Qass Book COi'YUlGUI PLPOSIT #" d/he X fff9S Vr l^^^aijiifiiik^j HOUSES AND, -d :^ ^ FURNITURr INSURED BY THE RANKLiN Mutual Fire Insurance Co [; at current rates. ^VOOOS BUILDING. SMITH MAIN STREET, ^ COLLEGE ST. PROVIDENCE, /^J^SO INSURES AGAINST LOSS O^ ^^ DANh LIGH dividends Payable mum, sec'v LIBRARY OF CONGRr ^^m^' Copyright Xo Shelf.„__. * united states of AMERldk. V ICALLENDER. Mc AUSLAN A TRDI IP COMPANY 3600k 2)cpai-tmcnt. Now's the time to buy light literature for your anticipated ^^^^^f Outing. The Boston Store, as in years past, is ^yr\Q headquarters for-Z^v**-^** .^SUMMERv^READING.J* We've got thou>;iii(l< niid tliousainls— tlie old ami the new and the jjoimlai-— liundieds ofdilfer- ent titles, hv all the lav.)rite authors 3c., 5c. and lOc. —selling at See our assortment ol' Copyrighted Novels— the Inter and Net tcr classes of books — prices tt. 4^ ,q , ^r just as cheai. . . . . Vu- : 17o, 19o and 25c> Stationcr\> Section ♦ There are rare summer styles in the fine Writing Paperst^ We have them v^Our pretty popular makes in the ^Swan Writing PaperSv^* The Vellum— The Satin — The smootii and N'elvel Ci eani — all of these in the lasiiion ionalile sizes. v?*Best Manufacturers-.^** 01 Fine Writing Tapers are all lepreseided on our shelves Ity tiieir popular numljers— on these nunil)eis we guarantee lowest i»rices — such makers ot line stock as Hurd, Whiting, Marcus Ward, Hake, Hurlburt and Pirie. (Iar& lEnoravino. A glance at our samples of the latest styles cannot fail to interest you. J*ln Visiting Cards. ^4 v**Wedding Invitations. v?*Monograms & Addresses. ^' ;<>8 Announcements, Etc. Some Typewriters write in Sight. < Some print direct. © The © & © ^ iUilliams ■r. "H Is the only machine in the World to do both ©©<^;}©<7;»©©^9@ GOLD MEDAL AND HIGHEST AWARD. Atlanta. San Francisco. Amsterdam. THE AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, R. I. Agenis. ' 146 Westminster Street. Providence. R. I. BlA^M^^^AiMi^^^ Henry W. Cooke & Co. Estates R Xots FO#? SALE IN ALL PAHTS OF THE CITY. 3 Custom House St., Providence. "STENOTYPY." FROM GODEYS MAGAZINE. STENOTYPY, OK SriOKTIIAND BY THE T Vl'EWRITER, by Kev. D. A.Quinn. This invention seems wortliy of most jafeneral acceptance, as it l)rinu:s to a minimum the' complexities and ambif^'^uities of tlie stenoniaidiic methods in voiifue. It permits ,iz:reater ?y 39 Wendell St., I, rph6 -Kerba (^omlDan^, '.ZlZTi' l)istiller> of Water and BREWERS OF HERBA AND HOP BEER. THE CONIMICUT LIGHT. THEj^CONTENTS Providence . Providence River New York Boats Pawtucket Squantum ♦ Field's Point Crescent Park Harrington Nayatt Point Warren Rocky Point Bristol Seaconnet . Ne'wport Narragansett Pier Block Island 15 49 54 55 67 68 69 71 72 74 76 80 87 91 ni 119 B Next door to Iiuiustnai Trust Co. an^$ Ulilliams HeiDs Co., N. r.ANdS WILLIAMS, Manackr, NEWSDEALERS, BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, — .^.i^^h^ -Mk. No. 45 Westminster Street, '^^ Providence, R. I. SubscriiJtions received aiii of the Ne\vsi)a|)cr, IJook and Publishing Business, with his ex tensive iiersonal a((|uaintance with the leading jiublishers of this country, gives us ilie best of facilities for proiiipMv filling all orders that our patrons may be pleased to place witii us. ^,Ve want your patronage and Avill euileavor to «.^.^ Rocky Point . . 77 The Breakwater 117 Clam Diggers » 75 U. S, Lighthouse 121 13 ^Mechanics y o ul = UJ ^ 3 > < 5 ? a: 2.2 O = THE GREAT BRIDGE, PROVIDENCE ^^e.r«..»<,aired. 44 ABORN STREET, Also at Narragansett Pier, Providence. Beach Row. ROGER WILLIAMS PARK. v^v^.jtThe old wellt with its long reach, is a short distance from the little red gambrel-roofed house in which Betsey "Williams lived many years, and a drink from it will be refreshing.-^v^^Then a stroll about the Lake, a stop at the Cafe for a lunch or an ice cream, a rest on one of the benches near the edge of the lakes to w^atch the pleasure parties skimming the waters in the dainty row-boats or the gay little steam launches, or to feed the water-fowl, will serve to pass very agreeably the first hour at the Park.v?<.*«The DALRYMPLE FOUNTAIN and the views of the driveways near will engage attention for a moment ; the memorial to the late Governor Elisha Dyer will merit a visit ; the swings near the boat-house v/ill be occupied by the little ones for a short time,-J*Then a row over the Lake, or one can step into a launch and take the trip leis- urely under the guidance of an efficient captain furnished by the Superintendent of the Park-^-J*A half-hour can be spent on the water with pleasure, and a return made to land with a desire to ** do " the remainder of the Park with a keener zcsU-J^-J^ Annually, on Arbor Day, the school-children help put out the trees w^hich add to the w^elcome shade. 46 IN ,' r^- -~ — ^^ _v II J : "m- „„ 1 i\ , »3 A 't "WU =^ 1 1^ Ik y*' i J , : f ^ A ^£^ w^- - 1^ 1" - . " '■'■■" p en ;«S»SP«S» -— — — '^^'™' 1 ROGER WILLIAMS PARK, v?*v?*The Menagerie and the Deer Park are always the centres of attraction.-J*<^**Young and old find something to amuse^ admire or condemn.s^^tVisit after visit can be made without exhausting the subject of animal life.-J*v?~— -» —.^ #-S Mk""^ 1^ Hf^^ pw Hi ft i i FOX POINT. e^s^i^The sail from Providence to New York by one of the magnificent steamers of the Providence Line is a never-to-be-forgotten pleasure.-J*Leaving Fox Point Wharf at 7.45 o'clock of a summer even- ing one has a panoramic view of land and water which is scarcely exceeded in beauty even by that of the Hudson River.v* > C n ?^ m .>e THE FALLS, ■>« .ji ,st .,sJ v^j^;^The Pawtucket Falls are well known to the inhabitants of these Plantations^v^They are one of the wonders of the state.v**=r'*Many a good story has been told of the audacity of Sam Patchy the original American ** bridge-jumper/' and other hair-brained individuals, in throwing themselves from the mill or the bridge overlooking the Falls in the days of long-ago — but the charm of the present time is in watchmg the roaring and dashing of the waters which attract and fascinate the onlooker, especially in the early Spring when the Blackstone is rushing tumultuously to join the Seekonk,v**v*v**From the roadway on the bridge, looking ^^ up-stream,*' the Slater Mill may be seen to the left, readily known by its little belfry.v**This was the birth-place of the cotton industry in the United States.v'*v**v^** Down- stream,*' on the left, tower the mills of D. Goff & Sons, where ** Goff's Braid ** is manufactured.--**-^ Beyond the Falls, over the hills, a great number of the fine residences of Pawtucket will be found, and a ride over either the Central avenue, Lonsdale or Broadway electrics, which traverse the east side, will take you through the best home-section of the city. 60 EAST AVENUE AND HIGH STREET. .jt .ji .jt ,^j*v?*-J*East avenue has recently been remodeled and widened.-^** v**v** It has been improved in every respectt and makes an expansive business street to relieve the central portion of the city of a rather narrow and crowded aspect,v^v'*-^'*Two lines of the electric service to Providence make their terminus at the junction of Main street and East avenue.^**--** Opposte^ at the corner of High and Main^ the Interstate Line to Attleboro^ North Attleboro, Plainville, Hebronville and Dodgeville^ make con- nections.-^** Taking one of the electrics at the Great Bridge, Providence, to Pawtucket, and transferring here for either of the places named — will give a very pleasant afternoon's outing at a slight cost — 5 cents to Pawtucket, 10 cents on the Interstate — 30 cents for the round trip, and through a fine country district.-^'^t^For another agreeable trip, take one of the cars from Providence, and transfer to the Lonsdale electrics, taking in Central and Valley Falls to Lonsdale, where the water scenery about is very pleasing, and a ride through the villages gives one a good idea of the homes of Rhode Ishnd's factory w^orkers.-^'*v»*v' g H «S W -« .:»- i, ''''''^' IS ■i» IS 5X 1^ *ji .. ^ ..<- . i r / \\ i ' '^ Ih-riii. The King of Visible Writing Machines. ff ACTUAL VISIBLE WRITINC NO CARRIAGE TO LIFT 25'/, more work easily done on THE WILLIAMS than on any other machine v**v^ Unlimited Speed Unquestionably the BEST for Expert or Novice The American Book Exchange Agents for Rhode Island Francis Building 146 WESTMINSTER STREET No trouble to show the Machine •>< Purchasers Taught Typewriting without extra charge.!^ THE ARMORY. «^t^t^The New State Armory, corner of Exchange and Fountain streets, is one of the most notable of the new buildings in Pawtucket.«^It was completed in 1895, and was dedicated by a grand ball at which the distinguished military and civic officers of the state, with their ladies, appeared.v^-^The Armory is a splendidly equipped home for the military com- panies centering in Pawtucket, Troop A, Rhode Island Cavalry, Company G, Second Regiment Light Infantry, and Company H, First Regiment Infantry — and with a wise forrthought, space has been arranged for the accommodation of tw^o more companies in the future.^^t^ There is a grand drill room, a rifle-range and a bowling alley to be com- pleted later, and separate rooms for each company^s use, in all matters of detail the convenience of the soldier having been consulted to the nicest point,.^ The architects were Messrs. "William R. Walker & Son, and the builders Messrs. Houlihan & Maguire, and both firms are entitled to the thanks of all good citizens for this fine structure.v*tlt is open to the inspection of the public, and the Armorer, who is in attendance each week day, will take pleasure in showing his charge. J* t<^The view which can be had from the tower is a fine one. 65 ^"^ iPl Am ^r ^ ™ Westminster St First-Class Rooms with or without Board. Dining Room for Table Boarders. Meals at all hours. J. D. CARPENTER, Proprietor. JULIUS V. LEONARD, flack, BoQfding and Iiivcpy Stable, Rear ($7 Ilijjli St., Westerly, R. I. Branch Stables, Watch Hill, R. I. Teams to let by the day or hour. Boarders with best of care. Hacks for Funerals and Weddiu^t;. Clipping a Specialty. G. R & F. D. Codding, Goods Cboice (Broccries Delivered ~~~ Free of fiDcHte atiJ) ptovieione Charge ^ lll-ll.J POTTERS AVKM'K. «.-> SOUTH STKKKT, PROVIDENCE. N. B. WHITAKER, ^Q^^/;^/. Kooiu 30, 3d Floor, Hoppin Homestead Building, 357 Westminster Street, Providence, R. I. Continuous Gum Work and Office Hours: Land's System of Porcelain Filling. 10to2-3to4. jt SQUANTUM. .j» ;^J*^The Squantum Club, whose buildings occupy two prominent little rocky islets a short distance down the Bay, is located in East Providence.v** The Association is composed of a number of the leading men of Providence and Pawtucket, their prmcipal aim and interest centering here in rest, recreation, and excellent dmners.f^^v**'^^ Their repasts have be- come famous, and many of the distinguished men of the nation have been entertained here, Presidents Grant and Arthur among others.?^'* v^ The grounds are not open to the public — a special invitation being necessary to obtain admittance...** v**v** THE POMHAM CLUB, a younger association, with aims of a similar nature, has a fine club-house just below Silver Spring.-.**It is located on a commanding position, giving a fine view of the river and the gay throng of steamers and sailing craft which pass continually in the bright summer days,-^**..^ FIELD'S POINT, the first resort of importance on the Bay, is on the west side, and is the most convenient of access«^<^"*.^^A trip from the city, with time for the enjoyment of one of their excellent clam dinners can be made in two hours.fc^v**-^**Excursion tickets, round trip, 20 cents.v?*.^Dinner, 50 cents.J<<^.^ 68 CRESCENT PARK, ^*i .♦< ^ ^a^'t^Coney Island has its prototype to a certain extent in the well-known resort now called Crescent Park^ a half-hour^s sail from the city. =<:** This is the place for the crow^d^ having nearly all the popular amusements of the great New York resort, and fur- nishing musict dancing, bowling alleys, shooting galleries, merry-go-rounds, and good facilities for bathing.t , Stone l)iidj::e and the entire length of Seaconnet lliverto the I'oint, wiiere about three hours are ^iven excursionists to enjoy tiie natural br'auties of the place. The ))oats leave foot of Planet street, Providence, at 10 A. M. The fare for the round trip is $1.00; single tickets, To cents. Zbc $akonnct H^kl Sahonnct ipoitit, 1R. II. >'<»\v open f«i* the Season of '96. For Circular and particulars address J. L. SLOCUM, in \Uv H..ii'i. Box 1034, Providence, R. I. 'mitmsmz mg. '^mM ^^ SAVE YOUR FRUITS from the Pests BY BUYING A DOUGLAS SPRAYER. Only $9 complete, except barrel. Especially adapted for spraying Paris Green or London Purple. Throws a constant stream, THE BEST PAY.THE BUT Our book on SPRAYERS will give ypa valuable information; it is FREE; ask for it. W. Sl B. DOUGLAS, MIDDLETOWN. CT. N Y. CITY. CHICAGO. ^smg^ SEACONNET POINT, 5^ f^ t^ ^^In the Town of Little Compton, is situared on the southeastern extremity of the main-land oi Rhode Island, at the mouth of the Seaconnet River, opposite Newport.^^^It is noted for its varied scenery of rock-bound shores, its grand ocean views, its fishing and bathing.t^*<^^The steamers Awashonks and Queen City of the Seaconnet Boat Company make daily trips (Sundays included), leaving the wharf at foot of Planet street at 10 a, m., and re- turning from the Point at 3 p. m., giving the excursionist three hours at Seaconnet,<^^^^Fare 75 cents for the round trip,^^«.**From the city to Pap- poosesquaw Point the course is about the same as that to Newport, but from here the scenery changes and we pass Hog Island, the Lightship, and into Bristol, giving a view of the Herreshoff boat shops. J^Down by Bristol Ferry Light and the Ferry, we enter Mount Hope Bay, getting a view of Mount Hope and Fall River; then changing our course we pass Tiverton Heights, Church's Fish Works, through the raih-oad bridge, stopping at Tiverton Station Wharf ; then through the narrow draw of Old Stone Bridge, out into Seaconnet River, stopping at White's Wharf, and then rounding into view of the ocean, arriving at the Point in time for dinner. 87 William H. Snow, ffiercbaot Ifailor 174 Weybosset St., Providencet R. L Hodges Building, Room 202. 5UnNER'5 QUICK LUNCH iSt KESTflURflNT FULL COURSE DINNER, 25 CENTS. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. ;r:;;:^:"'v,.!;„^s^;.v;,y ■!';,:■;. 28 Snow St, FroYidRiice. HERMANN ROESCH, The Tailor If you are in want of a good Suit or if vou are liard to "lit call at II. RoKSCH's Tailoking'Kstabi-ish- MKNT and get his inices; they are reasonahli", and a guaiantee goes with every garment made by him. HERMANN ROESCH, the TAILOR, 326 MAIN STREET, R AWTUCKET, R, I. Latest and Best. Patents Applied For. With i' liKh Double < onv« x L«'iis. ll»'i-;lil, ."> , IimIu-s. AVeij;ht, 14 Oiiiu-es. FULL NICKEL FINISH. CLAIMS: Absolutely the liest. Flame eaniiot be )>lo\\ ii or .JHire«l out. N«) other Iiiini> ran etiual it in this res|>e«'t. Owinjif to special coiistructioii tlie oil caiiiiot escai)e, and it will not sweat. It has a douhk' convex, J', incli lens, iin»jectinIiller," ".luno"" and "Ilochester" Lamps. ^ NEWPORT. .J< J* .J* Jt v^.J«Renowned in all civilized lands, this beautiful old city holds proud distinction over all other American outing spots.v» •1 'v f^jB. Ife^^^S ^^^^, P^^P Kf-. ^ '7 ^^iiMsNjwn ^^^S^-'^ n ti-i j^^b^bSBw*' N i^BHE^SHEj iS^l^l"^'^' i ''•^bttg^U^ ^;^' ^ g > .""^^^^^[y Mfe^iMMB^R- ^z'^" ; p ^ •tf** *^ JL 7*. 9K fW ;;;o ""^M^BI ^5 " "* < ^* ^ w -•>::^^^8^ ■^^ y" Ifc ' "^fcM" ^li^ K ^I^H ■ It ^jy^B^HBH * ^^?»» '^^^^S e^^ .N -,i,,- ■^ ."-itj.. - ^~ -^' ,0(K). Sl'KFLUS, - ;iO(),000. Transacts a ueneral 1)ankinii; and trust lousiness. Interest paid on accounts subject to clicck. Money also received on participation account. Autliorized l)y law to accept trusts and to act as executor, administrator, ifuardian, etc. Trustees, executors, administrators, guardians and assignees depositing money or property of their estates with this company are exempt by law from all personal liability. Safes to rent in new Fire and Burijlar Proof Vaults of R. I. Safe Deposit Co. ♦ ♦♦♦♦ DIRECTORS. James M. Ki.mhall, Hkmiy R. Bahkkh. Gko. L. Lutlkkikld, Oi.xky T. Inmax, Albert L. Caldkh, ITknuy B. Wixsnir, Stehns Hutciiins, (iKo. r. Wktmohe, Hezkkiah Conant, William R. Dipek, Geokgk T. Bliss, Wahken O. AitxoLD, Samuel P. Colt, R. A. Roi'.ei{tson, Horace M. Barxs. J. M. Addemax, JoHX P. Campbell, Wm T. C. Wardwell, JOSEITI Baxkiax. SAMUEL P. COLT, President. J. M. AODEMAN, Vice President. CYRUS P. BROWN, Treasurer. WALDO M. PLACE, Secretary. NEWPORT— Continued. Ci^ t^* c^* Belmont and Astor cottages, the latest, Cornelius Vanderbilt^s unpretentious home, and stop at Bailey ^s Beach, enjoy the breakers here for a few moments, cross the smooth white sands to the rocks beyond, creep over the hill, visit the Spouting Rocks, hear the roar of the waters as they dash in and out, watch the fishermen and spend what time can be spared in lolling about, breathing in the bracing air, and leave it regretting that you cannot spend many hours more here.-J*-^PIC-NIC parties make these rocks their dining hall, and a better spot for an out- door banquet it would be difficult to select.-^ -^ The return to the city can be made by the same kind of conveyance.v^!^<^It will take the passenger by the Ocean House, a hotel with a fame nearly as great and as old as that of the city ; past the Casino to the dainty little Touro Park, where may be seen The Old Stone Mill, still an object of wonder and mys- tery ; and the statue to Commodore Matthew C. Perry, who negotiated the first treaty with Japan in 1854,^-^Opposite the Park, to the south, the Chan- ning Memorial Church attracts the attention of the visitor by its notable architecture.-^ Along Bellevue the Redwood Library is seen, and still further MR. A. O^D. TAYLOR, Real Estate Agent, -J* -Ji J24 Bellevue Avenue, Newport, R. L, ^•<,j<^««Continues to place his services at the disposal of those ladies and gentlemen v/ho may desire to learn prices for renting summer villas, generally- known as ** cottages,'^ of which some simple specimens may be seen along the Cliffs and on Belle vue avenue.-/* v^ He also offers estates for sale, near the Cliffs, over Rocky Farm and the southern or fashionable part of the island ; also building sites in and around the city ; also farms of all sizes in the townships of Middletown and Portsmouth ; houses for private residence in the ^*HiIP^ district and elsewhere at present procurable at unusually mod- erate prices.v^-^^-v^ Residence all the year round in Ne'?^port and identification with its interests enable Mr. Taylor and his sons, who are associated with him in business^ to give continuous attention ;o the collection of rents and care of various estates entrusted to him.v**For investors he places money on 1st mortgage of real estate in and about Newport at 5 and 6 per cent., but declines dealing in any other securities.v**He also acts as Trustee and Administra- tor on Estates, and his valuations of real estate are recognized in the courts of law.v**Mr. Taylor takes acknowledgments of deeds as Notary Public for the State of Rhode Island, and as Commissioner of Deeds for Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and District of Columbia.v»., Taw tucket; Barker Bros. & Co., Newport; J. F. Mulvc\ , Woonsocket; Fall River Steam and Gas Pipe Co. Corp., Fall River. NEWPORT— Continued. ^^ ^^ t^ alongt on Touro street^ the Jewish Synagogue.-J*v^ The State House and the statue to Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, the hero of Lake Erie, will be noticed by going through Touro street to the Parade and Mall.v^A good day^s work has been done and much pleasure derived.-^^^The programme can be varied by a sail to Fort Adams or across to James- town which is becoming a hotel centre, a visit to Old Trinity Church, or a trip to PURGATORY, beyond Easton^s Beach.-^^^The cost of the whole trip is light.58-J*The ten-mile drive which takes in pretty much all that is worth seeing can be made at a reasonable price if you make a careful bargain with the coachman in wating at the dock. For hotel accommodations, THE AQUIDNECK, THE PERRY and OCEAN HOUSES can be recommended.'^ There are many notable turnouts seen on the Newport roads, the Four-in-Hand parties are numerous, and the scene on the avenue about 5 o^clock, the fashionable time for driving, is animated and decidedly interesting.^^^c^Taking the steamer of the Providence and Newport Line at 9 a. m., stopping in Newport and getting home by the Wickford Line at 7.40 gives a good opportunity to pass a grand day^s outing without too much hurry. 103 ^ ^^11 .^^ ## PELHAfl ST., NEWPORT, R. I. Just Off Hellevue Avenue, Near Old Stone Mill. AMERICAN PLAN. Hates, $-lM to $4.00 per day. Table d'hote dinner, si. on. T.J. O'NEILL, Proprietor. «<©© THE ©©© NARRAGANSETT BLUE BOOK,^>ie^ 25 cents per copy* For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers or sent postpaid by the publishers to any address on receipt of the price, v** American Book Exchange^ PUBLISHERS, Francis Building, 146 Westminster Street, Providence, R. I. NEWPORT & WICKFORD R. R. & STEAMBOAT CO, THE WICKFORD ROUTE. In effect June 15, lSi»(;. Subject to change without notice. From Newport. TRAIN NOS. Leave • NEWPORT Com'r'c'l Whf . WICKFORD JUNCT. Arr J WICKFORD JUNCT. ..Lv. Frovidence. .Union Depot " Boston Park Sq Sta. ' Wickford Junction.. Leave KiuKstou Arrive Westerly Stonlngton New London Saybrook New Haven Hridt^eport — New York... 42d St. Depot Arrive I* 3* d* 7* 9* A M AM 1 A M PM PM . .. 7 10 10 00 . ... 1 20 5 42 8 20 11 10 1 10 2 30 5 48 8 as 11 22 2 49 rt85 8 55 11 57 3 24 8 45 10 15 1 15 4 30 8 32 11 40 2 09 2 40 8 44 Tl 55 2 28 2 64 9 12 12 22 3 01 3 19 9 21 12 31 3 12 3 29 <♦ 50 12 58 3 40 3 55 10 40 1 8fi 4 36 11 52 2 25 5 25 12 29 2 57 5 56 2 00 4 3(> 7 30 AM PM PM PM PM 1 13» l.V I7» PM P M P M 4 20 t7 4(l 4 55 5 30 8 50 5 03 5 42 9 24 5 55 fi 15 9 54 6 57 7 25 11 00 4 58 6 35 8 52 5 15 6 45 6 49 7 10 ■6*46 '7'40 10 08 9 05 9 05 11 37 9 36 9 36 12 25 11 00 11 00 11 PM PM AM 1 19t PM 1 11 15 1 12 25 -5 uJ ^5 Hi, ^6 55 5,165 H2 37 3 12 4'4& 5 18 7 00 AM To Newport. TRAIN NOS. Leave New york....42d St. Depot Bridi?eport New Haven Saybrook New London Stouintfton Westerly Kintrston Wlrkford Junction Ar. 2! Mid §1203 1 33 2 10 3 49 4' 24 Boston, Park Sii. Sta. Leave Providence. ..Union Depot Wickf ord Junctit n Ar. Wickford June Leave! Newport Com'r'c'l Whf.l Arrive I 12 03 01 23 1 55 5 15 6 30 A M A M 5 00 7 06 7 40 9 02 7 00 10 05 7 33 10 30 7 43 10 39 8 10 11 09 8 23 11 22 6 45 10 03 8 03 II 09 8 32 11 40 8 32tll 40 9 45 1 00 AM ' PM ID* AM 10 03 11 12 06 12 58 1 34 2 07 -1 03 2 09 2 40 10 25 m1 20 2 09 2 10 2 49 4 00 PM P M 1 I4» PM 1 ■330 4 00 4 12 4 49 5 03 3 00 4 15 4 58 5 03 PM IS* P M 1 02 2 25 3 00 3 48 4 27 4 52 5 01 5 29 5 42 I 3 4u L 00 6 02 TT4 5 62 7 00 7 00 PM FM riiiiiKk'li.liia, IJalti- i. ni.; IMiiladelphia, ^Except Sunday.s fDaily. ^Through train between Wickford Junction, more and Washington. B Due Harlem River .Station, New Yorl<, -lACt a. t;.4()a. m,; Baltimore. !t.37 a. m. ; Washington, Ki. 4-2 a.m. ^Following tliis train is the througii Federal Express (via Harlem River) leaving Washington, ;?.l.") j) ni. ; Baltimore, 4. -Jo p.m.; Philadel- phia, ()..">0 p. m.; due at Wickford June, .").14 a.m. ; Newport, V>M a.m. C. U. COFFIN, Agent, Newport, R. I. o I 9? DOGS NOT TAKETN. c/r/?es€X^ Castye//. r\ » ^ ^#>, MlTf? *^ ated hotel at the _^' nirr#fiA^^ lacing Ocean av llC-^ S-T-BROWNING/Prop. The Atlantic is known as one of the most comfortable and popular houses on the New England coast. enue and the ocean itself; about midway between the rail- road ptation and the bathing bcacli, and but a minute's w a 1 k from the Casino. -t^- '-'i^^fif-f'^^''-'^"'^' .NAKKAGAjNj€TrPl€R.R j. •J A.Tuckr:n .?,.,.„ ' Jo HEeXo M(£©flanQnn@ T ANDSCAPE S^ ARCHITECT, Furnishes Plans of Public Parks, Cemeteries, Private Grounds, etc. Work Executed bv Contract or Otherwise. 177 Asylum Street^ Hartford^ Conn. NARRAGANSETT PIER, ?^* •^^ v^f ^^;<^Near the western entrance to Narragansett Bay, about ten miles across the water from New- portt lies a city of hotels and cottages which, with Block Island, Watch Hill and Newport, has made Rhode Island the most famous of all American sea- coast hotel resorts.v?*s^-^It has accommodations for neariy 4,000 guests, a capacity more than double that of the hostelries at the '* City by the Sea/'^It is the favorite summer home of Western and South- em people, and attracts largely from New York city and the Middle States,-^ -^.^ So deeply is it en- shrined in the esteem of its older patrons that many have returned season after season, and finally erecting villas in desirable locations where they may from their ow^n verandas enjoy the refreshing breezes and the grand ocean views,5<^The greatest attraction at the Pier is the magnificent beach just north of the hotels,t^5<*8It is about a mile in length, crescent-shaped, smooth and hard.^v*ii:NTs. ( oiiiiilftc (U'iiartniriit>: latest designs, i'lici's reasonaUif tor .tiood work. ^p,*^ h'lirs packed and -toied lortiie >uniincr. (Q) 41, 43 and 45 PRATT STREET, (t^ HARTFORD, CONN. j^*^ Write for Figures and Catalog. ^ o 2 ^ ^ o ^^^^^^^■^ ; - 1 ' w Select a nice Souvenir of your visit from the Hi ® Sea Spccimcne, lEtc. At tlie (ienei-;il Mipplx ^ti Facing tlie Landing, C* C. BALL, ^,r:-^-T^i Islan.l A-itMit U '^Narraganse'tt Blue Book/^ BLOCK e^, 'roilct Aitidi'-, smi ioiiery. I'l'il iiiiiciy, Ktc Yachts sui)|)lie(l with !<•«•, Coal and Water. ^be Seasibe TfDouse Es,;:.;:-' Biocu 1l5lan^. i;™-^r, Miilwav liftwccii the ohl and New Ilail.or.s. Ni-arest the liatli Houses. Address, CAPT. FRANCIS WILLIS, Proprietor. a nion House ^g^ < >n i'l('\atc(l land, ncai- Stranil.oat Landing;-. I'dst ollicL'.Ti'li'.-rapli Ollicc-, Ktc. Shaded I. awn: Location Umivalcd. W'vU KnrnisiicJt^.j*The little spot on the map of Rhode Island^ midway between Point Judith and Montauk Pointy conveys to the observer no conception of the beauties of the verdure-clad island which has be- come the summer home of thousands of delighted visitors.vr^8=;*It is only after one has passed the surf- beaten shores that thz beauties of this bit of nature's handiwork are fully revealed* and although the view from the steamer as it approaches the harbor in a measure prepares the visitor for what is to come, it is only on a closer acquaintance with the grassy slopes* the winding roads and the music of old ocean's surges that one understands why this bit of sea-washed earth has become so dear to those who year after year visit its shores.-^ The harbor or basin* which is the landing place of the steamers from Narragansett Bay and Newport* is on the east side of the island at the southern extremity of a long crescent shaped strip of sandy beach* and is enclosed and protected by a breakwater of stone* constructed at great expense by the government* forming a refuge for coastwise vessels whose course brings them to the vicinity of the island.v*8-^On the gentle slopes overlooking the breakwater and scattered for U9 Daily Steamers from Providence, Newport. <^ i . "3 i » u O •r CO J •uopuoq As.a^ *'^^^A -^^N UJOJJ sjauirajg ^H^Q fi-MUmi mnM^ 2'>. -I :: =.~ XI r| -J ^-itll 2 - -7i - S ^ ^ = 'S ''- X >.- BLOCK ISLAND-Continued. t^* 5^* ?^* a mile or more on or near the eastern shore are upwards of twenty hotels and numerous cottages of varying capacity^ most of the proprietors of which are residents, and w^hose tables are supplied with the freshest of vegetables from the adjacent farms and gardens and with fish caught in many cases in plain view from the piaZ2as,«^«<**-^The surface of the island is undulating, the highest elevation, Beacon Hill, being 211 feet above the sea level.s^s^ On its summit is an observatory, from which in fine weather the main land and Montauk Point on the eastern end of Long Island may be seen, w^hile the surface of the entire island with its grassy slopes and innumerable ponds is brought within the view of the observer.«<^!^The largest of these lakelets is the Great Salt Pond, situated about a mile from the breakwater and just north of the centre of the island. t<^In this pond w^hich contains over a thousand acres and nearly divides the island in two parts, a new harbor has been formed w^ith a depth of from 12 to 60 feet and of sufficient size for a fleet to ride at anchor.v^ Access to its waters is provided ba a chan- nel 600 feet in width, with a depth of 16 feet, which has been cut through the narrow strip of sand which 123 Ji«Woonsocket House <5i@gg New Bedford, Mass. MAMKACTIKKKS OF Itrills for TIlsc in flDctal or 1imoot>, REAMERS FOR ALL USES Beach Chucks, Taps and Dies and Special Tools to order. .... CAT.ALOCU'K ON A IM'LK ATK >N. BLOCK ISLAND— Continued, t^* c^* f^^ separates it from the ocean on the northwest, and which is protected by a breakwater now in course of construction on either side. .^ J* <^ At the south of the new harbor, at the end of a pleasant road lead- ing to the hotels and principal stores, a substantial pier has been constructed which is the landing place of the steamers from New London and from New York via Sag Harbor.^^^-^^The new harbor is perfectly sheltered in all weathers, and it is claimed that a saving of from 25 to 45 minutes results from its use by these lines.«^v^ Among the island^s attrac- tions are the U. S. Lighthouse and great steam fog- horn on the summit of the south cliffs, the cliffs themselves with a sheer descent of nearly 200 feet, and the splendid bathing beach with commodious bath-houses near all the principal hotels.«^v^In the waters sea bass, cod, mackerel and many other varieties of fish tempt the angler, while hops at the hotels, lawn tennis, etc., serve to prevent the possi- bility of ennui.v^^With its great natural attractions and the increased facilities for reaching its shores, it is not strange that Block Island has become one of the most popular summer resorts on the Atlantic coast. «^v^Its hotel accommodations are of the very best, 125 Block ITelanb^ ^^ Steamboat Popular Line between Providence and Block Island^ via Newport and Providence, Fall River & Newport Steam- boat Company. J* -J* Carrying the United States MaiUv?*.^ THE STAUNCH STEAMER *'G. W. DANIELSON'^ CAPTAIN CONLEY. Dally, Sundays excepted, between Block Island and Newport, connecting witli the Providence, Fall River and Newport Steamers, leaving Bloc^k Island at 7.15 a, M.. and at Newi)oii 1.30 I'. M. All express matter lor Block Island will he shipped by Earle & I'rew's Express; 8ll height to be marked " Block Island, via. I'., F. R. & N. Sibt. Co." AVinter Time-Table. — Leave Block Island Monday, Wed- nesday and Fri(lay at S.;}() A.M. Returning, leave I'rovidence Tuesdav and Saturdav at U.OO a. M.; Newport, Tuesday, Tliurs- dav and Saturdav, at'l-2.:!0 p. m. Block Island House, Block Island. This hotel overlooks all others on tiic l-land. From it th views of the ocean are mai^nillccnt. Tiie hotel is about hall mile, by a good road, trom the landing, and a carriage is i wailing on the arrival of tlic boat. CAPT. GEO. W. CONLEY, Proprietor. (Of .Steamer Danielson.) »s ::::•: : Ma- :::::: : SS : §SgigS!SS M^ :::::: :! :;' §I5« g£:s?5 OiO.05 ocot r.\::\ ■■■.-: : ;| >^- vith : : -M lo o • -1 • • • • 1 -.o 5C « t- 2^= : i : • : i ii i ^u SJiiMi-IMMM!:! ^2 : : : : : . jjSSeS SSx^S 2':::i;ni 00 : :(2^S . • lacococ ** » ■ "^ « t- f- 1- 1 Sg|gS2g <-^:\U I : :; S,S?? .::::i:i| • -1 »«« Train Nom. Lbave New York (St. Line; New York(Sh. Line) New Haven New London Stonington Wood River June. . 1 1 c 1 : a 1 c c c ■fl •1 1 1 3 i < a; 1 i R. C. WATROLTS/ CITY AND SEA SHORE ., LOTS AND ESTATES. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, PROVIDENCE. USE BURR'S Combination irnt»ei:.s For use of Railroad Companies. Hanks. Insurance Companies, Mercantile Houses, in fact it is especially adapted to all branches of business ^vhereby an index is required for indexing Ledjjjers, Letter Books, Com- mercial Reports, and Records of all kinds. All names are indexed by first two or three letters. Superior to all others. Give it a trial. Sen' : 350M PURE OLD HALT. •xn the strongest stomach Etc, hinder digestion, starve - P?fiSOD your blood—these are Ihehundre ^er kinds of whiskey. THE REASON. 1 GATHER BLOSSOn PURE OLD HAL) ■ -i^m ail other whiskies as fJour differs from saii^:. U i^ made under different conditions. It is made by a t process. It tastes different. Its effects' THE RESULT. he result is that its purity has been proves by the analysis of leading chemists ; its medicinal value has been provep. by its use in leading hospitals, and hs reliability has been proven by the endorsement and coniinua! use of leading physicians. NOT FOR SALE IN 8AR-H00WS. ■C£, R, (OAKLAND i RANGES & HEATER MANUFACTURED BY NORTH DIGHTON CO-OPERATIVE STOV! "NORTH DIGHTON, MASS. Burn Less Coal Give Better Results ^^^mssimmif^^m Sati^ 5 and PERFECT COOKIN< A necessitV in every home Household Furniture Compa PROVIDENCE AGENTS