terms. : . V.I.Z. . . : Article 1st It is agreed by the cap 1 of the Ardent that the fire in our Galley shall be immediately Rekindled and dinner Cooked without any further inter- uption from any one — Article 2nd. Capt Cuchet on the part of his Magesty agrees that we shall wash the Decks when we think propper & our minister on the part of the Yankees agree to Same — March 1st. Yesterday while some of the Prisoners was puting the fire out in the forward Galley the corperal made enquiry to know it was that, and old man, A prisoner. [ 26 ] steps up. and pointing to one of the prisoners says it was that man, the accused immediately reported the same to the committee The informer was imme- diately Brought up before the Court, tried, found Guilty, & condemd. to sweep the Decks and ware a piece of canvas on his hat with letter printed — I am an Informer March 2nd. An information was this day loged against one Mr. Cole, for making use of impropper language on deck the day before Yesterday, within in hearing of the Centry he said we are all a set of dam Mutinous Rascals. Mr. Cole was brought before the court to answer to the Charges aleged against him. the Evidences being examined on both sides the Jury retired and brought in the Verdic of Guilty, the Judge pronounced the sentance with a stern and Awfull Voice — To sweep the Decks during the pleasure of the Court. Mr. Cole appeald to the President to get released — after some hesitation President Fellows — pardon'd him to the discontent of all the Prisoners. March 3d This morning all hands employed in washing decks, while we were on Deck Capt. Cuchet. calld Capt. Fel- lows and told him if he minded his P's and Q's he might posible get home soon, great incouragement. fine language for a gentleman to use. Very bad water, half Salt. [ 27 ] 4th. Report in circulation that the Adm 1 Sir J. B. Warren is comeing along side all hands cleand up— -The Adm ls Tender in sight came within gun shot, but did not come on Board, so disappointed us of seeing his Noble Person. 5th. Tank came along side and furnished us with s< urn- good water which was very acceptable I assure You— 6th Nothing particular to mention tired of this way of liveing Home thou pleasing happy thought, how often wilt thou rush on my mind uncalled for — when will that a happy day arrive that I shall once more embrace thos best of Parrents, and welcome myself to to arms of Kindred dear, Alass! I fear the Benignant Star of adversity, is set to rule over me. and dame fortune will not deign to shed one smile on my unhappy Lot — Never mind — March 7th Wheather quite unpleasant. Rainy Nothing partic- ular has occurd for today Our ship is completly embay'd surrounded, by innumerable little Islands, no passage can percievd for even a boat to go in and out the Houses are built of White Stone, and make a pretty appearance, surrounded by pine Trees, several hand- some lanscapes might be drawn by a person acquanted with the art. & possesing requsite materials for Drawin or a [ 28 ] 8th By an arrival from St Georges we are Informd that A French Frigate has arrived in that Harbour, cap- tured by the Magestic Razee, off the western Islands, we are in hourly expectation of the Arrival of the prisoners. 9th All still and quiet untill 7 Bells when the dinner being servd. a complaint was made to the Committee that some horns had been Boild in the coppers with the Pease — in the afternoon the court was calld togather and the criminals brought forward — the Court was lengthy and an able plea was made in behalf of the criminals, but one more substantial being made against him and the evidences appearing so plain that he was cast, the Judge gave the Jury their Charge. & they retired after a Short consultation they brought in a Verdic of Guilty. March 9th Continued. The Judge then pass the scentance that the Criminals, should receive 4 Doz on the Back — they appeald to the President and the Court adjourned Had 2 Stout Bulocks Kill to day they Killd them to save their lives one weighd 217 lb the other 124 lb had 11 lb Ruff Talow — Expect to see some grumbling when they are servd out. I fear we shall be glad to get them, for my part I'm hungry enough now to eat. a Jackass and a Hamper of greens. — Lord help us for no body else will [ 29 ] 10th A storm seems to be' gathering as I aprehended. con- cerning the Beef This morning one of the committee. made a general enquiry fore & aft. if any one objected to the beef, some did & some not. but the ina"oritv objected — and the President, made the Capt acquainted with the affair stating to him that the Beef was unwholesome and that the Prisoners would not have it The reply was that we must eat that or none. A I length the Beef was boild and servd out some took it and some did'nt, some darning the Capt and some dam- ing the meat. but our mess was glad to get them and I believe those that refused were sorry And had to go hungry. March 11th This day commences with Fresh breezes and thick cloudy weather — one of our mess complains of the hiplomatic discoladum anguintum Pleuratic disorder at the Lungs. I hope he may die and give me his old cloths. I will set up a rag fair, a dispute is now on the board respecting a Barley corn and a bet is laid but neither party can enumerate figures enough to settle the affair, and they are obliged to give it up- Now all still and quiet. 12th Commences with unpleasant weather So much so could not wash the Decks. Tank came along side with water turnd too and pumpt it in board, she likewise had some of the life of man and Mess No. 9 & 14. nun k- [ 30 ] a large Purchase and kept up Saturday night and got drunk enough for any so be set of gentlemen and kept it up untill morning. 13th All hands to muster is the cry from the Sergent, muster being over Mr. Fellows came over this side and informed us that more prisoners were a coming accord- ingly every man runs upon Deck to see his fellow pris- oners an d know whether any of their acquaintance be among them, I looking through the ten of Dimons saw a face that was familiar — 13th Continued He came on board — and I soon found him to be a man that I had seen in Stonington, Mate of the Scho n Jehue. — he was now captured in the Scho Q . Flash — Letter of Marque. The men came aft and saw they must have a birth, we moved our table, but after diner concluded to keep our ground, they came aft again and we told them no. if You please — You must mess else- where, so they took up their bed and walkd — The conversation is now all turnd upon Stonington. — 14th Heavy gales and clear weather, turnd out this morn- ing early it being cook Day — attended to my duty made some Lobscouse for dinner. Verry good mess — Mr. Philps and myself employd in writing me in making remarks and him at Navigation, some news seems to be in circulation to confirm the Sad tidings of no [ 31 ] exchange. O God what news — The French prisoners is expected to morrow we are all making calculations for their reception, we shall not be so comfortable I think as there is 420 now on this Deck — however if they keep us through the summer, we shall get thind off., but there is one consolation that should they do it the Lord will remember it, and the whole nation will be brought in to the scrape March 15th French prisoners hourly expected we are sitting round the table conversing about the Stonington Girls. 15th Wash day — all hands accordingly employed About 11 A. M. saw two boats coming crowd with Prisoners. soon discovered them to be French, they being musterd were put down with us. now look out for lice. You may guess that we stow close their being about 800 Souls on the lower gun deck of A 64. But should we stay here during the summer we shall get thind off. Old Jini3 r will set his net for same of us. Report says that 60 or 100 more Yankees are to come up the first fair day — Every day adds new miseries to our unhappy Situation — to day is Banyan no meat allowed, nothing but Pease — and we are out of money out of Coffee & out of Credit. Alass! Farewell ye better days unwel- come misfortune comes rapidly upon us every day brings fresh troubles to us; and if our trouble increases for 2 or 4 months to come as it has done for [ 32 ] 4 months past. — we shall say to the cold messenger of Death — welcome thou O Death that relieves me from the troubles of Perplexities of this life. March 17th. Unpleasant weather to day much discontent seems to reign among the Prisoners being badly crowded and lice in abundance is seen crawling about the decks — and You can not come off of Deck in a windy day. but You will have more or less on You — At 2 P. M. the Honbl. Court were calld togather to attend the Trial of one Williams — who — stands convicted, who of lodging information against the Petty Officers, of the ship for selling liquor which has deprived us all of the liberty of going on the upper Deck the Wittnesses being examined, the Jury retired and brought in a Verdic of Guilty, the Judge then passed the Sentance to receive 3 Doz. Stripes on the Bare Back with a Cat, nine tails — he was accordingly tyed up to the Gang way and rec d . his punishment, as he deserved — great noise seems to be stiring about Mr. Cole they want to have him pun- ished — and sent a written note for him to prepare him- self to recieve a floging. but the magority being in Coles favour they have let it Drop — and I am in hopes it is Settled The Frenchmen seems to have plenty of money and Gambling is carried on now in great stile. So ends this Day's work March 18th Weather appears pleasant this morning; all hands to muster for a wash out. About 2 P. M. more pris- [ 33 ] oners was announced, every one runs to see the unfor- tunates come — they proved to be the Officers and crews of the Privateer Fieri Furies from N York. they were galanted on board by Lieut Claxon of the Ramillies, he being an old acquaintance of Mr. Bour- rows's — he introduced himself. & gave Mr. B. 4 or 5 Dollars, for old acquaintance sake — very acceptable present, wish I could find just such a one for myself., Mr. Latham made himself Known to him. & had the promise of his interceding to get him Paroled. Well. Well, that will do for a Story Great news some good & some bad, Comodore Rogers has arive in New York captured 3 merchantmen and look a seventy four in the fall, did not like her counte- nance stood off very good plan I dont think. 2 of the Gov" Tomkins's prizes has arrive in the States vein valuable — glad to hear it; sorry to hear she had a scuffle with a Frigate and got something damaged — and hauld off to repair, Frigate did the same and I guess was glad so to do Another report says that the true supporters of our country, /as they say/ Fedds/ has let a little of their Pattrotisam out of the Bag — //Viz// March 18th Continued. Comodore Decatur was a going to make an attempt to go out of New London when some of these fellows, shead a Blue light from grotton long point, as a Signal to the eneny this being discoverd by Decatur, he thought it most prudent to remain where he was — and if possible discover these Dam Traitors, but all [ 34 ] attempts proved ineffectual this brings New Lon- don patriotism to its true light — and I think an act of as true Federalism as can be brought to light. The Curse of God upon them, my best prayer for them is that they may have Hell Illuminate with blue lights when they enter in, and that old Jimy may stick their bodys full of pitch pine knots and. set fire to them with. Blue Lights, the Bugors Report says that a peace is likely to be effected once more between us and Old Johny. well they are indebted to me about 950 Dolls in Cash and 9 months imprisonment before — and when I get satisfaction for that I dont care how soon peace comes Come come I will winde off this days work by give- ing a description of these last privateers men. 1. the Capt midling passable 2 the 1st. Leiut. Verry stern ferocios looking fellow 3 the 2 Do. Propper old grog buiser just fit for A New York porter house — 4 the 3 Do. looks tolerable something like myself — 5 the Crew all Negroes — 29 in number. March 19th Rainy squaly weather — News of different kind seems to be in circulation They say the Ramillies is going to Halifax to get provision, there being none on this Island, and likewise that 250 prisoners is going to accompany her in a Transport, she is to be ready Thurs- day next. This afternoon Mr. Lathams boy Frank, was bringing away some water from the Tank, and the [ 35 ] Gentry orderd him to put it back, he did so, with tin's reply, that he hoped to have in his power soon to retaliate, the Centry then struck him in the side with the butt of his gun — which came very near being his death wound, he was brought below and dncterd. Mr. Latham went to the Capt. and demanded Satisfac- tion the Capt. told him the bov was saucy and it was the Centrys orders, and that he should not look in to it. and so it ended after some hard words being passed on both sides. the Prisoners being much enraged want to rise and Masacre the whole set of d-m English- men O Good Usage that a Marine should be allowed to strike a prisoner. British Humanity. — the time may yet come when we shall show them the difference between a Yankee Prison ship and this Well come I must close although against my inclinations, but it being my cook day I must attend to get my Provision. March 20th Fresh breezes and pleasant weather, about 10 A. M. some of our paroled men came on board and made us a Short Visit. No particular news, they say that it is the Frenchmen that is going to Halifax — They went on shore before. 12 o clock About 2 P. M. all hands were calld to quarters and the Marines Hallood Mutiny, the Lieut and the Sergent came down and cleard the Ambuziers away, and secured the door of the Bulk head leading in to the gunroom All hands was orderd off of the upper Decks — the Marines took possesion, of the poop — and loading their muskets with two balls — when the Sergent came [ 36 ] and told us if the noise was not quited they should fire in upon us — we told him we new nothing of the noise or what occasiond it, But on inquiry we found to be a false alarm. — It seems a boy had fell down the ladder with a kid of water, and /as usual/ they gave 3 cheers These d-am ignorant Englishmen thought something dreadfull was coming — and I dont know as ever I saw men so frightned as they were, they lookd more like walking Ghosts than liveing men. So full of artless jealousy is Guilt It spilts itself in fearing to be split Good friends let me not stir you up, be not afraid, of mutiny here, what private griefs others have alass. I know not, we are wise and honorable March 21st Monday, nothing of Note has transpired to Day Q. Q. Commences with fresh breezes and god weather Nothing remarkable occurd untill afternoon When Mr. Mclntyres watch was rafled off News has just come below that a black man one of our crew had departed this life after a lingering Illness. His name was Jim Boon I believe an honest faithful old Negro — EPITAPH. Underneath this holy Stone — Lies the Body of Jim Boone — Death has now calld him home To a place where he'll have room. For room there was none here for him And all I hope he's clear from sin. [ 37 ] That unto Heaven he may go Where he'll have no gratis to look though For liberty he will have there In every thing except to swear But what I fear the most of all That when the Lord does come to call He can not find poor Jimy Boon. Among so many holy stones He'll not think of looking in Bermuda There to find a poor old Negro. B. F. P. March 23 It is the day we generaly wash Decks, but oweing to an unfortunate circumstance which took place last night we defer washing Mr. Whippy of Nantucket, had his trunk of cloths stole, and this morning a general seach took place, but all to no effect. A complaint was then lodged with the lieut. who made the Capt. Acquainted with the same all hands was now orderd on Deck and a strick serch was made but with as little Success as before, They then tried an experiment with the Bible and Kee calling over several names, when Old Cato's was calld the Bible would fly round, they then serchd him closely but could find no proof against him — And I much fear he'll never find the Thief or the Trunk. 24th This morning all hands was calld on deck to muster- a report in circulation, that we are soon to be removed [ 38 ] to Halifax if it will be altering our situation for the worst we shall undoubtedly go — but if for the better we shall remain behind — Adieu sweet hope thou Balm of Life, for once I bid the Adieue 25th. Last night the Taylor of the ship was missing, his cloaths was found in his Hammock, and it is generaly believed he has Jumped over Board, success to him. March 26th Pleasant Weather several vessels in sight steering for St Georges to take the advantage of A convoy bound to England — The Taylor that was supposed to have slipt his wind was found on shore, in saftey snip notwithstanding his pa pretended Insanity has taken good care to secure his money & Clothes. Lieut. Robins who has resided on board the Ardent, for some time as a supernumary. reed, his appointnt to Day. to the command of the Loup Sevier, formely the Wasp, in our navy. He was rowd down in great Snuff with his two swabs on his shoulders, an Honour for which per- haps he has been labouring these 30 Years Mr. Latham is still unwell and had grown quite thin in flesh A boat came off from Hamilton, the news by her is, that a general Peace is shortly to take place between, the U. States. England France. & the other combined Powers, this news is too good to be true. [ 39 ] 27th Light breezes and warm weather, though doI uncom- fortably so. This morning after divine service tin- carpenters Daughter was christend with the usual cerimonies of the church of England. Today nothing particular lias tramspired Except the above, god Day to You. March 28th Commences with pleasant weather This morning turnd too to wash out. Nothing occurd untill about 5 P. M. When another war broke out Foolishly 2 of the prisoners being out on the bowsprit, to play, making sport for the rest of the Prisoners., one of the boys attempting to come in some one slack'd up the man rope at it was with dificulty he could get in. after some time he got safe in Board, he then began a quarrel which soon brought on a fight. The Capt. hearing the noise sent the Gentry forward to quite it. he could not stop them so made an attempt to run them through tli< Capt being at hand prevented him — another Gentry was then coming forward when some of the prisoners was going to stop him, he struck one of the prisoners, who immediately seized him and drawing his Knife would soon have put an end to the Marine had not the rest interfeard, the Lieut coming in was clinched, the guard was then calld and steping in with their Bayonets and soon quelld the Disturbance — The Marines took pos- sesion of the poop they loaded their muskets and got all prepared to fire in to us. We were then orderd [ 40 ] below, when two men were taken and put in Irons — one Inocent. & one Guilty March 28 Continued. All hands now being below both hatches were fastend on and we secured below — After a Storm comes a Clam /as the old saying is// every thing being quiet we thought the war was over, but behold the Worst. At 9 O Clock the sergent came down and orderd the lights out. the men had got every thing prepared to take the sergent Prisoners, and hold him as, A Hostage untill the men in Irons should be given up. accordingly as soon as he had got the lights extinguished they grapled him, but he escaped and run aft singing out murder, Murder, as loud as thunder — and Trembling like an aspin leafe. his noise soon gave the allarm and then there was Hell to split, the Capt hearing the noise sang out Guard here Guard here, all in confussion run here and crying there, women screaming children crying and such a noise you never heard, but it was no Laughing matter, the Marines, gunner k Boats wan all in in the gun room with loaded muskets all cockd and prime, ready to fire through the port holes, some says fire and some says No. the old man came down and says dont fire untill my orders, for you'll kill more inocent ones, than guilty, let us see if we cant make Peace with the Yankees March 28th Continued Where were we all this time? Why; stowe away under the Table snug as pigs in the Stye. Waiting the [ 41 ] isue of the alarm The Lieut. Came down and said if we would deliver up the serpent they would not fire We told him we new nothing of the affair and dare not go forward to see. while holding this conbat Capt Jones had gone up with the Sergent. — who was not hurt in the least, but most damnably Frightened — he got to the top of the ladder and the Masters mate presented a pistole to his breast he /Jones/ told him his business and was permited to pass he went on the quarter deck and deliverd up his charge and without much cerimony came below again. The war being over we turned in and without much ceri- money made some general observations on what had passed, passing and hour or two in this manner it had got to be quite still when every one was left to his own reflections mine were Serious — and as follows. now had they fired where would it have ended, they would undoubtedly killd more or less then farewell Englishmen If to fill this Book it were my plan I'd lengthen this out to a Span March 29th Commences with rainy squaly weather, it being my cook day attended to getting provision. Yesterdays disturbance seems to be all still and nothing has been said to any of the Officers concerning it — about 12 Oclock to Day the funnell of the chimney, /or Galley. I should say/ fell down the poor Marines hearing the noise supposed another Riot, was taking place, and [ 42 ] run for their muskets as tho' the Devil was after them every man to his Station was the word, but they soon found it out to be a false alarm, then all was quiet again About 2 P. M. Capt. Cuchet sent a flag of true with dispatches, requesting of our Minesters to meet him on the quarter Deck Our President and Judge. /Fellows & Jones was accordingly sent to treat for a Peace — The Capt said it being unpleasant they could not well adjust the affairs — but he was wiling to have an armistace until another day — It was accordingly settled in this way for the present — They are now employed in cuting port holes through the Bulk head of the Galley this is against another war. breaks out. March 30th This day 20 more prisoners came on board and the guard boat rows round the ship all Night, thinking that we were a going to rise — O thou silly Englishmen dost thou think that the Yankees are such fools as to Jump out of the pan into the fire If You should give us possision of the ship we should'nt Know what to do with her. This morning Sir Thomas Hardy came on board and made a short stay in the afternoon Lieut. Claxon came on board and I presume obtaind a parole for Mess Latham & Burows. as the Capt. has informd them so. Old Cuchet calld on Mr. Latham and wished to Know what service he had rendered Lieut. Claxon, that he [ 43 ] should trouble himself to get a parole for him. lie told him he did not know only that he had captured him once. & the pleasure of being Capt. over him. . Refer- ence to the Capture of the Fox by the Hero, of M istick. I presume they will go the first oppty. To Hamilton. This was a Noble deed for an Englishmen who would have thought it. It certainly showd the part of a gen- tlemen and he had ought to be commended for it. //gente uncomon// — March 31st. All appears to be reconciled between the two parties and I am now in hopes. A permament Treaty is Settled Nothing of Note had occurd this Day I employed through the day in mending old Cloths, and in the Evening in playing Cribbage — At 9 O Clock turn In and Mr. Mclntyre gave us a Story — about Jack and the Parson ! O Gracious 1st Day of April. I shall always think of the Story Amos told of being in the Papers in N York, that if You'd look in <;:* Chapter of Proverbs. 87th Verse You'd find what April fool first sprang from. . To Day all are busy endeavouring to out do each other in tricks — The Commander of the Dotherile Sloop of war arived here to day. he has taken only one prize after a cruise of 4 months. & that lias not arrivd. He caries a red Nose & face — as the British officers generaly do — [ 44 ] 2 April- Wash decks is the word passd for and aft. this is fine exercise — and conduces much towards the health of the Prisoners. No News to day. April 3d No person unless he has experienced the pleasures of being confined in a Prison Ship, can have any Idea of the Troubles and dificulties felt by us in the Ship. After sun down but one man is allowed on Deck at a time, from that time untill 9 O Clock if a person wants to go on Deck, he is crowded to death on a narrow ladder, by % Doz Stinking negroes and as many Frenchmen //Dam'd hard this/ — 4th This morning Sir F. H. Hardys boat came along side and Lieut. Claxon came on board with orders for all the carpenters that would volunteer to go on board of a transport that was fiting out to cary us to Halifax — They accordingly got every thing on Deck expecting to go. when the Lieut told them it was no matter then that he should call again tomorrow, this is fine work indeed Those dam Rascals to impose on us poor Pris- oners in this way, but however it is as good as can be expected from them. To Day the flag of Vice Adm 1 Sir Alexn Cockram was hoisted on board this Ship — in the room of Sir J. B. Warrens who has been Super- ceded by the former. Warrens was Blue, this is Red. — good Night [ 45 ] April 5th Capt Cuchet's bagage is packing up. they say Ik is soon to embark for Halifax. — and that Mr. Miller is to come here from Halifax. I don't care how soon as I know he cant be worse than old Cuchet- April 6th Last night had a weding on board the Sergei th w it. got remaried to the Lieut of Marines.. Verrv short Courtship, /ll minuts/ orders are given for the pris- oners to put on Clean Shirts as Adm 1 Cockram is expected. About 11 A. M. He came attended with his secty. and all his retinue of Strappers., He is a fine looking old fellow. Came below and examined our Deck that we live on. He observed they were verv dirty, the Capt told him they had not been washd that Day; Well! Well! says he You have not paid proper attention to the prisoners, he then addressd himself to one of the Prisoners, and told him we should have Ham- mock sevd out. & have liberty to on shore on the Islands and wash our cloths and take him all in all he appeals to be a pretty clever old coger And 1 hope will send old Cuchet to the Devil or some worse place April 7th This morning Capt. Fellows Bowrows & Latham, went down to St Gorges to sign the Condamnation of the Rolla — they returnd about Sunset but brought do favourable news, they say 3 line of Battle ships has arrived from England. [ 46 ] but no news of a Cartie and little hopes of our releas- ment. very soon — They dined upon 2 loaves of Bread and one neats toungue and paid 1 Doll Each — I think the Lieut that accompanied them had a generous heart, to let 3 prisoners pay their faire. when on his business — But what more could You expect from an Englishman. 8th Xothing to say. Verry lazy 9th Wash out wash out is the cry. accordingly all except- ing 2 from each mess repairs on Deck and there remain untill 7 bells when the Decks being dry they all come below — when each one has some news to tell relating to Cartels or Transports to day the general news is that all the Yankees is going to Halifax — dont believe it — This Day Capt, Cuchet is superceeded By a dam Rascal some says that, he is a clever fellow, if so his looks decieve him verry much April 9th Continued. But stop I must mention about the Cook, this morn- ing as is common they began with whose cook day is it. Bye & Bye Mr. Phelps, rises up What Business is that to You. its my cook day. but no one making any answer — he turns out and like an old Turkey cock begins, goble goble, goble, all the morning. It being puding day he gets his duff mixed, and puts in the copper, and then turns too to wash out. It not being [ 47 ] my was day I got clear of his jaw until! we came below at 7 bells, then he begins, what the damnation are Yon comeing below for before the Decks are dry. I wish you'd stay on Deck A little or no reply, and it passed off till diner, when the dinner came down. Wonder — Behold the duff was not done and then there was a Hell a belue Kick'd up about the puding. Had it been Bosses Cook Day I should not have wonderd. Next begins is old Bloderdash he was siting with is legs extended and his arms a Kimbo. . I ask'd him to sit farther along, no he'll be damd if he would. Old Affe served him l »' April 10th Commences with light breezes and pleasant weather. Boss turns out this morning before 8 O Clock for the first time in 4 months he accordingly begins //as is natural for his Disposition// like a hungry wolf grumbling and growling, with his jaws extended like a Shark ready to devour the first that comes in his way. he & Shaw gets in to an argument and wakes all hands Xext the Sloop Capt. //Waks// and in gibeing main Boom takes up the time until 8 O Clock, when down comes our gill of Cocoa, and it is soon Devourd — Breakfast over all hands is calld to muster Mr. Burrows goes to the Capt McDonald — and asks for liberty to go on Shore to spend the day and purchase a few articles after some quivocating he consents to let him go. with some others on the morrow likewise tells him w r e are soon to be removed from here, dont believe it, to day news came off that one of the Prisoners in the Hospital had [ 48 ] Departed this life, Diseases are geting more prevalent, through out the Ship, and I very much fear if they Keep us here through the Summer that the magority of us will lose the number of our mess April 11th This morning Capt Cuchet left the Ardent. And Capt. McDonald put his authority mildly into Execu- tion By ordering or rather requesting the hammocks might be brought on deck every fair day Ready to obey any reasonable demands — the Hammocks was brought up and put in the Netings. The Decks was then swept as usual the Capt came down to examine them Mr. Shaw was washing out a Shirt. the Capt told him to go on Deck and wash. he accordingly as was right obeyd The Liberty men went on Shore immediately after Breakfast. By the Capts orders all hands turnd too and got the mooring chains off of this Deck and put them on the Hollop — This gives us a great deal more room — they preparing wind sails to give us more ah*. This after- noon at 2 P. M. our liberty men came off some % some % and some entirely Drunk. Uncle Bogedass left what things he purchas on Shore oweing to his being too sober — Capt. Jones came off talking Drunk and went aft to the Capt and held a long Confab, got permission for two to go on deck at a time, great Liberty this — April 12th. Tlas tnight Entyr Dhowar & Ymac tsi ton ot nru yawa ythe tgo sa rfa sa eth elittle dislan. s dan nthe [ 49 ] ecam kbac. Mcenntyr tgo ntake dan swa ni siron. Head this if you can — This morning the Capt orderd all bags and Ham- mocks on Deck, which being done they turnd too to white wash the Decks, about 2 P. M. a gentleman came on Board to get all the Mechanicks to go on Shore to work, pay /% Dollar a Day and full allowance. April 13th The news of our going to Halifax seems to be con- firmd, turnd too this morning and washd out all my dirty cloaths turnd too and washd Decks, then ordt came to Dine on Deck, hell of a Dinner this \ - Tint of Pease, and as much watter as you can Drink, how- ever must put up with it. This afternoon the Ord< came for the Mechanicks. to go on shore but the Capl we should go to Halifax shortly and it was not best to go. 14th Huzza, for Halifax this morning orders came from the Adm 1 . for 200 to get ready to go on board a Trans- port, and 150 to go on board the Ramillies. bound to the same place, this is pleasing news although we cant Judge whether it will be for the best or not April 15th This morning you see each one that is going dress- ing themselves as if they were a going a Shore in America, we are to embark this afternoon to leave the Floating Hell that has held us in bondage 4 months. and now in 4 months more I HOPE to get home. [ 50 ] Farewell old Ardent I hope forever, but perhaps not. this afternoon we leave thee with 70 poor Yankees, on board besides Frenchmen. I am now prepared for a Start, and my mind is to much agitated to write any more so good bye to old Hell. I have weatherd thee. No more at Present. 16th This morning left our old Habitation, and haveing a fair wind soon came along side, the Ramillies. with a heart beating high with exultation at the prospect of soon being at liberty after being musterd the Officers were put in the gun room. & the Sailors in the fore hole we haveing plenty of Grog, turnd too and had a Noble blow out. and then turnd in for the night. 17th. Unpleasant rainy squaly weather, all hands turnd too and made our Situation as comfortable as possible, some disturbance among the Paroled. Gentry. 18th Still unfavourable Winds, and no prospect of better, some of the Officers ask'd permission of Sir. Thomas to go on Shore, at St Georges, which was granted them. They staid all Day and at night came off well Stock'd with rum. April 19th Fair wind my boys and the Anchor A Peake. At 10 A. M. got under way with the wind at N. W. and [ 51 ] with some dificulty came out clear, Vessels under con- voy, consists of 2 Brigs. 2 Ships & 2 Schooners Nothing except a Cartel could raise our spirits more than the prospect before us. as we are informd their is no prisoners there and that A Cartel is expected Daily from the States. This revives our Spirits and Keeps us in good health — 20th. Took the transport Ship in towe — the wind hauling fair we run it off at a good round rate, this morning Sir Thomas, sent for me and had some conversation on different subjects. — At 2 P. M. made a Sail on our weather bow which looks like the Shark Privater of N York, she is a 3 masted Lugger — she ran down near enough to decern what we were, finding the convoy strong and suposing that, the Ships were not Valuable. She gave us a gun was then off like a rigger 21st This morning quite pleasant wind a beam 22nd The wind increases and hauls a head — at night it blowing so heavy were obliged to cut away the hausur and let the Transport go — It being very Dark and thick she lost us April 23d This morning all hands employed Boxing the Ship about in quest of the Transport, fearing the prisoners [ 52 ] had use and taken her — which I had hoped was the case, but too soon our Expectations was blasted, for about 9 O Clock we made her to the windward standing for us. the Gale had abated and she soon come up with us. She hove too and getting out the boats and took all the prisoners out. and brought them on board the Ramillies some of them Dead and some almost Drownd. the Hatch being off and the water coming in — lik'd to have drownd them all 24th. Every thing being settled Keep on our Course. Schooner lays astern Capt Fellows Birth Day nothing to drink 25th Wind at N. N. E. good topgalan breeze I have seen all the new comers, they look more like walking Ghosts than liveing persons 26th The wind hauls fair and breeze increases this after- noon hove too and made a Signal for the Schooner to come up. which she did. we got a hauser and took her in tow lat. 39° 9" 28th Our third Lieut. // Cout// is making blocks for Sir Thomas, gets % P m * °f rum a day. the rest of us playing Cribbage [ 53 ] April 28th All hands looking out for Land This afternoon mde the loong lookd for Land which we were all glad to see. although as yet uncertain of our Doom. It proves to be the west End of Sambro Light. 30th Light wind and thick weather. I fear we shall not get in to day 4 P. M. wind breezing up stood in for Sambro light, wind increasing and being fair we soon run up and came to Anchor oposite the Town, old Cuchet. and Sir Thomas went on Shore. I Expect we shall not go untill tomorrow, or rather Monday. May 1st. Some gentlemen came off from the shore this morn- ing, they bring news that there is but 200 prisoners in Melville Island and that a Cartel is daily Expected — Glorious news if true The British Agent. Old Miller, came off to day he says A cartel saild from this about 6 w T eeks since — to day being Sunday we pass the time but indiferently as we do not allow our- selves to play at any game and haveing no books thats intertaining — This afternoon I borrowd the Post Capt of one of the midshipmen which answers to pass away a dull hour. May 2nd. This day we embark'd fo Hell. Orders are to be ready at 9 O Clock we accordingly got every thing [ 54 ] prepared for a Start, the boats are hoisted out and we are all musterd. the Gentlemen that were paroled at Bermuda, likewise obtaind a parole here and have gone to Dartmouth. Several Carpenters have staid on board the Ship to be Landed off New London. The rest of us are to be marchd off to prison about 200 Soldiers were to be calld to guard us. but haveing some on Shore only 100 leaves the Ship with us. we are all boated and soon landed, up to the upper end of the Town The Capt of Marines then formd us into Hallow squares, and with the Officers in front, we marchd off quick step, the prisoners seeming to wish to get to Prison, our hopes being so much raised with the Idea of geting Exchanged soon, we had to march about 3 miles, when we saw the gloomy walls of our new habitation, but guess our disappointment, and the various feelings which was passing in our minds when we disco verd. the Prison Yard to be crowded with unfortunate sufferers, our hopes were all blasted at once and nothing but the Idea of Years imprisonments. May 2 Continued Seemd to occupy our minds, to look around You could see nothing, but long faces & gloomy and counta- nances. as dark as the regions of the North. We remaind at the gates some time in the rain waiting in anxious expectation of entering through Like a sinner that knows his doom waiting at the Gates of Hell, to be let through, that he may Know the worst. — after a long time comes old Jimy square foot, sir named. //Mil- ler// — Stiff as a crow bar. he opend the Gates, and ?1 \ S s. ^> : ! - v : ' [ 55 ] begun to muster us over, as we went through each one that wanted reed, a Hammock &c. and away we truged along with down cast eyes and a heavy heart, much fear- ing we shall not pass the threshold of the Gate again very soon May 3d To Day we are makeing a Shift to see how we can stow, there being upwards of 200 in the space of l<> feet Square some of the apply'd to Miller to gel mo room by opening a door that led in to an adjoining appartment, No says he if you cant stow yourselves I'll come and stow you I'll send all but the Capt and 1st Officers among the rest of the prisoners this being the reply made Shift as well as we could.— May 4th General Election at Newport — Being pretty much Settled to Day we went around the Prison to sec if we could find any of our old acquaintance, I found two thai I had brought from Newfoundland and Gurdeon Palmer. & Fogy Florrence — it being wash day we a. II musterd out for a wash out. This afternoon our Agent Mr. Mitchell, came, with Miller & old Cuchet to pay us a Visit. Mr. Mitchell gave us no encouragement about getting home he appears to be a fine old Man- To Day joind Mess No. 4 5th News is this morning that a Brig is soon to Sail for the states — Post has not Yet arrive but 1 expect it will [ 56 ] come with the Dinner the mail arrived this after- noon — and brings news that the Embargo, is off and that a Cartel is soon to come from the States //Hoax//. The French has given the Rusians, a drubbling & con- querd the Spaniards There is a Rebelion in Ireland, and I cant tell You how much more. This place Rather beats the Ardent for news — May 6th At sunrise you hear the door's open'd by the Turn- key, when each one turns out and lashes up his Ham- mock, and carries it out in the Yard, the piss tub being emptied we open the windows and let in some fresh air — The cooks repair to the Cookhouse in the Yard and get some coffee boild. then have breakfast, that being over you see every one Employed in something or other. Mostly Gambling, the boj^s round selling candy, here's you'r fine Candy, who'll buy my fine Candy, is the cry through the Day. More prisoners came late last night Prize to the Privateer Young Warsp of Philadelphia. 4 Prize masters in one prize — May 7th Pleasant weather for the first time since I came to this Dam'd Hole All hands employed in washing out. — good news in circulation some says peace and others say it is an armistice //Hoax// — an Exchange is soon to take place, as report says, but reports are generaly fabulous — This is the way the most of the prisoners pass their time in collecting, making and Spreading all the news possible [ 57 ] May 7th Continued At length Night comes, and the Turnkey's are Beem comeing in to take account of the unhappy Flock. //This is done every Night and morning and see th.it none is missing, all in he bars the doors and each one retires to his hammock, and then all is buzz, and jaw ah nit 200 Voices going at once all on different topicks At length some one cries out silence for a Sonar, then You hear Mr. Cox with the tydy house wife or Mr. Gardn< r with the Magors Breeches, then you hear a Voice half stifled proceed from some of the Hammocks, sing out Pork. Pork, this Iritating the old gentleman, he scrables to get through his song, then silence prevails and I go to Sleep. Before I go to sleep 1 must add a little more after the songs being over the Moderator calls the house to order — and we proceed to nominate a President. — for the Ensuing week /It being the cus- tom here// They accordingly nominated Mr. Cloud. (Late Boatswain of the U. S Sloop of War Warsp, which was seconded, he was accordingly chosen 1 approve of the Election, we then chose a Moderator, and M r Fowle was chosen tub inspector sonic objected. that he was not capable but after some Debate he was Elected May 8th Cloudy Weather, no particular News, seems to be in circulation only that, the war has broke in the Jarseys. had the weather have been clear we should have musterd, but as it is not it is adjournd [ 58 ] untill another day. Some expecting to muster put on their shirtees. either haveing no clean shirt or too lazy to put it on which I will not pretend to say. 9th This day commences with cold unpleasant weather, two or three men missing, we were waked uncomonly early this morning by the turnkey who was hallowing, all out all out, we accordingly mustered on our duds as soon as possible & went out. he then counted us in, he said nothing but went below and proceeded to count them in, there some darned rascal informed of those who escaped and likewise inform'd of their having some arms with them, They dispatched soldiers after them but I believe with no success as yet. Lieut Smith came in and ordered us all out of prison they then proceeded to search our trunks to see if we had 9th May continued any arms, but found none /except one old Quadrant & two or three old Charts/ supposing them to be dan- gerous arms they took them all away, for safe keeping, here the prisoners run over my back to look out of the window they see the guard running and fear that some of our men are caught, Stop the news is altered /False alarm/ To day they opened the other room, and I must give the Devil his due it being the first good act I ever knew them to be guilty of [ 59 ] May 10th Very pleasant weather for this plan it being the day for washing out, after breakfast all hands that were not employed on duty muster out the rest turn too and soon have the floor in complete order, the decks being swab'd dry each one gets some kind of gam< in vogue & pass the time away untill the decks are thoroughly dry when they are all allowed to come in, dinner bein over and the dished cleaned every one employed his mind about May 10th Continued something, some mending old cloaths some playing cards some Cribbage, some Backgammon some at Chequers some at Pickamasoo and other making news At length some one cried out Mr. Mitchel is coming every one runs to see if the report is true, it is so yon see the old man in his carriage riding over the barren hills, at length he comes up to the gate and alights and soon comes in to view the sufferings of his country prisoners as soon as he gets to the door every one pays him proper respect by pulling off their hats, lie walks along and takes his seat then all hands muster round to hear the news every one has some greivance to relate and the old Gentleman answers each one in his turn after that we anxiously wait for some news but at length none comes, no news from the states, the Embargo off and a peace is daily expected- Mr. Mitchell gave one of the Midshipman a letter respect- ing a parole which said he believed they were entitle.] [ 60 ] to one and likewise all Captins Mates and Lieutenants not paying any regard May 10th Continued to the sise of the vessel and that he should demand it as soon as Miller resigned and Capt Cochet took his place — I asked the old Gentleman for some shirts and shoes being robb'd at the time of my capture of nearly all my cloathes he said as soon as he could procure them he would supply all those who were really necessitated for them, Conversation being over Mr. Mitchel retires and each one has some news that he has heard May 11th Nothing particular occured this Day untill about 4 O Clock P. M. — when a packet arrive loaded w T ith good news, that is 500 English prisoners had gone on board of a Cartel at Salem destind for this place /As the bearer had it from Doctor Bartlut so it must be true Every one seems elated with the prospect of soon geting home You are so much rejoiced, we turned up the old Fiddle and had a complete Dance after dancing several figures, the Ball broke up and each one retires to his nest. May 12th Pleasant weather, breakfast being over, A packet arrived, it was the Gardner of Salem, from where I know not. but he brought news of the greatest impor- [ 01 ] tance, to those who are foolish enough to believe it. /namely/ that the Cartel before mentioned had saild and was expected in daily and we were all going home & the rest was to stay, likewise that our officers in Canida were all Exchanged & that one of our Sloops of war and Hornet, had gone on to Lake Ontario to assist Chancy — The day passed away in makeing observations on the news of the Day and Dancing Horn pipes— about >l P. M. more Prisoners more Prisoners was echoed through out the Prison. — Every one runs to meet the unfortunates after being over hauld and strip! of all their Books Charts, Quadrons. &c &c they pass through, then every one throngs round to hear the news, they proved to be 5 passengers taken out of a Spanish Ves- sel from Havanah. . bound to Boston some Sweedish Yankees & some Yankee Sweeds. & some fishermen taken in Long Island Sound, they say the Embargo is off in some measure, permitting coasters to pass- May 12th Continued. Others say that the Embargo is off entirely >S: that the New England States would have it off, //Hoax they say there is great talks of Peace, one of them tells me that 2 English Officers on Parole in N. Louden ran away and came to Stonington where some of our Dam Traitors, set them on board the English Squadron, and were paid 30 Dolls. Reed to Days paper published in Halifax which mentions that an Exchange is to take place soon, that it has already taken place in Canida and it is expected an armistice is soon to take Plan [ 62 ] May 13th Commences with unpleasant weather. Report says a Flag is to Sail soon for the States /via Salem/ So I must embrace the oppertunity of writing home. /Wrote home/ May 14th A Halifax paper came in this morning, which says that A General Exchange has been agreed on. and the Prisoners are all to be released on both sides, excepting those in retaliation. /23 that the English has and 46 that we have, this morning old Grant told some of the Prisoners to hold themselves in readiness to go home., among the rest is Tom Pedro, or Torpedo Tom. 1 must now Write some more Letters home May 15th This morning being fogy — our President orders all the Hammocks put in the Spare bay, after breakfast the sun came out clear when the Turnkey came up and orderd all Hammocks caried in to the Yard. . our men that were to go yesterday still remain. Expect they will go tomorrow Some Gentlemen came from town to Day to Visit the gloomy walls of our Miserable habitation, they told the Packet /Gardner/ that a Cartel was fitting out and that we were all to be sent home as fast as possible /he believes it./ the gentlemen that came up from town made but a Short stay, haveing but little news to communicate relative to our Situation we did not court their company [ 03 ] The next that attracted our attention was a Drunken. Soldier comeing across the bridge, well guarded with some of his Brother Lobsters. lie was marchd through in Pomp, and tuck'd into the Black Hole. It soon comes Night, when the Turnkey comes to count us in. the Evening passes away in telling Story's and Singing Songs — till 9 O Clock, the gun fires, and we go to Sleep May 16th Pleasant weather. Orders came in this morning for The men that have been call'd out some days since to be in readiness. 30 more which were calld by Rensu to go up in the Cartel, were glad enough, for some of them has been here 10. or 12 months. 2 went out of our mess which made up the complement, witli a que< r sensation we saw then depart biding adieu, with joy- full countances to the dark walls of this gloomy habita- tion I am heartly glad to see them go for it make room and then it looks something like an Exchange, This afternoon Mr. Mitchel sent for one of the Midshipman and a Masters Mate, to go home I presume. So only God only knows when it will come to our turn to bid adieu to these d-m Walls May 17th Wash day, accordingly every one turns out and soon have a clean floor after they are dry in conies old Cochet and the Capt of Peacock /Wasp/, they took a look around & off again. We expectd Mr. Mitchel but he did not make his appearance. Had a paper [ 64 ] mentioning that we must all prepare for a general mus- ter tomorrow and all prisoners within ten miles Mor p prisoners came in last night May 18th Wet rainy weather. The prisoners put on their clean fresh bags expecting a muster, but the weather being such the muster was adjourned. — The prisoners that came in last night proved to be the Officers & crews of the Privateer schooner Stark of Salem from Wilmington 24 days out. To day went round to see them found one Towney, Chas Pendleton, poor unfortunate fellows. Fortune of War. This day got Gurdon Palmer to make me a Back- gammon board. 19th All hands employed helping the Backgammon board along got it finished and cut out a pair of shoes, No particular news in circulation. — 20th Cold weather for the season, All hands employed in doing nothing 21st Wash day. The Turnkey came up informed us it was muster day ordered us to wash out before breakfast, but his orders were not obeyed, got our breakfast & then all descended into the yard, Directly comes old Miller & his Clerks with [ 65 ] May 21st Continued Book of hard names and begins to call us over, it was a long time before they got through Those that missed their call must go in the Blackhole, At length the mus- ter's over and each one gets his Grub. While muster- ing however they call out for John Hooper! John cannot be found find him put him in the Cells says old Miller, at length some one answers lie's dead cV gone into the interior parts of Damnation & if you don't believe go and see but he took care not lie heard At length the time draws near that we must all he under lock's key for the night, about 9 Oclock some one cries out, Fire, fire, when they all run to the window to know what it is, some say Halifax is illuminated, each one has some observation, to make some says Peace with America, others Peace with France. 22nd As soon as daylight appeared the noise begins at length the news comes, that Paris is destroyed by Wel- lington Each one believes his share of it. — The news of one day is contradicted by the next and thus our minds are kept in continual agitation May 23rd. Various reports in circulation about Boney but I rather think he has not submitted willingly to the tyran- nic yoke of Great Britian, No he like Cato would say; to save thee O my Country I am not able but to see this fall is Death. The Halifax paper mentions the [ 66 ] arrival of a packet from, Eng, She brings news of Peace with France. Boney is in Corsica, where he is to remain on a pension of twenty thousand a year, That the prince of Orange is reinstated & crown'd King of Holland, Ferdinand the 7th is crowned King of Spain & a gen- eral peace has taken place on the Continent of Europe, But as to AMERICA, they are to suffer, they have already detained our Ministers, Gallatin & Bayard who were on their way home but had gone to England to ratify the measures which they have adopted but they are detained as Hostages for some Lords Chron- icles, Hobgoblins or some other sort of beasts they have among us, some say they would not be so bad that to detain Ministers of Peace, — I answer nothing but fear restrains them, the same as when they meet May 23rd. Continued One of our frigates, even in a 74. why dont they fight //Fear//. O Dam them I never saw a bold, act done by one of them Except that Old Miller does put one or two In the Black hole now and then May 24th Pleasant for Mellvile Island — wash day the Turnkey went in the lower hole Prison and orderd them to wash out before breakfast, but they said No. if You please Next comes old Grant and locks the Cook house Door You shall have no Coffee untill You wash the Prison, so he went off. the door was then broken open, the Horn announced Coffee to be ready, the Coffee was served, he found this out, then said he would give them [ 67 ] no meat or Bread, But he has. there he lied. We haw- ing the Provision servd turnd too and washed the I >ecks. the decks soon dryed and dinner was announced This over each one has some employment. Directly Mr. Micchell is seen coming over the hill, he soon arivea and takeing his seat, waits untill silence prevails. & with dread suspence, we wait wishing to hear something still dreading least it should be what we most fear, at length some one ask the old Gentlemen what the news is He answers we a-t-a-bl- thats Favourable ■ May 24th Continued. He says there is no confidence to be placed in the news from Europe — /That is/ That Paris, was in Possesion of the Alied Army's and that Boney. had Given him- self up. Prisoner/ and was removed to the Island of Elba! // Hoax// The Exchange mentiond some time since in the Papers at Halifax Extends only to the Land fore in Canida. They are to be Exchanged imme- diately A Cartel Brigg is fiting out. in Halifax to Cary 300 from here. But for us poor Privateersman X() EXCHANGE after informing us of all the news. the Old Gentlemen retires soon after he had none. the Turnkeys orderd all out, to be viewd by Bear Adni 1 . Griffis. who was walking along the Strand as Big as pomy Ceazer In the mean time the [nspecting Officers went in to take a view of the Prison, they soon after retired, when old Hell to Split Miller, sends out [ 68 ] a paper to be read that if the men are not given up /that broke the Cook house open/ he will stop our Coffee. Told him to do it May 25th Glorious News. A Halifax paper says that the Peacock American Sloop of War. has captured the E. Pervier Sloop of War; and caried her in to Savanah. so there is another apoplectic for old Johny, he will now have the gout worse than ever. Thank God the Dam- Rascals will have to march on to Boston I hope; I want them under old Prince's Charge for a week. I rather think they will have the Cholick, old Squint Miller says that some of us is to go to England Peace! Peace! they have sued for Peace Old Miller came in just now and ordered all the Prisoners, in to the Yard, which was accordingly done, he then mounts the steps and they all muster round, him He then reads the Articles of Peace — which he says we must comply with we answed we would if we chose — Articles as follows. . 1st. we shall wash the prison out before breakfast, if we are a mind too. — if not they will send us to England, if we will let them. However he says, that if we behav we shall soon go home — 3 or 4 Years I suppose, or when Peace is made May 26th Capt Latham obtained a parole to day. being very unwell he has been in the Hospittal ever since he has been here. Two persons have been taken to Target [ 69 ] Hill this week. P. M. A Prisoner is just brought, in by the Malitia who ran away from this Prison some time since May 27th The Halifax papers exults greatly at the downfall of the Emperor of France which they attribute entirely to the unparrelled exertions of England alone. . \ Bay we shall never have an universal Peace, till Great Brit- ian gives a Goverment to the nondescript Republic. /meaning AMERICA. May 28th To day the Soldiers was musterd out and orders given for them to be prepared to leave Melville Island on Monday next. Joyfull news for the Soldiers, but the Sailors must wait a little longer ere they go -two prisoners arrived, taken off Cape Ann. in a Coaster. they bring no news, thats favourable, from the States. Rec d a Halifax paper of to Day which gives us some good and some bad news, the Confirmation of the Cap- ture of the E. Pervier. by the Peacock and the loss of the Frollic taken by the Orpheus Frigate, this reflects no honour on them as the force was greatly Superiour May 28th Continued The Emperor of France is dethron'd and Lewis XVIII. Crown'd King of France.— The Embargo is off entirely in the States. & great talks of Peace— Old Hull has had his Trial, and condem'd to be Shot, hut [ 70 ] his age and former Patriotism was taken into con- sideration by our Noble, Wise, & Humane Ruler, who has granted his reprieve — & Mark'd him as a Traitor & Coward — The papers mentions of 2 men taken up in New London on suspicion of being concerned in supplying the Enemy with Provision, and news. I hope they will hang them Another bright act of New London Pattriotism May 29th Pleasant weather, they just begin to think of Rant- ing. It now looks a little like the plains of fair Free- dom — our situation reminds me of a Bird. I have seen in a Cage, fluttering to get out viewing the delightful Prospect around, with hope of some day or other gain- ing its liberty. That she may enjoy them — More Prisoners more Prisoners is the cry. they are already in the Yard — Prize crew to the Grand Turk of Salem They say the Domend of Salem is taken May 30th Nothing of Note occurd to day I employ'd in wash- ing & mending my messmate playing keeno Capt Fellows. Reading — and the rest of the Prisoners Gambling. May 31st The Cartel long talk of is to sail Shortly, got my letters prepared, they say she is to take 400. O ! that I was of this hapy number, but. No No. not yet. [ 71 ] June 1st Yesterday being unpleasant, did not wash out. it being more pleasant to day turn to wash out, after washing out. I wrote A letter to Brother Amos The Soldiers were calld this afternoon to go home. th< \ got out side the Gates and gave 3 Cheers, which we answerd. Happy mortals inded thus to turn Your backs on a loathsome Prison. and once more bid defiance to John Bulls Theiveing Irons; Soon will Yon hail the happy Shores of America, when thy Friends will greel thee with, the joyfull sound, of Welcome those ^>ns. of misfortune once more to the arms of thy Parrents and Friends. HAPPY SOUND. June 2nd. The Diomede was capturd in A Thick Fog. She has arrive in Halifax — Official news has arrived of the capture of Buffola by the British Land and Naval forces, the place was caried by Storm, they say thej took immence quantities of Military Stores— Don! believe any Such thing. June 3d We were Surprised this morning with the pleasing inteligence that Mr. Latham was released and gone home in the Cartel which saild a few days since for tin U States, our friends will now recieve certain in f< filia- tion of our situation & prospects. Cap 1 Burrows is much Better — [ 72 ] June 4th Three of the principal officers of the Diomede came in this day — 4 Prisoners caried to Target Hill this morning a place where they bury the Dead — I'm fear- full a number, of us will visit that place this Summer, if not shortly releasd June 5th A dispute arose last eveing between 2 Gentlemen concerning a Hammock but was happyly Settled with- out Bloodshed — June 6th This being Sunday the Gambling fraternity rest from there labours — June 7th Wash day all hands turns too and wash out the Prison, the Turn kevs then turn us all out and a signal is made for Muster, the Table is brought, the clerks takes their Stand, and our new agent old Cuchet. sits in the middle, the Clerks proceed to call over the names, those who do not answer at the first call are black hol'd Muster over more prisoners are announced, they prove to be those that we left in Bermuda — with the addition of some Coasters, captured in Long Island Sound, only 6 days passage they bring news of a Gen- eral Exchangee's taken place the 15th of last month, hope its true. [ T.i ] Mr. Mitchell is seen coming' over the hill. I It- arrivi 8, comes up, takes his seat, and begins to give us the news, which to Day is subremly good. Viz . Thai a Cartel Brigg is on her passage from Salem bound to this port. Mr. Mitchell says he has reed a line from the Marshall in Boston, by which he gets this informa- tion. This news is good indeed, it will be my turn bye and bye. Success mv bovs. . the time may yet come when we Shall be happy indeed, once more in old Stonington. June 8th One of the prisoners that came in Yesterday, was capturd in the Heneretta /Alias great Packet of Stonington. he reports that 2 Cartels were fitting out at Providence This time will develope June 9th Cap 1 Cuchet Yesterday stated, it is to be bis deter- mination to grant no favor whatever to any person, but should strictly conform in every point to bis instruc- tions. That if M r Miller /by the bye we tho 1 him severe enough/ had made himself responsible for some thin not authorized by his instructors t'was bis Cuchets determination not to on any pretence whatever 2 P. M. Several Prisoners have just arrived & we percieve more coming over the Hill they were captured in a Prize belonging to the Pike privater. She had taken Eighteen prizes fourteen of which w< burnt. [ 74 ] Thus You see prisoner daily comeing in from dif- ferent vessels should they continue to come as fast much longer we Shall be full enough to go home — June 10th A Packet arrived from England Yesterday Twenty three days passage, she brings no news which we can hear, which is very singular — when such great events have so lately taken place in Europe I rather suspect there is news, but not of the most favourable, aspect, for the adherents of England, a good reason always for keeping it back from Yankee Prisoners. June 11th To day being informed of A smugler being up stares, among us A Court was called to have him tried he was brought up before the court, the witnesses being examind closely on every point, the Jury retired, and brought in a Verdic, not Guilty, to the dissatisfaction, of most of the prisoners, it being clearly proved that he run alone: side of the Bulwark 74 with Provision He is a good eal like some of our New London. Pattriots. Very innocent when they are caught in the act. . but I pray that they may all be caught. June 12 th Very pleasant, you see all hands putting on their best bib and Tucker — it being Sunday This afternoon a flag is seen /hoisted on Signal Hill./ for a Cartel, every countanance is elated with the Joyfull expectation of soon setting their faces [ " ] towards home — some gentleman came from town to day Informs ns it is nothing but the flag Schooner which went up some time since so that we shall all receive letters from our Friends, and Kno how the War is carried on in Canida, and how the times are at hon Tomorrow we Shall O. time fly swift away and lei us behold the day that we anticipate with so much Pleasure. June 13th The happy day has at length arrive'd every one is anxious for a letter — but all day we wait and nothing comes, like a prisoner who is waiting in daily expecta- tion of his release, or one at the bar with horid per- plexity of mind 13 June Continued between hope and fear, waiting his scentance to be pronounced At last the package of letters arrives and each one runs his heart bounding with joy — but gu< ss what must be my disappointment. They read the Ut- ters ore & ore. but none appears for me. my name is not pronounced I turn away with a heavy heart hardly enquireing what the news is — But duty tells us to form t and forgive June 14th The news that the letters containd Yesterday Is in circulation which is very good and I believe true. The Cartel Persevereance is to sail for here in a i days. A General Exchange has taken place. [ 76 ] Mr. Mitchell is announced he confirms the above news, and says our armies are gaining ground in Can- ida. More Prisoners just came in. they are part of the Officers and Crew of the Privatier Huza of New York. Captured 10 hours out. They bring news of some little skirmishess haveing taken place, in Canida. which was decided in our favour Since the 14th I have been quite unwell with Hipomatie pluratie Iatie Quandiarium but have recovered so far as to be able to continue my nonsensical observations, It is now June 21st Wash day all hands turn too & wash, very hot sultry day The President keeps us out untill we are almost famish'd with heat, at length he takes off the Blockade and in we go. Next comes our good old Agent, takes his seat proceeds to answer each one's questions He promises faithfully to see justice done in the Exchange of Prisoners when ever it takes place which he says will soon be as the Perseverance is daily expected, This day received Hlno Xosgoh, At length Mr. Mitchel goes & each one has some comments to make on the news. Night comes on & agin we are locked in to pass away the night in meditation or in what other way we can, Next old Coffin makes sport for — who — how — why. I will here tell you June 21st Continued. he lets, lets what — why nothing — yes it is — or why should nothing make sport then it is something — observations are passed — on what — he says nothing, lies still, & what then, why like Sterne I leave you to guess [ 77 ] June 25th The Heavens wear a gloomy asped nothing but vexatious disappointments seems to oiler Itself to t Ik- unfortunate prisoner, I almost seem to wish my dis- solution to come Day after day passes slowly on nothing offers to animate our drooping spirits, worn out with afflictions confined within the dark walls of a prison with sickness and want presenting itself in every shape day after day rolls successively on & nothing like Liberty appears. Hope! alass! even Hope has fled; that balm of earthly comfort, Liberty, sweet Liberty, when shall we once more embrace the, thou Goddi of felicity, it is thee alone that makes life a blessing for without the hope of enjoying thee, Alass Death would be a welcome visitor to the unhappy Captive, — Well now for news, this morning. June 2.5th Continued. refused the Bread it being such as man should not eat, unwholesome, News in circulation is that the Yankee's have taken some Gun Boats on the Lake, that's the good, the bad is that we have confined some dam English men, now look out for retaliation, beauty old Himes, but if this is the case, Alass poor Palmer, when will you get home. 28th June Thick cloudy weather muster all hands to muster Is the cry Old Cuchet comes with Clerks and Books and all his retinue of limping Devils, each one is calld, and those who do not answer to his name, has his allow- ance stopt for 3 days. [ 78 ] While we were mustering- news came from Halifax that on 2 June. Inst, the Cartel left Salem with 400 Prisoners for this place, Good news this! The Constitution has Captured the Narcissus Frigate and got her safe in to Boston A Halifax paper says that A Brig had arrived in the U States with dispatches for our government from Lewis XVIII /All this may be true/ June 30th The long looked for day has at length arrived, which brings the News of the Cartels arrival, which is con- firmed by the letters coming up, Little strut he mounts the steps & begins calling the letters over while each one answers to his own, the yard is crowded with Yankee's expecting letters /I hear them all culled over but none appears for me/ Good bye. July 1st Another month has pass'd away and yet no hopes of geting some. It is now 8 months since our capture, and no nurer being exchanged than we were when Captured — Julv 2nd Nothing transpires yet worthy of remark. Untill this afternoon at 4 O Clock when more prisoners are announced — the Yard is thronged with prisoners, to meet the unhappy Victims of misfortune They prove to be the Officers and Crew of the Privatier Snap Dragon of Baltimore — 34 in number as Black Jack [ ™ ] says, haveing such an Author I can not vouch for the truth of it. Huza. my boys here conies coffee let's hav< Supper. July 4th GLOKIOUS AXD EVEK MEMORABLE DAY A miserable place this to Celebrate the Anaversary of American Independence but we did all we could towards it had a Pendant strung from t Arms — handsomely drawn. We kept the day nj) in dancing and drinking water for rum we could get none, we had no Oration for our situation being such .1^ would not permit us to rejoice so much as we should if we had our LIBERTY. Jul}' 5th Unpleasant but it being wash Day all hands turns too and wash out. Nothing transpires until! nit- p- noon when Mr. Mitchell is announced, with joy \\<- meet him and enquire the news lie calls each one that he has money for and delivers his letters ou1 .is they answer, guess at my disappointment when none comes for me never mind I'll pay them for it if 1 get home [ 80 ] /that is/ But God only Knows when that will be, for the news of another Cartel, going in company with this is all fals. and there will be no more go up in her than what she brought down which they say is 264. Mr. Mitchell says that all those who have been con- fined as Hostages will go up in the Cartell. The rest will go according to date of capture Beauty Old HIMES. — I shall go next time then look out blow her up boys never say die, Free Trade & Sailors Rights. July 6 th To day Cap*. Dill of the Cartel Persevereance, came up to pay us a Visit He informs us he shall not Sail untill Old Miller arrives from Salem, And when he does go its quite uncertain whether he caries up more Prisoners than he brought. July 9 ,h WILLFULL MURDER You will see by reading this Days work the reason why I entittle it under this head, while washing out to day, Orders came for muster. The Prison yard is muster quarters To find transgressiors and Deserters. Some who are first on the list that have been here 12 and 18 months are Elated with the joyfull News, expecting they are a going to call them out to go home, they already are forming to themselves, imaginary pleasures. The aged can see their wife's eyes [ 81 ] sparkling with Joy at their happy return, there children riming to them with Joy in there Eyes to Embrace their long lost Father, and welcome him to the anus of his long lost and affectionate Family — Those who are not yet so far advanced in life as to have a Family, are forming some conjectures of the pleasure they will soon meet with from their tender Parrents. and in the tender embraces of their fair Dulcenas who has more than once Sigh'd for the welfare their long lost and affectionate Lovers. They are saying within selves farewell thou cursd Prison. once iinnv 1 turn my back upon thee, and am in hopes it is the 1. time that these walls shall appear dreadful! to my sight. How does the poor captives heart bound with the happy prospect of once more enhailing the pure air of Liberty. . and enjoying the delightful society of the fair sex. Alass how shall I describe the feelings of these poor captives when instead of beginning at the head <»!' tin- list they begin with the Starks crew been captured about three months — A token for England, England, El in- land, is all the cry throughout the yard, sad destiny this, Every one stands in fearfull expectation of his name being pronounced next, Long July 9th Continued faces, melancholy dwells in the features of all the pris- oners I can already see them in the hold of a Ship, hand cuff'd & in Irons, Imagine to yourself a captive confined within the dark walls of a prison his body [ 82 ] worn out with confinement & long expectation & feel- ing that kind of sickness arising from hope deferred — in looking nearer you'll see him pale and feverish in thirty years the Western breeze has not once fanned his blood, he has seen no friend no kinsman, nor has he had the voice of one friend breathes through the lattics of — see him sitting in one corner of a dungeon on a little straw which serves him both for chair & bed, he had a bunch of sticks in his hands with a rusty nail his making another notch on one of the sticks as another day of woeful existence. But stop this will do for reflection now I must give them a few curses, go to England, the very sound reverberates through every vital of the human body, my prayer is that our Government may send the pris- oners in the states to Hell, Hackney or New Orleans still there is a conscience within me says humanity to a conquer'd foe, for mercy is the attribute of heaven but something that cries with in me says revenge DIALOGUE Something, Pray tell me, Mr. Conscience is a man to be trans- ported in irons, pinioned and scourged almost nay I may even say quite to death & still the Brother or friend of that man, lay inanimate & say nothing nor do nothing to revenge his wrongs will he see him thus brutally used I say & say nothing to vindicate him the proffer'd injury with which he through inability is forced to put up with [ 83 ] Conscience, Why Sir what you advance I must ask acknowledge has the appearance of justice, still you know what tin Scriptures say, you must return good for evil & further, love thy enemies, should a man by stealth or fraud wrong you out of any money or what is still dearer honor or your character, would you wrong another man out of the same if you could not find the right one. July 9th in Continuation Something, To tell you the truth Mr. Conscience, there is many parts of Scripture that uld speak against revenge, but alass tell me what is better you speak of private injuries but I have reference to my country's good, Should a man speak or do any thing that would injure my country I say it would be sweeter to have revenge of that man than all the riches of Peru, Yes I would say with the virtuous Cato could I but lodge a sword in an Englishman's bosom I could smile at the pangs of death and Die contented, good morning Mr. Conscience Something? gaines the day [ 84 ] July 10th Birth day my boys, Hussa. a fine place this to cele- brate a birth day, No money, no rum nor no credit poor & Lousy too by Oh ! it lightens up, here comes and old friend & away I go to get a little how come you so, Never mind get home bye & bye No news this day. July 11th All hands to muster is the cry, now for England every one stands like a man with a halter round his neck in momentary expectation of being launched into on endless eternity they call out all those who were mustered on Saturday, they pass the word for Capt Fellows O. God judge my feelings at this moment. /Mistake/ it is McFarland ah, from the deepest pangs of sorrow raised once more to a half way happiness, but Alass a small share of happiness when we even for one monent reflect how soon it may be our lot & if it is not how long may we be doomed to remain in this miserable place alass I fear too long. Well, well, we must live, and hope but we may die in dispair, but we must wait the Almighty's pleasure and Divine goodness. 12th Taken unwell this morning violent pain in my head and high fever, 13th Worse to day kept housed, [ 85 ] 14th Little better more on a/c of the news, than any of old Grubs medicine Old Cochet comes with books in hand to call out those going home in the Cartel The old standards art- elated with the news unquestionable July 14th expecting to be called, but alass. smugglers away, if I was not weak I would, put the fist of Goliah on thy necks and strike some of you to the bottomless pit of but however some of them gets paid in part the balance they shall receive with interest some gets a kick, some a cuff & some with their tails off good bye to you sweet home if this is the way they are to be called out, when shall we poor privateers men get home and even coasters that have been here 17 or 18 months are still Left. I fear to wear away another winter of gloomy sorry wretched anxiety — but good bye happiness you are Dot in store for me I am reserved for some unforseen misery Adieu! the sick, lame and lazy are gone /from Thurs- day to Saturday nothing I very sick 16th. Little good better worse, sick, well Cartel sailed as I hear. Miller answrd letters come Beauty old Himes, never did a letter afford more real satisfaction than this from father still no news that gives us any reason to expect a cartel, Miller brot 80 prisoners 20 women and he brings news of the capture of the [ 86 ] July 16, Essex by the frigate Phoebe, Dont believe it yet July. 17th. . I had forgot to mention the capture of the U. S. Brig Rattlesnake. Particulars not known, one of the finest crews that ever came in to this Yard. 18th Quite Sick violent head ache had a tooth drawn broke my jaw bone. 19th Wash day very sick. NO news. — 20th Still grow worse, came in to the Hospital O ! God permit me to hope though thy divine goodness once more to be enabled to, reach my Dear home and embrace my Dear Parrents I am Yet to great a Siner to enter thy Presence, O Lord thy will be done 21st Much better, persum my prayer had some Effect, great talks of a Cartel 22nd The report of our going to America is conflrmd. Old Cuchet Comes with Books in hand, to call us out. he calls out. 8 or 10. and questions them, if they are Americans so that they do not call us out to day the list [ 87 ] is made out and Various reports are in circulation about the number that is to be sent .some says 250 some says 81 July 22nd Several has been and seen the list, and about sun down Capt Fellows comes & tells me his name and mine are both on the list. To go home. Happy moment this. tho I do not place much confidence in this. Still I could sleep but little through the Night. I fancied 10 thousen pleasures — But I must stop it is now morning July 23d. The mornings passes in buzz about who is going and who is not. Afternoon comes and with it old Cuchet. And calls them out go home, Capt. Fellows is calld but I am not. I can not say I was much dispointed but some goes thats not been here more than 2 or 3 month /By Butter./ I wrote 3 or 4 letters home At length they go. 3 Cheers my boys Success attend You. Mr. Mitchell comes he new nothing of this and thinks the exchange will be stopt'd — England Because they still continue to send. Coasters & mug it out- Smuglers. from here — and we Privateers have to Stick July 24th Beautifull & Pleasant, if we were only home to Enjoy it. O. how happy must those be on board the Cartel the happy contemplation, of once more enjoying tin [ 88 ] sweets of LIBERTY, and the pleasing embraces of their Kindred &. Friends Alass! When.! When! shall I see that happy Day. I fear to long Will be that happy time. July 25th This morning discharged Capt. Dacres from the Hospital, the Doc 1 ask'd him why he was out so much, he replied he thot it more conducive to his health, If thats the Case says the Doc 1 you may go all togather vary well says, he I wish to go as I never have reed any benefit forn vour medicines. No impertance sir. I'll stop Your Exchange which no doubt he had done, Is not this enough to pro- voke a Saint A Mans Exchange must be Stopt for that. ENOUGH, we all Know what an English- man is.- News of the Day. — July 25th Our armies have gaind A great Victory in Canida, Taken & Killd 6,000 Prisoners Glorious News. Another Cartel to Sail soon, and cary 500. to the States. Beauty — Too much good news in one day to be true. I am much better to day in hopes to get out of the Hospital soon — O. Lord relieve me once more from the thieving Irons of these Savage, inhuman, tyrannical, Britians. and I will Vowsafe they shall not so unjustly by me again this. WAR The Curtain falls & the scene closes [ 89 ] July 26 Nothing particular occurs concerning the public. Today rec d A Letter from my too good Brother. ( ) ! how much Satisfaction how much pleasure does a letter, from such a Brother give to A Brother in Captivity. how soon did he on hearing of my confinment. send money for my relief O! ! What a Brother this He mentions great talks of PEACE. Beauty old hims July 27th Gave my letters to Mr. Southaland To cary to town and get some money if Possible, I have been employ'd writeing for Mr. Southaland though the Day and dined on Roast Beef, for the first time in 8 months. . Had plenty of Rum. — offerd. but drank none— July 28th Mr. S. did not see Mr. Boggs — Great news to day, Yankees taken F. Erie and 1.50 prisoners- -We can only hope. — A young man died last night taken sick yesterday. drank 2 Galls water by the Doc 1 permision — Buried to Day July 29th Arrived 60 Soldiers taken on Moos Island, by the unownd land — Hardy with 2 line of Battle Ships this. is an evident proof how much they respect — any — of their agreements It was agreed as I understand at [ 90 ] the commencement of the war./ between the two Gov- ernments that, that place with some others should remain Neutreal July 30th, A number more prisoners arrived taken in different vessels but bring no news except that there is great talks of Peace, 31st Some more coasters arived to day but don't know any thing, This afternoon Mr Howland one of our prize masters /who has been to work in town/ came to pay us a visit he tells good stories about a cartel that is fitting out to take some home, Beauty, & likewise they are to go by the date of capture this to good for all of it to be true however I'm willing to believe my part of it, Discharged from the hospital being well except a pain in my head, fever, weak & costive other wise very well, August 1st Feel myself quite at home to day, our beaut}?- is play- ing Keene, nothing remarkable has occured to day, report says there is draft to go to England soon /O God/ Permit me to have the pleasing satisfaction of sending a few of the Britons into thy presence & I'll die contented. August 5th Muster, Muster, is the cry /washout/ all hands wash out and attend muster, Alass hope and fear [ 91 ] alternate reign in this drear abode in constant expecta- tion of a cartel or dreading the fearful tidings <>t' each report of going to England, but at presenl our fears are at an end, a regular muster I asked permission to go to town, but no is the answer from thai no matter, 6th No particular news employ'd writing for Mr. Southerland, had roast beef & green peas for dinner 7th Very pleasant the day passes away without much news untill afternoon when two Gentlemen prisoners were announced they are taken into our Mess appear to be pretty clever fellows, At 5 P. M. more prisoners, more prisoners is the cry through out the yard evi ry one is expecting some good news a double line is form* '1 from the gateway and those who come in pass through with three cheers they prove to be some passengers in a neutral vessel and a prize crew but news they bring none our 2 Mess mates bring news of the trial of the August 7th Continued Chespeakes surviving officers who are mostly all cash- ier^ out of the service, no Justice here August 10th This morning an alarm was given that three prison had deserted and were taken and lodge'd saf< in 'he guard house they say one of them was shot- Next comes old Cuchet. and now you sec old Granit [ 92 ] and the Turnkeys Running — here and there, crying, out. out. all out. never mind says old Cuchet. we will muster them. — then in comes Hoges the Turnkey, looking more like the Ghost, of Hamlet, than a human person, and says all out to muster which is soon began thus. Tom Boline here Sir John Shanks John Shanks Shanks name is reechoed throughout the Yard. Turnkeys pass the word he's not here very well put him down run away Bob Beckstay! Bob Beckstay — at length Bob's found Stay there Sir You shall go in the Cells Sir John Tackle! John Tackle — No answer cant be found x R, mark'd, August 10th Continued Thus they go on untill we are all musterd O. God guess at their surprise when instead of 3 they find that 16 Prisoners had made their escape — Old Cuchet then like a Tyger that has mised his prey. Frowns & looks Black and says have a strict serch throughout the Prison to find where these dam Rascals got out — Next up comes The General the same that retreated at little York they order all the cloaths crockery and in fact every thing else, out of the prison this done the prison undergoes a thorough examination but they are none the wiser no discovery can be made of the place through which they escaped they finaly give up the search — and conclude that, they, /the Prisoners/ must have some league with old Jinny — It passes off very well. But they wishing to know something more of the matter send up A D-m Tory By the Name of Cooms [ 98 ] of Boston he has been Pilot of the Bulwark 7 1 and rec d . 45 Dolls per Month — August 10th Continued Supposing him to be A Prisoner they as usual flock around him to get the news but fortunately some of the Prisoners new him, and immediately accosted him. if he did not endeavor to persuade A Yankee Boy to enter on board the Bulwark — No he answered You lie Sir Hussle him Husle him! was the cry from every mouth, at once No sooner said than done, he went head long down stairs quicker than a chain of lighting through a goosbury bush — they men stood ready to receive him below and gave him another start, then in comes a swam of Turnkeys and wish to Know what we have got against that man, he shall stay up here. well. well, we say he shan 1 nor you neither unless You behave Yourselves very well They took him away out side again — and its well they did August 11th To day three of the poor unfortunate Fellows that made their escape was brought back, and one poor f< 1- low has lost his Napper those brought back were put in the Cells August 12th Prince Regents birth Day. great talks of a Draft for England, two prisoners more brought back. Black Hole opens in they shove, 6 out of 16 Taken Afternoon employed in writeing A letter to Get an American [ 94 ] Releas'd /that is detain on board of the Bulwark. . 74./ Damd Rascals An English Lieu 1 has just been up here and says a large Draft is shortly to take place for Eng- land, and that those who escape may Shortly expect to get Exchangd O! How good this sounds to those who expect to remain. . But Ah! poor me Alass. I fear it will be long verry long ere I see home. And No money if I only had little Rhino. I could do better. Fortune of War You know the time may yet come if not this war when Peace is made. — when we will show those British Dogs how to eat saw dust and salt water — August 14th Pleasant weather and no news untill 4 P. M. when more Prisoners are announced hope they are Privateers men is the general cry throughout the Yard. — But Alass they are more Coasters — so it will not tend to save us from going to England. That we are a going is reduced to a certainty 500 must go Old Cuchet declares it so and undoubtedly they will be statesmen & Privateersmen and as there is only 285. of this Class including us. we are sure to go. O ! Home when shall I see you again From the 14th untill the 18th nothing occurs, but continual Reports of going to Engld August 18th This day; the dreaded day has at length arrive the Draft commencd this morning — and they God Dam them calld — out 300 and tomorrow the rest are to be calld I finish mv Letters to A. F & Mc. [ 95 ] may the curse of God Mahommet, and of Devil rest upon them. I can only prey thai their Prisoners will meet with a similar fate. . But it is the fortune of war HOPE — August 19th Farewell Milville. never did I think I should leave this acursed Prison with heavey heart, but Alass ! t<» go to England. — it is to hard after being transported from one place to another and harressd about as we have been, and after 9 months imprisonment to go to En land put 4 or 5,000 back on the list — O! God 1 do not reproach thee with injustice No It is these Daind Kng- lishmen My heart is too full to write any more Farewell my friends and Kindred dear I shall not s< i thee more untill A Peace — 1 left my letters to be sent home to inform them i the sufferings of their unfortunate Son but news of A different nature. If posible wounds my feelings more than Going to England. The destruction of my native Village by the Enemy of all mankind — is just come to hand, by A Prisoner direct from there — () could I but hear of the safety of my Friends. — I would go con- tented Alass I fear that all is not well — my mind forebodes some mishap but I must smother all my feelings August 19th Continued. On this occasion and muster up all Resolution. *.V sv not be beaten. — No sooner let me die than give up tin Ship At length the expected doom arriv< - th [ 96 ] call for the Holla's here we go boys with smiling coun- tances never give them satisfaction to Know that it effects our feelings. No we'll make them think it is a pleasure rather than a pain — as we stept in to the boat Mr. Southaland Reach d me a Jacket & p r . of Stockings reaches me his hand and wishes me success The wind is fair for a Sail down the Creek A Midshipman com- mands, we soon enter in to conversation on Political Subjects, respecting the affairs of Europe. He says Boney made a disgraceful Peace, and we shall have to do the same. Poor fellow how much his mistaken. At length we arrive on board of H. M. S. Lahogue 74 Capt. Capel. our bags are strictly searchd. and every Kind of Instrument taken from us. even to Needles. and Nails We are stowd down in the lower hole 3 deep alto- gather, we leave the Prisoners calld out Yesterday are on board the Orpheus and Chesepeake, Sleep there is none for us., we already begin to experience the hard- ships and privations, with which we have to go through August 20th How diflcult it will be to continue my Journal will be easyer immagined than Described, but as I so far have been able too I will do my best endeavous to cary it through as it may be entertening to my Children As the wind is unfavourable shall not sail untill it shifts. — August 21st This day they allow one half of us on Deck at a time — for the purpose of Louseing and takeing the air [ VI ] Our allowance Consists of y 2 pinl peas ' £ lb Bread ' , lb Meat Grog is allowd us by the Cap 1 , which is a Valuable acquisition to us all. — August 22 nd The wind being fair got under way with a convoj <»!' 2 Frigates 2 Sloops of war and 20 Merchantmen. Wind light & run the Shore along. August 23d The. land in sight this morning ran in and about 2. P. M we were in the gut of Cansor oil' Picto. Wail- ing for more Convoy, they come out. And dull salon enough, they are now look out for a tedious Passaj I make out to continue by Journal much better than I could expect as I mess directly in the Hatch way August 30th Newfoundland For several days past nothing of Note has trans pin d. To Day got soundings on the Banks of Newfoundland. 65 fathoms, cought several cod fish, but thai is our share of them — Saw several French Schooners on the Banks, at anchor — spoke one but no news, it continuing Calm for several days, made but little progress. An American Privateer is in sight they dispatch the Ophius. in chase of her. but its of little use. after recon- oiting some time she turns tail too finding the convoy under such strong Protection and supposing them of little Value being from Halifax [ 98 ] Sept 8th Spoke A Packet from Halifax bound to England, passed A Convoy bound to Halifax wind being fresh did not speak them one of our Crew a black Man died to Day. and was buried with becoming solemnity. Prayers were read over him and. the bell was toll'd Dureing the cerimony This Day — the Wind blows a Gale almost — Sep 1 15th As nothing particular ocurs between these Dates I shall not mention the comnon occurences of each day which is merely a repetition of Bad and worse Usuage Those only who has experienced the sufferings which Prisoners endure in Transportation can judge of the hardships which we have to encounter on board of Ship suffice it to say that it's as much as Human Nature can well bear Another Death this day. this is the way they murder Sept. 18th The prisoners having a surplus of Grog to Day are endeavouring to make an attempt to take the Ship — but those who are sober and have some Judgement in affairs of this Kind, Know too well that it will be a useless undertaking, and very Dareing, It would be only heaving away lives in fruitless attempt As they are all arm'd enflute., and we without any weapons but our fists — We flnaly agreed that it was a hard thing in our situation to take a 74 [ 99 ] Sept 19th A sharp look out is kept for the land the Cap' took a Luner Observation and finds he is up with — Lands End At 2 P. M. made the Land which proves to be the W. part of Scilly the wind light run up Chanell — and on the 22 made Portsmouth Sept 22nd Ran in for Portsmouth saw a large convoy lying at anchor, bound to Quebeck with Troops, poor Fellows I realy pity You as I know some of you will Loose the number of your mess. — On our entrance in to the Harbour the first spectacle which presented to View, was a Gallas Riged in a boat with A Naked man lashd to It — going through the fleet to get paid off. A Horried Sight this Sept 23d Every one is looking with all their eyes to see Mill Prison where we expect we shall go. the Capt has been on shore all day and report says, he has gone to London to get orders respecting us. Sept 24th The Capt. has returnd but no orders respecting us respecting our embarkation It remains uncertain Yet whether we go to Chatham or not Sept. 25th Orders came off this morning, for us to get ready to go on board of different ships to go round to Plymouth [ 100 ] this is quite contrarary to what we had anticipated At 2 P. M. boats came from different ships to take us on board of some of his Majestys Vessels, some goes on board the Chesepeake Opheus, Benbow 74 and Presi- dent Frigate, which last Vessel we go on board of 200 in number, our bags trunks &c are put in the Hammock netings. and we stowd down in the lower hole, as thick as. Bees in a Hive our allowance of grog was sent with us but they drank it for us. thinking it better belong to them — or else to keep their hands in I had forgot to mention that a corps was brought on the gun deck and we dined directly over a Dead Body — We remain on board for several days in anxious expectation of Sailing for Plymouth. — our liveing on board of this Ship is the worst we have experienced, in any Ship before. Skilly golu constantly for break- fast. & Peas for Dinner Sept. 28th Huzza for Plymouth the wind being fair this morn- ing got under way and on the 29th arrived at our destined Port and came to anchor here we see Fortune Prison where we are in hopes to go. but reports are currently circulating that Dartmoor is to be our abode for God knows how loner ■& Sept 30th This morning preparations are makeing to send us in shore the boats come from all quarters to recieve us. the first on the list are calld to go after they get to us [ ioi ] & we in the boat the Chesepeake arrives and it blowing heavy she in anchoring ran on shore set a Signal of Distress & the boats were all orderd to lend her assist- ance so that we did not go on shore. It seems as tho' all Heaven was against us. the Chesepeake will continue to haunt us were ever we go — I am in hopes she may be as great a plague to them as she has been to us. About 80 of the Presidents men suppose me to be an old ship mate of theirs and that I ran away from the service. I endeavour to keep them in the same mind, as I recieve a good many presents by it. such as Tobacco &c October 1st Last night we had some disturbance with the 1st Lieut of the Ship respecting our birth, being stow'd down in a place about two feet high & 20 square on wet muddy water casks, we could not get in. the Corporal insisting on our going down we told him we would not unless they killed us first — One of the Midship men Mr. Cox was then sent down to inspect the place thro' his intercession we had liberty for some's going in the fore hole on water cater casks this we tho't a great indul- gence & should any of them be under me they would be glad to have the same liberty granted them. I must give the Officers of this ship the credit of being the dame'dest rascals that I ever met with, this day they flogg'd 3 or 4 men most shamefully, the crew seems to be very much dissatisfied with their officers & want an opportunity of escaping. [ 102 ] 5th This day orders is to embark for prison, the prisoners seem as much rejoiced as they would to go home, but no wonder after being penn'd up in the lower hold of a frigate for a fortnight, we wish to make a shift know- ing we cannot be worse situated. About 9 A. M. we left the ship accompanied by armed Marines & a ser- gent as we passed the shipping in the harbour the Admiral passed in his barge the yards were all mann'd & ships dress'd to pay him respect about 10 we landed at the back part of the town where we found about 300 prisoners waiting our landing Soldiers there was no end of them after fronting facing & wheeling October 5 Continued Several times we set off on a march with quick step, as we passed the houses every window was full of heads some crying & some laughing to make up the time we next meets a turnip cart & here's for land privatering they all rush upon the cart & get some turnips the farmer stops and gases with down cast eyes but we tell him the King pays for all. on the road I see Mr. Neal with three fingers gone he informs me how he lost them in attempting to take the transport that they came in but owing to some rascally cowards they were repulsed & several of them killed & wound, About 12 O'clock we arrived half way meet some soldiers who are sent from prison to relieve this guard that they may return, we grew very tired & a number has already given out, we make complaint to the Officers that we have had nothing to eat since yesterday he says we shall stop [ 103 ] at the first house which is about 2 miles we march ou quite contented at length the house heaves in sight k we soon come up & make a halt 10 minutes is given for refreshment we have some money and got some bread & cheese & beer which puts new life in us those who have no money gets nothing our 10 minutes being up we make all sail up hill at length we arrive in sight of the prison Oct 5, Continued At length we arrive at the prison completely tired down I really believe if my salvation depended on it I could not march one mile more — We see nothing but high stone walls & large stone prisons 7 in number the list is soon called over & we enter thro' the gates to get out no more during a number of years as we pass through they give each one a hammock & beding & we enter into an old prison kept for the reception of pris- oners, Our baggage soon arrives & every one gets his things & away we go to bunk have some bread serv'd out which is very acceptable we sleep but little being almost frose the prison being all open & our bones aching some, So ends the ,5th Day of October. Oct 6th This morning the Clerk and Turnkeys came in and Measured us one by one. took down our complexion, scars, place of birth, &c &c &c — This being over we Visit round the Yard I find a number of old acquaint ances /Viz/ Wm Hubbard. Jesse Smith. Ben Mor- [ 104 ] rell. &c — they have ben here some number of months Morrell informs me that Rob 1 Palmer is here on Parole at Ashburton. Very little prospect of being Exchange Smith tells me he has just got out of the black hole, being cought in running away. Oct 7th We remove in to another Prison, which is rather more comfortable — as nothing but a repetition of Bad and wose occurs, I shall omit writing the trifling par- ticulars of each Day. when any thing of Note takes place shall Make mention of it Nov 8th From 7th Oct. to this date nothing of Note has trans- pired. News in circulation this morning is Peace. Cap 1 Shortland /The British Agent at this Depot/ brings news to this effect from Plymouth, every one is elated with such good news and Place as much con- fidence in it as tho they saw the Treaty Signd Likewise the Leander has been Captured by the Presi- dent Frigate after action of 36 minutes, this is reported to be In the papers — To Day took an account of Stock and find that it is best to break up Business, haveing £15. out now and no prospect of geting of it in — I believe I had not mentioned that when I came in to prison I set up shop keeping with the rest. As I have now brought my journal to this Date I shall keep it more correct [ 105 ] Novr 10th Last night snow fell to some depth Report this morning, that Sir J. Yeo, is taken with all his squadron. We place but little confidence in this report. Still we hope It may be true, such a thing is not impossible. //as the paper says.// since 14 thousand, best English troops were taken by 1500. American — raw Militia— the papers seem to speak encourageing of the Negocia- tions — Mr. Perkins first just — brings in a report, that the Young Warsp has burnt 15 Sail of Vessels in to Millford Haven — but Uncle Brownell tells him he lies— So it goes — . Novr. 11th Rumors of the Day is that the Rattlesnaks men are going home cryer has been round to give them notice I am always /sometimes/ glad to see my Countrymen get home. I can not however rejoice, to see these men go at this time as they are considerable in my Debt, and In most every one's in Prison. But here comes the cryer and silence all our fears as he says they are not to go. This evening a Draft has arive from Halifax. /Letters/ — November 12th The men which were reported to be from Halifax last evening are some men which have given themselves up from English Man of War. Cap 1 Brownell brings in A Report that the Official Account of the Capture of the Leander — is in the Papers The truth of this time [ 106 ] will develope Business is Verry Dull, and in fact I do not know what to insert in this days, work unless I take the description of Neighbour Fellows's Pipe-drawing Enough we shall now take a smoke over a glass of good water, talk about our Friends and then to bed — & Dream of home Nov r 13th FREE TRADE & SAILORS RIGHTS. The prison gates are open for the first time some since we came, to this Dam Prison. — we have now an oppety of seeing and conversing with our friends Report is that a Cartel is fitting for the States. 1500 English Prisoners has arived from America — Likewise that. Mr. Beasley — has made arrangements with the English Government, for a regular Exchange! of Prisoners A Cartel is to sail monthly — this news is good and we hope true. But I doubt it. Novr. 14th Nothing of importance has occurd this day — Cold Rains Intensly fall that we can not. walk in the Yard. No Books to Employ our minds/, time roals heavely on nothing but Cards and Backgammon passes the time away We are in hopes soon to have some news as she is daily expected. Novr 17th For several days past nothing has transpired — but mur fabulous reports, this is the day we ought to recieve our small but welcome Monthly allowance — [ 10 ? ] 6/8 Sterling I expect they will not pay us untill the comeing week, till that time I must wait with patience, for the collection of my Debts. — I will mention the rumour of the day, as it may hereafter show, what folish reports are made and spread among prisoners The Capitulation of Baltimore. & the surrender of Bos- ton — too foolish to mention — Alass Almighty God how long will thou suffer these unprincipl'd race of English- men to keep us confined within this damp dark & gloomy place, are we eternally to remain within the unhealthy walls of a prison to suffer in body every pain & disease which nature is able to bear & in mind all the horrors of despair which a mind free from the com- mon perplexities of this world can suggest or imagina- tion describe, man void of all feeling would say my mind was wondering in fruitless researches for antici- pated pleasures, I intended to give loose to my feelings & let my mind & my pen have their full scope, but I find I must keep them and stifle my reflections not for want of time but my mind at present is not prepared for such thoughts as I would wish to transmit to writ- ing as I have been reading novels through the day & they have so engross'd my attention that I must defer giving loose to my reflections for the present, all night I could when lying in my hammock write such thoughts as would ease my troubled mind of some of its weighty burthen, Good night as it is now bed time. Novr. 19th Yesterday they began to pay the monthly ration allowed us by our generous Government on Monday next it will come to us I presume, [ 108 ] We now receive daily papers having obtained a suf- ficient number of subscribers to take it quarterly, to day it affords us something for conversation there being some important news from Canada the Statesmen being an opposition paper we place more confidence in it than we should in a Ministereal paper November 19th Continued It seems our arms has been succesfull in Canida. Killd, Wounded, Prisoners & Deserters 800 of the Enemy, under Sir G. Prevost. who they reproach with ill conduct European affairs seems in continual lager Novr. 20th To day they continue paying us off and we have mostly all received our due, I have collected some of my debts but not all however I believe they will pay the Statesmen soon, The paper to day says that some accounts have been rec d from Canada, that is melancholy to the English too much so to be relish'd I am in hopes they will soon be bro 1 to terms & I believe they will, 23d Yesterday evening Mr. Fellows and I went over to No 4 Prison among the blacks to see a play performed /Heir at Law/ after piece, Raising the Wind, Tickets 6 d each but a ticket was of very little service as mob laws prevailed among the Prisoners they made a rush in & there being no seats, some stood up & some sit [ 109 ] on the deck & such another crowding you never saw for my part I got along side of a great he Negro about seven feet high when he sat down 'twas with difficulty I could see over his head, however the scenery was very good and so was the performance, After the play we had a grand dance & kept it up till daylight when tl im- prison doors being open each one went to his own prison, When I came home they inform'd me I was appointed Judge by the Committee I think they made a poor choice among 1500 Prisoners To day a case was brot before the Jury they sent for me to decide the case, but my intellects not being very clear I did not wish to display my oratorical powers my ideas were not copious enough I therefore kept my eloquence untill another opportunity should offer so appointed a Judge Pro tempore, NEWS, To days paper informs us that the True blooded Yankee has arrived at Boston with two Mil- lions specie that she was attacked by the boats from two frigates but she repulsed them & took four boats into Boston with her. This is the way GLORY OLD SHIP 1814 Nov 25, Yesterday & to day a very little business has taken place & but little news in circulation, War War is now the cry, since the terms of peace offered our Ministers are too degrading & to humiliating to think of Peace on such terms, no rather let us carrv on the War with rigour [ no ] 28th From day to day nothing particular transpires I therefore do not think it worth while to write my Journal up daily I have not collected any of my debts yet & when I shall god only knows as it is so uncertain when the Statesmen will receive their pay, Some of the men of wars men have received their pay, The papers are silent of late respecting our Negociations at Ghent which makes me fear they are not going on so well as might be, For the want of some other sub- ject I shall here insert my last nights dream. I was at Stonington between Uncle Johny's Swans when I saw a beautiful female clad in black her right arm was off and in her left she held an elegant sword I ran too her seemingly to embrace the deliv- erer of Stonington, she seemed startled at first then again turning to me said welcome back to thy native place come go in & see your parents I went into Swans and then found my friends encircled round a sumptuous table enjoying themselves after the Victory obtained over the English, As I shall think it no offence to this fair damsel I will mention her name the amiable Mess Emma York. Novem 30th A very little news in circulation of anykind respecting our Negociations nothing is said Com. McDonough's official account of the action & compleat victory on Lake Champlain is in this mornings paper, Continued broils seems to be in agitation on the Continent how long the affairs of Europe will remain tranquil time will develope ■ [ 111 ] December 2d This morning all hands out to regulate the messes while we were out a corps was carried by which on enquiry I found to be that a man that hung himself by jumping off the staunchions with a rope round his neck he is Capt Taylors son of New York, thus it is we see the consequences of despair & it is enough to make the most noble minded give up to despair after being for years in this cursed prison some will get after long confinement inured to the hard ship & mis- eries of this wretched abode while others will give way to reflections & his hope appears to far off to catch at why they will catch at the halter and I can't say I blame them so much since it is the easiest method to get E xchanged. December 3 d This morning while eating breakfast orders came in to have all hands turned out to inspect the Prison, the prisoners said they would not go out nntill they got their breakfast, our honorable Capt then sends in a guard of soldiers to drive us out but they not being able to execute their orders went out & reported it to the noble Captain he concluding that Yankees were very hard to drive sent in a flag of truce with dispatches to this am'. . that if we would turn out we should be allowed a market but if not we should have no market coaxing does better than driving are we all concluded that rather than have the market stopt we would go out which we did, While we were out Capt Shortland called Capt Turner to him & informed him that a speedy [ "2 ] termination of our affairs was daily expected as the Ministers at Ghent had discussed the several subjects laid before them and had agreed on all the points but one which was so slight 'twas thought they would soon settle that thus it is our expectations are continually on the flight & as often blasted, the next we shall hear is the Negociations are broken off and our Ministers returned home for my part I place so little confidence in the common reports in circulation that it does not raise my ideas to such a height as to believe we shall have a peace very soon. Here comes Mr Phelps and wants a bill of fare made out for a Christmas dinner, Success my boys- December 4th Yesterday after serving out cloaths in No 2 Prison, two of the prisoners hid themselves away, after the Clerks went away & locked the door these two began serving out Cloaths. December 4th Continued untill the Prisoners were counted in they then remained in untill morning when the prisoners being turned out they commenced serving out again and before they were detected had got three bales of cloaths served out the Clerks discovering this made complaint to Shortland who had them put in the black hole report says they are to be sent home for trial Todays paper says our Negociations are likely to turn out favorable we hope to God They may [ 113 ] Dec r 8th Between those dates nothing of importance has trans- pired the papers of to day give ns some reason to hope that we may live to be released from the dreary walls of this damned prison & yet from other a/c's the war is not likely to terminate soon as they say our Govern- ment on a/c of some late successes have made some new requisitions & claimed a share in the Maratime rights at the Congress at Viena. This we do not place much confidence in, A report is mentioned in the paper of the capture of the Peacock but I believe entitled to no credit. 9 P. M. An alarm in the yard suppose prisoners making their escape Decn 9th The alarm given last night proved to be some of our unfortunate bretheren in captivity Endeavouring to escape from Prizon. they had scaled the walls but a Dam Soldier Detected them, one got off clear & 2 were cought thus it is our endeavours to escape from this place always prove abortive But we ardently pray that in a short time we shall hear the happy tidings and joyfull sound of PEACE— Dec r 10th To morrow we understand the Statesmen are to receive their pay which I pray may prove true as my stock of cash runs low I have been push'd this day or two back to get a chew of tobacco, but should they pay me up honestly I shall be staunch again, The papers of today mention a report that our Ministers have got [ 114 ] to send home for further instructions as the English have lowered their tone & we have raised ours, of this reader judge, you that are acquainted with the Govern- ment of the U. S. judge whether they would be guilty of such a thing would they after they had offered to make a treaty on such terms alter these terms on account of some successes. One year to day since our unfortunate destiny was sealed, Alass that cursed day that the thunders of Britain poured destruction on the crew of the Rolla, Alass unfortunate star that presides over the fate of our unhappy selves, wretched day! miserable existence O that I was born to cut wood with a hammer, but the Almighty's will be done he is a just & perfect being & no doubt will in time see us safe returned to our Country our friends & our Liberty he will in due time order the world to peace & the time may yet come when the Lamb and the Lion shall lye down in peace together Happy twice happy day when we shall be blest with joyful sounds of peace then we shall inhail the pure air of liberty & once more be blest with the pleasing society of the fair sex, The prospect of peace awakens every mind, sus- ceptible of any tender tie whose sensibility is alive to hope and occasions the liveliest emotions of joy, who but those who have suffered the miseries of a long and tedious confinement not barely a confinement but expos'd to all the miseries, diseases and afflictions which human nature can bear and live, none I say none but us that knows it can form any imaginary idea of the miseries a prisoner is subject to, I had thought at the years end to have been at home but alass! none but [ 115 ] the Supreme Being can fore ordain what shall come to pass 1814 Dec. 10 Continued but I shall continue to foster the hope of seeing my friends ere twelve more revolving moons have per- formed their axis provided the Almighty should still permit my health to remain in its usual state but robb'd of that immortal blessing what is man! why nothing, 'tis only those who have been deprived of this blessing that knows how to value it, My reflections should I continue them would end my volume so I will wind up by some remarks on the occurences of the day A let- ter has been rec d . from M r . Sam 1 . Williams a merchant in London which confirms the report of our Negociations going on briskly & then probable issue will be favorable that they may terminate in peace is the constant prayer of B. F. Palmer & I believe the community at large, — December 11th The statesmen as well as those who have given them credit are very much dissatisfied as the Clerk only offers to pay them at the rate of 6/8 per month instead of their monthly wages this news is £11. bad to me and fifty to others some of them have refused taking the money others more wise take all they can get Our paper /Statesmen/ of to day gives no news the Star there is a/c's under the Paris head of the Capitulation of General Drummonds Army it comes from a Gentlemen in New York, this we hope to be true as it will assist [ 116 ] in bringing about a peace for should the English lose that Army they may consider upper if not Lower Can- ada ours, but remarks of this kind are too apt to prove false, Its being a Ministerial paper induces me to place confidence in the report It appears very reasonable that such an event might take place when we consider the comparative force of the two armies as stated in last weeks paper, General Izard's & Brown's consist of 8000 effective men Drummonds 2500. Some prisoners came up last night that have been captured in different ves- sels only 17 in number they bring us no news from the States. I find my money is at its lowest ebb, we have formerly purchas'd our potatoes & cooked our own meals as the soup from the coppers is not fit to eat & likewise made our own coffee out of Barley finding that much cheaper and equally as good but I fear we shall not be able to purchase Molasses or Coffee for the ensuing month, Alass Poverty; thou hideous monster why wilt thou Stare us thus daringly in the face. Dec. 12, Rainy squally weather but still moderate, Our paper of to day contains the same a/c that the Star did yes- terday that is the complete defeat of General Drum- monds Army but it is the opinion of our Editor that it is not true but we hope his opinion will prove erronious, To day the cooks of our prison were all Dec. 12 Continued turned out of office having been detected in skimming the coppers & sundry other crimes the Jury have been [ 117 ] sitting sometime I was called upon as Judge but owing to indisposition did not attend I believe the Jury have adjourned to appoint another Judge my inclination was more considered than my health as I find from former experience that sitting as a Judge on a criminal case is a very critical station or situation to be placed in, how this case may be decided is yet uncertain. Dec r . 13 The case of so much importance which I mentioned yesterday has this day been decided the Jury brought them in Guiilty I having resigned the office of Judge the verdict was carried into the committee & they pro- nounced the Judgment which was that they should receive 18 stripes on the back they received their pun- ishment this evening M r Young the head cook having been acquitted the majority of the prisoners said he was guilty they came to his birth & demanded the culprit M r . Young his messmates refused to deliver him up they talked of knives &c but it has merly ended in talk, however I fear it is not settled yet Decm r . 13th Continued News of the day is that the Treaty of Peace will be signd in a few days Capt Shortland informd M r Young so. we place as much confidence in this as tho' it came from one of the Cooks It being Tuesday to Day we get no paper. Tomorrow I presume we shall have some. News. & God send it may be the news of PEACE The Statesmen of which some mention as been made heretofore. — have this day. rec d 6/8 which they will [ 118 ] recieve monthly. & no more — they have utterly refused, paying, me one single Iote. thus I'm deprived of enjoy- ing my little stock of CASH. I fear I shall have to come upon the town soon — unless my school Increases. — As I am now employd in Teaching — Navigation. . Lunar's. Writeing. &c &c &c but my schollars bring cheifly Writeing brings in only /6 d p r . Month. Rather to small but — many a little makes a mickle — /as the old saying is/ this furnishes me in tobacco which is a monstrous tax in this place geting for a peny. hardly one chew It is 2 Dollars P r . pound Deem 14th PEACE ! PEACE ! Huzza for Peace. This morn- ing news was brought in that. The Preliminaries of Peace were signd on the 3d Inst. . Its said to be in the Paper /Star/ — on hearing of this I immediately went over to No. 3 Prison where they had the paper. I could not get sight of it; but saw M r . Hubbard who informd me that such a report was in the paper, but he hardly thought it. Entitled to sufficient Credit to rejoice on the occasion. It was barely a report in London Hock Jobing speculation Holland had Illuminated on accout of it. but no rejoicing had taken place in London — When this report was circulated through the Prison, it seemd as if the prisoners would jump out of their skins — all Buzz all talk & all Jaw — at once but I ask who would not. after [ 119 ] being confined within the gloomy walls of a loathsome Prison for 2 or 3 Years — who would not /I say/ rejoice on hearing such News. Should this news come confirmd look out. I will then /what will I do/ — be happy Deem 15th War ! War ! Rumors of War — The papers of to day wear quite a different aspect. — the peace news is abol- ished — as there was no truth in the report of yesterday — however the papers mention of betts being made in London. 3 to 1. in favour of Peace — which still gives us reason to hope that A Peace may yet be effected before this winter expires. Which may God grant. Amen. Decm r 16th By the Ship Penelope from Halifax, accounts are brought that — Generals Brown and Izard were taken by Gen 1 Drumond. and that Yeo has blockaded, Chancys in to Sackets Harbour — These are merely reports and I presume not Entitled to much credit — Our 74s are making rapid progress, the paper states they will mont 90 guns and carry 1000 men — Comodore Rogers to command the Inde- pendance I pray he may have an oppertunity of shew- ing the English and the world, that he is a Yankee — Should our Ships have a chance to get out I think they will shew Com d Hardy that he has got something besides Stonington to contend with — And I presume will come off with just as much honour [ 120 ] Deem 16th Continued There is said to be an expediton fitting at Bermuda & Jamaca Destind for New Orleans, this does not look like Peace. /No! No! far from it/ If the English Goverment thought that Peace was likely to be con- cluded would they still Keep flting out Expe- ditons to loose their Men and Honour No! No! — at least I think not — but If they study their own Interest I think they would — make peace as Soon as possible — AMEN— Deem. 17th To day employed in reading Novels. Extracts from American papers says that, our armies have gone in to Winter quarters at Sachets Harbour, so that report of thier Defeat is false. A Coppy of Govn r . Jones speech — or Proclamation is come to hand /Poor Enough/ but it shews the Man Decm r 18th Some prisoners arrived from Halifax last night, they bring no News, these same men were Exchanged from that place while I was there. I think were I exchangd they should not catch me again, soon — The prisoners in this Yard wishing to Day to go over in to the other Prisons. — Deem 18th Continued To see the new comers, but being denied that Liberty, they broke open the gates — on this account I expect we shall have no market to morrow. To days papers says [ 121 ] nothing of our Ministers, oweing to the weather No Mails has arrived from Holland. It has blown a gale of wind for several days past, and I hope it may Con- tinue as it may do them some damage — Deem 19th To day our monthly pay becomes due but they do not see fit to pay us. the reason to us, is unknown — The paper of to day says that dispatches has arrived from Gent. Contents not made known. A Kings mes- senger was dispatched immediately on the recpt of them we hope they may contain something happy for us. — Shortland told one of the prisoners to Day that he had rec d . a letter from London that the preliminaries of Peace were signed but must /before they were made known./ be sent to the U States to get the concurence of the Senate, this we place as much Credit in as any of Shortlands news. It is merly to Keep us quiet, that we may not run away — 19th Deem Continued This evening some of the Prisoners, came and requested all our Mess might be present we soon col- lected togather — A Bible was brought — and an oath administered to us all. That the prisoner fo N. .5 ewer gdigin tou dan sha nbee otw sweek no eth sbusines and if any one should be detected in giveing the enemy information it would be certain Death, /this oath is administerd to all — /and who ever should be cought, we swear to be his Murderer, the fist oppertunity we [ 122 ] shall have of avenging the injuries which we must all suffer on this account. Should sthi tno eb dfoun tou I ma ni shope ot be rclea f o sthi mda npriso nsoo — Decm r 22nd. From the above date untill the present time nothing new they commence paying our monthly ration tomor- row that we shall not. be kept in Dread suspense any longer — To day one of our Mess. A passinger was sent for to the office. Shortland informed him that. M r . Beasley had written him a letter xxxxxxxxxx put some questions to him respecting his capture and I think something is in his favour /Home/ Deem 22 Continued The papers of to day puts a final end to all our earthly comforts Hope; thou sweet balm of life even thou hast fled & left that monster Despair to reign sole master of hearts is it thus O God that thou allowest our feelings to be tampered with Our expectation raised to the highest pinnacle of human happiness our felicity and all our wishes near being crown'd when the death like news of unnumbered years imprisonment strikes a dead terror to our feelings & once more I almost wish my dissolution to be completed & put a final end to all my sufferings O God forgive this pol- luted heart if it utters in the midst of despair such words as are unbecoming a Christian The papers of which I have been attending to con- tains an a/c of the ships being cast away which had dispatches from Ghent for the British Government & [ 123 ] with her I expect is drown'd the treaty of peace. A young Gentleman in the other prison has rec d a letter from his father in New York which states that there is 20000 prisoners now in the States I cannot think that there is one third of this number but shall be happily disappointed if this prove true, Christmas is drawing near & we have no money to get us a good dinner & a cheering glass that we might think of our friends with less pain than we otherwise should- 1814 Dec 23 To day they commence paying off in the other pris- ons but it will be some days before it comes to our turn, The papers of to day give no a/c's of Peace but quite to the contrary as there is a demand for 20000 Sailors, a hot press is going on in London GOOD BYE PEACE. December 25 CHRISTMAS Roast Geese & pumpkin pies no, seapie and plumb pudding for us & we thank God we are able to have, so good as what we have, I can see our good folks to home now sitting round the table with a small circle of select friends the table crown'd with all the luxuries that Stonington affords now says they if we could only have Frank here our happiness would be compleat but there is no sweet without some bitter did you only know that your son was better off than you really think he is it would be a great consolation & did I only know that my friends were as well off as I might reasonable [ 124 ] expect they are my meals would relish better my sleep would be soun & in fact I could endure the hardships of this damn'd prison with more fortitude & composure, but the time may yet come when peace Liberty & Inde- pendance will be restor'd with the unhappy Frank to the arms of his affectionate parents, Deem 25th Continued HOPE. Thou supporter of the afficted It is the alone that makes life a blessing. But Alass! Hope deferd is like a lingering, consumption it wastes away our lives by degrees, and will end only in Death Christmas past off quite Merily Deem 26th More prisoners are anouncd. 140 Most of them from Halifax. — Among them is Johnathan Pendleton, taken in a prize to the True Blood, he has not been home in 4 or 5 Years they give us no news, only the capture or the report of the Capture of H M. S. Leander. F. which is too common to believe — Deem 27th We get no papers to day therefore Expect no news. — Deem 28th The papers of to day. says that it is confidently asserted in London that the preliminaries of PEACE are signd. betts are 100 to 1 in favour of it. Stock has risen 67% in consequence of favourable reports. [ 125 ] Happy, Happy Day. when shall we be blest with the Heavenly news of Peace. /Peace, Poverty Peace, how different are the sounds The Congress at Viena are soon to break up — 1814 Deem 29th PEACE WITH AMERICA Under this head we have Official accounts from Gent. . that the preliminaries of peace were signd on the 24 th Inst, they have been forwarded on to the Cabinet. Counsil who. has acceeded to them they are now writing nothing but the Ratification of the Prince Regent & M r . Madison to become a permanent Treaty — Happy! Happy news, and still hapyer are we when we consider on what terms the Treaty is made — Hon- orable to us but Disgracefull to the pride of old Eng- land the Sine qua non of which they have talkd so much is entirely given up the Indian pacification is also made void, the Fisheries remain as before & we in fact remain sole conquerors of the field, This news has so agitated my mind I have not been able to compose myself sufficient to write or hardly set down, they are now brought where they long since ought to have been. PEACE, PEACE, I cannot write any more at present. December 30th Peace confirmed beyond a doubt, This mornings paper gives us an a/c of the treaty of peace being signed by the Prince Regent and forwarded on to the [ 126 ] U. States by a fast sailing vessel, Success my boys, glory old Ship, Happy news we this morning hoisted the American flag on all the prisons and all the pris- oners assembled in the yard & greeted the glorious news with nine hearty cheers, Every heart is dilated every soul rebounds with the glad tidings of peace, once more say we the happy friends will greet the long lost hus- band sweetheart & Brothers once more we shall join our long wish'd for friends & in their embraces forget the past in the more happy anticipation of the future, their is too much talk for me to make any more com- ments or let my reflections have their full scope I will therefore make a few general observations and say quit. Yester' evening one of the turnkeys while turning in the prisoners of No 5. observed they would get Dec r 30th home sooner than by digging out. Damn'd Rascal who ere you be may the Judgement of God fall upon you in its most terrific form and may you meet the curse of God, Devil. 31st This morning we hoisted our saucy flags on them are displayed Free trade and Sailors Rights, in large cap- ital letters It humbles the British pride to see this Motto on our flag, Superior, triumphant, This morn- ing all the Carthagenians were called out and liberated this we pray will soon be our happy lot, but the time will appear long two or three months will appear like that number of years, This forenoon some English officers [ 127 ] came up to see the prisoners & the band of No 4 played up Yankee doodle dandy O It galls them The papers of to day is a repetition of the same good news, even the Congress at Vienna seems to excite but little attention in the minds of those who are more taken up in the happy sound of peace with America. To day is the end of the year end of the month, end of the week & end of the day. Dec r 31 Continued and end of the war & here is an end of writing for the present as I have got a letter from one of my creditors outside & I am not able to pay her, — Since writing the above a circumstance has transpired which must not be omitted without some remarks, Yes- terday to American Englishmen came in some of the prisoners being acquainted with one or more of them & knowing of their being on board of the Pelican at the time she captured the Argus, they immediately made the rest of the prisoners acquainted with it, they were then summon'd to appear before the court appointed for the purpose of trying them 4 of them were acquitted & 2 found guilty one of whom had made his boast of being the first man on board the Argus & killed the carpenter with his own sword, this afternoon was appointed for their execution as they were sentenced to be hang'd by the neck untill they were dead & damn'd some one communicated this to Capt Shortland who immediately sent in a large guard of soldiers & took him out after some hard blows on both sides, I only pray that they may meet their just reward which will be the rack, [ 128 ] 1815 Jany. 1st I WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR. I am certain t'is the happy'st that I ever experienced, although my Liberty is yet denied me, still the anticipa- tion of futer enjoyments overcomes every other Idea — and makes us entirely forget the past in the more happy prospect of the futer. Had my friends the same cause to rejoice /that is, had You the news of Peace./ I doubt not but the fatted Calf would be Killd. and every friend be invited to partake of the feast. — Still my Friends you have not the same reasons for rejoic- ing that we have — that has groand under the burthens and Miseries of a long and tedious confinement, and with out any prospect of being soon Liberated, we I say have the greatest cause for rejoicing — Peace with- out doubt is one of the greatest blessings that can be bestowd — Jany 1st Continued — On any Nation every one must feel the great bless- ings, that arise, from A Peace — and on the other hand the horrors, and Miseries of War But if you that are at home (enjoying the society of surrounding Friends, living on the fat of the Land.) feel rejoiced at such a things takeing place, how much more must we who have been groaning for years, within the gloomy walls of a Prison. It is US that, has cause for Rejoicing — And rejoice we will I will this day have a % Gall of Rum. and some Porter. & with my friends sit down — and Drink A Health to my Friends at HOME [ 129 ] Don't be down hearted my friends you will soon see your long lost Frank return safe home again. Although Poor Raged and Lousey. I doubt not but he will be weleom'd and greeted with the sweetest Embraces of his Dear parents, and A large Circle of surrounding. Friends. His past sufferings shall then be talkd over, and buried in the happyness of the present. In the mean time I can only pray that I shall on my return home find all my friends well, and in such circumstances Jany 1st Continued. As will enable them to supply the present wants of their unfortunate Son & Brother — Amos I hope your speculations has been fortunate I hope to find you pos- sesd of an Amiable wife and an ample Fortune to suport you through life — As for my fortune it is Yet to come. The Star of Adversity has ruled my fate quite long. Enough. — It is now time Fortune Should prove a little more propitious and Shed, some of her Bounties on poor Frank To day the Prisoners of No 1 5 7 & 3 assembled in the Yard of No 3 and fired— A Grand Salute of 17 guns. — Composed of Rope Yarns and paper with powder inside — A Signal gun was fired at the time the Flag was hoisted, with Free Trade and Sailors Rights, Displayed in large Captal letters when 9 hearty cheers were given, and in answer to every gun we gave 3 Cheers, some drunk some grogy and some Tipsey we passd the day with rejoicing Sun Down my Rum has just come — that I shall now turn too and have a Clear blow out. [ 130 ] Capt. Shortland rather provoked at seeing our flag Displayd bearing that motto J any 1. Continued Orderd it to be taken down immediately we Obeyd. — As an excuse for this he aledges that Hostilities had not Ceased, and untill they had we must defer hoisting any more Flags — You will easely percieve from this that an Englishman can not help useing their damd Arbi- trary Power. — Never mind our saucy Flags shall be Displayd yet. on the Masts of our Ships. Void of all Fear Jany 2d. Nothing of importance has occurred this day, Last night as I promised we saw the bottom of five bottles and to dajr do not feel very smart. A gambling table has been several nights past kept up & on this a/c a watch was stole to day and very probable more thefts of this kind will be committed had not they put a stop to this practice, club law was the only method that could be taken to put an end to this horrible vice to night therefore the Committee gave orders to have the Gambling tables destroyed & accord- ingly a mob was raised and soon broke the tables in peices — and I believe will finally put an end to all gambleing. They shall have my prayers for success. 1815 Jany 3 d A report is in circulation that Congress have remov'd to Stonington, knowing it will be defended better there [ 131 ] than at Washington I think this will do for a hurlesque on the Washingtonians, we have nothing farther this day, very cold weather for the first when shall we get home is all the cry, Jany 4th Having heard to day that the Star contains an a/c of another victory gained by the Americans I hasten to insert it the expedition that went against New Orleans has got defeated with the loss of 4000 Dead on the field the wounded is not mentioned as the particu- lars are not yet known, I am happy to hear they get beaten in every quarter more especially at the time that peace is concluded as it shews that we did not make a peace through fear but to prevent further blood shed I think they must now be convinced of our superiority both by sea & land, they have bowed their heads to dust & humbly acknowledg'd that their complete disgrace is now sealed, let them boast no more of their invincible Navy & their vaunting armies — Jany 4. Continued The world has witness'd their defeats wheresoever assailed yes we have beat them single handed they cannot now say that we must owe our conquests to France, No Britain the world has looked on & been witness of your disgrace I, Smith has just been in & informs me that he intends making his escape if possible and endeavor to get over to France as he has consider- able prise money due him, I did talk of taking this method to get home but my stock of cash being expended & my cloaths being scant will not sell for suf- [ 132 ] ficient to bribe a centinal I think I will stick it out now untill a Cartel may arrive & freight me back to the arms of my Country & friends, Success attend you S mith Jany 5th M r Smith did not succeed in makeing his escape last night oweing to the lightness of the night, he will therefore defer makeing any further attempt, untill a sure oppertunity shall offer — I am quite unwell with a hedache but hope it will weare off to night. Playing Whist Jany 5th 1815 Continu'd — The papers of to day gives considerable News. . tho of little importance. A report was circulated among the Prisoners this morning — that the New England States had declared themselves independant of the Union, this news gaind credit among the Credulious, but still for a short time as they soon found out the real truth of it which is that they had held a convention, at Hartford, and choosen 7 Delegates for the purpose of deviseing the most efficient, means, for the Defence of the Nothern Fronteir so far from a disunion of the States. It is a propper conjunction formed for the purpose of placeing the Northern States in the best possible Defence — News from Canida is that the English army had returnd to Quebeck. merr Skelitons. Our Army had gone into winter quarters at Sackets Harbour General Browns conduct is highly reproachd [ 133 ] Let them look at Adm 1 Cocburns conduct at Hamton — Enough Jany 6th To give a description of our disapointment To Day would require the pen of Hogarth. ! It being the day on which we have Cod-fish & Pota- toes we had all set our mouths in tune to have a good meal The horn announceing Diner. We set the Table with what dishes our House affords and each one seated himself, round the Table with a Keen appetite, and in momentary expectation of haveing it apeared we set some time in silence. When Lo ! up comes Charles /boy/ the pictor of Despair depicted on his former pleasing countanance O Dear /Says he/ we have lost our dinner everv one starts as if they were in a fright What! What! says all at once — lost Your Dinner, go you, & go, you, each one cries and see if this be true we all start off. different routs enquireing who had stole our dinner Poor silly fools! we might as well look for Cheese in the moon, we finding all enquiry fruitless give the crier a peny to have the Thiefs cried if they would return the Bags, nothing should be said of the Thieft. but no bags came and we returnd to our empty dishes with empty Belly s. took a little Dry Bread — and water, and made our Dinner — Jany 7th The papers of to day gives us. 11 Articles containd in the Treaty with E— which I suppose is all. It seems by them we have made a Peace and that is all. [ 134 ] Everything of any Consequence is left out to referees or Commissioners, to be settled Hereafter — Well! Well! I shall say nothing on this subject My desire to get home Thwarts every other Idea. — let me once get on American. Sod; and they may declare war again as Soon as there be a Cause sufficient I am cer- tainly led to believe that our Ministers would not act contrary to their Instructions. Every paper contains some Letters written by Timothy Trueman and Corbett. upon American affairs — they are directed to Lord Liverpool. Corbett extols every action of the Americans and con- demns as many on their Side 1 did intend to write more lengthy, but /Time/ Jany 8th As I have nothing new to write to day & nothing having transpired I will give you an a/c how the day passes, Day light appears & with it you hear the sound of gamblers who have been up through the night as you must know that the gamblers have carried the day, the most of them drunk and some fighting some cursing & some quarreling they wake up all the prisoners the next enquiry is whose cater it is that is who stands cook for the day its mine answers a voice half stifled by the hammock from which it proceeds well then turn out, the horn blows for bread he turns out the rest of us lay untill breakfast is ready which consists of a pint of shag warm tea and some dry bread. This meal being over we soon pursue some employment some writing some reading, & some playing cards pass the [ 135 ] time away untill dinner is announced which consists of some most miserable Soup we soon set down & devour our scanty meal & often rise with as good an appetite as we had before we sat down however obliged to be satisfied we turn away & take a book or the chequer board to turn our thoughts to some Jany 8th Continued other subject night comes on & with it noise & tumult enough for Bedlam itself thus we pass away day after day & a mere repetition of the same occurs, but soon we hope to have our sad fate changed into some thing of a happier state, Having nothing to do to pass away the time I must make some remarks although I ought to be sparing of my paper as it is most expended & poverty thou ill shapen monster you have now come staring me in the face as tho' I had not miseries enough to perplex my mind without thy coming to fill up the gap which ought to be filled up with pleasure, But I have this consolation it is not only me you have put your dread claws upon it seems to be a reigning distemper throughout the prison, you are a curse upon all with whom you deal not one that speaks in your favour, what star of adversity was I born under some of the Satellites no doubt /Damnation Be pleased O blessed peace to restore me once more to my friends & country, I ask no other favour,/ Jany. 10th Nothing of note occuring yesterday I omitted writing up. . It now appears to be the prevailing opinon among [ 136 ] the English, that the Treaty will not be ratified by the President of the U. States. — how this will terminate time alone will Develope. Cap*. Brownell is sure of its recieveing the sanction of Mr. Madisone and for reason he advances none only, that /He/ Says so. for my part I do not pretend to Judge, tho we must hope. Yet I do not give way to the pleasing prospect too much, least I should be disappointed Jany 20th Ten Days has elapsd since I have once devoted a moment to my most favourte amusement, that of write- ing but in truth I have not been in spirits my paper is most expended & besides haveing nothing worthy of Note to commit to paper. — These are reasons sufficient for my Silence but the first is to me the most essential my spirits are dull and Vaporish, my reader may ask what makes them so — the answer is at hand Jany 20th Continued Poverty! Poverty! tis that alone that causes my present uneasyness of mind Yes my Reader, to one who has been bried in affluence from Childhood, always taught Econemy but never useing it. his wants always suppli'd and commands always obeyd — To him I say poverty is frightfull. — and in Debt too. O ! God the very sound absorbs all my faculties — Reason is lost, and nothing but Despair fills the mind To Day A letter was Rec d from Beasley. /American Agent./ that all those who had contracted Debts out side, and did not pay them would be liable to be detaind. [ 137 ] as prisoners of Debt. — When Mr. Hubbard shews me this Letter, you may guess my feelings.— but you can not. T'is only those who have been for Years in con- finement — expecting Daily the Ratification of the Treaty to return anticipating the happy moment when he will be restord to his family & Friends, and then to be prevented of enjoying those blessings by being in debt for the paltry sum of 6 or 7 pound. Jany 20th Continued To him only /I say./ can such tidings be heart rend- ing, my anguish would be severe indeed but that I have a friend who assures me that any sum of this Kind that 1 may want, is at my disposal. — A friend in need is a friend indeed. It has not come to the test yet. To Day I went over and saw Mr. Hub- bard, and took a Glass of Porter with him. he has— entrusted me with a Secret, which in a few Days I shall make Known to some. A Society is to be formd consisting of as many members as we shall think pos- seses genuine Republican Principals, the society is something Simaler to the old sincinate Society found after the Revolution in America, it will be named after the great Count De Palasky who gloriously fell in fighting for Liberty in his adopted Country. America, as he was a Polander and when his country was over- throde by overpowering numbers, he left it ever deter- mineing not to live under A. Crown or any Tyranical Goverment. — This will be a very growing Society and I hope a lasting one — [ 138 ] Jany 21 St The papers to day mentions that Accounts have been rec d . by the way of France, that Admls Cocburn & Cockrane. have been taken Prisoners at Pencicola have- ing been driven on shore in a Gale If this prove true I think It will prove a glorious termination of the W ar — on our Side — Who will now say we were obliged to make a peace You Haughty Britians. even I as young as I am have wittnessd your disgrace. Down upon Your Knees you Dogs and mercy You shall have — The market for two days past, has been stopt on account of some boards being taken out of No. 6 Prison Shortland came and orderd all the Prisoners out. of this prison to have a Search — But No If you plase says we. untill the Market is opend — here we stay. Here comes Perkins so I must give up writeing any more — good Night. Jany 22 nd The prisoners that comitted those depredations, yes- terday, have been sent for by Shortland we told his Emisaries that we should not deliver up the agressors untill the market was again opend — this he utterly refused The prisoners of the other prisons wishing the Market opend, //being destitute of Coffee and other Necessaries// came in a mob headed by Big Dick /A 7 foot Negro./ and by force of Arms took out the offenders, and caried them before Shortland. who [ 139 ] refused to take them, saying he only wanted thin- names — this I presume will be complied with — The papers of to Day says the America. Privateer. of 20 Guns, has captured — or had an engagement, with an English Sloop of War. . Now to hear of the Capture of some of their Frigates will wind the War up Gloriously in our Favour Jany 28th For several days we have been so busy in geting paid off. that I have not had time to make my remarks, tho the papers have containd some considerable news respecting the Congress at Viena Since the peace with America, the British Minister /L Castlereigh/ Jany. 28th Continued had made Known to the Russian & Prussian. Emper- ors, that unless they let. Poland & Saxony remain Inde- pendand. the British Goverment would seize on all Russian & Prussian Ships now in their ports, he allows them 3 days to consider of it. how this end time will bring forth. Every thing seems to wear a warlike appearance on the Continent The report of the failure of the British Expedition against New Orleans, seems contradicted — An Official Letter from the Cap 1 of the Leander Dated at Sea- says 3 of our Ships are out. namely the Constitution President. & Congress. Frigates, that he has learnt their Course and gone In pursuit of them. I only pray that, he may fall in with them, as the ships — are equally Matchd. he haveing the Acaste and. Penelope. — I can easily anticipate the result — [ 140 ] Time now passes heavely with us. as my small Stock of Cash is expended — and the Shop Keepers, will trust no more, that we can get no tobacco, or tea. and were it not for the Generosity of Mr. Phelps, should, go without — 1815 Jany 31st Since writeing my last days work the papers has mentiond nothing, worthy of remark, how the affairs at Viena will Terminate is quite uncertain On Sunday last I was to meeting in No 4 Prison, to hear A Black Preacher. A methodist by Trade, he is with exception the ugliest looking Negro, that ever I saw. lips as thick as two Staves, eys looks like a sore Kittens, and neer Sited with all. had he not those failings he might pass in the Dark — To Day the crew of the Privateer. De Prince De Neuffchattell. arrived here, consisting of 137. men captured 7 Days out of Boston they gives us no news. — they say peace was soon expected to take place when they left. — The papers say our Frigates have been seen cruising in the English Chanell. how It palls them This evening call a meeting of the Subscribers of the Statemen. /paper/ to Know if we should continue take- ing it one Month longer — this we agreed to as for Several Reasons 1815 Feby 1st Another month has pass'd away that we now daily expect to hear of the glad tidings of Liberty as we only [ 1*1 ] look at one side of the question that is that the treaty will undoubtedly be signed by M r Madison, this day I have been laid up with the tooth ache that I have not been able to collect much news, tho' I'm told Admiral Coffin a Nantucketman has been to visit some of his towns men & distributed some cash among them and likewise informed them that in 6 weeks from this not a prisoner would be here. To day I took a walk round the prison & view'd the different avocations which were a going on, some I found makeing bone Ships, some making fiddles some making straw boxes, some tayloring, some Carpenter- ing some making tin ware, some Shoemaking & some at every other different employment, in fact one only can judge how time passes away unless he has visited States prison Feby 3 d The papers of to day give us late account from America but no particular news only that Gen 1 Mc- Arthur had defeated some English Militia Feby 3 d Continued in Canada, Our frigates are said to be cruising off the English Channel & it is apprehended they intend mak- ing an attack on Plymouth as they have only 90 Ships of war in the harbour, they are in the utmost consterna- tion & they say we'er very glad its peace with America as they are such daring fellows, Success my boys afraid are you, even our two frigates that are out lias set all England in fears, they are dispatching ships of the line [ 142 ] from every port in quest of them but they might as well look for cheese in the moon, A letter has been rec d from Mr Beasley to day which says that no prisoners will be allowed to go on board any ship but a Cartel, how far his authority will extend on this point is quite uncertain, Our privateers are mak- ing sad work with the English commerce the Harpy has taken eleven prises, Success my boys, The Vienna business is not settled but is likely to break up soon without effecting any one point — War I hope will be the result, Feby 4th Gambling is carried on here in great style, We get no news in the paper to day anxiously waiting in hope, of hearing some good news & I think by the last of this month we shall hear from the State something that will do our hearts good. 1815 Feby 5th The papers still continue to be barren of news the Congress at Vienna does nothing yet. It being Sun- day to day we hear no Gambling as they are not so depraved but they hold the Sabbath day in veneration. Uncle Bennet is makeing his fortune selling milk por- ridge & Pumgudgeons. as for me and the rest of my messmates we are poor enough God knows not a chew of tobacco to own — to help ourselves with, thank God never mind my boys, the time draws near when we'll have plenty of cash & tobacco too, Patience a little [ 143 ] patience will answer the purpose my boys 12 O Clock. God send us home I've been writing all day so good night. February 6th To day paper says that 3000 Volunteers have gone to New Orleans to join Gen 1 . Jackson this is starbone, we have little expectation of a happy result from the Congress as Russia seems determin'd to annex Poland to his dominions and Prussia will have Saxony whether or no I pray they may have another war on the Continent Feby 6th Continued Mr. Adams has been in the Hospital To see his Brother, and brings sad news from there. He informs me he was in the Dead house (A room they put the dead in where they remain untill next day where A Cart takes and caries them God only Knows where) — where 20 lay Dead — one of the Nurses informd him that from 12 to 20 Died every Day — Small Pox chiefly. Anecdote Inserted in this morning Paper Extract, from, an American Paper An American Officer who caried A flag over to the British lines after haveing dispatched the Business of his Mission, was invited by the British Commanding officer to take Dinner, as usual the wine was circulated, and the British Officer being calld upon for a Toast. . gave Mr. Madison. Dead, or alive, which the Yankee Drank without appearing to Notice it. — when it came to the Yankee's turn to give A Toast, he gave the [ 144 ] Prince Regent. . drunk or Sober. Sir said the British Officer (Bristling up. and colouring with rage) that is an Insult No Sir answerd the American verry cooly It is only a reply to one Feby 6th Continud This afternoon I twen rove ot No 5 hwit M r dhubbar uan swa ntake niot eth nrepublica ysociet dcall rafte eth Svertuou tcoun IPulask na texcellen nconstitutio — I heard to day that, the Geni Cartel had arrived from the States She saild from here in Nov 1 last when I. wrote home, and If I dont get an answer I shall surely cry, or die — M r . Fellows has. tuckd his jacket up the Spout. (HE sold it) To raise some Tobacco money. . for my part I have neither Tobacco nor Money, what shall I do — Huzza here comes M r Pheps — and says come Frank. I'll go and get some tobacco, and we'll sit down and have a Smoke, and talk about old Stonington. 11 O Clock at night. M r . P. has not returnd yet. and I'm led to believe he will not. and I expect he has got to playing Keeno again % Past 11 Phelps just returnd with a flameing pipe and a handfull of Tobacco, that we shall now have a real smoke. What a good thing it is to have a friend Feby 7th To day all hands were musted out it being inspection day; I went over to see J. Smith //in The Casshot who I had forgot to mention// had made another unsuc- cessful attempt to get clear of these dam walls he tells [ 145 ] me some one informed against him which was the reason of his being cought. — I found an old ship mate of mine in with him — who was pnt in for Branding a Dam Traitor sometime since — there were 3 of them con- cernd — and Shortland has told them they will be sent to Exeter Jail to Stand Trial I dont see what right he has to do this but Power that, cursed. Power Haveing no Papers to Day //being Tuesday// of course we get no news I Reed A letter from Bob Palmer, on parole at Ashburton. he mentions nothing particular, mostly about the Stonington Girls — parties &c &c. They say 1500 letters has come to the Office from America O Amos! Amos! what shall I do This Night. Employ in Reflections on home Expct to Dream of Letters to night 1815 Febry. 8th Glorious days. Beauty old Ship. You will percieve in reading yesterdays remarks what sensations rilld my breast. — last night I dreamd of seeing Buby A. and eat- ing Roast Turkey with him. while relateing my dream to my messmates A gentleman came in and informd me I had 3 Letters come. & could get them by paying the postage which was 7/6 I started off immediately to borrow the money, being destitute of that Article, myself. I applied to several of my supposed friends to get the money, to take my letters up. but they all plead Poverty, not one of them had a cent of money. I strayed about sometime devolving what plan to pur- [ 146 ] sue — to raise money enough to get my letters — I had finally concluded to come back to my birth and dispatch a Jew off with what little Cloathing I had //supposing as. I found them to be from home and containg some Arangements for me to get some Cash/// Febym 8th Continued When I got back to the Birth, I found M r Phelps an old messmate but knowing he had no money did not make my distress known — He finding I had not taken up my letters — and well knowing the reason, offerd to go and borrow the money for me. . which he did — with A heart too full to uter the words which I wishd to express — I took the money and marchd off. and got my letters — A Friend in need in a Friend Indeed. Man is never Known untill he is tried — few find friends in adversity The letters as I expected were from my — Brother's A. & W. and. C. Nichols. How happy I felt at this moment. I must say the most so of any moment of my life and much more so as they conveyd the pleasing inteligence of the Health and comfort of all my near & Dear Friends /Excepting the Death of An Amiable little niece/ The Health of my Honourd Parents particularly my Father who enjoys more than his usual health Feby 8th Continued I must say that Amos's Letter was the most pleas- ing — As it conveyd the pleasing news — that I could [ 147 ] soon get some money — which I do need Very much; as it will place me above some, who I shall ever here- after hold in Contept. — I can not say enough in praise of such a brother how thoughtful how well did he guess my wants. — by his guessing so Right. I shall alway think he is a Yankee — William Your letter was highly gratifying, not only so as it contains the particulars of the attack on Ston- ington. but also, that Miss Bestsey Gardner has got united to such a husband, I can safely say they are as amiable a Couple as ere were United. I must realy congratulate Miss Betsey on her good fortune in not geting tied to a Starr, as it seems from accounts since I left home that he has turnd out exactly as I predicted — Feby 8th Continued As I was peruseing my letters — Charles Pendleton came in I read over the passage which mentiond the health of his friends — he said the news would be more acceptable if it had a loose Dollar or two with it. but among all the news nothing of my Dulcinea but I will forgive — as you had so many other things to write Next comes M r . Nichols's Letter, which was quite unexpected, still Welcome — no one is more rejoiced on receiving A letter from a friend than I am when at Liberty. & much more so when placed in such a Situa- tion as I have been for 14 months past and am in at Present In fact never was any thing more welcome than all those Letters — for next to seeing our friends is hearing from them. And to hear they are well is a consola- [ 148 ] tion only felt by those who Value their Friends as I do- Three times three ore and ore again have I perused those letters — It is pleasure Rapture, to read and read again and still find them pleasing — Feby 8th Continued — Immediately after perusing my letters I forwarded one to Mess Ogden Richards & Selden to Know if they had reed advices from Amos. Aurthoriseing me to draw on them, and wether A Draft, would be accepted drawn by me. I am in hopes to get an answer soon — As it is growing late and I have lengthend out this days work longer than I had intended — I shall wind up and turn in. and reflect, on the occurences of the Day. Feby 9th To Day the Nantucktmen were calld out by Adml. Coffin, on some private Business, suppose he wants them to go a Whaling Feby 11th A report was circulatd this morning that, the Rat- fication of the Treaty had arrive — This I expct will be reported a number of times before we shall find it to be true. the papers to day contain, an acount of a number of Prizes by our Privateers in the Chanell The expedition against New Orleans is very formad- able. /they may get mistaken there as well as in Stonington — . [ 149 ] Feby 13 A report was currently believed this day that the frigate United States was sunk by a seventy four Dont believe it A man that was put in the cashot sometime since for branding a traitor leap'd the walls & got into prison. Shortland sent in for him but the prisoners would not give him up A Shopkeeper in this prison saying he ought to be given up that we might have a market as there has been no market to day, the crier cried this around, the rough allies collected and they soon went & destroyed his shop one taking tobacco another Butter & another rum they carried away all the poor mans goods, soon after I went round to see the ruins I found the man standing with tears in his eyes but could not console him for his loss Experience is a good School- master — if we pay not too Dear for being taught I think I have heard of one A. Palmer jun r, s haveing been on a Cheese Voyage — to Philadelphia where — /Dear bought/ Experience was taught him to perfec- tion/ — Feby 14th War with all its horrors — the man who I mentioned had escaped the walls of the Cachot. was this day demanded in formal terms by Capt Shortland — who //on our refusing to give him up// sent in .300 armd Soldiers to take him out of this Prison. But we said No if You please — He then took every possible method to retaliate — by stoping the water — stoping the Market, and threatening to stop the pro- [ 150 ] vision, immediately on his stoping the Water — the prisoners crid fire — which he took to be the Case soon let the water Run He finding us resolute in our determination to stick it out — to the last gave up for the present — and. in the afternoon sent in the lamp lighters to trim the lamps in the Yard — the prisoners siezd them as hostages — and sent word to Shortland that no Prisoners should be allowd to work for the King — stoping therefore all mechanick's that work out side — Thus things remaind untill 4 P. M. when a Regiment of Soldiers march'd in and orderd the Prisoners to go immediately — Feby 14th Continued into the Prisons — but they boldly refused — to go — and armd themselves with paveing stones to repel any attack, — The Soldiers attempted to force them several times — but in vain — they were every where repulsed — some of them Cock'd their pieces and presented to fire but were restrained by their Officers — who well knew the consequences would be instant Death to every dam Son of a Bitch By this time Cap* Shortland arrived — when the Pris- oners told him they would never be forced in to any measure against their wills as long as their was a paving stone in the Yard to defend them The Enemy finding they could effect nothing by force, now retired. & the Conquerers gave 3 Cheers for their Victory and remaind in the Yard as long as they pleased — Shortland soon found he had not Frenchmen to deal with [ 151 ] Although a Treaty is made between the two gover- ments — still there ever will exist that same hatred and animosty between them and us who has sufferd like Marters — Feby 14th Continued — The prisoners finding Shortland was determined to Keep the Market shut — Issued a proclamation — Declaiming that A Nonintercourse should be continued as many days after the market should be opened — as it had been shut — & that if any person was couglit pin - chaseing any Article in the Market, or bringing it from thence during the Nonintercourse should recieve cor- peral punishment — at the discretion of the Jury — Thus Matters stood till this morning Feby 15th When Shortland sent in word if the prisoners would acknowledge themselves in the wrong — the Market should again be opened — this was unanimously rejected — as might be expected. — For we are Yankees — M r . Jesse Smith is again Releasd from the Cachot— To day I Reed from Mess O. 11. & Selden- £10 which I am indebted to my generous Brother Amos for. And shall endeavour to make A prudent use of this Privalege Feby 16th This morning Shortland sent in for the Committee of each Prison, to wait on him at his Office — which sum- mons was punctualy attended to — He then made Known [ 152 ] his business which was. That if we would deliver up the man that escaped from the Cachot — the Market should be opened immediately — This was answerd in a maner that reflects honor on the Committees — I. E. He might keep the Market shut as long as he thought proper — as it did not effect the Prisoners any as they had no money to spend as for giveing up the man they could not think of it. For as long as we remaind in this situation — we should consider it our duty to pro- tect a fellow Countrymen, who had already been con- fined 8 Months for a crime too trifeling to mention He finding our fix'd determination. Not to give up the Ship dismissd the Committees — How he will act now is quite uncertain — for my part I wish Hostilities might Cease — as we are out of Potatoes and Coals Feby. 16th Continued 2 P M. the Ruff. Allies were calld out to destroy another Shop which had been guilty of Swindling — haveing sold — 1 Inch of Tobacco for a peny — Takeing advantage of our wants as the Market is still Closed But they soon made a Keen O. /That is — a Vague expression for Boarding/ and took what plunder they could — and dividing it among themselves/ A General custom when any Shop Keeper is guilty of Fraud/ The papers to day mention an arrival from the Havannah by which accounts are rec d . of the Ratifica- tion of the Treatv — Allso the failure of the New Orleans expedition Neither of these reports are entitled to Credit. [ 153 ] Feby 19th For these few days past I have been quite ill of a fit of Laziness which has prevented my filling up another Page in my Laconic History. Altho I have retaind all the news, which I shall give you on the next Page — Feby 19th Continued First — M r Mott of New York has reed a letter from his Brother in Canida /An officer under General Brown/ which says 400 of our men had met with 800 of the Enemy in the Bush — and after a little fireing — they /The English/ sung out for Quarters — our Officer understanding them that they would give no quarters — immediately orderd them to be put to death — They how- ever spared some I hope this is true but dont believe it The Market still continues closed — and I expect will remain so — as the prisoners in No 5 this morning broke one of the grateings — & burst the locks and barrs off the Doors — this was oweing to the negligence of the Turnkey who did not open the door at the Usual hour — to day 2 Casks of Porter was smugled in to No. 4 with a considerable quantity of Bread Meat and tobacco — &c &c The papers to day contain a list of Vessels Captured on both sides during the Present war with England — this statement is very Eronious — as they only acknowl- edge the loss of 2 Frigates and 400 Merchantmen- They state our loss at 421. Goverment Vessels and 1400 Merchantmen I think the boot is on the other leg— [ 154 ] Feby 16th Continued The Sultan 74 has arrived at Portsmouth in distress — she spoke the Favorite Sloop of War. //with dispatches for America// on the Grand Banks Calculated she would have 30 Days passage — This seems very long to us. but we will pray she may have prosperous Gales Back — again The Sultan also brings news that General Jackson had taken posession of Pensacola — with the loss of 42 men — that he made but a short stay when he returned to Fort Mobile and from hence to New Orleans destroying all the works as they marchd — This is about all the foreign news, that has come to hand — Prison news. That. 2 of my acquaintance has arrived to day. taken in the Prince De Neuf Chattle. They bring No News. One of my Messmates has meet, with quite a Mis- fortune haveing keept a Louse (in the Choller of his shirt) for 2 or 3 days past to run a race with one of mine — this being the day they were to run for a pot of Porter He off shirt, but behold the Louse was gone he was accordingly obliged to pay the bett — 16th Continued To day being Sunday I have strictly observed the ancient custom of the good old Laws of Connecticut — in reading the Bible /Novells) It is now past 9 O Clock — Mr Fellows is takeing some good Bread and water and I after takeing a little of the same shall go to Bed and Dream of futer happiness — and my fair Dulcenea — who for Modesty sake I shall not Mention — so good Night [ 155 ] Feby 20th Plenty of news in circulation this morning The papers mention an arrival from Boston in 22 Days— by which advices are rec d of the Capture of the President Frigate — /off New York/ by the Indernian of 40 guns after several hours engagement yard arm and yard arm — The President had G feet of Warter in her hold when She struck — this is a dam likely Story- Accounts are also rec d of the Nonratification of the Treaty — pooh! pooh! go, way — mid your Nonsense There is considerable more such foolish news — which no one but fools pretend to believe — Febv 20th Continued — To day Shortland sent in word if we would sign a Treaty — on the following terms (he would open the Market) Namly. Not to disturb or molest any English- men employd in his service — This was unanimously agreed too — And the Market was again opened. Thus after a War of one week — we have gaind our point and they have again relinquished their sine qua Non — and we are as saucy as ever — always holding out for our rights — and like our good old Stoningtowners — come off Victorious Success my Boys Feby 21st. The report in yesterdays paper of the Capture of the President, I fear is too true as they say it is inserted official in the — Plymouth Gazett — we get no papers to Day it being Tuesday — However I have had the [ 156 ] pleasure of perusing A file of American Papers, brought by some of the Officers of the Prince De Neuf- chattle. Dattd 24 of Deem 21st Continue! They have the official accounts of the action with the General Armstrong — which was a glorious one on our side They contain a considerable other Interesting Matter No More — so here's turn in Feby 22nd The aniversary of the birth day of the Noble saviour of our Country we have the Prisons decorated with Collours — but the late news //which comes official to day// — of the Capture of the President, fills the mind of every real American with disagreable Sensations — Altho from the statement (even of the English) no disgrace can be attachd to our flag — NO, rather honour as she fought two Frigates for good 2% hours — and had not A whole Fleet been in sight — she would have captured them both — the British state thier loss as small — ours is not yet ascrtaind — They Boast — DAM them — of this Action 2 to 1 and a whole fleet in Sight — let them look back a little at the — Gureere — Mace- donia — Java — Frolick — Warsp — &c &c and a number of others too Numereous to mention Feby 26th For several days past it has been quite silent — To day we have it confidently, asserted — /among ourselves/ that the Ratification of Peace has arrive [ 157 ] at — but I fear It is not true as the report appears unfounded — Our paper to day says the Constitution and Hornet — with another Frigate in company were seen off Ber- muda on the 16th Jany As a report has been in the papers several times of the Constitution's haveing Captured the Maidstone Frigate, we therefore hope this may be her — as to day is Sunday we have nothing to do I was just agoing to finish without mentioning what took place last Night — The Centry Boxes were (with all the Soldiers) remooved out, of the Yard, and all the lights extinguished — The Reason of this is not Known — some attributed to the Treaty's being signd — others say that the dispatches has arrived and the Treaty is not ratified — others assign some other Reason — and thus it goes — Feby 28th Yesterday dispatchd another letter, for more money my former being chiefly expended in liquidating the debts I had contracted in Prison as for News we have none — repeated reports of the Arival of the Treaty- This morning a man was tried by a Jury for Stealing £10 from one of his fellow Prisoners, he was scen- tanced to Recieve 500 Stripes — A most hardend Villian At 2 P M. he was floggd. he reced 75 Stripes and bore it like a stoic without — a groan — but his back being very badly cut to pieces, they put him in the Cachot — where he is to remain untill his back gets well enough to take the remainder of his just due To day Shortland sent in a Host of Soldiers to turn us out — but all to no effect — The Soldiers after repeated [ 158 ] attempts finally returned without affecting their pur- pose — after they had gone — The prisoners turnd out themselves — and those that did not got Husled — March 1st Spring commences, and still we are uncertain of our fate, as the time has expired which we alloted the Vessel to have — that saild with the Treaty, yet we live in hopes that she will arive by the 10th of this Month — But then should she bring the news of NO PEACE— O God what should we do. be doomed to wear out our lives within the gloomy walls of this cursed Prison But this I am determind upon to bribe the Soldiers & if possible make my Escape March 2nd Very pleasant weather for the first time since we have been here, our chief ammesment of late is playing ball — so as to get our joints suple, to travel down, in a few days /I hope/ — To day they are paying the prisoners their monthly pay. which on some unknown account has been detaind from us for some time We have no particular news to insert to day The papers still con- tinue to give us the Vague & contradictory accounts of the proceedings of the congress at Viena, the papers Run Lord Castlereigh very hard respecting his con- duct. — His Lordship is soon expected home. March 3 d To day the prisoners got all thier Gambling tables established in the Yard, the weather being very [ 159 ] pleasant — About 120 Prisoners arrived here to day from Plymouth. A regement of Soldiers accompanied them up, & relievd the old guard — The prisoners are mostly from Jamica. they spoke the Favourite on the 22 nd of Jany off Bermuda she informd them of the Peace, to them it must have been glorious news indeed, but without making any observations on this subject. I shall leave my reader to Judge of their feelings — They had their liberty during the remainder of the pas- sage — The Only news they bring is that the English got a dam drubing at N Orleans — our trops gave no quarters to the W. Iindia blacks some had Froze to death — & others had starv'd This I need not say is good — good — It appears that the Soldiers that came up to day had not learnt to respect Yankee Prisoners — They con- cluded they could insult and abuse us with as much impunity as tho we were on board of British Men of War These remarks are occasiond by one of the new comers stabing with a bayonet a prisoner by the name of Wood in several places — M r Wood is a very peace- able man & did not provoke them by word or deed. It being neer night & the prisoners mostly inside of the Prison. They had not an oppertunity of revenging the March 3 d Continued Injuries done to our fellow Countrymen however we immediately prepared for Action against the morrow — fully determined to sacrifice the first Soldier that came in to the Yard — how this affair will terminate time must develope — but if Shortland does not interceed & give [ 160 ] us some Satisfaction I think this affair will be attended with serious dificulties — I therefore hope it may be Amicable Sittled March 4th As I wished, Matters have been arranged without any bloodshed — Shortland sent in word this morning that no more Soldiers would be allow'd to come in to the Yard, and that the offending Soldier had reed — four hundred lashes, to teach him his duty towards a Prisoner of war — The prisoner that was Stab'd has gone in to the Hospital — The papers to day mention a report that the Warsp has been Captured by the Castilian Sloop of 18 guns — This is a dam likely Story — why did not the Avon — the Reindeer & others take her — heigh O Says Darby — because they could'nt — we live in hopes that the Presi- dent Frigate is ours yet as we have not heard of her arival at Bermuda — March 4th Continued — A Report is in Circulation that the Ratified Treaty has at length arrive — Our Minesters at Gent has got permision to come to England — to wait the return of the Dispatches which may God send to be as soon as possible As I feel A little in the umour of writeing Just now — and have no more news to mention I should like to give my reader a faint idea of the life that A Prisoner leads, altho I feel myself quite inadequate to the Task for unless A person has experienced A little imprisonment it's impossible for him to form A correct idea of the Miseries incident to A Prisoners life [ 161 ] In the morning we are awakend by the sound of the horn — which announces bread to be servd — every pris- oner starts at the sound and gets his Bread — And those that has money gets some tea for Breakfast those that has not where with to purchase — takes a little Bread & water. And then every one /Except the Gambles/ turns too about something that is useful — some Write- ing some reading — some shoe makeing some Make Fiddles — some making tin ware some Making Straw Boxes — some at Bone Ships & some fabricating & Circulating news March 4th Continued And next you hear the trading men Calld Jews. . Sing out who'll buy some fine Cloaths. servd out Jackets & Trowses Shoes & Boots Buy or Sell — Sell or Buy. here is fine Tobacco — long & Strong sweet & good, who'll buy some good tobacco, here is nice Segars. come buy Apples, nice Aples, here is Nobe Candy. — who'll buy some Murphys. all hot! all hot! here's your nice Dartimoor pipins. who'll buy this is the General cry tho' the day — then you see A crowd gatherd round. A Battle is f aught with some of the Shop Keepers who apply to their debtors to get their Debts and if the Shop Keeper is the stoutest they will pay him if not you must loos — it and get flogg'd in the Bargin — Next comes Dinner which uniformly consists of poor soup — & poor enough God Knows — In the Afternoon we have some news fabricated which (if ever so unlikely) is swallow'd by the populace. It generaly is well made — At length night comes and then you hear the Gambling tribe singing out Lieu Lieu, com who'll [ 162 ] take a hand of Lieu — this noise passes away the Evening till this time 10 Olock, to bed March 5th It being very thick Rainy weather to day and Sabbath too, we hardly Know how to pass the time — there being no foreighn news in Circulation — and the domestic being the Comon frazeology of every days conversa- tion — is of too little interest to excite attention I have just been calld to the office & have Rec d from my Banker £20 — which money I shall spend judiciously, wisely appreciating its Sterling Value by the Source from which it is derived — I must now acknowledge the Recp 1 of this, as A Third person is connected Namely M r Griswold — March 6th M r Shaw has prophisied that all the news of Conse- quence will be rec d this week Viz. the Treaty Ratified dispatches from N Orleans and further Accounts respecting the Capture of the President Frigate. It remains to be seen whether he is a true or false Prophet. In consequence of the meditated alterations in the Corn bill, great tumults have ensued in London, and its environs — The lower Classes express great indignation at the Idea of holding up the price of Grain by an Act of Parliment — March 7th We are still inundated with reports of arrivals of the Favourite — but none of them bear the Stamp of Aurthority [ 163 ] Pugilism at this time is all the Rage in the (liferent prisons, two Matches were decided this morning, the first battle was fought for a pound Note — the com- batants exibited great scientific Skill, after several rounds of very hard fighting the Gunner of the Paul Jones — gave in to his Antagonist, he was most shock- ingly Cut to pieces — The second battle was very severe both the Pugilists contended with the utmost — despera- tion — for Victory but I did not stay to see it decided — being very sick of such Sport. My Countrymen appear to be equally pleased with such exibitions as their Eng- lish Neighbours who are famous for their fondness, of this debasing and cruel sport. March 9th This morning while laying in my Hammock, wrapt in the arms of Morpheus. I was arroused by loud cheer- ing, on enquiring I was told the long expected Treaty had arrived I turnd out and enquired the Souce from which it came — Why such a man told me that such a one told him — that such March 9th Continued A man said, that a boy told him that he had heard a man say that he read it in the paper — on finding the Channel which it came through — I felt quite easy as to the truth of it — but for Aurgument sake M r Fellows & Cap* Brownell. disputed that this must be true — as it was time for her arrival To be certain I followed the Labininth of this winding fabrication through all its directions untill convinced of its falsity — I returnd home — in the mean time they had been convinced of their [ 164 ] error by its not being in the paper The Colours were hoisted in the morning and still remain So — March 10th To day we have no news, that relates to us — The London Mobs have been strengthend very much against the Corn bill — several of the Members houses who were in favour of the Bill have been Pillaged — of their Furni- ture A Petition to Parliment from London was signd by 75,000 Respectable Merchants & Citizens — against raising the price of Bread — I was calld to the Office this morning to get a letter — which proved to be for John Palmer I wrote to day to Mess O. R Selden to obtain a birth on board of some Merch 1 Ship bound to the U. States. 1815 March 11th MOST PLEASING INTELLIGENCE Dispatches have been received from New Orleans announcing the total defeat of the British army near New Orleans by the American forces under General Jackson, The official ac't has been rec d by the Plantag- anet seventy four from Jamaica, the British loss is stated at two thousand four hundred & fifty four, killed, wounded & missing among the killed were the Com- mander in chief & the second & third in command, Next to the ratification of the treaty this is the most pleasing news that could come to hand & in common with the rest of my fellow prisoners I do congratulate my Country on this most fortunate event. [ 165 ] March 12 A few days since a man in the Hospital became insane & stabb'd two men who assisted as nurses one of them a M r Paul died this day, he has a wife here who the pris- oners intend assisting on the next fish day by giving her the fish dealt out to us amounting to twenty five Bbls pickled herrings, various reports are in circula- tion of the treaty's not being signed, but we still hope, The papers state officially that Boney has left the Island of Elba and landed in France where thousands have flocked to his Standard, The King has issued a procla- mation ordering all his subjects to arrest Napoleon as a traitor and March 12th Continued confine him immediately but take care Louis that you are not caught yourself as I think your person is in greater danger than Napoleon's for he gains proselytes very fast, Last night I was ear witness to two scenes one excited my disgust the other flattered my vanity — the first was a thief caught in stealing bread they cobb'd him with a boot gave him a loaf of bread & with this admonition releas'd him that when he was hungry to come and ask for bread and not steal it, The other was several prisoners in close conversation respecting the abilities of a M r Ross, the greatest scholar in Dart- moor the other party were contending that mine out- shone M r Ross's that although he had received a College education yet I was the handsomest penmen, the truth of this I should not like to leave it to referees well knowing I should come in the rear — [ 166 ] March 13th The papers to day is meerly a repetition of what was inserted yesterday with this Addition, that Reports are currently Circulated in London that the President has refused to Ratify the Treaty, this we conclude is merely the Speculation of London Merchants who has American produce on hand The 3 Prisoners that were some time since sent to Exiter for Trial, for Branding A dam Traitor — have writen us a letter respecting — March 13th Continued Their situation, requesting some assistance As their situation is such as demands immediate Relief — as their liveing consists of Bread & water only — A subscription was immediately set on float in the different prisons — and about £6 raisd for them March 15th Tho the news from France occupies the Principal part of this days papers yet the a/cts respecting Boneypart are so confused and contradictory that I can not possible Judge what progress the Invader of France has made. Tho they speak lightly of him yet it can clearly be percievd — thy are very considerably agitated. — Report of the Day.! The Favourite has arrived at Forlay in 17 days from New York There appears some foundation for this report, however we do not Know whether the Treaty is Ratified or not as the Messenger immediately Started for London without makeing any communication. We can only pray that it may be [ 167 ] favourable, should it not be. I must leave my reader to Judge of our fillings O what they would be — doomd to linger out the remainder of our existenee in these dam Prisons — O God — We hope we pray March 16 th Yesterday Napoleon was reduced to the greatest difi- culties his motely crew deserting him. his retreat coni- pleetly cut off, & himself neerly within the grasp of his adversary Louis 18 th how changed the scene To day the papers state that Boneyparte is carrying all before him. those troops who were stated to have Cut off his retreat, were in his Interest — & that he has enterd Lyons the 2 nd City in France without any opposition (is without doubt.) He stiles himself Lieu 1 Gen 1 for the King of Rome — in his proclamation he says his pension, had not been paid him & that when he abdicated the Throne of France he did not meen to include his Son whos rights he could not Curtail. The Official letter of Corn? Decatur has been rec d It appears instead of being Captured by the Endemian — alone he had upon him a Squadron of 5 Ships including a Razee — So much for the statements of British officers — who could not avoid asserting — that there was no doubt but the President, would have struck to the Fndemian on the contrary it appears the Endemian was dismantled in a very short period & had dropt astern. when the President haveing rec d some damage was obliged to strike to the Fresh ships of the squadron who had came up — It is as impossible for an Englishman to speak the truth — as it is for a shad to clime an apple tree tail first — [ 168 ] 1815 March 17 th At length the most Pleasing inteligence of the Ratifi- cation of the Treaty has come to hand and in such a shape as to have no doubt of its authenticity The most pleasing anticipation fills the breast of each joyous Prisoner we can hardly contain ourselves — No more shall British Soldiers, Sailors, Turnkeys, or Agents, domineer over the unfortunate Captive — No more shall Yankee Tars support innumerable shoals of Farmers, market Women & Jews — who has subsisted during the War entirely on the outgoings of these Prisons, charge- ing what prices they chose for their Produce & Goods — Knowing they had no competitors in the Market. & that the Prisoners could not be supply'd elsewhere — They have fatned on the hard earnings of American Prison- ers, but their race is run they may now return like the Bear to their homes & suck their Claws & Pay their Taxes as they can On the Recp 1 of this most GLORIOUS. NEWS. I with some of my Friends had some Porter & the Pris- oners Generaly had a festive day — I purchased a Suit of Cloaths for myself — & M r Fellows, while I was Trading in Market I was dund for a debt of £6. which I had contracted some time since & In Trusting it out lost it — I had intended not to pay this debt as it is the first of my pride to cheat an Englishmen — but one of the Articles in the Treaty precludes all hopes escaping without paying it. as it expressly says all debts shall be paid — contracted by prisoners on both sides I hardly know which to do run away or pay the Debt, but I [ 169 ] believe it will be as much to my Interest eventualy to pay it — as I might not get a passage home — if 1 made my escape — When fist we were prisoners, the enquiry was whin shall we get exchanged. Shall we ever be exchanged. this Idea — and the hope of an exchange Kept us alive untill — all our hopes were frustrated by our being sent to England — Immediately on our Arrival there was great talks of Peace — shall we have a peace — & when shall we have a peace, this was the cry untill a peace was concluded, on the 24 of Deem at Gent — Next was the Ratification & between the hope and fear of the Treaty's not being Ratified — we were kept in continual Suspence untill at length the long wishd for Blessing has taken place — So now the general enquiry is when shall we get away — when will the Cartels be ready and when shall we begin to Start — Thus you see a Prisoner is always in a state of inquietude — constantly whishing and incessantly dread- ing, fear & hope alternately possesing his mind — In this State of uncertainty a Prisoner is Kept. Untill Released & set at LIBERTY 1815 March 18 th We are constantly talking of going home Cap 1 Shortland sent in word that he had rec d Orders from M r Beasly that, he had all to say in sending us away. The prisoners generaly seem dissatisfied at this arangement. as Beasly will be fiting some of his old Vessels out — which will delav the time [ 170 ] March 19th Orders have been rec d to day for some of the pris- oners to hold themselves in readiness to embark to mor- row to join their Ships in Different Parts. The papers to day give us very pleasing intiligence respecting Boneypart who they say has actualy entred Paris without any opposition — Likewise that Louis had left Paris for Belgium — We hope for true. March 20th The news of yesterday respecting Boney is contra- dicted — in part, as Boney is but just left Lyons on his way to Paris but Louis is still on the throne — passage boats are every where taken up to convey English families from Paris to this England, the greatest Bustle and confusion reigned throughout Paris. Vive Napoleon was head tho all the Streets. — SUCCESS to BONEY — I Recd an Answer from my Banker yester- day that. Ship were not to be had in Liverpool — So here's go home in A Cartel March 21st. Reports are in circulation from Plymouth, that the Independance 74 & others of our State Ships are come- ing to take some of the Prisoners to man their ships for the Streights One of the Market men yesterday was stoned out of Market for bringing up an English- men Supposing him to be a Prisoner The Dam Rascal has got my Watch — Jesse Smith Intends make- ing another attempt this night to get clear of these cursed Walls — [ 171 ] March 22 nd Sent a letter to Liverpool — No News — Time flies apace — & still no prospect of geting home How is it that our Agent is so dilatory I cant tell March 23 d A Letter has been reed to day from M r Hawker for- merly American Consul at Plymouth. Stateing that he had rec d , Orders from M r Beasly. Authorizing him to take 2500 tons of sniping to convey us home March 24th A Letter w T as rec d from Monsier Beasly to day. but couch'd in such terms as strongly indicated that his Interest in our favor was entirely Obliterated — If ever he had any 3 Cartels are flting to convey 6000 Pris- oners home to America — This conduct in our Agent Certainly is not Explicable — and deserves Reproof March 2,5th Bonaparts Conquerer of France — At length the Invader of France has gaind the sumit of his wishes. The world looks on with wonder & Astonishment at the Sudin change of Affairs on the Continent — But A Short time since you see Napoleon an Exile from the world confined on A small Island, Dependand on the King Now behold him in the Middle of France — marching tryumphantly through the Country — He enterd Paris on Monday last about 4 P M. escorted by 50 faithfull guards & they with their muskets pointed downwards — Its said He halted a short distance from [ 172 ] Paris and sent the King a letter, that if he would allow his son to succeed him. on the Throne — he would not trouble the place — the King on the recpt of this took to his heals — quick step. Boney marchd in soon After arm'd the aclamations of all Paris Crying Vive Le Emperor — Success to Boney — Long may He Live — What say ye to this ye Britons of the South and ye Russians of the North. — What say ye to this sixth Wonder of the world — Are Ye not Astonished — I think you are — my dear fellows — and long may you be so — You Dam Rascals — This News — the Peace — & the New Orleans affair is Sufficint to make us Rejoice, Forever March 26th The news of yesterday is sufficiently confirmd by our Papers to day — Napoleon is now on the Throne of France. & Lewis is on his way to Engl d such a Revo- lution in the affairs of this world — as there has been for 12 months past — can not be found in the Anals of History Boneypart Dethroned, /the English most damly Floged — / Peace with all the world — / & Napo- leon againd Emperor of France When Bonapart landed from Elba he marchd on in Advance of his little army to procure horses on comeing to a Tavern he meet a Lady who also wanted horses, but Boney had made application first — The Lady told him her Business was — urgent — & demanded speed — myne is also urgent answerd the Emperor, but I cant deny a Lady so let her have the first set of Horses This serves to shew the generous mind of Bonapart. The Efige of Monsier Beasly was hoisted on A flag staff [ 173 ] on the Prison this morning — I am sory to say this con- duct deserves censure equaly as much as M r Beaslys A subscription of our Herings has again been afloat — to relieve the Distress of Lieut. Heintze in Portsmouth Hospital — he has lost both arms in attempting to take the Transport he came in from Halifax All the prisons but this have given theirs March 28th To day they begin paying us our monthly money, which is much Wanted — A Prisoner to day stole A watch out of the pocket of one of the Market men. they have detected the Thief and brought him to Jus- tice Cap 1 B. The News bearer has just arrived from the Inteligence Office — and brings news of 2 vessels haveing arrive from America with English prisoners, from New York — Good — March 30th News to Day has flock'd in from Different quarters in great abundance — but I shall leave my Reader to Judge of their truth. The British have taken X. Orleans, with the loss of 6,000 Men. our loss was comparitively small 5 Cartels are ready to Sail from London to take in prisoners at Plymouth. The Above news we consider to be without foundation Our Papers — to day is filld with French news, as that seems to be the Theater of War — The Alied Powers, have all joind with the determination to overthro Bonapart. and they say nothing shall apease their anger but his Head Boney. Calculating on this has musterd 400000 [ 174 ] Men Old Veterans — And is prepareing to act on the Defencive March 30 th Here it is the last Day of March and still No hopes apear of soon getting away The talk is that Cartels are in readiness in London — and will be here the first wind — The Paper Announces the Arrival of the Endemian with HER Prize — this to the Ignorant part of Mankind appears a fact but Mistaken Idea Enough we all Know how she was Captured — The News from Boney of late appears but of little Moment. — he is makeing preparations to meet the Enemy — /The Alied powers/ who it is confirmd is going against him. — The Weather has been pecularly fine to Day in so much that you hardly see a man inside the Prisons. — for my part haveing been up through the Night /Read- ing the History of Bonapartes Travels & Invasion of Egept/ I fell quite Dull — Time rolls heavily on — It is now that we want to be at home, one Month at home now is better than six months will be six months hence. Commerce Agri- culture. Merchandise, and in fact every Kind of Busi- ness must flourish for a short time. But It cant be helpt. we must Trust as we have done for 18 months past to Fickle Fortune April 1st About daylight this morning — M r Fellows, gave me a call — & told me that Bob Palmer was out at the gate and wished to see me — I hastend on my Cloths — and [ 175 ] without asking any questions proceded to the yard quick Step — In arriveing at the Market square. I saw no Bob I enquired of the Centry if — A man was there from Ashburton. he answerd in the Negative, but I persisted there was after some Altercation, the Thought Popt in to my head — that it was the first of April — I acordingly returnd to the Laughing Audi- ence — and caried off the Joke as — becomes all April fools, /in good Nature./ I have rec d a letter to day from Liverpool — assureing me that No birth could be obtained but by paying I could get A passage — This about 130 is a going to do. who had recd their discharge to day Beasly has written us a letter — that the Cartels were nearly Ready — this is very Encourage- ing — The papers to day say our Squadron is Cruiseing off the West Indiees — Success — The American Priva- teers is playing the Devil with them, off there. The Ultor has taken Several Vessels — Success Attend them — April 4th This morning A large number of Letters were calld over, they were from America — by the way of Hali- fax but were dated as far back as December — for this Day or two past we have had no news, but To Day it comes in from all quarters, the papers gives us Extracts from American papers which were rec d by A Ship arrived in Liverpool from Boston the Statement of the British loss at New Orleans — seems rather more than the English were willing to allow — but as this news will not be very entertaining to my Reader — as [ 176 ] he must be better acquainted with the local affairs of our Country than I am — I shall therefore Insert more Domestic and less foreign News. Last night 3 Frenchmen were Detected in the Act of buggery and this morning they were flog'd severely, and turnd in to No 4 among the Negroes — Jesse Smith who we thought had got clear — has just come out of the Cachot. for the 3 time, he has Drawd <£20 of Croper & Benson Liverpool and is now determined not to make another attempt to Escape — This afternoon there was another man flog'd. he took 3 Doz for Stealing almost every day there is some one punished for being cought in this crime To day we have had no bread servd out. as the prisoners refused to take hard Biscuit we shall there- fore have to go supperless to bed this night Short- land has gone to Plymouth to Know when the Cartels will be ready — April 5 th Last night an affair hapened which like to have been attended with Serious consequences — as I mentiond we had no bread serv'd to us. because we refused to take 1 lb of hard bread in Lieu of 1% lb of soft, about Sundown 1 Wagon load of new Bread came up to the Store, out side, which was intended for to Days Allow- ance — but it's an old saying that hunger will go through a Stone wall, and this saying was veryfied. for the Prisoners determind on haveing some Bread, and there- fore made a Rush out from the different Prisons, and crying hurraw & *Kuns — they burst open the Gates — [ 177 ] which were solid Iron — and in 1 minute the square was crowded with Prisoners. The Allarm was given the Bells rang — and the Soldiers from Princetown & dif- ferent parts ran to the guard houses and clinching their muskets thev soon surrounded the Prisons witli their hats off — shoes off Coats off. and some with troAvses off. they presented a really laughable & Ridiculous figure, to the lookers on. who had, by this time come to an amicable agreement with the Cap 1 /Not Shortland as he was at Plymouth/ who told them if they would go in the Bread should be servd out. but the Prisoners refused unless they would give them A hostage, the Clerk then gave himself in pledge. . To J. Smith who took good care of him untill they flnishd serveing the Bread, which was not till 10 OClock. In the mean time the Soldiers were helping the Pris- oners over the walls — in all directions — Report Says upwards of 100 made their escape, but little Do they think of being Press'd in the British service I had neerly forgot to mention that the Stone walls were partly dug through — and soon would have been Razed to the ground had not the Business been Settled. — I feel some fear least our Countrymen Should be Impressed — As the last that made their Escape were — and have since Saild — to foreign ports. The paper is just a comeing that I will finish after Perusing it — I have perused the paper, and could make many comments on its contents, but shall omit it and give you the facts, as there Stated — first. The Presidents Mes- sage — which I cant help Observing is an exelent thing — 2 d some of the particular of the affair at New [ 178 ] Orleans 3 d The Ball given to the Officers of the Eng- lish squadron, by the New London Junto. This is the Amt. of the American news — rec d by the Ship Malou from Boston, 18 Days to Liverpool — The French News is that Boney. as well as the Alies is makeing every possible exertion for War — and it is soon to be feard they will have some blood Shed on the Continent. Boney has published A Decree Abolishing the Slave Trade — A letter has been rec d from Jacob the Jew and from A Gen* who went from here to London A few days since. Stating that 6 Transports were fitting in London. 2 of which were ready to sail and the others would be very Shortly. Likewise that we should go by date of Capture. There! There! I think we have had news Enough for one Day. & I think more than we shall have again for this week to come. Unless the latter be true and the Cartels arrive Then we should have Enough — April 6 Two letters were written to Day & cried through the Prisons, one Address'd to M r . Beasly. & the other to the Transport Board, on the Subject of our getting Released. . It is now one month nearly since we recd the news of the Treaty's being retified. and as yet no prospect of geting home — true there is 3 Cartels fiting out. in London — but how many will they Carry, why 300. Each. In this manner we should get away about. Next Sept. — here we are looseing all the best of our time, while we ought to be makeing arrears for our past Misfortunes — ^ # * s s Fold-out Placeholder This fold-out is being digitized, and will be inserted at a future date. * ■b -h Fold-out Placeholder This fold-out is being digitized, and will be inserted ati future date. [ 179 ] The Prisoners are growing daily more and more dis- contented, they seem determined to make some bold attempt to escape from this dam Prison — and I believe should we remain here much longer they would attempt it. — To Day I have been busily employed in Different Avocations— but not irksome As It was chiefly write- ing & Writeing — Our Papers gives us no news — and in fact as I men- tion Yesterday why I did not expect to have any news the comeing week and I believe I should not; had not an affair happend Just at Dark, which God Knows I Shall remember till the Day I die April 6, 1815 Continued O temporal O mores. J. K. British Humanity O God what Crimes are not the English Capable of Perpetrating, (when they have power) — Murder. ah! the worst of Murder — That of Inocent And defenceless prisoners As the subject of this days disasters may hereafter lead to some controversy. I shall be a little particular, in mentioning the cause — which gave rise, to the Horid Murder — A number of prisoners, some of whoome being A little Intoxicated, were diverting themselves and the bye standers by heaveing turf, at each other between the Iron railing, and the outer wall. The Officers dislikeing their sport, sent in a file of soldiers and orderd them to disperce. which they did and comeing to the wall, /which was partly dug thro the other night./ [ 180 ] they soon made a hole through the Soldiers gave an allarm that we were all comeing out. The drum beat to quarters, and the Prisoners run towards the gate, where meeting the Soldiers, they were fired upon — and on riming into the Prisons for safety, were seen falling in all directions — The Soldiers followed on and fired Volley after Volley in to the Doors & Windows of all the Prisons. Killing and Wounding without Mercy. . Several who could not get in time enough. — oweing to the croud) were most inhumanly Butcher 'd — five Soldiers — Discharged their Muskets upon one man after he was Shot. — some that lay wounded on the ground were Jump't upon — and Bayonets plunged in them April 6 Continued Too Inhuman to mention — (In fact I feel myself quite inadequate to the Task of describeing such Savage Barbarity in its proper Collours — Even Shortland (who was drunk) If that is any palliation?) stamp't upon those whom were allready Dead — or nearly — and who he was the Sole cause of haveing Murderd — Cowerd. Villian. Blood Thursty Rascal, what epithet can be applied to thee sufficiently Indicative of such Brutal & Savage Barbarity, none, Say none — words cant describe — nor pen depict, your Inhuman conduct — in collours — so black as the Crime Is this not a sufficient proof of British Barbarity If not. there can be others mentiond — but I think this sufficient to Satisfy the world — The returns of Killd and Wounded can not be assertaind to night. I believe [ 181 ] it to be considerable — A Flag of Truce came in about 8 OClock and took the Killd & wounded from each Prison off to the Hospital. One of our crew was Killd but my Mesmates all Escapd — unhurt, being mostly in the House at this time — I was out but haveing no hand in the Sport, did not intend to Share in the dan- ger — and wisely made my retreat in to the prison — as soon as they commenced fireing The Blood of the Murderd will ever Stimulate us to Vengence— WE CRY FOR VENGENCE April 7th I have not been able to asertain the names of the Killd & wounded, but from the best information The numbers, were. 7 Killd. and 38 wounded — most of them Mortaly — O Horid Masacree; inhuman Murder This morning the doors were Keept shut till quite late and all communication with the other prisons was stopt. untill late in the forenoon — when some Milatary Offi- cers. An Admirial & Several Navy Captains Came up from Plymouth. They sent for the Committees of the different Prisons, and enquired in to the Causes that led to this inhuman Masacree — and after hearing a candid statement of the facts thev said there should be a propper investigation of this affair — and that Justice would undoubtedly take its Course. They wishd the committees would take the depositions of such of the Prisoners as were knowing to the causes that led to this Brutal Murder, and Transmit them to them— and after makeing several common place observations they retired The Prisons through the day has been [ 182 ] in a continual uproar. . respecting the affair of Last Night — many Arguments are held respecting Short- lands & the Prisoners conduct, but all swear Vengence against Shortland. & hear I swear it should ever an oppertunity be afforded me of being his Murderer, like an Assasin will I do it yes — I will seek his life — like a Spaniard who has been rob of his wifes honour — Never (So help me God) will I make Peace with the English untill I revenge the Blood of my Countrymen April 17th Some more particulars of this Horid Murder has Just Reachd me by Jesse Smith, who had a ball Through his Hat — in attemting to assist a wounded Man — in geting in to the Prison — He informs me that the man whom the five Soldiers Shot, was Washington, (one of our Crew, who on his Knee's beg'd for Mercy, telling them he was already wounded — and was Inocent — / Kill! him! Kill him! Cried the INHUMAN Short- land & the Soldiers immediately discharged their Mus- kets on him. & blowd his brains out against the Wall — This is humanity. O you damd Infernal Villians. where shall you meet with punishment such a Crime deserves — I fear not in this world — and in HEL. you are so leagued with the Devil that you will be favourd — Enough can not be said on this Subject — for men to chase their Brothers about — like the hunting of foxes. Brothers did I say — let me race out that name. They Brothers No Never they are not worthy of such a Name — Inhuman, Savage. Blood Thursty, Monsters [ 183 ] in what History will you find any Nation (much more Cristians) as they pretend to be — Guilty of so many Acts of Inhuman Barbarity as the English — look at the many Defenceless Women & Children they have Mur- derd & Caused to be Murder'd by employing, those Merciless Savage's on the frontiers and provideing them with arms. Look at Hamton — Every Child Knows this — I shall therefore pass is over — and proceed to Washington where they even burnt the Library. A thing before never Known — look at the affair of the Priv r Gen 1 Ann- strong & Should I proceed to enumerate all of there Acts of Savage Brutality It would fill my Journal- Suffice it to Sav that this is Murder horid murder- Report says M r Beasly is superseded by A M r Dickins formerly Agent to M r Lyman — previous to his M r . Lyman's Death — It will not do for me to say any more on this subject — as my paper will soon be Short — I shall therefore Close by ading that if all the world lias not had sufficient proof of British humanity — I have — here follows a list of Killed & Wounded KILL'D. John Washington — William Everet. Joseph Jackson. John Hawood Thos. Janson James Mann. John Conner — [ 184 ] on the 6 of April WOUNDED. No 3 Prison. Thomas Smith, left leg amputated. Caleb Coadin, two shot in the leg. Will m Blake. Several places in the body — Eev d Gardner. In the wrist, and left leg — Philip Ford — left side brest and arm — James Bell, wrist and Thigh. James Turnbull. left arm amputated. Edw d White Cankes. In the back — No. 1. John Gray, left arm amputated. John Hogubit. in the hip. Shepherd Phipps. in the left thigh & Belly — dan- gerous. No 4. John Robberts in the thigh and ear — Peter Willson. In the head — Dangerous James Trial. In the thigh and the left leg — ^ Jacob Davis. In the thigh £ Rob 1 Little. In the Testacies PQ Will m Penn In the thigh. Joseph Beeych In the Thigh In the Back. Dangerously — Rob* Willet. left leg amputated — No 5 Willm. Appleby, in the Brust & lost his Thumbs. John Beech, in the Thigh [ 185 ] Thorn 8 Teenly in the Thigh, and brest Dangerous. And w Garrson — head an thigh. John Gurleft. Both legs and one arm amputated. Will" 1 Lane. In the eye and Testacies. No. 7. George Camel not expected to live. James Wilt, left arm amputated. James Wells, two halls in his body — Dangerous. Hen y Montcalm, in the Knee, and right Arm- Fred Howard — in the leg — Ephram Lincon in the thigh 6 more were Slightly Wounded names unknown Benj" F Palmer. . Stonington Stonington Connecticut April 8th The affair which has been the subject of conversa- tion for this day or two past, is still more so. It seems as tho the prisoners intends to remember it — and well they ought too — so more Prisoners have been found dead, they were found in a ditch out side the wall. supposed to be hove there by the Soldiers — 8 more are missing. . & I suppose are buried in the same manner O Horid Murder. I hate to dwell on this frightful! Subject.— This Inhuman MASSACRE- A Letter has been rec d from London Stateing thai 2 Cartels had saild for Plymouth, and five more would sail shortly. Likewise that M r Beasly. was Superceeded this is good news, for we have now some hopes of get- ing home in the course of this Summer 1 drew out [ 186 ] a list of the Kill'd & Wounded to day. under the head of BRITISH MASSACRE, and stuck it upon the wall for the gratification of the Prisoners What reflections ought to ocupy our minds at this time, the wounded men a dying one after the other and those that lives will only live in misery — their Friends are daily expect- ing — and anxiously anticipation the Arrival of their Trends who now are Sleeping in their graves, their Souls have Wing'd their flight to a happyer Region — Alass what fatal Tidings will this be to the Unhappy Friends, of the departed Souls 1 fear My Anxious frends will even think that their unhappy Frank is among the Number — Tomorrow we are to have a Ser- mon preachd on this unhappy Occasion — he that shed- deth Man's blood by man shall his blood be shedeth 1815 April 9th Fresh news to day. which seems something like get- ing home. M r Nathiel Ingrand Deputy Agent for the New Consul /Dickins/ has arrived here from Lon- don, he informs us. that A Draft would be calld out on Tuesday, the 11 th Ins* one Catel has arrive in Ply- mouth & 2 more are on their passage, and 5 more were nearly ready to Sail from London, he likewise assures us that in all probability we should all get away by 10 Days from this. An Address has been drawn up, (or rather a Statement, of the particulars which had led to the late Horrid Murder.) By M r Hubbart to be published in the Statesman. To let the people of England have a fair Statement of the facts./ It being [ 187 ] Sunday to day our meditations oughl to be serious. more particularly after this late catastrophy. To think of the Inoeent men who were, sent prematura ly before the Great Father of Mercy's but we oughl justly to consider how great a blessing it is that so few were numberd among the Dead — when so many w< equaly endangerd — It was the hand of Provide nee only that could have Spared so many And I consider it the duty of us all to offer up. thanks to the Almighty for our providential excape. but we have no place to assem- ble — therefore we must do it privately, for the Lord says he that prays in Secret his prayers shall be excepted — But we will defer until! at home we get. which May God grant to be as soon as possible - April 11th We still remain in this cursed Prison and remain Ignorent of our fate, we have continual reports of geting home, but they all prove false. It is now known that there is no Catels in Plymouth. & A letter lias been rec d from London to say stateing the Cartels were not contracted for as yet. And that Mr lira sly was not superceded. Thus you see there can be no depend- ance placed on any thing you hear, it is now four weeks since the ratification arrived, and no signs of geting home — what the Devil can our Agent be about, he is a most hardned Villian and I hope will be brought to Account for his Treatment to Prisoners— We have made several attempts to collect something for the relief of our Wounded Countrymen but all endeavors prooved ineffectual. Till last Night when I [ 188 ] proposed raising A fund by Selling Beer. I got the Voice of the Prisoners in my Favour, and have Suc- ceeded byound my Expectations, as soon we collect £10. we shall give it in to the Doctors hands for their benifit this they are doing in the rest of the prisons — which will make £50 — The British Goverment ought to allow them a pension, but they wont. Dam them To Day the Soldiers were relieved here by A new guard from Plymouth, consisting of 1000 men — Last Night Shortland had his house guarded all round, he said that he saw four men with Cudgels, comeing for him — O Guilty Consience — April 12th A paper was sent in to the Prison this morning from the Agents office, for all the Drafts of men that came in to the Prison from April 6th to Sep 4 8. 1813. To hold themselves in readiness to go home as soon as the Cartels shall arrive — This is very encourageing to be sure — No Cartels arrived yet — and when they do we are to go as we came in to the Prison that we shall not go untill 30.50 is gone — look for us not Friends. April 13th Various conjectures are formed respecting the time our embarkation from this place — A number of Let- ters has been received from London — but all bring different reports one however States that Mr Beasly is not superceeded but has agreed with a Man in London to send us home — thus you see how our feelings are sported with — one day our hopes are raised to the high- [ 180 ] est pinacle and the next day all our expectations are blasted The papers to day mentions arrivals from X York in 16 Days /Ship Carolina. She brings news of our Squadron — that is destined to go againsl Algiers. consisting of 2.74.6. Frigates and a Number of Smaller vessels — Good Good — M r Monroe is appointed secta- tary of state. — A false account of our late horrid Murder was this day published in the Statesman, but like all other Brit- ish accounts, coverd with lies to hide their disgrace — ■ It says that Shortland came in to the Yard unarmd— and that A Pistole was fired at him. — a Dam Lie but this is Shorthands account It is to us strange beyound conception that as yet no cartels are fitting to convey us home — I am now in ;i state of uncertainty wether to write for my passport to go home in some American Ship or to remain and run the chance of staying here all summer. — but I will write and procure my passport and then act my pleasure about going April 14th I wrote for my passport last night and handed the letter to a gentleman bound there — but after going to bed I lay and weighd the matter seriously within myself and after considering the circumstances well I thot It most advisable to wait the motion of the Cartels. and therefore took my letter back for should I go to Liverpool I must get a number of Articles to appear decent and the advantage would not be worth the Expence, I shall therefore patiently wait until the Car- [ 190 ] tels are ready — Which I hope & expect will be soon as A letter from M r Beasly Informs us there is 8 Cartels taken up to convey us home two of which have saild from London — he wonders at our late conduct and more especialy as it is attributed to him Wonder Indeed! This is the first letter rec d from M r Beasly since the Arrival of the Ratification — is not this enough to excite wonder — Report — A List is made out that we are to go agreable to capture, this we hope is true as it will make some thousands odds to our crew. April 15th Our papers are filld with parlamentary debates on the subject of peace with America the opposition part. (M r Whithead) have very long speaches against the continuance of the war. which they say might have terminated at the time that Peace was made on the Continent but for the neglect of the British Ministers M r Crocker has been here from Plymouth and informs us that M r Beasly excuse of not being able to get Ships is entirely unfounded as there is plenty of Ships to be had and he has one himself that, he would be very glad to let him have — Thus we have a plain demonstra- tion of the Neglect of our Agent, and I am inclined to believe, that if some one does not soon interfeer we shall not get home this Summer — It is realy much to be lamented that we have such a Notorious Villan for an Agent, for certain it is had we a man who was the least inclined to do his duty, we should all have been home ere this — our being so uncommonly long detaind. has caused me to spend all my money — and I am now [ 191 ] destitute of a single Cent, and I am Sory to Say all my Messmates is much like me Mr Fellows has Sold his last garment, for less than one third its Value, to purchase Tea. The rest of my mess have been wis limit haveing to Sell — thus you See what Misery is occasiond by A Dam Rascal (Beasly). April 16 th 1815 Sunday A PRISONERS MEDITATIONS on Sunday — Think not Reader to hear the Prisoner reproach his Maker, for his long confinement and hard sufferings — no it is Beasly alone — From the time that a man becomes a prisoner he may Date his discontent. — but as every prisoner has different grievances to com- plain of I shall take our particular situation into view- When first captured Ideas of liberty were continualy held out to us — Month after Month pass'd on. and do Exchange, at length we were sent to Halifax, were the same ideas of being exchang'd — continued to Keep up hope — untill under accumilated evils we were Trans- ported to Engld All hope now expired of geting home untill a PEACE should be concluded, which in a few- month we were happy enough to realize — all our thoughts were now directed toward the time of our Liberation, which after the Ratification we must rea- sonably expect could not be long — but, .Mass! how fataly disappointed — It is now 7 neerly 4 Months since the Sighing of the Treaty and but little, if any, more prob- ability of geting home — continual inundations of Cartel reports pour in upon us daily — but they generaly turn out like the news of the Congress at Viena, — false — [ 192 ] Sunday generaly bring abundance of News — letters from London all speak diferently as to the Number and Advance of the Cartels, one Merchant — writes there is 11. another 7 another 5 Cartels ready April 16th Continued Thus you see our fond expectations are all blasted — and whose fault is it. but Beaslys — who for excuse says ships are not be had — but we know to the Contrary — Mr Hawker refutes this assertion for he says he has a Ship that he would be glad to let M r Beasly have — So 6,000 American Citazens are suffering for want of a poper Agent. — Groaning within the dark walls of a gloomy Prison forced to put up with all the Insults of A parcl of Ignorant Soldiers. & Turnkeys, our liveing of the coarsiest Kind — a continual Sameness of Diet for a length of time, will sicken the mind — tho it should be of the Richest Dishes — but how much more so when it consists of the meanest Kind of dirty Soup — or Rather Barley Water — Cover'd with Vermin of almost every Kind, and no employment from day to Day. but to endeavour if posible to keep clear from them And without the needfull aid of Pence to furnish — our- selves with a little Tea — Tobacco — & other Necessa- ries — our Mind continualy Dwelling on the expectation of being soon liberated, and once more let the fond Anticipations of our more anxious Friends be — Realized by the happy sight of their long lost. Kindred — Thus we drag on a Miserable existance — fondly Anticapation the happy period which will once more restore us to Liberty & the Happy Sight of our Friends For [ 193 ] without these blessings life would not be worth the haveing — These are the constant Meditations of most all Prisoners — And that we May soon enjoy the blessing of Liberty is the only wish of Frank April 16th Continued I have lengthen'd out this days work Longer than 1 intended — but I can not close without mentioning some- thing of Boney — who has published one of the mosl spireted proclamation ever Known — which says it' the Alies bring 600,000 men aginst him he will find 2 mil- lion to oppose them — I shall not Invade any Country — and WOE betide them that Invades France. To this we SWEAR answerd every Soldier — to whom this discourse was address'd — I think it will be the sorest day they ever saw — if they attempt to Dethrone Bona- parte — April 18th We still have the same Vague and contradictory reports respecting the Cartels, but Nothing to be relied on. Another letter from M r Beasly states the British (Adm 1 Duckworths) Accont of the late Murder, which like all other British accounts, is basely corrupted with falsehood to hide their dam Murderous designs — the Account States that the prisoners clinched a Soldirs Musket, previous to their fireing — A most Notorious falsehood. — O Britians ! Britains! what are You not Guilty of Murder, savage Inhuman Murder Are we never to get home, is the general cry from Morning till night — who shall we blame, certainly In [ 194 ] this one Instance we can not attach any blame to the British Goverment. No we must blame Beasly and our goverment too in some measure — for not haveing attended to the numerous petitions, and remonstrances, sent to them from the prisoners, had they lisen'd to them — and turn'd Beasly out of Office, and place some more suitable man in his Station — we should certainly been home ere this — And certain it is they ought have done it. April 18th Continued — I have got out of money — and none of my mess have got any — while writeing this afternoon I saw M r Shaw leaning over the birth, his eyes haggard, his Jaws extended, yawnin with his head leaning on one hand — and in the other holding his last handkerchif thinking of his hard fate — which necessiated him to pawn his cloaths for a chew tobacco — O! hard indeed — thought he. that I must suffer for want of a chew Tobacco. — I haveing A peny — & knowing his wants proferd him with it. which with a countanance at once indicative of the Joy he felt, at thus unexpectedly being supplyd — he went and purchased him a chew O. Cursed fortune — and more Cursed Beasly that thus detains us from the sight of our beloved Country & Friends — Day after Day and Night after Night pases on and bings no cartels — are we to wear away the sumer after this Maner. and in the fall when dread Winter's blast are approaching, Needy & Naked we must stem the tide of Misfortune, and pick up something to live upon — through the ensue- ing Year. After suffering all that human Nature can [ 195 ] bear, confined for years within the dreary walls of a prison subject to all the Miseries that can be sugested — continualy in a State of Suspence — Alternately hope- ing and as often disappointed his mind ever kept in a State of inquistude — Till at last weary of life — he invokes Heavens Most Mighty hand, to put an end to his unhappy & Miserable existance — his cries & petitions are not heard — or at least not answered he is left to drag out the remainder of his Miserable existance in agony & Despair — Such is the State of a forlorn Prisoner April 19th HUZZA FOR HOME. At length some of the Prisoners are calld out to go home — A Draft of 249. are called out to deliver up their hammocks, they are then Examined by the Clerks, in order that, there none of the Lyons crew shall go out, as the British say their commision was not good. The Prisoners are then put in a spare prison were they must content themselves — with the thoughts of going home — and pace the prison through the night haveing nothing but stone to sit or lye upon — we have some hopes now of geting home in the course of the ensueing Sumer — April 20 th This morning the Draft Started for Plymouth attended by a Strong guard of Soldiers — They had A flag, with this Inscription. [ 196 ] which they with the American insin. had flying when they marched to Plymouth — with light hearts — and 3 cheers- bid Adieu to the Cursed walls of Dartmoor — -they April 21st This morning A list of Men — who have given them- selves up from the British Navy was put up in the Yard — to hold themselves in readiness to go with the next Draft — when that will be God & M r Beasly Knows best. It is now blowing a gale of wind — at N. W. that we need not expect a Cartel to Day »nd April 22 1 It is still blowing a Gale of wind from the N W. that we can not expect the Cartels. — M r Williams (Beasley's Clerk) & Rufus King Jn r arrived here to Day — they say that sufficient Cartels are taken up to convey the whole of the Prisoners to the U. S. and Mr Williams is to stay and see Prisoners away, and pay us our Monthly Money. We have heard from the Prisoners on board the Cartel, they had quite a battle with the Prisoners, they found on board, (Officers from Ash- [ 197 ] burton) and finaly drove them on Shore, but what better can be expected from A MOB of Drunken Sailors SWINDLING. A man by the Name of Smith, who last week took a letter up from the Office with Money. £5 inclosed in it. was to Day. Detected, and brought to Justice, he was tried by A Jury, who sen- tanced him 5 Doz. Lashes, and took what money he had from him Amounting to 30 Shilings and Cloaths that he had purchased with this money He had taken up. The man who the Money belong'd too had lost £10 in the Same Manner before and till now never sus- pected who had taken it. but both the man who ownd the money and the man who took it were named Thorns Smith, that the Deception was easy Cap 1 Pellam Uncle to the Smith that own'd the Money — had written & enclosed this Money to his Nephew and written respecting his Friends, who he has not seen during the war — that the letter would be as great a loss as the Money — This Rascal Who took the Money took Care and destroyed the Letter — But such Misfortunes are to be expected — where There is such a hetoregenious Mass of Men. of all Nations, all Colours, All Trades, & of all Principals April 23 d News from the Cartel this morning by letter, gives a very different account respecting the disturbance on board. It seems there were a number of Americans who went from here — and some Men of War men on board the Cartel when the prisoners arrived that went from here, and these fellows had taken up all the good births, [ 198 ] The Prisoners not likeing this alltogather cries out shins, but they refused when a battle Ensued, and the pris- oners that went from here — drove the others over- board — A Sloop of War. lying in the harbour, hauld along side of the cartel, and told the Prisoners that unless they Kept quiet, they should fire upon them, the prisoners told them to fire and be dam'd — however the Noise was quelld without any Bloodshed — which I am happy to hear — As we have already had MURDER enough — Mr Charles King — is now employed in taken depositions on this late MASSACRE, which I hope will not be pass'd over in Silence by OUR GOVER- MENT. * April 24th We have but little news to day except a Report that the BRUNSWICK cartel has arrived at Plymouth— I Rec d some cash which I with my Mess Mates Generaly stood very much in need of — have run entirely a Shore for Tobacco &c — Expecting to go home ere this I had decline'd taking the paper any longer, and therefore dont get So much foreign News, but I hear by M r Griswold the Daily News — which is that all the con- tinent is in arms — and Several Skirmishes has already taken place— with Boneys Men SUCCESS TO BONEY— 1815 April 25 th HUZZA again HUZZA FOR HOME— Home, Home — Huzza for home With a light heart and a [ 199 ] joyfull countanance the Prisoners again deliver up their heding. to embark from this cursed Prison, and forever bid Adieu to the Gloomy Walls of Dartmoor. I have just been out and find that a great Number of the Prisoners are buying turns to go home, and I shall endeavour to do the Same and therefore must winde this days work up. rather Aburptly. April 26 tb This morning the Draft calld out Yesterday bids a final Adieu to Dartmoor. With three cheers they pass the Iron Gates, which we Answer with 3 more A Suc- cess attend you my brave Countrymen, and may It never be your unhappy lot to return to Dartmoor Prison, shall be the constant Prayer of B F Palmer HUZZA my Boys I will soon be after see you again Another Draft was calld out this afternoon — and I have for once in my life had fortune favour me. It was very difficult to procure a turn, as they were in great demand, but after some length of time I found a Black man by the name of Charles Carrol. — who sold Me his name, for £2 which was deposited in the hands of one of the turnkeys, to be delived him should I get off. If not I should have it again This I settled to my Satis- faction April 26 Continued At 2 P M. we were calld to give in our beding which being over, we were put in to an empty prison for the Night — those who had spare beds turnd in but I have- ing none paced the Prison in silent agitation with the [ 200 ] gloomy retrospection of the past and the pleasing antici- pation of the filter. I past the night in golden dreams of happyness. till Day light appearing, the Turnkey unlocked the prison doors, and we had one daily allow- ance seved us. which we soon devoured — 1815 April 27 th Happy go lucky has atlengh recieved the smile of fortune. The cleark Musters us over and the baggage Waggons takes our bags, but those who have chests or trunks must pay 3/. for the f rieght of it to Plymouth After we had all been mustered in the Square. Orders were sent for Jesse Smith, who soon Joind us. as we passd though the outer gate each one who realy stood in need, had shoes served them — We were then placed along in ranks. 300 of us and 75 Soldiers form'd the Corps — and about 8 O Clock A M. we set sail from Dartmoor Prison, giveing 3 Cheers which was answerd by the prisoners, on top the Prisons my feelings at this moment can be better Judged than described — and none but. Prisoners can well judge — after 16 months imprisonment. Suffering every thing which is before described. Once more to set our face towards the land of Liberty, with the happy Knowledge that, (with the Assistance of Divine Providence) we should soon be blest with sight of our friends and in their embraces forget the past, and only live for the futer — once more we shall enhail the pure Air of Liberty, and blest with Independance live Again — [ 201 ] April 27 th Continued. We marched on quick step, without any halt, till 10 OClock when arriveing half way we were met by the relieve guard of Soldiers from Plymouth A Stage Coach here overtook us — which the Prisoners had hired. I with a number of others took passage on top by pay- in or 2/ — each those who were lame and had no Money the English Commanding Officer, paid their fare — Cap 1 Cradoc can not be spoken of in terms so high as his character deserves. Although an Englishmen he is realy deserving the paise of evey one who has the honour of being acquainted with his Humanity we soon came up with a publick house were we got some refresh- ments — and then Started on — when arriveing within two miles of Plymouth we were met by M r Ingraham Beaslys Agent who orderd us to be marched to Cat- down. A Small Village on the East side of the town — saying we should be detaind by the Inhabitants of Ply- mouth asking questions respecting there Children who have been in Prison. This we found to be the Case even in Catdown. where as soon as we arrived, we were met a number of Women, asking after their Rela- tions — A most beautifull young lady came to me and enquired for such a young Man. who I hapned to Know — and when informing her. I was offered Money. Porter. Cakes and anything that I would accept. I drank some porter but refusd takeing Money, several others came and offered me Money & Drink, but I did not think I needed it so much as them that offerd it to me — after a considerable conversation with these fair damsels — we embarked for the Cartel. — [ 202 ] April 27th Continued We soon got along side the Cartel, and after takeing our things below, all those who had money to spend, took a boat and away for the shore. I had about 8/. and went on shore with Jessie Smith to get some tobacco — after geting on shore we meet M r Ingraham. who told us certainly to be off on board by eight O Clock in the morning as the Ship would sail — I wrote My messmates, who I had left behind, informing them of the number and progress of the Cartels. 5 in number and 3 of them full of Prisoners, — we found a large number of Prisoners on Shore belonging to the other cartels, most of them Drunk, as Bachus — I stayd all Night, and never did a feather bed taste so sweet to me as at this time. I went to bed quite early, and never waked till this Morning. April 28 th At 4 this morning I was looking out for a boat to go on board the Cartel, not wishing to be left behind, we had a fair wind and was soon along Side, and made shift to stow to the best advantage, haveing births fore and aft. and them all taken up. Mr Hubbart — is appointed our Agent or Purser, to see justice done the Prisoners he lives in the Cabin, the remainder of the Officers at least most of us are stowed in the Steerage we have a bed Pillor & Blanket servd us. some of the prisoners sold theirs to the Bomb Boat as soon as they were served out. A Tin pot 8 spoons and a Kid is served to evry 8 men. — Our Allowance Consists of l lb Beef. l lb Bread. l/ 2 ,b . Potatoes, and 1 Gill of Pease to each Man Daily, which is quite sufficent [ 203 ] April 28 th Continued Friday — About 2 P M. Rob 1 Palmer with several other Officers came on board from Ashburton but not like- ing the accomodations very well, they quit us to go on board some other Cartel — Bob gave me No news, but some of the other Officers did — as they inform me that Bob was a paying his distryses to a Shandlers Daughter, very respectable and quit rich, which is the main point with Bob The Brother of this young woman is going to America with Bob. and they will return togather I expect when Bob will get spliced to this fair Virgin. This Brother in law of Bobs has advanced him a con- siderable Money which he has laid out in Cloath, Needles, Pins &c. Bob wish'd me to go with him. but I am so anxious to see home I can think of Nothing Else ! A ludicrous occurrence took place on board to day — A young fellow who has been courting by letter since he has been in Dartmoor had agreed to marry his girl when he was liberated accordingly he went to the Parson last night haveing Allready been published at Dartmoor Church but the parson refused to marry them — as the groom could not say he had lived in Plymouth yet 14 Days, They stay'd togather last night from what I can understand, and agreed to go off and yet maried in the States they came on board, unbe- known to her friends — but they soon got scent Continued of the Chase, and her father & Brother came on board- and demanded the girl, who by law he could demand — and untill she was married she should not go out of the [ 204 ] Country, they all went on shore and the young fellow again took his things out and went on shore to marry her All Hands to Muster — we have been to muster and find there are 40. of the prisoners on shore — we loosed the fore topsal and set a Signal for Sailing, that the pris- oners may see we are off — at 3 PM. got under way. with a fair wind and a good Breeze, bound to Norfolk, as the Cap* Says but the Prisoner say new york we had got about 1 league out when a boat was seen wave- ing for us to heave to which we did and waited for her to come up it was one of the Prisoners, but the Cap* said he could not come on board unless some one would go ashore in his room, as the complement on board were receipted for. however it was soon settled by a mans going on shore in his room for 1 guinea By the time he got on board, we saw another boat in comeing off but the prisoners refused waiting any longer — so we squared away for America the sweet smile of Content was easly percieved to rest on the countanace of all the Prison — Moll & Sue is all the Talk. The wind being so fair it is not a subject of dis- cussion, or disquiet, and we bid adieu to the White Cliffs of Old England — with no reluctance No! No! Joy, Pleasure, & Happyness is all our thots April 29 th Saturday Calm several sail in sight, but none that appeas like the Brunswick (cartell that saild in company with us) we are makeing some arrangement to sleep for the pas- sage, haveing evry thing out of all kind of order for [ 205 ] the present — Our Captain appeas as all Scotch Men does to be very proud and self important, but little we care for that. I should realy like to Keep a Reckoning of the Ships way, but I fear it will not be possible I expect the Occurrences of this passage will be hardly worth Noticeing However I shall remark evry thing that occurs of Note.) good bye England, our crew are all Dutch Sweeds and Russians, we have now got a Small Breeze of wind, about 1 Point free. The Bruns- wick is now in sight — I have got a chance to sleep with one of the boys, but our Hammock is so small I fear we shall not do so well as might be — But I will Turn in and pray for a fair wind, and that we may go to New York, in stead of Norfolk Sunday 30 th April This morning the wind is very fresh and the weather quite cold, The Brunswick is well under our Lee, and appears to steer 2 points farther Nothard than us as we only Steer W. by S. I believe the Cap 1 knows our intention of carving the Ship to N. York and means to avoid it if possible. Afternoon wind W by S. quite light some one while serving the Provision took 2 allowances of beef, we are endeavouring to detect the Thieft. April 30 th Continued All endeavours to find out the Theft has proof inef- ectual — It is most impossible for me to write legibly as I have to hold my book on my Knee and the Ship roaling heavy — but I am quite used to puting up with [ 206 ] illconvienance — and have been since my long confine- ment — here it is the last of April and not home, but it is folly to grieve we must only hope that by the last of this comeing month we shall see the land of Freedom & Liberty May 1st Comes again and with it comes a fine wind going 8 1/ and 9 Nots W by S but it is very rough sea. a large number of the Prisoners Sick, which is a feeling So strange to me that I know not how to pitty them, but they Keep up a good heart knowing their Troubles will soon have an end — I wish I could be to home now and assist my good old Father in planting potatoes. >nd May 2 1 Last night the wind increecd and hauld a head so much we were obliged to put the ship under vey snug sail fore and Main Topsail and fore Tipmast Stay- sail — The Cap 1 Gave the prisoners that assisted a glass of Grog each — This morning the wind is much more moderate made sail accordingly — Pork & Pease for Din- ner. Hubbart. and I discusing Stonington Affairs — and as most all the Stonington people are /we are/ much given to Ridicule — May 5th Friday. — For this day or two past we have had no wind — the Prisoners remain in good health generaly. one or two the Doc 1 thinks has got the Small pox. This morning spoke the Brigg. Orion-Simons from Providence for [ 207 ] Amsterdam, with Cotton 25 Days out No News, we informd them of Bonapartes being Emperor of France Gave them 3 Cheers which they answerd — It was realy a pleasing sight to see the Stripes flying — our situations forms such a strikeing contrast It will not admit of a comparison Our constant employment is Chequers. Backgammon and Cards, and our constant conversation is were the Magority of the Prisoners belongs, whether Boston or New York, but as we are only in the Longitude of 15. W. this subject will do for futer conversation We have now got the wind at S. W. Light breeze and pleasant weather May 6th I fear from appearances that we shall have a long passage, for our Ship sail very dull and the wind still remains (with all appearance of continuing) to the westward, but we have (they say) plenty of provision, for 90 Days — but God send we may be home in 90 »th May 12* I have not been able to write up since the 6 th Inst, as it has been blowing a Gale incessantly from the Westward — I have had nothing to employ myself with. I stood a watch with several others for one Night but none of the rest following our example, we quit stand- ing the Decks untill some one shall stand their turn — previous to this long Gale of wind the conversation was wholey bent upon what port we should go to. some con- tended the Magority were for Boston, will others more [ 208 ] strongly affirmed that we should and must got to N. York — Arguments were caried to great lengths, on both sides untill this head wind and gales, put an end to all disputes — and they have now concluded to let the subject rest untill we shall get nearer home — which God grant may be soon as I am heartily tired, of my Messmates who I find to be a dam pack of hogs — for reasons best Known to myself Last night the wind hauling fair some of the Prisoners Volunteerd to stand a watch, it being the mates first watch they perswaded him to make Sail, the ship being under close reefd Top- sail The Mate depending on them to take in Sail, in case of Danger, let a reef out of the Topsails set the mainsail and made other sail, the wind shift to N. W. in a squall and blew and raind violently — the Volunteers ran below and left the poor Mate May 12 Continued And his Dutchmen to Manage the Ship — the Cap 4 came up on Deck and calling on some of the prisoners we turnd out and assisted in takeing in Sail. Well! Well ! says the mate I shall not Depend on you again — to takein Sail This morning the wind is so as to admit of two Reefs in the Topsails, heading. S. W. — for N York I have been employed in washing out my two Shirts it being all I have I wait with no shirt on untill they got dry. however M r Hubbart has promised to let me have one there being a bale on board to be served to those who need them. I thought when I left Dartmoor that I left, all my troubles then, but I find very much to the [ 209 ] contrary although our allowance is sufficient for any reasonable men still it is not enough for my hogish Messmates, we have been all day without Bread — while most every other Mess has a bag full — I have wished my old messmates with us — that I might enjoy the conversation of enlighten'd People, that being the only comfort I can enjoy until! blest with the Sight of Surrounding Friends. I shall forget the past in the happy enjoyment of the Present and I hope to say filter. I still live in hopes to spend the fourth of July at home May 13 th Our Mess finding the allowance of Bread too small for their gluttonus appetite. (Hog like) have divided it. but I much fear we shall be shorter before we see home — as this cursed wind still continues a head — but we had 90 Days provisions when we left and if we are out longer than that God help us. Yesterday M r Hub- bart. Dexter & Myself took a Luner and find ourselves in the Long, of 23 West — I made a proposition to the prisoners to stand a Watch, beginning at N. 1. 2. & 3. Messes and so in Succession through the whole, that a Man would have but 4 hours to Stand in 12 Days — 16 Messes agreed to this proposal — and I being in the 2 nd Mess took the 2 nd watch last night. It blows quite fresh, still a head. That I am Inclined to believe that we have some JONAS on board, perhaps some of the Ashburton Gentry most all of whom has made the girls sorry they saw them — some I believe will return and Marry them or May be, it is M r Mott of New York/ [ 210 ] foremaly a Shoe mek who served a Jew A Nice Trick. He had some % Notes on the bank of England, taken in an English Vessel from Maderia bound to London — Mott told the Jew they were sent him from a Mercht in London and he expected the other half shortly — as he had writen the Mercht. that he had reed the first half Mott produced a forg'd letter which he told the Jew he rec d from the Mercht the Jew gave him within one pound of the full Am 1 and Mott came of very Well Satisfied — leaveing the poor Jew to wait for the other half of the Notes — This afternoon Spoke a Schooner from Port o Port bound to Newfoundland — her Long is 25 May 14th At 12 O Clock last night The wind began to blow violently. It being some of the mens watch forward, they did not come up. that some of the Officers aft were obliged to go up and Assist in takeing in Sail, at 3 took in the Courses and put the Ship under close reefd fore and M. Topsails, blowing heavy from the West- ward One of our puty Officers while passing beef out of the hole, says to the mate pass that piece of beef here (one that lay side the cask.) it's mine which the Mate gave, some of the prisoners seeing it was about to make a Noise, when Jesse Smith gave it to M r Hub- bart A Dirty caper for a officer to be cought O Falen Nature May 19 A fair wind for the first time in 19 Days, tho we have laid nearly our course this two days past. Yes- [ 211 ] terday afternoon pass a sail on our lee bow — a very- large ship Steering to the Eastward — It was quite Calm most of the time last night about 4 this morn a light breeze sprang up from the Eastward set all our flying Kites, the wind has gradualy Increased since — at 8. this morning saw another Sail standing with us — supposed her to be the Brunswick, that saild in company — 2 of the Prisoners that has been assisting in ships duty, were tund off by the Capt. to day. say- ing he could not furnish them with provision — the Dam'd old Scotchman were it not for our own benifit — and ultimate Interest, he should work his own Vessel. — A Story is now in circulation that the Capt has said he would blow the first mans brains out that offerd to take the helm, from his crews — however I presume he is a man of too much sense to make use of such an expression but this will be decided when we get on the Coast till then we can only pray, that indulgent heaven will permit the winds to continue favourable and waft us to the arms of our Affectionate and long expectant Friends May 20 th The prisoners find some way, (how I knows not) to make use of the allowance of water 3 qts p r Day. our 3 casks is generaly got up and in to Butts on Deck, the prisoners haveing no Vessels to contain their allow- ance every one uses it as he sees proper, last night the water was out uncomanly early and some of us were most famished for water. I have taken A bottle full out to Keep in reserve — will Knowing my allowance is more than sufficient for my use. Several Prisoners [ 212 ] (as must still call ourselves) are taken Sick, one out of his head, and our Doctor is not very Skillfull It being my first watch last night. I had an agreable com- panion. Mr Hubbart. we were forming plans of make- ing our fortune, but what ever one sugested the other found some objection — It has been thus with me for 18 months past, and I have not yet concluded on any line of business to pursue and shall finaly let it rest untill I get home — and recieve the advice of my Friends — May 20 th Continued Mr Hubbart informs me that at the first Entertain- ment given by the American Minesters at Gent. M r Clay was requested to give a toast — He Drank, to the Brave Citizens of stonington 21 st The wind inclineing to the South westward braced sharp on a wind — saw a large Sperm Whale The John Tuckenmen Juge him to be worth 2000. Dolls The prisoners finding our potatoes a spoiling very fast. Demanded 1 lb in stead of l/> lb p r Day. which was complied with — as for sufficient for 15 Days at 1 lb pr Day — and then we have Oat Meal for 12 Days more and in that time I hope to be long side of Mothers cupboard I Judge our Lat to be 43. and Long 38. — 22 nd Last night the men forward refusing to stand a watch, the Officers agreed to as we are now in danger [ 213 ] of runing foul of Ice or Vessels — and it is for the preservation of our lives and the facility of the pas- sage — ours being the 2 Mess took the 2 nd Watch. Wind at S. W. fresh breeze — took in Topgalansails — I went up to furl the Main one and had no Idea I was so week, the least exercise overcomes us beyond conception, have done nothing for such a length of time, and liveing on such low diet — at 2 we passd a lofty Brig steering E. by S. — I believe her to be some privateer, or was formaly. — I expect that all the Shiping in the U. States will be out before we get home 22 Continued I believe some of the men forward would sooner be out 90 Days than stand a watch, as long as the Could have sufficient provision — If I did not feel very anxious to get home I would see them to old Davy before I would stand for them. I but I want to see and taste of Home as soon as possible — as I with all the rest of the Prisoners are out of Tobacco — A person that does not use this weed has no Idea what a man suffers for the want of it. that has been long used to chew it. I would certainly prefer going without one meal per Day. than going without Tobacco — some make use of rope Yarns as a substitute, but is a very poor one At 8 A M. passd two sail, standing to the eastward — wind increasing, took two reefs in the Topsails — at 12 Meridian saw — and passd a Ship Standing to the East- ward. The wind still continues to Increase, and I fear will rlnaly. turn to be a Gale of wind — when we have a fair wind which is very seldom, we have but little of [ 214 ] it. but when ever the wind comes a head it blows a gale — the wind is now hauling and has headed us off to North. Thus it seems that all Heaven is combined against us. but we must only do as we ever have done since our Imprisonment, that is put up with the worst — and hope for the best, good fortune will come along by. and by It is a long lane that never turns — but It is useless to murmur or repine at the will of Providence May 25. We have had the wind from the North West this day past blowing half a gale of wind — we want the patience of Job to bear so much head winds without murmer. . — Lat 41. Long. 46. 26 The wind hauld to the S. W. tacked ship — wind Increasing, double reeft the topsails. A Chalange between two of the Officers, on what account I know not. one of the Officers a they call themselves. Stole some pudding from the Ships boy — general Suspicion rests on A John tucket man. Boat Steerman. I find the longer we live the more we learn of human Nature 27 th Hopes are again entertaind of once more geting Home, this morning a number of Birds were seen — which gives us reason to hope we are not far from the Grand Banks, every man that has a line is employed [ 215 ] in prepareing it to catch fish — we have two served out lines, and the Cap 1 has lent us all his Spare lines, with the promise of the first fish, but as the wind is more favourable — I hope we shall not heave to at 12 Sounded — but could get no bottom weather intensly Cold — a t 2 P M. they cry out hard Lee hard lee every one runs on Deck fearing some thing dreadfull. . but it was Ice. a number of small and 1 very large Island, we heard a Noise to the windward like the report of guns. . which we suppose to be Ice breaking off from a large boddy or two Islands comeing in Contact, find- ing it very dangerous to run we hauld up our courses & closed reeft the Topsails — at 4 sounded again but No Bottom — Sunday 28 th This morning made Sail. Saw a number of Islands of Ice. one immensly large, which we at first took to be a large Ship but on drawing nearer, we judge it to be 3 miles in length and 150 feet above the surface of the water at 3 P M. sounded and found 60 feet of water, went to fishing and soon hauld up a nice cod. To the general Joy of all hands. — after hauling 6 or 8 Cod. one cries out A Hollabut. which was soon made manafest — I believe if we had been hauling the Prince Regent up, there would not have been more Joy. the Prisoners seemd almost distracted, riming and hallov- ing — like Savages, they could hardly — contain them- selves — but when we consider the length of time that we have no fish. . It is not so much to be wonderd at espeacly cought with our own lines — It has the feelings [ 216 ] of Liberty, attending it. — cought no more fish — its comeing on night, shortned sail and stood on. at 12 midnight saw an Island of Ice close on board of us. but happyly had time to wear not going much through the water. It being our Messes mid watch we were calld at 12 — but saw no more Ice during the watch — It is realy very dangerous to run here, even in the day the fog being very thick prevents our seeing far a head. — I have just been peruseing an account of several ships being lost by Ice. . The Lady Hobart Packet. Cap 1 Fellows. Brig S e . Lawrence — and Several others — which makes me wish to be particularly Cautious, espe- cialy as the number of men precludes even a possibility of y 8 th Part of the Prisoners being saved by boats, an in fact none would be saved as they would be 28th Continued so over anxious they would have no consideration and therefore sink the boats — but enough dont let us fore- bode Mishaps they allways come fast enough, let us put our trust in God. and hope for his protection and 1 doubt not but he will see us wafted in good time to the Arms of our Dearest Friends 29th At 4 this morning the wind light and a head we turn'd too to fishing — and continued catching them till 12. when we discoverd a Ship and Schooner to leeward we soon drifted down and discoverd the Ship to be a Cartel and the Schooner at anchor a fishing — we got out the boat & M r Hubbart went on board — the [ 217 ] Schooner and soon returned loaded with fish. . — and brought news that the ship was the Royal Sovereign. bound to Boston Sail'd 6 Days after us. the Schooner left Cape Cod the 9th Ins 1 the news had just reachd there of the great Napoleon's being again Emperor of France — He Says the Bostonions were not much pleas'd at this event. //So I presume// He has been on the Banks 10 days and cought 10,000 Fish, we gave him some Beef and left him soon after the Royal Sov Q Boat came along side and wanted to exchange ships with some of the men that wish to go to Boston — but the sea runing high the matter was postpond. for the present — should it be calm such a thing would be highly pleasing — to both parties The fish that came on board are like to mak some disturbance — as the prisoners say the Officers shall have none, unless they cook it in the copper with them 29 Continued They at present are the Strongest party, but should any of them ever sail with me hereafter I will show them who is Master 30 th Mr Hubbard has reconciled the prisoners in some measure and we had a Cod fish served to each mess. — so that we had a real blow out of Chowder. The wind is still a head but is dying very fast — the Ship is out of sight — at 2 P M. saw the Ship again. Standing X. we Standing Southard — Electioneering is going on quite Strong, whether the Ship shall go to N York, or Bos- [ 218 ] ton. as Norfolk is quite out of the question — one Battle has ensued in consequence of it between two of the Officers aft. I entertain hopes that the Magority will be for N York. 31st The wind has hauld to N N W. our Messes fist watch on Deck. Latter part wind increases, and hauls to North. Set fore Topmast Studding sail and Stay sails— going. 8-9 and 10 Nots. haul Stonington girls haul, and we we will soon be along side of you this is only the 2 nd fair wind we have had since we Saild — Discontent seems to reign among the Prisoners — on account of Provision, which they want more of — there being sufficient now on board for 70 Days — and we are near home — that in all probability shall be in 10 or 15 Days. — and I presume our Goverment would not attach any blame to us for eating our belly's full while there is sufficient on board — should any accident happen we can shorten our allowance — in proportion as we shall think necessary. I can only pray that this wind may continue for 6 or 8 Davs June 1st Wind still continues fair with all appearance of remaining so, at least for a while, this afternoon the prisoners made a formal demand of more pervision — Mr Hubbart refused and brought forward his instruc- tions and read them, then said you see my instructions, likewise the Cap 1 forbids our issueing any more than their in Stated but the power is in your hands to do as you please, they went forward and made out a bill [ 219 ] of the Allowance they wanted served, in addition to what we have already served — as follows. % lb Pork y 2 lb Beef 1/ lb Bread. % pint oat meal & 2 oz Butter p r Day. 2 of each Mess signed the paper and gave it to M r Hubbart — and immediately commenced serving the additional allowance — out When the instructions were read — I was quite sur- prised to hear it mention that M r Hubbart was to select out 6 Trusty men, to be arm'd — //Muskets are put on board for the purpose// in case of disobedience or dis- turbance, to fire upon the prisoners this is as surprise- ing as ridiculous, to think that 6 men are to be allowed to fire on 300 without resistance on the Stronger side- Beasly ought to have considered that we should be out of his jurisdiction and should not be Murderd. as at Dartmoor June 2 nd The wind holds on yet thank God., this morning pass'd a Ship on our larbord bow Standing Eastward- wind East Set all our light Kites This morning (for the first time since we saild) had something palatable for Breakfast. — Oat meal and Butter, hitherto we have had Scotch Coffee — made of Bread — and no Sugar — June 2 nd Continued This forenoon a letter was wrote and sent to the Cap 1 requesting him to take the Ship in to New York, or we should be under the disagreable Necessity of takeing the command from him An Answer was soon returned, that it was expressly contrary to his instructions and that, the goverment or M r Beasly was under a bond of [ 220 ] £1500. Sterling if the Ship went to any port except Norfolk, unless distress compelld him — he brought up his Duplicate, and it was read, the prisoners went forward and held a consultation on the Subject — and about 2 P M. came aft and said the Ship must go to N York, and that Cap* Conner must take charge of her and carry her in to N York. Connor made some objection, but they persisted and would not take no for an answer. — the Cap 1 said a few hard words, but all to no effect. — they went aft and took the helm, and took possesion — the Cap 1 turnd away and said no more, only that he hoped to fall in with an English man of War. and see how we would like to go to Halifax But I hope not to see any and if we should I presume they will have nothing to do with us — Any how I think we should be fools to Allow the Cap 1 to take us to Norfolk, when nearly one half of the Prisoners belongs to Boston. In fact we should be in a State of Starvation in Nor- folk without Money or friends, unless the Governt has made some arrangement, and I fear they have not Success — here's for New York June 2 nd Continued Our new Cap 1 //Connor.// has regulated the watches 13 in a watch and 3 watches, took a luner observation and find our long to be 57. 20 W. Lat. 41. 57. N. studdingsails out on both sides going. 6% Nots — and if the wind only continues a few days we will have an Oyster Supper, in New York all hands are in good health and Spirits, and I hope will Keep So — SUCCESS MY BOYS. [ 221 ] June 3 d Commences with fresh breezes and Pleasant weather going 9% Nots with Skysails set. at 11 P M. the former Cap 1 came on deck and said we were carying sail too hard, the Cap 1 of the watch made answer he should cary as long as he tho 1 prudent, and no longer, the old man then went below a Most beautiful breeze during the Night. June. 4th Wind hauld to South and rather increasing braced in the Yards and took in the Staysails — and Royals last night in hauling out the M. T. Gallan Studdingsail they caried away the Tack, and Boom. Cap 1 Carr. says to our Cap 1 will you see what damage is done by your inattention thats our business reply's Capt Connor, we are all anxious to get home and shall drive her. I do believe if we had taken posession of the Ship when we first Saild we should have been in N. York ere this, for we find the Ship will Sail if you put canvas on her — at 4 P M. pass a Ship Standing Eastward, on a wind — I believe we are Gods chosen children. Since we have had charge of the Ship we have been blessed with good Weather and fair winds June 5 th A light breeze from the Northward and thick weather at 4 A M. Capt Connor took an Observation of the Star Aquila. and find our lat to be 40.° 4." N. Latter part thick fog and calms, at 8 P M. Light breezes sprung up from the Eastward pass'd two Sail, [ 222 ] Stand on A Wind — Sit all light Sails — Wind gradualy increesing June 6 th Fresh breezes and clear weather at 4 A M. discov- erd 5 Sails stangling in for Sandy Hook, water very much collourd. A Ship on our beam hove to for sound- ings, plenty of Mackeral around us. but we go to fast to catch any. — suppose ourselves to be up with Montock from 6 to 8 & had some squals of Rain — all hands on deck with smiling countanances. makeing remarks on the happy prospect before us. every heart is dilated with the hope of soon enjoying his liberty, at large — we are now going 10 Knots. Glorey old Ship Afternoon wind light, cought several Mackeral — and a Mothers cary Chicken At 4 P M. wind hauled a head spoke the Ship Frances 48 hours from N York bound. to Liverpool. He Informd us our Long, was 7.0.° If he had said New York was sunk it would not have disappointed us more. Again our hopes are frustrated. Sunk from the highest pinacle of felicity to the lowest Ebb of Dispair Every one has some remarks to make, respecting our reckoning, which I am surprised to find is so much out of the way — haveing taken two Luner Observations #^ June 7th At 6 A M. made the Land, which some says is Nomans Land. — some Montock — some Block Island, but I being unacquainted shall not give my opinion but Describe it as it made and leave you to Judge — [ 223 ] Great Altercation among the Prisoners about the Port we shall go to some wants to put her in to New- port — and some N. London, others N. York. At 1 P M. fell in with and spoke the Ship Carolina Ann 42 Days out from Liverpool, for N York — she says it was Block Island we saw this morning that Ship left N. York on the 8 th of March — and has completed her Voyage in 3 Months. She has a number of passengers on board, some that went from Dartmoor. Stood in for the Land — and about 4 P M. a Block Island boat came along side some of the Bostonions got their bagage on deck — and were about geting in to the boat when — some of the Prisoners spoke to the men in the boat and told them we had the plague on board — and they had better push off which they did do Immediately — then there was Hell Kicked up sure enough — all jaw — some fighting — and some quareling, till broken Jaws and bloody Noses ends the Dispute — Bedlam Itself could not have breed — more confusion, than was here during the night, and. God Knows I shall be rejoiced when I quit this dam Ship — which I intend doing when I think I can better myself June 8 th This morning made Montock light and stood in for it. the prisoners muster on Deck and there Bedlam commences again, all talkers and no hearers, finaly it is agreed on that where ever the magority wishes there the ship shall go. It is soon decided by the N Yorkers going on one side of the deck and the Bostonions on [ 224 ] the other but the N Yorkers are strongest yet. and have agreed to go to N York through the Sound. Stood in and haveing the tide in our favour made a good streatch in and for the want of a Pilot hove to for a Smack to come up in order to get one to cary us through the Sound — she soon came up but had no pilot on board — the Bostonions — got up their things and agreed with the Smack, to take them to Newport, and she came along side — and was soon filld up with men A schooner came along side at the same time and was also filled with men for New Port. we were loosing all the tide and therefore made all possible dispatch and soon stood in again for Fishers Island — and once more I cought sight of My native Vilage. O! what Sensa- tions, ocupies my mind at this time after being 18 months in a Dam Prison — and again to behold my Native Vilage Even my very fathers House — and still denied the oppertunity of being their, is an agravation beyond Description — but I am use to the Miseries of human Life — and therefore must put up with what ever Misfortune the Lord sees fit to Inflict upon me. 1 shall place my trust, in him — and hope for the best — June 8 th Continued. Wind a head still but quite light, and I hope short lived, at 12 OClock a small sloop boat from N. London bound to Block Island, fishing. I was in hopes She was bound to New London, and had got my trunk up to go shore, but was most unhappyly disapointed. I had flatered myself to be along side of my Parents to night. [ 225 ] but as the old saying is there is many a Slip between the cup and the lip — we are now all employd in dressing and cleaning to go on Shore to night, at 8 in the Evening we came to Anchor in the Harbour of New London — and all of us entertaind hopes of soon seting our feet on the of Liberty — but astonishing to relate the Eng- lish grumbled and growld like an Englishman at our attempting to take the boat — after some considerable Altecation the Prisoners came and requested that we would remain board untill morning when they would all leave the Ship and accompany us on Shore — we then concluded to agree to their proposals — and so remaind on board during the night — my feelings during the night may easlyer be imagined that Described to be with so short a Distance of Liberty and not enjoy it was to us quite mortifying — June 9 th This morning at day light I was awakened by the oars of a boat, and soon put my cloaths on and found the ships boat with four men in her was going to town — I jumped in and we soon Landed in the Happy Shore of Freedom — destitute of Money Friends or Cloathing. we patroled the Streets untill the Usual hour of rising when I soon found friends to Treat me to something to Eate &c — I got breakfast with Mrs Nathl Richards and informd her of M r Jesse Smiths being on board, which to her must have been highly gratifying — as he has been 5 Years from home — after breakfast I meet with Gen 1 W m Williams who politely offerd me his horse — and lent me 3 Dolls I soon after meet with [ 226 ] Judge Billings — who persistend in my accompanying him home to take some refreshment which I did — He likewise offered me his horse — to ride home — and any other Assistance I should need — but I declined haveing meet with a Sloop bound to Stonington — and at 12 o we embarked for home — I say we because I had a M r Greenlaw to accompany me — a Midshipman — who was in both Actions on board the Constitution — we left our fellow sufferous much better off than we had realy Expected — they were recieved with quite a 9 th Continued differient feeling from what they had anticipated, every one seemd to welcome them on Shore. — haveing a fair wind, we soon arrived in stonington. and again I am Landed in my native Village — for which blessing. I Returd my Sincerest thanks to the Almighty. God — To attempt a description of my Meeting with my friends, would be a useless undertakeing as the Pen of Shakespier hisself would not be adaquate to such a Task — Sufice to say it was the first time in my life that Ever I Shed a Tear for Joy I have now brought my readrs to the place of my Depature — and shall I am in hopes leave them enjoying as much pleasure as I promise myself FINIS B F Palmer [ 227 ] A poem composed by A Prisoner on Melville Island- Of Melville prison help me write — O, Sacred muse the I invite To aid my fancys's airy dreams. O ! aid to furnish me with themes This Prison is no place for those. Who are oppress'd to find repose But here the captive tar will find. Sources of cares to haunt his mind — Buried from joys which did delight. His soul when happier prospects light. Him through the path of social life He is become the child of strife — Confusion, tumult, Noise and jars Augment anxieties and fears — Till the last glimpse of virtue fades — And leaves humanity in shades — Not yet the Soldier tired and worn Tatterd, in rags and most forlorn — Feels the dire thraldom which corrodes The growth and bloom of virtuous buds — From fam'd Ontario's bloody shore — Where Savage Men like Lions Roar — Confined and captive led they come Nor hope to see their Native home Plunderd of cloathing in the field — Thier nakedness is scarce conceal'd — Robb'd of their lodgeing blankets too Dismal they look as neer they drew [ 228 ] Now at the gates they beds recieve And Hammocks with some yarns to reeve- Blankets likewise to keep them warm. From, rain, & snow from hail and storm — The Boatswain next in messes places. The whole according to their faces — The White are seperate from the blacks — And yankee lads from Monsier Jacks — Now hunger calls aloud for rations — The one thing needfull in all nations. When smoaking comes the welcome coffee- For Jonathan— Will — and Murphy — The daily loaf is cut to pieces And the rich nouishment increases Now every one being fully fed — Prepare anon to go to bed Next comes the Turnkey in to count — To find the number and amount. He gives them charge not thence to flee Bids them good night and turns the Key Now every one extends his jaws And strains his throat to make a noise Like a town meeting every throat Wags its tongue to talk by note. No sleep nor slumber close their eyes, from them repose and slumber flies — Untill the Boatswain silence calls. When each on Morpheus's Boosom falls. Daylight appears & each arisen — Ties up his bed, to leave the prison — Impatient waits the joy full crack [ 229 ] And joyfull hears the bolt fly back Now thro the yard both French & Yankee, Good morning friend, fine day, I thank you. News lads, good news to you ship mates I dream'd last night I saw the States. And all our troops a mighty host. As plain as Hamlet saw the ghost, Come here my lads, cheer, Soldiers cheer. Come let us have a mug of beer — To cheer the heart & help the noddle — And then we'll sing old yankee Doodle — Amused by folly & Delusion — They spend the morn Amid confusion. Untill the horn their meal announces. Then for his coffee each one bounces — The breakfast past the bells shrill word — Calls every prisoner from the board To get potatoes bread and meat. The daily food that prisoners eat. Now hear the call come number one And get your meat run Soldier run — Come quick I say or you will loose it. For number 2 will not refuse it. The gangway soon is throng'd with sailors. Soldiers, Coblers, Fidlers, and Taylors. Frenchmen, Yankees, white and Negro — Steping the time of quick allego — Bread, beef & Suger comes in plenty. To feed the Officers and gentry. Who live aloft, next all below stairs Are feed with grub just like their masters. [ 230 ] Now see the gambling tables spread — Dice fly apace beneath the shed. Some win to day & lose tomorrow Then they are forced to beg or borrow — Disputes arise, next cuffs, and thumps And broken jaws swell up like mumps. Next the black hole gapes open wide — In go the boxers there they hide Next in the groupe the men of Trade Cries out here's Candy ready made Fine tasted candy sweet and nice. And flavour'd well with nutmeg spice — Fine apples too they are not high — Two for a Cent, come who will Bye. Fish ready cooked & lobsters, too. Come buy my lobsters do sir do — Good herring smoak'd who says, draw near. They relish well, here's rich Spruce beer. Round fly the coppers in a trice And old brass buttons without eyes — Coind by the skill of those arch fellows. Who cheat the whipping post & gallows — And rob the pilory of its due — And steal the sheriffs scissors too. O! had I Hogaths pencil, then. Would I paint those trading men — Or buttlers perr, I would describe In doggrill rhime the swindling tribe And beat them like a ball elastic With Buttlers weapon, Hudibrastic. But here I am compelld to cease. [ 231 ] For little said will tend to peace See! comes the culprit from the Shed Some one has lost his cash or bread. And like some old long favourd Saint He has preferd his long complaint Before the Ordeal see them Stand And justice of the Court demand — His pockets are of cash bereft And he accuses Tom of Theift — And on the plunderer to fix it He gives the Court his ipse dixit They try the culprit ; find him guilty Of Thieft, A crime both mean and filthy. To bring his consience to repentance The Judge proceeds to read the scentance "That you Tom Tinker haveing Stole A Shilling, must go in the Hole — And lie there till we call you out To give your hide a warmer coat — Your Neighbour Joe you'r sure did cozzen And you must therefore taken 2 Dozen — And not because you took the Shilling — Your'e Whipp'd for being caught, not stealing The Cat is brought, he streight is bound And A hugh croud is gather'd round. Nor did such dire confusion reign — When good old Mary Magdalen — Was by old Belial pregnant made — And with seven Devils bro 1 to bed — He's stript his back recieves the lashes. He groans, he screams, he Kicks & Thrashes. [ 232 ] His mutilated body shews The purple seems of cuting blows. Their sport being done they straight unbind him He runs nor dares to look behind him — The wicked flee when none pursue While upright men stand firm and true O ! Frailty sure thou needst a name Expressive more of sin and Shame — O fallen Nature the I mour Fallen from truth ne'er to return Nor poverty, nor Riches give O ! Heaven but grant that I may live Nor hugh temtation's influence feel Nor boast of oppulence nor Steal Disorders Rage & death prevail From maladies & deadly Ail And numerous victims feel the wound And sleep beneath the wintery ground. No tender Mother's healing care No wife no soothing boosom near No pious prelates fervent prayer Invokes high heaven for mercy there. But down the pineing victim falls. And dust his Kindred dust inthralls Go view the graves which prisoners fill Go count them on the rising hill No monumental marble shows Whose silent dust does there repose — Save that the papal cross is place'd. Near to the graves where papest rest All sleep unknown; their bodies rot [ 233 ] By all, save distant friends forgot. No more of this. I now pursue The story which I had in view And since like Crueso insulated. And on this Isle I live ill fated. Let Melville Prison be my theme Both when I wake & when I dream. And first the prison ship I visit A mighty sceene of clamor is it Cooks & cooks mates rule chiefly there And victuals for the whole prepare Soon as Aurora's blushes spread. The wakeing ones are out of bed. All but the Slugish lame & lazy Who snore with noise consumate noisey The Bars. & turnkevs voice is heard All hands up Hammocks is the word. Then up they run like gipsey's arch. As though the Devil back them march But those who in their beds are hanging Are sure to get a Bloody banging. Down goes the Turnkey with his Jacknife Quicker than racers for the Midwife — Clip goes the lanyard — Lazy bones Rolls from his bed with hidious groans — Two Messes wash the ship and scrub. The Decks; and clean the filthy Tub Some go for brooms and some for water With Sentrys armd for blood and Slaughter. With Muskets loaded with good lead — To Keep the men from riming Mad — [ 234 ] And takeing in thier crazy pates. Strange whims & riming to the States. Where they uncaged may go at large. Nor subjects be to old King George. But left foot first step with the flam. Of Yankee doodle uncle Sam — And now the breakfast is prepareing Of Lobsters. Mackerel and herring — The coppers and the oven's jam'd With fish and meat it is well cram'd — With chilly soldiers young & old — Shivering with frost & crampt with cold. Create a Bedlam; but directly. Here the Command of cheif Cook Eckley. Get out of this & go below And warm you, or I'll let you know. No Coffee shall you have to day. We are the Cooks, be off I say — They all disperse and leave the Cooks And down below they try thier lucks The agents mandate now stops the bluster And all prepare to go to muster. The prison yard is muster quarter's To find transgressors and Deserters. The prison chambers all are emptied The Hospital alone exemptied The Yard's alive with swarms of men High, low, young, & old come flocking in The Tables placed the books are open For mustering this is the token The Agents books are opend wide. [ 235 ] He's in his chair and by his side — The Clerk is seated; He proceeds. To call the names & thus he reads. "Will Cluline, here sir, answers Will. And takes his stand both mute & still "Bob Tackles, Bob cannot be found Find him, confine him under ground. The Agent cries — and many a voice Echoes Bobs name, at length the noise. Reaches his ear, he trembling comes, And cries out here sir. "Here sir, Dunce Why did you be away when calld. That all our business may be pall'd Confine him turnkey in the Cell. Keep him three days & hone him well. Jack Rattling, here Sir where's your shirt You've sold it just to buy a quart Of Whiskey! put him in under ground And Keep him till the Shirt is found. Dick Sprigins — ; here sir! see the Dirt. About the Collar of your Shirt Go to the Cells you filthy brute. I'll dress you with another suit The muster over all retire And now you hear them each enquire — What news, what says the Agent friend. Our troubles soon will have an end — He says that some will go away, Next week ; and all the rest will stay. But little longer ere they go — Joe Bunker says He told him so — [ 236 ] Success my boys we'll Christmas keep. At home & dine on geese & sheep. And drink old Rum & Cider too. And sit and Chat with Moll & Sue — Tell them of troubles we've been in And all the wonders we have seen Thus they amused by Idle dreams. Good fortune still witholds her beams. And all their hope of joys are lost And every glimpse of Freedom cross'd Day after day they wish release. Night after night they dream of Peace. Till mad with rage their patience worn. They curse the day that they were born Or set their feet from off the land — To be confined on Melville Island — But here another scene commences. The whole are like to lose their sences. Because the weather calls for cloaths To keep their hides from being froze — Lately a freight of cloaths arrive. The men flock, round like bees unhived- The stewart serves the Naked needy The men are all consumate greedy — Objects of pity hear their wants. Hear the Prayer, petitions & complaints- Give me some Shoes my feet are bare And Stockings if you have to spare — I've got no Shirt my body's cold — Pray give me one my Vest is old — I want a hat my head is bald — [ 237 ] My hat's much worn and very old — Give me a pair of trowses do — I'm ragged cold & Naked too. All talk at once, mouth without ears. And jump like Colts new put in gears. Such bustle fuss and stir is there Enough to make a Parson Swear — The stewards voice for silence hails — And silence throughout all prevails — Now dread suspence fills every breast. So an old fowl when on her nest. With patience weary waits for hatching Sits day and night Constantly watching Till yolk with life & motion thicken And gaping egg shells free the chicken. The Steward rose, an audience gains And thus the business he explains These Cloaths are sent for those who are bare. And not for those who've Cloaths to wear Neither are they to cover those, Who have been served and sold their cloaths You John had shirts your shirts you sold. Therefore you must go wet and cold You've sold your Shoes you'll get no more You should have thought of this before — Not traffic off your things so handy For cash to purchase sugar candy — But since you've traded them away — You'll get no more, be off I say — Go wash yourself, scrub off the Dirt Come honest lad and take this shirt. [ 238 ] Come here old man and take this hat. Come boy take this & you take that. Now take my word all hands & hear — ■ If this you sell for rum and beer — I will confine you in the black hole. And beat your hides as black as charcoal As they retire they curse their fates Which has reduced them to a state. Of Misery & indigence Without the needful aid of pence. Misfortune on Misfortune rises Some Wonder every day Suffices Three hundred must go, the Admiral declares it so. On board a ship to England bound — Far from their happy Native land. Blessings attend your fate my boys Altho deprived of social joys, Soon, soon may your enlargement come When you Shall hail your happy home On blest Collumbia's happy shore There to rejoice and sigh no more Each one oppress'd and broken hearted. By hopes & liberty deserted. Take leave of their commanders here And give their last farewell and cheer — The joys of life no longer glow Bursts of grief around them flow No more the buds of pleasure bloom Buried in disappointment toomb They live yet in the memory live Thousands reflect and pine & grieve [ 239 ] Yet who in luxery and pride Can from the prison turn aside Remember you may prisoners be And share our fate & Misery — May everlasting blessings, rest On those who feel for souls oppress'd Sunk down with woe oppress'd with grief Nor from the unfeeling finds relief May wars and discords ever cease May relms and Empires bloom in peace Till sun & moon, & Planets roll And Heaven & Glory encircle all — Finis [ 240 ] Coppys To the people of the United States. Fellow Citizens — The American Prisoners of war in England, cap- tured in Privateers, and Merchant Vessels, and those given up from the British Navy — beg leave to address you on a subject of great inportance to themselves and they believe affecting by precedent the rights of all American Citizens — They think it will not be deemd that the principal or sole end of Goverment. or of a People uniting them- selves into one political body is — is that the united strength of the whole may protect the rights of the individuals whereof it is composed — impress'd with this self evident truth and unconcious of haveing com- mitted any act to forfeit their rights of citizenship — it is with equal surprise and regret, that they learn from M r Beasley the agent for American Prisoners in this Country that Goverment has ratified a convention with Great Britian for a partial Exchange of Prison- ers, including those only who have been Captured belonging to the Army & Navy of the United States — and that all other Prisoners are to remain in confine- ment during the war — Of the five thousand Prisoners now in England, not more than five hundred are of the first mentioned Class — the remaining nine tenths, are by this measure virtually expatriated — or declared no entitled to the protection of their Goverment — Will it be asserted that those captured in Private armed Vessels were not in the service of their Country — they [ 241 ] certainly Sail under a commission from the executive, and are not facts before the world to prove — that priva- teers have distressd the enimies commerce more than in a tenfold Ratio to what has been done by the Navy and more in this short war of two Years standing, than ever the whole French Marine did in ten. The limeted number of Ships of War precludes, the possibility of a tenth part of the American Seamen entering the Naval Service But the same ardent Spirit, the same devotion to their Country That were the efficient means of twineing with Laurels the brow of a Hull — a Decatur — inspires the whole body of American seamen and when ever an oppertunity has offerd they have manifested the truth of this assertion by the alacrity with which they have come forward to vindicate the rights and honor of their insulted Coun- try. — They are the more surprised at this proceeding of their Goverment when they take a retrospective view of the great encouragement given by it. to Private armd Vessels — previous to this measure — It is the undoubted Object of the British Goverment to discourage by every method in their power the Ameri- cans from fitting out privateers, Knowing — the facility with which it can be done from an extinsive sea-coast (that the whole of their boasted Navy cannot Block- ade) and knowing the ample means they posses in materials and in a numerous body of hardy enterprize- ing seamen — The great havoc already made in English commerce by this species of Force (and which would rapidly augment If that force was protected by the same fostering care as formerly) has seriously, alarm'd [ 242 ] the English Goverment, and induced them to adopt this method of excluding all Prisoners taken in Privateers from an Exchange during the War. But why the American Goverment should sanction this proceeding, and thus deprive themselvs of one of the most efficient means of prosecuting the war with Vigour is to us unaccountable Respecting those Americans who have for Years groan'd under the galling Yoke of British Slavery — and now as a reward for their Services are thrown into prison — From their wrongs being alledged as a Prom- inent feature in the causes set forth in the declaration of War. — they were induced to believe their Country would not forget them. They have long waited with anxiety, and ardently wish'd for the glorious opper- tunity; when under their own Native Stripes — under the auspices of the Naval Heroes — of their Country, they could again meet their own, their County's dead- liest Foe. — and prove from the cannons mouth their inviolable attachment to the Liberty bequeath'd them by their Fathers — and share in the glorious toil of stripping from their enemies brow the fading laurels of their former invincibilty. and takeing ample Ven- gence at the same time for their own personal wrongs — But this arrangement now agreed upon precludes from them all hopes of such a fortunate event. Those Americans captured in the Prosecution of a lawfull commerce, it is presum'd will not be denied an equal, claim to the rights of Citizenship Will it be argued in defence of this Partial Exchange — that it is for the purpose of geting home [ 243 ] those men to be again employed in the Naval Service? what justice is their in this, when all are equally willing and anxious to serve their country — and when a great proportion of those will have compleeted their term of Service, by the time they arrive in the United States — The Idea of remaining in confinement during a long and arduous War — and of being prevented from share- ing in the perils and glory of their Country, is to men of Ardent, and patriotic spirits more humiliating more bitter — than are ignominious death confinement for life, is a punishment inflicted only on condemned Male- factors for the most henious crimes, and being invidi- ously singled out for this severe destiny, is considered by your fellow Citizens, Prisoners, here, as a direlection of duty in their Goverment — and a direct infraction of the original contract, express'd or implied between Goverment & People Should it be urged in bar of their claiming the com- mon rights and protection of citizens — That the liberty, or even lives of the few, — may be justifiably sacrificed for the good of the Many. — to this principal they con- ceed, and if it can be made manifest that the ultimate Interest, or glory of their Country, will be augmented or more firmly established by withholding its protec- tion — from them — They will with cheerfullness — with- out a murmer — submit to the sacrifise — But may not reasons indubitably strong be adduced to prove that the reverse will be the consiquence of such measures For a decision on this important Point They refer their cause to the august Tribunal of a Free People — Signed By [ 244 ] In behalf of all the American Prisoners at this Depot — Captured in Privateers & Merchant Vessels and those given up from the British Navy. Dartmoor Oct. 15. 1814— Written By William Hubbard Regulations established by the Committee appointed by the Magority of the Prisoners — Article 1 St Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of Gambling for money or any other thing shall pay 2 Shillings each Any Shop Keeper who shall be found guilty of allowing Gambling in his shop for anything whatever — shall pay the sum of 8 Shillings, and for the second offence shall not be allowd to Keep Shop — Art 2 Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of takeing down the lights hung up for the beniflt of the Prisoners shall forfeit the sum of 1 Shilling & 2. for the second offence. Art 3. Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of Treachery, Thief t, or uncleanlyness. shall receive corperal punishment — according to the Degree & Nature of the offence — & as the Jury Shall determine — [ 245 ] Article 4 th Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of makeing any neusance. (except in the Necessary), shall be made to clean the same and pay one Shilling — Art 5 Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of washing in the well shall pay 1 shilling for every such offence — Art 6 Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of disturbing the Prisoners after 10 OClock at Night, shall pay 1 Shilling — Art 7 No prisoners shall be molested or brought to Trial for any Misdemeanour before he become a Prisoner in Dartmore Prison. Art 8 th Any person or persons who shall make a smoke in the Prison after the doors are shut — or before they are opend in the morning shall for every such offence for- feit one Shilling unless the doors are shut in the day — and then the consent of the committee — must be obtaind to make a fire — Article 9 th Any person who shall have cause of Complaint shall make the same Known to the Committee whose decision shall be definitive unless they shall see fit to call a Jury.— [ 246 ] Art 10 Any person or persons who shall be summoned, to attend as a Juryman shall refuse or neglect to attend at the place appointed, without any reasonable excuse Shall for every such offence pay 1 Shilling Art. 11. All moneys collected by fines shall be appropriated to defray the expences of Pens Ink & Paper &c. and to pay the Constables criers for their trouble — & it shall be the duty of the Committee to appoint a person to recieve the money & to Keep a regular account of all recpts and disbursments — Art 12 It shall be the duty of the Committee — to appoint. 3 men out of the S d Committee 1 to attend in the Cook house, and 2 to attend out side, and Inspect the pro- vision- Article 13 Any person who shall difraud his fellow prisoners by contracting Debts, he is not able to pay shall be brought to Trial, and must abid by the sentance of the Jury — Art. 14 Any one of the Committee who shall be guilty of a breach of any of the foregoing Articles, Shall pay double — Dartmoor Prison No 7. Oct. 11 th 1814. p r Order of the Committee- Benjn F. Palmer Sec ty [ 247 ] Coppy's. John Mitchell Esq r Sir The undersignd in behalf of all the American Officers confined in this depot as prisoners of War — Take this public method of expressing their gratitude for the interest always manifested by you — In endeavouring as far as possible, to ameliorate the distresses always incident to a State of imprisonment, we likewise, par- ticularly, thank you for your exertions (Alltho fruit- less) to prevent a number of Prisoners being sent to England We are Sir with a grateful sense of Your goodness very Respectfully. ] Your Most Obt. Hbl. Sev t9 Signed in behalf N. Fellows of all the American y G. H. Fellows. Officers at. Melville Isle Benjn F. Palmer Halifax July 6 th 1814 M T Mitchells Answer Gentlemen. I have rec d Your letter and believeing as I do in the Justice of your representations — I shall hasten to lay before our Goverment your communication to me — with some observations of my own, with the hope — that they may have the desired effect. To Mess B. F. Palmer N. Fellows P. Brownell Sherewood August 16 th 1814 I am with Respect Gentlemen. Your Obt Hbl Sev 1 John Mitchell — [ 248 ] Coppy. Sir. John Borlase Warren Admiral of the Blue. K. B. Commander in chief in and over all his Britan Majesty's Forces on the American Station And Bermuda &c &c — Sir We the undersignd American Prisoners of war, have- ing obtaind information by a prisoner, that a Towns- man of ours — by the name of Neugent. is unlawfully detaind as A British Subject, on Board of the Frigate Fox. now lying at Murrays Anchorage — We the peti- tioners do humbly pray that your Excelency will allow him the liberty of an examination, as we the undersignd are ready to prove that he is a Citizen of America — and well Know his Family & Friends — who reside in Stonington. State of Connecticut &c. should further proof be necessary we would wish to be question on the subject as we can Clearly shew that he is a Citizen of America — We hope your excelency will take the above in to consideration soon /as the Frigate may Sail/ and thus deprive us of the pleasure of restoreing one of our unhappy townsmen to the boosom of his family. Waiting your Excelency answer to the above we subscribe Ourselves Your Most Hble and Devoted Petitioners. B. F. Palmer G. H. Fellows N. Fellows I. Shaw A. B. Lath an Dated Bermuda Ardent Prison Ship Feby 23 d 1814. [ 249 ] Dartmoor Prison 1814. James Munroe Esq. Availing ourselves of the opperty offered us by the departure of some of our suffering Countrymen to represent to you for the information of the executive of our Goverment. the aggravated distresses of her Citazens confined here as prisoners of War, we are now induced to do so under the full, conviction that our wretched situation has never been properly repre- sented to you for we are convinced had it ever been we should have received that prompt redress which as citazens we have a right to demand and which the executive of a free and Independant Nation is bound to give, it is not necessary to inform you. Sir, with what avidity our Seamen flew to arms on the declara- tion of war, and boldly encounterd all dangers to revenge the usurpation of our Maritime Rights; guaranteed to us by the blood of our Fathers, there heroic actions their undaunted Spirit displayed in every contest, has sufficiently prooved to our enemy the fali- bility of her boasted bulwarks and her superiour power, and will sufficiently shew to futer tyrants of the Ocean that tho they may for a while oppress, they cannot Conquer the free & Independant Citazens of A Virtuous Goverment. It is not our wish to dwell on the merits of our own actions — we merelv wish to remind vou, Sir, that had we no other claims on our country, this alone should be. sufficient to attract the immediate attention of our Goverment, particularly when they are inform'd of the unexampled humiliation and — wretchedness of all citazens which chance or superior [ 250 ] force has thrown into the hands of this Nation of unprincipal'd plunderers. — Since the commencement of war our countrymen we have been hunted with a Kind of Savage fury in every corner of the globe, they have been dragged under accumilated misery from all the habitable parts of the world, and on their arrival here they have been indis- criminately thrown into Prison already gorged with human Misery, horrid mementors of the Tyranical con- tention of Europe, thus were compeled for a long time to drag out a miserable existance amid loathsome stench of crowded Prisons, with scarcely food sufficient to sup- port existance with barely cloaths enough to hide our Nakedness much less to repell the piercing blasts of a winter Wind, subject to the capricious orders of an unfeeling Keeper without, and the licentious conduct of unprincipal'd wretches within, all this bore with patient fortitude, and with the full conviction that our Country would soon take the necessary measures for our release — It was not till the fall of last year that we were inform'd that M r Reubin G. Beasly was appointed and constituted Agent for Prisoners of War. on the information of this circumstance we immediately represented to him our unpleasant situation but not recieving any Answer to this application and willing to make every allowance for delays & accidents — some time elapsed when imperious necessity again compel'd us to make another reprisentation of our Misery. & still no reply from M r Beasly. which made us almost doubt, the existance of such a man — notwithstanding the many assurances we had to the contrary, at length [ 251 ] however we were informd by our Keepers that they had recieved instructions from the Transport Office to per- mit M r Beasly to Visit the American Prisoners — Some time after this singular manner of being inform'd of the Visit of our Agent, M r Beasly made his appearance at the Office of the Prison, from which he sent for some of the Prisoners, who after being usherd into A room adjoining the Office they were calld into his presence one by one — to each of whoom he put the following questions! when where you captured:* what where you captured in? how long have you been taken? where was You born? — such questions from the American Agent with out even asking the Situation of the Prisoners, could not but be shocking to the feel- ings of those to whoom they were put — some returnd in disgust others ventured to mention the misery of their Situation but were coldly answered that he had no instruction to render them any assistance — Pie then came into the Yard of Prison where every object that met his sight was Sufficient to melt the most obdurate heart, but he survey'd them with cold indifference which marks the character of our most inveterate Enemy — He remaind but a few moments in the Yard, when he took his departure haveing answer'd the questions put to him by the miserable beings that surrounded him with all the indifference of an unconcerned Spectator. Thus ended the long and anxiously looked for inter- view between the Agent and Miserable Citazens of a free and Independant republic — his whole conduct in this instance was marked more with the appearance of a Master of an English Press- Gang, than a man sent [ 252 ] to ameliorate the sufferings of upwards of Three Thou- sand of his unfortunate Countrymen Thus we were left by our Agent (M r Beasly) with- out any information of the present and cold cheerless uncertanty of the futer, Thus did we drag a miserable existance through one of the most inclement Seasons ever Known in this Country, perishing for the want of food — and shivering at every blast for the want of Cloaths. the most of which we lost at the time of Cap- ture — notwithstanding the assureances of our Enemy that they should be preserved to us, Yet under the presure of all these hardships, we have consolation to say that comparitively few indeed are the instances where an American who has cast off his Allegiance to his country, and entered into the Service of its Enemy, although the enticements & allurements held out to them to do so, was very great, Among the Prisoners who have the misfortune to be confined here, a great proportion of them are Men who have been for Years inhumanly compelled to serve on board the very Ves- sels which this Nation has so long made the instruments of Tyrany & Oppression, over all the other powers of the World, and which they so emphaticaly stile the bulwark of the Liberty of the Seas. These men on the decliration of War — with their Native Country boldly declared their determination not to serve their Enemy & actualy refused to perform their accustomed duty, notwithstanding they were threatened with the punishment of the lash, and the Yard arm if they per- sisted in their determination. They where however not intimidated by these threats but strenously persisted in demandeing their discharge [ 253 ] agreable to the laws of Nations, Some were accordingly discharged, others were compelled to submit to the inhuman goadings of the lash for no other offence but to gratify the personal revenge of some of these petty Tyrants of the Ocean whose conduct has so long been a disgrace to the civilized Nations of the World — These men on their being imprisoned in this Country repre- sented their treatment to M 1 Beasly — requesting his interference with the proper authorities — in their behalf whether he payed any attention to their request, they have yet to learn, as he has never taken the trouble to give them any information whatever — When they found that nothing could be expected from the Conduct of Mr Beasly they took the oppertunity of represent- ing their situation to M r Whitebread who immediately returned for answer that all those who had been deliv- ered up from the English men of War and could pro- duce authenticated documents of their Nativity, would be immediately sent home, this induced all those were not furnished, with such Documents to write to their friends in America for the Necessary Certificates — some recieved them and immediately forwarded them to M r Beasly under the full perswasion that they should soon be returned to their Native country and Freinds — others had them sent to M r Beasly who never inform'd the Owner of haveing recieved them, and left the unhappy Victims, to wonder at the Delay of his Friends. If the British Goverment. had changed their determination of releasing these unhappy men. (as it seems by M r Whiteheads Letter that that had been their intention) It was the duty of M r Beasly to have informed them of that circumstance and relieve their anxious mind from [ 254 ] the horrors of suspence but instead of that he acted in this as in all other instances more like a barbarian than like a civilized Christian by withholding all information when it has been in his power and his duty to commu- nicate it. About the end of last January a letter was recieved from M r Beasly stateing that he was authorized to pay the American Prisoners three half pence P r day to commence on the first of that Month for the purpose (as he stated) to furnish ourselves with soap & Tobacco this has accordingly been paid to us regularly every month since; with the addition of one penny P r day commenceing on the first of last month, this addition of one penny, was said to have been given to furnish ourselves with Coffee Tea & Sugar twice a week the days on which we Drew fish from the British Gover- ment. This allowance small as it is is nevertheless of the utmost Impertance to us. Yet we can not help remarking here that we do not believe a true representa- tion of the Value of those articles in this country was made known to our Goverment when they granted this Stipulation, or it certainly would have occured to them that two pence half peny would not purchase but very little Tobacco at 8/. P r pound Soap %. Coffee 2/3. and Sugar 1/6. Sterling, this is actualy the cost of those articles to the Prisoners, and almost every thing in pro- portion, we do not mean to say that they have relied on the information of M r Beasly altogather — but we fear he has too much Influence in his representation. Some time in April last we were informd by annother letter from M r Beasly that he was directed by his Gov- [ 255 ] erment to furnish the Prisoners with cloathing, this information was recieved with all the demonstrations of joy that the actual want of these Articles could inspire, each was congratulating the other on the pleas- ing prospect of soon haveing it in his power to Keep himself clean, a gratification that many had not enjoyed Since their confinement Delusive hope! how much were they disappointed when M r Williams the Secra- tery of M r Beasly who came for the purpose of serving out the Cloaths to the Prisoners informed us he had directions to serve — Those only that he thought stood in need of them, accordingly he proceeded to serve some with A Shirt others a Jacket & To a few a full Suit, as he thought proper, when every object that appeared before him to recieve their Countrys bounty, sufficiently evinced the necessity of furnishing the whole with entire suits, at some of the Depots the Prisoners perem- toryly refused to recieve any unless the whole where supplied with entire suits which accordingly comply'd with — Now if M r Beasly had given him orders to serve only those that he thought proper — (and we have no doubt but he did) what right had he to furnish at one Depot full suits and at others whoom he thought proper If he was not well assured that M r Beasly had no right to give him such orders — for it is in Vain for him to say that the prisoners were in want of them more in one Depot than another when he was told at every place the extreeme distress of all the Prisoners for the want of Cloaths — and evey man who appeared before him, was a Shivering witness of the Naked Truth of that assertion — but no Sir to have Cloath'd [ 256 ] the whole would have (we presume) the speculative Views of M r Beasly. between whoom & the Jew con- tractor their was a reciprocal, understanding, the dis- interested conduct of M r Beasly! The silent contempt with which he has formaly treated the earnest solicita- tions of the Prisoners, the well Known character of the Contractor, the wretched unequality of the Cloath- ing, all of which no Doubt is charged at a large and equal price to our Goverment, we think will sufficiently warrant us in Saying that M r Beasly and his Jew con- tractor, have pocketed considerable sums at the expence of the United States — by barely with holding from the suffering prisoners — what had been allowed them by their Country to soften the misery of their unhappy situation On the restoration of Peace on the continent of Europe Thousands of those unhappy beings were dis- charged from the numerious prisons of this country where they had been shut up for Years sicluded from the social intercourse of the World and denied the common benifits allowed by Nature Soon after the consumation of that event an order was Issued from the Transport Board — to the com- manders of the different departments to send all the American Prisoners under their charge to this Depot, the order was no sooner recieved than they commenced to put it in execution and those who were confined in the Inland Prisons experienced in a tenfold degree the want of those Articles which M r Beasly had so inhu- manly withheld from them. It has always been the custom of the English when they march their prisoners any distance to furnish them [ 257 ] with shoes, when they recieved orders to march, those who had none made application to the Officer who had Charge of them, and only recieved for answer that our Goverment had undertaken to cloath us. and if we had not been properly Cloathd — we must make complaint to our Agent. — invain did they represent to him their inebility of most of the prisoners to perform the Journey without those Articles invain did they request him to defer their march untill they should be sup- plied — his Orders were positive and must be obeyed — Then by the Barbarous conduct of our Enemy — and the more inhuman conduct of M r Beasly they were compelld to perform a march of upwards of one hun- dred, &, thirty miles, over Stony roads without Shoes or Stockings — and scarcely Cloaths, sufficient to cover their Nakedness — and compelld to exist on what they could purchase with the small sum of 10 pence P r Day — that being all the allowance of the British Goverment. We beg leave to remark Sir that this is no Idle Tale invented to please the whim or gratify a selvish spirit or a pityfull revenge, it is a narative drawn from sad experience and the sufferings of nearly Four Thousand Prisoners American Citazens, who now cry aloud to their Country for redress, and we sincerely hope, Sir, they may not plead in Vain, the barbarous conduct of our enemy we can bear, and bare it without a murmer, for by their general conduct we can expect no less from them, and we should only regret that they did not practice some of those virtues of which they endeavour to make the world believe they are the only defenders — But when we reflect that our Country has sent a man expressly to hear and redress our com- [ 258 ] plaints — and secure the privaledges of the Prisoners agreable to the law of Nations — when we see this man totaly neglecting the Sacred duties of that important Office — and become the Traficer in the Miseries of his Countrymen by with holding from them the neces- saries allowed them by their Goverment. by treating all their complaints and requests with silent contempt, and, by an irregular selection of Prisoners to be sent home in the Cartels previous to the suspencion of the Exchange by suffering the British Goverment to send those who they thought proper for their purpose, which has been the case in every instance — when a Cartel has been fitted out, and men whose captivity was far enterior to some that were sent away are now languish- ing in prison, while they have families at home suffering perhaps by their absence when his interference would have secured to them their Just rights. When, Sir, we reflect on all these Miseries occasion'd by the neglect, the incapacity, or Villiany of this man it can not but awaken in us a just sentiment of disgust and horror against him and pity for the misplaced confidence of OUR GOVERMENT. We shall now Sir close this tedious detail as painfull to our feelings as it must be disagreable to You, by meerly observing had we attempted a minute detail of all the circumstances, wherein M r Beasly has wantonly neglected his duty it would have form'd a packet too large for a safe conveyance, and too painfull to Your feelings for a candid perusal, as his conduct since his appointment to that important Office has been marked with nothing but contempt for the Sufferings, of the Prisoners & Sordid avoiritious princaples of self agian- [ 259 ] dizement. Independant of the duty of the Office had M r Beasly possesed one drop, of the milk of human Kindness, he never would have left unanswerd the many letters address'd to him by the prisoners — requesting information which was his duty as A man to communi- cate, and, which would have eased their minds from the horrors of suspence and left them resign'd to their fate with A calm reliance on the protection of their Country. After experienceing, and, ruminateing on all these hardships we cannot help expressing to you, Sir, that M r Beasly appears to us by his conduct, more like the legitimate ofspring of Tyrany and oppression than the citazen of a great and Enlightend Republic — we do therefore request for the beniflt of the Prisoners now confined, here and they who may hereafter be confined that he may be remooved from this important Office — and another be appointed in his place as it is impossible the duty's of the Office can be worse conducted — We therefore, relying on Your Justice and humanity, have the honour to Subscribe ourselves in behalf of all the prisoners Your Respectfull — and humble Servants In behalf of all the American Prisoners Confined in Dartmoor, Prison T. Colten W. HlJBBART True Copy Dartmoor Prison April 14 th 1814. [ 260 ] Coppy of A letter from Doct. Magrath. In Reply to A Memorial drawn up and Presented him To the brave American prisoners Collectively. Permit me to request you will accept the warmest and most sinceer thanks of my heart, for the flattering testimonial of Your approbation of my conduct, with which You have Honored me; and allow me to assure you that nothing can be more exquisetly gratifying, to my very best feelings, than the language in which you have been pleased, to convey this Mark of Esteem — I feel convinced that you will indulgently excuse me if I find it impossible to command words sufficiently emphatic; adequately to express, the sentiments of gratitude, with which I am penitrated for this unex- pected proof of your regard ; my heart therefore rather than my pen, must thank you. but it would not be doing justice to my own feelings, were I to abstain from assureing you, that I have endeavourd to perform, my duty, towards you with that self devotedness which looks for its own reward, in its own consciousness of Right, and its own secret sense of Virtue. And what ever difficulties I may have had to encounter in the discharge of my important trust, by strugling with a succession of the most violent and exasperated epidemic diseases, ever recorded in Medical History: during the whole of my service amongst you — The distinguished proof of your confidence and approbation of my pro- fessional labours, with which you have this day been pleased to honour me, amply compensates me, and must rank amongst the proudest and most happy events of my life — [ 261 ] It now only remains for me, in plain, but unfeign'd language, again to beg you will recieve my most sin- ceer, and cordial thanks, and to assure you collectively, that a due and most lively sense of the high honour which you have confered upon me shall to the last moments of my existence, remain deeply ingrafted in my heart ; And permit me most sinceerly to congratu- late you, on the happy event which terminates your Captiveity — and which is so soon to restore you all to the Bosoms of your families, and Friends, and May you long enjoy Peace and Happyness— is the sinceer wish of Your most Gratefull and Much obliged Humble Sev* George Magrath. This letter is in answer to the one foregoing Dated March 30 th 1815 To his Excelency James Madison. Honoured and Respected Sir From the general philanthropy of your character and liberality of sentiment no apoligy is deem'd requi- site for introducing to your particular Notice and that of the nation at large Doctor George Magrath prin- cipal of the Medical Department for the American Prisoners of War in England.— It is impossible for us to speak of this Gentleman in terms that will do justice [ 262 ] to his superior professionable Science, brilliant talents, the Examplary Virtues of his heart, the Urbanity and easy accessibility of his Manners, his unremitting assiduities — and unwearied exertions in combatting a Succession of diseases of the most exasperated and Malignant Character, which prevailed amongst, the Prisoners — At the first forming of the Depot Pneumonia in its worst form generaly prevailed which degenerated into a still more dangerous species of pulmonic complaint namely, peripneumonia, Notha, which was rapidly suc- ceded by a putrid Kind of Measles and, that destructive Malady followed by Malignant Small Pox., which spread rapidly; dismay and apprehension were painted on every countanance Doc 1 Magraths time and atten- tion were fully ocupied in the Hospital and in vaccinat- ing the Prisoners — From his unprecedented exertions in an inclement Season of the year, in a most inhospitable clime — his health became seriously impaired, but totally regardless of himself, he persevered in his unparrelled exertions and from his superior Knowledge in the healing Act was the means under divine Providence of rescuing many of the citizens of the United States from the fast approximating imbraces of Death. This malignant species of small pox. unknown to the generality of professional Gentlemen appeard in other places and a far greater number fell Victims in proportion to the Cases than at this place We therefore Trust that some distinguished Mark of the Nations gratitude will be confered on Doctor [ 263 ] Magrath; for this truly great Mans exertions in the cause of Suffering humanity, have been rarely Equall'd, but never exceeded. — We have the honour to remain Dated 30 March 1815 Dartmoor Thoms Mott Seth Walker ja a Wm West 03 Charles Dexter 13 ■£ Wm Molloy cj S JmsTrobeige 03 0) with sentiments of Respect And Attachment Your Excellencys — Obedient Humble Servants Beny Mercer Pieries G De Peyster Henry Proctor John Cottel Thomas Carbury James Liester Zj v o T3 g Theod Sherebourn Henry Bull JS ^ J. B. Trott OS o a Dartmoor April 29 1815 To fa* Excellency John Quincy Adams Sir. Impressed with a sense of duty which we owe to our country and to ourselves, we respectfully solicit per- mission to introduce to your Excellency, George Magrath Esq r . M.D. principal of the Medical depart- ment at this Depot. [ 264 ] Language is incompetent to deleniate the worth and Character of this Gentleman — so eminent in Medical Science, enriched by every Virtue and accomplishment that can dignify and Adorn human Nature, and form the gentleman and philanthropist, His professional skill has been peculiarly conspic- uous, in his successfully combatting a Succession of diseases of the most exasperated and Malignant Char- acter which prevaild amongst the prisoners, Doctor Magraths health, his indefategble exertions, became seriously impaired, but he persevered in the perform- ance of his arduous duties and unremitting efforts to arrest the allarming and rapid advances of prevailing diseases; And he was the Agent under divine Provi- dence of rescuing many Citizens of the United States, from a premature grave, and as it were ensuring their existance — but more particularly on the late unhappy occurence, language is too impotent to Describe D r Magraths unexampled Endeavours to prevent the effu- sion of blood, regardless of the many dangers by which was environed he persevered amidst the heavy and incessant fire of Musketey in his human endeavours to prevent the fatal Catastrophy; His Treatment of the unfortunate wounded AMERICANS is, superior to all praise, and was such as to entitle D r Magrath to the esteem and gratitude of the Citizens of the U. States We therefore respectfully and ardently Solicit that Your Excellency would be pleased to Honour D r Magrath with your particular Notice and Esteem, and to convey these our sentiments to the Goverment of the U. S. ; For we would wish to give all possible pub- [ 265 ] licity to the high sense of D r Magrath, and to evince to our Country, and the world how gratefully we appre- ciate the essential servicees we have recieved from that Gentlemen — We Avail ourselves of this oppertunity to Offer to your excellency our congratulations on the happy termi- nation of your important duties at Gent, by A Conclu- sion of a Peace, so highly honourable to our beloved Country and to yourself and to assure your Excellency of our high Respect and attachment to your Character and Person. We have the honour to be Sir Yours Obedient humble Servants For in behalf of the American Prisoners at this Depot Pieries G De Peyster Thos Gaine Henery Proctor Thos Carbury Henry Bull James Liester John Cottle. Benj Mercer Isaac Dowell. Doctor Magraths Answer to the last letter, (to J. Q. Adams Dartmoor April 30 th 1815 Gentlemen Honoured as I am with the approbation of those whose good opinion I so highly estimate, I cannot per- mit myself to recieve this additional Mark of your friendship and regard //in which you much overrate my humble exertions in the discharge of my duty and the cause of humanity// without begging leave to assure you that whilst it reflects upon me the highest honour [ 266 ] that could be confered, it lays claim to my heart felt acknowledgements and everlasting gratitude — With the most sinceer and cordial good wishes for your health and happiness Addressed to the gentlemen I remain Gentlemen forming the Hospital Your Much Obliged and Committee Most Gratefull Serv* George Magrath. A prisoner poor and out of sight. Confined from all enjoyment. Doom'd through the day & endless night. To live without employment. On Melville Island doom'd to be. By Centinals surrounded. My home, my bed, a prison deck. My heart with anguish wounded. But soon I hope for sweet release. In realms of splended glory. In scenes of love in bowers of peace Where glows the blest Aurora. Finis. Composed by a Soldier on Melville Island. [ 267 ] Mary My Deak. How happy was the morn of love, When first thy beauty won my heart How guiltless of a wish to rove. I deem'd it more than death to part. When ere from thee I chanced to stray. How fancy dwelt upon thy mein. That spread with flowers my distant way. And show'd delight on every scene. But fortune envious of my joys Has robbed a lover of thy charms. From me thy sweetst smile decoys. And gives the to anothers arms. Yet tho' my tears are doom'd to flow May tears be never Marys lot. Let love protect thy head from this woe His wound to mine shall be forgot. A Long Adieu Adieu dear land where last I drew. The sweets of bliss abounding. Where neither pain nor grief I new. But all was peace surrounding. With eager wish thy groves I trace Tho bar'd from her returning And sigh to meet that lovelv face For wich my heart is burning — [ 268 ] Green grow thy fields Collumbia When flocks run round the mountain. Sweet roses every Valley cheer. Where glows the purling fountain. While worn with grief my heart endures. Sharp pains and wild commotion. And fell dispair each hope obscures. As tempest cloud the Ocean — Dear to my soul are those lov'd forms. For which each hour I'm sighing — No healing My boosom warms. Or saves my hopes from dying — My Mary still my heart is yours. Tho distance does divide us. On you my dear while life endures. I'll doat tho Ills betide us — Mary's Adieu. Farewell to America thy white cliffs, adieu. Can the gale be auspicious that bears me from you. Tho Oceans divide us as wide as the pole. No distance can change the true love of my soul. As well might my messmates determine to bail. All the water that fills ; up old Neptunes great pail As divert my firm mind from its fond thoughts of you Farewell to America, dear Mary Adieu — [ 269 ] Dear Mary adieu, can such love go to wreck. When every plank bears, thy dear name on the deck. "Its many a true love Nots in the tops I have tied While guileless at chequers my messmates have play'd There sports and their pastimes no pleasure to me My mind is more happy! when sighing for thee. Is more happy by far when I'm thinking of you Farewell to AMERICA ; Dear Mary Adieu The American Tar. By a Prisoner. Tune — Wounded Huza You sons of Columbia, who neer plough'd the Ocean. Attention a while and I'll sing you a song. Concerning the Eagle — American Standard. Composed, by a Sailor, in prison so strong. In Dartimoor prison we sons of the Ocean. I fear are all doom'd to the horro's of War. But our proud bird the Eagle, is sweeping the Ocean. And claiming the Rights of the American Tars. Our Eagle at home in the Forst sat museing With Eyes ever watchfull she discovered afar. "Twas old Englands Notions; to drive from the Ocean. The Sons of Columbia ! The American Tars — So when she took wing on the sea coast a hovering — Her eyes full of Veangence. and bright as the Stars. She said to the heroes, Commanding the Navy — Go defend all the rights of the American Tars. [ 270 ] On the Salt briny Ocean, our Eagle then hovering — Directed by Neptune. & Assisted by Mars Our brave Constitution, with fixed resolution. Commenced all the rights of American Tars — Our banners displayed on the Ocean are flying. Decature & Hull wear the Stripes and the Stars. When the battle on Champlain was won by McDonough Then England Acknowledged the American Tars. Our Peacock and Warsp. once attached to the Eagle. With Death in their Mouths breath Destruction afar. While the Reindier and Avon that is sent to old Davy, Must Acknowledge the valor of the American Tars — But our Seamen empress'd in these prisons are dying. Beat the foes from your coast, drive your Enemies far — Our Eagle remembers the base imposition — You ever Established on the American Tars — But our bull dogs are loose and roaring like thunder Destruction & Vengeance flies under those Stars. So give up those seamen you have stole by impressment. And Say you have injured the American Tars — Finis Long Time Gilderoy. From the, Eliza I must go. And from my Native shore. The cruel fates between us throw A boundless Oceans Roar. [ 271 ] But boundless Oceans, roaring wide Between my love and me They never, never can divide — My heart and Soul from the Farewell! farewell, Eliza dear — The maid that I adore. A bodeing is in my ear. We part to meet no more But the latest throb that leaves my heart While Death Stands Victor by That Throb Eliza, is thy part. And thine that latest sigh — British Tyrany. By a Prisoner 1st Come listen to my story while I the truth reherse The wrongs of Yankee seamen I give to you in verse I do my best endeavour who can do any more. To recite the sad misfortunes which lately we have bore. 2nd Out of our Merchant Vessels, those Tyrants did us press — For to learn them their duty which they must needs confess — With Tyranical oppression they did us tars controul. And compeld us to fight for them which cut us to the soul [ 272 ] 3d At length our country wereied with oppresion base Our Merchants ships being Stolen, & property laid waste. Roused up their once Prooved courage. & the wars triumphant sound Against the British Nation & their tyranic crown 4th When we recieved those tidings it did our spirits cheer — And straight to the British Admiral we then did steer Resolved we were to free ourselves from their tyranic power The happy day arrived at length we long'd for many an hour 5th Accordingly we did go aft it was our firm intent. As prisoners to hold ourselves, our minds were fully bent. But mark the issue well my lads ; for it is strictly true. That many of us for the same step were forced for to rue. 6th Some were put in Irons, and some were basely flog'd. Others were call'd Mutiners and for the same were log'd. Tried by a court marshal and through the fleet were sent. While others fare more fortunate into vile prisons went — [ 273 ] 7th Among the latter number I happily made one. Out of my hard earned wages those scoundrels have me done Not me alone but many, more this was our recompence To pay the whole they thot it was by far too great expence 8th This is the usage we received from the Britians far famed Sons For glory allways famous was never known to run. Untill the Constitution fell in with the Gurirere — Then they formd the odds between Columbia's & Monsier — 9th Here's a health to our brave seamen whose courage neer did drop It's time that those proud Britians were forced for to stop For the injuries we have received, we pay for one ten score — Against our former Prisons we'll make Yankee's can- nons roar — 10th We have some brave commanders who glorious in wars pay— Decature Jones & Rogers who longs with them to play. [ 274 ] Brave Burrows, Perry, Lawrence, who have also lent a hand For to subdue those scoundrels who are like a robing band 11th Success attend our seamen who have so nobly fought. Who have with Britians Navy already had some sport. May they forever prosper, always successfull be And our Country ever blest with that sweet smiling liberty Finis. lbmj LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 837 155