E LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf ...1??1.4- UXITED STATES OF AMERICA. r MAYNARD'S English • Classic • Series r i_i_i_i-i_i— i-i-i-i— i-i— i. i .v^aS^rt^ WORDS LINCOLN^ L i^i-i^i^i^i^i-i^i— i-i— I— i-i- NEW YORK Maynard^ Merrill 6c Co. 43,45 6c 47 East IOIh St. ENGLISH CLASSIC SERIES. KELLOGG'S EDITIONS. Shakespeare's Plays. Bacb |Mai2 In One IDolume. Text Carefully Expurgated for Use in Mixed Clasiei. With Portrait, Notes, Introduction to Shakespeare's Grammar, E. ination Papers and Plan of Study. (SELECTED.) By BRAINERD KELLOGG, LL.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature in the Brooklyn Polytechnic Insi author of a " Text-Book on Rhetoric," a " Text-Book on English Literature,' undone of the authors of Reed <& Kellogg's "Lessons in English." The notes of English Editors have been freely used; but they have been ^ ously pruned, or generously added to, wherever it was thought they might )je meet the needs of American School and College Students. We are confident that teachers who examine these editions will pronounce tli better adapted to the wants of the class-room than any others published. Th; are the only American Editions of these Plays that have been carefU expurgated for use in mixed classes. Printed from large type, attractively bound in cloth, and sold at nearly onei the price of other School Editions of Shakespeare. The following Plays, each in one volume, are now ready : About Merchant of Venice. Julius Caesar. Macbeth. ! Tempest. ; Hamlet. King John. McUling price, 30 cents per copy. Much Ado Nothing. King Henry V. King Lear. Othello. King Henry IV., Part I. A Winter's Tah Twelfth Nighl.^ Romeo and Jii( King Henry VIII. Coriolanus. As You Like It. King Richard III. A Midsummer- Night's Dream. Special Price to Tetuiherai « Special Numbers. Milton's Paradise Lost. Book I. With por- trait and biographical sketch of Milton, and full introductory and explanatory notes. Boards. Mailing price, 30 cents. Milton's Paradise Lost. Books I. and II. With portrait and biographical sketch of Milton, and full introductory and explanatory notes. Bound in boards. Mailing price, 40 cents. Shakespeare Reader. Extracts from the Plays of Shakespeare, with historical and explanatory notes. By C. H. Wykks. 160 pp., 16mo, cloth. Mailing price, 35 cents. Cnaucer'sThe Canterbury Tales. The Pro- logue. With portrait and biographical sketch of the author, introductory and explanatory notes, brief history of Eng- lish language to time of Chaucer, and glossary. Boards. Mailing price, 35 cts. Chaucer's The Squieres Tale. With por- trait and biographical sketch of author, glossary, and full explanatory notes. Boards. Mailing price, 35 ctntt. Chaucer's The Knightes Tale. With; trait and biographical sketch of aut/ glossary, and full explanatory no Boards. Mailing price, 40 cents. Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conqi With biographical sketch of aut and full explanatory notes. Boa Mailing price, 30 cents. Homer's Iliad. Books I. and VI. Ml cal translation by George HowlJ With introduction and notes. Jiaii price, as cents. \ Homer's Odyssey. Books I., V., , and X. Metrical translation I George Rowland. With introduc and notes. Mailing price, 25 ceth Horace's The Art of Poetry. Trans! in verse by George Rowland. A ing price, 25 cents. Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. Edited Peter Parley, with introduction notes. 169 pp. 16mo. Linen. A ing price, 30 cents. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE ENGLISH CLASSIC SERIES. No. 120. riacaulay's Essay on Byron, with portrait and biographical sketch of Macaulay, portrait and bio- graphical si reading lesson and otner language work. 1st. — By grouping xnose diflBculties which it would be impossible to overcome if met only occasionally and incidentally in the reader. 2d. — ^By presenting devices to stimulate the pupil, not only to observe the exact form of words, but to note carefully their use and different shades of meaning. 3d. — By affording a systematic course of training in pronunciation. Word Lessons recognizes work already done in the reader, and does not attempt its repetition as do the old spellers, and other new ones now demanding attention. The author has spared no trouble in his search among the works of the best writers for their best thoughts, with which to illustrate the use of words. Great care has been taken in grading the work to the growing vocabulary of the learner. " Edward S. Joynes, Professor of Belles Lettres and English Literature, S. C. College, Columbia, S. C, says: "I beg leave to express my most cordial com- mendation of the book. It meets, more perfectly than any other I have ever seen, the wants of our schools. "Wherever I have opportunity, officially or otherwise, I shall take pleasure in recommending its introduction." Jruman J. Backus, Pres. Packer Col- legiate Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y., says: "The book has more than met expecta- tions." C. P. Colgrove, A.B,, Prin. Normal School of Upper Iowa University, Fayette, Iowa, says : " I am glad to see it. It is a move in the right direction. I have been teaching spelling from the read- ing lesson, but cannot say that I consider the method a success. Nine-tenthr * our students fail in orthogiaphy." W. H. Foute, Supt, of Public Instruc tion, Houston, Tex., says: "A thorough and careful examination of the matter of your book has made nse a perfect convert to your plan," Maynard, Merrill, & Co., New York^ A Text-Book on Rhetoric; Supplementing the Development of the Science with Exhaustive Practice in Composition. A Course of Practical Lessons adapted for use in High Schools and Academies, and in the Lower Classes of Colleges. BY BRAINERD KELLOGG, LL.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature in the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, and one of the authors of Reed & Kellogg' s " Graded Lessons in English" and ** Higher Lessons in English," The plan pursued in the book is simple. After fully and clearly [infolding the principles of the science, the author goes on Immediately io mark out work for the pupil to do in illustration of what he has 'earned, and exacts the doing of it, not in the recitation-room, but in preparation for it and as the burden of his lesson. It is believed that the aim of the study should be to put the pupil in possession of an art, and that this cannot be done by forcing the science into him through eye and ear, but must largely be accomplished by drawing it out of him in products through tongue and pen. ** Kellogg's Rhetoric is evideotly the fruit of scholarship and large experience, rhe author has collected his own materials, and disposed of them with the skill of 1 master; his statements are precise, lucid, and sufiSeiently copious. Nothing is sacrificed to show; the book is intended for use, and the abundance of examples ffill constitute one of its chief merits in the eyes of the thorough teacher."— P»-or. A. S. Cook^ Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 346 pages, 12mo, attractively bound in cloth. Maynard, Merrill, & Co., New York. \ENGLISH CLASSIC SERIES, FOB Classes in English Literature, Reading, Grammar, etc. EDITED BY EMINENT ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SCHOLARS. Each Volume contains a Sketch of the Author's Life, Prefatory and Explanatory Notes, etc., etc. , 1 Byron's Prophecy of Dante, (Cantos I. and II.) 2 Milton*? L' Allegro, and II Pen- seroso. 3 liord Bacon's Essays, Civil and Moral. (Selected.) 4 Byron's Prisoner of Chillon. 5 Moore's Fire Worshippers. (Lalla Rookh. Selected.) 6 Goldsmith's Deserted Village. 7 Scott's Maruiion. (Selections from Canto VI.) 8 Scott'sLay of the I.ast Minstrel. (Introduction and Canto I.) 9 Burns'sCotter'sSaturdayNight, and other Poems 10 Crabbe's The Village. 11 Campbell's Pleasures of Hope. (Abridgment of Part 1.) 12 Macaulay's Essay on Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. 13 Macaulay's Armada, and other Poems. 14 Shakespeare's Merchant of Ve- nice. (Selections from Acts I., III., and IV.) 15 Goldsmith's Traveller. 16 Hogg's Queen's Wake, andKil- meny. 17 Coleridge's Ancient Mariner. 18 Addison's Sir Roger de Cover- ley. 19 Gray's Elegy in a Country Churchyard. 20 Scott'sLady of the I^ake. 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