LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Cha/j.L .. SheUf ..^U!^ UNITED STATES OF AMEEIOa. THE DISCOVERIES OF JOHN LEDERER, In three several Marches from Virffima to the "Weft of ('((roJ'oHt, ;iii(I other parts of* the Continent: Be,:iiin in Marc/i. K*!)!), and ended in September, ir,70, TOGETHER WITH A General Map of the whole Territory which he traverfed. Collected and Tranflated out of Latine from his Difcourfe and Writinas, By Sir mUiam Ihlhoi, Baronet. Sed nos imvicnfiim fpatiis coiifccimns (Equor, El jam tcinpiis cquuiiii fimiantia folvcrc col/a. Vir^ Croig. Twenty copies printed in quarto by tlie Walker, Evans & Cogfwell Co., Charlefton,S.C., 1891, for From a copy of the original edition, London, printed by -1. C. tor Sam- uel Heyrh-k, at Grays- Inn-gate in Holborn, \£l'2, in the Harvard College Library. No.^ .^^tz^ s5» To the Rujld Honourable Anthony, Lord Ashley, Baron Ashley, of Wimborn, St. GUes<, Chan- cellor of His Majesties Exchequer, Under- Treasurer of Enfjland, one of the Lords Com- mijfioners of His Majesties Treasury, one of the Lords of His Most Honoural)le Privie Council and of the Lords Proprietors of Car- olina : .)/// Lord, FROM this difcourse it is clear that the long- lodked lor difeovery of the Lidian Sea does nearly ajtproach : and Carolina, out ot her hai)i)y experience of your Lordlhips' sueeefs in great undertakings, i)resunies that the acconi- plishnient of this glorious Designe is referred for her. In order to which, the Apalatiran Moun- tains (though like the i)rodigious wall that di- vides CJiina and Tartarij, they deny Virf/inia passage into the West Continent (lto()]> to your Lordlhip's Dominions, and lay open a prosjject into unlimited Empires. Euipires that will here- after be ambitious of subjection to th;it noble 4 John Led^rer^s Journey Govermuent which by your Lordfhii)'s deep ^vis- dom and providence first projected, is now estab- lished in Carolina ; for it will appear that she flourishes more by the influence of that, than the advantages fhe derives from her Climate and Soyl, which yet do render her the Beauty and envy of North America. That all her glories fhould be seen in this draught, is not reasonably to be expected, since the fate to my Author but once, and then too with a side face ; and there- fore I must own that it was never by him de- signed for the Press, but publifhed by me, out of no other ambition than that of manifefting to the world, that I am, Mt/ Lord, Your LordJIiqj's moji humble and obedient ferv ant, William Talbot. From Mrginia through the Carolbuis. o To The Reader. THAT a J}rea, iiuiv be divided into three Regions : the Fhits. the Highhmds. and the Mountains. The Fhits, (in Indian. Aldynt) is the teiritorv lying between the Ealteni Coaft and the fulls of the great Rivers, that there run into the Athntick ocean, in extent generally taken Ninety miles. The Highlands (in Indian, Ahkontfchuek) begin at thofe falls and determine at the foot of the great ridge of Mountains that run thorow the midft of this Continent. Northeast and Southwest, called by tlie Spaniards Ajtalatai, from the Nation Apahikin : and by the Indians, Pamotinck. Ac- cording to the l)elt of my obfervation and con- jecture they lie parallel to the Athint'irk Sea coast, that bearing from ''V/z/^/r/r/ toCape Florida, Northealt and Southweit, and then falling otl' due West as the Momitains do at Sara: but hero 8 John Ltderer's Journey they take the name of Simla : Sura in the War- renunncook dialect being Sasa or Sua It/. The Flats, or Ahkynt. are l\v former writers made ss which they have found, many of them advance their natural underltaudings to s:reat knowledge in Physick, Rhetorick and Policie of Government : for I have been prel'ent at feveral of my Confultations and Debates, and to mv admiration have heard fome of their Seniors deliver themselves with as much judge- ment and Eloquence as I ibould have expected from men of Civil education and literature. The First Expedition From the head of Pamceonoook. alias York River (due West) to the top of the Apalaken Mountains. Upon the ninth of March, 1GG9, (with three Indians whofe names were Magtakunk, Hopofto- guoh, and XaunagK) I went out at the falls of PenKeoHfock, alias York River in J^rginia , from an Indian Village called Shickehamang, and lay that night in the woods, eucountring nothing- remarkable, but a Rattle snake ot extraordi- nary size and thicknefs, for I judged it two yards and a half and better from head to tail, and as big about as a man's arm ; by the dis- tention of her belly we believed her full with young, but having killed and opened her found there a small squirrel whole ; which caused in me a double wonder : first, how a Reptile should catch so nimble a creature as a squirrel, and having caught it, how could she swallow it entire. The Indians in resolving my doubts, plunged me into a greater astonilhment, when they told me it was usual with thefe ferpents when From Virginia through the Carolinas. 15 thev lie baskinfr in the fun. to fetch down thefe squirrels from the top? of the trees, by fixing their eyes steadfastly upon them, the horrour of which ftrikes fuch an affrightment into the httle beaft that he has no power to hinder him- self from tumbling down into the jaws of his enemy, who takes in all his fuftenance without chewiue;, his teeth serving him only to offend withal. But I rather beUeve what I have heard from others, that thefe Serpents climb the trees and furprife their prey in the nest. The next day falling into Marish grounds be- tween Pemwoncock and the head of the River Matapeneugh, the heavineff of the way obliged me to crofl Peimponcock, where its North and South branch (called Ackmick) joyn in one. In the Peninsula made by thefe two branches, a great Indian King called Tottopotoma was here- tofore ilain in Battel, fighting for the Christians against the Mahocks and XahyJ/'ans. from which it retains his name to this day. Travelling thorow the Woods, a Doe seized by a wild Cat croffed our way : the miferaV.le creature being even fpent and breathleff with the burden and cruelty of her rider, who having fafteued on her (houlder, left not fucking out her bloud until fhe funk under him : which one of the Indians per- ceiving, let flie a luckie Arrow, which piercing him thorow the belly, made him (juit his prey already Ilain, and turn with a terrible grimas at I/J 16 John Lederer's Journey us : but his fti-eugth and spirits failing him we efcaped his revenge, which had certainly ensued, were not his wound mortal. This creature is somethins: bicrofer than our English Fox of a reddish ffrev colour, and in tiffure everv wav agreeing with an ordinary cat. tierce, ravenous and cunning: for tinding the Deer (upon which they dehght moft to prey) too swift for them, thev watch upon branches of trees, and as they walk or feed under, jump down upon them. The Fur of the wilde Cat. though not very line, is yet esteemed for its virtues in taking away cold Aches and Pains, being worn next to the body : theii- flelh. though rank as a dogs, is eaten by the Indians. The eleventh and twelfth I found the ways very uneven, and cumbered with Ijullies. The thirteenth I reached the firft fpring of Penutoncoik. having croffed the River four times that day. by reafon of its many windings ; but the water was so iTiallow. that it hardly wet my horfe's posterns. Here a little under the furface of the earth I found flat pieces of petri- fied matter, of one side folid ftone. but on the other side isinglass, which I eafdy peeled off in flakes about four inches fquare : several of thefe pieces, with a transparent ftonelike crystal that cut glaff, and a white Marchafite that I pur- chafed of the Indians. I prefented to Sir ^Vi/- liani Berkeley, Governor of Ylrginui. ; From Virgima tkrovf^h the Carolina^. 17 The fourteenth of Man-h from the top of an eminent hill. I first defcried the Apalataan Mountains, bearing due Weft to the place I flood upon: their diftance from me was so srreat that I could hardlv difcern whether thev were Mountains or clouds, until my Indian fellow travellers proftrating themfelves in addor- ation. howled out after a barbarous manner. Ok'iu ti^-. . — ^ of Jame* Riter. i„ , \M\a. towards the Mot-o- km^. and on the two .and twentieth were wel- comed by them with volleys of Ihot. Near this Tillage we obfenred a pyramid of Itones piled up together, which their Friefts told us, was the number of an Imdian Cok»ny drawn out by Lot from a nei2:hbour-Countrey over-peopled and led hither by -r.^ .V"nael: from whom they take the name of -'. «. Here enquiring the way to the mountains, an ancient Man defcribed with a staffe two ftaths on the ground : one pointing to the yi'ikotif. and the other to the XoA*if- both iteep and craggy. The rocks feeinod to me at a diflance to refeinble eggs i'et u)) dm end. .James Riv'er is here as broad as it is aI)Out an hundred mile lower at Monakbi, the palHige over is very dangei'ous, by reafon of the rapid Torrents made by Rocks and flielves foroinii- the water into narrow Channels. From an ()l)lerva- tion which we made of ftraws and rotten chuncks hanging in boughs of trees on the bank, and two and twenty foot above water, we argued that the melted fnow falling from the Mountains Iwelled the River to that height, the Flood carrying down that rubbiOi which, u]ion the abatement of the inundation, remained in the Trees. The Air in thefe parts were so moift that all our Bifcuit became mouldy and unfit to be eaten, so that fome nicer Itomachs, who at our fetting out laughed at my i)rovirion of Ind'KDi meal parched, would gladly now have Ihai-ed with me, but I being determined to go u]ion fuither Difcoveries refufed to part with any of that which was to he my moft neccjpivij fnjienance. 22 John Lederer^s Journe}/ The Continuat'ton of the Second Expedition /"rowi Mahock, Southward, into the Province of Carolina. The fifth ut June, my company and I parted good friends, they back agaiu, and I with one Scifquefahanough Indian, named Jackzetavon, only, in purfuit of my first enterprize, changing my courfe from Weft to South-weft and by South, to avoid the mountains. Major Harris at parting gave me a Gun, believing me a lolt man, and given up as a prey to Indians or fav- age beafts ; which made him the bolder in T7r- ghila to report ftrange things in his own praise and my difparagement, prefuming I would never return to difprove him. This, I fuppose, and no other, was the caufe that he did with so much industry procure me difcredit and odium ; but I have loft nothing by it, but what I never ftudied to gain, which is popular Applause. From the fifth, which was Sunday until the ninth of June, I travelled through different Ways, without feeing any Town or Indian ; and then I arrived at Sapon, a village of the XaJn/f- fans, about an hundred miles diftant from Mahock, fituate upon a branch of Shaivan, alias Rorenock River ; and though I had just caufe to fear thefe Indians, becaufe they had been in continual hoftility with the Chrljilans for ten years before ; yet jtrcruming that the truck From ll.r(/i?iia fhrotu/h tlw Cdrol'inds. 23 wliicli I carried with me would ])rocure my welcome, I adventured to put niyfelf'iuto their power, haviiio; heard that they Jievei- offer any iujury to a few perfons from whom they appre- hend no (hinger; nevertheleff they examined me ftrictly whence I came, whither I \\ cut, and what my bufmeff was. But after 1 had beftowed fome trifles of Glaff and Metal amongft them, they were fatisfied with reasonable aiifwers, and I received with all imai;inable denionftrations of kindneff, as ottei-ing' of facritice. a com])liment (hewed only to fuch as they defign i)articularly to lioiiour: but they went further, and confulted their Godds whether they ("hould not adiiiit me into their Nation and Councils, and oblige me to ftay amongft them l)y a Marriage with the King^ or fome of theii' gi-eat Mens Daughters. But I, thougli with much ado, waved their courtefie, and got my Paftport, having given my word to retui-nto them within llx months. Siipoii is within the hmits of the Province of Carolina, and as you may perceive by the Figure, has all the attributes re(|uisite to a pleasant and advantageous feat : tor though it ftands high, and upon dry laud, it enjoyes the benefit of a ftately River, and a rich Soyl. capa- ble of producing a great many coniinodities, Avhich may hereafter render the tiiuN'of it con- rideral)le. Not far diftant from hence, as T nnderftand 24 Jolm Lederevf^ Journey from the Naliyjfan Indians, is their King's Refi- dence, called Pinkihi .xv^ow the fame River, and happy in the fame advantages l)oth for pleafure and profit ; which my curiolity would have led me to fee, were I not bound both by Oath and Commiffion to a direct purfuance of my in- tended purpofe of difcovering a paffage to the further lide of the Mountains. This Nation is governed by an absolute Mon- arch ; the people of a high ftature, warlike and rich. I faw great ftore of Pearl unbored in their little Temples and Oratories, which they had won amongfl other fpoils from the Indians of Florida, and hold in as great efteem as w^e do. From hence, by the Indians' inftructions, I directed my courfe to Akenatzy, an Island bear- ing South and by Weft, and about fifty miles diflant, upon a branch of the fame River, from Sapon. The countrey here, though high, is level, and for the moft part a rich Soyl, as I judged by the growth of the trees ; yet where it is inhabited by Indians, it lies open in fpacious Plains, and is bleffed with a very healthlul Air, as appears by the age and vigour of the ])eo- ple; and though I travelled in the month of June, the heat of the w^eather hindered me not from Ridinc: at all hours without any great annoyance from the fun. By ealTe journeys I landed at Akenatzy upon the twelfth of June. From Virginia through the Carolinas. 25 The current of the river is here so ftroiig, that my Horfe liad much dithculty to rcfist it, and I expected every flep to be carried away with the ftream. This Ifland, though fmall. maintains many in- habitants, who are fix'd here in great fecurity, being naturally fortified with Faftncffcs of moun- tains, and water on every fide. Upon the North fliore they yearly reap great crops of corn, of which they always have a twelve- month Provifion aforehand, againfk an inyafion from their powerful Neighbours. Their Govern- ment is under two Kings, one preliding in Arms, the other in Hunting and Husbandrv. Thev hold all things, except their wives, in conmion : and their cuftome in eating is, that every man in- his turn, feasts all the reft : and he that makes the entertainment is feated betwixt the two Kings ; where higely commending his own chear thev carve and diftribute it amongft the guefls. At my arrival here I met four ftranger Indians, whofe bodies were painted in various colours with figures of Animals whofe likeneff I had never feen, and by fome difcourfe and fignes which paffed between us, I gathered that they were the only furvivours of fifty, who fet out together in com])any from fome great Ifland, as I conjecture, in the Northweft, for I undcrftood that they croffed a areat Water, in which molt 5 * 26 John Lederer's Journey of their party perilTied by tempeft, the reft dyiii2: iu the Mariflies and Mountains by famine and hard weather, after a two-months travel by Land and Water in quest of this Ifland of Akenaizy. The moft reafonable conjecture that I can frame out of this Relation, is, that thefe Indians might come from the Ifland of new Albion or California, from whence we may imagine fome great arm of the Indian Ocean or Ba}" ftretches into the Continent towards the ApalaUen Moun- tains iu the nature of a mid-land Sea, in which many of thefe Indians might have periftied. To confirm my opinion in this point, I have heard feveral Indians teftifie, that the Nation of liicka- ■hoekons, Avho dwell not far to the Weftward of the Apalafan Mountains, are feated upon a Land, as they term it, of great Waves, by which I fuppofe they mean the Sea-fliore. The next day after my arrival at Akenatzy, a Rickaliockan Ambaffadour, attended by five Indians, whofe ftvces were coloured Awripigmen- tum (in which Mineral thefe parts do much abound) was received, and that night invited to a Ball of their fafliion ; but in the height of their mirth and dancing by a fmoke contrived for that purpofe, the Room Avas fuddenly dark- ened, and for what cause I know not, the liirk- ahoekan and his retinue barbarously murthered. This ftruck me with fuch an aifrightment, that From yirgmia through the Carolinas. 27 the very next clav, without takiiic" niv leave of them, I flunk away with my Indian companion. Though the defire of informing myfelf further concerning fome minerals, as Aurip^gmentiim, &c., which I there took fpecial notice of, -would have perfuaded me to flay longer amongft them, had not the bloody example of their treachery to the Rickoho<'k(ni.'< frighted me away. The fourteenth of June, purfuing a South southweft courfe, fometimes by a beaten path and fometimes over hills and rocks, I was forc'd to take up my quarters in the "Woods : for though the Oenock Indians, whom I then fought, were not in a direct line above thirty odde miles diftant from Akenatzg, yet the ways were fuch, and obliged me to go so far about, that I reached Oenock until the fixteenth. The country here, by the industry of these Indians, is very open and clear of wood. Their Town is built round a field, where in their Sports they exercife with so much labour and violence, and in so great numbers, that 1 have feen the ground wet with the fweat that drojiped from their bodies; their chief recreation is fling- ing of floues. They are of mean ftature and courage, covetous and thievifli, induftrious to earn a peny, and therefore hire themfelves out to their neighbors, who employ them as Carryers or Porters. They plant abundance of Grain, reap thre€ crops in a fummer, 28 Jolin Lederers Journey and out of their Granary fupply all the adjacent parts. Thefe and the Mountain In- dians build not their houfes of bark, but of "VVatliuo- and Plaister. In Summer the heat of the weather makes them chufe to lie abroad in the night under thin arbours of wilde Palm. Some houfes they have of Reed and Bark ; they build them generally round : to each houfe be- longs a little hovel made like an oven, where they lay up their Corn and Mali, and keep it dry. They parch their Nuts and Acorns over the fire to take away their rank Oylineff, which afterwards preffed, yield a milky liquor, and the Acorns an Amber colour'd Oyl. In thefe min- gled together, they dip their Cakes at great en- tertainments, and so serve them up to their guefts as an extraordinary dainty. Their Gov- ernment is Democratick ; and the Sentences of their old men are received as Laws, or rather Oracles, by them. Fourteen miles Weft Southweft of the Oenocks dwell the Shackovy Indians, upon a rich Soyl, and yet abounding in Antimony, of which they fliewed me confiderable quantities. Findino- them ao;ree with the Oenocks in Cus- toms and ]\Ianners I made no flay here, but paffmg thorow their tOAvn I travelled till the nineteenth of June; then after a two days troublefome journey thorow thickets and Marilli grounds I arrived at Waiary above From Virginia through the Carolina^. 29 fourty miles diftant, and bearing- Weft South- weft to Shakor. This Nation ditit'ers in Govern- ment from all the other Indians of thefe parts ; for they are flaves rather then fiibjects to their King. Their prefent Monarch is a grave man. and com"teous to ftrangers : vet I could not without horrour behold his barbarous fuperfti- tion, in hiring three youths and fending them forth to kill as many young women of their enemies as they could light on, to ferve his Ton, then newly dead, in the other world, as he vainlv fancyed. Thefe youths during my ftay returned with fkins torn off the heads and faces of three young girls, which they prefented to his Majeftie, and were by him gratefully re- ceived. I departed from Watary the one and twen- tieth of June, and keeping a Weft courfe for near thirty miles, I came to Sara : here I found the ways more level and eafie. Sara is not far diftant from the Mountains, which hei"e lofe their height, and change their courfe and name; for they run due Weft, and receive from the Spaniards the name of Suahi. From thefe Mountains or Hills the Indians draw great quantities of Cinabar, with which beaten to powder they colour their faces; this Mineral is of a deeper purple than A^ermilion, and is the fame which is in so much eftccm amongft Phyfi- tians, being the firft clement of (^uicklilver. 30 John Lederer's Journey I did likewife, to my no fniall admiratiou, liud hard cakes of white Salt ainoiiglt them, but whether tliey Avere made of Sea water or taken out of Salt pits I know not, but am apt to believe the later, becaufe the fea is so remote from them. Many other rich Commodities and minerals there are undoubtedly in these parts, which if poffelfed by an ingenious and iuduftrious people would be improved to vafl advantages by Trade. But having tied myself up to things onely that I have feen in my Travels, I will deliver no con- jectures. Lmf/ua sile non ejl ultra narrahUe quidquam. Thefe Indians are so indifcreetly fond of theii- children that they will not chaftise them for any mifchief or infoleuce. A little Boy had fhot an Arrow thorow my Body had I not recon- ciled him to me with gifts ; and all this auger was becaufe I fpurred my horfe out of another Arrow's way which he directed at him. This Caufed fuch a mutiny amongst the Youth of the Town, that the Seniors taking my horfe and felf into protection, had much ado (and that by en- treaties and prayers, not commands) to appeafe them. From Sara I kept a South Southweft courfe until the five and twentieth of Jane, and then I reached Wi/acki/. This three days march was more troublefome to me then all my travels be- From Virginia through the Carolinas. 31 fides; for the direct way which I took from Sara to Wi/ackij is over a continued ^larifh overgrown with Reeds, from whofe roots fprung knotty ftumps as hard and fharp as FHnt. I was forced to lead my horfc moft part of the way, and wonder that he was not either phniged in the Bogs, or lamed bv thofe rugired knots. This Nation is fnbjcct to a neighbour King refiding upon the bank of a great Lake called TJJJiery, invironed of all sides with Mountains, and Wi/acky Marifli : and therefore I will detain the Reader no longer with the difcourfe of them, because I comprehend them in that of UJltenj. The six and twentieth of June, having croffed a frefh River, which runs into the Lake of JJJljery, I came to the Town. Avhich was more populous then any I had feen before in my March. The King dwells some three miles from it. and therefore I had no opportunity oi* feeing him the two nights which T flayed there. This Prince, though his dominions are large and populous, is in continual fear of the Onjidck Lidians feated on the oppofite fide of the Lake ; a people so addicted to Arms that even their women come into the field and flioot Arrows over their husbands fhoulders, who fhield them with Leathern targets. The men it feems (hould fight with Silver Hatchets: for one of the ?_///- erers told me they Avcre of the fome metal with the Pomel of my fword. They are a cruel gen- eration, and prey upon people, whom they either 32 John Lederer's Journey fteal, or force away from the U/Jieryes in Peri- ar/ois, to facrifice to their Idols. The JJ/Jiery women delight much in feather ornaments, of which they have great variety; but Peacocks in moft efteem, becaufe rare in thofe parts. They are reafonably handfome, and have more of civility in their carriage then I obferved in the other Nations with whom I con- verfed ; which is the reafon the men are more effeminate and lazie. Thefe mifcrable wretches are ftranoelv iufat- uated with illufions of the devil ; it caufed no fmall horrour in me to fee one of them wrythe his neck all on one fide, foam at the mouth, (land barefoot upon burning coals for near an hour, and then recovering his fenfes, leap out of the fire without hurt, or figne of any. This I was an eye-witneff of. The water of TJJJiery Lake feemed to my taste a little brackilh, which I rather impute to fome Mineral waters which flow into it, then to any saltneff it can take from the Sea, which we may reafonably fuppofe is a great way from it. Many pleafant Rivulets fall into it, and it is ftored with great plenty of excellent fifh. I judged it to be about ten leagues broad : for ^ were not the othei* fhore very high, it could not .'- {\^^v be difcerned from VJJtery. How far this Lake tends Wefterly, or where it ends, T coidd neither learn or o-ucss. ■ X ^ Fi'om Virginia through the Carolinus. 33 Here I made a day's flay, to inform myfelf further in thefe Countries ; and underftood both from the UJJieries, and fome Sara Indians that came to trade with them, that two days journey and a half from hence to the Southwefl, a pow- erful Xatiou of Bearded meu were feated, which I fui)pofe to be the Spaniards, becaufe the In- dians never have any ; it being a univerfal cus- tom amongfl them to i)revent their growth, by plucking the young hair out by the roots. AVeltward lies a Government inhofpitable of flraugers, and to the North, o\qv the Suala mountains lay the Rickohockans. I thought it not fafe to venture myfelf amongft the Span- iards, left taking me for a fpy they would either make me away, or condemn me to a perpetual flavery in their Mines. Therefore not thinking fit to proceed further, the eight and twentieth of June I faced about and looked homeward. To avoid Wisacky Marifli I fhaped my courfe Northeaft, and after three days travel over hilly ways, where I met with no path or road, I fell into a barren Sandy defert. where I fuffered miferably for want of water : the heat of the Summer having drunk all the Springs dry. and left no figne of any, but the gravelly chanels in which they run; so that if now and then I. had not found a ftanding Pool, which provident Nature fet round with Ihady Oaks, to defend it from the ardour of the fun, my Indian compan- 34 John Lederer's Journey iou. horfe aud felf had certaiuly perifhed with thirft. lu this dil'treff we travelled till the twelfth of July and then found the head of a River, which afterward proved Eruco: in which we received not only the comfort of a necelTary and feafonable refrelliment, but likewife the hopes of coming into a country again where we might finde Game for food at least, if not difcover fome new Nation or people. Xor did our hopes fail us ; for after we had croffed the River twice, we were led by it upon the four- teenth of July to the Town of Katearas, a place of great Indian Trade and Commerce, aud chief feat of the haughty Emperour of the To/kiroros, called Ra/kit/ara, vulgarly Ra/kous. His grim Majeftie. upon my firft appearance, demanded mv Gun and Shot, which I willinolv parted with to ranfom myself out of his clutches; for he was the moft proud imperious Barbarian that I met with in all my Marches. The people here at this time feemed prepared for some extraordi- narv Solemuitv : for the men and the women of better fort had decked themfelves very fine with pieces of bright copper in their hair and ears, and about their arms and neck, which upon Feftival occafions they ufe as an extraordi- nary bravery, by which it fhould feem this Country is not Avithout rich Mines of Copper. But I durft not ftay to inform myfelf further in it, being jealous of fome fudden mifchief to- From Yirg'inia through, the CaroUnas. 35 wards me from Ka/kous, his nature being bloudy. and provoked upon any flight occafion. Therefore leaving Katearas, I travelled through the Woods until the fixteenth. upon which I came to Kaw'itziokan, an Indian town upon a branch of Rorenoke river, which here I pafl'ed over, continuing my journey to Mencha- r'lnck. and on the feventeenth departing from thence I lay all night in the Woods, and the next morning, betimes, going by Xaioiray. I reached that evening Ajmmafuck in Virginia, where I was not a Uttle overjoyed to fee Chrif- tian faces asain. The Third and Laft Expedition, From the Falls of Rappalianock River in yir- ginia, (due Weft) to the top of the Apalatcen Mountains. /^N the twentieth of Auguji, 1670, Col. Cat- ^^ lei, of Virginia and myfelf, with nine Englifh Horfe, and five Indians on foot, departed from the houfe of one Robert Talifer, and that night reached the falls of Rappalianock river, in Indian Mantepeuck: The next day w'e paffed it over v\diere it di- vides into two branches North and South, keep- ing the main branch North of us. The three and twentieth we found it so (hal- low, that it onely wet our horfes hoofs. The four and twentieth we travelled thorow the Savanxt amongft vaft herds of Red and Fallow Deer which ftood gazing at us ; and a little after we came to the promontories or Spurs of the Apalatcen Mountains. From Yircjhiia throwjli the CaroUnas. 37 Thefe Savana> arc low grouncls at tlie foot of the A2)aIatopns. wliich all the Winter, Spring, and part of Summer, lie under fnow or water, when the fnow is diffolved, which falls down from the Mountains commonly about the beginning of June; and then their verdure is wonderful pleas- ant to the eye, efpecially of fuch as having trav- elled through the (hade of the vaft Foi-eft, come out of a melancholy darkneff of a fudden, into a clear and open f kie. To heighten the beauty of thefe parts the firft Springs of moft of thofe great Rivers which run into the Aflantlck ocean, or CJie/eapeack Bay, do here break out, and in various branches inter- lace the flowry !Meads. whofe luxurious herbage invites numerous hei'ds of Red Deer (for their unufual largeneff improi)erly termed Elks by ignorant people) to feed. The right Elk, though very common in Xew Scotland, Canada, and thofe Northern ])arts, is never feen on this tide of the Continent : for that which the Yivffinians call Elks, does not at all differ from the Red Deer of Europe, but in his dimenfions, which are far greater : but yet the Elk in bigneff does not far exceed them : their heads or horns are not very different; but the neck of the Elk is so fliort that it hardly feparates the head from the fhoidders; Avhich is the reafon that they cannot feed upon level ground but l»y falling on their knees, though their heads be a yard long ; 38 John Lederer's Journey therefore they commonly either broufe upon trees, or ftanding up to the belly in ponds or rivers feed upon the banks ; their Cingles or tails are hardly three inches long. I have been told by a Neio England gentleman that the lips and. uoftrils of this creatnre is the moft delicious meat he ever tafted. As for the Red Deer we here treat of, I cannot difference the tafte of their flefli from thofe in Europe. The llxth and twentieth oX AiKjuJl we came to the ^Mountains, where finding no horfe-way np, we alighted, and left our horfes with two or three Indians below, whilft we went up afoot. The afcent was so fteep, the cold so intense, and we so tired, that having with much ado gained the top of one of the higheft, we drank the Kino's health in Brandv, gave the Mountain his name, and agreed to return back again, having no encouragement from that profpect to proceed to a further difcovery ; fince from hence we faw another Mountain, bearing North and by Wefi; to us, of a ])rodigious height ; for according to an obfervation of the diftance taken by Col. Catlet, it could not be leff than iilty leagues from the place we ftood upon. Here was I ftung in my fleep by a Mountain fpider ; and had not an Indian suckt out the poyfon I had died, for receiving the hurt at the tip of one of my fingers, the venome fhot up im- mediately into my fhoulder, and so inflamed my From Yirgmia through the Carol'inas. 39 lide that it is not poffible to expreff my torment. The means ufcd l)y my ph^iician, was firft a fmall dofe of fnakc-root powder, Avhich I took in a Uttle water ; and then making a kinde of Phiifter of the lame, ai)i)lied it neer to the part af!ected : when he had done so, he fwalloed fome by way of Anti(h)te liimfelf, and fuckt my fingei-'s end so violently that I felt the venome retire back from my lide into my fhoidder. and from thence down my arm ; having thus fucked half a fcore of times, and fpit as often. I was eased of all my pain, and perfectly recovered. I thought I had been bit by a Kattlefnake, for I saw not what hurt me; but the Indian found by the wound, and the effects of it, that it was given by a fpider, one of which he fhewed me the next day : it is not unlike our great blue fpider, only it is fomewhat longer. 1 suppose the nature of his poysen to be much like that of the iaran- tnhi. I being thus beyond my hopes and expectation reftored to myself, we unanimously agreed to return back, seeing no poffibiiity of passing through the Mountains, and tinding our Indians with our horses in the place where we left them, we rode homeward without making any further discovery. 40 John Lederer^s Journey Conjectures of the Land Beyond the Apalataen Mountains. They are certainly in a great erroiir, who imag- ine that the Continent of North America is but eight or ten days journey over from the Atlantick to the Indian Ocean, which all reasonable men muft acknowledge, if they consider that Sir Francis Drake kept a West Northwest course from Cape Mendocino to California. Neverthe- less, by Avhat I gathered from the flranger Indians at Akenatzy of their Voyage by Sea to the very mountains from a far distant Northwest Coun- try, I am brought over to their opinion who think that the Indian Ocean does stretch an Arm or Bay from Calif or nia into the Continent as far as the Apalatan ^lountaius, anfwerable to the Gulfs of Florida and Mexico on this fide. Yet I am far from beheving with fome that fuch great and Navigable Rivers are to be found on the other fide the Apalutcens falling into the Indian Ocean, as those which run from them to the Eaftward. My firfl reafon is derived from the knowledge and experience we already have of South Ame7'ica, whose Andes send the greatest Rivers in the world (as the A?nazones and Eio de la Plata, &c.,) into the Atlantick, but none at all into the Pacifique Sea. Another argument From Virginia through the CaroUnas. 41 is that all our water-fowl which delight in Lakes and Rivers, as Swans, Geefe, Ducks, &c., come over the Mountains from the Lake of Caivtda, wlien it is frozen over every winter, to our frefh Rivers which they would never do, could they finde any on the other fide of the Apalatcens. Inltructions to fuch as Ihall march upon Dicov- eries into the North American Continent. ' I "WO breaches there are in the Apalatcen -^ ISIountains, opening a paffage into the Weftern parts of the Continent. One, as I am informed by Indians, at a place called Zgnocloa, to the Norward : the other at Sara, where I have been myfelf, but the Avay thither being thorow a vaft Foreft, where you feldom fall into any Road or Path, you mult fhape your courfe by a Compass ; though fome, for want of one, -have taken their direction from the North fide of the trees which is diflinguifhed from the reft by quantities of thick moss growing there. You will not meet with many hindrances on horfe- back in your passage to the Mountains, but where your courfe is interrupted by branches of the great Rivers, which in many places arc not Fordable ; and therefore if you be unprovided of means or ftrength to nuike a bridge by felling trees across, you may be forced to go a great -12 John Lederer^s Journey way about; in this refpect company is neces- sary, but in others so inconvenient that I would not advise above half a dozen, or ten at the molt, to travel together; and of these the major part Indians; for the Nations inyoui- way are prone to jealoufie and mischief towards Chriftians in a considerable Body, and as courte- ous and hearty to a few, from ^vhom they apjire- hend no danger. When you paff thorow an even, level country, where you can take no particular remarks from hill or waters to guide yourfolf by when you come back, you mult not forget to notch the trees as you go along with your hnall hatchet, that in your return you may know when you fall into the same way which you went. By this means you will be certain of the place you are in, and may govern your courfe homeward ac- cordingly. In (lead of Bread I ufed the meal of parched Mcii/z, i. e. Indian Wheat, which when I eat, I feafoned with a little Salt. This is both more portable and flrengthning than ]5ifcuit, and will fuffer no mouldiness by any Aveather. For other provifions you may fecurely truft to your Gun, the Woods being full of Fallow, and Savance of Red Deer, besides great variety of excellent Fowl, as wild Turkeys, Pigeons, Partridges, Pheafants, &c. But you muft not forget to dry or barbecue fome of thefe before you come to the Pi^om Yirg'inia through the Carolina!^. 43 Mountains, for upon them you will meet with no Game, except a few Bears. Such as cannot He on the ground, niuft be provided with Ught Ilamacks, wliieh hung in the trees, are more cool and pleafant then any bed whatfoever. The Order and Difeipline to be obferved in this Expedition is, that an Indian fcout or tAvo march as far before the reft of the company as they can in fight, both for the finding out pro- vifion and difcovery of Ambufhes if any fhould be laid by Enemies. Let your other Indians keep on the right and left hand, armed not onely with Guns, but Bills and Hatchets, to build fraall Arbours or Cottages of boughs and bark of trees to Ihelter and defend yon from the injuries of the weather. At nights it is ne- ceffory to make great Fires round about the place where you take up your lodging, as well to fcarc Wilde Beafts away as to purifie the air. Neither must you fail to go the Bound at the close of the evening, for then and betimes in the morning, the Indians put all their designes in execution : in the night they never attempt anything. When in the remote parts you draw near to an Indian Town you muft by your fcouts inform yourself whether they hold any correfiiondcnce with the Sfi/(jii('/(th(in(iufjhs .• for to fuch you mulf give notice of your approach by a Gun ; 44 John Lederev's Journey which amongft other Indians is to be avoided, becaufe being- ignorant of their nfe, it would affright and difpose them to foiue treacherous practice againft yon. Being arrived at a Town, enter no houfe until vou are invited, and then feem not afraid to be led in pinion'd like a prifoner ; for that is a Cere- mony they use to friends and enemies without distinction. You muft accept of an invitation from the Seniors before that of young men, and relufe nothing that is offered or fet afore you, for they are very jealous and fenfible of the leaf! flighting or neglect from ftrangers, and mindful of Re- venge. "^'4.f Froyn Yirginia through the Carolinas. 45 Touching Trade with Indians. TF you bareh' defigne a Home Trade with -*• neighbour Indians, for fkins of Deer, Beaver, Otter, Wild Cat, Fox, Racoon, &c., your beft truck is a fort of courfe Trading Cloth, of which a yard and a half makes a matchcoat or Mantle fit for their wear ; as also Axes, Hoes, Knives, Sizars, and all forts of edg'd tools, Guns, Powder and Shot, kc, are Commodities they will greedily barter for: but to fnpply the Indians with Arms and Ammunition is prohibi- ted in all Englilh Governments. In dealing with the Indians you mufl be posi- tive and at a word : for if they persuade you to fall anything in your price they will spend time in higgling for further abatements, and seldom conclude any Bargain. Sometimes you may with Brandy or Strong liquor difpose them to an humour of giving you ten times the value of your Commodities : and at other times they are so hide bound that they will not otfer half the Market price, efpccially if they be aware that you have a designe to circumvent them with drink, or that they think you have a desire to 46 John Ledevers Journey their goods, which you mii(t feem to flight or difparage. 1 To the remoter Indians you must carry other kind of truck, as fmall looking glaffes, Pictures, Beads and Bracelets of glaff, Knives, Sizars, and all manner of gaudy toys and knacks for chil- dren, which are light and portable. For they are apt to admire fuch trinkets, and will pur- chafe them at any rate, either with their cur- rant Coyn of fmall fhells, which they call Rocui- oack or Peack, or perhaps with Pearl, Vermilion, pieces of Chriftal, and towards JJ/Jiery, with fome odd pieces of Plate or Bullion, which they fometimes receive in Truck from the Oe/iacks^ Could I have forefeeu when I set out the ad- vantages to be made by a Trade with these re - mote Indians I had gone better provided : though perhaps I might have run a great haz- ard of my life had I purchased confiderably amongft them, by carrying wealth unguarded through so many different Nations of barbarous people ; therefore it is vain for any man to pro pofc to himself or undertake a trade at that diflance, unleff he goes with ftrength to defend as well as an Adventure to purchafe fuch com- modities ; for in fuch a defigne many ought to joyn and go in company. Some pieces of fdver unwrought I purchafed myself of the UJJiev'ies, for no other end then to jultitie this account I give of my Second Expe- From Virginia through the Cm-olinas. 47 dition. which had uot detenniiied at UJJiery, were I accom])anied with half a fcore resohite youths that woukl have ftiick to me in a further discovery towards the Spauifh Mines. FIXIS. "mWK'^'^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 367 047 8'